HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-02-28 - Newport Balboa News Times! l ' • ·1 HERE ARE CITY D PARTMEITS . AID PHO~~:l nMBERS 11 I CAS~· OF EM .. 1be reoent case of a young man In the bay otf Harbor Island, and the resulting confusion the handling of information to hurry aid to the , prompt- ed the dty fire department to prepare a Ust·~+:i,pbl.s,~ nwnb- eni to be caJled in-case of certain eme., Fire Chief Frank Crocker, collabora · with · Police Chief Rowland Hodgkinson and Harbor r.faster Russell ' Craig, Wuest that residents memorize or peat this no- tice in a prominent place, especially the numbers. Even th<iugh ,the proper number cannot recalled dur- Ing an' etDe1gency, the chief 4J(linted out, the telephone .2. Where the location ol the emetgency Js...ON-i:y operator will connect with the proper mimbel' If the ca1le!' OR WATER. · ' will ten her just what the etneigency is. (Caller should . 3. What street ¥ef nwnber, and S!!Clioo ol the dcy. not give the gist of the call to the operator). Further infonnafion may be asked for by the oll'lcer Wbe11 connection has been made with the proper de-In charge, SO DO NOT HANG UP YOUR PHONE, but putment, then the caller should give the call: In as few , &llSWl!r such questloql as he may ask ln-i dear and •inp!P words possible. to the officer In charge who answen. Dllimler. 'lbat will be a gi:eat help In determining what Facts needed.are: ' equipment and inen to send OD the caJl 1. Exa.¢Y what has. HAPPENED or what some per-, TO P~CE AN EMERGE!'fCT CALL-Prone No. l son States-JS HAPPENING. FOR LIFE GUARD SERVICE-~ Inhalator r • • ' y··. • · IEEP · HllDY Tl SAN.O CRAB or 38 yek-s the best advertising medium • m •• the newspaper th8t goes , home ..-...-.:=...=-===-... the newport harbor district ~ • ., SAM • .NEWPORT ' . . KEEP POSTED! i -y .......... . tll (]a *1 ... ,. °"* "' ~ ..... °"* fff -.... GIMll, ......... " ... ) . ••• ,Jlfcc,.._ =-~=~~tBALBO:::::A:·~P:E:N::IN:S:U:LA.:::·~W=ES=T=N:E:W:P:O:R:T:. ~SEA~~S~H~O~R~E~C:;:O~LO~NY~·~·~U~DO~~IS:LE,~~·NEWPO=~~R~Ti!H~Elu=::&l:\:l.BO=A:':IS:LAND=~·~CO~R~O~NA DEL·MAA. COSTA MESA ~Lmo: NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFOllNIA, THURSDAY, n:BBU~Y Iii. I-1 NUllBD 17 ' Fi e Candidates to Run ;F rCityCouhcil • ARMY WASTE. One ex- ample of wanton waste by the army comes to. haJ?d In a letter from a soldier m the Philippines. who says if his name is used he would be summarily courtmartialed. But let him tell bis story: "I don·t thil\k the papers in the states are printing any information about the wast- age of army material that is in progress in the islands. Notwithstanding the fact · all kinds of ~upplies are being sauandered or destrnyed on the fields of the Philippines. As an example, expensive f Bl, 0 f icers ----------+---!filing Closes for Council Race;-~. , airplane cameras are placed <,Ut in the open and the steal- ing by Filipinos is fant astic. With the regularity of clo"k· work raids are made on the bayside warehouse which houses hundreds of lea ther fleece-lined jackets. a n d other expensive items of anny clothing. Th~ at1thori- t ies refuse to release the sup- plies for anybody"s con- sumption a nd as a conse- quence the destitute isla nd people resort to stealing it. I derive considerable an,ttse- ment from the iJE'rplexed a u- thorities in their efforts to t,,'Ua rd the goods. but to no avail. Most of the thefts are ir.side jobs and 1 he whol~ vi- cinity is thoroughly 'caRed' beforehand. + + + INCREDIBLE. "If you could see the incredible liv- ing conditions that exist here then even a morally discip- lined man would encourage thefts. The sensible thing to do is release all the surplus equipment and put it up for sale at reduced prices to the Filipino people. That way you could have a rapid turn- over of goods and CUJTency and rehabilitate small and large business again. The vehicles could .be sold to truck tanners and grocers. as most of them are trucks in.one form or another. The jeeps would and are fmding a ready market. Any other heavy construction and road equipment would supplement present stocks in the islands and increase the· efficie11cy ot recQnstructlon. The j>loth- ing would sell with incredi- ble speed as 50 per cent of the people haven't got a shirt to go on their backs. The stealing would naturally decrease as the people. by purchase. could have access to anything they desired. That is the logical way of looking at it. ''Instead. what happens is this: ~ckloads of jeeps and other salvagable mechanical parts a.re unceremonious!~· dumped into Manila Bay. The foodstuffs are left for the rats to pick a t while the poor .people get their three meals from the GI g-arbage dumps. The clothing is left for God -onlv . knows -what purpo.«e while people wander about the streets in rags. The other hum1reds of thous- ands of misrellaneous items consistent with a ~ army are zealously guarded with .little or no regard for the thousands of people who could benefit immeasurably from them and their use. Here are a people who are slowly starving. • economi- CllllY and physically and we sit by with smug content and ignore them. The United States has failed in its trust to the Philippines in war and now In pee.ce. Sometimes I am just a little uncertain as to wh8t. we fought for." + + + Drow•"'«!'-Recent occur- rence opposite Harbor Island becomes more confusing as lt proceeds (see article else- where on thls page l but a CContlnue<I on Pa~ Five) Arrest Boat I . G. pector Lieut Com ander Taken Here With Asserted B "be 21-Y r. -Old V !t and Labor Man Among Candidates for 2 Seats ' Three from Balboa, One Represe~ting Corona · del Mar, and Incumbent Isbell Running for Council in April Election .j . • An agent of and two Newport Beach police officers. Five candidates filed at the closing date Thursday noon Chief R .R. Hodg inson and Assist-NEWPORT HARBoR•s SPokTFISHING FLEET, 8bo"'n as It lined up ta&t year &t the beginnln« of the 1945 1eaaO in the race for City councilmen, to fill two. seats of Mayor ant Chief Ke n Gorton arrested opening tomorrow pl'Omhes tP be one of the best lo many yean.. de\•old of war reAtrletJom and •ith more bait boa Clyan Hall and Councilman Isbell, whose f.eMllS expire May Lt. Commander ohn Hoogerwerf, eral new boats wlll join the ~t this year, which will number about 15 In all. Total value of the lndu11try to the harbor ts appro:dmatl!ll;r first. Mr. Hall is not a candidate to succeed himself but Mr. 1 a coast guard i specter of small $7~0.000, with an annual tnoome nearing a half mllUon dollan. Many friends have been made for Newport Harbor by Isbell will nm for re-election. i £~~J~~r:e~~f2~~1 SPO.RTSFisiiiiGroFLEE~i~ READY FOR 1946 s ASON ~=;!~CE~T:.~~; Soto, Balboa in Santa An a y ~~~~~; Arthur \ ~!!n~e ii. ~e:~. ~~~~! rharacter IU. Br~dle; iss~~ e complaint In Lido Isle Assn. ' 75 Day and Cha_ rte. r Boats Preparing Islande Start :!~ .:,~ ~~ ~::'~~nT!'yei;:;o~-\; • I , Santa Ana. H erwerf was re-N d H ~~~d.ni.;.~ :· ~~~~f.~~ ~::~~~ 'c\~i. ii~~se ~°.:stryR8V~~..!:~a~fy5:S:>,o:::> h:~~:r · 1fr~~:t ~~:g~b:~;~ ee s ome 'in charge of the I office at San ~, Dl<! · h ---,· I cf each candidate follows: • · go was quo as saying t e The Lido Isle Community Assa--, . . ·waters off Newport for the un-A f . . Balboa · Balboas ~r character ot coast guardsma had $200 in his ciation started 1ltn action yester-. Nt.\\'f Ort lta.r:bor 5 spo~tsfishing forgettable sport which seldom ' scor~ 0 ttt~ens on . · .~ I LM!-L. ~ll . _ alrr.oJt !t:'ia;endary proporlioiis, n- wallet when uestioned. This day in superior court to foreclose industry. growing by leaps and fails them "Every day is Sun-J~land this W« signed a petiti_on Mr. Isbell .is comnlet1ng his first , year-dld Soto Nistiikawa_i is ill ol amount. it w understood, was on several pieces of property, con-boun_ds and atr~ady valu~ at .ap-day," w~ a familiar remark c1rcul?ted as a r?test to the e1ty , term on the council: He is in the 1 pneumonia and in dire n~ d..,. half the amount he was to receive tending it has the right to assess ~rox1mately $750.000: S\.\.'1nga.. i~to among the boat owners last sea-plann~ng comm ~1on and !he df.?' building. supply business and has sistance-and a place-j to live when the favor hie report on the properties on the island at the its 1946 season confident that its son council for gra ting a hlllmea li-been a Citizen here for many years.• among the friends in his beloved cruiser was m e. t f f 75 boats will llave even a greater · · cense to Dr. E. Keltor at Z961 He has alwavs taken a definite Harbor district · · Two Orange unty men were ~de t~ ~nt~ cent per sq~are ?01t average daily patronage than last Twen.ty~ven Laadlnp 'Onyx avenue, district that l Is stand on public improvements and Information ·from Santa Ana not named by e FBI or by the th s ac ·r·ede passessmt. en h adg~~ year. While no accurate. figures 1The principal J~dinthgs, afnd fl~ts l designated as esideritiaL. I as a member of the finance rom-discloses that old Soto who LI e pc 1 1 roper tes a l.ft;"<:"n h '---'led "Grifr' G ·r o boats operating ere ram 1n-...._ . . "t•-h ed ' local police de tment. All ques-unpaid ave ~n compl , r1 -1 h f U . B Ibo p ·r u1-. Keltor, dent1st recently nu ~ 81 oppos unnecessary now dependent on aid from the tions relative the case was· re-Defe~dants named we e w A I fis. secretary of the association, cue t ... e ~ o~ng : 0 a aF" a~ ion I re leased hy the army, h~ planned' o:penditure of city funds. He has county welfare department. bu !erred to the I by th~ local de-Snyder. C. P . Worden, ~abei c: PStimated that ~ore than 1.000 1 continued on age iv~ to .establish. hi .office in !he up-: ne:ver bettl backward ;':' his declar-bren ii.I sjnce Dec. 5 and will socm partment. Johnson Ethel M Str d day and charter fishermen en1oy-1 I stairs portion of a resJdential atimm of what he believed to be be evicted from ~s temporary Rita Ma:rkwith. Lie~ vS:i~ trS:m ed themselves daily on an a~er-Signs of Spring-s.tructure ad!a nt to the dlvidlngj right or wrong and has won i:nany 1 shelter in fqrmer ~~tern F1yf.nc On June 14, 777 the Continen-s10:78 to $77, to maintain the conl-?&e through 100 days of the fish-12 c·t ti G. I hne of. bus1n s . and. r~u.i , adndtai for his fearless attitude I ccmm~d bai:acks in which he ta1 Congress ad pted the stars and munity clubhouse and ' other fa-: 1ng se~n. I a ons 1ven I properties: but lying, it IS under--.on all iaues. 'has resided since returning from stripes. cilities 011 the island. I Basing his es~m~te on a fair For Loud Pipes! stood, in the r i~ential portion. 1 Col. ..,.__ AtklDllOD J th~ Japanese relocation camp tn ------+-----------'-' ----------1 average basis, Gr1ff1s looked back 1 The petition initiated by MrL C.ol Atkinson. tired h bee Arizona. , J N rover the last season and surveyed I Doris Powers of 212%-"--a _,de· t be ,. re :1. as n I Before the war. Soto. who ~ t t d A h• j I Tw J · · r J d · ..... ....,.... ~ n re ,or some 1ve years ·ded h r 35 · Os S t t the possibilities for the one start-e ~e c1tat1ons or ou. pipes ayenue. h as be~ n circula~ _ Balboa '. SJ . • ere or ye_ars, was a fa· On 0 e re I ec ing officially tomorrow. · He be-. we~ given to Y.outh!ul drivers of 1 mainly among opertv owners ii. ~ !°na Arm toA~;eBwh:n ~~ m11Jar and ?eloved figure to src»ree • f f · lieves that between $5000 and $10. stripped-down J8loptes over the the immediate district, but it is l tint laid Y as . of area residents and at one time T W · -j {)()() is left here every day by fish-past week-.end, most of ·whom understood th t another ~titian ~of~~ AA.::' offi47r tn operated a novelty and gift store 0 r., e on Bu·11d·1ng Pr!/\blems =~:~i;:;o d:-n:n:~ ~~~~e~ ~~:I c~i;nx;r:~t~ ~~~Jes ~:'lie ~en°~d~~ ~~ :1a~:i~ed ~ r:;1 ~ been :~ted ~rr:l~~ I ~~e M:1~C:ti:t :ed ~e: V The total would add up to near-Priest at the police department proposed local n 1 -._ ~~ recreati~nal places , Main and Bay;/ He abo owned a I ly a half-million dollars income to remark that it ii a certain har-It . l b. h pet:JtiOnen! or ~~ta. cutting through watehouse for art coods at 208 Planned as regular feature eered ln the construction of fed-not including trolling boats. ' hinger of spring va~ation -the th ~ P dann Y t.J be _1 UDV' tape to speedy comple-Palm avenue and, fo~ !1 nwnber al. each week, a n w reai estate and . . I . . . . boys came dOW11 look.mg for places at e . ent ~ iresent 1 tlon d. llUdt projects 81 the gym. years, ooerated a ping-pone con· building section the first ever at-erally financed amall housing dur-Sportsf1Shmg boats, ranging to stay during the spring vacation ed to. the CJty unol at their ne:Jtt He awns hia home on the Balboa cession in the Pavilion. tempted in th Newport Harbor ing the depression yean after , from 30 to 65 footers. ply the week in April. mc;_eting. CO:mtinued on Page F1ve) Now, too old tor tabor and with area, will 800 bring news of having spent some ten yran in j failing health, Soto wishes to come realty and bu' 'ng developments large home construction In Bev-FEBRUARY BUILD. ING Home Serv·1ce ·-and 'Jete'r·.ans' "home" and according to a wel-to readers oft News-Times. The erly Hills and Bel Air. I _ fare deoartment spokesman, here section will be nducted by John The well-known Los Angeles is the ~hance for a friend to really ~~~~o;m-:o ~!~~~:~d::ta:: ::~~~~n!J.~~::i£Ei:~~~ PERMITS AT: $272 • Needs Get 20% of .R C Fund ::.g~~~~~:ur.:i:.::~o;nu~ Newport Beac and Costa Mesa ticles dealing "ith problems of , , . . 0 • A • . . tent1ous hvmg, qu.~ers, . one ot who are int ted I buildin design and construction of homes I f Orange .'countv s ar displ.aoed n g di . . · F b b 'Id' ··-1 Balboa per5ons' could oncP lUta1n · be new homes perhaps several accor ng to terms a nd conclit1ons ! c ruary u1. tng perm1~ were n . under close surveillance The na-h · Ge . t h with the times as many ho may have var· met in Southern California. He less than h alf those recorded by l A number of S8500 d'vellings S h ~h'ldr tional chapter will g~t. 15 per1 appy. · 1r1 md partmouc t 'll h b . ( . t" ., b ·1di d t t d c ool I en I county \Ve are e en . ious ·a lteratio or addJtions in 1 '"'' touc on .as1c actors which . 11e Cl Y u.1 ng epar men .ur~ were given permits. and the aver-' ant of the money raised this year, mind, or i:eturb hing or their pr'f'S-h~me O\Vners, either large .or small '.1:~ Janur ry, the gT('atest build-I a gf' gain('d with the rise in ma-Assistance League a Sharp reduction from war years J d B k v· . ('Ot quarters, ill find the new! \\·1JJ val~e bec~use of his back-1ng mo.n~h ever encountered by terial and labor costs. The slu'-t allotment. j U ge 0 ISJts page a valuab e SQ\lr'C(' of infor-ground 1n design. advisor to a th~ off1c1nl!;, \vho gave out per-prising amOunt of construction in IA!ad R ... Gifts Local and chapter funds for H W • Lik; m~tio~. It . I feature regular : manufacturer's . trade: association.' mi t~ f'?r S~Tl.270 '''O~th. of houses Ne,vport was evidenced as refut-hof!M! service and welfa re, are ad-! ere ; rtter e ~tor1al ~ en ts by Joseph a nd from the v1ev•ro1nt of a con-a nd ~1scellaneous buildings up to ing the belief that most of the X f·,,·port Bea"h G1 umw ministered through the hands of F F th \\'eston. been C'd architect and tractor as well. last night for the shortest month building is taking place in Corona "rhool and th~ Parent-Teacller experienced d.irectors, on the basis 3ID0US a ' er builder, '''ho -i one ol Southern/ The Ne\vs-Times feels fortunate of the ,·rar. del Ma r. Newport had S9l.350 orgsnlzatfon IPd .the local Bed of careful case analysis and only California's ou standing designers in securing feature articles from Sever:al large homes were start-worth of homes and business st:MJc-1 Cros:J dri,•e "·hleh-start8" te-where and in the amounts they are CUrtis Bok of Philadelphia, pre- and builders. .. this, as ,,·eU as other outstanding ed during the month, however. tures under way. Corona del l'tfar mttrro\\' (Friday) by aeaclloc' i. mmt needed. Jane Calkins local siding judge ot the court of com· \Veston hea a group of men autho~ities .in tht'.' realty and con-U''''"hh Hl'~'.1r "'ell t;:; the. dis~~· listed $68,110. I thei r contributions earlier tlllia staff executive for HOme ~rvice, mon pleac; No. 6 or that city, was \\'ho located e-ir attractive of-s tr.uc~1on field. All expect a big. t e pace can mamta.tn · 1 Balboa Leads '''eek. Tbf' Ne\\•port U..... says the work is increasing and guest in Newport Beach W~ fice on Coast 'gb"·a,y near Bay-bwldmg year:. and. as usual, this A two-story home at 1402 S. Bay , Balboa had a sudden spurt in AMi!Jtancr league "'ere aext t. that ~ping the ex-serviceman day when he visited Lt. Frederic:k shore tract r ntly called the newspaper "'ill be ln the vanguard Front was started at 8 cost of valuations under construction, ac-Une. Both \\'t".re umolld.ted. lt solve bia post-war problems is an Clifford, USN rei ired. at the home \\'arfield com y H~ grew up l of the trend J $25.000: a nother for S20,000 at counted ·for by a relatively fe"' "·as .,._.ouneect by Mn. ~ Important contribution to the of Mrs. Wyatt. 1325 East Central h b II . . · n Fro ,,_ t . d . . 1411 Bay a\re nue and one for 1 . d led h Grace drive ehal----L-•--H-... 1 -10..-i..c••tati Balboa. t e u ding b stnes..s, and studied m ........ e o time es1gns and 1 $lS 000 t 906 & also arge permits, an t e ra~ · • • -.... ..._ ..___...,, n:uauUJ. on pro-avenue. not onl;r in ·s country, but in pictures will add interest to the • a Y aveque, bet":een sections with $93,350 , gram. • · 1 Tile two men were ahipmatd Mexico and P is as well. He pion-page. Look for it at an early date! I worth ~r buildings. Two · ~arge Recognizing the local Red ~ Jin. Victor Grace 11 &!)pointing together on the U.S.S. ~ Dl· General Smith's Son houses and a con~te commercial need, national headquarters -~ -tants throughout the and during the _Flm Wor'l!! .. Wp Fil Local Man Held On Honor Roll Agam· building on the bay front account-allocated 20 per cent of the ~ oty -urges all to be ready to and enjoyed talking <Ner old -ge es ed for $50.000 of this. Balboa to be raiM!d in the local duipl-r ~ -calJed upon. Judg• 1Bok flew out frun Pldladi!l- Int ti. to R ' On Felony Charge At New Mexico M L Island was in last place with $39.-1 r.,.. .... in .... uare and home ...,,_ . phia. leaving during a beavyl -en 0 un • 900, including one $25,000 home. ice. This year ll4.000 W Dlllbt Capt. Langjahr storm and after a 8tonny .- F S Off• Joseph &adford. Corona de! KeMeth Ill Smith son of Brig Corona de! Mar had 10 homes by the harbor branch, """'*dbc Of Balboa Island Wblle be :WU here the ...,, . ...,. I or e Ice Mar. W8S held for trial in superior General and ·Mn. Albert D. Smith starting. beside • number o(! re-to Mn: Victor Grace.cbalrman far . • ::, incit all, .. J:r.-hloJh:'.t_':.. court as a result of a preliminary of 911 North Boy atrtt~ Balboa pain and ad!fitions. apartments the drive ,for the put few -. ReCurm to ffoeprtal our · sure · ~ Incumbent . J . Dodge W'*"'5-~earing In justice court Wednes-Island. has earned academic dis-and garages: Alterat.lona\ and ad-Tiie chapter, COllllatlac al 1111 · 1 our~~ wc:e, _,.,.cl- day filed his intention to be a day afternoon on a charge of linction at New Mexico Military ditions dominated in Balboa. al· Soutb<rn Orance m1m1J> wlD Oll1t-Willlmn I.anCJatt. 320 Col-~udce Bok la ollo a wr1u/ 1l1ie Clllldidate for ustice of the P.,ace. burglary. Institute. RoowdL , · • ~ thell' total did not ...._ share in • larl• percentap al llJe --. B&Iboe blud, who hla father 'EdWud Bak, ).:0- Newpon to hip, in the office of Bradford was a=ised of felon-For the tint semester of 1945-the home construction ~ue.I A funds raUed. Tiie bar6or - ---on a 45-day fUr-book, l"'lbe' Ammc enlrotloft cf iltJ- the county rk in forthcoming iously remoVing items of electrical 46, Smith wu -ot 23 memben $3000 additicn at the Fun~ was of the chapter's 6C per -al .....,., --Jaat .,.U to Moore wult Bok • .' wu a bmt ~· ZI county electi equipment from the warehouse ot f the Honor Society. 'lbio ii the not.a. . ! the money allot~ed for 11•••1-IJ' Orr ml llaollltat'N. C., -he I The Jllclp la --al Judge baa served ~ jus-Harold Kreutzer, 432 Fenileat, third .,.,._,...tive ~ that New bol-, addltlonii, •-.d!tpali*" will amount to JIOJJOQ --. -lreatmelit far ' ~al the HWbc" a,_. tire &11'(1!! inted ,to that office Corona del Mar. Smith has earned thia tlnc:tlon. -alteratloaa made up~ bulk "lbele ~ i':"'cate --llapiml -Infection. I dnatl!ic oemt -...td.. ;.,i..i ln No""""1ber. 1929, and baa been lh-adford wl11 appear ln superior He ezr.>ecta to reeolve a high of the pmnlta laued for Hew-L tlonal orpnlutlon • desire to -'De ''"1~•"' -with the Slpal bcdr lit ca.~ wttf11:~ returned to olfia. in rourj sub-court on March S. Ball was aet at ochool certificate Item Ma--.i .... .,,.,cW drud.Uros cue .of ewo cloae to -lill Oallll 1111 -lbaa A-em, ~1~· Jllllp Ulen • 'Pi ,.,. sequent e1 , •· SIOOO by Judge o. J . Dode•· I lco Military Imtltute iJ. Juno. -..e ·--. . '1 tbe local cbaptnw COIL ~lt"P"!._*~-J 1 • ·I , • • -• • • I . : • . 1· , . ·~ • • ""~wS-T"tM°E: • I RISE TO JlEMAHI\ ---. . Gen~ PetroleWn Jokes-that is-. 8-:! 1 -)'OU --..'t HON. JOHN PHILLIPS Senate will probably lack the N E W S • A:baorbe Gilmore' . wblsUe Wblle.-ldnc. ·. , -· 1'i&WPOllI·1J -ii.I courage to pm it out at all. of the Road Oil Bwnn· ...... ~t: Don t -streams -O'Glug: But rm not --···a 11 Ewr7 T a ,., ·Jnm , 7 ~;;; I V"'-mtm '1bere ia • temeneu rilln& ln What WU ao v1dou:s about that ~ =~~ow the valley aftd ing.~ed. --i- o.a .._SR• P."'h'IS ICftlJ" w • Ir~, v....e D the 79th Selaion w~ wu not blllf It.. said that employes and CHURCHES ---· ,------..,.-----:.,_- • .L -' ,__ --~· -t bef°"'. Ptthai» it II be-employers 1hould talk-~t -•-A new department ~g Natm. Calltomian: Well, sir, •I lloobrri~ Poyable in AUVance :-~ per ~ ~--~ ......... 1916 11 an electioll "a" -·~ •-asphalt and roed oil i.m,,.. haa will laY they're not lh<>oe' sickly R 0 0 F S '2.'r.i per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year 8th ~ • · • 30 de.ya befoce •tarting m ql.WTel; ~ -ated In ~--aJ'~troleum <reeks that're always con!Ined to ---~-------• ' perba .. it .. bec:a-the leci&-that .perishable merehandlae and ~· ~· ~ ~ l!DIA!red u Second-ciuo matter at the ~ N .. ,..n -,, tallan now going throO&h will af. farm produce should not be loot by A88QB•.RI! or OOD C<>rpOl'ation coincident with dis-their beda.-Sunshine. APPUl:D O& ..,a...,, • Calltomla. under the Act ot ~I ~ Ul79 feet the future of lhla country for ..,.,,. fight In whlcb the farmer BW7 -Ida s .. de, PutGn solution ot the Gllmott Asphalt , Free ,illtlmateo It tu~ S. A. MEIER • • _ _ • _ _ Publlober all time: perha1» it , II be<:a..., bad no inleftst, that both lncluatry IMp o-..._._ Nowrwt It Road OU Company and transfer 'I oee In l"'UI' Church oonven-W I 8 llow · I ~--• u tbeJe is --'•o evidence that the and labor •··•· made g .. ~---~• 10 a.m. oflits ~ts to General Petroleum, tlon,• said' an old farmer to a ~ __ _:_ ·Ph.-Nwpt. 101W' SAM D. PORTER • • --• ~a -....... ,. • •-·~g a oontn<:t ~......,. ~"""' -mlnlater "th t •~-·----L. B. MILLARD _ Z\llt« ~ti""!'" who hav• hetttolore been In good faith, should li"" up to IL Momlng eervlce, u a.m. effectl . Feb. 16. Announcement • •. you ~~ • the W. F . DIXON .._ lilenl are now bemg heard. and .II sounds llmple American ta me. Evenlnc ~c aerv1ce at of lhla change 11 made by Presi-subject how 10 &et people to at-..._ __________ _, PftnUnc Plant, 3011 W. Central Avenue, N Brs=b, ... CaJitCJl'Dia t!MU' demand ls for the correction \ 7·30 p.m. dent S. J. Dickey of General Petol~ tend dlurch. I have never heard \--~--------- ot conditions upon which Congress Re, tired Machinist, , · Mld-....ic -Thunclay at •um. a single addresa at a lumen' con-Offidal Papao of the City of N Beach has been alow to act. The people T·30 p.m. ' ventlon en how to get ca<Ue to ... u ......... Loeal -, .. on. y-...., tln!d o{ Inaction. In domestic Resident of Mesa for . Rev. A,,,,. T. Doaa, Ylcar =.:::,_~,-~ck. We •pend our JIA~ITORIAL I JSOCIATION JJ£,,J;:. I and foreign policies; of extrava· 22 Y D' OUR LAOY 01' MT. CARMEL' l :IO L Ill-, B4Q-"""--__ .,. the beat kind of A · gances 1n go-.unent spending; ot ears, le8 at 70 9:41 Liil-, SUnda;v 8cllool. feed.-Palf'Ulder. ctiv the bypocracy of the OPA. and o! 1 1421 Wiil CoMnl A-uo 11>00 Lm., Koralac Prayu ·aadl ------------- M the a11oeance ot labor leaden who Funeral aet'Vices Will be held ="" •':!~151 ~i.::;: a..m.. 8e:rmcm.. • <nnt lllmd&ym: Bol)t ~ "·rvuter ~ lmpc:ae themselves u much upon Friday, March 1 at 2 nm. at the •.·oo to 1 ·.--••4 -T· ... rnato O>mmlllllm.J 'lllOC-. AND - th. -·k and ru ot union ---.. ---.... Ul.M ilU r.Altll •111• CliifT ·-· • ·~ Harold K. Grauel chapel Colta 1 ·1CJ p -----------------+----=---! ben. a they do bn olhtt men and Meaa. for Karl El1lll Arlcld.on 70 ' .JL IEYliNTH DAY ADVENTISTS M. EJtilte &; Co.. Jae. . 0. L. CULLY, Ow .... Tu: v •'. PUlle M11•t t : SprMHzina ca nw: * Tu: Your~--W Corral Dust "Blond<! ar< again />T<f<rr<d by gntt~ . _ . I don'• wane to be a gm.&kman, mix 'cm up foT me."-ACX. LlNDll.rf. women. • I who died Monday even.Ing al &..~ ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH C-wai.ut aod Cll--Mt & • "" - _ .._ 'The flrat deflnlte evidence of I Ana Community bolpltal ... ._ 1-Ceola M-llJ~!t~!f~e.~L.~.&.~M.~!A.~ ll~l&l~~·~·~·~·~~'::::t:::::::::::::::::::: lhil i:nfluence ft'om home wu in He wu a retired rnachln.lst and SUDdl. llw. 1 ·ao 8abtwh mcbool, Saturday •~ L the -ol the so<alled "Cue l, lived at 411 Short street. bav!ng OOet yd"N' ' ~ rro... ~.~~~ 11 L llL m lsma11a • 101 !lllW.• _,_.._ Bill," which WU really a aubotl-lived In Colta M ... for 22 )'06rtl 1 ... . ' • ·--·~ tute amendment to the committee and in C&llfomia for 25. He wu ..., to 1 ·80 p.a. Now Opeu for bW on strike control, by a vote of a natiVe of Sweden. FULL G09PEL CHUftCH 258 to 155, without regard to party Surviving are hh widow, Estelle, OOSoNA DSL llAJI · --•-. ~ - INCOME TAX RETURNS lines or &OOllJ'•phlcal Influences. Coota M ... ; two atep-aons, OmM OOJdiltlmTI' OIRJll(JJI, ~ Mool, 9:41; _,,q rv• heard a lot ot things about MoorhoUR, a.ta Meaa. and Don· OOlfOlmO&TIONAL . WWllldp. 11; ......--. .I Mr. Ford's. Gamble • Auditing -BookkJpmg Service If one of California's picturesque, frock ted gamblen of the days of '49 could have heard Henry ord n outline a "very big gamble" he proposes to take, he w d have nodded In shrewd approval Speaking before San Francisco's eo.•:inwealth club, Ford declared his COf!lpany expects to lo6e oo every vehicle produced this year-yet intends to ahead and pro- duce to the limit as its contribution to natiooal war against inflation. "On the subject of losses, he said, "I w d like to note that we could not take these chances if the ord Motor com- pany had not been building up reserves to finance itself in moments of emergency. lt has become hat unfash- ionable to speak of making profits, as if it w re an Wl-Ameri· can notion. But only out of profits can any established busi- ne5s get the funds for research for better · gs and better ways or doing business. Only out or profits come higher wages. improved working conditions and w opportunities for ~oyers." · - The old gamble r mig ht have shuddered a the reference to working. But "building up reserves"-'-'1a 's the idea he'd have approved! Gamblers say you can't pl y and win with ''scared money." Money is "scared", in g biers' parlance, ·when a gambler's roll is so small he doesn't are take chances on losing a few hands. He becomes i lute-his nerve fails him-he's thi:ough. Because the Ford Motor company's mon y isn't "scared", Henry Ford II isn't afraid to take a big ce. And that is good news for Americans who want new tos as much as they do not want inflation! • Sudden Realization Anyone who wins prizes in a radio q in· these days-e;pecially if the winner is a • is nylon stockings. A Young Navy ensign found that ouL ' show isn't safe .and the prize He woo over $13,000 in various prizes including a two- year supply of nylons, by identifying the vo ce of Jack Demp-' sey. The girls were quick to identify · . He received a dozen marriage proposals. The girls had suddenly realized how h dsome he is-in fact anyone with that many ·nylons is posi ·vely beautiful! Yalta Secrets Now that the secret agreements mad at Yalta a year ago have been made.public they do not put favorable light. eriea in a very th1I bill, which I do not recoc-ald Moorbou.e, South Gate; a P.-rJ Fa llmtcll: ....._ Mlplefer T:IO P· a.; ~ Pl'QW' meet- nlze! Labor leaden call it •"vie-step:.daug:hter, Mn. Frances M<JOr<o Ill B1•111ope. C... ... lbr ... -. W~&tM7, T:f6 p.m..: loUI" and "anti-labor" and "re-ho.,..,, Huntington Park' ~ SUnctay, March 3, 1916 --'" • ......,uotte. • ''" James 0 . .Rierce actlonary." Extravagent state--sons. Geor&e and Carl Anderson Church school hu two eealom. • l"rtda7, T:.a P. m. menta were made on the floor by o! San Francisco and Eriq G. An-All above primary departmt!nt the opponenta or the bill. The derson of Salt .Lake ~ty ; one meet at 9:30 a.m. Beilnnen and memben of ~ who '1>ted daughter, Mn. Ivan ~ primary department acet miet at for it have been threatened With EUNka; lix grandchildren and one 11 a.m. during the momin& cbun:h 1761 Newport Ave. political extinction. great-grandchl)d. hour. Well, let's aee: briefly this Is Rev. E. D. GoodeU will be In ll a.m. Morning wonhlp. Ser- what the Case Bill would do. It chatge of funeral services and tn-mon by Mr. Schrock: "What Jetua · would (1) create a Federal medi-terment will be in Fairhaven cem-Means to Me:" ation boycJ with enough authority etery. 7 p.m. Youth meeting. to st~ fnto major labor disputet and to forbid· strikes or lockouta M •~ F d for~ days while the board work· on~rey avore FIRaT CHUllCH OF CHlllaT, eel to prevent them; (2) perrriit F G d. Sch I ICIENTllT the use of court injunctions to en-Of ra ()() Lido Th .. ter,, central AveAue force this "cooling-off'' period, Of N A d and Via Lido ' thus preventing violence and In· avy Ca emy A branclt at Tbe Mother Cbun:b, surlng the movement of perishable The _ _.. ..,....,._ .. ot ~--Sci goods, Including our agricultural ~ .high ranking board· of naval entlat: lo-.&;"~;' Mae.:ct:~u. • products, where an e ntire season's off1cials have recommended that 8w1da School at 9:30 a.. m. Sun- ci-op can be ruined by some strike, Monterey, Calif., be the site of day s.e":ltce at ll a. m. Wednesday possibly over a jurisdictional argu· any proposed branch of the U. S . Te«lmonlal Meetlna" at 12 o'clock m ent, in which the farmer has no Naval academy, it was stated in . interest whatever : {3) provide for Washington ne'""S dispatches early Reading Room loc~ted at 1.11 'vii 'ts · t ·th 1 bo this week. A congressional source Palm street, Balboa, is open, daily ~~'::rn~n~~~: b~~a~~g a a ~~~ is said to have indicated that the from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m . except S~­ tract: outlaw violence in picketing northern California peninsula area days ani:l holidays nationally ob- by either side: (4) ban boycotts w ould get the first choice of the served. and sympa\hy strikes, recently tn-committee which iS cOnsider ing a The public la cordially invited to jected into labor troubles to force post grad~ate school for naval of· attend the church eerv1cee and uee the firms involved to come to Cicen. the Re.adJng Room. terms: that section will, I hope, Upper Bay of Newport Harbor Christian Science stop some of the jurisdictional has also been considered as a site, T . 'Ch • J , troubles which cause serious tosses according to discussions among the op1c rISt esus to the farmers of Oa.lifornia, and county board of supervisors. Ru· .. Christ Jesua" will be the 1ubject (5) clarify the status of certain more that a group of naval officers ot the Sunday Lesson·Sen:non ln all supervisory employes. studied the site owned by James branchea or Tbe Mother Church, ' d f h The First Church or Chrtat. Belen· Ren.t_ember, this is the way it Irvine at the hea 0 t e bay some Ust, In Boston. Jeremiah 1upplle1 left the House. Few bills go J:ll<>nths ago could not be ver ified, the Golden T ext: "Behold, the d&71 th.rough the Senate and get to the but this was urged on Rep. Harry come. aalth the Lord, that J w1ll President without changes on the S heppard last slimmer when he ra.!se unto O av Id a rtghteou. other side of the Capitol. If this was here. He i5 a member ot the Branch, and a King aball reign and one does, I shall be surprised! In military affairs committee of the prosper, and shall es:ecute Judg- fact the feeling here is that the H ouse of Representatives. -. ment and Justice In the earth .... And this ls bis name whereby he ahall be called. THE LORD OUR ACROSS l':Perlorated · • ball 5 }:lawk cagea 9 Auricle~ the ear 10 Belon&in1 to the a.s:ia 13 Salad herb 14 Afresh 15-Foot·llk• part l•l•U•• la M••t IM••· RIGHTEOUSNESS." These Yeraea from John's Gospel are Included In the Lesaon·Sermon: .. In the beginning wu the Word, and the Word "·a.a with GOd. and the Word was God. The aame waa In the beginning with God . , .. He, came unto bla own. and bis own re- ceived bJm not. But u many u re- celYed him, to them gave he pa'wer to become the aoD.B of God. even to them that believe on hfj name." 11&1'7 Baker Eddy ••YB tn "Sci· ence and Health with Key to the N5W..OllT HAR•OR LUTHERAN CHUROH -Cll.,.., c..la M- Rtv. H.n.rt R.U., PUtor s.nc..: 8vnrtey, lO:SO Lm.. CHURCH clF CHRl&T PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY , Churot. Md Walnut Mneta: L. Duane Canby, Mlll-r. Servtce.: Sunday, 10 a.. m .• Bl.bl• Study: .11 L ..... K0r111ng wonb.lp. FIRIT FOURSQUARE CHURCH OF COSTA MliSA Rev. and M"-G. Wiiiard Steam• Pasto,.. Phone 2671 AOOOUNTANT J. 8 . WHYTE INOO-~ll OON9t1LT£lriiT .\.Qtban.cl bF tbe Un!led St.._ ,_.,_.. 'UJ'J' DepM'\ment \0 reprweot cllenll lD oonnecUoo with 1Dcome lu matwn... Atml'ftl • 8Y8'1'K118 llOOICDICPINO U&VJCI: Ott ... 1 ......... 1 .... c-.. ··-..,._ 1f"1*1 h.fo.W Sunday School 8 :SO a..m. AJtcHITECI' PHYSIOLUlll a llUBOBONll, 11,D, ii. R. Hall, M. D. l'll3*lan an4 Sa...- Hours: 2·5, by Appointment Telephone~ lSl Bro<Mhn;v Colla - Morning worship ~rvice 10:45. !~------------r------------Cruaade~ service 6:00 p.m. Berean iaervice 6 :SO p.m . Evenlnc evangeliatlc service at 7:30 p .m. Wednesday evening prayer aerv· ice at 7 :30 p.m. COSTA MUA COMMUNITY CHURCH Cart 8. Johnaon, Mlnl8tet 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 2475-R Church echool, 9:t5 L m. )4ornlng Wonblp, 11 o'ClioclL Youth groupe, High achoo!, ln- termedJDle, A4111t, 6 :30 p. m. ~.IUV!ce, 1 :30 o'clool<. Ml.d-week fellowllh.lp and prayer, Wedneoday, 7:3-0 'p. m. . 11 L m ., Prayer and Sermon. FIRST METHODl&T CHU .. CH Armand Monaco ARCllITEC11' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Newport 17U 2721 Lakewood Ave. Loe Angeleo NOrmandy MOS DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School SO! Conil 8alboa lt1an4 Grades: Coll-, l'reJ!l'l'l'torJ' DAY SCHOOL ><•• °""" O. A. Mortimer, M. A., Od'olid Prindpoll Phone 85% DENTISTS Gordon M. Grundy, M: D. Pbyoldan an4 !kupoa Ninth and Central Ave. Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.rn.; 3-5 p.m. Telephone 37 OONRAD RICHTER, M. D. PbyolcJan. and Surpon 120 E . 18th St. COSTA °MEsA Hours: 10-12 a.m.: 3-5 i>-m. Phcne 133 EucUd~~a'Z.!:,=:•~::Grove. PbyUdan .aact 8urpoa 9:80 ,Lm. Cburcb ocbool !cw all DENTIST 2209 Coast h1vd. Dr. G. E. Tohill Dr. Obed Lucas a&• '• • , NEWPORT BEACH 11:00 a.m. )j'.o~ Wonblp: HM~ W. Oontnil Pb. 1480 -PHONES- .M__,.: "We Thank Th~" Office 286-W Res. 28&-R ~-NEWPORT BEACH If caU 11 :00· a.m. Nunery for all cbll-I'-------------' l'-_n_o_an_sw_e_r. ___ N_ewport_;, __ s-' dren during, eervtce. 8 :00 p.m. Met.hodiat Youth Fel-r----IN_ll_URAN __ VE ____ ..., II ,-------------. loW91:1J.p. Young . Adult Fellow9h.lp. 7:00 p.m. ~&' Wonblp:- V..u.ge: "Come Ye U•e." New York Life Insurance Company DON R. DUJIANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH ' Ph. 10'28-No answer call 301-11 X·Ray Service 1be agreement to "hand over" to R ~something which neither America right to do can hardly inspire confidence tie>M organization members toward eithe British. ·a the Kurlle Jsl"- or Britaiil had a f the United Na- 115 Fish t.7 Yield 18 Beein 20 Fencina sword ' I Scrlpturea:" "Tbe advent ot Jesua ot Nuareth marked the rtr1t cen· tury or the Christian era. but the Chrlet LI without beginning or yean or end of days." "Christ" la defined u , ''The divine mantte11tatton ot God, which come1 to the nesh to delb'07 tne&rflate error.'' [ =:;:::::=========== OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen MllfA>a,JI. llaxwell, M. D. 180~-0out m'"" Corona tlel Mar The deal to give Russia vital concessi s in China with- out even refex:ring the matter first to Chun king undoubtedly did not leave 'i!'good tasb! in Chiang Kai· ek's mouth, al-' though l;ie later "agreed" to the terms. Since all these concessions to Stalin we made in order to win his help in the "'1lr against Japan, it a pears that he col- lected handsomely for his five:.da y parti tion which fol- lowed the atomic bomb explosion at Hiiroi~ui ·MODERN MARINE S RVICE BALBOA 315 NORTH ,MAIN S • • 23 Music note 24 Exclamation rt Kind of cap Z9 Strained vegetable1 Sl Obstacle 32 From S4 Herds of whale• 35 Sota J7 Narrow strip ot wood 40 American Indian 41 Monkey 44 Melody -'5 Ameril'an poet 47 Five of trumps I pitch) 49 WipiQ& cloth :w> Places 51 Male bffspring DOWN I A hoi>Vblt! 2Concludes I Cuckoo-like bin! • Klnd"' crane i Maaurium (Qm.) e Correct 7 Expreaaed juice ol grape• 8 Snow vehicle 9 Vitality 11 Female aheep lS A Dutch chttse 18 Diocesan center 19 Tear 20 Subside 2.1 Siu o1 coal 22 Wander 24 C:001tellation 2$ Border of prment N'•. JI 28 Roman money 28 Aho 30 Expression of dia1U1t 33 Not empty 35 Map 315 Duck.like birds 37 Lick up 38 God of war 39 Rlle and fall ot oceana 41 Stitched UMaJt beveraces 43 Sick .. Court .. e,- Aa•w•r te •••-.1• N••"e' SI • Before You Build or ,Remodel visit our lnten.tbig -pie wt display l'OOlllL • • • Color guides, ~ ning aids, compre- hensive stock of rugs, carpets and linoleum. C'ee•rd, l&epalftd LUDLUM Carpet Works 11!: Soa .. -St. --ta Aaa -, SAJi'l'A ANA ' CHRlaT CHURCH llY THE SEA cemmu.nlty Met:heclW BALn 1480 Well CeAtral Avenue Aw. IL o. Qeadelt, Putor Omrllt Bcbool, 9 :60 a. m. M-n'RC W<>Nbtp, 11 L m. Yooolll Fellowablp, 6 p. m. S.eMns Wonhlp, 7 p.a. ~week prayer eervlce, Wed- MORTUARY nem&y; covered di9h dinner, 8:30 p.m. -:t-• Lady Attendant -:t- BALBOA ISLAND CHAPliL. 21SAplaA- .. .,,. Harry W. White, A.oota .. PMWr Cbufth kbool, 0 :80 L m. Konllllg Wonhlp, 011 L lll- &T. JAMEi EPllCOPAL CHURCH ~15 Welt Central, .. libora (£bell Clubhouee) 410 Coast Jikod. CORONA OIL llAJt ~.I.pl.us 41.2 DAY .t.JID wt 9'WPQ I Mll-Wl_W ..... Wl-llllll_U ......... 111 .... UllllllfO I tr11··9;·n1ll .... ll ! i. I • Modern and Up-to-Date : Blue Printing Facilities Photostating up to 'ts ii'!. by 23 in. I Pick-Up and Delive :-y Service Watch for Opening Anriouncement . l Blueprint & Photostat Shop <lomla .J. , Ph.-%288·1 %15 E. Ba;y Ave. ~ MORTIOLUIS Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourselves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" Pboae Newport 11411 Ooeta Meu Cautornla. OPTOMETRISTS Robert A. Crawford ~D. OPTOHETBl8T Eyes Examined • Glalsea Fitted 1191 N-rt Boaleoanl ~ UIO COSTA Mr.sA E. T. Butterworth, 0. D . ()ptometrtot EY1:8 ElLUllNED p. LDISJ:S DUPLICATED 1 o..__ ........... .ui-w ti' 1116 W. c.a-.1 .&••· T..._.bw 1611 . ......... ..... "" 81JllVSY0118 I • Siegel & Raub ""atr en _. ~ U. Newport ~Coota -Te&r,11111 . , .. ..., Mn W. Cloatftl N---. Tele;tr• di PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBARD Graduate ..,.. C1ma111...,,, • 'z ' Ph.12111-W 1ll2ll w. °"""" ~ Office Hours: 10-12; 2-6 PboaeN-rt 1- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balli. Newport ITU '41 . S. Bll1 St., Loe ....__ TUcker 111! By Appointment ' T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywlclan wt SargeM 1001 Weot Ba;y A"" Telephone Newport 60Z A. V. Andrews, M.D. I . PB1'8JCIAN -llUBOEON ,...,__nu.., Waper Drup. lmlltale Dr.WllloarC.W- allropracttc, Dlet.etlcl, Physl.o & Colonic Therapy llMCo..&lll'fd.,- Lacma--- ZONE~ CLINIC ' 'i v..-.... ·"s•Ml";:;zn ... o I Tiwt' •• .... \ ........ ,. ... ~ ....... j ' , • ' ' ' GEORGE D. BASS General Accounting Fiahermen'11 Bookkeep· nfOOJO: TAX Sr.&VIOE ' 2602 W. Central Av GORD·Ort B. Fii LAY ooNTKAcro• -B1JILDDI CABINET SHOP CABINE'l'S ud MU.I.WO CE T. C. latr -. 9llpt. --· PIL : 11111-J ' • ' -- 0.F&s " . ~nu a 7. r: ····-· . - Pu111.ic NOTica Lectures Billed Kl• Word for Rmbll -. <JDIDICM'Z or BtJIWllM Fol' Union TaJk Newp0rt Harbor Reg•latlo•s Same FlctltloUI Firm N-ah • M 5 A Oilc:oeo visitor ot January a..: Last Vear' n.. w.i..rs1.,...i -hettby At An eJ1D ar. !!'! ~~i::r!':ia".1'1. ~-=·. ~ •' certify that he la eonductlnc. a ---·-,--__ -at 1750 Newpcrt Bml.. Dr. Dan Gilbert. L.l..D, ' na-quite suddenly. from the ereuY Landlords \l>&Y raise their ,_,. Oty of Costa Mna. County ol UOnallJ -lecturer, a..U-1<1'ttle ol Industry, ""' toond-our-tor the summer .. ..., only U they Qranse. State al C&llfornla. = and newspaper <olumnlat, will ad-:.-~ ... Bal~-~ch. "'ck~ apollkt-!\ad pet m-to c1o oo 1ut :rw-. the !lctltlouo firm name of ~ -two ..-u-In e>ranse . 00·-.~ po ~ e it was announced by the OPA. VER CRAFT and that oald firm county next week on "How Does pl1chardo 111 • bottle, and a harbor cluifYlnc the rullnc that .,._ oompc»ed ol the tollowlnc penono, Praent Union Activities In Onnae equally ~ with boats. The front w~ on eumpt1an to whOH names and addrc1, es .,.. u County Affect You!" 1 Pacific. wu u blue aJMi benlcn u ceili.np on sw1a1-.er ttntals In re- toll°""' to wit: S-ed by the Aaoeiated it had been gray and threat.en-sort &rellf. _ _ J-ph L. Carver, MS Ol1f Farmers ot Qranse county, the ~ !arlhel' north. It wu the mid-Approxll'Ultely 50 per cent al Drive, Nowpo.-t Beach, C&llfcrnla. meetlnp will be held at Willard die ot January, but people were the beadl' propet-ty In thla .,.... WITNESS my hand thla 12th day Junior lligh ochool. Santa Ana. going about ln bathing suits. Well, will go upl In l'ftltal <elllng, it ,.... ot February. 19'6. Monday, March 4. and at Anaheim one, anyhow-a ~l. and. maybe estimated, by Gregg Wat90ft. D- JOSEPH L. CARVER. Union High ochool, 'l\>eOday, ahe wu j~t excited by what a slatant ditoctor ot the OPA rental . Onealtlllt--alAmericanl Some perw -...,. -P-----from iootl 111nm .. bat tbo7 ..W. =-p!NWwd by BenJamm to/, far. . ' l Expert Beauticians for Miiady • ~ COid Wove, H>.ir Styling. Hair Tinting ••• Blcach-q. Cold w..... . JUJ'fH • ANN • CARMIDI( -1---, ..... -.. ··-· ......... ,..... .. .... '1, • State ot Calltcrnla ) March:; Both will begin at 7 :39 twln&-atation man _said wu the unit tor Oran&< county. County ot Orange J a . p.m. • , tint pleuant Sunday tcr a long Watl<J\l alan stressed the tact Balboa Inn Beauty Salon I On this 12th day ot February ''Dedslon to aponsor the meet-time. that landlords renting ..-ty m 114 ... -... --• ~ -t al ..., n. A.D., 1946, before me Nora S. inp was reac:Md. becaUR many "South of Laguna Beach, I saw a "year-round" buis may not tn-,_.:.·-----------------------' Marparth a Notary Public ln people cognizant '1 the fact that a trailer camp which I lhall cer-crease rents for the meum ...t. and for aald County !nd State, re-~ere has been a lot of labor union t&1.nly visit if I ever again travel that there a.re no nat exemptiorw !--------------------------. siding therein duly commlsaloned ctlvlty In the county ~tly. by traller. It waa called "Treasure tor all landlords. Unless ·apedfie' B A y v I E w c A F E and sworn, penOllilly appeared ~ave been asking 'what's it all laland." and occupied th .. whnle ot ally allowed to charge· separate . - Jotepb L Carver known to me to bout' .. George A. Graham. secre-• rock point. It had ocean on summer rates last year, no prop- be tlle person WhOlle name t. IUb-~ dt the farmers' organization, three sides, and its own dock. erty owntts twill be permitted to scribed to the within Instrument. explained.. We believe few people And I might add that i.!_ seemed hike their rents this year. and acknowledged to me that he are 50 well quallfjed. to speak on to, be full . executed the same. the gubject 85 is Dr. Gilbert." -"There. were many spots alone: 1..------------- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I the shore at which we would have Ir ------------, P'onnorl7 no Pahm Cale have hereunto set my hand and al-B rth liked to tarry, but the sun was 1 11xed my offictal seal the day and Dr. utterwo , s1n1c1ng 1ow, with • chm damp ====--------------+-----.,..-il year In this certificate tint abnve Optometrist, Locates mist creeping in. We were stlll ! 0 C. 0 n+v Truck"• g Co written. I I (ar from Rancho. Santa F e-and range ' II •7 • NORA s. MARGWARTH: On West Centra none too sure how to get there. PAINTING IS Yean $erv1ce 1:111 Newport \ ll'arhor ArM AJ tbe Ferry 1-dlng -Palm and Bay Ave., Balboa Under same management: ·L. A. Wells, Owner Featuring Home Cooking • PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Notary Public In and for So, with a wary eye for the Sun- TBUCKS FOB BIBE . Said C-ounty and State. Dr'. Ernest T . Butterworth. op-day <\rivers hurrying homewards, HA~RY H,ALL Open 8 a.. m. to 9 p. m. -CIO!lied Tueedaya ckin H ulin Transf C:f\lly Commission Expires tometrist, of 209 Ninth street, we pushed on." . ---...,-----------' !....------------------------' General Tru g, a g, er January 29. 1950.> Balboa. has opened an omce at d Sh rt Hauls <SEAL) 3114 West Central avenue, phone Long an o Pub.-F eb. 14, 21, 28, ~ch. 7, 1946. 2511. Former Tesident of Laguna 4 ~ W. Wilson St. -Costa M Beach, Or. Butterworth graduated CERTIFICATE OF PARTNER-from Santa Ana Junior mllege and SHIP TRANSACTING BUSI-attended the University of South- NESS UNDER FICTITIOUS em California. PHONES Nwpt. 260, Days-<>r-Nwpt. 512- FRAN'S DO~NUT C In the Big White Bolidlng OD Newpn •t 18th Street--<:osta M DO-NUTS and COFFEE Now Open From 9 :SO A.. M. unUI 11 P. M. Opeo SUNDAY 5p.m.·llp.m. DO-NUTS I<> AKE HOME When you BORROW ONEY • • • get yor1r money's worth I e Boaow throogb -&iendly, quick, conlidmtisl. &om t'O to t noo. No ex>-signen collstenl tt- quittd. Loansa.lsomade amomobiles, whether fully pajd for DOt be a Bank of MIICD' • WHY PAY MORE THAN THESE LO RATES f n-.,,. poymonfs on a $100 Repay in • , • . 12 months 1' months Monthly poymem $1.13 $7 .16 TOTAL COST: f4 l'IR TIAR fOR IACH 0 .......... ..,..,.,,.,_.._ .............. 18 moodlo $6.05 • S...,. 1"" ... a Tuoeplao looo-lhe io,j_..,,. plao noilable ooly duo.,..b &ok of .\.<O.ncL 1\untt·of Amt 11111111 n•11JiL ••"•" .. ••e1o•11 1eepeun•• • •c•••• L Hlll'll ITIHlll , COME AN·D S E NA.WE. He graduated from the Los An- ROY WINDELL and RALPH geles School of Optometry and was WEST, do hereby certify that they in civilian practice in San Diego are conducting an airplane service before he entered the anny. He and any business incidental there--spent three years at Camp Haan. to or in connection therewith. Riverside. handling thousands of with its principal place of business cases. Dr. and Mrs. Butterworth at 1905 Fullerton avenue, Costa have one son, Stephen, and con· : Mesa, County of Orange, State of sider themselves permanent resi· 1 California under the fictitious dents. 1 name of PIONEER PACIFIC AIR LINE Up to June 1944. 4.217,000 men , and that said firm is composed of between the ages ot 18 and 35 were the following persons. whose names rejected bj the armed forces. and addresses are as follows : ROY WINDELL. Partner PUBLIC NOTICE 1905 Fullerton Avenu~ County and State. My com- Costa Mesa. California. mission expires Sept. 17, RALPH WEST 4543 East 58th Street 1949. Maywood, California. (Notarial Seal.) \VITNESS our hands this 29thPu __ b_._F_eb_._7_._1_4_, _2_1_, _28_._1_94_6_. - day of January, 1946. ROY WINDELL. RALPH WEST. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE.-ss. On this the 29th day of January, 1946. before me. FRED J . DUD· LEY, a Notary Public In and for said County and State, personally appeared ROY WINDELL, known to me to be the person. whose name ls subscribed to the within instru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal FRED J . DUDLEY, Notary Public In and for 1aid County and State. ~1y com- mlMion expires June 4, 1949. <Notarial Seal.) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES as. llAB.l?'""E WA V8 GE..~RA.L REPA.ot8 MAINTEN~CE • • Bolt111a11 e-PG"'J 901 Cout Highway Phones 2088 and 2089 On this the 4th day ot February, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;,:p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i 1946. before me M. D. Sheets, a !I Phone §7 Notary Public In and tor said F O R S J G N S County and State, personally ap- peared RALPH WEST, known to BENEDICT me to be the person whose name ls subsai.bed to the within irtstru- ment, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and ottldal aeal. M. D. SHEETS, Notary Public In and for said ·'The Sien Man e BOAT LETI'ERING A SPECIALTY •.• • the NEWEST AN GREATEST Wi 50 New, Big Improvements • • . ' at ' , Newp rt Harbor Motors 2616 W~ Central I Mo day~Mareh4 . - . . . ,.,., ' .-· Customers at Safeway •njoy making ·lholr ..i.ctiona from a wide a.uortment of quality loads. On ... ooy llheli, in eveiy rection of the 1tot.e • .there'r a promiM of qood earing-backed by Safeway'• famous money-back quarantee. Important too." ia the fact that you. can buy thne line food. at everyday low primL A 1-minutes •pent comparing values at Safeway will show you the easy way lQ inexpenaive, yet delidou meals. CANNED FOODS • Veqetable Soup ··~~·· 12'\s -Compbell'1 llrancl. Campbell's.Soup ••i;:· ltc TOMATO JUICE . sv•:~n io;:· gc !!~!!~f~!~~mal!!~~c::: 2 :! 18c !!!~!!k .. ~~!m~~!~t~oau ~. 7 ~~· 4c P.....-from fully ripened fresb tomatoft. 46-oL """• 20e.. BLU WHITE Doea not atreak. Ute it lfitb your regular a.oap. Chic;ksn-Noodl• voriety. Cling Peaches Coflle Crast BrOl'ld. Holws.. Sliced Beets Charmed Lond Brand . Shoestring Beets Ccxmtoc.k Bronc!. Diced Carrots 8 11(" 0 1cmond ~ ,;,r.d. Diced Cari.)is o.t M onte Bror.d. lt-••· 23• ·-I ••~··It• ·-.. ~ .. 13• ... , ..... 12-... 1(-os. 120 ... , •.••. 14• ·- 2 2~· JSc PEANUT BUnER ·•::,Y 1 ... 27c Spaghetti Sauce ~:: IQ• Made from No. 1 grade peanuts. 2-lb. jar, 48c.. IEVEIAGIS ' Plain-Oval tine l~z. Jor, 61c. Oval tine 16-ca.. ~. 61c. Hemo .,,_,... • ....... Vl'°""n Mix lw "Drink.,..._. vttorNN ond HU 'em. H ·• CATSUP, MUSTARD Red Hill Catsup t!!::' 13- Salad Mustard•;:;:;;• •;· .. T .... er. -.itti •I tfM t,._.'t. h • _._ tNllt tfM ""' '..-4. •-•di • ell kf•••Y ....... .. '""· C9"'f • -ptot9 ......... •• t•rtleyt, tt Is rftOM ....... "'9t: =fti FOR 1UllllYSjSHOUiD 1£ ~CID.AT llAST Tf'O DAYS . JNAIYAN¢ . OIECK THESE SAFEWAY VALUES Baby Cereal ~:::;· 2 :;;,; 27• l/\5tant VOticfy. • · Post Toasties u-. .. .. •. Shredded Wheat u~ II• .... NobitCO Brond. Com Starch • 10ngsfotd'1 or StoWs lrond. Tenderoni v~ Dog Biscuit ":: MilltliOtwYOf'Wfy. ...... ... .. ....... -n-. :13--Bab-0 Cleaner 2 '!::-21 • 9o~ ~ "'l409e1 Com• TrW' flo._.r ...... t 9 ~of now.---for 2Sc ond -.,..., Bab-0 ~ ....... eob-0, JM 4th !we.., ...... YOl'lr. 16, N. Y._Offs good.....- Miarcti I It . . Palmolive Soap a -211" --Palmolive = Z _ 1 .. No Rub Polish w::;' = ~ I Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Brond, Mi.ahrt"Of"'I l •ovOfed. ROCK COD FILLETS T .. ty while~ II 1• ekM and lldaned. PORK SAUSAGE DI BULK Lean, freebly po.-d pork.. Ser-Ye.It with apple rings. . . s.a.t '-..... laecti .. 4'ie,ley1 ot S.fewey. Tek• m _ _,,,._• wMf ,_ .... _. ,_, t-It '7 the l*'fMI. Get hH .,.1 ... 1 POTATOES ...... 1 10 1111111 100._ ... -...-.u. • ... DESERT GUPEFRUIT . Jaicy,•ld= ,'5-r'dll•.fralt.. Exeellent .... ~Vitamin C. YOUIG CARROTS 33c •• &c Te.:+r,~c· 1 s ••w Ser.efreeh~eoolied, .. &~ CllSP CAIBAGE :&~ . . • - • • • • ' • • • ' • • • • • ' • ·---~ --.!!!l!.!"'::!-!!!!:-----+-------.-...;..-if--------l----....:....,._,.!:•~~!!.!....::""~'::: ... =-::.•"::.....::":.::•~·~".;.·.:fl;:;•=-=--..: 'DIP>• 9 'I' I ... ... -11.A.XWSLL ILL LinneU:.:Give • Mik County Cities Harl}, James· Packs Puauc..... o:::N:...oTI-+---~---11--":"" ... -Jd-"'-_,,-t:.....u..-0·---,.,-)1.---....,.- Dr. Mil..., ~axwen, l&Ot eout Arcade on T1 Partic•ipate . . -tcr llQIDl'llt to --0atoc1 an11 o1cnoc1 t111o 21at 11q mp.way, ecrma . c1e1 Mar.· baa " ~ • ~ Attorney at Law, sUite <JI Fei>ruahr. 19t6. ' · been abaent from his new office follows. to wit: DI ~ Bldg .. Santa Ana. ALBERT lll. JOTCS thla -and Is in White Memor-Frank M. Long -Dog Pound ' • t R de Friend F . Wilson, w. Cen-California. on ar before Monday, ROY H. KEENE lal' hoapltal with virus ·bronchitis. attorney, who Is tar of penny em 1n a en zvous tral Aw., N..._t ach, Call· Mud> 4, 1946, at the ho!Jr ot ten f'llb.-Feb. 26, 28, 19t6. He Is ted borne Monda arcade roncealona in Balboe and farnla. I ~ y. Long Beach, wu """ a -~dpatlon of Orange oounty WtTNESS my hand 1his 77th day I year 1...... on the !""""' floor of cl In the county dot! pound waa (llJ AL .IOYCJ:) of FelwuaryFRIEND, 1946. F I ·~ onN. Ne--Balboa ...... .._.... B·-.:a the Pavalon ballroOm in Buntlnc· reairnmended to the board ol 1~ True to the tradition of his u. Soc. ty N. t r ........ ~ "!"'&• .a.~m• IU-.;;9 ton Beach this w It. erYloon this week by the county luatrious prede.-cn ot the iame 1e 0 es State of CaliforniaJ All Modes of Travel to Emope, Mexic.'9, Hawaii Linnell plans to Install ..,.... P1!ftd Jury in a report prepared name. Harry James and b1a . ra-County, of Orange l a . Rannci.the-World Trips In~ near ruture. See ,, ·-= M' 1t-ral • ...... ,. 0 •• ...., -· ment and •kill , at drink forlowing an investigation lnto moua band literally stole the ·ON nns_ptb of February - parlors and ea tine mw in the ""'1'6~ _In 13 uninco<porated hearts of music !oven and dancen A.D., 1946, ·lief ore f:. Nora S. Jin. Boy lluc I I'll. aL IOl P ' , Ila .. IE si>ace .,ormel'lY ted to frft ~pelitlea of the county. allk• at the Rendezvooa Ballroom, Gran~ HEC Will Margwarth a Notary bile in and '· -= H .. ml; .. I P. a ~ dlnlng space 'Jbe jurors Nggeotocl that dtleo Balboa. Wednelday night. '-foc &aid County and 'tate, residinc I ;============~=========~' ~:::;;::::;;::::;;::::;;:::;;:::;;::;::;::;::::::::::::::::::::;:;:' :::;:~:::;::::::::::::::~ be jre<iuired to adopt a uniform or-Playing to • packocl house of Meet Ut:Sday . therein duly canurjissioned and i clhjance, after neceaary legal 4,000 _paid admialons this top. sworn, penonally •Pl"'ar<!d Friend mUll!ner)f has been set' up. notch band of excellent musicians The Home Economics section of F. WlllOn known to Im• to be the Jll,.INE OONCRETE PRODUC'l'S OOllPANY WELCOME CAFE !MO Newport Blvd., Costa II Pboae~M Finest Place to Dine Famous Complete n· o,.z u., m. to I z. .. ·SPEX:IAL ARRANGEME!ft POJt &IW onN P'OS Dl~~iro WM. !:. LUDEWIG, Pri>p. f ~ 01111 811 Cout Highway 101 YARD 1he report, in Pl"'t. follows : displayed a brand of rhythms and Costa Mesa Grange will 'meet person whole name j ls subocrlbed BOU.OW BUIU>JNG TILi: AND-llBICII: TW• ba'Y't checked the county tempca that not only kept the jive ~· March 5 with Mrs. El" to th<! within lnsfru.nient, and · ' 6 • 8 and 12 1nc1J blocks ~. passed unan!moualy by hounds Jumplns. but made for ex· per!Y, 251 Waln1Jt place, according acknowloclgocl to me that he exe-Jl1M m AD 'IJpoa ti ll""dbc U. Pitlo w ... the present ~ of supervllon ceJlent ll.atening pleasure.·"n\e ver-to their chalrman. On March 14 cuted the same. / · WALTER L. KLINE. Proprirto.r ' and in our opinion this ordinance latJllty of James and his boys wu they att planning a turkey dinner IN WITNESs ~F. I have -Plant Located at--~ mttt the _needs of the dtl<;1 best displayed by hla alternatlnc at !)le Legion hall, which will be hereunto set my hai>d and affixed 111• N..._t -~ •-. 1 wiµt one exception: Section 7, (el musJc. tint a modem, then a tit open to the public. !'1Y official _aeal th~j day and ·year ~======================::'.~. ~ now states. 'R ahall be un-of the nmta.lcic: muaic of a former · m thia certificate ru;st tbove writ-t ~ :. ~ ~ :"':..~ .!; .... and all dreaed up in the Harry Change Announced ten. • NOJU. s. MARGWARTH, B u l~ D " 0 w· WK CAN OllTAllf -J ....... -• ..... Jameo manner 01 b>divic1ua1 ar· F B I I I d c· • . ' ~-· -to .... ~t sud> -to run at ransements. . or a . s an 1rc1e Notary Pu~llc in and for ' ~-~ ... JUTDI•••• I ~ upon any public beach ar in -aald Coun and State. • .& OOKPU:rl: 111Jl1.DJNG -Vl(S · ' MY public park or ac:hoot 'lf'OWlda.' A lhin1n& example of an "oldJie'' hl . (My ,... ........ -n.fl...... Expires . Por ...... II~ ..,. ' tr 111 ._ .._ In our opinion the dtles will want played in the Inimitable style of Balboa and drcl• of Christ -···..--· "BUILDING Bfui:a OONSTBUCTED BO.._,; that to mu! followw · 'It hall this unusual band was hia ren-O.urch by the Sea will meet Tuea-Jan. 29, 1~.> DU T'C H H.E AC 0 CK be unlawflll fas the . ' clltlon of ''I'm Always Chasing day, March 5 at the home of Mn. CSEALl _ .L or owner ar per-n-•-1>ow>.. -"•• tUn f 25 Vera Rickard. 121 North Bay Pub.-Feb. 28, Mch.,7, 14, 21. 1946. · '· .., In dmge of or control of any ~· • • .....,._.,,. e 0 1 d f M ~---P. 0. Boll U New--" Bezelll ' doc to penni uch dog yean ago and recently revived ln Front, nstea o at ar ~ ..-• laJ'i.e • W ~ thia to J:: at the 20th Century Fox picture '1be The time ls 12:30 p.m. with mem~ CDTIFICATE or BUSINESS hoW~ . .:ould apply only to .t; Dolly Sisters" in which Mn. Harry bl'n bringing sack lunches. Fictitious Fu;m Name · dtia and not the unincorporated James, better known to film goers The undersigned jdo hereby cer- ai.'.eas of the county. u BettY Grable, starred. V,est-poclcet radios have been tify that they are conductlnc 1 "'Most of the cities would like to Bob Murphy, owner of the Ren-made possible by the development tum.iture ~inessj at 822 Coast • tunction under the above arrange-dezvous Ballroom, and his very of a midget battery built oh· the Highway, ~ty of f"ewport Beach, ' • 11_...P, wl .,... &•Vll.llzbljl ment and some of them have pre-able manager Mrs. Emma McCon-''MinJ-Max''" principle which packs Co~ty of Orange1 State of ~-...._ for Bmt. for Sale viotaly asked for it u some are nell, des6ve much O"f(lit for bring-a power of 15 vol ti, though it is torrua , under the fictit\ous firm ..._. tdo small to afford individual inng these high-priced bands to little more than an inch in width name of ~RT FURN1TUR.E 711 • l'lldlDe llozrda for Beat pounds. This should not be an in-Balboa during th• winter months and leu than an inch and a ball MART and that "'!1d firm Is com-'----''--------------------...l bJ * .... •.....th .,. a;eue to the taxpayer or slightly and ln the exceptional way in in height. posed of the fo~ persona. -;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;$;;;;:;;;;;;;:;! 10 as the collection of dog licen.set which the dances at the Ren-whose names. andj ddresses are at --;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:::;;:;;:;;:;;:::::::;;::::;;~ ~ pound fees make thia self-dezvOU5 are conducted. PUBLIC NOTICE roi;=~lt~~~~Y , 2137 Dorland u,uMlating. The county men have They announce that they are Ori Whitti r .. 11forn1 to go to the county boundaries tlnuln th · u f b · gin ve, er, r:-a. --. • I ON DISPLA 1Y.I _.l .... ,..,..,_. DOUIU IOU.U.S ...... IAUCI" '°T 2 J .... UCI ·- Just r-i..d ••• a display a-nl of the C Ing Ut....a. These time--proven uten111s are stainless steel longer life and eoli« cleaning with heavy copper bo 1 that Md you_hove been waiting fot .•• famous Revere~ro. qulddy ond ... niy. 1!iey are ldeol fa< "waterl cooldng._.., Stop In ooon and -hO.. truly supe<la< utentllr • .... Wa11 tall you how to get thorn. JUST Sii TNISI XTIA FIATUltES OF llVEll WAii • INDESTRUCTIBLE * EASY TO HANDLE Yow c••'t Mrw • JM,&. thtowtlli Cool.. bi.cl .. lit• , .. -,,., ...... i....ii... ' All WELDED ••• * SNJG-COVERS No ,..,_h to lootMt 5.ek W' trap R.t•ht -r... food .. --~·· BALBOA'S • _ 80 whil .... in con g eir po ey 0 nn g Lester l\I. Blakesley, 4427 Rut· ............ e ..... uo program -name bands to 'the Rendezvous by CERTIFICATE OF B USINl'..SS Lo Be ch Calif · volves additional help and tr • N gers. ng a • . orrua. -ans their announcement of Skinnay Fictitious Firm ame WITNESS our h&llds this 13th da) ------------En.na and his band Saturday, of February, 1946. March 9 and Gi?ne Krupa. the fa· The undersigned does her eb)I DANIEL fv. HAYES mous drununer man and his band certify that th(>y are conducting at , LESTER M. BLAKESLEl Wednesday, March 20. 216 20th St.,' Costa Mesa, Cali· State of California ) 1945 TIDE TABLES MAKCH 1 2 High Low 7:23 1:23 5.7 1.9 8 :01 1:58 High 8:48 4.1 l:U 4.3 9:41 4.6 10:10 4.8 10:4S 5.0 i:'; Jack Arnold Taking -;~ Boats to San P~dro 5.9 1.5 -1.0 S'u 3 8 :39 2:35 6.0 I .I M 4 ' 9 :19 3 :15 S:H -1.0 S:M -0.7 4::16 -0.3 5.8 0.7 Tu 5 10:02 3 :58 5.4 0.5 1'kle9 are Dlaeed In order ol oet:vrnlD& l.istu rtcvr-a. l.i.: dU11 ncm-p. ,,, over STEAKS CHICKEN " SPARE-RIBS LOBS.TER cooked to perfection red-bot cbarozl. COCKTAIL 'WUNGE 12 Noon -12 (41dnight DINNER -VED 5·11 P . M. Santa Ana's Finest Eating . . . . Establishment . . . . 402 W""' 4th St.. Comer Birch Santa Ana Te~epltone oaa \ Closed Monday Jack Arnold, owner of the Ma Mac, 2()..passenger sportsfishing boat, has just purchased the Nor- den and both boats will join Joe Ma rt1n's fishing fleet at his 22nd street pier . San Pedro. The .Nor- den is 42 feet in length and has a capacity of 35 passengers. portation and enlargement of present facilities, it would be small compared to the cost of each city handling this individually, and as stated before the licenses and 1fees pay for them. ''The chiefs of police of some cities say th!lt their men are hired for crime prevention and genef8.1 police work and too much or their time ls spent catching and caring for dogs. p eir training has been in different fields. This work re- quires m en who have been trained as dog catchers. If ther e was only one county pound. oWners could quickly locate their dogs. They are immediately checked against the license number issued to them. ''We have investigated the coun- ty pound and found it to be in very good condition and hand1ed effi- ciently." fornia, under the fictitious firm County of Or ange ) ss. name of CO·OPERATIVE ROOF· On this 13th day of February fNG CO., and that said firm il A D 1946 bef S ed r . ., , ore me Nora . compos o the following person! Margwarlh a Notary Public in and whose na mes and addresses are 8.9 for said County and 1 State, resid· follows, to-wit: ing therE'in duly commissioned and CECIL S. HUNT, 337 Delmar sworn, personally appeared Daniel Ave., Costa Mesa. V . Hayes and Lester 'f\1. Blaketley ELLIO'IT T. ·BURR, ,216 20th knaY.'ll to me to be the persons St., Costa Mesa. whose names are subs'cribed to the GENE W . \VAGGONER, 2573 within Instrument, a nd acknowl· Elden, Costa Mesa. edged to m e that they executed CECIL S. HUNT. the same. ELLIOTI T. BURR. IN WITijESS WHEREOF, 1 GENE W . WAGGO~ have hereuri"to set my hand and State of California. .,. affixed my official seal the day County of Orange---ss. and year · iri this certificate first On this 13th day of F ebruary, above written. A.O. 1946. befor e me, D. C. Mac· NORA S. MARGWARTH, Kenzie, a Notary Public in and Noiary Public in and FoJ for the said county and state, re-Said County and State. liding therein, duly commissioned (My Commission Expires and sworn, personally a ppeared January 29, 1950.) Cecil S. Hunt, Elliott T. Burr and (SEAL) Gene W . W aggoner , known to me Pub.-Feb. 14, 21, 28; Mch. 7, 1946. to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within i~tru­ ment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. I N WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my ha nd and affixed my official seal the da~ and yefir in this Certiftca te first above \Vrltten. · DUNCAN C. MacKENZIE, Notary. Public in and for said County and State. My com · mission expires F eb. 11, 1947. (Notarial Seal.) Pub.-F eb. 14, 21, 28. Mch. 7, 1946 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTN'ERSRIP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Albert ?.1. Joyce a nd RDy H . Keene, co-partners, \vho have heretofore conducted that certain business known as Sportland, lo- cated in the.old Pavilion Building, Balboa, City of Newport Beach, California, have dissolved said co-- partnership, and that Roy H. Keene is purchasing all the r ight, title and interest of Albert M . Joyce in and to the business a fore- said .. Those having bills against said - JOB HERE ARE SOME OF THE THINGS YOU'LL WANT TO THINK ABOUT IN SELECTING A POSITION,,•• • I>Qes the company line the rept11ation of beiog a good plsce to work? • Are the people who work there the ldod you wotild like to have u friends 1 • Art there arrangemen11 for ac~ulrlng more and more knowledge and abililJ' oa the job? • An there opportUniries for promocloo with suitable iacreua ia income and n- 1ponsibility 1 • IJ the job Steady?, • IJ the office where you will work com- forrable, dean, we, and proper17 ligbted and heated? • Will you get vacations with pay? e Will you be treated with respect and coo• lidentioa? The Telephone Company offer1 the1e ad11a111ages * JUST ASIC THI OPllATOI fOI THI CHllP OPIRATOI 'Tu.Jill You GJ3e c:Here? • MARCH 9th, 1946 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon MR. FRED BECK will AUTOGRAPH bis book "SECOND CARROT FROM THE END" at our NEW store. Reserve your copy now Ar oUB NEW sroRE, 806 Noam MAIN STREET · Formerly Chas. Horn Books Estrellita's "' "' "' 80011 I IU NOBDI MAIN ARCADE BLDG. REND zvous· BAL ROOM • '• • • • • • • • All electric; aollMt ......... OI' st ... to ..Blow'' ,.... .. _ ll .. t or dWortlon.; ad ... 11 • iloat 11 .. ho•ur coat.ct - with beat 01" l'BONS -SANTA ANA FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE BOWL SPORT LAID • Pa111at. ANSELL Hll L Am> . ms ORCHES A Saturday, March 2n .,..,........,.,. ...... , ............ I r 1 ,_._...-..,. ·e .......... ·;~o ,.,_,, I • OOMING Saturday Night Skinnay Ennis Ard Illa °""" ! tr. • • LESTER'S . O. K. RUBBER WELDERS Newpclli t Bezdi t . . BOWLING ALLEY·S -For·-·~-..._ Mot U •1 lpa Bl zdi* A" ,. "BOOI'S" and ROY KEENE • I • " I • ·-'!11..:....cm-~--San-l'rom-d Pop-cra-Onh-.1 _gi .... _;_:!_rin-~-+p:.ro=ved-:-::-H-:-0+-US...!!!•~!!!!*-~N~~':t;:.;~!!!:"~~~s:~;tg A$signed ~: = ~shing sou~ r:o ~le re~ Next Week.in Costa Mesa Area 1n~~!~ ~~!!'~ Spot Tabbed by the dty council the barl>or 'Port Udo' mooring map which the District An information card bearing the • Peninsula and savs he ls here for u. s. Anny in Loo An• """'""' hot-. munber of each por-Sportf 1Sbing Fleet the rest ot his life. celes bu requested. tlcular dwelling ln un.lncprJiorated o. Z. •a•a1taoa Oulng<S 110""1 in ~and territory will be left with res!-Ready for &ason Mr. Robemon has been • dtl-• agreed upon ~ COW1ci1 hr dents next w~k by county can-• zen here for more than 12 years. • eluded a widened from 75 vuaen, ae<onllng to' County Sur-Starting Tomorrow He aperated a SU«:eSSCul grocery Port Udo la_ the name ol tbe. to 150 feet in the fairway .._ W. K. IDllyard. In dlarse , store on Balboa l5l11nd for ~ -t '""' tatlahlng center In south ol the island the of -county renumbering l)'ltem. (Cillltlnued from ~ Onel ,_,.., finally aelUng and going N~ Harbor. Formerly the ccmmerdal craft an the ~I The card to be left with each bod< to Loo Angelea for a few cautomla Marine Service, the at- , • I P.APALMER LIDO ISLE PWlFiliUlCS Vl 0 BVCX-Ina.ararice' Counaelar Ai;. 1500 ~""" 3333 VIA. UDO CALIFORNIA ._ talk with Telepbcine District Manager McDonald abaolves them from negligence. Mac. show1!d where the phone book lists the Harbor Dept. as ~rgency; that when the can came In the supervisor at once took <M!l', got the police; that Desk Sgt. Oiar- ley Priest was at the scene 9 minutes after the report arrived and phoned for life- saving equipment. That crew &peedily arrived. The phone can came from home of Cliff Cole, next door to Marie Pierce, who made the call and said: "Lad drowning, come at once!" 'nle opera- tor recognized it as an emer- gency .. Mac says the super- visor follows such calb thru to the finish and stays Oil the line \Dltjl all departments concerned a.pi~. boats. There would little dif· house wOJ rontaJn general War-~en day and charter hoe.ta; montha. For the put year he bu tracti~ buildings and doc:k:I re- ference in the n ol moor-matlon on the numbering l)'ltem 19th Street Landing-IO boeta ol been In the contracting busin ... at cently acquired by the Harl>or In-1 r--------------------------, ings allowed by this ge, Rus-an<! wUI give the. exact and olfldal Ray Kimball and otben who ap-Corona del Mar and ~ ·an -~t company opposite the 11 sell cratg, harbor ter, ex~ number for tha('bouse which will erate from his lewd dock; King's eoffident and economical adm1nis--LldO theater will becon:-= the head· plained. be Uled tor malling and all other Landing on 30th street, Newport tratlon If elected. quarters tor .a aportaflahlng ven- A new small boat ge off purJ)Olel of identification.. -10 to 12 day and d\arter boats; Staale:r Ootaaelltonld ture by Prentm M~. a Loi An- Harbor island was ted for pro-Mr. Hillyard pointed out again, T?ort Udo-Udo teetlon. one to The 21-year-old •World War n geles attorney remdln& on Lido perty ownen on that to the however. that rural route retl• itart and several othen to fol-ve~a.n believes the city coundl hie. west, because ·some ot the ml-dents are urged to continue to Ole" low; Earl's Landlng-f1ve day and needt representation from ·the Startin.I" off with two dally dents have recent asked tbr their rural numben until notice la charter boats; Scott't Landing-yuunger men. and from a World boats, ~ ftnt ot which, the pl'ces to moor t small craft. gtven to uae tM new house nurn--8 to ·to bolita· Pmt, 6raDp":-12: War soldler, u bu been the case Neptune la OI\ bend. ,MJ". Mom,t. " 'ii"'m."'" noted al ~~ hen. a .. .,.,.. Landini-lo: In the put. Stanley la a summer ·expe<:U to have ........i c:Parter In~~ south of boa and In the map of the area on which The· ·last four landlnp art on life guard at Balboa and wu boeta added lat.,. In the oouon. He 1n Uie yachting area-touth of the the new nln'nbertng system wu eoa., hJctiway, and are among the elected president pf the student hu studied the ~ for ~an fairway which Yiu to 200 shown by the NeviS-Times two laritett tn the harbor area. Oth!r body of Santa Ana Junior college u an interested obeerver and f11!1. feet for additional an arft, ~ weeks ago, It WU illustrated that lndividua1 boat ownen; were-not last year, afttt his return from tng fan, and la building his Mi-' 24-Hour Radio Service . . BOii&, .&17r0. lllAmNS ... a&Dlo9 UPAIBW:D '" . ' I /. BurtR.·Norton small area created on tilt west side ntunbertng begins on the north Included tn the above. which wl1l the aervtce. nea on the basis of wtult be 1~ of Udo Isle for pr owners in border of.the county and the 'Wftt-total 75 o-att altogether, not tn. Gilbert Se&I ed from the 'Sistomer's point of l'-------------------------;:===========~ that section. em end of the county and that eluding trolllng. Recently named executl"" ...,,.... view. Far~iwulta-N_. nm.. dam"ed columns. Ill 0.-m...,. ..._ 1&11 Newpwt: •r•ell, OlllL NEW LINE . Craft Greeting Cards at.aoae11 I · Brookings V arieiY .. .,... 9'1r7. ci.-..... a.-., a-n·w-. ..._ Sentenced to For Drunke i;;::~' In violation of OOunty oj 217, Hugh H. Wel»ler o Coota M- was sentenced to 7 d.a)'8 ln the county jail whr.n able to.-pay -----~---~----1 a $15 fine levied by uatlce of the P J E R S 0 L ' S Peace D. J . Dodge. streets running '.eut and west The average charter boat would tary of the Local 52, CIO Ship-C&pt. Davey Davidson, retired have numbering extending eut be vaJued in the neighborhood of builders Union .here Seal threw hil Loi Ansetes policeman who hu h'om the western tip and on $10,000, while tome C01tin& as hat lnto the race al the 11th hour QPerated bOats out of several har- streets running north and south. much as $70,000 are 11ated with because of hil interest tn oom-bor landings far the pYt few the numbering extends south from the association. The fleet unit munJ,ty affaln, a friend said. He seasons, will have active charre the north line of the county. has from one to four men each In Is 36. a home owner at 615 Broad: of the business here. Mr. Moore In the Irvtne subdivision, numb-its crew. street, arid a machinist for the saJd yesterday. Davidson is open- ering1 extends .southeasterly from Griffis: aa.ld that the bait •itua-pest ten years. He is now em-lng headquarters in the office oc- Newport avenue and southwesterly tion has been improved somewhat ployed at the South Coast com-cupled last year by Paul Lor- from Santa Ana canyon. far the comlng aeuon, but la not pa.ny, but was formerly a • mor-entzen. Professional Pharmacy %H FORl:llT AVENUE Lacaaaa-h The thousand part or the num-yet satisfactory for the peak of tlctan at Forest Lawn Memorial The new fleet Will be ready to ber will indicate the mile in which summer f'ishlng expected. Severa1 Park, and originally came to New· start operations the last week in ,.-------+-----. the home is located and the other boats have been added. 'The bait port Beach to do hh bit in the March, and hpects to put out portion will indicate the precise fleet alone ls worth in the neigh-war effort. daily, including Sunday at 7 a .m . e "In Bu.sine.SS /oT 'Your Htaith" ~1•11: la ~pU.­ COllPLtn: 910LOOIC.U. • oauo 8TOCJ[ h•klllbl • hr1:J~ a.It.I IDMtk 8tM.kl11ip. C..-. Cnlkt.e. a • .,.: • . • n ... : e ~ n.-..: 11 .. 11 Now Open Thousands of Used Re ords ' " Hundreds of New Recor s Current Popul,ar Hits Stationery and Luggage Harbor Camera & Record llS Z2nd St. Formerly U.S. Building position within that mile. borhood of $70,000, not included in 'There will be opportunity for sev- the previous valuation. eral deck hands and possibly an-Ex-Marine Opens Record, Camera Shop in Newport The immediate worth ot the In-'Sew and Save Week' other skipper or two, the owner dustry, essentially a •porting one, S t A • d f W • indicated. is greater than the average citizen e St ~ Or 0~£{'' Moore does not expect to take r eallz1'.5. he explained. While the : County Offers Aid ) an active interest in t~e busines$, half·milllon dollars per year in-· and referred all inquiries to his come ts not an accurate estimate, the long r ange benefit to the com-Remembering the days of our manager-skipper. He has taken a Al Hansen, ex-Marine and nep-munity from the men drawn from grandmothers when e ach spring tour-year lease on the modern hew of Herma n Hansen of l:Jan-all parts of Southern California several weeks were devnted to quarters w!1i ch i_nclude an office. sen's Confectionery in Newport, would be difficult to .measure. sewing in preparation for the sum-shops, marine railway and galley. has opened his new business, Har-Ma ny like it so much th11t they mer, the week of Feb. 23 to March ~kage for sevei:al boats ts pro-s d v1ded. bor Camera and R ecord hop. a t ret urn many times to fish. and 2 was set aside on the calen ar 113 22nd s tr<'E't , in the former USO f'Ventually to own their own home. of special events as "Sew and Save ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; 11 building in N ewport . j Some inquiries are received from \Veek." The business will carry a large as far away as N ew York and Mor e women are learning to st~k of records, old a nd ne\v, with Chicago. the sccreta ry added. se w, but if }'OU are one pt those 1 a complete line or albums and the who fe<'l your efforts would be a late-st popular hits. stationery and waste of time, money and ma- \uggage. City Ready to Buy te rial, yo u may be inter .. ted fo ' Fishermen's Frolic Honors Benedicts The Fisherrrie n's Union-300 of them-will help celebrate the re- cent wedding or four of its mem- $410 Surplus Goods know that tricks which make sew- ing easy and valuable help in From Air Base learning to recognize the proper patterns is available to you The city has an opportunity to through the Agricultural Exten- buy meter boxes, manhole covers, sion Service for Orange county, cast irOn pipe of several sizes, according to Mabel C. Stone, as-1 rigid pipe condult. and other items sista nt county Home Demonstra- .Quality Lumber and Building Matei;iata • I COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ' R. E. HOSTETLER Phone 41 bers in a frolic at the Costa Mesa ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;$;;;;;;~i i Women's club tomorrow night. Thia enterta inme nt, refreshme nts a nd dance are being given in the R A D I 0 S E R V C E C%i:.of t he newlyweds and their at the S a nta Ana Army Air Base,!u~·an=:•:g:en~t~·========~===========~ It waa r eported to the council Monday. The engineer wanted to take· advantage of the opening before the general public had BC· cess to the mater ials. THE OLDEST They were named by Charles l\fcLa uchlan, secretary, as follows: On Home a.nd Auto Radio Mr .. and Mn. Arthur Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Charles \V a llacr'; Mr. and AT REASONABLE PRICE Mrs. Burt Lackyard ' and Mr. and l Mrs. Ernest Hansen. Palme-"lr Rad·10 & Ele tr.IC ed~o.:'.:'im~~·~r ~~:\': !s.'i~: Evening Her ald and Express, will appear as honored guest. He is a 2348 Newport BouleV&rd composer or songs. The eritertainment committee consists of L. E. \ValJace a nd J ohn Bloom. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP IIU ~ Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No 11nd1 to any o6 --- Colonel J . J . Sailors was auth- orized to m a ke $41 0 worth of pur- chases from the surplus property list. Steel for Water Mains Arrives; Pipe WOI Soon Be Delivered Steel has arrived for lining of concrete water pipe for the 24-inch m ains ordered last fall. the city engineering office has been noti- ried. Work of fuming out the pipe for the replacement of the city mains between the Coast highway bridge and Balboa Isla nd can now go forward. "It's good news," commented Councilma n Bob Allen, when the letter from the American Pipe Construction Company .was read. in Newport' Harbor "' /;;. ~ For the convenience of our customers we will remain open Sundays until further notice. ~ lk. '- 911 Coast Hiway Ph, 184 • • • Bookkeeping Service Audits OOSTA KE&A. CALIP'. For office supplies, see the ;;;;;;PIN>;;:~ae;;:N;;;ewport;;;;;;~«;;;;;;;;;N;e;w;•;·Tlm;;;"";;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~,;;;;~~~~~~ ·INCOME T!X RETU NS B.N.llAFENFELD Public Accountant • Hours • 9 :30 p. 111- Phone 158 :Gas Heating & Ventil tion State Ucensed COntractor -U.C lulall&U-· Make Warm Frleja<lo •• ,..,......... Pt..:.e ""' Brr' lie roe ...,.ee .. - C.mplete Fountain Servi ffANSEN~S at NOW OPEN EVENINGS llALT8 • SANDWICllES· • · WOO$tJJBG I lee OrMm to TUe Out If you are -unab le to come§ in during ~ off ic e hours, why .not ve by mail? r · Whether it is saving for a_ home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings (and Loan Association l.apu ........ Cdf. -.... S9I Open for Business Storey' s Battery Service A new service is now offered to th~ people of the Newport -'Costa Mesa Area.· It is no longer necessary to scrap the battery. in your car, truck, tractor or boa~ just be- cause it is giving trouble: Bring it to us, we can repair it. • Heavy Duty 6-Volt Batteries List Price $64.00 . . $~400 : Our Special Price_···-··-~ ; less liberal allowance for your old batter)' 'l'hMe ...., Govel'Wllt 8mpl111 WteriM 41 Platel per OeU ' e Ideal for boo~;'Wesel motors or any &-volt • 9ef'Vice. Weislbt 150 pounds. e If you are in ileed of a· battecy of this type, it will !lli.Y you to· see us, as the number jg lln'llted. • • Ask Your Dentist Dentlsts both acclaim a nd re- omn1end the new Trazu,pu-ea.t Material and Ne\\' Hue Trana- ucent Trubyte Teeth u belnc the clo5e!it resen1blanoe to Na- ture's Own Teeth and Gwm ... so 41rellke" In detail, tbey t end to enhance your personal appearance. . Th exoeptlonal light \\'eight of these Ne"· Ma.- terlaJs reeu.lts In added Com- fort. To Show Yoo Samples EASY TO WEAR ' DR. COWEN CNlll• ...... • • . 'Mill not "'arp or 8brlnk ... he.Ii» avoid cllcldna-, wob-- bllnc, Irritation ":t.c· Dr. Co\\·en·s Uberal Cred..lt Term&. No ln_terMt or any ex- tra chal're; aprud the par menta over any reaaonable .length of time. This liberal of- fer applle. on all styles of den ... t&I plate., lncludln.c uppen, lowen.. p&rUals and roofleea dentures. ~OIMtyq.., .--... ·--(;jiN.i i5il51 1lllllin ff FOX 8 Let Fluorescent Lig'hting Increase Your Sales ' Sto"' window and sbowcaae dlsplays are at their attracllve best under the daylight glow of fiuorescent lighting, the modern way of showing what you have to sell to the best .~\'Ultap. ·The"' ...., no shadows to distort the picture you wllh to ...-at to the customer. Color!i 'appear In their exact shades. · . . ' We ...., now able to proride ~t lighting to meet your •pedal .._.., trOm the -•!lest luWia&n to the lal'plt. Callo for ..,.um.tee wweftld without de- lay. ~ service mahltahwl ETS • HOllN & GALVAI· ' 8IN<Z 4 lllt 1000 Cout lllway n-Newpori 118' " Am la -..,_,....,..~ .. tl*'r• -D•• °stss?j , EJ.ECTRICIANS C-0-Two fire l'.qalpe .. 1w FACl'Oal'. "f""• ~ Oft'llC&, FU.. BOllS _, • • 1 ' I • • • • ' • • ' - • • ' • • • • ' l ... -____ .:_ __ ~..:_-~-----.1-::--JD!!!~·~-~l!!T ·~ N'C"• n"' Pu11L1c ' Ndnce: Pum IC None n...:..-t ,.,.,: __ ._ __ Set 1 A -Ycrit man dofnw to have Muine Upholltery • Nooks A SPECIALTY Sllaw's U ' Bootha 1W1'7 c; P'Willlta:ae 1"1t .......... 9+tlllllrtoil Pldrup and DelM<y Senlce • Free F.ft1ma OTer wa.c 8aDC BoU &epalr Ill ~mp...,. "111" - - ·---o. .... ---·~ ·~-_, ·~ can::D • • .1.1 ~ 1or -u da18 wltbout .food. 11e Want Ads, -~A A -~-, ~ ~ Of Pobi:-O-L--Js W k, Apr 8 .-haw elher civm ... ardor UllOLVDON oO'JNO 1'0ftCS pr~~..!~ T fllrther here-m:; i;,aNU ee • ::.==:rt&=.~~~ cllf. or PSOW AlflfEJtAftoN b7 slwn Uiat the 4th dlQr at SAN FRANCISCO.-"We .._ -. ~~:~::~~::~:__-! ~-~-~-~, ~~·~-~~c====-~ o r 'l'EIUIJ'l'OllT TO no: CftT -. 19M, at the hour at 4 """' acutell' CD-Pt...,.; that the '"!be Calif 0iacr-at Pu-- or NEWPOllT-..ml. at sold day, In the C..mc:ll Own-world -lffden In the ooe1a1, enu -calls upm lta r-----------~I FOR A RE!lAME Paint Job• • benlntheCltyll.n,lntheCIQ<ot polltlml, c:Wtural -bome,llfe at memben ther dl!Rm to General ,.... bamo, ..U Newport lO!f' WHEREAS, there bu been pre-Newport S..aoh, la the U-and our United NatlonL From ihe -t the -attend the after 4:30 p.D1: ,l•dlo oent<d to the City CoundJ ot the pia... -and -~ .... -~ of our -today -In Variouo oom-Machine Work City ot Newport ilH<h. Callfomla, ownlnc real -t)> within sold will come the teacben, the le~-munl-durln& the weekc to meet a Pedtion nqunttnc the annez. territory \eo propoMd to bie an-en of. tomcrrow." 1 the teachers. le the new trends auon of the territory hereinafter neud and havlnc ~ objectimw Thia wu the dedaraUOft made and methods l!ducaUon, and desa'lbed to the City ot Newport to the ~ uneutloa, may today by Mn. J , J, Garland, ""'1-promo'u fri ~ rdaUon- Beach; , appear before the City C..mc:ll'-dent ot the Callfornla eonpm of lhlpo among wllo parUdpau l • BICYCLES -.rt.todar~ I VO<lm.'8 - 100 Kain Ill-, .. ,_ I NQW TIIEREFORE, IT IS show ca... why such terrltoey Pattnta and ~achen. In a publlc In this spleqdld ance," , L-----------------r----:===' HEREBY RESOLVED BY 'IHE ohould not be 10 annexed , 1tat..,,.,,t \qlnC cooperat!Cln ot Ownben """""°"". and CITY COUNCIL OF 'IHE CITY 4, 'niat upon IUCb annesatlon, the momben of the 1tat~Wlde dVic, labor fraternal sroupo Marine Machine Work :IOI Kuizle., a.Jboa 1 dS2 it -I STEAKS -- O'UR GllN U INll HOT • BUTTER CAKES • Complete Lnncheon-.55c • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 Kids' Caf -Newport Bl'"'-I I , Barney and Al Props, Newport Engineering A I ALTY - ociates J)Mlgnlng, Mannfacturing and 'sales !Engineers ---§1--- Marine and Industrial Ma hinery Instruments Material Handling Equi ment ---§,--- 1215 <lout Highway Newport BellChJ Phone 2462 OF NEWPORT BEACH, u fol-the City lhall; orpnizaUOft in the forthcoming throughout the tate annually par- lows; (a) At such• Ume horeafter u twmty-leYenth annual oi-Yanoe Udpau in the ce, l , That it ls propooed ·lo annex the final map of oald subdlvlalon of Public Schooll w .. k, beginning -----+--,,---- to the Qty of Newport Beach, lo approved -tiled, that the Monday, April & Juru•or Callfomla. that certain territory City will accept the dedlcaUOft ol After 1t&tlng that parent l!du- oontiguoua to the Oty boundarieo, the •tree~ oont&lnl!d wltllln the caUon wt>Wd be a maJor the!!>e ot Campai which territory LI more puticu... area of said .ubdivilion. the week, Mn. Garland continued: iarly described on "Exhibit A." an· (bl Approve lllld 1ubdivlalon "F?<Jm the begfuning the Par-AJon' g nexed hereto and by reference and pJan of developmep.t as met ent-Teacber association' bu stood made a pert hereof. forth, subject to the recommend&-firmly on the prlndple that the 2. That a.aid territory llee ad-tlon of"' the P lanning Commiuion. tuk of educating children and Junior Red will conduct jacent to and Westerly of that sec-Cc) Within a re~e time youth is a cooperative one that ls lU campaign 1 year simultan- tion of the Oty known u Tract from ~e date of ann~uon, the shared by . home, school, church eously with adult campaign, • Boat Building Material • 20,000 feet Fine Spanish MAHOGANY for Boats • SAMPSON Machine Works AWNINGS -CANOPIES Slat&O-Wood Awning Co of Orange Coonty 715 S, Philadelphia St. Anaheim Phone 3119 FREE ESTIMATES Anywhere In Orange County 17-tfc No. 444 and First Addition to New-Oty wtll extend the Oty's water and community. Only by a care-and on . March 1, 'school <:hlldren port Heights and between the line to the boundary of the pro-ful lnteg:ratlon of these social and 1Yill bnng to ~l thei: own State Highway and Old County posed annexation. in order that educational forces can the time small contribu o .. to their own Road and Westminster A'(_enue; connection therewith may be made spent tn school hold the KJ"e&test branch of Red O-OU. . llCN Newport Blvd. Try working today's crossword ----------;;;;;;;;;;;I by the subdivider for the supplying possible value t he home hours be This chil 1 campaJ.gn is not Pbone NU COSTA llE8A pw:zl Beer of water to said subdivision. enriched and Uie leisure hours be to be conf with the senior I i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~·~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. (d) The Oty shall not levy nor safeguarded from adverse infiu-pro~am, says Gretha '!Ubbs, assess any taxes against the an-Juruor Red 0'9&s. ctia1rman. nexed territory to pay for any New Plymouth Teachers and f!dults are asked Wines Liquers Whiskey present outstanding bonded debt to send their Cross campaign of sajd City of Newport Beach, Sho· w·1ng Here donations Uy to the adult (e) Zone said annexed property headquarters nd not to send as .indicated on _ the attached ten-Next Monday thelll: ~a sch 1 _with children. ta t1ve map. subJeCt to the recom-PreVlously J or Jl,ed Cross has mendation of the Planning Com-conducted its membership cam- mission. The ne'v line of Plymouth cars paign in Nove ber. Mrs. Tubbs The-City Clerk shall cause a \\-ill. be placed on display at the pointed out th the children bring [~ R f)...fl ~9lc:: copy of t he foregoing Resolu tion N<'"rpor t Harbor lVIotors ?.-1:onday, their O\\"tl smal amounts to school, l5 U'\\J L=J 2> ·to be published at least once a l\1arch 4 at 2616 W. Central and a budget between fiftY and week for t"·o successive weeks in avenue. it "'as announced by NOT'-sixty dollars i accumulatCd each tQ'\ lc)~n R 0 the Newpor t Balboa News·Ti"\es· ma n Wilson, general manager of -year. From t is, fifty cents per V:!J lJ\S U'\J LS a newspaper or general citrulation the new agency here. The new room is sent o n ational Junior l.::========;>J 1 published in the City of Newport line is being shown ooncurrently Red Cross hea quarters. as mem· Beach. California. all over the country. bership dues, a,nd the rest re-Boots and Roy Keene Palm and Bay, Baltx. Phone S91 Beginning at the point of inter-"The new Pl)'l"!'louth cars em-mains in the s ool to supply ma· section of the southerly prolonga-body more impiovements than teria1s for th school children's tion of the easterly line of the found in most pre-war yearly program of wo k for hospitals, for- FRUIT TREES' Now's the Time to Plant PEACHES . PLUMS .. APRICOTS FIGS . , APPLES . WALNUTS ORANGES . AVOCADOS STRAWBERRY . BOYSENBERRY YOUNGBERRY ~RAPES . RHUBARB Costa Mesa Nursery State Highway 80 feet in width model changes," he said. "The eign children, tc. '------------------t-============~=~:"':"':"':"':"':"':"':"'""'."'~ with the center line of Old County new improvements are manifest in Just now, PS. Tubbs reports, Road 50 feet in width. as said both appeara nce and engineering the Junior R Cross here is com· 1 :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 480 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa, Ca.llf. ' ' -........ .... .,.., """""' S.lols---· Atropo lirtndt -- ''T ere Goes Anoth~r • I so reyhound Bus! Real Local Senice!'' I Departures Daily from I ' NEWPORT BEACH The ny friendly coaimeou beard daily about Greyh uod service make ir a pleuure for Grey bound folks r give your community rhe kind of rop·norch higbw y uansporrarioo you oow eojoy locally and all up d dowo rhe coUL Gre hound's numerous, well· rimed tchcdules ( bring u11: cities closer together for both business \ and pl asUtt, providing coaveo.i.ent. low-cost uavd ed by any other form of uaosportation. For e bnt io bus service. , • '°""' ""GfY]bolnu/. , I C, C. waflord 608 Coast Highway Ph, 876 S tate Highway and Old County details. "ith particular attention plet ing educat nal boxes, packed Road are shown upon a m ap of to safety features, which have been with school s pplies for foreign Tract No. 464. recorded in Book engineered into t he basic design of children. She ays these programs 32, page 1 of l\<l iscella neous Ma ps, the car," Wilson said. of work add u to a fine training Records of Orange County, Cali-in internation •good will and an fornia, said point of beginning be-v1·s1·ting Nurse appreciation 0 the goals of Na- ing in the north\•lesterly boundary . tional Red Cr s and service. line of the City of Newport Beach; S • • Co t Running thence North 16° 01' East erVIce ID un y a long ~he aforesaid souther!~ .pro-To Be Expanded longat1on and the eas terly line of 1 said State Highway 468.26 feet to 194 Lawn Model Swings the beginning of a curve to the Formed to aid the families of right ; Thence, along said curve ser\rice men duriR g the war. the concave to the east a nd having a I Visiting Nurse Service of South-With white ff8JJ.!.e covered with radius of 960 feet through an arc ern Orange County chapter of the vat dyed a~ duck and 4 inch zed fringe on CSl"f>PY· length or 317.95 feet ; thence.I Red Cross h as been reorganj I the last mentioned curve and alongl to civilians. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA I Offers Yoa the Finest Placle to Dine lo Orangt> County: All New· - - Even the Location , , _ One-Half Mlle East of Old Location on Coast Highway, Beautiful New Cocktail Bar Nor th 34° 59' 35" East tangent to and ex'panded and is now available ~ the southeasterly line of said State Miss Lillian S. Henders~n Is new NOW VAILABLE? Highway, 17.03 feet to an intersec-di.rector of the service, coming to Flnt ln Yean mla , th Se , f tion "ith the southeasterly line of Santa Ana from Matawan, N, J" Wool d Slat We Lead Southern Callfo m e l'Vlll& 0 Westminster Avenue as shown where she filled a sifnilar post· , , -SEA FOODS - upon said may of Tract No, 464; tlon, With 45 per cent of nunes in Porch Shades , AL.SO thence. North 34° 59' 35~ Ea.st military duty planning to . con-IJB kind f STEAKB 85.17 feet to a point in the center tinue their education before ente.r-5 t A T t YO O line of said \Vestminste r Avenue; ing active service. and hospitals an a I na en _·VISIT OUR KITCHEN -;" thence. Nor th 57° 37' East along overcrowded, home nursing is in-& A • C 5 r Se food Sp the said cente. line of Weitminster eVitable, said Mrs. Laura R War-wn1ng 0o am $ a , a Avenue 669.44 feet to a point ren, chapter executive secretary. lftAAi.: &In s.nt.a An ~ Fish M ket wh ich bears South 55° 37' West This skilled nursing is available --:~' M a &nu Br 345.66 feet an.d North so• 47' to anyone who n~ it, a slight 'I06 ~t Btvd., Lacuna UOl Oou\ mctnraJ (Neu Be.I n-M) West 33.5 feet from the most charge being made. ?.-trs. Emily L======~===============:'~~~~~~~~~~=======~=======; northerly corner of said Ttact No. Reinking is staff nurse and li11ss ; 464 ; thence, South so • 47' Ea.st Helen Schwab is part time nurse. 511.87 feet to an intersection wtth1 the center line of Old County Road Ramsey Released 50 feet 1n width as shown upon • • map of Tract No, 27, as recorded W Ith Six Battle Stars In Book 9, page 26 of Miscellane-John Bennet Ramsey, 1917 Court ous Mape, Records or said County, 'Street, Newport, was released this Said center line being the north-week after three years in the navy westerlf boundary of the City of after duty in the Asiatic·Pacific Newport Beach; thenCe, South, 13• theater and participation in the 57' East along saJd center line ot 1Phillppine liberation . the Old cbunty Road 32.38 feet, / Ramsey served as· radioman more or less, to an angle Point tn ;aboard the ba1tleship South Da- said center line; thence, South 36• lkota and wears six battle stars on 18' West along the center line ol his four ribbons. said Old County Road and &&la City boundary line 440,43 f .. t : PUBLIC NoTtCH thence, South 10· 06' West along ,------0:--0--:---- the center line of said Old County Old County Road and saJd City Road and said City boundary lihe Boundary line 719.69 feet, more OT' 496.06 feet ; thence, South 56° 59• less, to the point Of beginning. \Vest along the center line of said On motion of Councilman Allen, F. C. VENN "REALTOR Notary Public 807 Coast WJtf:lway Corona del .a.tar, Calli. ~ seconded by Councilman Stanley, the foregoing Resolution \\'SS in- troduced and passed by the Coun- cil or the City of Newport Beach at a regular adjourned m eeting held on the 18th day or F ebruary, 1946. and adopted by the fol lowing vote: Watchmaker and Jeweler Balboa IslaruL UNION IS A YES: Councilmen Allen, S tan· ley, Isbell . Reed a nd Hall. -;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. NOES: Councilmen None. • ABSENT: Councilmen None. How Does the Present Union Acffvity la OralHJe Coun~ Affect You? Oa,.JiJat. /o1z. e14 eruu An in ependent candidate affiliated with no .factions, roups or with any political. alliances , • ---runnm business m strictly on his merits as a successful and citizen of Newport Harbor. ' ote ~ (!). 3. (R~) Ro/Jell&n • " ,. • ATTEST: CLYAN H, HALL, Mayor. FRANK L, RINEHART, Oty O erk. Pub.-Feb. 21, 28, 1946, e Oar atore bulM••c toFd. • • • have IMeed y,. .., lhnW B~ la 11100 bloek, New- port 8""L WILL OPE~ About April ijlt FIJLLER PAINT$ Armotronir & PaboO LINOLEUM l I and ; ~BL1Nf>8 -REMOVAL SALE -I I --BURTON PAINT I STOKE ....s· a W•• 7 1 • ~- • .. H ,EAR DR. DAN GILBERT • Nationally ,,.,IO .. Author and ~ ' lps•li .. .e Wll~ .... ... .. School-Scinta Alla M_...,, Mmdl 4ffl. 7:30 P.M. Anaheln1 Union Higfl School-Anaheim, T•esclay, Madi 5ffl. 7:30 P.M. _ NO I.OMISSION :-NO CO! I r:.:1 ION , ,. • ... " -.. '' r _,.. .. _, --W~"-··-. -ii -• . .. '· . I ' I ;~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ to NCODt dloanales Ml& .• • ~ oome ,.,ion-. bay fPVft, utbma. maJIJ' IYi8 at he-. FOR S~IArge ty 1¥&ter coldo and JJ1cuceot1on m.oy be ca... oottener. am-t -· Pbcme .. . -I ......... • ed by allergic oem!Uvlty. N . B. 1994-W ev · 14-4tc Read Them ,,,, SSfs11D~~~ ~. l ' ' ·Them fw Re8llltB · · . .... 11t• Ii'' • ---Ir .you dcm't find wtlat )'Q<I are .looking fm an '"'• PAIH'llHG OON'D&~ FOR SAI,E Hoover '1eaner, per· PAIN'l'INGI-PAPlllR lliNGJNG feet condition. • 1S83-W. andDIXJORATDIG l&-2tc .::::::~::::::==:::::::"'="======"7'T===================""j="'~'="'=-------:.-:=!::---.,...--~ . ....,,,===========i:~======================================= B. s. ~ -FFlre~lPla~ce;-:~and;i'"Ft;n:~--llUlllCil ••• ,,., .. WANTSD TO llENT u wg4 1. ESTATE ,, REAL l'.STATZ '' ••••· mA'I.'& ,, n••. mAn Cl ·U4 Old ODuDly Rd.. Pb: 184-W W 0 0 ) ------------. lo.a. -~tte STEINWAY Grand, Ulre new, -WANTED TO RENT->-2-_._,. .• STANDS THIS ONE I Balboa Peninsula . Dell~ at the world'• -teot pianoo. house or apt. Punw>ent rsl· ~ M H. W. WRIGHT Pb. 2030 ~ tone. S..uutul cue. dent. Phone 22Uhl. J 17-4tc 1784 N.,rpmt Bl., 3,tfc ~~ •· ~--t t •~ -Wll.L DRl]VE alternate -days to ·~ w an -w~ or w~ LOCAL BUSINESS MAN wanto Loo,Anael.._ Write or..., W. H. WHY PAINT YOUl BUMPER! cliacrimlnatln& bQy<r. ~ to rent 2 or 3 bodloom -· Huber. 43:1 Goldemod Aft.,' Co-Use KRO -O'S Scbmldt Plano Co., 520 No. Main Permanent. Write 1932 W. 91ot rtma do! Mar. 17-4tc i'F' Santa Ana. 1-tfc Pl..,.,, Loo Angeleo 44. or phone ~A ANA AUTO 111.AVEL So~~1 ~ .. alers Radio Repairinlt'. PLeuant ll896. t 7-4tp SERVJ~Prlvate can to all .l Co • M Houoe callo cla1Jy except Sit. and WA.NT TO RENT-Apartment or cltiee In u. s. A. dolly. ~-~!!,g. ''p ;::",!\5~ Sun. C<m~te stock at tube9 A small bouoe. l'urnlshed. tor sln&le Ucr:NSED. INSURED 17-Stc facl<ry roplaoement ~ Ph: teecher, man. temporary QI' -- Ph: Santa Ana 6548. 312 French __ ciRA:Ni'~rnitfflm,--345. MESA RADIO .l EI.EC-manent. Call Newpmt Hieb Street. 16-4tp ORANGE 00 .•. • • Tl!ONlCS CX>, l'IM N-pml School. J . W. Johnson. 17-4tp OUT HAR.BOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors • 6,500. • 6,500. Facing en Canal, Newptrl -1-bedroom houae. Completely fumlshed. Immediate ~ ' Newport -Costa Mesa T-A-X-1 UPHOLSTERlNG CO. _m_..i. _______ ~_tt_c 1 WANTED TO RENT or leue-:, Of u:.::::1.:..i·ctUJ'!"urnl'" tun! RADIO BOUR C4J.ra -N-bouoe or apt. Pmnanent. Call • 413 w. tth St., , ·-ta Ana Ulat 1d•"11dn•I """'*""t tacll· at 309 16th P11ce, Coota Meoa. 2-story, 3-bedroom home on Mira Mar; 2 baths, · hardwood noors, sundeck over double garage. Oceen ahd bay view. Cour- tesy to Realtors. ; Nke 2;bedrocxn house. Cloae In. with double garage, partly tum. Immediate P1 Bl asloo. Terms. Sl'*u""'"""" idd•u an &nll&IM. ..,. an aJ:lla Anyth1nc ln harbor areL .Foctory and to --aollo cm larp 17-4tc Under New Manocenent. Sot w .. t Center s . Anaheim ... I•. .l.11 .-,..,..,_, / 24-Hoor Servl~Phone 2530 Phone Anaheim 4 .f collect IUROU> L. R•MV , a.o.•. UNT • ....., .. .,'NSOW 41 609 Cout Blchway U.tfc Radio, 300 llbrlJw Ave. Pb: 780. BUIU>ING-800 oq. ft. _, $15,000 --1-- BALBOA ISLAND 2 Bedroom home, Park Ave. Completely fllmlshed. Immediate: possession. 17-8tpl~---oo=RO=N:::l::-:1Alcl0:-----11-ttc floor spoce. (;lamer 28th and =-,-=-.-=-_.......,,.----------=11 Centnl. WW remodel Apply COLD _. K.AikiA* 777 WAVlli Tlatlais u4 M•=f• ... S• ... Appetntm.,te PIL 1r.W . Vi'1 Beeutv llaoo 1111 Oout BlwaY.-~4'1 Kai' ,. '""' Sickroom Supplies Bed Pam and Etc. • Newport Pharmacy 2108 Ocean Front -Phone 5 17·1tc L09T .um FOUND • Electric Ran , $178 Radio Repaln llSl3 Finley AV<!. tMtp Immediate ~ "';.':..,_ "'= ~ ~~: Storage Auto Batt riee Nwpc<t -cit 11-tte FOR RENT -Larp space for 11-moath -I 411 Ex. stonp on Balboa Ial11>d Olll Pe~~~ Oil wwnr••. AN!Tfomu••••n • _™-________ 15-4 __ tc _o. 7' ~ Stuc!J at H~ Elt. ~ Ui\L EllTATE 41 W-... -rn A· .. · Supply Gutnnteo -208 Security mdl:. VACANT -CORONA DEL MAR ""'.:~"rie.im Pasadena, Calif. 11-::iotp Partially completed house on " east side of Jumii>e, oouth of 1836 Newport Blvd. qi.ta .._ No Delay Fourth. Price $2600, Holt, 401.S Jwt... . . ._ B Aid BA •• 'D$8 Clim-Dl'IC C.. 117 Mala st. i't. OU S.tfc -Melroae Ave., Loa Angeles. Pb: ~tte Rellnllh your ldtd>en ,b&throom with new tile board. F. P. Waldron Telepbone 234W. ' 3-Ctc N0-26162. 17-ltc J. E. Barnes & Son 1808 Newport BJ'ld. Coet& XML PbOlle 011 Furnished Home REW ARD ror return of black coin pUne lost Monday between Bal· WA.N'DID 'IV BUY 11 boa and 513 W, Central Ave. SNOWBmD or "FL TIIE" want· 2 bedroom on ~ acre land. Fire- place, patio, rish pond. Backyard fenced. Large living room and kitchen. Ph: 306. 16-2tp ed. by private pal y. Any con- EllPLOYMINT WANTED II dition OK. Telep one WEbster 6661, L A .. rever e charges. 16-3tc WANTED-Expert boat meehan· ics, also expcrten~ boat repair man. See Mr. Miller at Bay s·hO!'e Camp. 14-tfc • HELP WANTED -Want retlned woman to uallt mot.her of 2 children. Room, board and aaJ. ary, Ph: N. B. 2210. &-tfc WANTED-HOTEL ILUD. BelhM Inn. """"" 6"°. ....,. INTERESTING WORK Pleasant Working Conditions Learn TELEPHONE OPERATING Increased wage rates : now in effect 6 Volt Hea\I Duty Batter es Government suri us. 41 plates per cell. For boa s , diesels, etc. List prlC< $68 Our Price $34 .00 Storey's Batu rY Service WESTMINS~ 'R A VE. (Between 18th ~ Magnolia) COSTA l IESA 17·1tc ANNOU CING Our New .ocation We are now locate at 2818 West Central Ave. Phc :ie N.B. 1781-W Ba:v El tric Complete Motor nd Gentrator Repair S rvice 2818 W. Ce11Jral Ave. Tele phone 1781 W 17-Btc KEYS Ka.de While Too Walt VOGEL'S 100 Hain St., Balboa \ 208 Mvtne, Balboa bland H-ttc BUILD NOW LOW COST HOMES See Model at 711 Begonia Ave., Corona de! Mar Full price, $7500 -Terms 2 Bedroom House Good location. east side or New- port 81"'1. $6250 -Furnished Home In Corona del Mar. Lot 30xll8. Possession June 1st. $8,000 Large Business Lot On Newport Blvd., 100x245. $10,500 New 2 Bedroom Home In Corona del Mar. Comer lot; hardwood noon; fireplace. . $8950 J . E. Barnes & Son 1809 Newport m.d. eo.ta llta. Phone 510 17·ltC BROSE REALTY Lots 80 feet south or highway on Poppy street. Some trult trees. $6000 ' COAST PROPERTIES CO. • REALTORS • 703 E. Central Ave. • Phone 683 • Lot On Peninsula Zoned for Duplex $2750 Bay Front Lots Several Oioice Ones 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar $1 8,5 00 Home On P eninsula 5 Bedrooms. 2 Baths. Flreplace.- $16,000 J 17-ltc For Sale BalbQa Island East Bat.' 3 Bedrooms Furnished $25,000 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford BROKER 308 Marine Balboa Island Phone 234-R 17-tfc H. M. Lane Real Estate 2006 Court Ave., Opp. City Hall Phone 343 W. L. JORDAN Lots! Lots! Lots! 700 East Central, Balboa Ocean Front, only $400.00 down, Phone 1S3 13-tfc balance monthly. ---A~NN~-=o-=u=N"'c"'rn=-=G:---Lot on 28th Street near ocean, $1500.00. Opening . of New 30xl00 in El Bayo Tract, zoned Real Estate Office tor multiple. $2700.00. In the heart of Newport Beach 111 Feet on Court Ave., zoned for Highway B~iness District apartments, $8,000.00. 634 Coast Hiway 50xll7.5 F eet in Newport Heights on Santa Ana ave. $1500.00. A "Sandy" Steiner 2 Good lots on Rlv'll"lde Avenue. . ' $15,000 2-Sl'ORY, 4-BEDRM. HOME. Built-In' bar, lovely patio; tlreplace. · Completely fUmlshed Inc. 2 elec refrlga. • $27,000 OCEAN FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom near Balboa. In A-1 location. Nicely furnished. Immediate pos8. $13,500 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom; pier and float. Fully tum. Double garage. Immediate poss. An Excellent Value,,$15,000 dn. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA HOME 3-Bedroom; fireplace,; hard\V<><>d floor.i. Open for inspection. Ocean Boulevard. Immediate possession $16,500, Terms BUSINESS INVESTMENT Motel . --24 units on highway. Nets $26,500 year. ' SEE US FOR BUSlNESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best. Results HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtor Sl.500.00 each. ~ C. F. Dennison View comer in Newport Heights, Associate Realtor 50xl43.46. $2.000.00, t erms. Real Eatate and Business Lot on corner of Broad and Realtors llOth at Omtral .ln. ~e 1800 17·1tc Opportunities Santa Ana, Newport Heigh t.;, __ E_V_A_F-. -,R-H--:0-D-:-:-EW::-:---..,.---------=--- . $1.550.00. 2 Bedroom Home Furnished. On Harbor Blvd. $7200 El Bayo Tract Home Two apa.runents. ~ $21 ,000 Ocean Front 50xl25.5 on Redlands Ave., Ne\\·· port Heights, $1,100.00, Houses Houses Houses 2-Bedroom house on ocean front, furnisl'!M. $7,500.00. 1-Bedroom house between ocean and Seashore Drive, $.5,000.00. On Ocean Front east of Newport pier, 5-bedroom. furn. stuc;:o, $17.000.00. Fine 2·bedroom house, tumlshed. Newport Heights 50xl27·ft. lot with sewer. $900 El Bayo Tract 6-Room Home good location, Cvrcna del Mar, 2 Bedroom and a maid's room, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen & 2 bathrooms. Sunporch. Built in 1940. 11lis lovely home baa wall-to-wall rugs and complete heating unit. Excellent view of ocean and bay. Plus apartment over garage on 2 $8,000.00. lots. Oose to pier. Unfurniahed. Newport Heights 3·bedroom house. $15 000 lot 100xl17.5; lots of fruit trees. __!_ $7,500.00. $19,500 Waterfront Corner Lot $5500 View Lot . ·Income Vacant Heart of Balboa; 11 units stucco 3 bedroom house~ Extra large Uv- wtth 4.2-foot adjolriing vacant inl" room, newly decorated. nle lot; neto $250.00 monthly. $25,· sink. 1-ge lot. Clooe In. Coota 000.00. Meaa. ' Balboa Island Two-Family Dwelling Furnished. Good location. Near Bay Front. Immediate possession of both unlto. $13,500 $5700 Down John E. Sadleir 302 Main Street Balboa, Calif. Phone 2034 .. Apply Southern California Telephone Company Ibo E. Bay A ft., Balboa Over 50 Units sold here last month.__.. Newport Heights $7600-Terms· • 17-ltc FOR SALE--20 h.1 Marine Del.tel, like new. Half or ginal cost. can Newport 2234-V\ 14-tfc 45 reet south of highway on Mari· gold street. $3,250 50x127 . ---Fred Briggs or -•••r. mTATS DClllANOS '8 ----=-t·----- or PICO BUILDING MATERIALS ' 60 reet south or highway on Nar-- cissus avenue. $3,675 $2500 Coast Hiway Lots These are hard to get. ·Danny Head • with I'I.M. Lane · View Lot -640 A ro l.28l 1n 1>ee.uutu1 North Excellent view over harbor. Locat· New Mexioo, trade on SO.ft. boat ed clc:.e to Arches. and up. Hupaylo, 2106 Oak Glen $3500 Place, L. A. J.S.lltp AU tht Operator for ~ Cblet Operator w ANT TO BUY-Snipe or Snow· bird 1n A·1 condl Jon. Write 1..272 Roanoke Rd., an Marino ar ph°"" Sycamor< &-8357. 9-tfc 45 feet north or highway on Nar-JOO feet by 246 feet 170 feet by 600 feet 2006 Court Ave. -Phone 343 Opposite Oty Hall · .. Phone 343 · 17-1tc . -Jm>N'E'I' 'l'O lllOAlf •• Corona de! Mar LOA>rl ro BUJU>. """· -·· 86-ttc FOR SALE-One O.h.p. Outboard 16-2tc ctssus avenue. motor, $150; 0 e J().ft. water-a i1800 ' w ANTED -Experienced service proof veneer Pll _,t, 48-ln. beam,1"4 -o'Qa=UNT="7=·=-=--===-===-I ') station operator. Call 985. S75. with oars; ~e l·ln. centri-CEMENT M~ FOR RENT-;-90 feet north of highway on Nar· 16-tfc fugal water pun p, $45; 760 feet $3 per day. 511 East Third S~.. dslus Ave., beginning at comer. ---------,.---%·In. steel cabl1 $'76. ZWJ7 VWa Santa Ana. Phone 1704. 17-Jtc $4100 WANTED-Sales men and women Way, Newport l ~ach. Ph: 458-W -------==-:,..,..--:----1 Rooming House and Apartments Balboa Ialand. Good income property. $20,\)00 J .M. MILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central • Balboa 2 lots, both have fine view above modemia or ""'mnoe. ocean. Newport Balboa Federal k'riac• $4500 each · ~Uld i..... A90 1 1l!m -Via Udo ~-JIG" EVA F. RHODEN LOANS Lot for sale in center of buslnea Broker BROSE REAJ,. TY .-district. Owner will sell aa 1a or 470 Newport Blvd.. Coota -. d u to sio ooo.oo 1307 Coast !Ilghwoy Rooming House will build to suit tenant. ELTON D. BARNE'IT. Saleoman SJOO.OO an P ' for Newport, Coota Mesa and after 4 ,30 p.m. l4-tfc Wll.L EXCHANGE 2-bodloom un- Huntlngtcm Beach. to sell build-furniahed Apt. ln Long Beach, Ing materlala on commission. Marine :tadios Belmont Sho"" district, 1 block Apply Til Begonia Ave., Corona Available immedhi t.e delivery, com-from bay for unfurnlshed house del Mar. 16-2tc plete range of 11zes... Your tn-or apt. 1n Newport area. Phone Corona del Mar Costa Mesa -Ph. Newport !965-M 17_2tc See us If you need l1ICDe7 Phone 2048 U-ltc Very clean. Beautifully furniahed. Ocean Front Paymento to Flt Your Income BROSE REALTY ~d.·11nvestment. Room to ex-BWJlnea Lot FOR S~1' ac. In Coote M-. Loans on Can ...-• 1 100 feet frontage on ocean. 50 feet 30 min. from Long Beach, 2-Truckl and Trallera •__,_n wol • IDGGINS N. B. 2560. 14-ltc WANTED -GIRL for secretarial ~~ work. Must know shorthand, PLEASURE '-• 810 Cout W.&.:Mm TO WW &I <yplng, spelling, and general of· !Ilghwa,y. Ph: · 04. 9-tfc ROOM OR APARTMENT wanted fice V1;ork. 5 days a week. Apply n:llE mQ , • Tll8'!"8 by 2 emplo,.m_ girls. Phone Newport Harbor Union High C..O.Two. • A: Foam retllb. 1763-W after 4 p.m. 14-4tc Corona de! Mar SPECIAL school 17-ltc CO. flzod and Portal>leo A.Pl' OR SMALL house by local aow llV&llabk. li:TB ROKJN • couple. No children or pets. Ph: 1 Bedroom Home WANTED -Mu (or Women), VAN Cout DI-South ot bJgh well ed N .. t appearl"a for profitable GAL ' lOOQ ._MW11)'. ' 22E8. 15-4tp way Oil local $8500 --1384. TS.ttc 31>-ft. comer lot: house about advutiJlng campaign now in ef-W~ TO RENT er leue, un-five years old ; in excellent con- fect. Excellent opportunity it llUUO&L • turniahed bouR. Ph~ 1850--R-dition; large ~; reaJ n~ . you qualify. Apply l'llr. Van 11 5-tfc place: hardwood floors; if'l"llY Deren, sc.111i N. Main St., Santa FOR SALE -omplete set of w ANTED by NllpOnlllble T8l&+ pine interior; tile drainboard; Ana. 16-lOtc Drums. All A;l condition. 812% pboDe mmp1oyee, 2 OI' :s bedroom wall heaten; "-enetian blinds; ~ ~ • E. Suri, BalbOa 17-ltp I ho--. Pwmanent. Phone l!aata larile double garage: fenced yd. ------------: nrH~" S . Ana :1829. 8().tfc Immediate poo. Temis If" cle-FOR S~Do,y bed. \lllbOlatered ™u • ~ u~ et type ·mirror •ired. chair. :lit Opal Ave .. Balboa ls-piano, a barg Terms. Dam· WANTED TO RENT-House or land. Pholle 1126. U.tfc Schmidt Plano ::0., 520 No. Main apt. by couple. Ace 50, No pets Santa ""-· 8-tfc or chlldren. Phone 134!>-M. - Trailer Court and Gas Station $625 per month tneorne. Excellent Motel Site. Business Property Center of Costa Mesa 3 atorft. Room to ._...s· Present Income $26:1.50 month. Liquor Store Llcmae and~ on street. Good for stores or bedrm. frame, nimpua room con- apartments.. nected to garage, wub house, OYer 22 Yean In Santa Aaa Bargam at $6500 fruit trees. c1ooe to ICbooll and Federal Finance Co.' -markets, It's cozy, lt'1 cut,,;and B A INC · ay ve. It la only $6,000. I>obeny, E . 429 No. Sycamon Exceptionally well located lot on lot St., Lons Beach. Ph: '.!'!1'792tc· Phone 6200. Santa Ana. cant. B&y avenue. ' ~ I-lite $ 3250 . FOR SALE-Lot 00 Harbor Blvd. ~.un-.~~0~-~-~·~·~·~"iiiii~-~-~=~· .5-U nit Income very c1-In. 50xl50 to an alley. FOR SALE-'33 Plymouth CCJOjpe, Near ocean. Income nearly $200 Tolephone 47S.:J or -te P. 0 . good condition. Call at 413 B&y per inonth. Bos: '56, Coota M-. '17-ltp Front, Balboa. ll-2tp Price $14,750 • -$6500 Stock at Inventory ... t. Costa Mesa WE NEED LA TE MODEL CARS -5-Room bouoe on Newport Blvd. Dn.LE A McGUIRE Lawn M.,..... GOOD used Some ~ 11-11c 2 BedroQlll Home $8.75. Corner Acecla and Pacific ' u on Poppy street, '!IO{th ol highwa,y. We respectfully bid you to list $2500 Down your property for S&le and -_ . •d Will Pay Top Pricea Ori'"" Corona del Mar. 14-4tc u $89. Fine f"' practice. Euf WANTED TO RENT-Bay Front 1-5-fL lot. beautiful vi.,. House terms. Or " Ul rent. Danz.. house for month of July or first about five )-ears old 2 Fi:re- FOR SALE-French BIDoculan, new, 12 power, with cut", $150. 210 Nardsaus Ave .. Cirona deJ Mar. 17-ltp Scbmldt Plano ::O .. 520 No. Main 2 weeks. Furn., 4-bedrm. Mn. places; wood floor ronstructl<>D. Santa Ana. S.tfc Stoker, Oarcmont, 586 W. 11th Possession. Arvin & Emerson St.. or phone 7321. 16-atp $12,500 with uo. ' A "Sandy" Steiner Realtor Phone "four Listings and -will ~ them rm'Y consld..-atlon. ,- · BnJ, YOUR QUl NOW Wblle Pdam are Hliib- Plrrr ... _. ...._ llllf'I' who d eall md . whks ~ r.r ,.. OPA -•ttmw, • rRc pdcm and arr-.e .. .,..,!lz . , FOR SALE-Now matchod let of golf clubo. St. 4ndttws make. with Encllah i.au..r bag. m. 210 Nardaus Ave., Corona del I ORANGE County Harbor employe. R A I 0 S I wife and 2 chllclr<>n, need 2 or 3 24-Hour R dlo Service bedrm. .houle, preforably 1n. CJo. Sho~ Cu uit Radio rona del Mv. Permanent. - BROSE REALTY C. F. Dennison AAocl&te Realtor Real Est.ate and e. .. ..-. OJiprtunltla 634 Coast Hiway J. M. MU ,I.E'R Real Est.ate -l.Sth u>d Central Newpoo-t Beocb CUl.BERTSON CHEVROLET 00,, J.i;lp. · '' a saallt ... '»?. obit Dr' rn m-..c n \Jlsspm"tB1 s, ao ,a r • • Mar. 17-ltp . 311! PU II. Balboa 1244 or -te Box 'N' c/o Nows- Phone """'W 13-tfc Times. l~tp 1307 Coat Hlcbwo.l' Caronii deJ Mar Phone N. B. 20C8 17·1tc Phone 2573 17-ltc ~j Your '!'l'B.Y to s.n-• -_17-ltc I ._.._ I I ~ ( 1·' i ,_. I~, . ' ) • • • • • • ·• J . .. ~ ' -., . .. . I .. ·.--. . ........ :._ - ,_ ,J,-'\s. • ' • • . • • • • • • ' . • ' ' ' -· ' ~-_L t · ~~~!~rT~:a:ce~~:Awa:SDie:0~ Harbor Feminine Activities;~~~!~~~~~~c~~~ Boy Scouts of Troop~..!:!~ "°;;"for28Scoub · ' bold In an 8Ctlw lite -told by Ge0rp Yor<llelr; -.r.,,., Dbiml K458, spent a thrillinc I ' t. Tl ]jlh 11111111111 + By W:dfnd Barbre _ _ + OJI. W1111ain CUobnMn Fu-Smltb· -my ..._ S. _,.& =.. ~~t ~-\llsli!': ~ ~.!" -~ea~ R · · b M Fl'l'lk Harbor Stamp. Qub State President of :""'~ :"B:...ot ~ ~~ ~· ... ;:,.i::;:-~~ · camplna:atAdobeF.n.. ....... EMt jcat1ona. pal awards~ ev1ew y ~-•t : . UDC R . Mk Wedd. Pl tlncullhedclnlrdunU.-""'ot~111art1mor.Gearse:A. San ·Dielo-The rau., one or the David . • advanced to e Features Meeting of Anniversary March 7 ecovenng a es tng ans lbe ~ at the nm annual -E. H. Ricllter ea-. -beautlfulnaturespotalnSan Scout, and Nettles to st FAC B k Sect' From Recent Illness _.! ~ meet1ns - -ot 0ot T. P. Atld--,J~ Dteso county, provided inrimmlnll l COOlmltt . 00 , ton Announcem<!nt wu made at the · MlD Patricia Parke, dauchter St. Junes EpUeopal c:hurdl, held Donald •Han, Coota -~. -go<MI lllhlnC for the adted Present a the meeting w~ Feb. Zl meeting of the Ha.-Miio Gertrude lllont&unerY, of. Mr. and Mn. John Parke, Via TIJeoday ewniilc at the Ebell club-Mattliel"I, Rowland lfoclii,t.w!e, boys. Judge D. J . Dodge, W. CooJ>Of. Meeting on February 22. mem-Stamp club tbat the next meeting state ~dent of United Dauch-Yella, Udo ble, who ,craduated hciuse with 103 -nt. Geor-ae Holstein, Udo IoJe. I 'Ibe group, consisting of _high-Chester Fish ' R. G. Olamben1, hen of the Book Section of the would be a triple event, election t"9 of the Confederacy, bu been llllt -it from the !-'nl:"""fly ot OJI. l'annan -a derlt In the V . -' Iii point Scouts, were Assistant S. Young, tmaster Hall Friday Afternoon club pald tribute of otfleen. Auction Nilht -Ill wltb Influenza at her home, Zll? Southem California, la -busy veatry of St Andrew's cathedral. eey==-~~ Scoutmaaters Richard ~ and Aabt»t. tmAlt en Rich to George Wuhlngton when the FI r It Anniversary celebratk>n Eaat Central avenue, Balboa. alnce wt th Important plans for April 26, HClnOlulu, while the Rev. Ardys ,..... . ~ David Gardner ; seruor staff, Bob Dodd and Yid Gardnerth tal chairman. Mrs. 0 . D. King, read with re!reahmenll to be ~ January 21 and wu able to be up hu been. aet as the tenta-Dean, vicar of St. J-• ..U ~-~~ ~ Nettles, James Nettles and Stan-'Ibele will bring up • ~~ an article on our first pt'Uldent. Officers In charge of the DM!etina: this -it for tbe !int time. live te for her marriap to WU-canon there. Said Father Dean. • . . omltii ley Young: Honor Soouts Leon-to 48 boys, the entltt <:""!'· The theme waa abo canled out In last Thursday were 111r1. !Dor• In helping to care for hes' )Jam Jonn, aon of Mr. and Mn. ''Whatever the pre•ure ot miJI-1:.:ll PftSldetit of. tl.e :...~ an! Han, David O>omben, Dick who will ve their awards~ decorations of red. white and blue. mn. Se<ft\ar)I. Mn. carol Ewen sllter, Mia Loulae Montaw-Y A. Jones or· Alhambra. '!be tary -ty micllt be, ....,. ~; 1llrl. Georse . -- Hinda, H. C. M<Corklll. Jtmmy the Fathers Sons dlnoer j Mrs. c. D. ~ and Mn. -1llrL Maxine Schrepel. &!lo became Ill .,00 both the slit-will, be held in the SUnday 1::4.Famum Dl8de blo •I>' of tbe Altar Guild. , Kimbrough. Kenneth Walker, District Co of Honor to be he d Elmer Oark were tea heat..... Mrs. William Reod of. Lqlma en haw been under the care of. of. the 111-'•h._ Santa Ana. pearance at c:hurcb and no one Dlxx>n_ Smith. -• ~ Rayrrl6nd -.v1er, Robert Wella, Fnday, Mar 8 at the Newport and the lovely heirloom sliver BHdi was a cuest and Mn. Nellie a nune for -..1y a month. 'Ibe Parke wu -!dent of will lmo'lv what ft meant to the ~ the Altar I ' Stephen Ka.sser, Richard Taylor, Beach Gr !Choo! auditor-which came from England many Spencor and Mr. Albert Spencer state pr•llmt wu ~ to Tro Amazons and held many multitudea ot seTvfce men when . n., presiclent of. ,Ille Rocer Gonion, Romaine Corbln, tum. Grall ls expresaed 1'Y yean ago ls the cherished --of Coota Mesa joined the club of cancel man,y encacanmts . to ap. high pooftlonl in _campus clubo. tlley uw him at the door ot the Young ~ 1 Fellowsblp. 1"14 Jb:nmy Longdale, Jack Farley and all Scouts d Soouters for the 1e11lon of Mn. Cooper. Uttle local philatelists. '!be 16 memben pear at various c:haptera, 'and fl Sbe ved the cowled aenlor ci\urch each Sunday and I am =Holstein, chalnnan of. ltbe• Armand Nettles. tlne work · .Costa Mesa of !!J.e cakes were gay with tiny flap present were: Mmes. Ethel Coane. now maklnt plans fc.-the at.ate aero at a oeremoay eame time s1tlll meeting enlisted men who uk C)wt•n+lttw. , · Adult& present were Scout-numePOUS M t Badge counael .. t and the napkins were cleverly dee-Helen -Collin.a, Carol Ewen, Leona convention which ia to be hel~ ago. -. me about him." , Mn. Charles McAJary of c.o.ta master Harold V. Hall, Mn. Hall I orated by hand wi th chenies. Gabbard, Dora Hill. Bette ·1.ee. about May 15. 'Ibe MlaiOll Inn R chairman of Delta Gamma. "A Table In ·the Midst of Our Meas, chairman ot ~ ~ and Richard Dodd, who provided W Id f Prayer Mn. Constantin Flink of Coota Edward H. Mone, Frank Perow, at Rlvel'lllde and the Miramar ft. on a blind elate at a Delta Enemles" was the subject of the means, and her committee "!"" transportation. Of ay 0 MeSa gave a most interesting re--Nellie Spencer, and Maxine hotel at Santa Monica are being Sigrtja party that Mia Parke met Colonel'• speech 4nd it wu one applauC!~ for the very ~t Board of Review Services at Costa Mesi! view of Prekuka's Wife by Helen Schrepel: Mssrs. Lawrence Ewen, conaidered 81 the conventiDn the young man to whom she be-he had g!wn at St. Andrew's turkey dinner aerved. Table! !I"' The troop committee of Troop Wheaton. The book 15 .JUtoblo--W. H . Hall, James Howard, Wit-center. ~ engaged last . August. The early in the war. In lt he told of rangements and decoratio~ "°"" The Inte ational World Day graphical tn character, and tells liam Reed. Albert Spencer, and Miss Montgomery has been ask-co~e are superintending the the need fOl'.' religion during the in charge of Mn. F. E . Flniter. Francis.J. Horvath INCOME TAX SERVICE of Prayer ll be observed at how the New Mexico school Herman W . Toedter. ed tD broadcast ·from the Break-bul!_~ng of 8 modern Co1onial home time of ~parations for war. On . ------- Costa 1\:t esa "day, March 8, with teacher went to live l.n the A1eu~ Mrs. Edward H. 1Morse of Co-fast club on the opening day of ln~ ~~br~el, accotding to a re-Tinian, to .whjch the colonel was Three-deck, 42-berth lleePlnc a service a t :30 a.m. at the Com-tian Islands where her husband rona del Mar, had with her an the convention, but will yield the cent articie in the Dally Thojan; tianafen-ed, worship was ht!ld each cars, equipped With every Conyen- munity ch h. It is sponsored wu a storekeeper until the war. album of cove,.. dating from 18()2 honor to the president general, . ~~ proapectlve b"1de majoted Suhcloy under trees, by sand-bag lence, are included In the $1,635,- by the Uni Council of Church Written with humor and a to the present day. Early C8li-Mrs. John M. Wilcox of Texas, in ~?logy and ~· Jon~ is embankments and in fox holes, o&>.000 improvement ~ Federal and Stat.e Women. an i ternational organiza-knowledge of human nat~e, the fornia was recalled by s~ing . an who will be honored guest of the oontin~ng ~ studies_ in bus.mess even though they were constantlY planned by Class 1 ~ fc;r Pb. 1m·-B tion. and l y by the Women's book reminded M~ .. Flink of env('lope addressed to. Pio Pico, California group. a~rustration at ":'ght school. under atJ,lj,pc by the J apanese. the fint thrtt post-war years~ 118 S5th St. . . All similar events and inCJd~n ts she last Mexican Governor of our He served overseas m Germany, Preceding the address of the ------------ Office: %LIO w. Ceatral SOciety of istian Se.rvi~. . · had experienced in her years of state. Covers ranged from t he C . Pl Fraf}ce and England as a .Pfc. a_nd eyening i':'.as an amusing song by Phone IMO residents of the area are invited life abroad. \\i th Y-'hich she com· highest post~ office in the United OffiffiUOtty ayers received the bronze star and twice George Mortimer, church organ. to attend. pared them. States a t Marshall's Pass. Colo .. Will Hear Play by the purple heart. i.t, entitled "The Four-horse ~===============~t=:::::::;;;:: The next meeting of the Book! to Mecca. Calif .. below sea level, M G Wh t I Sharrybang," and Lt. Beach sho\\·-; Section will be in March wl_th Mlaa l to a post office under water in a rs. eorge ea Cofllmittees Named .e a ~ries of colored slides of the EPA IR IN Dorothea \V1lson, libr?r1an at Photosphere at Nassau, Baham~-. . . A P 'l Cl M Hawaiian Islands. fw •..m&JI fry• phatesrapll,;J lft"harft ....... • w A T c H R . Newport Beach, .. reVlewer. Of special note in Mn. N~lhe The Conversion of Christine, a t~ I ot ass eet : At the paro<0hial meeting which No Delays • Prompt Servlce1 Spencer 's covers \Vere some United play \vt1tten by Mrs. Geo:ge ftlllowed the dinner officers elect; Gerald Ritchie, COM St tes navy ship covers. some Wheat or Ncwpo.i Island which M . and Mrs. John Taylor, 11041 :.:=======================:::; LOU CK S N!a Scotia flight covers and a won the state prize given in 1945 Clif~ Drive. Newport Heights, en-11 Honored on Birthday t f San Francisco to New York by the 'California Federation of t erttined the Pilot Class of Chris~ r n _ -~~~ n -~--',,,,., .... ,, ]'797 Newport Blvd.. Costa M ~~d •return first nigh t covers. Mr. Women's clubs, will be presented Church By-the-Sea at .a .social .,L;~-'f~-.... - Mrs. Gerald rutchie enter tained Albert Spencer 's two albums or Friday evening, March 1 at ~e ~eelin~ a t their home Fnday eve: Saturday evening at their home, British Corona tions and Jubilee I meeting of .Santa Ana Community nm!OI with Mr. and Mn. Ed Frue-Sprinkler Systems Installed 1 • Corona del _Mar_. honoring . Mr. stamps \\'er e the best yet on dis-Players in the pari~h hall of the han of Balboa Island !ls co-hosts. Saves Hours _ Better Coverage .(Free l"AU..C.,.) Ritch ie on hts birthday ann.1ve lay at the Harbor Stamp club, Church of the Messiah. Harold Glass presided at _ the M l S M h e Ph g nr sary. Bringing gifts and enjoying ~om the standpoint of artistic The pl ay Is to be give~ by mem-business meet ing and a ppointed ere • att eWS One 5 }•,n ade That Delicious · Home ICE CREAM an evening of fun and games were b'lity and workmanship employ-hers of the drama section of the the ifollowing comm1tt~: public-'!..-----------------------"-' 11 guests. Refreshments of cake ~lo'n the maps with each Br itish Santa An a Ebell club. under the ity, Mrs. William McDonald; fl ow--------~--------------- and ice cream were served by the Colony represented. • direction of Mrs. Estelle Bem~n. ers ~nd cards, Mrs. Herbert Mc-.-------------------------, That You Enjoyed So uch Last Summer hostess. The presence of all members is Also on the program will be Hazel Donald : ways and means, Mrs. . FRANCF.S BEAUTY SHOP requested at the next meeting Taylor , sopr ano soloist, and Ru th IA!t>n Ferguson and Mrs. Fred March 7. 80 they can vote for new Armstrong, pia~ist, h?th well Woodworth : civic welfare. Leon ' officers for the ensuing year. ~~-known here .. Social ch8lrmfl!\ for Ferguson, Herber t McDonald, Ed- WILL BE AVAILABLE AGAIN WEEK ENDS Begirµtlng Saturday, M Due to a shortage of ma we are forced to limit the to ooe quart per perso Those scrumptious frostys served every week end a es be PATIO SM CKS , Small . I'\. ocked in ts on rash f.ssc>r1ed colors edium • Large -·- Skill Is Vital In Flillng Pre8criptloos Aa Vital u any tn.pecl)ent written down by your doct.or I• the aldll wttll Whlcb a pl"MCrtpUon ls ruled. You caa. brine yoor pre9Criptkm9 here U8W'ed that they wtll be......_-IOClUrately by a quallfted, rqktered pb&rmaclst -who -. only tbe hlchea• quality dnop. l'ou pt exactly what yoW' doctor ordert. • Newport Beach Pharmacy ••• • \&'' (ln.l> SOi Marine Avenue H USE ""'-~ er 8EAUTY Bal Island Phone 1 8 2 7 Open Saturda.Y" Until May 1st I Cooed on Monday : Special Annou cement - AL ADDITIONS to our staff WITH SEV of Beau ti ·ans we are 1now able to give our patrons more pr mpt service in all lines of be~uty work and body c ntouring. HEAD TOT E BEAUTY SERVICE Morse has been appointed to write I the evening u Mrs. J ay Hanill. "'~ Fruehan. and J_Wss ~en. the By-Laws for the club. ., Yacht was the divers1~n after Costa Mesa PT A the 1 business meeting. with Mrs. b I 1 d G · 1 Owen tak!nir ftr'lt pr1 .. 1Utd Mr. Bal oa s an If s Meet~ Tuesday, Mar. 5 Hand first for men, while Mrs. Helen Curtis and Halliwell Cold Waves "". Hostesses at Phyllis Gaston took t he yacht L B D The Parent-Teacher Association pn~· . Specials on Machineless Permanenlll ag una arn ance of the Costa Mesa Grammar ose present were Messrs. and Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring -schools will meet Tuesday, March M ames Herbert McDonald, A gay party of young people 5 at 2,30 p.m. In the auditorium Leo Ferguson, Ross Owen, Ed-1WO.OPERATORS -MOZELLE & BONNIE enjoyed a barn.dance and~ of the Main school with Mrs. Ken· war Fruehan, Harold Glass, John 18'2 Barbor Blvd., eo.ta Meu PIMIDe !4JI Saturday evening a t the Bechto ne th Stewart presiding. Taylor, Fred Woodworth, Harry'!~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ranch at Laguna Beach, h~esses Children of t he Lindberg school, Phillips of Laguna Beach; Miss I being Beverly Bechtold, daughtledr under direction of t heir teacher, Elsie Newland, Rev. E. D. Goodell, of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bechto · Mrs. Edith CUrrie, will give the Mrs. Mary Stanley, Mrs. Gene- 315 Coral avenue, and Mary Cath-progi-am and Mrs. Irene Sanden , vieve Barnes, Charles Hand and er ine Craig, daugh ter of Mrs; Edna school nurse, will talk about Mr. and Mrs. Gaston. Craig, also of Balboa Islan~. health. Stuart Price will give vocal Accompan,.;ng the young people selections with Ml'!I . L . CUster as Newport Heights Girl were Mrs. Bechtold. M _n . W . H. accompanist. . Hitchman. Mn. Hubbard l'f0"'Y Mothers are reminded that Bride of Earl Wing and Mrs. Louise Bechtold. drt small children may be brought, Miss Antoine.&.t.e Marie Meek, Young guests included A . an and they will be cared for on the who has been uVtn& at 205 West· Robertson, Fred.die G~. -~a__ne pl ayground or In classrooms.. minster avenue since her par.ents. Westlake, Harlow Richo.i·u:Kl~d· · Mr and Mrs Farr recently moved S · J . H'tchman Davt G · · ' Donna tem. •m ' , Mesa irl Scouts to Oregon was married In Long Joy, Betty _Ann Staffier , Arlene Beach Friday. Feb. 15 to Earl Ragan, An•ta Coane, Marvin Plan Trip to L. A. Wing, Costa Mesa. Smith, Alfonso PortilloM Patri~ An all-day trip to Griffith park · The new Mrs. Wing graduated Quigley, Don GCantrell , cfY°K. C I.Ji being planned for March 16 by from Newport Harbor Union High Morey, Don renzer an · Girl ScouU of Troop 6, Calta school last year and hu been em- Fttzgerald. Mesa. Mn. Pt1:ary Knipp and Mrs. ploy*<! at the Santa Ana Army F.A.C. Sections Hear Talk on Flowers Rasmussen are leaden: of the Air base. Her husband was an troop, which II now clOled With aVi1 tion mechanic. They plan to a membenhip of 24 girla. e their home ln Loi Angeles. ' Greeting Carda and •. Qf'Utt VJ1rlety of Unuau•f Glfta ''WE INVITIC YOU TO BROWSE AROUNJY' C. E. LOrlCKS JEWELlllY •net tTTA:TIONERY D lamoncl8 • Watohn • Fine Repairing ._N_..t -~8 t717-H N-port Blvd, C..... M-Calif. CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall. Manaaer Balboa. Callfonala . DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ••• BANQUE'IS The Mother-to-Be ~ Will Find I Individuality B~ I .-Dreal!es ' Smta • Jumpers . SlaclrSuits. • ~ • BedJ.Ueta . Donna ~ Shop)ie -I• • Ill NGrtla .... II&. St la :&a Ar .. te .._,, -. • Dr. Ernest T. Buttei:worth OPTOMETRIST Wishes to announce that he has -. opened his opY>metrical office at 3114 WEST CENTRAL AVE, Newport Beach, California As of March 1st, l~ Hours: 9 :30 to 12:30 1:30 to 5:00 Telephone: Newport Beach 2511 ' Fresh fruit Orange Juice · (watch it squeezed 1 T o~sted · English Muff ins , Coffee I' • at the f Breakfast c1ut)· ' The New • ,