HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-18 - Newport Balboa News Times, • · 111E SAND CRAB ., SAM CITY COUNCIL With the . surprise (!) resignation of Earl Stanley, comes the selection of a man to fill his seat for the next two years and the board Thursday made a wise choice when they picked Mason Siler, manager of theaters at New- port and Balboa and a World ·war II veteran. Mason is by far the youngest man 011 the c0uncil and will not only watch the interests of the soldier boys but of that vast silent majority of citizens not connected with any civic organization. Having closely followed the activities of Ma- son from young manhood, and knowing that his busi- ness training was carefully administered by his late Dad , one of th~ keenest executives · in Southern California. New- port Beach citizens can rest assured all groups will re- ceive a fair and .impartial deal. The city has gained two well-balanced counsel- ors. in both Mr. Siler and Councilman -Elect Robert- son Appointment of Mr. Reed as chairman of the board, no doubt from a seniority angle, gives the city a dignified and conservative citizen to repre- sent Newport Beach in its contacts with outside inter- ests. "0. B." was offered the job two years ago but de- clined. more from modesty than because he felt a man who could meet the public, might do a better job. But · in his many years in public office Mr. Reed has been sane. clear-headed and po- lite. a requisite many others in the public eye might fol- low. In the various thank- you ads. of candidates wit- tiest one of the bunch was by Gilbert Seal, thus: "! wish to thank all those who voted .for me, and my wife wishes to thank all those who didn't." I'd like to meet that smart lady.· • • • Gambling. Hub Powers, in Joe Beek's office. brings m a piece from a ca'hnel pa- per on the question of zoning for use of gambling devices. The article says that zoning change was asked by one man and rejected, but that later another person was grarited the request for the same ground; that re-~ning sho\lld be on ground and not on men, who can easily pass control to others. The point is well taken. While on the subject of gaming, It seems the L. A. papers oppose a gambling ship off this coast, but blithely agree that horse racing is fine and dandy. In the same vein they object to the Gardena ordinance per- mitting card clubL Perhaps It they ownlCI ltock in all the venturell th e ojections mi&ht be more sugar-coated! + • • Cboch Bok& Burt Norton rises to a point oi order on chuck holes. Says the stretch from BeaCClfl Bay entrance to Hale,)l's boat~anchorage on the way to Balboa Island ha.a acquired chuck h oles tlla t have become da ngerous: that· an a uto yesterday hit one and turned over, sending the driver to the hospital. Street departmcn t should re-· pair those kind of places to avoid law suits and damage to' life and limb. • + • Vindication. About a year or so ago. the late Vernon Wroolie with his wife. were in Canada and sent a letter to the News-Times about the plentiful supply of mea~ and other foods in the stores, despite rationing. More than a hWldred protesting letters were received. Now corm~ Coti'uitissioner $. T. Wood of the Royal Canadian Mounted police, saying: "Ca n ad a never was short of meat dur- ing the war, and the. butcher shops in this British-Domin- ion today have full storage lockers." Yet many Canad- ians wrote long and Inspired communications denying the truth of the Wroolie state- ment. Huh! • •llnla · ~;;,;,;;;.=--­......... • .NEWP EMBRACING BALBOA l>ENINSULA;_ WF.ST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE [COLONY, uoo·1sLE, NEWPORT VOL1JME XXXVDI IGHts, ~A ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR;' COSTA MBIA -NUW8P ll Council Elects O. B. Reed ·as New Mayor;· Mason Siler Sel eted to S ·1 eeed Stanley Earl Stanley Resignation Is Accepted The text of the resignation of Earl Stanl ey as city councilman is re-printed here\vith. Th e a n- nouncement came as a dramatic climax to the council meeting Which installed the recently elect-1 ed candidates, and saw the clce- tion of 0 . B. Reed as mayor. F ol- lowing this announcement Lester Jsbell paid tribute to Stanley, April 16, 1946 Honorable 11.t ayor and City Council City or Ne'''JX>rt Beach. California Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation as City Councilman, effective as of this date. About six weeks ago I decided to run for the office of State Assemblyman, 14th District . At that time it w~ my desire to re- sign from fh e ,City Council, as I have al\\-·ays fflt that' it was not e thical to hold public office while running for another office and in resigning I was in ho~ that three new councilmen could be elected a t the regular city elec- tion this April. Annexation of 'Balboa Coves' In Newport Seen Probable . -• Earl Stanley Resigns Office As New Council Is Seated; Plans to Run for Assembly Reed Unanimously Elected to Replace Clyan Hall As Mayor; ·vacancy in Counc;il to Be _ Filled by Appoinbnent; Others Sworn in By lllllUtlmotl!I agreement of the four remaining members of the city coencil this morning, MM!>n' Siler. 85, son of the late B . .I. Slier, prominent theater own•r, was a ppointed to· streceed Earl Stanley u councilman for the City of Newport Beach. Siler, who served in the ordnance department in Eng- land dllring the war, returned late last year. He will be offi- cially sworn In next Monday. ' f ' • - Meea LIQUOR SB . iaa~ •.._µii..L · Plenty of Whilkey "· l ... _ .. M7., _. R t s •II • • N&Wi"CllM 941,MA • • SWitch A Decri' • I , J Kite-""-Co1test Hospital Site 1 :.P-=u:...::a;.::u:...::c-=Nc...::...::.OTJ.;.;.c.=.:a=---I :.P....:u::::a=u:.::c:.....:....:N:.::o~n=a:=-.=:-" ~!'~ii! ~-dr.....·. fJa.!:..L.. Homey es koose a Draws lari; ~·t p k; Gift Prizes Beach and des<Tibed .. fm-.! ~ ~~ :i = 4 ~• ~ ~-F w lier .. ·--+--------Beginning at the point-of In· ..,k of Orange Qoun13', -• ~r~~~~tlli::::; On Raising Taxes or_ at Ir 's;.~;:;:i3 NOTICE. ~;=~~ ~.:~.::.: ft•-~ ....., w• u~ -·-... -. line measured 40 feet at rii<ht of N~L -15' W West :;;;;.;:.,.,,,.t tllat Imperial county Declaring tllat stalernenU i.-of. 50c per hundred of::E models to big el&ht.sfoot..-.. It '!'U Bi!:SOL1JTION NO. 1315 : angles from the center line witll '; n...0 ;..vinl a bMrlns rescinded its endcnernent of Pat-sued as to the probable cost of valuation. plus the ooat of the the OJb Scout kite contest for of said State Highway, with of North 73• 3'' 20'" W .. ; C08TA MW:eA. CAI.IF. tenon, and Mool8'o7' county ..,. tapping the Metropolitan Water watu, then surely It ho a Paci< 105 and took the place· of RJ!:s(1~1l'l'ION ·olVINO NOTICE the ooutllerly prolongation of thence. ...,.,.1y alOQlf .aid ~ "---"'::.:::' :':...:;•::•:*!:""':R:::_"::..--~l dcned Will Rcc<n jr. . district line and running a main wast• of dty fllnda to caJ1 a speo tbo1r ttgU!ar Paci< mttting, wltll POSED ANNEXATION the eastttly line of'Newpoi-t ·mean hlcb tide Une to lta In-• 25 GOOD IMMEDIATELY! WE NEED USED CARS down N~ boulevard to the dal ell!Ctlon fot the privn.g,, of advano<ment awards made. u n:aJUT()llY TO THE BHch Boulevard, ll&id east· tenectlon witll the ~ city reseorvoir are exoeuiw. and uswnlng our 1hatt of the one ~u u prizes for kites and games. OP 'NEWPORT BEA.CB. erly line being the existµ\g line of Central Awm», tllat if rnidenu vote to enter the hundrm and eighty.eight I mllllon Some of the kites """' of the boundary Une of the Ccyl of -~ly un. belllC the exltt· , district to obtain Colorado river clollan l--of the Mein>-commen:ial type but the sreater . there has been_. Newpurt S.ach; then<>!. rro,n Inc boundary line of the 011-1 water It will raise the tax rat• p01itan Water district. -t _... -cned and bullt by to the Cty Coundl of the this point of beslnn1llC alone ol Newport Bnch; . thme<. 1 . so cenu ._ $100 of ...-ed · ·In my opinion, bofore tlUs elec-the CUbo. Some ....,.. framed In f Newport S.ach, Callfor· la1d -.thorly line or State nortborl)I alone -bouDda1'7 .. valuation, Ed Allen, proomlnf!nt tlon la called, there llloduld ho bamboo and c:owftd wltll n.... nla, Petition requesting the an· Highway to the east<:rl)I line 11 n • tbrouCb lta varlOul Los Angeles attorney and owner some definite and concrete flc· paper, ·one wu made of bread nexa n of the territory herein.. of State Highway ORA eA: courses to the __ , .. t of besln- Before you sell -stop in at McCarthy Ull!d Car lot, 1920 Newport Blvd.:, Calta Mesa, and - how much MORE CASH we will pay for your car. McCarthy Used Cars 1. B. Brewer, •• 7 of Ille Balboa Inn crltid... the Uttt1 by the ~ 1 depct· wrappen and moot w..., lncen· after clesttlbed to the Oty at. thence, southerfy .aloftc la1d ,...... '1ooae talk" COllMCUd with ef. ment of the Oty of N•wpurt loully decorated. Some ~ flown N~ Beach; Nltftly nn. to a point In the nlng. forU to bring Metropolitan water S.ach u to what the t'*8J coot from a ball of twine and oilier N THEREFORE, IT IS ooutberly line of the 100 foot I into dty malna. will ho to place the -ter system 1'1-om reds canylng -..-al th005-Y RESOLVED BY THE right ot way of State High· •EXRIBlT A" Pub.-April 18. 25, lMI. His l•tter to the News-Times of N~ .S.ach In g<10d oondi· and feet of'!llh1ng line. COUNCIL OF THE CITY way ORA 00.A, &aid line l>f>. f 0 . uon. Figures lhould ho ~. Somo dived and darted all over OF RT BEACH. as fol· 1ng tangmt to a curve having Robbie's o:.--t- 0 """· ohowlnc the in.:r.u.d coit of join-the sky and ou..n llo&ted stncls 11-. , a radius of 1550 feet; tbencl!, ._ ..... Newport Harbor Publilbln& Co. Ing the cllotrlct and thei peoent Uy. Some'"'"' cmwntlonal In des L That It la p.,.,-to -· -1er1y tmougb said curve, Loft 3011 Wat Central Awnue of !neftde In taxeo. As Intl· tdp while ou..n too11 the Illas-to Oty at. Nt!Wl>Oft BNdl, having an ancl• of 13" 46' to N~ Beech. Callfomla mated In artlcl.. tllat lave ·~ al anlma1I. am>pl.-and -tlllit certain tftrlllory a point In a line, said line l>f>. ' ••-•• '1 1911 1'ewpwt BmL Gontlemon! poarec! in the local -jtllati our mHrlcal pattema. While tbertt """ · to the Cty -... Ing tangmt to afonsald "lie-Ills ":.•.:o::o• 1 Naw that the election Is over p-nt wattt Uneo ...., In a dis wee a fflW mld·alr mil....._ and territory la more partlcu--""""' thence, ,...terl)I alone °"* ..... ea.la ..._ 1 it la time for the dty otndall lapldated and leaky -tloli. o--. moat ol the neet .,._ 1ar -bed on "EXHIBIT A," said tancmt to lu point of ..... ""':!!t-=-.._ ..,...., to concentrate their attenlkln on -...., !toms tllat ptlllt be tbrGusb 1D9Catbecl, ciu. to 'that her<!to and "" ...rennce tancency with a curv., havtnc Ste. the water --whlc:h Is the taJm. catt ol and the -ldte-fl)'lnc -that all ,.._. a, part b.nof. a radius ot 1550 feet; the,.,., Olntract at Tlme ODii - ' DIESEL SERVICE DJ»;EL MOTOR SALQ; RE-BUILT D~EI~ FJIANll B. U:W18 (i.aok7 IAwlo) Oww ••• ..,, PHONES and Newport 2084sW 51% ~ Marine Avenue • For MARINE HARDWARE & PAfNTS VARNISHES It's the 23rd & p h . Central 2600 Bal'-Island moot lmportant that f-~ <;~ PoUtan Water 'district loure!y Is aten _, to -. 2. That said temtory U.. ads w..torly from &aid point ot terlala. of Newport BNch. .Now ~ ~ no cun for JealdneJfu' There'"'"' Iota ot "'°then and t to the Qty _...,. Un• tancmey alone &aid curv., ·a 11an7, •~ID .or t!mo, In my Olllnlon. for the dty When it la broulht the at-dado In the erowd and ""1'17 all • a1oftc w .. t Newport distance of 60.21 feet; th•nce, drop me a ean1. oftldall to _,,,,. the 18[>0hll· tention of the laxpa1"ft 1 t11etr had to set hit or lier llaa4 IDto tbe I "'"1therl7 of State mch· South g• 27' w .. 1 339.42 feet. ~ ........ _. I Lall bWty of adopt1nc ....,. dellnlte 1""*1 tans wlll ho 39 pme. Junior had Iota of eoachlnc. _.,. ORA eG-A. and -tel7 of. more or lea, to Its lnterteCs -• - plan tteanllnc Ille altuatlon. per cent the flnt year atter join-and In ....,. 1notancd much Dffd. Sta Hllh_.,. ORA 43-A. and tlon wltll a line dellcnated u 11111 -AM A- Her@tof.o.. this P'Qblom ....,. Inc the dftrict. and w!ll 1ncr1-eel help In a41ustmenta frOm the said territory eomprto.s approx!· :~"~N~orth~~Llno~~,'='~belng~~the~~mean~~~==o=·:";•;:-;;~=Qm.==~ to ba•• been a political footliall. .. ch ,... .. thereafter lllF hopoa of "old man." ma 18.U -hlcb tide 'Jlne u per Superkir • n.. Ownber of Commerce 11u a bond election ~ jla l1lm In· Winnen of Ille kite contest 3. That notice la fUrther ~ bac1 a han4t In brlnc1nl It to the deed. and In my Ollinl<in a thor· 'lftft: bln<ot ldte, TolllDU' BID, by ftD -t the Stll dQ ol May attention of, U.. ...-..11 of the ouch study lbould-ho J made for a big d(hl·foot hem door Idle; 1 · at the hour at. 4 o'docic p.m. Expert dty. n.. dty mc1nffr stat• Ille caplun! of water tram otbor sma11 .. t. Jack Raub for a neat of <lay, In the eouneiJ Ch&ms B that It la a problem. An outalde ...,.,.__ Utile llx-!nch affair; hlgbelt fiy. hon !n the Oty Hall, In 'the Oty t • • s englne<T -with him, but n. ls p-ovlll In the Call ... Larry Seal. who put hit Utt!• of i""'1?""' -· la Ille time and e a u I c I a n to my knowledge no dty offidal, f "11 ~ a1:::'.t1on of ~ Idle nearly out of sight; beat ny. p~when and whett any person no enc!Mer. th• OWnhor of Com· :a a; .: ~ty ~ N t. er, K""n•th Nack; best workman· If ttal pvperty within said for Milady ~. or any other' organization · an 1 ewp::ll' ship, John Wood for a fancy blue te 90 propoeed to be an- hu pttpattd any understandable being ·~the lower en;! ':ou:e kite decorated with a cartoon: nex and having any 'objections • Permanenta, C.old Wave, Hair or !ntelllglble statement as to ecol larg~if~ell are~Ued to 1~ moot original, Paul Fruehan for to e proix-d annexation, may Styling. fuir Tinting , •• Bleach· of any plan they have tn mind. ~ hare t ~ th:" water in the one made ln the form of a cub a before the Qty Council . Cold W V or any substitute plan, or any 1 0 . . d . bear. and show cause why such terrl-mg, ave. solution of the water condition. Santa !:-"eda nfver b~m't1:m 1~ ~ In the relay races the first was toty should not be so annexed. RUTH I ..AJ'{N_ 1 CARMEN ____... .,..,. Statements have appeared in be obta.an or a t acpl otnedo e the pants race-In which each run-4 That upon such annexation, \ cost as now con em a . h 1 1 ed pair f · . -§- there is quoted in your issue of With the construct1pn __ of t~e pants whJch have been removed (a: Apf>rove said subdivision s-a.s ._.._ ... ror r-....... h. 817 the local papers of costs and , ner au s on an overs z o the ty ·shall: · -.. ....._,, .&JI hr 1 March 26, 1946, that city offi cials Prado dam, Oooc:I coodit_ions in by the preceding runner. This was and I plan of development as set . ) pointed out that it might cost the Santa Ana river b~1n have quite an event and Den 3 came forti:, subject to the recommenda-"Balboa 'Inn Beauty ' Sa on I $250 000 to run a main dov.'ll New-been ended, and the nun .waters in first, Oen 7 second. In the tlon of the Planning C.Ommlssion. Balboa lml Arcade , • Ooe&a Froat a.t a.. Pier JX>rt' boulevard from the present will be conserv~ and We will ~n three-legged race, a favorite that (~ Within a reasonable time l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;i~ crossing of t he Metropolitan line! feel the beneftts of the n5mg provides plenty of spills and fun. fro the date of annexation, the at the Santa Ana Country club. \\'a tcr . level throughout the area winner was Den 4 and second, Ci will extend the City's water My investigation discloses that the 'cost of the stttl pipe for this line. would be less than $70,000 and the labor less than $10,000, and if similar loose statements from which we obtain our present Den 3. In the regular five-man line to the boundary of the pro- supply. relay r ace winner was Den 3 and annexation, in order that Yours VeT"Y truly, s{'('()nd, Den 7. con ection. therewith may be EOW ARD H. ALLEN. Regular Pack meeting awards ma by the subdivider for the are used for the purpose of frigh t-I 12 OF 88 SOVTKLA..."ffi GOYT. ening the taxpayers into assum-l PLAl\'TS PRIVATELY RUN ing a bonded indebteOness of j Privte owners have now taken around $600,000 for the mere priv-over ~ of the Southland's 88 gov- ilege of paying for Metropolitan I ernrflent war plants, \Var Assets water with an annual tax increase Administration announces. were presented to the following: sup ytng of water to said sub- Robert Reed .. Wolf badge; Larry divi ion. HARDWARE J.H.ESTUS PLUllBINO GENERAL ELECTRI(: BANOl:ll • BEFlllOIEllATOll8 e WAJHDB8 D1811WAIPD:M e BADJOll Pboae 116 Newport 8-.11 • Before You B•lld or Remodel vlalt oar IDterMUng -~ aad dlaplay rooms. . . . Sea,1 , Wolf badge; Tommy Hill. ( The City shall not levy nor \Volf Gold Arrow: Skipper Hitch-ass any taxes against the 8.I}- cock, Wolf Gold Arrow; Peter nex~ territory ·to pay for any Ta tum, Denner's Stripe: Terry pr~]'lt outstanding bonded debt Gibson, Denncr's Stri~ Teddy of ~id City of Newport Beach. McMasters, Lion badge. Cub cards ( ) Zone said annexed property and Bob Cat pins were presented as dicated on the attached ten- to new cubs Gordon Siple , Jimmy ~atl e map, subject to the recom- Harris, Karl Oquist aod Edwin me atlan of the Planning C.Om-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hall. on. : Color guides, plan· nlng aids, compre. hensive stock of rugs, carpets and .linoleum. ~ LUDLUM Carpet Work$ um &oau. 111a111 at. .._ ... ta AAA l8M ILU!TA .&NA Officials prese,nt were Cub Ttje Qty Clerk shall cause a Scoutm aster H. O. Boyvey and copy, of the foregoing Resolution Jack Raub. Den Mothers in at-to ~ published at least once a tendance were Mesdames Edgar wee~or two successive weeks in Hill, H . 0 . Boyvey, Blanche Rog-t he ewport Balboa News-Times, en. Jack Raub, Gilbert Seal and a n paper of general circulation Tex Tunnell. ub~hed in the Oty of Newport ach. California. E I• t N ti "d Oil motion of Councilman Stan· n IS a OD•Wl . e tey ieconded by Councilman Allen, Aid for Safety Fund the ;oregoing Resolution was · in·· trod~ced and passed by the Coun· • • electric }\a\Te .-r£R o't -w~i. }\ borne to ·· your \U CHICAGO-The National Safe--ell qt. the Oty of Newport Beach ty Council and scores of local at ; regular adjourned n:ieettng safety organizations throughout held::on the 16th day of Aprtl 1946, the nation will launch an lnteruive IUld~opted by the following vote: fundsralsing campaign in May to A : Councilmen Allen, Stan- enlist all America in a united.war ley, .shell, Robertson, Reed. ~:_=~i~=~;t~=~;t==~;t==~;t==~;t==~;t~=~;t~=~;t~~~=====~~=~~=~i=======;;;;;;::~~l on accidents and to .. tablish the Nq>ES : None. it' Green Cron tor Safety u the A ENT: None. • banner of that fight. 0 . B. REED, 115 . n !'+:. ,,. ..... _:-t-... + -1-1... •• I Theme ot the campaign was es-Mayor. ~ , • ....,•-.l fo&fJ~ ~I ,\;f'l.UV ••• · tabllshed recently by President T~. RINEHART. ave ima \A.I VJV.J 'JI-' _ Harry S. Truman in a letter to City Clerk. Ned H. Dearborn, Coundl pres!· jUQ.i 'TMll<>..._PPL'( A"f TM~ dent. President Truman said: _ ' that certain land situated In HOW [)Of.~ IT FEEL TO lie 11-<E MOiT POPULAA (;IRL IN sc.MOOL. BeTI"I' ? SWElL I ll<JT •O MT\-IE!l ..._VE JO&S FOi\. US AFTEll. CAADUA.1101<, IM'<&E SI~ C<IN l-lf:U' PttOHE ~~ WHERE "It is unthinkable that Pie na-unty of Orange, State of t wORK:rME.YP.£ ~ tion will lose the war aga.inlt ac-Cali rni3, being rontiguou_s to the OPEWOP.S ctdents after winning the war boun aries of the City of Newport '2JG,HT NON! against the Axis. This must not Al · kinds typewriter ribbons in and shall not happen." St at the .News-nmes. Drive Carefully-Spare & Ute. .. • EV!ltY OIJE IS Wl,GM ~001. '7RADS ! MER.E'S CJ.IANC.E. FOR. TELEPMON~ C.A~ER..! -nus .a. ~-n;.Mr< JO& "T QC()O P1'Y f .. "' ..... ~ -c· ~D Cl ··~ -· • ,... .. r • SO ~ENDL'I' X~.:.."I • fM EXIO'llNG • EYER'< ' "'4HU'T$ ! Pl.U~ 11.EC.ULAR. iu..1n~ .a.NO ""ID V-'CATIOH<;. 00NT FOA.UET! -----~-----" EARN AS YOU LEARN I We U9 DOW t:niDiJlsDtW _.ton for-• pooitiomlNo-- w.11sary. w .... ~ •In bist.ooy.hJ boFM Go to -talophono DOW and Nit~ few Chief Opentor. She'll bo pd to sift -.... addreoooltbe~• ... -l""'- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY • • -E. T111nl !It. l ' • • Whenever you need hot water for ~ ~ laundering, dish-washing, bacb- ing or any ocher boulchold pur- pose -an Electric Water Hca'~always provides ir in- .Udy. An Electric Water Hcaier ocvcr demands.• liiigk minute ol your rime. It is~)' auromaa:c and rcqlli.rcs no attention. An~ Water Heacu • chrifry wim your pennies, roo! ¥ou gcr the benefit ot a spcdal Edison dcaric rare whlda makes Mlrk bcit water a real economy. Elccuic r:v~rer Hearen will lie aft.ilablC one of tbcx days -piaa to have oocl • • ' • Spin-Proof Planes Navy Rea 111t1111 Boudtt by Pilots Office Opeaed For New Port nie u. s . Navy ts openins • · • '!' recruitln& atatioo In Newport :nw -Ercoupm. -the spin· Beach. It Is to be manned - Jl5'00( plane, produced Ill' the En· day a week, u will other ama11er alt eeatna ae.e.rdl ~.'in River-dties along the coast. and will ~. Maryland, have recently been otter to enlistees 58 dlfferent iNrobued by· the oanea ol the trades from which to "'-· N-po<t 11,.y Slq Harbo<, !IL I. CGM Albert Roos, with 17 years Conn, G. E. Mayfield and T. L. atralsbt sea cluty, who wu on lfuriiby. the West Virginia durlns the Construction ol the Sliy Harbor ·Pearl Harbor attack. Is aetlin& up airtXrt baa not u yet ·bosun, ac-a temporary office In the lobby cord1na to the trio who recently of the Newport postoffice. He won supeMaorlal approval to es· plans to be there from 9 a.m. t•Nbh the 'port near ec.ta Mesa. until 3 p.m. every Monday wtth becauoe ot a tA!cbnlcal difficulty tun lnf..-tion for prospective rep.rdina a prior oil lease on the mem~n of the navy. p~ they are leuln&. , Roos aaid that men 1!'1ahln& to It is expected. however, that a enlist can complete all detaila strip will be built within two within two daya after beln& sent -afttt the final ~ light to--their Long Beach offices and aitd the plant can begin operation. thence to Loa An&elea for the The former army flyen also an-physical. They would be inducted nouncecL that they have acquired at San Diego for boot tra,lning. an aceney for Ercoupe as distrlbu-Re-enlistments would be spared tors when their quarters are avail· the boot camp it their diacharge ob~. WU &ained within 90 claya; If more than that, only the lnoocu- lations would be necessary. Pearl s. Buck. cbalnnaA of the IDd1a Famlae l'.mersmcy commlt- 1.ee-'"rhe tragic famine in India may take 10 to 20 million lives in the next few montM if sufficient 1uppUes do not r each there in time." Ross served on the West Vir- ginia, then on the USS Pathfinder, making a geographical 1urvey ot the South Pacific, and finally on the USS Diamond Head. an am- munition loading ship. MIDWAY CAFE 15th Sl & Ocean Front Newport Beach OPEN For the Season Famous for Hamburgers Hot Dogs and Malts Dot and Bol>-hop!- OPENING Monday, April 22nd Catering Past - to Blessed Events Present ~~~ 1211 Coast Hiway -Future Corona del Mar DEE BOYD JAN HENDERSON NO EXTRA COST MAii :YOUlt OWN TlltMS ......... - , ............. c:z· .... .. Dr. C:.-'I u.su.. -tar .. ... 1•••., ... , ........... ,,., 0.. ,._., ,..,.,_, Ced. Air 11 ....... ,.... ............ " ..... -···r:: ..... la -•••Wt • •12lllF -•=la. ff II ..., te •n~•" fer crNlf at Dr. c. ....... TRANSPARENT Material DENTAL PLATES -::: .. , s r r--..... r:;r I'" '\.--J ~ill ' HFOX Ask Your Deatiat to explain the many advilntages: of the new Transparent Material Dental Plates. Learn how they are created to capiRre t1'e hues aDd. ettecta of Na- tu.re•s Ow. Teetll a-4 Gmm. They Stress Natural Appear- ance ... will help you over-- come plate -consciousne5S and emba:Tassment. Cam- tOrtable, too ... you will ap- preciate their lasting ...._ nt ..... frMY to wear. • . ' -I Two-Foot Rabbit, F.aster Creation By Kay Fint!h Averace ·vet M4t?.'Dlree~Req~~;uests:::~~~~:~;~~~=~·="!n~:,".';M~ ... ::~~~;:~n~j.n:~'::~~!:s:.!4::z,::-~~-;,;,;.;-;11; .. ~!'9~l~""'~·!~:~11~·~:~-;-;.;,,; .. ;;; •• Uoo_n~Re ... tom to Qvilian Life Says US~ ~-tila si!:i: ~·Bob ===~;::;~==========t:=======~ ,.;_------ol w-pio,.,.. .... ftncl!nc that tbe ----and ' War ll -k• three -!JI ol enn without proYlouo -job Kn.. :~~ Hall. Mr. and Kn. Go-._ Carllo -• -V..._,ief Ur I - c1Y111an Ufe _.sine to Roy expeleooo ts a sldlled -Ted 1 -S. c. y ..... -"W9 INVIH: YOV !'O _,.,. AftOC7NI>" 11au ...... --o1 u.. s.nta Some employon -wal(t to provlde,i ~lion a1onc c. E. LOUC1CS Ana oftloe ol tbe United S tjates blre Yetennr unlnten~ mm. witb ' atatt .......,_.. JEWllUIY -STATIOlftllY Dnployment oervloe: I ll a r. 11ni1:e their chances ot -•~ tbe DINor•+ W•IOI ~ • 1-·-.-. ~ ., •sea .. r ... , .,,.,,..... lion; (2) a place to live; ( a -qualltled applicants by a N L-1' :.:.ted ._ _,.... •• • .-Job. The Jut ~fdi-lbnlted co-ol tbe avanalJlol elf BB~ 1197_.. flta,..t •hd.. ~ ...... eauH. ..-Jy 1nvo1vea our .,...a ... ~ lahcr pool. Mathe•-aid.· Jobo A-t ·bi:-·u·brary . -aDlt the lJ<wt?WA men ~ the am-reststA!red Wtth the United Stal.. · U(; munlty, he Mid. ' . • Employment -.... Mllable Calling oo emploJen to pt be-to the createst numi-ot appli-· hind the USES -'"""-! ''. obo canto, and the USES ~ Price•a f to Ja-ts ooe· of for Veterans" aunpaJp and fOI!· ment llC<'een1nc aavea Ume -the non-boob recently re- tster job openlnp In their ~-money for both appUCant &nd em-celvecl at N..._t Beach P\lb- zations with local USES ottljcea. player. lk Ubr -onotbor that tlbould lllathe-decland that rec:'l'd" ' . be In tbts aolf-conoclous ::.=ti:ci f:;n:~~'. Snow Delights ~.ts 11at1a:-:: !!t "!.: Icemen ts the joint reaponalblllty ... l -llctlaa Ii<><*" are·: Rimer, the or the un1ted states Em~t Mesa Boy Sc.outs ClttW o1 ?1"= Jloarl<. wu. o1 the service and the community u a A Cam Ro Ki Li Red W?tt ; Sinclair, Wasteland; whole. t p • • Smith, auae ot My Love; Ste"N- Now that our veterans are ,art, Her Ulband'• Hoose; Wadel- coming back, he said. we must Costa M Bo Scouts ot Troop ton. Sarah Mandrake; Walworth, help""them fI.nd places in our ipca.t 'Six enjoyt!ra tfu.wm, out.inc .~ .Nicodemqs; Woodruff, Call the economy. The USES Is respon-Camp Ro-Kl-U, April 13 to ~ In-Next Wljneaa. : . lible for matching their 1kllll elusive with the fun of Snow-Other new non-fiction books LQ.- wtth approp:aia~e jobs, but prtjvid-balling and sledding, and a ;-short dude: ~. Our 'Teenra&e Boys lng these Jobs ll the responsibWty snowstorm to complete a perfect ~ d . Glrl.s; The Encyclopedia of each community. j sno"r party, everyone agl"ee:i!t& it . er1c~, 1945 ed. (30 volumes In looking for a job , the ivet-was the best trip yet. ' illustratejl); Gilkey, When Life eran asks no favors or s~al Scouts and Scoutmasters of the Gets Ha.tel ; World Almanac and privileges, Mathewson pointed !out. group included -Marshall Worley Book of Facts, 1946 edition; Bot- He wants only the type of ! job M . J h o~ Gordon.I kin, Lay My Burden Do'vni Fei.s. he is qualified to fill, and tn many arvin ° nson, £......,.er . · Petroleum .and American Foreign cues our veterans are ~t1.er Ralph Rea, Don Trtte, konald Policy: JackSon, The Case Against trained today than they were at Engle, Ted Trompeter, Stephen 1 the Nazi War Criminals. the time of their induction. Even and Bernard Kasser, Dick Hinds, I Flowers and Potted Pl-ants * for EASTER Order Early Pbooe 590 * NORMAN rs FLOWER SHOP * NURSERY • those who did not learn a specific Han"y Crosby Jim Hurtado Ray Scot h · t · · on trade learned a resourcefulness . ' · · c , ape, various s1zt?"S. 1314 Coast Highway Corona del Mar which will make them highly de-Louviere, Bob Hancock, Jerry tale at the Newa-Time:. . l Harvey! slrable ernployes. Our inter\iew- Undaunted by the reported ers have been thoroughly trained shortage or Easter eggs, Kay to match military skills with civ- Finch of Corona de! ~'lar created ilian occupations. and many em- her own rabbits and eggs in cer - amics, and sin~ the two-foot Oticago, MJami Beach and a tele-. creation at>peared, the heroic phone order from San Francisoo sized bunny has been a sensation. for them." Only 30 '\Vere made at the famous The only place the pink and Kay Finch studio in the artistic white model with blue eyes CQuld colony or Newport Beach, but be seen locally is al the Finch these were snapped up by the showrooms. They a dded huge nation's most outstanding stores. clay eggs with open tops which "We do not call the rabbit act to store candies, but the bunny 'Harvey· after Joe E . Brown's new was brought out too late tol fill opus because we haven't that the demand he created. lnci· right, but two or these bunnies dentally, stores h&ve been selling are on display by the Biltmore him for $50, and none ·but the Florists in honor or the come-finest in eastern cities manage dian's play at their theater. We to get "Harvey.'' if he can be call- have had orders from New York, ed that. Bob Murphy's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM EASTER WEEK Ansell Hill Friday •.• April 19th Saturday ..• April 20th ~ Skinnay Ennis Thursday •.. April 18th Dancing from 9 to I FOR OFFICE EFFICIENCY! YISIT TIERNA!V'S, SELECT YOUR NEEDS WHILE Al' AILABLE SWIVEL, LEAN-BACK CHAIRS - Anni-. suitable for work at Delle or T)"pewrt:ter Stand. MET Al POSTURE CHAIRS - Same .atunb' cot&atnlcdon u ot old. Makes t1red becb '-n.'I • PLAIN SEAT OFFICE CHAIRS - With adjustable backs to ftt ewtiyoue, and rat all. CHAIR CUSHIONS - Sprlng trued, ln a wide U10r1:ml!nt of ah.apes, dzes and colon.. o!"~!.s!~;;;"7· c:ooa -:m .... '° -_J ~~ . -1 TRANSFER FILES - Twmty-sbc lnehes Joos and In t.ett.r or Leol .._ width& SMOKING STANDS - Btrons. sturdily --tar Iona -. • -• ....---: tool METAL STORAGE FILES - Slz f<et hl&h, In tha moot popalar -for olllea ..,...,. ET FIRE-PROOF CHESTS - Metal ,.,re.Proof Che.ta. One and oe•hall bomw l"lrt Prcd.i ALL MET AL FILES - ID ai.n&les a.n.d doubles. uid In ad, bl aad 5x8 .._. • .•. ; .... FRUIT AND VEGOAIU JUICES Tomato Juice ,._ .. -' Sunny Down Brond. 46-oz. con, 20c:. Tomato Juice = '!: ID" 47.(lz. c:on, 22c:. , Lemon Juice ~;;.;.," Citrus Cocktail Anooold Brand. Apple Juice N;,:;" Sauerkraut Juice . Homiltorl Brond. -.::· .. ·==-18• Grapefruit Juice '!:"· 13• To.on Hou. lfand. 46-oz. con. JOc. CAH_NED MIA TS, RAVIOLIS, HASH Lunch Meat "~• 11~L .... B•ond c-.... Chicken & Noodles ...... 'I:/• . lYf'dln •and. jw . Sliced Turkey '= ·~,:·SI• Riviera Raviolis 11~·-13• V9g11torian YOriety. ~ Chicken Raviolis ";:· 17• Supetio flrond. Corned Beef Hash '!:"' 239 •ue llt 0 lbbon Btond. Corned Beef Hash '!: 21• f'rMwrlMwlt &-and. 16-oz. ;or, llc. . Scrapple "";_,.,._..,._ '""· 2·1· Vogt &rond. ,_ CllKK THESE WEWAY VALUES Sauerkraut ""'"""'•m ,, .... '11• l?btly ltand ,. Dill Chi ..... Diii , ..... ps ........ ... '1:19 ~s.tlrond. Dill Chunks ·~~tt ,.;:· 2S• • .MMe certain of an Eaaau Sunday dinmr that'a pa'-Bay at Safeway when -~ ia guar- anleed. O.ooe your --,:-, [our huita and v0g.tab1... J'Ollr ' gr~ i-7oa to prepare a delicious feui_.11 · wilb tbe --_,.....of Mli:fection. LARGE GRADE '~A'' EGGS J!mc:lt.fn:sla while -. packed ill -Tob i.-aa abun· dut aappl7 toda7. Breakfast Cembrud. , c1oz. 48° Sprirtg Lomb P<Ovides o . • honce )'Our Easter Ou........ -andlcume -iety of cu1s t l' IAMB ROA fOlisfyheurtyoPI"'~~:" Shoulder <ut. Ro...., loo sr 38 ne daopo .. n.u C IAMB BRUS . cloua and lend<r. "'· Meat la ""«:ulenu d r J I •n leader. Note lo" C fRYtiiS P~ ar ~nreway. "'· • ••• , ., .... N -49 'G" JrlllETS ...,... .... fky a.;: 'fer• c "I u .-1 ' ...... '"· ...... o; .. -ff SA USA GE -.. •. L ... ,.,, ...;:;.·· ...... ........ ·.... 39-IOt~llF .. "'" I. hMr-.r "'1flft "'· !:": : ::-" -·-· t _........,..., •• S.kwo11 ...... .. .,..... .... ,°".,.. n ..... ........ .. _..., __ IOMA CHAMPA• 4im 11 'FI.lac •11..i z 58 .............. ·LAMESAWN-... -. ,, , . • -.. Lii ................... Ji..-L --........ YOU GET MOii FOi YOUI MOHR AT WEWAY Buttermilk .___..... 8Y2C ... Peanut Butter ';!' '1:19 a....tr hind. 'l·lb. jar, •. Flapjack Flour := 4::-22" ..... ,.o,.., lk. . Oats -Glor/...... -L 1--Quid!. GI Regular .... 6- QWdl. Oats, 48-01:. ~. 26c:. Albers Quick Oats ':;:-13- "'8-oz. paotk .... 2lc. T Balcing Powder<:!::::' ';:· .. 1-• con, 1 lc. 5·1b. ''::.;.Sc. Ginger Bread roix 1:;,:-22" DYH":..... ~ I . -, in freoh pcoduc•· Get Here ore truly.great :::borhood Sol~ them todoY at ywr buy produ<:• by the -llATOE Alll OTHEI VALUES True American -·· .. 4•. C4rtM of six a-.. l4c. lSPlll&U!.,:_ ... ,..... ..11 . IY .. , • ...,.,(..;-,..-I aa &voe•~! · .F----~ ~ . Uli01S ·.. .. r ~-" w.s-.-S••"•cr-r Mcitches "::" 2 1':""..! IS• DoMino GI Dkllro1Cf lled TOP. 5offty. Rye Crunch ' •-11• -.... Evaporated Millet:: .. Sweet Potatoes '" ..... -.. ----.. .............. Pnmelade ""''~"'':""':""' '::"'II' ~ ,i';"';:',,.. ·e: 21• M\lltmd . t.. .. Qlive 8uttm _ ,.. II' m .. Papen 2 ""r."' 11* DIJ& 0 11 ....._ ~t .. ¢lotbsJ'i, 2 "':.., ... Palmolive :: a._ .. . --·-· ... • 1 Kool Cigaxett11 ' 2 ... -·-, ... • • I I '· • ' •' l I -PuaL1~ NoTic:a Mayor Reed's No. 2 , New Committees sball 1nc1ac1e on tho ....... _ INSURANCE '"rhat's All" ISRIGGS A: McKAY ,. ., E. Oatnl l!IALllOA. CALIF- p_._ ... 8-. 1n Orange County vottnc ~ Street-8tMle7 aad 80•~ Nd'pc:wt Beach Noa. I. 1 and 10. · 1 Fin, Water, LIPI Boho-POll.ING PLACE th«'eln lllWl ty that the Parqon, be at Co<oDa do) liar ~ the-county dock In the ~Alim" Bullcllnc In said Dlalllct. --~n-h ,._, (...-...J) hbelL .... ~"~~ .,. us-cargo _ u..ier Pollce ~ Off!.,.,. ot Election foe aold w+·are .. wire and building ~I. Bond Election Pftdnct: on her trip to Mexico, <+. •-suer, -"!>' Mn. lsa't/el Andrews, lnl~poc~c:t«m .. 30.000 gallons of fuel pola will .........i Slul•T °" Mn. Ann Andenon 0-~ J .. fishermen from San t---will be -Mn. Velp>a Gates CUs, .Tudge ln Guaymas, wu re-aest Meada;r aft.er M .. awon IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we ,.,.terd>.Y by her skipper, la.) have hettwito set oor handa thla and owner H. F . Somp-2nd day of April, 19'6. Refrigeration -. GORDON B. FlNDLA Y · n ·1a ed: lf permisalm 1a Partners Establish T. w=N JAY olotalned and arn.ngemonla ""' N · Fish M k . MARION C. DODD • complet by Thunday noon, th•t f!W ar et Members of tho GoW1'ft1J!e the P will aall Thundoy Boord of Newpurt !leach (!:'-... U-) e"1!nlng "" San Pedro and load A new flah market !or hard-~ District. of Qnnse Newport Elecbic Applla1ce. Co. I with and a small amount ot to-get .ea food will 8000 County, Callfcxnla. SPIUNGTDIZ -: -IUft: TDO:, la Newpwt -IL Kida,...... Troop 116 --•-la • ld&e other c o and head for the be eotabllshed at "5 Newport Pub.-April 11, 18, 25, 1946. f1>1as ceate.t MW-. ta.le .ne el tM Pl '*>.......,. •OIPltal •rnmie1W., ._..el De"""'*--'fte locla-Mexican port, where it is esti-boulevard under the name of. thtl--.----------- UoD ,... -ldM1 ,.,.. --1. (Photo by Kmt lDtchcockl mated at 50 tuna clippers are F and B Products comp..u>. 'Ibey l!IUlllNE88 GUIDI: 11 Elltablllhed 19H .-:ua ZIOG Cwt Bml.., Newport 81· 11re OmlK. Balboa Island Staggers Tbru Easter Week Fo..-17 8 I.: B V I (l Z -,.~ l!ILUZ FLA8R, We .... - -.. • wataaw .. u. PEKP'SCOLD oar aew Joma.. ... • ..,... PHILCO ....iy "' --,._ e N- TYL&a ..,_ _,. -la,_ "V - U Frankie Sinatra stood on the roof of A.llen'a Pharmacy on Bal· boa bland and crooned nl&ht and day for tree-lf nylons were beinC g:lven away on the oppc-.ite corner to all who uked-« lf Van John- aon wu taking a sunbath In the middle of the ialand'a main inter· section-It la doubtful it the mob pU··Nt dlftlealtlee. A19M·zree ............... _ -+' ............ _ .... h .. ~ .. -...... ,_ ----... l'IUCl'IOlfA.L B. P. MOTO& ... .,... ) Perfacold \.: ~ ;;:/J) Refrigeration Now .&van.Aag Common:lal -DEU\'Sal' of vacationing youngsters who are now congregated on the illet would be aurpaaaed. ;;.,._._._._._ ................................ ,_.~I Macy's Bargain BUement hu U N F I NI S H E D ·c H E S T S Just Received: Shipment of New, Unfinished Chests of Drawers 4·Dnwer n 1ncbeo 1&1.,. $11.95 All Sizes to Choose from Student Desks Solid Panels S Large Drawer11. 16~xll9-liL Top $11.95 • • • ALSO LARO,E SELECTION OF GOOD USED FURNITURE, RUOS. BEDS, DRESSERS, SPRINGS AND MA'ITRESSES • Solid Sides . ALL PRICED TO SA VE YOU MONEY • Solid Topa • Hard.wood Pulh HARBOR FURNITURE 1962 Barbor Blvd_ • -..... --...... ,__ -- --- l .. a-. ~ j J Phone 740-W Costa M.,... 50 \ Departures Daily from NEWPORT BEACH ' P1aa your trips co luit younelf. Grcyboand't frequent, a>n•eaiendy-cimed depamares make ii easy co a>me and go u JOU pl--•• for basin..., shopping or pleuutt-ThU "uilo.r- m.ade" local Mnice for JOU and your neighbor a>mmaniliet •..a JOU both lime and money on e•ery uip. See your GteybOWld agent fo.r -c.-Jllelnn7, -1111 GREYHOUND ra10•1•r• CO•YIBll•T LOCAL tl•YICI I -without' I for • return trip to .. poet to f .. ture eutem oyatera, PAINTING and DECORATING- nothing on the ii.land when tt little difference to the vacation-the· ata northttn crab, bi& awmdwllh R w. Stimple, 842 No .On,n,p comet to the number of JJ!eople en and if there t. a chUl in the The h·ermen are usually de--steaks. salmon steaks, haddock St., Oninre. Ph: <>ranee 2'74 W . clustering In a llmlted ,.pj.ce-air, another ribbon In the hair pendent a Mexican tanker for flllela, and mony other tuty aea , 3l-2tp and on tM ialand a change of and a pair of aandall are ~ fuel au y, but on its Jut trip. foods. population la voey notlceabli>. ned to ward off the cold. the t broke dawn and Is now n.e new market will· be owned At tut count th<ft were 4.-Eating plaCft on the iaLand tt-in port :tr repairs. It Is est!-and operated by Frank GtucoW, 000 001 "hot roads" maldns ISourly: port • mob scene of ravenous •P • mated at Jn01t of the clippers owner of one of the flnt trailer ja~ta on Marine aftllue/ and petites throuaho\.lt. the day and would approximately 7000 courb tn Costa Mesa. He lives in twice that number ot strollen on the apparel shos-; are dllpenslnc &allonl f. a re tum trip or con-Newport Beach with hil wtfe and HOUSE PAINTING . Interlar -Exterior (L.ahcr Pl .. Moterial) -810().J~ Santa Ana 3(>.2tp the alclewallca, In the ahoPI! and merchandise hand over cuh. tlnued Ing_ for a catch. aon. His l>artner In tho venture h~g from a..U.ble I tamp Yea, It cutalnly looka like lbe agon docked Saturday Is Wm. (Husky) Hindi, who PAINTING pmta.. It wu also estimated by Easter week. foll~ a trip to Mexico, where adopted ~ nickname from hll a cryptic oboervtt that lf all the It en oed 5000 1tema of ban-fishln& boat, tbe Huaky, fran material worn ln the attires of "'Ari Ohio man waa held up and. anu a amall amount of Span-which 'he hu t\lhed for wveral the multitude were combined Jan~ at the point of a l'UJl forced to ta:h mah any and rose wood. "111e years. He ii married and hu Ruuell would still have tO add drink a pint of Uq~."-Ne\1119 trip wu made under good weather four 80DI and one dauahtw. 12 rears s..vteo tn New ... t Haailcr Ai. Hllft'Y Hall PADITING OONTRACTOR ~ Neapoct 131.w ten yards to faahion an evening I Jtem. Why lbc>Uld a phllanthropllt conditi and no untoward lnci· rown. I consider It nece..ary to Ille force dents re enoowit..-ed, accord-. PUllLIC NOTICES 274 E. 19th Stnet :14-Ue That tho 1wi has yet to makeJ In bestowing bene!lcencea!--Olln Ing to kipper Stein. • an appearance evidently makes ' Mlll•I". In Reno Eve. Gazette. O CI ET y BCHOOL l!IOND -..arION FOR A l1EJJ4m E hint Jcb • 10'li' -. call Kewpwt JOCT after 4,90 p.m. la-do Vacationers Attention! A gift for the pet you left at home or Fresh government insp~ted horsemeat -dry foods -and remedies for the lucky dog, or cat that: came with you. ··--· Come in We'll Be Glad to See You ·--''& THE PET PANTRY llS Apt.> Ave. Balboa hlud , N-B.-1723-W 'l4 BllL North of Ferry L.andlng NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the SusatVerBerg Home qualified electors of Newport Beech School District of the eoun .. Mrs. erle VerBerg is now ty of Orange, State of California, COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M i 216 E. 20th St., Coota Mou. 2C>-Ue home at219 Abalone avenue, Bal-that in accordance with law, an boa Isl d, and little Miss 'Susan election will be held on the 17th Lynne ~ the center o~attrac-day of May, 1946. in said Dlstrlct1 ~Ion .f both her parents and between the hours of 7 o'clock grandpa ents, Mr. and Mrs A. M. and 7 o'clock P . M .. during PADITINO OONTRAOl'OR Wayne arper. Susan was born which per iod and between which on 'Apri 1. fooling everybody, for hours the polls shall remain open, .PAINTING -PAPER HANGING a son s ,expected. at which election there will be and DECOR.A.TING Ann al .Convention Of F derated Clubs Held t Orange submitted the question gf issuing K E . McDonald. and selling bonds of said District 414 Oid County Rd., .. Pb: lM·W to the amount of $150,000.00 Dol-· Ooat& Keu 8.54fe lars. for the purpose of raising money for the follqwiilg purposes: TRANSPORTATION' H (a) The purchasing of school lots. ess by Kenyon Scudder. (b) The building or purchasing ndent of the Chino. In-of school buildings. r Men, in which he told Cc) The making of alterations of me used in rehabilitating or additions to the school building BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 14&ln SL, Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa laland. the inm tes, and another talk by or buildings other than such as . Dorcas er, dean of girls at may be necessary for current 1 'a_,za,...,.=tt=r=,,,..AJD8==-------u"= - Fullert Union High school, on maintenance, o ........ atlon, or re"'""''-. ~-,..,. • <;lOLD and lUCHINl:LE88 "\.Vome in Mexico" featured the (d) The repairing, restoring or WAVES mornin session at the annual rebuilding of any school building convent n of the Orange County damaged, lnj~. or destroyed by Tlntllll' -4 Kankurtng Fed.er a n of Women's Clubs, fire or other public calamity. ltvenl.Dg Appointment. Pb. 17•W held iday at the Methodist (e) The supplying of school Vi's Beauty Shop church, buildings wtth tumlture or neces-1108 Cout Htwty, Coren.a del Kar After he invocation by the Rev sary apparatus of a permanent 7~ Geor&e t. Mrs. James P'. Done-nature. 1-------=------ gan, prefident of Orange Women's (f) The permanent , improve-LOST AND ·FOUND 11 club, g~e the greeting and ?.1rs. ment of the school ·grounds. LOST _ Chihuahua. male, small, George eat of Newport Beach, All of the foregoing purposes white with brown spots. Liberal '---------....,.---------------'I vice-pr ident or the county group, enumerated herein fire h ereby rew!lrd: ll8 Pearl St., Balboa 4 gave th response. united and shall be voted upon Bl Island. 31·1tc Announc~ng the Opening of a new CLINICAL LABORATORY -at- 2833 W. ~ntral Ave. Under the Snpervlslon ---Of- Mrs. Mary E-Madden, M,.8.-M.T-(ASCP) -and- WDllam B. Bruoh WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 ~ Newpori 888 "4' • Mrs. ~thur May presided at one single proposition. __ t he busi ess meeting at which the Said bonds propa1ed to be lslued LOST -Green coat Wednesday Laguna ach club was reinstated. a.nd sold shall be of the denomin· p.m. between West Coast Can- makln~ clubs in the county fed· ations hereinafter specified, and nery "and O:lsta Mesa. Wallet&: er ation. esignations of Mrs. S. S shat). bear interest at a r ate of t. D. papers in JX>Cket. Keep Twombl , crafts chairman, and not exceeding five per cent per money and leave wallet and coat Mrs. rt Campbell, American annum. payable annually for the at West Coast Cannery, 31.lt p chairman for Southern first year the bohds have to run, St. & Lafayette. 31-ltp and county ,literature and semi-annually thereafter, and , were accepted with r e-shall be numbered from 1 to 150 ~ W.&:Mt&D • gret. . August Schumacher of consecutively, payable as follows, Anahe · wu appointed American to wit: citizens ip chairnian and Mn Bonda L. L. man of Santa Arla L! new Numbered Deaom· club idents of the county were 1 to 7 $1000.00 1 .yeer heard. 8 to 14 $1000.00 2 years W ANTED-Cardenlnc work. See Myers, Box 103, Balboa, or 422 E. Bay Ave_ 26-Btp WANTED-Gardening work. Call at 530 San Bernardino Avenue, N~ Hotgbla. ~Uc Bible~. Annual report.I of (Inclusive) atlon To Run · At tt; afternoon session Mrs 15 to 21 Sl000.00 3 years WANTED-Gardening and Land· A. G . .J9eser of Riverside. South-22 to 28 $1000.00 4 years acaplnc. Write to Bobby Theuret, ern district pr .. ldent, talked on 29 to 35 $1000.00 5 yean P . G . Box 413, Coota Mesa. the res~rislbi1ity in nat ional and 36 to 42 $1000.00 6 years 28-4tp internat nal affairs. and district 43 to ·49 $1000.00 7, years ------------ officers were introduced. 50 to 56 $1000.00 8 yean WORK WANTED -House WXJrk AA introduction to the en-57 to 63 $1000.00 9 years by the hour, Newport or Balboa. rtaU\\ij~e'!'lit feature, a presenta· 64 to 70 $1000.00 10 yean Box 148, N. B. References.' e Conversion of Chris-71 to T1 $1000.00 11 years 28-4tc tine," w1Ming play written 78 to 84 SlOOO.OO 12 years WILL CARE fCJr ch.Udren eves., by Mn George. Wheat of New-85 to 9l SlOOO.OO 13 years Ironing In my home. 309 Marl- JXll't II and, Mrs. Arthur May 92 to 98 SlOOO.OO 14 years gold Ave., Cororia del M.ar. ith: sang "J t an Old Faahloned Gar-99 to 105 $1000.00 15 years l<=J. 19-Uc den." e play was directed by 106 to 114 $1000.00 16 years ==-=--=------- Mn. L. L. Beeman and taking 115 to 123 $1000.00 17 years l:HPLOnu:NT OFFERED II part we Carol Cohrt, Lucy Mar-124 to 132 $1000.00 18 years shall, D y Grlnnage, Rose Clau· 133 to 141 $1000.00 19 years W A.NTE::>-~OT-ll:L Jd.A.LD, Balboa 'sen and Mary Lou Barrett. Vocal 142 to 150 $1000.00 20 years Ian. ~ 880. •'*' music w by the Santa Ana Ebell For the purpole of holding &aid HELP" WANTED -Experiencf!d. mU1ic tlon. election, the School District shall fountain etrl. Phone N. B. 73. be and It Is hereby divided ·1nto · 31).2fc 2 Bond Election Precincts, num- 1 ~::;~;:;;:;;::~;::;~~;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:;::;::;::;::;,::;~~~D~rl~v~ef;~~;~y~~S~pen~~·~Llf~e.. bered from 1 to 2 consecutively, u W A.NTE'D-Hou.ekeeper in lovely ~' hereinafter deacrlbod; and tho per-home, 2 In family, Private roam. aom -..rter named being com-good wqea. Ph: lO'l?l-1. U-Uc PHOTOGRAPHERS WE WILL HELP YOU wrm ALL YOUR PROBLEMS, SUfP.c.m>, ADVICE, ~ TRAINING, A CAMERA CLUB IS BEING FORMED AND A OOL _ HAS · STARTED FOR BOTil BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED STUDENTS. APPROVED BY nfE STATE AND AFFILIATED wrm PHOTO- GRAPHIC SOCIETY OF AMERICA . -. MODEL IY. ROOM AND A LARGE Sl'UDIO. . FORsYTHE'S I %15 lllABINE I • CAMERA petent and quallfied electors of WANTED-Reliable pnaaJ main· said School District, and of their -man. L1c19 ni.atn. respective Bond Election Precinct 26-Ue att hettby apPolntecl ot!!cen all:::===-=-=-"--.,..,...;,:~ election, u hereinafter clel!rnated. w ANTED-Men for .,...k In Pi... to aerve In !heh' respective Bond tic Mfr. Co. Apply In penon at Election Preclnctll. u hemnatter 1015 Cout Blvd., Corona do) set forth; and said · Officers of Mar. , »-Uc Election ahall conduct said elec-w AJTRESSES w ANTED _ HQ tlon and make returns the'eot !ll>oft Coto, 17th A ec-'t Hlcb- .,...._i ta -· _,.. Pb' Neolpott ~ "'l""tf• 'lbe vottnc l*ecluctl\ polllne plaees and election olflcen, duly HELP WANTED-Ible-Fr h --tee! and appolntecl .,.. u Loc:el or llllWllac In \awl• zn loo followa : younelf. No -Y aequtred. BOND ELEcnON PRECINCT Good • ..,. ... ·You .,.. )'Oar' OWll NO. 1 -.J..1~ B. Va Donn, 508~ ahall lncludo all the ~ embraced N. St., Silnta Ana. 2619te In 0ranp County votJnc prodncta HELP WANTED -W-fco Newport Beach Nm. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, bouao wortc. -n -· two 8 ancl a. adult.. Prlyate -. - POu.ING PLACE thoftln ahal1 en~. Not onoucti ....,..k r.r be at N.,.pcrl Beach 5d!oo1, C.... all ~. Lift ID, but coulcl haw tra1 at Hth hi aald Dlotrict. aomol free boun. Call Ncwpcrl Offlcen al Elect!on foo -181..1. -r 2$-Ue Bond Electlan Precinct: • Aw G--· ~ HELPWANTEO-Parttlme.-. Mn. Emily l(cGnnn, Jua&e _......... Earl W. SW>ieY. 31U Mn., 1m1a Gomt. l1llllo W. Oontral1Av., NtwPcirt ·ae~di BOND ELl!lC'nON PRECINCT Plllne 1711. n ,uc • , 1• ' BATTERIES For Portable Radloa and for Hearing Aids. Manufacturen Of Upholstered Furniture 413 W . 4th St .. Santa Ana F actory and Showroom ~ Wnt Center St., Anaheim Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect 12-tfc Just Arrived Froob Hearing' A.Id _JlA TTERIES O\mderwon Drug C.O. 117 Matn St. Ph. 61:t • &O-tfr Auto Batteries 18'month -$6.45 Ex. Compounded Motor Gallo!). 70c Oil Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Coeta M eMt 23-tfc WANTED TO BUY ~1 Wll..L PAY CASH fOI' YOW' fU!.; D.lture or what Mve you. Pbonf' Nwpt. 2000. 0 . R. 0-awley. 1812 Newport Blvd., Calta Mesa. 3().tfc RADIO HOU.3E CALLS -Now that additional compe~nt tech- olctana a.re available, we are able to make 1ervice calla on la.rge coo.eoles. All work lrU&J"&llteed.. HAROLD L. HAMM:., 8. 0 . S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph: 780. 11-tf• SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 Charlotte CMcCorkell} Bucko in- vites you to BE'TII'S BEAUTY SHOP Morlday, Thursday, Fri- day nites a t 6 o'clock starting April 22. Call 114-W. lTI E . 18th St .. Costa Mesa. 30-2tp KEYS Made While You Wast VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. Balboa. 208 Marine, Balboa I.lland 94-ttc Carpenters Available tor g-enera.J. maintenance and repair O •. z. ROBl:RTSON Call Newport SS I U·tl< MOORINF OR SLIP wantod for ------------ 75-ft. schooner . Will buy or rent. Lewis, 37 Ave. 26. Venice or phone collect Santa Monica 62390. 31-2tp u FOR SALE--Uaod double bod and mattress. Associated Ser.ice Station, cor. Pa.lrn & Central, Balboa. Phone 166-W. J0.2tc FOR SAL&-Dining or patio table 6 by 3 feet. 2 benches, hand- hewn, wro~ht iron braces. fire and weather proofed 428 Orchid · Ave .. Corona dei Mar. JO.tfc FOR SALE-1Wln bedroom suite, complete: pre--wa r .davenport & chair, dinette set, platform rocker, gas heater, wool rug, curtains and drapes. misc. ar- ticles. 701 Acacia Ave., Corona del Mar. J0.2tc TELRPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES No experience necessary .Earn while you Iea:n There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 514 * N. Main SL, Santa Ana .. Aak the operatcr for tbl DOUBLE eon Springs. double Ollef ()porat« '"closet bed with mattress, large ~ alze davenport, excellent con· Southern California d!Uon, 6x9 rug, occasional table, Telephone Compaay O'dora wardrobe clooeL U6 32nd S t .. Newport. :n.tfc 111-tfc ----------- ,, BUILD NOW LOW COST HOMES Be Sure and See Models At 711 Begonia Ave,, Corona de! Mar Phone 886-W Salesman WW Call PICO BUILDING MATERIALS 26-tfc ..... 1~ . . .... ~~ ,, . . " , ·. . . • HOMES Beautiful Ocean Vie~ Home "1th two bedrooms, one ba~ living and dining room COltlbination, kitdien, single garage, washroom and extra ..totluoom In garage, large sun deck; house 6t very good construction. plastered inside and out, .lot 40 ft. x 118 ft. located be~ Seavlew Ave., and Ocean Front. Verytcbolce loca- tion. Immediate possession. $15,000 SPECIAL • Tw.o-Bedroom Home, Sout of Highway an exceedingly attractive bon111.ln an exCel- lent location, very attractive · room "1th real fireplace; good size -, two bedrooms and one bath. Has garage and additional storage space .. • ouae Is well constructed, plast.ered • has just been completely redecorated new linoleum In kitchen, floors ~ • and etc. Col1)plet.ely and "fumlsbed Lot 30 n. x 118 ft. ' ; Full Price $8500. Terms i Six-Room Home, Sou~h qf Highway on 45 ft. x 118 ft. lot, In an eXce!Jent loca- tion; cloae to ocean front. Bouse about two years old and of the veri finest pos- sible construction. 22 ft. =· ft. garage. Completely .ft beautifully Mmy nice details too numerous to ntion. Im- mediate p<lS.'l'SSion. Shown r y appoint-ment only. One Full Acre On H arbor Blvd. Oose in. $5,000 Cash Income Property On Newport Blvd. 2 stores, 3 apts. all furnished. Corner lot, 53x150. Full price-- $15 ,000 Price $22,500. Ter.s LOTS . 45-Ft. Lot on Marigol9;Avenue south of highway, block and h8It to ocean front; convenient $3~~4 location. I 30 Ft. Lot on Poppy ~venue south of highway, between ~aview ave- nue and ocean front; beautiful! view. $4750 ·. 69-Ft. Corner on MargueJite Avenue south of highway, excellent IClpltion. Zon- ing permits six units. I 2 Bedroom H ome · $6000 · i On Broadway. only 5 years old. I Double garage, hardwood floon. -k LISTINGS WANTED -k $1_0,_500 I t Furnished B R 0 S E R E A I • T Y 2 Bedroom Home 1307 Coast Highway. -de1 Mar r East side or town. 2 lots , each , , Phone N. B. 2'_ •8 _ 31-ltc 50x150. Hardwood floors, tilej ~---+----------"+'·-------- kitchen and bath, double garage. ) Wall heaters. 8x16 rumpus · R-E-A,L V-A-L~-E-S room. Back yard all fenced. Gar-den, fruit trees. berries. This A twf>.bedroom home, near ocean, pletely furnished. h&me was built in 1941 , and i. Fireplace. Swimming and · ing. Only ' like new. $6500 · Priced at $12,000 + + + FOR SALE-For home, business V? Acre on Newport Ave or speculation, attractive S.rm. Near 22nd St Good soil Loe ti · 1-story house on ~dy boule-o.k. for b~iness. . a pn A two-bedroom home. Stucco and 1 e. Large lot. Near ··Newport Blvd. Good district . + $5,~50 + j . Van!· comer. BeauUful grounds ,.2650 with grove of tall trees, barbe-<:P cue-, lily pool and tiny guest house. See owner , 2500 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. ~2tc AT CORONA DEL MAR Small Lot With Fine View 30. 59 $1000 Three Loi. $2100 For all three 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar "Where the Flags Fly"' 3.1-1 tc FOR SALE-- Balboa Island Modern, new, completely furniah- od, 2 bedrooms. $12,500 -Terms Bay Front house. wide lot, pier and float, unfum.. immediate poosession. $50,000 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W . Sanford, Broker 308 Marine A venue Phone 234-R 31-tfc F. S. OWEN Four Room House Lot 100xl50 In Costa Mesa. Im· mediate possession . $5500 J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa Phone 516 31-ltc BALBOA Ocean Front home with rental unit, furnished, near buiiness diatrlct. . $10,500 Two-bedroom home, near the bay. fumi>hed. $12,200 COSTA MESA Small home on large lot. $4500. See us for Homes. Income Properties and Lots JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St., Balboa Phone 2034 A. E. Johnson and Associates 1 31-ltc Newport Blvd. Ideal for doctor or dentist bldc. Hu hanlwood !loon and plumb- ing. 50-ft. frontage. Ocean view. Price - ' $10,600 Tenm A two-bedroom home. Hardwood a11 d tile with 'f.! acre. Nice, level ground. Double garage. I Ice garden aiid lots of fruit trees. $7600 + + + Two-bedroom home. Hardwood and ile. Sewers. Garage and utility room with double tub. Th*' is one of the finer homes -on Newport Heights. Don't q1is•r seeing-this one today. Can also be bought furnish!. $11 ,000 + + + Home with unobstructed view. NicJiy ,l•nds'caped. Five large rooms. Double garage $13,000 + + + 50-Foot frontage on Newport Blvd. Good location.. Two houses. A Real Value at only $11.000 L . • + + . READ TIUS-Stuc&l building. Six a nts. Income $315 per month and 4-rooln apartmetit for owner. Hard- wood ,tile and 4 garages. Completefy furnished with ranges and refrigerators. If you want an Income in the years to come, you can't beat this. I F\tll price,. ONLY $29,950 • + + + We also have business and homesites. We are here to serve you. ·+ + + ' ' ' B. A. NERES~ >N For years McMAHAN FURNI-No n...1- TURE COMPANY bu beell ~ 1peda1Jz1ng 1n co M p LET E -Beautiful Residence HOM!E ou-n rrs. Today, you -,.,.,. la't.,0 ,bathroom with two extra rentals. on two Balboa Peninsula Real Estate and Business C portunities, · Insurance. 1972 Newport Blvd. . Costa Mesa w111 !ind i..r.. 2 Wl'll chcoen. 1s. with now --.i. 1011 Good income. Nwprt Hghts. Marvelous Bay View pl..,. assemblies to outfit three -$19,50~2 cash D~ "'-~ ..iapt.tb• !"::.?°. NEW CORNER HOME rooms-One retallins at $499.!50 F. P. Waldron -·~.. ~· -• and the other at $699.!50. This Te.lepbono :134W. Mtc EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE LOT comb. living It d!nlnc n>am, cu-COST A MESA ' Corona del Mar Beautiful 2-droom' Home • • . . 'T. •••. - EASTER ·c RE E, TI NG S ~ We Will Be · 1 Closed ---~'-,..._- Saturcia_y ahd For an Easter &u nd ay Ho t i day --~·-- SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results ' . HARBOR JNVESTMENT COMPANY r R~tors 1 30li> at Cimini A-'1'tlel..,_ 1800 31·1tc j. M. MILLER Rea1 Estate Broker 15th and Central Balboa Income Property StuCCQ; 4 units; COltlpletely fumlshed. ~war con- struction. 90-ft. frontage. Good potential J:ots!ness loaltion. . $32,500 Corona de! Mar Beautltul view; comer ·Jot South of Hiway, 35xl20 $6000 Newport Heights Cliff Drive. Beautiful ocean view. 45x125 $4000 I : Balboa Nicely tumlshed, 2-bedroom home. $12,100 Balboa Island 2-Bedroom beach home. Some furniture $11,000 Balboa Home --i full price, $10,500 Phone Your Listings In and we will give them every cons(deration ]. M. MILLER 15th and Central • Ne"Wport Beach "On Your Way to Balboa • !'bane 1.U2 31-ltc . SPECIALS THIS WEEK Channel Corner Lot $5000 Hamrurgers & Malts Living quarters and 2 apts on beach. A real mone:; maker. Costa Mesa Home 2 Bedrooms. Expensive fumi. ture. Garage. Immediate pos- session. On highway. Lot 50x150. $7200 Furnished Home • Established • Restaurant and 4-room Centrally located apt. Home on Channel Furnished. 4 Rooms Private pier. Gar. 6 yrs. old Comer lot. Immediate p<lS.'l'SSion IOI Highway Lots Costa Mesa. Close-in. 2-car - garage with mrud's quarters. One 170x250. One 200x235. A. "SANDY" STEINER ---Realtor C. F. D,ENNISON --Associate Realtor REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES· · 634 Coast Highway 101 -Phone 2573 ll&AL llCllTATE EXCllANOI!: '8 AUTOllOTJVI!: a Tl&l!:ll II WILL EXCHANGE 4-room fur· FOR SALE-Model A coupe. Es. ~ui:hed apt. in Bungalow Court concl Phone 7~J. 3l·ltc 1n Hollywood, nominal rent, for ==....,,,===----.....=::..:.:: house or apt. in Ne'NpOrt, Balboa AUTO .SUVl<JE M or C.O.ta Mesa district. Jack W. Street, General Delivery, Balboa. . 31-4tp Wll.L TRADE rental of modern ranch cottage in Arcadia for house on Balboa Island for one or two summer months. Free fruit, berries and eggs included. Enjoy a vacation on a country acre in cool shade of walunt trees. Write H. R. Kernberger~ 1504 South Eighth A venue -Or phone A'IWater 73T75. 314 10tc RESPONSIBLE Te1-phooe un- ploye wants to exchanp S.bod· room home In Welt Loo Anselm tor aame In Santa Ana or Tlcln- ltJ. Call Southern Callt. Telo-· pbone Oo., Santa Ana, 5628. D-tfc I iQiii -llOU .. Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES - To Us. BATTERY REPAm WORJr: IS OU!t BUSINESS ~ey's Battery Service WESTMIN!ITER A VI!:. (-n18th61hpnll•) COSTA MD4 'O'KI N IRWD, ~. Mijl~ ------------ W -· Orin cantully~ & Life. New put 9illlboa Wt 'rr' s 1 I ud 1.-. •-i th*\= All idndll t)ptWJ It.er ribboDI In -lll& U. T• • ft llr rrtock at the N.-Tlmeo. lncludes tree delivery. Other 3--lltTSIPfm OPPOBltJMlll&& M on Balboa Peninsula. p!'ted wall to wall. Tirepl.ao!. 3 room outfits ., low as $299.!50. $3000 nice bedrooma_ Complete bath. 3 bodroama. hardwood !loon. tile i..ow.,,1 tum& of course. No mat-NEW-USED Furnltutt St0tt. Low _ tiled. Colorod tile kltcheft. many link and bath, -&arace. lier what you plao to Invest, you rent lease. LeNet Furniture Co., Some ONE-ACRE TRACTS. Costa built-Ins, wn. blind!'. 1-' apt. $12,500 Tile ro ~. 60-ft. loL N~or oee.n. !~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~===~~ $18,000 I· ••• WW ··~ 1'£11WWW • will find best values at your 2CM2 So. Main. Santa Tha. Tel. Mesa. West side. hu larse liv . .._.., llftplaee, - McMAHAN Fu RN i Tu RE 5429. 31·2tc .. 2500 bedioom. kitchen " 'l bath. Ralph P. Maskey COMPANY, Second ,,. Broad· S'nJDY AT HOJolE--Rffl Eltata "' -Outside"""-"· patio,-· Mio Cout Blvd., way, Santa Ana. 29-4t'Th U.,._, Qulclt .-.1!1 Guaran-THREE LO'rS in Newport Indus-double 1arage. rrs 'n!>PS AT Newport Beoch. Calif. W . J . HOLCOMB l ~7 Coast Hllbway Corona del Mar "Whe :0 the Flap Fly" 30-2tc llOATll. 8lJl'PLIDI 11 tee. a Security Bid., Puadena. tr1at dlstricL 90-tt. tront&s•. $22,500 1 Phone 402 FOR SAL&-New Lathrop Marine __________ :io-_u_c • ,_., __ A--' ted Open EYenln-gs-and Sunday 3().tfc STOREi Bun.DING) "°"' leued, Motor, 20 h.p., 2-cyllndtt, up-WA..>n'SD TO llKNT &I ~~ .... _ ...... ~· -• FOR SAIZ-A Good lloq. Nftd an MbDte v .. ta jult oil N .... rlgl)t. Phone Westminster 821L WANTTOLEASE--2or3bednn. F . s . OWEN (Broker) A. E. JOHNSQN cult. 114..,.. and 11--port Pl"4. 30s45 heavy tnme • 31-4tp -· Pennaaent, DO cblldrel. Lee MATTHEWS, Salesman 469 Newport Blvd.. ca.ta ---. -Taloe ~Lot, 'l ...... 125-ft. front. 'ft HEED LATE MODBL CARS -1 Will Pay Top Pricel I. Pay to $100 per month. Box "B" 509 31.at St .. Newnnrt Beach • Phone 40t-R 31-ltc '<>Oft $1300 note at $20 per mo. ace. ~tel)' fencod -.00 · , FLOATS foe private landi.np-N ~--31-4 ~ ~<MIL,_.._ 333 Del-· P""'ktk o1;)')e .. • Or will aeU lot ·-~•-te delivery-sample at ews-·~-. tp Phone 'l5T1 3l-ltc FOR SALE -•-eo·--_,.,., -.-· '---" . mu•~ ~ • --ca.ta-. No -tat 2$-Uc '"'°""' -•tel)'. See -· . . S!Udd·a Yacht Anchorase. 806 Foe oHlcr auppllea, aee tho AU kinds typewriter ribbons Ill Acacia SL, Santa Ana Hellhts.1--------'-'----2:50C> ewpo<t iltfd. ca.ta Ilsa. Ba.YSide Dr. _ 3.l·ltc Ne...Tlm& stock a t the NC'\\-S·TI.mes. $11¥.>0. Ph. N. 9 . 164-~L 30-2tc Manila foldas at N('WS.Thnes. 30-2tc , I ' -r .. -... ~ --~ . . -.. . ' ' r ' 1 . -:... ' ' --. ·"" -··-~ • •. : ; •• t. -~ .;;· ... • ~ ..'...~.i .n • • i .. I I ' • 1 ,i " ~!~~==:.;;;.;::::=·~·::::;::=========~ii;;:;;;;.:;;;~•i•;:e· , .. ,,, -1 ¥ 4 " · Bl'Nlilhleld Ora~Co••llJ l.u1'Jr-Costa~· ~esaBenSr.Qufitsit . No :_uauc NonCE ~i! ~en;: ,, _ I Veterans-ack Vo ....... _ ltll •s•••ce 10r e Bids or olfen to be In writlna Mid borp bebia• Pow loc.tlid ... A t. ' " ..... I ·"' I h C!sL I OF &AI.& OF RW:.\L lnd will be receiwd at tho at~ pope I) ........i by tbe a~ of tten I. on With the p-omloed ~ of • At u;.:.. 00100 AT l'IUVAn llAUI: Mid oftlce at any time after tbe Newport -bet•een l8th - • bowl•-dvlc. irof_..,.I am Co ell De • . AU5· · No. 250122 !Int publicatlcn heftat and belatt 18th sa.Ot !pl Newpart -· leslSla~. leaden, piano wore un rues °""' Me.. Boy Scoula have .. --o-t .. --date of ule. Said ale wlD" -plMe ..... - Your New Home Financed • on Your Lot • 5-Room House 55975 • 6-Room House 57000 ' • Colegrove • Heacock and Patty Telephone 502 or 718 completed here today for the con-'Fr. Game' rrJ........ eompl•u.<f p1ano for their benefit --. 1a -•• -Dated this 2nd day of Apil, pur<1>ue pride -111114 Moe-~~ ofH-~thc·,~~ v:.:'k Co~M.achineASJ,~ .-to be be1c1Friday,April19 ~Gl1-4-I• l946. day, April 22. 19111, at a. 1>aur _, ~ "~--~ at 7 :30 p.m. In the high school BERNECE s. TAPLEY, of 10:00 a.m., at Ibo al!ke of which bu been ~ to start ID auditorium with Jeep Herders, a .)latter of tbe Estate of Ami>lnlstratrlx of the Estate the Harbor Muter. 1-ted at U. on Apil 22. . 11111· tenitb. thrtlllna:, "western''. In F . TAPLEY, I>eceatoOd. of Mid decedenL Wuhinlton Street Pia, ID tbat n.e evmt will be chairmaned After a committee bad report-color u the main attractiqn. Notice h<ttby llven that tbe RONALD H. COOMBS, portion of tho 017 of Net:pilt by A. J. McFadden of Sant& Ana ed unfavorsbly on a 1bme a~ niere will also be ...... oomedles, will ae11 at private 9648 =-Voulevard Beach known a Balboa. All l*'- who Is __.t of the State plication for operatlna "t':' typos traveloeue Items, aU in color. sale, to tJMi hilbeat and best bid-CUiver Oty, California sona bavl.!lc oe ·dalmlns to haft Oiamber of eomn-ce. Aaembly-of ooin machll8 In ..,..._. Included In the -am will der, sub to conllrmation ot Mid Attomey;for Admlniltratrtx. any 1lenl, dalmo, and/or -- """' Sam Callina, Fu11ttton. will Beach, the dty council unani· be a knot-tying contest for aU Sup..-1 Court, en or after the ai.-.-acalnlt Mid ~. ,er UO' port act as honorary chairman, accord-mously upheld their flndlnp 0.14 M ... Scouts and there will 19th · ot Apil l!K6, at the of-Pub.-Apil 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 1946. thereof are respecttully ~ Ing to Ed Caney, eucvtive secre-Tuesday afternoon. also be a cood Mi• at bargain nee of her attorney, Ronald IL to .,.._,,t said U.-. ... , .. ., tary of the California Committee Dick Sharpe, who bad irev-prioeo by O.ta M ... Girl Seout Coom 9648 CUiver Boulevard, NOTICll: OF mTZNT TO u:LL and/or c1emanc1a to tbe - for Voluntary Health lnlurance, ioualy obtained pennislion to In-Troop 82 under the leadenhip of CUiver ty, County of Loo An· Muter ot Newport Bead> at the which has as lts purpoee the stall pin ball machiDes '"for am~ Mn. Hu'.oJd Hall. A. great many gelea,. ie of C.allfomia. all the 1be Qty ot Newport Beach ln-above addre9a oa or before tbe focusing of attention on the many usement .. bi.It which att not aup-articles have been donated to the right • .' tie and interest of said tends to purchase tram Cleo E. date of sale. voluntary health and acddenll poaed to give free ca-WU girls for tbll Ale and funds will deoe at the time of death McFarland, owner of that certain By Order ot Oty Claomdl, proeramS now available to the denied the additional •Plfcatl-go toWard the purchue of a Girl and aU right, title and Interest bare• known as the •'MIN-Newport· Beach, Callforalo. public. for (1) one ball devkft, a1lowlnc Scout building. n.e 1um of $100 that estate of said deceued DANAO," ez,Docwnented Num-Apil 1, 11146. "Our Committee is se.....inc as a the operator a free game, and (2 ) bu been glvea the girls for this bu acq by operation of law or ber 107·786, County ~ Nwn-RUSSELL E. CRAIG, rallying Point for all dtlzem who conoole type. macblnel, giving free puri-e by the local Lions club, oth , other th4n or in ad· ber G-144, bUilt In the year 1902 Harilor MMUr, stand for the continuation of our games to play..,. who pull cer-ac:conllng to Howard Gerrish, ditlon t!\at of said deceued, at at A-n, Wuhln&tcn. and a~ Pub. Apil 9, U. 16, 11!. i-. White House Cafe tain levus and cean.. committeeman. the ot death, in and to .u , -;::==========:...:.-=--------------, The feeling of the investigating The show promiles more than the ce rea,J. property particu-l · committee wu that it would re-the money's worth and ls an op-larly bed as follows, to-Wit: quire turther ~lice supervision, portunlty for the public to sup-undivided one-third ( 11') hence to be avoided, even though port the boys• and girls in their t in a parcel , of unim- they would agree to pay $300 for effcrt to "earn their own way" real property in the the tint machine per year, '25:0 rOr something of permanent value. Co of Orance. State of for the second, ~d. ~ach addi- For any desired information, call Calif rnia, described. as: Lot 5, tJonal one at the din1;irushing rate s:r7-W. in Bl 2 of Tract 626. in the L, _______________________ _. •------------'I of $25 for each additional one. Qty l f Newport Beach, Coun- FOR A GIFT • • • OR JEWELRY · Come in and See Our Selection 17. JEWEL WATCHF.S All Guaranteed Diamond and Wedding Rings Sterling Silver Ware $28 5tp Gold 3Jld Silver Charms Costume Jewelry LARGE SELECTION OF PINS, NECKLACES AND EARRINGS Beautiful Crystal and Silver Pieces for Gifts GOOD SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL, SMALL DOU..S BEST JEWELRY AND GIFTS 0-RIO SHOPPE 205 Main St. Dalbo& -Phone 2261 •i. \ \ . \··~ ....... e When planninq your summer vacation, remember Iha! Umon Pacific -Utah'• 1.km and Bryce Canl°':' National Parka and th•. ~and Canyon National Park ID Ar--.. aloo Colorado, Yellow.tone, Califomla. the Pacific North-. Take your choice ol ma9"lficent natural monumenla and canyons bnlliaal ID colar, ci ~ mounlainl and sapphire !alt.., ol 119yoers and waterfallo, al OOMll beach.I end -· 111981 b ..... Tb-are scenic leatmee preeon'9d bJ Union Pacific. • TNln ""-' 1• a ---le llMlf. You can co•pl .... y relaL Union Pacific pNvldeo !oat, ••dam ...i 111,.ndolole .. 11 ..me. lo ead -ell the West. Mme w•lmn ooeaic regiona ue WTed bJ Union Paclllo than bJ aDJ other ro.llroed. ll' .. wcdt\'1 gneleol Tae&lloll Irani barqal:a. I beS~c- SG'f ·union 'Alcilic· UNION PAQP1C neut OMCIL IAlllA ANA w .......... St.. Ti I ,. I 1117. • •.tit ••••••••• , •. UlllON PACIFIC RAILROAD . ~ ,....~u.r-,..., .••A• ., '"' .s'lf li,..._,.lllW ···~· '°"-~ &Uf"" •• Husky Veteran Was Lucky Truck Bidder; Starts in Business City Hall Plans Nearly Ready for Final Approval Fairview Farms For MWD Water ty o Orange, State of Cali- for · as .per Map thereof, r~ cord in Book 30, at page 40 and 1 of Miscellaneous maps, reco of said Orange County. Terms f sale cash in lawful money of the nited S ta tes on confirm a- tion of sale, or part cash and bal- ance e idenced by note secured by Mortg ge or Trust Deed on the Proper y so sold Ten per cent of amoun bid to be deposited. with Enjoy Your Easter 1 am Dinner CREME.SET b,~&s~ "'"·"·-·········r.· moie-up for your HAIR I fot Jruly lsito groomi~ use Creme.Set to tam• Id. .l --• stray wisps, to lend luster to dry hair ends-to COO)( curls hall plans will be' ready for pre- bock when your per. monent's nearly gone I 1.25 ..... ~o!'.;~~:1~:i:~e-::?:; The COAACT H j' LAMP senta tion withi n a few days, Ralph Lonnie Vln~t'• Mac PelleUM"'1 Flewelling, architect, informed J. ~ BALBOA PHARMACY NEWPORT PHARMACY J . Sailors, city administration O!· -·-BALBOA'S UNIQUE D ER HOUSE The Rex.all Swre T he Rexa.JI Store fleer. From 2 p. m. to :SO Main and Central 2108 Ocean Froot Excepting for a few details the Near· I·'and Avenue none 106 PIM>DO 5 plans are complete and will be .so.& \l'est Coentral • 'L--------------------------' ready for final approval of the l :L:-:-:-:-:-:-::;-:-:-:-:-::-::-::-::-::-::-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-t---_-_-_-_-_-_-7-:_-~-:_-:_s_-_-:_-_-:_-_-:'_. ________________________ _ city council. \\'beth er they would be brought h~re by the Los An· geles archl tect for t he next meef· tng later this month could not be ascertal~ed. TIDE TABLES APRIL, llMAI HJ ch Low Hlgh F 19 11 :14 4 :53 10:11 3.3 0.0 4.9 s 20 12:1! 5:35 10:41 2.9 0.2 4.7 Su 21 1 :53 6:30 11:18 2.7 0.4 4.4 M 22 7 :46 . ......... ········· 0.5 Tu 23 12 :08 9:15 . -········ 4.1 0.5 Low •:OO 1.9 -4 :18 2.3 •:%0 2.6 Tkl• .,.. placed i. onkr or uoc~ u.tat ---.. a.; de.rt ........ Liquor Store Boob aad Roy l[- .Pa1m and Bay, 8:-lboa Phone Sil • OP A HOUll· I UNOIY NATION • I LIVING r THE Posrw AJ. Houu ii a nsticaal ....,.. Soumetn Ca1ifomia ii lucky 10=+· Swe, it -• . illMI ,_ "'1uo< ... 1 T,,_ H-If 1~ ,.. ,. r.6iU ...,, Some .... fnnkli . • ... me, altady-pcooa> . . MDII escitMta of all ... !be Nnr Preedom GM . ii . bon<iog witb pnctial, modem • , JOU CUI really dford. Some of them .... ibed b<low- look them.,....; . W1Llttlll M.YD. • HtGMUJCI A.YI., 111 tMI NIW •tllDOM aAI ltCNIN .. ,,. .... St..,, tile ... -, You'll pick cip a •otld of oew -net a.citi.~ ideas. SNdy them , .. think ~~ ... 1t s ,,_,'ti,.;.,. dUJ: counu! You1111 ·all thew and loo more bes.id~ in this "I r..tory" ~tcbcn 0£ TOIDOf'rmt. U-Shapcd . go. ideal srcp-u.wing arr~l ... cooed •tet the Sroraae. PrcparatioO ~d Serving . 1. G•1·L•t ' JJ,•1: Ezpc-riment 1 model range. Auih wilh a.bioeu and wall; ·1e-cypc fiurlltt'I in b.c:k -109 pattern. to·deu. roUtd corncn. Auco:natiC cookiq : Special coocn1cd ftDtilator &ah and dean br rancniq, cook · I. Plastic doors oo cabion roll op; prouudin.a doors, Sbdwa att .di.J· iahle bcigh•. a. '•·.url'J·ao-round" for baQli ....,, rcsdli.QI.. ... Cootiouaw..a.j.o-ai.d mar· &a eacirda eatift r.;-. ' a. Larae •iew.wiodow '"fnmes" the prdea ud brin.p it into dx kitcbea. 6. Mechanlal ..U. !Or prbq. dispoool. 7, Jee-propelled. wf.OID&lic hydraulic dish· wtshcr. 'Iiouhk'-/ret, DO tDOlOt ••. worb 00 preuurc &om bot waiu IJlttm.. a. Wotk areas 4uorescmc-lighctd. •· Pht•·in·llnfWbttt, contiouou.s·suip, coa- vmimcr oudetl. · 10. S,.a..l ,,..s rtJriprllW, apc:rimrnul C:OUD· tier-heigh< model with pull-cue dnwcn. I I. "A ''-f" _,,u,;.,-: Scieaci6ally II• 1 n.npd dnwus i>r mWn1 utemils. cutlery, ftcu< aod .... bi91, .. 12.. Diappc:ariq:cabintt for miser (shelf b- att#'hCDfftCI), ta. Floor am:riaa curies out color ' threme • (Scwid abocxbeot cftll.,. bops kiuhcu ooilC from liTiaa room.) 1.(. Brm&.·c.ble, iollt&f*I widl coo~cnical wwia& ceoar . IL S..,.. far ..... All ils-n:.tiQI &*lo ~cooker, ft(.. ' . I ~Jle 16. Disappearin& roU<JUt wwiaa macbiM; 17. Cabinet: for ~iDI tupplia. 11. OOWt lot mop. ~ooms, ftO.lum<lesnd; stOragc specc: for duorn. tmp. wu:, tu. 1t. Swivel irooins board ; ~-rd ii tuc.k.rd belo-w. • 10. c.oocalcd laundry-uay. 21. lhd<·prcof .,.,. ........... "'-· id wbea &.miJJ is •W'&f· 22. Automatic. aU-weaths dodies-dtier:. U. Automatic wsbioa audlint. Mo. Cabioa iromr cona:ekd br roll-u:pCIDl'M'. ·,,._ v .. 01....t.wpublecabinet. M. Fro11tt1 food cabi.-with tlidiq ... ZJ, .. H~t's OJK.I": for plan•iq meals; po ... .butrco """""'· ... "' ndio, iw-mu.njcaf.ioa .,... ¥WD lpriMler ....... the .... dQocs! • IOUTMll" COUN7111 OAI co•rAHT mCAL,1001 , D : • \ I t I I t ' • • IDa.traiecl above la tbe &reh:lteet'• sketch of tbe ..ew home now being coaetruc&ed la ~re Tract for Enldne lobmon. Boll)'Wood columnlst aDd OOIDJD8Bt.ator. ne.lped by BM: Bra.Mt .beo-- d•te., t.be attn.ctlve &Dd lnd.lvt1foaHatlc bome WM sketcbed by Fred M~. a memH.r of Ute A....-e1a-. . No Limif ''" B••.JIOA On Vets' Cost . Timet \ .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-4-8y}il!PH°IWl!S10N for Homes We shomd ~em~reec!:::·:=~ 1n 1 :: land of blue ___ B_"-"-~-~-"_.,_:.,,_:._~g--.,_-~_:Jo __ "_'_-_ .-sides and btilliant sunlight' In this atJn color appears New lnter)X'etatlom of .N~ less intense than in greyer climates consequently can be County Buildm" g ··County Planners 0. K. :~·ti;i: :;::1d ™:'om:""'W:U:..; appropria!A!Y used 1n~·defttb1e stJ:ength. Total Reaches Three Applications limiting eithe.r the cost or amount . Th~ basis of van color harmonies are of material uaed In constnJctlon. qwt~ Simple to .UJ.lde d, alt'!~h the per-$114,000 Figure From eosi. Mesa according to E. c. Moller, Pres!-ception and training for e indivulual always dent of the Building Contracton enters. . , Three l~ use applications Association of California. To go to a house obtain the colors Unincorporated communities ot were approved by the county plan- Previous limitations of $10.000 you want has. howeve not been easy, ~ Orange county set a new record ntng commisalon this week lor on the total coot of hoose and lot cause the color system mo6t in use is based in home building permita Issued by Costa .M.,... prevented many veterans from 1 on the colors of the at is, on the county building department Dr. Horace Parker's applluu- buUding In areas where real i:rop-light-not 00 pigment. The two are totally ~ erty values were high ~ w~ unlike, and consequen y the complications last week Y(ith Costa Mes& taking for a . veterinary hoqdtal on the deed restrictions established min-f ,.chroma" and f 11 , • 'th· 't " second position behind Garden south side ot Mesa Drive.-east .NEWPORT Ne~s . lmum floor areas. Under thls new O · O ymg Wl oppo&l es Grove with permits totaling $20,-_or. N~rt Blvd., was approved. Rex Brandt and Associates Design OP A Cites Basis ~:""~ti~, =~t';;j ~y b:i~ a house painter~ of little practical • when working with ~:~.ar<len Grove•s total WU '!!:' rr...: =~~:'!:~t!.orot ~:: ~ttra ti e Be h Ho I Ba ho F Askin Re t a home on any property. regaro-The "primaries" now used by colo printers are not the Bayshores was Issued two per-tori• street. was rejected by the C V ac . llJe n ys res Or . g n less of cost. provided the home is same as the old yellow, red and blu thil; approach does mlta totaling $13 000 to Kenneth commluion on the grounds that or Erskl·ne Johnson Commentato "~ilin· Reli f to be oc<Upled by him and '* not help us as house decorators either. Schmidt. $6000 .;..i $7ooo. _ u adjoined • residential sui.. ' r . \A: g e aolely for his penonal and family Fortunately a Nobel prize winner helm OstWald, gave • Iaaued for tbe Meaa were per-division. Wfll on the way to completion Construction Company. contrac-. use. his t;t)ents to the subject and redu• the confuslon to a mlts to Robert··J.iogan 1381 Wal-The other two applications ~ in Bayshore Tract is the modem tors. CUrrent increases in landlords' Architect.a viewed the new de-methbd we can all use. . nut street, $600;-Philip Widolf, proved were to Emil Myrehn Jr., ftve--room beach home for Mr. and Featured are the generous use payrolls and property taxes will d.sion with approval since-many 1be hol . . J Anaheim avenue, south of 18th for a furniture store on Newport Auodates, design group of 615 plified living provided by a break-ln processing individual petitions that the veterans housing ~ cado street $4500· Melvin Guth-Leola Griffm, for a motel on New-. Mrs. Enkine Johnson. Rex Brandt of brick inside and out, the aim-be considered after April 10, 1946, of them had pnvtously conceded WHITE. w . e tiring lS brought down r HUE, BLACK and street, $.5000; James Bents, Ava-Blvd. near . 17th street, and Mn. Coast Blvd., C.Orona del Mar, drew fast bar between kitchen and liv-under the hardship provision of gram failed to make any provision ffiJE is pure bright color. rie, 17th street and Whittier ave-port Blvd. near Wilson street -pl.ans of the house for the noted ing room, sun patio, and view of the rent regulations the OPA uld for penons who could afford and TINT is HUE plus WHITE ' nue, $4000 ; L. E. S&lisbury, Vic- Hollywood commentator and writ-the bay fTom the corner lot. The today ' wanted to build ~vidually de-TONE · toria street, west of Harbor Blvd., aveTiue, no estlma.te. tt, with Brandt, Fred Murphy, and home is soon to be occupied by An~ adjustments in rent cell-signed homes. is.HUE plus BLACJ.S.. $2500: G. N . Moses, 18th street Tot'1 permit.a o.anted to the Claude Anderson collaborating on the news commentator, adding an-ings, however. still cannot result SHADE lS HUE plus BLACK plus WHlTE. and Orange avenue, $900; and rural communities of the oount:y the design. Conatruction WU be-other professional man to the in fixing rents in any individual County H Ith Offi r .Simple enough ! ~d if you WoWd [have some fun, take Clyde Hightower. 20911 Orange amounted to $114.161. CUo some time ago by W. B. Mel-growing list at the harbor. case above the rents for compar-ea Ce a little clear yellow oil oolor and wotpc it out with white, Iott. head of the So\ith Coast able accommodations, the agency Explains Minerals in black or with a combination of the r try bright red, Taxes Delinquent P<>~"o':.~~;· landlords seeking Metropolitan Water or with combinations of the two-bright red,_ or blue. Af S d · or orange or purple Lumber and Building _ Material8 Bay District Lumber Co. ter atur ay ~~~t !~cr;i~~e:r ~~~=~;f ~=:h~~ As a result of 8 Protest to the ~HADES are esi>eclally fine to wo k ~th: _It is worth Second half installments of oper ating costs were required to city council of Anaheim by resi· noting th~t nature reserves pure color f r the tiniest of spots1 _..... 1111, county taxes must be paid by Sat-base their requests on actual costs dents of that city against use of and ~rtainly uses SHADES of every lor. Take a look at ~~~llU~~OO~AllT~~m~oa~~W~A~Y~~===~D~TB~~c~•~-~~=~ Quality Lumber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOITETL!:A ...._ .. urday, April 20. or they will be during a year prior to their appli-Metropolitan water on the grounds the hills between here and Laguna you will recogni7.e I classed as delinquent, Tax Collec-cation. Today's change simply per· that It contains excessive. quanti· what is m eant. tor Don ~t ozley warned this \~reek . mits t~ and payroll increases to ties of sodium sulphate, Dr. Ed· · !he above his to do with the mech ics of pigment color The county office in the hall of be considered on a projected 12-ward Lee Russell, county health --0il color. Color Harmony is a psyc~logical thing but its r ecords in Santa Ana "ill be kept mo nths basis after they have been officer , reeently explained to the basic rules are related to a known pa m ' open on the final date to 5 p.m ., in effect at least one month. In council the composition of the A "description of this patte d llsi f · ts will J ~1ozely said. After that da te three addition, it provides tha t pa}TOll water. be 'ven next w k rn an a j 0 pigmen I per cent penalty will be assessed increases must be approved, if I "In response to the specific com· gi ee · against delinquent taxes plus 50 appr oval is required by Office of plaint about the presence of so-JOSEPH TON, Architect . cents charge for each delinquent Economic Stabilization regula· dium sulphate in the Metropolitan 1 item. tions. water, may I say that sodium suJ. Forces Asked.- r--""'---FLOOR FURNACES The cha nge a pplies to all rental phate is present in many medicinal living units in rent control areas. waters a nd is the only active in- gredient of Carlsbad Mineral 1\venty Per Cent Raise for Alnied Headline. Installed lmmediately Terms if Des.ired • WW COST INSTALLATION • NO EXTRA FLOOR CUTI1NG • NO FLOODING OUT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Hardware PERRY'S Appliances Contractor Arraigned For Failing to Obtain License Arraigned last week In justice court in Costa Mesa was Harvey ~1iller. 1851 Wilton, Hollywood, waters, one of the best knoWn of them. Overtime for K . P. duty might tive.-.Indianapolis News. be an additional incen- ''The therapeutic dose of sodium sulphate i.! 240 grains. A gallon ;-------1-,1-1:-,-------;~-!---'-----~ of Metropolitan water contains RITE E VENETIA BLINDS only 29.5 grains, an amount that · is obviously far below the t oxic We Rep.Ir and 8"""111& Old Blinds limit ... Dr. Russell said. Ph<ine 1179-.J For FREE TIMATE ABM!ITllONO .<Uld PABCO OLEUM for violation of the state builders The tree-devouring locust, a • FULLER PAINT • • • • If you have a question regarding development of your land- Phone 2353-J Siegel & Raub code on complaint of W~ M. Klep-heavy-bodied creatures which has per. inspector for the contractor's large and transparent wtngs wtth BURTON'S P ;\INT STORE Englneen and Sorveyon ;======================~I state license board. pink veins will not appear again Temporarily Located at 1971 Ftallerton 8 reet, OOSTA MESA 1808 Newport Blvd. Costa JIM& 1S05 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone 92o& Kline .Concrete Products Company Hollow Building Tile and Brick • 6 - 8 and 12 Inch blodts F1me for All Types of Building and Patio Walll Product A~le For Immecliate Delivery WALTER L. KLINE, ~mr --PIADt Located •t- u. l'f__. -- Going to Yoa pROballly have your dniam ~ all -bet <MR la your mind -or -ybe your arddteet or OOll1netor already bas pnpu-ed ,.._ cm paper for you. 1:1• Aalclty wtll haw a large part la mddwg tbruu of pwtwar llvblg come tnie. wi- yoa p over the plam with your balkier be ...... to .... him aboai the ••• -~ -•ID bom1bold ·1a11or •vlae ud f..-. tics p I bmatJ • Ou &xperta .. everyWag elec:triall will be Pd to help wltll layout plua or proWE • Ow lllQstloa may _ ..... a lo& of dUf& M .. Iba~ ol Uiat balm. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN . lllNCS 4 ltlt loot OoMt lllway Pbcme Neai-t 1S84 ........ -..,..... .... W' 2 stw•8 ............ Dlec9 <>Mnnf • EJ.ECTRICIANS · C-0-Two 1'11'11 Eqatpn !M fer FACTORY, PIANT, 8TOllE, OFFWE, F&KM. BOID: The complaint accused Miller of r~nt~il~l~962~·=· =======~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ contracting to undertake certain 1 construction work on an 18-unit motel at 634 Coast highway, New- port Beach. In December of last year without a contractor's li- C<'nse . ~1iller was released on $500 bail by Judge Dodge Saturday and is expected to appear to enter plea on Tuesday morning. All kinds typewriter ribbons tn stock at the News-TI.mes. ROOFS A.Pft..mu OB llD'A.05 9 Free El!timatea It t._uoo w. '. ••'-' 36<rl Marcus Ph. Nwpl 1012-J FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sllfl Man e BOAT LETJ'i:RING A SPECIALTY •.. • ~J. ao1.--eo-,. • ., , 90l ~Fe' ., ~.,.w -- Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wule Wldthll--All Lengtha Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co.- 1m So. 11111a 1M. Pbcmelm SANI'A ANA ---.-----'--+--BEA·UTIFUL_~ HILLSID.E .RESID NTIAL LOTS __ ·' NOW_, --4----FOR SALE At the Newest, Most Ideal Ho site Development in the Harbor District • 3410 • Sea.tciew. • . . . overlooking the entire Harbor Area Above the Miracle Mile Section on Coast Highway Some ~ts as Low as S 1 5 0 0 s 750 , Others to I • THERE ARE JUST 20 CHOICE TS NOW AVAILABLE -They're going fa4 - LI; or SEE i ALJt IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDED • ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED • RESTRICTED BUILDING ~alph P. Maskey Coa8t Blvd. · Ne rt Beach REAJ,TOR Phone m I • J f • • • J Nll'WPORT.:...SALeoA _ Coagn:ssma1 Plli.lps FIJilll Hoa1e ••·'IC~!.=~=~-::~ V-PXTID T~ s1'!.~!!!,~~~ ~~~~!~mu-o...ta lleM E41''sa ...,, , 8 t ~ Wedz t 1_,. • V'.a-D lips of Banning. representatlve of ket prices in every section! of the Orange and Riverside COUJ\Ues, country. Meanwhile, legal ~oes Sutwnptlam ~ in AllYm:-42.!IO per ,_ In ~ O-V; expects to !ly to Southern Call· have oow reached. and goue past, $2.15 s-' )'W.I' to 4th :zcme; $3.00~per ,.r to ltll mne fornia at an early date to investi-the peak of the prices of Ule much En __ ter_od_aa--Secoad-Oaa matter at the PostaMce-ID Newport Bes*• gate aitJcal housing, feed and decried inflationary period1 1 tollow- calllomia. undor the Act ot March a, 18'79 food conditions in this area, h• re-Ing World Wiil" I . veal.I in the CUJ"Tent letter to the .. I do not believe any reasonable $._ A. MEYER -PnblWwr News-Times which the congress.. penon could. after hea.rlng the r: ~ _ _ _ _ . _ ~ M= man writes each# week to ~ wee.ks of testimony before the w F DIXON • _ _ • _ ~ V-apr newspaper as "1 Rise To Remark. Canmlttee, fall to reach the oon-Piintina Plant. 3011 w. Ceatral AventM. Newport Bs0 ct, c.utorn&a The House of Re~esentatlves will cluaion that the Adminls~tion of soon take up extension of the the present OPA law h°i been a Official Paper of the City of Ne" port Beach OPA, and Repreoentatlve Phillips temble failure. A Desi • thk i.oc-1 i..amaac. for o..-17 Yw. will accompany a delegation here "But the active demand for Active Member of -1)aJif ornia Back On Top California has bounced back to the top of the financial world. Bank statements as of March 30, reveal that Bank of America, our state-wide branch banldng institution, gain- ed the position of the world's No. 1 bank, displacing New York's Chase National. Late last year the California institu· lion took the top spot from the New York bank only to re- linquish it temporarily when the end-of-the-year figures were released. Now financial experts seem pretty well agreed that Bank of America should hold its position and probably will drew away from its eastern rivals. The bank which A. P . Giannini (ounded slightly more than four decades ago was already the world's largest from tht! standpoint of cus- tomers. It seives approximately three million Californians. The dollar box score between Bank of America and Chase National shows the former having total resources of $5,538,· 894,266 against $5,498,511 ,000 for the latter. Deposits a re $5.231,100,468 and $5,140,087,000 respectively_ Looks like California is doing all right N uremburg Trials ~ In less than a month the war with Gennany will have been over for a year_ But the individuals who were mainly responsible for leading Germany into the war still stand un- convicted of their crimes. The fact is that from present in- dications the Nuremberg trials may drag on for many months yet before a verdict is reached_ The long delay in ., getting those trials started and the lengthy and tedious pro- cedure of building up the case against each of the Nazi big- wigs may have been unavoidable, but it is not improving the standing of the Allied nations in the eyes of the German people_ Wha t is more, the testimony given by such men as Goering and Keitel was obviously designed to help keep alive the Nazi spirit and the belief in Hitler's genius as a mili- tary and national leader. If Germany, instead of the Allies, had won the war on May 8, 1945, we can be sure that the "trials" for Allied leaders would have been speedy-if noth- ing else. Bumper Winter Wheat Crop Good news came to a hungry world with the annouuce- rnent that the American-wheat crop will reach bumper pro- portions of 830 million bushels. This will be seven million bushels higher than last year's heavy output and far above the 1935-44 average of 618 million bushels. The optimistic wheat report put an end to any possibility of bread ration- ing and caused Secretary of Agriculture Clinton P . An· denion ·to remark that the wheat situation "is not as-tight as some feared." Recently Great Britain had offered to ration bread if the United States would do likewise in order to make more food available to Europe's hungry millions. Anderson pointed out, however, that by the time a ration- • Ing program could be set up the present food crisis wOuJd be past.-Well, now that we know that wheat will be more plentilul than was supposed at first, we had better hurry and get it to the place where it will save the most lives. Political Notes - to get fint-band facta. His letter things DO'N tar exceeds their avail· folloW3 : able supply. Under such : circum- .. 1 RISE TO BEMABK" stances price control protects the 8y CoapeNlllAB .loba. Phillis-buyer againlt unreasonably hleh The writer" of this we-ekly let-prices-profiteering prices -and ter is expecting to fly to Callfor-at leut partially irotecta our nia, perhaps on very ahort notice, economic system agalmt tnnation. with a delegation subcommlttee, 'The hotTOr of the preslent situ- in. connection with the urgent atlon is that there ts not the housing situation and the equally slightest hope of the OPA right- serious feed and food' oonditions. ing itself and proceeding in a F or this letter, which would be reasonable and moderate manner. written during that time, I've in-Nor la: there any hope that the vited a "guest oolwnnisl" to take President will clean his OPA over. Harris Ell!:worth of the 4th house and recogni:ie it on a sound Oregon District expressed so ad-basis. OPA is so anxious to de- mirably the opinion of the Con-fend its bad acts that it hu no gress, r egarding what he calls the time and appare ntly no desire to "OPA Dilemma." that I reprint correct them. The President talks here, with his permission, his le t-to the wrong people who obviously ter to his own papers: are keeping him sold on their in- "The H ouse of R epresenta tives fallibility. \Vi.ll soon take action on the ques-"There you have a brief outline tion of extending the Price Con-of the problem we face-congress trol Act COPA). If no action is can do one of three things about taken to extend the lime limit set OPA: . 1 in the Act, the OPA \vill go out (1 l Extend it Into the future of e xistence as of July 1 this year. (2) Abolish it ''This is the most serious mat-(3l Amend the law. ter t o come before Congress since "If Y.'e continue OPA, w e run the w ar ended. In addition to be-the definite ris k of wrecking ouJ. ing deadly serious, the whole economic system. of causing short.. problem is hopelessly confused by ages, hardships, and ultimately, confiicting claims a nd statements h unger . If we abolish OPA, we --one example: OPA declares face the equally definite possibil- (and offers "charts" in proof) ity of disastrous lnfl8.tion. that production has been incre as-"Ame nd it? Yes-that is prot>- ed by their policies. But industry ably what will be done. The Act after industry has told the Com-will no doubt be amended some-- mittee names and addresses of what and extended tO-r 9 months plants put out o f business by OPA. or a year. But we passed some "PPA says it has succeeded in very good amendments last year holding the line, but needed items -and accomplished very little ." Ci tie~ Throughout Nation Face Crisis In Raising Revenue For Improvements f\1ore than 300 cities across the of them. ' nation. mean\vhilc. '''ere in finan-Most frequently shared taxes. cial difficulties and were seeking according to 'the association. are ne"' r evenue sources. according to those on liquor, gasoline, motor the Municipal Finance Officers vehicles and fire insurance. MajOI" association. Surveying the nation, purposes for which they are this group t:;:i.d r eported that In-shared are education, highways, creaserl incomes W<"re necessary public welfare, health and hos- becausc of the fo!lo'''ing factors: pitals. eoi-t Causes Ll8tecl ]-Increases in civil service sal-l"D..... M k V aries, recently voted by many1 netter a e ets cities as a r esult of e mployes' d<:'-W J H mands. e come ere - 2-Un cmployment relief load. Ra h Th Th' 3-Need for long-range ·a nd t er an IS permanent improvements, delayed during the war and some retarded Like many another young Am- as long u 15 years. erican, Fra nklyn E. Halladay. ex- 4-Needed expansion of air-U. S . Army Air corps. planned his ports, veterans' centers a nd In tro-civilian life while figh ting over- duction of relatively new services. seas . He manied a n Australian :>-Housing projects. requiring girl, enthusia.sUcally told her outlays for sewers, streets, water about the good old u. s. A .. Uld mains and other facilities. came home to Utah ahead of her A furthet analysis of the gen~ to get a fresh start In mufti. But eral municipal outlook stressed last week, when he met h-e.r at a discontinuance of some of t he fed-San Francisco dock , he had eral aid grants. which we.re avail-changed his mlnd about his coun- able during the war for housing, try. welfare acttvi.µes, vocational edu-''I don't Uke tt here any more," cation, highway construction and he said to reporters. "My wife even post-war planning. and I are going back to Australia. Tb.ii, the tlnance group point-111 go into bustnea. for m)'lelf- ed out, l eaves cities dependent and get some place." . upon property taxes and such aJds There is one ex-G. I.'s answer from other governments as are to a lot of thoughtless, selfiah still forthcoming. State--sharina and stupid people who have beet\ of taxes ls the larg .. t sl,igle aid. guilty of the unpardonable of. and, because of the he avy muni-tense of "l..a.!dng more tban a few dpal needs, a new Idea in th1J American veterans feel that they function Is rapidly galning accept~ are unwanted and in the way in a.nee, the group aaid the country that sent them to 8tablllutloa Fa•ored war. An association poll sh0\\'5 most Even in hospitable Callfomla, a communities favoring a stabilize-few strident voices have shouted tlon plan for revenues shared with that there isn't a place for the cities by state governments or hundreds of thousands of veterans cranted outright by the .states. w~o are ex~ted to migrate to Thi5, the association pointed out, this state this year. would guard against shrinking of I revenue trom shared taxes at •[ Who pays for advertlltnct No- Ume when cities are most in need body. It paya tor lmlfl 1be national poli_tical pot began to show signs of boiling when ~-Carroll f!eece, the new GOP party chalnnan re- plled in tones ot deep sarcasm to Democratic Cbalnnan Bob Hannegan's recent query as to "exactly where the Repub- lican party stands." In his reply Reece gave the position of his party in regard to inflation, housing, strikes. defense, bee.Ith insurance and the British loan, based on the declara- tion ol GOP congressmen last December. Reece then asked Hannegan when the Administration would "begin telling the truth to the American people about how their govern-I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ment Is being operated?" A verbal bout between the two cbalnnen should help to get Washington into' the political swirig for the coming fall elections. In Joliet Ill., burglars feel that they are not receMng fair treatment from store owners. After robbing one store and getting only $25, burglars phoned the owner and asked why he didn't keep more money in the cash box. It wasn't worth risking jail for ''only 25 bucks" they said. , Maybe burglars should set a standard minimum to be left at night. -' A philOSO{!her is one who knows all the answers-if you let him ll$k the questions! 1 24-Hour Radio Service ROME, AUTO, !llAJUNll ILADIOS aKPAIJlED BurtR.Norton tu c-t m..,. -· 1-u.n New'1iifrt Bx• ()df. MODEH MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCI BALBOA ISLAND -·-~ 315 NORTH.JilAIN ST. I NEWS of the CHURCHES Will Render r.Anthems M Church '. Button ~T 'De "be ... ~ 0 ~· .ar• At H. S. Exhibit An added feature ot the art ex- -hibit to be held at the N.,.purt A _ am of exceptional Easter Harber bl&h ><boo! May 4th to '--------.-----'•1mus1c , be presented at the 7th will be a lecure. by Donald OUR LADY 0,-MT. CARMEL Easter ervices of the Corona del Buttcm resident of-Oolta Mesa. 142S W.,t c.ntret AveMM Saturday mass: 8 a.m.; oonfs- slons: ' to 6 p.m. I Sunday high mass: 8 a.m.; low ID&ll: 10 and 11 a.m. Mar C mmunlty c;:tturcti. Congre-who ~ presented limllar talb at gation . Th~ mUSJc will be given a number of art exhibits in under dir<ctlon of Mary Bat· Souti>eni calllomla. Donald But- ten St ffensen with ~ Mar· ton will diacula the pictures en glll"et Scharle u orgarust. display Satw-day May 4 and will At e 7 a.m. Early Easter outline their features and method aT. JOHN VIANNl!Y C><URCH ~:;vi sl ~ ~:!~n .. g;.:e~ °!.Presentation for the benefit of .. lboa laland Gates t The Temple" by Knapp. vwton and students oo the open- ......... _ -Am nlNe.LA.&. .._1111 • ' S Saturday oonfealonl: ' to 6, The cbolr will sing the Ing day. 7 to 9. _ "By Early Morning Light" n:;-----------------·----..,.-..., Sunday high mass: 8 :30 a.m.; ann-Dickinson. Miss Elea-Newport-B-1boa Tourist 'Buri!aU low mass: 10 a.m. :r. ~ ~ :"u.!ng the soprano All lhlea ol Trawl '° ~. Mexklo, llawd The :JO a.m_ and 11 a.m. BerV· RnanG.~Wodd 1'l1pa la the W fUture. See OOllONA DEL KAR OOMMUNJTY CBUIWB, CONGREGATIONAL ices · ,be duplicate services and Jin. Soy Rrene. ft. llL IOI....., ••1a the , ir will sing the followin~ .._.: 19 ~ IL .. I .,.. -. Perry :l"red.ertck 8c1uoc1r. lllabter 111 Heliotrope_ COf"Oll& del llar . anthenps· at both services: "Sane-'-'--------------------------' tus," bj> Gounod with IOprano llOlo Easter Sunday, April 21, 1946 7 :00 a.m: Early Easter Service. Easter music; i>riet_Jermon b~ .!ft'; Schrock: "Easter's Answers ti) Three of Life 's Questions." r 9:30 a.m. Easter service. Grel\t program ot Easter music. East& sermon by M.r.·Schrock: "The~ ligion of Jesus and Immortalii"y-f Reception of new members. by j1' · "jane Miller. '"By Early Mo · g Ught," by Reimann with solo Eleanor Young.· "Otrist The r;d ls Risen Today," tra- :,~oun m~lody arranged by Gray· The minister of the church, Perry Frederick Schrock, will prea at all three services. 11 :00 a.m. The 9 :30 a.m. service FIRS FOURSQUARE CHURCH repeated witho8t the reception 'of OF COSTA MESA members. Consecration of children Rev. ~ Mrs. G. Wiiiard atearn1 in baptism at this service. l Paatora \ Phone 2671 FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIS~ · Sun y School 8 :SO a.m. SCIENTl&T Moduiig worahip .ervice 10:t5. Lido Theater, Central Avenue Cruader eervice 6:00 p.m. "' and Via Lido . Be~ eervlce 6:30 p.m. A branch of The Mother ytiurcb, Evf;evartpllatic .ervtce 'at Tile FlT11t Church of Olrtilt, Sci· 7:30 p entilt, ln Boa:ton, M•-cbuaetu. w y evenl.ng prayer •erv- Sunday ScllooJ at 9:30 a. m. Sun-tee at 7:30 p.m. day Serv1ce at 11 a. m . Wedne9day T'"tlmoniaJ Meeting at 12 o'cloc~ COr A MMA COMMUNITY Reading Room located at 111 CHUPICH Palm 1treet, Balboa, i.s open dally C rt 8 . Jo""""· M '•i-.r from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun-1 1 IE. 20th st. Ith. 2475-R dftY5 and holidays nationally ob-Chupb .chool, 9:'6 a. m.. served. Morfttnc Worship, 11 e'cJock. Centplete Fountain Serriee HANSEN'S at . :1100 o-n l'rollt . llLU4'8 • NOW OPllN EVENINGS SANDWIClllS. • ll.UIBtJBOEBS PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I. S. WHYTE INCOJIS Wil OOnmk.AM Aat.11.n ... .,,. u.. Omlfod ei.i. orr-. 1117 Dlil>.Vt111C!Dl lD ~IN!\ .U.U Ua -u.o. wt.aa ~ , ........... A'09rN -WlfiW 'ION'• DO m.m -----.---...... ~ ~- PIANO TEAC~ G.V.LlNSENBARD Graduate Bo:ral ~. 141ipoto Ph. l.Z!12·W 1526 w. o.-n Front PHY810lANll A-8UllGBON8, Ill.I>, attend the church Rrvicee and uM term , Adult, i :SO p. m. .-------------.! Tbe pubuc la cordially tnvttff to Yrf;STOUP9, Hllh IChool, ln- H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-....­ ·Haun: 2-5, by Appointment the Readtqg Room. Ev eervlce, 7:30 o'clock. l<ldlweek. fellowllllip and prayer, ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Wedn ed.ay, 7:31 p. m. CHURCH 11 m .. Prayer a.Dd Sermon. 515 Wnt Central, Balboa FIR T 'METH0018T CHURCH { Ebell Clubbo111oe ) Rev. A_rdy• T. DNn, Vicar G. Edwin Osher, Pastor Armand Monaco ABOlllTJ)()T 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Wowporl 1ni 2'721 14.ewoed ATa. Loo Aacel• NOn ·aq - 7 a.m., H oly Conununion. Euc111 at atanferd, Gardell Grove. : a.m.,.-oly Communion . DAY &OBOOL 8 30 H 9 :3 Lm. Church IChoo~or all 11 a .m ., Holy Communion and agea. · .-------------. sermon. Easter music. lt:cp &.m. MonUnc W nthl.p: "._., ·w. TMnk 'Ibee." Mortimer School ll:qG Lm.. N\lrtlery for all chll-II! Ooral Balboa 1.111.aad CHRIST CHURCH BY THE. SE.A Co.nmuntty Meth ... lllrl 1420 Wat Centr•I Av.nue Rev. E. D. Geoclefl, ~Ot Special service 9 :30 a.m . Easter service, 11 a .m . dre~g lll!'Vice.. _, Oradeo: eonece. Pl'6pU'atorJ' 6 : p.m. ·K•thodlot Youth F-· DAY SCHOOL _,._ lo . Y ounr Adult J'ellowehlp. T:OO p_m. l!l:venlng Wonlllp:-0 • .f.. Hortlmer, M . A., Ost ... M-le: "Come Y• Live." Prmdpal ~ 182 Youth Fellowship with candle- light commuulon service. Mld-1"lek prayer eervioe, Wed- needay; covered dlah d!nner, 8 :30 P-ID. Chr~lian Science Theme ,,... ___ D_E_NTl8T8 _____ ., 'Do lriae of Atonement' '"Odctrlne or Atonement'• will be Dr. Obed Lucas BAL•OA ISLAND CHAPE.L 211 Agde A~ the 1iibJect ot the Sunday Le1111on· DENTIST Senn~' n tn all branches of The Moth r Cburf'h. T he F irst Church or Cb 1st. S cientist, ln Boston. The Golde Text la .rrom I J ohn : '"If any an stn, we have an ad•ocato Rev. H•Pry W. White, A-.t.te ftuter Church ~ 9 :31) a. m. Korrimc Wenhip, 11 L m. SIEVENTH DAY ADVENTllTI Corner Walnut •nd Church 8ta. --Sabbath 8Cbool, Saturday morn- ing, t :IO o'oleck. Pr..-J.nc H!"vlce, 11 a. m. ·wmt,fl'.8 OF GOD ll<mQ ...... -......... __ ..._t,N--t Sunda7 odlool. 10 LID. Komins oervloe, 11 a.m. Ev<ninc •vanc•llatle ....w,. 7:30 p.m. with f.e Father, Jeaua Christ the right us: and be la the propltl&- tfon f r our 11lns : and not for our'a only, ut also tor the 1lne of the whole1 world." A a.election from John'11 Gospel relatei Utat J esus restored sight to a of.an born blind, "But the Jew1 dld :ipt believe concerning him, that J:t• bad been bltnd, ... untU they ~lied thP-parent.I of him tbat b&d r cel•ed bis sight .... Then aga.ln, ailed they the man that wu blind, p.nd said unto him, Give God. the Pr:f-lae : we knnw tbA.t this ma.n Kl4-WMll: oervlce. Thund&y 7:30 p.m. at 11 a e~pner. He answered and 1ald, WhetliJr he be a tinner or no, I kno• tiot: one thing l know, that. U tbl m&n were not or God, b• could o notbtnc." at wb.er~' I wu blind, now I •ee .... FULL 008PEL CHU .. CH M Baker Eddy writes tn .. Sci· l::tlMI 9nd £1•n. C-.. Mesa ence d Health 'vtth Key to the Sanday 8Cbool, 1 :4.5; •onUisc. Scriptures:"" "Dt,·tne Truth, lJf .. _., 11 ---loo, and~· e «&Te Je1ue authority oTer w-p, ; ~·-•I W i T ao MW-•ill. 11 knl'IS, a.nd death. HI• mia-: P· IL; week ....,,_. meet· a Ion w to reveal the Science oC Int" ca w-..i.7, T:M p.a.; c;elestl4I betnc. to prove what God yeuq ptiople'a ~ eervtce ta a.nd :What He does for man." OJI Friday, 7:'6 ... m. I'll. HIO NEWPOBT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland DentMt 1101 c-t mw.y OOBONA DEL KAR ...,_Nowporll- 1:<8UBANCI: New York Life hl!Ul'antt Cqmpany DON lL D1!MNT U8 -... _ -llltH CO~A DEL KAR OCCIDENT.AL LIFE INSU&ANOE CO. Ray Nielle'n ' . Telephone 2112() Ul B'°'""""' Ooota 111 ... OONRAD RJOllTEK, M. D. ~-lllupm 120 E . 18th St. CX>STA KESA ;Hours: 10-12 a.m..; 3-5 p.m. ' Phone U3 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~-~ 220$ Clout bl NEWPORT B!:.f.CR -PHONl:S- Offioe :18&-W Ras. 286-R If no anawer, call Newport 5 Gerald Ra111a, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Ph. 1023-No ..-er call 301-M x ·ltay Servloe illltoa II. lluwell, II.. D. 1111~9- 0...W- Office Hourio : 10-12; H _l'f...,_.l_ 8. R. Mo11aeo, M. D. Sl4 .. ,. Ave., Ba.._ Newtwt 1"4 Ml a. BID at.. IM: 4 s1;11 TIJ*-191'.! By Appointment NEWl'ORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHU"CH Grauel Ctlapel, Codli M-. Rev. H_...rt Reth, ,._stor S1H 0 Es ._ ..., T. P. Reeder, M. D. zlll 11:. lllq ... _ n.1... I ~-------"', --· Re1~ed While You Walt Servlc .. : ~· 1o.so ....._ Harold K. Grauel cHu"cH oF CHRISY Y· Pagan Ch 1 Chu,..,, •nd Walnut •trttt• East Bay 'Front ape L. Ou•ne canby, Minister. door to Bay View Cate ''We Ourselves the Better .Serve s.rnc.: 8unday, JO L. m., Bible 9 a.. m.. to e p. m. by Servin& Others Best" Stl!<IJ; 11 L "'-Mon~ wo .... lP, i L---i-------~-~ ~ Nowpon Ill MOBTICUNS 1101 Weot lla7 .a- t'depbw Newpwl 802 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBISJcrAN -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ooota ..... Colilurnla ' ....._ ____ -"ti _, ONCE -8UJI01CON SAM'S .SEA F D SPA .. l"liuwt Plaee Orup Ooaatr- ew - - - e Location ••. On&-Mil!! Eut ol Old Location on Coast Highway. Beau· ul New , Cockti¥1 Bar We Leed Soutbem California b the Serving ol -SEA~Dr-- rotJB kind otor ~~~ -VlSlT OUR Kl -Sam's .Sea F and Fish M llt1 o...a: .... .,. OPTOJKETBIST8 Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOHETIWlT Eyes Exarn!ncd • Glasses Fitted 1'191 Newporl BouleTard ...._ USO COSTA MESA E. r . Buttnworth, 0. D. Opllil ••tit.it: ETU .EXAllDfm LENt!ll!:ll DUPLICATED ................ #Oa11 I lllt W. c..e..l .&-. T t1,t rr1 1111 H&Wfo&:T -...cJ8 susn::rou Siegel & Raub ~ ...... NJ ..... UltlNew ..... lll..i.~­ T1l11'1r1 ....... MUW.~ll-­ 'l 'rt' FF• di • T...-uu-;. Dr. W. T. Mooney l'hywidaa ud &ag- Nllldt -C..tral Pl>oao (U-lar. -) ",_) -w...., Drgp• Jn 'I Ill br.-u O.W- Ollropractic, Dleletb, Physlo &: c.oloolc 'lberapy 111!1~·-.­ a.c--ftome ... ZONE TliERAPl. CLINIC • " .......... •1·111 ==? .... I Ts 1 rate .... ft. Mii '!*•• .. Anzl1 . • • r · ). . . ' • • .- !..P~u=-=e=u=-=c:....!...:~===car-:-:--.-Pueuc NoncE Tony Ciomero's clel Mar Nen Ba..,_n B1111 POJILIO NOTICU. cashier's check lillf bond tor tltn Counc!l of Newport Beach. To-ed m· to L. v .'BJ' -L. Bonedlet> • lnsarulee Bmd•w• . N-la.ttlq -per cent (10%! 'of the amount Bidden are bele!Jr DOtltle4 ff .0. Mn. '\Vacley. 211 Nari&old Fro T -··•-D..1- . or the bid, made peyable to the that pursuant to provisions or n.. bulk or the former .S.S. d .. -guests far a m IAJUIB ~ "55" NO'nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN order of the Oty of N...._t Section 1770 of the Lobar 0oae. Aroostook from whlcb all Its T _ • • . her mother Mn. F. . that the Oty Council of the Qty Beach, California. Bids shall be Statut .. of 1937, ol the State of ft&htlog splendor had ~ AJt:W w allace Aids Angeles, and her aunt, ~ F. McKay, ""'° bas lived Fii>«! SlSO or Iha 30 11111 .111 of Newport Beach. California. sealed and rued with the Qty California, the Qty Oouncll of moved came alowly Into l""'C 'P Sherer, Cant<m. Ohio. In Balboa moot of his life, for--ty 'jail far -dtlflliL wm ncelve .. a1ed bids ror turn-Oerk at the Qty Hall, Newport the Qty or Newport Beach has Beach barlxr Tueaday under! '°"'. ay As y OU Go' Mn. s • has visited with her merly at 1713 E. Bay a"""'ue and A..ttn L. DUe of J'lewpcrl - llb1nc all labor, material. trana-Beach. Calilomia. on or before ascertalned the general prevall· fTun Seattle. It bu been ?"Uiriored H S. Fin • alllter, • Riley, a mooth. ~ at 1521 E. Orcean: avenue, bu bad his driYer"1 llcmle 1\1111 eeaild -1atlon and services ror decom-May 6. 1946 at 4:00 dclock P . M. Ing rate of per diem .._ and that the former navy ship ~ould • ancJDg Mr. .1 H. Batten, Huie! purchased the insurance busineu quickly after he lied been ... • 4 ~ cranJte sub-base and for and will be opened and publicly rates for lecal holiday and over-become the -•·war ~ ot Lew Wallace Drh..,, making a visit to his ol Loula Briggs, ""11 -real-up at Htb and Central ....... Pu-.uc NoT1cE ,. lncton Street In the Qty or New-Newport Beach. California. m«banlc needed to execute the Although both law enforcement port HarlKr ~,::" HI h .::;;-nue, Is ting her dauchter, Mn. McKay formerly -with the menL ' the ourfadnc with aspbaltlc plant read aloud at at about 4:00 time ..tl'k In the locality In which the Tony Cornero gambling !i>tft'. Harbor district ~ ~t daughter Mn. Archibald Oay at -· and -will make his aftkle early S.turday momtns by Of· mix material, of Beach Auto Park o'clock P. M. on that day In the this work Is to be performed. fcr ests In defiance of state and <joUD-of the veierana of :_ ~ Mlssklrl ach. a<ljO!nlng Brlgp at 714 Ii,;. Central tlcen Phebus and "nP!'iQr o1 the between Palm Street and Wash-Councll Clamber In th~ Qty Hall. each craft or type or worianan or ty Jaws. campaign 10 blilh the Mn. F Quine, Iris ave-avenue. New..,... Beadl police ~· ~ Beach, In aa:ordance with The above mentioned check or contract which will be awarded ottlcen had previoualy declared today Issued on g • Harold t and htt new grand-Soutbetn California Automobile In court the aame nxnhc Ibo ~ and 1pedficatlons on m e bond shall be given u a guarantee the sucoossrUJ bl&kr. they doubted If the gamblin& lklnc the • a _ statement fa\'orlnc son. In Angeles. club, and ..,.. glad to make the offender -aentenced by ,, .. ~"'l" otflce or the Qty En&lneer that the bidder will enter Into 'The prevalllng rates ao determ-would operate off the coast. talk new ~>::ua.::tbf~ adding Mr. · Mn. Jack Hogan of local connection ao that he can Bob ~ \IPOD Ibo tallnnv . of aald aty. . the contract If awarded to him lned are u followl : persisted that the ..,,,. llJ'OUP ent hl&h schc>Ol Ill"" the H '• Market, have moved remain In this territory, he aald. of the arnstlnc amoaL Each bid shall be made out on and will be declared forfeited If Hourly Per headed by Comero who _,.1ed Said Walla 1!1.;"'t...i t Into the bar houoe, 3Z1 Poppy He Is • yachting enthuolut, racln& :------------- a farm to be olitalned at the ot-the auccesslul bidder retuaes to Tracie or Wage Diem elaborate noattnc palaces I off eauy publl ~ 1 ts or :i avenue, ch they recently pur-• ll>'er d!DW. He Is a member Jr• W LI !f • tlce of the Qty Enctneer and shall enter Into said contract after be-Occupation-Rate Rate Lone Beach far ooveral 1'!&n c provemen • cbased. · of the Newport 'Harbor Yacht "-A.,..._ · Ironer ............. -.. .$1.125 $ 9.00 larger quarten oomewherel off ~ ~-ue 'f;.,q u~tly money. Hello avenue, boucht the McKay expects to write life and • -, IS' ;be=ac~c-~oo~rn=pa=•=led=b=Y=•=certlfi~~=ed=or~~ln~g=req~u~es~ted=ao=to=do=by=the==Q=ty~ Asphalt Raker and would npoDd their operatlcali IBto ~tto1 aeevalthe ~~.~..' the ut-Mr. Hn. w. v. Hoyt, 224 club. As part of bla --. '-'""-..:uaeetfns Cu.Ii Asphalt Plant Mix-Malibu. bu are uen --Stancer Jhotlse at !5()5 Carnation marine lmurance. BrooJdap V arieb . er Opeutor ........ 1.25 10.00 '!be hulk which ·came Into the ::;J Iha~ ~ ~ be ~ ~ avenue ntly and expect to be Brtgp will maintain his realty - A.lphalt Plant Dry-harbor earller thil week wu Ul1'-this method fl an over moved the ftnt of June. Mrs. ~bllllnea~~~w~hl~ch!_ihu~~grown~;~con:-!.!::::::::'::·:·==··=.,=T'~tt~=~,.,.~~-~ erman or Fire-thing but clamot"Ola. It wu shorn pay-.,..you..go of me:::1:: ~ N. s Kllpple and dauchters aiderably dw-inc recent )"eU'L .Jr ...._ man ...................... 1.375 11.00 of all superstructure, and had but tar ralaed Is avail ble f the _ Janice Marilyn of San Marino WATCH REPAIRING No _.Dela79 • er-pt Ilea tloe LOUCKS 1'9'7 N'•ew-pwt__. Blvd. GEORGE D. BASS~ 6-111 ... _ ..... ~·· Booldleeplq lacomr Tu S&vke -W. o-tnl A--1-.J, Newport - Gas Heating & Veatilatlon CHARIER & PRESTON Stata Ucenaed Contractor E "•I" 1Mtal1•tlw Make Warm Frtead. Asphalt Spreading a few temporary shacks built -to be .~~"-pur are spen ·Easter week with the Machine Opera-upon the dock. No one wu allow-"Let \II uaume .. said Walla Hoyts. tcr _ .............. _ .. _ 1.375' 11.00 ed aboard. "Admiral" Cornero ex-.. • ce, Mn. uth Warrln<r, Altadena, Blade Operator ...... 1.25 10.00 pects to operate Just u they do b ~ expect to ~aloepl $440,000 Is vaca,tJln'llnl at her beach house, ""'·-·· .875 7.00 In Lu v-u with water ·-~ Y pay-u-fOU-&O an durlnc ·-A avenue.•·.,. •-n•ht-• ._,._, .......... -..... 7 00 -·-•·--· • ~ the next four yearp. $440,000 11 -.n --~ Laborer ......... -....... .875 . _., .. .,. pa1R11£ttl to aod from all that the public will pay and Phyllll ·th th• Gunalke club, a Roller Operator .. 1.375 11.00 the craft ..m.n rebul!L that entire '.amount II avallabk for tlrl'o cl of which ~ Is a mm>- Truck Driver (pay Governor Earl Warren, how· new bulldlnp U th ther her, are I the Euter week loadotbetween 6 ever, has a dltfettnt alant on the hand a U40·000 • ~ ~ 0 l.t at heT ther'1 place. : and ,15 tons) ...... LOO 8.00 matter. He said In a recent Int.,.. levied on a :ic).year buts tueonl Major and Mn. R. H. Lock. Truck Driver (pay view that he had manqed to •top 2* % 'Int t ··-.~ad f y • Ky., formerly of eo. load 1... than 6 the rambler once and would again .,... • u~ over.~ or Mar and the Santa Ana tons) .................... .95 7.60 If the cambllng shlpo 1peclallzln1 ~i= maklalone will amounal f ;.,,,!" . visited Mr. and Mn. Any Oualflcatlon on cards roulette dice and th<r • · ng a tot 0 ..,.,.,,-hi, 508 Goldenrod ave- Omltted Herein devices ·..,... o~ated ~ 000 to be paid by the public ror week. Not Leu Than.. .875 7.00 within the Jlmlts of the 1tate'1 th~'l ":t ~~~-hi h -~~1 +------ Provided that one and one-h.alf juriadlction. · eve uoo:: I' ..,;i-., T • S • (I*) times the prevalllnc rate needs more bulldlnp In order to 8Xl ervice shall be pa.id except watdunen. • . keep pe.ce with the growth of ~e hts Projected }."'•~1u11 .. 1111 .... 111111t11 ....... ""''u•11111t1111~11111111111•11••1111111-..-i111111 ..... _ ,,, 111, .. nagmen and other non-manual Extend Parking Lot !hri-district, and the pay-as-~-t A BREATH OF OLD LAG.UNA worken for any working time Jn Balboa you-go p~an Is the moat emdent The Ucatlon of M c. Hitt ~ • 8 way of financing the program." · • t more than eieht ( ) hours dW"· to operaf e a water taxi to various ~ a ing an_.Y one (1 ) calendar day . points 1 the bay without a set ~ M I M I ' 5 where such work la required in 1 tE~nsion of the dty parking Jaywalkers croalng 1n the mid· schedule and to haul pusengers i · · cases or extraordin&ry errier· 0 tin Balboa outward toward the die of the block may actually be or suppUes between craft and the ~ genctes caused by fire, no00. or ~ er tron~ will go forward since te.klng a short·cut to the morgue, shore was recommended for ap--i 1745 sot.rm COAST BOt.n..EV' ARD i ' I RAP.ALMER W. Q BOCV:-!-.ranee Coaneekr 33~~ ~ danger to lite or property, and city appro;cll by m~mbe~of the states Bert Stewart jr., public proval ~y a committee from the ! ~ DOWN THE STAIRS -~ for time on Sundays and legal Colt 00. mee ng esday. safety director of the National city couftcll. ~ LUNCHEON 12 to 2 DINNER 5 to 9 --=~~~~~~~~~~"".".'"".".'"".".'~~"".".'~~"".".'~~~~I holidays. th w will approximate $2000 If Automobile club. "This Is par· Hitt's j applicatlon for a permit • -• _ It shall be mandatory upon the It e ork Is done by the "ty now, tlcularly true during the winter was gra~ted by t he council when • Starting Saturday i ~ontractor to whom the contract . was J ~tl~t: by City En· months, as weathe.r-conditions fre-it was hown he would not re-~ S • -.1 IS awarded. and upon any sub-ginet'l' . . e . quently hamper the driver's vision. quire a railroad commission ap-• erving Sizzling Kan888 City Steaks 9 • am r.o.e MM ae.tdeaoe Pholle9 M8! or !995 CHRISTIAN'S HUT Lem1ard Ma~ Manaa;er • ....._ onlia DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAil. BAR DINNli:RS ... BANOtMl'S If ''OU are I --~ 1 abl~ ro CIJ P'e ;; . I Ill li lJl •ll1j ,ffiLt huurs . • ,,., hy .not ,3\e tJy mail? - Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in. later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan Part ot .411 you Earn is Yours ·to Savt./ Resources .$4,906,000.00 Laguna F~eral Savings and Loan Association Uc-Jleodi, <lallf. -I'll. S90 FOR YOUR HEAL TH'S contractor under him. to pay not After passing the plans .and Pedestrians will protest them· prova1. ! less than the said specified rates specifications as prepared by the selves by crossing streets only at ~ CLOSED WEDNESDAYS i to all laborers, workmen and me-engineer. the council gave ap--intersections and under protection Scotc tape, various sizes, on i FOB RESERVATIONS OALL ION ~ chanics employed by them in the proval to a uniform wage scale, of traffic signals when possible." sale at he News-Times . • · · • d t • th , ed r~~~~~ >-•1111<1•1•1!1Jll lllllllll lll lll ltl Ul lll lll Ul !!l lll!!tllllll l!l lltlll llllll l!l 1111111111tl Hl lllHl lllltl1ll •l l!l lllollllll lll/ll llll11l!llll!il execution o! the contract. an 11en au or1z advertising The City Council ot the Qty for bids on a portion of the work. of Newport Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids or p N 'waive any Informality in a bid. UBLIC OTICES 1 FRANK L. RINEHART. City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, Cali!or· nla. Pub. April 18, 23, 1946. No. 43559 ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. First Doe, Second Doc, Third Doe Corporation, a Corporation; Defendants. You are directed to appear l an action brought againgt you by the above named plaintlrf in the Superior Court of the State ·of California. in and for the County of Orange, and to answer the com· plalnt therein within ten days after the service on you of this summons, it served within the County of Orange, or within . . thirty days if served elsewhere Action brought in the Superior and you are notified that unles~ Court or the County of Orange, you so appear and answer as above a_nd Complaint filed in the Of-required, the plaintiff will take face or the Clerk o! the Superior judgment for any money or dam· Court of Aald County. ages demanded in the Cqmplalnt. as arising upon contract, or will CITY OF NE\VPoRT BEAOi a apply to the. Court for any other l\iunidpaJ Corporation ot the relier demanded in the complaint. sLKth clan, Plaintiff, Given under my hand and seal vs. of the Superior Court of the A. G. WERMICH, et al, Defend· County of Orange. State of Call· ants. rornia, this 19th day of 'March, 1946. The People of the State of Call-• B. J . SMITH, fomla send greetings to: Count;y Clerk and Clerk ol the A. G. \Vennich and Vivian Wer-Superior Court of the State mich, Husband and Wife; . of. California, in and'for the R. M. Thomas and Leona Thomas, County of Orange. Husband and Wife ; By WAYNE A. DRAGER, A. G. Wermlch and R. M. Peputy. Thomas, co-partners doing busi-<Seal Superior Court Orange ness as Orange County Refining County.) Company; Pub. Apr. 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, George 0 . Hartman; 23, 30: June 8, 13, 1946. Wm. L. Jones and Rosina K Jones, Husband and Wife; I _ BALR MORTUARY -:£ - Lady Attendant -£- uo Coat Bhd. <XlRONA I:8l. KAR 41rlr,rl1-.,,:z DAT .uCD NM• SAKE BOWL ELEC.T Freel N. · HOWSER AH-•y G-~ ........,. .IUNI •• ' NO.W! 'kle • $25,000 TO co' LETE OUR QUOTA FOR -THE HOSPITAL OVER.LOOKING NEWPORT BAY • With a Tllree-Y ar Pledge Payabfe Yflltly<Income tax d~ucti"'ble) The Land is · paid for, the Plans are completed, LET'S FINISH THE JOB Pledge the Total So nat Contracts Can Be· Let! ~-The ner the· money is in or pledged, the sooner the hospital be built. (Your pledge is as good as cash). NEWPO T HARBOR quota is now $60,000--we have raiaed $3 ,000--we need $25,000 more! ' 1""*''e your share now send it to the Chamber of for the HOSPITAL COMMITTEE FOR T HARBOR. Yo money ·is protected by the board of directors ·of the 1 incorporated non-profit organizaUon, and by your o!w'n ·Newport Harbor Hospital fund committee. • • . ' . SPORTLAID n-ed N. Howser flnt •rWd · u dc~uty pl'Qlec:\ltor in Long &ach. WU tl<!ice elected to the Stata !Ao- aembly, l'Hiplng to ~ come Dist. Atty. of to. Arlc<les CounlY ••• ·He lt&nda OD hil neonft ol economy and elllcio~ •• \. ACTS WILL NOT BE LET UNTIL 80%. OF AL IS IN, EITHER IN PLEDGES. OR IN by chance-your campaign fails, the money will to. its donors. BOWLING ALLEYS FW Bc1at•tkl• Pbw HO! 11 •• 1 ..... "'* ~ "llOO'lS' and ROY KEENE ROSSI'~· Liquor StQre lOOS Cou& 111-J IS __ ., __ We Ca not Fail Our Flltu·re • ('Ibis Spare O:n1trllicju!d by the Board o(Dlrecton, NewportHari>orCba~of Qvmoace) -·~====f-==========;i;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;; , • • ' • I • : • · . • Bridge Luncheon Honors Mis. W. L. Tubbs, • • I Fellowship Oass In Evening .Meet .. jobs Daughters · Picnic at Balboa Recently Returned From Washington, 0. c. H rbor . Fe· -A:ct1• i·t1·es ...... JObn W. TUblJo, 316 RubJ -••kine first Jlria; ...... a n Ille -· Balboa h!•nc!, --Stanley Hill. IOCOllll; Mn. Earl · Al.& 'Jbe J'.&., ' . . .. -at ,a llridp h-• Saw.-Stanley, third, and Mn. Homer /lblp elm al a.tot \ Jobe 0.Ulhten, Bethel No. 19 •• -aftl!mOon. AJll'll 13; -Wine conooled. Pboma ~ am 208 + By~ Bubri! + Phone 1637-R a-m by Ibo Sea -~ 'al Glmdale, enjo,,..S • ~ ·~.lac -llloter·ID-law, Mra. w. L Invited to meet the bonored l------------;----....,.-----l.-------------0 ---+--..::..:.:..:.::.:.._:..:.;:.:.._::..:.._ ewnlns at the 1-al Mr. and Tueoday. at the 11qme of Kla • :Uy~~ Mra. :wi:;,~ =.t :a": i\!°llln~ 0.:.:1 Miss Elsie Newland Medical Missionary From Belgian Congo St. J mes Auxiliary :tra1wi:,. m::; ~~=~ ~.:'. H~ i:.nc1 OW.:: tncton. D. C., wtieno he WU chief Harold F-1. Sanu Ana· ~ Honored at Party TeUs Experiences at wscs Meeting Ado~Constitution Mra. Stepbea Weathafc.-d la Sandra Lombardi, -queen, ol the cround aaf<ty division and Handy and Meta ~ New· One ot the moot dramatic and . . -*'1t ot. the dua. and Mra. with 45 Clrb and llMlllb.n of their they are Planninc to build a home ~ ~ch; Stanley Hill, Long A family dinnet' Is usually held int...,.tlnc atorles ....,, told to Of . . Mn. ary Sullivan prdidecl in ~ Goeldner Is teacher S families had p1cnk lunch at c..m.i ta C«ona clel Mar. Beach ; Harry Robinlon. Newport each yoar at the Maris Newland women ot Cl>rilt O.urch 'IY the frcers of Girl the • of Mn. Frank CUn· . • . ~ Rock cove, Ccr<>na del Mar. F1owen ror the OC<'.ulon were Heighta; Earl Stanley, Beaoon home, 540 San Bernardino avenue, Sea wu that related W..ia-:Jay Scout Association to ningh ·w11en the Women'• Aux· clol lll'<>;leci ot the dua Ulla yoar Sw!mmlng and a visit to the Fun aurprlae c!fta to the hoatesa, ror Bay; Homer Wine. Orance; John N~ Heighll, ln honor or th• when Mlaa Betty R-ol Glen-B illary St. Jamea Eplaoopal Is belPID& inatall a .new public Zone romi>1eted the day. Mn. Kenym Scudder, -bu. McKittrick and Dixon Tubba, Tua-birthday annivenary o! the hoat'a dale, 'medical mlulooary 01' rur-e Installed April 23 church t at the home or Mn. ·-IYll<m at the church. Mathen who accompanJed the ~ la head of the state ln:stltu-tin; Matthew Kenney, Balboa; aunt. MW: Eble Newland, West loU&b tram the Beltian Congo, C. L om. 543 Via Udo SckM1 Me'?ben whose birthda)'s are in cirls were the Mesdames Lom- tioll at Chino, 1ent beautiful Grace Sevier and Miu Agnes Central avenue. spoke at 'the recant meeting of Mrs. Herbert Morey Will be in-with members present. Assist-April gave the program. and b&rdi, Bafctwtn, Jones, Shafer, camellu and Mn. Matie Rolling: BlomqUist, Balboa bland: Mn. This year was no exception and the W.S .C..S. stalled as new president of the ing h tess wu Mrs. Edward others furnished the dessert. Fea-Dot~. -Eastman, StuJtz. Borden. brought lovely sweet peaa; from Lucy Blee and Miss Ethel Fouse, gathered about the table, laid with A native of Belgium, 1.(iA Ruu Newport Harbor Girl Scout a,ao.. Roeen.-lured pttformer was Mr. Weath-Fowels, Cr-arner and Hedger. her flower ahop: Los Angeles; Mrs. Clifford nl-a lace. clotb and centered with speaks teYeri languq:H and ia a datlon at a luncheon, to be held The nstitution and bylaws for erford. who brought his banjo and The Misses Elizabeth MaCCJti. Bridge followed the buffet lot.son. Corona; Mrs. R.. H. Picken· one tall white candle on a mir-trained DUJ'ft'. She had cune to at 12:30 p.m. at the Balboa Yacht the or zation had been framed played Southern melodies, old fa· land. June Eader and Georgia IW>clleon with Mn. Meta Bach-paugh. Costa Meaa and Mrs. Dean ror edged with red amaryllis, this country and wu employed ln -dub Tuesday, April 23. Mn. Hub-by the . Ardys Dean, assisted =t ~ hymns with Da'fkl Macorthur remained u cueata !or were Miu Newland, Mr. and Mn. a New York bank when she be-bard Howe, retirin& president, will by Mrs Marshall Keeler, and wer e t tbe piano. I the week at .the Hedger home. r . - Easter Togs ... for the kiddies ~ Tiny pinafores or lovely sun suits -perfect for beach wear and special for a sunny Easter. • We have a complete line of fun and play shoes from kiddies sizes on up. You'll find your play shoe in any size or color at- The Shop or Casual \\'ear for AU Aces BERttfJ~~tTES SM Marine BaJboa bland EASTER GIFTS For Mother or Sweetheart Diamond --- Rings Wedding • - - Rings Dinner • • - Rings Ladies' Wrist - - - Watches Lapel • • - Watches Nurses - -- ' Watches Men's Waterproof Wrist Watches PARKER "51" Pen and Pencil Sets • Crosses • Pearls • Necklaces e Costume Jewelry e Gold Filled Bracelets La Mirado and Laguna Pottery Viking Glassware Figurines, Ceramics, Flower Bowls, Vases ~-----FOR THE KIDDIF.'!: -------, I Bnnifes, Ducks, Dolls, Lambs, Dogs, Calli I LOUCKS Je welry • Sr.atumt'ry 1797 Newport Blvd. Colita 111. ..... Wllllam Newland and the host and came interested in miui'oinary act as master of ceremonies and read and adopted. hoatess and th~ir sona, Bobby and work and went to Africa where Henrietta ''Skipper" Allen, 6'.ecll-Rev. I Ernest Scully, formerly Kenneth. she was head of a 60()..bea hos-tlve secretary, will be present. s·tatio~ at the Santa Ana Army It was alter dinner that the pital, her duties incJuding the AlJ rectstett:<l adulU, including Air as chaplain at the hos- surprise came, when a group o compounding of all medidnes. the board of directors, troop com-pita.I d .now vicar at West- Miss Newland's friends walked in -mittee members and troop lead-cheste Los Angeles, was speaker d Later Miss Russ went into the an an evening of games. ending ers, will be present. Hostesses will of the after'noon and told of his in the serving of ice cream, angel.-heart of the Congo, where she be "-. H arold Holtz, "-. Wil· · .. :1 · · I food k d . ped w~ the only white person &mong "u 3 1~u-3 expei;1er.-ces \\'1u e nunister ng to ca e an w hip cream, two million natives, and her sup- 5 uamr TrusRty ant~ Mrs. Behen the bots at the hospital. turned it into a gala affair. Many . p ague. eserva ions may A 1 ·a1 hour followed the meet- gifts, ranging from n owers and plyddcpoht waslr. 90trrul.est bawayb·: Shi e , made with Mrs. Ralph Deaver , ing, wi h r-1rs. R obert Herold and books to handk('rchiefs, linens and ma e t e tp 0 1 Y ioyc e. pho '>680 d f.f Robe t ·Kill Mrs.. arshall Keeler presiding household a rticles. were shower ed She y,·orklXl wtth the pigmies. y,•ho fer ";gg_R an rs. r e.. at the ea table. I on the honoree. were never over four feet high, · _· _____ _ I Chinese checkers and anagrams and also among the tribe of s· hd S p p Ob were played, ~th prizes of such giants. _lhe men of whkh were trt ay upper at i i to serve hard-to-get item~ as butter and o!t<n eight . feet tall. W>t_h her Earl Stanley Home Fou ders Day I chocolate awarded to Mrs. A . S . people still in Belgium, she is try-M d ?¥t E l S I N . ,__ ing to go back to that country r . an rs. ar tan cy, o. i nompson. Mrs. E . D. Goodell, -9 Rudder Road Beacon Bay en-A F unde rs' Day luncheon will "-St h w th f d M as a nurse and arrange for them . . · · · JYu 3. ep en ea er or . rs. _ . , terta1ned "1th a buffet supper be he! by members of Pi Beta J . P!ichner and Mrs. \·V. H . M c-toThcome here. . Sunday evening honoring the Phi ~-the Santa Ana Country 1 I tee e afternoon session opened . . . . I n · I with devotionals led b Mrs \V birthday anniversary of their club ednesday, Aprtl 24 honor- ! Others present were Mrs. D. W . 5 H ~ · . · daughter Mrs. Rex Albright of ing thP founding of this oldest H ltb M E ·1 J h M . unsaker, her subJect being · 1 ·T. . o y, rs. ~mi Y o nson .. rs. F'r . . . . I Topaz avenue. nation~ sorority which took place Mel"t'itt Goode'll and Mrs. R. H. I u1ts of t~e Sp1r1t . At t he bus1· Th b II bl . . . . . ncss session the sum of s241 50 e u et ta e was lovely in a at ?.to _mouth college, Ill., in 1867 I Hill. Sending gifts but unable to 1 1 . . · color scheme of pink carried out 1 when~2 <rirls got together and tt d M Ed \v lk Mr was p edged to missions for the / . ' •-a en were rs. a er. s. . 1n sweet peas and tall candles decid to start a club Reser-Florence Torre ce Mrs J A coming year and S7 was voted to . . • · n _...a_ n .' · · , ·,supplies for Philippine ttlief Wlth a pink-frosted cake. Afte r vation should be made with Mrs. DUU111an and Miss Newland s . · supper the honoree opened her Stanley C~mbers phone 252 be-. t M p L HI · r Los At the morning session Mrs. . , • . _ sis er, rs. . . ggins o I S many gifts. for e Af ril 23. Angelet J . . Redstone led the study group Th · In the firs t two chapters of The ose prese~t were Mf. and -.---~-- Divine Fatherhood <Henry M. Bui-1'1rs. Re"-Albright and da ughters For lqutcl<.. re.suits use News- I May Day Plans Of Capilla Circle lock), a 9tudy of the Bible. Donna, Carol and Sally; Mr. and Times jclassif1ed columns. I Mn. Joseph Gallant. Mr. a nd ?.lrs. 1 ------·--- Maurice Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Lido Theatre F AC Book Section F . I':. Twitch•ll, grandparen ts of ---1'--------- A charge o r time h~ been an T H M Cl the honoree; Lewis Stanley, Mr. Now Stlowlng- nounced tor the May Day dessert 0 ear rs. 0yes • and !.frs. Gerald H. Shirley, and 11 Dick Powell In bridge which is bei ng given by . 11\tr. ~nd Mrs. J . S. Albright of ''Cornered" Capilla Circle at the social hall . Mr:s. Edit~ Cloyes or Santa Ana, Huntington Beach. or the Congregational church, d1str1ct ~ha1ri:nan or drama for I . , Sundaj. thru Tue9day- Corona del Mar. and the ne\v hour J the ~lifornia Fcder atfon .or F AC Sections to 'I ) is 1.2 :30 p.m. \Vomen s. clubs and _county chair-. , .. The comntittee in charge met man of literature, will be :Speaker P1cn1c at Anaheim /(1 lf!ldiant Tuei:day with 1''1rs. Arthur Kem· at ~ next meeting of t"e Book ~1embc>rs of the Arts and Crafts IVith.~ov• per, 900 Ocean boulevard. and ~btion of the F.riday Al ternoon a nd Garden s<'Ctions or the Friday ••• at i(J . next Tuesday there will be an 8 11. cu : to be held in the . sun room Afternoon club are to join in a Love i•llf day meeting at her home when Apnl 26. Mrs. 0 . D . IGng. chair· picnic at Anaheim park Tuesday, members will make the table man of the S<'Ction. "ill preside April 23. All those wishing trans- award.s. There arc also to be many and all members.and their friends ,.portation should be a t the club 1 lo .. vely door 8\\"ards, and any one are urged to attend. housei ~ 10:30 a.m . of that day. may make reservations for bridge l ------------------------- 1 or any game they wish to play ' l by Calling Mrs. Newton Cox, 2198. l I I Turn Back The Years! T he m chantmmt of youth lies in a &lender body, brisk step, steady nerva, and the clea.r .skin and sparkling eyes of healthy coursihg circula· tion. 'Tht sc aTe your rightful heritage · • · make the most of them by relaxing and JI:. <luting to the rhythmic mo- tion of the exclusive St.auffer System. U Tnia&mellt• 115..IO u ,Treatmenb for sza.oo • TeJephone for an Appointment. Stauffer· System ._ 7'U %47 B.....,,,,... LAGUNA BEACH H USE or B CAUTY .i S04 Marine Aven11r Balboa bland -Phon• 1 l!i7 Open Saturdays Until r.-Ta y 1s t Closed on Monday WHERE HAIR STYLiNG IS AN ART Our aim is t o enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate In beauty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAtITY SERVICE A p.,.._, /'Mt•,., St.art.st \Ved.neM&y-April ~­ "Tpe Harvey Girls" Coml~A ttracttoru to · LIDO & BALBOA THEATRES: uRO TO UTOPIA" "ENEHANTED TOREST" "BE L8 0 FST. MARY'S" "SE TlMENTAL JOURNEY" "S~· R TAKES A WIFE" "A NTURE -ZIEGFELD LLIES" ""D 'GONWYCK" . -·J.&CIC MALIT MILIN WALKI• IUDY VALLll OZZll NILSON ·PHILIP IUD A~T LINKLITTll -._ -------A CU LANOfOID :-... -. JLlrdW. -- ·Monday- Eddie Bracken In Sweater Girl" W. D. Keith , Watchmaker and Jeweler -«IM>- "EOPLEARE FUNNY" Announces the Opening of .218 Marine Ave Balboa Island • Friday, April 19th -NEW LOCATION- 'Watches, Jewelry, Diamonds, Gifts, Electric Appliances FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING 8ee Ut AIJollt l'oar HOME AND C111111CH WEDDING PICTURES Be Sue to laqlllre Abo9i Copyillg Old Portraits 7 P.M. Dalb Starla Tb.,..__April !5- • Bul · -t Price la J "Shock" "FJ)lme of th;\V esf. aret L. Scharie CMeoiber Music Teachen' Aan . o1. califomla l · · T acher of Piano · Of'ganist • Acaxnpanlst : a.i-.... A.-Coo-. ... lll&r P'iipl'IE NEWl'ORT 10!6 -r ~aster ~fft ~uggestious I Portable Record Changers and Phonographs .------The Gift That Keeps._ ___ _ ·on Giving -] PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Complete Stock of Both P opula r and Classical ' in Muiic ,a,;d Sound .. "Everything 180'7 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone 2S 10 @'..dM BREAD-TIME STORIES KITCHEN TRICK ·.-.-.- TRY COOKING a1paragu1, peaa, lime beans and slivered string beans In milk. loil In one cup of • water for ten minutes. # Add hot mllk to drained • vegetOble1 and simmer until tender. YOU CAN FIND 1pots easily when dry cioonlng a garment at "-If yooo wlll y' outline lpall with a -V-'EC lrasllng thread t.eforo cleanint. You'll then loo ablo to find out whothe< •pots are -pleNly ,.. .......... . ~· OLIVE VEAL IOUS I lb. ""' steak, K '•· ,.ultry thinly cut MOtonint I tbsp . minc.d 4 strips ltacCH't, onion chopped 2 tbsp. l•mon I e19, beaten juice 1 c. iOft br•od I VS c.' water c"rumk \IS tsp. popriko ~ ts.p. Miit 14 c. chopped or sliced green olivH Cut meat in 3~ 1quore1: Fry bacon until <.ri~p, mix with crumbs. egg,. seasoning and lemon iuKe. Spread mixture on veal, roll and fasten with toothpicks. lrow" ,in hot fat, add woter and simmer 1 hour. Add oliftl lo gravy. · GOT A POST CARD ? -.-:: ·• ...... - USE IT TO GET your copy ot \Veber'• "'GOOD IDEAS" book. 80 Jl&S'el chock· full of cooklac aad kitchen hints. Ad· d ren Weber Baklnc Co., Dept. 10, Box 1130, Mltblnri. Brea sta.Uoa. Loll An· cel<S SI, Callf, We'll mall yoo a OOPJ ' free wltlt µtie complimenta of GOOD 'WMer'• ...... ! '