HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-14 - Newport Balboa News Times' ~ . . • - • • .. JI SAND CRAB ~ SAM SCBOOL8. COmes now that little note of seriou&-ness in our eager scramble tor more profits, better wages, high prices-the time to check up our blessings · and pay for tbesn. That Is why the schools 'Of the Har- ber district need m o r e money to exp8Dd and care • for the rapid lncreaSe in pop. ulatlon, which, of coorse, spells greeter property "val- ues and more wealth. Har- bor High needs a·half mil- lion; Costa Mesa $160,000; Newport Beach more than Sl00,000. II you own prop- erty in the three sections the cost will .be about $10 on every $1000 aSsessecl value, which is a reasonable tax to pay for added facillties to iftucate more children due to increased census growth. II . you feel that is too much you have the alternative of sell- ing at considerably more than it cost you. This idea of paying as you go. which is the 4-year plan of the High School, saves the necessity of bonds and interest. which has always been quite an item from the day the ancients invented in· terest. And it should be known that the schools of the harbor area have the best set of administrators and the most conservative boards to be found any- where. sChools and churches (note the way the latter have been building) are. the finest drawing cards iiny community can present to a worth-while stranger willing to become a citizen in the fastest developing spot in Orange county. + + + Save Beaches. While on , the theme of new people comes another perplexing thought. In the years gone you could get to almost any !lection m~bay you cared to enter. HaY.! you tried it lately? Whether along Coast Highway or from Newport to Balboa penin- sula, the public is excluded by private ownership. Yes, I know all about the way the public treats the beaches, but just the same we have decided to use our shores for recreational purposes, for yachts and for bathing, yet the bay is fast disappearing from the public view. Things like that breed revolutions, dissatisfaction, resentment. The 2200 feet on the south shore, still owned by the city, seems to be_ headed for leasing and will also be a thing of the past for the pub- lic. Have any of yoo fellows running for the city council nerve enough to include that in your platforms in asking the 11dear peepul'' for their vote next month? + + + .lw ()aDclni. Kindly, un- selfish, hardworking, this pleasant young woman is re- tiring after five -years of un- remitting work for the Red Cross. Mrs. Calkins has been in charge of the Home Service offices in the Storey building and always had time to aid · other depart- ments, do any job thrust on ber uncomplainingly, hap- pily. So splendid \\•as her cooperation that the region- al department of the .Pacific coast gave her unstinting praise and used her office as a pattern fo r other towns to foll ow. Now that the war is over she feels it is time to be a home wife for Wendell. a fine architect and a mem- ber of the firm of Calkins and McCurdy. In passing it might bt! noted that Jane Calkins int.ends to give some ot her time to teaching oth- ers to do her work for the So. Orarure Co. chapter. I ..... + + + Jacorpontioo. Some com- ment OR the questionnaire • Bel'lt qut by the Mesa cham- ber in that they failed to ask 'Its membership whet h<> r they favored incorporation or. annexation. I believe the ~at the annual meet- inl' said they ,..ere proceed- . Ing slowly and wanted to be fair ~ not trying to ram anything doMl the throats of the people. Would be PcJ, to print an UISWer on why P° .cbolce was offeftd I • ' St~tes Coast Guard · to . Inspect a.,_ • lln& .. N ... ·~· . .,.. .. .NEWP-ODT ' - EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA.. WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE .COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT VOWJO: ' Nt:WPUllT m:A()I(, JUf1A; TBVll8DAY, ~ H, lMC - Tr stees Ask School Bon SAAAB. s\ Declared ·surplus; May Be ome Univ. of Calif ; Veteran Training Center Dr. Dykstra · d Othef UCLA Officials Inspect Base, W e War Dept., But Other Military Services Have First Choice . Persistent clared surplus y turned over to t and operated as a considerable • , • • -. Mooring Ughts in Harbor' KEEP POSTEDI 1 y.,. ....... - .. Ol&Cf a .11 Oft tit Ct m" ""' ·o.& ., ...... ' --~..,_ ... N_...-,NN~- . ' EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA -~ , ISsue _lectiori • Harbor· High and Costa Mesa Grammar Schools Seek Vote --~On Expansion of facilities Overcrowding Brings Crisis in Capacity'; : Davidson Asks 'Pay as We-Go' Plan; Rea -Needs $160,090 for Two Schools • I • • •• • • M .. H, ......... __ . ~:..-~.,......:...~~~~~~~~~~..l.-~~...:.--LlS!•~l'lllll'll!!!!!!!..!•~•!1l!Qf!!!j~!!!!!•~·~-~ p . ~ EW;RTTii:MoE 5 • ~0~1~0~N .. ~~L~~ - - -N E W S hind the World Wheat Shortage l ~J~O~K!!E!:S~:!lll!•!l~IS!.:-: ·--PHONES: NEWI'OllT 1J -11 _ Sunobo4y DNSt be holdlnc a l building materials we need.. n..... of the . eridin Belt Tightening in Crisis . I • .-.. U -~ • .... t I E'f'WJ' T'9e9dllJ _. 'ftaieda.7 ~ V...._ SXXVDI match under t:br ~I ll nothln& of value in this b6l thAt Onia Peet.re ._,¥lee) poplble for American aarkulbae You may~ a woman a -ldU.. o-ea .,._ ..-u.. ...,·s•11 E,..,. W:el11 117 · ve1 ... D t}w:;a:nklllll"ter, tbe'wa:y the brat la can not be done by-OW? OPA wttb-feyaiah efforts ol to feed America and all destitute but tou must not C91l her a cat. Su"""riptim PQ-able In Advance:-42.:50 -,_.. In ()rap ~: rtomcln this RUion. -fUrther Jealslatlon, nor ...,. C H U R C H E $ _ t to !pOed -t Nations too, and therdcre haWI You may calf her a mo••• llat $2.7:1 per )'Mr to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8tJo -I Did )'OU notice the outbunt ot. poWtil that do not f'ldst under , ovcrseu, behind U.O ursed that ~ peopla be )'OU mult not c;all her a rat. ---'----· ~·-_ ~ <m Sund8.y, over the otheri laWL 1 eftortl ol. r Amaicm compelled to rstore tbelr.acricul-You may call her a chkSen. llUt Ebtered as second:<lul matter 8.t the postotfice In Newport B -t, ractx.. and the ';'releues" tD the nm blll ts an bnpolltion on the OUfl LADY 0,. MT. CARMEL c;s·odu~ food for ex-tunl. planta at emagenc;y speed you must.not call her a bea. , California. under the Act ot. March 3, 1879 : I papen on Monci.y morn1nsr I ..,.....,.., I do not -with Its ·-Wool ~ A-. limit. ~ the bu-u the .only alternativ ... to dlauter. You may call her • -. bat S. A. MEYER • • -:--·:-• • Publlll:lilr mean the 3rd and 4th. whftl this author that the veteram. of either 8und&7 ){es 1: I and 10 &.m. ma.ni, ~ of the Hitler mwore to conquer Europe ycu m1.11t not call her a IOOM!·,i' . SAM D. PORi:ER • • • • Genen.l M•,,.. II written! It was about the so. war, an all .. suckers. .. This bill Oanf's1dou: ~ • American ~e to tllhten their or destroy lt. HJa IDl:.t bitter You JnQ' call her a viaion.. 11ut L.B.~ _ _ . . _ • Edli: called "Veterans Housing BllL" 111 ottered for =~TY purpooes. 4:00 to 5:30 and mm 7:30 t belts, lies grun fact: cune, famine. may Y"t ClllDe to hla )'OU muat not call her a llcbt. W. F. DIXON • -• • . Advertlalllll JI(-Sµppooe -read the bill: n... Thls blll is not • aa pow-':30 pm. · l!(lany e ln war' 1tridten own people. They starwd othen PrintioCc Plant, 3011 W. Centtal Avenue, Newport Bnch, caJlfcmia number i. H. R. 4761, and the en to couect the boul!l1& situ-labels doomed to die this year ln 1>n1er to eat during the war. It • . Off1c1al Paper of the City of Newport Beach It is therefore the latest bright opening wedg• ln an attempt to .._ .1 Talb th California agricul-now that U. s . larresse cannot llalled alOne In a 16-foot ...,. llil!Jin • • • ---author i. Mr. Patman of T981. atlonalreadyf'ldst.Thlabllli.an ST. JOHN VIANNltY CHUllCI from~t;itlon. would•eeniunfalrtoataneothers, In lS7G C.pt. Alfred .JellAIF A De' a tsble Local tmtttau.• for o.er 11 Y..n idea ol that gentleman to take extend the vtd.ous consumer sub-8und&y Mw· 1 :C,and ...._ tural ta reveal the CQPlelllua feed all. in order to feed the..Nazia. Gloucnter, Mau.. to u~a.pqol. • advantage of some current situ-sldy ~am (which hu -..i ()m--· · _....,. froR that the coloual production England. llAlluEOITORIAl-. . Active atlon for ,personal publldty )lUI'-natlono ln the put) to. h9<Jslng. 7:81 .. l:IO.;.... of the u. s . farm ind111try cannot Bo Wea!t . ---------~--.-~'. dIDC71t.UJfi.:.IATION• Member ~·Well let that -and -Thlo blll·would .. tabllsb govern-ma!Dtaln /th< pace ol feedlnc the The -ned countenance of the Mzras• 1 -·-• ___ ~ .......-=--what It llaYS-ment control over oho of America'• 0090NA .-, llA& world Wt:; war besan, the Gov-bridegroom disturbed the beot IS{••• .urD ftACll'Olli · of ""Congress . declares that an greate.t industries.. construction. OOIORJNm' CBUaOB, :=t , huge cra1n surpi'*'S man. ''What's the matter," he a&k-JPAw: mq11q rl' ' _ _'._------------------~~~~-! ;:;;:::"'b-::: •• ~ ~':::.. -; ':,"....:.,,";' ~:::.:::;: -::"::::".::.ll · :;:: ~ ~ • ":::,,:.: ...,,~.w J.:::':: :::;-;;,,,... Jt P'ili jl; ~ ~ numben ot. vetenao ... " n... theft i. the cleflnltloo for the U1 e·• 11 o.-a;; !9 ' ""bushels of Amer-Cl'O<llll "the ring' aat .aa.-... --- B""k to the Open auti.rhlmlelfref~tothe""t-"'1ll'd''NO."lt-''no"i.are-sw.iay,'Man:t.11,19441 ~__!" t wu ~or Butr~elootmy.!thusl~up. mJf .. L.A.M. ... lal' "' "'-er.-u "lucken. which maj fllaal; a clenlal; a n<ptlve vote .,.. Ouircb llChool hu two -,...... n..... 1sn t that , · .._ ...... of the al · • talk th GI' ~__. give you some idea why a lot of cledslon. To this I would like to All above pi'lmal')' .._--,.,,! mueh t ln all America today · "'"""' nos! gtC among e s stau<UO:U ua1_.. not Jmpuw.-1 with ihe lin· add: ··A "'1ll'd which can sav• the meet at 9:30 &.m. ~d -only 6$ million buahela. Wheat around the world during the war was about, Alperlca's farm centy t.ck ot. the bill. government of the United States." primary 'llepartment -imet at ::.' 'r I~ ......,,., is "clan&er-C..plete Foutabt IJerviee at country and the wide open' spaces in ~-• Most of. 'lbe bill c:reateo the "Ofnce ot. I hope you •ere< with me• n a.m. A ....... the-•·· ch·--'-Y 1""r · 5~... Ecbqnic St.abillzatton" wtth a · hour -...... ......._.. """"'~ Ml.ft1' 1acton contribute to the 1 , 1 1 , them, any GI will tell you, showed preference for the quiet ''Director'. at $12 000 per year · sltua~on. Shortagff In corn and H A N $ E N ' $ , lite. If and when they got back home. and many of. them who lhall. appoint .... uch <mplo~ p e 0 P I ~ ::·..:~~p. other • teln -hav• obliged dreamed through' I h of l ding the peaceful u lbe detillS necnsary.'• He lh.n e . ..· 1JOU1 and livestock ranchen ong, weary ours. ea • have the"°""'" to "luue dlttctlves ~t can;o'OU: ~--to 111e wheat u feed Fur· 1111 01 I a II I lfw ..... healthy life in the open country. on jpullcy, etc.'' .?= ~-· ther ::£!In wheat fer feed Now America is offering large-scale opportunities for ~ I'd like to .get rid ot. · ~·-• F111eT C:HUllCH cw CHllllT would eat, Its own purpoae-NOW Ol'SN SVDl!fQI _..,.....t by dlttctlves and t Fir< ~~ Fruk Crockor, 1514 for<:lnc n ln meat produc- tulfillment of those dreams. through such projecta as the back to govunment by 1..:...1, .. ~ Eut Central .avenue, Balboa. un-ec.J&NTIST tkm, l' hapo belaw mlnlinum MAUl'!C • UNDWICID:B • ~ recently projected Jong-range program of the forestry di· under the Conatltutlon«'i:t ~ derwent an operation Friday Udo n.::"V:' :;;;, A-needa. vision of the United S\ales Department of. Agriculture. skip that one too, far the moment: :;"'i;::"'g.;:Jf. ~will'""'.::~ A -<II n.a -'?-Clllurcl>. Farm spokesmen have Ions . , 'The project is to open the way for thousands of. jobs rm .ge~tlng down to some good r::: pt!rlod• ot l'rom two weeb ._ ,,_ ClnlrQ .,, Clllrilt, s4-warned , at lt would become Im-~=~~~~~~~;;~~~=~~~~~::~~~=~ in forestry, most any one of which will be a "natural" for 00~ Director . ··-~--• to a month. Members of the de--. la -· ¥•=*-I 1 .PROFESSIONAL DIDr~ORY ' lS &UUIUJ'u.nl to partment who have called at t:be ......, 8cbool at l :IO L m. lluil-FIRST OUfttQUAlllE CHURCH ~I' AOCOUNTANT war-weary Gls. require any person who deala In, hoopltal "'-' that he is dolng _,. llenlce at 11 Lm. W-~ OOITA MESA , They should consider these opportunities now and make ~~· ~'o~RB'&vFFERS very nicely. ,.......,,,Jal J4oetlajr at U o'cloCk R."'· a Mra. G. Wlllu1 atoomo PIANO n:•r;es• early bids for that chance to find themselves again, build housing accommodatlons -(ll"':~ = What'sl6000.moreorless!That Readlnc Room located at lp • Ph~71 ..------------,1 r-;;;;;-;:;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;1 constructively and forget world chaos in the best place they furnish information uAder oath; ts the amount given up by Humph· Palm otreet. Balboa, Is open dalJY Sunde School 8:30 a.m. • I• 8 • · W By TI!: PIANO TEACHER can find for readjustment m. the woodlands of Amen·ca (2) to make and keep recorcll; rey Bogart to act as best man ~ 1 p.m.d h tUdA~~~ extlonallcept S~ ~~~~worship eervtce 10 ·45 Aaill~=b:r "~ u:-!*~:_m Trw-G. V. LINSENBARD · · (3) to make reports; in respect of at the wedding of Jack Diamond WGJ• an ° .......,... na Y ~ · · W7 Deoart.inent w re:piwmt c11a1.1 111 Graduate su~ dealings sales rentals. pur· and his· new bride at the Ebell served f Be aervice 8:00 p.m. coDDectlon with lueome tu: .uw.. Bo,.J CG•enat.ory, Leipsic The Chocolate King chases or off~rs-" H~w do you like club right here in Newport Beach, Tbe public 18 cord1&11y invited ~ Eve service &:SO p.m. ~~~011~-::S Ph. 1252·W ' that one? More reports e h? This so the story goes. Bogart was said attend lbe church eervicee and u.MI 7 evanretiatic eentce at 0tn.118d ......._ 81.,.. .• c..-•-1526 W. Ocean Fn:mt time from all of ua. to have been offered $6000 to the Reacttnr Room. :SO p.m. r•w N.....,. ....._ .. Wedne y evening prayer MrV· '---==;:_;====-'----'I '------------..l One can imagine Horatio Alger jr., whose literary stock '!he Director may by subpoena make 8 guest appearance on a c · lce-'at 7: O p.m. · PRY8IOIAN8&.8UBGEON8,11.D. in trade was the poor boy of the '60's, '70's and '80's who require a ny person to appear and r adio broadcast for that trifling HRIST CHURCH BY THE &~A ABClllTEOT -' rose from obscurity to wealth and eminence b)t his \Ulaided documents, or both, at any desig· his friends get hitched. 1420 Wnt Centr•I Avenue , CH'UR.cH • teltify, or to appear and produce sum. and turned It down to see COmmunlty Methodtet ccisT1 MESA COMMUNITY e.fforts, rising in the s 11adO\V \VOrld to greet l\.1ilton S. Her· natl1d place." Any court can com· 'After several years of intense Rev. e:. 0 · Goodell, Pastor earl e . JohMOn, Mlnlater shey, the "Chocolate King," who died recently at 88. pcl compliance, etc. Do you like activity ln the aportsf-ishing in· Cb~rcb School, t :60 a. m. 124 . 20th at. Ph. 2475·R ·Armand Monaco ARCHITEcr ' th~t any better? How would you dustry here. Don P a tterson h as Morning Wortlbtp, 11 L m. Cb~ tcbool, 9 :~ a. m.. Hers.hey \Vas a life.model o f the typical Alger hel"C>'; He like to come down to W nnl...•-gton moved his interests to San Cle· Youth Feilowllhtp, 8 P· m. -i..L.. 814 W. Bay Av&., Balboa Newport 17!4 ._.lll, Ev .... ~ ..... w bl 7 , Mor.......,.. WorabJp, 11 o'clock. failed as a boy candy j)eddler. when his wagon was wrecked. and testify! Or go to Los /wl&:elea, mente where he and Mrs. Patter· -.. ora p, p. m. Youth grou ... , Hi•b llCboot. Ln· %'721 l.akewood. Ave. for that matter? son have secured a home. He 14Jd..week prayer eervice, w,i~ r-• He v.•ent Qroke twice in caramel making, then succeeded. H . R. 4761 would <rive to one is said to be making a tour of nud&y; covered dlah dinner, 6:30 termedta e, Adult, 6:30 p. m. Loo ~ NOnuand:r MOI Finall f . h l ~-- b ' •· p m. Evenlns service, 1 :30 o'clock . y, upon 1ve-cent c oco ate Ud.l~, tllions of them, he man more power than the people northern ports at present seeking · 'U•..a · D'l' SCHOOL d BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL .lll,UA.l·~iM-k tellowsh.lp and pray~r. a. built a great fortune. He built a city that has become a of the UnitW States ever dreamed a barge and will win up at their Wed:n .1-..-----------'--, Pennsylvania show place. He endO\Ved the hospital in which of giving anyone · more power than new location as soon as arrange-21•8 Agate Avenue 11 a. .~·.:;:.ie!·:;d Sermon. George Jll. had ' when we fought ment.s are made. R...,, H•rry W. White, he died. In his will he made 0 the orphan boys of America" him over it· more power than Thomas Hamilton, airplane~ Asmoct•te PMtet MQrtimer School SO:! 0oiai --b1aad' ' his heirs. A fund of 84 million dollars perpetuates an orphan H!U er had ;;, Germany 1 think pellor tycoon who hu bought sev-Clwrcb ScboOI, t :ao L m. home and school he f~ded 4o years ago. Truly, Alger in only one man in the wo~ld ,would eral small cruisers here and Korntnc Wonbip, 11 L m. have more power, Comrade Joe! anchored them off the Coast high-ST. JAME& EPlacOPAL CHURCH FIRST !METHODIST CHURCH G. Etlwln Qsher, Pastor Euclid ai StanfOrd,· Garden Grove. 9:30 a.(m . Olurch acheol tor all ..... Gndeo: 0on-. ~I')' DAY SCHOOL "--G. A. Mortimer. M. A.. Osford the grand tradition! Now seriously, the bill wouldn't wey, reportedly taking a lease on The Hershey success story seems as unreal today as the build a single ~ tor veteram, a large amount of frontage from nor for anyone eJSe That can be the Irvine interests, was welcomed hoopskirt and the Rebel Yell, just as all of Alger's fictional done by turning· i.;.., the power to the community by the chamber heroes today are anachronisms. NO'\Vadays the young busi-ot production of .America which of commerce in a letter dispatched ness man · '1Struggling Upward," to borrow an Alger title, was a factor in winning both follow~ng the Monday meeting at must pit his wits not against basic problems of supply and w. w. I and. w. W.· II. When the Whites Cafe. . . , . OPA makes 1t posslble to produce -------'- demand, of open competition , of ordinary hard luck-but building ma terials without losing Try worJdn& today's crossword against sheaves of governmental edicts, admonitions and money, then there Will be all the puale. wamiiigs. When factory costs and prices rise, the young -;:;:;::;:;:::::::;:::;:;:::::::::;:;::;:;:;::;:;:;:::;:;:::;::::::::;:;:;::;::::::::;~ r~:~~:c:~~~is=Tre~!~~::::; I: : c#~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~:: : :I to rebuke him, penalize him, close him up or cart him off to jail, If he disregards paragraph 11, page 1249, direc- tive 414. Qujte probably Alger couldn't write successfully today. He-knew how to wangle his heroes out of the clutches of villalnous, foceclosing village squires. But he couldn't do much about Chester Bowles! The Chocolate King is about the last of his line. I ' Greettnig Canta •ntl a G~at VarieJy of Unuaual Glf'b 'WE INVlTE YOU TO BftOWSE AROUNP" . - C. E. LOUCKS JEWE:t..RY and STATIONERY ~amondt -Watches · "''" Repairing -N-rtl-B 17'7-M Newport 81.,,lll •• C..U Meu. C.llf, CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Mau Manqer ........ onlia DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS MODEll MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK • BALBOA ISLAND A.CBOS8 1 Pierce 5 Coin 9 Harveattna tool 10 To be ol use l2 French cltJ 13 Color of natural wood 14 Simian 15 Public notice 17 Bevera1e 18 Aloft 19 Menda 22 Mes.bed fabrics '!5 Slllte of conftlct •A compan1 :as Plague J:2 Obese I· J4 PorUco ~Fuss 19 Left side (abbr.l to Bitter vetch il Masurium (sym.) Ul'o<m 13 Quiet Ml Not a con- sonant 18 Flowers l9 Pitchers lO Tidings St Minus DOWN 1 Kind o1 shoe 2 Story 3 Trouble 4Todim 5Foundu o1 Ba bi.am I Bail! T I>land ol w. llMll• I Striped mammal I 9 Brandish 11 MeadoWI 18 Moisture 20 Careu 21 Godot war .. Sign of lndn1Uve Z4 Pliant 'Z1 Girl'• nlckname •CJooe lo ao AlloJ• tor J<>inlDlmetal ourfo ... SI Artist's ttandl 33E....ina SUD lod S5 Llr.ard .. 38 Ores•. u feathers ,., Custom S8..,.,. URu obU1aUom 44Bovine animal t5 Larae ""'JD n To be la debt 315 NORTH ,MAIN ST. " 51& WMt Central, BatMa (Ebell Cl-ao) Prtnelp&l Pbone 152 11 :00 Lm. Momin&' Won.hip: Meem,ce "We Thank Thee." I DENTISTS 11 :00 Lm. Nunery for all chil·i ~--·----------, d.ren dw;tng aer1.rlce. Rev. Ardy• T. O..n, Var 1 :90 L m ., Holy Oommunicxi. 9:411 a.m., Sunday IJchool., 11 :00 a. m., MOJ'llins Prayer ~ (P'lnt Sund&)'9: H Commlmlcm.) 8:00 1m, Methodist Youth Fel· d lawsbip. Young-Adult Fe11owahJp. 1 1:00 .m . Eveninr Worahlp:- Me....ge: "Come Ye Live." Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HG;!~ W. Contra! PIL 1480 )'<EWPORT BEACH A88ElllBLIES OF GOD e_,. ... Ida Sa4o, P'ul .... %IM 0..... P'r•t. Nowpan Sunday ochool, 10 Lm. Momin& service, 11 a.m. Evenin& evanseliatlc service at 7:30 p.m. Mid·week aervtoe, Thunday at 7:30 p.m. • &llVENTH DAY ADVENTl&Tll c.mer Wataut a ... Churoh ati . H c.... ..... -I Sabbath 8Cbool, 8&lurday Bl A· Ins. 8:80 .·.-. "roaclllac -· 11 LIL ~LL 90&~BL QHURCH -~.~ s-,. -· 9 :45; morn ....... 11: ~llltlc W'V f:IO P: m.: )Od..week pra)IU' m, .. w..-...y. 7:"60 p. you.ac pell, .... n.,...u.t.le on 11'11d.a7, T:M p. m. NltWPORT HAll80R LUTHE .. AN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, CoeU Meea ,..,,. Hert.ert flloth, Pastor Sen1ce9: Sunday, 10:30 L CHURCti OF C RIST Church and Walnut'b..,.ta L.. Duane Cant»y, Mlnlete . Servicflll: 8und&y, JO L m .. · StudJ; ll L m_ M.oratng WO I CbrieJ..n Science 'Text is 'Substanee' ·-- · Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist CORONA DEL MAB ,Pbone Newport 1082 nt. ~tatement from Pro•trbe will be th• Golden Text or th• Sa. 4&7 Les4on-Sermoo on ''.Subtitan~" In all t>rancber or Th• Mother Church. /l'he lint Church or Cllrl1t. Sctenttat. lD Boa ton: "BT bumtllt7 ud the ear ot the Lord are rlch•. and hon ur. and life." In Ac It 11 related that .. there 11:===;;;;::::;;:;;;;;==== eat a ce n man at Ly1tra, Im.pc>-I tent tn ls tect, ... who neTer bad ',-----IN-BIDlAN ___ cat~----. w.Jked: The 1am• bu.rd P&ul 11 speak: who stedJuUJ beboldiq him. pel'cetT1n1 that b• had faith ta healed, Said with & loud Tolce, tand uprlgbt on thJ feet. And be leaped and walked. ~ when th people 1aw what Pa.al had done. t.Jley lifted up their •Olcea. 1aytna: 1 ;.t . Tbe god1 are come down to us tn1 the Uteneu or men.." But Bamabail and Paul crled out. •7· Ne1f York Life Insurance Company DON &. DUBANT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR In&. ·s~, why do ye tbeeo tbtnpT OCCIDENTAL We a.liq a.re men of like pu1tona with :ro'4:. ancl preach unto you that •...,... JN<nn> e ,.,,.... ()() ye abould tura from these vanlUer ........,.:. 0'-'~,...,£1 • heaven. d earth, and the 11ea, and UH.: =•• ~""'"" God. which mad• Ray Ni"e' •--n all thl tb~t al"@ therein." Pbone 2%89·.J ·In "Silience and Health with Key !lli E. aq ATe. Balboa to -the Scrlptorea" Mary Baker 11:===:~=:::-:-::-::==-= Eddy" 1, "The Christian Sclen. I -- tat. 81'ft&ndJng 1cJentlflcalty 11oanC1ANS that ta Iliad..-commencea with Ir--'-----------. mental auaaUoft,-..tbe truth of be- lng, to· estroy the error. This cor--reeUr• ta an atteraU•&i.:-:::....re&eh11lS , to en part or the human •l&tem. Acco¢1 to Scripture, ft aearcb• 'the Jo1'.ts and marrow,' and It r.. •torel the harmony or man.. .. Harold K. Grauel Chapel · "We oUnelves theBetter Serve by Serving Others Best" . l'llolle Newport Mt eo.ta lie.a Vallfomta '"" OPl'OlllETJU8T8 ' . Robert A. Ci'awford OpL, D. ........_. . .orromaurr :-.... ~ Examined • GlaDN l1tted' 1191Newport- ..._ MIO C08TA IQ';8• l:.T.~O.D. Oi>t-trtot UJNS:~ en.-., ............... 0 ., 81.U W. o..ar.I ..._ Tlks~res IU1 •••• •1' -.um Siegel & ~~b T,,,,Jt' I a ... I ij!IJ&I lW 111-,..a-..o.a- '-'1'' '1 ... , a ., "· c 'Nl·Jl•'ifi" ..... ' 7als,t I -. . H., R. Hall, M. D. Pll)'9lc:ln &D.d 8u.rpoll Houn: 2·5, by Appointment Telephone 2620 !Jl. B......iway Coot,. ·- CONRAD RICHTER. M. D. ~-~ 120 E. 18th St. COSTA MESA ' Hnurs: 10-)2 a.m.; 3-5 pm. )l'hone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~•11418-2209 Coast 1'tvd NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES- Office 286-W Res. 286-R It no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 102S-No answer cell 301-K X·Ray service Milton II. ll&nrell, IL i>. Ofnce Houro: 10-12; :IHI S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ ...,,_ Newport l'IU : w s. mn st., i... "--- TUclier 1eH By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbywlclan and SarpO. • 1001 Weot Bay A- '.l'elephone Newport • A. V. Andrews; M.D. PBf'810L\N ... llVBGJ:ON Telefh-e ni.i . Dr. W. T. Mooney Ph>"*' ... limgs~ ' ·"Mlllll -~ -~lw.w•"*>- ' ZONE TllERAPy CLINIC l 1 • 1 • . . • , . • • I -. . . . -~~~~~~.....:~~~~~--:--::-:--::-:-::-:-:--::d:".':::--~.....:~7·~··~·fi~·:....!~~~~~!!.:.: !!!!9-......!!!!!!!!!li..!!!!:!j!~·!!...!ll!•!.J.~~...:..~~~~~-:-~~'"'."'"....:·~"""".""'."'~~~~~--:-:--~.!!-. e ... _ K w If ..... -...... . 7 H "' die ... --,.... -•sll; and is a ....... bOais far later PUBLIC NOTICE Puauc ' o... ey . e are welfare of ---In clerim1, """'11-1 ... "4!!!!!ml Applications fot poot~te wort< In many n4 ~ . ..,._._._Hutt. To Ufe, Report . to ·Hold ~ --·-within IM ..... .., •... c. G A-..1 such .. electromcs. naval en&lnz NOTICZ APPOINTING ~-. ·--. L H . n.. "manufacturinc lnclustry,'' hand1lnc ol l'ann .. ........ • l:illlemy •--'-· pby -PllECDIOT llOAW Alfi) pw•:UfOT lfO. ll That ltan -., u 1ootbpe la .J eal'llW bo11tocr, acepted tbe mnnlnc, All In--"'931 d- A ted eerin&and _: .. .'.'.:":;.;;;:::;: .. oceaoocra FIXING POLLDfQ PIACEll. PoWnc placo: ,Lido Iole Oub to help man OD bil p'O&leSt mys----+7 ..... 'as. ..-ntnJ'. and band-tend. • Now ctep ~ -·Lido Iole.N .. part --tery bunt-that of determlnliic the . . ~ iweir.re ...... n.. Ooest Guard ;. -occept· Inc appllcatlc.-to take entranoe nemlnat:kma for the Coast Guard acadm!Y. It waa announced today by Captain Henry C. P,erkins. USCG, Cnut Guard public lnfol'7 maUon otttcer for the 11th Naval district. The next entrance examinatiooa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. D1 ma. omo.e mystery ~ lite lbelf, tbe tinl:ver-. m•+. a state ~. ~ bold for the acaden>Y are to be held on nrat a regular munidpel eiectk>n . Inopector: Lowis F . Stein. Iii)' of Oilca&o .bad anbounced a pu!>lic beerinc Jn Loo Anplos May 8-9, 1946 In major cities will be held In .the Oty of N...,s JIJdeo: Carl E. 'Sc•1•-· tbll woek. i ~-p . 5 for the purpioe of .-..dads tbroulll>O<it the natloo, and applls port Beach on 'l\Jelday, the 9tb Clerk: Virginia D. KDl!m T .. ts will be m&40 at llJ!is Ing. ait<rinc or -..S Ille cations to. take these aaminations day of April, 1946, abd that at Clerk: Elizabeth 'lbom. venlty, It hod annO.moed,~tbe · t ordor ol tbe. ume COllt' must be po11tmarked not lat er said election the list of the names p•l'IID(OT NO. u :n new bloloeical keya which Iden-. . ory than April l . Complete informa· of Precinct Boards and Pollln& Polllnc place: Arnold'• GOra&e. tllta MY may serve in to ""S8lf" eJl!ICled Oii J1111e 29. 1912 tion may be obtained from th! Places aball. be aa follows: 226 Sapphltt Ba-Ialand. Ucbt many unknown •In In "' manufacturing Industry, .,.. Superintendent, U. S. Coast Guatd PBr..CINCT NO., 1 . a c~•• bmo... lif~. n.e i8otopes. servinc ·a& .ta,p cordiN: to an announcement trmn academy, New London, Conn., or Polling place: Deitrich a Garqe, Inspector: .Bettye AJ nnlt. or tracers, can be fed er ~ hea~~ers In the state buildinc !::'tin~e.:t Coast Guard re-519 3Sth ~11':.~ach. Judge: Luther .~ Montll Into living <qanlama -00.J'~ at !'je Loo A,.ie. Ovic Clonter. spots' maximum activity approximately every· 11. Inspector: Lulllle Deitrich. Clerk: )(. ~·Smith. ~ traced tbrouih j hUs n.-f bearing, in Uie auditorium Judge: Frank F . Kolarlck. Clerk: Ethel Freytac. man •)Stem. of Uie state building, will be con· Clerk: Mayme Malloy. PllllOll!IOT 1'0. 11 Dr. E. A. Ev• ; .. of thF llJ!i· cem.!d with minimum -ot • BAY VIEW CAFE Plwwb' Tiiie Pallm c.fe \ At tbe Ferry l•pdlpg -Palm UJd Bay A-, Iiaacl& Undet' ...,,,., management: L. A. Wells, Owner PIES Featuring Home Cooking • CAKES • DONUT-S OpalL ID. to Ip. m.-a--p "The a.st Guard offers ~P­ tlonal advantages for y<>W>g men who are interested ln an ambitious career ol public &eTVice," stated Clptaln Perkins. '"ll!e four-year enelneerlns CCW'!IO at the Coast Guard academy 11 second to none, Sun occurs years. Clerk: Marian Tilton.. Pollins place: benediet'a Rosi· ....-alty'a deportment of b!oc\'emis-w~ and minors in manufeccur- PB.ECINcr NO. ~ clence, 309 Marigqld Ave., Carma try, explained that thla tractpc In-1ng ihduatries of the state; maxi·:;===================;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Polling place: Fire StaUon, 2817 c1e1 Kar. I aide living cella provided_ ~ miiml hours of work for women 11 West Central"'Ave., Newport Beach. ftectL-<>f8clr'9 tunltles few retearch in the, field and~· and the standard con- ElecUoa otft<en 1-tor: Beule L. Benedict. of human metabolism. Sorpe of ~ · · . Inspector: Arlene Jasper. Judp: Mn. Harriett c. Rugles. Uie new laot°"" keya. be aal(d. are Judge: Sadie Roehe. Clerir:: Ncra Batea. radl~•c;ti~ tty-products ~~ Oerk: Elsie G. Newland Clerk: Mildred ~ . from manufacture ot the atomic ST .EAKS --I Expert • • Shoe ffepairiDg Let Us ••• • • R'"lt Y ~r Electric Appli•llC'5 ; - OUR SPECIALTY GENUINE HOT • BUTTERMILK CAKES ' • Clerk: Ruth M. Gerrish. Dated ana tdg"'4 tbla 4th day bomb. ' PRECINCT NO. s of March. 19'&. j .. Also oon~ with pei;tce~ P olling place: Qty Hall, New-r , FRANK L. RINEHART. atomic_ ex~oratiOn~enst;y port Beach, California. Oty °""' of the Qty of ot Califoi:rua bad . . . . hope Electloa Offtcen Newport Beach. of producing artif1aal cosnuc rays Inspector: Hannah Gillis. . Pub.-March 14. 19, 1946. through use of a 4,000-ton ,cyclo- Judge: Irene Woods. tron to_ be completed next s~r. I . Wlule You Wait ...... ' We Specialize In Trouble ShooPltg CJerk: Julia Eggert. CEBTIFICATE OF BUSINESS The uruversity had a.nno~ that Clerk : Beatrice Lace. Fictitious Ft.rm Name work ii already under way on .the Complete Luncheon-55c • • j Ray Pagan 5 5 East Bay Front -·-Radios • · Appliances SALES AND. SERVICE Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 PREC~cr NO. 4 $1,450,000 project. Harbor . Radio & Electric Kids' Cafe %2&8 Newport Blvd. Colla Meu --- Barney a nd AJ. Props. 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO, MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Hlway Phone Ul1 Newport 8-h, (Jallf. I JOB HIRI ARI SOME Of THI THINGS YOU'LL WANT TO THINK ABOUT .IN SELECTING A POSITION•••• • ~the company ha.•e Iba repa'!doQG ol being a good place ro work? e Are the people who work there IM lr:IDd you would like co hne u frieadt? e Aro dlere arrangementa for ac~ulrinl more and more knowledge uul abillcy oo die job? e An there opp<>mmidea for promodoo with .Wcable aa~ la lacolDe llld,.. 1poosibili17?. • hdMjobstetdy1 • h mo olica ...... ~ will """' - loruble, dHD, ..... iDd f"OpedJ "P•• ............ 11 e WW JOI' pt..,..,.._ wldl pq1 e Wlll 7oa be treated with respect and roao. lldendoo1 The Telephone Company offer1 thes1 adfla•l11g11 )' * JUST ASK THI OPllATOI fOI THI CHIEF PPIRATOI ·-·r'·-m .... -. ~~ . P olling piece: Fire S tation, 703 THE UNDERSIGNED d oes East Bay Ave., Balboa. her eby certify that he is conduct- Election Ofnccrt ing an Electrical Repair business Inspector: J . M. M. Leonard. at 2818 W. Central Ave., Qty of Judge : Dollie Spears. Newport Beach, cOunty of Orange, Clerk: Madge Perduyn. State of California,. under the tic· Cl'r k : Georg('tte Cort. titious firm name of Bay Electric PRECr.iCT NO. 5 Co., and that said fin:n is com- Polling place: \Valtz's Garage, posed of the following persons, 1530 Ocean Blvd., Newpor t Beach. whose names and addresses are as Election Ofnoen follows, to wit: Inspector : Harold C. Ahrendt. Friend F. Wilson, 2818 y/. Cen- Judge: MoUie Fenelon. tral Ave., Newii>rt Beach, Cali- Clerk: Elizabeth Waltz. fomia. Clerk : Linda Carmine. WITNESS my hand this 27th day ·PRECINCT NO. 8 of Februar}', 1946. t . Polling place: Fire Station, 327 FRIEND F . WILSON. Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. State of California ) Election Offtcus County of drange ) as. Inspector: Jeannette S. Dilts. O N nDS 27th day of February Judge: DOr is P owers. A.D., 1946, before me Nora S. Clerk : Lillian Dodd. Margwarth a Notary Public in and Oerk: Jennie Dimmitt. for said County and State, residing PRECINCT NO. '1 therein duly commissioned and Polling place: Ritchie's Real Es-sworn. personally appeared Friend late Office', 1315 Coast Highway, F . Wilson known to me to be the Corona del Mar. person whose name is subscribed. Election Officers to the within Instrument, and Inspector : Fay D. Benedict. acknowleda;ed to me that he exe-- Judge; Beatrice Blake. cuted the same. Clerk: Frances Graham. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Clerk: Grace Alger. hereunto set my hand and affixed PRECINCT NO. 8 my official seal the day and year Polling place: Ebell Club, 515 in this certificate first above-writ- \Vest Cent ral, Balboa. ten . Election Officers Inspector: Lillian Lindenberger . Judge : Georgette Gordon. Clerk: Mary Ellen Jones. Clerk: Emily M. McGa vren. PRECINCT NO. 9 Polling place: Stewart's Garage, 333 Santa Ana Ave., Newpor t · Heights. Election Officers Inspector : Edna Jones. Judge: Maude J . Dixon. Clerk : P.'largaret A. Stewart . Clerk: Dorothy Dyson. PRECINCT NO. 10 Polling place : Bffk's Gare.ge, Agate Street, Balboa Island. Election Officers I nspector: Hugh B. Springer. Judge: Kate l\tcCann. Clerk : Frances Gogerty. GOVERNOR . EARL WARREN SPEAKS TO ftll "°"-I Of CAUPOaMA MONDAY, MAR. 18 7:15 p.m. ION lll MUIUAL NITWOIK ... ... .. DO ISEALI NORA S. MARGWARTH. ·Notary Public ln and for said County and State. (lofy Commission Expires Jan. 29. 1950.) Pub.-Fcb. ZI. Mch. 7. 14, 21, 1946. ·----' George Crocker, son or Fire Chief and Mrs. Frank Crocker , 1514 East Central avenue, who re- 1 enlisted In the Medical Corf$ is now at Fort Lewis, Wash. I BALTZ !MORTUARY -i - Lad y Attendant -i- 410 Coast BIYd. CORONA DEL MA~ <'f.J.pl#w ~ DAY AND NIGHT \ ·---- MARINY: WAYS. IOE)IWKAL BD'A.IRS 1MAJNTENANCE I I • l !! j lll lltll<l l<Jcl f .. U.~l•ll• l ><I I> I •I IO I I ,f I t I I I I t o I o I I I l~ll IUl!.<l~lj I llpl ' I I •I <I I l o. "'"I I I I I I <I I lhl I I< l«l~I>•, • • <'flu. B~ -e°"'Pa"'I BALBOA '.~ . ~ • I D ZVOUS 901 Coast Hlgbway Phones 2088 and 2089 Beer 'lbat Ace Drummer Man . . Gene Krupa and his orchestra • • Wednesday Night March 20th BALLROOM I ,. I, •ta ANSELL Httl AND ms' ORCHESTRA Saturdar, March 16th Wines Liqu~rs Whiskey • ..... ..,s. .... ,_ ....... _ ..... . ...... Ill \. .- The estimated population of the United States on Jan. 1, 1945 was -·to Ba,.~~ 9a.m.to6p_m. %6112 West Central Newport Beach 138.955,469. I'--!--------- r-1~;-~--•;s,ri1c~ 1 I H11111l111i1c Easier I I The room·•l·.a-time method of9Pf'i I I hou9ecleanins -.vea mo9t or the I BLEAOIES AND CLWftlS I hou. Kvable durinc t.ou.deaninJ and it helpa pt rid or Iota or clu~ .. I I like lo do a room a week, then l I I whole job ian'l eo tirina: and aee I t much....... 11 Purex Bleach 2 :, 239 I ...... MY 0 ''" W IMO,... I ~gallon, 2Tc.GaHontJotta..Jlc. I Poc~Soaplorall-p-and-wa I Clorox Bleach . ot IS• I jobs. • \lin~l/fll' (or removU,,_ ~ • I l\..,..,2.k.5dloftllonla,4k I arnoke mwud,-. fU• 1~ cup vi I Hy Pro Bleach II• I lo I cup water. Maha amall amou I 7 • lO aaL I and replenish .. Meded1. I Whit M . Bl ch .. 1 &oorin6 Powd.,. roo au otubbor e agic · ea ... t apoll. Y.a gonon. 17c. Gallon battt.a. 2k. I Window Cltan<r for windowo, mi All Purpose Cleane,r ... 23-ron and 11ua aurraca. I Liquid Wax for linoleum and w Old ~IW'I &'and. Y.l gGl9on,, 41c. I ;::,~ Wox lor hardwood ftoon. Scotch Cleanser '!;:· .. Furniturr Cl«ittrr-arul PoliM. Tripll AdJon. Laundry Rf..,cA to 1•t thinp anow Sunbrite Cleanser ....... s· -white and lo dia¥lfect . Storclt and Dyn t.o freshen curlai Wallpa~r CINnrr (or wallpapen a nonwuhable window ahadet. Broom•. Hrudts and DWild Ollla. • Papn-. TOCl.1"• for window cte&ni and lo wipe up apiHa. Upllolttrry Clranrr for uph~l.t.er)', rup and nonwuhable draperia. Ammonia (or cLeenina: braa1work. Sil~ Polish. for cleanin1 ailver a V ano Cleanser ,.:.. ... 21" Mystic Foam ... &S• Oakite "C-..a . IOY,-. 1-. minion thinol... ,... .~ " The "qoinq· over" you qive your home each sprinq can be a much simpler task this year if you enlist help at Safeway. Select from our wide-assortment of soaps, cleaners, bleaches, polishes and other house- Cleaninq aidS. Get the riqht "<Jllllist· ants" to do the job efficiently and you'll be surprised how much less work there will be. POLISH, WAX, FLOOR ClEANEJl Aero Wax ~rt a.iz•. '45c:. 21• .... Johnson's GlcrCoat ,.., SI" Quart, 98c. Yi oot1on, 1.59. • Johnson Paste Wax ..,.51" No Rub Wax w::;;• ,.., 39" Qudrt, 59c. Scratch Remover Old EngU.ti Brand polilh. O'Cedar Polish ll·Ol. bottl•, 43<. Floor Cleaner :;;:.: GLASS CLEANERS Clearex Aer0sMist Metal Sprayer";;~· ..... 23• .... .. ...... 23• ~,,11. ... 75• ~12· :;:;., l It" .. lit" chromium. • 't[WtCial C/«1.ni"I A,.nt for sJ;ua~ ...... CAUTIONlll Be MIN lo (ol!.JW ll~c din::lionasi on the ~uct, and esperimenc. a ·L On an 1~ apot i( ~ ~ u to h-. to -iL ii way you'll davolop \ho rich< ~~s!y~Jnn~tende•,dellcloua . ... • . f(.. •• ,.,. ~ .... .. • • mque. nut D,.J,_ Dmmr The HOCM"C•ken' Bunu A• blrtl ~ s:....iin '-------------- · Rosedale Peas Peanut Butter ew.1y ln;and. l·tb. ~. 41c. Chili Con Carne Van Cpmp'a pklln wwlalf'y. Airway Coffeei ::=, 3-lb. poctooe, 58c. I TOMATOES Mexk.n. Serve alleed or In AVOCIDoS • ,· ~1-e.!I ' . ·~ ,. ··~ ~11us:r l'f..C..stfilaalre-lyloW price. Nreero bralaeorbake. CHECK THESE SAFEWAY VALUES Clapp's Im•~• C«oal 2 •-· 27• 1 ... tont OatrMal ..... • Gel-bet'• Cef"eOI Of' Ootmeol, 8-or packoo•. 2 few 27c. Nabisco Shreddies Chocolate Syrup <---Palmolive Soap --Palmolive~ ~- u-.13° .... ..... 22" ... 2_1 .. ' 3 ;.,, .. llOOMl--1 . Broom ' _.,. 1:11 ....... I C11CiJ Brunei Bloom -·~ . .. .... B~Broom . -~-- Blocin --~·· ----Ht .... _; -._,~ .....,,. -..-i! Hu• Mop Beads - Qlle& Mop ..:::. • ' ... • • • • ' ! • ' • • , . . • ......... ~...:..~...:..~~~~....J.~~~~~__!:.._~~~~--!~~~~....l!"!*~W!l'OC!:!!!!!T:..J8'~•~1·.110~A~M~&!!W!W~· r • • • • =:;~~~;:1 ~~~~=--0--= New Harbor .Telephone 'Bldg. ~~~~~;;;.;;;;r 1 Jo Be Built Soon in Balboa; .. __ •••tJaql IWWW ' .. FIRE -YACHTS ' AUTOlllQBILE - H ERM AN, CH 1 L D S hone Pref1··xes Announ· c' eel Announces His Candidacy for - ept and taught i-ID e will demonstrate with Corporal Mike, the f...,,..,. "alert" COMPENSATION ''STU'' ' DUNbAP ' . . Insurance , CONSTABLE Newport Beach Township •• Resident of Harbor Area 15 years, both Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Member South Coast Police force four years and Constable in my home to"\n in Indiana for four years before com- ing here. • I pledge a full time job and earnest attention to duties uilding Plans in Addition to Mesa Building, Nearly Completed; Will Relieve Backlog of Phone Orders , Plans for a new central telephone bull~ in Newport !Harbor to consolidate the business office llhd exchange now located in two separate buildings, which will be built at th! corner ot Central avenue and Coronado in Balboa, was an- nounced yesterday by C. I. McDonald, district manager for ,the Sou them California Telephone company. 'Ibis would be :in addition to the new exchange now nee.ring completion in Coeta Mesa. . McDonald told ot plans f~ the -,,._ ol held. O<dero for ~ele­ phone service in the Harbor and Coota Mesa atta and ol the bl11 conatructim PJ"Ol'".M under way here by ~ company to brln1 leJYice to all who want it at the .... 11est possible time. The MW building for ~ N""° port Beach exchange, according to Mr. McDonald. wUl be ol one- atory rein!~ concrete design and will be engineered to provide space for central office equipment, tttaJn their same telepbope num· bers and new proflxa wilf be added, but telopbone usen in the area approximately noc1I> ot the Arches will be &iftll c'cmplete - telephone numben and prefixes. Mr. McDonald mnark9 that this ma,y be a temporarylnconvenlence to Costa Mesa telephone users, but any temporary hleonVenlenci! will be grtttly ott10t by 111CrOU<jl faclllties In all iectlons ol the exchange. ToAddlOINnr...__ WILL BOQEIUI, Jr. clog ol U. S. Marinel which WU and rehabilitated from a one-man animal to a l'rlendl,y, ectionate animal ..my. one lilt This dog. owned by Mn. Johnson. of Npwport, Is a blooded Do Plnlcller, . 'The program. wUl prob- ably be on each Saturday in three sections, CUsumano says. He pl to have the first class at 9:30 a .m . for West Newport and sect:lons meet at the Le- gion H t, 15th and Bay Front, -each Sa ; the second district, lncludin Balboa Jl n d Balboa pe meet at 11 a..m. at the L<slon ut ; and District · 3, lot Balboa lancl and Corona del Mar the court beolc of the lalaJ>d poitomc.. would continue each unW the ninth, at which time he !&YI they will be ready to stage all<lty demonstration of alin& petition, Rocon declared the made In tralnln11 petl. that he wu ''sreaUy pleased" with At a time he expects to have the wlde!pttad support pven hit su!flcjl 't prize! to make the par- candldaey. Ucl~ti worth while, with grand In 1942. Ros:ers, thouah serving prize other ones based on .----------------------~-•i operaton' quarten and a public business office. With the cutover to service ot the Costa Mesa branch office, Mr. McDonald expects the lncnued faclllties to bring relief for the back.Joe oC telephone crders which have piled up here since the war. The addition of the Costa Mesa office wUl take a loed olf the present Newport Beach otl'fce to allow for expansioo and develop- ment there and wW at the same time provide facilities for the addition ot more than three hun- dred new teJephones in Costa Mesa. in the Army, wu elected by a various means by which experts Juce ma.jority to Congress. Hailed judge em. The trainer hu 1ev· by a national mq:azine u one of ttal ou .town persons well qual· the outstandJng congressmen of ified . t adt 4a judg~ _.ho ha Ye the yeoar, he realgned in 1944 to re-. promu: cooperation. · ,---------------------------:! In Costa Mesa Installation ot •llP,.•a&n'T • A --· •11•••1•1 "" T'Ut'••kytMPm-f..W~-.... it.ic-S for ,..r.n W.W. •o& calJ lc... Ptn'KoW .u.wa aa ...umc -.iuo. -. w.e \M co.ftCt "9111P'ft1-e ...S ~ ... Ate coattiat. \•t It La &JN kl& .... per. ,_., '4 lM _.. ol aD wcia1 wn e< -For 1Ullifh. tlll1 sreai.r 1&of'&CI fadllty, coaf'-d wt~ co•pact111u aDd oth1r 1pae1 •riltc r-=-. au. .a.. Pvfec:old ldMl ror ruta•ra•&.a. dnc IC.Oh 1oda l ou11tai.D1 aad l•aclll to11at.tra, 1roc1ry a11d •••t ma:rk1"' ~ deliQ'MNP' &Ad ~QOT fl.Ora Phone 2133 Newport Electric 2305 Coast Blvd. ••••' 1Je1 fhlo_rw'_..,... __ .... _ .. -~ ... ,._,,.......r.•~ .. ,_,._ .. ........ AWAl,Al'I •••1 ... lll&tl MU'fll't'I central office equipment Is beinl rushed to completion in the new building there in order that the office may be placed into service on April Z7. Mr. McDonald 5aY3 that although the new Costa Mesa office will handle part of the traffic load now being handled by the Newport Beach central office, the Costa Mesa. office will remain a part of the Newport Beach ex- change. The manaiter points out, ho wever, that separate switch· boards will handle calls originat· ing in both the north and south sections of the Newport Bea& exchange. New Preflxee ln order to facilitate the traf- fic moveme nt and to identify calls originating in or destined to either the north o r south sections of the exchange it is essential that new nree Duplexes Bring $30,000 join the Army with his old outfit. He hav~ several other local Today. honorably discharged and Legion u helpers In the sro-- fully recovered from wounds 1us-gram d has asked only children tained during fl&hting In the Ruhr to brin their dogs to the classies Valley:wu.1 jr. Ls ready to asswne who ha e registered and apedfical· hit public· responsibility. Iy &s\t to bring their petS. Wind Sets Few Craft Adrift; 45-mi. Blow Expected Winds, \\1})ich reached 33 miles per hour \Vednesday afternoon, were officially expected to be higher Thui-s day, according to storm warnings received by the harbor master's office here. Ana High Wi Over Harbor Cin erpath-Stars '---===--------------------'!prefixes be assigned to all New· r--------------------------,f port Beach exchange numbers. Three new duplex dwellings, re- cen tly completed and rented, ha ve been sold to a former Statler employe, Louis J . Sullivan of De- troit for approximately $30,0CK>, it was announcM yesterday by A. ··sandy" Steiner, realty dealer on Coast highway. , Storm warnings sent out by the U. S . Wea ther Bureau indicated a blow of 45 t o 50 miles today. While several boats dragged their moor- inflS, little actual damage was suffered in the bay. No repor t had come in of local,. boats in trouble ott shore. S~nt ~a cindermen l~med as poten t 1 Sunset League champs followi g a Wednesday a fternoon victor · over Harbor H igh track- men, t king both the class A and B eve s but losi ng the C meet to the T Babies on the Santa Ana oval. In he A even ts, the Saints am 70 points to the Sailors 34 and n bed nine first places out of twelve events. Wallner of Harbor took rst place tn the 120 high hurdl and second in the lows· New Arrivals Hand Bags • I Plastic Patents Plastic Calf Popular Summer Colors Brown, White, Navy ORKIN 'S DEPARTMENT STORE • 1 '793 Newport Boulevard Subscribers located approximately north of the A rches will be as- signed "Beacon" prefixes and those approximately south of the Arches will be given "Harbor" prefixes. Subscribers located approxi- mately south of the Arches will The three double unit buildings are. located immediately north of the · Arches. The fourth building was not included ln the deal ' Co ta M Cl k Arche won the shot put and Pey-S esa er ton w winner of the broad Jump R t d Mi • ., 1 Freita· took two seconds in the epor e ss1ng shot p t and the pole vault .. did .. "•611 in the 100 and 220 yard Missing from her h·ome in Costa dashes McCallum placed third in Mesa, Niidine Ruth Myers. 29. a the lo hurdles, Cross third in the .cle rk, was the object of searcb by 880. t in third in the 2'.lo, RDb· ki~e i~ r~ar~:nrr:,,escr!h !}~~ ·sheriff's deputies this week ~er erts t ird in the pole vault, Pins- 'a report · from the young womarl's da le t ird in the broad jump and car and a n oil tank truck west aun.i, Mrs. Cecil Lemont Kettle. a . tie tween Wallner and Nielsen of Newpor t, was sent to Binning-Mrs. Kettle reported that her comPl ed the scoring for the Body of Navy Man Killed in Auto Crash Shipped to His Home ham. Ala. last Friday by the Baltz nJece, who resides at 249 16th Sailo , R 0 $ $ I ' S Mortuary. He was ~ mem_ber of street, was the subject of threats Coa h Reed's cindermen meet L • S th.e U. S. N~vy, stationed m S~ and she fears that she may have 11llnti gton Beach in a dual meet I q u 0 r t 0 re Diego, an'1 ln ~he crash his wife been spirited away against her tom w <Friday) afternoon in IOOS Coast m-y and another sailor were also sev-.will. I-Iarbo 's second league clash. erely injured. _ ___.___ p;;;;IS;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;· -;;;;;;;;;;; ... ol;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;::-;;;;;;;;· ;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~:,.;;;;;;;;c;1;;;;;;;;n~ug;;;;;;;;!~\;;;;;;;;~ ~;;;;;;;;:~e;;;;;;~;I Mrs. Jane Calkins~ elinquishes SEE! the Staff Position at ed Cross assis t to the hospital Held di· recto . Later she served as case work r at the Victorville Anny ' 703 E. Central · Phone Number . I Ba lb.oa 6S3 . .FOR A REI.I.aLE Paint Job on BICYCLF.s your home, call Newport 10C7 " af!B 4:30 p.nL l~trc Sold. Rented °" Repalnd_ VOOEL'S • -COOPERATIVE 100 Kala et.. 11a1._ 208 Karina, --bland.' ROqF,ING CO. . --New and Repair 11&&1Jft Ame --COLD ud lilCHL"<ltLE88 Phone l!Th-M - ' nn11q-W~VJ!~iq 216 E. 20th St. Coa1a M-. 20-tr'c -ms Appobi~''P!i. l~W PUJllDV~ Vi'a Be~~op . P.ADITINQ -P.A:Pal ILUIGING 1103 Ooul RI~, . del Ku U4 ,DllOOR.A.TIKG '1a...tre ' II. a N"O=dS -•a:Al~£1Da -•H Old Qno~·U, ... , IM-W -· Ooiita Jiii--WeCan Make Penicillin - P A l·N-T ING Capoul .. , Ointment or - Liquid Solution. ' -~'"and Bring your preacrfptjon to UL QECORATIN:G Newport Ph'armacy liit.erior -Exte,rior 2018 Ocean Front -Phone ~ 21-1~ . ,-. Spedallzi!)g. »;i Marine Palntl LOeT .&Jn> womm • -$25 REW ABD t1!r ladies di3D10ftd The. Paint on Your Boat Holda Up and ruby wdlt watch, Jost ln WHY NOT PAINT YOUR Balboa Set. eft., Marclt 9. PhoM HOUSE WITH IT! 1618. 21-1~ yte Have First Class Painters LOST-Lady's Wrist watch. Sat. Working eve: betw. Z7th St. and pier. -Newport. F)nder please notify H. SIMONSON Rev. Sande. Phone 793-J. Re- 7311 Seashore Drive ward. 20-2tc Phone Newi>ort 8701-J-2 LOST-Brown and white calfskin -E. J . JACKLIN wallet, between Balboa theater Building Contractor and Adams St. on Central Ave. 4008 r.1arcus Ave. Please keep money but return Phone Ne"1>0rt 1522-J . wallet and contents. Telephone -21-8tc 224-W. 20-2tp TRANSPORTATION 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 18 SANTA ANA WILL TAKE CARE of children. Auto Travel Service Corona del Mar. Phone N . B. Private cars to all cities in 550-.M. 2-trc U. S. A . daily. WILL CARE for children eves .. LICENSED -INSURED ironing in my home. 309 7'1:&:,ri-Ph. Santa Ana 6548 . gold Ave., Corona del Mar. Ph: 312 French St., Santa Ana 1023-J. 19-tfc 21-trc WANTED-Carpet and Upholster- Newport-Costa Mesa ing cleaning in your home, by local veteran World War I &: n . T-A-X-1 Work guaranteed. Color and beauty revived, give new sheen . ' Under New Management. Phone Newport 2056-R. 21-Btc 24-Hour service-Phone 2530 EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Cap-609 Coast Highway able woman desires posltion M 17-Btp companion. Business expe:rie)ice. Balboa Realty Dealer, Can drive car. C. S. preferred. Write Box ''MM," c/o News- Newport Fisherman Times. 20-2tc File Suits for Divorce DIPLOYMl:NT WANTED ti - Gladys Beverley, Balboa real WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN- estate dealer. filed suit last week days or eves. Ph: 1805-J . Mrs. for divorce from Hugh M. Beve r-Sheets. 20-trc ley in superior. krt through At-PIN SETI'ERS-Men, 18 to 50~ torney Leroy P . derson. Apply Sportland Bowling Alley, Filing suit this week through Balboa. 20-2~ . his a ttorne}', Samuel Hurwitz, was Robert B. ·Haworth, Newport HELP WANTED -ExpeMen~ commercial fishenna.n, asking a painters. H . E . McDonald, 414 divorce frorh Thelma A. Haworth. Old County Rd., Costa .Mesa. 20-tlc . Mesan Receives Minor HELP WANTED -Woman for Injuries . in Crash gl!neral hOURwork. Any age. ROom, board and salary? Phone Two Mesans figured in an au\o-N. B. 2210. 20-4tc mobile accident last Saturday eve. HELP WANTED-House carpen· ning when the car in which F1or· ence McCord of th-e Cover ..Auto ter. Corson & Ray Co. Phone New Custom-Built Leaving her beloved work, 1n which &he apent the put five years sometimes "beyon·d the call of dull(." Mn. Jane Calkin1 an- nounce<f her retil'ement from staff Work in the Home Service depart- nwnt of the local chapter of the American Red Cross yesterday. She is being succeeded by Mrs. Eve Hendrick.an, former instruct- ress in aircraft wamlng and recognition while he r husband was .CO~t ·was a pauenger, collided • 2447-R, or 1520-W. 20-2tc Air hospital, and at the Oak- land onal hospital and final- Timely dental care is now MORE ESSEN-· TIAL than ever before. Don't let lack of ready cash stand in your way ... you are welcome to avail yourself of Dr. Cowen's Liberal Credit Plan Without One Penny Additional cosl AU of your necessary work will be completed RI~HT NOW •.• pay . later in small weekly or monthly amounts. Dr. Cowen's priCM remain at the same low level for all branch"" ol d e a t a I work. Have --ied den~ work attended to Blgfd Now and s.,..,, No Advance Ap- pointment• Re- quired. Come in Any Time at Your Convenience. Day or Evening. 'ISLANDER' Split Bamboo FISHING ROD Also JUST ARRIVED! Bobby Jones Registered Golf Clubs and Two-and.Four-Man Rubber Boats Complete, with Oars and Pump --·--k-- "Everyibblg lor the Sportamu" Balboa Island $porting Goods Pbcme tMl m ........ .&-' ..,.... ., .. ove rseas. Concluding five years of service, Mrs. Jane Calkins ls retiring from the position of staff member ot the H,ome Servic;e department. Serving es a Gray Lady and also as a Home Service volunteer for two and a halt years, Mrs. Calkins was, in 1943, appointed a member of the Home Service staff of the Southern Orange County chapter and assigned as staff worker in the Newport Harbor branch, Where she hes sen-ed since. 1 Mrs. Calkins came ·well equip- ped to her Red Cross work.having majored In social economics at Occident.al colle&e and worked l>oth lot the U. S. Public Health leIViC4! and for a social aaency in Boston. She wlll continue on lbe chapter -u ... Instructor in courses for volunteers and .statt memben In the H~ s.....i«: work. IOI& llENDIUCllllON FollCll'fl'lnl Mn. Calkins in the local staff poiltlon will be an- other local resident, well known for her volunteer war work,.~ Eve Hendricboll. Aft« leJ'Ylilg more than a thn°Mnd hours u a volunteer tn the aircraft warn.inc -and al!o u an lnltzuctor in courses for <>lue.rvers ·in air- craft reeocnition. Mn. Hendrick- son oent to Wuhlncton. D. C. ro talte· a Jll'Olealonal coune In Red fleld -and hoepital work. ~ When her h Hen· dridaion, """'t in the u. 8. Mm:/ --t -· from Wblda ....... oab< ...,..,lb' -..... ed. 1i11rs. Hmdrici1-wu. -..,. ed 10· U.. Palm Sprinp 1'nQy Air witf a car driven by Wildon D . HELP WANTED _ Experien~ Mac.Alone?'• Cos~a M~. ~ss Mc-young lady for office wOrk, ly administrative assistant at the AAAB hospital. She ~ill Cord received minor mjunes. Nor· knowledge of bookkeeping es· man H. Gray, 18, USN of Coronado sentlal. Apply 908 Coast ·m . han Home Service inquiries at the Red Cross office here at '2fY1 land avenue. telephone 1865. was the driver of the other car. •• Door Chimes l&rge M10rtment from which to choooe. Ultra· Violet Ray Lamps Abo V&rio• sizes of Snn Lamps. Record Changers Seve~ makea from which to ch-. -k Kit.chen Cutlery Ill ..,ta or ""'P. ltmm. . ' . Steak Tenderizers , . ·-Hedge Shears Flashlights I.up M10rtmeat to -•e yoUr eeieedoll fna. ' Desk Lampe Sewnlslzes. .& FEW llAKIJ8 OF crnms .JUICERS Big Stock of Portallle Jwuo BaUlllieit ere's a Few of Your Hanl-to.Gef'Items: ..... Corm • J:s.t-aa. <Jorc1I .• Oatlet Plap • TURI ER'S 'Your l!karic AJ>pliona ~ &Nez 1926 W. 4th St.-Pho11e1 1172-&nta Ana gh way, Newpor,t Be1t_ch or phone N. B. 2560 for appointment. 20-4tc SALE~US It FOR SALE -1500 S ave-A-Day paper plates. $15.50. Call 1Z74-W 21-ltc "ELECTRO Therapehetk portable appliance. Ultra Violet Rays; Norge refrigerator; 100-gallon oak b&rftl, 60 feet of double armoured cable for boat lighting under water type. Tet 830-J. 217 19th St., Newport. 21-2tp AMATEUR transmitter. Brand new. All band. 600 watt.I phone. Harbor Radio & Electric, 2602 Central Ave. er phone 195-M, :»-2te WHY PAINT YOUR BUMPER? - Use KROS-0 RUST OFF Sold at All Dealen S. & D .. Mfl. Co., Costa Meo& 120 Broadway Phone 1577-J 17-Btc WAITRESSES WANTED -8Q' Shore Cafe, 17th A Cout Hieb- way. Ph: Newport 21144: 14-tfe WANTllD--BO?D. KAID. -lnn. P~IW -.0. 6-tfc WANTED -N-Wd fa. nrin boy!, 14 monlhl old. Mother In -Pholle Lquna 7811 .• 18-4tp WANTED -Mm Corr ,Women). NMt appnrina forr pralltahle ba:ie ~t.i ....,,.,,.. she .... , .. -1--------------·--------;1 ~ -1111 -In e1: feet. Exeellent ~ It -qadtf. ' APlllF Mr •. v .. Dorm, 50816 N, lbla St.. - ..... lf-10le ' ' . I •• , • - I r -.. l ... ' ' I • ·' ·~ -·• • -, . . -. -~ -.. ,... • ....... • 11 ~·L 6 aADIO 11 ~ Ol'l'O&ftJ'Nll'D M -~·~·~1~,~~~~D~-----·~f~•~•!•~··~W~l~O~ft~~--""---~&1 D 1 L mTA.ft ,---.0-RAN--G-E_CO_UNTY ____ I: Arvin'.& Emerson STUDY AT HOME-Real Eatate &T DAI, WT4ft . UPHOLSTERING CO. · RA DI 0 S !!".'=· =ty"':i~P!!= Manufacturers· • 24-Hour Radio Service 2().tfc Real• Estate Broker ot Upholstered Furniture . Short Circuit Radio 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana 305 Palm. Balboa POK ~ ti . 15th and Ceo~ ~ F~est. Cen~ ~L, Anaheim Phone 1638-W 13-tfc DESIRABLE sleeping rooms for ~ em~ couples. Cl-In. 421 • -I - J.-M. MILLER HARBi R INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors ,Lido Isle • ., ~·'·l:lftMIW FOR SALf:-.Lot. by -· Ra-. ' _..ble .. On W11san St,. Cooto • M-. Ph: N. B. 12fi3-R. ~2tc DlMEDIATE --Cciota llleaa. Beautifully famished ·- bedrm. homo. Blonclwooci Jl'.ano, dual Ooor f\Zmaco, lot 55x140. Cash. Ht Virginia Place, Coota ; · Phone Anaheim 4n 4 co11°i°i-ttc ~A.!,..~~!i:!.~~ Hardin&. Balboa. 2().2tc Lido Isle Lido Isle Gorgecm tone. Bnutlful COM. roR RENT -Largo film. lilht One ol the best located lots Bay Front lot; tine location. . -c-beeutltully fllmlsbed; Im- . te .possa-ssion.. { $18,500 ii.... . 'lll'4tp . . ' • • CORONADO Electric Range, $178 ; ~te DeHvery This Is on lnatrumont for the room. oubide entrance, near Bulkhead all'l!lld,y Installed. cliscrlmlnAtlng -..'buyer. DanZ-bathroom. Man only. 516 36th Oil Udo Isle. With a abeet A real buy · \ Schmldt Plano eo. 5:20 ~o.-., st., Newport Bea.ch. 2().4tc at each end. Priced at . at $l 2 500 Santa Ana.. 8-Uc QnJy $3000 • • ' Newport Canal Fronf -' FOR SAl.E-.In ~ heart ot Bal boa. 11-unit stucco with 40-,J. vacont lot adjoining, ·nets $2Sll monthly. Price $25.00(). :;e< Fred Brl&1ls with H. M. ,'l.&M Roal Estate, 2006 COurt ~Ye •• oppo. site city halt Phone i 21-tfc · Auto.Batteries 18-maath --EJ<. Pennsylvania Oil W AN'l'ZD TO lllCNT U . - RADIO HOUSE CALLS -·Now , Ba F t that additional compet.nt. tocb-WANTED TO RENT or 10 .... un--y ron 2-,·B == -cement bulkhead and pier -1i ce-be.rberue-Fumlshed.. . GallOi>. TOe nlclano ""' a..Uable, •• an al>le furnlohed bouoo. ~ 1~':; 2-Bedroom hotne; very mod- to make o•rviu calla on Jar¥e c View Lot em. Immediate~ $11,000 .,.,.,.,1... All worit suanntMcl. HIGH SCHOOL teacher Just re-Newport Heights Must ~ seen to be I Western Auto Supply HAROLD I. HAKK.. 8. o. S. turnod from aveneaa needs apt. appreciated A-uthorbod DM1er Radlo, 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 180. or house until June. Box '"A." $3500 Cash '.· ot16,000. ._ ( . 1836 N'owwrt l!lvd.. Costa -• U-Uc c/o N ...... nmec. 21-2tp · 'I' --_ ~tfc l -----A-L_'_s ____ ~~~' t: =.: ·Ba-A ,,,~. I\., Balboa P'eninsutj·"' · Cotsa Mesa ~=~~ Tract. Brand new 3-bedzw.s.. At Corona. del Illar . Just Anive~; Radio Electric Service ent. im w .. 1 0cean nont. Y ve •. ~7'*'-Lot FreobBATtk, kiis 920 Coast Jllw•v Phone 40-R. 2().4tp ExcePticwlally weU"llxiiiied -1" , Choice location. -f!Oo1'11, . ,fll,lfl!.'. befter, ~-. _ .... to·-In. " ' --t ,I.~ ' • ' • ) $10;250 . ~ • • . , ' Lo~ South of.BigliwaY . $1200 ' . W . ;f. HOlJcoMlt ' 1517 Cout mpwq . car-de! llJar ' ~ " ' Q11 'Da~ ~--• • ' .-~ D-utitu) .A-Corona do! Mar " · WANTED TO RENT--..··· Front ._-_ •·~·-~ \ -°l ..,.,.. v..-w. ' Gwld r-. ~ Co.. Pick U and ~u . .__, $3 ' It~ I ,, 117 Main Bt. !'11. 6111 • P ~very ' ,boule for month of July or tint ·. 250 · " ..,_,()()() , •tte _Ph_Olle=--4-70-_MK ___ _,__llH!te__ 2 w .. kl. Furn., 4-bedrm. Mn. , .· .. _.•1,_ Onyx Ave. 'Wbere the Flap nY" 2().2tc -~--=----,.--=-=---Stokler, Claremont. 586 W. 11th . ~ ·nre Place ond Klndllns · Radio Repairin11: .. st.,cr]lhme7321. l&-Stp Lot on.Central Avenue BI1 d new studio apal'tment; 1 bedrm.; floo covering; double garage; 45' 10$, $14,500 At Beautiful W 0 0 D Ho<ao calla dally except.get. ond WANTED TO RENT-Houoo kr . Dollvored Sun. Complete ltock ot tube9 a. DoM I f Wlilttler f ,...k · H. W. WRIGHT-Ph. :1030 factory roplacoment llUU• fb: ~ oAaprilys 0 13 t ~ Callor "~ Bl-~ • ~ ··-. -MES• RADIO L _ ~ ~~ ~· 0 '"· 00~· 17114. Newpo<t ~ ~u• ~--• m ~ Whitt! 42••~ ••• pl In Craystal Sets -$2.98 (Bakelite Caael TRONICS co. 179' Newpaot k ... .,. ~-~ ace Bl>d. · !1-tfc ""' area. lMtp 2-Tube Radio Kits SFMJIAL ANNOmfCSllMlf'f'li l8 BESPONSiliLE MIDDLE-AGED • • 1 •couple would like to rent f'ur. FROM THIS DATE ON I wUl not nlahedaputmontoromaU .-., be held respomlble tOr any deltU between now an4 June lat. Pre-To build your oWn ·electric radio. M ... Radio & Electronics Co. 179C Newport Blvd. l~tfc other than my own. fer permanent arrangetDent:Bmr: 20-3tp GLEN A. HATCH. 447, Balboa Ialand 19-4tp Immediate Delivery Du<>-Therm Fuel 011 Water Heater · Duo-Therm Space Fuel Oil Heater $79.95 SAfITA ANA FURNITURE ~ W . 4th St., Phone 922 21-llc TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES WANTED TO BUY No experience necessary n WANT TO BUY-Mooring for 22· foot boat. alll collect Union 11050. 20-4tc WILL PAY CASH tor your tur- nltun or w)oiat ha.v1 vou. Pbone Nwpt, 2000. 0 . R . Crawley , The Food. Buket, 1812 Newport mvd., Coeta M-. ~ttc PTTRNl'i'UKE roa 8ALE a FOR SALE-Kitchen r ange. white enamel. right-hand h.igh oven. ovefi control. $10. Ph: 8701-J-5 after 5 p.m. 20-2tc 3 ROOM OU"l'F'J'IS! \Vhy do we sell so many? Because we plan Earn while yo u learn .There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave., BaJboa 514 ~ N . ~ain SI., Santa Ana or Ask the opera tor for the + •• Chief Operator Southern California Telephone Company to ·give the most complete, the l8-tlc best valu~n 3 and 4 room ou t-------------fi~ Right now we have a splen· Study at Home--Real Est. Uoense did 3 room group, 18 piecrlii of Guarantee -208 Security Bldg. sturdy, quality furniture "all tor Pasadena, caut. 11-20tp only $299.50. You can rurnish ' thal other bedroom for a small -N D 1 additional amount. L ow e s t . 0 ~ ay terms. free delivery. No red tape RefinLsh your kitchen ,bathroom but extra quick service. See us with new tile board. tot1 )'OUT v.1ants. McMahan Fur· niture Company, Second and Broadway, Santa Ana. l!l-Th -4tc F. P. Waldron Telephone 234W. Mtc BOATI!. 8UPPLIE8' • Carpenters Available for general malntmance and repe.lr ANNO.UNCING Our New Location We V e now located at 2818 West O. Z. ROBERTSON can Newport sa ~·tfC Central ,Ave. Phone N.B. 1781·W 1-----K-E_Y_S ____ _ Bay Electric Complete Motor and Generator Repair Se<vlco • 2818 W, Central Ave. Telephone· 1781W Made While You Wa.lt VOGEL'S 100 M ain SL, Balboa 208 Marine. Balboa Ia:land N-ttc 1 ~7-8tc REAI; ESTATE --'----------,.-.,....-,---------------FOR SALE-:!O h.p. Marine Delsel, EVA F RHOD"'u llke new. Half original e»>t. Call • """ Newport 2234-W. 14-tfc ----El Bayo Tract Marine Radios 2 Bedroom and a maid's room, liv- AvaJJable immedlate delivery, com-ing room, dining room, kitchen plele range of slzea. Your ln~ & 2 bathrooms. Sunporch. Built spection , welcomed. mGGINS 1n 1940. Thia lovely home ha1 PLEASURE CJtAiT, 810 Cout wall-to-wall rugs and complete IDghway. Ph: 1104. S.ttc heating unit. Excellent view of FIRE EQU1P11ENT TESTS _ ocean and bay. C-0-Two. PyTene & Foam retlll& $19,500 C'OJ1 lb:ed •)·r.em and PortabJea - .... a..UOble. ETS ROJ?N A Newport Mesa GALVAN, 1000 Clout mpwsy. 4·Room house on large lot ; 2 rms. Pbone 1334. 11-tfo finished in knotty pine. FOR SALE-411-ft. fishing boat, $4750 twin Grey 121 h.p. 316 to 1 re. - ductlon motors. One year old. Newport Island 18-fL cockpit. tee hold. aleei-6. 30 Ft. lot at excellent location on Cruises at 12 knots. Triple steer-Island. Ing. Villa Marina, phone u.JO. l!Mtc $1650 FOR SAlE--2 Hall-Scott Marin• Costa Mesa / engines, used •. 200 h..p. each, 2-bedroom house with single gar- 1'£AL 1!:8TATZ t1 Real Estate Office·'· In the he·art of Newport Beach Highway Business District 634 Coast Hiway A "Sandy" Steiner Realtor C. F. Dennison Associate Realtor Real Estate and Business Opportunities Waterfront Co rner Lot $5000 , Rooming House and Apartments Balboa Island. Good income property. $20,000 Rooming House Costa Mesa Very clean. Beautifully furniJhed. Good Investment. Room to ex- pand. OPA ceiljng $645 month. . $30,000 Trailer Court and ,Gas Station $625 per month income. ~xoellent Motel Site. 2in, ao-es. Business Property Center of Costa Mesa 3 stores. Room to expand Present income $262.50 month. Lots Costa Mesa $1150 50 x150 Lots Newport 'Heights $1650 $2500 $6000 Costa Mesa Home 2 bedroom hoU3e on good Hiway $6000 Gas Station on Corner Tv.·o Lots $10,000 El Bayo Home and extra apartment $21 ,000 Motel , Coast Hiway 14 hotel rooms, 1 kitchens. Man- ager's quarters and S-rm. house. Room to expand. Yearly net $25,000. No comPftitlon. Exclusive Listings Courtesy to broken . 101 Hiway Frontage 200 rt. by 600 rt. ·Business and Home • On Beach On 2 lo ts. Hamburgl!T and Malt Shop and 2 apartments. Nobl Oiolce Locatloo for Apartment Price $3350, t.erms Phone Your Listings In and we will give them every coosidet:atlon . J. M. MILLER 15th and c.n'tral • Newport ilNdt • Phone 1242 "On Your Way to Balboa'" ·BROSE REALTY 21-tc . BALBOA ISLAND ~2-!j~'-t~~ ~~·~ $15,000 · 2 : "'.:RY, 4-BEDru.L. HOME. Bunt-in- bar lovely patio; ~place. Completely tunjlsh<ed Inc. 2 elec refiigs. • $27,000 OWNER FURNISHED HOMEJ Bay and Ocean View Corona del Mar Lots BALBC A ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME Finest Corona det Mar location. T o reproduce this property to- day would cost $2.000 to $4,000 more than t he price being asked. A comparab1e lot, alone, 'would sell for $6,000. South of Highway 30-ft. Lot on Femleaf Avenue $1500.00 30-ft. Lot on Fernleaf Avenue $1800.00 . 45-ft. Lot on Orchid Avenue $3250.QO The house is extremely charm-42lf.i-ft . Lot on Larkspur Ave. ing and furnished In excellent -· ~ $4000.00 taste. The lot, 30xl18 ft., is completely enclosed. A 7(}.ft. North' of High way patio, half In flagging and half • ' seeded to lawn, overlooking the 30-fl. Lot on Narcissus Ave. bay. Over 200 bulbs and annuals ' $1300.00 will soon be in bloom. The patio 30-ft. Loi on Goldenrod Ave. has a large avocado, several $1500.00 dwarf citrus. 7 new types of hi- 4-; pier and float Fully furn. Do ble garage. Immediate poss. An Excellent Value, $15,000 dn. BEA JTIFUL PENINSULA HOME 3-' m; fireplace; hardwOOd floors. . Sui deck. Open for inspection. Imme- dia e possession. $16,500, Terms I USINESS INVESTMENT Motel ---24 units on highway. Nets f$26,500 year. biscus and other lovely plal'\t-40-ft. Lot on Poinsettia Ave. lngs. This ls a beautiful, small Nice view. SEE 'S FOR BUSnl!J:;ss OPPORTIJNITIES home, (with ample room for ad-$2500.00 ditlons if desired! for a discrlm-:Lovely view Lot Li t With" Us for Best Results inating buyer . 50 Jt. by 100 ft. between Hazel IARBOR INVESTMENT Dr!;e and Poppy t\venue. $450Q.OO COMPANY 211 Dahlia Corona de! Mar . Coroiia clel Illar Choice Lots $1500 W. J. HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Hlsh""7 ' Corona clel Mar ""Where the Flap Fly'" 2().2tc D 41· mn'Aft DmAlfU • , RESPONSIBLE Telephone em-ploye wants ·to •xchanse 3-bod- room house In W01t Loo AncolN" for aame In Sonta Ana or Vicin-ity. Call Southern Calif. Toi .. phone Co.. Santa Ana, S628. · 19-tfc RANCHES a A<JIUCA.011: a FOR SALE -'4 acre tract near Santa Ana 101untry Clu.b, $1500. 2676 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Phone Laguna 7811. , I -18-4tp llONEY ~ LOAN' 116' LOANS TO BUILD, buy, unproft.. modernize or rettnance. N•WJ>Ort ll&lbotl Federal Savinp and Loan M90clatlon. USS Via Udo Telephone 1.$0(' LOANS $100.00 and Up to $10.000.00 See US if you need money Payments to Fit Your Income Loans on Cara Trucks and Trallen Over 22 Years in Santa Ana Federal Finance Co. INC .. 429 No. Sycamore Phone 6200. Santa Ana, C.allf. 8-16tc Phone 629-J for appolnbnent. 21-ltc 50-ft. Lot on Poppy Avenue ~ .Realtors $3000.00 ~ >th at Central Ave. Telephone 1600 -.fl~~ AtJ'l'OllfO'IWI: a fllll:ll U Four 30-ft. Lots __ .,._~---1--------:--:-,.-,-2_1-_lt_c _ _:'"&'=C'--..,-\ NEW ·cAR PRlORITY on 1946 Cliff Drive Home Beautiful 2-bcdrm. home with un- obstructed view of entire Bay Diltrict. 2·car garage, several bearing fruit trees, nice lawn and shrubs. For saJe furnished or unfurnished. Possession at close of escrow. 0 P · · A I I · J Chevrolet or Oldsmobile to trade n omsetua ve ., ove y view. H. M. La• ~ Rea,! Estate E Barn & S $ •• ~ . . es on for 1-yr. lease on 2-bedrm. house, 7590.00 -f 1806 Newport Blvd. furnished or unfurnished. Otto Corona del-Mar Homes LOTS I ()TS LOTS Coeta Meea. Phooe 018 Culbertson, Culbertson · Chevro- -let Co. Phone Hunt. Beach 318. 1-bedhn. home on Marguerite Ave. . Seashc •e Colony 132-ft. Frontage 21-4tc north of highway, house about 2 Ocean Front lo, 30 by 75, to 1?-ft. ,. on Newport .. Blvd., close in. years old, in excellent-condition, alley, $1700. $14,000 newly redecorated, lot 30x118, Three, just 0 Coast Highway, ""( Canal Fr~nt Homes yard renced. priced at $9 n, $1000 and $1100. Two furnished horn .. will> Pier , Price $5950.0Q N H . hts A few lots in Newport Heights at $1,000 each. .. FOR SALE-1941 Harley David- son Motorcycle 45. Exe. coqd. Ph, 2012.w. 114 Jade St., Balboa Island 21-2tc and Ooat, comer lots, po$sesslon DOWN $2750, Bal. $40 per mo. ewport e1g at on~. Also Canal tront Jots. 2-~ home 00 Orchid Ave., 50 by 117 o~ S; ;ita ~a Ave., $1500 FOR SALE -1937 Chrysler 8, model c.17 Airflow sedan. New rubber. See Mrs. Ryder at Bal- boa Island Post Offi ce or 118 Onyx Ave. Ph : 2522. 21-tfc ' north ot highway, house about 8 50 by 127, VJ~ on Riverside, $1500 W. B. FOOTE, Realtor year old. in excellent condition, 50 by 143· vie · corner, $2000. · 21/2 Acres 2117 cout Blvd, Phone 24 very nicely furnished, house on Newp rt Beach near Newport Heights. with 2_ NeWJ)!>rt Beach 21-2tc 30xl18 lot. . bedroom home; chicken equip-FOR SALE-1938 Dodge Convert- BUILD NOW LOW COST HOMES See Models At ' 711 Begonia Ave., . --also- Heliotrope at 4th Corona de! Mar Phone S'lOl·J-5 Saleoman Will Call -PICO BUILDING MATERIALS 21-2tc Price $10,500.00 lll·ft. frontag I> blk. from ocean ment, Im chickens; berry ~ ~:"~!i~~~:~a~~~~:: Price includes a"v..lning 30x119. ml benlkts. ,from , er, zoned for apart· plants. Extra room off garage. u..su Also gocid luggage trailer. Listings Wanted , $10,500 2(}.5tc HOUSES~. HOUSES! 2 B dr - H AtJTO BDVICE 10 BROSE-REALTY · 3-room house n 1 acre berry -& e oom ouse poultry f showi~g good ln-Good location, east Bide of N.,.. 1307 Cout Hlcl>~ come, 15th s . Costa Mesa $7500 port Blvd. .• Bring your Corona de! Mar . ' • $6250 Phon~ N. B. 2048 21-ltc 3-bedrm. hou . furn .. on Santa _-_ BATTERY Corona de! Mar ~: !":;~!~ ~~~ ~th fruit 2 Lots on Virginia Place TROUBLES Modem . exceptionally well built .Each lot 6bxl37. home on 60-tt. iot. 2 bedrms .. 2-bedrm. 2-sto y house. rurn .. good $1,000 each To Us. living room, dining alcove. hard· • 1ocation, Cot'oria del Mar. Pos-_ wood nooi:s. We bath and klt-session Jun• 1 .. $8000. 3 Bedroom -Home chen, service porch. 2-car gar· .,bedrm. h-"· f Oce -· age. Comple'tely furniabed in· -.,!';" • gar·· urn., an Ooee _ ln. Lot 50xl.25. Single gar- cludine n"'7 elec. refrigerator, Front,~ · age. Inunediate pauession. atovo, vacuum cleaner, wuhlng 5-rm. house, flrn . dbl. gar .. water-, $6950 machfne. ~nt, N.: .... t Island Pier and - Price $12, 750 Ooat. Imm• liate possession. Let New 2 Bedroom Home _ U1 show yo this house. tn CoroQ. del Mar. Corner Jot; Gertrude A. w aldron Beautiful 4.· . 2-story house, hardwood Oooro ; fireplace. Wm. W. Sanford 2 decks, lar e living room , fire-$8950 ' BROKER place, dinin room, mod.eh kit-- ~ Marine Balboa Illend chon, dbl. oar.. built like the Buainooa Propa cy _ BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSINESS Storey's Battery Service WE;STMINSTER A>7=. !Between 18th & M.,,.....l COSTA MESA . , Phone 234-R 18-ttc '"Rock or lbralter:' on water 1 Acre on Newport BTvd. front. 'N Ialand Immed-J8.tfc lloto 'on. Shown by ap-Benvoen 16th and 17th Sta. _ BROSE REALTY matched pair, opt. rotation, good age, on East side. 8 _yn. old condition.. $1200. Sw'ales BOat Possession close of escrow. S8500 year. ------------''-! polnbnont. $2500 -;-::-'.ferµia ~TIU~"~-~·~-_:_..,,.,--=-~a Anchongo, l7th"' Cout ~i.; $6250 We Have Buyers _ For businefSes. Motel sites, Motels., FOR SALE-Motor boat. J.S.rt. H d Lo~ rtinaboUt. with Johnson motor, Corona del Mar ouses an ~- llk• new · boat completely equip-2-bedroom home, SQ.rt. frontage W terf t H Lot On PeninSQ!a - $2750 Corona de! Mar Incotne Property Unsurpassed view of Bay and Ocean siuoco dupl., on Clubhouoe Ave., -, FOR SALE-House trailer, 18-ft .. Udo "' ·-... 000 1 % Acres, Tustin '.Ave. $1IOO. See Mr. Homeyor or Mr. near ,.ea=' .~. . $2000 Norman at Bay Shore Camp, Lavely .furn. 6-unit Income with _ 17th and Coast Hiway. 21-ltp · sarageo .& laundry. Near water J E Barnes &; So 1942 HOUSE TRAILJ:R In exoel-front 'anil I iclO theater. llluot be • uOe Newport Bml. n lent condition. Sleet» four. C<r-Rod. I~ for. bay or lake. $2SO ln good location. This house Is a . ron ome . ' Cub. 1600 Eut centrai Ave., l 'ioi years old and is fumiahed. Corner. Furnished Private pier. Balboa. . 21-tfc House Is vacant and quick $17 000 Bay Front Lots 62-ft. by 118-ft. Bay front lot. ...... atory building •PP<OL 42 ft. by 40 ft.: thrft lovely ·---taln. ~ ·do!mstaln for . oeen to be r~ted • 0oota Keaa. ~ 11H ner 15th & Santa Ana St., Coot.a See tRED BRIGGS • 21-ltc Kesa. • 2().2tp pouevlon wUl be g1..,.,. ....:.. 111l1110AL a ILADIO M ft~•UTIFUL ~-t' ~ _._: $10,500 Malt & Sandwich Shop ~ .,...... ..,,.. ·~·~ -Only One In Towne ptano, a bargain. Tormo. Danz· Costa Mesa -Sdunldt Plano Oo., SlO No. Main 3-bedroom stucco house on Eaat U you haven't been able to oelJ Santo Ana. 8-tfc side-, venetian blinds. hardwood your ~ call uo. We haft GOOD Ul<d piano&. Some u i-floors. l'<losession close of es-bQYol'B for moot anything. u $89. Fine for prac:tlco. Euy crow. - 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona do! Illar $18,500 Home On Peninsula 5 Bedrooms. 2 Batha. Flrepla<lo. w-ma. 0r will rent. 0anr-$7500 A. "Sandy'' Steiner Schmidt Plano Co .. 520 No. Main Realtor $16,000 Santa Ana. s-ttc EVA F. RHODEN C. F. Dennison -· • Broker Aaociate Realtor . W. L. JORDAN I Radio Repair.! t10 N ... port Bl>d., Coota M... Real Estote and Bust-,. 100 East ~tnl. Balboa •h h•~ 7 ~'TON D. n•ft~~. ~-•---Opportunities. ~ 153 13-tfc ~ malt•: ..;--. etc. Ph. 2'1 • -~·~• • ~ llwt Norton.-tlll 0nut mwa:r. Ph. N••-• 1965-M 634 Coast Hiway Scotch tape: various .._ cm l'!awport IJ .. dl 1111-U• 21-2tc , P1wne 2573 21-ltc Ale at the News-nm... .I _,_..!.~l--~·•J-1. • ,_ ,_ c • -_,,__ .. _....___ _,, or AN HEAD t &VIOi WA.Mm •&UIOe WANJW> ~ If!.:\ -~·---------------.,.------~--':· two cood m. apertmmts ond H. M. e Real Estate ftvo gai'ageo. building oampletely · 2006 Court ve.. Phone 343 •nclooocl but nc>t quite cxm-~· Oty Hall 21-ltc pletod. Lot nma to .. --blJ iwBO:;:Ji$i:Um=3"~~;, reai and bU private clrlvoway I BALBOA 1$ -3 bodroom In front. Zoning pennlbl more home, ead with full aizo ward- units. ' robe clOIO 2-air -with • laundry. f!Hpla,ee. Interior Price $25,000.00 trahll" --tod.' All SOod tur-°"'"' $15,000.00 nlture Incl electric refrigera tor -and ,.. $14.51J().. 228 BROSE REALTY Pearl.•. -~Flub Powers, New- • WE NEED LA TE MODEL CARS and WW Pay Top Prices sa.r, YOUR CAR NOW • WtP1. Prm are lfllh. . ~ far ----biQ• who will aall ad ;ac!Ne Ya11 ~ OPA lll&lllatlam. ....... PltDlt and al't'Ulll .... . . CUl.BERTSQN CHEVROLET CO., Inc. ·1307 Cout Hllb""7 pert 62-W. 2().2tc Corona do! llla7 ' For offtc S1!pp]in, w the Phone N. B. 2048 -21-ltc Nows-nmos. O'.r;.. .. ()IS-.... o.r .. • IOO'l-.. 0 ·:NI.,._~ B riO -0 s • t __.. •--...... 0 • -...,_ ' • ' . . ,. -~ -·' -~ - .. '-. -.....UC . I ···-_ -.. :~.:..... ! ·.-'"::!---. .. I "\ . -+ ,-1 --:~ r;,._ " ' • , .. Flusuc Nano•• Puauc NoTICCr 1 ~ ~ :u.:: = ~:: L D ' ' •tal Driv. e·, 'M . u· L I N G Hil'h Bid '4500 . ,..... .... Mn. D. l. Do .. !f«n'q 01" I I Mardi. l!M6, at tho o.._ 0-. ;Mii lft;a f MllC Oft~ Froal.pome = := 1:;:. ~ 0 · Dl""'U..."'..,'"l'h>!f TO au. a.ta Meaa, Califomia. 'In.-to ty 'ntle QimpmQ' 1n tbe Oty ot ~~UI IU ~~ MA p L ES ·· . . -~ "' .._ to ct' , • N<mCE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~ i;:::;::.,:; 1:: easc:.1 ... ~ =: o/~if=ty ot OrUp, Over Sl 60 0 eport' ed . . -°""" ot Oout -30th~.,_ ..a J-. pnuant to tho proYlllma ot Sec>-and Grmlt W . GoddicllRn, Route Dated llilan:h 8th. 1946. I ROllTLAND ~ = ::J:..~~ lilr. and Mn. Dona"' ~- tlon 3440 ot tbe Ov11 Code ol tbe l , Box ln, Oran&e. California, FRANKS. TRICXEY, , . Mlud Doub'• Bow1Jns Wat 0.-.. l'lmt ........... a.ta ·Meaa. are IMl•la • • State ot Califomla. that Frank S. Venclees. all that amain persoca1 V-With 1-!3eM1> leque, , .... "'"""" llan:b 8, ~ Monday, ·the price be ot• daudltor, -., ·111.ordl .J ml ... nick~. v.-, ot P . o. Jiox 785, property consisting cenerally"'all GRANT w. GODDICKSEN. other county citleo and Newport Su-.-.vi ..... .:.. ~ JJM: -belns M500. Joa<P> boopltll Sbe w1.....i- . ~ stock in tra~. fixturio, oqaipnmt GEORGE E. OPP, Vende ... Beech In the Sl500,000 driw for ..-• -u -lat Kn, H.onloan la. In the atale pounda. elsbt -. 7 and good will of the S<cond-band Pub.--H. aM. tbe ..... Prelb)teriim 'ha.pita). and $1750 tO . Adv • and s. Burwell. 42 10 '-Pita! oulfering from ....... ' furnitUtt and hardware b<m!nna nlllns 84 por ...,t ot Its -.S0.000 Co • Humphney_ 36 16 ..-.i --and her aftaln in•the Oty of C..ta Mn&. c.11· 41 c M I pl, inare-'1«>,000 bu -unty TiQ July 1 . Biclclerman , 32 20 ant la the bands of a cuanlian. fllmia. and located at J.ll62 ~ 8Se8 e38 eS raised throu&hout the -ty by 1 " • -D. and A. F<><sit 31 \ 21 Rev. E. D. Goodell. The . ...,._, Boulevard, and that the purdlaM t eo· s~ .. Mesa·, 300 volunteora, It WU dilclosed by The Associated O>ambers f v. and L. WeD1 29 21 -oontalna • ,..1na,,.. cclloe-~ Marlen B. Youel~ cllainnan ol the Commerce ot the munty la o R. and ·E. Wlllcut 25 27 tim ol 'fine llltlque eb1aa -. . t n '..'. h four-city campaign oommitlee In . . new c. and R. --23 l9 some early Vk:toriU -· M.. a oeac a report to Dr. 0 . Scott Mc:Far-publicity 'lg'ent ror <>ranee county. M. v and E. Johnoon 22 30 .... been -tumished. ... .,.,,..,.--.. ~~ •••so s's -· .. ~. , Ir.lite· H·oase Cafe , UQUOR IHOP 1anc1, c1r1.., chairman. ~ ~~1~ s. and H. Snyder_ 21 31 =..:::::..:=:....::==:.__....:..-==::..:====----- Topped only by Santa Ana with Rec!OObllnc their <fforts for the to be spert bet..,.... now and the E. and L. Laurei:ice-......... 19 33 I .-----------------------...--1·. 64 cues, a.ta Meos reported 41 half-thllllon dollor h<Jopital to be end ot the cllm!nt 'flacal yeor. P . -R. ()&den.....:.. 17 35 M II r d w. k ff cues of measles and no other com-built CM!rlooklnc N""JIOl't Harbor, Wbi!n the' lite . D."V , .Johnson E. R. Broyles. ____ . ____ lS :r7 a o' y an ye 0 ' I munlcable diaeueo In the two-week were also Santa Ana, which re-ot <>ranee reoiePed the poot two im~ ....... ...... Pleftty of WJu.key !f• -': ""I ., -·· - , ' . I P.AP.ALMER LIDO ISLE pp,LJhlQIES ---·==="" W. 0. BUCK -Insurance Counselor ~ 1500 l/lUlfJl1'f.f .f...'- period ending March 9, according ported thaf 58 per cent ot Its yoan ago to take a chamber ot P' lymo' uth n __ _._ to the report ·of Dr. Edwin L. $100,000 quota had been reached. commen:e pool the county has no ............, t t t · / Russell, county health oftlcor. The O:lsta Mesa fund had been publicity man'. The associated eW Improvement& Newport Beach was third in boooted by a gift ot 11000 by 0 . chambers hu acted as clearine · • Outboard Motor-Repairs fule with 33 cases and an addi-S. Ma~ ol. 1960 Tustin avenue house fqr information. but has bad new improvements, 34 me-. Olir Specialty tional two cases at Newport for. fumishin&' a room in the Cius no slnc'e penon ~ tO pre:.. and 16 appearance, distin- Heights. Newport also listed four A mstltutlon. pare folders, -.U...te lnfoana-new lbie ol Plymouth t t t cues of chicken·pox : and five of Today cam!lalin leaders from tion and ~ the welfare of can hoee first pubijc lntrocl..,. 913 Coast a· , mumps. Mumps headed the list the enure coun~ will mee~ at the the county. · tion terday drew tens of thous-IWay 642 cases against 199 for the same port of their progress. Further H. Gallienne ts secretary will ~w les an towns from coast to coast. I '--;.---------------------:-- period tut year, 478 of chicken-ga~ns ~ .expected to be shown at m.ny ~on th~ work and be retm-The n coupe has been on display for the year, up to date, with Savoy ca!e ~o give a detailed re-The o~tion of ~ch W. ·andsidealen ' showrooms in cit-Rear of Balboa Marine Hardware pox and 432 of measles in the this meeting, but the determined bursed for it. · t1w! t two weeks at ·Newport county. efforts shown by tM chalrmen ot H M 2616 w Ce al There were 17. deaths with 11 each a rea renewed the hope ot ar otors, . . ntr R A I I A p H 0 N E from pulmonary :tuberculosis. two t he committee th•t the goal will Sena~r Knowl8J!d •-;.:~ ·different body types com-• . from influenza and one each from be reached this month. Seeking Re-election prise e line: a four-door sedan. . I . . ·: 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA dy>entery. diphtheria, pneumonia To Full Term two. r sedan, fi ve. passenger and meningitis. Native of )Vales, 71, club upe and a business coupe Model 25 ' ' ' , ARTS TACKLE STORE 1101 c.-t ffighway -Newport Beach M8 A Complete Line of ~ort and Commercial Fishing Equipment OPEN AT 5:00 A. M. DAILY POLE RENTALS ALL TYPES OF BAIT Owner Manage,. A. A. Kemper ---Andrew Densmore are a iJable in either DeLuxe or Resident of l\f esa, Senator William F . Knowland. Sped DeLuxe types. A flashing Dies at Hospital :rl·year-old veteran of World War conve~ible coupe and a station Il and assistant publisher of The wago complete thl' Special De- Oakland Tribune, will seek elec-Luxe · . e. , High Low High Low David J . Thomas, 7l, died Sun-tion on the Republi,can ticket to Co let e redesigning of front 7 :33 1 :37 8:4S %:!% day at the Community hospital, the office he now holds in the entJ. f nders. moldings and bumJ>" 5.7 1.4 4.5 -1.0 Santa Ana . He had ma de his United States Senate, it was dis-ers, £upled with smooth-flowing 8 :13 2:14 9:09 %:51 home at 1645 Irvine street, Costa closed yesterday when a petition bod . h gi th 5 6 1 0 4 7 -0 8 for his nomination was filed in Y tnes. aye ven e new S:5o 2:5o e:So s:is l\·tesa. for the past four years. Plyrii ·th massi;veness, length and coriting here from Muroc. where Los Angeles. low pearanar founO formerly 5·4 o.7 4·8 -0.3 he resided for 24 years. He was At the time of Knowland's a~ only ii higher·piiced cars. Interior 9 :25 3 :25 9 :~ S:4S a na tive of \Va les. but had lived pointment last August to succeed trim · entire!~ new, achieving a 5.0 0.5 4.8 0.0 in this 'COUntry for 59 years. There the late lliram Johnson, Governor . h tf 1 be f . 1 10:02 4:00 10:19 4:01 V"•-n ·~1a1'ned that he had ric · u l'luty 0 particu ar were no sunrivors. ,v ..... " .. -•• t" t w en 18"1 TIDE TABLES MARCH s 16 F 15 Su 17 M 18 Tu 19 4.6 0.5 4.8 0.4 Se chosen KnowlarlCI because he was apEpea ~ . om.rd.· ts h nde• ..,... placed In cwdtir or oecurninc. rvices were held today 8 World War 11 veteran, exper-n eermg ~ vancemen ave Lt11thi ri.urm L 1..J.: darll ,1.,..,... p. m (Thursday) at 1~ a.m. from the ienced In California governmental stress both _I performance and Sell that unwanted through News-Times ads. Graue\ chapel with. ~_h~ Rev. G. and business problems with a safety New pl~t~ aluminwn pis- article Williard St~arns off1~1ating. Inter-record of service in the state legis-tons ave repl~ the 1942 iron-~ent was 1n Westnunster Memo-la ture, and a lso because Know-alloy type, 94hile the ·heavier nal park. . [ 1and believed in world cooperation crank aft developed in '42 has , to preserve peace. The governor been retained.) These features, Union Pacific Asks For Treasure Maps Of Newport Harbor According to recent discoveries. I then added that Knowland "is com bi . ed with p host of other e n- radio r eception varies \vith the }·ou.ng enough to serve several gi nee ng impr vements have giv- phases of the moon. 1 terms if he makes good... en th new 951h rsepow,r Floating ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Pow engine brilliari perform-haracter tics. WING SANG BOAT & REPAffi YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 From Denver comes the call for the Newport Harbor Treao;ure Maps and in the same mail. a simi.Jar call comes from Sa usa- lito on San Francisco Bay. From Denver, George F . Miller of the traffic department of the Union Pacific Railroad company, writes: Candidate for City Council R ' . m ema1ns esdar to eh. • Phone Newport 866 ttt • Moorlnp and 1pae11 avallable for Boalll for Sale • Pllddle Boards for Bait bJ the week or moatfl. "H ave just returned from a short but very delightflil vacation at Balboa, where I obtained a Treasure ~1ap of Newport Harbor. "I am wondering if you would care to send me several hundred for distribution." The maps are on the way. ncrea•in1lY, lnctlvidua11 lte tollowinr tM 1o1!11"·ectab- Jished bu.;,,,.. prKtice ol borTO..,U,., from bank.a. They are learning what businee.em9n ha'fe lone known: that a bulk providel dependable financial help at miniqium co.t whenever a11dsll. Thi• trend bu lmpoeed. d. .&:led re9P0naibility upon bankers. Your banker reallles that a penonal, ~·e, or buaineM k>an may be the most im- pott.ant business tranaaction in J"O\ll life-the outlet for ad.ream, a hope, a plan. • Bank of America-like other banlr.1-welcome1 the opportunity to take this larger part. in the daira of ,Ca.ll!onllana-and wiahea to review ka obligation• to theae men and women. · 'It\i• bank will continue to fit ita loans to as many neech aa possible. Jf"M11 'MW oondilioru or Nt:uatlon.a a,;.,.e, BaU of A111erico wiU deu lop Wan plaru &o mee• d.eat.· This bank will maintain loan nte• al low as sound buslneac practice will permit. The bank will n e•er forget that i ts first ... and continuing ... aim wu to build a bank for .U the people-o..d Ao,... Tai.I ... '° bri.q iU .-nrMw '° •on: ,,.apl& • Ba.nk of America will coat:bme to at.end lta complet.. fadlltiee to . ....,, the amalleat of California communitiMt eo that 'llbia ci~· Dankins . \--ru:. io not reooned ror bia c:ilieo .io- ....... "DC••L O:t•O•JT IN•u •ANCI[ coa~OillATI Ofol. MCM•:t• ,.CDll•AL •ir•z: .......... . . For Impartial and economical administration of the city government. with sane public im- provements that will benefit all the people of the community --- Vote for Gilbert Seal ond C'unningham. at t h home of her son , th stree , Newport Beach. a na ti e of Nebraska and had ·ved he for three years. Survi ·ng are ive sons, Earl, La Salle, Calif.; rl, H\lmbolt. Neb.; Cecil, Lincoln, Neb .. and. Harold A. d F1o ·Newport Beach; also ughter . . · Th were sent to P awn eb. on Wednesday ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I from uel chapel, Costa ; Mesa Quality Service Satisfaction G·eneral Sheet Metal Works • Boat \Vork (Tanks) • .Jobbing and Repairing • Iron and Steel Fabricating •Welding • Reataurant Work • Beating and V entllatlng ---·--- Wltb Otey & McCulloclli I 2807 Villa Way ---w NMOpOrt Beach (? ITS THE SPOT! ~MB .the beer with the high I.QJl'Q....M/) ~ ............ ., AQlf -<() a t1r 'r I ~i'ftf ~"91 zy . ~ ( i The Sliln Man e BOA u:rrERlNG A TY ... . ';!,ltl/9UI ,, ... ,, .... ,..... Ktlll !<"ltll .. 1911-~t•:JWI • I ERIESf i Meats !_-• -I d v eptable!i I i -Cloeed nun-i i ~ , i D s Grocery I = Pbone !818 ! ~I 7:t Sewporl Rl\'d. Colllta Me.a l ! I ~ • • • •• t ,.,, ,, ,, ,,,, I ···•1111ut !!l 1!IHil•tu1"'"' 0••·•······ .•.•.••. .. •..... , .. , ..... .. ' • IS NOW BEING DELIVERED A Complete Marine Radiotelephone for $149.00 Fatµ' frequencies; includes transmitter, receiver, foud speaker, I?O"'er pack, four crystals, microphone & tubes. May be seen at Harbor Engine & Equipment Co. Ill Agate Ave.. Balboa Island Phone 17!.'l-J GEORGE b. BASSETr General Accounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping 'INCOME TAX SEKVIOE 2602 W. Central Ave. Ph. 1805-J Newport lleadi • • • Bookkeeping Service • Audits INCOME · TAX Rfil'URNS 805 Palm Ave. Balboa B.N.llAFENFELD Public Accountant Hours 1 -9:30 p. m. Phone lli8 An unprecedented · program . for long distance -Expansion • Thousands of miles of new circuits • will be built on the Pacific Coast During 194,, we bandied more chan 205 mjllioa lollg distance calls ••• an increMe of some 34 millioa over ~ previous year. That melDS WO bandied dooe ro 1 millioo calls "°"' c1a,.. To meet the ever-increasing deman~ we are DOW tn:11tj'• on noprecedented oxpaosion in loag distance hcilicies OD the Pacilic C:O..t. Thousands of miles of new cirmia on being built; special VICUWD tube eqW~ ii being;;.. llalled to boost tho number of calls emang w... - handle; newroll ond loag distance switch~ ""'hoiai odded. 1is, -·ie espancliag loag clistan"' facilities la ....,. ...,. md preparing foe the many new imprmemrncs co CDlllL ,..,., oa oar...., ro providing 1 baser Joaa d••--Im tboD,.,.. _ cir...-1 pcsPble. • . . So1them carifornia Teltphont Co•pmiy , ua..a. E"_ ... ,. • r ••an 1 uu ' ' ' ' I : I' ; . I ' Imnber and Buildinc Materials ' . . Say District Lumber Co. · -UM . IU COAft lllOmWAJ' 11.% TBS •- • ' ... HARRY JAMES NEW OWNER -Balbo• Paint Store 600 E. Bay St. Plione 101 8:00 a. m. • 5:30 p. m. (including Saturday) PAINT RIGHT OVER OLD WALLPAPER! DOES All AVERAGE ROOM FOR OllLY 1. ONE COAT COVERS .n ........ painteil .... •4 c.ililCI. all- llolrd, llas1•111t walls I 2. APPLIES LIKE MAGIC! 3. DRIES IN ONE HOUR! 4. MIXES WITH WATER! 5. NO uPAINTY" ODOR! 6. WAS l1t:S EASILY! ' .. 11.UllC "'Cl ltMy way to fill boks and crack:a in wall&. wood· ~'i:b. 23, lll·IHE .. .IEHUTEI Rolla Kem-Ton.e over any amooth aurfacel 8~ Q ui c k-. euylE.ach lll·llllE llUEI lllll Gum~:rcady-to­ apply. Give rooms t hat pro£C'tsional look. 15$ Per roll U. .~&alfhJJle·/ SHIERWIN·WIWAMS AMAZINGLY WASHABLE SEMI-LUSTRE ~/ 11lis .._., F'llisli Is ...... llnler" fw litch11, llatlls •• W11ilwwtl 11111 W61 Scrub Sherwin.:W-iD.iam1 famous Scmi·Lustre t o your heart's cootmt. It washes bc!-autifullyl And N ai/y! Its lovely pastd colon ha"'e • touP,,. sitmi·&loa finilh. G reax, a.rime, fin1cr- marb, evm atµbbom cookin1 smud1e, whisk off in a jiffy. · P<rfect for kitchen, bathn>om, nursery·'. for -~ 22 jwallt. ceilinp. Woodwork: -OI' any room in :~~~;..~t-~t~~. ~~.~ ~-~ ;.;n;.··· ... . . 1u.ilr-.- o. cakrlul cOlt ol this 6nest: H crc'a h ard-weari.ac, Ion'· Oo-CDMDel mebs fm1Jitute. we:uinc beauty for Boon. fur.. bwbhdwa. ,.ooc:lwk. toYt nftme, woodwork. Wcm't tum pe.:n like newl w..me. hew· white &om hot or cold ..,.tcr . : ... ~~.~kl~ ··~=:~.~~.Qt. $159 . . I Mi'i"clJfff'M- 1 H...S.--6 We. bco~t!ful, fv.ll.c:olot photM b.dp ,.o1il ODllor4ty1c J'O'lt bamc. ar:.1ow It P1t&& Iii< 7 cllerol BALBOA PAINT STORE . 800 l'Mt Bay Phone 101 I ,, • • • NEWPOaT BALBOA N&W& • • -. ' • VETERAN HOUSING . PlftMIRAM . PUSHED _O ·MESI :;:r:;::.: I · . . Relit Hike Proposed Sl 00 000 • p •ts· 1 · ued ::'}:~!::.~.,.:·= For Nation; Sol~1_1s ; 1n erm1 SS . ~ ~ )'<!S::ti;. -:: ' . ROOFS . Dn.-ri oa .... .. r;;.-~ .... ~ •. , ... ... 3802 ~ Ph. N~ 1012-.1 Cool on Propos1t1on . . Kift to the g1r~ it wu undentood. req~~ ~ ~~Jugg~led ~To Boulevard · Improvement =~ ~. ~:~=-------- cent hike b1 the general rent level c f v I H M men .,;, GI · It wu announcod of residential property throughout -ts ' the nation. -r 0 . or e omes on esa ,recently b)'. the veterans• admlnis- Tbe recommendation was pre-, • . tration. time l imit '."' terms aented to tbe Howe Bankin& oonr of payment as also been maeued mlttee by representatives ot rental to .25 ye on real estate and 40· 'j. proP,rty owners who argued that Three-Bedroom HoUlle8 Started 01" 19th and years on f realty. ouch a boost 11 e11ential In juotlce · Fl ..,._. __ ..,: f IN~ U •t n_:_,_ 'tly· to property owners. They urged l''lqwer, .,,,....,. .... on 0 .I' ICB~ ru n.ecen L Sh ...... n:i• that prov1a10;,. f nr a compuilory .BOilt' to Help Shortage um r · Oa Wlf!'te lncreue be written Into pendin&' ' · ReJi~ ~ted --;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;:;:;. leeislation to continue QJ'A price · . .:.A~ 88 ~ controls for llOOther year airer Pl!nnlts for $100.000 worth of houses were taken out by S · • ' Jn' -,• ··" • e •. · regard June 30. ~ Boulevard'lmprovement Co. ot Costa Mesa at the coonty opp s . crease • H you have a question ing Committee members Indicated building department last Wl!ek, ~ the largest single d l ' t f l d-coo1-to any IUch blanket In-gI'O\lp of home permits yet sought m that are& for construe-. the critical ahcrtage eve opmen 0 your an creue which would affect a hoot tloci of homes for veterans. · About 20 are to be constructed of lumber t hu been bocclnc Pit '>9 !:'. 9 J of rent-paying voters. on F1ower and 19th streets, near Raymond, and will be built ~ pt Ptl to • aljevl\t' . the 'One ~- +;:::;:::;:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::;;:::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::::;;:::;;:::;;:;:1 i1~ FHA _priorlties _for_ Vl!te~-f:Ci. Sl~t'." ~: 4;:11~ ans only, It was tmderstood. 1tatement made this week by s ·, e g e· I & R a u b Each home will have 1200 IQWltt Orrle W . amllton, oe=tary of feet and Include three -ooma. the Sou California RA!taU , ' tile bath and link In the kitchen, Lumber ation. ..• W-.. and Surveyors reaJ. fireplace, hardwood !loon, "We are very optimistic about . <Jtie e~ Jlo,,. r double garage and drivew-. II Is the fut11tt outlook, and hope fnr 1808 NewpoJ! Blvd. -------------,---By }OS!PH W!m>N understood. Tbey will be added an ever I flow of many "'=====================~ to the tint unit which wu re-of the of lwnber that are -Costs of Homes cently aimpleted by the ume com-u..a In ho construction,'' ltated ..-----------------------. 'The costs of the compon.;..t parts of houses are not stabll· pany, and _which w...., readily oold llamlllOn. PA 1ncreue1 In mm ized, and it Is our opinion the total cost of new houses will before completion, it Is aalcl. f prices are rtaln to have a bene- rise some during the next two years, hold reasonably steady Five houaeo of the new contract Ild a! elf he pointed out, oMlng for at least three years more, and then start a slow decJi!le have been •tarted. that "dea l have been doing a which will. not be particularly noticeable tmtil seven or eight Other ·permiu luued by 'the lot of• lln& In trying to meet years from now. building. department were to R. demands b t just haven't been get- What StJpports this statement? H. Rogers, 600 Clubhouse avenue, ting mat from .Ill• milll. Once Los Angeles city gives an answe r which is common ~o Newport Beach, for a dwelling at lumber st ts conung through in all area surrounding it. The demands tlpon the colistruction 21932 S . Anaheim street. $2915-; appreclabl quantitieo, we can ex· to Emile L. Lorrellle 229 Wilson pect an pressi.ve increase in industry requir'e a building average of $500,000,000 per year stree~ Costa M ... , ior a garage home bull g." to satisfy the city's needs-and the dollar volume for homes d 111 ~ · -+----- \vill be less than half the total. .;:n,;: .":.ee~ 14~!!;t ~:!t ~~ Wh IN To illustrate: Over the last four years, while building Harbor boulevard, SIOOO ; to o. . en. a ar catches fire and no has been practically stopped, close to 800.000 people have W. Calkins. 2459 Tustin avenue. hre extin · her ~ handy, road- moved into Los Angeles. More continue to come. St. Colta Mesa, for an addition to a side dirt 0 ~d will smother the Louis had a 1940 population Of 816,000. From this may be dwelling at 21071 TUStin avenue, ~~~· acco 1"~ to ~heJm~rge~C: BUILD NOW~~=···· A OOllPLSTE 'BtJJLDINO llDVICS ~ Foroftrl8tiRou' a ........ . "BUILDING Bl!.t~ CONST_BUOl'IID DOMES" DUTCH HEACOCK P. 0 . Box U Newpon BMcb Bao. none 718 seen the immensity: o~ the buil~g task facing us. It is SlOOO. tional ce A =0::;~n club. ~at!r co111parabie to rebuildfr1g St.. ~ f~m the ~ up. 'RE•~n • . merely ten to spread and aggra-~---------------------' Chw-ches, schools, office buildings, Jails, facton es, roads. . ·~E . vate then mes. se\vers, hospitals, banks, theaters-and so on and so on. St~p and loo~. before backing. I---+-------- And this is just for Los Angeles, and does not consider ·re-cautlOns the Pub,~c Safety Depai:t-.----+-------~ ~•~ replacements or the requirements o f the people still ment of the National Automobtle ~ :"' club. Careless drivers have caused PAINTING coming. numerous accidenu by failing to Further, fifty-cent dollars (or less) will make it easier look before they back up. U Y Semae la Newport jearbbr Area to pay our national debt. Inflation has in smaJJ degree been dammed up, but there are dozens of "holes 1n the dike," Definition of a "Railroad \Volf' P ~!"!G 001fTa.Cl'8• which legislation or directives cannot stop. The flood will -one with a one-track mind who n• .. 1 a. "!"-"-...,.,. RRY HALL be upon us one of these days. whistles at every curve. Moral : If you are in the market for a new home. buy =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ or build as soon as you can. If it is financed to be at least I half paid for in five years, we don't see how you can Jose. J OSEPH WESTON, Architect. 125 California Horses Won 161 Races And $395,200 in Firsts at Santa Anita · California horses continu~ their brilliant performances during the tenth WC<'.k or racing at Santa Anitifs colorful winter meeting, Exhibit to Display Modern .Tile Uses wi?11ing 16. races ll;nd earning $50,-Southern California will soon 74::>, to bring their total for the . . .. meeting to the all-time r ecord of have an opportunity to view a dis- 161 races won, while earning the play or the la test techniques in record breaking sum of $629,105. tile laying, as well as a preview During the first 10 weeks ot of the postwar kitchen and bath, racing at Santa Anita 125 horses, it was announced this week. the product of nearly 60 different I The exhibit. which will be under California Thoroughbred nurseries, the direction of the Southern Cali- have won 161 races and $395,200 fornia Tile Institute, will be h eld in first monies alone, and the Los at the State Exposition Building Angeles Turf Oub has paJd their in Los Angeles' ExposiUon Park breeders awards totaling $45,312. beginning May 20. . . According to William Colhoun, Approxunately 70,000 different Managing Director of the INtl- ltems are listed in the stock book t ute, teadin& manufacturers 0~ fix- of a major railroad t ut'ft, washers. 1ronen. retriger'9 • Ou 1tere balldlnc •Id • . '. .... -~ .. -BuUdlnc lD. 1600 blodt. New- aton and s toves, will bave their latest wares built into the ultra- modern kitchens: laundries and bathrooms. port Blvd. WILL OPEN About April 1st FULLER PAINTS Armstrons A Pabco LINOLEUM and VENETIAN BLINDS -·-Sneclal REMOVAL SALE ---BURTON PAINT STORE Masnolla a We1bnlmter Volta Meu R. L. PATI"ERSON Growing old is no more th,m a bad habit which a busy man bu no time to form.-Mauroia. Quality Lumber aad Buildine Material1 • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. H08TIETLIER Pho.e 48 I J . R. LESTER BOYLE, Engineering Off ices ! of Patterson & Boyle Phones: Newport Beach 9'744 Laguna Beach 1~ Santa Ana 0405 ' . . "Going to b-an maybe your prepared You probably have your dreojm worked out In your mind -o arehltectoroontractoralready plans oa paper for you. Electridty wOJ have a large dreams of postwar living coa~ you go over the plans with y sure to ask him about the ne ... t develop- ments In household labor sa and fun<>- tlonal beauty. 9or Experts hi everything ~cal ~ be glad to help with layout plans !o[r r problems. One saggeetion may make a lot of dlff- ln the "llv~ ol Uiat ht ETS-HOKIN & ALVAN I Newporl 13M .-...... --~ '"' ... ~.,s • BefO(e VOii B•lld. R8model LUDLUM 908 W. 5th St. Sula -lel-lllalak Kline Concrete Products Company ' Hollow Building Tile and Brick 6 -8 and 12 Inch blocks Fine for All 'fn-of Building and Patio Walls WALTER L. KLINE, Proprietor ' -Plant L<>Cated a t- 1580 N-rt ao.d. Coota Mooa Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON State Licensed Contractor u .. u. 1mta11aiw;r .. "'arm FrleDclo Bae1"W Pllone M8' Pbow N8% or !tel Oftloo: .... ~ ..... CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS and MU.I.WORK T. O. 1obn1t .. 8apt. '°" -8&. Jf )'O U 1rf'. -un abl e to come ~ = in dur ing - r~t';icE hou rs, .,., h\ )10t ' · 1 " ,2 i:-1.·; rr 11. : Whether it is .. saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan Parf o\ All you Earn i\ Youn to Sav<f Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Assoc~afion ••• Clllif. -... llO • .. , ' • • • • I • • 1 ' '. Functions Honor April Bride-to-Be ' ' ' . Church Men Pledge $240Toward Olm~ Hi-Low Coasters· Invite Parents to Pot-Luck Ditlner Sun. arbor ·Fe.""""""'1n1·ne Act· v1··t1·es ~:1~Zn~~1~Will Mia 'Annabelle Rft>olln, da\Jl)l· · . Men ol the Oturc:h beld ter of Mr. and Mn. Eldttd L. 208 + ...._.__. o .. ......_ + .... 1....,. R A ballet recital will be &:vcn monthl7 meetlns Udo -n... m-i-Cout...., young Ranelln. 221 Sapphire sttttt, Bal-Pbonell 13 and , .. .....,_ .._....!.-_ -r.none -·-Friday and Saturday· Mardi 1S q.rilt Oturc11 BY-tbe-58 wttb ~~,!i!' ~ ~ boas·-'~andat' a~L~ .. honol'<dand ~~ Mr., Mrs. R. Bartine Barbre-Crea~ arriage, Solemnized . Eas er Sunrise and l8, at 8 p.m. bl>~ ol Mn. ........ t and FM Wood-lb_. v ........, ~-~-~ Morris at No. 6 Bq Pllnc-I 1 -• pot-ludt -Sunday ~ at the borne ot her grand-Honor Relatives at Recently in ed ing Manor, Los Angeles Se ice Planned by Island. ' ~ Rev. Norman TQtar= evmln& March 17 at the chw-ch moth-, Mrs. r-H.,,..,,_ 120 $ ~-• _ ... _._ ~---L-~· S On the ~" L-la t..-of M··-·-' Memorial IOdal Lan and Inv!•'--their -~--unday D1"nner .New residents ol l"!owpmt '.:'::::".:,:""' .......... -~ --~ t . ames Church . pro&tam -~ ~ car ..,._u ...... are "-Diamond street. Balboo bland. Beach are Mr. and Mn. ~onnan ™ tor a time. ~ -Mercer In a rhumba; Olrol Pier-CWver Ot;y,....,. ireoent an8 ~ puerta 10 be tbelr ~ -will be the M•aes Doro-L. Barllre -weddin& ,... ,.... couple plan to inake their homo -and Mary Ann Morey In a on the need for oa_..,und lltl8 ~ croup was formed ._.uy th)' Ford and Shirley Somttvllle, Mr. and Mn. Ruwll Bartlne. cent!)' solemnized In the Weddln& here, and Mr. 8'rl>re will ddpper ~:t Uve _plabs for holdinc an hula; Shirley Franklin and Andn!a for surnrner e&mPI and ~Ne4 with Mr. and Mrs. Frank l'Vpen who are to be brlclesmakll at her who recently mowd into their,,... Manor Pico -.rd. ~ An· a charter boat' with Wooch-o. Sunnse service were dis· C\Jbben In the Jarabe· Clarice 1be Southern California ~ u """'""'"" and is compooed ol w~I to Lt. John Covlnston. home, "Oifl's End," Cliff_ Drive, geles. ' 1be bride wu thel former Payne's tlsbin& fleet at San a.-when the &OYel'Dlnc com· Wedekin In a Polish &.nee and cmterence is buylnc three'""" 111 youns people of the oges 15 to 26. USNR. which will talu! place "" Newport Hel&hts. entertained at Gwen4oll'n Janloo creqer1 do.ugh-mente. JU has made hls home of St. James Episcopel Melinda Leithold In a Hl&hla•d bulldfn& roads and lmta)1lnc eqalll an Cl'ffds bola& welcomed. . 'Ibey April a dlru~•.r Sonday honorinil Mr. Ber-ter of Mrs. Elsie ~· 1!521 here at various Umes for the past met Monday evenin& at fltns. ment. .-t MOii Sunda ~ at 7 Lut Saturday a tea wu given Une s sister, Barllara McAJllster, West Fourth street. i... Anceles. II! years. _ol the warden, Geo<se Others takin& part with ballet ~ malh one is the f- . Y for Mia Remelin at the borne of her husband. First U . James Mc-and Marvin G ~. ~ with the Rev. Anlys Dean and toe dandn& are Mary Helen Colby ranch of 320 a.,.... ~ f/l p.m. In~ ball and after-her aunt, Mrs. J . Gordon Leavitt, Allister and their daughter Jean N. J., while th.; bri~ is the ._ Guthrie, Diane Harbert. Jane Nu-ML Wilson, which will take c*9 w.rd have a social hoor with 1306 North Alta Vista boulevard. Marie. . son ot Mn. w . StOllliltonlBarl>re, John McMillans • cauve ·ot the ~ ol the ....., Norma J"°"'"' Jane Ann of 300 young people. Ardhel'-• -ping-pong and _dandn&. Hollywood. with her COUlln. Ilia Kra. KcAl!ster baa been living 06 Ust street. Newport Bd<b, E t rt • With ch was the reP?rl ol attend-Elllot. Mary Kay Morris, Nonna Arroyo Grande will have a • ------------IDoril Leavitt, who is to be maid in Santa Ana while her husband and Vandever C. Barllre ll', Or-n e atn ance at the chun:hs pre-~ten. Olatle J-Keene and Marian padty of 200 and a tb1r!1 la .. ' ' of honor, uaist!n&. -In ...m.. but tbel' are ny-ange. · Albacore Dinner Ash edneaday and eariJ' Lenten MeDotri · the foothills of ML wnaon: El(I! Mia Remelin wore for the oc-In& _,,, for their new home m The bride, who wu Ill-In aerv! ' which wu near()' three Methodlot church has a quoCa 81 IM c:asion black crepe with a bouquet Tennessee. marriage by her brother CPO John and Lela McMDlan 1 en· that ot last year. 1'>e A>h Slll.8 to lie -and at the ..... ot carno,Uom at the waist. 1be Daffodil< from the pnien of Donald M. ~qer, USNJ :..Ore a tertained recent!)' with an lllba-Y 'service was held at 7 Guest SpealcefS at • Ins PIO ..U promloed --- tea table wu decorated with the hostess were a ~decorative gown ot white chiffon velVet with core dlnner at their home, Red-:;';"f'th i!t ~ar. \~t ~ ........ """ ... Methodist Church ~.:."!~.~·. aCco.11hic to Rev. E.. Do bride's roses and forget-me-nots note. Places were hud for Mr. and sweetheart neckline aM bor Jaruis avenue, Newport ·Heil!hts. ,_ .,. _ _, Bo h S ~ and the Mesdames Dorothy Schott Mn. Clem Buttress ol Malfbu, Mr. fingertip veil ..... caught In a cap honoring-the birthday annl_,,, 64 re present at the 11 o'clock t unday Services and Dorothy Ford poured. Fifty and Mn. S. L. Julian and dau&t>-beaded with pearls. Sh" carried ot their son Dan and also the servi · PC A ! ti ------------guests were presenL tAlr Joyce Ann and !On Ronald a sheaf of whit• now<b with return from servi.,;, of two young y g people of the chureh have Howard A. Cory personal rep-ssoc a onA M ~----------.., M r. and Mrs. A. E. Bartine of fems. The matron of honor was men, Hugh McMillan and Dan fortnj!<I a choir and _the committee resentaUve of ~ Ethel Huber Meets Sunday • • -.. , .................. , .......... ~" _,,__ Starting N Ball t b p k M Santa Ana, Mr. and Mi;s. McAJlls-Mn. Donald ~ager, who wore Patch. alfTed ~~~~ Southem' California tempenl)l.,.; I · '"' ew e Cu ac I 05 eets ter and daughter, Miss Nonna pink, while the bridemWd. Miss Much intenost ..... shown Iii the ·~·-or WI . er crusader, will speak Sunday at A meeUng of the PC -- Classes Wednesday, Friday Evening Jean Bartin•. and the host and Elva Lee Purkey. worel yellow. large collectlon of souvenirs col· of . boa Island ... istJng In the Otrtst Churt:h By-the-See, filling will be held at 10:30 a.m. at"- March 20 t 4 45 hostess. Bes• man was the bridegloom's. 1ected by Dan in the war, and tion. They v.ill hE: di-the pulpit and the 11 o'clock hour. Balboa Yacht club. accordin.c to · a : p. m. ''Heroes From Books" will be brother. Vandever C. ~re jr. covering a great variety of rectfby George A. Mortimer, He ls a dynamic speaker and th~ teetttary, Dick Hammond, llDd --tr Reservatl.ons l'n of Santa Ana and J0&eph 1Savolan articles. · choi . ter for ·St. Jam_es. brings a pertinent message to the In the afternoon the second ...., the theme for the meet of CUb Ardys Dean Vicar a~ was w;her. Enjoying the affair were the . · · · ' . r com,nunity. ot"the PC Midwinter series will be P a ck 105 to be held Friday eve--Order for Ebel! pom ed members of the comnuttee . The wedding reception was held Misses Jean, Leola and Verna In the evening Tom Farley di· sailed, .boats to stsr' at 1 ::!p - No. 6 Bay •-~-d ning, March 15 at 7:30 in the ?.lrs. Robert Killefer will be in at the manor. where t~e bride FUnk , Mr. and'Mrs. Hershel Funk, t9 rve as ushers on des.ignated f!C'lor of-young people's work' for the Balboa Yacht club. Phone. !1..-;."~ auditorium of the grammar school charge of the dessert bridge which cut the tiered cake and afterward Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Irwin and Suncp.ys. Those. ~amed were U.e Southern Califomia·Arizona Saturday evening will be the and all parents are urged to at· is bein g sponsored by the Second relatives and a rew friends gath· daugh ter Robin, M_r. and Mrs. Georg-: M. Holstein Jr. and R R. O>nfe~ ot the Methodist "Patrick's Stop" dance at 9 p.m. '-------------' tend. Book section of the Ebell club ered at the home of th~ bride's Walter-Kelly and daughter Karen, Hodikinson ; George l-t. Yardley cflurch -wro speak to the Meth-\\"ith door prizes. refreshments --' . and '3errell n.tes; George Gay and odi ' · -.-~-------------.:......--------, Thursday, l\tarch 21 at 1 p.m . a nd mother to view the wedding gifts. I-fr. and lttrs. Donald Dodge jr. Lt r;ot S H Frankli . 0 . ! st YouthtFellowship and later an extra good orchestra. :o.n reservations may be made with The honeymoon was spent in Las and children,, Mrs. Sadie Irwin, ·s ·.tit 0 • d Cot ·Th ~· AJ:.0~ to ~e aduJt group at the regular Broadford, entertainment chair--WATCH REPAIRING her by call ing 398-R. Assisting Vegas. a t Gra.nd Canyon, and in John ?t'lcMillan sr., Mr. and Mrs. nu j an · · omas · m SB"Vlce man, is in charge. No Delays • Prompt Service will be Mrs. H. V . Snodgrass, Newport Beach. Hugh McMiUan.dMr. an 0 d Mprs. R. son. rts were given by George ~~c.·'kln_. ____ _ chai rman of the section, a nd other This week the bride ~turned J. Dohle. ·Mr. an Mrs. an atch, H 1 . f th b ildi _ Tty wor g today's crcmword F or office supplies, see-tbl members. to her duties a t the Santa ·Fe of-Tate Hales and Miss Sadie Howell ? em 0 e u ng com puzale. News-nmes. -----------------------.,! t E c-··d " M M'll · mitt and the treasurer'streport :--~--------.......:.:....:..:..:._;:_:,::_:::_ ______ _ .-0 1 ..,..&"'-'' 0 • J•1.fS. Ci 1 an 5 was ubmitted b Don Id Hall 1 aunt, ""tio y,·as a house guest for Y 8 , · LOUCKS 179'7 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Newport· Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes ot Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Mn. Roy Keene. Ph. S91. SOl Palm, Balboa Boan: 10 a. m. t. I p. m. GILL'S FOOD SHOP 245 Forest A venue · • Laguna Beach Announces the Grand Opening ' of the Finest Delicatessen .• 0 c ty m range oun ! FEATURING Our Own Kitchen Fresh Roast Meats • Chicken Pies • LU!!clous Salads • Baked Beans Also Cuts, Cheeses and Specialties We Know We Have THE RAREST COLLECTION OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED F1SH AND MEAT SPREADS Everything from Deviled Ham to Caviar • J). visit to this department will convince you of such an array of fancy merchandise. • BALLERINAS • The perfect shoe for casual wear I • Now at: Bernadette's 305 Marine Ave Expert Beauticians for Milady • Permanenu, Cold Wave. Hair Styli9g. Hair Tinting · · · Bleach· ing, Cold W ave. RUTH · AJ{N. · CARMEN -§- 0,.. ........ :r • .I.I -. a-t.r ~ .... I• ,,_ -?•: ~ 81T Balboa Island . Balboa Inn · Beauty Salon . Balboa ""' Arcode • ~ ~ a& -l'tor ll&Jui Mo~,,, Mrvu:t,, 1a/A . BARROWS A Complete Line ·of Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's Wear, Sportswear 1816 Newport Blvd .-• Costa Mesa ------------ I a rew days. T 'l~ Functions Mar. 21 Luncheon for N~t Week for Cub Scout Mothers Asr istance L ·eague Den Mothers of Cub S cout Pack A1J members of the Assistance 110 of Balboa Island and 105 of League of Orange county are in- NeY."POrt Beach will meet Thurs-vi~ to be luncheon guests of day, March 21 at 11 a .m. at the Mrs. James Irvine on . Monday, home of Mrs. H. o . Boyvey, 1139 M h 18, at the ~cj!ic c.oast \Vest Central avenue Newport club Long Beach· and many local Beach, tor a pot luck 1uncheon me are planning to attend. and business meeting. All inter· da y, l\1arch 19: the New- ested mothers of Cub Scouts are port Harbor branch will ~ guests invited to attend of rs. Rowla~d ~?dgkmson at . House gues ts a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nielsen. 216 East Bay avenue, Balboa, are Mr. . her ome, 117 Via D1JOn. Udo Isle. Assi ting hostesses y,1Jl be Mrs. Geo e Holstein jr. and Mrs. Don d McCallum. a.rtd Mrs. Harold Leitz and Mr. M . and Mrs. Floyd "'Burke, 216 Rissman of Hinckley, Ill., who are Ogl street Costa Mesa are par- on ~e West Coast to attend a ents fa d~ughter. born.March 13 wedding. In ·S . Joseph hospital. She weigh- jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiJed e ght pounds, six ounces. Lido neatre Phone Zll,,-F,ree Parking Now Sllowlng tllJ'u s..turday -Pl .. Fr&ak Sinatra .. tJie Aeodomy Awud W.- "H0U8e I Live In" &ad Lateot M-of nm.. "Challenge to Hollywood" 8mL, Mon., n... ERNIE PYLE'S "Story of G.I. Joe" W-y,MarchH Lo-Allbrt-. Jon Ball • PeJp R)'an "Men in Her Diary" Ahlo Gloria .le&n In . "River Gang'' Balboa Theatr Phone '!6 Xow Showtnc" thna Saturday "Johnny Angel" _,._ "Hollywood and Vine" Sanday ... M.Oladay "Dolly Sisters" Ill Tet-Mlmlor ~-w-.., Koaahl ·Votmaa 0 ·rdetle C»lbert. ... Und Bat1ell "Under Two FJags" -Aleo.... "Bermuda r.Jystery" 8tantaS Ace. 'J A.wanl -JAKES DIDIN r ' 7,. Mardl JI "Men in Her Diary" _ . .,. "River Gans" ' l o r STEAKS CBICK,EN SPARE-RIBS LO.BSTEB coeked fo perfection ·hot cbarooaL * • cQQl~'1•L-12 A.M. • 12 P .llf. ta Ana's F inest Eating . Establishment , . . . West 4th St. ~i'nir Birch Santa Ana Telephone osa Clooed Monday BE ~UTY Balboa bland -Pboae 1112'7 Open Saturdayii UnW May b l Cl-.., Monday WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART .. ' Our aim is io enhance Milady's beauty and provide t)le ultimate in beauty care. ' HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE See Us About Yo11r HOME A..'<D CHUBCll WEDDISG PICTURES Be Sure to InqulrEI About Copying Old Portralla ANA A Perfect Gift for Baby! ., Heavy Sterling Silver Fork and Spoon · Set 10wcaby -J in an Attractive Case . at $425 inc. lux. tax LOU'CKS lm f!ew; & ....._ C1• .._ • • I .. •