HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-16 - Newport Balboa News Times• • Sand 'Dabs ~ / LB.M. £:ASTER WEEK. Although police say it isn't as bad as before the war, residents . grit their teeth and stop up their ears as the avalanche of vacationing kids descend upon Newport and Balboa over the week-end. Added to their discomfort was the housing shortage w h i c b spilled them out on the beaches for noctumal rest (if there is such for them) after the crowded theaters, ca!es. Fun Zone and dance halls dosed for the night. Kid exuberance Is certain- ly refreshing, but those who follow along to take advant- age of them. and the com- munity are an unwelco!Ile sight. For example, nme cases of selling liquor to minors were reported to po- lice and drunken k i d s brought in. but only one sel- ler was apprehended. Re- move the possibility of their getting liquor and m~ of the serious cases on the po-· lice blotter would fade away. Thankfully enough, most of the eight pages or so on the blotter over the week end were of loud pipes, speeding and similar of- fenses, infractions of traffic rules. + + + Industry .. The residents of west end communities are pretty sore about .the county planning comm1~1on and ~u­ pervisors refusing . permits for industry out there m Westminster, Garden Grove, etc. And they have some strong talking points because ag1iculturally-minded coun- ty officials want to handpick industry which does settle in the county. Whether they actually try to secede is a ny- body's guess, but the plan- ners put a crimp in subdivi_s- ion plans more than six months ago \vith a new .~b­ division ordinance reqwnng Ja'rger than usual lots in any new tract. Fine for better type developments, but one- sixth more costly for work- ing people due to their insis- tence on a mintmwn of 60 by 120 foot lots. Supervisors. however, re- alize that before industry is admitted provision must . ~ 'made for adequate zonmg and sanitation. County en- gineers want a new sewer main down through the west end, connecting up with our ouUall at the Santa Ana river. The thousands of resi- dents In an area suited to in- dustry should have access to desirable factories in which to work without driving half way across Los Angeles county. But possessing the right to select industry when it knocks at one's door is a responsibility as well as a p rl v 11 e g e. Orange groves may conceiveably have a few bad years, too. + + + Air BMe. Every commun- ity in southern Orange coun- ty seemed to al'Prove of the idea of a G. L university at the Santa Ana Anny Air Base. O t h er schemes for setting up .a cotton mill did not click with residents as did the UCLA proposal for educating thousands of re- turning veterans. \Ve hear \vi th regret that they have practically abandoned be- cause it is too far remo\1ecl from their campus to admin- ister properly. The county fair grounds proposal has some merit but why should a county spend a ~ Jruie sum of money for grounds to display farm ma- chiilery . and oranges when other improvements are so badly needed? Housing for veterans. a county detention home. added hospital facili- ties, better roads to serve the gro\ving population are a ·few ideas which are well known and indisputable. + + + State Park. Exponents and opponents of the Corona del Mar State Park talked for nearl" four hours, the other night at the city hall. For one time citi7.ens did most of the talking, and the council willingly listened. 1be opponents were ably represented by Ge!>rge Pen- ney. and he had some strong points. He wanned up as he " }. . I . EWPOl2T BJALBOA LIFF AID: SAID lOT ~ OWIERS PROTEST. I PARK c ~ II CORONA DEL MAR Vacation Throng at Bea hes Attorney Perney Declares Appraisals Inade- quate; Says Trailer Park Would Result; Proponents Declare Beaches for Public · Oluges tbat tbe proposed Corona deI Mar State perk would bring undesirable people into a residential resort area and that with its control vested in the state, it might be thrown open to tbe public as a trailer camp, were made by some members ot the "Bluff and Sands" Property Owners as- 90Clatlon when they entered protests against .the perk at a Youth Suffers Broken Neck In High Dive Glendale Boy Dives Infu Shallow Water From 12 Ft. Board A possible broken neck was the tragic result of diving into shallow water from a 12-foot spring board on a float in front of the Fun Zone Mon- day afternoon when Bob Ward, 16, a vacationer from 826 E. Acacia street Glendale apparently struck the bottom of the bay. '- • Easer Week Lur Throng To Harbor 250 'traffic Violators Caught by Strength- ened Police Force Easter Week, with all its memorable pre-war · antics, broke upon an expectant citi- zenry in tl)e harbor area with plenty of youthful exuber- . ance but . less vandalism than resiaen~ recall in years gone by. . special meeting of tbe ci council Friday ewnlng. SpNkinc to IM "°'melt, Goorp Penney, awner at IM former HarTY Carey bluff-front mansion, warned wyw are Ding abeolute control OYer that area and any time IM deatreo at this council conflict with -ot U.. State ot caii!omia the state may take over that park and do with It as they will.'' Cantlnuing, he stated that the approximately 6.81 acres ot dty owned land which were to be entered by the city at a vallle of $65,000 1m!ard matching the state approp~tioo ot $200,000, were valued at ·over $100 a front foot while property ot •private owners was valued at from as low as $20 to as high as $50 a front toot. UCLA Loses - Interest in SA Air Base Possibility of U.C.L.A. establish- ing a GI university at the Santa Ana Army Air base faded cfu:r.. ing the past fey.• .days as a repre- sentative of the southern branch of the University of California notified officers lat the base that their plans were not suffidently advanced to a!:k that the 1.20G- 8cre army layout be held open to them. \Vhen he came to the surface after the ill-chosen dive. the hoy \vas paralyzed. and could 1..ot swlm. He had to be rescued by Bill Benbow, youthful NewpJrt S""imming champion. Young \V ard was on top of the 12-foot board and instead of di\•- ing straight out into the deeper water, turned and dove alongside the noat where the bottom Lii hardly deep enough to make a high plunge with safety. When the youth came to the surface, Ben· bow, swimming nearby saw him RECORD SALE of half the S8 lots In the new 8Hl1ew Height. Estate. juAt put on the market by E. M. Smith, Lido Isle capltallst through Ralpll ~lukey, president of tbe Newport Harbor RM.lty Board, wu reported wtthln a day and a half atte r pennbslon wu (lvea by the State RMI. Eatate CommJMlone r. 'lbe knoll rronUnc on Coaat HJpway wtth DflW •treet re.chin& Newport. Heq-hte h shown wtt.h pavtnc just completed. One pu.tthaaer plam alx multtple family dwelllnp ln rear of bml- netM distrlet, shown la foreground. FoundaUooa fo'!' new IUperm&rket eeen on corner, wtth nearly com- pleted hardware and turnJture atore bulldJng adjolnlnc. ' (Photo by Gerhardt) The usual nuntbt'r of aocl- df'ntt', cut fttt, nol.!1~' muffient, ·~ but perhaps lt>S~ dt'Un- quency than hu btto obserflrd ID similar l'acatlons M-fore the "'ar ma~ have been kf'pt \vlthln :::r:d=~~e:t!:':~~~.i.!':: reser,·ei" at the dhpoul of Chief R-O"·Iant Hodgkinson beJag call- ed Into 11U't.lon at the outset. At nodn Tuesday the chief had eompil'°dl a list of mbre than 300 infractiol)S of law, 250 of "'Which were for lttaffic, and these mostly due to 1noise and speed from hopped-up jalopies. The number of serious cases \\'RS reduced from previous years. 'although Hodge admitted, that the week was yet young. Jfe h~d 36 on the force, nearly 1tp per cent more than his regulars 1who with Mrs. La Vita Lace. police matron and Mrs. Margaret Buchanan. clerk, total Doing some mental arithmetic one O"Nner said, .. A rough price of $2500 a parcel doesn't seem a fair price for this property" while another owner told of having (>W'· chased lots, several of which are under water, tor around $900 and $1000 each a few yean ago while adjacent Jots are now valued at $12,00Q .&plat It The old question ot building on the clutf front property was brought up and Penney s napped "If the purpose of aeatirig a state park is to protect the View of property owners acroa Ocean boulevard then I'm against it" Provost Clarence Dykstra ot the institution ha.d made several trips out to the base with offi- Cials o( thCWestwood university, but have apparently found It too far removed from their own ~pus to properly administer it al an institution of higher learn- ing. Major J . M . Adamchak of Col. William Farnwn's staff, who bu charge of liquidating the air force personnel and equipment declared yeSterday that they have no hold on the base, which has been de- clared surplus by the War Depart- ment. Any interested partis should contact that department or the War Assets Administra- tion, he advised. Half of New Boulevard Tract . Sold John Shernid Harris, r epresent- ing the bank which sold the prop- erty, said he believed only three or four of the bluff lots were suit· able for building p u r p o s e s although only one lot is restricted in the deed to no building on the lying face dolArn in the w ater. andl In hurriedly swam to his side. The narrow beach was crowded \\ith vacationing s tudents as thet Day and Half After Opening Sale champion 440-yard swimmer got 1 • • beneath the victim and started Fine of $300 LeVled ror shore. Then th~ crowd realized In Boat Bribe that the youth rrught have been badly hurt. An ambulance was Case at Harbor called by the fi.re department, Lt. Comdr. John W. Hoogerwcrf and aid rushed to him by Stanley sr., U. S. Coast Guard, "'as fined Gorzuchovski. young veteran at· $300 and given a one.year SUS· tached to the department who was pended jail sentence this week In a recent candidate in the city u. s. Judge Leon R. Yankwich's council race. court for accepting ~1200 bribe. The boy was able to talk eve n The bribe was assertedly ac- though seemingly paralyzed .. He cepted by Hoogerwerf for approv· said he "'as sorry for diving in ing a small vessel as sc>aworthy the wrong direction, and gave his while the officer \\'as port inspec· name and address. He was rushed tor at Newport Beach. to the Orange County hospital. Fined $300 and given the same where he was found to have a suspended jail sentence was Fred possible broken neck. Later he Kemper, boat landing operator in '-''BS transferred to a hospital near I Newport. who y..·as charged as im- Glendale. plicated in the felony. Seeing Europe Ahead Patton Was Dangerous But Exciting ~ Homesite lots ln the recently- corftpl('tcd subdivision above the ~1iracle r.t Ue section on Coast Hich"·ay, known as Seaview 1-Ieights Estates a nd developed by Realtor Ralph P. Maskey of New· port Beach, "'ent on sale this week following receipt by Mr. Maskey of the crttification of ap- proval from the state real estate commissionC'r . Of the 39 \ari;:c> lots in the bluff. side loca tion y.•hich went on sa~r f\1 onday morning. 17 \Vere sold by Tuesday noon. Prices of lots ran~e from $1500 to $4750 and be-cause of the choice location for homes and rising values of Coast :: !i,...;!;\\"rt•t rl i<-1rict propc'rty in gen· "rRl, i\1r. ~1:is!<ey cxpc.:-t s a brisk sale. Six of the 17 lots no,,· sold were purchased by Thomas l\·L Holme!! 11( 1.on ~ Beaeh. y.·ho plans to build h i ~h clnss incom" bungaloY.'"S on the lower portion of the tract, just north of Avon street and tac· ing the highy.·ay. Amer.~ 01 h<',. '"t;ly purchaser.:: of sites \vcre V. E . Ellsv.·orth of Balboa Island, for whom Architect One•local ex-GI who won the the People's army, a pellet-shoot-Phil Ellerbroek is now designing a Branze Star for meritorious serv-Ing air r ifle which Lii cocked by I spacious home on the eastern side ice. and saw most of the European breaking the barrel, and Ls deadly; of the tract. war from the front line. or was a French La Belle carbine •ix· Other purchasers were Don ahead of that line stringing tele-shot rine: a .22 cal. boy's gun, Pedersen or Newport Beach. Ber- phone wire for the late rampag· and a .22 Erfurt, in addition to nard L. Eldridge of Costa Mesa ing General George Patton, came two beautiful revolvers, one ot and Rav L. Keller of Huntington out of the war's harrowing exper-which Lii a Luger and the other Beach. Mr. Maskey has been des· iences without a scratch, although a P-38. 1 lgnated as sole agent for sales In he had seven jttps shot away. The former signal corpsman j the subdivision, in whJdi home and has returned to build a house also brought back four cameru, buJJding will be restricted to in· for his intended bride. a tine mechanical drawing set. sure Grade A dwellings. Dan Mct.iillan. one of the six field glasses, an aluminum tele· )?rand.sons of the founder of the scoping tripod, two knives, of • Newport Beam water department. which one 1s tenned a t1res.s bay-Hit Storm Drain; and son of John McMillan, present onet. a halt dozen German medals Stayed Until Police y.•a t~r superintendent. •s one lucky including the iron cross, an old • • guy. He led a charmed 'life I Napoleonic bell given him by a l Picked Him Up through the whole .Normandy in· monk they shelt~~: vario~ Restinc in jail ~'fon'clay was vasion. and even int~ Germany I medals for party otf1c1als and off1. Frank Rivera of Costa Mesa, ac- ahead of the charg1 n~ Yanks. cers. some of which dated back cused of drunker drivi ng after he An.d after the "'.hirl"'·1nd cam· to the first \Vorld War. He also had passed out in his car and was paign \~·as ended victoriously. Dani has paper money and coins from reported lo police for hitting a was still roaming around Europe fi,·e countries. storm drain on Cliff Drive in New- as few others did in a jeep. and Dan befriended 8 tailor in the port Heights. collected one or the best arsenals King Edward hotel in a Checko- of guns and trophies brought back"' slavia town and was presented to Ne'-''port B<',ach . . with a brand new civilian suit for Oft f'n f'nler.lrHi!: a tpwn. JUSt as his efforts. As the tailor h ad the Germans ,,.<'re pulling o~t. S5000 \\'Orth of suiting material he Dan '~·a.s ab!~ to ~et sou,·enlrs could not take away from the ~head of_ the first y.·a"\'e5 of shoot~ hotel beCause the Checks. Rus- 1ng soldiers... He found a Nazi 1 d r -all w ted ·1 II h · · fro t f s a ns an """·rmans an 1 • al: ang1ng «:>u t _in n o a the local boy stationed a guard s\'hoolhouse "'hich lS about 10 fttt ln front and billeted the signal long by four f('(>t across. He · t"-hot I while ked h · h" · h' h corps company m 1n: e pa~ t at in 15 Jeep, ". ac strin in tele hone lin('S in tht! 1nCJdC'nt ally ,,.as armed to the .. ~ g p I teeth \v ith a bazooka strapped to vicinity. the front. 8 tommy gun slung He . allowed the tailor to e11 t 1 along side the.' scat. a .50 cal. ~£'~1can food an~ probably saved machine gun mounted on top, and his life. For this the tailor re-- shells on the floor. So he had ! made most of their jackets, and a formidable looking "'e hicle in actuall}' turned out a double I "''hich to ride. I breasted suit for J.fcltfillan in ap- Troplalm preclation.. -I Amon2 his trophies" are o 16 1 \Vi th all his exciting adventures gauge Reinmetal shotgun used by Dan didn't \\'tlnt a rating because,, that '''ould ha,·e kept him less ac- pf.esented his case to the ti\"e, although it had been prof. jury of councilmen. Defend-fe~ed. .He saw the f~ Am- ers o f the park \Vere bolster-encan general more than once. ·- Publisher's Brother Veteran News Man, Dies in: Oakdale bluff. . 17. ! This: blufr frontage would not No Dro\vnlags .be included in the state purchase All soi;ts of violations were re-at this time said John A. Hennes· ported td police as the hordes of sey. supervising lands _purchaser Louis ~'feyer of Oakdale, brother 'teen agJrs sought housing in an of the state park oonurussion, but of Samuel A. Meyer, publisher of already crowded harbor area. the !"oney would go first to pur- UH: Newport-Balboa News-Times. Hundreds sought to sleep on tlfe cha&ing the land east of the jet~y, died Friday in the Oakdale, Cali-beaches. !but '"ere being-J)f'rsist· then the Chinese Cove properties fornie hospit a l follo\vi ng a heart ,..nt ly ro~ted by the patrol cars. alt~ough he stated if owners attack \Vednesday. The veteran The bea~bes '''ere crowded, par-started to build in that section newspaper ma n, who "'as owner ticularly b'il t he bay over the "'eek the sta~e woul~ put a blank<'t con- and publisher of the Oakdale e nd. but · 0 strong unde rto\v ,va.s demnation on 1L Leader, and co-publisher of the reported as occurred at Mnnhnt-Wlillng To Be Bondt..'<l \1?nt"CR Bul!f'tin and the Pitts-tan and· Redondo "'hf're nearly With the appropriation barely burg (Cal.) Post-Ditpatch, Y..'as a two scqre were rescuC'd. No able to cover the O*lJ'cels at the community leader a nd former drownin~ were rl'ported bv F'rank recent appraisal, which Penney member of the State Advisory Crocker.~ fire chief anrl hC'ad of charged was from sales records council of the California Ney.·~-water sa!!>•~·. and had no relation to present paper Publishers associatin,.. Onr iitlle bov. J craid ~ o~c:'''~ values, Corona del Mar owners When first news of his broth"'r's of P omopa. age 11, y.·p c:; r uTI<'d who are in favor of the ~k ex- 1llncss came last Wednesday, Mr. from th surf at 11 am l\londav, pressed thert)Se.Ives as willing tn and Mrs. Sam Meyer left im-in da ng of dro\\rnins:?;. Another 1 be bonded to raise extra money mediately ror Oakdale. They boy Ylas reported to havC' 8 pos· for the purchase. W!"1e the blutt arr ived before he r.asscd BY.'ay. sible brO'ken neck from diving and sand group aaid the whole He \Vas highlv ref!:i.:-l!:d as a busi· into sl">n~10,,. water from a high p~k plan ~ been put over ncss and ci\"iC lende r. spring bqard in the Fun Zone. A without thelT knowl~e. that l{<' leaves his \vidow. Belle, a numbrr of cut feet "'c-re treated they had not been notified and .A. group of officers i..s due within a few days who will determine just how much equipment is to be retained by the air forces be- fore the base is finally closed. Major Adamchak doubted if any other branch of the service would take it •over. After they vacate, it will be in the hands of the War AsseU Ad- ministration and the U. S. Army E ngfneers to dispose of, with the final say apparently in the hands of the War Department. Recent proposals in addition to, that of U.C.L.A. for a university was one from Associated Chambers of Commerce for a county fair grounds. No official action bu been taken. R . R. 1\1 . .\.NAGEB RETURNS .!. Earle E. McCarty, general manager of Santa Fe Railway 1a1·_:hter. Mrs. Clayton Neill, Car-hv thC" Jirst aid department at (~ued OD Page" f ) 'l'l rl: h\•o brothers, Sam A. Meyer, :he fire hall in Balboa. )----"----------------------- oublisher of the Newport-Balboa One v6uth turned O'.'Or his "hot• w t E d f 0 c ty Coast Lines, nas returned to d uty here after wartime service With the ODT. Clarence ,R. Tucker, acting g~neral manager, has ~ appointed assistant vice-presidei:it. News-Times, and I. G. Meyer, St. rod" \vh~n it went out nf control es n 0 range oun ~~tt~~v:rl;i':i~s. Mrs. Gray i ~~tc~~;ra~r~::;u!:s"~;~hs~i~~r~j Loua Meyer had vtslted In New-cut about the forehead. He was Th t t Se d Cl • port Beach many times: [treated at the police .station, and rea ens 0 ce e· aim the car, which had skidded acroa • • • j the nor~ side of Central al'enue I Minor ln1ur1es to hit ~guy wire from a tele-Su . D. t f . I Incurred by Mesans lr:ro'::e.i;:Je ,was tittle lhe worse pernsors IC a or1a When Cars Crash , Fllld Minon Drlnkl•« . . . . Minor in iuries 1•:•re rf'ceived by 1 Chief 1Hodgkinson reportc-d a ~on from Orange C<?U"tY lS t?reatene? by Citizens Ger trude Goodwin. 252 Esther number ,of cases of minors found and CJ.VIC leaders of Westminster, Midway City, Cypress, strC'et. Costa }iesa, and a passen· drinking or dn1nk. or in 1")¥c;c-ssion Buena Park, Seal Bee.ch, Stanton and Los Alam.itos, accord- g{'r in her car, Leonard Berg of of liquor-to the police departments ing to an artide in the Westntinster Herald quoted in Santa Orri11_!tc, "'hen their vehicle over-of cities from "'hich they came. I Ana and Long Beach papers Ornage county.'' turned after hitting a car driven rather than booking them for a Saturday . l\1ould .Join Lonr Beach !Jy \\.i!Jiam S. Crcele:y, 222 Knox police r~rd here. One adult was / _ . • They made th€j suggestion that sfr'"c t. Coc;ta Mesa. The accident said to have been apprehended as Citiz.ens are Ufed up . with the Long Beach and the affected part occurred at noon Sunday at the the sell~r of liquor to children. su.pe~V110rs and planru~g :~; of this county merge in.to a new intersection of 19th str~t and Special p&lice wer e stationed at mi.ssioners ~ apparc~ 1 n k county with LonJt Beach as the Orange avenue, patrolmen re-Cocktail I bars and at strategic thJnk. new tndustry ':': h 00 county seat, as that city was dis- ported. ,,.,.,'1f;'t"•·ri 0 n P:i"" Four \ \Veil in Orange county, t e .news gruntled with its 'rule from Loe , ' item read. The Wesbninster - Herald dedaftd that the "west Angeles. end or the county is the orphan The . newspaper dccl~red that of the mc:mty government and ts su.pe~vtsors . and plan.n1ng com- living under a dictatorship rule I missioners · have _lo ng 1~ored. this which is prohibiting nonnal area ~d ~how httle s1~~ of ~ UT"Owth and~· citizens and operating 1n the future. 11\en ft• .,.UIS • . E \Vhl --· civic leaders of the western coun-quoUng rnest tson. p1·11:a1- ty area are organiring for a bat4 dent of the chamber of com- tie that may see the western coun-1 m~rce. it goes on to say, "It ii ry area secPding entirely from eV1de.nt th~t east . Oran~e county ---~ has no desire or lntenuon lo co. Coast Association Will Discuss Oil Pollution operate With the "'est part of the county. East Orange county does not want industry, and. 90 fighU to keep it out of IA-"est Or- ange county as well." 4 • Other dvic leaden were quo~ in a similar vein, which wu Possible dMce' at oil pollution brought to •a cllmax by a re<ent and erosion ptoblam whidl could decision of the board refUlina an result trmn drflDng from -made" auto race track in that area. and Islands o«mcwt from Huntington llkewloe the $350,000 dle-caaUnl Beach It IM mntemptatecl drilling plant of Henry L. Harvlll ln an- plan goes thnJugl>. will probably other lection. · be subjeots far da*•lon of the The Santa Ana !!ealty boud Orange O:Grb' Cout ur cdation followed this action 61 creettng a at Its April 23 meeting at Sam'• Joint committee to meet wiih Sea Food care In .se.J Beach. other realty boardll to · encouraae ed by the nee of th" a.nd c:911 attest that Patton stop-prese .. e ped nght in the th1ck of battle ~late land agi:nt. lneqwties to tap their newly laid lines. m . the appraisals w~re the Dan and the m other grand- chief bone of contention, and sons of the Ne\\1>0rt pioneer the upshot· of the meeting· stt>ttd up enough experien<es to ''ras the decision to present a B"·ap ror a good many }·ears to petition for a re-appraisal come al their re-unions. McM"LLLA.~ ABSE.NAL ~ tropld8 broeP-t t.ck by Daa (whwe. portn.l.t ..,. be aeen OD table at rtpt). 8oa of ~ water Apertnteaden~ Dan Mc~Uta. •w more r.root Dae 1enioe th&a 1D09t eom- bat troopa tor wMro ~ ltnma: tt'iepltw wt.re aero.. Europe a.bead or die late Geae.ral Georp: Pa.t- i.db. Showa ln picture ..., -.-....., by P<opie'a AnnJ', air rUleo ....., II>' ....,.. ill --· oam-ua., Nui arm baatm, • 11'•k. ..._ Nul flac ta llaiokl'.f'OUDd oa _,., la lkM'Rnm ...._ Pt-.JI. F . Ken.,. d · Bill· Industry. It WU said ~t dturdt boa will aa..-:. and sold lntettSts were strongly o_.i late last -tbe oil drtlllnc and it -take cletmnlned .... pr-1 will ....,. llbl7 be cl»-p•lrallon on thdr 'port to "8- ~ ~· ----tuft am>e 1ndusfry Ul)'Wbett In tbe I will aim be 1eukwe4 county. · (Piiato Ju' Gerbardt) • • • ' • • .. ' I MSWl'OSI •••.BOA M&Wrt1WN, lf!!JWt; B -& OrTw 9 T 'ft !p! 11. uta J· NEWPDRT-eALBaA Native California Flowers Face tr-.... 1---ANNIVERS---.,...--ARJES ........ t _. -----.1JOKES ' IMtls- 1 ______ -..;.. 1'il E w s - T I M Es Extinttion, Doe to Vandalism . , ~~~~~~~·~-~~JD;:~1'~8;W;N~~IC~:r~·;ll~·;efrJ.l~:~~~~~l 11-Euter Sunday. the ceie-• Confederate l&moria! Doy ·--~To 1 I r -" I I r ~SI y-Dllt'W ...;;::ill=... ~fl;-::.,, an! :Ettito Sci t~n bratlon of the ~ in ~.Ila., Ga. aDI lllol. ~ .... .,... W-f'VM ' f S>W7 WI I ' r V-D •~""~ and _ no place eloe, ·rs, en ot Christ; fnxn -1)' n-FOUfth Dnft, registration --~-~--Olrlatlan -It .... of -e ... 64. Subsc11vlioa ~-In A-:-$2.sl per ,_ la OI 8 C 4; but o..y are beln& des~ Come Out for celebrated with creat ool-ui,,... S. Grant, 18tb $2.15 per_,. t<> 4th-; $3.00 --I<> Illa._ """"' face extlnctlon bY Y emnlty. Spanilh. --1 President. born 1822. ---------of the pecple consciously or un-Ato • N ' · l!la1en.od .. SecarMl-OaM matter at the -In Newport Pm±, CONdously. ' IDIC ews can War, • ..., waged Audubon, .naturallst. born Calilonua. under the Act ot llarcb 3, IB1'il Th<tt are In the state many _ aealnst S!*in by the U. S. 118Q. in 1898 to liberate Cuba N a"t ion al Fishermen'• S. A. MEYER • • -• ' rr new residents, and perhapo some American ri&hts to free ex,. es-fnxn Spanilh rule. w~ April 27-M>.y 4. AM D. PORTER C 1 Iii Menopr ol the old °"""• who do not know llon of opinion and full know!· n-J. Sterling Morton's birth-National Bon' and Girls' le B. MILLARD - -H-~ that the !ltate ot California has edge of Public llffaln were stress-A,_ founder of Arbor~.. w k April 27 u, .• 4 W. F . pi!!)N · • • --~••'·-S 114•-rr 1trict laws resardlnc the pr...,,... •• ed this week In demand for pub-· -.,; .,.,,. ee --• ....., · Prla-Plant, JOU W. C.entraJ Avmue. Newport Br·t, CalttCX'UI tkm of Dative plants, lhrubm and llcatlon v, of · all atomic deve)nn.. Seventh J;>i.y of Passover. · Samuel Mone, inventor ol -~ U--James Buchanan, 15th the telograph, · born at Official Paper of tae City of N~ Beach trees, flower lovers point ouL ments as critics of government Preoldent, born In 1'191. O!arlestown, Maas., In A 01,wt?He 1.-.1 IMUlwM1a lw O.W l'I y_.. ~tes384-tt!t ~: Uthe unl~~ :"~i~a!e:~nnued &ivinl vent u...-i:t :!t:! P:._~tter. ~· iuv~~ 1~:= to cut. mutilate, remove or cJe... Educ.a.ton as well aa scientists first newspaper ln Colon· •J)WoFiated $30,000 for an 1troy native plants, lhnlbo or had come out for full news of les, publlahed 1704. .~~tal line between trees, etc., growing aloO& public underta~ and ~ In Cont w:I>.~:;;;., -Balti highwa,ya or on privately owned the atomic world, while tanner !6--United Natlonl er-~ .. ._. • land without written permit from m<mben of the Urned forces, ~1 1.. __ ....,. __ •t_s.n __ Fr_anc1sco __ · ____ mofe_._· __ .,., ____ __, the owner. i>"arln& u wl"-before the Thlo law Is enforceable by any army'i "gripe" lnVfttl&atlnc Ge ra}' Re .t.....:... ·"-• i-ce offl..,. and ,v1o1at1on of it 1s board. oppoo«1 ir-nt &oven>-ne 8 port on .tll'DIY '-'VmmUDJS~ punlohable by a fine not to ex-ment me-h' . uJ L-.1 C!--tll Tim cOed $200 or lmprisonmont for llx Cartoonllt Bill Mauldin told the s 0 d Be Pro~ e es months, or both. IU'lllll board receUy that If sol-Communllts are ln!lltra"•• 1n·71~----+-· ---------There Is growing up in this country a critical attitude Help keep the btghways and dlon had their own free -· ..,.. ~ l to the Russian government Perhaps, this attitude is justi-by-wayw ot the atate u beautiful there ml&ht not be any work now key poaltlonl In the United States Caneer More Deadly as nature made them. Help ~ for the "pipe" board. "In areas aJ'lllll. So says Maj, Gen. a.ari.. ~ ·tied. Certainly, if all the statements that are caning out vent the Wllawful deatructlon or where th• lllYI bad their own A.. WWouchbJ'. lntelllpnce offio<!r War, Declares of Russia are true, then it behooves this cotmtry to keep a removal ot our wild fiowon. papen, aot •trallht ,,.,.. ....i for ~al ~ur, ~ an In-V !Adm. Olclendorf weather eye on her activities. • • were allowed t<> blow oft •teun. ~~bu ::" :,_ of Mor.e Information Would Help -I .&MBPS! "I am here.• bepn the imprt· ed apeeker, "'in re.ponse to a ~ queat from Y<l'D' sectttary who wrot.e to headquarters and stated that ll'O'lr cluli wwld like to baw toi tbls ._ .. Ian -. of the best sPealters lit our orpnization. 1bey .ent me--to announce that none could come." lat. rt1z 1, "· ubJt• ' '1'80(JK8.AICD~ r.&ar•tmm M. Eltiste & Co.. Inc. ..... _ ----IU:Ne.LA.11&. ft.Mil • ., 2 Newport· Balboa Toari&t Bllreaa All Mode al Trawl tq nirope, Vnlm, Hawaii Romdatba-Wadd Trips ID thew future. See .... lloJ SEEi ... llL Ill: .... h'll a w lla.!IL•• .. -. C1s•pl1te Pom&aia 8enioe at HANSEN'S 11111011•••. ' But, it seems to this writer that the true attitude we Voluntary Ratiorung there ,... lea tenalon," ho said. thlio for a lone time General SAN! DIEGO.-"Cancer ta a llhould take to the Rusllian go~t should be that ol Seen Best by edl~~~the K:i~i:k = WWOU&hby _, "'°"'. than dlc· mott = -•Pon than war," · temperate consideration. What we sboold do Is to insist Wall Street Journal lecturin& In New York. lald mean: ~be·::. when h• uaerto It ~r ~eo:.B·l~~ lfw;art that our own government define just bow our policy and while, that all .!nfonnaUon about But t<> uaert the fort Is short District lald !<>day as he ur11ed .. ,. ... ,.... . .... _... Rnssja's conflict. To build up an antagooism against RlJS-Fonner President Hoover, who ~:.U:~~:'., ':;'':nan~~•= of 1uffldoncy In the ctreum-full ou,_t for the fund campalp · sla, based on casual reports from Russia, without some guld-~ ~~t~ ~;:"~~1f!:d';: "The more the public knows =· u An C::.r:.":f .;'w~~ ;:" =~~n=~ by .. -------------~---------_. ance from the State Department is to make 'up our minds qulttments. has pointed out that about the atomic bomb," ho said, lhould tell more porhapo not t<> The 1admlral quoted atatlstics -l&a:AiOP.~iii~~i"ili-:"'iit.iiiiiii~~ftiii!ii•-. . . . . _ 'all "" "th~ greater chance we will have • ---• ... 1U •hnwintr malid without havtng .official information on which to base our "the problem is essenti Ya pro~ of world security." Ovlllans ought the press Ju>t yet; but --_.., ~:~ .. ""'cancer, a ous enemy, I.it <knr to TMm'Oat . . · tern ot the next 120 days." How to Qlo.e havtng authority to stop killed JJlOre Americans than all the ------' decision. Jong would it take to re-utablilh to be mem~ ot a board, atomic the inflltration and rid the arml' weapoU of war of this country's .&.<XXK1llfT.&>rr PU.JfO n•Cl'I"• The Rus&ans think differently from ourselves. Talk food rationing in this country? ~=1·t h~salr!u~ they should of subversive mischief-makers. mor~-~oes. in a letter to South-r---------'"----,1 ... ------------, to any returning GI who has been in contact with Russians HQlV secure against !legal !attack oAt ~= ,.;:,e meetin.g Benjamin The general was speaking par-em t'l'"jfothntla!ficampaifgnh head-I. S. WBYTJ: PIANO TEACHER . d derstand th and other forms o res stance . • ticularly of two newsmen recently quar ers , e o ces o t e Am-...... w.x ~ and they will frankly say that they . o not un en:1' would it be if it were hurriedly Fine, edu~ation editor of the releued from the Pacific Stars erlcan Cancer society, 354 South •··• , 1 "7 * o.-..s ew. "'"-" G. v. LiNsENsARD Yet, if we are not to have an enemy of that country it lS set up by executive order under Times,_praised the v~ue of a free and Stripes because of "negative'' Sprin St., Los Angeles. ..,. n..n-' w • .., 1 .ueau • Graduate our job to try to understand them. But we are hardly in the discredited ~nd War ~ow-pr~ in .. ~:u:1~~tlond ~ey:~ fQYalty; but what he said runs .tar --~n= ~at':.._..._ Be1Sl ~. ,....., . . d 1 . t al rts ers Act, which 1s soon to exptre! peop e. 0 ~ . beyond that case. Do Communists Se to Kn J d _...,.....G oancm S ~· g:;,wFroa a posltiOO to 0 SO as ong as We ge ~ -~po And in any case, how effective must \\'Ork tbgether, he 18.ld. hold key positions in the services na r OW an Ota. lMe .._._ ..._, 0..-. ._ 1 26 , t which come to us from people who are not ID a position to could It be expected t.o prove In of supplies? II so, may we thus Helps Divert Lumber ,.._ ,.. __ ...... know what moves are in progress. practice? Shortage_ of Parts account for outrageoW1 extrava-From E rtati Our State Department owes it to the citizens of this None of these questions can be May Tie Up Cars gan.ce and waste, and more -recent I xpo on' ARC lllJTbJT PBYSIOIANlf& llUBGllON8, •.D. _ . , . reliably answered m advance. Each spoilage and sabotage of per1sh-country to be specific on the subject of Russia. Have we of them involves a risk of failure Damaged in Accidents able supplies? Havihg won the first round of Armand Monaco ABOllJTECT H. R. Hall, M. D. · reason to fear them ? Are we on bad tenllS? Is she violat-which it is unn~ary and in--------his se'l•torial fight to stoP Jarge- ing her agreements \Vi th us?· These are questions for which a dvisable to ta ke. It is better to Motorists of Newport Beach scale exportation of lurriber to ""-----Hours: 2-5, by Appointment ask our people to enlist in a hu· who are careless enough to t>e--After This Week, It's roreigl! countries because it ·is we seek an answer. \Vhen we have a State Department manitarian cause than to attempt come involved in accidents may 'We'se Weak Week' badly ileeded for houses "here at report \\·e '!re then in a position to make up our minds and to compel the~ sub~sion to a find themselves compelled to walk home.~ U. S. Senator William F. 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa N-rt l'IH 2'1!1 Lakewood Ave. Telephone~ our attitude. Until then, we are merely floundering around probably bungling regunentation. for a while, even though they In Newport Beach Knowland is continuing his efforts escape injury, the Department of I to solve the nation's No. 1 head-!'------------~ r------------, Loe A.nee&-NOns·ndy MDI . Oeeta .. _ in the dark. ills H J Motor Vehicles warned today. In case you hadn't realized it a che--houses for veterans. D~Y S<BOOL State B e p Director Edgar E. Lampton said last week was quite a week. ' "Adjustment of lumber price r-------,.., -----, OONBAD BIOlltl:&, .. D. Higher Prices Indications are that there will be further bulges in the Administration's price line. The decline in the volwne of dairy products due to the rise in labor and feed costs with· 6ut compensating price increases, has brought Washington to the realization tha t dairymen must get more for their products if output is not to be further seriously curtailed. It Is estimated that milk will go up either a half cent or one cent a quart. A half cent rise would boost the cost of butter six cents a pound and cheesi> three cents, and a one cent increase in milk would, of course, double the other figures. With dairy labor demanding increased wages, higher prices are also deemed necessary to enable producers to meet these wage demands and avoid strikes. We conswners don't want higher prices, but we must either accept them or be reconciled to an even gFeater scarcity of dairy products than now exists. We can't have our butter and eat it, too. Flaunting Dignity Spring is renovating time, and we are cleaning up our streets, our h001es, and our manners we might give a thought to straightening out our deportment. One of the eyesore$ on the streets these days is the sight of a woman smoking while she hurries along with the crowd. She has her cigarette blandly exposed and dangling D;om her lip with complete indifference to SUITOUDdings--Or to what- ever reaction her appearance might create. Admittedly. there is more than just a premise to the question of equality. W0111en have conclusively demon- strated their ability and their right to share the everyday world with men in every respect, but there obviously are many degrees of inte11>retation. A truly emancipated wo- man, however, will not cheapen the bard-won dignity of her position. Counties Fight the current shortage in automo-By Presidential edict, it was ceilinp' so that the mills can Mortimer 'School ~ --- bile parts now frequently makes "'""-t Acquainted with Public make 8 profit \JiiU help to stlrnu-UO E. 18th St. !-"' ' IOZ Oonl Ba!l.oa blaM M •to M it practically impossible to obtain Nurses Week," ''Public Schools late pr,oduction and will g~ a long COSTA NE9A OSQW enace repajrs on vehicles involved in Week," "Be Kind to Animals way toward solving the problem," Gradoa: Oollep, .._._,. Houra : 1()-12 a.m.; w PA Recognition by the state de- partment of he alth as to the pos- ility of breeding malaria-carry- ing mosquitoes was the reason seen behlnd enactment of at least two bills at the recent special session or the state legislature, giving encouragement to districts or counties to set up their own mosquito abatement districts. The recent discove ry of the malaria bearing type in Sand Can- yon and Bonita lake water has led to intensification of county efforts to combat the menace, long recognized as having far reaching possibilities. Two Jeepe are being obtained for the work under E. E. Frisby, county sani- tation engineer, and special re-- quest has been made of residents, particu1arly in the harbor region, to not allow water to stand out- alde where it might attract mos- qilitos. Under the Assembly Blll 27 mosqulto abatement districts may be formed throughout tlie state under the act of 1933. Blll 28 authorizes the State Department of Public Health to make a study and demonstration to eradicate the menace. and to determine the areas with a high degree of m0&- quito borne diseases. It sets up a tund of $600,000 to help these cfutricta control thla. Then Bill 61 increases the mini- mum tax rate allowable to be lev:ted for this purpoae to be in- cr..ued from 1S cents to 40 cents per $100, In districts which might seek 1uch a levy. wrecks. The shortage applies par-Week," "National Sunday School SenatOr Knowland observed when DAY SCHOOL =:.:. Phone U3 tlcularly to non-wearipg parts Week:' dnd locally for council-he flew to Los Angeles from G . .£.. Mortimer, IL A., OD'oftl 11 '------------· such as radia ton, grill~Wbrk, front manic contenders it was 'This ls W~on, D . ·c. to confer with L_P_ ...... _ _:"""_:_ _____ ~ __ :_:_eu.:_J j;------------axles, fenders, carburet.Qrs, etc. .a Helluva Week." Southern Calllornia housing offi· "Repair shops rePQrt to us that This week is in case you hadn't cials &nd representatives ot vet-DEN'l18'1"8 Dr G E. Tohill they are able to get a fairly good noticed the d~ roar emanating er ans·~ groups. ..;.....:. .... a supply of parts needed to make from vacationing youngsters, --+., ----------~ Cout i:.:r9' repairs due to ordinitry v.re ar," E aster Week, and by Saturday it Dr. Obed Lucas NEWPORT BEACH Lampton said. ''Ho""'.ever, many of \\ill have picked up quite a few H o E s -PHONES-- the parts ordinariJY •. damaged in 'other names including "We'se . I · DENTIST Otfice 286-W Ra. 288--R accid ents simply cannol be obtain-Weak W eek.' · And if that isn't If no answer, call Newport 5 ed because the manufacturers are enough, Gov. Warren has pro-Re~ While Yon Walt Hti~ W . Vee.tral PIL 1488 not turning them out.. claimed this as .;Registration j NEWPORT 81:.ACB '"The answer is to drive care-Week," and as we understand it, Ra p fully if you want to keep dri\;ng!" all elitible are urged to r egister ~ y agan to vote. 511) East Bay Front Gas ·Tax Revenue Next week is "Wonder What N•r door to Day View Cat• Week This ls Week." 9 a. m. to • p. m. At All·Time High 1 ~§~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~I SACRAMENTO. -Producing I I ' hlghway revenues at the rate of DEFEND YOUR HEA·. LTH ITH $201,503 a day, California's gas- oline tax for February has broken all previo us records. William G. ftll .. Ul!'f Bonelli, Fourth district member """ft'Vj Dr, W. W. Westmon!lalld DenUst 1101 eo.. mwa, OOBONA DEL MAB -N-rtlea IN8tJILANCIE • of the state board or equalization, OJlll made this reve1at1on here today New y ork Life when he announced that the tax for the month had been $5,642,092, Insurance COlllp&Dy based upon distribution of 188,069, .. 739 gallons of motor vehicle fuel I ,~===========§~~~§=======~ 1 DON a. DtJJIAlft' -, U8 °"*Id A-Pboae Will-I , CX>RCNA DEL MAR Linseed Oil Blazed; r =-------,,-- Smoked Up Boat Telephone J347-J fiying to cook some linseed oil and turpentine on a stove aboard few FIVE-DAY S'ERVICE the 27-F-893, W. C Wright dis· covered that it suddenlN flared Into a blaz.e and threatened to spread in the dOMIIl'J.ented boat in the bay last Friday. The fire department was , summoned, but the fire wu put out before any Cleaning and !Laundry OCCIDENTAL 1 Lin: INSUBANCE Of). RayNielaen ---1 lU a a., A---•OB'mllAN8 ! ..... ~. Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 Weat Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph, 1028-No answorcall 301·1( X·Ray s.r.tco lll&D II. lluwell, II. D. 1111~......, o.-... _ Office Hours: 10-12; w -N-po.rtl- S. R. Monaco, M •. D. 814 Bay .&-. Balboa Kwwpwt 1114 us a. Bill ·~ Lee •••••• TU-7f1J By APPointmmt T. P. Reeder, M. D. All kindl typrwrlter rlbbolll 111 damage was done excepting for a The wiscOnsin--miµl who recently caught a six-foot fish I i•rtock=:":t=::the:;;N;eww-~~nmo.~~-~iiiiiW~·~mowk~ed~·~upRca~b1n~. ~~:===J has hired a man to go around with him and help describe it.-Olin Miller-Reno Evening Gazette. I CORONA DEL MAR CLEANERS 1097 (loMt mgj.w., Harold K. Grauel Chapel ! "'We Cunolwo the Dettot-~ by. Servin& Otben _... Ph)Wh• Uld Sms- lltl 'WeR 11i7 A- Telepb-Newport ~ . ' • Uncle Sam bas moved to smash the hoarding by manu- facturers of nylon stockings. U they get some good socks, maybe we will .-Arizona Daily Star. U the housing shortage gets any worse some future Presi- dent may be able to say, "I was born and raised on the back aest of. an automobile."-Louisville nmes. FreJa Daily [)ollc:tooa-- Or, complota equlpmeat wlMn you wa.nt to catch )'Oar -. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON Cli:NT .. AL AYSNUll, Nli:WPOllT 81i:ACH Apparently the most dependable of all activities now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Is continuatioo of governmental cootrols.-Evansville (Ind.) ,Courier. U.Hoar Radio Service BOllE, AVIO, IUlllNS • 8ADI08 JIEPADSD Burt R. Norton '150...~ -Mn Newport BMela. O.tlf. 315 NORTH MAIN ST • • Plck0 Up and Delivery . qart PhlJbart, Ma"'l&S" Ol'lf<Z SAM'S SE!_~ .. !I "S1! to ~ .. Or • (lo ,,, 7 All ew • • • Even the Location · Half Mlle Faat al Old 00 Cout Highway. New ·~·Bar We 1.-d Soutbena Callf'om~"2 the SeMn& al -SEAFOO S--' Au;o YOVll ldllld olOl ~~:.:~ -VDIJTOUR K Sam's Sea F and Fish M ' -· C-.t Blrlllway • • ' _,,_,.Ml ~-Oanhlme ' ' ' OProlD:'l'IWl'rll Robert A. Crawford ~D. OPl'OW&WWW E)-9 Examined .. GJlll!I J1tted lftllfw,_.~· ..,_._ COSTA .. A ll. T. Batt.erworth, 0. D. ot'L1111bllll -ll1&lllDQ:D UDID:8 DUPLICATll:D .._.,, .. _.Ml P' &ll6 W. ~ ,a.., T ' a· . •U aaw••• wcm 8Cl&VEIOU A. V. Andrewa, M.D. PllHJCLUf --1' T''11·••• n~. Dr. W. T. Mooney PllJ ......... .... -i.-~ -<-·->•_J 1...----------. r-"-------_;__ Siegel & Raub b:ch••r• ... .,.,.,., Im Nvwpwt llhC. c.e. ._ T1'1,t1•1 ...... Nl7 "· o..tnJ If---Ti4;J DEii J%I • • ZONE TllERAPl ~c v..-.... ·r1r 11r1o,~,.. Isa<' Tlat , ... ._ """'-& , .... -........... ....... • • \ I ' • ' -. !!!~~l!!j!~~~!!!J!!!!!!l!.~~!!lr.~~ll~ll!!llL::-::f..':'.""~....;~~~--~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.!! ~ t~-1:: Harbor, Mesa Scout Troops ~':!"f. .. 1 Harbor High Usts 39. Students -=.;:_ ~--:; s••.llO& =~ N1=~ Gird for Bike Meet on Lido ~::.~drum to be On All-Class Honor Roll D~ta~~wfn°'bethehe~:: ~·~y;::: quenched the blau euily. The U you want to ""' bow a boy bons given for both. managed ond distributed by tbe Honor studenb of Hubor High • ' Bixby Park, Long Beadl. SUnday, s H E p ' s fttt .... reported also to the can handle a bicycle, make • 2. Knot tylna relay open to county council . of the American for the third q-Wett an-Navy tNe Found April 28. Admiral Wllloey will be ' ' ', P9llce. but wu out upon their ....,..rvation for a curbotone Jeat all. Following knob will be tied: Legion """' •ll!ll'O"al ot all poob llOUIKl<d by Principal , SI~ · !be speaker ond the Long Beach -arrlvaL this eoming Saturday on Udo Isle square, ~une. slip knot. sheep-within 0..ange county lut Fri-Davidson ond listed 59 studenb In San Near Munk:i-• -wtlf ~--from -----· ___ far the Bike Meet of the ~ shank, 21!. hitches, clooe hitch. day as all posts sent ddeptes to including 21 aenion, 18 Juniors. 12 .-,...... ' area Scout troopo, which will be All knob to be Impeded before the La Habra dinner ltlffting. fn>oh ond 8 sophomores. New ~urch l2:30 to l :30 p.m. All South Hl5 OOAllT mGBWU conducted by Troop Five of New-going to tbr next knot. 'Ibe fund. to ~hich all mem-Named' to the honor roll were: Dak:otans are tnvited to attend ~i Boat Owners port Beach under Harey Lace; 3. Slow race-fOI' the slawest ben will · contribute a small SENIORS-Ruth Alclriclg<o, Vir---., . _. • • • Troop Six of Cost.e Mesa under riden. Riden will be dlsquali-amoont, Is for ernerirency account, &in!• Bachmann, Mary Carmll, Some ho of _th• na"Y'•l r;;;;;=~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~ direction of Harold Hall; the Bal-fied tor touching the ground and is . to be dispensed as gifta. Bob Doughty, Jean Edick, aara second high t award for bravery, II C boa Island troop Wlder John 4. Dresa1ng relay-open to all. it is understood. Accounting wllJ Fukuda, Norm.a Ghere, Anne Hol-the Na'\')' Cross, is probably 'a n V a S Abell and another troop of which First stop, remove handke:rch.iet; be made to the council delegates libaugh. Hubbard Howe. Herber18 :!narching:tfar the ~ and rib. Harold Knighten of Costa Mesa is second stop. remove shirt; third reauJ.arly of the purposes for Johnson. Rose KoleW, Bruce Mc-bestow upon .him by a scout:muter. stop, remove shoel: fOW'th atop, which the money ls to be used. Gavren, Renato Monaco, Beverly grateful try-which he JOit Probably 100 Scouts will race in remove sox; then about face and Five members of Post 291 &t· M)·ers, Jacqueline Parke, Roger som: time last week in New-By the Yard Wide \Vldths-All Lengths ALLMARK Easter Cards Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. llalD St. six different events. They will replace all Articles. Stand lm:pec-tended the meeting. When a dis-Pattenon_ Nan, Pierson. Ellen ~ We pe that ~e unknown be given ribbon awards for fint. tlon. cuaion was thrown open about Potter, Charlotte Priest. Jose-na al hero sees this story er second and third places in a series 5. Te.aroi ttlay-as many t eams allowing younger 'niembers to ruJl phine Shulte. Duane Thornton. hears abou tt ~ase we know of events which would tax a vet-of four U j possible: up and back affairs of the past, a harborite JUNIORS-Paula Castle, Rob--who found e coveted award in eran bike rider. The ceremonies course four times. arose to tell the 100 or IO p-esent er t Cooper. Kathryn Cunningham, the sand a~ from the new St. I'• Peet!lt SacJay, A.prl %1st "'ill open with . :t nag salute, and 6. O'Grady drill that nearly every office in Poet Bud Franklin, James Gibson , Ru.s-James chU1plt on Via Udo. I' ---V _ _._ cl<>&e -t 1 The evenu 7. Awards to win ners. 291 was held by a veteran ot the sell Gilbert, Pri.scllla Goodsoe, Terry Gi n, 11-year--old son -i-:: ... :: •·-&,............. :: Costume Jewelry Phoae !07 SANTA ANA appropr1a e y. 8. CJose. late war. Commander Don Du-Jackie Goodyear, Bever ly Graee. of Morris Gibson, found the Ne~ Sollven1"r a·nct Gift Shop are: rant and his vice commander were Janet Broch Mildred Gurley Jo medal, case and all, last Friday, 'ft'l'V'I • 1. Speed rare-divided into Another Edisort unable to go, but were represent-Heifetz, ~dreas Jensen, 'Ray and is' ho! · g it for the owner at We w...., Olftl lltz a... FroM spacing and standard bikes. Rib-ed. by Byron Manhall, Irvin J ones, Fred Mason, Catherine his home a .1507 35th S t., New-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;======;;;=====;;;;;;=======;;;;;=~ Steam-Electric Plant George Gordon. Vincent CUsmano Milling, Paul Schulte, Dorothy port Beach. T Cost $15 000 000 and L. B. Millard. Wright. , -;---- Fl .owers and Potted Plants •I *- for EASTER Order Early Phone 590 NORMAN'S FLOWER SHOP * NURSERY 1314 Coast Highway Corona del Mar ATTENTION! Boat Owners! We Have About 50 Large Heavy Duty 6-Volt Which We Are Putting on Sale at Only SlS.00 Each · These batt.eriell have 41 plates per ceU, weigh 150 lbs. and are llst..d today by the manufacturing Co. at $68.00. They were made for the government, but "'ere never med and ....., not old stock. We have just recenUy opened a battery service here in Cosbi Mesa, and are using this method of making some new friends, for we know that i• what you will be If you get one of thesie batteries at $18.00, for that ls less than It cost the manufacturer to make them. STOREY'S BAI IERY SERVICE W~(&twoen 18th ll Magnolia) COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 1 14 W. 4th St. PASADENA Aaa S..\..i."iTA • Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH 0 • • SOPHOMORES -Eleanor Ad-Collins oted Against The Southern California Edison company is going to build another steam-electric gener ating plant. W. C. Mullendore, Edisori com- pany president. announced that the company 1Ji.'ill spend approximately S1 5.000,000 for the immediate con- struction of a ne'" steam station at Redondo Beach to supplement the present generating station on Terminal Island. · The new plant is required, Mr. Mullendore said. to meet the In- creasing demands on the company for electric service in Souther n and Central California. Present demands for electricity exceed the most optimistic estimates, and all studies of population gro"·th and potential use of electric service point to continuing grov.'th of elec- trical load. Who Wants a Boat Free for Cost of Hauling Away? The lttindanao. once a handsom( schooner, but for the past five or six years a headache to the city because she has rested on the bot- tom of the south channel off the city camp grounds, again came up for discussion before the directors of the chamber of commerce. The owner . W. C. McFarland, had offered to deed the derelict to the city, but before accepting the council decided to see what amchak, Betty Bean. Bill Brownie, Bill, So,Appom" ted Gladys Golew, Anne RitteT. Con-1 stance Shook, James Steffensen. T9 o_vetsee_ it Dolores Young. I - FRESHMEN -Norma Bartine, Leslyne Everette. Keo Fisher. Betty Ann Flory, Shirley Gehrig, Margaret Kipp, Mary Laurie. May- nard Lobell, Carol ?tiitchell, Julianne Pren tice. Ruth Ann Thatcher , Arly Toulouse. Vaccination Clinic to Be Held Wednesday At C. M. Main School Auemblytnan Sam L. Collins of F ullerton ~ ~ppointed last week as a m emj of the two-ma n com- mittee of he state legislature's lower hous to oversee distribu- tion of thd $90,000,000 city and county funci. · liens stand against the hulk off Dr. R ussell. county health of- 15th street. \Vhc n the navy was ficer, will conduct a vaccination approached dur ing the war and clinic at J.iain Elementary school Serving ~ the committee with Collins. WflO voted against the bill will the authOr of the legislation. . Don F ield of Glen- dale. The ill provides for build- ing constr ction in cities and counties o the state, .funds for which will be furnished if the projects haye 11 state interesL asked to have the sunken craft 'n Costa M tod Wedn d Ra ' e•a ay, . .. ay. mona Pageant W1'U removed. they r efused as not for the purpose of 1mmun1zing T coming within their Jurisdiction. c hildren of school age against Be S~ April 27 Recent C'fforts to have it declared smallpox. a menace to navigation have also ...:rhe vaccination~ will begin at HEMET The Ramona Pageant failed. Hubbard Howe of the South 9 a.m. and all children over one "'hich., pri to Pearl Harbor drew SA~1ENTO.-H . R. Dunbar, Coast company reported. She does year. of age should be brought to thousands (ot CaUfornia ns and chief of the Bureau of Llcenses 1 not belong to Smith Brothers. as the clinic at this time, Dr. Rus-visitors to he twin communities of the California Division of Fish erroneously {eported previously. sell ~arned. of Hemet.-an J acinto. will be and Game. \\'a rned all angle:rs to I The harbor master is studying dis-Mem~rs o'. the Costa Mesa held April . it was announced Get Licenses Early, Anglers Warned begin buying their licenses now to \ position of the hulk. PTA \\'Jll assist Dr. Russell and by the · ds to Romance asgo.. a\'oid the rush that is expected a t school nurses' in conducting the ciation. license agehcics just berorc the Tw f H bo c linic. Preceded by an outdoor barbe- season opens May I . I 0 rom ar r D b • cue at Gibnan Hot Springs at un ar expects sales this sea-Region Now Citizens noon, the .,ageant will open at son to break all ex1s tmg records . State Guard Centers ' including last year's high mark of In c:eremon1~s conducted by the 2:45 p.m . !n Ramona Bowl, ac. Sl.100.000, and said late sports-American Legion .and the Dau_gh -Named for Calif. cording to J>avi d Ollftstead, secre- men nlay find a tem porarily ex-ters of the American Revolution, SACRAMENTO _ California's ta.ry o! the associatio~ whi~ ha usted supply of licenses aL their 22 Orange county. men a nd wo-post"-·ar National Guard air for ces n:iainta1ns ~eadquarters 1n Muni· agents 1 men became ouzens of the of ne arly 5000 men requested by cipal AudJt ium, Long Beach and __ · United States in Santa Ana last j the war Department will be cen-wh0&e mem rs have been allotted \Vednesday afternoon. fercd in San Francisco and Los a block of seats !CYr the event . GI LL' S I Includl'd in thl' group who took ' Angeles. with acti•'e units in Oak-· . their oath of allegiance from land. San Diego and Sacramento, 1 HERR G FOR ClllNr\ "-. Presiding Superior "Court Judge according to Brig. GCn. Victor R. The hig st · national herring Kenne th E . Morrison \Ve re Ela Hansen. State Adjutant General, catch in .f ur years is being DELICATESSEN FOOD -SHOP • Fruit JeUo • Cheese Galore • Roast Meal8 ·• Kitchen Fresh l\'fa ry \Vood, Balboa Island, for· \t·bo also stated that specific lo-ta~en in. na dian waters a nd is merly of Great Britain, and Theo--cations for air force units have bei~g ship from Vancou••er to dor e Berger. Costa l\1esa. formerly been indicated by the National Ch~na. Th west coast catches, of Austria. 'I Guard Bureau in Washington. which Bho 1,263.630 C¥eS for Canada a.lope, are under order from UNR A for China ship- ment. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! --+------· Drive C&r tu1ly-Sparf" a Lile Bi11tincti"e b -u t not , I expensive! It l'OOi._. no n>~ to 1n1rcha.... r.>n- tnl Plat•'" n1a•.lt• from the new Tt&D•Pan-nl :lla- t.ertlll ... "*-.rd· l e •• o( tb111r many dl•lineliTe ff'at lll""t"th lhf"J" an!! prltt'CI w I ' h I • )"o•r n11••11•. Tu.. Dew T!"a11~1111n'nl :M :111·rial i• llU• •urpa aao d ror BeautJ', Oocntort it n d Duru.t111it:r and aJ'fords "1lU\Y • EllJOY WEARlllG YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYlllG P • re•••• ...... Dr. CewM'1 LU.- • r •I C,.,.t ,.,. ... ·"· ,.,,. c .. ,.,. ad.:an•az"" ht·r.-tofo"' unkno....n lo "'" ,,..,,,,.,.,.,., ... ,\r~n · 1, :'lof'\00' t"wln'l 1'1-uN" IWMI ltn\tru•t·J l'f"r~unal .\111wi...-•nl'I', • Salads and • Spedalti"" We Have Just Received a Shipment of SH,,. .... TITTSE IN SAVINGS OF'FERED BY • Smoked Tnrkey. • Fish ll Oysten SHOP AT GILL'S HARD TO GET RADIO TUBES . Maybe We Have the One You Need t-0 Put Your Set Back In Operation SA TA ANA FURNITURE CO. I I For beeber Vegetables &tter Meala Fucy , Grocerlee 245 Fo......t Av .. LAGUNA BEA.OR I I Slats -0 • Wood 1 AWNINGS PAY FOR THEMSELVES Freedom from upkeep and replacement expense makes the firnt cost the last cost. F.fbrk: which fra,rw and "'ears ragged ls com· pletely ellmlaated lll - SLATS -0 -\VOOD Awnings l\1ore cqmfort ! Permanent good looks! Thilored to fit the arc.hi· tcctl.ll'e of YOUR home! FOB ESTDI_.\ TES PHO~'E OR WRITE Slats -()-. Wood Awning Co. of Orange County 71$ So. Pbllad•lpbla SL Anaheinl, Calif. Phone Fuller1o n IW·J Benne Toll rn.a,... Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! &fore 'Ibey Are Gone PALMER RADIO and APPLIANCE 2348 Newport Blvd. Phone 2432 Costa Mesa Vacationers tttention! A gift for the pet you left at home or Fresh government inspected horsemeat -dry foods -and remed ies (o r the lucky dog or cat that came with you. •• • Come in We'll Be Glad to See .You .. THE PEJ PANTRY ll3 Agate Ave. Balboa Island I N. B. 1'7%5-W ---~ Blk. N°j of Ferry Landing ' DAH RUG _...., -$1~5 -rASlB~ Ma le ab!es co TAB -···-·-···-····-9..50 LAMP.T LE f ·-···---·-····--···8. 'J'S End T ''' '' ,,, ________ ,, "" ..... 11.95 Ma le Cri ket Chairs ~ $1295 lay Pen $850 Ftllloh Floor . Roomy sr r Chair I s1075 ' . THOlllll.8 K . WJLLIAMll Santa AM Phone 922 BROADFELT NEW PA1TEBN8 Gold Seal 9 ft. Wldtlt u..~ CONGOLEUM $229 RUGS .......... 9>12$695 Size TABLE LAMPS ·Oncof 25% a klad OFF MODE&N Maple Living Room Foot Stools TABLES Hardwood $695 ' \\'alnut or Bleadled nllhb. Vph ol11tered Coffee Table '5"5 Clotht!s Hamper End Table -'495 By ~650 Lamp Table •495 \\llJtney 0 F~lding SHOWER Baby Carria'5e CURTAINS ' -'7 s14 Matched 2-pc. Sets ~.:;r:,i; ...... mz·..-... • AW llEDDCl:D ftl High Chair ~~ N-~775 ~ 1"1111111 ' ' ! < .1all: a po piWfll N~ -·~· White House Cafe A new type of aptlcal cJaa wblc:h ahoc:cbo moot of the Infra- red beet ._ of Ught bu been developed In tho United S tata. according to tho Better Vlalon In- stitute. nie glul is suitable fer use as a beat screen ln aptical projection devices employing bright. bot lights. ,,...0 l1D i..c-lleMh, Oallf. Sell that unwanted article '-------~-----"through News-Tunes ada. P. A PALMER. , LIDO ISU! PN:WWWIB5 ='-"-=~· W. 0 . NICK-Is.surame Coo.noelor ~1500 ~-"-' 3333 Vli LlDO CAL'IFOIUll1A • M&WW 8''80A Vacation Throngs mt Beaches (Continued from p-1) Harbor IDgh C !.track Team W'ms B ind Sand Championship lit Sunset League · Lot Pwners Object Finals; B Team ~ Second Place To (JDM Park po1nu to keep onler. A nwnber ot Cee trackaten of HO..-High (ttlnued ft'Oln Pap l) :t:' to i::.ru~~ ID : .!:'" ~:::..U-:' U::: Lutherans Invite had n idea what was ~1ng on, The of.fenders as tabulated by for winning the Sunset league All t J • "1L. the o side told of obtaining O>lef Hodgkinson at. noon Tues-track finals held in Santa Ana 0 OID •uem . 600 sil!l"'tun!s for the park In 24 day were: Balboa Island. 102 last Friday. The Cees, tl.vorites Jn Easte Se • hours lind Henneaey said every cues. mostly noise and speeding; to· cop the title on the basis of r mce step or\ u.e plan as considered by Balboa. 123 cases, 79 of which their undefeated 1"K1>rd in league the state had been in the Los were. for noise; Corona del Mar. meets. Went pretty much la.ccord-Plans for a Community Sunrise Anlel~ as well as local papers. 51 cases. 34 cases of noise on ing to dope and were. pever in Servtce at 6 :00 a.m. on Easter He a1.rtO said no present homes Sw'lday only ; Newport, 32 cases. danger of dropping the ball to Sunday morning are in progress built ii' the section wouJd be...in- mostJy speed. T otals of police Anaheim. who wound up in second under the auspices of the Newport eluded the park. cases booked thought the harl>br place, as expected. j Harbor Lutheran church. The ·Mrs. Hazel King of Pasadena in all areas for other than traffic Harbor Bees were not· as for4 seMce will be held on one of the made F eloquent plea that the violations were 51 over the week tunate as their little brother&, mcist acenic locations In the com-land bf kept for ~he .people, say· end These ranged from stealing however. Established as at least munlty-the bluffs of Newport lng thtt many drive m from the to d:nmken driving, and included ~favorites w i th Huntington Heights affording an inspiring highwp to see the view and later adults as well as youths. Beach for th.e title, the locals view of the sunrlse re.fleeted on come ~ck to live and be taxpay- Burglary Reported At White's Cafe BUC N OT1CI!: u&atD'ICATE OF llt181ND18 Fictitious Firm Name • The uncleft;gned -hereby Cttt1fy that be is contluctlng • General Insurance Agency and Brokerage busineu at 714 Eut Central Avenue, Balboa. Califor- nia, under the fictitious firm name of BRIGGS & MacKAY and that said firm is composed of the fol- 1ov.1ng person whcee name is and place of residence is as follows, to-wit: Sandy F . MacKay, 1521 Ocean Boulevard., Balboa, Ca.llfom.Ja. Witness my band this 12th day of April, 1946. ~ANDY F . MacKAY. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, l County of Orange ) ... On this 12th day of April A.O ., 1946, before me, Louil W. Briggs, a Notary Public In and for the said County and State, residing ~rein. duly commissioner and .- PuaL1c Na:nca - exea.ited the same. In Witness -· I bave here.unto set my ~and aff}.._ my official seal the and 1"V in thia ce.rtlfica.te tint above written. WUIS W. BRIGGS Notary l'l!bllc ID and for said County and State. (Ky CO!nmiaiori ExjJi,,.. (Seal) May 28. 1947.l Pub.-Apr. 16, 23, 30; May 7, 19t6. < . ROOPS APPLD:DoaJ1at•n-> Free Eatbeta A b I ttlw .., ........ 31(11MllNUI .Pl>, Nwpt. lOIH - Gust Trudrlng ;:::::::::=:::::.:.: .• ;; .• ;;.;;;,_;;;;,., .. ;;;,;;,.;;w;;_;;;;;;,,.;;,,;;;,.;;;,,p;;;;.,;.,;,.,;;.,;;~;; .. ;;_;;;:_;;..,.;;;;; ... ;;;.11;.;;,1;;~;;.;;;_;;;;;";;.;;,~;~ I On Balboa Island A BR~m OF OLD LAGUNA I dropped some important points in the waters of the P adflc. The site ers .. J ~ A. Beek, secretary of the the dashes, ancl had to satisfy cm.en for the 1ervioe ii located State~nate, told of the passing themselves with a second to the on Cliff Drive at the end of El of th bill and of the stacks of Oilers who turned out a well· Modena street. It ts accessible appe to the governor that the round~ squad to cop the trophy. I from the Coast Highway by way appro · tlon be allo'flled. Hub- Santa Ana took the A' title 81 of San Bernardino street. bard owe· said he nevtt once scheduled and the Harbo~ vanity Sunrise services in other C?"1· heard anyone apeak acatnat It. collected six points to finish wa:y munlties have attracted wide-and Jtraden Finch, former presi· out of the money, also as ex .. spread interest. It t.a felt that this dent 'I the chamber ot. ~. 1630 NewjMri JlmL, . sworn, personally appeared Sandy <l09TAJD:SA F . MacKay known to me to be Phone Npt. Beb. 915 tho person -name Is aub-Bollded a._... , -~ . I "MIMI'S -~ 1745 SOUTH COAST BOULEVARD ' DOWN nIE STAIRS LJJNCllEON 12 to Z -DINNER Ii to 9 Starting Saturday Serving Sizzling Kansas City Steaks CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ) FOB R•MRVATIONS CALL 1_, • i • i i • ~ ~ • ~ • • i-•n• I II ., i ...... 111........ " tttll!lflll!l!:llllliltllllll Hl !!IJ!lnlHIUWlllOllllW-•llenl llliiWIOllHl neir.11..":. . FOR ·EASTER ~ ~ ~ I Azaleas, Rhododendron, French Hydrangeas, Calceolavia, Cala- dium, African Violets, Primroses, Easter Lilies. ~ ~ ~ MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE PLANTS Beautiful Plants --Beautifully Wrapped ~ ~ ~ Cardoza Gardens liOS Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. PHONE NEWPORT 47 LIVE STOCK LOANS Ranchers . . . if '.you need money now, consult:,the Fir11t National Bank in Santa Ana. Live stock loans artr a means of securing ready cash today. If you could use prompt credit see the First National Bank. It's good business to borrow from your bank. You build valuable bank stanc;ling and pave · the way to quick future credit when you need it. Complete Loan Senice r11~sr \ \l'ION .-\I, ll\~I\ 1N SG..A'l.t..u. G...r· .. ..:-4. A""" ~OURTH £r MA I N Jlc=' !r Federal Depo91.t Imaraaoe o.,....u. * * • Sometime between 12 midnight ~ted. The Saints Bob Hougland community has all the natural said fie basic reason the people scribed to the within instrument, and-acknowl ed to me that he edg and 6 a.m . Saturday morning _... be al f f tL'' led th k broke the league's ·milt record auty to assure equ success or o nq; area wan e par wu burglars entered the White's Park when he paced himaelf to a beau-this aervtce. Community organl-beca~·· private owners would ~-------------------------­ Avenue cafe on Balboa Island by tltul 4 min. 492 four-lapPer and zations Interested ln promoting take · 11, for the city had only jlmmying a rear window in the three. other records were broken thts service or having part in the 40 f t of bay and four to six B k · L D llcated ~=~f ans'k~~p~lc~e ;:h ::! I in the other divisions.. -~:" Ro~e a!n~J.t~=~ ~~T d~e:k":r.<>cean ~ntage in ro ell enses up left in an open drawer, tt wu Summary: of the decoratlna: commJttee is Sai4 Councllrrlan· Earl Stanley, Olene& AdJaded • ......._ BepUred reported t0 police Saturday morn-cr.,:o88b.~stt. burdl__._t>eaort l?fHl. lllc-Mr. Kenneth Quarry jr., of 1236 "We lre not in~asing the beach ing. Nothing else was disturbed. Gra• I P l. tie Rima f!'IB) and BUlbouee Garnet avenue Balboa llland The but merely keen.ng that which the Eyea Snmlned Al,._, h li protection had (!"R I. nme. 9.S... • · 11 .,.. ulV ... g po ce . 100-Cook 1es1. s.. f SAl, SmJtb interest of the community will publi~ has always used, for 95 been increased in the island, as (SA1. o.botne 1P1. nme. 10.e.. determine the 1uccesa of this and nPf'" cent of these owners have pur- l! h thr hout th city durl g 6&o--Oale tBDJ. Dale IKB), K -n r-• -,.. as oug; e n C!'IBI. 8efT7 i NBl . Time. tin, t9.4s. future services. All are invited to cha.sej:J the property within the Easter vacation, an unidentified 220-PorW-1sA1. au. 13.\), Brown participate la.st (wo yean." With Penney re- prowler gained entrance to the I N182~ ::~·u~~kmeie2J'i? .. xLOra• · lterafng the theme of "the will of cafe for the sole p'urpose of o~ 1P 1. x~10 1NB1. Slater 1ee1, Time 141. the rFOple, by a vote of property E.T. Butterwortll, 0. D. S114 WM& Cmtnl l'bcme 2511 Evenblp by Appolntlimt ' ·'•Ing m oney police say because 1 32~tra· (T ). Ro•alco•• (881. VI· Ask c1·ty Rule ..,,. a.u• • • dA1 lBBL C'roll9 1NR1 . Time. 3m. 30.11. own:; only,"' Stanley asked with he did not enter the bar in an tlM ~•u-Sania Ana. IS.-Beman· 0 Sh ti G ll a e, "Mr. Penney, do yoU real-1·~==================~;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;~ adjoining room or did not take ~l1""~~e ... 9:!~~1·,,:i.n~i~9'.2 •. 8i:r! n 00 ng a ery ly k suCh a vote would be anything else. sun1et ~..-uf! Rtton:11. In Balboa legal " e urg ary was scover llRn 1NRi . i-1•1. Dl!ll 46 ft. 9 1n. Th sand lot owners wanted the Th b I di ed Shot-Bansal l ?'"B J. K.ldi.., (0 1. Kil-i the n ext morning at 6 a .m . by Hi.ab Jump--Tte 900• (SA.I . Brown When is 8 shooting gallery not coun ·1 to defer action until a new Mrs. Pinkie Scott when she open-~~1~~,~~d r~1~~. !NHI : Sh.iptrl?M:t (RBI. a shoottng gallery? That was ,_ appr~al based on present prices ed the doon, B~ Jump--Do•IY I RB ~. Pollocll d f uJ be d d Id h 1se i. Rlm11o 1~·e 1. &kltt isA J. D111 .• pon erable question or members co ma e an we re to t ey :?O tt ... In. of the police dePartment. city at-must make such an _appeal at the S h · · Poll' vau\l--Carmlrbar1 !A l. LA'tit0n. cote tape, various sizes, on i HD I: o..oome (F l. Drown •Al. n elirbt. torney and the oitY planning com-Tues ay council meeting. Approxi- sale at the News-Times . 11 fl :. in. mission to decide as they consid-mateiy 80 parcels wtll be affected l'olnt•: H unUnlt1-R...rh 4' '"'"· :\·,..,.. ""'! pr·sent, and values would be i•ort 11..-bor :\O 1 .. 't. ~nh• Ana H 1-3. ered the case of a new com-"" r.e t"ull•rtnn 16. Anabrln• "'· Or-ans• s. pressed air gun rC:centlv ins, tailed set three unbiased state ap-cu~ c ~ · H t.o-T1 .. Mat..,. I Al and l'!lnbsll •A~. to shoot at steel plates in the pra1 rs, ennessey stated. Rt•ll t s n I . Vauchn 1 SH I. Timi'. 6 Pt. ar cade adi'oining, the Fun Zo,n.e a t I 00--1\runru.l ~I" 1. Walt~ 1NB 1, · !'mllh !SH J. Bal•·" •F•. 'Mmt. l f!Q~. Balboa. I 1H11\-l\l11N<m:1.n •SHI, Os.vl"°o !l!HJ. Residents of Balboa Island hear EYfS of some types of young mon~eys have a range of accom- modation of 10 diopters. as com- pared with the diopters of young chil,en of the hwnan race, ac- cording to the Better Vision l nsti· tute.l Elect ••• Charles W. LYON Lieutenant CO VERNOR Charles W . Lyon haa served 30 years in the State Legislatu~ as Sen- a.tor and Assemblyman. ttie last ftve years as Speaker of the Assembly. The experience ealned during these years wUI prove invaluable to the people with Lyon as Ueu- tenant Governor. Hurtado IA!. Bo:•nn,.11 i SHI. 'nz.nl". I m . :1:1 4 •. J':?(l low hurct~Pt-nb11l l A l. &II •SH 1. Dr""'I ,J ?OH 1. \\'o;>Odbou11o• INB). T'lml". I .. :!•. 4 .. 0 ..-..lll.1-An11bl"im. s ,.,..P<)rl. Or:tnoe-,. llununclon Br:.•·h. Tln1 ... 47 ·J~ Poll' •111111-1'1" \\'1lltan1• I ~A I. f')•'lltJ Ill.A l. Ha,, ISH I. Woodm;in.... IS"HI \\"()OdhOUIN'l t !'OH r· :inti 8'1)('k I A ), ffPl.C"bl. fl ft. 6 In . Hieb Jun11.........rarter • F ~ \Ir r .. rru~n f F I 1n1! M ,.Do,..,.11 4 SH f · lie 8oohf'r 4 A l 11n<I Hoolunl' f ~A ' Heisht. ri f t. 7 J.n... {Ne• Sun.et ll'UU& ~Ml Broad 1u z.np--Krn,.~ni·I rF l )I ~• i Al . Smllh tS H I. W•tl1 l!'o'Bl . Di11t., 19 It. ~ tn. , Shot put-Bro"n j SH 1. ~,.ndoaa IKB), Bl,.rs •A), Pr-ell 10~. Di.~1 . 411 ift. I< in. PnlnU: SPWtlOl't H•rbor 40 ':!·~. Ana- hrlm 31 1·3, F'ullf'fl°"' 19. 1"6111.a Aea 4 1 ... "l, HantlnstOG 9-.h 4. 0.--P' :I. Robbie's Rigging Loft "RfrlUc Without Removlnc the Mut" Specilalty: \VI.re Cable Spllc- LDc. Sock.eta, Fancy· Work. Etc. Contract or nme and ?\1a- tetials. Sorry, no pbon&-Drop in or · drop me a card ' ' Robbie's Rigging Loft 1658 S&nta Ana J\'\•e. Costa M-Callt. IT'S YOUR GLANDS! • Prootai.. 8""kache, Headache, PalDO ID I ... and cro\a+Acloeo and pains and ••dracced-out" teellnc ln women. Loma of Vltallt7 -"Al....,. Tl rod" foelln~-SUpplllc and OrowlD&' Old befo"' )'OW" Ume. AnemJa--IDch and .Low Blood Praewe-Br!onchl.al .btllme F.cr.ema-Palorlu-Kldney and Heart CondlUOm.. re- •pom 1UOON8fully to our l:xclualve Ola.ad Technique developed llml 18 ,.,... experience. NO PAIN-NO DRUGS-NO SURGERY-N O INSECTIONS. CONSULTATION FREE BY APPOINTMENT. PRON[!: 1134 Dr. E. F. Bell, D. C., PhC~ 10'7 H ad SL . ewport Beaelo, Callt. B oon: 9 :90 to '7:SO Monda,-. and Tbundays I I ' I l I 1 ···l•'' ,,,11t Q'i\\\iESS R~C\Mli .. ,,,,,, ':;a\tt6 to· Mll 18 " , 1 sat111ats ttllllll ti tlCU tltl'i ra11 ·•ll•lll • ~ s1u1 ·a J lel auts · uu , •··''··tut fu P.W • C • the resounding ping of the little pellets against the steel \vhen cus- tomers shoot in the gallery at ni~ht, and "·hen J ohn Allen, chair- man of the planning comnlission could find no license issued for a ;--lf-----------, shooting gallery, prohibited by or· dina nce, he was puzzled by its presence. Introduction of the new type of air gµns which snipers used during the war was the reason given for the gallery, which last season \.vas app&rently the harm· less a nd noiseless type. Allen is seeking an opinion from City Attorney Roland Thompson on whether the gallery constitutes a nuisance. All kinds typewriter ribbons in r oR INSURANCE SEE ~oward W. Ger:ri1h Newport Bouleou.! OOllTA MU• -·11 utomobile • Fire Accident • Life Ll.cenae &nd Contzact Bc:mda Written stock at the News-Times. '--+----------- JUST ARRIVED -- -New Sh ipment of FRONTIER PANTS Riding Apparel and Sadcllery, English and Wostem ShlrlB, Hat.. and Boot.. for Men, Women and Children Al Sherwin Riding : & Sport Shop Z05 No. Broadway, Santa Apa Phone 67ZZ ' , New, Sensational }Trolling Jigs For Alb~core an~ Barracuda COMMERCIAL .... lltRMEN COMPLETE SUPifu:Es FOR Specializing in ng Gear ' McCallum & Harvey Z814 La F&yette Phone 81S ·Mercury Clea Successors to E 1844 Harbor I PHONE 1687·W rs & Dyers ·e•s Cleaners ulevard We are now able rto give you e best worlt possible with the available help we ha.Ve. We have created the respect of the general d.iblic in Long Beach · over a period of years.· We Ely hope to gain the confidence of the people the Harbor Area. We operate our own clem:ung plant in "Colta Mesa. and it is the <p>I)' one in the · victni9'-Your .......,. .. 9fJ"9' kia.-e oar I aw ttae;-U"& re-_,.. ,_, -. . ' You are as close 11» us as your ' Telephone. Phone 1687-W PHONE 1887·W . l - Whether it is If you are == unable to come~ in during - saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better tnru . off ice hours, why )lOt save cry ' mail? our savings plan Part ot All you Earn is Yours to SaVf./ Resources $4,906,000.0J) ,., Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Association Lagmaa llellch, Clallt. -Ph. S90 Let Fluorescent Lighting Increase Your Sales , • ETS-HOKll & GALVU lllNCZ * lllt 1000 Oout Jllway l'IMme Newpo.i 118' Am. -~--""eo"' 0 .... ·-···-~D11p=Oat1 I EI.ECTRICIANS • ... PAmO&YC:-:'!::. .=:... ~:::.·PMM. --. • ' • Soldier 'Bowled Over' At End of Bay Ave. March Field, wbo --n Hill Due wlien hla speedy car couldn't atop Bow NewPort Beach Citnen• Voted •t the end of the a..,, ... ""'"At Re'""dezvous it meeta 15th street. tbe otJJn" . ;a1 For Two Council' Seats April 9 Bowling on the green at the wnt end of Bay avenue has day- light ·11oun_ but this didn't mean much to Sgt. William Walker of ru:~ Walker was goinl too f~t Easter week to stop, he reported, and oou1dn t I iii "' > the fence which protects the A f\l.lJ house ii expected by the see Rendezyoos llallroom durin& Eut- ;z: I ii: 0 .i ~ e NEW LINll!I Craft Greeting Cards ~ Brookinp V arieiY green, and he went richt on in. er Week and aupplyln.g the music turning his car over in the ~ for danci.n& will be AnaeU Hlll, an 1l i : a II • iS ~ > Ill 3 IC ] -c.... ..,.. 0.0.. ... .. lMril ., 4>1' ..... .... cess. It was towed away to Al's gar3ge. The soldier was not hoorL For office aupplia, tee the News-Times. LIFE -AUTO -FIKE -.lllARINE Accident II Health BBIGG8 a McKAY BALBOA, VALD'. BB.ING YOUB RADIO TO US OD& IMJ -We'll Repair li and You V... Ban It Ibo Nert f'llcto'Y Pvt.. Wodt o ........ -. Factory Tnlaed E>pM1a. Radio SOS Electric llAROLD L RAMM PlloDe 780 S00 Marine AT~ BaJboa lalMMl ; 2 ... 0 0 .i: <! "'· 0 ... t .. • " ' .. H .u• I ,. M .. .. lJ 111 I Ill .. .. n • 1., 4 lOll • .. II 11 lU • 111 .. 1n :te • lM I .. .. lit • St lU 7 lit 1., n M 16 1• I ., 0 .. u " ... • II . n .. Ill • 114 11 .'IS a 0 A H 111 11 41 n • • 1 'M 1J 11 n n II 11 118 1S .. • n n • .. -- Total "" 118 I m '61 na 1111 Wrtte-la v.a.. 18 Prec:bd 10: B. P . YarDell. S.; Kate JlclC--. 1 Abem.tee Miiota reoetYed: Foar. Toto! ..--Vot.oia: 41M. C-Ounty Scout Troops Get Permission ~~ ~h~. ~~:r·~.f;-;; To Install Swimming Pool · a return engagement. Permiaion wu received toelaY•------------- Hill's band, which hu a atyfe by the Orange Empire Area Coun-Larg M Ch • slmllar to a famous RA!ndezvoua ell Boy ScouU of America. from e esa Olr alwnnus, Stan Kenton, hu many the United States Forest Service T Re d Ca tata auwortus among dance •nthu.1-to Improve • oectlon of Jenks 0 n er n uts, and his engagement for Lake at Barton Flatl ln the San On Easte E Easter Week 11 a popular choice. Bernardino mountains for use aa f Ve Skinnay Ennil. arch leader on a tw1mmlnc area for Boy Scouts the Bob Hope show and a Peren-camping at Camp Ro-Kl-Ll. it wu The famous Easter cantata. nial national favorite, will appear reported by George Tobias, Vice-"Seven Last Words of Quist,'"' on Thursday. April 18, to round President of the Boy Scout Coun-by Dubois, will be presented by a out a solid lineup of mUlical tal-c:ll. 35-voice choir at the Costa Mesa lent for the expected jive hounds. Plans for a swimming pool at Community church at vesper serv- Ro-Kl-U are under way but untll ices Easter Sunday. Clinical Laboratory Starting This Week In Newport materials are available a floating The choir, which will be remem- dock and rafts will be constr~cted bered by locals for its Christmas at the mountain lake after t he service, featured the solo voices bot tom of the lake has been of C.Orene Boettcher, mezzo-so- scraped to r e move marine growth. pra no. Malcolm Reid, baritone, FLOOR FURNACES.------.. , A n ew clinical laboratory spec-ializin g in runnin g blood tests, Installed Immediately T erms if Des.ired basal metabolism. gastric a nd Swimming and life saving in-and Don Yinger, te nor. Reader for struction under t he supervlslon of th! program will be Lindsay Robert CUibertson, Army a.U.d Red Workman and the production is Cross aquatic instructor, and a under the direction of Kehneth D . staff of assistants "'ill be sµ-essed Boettcher. • W\V COST INSTALLATION • NO EXTRA FLOOR CUTTING • NO FLOODING OUT SATISFAcrION GUARANTEED Hardware P E R RY'S _ Appliances 1S06 Coul BJvd., Corona del Mar Phone 824 // - "HERE'S HOW YOU CAN MAl(f YOUR IEARS LAST FOR YEARS!" Doo't use a hammer if your truck or u actor is a stubboro shifter! RP1''l Gear Oil cushions. gears and makes them work easily. J(s a stn,;ght mineral oil that pro. teas gca.cs from grinding wear. It Bows freely at low temperatures, and at all temperatwes its stability prevcoc.s chc formation of deposits m ge:a.r cases. Gears last for years with RPM Gear Oil! Clayton Thompson Wholeoale Distribution Phoae 155 Res. Phone 1094 EYES EXAMINED! CREDIT! - DB. ·.IOllPB ... w. cor.. 4111 & SYCAMORE SANTA ANA 0•11 C..w .... 1atty I.owled en tlte ........... urinalyses. pre-martial blood tests and s imilar clinical work is being opened this week at 2833 W . Cen- tral avenue. The office \vill occupy one-half of a new building about one block ~outh of the N eYi'S-Timt's. H alf will be rented by Dr. Gordon Rap, VentiSt and the other half by Mary E. Modden. r.1'. $., M , T .. A.S .C .P . who will supervise the \\'Ork, and her associate William H. Brush. Both were stationed at the Santa Ana Army Air Base for over three years, and after the war Miss Madden op<>ncd the lab- oratory a t Fullerton hospital. They have found a great need tor their ser vices to physicians in this territory. Manicure Service Started in Balboa at the Boy Scout summer camp A cordial invitation has been this year with an effort being issued to the public to attend and made to qualify · every Scout for a silver offering y.·ill be taken to swimming &nd life saving merit defray expenses. badges, Tobias stated. Boat ro\ving and canoeing in- struction also will be availAble for qualified s";rnmers. 1 Camp Ro-Ki-LI will OPtf!n on June 18 and operate four 'lo-day periods with Hugh ?i.1. Wilcox. Scout executive a.s camp director and a central adult staff of fifteen men Ln addition to the adult lead- ers in charge of each t roop, 1Tobias said. Name Thompson New Commander Installa tion of officers o~ Coast· line Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, last week seated' John 69 Sorority Girls In One House-- Some Sort of Record! Just ho\v flexible the walls of one house can· be is a question, and so is the number of persons that can occupy the supposedly fixed cubic space of said house in any degy-ee of comfort; but thi& week 69 girls are eating, sleei:; ing and enjoying themselves in one (I ) residence on the ·Balboa ocean front. Ruby \Vhceler. IA'ho has had 14 Thompson, Costa Mesa business years' experience in pedicure and man. as commander in ceremonies manicure has joined the staff at ·conducted in Legion hall. l\.'lar), .. s Bay and Surf Beauty Assuming duties with Thomp- Shoppe, 703 Ea.st Ct'i:tral avenue, son were H . R. Roberts! senior Balboa ~1en are inVJted to make vice-commander; I. Belote jr .. use of this service a nd will find junior vice-commander; Rodney it convenient, as Mary is located Willis, chaplain; James H . Bene- in the rear of the barber shop diet, quartermaster : Arthur Yam- at that address. bert, judge advocate: Bill Sav- From Fullerton J unior college are 30 Kappa Lamba Sigmas who had expected to have the home this year. as they' did the previous year. I t seems, however, there are two landladies and e ach rented it to a different group, so the Kappas are upstairs and downstairs are 39 high school Theta Nu The tas from North Hollywood and Glendale, which must be something of a record in occupancy. Among the Kappas are two local girls, J eannie Gerrish and Diana Margwarth. Expert RepalriDg Typewriters Office Equipment ROBERT'S Typewriter Service 280! \Ves&: Central Newport Beach RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS I suffered for years and am so thankful that I can walk and work again Y.tithout pain, that I will glad- ly answer anyone writing me for information. ~IRS. EMMA IVES. P.O. Box 189. Los Angeles 52, Qliif. Pd. A dv.-NUE-OVO Laboratories FOR SIGNS BENEDICT nt. S18D Man e BOAT LETTKRING A SPECIAL TY • . • • 41"-l B"'--t!o"'f'G"'I 901 Cout HlahW&ll Phones 211111 aod :1(189 age, surgeon ; James Vandecar, trustee. Otto Dodd, retiring commander, "'as presented a past-COJTl!llander's pin by James Sullivan of Santa Ana, who was in charge of in- stallation. Brief talks we.re given by Irvin Geor ge Gordbn and Walter Tipton. Algie B. Harmon, Si le, 1817 W. Cen tral avenue, Newport Beach, has beeii honorably di!ICharged from the U. S. Navy at the Naval Sepai:at!On Center in Shoemaker, Calilomi.a. PfUICIJ<Ui VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUll ..,._T_...-......... -~-Pn1•·a-,,.,_.,, • ._ 814 Coe.st Blgbway PbODf> Newpo.rt 2780-W WE NEEp 25 GOOD USED CARS IMMEDIATELY! Before you sell -stop in at McCarthy Used Car Jot, 1920 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa, and see how much MO¥ CASH we will pay for your car. McCarthy Used Cars J~ &. Brewer, !18ool1-·m-m 1910 Newport Blvd. I • Before You Build or Re111odel I I a 'I. ._,_ M Carpet Works HIS -..,_ 11L ._-ta Aaa -ILUITA ANA . ' Hook, Line and Sinker ' -~ .. """ '•ln. <llllllic J)ldc Quirk of IM -• L Mow, _..~ • lllli paomd -but ... tbo end .. tho ._ pllr evly SUnda7 ~--lt or not, the f'llh Wu cauaht • a five-loot fly rod.· usinc live bait. 117 BUGB McMILL&N E)'ft of malJa are at the endl L---!,f--------'-----------------1 of flexible tentacles, which can be Spotflp croaker fishermen con-sportfishlnc ...,_ ~ far poked out of the sbell to lllcht tlnue t~ hold their own In New-charter out of Port Udo by Doug danger, aC<Xll'dinc to the Better port il<p'.-n.. number of row-Corter. U Interested phone Har-Vision lnstlt 1 boats ~ around Bay Islaod -:.IOL u e. • cate the croaker are continuing to fllbermen, but noticed a few oand WELCOME HOME! in the~n cha.nnel teems to indi-Have no late word from surf bite . n.. best croaker atory crab catchen working In the surf of the " k cornea from the Upper after the soft shelled. ones. Of Newjlott &art.or P..t :tll bay. T!ilrty-two spotfln croaker coune, you don't have to buy AMERIOAN LEGION were c'ua:ht by one fisherman tofties in the t ackle stor:es. You , ...._ • • llb m , • ..,. •• from L A. above the ahell dredger. can always hunt your own along _.. ,.:.:.,w' :'. "'::" .=.,. :-._-:: To get r= take the old county the beach. road ou of Corona det Mar that .---------------~--------­leads u around the east side of · Coney land. -clams 000-tln~t'~ w'::n~! ~!in In th• w•·· ,., IOllOW MONEY Newpor Tackle Store about trol· ling. He fits out a 'new jig called the N F1uh Lure and claims the acuda are going cruy over tt. t is more or leu trans- parent ¥Mf down the center is a shiny •J'IP of metal He claiml when Uie: sun shines on this it looks liltie an anchovle flashtnc 1n the -t4r ~ the borTacud& can't resist ttl rn still go for th• good ol' Jap 11<>ne jig. The pve bait boat Valenda' came 1"i Saturday with 48 white sea b&.Sf. The Fl~ loaded up Sunday _!:"'1th barracuda. So, this means ~e live bait J>oats are do- ing oke in their fishing. Berge fishing from the Newport pier isnft scheduled ,to get under way un~l May 1. Barge fishermen must ~ getting a little anxious with all the other fishing sports doing good already. P ier hing continues good wtth ' ••• get yo1r ••••r's wortlt I e Bomnr through) I &r -&imdly, ~ 'COllfidmrial Loaol from f50 10 -tuoo. No ~ or collatenl re- quittd. Loaolabomade on awomobiles, whether fully paid fix or not. You Deed 11or be • Bank of Amelia dcpoomx. WHY PAY MORE THAN THESE LOW RATES f TMse ore pay••nll on o $100 loanr &.pay in . . . . 12 mondll 15 months 18 mocuhs Moothlypa,.,_t $1.IS .7.16. '6-0S rorAl cosr1 ., ,,. \'IAI POii IACH 000 IOIUIOWID 0 9T I •• ..__ .. ~.,,,,,_ ........... ., ...... Be .... ,..... .... ·--1--die 1-pLIA ...n.ble OGly duoa&h llook oi AJDedoL 1Sunk of America NATIONAL ~';f~~ ASSOCIATION halibut the main item being caught . Ot course, It is a little tough f r the fishermen to keep running in off the p.ier to drop a nickel ii their parking meter. The tackle k ores have been sending a lot pf .fishermen on down the .,.,,. r111u.t 11H•rt 1•1au.•11 y1~01.t.t1D• • •r••t• n11111&&. Ul1n1 ITITSll coast tq get away from the evil. ----- Some ~ve . suggested the stores put in ~ths to take care of t he ri .. es o~ sfisfiermen lo save them maki~~..J a trip to the police sta- tion. woat a life! 1 Pick up a care ddvertising the I 1. GATES"...,....-. ""'1" BljLTS on your nfrig1r1tor, 1toker, -..-.-s -T.om. .....n... -1 power 6naly and mw:iochly bee.use of their P-c-fit with tbtpullly- - 1CAllS EIS JOl-SllOonl POWll. NEWroRT EJ.J!lCTKIC . .U-PLIAN co . ZS05 ()fut Blvd. Phone %1S8 f Estab 19" losJ' I'S Li'ouor Store loOa c.-t Blway ~ Jillo_., _._ •·C..C111d for bcaoi<y wl 1II"&r ~ Handsome 1114.,..i .-rior. Brilliant ,__a.,· iMcrior_ Scicn- .-; cr11 de.tigaed IJO give liot -oooking willl low boec oe gas <>r cW tr i c I f'7' Cool-grip. DO& --p6trtic bwllcs ._ i•u • .-a 1ococ-&or ID a.. -.! keep c:kaa. ... s..o.. time -w. .. la a sJ ••111•·· .S.95 ... •:sod So:ucSf• • ..J.N .... 11 I ad 5'•, •• •4$W r * sfX?9' KM••¥ TURNER'S YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER SI.Dee 1928 ~. NO 1 205 W. 4th St. SANTA ANA Phone 117% i 1 uitlng Business SALE • I DRUG ITEMS & SUNDRIES AT NEW LOW PRICES ·1 Buy _Now -APRIL 16 to APRIL 22 -and Save 1 GORDON'S HIWAY PHARM;ACY I 700 c.-t lllway Newport • • · The store baa been leMed to Mr. a.ad Mn. Roopd for a Liquor, WlDe a.ad ·Beer t with Tot.ecoe, <Judy a.ad Beversgee, opelliDg about May 1- * J. B. Gordon takes this occasion to thank his many • customers in the Harbor Area for their loyal patronage from 1939 to 1946 ' . .- • " • ti .. • • !S!leJI'!!!..-;.... -• I ·I ' M&WIWWWI •••ao• • ill-o-nter -"'CeeilBernardGaelt ~ • Act 8lock •t the ~,,,,_ Speaker of Kiwania uupoi;l'VISOr& · I . omians 'Most Fortunate in Nation; Ev~u Allen Dae Ph . "ciaos Want Voluntary Health Bafk from Service . lnS ' · e Instead of C-Ompulsory Kind ..!1~ '°.;::aebla 1n =: V..nllo f~ •t Newo-nn-. N•wport Hubor Klw•nl•na will To SeJtti1'l)pes _______ 1hear Ced! Bernard, who ~spent Of £1-ty Industry many yean In Hawaii and -bla \JUUD Carr's Feed Store color slides with which be wus-Selection of Industry ror 0nnge llEALTII wm LEADERS I It h~eU Nld thai a na-· from the lttVlce, Ewrett Le ilO)' ' trates his lectures when the RrV· county w.a indicated by the COUD· Hay and Grain 1ee dub .,...,. Friday """" at tf board or supervisors last week White's Balboa Cafe. In snmt!ne lond--application of Quality Feeds The regular meetlDg of the Kl-a furniture factory In the Yorba -§-wanis directors was pl8"fled at the Linda region. The board prevlous- DllllJ' Doll•WJ'--an home of Rev. E. o. Goodell, 3000 ly had rejected the appllcatlon or 18n Newpwt. llh4. Ocean Front Thu:nday evenlnc at Henry Harvill for a die-cutin& tlon's lilealth ts a nation'• ..,,alth. Suit, Counter-Suit Allen or 1275 30th •tft<t. Newp«t. By thMt •tuodard. Cellfomia Is '°" of Milo E\·erett Allen Is· re. ti.. -.Itblelt atate of Filed for Boat Work t urning to the harbor atta ~ 411. ror tbe records prove 23 . months. of sea duty .. He par. Golden State ts the Superior Court In Santa Ana is Ucipated in the b&ttleli of tho bealthltst cm the eontlmat. the scene of a legal tiff instituted Palau ls.lands and at Okinawa. '1'1 : last week by the Bohman Co. Previous to his servieoe ln the 009TA. J0:8A 7:30, it was announced by Jan plant In the orchard and oil sec- '------------''Briscoe, chairman. t1on of Santa Ana canyon, planned ·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I at a cost ol $500.000. .o~ that envtable repu-shipbUilders f N t · navy, Allen 1YWked u Carpenter'a tatton ft'Quires much more than O ewpor Beach, h 1 Just u& acceptaneoe ot the fact a nd Art Hamburger, charter boat e per at the South C:O..t QJm.. VETERANS - 2-Bedroom Homes Built on the Lot You Select • • Payments About $30 per Mo. 100% G. I. FINANCING You Pay Only Appraisal & Escrow .Fees Dennison & McBroom Sales ZUO Newport Blvd. ·Corson & Ray, Gen. Contrs. We Alilo Baild for Tbo9e 'Wbo WW Sell or Rent to Veterans The application of the Interna· tlonal Furniture Co. of OU.ca.co for a branch· plant ln Yorba Linda wu •Pi:rc>ved by a vote of four to one., Supervi<or WWard Smith of the f9UJ'1.h district voted against the propeu.J after a stormy sea· lion in which residents of Yorba Linda splint In their oplfllons. The action of the ~ com- m!sslon In rejecting the appllca- tlon of Dr. Horaee Parker to establish a veterinarian hospital on Newport Ave. in Costa Mesa was sustained when Dr. Parker withdrew his application. and a tenanoe on nature to do tJ\e operator. pany. rest. It req~ above all ei.e Bohman Co. is asking the court .---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ready ltccesa by the people to ~ for $399 for work allegedly done ~ = expert~services of the medical pro--on Hamburger's boat, .. El-Q:m-A-PU6ER fessio'l when sickness or accident 1"\ee,'' while Han1~urger has coun • U11 or ::r. strike. ' ' tered \\ith a clalf!l for $282 for damages he allegedly •uttered ¥ At same time, until bureau-while the company was perform-8&le. -l:ltctaee ..... -8eadoe crais peal the laws of eco-i.ng the alleged repairs. l'.!O Oout 8hd.. o...-. 4e1 ...,. nomltthat none can escape, the Temporary Phone, DQ" 65' LA• poop! have· a oertaln responsi-Scotch tape variOUI llzea 0 guna Beach; ~ Nipt, ll3a bllity put, themRJves In a pool-II.ale at the N;....·T!mes • n Lquna -tlon ·~y all the lkllls of the ·:;:;;;~;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ mediefl pni1eaa1on may be theirs r !or the ukln&. GORDO· B A ~ :r-~~~ -o. ~ ..::: r;:~u:.:ro::.. "° .=~ " .-FIND L ·y Week, ocboduled to 1pri April !!, s~. left to otstat. Dr .. IL A-cal ">Id surgical care. at home or OONTllAOl'O& -llUILDIB Crowder Coming Back 10 ..... too, nr. Gleml Curll& ... -M.. ••··•, ......, re1a-di" lil thi hospital, provided they are rector of the Callfonala ~ ~ CPS la ..,.,...... wt.tit safeguarded against adversity by Otllee: Mll o..& ...._ From Repair Station the dvle leaden ID toea.lnc attentioa oa t1oo nlue of ~tll ... ac· · enro~ent In one or the scores \Vearing the VJctory medal, cldent tuuranoe protection made avallallile Uuouc:la Ule m&ll7 voJu."' Of rePutable voluntary health and Howard Lincoln Crowder ot 508 tary Prvrnn--&. .J. HcFlMlden. preald.ent of tbe State Chamber of accidfnt insurance plans available Commerce, bu been named active cla&lrm.aa. of the drive. to eve'·ry Califorru'an. Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa, husband of Luella Crowder of that 250 Veterans Over fort y registered last week Th~ purpose of Voluntary CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINl:l'll and MUJ.WORK address. plans to become a plumb-A C f~r the "special spring term"·prc> Healfp Insurance ·W eek is to er after his disch~ge from sen •¥ Register at S J \,ded by the college tn order that arous..e public consciousness of this Pia..: ....,. ice. While in the U. S. Navy, Over t"·o hundred and fifty t hey might not have to wait until fact. 1 We believe an unregime.nted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ T. O. lfcr>' ... ,.-.,.. 8apt. --· Crowder was a marine pipefitter veterans of World War D are now faU to get in a full semester's people, who don't want their - stationed at the Naval Repair sta-registered'at t he Santa Ana Junior program. and scores more are mediClne in compuls0ry govern· r---------------------~ tion in San Diego. He enlisted in college, according to Jahn H. l\ic· taking advantage of the night mentt capsules, will take imme-L.----------------------1 1 May, 1945. Coy, director. school program. d.iate advantage of the liberal GEORGE D. BASSETT General Accounting • Flsbennen's Bookkeeping Income Tu Service · health a nd accident insurance of. . Judge Dodge Warns Traffic Violators As Auto Deaths Treble Last Year's Figures • W:H Y TAKE CH AN C E.S Keep : Your Car $7 Speeding along with tires that have seen their day, with lights that won 't work, or steering gear that is unreliable is trusting too much to Lady Luck .... sooner or later the inevitable happens ... and you meet with an accident ... possibly fatal. It isn't worth it to take these chances. Have a heart for the • • safety of others __ . have a care for your own • in Good Condition Have Tested Your Brakes Regularly • Don't Drive With ' life ... drive careful1y. Smooth Tires Have Them Recapped • 1111:LP AVOID SCENES LIKE 1'1118! 31 TRAFFIC DEATHS THIS YEAR!: The coroner of Orange County reports 31 deaths in the county thus far this year from a utomobile accidents. The National Safety Council Reports Tbe Mleat dl8tance to follow another car ts one car-lencth for each 10 mlle. of .,eed. At SO mllee an bom-, for ex.ample, the 9&1e "'folio~ dlstanoe would be three car l<n&tbt. "'Wben drtvhac your car, don't cut oomen to eave time," admonl9hea Bert Stewart Jr .. pabUc utety director for tbe National Au&omohlle club. "'You may save Ume at the mq,ment, but It caa al.o be a abort-cot to a abort.el' llle." This "Drive With Safety" Message Sponsored by the Following: . . "The Arches'' "Just a Uttle Bit Betttt'' Cocktail Lounge and Ce!e Oil eo..t mp...,, at N-ri 111""- ValJely Boat Rentals Motor and Sail Boe.ts Opel ... !loatll !lay-........ 1% Edpwater at Palm-Pboae 11 Hi-Way Garage Ottidal Southern California Auto. Club Garage 1140 Newport BJ,-d.-PIL IS'J Reed's Sui>er Service Shell Oi.1, Gas. Lubrica tion and Acces.c;ories :!9'!0 \l'eet CentraJ Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing Boat Sal---'.\larltte \\'a1........Sli' Cout HJ1hwa7 Balboa Circle Taxi Any H ou.r. Da3· or Xllltht-Ph. :Spt. S'!O Qi Newport Auto Works General Repairlng---24-hr. tO\\' senire, SunSE't Gas & Oil f'..arl MIU.hero-30th II Coa§t Bl,·d. .. , N ationa l Auto. Club Emergency Station Hanshaw's 1-Stop Service Station Complete Auto Sen.ice Lubrication -Brakes Relinffi 1118 ~e"-por1 Bl\-d.-CO§ta lieu Lowman Boat Builders 485 :\°e\\-pott Bl\-U.-COSta Mesa Ets-Hokin & Galvan EIC'Ctricians C0-1\vo Fire Equipment for Factor)', S tore. Office. Fann, Home 1000 Cout HIWSJ·-Pbone 138-f Dean Termite Control Market Spot Anton Hershey IOI Marino A..,_ -Bal-lllaM Lido Richfield Station Wash • Polish • Lubrication Ull W. C-tral -Erwtn To._ Newport Tackle Store lOI McFadden P1ae&-Newport Commercial and Sport Geer Good Stock of Pre-War Llne 11-----· Balboa Fun Zone Balboa Authorized S hell De aler !21 Marln~Balboa l~land "Lubrication" -\\rashing • P.olishjng 'l1ftt Re-CapPnc-Our Speclalty Belen and Don \Voodt--Phone !'!19--\V Boyd's Service Station 1500 u-·rst C'en1 tnf -Phone 985 Mobilgas a nd 1\1obiloil Lubricating • \Vashing ¥ Polishing Batteries -Auto AC'Ct'SS<>ries Bayside Fish Market !8th a Lafayett~~e"-port Beach Sportland Bowling Ce nter .. Boots" and Roy Keene Maln Str'Ht-BalMa Phone !"O! "F or Your H ealth's sake, Bowl" Excelsior Creamery Santa Ana-California Foster & Sons Truscott Cruisers -920 Coast ffigjiway Phone 836 NC91J>Ort Beacll Gus Beach Hancock Station Firestone Products and Hancock Gu Lester's Recapping Comolete nre Servieoe New-U~~:hr. 5eMoo %900 w. C-tral-1'1-ri Virg's Garage and Texaco Station ·• HM Weat C-tnl Associated Service Station Pope and Schroeder . ! .... a C-bal-N-ri Newport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotiye Supplies -OJ>en 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Let Us He~p You With Your Parts Problem Glen W . Conkle • Manager 2108 W. C-lnl Ave. -Npt. BdL 21!% • Carrell's Garage General Repairing • Brakes ~lined lltotor Tune·Up -\Vheels BalanC'ed 30-t %8th S(.-Next to LoclJle's Beauty Shop Casino Cafe & Refreshment Lounge 202 ~·~ St. -Louh Ve.rwe)' -Balboa Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Chris·Cra.ft Cruisers-Chrysler l\iarine Engines 9::5 Coast Highway-Phone $8..& Bay Shore Cafe Coast Highway-T. F. Norton Breakfast Served Saturday and Sunday Open 7 a. m . to 9 p. m.-Closed l\londay '1Jse Your Brakes Instead of Your Rom" Johnstone Service Ooeot il1V<L A JOI HJpway-l<ewport Phone 1672·J if yaur tire is Oat oc-your battery run down MobUgas and MobiloU Higgins Pleasure Craft Dale E. \Vatt.s. Manager 810 CoMt Jllwar-Pll. llH MacGurdy & Calkins, Inc. Guanl.nteed Termite Control-Latest Improved l\lethod.i Home Supplies.. Appliances. Paint. Hardware Naval Archit'fts -Boat. Builders -Boat Repairing . Slips Available For Boats For Sale UIS I lllclaW&J' .._ t88& ~ -~!-i!::." !..::......:... ~..#:...----..... :-.~:4J <!Ulu#! 1017 So. ;\lain St.-S:mta Ana-Pb.one 668S 199:? Newport BJ.TI!. -Ooata Meea -~ ..... __ -..... ~ ... .... ~~~ "" i-<Co ~-.... ~~..r ..._.-;~ - ·--~ _, -~ ~l/Mle (j~;tiou4J'1 ai ~lllJ I fers row being publicized . Sw}day Globe stars Mays Th~ newest journalistic ventU!'e in or\.nge county will be the Sun· day q1obe, forerunner of the Daily Globe. tq be published in Santa Ana lstarting May 5. The new paper'J carrying United Press dis· patcl\~ will appear at first only on S1f1day, with comics and week· end l'l)?WS of Orange county . 260% \V. Celltral Ave.. Pbo•e 1805·J, Newport BMe11. Gas Heating & Ventilation ---··--- CHARIER & PRESTON state Uc.wed Contractor U..ttaa" i.w.i•uo.. Hake Warm Fliende Jlm«re11 ~ Ml4 Bel.ldenoe Pboltf!JI MC! or MN J olin W . Dunlap. a native ot Sant4 Ana will be manager of the pa.pet, and George E. Hart. well known newsman and brother of the late W. O. H art, veteran Or¥ ange j=ounty newsma n. will edit the ~'iiii~~~~~iiiiijiii~iiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~iii~ Globe'. · ~­ GI YE YOUR 'eAR AN . l !Liquor Store f Boot,s and Roy Keene i P&Jm and Bay, Balboa Phone SBl t ozenfood 1 Cabinets 1898 Franchise Dealer t Porcelai:1 InterJor r lq$ So. Los Allgeles St. I .Uaholm, CaUL B\IERGENCX PHO~"E .Aa•M• '~% . OVEN,BAKED THERMAL-SET- IN A HARRISON AUTO PAINT JOB YOU GET ALL 7 FEATURES -YOU PAY NO MORE I O.ulDe, p~war. Dapoat "WNiller Teoted" fter-1 ,..._ • . Mtttaa en ...... or pO.t-wu r 1mM lf delired. , 2. '>emel! ~twerr to mel9l er T'lt'•.s WWI 1ped • ..tu bbwltt. 3 <h"en·bMe4, ._,_. -*"&led to sl•• precllfon ehel:uiml • ~ lo ,,....,.... Cl._ wotJt. s.iw2kNui rtnWa. 4 'l'lleraw.I: ecatrolled, .._...Mbd enamel Pves patlit.e--lllre • ft.nl.1111 o6. -.reow ~tJ'. - 5 8pedal ~f tre.bmt ICals oat moW.re-ltietww. • metal ~ ro-rL Glftl9 llp~plpplac • ._.-'•th& ,....._ 6 Before peiw*c ~ear -.cS WMIM ... ......,. M __. " ed. to slTe 1oa a aleek IU1U'lous ll.nla 7 llarrhon'1 ..,•Poln.r'. 91eilMMt sf TM J"OU a pmlaJ Jib Illa&: .... • .... wea&lle:r, nMI~ w-.r ......... 2nd and syaimor. Santa Ana • Phane6036' . • -. • . . ·. ,. .. • . ' I . . . . . 1·.1 >-< • ' .. , • • I M&WHMr 941W>A a -::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t:::::::::~:: .. ::::zz1 A.l'OfOUMCWWW&Nft • ••r. 91'.&n '' ••r. DTAB r I/I Puauc NoTICES CE&ID'ICATE OP B USDlr.88 Fictitious Firm Name The undenlgned do hettby ..... tlfY that they are conducting a ndlo. radar and elec:trlcal. sales and Installation bull~ at New· prt Beach, California. under the ftct1tlous firm name of J . B . BROWN CO. and that sal!\ firm II com~ ot the following per- IOnl. whose names and ~aces of BUlllNDll GUIDI: FIRE AUTO~BILE YACHTS COMPENSATION ''STU'' DUNLAP Insurance 703 E-Central Balboa Phone Number 683 No Dela;y R __ U_G_A_UPH __ O_LSTER ___ Y_C!Hn...;·-,-nc-.1 28-FT. '!WO MASTER YAWL for Rup sized. M•mpood. cleaned Ale or trade. Call Hamilton dff.Ded. Lowe at Newport 2590-J any 0-.tuffed fumltme nigbt from 6 to 9 p.m. Residence _..., your ltltcben .balhnGD 3 day plclt-up and dfll~-229 Opal SL, Balboa bland. wl ~ new tile -. 35 yean ol aatialled CU11•"'ttcnen.--»4tp ORANGE COUNTY I ] p Waldro TENT lo AWNING CO. 'U • Radi · n 614 w. 4th SL, Santa A-. -anne 08 234W. Mte Phone Mr. Benedict. 15691 Santa Av-hie lrnmec!l1te clellvary, oam-1 ~ O~aTmll'l'lll8 M Ana. ZZ.t1e plete ranee of -y-i.-1 ""' .. '""'!"' opectlon --HIGGIN8 STUDY ' .T H<i>KE-Reel !Ettata Fire Place llld K•..... PLEASURE' CRAFT, 810 ~ uom.el Quick reoults. c...n..-W 0 0 D HJsbway. ~: 110&. &-t1e tee. 208\~ty Bid., Puwlena DllJV<lr'Od 1'11111 •WU" MT _.. f :JG.t1c p A I N T I N G B . w. WRIGHT-Ph. :l(l30 ~ PJ 7 .. .._ llflll8. WAN'Dlf TO D:NT &I ftSident'e are as foll09o'S, to-wit: ---------------:::--:-=-::--:-~=-==--=-=--I General Partners: '· HOUSE PAINTING 17" Nww--mw. I ~tte co. Dud c '"'Md. ~aw•----+--------J . K. Brown. 1008 Olft Drive. Interior · Exterior 12 Yean Sttvloe in Newport _.. ..,.. ... a·"? -..,..-a WANT£II -G:araae. prefe.ably Newport Beach. California, [ {Labor Plus Material) ROOeTt Cundiff, 6459 W. 82tid Phone 8700-J-3 Sants Ana ~~HAreaall Wll.L TRADE-One 16 ""!' tur-CUI..YAN, -Oout •v•*I· doubJ.,!6 monthl lew. P. 0 . ..ex rel·type Bell lo Howell, tel.. -l:lk 111-Ulo Box 6'7J· Balboa. 3().lt<: p AINTING NmACTOR scoplc Jena, wide 8111tle lens, WILll p~ BONUS f b Phone Newpoct 837·W F-15 lens, full Wting equll!""'nt. FOR SALE-Motor t..t, JS.ft. or ~ or Street, Loo Angeles 45, California. 30-2tp Limited Partn.,.: , ------------" Wnt Shore Company, 18Jl WIJ. lhtre Boulevard, Los 'Angeles S. C&llfornla. WITNESS our hands this 8th day ol April. 1946. W 17 J . K. BROWN ROBERT CUNDIFF Tb 1B Genen.l PartMTS WEST SHORE COMPANY F 19 By Carlton E . Byrnt By Eoth.,. Smith Byrne s 20 Umtted Partnen STATE OF CALIFORNIA l Su 21 274 !!:. 19th Street 24st1c tripod, 75().watt movie Jirojec-runabout, with Job_., -· apt., 1 2 bedrooms. No dill· tor, used only once. wm trade like new; boat completely equtp. !Iron · pets. Phone 1371.J. APIUL, 19M FOR A RE'LIUQJI: hint Job ,_. for sood apeedbo&L 226 Via Lido pod, Ideal for bay or lake. $250 27-4t<: H1sb 1-Hlgb 1-Y<1'6 -· ooll N-pwt !Ot7 Nord, Udo Ia1e. Phone ll9hJ. ash. 1900 Eut Central Avo., SMALL IPmilhed houoe or apart· -I Ill an-•:JO n . -!a-lt.c n-•~-21 t1 • 9:52 3 :44 t :-: ~ IG-4t<: ~ • c ment dJeolred by working strl T\DE. TABLES 4.0 --0.l 5.2 Ll COOPERATIVE !"Oft™ b.p. Karine I'ojlol, locally ~ NewpL llMch 10:30 4:17 ''" ,,. ROOFING CO. Steel Kitchens 111oe -. IUlf ort&lnll coot. c.n prererrict or Balboa. Writs Box u3t: 4'.'s! 10~i~ .~ Gus:H~EN~UIU:S )lcwprt Z*-W. lf.tfc 158, N,.port Beach. 3().2tp 3.3 o.o 4.9 1.9 New and Repair Southern Counties ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 11().lb. TOP-BEVERLJ JllLLS couple desire 1%:1! 5:35 tO:tl ••:ii ~ BOAT and CARRIER.. ~nt cott.qe c:r apart- 2.9 0.2 4.7 2.3 Phom ~I( Supply Co. Immediate delivery. Other mod-ment, rboa or vicinity. Mro. J:N 6,30 U:ll •::IO 211 E. :IOtb St., c..ta Mma 144 Coul Blvd. N . els soon -dinghies, aallboats, J . W. binson, Newport BOich County of Loo Angeles J ... On this 10th day of April. 1946. before me, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State. re- siding therein, duly commissioned 2. 7 . 0.44 .·.'_,.2 •. 6 ~~==::::~~~~~~:JG.:t1:• l1-Ph __ · _58:!_2 ___ L&guna ___ Be_~_ runabouto, cruisers and paddles 7<11. '»4t<: · 1:w. ................. ~ •~ 001 ••mm 3()..ltc boards.. Plutic Watercralt Co., WA.NT 1 RENT-Apt.orbouae. ,,_ -..... - -• • , 703 E. Central, Balboa. Ph: 683. ~·-··-~-Ve•-· ~ -• -P.uNZ'lNG -PAPE JUJllQDIQ ,.._..,.el S t.s $2 98 •w~ wuw~ -·-~ -D8JOIU'DXQ v.,..... e - ' . _________ 30-_l_tc manen · lleet references. J&n>lll (Balql!ta OIMJ IRJlllOAL a &ADIO N Sexton, 2378 Elden Ave., Coata 2-Tu be Radio Kits FOR SALE--Bendlx Rodlo Com-M-. I 26slfc To bWld your awn electric radio. pass Direction Finder. Rock-Ola NEWPO~ business man, wife A: and sworn. personal'ly appeared CO... N B. I:. y.r>ge•H J . K. BROWN and ROBERT CUN· r-vllUc:: or T T D' Old O•uev Rd., Pll: i.N-'llt' DIFF. General P artners, known to Adminlstratrlx of the Eltate _____ o_ .... ,, .. __ v~----•-lfl_ 1 ·J. M. MILLER . Real EBtate Brola!r . 15th and Centnl Baiboa Income Property Stucco; 4 units; completely fUmlsbed. Pre-war cm- structlcn 9().ft. frontage. Good potential had1 ea• locaticn $32,500 Corona del Mar Beautiful view; comer lot• South ol. Inway, 35xl20 . $6000 Balboa Nicely fumlsbed, 2-bedroom heme. $12,100 . ' Newport Heights Beautiful ocean view 45x125 $4000 Lido Isle Several well located Joa. Priced to sell. ' ' Peninsula Ocean _Front Lot $6000 Phone ·Your Llstlnga In and -will sift tl*11 .,.,. mrWcler'atloa J. M. MILLER 1ICb _. Centnl • Nawpwt 8-* • Pbcme 1111 me to be the ~rsons whose names 1 ·-'d d·~-L -• -SPOBTATIO-11 lllaa •-••-It --•-~ Juke Box, 18 records. Suitable 5-yr.-014. daughter need perrnan- ---~ ~ for den. ent ho<ise. One two or three • "On Your W•v to Balboa" 30-lle BICYCI.BS 1™ Nowport Blvd. a-11< Short Circuit Radio ~ Bal~ 111ond pre-----------"'----------- are subscribed to the within in-0 _,. co..~n ... ~, '" atrument and acknowledged to me RONALD H. COOMBS, that they executed the aame. 9648 Culver Voulevard Bold, R&t..i • ~ ORANGE COUNTY 305 Palm, Balboa !erred Willing to PIY one year V~'8 UPHOLSTERING CO. Phone 1638-W 30-tfc in ad..nce: Phone N. B. 492-R. 100 Kain ..... _ Kanufocturva Rad' R . I :!!Mt<: 208 M&r!De, ... _ lllalld. Of Upholsterod Furnllun! IQ epall'S ----4'---====== Nsl:llo 413 W. 4111 St. S....ta Ana All malt .. ; lllbes, etc. Ph. 2417. FOR RqT D CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS 11&.4.U'n' Amil II Factory llld Showroom BURT NORTON -S-LEEP--!Ni-IG'-R-OO_M_wi-th_ki_t_ch_e_n FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME 504 West Cents St., Anah...a-91.5 C.0..St HlghWay, Newport privilegr." for breakfast, for rent Notary Public in and for COLI) and )(A.Clll1'CSLESS cu.u 23 t1 THE UNDERSIGNED do here-Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect -c to busi ess woman. 316 Orchid said County and State. WA'"'" ~r.iy Commission Expires by certify that they are conduct-"9"'1 12-tfc BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror Ave., <lorona del Mar. Phone Aug. 19, 1947.) ~g ta 1 M 3 a 1 chJnSe ShopClbusine•s at Ev-~·ppo~~?8'-W J•_. • _, d piano, a bargain. Terrn5. Danz-. 169. I JO.Uc rSeall oo o st treet, ty of New· ......,. """ ~•Ve Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main ROOM 1 p R RENT-Twin beds, STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) port Beach, County of Orange, Vi's Beauty Shop Fre1b Hearing Aid Santa Ana. S-tfc $5 per ~rson or $l0 single, per C ,, f • __ A 1 1 State of California, under the fie-1103 Co&8t H!w&y, 6lrca dll Kar BATT"'D'""<> . · ount, o ~ nge... ss. . . f ' 1 llU\oMIOQ Radi'o Repal'ri'ng . night. 7 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, ' On this 8th day of April, 1946. t1Uous trm name o Ram Engi-78-tfc Gundenon Drug Co. . 29-tfc ' before mr. a Notary Public in and neering Company and that said _L_O_S_T_AND __ F_O_U_N_D _____ 2Z, I 117 Mato St. Ph. 5U Pick-up a nd Delivery for the said'Coun ty and State, re-firm is composed of the following 60-tfc 24-Hour Service FOR i=_. Large furn. light aiding therein. duly commissioned persons. whose names a nd ad· LOST-Saturday, Costa Mesa or ------------Newport Electric Appl. room, utside entrance, ,near and l"\\·om. J)C'TSOnally appeared dresses are as foll oWs. to wit: Newport Heights, old brown Auto Batteries 2305 Coast Blvd.-Phone ~138 bathroo~. Man only. 516 36th Carlton E . Byrne a nd Esther J ohn Ayling, 2117 N. Marengo shoulder strap pocket book . IS-month _ $6.45 Ex. 29-2tp St., Ne'YJXlrt Beach. 29-2tp . Smith Byrne. known to me to be Altadena, Calif.; C. R. Rustenbach. Need keys and letters. Reward Compounded Motor Oi1 -GOO--D-us_ed_p-ia_noa ____ So_me_as--low..:. -Kl!:-AI.--ES-+~-A-TI:-------,-7 .. the Vice-President and Secretaty 1631 AJ1egro Square, San Gabriel offered. Phone 949. 30-ltc Gallon, 70c ·~ F' 1 ti E ---:::'--'f'-------...::C Calif.: Donald V . Muncy, 183311 .. -·· me or prac ce. asy EVA F. RHOD"'"' of \Vest Shore Company. the lim----r..~ _, .. _... M -tertn1. Or will rent. Dan:i· ~ II-• 1 , nam d . th 1 e-S . Atlantic, Alhambra, Calif. --~·__... • -~~ j ~ por n,r e in e or WITNESS our hand this 25tb Western Auto Supply Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main -- 1N WITNESS WHEREOF I Culver Qty, Calllornla have hereunto set my hand ~d Attorney for Administratrix. affixed by offi cial seal, the day CB-U888 and year in this certificate first Pub.-April 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 1946. abo\·e written. T . R. PHILLIPS HUB P 0 WE R S, AGE N T BALBOA· ISLAND ___ ,, __ _ MAKE YOUR SUMMER INVESTMENT NOW IN BEACH PROPERTY TO ASSURE POSSESSION THIS SEASON 2·Unit listing on Topaz Ave. near South Bay Front Furnished. $16,000 New 2·bedroom home near South Bay Front - on full-sized lot. $14,500 Reasonable Offers Will Be Considered ---§·--- H U B P 0 W E R S, AGE N T Phone 62-W J. A. B e e k 0 f f i c e Ferry Landing Balboa Island 30-ltc a oing instrument. kn~-n to me to day of March, IMS. WANTED-Gardening work. See Au~orized Dealer Santa Ana. 8-tfc Newport Mesa be the persons who executed the Myers, Box 103, Balboa, or 422 NEW CORNER HOME FOR SALE-For home, busineos A within Instrument on behalf of the Signed: E . Bay Ave. 26-Stp 1836 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mee. Arvin & Emerson 4-Room house on large lot; 3 rms. or specu]ation, attractive S-rm. corporation herein named and JOHN AYLING 23-lfc R A D J 0 S !inlshed I knotty pine. COSTA MESA 1-slory house on dandy boule- ·• C. R. RUSTENBACH WANTED-Gardening work. Call -$4750 acknowlt:uged to me that such cor· at 530 San Bernardino Avenue, WANTED TO BUY st Z4-Hour Radio ServJce 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, We vard corner. Beautiful grounds poration executed the same. DONALD v. MUNCY Sh rt c· . R :l:• sink and bath, double garage. with grove of tall trees, barbe- IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I STATE OF CAL!i'ORNlA ) .. Newport Helghtl. 26-lfc WANTED -To buy adding ma-0 lrcu1t au10 N t.wport Blvd. cue, lily J?OOl and tiny guest have hereunto set my hand and at-COUNTY OF ORANGE > WANTED-Gardening and Land-chine and filing cabinet. 3 or 4 305 Palm, Balboa l3-tfc ~ft. tron ge with business build-$l2 ,500 house. See owner, 2500 Newport ftxed my official seal the day and ON THIS 25th day of March seeping. Write to Bobby Theuret , drawer. LeVaDey's FOC>!i Mart. ____ Ph_o_ne_1_6311-_W_____ lng &:: h use. Excellent location. -Blvd., C.osta Mesa. 30-2tc Year in this certificate first above A. D., 1946, before me, Nora P . 0 . Box 413, Costa Mesa. Phone 415. 28-4tc $ll OOO RalPch P. Maskey S M th N t Pub-STEINWAY Grand. like new, one STORE BU1LDING, now leased. writVn. · argwar · a 0 ary ' 28-4tp WILL PAY CASH tor Y""' tUr-of the world's greatest ••••oo. j _, 34 O Coast ·Blvd., M ALICE DAVENPORT lie in and for said County and ------------.,_...... Newport Beach, c8.lit. on onte Vista. just off New-, Stat .• , th i d I WORK WANTED -House work nlture or what h&ve you. Pbone Gorgeous tone. Beautlful case. ~ ta M port Blvd. 30 x 45 heavy frame Notary Public in and for e, restu.ang ere n u y N 2000 0 R Cr I ,, 31' 2 OS esa Phone 402 ~ mi I ·• d b th h N t Balboa wpt. · · · awe,, 1 This 1'' an instrument for the ~nst Lot ~ acre 125-ft fro t said County and State. .....,rn ss oneu an sworn, per-y e our, ewpor or . Priced t 'tll' 2 bedrm house wtth .... ., . , ..., • . n -(~-11 sonally appeared John Ayling Box 148, N. B. Reference•. Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. discriminating buyer. Danz~ 0 1· · -h . 1 .ar-4. • 30-tfc age, completely fenced redwood .:JOl:.""a . . , "'° Ate 30-tfc Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main garage, r ose to s opp ng w.1.. ------------Pub: ...... Apr. 16, 23, 30: May 7. 1946. C. R. Rustenbach, Donald V. -----------~--. Santa Ana. S..tfc 1 ~ ye1 old. At Corona del Mar paddock style. Or will sell lot Muncy, known to me to be the FURNlTURI!: FOR SALE . 82 $6800 Beaut1'fu) 75x330 separately. See owner, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL persons whose names are sub-WIU.. CARE tor children eves., ------------· RADIO HOUSI:' CALLS -Now • 2500 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa. scribed to the within lnstru-ironing in my home. 309 Mari-FOR SALE-Used double bed and 2-Bedroom Home 3Q.2tc ' PROPERTY AT PRJVATI: SALE gold Ave., Corona del Mar. Ph: mattress. Associated Service that additlc:mal competent tech-ta M No. 250l22 ment, and acknowledged to me nJctan. an avallable, we are able OS esa nle roof. 60-ft. lot. Near Ocean. I :::c=-------~-- that they executed the same. 1023-J. 19-tfc Station. cor. Palm & Central, to make aerv'"" c·•~ on •·-e L<M!ly 2 i)edrm. home in best lcr $18,000 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 43 ID. the Su~rlor Court of the St.ate B Ibo p 66-W 30-2 ---• or Calllornta. In and for the IN \VITNESS WHEREOF, I MA$TER MARINER, 30, desires a a. hone 1 · tc conaolea. All work 1uar&Dteed. cation· i Costa Mesa. Built in County of Lo9 Ange.Jes. have hereunto set my hand position yacht eaptaln, salesman FOR SALE-Dining or patio table HA.ROLD L. H.AlOI.., a. o. S. -1941. H µ-dwood floors, dbl. gar- and affixed my official seal marine supplies, marine insur-6 by 3 feet, 2 benches, hand-Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Pb: 78). age. At aetive throughout. In the Matter of the Estate of the day and year in this certi-ance oc. any similar position. Box hewn, \\Tought iron braceS, fire 11-tfe $101500 DONALD F. TAPLEY, Deceased. ficate first above written. "C'' e/o News-nmes. 27-4tp and weather proofed. 428 Orchid ------------ Notice 15 hereby given that the (SEAL) Ave., Corona del Mar. 30-tfc Radio Repairing: -- un<lenigned will sell at private NORA S. MARGW AR'lii ICMPLOYMl!:NT OFFERED !9 -------------1 Houoe calls dally except s&t. ond N eWl>ort Heights aale, to the high!?St and best bid-Notary Public in and fbr WANTED-HOTEL MAID. B&l-.0. FOR SALE-Twin bedroom suite, Sun. Oxnplete stock of tube9 A New 2 betfMn. home just comple._ W . J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags F1y'' A Real Value 30-2tc aer. subject to confirmation of said said County and State. Inn. Pbc'Cle eeo. •ttc complete; pre-war davenport & factory replacement parta. Ph: ed. In b}ock with sewer and all Superior Oourt, on or after the ~ty Commission Expires chair, ~ette set, platform 345. MESA RADIO • ELEC. other uf:i.litles. Completely fur-2-bedroom home, tile kitchen and 19th day of April 1946, at the of-Jan. 29, 1950. HELP WANTED -Experienced rocker. gas heater. wool i:ug. TRONICS 00 .. 1794 Newport nished with best of new fumi. shower bath, hardwood floors W1LL TRADE for duplex, 4-unit court one-half block off Coler · rado Blvd., Eagle Rock. for large home in Balboa or vicinity. Call Albany 1779. 29-2tc RESPONSmLE TelephOM _. ploye wan~ to exchanae 3-bea- room houae In West Loo Anp1- for aame in Santa Ana or vtda- lty. Call Southern Call!. Teles · phone Co-, Santa Ana. 11128. ].9.tfc fice of her attorney. Ronald H. Pub: Mch. 26. Apr. 2, 9, 16, 1946. fountain girl. Phone N. B. 73. curtains and drapes, misc. 1ar-Blvd 9-tfc ture. in' place, hardwood noon throughout, brick and frame . Coombs. 9648 CUlver Boulevard, 30-2tc Uclet:. 701 Acacia Ave .. Corona MUSICAL a RADIO M and ext naive landscaping. comtruction. 1 year old. Larae • Culver City, County of Los An· NOTICE OF INT1!:NT TO SELL WANTED-HoWlekeeper In lovely de! Mar . 30-2tc FOR SALE-Medium lllzlo u-'""t $12,750 level lot, nicely landlcaped and WD --a celes, State of California. all the home, 2 in family. Private room, FOR S ,...... tl • good d.tlt:rict. 'ntis can beliiCiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i).iiiiiii::"'iiiiiiii;;;: r ight, title and Interest or said The City of Newport Beach in-good wages. Ph: 1075.J. 24-lfc THE BE T piano. excellent condition. $225. S A - H • ht.s bought f\lrnished or unfunllah. UlA19 :-Jltl1U>• i..,, - deceased at the time of death tends to purchue tram Cleo E. BUY Npt. Beach 1283-RK. 29-2tc an na etg ed. Better see this today. • • ~ GI' ,....._ d all th 1 hi till d 1 t t WANTED-Reliable general main-· • · • · · 2 bednn. use with 2-car garage •a; Ult lte'M ...._,.. ~ ari . e r g • e an n eres McFarland. O'A'Der ol that certain tenanoe man. Lido Thee.tre. USED FURNITIJRE, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS II and J room. on 'Ai acre. Sev-B A N 9ld I.-. tmnt'tf.e that the estate of said deceased barge known as the "MlN-2&-tfc Charlotte <McCorkell) Bucko in· eral t tr$ees 79 . 0 Q\ll 0 ck. pea. ' . ereeon - -Lid& T'*;' '"'° 1111' hu acquired by operation of law or DAN AO." ex-Documented · Num-RUGS, TABLES, vites you to BETH'S BEAUTY 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa \T.;;;;;;::;;:;:;;;;;;;;-:~;;;;;;;;;;:-~-;; other.vise, other than or In ad-ber 107-786, County Barge Num-WAITRESS \VANTED-Cheryl's CH4IRS. HARDWARE • 30-ltc AUTOMOTJVS a TIW· . A dition to that of aald deceased, at ber 0-144, built in the year 1902 Cafe, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa AND ELECTRICAL SHOP Monday, 1 Thursday, Fri---------·-----' the time "' death, in and to Ill at Aber'deen, Washington, and ap-Island. 29-tfc FIXTURES -day niles at 6 'o'clock starting EV F. RHODEN FOR SALE -'39 M~. th al al 1 .._. April 22. Call 114-W. !TI E. BU J L D N O W Deluxe Sedan. Rodlo It lie&!«. e cert n r e property part cu-proximately 566 gross tonnage, W ANTED--Men for work in Plas-Its 18th St., Costa Mesa. 3Q...2tp ( Realtor - l larly described u follows. to-wit: said barge being now located on tic l\.1fg. Co. Apply in person at 470 Newport Blvd., Colta Meu. -~~==~~Bay A~ An undivided one-third (I>) property owned by t he Oty o! 1015 Coast Blvd.. Corona del Harbor Furniture K E y s ELTON r· BARNETT. Broker LOW. COST Ho~s interest In a parcel of unim-Newport Beach between 16th and ~iar. , 30-ttc Kade Wbl1e You W&lt Ph. Newport 1965-M JU.~ proved real property in the 18th Street in Newport Harbor. 1962 Harbor Boulevard VOGEL'S . ~2tc • County ot Crance. State of Said sale will take place and tl\e w AJTRESSES w ANTED -Il&JI Coata Mesa 30-llc 100 Main SL, Balboa Be Sure and Calif!Jl"llla. !IHcrlbed u : Lot 5, purch ... price money paid Mon-Shore Cafe, 17th a. Cout Rich-DOUBLE fZoll Springs, do~ble 2118 Marine, Balboa i.l&Jtd FOR SAilE-A Good Buy. Need in Block 2 of Tract 62e. in the day, April 22, 1946, at the hour way. Pb: Nowprt 2344. 14-t1e clooet bed with mattress, large 94-ttc cuh. l _j'4 acres and 3-bedroom See Models Qty or Newport Beach. Coun-of 10:00 a.m.. at the otnce of size davenport, excellent con-------------frame ltouse. tumiahed. Take A ty of Orange, State of Call-the Harbor Master, located at the W ANTED-Housew!!e with 4 hni. Carpenters Ava1'lable 0 •er Slioo note at $20 -mo. t t-.. __ -•-·· to ese t dltlon, 6x9 rug, occulonal table; · -J _._ 333 I fomia as per Map thereof, re-Washington Street Pier, 1n that .... '" Ul.l~ ......., repr n ..__ ..... --· ----·----$3500 cun. Inquire De !4.m', 711 ~· ma· Ave., A··on Products •--in "'---O'dora wardrobe cl01et. 416 ~ ---.. &U-.M•---~ corded in Book 30, at page 40 portion of the Oty of Newport ~ .l.lll,;. "'-"-'lVml and repair Colta Mesa. No agent.I! 25-tfc and 41 of Miscellaneous mapo, Beach l<nown as Balboa. All per-de! Mar. Write Box 177• Fuller-32nd SL, NewporL 29-t1c o. z. ROBl!RTION -I-Corona del Mar ' records of said Orange County. sons having or claiming to have ton, Calif. 2S-2tp USED PRE-WAR FURNITURE can Newport aa 2,mall Houses Terms of sale cash in la9.'!ul money any liens. claims, and/or demands HELP WANTED-Male -Female. Walnut double bed. box springs, u-ttc On · Zoned for Buslnem ot the United States on confinna-against said barge. or any part Local or traveling 1n bualnesl for inner-spring mattlhs, taffeta ------------.$10,500 tion of sale, or part cash and bal-thereof are respectfUlly requested yourself. No money reqUired. spread 3-pc. Maple set. ~ble ance evidenced by .Ote secured by to pn!Oent said liens, claims. Good income. You att your own bed. roll springs, mattreu. chest, TELEPHONE Choic ' Bay Front Lot Mortgage or Trust ' Deed on the and/or demands to the Harbor boa. Apply H. Van Deren, :i08~ glau-top vanity. 3-pc. Monterey Priced Right 1 property so sold. Ten -cent of Maste.r of Newport Beach at the N. Main St., Santa Ana. 2619te set, double bed. coll oprlngs. OPERA Tl:NG . amount bid to be depoolted with above address on '( before the HELP w ANTED -Woman for mattrea, i;heol " vonlty. van-PA . 2 tr<.uses on 1 Lot bid date of sale. lty, glus-tcp, mirror and •tool YS u.11 Bids or offen to be in writing By Order of Oty Council, house work.· mnall bouM, two Kitchen porcelain top table, 4 At Corona del Mar and wt1I be received at the afore-N~rt Beach, California, adults. Private room. outside chairs. Estate gas r""ae, ~ GOOD W AGF.S $18 500 -.. ~ entraioce. Not enough work for ~ ~-' Aid office at any time after ihe April I, 1946. lain, tabl.,.top, has doubh! o-. first publication hereat and be:fore RUSSELL E. CRAIG, all day. Uve in, but could haw grill, high broiler, steam oooker, date of sale. Harbor Master. some tree hours. Call Newport ~cle oven control. Umbrella Dated this 2nd day of .O.pril. Pub. April 9, 11, 16, 18, 1946. S9l-J. 2:;-t1c table. umbrelll lo 4 chain. Flre- Jn, ~me Property 2-Bffdroom HOUR and 4 _; · .. Jltental Untta PICO BUILDING MATERIAlS ~t1c FOR SALE -Lot, 60 x 300 on Acacia SL, Santa Ana Heights, $1800. Pb. N. B. 164-M. · 3Q.2tc ll'or llCtw P•..U.. pan n or ia. ' Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Ua. BATTERY REPAIR WORK IS OUR BUSJNF..gg Storey's Battery Senioe ~ AVE. (Betwan 18th 6 .......,..., COSTA lf!!!IA 1946. SALE 1108CELLANE0U8 II place screen. BERNECE S. TAPLEY, Drive CanfUlly--8pan a Life. FOR SALE-Wardrobe trunk, 2 SACRIFICE AT $415.00 No experience necessary Earn while you learn There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. OceJ Front Blvd. Lot $3000 • , WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD I Sli Cout Highway 101 Pila. Nwpuri 1188 ~u • MOCMi.p ud ....,., an•llle rorao.u few SU.. • ~Boud!ifcwBMt .,, ................. ) small trunks, 2 rowboats and Phone Newport Beach 156 ~ kayak. Ph : 534-J. 29-2te ==~===-----30-,--:t<: I CASH FOR USED FURNITURE WAR SURPLUS tents on sale at · McMahan Furniture Co. Sail.ta PHONE COSTA MESA 70-W. Ana. 16xl6 pyramidal tent «im- ==--:::==--=-~-__,.723-_t1:-c·I plete with center and ~ FOR SALE -Delivery bicycle. poles and pins. Wat.,..proof And larg~ earner. $45. 1704 W. fite resistant. For use for moUn. Ocean Front. Phone 781-J. tain, desert or beach vocatlo6- 3().ltp on !anns for protection of grjun =ro=R=-s=-ALE--,,..,,,..-Andlro.,..-~-ns-:&:-:f:-ire-pl...,...ace..:. or hay or an)' me as tarpaulln. Less than usual wholesale c:O.t. screen. good u ne"A'. Call 169 or Save while available at oPtY 316 Orchid A,·e.. Corona de! . -.L 1-ler . 3!).tfc S44..9fl Trrms. MeMah.an rurn!- Dri\'c Carefully-Spare a ute. . ture C-.otnpany. Second & Broad· way, Santa Ana. 28-)2tc ' Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514\!i N. 1l4aln St., Santa Alla or Alk the opera-for the Cilef ~­ Southern California T elephone Col!lpaRy • W L. JORDAN 700 I 11St Centr11~ Balboa Phone 153 3().tfc At Corona de! Mar : .Lot.s $2100 For o nc. supplies, oee tho • 18-tfc News--Th1r;;." .• .. . .. . . I W£ NEED LATE MODEL CARS ud Wiii Pay Top Prices 8EfJ, YOUR CAR NOW While Prlcea are Hilib. I ams 111r oar bu)w wbo wlD ~ C wt I )111111 OPA ....,..,..._, I ( 11811 Mf*1 I I ........ CUl.BERTSON • .. -VROLE'J''<Xl., lac." Ow: It• 09 7 ••Dini.. D1 W'•t Omt1'111, Nc...,.n 3112 0.:-n, HuntiQston T., ' •• . . I . : • .• ' . • ' •• • Bon Voyage Party Honors B&PW President Who Leaves Shortly for japan -' ' \ I dona ba"" -u.s a -""c..i-Scout Leaders in Harbor Fe . . Ac· t~v1·t1• es ~~'= !r:. a ~c.monx!: ol Training Course In lne . . • ·. Balboa hland ·recently entertain-Forty-ftve Boy Scout '"'"'" Mrs. Earl Stanley, No. 9 Rudder ! port Beach Public library and dur-ed out-<lf-atate guest& at Earl ca,,. attended the nnt -on ol ti. Road. Beacon Bay,. was hostess ing her absence ~trs. Marian Mc--roll'• "SketchbooK.. review in training course in tM ••Elfmenta at a bon voyage party Monday I Chesney wW be acting librarian. ~ 13 and 208 + By Winifred Bartwe •+ R~ Phone 1637-R Hollywood. ~ dinner cuesta of S<outmutenhlp" wblch atart- evening honoring Miu Dorothea When guesta gathered around 1 • Wft'e Dr. Frank B. Moon. ot Dal-eel W('dneeday evmlne in the Wilson, who Is leaving shortly foe the beautifully appointed buffet B. I. Circle Members Holy Week Observed in All Churches lu, Texas, Major Bob Van Vua.. Corona del Mar Grammar-. ~~r<;;:!'~':. 1:!wr.: = ~·~~~thcb<=~ Note Birthdays ~ith Many Services on Easter S4nday ·Harbor•1tes ~~:!i~.v~-:...":~ :~~~-= aional \Vomen's club. but it took sharp eyes to discover Once more to the nations of 10 un. -------also ot Denver. for the Ore.nee Empire Area Miss Wi!Mn wUJ be at Yok.a-~.:!tt :e ~r'!i!::ts ~!'e ': Birthday anniversaries were the world comes Haly Week, dedi-~ Cll.1U"Cll • The H. R. Rings of Grand C8na1 council. bama and T kyo ·th th Arm celebrated when the Balboa Island cated to the auffering •"" death At Corona del Mar Community yd. w;ife of Vlce-Commo-hooted a barbecue steak c1i.nner Walter Tipton led a - of Oocu~~n an~ will e be ~1 ::or:11i;;or!'i~~~b am~~ ~~ Circle met at the Movias home of Our Lord Jesus Otrlst~ end-church there Ls to be a pre'..Easter BoYd of BYC and . Jan recently, pests t>elnc the Tom on the "N a ture of the Boy" and cbarge ot establishin& libraries for ' with which she decided to' pill'· with Mn. Oaks u hoateu., anding in the Joy and glory of Easter Colpmunion service Tbunday eve-He n . wh~ husband 15• a Hmdenona, Jack Coles and the Glen A. .Andenon on '"f\inc:tlom the Army, the work coming under chase a •-·Ing case. tho9e honored w~e Mrs. De~~ Sunday, anniversary ot the resur·· nin& and on Easter Sunday there yacht ,k;;;_eyha.,..ve beeatarnttnbagVlllgthe, George PeleJ'! of Udo We. of the Troop Committee." ·Vil se1'Vi Sh is I t o.u~ brun, Mn. Annie Barden, nu•. rectlon which ia the rwramount wlll be three services, one at 7 · Mrs. Mildred Willi•meon, who · · · ca ce. .e on eave o ...... _ ~· th Tubbs -•--S ah Bohman .,_ '_ .. __ Smith r-Stork Penthouse at Corona del .-_ back .th th "·-· WU The next meettng "iH be-held ~..-.u ... ure a aLM1 pre-ar •au.a.~ • mystery of the Christian religion. a.m., others at 9:30 and 11 a.m. u.n.1ve W1 e .. a.ou.•1 -'--xt wec1n--• i •...n l7 abeence for a year from the New-sented M'-· Wil•nn wi·th the ~•t-.,_ H I H d .,_ N •--wW be Mar and have surmounted such li·-· ... -.. -..._ "-"---t t ne-eitUA)' even ng. ~.... • ~~i:iCicci:iiCixcai:iCi:i:Ji ! ~ .,.,, .--U LI... e e n ararave an a.u.. Throughout the district churches ew mem~ received at ~-. ..... ........ _ u ..... u n.lw.ulll& or WO t the pl with J president's pin, for ahe is retiring Mary Cummln&. ue holding special services from the early servtc:e obsta 1 as getting rugs, stock weeks of vim.ting and lhopping 8 same ~ce . amee 1\llS WEEK Adel Bar-B-Q Tools . L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 618 State RJpway ' Phone 1%6-& Newport 8eM:h \te1)8Jr Senice General f; El .. trio Bou.ehold A ppllances president of the club and will be Mn. Smith Presided at the WedMsday onward. On that day In Newport _ H~ighta . the Luth-~t 8 ele~:~=·~bee pawersdon .. was honored at a delightful lunch: ~:,1 t:~oo a='~:::: in Japan a t the time of installa-meeting, at wttlch two new mem-the regular 6 :30 pot luck; supper eran church Will have a sunrise a ~sat 1 , e. eon Wednesday at the Miramar wUl be 1n '"charge of first al4 tton or new officers. bera were accepted. ?ttrs. C. 0 . at Quist O.urch by the Sea will service at the end of El Modena· A: and Stan Own~ ~ all Drive home of Mrs. C. V. Mc. amH and contests H M. 41'hooe who were pr ... nt to con-Reed and Mn. Delavan Freitag. be followed by a special Holy street on th.• blutf overlooking the ~ •:;o~~::,:.rmn~!;'.P .!:: Carty. Others present were Mn. '~ucox and Rus eamPl>en ~act- g:ratulate their president on her Mn. E. D. Good.ell led in the de--Week service. The Good Friday harbor. Thia will be at 6 a.m. and . by train J · _ 7 d Harry Wmiamson Mrs Emma ing scoutmuter and aalstaJJt interesting new WOTk were Mina votional talk. The next meeting le'rVlce will be held troml 1:30 to the community ii invited to al· g~tng ii._u~ une an Hughes Holt Mrs. itomer.Oark of Hershey. Evalyn Rider, Marguer-will be May 7 at the Balboa !.!land 3 p.m: at. the Balboa Island chapel tend so that It may become an P ane t'8 · • J ,...------------~ ite Way, W inifred Barbre. Carol I chapel. Agate avenue. and on Easter Sunday thlere will annuaJ event. Other services will ~e I E . K. Davises and their Laguna 'Beach, Mrs. Joe Angle. Den ton , Meta Bachman, Marian I be sen.ices at 9 :30 and 11 a .m. be at the usual hotu. twin daughters Sally and Nancy Mra.. Dean Campbell and Mn. Fred McChesney. Ruth Gerrish, Alda Sunday Dinner for wtth special music by the choir. At Costa Mesa Community of Paliadena are vacationing at 13roiier. Gor ton, Sue Horvath. Agnes Blom· The first service v.ill include the church a special vesper service the ~gene Jackson _hon;ie. Mr . quist, ~1ercedes Vale. Gretha Returning Guest.S appearance of the primary chll· will be held a t 4 p.m. on Easter Fri$lds. kept dropping in at the ·.and Mrs. C. H . Martindale Mn.· Frank Bates Stanley, ~faurine Craig. Larry Mr. and ~frs. F . A. Abbott of numbers are The Resurrection of 35 voices will give the cantata, un~t . e af!~ en:~ up with a Corona del Mar home of Judge Tubbs. Clarice Brown. Mildred dren in an Easter song. 'J1le choir Sunday a nd at this time· the choir Ev MOfrrtses Saturday afternoon of Los Angeles weekended at the Stephens, Na talie ~tichaud, l\"larie Sterling City left last week after (H. R. Shelley), an anthem in The Seven Last Words of Christ roe -par Y or · and Mrs. Harry Westover. Ehlc>n, Carnellc Ke nnedy, Elaine spending two weeks with Mrs. Ab-which Mrs. Delavan Freitag \vill (Dubois), which is considered one Die and Virginia Terkel week-----,.~.---------------------­ \Veiss. Eileen Hibbitts, Margaret ' bolt's parents, Mr . and Mrs. Ed sing · the soprano solos and obli-of the most dramatic Easter can· end.in' at NHYC and members of :---~,-'----------------------...., Egf' and Hilda Briscoe. \Valker, 116 27th street. gatos, and another anthem . Unfold tales. Soloists will be Corene a P&l1Y of 16 which dined to-~ .. On Sunday a family party and Portals (Charles Gounod). The Boettcher. mezzo-soprano; l\tal· gethe Saturday evening .. ~so 1 :>.torr t l-i:·r. hair of a ll blindness pot·iuck dinner was held at the ladies' double trio v.'i11 sing I colm Reir, baritone; Don Yinger, seen e re the Albert Brittint;· is pr£'\Pnt a hlc> by proper eye> care,' horn£' of Mr. and ~1rs. Walter Walked Today Where Jesus \Vdf~ te nor. The reader will be Lindsay hams, and Ruth and Oscar Cle\'l· industrial sareguards and other Honeycutt, Harbor boulevard. ed (Geoffrey O'Haral. The ser· \Vorkman and lt will be directed dencel NEW JUNIOR SIZE DRESSES INCLUDE precautionary mea:surcs. according Costa Mesa, those prPsent bC'ing mon topic "ill be Because I Live. by Kenneth Boettcher.' J arw and Ed Groenendyke r e· li_::~~=IL:::"'~=IL:::"'=~~=~~t~o_.'.'.th~c'_".B~e~tt~c:r_\~'~is~io:n'..~l~ns~t~it~u~te~.--1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed \Valker. l\1iss At St. J ames E piscopal chutch centlY! bought an old speedboat :. Edna Walker. 1'-Ir . a nd M~. Walter a three-hour service IA111 be held Stamp Collectors . a nd ti1ave painted it up spick and Alvord, Dr. Evelyn Alvord, Mr. from 12 noon to 3 p.m. on Good span f and invited friends for a CLEVER PRINTS IN C'QOL CRASHES RAYON CHECK SEERSUCKER , BALLOON CLOTH. PRINT JERSEYS Easter Preparedness Come as it may Sun or Fog Dress a soft white or pastel .. • • • Coat • • • % length casual P.urse • • • a white 'plastic pattern. Orkin's Department Store 1 798 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa :\ '/ See Us • .\bout \'our • • BO)l"E ,\."'D C'Hl:"RCII ~\'EDDl~G PICTL'"RF.S Be Sure to Inquire About Cop3ing Old Portraits 8tactlo Hoon: 10 A. ~l. to l P . M. DalJJ' • a nd l\1rs. Abbott. Miss Dora Moul· Friday with addresses on the To Hear of Exhibi t cruist It has twin motors and tor •. l\trs. Esther Wiliams and son seven last words of Christ from does a good 40 mph. They ha ve Roger. l\"lr . and Mrs. Honeycutt the cross, with appropt;iate de· Highlights of her two visits to named it Salt Peter. Mrs. Groen· and sons Dick and Don. votions, silel'\C("S a nd hymns.· the exhibition of tlle Federated endyke ha d a birthday Sat urday Bay Island Matron Entertains at Tea ~l rs. John Daniell, No. 8 Bay Island. entertained Tuesday after· noon \Vith a tea for members of the Drama section of the Ebell club. Plans were discussed for the People may come for one word, Philatelic clubs of Southern Cali· and \Oas one of the guests at din- an hour, or remain for the full fornia which was held last Week ner ht the Jurken Lorentzen SANFORIZED BATES CXYITONS CULORS o BLACK AND. WHITE, PJNK. BLUE CHARTREUSE • SIZES 9 TO 15 crhe Frances Norton Shop' 9)resses * $portswear 2S8 Second & Broadway Bldg. • time. O n Easter Sunday there will at the Elks club, Los Angeles. will home1 others being Mr. Groenen· be services at 7, 8 :30 and 11 a.m. be given by Mrs. Frank C. Perew, dyke, Herminia and Charles with an Easter sermon at the Jal· corresponding secretary, when the E mecy, Mrs_ Josephine Wayne ter hour and a choral celebration Harbor Stamp club meets Thurs-a nd ~ry Mitchel. All of them by the choir, including a n anthem. day at the Mesa Radio Shop. were ~ at the Lorentzen home on The preceding Saturday afternoon At the previous meeting of the Sund£y, plus Edwin Earl, the there will be an Easter party tor club Mr. Fletcher of the Long Geor .. e Rowans , and Bill Herveys. the Sunday school a t 3:30 in the Beach Stamp club. who had a t-Hug Blue, Mrs. Eddie Flynn, Ebel! club house with lhe Altar t ended several meetings, was l\1rs. Lorentzen's sister, Mrs.\r:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;; coming pl ay which the section is staging Friday evenin g, April 26 at the Friday Afternoon clubhouse, and money ~·as turned in from the sale of tickets. Guild providing the refreshments made an honorary member and Jaynf La\\'Tence, and Zizi and and the Sunday school commf"ttee gave a talk on the presentation or Rufllf Spalding. . in char ge of entertainmen t. stamps for auction and trading. Th' 32-foot yawl Mickey has Mrs. C. M. Deakins poured at the'beautifully appointed tea table and others present were Mrs. Stephc>n \Vold. l\lrs. Dorothy Lev· ering. l\lrs. Roger Wood; Mrs. Robert Allen. t.1rs. Doane, Mrs. S. l-1£'}man and l\lrs. F lorence Mor- ris, chairman of the section. Catholic Ser,ices Vice.President J . 0. Jenkins just }>:en purchased by the fam- On Wednesday there will be presided in the absence of Presi· ilies ff four Pasadena young men, confessions from 4 to 6 a nd 7 to 9 dent K ent Hitchcock and acted as ThDicakdd, Reuic 5 harJdsonoens. c 1 .ro.buranndHasHeknerlyl, p.m . at both Catholic churches, auctioneer, the selling being fol· Our Lady of Mt. Cannel and St. lowed by lively tradh.tg. O'Me]veny, and will be moored John Vianney of Balboa Island. off the O'Melveny home, Pelican On Holy Thursday there will be Famous Pianist on Poin ' On Lido Isle along side Bill Holy Communion at 7 a.m. ant! at Joy~'s Rhodes Cruiser (J oyce 8 a.m. the mass and procession of Fri. A ft. Program havirjg rented the house for the the Blessed Sacrament to the Al: winter ). The four men, \Vho tried tar or Repose. At 7:30 p.m.i will be Maurice Zarn, famous pianist out }he boat over the weekend, Holy Hour. This is at Mt. Carmel, and radio artist, will be the fea-were1 guests of Mrs. Otis Buck- and at Balboa Isla nd on that day ture of the evening meetirig to be ingh¥TI· at her Bay Front home. 'viii be mass at 8 a .m. and Holy I held Friday, April 19 at ~e Fri-Incicfe11tally, the coming weedding Hour at 7 :30 p.m . day Afternoon club. I t is to be a of ~oari Hosking and Henry At 8 a.m. on Good Frjday there planned potluck dinne r at 7 p. m. O'l\."l,lveny is to be one of the will be the mass of the Presancti-with Mrs. P. V. Parkes in charge, big ev 1 ts in Pasadena. fication a nd at 2 p.m. the Way of and with the program to follow. The ufus Spaidings of Pa.sa- -for TOYS Stuffed Animals Shower GiftB a nd "~~ .. BEAUTY the Cross, while at 7 :30 p.m. there will be the Way of the ~ and sermon on the passion, this-81 Mt. Carmel. At Balboa Island the Way of the Cross at 2 p.m. and 7:'30 p.m. and ser mon on the passion at the latter hour. Holy Saturday there will be the blessing of the baptismal font and Pascal candle, with mass at 8 ll.m . and confessions from 4 to 6 p.m. and from seven o'clock on. On Easter Sunday high mass will be celebrated. at 8 Lm. with the choir taking part a nd Amelda Anton at the console, while there ·will be low mass at 10 and 11 a.m. On Balboa Island high mass will be at 8 :30 a.m. With the choir, and Mn. Ulllan Scanlon·Gee at the comole, while low ma.u will be at SOI llulM Asww Balboa Ji' m -I"'-1m Open S.turda)'> l!tltil May 1st a-I 1111 Monday WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. ,HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE The Mother-to-Be Will Find Individuality Here Dresses Slack Suits • Suits • Jumpers Bed Jackets • Robes • Donna-Marie Shoppe 515 North Main St. Santa Ana Anade Bid&:. of this Cleon, Family Newspaper 'nm OllUmAN 5aENCE MONl'l'OR .,_froaaO-.wl r dasrl .......... ._~ -···--~· wt"-... -.1111-..... .-_ ................ _.,_ •....-' ...... l_llllle_• .. 40l_W -4 .. mssshls •1,.. ... _,......, ........ 11W ........ ...,,sfpf111 .. .......... I -------------------.. ~---·-· ..... ·-···-········--·· ....... ----·-·-···•.o········-•····-.. -....... .-... __ ............. _ 0 ----" "=-Ge ' t' ..... •• O ,,... .... _ . -·-_., It's Alwa COFF TIME At The • • • • D COTTA OllUTS~Olf r:FLE I . Serving CoF.'Fri &:'ooN· lrrs • WAFFLES SANDWICHES • MALTS and SUNDAES •]. MPLETE FOUN- TAIN SERVIQ;:. 305 Marine Avenue g_,. Nlcloob Open Ennlap UaUI 10 o'Clock Balboa Island Ofotp8terllac oeed on WMneed..,- THE HURLE BELL 135 COAST IIlGHWAY, CO NA OPEN DAILY AT 4 P. M. Sondayw at 2 p. m. "The ifouse of Fine Foods" Clooed ~· For Reservations Ca .. JUST ARRIVED CATALINA In prints and pl • • RUN KS colors with matching·lilhirts Knit Net Shirts • / talina T-Shirts Complete line of Ja n .T-Shirts Sawyer Spo. Shop 201 lllarine Ave. Balbo& lslaad r ' T H E B 0 B BY S H 0 P ·Now Open with a complete line o~ Children's Apparel and Accessories ' ' Come in and See Our F're8h, New S~ 711 East Central Balboa ---Open From 10 to 6:30 Saturdays \SOllY TO HAVE IE PT -- 1 YI I ( --IAlllllG f New ,- 'FASHIONS HAVE ARRIVED! Altbougb somt Swlmdown CX>llS and sails ac .ariving-,.. jmt caa't lr«p them cm>ing f .. -at> for all of }'Oil! YOU 5tt Swamdown id.-IO .,;6ce quality for <jUIDlilf, ao d><f amd as ooly <Dlts and rui<s !hat '"' pmea in sty~ -•nwnihlp md fabric. SolnC of tm.. fashions are~ now I but DOt for long I So amo in and be AIR IOlem: ~. oame with as in orda: chat,.. rDaJ ..i.ioe ,,.... ::.--- wbm DOW llJ'la~ BE'ITER SUITS ~ S~D FLOOR I