HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-12 - Newport Balboa News Times• • ' Tl " SA~D '• C ~A ·B . J s A. M W&'.l'ZK W.&n;IL Seems tOl); a lull in what Is being dcoe, or not done, In protec:Ulig our water supply. Funnj · sftuatioc has devel- oped that would be amusing were It I not so serious. Some years ago, when Laguna Beach was shy ol the prec- ious f!Uld, Newport Beech permitted our neighbors to . the aouth to use our water and later arranged so they could bUlld a ljne. Now the shoe Is on· ·the other foot- we are using water from La- ·guna B<;ach. and of all things -Me&rcipolltu water! How times do change! We are in dispute over joining the South Coast district. part of the MWD. because we fear the y can outvote us. In tlje meantime Newport Harbdr· Is growing by leaps aI!d bounds and the levels in the w ells are sinking lowe r and lO\\'er. As one radio~ an- nouncer says: "Ain't we devils!" + + + r W-.m 'I'hne. Ever take an a uto trip at this time of year up Sacramento way and n ote the trees in bloom? Al- monds, ·peach, phm1. 'cots from Merced north, over Oakdale and Riverbank way -lovely shades of pink, white, red, acres and acres and miles and miles of color. Breath-taking beauty this nature study, that if an art- ist painted it, we'd all say it was overdone. If rain does not mar the blossoms, so they can 11set-on" a bumper crop is assured, and it looks like there will be no rain in that section. Sacramento claims to be the largest al- mond district in the world but refuting this is the fact that the Oakdale distric t has beerl holding an Almond Fes- tival for 15 years, long be- fore Sacramento decided she was the cel)ter of the indus- try. + + + F .. Uval. The fiesta was first started by t.Qe Oakdale Leader which sponsored and brought 50,000 people to see the wonders of nature, and as Editor Louis Meyer says, it !las brought thousands of dollars to the district. Inci- dentally he brought out the point that newspapers, gen- erally, are too modest about the things they do-that us- ually some committee chair- man or a chamber ol com- merce or·a group named for the purpose, gets the credit, despite the fact most of the promotion is done by the newspaper, which, If it did n1>t keep It up, the entire pro- gram would fall by the way- side. + + + Hearst 0.... It. Jn like manner be declared that the Hearst papers always took. credit for the things they did and that the smaller news- papers should follow suit. His town built a· new hos.. pita], first boosted by the newspaper, which followed with a campaign for funds. The city sald It was against their lawS to vote money. so the newspaper had the dis- tFict's congressrt)a!I pass a law permitting them to do so and the result is a large, commodious hospital. Local committees may rind a solu- tion in their hospital prob- lems wherein Orange county co u Id pro~ide additio nal funds for the project. + .... Autol>IO«raphy. William Allen Wlilte;s long-a\\.µted life's history a ppears in the current Atlantic !11onthly and the late Emporia editor. has this to say when he first stepped off the train into a crowd ot appntlsing idlers: "Should I lug my he& VY luggage uptown to the boarding house where I was expected, 'and establish a re- putation as a frugal, thrifty young publisher. or should I l!Btabllsh my credit In the ocmmunlty by going in a hack! 'Ibe back wa,s a quar- te!'. I decided. as a credit- strengthening act, to take the hack. I piled In. I never rigretted it. · I was never the kind who could ha\le made m.y money by saving it. But If thfl crowd had known that whai' I pU1 tbe !Wlanen I /' • • • • ' .. f o 38 years the best advertising medium in the · newpo1t harbor distriet NE~ORT the newapmper tMt . peg home ................... ----....... N- • lrlr9* .. A . """ .. . ... ' K EICP -fOBTE•t · i _ y_. kl ·o~. ·.; • ... a.wOo1&o1a., ·--.. --<-.... .... ¥ .. x ... , ,!~ ........ .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA.. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE ,COLONY, UDO ISLE. 'NEWPORT k .EIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA. DEL MAR, COSTA HEU VOLtJJD: M&Wl'Olrr U 4 ml. CAl.D"OalfU.. toW>ll. ••SCll 11, 1M1 T :NUlllP'D 19 . . , I Bo t Slip Rentals Raised Thruout Harbor AskActi n OnCity ater Election PBY Plane Breaks Up J I In Sun f l. t Seven-Man cJw Safe Pier Rent~l .. Increase Affects Several Thousand Boats Here; Sorrie Said Raised by 50% Chamber of Directors ter Brough mmerce ant Mat· to Vote -. -.,... When Seaplane Set- tles Near River Jetty New Rental Rates Become Effective April 1, Mostly on Leased Irvine Property; Con- solidated Steel Anchorage Also Included · A series of misfortunes A serious wa r shortage situation faces e residents of Newport Bea , was the con census of op· 'on among directors of the N rt Har- bor Chamber ol Commerce dogged the landing of a U. S. A complicated ·ir.c;:-ea"" c! nearly 50% in pier rentals, at- Nayy PBY pla,ne in the ocean fecting several thousand boats in th e bay and involving two THE GADABOUT, mld pt car built by "&loon" Mulllm, well kll•..,. off Huntington Beac h Mon-divenie rulings ol the OPA will become effective April 1 , it Balboa bland Mdpper and owner of U>e E'1an. who returned re-day morning which the skip-was learned today. Notices went into the mails March 1 cenUy from a trip to Mexico on his beauUfal charter yacllt. MulU.. per. Lieut. Comdr. Harry from most of the public docks in' the h arbor advising all boat built !leveraJ 9111:&11 can llke the above, and on treks to rorelp l&D4h Lindsay in command brought .., owners that the new rates0--------------awtn~ It aboard, stowhl« It away on deck tor me wherever be Coe&. down on the water safely BILL COVERT will become effective April 1. Th.111 and It• brother mode l bu single cyllncler engine, and varlable about ii ff h New city atreet supertntel'dent, 9peed s-n. comumlng abou' one pllon or pa to 58 mUea. The a m e o s ore as <:me elevated t.o bead the dcpa.rtmeat The anchorages affected are Mexicans ra\.·ed a.bout It, but refmed to ride ~th him. of the engines failed. The In which he ... acted u u· Hubbard's Yacht anchorage, Bay After a full ion, during I taxied · t th urf d · pane, m o e s an mtant fo• the i-t tour ,..... Shore, Villa Marina, Bay Shore which various mem "' expressed J B k N c d•d Se a short distance west of the Covort hu worked for -dt7 Sales," Richardson's and Haley. tl\eir opinion and ed for study · t t f •• .. 18 I bo'" '"' · Oe ee 0 an I a e Cy Santa Ana river »tty, stuck or ... e pa years n .... -Most of the slips are on property of every possible sol tion including • <I'"' KfJ:leertnc" and stJ"eet ttepart-d who met yeste y under their new presid , James S. Ban-ett. VFW Post survey ' or !he wells deveioiied by r • m0· rattehepsanrecaduantionsd despdurini~geltahb-e _,ta, !photo by Gerhardt) ~"'.':! % thJ;e~~erCoP,.i:S ~ the Santa Ana Arm Air Base, the e:~~~~·.::~~~~;1~ :,:i.-,:~':1~~ To -State Senate for 33 ·vears ~fte~:'d~ i~~~htro~ 3 Removed From S ~7; ~o~ed~n~df~~ :::: At that they provide nds n..,...ary fore it could be salvaged. La Borr""'C~, ta·, . New Rate 50 Cents Foot to call an election or the voters -~------~----J oe Beek, one of the best known When Lieut. Comdr. Lindsay a 11 Thi! irewnt average rate-for use To Be Formed Marbor to decide yes or n on the ques-residents of Balboa Island; return-brought the t win--engined Catalina Made PO Later of a slip ii 40 cents per foot per Requests have been r-1"-~ tiorio "Shall the Ci of Newport 'Peg' Towed 1"n ed I k fr h' 33rd F1yU!g Boat into the water en· boa The ruJ will be 50 ~-~ Be a.st wee om ts year t. new e from a number of veterans oL ach enter the Metropolitan in the California State Senate to route to Philadelphia from Seat-cents per foot for boat or slips, Newport Beach and vicinity t•·t Water District on e best terms When Becalmed give a positive "no" to the rumor tie, only one motor was out. Then The La Borraci a, reported in whichever is the greater. • .. directly or throug the 'Coastal that he will run for either the the second failed, according to re-trouble 22 miles 'rom Newport In the cue of Consolidated Steel they be permitted to fonn a Pmt Municipal Water' trlct ror the Over Weekend b s ports. The seven man crew later Harbor Sunday ni ht, hoas towed ~-ailed th Lid Ch 1 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars _. Asse m ly or enate. ''1 have the .ed th I L1~1t.age, c e o anne of the United States in this -l'urpose of securing an ample sup-best job in either house of the taxi e pane toward shore, but for 10 miles towar its ome port. Yacht anchorage, M. P . Klick sev-....... u.- ply of domestic ater for all sta te Jevis)ature, 50 why should 1 were unable to get out of the wa· but when the se became too eral weeks ago said that they munity. In response to thesefre- tl .,... In the beautiful "''eather of last e · t z.1'1 s•-quests Harry H Hardi g ·~ mes · run for office," the secretary of er. rough, a woman, · ·a ......._...,. were undecided aa to whether to · n • 11..'l The question wa debated from Friday the 25-foot ketch Peg the upper house remarked in t he Obeervatlon Plane Down and her two chit n were taken raise their rent.ala, but it is un-of staff of th·e Departmen · of all angles. Walter picer spoke of started out for Avalon with t he News-Times office Friday. Spotting the disabled pla"ne from aboard the Glad D, ,vhile the derstood that they have also mail-California, announces that suqh a the meeting with fficlals of the owner, R. E . Wil helm and two Beek, who has helped draw the air, the navy sent a small husbft nd stayed o board, later ed notices to yacht owners· of the post will be formed In the rery Metropolitan Wa te District, and other men, Dale Lewis and Her-f th be fi t Piper CUb to land on the beach bringing the 25-f t cruiser in raise. near future. th tt t r th · bert Adams aboard. They set out many measures or e ne · t 0 on a paved road ..... :....11eling t he Th f · b St and. Men who served under the flac e a ernp 0 committee to · th1·s part of ~ange county, would . . ~a.u e era t lS own Y one When notice of higher rent.I for · k di dm at about 2:30 p.rn . headed for '-'1 hi h Thi I I ded I d f Country I •-tJI t see rect a i ton, without not comment on candidates .for the C WS!· s pane an a Ernest Tweed of an _ the land Uled W the oQter wharf o our , n 11U1t e wa en having to join the tal Water Catalina Island , but soon got off race but thought it wouJd be a short time after the crew quit the When the rescu craft returned ownera wu received from the or on foreign Janda dUring any,war District. He also g ve an opinion the course. good idea to have local reprcse nta-PBY'~OI' shore, but t~e sn:aJI ~-v.i th~~ri1.rs. ~tone <"' pflorltid tht-Irvine Co., some of the pier men aj!'ai11~t this nation, who aaw of the advantage o be derived Apparently running into a calm, tion in .one section of the legisla-~i;:~onl s~p wasd ~1ke~1se ~d-Co:\St Guard. bll fh P La Bor· went to the OPA and asked if the y service with anv branch ot the from another m n line down the sailing craft drifted toward ture. Clyde Watson. now a mem-a bemdisan ng, an its wings . a racita came in 1r-f re fl OOn VC'Ster ... would be permitted to raise their army, na'v-y, Marines. air forcee, through Costa . from the Laguna Beach. When it came in her of the assembly who cast his ~o. red . m~t~. ~o ?"he was day v.·ithcut inc1dc-t. She y.·a, ~ rates and were assured they could .or coast guard;-are eligible to l\f\VD line where it crosses the close ~noug h to shore that night, hat in to the ring fo'r the seat re-inJUA C in Gatrdan g, eboa1t er. ". route to Catalin Island when en the ground that the change mem bership in t~s. the oldest, and. Newpor t boulevard near the coun-one mem ber of the crew dived cently vacated by Tom Kuchel or i d' oashedt uah rescue b t wh a:s engine tronble de loped 11n.d the was not under the jurisdiction of n.ow the largest ~atemal organlza- try club. overboard and swam into shore, A ah . "'h h , . li'IJ>flt~ to t e scene. ut \V C'n Gl arl··s ; si ~htcd r. accordi ng to the OPA. 1 t1 on of veterans 1~ the world. Ralph Maskey ked if the air notifying police there of their pre-n eun en e was appointed six gua rd smen attempted to reports -The question of whether 8 boat Founded over fif.ty years ago in b II be dic•ment state controller. dre\.\· praise of 1aunch a skif· r to mak• a line rast I · .-.. -·, < eo1 umbu o th 11 Am r1 ase we would available. sug-· h 1 al . I · Brou)?ht hPrc .""> Ir l.,...,. nu!,, .-.--owner lives on his craft and thus 1 . s. ·· 11 a -" can gesting that Ute cit get figures on Since removal of the na'\-y air ~ e d ~ {;l8 " ;-5 ~nservat~ve an ... :! the small boat overturned, ac- 1 the u . s. Coast G rd "'as ff-" 26-come under the rental ceiling, has I organization '"'as spon!'ored and securing y.•ater fro other sources and sea rescue service, the call ar ~n~g 8~~s ~l~~uent:. ~~ng to .reports. No one wa!. foot Malihv Yell wtR.iT. 8 C'ris not been raised thus far. app~oved by veterans who ·waw than the expensi e method of was given to the Port of Seven Beek commented briefl th tnJured agrun. Craft cruiser own by the Ham-The' increas«t has no bearing on s.e~1ce out or _the continental MWD. A. B. Rouss lie pointed out Seas. H arry Gartler sent out a . . . Y ~ e Late )ei'\terday afternoon the 1Jton interests an recently moor-prices charged by the City of hm1ts of the .. Untted States, the the future of the e tire southland r escue craft Sunday, but was un-recent spectal session in which a navy had a large truck crane. a ed. near Shark I and. "She ran N~ Beach for its anchorages, ~.F.\V. Is or:ie of only. three na- depended upon wat r. and said this able to find t he Peg. which was ~wnber .0~ measures vita~y affect-tractor, porta ble broadcasting oul · out Or gas off H tington Beach whic;;:-thus far, r emain uncha nged t1 on.ally recogn~7'1d veterans or- section·s groY.1.h a Uy depended no longer in the vicinity or La-ing posd '"Tarh re~nstructaoh~ were fit and other salvage equipment on and had to be tO\.\.' back to port, a nd which can only be increased by gan1zatlons holding a congressional guna. She was discovered Monday {nactc · e main one "1 ich the I the beach A husky salvage crew-•t d tood chart•r approved b th on water. · 1 was un ers action of the city council. .-v e congress Other discussion morning by Gartler, however. and govei nor 0~I_X>sed, vot~ $90,-man made his way to the PBY off· of the Unjted States. towed to por t after Russell er8.ig, 000,000 for C!t1cs and counties, was shore. and fixed a line over the h ·o-Thlrds Younr Vet• ~~1:e~~. i:1';!.;s t as much to harbor master . had made a run fi ~ally pa~sed o~er hls veto. Beek w\ngs and fusilage. This line broke I Raise $3 4 1!; Newport ReSI.de n; Todav the Veterans ot Foreign develop other wat r sources tem-down the coast looking for htt. srud. Neither side ""'8:5 offe~d.ed, when the tractor attempted to .... \\'l\rs is in reaJl tv a World War Porarily and later ind that MWD They did not have a propel' as both thought their pos1t1on drag it in. At last reports the tail !}f s ~ 4 0 «:oal Demnn·stra"~s ·. II ord('r . for over two-thirds of ft. anchor, it was reported.. right in the action. It was not was pulled clear from the rest of 1 · . , i1 u lie membcrshio. is com--of vet-is thl! onl y answer. saving might a hotly ,..., tested f P-d • ,._.. be d -... n measure. the ship, and the $100,000 plane or e MUSJ I Th erans of the last war. Non-poU-ma e in joinin the district In H th did t C" erapy one respect, aero ng to one ver· through $140 ooo ooo f d Speedl"ng Pays-owever. e governor ge had br( '.<en in several parts. I ' -~ tical. a nd non-sectarian, its high · · or expan -ideals and true spirit of -real sJon. That would in the expen-But It Pays the ing and improving state institu-Fi M G' . Only S3945.7J to ~i .l thc-si.t.fl(X) Pla)'inc familiar mus.le with his o:>mradesh.ip has won the respect dit\Jre to v..·hich t e city will be tions, "'hich were badly neglected, \. e en JVen local quota. for th Ar.cric"n Red .. capit.alistic'' hands George Ha,y of all men \.Vho served. Builded put by replacing wooden stave Rnd for nl'w construction. A num-Cross hu been r ised to date. It puBarry. 7490 Seuitore Drive, is solidlv 0 ,, a fot:ndatlon of aervlce main between the ches and Bal-Judge $863 ber of ,·eter ans· measures were Merit Certificates ":as announCE>d. t Y b" Mn. ':'ic-dewutiac much ot his time to musi-o the disabled veteran, his widow boa Island "'i th e larger con· -·--also approved. B T...,. I CW, be 1 tor GraCt" .. chainn n or the dri.-e. cal therapy for hospitalized serv-and his orphan vet never l?Stng ~~t~n: ~:.:_~--. part of which An epidemic of speeding has hit Joe Beek ls 1:>ack to take an ac· y .&f""a nam. r I The nearly $10,000 yet to go repr?-~ men. Actually, DuBarry has sight of the good 1-imes and fun the local area almost like a swarm tive interest in his: Balboa Island sents the allotme t al .that quota no hands a t all. having lost them of fellowship. Harding explained. If the city~ Metropolitan of locusts. In the tint nine days Improvement association, which he CertifiC3tes of Merit for laud-1 towu:d l<><:al Ott ~ch are in-In an accident. Using the ends· It has bP.en ctistomary in many water, it was poin ed out, it could of this month, City Judge Bob revealed now has 400. members. able work In behalf of their com-creasin~i tt was tntPd ou:. ,.by of his arms, he makes speed cOunt other communities to organize an immediately serv Balboa Island Gardner levied and collected $863 They are planning a meeting soon munity were presented to five ' the ti~c leader _ ho ~as ~:f •~!far flneen and says be can play auxiliarv of lhe po11:t composed of and Corona de1 ' because the 1·n fines, near the all·time high, he to discuss many points of com-local residents at the Monday pa.st five campat d::ives in· the even better than when he toUrcd the mothers, wives.' sisters and main line is wi · a few feet of · Th di cit ~..--'··•· commented last Saturday. ln his mon interest. ey are no t ·-meeting of the chamber of co~-Y· · ...,... as a ~~t. daughters at veterans who att ell· the city reservo· in the latter court. 51 cases were filed, most of rectly interested in the Balboa merce at White's Balboa Cale. The Mrs. Gra~ ap aled for funds His theory is that 'in cases or gible--this may be done here also. community. thPm for speeding. Island pier controversy. certificates were given by Braden for. th: nnt1onal nd local refi et, ~rosis and l'Ven in ani· Active participation in the affairs A thorough ed cation on the Fines were topped by one of Finch. former president of the whic~ ts a 10"'er quota _from the neda, the playing of a familiar air and activities of this com"Tit tnity ma ttC'r t off "·a~er c:osts h~d best. Sl OO for ru:ink drivi":g, ~other of Jemi"son Trl.al J chamber to the following: 1 'va :time peak. Sh explained that I but Jening blank_ "breaks,. which will be par t of the program of this "·ay ou 0 a situ tion w tch may S50 for doing 52 miles 1n a 25-· -\Va1ter Spicer, financial chair-<-f _.he a r:nou nt s~ ght here. about the _patient supplies mentally, es-new post . becomp critical as suggested. mile zone and later doing 65 miles For Manslaughter man of the Fourth to Eighth War S,7 .. '-00 will U~ gi en ovM" to. Rs-ta.bl~ detailed thought and pos-Veterans of a11 wars who served Tht' city should ta ea leading part I •istanCt" work a 'velfare nght tal u · H in a 55-mile Jim. it. The judge said I On i'n Sant An Loans. , sessive men con nutty. e ri:>· "over·seas" interested in this new in this, was tht' o inion of one of a a h t h A be of ~-vln cured the speakers. 14 piE>rsons prud S261. A. B .• Roussel1e. First to Third .~re a ome . ~ r oom-1 ~ ·-~ a case of am-post, can send their namet. addresw No speeding drive is contem-V.'ar Bond Drives. mittees are out s king funds, but t nema by this means. and telephone number to Harry H. plated, Chief of PoliCt" Hodgkinson The mans.laughter trial of Irvin W. H. Hitchman, last four Bond t'-~'· 1'•'.'·e n_ot. ht-n able_ to cover ~ says that mdre people Hakling. 9952 Robbins drive, Bev· Dance Hall. Boat Building, ment Plant for M sa declared. because speeding invar-\ E. J~n of Orange. accused of Drives. , the entire .oty. . e chai~. ap-are <:"~as~ result of the me-erJy Hills, Calif., who will forward iably fol lo"'s the drive "'hich nul-causing the death of Charles Roger Wood, outstanding sales-I pealed roi: 1mm~1 te contributions[ chanica.J mventioo.s of the age them at once details of all plane lifiE'S its effect. The trouble is ~1un~ of Costa 1'1esa last De-man In all War Bond sales drives. for the drive, wh1 ends March 31.1 than in the war and challenges the and lhe time and place or the thal the state hasn't enough men ce.mbeT. ~·as resumed yesterday .P . A. Palmer, Chairman of the ) aipples to tak_e. ~ l~ad !15 the fint meeting of th.is group \lllhich auigned to the highway patrol, ""th oont1uuance of the ~-\Var Chest Campaign for the pa.st N N greatest rehahilit.atiorusts m the will be held here under his per- Four new bus.i esscs In Costa he indicated. tion·s case. . I three years. urses,. worl4-sonal direction. ' ~lcsa were given land use appli-Dist. Atty. James L. Davts is . Nurses N ded• 'Red He played recently at the U.S. coti(\n appro"al 1 1 week by the Two Boys Return seek ing 10 prove that Jemison was Hope to Bring Home C · As'· H 1• Nlmll boopital, San Diego, giving .county planning mmisslon in a intoxicated and guilty of gross • ross ,nS e p -. piano rec::ital for the benefit of routine ,..,.ion. With Victory .Medals negligence while driving a car Final Approval of I . · th. innlates and hu received a Approved for e Mesa wett From Pacific Service which figured In a collision with CDM S p k 'Gradua\e n s. practical lett<"r telling him how much he Leona ~1. Herts. art needlework a truck, operated by hiunoz. / fate ar I nUTSes and a lde-1:. either full or bcfped tbr boys_ from the' welfare a nd apparel shop Broadway east Noel Alvis Bottomley. CM l/c Ready to lay their appraisals on part time. are~adly needed in oftioer' in charge. or Ne"'llOrt boul van!; Philip E. of 808 East Ocean· Front and Boat Sh p 'b.lity I the table with Ule State PU"k l this area, and th asslstamle of tho Holmer. cement manul•cturing Martin Bentimen Malloy or. •.28 ow 0881 I Commission. Braden Finch and local ch•pter h been e nlisted fa Trel.:1.-A~-n sw·t plant. Harbor evanS south of 42nd strttt, Newport, 'IA'ere dis-Discussed by Cham Earl Stanley Will travel to Sonora; ~~ ·'1.S r.1any~ocaJ peopfe as UK 1;uv Hamilton ; Barbar S. Grant, dance charged on the same day from the in Northern Califonila foe the Fri-poaib!o fo r< er. lfo·-By OP A Instituted hall, Newport bo evard and l6th U.S. Na~ at the separation center 1be su,a:estion of 8 boat show da.y meeting .with the state of-workers also are bedly lkt*cl •-'--'" D-IL---- strttt, and Gwe Nourse, boat on Te.nrunal Island. for Newport Beach was rat.ed at fidala. They hope to secure state Th~ Med is UTl"f'llt. Mrs. Vidor .a.g ... UM .DiUUUiUI build5ng plant. Nrrt boulevard Before ente~ the service, Bot-approval ot their propo&aJ tor in; Grace explained. A defier~ 1n and ISth street. ,. tomley w11s a di\'e-r, W91°king for the ?tlonday noon meeUn& of thl! dualon ot all blutf and ocran front all hoe"pltnls and mare home .en-Tiie nat . •lllkM ot the OP.A. himself, and oened in the 30ht chamber of commerce. The -· Iota in C<ron. del. Mar, --Ice calla h&\'e liroucht -- - - -lln. R. F Call had just a doll left. a fact Seab«s, lately stationed on Guam. which wu ___.by yacht --with a anall arH !ft°""'" cave attuatlcn -bu -_. ~ -~ ~ • ..._.· : -· \Vhich was s business, H~ plans rerumlng to deep sea l'""'r--into the Pl~ Corona deJ. Kar .nized In Laguna Beach, 'fer .,. - -,~ ---.-,,0\a-ps the · · the town diving in dvilian llfe. en in Jut week's New.11mes. re-S tate Park. ample, with a lh8:rp likliat ~ •rm oJe ~ 6:a;:....,.... would°"':::.':, divided Malloy. a PM 3/c in the -ee. ,C<iwd faV'Ol'able .cmnment. with The mw ol ~ ol the wlun._, ~ 'n. " Z• '"t ''"' .. .-tft!lle lately attached to ARU Ne>-145 the __.._ that u Lone Boch entlft .,..., pre-ed by Ralpb The Red er-chapl<!r heft -•'Iii& to lllOI for the about me. it was, no wean the Victory Medal( Asiatic abo planned one, ~ a..t Build-Muby, u pr '"'mt al tlie lftltJ JDOYed to _,. wanil .:ram "-.r a I csudlm:a to Ueata.. question arose in the mind and American medals, and the inc ~tta ol °"' """""-be -. anil -by· Eu! Stu-°"' dtJ -...,.. 'lllOT'ild z • .. -n. 'Dnrallco Ku Trlktt oldaltheablli~ty. ~ ~ Philippine Ubentlon Ribboft. He memoraJlaed to ~-•-If auf-~ and othln. will be I* mtod --1 -· for Ille -p.. s mmtt -W R. lfmtln ; AVU'U U.'1..UL WU craduated from Newpwt Har-..,_.UMUll< to the puk. cycnmhekJaen. 'l'beJ' tar carpe. ad' Cllf'fSce &MiataalL ' a NIGHT BLINDNESS ''Njght blindneu' is not always due to the otl;ier fellow's mal- adjusted headlights," declattl Bert Stewart Jr .. Public Safety OU- f..or of the Na_lional Automoblle cl ub. ".Your own dirty wt~ld may ca111e moot ol that ctartns effect." ' • noae , .... ., •• _ ..... ..................... ~it:almt......,. ....... ....,.,_ WD s fd .......... , ........ , ••• ...... y-eau" _y __ ._ • .... .-cm. .... ~-••a . ·' '--··· Is rather to cboeen thaD bar HICll -. and will return fldent -model -to · ftft bop9 to -an .-...1 "eo abeed" The 11.od ~ •••tlwt --Ill:. B11t' .. ,.,.. -'12 ~· great rid1e1!' to caUeae.. I aveil•Ne to •UC'it a dllplq bwe. cm tbe psrk .,,_. tbat date. la 11.L ~ .... • ~ 9e"wb • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_• • • 1• • • • • • • • • ' • • • . .· . . ' , I • • .. • • ; hpl TW• ~~==suit; .·Local D ive for Coast. Guard • •• •• 47 Strikes in ~ A. During Febnlary estem Sporta S ' Opens OI\ April 12 . LOS ANGELES.-The acwat Move to Defeat Kenny R·ecru·1 '· . f bu Andrews Al~ Harold Ickes b no l Strikes in F elJruaey in. the LQo AngeJea ..,.... .,.._a 30 per cent boOlt over Janua<;l' In total man da)'S Jost altbou&h µ.. total num ber of employes out dropped &J>- proxlmately 1200, the Men:hants and Manutacturen ~ation re- kinda 0( trallers, carnllinc ~ • - Joncer a member of the cabinet. -------+--=-----'-. the. ·government i~ evidently ro1.-Natklrtw1cle drive for Coast llDUing the fight to bring the oil· Colonel C Guard ~ts. colnddlng with rim Callfornia tldelands under its Bribery the return of ....ice to the !Mu- jurisdictlon. In .. --Ang .,.,....__,t, rNd!ed .Newpw~ Suit to vest the title ln the gov-I.A.Rt Harbor this week u an tntenstw e1111nent was brought about thru recruiting campalgn-OJM!ned under lnlbtence of Ickes that Ule coastal of Joeepb J. a~ng SJlOMOl"Shlp of New-~ were not propertles df the ..,. of lport Har-buslnea flrmll.. a·tatea. Air Bue who AJdJng tn the drive for en1Jst- . ported today, Based ·CW. aver~ hourly earn-- lop in Loa Anl'tla manufac:turinc industry, wcrken lost more than $2.000,000 in pay during the month . . meat. flshlne ta9<1<, ·11oa1a, - ond Other I ~ gooda wt1I be exhibited in the tint annual South- ..... California 5-·• -which _.,. In Gilmore 1~ ~ Aprll 12 for a nine-day nm. J • NEW LINI: • ciaft Greetiq Carda •• Robert W. Keony, Uilifomla's llcl•'-__ ,,. m> ments In the naUon'1 traditional a~y general, bas been noti-was accused of ~ ...,... , I guard)an of Its long couUlne are There were 47 strikeS· l n pros rem some time durin& the month of which 37 , were cairted. over from. January. During tbt same period 20 strikes ..,.... aettled. The CIO called 38 as agalnSt 9 b .. I 8tat:l171 J BrOOkiags YarietV ·-tied by the clerk of the JJ. S . Su-cepling a bribe a co1onel ln lw •ual eetabllsbmenta., wtth Port pre:me Court that the gove~nme~t charge of the SU }y there, aiarted Orange leading oft with the nrst hu tiled a motion . to strike hi.a Monday in 8 Angeles comt I ~t appearing In ~· 880-pace answer m the suiL _ i.ue. Sboald the gowrmnent motion be under FedeTal J C. C. C.V-• Lieut. }.. P . Aridrewa, i'ecrultlns granted, the suit would be tt901Ved anaugh. j offtttr and fonner tlOlm'llaftdant ol ln favor of the government. Kenny Santa Ana dis tchel: uld that the port here, who ta ~ known was given 25 days to prepare an Col. Canella ~ stancll con--·1n the area. wu tn Newpcrt lh1I ~-vtcted of a charg of cowpit11C71 to ~k and makln1 a.rnnpmmta defiaud. Offidals al tbt EsceJo!or for the recrultlns drive. Creamery were aal(I to have () et• Et "- y the AFL.. . Six of the ne.w strikes W'ere quickly aetUed and al the four •till In pr-only """ .... called becaime of --th• others ...,. llated u diaputeo ; over wdon reeopUtlon or for -abap. -o...a~ . . 0.-...... • I I I ... ., ........ ' .. .. EKpst Shoe, Re. • • ., pamng ·While Y QU Waft • ·-been found ll'liJ with tbt f.,.,_ Many attractive featureo al quartermaster. wue named service In the Cout Guard were . r . ••• ' . ' DOG Q11.&aANTINJI LIFTED :~·~·=· ............ s ..... -~ ...... " White House Cafe as Ray M. Wyck ond U....,. W. beins dted this -u enllat- McCormac. rrwnt al ellclbl• young d-be- 'The former y ottJcer .,.. hftm. tlle' ass of 17 and 25 wttb--,J ,,... ~ ., • ... accused of ,a $500 briM out pre'V1ol.m mWtuy lft'Ylce or A NEW CSOP of OoMt Oaard nendta an. W.s ...,.. Ill at ~._..ta a reeewal of .n.t· from Leo \Vlndol • 8 butane CU belMtfttl 17 and 30 with mllltary _.. tllll ..... .._ ........ ~a ooattnc-t .w ..... M 10e1W Mre .... m'1 90IDewM&: - agent ln Santa Both be and experience WU eoucbL . tile W!lm ol U.. DaUoa.·wtde d.rhe for U. ... me-. Llellt. A. P. Aalli;Ma lallca_. ..,_ U:. "::.,:. °: Colonel Carwile ere wen known The 0..t Guard lmtttute and •·rt.r wt.ere .. wu oa z sdut lut 7W• lfo ••' '• ._ tt.. ~ M ..... '9t o.L.-__ __. i ..__.., .... _ all.a -W'"Ylae 19 mak'•• .iutment att.,........ t.e 79'UIS -. Ire palated oat. -;-(Coast Guard ~to) here at the h where they ~ ....._.. orcN .u::au'-Uu: • spent consider•bt tim.. ~oe:,:.:::.~':ci: Coronadell\far !Several Veterans Back 25 YEARS AGO dentists were c into leMllce to grant cr<dlta for eompletlon al ews I Leaves.for Army I -F'R 0"" 0 IJ R F'I LES Nearly on.,.~of the nation'• co11eg ... OI' ftglonal -wl1I N I On Mesa; One I repair the teeth of men accepted thew counn. 'Ibe tralnlnc llChoola (By Bessie L. Benedict) furnlah a complete background In , -------------'-f_o_r _arm __ ed_se_rvi_+· _____ ·_ the ~ technical flelc11 suc:h Mr. and Mn. R. E. McN'al Several Costa Mesa veterans and Local and Santa Ana newa- as radioman, electronics, technle-returned to their home in Port-servicemen were on the Mesa this papers were headlining articles on Ian, pharmadab mate, gunners land. Or'e., after an extenMd week either for • visit or for per-the proposed citrus fleet which mate, boatswain's mate, yeoman, visit wtth Mr. McNeal's sister, manent ' stay and there was o ne v.•ould ~ail from Newport Harbor storekeepers, printers, photograph-Mn. George Lewis, 304 l\tarigold departure for army duty. r?r E~stern markets, growers es· en, cooks, aviation machlniatl avenue. j \Vilfred Chaplin, Rl\.I 2/c. war t1mat1ng ' they could ~ave ~ver P.APALMER Whe th r it is saving for a home, c mfort in late years, etc., yo can do it bett r thru our savi gs plan Laguna Federal vings and Loan Associ tion mates, aviation medical technlc-Judge and Mrs. Harry West-released from the navy after sen--$2,000,000 each year in freight ians and m a ny others. over, Los Angeles, spent the week-ing three years and seven months. charges . .Advancement in the Cout end at their beach house, 1615 He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The flSh cannery, which had Guard Is based upon a man's Pacific drive. rEdgar Olaplin of E . Wilson street. completed ..j,ts first season, had ability to perform his duties. Every Mn. Leora Coffey of the Cor-S 1/c Bob Brown. recently re-' closed and machinery was to be promotion means a raise In pay. ona del Mar Pot tery shop on ~ turned from Guam, is spending a installed for ·a big .tuna season. The Coast Guard is anxi()U! to Coast highway held open house 30-day leave at the home of his Nev.rport Beach Chamber of help any man advance as long u Saturday at her ne\v house at brother. B. \V. Brown of W. Wil-1 Commerce electro officers, with he shows initiative, willingness f'd l Sth and Monrovia streets. Costa sa:n street. J. J . Schnitker as president and loyalty. Mesa. Mn. Coffey bought fi\•e Pvt. James Melton is spending A. J . Twist as secretary. , Enlistments are now open for acres there recently. She "'ill 1 a 15-day furlough \\'ith his par-Le\v Wallace. L. L . Garrigues either two, three, four or aix continue with her pottery shop e nts. Mr. and ~trs . Turner Melton and Ed"•ard Logsdon spoke before yeai-s. at the present address. Mrs.' of Newport Blvd., after six months th~ Santa Ana ~alty board, say- Coffey received many lovely gifts I or a.mfY specialized training at the 1 ing they considered Ne"1>Qrt for her new home. j University of Utah. He \\ill --Fe-Beach a component part of Santa Ask Lifeguard For Bay Front Starting April I Mr. and lttrs. H. c. Kirk jr. and I port March 18 to Fort ~1:acArthur Ana and that .the beach town their two childre n left Wednes~ for reassignment. would cooperate m every way with day for their home in Maracaibe, Willis Lighter, son of Mr. and the counfy seat. Venezuela, South America, after Mrs. CUrt Lighter, has left for l Mrs. Nancy Marlow. 127 38th Spring in Newpor.t Harbor a vlslt with Mr.' Kirk's parents, Fort MacArthur to serve in the stl-cet. aryj 1\1.rs. May Meyers ot means the annual rush IUl"l'OUnd-305 l..a(kspur avenue. ~tr. Kirk army. I Balboa Island. appeared at the lng Easter Week, which thla year jr. is employed with the For-Heather club, Long Beach, repeat- comes considerably later than eign service of the Standard Oil Mrs. C. H . Hagenbuck of San irlg their performances which wei'e usual. However, it ii none too Co. The Kirks live in the com-Diego is a guest for two weeks at the hit of a previous show staged soon to start planning for the pound, where lovely houses and the home of her sister, Mrs. E . F. by the local Ebell club. Mrs. thousands or youngsters who grounds with !fWimming pools are Coop, 309 Narcissus avenue, Cor-1 Meyers gave a sword dance and crowd into the area and all but fumiahed by the company. o na del Mar. She formerly own-Highla nd fling and Mrs. Mcµ-low tum it upside down while on va-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowen, 218 ed. a Bible store in San Diego and brought down the house with her cation. Goldenrod avenue, entertained at is looking around here with the impersonation of Harry Lauder, The fire chief as head of water Hmcheon Thursday tor Mr. and idea of locating. 1 singing a group of Scotch numbers. safety tn the--dty asked the dty Mrs. Elmer Glenny, Santa Moncia, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_.;;;;;;~ council for a lifeguard to be hired and Commodore &nd Mrs. Ernest jointly by the city and county. Robinson, Long Beach. Frank Crocker'• letter to the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauch. council asked for a man full time 316 Marigold avenue, entertained in this line of duty from April 1, at dinner Sunday in honor of their and added that plenty of YoUDC aon-in-law, Mr. Digby Thuresson. m en are available. ' whose birthday was Saturday. The city treasury, however, hu Mr. and Mn. Digby had a birth- not been recompensed tar paying day dlriner in Los Angeles first, the county share last year, al· but hil1 brother Dwight and wife though that waa budgeted, Mr. ~ed him to the Stauches' Gant reported. Lester Isbell. coun-and •pent Saturday fishing with ctlman, suggested a part time man them. tor the present. The matter wu held over for another ....ek unt11 parag· on Completes further lnlormatlon can be le-- cured 1rom the county. Successful Trip <,:; .• ;;:, .. ;, .... ;;;;.: .• ;~:-;;;;; .. ;;;.;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;'i• I To Acapulco II G R 0 C E R I E S •1: The Paragon, 14().foot diesel· powered craft bought last spring I Cold Meats I by Herbert Sampoon trom the u. Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 Ocean Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • , SAJl.'DMCllES • HAMBURGERS • Ice C........ kl Take Out • r I S. Shipping board. n!turned last l1'l'aHa ud V<etbNn . 1 1 Thunclay from its second voyage to Mexico. _ ()pm ~ • Qe s I ......... _ C&pt. Peter S teia said that the Lagana Beach, Calli. -Pb. I I trip was made without incident 811 t u their cargo, and returning with 'n>< 45-day doc · quarantlne w.,. lifted last Wedneoday by the county health officer when no •ypmptoms ·Of rabies . developed among dogs in the neighborhood. e al Weot Newport in' which on died IUlpected of havinc the ~. d ' ' ' -· . Ra:y .. Pagan~ -· . 515 East Bay Front Nm-•8-r~~ ILm.tolp.m. TI111ely de•tal care l1110w MOIE ESSEN· TIAL tha• ever before. Do•'t let lack of ready cash sta•d I• yo11r way • , • yo1 IJ are welcome to avall yo1nelf of Dr. Cowen'• Liberal Credit Pl• Wltho1t One Penny Addltlo•al Cost. AU of your •ece•sary work will be complet.d R!r . 'T NOW • . • pay later I• 1111011 wee.;1v or mo•thly a11101•t1. Dr. Cowen'• prices J'M!aln at the same low level for all branches of dental work. Have n-ied dental work attended kl Bight. Now and Save! ' No Advance Ap- poi n tm en t Re- quired. Come in Any Time at Your Convenience. Day or Evening. ---r--. ·-l:iw,56i51 ~.ill HFOX • . PUBUC RESPONSIBILITY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~±~~;;;;;;~\ Duttoa's ftm1oce' ,,~ -to Acupulco. carrying cement down i : ; bananas. They encountered cho~ t .,._ 1111 i py aeu on the Jut •tage ·of the !111& .Nwwpw;: 1119& o.1a ._¥ return trip. Hemphill'• Sea Ooud :i11111 .. 1111•11tJl9lr"1111'"'1m-• 1 1 "" .: wu also seen in the Mexican port. ! 114 w. 4tll St. ·~A PASADENA ' LON 3t N. EDeM Ph. Sy. !'-!491 518 Plme A • Bookkeeping Service • Audits INCOME TAX RETURNS. Haun 1 -9:30 p. m. Phone 1!i8 Quality Service SatisfaCtion GeneralSheet~etal'l/orks • Boat Won ('l'tudal) • lol>tA• ...... , I ... • ......... llteel l"aha•hg 1ftt:ll. ~ a WsC 7 st; !80'7. vm. Way • w ... , ......... w .. e B•f', ... V•fhflng Newpawt B•di • '. lbe people ol Somh"}I"' California qpecr • • cbe bfSI of Gieyhound. This is air should be. For when chis Com. puy Wldenook• uil J-for-1, cbe job of building• modem, fusc-dw Joca1 ~ 1Mio:ioaywfunbecommanitiee~ Califomia, ir abo Mlllepled, widaont Ill& fr doa, cbe gre.at ·~iq dm.,.. willa pcoftling. ~ pnhtic....U. • 0n the ~of iD CM!IM•nding .'-"• 'lliip wl --btieW remrd oE P"""-."- • imc.e. people ban • light llD expect Gnr- bound 110 bechefiat ia.nesy•Mng cooneaed widi bmawpo,i.r;oa.Greybonad belinea diatir Im lmd up llD dJae eapea1doos ••• dm it -pro-' ia deep -of pnbUc -po.. .. i.1;q. If du. --.,, people woald Ddt ~ ~--1il7 ••peel IO miQ ol du. compuy. Gi¥jbonad cm be n'W apooo to _. --tojnMify.,-~ hilpmsol • f e I T I I. I I I .T I I I I I I I I I I I I •••. I I I I I e 1 ° 't I S I (I I I t ' ·PACIFIC GRIYHOU•D I • • l • • ' • I • CLOTHES ·POR MEN AND ' BOYS Stu1.~ S(JMi SI.op RHEUMA and Plto.e 5'71 Fresh Dai{y OelJclou. Sea Food• Or , complete equipment when ynu wRnt to catcll your OW'f!-'-.._ HO RM EN Fl St! • ON CENTRAL A V ENUE, N EWPORT DE SM THRITIS • Legionnaire,s from local post 291, from -the Costa Mesa past, and prospective members of either ex- JX'Ct to stage the first "Grunion Derby" of the season next Satur- day night, March 16. on the beach in Ne\\."J>Qrt. Plans W<'T<' laid at the last meeting of the harbor post for the get-together on the sand at a fish fry and beach party being e ngineered to coax the eva- sive little fish out of the sea. Sam Collins Files To Run Again for State Assembly Studebaker. Cars To Be Displayed In Lido Section Studebaker cars will have a new display room and offices opposite the Lido business section. A ne"' ,::las~ f:-ont display room, 44 by I 43 feet in dime nsion has been started immediately north of the The biggest singl~ medical cause for rejection for the armed fores was for mental diseues. 'Beer Wines Liquers Whiskey Hi School Ballroom· Classes Learn the La~t Steps Corr~t)y -' New Yorker, Lindy, Texas Tommy, B-29; And Others. In Addition to Smooth Combinations for Sophisticated Rh~ · ~ Boar Froee Daactnc after Iutruction Tuesday Evening, 8:00 to 9:15 o'Clock COSTA l\'lES.~. CLUB. HOUSE 15 Weeks for •io.oo 'Pay all or hall on entering. . Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and Surgeon Announces that he has opened his office at 9th and C,entral L~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:'.'::~J I They will meet on the front near -·-SOth street. Don Durant. World \Var II vet- er an a nd commander of the local Assemblyman Sam Collins of Lido Richfield station on 34th and Fullerton. who had pTeviously in-Central avC'nue, is under construc- dicated he would not run for re-tion for W . J. Bristol of Hunt- election t o the State Assembly. ington Beach. distributor for the {Formerly Newport Beach Hospital of thfs Cleon, Family N THE QIRJSl1AN SOENCE -..-..-·--····················-········ ...... _ ..................... ~·---0,...,.......... . .................... --. ...... --...... :::r II I ., __________ .... ___ .. -- -------••• .Hlll·ARI SOME OP THI THI I YOU'LL WANT TO THINK Al UT IN SELECTING A POSITION• •• e Does the company bne tbc ttpmad beiag a good plaa! ro work? • Att the people who work there ti.. you would like 10 have u frieada? e Are dlere arraog~ments (or a al .mon and more knowledge and abliU&IJ the job I e Att thtre opl"'nuniriH for p·roinoiliool with suitable IDCtUMS iD iaco- ~bility? • h tbc job steady 1 • h die ollim wbeze '°" will '""" (onablc, daa, ......... propaty:ty!JalM• eodbeaced? • ww,.,.. r< _.r1om w1t1t p.,-1 e Will yoa be tteattd with rcsp<ct and lldendoe? • • Tb1 T1l1phot11 Co•pany {fers 1bn1 """"•"'I'' * IUST AllC Tiii OPIRATOR POil Ill CHllP OPllATOR group named Sam Sheridan of the Newport-Balboa Press as chair- man, a nd then \\'ent out and in- duced Vincent Cusumano. local humane officer. to tear down an old shack belonging to t he latter for fir e\\'ood. yesterday filtd in at the county cars there. court house for nomination to Gordon Findlay is the contract- succecd himself. He is ~d to be or for the new agency structure, in line for the_ speakership of the costing $.5000: I t will have 8 Assrmb':··. :'r. important post. rounded r.'as::: ~rc.n:... 1\lso fthng for other posts were l Boota and Boy Keene Palm and Bay, Ba9- Phone S91 Hours: 10 to 12 1 to 5 Telephone . 24-Hour Service 2395 This accomplished. the com- ma nder was ready to guarantee, he said, that everyone would get results sometime between 8 p.m . and 4 a.m. the next day. Food will be on the "dutch lTeat'' basis. The commander can be reached by Legionnaires dl"Siring more infor- mation by calling 1155-J . J t·s::.cc o r the Peace. D. J . Dod~e I Dinmonds. rubies and-s~pphires or ?\'.c\vport T ownship, who ~vill are the only gem stones that an run un~f"lposed. The largest f_iel.d emer y stone cannot scratch. 1..-_________ ...,; +-------------~----------_. or cnnd1datcs \vas In the sheriffs · ra ce, while other offices had but t\VO candidates. Methodist Retreat On Balboa Island; 40 Leaders Present First Passengers Embark for Avalon l{irhy PB"'" of La l;l abrn , f-l cights, noted writrr a nd lecturer. \\'3S ll'ader or the Retreat for Methodist ministers and laymen on ! In the first resumption ot T uesday and Wednesday of last steamer passenger service since week at Mar Casa. Balboa Island. j th_e war. the . SS Avalon made_ a Some 40 religious leaders or the I tr ip to Catalina from the main-San Diego district. wflich includes I land Thursday with 420 voyagers O range county, were present for I aa the townspeople of the resort conferences and to ~ar Mr. Page cut wild capers of welcome. talk on the subjeqf of prayer. f The civilian passengers aboard Dr . Alfred Hughes of Santa Ana were the first fo arrive since De-is superintendent of thE-ru.trtct cember, 1941. when service wu and was amon1 th~ present, as discontinued, the island taken over were Rev. E. D. Goodell, pastor of I for service personnel training and Christ Church by the Sea, and the Avalon assigned to war work Rev. Carl Johnson of O.ta Mesa with the maritime commi11ion. Community church. 1946 TRUSCOTI CRUISERS on Display at -Foster & Sons 920 Coast Highway N-ponBeMll ' The ---. I u~ S. Coast Gu·ard • Will T e·ath You The Coast Guan! radio achool, located at Atlantic City, New Jer- sey, Is opened to recndlll. During the six months course, the stu- dent will Imm to type, and beccme an expert in Mo""' code. He will learn radio and ll!leiraph procedure, algebra and geometry. .:Oinor repair work, radio Jog keepliig, use and maintenance of re- ceivers, transmitters, and radio equipment, electronics, circuits , and. all other phases ol radio. Upon the successful completion of the counie, the student Is eligible for promotion to the rating of Radioman. Pre- pare yourself for a secure future. . .. Berome a Radioman in the United States Coost Guar4 ... VJSit your local re- cruiting station, Times mdg., Long Beach, Federal Building, Los Angeles and Post Office, Santa Ana. - This Adv~ent S~ by: ' OPPATOBS OF DBl.:P S&i. jJ p1i(o . -. . . r; I I i ........... ~~----......... ~~-~·~·4---------.. 11..----------------------------------------1.1 • • '• . . • ' ' \ ' • ' - \ I -· -....... . .. .,. ·-'I' JI Routed Ens l4st For Year; Stay Fresh Without Refrigeration ., I- W E L C 0 M E C....__ F E !5d0 Newport Blvd., Costa -PboaeUS-11 . Finest Place to Din Famous Complete er opml1Lm.to2LID. SPEX:IAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES 01111 llJTCB&N OPZN FOK JNmlo:noN WM. E. LUDEWIG. Prop. Will Dresses SlackSuitB Donna-Marie Shop e 515 North Main St. Santa Ana Telephone 1347- for FIVE-DAY S.ER on Cleaning and La • vouR Red Cros Ne Arcade Bldg. ICE mco1 aod reaeatioo. facilities to sbor1ea J.ooa. dreary days. The cbttrful mlil• of an Amer· iangirl bdph•nisb looeli_.aodbott<lom ••. helps a man keep bis cbio up when things look pretty dark. • And OD mo home front, wbae+et &tt, llood or Cl<ber ditutu suik.., the lled er- is rad wUb ftlief for the suJleriAg. Y ..,1 yom Red er-is licenlly mod>tt to many miltiom ••• friood cl tbo lrimdl .. • • • coamde in time cl need. And ia wodt m• go on. Huiidreds cl tboomnda cl out ....., ail1 med tho Red Ci-. They med ic ........ It is your. Red Ci-. The~ yoa g;.e is la oaly ""' .... Witboar,..,.., the Red er.. can -amz.~ Don't pac oll.ai'riD& to die IUcl Cr-. ~ toclay I MUST I CARRY ON' • • • rt HarbOr · Publishing Co. • ··- Mrs. Frank Bates SPJRELLA OORSE'tlERE Attention!! Home. Owners: Something Entirely NEW, PERMANENT~ Desirable -Artistic AWNINGS and CANOPIES - ._..__. __ pm rl aartt flee ,_.,.- lee are pwl&lwe ,--.... of ;:;.. •' ...... , ....... - We,....._ ... .._ c-opleo 'lbe answer to I your par-, ticular awning and can-_ opy problems. 'lbesr awnings wl~·gales and provide ~um comfort. • . FOA J:ll'IDIATD PHONE OS warn: Slats· 0 ·Wood Awning Co. el Orup 01mt, 111 ... n· ''IN at. •mt I c.llf. PBOD 019 . ..... Tea~- ' Balboa Island Circle Gives to Hospital · Balboa Island Circle met \\'ith Mrs. Vera Rica rd, 121 North B::ty Front, "''ith 18 members present. 1-trs.· Louise Smith presided and • B A Y V I E W C A· F E • Formerly The Pal.rm Cate At the Ferry Landing -Palm and Bay Ave~ Ballloa Under same management: L. A. Wells, Owner Featuring Home Cooking PIES • CAKES • DONUTS R. L. ,.atterson J. R. Lester Boyle CIVIL ENGINEERS Phone S. A. 0405 N. 8 . 1082 308 W. 5tli St . Santa Ana GUST TRUCKING and Transfer / • 1630 Newport Blvd. Phone N. B. 915- Mrs. E. D. Goodell led in devotions.1 ~------------------------lt was voted to gi\te $48 to the I' Presbyterian hospital fund, which will make an even S400 from the Wome n's Society of Christian Service of Christ Church BY-the- Sea. The next meeting will be Tues- day, April 2 at Mar Casa and members whme birthdays fall in February, March and April will be horiOred It will be a sack lunch at 12 :30 p.m. Mrs. Lynn Kepper Hostess at Bri'dge Mrs. Lynn Kepper entertained her bridge club with a luncheon at her home, 326 Onyx avenue. Li&hted. tapers 1tood in fragrant pansies combined with greenery for the decOl'atlft note and the menu featured a casserole diab.ot tuna and muahrooml, With hot gingerbread and ice cream for dewrt Mn. H. R Ring won tint prize, Mn. HUTy modgett wu """"'1d and Mn. Sally Peyton won the travellln& prlu, a postet ceramic ben.··,_., . Mn. Mary Yarnell lllbotltuted for Mn. Obed Luca and Mn. Bett;v Powell for Jin. Tom &o-~ 10tben pre.mt .were Mn. Scotdl Tape Now on· Hand Supply Limited -at-' NEW$-TIMES •Hfltf'S A# OIL THAT DOES 5 JOSS AT O#Cft• ~.. . . .. . . . • • You aui bet it's not by aaideat that JlPM Mocor Oil 1-po your - c'"-· giv<S it looger life. This oil's csperiall7 mmpouoded ID md carbon aouble, prevmc comioioa, llidt ID boc 'I""' that O<dinuy oils lone ban wl a:pc-d ID WW, ID ipc osido- cioa, wi CO ellmlut.8 Ur .. bubb1- dlot woald lmpolr daadodoe .. ol all, RPM ·Motor Oif doom't c.- • --1 L ' Cla,U.~ • . I I Rah h Dkl:tllMI!-'. Plrsz lJI ... ~· 1"6 . I • ' • , --1 • PUBLIC NOTICE N~OB oir PUBLIC 11SA1U11G I . Tho N~wpurt Beech Cty Pba- ning Commlsslon will bold • Publlc Beorlrig Thunday, Mardi 21. 1MI at 7 :30 P . M .• in the Coundl Cwnben. Oty ,Hall. Newp:rrt • -· California. PUBUC HEARING upon -application of Richard S. Griffen. 628 Clubbome A~. Newpart -· Callfomlo. tw chonp ot zone classillcotion from 11,.3 to C-1 for Lots 14 and 15, Block 63t. Canal S.Ction. Newport Beoch. Calif onii&. By 01'der ot the OWrmon ot the New-t ~ach Cty P1onn1nc Commlalon. JOHN M. ALLEN. PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK_ -Se=tary. Pub.-Morch i2. 1~. ~===========~~~~~~~~=9====~t\ Last Tuesday ule track squads of Harbor, Laguna and Garden Grove met on the home cinderpath in a tria ngular meet \vith the Har- California's civilian per capita income for 1945 "·as $1 .415. v.'ith residents re«iving a total of Sl l.· 492,100.000, according fo unoffic· ial preliminary estimates released tQday by the research departml"nt of the California State Chamber of Commer ce. • RADIAPHONE Model 25 lS NOW BEING DELIVERED A Complete Marine Radiotelepho for $149.00 Four frequencies; includes transmitter'; speaker , power pack, four crystal~. micropho May be seen at Harbor Engine & Equipme t Co. 111 Agate Ave. Balboa Island Ph e 1723-J Thursday, March 14th TO ALL MEMBERS OF A. F. • • The Orange County Central Labor Council a nd The Bulldlng and CoDlltructlon Trades ii has called a SPECIAL MEETING for all me be"' Of thfl AIDflrican Federation of Labor and th Ir f&JD!- .... at WILLARD IR. WGH SCHOOL. w hington and~ Skeets, Santa Ana, THURSDAY, 14 at 8:00 P . M. This lllfJflting is Im t to you ... u... fnndamen!f.!rnnclples and p of the =will be fl eel, by prominent i-J<ers, that w ch pertains to your ood and' ..,...., Orange Countf. We -pectfnlly urge you and yoar, family to be preoent. bor Sa ilors emerging the vic tor in all divisions. The total score of th~ day was Harbor 283, Garden Grove 99, and Laguna a total of P-5 d igits. The most outstanding m a rk of the day was made by Bud Bennet a Cec .. ~rho r an the 660 to the tune of 1 :36. AJong with this l\-tur- ray Bro"'ll thre\.•/ the shot 46 feet 7 Inches. Following are the first place "'inners : \'arslty High Hurdles. 16.6. Braham ( L ): 100-yd .. 10.6) Hanza1 (NH ): 440- yd., 55.9, Hudson !GG); 880-yd .• 2:15. Cross (NH); Low Hurdles 27.5, McCallum I NH!; 22().yd.: 23.5. 1-lanzal ( NHl ; Mile, 4:58, Bailey CGG); Broad Jump (19 ft. 7 ln .. Fowler CNH); High Jump, 5 ft. 6 in., Nelson {NH): Pole Vault, 9 ft. 6 in., Ward (NH): Robertson !NH); Shot P ut. 43 ft. 4 in., Donavan lGG ): Relay, 1:38.4, Newport. Score: Harbor ................ 60 G. Grove .......... 40 Laguna .............. 31 Bee High Hurdles, 10.3. Hillhouse; lOO·yd., 10.7. Young I NH): 660-yd., 1 :34, Mason (NH); Low Hurdles, 14.4. Hanson (NH); 220-yd., 23.7, Young (NH); 1320, 3:38.6. Ander· son (CG ); Broad .fump, 20 ft. 10 In ., Rima (NH); High Jump, 5 ft. 2 in., Pollock (NH); Pole Vault 9 ft. 2 in .. Thompson CNH l; Shoi Put. 43 ft. 9 in., Hanson (NH)~ Relay. 1 :13.2, Newpor t . Score: HMbor .. 97 ~ G. Grove ........... 34 Laguna . . .......... 29 i,i Gee Scores: Newix:irt.... . .... 81 G. Gr ove ......... 25 ~ Laguna ........... .25'h Orange County Central Labor uncil Building and Construction Trade Council Girl Wins ·Legion • Listen in on Radio Station KV Oratorical Tilt The estimated 1945 per capita income is under the $.1 .540 Cali- fornia civilian ._per capita income for 1944. It is still well above the 1944 national per capita o~l.117. and California's l)t'r capita ncome of $737 in 1939. Decline in intensive wartime manufacture -with high wages and heavy over time -.-accounted for most of the disparity between the state's 1945 civilian income total and the $12.263.400.000 total of 1944 -all-time high in the state's income history. Com pared with California's 1939 civilian in· come total of $5.013,000,000. the 1945 preliminary figures indicate a gain of over 129 per cent, the St&te Chamber's survey shows. Heavy influx of population dW'· ing the war period accounted for part of ·California's income in-crease. Major factor was due to Nettles. prese!'ted by i:ta1ph Dea· higher incomes. Continued civilian ver. who was in charge of th e pl"O'" population growth is indicated in JCT'8Jll. Others in charge were Bob the figures, as are the arrivals of Eastman, district commissioner, demobilized service personnel re-. coordinator of the program : Har- turning or lmigrating to the old Hal). attendance. and Bob CUI· Golden S tate. bertson, field executive. Vet-Attorneys Can Advertise 7 Times_ S AN F8ANCISCO -The Cali· tornta· State Bar asso ci 8tion. whose long·standing rule barring attorneys from advertising In newspapers and other perioWcals, has made an exception tor ret urn· ing servicemen who may place a m!Lximum of seven "dignified" ads in newspaJ)'rs. announcing their return to practice. Walch the Ouelfied Columns.~ CATFISH Few catfish are being taken from Rockwell Pond, Fresno coun- ty. declares the Outing Depart- ment of the National Automobile club. In Kern county, . catfishing has been poor due to cold weather but is expected to improve with warmer weather. See Us A.bout Your AND CHURCH WznDINO PIOTURE8 to Inquire About Copyhlg Old PortraHB SM<TA ANA · "The Voice of the Orange Empire'", 14 ANAHEIM -Having won the L-~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1~~~~~--'l recent Orange County American ! Legion oratorical contest at Santa ~a. \Vanda Reinhart. Anaheim WHRT nEHT ) Joki n g for a· H om e or Vecant lot? e Read t e offer- ings of the arbor's Leading Re !tors ad- vertised in t e News -Ti"imes News -Times Want ds Will Solve Your Problems READ USE THEM THEM FOR FOR R ROFIT SUL TS Newport Harbor Pub 1Shing · Company ud 13 I ' - high school senior. will represen t this county March 15 in the fifth area finals here against contest· an~ representing San Diego, Im· penal and Riverside countjes. New' Naval Base Chief SAN PEDRO -'After a long tour of duty as commander ot The U. S . Naval Base at TennlnaJ isl- and. Commodore Schuyler F . Heim has be<!n relieved by Rear Adm. Uoyd J. Wiltse. N avy plans for the Tennin&l bland base will make it one ot the largest on the Pacific coast. Lower Olay bass fishing has been fair since the lake was blue- stoned, states the Outing Depart- ment ot the National Automobile club. Fishing at Lake Henshaw has been poor, u has Moreno .. Barrett Lake will be open to the public on May 1. Let Us ••• __ .....,._ .. .......... 1o .. .-.1n ....... .................. , .. O...t tlile lf'lt JI SS,, S ... £':!of ............ -••rth, 1 ... ., _lo_...... .. tllit11 ........ 'Cam,._._...,... ~ ...... ,,,_. ......... .................... -__ .,_ .. Repair Y 011r Electric Appll•ces We Specialir.e ~ .. Trouble Sheoting -·-Radkw • Al('s· em SALES AND 811:KVICIC Harbor Radio · & Electric DON'T GET CAUGHT WITH THE 30°/o DROP • .... Get rOP-CEILING . for Your Car NOW • CASH_ IN 10 MINU'OO ' • HARR~~ PpNTIAC CO. CA.mer Second and Sycamorr Santa :Ana Phone 6036 2l802 W...t C..tnl New1at Baril l I •j .............. illlll ........ ~"' .................................. 1!1111 .. ~----~ll!' ...... lli •• ~ .............. . • • ' I ,. • ' ' _l ,Harbor. _ Permit .~~ ~Dnalh'l'bnelnU~I-.''!. .Clpt.Pioneer~rav~ ~.' i. .(~y-~: C.011 .. M• t?A1 ----....,, w·•1.:-N xt ~ Weeks Jeport ~ «•'~~1 ~ •; llake PJ•stk ID Com. Hands; ::.:= -· --·of': IUUJ~ e ~Ii! : ; . . -~-;: ... r.:. Dl;-""~·cMJ •J ... • • . ... •~Ill 11..a-. _ ~Cw.-Soo Bartlar -t la _. May· ReadJ Mi) 0118 tb · UI .0. ... OJ. Pro Umt ~ L 'Iii a fV "' ~ ll,......115 D l'lnaOWrt ---~ '" •• ·---we.111 111e 'unlw stator -Tbolr~pbatlcen11--II' ... °""'' ,, ' i f be la tbo ID of taibllc lnfnl7. 'l1le -_...... .. ..,., In -F.,._. !he bait baat -tar, --'lftnt 1b6*tlt -_. ec1 Can..., dnelopod by . three In t1M!ir ....U equipped .._ -... N<apxt ~ SIQ> .._..... u. P1• 10 •c ~ .1mpen<1o uni--Heart rnaea11eJ,eads a.t.·11114\GrP.. 111..c11a1Jbrdl to-the •-..u-beinc fannero;;;..,,111ated A1!uatt set· tary.lenim -1t111 ·•""•*-nr. 8-ltlcr wu clofen-ed wt -!< by ''"'""'"..., · -lltdlcat!tte nlnfall -within the mkl ab: a _ · C e at a 111iaioita1 la 1-PH± by nlolne the IMns -of _.. for -of mllltary alrttatt G. G. Ha-""4 Georp Qm- 11r WIJ' P1••"11 """"'-apjlrovar of airport ~ weeks. It _ ls beu..ed, by qrleul-All State Death ;a111e CQt. era,., -I I I f -2bt tbe -"""'* -*-"" -other --. may -be -.... """"' .. ali alr<:nft anttad omtn the ~ e.n make fllrtbor .....n HA!rl> ·pr-• of 1ura1 --= ':: By Wide Margin• -1111 Ne•,..t fA>r -:rww. lllitll ti.. -r.r laatlas -tum1ns out artificial -. a1r-~ tcr tbe ~llod·plaat: ~-of the ea.ta MN Cout AMIL, Welch, ~ -fcncut that • ·~-...... rt ........ wltb tlae ..... -bait -i*'•P•lti·" plw -ta. lllhlnc Poleo. .. -n .. -., -. • -llcbt .... t a1rJiart. which bu the haddnc of tary of the N Cwnber ol of Gl,000.o\)O Iii c:ropo ~a.._.-1 -to q nta -ol Newpt . as units · for mllltary a1ruaft, It ftahltc pole wltlch will beDd - Batbw ch•""-of-, but Cam,,,...,., · S;l<a -the Southl&l'd thttatono-tltlll yeat. The 10 lffd1nc ca .... ot death Boach. a. -......, -beft. -pldfell, 11at1· 91 or elu7 ·wu --bJ H. R. Jenka, Ono bamboo; an alt1ilane chair :Ill per -_, ~-Jn a pablle Ralph P. of the aviation Continuation ot the dtouth may and the totala ,.....ud In Call· Ill la9 _. Capt. ar-iald rw 1'Uolia •-. a "W-fam-ot the -ms!-. who '-cla eent Uchtel-than prooeut-. -~ FridaJ afternooa fnm the local chamber. add m1lllons of dollan damage to fornJ.a In 19&5 -U folJowo : (1) ~ fW tlle" liw• bait -ta 1ne may k1D -,people In the the ClOft<e<D beft t-1mtnlllle spodaJl7 ---~lln&ton Beodi <bomber ot wi~ttee Of of the alr-1 att G. already dry ranges and fields. ..,. hNrt --· 29,911; C2J cancer, lltat ~i.I -~ Newport non -~than Ute -with the,,_ material. n1bber owh-. cumnttce and the operator of a Pl:m>oton Conn Ind rord1njl to Earl Maharg .• ~ 12.310; (3) cettbnl hemorrhqe, ,,..,.ltaYbll "'* faml!!a' -Iii u ,_. ol the wv. . At their laboratorJ fn the fer-The -~ bopon to pt · t cranted ponnJoalon .e-E. l4a1field. R. fl"ncy spodallst of the """' -70H; CCl violent -a<dcleutal tlte 'l'llcQt -~· Be -. "' . owned b Into JatPr pt._ or unlta -:::6, air:: ciperate In that c:ltJ. J-H. jr., f.,._. atlllY tural extemlon oorvlce In Loa An· deaths exc!Udltc lllllqde, bomlcldo .. , >dated' wltll o.zie 01ime In a...,,' 1c. ~ _...._ ~'eH~ct~ Cm>na ~ theJ haft aolwd the prodllcticm Oppoaltioft to the application of pllota. geles, after attmd!ng • confer-Ul!I autcmoblle acc:iclonta, teOtl; ~the fa-floet-of San-ot -· •mrrl --ot·men and problem an -1Jer !tam. 'lbey. the Pac:ific Coast Airway Corp., The dec:ialon the rnann!plon euce In Ri.....icle. 'The lltuation (5) congenital malformations~ -llw bait 119&~ from tlte New-"-.. bc'11 I . "If ~--..:..,.the~~ ltr"anfl" have boon uked to produce a car which p1..,. a 214-acre airport im· -'-bl announced t the ls far ~ o<rloua than UlfGDe billty, pmnatun births and ,... _pior, la tlta -ly 1931l'L not pt a Joan -will ~ve to thlnp They ha.., developed 0 body l<W the ,..,.. Bobby auto - -telY w .. t ot eo.1a Mesa. will .--Y • 1 thoU&ht, Mahu'& IO!d e ..... pocu11ar to the tint ~at of Capt. Gra-cllcl -~ • eiqoed!enta , In -~ · extremely touah pl ti to be turned out In the ConaolJ. came In letters from the Qty of next meelllle Of mmmloolonJ Coupled with t<!portl that some life. 4226; (6 ) nephritis C~a-work In 10cat1nc ell, --. ~ tbat will cauoe iutlns dam-~:f~ lndtes In c!Wneter u.J dated plaiit, but do not feel they . I stockmen Wett selling herds wu lion of the kidnoyw), 4196 ; (7) ure -otJwr bidden att1dea wltb .,e to the Uulted States -the :i, length f th 1 fibla which have the fac:illtles for this. How- the condition of the ranges al-pneumonia, 3815; (8 ) n<omowe a~ rod of bis own eonstJ!Ue. rest of the workl. Britain ia the e 0 e eg a ever their pluUc is sUitable fer \ ready brown In th• San Joaquin acddenta, 36t2; (9) ~ tlon. , Oil mm oMwed ""'*~ key Joe In the lac-Jam and. when !' attached to the stump ot miss-many peacetlipe l*'Oducta --v~y. Al Forglt of the Newport tuberculolds, 3527; ClOl dlaieues of able In~ In h1a Invention itOln ,... ~ our financial belp at tltlll ;~gh:':'::'; an~=teo~: ;,i;e !:.'. day they may have a f°""' at ..,,. Tackle store, who bought • Iarce the circulatory system other than -to time. I polut, ~..., applying It wbere It g g su , eraJ score tnq>lo>'ft W<rldnc tb1ft wheat ranch near Taft on the heart disease, 2925, lt'wu reparted Ftmeral le'l'Vlcet for C.pt. will ck, rnasJ aood to the whole ket for the artiftclal llmb. . ' when items get into production. Maricopa highway last year, said by Dr. Wllson Halvenon, director a.a-were beld Jut Saturday world hence to oundvei.!' '!be National Research council !..-------------. that he is afraid lllOlt ot the wheat State Departzpent · of Public lD Loni BHdL Rusaell Graves has authorized them to proceed crop ts a failure in that area. Health. h1a .-.; Liiie Bead>, ourvl~ DwtPt D. a--... 0 ..;..a1 with models which they hope will Dr. W. T. Mooney Residents of the dty who are h1m. and one da~ter. 14rs. Lu-of ~ A..rmy-''lf the at.cxn bomb get away from metal, and thus ~ ... Im:; •• fully C011nizant of the water sltua-lif . S G d c1lle Hodppeth u;.-An&eJa ls u ~ -u cataolysm1c weight In artificial limbo for vet. ;~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~~====!i i Uon here anxiously turn their Ca onua tate uar Many exc1llnir !llhlnc odven-.. It haa been aald. I believe you ....... Ullng their pla!itlc tube to Nhlt.t. ... Ooatnl faces toward the sky whenever It To Be Doubled lures ......, had by Capt. Gr,ves will ·!Ind I the aoldler ......, thllll simulate the bone. Jenks showed HOVI: IO to 1% • 1 to 5 ' threatens rain In hopes that ~o · In local waten: He had many[ in. anyone else yeJUng for lntematlon-a representative or the _Newi;. Phone (h·br. -J - shortage will threaten here this , tereat1n& f1ah •tortes to tell In hla al machinery to proteb. the peace nmes how well it works tn the IT'S YOUR GLAN Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., • INn:cTION8. PHONE ll:W. summer. No conclusions have been S ACRiltENTO. ~ Call!ornla's lat.er years aDd "enjQ,yed apliml.Qg and to make It wcrk.." joint. Slr)aller tubes flt lnto a 1'------------.J reached on the course which must allotment in the National Guard h1a yarns. Hil inanY friends rind bushing where the ankle would or---------------. be taken to assure adequate future plan submitted by the War De-ex-aSIOCiate. mourn his passing. · Vommun.1. t dinarily be and the ':1"usual bon~-F'OR INSURANCE: IEE water supplies for· the city, offi-partment callJ for 34,949 ground He ~d 8 lot 'to develop the present Maarlee Fr ~Until now ,;e ing of rubber as a joint with their dals admit. troops and 4619 air troops com-day fishing lndustr)'. ~eade~e:, anc;e--. lif be . g Metlbond pl astic produces an ex- prlsing the 40th division. 61.lt and . ave an e<Xfl<>ITU~ e .buft:" cellent ar.ticulating joint. VFW Urges, Congress 62nd Wing Headquarter_s and A. P. Schunck and Jack Tho??P-;er=~~opt!: ~;. ~e spee:t This makes for a 1ig~t thoug_h Exte d S • A t Headquarters squadrons, six con-son, Aflgelenos, who are planrung it b di . ~e must cut our military tough member, J~nks said Their n ervtce c trol 8QU8.drons, one light ~mbard-to make their home in Newpo~ and a cl~t I e nditures. In reduc-~nlon plastic using t his MeUPond ~ent• squadron, according to ad-Beach, are new o~ers of the civill ~ , nditures we can ~ 25 per ~nt tough~ than alum- SAN FRANCISCO.-Unless the vtce from Washington, ; Magic Isle, spol"t fishing boat it_lg . ~ ;rrabundant admin-1num, tests show. They fill out expire May 15. is extended by war strength, totals 571,(X)() offl-landing. a on. ca11ed polystyrene, a fluffy white Howard W. Gerriah i-. Newpwt ..... , .... -tll ' Selective Service Act .scheduled to The national plan, doubling pre-which runs from the , 19th street ~~~fy ~ 0+-= the fat of the leg with a substance Congress. reem ployment rights of cers and men in the ground forces, ... crystal blown into cakes which \\'Br veterans will automatically be 47.600 in the air for ces, and 3900 ,._., .. ..:, Rev. Dr. Heif.Y P. Van ~. looks Uke crack~ ice. Around it terminated, Richard H. Newhall, In service and ~istrative ·POP' ""'An IJ Realow Harril prelldeat of tb~ Union TbeoloeteaJ. is drawil 8 leather covering, pro- Itri ftltd St. ~¥. Bouft: l:SO to 1:SO Mondays aad 'I'll Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Uceue and Contract -w-Callfomia Department Command· forces, a total ot 622,500. The 8emlllary and ~tee of Princeton ~~u0~-~ng~a~perf~~ec~~U~ys~ha~ped~~l~eg~.;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ er of the Veter ans of For eJgn .prepar National Guard nwnbered Unlvenlty-"~utlon of the prob- Wars, revealed. he.re today. New-295,000 ground forces and 5000 air lem of displaci g Jews in Europe hall said Congress must either forces. is the opening f the doors of all ... extend the Act or write new Ieata-countries to re nable numbers of • Before You Build or . LUDLUM Carpet W rks · lation protttting war veterans ho C 'l them, and not the establishment "ishlng to return to their old jobs. Central La r ounc1 or • political st te in Palestine as Virgil "Smitty" Smith, who has Sets Special Meeting proposed by th Zionist groups.'' been at the Mid-Qty garage and I In Santa Ana March 14 taxi SC'rvice. Balboa, for two years, is no longer with the company The Orange County Central La- and plans opening his own garage bor council and the Building and when he can find a suitable loca-Construction Trades council has tion, the better to serve his pa-1 called a meeting of aU members of trons. the AFL and their families to hear ,-------------·,I the fundamental principles and Dr. Edwin R. Embree, preAJdent of the Rosen d Foundation - "The common pie are seizing pawer all over e world. No long· er can a few nopolize· the priv- ileges of many. . Gas H~ating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON State Licensed Contractor Bea~ lmtallaU-Make Wum Frl ..... Bmlneu Phone M3i Rmldenee Ptlow NU or ~911 ROOFS . APPLIED OR REPAIRED Free Estima tes &: Inspection program of the union described at \Villard Junior High school, W ash- ington and Ross streets, in Santa Ana. Premier St must exceed th ot production military end of Ru8sla-'We 1 ~===~====================~ pre.war standards d heighten the nomlc might of W, J. Benbow / tlie Soviet Uni 1111 -Mala St. . Pho .. S...ta Ana !8GC IJA.'iTA ANA 3602 Marcus .Pb. Nwpt. 1012-J The special meetlns bu been called for Thw-sday ulght, March 14 at 8 p.m. Prominent speakers are expected to take part. Kline Concrete Products Company ( ' ' ••• FD ................... ,.,..,, 4·1-·-···· , .. ••n1tw ... ,..,..,. el , .. 4idi--.,, • o.. .-1-....... b ACll' W 4Stfy ...,._ • r-1 ASUGGESTION, PLEASE : You "'" make the' dinner dishes 1. snap! H6....,,<r you do them •.. by hand or by 1 modem turomatic dishwasher ... make PLENlY o( ttally ho< ,.,.rtt 1 "must'! And it's yews ro command,. on tap "tt'f ........ of the day ot niglit - a. ....................... -adt:- Cj1111dy sil«I -piorides "'"'7 of ho< water 1t!f today's improved sundanls of liTing : ID --i< disbwuber, ID - LOTS· 0 F HOT WATER YOUR AUTOMATIC GAS Wll£1 IEATEI REPLACES IT Ill A IYllY, TOOi AN AU·TOMATIC DISHWASHER! ..i~ washing machine -with plenty ro spare for n tn1 bathroorm, housc:bold deaning and all the rosL a ...... , .... that's big mough is ~ important thing! The average modc.m family calls oo bot water 140 ti.mes a day. They 00t only ..J 1 praaiaJ. ade- quately sil«I smn ge tank -it's 1 loog· '--'-I JUUU3 ... ,. , .. ._." a tank Ca.lb fof ronstant re- heating at high temperatures. This Wftkma the p.Ivaiw.d tank -lining and &e-que-orlr awes prcoaturc failure. ' a..di. T-.....,.., .,.,., • Miit w ..... •••u• " 1TOU.CJ1.rA• CAl'Aan oua ---..-. I .. 11 I ..... _ ...... I .1 or 2 · 30 1 3 or 4 40 2 2 or 3 40 2 4 or S so , , . so 3or4 4 .. s 75 Costly rrplacrmea.t an ~ atoidcd b, AffecoM "1 I.a& C...t Gm .t.ae'sfk:o gettina tbe coma siJlt the 6nt time. .. -your dealot oboul your &mily'1 minirmm bar Wiier requ~ His Seen, Tult Capacity Guide ii your ... -diattbebo:it,.....,1onicria,... IOUTMllM COUMftll OAI COMPAM1 Jio.llOh>id Will be nally ~· • ~SPEEDS ENOUBH HOT WATER -( FOR MODERN NEEDS • • i . I Try working ;>uzzle. Baroid E. St n, former cov- emor of Minn ta--,.."We must be- gin -at once a fortght search, on a bl-j)&rtisa bas , for the spe- cific policies m hich· we can -expect contin ng ·endly rela- today's crossword tionships with u.ssf. Then th~se policies should be frankly and firmly discus wi h the Soviet Union. ' Hollow Building Tile and Brick 6 • 8 and 12 Inch blocks • F1ne· for All Types of Btilldlng and Patio Wal.Ill WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor --Plant Located at- 15e0 N-rt lloltd, Coota I<-Frozen Food Philo Hoefne jr. is visiting his 1;:=======================1 mother at thei home, 122 Grand Canal. Balboa land. He r eceived his honorable ischarge from the Sea Bees Sun ay ~t San Pedro, HURLEY Cabinets ·~ Since 1898 as s... 1.o1 .,...._ M. •=' m. Cllll.. DiCBGENCY PBO'Nll Amt! ..a -· "' , after two ye in the South Pa- clflc, going In th the Third Am· phibious corps f the Marines. He is a member of the Santa. Barbara Yacht club owns a 35-foot yawl. . PA I TI N ·G I.I Yean:fl la Newpon . "- . HAR y HALL OPEN DAILY AT,P.M. llanda7a at i p. .... ·~e House of Fine Foods" BELL <. :'...7" ~ ·--., ... & lliMii ' ft. ll'wy4. .,_. ~· For Reservations Call Newport 1273 -Our Policy on W CAR ORDERS· ' ("-: . . 1 In Accordance With Fair Procedure • I We are now accepting orders for earliest possible delivery of new cars. However, as you know there are not enough new ca'rs for all who want them. Therefore, want to inake a clear statement of our policy . . . so t hat every~e will know r.ctly how we are handling orders for and delivery of new cars dunng the rur-;i;.;t shortage period. , 1 We intend to fill orders for new carsin the order in which they are received. There are two exceptions to this basic tule- 2 We Will definitely reserve a per-3 If definite. need for a IM!W' car Is a centage of our cars for those who factor, we will, In the publlc lntef-. served in the Armed F w est determine such cases on the basis or ~ve•mre that all our ~n:s will thi now abolished, but publlcly tic- ;;;.,., with the justice of this exception. cepted, OPA priority lists. This policy is In your Interest. We are following It bealtl!le we want to 111!1'\'e you falrlJ' and well today as ln the paSt. The Fon! Motor Campan)' and we ounel'r' are making every effort to deliver )IO!Jr new. cat prmnptly. and hOOestly. /, .i f. F!ll' 'oar ...,.._, .. proteetSoa .n depmllll on -Foul& are lleld.la tr..& a& Ille ,. . NON. Brudl Bui::. al .&.-tea . Theodore Robins \ • ! • .. •• I l ftlJd ... o.tnl Nl:WPOlrr RACH • . . T • • • • • Puauc None• cmtl"ICA'nl: or llt1111lf1C811 nctltloUo Firm Name Pu11Uc N THE UNDERSIGNED clo here-THE UNDERSIG · clo here- • by ettt1ty that they are~ by certify that they conduCt- 1 MachiM Shop i..u,,... at foot Ing an auto court buo~,. at 8:22. of. 31't Street, Oty ol Newpat W. Centtal Avenue, ty ot N.,.. 8"ach. County of <>r&n&e. State port Beach, County of· QnnSe, of Calltornla, under the !ictltloUo State of Calltornla. the flc- !lnn name of Central Morine En-titiouo f>nn name Bay View gtneerlng Co., ~ that lald firm C<>Urt, and that said Is com- ls compooed of the following P<r-pooed of the to g p•nons, sons, wttc:.e names and addreael w1xJ1ie names and are are u follows, to~wtt: u follows, to wit: John Ayling, 2117 N. Mattnao. Omar J . Wilson, Rt. , Box 1182, A!tadena, Callt. Vista, Calltorni<l. c. R. Rust•nbach, 1631 Allegro Janice Wilacn, Rt. , Box 1111'.l, Square, San Gabriel, Calif. Vista: California. Donald V. Muney, 1833 ~ S. At-l Willlaln F . Marx. !antic, Alhamn, Callt. tral, Balboa 8"ach, W1TNESS our hand UU. 21st day WITNESS our handa of February, 1946. of March, 1946. JOHN AYLING . OMAR P .. ~~~ ,/t:. R. RUSTENBACH JANICE V I DONALD V. MUNCY . WILLIAlll State of California ) State of California ) County of Orange ) a. County of Orange ) ON THIS 21st day of F<bruary ON THIS 2nd of March A.D.. 1946, before me Nora S. A.D., 1946, before Ruby A. Margwarth a Notary Public tn and Thompson a Notary bllc 1n and for said County and State, resldin& for aaid County and tate, res.id- therein duly commissioned and ing therein duly cm~lu ioned and sworn. personally appeared" John sworn, personally • ared Omar Ayling, C. R. Rustenbach, Donald J . Wilson, Janice n, and Wil- V. Muncy known to me to be the Ham F . Marx known o me to be persons whos4:!-names are subicrl)>. the persons whose n es are 1ub- ed to the within Inatrumen~ and scribed to the within trument, acknowledged to ·me that thej exe--and acknowledged to e that they cuted the ume. e xecuted the aame. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav• 1N WITNESS OF, I have hereunto aet my hand and atttxed hereunto Rt my hand and affixed my otflda1 seal the day and year my official seal the and year 1n thia certiflcate tint above writ-in this certificate first above writ- ten. ten. NORA S. MARGWARTH, Notary PubJJc in and For Said County and State. (My Commlsslon Expires Jan. 29. 1950.) Mn. ~ Oftnnaa. t• ~r str.t, eo.i. Meea. .. a a.aUve of •era•, liul .._ U..S la Co.ta Meea for w.rt7 t:auee ,.,..... aad Waka 11'1 a paad plaee to llye, Siie (hdllated '""" Nowpor< Bar- bor Ualoo mp -IA IM4 aad .._ --..._ emploJed at !laata Ana ArmJ' Air --baa -.. eyeo ud upt browa bah, ud •t.er la.ol'lte evel"lloll le dendms. SM h t-.e yOGD.pllt of RUBY A. TH MPSON, a family ol four oloten aad -bro&Mr aad la ti.e dauPter of Mn. Notary PubU In and For _s_,._1_.ia_<>v& __ ......... _______ _,,.------------ Sald County State. (My on Expires May 24, 1947. !SEAL) !SEAL) Pub.-Feb. 26, Mch. 5, 12, 19, 1946. Pub:-March 5, 12, 19 26, 1946. CERTIFICATE OF usnass Fictitious Firm ame TiiE UNDERSIG D do here- by certify that they ar conducting a Yacht BROKERA , Sales of New Boats a.nd M e Supplies and equipment of ev kiad and character business a 625 Coast Highway, Newport ach, Cali- fornia, under the ti tlous firm name of ROBERT ST/µ~ 24-Hour Radio Se • ce BOMJ:, AtJTO, llUjwJE RADIOS BllP~U!:ll Burt R. N Ha <>o.-m....,. Newpori Beaol:t, ONE DAY SERV CE Motor Overhauled '6500 Front end corrected ······--··········----· ........... · .$3.75 Straightening or replacing perls extra. Brakes relined (labor only) ·······-··················-$10.00 Carburetors rebuilt ·······················-····-········· .. -.. $4.95 Major tune-up, 6 cylinders ·········-······-········-· .. $4.95 Lubricating Chassis ......... ·-··-····-····················· .. $1.50 Mutter and tail pipe ......................... ---·········· .. $8,50 !Installed. Labor only) . NEWPORT AUTO WOR S NATIONAL' AUTO CLUB EMERGENCY ST TION Earl Mitchem, Prop. 24 BOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE SOiia at Coaol Blvd. .._(ciao' or I) 1420 Beautify Your Surrounding With Shrubs .• Trees -Flo ers We Now Have a Fine • Ornamental Shrubs • ~ding Plants • Citrus and Deciduous Fruit Trees • C.a rr 's lllZ'T Newport llhd. CAU..US Feed Selection of EEDS ~-­and • ONIJ611 Store PUBLIC NOTICE Kelly Petillo Out Of Race Track; Ask New Permit Blessed is the man who ii too busy to worry in the daytime, and too tired to lay awake at night. ROSSI'S Liouor Store lOOs ec-t. llhray ~ Mlle-olti.e &.- ~OD r-.., Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales - -Store window and showcue displays are d their attractive best under the clayUght glow of fluoreacent UghUng. the modem way of showing what you have to eell to the best lld· VllDl:age. The"' are no shadows to distort the picture you wish to p.-.t to the' ....tolmr. ~ appear ID their ~ 9h,.._ We are now able to provide 0-t Ugb&- lq to ..-t yonr special Deeds, fnm the -n. • esl lmWhtioa to the largMt. Call8 for N*l-&es wwered ..w.-t delay. BegoJar service malDta!MCL ETS • HOKll & GALVAN lllNCZ 4 ltlt 1000 eo..& llhray l'lnmo Newpca& UM Al9o ta ... ft=S 1 ?• 1"'7 a .......... -···· On'1 sf EI.E<mUCIANS ~Two ""' ........ • . FACTOaY, PLANT., nou, orncs, r~ - I ' . ' • elll .... lllitlal •••• Of Beac•comber Mapzl~ Od . 'E'I D Left ll>Oft than the amount "' tu -Jo!Ui A. Gllllo. -.;, ~ -• .r our ays will be .-pted. CUb "-ld·not Hanna!! GWlo, 21• 2ln -.... 'E'lor Filing 1946 be .ent th.roogh ~mallo! ceived hlo --. .I' 'I . DedaratioN ol 19t6 .. t1mated from Ille Tennlnal Iaload s.pua. T...!..Ame Returns tu att requi1'!d ot employ_es -lion center lut Thunday and 11 ~l"v oalari<a are subject to withhold-mw at bonl<. He wu -·· Inc and who will earn """"' than mate, !Int dua in th< JI. S, NI.VJ' The lint laoue ot the Soutb<m With only rovr -.... days $5000, plus $500' fD<' ••ch depend-and served nearly tbtt< _,. In California Beachcomber, J>U!>llsh<d left in which to m< fed<nl in-<nt. For mani<cl COUplf'S the .,.. FrUC<!, ItAJy, A&lca, T«mia!a. and exclusively for the Newport lliu'-tome tax returns, Collector ot Jn. emption la $10,000, plus s:;oo for lastly Japan. He bu a .._.at bor area, w~ being distributed temal Revmue Hatty C. Weo!:"wr nch dependent. All penoos, re-the Don Clarie -t nrd and re- uu. """'k. nle pktorlaJ mapzlne, ~ warned South<m CallfGrnla rann-of the lllDOWll of their swned hlo work ol ~ smoJl containing 24 pages · of ..,..,.. UICI tupayera that no blanket ex\<D-sal~ mU3t file estimates If Ibey boat.. sporting u ~ll u IOdal hl&h--lion of time bas been l!'anted for will have more. than $100 of m .. ' - UghU of the harbor rerton. is be-filing 1945 final returns or 19t6 come not subject to withholdiitg Ing _Jll'eS<ntod by two l't!Cft!Uy clla--ted ttturm. . provided their total. income will I,-----------'..., chargod veteran. of the late World "March l!i Is the aboolute dead-exceed $11()(). Francis J. Horvath War ll. line for both returns," Westover All ~enue offices a.re open ~ Russell L. Dietrich, the <di"!!', sal~ from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. regularly, INOOllE TAX Sl!:BVICE wu f~ Milwaukee aclv<rtlalng Elna! 1945 t'fturnl must .be flled but will stay open unW 10 p.m.. ag<ney art director, and with the by each indhidual wh<>R total in-deadlin< day, next Friday. • l!'ederU ...r Stale pubU~ relations office of the Army come la.st year WU 81 much U ue 11111. a - Air ~ stationed at Santa Ana $500. In man~ cues, there will During the. war Am 1 an. ft.191-& Army Air bale. His ""aodate be no tax due, and in m cues roads hamled ' er can r <>moo: Dlt w. o.tr.I George S . Varga. wu born iri there will be ttfuncla of withhold-cent of the "':""' than 97 per -J.Mt Hungary, and wu·a journalist be-Ing taxes. but in any cue returna IDOV<tnOnb. army' organized troop !'---------"----' fore the war. During the oonflict muat be filed by next Frid-.y night. -------------------------- he workod with the Office ot Stra-Employes may u.e withholding r-------------------------. teglc Services ln Washington and receipts u tax returns and our later in the State Department at offia:, will figure their taxes for Washington. them. We will then send • bW 1be new maaazlne ts to be dia-which mUlt be pa.id within thirty tributod to aU homeo in the bar-days; or we will oencl a refund bar area, and to university atu-with interest Withholding re-. dents in Southern caJ!fornla In· ceipts may not be U>ed by per- stltutiom of higher education. It sons who had more than $5000 wu printed at the Newport Har· of salaries subject to withholding bor Publilhlng company. or $100 of income from whJc.h there OPening Saturday, March 16th Al Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop VFW Favors Bill For Terminal Pay SAN FRANCISCO.-Rlchard ff. was no with.holding. Minor children who earned more than $500 last year muat file their own tax returnl. Thoee who earn- ed less and who had income taxes doductlble-from their paychecks -~ 6722 -!If.~ SANTAANA Newhall. Calltornla Department Commander ot the Veterans ol Foreign Wan, aald today that progress ia being made by his or- ganization in Wuhlngton to obtain should also file in order to secure .___...,.. _____ ___. :.-----..,----------' a refund. Taxes may be paid by personal ..--------------------------, check, money order, postal note or caahier's check. No checks for terminal leave pay for enlisted ------------ men. The V.F.W. Newhall said, ..------------. Marine Upholstery -Nooks and Booths A SPECIALTY • 0. L. CULLY • ~TU~ • • Shaw's Upholstery . has sponsored a bW authorizing tenninaJ leave pay for enlisted personnel Hearings on the bill, Newhall said. have been held be· fore a sub committee of the House Military Attain Committee. Ptlll6o Ac m 1 •taat TuftlDc, Fmnltaro Upbols~ aad 8-ln.c :I ' Sped•'izin& aa tr.me Tu Tour patronage appredatod Pickup and Delivery Service • Free Estlmata m st>ura-n hll61c 0...r Whl&' Sang Boal llepair ·* • • Let's Tackle Inf lat ion • lVbile We Can You don't want your dollars to bu)' lc::s and 1-and leN ! You don't want YOW' 1aving1 to melt ilway! Or the value of your life insurance to dwindle! Yet that io what inllation can do to all of uo. Therefore, thou,btful people . evel'}'Wbere are conoerned with ..,.>'" to 1111Plher it .before it ••to out ol band. One major ca119e of in.Bation lo a. ohort· . . qe of •oods .when-'• bave'money lo 1pend for thin•• they want. • That ca~ can be eliminated by the production of •oods...: fut -in quantity. •UT THIRl'S A aonLINICK DurinC the war therw wun't enough ' labor ancl materials to m-the needl of war and still produoe all the civilian •oods -le W.Oted and oould. buy • Tberefo,. prioe controla on civilian iloods wen 1uh1tituted for oompetitioa · to bop prl-down. ' Today thio country baa all the lohor and material• necanry to tura Out the thinat peoplewuL • Yet •oods are otill .-rce. Store abet.... I . iin still IM.... The national pocketbook -tin.-to bulp. Inflation"°"" • Why? Beca...., price controls in -- time binder the production of •ooch. Businen cannot live by produciiii at • ION. And .0, •oods that oan'i be made to oell at the priceo bed by the •overnment jtul , ... , ,., ,.""·· Nor wilt the ...Usiq of· price ceilinp oolve the problem. When 00011 and .. um, prion are aubject to cb1n&e at any mo- ment by •overnment action, production baa to be OD a day.to-day ba1i1. That meant unoertain!y • , , nduoed output ••. more io.8atioo. ISN'T THIS THI ANSWIRT . . Remove price ooatrola on manuf- tured •oods and production wilt• 1tep up ftul. Goodo will then pour into the market and, within a reuonable time, priceo will adjuot tbetmelveo nalurally -aa they al• wayo have-in line with the ....t worth of thin&•· • Compef:ition baa never faiteCl to pro.• duw thio reeult. 'I'lm U. the way yon oan •et the •000. you want at pricN you oan aBonl to pay. P1-daink thio over. Thea tell :rum: ._ ..... aw. in Concreoa wbat JOD beo tiev. """'11<1 be dcx.. You'""' it to,.._.. t ..u ........ to .,...... ilomatrT• -11- [ Lin SM011• Nll.AnoN •• ~11 Ai '•d..__.,1tdwNdo1MIA~Od1•] of ll••ttf-nn, 14 'lf'nl 4l/li Slrwf, N-rert ZO, N. Y., rllU ..,.., ,.... ,.,, of • "°"'' ,qlo/ai•t "' .,., ..., ,... •allolt -..... ,, a. . ·' NATIONAL ASSOCIATION or MANUPAC ... UBUS * for a Beller Tomozaow • forl ••• tbodJ -. . *I' • • ' • -· -· I I • ' • ,. • • • , N8WFCMI " .. -N:EwPDRT-SALBD"A I ---. ~~sn;;,~~:7,;~~ ""4#*!'«1 [" ~~~~~~:~~'~ :I CoL WaC. F.-.. 51in·'Ci1•1Je' Huntington Beach Appoint11etB a11eJ· : F• ............ to 'Close; ~:--Id~ d MarchM , 15 2:: ~ -~ ""' ..... In .W.-;-42.50 per,..... Ila~ County; )!2;1$ -,..... '°4th -; '3.00 per,..... to -- ED!erelt'• Secmd-CIOlo· -at Ille Poildftce In NewjiU>"t -·' · I Collfamll, -tbo Act at. Marcb ::3..q:.;,:_ __ _ S. A. JIE'IER . ~D.PORTER i;. s: llIU:AJU) :\ W: J'. DIXON • • • • • . P·Jlnlhlc Plat. 3011 W. Central Awnue, Newpc:«t Offieial P&p.r of the City of NI_,. ...rt Beach ! A DIJ, f. ,, i....a ksM:NUa• fer~ lWnpom: I ID&emal de--'ee1 of fruit I Crawl 10 Period1 at time 12 Command• 14 On the oceu 15 Mu.aic note 16 DeKribed 18 Negative rep\7 20 Eve.f7 21 o.. 23 Mwjc note .................. ·-ilia•b ~tor Caaperatla• . or ~ et;ebUt · l • Dldt llllltt of Huntlnct"'I Beach , A~ b ""'*''~ ... HNdquiort<nSta-~-~.·Santa•-•-u M Rea' Cross la the P'lllllot <II two now n&• tbe U'. s. -·-Oiljl!t •-., ---.. t1ona1 cuttns reoor'lls oet In tbO eor,. -be -n,oi llefaft - Air -· ~u. Ana. caut. esa . Long -mldwlnter --Diehl. -15. to -1117 ,.. ill.!! ~ Edi•, W ..L Jnte-;.:1 ment recently. · onnual ..,...._ -..-, to Newi*.-t Beacb 'Noft.'""-, Oraers 1muy Miller wlilppod a Mll!QI fly be held in civil ------~Slrt .. -. cautom1a._ Fund· If'--•. 197 feet cae-balf inch lo better ~.the --on .t.pr111a. ~ '-'illllpalgll hla own national marlr by 5~ Hononbly ~ wt•m With the final -vatlon •te · ---inch<o. Hla average cut1na mark of the anned rorcel and t1aet-. . EonoRIAL Active SSOGIATION . M-tier I J4 Seiu "'the Santa Ana Artr¥ Air bue Volim._...,.....,.wtio·wlllcan-ot 186 f..,t outdistaDced hla for-dlaatjmorineupto,:K_,_. only a -cla1s •W11¥. I -.! vaa: the Ooota -aree,. tluriq mer national •-age recun:I by frcm 16"' to :n are etilible Stu-IJll!> to. take this -"1D!IY of the Red a--campaign frcm -foot. four Ille'-dents ltil1 in hlch scbool -l!IP" ..P -hie the 1Rtit..le of the of· March 4 to liuch 15 met lut In trout ·fly distance oompe-ply now, tal<e the -mlna ...... iiM nc.... and_, at. tbls bue to lJOllr Monday f« breo.kfut at the Fri· tltlon, the Huntington Beacb ace comple;e. -education be(Gl'9 comm•m•ty for ta ~esy, CP."' day Afternoon dub boUle and won with a cut ot l~ti~';t. usi.gnment to cadet basic ec:bbdl ~tlon and eood will durin& hNrd Mn. La,.. Wuren, eJieCu. Huntington Beach club on July 1. l9t6. the put four ,....._ live oecretary at. Souuie.n Orange """" tint place followl!d by Long ----------.,-- • I • of Look Out, Detroit ~t seems that Henry Kaiser is not the <f11Y westerner whose prospects In the automobile field are prorrusing. 'Ibe manufactw'ers of a new four..eylinde~ car which is being manufactured ·in California already e more than S50 million dollars worth of orders. And million isn't small change even In the automobile business. 'This car is expected to sell at a price rar!ge or $500 to 5600. The company has facilities to turn out .000 or them annually once production really gets rolling. Production on so large a 'scale, if realized, ti>gether with the establishment of nPw or additional facillti for autome>- bii<t building by llQIJle of the large producers should go far towaro giving California a place in the aut otlve sun. It seems only right that California shoul have such a place. Our state· is a "natural" when it com to automotive transportation. Californians own in excess o h'llf a million more can; than the several more million peopl in New York staJe. California Industry and agriculture ship twice as much Intrastate freight by commercial motor cks than all other types of carriers combined. No less an 1800 Cali· fornla communities depend entirely on a tomobiles and trucks for transpo~tion. California is already the Number One S as a car and truck user. Eventually it may be Number O e as a car and truck producer. Don't Forget March 15 March 15 is a date to be reckoned with. Your final in- come tax report for 1945 must be filed on or berore that date, together with your payment or any am unt still due o~ your last year's Income. At the same time y must also file an estiinate of your 1946 income and make our first quar· terly payment by the same date if your s8.Ja for this year is expected to exteed $5000 or if you have ore than $100 income from other sources than your payc k. So, with Uncle Sam laying a heavy hand on the nati al pocket.boo~, some individuals may find themselves tern rarily short or ''what it takes" to. satisfy the tax collector. The volume or personal loans around the March 15 period ost invariably rises. I Working Together Returning American soldiers are intole or one thing- intolerance. So declared a United States anTlY official during the recent observance of Brotherhood Week. This attilllde on the part of our veterans · not surprising. Having fought to protect the rights of orities in other COWttrics they certainly don't want. the rig of minorities abused here at home. , Every intelligent American rea)iZA!s tha no nation can continue to grow and be strong if its moral fi re is weak. In- tolerance is a sign of such weakness. Gen · postwar pros- perity can be attained and maintained only we refuse to permit difrerences of creed or race to preven us from work-. ' iJfg together in the interest of the common The case on behalf· of making tolerance a 'ving thing was ably stated by California's Attorney Fabert W. Kenny when he said, ''Our country's war quired the breaking down or racial and · · ous barriers which stood in the way or making the jOe , machine guns and ships to blast the Fascists .into total def t. t'I maintain," Mr. Keimy continued, 11th our country'S reconversion mobilization requires the furthe breakjng down of (these) barriers . . . Race-baiting, Jini Crow praetices and anti-Semitism will be as harmful to the tablishment of a secure postwar world as they were in achie · g victory." Men of all creeds and nationalities helped to win the war. 1'>e efforts of all are now essential to help solve the crisiS facing both our Nation and the world. W must work to- gether to win in peace as well as in war. I \ I GEORGE . D. BA&g General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeep· 2602 W. Central Av Ph. 1805-J -- rT Lit aaai:D 29 Slant 31 An:t fruit drink S2 Cry o1 paiD 34 Contend 35 Break 1udde.nl7 It im't ~ eMY saylJo& ~ County dwpter. tell ot the ...,.k lleoch. Sonta Monica, Loe Angeles bye to old -and leavln& the .._ by the fted a--both in and Anaheim. connunlty In which -""' at. wai-....-k.· lnltructlon c1 ..... and Udo hue have enjoyed IUch ,_ In home nunintt. Abou ly relatlono. I -I can ~ Ruaell llartlne WU acting t one-half of all fatalities 37 North (abbr.) 38 Plagued t2 Part ot "to be" for the 4000 ottlcen, 100,000. re-chairman. and Introduced m.ion connected With railroad <>peratlon turneea. 150,000 aviation cadet:a of di~ Mn. Etva Kipp, Mrs. involve illegal riders in tralna or and 8000 enlisted men who l}ave Paul . Ni~ Mrs. Walter Wei-other ...,._,.. about the track. been stationed here when I say mer, Mn. w. i NeYllJe. Mn. 'W. L. ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ·~ )"OU'' to d-na In your Cool<, Mn. o)'d Gebriel and Mn. area for making our stay so pleas-Bea Gcrdon. Aloo jiraent from anL . the county orpolzatlon Wer. Mn. 44 Dull paJn 45 A father or mother 47 Frees of moisture 49 Little cat 50 Wavy <Her.I 51 Resorts DOWN -1 Prepared 2 Color 3 A gin for merit 4 Frolic 5 Past 6 Drip through ashes 9 Mountain defile 11 Mournful 13 Mast 17 Frozen des,sert.s 19 Eye 21 Epoch 2.2 River IChin.l 24. Midday No.II 30 Lower ca1e <abbr.> 33 Musical instrument 35 Horse (poet.) 36 Tops of mountain• 38 cushion 39 Beige 40 Fron\ part ot the lea Anti may I say just a wont about E. 111. IUclmond, public relations lJOllr newspaper. I want ~ to chairman and 'R. L. Forbee aalat- -that we ·are appreciative ot ·!Ult canipaJgn mana-. ' the aplendld .-!stance given to us 'Servtnc the breakfast wen Mrs. In CUTYlnc out our program of II. B. McMurtry. chairman; Mrs. training, convalescence, hOlpitalt .. W. B. Mellott, Mrs. J. P . Cooper, 1111 zation, redistribution and separa-and Mrs. Raymond K. Eastman ... Uon. Through your news columns you have shown your readers the N . Pl n·.;.,:-runct1ons of this base. By ac-. OISY ane l y ... g curately presenting the work we On Balboa Ho~s have been domg you have helped • . immeasurably in making It sue-Unnerves Restdent Now Open for INCOME TAX RETURNS Aµditing -Bookkeeping Service James 0. Pierce • 1761 Newport Ave. Costa M- I 7 Compass point 8 Woody perennial 25 Establishes 26 Honey-ga th- ering 1r.1e-:t t1 Fall in drops 43 Pig pen 4.8 Greek lettu .a Selenium cessful. r Sincerely. An espedaHy noisy pl~ne diving -Pi'O'-F~E~S4s~1ili·o .. Nii[-DllilREDrC,.'W'liiiiio .. R"Y'.-w. C. FARNUM, on Balboa homes brought dism8.y . I · 28. Tenor (1ym.) ....... r ... Colonel, Air Corps com-and a protest from Harry Earn- manding. shaw, a resident of 1600 East Cen-PIANO TEA.CHE& • ' ACCOUNTANT Job Analysis To Weigh All City Positions U. C. Man Discusses Possible Atom War tral avenue who phoned the News-r-------------. ,...-------------. BERKELEY.-In its present or foreseeable future ,development, 247 Veterans Now Attending Fullerton J. C. sneak attacks of atonlie"bombs can With 247 returned service men Times yesterday to ask if some- thing could be done to •curb the practice> The loud buzzing could actually be heard over the tele- phone as he spoke. Mr. Earnshaw said that his wife was bedridden and the regular visits of the annoyance did not J. s. WHYTE INCO .. TAI CO:NIUL~ Au\bortMd b7 U.. United St.ie. ~ UJ'7 Departme:i:u to reo~t clieau to ~oa Ylth lncom11 tu matten. Atrol'l'I -9Yft'KJQ aoomU'Jllfo uancs om. l ....... alri.. c.-·-....... H .......... W PIANO· TEACHER G.V.LINSENBARD • Graduate Bo;ral ~-Lolpokl Ph.1252·W 1526 w. Ocean Front A field represent~tive from the be highly unpleasaf1,t ada perhaps registered at Fullerton Junior col- State Personnel board has been serious~y paralyzing but 'Cannot lege the spring semester~ opened asked to make a job analysis of pase a major threat to American with an enrollment of 625, largest all classifications among the em-independence if preventive meas-number since 1942 when the en- ployes of the city to compare them ures are taken. rollment was over 900. Men stu- with those of other cities. with This is the opinion of Dr. Leon~ dents now outnumber the women help her recovery. The Unwelcome ~ PHYSICIAM8a8UllOSONS.11.D. plane visited \he neighborhood r-------------. ~----------~ every afternoon. apparently to give some 1oca1 resident a thrill. -------- outside industryl and for an impar· ard B. Loeb. professor or physics by 29. Rad.at', Television tial survey or individual jobs which on the Berkeley campus of the The school is accredited for all need salary adjustments, according University of California and Naval former service men who may wish· Training Projected to Col. J . J . Sailors, who, as assist-Reserve captain, who played a key to take advantage of the educil-B S ta An J C B.nt to the city engineer is slated role in naval scientific research tlon program, G.I. Bill of Rights. Y 3D . 8 • • Armand Monaco ARCllJTECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Newport 1724 2'721 l...&kewood Ave. Loe Ancelee NOrmandy MOS H. R. Hall, M. D. l'luwlclan -s....- lfours~. 2·5, by Appoinjment Teleplione 2620 lSl llroadWQ himself for a new classification. during the war. Students.have access to vocational DAY SCHOOL Recent requests by individuals In an article in the Report of classes _as "'.ell as those. required Possibility of obtaining training .----------'---~\~------------. and· departments for a raise in the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, for un1vers1ty graduation. The in radar, television, airplanes, CONR&D,BICBt&Bt K. D. salary have been deferred in aev-Prof~or. Loeb said that scientific most. popular . are engineering, radio, and other technical vo-Mortimer School PIQ'lildan _. ..,..._ eral cases until a careful analysis examid'auon of all the facts indi-architecture, sciences. psychology cational subjects is near. accord-SO! Coral Balboa laJancl l20·E. l8th St. could ~ made. The state hu ex-cates that an atomic bomb attack and art. ing to present plans being mapped Ondea: College. Prep&ratory pert job analysts available to cities would, no.t ~ as destru~ve as . , , by the Santa Ana Junior College DAY SCHOOL :::. COSTA MESA of the sixth class, for example. by many_ maintain, end that it could S ti N vocational department. Hours: 10-12 Lm.; 3-5 p.m. which they can measure the value be Wl~tood. . . egrega On ecessary Add°ed to curriculum for the O. A. Morttmer, M. A., Orlord Phone 133 of certain types of employment as He sa1~ that A_mencan security In County Schools, first time this semester were Prmolpm.I Phone Mt against other cities of the same could be insured 1n case of future n·· tr• t Lead s courses in airplane engines and '-------------' class It thus takes job boosts warfare, providing the U. S.: re-18 IC ers ay radio. W. W. Wieman, director of .DENTISTS Ir---------....,.--, out ~f politics and makes any mains in the forefront of atom.le 11ocatiol)al education for the city .------------.., Dr. G. E. Tohill raises on 8 merit bu.is. bomb research ; maintains an ade--Decision to appeal a recent Fed-schools! i>ointed out, and other Dr. Obed Lucas Their recotTlfllendations may or qute Army, ~avy and Air Force eral court ruling that segregation technical fi~lds Will be added as ~ C:::: =.- may not be followed. Sailors said. well trained in the use of the of Mexican pupils was illegal was the f!eed arises. DENDST NEWPOR'P-BEA.CH He suggested the survey himself, weapons resulting from the latest made recently by Santa Ana, · Students will not just. take these -PHONE.S- and explained that· the service is research;_ protects vital industries Westminster, Garden Grove and courses·for college _<7edit only, but nez~ w. Oentral Ph. 1'80 Office 286-W Res. as.R costing the city only the actual and murution supplies by keeping El Moden8: school districts. ~ll ~me qu~if1ed craftsmen If no answ~r. call Newport 5 . time and expense incurred while them underground; and keeps an Appeal Will be taken to the Su4 1n the ~1eld or their c1losen careers, NEWPORT BEACH the expert is here. adequate intelligence service active preme court, if necessary, it is Mr. Wieman stated. '-------------' 1 ~--------"-----. in foreign lands; and auumes lts Indicated,' as the schools contend · It offers a possibility for stu-.-----------~ California Thb·d In U. S. Wildlife Restoration Aid share of responsibility in inter4 that federal courts have no juris-dents to secure a college education national affairs for maintaining diction over school systems, main-while also learning a technical the peace. talning that this is a perogatlve "field in which he can make· a llv- of the state. They also maintain tng. according to the vocational that segregation is necessary t>e.. director. Under present plans, stu- cause of learning ability of the dents will attend college during children. the morning hours and then spend Kuchel Makes Fir8t Dr. W. W. W....tmoreland Dentlst- 1101 OoUt mway CORONA DEL MAB Pbone Newport: 108% SACRAMENTO-California will ReQOrt as Controller receive $124,402:92 from the Of S~te's Funds United S tates Government for Recently, Federal Judge Paul from 1 to 5 p.m. in t he junior .__..._ ________ __, J . McCormick held that segrega-college vocational shops; Federal Aid in Wildlife Rator- ation for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1946. aCCO!'dlng to figures in the National Budget. tion is a violation of the 14th .. SACRAMENTO-State Control· amendment to the Constitution, 8T'RONO 8TOF'F New York Life Insurance Company DON a. DuMNT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR The State of Ga.lltornia will add $40,000 to this amount. on 25 per cent of the total to be used. in restoration. A total of $3,000,000 has been tel aalde by Congre91 for reatar- ation and apportionments are made to states based on area and license sales. California ranks third in amount being received, Michigan: and TeX.as being the only states receiving a larger appro-. priation. ler Thomas H. Kuchel ha.s an· declaring equal ri&hta to all per-Sturdier than the finest sJeel, nounced that the General Fund soils. He held that segregation into tungsten wire manufactured at cash excess over current obliga-classes and schools deprived Mexi-tfte Westinghouse lamp division ttons on Jan. 31, 1946, was $108,· can children ot companionship of for electric tubes and incandes· 808,967, as compared with an ex-white Americans and "fosters an-cent lQ/Tlps is so strong that 23 cess of $110,456.no at the end of tagonism in the children and eug.-wtj),s, each as thin as a human the preceding month and an ex· gests inferiority among them hair, Will support the weight of 1~------------' cess of $84.726.268 on Jan. 31, 1945. where none exists." · an. average man. The iresent ·cash excess, said -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kuchel, represents a decrease of t $1,647,743 under the excess of Dec. 31. 1945. Of this decrease, $1,664,· 557 represents excess ot January, 1946, governmental cost expendi- tures over January revenues, 1tbis amount being partially offset by $16,814 in miscellaneous non-rev· SNOW SPORTS AT PINECREST enue receipts to arrive at the $1,- 647,743 net <¥crease. All ski tows are operafing at Pinecrest, according to latest re.. ports received by the outing de-FARMER'S MABXET partment of the National Auto-BEST sn 1.EB mobile club. The Pinecrest Lodge That hilarious best-seller which Giant SlaJom was inaugurated sprouted from affairs at the re-- Sunday. February 17. and .Will be nowned Farmers' Market will be oonducted every Sunday afternoon featured at Estrellita's book shop, during the season. The run term-ln the Arcade building at 515 in.ates at the-bottom of the 7~ Nor t b Main street Saturday, (pot tow. A new rope tovi.· has been litarch 9, when the author, Fred established on Strawberry Lake Beck. will be present to autograph front. Skiing eqUipment ts avail-copies or Second Carrot, From the able for hire In the area. • Ehd. ONCZ AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen y-... .,,,.. Plaee to Diiie In OrMge Ooanty: All New--- Even the Location ' . ... One-Half Mlle East ot Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktatl Bar • We Leed Southenl Callfomla In the Serving or -SEA FOODS -· ALSO....L_ __ _ YOUR ld8d ol 1rDiA1L!5 OCCJD~AL LIFE INSUBANCE CO. Ray Nielsen Pboae %%89·1 ZIG E. Bay Ave. Bal .... MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" PlioDo N-rt 561 ~-eaur-. Robert A. Crawford Op&., D. OPTOllll!TIUBT· E1a Examined • Gia-Fitted Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 w .. t Central An. NEWPORT REACH Ph. 1023-No answer call 301·11 x ·Ray Serrtce MQt.oa M. 11uwe11, ._ I>. 1•1~--0..-... _ O!fiee Hours: 10-12; 2-5 Pboae N-rt 1111 . I S. R. Monaco, M. D; 814 Bay Ave~ llaD!oa 1 ,:, Newport ITU . W S. BUI 81, 1-Aqoioo TUcker 781% · By Appointment •. T. P. Reeder, M. D.) l'hyslelail ud Snr~ 1001 w ... ..,. A ..... Telepboae Newpuri en ~ A. V. Andrews, M. D . ' 11'1.N•PWt Boallftrd Tr'r_.,_. U1H" PlioDo ,_ 008TA MFA• u•------------' ST EA K· S -VISIT OUR KITCHEN -• Salll's 5-a Food Spa -- OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • BUTTICBMILK. CAKES • • C-.plete r-c11eoa 5lle • Ope 7 to 7 -SUntlays 8 to 5 ' Kids' Cafe • &JJd Fish Market . . ~1 ~ -..-"•"'&I 11'fM!" lleal _, Orange County Trucking Co. 'l'BUCU IOB ~ Trucking, Hauling,· Transfer· ' . . LQng and Short Hauls General 2Z9 W. W&aa.M. -o.ta .... • • • E. T. Bntt.er,rorth, O. D. Optuwtdo& -EllAJONED LBN-·DUPUCATED ...... _ ........ ..,..... IU4W.c...I..&-. TIJ'r rUll .WAIUWY~- Slept & ·Raab . -. .. ,, ....... ..,.... \ 119 l!fNjWIBh«;-- • ?,'SS -... .,W.CJ I ol~t­.2'1' JI II • ••• -n .... l . ZONE TJlERAPY CLINIC . t .. --" ..... •"a ,_ St W Ti , I , ... ~'!=!!'IJ!l­ flL. ·W &%1 .. ~ 1& I • " ,• 1 · .... ~ · rr -• ' --. .. -. .. -• I. > . -;'" . - • llarelt ....... l . • I • • , . ,..-- - > I •• • I • .. Hook, Line and S:'nker ' ' NEws;. r1ME~ c·Lass1s11 ·D~~~ Read Them for Profit . • . Use Them for;1Resulta • · . ---''--U you don't ftDd what you are looking for ~rtbed·.1n thls ·ialue Phone Newpcwt B11ala l2~l3Uldplaee1QU1'oWaadu&tl:1 II)' BUGB -•Wit-----L--------------,-------;-----' J--..~• Q111DC It EMPLOYVENT WANTED ' 18 MUI: lllllCCLIAlQOUll • Mfl~t<".AL Ii RADIO II ••~C~&~S.:_:11:8~'1'.~A~Dl~---;_-_:&~T'._llll:~~&~L:_:U~'l'.~A~Tm:'.':_ _____ _:•:." Newport's famous ocean dory mil'es an llour: wi have a nke ~ ___ _ . fishin& n .. t ls agaip showing sign* galley on the tOI deck. plus a roR A RELL\BLE Paint Job 00 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN-Craystal Sets -$2.98 Radio Repairing at. life aftft" the restrictions of lounge. The Sport {Ina: ls sched· your home, call Newport 1041 days or e\-"es. Ph: ~-Mrs. !Bakelite Que) House calls dally except SaL and J. M. MI LL ER the war years. Many people over uled to start _, lion on April after 4:30 p.m. l~tlc Sheets. 20-tlc 2 -Tube Radi'o Kits Sun. Complete stoCk al tubes a . 0 Southern California have enjoy~ 15th. It's King an Hagen's new _ factory replacement parts. Pb: ______, Real ~ate Broker soine down on the beach next to boaL 'iJICYCLES "llPLOYMtt!<T o•tU&D • To build your own electric radio. 34:1. MJiSA RADIO a ELEC · the Newport pier to buy their fish Everything is stl quiet on the Sold, Rented "" ~ PIN SE'ITERS-Men, 18 to 50. TRONICS CO., 179l Nett-t 15th and CentiaJ where they know It is fresh, ln trolling boa~. l~s a little VOOSL'B Apply Sportland.S-llnc Alley, Mesa Radio a Electronics Co. Blvd. ~tic • yean put. · early for trolling. 100 Mala st., Balboa Balboa. 2().2tc 179l Newport Blvd. 19-tlc -I - 1t 1s hoped that more dory fish· To s•• • ~" ~~ 208 x..-. Balboa loland. HELP WANTED_ J-c .. _ to WANTED TU-BUY 11 DOGll. CATS• rm · 11 Lido Isle Lido Isle , ermen will be added to the fleet up la your ballbut a ts -ao ,__..., M-Uc ~-Ba Front lot fine I tlon. to bring It up to what It used to but It ba-ed to ~ WIDlanw • clean office. Man or woman. WANT TO BUY-Mooring!..-22· FOR SAIE--O>cker Spanlel pup. One ot the best Jocated 'Jots Y ; ~ . be In put ·seasons. To be able to Illa Naratto n r.., ally, Clltt Vea COOPERATIVE Two eves. a week. Apply N.,... foot' boaL Call collect Unloo pies, pedlcnoed. 224 Masnolla, Oil Lido Isle With I slnlet Bulkhead already lmitaJJed.. buy really fresh !l>h from the K ... .u Wla aa. )lltt .,. .. sot ROOFING CO. Times omce. 20-tlc .uoeo. 20-4tc Coota Mesa. J.S.2tc at each etid. Priced at aAt za112buy,500 boat In which Is was caught is an -pl.-.0 <I 1 aacl .. ,. It · • HELP WANTED -Experienced WILL P'AT CAJ1H tw ,....,. tur-8PSC1AL ANNOtlNCDISNTll 18 'I' attraction tha\ NeWport Harbor weighed oearl:r 264 poaada. Tim N d R . . -•-M d. t14 Only ct:>()()() ; can be proud to otter the people hm't qalt. aa bis u :loe °"" 8-ew an epatr .,_..,ters, H. E. cDona1 Dlture or wUt ban ,...._ .,.._ FROM THIS D.f.TE. ON I will not 'I'-' of the Southland Gau.er caagllt oo -Ila• :rouo Old County Rd., Coota Mesa.· Nwpt. IOOO. 0 . R. Cl'"a-.Y. fto be held responsible for any debts ' Bay Front ace. wMell wu a~ 7 II feet Joac. Phone ~M 20-ttc Jl'fW'ld e-+.. 1112 Ne,..,.t other than m:Y own Surf pl and bay !ishln• ls 216 E. 20th SL, Coota Mesa -.. ---....._.._ GI.F.N. ~ · er, • 'The Bayside ' Market hu . 20-tlc. HELP WANTED _Woman for --. _ ~..-~A. lUu~ alowly Improving. A few mackerel been getting In an occulonal bl& 1 .,,.===:-'.===::::;;;:;;;---_81 -k. Any ·-. PG-IHl&C -Mui • ------'-------have bffn caught from the pier . ...,.:. h• b rock coc1 fish i: •---~•OJlUS, caug ~ Y · P.t.llf'IJllO OOJftS&~ Room. board and sal•~? Phone FOR n., ~KJ•-~-r•ft-, ~··-, Corblna are beginning to show 1 ~--t,.. _,, ~ ""'"_.. ---•uUll:' lat.rest In the surf, alon& with an erms:.::.,.~ "'b:'..;:'" · ~ Newport pAI!f'nNQ -PAJ'al HAlfOINO N. B. 22l0. 20-4tc enamel, risf>t·hand hlch oven, occasional •Potfi.n or yellawtln Harbor are schedul ~to start op-ud o.JOIU.TIRO HELP WA.NTE'D-Home carpen-own oontroL $10.Ph: 87'01.J..S . C!rOa.ktr. Bay tlahermen have.hook-l!!'&tint' from San ::lemente next IL I:. MtOrn·M ter. Ccnon A: Ray c.o. Phone after 5 ~ 2Q..2tc TELEPHONE OPERATING ed an occasional spot!ln or yellow· month. Local.....,.. will be aboard &H Old 0omt:r Rd., ,., M6-W 2447-R, or 1521}.W. 20-2tc 90A.Ta, ~ D • . PAYS fln. Sand crabs are the best bait them. o.ta :W-.Uc In the surf, r.-claJrns In the bay. Pete Anlch has fished halibut HELP W ~ -Experienced ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP· ' Anchovlet ls the Jive bait belns out of Ne--' for many yean ~A'l'IUJf M ""1Dll lildy. for olllce work, ().CAil BOAT and CARRIER. GOOD WAGES days, and bau continue to be the the waters from -to Loo Ancelet. Write or -W. H. smtlal Apply 908 Coo.st His!>· els soon -dlnghlet, uUbc>&ts, Uled by the live bait boato theae 'and probably ~ depths of wnJ:. DRIVE alternate days to knowledge °' boold<Mplns et-Immdate delivery. Other mod· main catch from these boats. Fish· Dans Point b<jtter n the lnfor-Huber, US Goldenrod Ave., Co-way, Newport Bead> or phone runabouts, cru1sen and padclle- No experience necessary Earn while you learn View Lot Newport Heights $3500 Cash Bay Ave. Exoeptlonally well located lot on Bay avenue. $3250 2-Bedioom hOme; very mod- em. Immediate Pffi esslcn. Must be seen to be appn!Ciated $16,000 Balboa Peninsula .Lot .• , Ololce location. Beautiful -view. $3000 .-1·-ermen are 1·till waiting around for matJon ctven on cl arts. Not only rona de1 Mar. 17-ttc N. B. · 2506 for app>lntment. boards. Plutfc Watercraft Co., the barracuda and other fish to that, but he the condition 20-4tc 703 E. Central, Balboa. Ph: 683. obow up. The weather hasn't been of the bottom, wh• :her It i. mud. Newport -Costa Mesa WAITRESSES WANTED_ s.y <· 20-ltc There are many other advantages to being-a telephone employee. Phone Your Listings In any too rood. a little too much sand, or rocky. Shore Cafe, 17th 6 Cout Hich-and we wUI give them every consideration wlnd and choppy seL the 11 GNews _of thLoe deBeat •·cho! Ctaptht. Billy T _A _ X _I way. Ph: N~t-2344. 14-tlc 0ANNNOUNCIN~ Quite a t~ yean a.go ve r1Jves m ng ... a . e age ur ew Location Apply J. M. MILLER baJt boat Sunshine n . better of 81 saddens thi many friends Under New Management. WANTED-Personal secretary to 15th and Central : • Newport llMch • Phone 12'2 20-ltc known u the big Sunny, arrived that knew hlm. ca t. Graves play-24-Hour Servt.~Phone 2530 compoM!r of Music. Write Box We are now located at 2818 West in Newport Harbor, turning over ed. a colorful rol in the early 609 Coul Highway '-B' c/o News-Times ~vtng qual-Central. Ave. Phone N .B. 1781-W 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 5141> N. Main St., Santa Ana "On Your Way to Balboa" row boats as it came up the chan-years of sport ris ing boat oper-17-Stp flcallons. 19-2tc • nel with Ill bait tank full Many atlon. At one time he sold ticket.I Bay Electric people Me looking ·forward to the' for the live bait I >ats that ope:r BEA'Un' AIDS 11 HELP WANTED -Want refined Complete Motor and Generator or BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Lot, by owner. Rea- '' sonable. On Wilson St., C.0.ta live bait boat, Sport Kin1:. to put ated from the Ne-l1J)Ort pier. Be-COLD and MACHI"fELESS woman to assist mother of 2 Repair Service tn an appearance. Equipped with fore that he had his own boats, WAVES children. Room, board and aal-2818 W. Central Ave. three engines, it's slated to do 20 including the Tour st. TlnUng and Manicuring ary. Ph : N . B. 2210· 6-tfc Telephone 1781W Evening Appointment. Ph. 179'-W WANTED-HOTEL MAlD. Balboa Inn. PhCloe 6&0. 6-ttc 17-Stc Ask the 'operator for the Olief Operator ·Southern California Telephone Company ------------IMMEDIATE possession. Costa Mesa. Beautifully furnished one bedrm. horOe: Blondwood p!ano, dual floor funyice, lot 55x140. Cash. 141 Virginia" Place, Ccsta Mesa. 1S4tp Orange County Physicians Pledge Hospital Support Newport Ya ·ht Stay Told in San Jerdoo Murder Tri Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Ctlut Htway, Oorena dcl Kar 76-tfc FOR SAL&-20 h.p . Marine Deiael, \V ANTED -Nursemaid fer twin like Rew. Hal! original cost. Call 18-tfc ------------ In the San Beri ardlno trial of ' Mrs. Gwendolyn Wallis for the MO!"e than 100 Orange county murder ot her [husband's girl physidans and surgeons have gone frie nd, Mn. Ru y Clark, Don on record as approving the new Wallis last week estlfied that he Presbyterian hospital proposed to told his wife that ie spent a week be built on the bluff overlooking end with Mrs. Cla k on a boat at Nt'WpOrt Harbor, it wu announced Newport Beach, ac :ording to press }<esterday by Or. 0 . Scott McFar-dispatches. land. county chairman of the fund Wallis further testified that drive. The association has agreed Mrs. Clark, an a tractive school also to take an active part in teacher , told him he was expect- helping the 500 volunteer workers tng a baby when e tried to end raise SS00.000 for the institution. the romance. Dr. H. A. Johnson, -of the -------+----- oldest physicians In the county, and a resident of Anaheim made P ueuc No· ICES the propou.l. for support, and was backed unanimously by the ....,_ CERTmOATl'l F BUSINESS. datlon. The chive Is aaid to be Fictitious F nn Name LOST ANTl FOUND LOST-Lady's wrist Y.:atch, Sat. eve. bet\\·. 27th St. and pie r , Newport. Finder please notify Rev. Sande. Phone 793-J. Re- ward. 20-2tc LOST-Brown and white calfskin wallet, between Balboa theater and Adams St. on Central Ave. Please keep money but return boys, 14 months old. Mother in Newport 2234-W.__ 14-tfc Study at Hom--Real Est. License business. Phone Laguna 7811. ... 18-4tp Marine Radios Guarantee:-208 Security Bldg. =====---:-::--,--=--,·I Pasadt'.'na, Calif. 11-20tp WANTED -Men (or Women), Available inuncdiate dell\"cry, com- Neat appearing for profitable plete range of sizes. Your in- advertisJng campaJgn now in et-spection welcomed. IDGGINS feet. Excellent opportunity i! PLEASURE CRAFT, 810 Coast you qualify. Apply Mr. v 1111 Highway. Ph: 1104. ~tic Deren, 5081h N . Main St., Santa FIRE F.QUIPMENT TESTS - Ana. 16-lOtc C-0-Two, Pynne Ir: Foam refU.11. .. No Delay Refinish your kitchen ,bathroom with new tile boa.rd.. F. •P . Waldron Telephone 2:J4W. \Vallet and contents. T elephone FOR SALE -Complete Tuxedo, 224-W. 20-2tp worn twice, also Army officer's CO• ftied 1}'ktem and Port&blet now avallable. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN, 1000 Cout Highway. Phone 138•. 73..tfc Carpenters Available for senera.1· ro&lntcnance unilorm. 12 and 16 gauge shot- r:MPLOYMENT WANTED II gun shells. Call N. B. 1913-M. CARPENTER woRK by hour or 20-ltc day. Telephone 1805-W. 11-tfc FOR SALE-Popular PC 14-foot. and repair raclng dinghy: lS-ft. Cruising 0. Z. ROB£.RTSON Sloop, motor , toilet. sleeps 2; • Call Newport 83 '2-tfc AMATEUR transmitter. Brand Hunter Cruiser, like new. Pacific 1 new. All band. 600 watts phone. Marine Associates, 814 Coast HI· ---+,-_K_E_Y_S ____ _ Harbor Radio & Electric, 2602 way. Ph: 2780-W. l~ltc WILL TAKE CARE of children. Corona del Mar. Phone N. B. ·~50-M. 2-tlc Central Ave. or phone 195-M. FOR SALE---43-ft. fishing boat, Made ~~[;"' Waib ....... ___________ 20-_2t_c twin Grey 121 h.p. 31> to 1 re-100 "aln SL, Balboa vv •1...L CARE for children eves., -. THE UNDER.91 :;NED do here--i'oning in my home. 309 ?t1ari-New Arrivals! ductlon motors. One year . old. 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand b "f th t th dductlng gold Ave .. Corona del Mar. Ph: FIBRE RUGS IS-ft. cockpit, tee hold, sleeps 6. , 94-ttc progreulng In ea<:h community. Marines Going After Aviation Enlistments; Want 500 in Sou. Cal. Y cert1 Y a e are co Cruises at 12 knots. Triple steer-.., a Machine Shop uslness at foot 1023-J. 19-ttc 9x12 ........................................ $14.50 lng. Villa Marinp, phone 1800. BUSINUll OPPOBTUNITIU 40 of 31st Street, C ty of Newport ------------8x10 ....................................... $13.40 . l9-4tc ,.-----,-.,.,,-c=c-c=-..,.-=-- Beach, County o Orange, State EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Cap-6x9 .......•................................... $9.75 ------------STUDY AT .~OME-Real Estate of California. uni r the ftctitiom abl~ woman desires p<>Sitlon aa 9xll Broadfelt Rugs ............ $21.50 FOR SALE-Lice~. Quick results. Guaran- finn name of Central Marine En-companion. Business experie nce. SANTA ANA FURNITURE 54-ft. all mahogany cruiser, two tee. 208 Security Bid., Pasadena. The United States Marine Carpi gtneering Co., anj that said firm Can drive car . C. S . preferred. 426 W 4th St., Santa Ana 200.fll:p. Sterlings. 2()..tfc has lnltlated the greatest avtaUon Is composed of U: ~ following peT-\Vrite Box "MM," c/o News-Phone 922 20-ltc ~~wdllary Sloop. Very clean. &1 recruiting drive in the history of sons, whose namt and addresses TI.mes. 20-2tc -------------1 all pecond.ltio~. P'O;....;;.&..;...llENTC-..:..· -------~- their service, said Major Arthur are as follows, to wit: Flashlights 36-ft. sea-going Auxiliary Ketch, DESIRABLE sleeplng rooms for N. Nehf In a recent prea• confer· Jolln Ayling, Z • 7 N. Marengo. 1118 Light Cords, Extension Cords, bullt In 1940. employed couples. Clooe in. 421 At Beautiful _ Corona del Mar Choice Lots $1500 W . J . HOJ.;COMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del M~ "Where the Flags F1y'' 20-2tc BUILD NOW LOW COST HOMES See Models At 711 Begonia Ave., -als<>- Heliotrope at 4th Corona del Mar Phone 8701 ·J ·5 Salesman Will Call PICO BUILDING MATERIALS ence In Loo An&eles. Alt.den&. Calif. TIDE TABLES Iron Cords, Etc. SWALES YACHT ANCHORAGE Harding, Balboa. · 20-2tc Formerly, reaults were i\ven C. R. Rustenbs h, 16;!1 Allegro O T W ALKEY 19-2tc no uourance they would be as-Square. San Gabi el, Callf. MAB<lB Newport Pharmacy lTth & Coast Highway FOR RENT -Large furn. light -------.,.--,--- sia:ned to aVJatlon, regardlea of Donald V. Mun•IY· 18331> S. At-Hlsh Low High Low 2018 Ocean Front Phone 5 Phone 162 Newport Beach room. outside entrance, near Lot On Peninsula bow air-minded they -... Thlo !antic, Alhambra, Callf. w 13 5:55 12 :03 7:'8 1:11 20-ltc l8-2tc bsthroom. Man only. 516 36th Zoned for Duplex new program b especlalljr design· WITNESS our h1Pcl this 21st clay 5.3 2.3 4.1 -1.0 ----------~-FOR SAIE 2 Hall-Scott Marine St., Newport Beach. 20-4tc $2750 ed to attract avlatl<in-lntereated of February. 1946 'Th 14 6:49 12:55 1:18 l:U Steel Kitchens --'----• · 200 ~· -• ~ --men who wlah elther to JOH AYLING 5.6 1.8 4.3 -1.1 e.,...~.. ~. ~p. eao•, w~ ~ a Fr Lo make aviation a career or to sa1n c . R. RUSTENBACH F 15 7:33 1:37 1:'8 J:H GLASS nm ENCLOSURES. matched pair, opt. rotation, good wANTEI> RENT or leue un-Bay ont ts an education they can use later DO .. V. MUNCY 5.7 1.4 4.5 -1.0 SHOWER DOORS condition, $1200. Swaleo Boal house Phone 1250-R. Several Choice Ones on. Ybuns men 17 to 26 are now State of Callfornll ) s 16 8:13 2:14 8:09 J:41 Southern Counties Anchorage, l1th •Coo.st ~i:; . '. · :>-tic - beln& accepted '" • two, thrtt or County of Orang• ) ... 5.6 1.0 4.7 --0.8 s I c NEED furnished 5-room house or 2 Houses on 1 Lot four YHI' enllal(penL ' ON THIS 21st lay of February Su 17 8 :50 2:50 t:ae S:ll Upp Y 0. ~CAL a ••'MO 81 apL by June l; l child. Perman-At Corona de! Mar Equip Santa Fe With Radio' Reproducer, Other Improvements A.D., 1946, bef<"' me Nora S. 5.4 0.7 4.8 --0.3 144 Coast Blvd. N . ~ 720 W ~--Fro t •18 500 Margwarth a Not~ Public in and Tld• .,,.. placed ln ord.,. Of OOC\ln'9DC. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach BEAt.rI'IFUL Spinet type mirror ent. 1 est V\.'1:'an n . tp ~ for u.ld County a d State. residing Usbt ftcure• L Ill.; tl&rk a~ P. • ~ltc piano, a barp.tn. Terms. Danz-Phone 40-'R. 20-4tp H 0 p , ul therein duiY oned and · Schmidt Plano eo.. 520 No. Main WANTED TO RENT-s.y Front ome n en1ns a !W<lMI. personal! appeared John p N WHY PAINT YOUR BUMPER? Santa Ana. · 8-tlc bouae tor month of July or tint 5 Bedroom1. 2 Baths. Fireplace. Aylln&, C. R. RuJtenbach, Donald UBLIC OTICE 'Use KROS-0 GOOD Uled pla-Some u low 2 weeta. Furn.. 4-bedrm. Mrs. $16,000 v . Muncy known to me to be the RUST OFF u $89. Fine for practlo:,' Euy SStot.,korer,phClonar•emon=~· 586 wl . .1!thtp w. L. .JORD. ~· Some time lh1I year, accord1nc persons whose natnes are subscrlb-Notary Public In and For So All terms. Or will rent. Danz-, V"'O .l\..N to announcement made by Presl~ ed. to the within Instrument, and Said County and State. ld al Dealers Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main -W-ANTE-'--'D+/-TO--RENT--~2-.bedroo---'m· I 700 Eut C2ntral. Balboa dent Fred G. CUrley, Santa Fe pu-acknowledged to me that they exe-fMy Commission Expires S. a: D. Mfg. Co., Costa Mesa Santa Ana. 8-tfc house c apt. Permanent rest-Phone 153 13'-tfc :'&";..~wire will~~'::: ~t~-EOF, I have <SEALJ Jan. 29' l9SO.l 120 Broadway Phone ~~c AL'S dent. P lone 2215-J. ll-4tc Corona del Mar - , public address systems to give hereunto set my oand and affixed Pub.-Feb. 26 : Mch. s. 12, 19, 1946. ORANGE . COUNTY Radio Electric Service LOCAL USINESS MAN wants Modern, ex_i:eptlonally well bullt Santa Fe passengers the benfit of my official seal he day and year to rent 2 .or 3 bedroom ~· home on 60-ft. lot. 2 bedrma., th• latest df;,velopments In train 1n this ceruncat. !Int above wrtt-NOTICE OF INTENTION UPHOLSTERING CO. 920 Coast m..y Permane~t. ,Write 1932 w . 91rt 11v1ng room. c11n1ng alcove. hard· rad.Jo. \\ire relJ'l'.Oductlon ot music. ten. Manufacturen Coruia del Mar Place, ~ Angeles 44, or phone wood floon, tile ·bath and kit· and P!'blic a-•• system. NORA . MARGW ARTH. TO EN GA OE IN THE Of Upholstered Furniture Pick Up and Delivery PLeUBJ t 11896. 17-4tp chen, service porch, 2-car gar- SAtt OF ALCOHOL· u 3 W. 4th SL, Santa Ana Phooe 470-MK l!Hltc v ANT Tl RENT-Aportment or age. Completely furnlahed In· WING SANG BOAT & REPA' R YARD · 811 Coast Highway 10 PboM. Newpwt 866 ttt1 IC BEVERAGES Factory and s-.-n small h -· turnlshed. for .single c1uc11ne; .new e1ec. refrigerator, • 504 West Center St., Anaheim Arvin & Erner.son teacher man. temporary or ;per-stove, yac:uum cleaner, waahlng March 7. 1946. Phone .Anaheim 4n 4 ""11":i.t1c RAD I 0 S 'manent Call Newport High • macbb*. -~- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . 24-Hour Radio Ser.ice School . w . Jobnoon. 17-4tp Price ~2,750 1.:'.,0~":'~' ~::bri:::. th.:St~: Electri~R~"': $178 Sho~ ~~ui~dio · w i:.,... or ~L ~~Can Gertrude A. Waldron the undersigned propooes to sell Immediate Delivery Phone 1638-W 13-tlc at 309 ~6th Place, Coa,ta Mcoa. Wm. W. Sanford alcoholic beverqes ·at these prem· A to Batteri Anything In harbor areL BROKER Mes a. Ph :!:'· B. 1243-R. 20-2tc BALBOA ISLAND -3 bedrocim home,· each with full size ward- robe closet, 2-car garage with laundry, fireplace. Interior rreshly decorated. All gcted fur.. niture incl. electric refrigerator and gas range~ $14,500. 228 Pearl. Phone Hub PO\\'ers, New- port 62-\V. · 20-2tc BEAL ESTATE EXOllANGE II RESPONSIBLE Telephone em- ploye wants to exchange 3-bed- room house in West Los Angeles for same in Santa Ana or vicin- ity. Call Southern Calif. Tele- phone Co., SaQta Ana, 5628. l~tlc BANOBE8 a AOBEAGE D FOR SALE -1:4 acre tract near Santa Ana Country Club, $1500. 2676 Santa Ana Ave., ea.ta Mesa. Phone Laguna 78U. -. !8-4tp MONm 'l'O LOAN • N LOANS TO BUtLD. buy, impron, modernise or reftnanC""-. Newport Balboa Federal 9avlnp and Loan ~t10ll.. . 3183 Via Udo Telepbone 1~ LOANS $100.00 and Up t9 $10,000.00 Stt US lf you need money P~nts to Fit Your Income Loam on Can Trucla and Trailers Over 22 Y•an In Santa Ana Federal Finance Co. INC. 429 No. Syeoman Phone 6200. Santa Ana. C&llf. 8-llt.c , A11TOllUHY• a Tllml • FOR SALE-1938 "Dodge Convert- ible Coupe. Excellent condition. 435 · Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. 20-5tc J AUTO !llC&VIOE . Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Us. BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSINESS ... • Storey's Battery Se~ce WESTMINSTER A VE._,, (Be1-n 18th A Masm'lo) COSTA MESA JS.tic II • Mooihigs a.t 1pace avallable fur Boatll r-. Sale lses, described as follows: U es STEINWAY Grand. llke new, -17-4tc 308 Marine Balboa laland On hill at 17th and Coast High· lS-IQlllltb -!16-415 EL al the worlcl'a -teot pianoo. • ' Phone 234-R JS.tfc 1942 HOUSE TRAILER In excel- way, Newport Beach. p I • Oil Gorgeous tone. Beautiful cue. WANTED TO RENT-H""" for -------~----1 lent oondltlon. SJeepo four. Cor· • i'Udle Board9 ""' Rmt .., ........ _.._ Pursuant to such intention., the ennsy vant& This ii a.n lmtrummt ,or the . DeMola)'S ot Whittier for week For I office suppllel · see the ner 15th A: Santa Ana St., Costa undenlgned is applying to the Galkin. 70c dlscrlmlnatlnc buyer. Dam-from April 13 to 20. Call col)ect News-"nmeL • Mesa. 20-2tp State Board of Equallutlon f<r Is-• --Scbmlclt Plano Co., 520 No. Main Whittler 42451!9. Any place In suance on original application of W estem Auto Supply . Santa Ana. ~tfc bay ~ 19-4tp .l.tn'OS WAlt'l'.ml NAtl'l'Oll WAlliDi • • JN81JBANOI: INSUBANCI: an alcoholic t-erage license (<r ..,.-DMJep • ~AGED . 1 . licenses) for these~;-.. fol· 1836 N n ~r.... -RADIO HOUSll: ~ ..L Now RESPO~MIDD~ w' E NEED LAT, 'E M' ODEL" CARS -------,.---'---------+-------lows: ~-----ewpcr ™·--.--S-tfc lbM ----tec:I>-couple d like to rent fur-· · F I R E Y· A c Ii T s Quarterly ON-sALE General JI-Dlc:IW ... a .. u ..... -... --tor small -· and Will Pay Top P.ricea Just Am.ved to -. ~ an. ... 1arp be -and,_ 1..t. -.. AU.TOMOBILE COMPENSATION oense. -· .,_..._ ·~ --·All..---... ...s. ter,penpanmt~t.Box An10oe desiring to protest the .,_ ---·--llland. 19-4 ''STU'' DUNLAP Insurance 703 E. Central Balb .oa Phone . 6 umber . 3 ' IS8uance of such lloenoe(sl may BATTERIES HARC>.t..D • L. ILUDI., 8.0.1 .. 447, tp !lie a wrt!led protest with the Oun-..,,; ~ Co. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Pb: 'ISi. UAL ii . 41 State Board of ~"'lion at UT Main st. P1L Illa ll·trc At -,-Mar:--~ ~:;-~~'1:r-----------Radio Repain' Lot of Highway law. The premJoes are not 1-d ntt Pl..:e and J<lndHrw All mall•; lllllel, *-I'll. MIT. · $1200 for the sale of alcoholic ,___ W 0 0 D · Bart .._ na a.a mwa,. • J H~-~-~-~--N __. Buell -• · · v..,......~ FRANK H. COBURN Dellwnd -.-· • • 1ll 1 c;:c-t ~ DONALD a DICKERMAN. H. w . WRIGHT-Pb. ~ _ Seotcb tape. various -. ,,.. · 11e1 11ar I Pub.-March 12, 1946. . 1-ni:' N-;t Blvd. 3-tlc aaJc at tbe N.,.._,,_ • ~-, the Flapl lb" ~2tc • .SEJJ, YOUR CAR NOW ' W'l"e Prica are HJch. · PbCJne fOl'~Olll' CWEoal ~who wlD ad'Uld I -.. ~ D!Drdln& OPA ~ ...... · .... _ .......... +.!la . ~ Clll-BERTSON CHEV,ROLET 00., InCI(. • a alilllllt ..s w •• Dm'n j·' .1DOJ tletC1 INl.Jlaa5 rt8 sO, -0~ •. a•' I'<&._._ • ... I l . . . _.., " . 1 •• .. . . • '· t • . ' . ' ·' .1 I . ' ·• .I . • • I ' ' ' , ' • 1 . I · f. ' • • \ I \ • . ' / , -!!l!l!!l..._....!!!!9r...!!•m~!J· uDM==..·"t---r--~:;:--;;n:;;;;~~~;-;;~~7";;;";;.;;;;;r-;n:' · • -lla!! ... •J!..lean-~-J-on"'""es_W_ed_s_W_al __ t_er-+-----:--..:::: • F . . ·· A • • . Ii NOTES OF THE BALBOA YACHT CLUB Sunday Ceremony at Communi Ha·rbo·r em1n1ne . .ct '1v1 Ies In~~~~ :.ihu=-~":.tbe.: Wblte 00-. -t.n wbltef tuft, wltb YMl'i fw the -lap of tbe PC radar ..,-e1po1 -..... tapes m..ie a cbarm1nc bod<· note. Mia El race !run San Pedro to N...._t Deerlllc far the M"7 -wuuiOI _ _. r-·~----... •• on sun-maid, and ..----.. 13 __. """' + By Wbdfled Barbft + PbCJre 1637-R Beach "'tb tbe 30-to 35-vel-~ aao wu 1n Q:Jata 111ca • ... ~ ----net over tall --r~.......,,.-~-~_!::'...:;llDU:!::!_:"""'=~----:----:-:-:---=.::~7:==:::..:::=-::--· 1 odlJr -of s.mcs.y • ......,.._ •• oomtruollan _..,,.. for dlia d,aY. llfardl 10 •t ( p.m. 1n a.ta quet wu like t ot tbe maid of Ebel! Club Hears Mr. and Mrs. E . I. Moore Hold Open House Doui le Bi~hday Idea wu to aet home u soon and army, wliriwic on tbe """'- -. OammunllJr chun:h. --· only In -or pink. u aafely u -""•· To tbo.t end, lean hilbWay. -lla Jeo.n Jones, da\l&hter or Pm:edlng . bride and'-· at-Play Review, Accepts On Silver Wedding Anniversary Cele ration at. while Larr7 ~ left at Iba New memben accepted at Ille Mn Alice Jo""" 2006 Orange tendants w Barbara Prlna1mr N M b Open --held Saturday • ir-oted him wltb • gold Lido Isle H me otncial tune ol 10:30 a.m., f!Ver7-February .-tine-.. s. R. ... ' ave~ue and J.,.,;, Jones. Costa and Nino. May Bryant. -_... ew em ers ' afternoon and evenJns at the wrist watch. . one eloe Wt when and ..,,.... It tor of Newpwt Beach; Juatl Mlt· ' ~•-of Wal•-t'd in pink w lighted tbe many Guests Included Mr. o.nd Mrs. ' .J_ ~ J Cat-wu conwrilent. but all made tbe tier, Loa •·-1"": E. w. 1 Smltb. ~ ~~ ..;;:";, Mr . .:;d tapers. Dua Alben acted u It wu a capadty crowd which spadoua home of Mr. and Mn. Ben Baker, Mr: and Mrs. Ernest ol ~":L:..:'. = · trip back In lea tbo.o three hours. Loa An&"l;;;6A. v . "-"'-' at Mn Henrv Alben. 2011 Orange best man for brother and um-met at tbe EbeU dub ""'-Thun· E. L Moore, 1221 w .. t C<ntral Jolullon, Mn. Ruth Johnson o.nd lin, 11 Via '4""'"' Ydo Isle, lt wu a •tral&ht nm ba~k and Costa M-. a military -· a~ue-. 1br cere"*IY -per-ers were Aile Dale Alben or Loa day to hear Mn. Larry' Johns of avenue, ..,.,,. of llWIY a dellilit· Mr. and Mrs. W. N . Holmoo. Santa and ~ughter, Marty tbe PC'a proved tbe"*1ves able and Richard M. Stern, Balboa 1a1- f01 n.ed by Rev. Carl J'obmon tn Ang!let and ck Jones. Los Aneeles etve a review of I~ tut social affair, when the host Ana; Mr. and Mrs. August Hoff, Gallo of P~ftna, who WU to take the buvy &Oinc, actually and writer f0t Colliers and Satiar- tlle -at 115 ..-ts. Miss Jean Ann Genisb of and bciatesa entertained frlends on Glendale; MIA JCatherlne Phllllpo, jus< te , were otlebrated wltb a plo.nlng tbe top ol tbe waves.. The day ,Evening Poot. ""° a..... fw '* , Newport Be sang "Became" member Mamma, one of the most their aUver weddinc anniversary. Rosemead; Mrs. Elizabeth Wetaa-di~ last weet at the Catlin skippers were immensely pleased ConVHSe Wurdemann on Rhodia 'Ibr bride was charming In • and "Sweet tery of Ufe," o.od populu plo.ys or tbe yeo.r, and to On the dlnlnc table, covered man, L\'"' Anret..; Dr. and Mn. home. with their performance and enjoy. 33 "Mldohlp" and Is expeCt,ed to fFOWn \\'hlch combined a fitted Mrs Mary nnett played the hear all the play news trom New with an embroidered cloth, was a Howard Seager,. Mrs. Bertha _ n.1-s peu, stbcks and other ed. the bip, but whe~r the aews ~ out with aome rood qtltnc bod.Ice of brocaded attn, Jong -.·ectdm.& m York, news o1. acton and about silver coffee service presented to lot10n Miss Fr-ances Damoth, Mrs. spring owen w~ uted in low.ly got much tun out of .Jt is • ques-yams ln the future. ~ and with a net yoke ed&:ed After the ceremony the re--the trend of exp:eaion in the Mrs. M~'s motbtt on her silver Ida N~lor, Heinz Kaiser, Or. and pro . DinrM!r was wrvect at tion. It .had been .a cJme reach Clncklmtally, Midshipman am with • rulHe, with • fuU skirt 01 ceptlon wu old ln the chapel. theater. weddlnc anniversary In 1905, and Mn. T. P. Reeder, Messrs. and noo8jth the blc cake to top It going up, wltb a good breeze, W!tb Reavis, son of tbe Wurdemanno, la plain .satin. Her flOO!'-length veiJ Here also w · e flowers were used Mn. Johns, who ia the out-the silver tea H'rVSce had al90 Mesdames Diclc Richard, Harold oH. guests iemaihed for the the average time about four houri almost as keen about wrtttnc u be wu ~ught in a crown at orange and the ' ered wedding cake standing speaker each year on the belonged to bet. Pouring were Mrs. Wo1denberg, Henry Eggert, Eu-afte n and eVfnlng. and 40 minutes. iJ; about ulltnc, and ha& had ..._. '*-1drna. White orchids, hya-t carried out th color theme of pink Ebell program, wu introduced by C F . Watt. and Mn. Sam Kins-geoe 1Fenelon, C. B. Rudd. Oliver . present were Mr. and Recatta Pk:tune · ~ stories printed In the ~ dntha and 1ardmi.as were com-, and white, · e pink wedding Mrs. K. V. DOU. who ii a peT'IOflal father. C.entering the table wu Campbel), Gi1bert Place, A J . Mrs. n. F . Galloway and daugh-Saturday evening Herman Di). ollS Naval academy magu:l.ne.) bmed in • shower bouquet. bells were ulded in the ice frie.nd of the noted play reviewer. the big two tiered wedding c;ake, Gant, Fred Catlin. Sam Kinslather, ters ~~ ta and L\i J ean Pasadena; tinder showed motion pictures in Kia Joyce Anne Jones, sister cream. Jones, wearing Mrs. Victor Grace presided at beautifully decorated with lilies of C. F . Watts. L. L. 1Sbel1, Ralph Mr. d . Mrs. Claren~ F1etcher' color of the Midwinter Regatta at al the bride, was maid of honor powder blue 'th fuchsia acces· the short business meeting which the valley and topped with a Ill-Maskey, and Lew Wallace. Unable and d<\ughter Marilyn Jo ~ IOn Balboa 1 Yacht club, much to the and her gown of yetlo"'' mar-sories, and . Alben. in a navy followed the delightful luncheon. ver wedding bell, set on a mirror to be present were Mr. aand Mrs. Billy· Mr. and Mrs. O\arles Swan-deligh'-Jot all who's.aw them, and qulsette. blocked with white roses, blue suit. we! med the guests and Mrs. Gill or the membership com-and encircled wtth maidenhair fern S . A. Meyer. Also present were son. 8'.nta Ana: Mr. and Mrs. Ed he pro"1bly will have requests for was matched by her bouquet of Mrs. Ella Ma Prinstow and Mrs. miltee introduced nine new mem-and daffodils, the gift and handi-three couples wllo have been Andewn. Omaha. Neb.; Mrs. a repef(t,._performance. carnations. daffodils and candy- 1 • Dorothy Albe assisted in serving. bers, Mrs. Paul C. Jones, Mts. work of Mrs. fbnstather. friends ot the Moores ever since Nellie Wilkinson, Balboa Island. Staff Commodore Arch Bish In charge of he guest book was J. A. Gillis, Mrs. Howard ff9berts. Many beautiful (Jowers and their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Ar· and . and M.rS. Catlin. ('39) and Mrs. Bish are now living: Nina May B ant. Mrs. Vera H. Doane, Mrs. Dor~ other gifts were received by the thur Johnson of Van Nuys, Mr. . . . at the BYC dormitory until they ff Ifs a Book I The bride i a graduate or New · Ihy G. Levering, Mrs. Ora Lee ccuple. Mrs. Moore received a n~w and Mrs. Robert Curtis of Glen-Swebr1'n·gen-Schwary co.n find a house or apartment,-fiir ,_ •-n fr7' ... •*·-·..., ....... .... We Ban It Or WW Onler It for You. ESTRELLITA'S BOOKS 803 Nortb Mala St. t Fonnerly Arcade Bldg.) Santa ~Pll.. 5313 I port Harbor Union High school McDowell, Mrs. Ruth Hovarth, platinum and diamond wedding I date. a nd Mr. and Mrs. Harry r they plan on locating here per-. and has bee secretary in the Mrs. H . 0 . Boyvcy, and Mrs. H. E. ring, :t:irt of her husband, while Stewart or Los Angeles. V-0Ws Rep~ated Sun. manently, although they are for· school orfice ince her graduation K d 11 a Ang I en a .. L S mer eenos. four years a . Mr. Albers is n A nominating ccmmittee was Ebell Book Sections . Girls' eague ees . Mrs Veronica Schwa ry, daugh· Mr. Bish is in charge of ccn- graduate or ebraska schools and •lected, those named being Mrs. M Th W k 'NBGL' R d ' Sh M d ~t W lter Tim tru ti k St J E Is a CarpenJcr y trade. The Wed· eet is ee a 10 OW , ter 0 r . an rs. a . S C On WO.-On . ames p • l ding trip, for hich the bride "'ore ~~~~d ;::~:™1oo!::~?dtec~~ berla J . 1528 Orange ;ve~e, ~cc~pal~=ch=~urch.~=~V~ia=Li=·=do~,=fo~r~Co~m=·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a gold suit th aqua accessories. Th"" c.o--nd Book section of the Purporting to be a r adio show Costa Mesa, \\'as married un y, modore Don Kemp, the builder. and Mrs. Ralph Holden from the .. ~v MarcH 10 at 3 p.m. in the Catholic "-'as to Big ar. where they "'ill floor. Ebell club w111 meet Wednesday. over Station NBGL. the most en-chur~ of Our• Lady of Mount spend a week They plan to make ~larch 13, with Mr's. S. A. Court. joyable program of the year \\'a s Car l t R ~ Swearingen son · N rt Balbo T •• ..,:_. B their home . Costa Mesa. 127 East Bay avenue. Balboa, with n:i • 0 OS . • . ewpo - a Ou.a Ullt ureau I Kent Ht.tchcock presented at the meeting or the of . Rose Swearmgen, Santa Mrs. Frank C Pere\\' as assisting Girls' League ot Newport Beach Ana. the S('rvic~ was read by the All Modes of Travel. to Europe, Mexico, HaW!ill e is a heavy curse. -B. Franklin. Heads Stam P Clu b ~':"~e'::i·.:J:;s·c!m:; !;;;"~~e ~~ Grammar school held recently in Rev. f' es Mulcahy. Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See ---reviews, choosing respectively The the school audltorlwn. Th bride \Vore a suit -of navy Kn. Boy Keene: Ph. S91. SOl Pama, llalboa -------------------,r--------;J Kent Hitchcock, marine ph~ KJng's General by Du Maurier and Diane •\Vestlake. League presi-blue ~'th that new and smart Boan: 10 a. m. te 8 p. m. . Race Fans ---Chance Of he Years tographer of Lido Isle. was elected The Village in the Sun. de nt, gave the station announce-combi1.ation of ·brown for acces- We Have Obtained a Few, Used Copi Seldom Offered for Sale, Profesoio Players• SelecUon The First Book section meets M h president of the Harbor Stamp ment and then turned the micro-sories+ and her corsage was of r--------------------------, Or tbe "--club at the first anniversary cele-1 phone over to Mary Ann orey, garde ias. Attendants were t e ~~ Thursday, March 14 at p.m . a t master of ceremonies. bride'l sister, Mrs. George Camp-FRANCES BEAUTY SHOP Jlace-Horse bration of the club, held Thurs-the home or Mrs. W. D. Merickel, '--II 0 n -"ondo Beach, who wore . h M 8 B I I d d ( th book Numbers on the program in-uo: n.o:u day evening, March 7 at t e esa 1 ay s an an one·o e s S 1 1 a~a pm' -stripe suit with black "Standard Handicap , ables" Popular with Experts Since 884 While They Last, $5.00 Pos d These copies have been used; paper rovers a soiled and torn. but text and tables are readable and in good condition. If you an an experienced pla)·er you know they are almost impossible to obtain, ,only at unbelievable hig~ prices an only through se4 Ject membership in exclusive sporting clubs. First come, fil"'!'lt served while they last. Mon y will be retum~ lf stock ~ exhausted. Otherwise, these used ks are sold as is . No refunds. THE RARE BOOK 610 No. Main St., Santa ALL MA Greeting .. lltlllt.llJ II I! Distinctive Costume, and Shell jewel LAMPS • VASES • Fl Newport . souvenir and we·w,.. Olfto .. VOGUE SAYS" SHORT COATS JUST RIGHT OVER A SUIT OR o. a, Calif. K ards ndian URINES ift Shop %10% OoMa l'roDt RESS. ALL TIIE NEW SPRING COLO OF WHITE, DOVE, GOLD. GREY. TO . AQUA ' PICTURE BLUE. WHITE wlNE BROWN, NAVY AND BLA SIZES 9 TO 1~ AND IO TO 8 crhe Frances Norlo . . 0ml!f• Shop !S6 Saatora Bids. -Second Floor -B SA.~TA A.."A way at !nd vi -• wtll •-Th E g d I eluded a ballet dance. by h r ey Radio shop. re ew.:-u uo: e g an · a r1· ~ and a corsage of daff~ gt b Mrs Co••tan-Ja•---' Franklin and Andrea Cribben; two "''" Other officers named were: vice· ven y . IA.a ""'"' ,7•...... d1'ls. r· . Campbell acted as best pi a no numbers. Fantasy Im· president, J . O. Jenkins, Balboa Ch El promptu and Marinka. by Chopin .. man. Island; reccrding secretuy, Mrs. Church oir ects and a toe dance by Nonna Castle. Aft r the wedding sixteen guests Helen Curtis and Halliwell Cold Waves Helen Collins, Santa Ana: ror· Officers at Dinne r Phyllis Wat k Ins narrated A went 10 the Timberlake home for responding secretar y, Mrs. FTank 1' Scream in the Night, a thrilling a buf .et supper. The three-tiered Pere .... ·. Newport Beach; treasurer, r Ch ep1·5....1-which she had authored, cake .,as all i.n white, decor_ated Spec1'als on Machine· less Permanents Jame! c . Howard. Balboa. and l\1embers of the choir o rist Ul.K' Be .r ped h . publicity, Mrs. Bette Lee, New· Olurch By-the-Sea met Saturday with mus.ical effects by Joan n· ~th l~~ve birdS and top \Vlt a. Hair Styling . Dyeing . ManiCl.;J.ring rt Beach evening at the church for a plan-bpw. tiny b 1de and groo~. and this ~n- po · . ned hamburger supper with salad! Ca rla Mercer pre:;rnted a mod-tered he tabfe _wh1le on each s1~e 1WO OPERATORS -MOZET.I .E & BONNIE . After the ~1versary celebra4 I a nd all the accompanying good ern ballet to the recorded ~usic-were all white ~ndles. Th~ sis-llU Barbor Blvd., 0.0.ta Mea Phone %4%3 lion and. auction. refreshments things, and elected •ew officers for ·of Dig You Later. The Girls Who ters , f th~ b!1de. the ~isses L..:::::.;:.=.::::_:::..:::._.:::.::;...:;:.::~--------,---------' were sen.eel b)_' Mrs. Carol Ewen the year. They have a·nice amount Hated School. a short drama skit, EvelYJ), Marie and Mable T1mber4 ___ :_ _________________ ..c_ ____ _ and Mrs. Maxine Schre~ Clu~ In the organ fund and are ronsid-was given by Diane P atterson. lake. ~erved. members present were 1 f:.dan ering the purchase of a pipe organ Joan Benbow and Phyllis Watkins, The new Mrs. Wheaton is a M~. Lawrence Ewen, r. rs. d J_ar if one can be found. They also completing a program which the gradu.te or Wheaton. Ill., schools Hill, l\'lrs. Bett~ 1::· l\l~i;. rs. stated that more tenors are needed girls thought one of the most en-and i~mployed at Douglas Air- VMernoEnd ~ M 0 rt Mrs ~anico. in the choir. tertaining of the year. craft mpaJ\¥. ·After the hone)"' rs. wa orse. · ax ne d r ' · moon the couple will make their Schrepel, Mrs. Ann Browe r, Mrs. New presi ent o the group is home in Santa Ana. Dorothy Fruehan. George Wheat. Mrs. Edward Burps and other of-St. fames Auxiliary 1 James c. Howard, J . o. Jenklns, ficers are, Mrs. Delevan Freitag, To Hear Rev. Burke D * D k' Mrs. Ethel Coane, Mrs. Leona secretary-treuurer ; Mrs. B. S. L. U Oe ea 10S Gabh1.rd . W . B. Collins. Mrs. Fran.k Freitag, cholr mother; Mr. and Gra uates From U. C. M Ch I H d ·a1 cc--lt P.ev. H. T'"-'-'lor Burl;e. curate of Perew. Herman Toedter, Capt&n n . ares an , SOC1 ....... -...., , E E tt Mrs H I Col tee; Neal Donker. librarian, and St. John's Episcopal church, West ~ . rnest vere , . e .en . A. J. RuttPr and Ralph Freitag, C. M. Deakins, 307 Alva - hns, w. E. Hall, Mrs. Nellie Spen· Adams boulevard, Los Angeles. rado lace, Balboa, returned Sun-cer and Albert Spencer assistants; Mrs. J . K . Elliott. pub-will be speaker at the meeting of · · · licity: Mn. Leo McGavren , Miss St. James Auxiliary, to be held day m Berkeley where ,She MORE REDUCING • Here's a way to rebuild vi· tality relax tense nerves, tone up tired muscles. while you achieve that slimmer, straight· er , lovelier figure. Different rrom other reducing met.hod.!, the Stauffer System is easy, pleasant, stimulates circuJaUon and encourages good posture. No drugs, electricity or exer- tion. You'll enjoy it ! Shlgle Treatment ...... $1.50 24 Treatments .......... $26.00 Stauffer System LAGUNA BEACH, 7412 247 Broad-y Agnes Craig find Mr. and Mrs. at 2 p.m. Thursday, l\1arch 14 at spent !two weeks. She went there Loyd Folsom. m~mbership com-the home of Mrs. Anne M. Luckey. to a~end the. graduation of her mittee: Mrs. Florence Anderson, 117 Jade avenue, Balboa Island. son ane, pre-medical student at piMist. and t.1-rs. A. J. R utter, the U versity or Callfornla. He is choir director. Rev. Burke WfS at Baguio, P . 1·· presi9nt of Kappa Delta Rho and Members present were M!Mrs. ~here thke ch~.d has 1 an v e:e~; is re sining for a post-graduate and ?ofms. A. J . R\ltter, Charles s1ve wor , an I no e a a rours ~ before the Japanese invasion bt'.l,t ~ Hand, John K.. Elliott, Leo McGav. c~ose to remain wtth his people. Nd --A-'--h--)--. ren, Neal Danker, Edward Burns, d Otf re ae O<ItSt · He was taken prisoner of war an ,., Loyd Folsom, B. s. L. Freitag o.nd . t ~ I c p until V-J At ·ct Aft a b Delevan Freitag: Miss Agnes was 1.n .e rn"" ? am . rt ay . u CraJ Ral h Fre't and Mrs Day. His experiences during that • g, P 1 ag · trying time wtll form the back-· Florence Anderson. Mr. and Mn. d t h. ,..-; lk An eutstanding treat is ii]. stpre Kelly and Rev. and Mn. E . D. groun ° 11 ~~a · for ~~] club women when Robert Goodell were guests. USC Students Wed at Joh'.""!~· field representative of STEAKS CHICKEN SPARE-RIBS LOBSTER th e~merican Museum. Heye Chapel by the Sea Fowi tion, New York aty, wtll be 5 ker at the meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Dodd Fridalf Afternoon club, Costa Mesa. !March ts. giving a program or Balboa Island are announcing of col9red motion pictures of ex- the marriage of their daughter, plora~n in Centr8'l America. Naomi Irene, to Jack Holton Q-awford of El Monte. The cere-Mr.' ohnson is a noted explorer many took place at the 018.pel and. aeologist, being president by the Sea. Corona del Mar, with of th Archaeological Society or the Rev R. I Brahams of Laguna South(lrn California, feature writer Beach 0frtctaUng. for SCientific American, Outdoor · · f Ii h Llte. Pesert l\'Iagazine. Pictorial '_fhe bride wore a swt ~ g t I Califof'nia and othe r pub1ications. beige and her ?Drsag~ was of He isl the finder of the fourth gol~en tiger orchids. Mw Beverly M&ya codex. one of a series ot Smith .was mai~ of honor and. a I parch ents on which are recorded fraterruty brother. Bob Baldwm,l valuate data ·of the distant past. served the bridegroom u ~t Hos esses will be Mrs. R. W. man. Bob Henning ~d Lenrue I Bartl , Mrs. Bliss McCorkell, and Recabaren, other fraternity bro~--Mrs. e Harris. ers, were ushers. Mrs. Ctawford is a sophomorea't I .;,_ ........ ·the Univ('rs1ty of Southern Cali-... - Give Mother a Priceless Gift • • an AUSTIN Portrait BRONZE PORTRAITS 304 Marine A\'enue cooked to perfection over red-bot cbai-ro.l fornia and a member or Alpha Gamma sorority. ~tr. Crawford Is 1 a senior at U.S.C. and a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. He was formerly a lieutenant with the Navy Air Corps wt th the Third Island Phone I 8 2 7 USE Open Saturdays Until ~ta.y 1st BEAUTY Cosed on Monday . Special Annou cement • LARRY, hair sty isf and permanent waver, is the newest addition to our staff of Beauticl.ans. HEAD 'T 0 T E BEA .UT Y SERVICE I COCKT~l2 ~. -12 P.M. DINNER SERVED 5-11 P. M. whm you dlilak of nNE FOODS ••• So.nta Ana'• Finest Eo.tlqg . . . . Eatabll-:hment • • . • . MZ 1'"'\ flll 8*. Comer llln:ll Santa Ana TI •••• - ~.._,. and Filth fleets. Spend Easter Vacation amid 16 Gloriom Days ill Colorful M E X I C 0 LM• .. .e,..,.rtt! waU.. _... for Cntz~ Twr LEAVING L08 AN'Ql!lft · Allll'OaTAPlllLH -Oab' $341.60 ..... o. .. -rr-~ t&L~ ...... ~ ............ --... - 8iU'liilh'8 'I.WA. VZL lllaVICB ~alf ONE .OR AS MANY AS-DESIRED '''''' te Select fr•• AUSTIN STUDIOS I . ... ~ [.:~... we-fullyequlppedfOtvb -~ pwtralts In H-or. c•urc1t . j AI lludlos oii•• 12 to 6 P.M. every lu•d111 · ......... ,. ...... ,,....we1k r ....__ ,~'n N. Main St.. 'Santa Ana Phone }463 DAD..Y HOURS: 9 L m. to 6 p. m. .l)ldl.y,md ~ 'til 8 p. llL - •