HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-19 - Newport Balboa News Times• M..-1roa111 Latest flend- oo method to lure young women to ruin came to light this week when it was learn- ed that the young ,daughter of al prominent Santa Ana dentist was only saved from a terrible fate bY her quick wit. In company with a friend the two went to a theater·in Los Angeles. Pres- ently a male stranger sat be- side her . His actloos seemed pepil.iar, but the y o u n g woman was unable to watch him in the darkened house other thari that he moved a bout in his chair and seemed to push her arm. Suddenly she felt the upper part of her arm being held and turned in time ~o see him try to inject a needle into he r limb. She seized his hand and screamed. Attend- ants grabbed the man and It was found he was seeking to give her a hypo of a drug that would cause faint or sleeping spells. In that con- dition he could take her from the theater dallning she was his wife or rela tive. + + + Thrift Shop. With the ad- vent of soft spring and the urge of housewives with that perennial itch to clean the house, the cupboords, the at- tic, the gara:ge, comes an ap- peal from the Thrift Shop for the cast -out articles.' Don't burn them la di.,,,, but bring or phone some mem· ber of the EbeU committee, who will pick them up, be- cause the salvage will p~ duce a few doUars for char- ity. The money all goes for worthy causes and the ladies who sell the stuff donate their time. Now come on, you home folkes and do your stuff! + + + Embryonic Editors. . At- tended a meeting of the Or- ange County Press club, made up of H. S. journalism students, at the local high school the other evening, and enjoyed the forum no end. Pretty Nancy L . Neice, editor of the Beacon, was in charge and presented Eddie Lopez, as president, while Mrs. Richmond, journalism adviser, directed the affair. Brick Gaines, of the S. A. Register, gave a short talk on newspapering. Many pointed questioos were poeed for the o I de r newspaper publishers attending, while Printjpel Davidson tossed one into the gathering on why do newspapers present only their side of any con- troversy instead of both. + + + ~ Pays. Here . are two concrete examples of how advertiSing started and built the business of two new realtors. Tom Henderson and H. R. Ring opened of- fices at 30th and Central, formed the Harbor Invest- ment Co. In no time at all they had more business than you could shake a stick at. A few months ago J . M. Miller opened a realty office at 15th and Central, and today he is swamped with business. Both firms started using double column space in the News-Times and have been consistent advertisers ever since. Today they are re- ported to be doing a large part of the realty sales of the district and out-distanc- ing many of the old timers. + + + BowUng Along. One of the successful enterprises a t Balboa ls the Bowling em- porium just taken <Ml!' by Roy and Boots Keene, who bought out Al Joyce's inter- est. The Keenes are a pair d young people who make friends eesily, a fact that is attested bY the patronage thejr place enjoys. Try bowl-. ing for that lazy feeling. + + + Ted Rhoden is a bit work- ed up over the fact that some Wljg has been putting pla- cards on cars saying he was al ~date . for · the dt;y cowjcil. The Corona de! Mar realtor is willlilg to shoot on ~t the guy who is ".trylJlg to lie tunny. . . ' • • . .N·EWPODT Record Voting THOMAS P . ATKINSON Fonner Army Colonel. E."lttu- tlve Officer l.arcety · responsible for building up San.ta Ana Army _A1r Base. (Gnb&n!t pbokl) Col. Atkinson ' Gives Reasons For Candidacy IO-Cent Bu s Line, Mesa to Island; Details Revealed Gilbert Seal, 'Working Man,' Gives Platform Just because he is a \\'orking man. that sholild be no detriment to hi.s holding ofrice u a city councilman, believes Gilbert S eal, 38, master mecha nic at the South Coast compan)'. and e.'ecutive SttretlU')• of the CIO Local 52. He spe-nt ma n)· years as a funeral director at Glendale and InglC'- wood before coming to Ne\\1>0rt Beach to live. Seal h.u some very dermit~ Ideas as to what should be done to make th.is a bettw city in which to live. He be-lieves sinet>rel)' In rights ot the "'orklng man. but .Sho\\-"S no sign of radica1 tenden- cies. He will. ~-e\.-er. bring up some rather frank problems for discussion. which he lists in this article. Declaring he is quite happy at . work as a mechanic because that is his hobby, Seel has spent moot of his worklng Ure hllndllnc humans after they were ~ He Is In- • (Om~ ...• 'hflt J'lw) • • Almost 5000 Voters Regist' To Ballot tor Qty Council; 1 1000 More Than 2 Years Agp Newport-Balboa Section Leads With 2861 ; 1185 on Balboa Island; 695 in Corona del Mar Breaking all vote registration records for the city of Ne~­ port Beach, a new high of nearly 5000 voters has been estab- lished with th<! cl06ing of the books for the councilmanic elec- tion April 9, according to City Clerk Frank Rinehart, w1to made th_e figures public today. The increase is 1000 vot'f' over two years ago. on•sn SEAL CIO EKec:a:tl•e Secretary. for~ mer 1-tta.1 dlrect.Gr. ... a. .._, -... ., -'~ --(O«'W9 ..... , I • ' I • .• ' ' ... egis.tr tion STANLEY GO&ZUCBOVBll:I y._. nUne 1., ...... -- ....... ,, •• ...,. " 1' ,, .. -.a-L e., .... ·--? a.,. Stat R~ady To cq1're CD faH<Site - May Save I 0. ....... .,. ' a.... .............. ... .. tw PE ii ....... a ... , 0 , .. ~ ..... fM'a. , .......... . SpeCjal SUGAJI STILL SCARCJ: Sugar will be a scarce · 11em ror the rest of this year and perhapo Into 1947, aocordlng to the ogrlcul- ture deportment In Wuhingtm. '!be deportment s~, this · feet ln spite ot ration lncftueo .,,_ by tile OPA ""*"Oy. ~. increues are ror hotels, bak- en and restaurant&. not to hpLM e wt.... '!be OPA MY1 that IJ haa ' DO piano at Ilda -W hiR ·-CW l ent ntlan;-'11we. PMKtil ps P' ... ~ .. • ,. •• • ' 1 • .., ... . .. LEEWE J •• NEWPORT-AL.BOA • I RISE TO REMARK - - -. ~ !.:-.IJ ~ .!~ . ~ ~P:ll;~:::.~ YOW~ It! 1'orbopl ........ Wilttes ......... ~ ·~ SW1r:1;11yT'·';..; '~!' s v ...... .,....i; =fly~ ~ ~ ~ = ~.tt':~ ~te~ A~~ ~=·=-•Ylil~Al':-_:: .. =--:-1--lf- O lo tram a ttoolutlon -4c.,ceil bJ psbapo bl the -.ol -mem-a letter fnllll a -mldlblpmon S."'9 •tiitloo! 'PaJable 1n Adow: rso por ,_. 111 °" • o ., ; tt-1-Fedi!ratloa o1 Labor, 'her. """ sa1c1 11e ,.. ·-.....i relative to ~ -an11 • F · Sl.'15 por JM' to 4tll w; '3.00per,_..to1111-~ 1n the eurrent -ol ol hll -." --· "'lblo !;eiO(,. '"".,.,...,_Ill a ftO!llt article l!Dtered a ~~-~..!.."!~at theoll'oltollloe bl Newjdt B ;, W~ .Nt::ws Dl&at-.,_ ~~~the•blll• ~~ Qtl_.inlthebl -u.O N.,...~ ~ Ollt ~----.\ct Ilardi 3, 18'71 ~-· M agr<e wry--..... _ __, -=~ ·--r-:o W to ~ •-•-• ::--==::-----'-------~--''-"'.....;,.----,,-. I think the INClenhlp on both bill'." Of -· all. -Dj!ed. Vamarle.-.-.by J-)(er. hl ~m _ _ _ _ _ GmonJ ':!' -r sklos_ o1 the -baa made a """" to set -. 1s bu!Jdlnc matetlal. -now c1noted to hll art here 1~ L B. Mru.IJw . • • _ _ _ _ 4IJ:C louf mistake 1n keePlll the roo-and the OPA controla that oltua-In Nowpo<t a..m. cently a w. F. DIXON -• .,. - -A.ch._ Mvspr P""9 In temon'far .aJmc:mt eeven Uc:m. , / Intormatkm RCUred from the today i Prinlin& Plant. 3011 w. central A_,ue. New1Dt ii'"'h, <>'*•* _... From a,.,.,. monU. before Io that what you """'t, qom-yadtt broker whlcb appntt4 In a pal&n far • • Pearl Harbor. untD tbe Ra1mwr at radea! No matter bow unnece. January tsaue at tlie paper. which lfJ' om OUic:Uil P•p« of tile Caty of Nw port B•cla 1913, there wu hardly a ahort ~ oary the bm lo; no matter Whi t It 1tatod that the :racbt wu never ' A Da; n Me 1.-.1 ......... ~ O.W ft r-cea. Then concrea took a few bu In It, or hasn't; no matter Maten. II corrected by MldahJ~ weelci only. In 194.5 we bad two 1Vhat the COit, or the dupllcall""-man J.-ph R. Wllaon u lo-: .i-t M<elO<S. not enough for If the c:halnnan of the tlemoc:Htlc · March 11, 1946. lfmEDllORIAL ~~IATIO~ .AtMJf .-yone to eel ·In -with the National commlttft, or the ¢to. N.,...Tlme9. thinking qi the people apln. We PAC. or the WlncbeD---lype Newpqrt Beach. callf . .._ promised a ,...,... In 194.5, ol oommunlot-Une """'leltator, Dear Sir: but the war ended, and 1 per-teDa )'Oil to write and _, ti.0 My attention baa been drawn to .-----~~-----------~~~~~I aonally -lmt m: clayo In the bill -be Pll••d. c1o you ~ an article 1n your pofler 1n resud dlstrtct lut )"Hr. We have been want me to vote that way, aJ am to Mr. Jupar Ucrpn.. the de-- Do It Ri ht told there will be only a .i-t I , after reading the bill, to !Vote 1lgner of the Vamarle. g Eutor recea this yeu, then a my lUdlment. • •et11-tal:iwo 'The Vamarle bu a wry lnter- lonp!r recea. beglnnlns _,.time att expoct..cl to do under our form e1ttns lliltory and -al ol your Reports from both Germany and Japan Indicate that 1n July. 'The election In Call-of covermnentT I otatomonto were In error. · our occupation officials are unable to do a tOOroulh job fomla will be June 4. Then rd UJr.e a ilttiO "COl!illl&-o..icn..i by Jupar Morpn o1 In th°"" countries because unde the n-•-from bmne One of the otrong featutto of off period" with my trieDds I who Cox ancl Stophenl and built by • r ... -~ the farm of gowmmmt callod the belons to the unJono. -.,. Abelslns and RUmuaoen. theyad>t for a speedy return of troops, they have had to amd back Republic wu the Idea that the llince this letter la alrndY abi>ut ~ Vamarle wu launcho4 at Bremen. key men whom they badly need. l'Ollft"""t&tlveo k-In touch with column Ions. rn continue It/next Germany, In June 1933 --• . the people; learned the CJ!llnlonl week. . brousht by steamer to the Unltecl In Gennany, especially, the Americans are tumlllg over and desires of th• people, ancl then · · States In 1934. more and more Important jobs to the Germans slnQ! lack made decisions, buecl "" thla Fat '1-11--tj • J The ciwner, s . Vacllm Makarott, of adequate personnel leaves no choice knowledge. ~Dec Oft son of a R-1an admlral who ~t · Any change In gowmmmt, In-H J f.o A rt Ills Hfe at Part Arthur, wu for-'The "brlng-the-boys-hmne" demand Is quite tmder-tentlooally or not, by which the e ps ve merly • captain (-ensln- standable. The ~rican pe9p)e don't like war or anything declslono In congreu are not made W Jd F • eer) In the old Rualan navy ancl that goes with It. Now that th figh....,. Is •"-· want on the representative's penonal Of 8l1lllle la now a naturallied dtiz91 ot e ~... . over ~:r knowledge of home thinking, but the United States. The nanie their boys home and the boys want to come home. are made --oomeone baa Fats and oils are a major short-Vamarle Is a combination of But this attitude Is not helping us win the peace Unless been able to promote "lnlluence" q:e acoordlng to a 1tatement re-Vacllm and Marie Makaroff. . · l'r<>m home. by propaganda meth-cently ~ by spokesmen for the At a clreu parade at the United '!be -American !Uu- C1rplrt~ ...... Blnlee • HANSEN'S . IMI On• 'l'IW"-oll . ,,, .. lfOW OIL IWDlllf• r t . I M&lft • ll&)ID ... , = tor-.o.a PROFESSIONAL AOOOUNTANT *? 7 we keep a sufficient number of men on hand to properly oc1s learned tn the aclvert!slng pre>-Famine Emergency committee ere-States Navlll Academy on Novem-back ~f and profealonal police the occupied territories for five or ten years we are featon, or through organhatlono ated by President Truman to avert ber 11. 1936. Mr. Mid Mn. Makar-football been auodated leaving ourselves open to the possible military recovery set up to cttate ouch "apontan-1tarvation among the llberatOd off presented the yacht to thO: since 1 th e sheriffs office r-------~--:0--1 1 r------------, f . d th Id eous" opinions from home (remind peoples of Etlrope and Alla. Brigade of Midshipmen. and ba n department an-I· 8 • WRY TE PIANO TEACHER O our ~es an ano er wor war. me sometime to tell you about While thl! worJd shortage of fall It ls estimated that .she has sail-hisll?unced his c dacy clORUupon .4.utb~-~ tJ~~ G. v . LINSENBA.ftD Yes, that sounds far-fetched now, but after seeing the Hitler's "spontaneous" demonatra-and oils ii reflected in the United e<l 30.000 miles ln all winds up to the nlted U'r7 ~' '° NP• ' e:Uees. m 'Graduate recovery Germany made after the last war should neve tlons!) ts t he beginning of the end States by reduced production of 50 miles per hour. but she hu been rps, following his 000~':i:n,: ~at':.. -...twn.. Royal C>omenato'7, '4'1 I belittle h . N houldwe r or free goveinment. soap, and other industrial products, beaten several times. In elapsed llOOU&&i'INO mncs . Ph. 1252-W er recuperative powers. or s we be overcon-I have written about the ra-In countries other than the Am-time •he has been beaten once, tered the Orange om. DM ._... m-. o... ._ 1S26 W. Ocean Front · fident about Japan. mous eight days of the S<H!alled ertcu there is In addJtlon a grave taking third place in the St. office where for ,_ _ _; .. _...;-;;....;"...;";;..,:.-:c...c:.••:.•;;.•...;"c......-....1 I Th . . . ''VeteTans' Housing Blll"-referred dearth of food fats whJch ArP 8 Petersburg-Havana race of April a peri ears he was con-~------------' e pomt lS, thousands of young Amencans sacrificed to by some cynics as the "Rous-prime essential to maintain ~al th. 934 , end in corrected time she has tinuousl en ag in crime preven-ABClllTECT PHYSICIANS A aUBGEONll, 11.D their lives to win this war. Are we going to endanger their Ing .Prevention Bill." Certainly I "Obviously," comments the Am-been beaten five times. tion an d' tee on act.M.ties. In lr-------------.1 sacrifices because occupation duties are distasteful or un-would like to talk to my comrades erlcan Fat Salvage committtt, "we ~he has an overall length of 72 1939 he w pointed assistant I t? in the several veterans' organiza-cannot use waste from American feet and a waterline length of 54 probati fi and served as P easan · tlons about that bill! kitchens to feed the at8f'Vlng peo-feet wt th a beam of 15 feet 3 such un ii ar of 1943 when he Because we didn't properly finish the job after World I would ask them why any vet-,Pies of the world, but every Am-Inches. . volunt !or duty In the U. S. War I we had to fight it all over again. We can't afford eran would wish to create a new erican woman can save her cook-She has been entered in the Ber· Marine 1?r· Armand Monaco ARClllTECT . 814 W. Bay Ave;, Balboa . Newport 17U %721 l.&kewood Ave. Lao Anpl.. NO"""""Y MOS H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-llars­ Houn: 2·5, by Appolntmmt Telephone 2620 Ul Broad~ Coota 111Ma to make such a mistake agam· organization, duplicating existing ing fats for re-use. After she has muds race of June 1946, and will The arH1e orps utilized his · powers to do' the things the vet· gotten the food values out of them be manned by Midshipmen from wide e n in police work. erans want? Whether they want she should turn in her used fats 1.he Naval Academy. He firs ed overseer of the '--------------' 1 ~------------' the GI bill of rights or the new for industrial uses. This "-ill' mean JOSEPH R WILSON. U. S. N v n at Mare Island DAY SCHOOL housing prevention bill?" Whether that industry will not have to MJdshipman, U.S.N. where t r m nths he gaJned ln- "HOU!ing Prevention Bill?'" Or make as greot demands 00 the valuable er:· nee in the man-..-------------, whether they remember the cell· over-all supply of available fats DISTRIBUTE BLOOD PLASMA agemen o a erge penal lnsti-Mortimer School The proposed Joan to Britain has been presented to Con-lngo to "'help the farmen get and oil> and that more food fat.I TO LOCAL COMMNNlTIES titian. so:t <Joni • Bal-lllan4 gress for approval with the full support of President Truman·. equipment.'' when the farmer. try-can go to feed the staning. Diltribution to local oommun-.----1-r-+------0 ,,,_, OoUece. ~ Loan To Britain . ing to buy a tractor that might "It is appMent in an over-all itles of initial allocations of dried pert DAY SCHOOL M In his message to Congress about it the President said the sell second hand for $1000 (to set' world deficit of fats and oils. such blood plasma made available to 0::. loan would enable Britain to move with us "toward the com-any figure) found a ceiling of. say as ii repurted by the Department dvlllans by the American Red epairing ~:!-· M. ~='= moo goal of expanded world trade" This, In turn, Mr Tru-·sooo "proeeting" him, but he had of Agriculture and the Famine Cross was begun tut F'rlday by . . .: . . •. . to buy a $300 rooster, before he Emergency committee, that every th e Calilornia State Department man declared, would result m a nsmg standard of livtng could buy the tractor at the "cell-puund of fat that can be released of Public Health. , . OU Wait . everywhere.'' But there is {10 doubt that the pro(X>Sed finan-ing!': Why comrades, under this from industrial use ts needed for Because the plasma, declared cial aid to our war ally 'will undergo some rough treatTnent housing fraud, there'd be the food. Therefore, consistent salv· war surplus, ts coming into the •• . r ·· greatest marltet in "second hand age of used household grease will Pacific Area Red Croa from all DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST at the hands of the lawmakers. A number of them feel that furniture'" the world has ever seen! make available more food fat sup-parts of the world and not all the Joan will do more harm than good in this country by The<e are other paint.I. Then why plies, by providing lnduolrif'1 fat.I local communlUes have completed providing the British with dollars to bid for our goods which did 357 vote for It, and only 24 and oU. for the United Sta.tes.'' plans for cllitrlbuUon. It will not lllail1 Bay Front nn~ w. Ooatnl . Pb. 1'80 . . be available immediately in every are now terrifically scarce and seem likely to continue for county In Callfomla, Dr. Wilton L. Bar ~ Cale NEWPORT BEACH ~~~~ff i~~§l§~ ~ r:: (#~~~~~~~: ~~~~~:::] ;=~.T~=~e""="· =·t•=te h=·eal=th =dlrect=or===P!=t:I to=6 p.=m.===: !;=Dr:=. =w.=wv..=::=-===0~==d~I ject from the halls of Con~ for a Jong time to come. l.CB068 ......... M•d ...... Malloy and y kof f . 1801 Coul mway Our Cockeyed Economy This Is a story that should interest every member of any given group of 960 hOusewives. The drama develops around Louis Craig, Oakland dtl- 2lell, and iin a d he read which seemed unbelievable. A Mid- west company offered to sell butter, by air express delivery, to anyone in any amount wanted. Mr. ,Craig ordered 240 pounds-<uld got It! He' and his small family had grown tired of trying to find a little butter now and then. Of a suddel\. he found himself the astonished possessor of enough butter to supply 960 housewives with one of tha;e quarter-pound cubes they're lucky to find in a day of tramping from store to store. A glut of butter in one part of the country, a famine in another-what a commentary on America's cockeyed economy! Never were the prospects for qulcl( abundance so bright for any Nation as they were for the American people when the fighting ended nearly half a year ago. On the one band, a vast war-built Industrial machine malined by the greatest army of trained workers ever assembled. On the other Iiand, a 'great Nation of consumers rich in savings, and eager to replenish depleted stocks of everything civilians eat, wear, use and enjoy. Yet between the producers and consumers stands Government, maintaining unchanged the barriers of regulation and regimentation that are, by their Yl!l"Y nablre, impediments to free production under a · competitive economy. .The American ·pe0ple have the eager will to go ahead-- to produce, buy, l!5" and consume abundantly; to build pros- perity. But where there's a will, unfortunately, there's an OPA! .. • GEORGE D. B~ General Aecounting Fishermen's Bookkeeping ,. INOOD TAX Sl:BVJVE 2602 W. c.entra1 Ave. N-poii B•• I COBONA DEL MAB 1 Body of 1tudents ;t ;t ;t l'lloae N-rt ioa ,~ i::::.f:'.!1 Outboard Motor U Goddess at Our Sipeoeia~ 04eaee uu~ ;t ;t ;t 14 Fi~'l"ooda 913 Coast Hi lay 15 Tran11re11 n--of Bal.!..._ ..-:.....:--19j'!r~t'1lill'e 18 Sailor .&'\CUA.. uuu. .LQ.AIU.tt:f.& 18 Femai. deer 19 Ra.U an mi 30 nower 22 Nlton (chem.) 23 Rent 25 Unit. o1 tore• 2'1 Rouab lava 211 Behold! 28 Rin&let. 3:1 Fabrlc S5 Erbium (l)'ln.} •Form at addttn to o lady II Mulbe"7 18 w.,,,.,...,. 41 Gained 42 A W\nl 43 Ptrt 45 Piece of turf <10ID 47 Follow 48 Wonhlp 49 Hinder 50 To have 1ued at law (colloq.) DOWN lTool-eu--IOne of U.. tor1nao I B.1ftr Cl::q.J , 11 .. 1 4 Male JI Conjunction de1eendent 21 Stopped 5 CUtuns t.ool 30 Polite I Hunter SI "Tom -, .. '1 Part ot by 11. TwaJA ......... bl[lndof- • Not Uvla.c: » Plent!fW I Cbaal M Llfled ID 10 Set.a ••aia spirit. 17 Bo7·• S7 Perform tUdmam• ~ Piece ot .,, Socrod _, .._. llW-42Acbowl- -(bot.) MlllDt )I Rf.er C.Swlt&. > • Gtrr1 a&DM 315 NORTHjilAUI sr. Start worlliq this new 1111ria of iatrl1!'i•1 paaaleo tblo week! Not 100 bani, not !Ge ea17 -Ja1t rla:lat ••• lo llt-~t ••I --1 Let Us ••• Repair Your Electr ONCE AG SAM'S .SEA F •• Sa•'s· Sea F and Fllh Wo...&~ q • liances I ... ilcot • __ ,. New York Life ,Insurance Company DON L DUMNT 428 Orchid Ave. CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL Lin: IN8UBANCE 00. R8.r Nielsen -na-J IU JJ. 8-y A-- --MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel ·we Ounelves the Better Serft by Se""'1&' Others Beet" -N-rt11411 ~-c.llf ..... Robert A. Crawford Opt. D. OPTO~ Eya En--~ Fltta! tm •-,.on ...... , .. ..._,_ OO<ftAMU• . . l!l. T. BaUenrortla, O. D. Opl•••ta• ' -ICllAllDflZ> UCN-· DtJPUCA'llm ...... , ......... ,, 1116 W. ~.&-. T lcl111 ..U •aww~ IRJ&t&IW Sfeiel & Raab ....... ,. .. -.., .. IWlfw.-a-.-- T,52 1 1 Iii, '•Tw.o t.r•stpl'l·1 • T' ct i 111 CONRAD RIOR1'ER, 11. D. ~--...- 120 E. 18th St. COSTA MESA Hours: 10-12 a.m.; " p.m. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tobill Ptay-..-~ 2209 Cout Ba NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES- Office 286-W Rea. 2811-R U no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1028-No anower call 301·11 X·Ray Smrlce . lllltoa II. llutNll, M. D. Htl~~ 0o ........ - Ottke Houn: 10-12; H Pi.wNewpwtllG S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 11&7 AYe., BdlQa Neupoot 1'114 W&BIDM..Laoa..- TU-111% By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. l'hyll-"a• lllld &upa. 1001 Wen Jllay A- TeleplH-Newport eot A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYllICUN ... IJUllGSON Ta'11'r•1 nt.W Dr. W. T. Mooney ~~Swgw --~ ,_ (14-lar. wwlm) - W ...... DI.qi'! n I llhlle br. WE r 0. W .... ~~~ i-.~-....­.__ ~- ZONE THERAPY . CLINIC • .....,.. n -r. ,.-....... •i"!nl n tr , 1..;c;a ft.W ._ERiaa..At 0 ·- • • • ' • ALLMARK .Easter Cards ll'or ~ !lallday, April 2ht Lamps :: Vases :: Figurines Costume Jewelry .. Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop We w,.. Oltta ZUI -FraGt HAYF YOUR COLD urs REMODELED ••• NOW Al REDUCED RATES 218 N. Broadway Santa Ana Phone 373 ORANGE COUNTY'S FOREMOST RJRRIER ,, Wt.at Jo.. sixfy million dollars I.aw to do with ,,,, m•f . Young .Cady, this particular sixty · million dollars can have a lot to do.,with • Yo)J. because it will be used this year to add switchboards and other equipment to the Southern California Telephone Company's system. The bigger ·the system the more young women we need to fill good jobs in just about every building in every town we serve. And, if you qualify for one of these attractive, permanent jobs which • now pay better than ever before, that's where you come in. So won't you come In and !lee ' MRS. RUHL 100 J!!. Bay, Balboa or C.U Chief Operator •• • CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS g~ Sp<J'li SI.op • ' Burt R. Norton 91~ Cout Blway Pbo.J Ul1' Newport Boo ... eauf. ~-----------------·I STEAKS-- o U R S P E C I A L [T Y: GENUINE ' HOT • BUTTERMILK CAKES • '· Complete Luncbeon-55c • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 ' ''ONE G OD T:ER·M . I • e-elect: Independent Coull ii I • • ' J • .. • D'ON'T I ' :R A.l!!U..Ma LIDO.a ... LBS -· Aok y- DoaUat r.-I~ SWnp•ea DB. OOWllN .... - .... t:z:! r r-...... 181 t '5i!I ~"" ~iA HFOX C·l\UGHT ·wITH 30°,4, DROP • EASY TO WEAR ••• wW not warp or - ••• belpa •will ............... bllac. lrri~ ..... Dr. Cowee'a IAenl Clreiit Terms. No ID.tend or m7 U-tra ......... , ....-... par meata · over ..,. --.1m·H= 1encUt of•Ume. Die_,,,__ for appllM oa all "*1leo of -- tal platee, led~ -IO\W:n, pu1ials &ad. roolie. deatun.o. THE ' Get 1TO ! (:E G , ·I . ' an, • 'r Your Car NOW !ASH IN 10 MINUTES I • ' ' Santa .Ana Phone6036 : l "'" ..,.. . ... l BELL on · Apri -..•--•• s· rrw•••'• ' ·I . ' •• .. • "\ .... ' ' • • , ,_ Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON Benttss IMtallaUom 11.a.U Warm PYleMI • tr Sn ...... .... a111tsne "'--NG or !:116 If you ar e -unable to c ome~ in dur ing - off ice hours, why JlOt sa ve IJY'"m'ail? 0 Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan J Part o\ All you Earn is Youri to Sa'it! Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal Savings and Loan . Association Laguna Beach, Calli. -Ph. S90 • • ' N&WFOW'I • Before You Build or Re*1od~I . visit oar Interesting sample and display rooms. . Color guides, plan- ning aids, compre. hensive stock • of rugs, carpets and linoleum. B op a C'.arpeb Cleaned, Repaired . LUDLUM Carpet Works . 18U Soutb Main St. Pboae Santa Ana !808 8~A AJ'IA • • • A N N ·o U N C I. N G A NEW SERVICE CHRYSLER DEALER •••• HEADQUARTERS AND ijLYMOUTH AND FOR CARS. ' NEWPORT HA~BOR M>OfORS 2616 W. Central Ave., Newport Beacll ,,. -........ of .... beautllui Chryslor and the PIJ;• oul1t ofhn the laloot In ..-n ..,.,Ice fadltla 1M a•chonks ore specialty troinec1 • .. the ........ and ...... of o...,.i.n anc1, ">-auiha 'allCI a tarp stodt ol Chrysler 9tt0i.. 111 eel part1 d ahoayo be .., '-cl. II yOAi . . CHRYSLER _"'_,,_ ............... .,,_ dillon -.. regularly. YWll got P""'""' --...... ,.... ,,_ • "'-job lo • _,,,... ... ooMut.,. Apel ...... JOU -.... -Clwyslor and "'1-• ...... """ ... °""' p'>e .... e-1 ................. - JOU -...... -· ,.,.,,,,1011 or c••r•&•• coaPoa.Ar10• I WOMEN WANTED! NOW TRAINING FO~ OUR NEW FACTORY LADIES' FINE SPORTSWEAR AND DRESSES Single Needle Operatnrs, Pressers, Help In all De-, partments. Clean, light, airy factory. ~ work- ing conditions, the kind of surroundings you will be ha ppy to work in. Excellent pay If experi- enced. U not experienced, we will gladly teach and pay you while learning. Listed here are additional features to make your work pleasant • Lunch Room e Hospitalization In- surance Plan • Nurse in Attendance .at All Times e Public Address Sys- '~m e Musie While You Work · e Transportation Good, Next Door to P. E. Station and All Buses. Establish yourself now in r. pel'lllUlent all year 'round job APPLY IN PERSON NOW MAURICE EVERETT . Upstairs -405 Fniach Street -Santa A.a New · .ork Paper Cites ewport Harbor J :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ BILLION DOLLAR EXPANSION Ne Harbor 's unique sum- Twenty-five new plants are go-mer wl festival, the Tourna- ing up in 11 states under the l ute>-ment of , ghts, which will be held motive industry's billlon-dollai-ex-this ye 'I or the first time since panslon, reconversion and modem -Pearl ' , was given publicity ization p""rogram, the Autombtive In the r ts" column of New Manul9fturers A&Sociation reilorts. York s World Telegram re- cently, ng with .the Flight of • ROSSI'S ' Liquor Storb lOOS ec-t mway I Ii --.,·-· Qoeed on Tneeda7 ·. , the Sn ir<is and other Southern Calif<> attractions. · Whil inting an attractive picture the area as a vacation playgro they e-cho the warn- ing of All-Year club as to housing tonditions and advise waiting J later before buying tickets t . ..,.,.., dayr 1'llolnpsoll w1111 .............. ._ l'lrznn UN • . . ' WHO . . WILL GET . . . YOUR ESTATE ' • I • . • ? • ' You can make 81,ll'e your heirs receive the henetlts you Intend by i;iamlng the First ·N~onal Bank Trust Department as your exeCutor or trustee. You·are ll8llUn!d that • ewrythlng wtll be handled oompletely and efficiently ID a hmtn E I like manner. U there· Is llllY qneatkm In ~ PllDd re- prdlnc this couqjete lel'Yiae cw In to •tfle Trust Pepartmmt. Seol!!d .lloor. and ' . ~-It with ou;r oftlc'91a. .·.;..--- • I l • .- • • • , • ; CPO *8mey Lehmar\ Local Yac~ts~~ GUoort sJal Gives J)js(han:ed With Canine Wave, Vll'glllla Platform ~ Race 0ne o1 k~ Harbor'• nni-1 ribbon. • good conduc!t n'bbon and For C.Ouncil anklnl 1iacht.amen Chlrl Petty' Is to have a special honorable oerv-~ttr M L. (Barney ) Leh-ice emblem. fOoattnued hUn Etace One) ten11:ely human, however, Ip his feeJing towa['I pe/ople. He used to drtye regu)ATlv 1to Onul.R"e dur- Jn21 the war for a period of about tw? yean., where1 he was assistant supervisor of youth activities. · Juvt'1lJlf!! Problem High Scho.ol Alt Exlumt In May To Depict ~ Nearby Landscapes • ors An art exblblt, of, both on.. and I haw tncilcated that'tbq -· be water colin, that ·...w Include r.epooseated. 'AD artl8ta qmllrJlnc scenes depictinc'New....,t Harbor with a C&n\'U of the Bay er od-· and surTOUDding lands<:a~ ...W Jacent territory are entitled lo a-·suporvlse oxpmdl,_ of oil be held at NewPott Haroor. High biblL . dopertments, visions and oervlceo school Mo.y 4 · to 7 inclusivt'ly, It Many famous -audl .. and act as aamt fer aD was annoUnced this .week. Mlliaro Sheeb, Dan • Lutz, Piii! ~..,b. the fUnctl011S' The exhibit, to be 1ponsored by Paradloe, Joan Brandt, Bane MU,, dutieo and a vltieo f var! ~ the high IChool and Newport Har-!er, Lee and )bey Blair and End! -'-tr 0 ous bor Chamber of Commerce, will Kosa, Jr., are expected to ._... ,... -·~ ... ·COl~~ollila_ emP!oyes and to open officially on Saturday, May 4, on c.anvuee wbmltted. m:aJte.: tions to the city with a tea from 2 to '5 under the man 1325Y:t Bay avenue, wboi 1be two served undtt eeveral h '1peorrt ~the past 18 months on 1 command.en. the lut ,being Cept. ~ of tM biggest thing• afloat, I Carence S . Williams. 4000 Chan- the floating dry dock ABSDI nel Place, Newport Island, and which is large enough to handle-a Lehman and Vergie ~ b:t-"gmg battleship. ret\lf'Md home ThUJ"S--messages to the captains wife, his day e\'enlng. He came from the mother, Mrs. CUiver. and hll tis-- PhlliPl'ine& by way of Guam and ter, Mrs. Cedric Farnham. also of Pearl Harbor on board the aircraft Newport Island. After . a vt1._it · ~o · caJTter Bunes. because hil com-his parents, Lehman's b1g desll'e lS panion, Virglnla. wu not allowed to get in a boat that sails. to return by plane. The juvenile Pt'Oblem ls one of hi.I greatest int.,-ests. and he ~· lle~es in a youth center for stu· deDts to get together in a whole- soipe wav, rather than allowing them to run into difficulties with- out some proper supervtston. In other words, he believes primarily 1V provtdlhg a preventative. COWlcll as . promote the hlih-ausplces of the high scljool PT A eot degree of ffldency In the over-Rex Brandt, nationally ~ Surplus Goods oil operation the dty. artilt of oouthern CaJif · and • • Not on!Y did ''Ver!Pe" compel bim to take the long way home, 1he stole the show when they both pa&Sed · tl)rough the Navy'i officer aeparation center at Chevez Ra- vine. The little black. white and tan terrier. native of Glendale, re- ceived Mr dischar&:e u CW lie (Canine, Wave, first class) "from March 14 until doomsday" after serving 34 monlhs as mascot of the dry dock. She wears the Asi- atic-Pacific and AJ'Derican theater ribbons, the Phillpplnea liberation Dick Snodgrass, son of Mr. and Mn. H. v. Snodgrass, 220 Pearl avenue, Balboa Island, has start- ed on his first semester at the University of California. Los An· gel es campus, afttt a year and • half in the navx. He ts livtn& at Zeta Pal fraternity house. Mr. and 'Mn. Henchel ClirllrtY. 400 Tustin avenue, are parentli ot a son, born ~March 13 at St. JOM!pb hoopital. He weighed six pounds, two ounces. I CARPET & UPHOLSTERING CLEANING • . ' Local Veteran of World Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUR HOME Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen Dean Ward PHONE NEWPORT 2056-R Tbal'••lllJ th• hrfeooW .....,,.....11u bMa ct..lped ror perftn bt.l&aoe.. Wol onir d• hrrl<Old ma.In~ all opera\lq baWac. 'M· &-.o the cornet t.emperatv. &Dd 1&1(11 moll- lvr• cont.ea\, bqt ll Lt also balaaced per. fectly kt the ...st ol all oommercW uen of t'l:f~ration. P or 111ompl1. lhe 1nat.er 1lora11 faclll\f, coapled with compactn111 and o\htr 1pac• •rinc f.Uv.,. rnalr.u Ul• Perftcokl idul for H•t.a•r•lllA. dra11\or• 1oda fov.nt&ln1 and Janell i:ount1r1. 1roc:•ry and meal mark•C.. h.i.;'MUeai..Ma.1 an.cl liq"acir .cone. l>hone 2188 Newport Electric 2305 Coailt Blvd. ••N&Uff ni.__._._,_ ...... ., ......... ... .. ...,... .. 1e ................... .. .,_,.....,..._. •(g) To elop and organiZ<t wl f orrua publlc im ement pro)eCb .an4 nner o last year .. ~affee ex-Sale of IUl'Jll,. government prognmz alcfin carrylnc then\ hlb1t, will be art adYlSOr to the property belan yeotenlay at the to 8 ou . conclusion. . committee of ~tativeo of I Santa Ana Anny Air base and (b) To u public rela~ ... artilta who wl1l oelect the out-Will continue unw Friday, It ....0 offieer of dty government and •landing pie,_, to be awarded --b)' Col. Wllllam C John Norek, boat builder, and Walter Cole of the Lido Cove an- chora~e SPom<>l:ed his Candtdacy. A nmnber of planks in his plat- form show his interest in fisher- men and their problems. H e owns hi& own home at 615 Broad street. Newport Heights, where he. lives with his wife and two boy&. His platform is as follows: follow ~AQd acUuat oil com-the purcbaR price of $150. The Farnum, ""'"~inc officer. plainto med' ,aJnat any employe picture will be donated to the bl&h ltems_oj'f'ltc!CI fer auctiOG. wbldl or de-t to make eYf!rY ef-ICbool art l'Ollection In ach!>o1 li-Include electrical and hardware fort to ... t oomplalnlns dti-~;., J~ ~ Incl~~: ~-t. plumb~ 1uppllea and :Rm are aa ed their govern-and then. art ..,,_ -t building matorlal, Wlll•be OI/' - ment is be! operated In their •o · · · play Monday throusb Friday, ...,._ behalf with hlgheat degree of Brandt lo planning to Include • tne which time they may be In- efficiency. p!Ctlll'e and about 20 Other artflt& ,apected. Other duti were prfteribed u : I f:=:::::z:======;::;::::::;;:::::;;:::;;:::;:::;:::;::;::====i For fair and impartial ad.minis· tratJon ·of the city gnvernment, tree or favoritism and extrava:. gance. For sane public lmprovernen.t that will be .of benefit to all the people of the community. For the advancement of the fish- IJlg. packing and boat building in- dustries in this territory in order to provtde employment tor more people. . to ~rate with community 011 canizatfons splrltual and ma· · terial we1f of the dty; to keep ~ lnven of pen()nal property and nd whatever pur- chases of ma ery are needed; to recommend amftt of equipment from one ent to another; to make 1 of tbe dutiea of employes of various de partmenta and nd consolidation or transfers of tpersonnef u may be heeded ; to Je:t:lve and open all mall a ' to the dty CQllllcll WELC·OME CAFE !MO Newport Bhd.. c..ca 11- 'l'h-US-JI Finest Place to Dine Famous . C.Omplete Dinner OpfJllllLm.tolLm. SPEX:IAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES . 01711 Al'ICJl&N OPDI P08 JN&P&CiJON WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. Develop dty owned bay front property into moorings and slips, to be operated by the city rather than leased to individuals. Vl rK'ln1a Wlunaa.. Caalae Wav Ftnt'rn.u.. wbo wean a collar lull of ser\o1ce rlbboaa. •bow. recelYlac' ftaal playalcal examlaatioa at N &V)' Separation Center, Chave& aavtae, \o\'hicb Ille pueec1 tbl-ouch Thursday wltb bu muter, CWef' P etty Otncer !llyron L (Barney) Lebmaa, Ne\o\-port yacht.man. Provide additional Police and quainted." and see tha all communications 1 ~========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:~ receive anic attention. The dty uncll In approving fire protection for Corona del Mar Rotary Speaker ' Returning veterans, \\'ith their and Newport H eights. natural desire to enter business or Install signals regulated for 30 Says "Gyp Arl1.sts'' fui-ther their education as entitled miles per hour in Corona del Mar under the G. I . Bill orRtghts, have and the Miracle Mile district. Fleecing Veterans been the ideal targets for unscru- the resolutl for Colonel Sailors position , vot to keep tiJs present salary for time being until all salaries are reviewed by the· of- ficial go'{ern ent body. Postpane building ot new city pulous characters who have foisted b all until critical materials ai;e . worthless businesses ff ed t Patf" d B available without patronizing the That the "suck er" public. is i:ow, "get you in on the iro~n~r floor'? 1e uys b.lack markets. more tha n ever befor e, fertile pick-romised bi returns r ' ) t B R Pro\.ide a youth center ~indl.s-ings for gyp artists and con ~en gleasant 'wor~ in your h~~es~~~ ' n 0 ue oom pensable for control of juvenile de-and that veterans are being disabled d · " Caf I B lb llnquency) In OOoperation ~t~ the fleeced of their savings and bein~ II cure" for r:~~ry~~in:.IY:i~ {~r ~:s~ .e a oa P . .-T. ~· a~d o~her or gan1za!1ons, I taken ad~ant age of by shady bus1: consider ations, it was ass!orted. The Blue Room. at P alm and ~'Ith f1~anc1al aid from t~e ctty. ness ~eal1ngs was recounted to 55 Bay, has ch ged hands in at least Provtde net areas tor fishermen (Ro tarians and guests at last Tues· · . one res ·' The Balboa Cafe tO dry and m end their nets with days meeting of Newport Harbor 11r. and Mrs. Cedric Farnham., . pee,.~ • . . · • · . . ~* . which has n remodeled into added police_ protection. . Rotary club at \\1h1te s Park Ave-Ne port Island. spent Sunday in one of the f' est places of its kind Investigation and solution of nu" cafe on Balboa l s.land. San Diego visiting old friends, 1'.ir. in the count , has a new partner In ~llutlon of b~y by boats, which The speaker was Phil M. Br.O\\'n, and T\1rs. E . E. Merrill of Minneap-the person of Bob Patfield, former still dump ref~se, etc., into har bor, secretary·manager or the Business olis, who are wintering there. The .owner of Lfinpert's Motel. thereby cre ating a health me nace Mens Assn. of Santa Ana, \Vho ex-. . Patfield tJ...u ht the interest or a ffecting property owners a.s well plained various rackets now being Merrills are r eturrung home t he Lo . J bl 7 g 11 k n -b th ed h I I al d I h' k d ·11 . we a o , we nown .DU11lOn as a er:i. . . us t at are a most eg or at en o t JS wee ~n WI . stop m attorney, an Ed Tubin, but Art Promotion . of ind~try and pay-least sound and appear I e g a I Ne\\"poTt Saturday evening for din-J Silver rel his interest and wll1 This Advertisement Contributed By Balboa' Supporters -Vote For..;.. COL THOMAS P. ATKINSON fQr City Council Executive Officer at the Santa Ana Army' Air Base for four years, in charge of: ADMINISTRATION MAINTENANCE and OPERATION rolls. th~ 1ncreas1ng population eno~gh .to the l a~a.n, and are ner at the Farnham hon\e. still official as manager. ---------------------------!and addJng to wealth or com-costing investors rrull1ons of dol--;::::;;::;;::;;:::::;;:::::::::::;;::;;:::;::;:::;;:::::::::::::i;:::::::::::::::::::::::~ munity. . , tars nationally. 1 Knows th e problems of the Veteran. Member of Newport Harbor Post, American Legion. Favors development of recreational facilities and wants action in city goven)ment In ad- vancing growth of Newport Harlxir In the difficult years ahead. BAY VIEW CA f E Formerly The Palma Cafe Same Management: L. A. Wella At the Ferry Landing -Palm and Ba.y Ave., Balboa BREAKFAST SPECIALS ECPt Potatoe. ll.lld CoUee ............. . 35! PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Open I L m. to 9 p. m. -Closed Tueeclays -MY PLATFORM 1 OallCllclale for dt,-oouncll,' -red by the wortdDc peo- ple. with a prop-am to keep lnduatry and lta payroll In tM laarbor area. 2 For fair aDd lmpuUal IWfmlnlatraUoa of tbe city CoveJ1l• mea.J., free of ravorttlam and extravap,nce. 3 For .._ pabUe tmpro~ta tut will be of beaeftt to all tile people of tlloe comnwnlty. 4 Fo~ UM! ..SftDOellW'nt of tile ,,_.,,DIJ, paddnc Md boat balMIMC ~ la dalt terrtto17 ta order to provide em· plo:JINlll for more peeple. 5 Pl'ovtde lie& .,.... for n.liermea Co dry aad mend t.bel:r ..... wttll addod polloo proleclloD. 6 0u dty ...,io,.. uoe ~ iNt ....., Jollo d..,.. the war wMle olMn were worldac ~ the war hHl•tl'IM at a ~ MPer ....,.,.. For tWz fa.I~ J advocate a 10,;,, ._ l9rz1•ee: 7> JE:•t.Nlde a nt.w eerrioe ceat.er wbel'e retuned aerv- klet:Dee. aad women e&a be ...a.tecl In eecurtnc boa.las -JoM. 8. la-.-tlptloa. ._. .oluUoa. of pollaUoa. of 1167 b7' bo&fa. wMcll atm Rmp retme and etic.. thereby ereatlq • Maltlt =wece. eflectlq tlrre pnpe.rt7 ownen u well .. Ute betben. 9 Pae+We •• 1 t-*9 ....,_r peirol boaa. to enforce epeed limit -,... .... llleft -.......... of - 10 Ptwli6e .... ......_ police ... fire pro~l:lon for Coroaa RI Mat Mid Newport llelP-ta. 11 J-D1lculareplatMforll6 __ _,,laCo<W de! Mu --mb'Mle mile _._ I ft Ptoride a ,,_.. cmW <'-' .. pets11ble for cwtrol of ~ Jo<t 'le ..,..._,, la --wltll -P .-T . A. --...--wtu. n .. ...w o1c1 tJom .... "'*": 13 •a•*llr• llllllldl•1ot .... dty11a11-w ertdml .......... are anJ!=Me wt~ pairomdq u.e black mukeL 14 Open• ......... --· tbn. "'. 17 ., ..... a... ..-.e a IU'Ve1' of .U t "sea boese1 to tletermble wllied.er Ge --•Mn Wpel or lmrt tWI' .,.,..._ ·15 Deo1l1p elt:J' ... ,, -.,. tr.;t lll'•l**t .... IMOl'lllp uct ...... to ............ by Ute dty n&MI' 0.. kiMell to ta-••Mr h ' GILBER 'T SEAL Caadldate for City Collncllman • • Immediate action on domestic The m ain point of the address wa ter supply now becoming in· and a message tha t is being used creasingly serious, to determine extensively to educate potentia1 status of Metropolitan water or investors or those \\-"ho wish to other sources. Delay is danger-"get r ich quick" with little effort, ous. was "everyone should consult a Our city employes who have banke r or the Better Business Bu~ stayed on the job during the war reau before sinking money jntO ·any while others were working in war scheme or business-in \Vhich the industries at a much higher salary. investor is not tho roughly as For thelr f aithfulness I advocate a 10 per cent wage increase. Establish a veterans' ser vice- center where returned service men and women can be assisted in securing hoU5ing and jobs. , Operate parking meters through summer season, then make a sur· vey or all business houses to de- termine whether the meters have helped or hurt their business. Nephew of Realtor A. J. Twist, Dies in San Bernardino Eric C. Twist, 34, son of Chai-les G. Twist, 134 Topaz avenue, Bal- boa Island, and nephew of A. J . Twist, Corona del Mar realtor died last week at his San Ber~ na.rdino home. He wu executive secre tary of t he YMCA in that city. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Macca Chandler Twist; a daugh- ter. Peggy Twist; his father, Char- les G. 1'A1st ; two brothers, Basil of Santa Ana and Gerald F . Twist of Oakland: and a sister. Mn. E . W. Field, Van Nuys. Services were held in San Ber- nardino Monday and interment was private. WELCOME HOME! Newport Harbor Poat 291 AMERICAN LEGION ......... 8•1MbDk' .... ... ...... Tiii& ................. ... a.p .&.--. ................ .. ANTIQUES A.-Jlldc. 515 No . MAIN ST.' S.U.'TA ANA Open 10 ... m. • 5:39 p. .. Vl81TOllll WELCOME Mrs. Frank .Bates SPIREI.I,4 OORSEJ'IEU IU~ Co-. de! Mu ROOJi'S APPLD:ll Oil llEPAIWrp Free Eltimatea "' lmpectlcm W. I. Beabow ~ Marcus Ph. Nwpt. 1111N • • frozen food Cabinets Roll • A • Door B~ Since 1898 6%S So. Los AaplM 8&. A••' I I c.at.. THE HURLEY ' I OPEN DAILY AT•P.M. Sundaya at % p. m. VOTE FOR A MAN WHO GETS THINGS DONE AND WHO WILL WORK FOR THE ENTIRE COM· MUNJTY. ' -. '"The House ot • Fine Foods" Election April ~. 1946 CULBERTS N CHEVROLET CO., Inc. • 3001 W. Central Ave. NEWPoRT BEACH Phone 513 Department · now This • IS under NEW MANAGEMENT With Exi>eri need ana Permanent Personnel 1and a . Hew Policy • We repair most mak and models. Complete mechanical repairs. Frame • and Front End Facil ies. Body, Fender and Painting. Lublication. Wash- ing, Steam Cleaning . Genuine Chevr~Iet and Oldsmobile Pa~. -ALL WORK GUARANTEED Appreciate Your Business , ' 'OTTO CULBERTSON HFSl'ER TRIBLE DICK DAVIS LONNIE HAGAN Pl I' t . ... . ' --..,.. •Es r ,I Oka. r "7 Jll • -• • • • ' • J • • • ' • • oo: ct1•-_.t Ha.L. .... High Track Jeam In Sew1r Puauc Nona St,llleJ&· ..... Gm_ , ,, cu~ ..... tO .. .:::' ..... ';;.,,.,..,. ruur " , To .... Tnct NOIWIW PO& PmlLKl ~ ~ ...... '. · :-"~ ~~ ~;= ~ Do ·bl \Al: : Qy H fl gt U•declded · ..... nt.tNKi.:~ ~::....7~~a:":i..~ u e '''" . er un n on . . Notklelohenby.-·thattbe ~=-:::n.> a llxrt-cut 'to a aborUr Ufe." I I Toldnc the -main fnm the Fltly ch,llc!rtn ond adults follawhis .,..._ have -_,. -----------'I. .,;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;;;;;;.;;.;;;,; ___ ..;; __________ ..,. • Harbor lngh -ten. rolled 00-Sailor "'811 _.. ~ CDMt billlwaY to,_-. ~~ ·tlle Initial clua cl lnated for the olflClOO beftinatter Into hlch "'"' lut Friday altft-Dacld In the 4411. 0-In the ilBO, J'"-4 to be ·-to the city In bandJ1nc and ..,.. cl mot>tlmed to be tilled at the _. • 1 If• W LI• 8 ' I S v:ouR GLANDS' noon and took the Vanity and Cee Mattlnl!Y In the mile. -Potton "' N-... t --piot clop -1---by era! munlclpal -to be held Cr-ft Gr11· 1• .. Cw_._ I' I' . • eventa: ln a dual meet held on the In tM broad jWDp. McCaDum around S2000. It .... esplstred by Vincent Owm.t.no, humane offtcer la the Ctr al Newpwt Br1dl0 an ~-a:: 1 J i"'U. • ,..· 1 ... 0 , Dist t ..._ ta lop ~rlla • • local oval &Cal.nit Hunttncton nabbed two leOODdl lb the hufdle J . B. Webb. dt)t. epalzeer, 1'l.en o1. tbt' J1iirUc:e ~t last Sat-'I'J-kt, tbe 9tll d8.)' al. April. t· ch 4 -• • • --Beach. . ....,ta. . --.,.... the -I •ty unla)'. tbioe 23 ft&lstered their 1916'. . Br-niilll •• V•ltb _. pm1111 _. .... ..,........,. '' "'Iii W7 i.-et. .... ._., The t vored Sall I 0r --1-... 111-1n --.,__...__ umhM! -Councibnen ,._. NJ Term ""' - -• ___......,_ 'ftnr 111.,1 lllW• ... O•wbC ow w.. a on mee • Meet a.. I ua -~• .ewaa ~ ~ pets. a n.-:i:--i .,. others could ~ • ._. ..,. ..._ .. ._ • ,_. ..._ ! ! '~-Rid\_. Low Blood ra-mc 111--tt·• anae thll afternoon (T\Jesday) on In the Bee' tftlD meet. the WS.. Hef&htm tract pl•nned by Harbor not be beeauae tbey were Later L. ll:bell. ._ ., F ss m ' ..- ' Allttms &-i • __.....-• .._,. ud Beut ()owll..._ ..-the Harbor field In their third ner ot. the caatelt depended Oil the lmatment Ml••l'l'I)" on Newport either younc or too .old • .:eoi:;.T~-~p~·.;A~tld=mon,=~---~=========;;;;;;;jJj ,._ -Ml7 to oar bel .. te Gla8d Tr '' 's• .. ,~ Sunset Le~ meet ol the aeuon. rsuJ.b ol. the~ with the .er.tt boulnard and ())cl Count7 l'Ofld. expecta the lnte!"elt 1n • tllrw. ta~ eap&1l1•--In the A meet. tbe Sallon won stwndlnc at 48% to 43~ wt.th the Howcwr, ..ne 15 other Iota in hla cl to ..-ow-with each suc- NO PAIN-NO DS1lO-NO 81JJl(l1J:SY-NO INIJ:CnONS. declsivelY 70% to 33%, but loot one ewnt left on the• prostam. that aoctlon could allo -t by cea!ve turday u he &Ives the 001'1811LTA1'10N FllEE llY APPOINnU:NT. PHONE UM the B contest after a disputed The winner's ftw Points -.Id the -· It •u pointed out, ta!p children at the American rel&Y event. 46% to 43%. The Cee give the k1!<n a meet "1ctory ond If tile aubollvldeT 1Jroulht the Legion · ut at 15tJi ...i Bay Front, D E. F B II D c., Phc. team continued their wlnnln& W O)'> o-the powefl>I Oller outl'lt-main ti> a pobit :lOO feet from .hJs for the OWjkkt·BaJboa area. Uld r 0 0 e J w . ol the aeuon by capturing their and win It the Harbor quintet did. line tbe cit)' -.Id haft little on ?.tclmlnton b>urt behind the l'7 nM !IL • -pert Boull, Oallf. meet, ~9% to 17 %. The victory, &owe..,., wu not al-ch.;.,. ol aatlas an I '1rot poa on Balboa liland for -: ,.,_to 7:90 M~ ...s ftwoda)'O In the vanity events, Wallner 1-beca-of a falle start ...i dlablot ._ the othen In the that a plus eol-ona del Mar. ~=======z==============:; was high point mon with 15 poin ts, it wu decided by Coedlea Reed neigJ>bor--ttlns from It. He +1°d that ihe second talk taking firsts in the high and low and Schoule not jo run the j....,. A amall ~ ftClOllll7 -t on W. COlj>ing Satufday would deal hurdles and the blgh Jud>p. over again ...i to forget the 'j'hole Smeltzer lmWled ... P>Oll!O and ,.;th 'tlje bathin& grooming and Sprinter Hanzal was good for: thing. Councllman IAstA!r llbell • In what not to feed )clop. He asked ONE DAY · SERVICE Motor Overhauled '6500 up Front end corrected --·-···-························-·$3. 75 Straightening or replacing parts extra. Brakes relined (labor only) ··---········-···'. ....... $10.00 Carburetors rebuilt ·····---~········-··-····· ·--······-·$4.95 Major tune--u p, 6 cylinders ········-·--··················$4.95 Lubrica"1ng Chassis ·--········-·····'··········-·····-·····$1.50 Mutter and tall pipe ........................................... $3.50 (Installed. Labor only) · NEWPORT AUTO WORKS NATIONAL AuTO CLUB EMERGENCY STATION Earl Mltchem. Prop. Z4 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE IOtlla at CoMt Blvd. Phone (day or ni&ht) 1"20 "One Good Term Deserves Another" RE-ELECT • L. L. ISBELL , Independent, Capable, Forthright ieven digits with a tie for tint In The Cee IHm. In wlnnlns ~ favor cl extendlnc. the lmpiVve-the ki~es not I to bring their the 100.yard dash a nd a second ln meet 'handily,· swept the 660, ana ment U the otben could be in· ~until he ~ells them to do the 220. low hurdles and 'placed In every eluded In the benoflt. ID!ndenon, so. He ts Corpciral Mike, former event to pile up tber wlnnlnc who Aid he wanted to have oewera K-9 ot the U. S. Marine Corps .--------.-----. r margin. lf they wtte broucht close eqough, lhroug • its paces, much to the thought they might agree to & split delJ gtit f the ot>$ervers. Attention!! Home Owners: Something Entirely .NEW, PERMANENT, Desirable -Artistic AWNINGS and CANOPIES Db Ungulmed good look s with permanent t rouble-free serv- ice are positive features of our window and door awn- lnp. We Speclalhe ln Porch CanoplM Supel'VlSO. • rs Study In the coot If arranl"ment can be More youngstr rs on Balboa made with ether property owners Island d Caroha del Mar are 830 County Salaries·, nearby. sho~ an active lnte..,.t than 1be bevtng on their intention any o · r Sectioni. He is well ac.. Increase Seen to bring tho tract Into the city quaint with his subject, due to • . cl.med, wltout o~tion, and in-, h.b ' rience in ttr'aining dogs for SuperVlsor Willard Smith of te:ntion to annex wu sent to .the the --r.y at Fort MacArthur. Orange has been deleg'a.ted by the second ttading. HendeHOn and his The1Cfty traffic patrol was busy county board to draw up an assodate in the project will de-over th~ past w~kend citing noisy amendment to the saJary ordin-cide on the sanitary question be-car o"'1'ers, out of town youths, ances which would permit the fore the matter is finally settled. for the\most part with loud muf- board of supervisors to raise most tiers o 1·hoppect-dp jalopies. Police of the salaries of the county em-Se • H Jd gave 1 citations for pipes, six for9 ployes. said to n umber 830. mces e speed. Sick leaves and salary seniority +------- provisions are. _included 1n the For Lee Brooks, Ridi~g.•Sport Shop study, the provis1ons of which are • 0 ed I 1 S An proposed 10 ~ready for .. uma•• CDM Resident pe n anta a of the new fiscal budget for the I · year which starts July 1. It bl F al rvi h Id t Al ~erwin, fo rmerly of Bur- saJd that a committee of the Or-uner se ces were e 8 bank tf.it now residing in Santa ange County Employes Mutual the Baltz chapel, COt'ona del Mar Ana fo owing service in the army Benefit Association, headed by Tuesday, March 12 at 4 ~:m. for opened n exclusive and attractiv~ J. Arthur Anderson of the asses-Lee H. Brooks, 62· who dieq sud-r iding d' sport shop in the sor's office has been active In urg-denJykSatturh~ayhmorning of at heart Broad y building, 205 N. Bfoad- ing an upward revision of the sal-attac a is . ome .. 505 Begbnia way, S ta Ana, last week. ary schedUle. a~enue. He 15 sUTV1ved by hls She ·n was in business in Bur· widow. Barbara M. bank fore he joined the armed ,Harbor Baseballers Unlimber Monday The deceased was born at Mc-forces ut seJeCted Santa Ana fnl- Pherson, Kan., and had lived in lowing is release. For 15 years CalifornJa for 50 years. He was a he has been selecting and Clesign· rancher in Orange county, and 12 ing qu 'ty merchandise. years ago came to Corona del Mar · Baseball gets under \vay for where he was well known as a Harbor Hjgh enthusia~ts next landscape gardner. Monday when t.he local n1nne Bern~:~ The Rev. Perry Schrock offic-~t. Anthon~ High of Lo g iated at the services and interment 10 a ~ract1ce encounter on the was private. local diamond. The horsehidefs are under the tutelage 01 eoach Pickens . this To Operate Business year and at present are condition· Of La b tng themselves for· an active sea-te Hus and son. s Feed Store ay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- DeUvery-Pbooe 8Z'I ' 82'1 'Newport 81""1. COSTA ME!\A ' Let Fluorescent Lighting Incre~ Your Sales - Store window and •how.-e displays ..., at thelt attrac.tlve best under the daylight glow of Ouorescent llgliting, the modem · -y of showing what you have to sell to the best ad- vutage. There ..., no shadows to diotort the picture you wish to present to the customer.· Colors appear In· thelr exact shades. We ..., now able to provide Ouorescent llglit- lnit to meet your •pecial needs, from the ~ est Installation to the hu'gest. Calls for estimates ~ without delay. Regular service malntalnN. \- ., ' •• ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 19%0 1000 Coast mway Phone Newport UM Aloo ID San Franci11CO·WUmJn"rton·8-1-·SailD1ep~ ELECTRICIANS C-0-~o Fire F.qulpment for FACl'ORY, PLANT, STOKE, OFFICE, FABM, HOME Isbell Stands On His Record. He Represents the Wht>le City. He is an Experienced Business Ma n. His Years o.f local citizenship enable him to understand th e many difficult problems confro nting Newport Beach in the years ahead. The answer to your par- ticular awning and can- opy p r ob I e m s. These awnings withstand gales and provide mamimwn comfort. Mn. Iris Denham, widow of the RH --------,----; late Harry Reed Denham who -UMATISM .• ' Isbell Has the Courage of his Convictions and Expresses Tbem ELECTION APRIL 9th, 1_946 EYES EXAMINED! CREDIT! DB. .JOllPB . ... w. COi •• & SYCAMORE SANTA ANA , I OM1• C1aw1ml1attr LIWI .... the1 .......... FOB ESTIMATES PHONE OB WRITE Slats· 0 ·Wood Awning Co. of Orange County 71:1i So. Plllladelphla St. Anabelm. Calif. PHONE 3 119 .Kevene Toll Charsa 114 W. 4th St. PASADENA FOR I NSURANCE SEE Howard W.·Gerrioh 111!11 PJ ewpert __, eoSTAMZaA "'°"" lft Automobile • Fire . Accident • Life L1ceoait' al'lrt Contra.Ct Bonch IV rlttlm Ana SANTA Ph. 6688 WNGBEACIJ n N. Euclid I'll. !ly. !-t4911 1148 Piiie Ave. L II. IH·07 • and ARTHRITIS ' operated a boat r epair business at the Chris-Craft boat yard, Coast Highway, obtained permission last I su ered ·for years and am so week from superior court to oper-thankf\i.l that I can walk and work ate the business, stating that six again 'Ti:thout pain, that I will &lad· employes had been unpaid since ly ans~r anyone writing'" me for her husband's death March 5. The information. MRS. EMMA IVES, estate was valued at $12,000. P.O. Bcix~Los Angeles·52,Calif. DEFEND YOUR H , ORAll'E OW# LTH WITH rs I F!!!!~ Or, compiolJO eqalpent --...... to~ )'<>Ur ....._ j HORMEN FISH MARKET ' ON CENT .. AL AVENUE, NE.Wftowr BEACH . I ' Quality . Service Satisfaction General Sheet M tat Works • Boat Work (Tanks) • Jobbing ·and Repairing • lrOIL ud Steel Fabricating .• w.,jcn, .. • •~tWork • ~ ud Veatllatlag ' ---••---!- Wiiii otily • - Z80"I VDla Way • -4111-W .. 2.00,000 miles of . new long ·dista ·nce . circuits will . be built in J,946 119 expansion program under way to speed your calls -.,-,,_ -'"·~ nu reu 11cme,· .. perr . -of a ~.000,000 &....., year apamioa ptopaia. more tlwr-200,000 ~ ol now toll aad loog·clla- ; taoceclrcuiaanplamwl foe tbe Pui6c! Coat. . ' ~ POl' we're oa. ow·way .t providiog « bmader 1111d faster loog di#•-oenice · dwi yoo han ner hod before. E-.eryd>,iog pouible la being doiu: to apOad ~ . diatance faci.liciea now 1111d to prepue tlae. way b -~new im""'teai.ena to come. We baadW --J -r·-• i than 205 million toll 1111d loog diataDce ·calls ID 1945 -more than half a millioo a day-and we'n ~ ap to handle llD' neMoaeuiog -.olwne &1 m:.· ~ CXJG,j;,,_ to grOW through the feaR to CQIM . ' ' + r-1.;,er.u_,_,,, .. -0!$1!0W + 11 \\ . So1ther1 Califo111ia Telepliot• C..pGIJ . . Ull'alaM. a9°11 • 'rel s' m1 lMI oe 0 • inson ./ The An Executive of Tried Ability . I n Who Gets ·!:T~ings Don . , Tlala Adww·~j,m rt OWtJ~ B, .. ._•cs 1 llaiill ~ ~ . . , . I • ' f I . ' . '. . . -~ .... -. r tY-'-' . . -. . ... . r . . . ' -. .. -' -·---. ..... J•!!·~~!·~""'!~-~==·==2·~··~ . .,..,.~~-~~o~mw~~===2!1t l!llPUJYJIDT WMIKD • W&lftD ft m I -1 ~--~·~··~-~·~·~n~=:===~-~,~-~· ~·~·~·~~!===:!:::I =~·~' ..... m£n ' · ' WANr TO BUY~ far 22- . , -··· ........ -- 1' I R E • YA C H T 8 WILL CARE ftJr ~ . ..._, foot boat. Call ooDect un1onl • lninlnc In ~ -· 309 Mari-11-. 21Mte 80 ACm! A 0 C 0 ... PE N S AT IO N ROid Aw., Carma del -· I'll: ~. UT M'O BILE -1m:..i. . • 1s.uc ""w"',-,,,...,..,PIA=Y=-=c"'•-::•=-111r=--,.----:::,,..::-i ,_ level land. .Wtable for alfalfa. ~ per '"'· llbenl Unns. Lnca'" -al. Anaheim (J-Picard) ''STU'' DUNLAP • Insurance 703 E. Central Balboa P b o·n e N u m b e r 683 roa • JtEIJAm.E Paint Job ca n.ANllPO&T.t.'ftO!f WANT!jD-CarPet Uld Upholster--er -lllan -.. . ..,_ ·--<»>--·--In ---by ll'wpt. -0. R. ow.-., ..... . . Jo:.i w-;;;, w;.wwar 16 n. .-™ r , Wll If.,..-20 Acres Valencia Ora ges Work guuantftd. Coler Uld llhd., ~-. -.~rnmn ....... lntast m pnplnc plant. $crop 10.000 beauty ~ tPw ...,. ,-. POWCU ,_MY • boRa er A ,000, 11-ty to plc:k In 90 ~ '" In Anobelm Phone N.,.port 20e6-R. ·21-8tc ·FOR. SALE-.walnut top -district. A rm bu)' at $75,000, wma. (Fred rink) POSJTION WANTED-Former table, 4 c:balrl. 222 Con! ~ ..... 1 RAL MAA' S ~ Flnt pr!!cer. Mac:bont Marine Balboa Ja!Uld 22-2tc· PH. • deolrel poaltlan or Interest In · Pb. Newport :111111 107 Loa Anpleo St. Y Sport or Commerdal llablng m-llOAa --• or Anaheim 2t06. Anobelm ). M: MILLER • 15th and Omtnl , Beautiful, M~a:::= ~g,,.,~ ~ ... uy detail Including tile bath, hardwood tloon, furnace anil IDllllY other• delightful features. wm sell or trade tor nice home In Harbor Area. · -1- Lido Isle· •• ~ bmie, call N""port 1047 an.r 4:30 p.m. ' a.uc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. Newport-Costa Mesa T-A-X-I terprioe. Has operatorJ Uoonae. j 22-2tc w. E. Trlntum. 314 N. Com-ANNOUNCING ' -~:WT.Whittier, Clllf. = Our New Location w••••· .&Jflfbmt~••n • EVA l ~HODEil Trailer Coqrt and Motel Site 60 Trailer spaoes. Cmiplete with gas, lights, water and .-· Bay Front Jo(; fine location. ' Bnllchead alrelldy lmbilled ·New and Repair UnderN.,.~t. :U.Hour Service-Phone Zl30 609 Q)ut Hlchwo:t ~YIO\ft wt IBI o • We an now -i.d at 2811 Wmt FROM THIS DATE ON I will not El E . yo Tract Cmtnl Aw. -N.B. 1'111-lil , be held reSp.omble for &II)' .i.to 2 Bedr .. a __ ,_1 _ llv- W.untESSES WANTED -11&3' , other than my own. -oom -·- 17-Btp lnClllDe over $1,000.00 per IDllllth. Sbore care. 17th a. O>ut Blsb-Ba~ectric 20-3tp GLEN A. HATCIL Inc ·-"";,,t~ -. kltdlen Pbone ~M wo:y. I'll: Now...,.-t 2344. 14-Uc 0~ _ _.... --• ~--A 2 ~tll &mplrc:h. Built . __ .. __ -~--In 1940. Tlill lcwel7 -.... , -218 E. 20th st.. eoota M:_au. BICY~._. w~1~ikJ-1WL. KMD. "'..~ 211111 T c.n~w. . TELEPHONE ~.;_~walllun1t.~~t~~a1. Newport l31vd. I Bold, Rctod • ---~ ~--~ l'lllW -....... ~ ·~ Betwan °'8ta Mesa and •MN •e '™ •mo-· 109 ~ ..... _ WANTED -llm !or Women>.· -11.ab! OPERATING ·......, Uld tjaY: Newport. Finest bnslmta1 P.t..Dft'IKCI _ P..t..Pml a.uroDIO w Karille, -Wud Neat 1ppearins for profttahle • f PAYS $il.9 500 location or Motel slte. Nearly -[900ll ,.,...0 --. campalsn now In et-~ s.u~ b.p. llarble D1l11\ J ....'..... '2 acres. Priced at the ._ a. "'O••" feet. Excellent oppartun1tir 1t 111oe -·Half or1stna1 coat. OllJ GOOD WAGES -Ne....hnrt Mesa bargain price ~ A real buy at $12,500 Balboa Peninsula Lot Choice location. Beautiful view • '14 OW O.IM7 M. I'll: JM-W BSAUft .&m9 II 10U qualify. Apply Kr. Van N.,.port ™-W. 14-tliF 4.Room t,;;;,j,f;., larp lot· 2 ,__ $750() ()() ~ -· -· COLD aad KAOBl/1M! me ~ l!alli N. Main st.i~O: Karine RadiOll I N • flnllbed In ~ttY pine. • • -I - P A I N T I N G . WA~ ... -An8 1b!e m•0 edlate -'*'· ~ o expenence n~ J$4760 · 'ni!tlDs ... --. HELP WANTED -Experienced p7e1>1 ..._ a1.-. Your In! Earn while you learn -Lot on Central Avenue and ~ Appotnlm • ..._ 1,._w pointers. H. E. McDonald. 414 ~ =1 • '"'"" ~ Ne ort Island D E C 0 R A T I N G Vi'• Beaut.v Shoo 01.i County Rd., Calta Men. fLEASURI: atAJT, llO ; There &re many other 30 Ft. lot at 'xcellmt location an Choice Location for Apartment Interior -Exterior 11oa eaut Rtwa:i. &nU ~:'t: :io.uc JllslnNY. Pl!: 11°'-.. advantages to being a laland. . Price $3350, terms • HELP WANTED -woman form llQUW 1mra -T telephone employee. · 1650 · Spedellz1n1 In Marine Palnta -.U.-ADl9 • s<neral houoework .. Any Ip. C-O-Tw9, P)>i 1 A ll'oam -l -Room. board and oalory! Phone oo. -.,._ -~ Apply Coilta Mesa --Paint -Your Boat Sick Room Suppljes N. B. 2210. 2'Mtc -., ...... ..,. llOICll' " n-1~-2-bedroom hri with ·•--le --.. ~ ~ d 04LYAN. 1-Cout .... ,..,. 100 E . Bay Aw., ~ -~.. •-Holds Up Bed Pans an Etc. HELP WANTED -Experienced .._ J.m6. 'IS-U. ~Hli N . Main SL. Santa Ana age, Oil t side. 8 yn. old WHY NOT PA.INT YOUR N rt Ph young lady for office work, Pcmea:lon !close of l!SCl'OW. HOUSE WITH IT! ewpo annacy knowledge of bookkeeplnc ... FOR SAIE 41HL lllhlng boa\, or $6250 We Have Flnt Clul Palnten 2108 Ocean Front Phone 5 aentlal. Apply 908 Cout lilsh-twin Grey l21 h.1> 31!, to 1 ,..,. Aak the operator for the Worklnc 22-1tc way, Newport Beach or phone duction motors. One year old. Ollef Operator C d 1 M -N. B. 2560 for appointment. 18-ft. cockpit, Ice bold, oleepa 6. OrO~ e ar H. SIMONSON 5 Piece Chrome 2G-4tc Cruises at 12 knots. Triple it..,.. . Southern California 2-bedroom e, 60-ft. trontare 7311 Seashore Drive Dinette Sets Ing. Villa Marina, phone 1800. In sood I tion. This house II Phone Newport 8701-J-2 $64.95 HELP WANTEDd dwichExpeh n 1 e~ 19-4lf' Telephone Company 1H\!, yean Id and llandf\lrnllhuled.ck _ Plastic, No ?tiar top. Choice of fountain an san . e p. "op ouse 11$ 1 , vacant . q E. J . JACKLIN ~ Blue or Tan. salary. Apply Dodd·• Malt Shop,, FOR SALE-2 Hall-Scott Morini! 18-tfc poaesalorl will be given. Building Contractor SANTA ANA FURNITURE 211 Marine Ave .. Balboa lsland. englnea, used, 200 b .p. eac!l. 4110,500 4008 Marcus Ave. 922 22·2tp matched pair, opt. rotation; good No Delay f' 426 W. 4th St., Phone condition, $1200. Swales Boat Phone Newport 1522.J 22·2tc w ANTED _._ For general office -Ctlsta M 21..Stc work, lady to do bookkeeping, Anchorage, 17th & Coast H11!°'!tcy. Ret1nlsh your kitchen ,bathrooro. '1 . esa " -----------l!MPLO~ WANTED • ~ wtth new tile board. 3-b:edroom ~ucco house on East 'l'&&NSPOSTA.ftuw • ' 11 filing, and s tenographic work. -side, ven~an blinds, hardwood ------------WILL CARE FOR CIIlLDREN-K. P. Schmidt. 2702 Coast High-FOR SALE-Motor boat, 'l5'ft. floors. p session close of ... W~Dally ride to Long days or ev ... Ph: 1805-J. Mn. way, Newport Beach. Ph. 1181.-runabout, with Johnlon motor, F. P. Waldron ,_ Phone Your Listings In and we will give t'1em f!Ve!rY oons!deratlon J. M. MILL ER !Stb -Contnl • • ''On Yoor Way to Balboa" -UG 22·1tc At Corona del Mar A REAL BUY Beautiful 2 Bedroom Home" Furnished On 60-ft. Lot Near Ocean $19,500 Immediate Delivery W. J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar - "Where the Flags Fly" 22·2tc ••••7 91'.A.ft Dca&JfH ti RESPONSIBLE Telephone em- ploye wants to exchange 3-becl- room house In Weat Loa AnceJea for aame in Santa Ana or viclft. lty. Call Southern Clllf. Teh>- phone Co., Santa Ana, 5628. 1!>-Uc Beach, share expenses. Mn. Sheets. 20-tfc 22·2tc 11ke new; boat completely equi~ Telephone 234W. MfC crow. !' ROOL Schepe. 540 El Moderne. ped. Ideal for bay or lake. $250 ----------~-$7500 Newport Beach or Phone 43!>-W. !!ALE MISOELLANJIOUll IO SALE ~us • cash. 1600 East Central Av~.. Carpenters Available Corona del Mar 22·1tc Balboa. 21·tfC for e-era1 maintenance EVA IF RHODEN llOHSY TO J.O.t.Jf • LO.t.N8 TO BUJLD. buy. ,..._ mode~ or Nftnanc.. N-rt Balboa Federal &a~ """ Loan Aaoclatlon. ll&'IS Via Udo Tolepl!oa. JJer SANTA ANA and -1r · Modem, exceptionally well bunt Auto Travel Service Prlv8.t.e can to all cities in U. S. A. dally. $AVE $AVE $AVE FOR SALE -Johnson Seahor3e. 0 z. -~8~llT"~N ~Broker home on 60-ft. lot. 2 bedrms., LOANS Used Furnjture, Hardware, Plumbing, Stoves, Display '39 model, good condition. Bay Can ';".,.;.,..i aa 470 N Blvd., CO.ta Meaa living room. dining alcove, hard- Tables, Radios, Suitcases, Dishes, Records, Window Shore Camp, Newport Beach. '2-tfc ELTO~ 1'j ~~~-wood floors. tile bath and kit-$100.00 and Up to $10.000.00 · Shades. Picture Frames, Objects de Art, Screws. Bolts, J . S. Dobbeck. 22-2tp -----.,--..,-,..------f owport chen, service porch, 2-car gar-See US lf you need money LICENSED -INSURED Pb. Santa An.a 6548 312 French St., Santa Ana 21-tfc Puei.1c NoTrcE Hinges, Books, Screen Doors. \ FOR SALE-Buda motor 115-h p K E Y S ! • 21-2tc aclgedin. Completelly fumfrllshed tin· Paymenta to Flt Your Income · · ·· Kade While You Walt u g new e ec. re gera or, Everything Priced To Move lkycle. heavy duty 1938 gas VOGEL'! stove. vacuwn cleaner, washing Loom on Can Find What Yoo Want and You've Found a Bargain ;';';1~. ~~ ;_,15Bu~:.::1 .. ~ce, 100 Kain St., Balboa BU L D N 0 W machine. Trucks and 'l'ra1len Full size iron beds .................. .$1.75 Console Radio ....................... 29.95 22-4tp 208 Marine, Bal-I.olanW:.uc -Price $12, 750 Over 22 Yeora In Santa Ana Gas range. oven control.. ...... 17·25 Bathroom Heater (gas} ........ 2·95 FOR SALE-1M5 5-h. p. outboard ==----------LOW OST HOMES Gertrude A. Waldron .Federal Finance Co. -;O;::;ltB;;:.,;.lll;;:;l;:;O:;A;n:~o~F;-;B;,U;;;!IJNES;;;;;;;;;;8;-KiFullhsize cohaltton(machttlress...... 4 1·95 00 Bathroom Scales .................. 2.75 motor. like new. 300 Ruby St., B~ OPPOBTUNITIE8 .at · Wm. W . Sanford INC Ftqtltlous Flrm Name Po~he~er"'a11 ~~;~~::: 2:75 Child's Violin with case ........ 12.95 Balboa Island or phone Harbor snrDY AT HOME-Real Eatate -BROKER 429 No. !~ Fllp leaf extension breakfast High Chair ........... -.. -............ 3.95 2139-W. • 22-2tc Ucense. Quick resulta. Guoran-308 Marine Balboa Island Phone 6200. Santa Ana, Clllf. TIIE UNDERSIGNED do here-table ................................... 9.75 7.6x9 Rug .............................. 4 1·.9595. BOATS FOR SALE-54-ft. Delule tee. 208 Security Bid., Pasadena. S e Models Phone 234-R 18-t!c -;:;;;;~:;;;;;;~~·;;;-;--l-_11tc-;; 1 • by oertlfy that they are conduct~ Oak dining set table and Electric Iron .......................... "1ah cruiser two 200 h p Ster 20-tfc a Ing an auto court business at 822 • .j chain ............................ 23.50 Monterey Coffee Tobie......... 6 95 Un · p trels. v · ·t .j At Beverley Realty Co. .t.UTOKO'ft\'S • fiW • \ W. Central Avenue, Oty of New· Solid mahogany cane '--.. k Reflector F1oor Lamp............ 1:so fulgly foeund. · ery smu B.DFO --.------------~ -~· • 711 • A Realtors · FoR SAtE-'41 Oldsmoblle by-port Beoch. County of Orange, rocker .............................. 9.75 Oak Library Tobie................ 6.75 SWALES YACH/f LANDING egon!a ve., dr ti I b sed tt rf t Sta f Californl d th fl 195 FOR RENT Larg t U ht 507 E . Central Balboa am.a c. c u ane e, pe ec te o a, un er · e c-Beauty operators chair .. ·-····· 14.75 Lamp Tables ·········--············· · 1'th L Coast Highway -e urn. g _,__ h ni II 6 ood tlr -tiu--flnn f Ba VI -·"· 3 f ~ ' oc Id tr ~ Phone 1788 rnec a ca y, g es. r-n. UUUlt name o Y ew Tnmks lots of 'em from.. .. _... 2.75 Class drawer ~·····-······ or .\,A.I Newport Beach, California room, outs e en ance, near 435--R. 22•1tc Court, and that said. flnn II com-Odd Dresser mirronL........... 1.95 Floor Lamp sill< shade......... 3.95 Phone 162 bathroom. Man only. 516 36th H r tr t 4th - poaed of the following persom. 9x12 Axminster rug .............. 16.75 Large l!rRodlant Heater ...... 14.50 75 . 22.2tc St., Newport Beach. :llMtc e I ope a . 5 ~~A 2 bedrooms NEW CAR PRIORITY on 1946 whose nomea and addresses ore Kitchen Stool ........... -............ .75 Studio Couch .......................... 9. -----------CoI >na del Mar rooms an · • Chevrolet or Oldsmoblle to trade u follows, to wit: Maple Crib, large size: .. _ ....... 12.75 Westinghouse Electric Heater ALL PLASTIC 12·ft. llQ..lb. TOP· WA14'i'al TO amft' • 41 / fire place, 40-ft. lot. Half blcx:k for l·yr. lease on 2·bedrm. houle, Omar J . Wlllon. Rt. 1, Bent 1182, Dressers ... -.... -..... -............ 8.95 220 Volts ······-··-·-.. ···--6.75 O.CAR BOAT and CARRIER. WANTED TO RENT or 1eue un--from the bay. Unfurnished. Pos-furnished or unfurnished. Otto Vllta. CalifornlL 3--Burner gas plate .. ----·-······ 3.95 Golf Bags ·········-·············-········ 1.95 Immediate delivery. Other mod· f\lnaiahed ~-Phoi.e ~R. leSSion in 15 days, $9500. CUJbertaon, CUJbertlon Chevro- Jonic:e Wllloo, Rt. 1, Box 1182, N Sto H 8 30 to 6 els soon -dinghies. sailboata, 5--Uc ~· 8701-J-5 Lota in R-3 Zone on Peninsula, let Co. Phone Hunt. Beocl! 318. Vlaia, Clllfornla. f!!W re ours: : a.m. p.m. runabouta, aulsen and paddle-~~-~·~--~----Sal'f"""' Will Cail from S3500 up. 21-4tc Wllllam F. Marx, 822 w. Cen-Saturdays, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m, E boards. Plastic Watercraft Oo., HIGH SCHOOL teacher Just re-I --FOR S LE-1941 H I D vld tnl, Balboa Beach Clllfornla. TRICKEY'S 2ND HAND STOR 703 ,E. Central. Balboa. Ph. 6&1. turned from oveneu needs apt. COSTA MESA A ar ey a - WITNESS.our handa thll 2nd day d Co M 22-1tc or houae until June. Box "A." PIC( BUILDING Comer 10&-ft. frontage; on Harbor aon Motorcycle 45. Exe cond. al. llarcl!, 19t6. 1962 Harbor Blv • sta esa c/o New1-nn:ea. 21-2tp Blvd., 17().ft. on Hamilton. house, Ph: 2012-W. 114 Jade St., Balboa OMAR P. WU.SON 22-ltc llU8l.OAL" a.t.DIO M M ' .TERIALS c1ucken coop, lath hause tor Jaland. 21-2tc -----------NEED fUrnllhed 5-room house ar n $12 500 JANICE WU.SON BEAUTIFUL S-'-•t ~ -~ oweni, garage, ' . FOR s·' -1937 ~--• 8, WILLL\M F. MARX WHY PAINT YOUR BUMPER! Steel Kitchens .--.,,,.. u~~ apt. by June 1 ; 1 child. Perman-21-2tc Three lots ar comer ot ISth A .....,. -~··•~er . State al. Clllfornia ) . . U•e KROS-0 GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES ~~.a barplnCo. 1:'::.!'N'"· D~~ . enL 1720 West Ocean Front. ---:;--:-!:;---=-=----=--Orange. 150-ft. on 15th, 110.fL model C-17 Alrflow aedan. New Ooopit)r al. Orance l a R0 US"' OFF SH'OWER DOORS ~-t Plano ·• ~ o. Phone 4Q.R. 21Mtp Lot Jn Peninsula on Orange, 54500 for the three rubber. See Mn. Ryder at Bal- ~ ' . ON tHls 2nd day al March T S th C f Santa Ana. S.:Uc WANTED TO RENT-Bay Front , 6r will oell separately. boa Island Poat Office or 118 A.D. 1M6, bef~ me Ruby A. Sold at All Doakn OU em OUD leS GOOD uoed pi...,. Some u Joor houae for ..-lh of July or first ~~ for Duplex Five acres in wonderful location, Onyx Ave. Ph: :2522. 21-Uc ~ a Notary Public In Uld s . a. D. Mfc. Co., Calta Meaa Supply Co. u S89. Fine for prac:tlce. Euy 2 Wffkl. Furn., 4-bedrm. Mn. $2760 $10,000. FOR SALE-1938 Dodge Con-1- for aald County and State, .....td-120 Broodway Phone ISTl-.J 144 Cout Blvd. N. terma. Or will renL Donz-Stoker, Claremont, 586 w. 11th Beverley Realty Co. Ible Coupe. Excellent Oondltlon. Inc therein duly ~ Uld 17-lltc Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main st., or phone 7321. 16-Btp -Realtors 435 Goldenrod, Corona de! Illar. _... penonally appeattd Omar 22-1tc Santa Ana. S.Uc w··~ TO RENT-H~-f-Ba Front Lots 50T E. Central Balboa Also good luggage trailer. J . WU-, Janice Wllloo, and Wu-SLA'ITERING apartment me, 4· -----------~· ·~~ -~ -Phone 1788 20-5tc !lam F . Marx known to !!If! to be burner stove, $50. 169 23rd St.. ORANGE COUNTY Radio Repain DeMoloya ot Whittler for week 5e¥ ~al Choice Onea the pertOnl whole namea are Nb-Calta Mesa. 22-2tp UPHOLSTERING CO. All malteo; tu'-. etc. Ph. 2417. from Aprll 13 to 20. Call collect .albed 1.o the within Inatrumenl, ANTIQUE 40Q.day clock, radio. · )(anufacturen Burt Nortoa. 9UI Cout m-y, Whittler 424589. Any place In Uld admowledeed to me that they gtrl' Of Upl!olltettd Fllrnlture Newport B•cb 91-tfc boy 11ttL 1Mtp execu'" the ....... lbaldy'cycls wamlsctch. Ml exlcanPhrug4, ~R.' 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana IN wr:1'NE55 WHEREOF, I hove e. . terns. . 22:'.i.tc Factory Uld Showroom beft!mtp aet my hand and affixed 504 Weat C...ter SL, Anal)elm my ottlflal teal ~ da,y and ~ar FOR SA' ~laa ahowcue 6 Phone Anaheim 4714 collect In thll cate tint above writ-feet long. 42 lnchea hllh. 24 12-Uc ten. wide. A bargain. Make your -----===:-::::::--:::== RUBY A. THOMPSON, price. 10115th St., Midway Cafe. CORONADO Notvy Public In and For 22-4tp Electric Range, $178 Said County and State. • . (~ Comm1u1oo Exp1ra RUG & UPHOLSTERY Cleaning. Immediate Delivery M.Y 24, 1947.J Rugs sized, al>ompood, cleaned. Auto Batteries (SEAi.} Overstuffed furniture cleaned. 18-month _ -Ex. Pub:-March 5. 12, 19, 26. 1946. 3 day pick-up and delivery. I 35 yeora of .. ~ cuat..,,..... PellllllYlVania Oil 1... ORANGE COUNTY Ga1Jo11. 70c TIDE TABI ES TENT & AWNING co. . - Arvin & E RESPONSIBLE MIDDLE-AGED merson couple would Jlke to rent fur-R A D I 0 S ni1be4 aputment or mia11 bouae, :U.Hour.Radlo Service be-. now Uld June lit. Pre- Short Circuit Radio ter permanent !llT8Jllement. Box 305 Palm. Balboa 447, Balboa llland. 1Mtp Phone 16.'JS..W 13-tfc ••&•.UTAH ,, STEINWAY Grand. llke new, one of the world'• sreei.t planoe ' Gora:..,.,. tone. Beautlllll -· This II an lnltnlii!ent for the dloaimln.atlnc b<zye". Dam- Schmidt Plano Co., 5:10 No. Main Santa Ana. S.de At Corona~ Mar . 2 Beautiful Lots South of Hlway Hecleea Uld Retaining wan. $6000 2H sonlLot At : mona de! Mor d $18,500 On Peninsula 5 . 2 Betha. Flttplace. l $16,000 w. l'L. JORDAN 700 t C...tral, Balboa FOR SALE-In the heart of Bal- boa, 11-unlt stucco with 4(}.fL vacant lot adjoining, nets: $250 monthly. Price $25,000. See Fred Brlgp with H. M. Lane Real Estate, 2006 Court Ave., oppo- llte city hall. Pllone 343. 21-Uc Pl!m!e 153 13-Uc ------------ CtiJ · Drive Heme Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES TQ Us. BATTERY REPAffi WORK IS OUR BUS~ • • KASCH 614 w . 4!1) St., Santa Ana. Western Auto Supply· Hieb lDw HJch lDw Phone Mr. Benedict. ~ Santa Au-d Deoler W :IO 10:37 t:37 lL-G &:la Ana. 22-tfc 1838 N•"port BM\., Ooata Kaa 4.1 0.5 4. 7 0.9 'nO ~pehetic portable ~Uc 'lb 21 11:18 5:16 ll:tl 4:tl appllonce. Ultra Violet 11oya; ------------ R.A.DIO ·soua c•1Ja -Mow tMt addtttmaJ CCQpeteat ttdl· Dk:iw are a.-ll•hle, .-are &we to malta -calla on )up canrc'tt. All work ~ BAROU> L. RA-' & 0. & Radio, 300 Karine Aw. Pl!: 'llO. 2 Fine Lots South ot Hlway $4200 Many Other Lota S1SOO up Beautlful bedrm. home with un- obl vi.,. of entire Bay Dlftriet. 2-ear garap, several bearlnc fruit trea, nice lawn Uld . For l!ll• fltrnllhed or ~ I •\m at ·dme al....,._ 2 Ocean Front Lots 21!, Blocks from Pier Zoned C-2 $7500 · For Immediate Sale Storey's Battery Service WESTMINSTER AVE. (Between 18tb A Mopolla) CX>STA' lll:SA . ,... 3.6 0.8 4.6 Lt Norge ~tor; 10().pllon F 22 12:07 6:00 11:11 l:M oak bartt~ 80 feet al double • 3.0 0.8 t.'4 1.9 armoured coble for boat llshtlnc ~~ ...... la_.._,_ under water type. Tel 83()..J. 217 ._ ,... L .. , - -.. -19th St, Newport. 21-lltp urtv, .. ,G SANG BOAT & RBPAIR YARD I" -· • ! I • 811 Cout BJPwa.r 101 fll!n !tew,.t • ..... . • •• ur;: _. ::;:-a-•t'1 ....... . ,., ......... .... .,. ........ ,1. ..... JI. , I ...-.~ .... .. -" Jlll!t AniYed rr.b s ..... .IJ4 BA'l"l'WBD 0..lwawoa Dnc OD. UT .... llt. Pl!. llll ' · 11-Uc AL'S Radio Electric Service - W. J . HOLCOMB IS17 Oout Hl&tiwo:t Orona del Mor ''Wbeft the nap Fly" Can~ Front Homes TWo -homes wltb pier ant floe. CQl'Dft' lota, pa11 -ton 1tonce,A1so_Cana1.frontlota. !~~~~~~~===::::::~~~~~~~~==:::::::!~ I~.&----· .., •ADlm WdiW 2 oma11 beach co-an Joto W. B . FOOTE, Resit.or -E N-EEO L · OD"'L ,. a na l 920 Cmat Hhray zcned for bualneaa, $10,500. 2117 C -Bhd., .-X w · . A.TE M ii:; ~ Fin Place -IDndllns Corona de! Kar -~-rt._ -21-2tc __ .. -m p T Prt w 0 Q D Plclc Up and ~ Income Property . ·---t-•' ---------. ..a, w •1 op CCI I Dellwnd -471>-llK 19-8tc z.-oom -and 4 mia111r •1, 'lOllll CAR NOW a w. WIUGHl'-Pb. :I090 Radi R • • . J rftltal un1ta. · ~-L..a-&. .. 81~8 • Pl~ _ 1a<+ 1184 Now...,.-t Bhd. ~Uc 0 epamnir 2 -an one lot. Corona de! ~Ulill IL ~ -• --·· : -ca11s clall7 e-sit sat. -11ar "'500 N · H ..1 "'9s rar ~sat ._.. ,,m "'8 .i ' Craystal Sets -$2.98 s ..... Complete.-a1. ~a. ·BAY riwNT wrs . w on aq!l& 7 , ._ ,._ z"i 'x: c.~ • v'..._, a?,.. '" (Babllte CU.) factxJr7 ropi .. '"'"Dt ~ 'Pio: • We ba.e .. .,.al --Su -d Lfnlitecf Id I Md Ul II .. , , , . 2-Tube Radio Kits . ~~.a.~fg."',..'!~ Lot°" o.e.n Bhd.. '3000. ~t- Tobulld,.,...own&:c:trlcndlo. -·Uc W LJORDAN n••• QIBERJSC?';'_sHJV!lOJ;lfT (X).,~ KaaR.adloA-Oo. For al.lleo •IR"'oo. -Iba 700 .ZoatCmtnl,~ • ~ --0, S.a _PB¢ DO p 11 .... 1191 N .. pu.-t BM!. i.!fc Nen-~ . Pl!m!e 153 D-Uc , 1 ' -... 7 - \ ' , . • • ' r • i ' . ' ., . -'1 . ~ ' • . , • '•( 1 , I ' ', •. I I • I ' I J I I ' • ' • - • ,. • ........ !!fports tfeard At Board · Meeting of Calif. H b "ingress P .-T. A., New Officers Nominated ar /i\r \ ..... Otlll9i 2 FeMinine Jlembenblp In the catlfomla dileue one la a1.._ me...oed by I V ~ ot Pusta and TMd>en A--'billty ot other attack&. t ' ~..dat ~.902· accmllng to the ~N::;;-ottlcen mtnated ,....., 4-...;Pbolw.:..::;==-clB=-.::ud=...;21;.;C;;:l8;._• ______ + ____ _:By:::<..J:~,;,;==''t!d=-=Be=rtwe=·;;._ -• + given to the Board ot Man-President. Mn. Rollln Br:I""'-Loi ::kh · A · . ._. meet!nc In Loi Ansetea ~Jn · Bnt vice ~t, Mn. IU toans to rrtVC ~ 13 and H by Mn.·Marvin G. w. iuhr. o-•1anc1: ...;..,.i v1c:e ~· ext Week For °'I""-state cbalrman. ' president, Mn. A. R. kwel. Imola; • '·1 W dd' $peaken were announced for ihiid vice prnldent. Mn. Edward • 1 pn e tng tM state convention which will be T. Walker. West Loa Angeles; held in San Francia<o May f, 2 fourth v)ce president. Mn. P . D. Mr. and Mn. O\arles A. Coving· and 3. Theme of the convention Is Bevil, Sacramento; fifth vlce'preol-ton, Youngatown. Ohio, and their '"The Larger Freedom"' and Inter· dent, Mn. L. E. Sutherland, Pasa· ""'" LL Robert Covington, are ar· national understanding and world dena; sixth vioe presldent. Mrs. B. rtvin ·he · March Z1 d will be af~ain will be •tressed. D. Ralat.on, Redwood Ct;y; aeven.th gues~ atre the home o~n Mft. and The board endorsed a recom-vice president, Mrs. George Beans-.__ Eldred n-·11 221 Sapph'-ton, San Francisco; oecretary, Mn. '°U>. ~DE n, ll< mendation of the Parent Educa-E. W. Raith. Los Angeles: treas-street . Balboa Island. until after tion committee calling for a re-urer, Mrs. Kenneth Spencer, San the wedding _on A~U 3 .when Lt. ,quest to the University of Cali-eo~"'--ton will claim Mils Ann .fotnia to "institute a chair of Par-Gabriel; historian. Mn. E. Fred-·..-u"A , . a-ei-ick Smith, West Palo Alto.. f;»elle Remelld u hb bride. ent· Education'', setting forth in , · Miss Remelin, who Is a graduate tht lettU-of peti_tion the vital need · f ' leadership training at the uni· p 1· Phi· to Meet of -cwnnoc1< and !folmby liebools, has been honored with seve<al af. lty level, and for training of Wt' th Laguna Member fain recently. anci another, one is rvtsors and administraton of · slated for lbunday of this week. a proader program of family life edUcation. · 'A healtl;a measure is being sup- ported which would make manda-tory the testing or dairy .cattle to determine the presence of Bangs disease which causes undulant fever. the fact being emphasized thft on~ having contracted the I The South Coast Pi Beta Phi Alwnnae club will meet Tuesday, March 26 at the home ot Mrs. R. A. Behrendt, 422 Cr-ess street, La- guna Beach. Plans will be made for the Founders' Day luncheon to be held next month. FRANC~ BEAUTY SHOP . I Helen Curtis and H alliwell Cold Waves Specials on Machineless Permanents Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring ' TWO OPERATORS -MOZELLE & BONNIE GILL'S FOOD SHOP 245 Forest A venue Laguna Beach Stork Shower Honors Mrs. Hoffmari ' ' - . - Act vities liow ~ Given By Local Man Kept . P . I. Students Alive Told· St. James Auxiliarf Reov. ll. 'l;aylor --king the pecp1e al .the f'N'lii!.MP befA =..a ._al !!!'CJot ~ ~~ ''The)'. alone ~ ,. i.c1r,• • Yo g Navy Men , Ent rtained at Bal oa .Home U.L_I")' ~\. amet ............... ....._. he saJd t church wbleb was held at the · Rev. Burke ,... lntro&aded lgo bonle al llln. Anne M. Luckey, ~ Arey. o..n. 111n. lbr7 s..i- Balboa Wind, 1ut ThUl'!lday te-u,,a;. , wu In cbarp al tbe ...... lated a--al -fuclnatlnc gram and Mrs. Franti o.mn..-('Olncjlleacea occasiooed by the ham. president of tbif:·A••'f8._,., war. . presided at the ~. - Barbara Nielson, 215 East Rev. Burke, who at present JS -thin 35 _.,... ~ Bay a enue, entertained one ev.,. curate at St. .Jobn'S' ·O.urch. Los pnosenL New members ~ -•--Uy f Angeles. was In ~ of All Mrs. Hubert R. Huclool>.! ..,_ • ·~"' o have°'" jus~= '= Saint's School in Baguio on the Caroline Hudson, and Mn.• T:'P. servi gave piece· and idea. oveneas. St. Patricl<:a day island ot Luzon at the ume of Atkinson. Guests inclldod -e theme for the center-r..arl _Harbor. When the , Japs Mary Hall. Glendale; Mrs.' C. D. shamrocks and the cake clOled _m on Baguio, about 25 ot Sturtevant.Oi!caao.uid-. cnam .carried out the the childttn whose parents could George Yardley sr. Bewrbi HltlL not be located remajned . at the The hostess was assisted by - school and 1t was. the lIUSSlonary's daughten, Mrs. Wm. AtJell uid ~ decision to transfer Mrs. Gertrude Waldron, alid Ille them to the rruss1on of Sagad latter's daugbter--in-law Mrs. Pat Joe , Eugene Andenon and Ben were the honorees and eir partnen were Barbara L<inetil-' oolo, Jeen Thompsoo and the 'y ng hostess. Mesa P .-T-. A. Officers '"""" 100 miles distanL W!idron . ' During their flight Rev, Burke _· _____ __,_ ..........-that in 'the hank at Nod Cass .Honored . , Baguio lay $500 which a member of bis former parish in Beverly At Surprise: Paqy Hills had given him to use in his Nod Cass. daughter al Mr. - miaimary work in the Philip-Mrs. Haroid eua, Corona det Mar, pines. He dispatched a FUipina w84 honored guest ·at a ~ runner to 'Obtain the money before birthday A>&rtY given in heri boDm' Baguio fell. The runner was sue-by Judy Oiapman and BU& •Chpm· ceMful but on the return trip bers at t he Lido Isle hofneJoC the passing throuogh Jap lines was latter recently. captured. He was questioned and All t ..t.0.... bee.ten .but the money ··-· so well . urniture, even to the ~- ... Qa tures on the walls, had beed re-- h idden ·about his person that the moved from the lower floor and Ja~ found only $10 a nd in the decorations in crepe paper, ~p1c­ end let him go. tures and verses used for a party F or the following five months atmosphere. Dancing occupied the the J.!tUe school hid out at Sagad evening, with punch, cookies aDd and yie $500 bought food for a birthday cake with 16 ca.ndlee u them. enabling them to survive. rC'fr~shments. · I The Beverly Hills man who-had Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Oiamben donated th~ $500 was George ~t . and Mr. and Mrs. Chapman were H~tein sr. His daughter-in-law. chaperones for the 45 or mime Mrs. Geo~ H ol5tein jr. ""as pres-. young people who enjoyed the'~ eQ.t at th~ ' meeting. The story '1ing. came as a complete surprise to her as she had Jong since for-i ... -------~---- goten that such a sum was once B O O K. $ given to an Episcopal missionary. , In the matter of fact language which contrasted sharply with the violence of his experiences, Rev. Burke told the story of his im· prisonmeat at Camp Holmes in Baguio fot two years and at ·Los Banos for another year, of the nightmarish days before their sur- pl'.!se libenl tion by the para troop- ers of the 11th Airborne Division. Throughout his talk he empha· THEY'RE H·ERE ' • at our new location . 605 NORTH MAIN ESTRELLITAS , (Formerly Arcade Bid«·> Phone 5318 Sula .ba sized the loyalty and coourage of '-------------' Announces the Grand .Dpening of the Finest M he1don Smith was recent hoste o members of the o. o. F . • Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau club Lt her home. 127 2iith. street All Modes of Travel to""·-, Mexico, Ha·-" ' ( Delicatessen In Orange County FEAT URING Our Own Kitchen Fresh Roast Meats • Chicken Pies • Lascloos Salads • Baked 8- Also Cuts, Cheeses and Specialties We Know We Have THE RAREST COLLECTION OF DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED FISH AND MEAT SPREADS EVerything from Deviled Ham to Caviar • A visit to this department will convince you of such an array of fancy merchandise. with ft> 'dg~ the divers.ion of the .i.;.n..u vyc wtu1 evenir' fo~owed by a late SU~ Round-the-World Trips in the near tu~. See. Bridge Tea at per. . , I , Mn. Boy Keene. Ph. S91. SOI I'll.Im, Balboa Mesa Fire Auxiliary Second Book Section prize a ~~ih;t';~ ~.ti~~~!: ::======:B:o:un=':1:o:a.=m.=ta=a=p.:m.===::::'.~== S. A. Country Club Elects Officers Meets at Balboa takin hol nqr. Others present Roses in a soft shade of pink were rs. Harry Baker, Mrs.l r------------------------- were combined with "'-'hite sweet president of the Costa Meda F ire-Dutch Iris and sweet·scented Nelli K: d Mrs. Elsie Pat- peas and ta11 tapers on the beau-men's auxiliary and Mrs.' Al Qg. stocks added a note of spring tersojn. ' tifUl tea table when Mrs. Harold den was named secretaey when cheer when Mrs. S. A. Cort enter-·r--+---- Caldwell of Balboa Island and Mrs. the group was e ntertaihed re-tained members of the Second Qu CXiCO for Virginia Wallace of Santa Ana cently at the home of Mrs. Ed Book Section of the Ebell club J a were hostesses at the Santa Ana Walters, Magnolia avenue. at her home. 127 East Bay av.nue, r. ub Sat. Country club bridge tea. Most of the evening wb given Balboa. on Wednesday although Nine set tables were in play over to business with the hostess outside the sand and wind had on1 history of Mexico and prizes were boxes of bath serving apple. pie, ice cream and brought a return of winter. -h P wilt' be given, w'ill powder. At one table were Mrs. coffee afterward. · · Miss Marchia Coombs reviewed feat e the n xt meeting of the Gordon Findlay and Mrs. R alph Those present were the MeS-Chandos' "The Village in the Jun· tarrlp club which will be Maskey and the latter's guests, dames Harold Eddy, Gleh· Davis, Sun" and Mrs. E . L. Muncie re-held' t~fy March 23 at the Mrs. C. B. Rudd and Mrs. Ed William Wright. Al Ogd~n. Bert-galed the audience with highlights Mesa dio h p. E hlen. while Mrs. Hr R. Ring had ren Smith, Gordon Almonµ. Harry of Du Maurier·s new book 'The At ti las eeting Donald Cook Mrs. Tom Henderson, Mrs. Powell Hilliard, Ed Wa lters, Gu.a Beach, King's General." \YOO pti:zle fa seti of three Jap- BEAU TY 804 Marine Avenue Balboa Island -Phone 182'1 Open Saturdays Until May lit Oosed on Monday ' WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART - Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty 1and provide t he ultimate in beauty care, HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SNRVICE and Mrs. G. F . Peters at.her table. Ethel Collins, H arold Eln,er. Wil-?.trs. Frank Perew was ccr an r mfril starnPs for coming ========================= ~~=======================~! Others from the harbor area llam Lord a nd Harry Anderson, hostess and assisted in serving the dos o gife ing the number of were Mrs. Clifford Nolder, Mrs. who brought a guest. dessert of cake and coffee. bean a jat. Each member pres- Warren Fletcher, Mrs. Dean The sec\,ion will be hostesses at giv$1. handful of stamps Campbell and Mrs. Phillip Neary. N pt. Island Hostess . the Ebell bridge luncheon on ey fl , any duplicates in ' FOURTH and SYCAMORE SANTA ANA PLAY PAU; STREET FLOOR The spirit ol today's young women has been knitted into our new sweaters. They have a clean cut look ... imagina~oo and style ... a ' pure perf_ectionist look ht ·pure woolens. I ' The next social af(air wtll be the E Thursday of this week, Mri:. Rob-es!fo are asked to bring bridge, luncheon Thursday., Mareh nfertains At Rummy ert Killefer being chairman of the thf!~e meeting for trad- 28. committee in charge. ing. ul nt were -Mrs. Mrs. Charles Hart. 3812 Chan· Caro~ e . and Mn, Maxine ~----------1 nel Place, Newport Island, enter· MYF Group to Attend •-an<I · talned her rummy club at lunch· D Co ~ * Starting New Ballet eon Thursday, using the St, Pat-istrict nvention --++--!-+------ Classes Wednesday, rick's Day theme in decoratlona. Winner of first pr(ze was Mrs. Miss Peggy Trine of Balboa March 20 at 4 :45 p . m. Hugh McGeachie and Mn, Mar· Island has bee~ elected president garet Craig' was consoled. of the Methodist Youth Fellow- Guests present were the Mes-ship of Christ Oturch By~the-~ dames Anne McLuckie and J ohn to .take the place of Mi~ Georgia ·McLuckie, Pasadena; Wilijam Mc-BnFriscoed who dreeeSntlturdy resignfed.I No. 6 Bay Island Gowan and Margaret crq, Glen· ay an a . ay o aat Plaoae %111-M dale, and Hugh McGeachif 0 week the annual district conven- 1 '-------------'I mont r ' are-tion of MYF was held at the ---------------· '-' -------~-First Methodist church, Santa Ana, and attending from here was a delegation of five members Miss Trine. Dick Wallner, Dot Wright, Barbara Stovall, and Vir- ginia Bachmann.' Expert Beauticians for Milady • Permanents. Cold Wave, Hair Styling. Hili Tinting ••• Bleach· ..,,,.: -'V· ing, Cold Wave. . • ,RU'TH • NllJI( -CARMI;;'\( , -§-a.-.......,, All ..,. ~ ....... , ......... : n..111 ( Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Bal-1D11 A.-, • 0-n.at a& Ille Pier · PRE·EASTER •SUITS .AND TOPPERS HA VE A NEW TECHNIQUE TAILORED FOR TOWN WEAR LOVELY GpLORS AND MATERIALS IN CHl:CKS, STRIPES, SOLID PASTElS AND ALL IMPORTANT BLACK I I -l iWft& -A ... • &A.,._. MORE ·* REDUCING • • Here'i a way to rebuild vi-talit~1 n;lax tense ne.rves, tone up . urea m~es. while you achieve that slimme r, straight- er. lovelier figure. Different from otlier ttduclng methods, the StaUtfer System is easy pleasant, stimulates circulatiori and encourages good pootura No drugs, electricity or exer-- tioo. You'll enjoy it! 8btgle Treatmelo.t -.$1.50 It Treatmenlil _..$Z6.0C) Stauffer System LAGUNA BEAClllo il% K7 Blwdw&J' . ·. I AKS CKEN "' s E-RIBS L rSTER I . . I 8d to perfection ov red· 1t charcoal. I * cocftr All--12 A.M. • 12 P .M. Di:m:IER SERVED :;. u P, M. es& 4th st. Santa Ana -V-'ay See lJa Abo9i Yoar 1 HOME AND. CllUBCll WEDD?l'G ~um Be Sare to lnqnlre Aboat ~ Old Porfnltij