HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-03-21 - Newport Balboa News Times' :THE SAND CR AB ~ SAM ' SlfERIFll'. As the race for sheriff is by far the most Important Issue in county politics this year, ha".e been doing a bit of reseai'cb OD the · !R.lbject, dug into . the qualification of the vanous candidates and come to the conclusion that R. I. (CUbal Morris is the best bet· for the law-abiding citizens of the commonwealth. Morris is a clean-cut young man who has worked hard all hJs life at police work and crime control and knows the sad, hard problem of juvenile de-· Unquency. CkJ6est competi· tor is Jimmy Musick, well known football star, who has decided ·to enter the contest. Denial is made that the Santa Ana "Green Sheet': is backing Jimmy. which that paper is trying to wiggle a\vay from, in this vein: ''There is a fellow down Newport Beach way,-nam- ed Sam Meyer, who, ·when it comes to printing reliable news, is as far away as your horse in that last race. Last week he actually wrote in his Newport Balboa News· Tim~: 'Rumor has it that Musick (candidate for sher- iff) is really not keen for the race bu\ is being egged on by Berry', this following a line- up of candidates in which he lists Jim Musick as a candi- date, 'sponsored by Col. Berry and the Green Sheet'." Just why Mr. Berry is so earnest in side-stepping Mu· sick · is not apparent, be- cause Musick is a Cine,up- standing young man whom any honest newspaper should be proud to support. + + + So Sorry, Ed. Comes now Ed. Ainsworth of t)le Los Angeles Times, who laments the fact that the Crabber re- cently gave Carl Broka,\o of the J>nlm Springs Desert Sun a boost as against a new paper, Tbe Barnacle, Ed. and others are starting. Ed. says: "As the ro-publisher of the Desert Barnacle. which you and Carl Brokaw lambasted so t~rrifically in yoUr col- umn _pf January 24, I beg to pleaCIJ. our paper isn't really inteni)ed for Palm Springs at all. tilt is publishell instead for ~at eartllly paradise, the Coachella Valley. Our phenomenal sale in Palm Sprinl:s has been due entire- ly to public demand and was not ~f our seeking." + + + Pl!Ople An Funny. Tues- day's News-Times hap!Jened to print two streamer ads of two candidates for the city rouncil and some of the wise acres began wagging their craniums and linking Isbell and Atkinson on one ticket. So far, so good, but what will 'l,appen when they read toda:if's paper in which Isbell and Seal both run stream- ers? \Viii they be accused of teaming up' Why not ask all three! + + + • Mn. Charles Cus~r. Mesa and beach folks will mqurn the sudden passing of Mrs. Charles Custer. who for so many years played an integ- . ral (Art in the social develop- ment of the community. Aside from her love for mu- . sic and the many students she trained for larger and m o re important achieve- ments, she. \\'llS one of the tounde.rs of the Friday Aft. ~O(lli club, in addition· to being identified with inany other civic organizations. Her retirement in the last few lf"llr5 was due to illness bUt many of the pioneers ·here will _long remember her ·aa a public-spirited and " warm-hearted woman. + + + r Cap. Forbes. Passing of Olp. Forbes, another old- timer, recall many of his qualities and vigorous meth- • od a;oing things. Cap. al-'ways had a yen for politics and . an interest in the way· thiJlgs were run at the bead), never befug one to pull his pundies or talk out In meeting. • I ' • l"lnl .. Ne-. .,.. .. Ad1•'' I I • ll'lnt .. <Jlftaladoll ) ' • • • P08TBDI ' y .. .;; c: . .;1 ~ ·••-1101 • KitBP 1 .... -.. .... --a...ill ... b fts .. N wu = Ir Jlcss 1 • ._. • I . EMBRACING BALBOA P~INSULA.. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE ~OLONY, l.IQO ISLE, Jl(EWPORT HEIGHTS, 'BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA 1R$A VOL'llllE lCaVDI I NiiWrOlft m:&ce, (JALIJl'()IURA, TIRJDDAY, R 11, l HI au •--• ~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~......,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..,.,~~~~~~-- Earl Stanley May file for Cal. Assembly Petition for Realtor to Make Race for Wat- son Seat Earl Stanley, city council- man of Newport Beach plans to run for the office of state assemblyman, the News- Tirnes was reliably informed yesterday. In fact, Mr. Stan- ley admitted that a petition had been completed for plac- ing his' name on the ballot for the June 4 primaries, and that he might make the race. To date only one other candi· date has been known definitely to be out for the seat dec1ared va- cant by Clyde \Vatson, who has decided to run for the state sena- torial position held by Thomas Kuchel, recently appointed state controller. Stanley's opponent would be a reside nt of Tustin. not well known in this area. The city councilman here is a reside nt of Balboa Island and a v.·ell known r cal tor. He had a prominent part in securing the agreement of the State Park com· mission to secure a state park in Corona del Mar. He has handled much of the sale of James Irv- ine's properties in this area. and has bet:'n active in many civic af- fairs. He is a past commander of the American Legion P ost 291 here. an active member of the chamber of commerce, and of the local realty board, in '-''h(ch he is a state representative. Stanley is the owner of prop- erty in several parts of the city, and at present is bringing a par· eel of nearly two acres into the city of Coast highway near its in- tersection with Coast boulevard. J-le is also completing a store build- ing in C0rona del Mar. He once figured in the controversial city hall site matter, now settled. Lois Cottle, 21, Dies At Home; Grew Up Here Mrs. Lois Cottle, 21 years old, died suddenly this morning at her home In the Mattson Court, 206 E .. Central avenue, Balboa.. She had given birth to a baby daugh- ter only 10 days ago, and had r e- turned home, seemingly in good health, according to ~ports 'from Dr. Gerald Tohlll's office. Lois was the wile of Frank Cot- tle, manaaer of the Eut Newport Market, owned by h11 uncle. Har- ris Cottle Sr. The young couple had been marrJf'd at the Baltz chapel and made their home· at the Central avenue address since then. She was a graduate of Ne.;,. Port Harbor High School. ·and -had many friends in the harbor region where &he had lived most of her We. The body was removed to Baltz Mortuary "''here funeral 81TGge- men ts are being made by mem- bers of the family. ·she is sur- \'ivOO b)· her infant daughter. l\farie Eileen. hC'r mother, Mrs. Williams. a sister, ?tlrs. Audrey Cottle. and her husband. Frank. Lease Asked of City On Subm erged Land Near Port Lido EARL STANLEY City CJooncllRWI --~~~~~~~~~- Dana Point Man Irked When No Mooring Ready l.Jeora Custer, Adive Mesan, Died Wednesday Tournament 4 .. · Irvine Ob~cts : to · Private Of Lights Set Development of Bay ·front • for Aug. 10 Property; ~ys . He Donated Governor Warren Will Lead Outstanding Night Event Letter From Dinsmore Says Not Notified of Commission Hearings; Believes 2200-Foot Frontage on North Channel Should Be Improved by Ci ty. • • • -' ' . ~ ' • \ • • ' Scotch tapt, various sizes. l&le at the Nevis-nme11o . ,,,. rlpt tratment f« -weary hair wltb •.. the rlpt touch to your sroom!nl Wider the deft ftngus of our hair buuty expms.. on I Sell that unwanted lhrou&:h News-'nmes a4L BALBOA'S • • MMWml •••WM j a e161w.._lf .. WI llSl!OU1TJO!f GIVDfG lf~or-KS­ OI' l'llOrou:D AlrmATION'. or-SY TO 'DD Cftl' Oii' 1ISWPOST - WHEREAS, there bu bem --ied to the Qty Council ot the Ot;j of New\X* t Be1 cit, cantmnla. a ijelitlon requesting the anneu- ttoD ot the ferrltorJ herelna(ttt desi:rlbed to-the Oty of Newport Beach: • NOW, THEREFORE, rr IS BEJIEBY RESOLVED by the Qty eoUncn of tbe. Qty of Newport Beach U •follpww: 1. 'lbat lt ~ ~ to annex to the Qty of Newport Bead!, California. tllat certain tcrrltorJ eoottguous to the Qty bound.arlel and delcrlbed .. f-: All that certain land altuat- ed In ihe Cpunty ot Ol'anp, Stale at Callfanda. blbtc .,..._ ttguous to the boundarlea of . the Qty ot Newport ~ and delmbed•f-: Bee;lnnlng at the PCJint ot Intersection of the --erly -loqatton ol the !!<111h-\.ater1y boundary llne of the Irvine Subdlvlalon. u .-n mi a map recorded in Book 1. page 88 of Mlloellamaa 'Mapa, ...-ol o...e Counfy, California. with the Dne of ordinary hlch tide at the Paclllc Ocnn In Newpcrt Boy, an!! dealpated "Nor.th IJne'' In the decree rendored In the action entitled Q ty at Newport Beach, Plalntlft, ft. F. ~ Strobrldp, and otben. Defmdantl, Cue No.-'ol the Superior Court of Orance 0 0 0 0 • , • 0 RE.NDEZV BALLROO = ~ • = = = 0 = 0 = = 0 = = Your RED -CROSS Pr!F!aW ANSELL ILL AND HIS ORC ESTRA Saturday, March 23rd I I ' I • ~~r.....l•!-!!! .. ~~l~1y1~11!..i ...... -J.~~---~~~~~~~~-=-~~~....;::...~~~~~-+-~~· ...... ~...;.....-:.• KetarianB Bear l>alineati of ·Duties N~ Owners Plan 1Frmen_Fboct and ....... Pua.le Nonca County, caurom1a. a -Of New City Adm ibistrati Offreer Expansion of Store ·Sandwieh Malrinr =..iat ~~1;; Given by Shelley, ~gin,& 'of 'litle InGr~ c!ie:.n and Geo. ~~ala &..-.. ~ In Book ~ pqe ~ at Oftl--.-.i t11e Cll'lclnaitorit---1'---if-------E. Opp have ~ 'l'l'lcby'1 locker for pQbllc ,.._ ..._. .,... clal ~ at l&lcl·County, or the dutles at city admlnlltrative ,.,.._. . Seccnd Hand ltore In a.ta -to the city ClOUllCij lhll -. tbe l&lcl ord1naey hlsh tide llne -oxplal-to them and tJ ).JIU:.J ll r's Brake . and will ch~ the name to Har-location aelecl'ed ........ tbe l . IL . a1lo belnc the northerly (armer Col. John J . Sallon. -"'I s te Explam•' e'd-bar FUrnlture.,• The ~ will Bam!tt prope!ly on ,Oout ~ boundory llne ot the City ot had been e;iwn that paoltton 1n ys be made when the sa1.-.....,. from wq. The aRJllcatton wu -prsal Newpcrt Beach; • rwm1n& the city here the nlaht before, J\llt .__ <SttOW, It wu announced. subject to apliravaJ at the - thmce Nortll 39• 43' 45.-Eut what the diffftft>ce· ii betwftn a · Gocldk:k... and Opp plan to departmonL along the Mid narthjw..terly co-ordinator of civic duties and a ;;::::..: on~ carry now furniture and houlebold Aloo -t ifoo' bH!th --· llne ot Irvine Subdivision cl!J' -· new 1946 1 la the appllancea In addition to theb: ado-·wu an a~tton to make ~ 241.63 feet to a point In the C>et Shelley, ~trative or-h-.._...__ .,. can new-quate stock-or Uled rurnlture ~ In thO ·former )Nath -·~1 line ot ••-h .,,.. ..,_. c brake_ •ntem ot-plumb•--su-"-··-~-A__; ~ '·•-~t ID IOUUK:1 Y i.;s:~ one un-ncer of Montebello. who developed fered u 1 eqwpment on all ........ ~. •~mn:", -.-c-. proper..,. on UK' OOtaD uw clttd foot California State the Idea. wu former i*dldedt ot Olrysler IL -and fixtures. N...._L Highway right of way, u de-the cautornla Leque ot Qties, Advan of the now bnldnc acrlbell In Deed from F. M. and a dty oounc11man of that system ha qulCk!y a_,. StrolJr1clse and Myrtle E. communl!J' at cme time. He f ent to •"" drivers of the Strobrl.. to the State of saw the necealty ot havlnc an 1946 · <'"iidter control of California, ncOrded Septem-official aPPointed by the council U..: car la talned under all drlv- ber 14th. 1929 In Book 30C, to carry out lb"orden, and to ""':-Inc ' oondl and at the aame -3111 at Official Rearda N!ate departmonto, yet not to be time pedal ii ftducod :.is al Mid County; -South In charse of them. · to 30 -t Wi·~·t ••-'"~--'10" 05' 30• Eut alone the A city ~. he exp!~ brake ~ ....,.:-The ~t; -u....1y 11ne ot sa1c11HJpway lo ·hlch mocuJ of the clQ' eovem-~ both 1n 1B7.92 feet to the point at ~ ment havlnc that system, and ordinary c ...r:::.1..-. a:J:nnln,s of. a curve den ecttna when he takes otftce, all depu-t-and • sure, th control on the to the left; thmce opterly ment heada reolgn. In tllll cue, steepest . alone Mid curve concave to · howevtt, the city administrator A n..v.TMo ene;1neer explaiMd the north uia havlnl"'a radl111 bu an admlnlstratlw job and the prj;;d~-:rthlll: . of 1,sc!O feet, • dlftanee ot ks with department h<ada ell 222.'12 feet to a -'•t 1no··-war -"In the Oirysler brakea, m ...-. -~ under the coancll. u cloea of the car' eight brake "'-' aro aoutberly 11ne of Mid State each of them. He attempts to aeJ( ' In forward mdtlon. mlhwaY: then"" South 9" Z1' carry out their irocram. and acta But .Im • t to new , Oieyole- Weat 339.42 feet to a paint In aa a ro-be.tween of th• city and Its braldnc lo ftbat contro11ed ael(. the uld 11ne of ordinary hlch realdents; on the o~ hand. ~ ener&lzlns been Introduced by tide of the Pacific Ocean In twftn the c:ouncil and Its employea. the acldlti hydrauUc eyVDden New]kltt Boy and cleolpated He bu only the autho!'lty vested and location of the anchor "North Une": then"" Nortll In him by the c:ouncil, It wu es-on the ~-·-mechanilm. Thia 73• 34' 20• Weat al~• Mid w---plained. location lo portant In preventing ordinary hlch tide line 85.55 Sailors wu voted. the job Mon-brakea ......_,__ OYtt~er- feet·, thence North 37• 15' 30" A ... ~. -..... _ clh· -··-~• at•-~·--...., . .., u~ ., ~.w ~ a glud to re Point where . they Weat alone l&lcl ordinary hlch reaolutlon delcrlblng his many lock." · · tide line 215.35 feet; thence duties, llmllar to those of a man-' N orth 74• 17' 11• Weat alone &&er, weu aet up In a reaolution Re-~ ff" uld ordinary hlch tide llne drawn by the city attorney. These ge 0 tee :l89.84 feet to the point of ~ . duties were given In detail In Tuel-Of Ci Engm' eer e;lnnlng. day'1 News-Tlmea. 2. That Mid terrl!op> Ilea acija-0 . B. Reed, city councilman, wu The en cent to and northt'erly of that leC'-chairman of the Tuesday nJcht eering office on the ground of the city hall be-tlon of the Oty of Newi:w>rt Beach meeting. neath th council chamtHtr hU known u The Arches. and com-been ch ed so that entrance ii ~ ~1::'!;;;ti;;;; .. b;·:er h....-Hogan Grocery .Store gajned a the center door, and • by e;iven that the lat day ot April, In Corona de] Mar reception space provided at the 1943, at the hour of 4 :00 o'clock bled . s· left of entrance while at the P. M. of Mid day, In the Council Dou ID IZe right the nglneering and drafting Chambers in the O.ty Hall in the departme t is kept separate. Oty f Newport Beach is th A steadv stream of customers City E gineer J . B . Webb, who time !rid place when an'd wher: delighted Mr. an~ Mrs. J . !5· Ho-has char ' of the office, m ay be any person owning real property gan at the opening of their ~ew found in the same location as withln said t "t so ro ed grocery store, 1103 Coast high-formerly, ut by taking the new ~ ~n~eder;~~v~i::F:: ~ e<;:::~~ ~~ n~::iy ';;~~tie~~ ~=~~;:!~~~th~fsti:ay1~r;;;~ may o:p;ar ~::re the Oty Coun~ former size and is now ~n attrac-h~ ~n lflosed. W~th him in this ell and show cause why such terr!-tive, modem self-service store. office is ft: L . ~m1nick, member to shouJd not be so aiinexed. Beautiful . congratulatory bou-of the e1pneenng staff. ry quets ot spring flowers sent in by th 4· 0 Tha~:.n such a11:11exatlon friends of the couple dotted count-0 -WAY PROFIT ~a) ~: such time hereafter as ers of their excellent supplies of the ign~tion system gone the final map of said subdivision goods which were installed by ove: an re placing spark plugs ls approved and · filed. accept the busy employes when the store was which n it d~ mor e than in- dedication of the street! contained closed Monday. sure. eas r starting, decl~es the within th r aid bdi . .ri-· Customers found it hard to t>e... service partment of the Na- , I SEE! the . New~-~: 'ISLAIDER' I . Split Bamboo FISHING ROD A18o JUST ARRIVED! Bobby Joneti Registered Golf Clubs and Tw~ and Four-Man Rubber Boats Complete with Oars .and Pump ---k-- "Everything for the Sportaman" "JOHNNY'' ABELL Balboa Island Sporting Goods PbOIE8'·2641 ' e area.o I I U .. Qion. uld b I ti al A t b"l 1 b Th I (b) A said bdivisl 11eve they co o ta n recent on omo 1 e c u . ere a Dan~•n from 9 d 1 pp~: 1 sut u ::: Scarce articles such as butter, also ano er form' of. profit to be ~ an P an ° ve opmen Crisco mayonnaise and bacon. obtained in the impressive guiae ~ = • must carry on I Balboa ........ 222 Marine Ave. ~~=,,~,,~··~"~"'~"'~"·~··~ ... ~,,.~·~··~ ... ~ .... ~, .. ~.-~ ... ~ ... ~,,,~,.~··~,,,~,,~,,,~,.,~,.,~,,~111~,.,.~,0,~,,.~.,,,~.~·"•~··~"~"'~"'~"'~"'~''"~"'~'"~' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~kf;;;or~thg>~·~~J'~d~~~ew~~~~r~~~g:U~f~:.,c111~t~r~e"!~-~or comm~nts of "a.IOYely store," "it's 001t:_g!'aso~ll+e'._~eco~~o~m'.':y~.----~~""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""~ c '"" • ., wonderful," "nice place," "it will -• be a pleasure to come here" were heard and Mr. and Mrs. Hogan were congratulated by an appre- ciative public. = , . ' • • I is a long time resident · of Newport 'Barbo~. He is a successful business man and appreciates tlt-e j prob I ems confronting your Harbor. A vote for 0., Z. Robertson is a vote_ for an r dependent progressIVe. . I I I , ) .. . ' . • Dairy Interests Show Reasons Why Butter, Milk Short SACRAMENTO. -Marked in- creases in the demand for fresh milk and discrimination on pricing of manufactured dairy products is causing the butter famine in Cali· fornia. The California Dairy Advisory board backed up tts state1nent to- day with official production fig- ures of California milk producers and dlsbibutors, in an effort to clear up the mystery of ''where is the butter?" ''Hundreds of thousands of troos-stationed in California. to- gether with a dvillan population · increase of nearly two mllllon have drawn heavily upon the already limited supply of market mill( in the state," Richard J. Werner. manactt of the industry-wide dairy board said In pointing out that the demand for market milk had increased 1n California from over 694 millloii. quarts in 1940 to one and a q uarter bllllon quartl lut year. "CQnsurne.n just can- not have their butterfat ln other forms and have butter too," be added. PUBLIC NOTICE u.ea any taxeS against the an- nexed territory to pay for any present outstandlnr bonded debt on l&lcl CltY of N!'wport Beach. (d) Zone Mid a)>ovo-delcrlbed annex.c:I prope1 ty ln accordance with the tteommendatlon of the Planning Commilalon ot the Qty ol Newport Beach . The Qty Clerk lhall cauae a copy of tbil Rftolutton to be pul>- lllhed at leut once a week for two succealve -ks, In the N-- pcrt-l!alboa N.,....Tlmes, a ,,...._ l>'l-of ......... circulation pul>-lllbed In the Qty of Newport Beach, California. On motion ot Cooncllman Allen, -by Oouncllman Ji!eed. the fcnadnc raolution wu Intro- duced and paged by the Ot)' Council ot the Qty ot Newport 1 Beach at a recular adJoumed mMttng held "" the 18th clay ot -. 1946, and adopted .by the followln& wte: AYES. Councllmm Allen, hbell, !teed. Hall. NOES, ~ none. ABSENT. ~ none. Cl.YAN H. HAU., Attst: ~- FRANK L. RINEHART, O t)' Clerk. PUb'. Mudi 21, 28, 1946. ,. I 1, l' '· " 11 'I i . Once again we can say 'NEXT TIME, TRY THE TRAIN'' I At lone Jut we can -'our way out of the wooda. No lonav la there a beclrlas of m.eran. waitin1 for tranaportation to their bom-. The pealr 1DOV81Deilt 11 "'' to be definitely owr. We want to lincare& tbanlr all the civili•n• who refrained from traftllnc to ma!re room for thMe men. And ,.. want to point Ol1t that now ..,,,.. 1pace la anil•ble oo IOllie Southern Pacific traina for you who wiab to travel In other word8,,.. c!lm uy "Nm time, try the train-, but u yet we can't MY it_,-load. Tbme la z¥iw quit. a bit of 11pece anil•ble in coacbee and chair can. B1Mpn1 car lpaCe la tl,hta ID compariaon, but conalderably more plentlfal than it wu, eepecially on cmtaln traina. • ~ call ua if JOU.'19 pl•nniDI a trip W1J1whme. We'll do our beet to ,C JOU the r11eovatiollll JOU want. l'i(o time limit on m•n'atlona On~ alts March 16, you can mab ~ u far in adYISnce • 70ll wlab. 1he ODT order NQllirinc you to maim t'-1 no more than 14 c1Q'W ID ..nul.t bu been npMled. 111 .... _ ... llayl Dialna' cm, on Southmu Pui8c ttafm ... -...t.,. tm.. l!IMla • dq bwtnd ol two. Mora lmpro-•m 011 lhe way With oar~,.. bd ee'nir.,.. wi111100111Pnd up tnl• ad Nlma die amp can and otblr ,....ws .. nw in w+i& ih8 ... w to <hccJDo ~dnrinch-. • lfMnwldle ... m1pinstan11111d theed with a mmMll<im PIOSl8m ol -lta•mlfned traiJ7ll that wil1 be h beet h world bu -- • S·P ~-''' ,,,,.,,, '''"',. ,.,,,,, . • • D. W. BOL'IBY ' • • • - • -11awroaT •TA!~· . H;.;~··1 , ' . GIT~: Realtors Hear GOve1·nrnent l NeW'S ~-1mes 0.r SlO,OOO </lie ea/Jjot!da. Jla#l4 ntndon BtiUdi Edicts Scored . B p J. • A lban ... a11 ""...... -tine s1 JosUH wuroN wi.o .... ""'11c · I . Ing I . · · ; , . 14~:au11o e>f!,CUO<'f. ~ =:r:~als= and a~ The Home Bull.I: .. _ Ind try been -~1111'::. ~ 0·1scuss Veteran Hous·ng -------:-=-:-::--=:-=-=--=-~:----/by •nd oi lhi>' ::k. accord-, ~ US ~anse.:~ a~l.,.tor.;; Some stnicht talk about the ~·onal meuurel "wbicb will 0 •11 City Ads lf1j< to report. trom Wuhlngton 'Ule' magazine baa indicated that a revolution in build-·~ ~~ ~ _ Se • H • hts and ~-of M. J . Brod<, Ing thod Is to...--.~ the homes need I aVIeW e1g prftident ot the Comtructlon In-me nee• •ry ... w~ we _; oom-on the 'l'iJI!lcatlon al the ..... vlW question ot housing WU heard (live • cl!ttct cub payment to • G.J...1: .. g Savm· g TO Give Living dusir;tes Exposition and Home mentators swarm with talk and rumor; goYel'lllll<!l't men tractor slcninc .,, -last Tuesday by 1000 members of veteran at the u-11e ~ nlUlll Spa t V ts Show of Southern C.lilornla. erect new hurdles· and others take swings at the bullder'li m>nt. Southern California realty boards his home. All attempts made by Ci•ty .s; .. eble Sum' ce 0 e Brock said that _this belle! was for their fuabllltv 'to build more homes-and faster "We lhett .... number when -by Boyd T . Bar-government IO far to help the '.u.ta . based on information he had re-"',T • of unll and unqual1fted con-nard of Philadelphia. president of veterans ln housing." he lakl, Huntington Beach dty council ceived from Washington and olfl· 'Lit!!' and those who write as they do, seem to forget tractors money .f!un the National ADodation of Real ''would tend to further dls!ort the • • Savine I the dty several thousand dollan iri grading and p<eparation ot street.S for opening and paving, ·the new 'E. ~'-Smith subdivision ot Seaview Heights Estates came in !or a few wonls ot praise by Oty En(lineer J. B. Webb last w~ Fonner Qty EnV»eer R. L. Pattenon and his engineering ftnn 'planned the engineering on the tract. and the substantial amDUnt of grading of lots on the top gave hundreds of cubic yards ot di.rt to Ctll in low places on Coast highwa.y property as well as holes in the extension of River- side drive and 1'.ls.tin avenue, Webb sald. The consequent filling of future street rights of way ari'd cutting of th• bank a long the bend in San Bernardino street to widen it ~'ill ·save the city a sizeable sum in future street improvements.espe- cially when residents of N~"J)Ort Heights want direct access pro- vided. to the boulevard. 'it was dis· dosed. The subdivision \.\'ill open soon. ROOF'S APPLIED OR REPAIRF.O Fne Estimates a. Inspection W. I . Benbow 360'J MllJ'CU5 Ph. N-,,t. 1012-J this week voted to take the first dais of the National Auoc!ation of the industrial example held up for us to follow-the aut<>-.. terana dlhen to build Estate Boerds, at the Ambassador economy. They are trying to adjuat step in alleviating the housing Hom~ Builden. ll uf. . b. ~ d N .onal homes," secretary ot. the «-Hotel In Los Angeles. the economy to fit the veteran. shortage in that city for Gii and "Construction now under way mH. ob .e manAdminis~~tratolS aMrttWi.._.,ilson~ Wowntt,toothe. The .. ~ .... n~ ganlzation. Carl ~ aald. "We President Rolph P . Mul<ey and This Is fallacious reasoning and their families. In 8 Monday eve-pro~ably will not be hampered," ousmg . . r, · Jiil new .___..16 urge wishinc to build t.o Secretary George Weiss of the it cannot work.'' He said th.at the ning meeting the council passed he said. ·~ut commer cial construe-dictator of the entire United States, is an ex.ample of the check at office br Santa_ Ana. Newport Harbor Realty B<>ard propooed bill "does the oppooite'-- a resolution to ask the Huntington tlon now m the blue.print stage will official who tells us what we can and cannot do. He got bis or at the I~ mspector'• of. were iii attendance at the gather-it fits the veteran Into the! econ- Beach co. for two leases, one on have td . wait. until the housi ng h building . th "hard'' 1 ~-.-..a •t in fice , to ~ wht!ther tile ing that beard Barnard declare o~ which obviously changed clUl'-property for emergency housine shortage is relieved. The new order ome expenence e way~-.n::\.I l contr~ctor li_C!ensed to oonrtruct that tai.e restrictions by .the gov-lng: the war." \ for two yean alter oltldal term!-will be issued by Wilson W . Wyatt. thirty days--<lfter he· got to Washington, detached from the the type ,buildinc they ""' "°"' ernment -re hampering builders The bill. he explained. ·-uJd nation or the war, and the other Federal Housing ~ter. obvious cdbstru.ction needs of the entire building field and t~pl::g ,_~ ot and that ·-the way out of the grant a cash atd 'Nith a minimum on beach property for a chamber Under the priority system pro-ted pl d highJ "ti uf 'ctur . ·. ..>;3.,.. .... ~c.-con-housing problem is to build our of $500 plus $50 a month fat each of commerce beautification plan. posed new construction will be unrela to the com ex an · Y sensi ve man a -~actor's li nses was formerJ.r ... way ouL'' month o<-er six months that he bad The housing projee!t ls to be l~ submitted to local panels for con· ing and distributing pattern which supplies the needs of home 5~ ~o :::;a, It ~ ~ ''The great producers of our been in the service up to a maxi- cated in the Huntington Beach side.ration. Actual need will be the builders the oountry over. The further fact that Mr. Wyatt :he ~n;: ~·s st!~cense ~ country," said Barnard, .. ani as-mum of $2500.'' Alttt sel~~ ot. 17th St. park and Quonset huts guiding factor In determining has 5enatorial ambitions speaks for itself. means tha there is not adequate sailed as being selflsh interests if a. home, the veterans administta-~'ill be erected there, the council w~eth~ the building \Vil! be per-li . f th f"eld t t.hia time they express their views ·00 1egis-Uon wouJd approve the transaction stated. Councilmen estimated the nutted The almost incbnceivably tremendous dislocation of war po ctng 0 e 1 8 • talion that will drastically affect "un1ess it could_ be sho\\'n that the war may not be declared termi-are the reasons for shortages and slow, costly production. .J. them. Labor assumes that right vete~an w';l5 bemg charged an ex-r:gtedposfo;ib~;ot~:; r~~{e%~· ~~~ Warns Against Use The home building industry can and will produce homes Calif. axpayers Assn. ::!.'1xederasesli-_be ~~-onfeonhgressh i .hThe ~'.!":~J;:~~ta ~~~m.:,~~ Of Inferl'or Mater1'al . . . th tw thin To H!:i President r=. 0 w lC ave . emergency housing project to of good deslgl'I and honest pnce, given ese O gs: heard the OPA has many m em-llon toward the purchase price." stand, providing living quarters Jn Home-Building 1 Materials-nails soil pipe bath' tubs, shingles. Of H ing College bers, also assumes that right and Other features of the propooed for hundreds of GI families. · • ' I uses it." v~teran &Jd were described. A warning to prospective home-2. A fair chancerof profit for our investment and effort The 20t nnual meeting of CaH-Certainly business has that -;:::::::::::::::::::::~ PEPPER TO BE SCARCE SIX MORE MONTllS Efforts to obtain for Southern California housewives part of a 30,000 pound shipment or black pepper are being made by. George S. Thompson, president of the cor· poration bearing his name, and manufacturer of ''Olde 'I"hompson'' pepper mills. buildcn against the use of cheaper in this difficult transitional period. Cornia . T~ 8)'ers' association win right. In our industry the principal : and more inferior building ma· ta.I · rf · d be held 1 • Los Ange.Jes on Tues-trouble today is that a lot of terials bas bttn made by W illiam Release from capricious govemmen mte erence, an day mor g, March 26, at the people in Washington are trying Colhoun, managing director of the production o( material-not revolution-are the needs. ~iltmore otel, tra:m 10 to 12 to t ell us and the home builders Southern California Tile Institute. --JOSEPH WFSTON, .Architect 0 clock, A. G. Hardison of Santa how tb build houses without m a- ''Because of the existing regula· Paula: pr . dent of the Taxpa)'9'8" terlals and to sell them below cost tions that limit the amount of dol· orgaruzati • announced ~-for a reasonable profiL They would lars which may be spent in con-Newport Bay Co. G"1ven Perm"1t Dr. Geo 0 s. Benson, presuleot build houses by edict Homes are struction," Colhoun ... explained, of Hardin college in Arkansas not built that way." . "there is a natural tendency to use and natiorl ly known speaker on Deel -th t th ·m f subs:titute and inferior material the. relati of the ~e and homes 8:"1orngvete~ans eisp~?~ie~g ~. sible may be built for the same tng to Los Angeles for th.is meet· national uaoci ti '" .tall . Quality Lumber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E. HOSTETLER PhOM 4& Eddie Rath of Puente spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Ray Craig, 27th street. so that .. large a house as pos-To Bu"1ld 30 Homes on Mesa their federJ>J government,. IS com-sentlal, Bernard expWned that the amount of money."· lng to spe on '"America in the 8 on 15 .~ Y in-V alley of , . Si on." His articles t.erested in the ve~eran and will ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j The buildlng permit tot.al for appear oft n in the News-Times. ~aupprt~~~a~rece~~nti~y~m~trod~~u~ced~~Co~n-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;~ Lumber and Building Materials Helped Uncle Sam Cancer Control Drive ~::.~e~~; aw:;li~~e~o\~:r t= t!.:.re In ted to attend bis ad-r . Get Income Tax To Be Directed this week with the Issuance of a Bay District Lumber Co. pennit to buud 30 hom•s at a cost _ UJJO By Eric Johnston or $t50.ooo to Newport Bay eo. .--Thanks to the News.Times u Vetera Progr~s Should Benefit ·r JlA COAST BJOBWAY AT THE AJWllE8 well 85 other ne,vspapers through-The applicant submitted a subdi- out Southern California for their The bat ti~ against cancer .. which vision map •bowing the homes to Entire Cominunity help in bringing to-the public facts claimed tWice the casualhes of lie just west of the block of homes W orld War 11 during the same and duplexes on Broadway under .. . on payment of income tax was ex· years, will be intensified April 1 construction by the Boulevard Im-Legisla , ve programs for vet- prcssed in the follo\\ing letter re· as Southern California joins in a t Co erans mus be designed so that ceived from a w eJI kno\\'n booster nation-wide fund drive to raise provemen · . they \\'ill t only benefit the vet.- • • • If you have a .question regarding • development of your land- Phone 2353-J Siegel & Raub of Nl'wport Beach.-It reads as money to combat the dreadful dis· I H~old Shaffer was issued a eran but rve to benefit the en-follows: ease. pemut for a $3000 home at 21732 tire comm ·ty 85 well." This wu 1 Engineers and Surveyors I News-Times. . . E . Meyers Pl. and John J . Laudry a statemertf made this week by A 1808 Newport Blvd. Costa Mee& Ba lboa ~r1c J ohnston. president of the for a S1500 home at Thurin and Ronald Bufton. State Commander ;~=======================~ Callfbrnia. Un1ted States Chamber of Com· Victoria Sts. f Arn . v t ot n• kl merce, will head the national cam· . . o e nc n e erans nor · mmitt hi h h t In the last six weeks more than War n . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Gentlemen : paign co . ee, w .c as se a a third or a million dollars worth ----.J~-------1 ..: ~f&rC'h 15th has come and gone. coun~y·Wl.d~ goal ~f $12,000.000: of permits have been issued, or ----li-----~--" I B U I L D N 0 W ~fa~ ~~Al.8 and in its wake we have the task <:atiro~nia s goal 1" the campa1'!1 1 a n averai::e of more than ~50.000 • Our ·~ balNJ:ac eold • • • A COMPLETE BtJlLDING SERVICE prOCT'ssi ng better than a million \\'h1ch \.Vlll run the month of Apr~l worth a week, _and including 47 \ ltan Yi of Daniel For over !O years our bulllnes. ba• been . Kline Concrete Products Company d a half tax returns. It is highly Is $850.000. The Southern Cab-homes for a totaj of $197.360 and Bolldln~ 111 ll!OO block, New-"BUILDING BE'O'ER CONSTRpCTED H()MES" probable that this is a greater fornla quota is $515,700. , 12 business struCtures worth a port Btwd. total than will be handled by any total of $66.960. The remainder wil L OPEN D UT C H ff E A C 0 C K Hollow Building Tile and Brick 6 -8 and 12 inch blocks ' Fine for All Types of Building and Patio · Walls Product Available For Immediate Delivery WALTER L. KLINl; Proprlel<lr -Plant Located at-, GORDOI B. FINDLAY .._," CABINIIT SHOP SERVICE CABINl:lS ud MILLWORK T. 0. ~Jo'""'••-.-. llolp&. ..., _ .. I f '"""' you are • -unabl e to come~ .. _ -in dur ing - off ice hours , why ,not sa ve bY 'in;ai! ?Ir ·• a_. .. Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan Part o\ AJlyou lam is YouH to Savc.f Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Savings and Loa.n · Association other collection district In the Another App)i'cant of the third or a million is in ~· f ~ P. o .. Box 42 Newnnrt Beach United States this year. 'smaller projects. I AbQut April lst r- The best commentary 1 can Asks Permit for FUiI-ER PAINTS runs, as you know. from January 1 a Ina ax1 erVlce D1slingwshed c.;uest : r. don t ~ trooogL_EUM ... Pob<o I to l\1arch 15 is that it was un· often ('at such a dinner as 1 ve had . tod.a ·• J ... d eventful. That 1t was so is lar gely More than one man has the id~a I Hy. _ .. • · .. VENETIAN BLINDS due to the cooperation offtted this r . f onest Son. We don t, either. I o transporting passengers rom offi~ b?' the press of Southern Balboa to Avalon, it dev;lopcd 1 .-----------~ -·-8--1 California. Such space as you gave from the appearance of the third to our releases and news items applicant before the city council contributed immeasurably to the Monday afternoon. He has a boat s~thness and d ispatch wtth and a private landing next to the PAINTING 1.% YMn 8enloe ln X ewport Barbor Area .HARRY HALL R OVAL SALE ---ON PAINT STORE which. we were able to take care ferry, he said, and calls his con- of thIS huge number of tax re-cern the Fun Zone Boat .. company. turns. . Harbor Master Russell Craig re-.,.. :_~m: .oo~:"UT·W ar.,.pt:na • Weetml_..er May I express to the editors of ported that another applicant was '--------------'1'----'1-eo. __ ta_lll ______ __, the News-Times the appreciation refused the state railroad com-/----------------+--------- of my entire s taff and my own mission approval of a permit 1Je. personal gratitude for your help.. cause he had no 1pecified approval fulnea. from the city to run from any Very truly youn, establlahed pier. Mr. Swain, a~ HARRY C. WESTOVER peartng In person yesterday, hqw· Collector ever , declared he had the location. 1 Pa11coad VENmA BLINDS WOOD • ...... y.._-owx• -------and wanted a letter trom the city BJIJTAIN HAS RAT FAMJNE a uthorizing him to operate. H• 814 o.-t lllghway LONOON.-American may have had no formal application in at the '----------------+-------~-· Its 1hirtleu days, but Britlth men time, however. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i are ln danger of going bare-Alter being told he Woutd be 1' 0 headed. A hat famine ll currently given the same right for considera· reported, with a critical shortage of men's bowlers, velouis and felta. tlon by the committee which in-vestigated another, S\.\•ain agreed I Jll9t a pmoe. proves Neww-to hear the result of their investi- Thnes Leedenhip! gation at the ne xt meeting. R. L. Patterson J. R. Lester Boyle CIVIt ENGINEERS Phone S. A. 0400 N. B. 1082 308 W. 5th St Santa Ana • Before You Build or Remodel vial& oar lateru"eg -pie ..... ""tolay ~ . . . Color guides, plan- ning II.leis, oompre- benslve stock ot ~ <:arpets and ._..... LUDLUM . Carpet Works lift 8!"' .. llala 8&. • --ta .ba -~AN& ' • Gas Heating & V ntilation CHARIER & PR SYON ' State Ucensed Contrnc or lleatblc lmtallaUom Make \\'a F1tendl B...t? w PIMme N8' Bemldeaee M 9'6'% o' 2'185 R. L. PA'ITERSQN • Engineering ff ices Patterson ~-& . . , Phones: Newport 9744 Laguna 1082 Santa Ana 0405 • lMlll w. -St. • 502 Bas. Pbone 718 Going · to Yoa probably have your dream hoooe all worked out In your miDd -or maybe your arcblteet or' coatractA>r already bu prepared plum oa paper for you. JIJleetrldty will have a large part in making ~ of postwar Jiving come true. When yoa go over the plans with your· bollder be 8lll'fl to• uk him about the. i;i-est devel11J>- wlll In bomebold labor saving anjl fmlo- U!J I I 1-fiy • om .Experts In everything electri..i will be Pd to help wttb Jayo;ot plans or problems. Olle aiggeUooa -y iaUe a lot of dltt- m u... "llvHlhlllt)>" o1 uw i..-. ETS-HOKll &. GAlVU . llD!CE ~ lt ~I • 1IOO n..& lllwa7 ~ !j'ewpcwt UM ......... ra <••. ,,.,1 .......... 7 Diep °?t'szc' EJ,ECTRICJANS • ' ' . 0-0-he l'lre r.cu\0t .... AOIQID', PIAlft; lll'Cla, 6riM-. ....... - • • • • .. r • • • \ • ' • ' • • ' ' wPOllT 9AUIO" 'i;SWW M .. I.Ml t " ....... • ·-NEWPORT-BAi..Bo ... ' ~n.ior Claghona's Mrthieal Intervie.w Airport Old 41eBedeftC-.. ~ , ~~=~-;I·-- I'll E w s -.T I M E s :i;,r_. the Local Political Situation 1 N E W S ot' Released Eiplalned by Otrlda'l: ·1111 --....,. ....... ·-, PllOND: NEWPOn l% ... 1a ~ . Of Socia) Security Bd. for ....,. time tO cilllfer wltll tile I •-•••• s...,Tr1'•7 ... --·-....,....·-ve1-Xxxvw A s4;111• ~-·-..... of the arllept. Social Sec'llritJ ea.rd aftlcl1te I eo:;. -..;.._,....;. r •• • , • ·~-w ... , ._, v-o ' They Say • • .· :::--., ~ .. ~::" :.f; C B·lJ RC H E S . . Tb6.SodaJ Security JloU'd .. or-:::U ~ ~~ ~ to - ' - ..-:rlptioa ~oi,i; In Advano!:~m ~)'NI' In o...;,. Caulley --... -···-iff,. county -from the ferinl: its !Uil cooperation to--' ~-'75 --·to 4th"""°' $3.00 per yev to 8th --lo -,,. ... ~ •--t Jut week on -1bll· andT ~-~-•= A •ul ~ II 1=t ... --,,.__ .... -r-~ ~ 1 vine the county airport era onner WOl'.ouc:a;-. -DI.I ... ve 1UCC me war eapa ~ .. - -Dl ____ aa_Secood-0... matter at the Poetotfice tn Newport B11cft.. l • 1 wttll ~•Ille QpOtltetlcal ..._. · OUfl 'L.A'~y O,. MT; CARMEL re to them but aC'CCl"dlna to reached the age of 65 tn an effort may result ,In c:snMd ham.'. and . California. under the Act at March 3, 1879 "'-· llUTJ' & ..... MF • -b7 ... I ..... --1411 Wolt eenv. A-county Joe Ocie. the coun-tO help tllem avoljl •an)'_.... Dr .......... _..." ~ ~ a. A. MEYER ---Pub'"'-~J::..":8~ ~te "::; -•, a -• -., U.. ~' v, n : I -lt ...._ ty ....y not won1 the u._. on benefits throogb delay In lllinc .--~-'---+---~+-.- 8.UI ~P?~ . GeneAl M~ OUr economic:: foreip policy must ~,i:-:=~';t=~-= 4~: &Dd~T:IO~ ;:eta. whJcb the Army •tlpu· claims, it WU announced today bj {¥,I}, DIXON • • _ • • ~-M•~ accompany intttnatlonal political irot U... ! .......... -la -l:IO p..m. ""''• Mr. Bh!therton, Mano-. ol the Printtnc Plant, 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport Beecb. CaUtcmla C11"1'"'•tlon, and we must ad>leve im-.. at,..--·-· ,.,.. ved the following tele-~~ ~t-~.~:;,~ ---• ------both if world peace la to be en-Senator-"Come -bi Oaghorn'a IT. JOHN Vt AN NEY CHUllCH gram Sen. William F . Know-,..., ~--w•N ·-~ <. ' ~),._ ' ,c· , . . ' ' I I I Official Paper of the City of Newport Beech djirlnc." the .._, Senator Claghorn, that ••• 11 ,._ land: enoush In private lnd111tey .and A Dep i• •We I.Acal ._utaUoa for 0..-11 y.,.. I ii. Well, wbat11 you have, son: I Sunday l&aim: l :IO ...-. of Engineers War De-cxmmerce to be insured under the .a' · 11eiM1t B009W, former pNlll· don't need convenaticm; rm a tror. t, bu been autl)orized and Old-Age and Survivon lnNrance .._, _.. ~ <*alrmu. Oii tM busy !JW1..., ~: a.ma,. to issue a revocable JX'OC!'am can file a clalm at age.ES ____ ,.:_ ___ _,, ___ • (: Alll Active Member of ,,_., 1';111er1wy _I..__ Reporter-"! juot wan~ed to 7:IO to lilt ,.... pesmit to Oranae c:ounty j to peg hla benefits at a polllJ below ........ n•d --.... .- j'i'he fate of clvill2at!on dependo Jmaw ••. " 111e at tbe landlna area which they cannot fall," Mr. on whelber the American people Senator-'.'AnythiDll about the OOBO.N& Dl:L Jl&a bulldlnp and equipment Brelberton uid. ''Then, if be keepa DUOU ·_~ TI '(111•1 I.re wUJlng to make a aacrifioe fer 900th, acn. or are )'OU tolldtinc OOIOltJlflTY Clll1J'aCl1I. to operate airport at on working, or lf he aet.s a new FAW·---WT•. • the next !our dlontha, if they are for the community chest?" OONO-&TIONAL Santa Army air field pendins JOO, and his wage .-.cord would M. EJtbJte & ·eo;.;; -~ willing to eave the wcrlcl from Reporter-"How ao you feel hln7...-W. --:;r;::; final~." produce higher benefits at a later MIS&• ft. --:- Designs For Tomorrow chaaa."· about the local political situation, Ill Bellotra,m, o--a . The rt has been or.orated date, hemayfilearequesttobave 111.Jfe.LA.a •w' , I -·tor•." _ _,, Mudl U, 1M8. b F ·~• Air F ~ the hll benefit recalculated, to st-.e ) • ~·-Olurch school has two seulom. Y o~ u1 orce, -;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;p;;;;;t Mlboa)' Eden, acttns &ead.fll' of Senator-"Polltics Is like 90ft All above primary department West F1ying TI:a.inin& Com-1 J:aclaad"• Orrs!1 vathe pui'J'-''lt soap, son, and rm just bubbling meet at 9 .• 30 A. M.. a--'---and mand. Bllild roads today for tomoITOW's needs. •-our aim as a ~•ty to develop " · ~··-~· , ---;;----------.. r-over. • primary department ages meet at 1 -That's the advice of a prominent road building engineer. the aclence of eovernment oo that Reporter-!What about the...w-11 A. M.t durin& the morning FIRI FOUllSQUARE CHUllCH OF COSTA MESA ' Foemtaila S.,_t ice at Cem&>We. In the past he 1>0ints out we have too often built our the tun benefit that can be achlev-er situation!" church bouf high ' th . , traffi diti ther than od l>Y modern ~tration may Foghorn-"That's, a s me 11 Y 11 A. M: -Morning worship. II . ways to meet e existing c con ons ra be CNely available to every In· queo~n, oon; stve em MJmelhlng Sermon by Mr. Schrock: "Re-""· M,._ G. Wlll•nl ltolima Pa.tori HANSEN'S • to accommodate the traffic voltime that would be using those clivlduaL" nice • ~ "Wh t bdut t . liglon's Strongeot Appeal." roods five or ten years later. . . 8pralD --· ·--·-·-·t a.. p-! a af I M~erpol,l&Ntan 7 P . M.-Youth meeting. His d · · · 1 f uni th h ~. road • ~-ea. ~-~ you In avor o <u• s )( Ikea;•• -2t71 Scliool 1:80 LID. • a Vlce lS time y , or ess e uge .,..._ ....... _. reiar)' of State-'"The peace of the water!" . I construction ~ of the Federal and State govermnents world largely depencll upon unlver-Senator-''W ate k you say! Flll&T CMUllCM OF CHlll&T, Is laid out on a long-range basis, we shall find that many new aal freedom of the press. If '"° What about some good old Ken-. ·. M:lt:NTllT wonhlp aervioe 10:46. er IU"Vice 8 : oo p.m.. -9:80p.m. lh ennpllaUc aervtce at ,.,, .. -. uimww••• e BAii . . · information were unlvenally es-ti.Icky Bourbon? F~llow I knew Lido Theater, c.Mral Av•ue highways. will be obsolete by the time they are flnlsbed. ~bllahed u It la establishoo In this died from drinking water." and Via Udo There is certain to be a huge increase in the number :c:ountl')'. Irresponsible power would "Now, Senator Fclahom . . ." I>. bran<* <I ni. --Qwrdl, 7:80 p wde.day •venlns p~yer Ml"!· of vehicles on the road in the next decade. This will call (or lbe lmpouible and the Informed will "CLAGHORN'• the name, !'On. Tiie Fll'llt Church ol Clu1ot. llcl· 'de hi h f d . and th elimin' of the people, freely expressed, Now if you're-goln' to pitch, don't entlot, la -..., V1-•b.-U. Wl. r g Ways, ewer an . easier ~es, e . a obviate lnternatiOnal aUlpic--give me any curves." 8W1da7 8cboo1 &t t :IO LID. Bun.a lee at f ''° ~ . coa A MUA COMMUNITY CHURCH PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ation of cross roads and railroad crossmgs where posslble. on and insure the maintenance of Reporter-"Er , SenatOT Oag-day 8errice at 11 L m.. W~..s.;J Through proper design, tomorrow's highways can provide peace. horn, pardon me, but· do you have TMHmonk1 Keetlng at 12 o'olock swift transportation both for private cars· and commercial 8!'Y solution to .. the critical school Reading Room loc~ted at 111 • O. Muon Owlett, Bepu.bllcaa situation here? Palin street, Balboa, U1 open dally vehicles. No attempt should be made to exclude heaVler NaUoaal committeeman from Claghorn-"Certainly, son, ..,; from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- vehicles from having ful l use of the highways since it is 'enn.-''Tite choice of the Amer-lutlons are my specialty-concoc-days and holidays nationally ob- the tremendous tax receipts from commercial vehicles that ican people is exceedingly simple. tions. that is. Now _the solution to served They can pay the national debt, by school is not found 1n books. When The public ii cordially invited to make modem high,vays possible. Properly con~tructed roads economy and hard work, or they the government mah looked at a attend the clmn:b eervt.ces ud. ue can handle large trucks as well as automobiles without re-can pay it many times over , with book and saw a picture of a cow. the Reading Room.. ceiving more than normal wear a nd tear. a loss o r resources and a loss or he knew it wa:" a cow. When he . . . . liberty, through Truman inflation." looked at a ptcture of a horse, Building our highways on the basis of probable futw-e school lessons told him it was a needs will contribute grea tly to safe driving conditions and Prof. M. L. E. OIJphaat, • lead-horse. And when he came to an it Will eliminate the waste of money arising from road con-lnr British expert on atomic en-animal with a shaggy coat, b~ld •..-v-''Tite death or every scien-h d h shod and a bare hind struction that is ill-planned and economiciilly unjustified. tisi .. in the United S tates would not q~:rte~~e couldn't find the an- stop the manufacture of atomic swer in book learnfn'. So what do CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Community Methodlet rt a. JeltMOl'I, Mlnlater 1 L aoth g~ Ph. 247!1-ll Ch~ edlOGI, I:~ a. m.. Mo"!'lnl° Wonblp, 11 o'clock. Youp. groupo, HJcb ecllool, ln- termefat'e, Adult, e :30 p. m. Ev~•inr eervice, 7 :30 o'clock . Midr,Week tellowllhlp and prayer, Wedntoday, 7 :SO p. m. 11 f m., Prayer and Sermon. ' FIR METHODIST CHURCH . Edwin Oahef", Paator Euell at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9: Lm. Cburcb ICheol tor all e.m. Mornln&" Worahip: ...... , "We Thank Tb ..... J. S. WHYTE INOO .. Til OOftt1LT&lrtr Autbori-.1 bT U.. United !ll&laS ,.._,. on DeP&rtmeot '° l'eP1'9Mfl\ clJea.Ui tn ooru»cllOa Yitb lacome taa lllM...., ACJDfl'9 • 111111 &all llOOIUSPINO U&TICS om. 184• ............. 0... ·-PM.e N~ a«e-W Armand Monaco ARCBITECJ' 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Newport 17U tttt Lakewood Ave. Loe Aap,lee NOrmaady MOI PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBARD Graduate Bop.I Ooa 1 e rra tao17, Letpllle Ph. 1252-W 1526 w .·Ocean Front PHYSICIA.."8 A 8UBOIOON8,·ILD. H. R. Han, M. D. l"b>wldaD """ ~ • Hours: 2·5, by Appointment Telephone~ l.Sl Broad....,. Ooeta ,M- What Is .Your Home Worth? hands of scien~sts now, .~din the the government?" bombs, because it ls out o1 the l you suppose he found by writin' ~ands of the ftre-eaters. . Reporter-"I don't know what 14a0 West Centnl Avenue Rev. IE.. O. Goodell, Pastor Cbvch Scbool, 9 :60 a. m.. Komtng Wonhip, 11 L m. Youth Fellowablp, 6 p. m. Eventnc Wonhip, 7 p. m . Mid-week prayer een1ce, Wed- n~: covered diah dlnner, S :SO p.m. a.m. Nunery for all chil-~----------~ ~---------,--~ • Building costs soared during the war. They are still soaring. The peak has not been reached and no one knows when it will be. But·it is certain the value of homes is far above that of a few years ago. And those who own theit: own homes will do well to keep in touch with present values and not be caught napping in the matter of fire insurance. The ' following bulletin from the National Boord ot Fire Unde1Writers, is timely: "In the light of rising costs of repairs for houses dam- aged by fire, or of values of destroyed homes or household goods at today's prices of materials, the policyholder who has not reviewed his insurance with his agent or broker in the last few yea'.rs inay find that his possessions are not adequately insured today in comparison with costs when policies were written in former years. "This problem of adequate insurance in relation of t<>- day's prices of materials is the joint concern of the policy- holder and the insurance business. Both are equally anxious to have the American home and lts household goods fully protected in these critical days when a dwelling or apartment cannot be repaired or restored easily, quickly, or at prewar lower costs. The policyholder will act when he has the facts, and the insurance executives believe t hat they should call the situation to the attention of the· insuring public so that Individuals may obtain the facts if they do not have them. Insurance agents and brokers have useful information about today's costs of repairs, and desire to be helpful to householoders in determining what degree of protecti<ln should be placed upon homes and household goods today." Visible Speaking Reports from New York say that a new form of lan- guage has been devised whereb1 the spoken word can be made visible in green light on a screen or can be recorded on paper. The transcription of the voice to a vlsilile fonn Is accomplished through electronics, but the alphabet usl!d Is more like shorthand s~bols. The result is that some words look like objects which have no relation to the words themselves. This new device will be especialfy useful In teaching persons born deaf to enunciate correctly, and-look out, girls-It might become the stenographer of the future. Come · Clean Dr. Edmund E. Day, pres!dent of Comell uaJ\·enity-"This idea of a &horter and shorter work week ,seems to raise all sorts of far reaching social questions. Cer- tainly, until we can give more convincing wot>f that we know how to use our leisure wisely, the whole practice of limiting output seems to me of doubtful social wisdom.'' Leo F . Gentner, New York re- gional .,tmlalatrator Of tbe Office of Prtee Admlnlab'aUoa-"Al- though people generally. under- stand the need of price control, &CltOll8 l "l'be weft & Applaud 9 God of the aea tO Veo.tilated 12 Ten bWldred thou.and 14 Weep 15 Part of "to be'' 18 Portion ot. curved line 11 Shade of a color 18 Avarice zo Movable barrier• 23 Addilioo to a bill 27 Meaaure of land za Climbina planl 29 Parrol 31 Fluea 32 Purport 34 Donkey 37 Roman money kind of an animal that would de- scribe." Claghor'n-''Why, son, that's the farmer. Get hep to the times if you want the farmer vote." there are millions who have money in their pockets and insatiable de- mand for merchan~. We have extremely heavy pressure all the time, and if the Ud comes off, no one can tell whEre prices will go." Sinful Nome now has more churches than bars. It has swap- ped Its old ways for respectability and bingo.--Omaha World-Herald lel•U.. ... lf•:d ..... No. I 38 Monelal'"J' unit <Rwn.> fl Expres•ion . fl Evenin& aervtcea (Eccl.) & 4th algn of sodiac 8 Coin <Cbln.) 7 Oiief 22 Grampua 2f0amor 25 C-onclude tf Appearing •• l1 eaten te Rub out• 47 Rude person 48 Un.It of force <C. G. S.> DOWN 8 So. Am. republic I Wlne receptacle 11 Color, a• cloth lS Metallic rock 18 L.ara:e a 2S Property CL.) 30 One who weaves 31 Studded • 33Born S4 Mim.lc S5 Luaatian se Beaonel S8Tbln BAL80A ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Ag•te AV...ue .. ev. H•try W. White., A...otete ........ Cburcb SclM>ol, 9:81 L Dl.. llornblg Wonhtp, 11 ..: m.. ST. JAMES •Plac<>PAL CHURCH 515 Wlllll Centr.I, B•lbell (£bell ClublloulO) Rev. Ardya T . O..n, Vicar 1:30 L m.., Baly Comm.unica. 9:46 a.m., 8unday l!lclaooL ll:OO L m.., llorn1D.g Pn.yer and 8en6on. (ll'!nt -yo: Holy ~union.) &SllJDOU.D:t! or OOD H<1m7 ... Ida Saade, F•tora --....... N-pan Sunday ochool, 10 a.m. Mornlna oervlor, 11 a.m. Evenina evanplist!c Ml'Vlce at 7 :80 p.m. Mlcl-,...k oervlce, Tbunday at 7 :80 p.m. IEVENTH DAY ADVllNTllTI c_.... Walaut and Churolll ata. . COola M- ·~--· llatunla7 ...... l:n.I'. 9 :80 o'cloclk. • ~-.ll LIL DAY ll<JBOOL dren g 11ervlce . 6:00 p.m. Method1.8t Youth Fel- low&b.i . Young Adult Fellowllhip. ~----------~ 7:oo p.m. lllvening worahtp:-Mortimer School ~e: "'Come Ye LiYe.'1 llOll Oonl . Ba--Orodeo: Oollep, ...._,.....,. • tian Scieoce DAY scuoot :;: n Theme 'Jllatter' 0 · &. Mo-. Ill. &., Ox!oed ' l'rtlldJlal l'llOM 1152 dearlr belo'ted, · nee from tdola . " Thia verae from I Corin- th! wlll be the Golden Tut of t b e unday Lesson-Sermon o n "Matt r" l.n all branches of The Moth Church . The Flrat Cburch of Cb st. Scientist. ln Boston. Tb followln1 Les!IOD·Sermon •• lectlo 111 from Luke: "A woman havln an Issue of blood twel•• years which ba.d spent all her llY· Ing u on physicians, neither could be be led of any, Ca.me behind him, and t ucbed the border of bla gar- ment. and Immediately her Issue of bl atancbed. And Jeeu. 1a.td, Who ucbed me! ... And when the wom aaw that 1be wu not hid, she fame trembling, and f&111q down.l>efore him, abe declared unto him before ·all the Peotile for wbat cause, she bad touched him. and bow lbe wu healed Immediately. And lie •a.Id unto her, Daqbter, be DENTl8T8 Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST ' -~ w. CloDtral NEWPORT BEA.CH ---~-- Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist . 1eo1 ~ m....,. OOBON& DEL MA& l'tloae Newport HG of riod comfort: lhr fattb bath INluaANCIE m&deil thee whole : co t.n peace." lr=------------,1 Mah" Baker Eddy wrttea In "Sci· ence~nd Health with Key to th• New York Life Serl urea:" "Because man-ma.de ,,.,. 1n.1.t that man becom•• Insurance Company 1tclr:td uaeleaa, auffen and dies, DON IL DUBA.NT all 1 ' conaonance with the lawa of God, are we to belle•• It! A.re we 428 Orchid Ave. F"ULL AOePllL OHU..CH to beQeve a.n authorttJ wblcb dentee OORONA DEL MAR 181111 and 11 ... , c.ta ..... God'-fieplrttual command relaUnc to I'-------------' I ~ l'hocl, t :CG ; mom1nc pertr on,-a.n authority which 1• 1Nnbtp, ll; ~ ..rvtce,, Stu -Yed to be talae!" f:IO p. m.; -k --,,_._ r--T--.---------.. cm WW 1-.,., T='5 p. •.: ,_ people'• ~ '""1« Gil rr1da7. ':"6 p. .... N&WPORT HAllBOll LUTHEllAN CHURCH GNuel Cha,el, Co.I.I M ... llw. H-llotll, Putor llenloeo: lhmday, 10:80 LID. Expert ! I Shoe Repairing You Wait ••• Ray Pagan etic.=R;,: ~=1~::~ 5~5 East Bay Front L Du•tte cat'lby, Mlna.ter. N'f' door to Bay View Ode aw •k•: Sunday, io .. m:. Blble . I 9 L m.. to e p. a Study; 11 Ln, K<>n>tq -P.I'--+=----------· ONCB AG ...... ,.. ' OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE oo; Ray Nielsen l'llone na.-1 115 E. ~ Aff---• MOBTICl&l!il8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "'We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&: Othen Best" l'llOM "-" 1511 OoMa ·-Callfonila ._ ______ ...,.. ___ _,, Ol'TOMETIWITll Robert A. Crawford OONRAD RICB'l'llR, M. D. ~---120 E. 1Btb SL OOSTAMESA Houn: 10-12 a.m.; 3-S p.m. · Phone l33 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~-.... -2209 Clout 1'1vtL NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES-- Office 286-W . Rell. 286-R If no answer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 Welt Centnil Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1028-No .,.....,r call 30l·M· X-Ray Service llllltoa Ill. lllanrell, Ill. D. 11'1 o..ot lllwQ ON-...iMar Ottloe HOUl'll : 10-12: >II -N--100 S. R. ~IUlCO. M. ·n, 814' Bay Aw~ Balboa Newpoet ITU Ml s,... mu at.., i.... Amiss!•' l TUeker 1ru By Appointment I T. P. Reeder, M. D.[ PbyUdaa wt 8mpa 1001 W•t Ba7 Aftrf Telepbcille Newpwt • A. v. Andrews, MD. l'lllSIOl&N ... lltllMmO!f Tiles' RI lt1N A process for removing whiskers permanently has been registered with the Patent office. This may rejoiai the ~ of older men. but we doubt if the rising generation will wabt 1 to ''come clean." ' 1 Dam ln river 2 ET• 11 One who dive. · :ll)Millpoll4 ll Tuber <So. Am.I !Ill Scotti .... Gaelic tO Eml'lo7 43 Lner '5Tbuo SAM'S SEA on.. .. "Dblll( Opt., D.' OPT01l&"1'&18T • Dr. W. T. Mooney ... , .......... ,_ ' 'file collectoion of full . beards and flowing mustaches J Anoint 4 lllloalta -r ... All . ew • • • Even the Location' E>'ft Examined -Glaaa Fitted 1791 N-et - l'tlo9o HM 'ooliT&.IQ'8& r Metia _. Ct t air -(-.wwloe)-' which many of the boys brought back from the South "Pacific Indicates that the desire for hirsute facial adornment did~1 t entirely pass out with the barber shop quartet af\d the lettered shaving mug. , Half Mlle East-cl Old on eo..t H181rnY. E. T, BntterwortJo, 0. D. Oi*odlJW ,------..,.---41 I W•r 1>14111 r.at h 1 Dr. w & c. ..... MODERI MARINE SERVICE • " SHELL DOCK • ' • • t · 1 BALBOA· ISLAND -~ • I I . - 315 NORT,H .MAIN ST. New Bar -'J:X.UllPISD I.ENSEii DUl'l.Hl&TICD ~ ............. ~ ... =:·r:· a11a w. a..ena .a-. Tll6ict •11 •••••• mAm Odropractic, ~ PhysloA:¥~ -0.... ............. .___. .._ __ Sit!gel · & Raab ZONE TllERAPY Sa-'s ·~~ea F Spa iw "':.::::t~o:;;:,0 , _CLINIC I .... :_ r;ll., •w I Tl •• I_, . . v_ .... __ .... = ana ....... c 1 ill 1'cupcul...... .. 2 I Tll 2 h .. ___. •_:••=•~0~1:•:•:.!..,:~-==::.J.. __ ww+. ... C-~=-=~•=i::.1 ~·:==•~>~J T I n 1 Ill _ I'll. ----. I s . '?••· .... I \ -:-:-~~~:-~~--1 ·--~----~--....:~ I, ' . Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1m ~ N-n 111...i. 'Plenty of Whiskey N'• ltlllH to ... ,. of ..,. .......... ! HARDWARE J.H.ESTUS GENERAL ELECTRIC llANOES • llEPBIOEBATOB8 • WASlll:Rll ' ..,,_ 116 Newport Beadl Every Edison customer . has 97 ,000 friends Edison u owned by 93,000 stockholders and then: are i,000 Edison employecs-97,000 people intimately conettned about the quality of your electrical service. It takes the savings of a Jot of people and-a lot of work to run the Edison Company. The stockholders invested their savings and the employees invested their services-that u free enterprise at work. Edison stockholders and employees ha•-e built dams, tunnels, powcroouses, substitions and thousands of miles of line-an electrical system that serves 650,000 customers. The electrical service u of the best, and the talcs arc low. IOUTHUN CAllfORNIA IDISON COMPANY FOR y·ou R HEALTH'S • 4,000,000 CARS RETIRED _ An average of 2,740 passenger \ vehicles were retired from service each day during the past four years. Total number dropping out of service for the period amounts to about 4,000,000 cars. BolUHaffl • ~J.. 8°""'411 (]°"'fl'~ 901 Cout Hlehwa)' Phmes :.lOll8 and 2089 ·BALn MORTUARY -t- Lady Attendant -t- 410 Coast BIYd. CORONA DEL MAR ~~~.2 DAY AND NIGHT SAKE BOWL' SPORT LAID BOWLING ALLEYS For BMm tatloas PhoM uoz . I lt ..... Bl wte11 A" s• "BOOTS" and ROY KEENE • • Judge Dodge Warns Auto Deaths If the present "killing" pace is continued for the rest · of the year with the same deadly effect that has prevailed so far this new year, Orartge county is going to break some records in automobile traffic deaths. This is the opinion of D. J. Dodge of Costa Mesa, who in his position as Justice of the Peace for Newport town· ship, has followed with semi·professional interest, the ·ap- palling number of accidents and deaths caused every year QI\ our highways and in particular th<i$e pertaining to Or- ange county. Traffic violators who appear in Judge Dodge's court are very apt to find themselves on the receiving end of stem admonitions arid severely lectured by the judge, who finds no levity in the manner in which our death toll is mounting, and who Is armed with some startling statistics. DEATHS TIDS YEAR In 1945, the year in which there were 95 deaths as result of automobile accidents, there were 9 persons killed the first two months; so far this year there have been 27 tratfic deaths. ·All of which leads to the fact that 'this year may see automobile casualties reach an all-time high. The hig!lest number of deaths in Orange courity was recorded in 1941 \vi th 103 persons killed and the previous high year to that date was the year 1932 when 87 met their.death on the hig hways. There have been many reasons advanced for the leap in fatalities. among them the fact that cars are worn and not in good' enough condition for steady or accelerated travel. This may be, but the fact remains that people drive the cars and since automobiles cannot be held re- sponsible for their condition or their roadability, the bur- den of blame rests with drivers alon~. A fact that fits very well into the increasing death figure is the munber of drunk driving charges being · brought into county courts and the increasing number of drunk cases that may Influence the pedestrian accident figure. This "Drive With ' . "The Arches" "Just a Uttle Bit Better'' Cocktail Lounge and Cafe On Oout UIP,way at Newport Blvd. Vallely Boat Rentals , Motor ~d Sail Boats Opal and South Bap--Phone 7% Edgewater at PaJm-PhOne 71 Orange County Trucking Co. Shell !!9 \\'est l'11Mm St.--Costa l\l etta Phone %60 Oa,.......S12·M Slghb Reed's Super Service • Oil. Gas. Lubrica tion and Accessories mo "'eAt CeotraJ Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing Boat Salet-~tartne lV~l 7 Coast IDcflway Balboa Circle Taxi An.v Hour, Day or Jl;IPt-Pb. Npt. S~O Newport Auto Works Safety" General Repairing--24-hr. tCM' service. Sunset Gas & Oil l:af'I M.ltchem--SOtb Ii Coast Blvd. National Auto. Oµb Emergency Station Hanshaw's I-Stop Service Station Complete' Au to Service Lubrication -Brakes Relined 1'118 "-" Blvd.--Ooota -Lowman Boat Builders '85 N-n J!lML--Ooota M- Efs.. ffoJdn & Galvan E>eCtricians CO.Two Fire F.qµl)lll\ent for Factory, Store, Offido. Farm, Home 1 ... CoM* ill'WH-ftaae UM Cliff-Joye's Service Petroleum Proolucta ·:-General Auto Repair& n.... -:-Batteries -:-~ 611 Wed v.tnl -8«01a -l'llme 1111 I I J ~all has been arnwe:n=d embers ot the American t here. They were Fire ank Crocker, Conner post er, who was confined to ph hospital for a hernia , 11nd Harry Esttm, who the hospita.J this week. doing l!l'.cely. it was re- CHRISTIAN'S HUT r.-iard Marshall, Manager Bal'-, Calllo,mla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNi:RS ..• BANQUETS . raffic Violators As • reble Last Year's Figures Keep Your Car • • ID Good Condition Have Your Te~ted Brakes Regularly • • Don't Drive With Smooth Tires Have Them Recapped • Keep Your Tires Properly Inflated • The National Safety Council -Re prir ts I Tbe safest dlsflmee ID follow aDOther car la one car-lencth for each 10 mile. of llpee4. At SO mDm -..... for example, the aate "following" distance would be ULree -·~ Stx per cent aC all 6hen lsYOh'ed In fatal tratne accldent• In 19" were yoaar den under 18 ,..... .. - essi~e ark t Spot Sponsored Anton ershey A.e -Balboa Jalanl Rich ield Station ' by the Followin {!': Lester's Recapping Comoiete n re Service New-Used-Repai--8·hr. Service !900 W . Cenfr"ftl-Newport. Virg's Garaire and Texaco Station WMI w .. t eentn1 ' Associated Gas Station ·Lyle Po~!6th and Central Newport-Balboa Auto ~upply Automotive ·supplies -Open 9 a.m. to i p.m. Let Us Help You With Your P arts Problem Glen W . Conkle -Manager !108 W. CefltnJ ,\ve. -Npt. Brh. !1S2: Carrell's Garage General Repairing -Brrkes R.eli nro Motor Tune-Up -\Vheels Balanced • utt (Beor) W . Celltnl---Opposlte Reed's Shell Station Ca8in6 Cafe & Refreshment Lounge let Hain. St. -Looi• Ve rwe.y -Balboa Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Olris-Cralt Cruisefs-Olrysler ~'larine Engines 9!5 C.0-t Blgtlway-Phone 68f Bay Shore Cafe c.Oast Highway-T . F. Norton Breakfast Served Saturday and Sunday Open 7 ,a. m. to 9 p. m.-Oosed Monday "Use Your Brakes Instead of Your Hom" Johriatxme Service . ~ -. • 111 lll&flwaJ'-Newpon -16'72·J Jt )'OW'. tire is flat or )'OW' bettery nm clmm • Mobllps and Moblloil Higgins Pleasure Craft ' o.Je E. Watt.; .,_ 811 ~ ~-ft. UM ~urdy & Calkins, Inc. ---lloat Builders -Boat ~rln& Sllpo Available Far Boats Far. Sale• llJI ~ Jllsli•..,. , -1-. ' ' , • • ..L .. • I "**""'" .... .,. ...... !!!!!!!!l&..!!!!!J!...W:.!!!!!--l~---.-------.:..-----"--....:--------------'va;e~::;? .43 1 ,/ RESBMRIAI 110SPIT At FUID· =-;;;;;;;;-;;;R;rE----;,;;,-;a;;mmc;;;;;;;-;;;Y;-;;;-n;;;;;"';;H~T-S--,, i.• llAUI ~or: . • , ,,_ •,.,,.•n nMAMCINO ~ ~,........ this ~ ol=-a bill wblcb permits loon r:aan-.'.nll ~r aircraft by lndlvl<l- uat: ...n t:~ SUDll mannrr In wbk:h an ~u1 ;.n:ob)le may be financed. \Yllite House Cafe BM+, OdL u ht bulbs durtna the cr1 UPHOLSTERING CO. di~En ~~:~~!m~ $200 •• BOOST t.,'OCIL QUOT A \ TQMO BILE COMP EN SAT I 0 N ':a ii!!. :J.~, t:'1ta: -~---f f ' ' S T U ' ' D u· N L A P • "shock aboort>er'' lamp for I.hip-j _____ :__ _______________ -1 -Focklry -soo..,_,, ~-~ .. -. By -"-••a a flexlb'",' Tiie l'rftbyterian 1-pltal fund _ ~u -~..,..... -taJ of u..n l -Wst.Oonta SL, Anaheim oower mesh collar be~een ~ ISBELL ASKS Ne~ Restauran't hu reached·~-to :::; cir!. n s u r a n c e Phone •n•heln! mt -bulb's &)ass portion and its brua $200,000 In ~ eounty-""· ~ I • Fl It wu· announoed yesterday by hue. snapping of the bulb In I~ NEWPORT Plaits Dance ~r; Braden Finch. ~ chairman of 7 3 E. c e n t r a I p h 0 n e N u m b e r OORONADO :;: .,..:;: k=-~ ~ RECREATION Music With Meal$ :.. "":1.!:i -;,::.,.atf:-= B a I b 0 a . 6 8 3 Electric Range, $178 shocks aa i;evere as tllOR ""i the local quota to $60,000 which 1 ;;:;;t"jJliii:lliiii::Ei?;i;;t""~b;;;:-============ lmmtdl&te Dellwry · · t rpedo hlL CouDct1man L. L. Isbell, chair-the would Include the site and thel FOR .t 'REI.IABLE Paint Joll.. . Auto Batteries ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;com;;;;;;ponym;;;;;;;;;;";;;a;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ man of the finance ccmmlttee of FoU-.ic establishment ;t Jiarbor share of the lnc:reued home, ..n Newport 1047 SMPl.OTIIDT WAJITllD A 18-r-.th _ 16.45 El<. 'I"' council, In a statement today, ~or!:' M~ ~ ::n;:, capedty deddod upon for the In-4:30 p.m. 19-tfC> WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN- < said 10rt1e deflnlte plan lhould be Prentla 1t1tut1oa. c1aya or-.,,;. Pb· 18Q&.J Mn Pennsylvania Oil --tiOWAV~ THE 8El'CHEIJ:..CARLSON MODEL U6 POKTABIX RADIO of anny and navy materials throughout. You must see and hear this really fine AC and DC $24 '15 radio to appreciate Its value._.·-····-·······~·---· Newport Electric Applia1ce Co. F.Rabllsbed 1944 -Phooe 2138 !305 o...t Bml · Newport ...,,. ,, ~at don sixty mlllion doll l.vt fo do wit mt?" • • Young .(:ady, this particular sixty ,million dollars can have a lot to do with you because it will be used this year to add switchboards and other equipment to'the South.,m California Telephone Company's system. • The _bigfer the system the more young women we beed to fill good jobs in just about every building in every t.own we sene. And, if you qualify for one of these attractive, permanent jobs which nbw pay better than ever before, that's where you c:Ome in. So won't yon come In and see MRS.RUHL 100 E. Bay, Balboa or c&u -Chlet Opttator • worked out for !>n>vldlnc more Udo~.~ brtorney a "Three hundred peroons In the CEM NT CONTRACl'ORS-Sheets. . . "20-11~ Gall-. 70c recftalloMI fa-~. ~ .... eo a • harbor arM haw· ct""n $36,252.25 ays, walka. foundations, WILL CARE for dllJdrm eveo - dlllleo at New-= =..,taur~the ~ = to elate to the cauoe," Flncb said , .ii;. M. L. Aboher, 2053 lrObJnc In my home. 309 Mari: Western Auto Supply port. -is ted by Mn Kelley at after returnlnc ln>m a meelln& of 'Santa Ana or Ray Hamp-iold Ave. Corona del Mar. Ph: Au.-DMler "At the preo-~ ~the stucco ~Al.a oP-all county campalan leaden. "At So. Grand, Qranse. Ph. 1()23..J. , l~tfc 18811 Newport Blvd., Coot& Kea ent time," he cle-e rear 0 · -.-first -hoped to have a 40 bed 1361-M. 23-ttp =""' ==-..,-----,.=..,.....,......-1 -claftd. "tho New-poolte the Lido ~ter. 1-pital at a Co.t of $200000 WANTED-Carpet and Upholster- port end of the A. A. (Aco) Teilnls, ,. .....,,,Uy then architects told us It ~ci OOPERA TIVE Inc clean!nti In YoUr home, by ---T::-Ult--Ani-:--,,-ved---- dty hu no pi..,. ~ ~ of ~!· probal>Jy coat ssoo,ooo for a 1-ROOFING CO local veteran World War I & Il. ~ -.,. AJ.i for adults or c:llll-Marine Corpo hla ' pita! Jars• enough to oerve more • • Work cuaranteed. Color and drm to e n J 0 y Dorothy Dillon, f"f"'""IY of Flor-than just local needs. d Re . beauty revived. ctve new sheen. BA 'l'TERDi:.S u-1-. The Ida. will lll>f'ld an estimated $2!1,-'"That ' ts when ... deddod to ew an PlllI' Phone N•"'l'Ol'l 2te6-R. 21-Stc -...... Dr,. Ca. 000 In completely renovalln& the • UT KalD 8t: Pb. au flnt """"' In thot pound floor of tbe bulldlnti and make a county-wide campatan, and Phone ~M POSmON w ANTED -Fonner •t111 dlrectlcn Is a maldn an attractive restaurant. leaden In other oec11ons pointed 20th St., Colta: llfta First Officer, 1\ferchant Marine ------------ lkattnc r1n11: to It wu cannounetd by Tennis. out thot< 40 beds would not ban-2G-tfc decltts pol{llon or Interest In Fire pt..,. and Kl!M!ll• L L llbol1 be lnatalled In Part of their plan Includes open-die many resldj!nts of other com-Sport or Commerdal l1ahlng en-W 0 0 D the old Newport theau.r, which Is Inti of the arch betwMn the bay munlll ... We talked ot 100 beds, P ODii ·~ terp<lse. Hu operators llcenae. Delivered ''l believe "°""' procram can be becon>e a ~ rou.:ce. aJl\I fin· for 60 patients,'"" found we would OD4 Di.ooau.'1'Dfo stock, Whittler, Calif, Phone l'IM Newport Blvd. $-tfo a private enterprise. ttont room now a care which Is to but to be certain of iiettlnti room P~G P.AJ'al BANGING W. E. Trantum. 314 N. Com· H. w . WR1GRl'-Pb. DID brought to a head when. the -lshlnti the larp room bdWid It need abqut $400,000 to build and IL a Md',. .. ., 417-597. 22-4tp ------------ dty hall ls ready and the ~ Into a restaurant with a lll!1all equip a OUI A lnalltutlon. of 414 j Oouat7 114. ~· 16'-W lllMPlbWT OPPW D Crysta) Sets -$2.98 ilte can be utlll2ed for recrea dance floor. Mn. Dillon plays the "We can ralae our 1hare the ~ -' 11&-ttci""===.;;....-....;. __ ~---Cllokellte CUe) ...._ At 15th 1treet, near the Le-electric organ which Is to be built cost of thll badly DC'eded hoapltal WAITRESSES WANTED -Bay gion quartera, a bowling creen Into the l'OO,,;, and llhe will pro. because Lacuna Beach hu al-~ Shore Cafe, 17th "' Cout Hlch-2-Tube Radio Kits takes care of a few people, but vlde musk nlghtly for dinner ready given and pledged $40,000, A I N T .1 N G way. Pb: Newport~ 14-tfc To build YoUr...,, electric radio. that does not help the children, cuests and Santa Ana baa raised $78,000. and who are entitled to a playground. T.,.;,i. formerly had a care In The h-ltal, which will be rlcht D C 0 R A TIN G WANTED-BO'nll. KAID. IWboo Mesa Radio & Electronlc:I Clo. ''On the other hand I do not North Dakota. and loolai tonnrd at our doorstep, should •how our Inn. Pbom .MO. Hie l'IW Newport Blvd. 1&-tfc "want to see much of dty..awned. to developing the spacious tower pride In railing more fOf' thil pur· ~terior _-Exterior WANTED -Men (Qr Women), ------------beach converted into non-revenue 1 fiOOl' of the building purchased re--J>OH. Lea than one third of the Neat appearin&' for pron table funds has been increasing at a Company He expects to seat about charitable lnstitutiona have sub--feet. Excellent opportunity II areas, because the dty'• need far cently by the Harbor nr.eotment residents who regularly give to ST.: In Marine Palnll advertising campalcn now In et-Adjustable Crutches rapid pace since the rapid develop-100 In th~ lounge 'and maln room, scribed. They haven't been aaked. e Paint on Your Boat you quailly. Apply Mr. Van Newport Pharmacy ment ot the community gave the possibly adding catering service to that's all," he concluded. Holds Up Deren, 508% N . Main St., Santa 2108 Ocean Front Phone 5 board many fin~al headaches yachts 81 a specialty. Congress111an John Phillips has NOT PAINT YOUR Ana. 16-lOtc 23 _ltc in trying to provide funds tor the Mrs DtllOn may arrange for a told the group he believes con-HOUSE WITH IT? HELP WANTED _ ExpeMenced -----------~ increased expenditures." small .orchestra to play with her gress will ~nact a l~alti h~ We ave First Class Painters painters. H. E. McDonald, 414 FOR SALE-1 new 10..ft dinghy, on sped.al occasions, ahe aald. She bill, now un er cons ra on. Working Old Cou.nty Rd., Costa Mesa. good wood, $75. One 12-ft. ca.n-Who pays tor adverttaln&T No-has taken the apartment above woUld provide one dollar ot gov-._ 20-tfc vas covered rib construction body. It pays for ltaeltl the Galley. They hope to have emment funds for each two raised H. SIMONSON Douglas boat, .$125.; one new their new marine style cafe ready by popular subscription. The· com-7311 Seashore Drive HELP WANTED ....:_ Woman for Goss floor furnace, $30.; 3 h. p. 1 .. 6 .. R. c;·c"i"i"'i"£·5·1 in June. mittee expects that this aid can one Newport S70l-J-2 general holL!ework. Any age. outboRTd motor, almost ne\v, be cou.nted upon. They will begin Roon'i., board and salary? Phone $49.50. 1653 Irvine Ave., Costa ! Cold Meats j ' Fruita and V eptab!M • ~ i ; Open San. • CJ.-Tllara. • . . • • I Button's Grocery J I Pboae Ml.8 i H'IM N_.. ·-~ -· • • . . •l lllollli1Ul ll'1ll O.l lll l\IJ<l 1•tl<llll UI Ul ll.llll •ilUtw.ll<l•'I' • BATHROOM CHILL CHASER Tha trubdown after a bath now may be enjoyed in the luxurious warmth of a new heat ray lamp developed by Westinghouse Lamp Division engineers. Made of ruby- red heat resistan~ glasa which per- mits It to shed water without cricking, the 250-watt bulb gener- ates Infrared raya when it ls acrewed into a standard household llOCkeL BAY VIEW CA f E Formerly Tbe Palma Cate Same Mamcemeat: L A. We& At the Ferry Landing -Palm t111d Bay Ave., Balboa BREAKFAST SPECIALS PIES • CAKES • DONUTS Open I a. m. to 9 p. m. -C1oeed TDMdap a new effort, howeve~100on, Apdrlldedl E . J. JACKLIN N. B . 2210. ~tc Mesa. 23-ltc to secure Newport Har rs a Building Contractor HELP WANTED -ExpeMenced ------------ $23,748.75 quota. 4008 Marcus Ave. young lady for office work, BARGAINS - hone Newport 1522-J knowledge! of bookkeeping es· Used Furniture, Plumbing. City Ordinances Will Be Indexed And Codified Hardware, Doors. Fixtures 21-Stc sential. Apply ,~ Coast High-HARBOR FURNITURE way, Newport Beach or phone TBTATION H N. B. 2560 for appointment. (fonnerly Trickey's) 20-4tc 1962 Harbor Blvd. SANTA ANA Costa Mesa Ph: 7*-W 23-ltc to Travel Service HELP. WANTED -Experienced fountain and sandwich help. Top --------....,---- will be · d ed Pr ale cars to all cities In salary. Apply Dodd'• Malt Shop, Auto Batteries an~'~o~ri:::t"';,";" City Jud~ e~b u.CE:fs~o ~ ~~Uru:o 211 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. is.month -$6.45 Ex. Gardner, wo~ with City At-l Ph. Santa Aria 6548 22-2tp Compounded Motor Oil torney Roland ThompsOn, it was 31 French St., Santa Ana -WANTED -For general office Gallon, 70c decided at the Monday afternoon 21-tfc work, lady to do bookkeeping, meeting of the city~council when filing, and stenographic work. the young judge, who recently re-. K. P . Schmidt, 2702 Coast High- turned from naval service 110Ught ort -Costa Mesa way, Newport Beach. Ph. 1181. the tedious job at $1 per ordinance, T • A • X • I 22-2tc plus extras. Western Auto Supply AuthoMzed Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 23-tfc Councilmen agreed \\1th the prO-der New Management. GOOD PQSmON for the right WANTED TO BUY posa1 proVided the city attorney 24-our Sttvtce--Phone 2530 person. Four in family, all adults. 11 go over them and amend some 609 Coast Highway 12,i days off per week. Bendix which need it, eliminate outmoded 17-8tp washing machine. Person a 1 o_nes and bring them up to date. waahlng and ironing done a1 They thought several, Including BICYCLES home. Private room )"ith bath, the licerae ordinance, should be Rer:tted or Repaind. radio. Live in. $12_9/Per month. T'evarnped, and Lester Isbell, re-VOGEL'S SubmJt qualifications by mail alizlng the importance of the over-100 Main et., Balboa and arrange for interview. Write all revamping neceuary, offered to Karine, Balboa llland. Box "R", News-Times. 23-Stc WANT TO BTJY-M0oring for 22- foot boat . can collect Union 11050. 20-4tc WILL PAY CAl!H tor your a... nlture or what have :vou. Plu:me Nwpl 2000. 0 . R Crawley, 'n.. Food -· ISU Newport BIYd., ONta Ilea. 19-tto FDRND'UllE roe SALE a spend llOme time on them himself. IN-tfc MEN WANTED Councilman Earl Stanley moved ==-!l----,=..,-------~~=================================================i I that Gardner and Thompson be BU. AID8 11 For work in Plastic Industry. Call authorized to do the tedloua work in person at National Research FOR SALE-Walnut top dinette so that they will be ready before and MAce:Jl:Cl:I,ESB Mfg. Co., 1015 Coast Blvd., CO"" table, 4 chairs. 222 Coral Ave., • GRAYMARINE • Se/Wice . - Authorized Dealer for Gray Marine Motor Co. 2212 W. Central Ave. Telephone 2600 Newport Beach, California - • \ the new filcal year 1tarta In July WAVES rona del Mar. 23-tfc Balboa uland. 22-2tc 1. The COit would be 'aomething · 'fntlnc and ~ WANTED-Woman to do house 3 ROOM OU1'Ffl'S! Why do we like $1200 to $1400, lt was estl-EYmt~, Appalntmentli Ph. 17$-W work; 3 hn. a week; Sl per sell so manyt Because we plan mated. · V1 8 Beautv Shop hour. Call Newport 2619-W. to give the most complete, the 1108 I Rlway, -~ dill Mar 23-tfc best values tn 3 and 4 room out· CaJendar padl tqr your desk at Te..tte HELP WANTED W t r fits. Right now we have a aplen- the News-nm.es office. -. -oman ° did 3 room rroup, 18 plec«'S of na~ A.11)8 a light housekeepmg. 611 No. Bay sturdy, quality furnlt\.D'e all for ,------------,I . . Front, Balboa Island. ~2tc. only $299 50 You can fumilh N IC W LI N ll 5 P!ece Chrome HELP w ANTED -Someone for -that othe; ~ for a 1mall Craft Greeting Carda Dinette Sets part-time bookkeeping and of-additional amount. Lowest h $64.95 lice work, in: ,day. Hours of own term1, free delivery. No red tape 8tatleair7 Pl No Mar top. Choice ol. choosing. Ph. 590. 23-tfc but extra quick service. See UI Brooking! V arieb' Red, Blue or Tan-for your wanll. McMahon ~'ur- - --.. -.,. -S A ANA FURNITURE llALE IOllCm.LANBOUB IO nlture Company, See<>nd and ~~O~u~· ~' ~·-~~-~-~·~-~--~~·~ll~ .. ~~~q;~~w~.~4~th~S~t.;·=Ph~l"';•~922~~ CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Broadway, San~ Ana. : 22·2tc PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. 19'Th-4tc 23-tfc BOATll. SUPPUEA la ·-C:.Sllt. GEORGE D. ASsF:IT General AeooimtfnC Fiaherinen'a ' Ave. Nwpari Jtn• WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast 101 Pkz1 • FOR SAI.E>-Roll..,.way single bed :::::.:::.:::.::.:::..:c:::=:.....---....;..;. "' tnnenpr1ng mattress; double ANNOUNCING laundry tubs on cuten. Phone Our New Location lTTl-WK. 23-2tp - We are now located at 2818 Weot GOl_NG OVER SEAS -Antique Central Ave. Phone N.B. 1791-W ~Y clock. radio, lady'1 • watch, Mexican rug, girl's bi-• Bay Electric eycle, sheets, blankets, elec. Comp)ete Motor and Generator Juicer, elec. Iron and antique Repair Service Bric-a-Brae. Ph. ~R. 23-ltc. 2818 W. Central Ave. Telephome 17S1W WHY P~YOUR BUMPER? 17-8tc _ Use KROS-0 FOR BALE-201>.p. Morine Dot.el. R · T OFF lib -· Half orlctnal eaot. Call Sold at All 0-lero N--t 2234-W. 14-tfc s .• D. Jae. Clo., Coot& .... M-;--Ra·. -di 120 -•ay Pbaae isn~ anne os, 11.-.. .. _ .. _le delhey, - -----------1*19 ranp d -Ypur tn. SLA~apartmentlllze,4- -ltaft, S50. 169 23rd Sl, Colla -22-2tp ANTIQUE klOdO; dock, ndlo, lady's wateb, Meidcsn """ ctr!'• bleyde, mile. Items. Pb. 4311-R. ~ltc opectbt-. mGGINS PLEASURE CRA1T, l10 Ooolt HJcliwa7. Ph: .1104. .. de nas squuswww 1•ra - ~~ .• ,. • • v...,.... 00. ftDd a;stcm aad ~ DOW M 0 Mt. ·m RCKDl 6 GALT~. dOO ODUt .... .,. RUG a, UPHOISI'ERY C..ntnc. Pbano• I-. ' TS.tlio R-sized. llhampoocl, dnned. ft>R S.UE -·boat. 1Mt: <>wntutfed furnltun ~ . ..-bcNt. with , __ ] -·-3 day ~-up and dellwi'y. lib now; bait completelf oqutp. 3!I _... al aatlofled .,.toonen. peel, ldeel for liq er lolre.j aio ORANGE COUNTY .-_ 1800 -C...tral A-. n:N'l'n AWNING 00. . s.-. .tfe 614 w. 4th Sl, Santa Ana. Pbaae Mr Boswcllc:t. 1919 Sonia FOR SAIE &id. mot«, Ana. za..11c &qcle, i..v llal7 8eotdt tape, ........... .ieatu.-~. , I model. S1llO .... H.n,. Cll -' 1!19 W, 10th St.. -Pm1t. ' .... . . ... -. 1 ~ . ., . . -. • • -.. -Lr -r .r:, :"',_ ... . ' 1 • • -• ·~1 . . , . ' . -· . I • I . ' I N¥WPOllT ............ ·'*'"•·ftMI£¥ .. __ 1 . -~ --.......... , • • 80Aft. ~ ....... • WAN'l"ED TO a&:NT u ~-~·~&i~Du:~!n:~----~'1 &E&L_UTAD ., ~n~··~·~a~rA~l'IC~====~"~--~u~~:i. ~===-==·~11~1 ·-~~·~··~-~·~·:!:-!....li ___ _..!"~"~·~·=-· ~-!!~·~ ... ~----~-!! . . FOR sALE.-J""'-> s .. -... wANTEDTORENTcr-.un-. ty• A: F. RHODEN --_--.--~,--· -Jo '311 rnqdfl iGOCI condition. Bay fumlahed -· Phone 1851).R. • • I "'n 1 Sllore I ~"" Nowpo<t Beach. . 5-tfc El Bayo Tract BU I l;.D NO W ~BOR I1'1 v EST~ENT MPANY J. s. Dol>bed<. :iz.:itp NEEI> fumlahed 5-room -or 2 --n and a makf• room. liv-• -THIS ONE OUT . I -Realtors ,1 . FOR SALE--1945 5-b. p. outboard apl by June l; 1 child Perman· lnr; ,._,,, cl!nlnc room. kltd>On LOW c'os" T HO ... ES ST ANq: motor, lll<e new. 300 Ruby Sl, onL 1"720 West Ocean Fronl I< 2 balhrooma. Sunpcirch. Bullt ~ . Balboa IaWid ... pb<Jllo Harbor Phono 40-R. 20-4tp In ·19t0. Tblo lowly homo bu -- . 2139-W. 2Z-2tc WANTED TO RENT-Bay Front wall-tio"1"all rup ~ oomplot.. BOATS FOR SALE-M-fl Del-houao for month of July or !Int ho~t!Dc un!L El<~lent view ot See Models At mah. cru!a<r." two 200 h. p. Ster-2 weob. Furn,, 4-bodrm. Kn. °"""" and bay. .llns. Petrda. Very 'smart-and Stoker, au.m0nt, 586 W. 11th . $19,500 fully (Ound. St., w phone 7321. 1&-lltp - swl.ib YACHT LANDING. WANT TO REN11-Untumlahed Newport Mesa 17th I< Cout Hllhway ~--•-•~ Qui 1 --•· 4-Room houlo on luie Jot· 2 nm. Newport Beach. Calllornia -or 1..u u.i.-•n:u. e .....,.,..,._., no · • Phone 162 drinkln& or smoklnc, no part!... flnlahod In knotty pine. 2Z-2tc Need l ·bednn. houae or apart-$4750 ---------"-.....,..., .->L Box 824, Bal-Calif. - lltllDC&L a MD10 " 2:1-11p Newport Island Radio Repairs. --.. -.,-.-l:ll-T_A_n: _______ "_l38 Ft. lot at excellent locatlcll on All makos; tubes. etc. Ph. 2417. !aJoncl BURT.NORTON Real &!tate Office $1650 91.5 Cout Jnghway, Newport In the heart of Newport e..m - · 23-tfc Hlchway Bualnoaa Dlatrict Costa Mesa 711 ~gonia Ave.; Helioti;ope at 4th '-·Corona del Mar Pbone 8701·J-5 Selemtan WW can PICO BUILDING MATERIALS BEAtrnrUL Spinet typt mirTor 634 Coast H1way 2-bedroom houao with a!nsJe sar· piano, a barpln. Tenna. Dam-A "Sandy" Steiner ace. on East aide. s yn. old . Schmidt Plano Oo., 520 No. Main RHJtor Ptu_.., clooe of -· 23-2tc Santa AnL S-tfc C. F. Dennison $6250 2-Bedroom Home .GOOD uaed perx.. Some u low AMOdet.. RHltor ' - · u 188. Ftne for practlot .. EuY Real Eltat.. and B>11•"-Corona del Mar One-car --Newport Hr!Pta. tenno. Or 'will Mnl o.m.-Opport\1111-:I-bedroom home, 60-fl frontare $5500 Schmidt Plano Oo., 520 No. Main -In iGOC1 location. Thia ,,.,._ ,la Santa AnL s:11c H 0 M E S 1 Ii yoan old and 1a fumlahed. _ Houae la vacant and quick Ra.dio ReRaiJ'I 5-Room Home po• •nlon will be &lven. All.....,,.; ~ iltc. Pia. ~T. Fumlahed. Lar1e lol 1% ~..,. $10,500 Burt l'lortm. tlll Oout Hlw•J. old Corona clel Mar. - Newport BMcb ._tfe $25,000 Costa Mesa Arvin & Emerson RADIOS -3-bedroom atucco houae on Eut Newport Beach . atdo, venetian bllncla, hanlw9<>d Comer home. View of Ocean floors. Pouea:ion clOR of. es--~Hour RadJo se-vt.ee Short Circuit Radio :n1 Palm. Balboa Phon• 163S-W and Bay. 3 Bedrooms crow. 13-tfc STEINWAY Grand, like new, one of the world's createst planol. Gorg~ tone. BeautifU1 cue, 'This 18 an _ lnltrument tor the discriminating buyer . Danz- Schmldt Piano Co .• 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfr . lmm$i9 ,50opancy. Cosaa Mesa Home 2 bedroom house on good Hlway $6000 El Bayo Home and extra apart ment RADIO HOUSE CALLS -Now $21,000 that a ddtUonal competent tech-_ n.Jcta.na are available. we are able W t rf t H to make aervice calla on large a e ron ome oon.eOJea. AlJ work guaranteed. Corner. Furnished. Private pier. HAl'.'OLD I.. HAMM., S. O. S. · $17,000 Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 780. - 11-tfc . AL'S Radio Electric Service 920 O>ast Hlway Corona deJ Mar fick Up and Delivery Phone 47Q-J\4K 19-Stc 1 Radio Repairing HOUM calls dally except Sat. and Sun. Complet.. stock of tubes I< factory replacement part.I. Ph: 345 .. MESA RADIO I< ELEC- TRONICS CO., 1794 Nowport mvd. ~tfc BPECIAL ANNOUNCDD:NT!l 11 NOTICE! P arty who stole motorcycle wheels from ClJff Joye Service Station ls known. It returned lmme-- dlately no arrest will 'follow. Lots · Newport Heights $1650 $2500 $6000 Waterfront Comer Lot $5000 . • Rooming House and Apartments Balboa Island. Good income property. $20,000 Trailer Court and Gas Station $625 per month income. ExcefJent Motel Site. 2~ acres. $7500 EVA F. RHODEN Broker 470 N•-ew-por-t Blvd.. Ccata Meo& ELTON D. BARNE'IT, Saleoman Ph. Nowport 1965-M , 23 .. 2tc J . E. 'Barnes & Son 1800 Newport mvd. Coeta ::U:eaa.. Phone 01$ 132-ft. Frontage on Newport Blvd., close in. $14,000 A few lots in · Newport Heights at $1,000 each. 21;2 Acres near Newport Helghts, with 2· bedroom home; chicken equlp- ment, 8lO chic.kens; berry plants. Extra room oU garage. $10,500 2 Be\lroom House Good location, east aide of New~ port Blvd. $6250 2 Lots on Viririnia Place Each lot 00x137. $1,000 each Fumllhed 2-Bedroom Home Garqe. Balboa. $11,500 . Terms -al Balboa Peninsula $3000 each Good Locations. Lots Partly Furnished Home Newport Boach $4500 · Larire Home· Near Balboa. Bay Front with new apartment. Furnished. . Tenns-Half Down. $20,000 JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St., Balboa Phone 2034 23-ltc BROSE REALTY 1307 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Phone N. B. 2048 Corona del Mar Lots South of Highway 45 ft. Lot on Orchid A venue $3250 42l,ii Ft. Lot on Larkspur Avenue. Lovely location. • $4000. Terms 45 Ft. Lot on Marigold Avenue, convenient and beautiful location. $3500 CORONA DEL MAR LOT SPECIAL • • --1:-- Balboa Peninsul Modem 3 Bedroom ~ Fumlsbed $16,500 I COAS'T PROPERTIES CO. • RE.&LTORS· 703 E. Cmtn1 Aft. • Pbcme 683 • J. M. MILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central • • Lakewood Villa~ Beautiful, Modem 3-bedroom home. plete In every • detail Including tile bath, hardwood n rs, furnace and many other delightful features. Will ·Sell or trade for nice home in Harbor Ares. k . -1-. Trailer Court -alboa · Motcld Site 3 Rl.irnnm Ho~ 60 Trailer spaces. Complete VJ.ill -Located with gas, lights, water and sewer. Inrome over-$1,000.00 -per month. Newport Blvd. Between Costa Mesa and Newport. Finest business location or Motel site. Nearly 2 acres. Priced at the bargain price ot $7500.00 -1- $7375 • Balb ' a Peninsula Lot . Ch Ice location. & ~ut!fu) view. $3000 ' . Lot on Central A;e,ue . ' . ' Choice Location for A ent Price $3350, tern 1s Phone Your Listing In and we will give them every -~"''""~deratlon J . M. MILLE 15th and Central • Newport Beach (e 23-ltc 23-ltp FROM TillS DA TE ON I wtl1 not be held responJlble for any debts other than my own. Business Property Center of Costa Mesa 3 stores. Room to expand . Present income $262.50 month. 1114 Acres, Tustin Ave. $2000 60 Ft. on Poppy Avenue, north of "On Your Way to Ba.Ibo ' ... • Highway, exlnt. location. among --------------,!+---_.:_ __ _ lovely h 0 m es. BEA'uTIFuL 80 Acres 20-3tp GLEN A. HATCH. Income Property 3 Store Rooms above 2 HoUJeS. $10,000 year net Gas Station on Comer Two Lots $10,000 ~ Nearly New Two bedroom hou,,e on Bemard St. Close in; lot 60x100; fruit trees. single garage and wash house; hanlwoocl noon; priced now at $6800 OCEAN VIEW. Full price for both lots--- $3800 CAN BUILD FOUR UNrIB TERMS IF DESIRED Ftne level land, rultable for alfalfa. $600 p ~ 8cre, liberal tenna. Located west of Anaheim. (John ·Plcardl 20 Acres Valencia· 0 . nges 9-room house, Interest In pumping plant. ted crop 10,000 boxa or $25,000. Ready to pick In 90 days !<><&led In Anaheim · Lido Isle 3-Bedroom -beautifully fllmlshed . lino inedl•te plWSSion. • $18,500 Newport Canal Front · 2-Bedroom -cemedt bulkhead and pier -flreplace-barbecve--Fumlshed. $11,000 Costa Mesa BroadWay Tract. Brand neW 3-bedrms. hardwoop floors, floor heater, double . garage; ready to move In. $10,250 ., """ ----~--,. , BALBOA ISLAND Onyx Ave . Brand new studio apartment; 1 bedrm.; floor CCM!ring; double garage; 45' lot. $14,'SOO 2 Bedroom h<me, Park Ave. O:lmpleb!ly fUml8hed. Immediate po11111'00.. $15,000 Z-STORY, 4-BEDRM. HOME. Bullt-ln- be.r, lovely patio; fireplace. Canpletely fllmlshed Inc. 2 elec refrlgs. $27,000 ' BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT HOME 4-Bedroom; pier and fioat. Fully tum. Double garage. Immediate poss. An Excellent Value, $15,000 dn. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA HOME 3-Bedroom; fireplace; hardwood floors. Sun deck. Open for inspection. Imme- diate possession. · $16,500, Terms BUSINESS INVESTMENT Motel -- -24 units on highway. Nets $26,500 year. \ SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY ...,,,,__ Real tors -; ~ 30th at Central Ave. Talopbone 1600 '1! ~ _ 23-ltc 2 Small Houses On Lot Zoned for-Busineu $10,QOO Choice Bay Front Lot Priced Rlght 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar FOR SALE-In the heart qt Bal- boa, 11-unlt stucco with 40.fl vacant lot adjoln1ng, nets $250 monthly'. Price $25,000. See Fred Briggs with H. M. Lane Real Estate, 2006 Court Ave., op~ sit.. dty hall. Phone 343. 21-tfc $18,500 Income Property ~Bedroom House and 4 Small Rental Units . ·-TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES Exclusive Listings Courtesy to brokers. 101 Hiway Frontage 200 ft. by 60() I ft. Acre ahd a Harf Corona del Mar. Lots d1atrict. A rea1 buy at $75,ooo, u.rms. (Fr 'Plpenbrinkl with entranco on Newport Blvd. North ot Jnghw&¥ RALPH MAAS. b Ocean Front Lot An excellent court site. Price-30 Ft. Lot on Larkspur Avenue, : • Choice Location .&CllVMOl'lta a nm • NEW CAR PRIORITY on UM6 Ctevrolet or Oldsmobile to tr.de for 1-yr. leue on 2-bedrro. hex., f\lrnlahed or unfurnlahed. Otto Culbtttaon, Culbertson Olevl'o- let Co. Phone Hunl Doub 3UI. Malt & Sandwich Shop $7500 c1o!e to hill>. Betlutitul view. Ph. Newport 2681 1 So. Loo Anceles St. $3000 · $1750 · or Anaheim 2406 , I Anaheim \ LOT 55x200 60 Ft. Corner on Narcissus Ave. ---:--=-----:-c:-:-:--:----,--·--H1 !------:12--2tc-W. L. JORDAN 21-ttc . No experience necessary Earn while you learn There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. Only One In Town. <>verloo!dng park; high and wen $3500 . At emona c1e1 Mat Oot,on ··,a dd Mar 700 Eut Central, Balboa drained. 2 Beautiful Lots M-'...-. _11 built Phone 153 23-tfc FOR SALE-1938 Dodce Convert· $1075 90 Ft N •--A _.,, -· Ible Coupe. Edellent condition. . on &re=US venue. South of Jnway home 0 ' 6().fl Jot. 2 ~ull., UAL SBr.&'l'S llll:OB.&lfGm M Apply 100 E . Bay A'fe., Balboa 514\i N. Main Sl, Santa Ana Aak the operator for the Ollef Operator . Southern California Telephone Compa11y 18-tfc No Delay Reftnlah your ldtdwn ,bathrc>ml with new W.i-rd F. P. Waldron ~-:IMW. Mtc Carpenters Available for iuwn.l metnte..,. ... _. 0 . L llOBallTSON can Newp#t u KEYS Kade While You Walt VOGEL~ 100 KalD st., Bol- IOI Karine, Bal-1"l&nd M-tfc STUDY AT HOME-Real Est.at.. u-. Quick results. Guann- ..... 2118 Socwicy Bid., Puadona. 20-tfc ll'Oll UiNT u FOR RENT -Laree tum. llcht room. outside entrance, near bathroom. Man only. 516 36th SL, Newpxt Beech. ~tc ' ' -• • Concrete Brick Factory and Home on 1 Acre Land. · A Good Buy 5 ACRES of land on highway. $8000 $4000 ~ 435 Golclenrod, Corona de! Mar. -Hedcet and Retaining Walll llvb>c cl!nlnc alcow, hard-RESPONSIBLE T•lephone em· Also good luggage trailer. Two Bedroom Home 45 Ft. Lot 00 Narcissus AV<11ue. $5000 wood , W. bath and kit· ploye wants to exchange 3-bed· · 20-!!tc Furnished. on 1 acre of land; dbl. $2000 chen, pordt, 2-car 1ar-r0om houae In w .. t Loo Anreles 1---------- gar. with extra room upstairs. 2 Fine Lots age. •t..ly · fUmlahed ha-far same In Santa Ana or vldn-.&11TO SDVIOlll • Immediate poosesslon. duding '.~ elec. refrlpntor, lty. C&ll South..-n Calif. Tele----------- $6850 50 Ft. Lot on Hazel Drive. Beau-South of Hlway atove, 1 li\lum clHner, wubJn& phoae Co., Santa Ana, 5628. tlful vlow ot Ocean and Hills. $4200 machln4 l~tfc Busin ess and Home LOT 50x307 $4500 F , ce $12,750 MOlfn n i.o.a.x 11 Many Other Lota _ 40 Ft. Lot on Hazel Drive. 1'Jn- obstructed, protected view. Bring Your BATTERY T~OUBLES On Beadl on Avocado S t. near Newport Blv. On 2 lots. Hambur1er and ~t $950 · Shop and 2 apartmenta. Nets '8500 year. J . E. Barnes & Son W H. B 180I N.wport BITd. $4500 Corona del Mar Homes e ave uyers o..ta K-. Phou 11e For bustnesaes, Motel sites. Motell, __________ 23_-l_tc "-Rm. h-·, ~--·-~~ on'' ~ .. HoUlel and Lota. Give us .r ......... 1u11wu~ vruuu Your Llstlnp . BROSE REALTY Avenuo, north of· Jnghway; -houae about a year old. larp A "Sandy" Steiner Realtor C. F. Dennison Asaoclate RH.ltor ~ Estate and -B:awtr zzs Corona del Mar , Income Property Unsurpassed view 0pportun1t1... of .Bay and Ocean 634 Coast Hiway . 62.tt. by us-ft. Bay tront 1ot, 1wo- Phono 2573 23-ltc • story bulldlnc approx. 42 fl by HIGH LOCATION 40 n.; lhrff lovely apartll>enta upatalra, -co downataln fa< twO iGOd alze apartll>enta and rooms,bardwooclfloon.Lot~ by 118. Immediate po11ess1c>n. $9875 . Terms 3-Room home on M&rillJerite Avo., north ot HilhWBY. Hoose aboUt a y•ar old. plut..-ed lnalde ohd out. _,, boem ceWna. llowly redocorated. yard fonced, 1o1· 30 by 11& Immediate pca!1llon. Price $5950 $2750 Down in CORONA DEL MAR nw pnges, buildlnc ccmplotely - endOled but not quite com· -~jod. Lot ..-to an a1kJ 1n Balboa Bay Front iie.r and bu privat• drivoway TWo ~rt. Bay Front Lota. MW iii troot. z.oning permltl mere see. wall acrca entire tront. Small llDfla. --Oil -lot. $31,500 SI500 up Gerti e A. Waldron LOAN• TO w..z>, IJur, -· W. J . HOLCOMB -or .. --· 1517 Cout mrhway W ·W. Sanford ' ,.. • ..,.tao--.i .. '"- Corona del Mar BROKER ad 1.-. •emat1tfon "Where the Flap Fly'' 2Z-2tc 308 M1 ie Balboa 1siand - -~. ,...,..... uor ,,,..,.,. 23'-R 18-tfc At Corona clel Mar A REAL BUY Beautiful 2 Bedroom Home Fllrnlahod Bev 507 E . 1ey Realcy Co. !Realtors fentral Balboa ' .Pboole1788 On 60-ft. Lot I BA00A , Near Ocean $19,500 5 roomapl r,i40-";:.1'-1ot ~ lmmedlat.. Delivery ::,, t 'l&y. Unfurniahed. Poa- LOANS Sl00.00 and Up to $10,000.00 -us If.,.,., --Pa,mentm to nt Your tDCOIM Louo ... Can Trllclaland~ 0-22 Taus In --Aa W. J. HOLCOMB -i 15 daya, $9e00. Federal ""----Co. m 1 eo..t Jnst>way Lots 1n I 1-3 ZoM on Pen1nau1a, ~-• To Us. ·BATTERY· REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSINESS Storey's Battery Service WutJlllNSIER .A\'g <Between 18th 6 .._...,., OOST.& MESA · · Corona del Mar from up. ~·~ ·~ tbe Flap Fly'' . 2Z-2tc _ Gii lilo. a,.._.. . · ll'tfe -Hl!.JS'IA MESA ""-GIG. 8onta .&u. Cdl. All -t;)pewilt..r ,,_Ill 2 Ocean Front Lota 2% -from Pier Zcoed C-2 $7500 For lmmedlete Sale Corner } I fl frontqe, on_ Ha11Jor' -:;m;;:;;-;;;=:---~-Ut--:rc::-at::'::IJd:=a;:,t ::::tbe:::·::l'l=•=·~•..:Tlm.:::;•:;__-= mvd..," fLonHamllton.boule.I Amo. ..... coop. ~th boaae 1or1-----,;_;;,;;'-----~·=·=="*'*==~·=-= .... =·=1AD===·---....;•= Oil ... • f12,500. at aaner ot 15th I& Ora111 . 15().fl Oil 15th, 111).fl ' , ""°° fer the three . oopuately. Flw In wmdedul IOcatlon, WE Nl:ED LATE MObl!L CABS . aad WW Pay Top Priclll NEW~ larae bedrooms. larp bath and ""°"""'· ~ llvlng room. Fireplace. 9poldallO ldt- cben. Floor tum.ce. Eittollent hardwood floors. Lota ot cup- board space. Oxnplotod In lix woob. Price $25,000.00 Down $15,000.00 -LISTINGS WANTED _ Eunn-;-Elliott SlBe le; Reaity Co . BROSE REALTY BROSE REALTY 501 !!!':' eent:ra1. Ba!boa2'Ntc f Realtors P!l, '!Ota CAJl NOit' • IN··-.... :o: tar_. •M0 lzqu. Bo .... 11111 I'' z!'!* u! a ,,'J.~t, at #I 1, 1 • w Gertrude A. Waldron> 1307 Coast Hilhway 1307 ec..t HJPwax f 507 tra1 •• Balbool Corona de! Mar Corona clel M&r FOR SALE-3-bedroom -· / Pboae 1118 Wm. W .. Sanford Phone N. B. 2048 . 23-ltc 1'bcne N . e. 2048 23-ltc bftalcfut room. larae -•lee , 1 22-2tc · BROKER ----------''--pordi. Ill' _,..,._ 1989 ~ · , 308 1tarino Balboa Wand ny worklnr today's a-•,.d For ottlce suppUa. -tbe Aoe .• Coota Moaa. Ph. 2475-J. NE•• !'iw -U• +•tw on Phone 234-R 23-11~ pU.. . ·N.,.._Tbms. • • 23-2tp ,..,.... to alllclmt _.... .... , . (- QJLBERTSON CH~OLET Q)., 1no. · a uz•t.s=' 1J D 'u --..c 114..JllapwtB e. •o .n ·a ....... ... > • • • • --. ... ";..,_.__ ..... ~ ... I • • . -.~ • I .C.' • I -.. , ' ' '· -~ I ' ' ' I . . 1 I ~' . ' ' ' •' • • Kncnfland Beadin• ;.. -°' • "P"""•' s.nate a1tewide Interest • e Apicullure and Faawlr)> SUI>-• • Investigation Into • mmm1ttee. -1o 1ftd1nc Harbors Growmg Lumber Shortage the questionlnc ol repr....,tattvs I . of lumber wbolwalen. retallen Fri>m Sau. Cal Coundl lltllletln J and manylacturuo. furniture man-~ ,..,.. ta and ..-,,. _ "fASHINGT'ON. -California's utacturen. offldals ot. the Office meftidatlons ~ by ttjXe1mta- RepUbllcan Senator WUllam F . of Priee Adminlstratton. Cvlllan tt..fs at the ....,..,t Small Horbat' Knowland la heading an lnvntiga-Prcduction Adminlatratloa and the b>aterenco, l)lOl1SOl'<d jointly by tlon Into the national I umber Commer<>e De~L th~ Slate Clamber and the Now-. • Poc;t Harbor Clamber of Com-ahortage which is delaying . dis-mJ.ce, held at Newport Beach utroualy home building an aver For offtce llVPPll-. aee the '1• · resulted in tremendously ln- tbe country. New&-ThneL crE...i statewide Interest In plans ________________ ,;,.. _______ ..., ltp 1 develop a serlH of small craft hai'bon all along the Calllornla ~t. CARPET & UPHOLSTERING CLEANING Local Veteran of World Wars I and II WORK DONE IN YOUB HOME Color and Beauty Revived, Give New Sheen Dean Ward PHONE NEWPORT · 2056-R Reports from northern Cali- fornia indicate that the Sonoma Co!Jnty Board of Supervlson are, orcanizing to develop the recrea- tional possibilities of Bodega Bay; supervisors and other interests ha.ve started organizing to develop Morro Bay. tn San Luis Obispo county: and a group ln San Fran- cisco has started action to secure a U. S. Army Engineer survey ot the northern coastline similar to a survey already started in the southern section. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;j , The Morro Bay plan, according r I to reports, will include 8 request ARTS TACKLE STORE 1101 boast IDgbway -Newport Beach S48 A Complete Line of Sport and Commercial Fishing Equipment OPEN AT 5:00 A. M. DAILY POLE RENTALS -ALL TYPES OF BAIT o......,,. ManageT A. A. Kemper ---Andrew Densmore Vote For - ' to the State Park Commission to start developing a marine state park in connection with the J?res- ent state park at Morro Bay. !The San Luis Obispo group will also [request use o( a dredge, now en- gaged in Navy work, to have a suitable yacht basin dredged ad- jacent t o the state park. BE'n'ER CIBCULATION Stuffy winter-time rooms can be freshe ned up by using the elec- tric fa n as a circulation booster. Place the fa n behind a chair or -divan directed at an angle against the wall , using medium speed. This wiu help air circulation and spread warmth more uniformly. Sell that unwanted lthrough News~nmes ads. article • ' • 0 child r· n Is p 0 r f .r a its I • (l'llMo lly Ra.an STUDIO. s..... A~) This MDall beauty wltb &be dlmpled chin ls Carole Anne Fon::e, ODtl year old. She ls the d.auehte.r ol Cpl. and Mrs. E. R. Force and her father I• stationed at the Santa Ana Army Air hue. Ca.role ·10\·e1 mmlc a.ad alnp with tbe ~o. She lovee bet panda beat and wooden hone~ a11d beiq very feminine, Jovfl9 to talk. She &pends her &ftemoons on the beach an.d ls always examinlnc shells. Services Friday For Mesa Child Adequate Street Lighting Prevents Traf fie Fatalities Col-Thomas P. A tkinso.n Stephen Elvis Eaton 'jr., two yea.Ts and tour months oJd son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eaton jr .. died Thursday at the home ot his parents. 112 Del Mar street, Costa Mesa. Funeral services were held Friday at 1 :30 p.m. from the Har- l old K. Grauel chapel with the Rev. Ivan WJJliams, pastor of the First Chrutlan church of Corona. of· I flciating. Prompted by a recent article in the News-nmes on inadequate street lighting and the traffic haz- ard it incurs, especially on \\"ell- traveled Coast highway, E. C. Powers, director ot informational services (or the Street and Traffic S Afety U g hting Bureau, \hi..~ week sent a letter to the News·Times wi1h pertjnr nt ipfonnation re- garding affiliation of high\vay deaths and poor or inadequate street Jigt}ting. FOR CITY COUNCIL Executive Officer and Commander 1 of Troops at the Santa Ana Army Air Ba se fol" four years. Knows the problems of the Veteran. Member · of Newport Harbor Post, American Legion. Favor$ development oi re.,;.,,ational facilities and wants acti!'ll in city government in ad- vancing growth of Newport Harbor in t he difficult years ahead. Vote For a Man Who Get.s Things Work For the Entire Community. Done A PJRIL I ELECTION 9, and This Advertisement Contribu~ By Balboa. Supporters Will • Surviving are the pa.rents, a sis- ter, Judy Lynn and the grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Eaton, Tustin, and Mr. and M.rs. C. E . S ine r>f Newport Beach. Services Thursday For Resident of Mesa At Grauel Chapel Antonio Grejalva.-SO, died TuC's · day morning at his home, 220 Knox street, Costa l\1csa. He w8.s born in Riverside oounty but had lived here for 33 years. Surviving is a sister. Mrs. Margaret Munoz of Costa Mesa. Rosary will be said Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the Harold Grauel chapel and requiem mass at 8 :30 f · m. Friday at the Catholic church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Santa Ana. Interment will be in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. '"Adequate street lighting c&n probably contribute m ore to the reduction or fatal traffic ac~i­ dents, crime prevention. es well as generdl municipal and civic de- velo pments than a ny other fac· tor,'' the director said. • National statistics show that al- most two-thirds of the fatal tra ~­ fi c accidents occur at night when there is but one-third the volun1e of traffic. F 22 s 23 .... TIDE TABLES MARCH Hi&:h Low H igh 12:07 6 :00 lt:S6 3.0 0.8 4.4 ......... 1 :02 1:%9 1.0 2.6 Low 6:M 1.9 6:H 2.3 An automobiJe kept in as good rc:-i:iir as 1X>5Sible is a double bene-Su 24 fit to tilo. motoriSt and a con- tribution .o the )velfare of the M 25 country. Lt not only furnls:hes needed ransportation during a Tu 26 serious c Isis, but it ls also a safety 12:09 8:36 ........ . 4.2 1.0 1:05 10:20 ....... .. 4.0 0.8 2:54 11 :26 3.9 0.4 preventi· 1n againJ). trafflc acd-r1.., .. an pJ-.ced In onse.r ot ~ denta. ..1ctat ~a. .... : dark a.--p. • ,...... LOI AN~LIS !BRIWING CO .. LOS ANGILIS He Favors Indµst~y, :Recreations, Juvenile Supe . • 0 •• • • • - son F1o each I one. spect ely. , Wilbur. who has been visiti~his niece, Mrs. Betty Fran. cis , , 27th strttt for a week. retur ed. to his home in '"Puente. A n wu born M arch 12 tn St. JoseR hospital to Mr. and Mrs. .Al . .Hoffman ot 604 Larkspur aven 1 • C.orona de} Mar. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Taylor and chil I\ of Co3ta M esa attended the th wedding anniversary cele-- bratl n of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dta- mon1 Tustin, on Sunday. 000 MAKES OF CARS In· the 50-year history of the auto otive industry approximately 2,0CX>. akes of passenger ca.rs have appe on the market, the Auto- riloti -Manufacturers Association says. • For MARINE ·HARDWARE PAINTS & • VARNISHES It's the 23rd & Central D ing the war years commer- cial rftotor vehicles hauled approx-P h . 2 6 0 0 ima t~ly 5,640,000,000 tons of goods and ateriaJs from mines and fac- tori to fighting forces and -dvil- ian nsWl'.lers, t he Office of l)e.. t I tense Transportation reports. if; i if; if; if; if; if; if; if; if; if; if; if; ;£ • ' ............ '*9A' When planning you m•r or fall .,acatlon, lhla handJ' !older will hell! :rou decid• wh•re to go. It co11!alna a pictorial map ol the W•t; &loo Cl~ptjo11 .. of lamou -••m ....,.11011 119t,11<ma IDcladlllq Y•Uowwto11• Hatio11al Parlr. Colo- rado, Arlzou'a Grand C...:ro11 Ha-\~nal Par Ir. Utah11 Zion ud BryC9 \yoa. Na Hoa.al Pub, Califomi& .,., , ........ ,, U•ION PACIFIC RAILROAD to help You plaiia vacation . and the hclllc Horth-. &giD your 'POOtJtiOZJ Wlt./J NltDatfoa --aa 70u nd& Your joumo., by ratl w1ll be a bigb 6]>0t ot your "'""'tiOZJ dayo. Union Pacifio Ml"JM more w..e:em ..,.llio f9910111 thu any other rail· ro.d. ... the world'• cp-eeteat vacation tra••l barqain. For 1111•xc•u.d rail tran.portatioa. Mnic• . • • ... be S'p«ific ~ sa11 ·Union 'A.cilic • • ;----MAIL.COUPOll \'ODAY~~-, I UNION '"°'IC nan oma. ......, •. _.... I I :J05 ,...,,.. .... It., ,,,,,,I •1: 1117 I I ' I -.... --....... ""':' ... _ b,f ~-I I . I . l~-----~--r~---P--u' lSIOil Election April 9th . . ' • --. • • . . 8-yB B1iaker Lights Would Lef Pedestrians CrollB Highway • ' -• fll&WFCMT ... *'' ~ tha ~~ ,, the atarvmc -for --and drop att wel-rcna del Mar, be augeata, ao t SIOlrr OUIDll 2. JIATI'ERS ~ TO In .,.. tbo -ter oomod. Colloctlan al. -relief ~ ~~!n~::roai.: WhO " dies What At Veterw' Ofpct ~ 'ExhiNt of 1~ =:.:.,-:i...,';..i;-~ = :::.,;~ ~~~ = Givj~ As "Right Guide" to Ex-So · rs. ~:=-.:-ma at en_ .. ~ ;or ~~-:_te_:= peclstrlana can cot acrooa the · . .._. .,. IM JOBS: Undor f-.! ,ti* Shipped to --. rr-lnc llU!l!lilel will be made·at tbo Har- Joe Tatum, who c;une.to N~ ~-When tbo peclstrW> ~TllW 1 United States Ernpi<>Jment rr=· lvwnba ~ bot--In ol at tho imetlnc al. old K;"Grauer Oiapel 1n Coot& n. SIP - port """" a ynr aco and bou&ht puabes a butU>n a atop signal •1-•• .,_._, ot lc:e· (USES)· la cha,...t wl tho Entllm>I. CymbidkDn ·or<blda are tho w..,....• . M!M!m Society al. M t ' tho. um;" oi' the ~ • BOAT LE'nUUNG a home while ' commutlnc to hla raises, he explained. IM ~ ll<cloaal 0!11co raponalblllty al. fl..tln11 now .. t•bliahed bel'O with Santa the N Harbor Lutheran ... a • · .t.· SPIX'l••.n .. :· • = ~:-:= S:"er!t i.: Mn. James Cartwri&ht. 1133 al.:"';•· M ; ' klraU-job:> for veUnnl. at. ~~ •::. ~ church. Tbe meetlnc wb bOld WonhlSSunday~~P:_"'"_-_.,.,.., ___ 1_0_'30_un.___.,'-'eW!rf=__!~=======~~~~ the harbor, he said yesterday, West Central avenue, are parents • ' M sh'e •ela'W of-~-:"=~ ~ -:C. ol oats. uu recently. at ~ hmne of Mn. -· ,,. '"-~ ,_.,._ takln& charge of their station at of a aon. born March 12 at Santa ftdal ... to -.-i-i-with tbe pr<>blerna of ~ G.-inc in -from four to Theodore , 315 Flower ••••••••••••••••'•mi•lllf!I BoYobore Camp. . Ana Community hoapttal. He -:'..r.i-·-·-~·TT and placinc ve~ la ~-*"'* !he feet lol>a with aa lmftT aa 40 ~~t ~.':""drita ..._f ~~ deddedc1o•• I r Tatum offered a solution to the weighed seven pounds. eight :·-r ™.,..._ .. ..-_ of ·employment they want uilliaft .wo.on. on & lpl'aY they nnc-in u-UK" or '-'-"-.1 ....... speed with which can tear ounre1. ~ lbouaand veterans reclS-capable of doing W..U. ~-color !rem bronbe, iiu-cup cnen. Ing should on the ;!4th of the ter dally at the Information deska ahlp anti on-~job tralnl'*f ~<>Pi ~. 1...,.,, and white and month. Ah will be on-r~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ of the ' VA offices In Southern portunltfes att oomtantly 1..,.... -la wwtb $S on the O>lcago nounc:ed for the lut W<ek of . Calif~ It la eotlmated three Increased for the benefit of Vet-and Now Yorit madcot&. A Char-March at time the clothing ' • --• 2 - . • --........ . .... Cilr , ----.__ 1111.-c,,: .• ---...... ... _ ·--··- to four tbol.mand more present erans who want to Jeam a trade. acteriltic' al the plant' is ~ ex-wfll be and packed for their ~ to Veteran Senlce Theroe, In the matter~ j,bo, b'eli>e "dllri.biutY' al. the bJ<amna shipment. Cent~, /USES o(llc:es. OPA, Se-the veteran aboulcl set in tOuch for they will . keep in -t« four Shlpmenta lectlve 5ervice Board:a. Service or-with his nearest USES . Thll to five weeks and can be worn Lutheran W ld Relief. an q:ency ganlzatjo!ia, the Red a-, and office alao bandlea ,..~t aa a conace ~and 4 ...-again. of the goY nt -authorized other informatlooal croupo. An allowagce (unemployment ""'1'-f Fifty tbouSand clollan wwth of CRALOG. ion bu been equal nll/"ber call these qendea pematlon) beca,_ of Ito re atlon-••-bl ..,_,...... t granted f or· acmcy to aend over ti* 1 telephone. UK' rare ooma were ......... ...,.~ a 2,000 tons of. relief supplies ...... "Who aball I aee about Govern-ahlp to pba. • the lint C)'inbldlum "-bold re-monthly to e American zone of P.AP.ALMER UDO ISL8 PM:l9l1SS ----·----w. Q BVO::-Ins..rance eo..n...lar ~ JscXJ 0vn;ef4vl . 3333 VU. LIDO ~ ment ;n;• aaee! Pemlona. ! A re-3. MA~ •RELA~ TO -llJ< at BwMl& oecUPaUon In Germany.·Sblimenta view of my dlscharse! Widows' . · ~ • ------.;::..-----------------.._ benefl~_! Death dallns! Muatertne THE APPLICATION OF FED- out pay;? Employment? Unemploy-ERAL ~A.._1_ •• tra1t~Sla ~ ment comp!"4&tion? Etc." they Veterans UL1LU.... • , uk. ~ • agency priJnarlly r~•ble for, 11 la agreed by all croupo aerv-or conc:emed with, the admlplatra· ing ·re veteram and their tion of federal laws provi~ dl- dependent.11 THE BIGGEST QUES-rect benefits for vetttans and TION BEFORE THE VE'l'ERAN their dependents such as pe~ons, IS: compensatlon. insurance; Tedical "WHO.HANDLES WHAT!" treatment, hospital and dbmldl- 1 • • • iary care; burial and funeral ex- In an effort to answer this ques- tion ''WHO HANDLES WHAT?" RIGHt GUIDE offers the veterans a key whereby they may easily cl89Sify their problems and there- by know just whf'r e to go fir.st. • • • penses; vocational rehabilitation; education and training; guaranty of loans for purchase or corstruc-- tion of homes, farms, and bUsiness property, and other r elated bene-· fits. In other words. if it is a claim for a benefit under ·federal .law, EASY TO WEAR There are three major classifi-, the astency t o see ls the VA. There cations into which more than 95 are 36 VA representatives care- per CE'lflt of veterans' readjustment ! fullv placed throughout Southern problems fall : California. There is one near you. • • • wtU not warp or ahrlnk ••. bel~ avoid cllcklnc, wob-bllnc. Irritation ,et.c. I 1. !\IA TTERS RELATIVE TO • • • RECENT SERVICE : Each bra nch Ther e vou have the key. If it of senice has ('stablished offices has to d~ with vour service, call I pr imarily r<'sponslble for adjusting t11<' P ersonal Affairs offic:el of your such matters as· mustering out pav, ov.'TI branch of sf>rvice: if it is ln- D r. Cowen•9 Uberal Credit Te rms. No lnt.ere11t or any ex· tra charge; •Prcad the pay· ment. over any reaMm&ble lenctb of time. ThJ9 liberal of· fer appUes on all atyles of den- tal plat.ell, lncludlni uppers. lowe rs, partials and r ooness dentures. 1 review of discharge, travel pay for formation regarding jobs, see the the "-eter an or his d ependent, al· USF.S : and for bene fits urider f~­j lotmEPtts, personal effects. pay of er a l 18,v use the VA. Thde agcn- mlssing personnel. lost discharges. cies can give the a nswers to 95 , etc. IN1 OTHER WO RDS. any pc>r C<'n t of vout ouestions. matter t ied in "ith service In the There are other government I Arm}f, Navy, Ma rine Cor ps, or ~ouos w ith specified and particu· Coast Guard. is handled directly Jar d utif's in the readlustment pro- by the )X'rsonal affairs office of gram. Thev r,epresent the other that branch of sentfce. five per cent of veter a n Problems. • If you were in the Army-Of-It would })(> ,.,.ell to kno\11( them: fice of Personal Affairs. SELE CTIVE SERVJCEI on reg- If you were in the Navy-Civil istration after discharge. 11nd get· Readjustment ~ffice. ting your old .tob ba ck. CIVIL If you were 1n the US~fC-Ma-SERVICE ror iob prefer ence with rine 1Corps Rehabilitation O ffi ce. I the governmc~t . O PA {>n price If you were in the Coast Guard ceilings a nd priorities. -Navy Ovtl Readjustment Office. • • • Every: veteran should. know RIGHT GUIDE will deal with wher e hts near est such office ls. _ ,. d . insurance qucs ions a n 'i answers next w eek. ~{any inter esdng prob- lems will be discussed. 'J1he week followi ng t he entire column "ill be devoted to questions re lating to mothers, daughters, wives of vet· erans. Beer Grevhound makes Wines r Liqoers Whi si{ey I NEWPORT )BEACH I and all Coast Cities closer I BoolB and Roy 'Kee Palm and Bay, JWboa Phone S91 ... Neighbors. 50 Trips Eyery Day • Every minute of the day jd o.iiiuc ureynound buses roll along the Coast Highway, linking towns and cities closer togethef. This service pua your community on a main line of uansponation and business. . All along the coast yo~ can """" 1111 GfYJ" bolnid for the hat in bus aemce. · You can ciavel NOW! C. C, SW AFFORD 608 Cout Highway Phone 876 GREYHOUND • -~.2 • ' j ••• ~ • • • • ·""' .i .&_,_;_,_ .... GllOUND lllF STIAIC S....n I Ii lbs. ls.....i beef ...U wido 1alt, pe:pper, and Worcestershire sauce. Add 3 ublesp:>ons fiotly grated OtLioa. 1 be.t:im cg, aod ~ cup milk; mix well with spooo or haiids wuil cborouahlr blmded. Shape into large aeak to mcmble ponerhome: or &idoin sceak. aboar " iACb thick. Brush with mcltid sboncaiara: Place oa beattd hroilel' pan,, aec about ' ..cha below broi ler u.Air; broil 10 minutrt OD ooc side, then turn and .broil 10 mioulel on other side. Sena 6. • 1011/ID Senoe it aiuling bot &-pan or broiler. Safeway Ground Beef hita the spot with meat lovers. Juicy ' and tender ... fragrant u a roU4 it packs a world of nourishment into rea l eating aatiafaction. Safeway's Ground Beef i1 pre-- _pared fresh daily in our central meat pl ant under government in, epection, and pa~ed Ml ianitary Visking cuing. Qeci these Safeway meat values: FRYING CHICKENS -HW-YOU STYLE Grade A poultry. We dra w and cut up poultry without charge. · . STEWING HENS lAM8 LEGS ................ ...., ...... .................... ,_ WINED FOODS Evaporated Mille °*"b ltond. 2 S'l'IOU cons, 9c. :. .. Bestex "' Roya> io-. 22" , .. Rio -Whole Grapefruit MCtlons. ~SHANKS IJEVERAGES AND FIUIT JUICES Black Tea '"".::..,...,. •:,:· .. v .. -~. ~. 23c. ~-lb. package, 4k. I ·lb. pockl)Q*~ 8Sc., • Black Tea Bags ::-.:.: la- c an1itrbury l tand. Pockog11of48 bogs, 36c. MIDITllltANIAN MIAT I.OAP Combioc 1 lb. around beef with \.i cup uatrd chcac, 1 cup 1<>ft brad 1cru.m.be.. 1 chopped .,_. peppet, I chopped noioo.o pepptt llDd Mlt; and 2 ~ qp. hke in riq: mold in modcmtlJ bor OftA (37,. P.) 40 to )0 miouta. To tern, 6U ceoccr with •Nbevj i.a. 101D1CO lllMll. -6. • 'Sliced Green Beans ...... II• f Langro1r1 ltand. Frenct. styte. ... .,. "" : Sweet Potat&e Hemo ~"=*' •;-w I Tem,Tlt\CI ~ ' C,hili C9n Came "!.-. al"' 0.s.utD~ D-n. Homemakers' BYrcay, A• &rrl U-, SnWcr ~--------~-~------ PAIKAIE FLOUR Pancake Flour ..._.... ...... .. -. .... .. Pancake Flour ...... 13"' .... A!Jnt Jemlmo Brand. 40-oz. pockOQe:, 25c . Flapjack Flo_ur , -:.=· 22-...,_ ....._ SOAPS AND CLIA"5EIS Palmolive~ ao .. 2 1 .. . WVU.}" $1a .... Palmoijve SoaP 3 -208 --· White Magic Bleach ... .. ~·. Mite ttrr.gm.. v.. ..... 17c..<Giltlon, 2k Sunbrite Cleaneet •:: .. Scotch Cleanser '!:' T--Holly Cleanser IOI FOODS Qafn99.Dog Meal ,..,,.......... . edDogFpod ..... ,.,.._ Food '"1 '"""".:,.""'"'" 71 "' ·::-. . ::21 Von Camp's lnlnd. Ploln vorWty: Minced Clams , ..... 21-·"-' -.'(,..,,,~fMii .... HDrlnk 'fO'M' YitorNnsond lik• •9n1.•t AppleJuice · -w... 31• •and ... To:Qi(rto Juice •:: .. Surnr Down lrond. 46--oz. con, 20c. ~ Grapefruit Juice •:=· 13"' T""' "'*-lrond. 46.os. can, 30c. t';l)!j·, .. \,) •.' • "ONE Gdon TERM DESERVE ANOTHER" -. . ·!' i . . -. . . ' -"' ... -' • • . ' • . . I . I t ' • • ~· • -· • 1 ;~ "'*™ ~ lOttieer ..i!'.*i"'..!.i' .. :r:. ~-= ~ W1estwanl Ready ted Dildribator -to ---... ,., "--:..-South· · -Pen Set ~ bland wlMft Ilia wife aDd. •O \JCUIBC , .... · ""' children liwd c1ur1nc -., M Rae La ~t. Col. Hubert ~-Yomell.. wbo ~ <:OClfllct. 1beir home Is at 2f BY e ter ~ llUpplJ> -al the IV Oarpo After the end ot the I~ Looldn& spanking new am! ~tty In Italy durin& the ~t Campoi&n, LL Cot Yamdl WU bricht In a completely refinlah job, ..,.tllct, has bem appointed -placed In charse ot a pedrinc am! -lnterion stripped. ftlJlac<d am! tribut<>r for five llOUlhem ooun-. . I • -•-~~.... Weatwud d the non-spill .inJcWeU• and pen cratina: depot for re-t.hlpmmt oi ·~~ the rats t &ince beln& A,...., _ _, from millt&IY equipment to the Aaladc beautifully l'1 a .Up at the Bohman :. service -.---"' I Company aa If ready to go out · co, ........ ct. and look for a race. "One (;ood Term Deserves Another" RE-ELECT • L •. : L. ISBELL Independent, Capable, Forthright Isbell Stands On His Record. He Represents the Whole City. He is Thia sracetul ~footer, which bu 1ucceaively been a yawl, ICbooner, ketch and finally a cut- lei, Is all rigged out now, aflei ~ergolng the winter re<ondltl<>n- ing ordered by her owners. Mr. knd Mrl. Bob Miller, the origlnaton of Helene of Hollywood. womens·' underthings, so 'tis said. The Millers take espedal pride in having things just right aboard the sleek looking craft. for they plan a cruile to IOUthern waters in t.he not too distant·futUtt. 1bey have installed a new Grey marine motor. , 1be Westward was build by Stone of San Francisco in 1915. A previous owner let her go without care for some time until recently bought by the Millers .. They may race her at a later date, it ls rumored. . an Experienced Business Man . His Years of local citizenship enable him to understand the many difficult prob 1 ems confronting Newport Beach in the years ahead. Baell: llome Mfe alter a barro•inc trtp from 8 anta Bart.n 111 &be reae""ed 61 ..ia. Per hour. Wm. W. Taylor ot Beaeoa Bay, owner of tf.e are abowa apoa tbelr re.tuna. Bftldee Taylor. 1-.ek Muon, Tommy Bo the harbor repoa. G. A. Bers of Saa.ta 8artliara and C:.aus Sprecldes or (Pho! of a pie •·hicb at times oe e and his party or lh and W. U. ()a.lkl" from Dleco &re shown aboard. courtesy of L. A. Times) • Isbel' Has the Courage of his Convictions and Expresses Them ., 'I ELECTION APRIL 9th, 1946 • • LET'S WORK FOB INDUSTRIAL PEACE Men want to work. Manqemeot wantl to produce. The public wanta to buy. The counli"J' "1Ulta prosperity. Yet Cood rim• have been held up bJ an qoay of 1trikM. Strik• breed bitten>-••• buoier • , , and eoonomio 1taanation. Por tbe 1ako of our oountry, let'• chafl4e dlia f O>.•n•e it faaL Time i1 runni~ out I Let'1 work out a way to pt -and keep -induatrial peace and prosperity. THI FIRST STEP Ian 't a eound national labor Policy • , • one that treats worken and manage- ment euctly alike and above all ono that i1 fair to the public ••• the 6nt acep towud that peace? Sincerely believini this to be ao, we otler this prog.ram for peace and p~ ductioo and prosperity: f 1. Make employen and uniono equal in reoponeibility under the low. 2. Let Concreoo eet the rulee for ,..,.., ioe collective baraainin,. free from coercion and violenoe, and then let •av· ernment eoJoroe tbeae rulM with etriot imputiality. 3. Provide Mfecuardo for the publio qaimt etrik .. or boyootta uioine bun di.put• between uniona. 4. lnoun apinot 1trilooo l•ntil all ord..- ly prooed...-.. for MttlioC dioputeo hav. been exbauated.. Your repreoeotati.,.... In Concreo• ha,,. the power to eetobliob tbi1 pettem for an eoduriq ood a fair labor peaoe. Let them know bow you feel about it. Urge them to act promptly on lqialatioo to Include tbeee four pointa. l'ime alone won't bring ioduttrial pnoe. Doing oothin• won't brio' it. Positive action ia the only way. For your own uke and for tbe future of our country, let )'Our voice be beard I ..... A "'""7· Hlliorilotl .. i..Nkt ntitlff "Tlc Pdlk •" /Nu. trio/ Peoa," ,;,,., foll '4toJh I( tJW ,._,,..,., lado~•t ~~ ..,,_ ,..., f., ktisloheo. It ;, • wfrd _.._.....for '"'7 dMon , ,,_,,.. t/Mi""o•, •r tr.•1 IHMr. A ,.,1c.N Wi•ts It. A""'"': N.d...J A..0- otin I( M••of-ren, U Wnt f!lllo Strut, N.. Yori 20, N. r, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTUBEBS For a Better To-.orrow for Everybody ' • . . . ' ' • • • • H B Air Scouts [Sant Ana by Bert Harding, Jr., • • pilot. nd Wallace Hammaker. co-Assigned 'Fortress' pilot. ter which it will be decom-ed and turned over to the For . Tra1"n1"ng Josep Rodman Post No. 113, Amer can Legion of Huntington Word was recr:ivcd today by lo- cal Scout Headquarters that the government has assigned a B-17 Bea vrhich sponsors the first Air Scout Squadron ~o be organized in Council. F lying Fortress with complete 4 or Newport Beach Cub equipment to the Orange Empire were guests at the Mc- Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amer-' home near the Santa Ana ica, for use in pre-flight training On Fria'.ay evening for a and instruction of Air Scouts in roast. Those present were this Council, according to Hugh 1 Ti;mn-1.. M. Wilcox, Scout Executive. Tunnell, Tom Perkins, This plane now located at Boe-Tedd McMasters and Terry Gib- ing Field, Sea ttlt!, will be flown to son. 24-Hoar dio Service «Jll ... A1l'l'O, lllAmJIE 108 ..... R.Norton 918 oq... ••• ~ 1117 N Bx+, QllH. 1--- WOMEN W NTED! NOW TRAINING NEW FAC LADIES' FINE SP AND DRE OR OUR RY RTSWEAR ES Single Needle Operators, p,..,,...,rs, Help in all De- partments. Clean, light, airy ctory. Best work- ing conditions, the kind or s · undings you will be happy to work in. Ex.ce ent pay if experi- enced. If not experienced, we · gladly teach and pay you while learning. Usted here are addltloaal fea to make your work t e Lunch Room e H pitaliZation In-, surance Plan e Nurse in Attendance at All Times e Publi . Address Sys- tem e Music ·Whil You Work e ·Transportatiqn G N~ Door to P. E. Station and Alf use& [ · 1¥'1Nkh YCllll'¥1f now -a pei•vnt all Yfllll' 'roua job -I . APPLY IN PE N NOW MAURICE-E ED.ETT U .. !n-'415F.l,_m .... -·~ .... 11 "Ve~ Only" .t.;Day Sale Planned At Air Base on Cafe, Market Equi~nt SANTA ANA.-l'.llocbaipd wt--tlft bQJolo to Ille l!'.d.!i eram will set !Int -to bqy otnee. Price tap will be a Poot Ex~ equl~t In a '-to ~ to be oOid. AD pm- day sale beginnina March ~ at ct.zze1 can be do.cl ln oDe day • the Santa Ana Anny Air Bue, It ~t Wm be In eaoti, certl&d WU announcod today by Coloael cbeck or postal 1DODOY order. Al Wll1lam C. Farnum. commandin& aoon u b<l)'ftS plunk down their otfk.er. . money they can take borne what· Colonel Farnum declared. "This evcr they haOe boughL equipment can be used in restuar-*·-------ants, cafes. offices, beauty shops, service stations. meat markets. fountains and stores. It's all in good condition and can be pur... chased well under the. market 35 Night Classes Offered At SAJC Starting Monday price." The sale will1be conducted ac- cording to regulations of the Anny Exchange Service and is designed to give U., veteran a break. Equl~ ment not sold during the four days allotted to discharge<l servicemen will be offered to civilian buyers at Registration for the third qu&r: tei of the evening dlvillcm at the.• Santa Ana junior' college Will be held Monday ailcl Tuesday,. Jlarch 25 and 26 from 6:30 to s· p. m., a~ to Miss Genevieve Hum- iston, re&iatrar. a later date. Colonel Farnum emphasized. that veterans who buy must sicn a Approximately 35 courWa Will statement that they will not retell be offered in ten departments. ac- the equipment. It ta to be used b>rdin& to ~.Humiston. O•ne1 either in new business ventures, will ~ open m ~ commerce, en-. homes or in established businesses. gineermg, l~. mathepiatlcs. 'Ibe ·sate will start at 8 a. m. mus.le, . psycholoCY, public . speak· March 26. Only veterans are lng, IClence -'4 social sdel)ce.. - eligible. 11ley mUlt present dis-' charge papen before they will be · allowed to buy. Officers on terml-For I atfice supplies. •~ the naJ leave likewise qualify. Men News-1;'lmes. · ' and women still in the service p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; cannot make purchases. ROSSl ·'S Liquor Store lnstructjons as to how the sale will be conducted and where the equipment can be inspected will be given at the main P . X. office at 7 :45 a. m. by Captain Lawrence Bry810t. Post Exchange Officer. Guards at the gate will. direct lOOS ec.at Hlway \.) llllle -ot tho &dleo Cl--~ STEAKS - - ,. ... ~. '" , ...... OUR SPECIALTY • GENUINE HOT BUTTE B 111·1 L ll CAKES e Complete Luncheon-Mc • Open 7 to 7 -Sundays 8 to 5 @'~ BREAD-TIME STORIES ( K!_T£REN _T!ICK > ----~?• 0'""'"'")...4~~ ------- llEING SllGHTLY °" the llron11 sld•, Australian spinach nffd1 something to tone it down. Mince an onion, brown i n 111ar1orlne, then odd drained, chopped 1pin· ach. Mix will ond Mrvl hot. Good with regular tplnoch, too. ADD AIOUT three toblHpoon1 of cream 1llver pollth to o diohpan of t t hot water, then soak f your lar9e pieces of silver In lt for twenty minutea. Cleans them beautifully and saves extro rubbing. STEAMED "IAKED" APPLES 4 appl11 1 Yo c. eugcir (or lea) Pinch of tall -1 c. water Core. a pp lei, then cut a line r . from top of appl1 complotoly around uin just dHp enough to penetrate akin. Place in saucepan, fill CON with augar and add woter. Cover, then cook 15 minutes, basting every 5 111iftutes. Appl11 will be plump and fl,.. but -like they wore bakod. l TO~~T _T_Il'!) ·: .-.-rr.J..A.-rl" ·.-.·.· JeiEAMED FOODS an t-arw juot 'twice "' good when the•-11 .....i. with Weber'1 1-d lread. Weber'• a._.i •-to a clelicata cri-- makes a tender, cr-vnchy baM for cr-d dlohes-ond -•-0-0-0 good I ' • • . • NWWWI M 1 MA pUllLJC Ncmaa Puauc: Nonc:E Retin!d Sea Captain, The' n . .L'_llurt.., • Said rate to be 1n off.ct 1n the ~~In Ireland, ~IUU fYI) Jnil J xonca : Newport Hart>cr Union Ht ch B Friday · u . t Ids• Cl b H or IMJllOOL ICLSCl"ION -Dlstrld far the ,._ IM&-I , n 0 m u . ouse I NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1947. 1947-1968. 1-1949. 1-0.pt. Artlfur Fort>eo, 7J, cllod . to the ~ fi<ctan ol New-1950; that for bolcllng Aid elec-S.....,.,. ........ at an Qranse -. 1 prt Hutu Union ID&h School tlc!n. the Aid N.Wport Jlubor pitaJl He wu a -U kmwn fir On a ~ owdookin& Dr. W1111am BOlbe, on the < Iliatrlct ol the Count;y o1 e>ranae, UniOo IDgh School District ol ure fn the Harbor ans Where be the bay, wblcll be calla tM -Mtuna oc..nocraphlc ""'l!Odition, State ol Callfomia, that In ..,. Orange County, California, llhall had been reoJ estate cleoltt, . .cm-aorseous panorama o1 -. ha>'. be _., much o1 bis tJmi. wallr- _.sance with law, on election will be divld<d Into three wttnc I'""'" merda1 ~ and wu at one hills and mountalm la Cal!fNnia, Inc ~ ... the bottom " the be held on the 17th clay· ol May, dncts. time lcanilidate. for t'1e dty coun· Don Dickennan, wbo bo!llt and ocean In a belmet, ....,., p1aoea as 1946, In Aid District, between the Pre c I nc t No. 1 comprisin& cl!. for 1 the put two yeen be ....,. four ol the -~ and eoca. Island and Galla-. boun or 7 o'clock "-M. and 7 Orange County voting lftC(ncta. madoj hla home at 2105~ Santa unique rondezvous In GreeaJrid> aDd bu ... intimate relationship o'clock P . M., during wbidl period Newport Beach, Noo. 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, Ana avenue, CGota Ill-. Village In New York and Ml•ml, wjtb the de<p -Don and fauoa, and be.....,, whldl boun the poU. 8, 9, aod 11, in which i!ftdnct tM n,j. "'1ired -cal>tain wu bu been the object o1 -cur-wbich be u paintin& In IUOb llhall remain open, at which qeo-polling place shall be Iii the care-bon>J ln lftland ol Scotch parents, loollY -icen In his •tran&'e man-,.j,imalcal fonn on the walls or tlon tbett I will be 1ubmltted the taker's garage ·located on Flf· his t th« being a coast r;uards· euven anJlDld the former Mona's hil clubrooms. He wu awvded qwstlon at shall the maximum teenth S treet on oald •ch b 0 I man. an4 the son became a cabin cafe above the ~ canip. a life menhenhlp in the Now rate ot tax 'tor l8ld District be In-groundl In oald District. boy and continued to follow the The IDJ"teriolla truckloods or Yoi-k Zoo1qpca1 IOciety for the ere-frcm s. 75 per each $100.00 Pre c Inc t No. 2 comprlllne 1ea <P.itil he wu captain or hla nautlcal, piratical and betlcb· Mll'k done co that expedition, and w•-valuation. to $1.45 per Orange County votin& P"dncll, own ihlll) both In sail and steam. comller l'&T that ha~e 110ftO up claims that Father Neptune dis- each $100.00 awwd valuation to Newport Beach, N09. 6. 10, 12, 7, He aJf1o Salled Oil the G?Mt Lakes. the · hill to what was once the covered the first ' 1"DID&D-not IJ'OYlde for the purpooe ot: and 13, lo whldl pttdnct the poll-Sw;vivjng are the widow, Maria; Irvine Country club finally ~ Adam In the Garden or Eden. BW!dlng achoo! bulldlngs; Ing place shall be In the mal!> en-a """j Edwin. and three daughters, to irk our curloolty. Wbeb we lletumina' to Hollywood to be I , 'Fhe maklnc or alteratlon1 or ad-trance of the Corona del Mar Mauryne, Maggie and Rene, and ventured up there the other cloy tecbnicaJ cllrector co a buccaneer dlUODI to the achoo1 bulldlnc or School on Carnation Street In six J<tandchlldren, all ol Ohio. to set at the bottom ot ft all, we picture, he opened hla Mermaid's buildings; Corooa del Mar. FWlera'1 oervlceo were held found this happy fellow up to his Mqlc Kettle In i_.,.., plannina The IUPPlylnc ot adlool build-Pre c I n c t No. 3 oomprloin&, lut ~day at 1 :30 p.m. from the neck In about 15 dftterent things a •trlni: ol them, but the war 1ngs with furnltutt or _.ry Orange County voting prednctl, HaroJil K. Graeel dlapel, with the at once. . took the cu aod tires olf the apparatul; Coota M..., NOi. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Rev. Ivan Willlama, pastor or the He had all manner ol shapel or road. Since then be bu had the 'lbe Improvement or 1 c boo I 7, 8, and 9, and the polling pla F irst Chrlltlan church of Corona, driftwood wl1lch he had converted "Wooden Shoe" co Sunaet Blvd. .,..,.,.,.i.. l!halJ be located at the Main offidattnc. Into dancin& &frls wltli old cork In Hollywood, "0.p'n Dm's Mer- of this Clean, Famlly Newspaper THI OIBlmAN 5aENa M~ -·----..-·········-·····-...... ____ ·····-·······-··---····---····· ...... ····· 0 ----.7r~1 ' .... 0 ........... . _... aA U' I_. -fl heado and rtsbnet IW<lllP! amua-mald" In Santa.Monica, decorated P N Ing anJmals. and "swirl dancers" --.! restaurant&, dNlcned cera· _u_,,B_L_1c ___ o_TI_C_E ____ 1 made into tampo; natural comu· mks, been palntfn& -'"lts, coplas and fUll rlqed sblpo made murals, wrltlnc a .. r1.. ol chil· on Nineteenth Street, CGota M.... out ol cork. Bell...., ft or not. clrel's boob, ud a pirate radio That Mrs. Anna G. Bodman will this fellow Dickerman wu carv· serial He has been lookfnc abeed act i(o Impector and Mrs. Emily In& a fl1Ure ot a pnndna por-and plonnlnc for a "~t McGavren and Mn. Lillian Gant poise out ol. wood with ~ axe! home anchorace" and Mys '"this wll1 t ct u Juda;es of oald election hD or ..,_ o-r II re&lly ltl" and conduct tl)e Sime In oald Pre-'lbe porch ol the tarp old 1111111-··~ ,Collum d nct No. 1; oald llllpector and slon wu crammed with Ill oorta Dlckennan'1 silent (but v..,, Juda;e1 belns competent perlOlllJ ol wooden pirate !{WW, neb, charmlnsl partner sharee hla Ion and 'qualllled electon of oald chains, ropes and everythfnc .Im· ol boats and ''blue -tor." 'A School Dlltrict. residing In oald q!nable frcm pirate Iott. Where craduate ol Annapolll, and ~ Precinct No. 1. he eot It wu not worth rlsltln~ cently retfftd from the navy, That Mn. Isabel Andrews will act a question, but the "'5Ult of his Commander Frank H. O>bum fl a.s Inspector and Mrs. Anne· Ander-cenius in lhaPlns a beachcomber's an old chum ot Dlckennan's from son Q-owl and Mn. Velma Ga~es hideout into an exclusive dinner New York, wbue they 'tftre asso- Cau wtll act u Judges of said club rendezvous "Wu undmiable. dated ln the entertainment busi- election and conduct the same ln It is an arts and craftsman's ness. He is an ardent yachtsman said Precinct No. 2; said Inspec-laboratoey-, and a delight to the and sparts-fisherman. Their wives ------------------------tor and Judges being competent artistic. share their enthusiasm for "Cut- ,......-------------------.----, penons and Qualified electors ot Now, this fellOW' Dickerman aways." and they att like four said! School Distrct, residing ln really has something. He won't kids With a new toy. • DIESEL SERVICE DIESEL MOTOR SALES RE-BUILT DIESEIB PHONES Office: Newport :<168 Res.: Newport 20M-W 1301 Coast Highway Newport Beach said Precinct ~o. 2. let the public in yet to see what Coburn had his own band, heard Ttlat Mrs. J ennie Baird will act he LI doing, but the creator and for many years over national as Inspector and Mrs. Sally Hines-operator of so ,many colorful book-ups, having had some of the' Iy abd Mrs. Margaret Myers will restaurants and night clubs. in best spots in the east, such BS· act as Judges of said election and N~ York, Wash.lngton, Miami the Rainbow Room of Rockefeller conduct the same In said Precinct and Hollywood (1be Pirates' Den Center and the original Embassy No. 3; said Inspect'or aD(l J udges in the latter ) ~ with a wide Club in !New Yort:. He has also bt>lng competent persotW and quali-grin that i.;us will .. be called ~e been seen and heard in pictures fied electors of sald School Dis-"C'astaways Club, an exclusive and on the stage. and has made trict. residing in said Precinct eat ery with an infonnal atmos-many Victor records. No. 3. phe re. ga~ but quiet ~d refin~. T!te "Castaways' Club" with its I N WrrNESS WHEREOF, w e like walking into a im:vate s_tudio. theme of the "Roma nce of the have-hereunto set our hands this In the early twenties, Dicker-Seven Sees" should be a paradise 15th day ot March, 1946. man built and ran four of the for yachtsmen and sports-fisher- Slgned: most amusing and popular of old men. Dickerman hopes to finish D. J. OODGE areenwichk ViCl1llage renBohduvmious thin his a pparently endless job by la te A. H . Ft l"ZJ"ATRlCK New Yor ty. e a. · e spring and open on Decoration J . A. BEEK largest ~~ 111on B~~;'"'ay '. wh0eolre day. , WILLARD B. MELLOTT he fea tu..a""'"' e onua - BRADEN FINCH Iegiana and Tony :>arg's Marion- Board of Trustees of New-ett es. On the smart' upper east port Harbor Union H igh sJde, he built the Heigh-ho club, School District of Orange where he gave Rudy Vallee his County, California. s tart and h&q all these going at Miss Edna Walker of Beverly H ills spent the weekend with her · parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, 27th street. Pub..r-M.arch 21, 28, 1946. once. d Mrs. A. B. Wilson of Beverly In Washington, D. C., an Miami, Fia ., he built the famous Hills ia a guest for two Weeki at "Pirates' Dens," also the original the home of her sister, Mrs. L. L. Pirates' Den in Hollywood six Isbell, 1305 Ea.St Ce ntral aVenu. , • -, ""' BARROW'S· ' , 1816 • ewport Blvd.. ·. RESS ES .For e Tiny Tots 1 l!ll lll lll 1111111 111 Jilli ' • Sizes l 1 to 6 • . ~~Have A Complete Line I or Dry Godds • Shoes Sp rtswear .. I Costa Mesa Lad·ies S,we:aters · by KORU 100% .Wool • Latest Spring Colors • ' lltl9lllal111Hl llll Shoes For Misses and Women • TW·O STEPS 70 TNE uNDS yean ago, with ten star &tock· She ill recuperating from a recent holden , but he was not happy that \ ~flln;;;;;;ea;;;.;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;jf;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ far bun the water froot and sold out and went back to F1orida. • Wllere be built hla east c:Oast Cast· c t ,-t I · ·Neighbor··· Barrows • p1c11 1' - ,10. ·~~ • ............ _______ yoo'IHa411oo ' ......... ...,. .. .. ..................... .. f....., ............ ,.. .......... ""--.... , ••• .... '-'•1• ,_ .... ,.....,. -~ ................. .., .......................... ~il&M ..... ,.. ..... .. --,... ..... ALL-AMlllCAH BARBECUE SJ4H DI LUXI "MOHAWK .. COLLAPSllLE Gii.iLL .... $1.tS SflCIA&. $§9S Spit .._.._ '° s.lx pos.ltk>N • • • rrid llCftust.bS. to two pali~ _ .• for hilh or low fire ••• si.a• 11 ·in.xll·in. ~ ~t ,,. ... tonstn.ictlon. LMC1 40-l'OUldl .M; . •211 at•ICG.AL. I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• POUllNC CAMP C9T Sft9S ( COLEMAN LANTERNS :,~: .............. '791 • DOUll.a 'tJttl IURNll ..•••••• , ••.•• ' Colem.f! 1.ntems for the out-of. ~ tM~ ... Cnoline ••• inst•nt llshttn1. ALL-METAL TO'F WALKER '1091 All-meial c:cmtructton ..• 2-tonl 11Nmei finish • • • Rubb.r-tiNd '#hffls ... Removable hlndl1 •.• Flnti qum lity and appuranc. , •• A $I 2.95 vallJI. ........... ......... CLOTHES Dll:ll '1091 ....... _ •P91t , •. ·-~ .. I O~lt. _,.. dtf, "WATllHOUSI" . ' llVOLVIHC CL~f1ES DllYEll 100.tt.I c••dtt •.• -·~-....... ~-··· -"-r""-. ' aways• Club at Melbourne, which 0 n gr a u a I n· he claims Ls the only place in the i United States that i.s like a South Sea Island village--and a com· plete vacation in one spot. Having been staf!·artfst with 0 n y JHllWIH·WIWAMI' SCREEN ENAIE,l Nnr aa1111 coc .,,. ..,..,, ,,.,,.,. .................... ---a-.OIS-Y 9lack """• ..... app1W TODAYwill-,.._ ... ,, I ---~pillll .. ... ....,.... ___ ,,. -I u.. s.. ..... _ ........ .. ........... 77 67c Quart . Balboa Paint Store HARRY JAMES • n: C. MacKenzie Ree.I Estat~Loans Carr's Feed Store FonmrlJ' Abbott'• · Alpha Beta Store Grocerfa, Meat, Fruit, Vocetables Boulevard Feed Store C. M. Nellm · J. E. Barnes & Son Ree.I Estate -1-aance H. W. Wright 1748 Newport Blvd. BraddT,s . Barber and Beauty Shop D. C. J. Carter Dentflt • Costa Mesa Furniture New and Uaed Ji'Umltun> Eva F. Rhoden Real Dtate Ceeta Mesa Pharmacy A. L. P1nkley Costa Mesa Tire Shop 2'-Hour Jl<alpPnc Oetlcw Welcome Cafe Dinner Duce Wed. • $at. Davie-Gay Music Co. ~ In --Soo!Dd" Andy's Beauty Shop Jl.obol .luid<l--123 -... B,oadway Cieanen F. D. Eutmu-1'11. 1347-J Western Auto Stores Mr. -Kn. w. c. 'I'lmler Jay's Radio Service lW Jf_,.., Bis& ·ft. UTJ-W KaV'a Kitchen 1.IM -¢gg ·~ ._ TeW'mkle Hanhrue r New Store· Dutton's Gliocery d Meat-Frult-Vecetabi.. elma's Malt Shop / Thelma Watson S. E. Eaton <)oaapool & Septic Tank SerW» oward W. Gerrish Insurance ot All Klndl A. W.Gibbon Real Estate -tnsuruoe Gingham Cafe OUcken Pie pim..n Hi-Way GJnge I Edwin c. ·Edldt I .W. T. Jefferson --A. E. Johnaton Rftl Estate Stuart H. Price Mm'• and Boyw' Clothlna Polly Apparel Gqbel't -Leah Brown QuaHty Bakery .Tiie -In Baited Goodl Rm1ell Realty Die -c.qe -G. N. Sarge's Cafe f·~ 8;;; s.:p Kn..nmSmltb esa Cleaners A. It Gliicru l'llone 235>W ' . Mauray Studio ~--. ~ ·Harry W. Taylor I Plnmhlnc ' Kid's Cafe Dll1'cwpw&Bhtl. LOOck.s. kzala; a It M > • Mattoon Shoe Store Shoes for the Entire Fami)y Myrehn Bros. Service Station 17th It Newport Blvd.-Coota ¥- Modem Shoe Repair M. L. Vaughn Mesa Radio & Electronics ~ "Satll!led Radio Service" Nina's Flower &.Gift Shop . 2'38 Newport Blvd. · Orkin'a Department Store Hanahaw's Richfield Station I ·Stop Complete Service Viehle Plumbing & Sheet Metal . Mn. Viele Robert A. Crawford, Opt. D. 1'191 Newport Blvd.--Optometrilt-Coota - Bastanchury Water Co. '11\mooi Artesian aod Super Dlatllled Drlnldns Water eo.ta Mesa Paint & Hardware Mr. -Kn. 1'. A. W.W. Gua Beach Hancock Station Fh9tone Procluctl and Hancodt Gu , Groty Appliance Co. FrlPl*e Uid Maytag o..Jer Low man Boat Builders N. L. 1-, Ptopo;lo!tiat' Costa Meaa J.wnber Co. R..E.-- Mesa Recreation -.Prop. Ull 1'-pwt ---.1 p.a .. U p.-. Boalevard ~ Store Ml Ne•prt --'Tap d the BID" . Denni& Hogland Dodce-Pl1nlautb J'>ooler Metzger Stena fta t ••-•• llKtl 1• Jfc•l"Wt ...._ i. Crawley Furniture • • 1111 .• .,.;ca ...... I -, • J • • • l • • • • ,, . r-. • - I Mrs. E:;;; dohnson. Local Missionary, , IH ' ···-b. F i • n. rte Act v1· 1. es ~~~r F~~~~~t J!i=a~~~= L°ii~ ·Speaks on hin~a!_!'SCS M~tingth .,_ J H.I i ar or em· I I ' . N~ Glrlt ~-~ L~I~--)i'olilb ..... ·-thely,, -a-llln. EmllF Job•-"""" ~· at 10:30 a.m. wt ~ . ="r=· ~-_ .. -~ ~ wt.> -a mlalonary the study IMlok, "Ibo CZ-Owr + I 1637 R Juliette Low· World Friendllhlp c1n:1e ot frimdo. other lldta " . ta~ 01i11a far :10 ,_.. and Africa." Aftennrd there ::J I ~ 1ll 11111 D + Bf WIDlfnd Barbn _ Pbone • rally at tbe N..._t IP'ammar brouclit In tint aid . wart<. ond J In round table ·dloo-llon of A Ora Co F . I H Sh is aub Hears-achool audltorilltn ~--IOllP ~ --bl' the.Gld ....... led after the · apanese -~ Bride and Groom t nge unty air ana orse ow . 19 • ..itb Mrs. FAcar a.. Hill, Ju-~ . • ~ .... -alter at the after· Baker'• account ot 'IJllide Japan I I J ""23 A'd '"'-Hr Can c1 · . sreakl'!rs On u ~-'-·-'" = lbe ...._. __ ~ ................. ~1on -;,t' the Nownnrt --0 ~-Ula After Surrender." ' Home On Balboa s . une ,.,..,_ to. 1 , .:.Uun., cer m1c T •tte i.o.. ~-u ..... ~ . --a -.-•· u, ~ ~-•w --d eace A1·ms A-17:5 Girl Seouta. -Mn. Ralph Deav.r1 Troop T, w-·a Sodety ot a.rtotl&ll n.. writer, wt.> ii blahop ot ~ Maldnc their ·home at 2201!1 Proceedl from the o.._ .-. ot which Ille ii manqer, . ~ and motben attendod. dr•-In their &r'Oen unl(om. • --lett -et Mar momber o! the Fed Mr and Mn. County Fair and Hone S-. and which will he held In tbe Mu-• ......i Hlshllght of the nUy wu the aJ!d ocarlet tlet, which mlijle a Cua. area. wu a ' 1 Abalone avenue are · 1eheduled !or June 20 through 23, nldpal BoWI In Santa Ana. Mem-~-.-:-1 Klwanlanl and illtrodnctkm of ''Skipper" Allen, plctureque endlns to tbe -· Kn. D. W. Boltll)o '* d"ed at era! . Council of Churches whlclj Herbert Hutchinp, wi.-mar-will he utilized !or orpnlzatlon of hen ot Leaa-awdllarles In Ana· .,...a ....,, Ila~ to "-two part-thne executvle director of raJ17.' I the meetlnl. wrucn drew 8n at-vlllted Japan at the Invitation._"~ riap took place ~Uy at the a cancer c11nlc (« the entltt helm. Fullerion. Oranp, Newpo<t H High ~taro dell-prize-Girl Scouting In this area. Mn: Leaden and co-leaden ...._ ~ o! 60 memben, and Mn. Ouistian lea<Jen o! that counu-yl home 01 the bride 1 pannta, Mr. county, It wu Bnnoimc:ed this Harbor ,and Huntlnstoo Beadt •peecneo ~t their meettng Allen Wked brie!ly on the round-tiwly ot the tr'OO(lO are, Troop 1, John Flochner led In clevotionall: He personally inlervl.Wed Genj and Mn. D, C ~en. 7fi1 Weat week at a luncheon ' at Padflc will take part In the varioul di· held unclay ~ at Whlt.-1 inc of Girl Scouting 34 Y'!an a1i> Mn. Ben s_,.. and Mn.·~ An lnterestlnc co11ect1on of idolo MacArthur, Emperor. Hirohito ""'! 'Eichteen:i,,•~~ c;-ia M~ Coaat dub, Long Beach, IJ)(llllCftCI vllkJna ot the. county-wide event, COii . ~-1.'.'.,_Ball~-"wlll'•ncl in Savannah, Ga., by Mn. Juliette k.U Glbaon; Troop 2, Mrs. Pi.irws. -~ by Mh. JohnfOn and other dignitaries and rellcJoui Mn. Hut P onner by Mrs. Jamea Irvine and attend-with the Harbor' branch putic!u-Buz ~~~. wiN aoon Low In whose memory the World Morey; Troop 3, Mn. Hul>bar4 Ille told aboUt them, but -of leaden. He paid trlbUte to the Ruth Allen. ed by nearly 300 n\emben of the l"l'ly tnt ..... ted in the flower di· enter ty elinjinations In the Frlendobip fund wu started. ' H<>lft; Troop 4, Mrs. H. P . Ytii-• her Wk wu about the Door of gener.i and the GI'• and told Rev. Carl Johnoon performed Assistance L<queo!Orans!ecoun-vllloo. Uona ub oratorij::al oonteat, and lbe p-.at need for equipment nell and Mn. Alfttd E. GU....· H<>PO at SJlanshal, a reocue home IOD!ethlng or the opportunltltt, the_c:ettmOn)' for which the bride ty and bullnea and dvlc leaden. Namlns of the Aalatance Redmond ~ to deliver and lmJtonm for girls In war-torn tioop 5, Mn. Harold Haitz anci for liril-' problems and responaibilitie1 ooa-~ a white IUit with black ac-Thll ill the !Int tO he held llnce Le to~ the cancer c11nlc their lions on, "My ilftponll-countries was point.cl out to the Mn. Howard BaW; Troop 6, Mn. IUpooU of the recent con!erence Iron ting the United Nation1. ce11Mie1 and an ~ coraage. 1941. ,... ~uded both by Mrs. Nixon blllty u a 'I' 0 u D ~ Amerbn glr1". who had been collectinc pen· Walter Cole and Mrs.. H.....,. of the We1tern juriodlctlon held In Next month the study group will Mrs. ~ Fadar. wter ot ~n to ""' the league's and by Dr. Edward Lee Rmaell. Tow World Peace. .,.. !or the !uncl, and. each ot the Hmre; 'l'rooP 7, Mn. Ralph' DM· ~ A.ncele1 were brought by Mrs. begin the Bible study or "Divin• the bride, wu matron or honor and !undo to back the cancer project county health officer, -de-11 tr'OO(lO pinned a cokr!11J aock wr; Troop S. Mrs. Ewtttt N- Leonard Harsnve, who attended Fatherhood." This m .. tln&. will he Norman Rutchinp acted u beat followed an .-by Mrs. Stan-partment Is · 1ntett1ted In oeeiDC Me Red C'roi;s to cootalnlng their pennies to a and Mn. WlllWn Trusty; Troop u a delopte. April 10 at Mar Casa and the man !or hll brother. hope Nixon of Santa Barbara. the c11nlc plan developed In Or-H p ti k D • dothealine arranged on the plat-9, M1"I Don>t!Q' Davll, Mrs. R. S. Preceding the oack lunch with speaker will be Mill Betty Rua, The bride ill a gnduate o! New-commander o! the Cali!ornia divl-once county. a e 0 UC 10ner !arm !or this purpooe. A total Pridham and Mrs. Doris Rapn; bot drlnko lurnllh<d by the Balboa a nusSJonary on furlough from Port Harbor Union High school . of the American Cancer So-Present !rom Nowport Harbor " of $40.43 was colloded. Troop 10, Mn. E. A. Dudley an4 laland drde, the study group met Abica. and Santa Ana Junior oollege. Mr. ~~.who told of.the urgent need branch of ·the Asab~ League Th annual meetini of th.e Costa After this 'cerernoriy each troop Mn. Plese': Troop 11.-t Mra. Ray Hutchings has received hi5 dis-for such a clinic ln this county. were the Mesdames Marion Flem-M_esa ranch, Amei1c.an_ Red croa gave a thJ'ee..rninute .sk:it. Troop Harvey and Mn. Kmnetb JobJt.. S04 Manne Avenue Balboa Island -Phone 182'7 Open Saturday> Until May 1st Closed on ?.1onday BEAUTY WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE , -RAINY WEATHER NEEDS- RAINCOATS -FO~ MISSES and WOMEN • UMBREtLAS Good Selection g,RKIN'S Department Store 1'79S Newport Boulevard OOSTA MF.SA That Broad ( J I I Shouldered Tailored look in a CALIFOINIA CLASSIC SLACISUIT by GRAFF • • A amooth·fitnng. ' Mty-g<>ing otyi. In -obod• I tor •~•ry·weu. FITZPATRICK'S charge after 18 mooths in the Mn Nix pointed out µtat 35 log Dixon SmJth George Yard-will held at the FT1day After -6, of which Mrs. Walter Cole ii 90ll. European theater. . t on! dea•1..-from the dis-Jey' Everett Gardiner, J. Addison noon ubhouse, !1arbor boulevard. leader and ·Mrs. HaITY Howe as- Troop 6, Costa Mesa, Plans Benefit Show per cen ° u... · • Wal Costa Mesa on Monda)', l\larch ~5. -•-t t, ph ized th th r Sin 1938, th 50 ease are preventable through ex-Gurley, C. M. Deakins, ton A po luck dinnet will be served :ua an em as e eme o ce more . an per aminaUon and education, adding Hubbard jr.. Port~r Durkee, at 6. with Mrs H B McMurtry the meeting when · they sang a cent Of all livestock receipts at that the clinic would follow both George Holstein jr .• William White in A ·, · · d b 1 song, "Make New Friends" and stoclcyards were hauled by ·mo- ot these programs. jr., Houston Witherspoon, Willard ti ge:.vmp~am an Co us -~~ss each G.frl Scout escortesf a Chi-tor trueks, the United States D&. Mi's Irvine told ~hose attending I Killion, Robert Walker, E . M. m~ 0 , w. mmi ee nese, Duteh, Scotch, Greek and partment of Agrlcultute repcrt3. A two months' scrap paper and the m~ting ot elaborate plans be-Harvey, Stanley Chambers, M.. A. ~t e~d ~e ,nomi~ating ~-.... -------------------------• r ag drive was started ·this week ing made for the fair and horse Abbott and H. E . Olristler. M ic by J::~ ~~:. :~~r ai • by Boy Scouts ol Troop 6. Costa . • L G B ti Ne rt Harbor Union High W E L C 0 M E Mesa. to raise funds for troop Mrs. R1tch1e Hostess t. ov. _ar n_e schoo and -°"' flag salute by CAFE members 'lo go to Camp Ro-Ki-Li At Bridge Luncheon Host to K1wan1ans Scou from Troop Six will open 2560 Newport. Blvd., Costa -- on an "earn your own way" pro-the am. All persons purchas-Phone 4SS-M gram. The government still bad-Mrs. Gerald Ritchie. 1415 First Lieutenant Governor Russell embershlp In the Red cross Finest Place to Dine Jy needs this ma ter ial and Scouts Bartine of Division Four of Ki-t month are especially in-~ will gladly call tor bundles it noti-avenue, Corona del Mar. entertain- wanis &nd Mrs. Bartlne enter tain-vited attend and hear what the FamOUS Complete Dinne tied by calling 837-W , ed with a delightful luncheon at ed directQrs of the local club and local• ranch has ·accomplished. Troop 6 is one ot the six troora the Santa Ana Country club Tues-their wives at their new home, Open 11 L DL to' 2 &. m. which have registered for the first day March 12 with six tables ol "Clitrs End," Newport Heights, for H bor Hi P.· T. A. to SPJi:CIAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PARTIES period at camp, fronf J une 18 to bri~ f ti wi g Yellow candles the regular directors' meeting, the M T d A M OUB KITCHEN OPEN FOR IN8PIX1l'ION June 27 , For the second phase ot e o 0 n . th hostess serving refreshments after-e t UeS ay · • WM. E. LUDEWIG, Prop. the ~Ki-Li program Troops 6, and white stocks _were on re ward. · . 15 and 20 of Costa Mesa are spons-luncheon tables, ":'hi~ were deco -Those present were Messn. and Newport Harbor High ~2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ oring a full-length. color motion ated . in St. P~trick s day t th;;;:· Mesdames Fayette B1ower, Jan Parent-Teacher association • !pict ure, "Jeep Herders," to be Prizes at br1dge \V~n~ ~ · Briscoe Stuart Dunla p Theodore eet on Tuesday, March 26 shown at the high school audi-o. z. Robertson, Mrs. ~ rer!: McElroY. Bob .Reed; Rev. E. D. a .m. at the school. Mrs. \ tor ium April 19. bell, Mrs. Mas~ey and · Goodell and Harold Fink. g Butler, president, asks Tickets will be on sale in a ando Velez. members be present to week and the Scouts promi se "your Guests included the Mesdames S. N B h PTA · -t annual report blanks to money's wor th" and more. Ma n-W. Blackbeard, Donald Hall, C. pt. eac be s t to• Fourth District, Cali· aging the program are the staff of Lewis Baltz, Robertson, John Mea-Na mes Officers fomi Congress of Parents and Troop 6, Scoutmaster Harold Hall, clor , K. V. Dil ts, Wayne Hf4r"per , Tea ers. Plans for installation Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Maskey, B. Z. McKinney, C. R. O(ficers to head the Parent-will so be disctissei:l. Dodd and David Gardner , Scout· Jayred, Campbell, J . A. Gant, Eu- Teacher association of the New- master Hal Knighten of Troop 15 1 gene F enelon, Henry Eggert, port Beach grammar schools were and Scoutmaster Bob Service of I Walter Hitchman, Harry Welsh, named at t he meeting held Mon- 'l'roop 20. l Ve lez and C. B. i:t-udd.· day afternoon in the auditorium :.:_:.:.::_:::::_ _________ _:___:__ ___ _:_ ______ I of Ne\vport school with Mrs. Ed- En Da agement of ghter ·Announced Newport -Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Roond-the-World T:iP8 In the near future. See Mn. Roy Keene. Pb. 391. SOI Palm, Balboa Boun: 10 L m. te 8 p. m. gar R. Hill pr esiding. Mr and Mrs.~ H. S. Thompson, Mrs. H. G. Jtogers, chairman of 30th treet, are announcing the the nominating committee. asked engaqement of their daughter for nomination of new officers Jernd~ 1to James E. J ohnson , PHM from the noor, and then presented 2/c, SNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. to the audie nce th~ names of the John I Vesley Johnson, W. V. The following: President. Mrs. Edgar R. wed · g date has been set for Hill ; vice president, Mrs. Celestine early December. 1 Harvey ; secretary, Mrs. Wilbur -------------------------rl Buck; treasurer, Mrs. J .B. stein· All kinds ty_peWriter ribbons in WATCH REPAIRING ons: auditor , Mrs. H. 0 . Boyvey, stock at the News.Times. No Delays • Prompt Service and parliamentarian , Mrs. H. G.1 ~-+---------:--, Rogers . LOUCKS 1797 Newport Blvd. The program of the afternoon was by the school musie depart- ments, Mrs. Mary Ba tten Steffen- sen directing both the boys' and L------------------------' girls' choruses in choral nl:lJTlbers, FRANCES BEAUTY SHOP Helen Curtis and Halliwell Cold Waves Specials on Machlneless Permanents Hair Styling . Dyeing . Manicuring TWO OPERATORS -MOZEIJ.E &: BONNIE 1MI _,. Bhd., Ooota M--IU8 The Mother-to-Be Will Find • Individuality Suits • Here · Dresses Slack Suits •·Robes. • Jumpers Bed Jackets Donna-Marie Shoppe 515 North Main St. Santa Ana • Arcade Bldg. Telephone 1347-J for FIVE-DAY SERVICE OD Cleaning and Laundry CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1(131 Cou& mp-y Pick-Up and Delivery Carl Philhart, Manager Authorized Dealers for -• • • PEllFEOOLD . e BllUN8W10ll • BLUE FIAllll e TYLER • FIXTtlKE8 . llEF1UGERATION Ooolen & ~ ..,_ Deep Flitl!I 88* fa Walk·i.. Ete. e OOMPU!TE UNE ROME APPLIANCll: MAINTENANCE e FRACTIONAL&. P. MO'l'Oa llEllVWE 8alel· -UDIO -S , ... Newport ·Electric Appliance Co. r.t-t" ' I lM& -...... !lD I Newpw&.._. • and Mr. Sawin directing the school orchestra. A social hour followed with Mrs. G. F . Peters and Mrs. E . I. White pouring tea, while pi;esiding .over the coffee service were Mrs. ~ Delta Gammas Meet in Santa Ana Mrs. H. M. Wallingford, 1125 South Rau street, Santa Ana, was hoateu to members of Delta Gamma National UIOdation Tues· day evening When the corning na- tional convention was d1scuued.. One member ot the group ii in direct touch with a !amlly In Hol· l&nd which ls greatly ln need of clothing and food supplies and they planned to send necesaafy articles ov~ to that country. • • ST E ,A KS CHICK.EN ' SPAKE-RIBS LOBSTER . Coobd to perfecUoa ~dlarooal. Mrs. Charles Ray or Balboa ~ sided at the meeting, which was attended by a good representation ot Santa An~. · ro4~AIL-12 A.M. -12 P.M . Present were the Mesdames H . M. Wallingfonl, Justin Kennedy, He1en Nowotony, Roberta Benson and Me1 Trickey, Santa Ana; Charles Ray, C. \V. Dutton. Hal W1ll Smith and Edwin 0 . Williams, Balboa Island; \Valter Spicer, Har· bor Island, and J ack A. Hoolihan, Midway O ty. D•OOIER SERVED 5-11 P. M. Margaret L. Scharle • (Member Music Teachers' Assn. ot California) Teacher of Piano Organist -Accompanist St..Uo: 107 /Goldoiand A ...... Col"OD& del liar PHONE: NEWPORT l<>M 'Expert Beauticians , for Milady • Pemwitntl, Cold Waw, Hair Styling. Hair Tinting , • • Bleach· ing, Cold jWave. • RIJ'l'H , AJ{N. , CARMD>l I -I-.._.., ..... ... ... -................. ~ ... -7 .... , _I -' ' Balboa Inn ........ a.... • • • ta Ana's Finest Eating . . Establishment . . . ' 402 West ·4th St. BlrciJ Santa Ana Teleploor>& OSC Ooaed ~onday County Recorder RUBY McF ARI.ANp today . issue() formal announcement of her candidacy to succeed herself. Mrs. McFarland h"as been Recorder sinoe Sept. 13, 1940 when she was appointed Re- corder by the Board of Su- pervisors to fill the vacancy caused by the dea th of J. Fred Sidebottom. ~he was elected Recorder by thl. people at the August 25th, 1942 piimaries. ''My position as a candidate can be briefly and simply stat· ed," she said in announcing hj.'r candidacy. "If elected, I sha ll continue efficient and courteous administration of the office for the people ... I • ,