HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-05 - Newport Balboa News Times• .· • 11 AND CRAB "7 S Al M rlSlllNG. Withoot a great r -cieBJ-ot fanfare the local sport ftshing ~ got WI· der way March 1 and ac- cording to all reports is ex- pected to exceed all previous years. At least that is the opinion ot '!Dad" Griffis, gi!nial and hard working sec· retary of the association. He estlmates that last year . an average of 1000 people daily came to Newport Har· bor during the 100-day sea- son; that they left ·more than a half milliotl in inoney for local COllSUplption and as in· come Jor the sport fishing fleet valued at three-quarters of a million. It is easy to assume that nearly a million dollars revenue can be left in the coffers of harbor busi· ness men this year. + + + Crombie Allen. The hwi- dreds of local people who knew and loved Crombie Al· len will mourn the loss of a fine gentleman. whose smile radiated kindness and who never had a mean \vord for anybody. While he was Ro- tary's Good Will Arnbassa· dor, who is there to gainsay the fact that be was a great- er influence In . its behalf than the service club itself. Crombie helped dedicate the splendid News-Times build· Ing more than three years ago; be always had a quip or. a story whenever \Ve met. and his recovery from his breakdown two years. ago was the most remarkable transition Crom a sick man to a well pe"'°" I have ever seen. To know him was to love him. + + + Dr. Gnoidy. Sale of Dr. Grundy's hospita l. w h i c h was built by him and Dr. Richter years ago. recalls the work of those two distin· guished medicos. Dr. Rich- ter ls now practicing at Costa Mesa, while Dr. Grundy will still practice in the &!boa Inn Arcade. He vigorously denies the reports that he is going to retire. Al· . ways tjvlc minded, Dr. GM.mdy is still active in Chamber of Commerce work, the Red Cross. Boy Scouts. etc., and his ideas on the advancemen t of those organizations and Newport Harbor are well worth hear- ing at all times. + + + The Bl ue Room.. Enter a new era in food emporiums as presented by The Blue Room, Balboa, formerly the Elect:rlc Grill. Art Sliver is the manager while Lou Ja- blon, a BoslQll attorney with. a large practice, has spent thousands of dollars in trans- forming a rather Wlkempt place into a marvel of lovely effects and fine food. Like the Safeway and other stores they have taken over the square at the comer of Palm and Central for park· Ing, thus affording patrons free auto space In a com- munity that ls always con- fl'O!lted with that perplexing situation. Try them for real edibles. 1beir policy ls to hire only service men. + + + Yacht U-Decision of the city cowicil in approving the planning commission·s recommendation to use the 2200 teei on the Coast high- wa y for yacht anchorages and similar uses. is a good one. as it will bring in thous- ands of dollars in revenue and make tha t area a fine . rendl!'ZVOUS for such efforts. There ls great need for mm .. and more• boot '1ips and piers, all too liinited for the thousands or craft plying these waters. The appro\'al ls in line with that entire strip. which already. · dedi· cated to bo"at yard~. spnrt llshing fleets. anchorageo , etc. + + + ~ Bowk<i. He is do- ing a good job in keeping ~ down, bot why scream and call everybody crooks when they disagree with him. I 1bere are many ineq· ultles tha.t atfect the little man1 and have nothing to do with the protlts of the big l'eJIC*a; Why not give him a "taMlt" before putting ·all. at •em _In the same category! -· NEWPOl2T .. .BALBOA See State ·o. K. 0 C.D.M Park I • Corona I Mar State ,Park Believed ear .Agreement; Accept· 0 ean, Bluff Front State Field M Agrees to All But Cove Prop- erty; Co· ....... ittee May~ to Sonora to Meet With Par Commission March 15 Prospects of th city completing the Corona de! Mar State Park project were deemed excellent yesterday by Braden Finch. former p ·dent of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and m mber of the state park committee when he was informed at John Henne$sey, field representative of the California tale Park commission would recommend all ocean and bl front property appraisals be accepted by the state and be included in Thieves et . 28 Case of Good Li uor the proposed park area. Only a sm'all area remains out· side the agTeement at present. Finch said. Tha t is t he several hundred feet of beach in the Chi· nese Cove. which is not more than a couple of acres. and he felt that they would have no trouble in get ting together on this. New M a Telephone Building To Be R ady Late in April Work has star t stallation of centr ment in the new C phone building a l 1 Orang<' avenue, a l\.l{'Donald. distri<'t Southf'm Califor Company. on the ln- office equip- ta Mesa tele- th .street and ounces C. I. anager of the a Telephone InstallC'rs from the \Vestem Elrctric Company nd the South· C'rn California T ele hone Company ar{' "·orking on h orders to build thC' s"'it<'hing uipment into the Costa' l\1 t:>Sa o ice. according to l\lr. 1\l cDonal because the Southern Califor ia Telephone Compan)' is ~hed ling the work for rompletioli the latter part of April this year. The ne"' build.in brick and frame been completed . of one-story · gn. has just fifted inside County Asls$!10rs In Field Thi 1 Week • • MR. AND MRS ANTON :SlJ'rl'OBA, 1812 VUelle Place, pioneer res.I· dent• or Newport Beach, Wiit.eei In ileatb When Mn. Suttora pueed away March l, alm<>llt two yea.ts t'o the day after the death of her buaband. Pn>~bly the oldest ~I• of Newport Harbor, the couple bad live« here for 36 yean. Anton died at 91 ye-n or ace and hh wife h&d reacbed 9A before pu!lnr away Jut week. ' I M~ria Suttora Passes Away Mar. 1at98 ' Wife of, Pioneer Fol- lows Him in Death; at Harbor 55 Years five and Ten, Dry Goods Stores To Be Built in Costa Mesa -• • • \ • • ' I • , • • !!!! Twe • "* N&WA•t U 1 .0. ··~:i~±Ml~ -The fruitS Q' 1f Ri_ghteou$ness CoronaNedw' eslMar ~ ~l~=~~u~t ' ~e!n~:ri!~~ --;iij~~~~~ . SAN FRANCISCO. _ Vela'u! A~ Repair Shop .., n· ted £"" 'hw121 .... 'hm:.t4&7 ~;d., eawm.ww . · lloo*--Utloa Pulllioliod ~Wetz 1.,. v-D flbe end of....,. Is -here. To monel and qule-therewith (By B 'e L Benedict) unemplo)!ment In caJlfomla and A hllJllQJ married )'OUzig ~---·~----• IN! aure, the shooting """"'" to be than a .,.... full ol 1&crlflct With • thrOQchoclt the nation ClCJlltiJluK .,.... aettttnr dilwn 1 t - Suho<:ripdoa Payable in Advance:-42.50 per _,. In ~ ......... but tbe peaoe we 00 kmc for strife.• ni.... I find. "It la an Mr. and Mn. F. L. Castro and to rile at a rapid rate, Rldw<I the -Warren ;:,.ker S2.7S per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to zooe hU not yet come to ua. 1be belt honor for a man to ceue from IOO Gary, 436 Femleaf aven\lf', H. Newhall, caut<:nlla Depart--in the navy enlistee ---..,-red-as Second-Cl._;· matt~r at tbe p~ In •"'-ol nte come to ,. becauoe strife; but every fool will be med-visited G&ys grandmother ~· ment Commander of the Veterans put 12 _.;,"."tarted an -u _..-.:-___ them --A to A--·e "''~•." . c. J . C&dwell of Carpen. terlil ..... ol Foreign Wars, re>"ealed here to-pair • .._ ~·-ca fomia, under.the Act ol Marc::b 3, ~·· ~ ~· -... u Mr Cas Is Field Dtrec---upon ~ release --·· --tJ!em, "" must PU' the ~-Human nature surei)I ham't cen y. . tro iay. ' M te ·v· ta treet lnunedl S. A. ~~ -p.-. .!When nationo go to war. It Is to cballeed much through all theae tor of tbe Red crou at the Santa Ne)"hall said that the overall e.:::. of N~t oo.'..ievan1. SAM D. PORTER . --ttie llOUnd at feet , tramping to yeara. ~ the hllllCJY heart Ana Army Air Base. The Cas~ tigme for the week ending Feb. 2. .lfla .bride. the former ca ~.I}.~ _ . . _ · Mc~ martial music. mingled with laugh-longs for peece; a1.._ there .tt had as guests for three da3'8 capt. ~ to lnfonnatlqn reoetved Van llooklrk. la employed Prlntln& Plant. 3011 w. Central Avmue. Newpart ca-=a ~ and Idle chatter meant to hide the meddlinc fools. Even In our a,nd Mn. G. K. Hwnpllreya, Rio by him from V :F.W. beadquarten state board ol equallzatl<>n. '-'---=-------------· -the ache in our hearts, -a lofty mnalJ famll)I drclel we often find de! Mar. Mr. Castro and C&pt. In Wuhlngton. D. c.. totaled 1,-l'ftlde In ~ comp. Official Paper of the City of N Beacb ~ failure. We are tlred. or 'worried. Humphreys met when working t<>-~.676 applicants for. readjust-· . A Da;tat'Me Leea.l IMlllwllila ror ~ y..,. ..A.tM the bitter fighting ii over, or ill, and our emotions run amuck. ce~~ the ~ Crcu at camp ment alloiwances. Of this total, TIT WWtdic ~·Cl' ' the OOsineas of maldng a durable To err Is human. To Ion& for _,,. M,.,__ Newhall said. 962.000 claims_ have puzzle E~RIAL peace Is before ... This ii a serious ii allO humm. Mr. and Mn. Fred Januen and been all•wed and· 239,876 inlUal . SS A,.ION ActiYe blslnesa 8Jld there Is 00 martial Naw the world ii watching a oon John and wife of Lao Angeles, claims were rued. The total paid --------- 11 Mm:nber lllUlic to build up our morale. To great human endeavor. The lone· spent the day with Mr .. and Mn. out through Feb. 2 reached $208.· .... •ss' •· ' make a homefy comparlaon. It la Ing for , pe""" ii oom1ng ·into tbe Harry Stauch, 316 Martcol~ ave-051,703. 'lllWMll AJfD -of Ul<e the picture tbe bride dreams open But all ii not really peace-nue, Monc!llY. The Stauch a llOll • p-9111111 WWW ----------------+~~~~ of keepinc bolae. She rtnm it lm't fuJ .:W.. there. One member said, Allan and trite, Lao Angeles, ~t Robt. Olson Named M. EWste.& CO.. -· Mr. and Kn. P. L H1a1ito al . . Lm Apleles _,. SUlldOJ' .... ot Mni. Higgins' lllt.,., !Illas E1111e . Newland. 300! ·eout boWe'llVfl . ' couple ' when ROOFS -I ,·M:Ml/c APPLll:D OJI _ • .,._.,,. for µ,. auto re-Free-... It 1-b on w. l. Beabow ately ll8(rl Wan:as Ph. Nwpt. l01W tberlne by the 'Ibey I . . -O.LCULLY ml•ord . . Ow .... .TR Onz II i --•c a .... ' s•ar 111--wnrtnc • r,. •• ,. TWr: Tour --__ _. IT ' Inc. ...... I ••• s . ••• -··---an sJamoroua but often deadly "The war ii over, now we m..t the week end with them. Chief Beneficiary ·-&• ft. - -dull. enc!Utt the peace." 1Jie council Mn. J . R. Rust, Anaheim, moved - A while before Oirlst'1 death members are Vf!rY hunian, too. Into the home. '¥11 Marigold ave-Of Father's Estate , __ ... __ L_.a._a __ ... ________________ _ bli He llald. "My peace I leave with A&aln I turn to the Boolt. I find. nue, she boutht rec:enUy from thf " "Pree U a cosily commodity ... pay your y--no o ·.. you. my peace t give unto you." 'To the counsellors of Peace la former owners, Mr. and Mn. L G. Robert oi.on of. Lee Aaleles Corral Dust -• • 2 gationl--you'U ~eep and ~< fri<nds".-jACIC INOOLl!Y. Many years have posed since that joy.• I "hope IOllle of that holy Holman. . wb named chief beneficiary under , promlae wu made by the Muter. joy la belnc felt by the cxw•nd) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ~ams the will of bis father, Henry M . Think, Am • Thinkf 'I'!>ole _,. troublesome times. too, memben. In the Book of J..-and their dauchter Florence. An-Oilon of Newport Beach who died enca -• and. just as today, tbe Jonc1nc for I read. "And the fruit of rlsliteou. derwon and granddaughter, I'll-Feb. 7 leavlnc an estate· valued n.e ~test danger in America and to peace wu deep Jn the hearts of all: ,,... la aowri In i>eace of them trida Anderson, spent the week ·at ~tely $20 000 In por- In Proverbo I rud. "Behold. how that make peeee." end Jn Pasadena and Loo Angeles aonal property and lncludlnc three Is the tendency of too many citizens to do good and how pleasant It ii f~ Often when burled deep In Im-visiting frlendl and orelauv .. and puuil of land With an annual ln- about too many vital Issues. brethren . to dwell together In -'8nt work, lta full llpiflcance attendln& club meetings. come of $500. , We Americans are inclined to become rbed In our amity," and again, "Better a dry eacapes DOtlce. I hope this fruit Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoyt, 224 The will wu rued far probate bnmedlate .probl-~tting a job, building a house, raJs. ii rlpenins In their hearts. "Bleued Hello"-avenue,• recenUy 10ld In superior court Jut -.k and ... ~. Small Lot Surplus are tbe peace makers, ror they their proper1y 1n Riverside. They stated that tbe decedent durtnc Ing a f8JJ1ily. These things are certainly im t, but In shall see God." What a wonderful expect to build In the near tut11r<> his lifetime had transferred a sub- INCOME Now()pmfor 'l'AX RETURNS Auditing -Bookkeeping Service J1PDes 0. Pierce 1781 "Newpori Awe. deallng with them we must not lose sight of e great Issues For Sale Now thought that Is. They shall see on Dahlia avenue. They enter-stantlal portion of his estate to a God! Of course the peace must talned M.iu Amy -$arles of River· community holding w J t h hll that sooner or later will deeply-and adve ly-affect our At EJ l'JlOro StatiOD· be really made to experience that side a few da3'0. Miu Sarles ii the widow, Mrs. Susie M . Olson of :::::;:::::;::::::;::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::;::=:::::=::::=:::::::==== own lives and our children's unless faced sq ly now. .l' prornile, but if tl\ey .are really manager for a school cafeteria In Newport. and that she had righil PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY What goes on In Iran, Indonesia·, G · seems so far wholehearted, really seeking the Riverside. of survivorship. unim rtant Wh both Iv about it• The Supply Officer, Marine peace of the world. they will do it. HarrY Heeka and his brother-In--------• away, so po . y er ourse . . . Corpe Air Station, El Toro, ls ·of-I ask for each member of tile law Bill Gannon, are building a StanJ Pr ACCOUNTANT -PID'lllCIANB• 8UBGJWNll,11.D. Bqt we shoWd not forget that what ha ed In China fering for sale to the public amall council this beautiful ~nd saHsfy. holllle for Mr. Heek's mother at ey OposeB ....------~-----1 1 in 1931, in Ethiopia in 1935. in Spain in 19g, in Austria in lots of surplus property as well •n~ gift; that i:;e frui\ o~right-504 Nartjssus avenue. Mr. Gannon Wider Representation I. s. WHYTE 1938 and even in Poland in 193S--all seem far away and as salvage and scrap. Moot sales eousness may sown n em. and his family .will occupy tile On Plan Commission INOO .. TAX OOnvLTUT .'. . _. will be on an "informal neg<r -LUCRE'l1A MAY. place With them until Mr. Gannon A11U:r.ort-i. bF lb& UD.lted Sla&et 'l'niu-not important to US at the time. But fmall we caught up tiated" basis, however, "sealed bid • can build his place. Mr. Reeks was ~~J:'~~ '°m:::-'i..'s ~~ with those events, or rather, they caught u with us. And sales"' will be held when deemed Earl Lee Kelly Decides a lieutenant in the air forces, a Expansion of the city planning AVDmJ • srnn• H. R. Hall, M. D. ·1 • visa.bl · ·1 t B 17 w commission from tt.s present mem-aooUDPl'.No uancs when they did they cost us the lives and lnnos of tens of ad e. Not to Be Candt"date p1 o on a . . ar was over bership of nine to a larger nwnber or.._ , ... --...... c..1o •-' ~ Existing regulations do not per-before he was through training. r11. ... Ne,....n ......_. Ul Broactwa1 Co.ta 11-thousands of our finest young men. mit sales to officers or enliated For Govemot Mr. Gannon worked in defense at and ~rider representation was I'---=======---' "------------' We had been too busy Jiving our own litt e lives, looking Navy personnel or civilian em-the Douglas Aircraft in Chicag. o. proposed at a recent meeting ABClllTEOT Th G d H k 1 of the city council by Earl Stan·,------------., out for our own immediate interests to real· what was go-ployes of the Navy. 1 f Earl Lee Kelly, San Francisco . e a~n~: ~ 1 dee ~.1are 1.~-ley. 1-Je suggested that the city 11 Ir-----------, Ing . th Id I th rd idn't both t Material will be sold in ots o business man and founer State ing on a a s an w i e wa1 -Armand Monaco Gordon M G d M. D ~-'­ Hours: 2·5, by Appointment Telephooe 2620 . on in e wor . n o er \\'0 s. we er o reasonable quantity, but will not o1·rector of Public Works, today ing for their place to be finished. follow precedence, and allow more • run y, . think th. t M G · J M H .ex-officio members who are de-an~,,,.., p.,_, ....... .;. and c-a 1ngs OU . be based on "dime store" tactics. announced he would not be a can-r. ann~n s . unc e, r . arry ~DA.a..:AJ.a. ....,....._.._. ~&-.. We had better do some thinking now hard thinking, The minimum quantiti':t or '= didate for Governor at the J une ~au~~· ~iam~ Fl~rid~, rece~ii~ par~1:~1~:ds ;;aZee;entelieves 814 W.N~!i~Z:t Balboa Ninth and Central Ave. clear thinking Because we have \VOil a w doesn't mean will depend on the type mat primary, but made a vigorous air ul~ e urp Y ousde, that the community might well z1•.1 • -•·ewood Ave. Off" Hrs 1n·12 3 5 · . . . to be sold. For the convenience otl peal. that the Republican par ty He 1otrope avenue. Mr. an Mrs. ~ ice .: v-a.m.; -p.m.. that \Ve have won the peace. ln fact, there s every mdica-prospective buyers, samples of rovide strong leadership in the J .. ~· ~furphy have left for the take a page from the experience Loe Angel.ea NOrmandy MOS Telephone 37 ti.on that we are already losing the peace, and losing its most items will be on display in ~aht against radicalism. Ph1J1pp1nes. . of the League of aties, and widen '------'--------'; '------~-----...J . Bldg. 321. The present offering .. Dr. Mallaby, Pasadena. is build-its interest in community affairs. rapidly. consists of aluminum rivets, thick-ing three ht>uses on Narcissus ave. "Ah, So" Hirohito, the erstwhile "Son of Heave " is making a valiant effort to prove that he has really com down to earth. But it is not easy, either for him or his sub His recent tour through bombed-out are ness gauges, cutting and "V" Jokes -that is -nue. blocks, flaring tools, combination Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brookings, Oaring tools, pyralln hammer tips, If absence makes the heart grow 230 Goldenrod· avenue, entertained and Star drills. Other Items will fonder, a lot of people ought to Lt. and Mrs. Vernon Berry over be continuously added, however, love their church more than they the week end. Lt. Berry was bom- the above itenu are the only ones do.-8elected. hardier on the B-29 of which the ,available at thts time. Brookings son, Lt. F. G. Brook- Prospective purchasers are in-All men are created equal. Bµt ings, is pilot now in Tjnian. Lt. ••• ........ • DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School soz 0o.... . Balboa Wand Gradeo: OoUece, ~tory DAY SCHOOL Now -G. A. Mortimer, M. A., Oxford Prlnclpal Pbone 65! CONRAD RICHTER, IL D. Pbyalclaa -8- 120 E. 18th, St. COSTA MESA • Houn: 10-12 a.m.; 3~ P.m. Phone 133 vited to contact Mr. J . C. Thllle to <keep them equal ls a problem. Berry and Lt. Brookings have been -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w he had 11oonversations" with workmen \Vas unprea!dented, or Mr. Wm. s . Caldwell, telephone Too many .of them seem to enjoy together ever since the crew was : ·btrt painful. The Emperor could seem to f d ·little else to !~ta A~a 4601, Ext. 310, for ad· keeping below the level of others. formed and served together on 'Quality Lumber l lr-----------,1lr------------, say but "Ah. so." And some of the workmen were too fright-dWonal information. -Revised the raids on Tokio. Lt. Brookings d Dr. Obed Lucas Dr. G. E. Tohill DE1''TIST8 is to be transferred to M'anila an Phyalcl&n a.114 8arpoa ~~~~;E~§~~~~: a:!~!~~i 1: ~,:~~~~~~:~~~:~·U~Z.~.~~:::·:i ~:~~~~-~-·H_·;-v;-:u-r~-.is-~w-~~-~-~-·~~ .. c::;::• -:.::::=.:.:;~ °!,";~~~.' great a shock as any experienced by the peo le of the bandy-. returned home last week from the 1........,.. nation. ACROSS Hawaiian Islands where he has LUMBER CO. C65'=-' .. I.It•• bi H•:d IN••· It must be said of the Mikado, howev r, that he is a · been for 21 months witl;i the Den· R. "E. HOSTETLER 1 Entire 4 s 1 e 9 M) .tal Cores. He was organizer and good deal brighter than he looks. Throug his cooperation ran&• first commander of tile local ,.,,_ .. with occupation authorities in breaking do* the gcxl myth a Per. to a II Power Boat Squadron. focus about himself and in setting up a democrati political system u Run awa1 he seems likely to escape prosecution as a war criminal 12 ~,;"'"' ONCE AGAIN In other words, Hirohito figw:es he woWd rather be a t3 Cooductor SAM'S SEA FOOD S"PA ,..live human being than a dead divine. :: f,~·~~••ln "I Do Not Choose ---?" In spite of denials by Democratic party airman Robert H.Jµinegan that President Truman has alread ·made a private ''I-do-not-ehoose-to-run" statement regardi the 1948 elec- tion, rumors persist that the· Chief Executi e wants to step down when this term is finished. Accordin to reports, Mr. Truman tells many friends and visitors that he did not want to be President and that he findS the job t ·trying and bur- densome. He longs for the comparatively free life he en- joyed as senator and vice-president. H 's denial of the president's desire to quit in 1948 was to expected since a silence on the rumor or, an affirmation of •t would further weaken Mr. Truman's control of the Dem tic party. It still remains to be seen if Mr. Truman will rctually etl}Ulate Calvin Coolidge. ~ Fresh Daily Delicioaa Sea Food9 Or. oomplote tqlllJJmont when you want to catcl:I 1"'1r own. HORMEN FISH MA KET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPOflT EACH 315 NORTll .MAIN ST. metal 1'1 Number 18 Weaken 21 Paradise 2.1 On board 25 Armadillo 29 Tugs 30 Shun 31 Portico 32 Brina honor upon S3 Foot coverinl 35 Saintce (abbr.) 36 Large worm 39 Hole-piercinl implement. 41 Gain knowledae "3 Sea mammal 47 To betuddle "8 Artless 49 Fencinc swords 50 Avarice DOWN I Jewel 2 Malt beveraa:e I Witty 1ayin1 4 Trff <J•va) S Bank om.cert a Falslf.1, as • cboclt T()pen lpoeU 10-ttor .. •• sacred utensil.I <Gr.) Antiq.) 9 Afresh 10 Moth~r of Apollo (myth.) 115 Sum up 18 Weaken• 19 Touch end lo end 20 A cam• on bor.eback Z1 Main part ot • cburcb M Expttuion oteonow 215 CU.shlone 2'7 Mine entrance 28 Network 30 Soon 32 Bovine onimal S4 Su.1pendl 38 River <Gu.) 3'7 Percolate S8 Se<Ure 40 Asteri.it "2 Spawn o« 4ah 44 Fasten 45 Evenin& (poet.) 4eColar h•••r .. P•nl• H•• .. tft .. ..-. r• • • Before You Build or Remodel Ytllt oar bi.terufleg ~mple .... dlrplay --. . . Color KUldes, plai>. Ding alds, compre- hensive . stock of nigs,. carpets and llDoleum. ..... au.- a 7 El, ._.... LUDLUM Carpet Works · Hn --8&. .._ -AM -SANT.A ANA • • • I Offen Yoa tlae n-t ~ to "Dine ha Onnge County: Aft New·-·· Even the · Locatio~ .. ;One-Half Mlle East'of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cotldail Bar ' We Lead Soutbel'9 Cal!!omla in tbe 9ervlng ol -SEAFOODS- AL'30 YOUB 11dH ol 8T&AM -VJBIT OUR IUIUD:fl - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market c----)· GORDON B. FINDLAY OON'l'll.ACl'OS aad BtJIU)D -'11 CABINET SHOP SERVICE O&lllNl:T8 wt MJIJ,WOU: T. C. lctr 1-. ...... ...,_.. ft.:11116 Tr:ackinl Co. WO& BIRlll ('ienera) Tnlcking, Hanling, TraDsfer Long and .Short Hauls m w. W111oa M. -CClllta .._ · · ·.PRONl8 ' Nwpt. !80. Da,..._._Nwpt. 5U.JI, NJchtll . . . .... . . • ) INl!UJlANCE New York Life Insurance Company DON K. DURANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA i>EL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen PlloDe 2:188·1 . 115 E. Ba;y A"" Balboa HOBTIClANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel 'We OUrselves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" PlloDe NeWport !let CoAa MM& Callfornla 0PTOMETBJST8 Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D~ OPTOlllETIWIT Eyes Examined -Glasses Fitted 1'1111 Newport - ._ HIO 008TA MDIA E. T. Butterworth, O. D. ~ Ei'l:8 EXAMINED IZNllP.ll DUPLICATED OIMw •ii ............ 011 Sll& W. °"'*-I A-. T '11t ••• 1111 NSWPO&t' 8&&Qll • 8tJllVEYOU Siegel & Raub "wets ••• _. aw • ., •• ~NwjNNt~~­ Te'•'rM llD-J . mt w. 0oatn1 w"'at'-Te'es•••• , PIANO TEACHER . G.V.I.INSENB.\Ju) Gnmate ..,... Or 1 val121;1• \ a Pit. 12112-W 1531 w. Oeeeti - • . -... ~ Gerald Rausa, M. D. • 2830 West Central Ave. NE:w!>oRT BEACH • Ph. 1028-No answer. call 301·M X ·Ray Service • Milton M. Maxwell, llf. D. 1801 °""'!t ~ Corou del Har Office Hours:· 10-12; M Pllol1e Newport 1- . S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Ba!Q NOWJ>Ort nu "' s. mu st, ·r.o. "-=-TUds:er Ttll By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phyaldan wt s~ . 1001 Weot Ba;y .&- Telephone Newj¥11't 80! A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN -8UBGlllOl!f !~l)ul,.. 1ftJ.l..J Wao. Du:pj. lmtllut.! br.-c:w- Oliropract1c, IDletetica, PhyslO &: ColOldc 'lbei-apy lllt Ooaol ...... .... Lac .?Ser. ! ..... .. -. • I . • ' . .( . ' 1 -- I .. ·I Dr. Coons, Far East Economics Expert, Puauc NoTice: . R. A D ) Q S E R V C E Summer ·Resident Qf Lido Isle, Speaks N<}'R~~~~ ,Lumber and ~uilding Materials At Fullerton on the Japanese Economy SALE OF ALCOHOL-Bay Distr!!!_ ~mber Co. On H d A to •· · IC BEVERAGF..c;;. · . ~~~~--~·~--~;w~·~~~~~~·r~r~111t~·~-~~~ . ome an u I Dr. Arthur G. Coanl, one "" tlom -and •mbe•o----· -·----· ----. ' AB · RI llJ HUOR .. MJl.1.&N the ..-i ~ -at clor for the Unltod Stot<1 In the . lhrdl J. 1941 AT REASON LE P 1 'E:veryll'oey Is ready for llshlnc F\lllerton Dlotrict Junior colJeae oettlement of Jo-prcblems. TO WHOM IT MAY cONCERN: 1,---.,.-,-...,-E--OO-N._CRETE ___ P_R_O_D_U_()_tl_:&;_ot_()()_MP_•_~--, ex<rpt the fish. lt leelJJI th<le and summer reolclent of a heme llr. Pouley, Wl>Ooe heme II In Bev-Notice. II hereby given lliat nt--....... ""'' .. 1 I R di & El days. The live balt boat opera-ot 225 via K<ron, Lldo Iale, Wk-erly ff!lh• Is oho well known In teen days ofter the date i-tod. , HOLLOW llUILDINO 1'ILll: AND lllUCll a mer a lo tors have their boats ttady, the ed lut week at the oolle&e 00 Ba1boL the undersigned Jll'OP09t• to .U 6 -.8 and 12 inch blocks V'WI customen att willlng to fish. but ''The Ja-Economy and the Memben of the commilllon re-al holic --at -im--..._ for All TJpoo-of BulJdlnc .... Patio Wolls N-. po-~ "-'--'. the fish themselves Just haven't Problem · of Reparations." turned Jut month and hove made i.: described u follows: '31st & WALTER 1-KLINE, Proprietor no uuum~..-u shown up ln any numbers to P'Oo Dr. Coons ls a native of Ana· thelr report to the President and Rhine Streets, Newport· BNcb. · -P lant Located a t--~~=~==============~=$~~~~~! duce results. behn and was at one time an In-state department ln Wuhlngtoft. ·Orange COUnty, Callfoml& t-N-rt-. Ooota -·A northwester with a cboppy 1tructor at the Fullerton collece. D. C. Dr. Coons hu several ttla-Pursuant to such intention. the sea over the weekend put a crimp rolng from there to the Unlver-lives ln Bolboa. lncludln( the undersigned Is applying 'to the B A Y V I E Wl C F , E in the fiahing from the live balt atty of California, Loo Angeles M1ues Gertrude and LouJoe Mon t-Stote Boan! ol Equalization for ._ boats. Calico bus and a few campus. He btld variols pm!-gomery. suanci by transfer of an alcoholle halibut were the catch on the tiona at Occidental co~ese and W• beveraae llom91! (er Uut ) fer boats. White ... bus and &he o1d v1s111n, pr<il.-r and -r.i-S. F. Fishermen -irem11es u 1o11ows: ... _ 'l'be ~ Cafe Ai the Ferry Iendhag -Palm and Bay A.., BalN& Under aame management: ·f-A. Wells, r Featuring Home Cooking PIES • CAKES • DON S 6-... m. lo 9 p. m. -Oooe!l h-~ • Bookkeepin g Servic e • Aud its INCOME TAX R.ETUR S 11. N. OAFENFEW PllbJ.lc Accountant S05 Palm Ave. Bolbo• J" Hours 1 9:30 p. m. Phone 158 reliable barracuda should be abow-low at California colleges ln ON SALE BEER in& up ln a rew weeks, tollowod a Chino, iror..... o1 economics ot Selected io Make Anyone dealrlnr to phrtm the Uttle later with yeUowtail. Claremont colle,e, and dean of. laua.noe of sudi Uceme(a) IDl.1' King and Hagen have their Va-faculty at Occidental. succeeding Atonu"c Te· sts me a vmtled protest with - Jenda ill operating dally now to the pruidency ln November. Stote Boan! of Equalization at from their landing near the Udo From 1939 to 1944 Dr. Coon1 Fishermen from San Francioco Sacramento, California. Ollltlns tsle bridge, leaving at 7 a.m. On wu research uaociate ot. lbe will be the only ones selected by grounds for denial 'u pvvidia by April 15 they will have their new Haynes Foundation, Loi Angeles, the Ftsh afld Wild Life Service law. nie premiaes are now lloemed boat operating. m connection wtth which he spent for the tesi on eUect on fish be-for the aale of alcoholic beveraps.. The Balboa Sport Fishing F1eet aome time ln England, and in fore and after the atomic tests in DARREL W. KING have the Crescent, Diana Lee, Owl, 1940-41_ wu \ member of the Na-May, it was learned today train NORMAN HAGAN Jennie Lee and Malden all ready tlonal 1'lanntng Rese~h board. Charles McLaughlin, secretary of Pub.-March 4, 1946. for action this season. The OM . A specialist in the economic af-Fishermen's Local 36. has been going out for rock Cod, rain or the Far East, Dr. Coons When considerable interest was leaving at 8 a .m. Rock cod make was named economic advisor and aroused here among trollers by good eating. Seven a..m. is the aide to Edwtn w . Pauley, repara-the request of the san Pedro or- leavtng hour for the other boat.I, flee of the service asking for a the Diana Lee being first. out, The Battery Repair group of local men willing to un- others as fishermen r:eqwr e. dertake the journey to the far Pa- Port Orange has the live 1balt S ervice Opened cific, about 2Q signed for the un- boat M.Jssa...vit leaving at 7 a..m., I Co ta M usual experiment. However, when ...... ith calico bass and halibut being n s esa l\fcLaughlin finally got the San caught. Pedro representative on the phone Al F orgit of the Newport Tackle A battery repair service, only yesterday he learned to their dis- store, reparts having fair luck wjth one of its kind in the area, has appointment that the San Fran- soft shell sand crabs in surf fish-been opened at the former Burton cisco office favored their fisher- ing. He wants a r ain to come P aint shop on \Vestminste.r street men. and Sout hern Californians Spending the holiday week end at Big Bear were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Craig of 27th street. the Misses Doris Rose 'and J Nnne Rath, Stan Craig and Eddi~ Rath. 1'tr. and Mrs. Bert Morris were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Morris' mother, Mn, Mai-y Stanley, West Central avenue. along a nd muddy up the water between 18t h and Magnolia, by were not included. ~::1;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+:::::::::;l 1so he can catch some spotfin Fred L. Storey, who has been in croaker in the bay. He says one the battery and automotive bu.si- five-pounder was caught in the ness in Michiga n for 30 years. · bay below the Balboa pavilion. Mr. and ~trs . Stor ey came to C ottle Elected Officer of C ounty Market Group Two youngster! down with measles are Bobbie Ne"•land, son of Mr.1 and Mrs. Maris Newland, Ne"rport Heights, and Bobble Ha- "'orth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haworth. 4lst street. Gas Heating & Ventila ion ---·--- • State .Licensed Contractor llflat.ln&' Imtallatlom Molle Wonn Frlen<!' Bmlne. Phone &&M ReUdenoe PhODe9 or H95 • Razor clams Is still the favorite Costa Mesa last year and spent bait ror spotfin. Yellowfin should the winter the.r e , the nearest place still take salted anchovies. they could find to live, to ~ near · T he Waterwitch. leaving from their only son, James. pharma- the Fun Zone landing, has been ctst's mate, USN, who was then in bringing in some nice catches of San Diego . red rock cod. The Wate rwitch They liked the location so well operated for many years from they determined to come back and Long Beach. make their home here. At present H . L. Cottle of Newport Beach was elected secretary-treasurer of White House Cafe Phone SI8% Laguna Beach, Calif. Orange County Food Markets I '--'-----~----­ group last w eek In a m eeting of the organi zation held In Santa l·R-H-=E=u-MA---=T=1,..s -=M-=---- Ana. The group was tonned recently and ARTHRITIS ENJOY WEARING ""' · ·' . • YO U R PLATES -/ "'"':.. WHILE PAYING ~"'• .. ~.':' ..... -... "'" taklu MT.-tan of 'l'O; q• Dr. c..--·. U'--1 cn"d.11 ..,.!'r11.1... •#•t:~ I P1aa. Iii• ~t w Aar · • u.,,,,. ,. -,,,,., """" ....... ·-'.., .. ···-..,,.. ' Pier fishing set>ms to be Ofl ' the they are living at the Corona del slow side these days, but with Mar motel. but plan to build a spring on the way, mackerel. hall-home on their Westminster street but a nd the other favorites can be proper ty. Their son is now at ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;~;1 expected to show up. There should Port Hue neme. b ut will r eceive his be smelt biting these days using discharge this summer. salted bonito for bait. by owners or operators of food markets to combat union organi- zation activities of grocery cler in Orange county. I suffereO-for years and am so thankful that I can walk and work again without pain, that I will glad- ly answer anyone writing me-, for Acclaimed by Denu.ta t he Most Beautiful Den- tAI Plates ever created •• • Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN ;S %100 Ocean F'rollt It'll be a !ew months yet before B tw• the sword fishing season opens oa -1se when the waters warm, but this is Among the anxious faces .&een something to look forn•ard to. It at the Boatswain'; Locker · just be- would be nice to have a run of fore the Midwinter Regatta last albacore this year, too. week e nd were DOn Douglas Jr., Scotch tape. various sizes, sale at the News-Times . on information. MRS. EMMA IVES, P.O. Box 189, Los Angoles 52, Calif. Now Open - Thf'J" are halleil bJ" thfo p...t-S.. tlw> el-L ,_..b._ to Mtare't 0"''" ~lb aswl s-un1t.. Miii leM \o, t"fthaaeP, ntbfol" than band.lap 7our raf'lal r-t•r-. Th"7 -a ,.._ tlnf't aw to J oor h ... lth aM. _ ... NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHES ' • ER8 Trolling boats· will soon start to hoping to get his California 32 operate a nd the season should pro-r acer. the Altamar in shape for duce barracuda. bonito, yellowtail, the rar"'s off San Pedro. Capt, skip jack and tuna. J . w . Reckm an had• the Douglas Tho t!sands of Used Records fwt. •fMI.. U.0''" all. 7our '°"'._a ~PP"W'&ftf'e, Styled and nttect to plump out ho~~O\V cheeks and belp ~tnre t he Pleasfng Exprer • ·1.,., Cream to Take Out • So, get out your rod, give it a yacht and Richard Arlen's Rhod.es 1 coat of varnish . get your r eel oiled tn for a check-up and conditioning a nd start overhauling that fishing for thC' ocean trip. Hun ~!red s of New R~cords d On or Youtb. l • ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~1 gear, or the season will be upan ; you before you know it. • HERE'S HOW TO FINANCE YOUR N AUTOMOBILE • 1. SELECT YOUR CAR Shop around as much as you please. You mi ht want to buy .a nC"N car from a n a utomobile agency or per- hap& to _purchase a good used one from a er o r private owner. 2. FIND THE TRADE IN V LUE lf you plan to USC' a car you no\\" O\\'Tl as pa.rt ym ent, ask the dea ler ,,·hat allO\\·ancC' you'll get. 3. BORROW THE BALAN E FROM US Come in and discuss your ' finnncial needs Barut financing is ed>nomical. Local borro>A" ·too. It gives constructi\'e emplo)ment to 1 It brings )·ou into contact with a local insti 'th' us. is best. funds. your bank -that Is interested. in you and '"Ll!Y wants to help )·ou. You build valuable bank s · g by dealing ";th us and pave the "'"8Y to quick .tutu credit "'7hen you need i L • Complete Loan MEIQ!ER n:DERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE 00 f • Lions S peaking T est Winner t o C ompete 114 W. 4 th St PAS-ADENA :t N. -Pll. 87. %-Ulll FINEST TASTING 81ZZLINO HAMBURGERS STEAKS (wlHmever be get& them): HOME BA K E D l'UM M Y B E RR Y AN D APPLE PIES 1015 COAST m GHWAl' NEWPORT ' "-rhe Home of Good Eat." Pia.- WNGBEACH Ml ._ A-L. B. .. ..., I for 'QUALITY' Merchandise At Reasonable Prices HI-CHAIRS • ----., . .... adJ '•Ht '"""'""' ••••k• -... lll&kl • plOJ-. fl2.50 • .. JU. 'IJ_,- :Welcarne Henl --. $7.95 .. -' . • BABY CARRIAGES CRIBS We .Ha ve the Bes t! ..tlcralfr - -·~18-....,__,.,_ --.. Qtlqi• ..... &-Lo• -.....,, .... , -a -.. 1--Pl -. Ql'IZJ -· . ' let Ua Help You With Your Sboppina Prob1-• .- WE HAVE MANY NEW ITEMS . , TO SHOW YOU •• : 10R BABY, BIG BROTHER or SISTER 0. the *811anm.. Floor . OUR GIRLS' DRESS DEPT. ' . . • • • ._, • • • • • • • ' -a Dt (Wtfa; p TM 1• ....... 1.1911 • I ~-lU l el , .. I ,,.....,. .. ._. tn-W '::~:0:0::c::s~ Balboa Island Atreys Slated , ·_ ~ H.:_....._A~'­ f..;~ ~.. ~ ~ 20~ '~~;;y~~-~; for Paving After Summer Ends . _::~ .... =:?1.-..... ;:c; • I V. Bailoy and !.. ells... ..... 28 ~, ~~~~ ... D. Toombs and Fors!L 28 20 ceneraJ ccntractlng busU-at 325 Alley i>&YlnC @Id Installation where the pavinfl: line would ex-betw-.... lop. 11.!Pl t..MM R. U.lie and E. cul-24 24 Coral Ave .. Balboa Island. Calif<ll'-certain water main ~ts tend. him, so 'tlo aald, wu -doe- WELi COME HOME.I M. Vogel and E . ohnson.. Z1 Z1 n!a, under.· the llctltlous llrm on .Balboa Island will go aliNd On the buts of oo '""' pro-ca,_, -'Mtas 111m al ta-c. Leach and R. . 19 29 1~ of f":::" and ~ Coml!U>Y probably after the end ot u..; tests, the c:oundl passed a resolu-l<rvalo, "Oo -Admiral, so N~ Barbor P..t 291 s . and G. FUh. ............ --18 30 and tha sald firm Is oompisecl swruner see.on, as a result ot ac-t!oo adoptlnc the Intention to do ,. ._!" -111 .t.-..i i~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIO!RICAN LEGION E. and L. Laure ........ -18 30 ol the followmg penons, -tlon taken at the dty council the work. Advertising for bids llad --..ii.-befoni? 1 P. Guy and R. den. ....... 17 31 names In full and places of resl-yesterday afternoon. Only two will probably be ·-tponed until ------------' ::'"'-~ -=· :-.. -: DAVID CAMBLE CORSON, and one of these WU described .. would not start during the sum-Dnv. er Dies,· Wife, -,.•...; '""%.:' • -,.,.. E. and R. Broyl .......... --12 36 >lonce are u follows. to-wit: wrltlel> protests were rocei~ late August, "" that the w!>ri< • W Ef.L C Q M E . C A f E " ~~~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~~W~atch~~the~~~~~~~~ 1107~ North Bay Front, Balboa not subject to the alley ....... mer vacation period. 1 Newport Bhd., C..U. .._ • ~c1. California. . m ent anyway .. hi> 1ot raced a Two Passengers ~ olSS-11 JAMES DAVID RAY, 325 Coral corner, so the resolutioo appri>v-s·kt"nnay Ennis H • . ,·.'Finest Place to Dm' e Awnue, Balboa Island. California. lng the work was voted by the urt In Crash ~. FRAN'S DO-NUT C In the Blc White Balldtq aa Newpnri a& 18th Stiee~ 11- . • .... i Nilw·-0~1 ~ t. • ~ .;J ~Jil!W 1i P . k . ' : ' I WITNESS our hands this llth c:oondlmen. ' At ·--""--·Olis F...;..;.i.ous Complete nmn· er day of February, 1,946. The IJ)lprovement work will coot ~1' · '· alll DAVID c. CORSON. 18>.686.15. it wu dticlared. bf Sat March 9 Tragedy •truck again °" the ,._ u a. .. to • a. .. JAMES D. RAY. this the dty acr....i seveno1 Coat lolghway Sunday nlcht. A ........ .. STATE OF months ago to add S15.000 1from recently ro!eued member of the ·SPEX::IAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIE& COUNTY OF ORAN . Its water fund foc ~ water 'lbe ltar of the Bob H-Pop-U. S. Navy la dead, his wife and 'CM;Jll\&i'rtW&i'I OPEN roa INBnlCTIOJ!r !__' r;; : On lhla 11th day f February, mains. whlcl> cut doom the..,,.. aodorlt .-. Sklnnay Ennla, ta two other aallon att In the .,.. .'-. Wll. E. L. nn...,.,.,_ ~ •• • _ ,, . • '.'..._ A. D. 1946, before me, Nora S. ment upon the ptuPertJa Az. oomh\c to town. Sklnnay Ennis, pital, grnely h~ u a ~t of . _ -..,..'.".,... ~; f', .. ! Marzwartit. a Notary Public In public hearings had been adYer-the batoneer who ligns In that arear-<!ndttuhof.theirPlymouth1 :;;::::==~===~==3~~~~~~~~~ 0pom and for the aald County and State, tlsed and the .last ooe wu ocbOd-irltlmate, bn!atbl ... style, Is bring-sedan into the trallor of a tank • I uul 8 u N D A y to reoldlnc therein. duly commls-uled yesterday, only one ._..,.. 1111' hla tine band to the Balboa truck, attempting, u C. M. Gar- J)().NlJTS 00 ,..... 6 p. m. • 11 p. m. doned and nvorn. penonally ·~ ed to ask • question. That one Rendezvous Ballroom nex't Sabir· nson. ita driver said afterward. ft!!.m ~;;;;~~~~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~;;T~~ff;~;;BO;;;lll:;;~ .-red David C. Conon and Jamee was a lady wanting to know Clay nlght, March 9. · a tum Into the Seavlew stables at D. Ray, known to me to be the Sldnnay Is one ol tht moot popu-the wes~ end ol the dty. penona whoee names are 1ubac:rib--p N -Jar band leaden ln the nation and Wltneuet: to the fatal auto eel to the within lnltrwnent and UBLIC OTICE no the Bob Hope show he is'bown crash said that the sedan carry. Hit · acknowledged to me that they ex-Y cht BROKERAGE Salel f from coat to coast. Hia many mo-~~~ James A. Meek, ex~sallor and Vo!' 0 M E N W A rt E D ' ecuted the same. a 8 • 0 don pJctures, other radio shows, r~ wife, together with two other , m wrrNESS WHEREOF I New Boats and Marine S'tpplleli and theater engagements have members of the navy in uniform ~ _ • have hereunto set my hand ;.,,d and equlpment of every klDd and brought hlm wide acclaim. He bu .ind a marine u pauengers were tiliuf- ·NOW TRAINING HELP FOR 0 NEW affixed my official seal the day character buaineu •J,_ 625 l ~t played repeated engagements at lm~ed against the trailer end · and year in this Certificate firlt IDghway, Newport . veach. --.u· all the leading dance spots in the which. apparenUy they cou1d not FACTORY OPENING ABOUT MARCH above written. ;, fomia, under the fictitlous firm nation and Is now on the west avoid as it attempted to tum off jf. NORA s. MARGWARTH. name of ROBERT V .. STAATS coast. the Cout highway. ·The accident }st LADIES' FINE SPORT WEAR Notary Public In and for Or-COMPANY and that 1a1d firm Is Sklnnay Ennis himself a fine happened at a point near 57th ••• ange County, State of Call-compo9ed of the following penom. drummer and u-w'.nPet man, is well street. • AND DRESSES fornla. , whooe names in full and places of known for hls Inimitable style of Mn. Meek and the two sailors, Pub. Feb. 12, 19, 26; March 5, 1946. residence are 85 follows, to-wtt: singing. He spent many years with whose flfl&meS were not imme- Single Needle Operators, Pressers, Help in all ~ .ROBERT V. STAATS, 625 Cout the Hal Kemp band, starting with diately available, were taken to partments. Clean, light, ~;rV ·ractory. work-CEKTDICATE OF BUSINESS Highway, Newport Beach, Cali-them on the North Carolina the Orange County hospital. The -, fornla · · jured ing conditions, the kind of surroundin you will Fictitious Firm Name RACHEL C STAATS 625 Coalt Campua, and then went out on ~e was not in · Meek, be happy to work in. Excellent pay if. experi---. . . his own. dnver of.the car, was removed to encecl. If not experienced. we will glad.I teach and THE UNDERSIGNED do here-~~:ay, NeWJX>rt Beach. Call-In the singing department he ~a1tz Mortuary, pending funeral pay you while learning. by certify that they are conducting WlTNESS our hands this lSth day h~ that comely so~gstress, <?ar-arrangements. or February 1946.. trune Calhoun. Carmine, born tnto ---·---- .-----------~! ROBERT V. STAATS wealth and P?"itlon has chosen to City Will Hire 52 1 Carr's Feed Store RACHEL c. STAATS spe~d he.r. lime singing ~nd .. E State or Callfomla ) rapidly. rising to the top in the lection Officers I Hay and Gra in County 01 Orange > ... entertainment wor1d. Listed here are additional features to work pleasant .. /Je Jehalrtil!f ) Quality Feeds ~ ON THIS 15t}\ day of February, _1_ A.D .. 1946, befor~~e, H. M. Ho1-Hi(J'hest Bidder • Lunch Room A resolution for establishing polling places and setting the pay NE w PORT BALBOA FEDERAL surance Plan • Nurse in Att ndance at All Times • Public Addr ss Sys- tem · • Music While You Work ker, a Notary Public tn and for ~- Dally Delivery-Phone 821 the said County and State, r esid-D1'dn't Get c1·ty of 52 el~ction officers for the city ' - election . on April 9 was adopted SAV INGS and L 0 AN ASS 0 l I A 110 ,/\/ 182'7 Newport Blvd. ing therein, duly commissioned and by the city councit Mond"'f after-:11333 VIA LIOC TELEflH CNE 1500 noon. NEWPORT BEACH , CALIFORNIA ,_ ___ 00_s_T_A_ME_s_A ___ ,J , ~;nv.~~ ~f"~i~ House After All Pay of election officers was ar-'---------~-------------.J • Transportation Good, Next P . E. Station and All Busses. '"' , , 1 111 ST AA TS known to me to be the · I 6'"R'o'c"["f("'l''E"s' : ~~~h:h~th~~::::n~~ to ~=t hit~~ .. :0:~:· ~~~pa ~~~ ranged at six dollars per day. I ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ There are 13 precincts in the city .11 Establish yourseH now in a pe all year 'round job APPLY IN PERSON N -.. acknowledged to me that 'they custodian's shack-like abode at the i Cold Meats ; executed the same. IN WITNESS 18th street entra nce because she • !' WHEREOF , I hn.ve hereunto set owned part or the property on I FndtA and Veptable8 i my hand and affixed my official which the much discussed d1A>·el-~ • seal the day and year in thls Cer-ling lies-~ut oou1dn't move it! • Open Son. • CIOMld Tbnn. " tlJicate first above written. Another bidder got the d eal for ROSSI'S Liouor Store lo&ll Cout m _way ~ Mlle Soalll of tho AJ<lbeo ! ~ H. M. HOLKER, two dollars Jess tMn the $602 Mar- ~ D tt 9 ~ ~ Notary Public in and for gue.rite MacColloch offered. Oloeed on 'l'uelday I u on s arocery j Orange County Stata of Twelve bidders sent in sealed J ~==~~~~~~~=~ " · California. MY Commll-often ranging from $166.19 to $602 ]; MAUR1CE TT ~ Pla08fl %118 : sion expires Mafch 4;1.9t9. for the shack, \\"hich previously f 11u Newport 81..S. Voeta Me.a! fSEAL) · _ . had lured only one bid or $87. ~""''"" .. "'"'"'"'~'"''·••t•1111111111+1111111111111111u~ Pub.-Feb. 19, 26, Mch. 5, 12, 1946. That was refused , and advertised FOR INSURANCE 8EE -------------------+---------------------'------------again, the bidders understood that Howard W. Gerrish -----·-- : Here's what ·those • new to n s1gQs mean ou · When the Che .... goes up over a gas swioo, you tbe dealer is an irttl#- pntlnl in your CXJalllllUlily. You see, lots of folks ap rec:We tbe friendly, per- aooal brand of they get u indepmdax swioos but they 't always know they ate "home-owned." So new ChehCJG sign and the distinctive bur dy, aeam and green paint job is the way e've takm to drive diac faa home to folb here. I . We waat to be sure our Oiltomen get me • best-and you just aa't bat new Chenoa Gonlioe, 'RPM .Mocor Oil and all oar odier =;:.~[==-~to= Snndanf ol ~ \ f!)ftlia's Chenoa Nuioaal Ciedir Cards, roo. I lncideody, tboee Credit Cards ate migbcy 1 I handy IX> have around-ID if JOG cloo't al· \ lady haw ooe, we'll be gUd IX> tab your ap- pliarina anytime you' re in me neigbhodood. ! ·REMEMBER ... the sa1I# prodllds, the 1411'• ~ the S11t11t1 foUa lo serw JOll 1 CECIL O. GAUGHAN 210 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach they must move the house ot ques- tionable '(intage from the city. Miss MacCollech, however, said in her bid that she owned the lot and wanted it to remain. 0 . B. Reed pointed out that she owned only part or the property lj coveted by the buifding, the rest being on a proposed street. Hence as she mw:t move It, the second bidder'' offer was accepted for OOSTAIQ!&A ~Ill Automobile • Fire Accident • Life • Ucenee and Contract Bondi Wrlllan $600. He was RB. Tudor. '------------' GEORGE D. BAsslm' ' General Acco0nting Fishermen's Bookkeeping JNOOME TAX 8£.BVIOI!: • ' 2602 W. Centlil Ave. Ph. 1805-J All elrtcierlo: aoU.. .......... --· ......... -- • ' T' ••• DI FERENCt i. 1 m!!111c 1£CAPPllC: .. No .tdew.U ..... or' --.. ..,,..ii. Doeth .. --· oo•..., wltJa M.tor \ I • Our two New Army MeChanics Helped Us Win Peace and Freedom. They Can Help You Keep Your Car First Class NATIONAL AUTO CLUB EMERGENCY STATION Newport Auto Works Earl Mitchem, Prop. lU IOth at Coaat Blvd. Pho .. (dayoratpt) Hlt HERE ARE S0"11 OF THE THINGS YOU'LL WANT TO THINK ABOUT IN SELECTING A POSl·TION •••• • Does the compan7 baw die npar1don ol beiAg • good pi... to 'llt'Olk l • An the people Who work tbere the lllmd 1"'ll woG!d lib to ....... frieadal e A,. dtete onugemeDh for ac~alrlaa more uid more kiiowi.dge ODd abi1itJ oo dtejobl • Are 'tbete !'l'J'Ommitlef fw pro•odam widl iaitable .-••• 1111aco-...... opomibiliql e II die job ouady1 ' . e II dte o&e ...... JOG wtll wwlt -focable.dnn. ... lad,...,,..., Hpz I wllieamdl e WiU JOO gee_.. .. with po;.1 • Will JOO be treated with respect ODd ....,. ....... cloa, .• -\ The Teleph.o•e Co111p11ny offer' · tbes1 ·""""""'I" * 'UST Allf THI OPllATOa Joa 1111 CNll• QPllATOI .._ __ .._.._ ___ _..~-· • • • • \ • EFEND YOUR HEALTH OIWICE OWN 1 • I ' I I I ~Wt C rlEA M ErlY ITH • ... N 'Ask Damqea for . Hilldreds of 5coldsl aid F Asserted Overcharp a....-t la District lea.rt of • At Lampert M~tel Friday at N. B. Gra •r · • In Wash9 "'1r-!" A sui t for ird>le clamqft ' - anaJnst J..ouil Jablon, Ed S . Tub1n. A procram fascinating tQ .;,"TY . .--+-----. --;-, --r~-~ a.et Crank, w•ll known harbor Arthur Sliver and A. Sandy Stein-bu =.-=.: %.. '"";";.; ~':;::-; ,.,..ombie Al resident. and presl.den• of Udo llle er "5 Ol)l!l'tlton ol Lampert Motel and Son dinner and District Court ~ B.. Con\munity AModatfon, ca:no Into on Coast Hlghwayln N~ wu Pl Honor which will ~held Fri· 1'",'l'I H-. r• • Authorized Dealers for · -• • • e I IOJOUt WV' ·-·---BUJZ--PL\811 Ols'11a a -n- •· Tl'Ua .................. .. ftU'0&$8 ....... ... e OOlllPUllTI: BO-Al'PUANCE llAIN'l'ZNANCS. e J"&AC'llONAL B. P. MOTOa llSaVKJB. . . I Newport Elech~ Applia•ce . eo.; ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;~$;;;;;;~ the /n•tfonal spotlight turned on ent<r<'d by OPA In superior OOurt day """'1inc. March s, at lheN.,.... ~ell II-'-· I the Edwin Pau1ev oonr-rmation Monday. port BNc:h Grammar school audi-·111 ftllU . ' , ~gs In Wuhin!t'on la,st Thr OPA ---ol lorium. for lil1 Boy Scwt troops -~ -Nw.-l - •' Mrt11r'l.9K....;. ....._ 1111 . 1 I week when Crank testified ~fore ~ !:'."_ al:qed ts~ of Costa ~ and Newi;tort Crombie Allen, n one of the :===============:;:=======' · the / Senate committee that he paid by uu~ enan ' ean Be~ bekt known newspa mm in • • -two California state legis.-Beaumont. Robert A. stra-and . • . to ~ the drawing Southern tilltornia . known to ' '1atdn at $200 per IT)Onth on ~half Robert J . Vldel ~ affair ls a former hundreds bere'clue to residence F h. 'f 0 J • • ' Whether ·it is saving for a home,' comf rt in later yea s, etc., you ca do it better t ru our savings Ian • P~rt o\ All you Earn is Yours to SaV(f ~ Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal Savi s and Loan Associatio Laguna Beach, CalH. -Ph. S90 ANNO U NCING HUBERT E: VAR ELL as Wholesale INK . WELL and PEN SET I . • It Can't Spill • • -Even if Upset! Ideal for <ht OFtllCE • HOME • SCHOOL • HOTEL in Southern Counties ORANGE RIVERSIDE SAN BERNARDINO SAN DIEGO IMPERIAL for Prompt Delivery Phone, W1Tt, or W nte DiTt ct. to Hubert P. Yarnell Npt. A# OIL T AT 0011 5" '' AT 0#' t• -..... --··--·--- . You can bet it's not by aa:idait that ' RPM Moo>< Oil keeps your motor ca.I-, gi,,.. it loagu life. TIJU oil's ooperially .-pounded to md arboa ~ pttvem corrooioa, stid< to . ~ spoa that onlinaiy oils i.. .. i... wl npowd to wur, ID. Jip oDda- tioa. and to eliminate air0bubble1 diit!t would impoit ciraaWioa. Bae ot l.u,· RPM Mocor Oil t1omi•t cooc I I . ·--'..--..... z ~ Clayton . Wholt 'e Dllll:rllliaillioll U1418·W .......,155 8-. ........ lON of 1Pauley's California oU com-1by ~ ':i':.::"""ntly acqulftd =esslonal mogician who has for the last few~ died fut ·res· ru·•1t r'ange u1ce. pany. . . been maldng his home In Lquna ~day nl&hl and w laid to ...... <Jrank ls an advertising man In 1 Req • M. Said Jl<ad'i and who Intends to retum at! Ontario Sunday. ls brotheP, Loo AngeleS. He tesllfled that llO Wern 888 to the business, while from Orange Henry, owns a at Corona ( h d) selected Cecil. King, now a Demo-For William Payne . I there wil1 .~ a llCOUtmuter who del Mar and a da~ghter, Mn. watc it squeeze cratic member of the House of was a tanner archery champion, .Chester Perry, lives Balboa. , ~ ~preaentatfves and John W. Of Costa Mesa I haYlDg beeteo Howard Hill In 'Mr. Allen, with · brother, Ev~ u p<iblle relations men to open competflkln, and who will <>wned the Ontario port untU T tecl"' . E ... ' ~· h M ffi help aet alll!ratlona permits for Roary WU recited at 8 p.m. give an arcl>efY exhibiL 'These 1930, when they sol it. Crornltle oas ng· IS u ns <imProvmients on llllln& 'ltaliolll Monday at the IL R. Brown· Mor-two pedormen-and the awardfn& then devoted all ~ efforts to ' ' llli1'g Pauley's g~lne. ac<ordlna tuary, Santa Ana. for Leo WWlam ol advancement bad&es will mal<e Rotary International and travelled · · .-. to illspatches frOrit the· capital. Payne, 280~ Birch 1treet, Coota up the Pr<J&1'8Dl. . over the world as ~ good will He said that the 1tate pay of the Meu, Who died at hla home Fri· Plans for the affair were made ambula.dor. He wu··first presi Jec!slatOn wu but $1200 -year day. Requiem mast wu said at at the tint of a . series of Sc:OOt dent of Ontario Rotary In 1922. and that often state legtslaton St. A.nn'1 Catbollc church at 9 18.ders' round table meeUnp 'The former. publisher came to tqok outside jobo becauae their a.m. Tuesday and burial wu In which was held In the Scwt Hut Ontario 34 yea.rs aco with his political pay waa lnadeuqate. 'lbll Holy Sepulcl>er cemetery Wider at Custa Meaa Friday. J . Kim-brother, Harold L. Allen, from wu tn 1939, Crank recalled. be.fore aUlpices of Costa Mesa American ber ot Planet Pictures · was Greensburg, Pa., where the two Kine waa sent to the national Legion Poat 455. present, and scoutmasters of three had engaged in the · newspaper concreu u a rep-esentative trom Survivinc are hla mother, Mn. Costa Mesa troops discussed with busineu. He autfered a stroke San Pedro. Mary Payne, San Francisco; a him the possibility of a picture nearly .two years ago at hil home, :===========I daughter, Mn. Olive Riches, No~ show for Costa Mesa next month, ,167 N. EucUd avenue.'· and riever frozen food Cabinets HollywoOd; two brothers, Walter using 16 milimeter colored film!. fully recovered. He had spent the ot Hollywood and Raymond Payne Present at the meeting were major portion of the last ye~ a~ of San Francisco; three slaters, Field EJtecutive Bob CUlbertson, Balboa and had been a patient Mn. Ollve Gordon, Corte Madera, District Commlssioner Bob East-~~·the hospital for a month. . Mn. Edythe Berger, San Fran-man J Kimber· representing Allen wu a rµember of Stgma clsco, and Mn. Elizabeth Oldfin, ~ 20 were ~tmaster Bob Delta Chi, newapaper fraternity, Vancouver, B. C., and two grand-Service and Committeemen Harold and of Bethel Congregational children. Knighten ; Troop 6, Scoutmaster . church and wu ll1:' honorary mem- ------'(" Harold Hall, and Troop 17, Srout-ber of the Ontario Rotary club. Heinz Kaiser master Johnnie A~u . Installs Manager In Bayshore Camp Parkway Project s.u that unwanted art1c1e Now Under Way through News-Times a~. Excavatio~ by giant bulldozers has started the new freeway link- . by May 1, 'instead of Decor ation ing Santa Ana and Hollywood, a A new full-time manag~r of the Day, as usual. The store is being project which will cut the driving Bayshc:>re ~p has been mstalled , redecorated, the beach enlarged, time of Santa Ana and the metro- by Heinz Kaiser, well known for-and sports for children extended, politan area in half. .. • Coffee · 25c . at the Breakfast Club The New Blue Room · him Street at Ceo~ Balboa Roll -A -Door By mer restauran~ man ~d owner of he said. Africa's family have mov-The $20,000,000 project began ~he ca~p which ~e is currently ed. to their new home in Costa last week at the Los Angeles end unproving to_ antlcipa.te the great-;jM~es~•i· iiiiiii~~~o~f~th~e~ro~a~d~w~a~y.§§§~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~ijijijijiijiijii~mF~ est season since taking over the location on 17th street and Coast · highway in 1929. The new manager is John Africa, recently from Tulare, "'here he was operations manager of the Tex Rankin Aero- nautical ACadeniy. Since 1898 Franchise Dealer 6-Door Beach-In Porcelain Jnt.erior 82S So. Los Angeles St. .An•behn, Callf. EMERGENCY PHONE •-WmMU Africa. a former newspaper man, had a hand in the training of 10,000 cadets, many of whom came from San ta Ana Army Aif Base. One of those cadets trained by Rankin later became America's top ace-Mayor Richard Bond, killed in a tryout of a Lockheed Shooting Star after th.e end of the war. The new manager will live in the camp ground and operate the camp which is now undergoing an improvement at a cost of $30,000. It is expected to have the area paved and utilities ~leted be- fore the end of April. Kaiser said that he fully expects the camp ground to be filled with trailers Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey gg~g~~ @~~~ c:> Boot. ud Boy "- him antl Bay, n.11- ........ 991 1946 TRUSCOn CRUISERS on Display at I • Foster & Sons 920 Coast Qighway .... NewportllMell • . I • '* • ' . LET'S TAKE STOCK NOW E .... ,.bod,. wan11 good& Manufacturtta want to make them • for yon. l' et month.I after the war'• end, yqa atill find it difficult to get many of the. thing• yoa want and ohould have. So, ian't thia the tiuie for all of 1111 to take atock • , • to learn a leuon ••• to find -1, ii "e can, what will !'D"' the trouble. we are having and prevent &heir reearrence? Let'a look. lllH\ad and agree on a ' . prognm ~t will imare the fall pro. da~tioa e.erybody. agreea ia the real anower lo mO.t of our problema. Suppoee ~e begin by taking a good look at three·roedhlodu to proaperity..o STRIKES Whatner their jaatice or lnjutice, lllrikee paralyse production, foree people to !I.le ap their aaTinga, and m.It In. ao. ... that caa-be ....de ap. PRICE CEILINGS Full prodaction ian't poaaible wbea lndaatry aden 1-beeaaae 0£.rill:' lag -and froaeia · pricea. Priee ceilinlJI Umit production -g.....U jmt don't get made. GOVERNMENT SPENDING .. Continued huge governmei:,l 1peading meana continued high laxea. High laxee diacourage production, hinder the creation of joba, and leave yog leaa to 1pend. ISN'T THIS THE WAY? 11ae people, through Coagreea~ caa remoYe the8e roedhlodu In. the long• range ln.ltte81a of all •• ; By eetabli1bing a labor policy that will treat labor and management euetly alike, and abo-.e all be lair IO the pnblic; By remarlng the ohacklee of price eontrol on manufactured goodo; By ca.llln.g down oa government •pending DOW and balancing the Federtil badget by the 1947 6oeal y~ at a leYel of lneome and oglgo that iasl"'Y"" caa atand. < • • Do yon ~ thia program la la the poablic In.-? Yoar Reprumtalhee In Co~ ' 8ft the -1y oaea that can ~I ii into e8'ecl. Tell them how 7fl" feel a.boul IL ' • NATIONAL A~SOCIAT~ON OF MANUFACTURERS . . - .. roa A llTTll TOMOllOW roa IVBIJ'IODT r • • ( * ' • l1&-------------------1 ' I . I • t • • f ' : ' ' • • • • • ' • I ~· . . .. ,., ., 11'5 • •1 • PJ ... •·' 1' •Rs ' at.,..._ k llp llliil p1k lzt11 ... .aC _. -.. .... cal" ti 'Rs la • m ef VltalUJ'· ;;:.. ::: ~ '1!7.J .:ar: .::. ' OM WON Aa'' r I ..... I 7 Wt , ... a.rt Css •••••• ..,. ... -E ha"7 tD ._. ~ Qa..I ... oekJll ..... ti~ WfJls' ZIT NO PAIN-NO DIWGS-NO 8UllGEaY-NO INIMJtlO:l'IL OONS'llLTAftON hlU BY APPOll'lllllMNT. PBOIO: UM Dr. E.. f. Bell, D. C., hC. 11'7 ~ llt. • ' I . FP~u~lllU~c~No~n~•~iiiiiiiiiill ----~---,..--iOld Yacht CJab N&Vf. Accepting _ Latst1_11i_::t Na-~~ J! :™ 0nurt. ~ J:91~.!:.: Soughtf~ New _Two.Year Enliitmtnta ::-1.::.;: :::!c ~~ -nom.. -.... 1 , ... Sportfishirig Venture . -v c1ara the out1nc c1eporw of THE UNDERSIGNED 4o bore-u follows. to wit: I "Layinc the _.. for a ~ the Na-A1>t-club. by certtty .tbit tboy me coocllirt.-Omar J . w-. Rt.'1. Bos 11112, The lkelotons. If they ~ , Navy to aafoS\IU"d our nation'• --n-to.Glut F-t • • F. C. VEN-N · 1 UALTo& N-,._ .., ~ Jllolli- o.r...a w ..... ~ Inc .,. iuto oourt bo•b 111 at llZI VIiia. California. • In the_,. at the one-time ,;et ~U.. -belp enfaroe world Ire l'OOd. but -I• lboulcl be W. Central Awnue, Cty ot New• Jllliee Wlloon, Rt. 1, Bos 11112, Newport Yadtt club n...t how -oo.ftbe Navy Rttrultlni: -carried. Rood llllfoce ii Icy in port 8eMh, County of Oranp, VIit.. Clllfornla. rattled with ullclpitlon Moad.ay today _lo ,occeptins appllcotlom _far lpOtL . .__ __________ , Stlte ol Clllfomla, .-the_ fto. wuu.m F . Marx. 1122 W. Cell-at.., noon when a .. .,...--two-~ enllstmenll, tbe lbcrteot \;:::::::::;;:-::::::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ tltloUI llrm name of Boy View tra1, ~ e.ach, Clllfomlo. made at the recular -... of U.e period ol enllstment, in more than 11 WITNJ:SS our -lhil 2Dd cloy city -to ..... this veaoroble two c1e<;ac1e1. ,, -. " VENmAN BLINDS Nl:W LJ)l'B Craft GTeeting Cards 8t tla•s:) Brookings V arietv of March, 1946. ~ yacht club foe 0 lpllrtsfilhlnlf An..._t to that effect Y0""°4a ' OMAR P. WIU!ON londlna. WU made by 01lef M. R. Mano- JANICE WIU!ON The old green shed j\St ,..,.t field. officer In charee. ot the Novy WILLIAM F. MARX of the OVttheod brldlfe lrontinc Recruitlnc Stltlon In thll. area State of ClllfonLia ) on the boy whlcll ance boused 'tbe . WOOD • ' 8'1'EEL • ALUlllNUJI ...... ~-,Qwww '•-...... -•-•tts-.._Ru '11 ' • Boan: County ol Oranire ) a ambitious venture would be lllit- ON THIS 2nd cloy of Mardi able dockage. if fixed up. Richard A.O., 19t6, befoce me Ruby A. Griffin believes. from which to dla-------------------+-------------------l ThomPIO" • Notary l\lblic In ud patch ftlhing partle1. He wonted ..--------------------;-------------------•l for said County and State, ~-only motor ttpaJr pr;ivlleae1 Wee. U..-' GT'Cl'\11 ...._ ...... ..,.. o--...... Staats Expect Matthews' Cruiser Late This Month 8li ~ ·miia-r Plloae Newpwt S'J80.W I • ~-.-------.--+I . • ' , • • lnlf then!ln cluly ~ ud wise, ud not &enetral boat owr- IW<>rn, penona))1 -ored Omar haul. I Bubbling over with enthusiasm ! Mr. Oild Mn. ~ V. Staats were telling friends over last wee.kend that utey had just been ln!ormed from Port Cinton, 0., that the first Matheft• cruJ.ser to be ahlppecl tiµ& way from the fac- tory ls leaving today for their Coast hte:hway showroom. It is exprf'Cted, here about March 20. Marine Upholstery -Nooks and Booths A SPECIALTY-' J. Wilson. Janice Wllaon, and Wils The matttr was taken under 84- llam F. Mars known to -to be vUement by the city enlflneer. the persona whole names are 1ul>- 1C11lied to tlie within lnltnunent. Slaaw's Upllolstei-y Watchmake and jeweler r Island 'Tu.Jill . You ·CJeere? MARCH 9t'1, 1946 at S o'clock in the afternoon MR. ·FRED BECK will AUTOGR H bis book • "SECOND CARROT FROM at onr NEW store. Reserve your cop END" and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; I hove hereunto set rity hand and attl.xed my official 1eal the cloy urd yYar In this certificate ftnt abo.Je writs ten. !SEALJ RUBY A. THOMPSON, Notary Public In and For Said County and State. CMy Cornmluion Expires May 24, 1947.) Pub:-March 5. 12, 19. 26, 1946. r our friends and mine .Mr. and l\llrs. Jack Cole, Balboa Island, entertained with a dinner recently in honor of the host·s birthday, an evening of cards fol- lo,ving. Guests were Mr. and Mn. Tom Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. George P'eters and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. rung. Appoint 4 New Bbard Members . To Coast Assn. H. F . Kenny, newly elected prrsJdent of the Orange County Coast assoclation, has appointed tour new members to the board of. d1recton of that body, making a board at 25 in all, including the officers. New members are F . W. Hickman of Seal Beach. William Galllenne of Huntington Beach and Suoervisors Willis 'H. Warner and Irvin George Gordon. The directors met tcxiay (Tues, dayl in special session to plan a program for 1946, at the Weis come cafe on Newport boulevard near the south gate of the Santa Ana Army Air base. 'hftlq, l"llnltare UpMlaterlal' _. Wzr '•lac f • Pickup and Delivfty Service • n. El'/'1'"tes Oftr W1at' 8&q Wt Rzp :Ir 1111 c-t lllchwa1 "tor ...__ Agents for the Mathews for years before the War, the Staats were up to their necks in boat '""'.:--------,----------------.IJ building during the conflict, and t==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;:::;:::;::::::i later sold out the property to Sea· THE HURLEY ·· BELL craft company, headed by John Harvey of Long Beach. While 135 <X>AST HIGHWAY, CORO~ DEL MAR managing the yard for' H arvey, soon td be 'ready for boat ·recondi, ...,,, -,rr=;: .. , 4 .•. tioning the Staats also have plans OPEN DAILY ·· for exhibiting their six-place "38 sedan" luxury cruiser. Many or, ders have been taken, it was said. AT 4 P. M. Sandaya at ! p. m. "The House of Fine Foods'" AT OUR NEW STORE, ll05 NORTH jl\Urn< STRUT Formerly Clas. Hom On the enlarged board as no~ constituted are the following, from . -------~-~1 th• harbor area: w . M . Longmoor, For Reservations Call Newport 1273 representing Newport Beach; Irvin ;=:=;;:;:::========:::::; i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~;~;;;~ Capt. Siegenthaler of Louis\'ille, Ky._. and Capt. s)usscr. a former reside nt, are guests for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Campbell. 1559 East Ocean boules van!, BalOOa, while on temporary duty at Santa Ana Army Air Base . PAINTING .. I.! Yean Bent... i. N.-port e.-rA.- BOOM S 616 NORTH MAIN ADE BLDG. HARRY HALL PHONE ll8%3 SANTA ANA P&DrTIJ!fO CO~ ., ... J.-.. ... ... ., .. The Pa~ific Te ep,one and Telegraph Compa1y aid S1b1ldl1rl11 So1th1r11 C11ifor11la 1l1pho11 Co.-8111 T1l1pho11 C1. of Nevada $400,000,000 Excerpts fr ive-Year Expansion Program the 1945 A1nual Report "ALTHOUGH ·h apo- duced an ez.ceptiooal lf'O•th tbrou1hout the war ,an. ow compmiy did aot profit from the ..... The lahuMrioD • • • """poriaa me,.., !M5- ._ el al the route to lfakyo lloy-wlch 19:39- .. ,_, ia which oroll!!OJI wv doqcb cac mm ma. pndia1 aloom-.i•idly ~7'9 OOC cm1y wbt.t ~ c:ami-sJ'• cqmt.sioa no• CE TO WAR AND noM WAR TO PUCE po11.,......., fumbl. ... """ ,._,we Nrricc; IO nod. 11>e ..rnaa. ...._1csn1 M pcmiDle; IO cbarp lot .. llU'fice ooly u •OM"Q.Cd to bep CJllf lt'OmpiDJ ..... dal.ly .tprow-it h ol. Td<pboa'°';:"::.'j~'.°. ..io t .. ... , .. -1-7~' 39 -Toll .-! Loet DQ. ...... Toca! Callt • • • U91l.90.s.f0 ~Z..,JJ Jl1,102,t9J 169 ~~ -rlcal lmponaoca ' d>et 111 ~r:er· . rilOrf) • • • • • ,,.,,,,_ 11,766,999 I l,116,~ l'IO!I ,. ......... bo--~ will CODtiAoe to Tlt?C' tbs IMCllU7"7 &IDOQ:Dtl of ..., capi.m..l aeerW to IMX'OCJi.. pJish th••• obj«ti•u. Eamiq:t dwi are edeqm• uelamepoli6cm....., ' bea:uw •miap dwt UI Plue 1a..._rt . HP3,560,l>e tGll.>50.991 t115,190.t-0. Opcratla1R....._ ttn,1~ fl"'870.* tll6,701,71S 'h1,:;;t 15,7~~ Ul,17',676 "'5,f75,716 llM I " .... _ _....,.me ,_a al ill war efon. bat oloodiolmpoaoldW- ...... • ia a.jo( opu- lliam. T~ s.m;. ·. ·. · . ~ Jl,156,91, 109.73'-"l 76,57',017 Opcratiq ~'!""' n• (bclon ) •.• 12,165,2'4 tl67,291,87' • 15,121,6.IO '°' 2°' 1--odequa• -olrily jeopsrdlao ... ~ Operatiq T •• t 17"79,917 a J~n a 55.7M.085 Tout Pa ••• a S6,02"20' •J.U,619.994 • 61,666,789 12' 71 .IO ,. cieocy and the tlC'Opr of die •"ice. Thus, our com• pa.ay aod .che public it ten'a have a common iD: 11Utst. lo full f'K'"OP!tim of dmt iata:at, tbc: chatps for th• . IU'rica rCndered should tt«ea • &it treat• mmc poli('J apftSltd ia nta which, at all tit:oa. will be au"Jt that touad et'OCl.om.ic coo.sideratioot will pttnil ia the itltetat of all part.io-tbe peuom, ""TU ftibeaomeaal de- ...ios-o1 me Pod&: l!.mploy<at • • • • 25>,999 51,2G IJ,2M U.091 """ ""' Cout widii ia uemeodout w ...... lacome A~· ihi<, 17,ll07 '"'" 17,6.IO for lat and . suide. ia CClmlDtlUt ia- d..117, milicary ao<1 "!'..i ktivitia hu p.19Ced. and will coatiaue «> ~ a - ICtin& dan•n<b upca our compaay. With tbt oatioo- wide intttffi in this W.. Bung S«lioa with its ra~ JdJ y e:a:paodiog markeu and i.ts outstanding growcb ~oteati11li1 ies, ou.r coc. 'patty will u-pcricocc ii:a a..... . . ... • n.'60.•}4 a •"115,115· a 1.6"'5» A•~hn ... ed C.pual . i .... S3,,,293.069 9'12,}'4,160 t '7,0,.,091 RHU.m on . ted CapiW • • . • • 6.33~ J.87$'9 .46%• 7• Pu Shani . Eamiag• • " .• Difldench .••• t7.Jl7 J7.1' '9.7' Tua .. the i.m.mediatt rean abnd, as tM, an now ri.Jualiz~ ao unptteedcoctd exp&mioo. "Out immtdia;tt task ahead i.s to rmdu TIU'fitt to all .-bo want ic and to restore ilDd IO ta.kt out laTice to ON heights.. A.J le aooouoad Dramber tan. ia the: ~ ciiace 6wr}u.r puiod our romptny will be mquired 10 make opendituta for oew <a. atnaetioa ~g $400.000.000 mcL as a ~ auaordi.aary amonou of DrW apiW will .be rcqnired. Tbe-aeaatioc aad sewed ol this mt.ix. program ut die-- pmdmc upoa the 8ow of .......itable mm--. mae<riab, _,. .-! me Ind ol OOsions coodibom. 'Ihe <OOP'UDO'•tioa of 1bt program fcs 1946. oow well udtr way, wiU ~ it is aria-red, • all·U... lllP """'"1ioue Qf u.,.....i. ol '90.000.· 000 for onr comcracticm. Th.ii compua '!rich meJJJ,eoo,ooo ~ • ~ i. d:tasi .. o1,..,;.h n • 1 d. ct. arw pa. tddidom . foe "'" .,. ..... al -" .... 8100.000.000. TMg ns-i fiMn will •-m..doolilodio~-,W.c o&H1>• o1 ... f,1,000.. "'JO do oil ............. -.. mlod will cake men. maUriaJs and moaey. Om program will offe.r cmploymenc oppommi- ries ro many mco. a.ad ~ ooc oaly in the mmmfactutt, o:muuctioo aod installa- ticm of the added plaar., but .i.o ia dM maioumoct and opuatioo of a cootinu-- ous.Jy impnwing and up1nding Kt'f'iu. Om nn undtttUiog will require fat irs ICCOC!plisbmmt camiap that are 11>ffi0mt to atrnct dw huge 1Um1 ol MW apital needed. ~gas it docs a fnnda!D"Otal Upifinnct to nttJ ciry, town. •illage a.ad 1wn1.. oiuoughow che Pacibc eo..~ me ..,..,...mm1tioa of oar wipnadm~ pt1> p:mn will result io ioc:rauiq: the plant ia· •M•WG.C of oar c.-pasy bf almc '° pu cw. hriagina iu toc:a1 plw: la:; , ... '° • ..ee•ot qgrtpCiag o,...ardu of • bil- Uoa dollam -nae era of ua11•.dr.tts e«1•"""c. that OITI' a:mpmy hla DDW eotl:nll pbas _. .. )ii!jQa of .. inc -aaitudl opoe --""" .. foroud '!rich • 1 ---·~---· wd.l will cootiouc tD be well welted. .la ourcomi-oJ'• followin& outits nnb'ithsd • the: e:mpJO)'ftS ao.d the in-...,,on. "A fU(aSsful natioa ii a protpttOUJ oar doo. lo order to ioaease aad to sunaio. die produ<tion which is •iml co that prospeto iry,' busiDeu md indwUJ must., of neco- siry, prospe.r as mast thf:i.r pcnoa.nel who, through the dedicatioo of iodi.Tidual efton, roalribute to the fonvard m.a.rcb of Am'1" Ka. 11W luodameocal concep<, me .._;. tiaa of me olignicy ao<1 wonb o1 che ;,,,i;. -rlclccal ....i me ..i .. of ,,.. .. .....,;... with. tqml opfiuctuaity for s..U-dM ~ icaa ,,.7 o1 ~ prodnctd me iu,.,_ -iatd"' li .... -ail peo;:J-Pros- -i.. i.-me-o1 me ...u..."' oar pat Nacioa--U ,nu be ct. eemllC • ~ ol oar C0111pmy, • it ... bem ii. cbe ..,,. eo .nadir a •1 :....V,. ..,... ico, w!lldo m._i,;,, .._ e&;_,. ...i mp.dsbility, will <.'Olldw '° _.. llt fall miiailmoo.. ...... --- '· • George Gordon, Newport Harbor: 11946 Model ------Braden Finch, Corona del Mar, and C. W. TeWinkle, Costa Mesa. · Lawn Swings Talented Girl Chemist Returns To ':'· c. Campus Miss Erma Orr. daughter or Mr. and ~{rs. Vernon Orr, 604 Broad street, Newport H eights, returned last week to re~ume her studies a t the University of Call· fornia, Berkeley campus. She left there In her junior year to become junior chemist with the Standard OU company at Richmond, where she served during the war ~n a leave of absence f-rom the school. Before returning to college she With white frame covered with vat clfed army duck and 4 Inch fringe on canopy. ·ow AVAD.ABLE! nt Time ln Yean Wood Slat orch Shades Santa Ana Tent &Awning Co. 1826 s. Main 105 Coast Santa -~ Blvd., Lacuna spent a week at home. ~-----~------' I • ~ I STEA -KS - OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • B UTTERJlllL& CAKES • Complete Luncbeon-55c • . Open 1 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 Kids' Cafe HM Newport Blvd. Barney and Al. Props. Costa,Mesa r~r - ' pg fO!I! S9!!!!!f!ll W.WOl#IA COC!!7!1 7!!11' commm A WT '" • l!Vichlo chdr bouadtrics .., coaanlftftd che oxunl ......._ che ....... ., aod die . nu·io.crculng s~ o( bu.man codctYOr· witb whicb empila att acat.ed. Hett is llQo u..u.d dearial O><tJY IOcl power to. gialll &ctorics aod a.a. abundance of tile-giving ,,.,.. to. fertile iaa4t-Hct< is oil-wbido mmed die -.,._ 11111 """ ......... wheds of pcl«-produced ca qauticia a-•.ceN:tlllt wUb the aeedt ol. the mtion. __ ......,_la __ _ ,_ -..., «die pl-. tbip. ..... __ .,.._ __ ,. __ ff ...... .m. i....i. r..-.. bids bas ._. auxti o1 die i>od 'Wida w!lldo 10 {eed I GrTing ......... .,....,,,._ .. _ la paa.bubon-~ "'~ ol"'""" ood --.,. ol a ......, ... .,..."'! ~ _.., pbca ....... . . . ' • ' • l· • -.. -~-· . " . --. t' ' . .. • l . ' ': ,_,_,..;•. ~ ~--~ ;·~i' rca•lMI f -. ' . ' I .. . . . . - ' ~:~t~::::tofbeP NEWS-TIMES CLAS ''IED~~--John R.. Neloon, '!""> waa with the Clout Guard aa motor ma-dllnllt'• mat•, receh'Od his dis-----~---if-~-­ nlng. PREClNCT? b. 3: • Read ....... fOI', Profit • • I U11e Tham for -Resulta . . . Polling plaee: Oty Jiall. N~----If you don't ftDd what you are JooldDc for adwrtbed In tblll ~ llhmle Newjliirt· 8"dl 12 or l3 Uld ...__,..a owa advatll TI!l!t --- cb&rp at the San Pedro .. .,.. , radon center after retUrning from Honolulu where be wu stationed tor about . four mtha. After spendinc a week with his -enta, Mr. and J>fn. Axel Neaon of Nowport Heichts, be went to Oak'- land but expects 1o retw-n home port Beach, Callfo;.ia. •· ' I ..-.-, ~~aJdescrlp on of voting ;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;~~~======~~~:;;':;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;ii;i;;====;;;Jii~~~~;;;:iii;:========::~;;;;;';:;:;=;;:;;~;;:;;;~;;;;=;~;;:;;~;;~;;===========~:=;;;:;:;=;:;:;:;;;;'~=========:;; All that portion 0 the Oty• of ·-O(Jliil& l• DIPl.OYJIDl'I' orrmu • 90ATll. --.. -2AL AllfNOWNCl&llSNft .. ~-~w:~·~·~·~-~· ~T~·~-~-----.J.~:,~u~·~L~-~l~A~t:a~-----_!IT IOOft, Mr. and Mn. W. S. Hansakor, 127 28th street. are both Ill at ~ home with the "flu." PUBLIC NOTICE CEJSTinCAT& OF BUSINEBB Flctl-.0 Firm Name Newport Beach dose bed aa fol· FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on WANTED --per to Jive J'Ull! Jl)QUIPKl:NT 1-1"8 -Study at H--RHI Est.!"""'"" lows: All that port!°' of Newport your home, call NewtJOl"i IOU in. Call NewPorl 1566-J. IJl.ltc ~ Pyt-A Foam nftll8. Guanntee-:lOll Security BJdc. Bay within the bulkb ad lines and aft« 4:30 p.m. l~Uc W AITRESSEs WANTED _ Bay CO. lll<ed .,.-.-Pd ~ Paaadena. Calif. 11-:lOtp the City Jlmlts of N •. Beac)\ . Shere car •. 17th .. Coast Hllh---_.ga... li:TS llOKIN .. N Del and that portion otN .•• Beach BICYCLES Pb· N-t-•• l'Uc GALVAN, 1000 Clleot ~. 0 ay between the oe'i'ter lnes of 22nd Solid, Rented or Rep&tred.. ~ay. _._ ... ~..-..,..... ~ Pbone 1184. ~Uc ..1....-- and 13th Streei, and the bulkhead VOOEL'S W ANTED-Ezpert boat mechAn-Rdlniob your li:itchen ,bsthroom • line and the mean hl1 b tide line. 100 Main Bt.. Dalbo& tc1. alsO experlonced boat repair ALL PLASTIC 12-~. 11().lb. TOP-with new tile board. PRECINCT ~kl. 4 : 208 Xu!De, Balboa IAland. man. See Mr. llillller at Bay 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Polling place: Fl: ~ Station, N-Uc Shore Camp. 14-Uc ,_ on display. Other models F. P. Waldron 703 East Bay Avenlie, Balboa. -soon -cllnshlos. sallboata, nm-Telepbcxw 23(W. s-&tc California. HELP WANTED -Want relined abouts, a'Ulserl & paddleboards. -------,--~-::-:-- nil: UNDERSIGNED do here-Brief general d<Scr!R Ion of voting · woman to uollt mother ol 2 Plastic Waten:raft Co .. '103 E. Carpenters Available by certify that they~· conducting ~ct : AWNINGS childrft1. Room; boan1 and aal-Central. Balboa. Phone 683. ror ~ n•tn•··- a Machine Shop -.,._ at loot All that portion o the Qty of vy. Pb: N. B. 2210. . &-Uc IJl.ltc , ud "°""' ol 31at Street. 017 ot Newport Newport Bea<\> des< Hbed as fol-and CANOPIES WANTBD-HOTEL MAJl. ~ S Cl . .Z. 11a••11T- Beach. County of Oranp, Stata lows: From thf Int ·on of the Ila. ""'-MO FOR ALE-Ollll -~ II ".'f,.Callfarnla, w1dor the t!ctl-.S eenter line ol Monter Avenue and -54-ft. all mahogany cruiser, two U-tte nnn name of Central Marine En-the bulkhead line b !tween U. s. WANTED -Nunemalcl for tw!jt 200 h.p. Ste<llnp. -----'--------st-Ina Co., and that lald !Ima Statlonsll3andl14;thencealong Slats-0-Wood Awning Co boY.. H montbl old. Mother Ill CCCAux111arySloop.Veryclean, KEYS ta compooed ol the f-..C per-center line of Mont< !o Avenue to of <>ranee Count) bualneu. Phone Laguna 7811. all recoodl-.. -~ Toa woa oms. -.... .._ and _._ the eenter line of lay Avenue; 71!1 S. Pblladelphia St. IJl.4tp 36-ft. ... -coin& Aux111ary Ketch, V<XD:L'.a ire u fol-., to wit: thence along eenter line of Bay Anaheim Phone 3119' • -built In llMO. · 100 lll&la BL. Bal- John Ayling, 2117 N. MattnZO. Avenue to the centtt line of Island FOUNTAIN GIRLS WANTED-SWALES YACHT ANCHORAGE 208 Xartna, Bal-1"lalld Calif One for steady work. one for o T WAI.KEY , -Altadena. . Avenue: thence eoui.herl>\. alone FREE ESTIMATES Wtt-k end only. Gundenon ~... · · c. R. Ruatenbacb. 11!31 ADecro the center line of 1 and Avenue Anywllere In Oranct County ~·... 17th .. Coaat HlchW&Y Squatt, San GahrleL Calif. to the mean hlch tic line; thenee 11-Uc Store. Phone 515• IJl.ltc Phone 162 Newport Beach --M · Donald V. Muncy, 1833~ S. At-along said mean hie tide line to WANTED _ Men (or Women!, 18-2tc FOR RENT Larp room for em- lantlc, Alhamra, Calif. ·-the center line of 4aln Street; P-oaw-v-m Neat-appearing for profitable ... .,.., ••mo 11 ployed couple. Phone H~R. WITNESS our hand thla 21at day thenee northerly alo c the eenter PAINTING _ PAPl'<R 11.AlfGINO advertlslnc campalp now In ef-MC · • · IJl.2tc J. M. MILLER 15th and Central -f- Lido Isle Bay Front One of the best located lcSts 2-Bedroom home; Y&'Y~ mcJd.. on Lido Isle. With a street em. Immediate p:11m. at e&ch end. Priced at Must be seen to be appreciated . Only $3000 $16,000 Lido Isle ---· Bay Front lot; fine location. Balboa Peninsula Lot Bulkbee.d already Installed. Choice location. Beautiful vier. A real buy _ at $12,500 $3000 • -1- Phone Your Listings In and we. will . give them every consideration of February, 1946. line of Main Street to the bUlk· and DJX)QIUTDfO feet. Excellent opportunity If BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror CEMENT MIXERS FOR RENT-JCO~R~~ACH htheead line; thenee " ~terly along B. 'If. ~ you qualify. Apply Mr. Van piano,,• barsaln.Co. T:N· ~ S3 per day. 511 Eaat Third S t'., .,, Newpxt 8-:11 • · ~ u~• ~ .. ~ bulkhead line to the point of u 4 Old 0owo1y Rd., I'll: 1.86-W Dettn, 508\i N. Main St., Santa Sd>mlat Plano , o. ~ ,Santa AnL Phone 1704. 17-ltc /' J. M. MILLER 15th and Centnll -1M2 18-ltc DONALD V. MUNCY beginning. ~ -116-ttc Ana. l&-lotc Santa Ana. 8-Uc .. ~, EXCHANGE 2·bedr""OOI". mun-"On Your Way to Balboa" ' State of California J. PREClNCT I 0 . 5: "~ ----------------------- County of Orange ) u . Polling plaee: Wall-• Garage, Ta.t.lflPOST.ADUW , ll a.u.w: --.i.&JIOIOW • GOOD Uled planol. Some u -furpllhed Apt. In Long Beach, IMMEDIATE poueulon. COila ON nns 21at day of February 1530 Ocean Blvd. Newport __ u $89. Fine for practice. Eaay Belmont Shotts diltrtct, 1 block EV A F. RHO DEW Mesa. BeautltUlly tlanl!!hed me A.D., 1946, before me Nora S. Beach, California. WD.L DRIVE alternate days to terml. Or will rent. Danz-troin bay for. unfurnished house --bedrm.. home. Blondwood p\&no, ldarKWarth a Notary Public In and Briel gener al de=ip ion of voting· Los Angeles. Write or see W. H. AdJ'ustable Crutches SChmldt Plano Co., 520 No. Main or apt. In Newport area. Phone Newport Heights dual floor furnaee, lot 5:1><140. fOl' said County and State, reoslding precinct: Huber, 435 Goldenrod Ave., Co-Santa Ana. ~tfc N. B. 2560. 14-4tc 50x.127_ft. lot with sewer. Cash. 141 V,irginia Place, Coata then!ln duly commissioned and All that portion o the Oty of rona del Mar. 17-4tc WANTllD TO BENT a "900 Mesa. lS-4tp sworn, personally appeared J ohn Newport Beach des<r;bed "" fol-SANTA ANA AUTO TRAVEL Newport Pharmacy Arvin & Emerson .. Ayling. C. R. R ustenbach, Don ald Iowa: All that port! n of Balboa SERVICE-Private can to all 2108 Oeean Front Phone 5 -RAD I 0 S ROOM OR APARTMENT wanted , El B --3-BEDRBOOaMlb~.:1m!5. ~~dwlth full V. Muney known t~ me to be the Peninsula lying in the City of u s A lS-ltc 24-Hour Radio SeTvlce by 2 employed gtrl.!. Phone ayo Tract persons whose names are subscrtb-Ne\\>-port Beach fror the center dtl:}~NSE.D : ~~lrRED Short Circuit Radio 1763-W after 4 p.m. 14-4tt 2 Bedroom ani:l a maid's room, llv-alze wardrobe closet, 2+ear gar. ed to the within Instrument, and line of Main Street e sterly to the Ph: Santa Ana 6548. 312 French Ftre Place and Kindlin& 305 Palm, Balboa APT OR SMALL house by local ing room. dining room, kitchen age with laundry, fireplace. In· acknowledged to me that they exe--H arbor en trance. Street. l6-4tp W 0 0 D Phone l638-W l3-tfc couple. No children or pets. Ph: & 2 bathrooms. Sunporch. ~ullt terior freshly decorated. _All cuted the same. PRECINCT 0 . 6: Delivered 2268. . . 15-4tp in 1940. This lovely home has good furnit ure incl. electric re- IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF , I have Polling place: Fi e Sta tion. WANTED -Ride to Bethlehem · H . W . WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 STEINWAY Grand, like new, one WANTED TO RENT or lease, un-wall-to-wall rugs and comp)ete frigerator and gas range. hereunto set my hand and affixed 3Z7 Marine Avenl!e Balboa Steel. Terminal Island from 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-ttc of the world's greatest pianos. furnished house. Phone l850-R. heating unit. Excellent view of $14,500 • my official seal the day and ye.ar Island. California. ' Huntington. Beach. Day shift. WHY P AINT YOUR BUMPER? Gorgeous tone. Beautiful case. .S-tfe ocean a nd bay. 228 Pearl. Phone Hub Po~, in this cer tificate fi rst above writ-Brief general descrip~on of voting Contact Anthony fl{ollrca. Phone This Is an instrument for the • $19,500 Newport 62-W. l8-2tc ... • ten_ precinct :· collect. H untington rlear'h 5462. Use KROS-O'S · discriminating buyer. Danz-WANTED by :responatble LTele--BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE &I NORA S . MARGWARTH. All that portion c the Ci ty of 18·1tp RUST OFF Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main pbooe Employee. 2 or 3 bedroom Vacant Notary Public in and F or NeW]X>rt Beach desor ibed as fol-Santa Ana Prtlc ' bouae. Permanent. Phone Santa WILL TRADE 1939 V-8 La Salle Co d S Sold at All Dealers An 5829 ~u 3 bedroom house. Extra large liv-Deluxe 4-door sedan, clean, over-Said unty an ta le. lO\\'S : All that port ' ..... n of Balboa N rt C t M a · 1 o.r-c i · '1 d led TU " ewpo OS a esa s & I c c D d " R . . ng room, new y ecora . e ha uled, radio, spotlight, fog <My Commission Expires Island -t'tom the c~ nter line• of -· D. M g. o., osta Mesa J."a 10 . epa1ring WANTED TO RENT-House or · k L 1 t Cl · Cost 29 950 120 B d Ph 1577 S d Stn · -arge O • ose tn. a lights, defroster, (or property in (SEAL) Jan. , 1 • .) Ame thyst Avenue t< the easterly T -A -X - I roa way one 17.JStc HoSuse ca!Cols dlrutly etoc~eekptf tuatbe. an& apt. by couple.' Age 50. No pets Mesa. Harbor area. Call N . B. 1146-R. end of Balboa lslatl . • un. mp e e • 0 • or children. Phone 1345-M. $7500-Terms -l.8-ltp Pub.-Feb. 26, 1t'lch. 5, 12, 19, 1946. PRECINCT 110. 7 : Under New Management. ORANGE COUNTY factory re placement parts. Ph: 17-ltc Polling place: Ri lchie's Real 24-Hour Service-Phone 2530 UPHOLSTERING CO. 345. MES;\ RADIO & ELEC· .-640 A TO 1280 In beautiful North NOTICI:' OF ELECTION Estate Offiee, ~15 Coast 609 Coast Highway TRONICS CO., 1794 Newport WANTED TO RENT-Bay Front View Lot · New Mexloo, trade on 60-ft. boat Highway. Corona del Mar, 17.gtp Manufacturers Blvd. 9-tfc hous~ for month of July or first hcellen t view over harbor. Locat-and up. Hupaylo, 2106 Oak Glen NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. California. Of upholstered Furniture 2 weeks. Furn., 4-bedrm. Mrs. ed close to Arches. Place, Y.: A. ~Stp llllAUT.l' AJD!1 18 413 W. 4th St.: Santa Ana RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now Stoker, Claremont, 586 W. 11th $3500 that a municipal Election will be Brie~ general descrl 'on of voting and S that addition.al competent tecb-St., or phone 7321 . l6-8tp aANCllES a AOUA.OE a ~-'d on -·-day the 9th day of prec•nct ·. COLD and M.ACHINELESS Factory howroom bl ·~ '= ' 504 W ~-s Anah ntclans are available, we are a e -April. 1946. in the Qty of Newport Al}. tha t Portion qt the Oty or WAVES est o....cnter t., elm to make eervice calls on large ORANGE County Harbor employe, Corona del Mar FOR SALE -114 acre tract near Beach, County of Orange, S tate of Newport Beach desttibed as fol-T1.ntlnl!' and Ma.nlc".t..... Phone Anaheim 4714 collect .._._...1 ... All work ~·• .. •'"ed. wife and 2 children, need 2 or 3 Santa Ana Country Cl1,1b, $l500 . . r · --... 12 tf ......-e--·u: 2 lotl:, both have rme ~ew above 2676 Santa Ana Ave Costa Califor nia, for the purpose of fill-lows: All that por~ of Corona lhenlng Appomtmentl Ph. 179-W • c HAROLD L. liAJ41<., s. o. s . bedrm. house, preferably in Co-" h d I Ph ocean. Mesa. Phone Laguna 7811. Ing the following offices tn t e e Mar from Av ado Avenue Vi's Beauty Shop . CORONADO Radio 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 79). , rona del Mar. Permanent. one ~ 500 h a ty of NeW&>ort Beach. to-wit : nort herly o r Pacific ive to Mar-1103 Coe.at Hlway, Carena die1 Mar Electric Range, ~178 . ll·UC 1244 or write Box 'N' c/o News-. ~4 eac l8-4tp 'l\vo Oty Councilmen 'for the guerite Avenue and J!'-11 that por -T&-t1c "' Times. 16-4tp llONEI' TO IA>AN \_ II lull term of four yeara. tio~ of Corona del rar northerly Immediate Delivery Radio Repairs WANTED TO RENT-2-bedroom EVA F. RHODEN LOANll TO BUILD, buy, IZDpro ... NO'TICB lS F1JRTHER"GIVEN. of the S tate Highw1ty , easterly of EllPLOYllENT WAMl'ED II Auto Batteries All makes; tubell, etc. Ph. 2'17. house or apt. Permanent resi· Broker modemlze or renna.n-c.. that t here will be thirteen (13) Marguerite Avenue to the Q ty 18-month _ 56:45 Ex. Burt Norton, 915 c.out Hiway, dent. Phone 2215-J. 17-4tc 470 Newport Blvd., Cosb\ Mela Newport Balboa Federal S.Ylrlp voting pre¢1ncts for the purpose limits. CARPENTER WORK by hour or Newport Beach, 113-t!c • EL TON D. BARNETT, S'1esman ,aJ14 i.o.n AAooclatloll.. of holding the election, consi,,tlng PRECINCT "10 . 8• day. Telephone 1805-W. 11-tfc PennsYlvania Oil LOCAL BUSINESS MAN wants Ph. Newport 1965-M 3833 Via Udo Tolepbco» UOI' of the . --·1ar election precincts Polling place: Eb4 1 Club, 51 5 <rallon, 70c 8PEOlAL ANNO,UNCEMENTS 18 to rent 2 or 3 bedroom house. 17·2tc "•~ WILL TAKE CARE of children. W · 1932 W 91st esta blished for holding State or West Central. B lboa. Cali---Permanent. nte · ------------ County elections, as hereinafter fornia. Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. Western Auto Supply Home Owners Place, Los Angeles 44, or phone aet forth, to-wit: Brief_gener al descri tion of voting ~M. 2-tfc Authorized Dealer Have Your Repairs PLeasant 11896. 17-4tp PREClNCT No 1 · t 1....... Attended to Now! · : prectnc : -l&u' N t Bl d C.m ..-WANT TO RENT-Apartment pr Pollln• pl ace: Deitrich'• Gar· All that portion f the City of TIDE TABLES ~ ewpor v " ta -eoa Doors, Windows, Cupboards, & 3-tfc s p · · Et small house, furnished, for single ••e, 519 35th Street. Newpor t Newport Beach d"" Mibed as fol-cree.ns, ainting, · c. .._ ... " 1-' MARCH H M B j teacher, man, temporary or per- Beach, California. lows: All t ha t port! n of Newport JUBt Arrived . . ever ey manenL Call Newport High Brief general description ot voting Beach beginning at ntersection of H igh Low High Low F'rMb He&rta,r A1d Phone 1788 . lS.tfc School. J. w. Johnson. 17-4tp Hub Powers, Agent Balboa Island We have several attractive Balboa Island homes, well built and well located. that should please yo\L precinct: US. bulkh01_ad line t 13th S,treet ; W 6 10:50 4,48 ll•lt ''51 BATTERIES ------------All that portiOn of the City of thence souther ly albng center of 4.7 0.4 5.1 0.3 · WANTED TO REWI' or lease--May we be of service in conalder- N-t Beach d .. cribed as fol· 13th Street to its lnler section with Th 6 11'45 5:44 ..... ... 5,so °""-0,,... Co. TELEPHONE house or apt. Permanent. Call Ing your particular housing --~· 40 04 09 117 ~-~ Bi. Pb. 81" problem lows: Along the mean high Ude the mean high tid line: thencs · · -··· · ---. " at 309 16th Place, Coeta Mesa. · · • line from the wester!Y Cit.)' Umlts along said mean hi h tide line to F 8 12:01 6 :55 U •59 8:10 IO-t!c OPERATING ' Anything in harbor area. -- of Newport Beach to the eenter the prolongation of eenter of Is-5.1 0.5 3.2 1.6 = a PAYS • 17-4tc Hub Powers, Agent S 9 12.·52 8 ·.28 •.·•• • .. ~ W...,..·.:.;u N IR1T line of 32nd Street, extended land Avenue: the nc northerly t o "00 • •~ Phone 62-W LOANS · $100.00 and Up to $10,000.00 •. See US Lt you need money Payments to Flt Your Income Loans on Cars Trucks and Trailen Over 22 Years ln Santa Ana Federal Finance Co. INC. '29 Ne. Syeamore , Phone 6200. Santa Ana, Calif'.· 8-18tc . southerly: thenee along said een-said eenter line to !center line of 5.0 0.5 2.8 :U SNO~ or "FLATl'IE" want· GOOD WAGES Bl!NT, ~tra 411 ' at ter line to the center of C1ub Bay Avenue: then te easter ly to Su 10 2:00 10:10 5:Jl 8:51 ed. by private party. Any con· Storage J . A. BEEK OFF?CE A.tJTOllO'JIQ a 77Plfl , HoUs.e Avenue : thence ·along the center line ot Mo tero Avenue: 4.9 0.2 2.9 ~.6 dition OK. Telephone WEbster FOR RENT_ Large space for Ferry Landing, Balboa Island. A centtt line of Club House Avenue thence northerly on center line of Th••.,. plMled ID order ol ~ 6661 , L A., reverse charges. No experience neceSS&:ry storage on Balboa Island. Call lS,.ltc-F OR SALE ~ Packard Pr-120 '..36. ex-tended to the northerly O ty Montero Avenue t U. S. bulk-Llabt as--a. •.: ..,_near-P. ., 16-3tc 764. 15-Ctc ------------• ~ew rubber. recently overhaul~ boundal')' line ; thenee westerly head : thence along il. S. bulkhead WILL PA y CASH tor :r-r ..,.. Earn while you learn FOR SALE-1' ac. In Costa Mesa, ed. Municipal Trailer Camp No. along 18id boundary 'line to the line to point of begihnlng. Also all Pueuc NOTICES nitul'o or wbat have Y""-PbODe There are many other BEAL IEllTATE -t7 165 Cecil Plaee, 2-bedrm. frame. 98. Newport 'Beach. IJl.2tp point of beginning. of Bay Island. Nwpt. 2000. o . R. Crawley, Tbe d ta be. Lot On P eninsula • rumpus room conneeted ·to gar. PRECINCT NO. 2, PREClNCT !N O. 9, Polling plaee: Lido Isle Club Food -i..t, 1812 Nn>port a Van ges to Ing a age, wash house, fruit trees, FOR SALE-Two new All-State 600x16 tires, $30. Phone 2293--M. 806 W. Central Ave., Balboa. ffolllng pla ce: Ftre • $tatlon, Polling place: St \~tart's Gar-H oU!e, 701 Via Lido Soud, Blvd., Oo.t.& 14~ , tSJ...ttc telephone employee. . Zoned for Duplex close to schools and markets. 28\1 West Central A.venue, age, 333 Santa na Avenue, Newport Beach , California. -• $2750 Posseulor\. It's cozy, tt'1 cute Newport Beach, California. Newport Beach, California. Brief general description of voting P'lJRNIT1JltW: POB MY a Apply --and It ls only $6,000. l8-2tc Brief ~eneral dHcriptlon of voting Brief general describtion of voting precinct : w FO_R_S_ALE-___ R_us_t-ve~-2---pi_ece_ 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa Bay Front Lots IJl.2tc . ' precinct: precinct: All that por tion of the Oty of overstuffed set. Exel. oond. $40. 514'11 N. Main St., Santa Ana Several Choice Ones All that portion ot the Oty of All that portion bf the O ty of Newport Beach des'cribed as fol-540 San Bernardino Ave. Phone AUTO !IEBVlCE Beverley Realty Co. N"'1)0rt Beach described u fol-Newport Beach de cribed as fol-lows: All of Udo Isle. l098-W. 18-ltc tows : From the center line of 32nd lows: All or Ne• ;rport Heights PRECINCT NO. 12: Street extended southeTly to the within the O ty li tnits and that Polling place: A.mold's Gar-FOR SALE-Bed-davenport. Exel. _ mean h.l1h tide Une: thence south-port ion 'of the a W of Newport age, 226 Sapphire Avmue, cond J . H. Keesling, El Nido easterly along s.ald mean h.lgh tide Beach between N1 fwpor t Heights Balboa Island, California. Trailer Court, 1680 Newport line to the center line of 22nd and the bulkhead 1 Jte of Newport Brief general description of voting Blvd, Costa Mesa. Call after Street extended southerly to the Bay from the w est City limits to precinct: . 6 p.m. 18-4tc mean high tide line ; thence north· the Oty boundary n the easterly All that pcrtion of the Oty of BOATS. RJPPLDl8 U . or .AJ:k the operator for the OUef Operator Southern California Telephone Company . 18-Uc easterly along the center of 22nd boundary of Ball>oa ~ore Newport Beach desafblod u fol S treet to the center of McF adden Tract. lows: All that portion of Balboa ANNOUNCING -------------I P lace: thenee In a di...,.t line to PRECINCT NO. 10 Island betw<en center line of Ruby 0 N Lo · · tM lnterwction of the center line . Polling place: B4iek's Garage, Avenue and center line of Ame--ur eW Cation of '211t Strfft and Central-Avenue: Agate Street, I boa Island, thyl"t Avenue. We are now located at 2A1.8 West thence northeasterly along the California. PRECINCT NO. 13: Central Ave. Phone N.B. 1781-W ~ter of 21.st Street to the bulk-Brief general d tlon of voting PoWn& pl.ace: Bent'dlct's Reli- h.,.d line of Newport bay; thence ptteinct: denee, 309 MArtgold A<renue, Bay Electric northerly along said bulkhead Une All that portion !of the 0.ty of Corona del Mar, Callfornia. Complete Motcr and General.or throu&h its various courses to Newport Beach bed u fol~ Brief general delcrlptioo of voting Repair Service.. U. S. Station 125; thence west-lows: All that poi ;.1011 of Balboa precinct: 2818 w . Central Ave.. erly trom this point along the Island westerly of center line of All that portion ot the Qty ot Telephone imw bulk.heed line extended to the~ Ruby. Avenue lncl1 ding that par-N wport Beach described u fol 17-8tc ter of Club House Avenue:' thence tlon of the North ~ Frwtt trun 10:..: All that portion of Corona -----------'-- . aoutberly along lald center line the ~ly end ' Ruby Avenue del Mar IOUtherly of the State FOR SAT~ b.p. Marine Dolaol. to the center line ot 32nd Street ; to Coral A\·enue. Highw..y easterly of Marperite like MW. Half crtcina1 cmt. Call thence along the center line of PRECINCT NO. 11 : Avenue ~ all that portion of New ... t 2234-W. 14-Uc Co<ona de! Mar ioutherly ol Pa-WANT -TO BUY-Snipe or Snow· YARD cillc Drive "·esterly of Marguerlto bird In A-1 Condition. Write l7i2 • Avenu~. and all that portion west· Roanoke Rd. San Jfarino or ~~!'.,~~a~ ~g ~ phones~ 6-8357. ~Uc northeuterly Oty Umlta westerly FOR SALE-Johnooo Seabone 16 ' t o• the northttly Oty Umlts. Motor. Price $1.!iO. Inqulro Boat WING SANG .BOAT & REP-'" ·, 811 ' Cout ffighway 101 BU J.L D NOW LOW COST HOMES See Model at 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar Over 60 Units sold here last month. 'The polls .will be open at llz 30Fl9 Al Callfomla Marine. o'clock A.. M. and will clooe at IJl.2tp · • MOOl'tmDud11nwa-hHe 1W eo.liJ fw a.le · . I . • ~ • 1 . ,.r I ' -_I . the hour of seven o'clock P . M. on the day o1 aa1<1 .-. • Marine Radios Dated and a.-thla 28th day Available immediate dellvsy, <DD- of February, 1946. pleta ranae ol -Y-ID- FRANK L. RINEHART, spectlon -!"""""'-HIGGINS Oty Oerk PLEA.SURE CRAF'f, 810 0out Pub.-March 5, 1946. JDaltWay. Pit: llOl. ~tfc ' ~- PICO BUILDING MATERIALS 1S.2tc 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar $18,500 Home On P eninsula 5 Bedroom>. 2 Baths. Fireplace. $16,000. Realtors 507 E . Central Balboa ' Phone 1788 4 ~N. W. oorner 15th and Orange, Costa Mesa. 110 feet deep on Orange, 200 feet on 15th SL, will sell separately or to- gether. W. L. JORDAN 700 Eaat Central, Balboa 2-BEDROOM plus attic bedroom Phone 153 · 13-Uc house. lmmed. poaa. Five rooms, At Corona de! Mar New 2 Bedroom Home New Price $9750 W. J. HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags Fly'' IJl.2tc fireplace, bsth & """1ce porch. Beverley Realty Co. Realtors '5CT1 E. Central Phone 17111 Balboa IJl.ltc Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Us. BATTERY REPAIR WORK !JS OUR BUSINESS • Storey' s Battery Service WESTMINSTER A VE. (Between 18th A: Vepdt•) COSTA llESA pmle J.8..Uc Corona del Mar Modern. exceptloMIJy well built Al1l.'09 Wmr •AIJ"Z09 WAHiWD • home on 6().ft. lot. 2 bedi1n1.,1------------------------- •1 llvlng room. dining alcove, hard- wood noon. tile batb an4 kit· chen, aerViee porch. 2-car gar- age. Completely furnished in-· eluding new elec. refrigerator. atoVe. vacuum cleaner. washing machine. Price $12, 750 . ' Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford 308 llArii>eBRO~ Island ' Phone 234-R !JI.tic , _ .. _[.,._ ·~ • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top ~cd sm,r, YOUR CAR NOW Wiiie Priem aft ffl&li. ' .. ;. • ''JI .:-: ~ I .-I" - ' -~ . r , ' \ ' . , .. ,. Francis J. Horvath INOOlm r.AX SDVICE Fioderal ud 8Cate . lll -8L Otnoe: %110 w. C..tnil -·- • MWWHMI' Dr. W. T. Moo . e y ' P 'h y sic i an and Surgeon Announces that he has opened his office at 9th and Central (Formerly Newpor?Beach Hospital Hours: Wallace Kennicott of South Pasadena arrived Monday • the home or his sister; Mrs. F1orence Torrence. Z7th street, and ""111 be a gut'St for the ·week. Guests on Thursday were Mrs. Torrence'• cousin, William Johnson and Mn. Winifred Ragan, both of Colton. 10 to 12 1 to-5 24-Hour Fourth Streiet and Sycamore--Santa Ana STEAKS CHICKEN SPARE-RIBS LOBSTER cooked to perfection· ovlll' red-bot charcoal. COCKTAIL--12 A.M. • 12 P.M. DINNER SERVED S-11 P. M. when you tbJnk of •FINE FOODS ... Santa Ana's. Finest Eatlna .... Estabji.shment : . . . 402 We.t •th St. Comer Birch Santa Ana ~-Closed Monday· Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait ••• Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Next door to Bay View ()ale 9a.m.to6p.m. 304-.Jlarine Avenue Balboa Pboae 1 8 2 7 J , ·WITH SEVE of Beauticia patrons more prom work and body con HEAD -TO TO • Saturdays Until May ht Closed oo Monday L ADDITIONS to our staff s we are now able to give our t service in all lines of beauty BEAUTY SERVICE ' l . ' ' The home of John McMillan sr. in Newport was the scene of a fam\,ly gathering Friday evening when Mrs. Sadie M. Irwin enter- tained with a turkey dinner hon- oring· the second wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan. It was the first time in 12 years so many members of the family · had been together at one time. Mr. Mcl\fillan has just received his honorable discharge from the service and he and his wife, the • ... Mrs. Larry j ohns On Ebell Program , •• .. Mrs.: Frank Bates OORSETIERE Corona del Mar , •• -...a. rrr ,, 10 ''" I . ........ ..... FOR ll~DAJ'8 INCLUD~8 A COLOlll"t1L f Easter Vacation · FLY TO-. M E "X I c 0 LEAVING L08 ANGELES AIRPORT APRIL 11 -Only $341.50 plus U. S. transportation tax. Includes airplane transportation, her tels, meals f on trips, tours. Stephens Travel Service ' ' former Mi.u Elmore ~ayden, re-Mrs. Larry Johns of Los An- ceive? many lovely . IJ'.ifts.. Mrs. _geles who goes each year to New McM1l~an has been livtng in Bal-York to attend all the plays will boa Wlth her mother, Mrs. Oscar be on the program at the Ebell Moe, but the. young cOup!e plan club luncheon Thursday for one ~--~-~------_;__-----------~ .. Mrs. Lucile Velez Entertains Friends to_ make their home on . West-of her fine play reviews. nus is Mrs. Lucile Velez, who hils sold minster avenue. . ~' cOnsidereQ. the finest program or her Corona del Mar home and will Others attending the dinner the year by Ebell members. live in IVIcxiro in tPe future. en- • Newport. Balboa Tourist Bureau All-Modes at Tram to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Ro!md·tbe-World Trips In the near future. See Jln.,Boy K-Pb. 891. SOI PUn. llAlboa w~re Mr. and Mrs. John 0 . Mc-At the 1 recent party sponsored. tert&ined a: group of friends at Malian, Mr. and Mrs. R_. J . Dohle, by the ArtJ and Ctafts section luncheon Thursday at the Mary ·::=======================~ a ... : 10 a. m. tie I p. m.. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph lrwtn, Mr. and with Mrs.• Vernon Orr in charge, M~'ell tearoom. Laguna Beac"-r Mrs. Walter K . Kelly, Mrs. Agnes over S3Q "'as cleared and it was after \\'hich they returned to the Ellsworth. Tate Hales,_ :r.tr. and a· mOlt successful party. Table home of :r.trs. Sidney Blackbeard, Mn .. Donald J . Dodge _Jr .. 'WaJ~er prizes were wall plaques for now-Orchid avenue, for )bridge. FRANCES BEAUTY SHOP McMlllan, 09:" Mc.Millan, Miu ers and decorations and dessert Prizes were lovely articles Jean ~nk. Mi~s Karen Sue Kelly carried out the Washington's brought from ·Mexic;o and 'at each and Miss Robin Sue Irwin.~. Birthday theme. place were Small potl.ery plates, Helen Curtis and Halliwell Cold Waves Needlepointers Meet At Corona de! Mar Mn : William" Kloeckner, 515 Be- gonia avenue, Corona del Mar, entertained the Needlepoint club Thursday for luncheon with .sew- ing in the morning and alternoon hours. 'One guest was present and nlem- bers were Mrs. Oliver Hoffman, Mrs. Charles Blakely, Mrs. S. T. Dunlap and !.1rs. Harold Holtz. CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS s'"'.,.~ • Spa-ti g~ used as nut cups atjd given to the M S W Bl kb d guests as favors. , Mrs. Black· rs . · · ac ear beard was awarded (lrst prize. Mrs. Hostess at Parties John sadlier was ·~nd and Mrs. Gerald Ritchie.. was.tonsoled. Oth- Mn. Sidney W. Blackbeard en-ers presen~ were_ Mrs. 0 . Z. Rob- tentained With a dessert bridge er tson, Mrs. Lewis Baltz and Mrs. Specials on Machlneless Permanents Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring Frida.y at her home, 216 Orchid R. Donald Hall. . avenue, Cordna del Mar, this being Mrs. Velez ':' the forme~ Lucile llU Barbor Blvd., eo.ta Meea ...._ SUS the second in a ser ies. Edwards, RrtlSt and writer. ot 1 ~-------------------....;;.;;:;;....;;.=_, 'IWO OPERATORS -MOZELLE & BONNIE Red and white stocks and red Pasadena and Corona de'l Mar. I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; geraniums tied in with the Wash-Her mother and husband ha~e l l ing/on's Birthday theme, and red, gone on ahead _and are settled in H·1 School Ba' llroom Classes white and blue handkerchiefs were a lovely home 1n GuadalB)ara. at each place as favors, while the dessert. featured cherry pie. Three Luncheon Honors ;:.~~~ ;r:iJen1nta~\~~ ~ ~':;,New York Visitor Learn the Latest Steps Correctly and Mrs. Wayne Harper -second. N y k d . - A previous party was on Feb. 14 Mrs. Hattie Ruggles, 504 Gold· ew or er, Lin y, Texas Tommy, B-29 and decorations were in Valentine enrod a venue. Corona del Mar, e~-And. Otbers.. · motif. wtth red and white hand-tert&ined with ailuncheon Wednea-In Addition to kerchiefs u favors, while dessert day honoring her sister, Mrs. Jane Smooth Comblnatlom for Soplilltlcated Bh)'thn. was Valentine heart. of cake, and Frederlck of Rochester , New York, -~ Boar Ftee Dandlls after InatrueUon ice cream. Five tabt'I' seated the who is her house guest tor the Tuesday Evening, 8:00 to 9:15 o'Clock-brtdge players with Mrs. Ralph Winter. Maakey taking tint pritt; Mn. Yellow and .orange giant calen-COSTA MESA CLUB HOUSE ' George Wlnten, llttOnd; Mrs. eo~ dulas made ~ gay decorative note 15 Weeks for "'lO.OO rad Shook, third, and Mn. R. Don-on ~e ~g table and other • ald Hall consoled. spring flowers were used about the Pay all or half oo entering. ' rooms. After luncheon b:ridge wu G · Shi Sch J f D • ' w. H. '!rusty ot NewPort played with prize> won by Mrs. race pman 00 0 anCIDg Height" electrical contractor tor Frederick and Mrs. Mercia Clancy. NII) Eut 4th 8L -lluta "--Pboee S...ta Alla ZNI 25 yean, is going back into' the Those present were Mrs. Mil-i===============::;===~===~ business. dred Prye of Pasadena; Mn. Clancy, Eagle Rock; Mrs. Ida Mrs. Knowlton, Finley avenue, Cross, Mrs. Marion King, Corona and her guest. Mn. MarJe Mellor, del Mar, and the honoree . and went to San Gabriel Thursday to hostess. Vi.lit relatives of Mrs. Mellor . 24-Botll' ' Radio Service BOMB. AUTO, 11A1UNB BADI08 Bl:PAIRED Burt R. Norton 815~~ -Un Newport .._.., Oallf. !ofrs. Mary Sf,ftnley, West Cen- tral avenue. spent the weekend in Los Angeles with her daughter, MrS. Morris. Patter of the Patrons: 'The Best Food in Town The Best Food in the County The Best F~od in Any County y ou'll ~ay . So Too Afur Taottng Our rieucious CHARCOAL BROltED STEAKS ' ALLMARK Golden Brown French Fried Potatoes Fre;ili Garden Grown Peas Salad-with the dressing that's different Tasty Dessert ''That" Coffee Greeting Cards Distinctive Costume, lnd\an and Shell Jewelry LAMPS •. VASES • FIGURINES Newpor l Soneldr aid Gm Slaop ......... -Ila-- . . ·- AD for at the New Blue Room P. S. You'll ·Enjoy.Our Coddalls, Too~· "OPDI EARLY lllOllN "nl. EARLY MOlliil- , •• • >