HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-25 - Newport Balboa News Times• I ' • THE © , ' 1• ., 7 SAND ,,__, '-I CRAB a, SAM E1GBTY YEARS. It is sel- dom that a public official can live and look back at his handiwork .. That is w hy to- day we take our hats off to Joe Schnitker, who at his home, 4435 Circle View, Los Angeles. is celebrating his 80th birth anniversary. Joe, former mayor, and a mem ber of that early band of far-,seeing councilmen, embarked in the twenties on an improvement program that is paying off today in mighty profits. They ordered more than $400,000 worth of street. sewer and water ~x · pansions, quite a chunk in those times. It was Joe who insisted that the o c ea n beaches be dedicated to the public; that is why they are accessible today. It was Joe who told off in vigorous terms more than one otr jector. Those old councils con- tained such men as the late J . P. Greeley, Lawrence Wilkinson and living John McMillan, Dr. Conrad Ri ch- ter, H. Cardoza Sloan, and the sessions were torrid a nd something to conjure with. Opponents had 1 to know their stuff because they were pitted against· super intelli- gence and qµick thinkers. When the Newport Balboa Federal Savings & Loan opened its doors, J . J. Schnit- ker secured the first certifi- cate; he still h as it. He yet has property on · the Ocean Front, the Newport Pharm· acy being housed in part of it, with a grocf!ry in the other portion. Hisdaughter. Jean Wheaton, \vrites her dad is in the best of heal th, ~ current events and will be. the center April 26 at a • family dinner party. Con- gratulation&. Joe! • • • Politics. Aside from the sheriffs race, the one that looks like it will be snappy is that for • Assemblyman from the southern half of the county. Two leading as- pirants are EarJ Stanley and Madelyn D. Platt of Santa Ana. who is the first woman in the county to run for a state office. Both have filed on the two tickets, while one has the blessing of the Re- publicans, the other of the Democrats. Both have war chests and will wage a brisk campaign for the June pri- maries. Forgot to mention :the fact that Jim Farquhar ls running for state senator. Jim " publisher of the Hunt- inglt.n E-'ftch : <ewo, a life - long Republican and a clever and popular newspapennan. • • • e ·gb PriCC'S. Purchase by Mark Pierce of ~emper's Landing for $55.000 sets close to a record, prices for the three-fourths of a mile tr6m the Arches to Irvine's Bay Shore. Astute observ- ers believe this waterfront will climb to $1000 . a front , foot. as they claim it is the only highway stretch on still \Vater sen·ing small boats in Southern California. Mark is a shl"('\\'d operator and likflS it here, which is e,·i- denoed by the report that he recently refused more tha n Sl00.000 for his Harbor Isl- an<l home. • + • Pri.., Curbs. Quite inter. ested in both sides of the OPA dispute. No question , that ceilings have been a re- straining influence on prices. but Mr. Bowles queered his own work by his cxld rulings. His latest appeal for small businessmen to send in their support, seems to have fallen dD barren ground, becaUSI> he Im-got to me,ntton the nwnber who have asked for Its continuance. , + + + · .,......,... Note a cute tip from OJ!bel !loo O>evrolet O> .• thus: "Your car won't let fOU down It )'00 keep it up" .. : And Ford Dealer T. Robins, exclalmed the other dlly when he ~ my car = the ' aroma ot a ot caftee: "Isn't It that colfee Dl!Yl!t" ..... u aood u It amells!" -· Postwar Dema11ds . of B Area Stressed . .,.. .. •tum" I ........ la I . • .NEWPORT ~ '~ KEEP POSTED! l y.,. ...... .. .. Oa tr Q.'MOlltel~ •• o.s., _ -~...,_ .. EMBRACING BAL~A PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, ~BOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME mvm Roosevelt · To Address Vets Confab • • Transfer to Kei th Rima, mem- ber of a well known fishing fam- ily of the lease for operating live bait boats from the end of the Newport pier was sanctioned by the d ty council. Chet Drant was ho1der of the lease made for five yeBn earlier in the year. Rima will operate the 52-foot Zootsmee II which has been run- ning out ot, BaJboa pavilion to hi.I new station, and will add other oportafiahing boats later. He hu been fishing here for the put seven years, and lives on New- port I>llnd. Por · Sailor~ Tak Honors .In R gatta ' . ~' NUMBEll .. ' Encouraged by Large Subscription, Braden Finch, County Vice Chairman and New- port Harbor Chairman of Campaign, Urges Solicitors to Seek More Pledges From Harbor Area • . . • M&WHWr a•1ao4 MAW..,,••, •••.-* •••· O:Ptw • , nw_ • 7• Apdl sa. • Death Notices I Local USO Buildings Taxed to Capacities . S SURE, WE PAY CASH$ • WE WILL BETTER THAN MEET ALL OF'FERS ON YOUR CAR. • So stop in atMcCARTHY USED CAR WT at IQ20 New.port Blvd., Costa Mesa, and get the top d-ollar for your automobile. J . r~ BREWER, Salesman Resident Posts Bail On Driving Charge Manila folders at News-Times. VIOLATION OF TRAFFIC LAWS PA VS OFF • • IN TRAFFIC COURTS • Keep Your Car HERE'S THE PROOF: Pays Maximum Fine Seven Lose Licenses • . In Dashing through Coast l-Ii'A'ay traffic at speeds ranging from 70 lo 80 miles per hour recently, cost Lyle C. Blystone. the maximum fine ror speedini:. $5(), levied when he appeared in justice court. Suspending the licenses of seven motorists, Municipal Judge H. Leonard Kaufman announced yes- terday that sentences for traffic violations will become increasingly severe if flagrant violations per- sist. Good Condition Driver Fined $150.00 "If motorists don't care to drlve safely, then their licenses will be suspended and they will be de- prived. ot the use of their cars," Judge Kaufman said Since the jurist was assigned to traffic court on Man:h 11. he bas suspended li· censes of 167 drivers. Have Your Brakes Tested ,Regularly Michael McBride, pleaded guilty to driving an automobile while un· der the influence of llquor and was fined $150 in cl ty court this week. HELP AVOID SCE!>'ES LIK:r: TBI8! • DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOTH TIRE<; HA VE '.l'HEM RECAPPED The National Safety C-Ouncil Reports #\Vbell drt'f'ln«' 10CI' cu, •oa."t cat aoraen io •we UIDe." ..tmoalllbM BeTt 8tewart-Jr., pablla _,ety d.lrector for the NaUoaal Automobile club. -Yoa. may •11e Ume a&.._ momeat. bat lt cu al90 be a lllol't9<1Gt to a lborter llfe." This "Dl'ive With Safety'' Sponsored Message Market Spot by the Following: "The Arches" "Just a U tile Bit Better" Cocktail Lounge and Cafe On Cout Blglnny at Newport Bhd. Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sail Boats a,,... and Sooth Bay-Pbo-ne T! Edpwater at Palm-Phone '11 Hi-Way Garage otnclal Southern cautomia Auto. Oub Garage 1140 Newport Blvd.-Pll. 831 Reed's Super Service Sh~U Oil, Gas. Lubrication and Accessories H!O -· Central Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing 8-t w.. ~ ~11 0.-t lllPWQ Balboa Circle Taxi /liq Boar, 0o.r or Nlp~PL Np&. !!t Newport Auto Works Genonl ~24-br. tow !lf!?Vleo, S.-t Gu A Oil rart: llHrtrm ...,. a o..& ...._ National Auto. Cub Emorrmc;y Station Hanshaw'& 1-Stop Service Station ~ Auto Service Lubrks ---1T18N ...... ~•- Lowman Boat Builders -N.ewpon~- Ets-Hokin & Galvan Electridans CO-Two F1re Equipment for nctory, Store. Office. Farm, Home 11 .. 0oMt~~ . Dean Termite Control ouu.t8ed 'hmlite Coo-..I.Aiest ~owd Ketbodl ._,.., .... In llitAm ft -• Anton Hershey too Mulne Ave. -Bal-bland Lido Richfield Station Wuh • Polish • Lubrlcatlon NtS W. Oentral -Erwin Tonne Newport Tackle Store llNI McFMden ~Newport Commerdal and Sport Gear Good Stock ot Pre-War Line Kon11Blma,M..._. Balboa Fun Zone Bal- A u th orized Shell Dealer ( ttT M~ bland "Lubrlcatlon" • Wuhlng • Pollsbln& Tire ~ Oar 8.-itJ' .· -and no.-w .............. n1 .. w Boyd's Service Station u. w .. V-tnl --Illa Mobllps and Moblloll Lu~::t.. ·, w~~ Bayside Fish Market -·~-.... -Sportland Bowling Center ---llOS'-.............. ft111 JM! "For Your Health"s SU., eOwl" Excelsior Creamery Santa~ Foster & Sons Truocott cnlloen -920 Clout Hlgb"'"J' -83S Newport Beocb Gus Beach Hancock Station ·Plnotw Ploclacta -.. _ Gu s-i::r.:..:~=~ \ • Lester's Recapping Comolete nr. Service New-Use&-~hr. Service !900 W. Central-Newport Virg's Garage and Texaco Station UOIWeotCeDtnl Associated Service Station Lyle R. Pope and Henry A. Schroeder Htll a Central-Newport Newport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotive Supplles :--. Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Let Us Help YOU. With Yoo.r ParU Pl"obL!m Glen W. Conkle • Manager !IOI W. Oeatnl A--Npt. ll<IL HU Carrell's Garage General Repairing • Brakes llellned Motor Tun~Up • Wheels Ba.lanced IN 28111 8t.-Nen to 1....,0 ..... ~ l!lllop Casino Cafe & Refreshment Lounge --8t. -~ v--- Kenneth E. Wilson Co. OlNOaft ~Marine Engbw .. OoMt ..... ., ..... w Bay Shore Cafe Cout ~T. F. N--ut SerWd Saturdu and SUndo7 Open l L 111. to 9 p. 111.~ Monday -u .. Your Brakes -ot Your Hom" Johnstone Service OoMt m... a HI ......,_N·.,_,npw•rtrt -11172·J if your tire la nat or your battey nm -.. Mobllpa-Moblloil . Higgins Pl~ Craft Dale E. Watts, Manaler 811 OoMt ......,.__ llN MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. Naval Ardllt«to -Boat Bulldrrs -Boat Rtpelrlnc Slips Anllable For Boata For Sale WI OoMt ..... .., ,._ta Puauc NOTICES Madelyn D. Platt to the 111°""""" annexation. may First Lady Running , appear before the City Council For the Assembly and show cause why such terrf. tory should not be so annexed. 4. That upon such annexation. the Qty shall: . that harsh oounds (a) Approve said subdivision emanating from a and plan of development as set oua .... aker address equipment forth, subject to the recornmenda- ing 0 ~ !:~e:; ~~ = tion ol the Planning Commission. St shcdf!d them and their week end (b) Within a reasonao1e time gues , Mr. and Mrs. Theodore from the date of annexation, the H gton of 409 Dahlia avenue, Oty will extend the elty's water Corol del Mar, appealed to mem-line to the boundary of the pro-bers the city council this week -posed annexation, in order that for · me relief. connection therewith may be Thi strident sounds came from made by the subdivider fori the a re&rd. being played on a ma-l~PP!Yfng .of water to said ·sub-chin~ the building and the echo division. of it boomed by the loudspeaker (c) The Oty shall not levy nor carri all the way to the jetty assess any taxes against the an-~·:;. the J!l:erringtons claimed. • nexed tttr!tcry 19 pay r.w any ,, Id i notified the city council o~ said Qty of Newport Beach. ~~ . tl>at e owner of the loudspeaker (d) z.one Aid annexed property ·~'.'!i; <",;, • ¥t;ce Oller Rowland R. Hodg· pre1ent outatandjpg bonded debt ·,,. i~J~ · . was arned that further use of as indicated on the attached ten-~~·'t the oudspeaker foi" record play-tatlve ~ap, subject to the recom-Women's place in the $ ing ould not be tolerated, and a mendation of. the Planning Com-day world, due to their • repe tion would result in an ar-~ rest or distw'bing the peace The Qty Clerk shall cause a patlon in industry, businesl and ..... · copy ot the foregoing Resolutloh the armed services, hu -------to be published at leaat once a them a new 'and undisputed rfght pel Services Will week tor two sue<essive weeks 1n to direct rt'presentation In 1:"" B C d the Newport Balboa News-Times, tua1 legislative bodi<S. ' e on ucted in Hall • newspaper ot general ~tlon Recognizing •uch a need, l . publish~ In the Qty ot Newport M'adelyn D. Platt, Democra~E 'nning May 5, the Costa Beach, California. announced her candidacy! for M Foursquare church will con-On motion of Councilman st&n-Member of the Assembly, 74tl\ due their regular Sunday services Iey seconded by Councilman Allen, trict. t in ~ American Legion hall, We'st the f~ ReeolutJon was ln-Mrs. Platt is the ftrst • ~8 "treet, according to the pu~ troduced and passed by the Coan~ to run for a state office ~'Qr. tors Rev. and Mrs. G. Willard ctJ of the Oty of Newport Beach ange county. She has ~,~~ Steahts. at a regular adjourned meeting in the belief that thinking A ew stone church C<lOtlni $20,. held on the 16th day ot April 1946. ot today are more Interest In 000 being built on the recently and adopted by the following vote: the character and talents I the ased property at the comer AYES: Councilmen Allen, Stan-candidate than in political lia- ange avenue and Cabrillo Jey, Isbell, Robertson. Reed. tion. t, and until it is finished NOES: None. She is actively p1eadi ces will be held in the Le-ABSENT: None. cause of the Veteran and his hall. O. B. REED, as a civilian. Mrs. Platt. Mayor. of the same age group ~~. RINEHART, ~:::::: ~~ ~rm::Sth m 1 0.ty Clerk. and further education. All that certain land situated iR AJ a former teacher and 'al the ·County of Orange, State of service worker. Miss Pl is ~=i==========:!J California, being cohtiguous to the •"'are of the distressing lem Balboa Mixed Doubles boundaries of the City of Newport of juvenile delinquency cing W L Beach and described 8.s follows: Californla at present. She f ors J . geJ & S. Bun.veil. ....... 56 16 Beginning at the point of In· immediate a nd effective 1lsla· V. . J. Bidderman ............ 48 24 tersectlon of the southerly tion to meet the needs , the D . Joombs & A. Forgit.._ 45 Z1 Jine of S tate Highway ORA agencies empowered to die P . ~rgit & G. Humphrey 44 28 60-A produced easterly, said these matters. R. ~lie & E . Willcut ...... 41 31 line measured 40 feet at right Both the State and nty V . iley & L. Wells .......... 39 3.1 angles from the center line Demoaatic Central comnii tees !.t. ogel & C. Atkinson .... 31 41 of said State H ighway, with ,tiave endorsed Mrs. Platt. I lso E. !L. Laurence ................ 31 41 the southerly prolongation of her candidacy is sponsored !>.~ th C. ach & R. Roush ....... ~ 28 44 the easterly line of Newport labor a nd civic grounds. \'{· P . Y & D. Ross ................ 26 46 Beach Boulevard, said east· of both parties throughout A. ttora & H. Snyder .... 22 50 er ly line being the existing 74th l District are organiz~· 1 to E. ' R.<J3royles .................. 21 51 boundary line of the O ty of assis her campaign. -+----------Newport Beach; thence, from Ev~r increasing cos ts of tale fRESoLUTJON NO. !315 REtLUTION owiko NOTICE 0 PROPOSED ANNEXATION 0 TERRITORY TO THE cpv OF NEWPORT BEACH. ~AS, there has ~n pre· senJed to the City Councll of the Cit of Newport Beach, Califor-nia~I a P etition requesting the an- nex,.tion of the t erritory hcrein- i described to the City of rt Beach; W THEREFORE. IT I.$ BV RESOLVED BY THE COUNCTL OF THE CITY ~RT BEACH, as fol· . That it is proposed to anitex the .City of Newport Beach, ~om.la, that certain territory co tlguous to the City boundaries, w ch tenitory is more partlcu- lar y described on "EXHIBIT A " exed hereto and by reteren~ e a part hereof. . That said tenitory Uet ad· nt to the City boundary line e~~~ along West Newport. C el southerly of State Hlgh- ORA 6()..A, and westerly of te Highway ·ORA 43-A, and aa1 , tenitory comprises approx:S- m ely 16.11 acres. . That notice ts further here- by given that the· 6th day of May 1 • at the hour or 4 o'clock p.rn. ~'aid day, in the Colindl Olam. In the Qty Hall, In the Qty I of ewport Beach, t. the time and pl when and where any person o Ing real property within said te ltory so propc:sed to be an- . and havln& any ob)<ctions Mesa IJQUO~ SHOP lal~ ~"-' ..... lenty of Whiskey N•-teU7"6 -= n 7°11 .. OOll'l'A .;.c-o•••. ............. FOR . YOUR th~s point of be~nning along government are vital proble~ she S3:Jd southerly line of State feels. Spending of millJ ' of Highway t~ the easterly line dollars of state monies t out of State Highway ORA 43-A: proper regard for future J'1<'eds thence, s?utherly along said must be halted. Mrs. Platt easter}y.li~e to a point in the social and civi1 legislation f S?Utherly ltne Of th& 100 ~OOt best interest of all but S :ght ot way of S~ate High· poses unwarranted spen . ay ORA 6Q..A, said line ~ tax money. During the war 1ng t~ngent to a curve haVlDg the state received unus a r adi us ot 1550 feet : thence, enormous revenues from war wes~erly through saJd •curve, plants and rorpor ations, but ese haVJng an angle of 13° 46' to be. ed ced d a point in a line, said line be-revenues ar e 1ng r u a ing 1 t t f 'd more controlled plan of s angen o a oresa1 must be set up. ~ curve; thence, westerly along . said tangent to its point of She proposes reduction the tangency with 8 curve, having state sal~ t~ and a gen~r tax a radius of 1550 feet. thence plan wtnch gt\'e5 each et ti n a weSterly from said 'point 0f full dollar's value for every tax tangency aJong said curve, a dollar. spent. _I distance ot 60.21 feet; thence, Mrs. Platt hu lived in e South 9° Z7' \Vest 339.42 feet , county for 23 years. She adu· ~I more or less. to its intersec· atcd from Anaheim High hoot • tion with a line designated as and Santa Ana Junior ege. "North Line," being the mean She attended both U.C.L.AL and high tide line a.s per Superior U.S.C. and graduated the Court Case No. ,23686. Book University of Washington a 201 , Page 253 of Official Rec-Bachelor of Arts ln Edu tlon. ords of Orange County, said She spent several years' In edu- point being distant easterly catlonal and social service k. 83.55 feet from the lntersec-Duri9g the war she·was emp yed tion of a line having.a bearing at Douglas as a Supervisor Sta- of North ':!7° 15' 30• West tistlcal and Research work. with a line havtng a bearing She ts a member of the At!,.,..· of North 73°' 34' 20" West; lean Association of Univ thence, easterly along said Women, Panhellenic. Am~c:an mean hJgh tide line to its in-Legion Auxiliary 131, tersectlon with the westerly Teachers, LoiJ: Rebekah ""'"' line of c.entral Avenue, said the Episcopal church. · westerly line being the exist- ing boundary line of the City 1 of Newport Beach: thence, northerly a1ong said boundary During the war she wu ve I I n e through its various courses to the paint of begin- in Red Cross work and the Wu Boqd drives. She 15 marri and the mother of two tons. {Political Advertisement ning. ''EXlIIBIT A'' Pub.-April 18, 25. 1946. Scotch tape, various sale at the Newg..TI.m81 . REINE CHEW Builder u.,.,_i General Contract.or • Cement Work • Garage floors • Sidewalks • Driveways. • Curbings • Concrete Fences FOB E8'l'DIATE8 • CALL W. _B. BO>FFI~ ... .Ph. 8. A. 8'71S-BS , HEALTH'S SAKE BOW L SPORTLAID BOWLING ALLEYS • l'oo&olMalak-lle!hoa tw•······ ftmelfft UM I•• ..... -.,. "'BOO'JS--ROY KEENE . -• • • - • • FRESH FISH · Dally Dlftd from Fi11herman ... Cu11tomers 10 L IL to 5 p. m. ~ On tlle Beach Poot el Newpml Pier ; M&WWWW•'' ... A ·. ~:;=::==:Junior Fair Expected ~ "::' ~: ~ acce;"! a;::: T Attr ct Th nds Ra&IOlll Play Pl F s·g ligbtJnc. lndudin& .-.t lightJnc. o a ousa ; In ~th~""=.~~ n or 1 Generally speaking, the IOdety Plans for a fUll cla7 of -.. llChools. County lnstltutlml ex-moot colorfUI and belowd Olltdoor y ht H has said 90 per cent of all exist-tlon In the junior fair division ot pl!cted tO' ~pete . Include play "Ramofta". 1tarta !ti 19th aea-aven Inc street llabtJnc ii Inadequate the Or County Fair and Anaheim, Fullttton, Valencia, IOn Satuni.y .In Ramona lxrwl for present traffic needs and over H = whJch 19 ~ Garden Grove and 1'.Jatin. The play ta 8Cbeduled for m 60 per cent of all lamP1 installed orse • 23 . Ulive Aatstance Leacue members allO oerfonnance. over the weekends far street lighting are 100 candle-IDT Jfuoe ~ ~n '~ and announced today that otfioes have ot April 77 and 28. May ~. and 5, A ,000,000 Yadtt harbor ad- power or Jeu--Wnpo wbich be-and or a uge g enthu-been -ned In the Ramona build-and May 11 and 1.2, and /Utboulb lacent Loa Angeles will become long more in dwellings than on te,a to which 70!? garden an-inc at FUth ands~ streets tickets are going fut tnett .un a rMllty for Southern poles outdoors. The sodety points sias~a~~ mvl~benwe:; the ln Santa Ana with separate rooms are ideal reservations to be bad Calif ·a boat oWners. according . Drafts even there, the nurumum need is Th~· junior fair , which Is ex-otnce. will be open . week..da,ys don head the cast of 300 who par-tion o Engme and Boat Manu- feet -· up and - -the ...... -around I ==========:t: tbe ample tumble -. will be 12 I, --· ........ with allpo. eadt lllLI&-. Uw. _.led..,, .... ""*''"" -n111ureate...,... ! -One portion ot the marina will be clewted to ..n cntt. the other to bollto or ---..... 1181 ~ pion ca1lo 6r •. double I '::= ..... ===·=·=II=··=· =Olll.=:::~ roidway --around the '. . tilar!na With the road oont1nu1ng DrtY. ~ ~ IA & Dyers Mercury Cleaners Offer Regular out that these low-powered lamps noon y me r Oran e arn.nged tor horse lhow, Oower for the playing dates. to wmNl received by Ira Hand, usually are on si~ streets, but =tance League 0 g abow and general entries. The Juanita Enttl ahd Henry Bran-~:l of .the National Asaoda- 250 canadlepower . pected to a ttract entries from with members of the league ticipate ln the plQ' in the roles tac . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ii!!ii!!ii!!iiii!~~~!!!!!!§i~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~•-very sectJon of the county and present to accept entries and an-. of Ramona and Alessandro. Otl-The levelopment. known u the ~ !.hJch will carry out the educa-awer queries ooncemtng the fair Zl!ns In all walka of. life and en-M~ ~el Rey, will be the tea-3-DAY SERVI.CE • , .. M AKE YO u R tlonal theme of the fair, will be and bone show. deavor In both the cities ot San !Ure UJt.allatJon .of a $75,000,000 a day-long,_ event ot Thursd.-y, Jadnto and Hemet make up the shore ~utification program, al- June 20. Vets Reminded bala'nce of the players, and they ready fficially . approved.. The hiore than 700 women ot the have ~ giving generously of entire jec:!t will be 13 miles in or l -Day Special Senice • • • aeasoflable • • • Yoa will appreciate how euy It Is to arrange for credJt at Dr. Cowen'• ... no delay or unnecessary lnvestlraUon. Come in and arrange to ha\'fl all your nooeMal}' "'·ork completed RIGHT NO\\I . • • pay late r In "marr weekly or monthly a.ruounts.. TIUS LIB- E:R.AL SERVICE DOES XOT COST YOU O~E EXTRA Pt::l""XV and you csn make \'our Own Reasonable Term.8. . IRU IAIHlllG .. l19 i.oMt A,,, n..•s ll•1tf,ls1 ..... ft1t1 I ........ ..__ h 111 1111 .. ... "O.••• ............. S.-" (W., 1st) .......... ..... _ ........... ,,.. ___ ._ ........ _ ..... VWt -............ ,..... ............... ,, c-_., ..... ... .. ... ... •••• ··-.. tUt ......... . THERMOS IOTTU •tit 1-Piri t ....••..••.• "LANGLEY " FISHING REEL Sturdy construction •. 1§75 heutlh.lty fit'lllhed .. s.,...1e ..-:1lo.\. CANVAS CREEL fat'I c•"".n cr•I .. · S•ff S«uretv wwed . • A, 5 roomv '°'"P«'ments.. FOLDING CAMP COT $691 DUPONT "NYLON•• LINE 1 "A ir II n•" Wetw;lr«lf ... 11ne •• 15-lb. ...... -A SO-y#d IP(IQI. ..... UTILITY BOX Trans.pareiit utility tic. 9S¢ • • • Six MetioN for sm•H fl$hl.~ ~cirnent •.. si~•-4 Jd xi·. STAINLESS STEEL ~ BAIT CASTINC LEADERS ~ UADEIS 3 Y:·tt ~fr.-.:1_ st1rn-ts• Good ~lity •.. Straic ts• let.I siftl ~ • · • H __,, ... _....._,_ • VllOOul ._,,_,, of ~ _..., ......--. FISHING ACCESSOllES =-~l= ........ lU ... ~lOATA\I MI" 1 county. members ot garden clubs To Refri'1ter For their time tor the past month for length on,g Santa Monica Bay. and garden sections. have been tn-e.aw rebeanall tor this most apectacu-~th ur, Angeles and Santa Mon- vited t o the tea and par ty at the Primary Vote Jar of community entertainment ica &ref mterested. H an Emergency Arises home ot Mrs. James Irvine on the events on the Southland calendar. The qiarina, planned bY the Los ' ---'-§- Irvine ranch on May 1 at which The play starts promptly at _Angele:'4l_ Bureau of Engi~~ng time plans will be outlined for a "A country worth fighting for 2:45 p.m. in Ramona bowl, located under fhe supervisio.n ot '-Oty gigantic flower show , one o( t he is wor th voting tor ," M. C. Her· a mfle and a half from Hemet Engin~ Lloyd AJdr1ch. will be outstanding features of the fair . m ann, quartermaster adjutant, in the San Jacinto mountains. located ·n the Playa del Rey area your Clothing Is Cleaned in Our Plant Which Is Located at ' 1844 Harbor Blvd. OOSTA MESA Members of the Assistance Department ot CallfomJa, of the Here acre5 ot moiintalnside tonns 1 and · be one of the most strik·) League ha)'e announced th at the Veterans of Foreign Wars de-the panoramic stage for the un-in~ f:te installations in this administration building or the ciared today, reminding all vet-folding of one of the greatest coun I er a ns ot their duty to register and formei; ".'-rmy Ai.r . Forces West-vote. love s tories ever written. The asin, intended to accom- ern Flying Tra1n1nit. Command "Am<'ricans fought in many Ramona bowl ts thirty·four modate some 12,000 recreaUonal l t\eadouartcrs on \V. Eight h street 1 ds d 11 to preserve the miles from Riverside and acces-craft, ·u be of horseshcx-sha pe. We Are as Close to You as Yonr Phone 1687-W in Santa Ana has been obtained ,:n 1an ~a seasr li fe As citi-sible from any point in Southern· with in1and reach of 6500 feet for .t~e flower sh?"' and for other ze1:::r ~:t~ransy st~ll m~t fight tor I California in a ma tter ot a few I an~ ·, entra nce and exit Mercury Cleaners & Dyers {'x.h1b1ts. The site of these ex-th Am ·can w ~· of life-voting hours. channel feet long a nd 8(K) hibits is adjacenl to the Santa Ana e _., erit th · 8 · diVl.d al view !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili .. iiiiiiiiii;;;jiiiiiii;;;;'9;;;;.;;Pliliiiii;iiiiillii•••li · · I h h r · acco1 uing o eir in u -~1un1c1pai bow. \V ere ot er air . h Jo ., · hes wtJI events, includiniot the horse shO\Y. point so t atrmr a alrl Y W1S I . choose our o 1c1 s. \.\'111 be cor.ducted. "On shipboard, in billets and Me mbers of thC' lcas:ue from foxholes service personnel agreed Orange, Huntington Beach and America' is the world's greatest Ne\vport Harbor are in charge _or nation, but It was up to all vet- 1 the fl o\\·er sho\v phase of the fair . erans, as post\var citizens, to Off,.r Pr,.mlum~ make the nation even greater I The junior fai r is e:itJ)("ctC'd to through making certain that t he I be the-most elaborate in the his-best pos!fble persons are elected tory of the event. due not only to to office. the Increased intf'rrst in agri-"Your first postwar oppor tunity culture and anima l husbandry. but to help shape state and national also to the a ttracti\"e list of affairs v .. ill be the J une pr imary.I premiums, \vhich will be an-1 By voting, you help present ma- nounCC'd "ithin a short time by jority wishes. If \\-'e don't vote. !air officials. Trntative plans in-we let a smaller number run our 'e lude c-lasses fnr lx'rf cattle, in-I affairs-and \\'C can't criticize if eluding Se\·era l d ivisions for feed-, we don't vote . C'rs and rC'g:is t<'rC'd dairy cattle I "Registration closes Thursday and for S"'inf', \\·ith wand chamir all over California. If you are ions to bf' namr d for <'Reh C'lass ; not registered "'ith your county oth<'r C'ntrirs to he> jurlr.~ inc~u~e I clerk or registrar of voters, yo_u shC'ef). poul lrv and rahh1t dl\'IS-ca n not vote in the June pr1- ions. A p;-i ?r fnr sho,,·n1 nnc:hip r.iaries. If you \Vere · registered also ,,·i ll bf' a,, .. ,rdrd. "·:th fitting in formC'r years. but "·ere over- to count .~n tx'r <'f'n t 2"d shO\Y-S<'as in 1944--check your registra· man.s hip 60 {X'r Cf'n t . tion. l\·lany of the ballots f illed Jn adclit ion to Ora n~" county in overs('as never r eached proper schools, a numl)('r of others out-clC'Ction officials. If yours wasn't side of the countv al50 are ex-received, you must regist~r again. IX'CT"d to i:nrt ;; ·1•!'..', including , Make this checkup a primary mis- Exet'lsior 1-f igh S"hool a t Norwalk: sion in the int('rests of citizen- Bonita Union J-Ii~h at I.a Verne, ship responsibility." and Puen te-and P(\J,JOna J-l igh w ...... FISHINfl UCENS/ES .._ ........ ZS SALMON ECGS f .. Selected SMnon '-'°4't'I for .._ • Qil«. ~·IGCI .. , •• -.......... .. "'"'.....,.,. •-TROUT TICIU.lll •••••••• , ~ ... =~~~-~ .. -...... wazn• a.so Ceattltt htt\caiillll ..... .. :.'I'..:':''"•· ......... 7U .. IHANNON ISUO TWIN 5'1NND ••••• •. , -. ~D~·~ ........ 'H-. DAT PNX CllASSHOPPDS ~:.~:.: :: .. ~.~ J91t P,imo Cuttyh ... Uu Q-.....,..,,. ... •••d BH -4S·lt>.-... ---TlOUT FLIES In a Vorioty of T)llOS ond Colors Highland Pk. Woman Placed on Probation 1\vo girls, accused of stealing the car ot Edward R ichardson of Balboa for a joy ride, Dorothy GraCt' ~lartin, 19, of Temple City and Elaine Enright. 18. of High- land Park, \\'ere placed on proba- tion for three yean and ordered to pay $300 damages for the car in Superior court this week. The tt1 artin girl will serve 15 days in jail and the Enright girl 30 days. Drive Carefully-Spare a Life. ........ CAST OF 300 GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Smoked Turkey • Smoked Fish ComE AND OTHEI VALUES Airway Coffee ChO!ceot ,.., . -.... Miid ~. 3-lb. podtage, Sic. Edwards Coffee R.eoutar. ~ -Nwr-lud grind. , ... ... • Regular or Drip grind, 2-lb. jar, 5k.. Nob Hill Coffee ,"i!:, !: CirOf.n:I to Ofdw. 2-lb. poclloge, 46c. Peanut Butter = 'i!' Plain Ovaltine '; 34 Chocolote OwdtlN, ·---Jar. J4c-PWn Owortine, , ...... Jar. 61c. Chocoklte 0wottna. 16-0I. jar, 6Jc. Evaporated Mille . !: , Oiwwb lrond. 2 ""°" .... 9c.: Tomato Juice '!: Sunny Down .and. 46-oz. can. 20c. Cocoa Marsh Syrup'::"- Kibbled Dog Food ':: AJlbrMd'1 Stand. S-lt. pocboe, Ste. Roma Wine Port, Mu.:otel and 9*Ty. lb. IEW POTATOES Fancy quality, ffqyorful First ol the Season! I New Reels White Rose 1 lb. 8° lb. Lifebuoy Soap 3-» Toilet Soap ~--2 _ 11- Shdmpoo •'=..,""' :::; al" Sunbrite Cleanser '!:" .. Bon Ami Powder ·---1z. -Cleanser ,,.C:. 2 '!:' I .. LWhi"teMagicBleach .. • Y.i ootkln. 17c. GoUor\ 29c. Turco Tay Cleaner ':: 21- AR P'#P*~· ~MuleTeamBorax;: 23"' S-.. podnge. S4c. R . Dr w-cnn ops ....... Liquid Bluing Mrs. St...art'1 lranct. Set also these Prodtct v••: RHUBARB ._ ___ _ -·--· ASPARAGUS ....... : ........... ....... ................. . CElERY 6-. ................. .. ........ ,, ....... lETTUCE .... ................. ..... .......................... ,.., GRAPEFRUIT .......... 'I,...._ .... I I 9 -.. \'llalllla c. lEMONS ................... -. ............. .. l5· 1 .. caws AND WAfRE MIX 100% Bran · ': ':; • I CS.OZ. PCldtooe, 16c:. ~ Raisin Bran '=-'!:II• S . ---1 .. 1t?nDna wofflt.., ,... 20-0&. II II koge, 9c. UMB BRUS Me.a11.o deljcioua, tender lllld Jaiey Note 1_ priee: WND· SAIRllAUI' Libby Sauerkraut "!:" I .. Can-A Sauerkraut "!:" I .. Sauerkraut "'.: I .. PORK SAUSAGE 1•1111 I• ~•Iii.. LH ... lr.,.•tr 3 ...-... .................... .. Aldsirt SmHh,. S..C.. I' Y.w1 • ..... ,._..... I ' OIM D CJICIDI, 1W1. •T J\T LINI DalUIMC .•• ... IN-1 Z5¢ fllH STllNCtl....... ... r.:;:o SCAUI .•..•.•• , . zu .., SCH NILL 'S PIING fO, CASTING Wtlc:MT. • . • • - ~~·,~············· 10¢_ 911JH 4 • Roast Meats • Sweet Picl<les • Fresh Sel1ds • Brandied Fruits • Maraschlno Cberriea FRYERS "-Ycft 1tr1s ~ • ..., . .............. _ .. ,._,_ ,.....,., ....... ti' t ·., Ir • ....... ,.......... . .... ~ ..... ~. .. ..... ·: AllDKwN Chifl!n .! Noodles '::0-179 Corned Beef Hash '!: 219 • - • ~Galore SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher Vegetables Better Meats Fancy Groceries 245 ·Forest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH ·-ii Fl (&• ... , iOIDllS FOi TUllEYS SllOlU .. PIACID AT lWT TWO DAIS INADYANCE. . ................. Luncheon Meat =.i '!:': R ~1 _.. ··-21 U""6W!'JiM• ... fllphlo .. • llOWSIS Dark Molasses i::-19' ...... ~GreMLclMI: Light Molu sii = * --·--..- " • • I i j. • • ' : . l ' • • . . K&WW M 1 1MlA ·-. --' i WATCH FOR '"' NEW I Medical Economic Security SUNDAY•ilLDD[ Program Gets Underw~y ~p::Wfu't Wai e· affve ~:'ti= lit ~r::~~~~ New Verse Book Cla e or 4 By Liquor Mogul P~an=~~~ .aid NEW . YORK. -Announeemont Cap"n' Don Dickerman"s plans the limp bed sheet and the la WU mode Wedneoday of the pub-St f E for opening an 'exclusive supper .dry-f~ed summer dreu MAY 5 10 CENTS At N.,.. S<ands, Your Town 10 CENTS • ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY SUNDAY PAPER FREE LECfURE Oil Christian Science Christian Science: Its Subject - - -Revelation of the Kingdom Within. Lecturer - - Place --- - Time ... -•• - CLAYTON B. CRAIG, <l.8.11. of ClncbmaU, Ohio I NEWPORT HARBOR UNION man SCHOOL AUDITORIUM M U. and lrvtne 81-to CoetaMeM Sunday Afternoon, April 28 at 8:00 o'Clock Under the Amploes of Ftnt Church or Christ, Sdeatlst, of Newport Beach, Callfomla ALL ARE 1CORDIALLY I NVITED hlaaguniloa of a Statewide"~ ottert.c -.Beal-llcatlon of "Poems for Radio." • a ' xams club and nltery. on the bluffa above the dioci>very of a MW plu economic eecurity to tbe people of onla tlm-" vohm-national antholoeY of veno, which llayahore Camp· on the Newport-textile treatment which gives f tary health lmaranc:e WM ~ today by tbe Califonda lncludos the ,....k of c;,_ Shat-Laguna highway were g1.,,., a se-ric:s a permanent "stud>" Medleal Al90d•Uoa, +h-.... Ha _..._. Dr. ...,..._ K. tuck Ball, 105 18tb St., New-t vere jolt this week by the Board fected by laundering or dry elm~ -..._.. ,__., --r Beach. SA • April 25.-The of Equalization's thumbs down on lng . Gllmu! · Thia 'IJ6.pop book. edited and S tate ~ Board announced the club'• on-tale liquor ll""nte The new synthetic resin, published by Poetry Hoome, fee-today t the California l'ftl-a pplication. nounced today by the Unit The campaign will be financed plan enrollment. 'Ibe campaip tures the vene of such diltin-dence ulttment hu been re--Donald a. Dickeman noted S tates Rubber Campany. is and spearheaded by the medical ls being d.ittcted by the Call-culabed American poets u Gene-moved or four examinations restaurant and rilgbt club oper.:1-pletely lnviaible oo the fabric profession wtth the support of the fomia Committee .for Voluntary vleve Tauard. Allee Sto6e Black· which be he1d in May. 'D'leY. tor and quite an authority on so indelibly merged with the insurance industry and hundreds Health Insurance, coordinating well, Mabel W in& CuUe, ~ary a.re: M 14, Occupational Ther -pirate .Jore, and Frank lL Co-We cloth that the starchy wttuj,.. of civk and fraternal organ1%a-th• work of medical. boopltal and Morris Duane, Antoinette Scud-apist, G ade 1, $180 a month; burn, an Annapolis-graduate-tum-remains permanent throul:h lions. I t will radiate into every insurance groups and scores of der, Bayka R uaaell and others. May 16, Junior Cinical Psychol-ed-bandleader have been laboring weather conditions. sectlol" of the st ate throu1h a state-wide organlz:atkml which "The growth of p:>ety on the ogia:t, ~°' and Senior CllnJcal on their cuiaways club fer the series or "Voluntary Health Imur-successfully foucht medical ~gl-air," write the editors. "has been i'sychol"'1st. $315 ; aiid May 18, post several months and 'thole Blood Pl S I ance Weeki" In each of th• 58 mentatlon bills In the last leglsla-a remarkable and gratltylnc Senior 1!l1'heries Biologist, $255. who have been lnsi&. the still un-88JD8 . urp California counties this year and ture. phenomenon to behold. Approx!· One l1ar of ttS!dence In Call-flnlshed establishment , bave ..... Made Available for next. _ ·~ wru be a auaade to take mately 200 atatlons now fnb.D'e • fornia ately. prior to the ported that decorations and em· Em C Opening J1UnS In the campaign the economic •hock out of Wness poetry, broodcUt. We-h_AW fuh-date of the examination la re-bellishments are unique. ergency 88e8 were fited yesterday ln Oran1e or injury," Dr. Gilman explained. ioned Poems for RadJo IO that Quired I r the following tests: But the annouDoed th& county with the start of wee.k-"The medical proteak>n ta con-broadcuten everywhere will find May 4 : Offlce Manager, De-their a uc!:' for on:.sale beer~ Orance county hu rec:etved ta long voluntary health insurance tributing heavily both of It. 1uffident material for their pro-partme of Insurance, $315; Ex-wt . .:: ll ll had been tint allocation ot blood pluma or programs. Next week the drive money and itS en~. to encour-crams." hlbit paratw, $240; Military ~~ U • .:iu::uc :..':ruence and' civilian use ma d e av e swtnp to Santa Cruz COUJ'lty, Qty age every Callfomla dtiz.e.n to lnstruc , $220; Tranaportatlon neceuJty do not Wa.JTant lAuance through the Red ere. and V· and county offlciall, civic lead-•nroll 1n a llOUnd voluntary health Many Full-Time Reinse~tatlve, Rallr:oad Commls-of ~-" ed from the 1tate clepCrtment of era county medical IOdetleo 1J>. Insurance plan." lion, SiflO ; and Deputy State. health, accordlnc . to Dr. ; sur'ance and fraternal leaden' and More than 3.000,000 Californians Jobs Open For Sealer, f190. Lee Rlmell, county health . repretentativea of California now participate In voluntary May 1.16= Phannadst, $240; Elliott and Classen The plaana, which II Ill Physicians' Service, a CMA at-health Insurance plans. The C!:MA Vets Jn I.. A. Junior ~ Ubrarian, Sl!IO: · Camp Start New Well from the armed farceo, 11 a • tillate, will participate. goal la to extend membenhlp to Cook , St60; Supervising Telephone ~ble to all physlc:lans at any tbe Twenty counties will conduct u near 100 per cent of the 1tate'1 More than 600 full.time jobo for ~~';ii~ =i:.. °!;'"i:: In West Newport and rio charp may be ma?iby separate, localized campaicns th1a pc>pulatlon u lt ls poalble to war veterana and their wives are ~ f'L.'.. t $l!50 e docton for the pluma al . h year, with .similar drives .mm. achieve. Dr. Gilman dted present now open In the u. Angela: Vet-Mne~Y 'i\'9~• ~~or Arclutectural Elliott and Oauen ,QU company they will be allowed to c:harce or Wed for the remaining 38 coun-enrollment fieures u, health and erana' AdminlJ:t:raUon omen:, ac--Drat . . S39S ; Junior Aquatic have started a well ~ West New-adm1.nl.lterln& lt. Dr. R~ 1 ties 1n 1947. accident Insurance plans, 1,900.-cording to L. c. Oiapnan r... B' 1 $2lO· T 11 Coll port to be known as the Ikeda All '-ltltals, ambulanas. I te Public mass meetings. new. 000; hoapttal plans, 230,000 and gional director. ' m1:n 0 ;., $200; s u:ervising: ~: well, the only one reported. ready hl1hway patrol cars and paper and magazine advertiaing, pre--pald medic.al care plans, 871,-He urged student veterans and culati ~M chi 0 t $180 for drilling 1n the county last buasea will carry a supply ot and r adio and other educational 000, making a total of 3,001,000. thetr wives to supplement their Cal~a ·ing a ~aechi~ra ~~rator~ week. ma· for emersenclea. media will be used to drive home subsistenL"e allowance by accept-$150; bulating Machine Opera-r;;===·=================+;: the benefits or voluntary health Gov. warren Will Be Ing these positions. tor, sift>; Junior Tabulating Ma- SHOES PTA C G t f'ull-tlme jobs for doctors, 1o-chine ~rator, $130; Building Ongre88 UeS S cial workers, dieticians, training Maintenance Man, $170 ; Jackham- officen, nurses, m eu attendants; mer O~rator, prevailing r a te; F irst official event of the 47th hospital attendants and' all types Powder a n, prevailing rate,· and Annual convention of the Call-of cler ical workers are offered. Hlghwa Equipment Cleaner, $150. Repaired Whlle You Wait Teachers in San F~anosco Wlll be downtown office ot the Veter ans' States citizens. Applications fornia Congress of • P~ents. and Application may be made at the All a~plicants must be United P the state board dinner , Tuesday Administration 1041 South Broad-should filed with the board's Ray agan evening, April 30, in the ballroom way, the west Los Angeles of-offices t Sacramen to, Los An-515 East Bav Front or t he Palace hotel. Among the r;.,.,, 1380 Sepulveda Blvd ., or at geles or San Francisco 16 days J.. special guests invited to the din· the nearest United States Employ· ~fore lhe date of the exarruna-Next. door to Ba.y View Cate Se · 1r· tion 9 a. m. to e p. m. ner are Governor and Mrs. Earl ment rvtce o ice. · A SCOOP!! ' Genuine Stainless Steel I Warren. The great influx of veterans to =;======~======================================~ Southern California has caused !I the critical shortage or help in the Veterans' Administration, Wha has become of those wary ones w o feared the Labor Gov· ernmenJ landslide in Br itain would mean <;loser ties with Soviet Rus- sia ?--qtu'istian Science Monitor . .Teaspoons Its Your Hospital, Folks! Some 20,000 people, perhaps 30,000 by the time it is ready, reside within five miles of the contemplated Presbyterian Hos- pital. This refers only to the people in the Harbor district, and if you expand to a radius of 10 miles you can easily add 50,000 more. To date a few more than 300 have subscribed ot the fund which is still many thousands of dollars short .. oJ realization. Yet virtually every family within the area is a potential patient-you never know when and how sickness w!l1 strike. It 3.000 families . would each subscribe $10, the $30,000 would more than complete the program, and ce r- tainly $10 is not a grea t deal in times like these and the best insurance for health you can secure. Won't you send in your pledge TODAY? Or better still fill out the coupon below and pin a check or two fives to it and you will have taken another step toward a sorely needed project, one that a healthy person does not need, but a sick one must have In • that hour of peril that makes us ·all do our utmost to save anr protect a loved one. _ Please Do It NOW, folks! In consideration of the greet need for another hospital In Orange OJunty, I hereby promise to pay to the- PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY (Non Profit -Open to All Faiths -Class Al The sum of $ ... --··--·-···········-·-·····-------.. -·payable as follows: $._. __ _ $·----- $·----- Date ' Slgnature .. . .~ 'Ibis subscription ls valid only if 80% d. the $500,000 gOl!l ls attained Please mak~ 'Cbedcs payable to: Pt _.,...., ... B1 ;'1111 el 0.-...-o-.lJ', Jae. and mall to the Ouunber ol ()lnvnHCe, N""'J>Or< Beech, Calif. G;fu an ckductibk for lnrom< 'T"" purpooa "' J>Yv""kd lry law. Tblll 8t-e C-trlbated by WHtl'L'S OOFFIZ SHOP ) • Chapman said. Only 77 Cases Of Illness in Harbor Area There were only 77 cases of communicable disease9 in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach during t he two weeks enlung April 20, Dr. F..dward Lee Russell, Orange county health officer, said ln his county-wide report yeste rday. Costa Mesa rep:>rted seven cases of German measles, five cases of ordinary measles, three cases of chickenpox and one each of mumps and syphilis. Newport Beach rep:>rted 42 cases of measles, 12 of chickenpox. three of German measles, two of gonorrhea and one of mumps. . Newport Heigbta reported one case each of chickenpox and measles. Sell r tha t unwanted article lhroug~ News-Times aas. fJquor Store • Booll and Roy -I , and~. Bal- Ploone 111 Friday and Saturday Only c Each Buy One or a Dozen TURNER'S YOUR ELECTRIC APPWANCE DEALER Since 11128 205 W. 4th St. -SANTA ANA -Phone ll So. Calif. Auto Cl b 24-Hr. Sendee United Motor Service ' ' I Announces Agency for 1 I I I Gasoli"85 and Oils NI· ow Open Sundays and Weekdays 8Lm.to9p.m.. P ne 6.17 - - -1740 Newport Blvd.~ COSTA MESA .. •• ( McKinsey Gets Jost in Harbormaster's Office Employm ent of Willia m H. Mc- Kil\S{'y as assistant harbor master In the City of Newport Beach at a salary of $212 a month was auth- orized by the city council f\.'londay, The new time-and-energy 1over that lets you talk from ;room-to-room, office-to-ol- flee, ~ between ony two • locations y04J choose up to r.~ . ~ffftoPQrt.S.eittoday. Newport Electric Appliance Co. ·194 6 PH IL Co· ' 5 J p·o rt ab I e Radio -B.at·teries ' ditife I I mm:,,;verY Philco Ponable Rocflo ao-1os a,. buflt to drlfv rr long. trouble-fret ..me. at oxcoptlonally low coot. 11-y abo Im-1M .,.nor-nco of any ponable rodlo. Tob odvontogo of this oppo<tunlly to ""' .,_ portoble radio ill ~ . ~ -by,;; ;i; ;;; ~ f\ac• ,.,, 1 19'16 ··~ PH/l(() li~D/0$ .. JOHI F~ VOGEL 180Jllla8t. ··-• n iu;wEOWr •• ,..,,. R&...xc•• ••e* •? • 0:•• , n 1 " .,.. -. 1111 MILLION PER.SO'S~ l'"ll,fURED New Un.Ion Padllc Eqolpme11t Mn. H. C. O'Doane is a -guest for a few days at the home of her slster, Mrs. Flora Stein, 2345 Orange avenue, Costa Mesa. IN THE UPERIOR COURT OF THE~ATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN . FOR THE COUNTY OF 0 GE. Action tfought in the Superior Court qt the County of Orange. and Cdrnplaint filed in the Of- fic(. of e Clerk of the Superior Court f said County. CITY 0 Munici C.Orporation of the sixth us, Plaintiff, va. A.G. MICH, et al. Defend- .. ants. The National Safety Council tt- ports on traffic accidents: 'The toll (or 1945 \\·as 28,500 killC'd. One million persons were injured, !k>,- ()(X) of '-''hom suffered some per· rna.nent disability:-Direct economic Jos.s from these accidents. includ- ing wage losaes, meclical expense, overhead insurance and property da mage is estimated at $1,450,- 000.000." Soda fountains, barber shops and r----------.,..,-----lf----.!..-..:.::......:.:., showers will be highlights for transcontinental train passengers in the vuy near future. Lido neatre Phone %114 NOW SHOWING MOM'• Wonderfal Tuneful Mmlcal of tbe \\-1Jd Westl rnnv GAJUAND 1n "The Harvey Girls" i.rto-T.r ..... -.r! with JOHN BODIAl1 Uld • b!J eaat! Su.ada,T tlu'a Wetzz s«a.J- lt'a tlU..-l.ft'lc! "The Road to Utopia" BlllC er-, . -._ ... oD!!llty I Ill' George F . Ashby, president of the Union Pacific railroad, an- nounced that the Union Patific has just p1aced an order for sixty- five aluminum superstructure pas- senger train cars. The new equJp. ment, which wt1J be built by the American Car and Foundry cmri- pany or St. LoWs, Mo., will cost $6,000.000. Balboa neatre PboDe !8 NOW SHOWING -% F1nt Bas vi-t """" Star of "D_.,..wyck" - 1'7Mllutla "SHOCK" ........ "Ft":n7 o'fih:w~ sma.7 tllrw Weitz1 'l __.,,.. .. AMlot& • Cw' • bl. "The Naughty Wmeties" -I . Vu.a If--"Star in the Night" la 1lwk• w Oaee '1rt AND DON'T 11111111 "The BeDs of 8~ ~'~ Give yourself truly ''professional'' hair care ... at bmiit with ta..:O . .:., 5utN """~., ....... ,.0 .. 1· .... • • . <ruled IC< ,..., ,.,tia.w nttds. Yoa1r'k mclwiccd w;di llw now '-linen of hait fa•~ ct.a, dollaf>tlully soft . ""' ...... ...,.to_!_ OtllN-suen.. c-.......... _...,_ ,,,.,,,_, "" .. ,...... r 11• a-ft'rt fOfl .. ,,,,,_,..,OdA o . c..... '-"a Ill ~-... 1 .... ...,., ..... ,._ . ..... ___ _,.. . --~-·-­/Dz ,_,,..c..e....._. , .... . . ... "'•• ,. "'~.,.-=~nr , --.... ,_..,\ <!ft.lit ' I ..... ' -.. •• n ~~~~Mil The We8t" .... . . ,. ..,_ C 2 s '11&NftM&N!l'AL IOtra· "I>oll ...,___,, -• .... •1 PT' "a - Nll:r, .. AILO& T•m A .l'-=:oi:: BAJ.BO& l'IJAWAOY !iii#rit. l'RAPMACI' WOK'' •ADW&M'l'VW", -Da6.· TJac Jt..a Sfo1. . r •-n r...__ ooN1rYcr ~ l!'Oir 00 -' •• •..;. t-=-c':---Ollltnl m 0:: n:=t :'i.4~ -· "lllTTY" '-rhe Lollt Weekend" -.. ~ -I '===========================~I --------------t•-----------------+-----------' • n n J • n • • For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE • It's the • 23rd -& Ph. Central 2600 ,{Lfl---..... ........... ,_ .... Illa ...... . -... Cl 7 c a a ..... ._.~ ___ ... __ ,..... .. ............. ........... --- • GIVI YOUR-IJD A. •=1-AUTf~Q . Y• ._ ..... youndf to a paicct, ao&, wma!Jool.;ng ~-done. • ...... _ .. o:bm: hows ..... wdh tho .... ....iy ..... _ Crowning Glmy CaW w ... l'emwwnr SoluQom , • , Simpl, pat ,.... Mir in cwfm, clampM wt. .... .w. c-.m. Glmy -i. ia --..... ,... ,,,,. • ., ,... bow • .....,_ .. ._...,to• la,... .. _ •• -... ..,. FF F """.,.. --.. -CllOWNING GLORY! . :'\.A I .,,_. ... ? SMJ'I' n.a ·a-......-czcw ,. 1 ... ).. a M i't !i&WW PR•PM•cr n. Jl-11 Seo.. 21111 TIOiiii -r..t -· -·1 I k • ·. J • ' I' I • • Neither Air nor Sea Could Keep Balboan Away from His Bride Gust Trucking 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Phone N pt. Bch. 975 -.. IDsun>d Air-Time Research Sal .. -~ -Sorrlce 1120 0out Bl..t., eo .... del a1u Temporary Phooe, lJejl' 654 La· &UM Beach: Phone Nl&ht, 1l36:l I l..a&UD&Beech ANNOUNCING The Stan of- DAILY LIVE BAIT BOAT TRIPS ~'--- ~,~ From th< 'THE NEW Newport Pier ''ZOOTZME II'' Leaves Daily at 7:00 a. m. -. KeJU. Rima e CHARTER BOATS AVAILABLE Lessor 179'7 Newport Blvd ·Broken Lenses Duplicated Gia rs ea AdJaoied • E.T. Butterwortll, 0. D. ' Silt WM& Clelltnl ftOM IMl • 11:'4 rhp by Appolathert Coast ·Assn. Ill Sandy F. MacKay 'That's All • Lite -Aato -Fin ~' .. ~tll --~­I..WIOH7 -A- Jl'ldelHJ' .. Sue~ - wmGSANGBOAT&RBPAlltYARD 811 Cout ~ 101 • • - PLR1•w,..._ . ...................... " .. ,... ..... hr !We -Psddle Bu .. ,_ ... .,. ........... _ .. ---. ' Attention. S. L. FRANKLIN 2818 Central. Ph : 1781-W · 32-tfc -... ,. ..! • • • . . FOR . SALE-Motor boat, l~ft. runabout. with Johnson rtt<?tor· like new; boat completely ~ ped., Ide-al for bay or lake. cuh. 1600 East Central ~ve .• Balboa. 21-tfc FOR SALE-20 h.p. Marine DeJool. like aew. Half original COi~ Call Newport 22M-W. 14-tfc N I• . I .di 1-- • .• . ·-11 ·----. -··· . •az~•Mao& ·~---- . .r.;., . .,_ < . -. ,. • • I· . ( ' -··· 111181CAL • :&&DIO " WAN'l'SD TO BENT &I ~u~·~·:.· ~-~~n~ ____ _:•~1~r~·~L~-~T~&~'l'I&:!_ ____ __!!., ~-~·~·~· -~,~·~-~====~n~u~··~·~~~=====~"' -··· .... WANTED-To nnt Portabk Sew· ·' 1.1 FOR SALE-Fine amall. walnut, Ing. Machine. Call ~-32-2tc Studio Upright Plano. $175.00.1 -===::;,;..-===---=-== I 212 Amethyst. Ba11roe. Jal•ncl WANTED TO RENT or LEA.SE, BROSE R,J:A ... TY . Corona del Mar HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors .1 I .i N-0-W S-E-L-L-1-N-G-! 32-2tp small hou3e or apt., Harbor area ====-:::--:;-::.,,.---,,..-,,.,., bland preferred. Pay $200.00 STEINWAY Grand. 11.i.e new, one bonus. PennaMDL Blainesa HOMES OUTSTANDING VALUE! NEWPORT BEACH •I i. I Ii , of the world'• ere.tat pianoL couple. no children. c/o Newz... Gcrceous tone. Beautiful cue, Tuna. Box "E" 33-4tp Thlt ts an lnltrummt for the dlscrlmlnatin& buyor. Danz-HOW ABOUT trading homes for Schmidt Plano Co., 520 No. Main a month or so .this summer? We Santa Ana. S.tfc would like a place at the beach. Wouldn't you like one high in Beautiful Altadena'!' Convenient to everything, yet quiet and restful. Reference exchanged H. H. Watson, 2354 N . Garfield, Altadena. Ph. SY 43382. 33-4tp llADlO HOUilE CA.LLB -N- tbal -competont --nlc.l&na are a•a.Uable., we are able to -_,,ic. -... large cOuol•. All •orlr: (U&RDteed. HAROLD L. HA MM &. 0 . 8. Racllo, 300 Marine Aw.' Ph: 'llD. WANTED• TO RENT J uly and ll~tfc August, four bedroom house. ------=---'.'.":: Good location. Balboa Wand, _DOG __ s.-c __ AT8 __ a_Prn1 _____ 11 Newport or Balboa. Responalble FOR SALE-Purebred roWe pup-parties. E. F . Green, Box 658, pies. 20312 S. W. Cyprea St., Palm Springs. 33-ltp East of Country Oub. Afl6 5:30. 32-4te I l8!!!E!:4!!1!:_-_!Ell!T!;A~TE~------_:'~' I llPSCIAL ANN011Nllii•iiN1'.8. BALBOA MCYnlERS DAY -Give her a OCEAN FRONT Canary and Ca&e-Love-Birds, 3-bedroom home. ~ Parrok:eets, gray and white Excellent location. z.tn-u. ~ E . Central Ave.. $17,500.00 Balboa. 32-8tc KEYS Made While You Walt VOOKL'8 100 Kala 8t., -208 Karine, Bal __ N-V• Carpenters Available ror So--1 malnt....,,.,. . """._... o. z. 11o•awraoN can Jlewp..t a BALBOA ISLAND 3-bedroom home. Near Bay Front. Plus Rental Units. Furnished. $15,000.00 COSTA MESA 3-bedroom home on Lot 63x275. Furnished. $9,750.00 SEE US FOR GOOD BUYS IN INCOME PROPERTY LARGE BEACH AND HARBOR VIEW LOTS * All sb\!et paving completed * All aewers ooostructed * Water ---Gas • • -Electricity * Residential restrictions ACT NOW If you want to Invest In a deslr· able type of Beach View property, located above the Miracle Mlle section of Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (Courtesy to real estate broken) R-A-L-P-H Phone 402 . See P. M-A-S-K-E-Y 3410 Coast Blvd. Newport Beach 33-ltc -H. M. Lane Real Estate FOR SALE-- Balboa Island Modem, new, completely turntah- ed, 2 bedroorm. JOHN E. SADLEIR 2006 Court Ave .. Opp. Oty Hall 302 Main St., Balboa Phone 343 Special 1WO BEDROOM HOME, UTH OF HIGHWAY - --an ex · y attractive home In an excellent location, very attrac- tive living room with real fi '~lace; good size kitchen, two bedrooms a )d one bath. Has single garage and addi · storage space. House is well constructed, plas- tered Interior, has just been J]· pletely re-decorated, Including new · leum In kitchen, floors carpeted, ~ Completely and cha.mllngly furnished . lljot 30 ft. by 118 ft. Immediate possessionj Full Price $8500. J erms C>THER FINE HOMEST VERY CHOICE LOCA TI S LOTS WE HAVE, AT TIIE r TIME, A VERY GOOD SELECI'iOl OF FINE LOTS FROM $1500, AND ill . . * LISTINGS W~ '* BROSE REAtTY 1307 Coast Highway · -c/>rona del Mar PhoneN.B.~ SPECIALS THIS WEEK I . 33-1tc Channel Corner Lot $5000 Established RestaW'l'Ilt and 4-room apt. TELEPHONE OPERATING PAYS GOOD WAGES Phone 2034 Lots' \ Lo-1 Lots'. · 33-ltc • ts· $12,500 -Terms - Bay Front house, wide lot, pier Hamburgers & Malts and float, unf11rn., immediate Living quarters and 2 apts on pouesslon. ( ~ch. A real money maker. $50,000 T trally located AT CORONA DEL MAR Newport Beach Choice Lots ~;'l':e-s~'-:'1:!,t!'."· · suoo No experience necessary Earn while you learn There are many other advantages to bei'ng a telephone employee. Well Located Coast Blvd. & Ocean ... ----·-· 1500 $1500 Central Ave. lot zoned for -Costa Mesa Home Gertrude A. Waldron 2 Bedrooms. Expensive furnl- W m. W. Sanford, Broker ture. Garage. Immedi ate pos- H~e on Channel · bed. 4 Rooms Priva pier. Gar. 6 yrs. old l Comer lot. l ediate possession -multiple family .... ,. .............. 3000 W. J . HOLCOMB Ocean Front 30x75 to 1517 Coast Highway 15-foot alley .......................... 1700 308 Marine A venue session. On highway. Lot Corona del Mar Ocean Front, Seashore Phone 234-R 31-tfc 50x150. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514% N. ltfaln St., Santa Ana or A.Bk the operator for the Olief Operator Southern California Telephone Compa11y lS.tfc No Delaf Re:ttnish yoW' kttctum ,bathroom wtth new tile board. ''\-Vhere the Flags Fly" 32-2tc Colony ···············-··················· 1250 J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone 516 Two bedroom home Ocean Front, 3200 Blk ........... 3000 Peninsula Lot with Bay view on Ocean Blvd. near point. ................... 3500 52~-ft. on Ocean Blvd., ocean view ........................... 4750 on west side of town : par:t.Iy fur- nished; 11 or an ac= of land: Newport Heights garage: 50 hens; chicken and 50x117 on Santa Ana Ave ....... 1500 rabbit equipment ; electric brood-View Comer, SOx.143 ....... _ ....... 2000 er . H ouse has jw;t been painted. 2 good lots on Riverside each 1500 Full price $5450 45xl05 on Broad Str..,t'. ......... 17s<l One Full Acre On Harbor Blvd. Close in. $5500 Cash - · Costa Mesa 45x114 on Wilson near Newport Blvd. ...................... 750 50x140.7 on Rochester ............ 2100 -. 2 Small Houses . On Lot Zoned for Buslneu $10,500- Choice Bay Front Lot Priced Ri&h t 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar $18,600 Income Property 2-8edroom House and 4 Small Rental Unlo Ocean Front Blvd. Lot $3000 -Income Property Houses Houses Houses F. P. Waldron • On Newport Blvd. 2 stores, 3 aptl. 2 bedrm .. dbl. gar .. ocean front, W L JORDAN Telephone 234W. 3-4te all furnished. Corner lot, 53x15Q. Newport. $7500. · · BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES •o Full price--700 Eut C..ntral, Balboa ·-$15 000 3 bedrm. home, lot 100x117. Aver ____ P_h_o_ne_153 ___ JO._tfc STUDY AT HOME-Real Estate _•_ cados. truit. All fenced, on Santa Ucense. Quick results. Guaran· A A Np H E 1 occu tee. :108 Security bid .• Pasadena. 2 Bedroom Home na ve.. · · · ar Y • tf pancy. $7500. »-c On Broadway, only 5 ye&.1' old. _ -----------Double garage, hardwood floors. Ocean Front stucco S.bdrooms., 2 Pla~tic Mf~. Business $10,500 baths, sun deck & shower. E . of FOR SALE -Newix>rt pier . Possession June All machinery and equipment and Furnished 15 $21 000 4 months supply of material. · · · _ . Large ordero being shipped 2 Bedroom Home Stucco rental>, heart of Balboa. weekly. One person can operate East side of town. 2 lots, each 7 rooms. 4 apts. Net.I $250 iK>· business. Nets $150 weekly. Ex· 50x150. Hardwood floors, tile Price $25,000. cellent opportunity. $6500. Nova kitchen and bath, double garage. Novelty Co .. 219 Magnolia Ave., Wall heaters. 8 x 16 rumpus Balboa Island income. Near ferry Costa Mesa. 33-3tc room. Ba~k yard all fenced. GBJ'· landing. 3 apts., s rooms, annual FOR &ENT f.l den. frwt ~· berries. This receipts $4000. Price $25,000. home was built in 1941, and Lt _ SPACE FOR RENT-2 rooms and like new. Bea.utilul &-unit modem apt.s. near garage for offlce ar shop. Bal-Priced at $12,000 Udo Theater and water front. boa Island. Phone 764. 32-4tc -Shown by appointment. SLEEPING ROOM with kitchen 1!? Acre on Newport Ave. pri\1.leges for breakfast, for rent Near 22nd St. Good soil. Location Fine 2·bedrm. home on Cliff Drive. BUILD NOW LOW COST HOMES Be Sure and See Models At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona de! Mar Phone 886--W Salesman Will Call PICO BUILDING MATERIALS to business woman. 316 On:hid o.k. for business. Unobltructed view of Ocean and A''e., c.orona del Mar. Phone $2650 . Bay. ~pa.ncy end of escrow. -.ttc 169. 30-tfc _ $13,000. _ ----------- ' ROOM FOR RENT-Twin beds. Ten Acres $5 per person or $10 lingle, per Vacant land on Santa lJabel £t., nlghL 217 Via Dtjon, Udo Isle. in Costa Mesa. ----c=-=-......,--29-,...-tfo $10,500 R OOM FOR RE?\'T -In priva te - home, for employed single gen· Furnished -See- Fred Briggs or Danny Head with tleman. Call at 527 Redlands, 2-bedroom Hnme Newport Heights. 33-ltc On ~ acre, near ?-;e~rport Bl,·d. 33-ltc H. M. Lane Real Estate '2006 Court Ave. -Phone 343 Opposite Oty Hall WM'TED TO BENT U Chicken equipment. ---------~-W~To rent for summer $8,000 EVA F. RHODEN F. S. OWEN Newport Heights Beautiful rftidence or income. 3 rentals, 2 lou. Price $11l,500-Y2 cash Residence & 1 Rental Near ocean. Immediate possession. $iO,OOO-l/2 cash 1 to 3 bedrooms. Ocean Front -- °"near. Write Mrs. John Buck· J. E. Barnes & Son Santa Ana Heights Five Acres--Costa Mesa ln.gham. 605 So. Oak Knoll, Pas-1806 Newport Blvd. 2 bedroom house on % acre. Hu adena 5.. 32-2tp Costa fl.tea Phone 516 garage wtth washroom. West .side, with 4-room house A 33-l '.c .. 6500 double zarage. WANTED TO RENT-:Z-ar 3 bed-.. $12 500--lf: cash room house, turlllshed. f0< 2, 3 -----------Santa Ana Heights ' _ 2 or 4 weeks. Island proferr"'1 REAL VALUES 2 bedrm. houle with 2-<:ar pra&e Exclusive RESIDENTIAL LOT on Mrs. Smit.h, 1078 S. Ogden Dr .• 2.bedroom home. ,,, a~. nice and extra room. on % ure. Sev· Balboa Penlnsula- L. A. 35. Phone collect \VH!tney leV<'l lot. Nicely landscaped. Thill era! fruit "-· Quick pou. $3000 8169. 32.Stc Is a steal at only-· $7600 - WANTED TO RENT-B'y teacher. $7950-Terms C sta M Duplex & 5-room House anal.I tum.. house or apL by -0 esa On one lot. Good lncame. Santa J\me 1 for 3 adults. &n)"ll>'here ~bedroom home. t.i acre. 350 lay· 2 btda'OOlll,,. house with garage on Ana- tn Harboc area. l'ennanenL Call Ins hem, brooder house & oqulp-~ acre. Loe:. just few blod<a $9000 Corona del Mar IC:bool 2110. ment. A eood home and income. tram shopping center on eut 32-tfc In good distrkt-Nicely land-side- $6800 F . S. OWEN (Broker l Ltt MATTHEWS, Salesman 509 31st St.. Newport Beach ===-=-=-===:-::---:-:---:--sca.pt'd. Lots of shrubs and naw-W ANT TO LEASE--2 or 3 bedrm. ers. This· is really a bargain. house• Pnmanent. no ehlldrftL Exclusive listing. Full price only Pay to s100 per month. Box "B" .. 8750-Terms Nf'"A'S~'nmn. 31-4tp .P BEYERL Y lflU.S """Pie deo¥'e We also have nice building lots .. permanent cottq:e or apart· low as $750 and up. We are here ment, Balboa or vicinity. Mrs. to serve you. J . W. Robinsoo, Newport Beach - 7f11. 30-4tc B. A. NERESON WANT TO RENT-Apt. or houle, REAL ESTATE EV A F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd.. Coota M ... ELTON D. BARNETI'. Broker Pb. N"'pmt 196!>-M 33-2tc Phone 25T7 33-1 te AT CORONA DEL MAR Beautmil Home Near Ocean. Large JoL $18i0(}0 FOR SALE-1·__,, house on --•~ furn , __ , W. J . HOLCOMB 2 Jarse lots, .... .., " ~ 1517 Coast ,,, ........ ¥ ~--• -"-'•. and II<>'... On .... u-~ $7200 Furnished Home IOI Highway Lots Costa Mesa. Close-in. 2-car One 170x250. garage with maid's quarters. One 200x235. A. "SANDY" STEINER . - -Realtor C. F. DENNISON - - A ociate Realtor REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 634 Coast Highway 1_01 -+ Phone 2573 • 33-ltc J. M. MIL*R Real _Estate Bro r 15th and Cen I• 2 Bedroom Home, C sta Mesa Partly furnished. Lot 65x330. ~ck fireplace, gar-age and work.shop; in good conditi . Recently painted 1I1S1de and out; paved street. ediate possession. terms. Full Price $7 85 Balboa Home 2-bedroom, beach. Some furniture $10,500 Lido Isle Bay front lots North shore. riced to Sell ~alboa lsnad 30 Acres Newport Heights Ripe for subdividing 2-·s+:lroom beach home. Some furniture. Full Acre 2-Bedroom liome, fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. $11;000 Gar. Workshop. Con· O crete floor barn and lean Front Lots other outbuildings. S ueral well located $9500 · ots on Peninsula. Phone Your List ngs In and we will give them ever: consideration j. ·M. MILLER 15th and Central • Newport BE ch • "On Your Way to I alboa" -D-U-P-L-E-~ - , FOR SALE--Oll comer of l!roadway an9 Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, i bedrooms In each unit 'Ibennostatic lly controlled furnace. · $16,000 Qne.'lbird Cash. Balance$ .. 00 ·per -month. • . -· I -~ -..... • R-A-L-P-H P . M-'\-S-K-E-Y Phone 402 Realtor -Exclusive -: t Newport . .• 34 ll Coast Blvd • rum. "' unfurn. Ve16an. per-lnsur9nce and manent. Belt references. Jamt:S Business Opportunities ~ ·~ • ~.. Corona de! Mar Pb. 2'766 Newport Helchts. l'hono N . B. ''Where the Flap Fly" 32-2tc 1379-J Ot Santa Ana ~ ---"~'----=--=---- .~ • Brand New, 1-bedroom, hardwood ftocn tile sink, double garage; lovely garden-- Immediate posocssioo. $78!k . DUPLEX-"EL BA YO TRACT Permanent llllObrtruct.ed vlJeW of bay. 3- bedroom; fireplace; upper-1-bedroom cl flreplace. Lower -barbecue, double garage - $22,500 LIDO ISLE ·3-Bedroom -beautifully fumlsbed; Im- mediate po SS e Rion. $18,500 Balboa Peninsula Bay front Beautiful 2-story 5-bedroom, 4 bath home now under construction. Two fire.. • places; unit heat. BEST LOCATION. $50,000 Bay\ Front Lot, Lido Nord Center of island -Includes b\Jlkhead- ll!g . $14,000 BALBOA ISLAND Lovely home on Topaz, with mode'?' apt. over garage. Partly furni shed. \.__,, $15,850 Small home on rear of lot-newly paint- ed. Large building site in front. Faces Park avenue. $9750 Income Property Be<r modem 8-unit apartment, com- pletely furnished . Excellent location. Property in best condition. Shows good return. $75,000 Restaurant Fully equipped, ideally located In Bal- boa area. Well establish. Seats 45 -Completely redecorated. Favorable lease. BUSINESS INVESTMENT_ Motel· · · 24 units on highway. Nets $26,500 year. ' SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors.' ..___ 30ih at Cmlral Aft. Telephone 1600 -:ill~ 33-ltc ~~ : . BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 48 MO!fEY 2'0 LOMf • WILL EXCHANGE 4-room fur-LCl&N8 TO BUILD, liar, _.. niahed apt. in Bungalow Court modllnlt.e or reanance. · ln Hollywood, nominal rent, for Neiwport: Balboa l"tldera1 I• ''• \ hoUJe 'Or apt. in Newport, Balboa and Lo9D AMoo"Ucw or Coota Mesa district. Jack W. -Via Udo Toi.,_ UOf' · - Street, General Delivery, Balboa. -----------1 31-4tp AUTOMOTIVE & TDIEll II -----------" FOR EXCHANGE-Closo ln Har-FOR SALE-1938 1%-ton General bor Blvd. frontage, 300 feet, Motors truck with 1940 Oldl-- house, clear. Want Balboa, New· mobile engine. Phone 1512--W. port ·or Balboa Island house. 32--:ltA: Good location. $30,000 to $40,· ~ 000. Post Office Box 456, Costa AUTO BDVICE 9i Mesa. 33-ltp WILL TRADE rental of modern ranch cottage in Arcadia for house on Balboa Island for one or two awnmer months. Fl'ee fruit, berries and egll' included. Enjoy a vacation on a country acre in cool shade of walunt trees. Write H. R. Kemberger, 1504 Scuth Eighth Avenue ar phone ATwater 73T15. Sl-lOtc EXCBANGll: .. Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES To Us. BATTERY REPAIR WORX IS OUR BUSINESS ~rey's Battery 8erriM ' WESTMINS'I'Ell &VIL (Betwoen 18111 A M1pnlla) COSTA MD• WILL EXCHANGE spadoos fur. »tt Dished Beverly Hills apt, ~ blk. ----------- from Beverly·Wllahire hotel for 1--adv •'arr+'• -house <r apt. In Bay area. can ~ew.-rJIDS9 ... Anaheim xe. · 33--2tp yoar s\llde to .mG•t lllllldd• , 1~AIJl'D9~~~-·~--~~·~·====j•!&~a!:aue~!w~:AJ11~•~1SD~•=~·=======lll!: WE NEED LA TE MODliL CARS . Mloll WW Par Top Prillll +rrz; 'ICXlR QUl NOW w1•1 N11--RI' Pkllae lor our,..... '1qw wbo • .U 11111 ads? "°" • • Z:J OPA re t m•, ..,.. Jd ..i wa I dat " · (l;H aat'f93N CHBVROLl!l' 00. w,· Sexton, P . 0 . Box 135, Balboa. 1972 Newport Blvd.. Coota Mesa 26-tfc 33-ltc :IS-ltc Orin~ & ur.. 33-lte ~ , I 1 .. GS ,. :::,;· .. ..;. .. ,,.. 0 ;, ...... 5 ~··· .. •10 • a r • r . 1 -. I -: '-_ .... ;-.... 1 . . i -I . , . -. • ,,.. : j - -- • -' • • .. • • • -Pu~~.:s~~:N8 ~;;~~~~~~;;;;:-~~~:;c;;E=~-·~-~~=-~~~on TH ESS~I CASE STILL ' (Action brought In the SUperior OWENS, SIDNEY F. PATTISON, of the Superior Court of the St., Balboa, Calif. A five-pound illverslde salmon. UI LVE I AS IEW TIP Says Police Nazis But FBils t.o Press .Charges Court of the County of Orange, JOSIE THOMASON, FLORENCE Clalt1 al 0rance. State of Call-WI-our bands t\.!a 24th day looking like a lteelbead -.t wu · and Complaint filed In the of-E. McDERMOTI', KENNETH D. fornla. this 17th day of April, 1946. of April, 19t&. caught off the pavilion float In , floe of the Oerk of the Superior CMfPBELL, EDWARD D. 'MOR-B. J. SMITH, WILLIAM W BRUSH Baltheboam~ty'Tho·f~e oldes, thet ~-i..nlnt. FA LS TO MATERIALIZE Declaring tbat polloe -.re CoiJrt of sald County.) RIS and MJNN1E MORRIS HUI-County Oerk and Oerk of the . · ,.,_ u• ·~ and that he wu going to .Pi;;;! band and Wife WS ANGELES Superior Court of the State of 'MARY E. MADDEN. The catch was made by an un-$25,000 to llght his cue, • 1a:,hec5;-=.:~:::1e E:;;~~c:£~~ ;;1~r~~;:f:::= ~~.;~~£~ .. ~ AirU. A ~~r.i=~ca;.:!! . . -, &J~o~so~?JE~ w ALSH, FIRST DOE, SECOND Deputy. D. 1946, before ~ H. M. Holker, line, according to John -.m, A hJ!S pemed since 0nap Couty law .,.,,,,_ after he had been booked ~ CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. DOE, THIRD DOE CORPOR-(Seal Superior Court a Notary Public m and fat: said lklpper. -IMBt cen -re IRlllllllODed to lawetfgate the odcJ cleath of charge of disturbing the peace' at a Municipal Corporation of the ATION. a Col"J>Oration, Defend-Orange County) County and State, residing therein ' On the same day George Hiner Roberi Martin 'l'hi-. 41-year-old Los "•-'-·Cn!e IRlr-12:10 Sund.&y rnornI-.- lllxth claa, Plaintiff, vs. RIOI-ants. Pub.-Apr. 25; May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 ; duly commissioned and sworn, I Jr., son of the boat atand opera-a brcMher of Herbert Myles ~Sir Saa ....__ Abrams came to t he 1tatioll at ARD R. T4TNALL, et al, Defend-You are directed to appear In June 6, 13, 20, 27, 1946. penonally appeared M!lry E. Mad-tor on the Balboa per, caQlht driver. ~-v the height of Its congatldn anti. an action brought against you by den. and Wllllam H. Brush, known another of the same species on Oirniria1 Deputy Steve . around midnight Saturday In or.. nie People of the State of Call-the· above named plaintiff in the CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS to me to be the persons whose the same day. which ls not un-DuHart of the sheriff's office Thts message, supposedly•written der to ball out a friend. he· .... sa.14.' fornJa Send Grtttinp to: RlCH-Superior Court ot the State of F1cttttom Finn Name names are subscribed to the with-usual for ocean f'tshing, but rarely yesterday that his depu-by an. associate of. thf Los An-. He had been drinking, officers .,. ARD, R TATNALL and ELIZA-California, in 'and for the County tn lnstrumerft, and acknowledged have these fish venttu:!_d into the Stahl and M. D. gelan l1l tree surgery work, con-aerted, and wanted to argue. N$ BETII B. TATNALL, Husband of Orange, and to answer the com~ The undersigned do. hereby cer· to me that they executed the bay. Years ago _they ran off San were still without 8 clue f~ that he could not find wanted to argue with him. it and Wife, E. D. MORRELL and plaint therein within ten days tify that they are conducting a same. Clemente, lt WU A.Id. as to identify of the alleged Thiessen at the hospital '1lnd had veloped, .so be declared be SUSAN E. MORR.EU... Hw:band after the service on you of this Oinical Laboratory busin81 at In Wltrieu Whereof, I have 1laytt tla,yers who deposited returned his shaving equipment to eotn&: to use the phone to call a and_ Wife, R A. CARRIER, ELLA summons, it served within the 2833 West Central Ave., Qty of htteunto .et my hand and affixed C ff L--• the bodi of the LOI Angelan in his room. ,,. friend '"With ln11uence." He bel CARSON, J. R. JONES, HAR· County of Orange, or within thirty Newport Beach, County of <>ranee. my ottidal seal the da_y and year oast frruuc Hearing a concate grave below the side--Th~ message also added that his himself to Chie.f Hodgkinson's 0t! RlET TAYLOR, a single woman, days if served elsewhere, and you State of California, under the fie-In this certificate first above Is Set for June 12 walk tnl a gully off Coast boul1>-&SSOClate and others engaged In flee and had a long distance can JOSEPHINE ?ti: GRIFFITH, are notified that unless you so ap-titlous firm name of written. ·A h . ,. -·• tbat vard, C11rnna del Mar Marcb. 21 tree surgery work With Thiessen ln before the busy desk sercet t I no eanng on u1e pro..,..__. r -' · were leavi f Cin u~ him. AUDREY ISABELL. a singe pear and ans¥.-·er as above re--CLINICAL LABORATORY .n.. M. HOLKER, harbors ·for light.draft veuela be An expected break in the case ng or cinnatl, 0 ., no ~ 1 woman. LESTER PAUL SThlS, quired .. the plaintiff >A1.ll take and that said firm is composed Notary Public in and for said established along the Southern did not; materialize Monday. where they ~~d a tree surgery Told to desist and to -~ WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL, judgment for any money or dam-of the following persons, whose County and State. My com-California coast from the Ventura Deputies who were sent into Ne-contract &W8.ltin g them. Abrams refused. so after ~ HENRY ED\V ARD COFF1•lAN ages demanded in the Complaint, names and addresses are u fol-mission expires March 4, river to the Mexican border will \•ada to~ discuss the case with a ~ Uafoan.decl argument, he was booked, t and GERTRUDE K. COFFMAN. as arising upon contract, or will lows, to wit : 1949. be conducted by th U E E . former F mpansion of the dead Deputies Stahl and Williams re--shortly released. Upon his tt , HU1band and Wife. SANTA ANA apply to the Court for any other Mary E. Madde n. 901-A Lacy Pub. April 25; May ;!, 9. lS, 1946. neer at Long Be c{ J · · 12 ngi-man, ~turned With tht report ported that. the dead man's hotel however, the un\.\1elcome via ,or a ' une · that th1 Nevadan knew nothing room was lf! .a state of disorder threate~ed to get their jobs, c ·, about iessen. when they visited it and gave the the offi cers nazis, and asked or At inquest conducted in ap~arance of a rough.house party their badge numbers. Furqis ed Cor~na de1 Mar on March 27, 8 haVJng taken. place there. ''";th this, the defendant dee) ; coroner! jury announced a ver-An?ther po~t that the deputies 1 he. would spend a large s-um1 to diet of omicide due to a broken nlentioned was that an employe bnng the matter to justice. it neck i the death of the tree of the Los Angeles ~otel staff had press ~ime the Pa~adenan f surgeon Th(' jury instructed Dis· told them that the tree surgeon to put 1n an appearance. THE ALIFORNIA MEDICAL ASSOCIATION INVITES--URGES YOUR ENROLLMENT IN THE CALIFORNIA PHYSICIANS' SERVICE In these da_ys of uncertainties you cannot afford to be without these cps PRE-PAID SERVICES which have saved thousands of California families from the fiI!ancial shocks which al- 1 ways accompany operations, unpredictable accidents and extended periods of hospitalization. ~A • 'I!!' , ORANGE COUNTY L_/~b. -~ e::r ;1~,.~!.,1~ _,~,4 ii/I~ PHYSICIANS "6vf'~ .,,-"1V~ YOUR OWN FAMILY J>Oi:l,OR. tiorouqh the Call- fornla Phyaidana' Service. brlnqa YOU and YOUR r AMIL y the 11n .. 1 of surqical C<D'8 lncludinq malor and minor operations in or out of the hoapitaL treatment for all fractures and dialocatlom. X-r<JY• II neceuary. ectopic PN9Dancles. Cael(aean operations. X·ray and labora- tory IHlll. X-ray and radium treatmenlll available ·to CPS members at all times (routine to the member'• family when ho•pitallaed). Senicn of llUl'CJ&OD aaai.tants and phrol<:lan ana .. theW.111. ALL WITHOUT COST- ~lrmn'• CO•pellladon cm.-ad deatal 1ern..., obrloualf, are * YOUR WORRYLESS. Pll£-PAID CPS SERVICE !n- cludM olllce homo and hospll<ll vlsitll -ardleu of the cmount of youz physician'• time Involved up to one year lor each Wn.... operation or lnJury for the ·employ.cl memb« of the family. Service Includes physician ana- tbeU.111. IWQOOn auiatanta. laboratory t..111. ccmpJ.le X-ray examlnat!ona and radium treatments (a newly added CPS ..-rice) In or out of the hoepitaL You pay canly :rour doctor'• ~ lee fer the lint two Ylalta. Howe .... ii lhe laboftitory 1eat1. X-ray examlnatlona or INlq!c:al operatlou are noc.uary durinq the llrlt or -d .utta, their coet' wlll be paid by CPS. Alter that-ALL COSTS are aNUmOd by CPS. 'MATEBNITY CABE WITHOUT COST la youn after '--*'• membenhlp II you are the employed member. W..__ •• com•••ll'llo9. CC111M. • .,.. reb xlle-. pliyUcal ....,.. .W ..... _. .._... Wv1Cll'L ·d ... 1addlf, are ..-t.dtd. • p~~~/ e NO Medical Examlnat!on • NO Waltlnq Pedod e NO Fonna to Fiii Out • NO Reel Tape • ALL EXISTING CONDmONS COVEBED. NON-PROFIT CPS la a non·proBt medical. surqlcaJ and h09plta) CUN orqaniaat!oa apon.IO<Od by the Calllornla Modica1 A.... dallon. It -lncorporai.d b !ho aoi. .--of oflor. lnq the hlqhest type of "lmnily-phy81dan _...,.. to all memben at the lowest poulble coet. CPS lnlalo• are all c:ommimltr lead.,. who -wltboul -- ATTENTION· VETERANSl fte Dnr VeMw' Admlnl8lrczlloD.allS CODtrac:I co+ .. your ~t care -an-·~...,.,.,,,.._ Toar Joc:al CPS 1am1Jr doc:W hat9 yoa. C-'I ldm Im las.,_ lnlonaallcn. V•l•w of Wadd w-I -4 D ...S SpantM Amedccm Wm an cowwwll • - -, C A l I F 0 R N I A '--~ : ---,. PHYSICIANS' SERVICE "· 11. IOWllAll. I L ... IJL '• cm..•at n 5 ca s c:111m SPONSOR C • P •S Hos~ital service is supplied by the Hospital A'"'· A"""' •-Sel'Vl.ce of Southern California-the Blue B.aker, W illi• P • • .,,, o ..... •· Cross plan of the 81 member hospitals in Ball, John o. S th Behrendt, R. Allen OU em California. . Block, M ary J . C. u~ YOU Blount, Le•ter L. ..... n.w11 or any member of your immediate family Brune,,,eler, E . H. 19 W OI' Deed.I an operation OT h-.... an -cldent r-·'"'-n Bulpltt, John M. ....,.. ._.. '""'lw.u..-..,. Bulpitt, z. E. hoepitalization or needs emerqency room aervices. yow Burlew, J , M. _\... __ ,_, 'd "J d Bur,.ow•. Lloyd A . mewutmUUp ptOVl •• • aya care each year for EACH C•rl1on, Verne W . SEPARATE •n•~ (Sh uJd ~--cochran, Rletiard c . ~" J.. o COU1U1Bment be lonqer, Counter, H. M. on•half the hoapltal coat for ~ additional 180 clap ~~;r"~·~.~. 1 • Immediately followlnq the 21 days ls paid). u .. of operat· Crewford, Jeme1 c. lnq roo-dletlcl I d --•-raJ uraln Currey, Hirarn M. -an·p anne meu.q, qene D q Care, Curtis, c. Glenn ~cal 8Uppllea,, UM of cystoacoplc room and supplies. g:~1~7 ' J:'h•,;kP..... enqs , •pllnt.. caata-ALL WITHOUT COSTI And- g:~~~~~0~· ~rtti ur "'· HA VE YOUR OWN F AMll. Y DOCTOR TO CARE Ounc .. n, Ralph A . OU. . ~~~fi',!g.~,";~~1 cH. YOU HAVE YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE OF THE 81 F•rr,.ge, J••· MEMBER HOSPITALS in Southern Calilomia. U injured Fernandez. R1mlro Fleming, Howard p , or W out of the State, care will be provided in any law· Fral,igh, J ohn P, fully -~ed h Ital In th WORLD! Franc11, Raymond T . o,,,_.... Olip e G1 1b,.1 lth. Harold F. OBSTETRICAL HOSPITAL BENEFITS-After ·rou'v• Qille1ple, P . a. '----'---f _,_ _._ Cobar, F . H arold ueeoD am•~ or II.Kl• mon.wa or more. the 2·peraon and Graves, A•• Val• Family Contract --'des up to a $50 credit toward the Grundy, Q. M. .,. ...... Hall. H. R. cost of ha.pitallzation ior childbirth. Han igan, Thos. £. ••t cune. workmen'• compenaalion cas ... Gild dilablUU.. or war Hannon, L • .,I, Ha.rdy, a . W , Mnke cwi9tn lw wblc.b tr901m.•nl .. pro-rid.ct by 1111117 GoT•rn.m•ntal Haffi1. Arthur T. ~.you am ...U ~tcmd. -. eacept.d. Ha,.....,ood, Chad M. Hawes, Ralph E. Ii I~ Henrie, Cheri•• c. w ' •,, Herrln9, James II. r:A'~ / 911! , HoUl""wo.t•, M"'"' W . -ffS'f ' H uffman, Harry Q. Hui•"· Alton Q . JOIN NOWI lrvir+, Char1e1 E. M th John•on , Ru1•ell t. on cm. 200.000 CaWomia emplorera and emplo~ j=~~:::~: ~-T~~"'" ID OTW 3..500 Ol'CJDl'lwdl«ma ID aJl IJ.nN ol h 1•'"M .. Ind~ K•r•t•n, •· H . try and kmnlza.9 DM'9I oi tJum your friendm and nelqh-Kletlnoer, W . F . bon ~-~-• Kohlenberger, C. F . W. or yoar rnmlll ... ' "Odat-. kziow cmd enjoy the Kraushaar, l1aao N, bene&tm Gild __.__ _ __._ .A<-_."AI by ,.,.. •L-PR&PAID Krau•haar, John c. -.....--~ '-"'S'"~ '-"~•"· Jo•• A. MEDICAL. SURGICAL cmd HOSPITAL PLAN ~ ~~~:~· .>~"~~u• r:. by your JmallT pbywktan and bla 6.200 oth• proJwlonal Mat"1den, Samu•I Arthur CO~ throuQ:hoat the .... In the __.. all membeft Ma.or+. •· a. r-v Maxwell, Harvey C. lolned ID Jaroa CJIOi4*. =~!~·. ';.C::,~~ t: BUT NOW--l'OB A LIMITED TIME ONLY-CPS la =~,';!~r:c'H::,;·c. made ~ aa a part of Vohmlal'f Health Insmance H•olund, H·~·· Q. Week "' .._ SELF-EMPLOYED or ANY GBOUPS OF Hewton, A. A. EMPLOYESI Nie•, Arthur Nixon , Norman K . •ct N ( Call Id ~ a--.a-.-_ _., 4.-0hl10n . c.. Wendell n. OW ...,...., ..-.-..--· Cll' P&Qll ..._ O•her, J . C. Coupon Todayt Page, H•l't•n Paul. Carl J . THE CPS PI.AH of HEALTH JNSUBANCE la LIFE Penr+e1, Al•••nder •· SA VJNG INSUllAlfCEI P h•tteplac e, Dale O . ::•,::: ~-. ~·mm·" 2 p F ·1 S4 70 =r:.~:~:~:~;.:· -e~on am1 y • =::r~!'n ~j0~eptt MMtAT ,.. •••• ,, m om1 "•"· Karl tr. ..... S alrt• ""mph. Paul •· ~. ,,_ ....._ OllLT ·n...u Saul Walter aa71ln, Jo1eph r--. hz lora. Schrt1eder, Fred1rlck H. per ....._ OlltT IM Schroer, W llllam J. 1'-alr •I •--. Schultz, Arthur L. per ..... <*LT LIO Sellon, O. I. S izer, Edgar "· 11 ...... 1 lee. .... ..., S..-cht, Oswald &. --. ........ ~. at .... , C••ud• etMn, Er11er•I• J . atray hom, LeAoJ' ... :-....., Taylor, '""'" •· / ......... Tedftf'O"'· MU• K. I .... nie,......_ lll'ley• L T lkkeP, M•M J, "'1... Tt ..... ·-... 'JA.-..... T~-. •••• W. ·)-' <>.~ -!>----u,. ..... .WMt L ~ ~ .-~-V ~ ....... '· w. - . ·~ -" ... ..,, YWett. c:. 0. . ..,. ~ -0 ~ w-..,.,,.. a. . . . /A.. '-'o w .... flMert .. ~ ...,-. W ....... W.L w-w-e. ...._ __ -~·--°ir".. ~ ----~ "· -t ---..., ri--~... I WI-I • A... • I -----a.::---. •. ___ ...... _ I ....... u...... .. .... -~...,..IV. .. -~ ._.;,;-="''";.;."-;;.._ __ _, I -------(·..,.,_ ')·-~ I --...___ , ~cti;:--.._ I ' ~ __,...-' . ,, ------------------~----. j~ . •••••• ~OfiWWW OI I -.......... ~~ ... - , -.i • .. a --. -............. -~ 1 -.............._ I "',, M ···~~ , ; a m ,-M&a Qtxa I ' '-....... ro().=----·· .... Im 111111-•n ~ ._ • 2 • 1 ~--(~'-;;;:-;...__ J ----..._ -......._ I ORANGB obtJNTy OPn<JEB --........_ "' -....... . ~--........ ... .. -....... SANTA ANA 106~ I:. 4th St. •• -;::-..__ ..... I r; ' r Jiii--& ' JI -·. . ......... r,._--........._ .,,,.)........._ -,. omr-oaa ~n., ~•u111••• 1•A4 / .._ __ ~J '---......._ . .luwaaoe Mc• • l'Nlemal O..:l1:r •w tf•• JUI A,.. . • -., ·I ~. Vohm!ary ---,,,. ·-• ~~,. ~ JIES2" '!!..."!" .... .._.__.. I ' • ' trict A ~ orney James L. Davis to the da~ before his disappearance continu~ the sheriffs office probe ~mplatned of fractured ribs, yet Juven1"le Del1"nquen rnto hi!{ death. ~11e ~utopsy Te\'ealed none. . C J '!oat Covered Head Cluef Deputy DuHart a nd his Traced to Homes The t;?dY of Thies.sen was dis· !e:~:s ~ot~ 1are seeking the Appalled by the increasing te - ooveredjbY H. H . Wildy of 1004 S. crew rs 0 e. at.e tree surgeon's ency towards di\'orce and its Alhambj"a avenue, Alhambra, a for ~uestiorung. They also sequent juvenile delinquency surveyot for "the Los Angeles di· want ·to discuss the_ case \\ith a I of the judges of the superior ' t vision ~f the state highway de-h~tel empl<?ye, "''ho 15 .n°"'' out of of Los Angeles county, in el.kt.· partmeJft. who was inspecting t e sta~e on a vacation. These ing ~1rs . ?.1argaret C. Harpsttife drainagf conditions In the Corona are bel~e,·ed to be the last per· as director of the Children's cdui-t del M~ area. sons w 0 ~aw ~iessen alive. of Conciliation, orders that hti- Thies . en lay prone, his coat Coopera~l~g ~th ~r~ge ~Un· mediate steps be taken to cbrb and ov coat, with the tails flung ~ authorities 1.n the1.r 1.nvesuga. this mounting evil by encour~ upward , covered his face and head tion, Herbert Myles Thiessen of reconciliations bet\\•een husii' in str "f:armed fashion. His 3264 Fourth Ave., $an Diego, said and wives. J knees ~ai;I buckled against the that he . had not seen his late concaveii earth rbut the soles of brother in two years. H e was tus sh s, faci~g outward, gave o~er~eas. a soldier in an infantry no si of dampness, although division and on· ~uty in Fra nce rain h wet that area the night and ~rmany, during that period, before. A pocket of his trousers he said. ~"· ed inside out. indicating ~nother . brother, Roger C. t robber authorities stated. Thie~en, lS _a merchant seaman The fact that the soles of his and is now with his ship in Tokyo .~ shoes cpntained no grit from the harbor, Japan. street, rconvinced. Sheriff's Capt. --------- Tho~~ McGaff, the county's!· Hemet Anticipates 1dentifi~at1on expert, that Thies-, sen wJ m ted bodily, either trom Record Throng to See an autb~obile or a truck, and Revived Ramon PJ .. dtµni>e4 lJl to a gully' by a person . a ay ~ or pel"f>ns yet unknown. The entertainment trek to One ~thing that stumped the Hemet s.tarts this weekend with ; law enlrcement officers was that ~he open1;~g of the 19th season of an aut psy revealed that only his Rru:1ona on Saturday and Sun· neck 'as broken, yet there was day in Ran:iona Bowl. no eVi nee of any bruise or other Reservations are pouring in mark hat would result from a from all . over t he Southland for blow oQ any part of his body . ,the opening weekend and s ubse- ~Tlre Treads Seen quent performances on May 4 and McG "ff also testified at the 5, a nd May 11 and 12. Besides the inques that he found evidence ot regular Southern California cli· tire tr d marks on the pavement entele, m-:-ny of whom have seen near ti"J! sidewalk under which the the hi.stor1cal outd?Or play count-1 body c1f. the tree surgeon was less t~mes, ~ entirel>'. new a udi-Earl W. Stanley, widely known found. ~ ence ts ant1c1pated this season. reaJtor who last "'eek resigned . . Ramona Bowl lies 34 miles from from the Newport Beach City ~ ip~es.tigation conducted by Riverside and is accessible over Council so he could run for oie fi::r~C ~rn~aJ ~P'::Y ;Steves Du· paved high gear road. Free park-State Assembly from the 74th Dis- and M • D W~ es ~~~ ~ ing space for thousands of cars is I trict, today made formal 84- Thi ... · 1 ft ~ Los A 1 at available at the entrance of the nouncement of his candidacy. h essEl" . ~ . nge es bowl. ln doing so. he said that he ;:~! i VlS~ : h~fital {;:r !:;.eat-Tickets are available in over would seek to continue the high 000 df :.i a co on e ter-fifty Southland cities as well as standard of representation which the nlAd . Um&re!th 20 an1 thataliwas at the bowl proper. for 10 years p8.st, was set by Cl~ r~ e e was ~n ve. Watso f Or • ---bl ' Inv~tigator1 also ~covered a n o ange, ~m ymap wretchfdly scrawled message on Officer to Return wh~ Is seeking the state ~nate a pin of note-paper 'which was pos · I found th d d ' Boatman on Charge Stanley ls a veteran of Wor1'1 n e ea man 1 room. Of War I , and commanded the Ne-.,'-Raping Minor port Harbor American Legion. ~ Jack Summers, veter.an poli6e was president of the Rotary Clu~! officer on the Newport Beach Newport Harbor Olambei' of force leaves tomorrow for Wich· Commerce, Newport Realty Boartt ita, Kan., to return Rufus Johnson, and 12th District of the Califor- 32, former aewman on board the nia Real Estate Association. Ile Gloria Dalton to stand trial on is a director of the Balboa Yacllt a charge of rape of a. 14-year-Club. .. old Montebello girl. The asserted For 3%: years he was chairman rape occurred when several youths of the Selective Service Board No. --d; were reported to police as in the lTI, and for 18 months chairmah midst of a noisy party on Coast of the district's Appeal Board ~f L.•dy A-ttendant highwlly In the vicinity of the Orange, RlveJ1lde and San Ber-, l yacht earlier in the month. nardino counties. ! _ i _ todThe ~ys were taken into cus-Puadena·bom, Stanley is-~ Y u1e following day and years of age, married and tNe Jl.O Coast BlYd. brought to the Orange county jail father of two grown daughterf. 00 -for questioning. Johnson said to While Rotary president, he start- 1RONA DEL MAR have been acquainted wiih one of ed the "Under 20 Club," which <7.,Yaa '-.. 11 ,, them, was also i,tnplicated, police they and hundreds of other you;' ,....,IL--~ said. He was traced to the home people heartily endorsed. ntis AY AND NIGHT of a relative In Wichita and he1d ganization became forerunner f ·---,!------------......:I upon a request from local author-'teen-age clubs. Jties. · (Political Advertisement) -BAL-BOA'S • EINDE _ZVOUS, n· .f BALLROOM Mike tour P1edg, :Now t.o the ·-H.,Iti8i _- Filnd - .. I , 1110 00101 . ~ ' • 11 • c r . . Sltllrday, April 27tll Watch for Coming Name Bands' • I I -. -. NEWPORT NeW's ·C:!im:: BAI.BOA Times Crooked Methods_ Di8clo8ed by OP A In Business Sale ChalnDan P . E. Full<T, Geo. Connell, C. A. Rio, lll1d Tnnnuj By }ool!PH WUTON The county building department Stuard of the Orange Ol<mt;F a~ Calif. Coast Cities Watch Fight • SANTA MONICA.-Califoml& coastal communities are watching the outcome of the Shorelin~ Planning auodation'I figbt to stop development of a private yacht harbor at Malibu, near here, until a statewide master plan of yacht harbors. has been approved by U. S. Army englneero and the State of California. The association was successtul tut year, after ten yean of ef- fort, in having the state adopt enabling legislation under which tho California coastline will be developed in accordance with a master plan of shore.line develo~ mont. With the lectalation went a state appropriation to be uaed in cooperation with vartoua coastal countld for acquiring beach frootage far public UR tn accord- ance wtth the counties' master piano. Flar1da interests have acquired the Malibu frontage and in defi- ance of state and county laws, have started a private yacht har- bor development without reeard to futUtt statewide plans, de- clare assodatlon officials. OPA Orders Increases in (umber Prices WASHINGTON, D. C~<Spec­ tal Correspondence )-In line with recommendations made by U. S. Senator William F . knowland of California in hi) attack on the nation's No. 1 problem-housing, thfi. OPA has authorized increues in lumber prices u a means of stimulating production of mater- ials needed far homes. Lumber costs were increased an average of $4.50 per 1,000 board feet in mill price ceillnp fot west- ern red cedar. The increases, ef- fective April 22, are intended , to offset hJgher log and labor coe~. offlcialo explained. "Adjustment of lumber price celllnp ao that the m1lls can make a profit will help to stimulate production and will go a long way toward solving the problem," Sen- ator Knowland said recently, after confening with Southern Cali· fornia housing problems. Accusing the OPA of making "1\1 SAYING !MT O~l!A~E TO TUR.II IH I -DOll'f '!O&I 0.0 CATtNC. IT ------ Price Increase in Building Materials Seen as Solution this week laued four buildln& per-Price Control Board. ~ Id-Today's 'Style ml to fat c:oostruction totallnc vloed veterano contemplatlnc ~ $16.000 In the Ccsta Meaa area. Ing In business to vWt the boi~ Frankly, we are in a transitlorial oi:I. and generally · Permit> wett issued to Roy lll1d &nd talk ovtt the ceillng pr1coo speaking, the style ol 1946 pe.rallels the h · reports from Ettie C&vett of 253 N. Pine S t., the establlShment they Intend uJ Washington. "All ls confusion." · Orance, to build _a home at 192 s . purchase .. In the face ol the. CQOfuskn it Is difllcult to.relax and Monte Vista drive at a coot of • The chairman wmt on to ooy; handle design with the light touch nee· *1-y foe happy ac-$6000. 'There have been far too DWQI plishinent. It · difficult not to go along To Orie C. Han of 2214 New-veterans taken for a ride by t3 ~ IS ski tyl al port Blvd., Ccsta Mesa, to build unscruplous penons who have wtth the scrambled tide: to P 5 e -a hmne on the west side of Or-restawants, ·ban, crocety a together; to forget wha knowledge ol ange Avo., near Wilson St., S4500; garages, apparel, repair ahopo,j materials and P we may have--to Mary B. Aaby of 128 Agate etc. that preonted to the Plll'j to just get roots-any col , any quality, any St., Balboa hland. to build a chaser a self revised illegal pri~ texture, any pattem. ralclence at Meoa drh·e and Or-achedule. The veteran ii unaware Difficult t to ango Ave. In Costa Mesa. that the prioes posted Ol'e unlaW; 00, . To P. A. Ownberlaln of 19" ful lll1d finds out the hard wsy pressure toward the ell Newport Blvd. to en.e1 • founda-when one of his customers sue him the institutional feeling tlon at 18T1 Newport Blvd., $1000. on an oven:barge, or when a Modem, as we know it, is the. fruit of OPA volunteer otopo In to cbed! a . desire to mechanlzie bull production, to DrlYa Caretully~ a Life. his ceillng prices." I get away from hand craf!ll. It grew up In the depression, and took strong root during war. In the early ·forties, some improvement was noted, t the style was broken Into schools, each with its littl bag ol arehltary tl'icks. Modem is not a friendly style. and fathered it-Neutra, Gropius, Wright-e themselves pain- fully serious and are all Jacking In hum , and their houses reflect this lack, although the ootion pefsists that Wright, like G. B. S., plays his act, knowing tha ecoentrlclty, when well publicized, pays off. , Much modern does not age gracefull ~and many modem designers oven-each themselves when thef mix soda1 preJu· dices with their architecture and insist ypon fitting people Into their pla~ad of · the reverse pro- cedure. IN Are we against change In stxle-ln p ? Of course I p;;;;;:~;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;; not, but the taste of the average mode Is very uncathollc, 11 and we wish to be sure the proposed ch es do constitute I.mnber and Building Materiala Another brave Wusion ls this a fetish of its "hold the line" pol-One Orange county builder, .. ------------- "standing fast against inflation" icy. he declared that "getting Philip Norton. warning that sub- whlle backing up all the while like produc~on" was ~he real key to sidies on bnihling materials might an outfielder ln a park with no preve nting Inflation. H e c~led not get results if granted, believes fence.-San Francisco Chronicle. upon the OPA to adopt a realistic that a price increase is the satis- progress. We like architecture "a thousahd men deep"-not the product of a comparative handftil:'" I · ' --Joseph Yjeston, Architect. . Bay [)istrict Lumber Co. -lUO "10 OOA!ll'I' MORWAY Improvements Are Fonner News-Times Completed At Adv. Mgr. Now With attitude and to eliminate certain factory answer to the present controls that "'ere "strangling problem which is preventing com-Manila !olden at News-T\mes. od · " pr uction. pletion of hundreds of homes in Co. Scout Camp State Vet. Commission Al1 kinds typewriter ribboDI in stock at th News·'nmea. The action of the OPA in ad-this area. Rus Campbell. business man- ROOFS APPLIED OB llEPAIB.l!D Free Eatlmates & lnspectloo Bo~ . t ' I be · the sec George P. Karcher. former ad-JUS 1.ng um r prices was -Norton has submitted a report ager for Camp Ro-Ki-LI, swnmer d t. ti th t Knowland's vertising manager for the News-on ime recen Y a to \iVilson \iVyatt. national housing camp of the Or ange Empire Coun· d t. h d ~uJted 1'n nmes, and his Y.ife were visiting recommen a ions a r .. ., expediter, and Se ns. William F . cil, Boy Scouts or America, r e- ch f t l poll·cy · in town recently \Vhile Mr. Kar-a ange o govcrnmcn a Knowland and Sheridan Downey, ported yesterday the new sanitary l be F II · h' ·1· · cher is in Southern California on on um r. o OWlng is cr1 ictsm after a conference with Col. system at the camp is being com-( h C. ·1· Prod cti'on Admin a tour of inspection in rt:gard w. J. lleJlbow Buildin1 Mat.nala • • o t e 1v1 1an u · Henry Aiken, special rcpresenta-pleted and will be in use this · · · I be t po11·cy to his work as public information 38(YJ M&J'CU& .Pb. N..,..... 1012-J. 1stra t1on s um r cxpor · · ti\•e of Gov. Earl Warren, who is summer . ~_. · t t editOT' for the State of California that agency cut its cxpor quo 8 probing building difficulties in In addition to a hot shower, r h t th ths f m for the California Veterans' com- ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; or t e nex ree mon ro Southt>rn California . n ush toilet and lavatory in the 225.000.000 to i 79.200,000 board If the now of building m ater ial camp hospital, two new stone mission. f K I d h d protested the Mr. Karcher was appointed to e~t. now an a . . is not started soon, the building buildinCNI have been erected with h I r I rge quantities of eo~ the position a fter r eceiving his I s tpp ng o a of homes will be restricted to showers, flush toilets. laundry I be t f i 1 ds when honorable discharge from the um. . r o o:e gn an large operators able to produce trays, lavatories and water bub-I b ild t Is were so badly army . He was stationed at Ham-u 1ng ma erta the materials themselves, Norton blen. Camp Ro-Ki-Ll is the first --'ed r homes h ere in the mond General hospital with the n~"'U or believes. camp in the San Bernardino U ·1ed St t rank or staff sergeant. and now ru a es. Producers today are manufac-Mountain R ecreation area to re-is at the commission headquarters ~'-~ The Senator supported the Vet-luring only such items on which celve permission to install this at Sacramento. ,,,,. COSTAMUA LUMBER CO. er ans' Housing measure, but in-they can make profit ahd because type system. Purpose of the organization is 8 sisted that price adjustments and of price ceilina11. are no t turning J . R . Lest"' Boyle and "Cap" ·~"' .. " a-"'4 to coordinate veterans' activities ""' I curbing of lumber exports were out such badly needed materials Hillyard surveyed the camp proir throughout the state in regard to AT TID A.JICllD • • • If you have a question regarding development of your land- Phone 2353-J Siege .r & Raub Engineers and Snrveyors 1808 Newport Blvd. ft, E. HO&Tl!:Tutft _._ pipe, plumbing and flooring. spots to place two new 3<XX)... ange county officials are co-Phanla a<8 also necessary. as stucco mesh, plaster board, soil erty last Saturday and marked housing, job training, etc. Or-l 9Ql o:ut ~ All kinds typewriter rlbbom la Norton cited a concern which gallon water storage tanks which operating with the conunission, mMi I088 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~1~tocl<~;a~t;th~e;N~ews~-;Tlmes;;~· ;;;;;;;;;;;~ is establishing its own plaster have been purchased and will be 1.:.:::..:.::::..:,::_:_ _____________ i't ___ _._ ___ p board plant a nd others which are installed to provide water pres- Will Open New Store About May 1st buying sa~lls to produce their sure in case of fire. Two thou-GEORGE D BASS'i1'1"1r own materials. Norton believ .. sand feet or tw<rinch fire hose • that a further bulge in the price will be available for fire fighting General Accounting • Ftsbennen' · kkeeplng line will increase production and as well as a great deal of other Income Tax Service that production will eventually equipment recently purchased !90:! w. Oentnl AT&., Pboae 1806·.I, ~>rport Booich • Fuller Paints for every need •Rite Lite Venetian Blinds. • We repair and repaint all kinds of blinds. • Trimz Wall Paper ---Hang it yourself. • Birge Wall Papers. A. J; Burton's Paint Store create competition which will from the United States Navy, bring building costs in line with Campbell said. '-================::::Jt:======:::'. other commodities. Camp "ill open on J\Jne 18 and ,..---------------:--tt----,-----; operate four 10-day periods for · • Newport Blvd., near 15th St. JALOPIES ACCIDENT RATE Boy Scouts under the direction of Spring Openin NOT TOO HIGH, ST ATE EJNDS Hugh M. Wilcox, scout executive, "=====~;::;~~;-:~~~~~~~~~====='I . , to be followed by the Orange D -FURNACE In Its 1945 report, California. County .Girl Scouts directed by Hunt"1ngton ·1nne •-----itLOOR ~---""'lr lDepartment of Motor Vehicles Mrs Fr ces Bake presented findings from a detailed · an r . Terms If Desired study of accidents caused by old House Installed Immodiately LOW COST INSTALLATION NO ndoD~G OUT 1'i0 EXTRA FLOOR CU'l'l'INa SATISFAcr!ON GUARANTEED PERRY'$ Appliances vehicles. In 1940, mechanically de-Record Barracuda fectlve vehicles were Involved ln Landed f . 1· per cent of the reportable fatal 0 f Pier traffic accidents and ln 1944 de-- fective vehicles were involved In 8.1 per cent of the fatal accidents. The report pointed out that the rpechanical defect.s, however, were n'ot necessarily the cause for the accJdents. About one-half of the The biggest barracuda on record so far this season was caught by Paul Lowell of Ravia St., Lake- wood Village, this week, on the fivelmile bank off the Newport pier. It weighed 11~ lbs. ltll a 0.-.. -B1111Uq1;oll $j.ldl UlldeTBeme....._.,_t Open Dally, Including Suida:y Luncheon, 12 to S r, 5 to 9 85c 1.35 Up &ndwlches -A-Ja..Carte t)r<lers 1105 Cout Bl..S. PILNowport-9!4 tatal accidents in the stated per- Oorona del Mar 'centages were attributed to me- continue to involve the newest ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ chanical defects. "Most accidents This old moss-back barracuda grabbed a "Barracuda Joe Jig" as l'-----------....1.-----lt---------' Lo~·ell was trolling from his own I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w boat the Storm Bird. He caught several other barracuda, but none as big as the old timer. If vou are --undble to come s -= 111 during - c,ff ir t h')urs, .·.1. n1J t , . I '17 'd'. t O\ ma1 . Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings plan I (lart o\ All you Earn is Youn to Savt! Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna federal Savings and loan Association ~ ••• Olllf. -l'!a. ll80 can," the report added. Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana . Tent & Awning Co. 1829 So. llaln St.. Phoae 20'7 SANTA ANA Lands Halibut. A 11-pound halibut was caught Monday at 9:3o a .m. from the Newport pier, by H. C. Pember- ton, 222 33rd St. ,Newport. He used a live b&lt to get the big fish on a 30-pound test nylon leader. FOR SIGNS BENEDICT 'lbe ...... • BOAT lZI'Tllllll'IG A~Tr ... • Before You B•lld or Remodel I " ' ~· '.• t! 't • ·-~;'O":S: "' -•' · j . , 19 ~.·~ ... • ~.~,. "'-"'JI i ~i ' ,.. ..... . , ..... LUDLUM Carpet Works 1•-t1oll.ollo11L __ ...__ ~&JI· ' VETE .R 2-Bedroom Homes Built on Select • . Payments Abou • • 100% e Lot You $30perMo. G. lz FINAN ING I -You Pay _Only Appraisal & Dennison & McBr Gas We.Alie llllDl1for ~ ----~·-· Heating. & Y, CHARIER & PR -Stat. Lim;?! d Om:ctn!Cfr ow Fees :Sales PIL H'7·7 N R "as J.•,•tt 'T llalm W 11"4•Flo • 0 ....... Mii •11111 e1 nj .... -• - I • Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units .. ALL SIZF.'1 BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co • . . J1i60 NeWJl!)rt Ave. . - Going to BuUd • You probably ba"" yov di ?• 11.-.a worlwod oat .la 1oar mlDd -or -ybe yem arehlfeet or -in<J&or !lh'Md1 ...,. prepued , . \lh= • peper for· 1on. r, itdd&7 wlB llaft a llllp )mt la ms'das di z= of poRWIW' llYiq eome fr-. WIMa ,... eo """"' u... ,.... wHll 1-IJaDller 11e ·~ ..... '° ......... alJoat Ille --~ -• lll lwn "11111 ....._ zil'flll& Md tao. tlrz pl lleudy. Ou W:spw ts la erirJflllzc w '*' lml will bt .... '° help wHll la,,..at ,.... OI' probl O. nastloa -1 ha lat o1-..- la U...~oltllz&h 7 ETS-HOKll & GALVAI ·um 4 1111 ' . 1oeo O.d ._1 ftE7i Nwpan 118& .619~ ... ftr'I W '3Wll SS' N•%M' EI.F.CTRi:CIANS . .,, · . I •• MEWPDRT-BALBDA NEWS-TIMES l&omi JtfWWW U ... 11 • IS s 11 ~Tl I s .. -tv Aftm_-, .. :--;;V;:Mli;::-=;;m;...,rv.mmn a...._an1arsno 1-..,.w1tr t 7 Votwd ... ctpclao l"<Q hie Ila Am-:~.!50 per 1""J" In Oranp County: s:z.'11! por ,... to 4111 ..,..: p.oo per 1""l" to 8lb ..- ia:ii;i·;.;;..,;;-; .. ;s;Seoaad<:iw matt.er at the Polltofftoe tn Newport Beech. caJJ!omla, under the Act ot -3, 1879 -'------- &.A. M!:J'ER -Publlllle AM D. PORTER · Genenl Mana,.,- F. C. FROST Editor W . F . DIXON AdvutWn8 11..._, ...,tins Plaat, 3011 W. C..tral Avenue, Neorpon Bead>, cantcral.a Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A D11 'a''· i.oe.I. i.-tu1om tor 0.. n Yean News-Times Circulation Now Audited Word was received this w~k that the Newport Balboa News-Times had been accepted !IS a member ot the Audit Bureau of Circulation, a national organization which has for its purpose the auditing of newspaper circulations in order that advertisers may know what they are buying when they spend their good dollars. In the old days some editors who had a thousand paid readers and names of 500 more persrins on his list who 1'llGHT pay sometime, claimed a circulation of 3000 or 4000. It sounded good and no one ever checked him anyway. Careless buyers of advertising didn't care how many read- ers he had, the more careful buyers knew he was a liar and dJscounted his claims 50 per t-ent to arrive some'where near the correct figure. It was to get away from that sort of thing that A.B.C. VilllS instituted People who buy a dvertising have just as much right to expect h onest circulation figw-es as the buyer of a dozen eggs has to expect 12 first grade eggs. AB.C. a uditors visit member newspapers, carefully ex- amine subscription lists, check it against records . showing cash payment for same; then release their figures to the . advertising agencies and to anyone who may want them. Ano A.B.C. auditor visited the News-Times office in January a nd made a careful check of all claims, then tabu- lated his findings and announced we had 1583· paid subscrib- ers as of January 20, 1946. OUr press run averages 2750 copies twice each week. the difference in figures equalling se.rvice copies. ne\vs stands, counter sales. exchanges, addi- tions a nd others necessary to meet the demands of our patrons. It gives the News-Times real pleasw'e to announce our membership in the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Less than six per cent of the na tion's ten thousand weekl y newspapers have the right to display the A.B.C. emblem-the symbol of honest circulation. We are pleased that the Newo-Times has been accepted as one of the new members of A.B.C.-a recognition of h onest circulation; proud that we are among the papers which can substantiate our circulation clailll$ with audited figures. ' Unified Postal Service Newport Harbor has been rocking along for years with an archaic postal system that has at once been the shame and laughing stock of the county-four postoffices in one t own. And Newport Beach has grown faster than most cities in the rounty, with our four post offices second class In a first class community. • Why ls it not possible to centralize the service under the name Newport Harbor, have one office and superintend- ents at the various &tations. Salaries of postmasters, as the~ now stand, do not vary much in amounts, and appoint- ments o( superintendents would give them as much, or nearly 80, as they now receive. ' Such a central office would at once place the city in the first class group. Present combined postal receipts of the four offices are about $95,000 annually. It takes $40,000 receipts to go into first class. At once it would give the c!istrict a night and Sunday service, city carriers, more effi- cient delivery, more help and quicker in and out malls. Such a change would be up to the postoffice department, or to the postal inspectors. with final 0 . K by the appoint- ing congressman from this district. In the past that has been one source of hesitancy, as the perogative meant votes. 'but it is safe to assume no objection would came from that end. U resolutions by our city rouncil . chamber of com- merce, \'arious ci,;c groups are needed, then let us proceed at once t o breathe new life into our local service. MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND 24-Hour Radio Service HOME, ~UTO, MABIXE RAD16s REPAIRED Burt R. Norton 915 Cua.at mway Phone :417 NeW))Ort. Beach. Callf. ' , II •=• OtFw .... fta I~ • r NEWS of·the CHURCHES FIR8T FOUlieCIUAtl• CHUllCH OF C08TA Mli:U. llw.-M~Cl.W•---..... ,. -.. 71 _,. llehoOI 8:80 LllL M"'1llq wonlllp -10:41. ~-8:00p.m. --C:IOp.m. OU LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1£vecolns .......-....ice at I W_. CollV9I A._ T:30 p.m. ~;~7~11;·~••1: 8 ud 10 a.m. Wednem&J' n r ntq Pr&J9I' 911"'1 .. ~ ~ fn"CD 1co at T:ao p.a. 4:00 0:30 and tram T:IO to ------- 8:30 .m.. C08TA MUA COMMUNITY ST. OHN VIANNll'.Y CHURCH ealti• lalaftd y -= 8:80 a.m. c.;;r;;..;;;;-Batu?daya fr<ft 8 il0 p.m. CHUllCH C&rl L JOll-M"'- 12'4 L .mu. 8t. I'll. 1475-11 auuoll-. 9:40 La. Kornlns Worwll<p, 11 o·- ' ' Yoalla -... 1#,.. t. pa a y-.,., -~..-.a:aop.a. 1 ....... -•io.. T:M d- MH w11k t I .............. . W•ta t...,,, f:IO p.a f lla. ___ ... , __ J FIR8T METHODIST CHUI.. Cl.Mwl•~·­Euclld at _,_ Ga,_ t :IO a.m. a.a--.tor .. .,... -I 11 :00 a.m. ll(orslq .,,,_ .. , K._,.: "'We n&azLk on..,-I 11:00 a.a. N11n97 tor .a - -durlnc --8 :00 p.m. II-Y-..... ~. Y OUJ1C Adl&lt J'WDa A 9 •• T:OO p.llL ~ WOi I.,.,_ Mg p: ""Olme Y• lift." OOllONA DEL MAB. Cemplete Fomdain Seniee at M)IUNIT1' OBtJBCll, OONOBIJOATIONAL _ Fredsldt-.-. --HANSEN'S 111 18.Uotrope, Coroaa cW 1111.ar S day, April 28, 1946-0iurch sch I has two ....,..,._ AU abov primary department meet at 9 . un. Beginners and pri- %100 0-l'Poet Newpori NOW OPl!lN EVENINGS m department ages meet at 11 a . during the morning church b HALI'S • SANDWICllDJ • BADUBGl:B8 lee CW m to 'hire Old 11 a.m.. morning worship. Ser- ·-by Mr. Schrock, ''The Man PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ' \i\.e ,1't Know." 7 .m ., youth m eeting. ScPnP: In H arbor fll«h 84-hool Caf,.tf'rla; time: an)· noon bout of any day. Characten: six Stodt>nta tr3·in1 to ttet a 8Quare m e-al without sittlnl'" In one another'• laps. Harbor \'OTE VES, OS SC.'JIOO L EX.P.'\NS ION BALLOT, MAY Jl. DON'T FORGET! They Say··· Kuchel Report Shows State Income Still Ahead of Expense Fl ST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST AOCOUNT&NT LI o Theater, Central Avenue I. S. WHYTE and Via Lido \ IMOOllS T.&.S. OONfJULTANT A , of Tb.e Mother Church, Authorhed b7 lbe Ulll~ State. Tr-ea. IU'7 Deowtment lO f'9PJ'Melll aliea&m in The F1rat Church of Chrlat, Scl· .olllMICtloa wHb income tu mati.en. , 1D Boaton, Massacbu8etta. AtmlT9 • 8YM'EllS BOO&IEUIJ'i'O 11&&\'lCa day School a t 9:30 a.. m. SUD· orne. lMe ll.llrbor Blftl., C•• -- SuBVEYOllS Siegel & Raub En.clDeen aad 8w•6)0N 1808 NOWIJOrt Bhd. Coda - Telephone %SM-J !611 W. Ceatral Newport- Tolepboae 1%3 When to Stop Arguing Found Out the Hard Way Dr. Robert ~I. llutchlns, chan-State Controller Thomas H . rvlce at 11 a. m.. Wedneeday r1:1 ... Newv-i "*w hitlcinoni.al Meeting at 12 o'clock '==::-----'---'----' ~-------------' ding Room located at lll ARCHITECT PIANO TEACHER I <'el1or of the Unlvprslty of Chicago Kuchel reported fr;om Sacramento Most peoplC' IC'arn thC' easy ,,·ay, -"Rattling the atom bomb, 1 that the s tate income continues hut it took a city policC"man and str essing its destructive power, 1 to run ahead of expenses, but that deputy sher iff \Vith handcuffs to l rather than exploring its limitless1 C'Xcess cash which has been build- persuade Ro~er Barryman St<'ppe IA'orth in industry, is no way to ing up in the state treasury will of Los Angeles that consistent inspire trust In America's peaceful be cut conside'rab1y wh~n money argument, objf:'Ctionable language intl'ntions." appropriated at the special ses- street, Balbea, is open daily 1 p.m. to ~ p.m .. except Sun- and hoJjdays na tlonally ob- serv . Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 814 W, Bay Ave-, Balboa Wewport 1'7%4 %1!1 Lakewood Ave. PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Graduate Ro7'I' eo-rntory, 1.e1po1e Ph. 1252-W and fighting constitute disturbing sion of the legislature is paid the peace. Then in the bargain. Prttldent Felix Gouin of France out. thC' youth. \\'ho "'as said to have Cash in the general fund in--"Fra nce intends to keep her pol· obstruct('{f the en.t r a nce to a Bal· icy orientated toward peace and creased Sl ~.322.894 du~ing March, boa dance hall 1n order to get th U . d N t ' 0 . . .. the Anaheim m an said, and the T e public la cordlally invited to att d the church eervtces and \198 the eadlng Room . T . JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1-..,._ NOrmandy 8403 1529 w. Ooeen Front I ~-----__, 1 ~----------~ PHYSICIANS A 8UBGllONll, 1LD. his companion in illegally, offer ed I c nite a ions r ganization. e xcess in this fund a t the be· to fight the police and resisted ginning of April was $149,037,939. arrest. G~n. G~rge C. Kenny. senior Judge Bob Gardner ~\'as the Amf'riran r f'pre!tentatlve on t he final victor in the argument which United Nations i\111.ltary S laff star ted at the dance hall as Steppe Commlttee--"ln order to e nable repeatedly attE'mptC'd to get the Un ited Nations to take urge nt Frank Beard of Balboa into the military measures. members shall hall r('('('ntly \\'hc>n doormen said hold immediately available nation- h is \\Tist stamp \\'as not valid. al airforce contingents for rom- Polite rNJuests for the> youth to bined international enforcemen t stand asidC' \\·ere of no a\"ail, and action. The strength and degree after some arg:umc>nt, it took or readiness of these contingents both Officer l\1r Mnnitiai:I and a nd plans for their combined ac- Deputy \V, R. !Vlarchbank of tion s ha ll be determined by the Costa 1\·lcsa to subdue Steppe. SC'curity Council with the assist- ance of the 1\1ilitary Staff Com-As the h andcufrs \Vere applied mittee." and he was taken to th<' station to be booked o n d isturbing thC' peace a nd rf's is t ing ·arrest while Jlerbe rt lloo,·er , former Presl- u nder the influe nce of liquor, his ! <lf'nt of the United !i;tata-"Des- buddy fQllowed and took up the pite organized efforts to supple- argumcnt at the station. Night I m cnt the foOd for children, there oCficers d id not like this a nd ask-ar e still some millions or under· ed him to desist and to leave. no urished, subnormal children Beard rl"fused. so he was accom-who have not yet recovered from modated "'ith an ad joining cell to the German ~upa tion." PERCl\7 AL'S PROGRESS When Percy \vas five he loved a lady "'ho w as fa t and fair and forty~five and k new how t o make delicious chocolate pie. \Vhcn P ercy was twelve he adored Alicia. She had honey-col-' o red curls and \\'Ore blue sashes. She w as the only r eason he w ent to dancing school. When P ercy was t'''en ty his heart belongOO to Millie, v.·ho crooned blue songs •in a SIA'eet. husky voice and wore a cigarette in h er little painted mouth. \Vhen P er cy was thirty there was a cool, slim blonde named Natalie, who had a trick eyebrow a nd a n ermine wrap. And when Percy was fifty he loved a lady \\'ho was fat and fair and forty-five and who could broil steaks and ma ke delicious choco- late pie. • -Exchange. 515 Weat Central, Balboa (Ebell Clubhouse) • ev. Ardys T . Dean, Vicar 8: O a. m., H oly Oommunloo.. 9: 6 a.m., Sunday School. 1 :00 a. m., Morning Prayer and "Se On. (First Sundays: Holy Co wtlon.) CH IST CHURCH BY THE SEA Community MethOllfl9t 420 West Central A venue CLINICAL .LABORATORY .Clinical'--Laboratory ornoe boo.rs : 9 -4:So and by appointment TELEPHONE BARBOR 888 Z8SS W. Central Ave. DAY 8CBOOL Rev. E. D. Goodell, Paat•• Mortimer School urcb School. 9 m a. m. IM Conl B&l'1oa bland ~-Lg Wonl>lp, 11 L m. 0.-..leo: Coll-. Prepan.tory ulh Fellowehlp, 6 p. m. DAY SCHOOL "-e.n.1ng Worahlp, 7 p. m. 011N -week prayer aervtce, Wed-0. A.. lfortirner, M. A.., Orlord y; covered di.Ah dinner, 6 :30 .__~ ________ Ph ____ w _ _, ALllOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Aveftue Rev. Harry W. Whtte, 1'saoclate Paator urch Scbool, 9 :80 L m.. ~-'&" Wonhlp, 11 a.m. 8 ENTH DAY ADVENTISTS .Cdme,, Walnut and Church 8ta. Costa Meu DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST nn17 w. o..ctra.1 PIL 1430 NEWPORT BltAOR H. R. Hall, M. D. ~olanandll­ Hours: 2-~. by Appolntmmt T elephone 2620 Ul Broadway ~ .,_ CONRAD RICHTER, M. D. Pbyalclan -8- 120 E . ~8th S t. COSTA MESA Hours: l<rl.2..a.m.; 3·5 p.m. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~-llm-2209 Coast lstvd NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES-- Offico 286-W Re9. 2811-R It no answer, call Newpurt 5 Gerald Rall8aj M. D. that of Ste ppe. 1-Jo,vever, he was r e leased the follo"i.ng m orning v.•hen he \\'as sobered up. Steppe remained in jail for t hree days until his hearing Saturday mo rn- ing in Judge Gardiner 's court. Erne8t Be\1n, Foreign Secr e tary of Encland-"I am anxious to get British troops out of Greece a nd they will be with drawn as soon as conditions allow." Christian Science Theme 'Probation after Death' bb&th ochDol, Saturday mam-1 r-----------..., I Ing, 9 :80 o'clock. 2830 West <Antral Ava NEWPORT BEACH 'Gone Thro11gh Hell' Steppe argued t hat he had "gone throllih hell" in the !et'Vice and asked ft>r le niency, but Judge Gardner, himself a service man. pursued this line of argument to the evident dismay of the defend- ant. He had, it developed, served in the U. S. Merchant Marine and had gone through nothing ex· traordinary in line ot well-paid duty. He was give n a sentence of six days in jail or S30 fine; Beard, who was found to have been a less determlned offender, was re leased to his parents after a lecture from the judge. Under the sentence, Steppe "'8.! a.tso sentenced to 90 da}'S sus- pended sentence for resisting arrest. v.;th the provision that he stay out of this city for the· next two years. R. I . Dearborn, chairman of the Comm.J,tee oa. Patents and ~ aeucb of the N atlonal AModatloa of Ma.nufacturen -"Establish- ment of an Office of Technical Services in the Department of Commerce would imperil free en- terprise, through unwarranted government competition." The Golden Tert or the Sunda7 Lel'lson-Sermon on "Probation after Death~' In all branches of The Mother Church, The Flret Cburcb of Cbrlet, Scientist, 4': Boeton, la from Hebre-;a: "Take heed, breth· ren, leet there be In any or you &11 e\'ll heart or unbellet, In departlnc from the l1Tln1 God. But Mhort on• another dally, while it la called To day ; lest-any or you be hardened 7 : through tbe decelttulne111a or sin.'" A Scriptural •election from Gene-7 : sla reada, .. And Jacob waa left alone; and there wreatled a mu ESTABLISH POLICY with hJm untll the breakJng or the day . . . . And be eatd unto htm. WASHINGTON. -Sen. William Wbat 111 thy name! And he said, F . Knowland <R . Calif.) has de-Jacob. And be 11a!d, Thy name i hall manded that the Senate establish be called no more Jacob. but Israel: a national Policy for tr'1nsferring for u a prince but thou power lef t-over combat material to other with ~ God and wltb men, and bast countries instead of leaving this prevailed .... And Jacob called the de licate mat ter to the innE"r sane-name or the plaee Pen1el: tor I tum of the State Department. The ba,·e seen God faee to face, and my life la preeer\'ed." difficulty with the present situ-In "Science and Health with Key atlon, Kno\\·land e xplained, is that to the Scriptures" Mary Baker while the United State5 has no Eddy' writes. "\Vben JaCob was Pfaacll'11lg oervice, 11 L m. ASSEMBLIES OF ODD B and Ida Sande, Pu&on O-Fr .. t,Newpar• olndilJ' achoo~ 10 a.m. nln& aervlC<, 1l a.m. enin& evanceliltic lel"Vioe at p.m. d-week aervice, Thursday at p,m. ULL GOSPEL CHURCH Md Elden, 'tQllta. .II .. I ay ~t 8 :,5; ....mac ,11;~--·­m.; ~week ~)lllr meet~ Wedneea&y, · T ,45 p. m., people'•~ Mtttee day, T:ts p. m. _. control over t he foreign and colon-asked. '\\"hat Is thy name?' be lal policies of other nations, it is •t ralght~·ay ans\\·e red: and then s NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH rauel Chapel, C09ta M ... ev. Herbert Roth, PMlor icee: Sunday, lO:SO a...m . It's Your Fare ~ible that they \\'Ou1d follow bis name wu t:banged to Israel, You don't ha\·e to tell ho"'• you courses con trary to American con-for ·u a prince' bad he prevailed CHURCH OF CHRIST Dr, W. W. WMlmoreland Dentlllt 1eo1 0oen mW&)' OOllONA DEL 11Aa PMaeN-portl08 New York Life lllllurance Company DON IL D"llaANT Oii 0.-A.... PMae UM-J CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE IN!IUKANCll 00. Ray Nielse1t ~--J %U E. Bay A-Balhoa MORTICIANS live ('ach day; crption of fair international prac-a nd bad 'pov.·er with God a nd "''Ith urch and Walnut streets You don't ha\"e to say iC '-'OU work . d men.'·• ''The result of Jacob'• Harold K. Grauel J Uce an use American surplus or struggle thus appeared. H e had Duane Canby, Mtnlster. or play; unconsumed lend-lease arms to e n-conquered. material error with the S Ice•: Sunday, JO a.. m., Bible Ch I A tried true ba rometer se rves in force th('ir aims. understanding of Spirit and o! Stu 11 M In ~1 ape ·1 1 ; a. tn.. om g wo~ .... P_.· , 1 s p aro--•11iritua.1 pov.·cr. This changed the 'We Ounetv:es the Better Serve Ho''"t'\'er you live, It will sh~· in All k inds typewrite r ribbotL.s In man." o ive Carefully-Spare a Life. by Servin& Others Best" -_)_·o_u_r_f_a_ce_. __________ s_toc_k_a_t_th_e_N_""_~_-Ti_·m_ .. _· ___ i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;~~~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;;~1 1 1~~~Pho~..,~~N:"e:wpo:::rt~l58;l~~~ . ~ 11-. Calllornla ONcE AqAIN: '- Newport -Balboa Tourist Bureau SAM'S SEA 000 SPA oProMETBIBTS AB Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexko, Hawaii Robe Round-the-\Vorid Trips in the near ftiture. See 11 A. Crawford Mn. Roy Keene. Pb, S9L SOI Palm, Balboa Off!ft Y09 UJe rnw& PIMe o~mJ>msT Romw: M L m. t. a p. .... to In Orange C.-t,.: Eyes E>wnined -Glasses Fitted 315 NORTH .MAIN ST. " - • All . 1791 N-rt 8-....i Plloae UICI conA !11E8A ' I .Ethel Neff, D, 0. The Dr. Bateo M etud o( Eye TralniD.&' for Better VhrJoo u .... •-a...,..,. an.~ ~ So. 8-l' ,Front ....... ..... n..pn Pb. 102S-No .,,_er c;all 301·111 X-R.oy Serviee Hilton 11. 11anni11, 11. D. ll01 o..t •• ., ~ ... - Ottice Houn: lo-12;,H . ..... !f .. pwttea 8. R. Monaco, M. D. Slf 11i11J An~ &.lbcia . 1"9Wpost ITU '41 S. 11111 8t.. Lo8 A•'• Tu-7AI By Appoin- T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phyaldu Uld Smg- 100~ West: &J" A't'e. Telepholle Newporl OM A. V. Andrews, M. D. PllYlllCIAN -SIJJl(JEON Dr. W. T. Mooney n,....u118w ..... --c-.•Iii I -<-·-->• W11perDtq'•I W le Dr.Wlllcaro.w-• Chiropractie, Phys!o & Colonic~ uno 0out m..r., ._.. L&cn-8-ll ~--- ZONE THI :, tAPI CUNIC · \'apor Bahls -MedbJ •·s 1 Special~-.. for cJ ....__ ·--...... I Hook, Line and Sinker • ft&WH>lif M l .BO& , I S.&.YS QUn:TEST EASTER lN YEABS-TRAN1lll POLICJ!: By HUOR McMILIAN Balboa, Calif., April 2: L--------------....:....-----~--......1 1 Dear Editor : "Approximal•IY 75 live' be.it boats are now operating out of Newport H arbor," said Chas. A. Griffi.ts, secretary of the Sport- fishlng Association of Newport Harbor Monday. "I expect a shortage of live bait ' Su ey Shows Dr p In County TB Reports Gibson Has New Business Address A. E. Gibson ol Balboa Island, who has been with the Higgins Pleasure Craft company, ba,s changed bis business location and is now a t 'Richardson's Yacht an- chor age, IJaYside drive. He la a yacht broker and bandies marine as well as general insurance. PA8AD&NA FLO~ SHOW OPSl'fS nlDAY -,. Requirini four lUge ~ and fi\.-'e aCl"e9 ot. ~ tlle Southern California Sllrinll FloW-1 er Show will open Friday, April 26 at the Fannie E. Mon loon Ber-l tlcultural Genter In - Park, continuing through Sundq. The largest and moot pretentlooio display In the evenf1 long blstm7 Is assllttd, the Pasadena n...... Show Associa tion, sponsor, ~ nounces. The 1946 Orange County X-Mn. Richardson ls adding a ey shows a drop of 23 new 1 line, the Huntcraf! 30-foot definite tuberculosis and pawer crWSer, and expects the of indefinit e tubercuJosis first 1 mod.e l in next week, Gib-Scotch ~. variOl.B slus. aa -, boats to develop before the season iJ over ," Mr. Griffis added. ·~e have a sufficient number of live bait charter boats and trollin&' boats, but we might need more r egular live bait boats. '"nle bait situation has been good so far this season, but It is always hard," the Secretary of the S portfishing Association add- ed. "About 100 boats should be operating at the height of the season, and I hope they can be well su pplied." tween 29th and 32nd s treets, using Now that quiet reigns oner sand crabs and butter clams for more on the streets of Balboa. J bait. Spolfin croaker are contin-would. through YOW" valuabl1 uing to be caught in the bay. The paper, thank our local police de shell dredger in the upper arm of partment for their wonderfu1 anf' the bay makes a good spot to efficient handling of past week'f fish as the dredger chums up the Easter vacation. In my 20 yellJ"'f bot tom. which pr ovides food for experience u manager of m· the fish . daugh ter's ca bin court I have al Mr. J. B. McNally will hiYe ways dreaded as a nJght-mare th< the Bonito as a trolling boat this approach of this epidemic of se·ason: This boat wu formerly youthful drunks, malidous mis- owned by Al Pierce, of radio fame. chief bottle throwing and hoppK The last time I heard Al, he was up cars and othe r dis turbing ele. t ~ar's findings. There son reports. sale al the New.'lbnel . change In the heart find-j --'-'------------------------- ings. e survey, as usual, was cond~;:c: by the mobile unit of the · ornla Tuberculosis and Health association ·during March 11-22, d sponsored by the Or- • broadcasting fTom WXLD on the ments. fair tale of Saipan, In the Marl-This year it ag:aln started our anu. the same old way, but after P The number of yellowtail that m!a:ht be caught this year is hard to estimate. In past years manf yellowtail wne caught, but with each )-ear the number seem to be getting fewer. None have been brou&ht ln so far this year. bu t Yellowfin croaker, halibut, &nd night or so of Chief Hodgkinson'f a few corbina ate being caught squadrons alertnHS and determin from the piers these dajls. A!J an ation soon put a s top to all thi· overall picture fishing is fairly and it ..was a real sane seven day: good in all fields. a nd nigh ts a nd nothing to be de King Guion Baton To Swing Saiurday tt ls hoped many will be caugh~-Branded by followers of swing May 1 will see the McCullah music as "the b&nd to watch in Broe . barge in operation off Ne'N· '46," King Guion and' his orches· port, with the shore boat running tra will make with the rythm from the Newpor t pier . First boat a t the Rendezvous ballroom in out 6 a.m., one-hour service ~re-Balboa, Saturday night. after. Llve bait Will be furnished King Guion (real name) is hail- a board. and there will be galley ed. as one of the most promising ---1~ band leaders to rise from side-ae.aT~k~ to E arls Landi!.g's Earl men ranks since Harry J a mes left ?tfonday about his -live bait boat Goodman to foon his now famoua Music. Earl was really feeling aggregation. Guion, in creating good about his swell crew aboard what is called ''Double Rythm," the ?tf usic and the service they has given his band versat ility that were gi"i ng the fishermen . A good is said to be seldom a tt ained by crew m eans a lot and adds to the a dance orchestra, r esulting in comfort of fishing . good musicianship and danceable Barracuda, bass, sea trout. tempos. sired and whe never I saw thr large force Rowland had on hant' patrollng our neighbor hood I fe)· very safe and secure. Espectall~· succesaful was the clearing of the streels after midnight by all th< ''boys" which no doubt l eft m a n,· a window whole and few can stripped by the usual early morn- ing hoodlums. Thou1h the crowd& were it seems were as large u all other Easter weeks, I never in all theM' years found it so peacefu1 as It was last week, taking espedally In consider ation the enormou.c: gang of boys who had no housing accommodations a nd were r eady to sleep on beaches and wander our streets until the presence of the squad cars and patroling "minions of the la w" dissuaded them and sent them on the ir wa y. Very tru1 y yours, GUS KERNER. Mgr. ange ty usodatlon. 'Ibe fihns ere read by W al do S. Wehrl M. D ., Santa Ana. con- 1ultlng specialist. 2152 X-rayt were taken this gainst the 1993 of last nd 36 cases of definite 1ber"'1l·oals were found. 38 cases finite t uberculosis. The "' Uni States Public Health aerv· ORE\V TO A. P A.DL Don Hammon. member or the Lynwood Rod and Oun club 'fho lWl&ged the9e two beauutlll wbJte Aea bMe re· eently on the Valencla from IUtt«'• Landlq. Ae a larce pauen· ger list looked on \\1th envy, Hammon brought the .fO· and S7·poond- e rs In, the n n t one t aking 20 minutes. Ttfey were taken from south of Lacuna Beacb, ~·hlle otbers were ha\1n~ more succeu wttb bar- racuda. (Photo by Kent Hitchcock ) ice c est survey classification, which used in all mass surveys, places both active t uberculosis and h ed adult·type t uberculosis in the ' same group. 74 abnormal I heart 1 hadows were indicated ~n the fi and there were 276 other findin which amounted in large part t calcium deposits and minor heart ntl. w hite sea bass. and halibut seem Featured wit h the band to give to be the fish being caught on with the vocal departinent is love· Jive bait boats t~ese da ys. The ly Barbara Hill, song and eye boats are ranging from Dana charmC'r. Helen Stephen's Bay Side --------------------------- This lowe red incidence comes as a sur*e, since an UJ>Swin g was expect due to our conditions, even ough it ii a little early, ac· cord.in to some doctors, to feel the f impact the war has left on th people's health. However, one e lanation of the fewer find· ings the fact that approximat e. ly one third of those X·rayed were in th high school a nd junior co1le~ age grouJ)8. More tuber- cuios ·' 15_ always found in a dult grou Anoth'et' explanation is that ewer contact cases were referr d by the local public h ealth servi for periodical X·ray check· ups. Villa. P oint to off Hun tington Beach In their quest of fish. th• Costa Mesa Widow Surf fishermen these days are F or ' oCfice supplies, see :h:•:.:v.::in::'.g:....:.f•:i::.r...:l:.:u:.:c:.:k...:•:.:f::.te:.:r_::.co::.r_b ... in ... •_::.be_-... N_e,_v_s-_Tl_m_es_. _________ .1 Sues Motorist ~------------------f.I For Man's Death B U I L D N 0 W WE CAN OBTAIN NECESSARY MATERIALI! A COMPU:TE BUILDlNO SERVICE For ove r 20 years our bu9lneu bu been "BUILDING BErtEB CONSTRUCTED HOMES" DUTCH HEACOCK P . 0 . Box 42 Newport Beach Bus. Phoae 718 DIESEL SERVICE A suit to recover $20,000 dam· ages in the accidental dea th or her h usband, Delmer Stein, wa s filed in Santa Ana ~londay by Mrs. Flora A. Stein of 2345 Orange avenue, Costa Mesa. Named as defe ndant is Eldon Jones of Loog Beach, driver of the machine which allegedly killed Stein in a collision between a truck and automobile near H unt· ington Beach, F eb. 4. Cuba Morris Slated I For Kiwanis Talk On H iway Safety Cuba Morris. former N ewport Beach policeman and m ember of the S ta te H ighway patrol will speak to members of the New- port Har bor Kiwa nis club F r iday on Highway Safety. Costa Mesa Belles Will Say, "Number Please?" Final preparations are being made at the Cost a Mesa telephone building ro r cutting the new of- fice into service at midnight Sat· urday. L..'\St minute testing and checking of S\vitchboards a nd line circuits to assure that they . are in good working order will con- tinue u p to the time or the cut-in, says C. I. l\fcDona ld, district man· ager of the Southern Ca lifornia Telephone company. At midnight Saturday the now olficc \\i ll be cut in to service a nd following that time Costa Mesa calls will pass through the local switchboards. Whe n the Costa Mesa office goes into service, new numbers for Costa Mesa telephone sub- scribers will also be used. Newport Beach tele phones will have pre· fi x additions, but in most cases telephones in Newport Beach will re tain the same numbers. kC'cplng a handy list Qf numbers most frequently called. In June a new tele phone direc- tory will be issued, lis ting all num· ber s and preCix cha nges in the Newport Beach excha nge. ADEQUATE LIGHTING COSTS ABOUT $1 PER CAPITA The 1945 a nnual report of the International Municipal Signa Association finds that: "Munici- pal expenditures for street light· ing today are about 25 per cent lower than they were 15 years ago. Meanwhile. the costs of all other munici pal serviCes have greatly increased." The r epor t con tinues with information tha t the a ver age cost for street light· ing is now about Sl per capita for the entire country. The municipal employees' group es tima tes that most citi es could m aintain tc0m - plete Installations of modern light· ing, as defin~ by the Illumin- a ting Engineering Soci('Jy's code, for about $2 per capita. Ano her encouraging fe at ur e of the s ey is that the communi- ties t e mobile unit visited wer e anxio to be X-rayed, all X-ra~ being ·o1un tary. Ten towns an~ instit 'ons W('re visited a nd morr resid(' ts submit ted to beini;? X- rayed han the commun1tlet vlllt- ed In e county lut ,..r. Tm cost the X-r ays WU ftmnc-l throu h the sale or Christma: Seals, there being no charge for the rays, and the confidential readi s were sen t to the hom es with e request that findings and endations be r eported to physicians for advice. The yearly X·ray of every citi· zen til tuberculosis has been stam out, and heart trouble is under control, is evidently upper· most n the minds of all Orange residents. Orange county show t he way to othe r comm ities. All kinds typewriter ribbons stock at the News.nmes. Gra eful apprecia tion Is ex· press by T, Gray -J ohnston, Sa nta An a, treasurer, on behalf of lh*Orange County Tubercu-ln iosis d Health. association. for the w k of volunteers who assist- servi , and the taking of names, addres6es and other data, of per- '· Hello! Mr. Bernard! Oh 'Goo<ly, I'll Tell Mom! I'd Jove to have you take MY picture Mr. Bernard -'cause Sonny, my Brother says -that lots of people, even "MOVIE STARS" think you are the mostest wonderful photographer. Uh-huh· --I'll ~ar my NEW OUT- ml Oar Studio Will Be Open S U NDAY 12to 7p.m. Thereafter Open Tueedays • Fridaye and Sund&ya SITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone Lagnna m s Balboa Inn Arcade DIESEL MOTOR SALES RE-BUILT DIESELS ~lorrls is the harbor entrant in the sher iffs race in the coming coun ty elections. He will address the KiwanJans at the White's Bal- boa Coffee sht:lp. According to t.1r. McDon a ld, fina l preparations for cutting the Costa ~1esa office into service are being made wtthout difCiculty, but he urges HarOOr area subscribers to aid in t he s moot h fun ctioning of t he ne\v project, once the of- fice is placed into service, by ·rayed ~::::::::::::~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::=::=:::::::~ \ PHONES Offtce: Newport %068 and Newport 2084-W Balboa b land V• •+ y• I { 1;1 1ernan s . F<W Tlios8. .O/flcs Netilil I Metal Ccrcl Fies • ·-"' .-. ... -... ....... aturcly -...... of old. Mak• *9cl ~ SMOKING STANDS ......, .... TYPEWlllJEll STANDS Strcmc Rl l l t •WINDOmllllo-al £11 ...... •l•e-. tJl,$Wdt& ...,_.. .. •eler e It lato _, ·«:1 ..... --...:: ..,.._ ___ ...,. =... .. ~.':: --- CHESTS swMI &.anbaclc CHAIRS '-lcatlng, -...... -...., ...... tu.proof, ... of duroble ....... .-.mw.--.. ·-1 __ ,"' ___ _ ' \ . . l Coming to Newport Heights - SATURDAY N.IGHT, APRIL 27, Sound Pictures 7:20. Music 7:30 • • -• -''AN OPEN LEt•t'E:R TO and Prophecy Shadows Their future GRAND OPENING LECTpRE BY G ' PROGRi\M FO Sunday Night: . Ocean Monsters Reveal Nations' Destiny \Vednesday Night: . 7 Events of Last Week Prove End of Atomic Age t . • THE HOUR OF Don't Miss O'CLOCK • . PROPHECY Male - '' QUARTET N L. GOFF AR, EVANGELIST WEEK • Friday Night: BIG YOiUTH RALLY By Youth Rvangelists MARTIN & MA'ITISON "HOUR~OF '"PROPllE 1 Y'' AUDITO ' Opposite Old Lowman Boat Worke,r Vz Blk. East of Newport Blvd. on Bolsa Ave., Newport Heigh ta ' ' • • • • I . I , r.,Tw:utN_ Mrs. George Wheat, State Chairman American Homes, Di$plays Antique Glass Collection Kemben of the Home and Gu-cootlnental cable: the 1.!nooln.. and din --at the Plocentla Ge.rfleld drapes: the Liberty bell Round Table club were entertained model, made at the PbDadelphl3 recentlY at the home ol Mrs. cenUnnfal In llr16 and the 1926 George Wheat, Newport Island, sesqui-<entennlal O.pitol at Wash· with 32 members present. Speak-ington. ers for ~ afternoon were Mrs. While goblet.S are the principal Wheat. state chairman ol. Ameri-pa.rt of the collectlon. the prize can Homes and Mr.r. C. M. Dea-items are the beautiful set of Oas- kins. county chairman of gardens, sic pattern, With different classical Who talked on Early American heads frosted on plain panels. con- g.lass, displaying her large collec-sidered the finest in pressed tkln by way ot illustration. Some glass. • .. eight years a.go when her mother 1be 'Wheat pattern in an old passed away, Mrs. Wheat found bread platter is nota~le. as is the herself heir to several old pressed old and rare Sandwich Star de- glass goblets oile of which had canter, the grape pitcher and belonged to' her great-grand-matching goblets, the Lo~'s Sup- tbe per plate and marty other mterest- mo r. . . ing pieces. It is on1y by seeing She became mtere:sted rn them such a collection that the beauty and started.. a collecuon, !1ow hav-of it can be reaJized, and to see is Ing over 200. ol. the 1300 listed pat-to ~ant to become a collector al.so. terns, some as early as 1820 and some only a few years old. Among the commemorative patterns are those for the laying of the trn.ns· . Corona de! Mar Malt Shop 1018 Cout mp.way • Old fashioned malts \Ve mean just this. Mr. and Mn. Victor Ulfeldt and sons Stanley and Johnnie of La Canada. were Tuesday guests at the home of Mrs. Ulfeldt's aunt. Mn. Arthur Kemper, Corona del Mar. lt!r. Ulfeldt was on a trip of inspection of the Corona del l\1ar and Laguna Beach ~ools which \\:ere er ected by hii)com· pany. ' ·-·· MWft .... !i •••ao.& I ' lMI Harbor Dinner at.NHYC Honors Bridal Party Feminine Act vities BaltiO.: Girl Married· in Easter Ce111mony At'Trinity Episcopal Church, Orange • On Eater SUnday, April 2l at Richardson. + 7:30 p.m, In Trinity· Episcopal Mila J•anne Ann Gen-sh at By Winifred BuiJl'e + ' ~llkle~ Phone 1637-R church, <>nnge, Jletty Louloe N.,.._. Be~ &an& ·-· ,,--.-:-:-.--:-,,..-;';'""y-0 ..,---;I---------Wrilbt, daughter of Mr. and Mn. and "Oh Peifi.<:t Lqv.." with Mr, Mrs. 'H . B. McMurtry_ as ington, C. Is I\ OTES from the ortey o. Wright, J11 Alvorado Green .. or&anist. Electe ~ Pres1'dent of Goal of Islanders -place, llalb\>-. WU united in mar· A4er the ~ • ~ ~ aJboa Yacht Club r1-to Billy ~ -of uqn was held 1n the parish hall Friday Afternoon Club L Ool and Mn. p uI Schrepel Mr. -Mn. J. w. Anderson, 217 where Mrs. Wricht and Mrs. AJ>o olinaxing a series of dessert ----t. · ~ elephanta •PPl'OI* iately Wil90n sireet. Costa · Mesa. The derson, both gowned formally In bridges and luncheons given In Mrs. H.. B. McMurtry was == ~.;.i°' left ~ •:; ted "fishermen's cove" at candle-light ceremony was read by black and ""earing yellow orchids, her hon« by her bridesmaids and elected president ot the Friday with a first atop at LemOre and Bal Yacht club for the "Bunny the Rev. E. E. Hallwood ln a assisted ln the receiving line. friends at the University of South-Afternoon club last week, and Easter spent at Stockton. From Hop" Saturday evening wtien 200 floral setting of Easter lilies. cal· The wedding cake centered a em California, Miss Patricia other officers for the comin& year there they wW go to Ya.emite, -makers danced to the mu-las, stocks and other white now-buffet charmingly decorated with Parke and her parents, Mr. and are Mrs. Rohen Skiles, first v1ce Grand Canyon, Carlsbad Cawrns sic o Dan Ingra.ham's five-piece en and · wu attended by 200 s\\•eet peas and camelias and Mrs. F . J . Parke, 104 Via Yella, president; Mrs. Joseph Hamblet, and on down to l'ilercedes, Texas, 0 tra.. guests. llghted \\ith tall tapers, and after Udo Isle, will entertain members second vice president; Mrs. George Mn. Schrepel's home toWn where odore and Mrs. Don The bride, who \\'as given tn the first slice was cut by the of the wedding party at dinner Gay, recording secretary; Mrs. they will Visit her rather, W. T. Kem Vice-Commodore and Mn. marriage by her fa.ther. wore a bride, it \\·as served by the Misses tonight CThursday) at Newport C. R Ridley, treasurer, and Mrs. Scotton and 8 brother in Corpus Bob yd, and Rear Commodore gown of white satin fashioned on Louise Freeman and Margaret Harbor Yacht club, where orange J . M. Shearer, auditor. Olristi. and . Richard Fenton wel-slim princess lines 'Nfth short Nielson of Balboa, Miss Diana blossoms and lighted tapers will Directors elected were l'ilrs. W . Al ard members to the dance, train, the bodice with lace insets ltiargwarth of Newport Heights set the keynote In table decora· a b:lellott. :P.f.rs. Elmer Clarice and Minn1:.:ia to vi.lit the ls the last to be held until and lace Yoke. and long sleeves. anThd l\tibss .... A}-i.ce Bryand t of O!raNnge. tiona. Mn. W. E. Nickell. ts Mr d Mrs Wll11am F the rmal opening of the season Her fin~tip veil was held by a e r1ur as a gra uate o ew- On Friday evening Miss Parke Mrs. C. G. Huston. one ot the ~~t. ~ anslaten · and broth~ June 8. coronet of oiange blossoma and port. Harbor Union High school, will be married in the Episcopal founders ot the club and now 8 era tn both that state and North ryone was on hand for the her old-r11hloned bouquet was of -as lS her hus~nd. who \VU a church of the Messiah to \Vllliam resjdent of Los Angeles, was made Dakota u well as friends in East~ regatta which drew entries white !'09eS ahd carnations cent· turret gunner m the Army Air Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. an honorary member. Indian~. from all ~uthern~lifornia clUbs ered wft.1!~ white orchids. corps. They left !or a sh?rt Jones of Altadena. She graduated Maurice Zam. concert pianist, They will continue to Wash-anf ph1es 1 for which will be Mn. Mildred Bock. sister of hone>'.111oon at Crestli'!e, the bride in February from U.S.C. and was !~~u~i:~~~yp=~~hich "118 ington, D.C., where they will visit aw ed at the end of t~e season. the bride, was matron of honor choosing ~ dress of melon. ro&e one of the most prominent wome n a brother who is captain in the Bradford was 1n charge and she was go\vned. in pi.nk to~ her going a':"ay oost~e. They students, being past president of signal corps, and where Col. of . e dance as ·enter~ment taffeta with a net icap to match. will make thelI" home in Costa Associated \Vomen Students, Tro-Play Tournament Schrepel expects to get rus re-cha an, and .was assisted~ the The bridesmaids, Who were slm-~tesa. jan Amazons and Phrat eres. Her April 25, 26 , 27 at assignme nt. H e hopes it will be East~r decorations by Sue Ficker , JlarJy gowned in aqua blue tarretlt -------- sorority \\'8S Delta Gamma and I c b s at San Antonio Air depot. Mrs. arl Yo.ung., Mrs. Russ Hatd-and matching caps, \\•ere l\fiss your Friends she was active in many studen t Ebe I lu , anta Ana Col. Sch.repel has recen tly re-castft, Juanita Fletcher, Loralei Jerry Connors of Costa Mesa and organizations, as "'ell as outstand· 1 · turned from Bangalore. India, Le~. Bob. Henley, Ed Malone, Miss Barbara \Vright or Dan"ille, And Mine Manila folders at Ne\\.-s-Times. I ing in scholarship. First of a series of three recep-where he was chief of the supply A~1 . Wright, Sonny Morgan, IlJ.. cousin of the bride. \Vho ---------------------------Attending the dinner \\'i 11 be tions In the Southern California di'lislon of the Southern India Air Bill Fick er, Morgan Cox, and came for the \\'edding and "'ho re- •--------------------------; P d I Ru· Pu! ki Bob a nd Rich McDonald. sons Mrs. Phillip Callahan of asa r na.1 tournament of one-act pays. span-depot for two and a half years. o 1 as · turnQd to become a bride herself. f l\.t d Mrs Will" m l\{cDon· LAURENCE H. DORCY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Announces the Opening of His Offices at 321 Marine A venue Balboa Island, California Phone Harbor 2629 matron of honor: the> 'l\i isscs ~v-1 sored by the Santa Ana Commun-Mrs. Schrepel has been active in All attendants carried similar :id 0~·~~boa. sPent s;~f'ral h.appy erly Griffiths. \Vest\vood.;-. l\·tnr1an ity Players. \\•il l be held this eve-both Scouting. and P.·T . A. work D , F Meets at bouquets of roses and sweet peas. da~'s last "'f:'ek in San Diego where I Beach and Marilyn Carlson. Los / ning (Thursday) in the P eacock and was also a member of the Or n g e Home for Little Connie Jo Drake. niece of / they visitM an uncle. Capt. c. H . An J;"::eles. and Ja(""' 1 1eline Par~e. room at the Ebell club, . Santa Hart:'<>~ Stan:ip club, serving as d the bridegroom: \\•as flo,ver girl Westcof't . ThC'y dined at the Of - bridesmaids; the bridegroom. Wil-, Ana, With the ·drama section ot publ1<:1ty .chalMTlan for the latter Ev ning of Brf ge and her quaint long gO\\·n \Vas of ricers club. ,;sitc-d the zoo and I li.'l:m JonC'S, Al hambra: best, man j that club as hostesses. organizations. ·pink net. RinJ? bearer ,,.as had a grand time. L<>avi ng \Vffi. Chas Aylesbury, Hermosa Beach : This is the 20th consecutive DDF club met recently at Master Ronnie l\1 aTtre}f'am of nesda'.' they relurned by train 'thf' ushers, \Varren Hauseman and1 '-'ear the tournament h as been Easter Theme for r M H Bak Cos M T-~ w 1 .. ome o rs. arry er, ta esa. t-u or ey \\•as bc>st SaJurday '"ith Capt. and l\f.rs. j Patrick I.f illi ngs, Los Angrles, and ht>ld and about 14 communities Eb )) B d N e, with an evening of bridge man and ushers "'C're Russel! 1 WeS1cott, \vho remai~ for din-Ed\~·ard Gumming, PasadC'na ; thel1 "';11 be represented. ?\{rs. Georgl:!' e r1· ge' ew b ·d · h ~ 1 ed y a m1 n1g t supper. Hampton , brothe r of ~he bride: ner tha t evening at the l\·tcDonald bride, Patricia. and her parents, \Vheat of Newport Island, vice-Chairmen Elected and rs. Betty Highland of New-John Robe-rt' Cox and Forrest home. Mr. and Mrs. Parke. president of the Commur\itY Play-port Beach was a special guest . I ers. will give the· welcoming ---· l\ , . \Valter Noller held high S P d U DC •-bs ( th Decorative Easter bas kets con-L---------------:--------'f t a t e resi ent speech in tne a ence o e pres· sco , and ~ITT. Roger Barrow Co iden t, E . 1\1 . Sundquist. and on taining homemade dainties were held. onors. Others present were Plans nvention; Saturdav evening \\'hen wives of used as tab]e decorations when the J Mesdames Ed Edick. Roy Greeting "\\'E Ca r as and a Great Variety of Unusual Gifts i:o-;VITE YOt; TO BROWSE AROUNO" 804 M&rine A venue Balbo& bland -Phone 111%'7 USE Open Saturdays Until May Closed on Monday bl WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in bea uty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE Men's 100;;, Wool Blue Serge SLACKS For Dress or Sailing. "' White Stag Blue Denim Sailing Pants '- Balboa Blue Denim Play · Clothes For Women ~ d M d · ( h c n'ty Pl y the bri~"e section of the Friday Atten S eetingS irectors o t e ornmu I a • ue Pag Jooephine Oquist. Elrnor ers "-ill be hostesses: she IAill pour. AJ1ernoon club me t Wednesday of Pa~r rson and Sheldon Smith. Miss Gertrude J\1ontgomcry. BaJboi. state president of the United Daughters of the C0n· federacy, is busy with a round of teas and chapter m eetings of Sou- thern California UDC chapters previous to the coming state Ct)n· vention to be hC'ld l.1ay 15 and 17 in the 1\1iramar hotel. Santa Mon- ica. arrangements for which she has just completed. l\•liss l\l ontgomcry is in the clos- ing \\'eeks of her presidency for thi s is her SC'Cond term. Toda}' (Thursdayl shl'.' a ltended a meet- ing of the Bonnie Blue Fla.:; chap- ter. l\1aY\\'ood, and award{'(i cer- tificates to a new chapter. the Bluebonnets. which is being organ· ized for chilclren. ·Youngest mem- ber is Francile Ann Provost, \\lhO was registered 20 minutes after her birth. Saturday the state president will be in the receiving line at Nathan B. For~t chaptPr. Los Angeles. at an affair honoring past presidents and the division presi- dent. She has recently attended a DAR reciprocity tea and pro-- gram a t San Marino: a tea at the Long Beach chapter honoring lo- cal and state officers and a tea and musical program of Cri>neral Braxton Bragg chapter, lngl(k wood. Mrs. Florence Anderson and Miss Agnes Craig were hostessHJ recentl~ at a party for members of the choir of Christ Church by the Sea. It was held alter choir practice and refreshments of gin- gerbread. whipped cream. tea and coffee were served. · ti · this week at the club house with The Friday evening mee ng 1.s next meeting will be l\1 ny ( h Dr t . M rs. Jerrold Spangler, section in char ge o t e ama sec ion 10 at the home of M rs. Lewis J I W · chairman. and Mrs. Richard Ditt-:rr or the Santa An a un or omens Cock. 27th streef. club. General chairman for the mar as hostesses. II .,_ F c R land With new officers elected for tourna ment is .. u.. · · ow · Stn1'cs Club Formed the club. it was in order to name "ti a new chairman and Mrs. P . V. B·~ S J B Chess Club Invi tes Parks will head the section !or the YH t. a mes oys L ocal "evo tees corning year. tr 4 Six tables were in play and high F rmation of a boys· club, . · . . ed U score was, held by Mrs. Henry kno '·n as ThE' Stoics, has beE>n a n· A coniial inVltat1on IS JSSU a M k d nouYiced by the Rev, ,.\rd)'S Dean. d' · t Eggert, second by rs. Par s an -1i ches~ players in the 1.stnc . h b M J p C M vie"'° of St. · J ames E piscopal h h rt thooe who onors Y .. rs. . . ooper. rs. l "' et er expe s or even Ch 1 '! Al led chu . h. Officers have been elect-. · h ares :' c ary was conso . wish to learn the game, to )Otn t c C'd ·ith Denny Mason as presi· Laguna Beiich Otess club which S den Gary Rogers, vice president meets each Wednesday at 7 :30 couts Plan Picnic .a nd James Small is serv.ing as P. m . in Dr. Paul D. Conover's of-s-h "'" tary. fice opposite the Laguna Beac Boy Scouts of Troop 17 are e boys are in the younger age hotel. looking forv.•ard to the beach gro .P up to 12, and are receiv· An yone wishing lo know more picnic to be held this coming tng !musical training for a future about the club may call the presi-Saturday evening at Corona del boy • choir. Mrs. Albert Mat- dent, WiJliam Moorhead, Laguna t.1ar and a special invitation is theirs and her daughter, Mrs. W. 8893 or the secretary·treasurer. issued to fathers and Rotary club c . ~a,.11, are directing the musical Kaj Seidler. Laguna ~ .. Ladies members, sponsors of the troop. studies a nd the recreational ac- as well as men . are mVlted. A according to Scoutmaster Johnnie tivi es are under the sponsorship checker branch ~ planned later. Abell. of · H . "Hubbard" Richter. for those who wish to play that I The Sea Gull patrol will furnish game. firewood and the Beaver patrol D Ma y · · will build and keep going the fire ; , ;nver . n lSltS Power Squadron t o Dine Friday Evening A dinner meeting of the Ne\Y- port Harbor Power squadron will be held Friday evening of this week at 7 :30 o'clock at Balboa Yacht club and ladies are invited to attend. Emil Brudin of Balboa Island is recuperating from an operation which he underwent recenUy at St. J oseph's hospital. He Ls a re- tired Hemet building contractor. the Rattlesnake patrol is super-Brp ther Here vising food ; Wolf patrol Will lead J in songs· and yells and games are ' Ernie E Acker formerly to be planned by the Eagle pa-of sf~ta Ana ~d Ne.wPort Beach trot. but gow of Denver1 Colo., has been visit:Jng his brother, William Christian Lecture Ac~. 25th street, who has In H. S. Aucll.tori·um bee r ntly discharged after · five e in the set"Yice. Sunday, April 28 nver man is a surgical A free Lecture on Christian tech' lei and will report at Science wtll be given Sunday, 3 f duty. His wife is the April 28. 3 p.m. in the High School r osamond Thompson, ad- Auditorium by Clayton B . Craig, tra ·ve technician at Denver C. S . B., of Oncinnati, Ohio. The Gen.al ospi\a] ap.d they plan to topic will be "Christian Science: makf t ir home in that city. Its Revelation ot the Kingdom Within." All are· cordially invited. • The Mother-to-Be • ...... br Army .Doctor, Mr. and Mrs. DeBra and daugh· nown Harborite, Will Find Individuality 'here Dresses . • Suits • Jumpers Slack Suits • Robes • Bed Jackets Donna-Marie Shoppe 515 North M&ID St. Sula Ana Are&de Bldg. The 711 East Centrat Balboa Phone uss.w • from Cradle to Youth ten, Bonnie Jean and Marilyn, Laguna Office Inglewood, were Sunday guests at rman Nixon, 1007 Gav- the h'ome of Mr. and Mrs. J . K. ve, Laguna Beach, whO" Elliott, Balboa Next Sunday they has r ntly been reijeved from expect Mr. and Mn. Fred J · servfce ter nearly three and a Elliott and children, Freddie and ha~·lfU ye as chief of medical Joah. of San Bernardino. se t the Santa Ana Army Mr. a nd Mrs. Ross Owen and Air , where he held the rank daughters Eloise and Ellen, West ·0 r ~ enant colonel, ha.. an- Coast boulevard, spent ·Easter no ' that for the next five Sunday with an aunt and uncle. mon he will carry on a con- Mr. a nd Mn. Chris Foist, former IUl 1 practice In medical and residents now living in North psyc 0 gica1 problems for chil- Hollywood. drenr a adolescents. Etchings on Display [n Laguna Tomorrow oS ixon is well known in the Har ea and prior to his army The Fifth National Print Show will open at the Laguna Beach Art Gallery, Friday and continue un:.. tn Sunday, May 26 inclusive. This exhibition of etchings, e ngravings, wood bloc.ks, seragraphs and other prints has attracted national at.. tention. Pri2es are given for the ce was prominent in the pediatrics in Beverly Rills Angeles. He was a mem- e senior coruiulting staffs "ldren's H<>1pital and the L. ~ unty hospit~, and served as ~·' ant professor of pediatrics at SC Medical Schoql. He ls best prints. AJl'efl ate of the American Board tries and a member ot the Academy of Pediatrtao. Expert, B·eauticians for Milady • Pennanm11, Cold Wa-.e, Hair 5tylq. Hair Tintmc • • · Blach· me. Cold ·w ..... Rll'TH • AN1i • CMMD{ -1- ~· 2 5 :;.:•,_ ~· ~ ....... , Balboa Inn --- v 1+---.~ \ Salon .,.. __ ..... _ • C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY and ,ST ... TIONERY Diamonds · Watchea -Fine Repairing Pbone Newport 1U9·R l797·99 Newpert Blvd .. Co1ta Meaa, Callf. .•· • • CHRISTIAN'S HUT -Leonard Marshall, Manager Balboa, C&lifornla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUEI'S Bel tJ1 About Your 1i0u AND cim:JBcR WEDDING naruu:s lie 8an to lloqqlre About CoPJlag Old· Portralt8 .· - ~ ' 1 . '