HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-04-30 - Newport Balboa News Times, • THE SAND CRAB . ., SAM .. l'llOSTAL SERVICE. Now r ~t the die is cast and the riewspapers have lifted the lid on Newport Harbor's ancient postal system, per- haps one may be permitted to bring the situation more into the open In the past it has been a shush-shush pro- position, in order to not st_ir up the four ~-m the city and the political un- plicatioris arising. ·you see ali the centers -Newport, Balboa, Balboa Island. Co- ' rona del Mar-were a wee bit jealous of their preroga- tives, and hated to admit their particular office was not the best in the whole area. which it is. Can re- member when it would some- times take m ore than a day for a Jetter mailed at New- port to reach Balboa, or one to the Mesa, two days. In fact they used to be sent to Los Angeles and then come back. Seems that this is a job for the Chamber of Com- merce to '"'ork out, and even the postal inspectors, who have most 'of the authority, could do much toward creat- ing a first class office h ere. Certainly a city that has nearly $100,000 in annual postal receipts, is entitled to a better break. Eve n the Costa Mesa office could be improved somewhat. Know of a case w here people who have lived there for a year or so, never get tin_g letters addressed to their street number. such mail being re- turned with the stamped line. 11 unkno\vn". Ru ra I routes go to the outlying districts, but if you Jive with- / in a few blocks of the Mesa J office, you are just out of luck. + + + Weeds. G lory be! The county or state forestry de- partment h as ordered some of the weeds cut down in the unincorporated district of Costa Mesa. That's just dandy, but am wondering what the county intends to do about cut!ing the weeds on its property. To particu- 1~ shall one point to the Newport boulevard right-of· way, and one or two o ther tracts controlled by our es- teemed board of supervisors! Wouldn't it be nice if the powers that be would trim up their vacant land, at least inside town limits? + • • Les Millard. For n early a year Les Millard h as been handling the heavy duties of editor of the News-Times and has been forced to re- sign to take a Jong rest from bis arduous duties. During bis regime the circulation or the paper has zoomed to its highest point in h istory with this issue nearing the 3000- mark. The A . B. C. statement, printed last week, permits only the listing of the num- ber of subscribers paid in advance and rejects those m ore than three months in arrears. This means that hundreds of s ubscribers are not included in the ABC poll. In passing it is hoped that Mr. Millard will be able to again take up his newspaper work. + + + Paul \\1tmer. 'W1lile on newspapers it is reported that Paul \Vitmer, former mayor of Santa Ana and vet- eran newspaperman, h as taken over The Independent., operated by the late "Col." A. B. Berry. Paul has been trying, off and on. t o get back into the publishing game for several year.; and now that he has swxeeded, It Is '!xpected that he will continue the bright, i;nappy pa.per so forcefully conduct- ed by his predecessor. + + + FWi Fry. It would not be .amiss to revive the FISh Fry, made famous befOl'I! tlll' war ' by commercial fisbermen and Newport bt1s!ness men, · lo itiving the public free cooked -food. Thousands from all over Southern Call· fomla came to enjoy the suc- culent denl:rms ot the dee<>; . let's 1tut 1t QP q.1n, m.m1 • I • ' • IEWPORT HARBOR MEI START MIWOI DOLLAR . F IDATIOI TO -BiTTLE CAICER ....... Advwtf hi_ . • First In 61ll'nhtioa NEWPODT KEEP POSTEi>! I ·y__. •••• • • aM 1 ~ '0!-*1 _, ... °"' ., '° 17 ... oat., ----~..,_ .. N .............. Neuipwt .... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME lCX,XYlll .1 Ferry Command to Stay in Long Beach Phillips Urges United Figh fOr Army · Base Congressman Outlines I . SOILAND FORTUNE TO FIGHT . ISEASE Santa Ana Base Will Not C d• t d Pl F • Noted Medico, Yachts-~ 0Qr Ina e an Or Publisher Leads man Sets Up Institu-Plan levised County Campiagn tion; names Harbor Broad ast of All Forces to Follow For Knowland !!!~us'!focu.:':~~~ns have Harbo . Sports Be Its' New Horrie, States Army Air Force : Chief --been a ppointed to operate one l\1clntyre Faries, chai.J::man of o f the most important \nstitu-Television broadcasts of promin- Addressing Directors of "Newport Harbor the Southern California Knowland tlons in the nation. following el)tly rea Gen. Spaatz' Exclusive Dispatch to , News- be f C . S k W committee. announced yesterday the announcement today tha t I events ring in the waters of T" S ik W"ld R d S Cham r 0 ommerce, pea er arns that. Ranald Fairbairn, est""m.ed Dr. Albert Soiland, intem a -1 the Newpo t harbor area were Hnes p es I umors an pecu- separate Action Will Lead to Confusion publisher or the Orange Daily t' all kn th 't forecasted two representatives lation About Disposition of Airport News, would be chairman in Or-ion Y own au o n Y on of the Los Angeles Times at a By FREDERIC FROST .,-------------·I ange county for the commit!"" to cancer and n oted Newpoi;t meeting of he board of directors f Contrary to nipol1B llflPMl'- UnificatJon of all acilve M th s retain Hon. William F. Know-Harbor yachtsman, gave his of thE' Ne rt Harbor Chamber c t t• Ing in other DeW'8 .. pers cir- forces who are espousing the 0 er, on I land in the post or United Stat .. lifetime fortune to establish of Commer in White's ca!e, Bal-ons rue ion colating In the· harbor ....... campaign for a county-wide senator from California. the Albert Soiland Cancer boa, yeste y. the Sixth Ferrying Group ol aviation program leading to Faries declared that thousands Foundation with assets of The spea rs. Lods A. Voss and the U. S. Army Trwpori the ultimate use of the Or-Rescue Chum of servicemen regardless of party $1,000,000. Le";' L. nhinick or the retail Perm·1ts H"1t Command will not be tnm-&llP'A County airport and of afiliahtions arel offerti:ig thfeir ahid The trustees who will be ln adver tising epartment of 'the Los I ferred from the Long Bach &~ airbase to t e genera committee or t e charge of the project are Dr. Of""" Angeles nl' paper, reix>rted that Municii-J Airport -to the :!?o ~-:in~ t!::Y wUt was From Waters rc~~li: ;~~~\\·~~v~rside at~ ~e f i Meland, a resident of Bal-'.J'heh 1i~· 7~!1:o.h=·~s p~~:,eerpre:: s 59 000 R t Santa Ana Army Air base OD advocated by Rep. John Phil-torney and an occasional visitor to s and. and Dr. Will-iam E . I 1n t e ie a e September first. Costolo"'· both of whom are asso-paring to the same "·ith tele-v....-t--• Inf ti to !if.: of Banning and of the the harbor area, was appointed -r ~ wu orma on the ciMed with him in tris J11rae Los vision.. f ff t th 2 nd ~-ogr~••ooal district, lo chairman ·or the Knowland com-~ -_ e ec at the Sixth Fe_,,_ ~ 'l.AI ~ Angeles offices. Shirley E. M~ \'oss re nded the 'tneinbers of ••3 --& a stirring address to members m.1.ttee f?r Rivers~de county. serve. a lifelong friend, and a staff the board hat his firm had aJ-Group will remain at its Pl'fl8-- of the board of directors of I ''Marna. Richard in \\·ater!'' Committee chairmen were also commodore of the NeW)X>rt Har-ready mad r t •' 'th th Building permits valued at $59,-1 ent base was received last the N e"mnrt Harbor Cham-Those were the exact words appointed for five other counties 1 bor Yacht club wilJ be the alto-fed 1 app_icau·ipn wt . e 025 were issued by Olief Building 1 Saturday lo a pel'SOD8I mes-r-h' h 1. ti Be . K . • • • era co mun1ca ons comm1s-1 pect p t N lso in th N ber Of Commerce Yeste rday w 1c 1t e rn1e och, three 1n the Southland. 1 ney. Dr. Soiland i5 Qne of the 8. f 't t t bl ' h ns or e e e n e ew-...__ whlcb General Carl A. ' · and a half-car-old lad used last . I ion or a permi 0 es a .is 8 port Beach and Balboa areas dur-1 ---e ..... Speaking before the board Saturday n~n when he rushed I I founders of the yacht club and is television s ation in the Los An-ing the past wee~ a· compilation Spaatz. commanding general at their luncheon-meeting In frantically into the house to tell Co unty Aviation Plan also a stal'.f commodore. geles regio . yesterday showed. : of the U. S. Army Air Forces. \Vhite's cafe, Balboa, the COD· \his mother, Mrs. Louise Koch. a E d ed b N t Dr. Soiland. 73· h~ devoted 50 "Our pu pose ls to broadcaat \ Highlighting the permits were· sent to The Nel\"S--'nmes, from gressman urged t.hat once the registered nurse, that his five-n ors ~ ewpor ! years tQ the prev~tion of c~ce:. nationally ch e,·ents as the Bal· plans calling for the erection ot I his headquarters in Washinl- forces have organized into a year-old playmate, Richard Schus-Harbor Businessmen He ctan;e to ~enca as dan ~ boa and N \\'J)Ort Tournament of ! a four-unit ~nt building, ton, D. C. single fighting 11oit a com· ter of 1801 W. Central Ave., had ~ . roi:t orw:J . an stu ~.1 Ll1hts and regatta tournament..," with one apartment to be built Gen. Spaat-z reply to an inquiry petent committee should be 1' fallen into the water off 18th Members of the board of direc-wnrk~~~e as :~11n!":~ :~~~t~:. \'os~ .said. over a carage, at 1240 West Cen-1 filed With the ~ar Department appointed f.o confer with the street, NeW)Xlrt Beach. tors of the NcW)Xlrt Harbor Cham-He-earned his medical dC'gl"ee at . !he bo . re!err~ to lts ~ 1 traJ nenue, Newport Beach, and ~unday. regardi~g the specula· count)~ board of supervisors \ Mrs. Koch !ost no ~e ~ she 1 her of Commerce at their meeting the University of Southern Cali~ 11c1ty com tt~: wtth ~wer to P.lans for _tM wr~ucti~ of a t1ve. rumors published by other and then with the War Assets saw the frantic expression in her in White's cafe, ~lboa, Monday, fornia and immediately began act. th~ a er t1s1ng rpan s recom-single family d~g ~th gar-ne\\S~pers In Orange county, al- ti d 1Dllk kn !youngster's eyes. She dropped a went on record to recommend to studying the X-ray newl y d v 1_ mendat1on hat the locaJ chamber age at 600 Potmettia drive, Co-so spikes t~e statement that the corpora 00 an e O~ pan in the kitchen and sped :o , the board of supervisors the ap-oped by William Roentgen. e ~e indicat_e it favoro..ble support by rona de-I Mar. \Sixth tcrryi~c Group may occupy t.he fact that Oran~ count~ 1 the beach. ":here she saw. the sUll pointment of an aviation rommis-traveled through Europe and stud~ endorsing e project. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tritt of 1240 even • JX>rt1on of the army air and Santa Ana is Interested in smal~ ~y of her sons chum sioner to supervise the various ac-·ed at famed clinics nnd v.fith West c.entraJ avenue, Newix>rt I base. t acquiring the Santa Ana floating tn 10 feet or water lhree tivities relative to airports aod Mn1e. CUrie. Beac'h •ty p 1· c·• ...... Beach, rue~ the plans for t he for -f Other reportf l&ld the group Army alJ'base for the de ve lon.. feet from shore. other aviation events in Orange H f ded h Lo An 1 Tu I 0 Ice lee (Continued on P~ge 4) ml~ht oocupv the Orange•COunty r Ri · ff h k ' h d e oun t e s ge es -• . ment of any project it favors . pp1ng o er s irt, s e .ov~ county. mor Institute and biazec1 medical Lagun For Speed.Ing -.. ---81rport and at least a i:><>rtion of at the time into the water and swam rapid.I) l Harry Welch executive secre-.1 , . . Ch I Pl the Santa Ana Army 8..lrbase. • to.._Jhe aid of the heJpless li l tle tary of the h~r~r chamber of tra1 sredm Xus1ng exchit~emely dhtgh-d r all edJ anne an It was atso learned from Emphasizing his recommenda-(Con . ed p· powe -ray ma nes a n the F1agged own or . eg y M 0 A H ff f San tion. Phillips cited as an example t1nu on age Five> commerce, who previously dis-largest units of radium in the peedi miles an hour in a For Prado Dam ny r ~:\. o man o . ta how the issue of , aviation can be . 1· cussed appointment of a single west. _ s . ng Ana, ~ho der:>lored the speculative snarled up in the beginning by R d C h commissioner as well as of an Du . both h ed. . ! 35-rmle zo on Hwy. 101 at Vi-Sta_._ "l"od I report:; carried by other news- the lack of a coordinated and eco~ Tuna au.g t aviation commission, pointed out the n~~. headi~;r!11 ~:~ogle~~ . kings Port at 1 :07 p.m. last Sat-IQ I I ay papt'rs. that the lease which the working unit to push the program By Film Star Res1dent 1 to the members that there are installations on the Pacific Coast urday, J o Stewart Muir. 21. · War Department-. ~o.lds on. the to ' conclusion. "As I understand • I now 10 airports in the county and during World War n . He became I Lagunan, :JlS cited by police to The Jong-delayed plan to cut a Long Bea~h . Muna~ipal airport it." he said. "there are several 10 Miles Off Newport I that the work now is more of 11: a captain a t the end of the wa:i-. appear in dge Robert Gardner's new channel in Prado dam basin does not ex~rre until September, organizations from various parts policing character. He resides at 626 W. Bay Ave .• J court for rraignrnent and plea just above the 6ood control struc-l966-20 years hence. of the county who are interested I P at O'hioore, film star a nd pop-] Balboa. next Satur y. ture of the Santa Ana river, and Other news~per reports stated in obtaining a portion of the army ular resident in the Villa Marina Speed Tickets thus .set in motion the saving of .:eat ~healrpoarmy s lease on the Long airbase. This is well and good.! section of Newport, hit the lime-\ • PENCILLED PER what water experts clalm. would ac rt expires ·in Septem- But the same procedure could be light again this week when on G1"ven Five Dr1"vers St-amount up to 10,000 acre feet of be~f this year. more beneficiaJ to the county as Sunday he caught a record tuna. ~., . water, wa.s started today. e Oty of Santa Ana is al90 a whole if all forces would work The elongated fish. according to B\I }ACX LINDSLEY, Co Specifications drawn by Flood <Continued 00 Pa~e F1ve) •· together for the same · factor." the film favorite, measured 21 Five motorists were·issued cita-... -~. Control Eng\neet A. A. Beard for By working separately for the inches long and weighed 15 tions for alleged speeding in t his · ~·---:-:""'"""'~~---the cutting of the new channel Former Sailor Sought at Bell d ~ •• same goal, the congressman said. pounds. city last Thurs ay. • · .1 above the dam to prevent Oood- there )Jes the danger or confusion, When asked if there was a James Dolan or the Lldo Yacht ;.. {~ . ·-~ j ing or dough lands were adopted -~,.hich might ha ve hannful effect chance for a photograph of the Anchorage was clocked by police .k ~· ~. ">. "...<!. , ' by the board; of -~ and • _,.$.:' "'": ------(Coctlnued on Pace Four) catch, Pat chuckled and added, doing 40 miles an hour in a 25-. i: '··' a call for bidl for "the job was "only the tail. We ate the other mile zone, for passing on the right ordered drawn. Suspect So.ught part yesterday." side of another machine and for · ,,. ,{ The work will cost about $10,000 0'~1"oore said the catch was not having a drlver's license in his it wu: estimated The mile.long AU Southern California police ~ade 10 ~les off NeWJ>C';>,rt fT?m possession at the time. new channel Wm divert water di- stations were notified to be on · his boat, The Kreeper, which Leon Yates, 30, of Newport, • rect.Jy to the dam opening, and Oty Judge Rober t Gardner on Friday issued a warrant for the arrest of Fred McCann of Bell on a charge of petty theft. the lookout for 8 suspect ";th a is now moored at ViJla Marina. was clocked dcing 70 miles an the work to be undertaken later limping left leg who is wanted . However, Pat was willing to hour. in a 55-mile zone on High-below the ~ will result in its Los Angeles for questioni ~n talk pictures. He admitted that way 101 and Orange avenue, Cor-diversion Into underground straiU:. ng ln "R d 24" . h' d I ,.{ I" .d ' connection with the shooti rj en ezvous . 1n w 1ch he Iona e ,~ ar. po ice sa1 . According to court records, 1\1"c· Cann until recently was an em- ployl' of the Perr} hardware s tore at Corona de1 Mar. t\\'O police detectivf's last ;;u::.. plays a part \\.ith Bill ~argan, who Le~y Palf!ler. 57, . of Balboa, ,/ ~ day. J has the lead role, "-'tll light on \\'BS tamed doing 70 miles an hour 1'.-fedical aid clinic in Long B h the SCTN'n, \ia the Fox studio. I in the same zone in the same vi- reported yesterday that a pe~=~n l\lay. 10. Ifs a Saul Wurtzel pro-I cinity, police added. • answering the drscription or th duct1on. • Thoms Gordon . LaPenna of , wanted man came in ror t ~I O'h1oore recently finis hed an-Santa Ana, the pohce report saJd, ' ment of a wound in his lef~e~t other cinema pil'CC, entitled, "G. I.\ \YRS tagged for. doing 45 miles a n and then left hurriedly when to~~ \Var Brides." for Republic studios, hour in a 25-mile zone. that a physician ,,.as not then '-'"hi~h shoulq bt:' available for ! These cases. "'ere to be heard available. movte fans about July 2. today by City Judge Robert Balboan Off Duty I Clothes-line Thief . ;:::ge Stam~ Box Sought By Police Ripped From Wall \VASHJNGTON, Apr. 30.-The • l • Briscoe Will Represent City in Firemen's Meet He is accused by the police In Assistant Chief R. J . Briscoe of a warrant signed by R . G. Blake, the Newport Harber fire depart-manager of the \Vestern Tr-ails ment will represent this city at Mw,:eUm. of acceptiilg payment of I the Orange-County Firem~11•5 $50 for refrigerators and then al- l association meeting which will be legedly failing to deliver the conducted in the Laguna fire hall products to the purchaser. \Vednesday. The meeting will open On the night be.for e the · dis- at 7:30 p.m. appearance o_f the li~dware store Fire Otief Fnmk Crocker will I employe, pol1c;e r eceived a report not be able to attend the meet-that someone had broken into · I ing 'as he will be in Lo. Angeles : the Corona d e! f\.far establish~nt · on businesl for the dty that day. j ~ stolen a portable radio. I 1 Police also turned over to the U. S. Naval PersonnC'l Separation C't'nter for officers announced tcr day that Lt. Rodney l\lorison, USNR, of 2050 Ocean boulevard Balboa, "'as today re.Jeased to in~ active duty at this activity center to<jay. It musr nave been the m.i.nk collar that caused a nocturnal thief to snatch a blue coat fron1 the clothes line in the rear of the home of Lt. Theo F1edelius. 312 Diamond a••enue, Balboa Island, on a rrcent night. Mutilating government property or of any part.! attached" to gov- ernment property is a federal of· fense, and the culpritJ whq, yanked a federal pastage stamp machine from lbe walls of lbe NeWport Beach poe;t office sometime last Thunday afternoon may be sub- jected to both local and federal questioning if and when caught. I Federal Bureau or Investigation Ask State Fair Delay in Santa Ana Information to the 4 ffect that the fugitive had in his 1 Rather than endane the pro- posal or tJ>e stale fair oomm!ttee to hold a CIWtalled stale fair in peueuion an army captain's uni- fo,rm. Mr.Cann was at one time a · navy seaman, the court &aid ICE MAN BITTEN Anywa.y, the ·police are still looking for the missing piece of clothing, whlch is of value to the John F. Sttly. employe or the Newport Ice company, was bitten owner. by a white and brown terrier ------- while delivering ice rrorn his Car Found Abandoned truck Jut Saturday. The dog, 'J1le stamp container was found on the floor of the post office building by Officer Walter Dyson early Thursday ....W,g. Frtla Oea ., ........... Of tM ...... ... .... to Call· which Is owned by Mn. H. A. Wenger of 6005 Seashore ctn~. is """' quarantined, police a.Id. fomla from Illa -the B •at ... c t' 'F .. se a••wbc Wltll Police reported yestttday that 1 , .... 0. aua-t •rl!Jll l1•l 110<!6f7...,. la ... ,,, wttll llort- • car owned by P hilip C. Skinner Loses Eye-Glasses .. ._. -kwS:"C "" -. ( photo by Gomardtl -~ COUlltJ --on ..,. co=t a1 u.e --1n -:-Tamper with Window ply or bo'°"'ntI: mal81als. lbe _,_, _ board al dlnclma al -Newport Mn. H. D. Bolefahr or 1601 B&l- Harbor O••wlllpr r6 O••u••oe Wt-boa avftl\lle Balboa diaooVeftd animoUllJ' _,.,.......,. to "'I>" that • wt..&... in i..:.. home WU port tfle I*'" I u.t It -111 be ~ ,llmmled Jut w.ek. Polloo better to dolq ---.......... tls•ted -faund that -tn. matellll b t A Sac moe oall-.;, ,... .,,......,. fnwn her place. "'*-· or 1101 ~ Coast highway, Corona A deocrlptlon or the boautieo o1 aoi Kain street. s.r Bathin • def Mar, wu found •-Mn. J-i>h Rogen CJl 300 Cor· Southern California one! lbe Bar-boa.. one! deocrlption came -· g Togs Taken ,.,.1erday mom1ng on mstnray onac1o •wnuo, hu repcrnd to tbe 00r .m 26 ~ ..., bn>uc!>t • 1rom .., w11o .... 1oc1 a Opaa .G'n•ee Stolen Coat Guard Gets Boat A sunsult, bathlng suit and a 101, about 1' mile eut ol the police the Ima al a pair ol gold l!Otive al West Flandon, llelclum. OOlllln al tz' .-tratdhc In ~ Tiie Cout Guard auxlJiarl', pair ol beach ahoes ......, taken Hurley Sell cale, on lbe outoldrto framed, r1mJem ct-Sbe -to the S-.. land ol -""'1Qr llellluin started the ,...._ur Jrrw. C C W rtl at -wblch ' tblo -lo ~patlas trom the home ot. D. Abraml ot ol. that ccmmunity. ~ car keys them while on tbe beech at OJr.. and ewatuany to a IUOeT 'ul on 1111 ..,-: to _tMI tuattl). •ftllllll!. BIR a a a , ·to ... In ttl ennui' •tac ~ at 5810 Seuhott drive, Newport """" atlll In lbe switch -tbore onatlo one! S.,. Fnmt loot ~. hwl _ -ID t!>1o di)'. • Fritz --.. port -..... ) 11 6Q t1oo ClltaHna, .... -1i9m tfle - Beach, Jut Thunday, be tolcl po-.... baU &allon ol p«>llne In Ibo aaltl. 1'bo7 -In. -Tiie --Fritz Gan112M, West -the --.,, ....... __ .. II ... ---far-·" I Uct ~-the Wik. police aaltl. cue. ----al the Bal-( • P9P 6) -111r • --ID !Cow ... t -BllW. I • ·-· • • ,. e I RISE TO REMARK - - - RON. JORN PRILLIP8 • Aro•1d The Natlo1 .._ .. _ --It isn't general is optimlstk-OOt ""' are oflidal ~ but Calllomia om-afraid that m4llY )'OWlg semc,,- clals claim to have learned men and their families do not Last our contemporaries The ·hurried trip to Callloenla through the grapevine that their share hls·equanimity. Build a lire dropped 0 the deep.end in speeu- dld no t work out. I wu suppoMd state now ranks second bi popu-undt>r IOIDe of thOR swivel chain. Jatin,g on puu:ible outcome of to fly West Ln a Navy plane. u a lation. According to the report. gene.ral.-'Ibe Cbrist1an Science the · of either or both member of a Western States Sub-the latest federal oe:n.sus estimates Monitor. of the · county airpor:t and e<>mmlttee, ol the three West place Pl>nnsylvanla's population at . the Santa • a Army aJrbUl when Cout Delegations, and the par-9,193,957. while Califomla Is est!· Too lllM1' lk-pr It bu been they Al the Si><th Ferrying S. A. MEYER --' -_. tlcular objective wu the Southern mated to have more than 9.200,-sald that five million hunary fun· Gro411> t be tranaf.m.t from AM 0 . !!ORTEit .i K;nopr Caillorrua housing ahorUp, on 000. New York stlll leads with Wes in othe-parts of the 1"ldd the I.mg &..,ii Municipal airport F . G. FROST Editor which members of Oingreu have 12,594,913. could live °" the ocn.-from Am-to the :r.• County Army Air W. F. DIXON • ----AdWWW"'k' s y •• ....,. been working earnestly. Instead, The Golden State has come a erican tables. bue. · RIUCllc Plant, 3011 W. Central Avmue, N_ew""" B ;, ~ the ...,newal ol the Selective Ser,_ long way in less than a century. 'Ibe question Is: How are we By th nflnned ports Official Paper of the City of Newpon B•cla Ice BW came to the Floor, follow-Califo'11i;l ranked thirtieth amoog going to get thooe ocn.-to them! they s~e d ':::false ho re that . , ed by the renewal ot the OPA.. I the at.ates in 1850, with a -When we scrape the plates to county ' harbor ·-a b~•'-· \p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A Da,! t•Ne 1.-.1 k,'ba' s lllr Ota-17 Y-. k ~-· feed••·..._ rel tly -· ----did not U e to be away for either 91.532. The state spurted, thanks uM:: ......,, or uctan thrOYI people rh14ht take heart in the ful. one, particularly the latter. to the gold rush. in the next de.a good food into the prbage, we fillment Of sueh a move. It wouJd Con,creu now expecu to receu. cade. but the federal census st.ow--may feel a sense of guilt over have bfe ' so much euier and for a brief Euler let-up, on the ed It in twmty-flfth place, with throwlnc away food when there Is aurety accurat< to have evening of the 18th, to reconvene a population ol 379,994. such a O'ffl Med for It ~ over comm.WU ted d.irect1y with avail· the -ol ~ L As late as 1940, the federal .,.,,. the world. Yet there ....,,. to be able which W<>Uld have 1et I did however make a trip lut IWI still put Illinois. Ne"W' Yark. nothinc to do about It. them rte about the rumors th c..rtplete Poantain Serriee at HANSEN'S week. which interested me very Ohio and Pennsylvania ahead of It ls true that we can't gather heard bu did not subltanUat ey much, and which may interest the the Golden State.-Reno Evenina: up our l•ft OYUS ~ sb.Jp them Rather than publish ~-it noe o-..,.. Nwpoli The Appeal for Food reaclen of tblo weekly letter. I Gazette. abroed. But we can contribute to IUell q tloned TIIE NEWS- had to &o to OUcago, fa< a lunch-~ ~~ !'.; =::c ..!!,! TIME,S aphed a resume of )lll)W a I EVIDllN08 Governor Earl W lllT!'fl this week called on the people ol California to support. President Truman's appeal to the ·American people to conserve the food needed to avert world starvation. eon and afternoon meetinc, on ·~ -·-the reporu to friend.. the 12th. It .,.. a meeting of the .,...,.,. !llrnple Life -In an that we buy 1eB food oo there will ly in the War Deputmeiit llAI!Bll • S&NDWIClllB e BA!llriA'M"B8 .. ..._om Executive Commltt<e of the Na-economic sense. historians trill be lesa left avtt. If ..m ""'-. and uk . I the f eta tional Committee for Christian probably refer to this as the wife In our country would make ~ • · Leadenhlp. That is another story. "great experimental age." In the It a habit to buy only enou&I> food '!be W , Department bUttaU of ''I call upon the people of California to join In this greet cause for humanity,'' the governor said. · "One at our car· dlnal rellgious teachings Is to 'feed the hungry.' No greeter exemplification of the spirit of the Easter 1 "Olil aauld be C0<1celved than the dedication of the Amerkan pecple to .tills magnificent act of charity and their wllllng aooeptance ol· the self-discipline It will require. What int---• me -u •-I la.st decade we have tried ""•nv to sa.H.._. the mlnbnum requ1.re-public atlona wuted no time ~--~ r1men1s, of w111 -y -.1 her t in .prese 1nir tblo information c11---""i~uu~~'iiii'i<iiiual-'ft:U~N~iiiiuM#- got there and back, and lta 1lg-~:8:.i to produ~Y the ~ha= =~ to :-U::08.!i:. rect1y to the office of the_ com-PROFESSIONA. L DIR£CTQRY nlficance. sulta.. We are not getting any-mum appetite, the amount aaved manding eneral of the U. S. Army . I had breakfast at home, ana at where fast, and the natiOl'I is kept would be enonnous.-Medla News, Air ~ore ' Gen. Carl A. Spaatz. 8:00 took one of the big four-In a perpetual state of tvnnoll, Media, PL , who ately infonned TIIE .MlOO'llNTANT S'IJaftYGm motored planes, at the airport, anxiety and uncertainty. Why not NEWS. that there wu no r------------• I r-----------~ which holds more than fifty pas-abolish all the fantastic m<~ buis of act for the rumor that sengen. In four hours I WU in -~·~ ha·--··--· so much ells· CUI Mid ··-Farming, the the s Group would be moved. I . s . "By T Ill s1~1 & Raub WJJ.IUJ · ,...._ .._..UllieU Jdest f of lw lr.-A --1-111.-UJI: ~ n;s .:;& Orlcago. tress Md return to the simple 0 onn .... ~ ............ to Santa Ana. Aa&IWitwl w ..,_ u-.. ...._ ""'-' •v t • ... I R)WW ''I urge the people of all faiths to accept the challenge, The meeting luted unW late way ot Uving? Nothing con-ling, has been ottered another the C?ty.of Santa Ana _,. o..i· • '° ,... • .._.... twNwprwt....._o..ta._ afternoon, and a little before six, tributes 50 much to the sum total game of 'Chance by the eovern-also had financial mterest in any 11 • ._ -.ta 1-um: _...... Ti'ir' •• 1111 8 . and all civic, trade, ·tratema1 and other assoclatioos to or- ganize themselves voluntarily, within their own communities, to pract3ce this self denial so tba t millioos of the people of the ...,rid may live. I was again at the Chicago air-ot human happiness as a feeling ment . To entice farmers to 9ell future posal of the Santa Ana .f!'-:9· 0..'*'* nm 111.1 W. o..tnl lfw.,ad ._.. port, for the big plane back to ot freedom and security.-The DU-100,000,000 bushels of granary-Army air ase, ntE NEWS-TIMES om. Ute..._....._ o..... .._ 'II• -111 Washington. Another four hour Jon Herald, Dillon, S. C. stored wheat to ease the oveneu telepho Mayor Asa Hoffman, L _ _!-=~·2•~·=-~ .. ~·~"'~'"~"~-_J '-------'--"-'------' flying-time trip. and by n o'clock famine the wheat farmers are who re ked that he had read · "No one )mows better than the President ol our rountry the awful plight of th.,,., people. We m~ respond gen- erously to bis appeal. We must not let our Indifference be responsible for the starvation of families and their little children.'' I was ln bed at home. It wu an urged to market now and pick the repa in hil daily newspaper AB4MITEQI' easy trip both ways, smooth and Coulden Veteraru1--We have a future market price. with mirth. ''Why the war .-----------~ comfortable and wtthout strain. every sympathy with General Farmers have been holding De t lease on· the Long Both planes carried the Ml pas-Bradley that fine. upstanding sol-wheat for higher prices on an out-Beach m cipa.1 airport does not senger load. Eight more planes, of dier , who has tackled the difficult look that congress will revise the expire til 1966," he said. this size have just been added to task of administering the huge parity formuJa to boost the price And Santa Ana mayor's in: t he Washlngton·New York terv-and gr~ng Veterans Administra-safely above the $2 per bushel formatio was corroborated in ice. I still think of the time it tion. But we must corifess to an mark. Twtrdollar wheat is r eally Washing ·n, D. C. Armand Monaco . ARClllTECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa NeWJIOrt l'fU !'7!1 IM.ewQod An.. JAo.Aqeieo N0""""4 MOS PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBARD Gradual< ..,,.. Oow.na'81'7, L4 ·~ Ph. =-w 1526 W. 0ooan Front used to take to cover these dis-even deeper sympathy for the something to look forward to in Howev r, Santa Ana Army air-RaiJroadS Revive tances. and then I turn my mind thousands of ex·servicemen who Kansas. As long as the possl-base an the county airIX>rt are 1 ~-----------~PRYSIOLUIS&SURGEONS.ll.Dt forward and think of what this have been struggling along on bility of $2 Wheat is waved in due for bright future. What it CLINICAL LABORATORY Nothing afoot or on \Vheels has brought more romance will mean to travel in this coun-borrowed money-or no monl>)• a t front of farmers there will be a is-is to s'ecret right now. Watch ~-------;....,,---,! to the American scene tha n the nation's railroads. Ever try, and travel abroad, in the all-for months while waiting for tendency to hold -out wheat in TiiE N S-TIMES for develop- since the historic first run and the subsequent few year.; of future. overdue allotments under the GI granaries. Traditionally, farm ments. ••• The Radio News. a trade Bill of Righls. "We are doing products move faster when there's r--1-=:::::~~=~ I the old \Vood-buming engines, Americans have 1ooked upon paper of .that industry. r epor ts the best "''e can, and rm not wor-an outlook for a price break, not the railroads and everything about them as mighty fine and that the United States Anny re-ried," says the general. The an increase. interesting. fused to br oadcast the Eddie Now, we hear. the railroads are planning desperately to Cantor program because It was Th Sa Harold L. Ickes, colWlUll.st -afraid Moscow might be offended ey y "Those whose steps are likely to hold their own by offering the best in equipment and service at t he characterization of the . • • • falter may strengthen their con- . to the traveling public. 'Ibey have pulled through long war "Mad Russian" (played by Bert , victions by listening again to yea.rs under the heaviest straih possible and have won all that Gordon ) on that program. You Franklin D. Roosevelt: '"The only th can write your own comment on Dr. Fernando d e Loll RJos, for-limit to our realization of tomor-might be coming to em in the way of future progress. this item. mer dean or the Ua.lveralty Of row will be our doubts of today. Pre-war years. in some instances, dating back to the ]ale ••• One of my friends says that Madrid, one-time Spanish Ambas-Let us move forward with st-ong twenties, w ere tough and unprofitable for ma,ny of the bigger as he understands them the ne~ sador to the United States-and active faith." · as well as smaller lines of the nation. Then came the war for regulations covering pa~age be-"Spain now has an arm~ superior hi h h . tween California and Mexico, are to that or France numerically, and Walter Burde.at or New York'• W C t ey were no more prepared than the rest of the na4 that the traveler doesn't need any perhaps in armament too. Franco Home Sen1ce Department or the tion, and some are lucky they weathered it thrtJugh. papers, just so long as he has the has 450,000 troop15 massed menac-Red Croa5-"ln helping the serv- Those other lean years for railroading, as we all know, papers to prove that he doesn't ingly on the French frontier." iceman readjust himself again to • Q • Wood were an outgrowth of an amazing p;;...,.,.,..... in automobile need them. civiHan life we urge that he con-N I N G S • ~ ...__.. ••• One of the TC'asons that I Mlnlstf'r GeorgM!i Bldault of sider hJs Government insurance, p roduction, but despite the effects of the gasoline era, many must come back to Washington. France -"No nation, however the keys;one of bis economic plan R THEMSELVES major liries, fought against threatening odds and canied on 90 promptly after the Easter re-great can get along without for the future." United States aid" with surprising profit. cess, Is because appropriation bills from upkeep and Again the railroads face a challenge in this alree.dy ra· ~ ~ co~ng beon . th~ floothr, ,?"et Rep. For~t A. Harneu. ~p.. Gen.;lowepb'T. McNarney, Euro-ment expense makes 'di a er e o er , ginn ng e irs r di "W'ih $4000 . pean the•t~r commander ''The Pl Y progressing air age. Latest reports indicate that they week in May. We will have the 0 an....._ 1 8 inc:rease. -t cost the last cost. intend to hold on for everythmg' they are worth and if they appropriation for the State, Jus-1 the Army and the Navy wiU get ordinary German has been cait blch f d tice, and Commerce Departments; I enou~h v~lunteers so ~nti~0ued adrift politically, spiritually, and . f l'&)'9 an pull safely through another decade, it seems safe to expect then the bill for the Interior Ar... drafting will not be required. intellectually by recent Political ,...;, r..cPd is oom- tbat th will be ha ii · b · f ti t ,.. history. To date there is little evi-ellrnlnated In -ey PP Y m usmess or genera ons o come. propriatlon and then the Navy · ~1>Ji.n: Lady ~ancy Astor, former mem-dence to indicate that most Ger-S!TS 0 WOOD It is a sure bet, at ]east, that if all America were to vote on t priation. possibly followed ber of British Parllament-''There mans have yet acquired a basic · - - the question of saving the~ forever, the:t'.d win over-by another Deficiency Bill. A is more freedom and higher Jiving understanding of democracy." AWllinp 1 helming! t the Us. • great deal of publicity is being d ds in h ' try . Mo""' . · ort! Permanent good W y a po given (especially by the OPA) to stan ar . t .1s coun than in iook;~, . . ored to fit the archi- the idea that inflation is being any nation in the history of the Pope Pl ... Xll-"lf God is not tectu of YOUR home! WOrid What are the Strllt.. known, if his law is not observed, • -prevented by price control. Thia · These Bell Bottom Trousers is mtlrely artllicial u I have about! rd love for the Common-why should we find It strange that OR ESTIMATES Clinical Laboratory otnoe boon: 9 • 4:SO and by appolnbneni TELEPHONE BARBOR 1138 %8S3 W. Centnl Ave. DAY IKJROOL Mortimer School an <Joni Balboa hlaad Ond .. : CloDece, ~ry DAY SCHOOL. "•• -G. A. Mortimer, M. .&.., Oxford Prb:dpal Plloae llSZ DENTUITS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST ftOZ Y, W. Oelltral .Ph. HIO NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. W...tmoreland Denu.rt IIH OMo& BIW&7 OOBONA Dll:L MAJI l'lloae·N-rtlOG INSURANCE The ditty, "Bell Bottom Trousers.'' may SCX>ll have the thi! column. The mtthods of the to go to Russia. sion of catastrophies?'' SI o· Wood pointed out from ~e to time in lats, .both 1n En~~and and America, history can be traced by a succes-· · :eNE OB WJUTE nostalgic note of "A Bicycle Built for Two" If efforts to OPA encourage Inflation; and do --a • • New York Life .... not prevent it. Buically, the Beary A. WaJJ.ace.. Secretary of Major Herbert RoM of the Clv· • Co change the Sailor uniform are successful. Critics of the old Commerce -''When full employ-lllaa Prodacttoa Admlnlotrattoa-. wnmg . In ... ••ance Company greatest inflationary trend today 'Ev • .,.... H. R. Hall, M. D. -.... ~ H ours: 2-5, by Appoinlmellt Telephone 2620 OONRAD RICHTER, M. D. ~---120 E. 18th SL COSTA MESA Hours: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone 133 Dr. G. E. Tohill l'llyoleiaa aad Sars- 2209 Coast hJVd. NEWPORT BEACH -PHONES- Office 2811-W Res. Z86-R If no &J11Wer, call Newport 5 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT llEACH • Ph. 1028-No anowor call 301·14 X-llay Senloe HDton M. llarftll, M. D. 1801 OaMt .....,, 0o ........... Ofllce Hoon: 10-12; :H5 PboneN-rtlOG uniform point out that modem ship facilities take much of is caused by the deficit spendlnc ment is achieved, when fear of ' frrY woman in the country o~ Orange County the wind out of the argument for the practicability of the of the government. and historical· :i~1!i.~ u~o~ :ea1:'~:~ :;:..~o want a year'• supply of 11 ~~.Oi.!.";"9':. St. us =A~ n~ wa-J S: R. Monaco, M. D. traditional uniform left over from the da~ ol wood and sail. ly; 81 in the case 01 France at -------FaCJertoa um·J CORONA D""• ~·0 814 lllaJ Ave., Bou.. J~ the end of the l8th Century·, th.ls can dwell tQ£ether in peace." ~ ~ "' .. i-· Some Of the olde-men m· fo th r·-· that hi! Scotch tape, various sizes, on -Toll oz-.-.. -.... ·~ • r e emergency = w e Is what broke the country. I 1ug-••• a. BID s• • -&- the " onk suit" h R<p. Noah M. Muoo, R<p., ol ;aal~e~a~t:th~e=N~e"n-~~Tlmes~==· ===~==t========~ r---· --.,--------~ -~~:"r :.-:"u ._.-,'w m ey may ave a certain jauntiness on the gest you get a little book called • ~ •• youngsters, it does not lend dignity tD "~. ••Flat Money Inflation in France,'' Dllaot.-"Our American press hu OCCIDENTAL By Appointment Uo6'-by Andrew D. White, onetime the proud tradition of adhering to . '-------------' On the other hand, there Is no getting away from the fact Minister to Russia. and Amba.ssa-the principle or honesty of news. Breken Lenses 11.-.,.ted LIFE INS,URANci!: 00. that a man, -Of-war's man with bis present outfit can cruise for dor to Germany, and co-founder To vest the State Department n.a Ray Nl4 •--n . d ~c1e t t Corn II u with oontrol of American news in n;;llM: a year with no more than a scrubbmg' brush, a wlsk broom an n~ n o e nlver· sity and d I I hi k order to dominate American Gh•M A........... • Im. ........ _,_, none ttat-J and a little Shoe polish' and look as neat and smart on bis first , rea t. t n the Ii-.... ~ •..,,.-.- . brary wtll have It. thinking would be a betrayal of l!:lilimbM.. IU &. fla1" Aft. _ Balboa· liberty as be ever did The three creases in the collar, like This country will be in ~ave American trust and a mockery of Eys th Ii -American tradition." e ~rse seam creases in the 1'be bottoms'', are ~ danger if It continues to overlook there after being stowed in a seabag with seaman-like skill. ' the basic dllficulties, and If It Baroid E. 8-. fonntt Gov. 0. D. continuee to be mislead by OPA For years the male civilian bas been adopting more and propaganda. The red figures of r: t!1':::':f.'~ :i;'~P10porrm<~: Sll4 W...t C.tn.I "+ Pboae 21111 more the bluejackets' neckline in business, after knowing Its national deficits. can lead to the • ...L.•ort m' ~ ... -·--. n!d doon of war. ity for every citizen desiring to EvealDp by t . \..VDU .,.....,.. _.,...~ work at productive efforts ls pos- Many ·an old navy hand feels that when "the fleet's in" sible through alert and dynamic '-------'---------4--------.....J and a tide of battlejackets instead of bluejackets, overseas _Dr1v __ •_Cantu11y ___ -s __ P"" __ •_Lll_~ __ go_v_e_~ __ n_t_l_ea_c1ers __ h~lp_:_· ---1 iF;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; caps ~ad of jaunty flat hats, begins to roll down the street, ,--------------------• ONCE "someWng about a sailor" will be gone. Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau SAM'S SEA F , AD VodM ol Trawl to :Duq>e, Mexico, Hawaii Languid congress bas yet to be responsible for the build-RonJ.tbe-Worid Trips la the mar tuture. See Ing of a single house for a veteran. Meanwhile a worried phy-Jin. Roy Jluc1 Pia. Ill. IOI ............ &lcian urges the lawmakers lo gi~ up this· pace that kills. -· M a. -. to a p. .. San Franclso Oironlcle. Why wcwry1 You'll pn1bobly hv< if you do-l>uc &.tu. and long<r if you don'c. -JACX . .llmsLl!Y 24-Hoar Radio Service Burt R. Norton nac-.a-.. .-1&1T }Ii ....... sct, a.Mo • 315 NORTH ..MA1N ST. • . Sam's Sea F . and Fi8h -c.. ...... ., . I Spa ~.--) HORTICIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel -We·OUnieJ-the lletttt Serw by Se<v!nc Others Beet" l'llalleN-rtNt ~-a.mo.- Robert A. Crawford 0zK., D. OPl'OliE"'l•'RlllT'"'• E)w Enmfned -rn.,,, Pitted 1191 llfwpwt ao.Jenr.t --OOllTA IR8• ll. T. llatterworth, 0 . D~ . OplcwtlW . SOB l!X•MJNm LlrlfDll DDPU<a.nn ....... , ......... . nu "· eam..i .a... .,. , •' ISll ............ Ethel Neff, D. 0. 'fte Dr . .._ M ••I el ·-. Ti EI. tw llellw ....... ........... .,. .... --• ... ..,. ..... ., ............ n..,.. T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbywldan and Swgw 1801 Weot ll&T A- Tfllepbw Newport IOZ A. V. Andrews, M. D • PRY8IOIAN -81JllQJ:ON Dr. W. T. Mooney PL11MN: 111111 llwpw -· -0..tal -(-. WtZee) ti W..-. Drq' I II le br. ·w a o. w..- ~~ 1lf9 c-. Bite., .... t·a . ._. ....._,_ ZONE TllERAPt · CLINIC · ...... -.... ., •1• II na:za .. rt·~ a .. ... , ................ . · .. ' . • , • , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--,,,.,,~...,"7~~~~~77-;~~~~~~~"~*~*~POC~~K~•~·~·~ao~~A~Jl~aw~~---~~·~·~,.:!;·~·~ww~pw~!'~•~·i·~..,::::°"":~~~~,~·~Ta~r~rlt.J'.::·~A..a~::"~~19Ml~~f:::-::-::-~~~~~~~'7;;:::~~-;-~~~;:;--:-:__·~~~-:-~~~~~-:-~_;...._~!!.~"~~ .. ~w~!ni~l!: ~:o.:.~c: Newport Telephone Gir~' C:·r:.~~'ff M. 1::rsrc!: . The s. s. Golden"--="'°Llch"'""t...,,.tbe"""'laa"""t Veterans Care Se • N rly Reaches Ulder Readj1sbcc11t Ct From Beach Job ol. a fleet ol. ten buse C2 cars<> Names of peyo!dans In the Har· rv1ce ea J!>•sinea loans tota1inc i569 ..... ---t-----=~~~j:ii~ ~~~-=-~~M·111·1on Calls In Year :g~~=:;Ga Pipel·1ne m-r!tya$..E ahlppi.nc operators. waa launched patient treatment for all veter-to pest control equiprJlent have Beach. r••w rlred. ·a cab register from Consolidated Stftl'r Wilm-am who have flied dalms for been made under the Servk:anen's H • E d of $10 and· attempted' to pry the ln&ton lhipyard yert«day. service-<:onnected disabilities re-The great .. t Increase In vols Readjustment Act, tbe Loo An· e rings n dial olf a omall safe, the Newport The big turbiner, displadnii gardless of whether they have of telephorle calls In the history AFL Bod ~.'.'.'~-tJ·on ~~edV~teste~-·~. a Beach police --14,000 tons with aD overall length been adjudicated, WeTe reJ~ued Of Southern CalifomiA-more than An1reles y u~~~G "~' J • ....., --ded that 8 )>Inch of 460 feet and • beam of 63 here today by the Veterans Ad-1,100,000 additlonal calls dally-u~fi~ H alth Pl The !pans, all of modeot am-I bar .... -to raloe the rear feet. and her nine sister ships are ministration. has OCCWTed since the war, lt was ~ e 8D ounts, cany a government guar--H before the State Rail· window in the structu:tt to gain the larcest merchant vessels ever This is in accordance with a announced by C. I. McDonald. dis· anty ol ~l?,046.69, L C. Clap-road · ·on on the proposal entranor into the place, IOl'Detime built by a Southern California recent agreement between the trict manager of the Southern The pre.paid hospital and medi-man. regional manaeer. reported. of the . California Gas com· betweelt midnicht and 4 o'doC:k lblpyard. The design includes VeteranS' Administration and the cautomia Telephone ccsnpany. Jn cal care health plan of the doctors LOBn.s for business realty were for pany to construct a $12.000,000 Fric!a:y uaauioc. H1 JlartM """' CLOTHE-S POB. MEN AND BOYS COlllf~ble apace for cari:o. California Phyrldans Service, It Newport Beach exchange calls and hoopltals, Blue Cross Cali· $40.240.54 . and IOllllS for mach, 214-mile pipeline from the Cali· Loco! prOIJl .. l<ln ot the produce Ba-._ was announced by Col. 'lbomas have increded c:turtn,. the put fornla Physida.ns' Service, won mery, eqwpment and supplies to-fomia tpnler at Blythe to Los ownpe..,. are R. c. and Herb ..... m I J . erou. acting V. A. director In year by about 2000 each day. A the unanimous endorsement of the ta!~ ~·=-... ot bus.in Angeles~ to deliyer natural las Ellelley~~~ol.~62:~0~C!ubhouae===::.:•=ven~ue:, ~==========~ ALLMARK CARDS For Mother's Day May 12th Vues :: F1gurines Lamp!! :: Coltmne .Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Ocean Front \Ve Wrap Gifts San Francisco, and Dr. Cheater L year ago 12,000 daily. calls were AFL Central Labor council at its e ess from TEfas to the local market, N p:wt Alw:h ;. C.ooley, CP.S. secretary, that care being pl.a~ her:e. while now 14,-last meeting, according to Wll-realty, the VA guarantees 50 per have ~ conclu~ W by local C.P .S. physicians will be 000 calls a.re being made. liant J . Bassett, secretary-treas-. cent of the loan up to $4000. In Expert witn~ ot the com· . • h I h cl lcl authorized where the veteran does Even thoogh all ol Southern th.• purchase of equipment, sup-mission, lute El Pllso Natural Gas ··-· I at c • r s • . 0 not live WI.thin a reasonable dis-California war in the middle of urer. plies and machinery, the guaranty mft'lnAnt, , and of'l our oomparues, _• The plan was first iresented to cannot ex--..1 ~ --~._ ....... u ~1 tance or have easy access to a tremendous was activity, calls · · '-~ .-.vvv. presentei exhibitf as to the am-,.. · .L I cl cl Veterans' Administration Out-pa-were running at the rate o~ 5,500,-!!1:e~1'~yex=~~ ~at~~ One veteran obtained 8 Joan to ount :f the av~ability ot nat-eto1r·ap11 epro •c• ti·ent off1"ce or h-n;talization. 000 a A .... a year ago, while now buy a bulldozer and tractor for ural reserv in California ""'a-~ an exhasti...,e study, was endorsed excavation w rk a second to pur-..n Emergecy hospitalization in a they have accelerated to the un-and submitted to the regular . 0 ; and in 1fxas. :E?rdence was also ·1 a Lo e 1 y I e w . t h "tal may also be auth-precedented number oC 6 ,6(X),()(X) ch~ a f1shlfng boat, and anakino~er given to i area's future G V pnva e osp1 d .1 1 · 1 ti council meeting for approval. equipment or grove caret g eeds orized for service-connected disa-a.iaJy.b ~crease ~ ~ ad 0':;.:~-The council represents 202 local An ther t bo ed mon ,Y n · bilities wher d con:a~~ ~w~~~ ~ a=~ ;~~~! :mend~ unions, re presenting approximate-to ~CQUi~e aer:ation ~on he e~ p~ was no rition to the AUSTI. N PORIUIT ' veteberand . prec: uil esble at a V A hos-spurt in calls, according to M.an-ly 600,000 members in all AFL using t o transport children to an~ The S ate Railfoa.!1 commission ~ ~ no 1s a \ a a · · ager McDonald. crafts in the Los Angeles area. f~m school. An . ac~ntan~, de will giv further ~tudy to the peti- pital. 1 "'The company had added more In his weekly bulle tin, sent to s1r1ng to re-esta blish hts busmess, tion an in due dourse render its Listed below are names of Har-than 94,000 telephones 10 its more t han 1000 union delegates, aske:ct for a loan . to buy an auto-decision. bor area physicia ns , members or system in the past 15 months," Bassett pointed to Blue Cross-~obile as a n office. Sand blast-If the petition bt the companies the California Physicians Service: Mr. McDonald says. "The la rgest California Physicians' Service. as mg a ttracted another .and he bo~ is gran by the commission, a ors. G. M . Grundy of Balboa; Al-share of these additions have been "one of the outstanding medica l ro\\'ed ~ to set hunself up 1n s imilar ea ring will be held before t on G. Hughes and A. R . Hall of made since 'V·J day. Calls coming 1 and hospit_al plans availab~e,'~ a nd this occupation. . the F ral Power commission, 1 Costa ?\1esa. from those additional t elephones. urged union re presentatives to Other loans and th~1r. total ~-seeking pproval of t he petition to L=::::::::::::::::::::::::=============::; plus a general increa.5(' in tele-'''Ork with the plan's representa-oun ts "·e re: boa~ budding equip-deli\·er s ·from T exas to Cali-: phone usage. has put a seven-tives •hen presenting health pro-me~t, $4250; retail poultry marke t fom ia. • 0 • s train on the entire system. par-t ection proposals t o m a na gement. equipment. Sl810; truck tractor +-------Spring penrng .ticula.rly during the midmorning • Phy•ldans Back It. and semi-trailer. $14,000; de ntal Wh"la." V t and early evening hours. Calls Founded by the California Medi- office equipment, S4000: fishing 1111er O· es H D• H from noon to 6 o'clock in the e\·e-cal Association and the Hospi tal ne ts for tuna and sardines. $4000; I $l ;go· ftftft f Unt·1.n.gton inner ous~ n ing go through more rapidly than Council of Sou thern California commercial art service, $1000; taxi I , ,VVV-or they do in the morning and just sever al years ago as a voluntary, business. $1400, and shoe repair M Sch I I afte r dinner. non-profit mt>thod or pre-paying shop, S3000.. . or 00 s "\\There dial tele~'""ones are u~ the cost of hospita l. medical an.d o, ther busmesse~ on which l~s 8th. & Ocean -Huntington Beach .,., h bee d I d cl it is im portant now tha t ever)' surgical car e , Blue Cross-Cali-. a\e ~ ma e inc u e eani~g \\·H~ER. -Bonds totaling Under Same )lan.a.gement Open Daily , Including Sunday Pho ne 4961 f customer place the receiver to hls fornia Physicians' Service now .or-and pressing, phot~graphy stud1?· $.l .690. were passed by wide ear and wait to hear the dial tone fers almost unlimited protection beau.ty salon, f musa~ ~op .. b ra~o mdrgins by voters in the high before starting to diaJ. All types to employed groups and their reprur, wa!:{ ountatn . istri ~ting school d elementary school dis- Luncheon, 12 to S Dinner, 5 to 9 85c $1,35 Up Sandwiches -A,(a.Carte Orders Gas Heating & Ventilation ---·--- • CHARTER & PRESTON State Ucensed Contractor Beatln& Imtallattom Make Wann Frie.Deb BmlnNe Pbo11e MM BMldence Phonew MC or Z893 of opera tor switchboards are also family depende nts. agency, us cars, serv~ce statJons. tricts tre Saturday. I heavily overloaded during the Outsta nding features of the !11eat anh~ g~e~· ~us~ness'. ve~d-The hittier Union Hig h School morning hours and the company plan are no physical eXamination ing mac •neds, JOh P nudnli~· Jetwe ry I district , oted 1558 to 434 in fa vor · h ft it · . ed · st ore ca n y s op e ca essen $ll . . ' . recognizes t at o e n is neces-or health statement requrr .P~1or w m~n·. s t5"'e~r book and or a 250,000 bond Jssue which sary for subscribers to wait tor to or after enrollment, eX1st1ng s~tiones ~~ re ~d various J \\·ill bui d a nC'w library building, an operator to answer . lf the call a ilments a re full~ covered, no age kinds ofn;_ruck~ng: n_e'v m$h1ne shops, provide addi- is necessary at t ha t time, it is bet-limit for subscriber and spouse, t1onal c ssrooms and ne\\" recrea- ter to wait than to hang up and family dependents r eceive same . tional f c\lities. pl ace ca lls over again, inasmuch protection as subscriber , full cov-Huntington Bch. Man The hittiC'r City E lementary as· eve ry attem pt is made to an-er age may be maintained after Given 30 Days Jn Jail Sc hool •istric t voted in favor of t swer the signal lig hts in the o rder employe leaves job despite the fact a $440,0oo bond issue, 1275 yes, I in which t hey a ppea r ." that individuals. as such , cannot 249 no.k l\1r. McDonald stated tha t the enroll. Fourtj:l guilty of h it·and-run in The Nietos Elementary company is in the mid.st of a huge F ree choice of more than 6200 a collision \vith another machine School istrict Yoted a 51 25,000 cons truction program to build up member doctors a nd 82 com· at 33rd str eet and Coast boule-bond i ue with l l 6 favorable its system to take care of as many munity hospitals is also guaran- vard last "'eek , P. E. Beck or vo tes aitd ·o nly seven Op?)Sed . as possible of those now wai ting teed undef the pl an and mem-Huntington Beach, was sentenced for service as well as to provide bers are protected in any part to 30 days in the county jail. For ffi-ce s~i;plies, see the better service for present subsc~b-of the \Vorld . Excepting obstct-. City court recordS show that t he Nc\VS-mes. I ~rs. Forty !1~w telephone build-rical cases, there are no waiting driver of the othe r car was Ed-j:iOaji::iCi:XiOaxi:iaXi~ ' 1.ngs and add1 tJ~ are expected t.o periods when service is needed .. ward Day of 609 Marguerite 1- bc ~omp~eted u:i South~rn Ca11· 1 Group members dues are paid avenue, Cor ona d,el Mar. He sign- forn.1.a this }"ear tf matenal can be monthly through payroll deduc-ed the complaint against Beck. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ obtruned,, and 43 '!'ore are .sched-tion and many employers are pay------,-, ----; I uled for complet1on within the lng a ll or one-half of this cost for Drive caref.ully-Spare a Life. next two years. their cmployes. For years Austi n Studios hove specialized' Mt rfttoring faded. badly torn 0 1 dis· fl9Ul'ed snapshots and .tintypes to their erigirtal deo-rftess. Iring in your freos - llH'ed old photographs and have them lltode iflto beal.ltifvl new portraits for Mother's Doy gifts. The prices ore low, ...~io•ish· • F ·in an c e YOU .CAR WITH· CARE! Thousands of Trouble -Free Miles " The First National Bank plan offers . yciu the opportunity to finance your car locally at low cost and receive per, sonalized attention from people you know! Before you buy your new car, see us for a low.cost bank auto Joan. Keep your financing costs down with a Joan from the First National Bani<. (oan Senlce :>· 111("1 \\1 1 <>\\l.l~\\I \ •, ') ,.,f '.~u 't• .... ..:. ~ . ~ • -.... , ...._, ·. •, • • 2 I 01, 111t 11•-.. m-,. o.,ape ..... • "T o p~vide for the tremend?'-Is The plan now has more than 11 increase m the demand for service, 350 000 members in California. B t 0 th~11 _com~nl Y needf. sdd~~re Ith~ a Naiiona lly, Blue Cross member-oa wners • • • m.1 .ion m1 es o · a 1tJona WI~. s hip is now over the 21,000.000 h.undreds of th0t;1sands of addi-mark and this figure is growing t1onal telephone . 1ns~rumen~s a nd t th ra t of l7 000 new mem- much related switching eqwpment abe • h e king' day . 1 b "ldi 1 rs cac wor .. 1n near y every w ng, p us H d t r Blue ~~·-. ·1 · f ea q uar ers or -...i v~ "1m1 ar ne w eqwpment or new C l"f . Ph · ·ans• c.-_.,..,.,.,,. ·,, b ·1d· " rd" M M a 1. orn1a ys1c1 ..:x-...... "" ~na1l~gs. acco Ing to r. c-loca ted at 743 South Grand View I l\1o~ tha n $60.000.000 gr055 ex-street , Los .Angeles. Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Worn Tires Santa Ana L1 DO E ECTRIC . CO. 18 State mpwa7 Beacon 5506 Newport Beacb • AUSTIN STUDIOS We ore fully equipped to faire portrolfi In Home or Cfturcft All Studios open 12 to 6 P.M. every Sunday mMI two or more nights per week " · 508*. No, llalll St. Phone 1463 penditure is expected to be in- volved in the construction prognun of the Southern California Tele- phone company this year. The manager points out tha t every ef- fort is being made to obtain and to install the equipment as rapidly Dangerous, Tent & Awning Co. S L t l """ So Main s• DAILY HOURS: 9 a . m. to 6 p. m. 8YS eS er . 0 """ Pho~ !07 .. Fridays & Saturdays 'W 8 p. m. as possible. The number of the Philippine Islands is 7,083; that only 2.441 are named: that only 436 have an area or one square mile QF more and that only 11 exceed 1,000 square miles. Expert Repairing Typewriters Office Equipment C'ee"lwS -OU1nc AdJoeHnc • ~ ROBERT'S Typewriter Service !80! Wee& C..tnl Newport BM.ch Sandy F. MacKay Insurance 'rhat's All Uh -Aaio -nr,, A«tf •• &Mia. J1ut.e -Oomf Zth9 IMNnty-A- Jl1dollty A llaNty - Bria& & MacKay 11, &. o.t:nl ....... William Lester, owner of Lest· ~===SANT~~~A~~AN~A~==~ l i~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;;~;;~;;;;:;;;~·;;;;:;;;~;;;;:;~N~·~T~~4-30-46~~ er's Recapping service at 2900 W. Central, Newport Beach, and one 1,...------------, ol the sponsors of the News· nmes Safety Campaign feature, is reminding motorists these days that. with new tires still on the scarce item list. motoring is be- coming more dangerous because of worn, smooth ti.res. Lester's are teaturing quick seIVice on re- capping jobs and using the best grades of available rubber. CEMENT WORK • FLOORS, DRIVEWAYS Lester just reeently opened his recapping service in Newport and has already made many friends and customers among resident mo- SIDEW AI .KS, S'l'EPS, FOOTING AND FOUNDATION W.4.IJS • PIL N-rt n..t>or llln-l torists. '----~-------~ ~tu1.'t o11~ FOR Ford Repairs er • We Have a Full Staff of Expert Mec:hanics • If It's Mechanical Trouble just Bring it to THEODORE ROBINS --0 • SALES .. ft••t !8 SERVIO: N&WW"'4J" Post War Prosperity Club Roster-Continued / The fnll.~ art layout bJ helt U.~, wwboy artist, Is our way of llflr\1· oar rmdtn with portrayala • fl 1 _. ,...,n, the face and life stories of oar l.$<Una: cltbmry, . O • 0 7 Oftimes their work Is reitenflod far &Ille bieim of --"' &o the .... u4 remind "CJ!dsters" of their ooatrlh+&• &e &lie lialldlng of the Barbor dWalet. New faem and their stc.i. p. "I 1 Uog ldltoriir.J;. displaying lllem 1111 our midst. r. Robert A. Crawford . OPI'OMETRIST nn N__. BJ..r.--c.o.ta-.--. ---. ;t ;t ;t Paul Lorentun Balboa Sportfishing Fleet ~at-IW'°9Ps1F1m ;t;t;t . 0. z. Robertson General Contractor OIMt nstlO---OW ........ ..... lfwwpwt• ' t t t AL ANDERSON Fan Zone ...... -· ttt Bob Cams mt' 5 9 I ai:JJl'.al.t.L !'mm (KDIJO ., .... ·-···· • Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Ti•s' 'Fri !m... ..... . -Owt ._...,.-Newpert Be.t!la, Oall.f. t t t ·ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage --...... a Kwpaft 8 •• c.aL _ .... -............ .... -u··~- t t 4: T. LD'EVRE ·91\mchie's" Barbecbe A De'zafe~s1n ' . .................... _ .. • ' . • I • • • , ' -, ROOFS APPUED O& llEPARFD nee Eotlma.ta A 1nspec-. w . .J .... bow • ' Polkeman Aids Bather E •t• Patrolman Jad< JL Summen ~ xpos1 ton the Newport Beach police adJDin... E ted t istered first aid to Oa.arles w. xpec . 0 Admire of Ontario, whole left foot ·p111111ps Urges Forces Unite in Army Base Move (Continued r-n ~ Onel • Court Rules Mot rboat Pilot Not Guilty of S Charge ; :-----------1 In SL JOooph hospital. ~ weicb- HAPPY EVENTS In Harbor Area ed six IJ0'.4Dds, rOurfeen ouncea. The arrival of a seven P8"md. seven ounce eon is caUse for ooo- gratulation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T . Huffman. 1304 Balboa avenue, Balboa Island He ~ was lacerated by broken gl.us on ~====='-'-the sandy_-_cb._Sunday_. ---,I Draw Many BJUNG YOUR RADIO TO U8 3602 Marcus l'l1. Nwpt. 101>1 on the aviation irogram u well "I ----• find ...Dht !r ~~E~t;#;;~! :toP'-;~~ .. thaw:.~··ty0:1 H ard About Mr. and Mrs. J ack Gilbert. 534 wu born April 18 at Sant.a Ana Balboa atreet, Costa Iden. wet-Comm\J\lltY -pit.al corned a son. born April 22 In Santa Ana Community hospital. PueL!_C NOTICES He weighed eight pounds, fiYe and 0.. 0.:7 -We'll Bt:y'• It aad. ·Yoa 0.. llf,.e It SM Ned. Fac10r7 Puta. Work 0waa-. .........,. ~ ............ Radio SOS EJed:ric llA&OLD L. HAMM ' Bernard0 Lurie, director of the ot other members of ·cOngress ~IUllM'D WKi lJl.tv Pacific Coast Sportsroan Show to simply because there is a lack ,Jadf:e : ":~. 0Ganlnf _,J,r "~t s . thland be held in Long Beach. July 3-7, or cooperation on the parts or WDilam aa1&1C OUU"-~ a half ounces. NOTlfil: OF PUBLIC HEAENG Staff Sgt. and Mn. Roger Gary, announced this week that plans organJzations w~rortunately are highway, Newport Beach, In for the giant exposition were now striving for same goals. cHy eoa.rt laat Friday. . '----------------------------'I ready to go into operation. A '"That's why we ha e so much con-The defendant was aJTaigned In . Flanders' crowd of 100,000 i5 expected to fusion in congress," he added. to the effect that the former attend the five-day event which is "there is a lack of cooperation and wu operattnc: a speedboat in the to be held in the lttunldpal coordination for the main iro} main channel of Balboa basin at . IOO 11.ariM A..._, a.a 1a lalaDd 104 Bay a""nue, Balboa, ....., par-The Newport Beach City Plan- ents of a son, born April 22 in nlng Commission will hold a ~ Santa Ana Community hospital lie Hearing Thursday, May 16.' and weighing seven pounds, nine 1946, at 7:30 p.m .. In the Council ounces. Qi.ambers, Oty Hall, Newport Mr. and Mn. Ben Ortega. 218 Beach. California. Knox street, Costa Mesa. are par-PUBLIC HEARING upon the Hello! Mr. Bernard! Oh Goody, I'll Tell Mom! I'd love to have you take MY picture Mr. Bernard -'cause Sonny. my Brother says -that lots of people, even "MOVIE STARS" think you are the mostest wonderful photographer, Uh-huh ... I'll wear my NEW OUT- FIT! 87 l'l>polar Demand Our !ltadlo Will Be Oi- SUNDAY l%to 7p.m. Thereafter Open Tueldays • Fridays and smac1a,.. SITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Phone Laguna 4S4S Balboa Inn Arcade • Auditorium here. ect." an ac Pre rate ot speed on ~ from Pace 1) ents of a son: born Apil 21 in application of Ida Naylor tor a ---Sant.a Ana Community hospital. re-zoning !rem R-2 to C-2 far Long Beach's ~funidpa.1 AudJ-Freese It April 21. torium, located near the center of Since the army airbase hu First witness for the harbormu-Worl the dty, is a natural spot to hold been declared surpll.n by the War ter"1 olflce WM Douglas _ R . and the event, according to Lurie who Department. the congresmiuu, Priest, taarbormaster"• deputy, his stated, '1be Sportsman Show wlll said the proper thing for the who wu accompanied by Har-the be a wonderful mid·summer at· slngle-fightln&·unlt to do wU: to bormasttt Russell 0-aig, on the whe traction for thousands of sports "freeze" the-base for its use by day that Saide wu civen a War broke up his education He :wei&bed eight pounds. fifteen Lots 10, 11, and 12 and a frae- uenced him to start out on OUDOM tlonal 'portion ol Lot 13, mock minded recreation seekers who applying directly to the War .» speed citation. · will be in Southern California for sets corporation. · Priest testified that he was the 4th of July holidays." "Let tbe War Aleeta corpc11rr coming into the harbor with the The giant show will house ex· ttoa lmow that: Ora.ace eeiat7 police boat when he uw the de- hlbiton from all sections of Cali· wanta the military lD•tallaUoa. fendant going out at excessive fomla and will include showlnp Th.at free&ee IL" speed into the channel near wh'1-e of the latest equipment for hunt-Phillips explained that It would the fiag: tower and jetty are lo- ing, fishing, tennis, skiing, horse-also be important for the aelected cated. It was at this _ point that back riding, boating, also radios, county aviation committee to con· the speedboat wu fla&:ged down. cameras and a complete list of tact the Los Angeles district of-he said. other merchandise ln the sporting fice of the Federal Public Haus--SeskJe, the deputy said, con· goods and allied fields. Also on Ing authority, for it may also cte.. fessed' that he wu not familiar exhibit will be trailers, camping sire to use some portion of the with the speed re&Watlona of supplies and every conceivable army airbase for the houalng of the harbor. post war item of interest to sport-war veterans who have not been When asked by the court how lng people. able to get shelter elsewhere for fast the speedboat was travel- However. exhibits wtll not be their families. ing before it was flagged down, the only feature of the show. The On the subject of surplus medi-Deputy Priest said, 'Ten nauti- irogram will be enlivened by cal facilities and equipment. the cal miles an hour." This is con- water sports. swimming and div· congressman stated that hospiWs sidered excessive. Priest added. Ing contests. a fashion sho\4' of have priority on such materials, Second witness. was Russell sports apparel, bathing beauty and Lherefore, he added. his un· Craig, harbormaster . who testi- contest. demonstr ations in golf, derstand.ing that two hospitals, one that he saw the speedboat com- shooting, fl y casting, tennis. bad-from Garden Grove and one pro-ing around the bend of the har~ minton and other sports which posed for the Newport Heights bor at a speed considered exces· "'ill provide a punch-packed fiv e area. had already made · applica· sive under harbor regulations. days for the coast holiday crowd. lion with the War Assets corpora· "\Ve were half way out of Representatives of a ll the major tion for such equipment. the jetty and hC'ading into the beach towns are sc-hC'duled to meet The matter of procurement of harbor 8.nd channel \vhen we soon to discuss further plans for the facility, he said. has now shift-saw Seskie," the harbormaster the shO\\'. C'd from the War Assets cori>ora-explained. I · tion to the Feder al \Vorks After the speedboat had come to agency It appears that the Palm a standstill at the direction or the Construct•1on Spri~gs . committee submittNI Its harbormuster·s signal. Scskie said application to the \Var Assets that there was a mechanical de- ~rroup. and now that that body no. fC'Ct in the motor and that he P H longer is handling" the facilit y mat-could not get the boat out of erm •1ts •1t ter. the committE'<' must no\\• ~o gear. "He "·as mak.ing motions t~rou~h the _pr~css of r esubmit-as if working the te·vers on the ting its apphcat1on to the F\VA. boat when \\'e pulled alongside," $ 59 000 R "Af ter . I conferred with the Craig added. te Palm Springs group and stressed Seskie took the stand in his a to them the importance of hav-own defense and made a good f ing a coordin~t~ progi;~m. with point of stating that he has been (Continued from Page 1 ) mer. and J. L. Stamp jr .. of 227 Coral avenue, Balboa Island , fi led the plans for the latter. Permits for the erection of other dwellings were issued to the following: Robert E. Lovell of 801 Clemen· tine avenue. Anaheim. a one story fTame and stucco house at 307 33rd strt'f!'t. Newport Beach, S4000. a manager t~ 1n1~ate 1t, the con-oper ating boats in the harbor for gressm~n said, they follow my 10 years and this was the first suggestion and now they are well time that he was issued a citation on the way to procurement of the for excessive speeding. facility for their own use." He explained that a mechanical Phillips con~l~ded by saying that defect in the operating gear he saw no dif.f1 cult)· for Oran5?;e caused apparently when the mo- county _in get~.~g the San~ Ana tor was originally installed OC· Army airbase, 1f yo~ ~ant it. and casloned a jam that threw the for what you wa nt 1t. boat out of control and caused it . ~Ian Re9olutlon to exceed the speed limit. Earlier 1n the d~y the congress-'"The clutch lever jammed the man conferred \\'Ith members of controls and when I tried to pull the Orange County Board of lhf> trvC'r out or gear . the latter Supervisors and of the Associated ripped the clutch. thro"ing the in the democracy acrou Jdr. and Mrs. Glen llfeadawa. 130. ·Laite Tract, Newport Beech, a . He landed in New York 1909 West c.entral avenue are California.. he was I9 and tramed at parent& or a daughter, born 'April By onler or the Chairman of the to Mishawaka, Indiana, 17 in Santa Ana Qmununity hos-New~t Beach Cty Planning he went to work ln the pital. She wel&hed aeven pounds Commission. ru r business. even. JOHN M. ALLEN, Ing to Callfornla In 1926. he Mr. and Mn. Harold E . Chriat· PlilLMER J. ELLERBROEK, soo~~usled himself in the citrus ler, 214 Marine avenue, Balboa · Secretary. ind try, and while owning some Island, are receiving congratu· Pub.-APfll 30, 1.946. JX'O rty of his own. he took latiOlll on the birth of a IOI\, born 1 ch e of other groves around April 16 at St. Joseph holpital. U---- An elm and Santa Ana, He weighed seven pounds seven · ~ ding to go into business in ounces. • C'-' he purchased and managed It wu a daughter for Machlnlst 4dl8 .... I 11111 t.iCo-Iha+, OlllH. a e in Los Alamttoa for the Mate Third Class and Mrs. Lei· next four years and with a Knowl-ter Bress, 1658 Monrovia street, edge of foods behind him, he soon Costa Mesa, born April 18 at St. ded ed to go into the grocery Joseph hospital. She weighed six: '-----------~-' bus' ess. Late in 1944 his family pounds, twelve ounces. ased a home ln Garden Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baird, ...-----~---:------. and with a friend whom he 2335 Elden avenue, Costa Mesa, I. _.,, in that community, came to are parents of a daughter , born ...... JiUFfl- Bal to purchase the Balboa April 18 at St. J05eph h01pital. ,,.... Mar e~ from Charley Wu.y, active She weighed six pounds and one JW" 'llllJ TALKIE e community for 30 years. ounce. U-ftft t month. the partner sold his BOO.tswain's Mate Second Class s1sso~ .... -.. ti int ts so he became sole owner and Mrs. Hugh Berry j 1599 of t mark~t. and also celebrated Or ange avenue, Costa M~~a. are the rst ann1vers~ry of ownership. parents of a daughter , born April Frit ~;oudly c:ia1ms the ~arke 1y at Santa Ana Community hos- as t e large~t independent in t_hc p1ta l. She weighed six pounds, The mod•m way to talk J,. Har r area and features fish eight ounces. room·to-room, oft.c:•·to-offic:e. and ame in season, meats. frozen M· d M 0 1 d LIDO ELECTRIC do. f d r . bl d" • · an rs. r an o Marron an CC'Sh \Cg-eta PS, IS·1111 15th t t N -' play uniquelv at the "Vitamin s ree ' ewport, are par-518 State HJway Ph. U84 Bar. Manager .of the well·stocked e nu: of a daughter, born April I S '---~-~------'-' --' mea department is Woody Cooper ! t==========================~ and }he store. which last year had J a t~nover of $I25.000. They em- ploy six local people. F . tz, "·hosP hobbies are "play· round" in his oran~e ranch in ittier and gro\\.i ng sele-ct OoY.' rs. is President of the Flem· ish· erican Club of Southern Cali nrnia. and as such. recently sent 2000 to the poor of his home dis ct in Belgium. Goossens was nat alized i.n 1927. still has a fath r, brother and two sisters tn the ld country. THE HURLEY BELL 135 COAST illGHWAY, -CORONA DEL MAR • ..--·. ~ * .• 4 • 01'!:,'1 DAILY ~ .-' A'I' 4 P. M . Sundays at % p. m. l '"The House ot Fine Foods" Clooed r-laTO As we understand it, he has thr~great loves in his life--bo\\.1- ing, is wife Rose and his 10-year· old n, Freddie, but he has never ceas being thankful for a tour-~========================== ist's description of this country i and e opportunities it offers. For er Newport Cafe Ow er Buys Anaheim Dri 'e-In Restaurant BALBOA -INN CAFE E. A. Brown and P aul E. Jones of 2117 Coast boulevard, a one s tory, single family frame and stucco dwelling "'ith a detached garage at 121 40th street, SSOOO. Cecil L and Eileen Inns of 1024 Cerritos avenue. Long Beach, a one story, single family frame and stucco dwelling and garage at 530 Smeltzer street. Newport Heights, $4000. Chambers ?f Comtnerce at the boat out of control." C?U~thouse in Santa ~na and made Seskie elaborated his explana-Dela Ehlers. who \\.'BS for- sanular recommenda~ons to them. I tion by adding the point tha t the merly associated with the "Amer-II the opening of the First -· i;;:§§~~§~§§~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i l J-Oseph B. Loughlin of 223 Jas· mine place, Corona del Mar. a one story, single family frame dwelling and garage at 614 Heliotrope ave- nue. Corona del Mar. $'7000. As a r esult o_f thlS. conference , boat was small but that it had a ican Restaurant" at Newport Har- and the suggestions given by t~e powerful motor capable of quic k bor. l.nnounced this week th3t congressman fron: the 22nd dts-pickup when out of control. she hls purchased "Fields Drive- trl~t, representatives of the As· ''We were making about five In" 1Dt:ated at 406 North Los An· soc1ated Chambers o[ Commerce nautical miles an hour whe n our geles street. Anaheim. C?ntemplated presenting a r~lu· boat rPar-h«i the jetty and then Mrs~ Ehlers has named Bob tion to the board of supervJsors the thing jammed and the boat Mulho land. who used to be with. today, requesting that this body took off. I coul~'t get it out of the " avoy" in Santa Ana, as C?ntact the War Assets corpora-gear until after the harbor-manager of the drive.in, which lion for the purchase of the g?v· master's boat had pulled along· will ~ renamed "Chelsea Galley." Seafood Cocktail ~Bar IN BALBOA - Going to Bu lid You proll&bly have yoar drMm 11.,_ .a worlu!d out la your mind -or -:rt-1"" uchlled lfr coalractor alrMdy baa pre,._i plaa .. paper ,,. you. Eledrldty wlll ba"9 • tarp ...... _., drama_ of pwtwM lh1-c -._ Wllolll you go over the p1ana wHla you ....,_ lie ..... to .. b.lm about tbe ...,_. ........ -'-la h009eboW labor avlq ud ""r' ttc.·• beauty. t Ov Z•pw la la flTill')'Ulblg eleda ksl Will lie pad to llelp wHll layout plam llr ~ °'"" 14iMtl1? may malre a W"' ._ .. tbe "lhe4lllllty" ol that ...._ ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN lllNCE 4 1111 1000 COM& lllway ~ 1'ewj1Ciii UM AM a. -ft'A"""'~':':•·:w~~•:s~tw~-•t•*tecs·-~ EI.ECTRICIANS . 0,0.TWe l'1n ...... al r.acro&'f, l'LA!l'I', noaa. OnMlS, rAmM. - Willard White of San Bernar- dino, a one story frame dwelling at 212 4lsl 5lre<'l. Canal section, Newport Beach. $4000. C. W. Masten of 711 Begonia avenue. Corona del Mar, a one story, single family house at 415 Iris avenue, Corona del MaT. $4600. Miscellaneous building "'ork in- cluding alterations accounted for the balance of the S59,025 figure. Hailed into Court ernme~t·owned acreage which side. And then the latter called 'I comprises a large part of the for another boat to rome to our Santa Ana Army airbase. rescue." A niage llcense was issued It is believed that once this is "It's evident to me," 'udre K to Amos Oldham Kindt, done, and should the War Msets Gardner uld lo concloaloa", .. tllat boa. and Mildred Gueths corporation acquiesce to the peti-• merbaalcaJ defect cauAed tbe -:::::i:·=SO=·=P=om=ona==· ====:. tion of the county supervisors. boat to co at a r•tfl of speed. r that the Oty of Santa Ana will Cue-dhmlued." contribute the 400 acres of airbase land which it owns for the county- wide airport program. At the Balboa's Sea Food present time and all through the Bar Opens Toru"ght war now passed, the Oty of Santa ciµrs Feed Store ay and Grain Quality Fee& -§-Ana leased its share of the base Mrs. Jimmie Morgan and Clif- to the war department and also ford and Howard Pettey of Bal· paid a yearly rental of $8000 on it. boa, proprietors of the Balboa Inn DelherJ'-Plloae en tan Newport Blvd. 008TA llEllA Sgt. VJctor A. James of 413 E . cafe. Balboa, announced today Bay street, Balboa. was issued a that they are opening the first '----.!------------' sununons Monday to appear In NOW YOU Can sea food cocktail bar in that com· ·:::::::::l:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= court. He is charged with violation munity, tonight. i or the dty sanitation code for Get More Sugar. Bernice Marlin or gay old New RHEUMATISM putting mixed garbage and trash Orleans, who ts a connoisseur of l d ARTHRITIS. on the Ddewalk. I 1..-----~----' I line Southern drinks, will mix the I an Spare Stamp No. 49 in family cocktails in the presence of pa· I sUffered for years and am IO M1ntJa folders at News-Times. ration books will be .made good trons, beginning this evening. She thankful that I can walk and work for f·ive pounds of sugar ·begin· will be in charge of the cocktail again irithout pain, that I will glad- FOR IN&UAANCE. 9EE Howard W. Geniah ning May l , and will expire Aug. bar. ly ~r anyone wriUng me for 31. the OPA announced U>day. info tlon. MRS. EMMA IVES. Sugar Stamp 39, the last stamp Dick F\leeman. seaman tint P .O. i · 189, Los Angelea 52., Oalif. specifically labeled "sugar,• will clasl, has been home recently "" Pd. Aav.-NUE-OVO Laboratories expire-for consumer use on April :a:15-da==y=le:a:v:e:lrom==th=•:•:as:t=cout.====:t:' ==========;I -Nwpwt 811lle:wt cosrA ..... -111 ~bile• A.ccid.mit • Fire Life JO, 1946. r Based upon the April 2J, l94S. I I E S ·E L S E R V I C E report or the Combined Food Board on Sugar Supply, OPA ex· pttU the same cooaumer ration ot fi\'t' pounds of sugar tor each four months can be maintained. 11 the present ration rate is maintained., the next spare stamp for regular comumer purcbales of -ar will be validated Sej>L l , New, Sensational Trolling Jigs For Albacore and Barracuda COMJIEllCIAL FISHEIUIEN COllPLEl'E StlPPUE8 FOB Sped•llriq ID Trolling Gear McCallurn & Harvey 281• IA.._,..._ NewjlClii Pb.-SU D~ MOTO ., RE:BUILT D SALJ;l; EIB nLUflt B. LSWJll (L 1 :t ) Oww• Newport !GM-W 5~ ... ···--.... ·+s' I Opens Friday, May ~Four p. rn. Crab -Shrimp -Seafood Cocktails -Made to Order &I/ti TO t:f/T 01111& •Allll011" • l'olb ming RPM DELO, Jbe Diael Jlosioe J.alxicuing Oil tbaua<uhea rime bccweea o..-criaaub, _, it a111 repoia .. much .. ~. And that'1 1igbr, neipbon RPM DELO Oil ,n-..;.... J>i-1, p.a it loeg<r life. C-povl'd1 la JlPKDELO Oll .UC it •top "• • 7 • •ing aad car-........... c:ut.o.. wl ...... sdck ID be!<...-. 11ae N.'J -it, - :l'qit .. 71 Clayion'1'ompso1 ' WJirh F h IJllClthatlGa • • \ • ' . L PuaL1 c NoTICE · --=--~-- NOTICE OF F UJILIO Ju:ARING • CDM Forger Found Guilty In San Francisto Trial The N-Be ch O ty Plan-Alf""1 Leonard Cline. who le ft -=-....-.. a his newly built houae at Corona Ding CommiWon will hold a f'Ub-de! Mar. to •o on the trip Which lie Hearing 1bunday, May 16, • 1946, at 7 :JO p.m., in the Council later proved to be bis ......-.. -~ WU found guilty 'I'ue9day In $an Chambers. Oty Hall, Ne ..... }"U'~ ~ Frand.sco on nine counts of fora:- Beach. California. N&WH>ii'f llAUM>A N&WH'I.,.,. 1' •=• Olllf I lMe Gen. s Report To Mo tz Spikes erry Group to Airbase (Contln ed from Page 1 l very much terested in whate\·er disposition made or all or any part cir the ta Ana Army air- base as it a flnandal interest in the mat r . That city is pay- ing the ye y rental on 400 acres ..... Cited for Speeding Speediq Airport Return8 . For allegedly speeding :!() mileo an hour in a 2!>-mile Newport W ASHJNGTON-To aid In Beach :rono here Sunday. Philll1t prompt tranufer or ttturn of air J..,,.. Bird of Ceola Mesa. was ports used by the armed fetteS "'! handed a police citation to a-ar local• governments, the Surph• . . ProjJerty Administration bas auth.l m o~ court. Friday, to answer Ort.zed the owning agencies ( =.."l the charge. erally the Army or Navy) to P UBLIC HEARING upon the ery in connection with the estates or two of the four elderly women matter of a j)(otitton of property who died m"-sterlous1.y while in his Warren Asks More fish Hatcheries permits to local units pei>dii>.ii final dispoaal of the pro t and the cost to the Ledger ~ta at News-Times. O ty of San Ana is SS>OO a year. ~---..;...----------------------,/ owners for Blocka ~ and 532, ' Canal Section. Newport Beach. company. California. for re-zoning of said Forged papen involving the es- B1ockl!I 432 and 532, Canal Section tales of two of his la te wives, Mrs. from R -2 to &-3. Delora Krebs Cline. Chicago, and Rumors arding the ~pool-GEORGE D. BASSNIT Gwral A-tlag • Fllbeimea'a llooklie&plq lnc<WM Tu &nice -W,,0.-&-. ._ 11111-J, Nroew-pw"'rt .. -By order of the a.airman of the Mn. Elizabeth HlDlt Lewis of SACRAMENTO, Aprll 24--Gov- Newport Beach Oty Planning Oakland, weTe the bertba&lsCforKatheuf. ernor Earl Warren today called Comm•-·fon. trial and J udge Her -• f preh . tion of th Orange County air- port ind e Santa Ana Army airbase y e believed to have started_aft a meeting of the Assodated. Ch&mbers of Com- was held in Costa L...--------------------..:....-----1 · · ~ 1 Sa for "a ar more com ens1ve JOHN M. ALL.EN. man set the sentencing or ~ and forward-looking policy for PHILMER J . EU-ERBROEK. day. The maximum penalty ls promotinfl outdoor recreatlonal Secretary. ye ars. opportunities than we have ever Pub.-April 30, 1946. Heirs to the $323,000 estate of seen before." Mrs. Delor a Krebs Cline 1tarted Reviewin& the effects a rapidly All kinds typewriter ribbonl ln the investigations when they increasing population has bad on stock at the Newa-'I'tme... charged her name had been fora:-natural sources ot fish and ~ ed to papers, and later investiga-Warren told a meet.in& of th~ N I: W L I N E tlon seemed to show it wu she Porterville Fish & Game Protec- "-#t Greeting Cards ~ho had died and been c:nmated tive association. s teps to supple- \...11:11& 1n Dallas, under another name. m ent the supplies have "not been flt ·UoDery A Jeopard skin coat and other enough." Brookinr V arielv articles said to have been !dent!-"W e must undertake an ever- .. o.... 8-F~u a--... •• tied as belonging to her were incre&.!ing program of artificial '. -~~~_!·~-=--~~ca~·~,~-~-~·..!-~"'~..! I found in Cline's post office box at propagation and distribution in or-"-Cor ona del Mar and deputies from der to balance our natural re-- FOR BIGNS the district attorney's offices in sources ledger," the governor de· Loe Angeles and San Francisco clared. '"The methods used in past searched the house looking for years in propagating trout have chemicals which might have been been too slow. W e must develop Who Sa1·d Three's used in the deaths of these and m ore h a tcheries and rearing a Crowd? BENEDICT several other women. ponds, and get more fish into our u three'• a crowd, what about a bJch tebool buU t for 110 s tudent. ednesday night. No otfe -the meeting hazard- ed the gu that the Sixth Ferry- ing Group now at -It.on& Beach might be oved to Santa Ana Army air . The organization aim.ply ann ced through one of the speak that the usodated has petiti,o the board of super- visors. to a uire a portion of the baae. The spe president Chambers mended th asked to the airbase of plans f en-ty. er , H . Oay K ellogg, of the Aaoclated f Commerce. recom- the army should be wcte 25,000 acres of pending the ou tcome its dispo1ttio~ in its MEN'S DRESS $695 72 Pairs Just Arrived Men's 8 inch BOOTS 5845 SHOES "' Mattoon's Shoe Store The_. Kati Oine r efused to testify and of-streams and lakes as speedily as (and more earolllnir all the time) whfla It WM ID.tended for oaly fered no witnesses in hi3 behalf. possible. We must have m ore 500 at the moet. MIN Loris Meyer, talented cartoo.ust and hlcta H e 15 under a murder charge in game farms for upland birds." ecbool lell.lor W&llt. to know. In u.e above cartoon. the J'OUlll' arUat Since th Long Beach Muni- cipal alrpo is so strategically situated to the Los Angeles bay area, it .is lieved that the W ar Departmen and the headquarters of the U. . Army Air F orces in F ootwear for All the Family • BO&T LETI'DUNG A SPl!ICIALTY . . . Dallas and currently is the sub-The true definition of conserva-eho'ift a typical ICeDfl la cro•decl Barbor Bl Dalh. Wasllingto D. c .. wm continue 1795 Newport Blvd. CoRa Mfltl& to m ake of it for the full term ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~i ject of Investigation by a San tion the governor saJd. is "to use -------------~-------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~F~r~a~n.c~IS;· ~co~gr~an~d~j~ury~·~§~~~ wisely, avoid waste , and increase •-ther, ·Son of the le I ;;i supply." llllJ DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH tu~~'~;.~ .!.t~~f ~11e~":'i.e~ Rescue Chum serve as warning signs again<l taking the same wrong roads From Waters ORANG£ Y:S again," \VaJTen contin ued. /Continued f rom Page Onel OW:1f ."\Vhat the stat~ government ha..c; Schuster boy. She put one arm W ~ tned to do dunng recent yen ~ j around him, held him tight. and abou~ th~ problems of our de- 1 S'Nam as rapidly back to the shore creasmg fish and game supply has again where with the aid of a not bee~ e nough. but it ca.n be the pass;e~by, w. E. H. RasmusS4."n of fffi;!ndauon for all-out effort from 632 \Vest La Veta. Orange, she '.:=:==::=::::;::;::;:=::;::;::;::;~~~~~~=======~I th.is day fON'ard. I ~ deter-administered artificial respiratory ..: mined that we are going to do aid to the lad. It's Alwa ys COFFEE TIME • • • • • . . Serving COF'F'EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES SANDWICHES • MAL TS and SUNDAES • COMPLEfE FOUN- TAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Georire Sterllnc everything possible to restore Someone sent a call t o the fire Califo":ti~ to .her former and right-department for a pulmotor and ful pos1llon 1n the world of out-J ack J ones and P . A. Hayden of door recreation." the rescue squad rushed to the Sees Better Provam scene . They gave what aid was \Varren announced that the sen-nvcessary, using the inhalator on a te interim committee on fish and f the youngster. A few moments game. headed by Senator Ralph E . late r Dr. Reeder arrived and gave Swing (San Bernardino). is ex-1 first aid treatment. pected to report "soon" on a "bet-Ta ken to BMpit&l ter program of developing recrea-j F earing the worst for their boy, tional opportunities than any we who was now trembling from the have ever had before." s train of nearly being .drowned. In the meantime, the state di-Mr. and 1'1rs. ruchard Schuster sr . vision of architecture is drawing of lot 94 in the Municipal camp- plans for two new hatcherie~. one grounds. hurried the boy to a at Cedar Creek in Humboldt Santa Ana hospital. where, it was coun ty and a $225.000 installation learned, he would recover and be in Shasta county. The latter. at about again in a few days. - Crystal Lake. will be the first The accident occurred wherl a warm-water hatchery in Northern tric}•cle the Schuster boy was California and the second largest riding a long the waterfront drop- fish hatchery in the nation \Var-ped off the shoulder of the beach rcn said. and tossed the yoUngster in to deep water, police and firemen said. But for the presence of the Koch lad and the qu.ick rescue by his mother. the Schuster boy might Harbor Hi Goes Into Today's Game With Clean Slate Harbor High baseballers are all even with the score book going into today's game behveen the locals and the po'verful Orange outfit having won t\VO and lost tv.·o in Sunset standings. The Tars' second '''in came at the expense of Huntin ~ton Beach last Friday o n the local diamond \vhen Ralph Freitag pitchCd a beautiful one· hit game and the Tars clipped the Oilers 2-1 . Harbor Hi Defeats Huntin on Racquet Team, ·1, 6·2 Coming p v.;th a new combin- ation t h t strengthened the doubles ro binatio n \Vithout ap- preciably 'feakening the singles, Harbor Hi h t e nnis team s1,1,•ept all but o n m atch and defeated the H unti ton Beach te nnisters on the loca courts last Friday. 8-1 . Thom an Yardley, usually sec- ond and t ird singles men. com- bined to t e two points in first doubles an· Keston D C'imling pick- ed up first ingles from Oiler Mil- ler 6-1. 6-The only match the local squa dropped \Vas second singles wh re Rubel was taken by Schum er , 6-1, 6-3. The Sailors srored once in each of the first two innings while F rei- tag was holding the Oilers hitless until the sixth Inning w hen one of the opposition beat ou t an in- field single and later scored fol- lowing a walk a nd a sacrifice. I n othe matches Fowler in third singl d efeated Parker , 6-0, Follo\\'ing the Orange contest 6-l ; Lind efeated Etringer 6-0, which is being played on the local 6-0; McKi ben bested Dean 6-2, diamond Tuesday, the Sailors 6-l d chulte and Doughty, meet Fuller ton. Friday, in what pla~n8g° s nd doubles. defeat ed should be another whale of a con-Harris an Eberhart 6-2, 6-1. test. The Tars have one victory I ~~~~~,;;..;~~~~~"""~"" 11 over the lndians but since t hat date. Fullerton has knocked off Anaheim. which is one of the top outfits of the league. Nelson or Moffitt "'ill get the hurling duties ----+-------- Friday if Freitag is called upon to hurl all of the Orange con test. P u eL1c NoTICE !--~~!---~-~~- D SHOP Ope.a Ewnlnp UaW 10 o'Oloak -CICMJed on \Vedn..ctay Stomach Trouble h_ave been drowned. As it is both -------------• oked Turkoy Pa,,CtJa4i VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM ...... 7---OW11Ll11• -........ -• ewl'• -n.. Z.tt=s• Phone Newport 2780-W $ SURE, WE PAY CASH $ • WE WIµ, BETIER THAN MEET ALL OFFERS ON YOUR CAR. • So stop in atMcCARTHY USED CAR LOT at 1920 Newport Blvd., Co sta Mesa, and get t he top dollar far your automobile. I , R. BREWER, Sehm•e VETERANS 2·Bedroom Homes Built on the Lot You Select . . Payments About $30 per Mo. 100% G. I. FINANCING You Pay Only Appraisal & Escrow Fees Dennison & McBrooni Sales ISM N..._t Bml. Ooota ·- 1.eoaW la U.. -RM!ty Jlld«. Corson & Ray, Gea. Coatrs. .... -.&•V•t• m • • and GASTRO ·I N~STINAL deranrement, we have learned · from ou r Ref1exopatlt System. are. In our opinion , tbe Ca.otte of 90% of all Dl-llealth, D~s-. comfo rt and Slcknelll In the human ecooomy. We could n&111e a Score of condlttons dlrecUy traoe&ble to the Gutro-lnteAUnal tract even tho you may have no pain or discomfort ln Abdominal area.. We have a Speclfte Treat- ment tlaat normalba t heee Or- pas, and whetl thl• Is a.ooom- pllshed.. most Dlne. cllilappear. Our metltods are e xcluUvely our own. developed thra yean or experience tn four Prolf!ll- Uons. . We U.le NO Drup -NO Medlc1Ae9-No lnjecUoM-NO S urrery-yet our Methods are sure and paln)NL It CMb nothlnc to talk yow- ca!te over wtth m and may chanp your enUre outlook oo Ille. P1eue pbone Barbor l IU for an Appointment on Mondays or Th~ 9:00 ... 5:00-!:TI>· Din.. by APllOlntmoot. DR-EMIL F . B EU. D .C-Pb.C. Newpor t BM.ch. Calli. 107 22nd Street mother and son are being looked upon today as heroine and heroic in a miraculous rescue. Mrs. Koch is the "-ife of Ber- nard Koch, proprietor of the curio sho p in the Balboa pavilion enter- prise in Balboa. Report Rowboat Theft Fred Kemper of 1301 Coast h igh"•ay reported to {>Ollce the the ft of a gre}" plywood rowboat, "'hich he said "'·as taken sometime Sunday night. The boat. was val- ued a t $80. 111.EV'r REFRIGERDTllHI I e::::JBMCE COlllPIUlY Salee -E nct.neert.nc -Service Mt Ooaat Bl .... Co...,.. dol Mu Temporary Ph one, Dey 654 La- f1Wl8 Beach; Phone Nigh~ l lil62 Laguna Beach ROSSI'S Liquor Store loOS Cout IDway ~ llBo 8oatll ot u.o A>dooo NO .LIMIT Fresh Daily • Delldouo -P'oodo Or. camplet• equtpment wbm you want to catch :roar own. HORMEN FISH MARKEJ ON CliN T lllAL AV&NUE. Nl&.W~O .. T BEACH .,................ .. .... -4 4 •¥fi¥A "'¥• tty •>•J •y-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a a• •••••• --A~A~~A~-WA'*tt Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units AIL SIZP)!, Bun.DING UNU'S Brick IUld 0..pool Rlndm Now Ill Produdiam NOTICE OF PUBLI C HEARING The Newport Beach City P lan- ning Commission will hold a Pub- lic Hear ing Thursday, May 16. 1946 at 7 :30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City llall. Newport • • • • • • • :ked Fish t Meats ' t Pickles b S•1•ds n\ndled Fruits o Cherries i eese Galore AT GILL'S Beach, California. PUBLIC HEARING upon the 1----t--------- application of Oaude S weetman for a r e-zoning from R-2 to C-1 for Lots 19 a nd 20, Block 23. Ne"'- port Beach. California. By order o r t:1e Chairma n of the Newpbrt &ach City Planning Commission. JOHN M . ALLEN, PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK, Secretary . Pub.-A pril 30. 1946. For JUST ARRIVED • • • Ne FRONTIER <lat Blcllng Apparel Al Sherwin Riding & 205 No. &o.dway, S...ta ADa . • Before Y Oii B11ild • her Vegetables tter Meats cy Groceries Shipment of ANTS Shirts, Hats and Boots for Mim,W- IUld ChlJdiea port Shop n-~ Remodel I . NO EXTRA COST MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS .. -.,,... -- Y•--•alc1•1h~Mffel Dr. l:o-·· Liii... ..... .... ell ... •c•11 .t ll1•tGI worl ••• Not 0.M ,._., Addltloaol Cod. Arr•1• .. "" .. ,.... ............. .. .......... r., -.. ... Wl&ldf or •&alWy ........ ff It ff~ .. """ .... for .,....,, ., °'· c.-·,. TRANSPARENT Material DENTAL PLATES I why ,,not save by mail? AAk Your DenU.t to explain the many advantages of the new Transparen t Ma terial Dental Plates. Learn how they are cr:eated to capture the hoes and effect& of Na- tu:re's Own Teeth and Gama. They stress Natural Appear-- a nce ... will help y ou over-- come plate - consciousness and embarrassmen t. Com- fortable, too ... you will ap- pn.'ciate their lasting ._UC flt" ... e&ey to weal'. Whether it is sav.ing for a ·home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru · our savings plan Part ot All yo11 far11 is Yours to SaV(f Resources $4,906,000.00 Laguna Federal Sav1ngs and-l:oan~Associafion Corona del Mar MaH Shop 1111~-.. ... • Old tasblcned malta We ,,,..,, )ISt this. LONG BEACH .. ·-..., .. ~ .. , BOY LOSES BIKE ........ • ROEBUCK &-co. -AMERICAN AT Fl FT VIOLATION OF TRAFFIC LAWS PA VS OFF • • LONG BEACH ; . •. Other members o1 the commit- tee are Edward Arnold. Mn. Russ Avery, Mrs. Lee Ballnger. Mrs. Jackson Baker, Dr. Frank Bar- ham, Uonel Barrymore, Leigh M. Battson, L. E. Behymer, Mrs. Al- phonzo Bell,· Joan Bennett, Clark J .. Bonner, Mrs. Fletcher Bowron, Judge Georgia Bullock. Mrs. Ar· thur Burgess, Asa V. Call. Rich- ard A. CarTington jr., N orman Chandler , La Motte T. Cohu, Vic- 1 tor Ford Collins, J . Cheever Cow- din. John Cromwell. Bing Crosby, l\lrs. William Daum, ~lrs. Edward Dickson, \Valt Disney, Henry Duque, l.A'onard Fir{'Stone, Mrs. Richard Fudger , l\1rs. Robert' Ladd Gifford. Don Gilman, Al- frc.'d J. Gock. William Goetz, Samuel Goldw;'Tl, l\lrs. Edgar Goodspeed.. Mrs. Yeatman Grif- fith. l\olrs. Robert D. Harrell, Rob- ert P . Hastings, Mrs. Norman Hennan, 1\1.rs. William L. Hon- nold. Ounvood Howes, J ose Iturbi, Herbert D. I vey, \Villard W. IN TRAFFIC COURTS Keep Your Car HERE'S THE PROOF: Pays Maximum Fine Seven Lose Licenses • • ID Dashing through Coast Hi"-'BY traffic ·at speeds ranging from 70 to 8) miles per hour recently, cost ~le C. Blystone, the maximum fine for speeding. $50, levied when be appeared in justice court. Suspending the lic~nses of seven motorists, rt1unicipal Judge H. Leonard Kaufman announced yes- terday that sentences for traffic violations will become increasingly severe if flagrant violations per- sist. Good Condition Driver Fined $150.00 Mlchacl McBrtde, pleaded guilty to driving an automobile while un- der the i.nfluence of liquor and was fined $150 in city court this week. "U motorists don't care to drive safely, then their licenses will be suspended and they will be de- prived of the use of their can," Judge Kaufman said. Since the jurist was assJgned to lraltic court on March 11, he has suspended li- censes of 167 drivers. Have Your Tested Brakes Regularly • DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOTH TIRF.8 HA VE THEM RECAPPED • CHILDREN, DON'T PLAY IN THE 8TKEET You're 11two feet" from death --·-so watch when you see green (light). You"ll be 11nearlyi t safe-.Don't be a jay walker. -.Jack Lindsley. ' The National Safety Council Reports The -.IM • ._.nee to follow anotllier C!&I' le one earleactll for eadl 10 mllee ol. :e4' ~IO ~ an boar, fer uamplc. tile l&fe ""folJowtnc'' dbtance woaJd be UlNe This "Drive With Safety'' Sponsored Message Market Spot by the Following: -rile Arches" •Just a Uttle Bit Better" Coclctall Lounge and Cale 0. ~ mp..,. at N_,.rt llmL Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sall Boats Opal ... Soatll ..,,---.... n l"Alpwater "* ~ 11 Hi-Way Garage Official Southern California Aut o. Cub Garage 11'41 Newport BITil.-,Pb. 111 Shell Reed's Super Service Oil, Gas. Lubrication and Accessories mo w-0ea1n1 Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing -!la'oo Maztne Wal'l'--311 ~ B!Pwa:r "Balboa Circle Taxi ·AQ Boar. o.y or ~ ...... t-ft. NpL IH • Newport Auto Works ci-.1 Repairlnc--24-hr. tow service. sw-t Gu " Oil z.rt lllb ! m lltlli • OoMI; l!lhd. Natlonal Auto. Club Emeqmey Station Banahaw's I.Stop Service Station Oomolete Auto Senloe Luhricatlon ---l'MI N_,.rt lllft.-<laota - Lowman Boat Builders Ul!Newpo.t~- Dean Termite C.0..trol <>---Termite Ollntrol-Lateot lmjKvted - 111, ............. ··-- - Antoo Hershey -llhriae Aft. -Bel-blalld Lido Richfield Station Wasb -Pollsti • Lubrtcatlon Kl.I W. Oeatnl -J:rwla ~ Newport Tackle Store 105 Mcf'addm Ptw-Newport Commercial and Sport Gear Good Stock ot Pre-War Une Konn-~ Balboa Fun Zone Balboa Authorized Shell Dealer m Man-Balboa bland ''Lubrication" • Washing -Polishing Tlre Re-<Japplll~ °"' 8podalty -and Doa W~ ft19-W Boyd's Service Station 1609 w-O..tnl -.._ 115 Mobllps and Mobiloll Lubrtcatlnc • Washing -Polilhlnc Batteries • Auto AccellOries Bayside Fish Market -·~N-rt- SportJand Bowling C.enter "Bootl" and Roy Keene ..... SQ tit -= 11 Pll1•1 ,... "Tor Your Hellth'a Sake, Bowl .. Excelsior Creamery Sant& Ana Q:Jtfornla Foster & Sons ~ a.men -DI a.st HIP•OI Phone 836 Nowport. - Gas Beach Hancock Station Flreotcne -and Hmoaclc c.. Home~-~-Paint, -1W _,... -~- Le8ter'11 Recapping Olmi>lde Tift Service New-Used-~. Service -W. o.rtnl-N9wport Virg's Garage and Taaco Statien UM Woot Oeatnl Associated Service Station Lyle R Pope and Henry A. Schroeder %8th a Central-Newport Newport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotive Suppll·es -Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.w.. Let Us Help You With Your Parts Prob1em Glen W. Conkle -Manager HOii w. Oeatnl A.e. -Npt. BdL un Carrell'& Garage G<!neral Repairing • Brakes Relined Motor Tun~ Up -Wheels Balanced IOt !8tll 8t.-Nut to l.adlle'a BMaty Sloop Casino Cafe &: Refreshment Louqe zoz-..st.-~v--iw.-· Kenneth E. Wilson Co. Clu1s-Cratt C?ulse~ Marine En-ftl <-.~11111 Bay Shore Cafe _£<-l HldnnY-T. F. N°""" ~~ast SerWd Saturda.Y and ~ ()pen 7 L ID. to 9 p. m.-Oc.ed Monda;r "Uae Your ljrakes Imteed...t Your Hom" Johnstone Service ~ --• 111 .....,.__po.i Pbcne tm-1 If :rour tire la Dat .,.~ batler7 nm - MoN!pa and •MIDOl>lloil .... lll Higgins Pleuure Craft Dile E. Watts, MIM.pr RI ~ ...,.._n. UM --· ~~ & cand .. ., Ine. ·--~------t~ SlljlO Aft!labw J'tr Baab FOi' Sale u:u~-.. • ., -- , ·' Hei Opens Foo Process P:~r ~~s~:~e29 -To incre production, "'a.rehousing and st rage facilities a nd help meet t e nation's expanding food require ents. H. J. Heinz com- pany as opened a large new food p ssing plan at Tracy, in San J quin valley. It is the latest nit of a large expansion p begun by Heinz during thew . Occu ying a 73-acre site, the plant IB;a brick. steel and concrete structufC'. of modern functional design Fth 225.000 square feet of floor.\ space. Emplo}•es are ex- pected to number approximately 900 th. summer and eventually about . Besides tomato prod- Live bait boats out of Neu'J)Ort . Yeah, Man, There's Good Fishin' Down Here -Ellis ' Take it from Jimmie Ellis, dock attendant at the Balboa pavillion. t.here's been a run of halibut oft the pavillion float, and now, he says, sea trout have begun to Poke their heads out of \vat.er. Five fishermen hooked three or four paunds or halibut "''eighing from 7 to 10 pounds last Satur. day and Ellis added that he caught a thrc'e-pound sea trout to pro\'e that the re's good fishio' off the pa.,.ilion float. Harbor continue to catch barra-Who pays tor advertising• NO"' cuda, a few bass, halibut, and an 1 body. It pays tor ftaelt! · :i----JFLOOR FURNACES·-- Installed Immedia tely Terms If Desired W\V COST INSTALLATION NO FLOODING OUT NO EXTRA FLOOR CUTI'ING SATisFACTION GUARANTEED Hardware PERRY'S Appliances ucts of """hich Heinz is the largest 1S05 Coast Blvd. Ph. Ne\\'J)Ort Beach 924 Corona deJ Mar process r in the United States, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the y factory will have a large _ produc ·on schedule of baby foods, lilizing many of the "fruits or I.his area, as well as its vege- tables. H. J Heinz Il, president of the compa'P.', a ttended the opening ceremnqies and was scheduled to speak t a dinner sponsored by the cy c:.."ham ber or Commerce in th~vening. G rs producing crops for the Tracy ant will have access to the results of scientific research con- ducted. by the company in plant ~i~r-plant protection and fer-u . throug~ Neu'S-Times ads. Manifa folders at News-Times. • F~ESH FISH J Daily Direct from isherman -to- ustomers Oa.m.tolip.m. ~ the Beach of Newport Pier iquor Store .. and Boy .... -Bay, --._ .. 1 /le ,! For Everyone! ' ' Home Plannen wouldn't be sati1fiff If It were just a fancy uperimont TO IE MODERN AND PRACTICAL, TOO, IHE POSTWAR HOUSE WAS G•J R.4•it JJ,111u 1ht p.,H.,.lf tto"uw . Eapc-11incntal mo.!tl ntl(t, fly1h with cab1nns and w&JI . D1K·tYi>C bu''Y.n 1n bl.ck-row poirum. b.tr·r""' ckM, rollnl cot~f. A111omuK coolaftl clock. Spttial co~t"d YtflU· la1or kttpt knchfft frt1h and clnn by rtm0'01n1 cook1n1 ••f>OR· Planning a modern ho me of your own? lben YllJl'll be inceresced in u·hy che nacionally famed Po stwar H ouse is "All·Gas!" le didn't just "hapj!en ~ .. Over two years of research,_of plan- ning and designing ... came firII ! Ho=wives all ovec Sou chem· California will approve this prac- tical choice: "Natural gas wins out for cook.ing. hoc water and l>e2ting-.Jw.ys !" , .. , ..... ..,.. POSTWAI HOUSI WIUMMll ltVD. & MIGftlAHO A'IL '°' AHG!lD IOUIMllN COVHtll& e.AI COl&fANf 1 GAS ••1 d! &.4t'5a~-' ••• ·Al9•11cnc11o 111t .. I • • , I ' ' NSWFOift M'llOA Nm-'11 ..... Jfewpw! 8 ... a.atw ' 1 'he1f r, Apt! a, lMt Lecture on Christian Science by Clayt .n B. Craig, C. s."":B. Oayton B. Craig, C.S.B. of On- cinnati, Ohio, a member or 1be O!ristlan Science Board or Lec- tureship delivrred a I~ en- titled: "O!ristlan Science: Its Relevatioa of the Kingdom With· m." Sunday artern90n April 28th, under the auspices of First Church of Ouist, Scientist, of Newport Beach, in Newport Harbor Union High School Audit«:lum. 'The lecturer was introduced by Mrs. Fem Gale, First Reader the church. The leetunr ._ sulldanlll\UJ u follows· In ~ cbapel ol Kobl• Collel< ID Ox.ford, Encland. Lbere b.a.op a pa.1nllna bJ Bolman Bunt. entitled -nte Ucht ol tM World.'" I' depJCC. the Cbrt5t. In I.be form of Jeaus. with rm lhorn-crowned head. clot~ m a ro}'aJ p.rment. wt.Lb l.a.ntero 1D band. bK>eldn& at a door Tbe door ls over- crown •ltb •eecb and •ece<atton. trpUy\n& Lbe belleta o1 materialltJ ~ worldly-mindedness •bkb chote Lbe entrance c.o hllD'lll.D tbouchL Then ls no Latcb on the ou~lde of the door: l' mun be opened from •I thin. Buman oonadouanesa must be re- ceptive c.o the C'tu'Wt.-ldea. I& must be' will1nl c.o ttllnqulah Its over- crowth of error, lta materlal personal le1lS1I of self and of ILi en•lronment. ti It IJ t.o receJn wtth regeneration the llluminatio.. ol the Chnat-tbe revelatJon ot Cllrtstlan Sclence. The mlsaJOn of Je&\11. WU &o rtYeaJ to those who wen prepared to per- ~lve tt the kiDcdom of heaven. the f'eign of un.lven&J harmony withiD one·s own consclousnesa, by aett.lna hJm frtf! from the unchriatlan be- liefs in human suf'Jer1na;. His com- mission to hil diaclples. you wUI re- call, •as. ''Go ye Into all the world. and preach the guspel to every er9- ture" tMart.111:15 1 At another time J tsUA aald: .. And as ye go, prtach, saying, 'Ibe i.lngdom of heaven ts at hand. Heal the sJci.. cleanse the lepers. raise the dead, east out dcv1Js : freely ye h ave rece(ved. freely give" t~·tstt. 10 :7. 8>. Thl.5 mission and commlsston of the Christ. and ot a true cUsciplcshlp have never ch.anaed. They hnve come down to .u.s as the herlt.age of that prlmlttve Christianity tounded by the D.faster. T oda'/ they tlnd expression In the revelation of Chrtsti:ln Science and 1n the -lives of Christian Scientist.! throughout the world. Chrhtla.n Sclen~e Rued apon the Bible Record Christian Scie nce ts a religion ~.upon Lhe record a nd revelation of the Bible, upon the li!e and teachlngs of Jisu.s. Had there bttn no Bible record. there would have bc@n no dl5covery of ChrlsUan Sc.1- Vlct. One n~J followed the other. tn the Father's plan of salva- tlon, the. redemption of humankind h'om tt.5 false material sen!tf! ot cre- a tor and creation. The Otscoverer and Pounder of C hrtstlan Sc~nce, ritar} Baker Eddy tells U-' in the Christian Science text- book, "&Jenee and HeaJth with Key to the Scriptures,'' that. for three years following her discovery of Christian Science, In the year 1866, she "sought the Milut\on of this prob- lem of Mtnd-hea!Jng, searched Ule Scriptures and read Uttle else, i.ept aloof from society, &Dd devoted time and ener&1~ to di.scOverlng a posit.Ive rule. The search wu sweet. calm, and buoyant tnth hope, not seltbh oor depressln1. I knew the Prlnclple of all harmonious Mind-action to be God, and that curca were produced in prlmltlve Christian healing bJ boly, upUftlne falth; but I must too• Lhe Science of UU. hn.llng, and l won mJ way to absolute conclu- sions throush ~:rlne reve1atlon, rea- M>n. and dem~traUon'" !Science and Health, p.. 109>. Asaln abe states: .. In fo1Jowln& tbese let.dings of &clen- Wlc revelaUon. lhe Bible wa.a m.J onU tex\boot. TbO sertptures were Ulumlned: reuon and ttvelatton were reconciled. and attenra.rda tbe truth of Chrl.ltlan $de:rK:e wu dem- omtratff. No human pen nor tonrUe '-uaht me the Science contl.tned tn \hia boot, SclSMCI AJl'D Rl.A.LTS : and neither tonsue nor pen can over- Uu .>w lt'' <ScJence and Health. p. 1101 . • Bae lt mar be stated. that the Bible studied bJ Mn. l'Ad.y a.nd used todaJ by 1tudeots of Chr1.!UaD Sci- ence. with It& companion YOlume. .. Sdence 'and Health wtth Key to the SQ1pbltts.'" a.s the tenbooU O! Oh rtstian Science. ls the authorized Kina James Vt'f'Sian_ Chrbtlan &d- entists kne the Bib~. and the ftnt tenet ct our church, e:a~bJJ.sbed by Mn. &ddy'I.. ~· ~As adhettnt& of Truth. we tUe the l.Nplttd Word ot the Bible as our sumctent 1Ulde io eternal Llfe" (Scitntt-and Health,{> 491). One cannot be a 1enutne stu- dent of Chr~Uan Sctence unless he follows the uample of our Leader in the dailJ .evcb of the Sct1ptures ror truplraUon and guidance. lln. MdJ aacl lbe Oi9rftel'f of ~rilllan Selene. 'Jbroo&hout her Ure. Mrs. Eddy ,,.. a dnoted Blb!t studenL ~ liD UM-CalrinisUc. a tmcwphere Of her Ne"tr Bampsbltt 1trlhood home. wbve daJlJ Btble study was Lbe rule. she wu taU&:ht by her spU1tuallJ- m lDded mother and her sraod- motber to love the Bible and to ~ to It ror help 1n time-of need. Prom e&rlJ ehUdhood. she had a deeplJ ~ sense and an unlaJterlQI '1ll.!t. tn t.be power of Qor \o be.le and to sa.e ln every bum.an s.1&\&&· t1on. At Ule ""' of twe1ff. I.be ez- perte:nced a tJ.e1hn1 from a .a1oUa fever lhroU&b ber mot.bet's assur-a.oai: ot lbe' prme.net of Ood u Love. w-btcb the Apoe.tle John decll.rea H1m &o be. As Ule dilld prayed t.o UUs Ood of loTe, \he fear •hlcb bad ber.u 1DIUlled lb hef comd<Mtm- bJ her faUler"I Item doccriuo of P"9"' delUnaUoo ud ec.cmal OamnaUoo ..... dllpelled, aod ""' lo.. healod. Th.Ls WU )(rs. r.dctJ'• ftn:t SptrituaJ beallna. ll ,,.. oasural &be.relote \bat. Ln the Jal llel, followiJ::ia a JeVW9•tall OD tbe k:e 1D LJ'Qn. Man!:cb"*\e&. •lllCIJ .. ~""" ber -· ber pllf-GcmD s:wooounced ber cue lncUr· -.w.......iaa·locber Blllle &ad UM!D c9Qtlell iber trteDCllr. •bo 'ftl"9 awa.1'1111 ber peeh•. to ._.,. II« -wllb Ood. ID U>at lillolr -.. oI great meU. &be o'peoed b6r Blblli to the stofJ' of Jesus' beallns o1 lbe mao act of I.he palq, u related bf' Matthew 1n chapCa nine of Aia OO&pol. So clearly did lbe ~ realization come Co Mn. Eddy's re- oeptlve thou&ht. that tbe -.me powu of divine Love •a.s preaent w:tb ber at that momen\. u wu present io beaJ Lhe p&1sied man nearly nineteen oentw1ea be!att, tha.t she e:rpe.rleneed Immediate re- lease from Lb• pain which had bound •r Sbe a.rose from her bed com· pleteJy be&Jed. much to t.be amaze- ment of the 1alhered frlends. among whom wa.s the mlnlat.er of the church. she then a~nded. This experience she le.Ila ua wu the .fallina apple wbtcb led t.o her dbco\'er:J of Cbr1.rtian Sdence. (See Retrospection &nd Int1oepec:Uon. p. 24..1 It revealed our beaYenly ~ M the divine Principle ot H1a perfect. spiritual creatk>n, which 11 man and the universe. The mission Of Chris- tian Science, like that or prtmltll'e ChrlstJa.nJty. ts t.o reveal the kinl- dom of heaven that la alreadJ wlthtn u.s. and to heal and to bless all man- ti/ld. The Chrlstla.o Sele11ee T~ In 1815.a.lmdit ten years after her discovery of Chrl.!Uan Scten.ce. Mrs. Eddy publl&bed the acientlftc state- ment of bet d.lscovery in her book, "Science and Health,'" which ahe later renamed "ScleDee &nd Health with Key to the Scr1ptUttS." This te.:rtboot of Chrlstlan Science ls not the Chrtsttao Bcleutlgt'a sub- stitute tor the ..Bible, ralher la it what ty tull Utle lmpllea, a "key"' to the 8cr1ptures, a companion volwile which Uluminea the Blble teachlngs and re•eals the aplrltuaJ meanina of its God-inspired Word. Mrs. EddJ u Fomuler Chrtsuan Scienttst.1 do not tdol.lze Mrs. Eddy, but they do revere her tor h'er great worlt u Discoverer and Founder o( Chrlsti&n Science. The blessings wh!cb her dlscovery baa brought to countless thous.ancb or men and women of all raocs and nations certainly malte her dese"~ lng of the grntltude of all who have benefited from Christian Science. Indeed she has e-arned the re5pcet of those who. as yet. are not prepared to accep{ lts truly God·lnsplred mes- omge of s.a lvatlon. \Vlthout a true spprecla.tlon of 11.'J Discoverer, one can ne:\•er unde rstand the Science which she discovered and elucidated, any more than one can understand the life and works Jf Jesus, our great Exemplar, without understanding his place and position Jn the fulfillmen1 of prophecy. Her worlt as the Founder of C~lS­ tlan Science coruilsted of her demon- strauon of the divine Principle ot her discovery. by her healing mln- islrY. her Leaching. a.od her round1n1 of The Mother Church and the establishment of lt.1 actlvlt.tes. ln- cJudlng branch church organizations. One of the actlvt,les of The Mother Church Is The Chrl.stlan Sclence Publishing Society. founded by Mrs. -.·rlv to Issue the Christian Science periodicals whlch ahe established. In spea king of these periodicals editori- ally, In the ftrst edition of T he Chrii- t ian Science i\fonitor, on November 23, 1908. she said: "1 hav~ given the name to all the Chrl5tlan Science periodicals. The fttst wa..s T ht: Chrf.s- li.an Science J~rnal, designed to put on record the dlvlne Science of Truth; the second I en~ltled Sen- tinel. intended to hold guard over Truth . Lire. and Lo\'e ; the t.hlrd lHr' 1lcrold der Christian Science:, to pro- claJm the unl\'l':rsal actl\•lty and a\·a 1\ab11itv or Truth; the n.?Xt I nnmed ~/c,n :t•Jr . to spread undivided the &-Jenee that operAtes umpt>nt. The object of the ,wonitor Is to injure no man, but to bleS!I all man- 't\nd" 1The Pirst Ch urch of ChrUiL. Scientist, and M'~~:·:;•1v p. 3531 Here again Its Found~r afftrnu the purpo:e of Chr\.~tian Sc~nce to heal and to bless all mankind. to provide a full sal\'atlon rrom tht woes of humen sense and to reveal to human con.sclou.sne~ the all-per- vadlng harmony of God's creation- the kingdom of heaven within. 111.11 was her sole motl\'e In founding the Church of Chrlst. Scientist, after ahe saw that the orthodoxy of her da)' would not and could not accept her gnoat discovery Thl.s church l..s The First Churct> or Chr15t, SctenUst. ln Boston. It manifold activities are world-wide and its branch ehurehes·and socleti~ are tound ln many parts of thf' globe. All are welcome to attend tht> Sunday services of t.hese churche! flll<l. the Wednf"sdty evenlni: meet· tnga.. at whleh testimonies of Chris tlaJ:I 8clent'!' healing a.re Kfven. All are lnv1tni to use the Readlnll Rooms which are maintained by each branch ehurc.h, where the Bible, tht .. ·---~ .. writings <)( Mrs. Eddy, including SCIENCE AND .HEALTH \\'Ith Key to the ScriptwM by MARY BAKER EDDY •• \be Of'lct..aal. •taadard ud Giily ~ OD Cluiatiaa Sd•ce Mlnd-hee.••nc. bl omie -yola:me of 109 ........ Publl.W la Olotll Mid MOl'CN!OO bladblp u4 i. Bnlllo, G<Me C-. aad a half, for the -. ol tlMi 'bnmd. 'nle Textbook. otMr worb by .... Eddy, -all -.. .-.. bled Cluiltlaa -co Uteratme =-~.~=·~ &M"•c ltoom. W Palm Street. Bal.,.., -to U.o pal>llo dally from U aooa to _ 5 p.a. Wl!daM- ....,._ J:M to 5:30 p.m. Cl- -.,. ud 1">llclaTL PIUT CBURCR OP CIDU&T, llCID'TIST uaon..u. Y• .,.. w ·sar ... ...,. to ...w.t .... , .... .... !!lcience and Health, the Oirlstian Science periodicals, and authorU>ed and approved books on Oll"iltian Science may be read, bon'olftd, or purchased. Ctirisl~ Sc\.!.ntt ~tlDdaJ 8c.bc*I Cb.1ldnn up to ·Lbe aae ot tftDtJ may be enrolled ln the Chrlstl&D Sd· enee Bunda.J Schools. Here U may be aatd that lit.tie chlldttn IDft Ult cachtngs of Christian 6denoe and ·earn earl1 to apply tM trutha lt teaches ln Lheb dally exoerlenol. The chlldli.te thoucbt. u Jesua well knew. ts best. prepared to a~ cept the t.rutb, tor It la unfettered bJ adult beUet. ~ bu.ma.a tbeorte1 and bypot.be&eS Inculcated by a ma- wlall.sUc mt.em of fa.J.se education -Or-the tnowledp of tb1a world whictl. Paul cella us. "'11 foollahoeal with God... The adu.n. human con- sctoumesa must. be emptied ol Ila raue beUefs. the errors of a 1up.- pollUtioua maiel'ial Rnse. before lL can &eeeiK Ule b"Utb. Tne MK&Uoo Sbo ... Be ..._. ..... &Dowletlp •• Goll CbrtaU&n Sdl:nce ~ oot decr7 education of tbe rl.cbt aort. Edue&e Uon which Locutcates a true seaae ot thinp la: requlatte and esaentJ.al. But U. should be an education wbieb U- lum1nes human thought W1th tlle truth. wlLb U.t truth wblcb Jmua &aid would mate ua free, t.bat trutb which •ill eventUAlly tne bum.an eon.sciousne$5 trom all error. Such true education must be based ll.,c>n a Lrue concept ot God and the oat~ of HJ.a spirttual creat.ton. AD educatJon b~ upon a.n erroneoua matertal belief 'ln God aa a marn!- ned human personallty and upon a material sense of creation. ll false education.. Education should be more than an l.mp&rtatlon or a pour- ing lnto human consdou.soes,, of knowledge. It ahould be rather a leading forth, an unfoldment or de- velopment from within. l t Ls not the development ot human lntellectu- aUty, a storing U'1J>f learning; but t.he cultlvattoo of tha.t truth wbo.se nature ls to make free. Clµist Jesus, the greatest teacher and demorutrator of Truth the world ha.s ever known. taught the truth about God and man, the truth which was a Uvlng thing. You will recall that on one occa.sk>n be de- nned eternal life in these words: "This Ls life eternal, that they might know th~ the only true God, and Jesus Christ. whom thou bast sent" 1John 17 :3). l t ls. therefore. the knowledge ot God and the practical demonstration of th.L5 lcnowledge, as exempllfted by the ?i.1a.st.er, wb1ch must constitute the very bLs14 of all true education and all true living. God as Good The teaching of Chrlstlai. Sclencr Ls b83ed entirely upon a demon- sLrable understandin& of Ood.. It acet:pt.1 the prembe proclaimed by Hab:lk.kuk concerning God, "Thou a.rt of purer eyes tha.ll t.o behold evil, &nd canst not look on 1.nlqulty"' <Ha b. 1 :13>. Chrl.stlan ScJenee reveals the 'nature of God to be wholly good. Because there b no element of evil or error 1n the dJvine nature, there c&n be no element of evil in God's creation-in spiritual man or the sptrltual universe. l od'a creation. man, the Im~ or likeness or Him- seU. reflects the dlvtne nature. That J esus recognized and demonstrated th!" fact Ls clearly mown In such statements as. "I and my Father are ooe" <John 10:30), and "The Father that d9.·elleth ln me, he doeth the works" <John 14 :10). In these say- lnp of the Master, J esus clearcy In- dicates not only the dJvine nature of God's creation, man-bl! t.rue selfhood nod our troe selfhood-but he Indicates the Ln.sepallt.bJe rela- tionship ~tween GOd and Hl.s crea· tlon, man. That Jesus ncognt.r.ed that · ihl:I divine relatlonshlp wu true not onlY ror bimself but for all men la clearly revealed ln bls charge to hb dLsc.,;il to follow b1a example and to put what be had taught. them lnto practice by heal- \,rlg t.be sick a.nd the sinning a nd by raising the dead from trespasses and sln.s. God u Mind In Science a.nd ReaJth, page 4M Mrs. Eddy gives us the followlna deftnition of God: "God l5 lnccr- poreal. divine. supreme. lntlnJt.e Mind, Splrlt. Boul. Prtnclple, Ll!e Truth. Love."' This dednitlon ls 1n keeping with the revelaUon of th• nature of OOd to be found 1n the Scriptures. The concept of Ood u Mind lS tndteat.ed tn such Scriptural passa~ a.s. "Be Or the same mind one toward .nother'" 1Rom . 12 :19), and. ··Let this mind be in you. which wu abo 1D Chrt!l Jesus" fPb11. 2:5). Mn. Edd.y'..S clear discernment or God &5 ~Und ts one of her gTtatest contri- butions to ChrtsUa.nlty. ChrlsUan Science reveals the fact that God ls the on1y Mind. and that He ts om- niscient M.lnd, everywhere present. That wb1ch omnkdtnt Mind tnows l".s tu own idea&. pure, perfect, tode:atructlble. Tbe lndiYlduallsed e:rprelllldon of these ideu constitutea truU'1duaJ man. Man. God's bn&I'! and llt:eneu. IS , t.he.refore. the ~­ tlon ot Ood. the reftectJon or Ule qU&UUes and attributes wb1ch con- stitute God's oab.U'e. There II noth- ing tn God unllte rood. and there- fore man. net!ect:l.na or upreaina OCXI. expresses onl1 the substance of rood. OOd and man, 6:>e:l:i.Uent and eternal. art &like In quality, and man refteda the ptti'ecticn "bfeb ls God's. Pamai hrfectJoe II Mu , ...... --"' the -on lbe Ml::lwlC.. .. Be ye therdcn pe- fect. ett:n .. 10\IJ' Pltither wb1eb: ta tn btaftD 11 perfect"' <Mart.. 5:'8>. cleatiy lndk:ates this pre11ent pll'- recUoo of God &Del .nan. ID 8dmer aod Blloltb """--...... tM Im· portance of puplng t-bis tunda- men'-1 CODCllp& of Clu1sUan Sdent."I' when &he wrltee <p. 25tl. --rht ChrlslHte l1Dderstan4ln1 Of ldtD· l.l!lc belns aod di""" -In· dudes • pe<l<Cl Principle ..... Ida -perfect God and .perf«:t. mao.;_. tbe -of tbouabt aod demmatra· -· <Joel. 'Ille tllTtne lollad. .. Illa-• acJlW' kil• mlJ ot '1be per1tcUan OI 811-.-of tbe- tkm ot ~ ~ hicu. c:Qnadoua al .r<i p;..i;il l><fteffion or m. own creation, cn.ao and the uniftne. "'-Clutslllb .... .. Ja. Th1a Mlnd, whieh la God. was the 1n1y Mind which Jesus tnew. Hli! conseiousnesa truly reD.ected the di· vtne cotueJousness. Lbe tnowledae Ol God.. His clear comdousoea ot tl:M present per-lee\loa of. bPna enablee ttlm qulck.lJ to dbpe) every pbue Ol tvU C:' fahe beUef which presentec.. t.sel! t.o h1m for beaJtnc:. Bil under-.stand.lne or dlnoe sombl.p -eoabltt him to demonstnt.e lbe perfecdoD of man, u God's ttftecUon. rar h1m· seJ.r and to belp otben '° demoo-• stra t.e tt, to proportton. to thetr ~ ltual reeepUvtty. Became be poaeued the Chr1lt Mlnd. Jesus aaw u God sees. In wrtUna or th.LI divt.nely bea:Lowed a.b11.ltJ of tbe Muter, Mrs. EdclJ "11tes tn ScJenoe and Health <pp. 478, 47'1 J: "Jesus beheld tn SC1enee i.· .. perfect m&n, wDo appeared t.o him where alnn1na i:Dort.al man ap-- pears to morta.la. In tb.11 perfect man tbe S&vtour aaw Ood's own uteneaa, and th.I.I oorrect new ot man bealed t.be ak:k. 'Ibu.s Jes.us taucht that the tJ.ocdom of Ood ls tntaet, untversal and th.at man ., pure and ho}J." Tnle Pra,a b Sptrttaal Discernment AM you and 1 begin to ll'&SP thJ.s present perfection of all true being; as tie reco&nize God and HJs ldea forever one and inSeparable u cause aqd effect; u we let this Mtnd be ln UI ·•whJcL WU also in Christ. Jesus .. we begin to denion.strate, u did the Muter, our lDdestructible relaUon- shlp to the <tlvine. The discernment ot: our true nature u God's own ch ild, and the humble acknowledg- ment or tt,, ts true prayer; Jt 1..s a ChrlsUan Science treatment. We mu.n deny the sp~ous-cla~ of evU born of a false, material sen..se of creation. Through the under- stand.J.ng of God'a a llness, and the acceptance of the fact that God ls the only Mind, conscious only tf the preseot pertecti-On of His Ideas. ills creatlon, we must put off iput out of human consciousnessJ the false material sen:;e ot OW"Selves and of others. and see, u did Jesus. the perfect manJfeetatlon of true man- hood and womanhood. Jesus did not behold 1n Science two men-one perfect. t.h.e son or G.od. and the other a sick·, sinning. poverty-stricken, dying mort&l. No: becaus• he understood so clearly the allness and ever-pr<!sence of GOd. as the only creator , the Father or all. he. accepted as real only the evidence. of a perfect creation and a perfect man. Dear friends, there Ls but one It.lad of man and tbat one Is truly the bles.se-ct chJld or God. This ts )'our real selfhOOd and ml.ne. Let us clalm Jt, acknowledge thls perfect selfhood and so begin now to demonstrate more of It. It ts not bla.sphemous to aclrnowledge, a.s dJd John, that "now are we the sons of God." It Is bla.sphemous to deny this dJvlne fact. We mWl't understand this, we mu.st acknowledge It, we can and must demonstrate it. We can grasp, as dld Mrs. Eddy, t.hl.! fundament&J concept of God. as the ne and only 'Ind, and realize the kingdom of heaven wttJ1tn. We can begin now t.o enjoy more of the blessings or dlvtne sonsh1p and to experlence more of the Joy of ll\•lng under the govern- ment of the divine Mlnd. Mrs. Eddy beautlfuJJy descrtbes thl.! glorlowi relaUon.shlp ln the fol- lo~rlng pa..o;.sage found on pagt3 82 and 83 of "MlSCf:llaneou.s Writings": "tmmortal Mind ts God, l.mmortal good: ln whom the Scripture saith ·we live, a nd move, and have our being.' Th ts ~find. then. Ls not .sub- }ect to gro.,.·th. change, or dJmlnu- tlon, but ts the divine lntelllgence, or Principle, of. a11 real ~Ing; hold- ing ma.n roreYer In the rhythmic round of unfolding b~. as a Uvtnc 9.'itness to and perpetual ldea of in- exhaustlble 1o0d." Spirit u Sabst.&nce Today we are still w1tne.s.stng the rava,ae..s wrought h a world war re- sulUng from false ~ueatlOD-bellet 1n a God.less world and the delflca- tton of matter as substance. Aecom- panytng this material gense ot sub- st.ance are the ~Uef..s that matter ls limited and that therefett there 1.5 not aumctent to 10 &round to meet the lndlvlduaJ and the coUect1v ~ hu- man need. The fallac1 of t hla fabe sense of substance was e:rposed by Jesus when be made h ls radical pro- nouncement t.o the Samaritan wman a t the well of S y char ... God Ls a Spirit: and thl'ly that worship him must worship him tn splrtt and In truth" (John 4 :24). Hen the Master tndleated that S plrit, o:r Ood. the All-ln-aJJ. ls true sutm.ance. Christian Scleoce elucidates this con et pt of God u 'Spirit and rt'\leala the nab.U'e of true aub5tanee. which Is inftnite. unllmlted, whplty aplr1t- ual. and therefore tncapable o1 d.la- cord and deQy. llan. tile &dlectloa or n. su- ~taace--Ood'o - Yan, tb• -of 8plrlS. manlle.st.s this true ldea of subltanCe. Ma.n's tdenUty ta not found tn· &D1 material concept of ~ er lD, &07 ao-called pbJ"llcal form. raeber ti tt found tn man's Oodllke oa.cure. tn. hl.s e:rpruston or the attrlbutel and quaUt~ of God. True substaoce ma.1 thettfOft be recogru.ed .. w retlecUou "Of such quallties u lntel- 1-.. wisdom. Wldemandjnc. YI· sJon err ... ,.,tual dJacemmerll, bm!· ..... 1Dteg11ty. )Oy, -gal<t}', lovtng -tlDdn-. ~ Deal, t.endemesa, ~. order. rhythm, aymm....,. -tnnQUll- Uty, settnlty. -· ~. al· tluen°" purity. truLh!Uloea.. e:netl:J, acttvtty, perfectkln, an4 Ult oow::at,- lesa ot.btt .QuaUUel o? Kln4. 8PlrtL 9ou1.· Prtndllie. W.. TNtb. aDd Low. wrhlcb 3eetDI es1entlal to rnmaan •-eU-beiog. If he ls bum&nly a - pnmtng an abnndan.-Of lntelli-cence. an abundance of loft. an abandance or tlndnea. an &ban- daiuie or h9neaty and lntesrltJ. an abundanor of o:"dettloesa, of Qm- metry, peace. 1 11 j beauty, an abun- dance of each ot the needtuJ and •sentlaJ qualltiel of God. be can "leYer vi:per1c.nce any aense of tact. Llte the rundamental ta.eta of nathem:1tlcs of wbtclJ there. la bUt 1r • ot each. so there ii but one each 1f tbe es,,entlal qualities or atb1· . -n.tee of God. yet ..hla one 11 e.nougti ·or alt 'Ib.1a mt:.St be true becaUM" •II of God's 4uallttes are lntlnJte unlimited. e.verr•here ;>re:sent. and alwaya present,, to be utlllJled and concreiel,J Qp1'e35ed wheneYtt Ult need arbes. A aen511 of J&ca, no matta what tt. m..1.) seem.JO be ·Lo human sense, b beftl' a vact of material Lhlllrp; Ji ls alwQa a la.cl'. of undentand!na of ,. ·-J and ol m&o .. ms complete expression. To pup th1I true CODoep\ ot: man u tbe ex- pression of real substance ta t.o beC1q to u:presa moni 1piritual1t1, more subrltanttaUtJ. Nor 11 this expression of true aub- s~ce to be atta.loed bf merelJ s:trtY- lng human1 .· to cxP.reu more ot these qualit~ Rather ii It &o be attained by splrttuall7 d1acemb:lc tha.t man., your real aelfhood, ta aJ- rea.dy and In rea!i'Y bu aJ"afl been t.he reftectlon of Ood. You &re not a human tr)•lug to be the expreaalon or God: th ts la: the Jytna arrument of a false theolOfrY, You are the ftrltable Ima~ and llkeneS.s of rour Palher- .Mother, Ood. · Thi.s concept of your reaJ selthood conforms with Mrs. Eddy's detl.n.IUOD of maD a.s "the compound idea ot GOd. tncludlnc a-II rta:ht ldeu;'" and "t h ... t \\'h lch hu not a stncle qualltJ undcriYed from Deity" (Science and· ealth. p. 4'15t . Because ma.n tn- cludcs all the attributes of God be does not have to accumulate Ol' to hoard trtJe substance, be posseaeg Rll that belongs to God u God's i.z~ presslon Jesus expressed this clearly ln the parable of the prodigal son. where t.he rather says to the elder brothf'r. "Son. thou ar~ ever with me, and aJI that l have ts thine" <Luke " . Forsake-llie belief or material per- sonality ror the true Idea of your beJng, th(' Individual re ftectlon or God. Thin.k of G od's qualities as con.~tftuting your true Individuality ~ the Image and liken?, of Goc1. God aa Soul Often the student of Chrlstian Sci- ence neglects to study certain of the sel·en synonyms for God given to ua by l\irs. Eddy In the deOnitlon al- ready quoted. Yet for a well-rounded demonstration he must strive to gain a clearer understandlng or a.U of these synonyms. To the beginner the word MSour· may seem abstract and shadowy, but when the student begins to grasp Its meaning as e:r-' pounded. ln Science and Health and ~!rs. Eddy's other writings he ftnda It one of Lh e most helpful of the seven synonyms for God.. Soul ls .round to be the very es- sence ot all t rue being. the source of all th.at really exists. Christian Sc1· enee reveals Jt to be the source of sptrltual sense, as opp.JSed. to tbe belle! of the materla.J senses resldeDt. ln. matter. which cla ims to be the basl.S or man's being. The under· standing of Soul reveals the fact that man's being L9 In Soul, and the belief ln material sensation, or ure. substance. and Intelligence in mat- ter, Is found to be without founda- tion. Man ls found t.o be the dlsease- le.s.s, &lnles.s, deathless ref!ectlon of Soul, fOre\•er dwellln&: In Soul, ne\·er In matter. As the fal.ae material ~me or man a.a dwelling to a ma- !terlal body Ls rellnqulsbed, and the true Idea. the spiritual sense. la 'i?'Uped, one find.1 one's human e:r- perlenoe ftlle-d more and more with the bannonJou.s evidence of txue being. T tlli. f011. t l<ff.C'tA"IT KO'ttt£1\ color l.rlt~l -f.,L lo• r Lt • t i.re& ,tccc ••it 3 3.9 5 I There la DO 1act of tbNe JU!11JaD.. t!al quaUUel wblcb d:w'adertle Ood '\Pd His man, for theft II 1D ralltJ ·,ut one or e-aclt: Mrs. ZddJ apaatris ' his 1n tbt3e word& rrom 8denc:. and q""th (p. 275). ·110 -la -•ut. Hts wtadom: oo trutb II true, DO UTe I.a lottlJ, no We ti Life. but tbe UY!no: DO IGO<I II. bu$ CK.. fOOCI OOd ~· 'tbm't is DI "Qllll1. ..... ·-""' -----b.lo ""'4ammtaJ -Pt C( ..... .. --._ to ...... .-ol that 129 W eilt Third St. Phone 715-86 no u1 ·sou1 ..._ wtur lt a nin saJntkJa trom ~ apurtouo 61:' ct. a ru.e material lmlL 'I1:le lrttuaJ UDdentandlns wbkib 8ouJ ,. ps.rU. oomtltutet t.b:e tlngdiom of rieaven cithln. and tta outtrard exp~on revealJ the kin&- dom ot: bea!n on e!'l rtb-harmon1 of boctJ and rperlence appeniDt to lbt buman c:onsciouaness. As the 1pb1taal unclersta.ndtng, which Soul 1mi:-rts., b: i'rasPed by human oon- ~ tt;corrects mat.ertal sense· teStlmoa7 a!)d heals the slct.. Pau1 desc:rtbed U"4s proctss ot: gplrttual tramtonnatl~ and rereneraUon \hws: "'Be ot conformed to th.ls world: bUt ye transformed by the ren~ of your mlnd, that 1e may prov~hat ls that rood. and a.coepta.ble, d perfect. wt.U of God" CRoaL 12:2) • j .. Primd ... Man llO"ftfDed bJ .spirttual aeme ls fatt•e:r udder tbe eovemment &NI ooolrol of jltvtn. Prtnclpl•. wlllcb Mn. ~d1 tflls us 11 Love. 'lb~ God who II dl~ .Prlnclple-the 1o•era--tna. &a•ere~ ruJer of Rb perf.ec'C creatton-l! !.Cllvlbe Lott. lb Rim II no destril?r or avenclnl power, ODl7 Hll. lo . whlcb holda man rar- ever intact. bis perfect atate. 'lbe nature of dfytne Prtnctple ll always t.o rovern -1th lmpsrtlaUty, Just1oe., mercy. andTbenevolence. It.a nature ls t.o bless, ~ unfol.d perfectton and the endless irautudes of betna. Man, th.e evt.den~of God's belna:. ~an "1tnesa to 's benign eovernment.. We need be nnn ln our under- n&ndlog t thls government or and by di~· Principle aJone con- stitutes tru~ go\'ernment. Sptrltually to d iscern this tact b t.o brlnr our own humari/ atfalrs under the gov- ernment of Poct 'a law and t-0 ha.sten the fulftll ent or our Leade:r'1 prophecy. · 'of hl5 kingdom there shall be no end,' for Christ, God's Idea. will e:ventus.lly rule all nattona and peopl~lmperatlvely. absolutf"l: anally-wit~ divine Sc~ence.• (Sci- ence and H alth, p. 565>. pod as Llfe Man gov~ned by divine Principle forever refll~t.'!l that Life whleh Is God. This 11Llfe was demonstrated l)y J esus In Tai.sing JaJrus' daughter. 'he v.idow·~i son. and Lazarus from the dead. a In his own resurrection And a.seen.' on above the materlal- minde.dne&.'1. ot the age In which he <:arried out ls earthly ministry Thls ~.tle Is your Lire and my LUe. with- out beglnn 'g and wi thout end: It Is the only/ Life there ls, for It Is '10d. the nHnlte and the omnl- oresent. tle continuity of Life Is never In re8llty In terrupted tor an instant by ~e vagaries of human 'iense. Llfe 1ts never subject t.o the clalms of chance .t.nd change. Ll!~ :s eternal. uhlimlted, never mes.sured by time. As.furs. Eddy states, ··Eter- nlty, not tlrTie. expresses t h t thought of Life. ar:d l time is no part of eter- nity" ($rJeri.h-and 'ir 1lt· , p. 468) 1Th• Christ The Apostle J ohn reports Jesus a.s saylng. "~"Is is lUe eternal. that lhey might. know thee the only true '1od, and e.sus Christ. whom thou hast sent" ~<John 17 :31 , Thl.s true sense or Ltr~ 1.o; revealed to tndlvtdual human eon.sclousnesa through the ever-presen Christ, God's revelation of Himself 'to receptive huma.n oon- sclousDess. Th15 Christ, Truth, was fully exeniq~lfiecl In the' earthly l:a- reer of J~ who underst-OOd Lhe Christ ao clearly that he compll ~ly identifled t11mscU with IL, and so exempll.fied•lt that all mlgbt see the true nature of the dlvlne LUe re- rlected by man. The omoe ot the Chrtst 1.5 t6 reveal t.o bum.an con- selownesa the true Idea of God and of ms rettktion. man. In our qe Mrs. Edd.Jr has etven ua a clear reyel&UoD of Ul1I Christ. Truth, thrdugh the Chr1at1an 8ct-;;' ::W!ien~ th15<\t-:!,tf~_; • Clul4: "Chrlal. I.I lhe .......... -the CllY!ne .... !nm OOcl tD .,.., _,. tD the buma.n (!Cl!Wbtmee" (S •ooe and llealtb. p. Siii; aDd. "Cmmr.· 'Ibo CllY!ne DWlll-of Ood, •blcb """"' to tho -to .......,. --bate en'OI''" (·b•d., p. S83J . Bero ..... • clearly Ula& Christ, 'l'nlt.b, and Jta manitecta&Joo are m- R-1e. One bu bui to 11UA tba Cbrla>-lda, tho truo aplrttuaJ COD· cept. about Azt7 lituatkm to haft the manlfeoCaUoo of IJannoay fOlrow aa natural!J aod u qulctl1 u Ush• dispel.I darknea. The -aod 'tblble ta alwa11 but \be ezprae1an of the toward atat.e ot bum.an coa- ldousneu. wheiber tt. be lD &be lndi- Yidual or tn the baUooaJ coaldout- nesa. We need tberetore '° wa&da our mte ot Ulo\IChC caretuD:y co be sure lt b _ ID accord with tb.e Cbnsi.. Idea; Ood>i Id .. of ....Uty. and not .imbued wttb Ula emn oi a falltl:J educated mat.ena.I ll!D8e. o.. ....... The acme of ObrlsUan 8denoa llDd I.. demomlraClon I.I found to the deftntttoo ot God til'eD '° QI bJ the belM<d dl.lclple, tbaC God 'II divine Lov~ Tbe Lott whicb .. God Sits all a.nd aata nothin& ID setum. God the OIYer ot all aood and man t.be redplent ot all thal Ood p.,. How llmned la our underataodln& ot ·1:h1a upect ot God. Yet bow b:n- porta.n\ 1c ts ror u.a to ;re• tn our understa™"na or dl'tine Loft and our demonstrat10D tbereo1. lo the God who la Love there la DO lelft&b-oess. DO'bt1n:1an "1ll. no.competJtion, no need for enyY or jealousy, oo parUallty, no lrrttation, no personal dominatJon, no erJtidsm.. There la' only God'I purpose that lD&O U• presa His perfection.. To .tee the perfection of God, the wholeoes.s of divine beinr. and to aee th.II perfec- tion erpreued In ourseJves and tn otbera, ts to love. Not.bing abort of this vision of divine perfection 11 worthy of the name. How tr0nder- ful ! Perfect God and perfect man. tbe basts bf our every thought, the basis of our demonstratlon of Chrta- ttan Scieqce ! SOme may say this 1s too Idealist.to and cannot be attained; but let ua remember that only the Ideal, the perfect, the absolute truth about God and His perfect creation, man, has an element of healing l.n Jt. We must declare th e absolute truth- the Christ, Truth-for ourselves and. for others. and Chrlstlanlty will demonstrate more ..... this &Jenee of bein g and bring out a more har- monlo':'S human experience. Like our great Exemplar, Christ. Jesus, we must enter into the closet, the sanctuary of Spirit, and tn quiet communion with the one Mind. in whom we live and m ove &nd have our being, earnesUy and prayerfully "deny stn and plead God's allne.ss" <Science and Health, p.. 15). We must rellnQUish all buma.n will and with childlike mee.k.ness and true hu- m ility wltb the Master say. "Not my will. but thine, be done:· God's wlll ls always t.o bless. Let u.s not hold on to any human sense whJch would deny for us ms hies.sing. Acknowledging our Unity wlth the Pat-her. our at-one·ment with dJvlne Principle, a.nd striving dally to prove more of this government by di\·ine Principle. Is true prayer. It Is the acknowledgment through spiritual understanding of God'.s allness, and the consequent denial of all evll's spur1ous clalm..s to reality. Buch prayer Is the sure pathway to the demonstration of present harmony ln all of our bwnan a ffairs. It ls the way by whJcb we translate the kizig- dom within int.o the kingdom on earth. Fre:se.nt Demons\raUon of the KJnr- dom on Earth PMsible . . That this kingdom Ls possible for you a.nd me a.ad tor all mankind to demonstrate today ln the way Chris- tian Science lllumines. is clearly stated by Mrs. Eddy tn her exposl- tton or John's revelation , OD page 573 or the Chrtsti&n 8clence text- book. In conclusion let me read th11 to you : "The Revelaklr was on our plane of existence. while yet beholding what the eye cannot see.-tbat wb1eh ta tnvlslble to the uninspired thought. This testimony of Holy Writ sustains the ract In Scleoee, that the heavena and earth to one human consciousness, that con- sciousness which God bestows. an splrltual, while J.o another .. the un- UJumlned human mind, the vlsSon 1.s materlal. Thia !hows unml.stakably that what the human mind terms matter and splrlt indJcates states a.nd stages of consdous.nt53. "Accompanying thi! sctentl1lc con- sclousnes.s wa.s another reve!B.tioo.. even the declaration rroril b ea ven. supreme harmony. that Ood, the divine .Principle or harmony 15 ever with men, and they are H1s people. Thus man was no longer regarded as a m.tsera ble sln.ner, but as the ble~ child of God. Wb ? Beca y U.00 ~t. J ohn's corporeal sense of ... heavens and earth had vanished, 1nd In place or this raise sense was the spiritual sense. the subJect,ln st.ate by Whlcb he could ... tbe .... beano and new earth, which tnvolve th.e spiritual Idea and conldousnesa ar reality. This ls Scrlptural author· ltJ for concluding that aueb a reaic- nltion of beinl Is. and bu beeu, · ooutble to men ln th1s praent •~te of exlatence.-that ft ca.o become comdoua, here and now. at a oessa.- tion ot death, aorrow, and pain. Th1I ta tndeed a foret.ute of abaolute ChJ1atiaJJ Sdence. Tate b..,,_ dear sulfem-. tor tbls reslJty of be1D8 will sureJ.J appear IO!lletlme and tn some •a1. 'Tha'C wUJ be n· men pa.in. 'lnd a.JJ tears will be wiped a..,. •Vben ,au re&d this. remenhrr Jesus' -..,,,. .._ ot God .. ""'"" -.· Tbl.I ----Wty.• I.I tberdore a Jllwa& • PUBLIC NOTICES CESl'IFICATI: OF BUSINEllll Fictitious Firm Name •'. . THE UNDERSIGNED d.oea benib7 certtty that be it o •~ q. retall 00.t and -..,.. -I aaleo bom._ at 4111 &. Ce- tnl Ao ... av ~ Newpat -· County ~ OrullO. -~ Callfonil8, ~ tbo --. - P ueuc NOTJca firm name ~ PLASTIC WATER- CRAFT CO. and that l&ld firm Is cornpaoed of the foUOl!'lng per- llODS, whose names and .- are as follO\\'S, to wit: RICHARD W. 0THMER. 312 Alvarado Place, Balboa, Ca.Ufor- nla. WITNESS my hand this 15th da.r of April, 1946. RICHARD W. OTHMER. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a . On this 15th day of April A.O., 1946. before me Wm. H . ~ a Notary Public in and ror l&ld County end State, ~ding therein duly commisaioned ""1 """"1. penonally appeattd RICHARD W . OTiiMER known to me to be the penon whose name b: sub- scribed to the Withlri Inst:rumOnt. aJ!d acknowledged to me that be executed the aame. . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto eet my band and affixed by otnclal seal the clay and year In thll certificate tint above Written. (SEAL) WM, H. P ENN, Notary Public In and For Said County end State. <My Commlalon Expires April 20, 1946.) Pub.-Aprll 23, 30, May 7, 14, 1946 CERTIFICATE OF BUSINE88 Fictitious Finn Name 'The undersigned does hereby certify that he is conducting a ~eral Insurance Agency and Brokerage business at 714 Ea.st Central Avenue, Balboa. Califor- nia, unde r the fictitious firm name of BRIGGS & 1\facKAY and that said firm is coinposed of the fol- lowing person whose name· is and place o! r eside nce ~ as folloY.·s, to-wit: Sandy F. MacKay, 1521 Ocean Boulevard, Balboa, California. . WitnC'SS my hand this 12th day ot A pril, 1~6. SANDY F . M acKAY. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) County of Orange ) ss. On this 12th day o! April A.O., 1946, befor e m e, Louis \V. Briggs, a Notary Public in and !or the said Coun ty a nd State, r esiding therein, duly commissioner and sworn, personally appeared Sandy F . ?.'IacKay known to me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the within instrument, and acknoY.•ledged to me that he executed the same. In Witness Whereof, I ha\o·e h er eunto set my h and and affixed my official seal the day. and year in this certificate first above written. LOUIS W . BRIGGS Notary Public in and for said County and State. (My Commission Expires (Seal) M ay 28, 1947.) Pub.-Apr. 16, 23, 30; May 7, 1946. - CERTIFICATE OF PARTNE~ SIHP DOING BUSINESS UN- DER FICTITIOUS NAME W e, the undersigned, do hereby certify that we are partners con- ducting a business as Marine Elec- tricians at 215%: Marine Avenue, Balboa I sland. California, under the name and style of MOBARRY AND McCARTNEY, and that the names and addresses of all the partners are as follows: L. M. HOLLADAY, 829~ Pa- ctnc Avenue, Long Beach 2, Cali- fornia. J . S. McCARTNEY, 28 Brook Street, Post Office Box 326, South Laguna, California. ROBERT G. MOBARRY, 423 Jasmine' street, Laguna Beach, California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto aet our hands this 18th day of April. IM6. -. L. M. HOLLADAY J . S. McCARTh'EY ROBERT G. MOBARRY STATE OF CALIFORNIA J COUNTY-OF ORANGE J ss. On this 18th day of April, 1946, before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for 18.id County and Stat.e, penonally ap.. peared L. M. HOLLADAY, J. S . MCCARTNEY ai>d ROBERT· G. MOBARRY, known to me to be the penons Whole names are sul; scribed to th• within Instrument, and ackoowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here.mto set my hand and affixed my oftldal "'al the clay and year In this certificate ftrtt above written. • CHARLES WOODFILL, Notary Public In and tor aald County and State. !My Com;nlsaton Explr..a Iloambet 29, 1947 .) (SEAL> Pub.-Aprll 23, 30: May 7, 14, l9t6 .BLOTTERS!! Jan Beoel•ed ._., I t "' DJ.:SK BLOTD:ll8 --.. -Mwp •s . ,. _____ .,.. 1 .. -•• ---- lf-1' If .... -........... I c , ........ • . . ' • - I . • . -. -. • • - • - • • i • • ;; -1 • . . ~ Area Destined · to Be Litera y, Art Center Harold K.-Grauel CHAPEL lll ..... ., Ooola -o.mw.i. ;!;;!;;!; A. E. Groty -] . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ~ ... -~---m• 1 Ne.._t ~ -Oollf. ;!;;!;;!; John E. Sadleir Real Est;ite -Insurance om..-..:- 111 llala llbM hi-Oollf. ;!; ;!; ;!; F .B.Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS PIMNle!lD·1 • tl.OJ 0... rro.&.-Newport; Bme!t, Ollll. ;!; ;!; ;!; L. H. Ewen -Proprietor Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. -Mii l'IM N-rt Bl..i.---Ooota Ii .... Oollf • ;!; ;!; ;!; HUBBARD HOWE Prel. Hubbard's ..., South Coast Company nu w. 0entn1-N-i><>rt zeoo ;!; ;!; ;!; HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing , l'ltll Olld Ooul mpway-Ploone: Nwpt. llll ;!; ;!; ;!; Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker ........ , Otllco S-Ree. 1689 not W. Ceolral A..,_-Nowport -. C11111. ;!; ;!; ;!; COY E. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 1tM IL Oenlral Aoe., Balboa. Calll. Pb. 1419-1 -Tiie Rome of Oordtallty"' -G. B. Brader, Mp. ;!; ;!; ;!; J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Ploone 1.14% lltll •* Central-Newport a.ell "On Your Way to Balboa" ;!; ;!; ;!; Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer '*" r.nleal A.,._ae--Corona ... Kar, Odf. N-i><>rt-Hl·W ;!; ;!;. ;!; Newport Engineering ABSOCiates FREDERIC J . SINGER. President Mu-.:faetann a SMM --...11n UIS CoMt lllcllway-ft. - ;!; ;!; ;!; Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station ''You Otto Bey from Boyd" i.I W. 0-tn&-N-..li lies• " t - ;!; ;!; ;!; w,.nace c. Matoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . FootwMr fiw An the Family . . 1-N-pon~- t ;!; ;!; FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. llhwwla-Wllllum Qaa1H7 hltlta L!lvt•tor ApPh---·W °"'""" 11-lid N-pon ..... ;!; . ;!; ;!; G.N.Wells Real Estate .._Nwponna 1'111 N-port ~ -Oollf. ;!; ;!; ;!; 0 . R. (l'llp) Cnwley--N. M. (Morrie) Cnwlioy DtstlnCtlve Home Furnlshlnp Crawley's Furniture • llU N-n Bl..t. l'llo9o -Ccota MHa-"in the Heert or Tuom" ;!; ;!; ;!; 111. L V AUOBN "Tm no 'heel'-my 'sole's' In this businNs .. Modern Shoe Repairing ON& 11--8. W. N-pa.rt Aft. ;!; ;!; ;!; Dutch Heuock HOME BUJU)Ea W IL 8-J' n-t -l'el. --nl ' ............. ;!; ;!; ;!; W-s:d.°City'""" I Merdtant Patrol Aal Duis.,. ... ,._ ---NWi'"d-ft.Im .. --a..cr Jew L EilioU b ,, ....... SHERIFF I Pi' .a-. .. Quiet, Solitude for Writers---'Co or Spots' for Pen and Brush Arti ts • ·. • • '13y ALLAN DARTFORD P. M. • -, . . . , Herbert F. Kenny . . -.. . . . ~, -'" ., . -,. ~ • • . .. ' . ' --'f • • ,. ' ' .· .. ' • A. D. ' .. .l .. ~· ... ·' . . --- I Herbert Franklin Kenny is a native of Belmont. Ontario, Can- ada, growing up there and attending schools. He later went to work In a furniture factory and then went to Manitoba 'where he home- steaded for five years. At the age of 26 he resumed his studies and spent two years In Wmnipeg attendfng classes and doing organization work. Then he moved to Calgary where he did organization work, insurance and appraising, and had two years on a weekly newspaper as well as conducting an extensive grain and livestock bosll'M'l!!L Allan Dartford, proprietor of e Bhle Sails, Balboa, was born In Virginia and 'came to California t the age of 7. He took his degree In economics at the University cf California, Berkeley campus and later took courses at Stanford r·versity, U.C.L.A., U.S.C. and Har- vard . - He was interested In bookb" · g and one of his books took se- cond prize at the Pomona fair. !~arch work at the Hiintlngton library, department store work ~d banking were some of his busi· ness experiences and for 10 ~ he was teaching and coaching, with summers spent at a IIlgh sierra camp for boys. After a yee.r in Vancouver he and his wife and daughter came to California and after a summer on a fruit ranch near Fresno, came to Orange cowtty as member of the sales force of Dana Point . They havf been residents of the county for 20 years, living at ~ heny Park, Santa Ana and Balboa. Mr. Kenny organlz.ed the Capistrano Beach Sanitary .district, and was foreman for a year oo state highway constructioo above Santa Monica. He ran for state assembly but was defeated, and was active In campaigns for Congressman Harry Sheppllrd. In 1941 he 8"SUJlled the duties of postmaster at Balboa. Last year he was president of the Orange County Postmasters' association and Is now president of. Orange County Coast association and chainnan of the highway committee for the Associated Chambers of Com- merce. Mr: Dartford is a charter member of the Los Angeles Tennis club and a former member of N'fW!>ort Harbor Yacht club. He has traveled extensively In Canada and is familiar with the artist col- onies of. the East Coast. J. E . RAGSDALE (new owner) Balboa Motel 1151!:.0-~- ;!; ;!; ;!; Louis Verwey, Prop. Cuino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge -11ab1. Sllwt '1D:1a ft. 1''11-11 .. ;!; d; ;!; Howard J. Gerrish llAll'ITOaD Fms INllUUlfOli 00. · .._HI 1W New,..-t -....-Ooota -Oollf. d; t ;!; ' DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market -Ok .. &_ ft - rtr• ••• ¥1s' •• ' • u1·1 a •) •&o ,,. ..._.,. During the war he worked as inspector at Lockheed and his wife also was at Lockheed In the eld of. Safety engineering, employ- ment and placement counselling with previous experience with the Union Oil company, Los Angel, aqueduct and Schwabacher Frey. ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~f·,.--~~~~~~~~~ l. Mary's A. (Sandy) Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNISON. Aasoclate llS4 Ooul ~~-%4171 ;!; ;!; ;!; DAML\ LOPrIEN, Manager Orkin's Deoartment Store Readrto-wear, ilO.ch~Plece Goods lnrantl' WNl'-d Ware ~-b .. -.. o..1a•- ;!; ;!; d; Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. ftAIAOA IBL&lQt V'.&JAMllJWllll'TI llT08S t t ;!; JOSEPH L. MARSHALL -.i ·-~ ~'suat •••• ,,, Thomas F. N..ton ..... BAY SH~E CAFE ft lttt l'NI. --r: WY l2 NOON TILL I . il. • Bay ,& Surf Beauty Shoppe ' Podlcure and Manlcurlnr 708 0-~1-1 Thn.t the Barber Shop ;!; ;!; ;!; Volney Hay Balboa Motel I -~Oollf. ~ ... ,, •• Ill ;!; ;!; ;!; raden L. Finch Gen-lofar. · Finch Ceramics ;!; ;!; ';!; llobl!l[t L Sbon7-ll-.lblc ....... I If Da . & Ga MuSic Co. Ult. .,.8l ..... _ ...... .u anrt -a ''' eodore Robins ro~.I:>;~ER ..... -BOWLING-PA VIUON · BALBOA • r • Capt. B. j. McNally _..,.. Balboa Boat Livery ,_ .. Ila¥ A"'" ,711 .MI ;!; ;!; ;!; Dr. Conrad Richter o..la--:-UI •••1' --''"" ;!; ;!; ;!; Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER -, • ' BAUIOA Oollt. ;!; ;!; ;!; Geo. wu x.. E1a1no wu Coast ~rties Co. ,.. z. Oeatnl a.no. ft••• - ;!; ;!; ;!; W. B. Rowe . Starck's Cafe. 11.ot Plac!&-N-rt ;!; ;!; ;!; Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market ._N_rt_l_llL ;!; ;!; ;!; ' Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods -._IOM·W llOl Oout mp.way-Newport Bfllloll. OallL '·· ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails · . Boob, lltaU......,., Canla, Art 8applloo -llola 8L-a.t-...n. N--' 178 ;!; ;!; ;!; Robert E. Arvin's lewelen and Waf.chmaken 118 Tw ... ty·l!leooad 8'""'* N-n -.... Callt . • William MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECT!! M. E. Nledecker. Sec. & Treu . UU CoMt BW)'.-·Newport ---ft. NWJIL 1- ;I; ;!; ;!; · Stanley James Barden . MASI'ER MARINER ..i .....,.. 8"*er-l'ac:dlt and llldp ~ n1 Oout mpway-l'lloao 881 ;!; ;!; ;!; C. F. Dennison ......... wMlt. &. "IUND"I"' llTZINSll ---ao.n J11Pwa7......n1•1 llTI " ;!; d; ;!; MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey n• 0.:.. ..,_, Tb I I . ;!; ;!; ;!; I ANTON HERSHEY M~:is.;,t ..... 1111 ..,..,,, ....... • ;!; ;!; ;!; Donald J. Hannon BALBOA HORSE RACES w9i., w-. W-. llalll Street %D1a :t. ;!; ;!; Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH ;!; t ;!; Arthur Silver -Bob Pedfleld New Blue Room (W• DocUlo Grill) l!l.U8, DBINK8 AND BOlllANCll --~­;!; t ;!; ' · Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ~Nit . lW cwt Zgtq ·~ azz• a.a ' ;!; t Q!z*Dft~ •• , ..... a .·e:,v:~r .. ~Se~ ' ;!; ;!; 'l(PAWD L. PAii MX e1111 ·, • Pattenon &: Boyle • ~ ct•a ..... _ ...... .._ Ollillt: .... ft. nn 'sa • I • • • -· • . ' - ; : .. ·1 •. -.. ~ .,_ .-' - • --.. ' . ' .-~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~::::::::::::::::::::--:-:::::'.:::::::::::::·~·~·~W~PO&~~T~•~•~r~an~A==~== N !!!!!!!r.~!!!:!!!!!ir.J•!!!_..!..! .. ~!l ... !!!~~~~-+~~~~-:---:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....l---.~l!JF'!!!!!. B1llllNE88 _____ d_u_m_l!! _____ l_9_8_U_SINUll ___ G_u_m_l: ____ -:-19. DANllPO&TATION H llALZ IJ08(lELIANl!!OU8 .. BOATS, llUPPLD'B .. _BusD!iii O~&TU!IDDB .• FIRE YACHTS AUTOMOBILE COMPENSATION ' ''STU'' DUNLAP · Insurance BICYCLES SPECIAL -All metal kitchen ~~~i ..:::_ . Ph !tic Mfg. Business llolcl, Rated oc ~ stools, ironln& -...i pads and 00. llllod -... _.•Nu , FOR ~ · VOGEL'S covers $5.45. Newport Electric aow anOeNe i:I& RlWJH A All · ~ .equi~t and 100 Ka1D st.. s.1-Appllm, 2305 Coast Blvd &ALVAJI 1000 ()out ... ..._ 4 m Oltbl ~of material 208 Marmo. Balboa Toland 34-1\p Phone uM --;a:~ • ·orden being sbippod N-11c FOR S~wbed trailer U6, -~ lY. One can operate 18 ·-... -&-O-.-.. -.-m-111-------,.1.I Ides 37 Inches high· also Mon-FOR SALE-Kol« boat. JS.ft. Nets pl50 weekly. Ex- OOLD ud KACBJrC•U gas ~eray t1nish portabie her, in-nmabou~ with Johmoa· motor, Celle t ~ty. ss;soo. Nova ••1,m.an HlJB • , ••• ,, mT.&m POWERS, Balboa Island --I-- AGENT Make your summer lnve!rtmeot In Beach PlqieMy now . to assure possession thls summer. • 703 E. Central Phone Number WAVES eluding 11..... etc. 'Pb· 164-W .like new. boat completely equll>' Nove t)( Co., 219 lllapolla Ave., call t 414 Old eouni,, Rood. peel. ldoal for bey or lake. SZ<> Cost Mesa. I 33-3tc . TIDtbJ& and .lllankuriDS ar a oul1. 1600 !:ut Central Ave., 2-Unit listing OD ~Ave., near South Bay Front. Ba ·Jboa SIGN PAINTING Boats, Tn!cks, Windows, _ .>~alls, Bulletins, Hall<G Metal, Wood and Plutlc Letters. 683 COOPERA TIVB ROOFING CO. New and Repair -ms Appointments Ph. l.,.W Costa Mesa. 33-2tc Balboa. . 21-tfc roa ·-. '1 Vi'e Beautv Shop Machine Shop Equipment FOR~ ta.p. lllarine DOii<!. SPACE FOR c....2 rooms and uoa Cllut HlwaJ, OonDa dOI Kar One small lathe like-· Halt Clriclml ooot. Call gar&J • for ottl :e ar shop, BaJ- 11-uc One large lathe N-jQ't ™-W. 1'-tfc boa Phc ie 764. 32-4\c L09T ___ AND ___ ro_UNU ______ n_1 ~N=t.=·;!;;,.., 5551. JIUSlOAL • llADIO " WILL -• goo -$.rm. LOST-Woman's glauel ln .... 3'-4\c RADIO HOUSE CALLS-apt t woman t at will -ln on beach Monday. Retunf to 309 . Now that additional competent resta ~ant an motel work. Phone -.K Coronada, Balboa. Rewanl. Electrical tecbnidans are available, W<> are ~ ~~.J'ermanent. 34-~ 218 E. 20tb St.. Costa -3t-llp Repair Service able to make service calls on •u ~, --------,,====:--:JO.-tf::c LOST _ Man's dark brown hat , Appliances. Home. Motors a, large consoles. All. wwk guar-ROOM FOR RE))IT-Twln bods. BUILDING M&Tl!!IUALS 11 with Pheasant LeL Leave at Marine Service. Immod!ate antttd. HAROLD L. HAMM. $5 P • -... $10 lllncle, per . U .,__ K , ~-__ Attftltlon. S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. . nlght 717 Via ·r: Lido Iale. HAVE a good stock of ro roo~ eene1 '-'Ul""JlllU or New.-1un6 S -··~ ~• Ph H--i..-,,_,. -.._ I -•----~ --n--~ •• • . L. r~•~• · ~~ ·~· 34-tfc l . -Y• and Comp. Shing es. • ~ ~ ~-~. ~~ ~~tc 2818 Central. Ph: 1'181-W &.....b. ~oo~~col~~t = l!!llPLOYllENT WANTED 111 32-ttc Radio Repairing "'=TO~ a ~ Pick-up and Delivery W TO l\EjNT~ or 3 bed-J4..2t prices. Copeland Lbr. Yards, 5th EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Gar-RUG A UPHOLSTERY Oeenlns. 24-Hour Service room 00.-, !ufnlshed. for 2. 3 -----------:::I & Artesia Sts., Santa Ana, Cal denlng and general outdoor RuP alJoed. slwnPood. dMnod. er 4 1fteka. r,.tand preferred. AL LACHMEYER 1725 West Central Harbor 1243-M P A I N T I N G -34-ttc work, i1.2:1 per 11our. Ph. Har-o..ntutted lllnllture c1eane<t NewPort Electric Appl. Mn. Smith. lt s. Ogdon Dr., bor 102$.J. J4..2tc S day pick-up and dellftO'. 2305 <::out Blvd.-Phone 2f38 L. A. 311. Phone collect WHltney 12 Ym Service ln N...plrt Ullftmil& CW 1 " -311 yean of qtlafted C\91-. 33-2tp 8489. 32--'tc Hsbor' Atta PA.IN'l"DiG -P.t.P9R HANODIG mlPIA>Ylil:&lft' OWW**IC11 • ORANGE COUNTY Harry Hall and ~'Im() WANTEO--keeper ln levely TENT"' AWNING 00. PAINTING CONTRACI'OR B. Ill JlcOoM!d home, 2 ln family. Pr! .. te room. 814 W. 4th St., Santa Ana. Phone Nowport 837-W u• Old County Rd., Ph: 19'-W sood ..._.Ph: 10'1'5-J. 24-tfc Phone Mr. Benedict, 1568 Santa :174 J!t 19th Street 24-tfc Coots. ,,_ 8&-tfo Ana. 22-tfe --------· ---W~Rellable s-r-1 maln- lPOll A ;RJ:l.TA!U,I! Pldnt Joi> OD Pl:RSONAL H tenance man. Lido 'l'Matre. BATTERIES ,..... -... -N.,._t l0'7 SEE REV. BARGER, pcycblc, for 26-tfc ott.r 4:30 p.a. ~ltc private readings. 908 W. 4th St.. WAJn!ESSES WANTR> -Bay For Portable Radloo and for Hearing Alda. ~ _.ettllmMnU an-Santa Ana. Ph.. 4406 for appt. Shore Cafe, 17th A Cout Hlah· ,_.. p6de to et'ftcle•t IPf'"•· 34 ·2tp way. Pb: Newport 2344. 14--tfc Meoa Radio "' Elec:tronla! Co. 1794 Newport Blvd. Pu•L1c NoTICE No. 40161 ALlAll SUMMONS (Action brought in the Superior Court of 1.he County of Orange, and Complaint filed in the Of- fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County.) la u.e Superior Court of the S tate of California In and For the CoW'l ty of Orange CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, a Municipal Corporation or the Sbcth CJaS"s, Plaintiff, V!:. J ESSJE K . SCO'IT. et al. Defenda nts. 31-tfc WANTED-A boy to do light 1ar· denln& on Saturda,ys. Apply at MAY, 1948 304 Marigold. Corona del Mar. l--nn=--,pi._=---.,-nd-KIMl"',-,"'1_n_s __ JJ.2tc W 0 OD TIDE TABLES High Low H igh Low W 1 9 :05 2 :57 8:6% i:n WANTED-Woman for cook and Delivered 4.5 -1.0 6.3 0.6 general housework. Call 195().W H. W . WRIGHT-Ph. 2030 'lb 2 10 :00 3 :44 9 :S1 S:16 for appointment. 33-2tc 1714 Newport Blvd. 3-t:tc 4.2 -1.3 6.3 1.1 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED for ORANGE COUNTY F 3 ll:Ol 4 :36 lO:IS !:M Ra I . UPHOLSTERING co. w eJgh Route of 1500 families. 3.8 -1.3 6·~ 1·6 Writ toe! Ra I . h' Ra S 4 12:12 5:33 10:159 4.:4S e ay. w eig s. w-Manufacturers leigh Dept. CAD-558-SA, Oak-Of Upholstered Furn.itlll"e 3.5 -1·2 5·8 2·1 land. Calif. 33-ltc 3 S ~u 5 1:46 6 :38 ll:ll6 &:!9 41 W. 4th St.. anta Ana 3.3 -0.9 5.3 2.6 HELP W ANTED _ Experienced Factory and Showroom n de. are placed tn order ot occunt1Di0o fountain girl, day shif t, top Sal· 504 West Center St., Anaheim Ltsbt' nauru L m.: dark nsw-p. m a.rt. Apply Dad.d's Malt Shop, Phone Anaheim 4714 collect 211 Marine Ave .. Balboa I sland. ___________ 12-_tf_c 33-2tc PueL1c NoTICES The P eople of the State or Cali-radjo, r ada r and electrical sales \VANTED-1 dish washer , $140 fornia Send Greetings to: JESSIE and installation business at New-per month and board. 2 wait · Just Arrived Freeh H~aring Aid BATTERIES K. SCO'IT. E'TITEL IONE FUES-port Beach , California, under the resses, $145 per month & boar d ; SEL. EL.\1ER A. CAIN, MIRIAM fic titious firm name of J . K. l fry cook , $175 ;and board. See E. CAIN, hi! wife, ORANGE BROWN CO. and tha t said firm Mr. Early at ·King's Landing COUNTY TITLE CO ~'IPANY. a is composed of the following per-Cafe. Newpor t, any lime morn. corpora tion, Trustee. W. W . sons, whose names and places of ings. ,. 34-2t c Gundereon Drug Co. 117 Mala St. Ph. '516 60-tfc GOOD -iu-. -a -W TO JUlNT-By teacher, M 1111. Fine for pnctloe. EMy smal furn. he).,.. or apt. by -. Or wtll ~t. Danz. June 1 for 3 •c1u1ts, an,ywhere S«• mldt Plano Oo., ~ Na. Kain In att~ Permanent. Call Seta Ana. 11-tfc Coro "' del . Joi¥ -2110. FOR SALE-Bendix Radio Can-I U.tfc -Dittction Finder. Rock-Ola W ANl TO LEASE-2 or 3 bedrm. Juke Box. 18 records. Suitable boua . Permanent. no - for den. Pay o $100 per month. Box "B .. Short Circuit Radio Ne"' Tunes. 31-4tp 306 Palm, Balboa WANI TO RENT-Apt. or 00.-, Phone 1638-W 3G-tfc turn. or untum. Veteran, per- PACKARD-BELL PHONOCORD. IJWM!'ll. Beot references. Jam<s used ta ble model for sale or Sexttn, P. 0 . Box 135, Balboa. trade. T ops in home entertain-J 26-tfc ment. makes records from voice wao· TO RENT or LEASE or radio, also contains radio· and house or apt., ·Harbor are~ phonograph. Mesa Radio & Elec-Isl preferred. pay $200.00 tronlcs, 1794 Newport Blvd bon . Ps:;rmanent. Business Phone 345. 33-ttc coupJe., no""children. c/o N e..vs- Radio Repairs Tim4, Box "E " 33-4tp AU makes; tubes, etc. Ph. 2417. HOW ~OUT ,trading homes for BURT NORTON a '""'th or so tlili! •!!JlUDer! We 915 c t High N rt woula like a place a t the beach. oas way, ~-Uc Woufdn't you like one high in Beautiful Altadena? ConvenJent BE AtrrIFUL Spinet type mirror to e'Verything, yet quiet and piano, a bargain. Terms. Danz· restf~ll. Reference exchanged. Schmidt Piano Co .. ~20 No. Main H . ~ Watson, 2354 N. Garfield, Santa Ana. 8-tfc Alta ena . Ph. SY 43382. 33-4tp Arvin & Emerson RADIOS 24-Hour Radio··Service REAL EsTATI!! Ef A F~HODEN s 4nta Ana Heights n Furnlsbed. $15,500. . 2-BEDROOM BAY FRONT HOME on Newport Oumnel Concrete bulkbeed and coonectlng &..t for mooring your boat. $15,000. . '\ . . Let 'l!S know what yoo want. Reasonable otters will be !Olhmltted. • ---1--, HUB POWERS, Phone 62-W AGENT J. A. Beek Office Ferry I ,anding Balboa Island 34-11<: J. M. MILLER ' Reel Estate Broker 15th and Central Balboa Home Pre-war coostruction; 2 bedrooms, tile bath and shower; fireplaoe, barbecue; patio, flowers and shrubbery. Completely fumlsbed. $15,000 Bay Front Lots on Lido Isle and Balboa. Priced to sell. Balboa Bay Home Very beautiful. Priced to sell. Corona del Mar Comer lot OD Poppy sti eet $2500 View Lot Between Poppy street and Hazel Drive, south of Hiway. Priced to sell. Balboa Isle Income - . $25,000 ·Ocean Front Lots -Several well located Shows nice return. lots on Peninsula. Phone Your Listings In and we will give them every consideration r ]. M. MILLER 15th & Central • Newport Beach • Pb. Hlµ'bor 1242 "On Your Way to Balboa" 34-ltc CAMPBELL. ARTHUR H. RICE, wt LULU B. RICE, his wife, LE-r~~~c:i ~:.r~e::~lows. to--t : 'HELP W ANTED---Ceneral house· 'ITI'IA \V. DYMOND, BE;NJAMJN J . K. Brown, leul Oiff Drive, wor k. No .cooking. Two days off Auto Batteries 18-month -$6.45 Ex. Compounded Motor Oil Gallon, 70c Short Circuit Radio 306 Palm, Balboa Phone 1638-W 1$.tfc 2 bedroom house on %; acre. Hu ::::::::::::::::::::::;::============:t==-:====================== gara 'e wi th washroom . BEAL ESTA.TE 41 R• a.. ES W . S ELBY, A. L SHEPHERD, Newpor t Beach. California. a "''eek. Live in or out. Gocid sal - JOE SHALLENBERGER. EMMA Robert CUndiff, 6459 w . S2nd a r y. Two adults in family. \..all · C. HAFNER. LOS ONGELES S treet. Los Angeles 45, California. ·Beacon 704. 34-'ltc Western Auto Supply MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, Limited Partner : ,WANTED -Woman to wor k a t , Authorized Dealer INC., a corpor ation. FRE D S. West Shore Compa ny, 1801 Wi1-cafe-motel work. Good wages. l836 Newport Elvd .. Costa Mese. EVANS. GIAN DESP ALATRO-shire Boulevard. Los Angeles 5. P ermanent. Coastline Motel, 23-ttc STEIN'N AY Grand, like new, one of the world's greatest pianoa. Gorgeous tone. Beautltul case. Thia ls an instrument for the dlscrlminating buyer. Danz- Schmldt Plano Co .. 520 No. Main Santa Ana. 8-tfc $6500 ~~~~~----~ ~ TATI!! EXCHANOE U S~nta Ana Heights · 2 Small Houaes 2 ~. house with 2-car garage On Lot Zoned for Buslnea and xtra room, on I> acre. Sev-$10,500 eral n.Ut trees. Quick poss. $7600 ooos, CATS " PETS M I Co sta Mesa VICH. M. L JACK , JOHN DOE California. 6600 Coast Hi way. Phone Har-S ] K · J ACK, her husband, STEDDOM WITNESS our hands thls 8th day bor 1408-W. • 34-2tc tee 1tchens & BLANCHARD. a corporation, of April. 1946. GLASS TUB ENCLOSUR ES Choice Bay Front Lot Priced Right 2 Houses on 1 Lot At Corona del Mar WILL TRADE rental of modern r anch .cot tage in Arcadia for house on Balboa Island for one or two summer monthJ. Free fruit, berries and eggs included. Enjoy a vacation on a country acre in coo1 shade of walunl trees. Write H. R. Kernberger. 1504 South Eighth Avenue or phone A Twater 73775. 31·10tc SfEDDOM & BLANCHARD. a J . K BROWN CHAUFFEUR WANTED -For ty SHOWE R IXJORS l:Q.partnership, KELLY ROOF-ROBERT CUNDIFF dollars per week and room. No Southern Co unties FOR S ALE-Purebred collie pup-2 bedroom house with garage on pies, 20312 s. W . Cypress S t., % t;e. ~· just few blocks ING CO. Ltd., a corporation, Gener al Part ners night work. Six days a we-ek. Supply Co. RICHARD ROE. Tr-ustee in Ba nk-WEST SHORE COMPANY Garden. Own car necessary. East of Coun try Club. After from shopping center on ea.st 5:30. 32-4tc side. $18,5()() R.Ei;PONSIBLE Telephone t. llD- ployc wants to 6ch&fl&'e 3-bed- room house in Wst Lm AnpJa for aame in SaJJta Ana or vtctn- lty. Call ~them Calif. Tele- phone Co., S anta Ana. 5828. W ·1 Bo J cl N Ti . 144 Coast Blvd. N. , ruptcy of the estate of KELLY • 9y Carlton E . Byrne rt e x , o e\\"S-m<'S. •• .. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach "PECIAL ANN UN~~ •• ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor -By Esther Smith Byrne v-ruc 34-ltc _~ ______ o __ ~_~ __ ,._~-- atlon. Bankrupt, \VM . MERE-Limited Partners HELP WANTED-Male -Female. ------------HOSIERY MENDING -Edith ~~G· ~:MBIL.GB~OLOPKINRNES, STATE OF CAUFORNIA l Local Or travelin&" in business forW __ A_NTE __ o_TO~~B_UY _____ s_t Smith's , 408 No. Sycamor e St., ~ · · • County of Los Angelet ) S!I. yourself. No money required. Santa Ana. Mall Service. 34-Btc ADDI KEMP. JAMES P. COS-On this 10th day of AprU, 1946, Good income. You are your own WllL PAY CASH ror ycur fUJ'"o TELLO. COTNER SECURITIES before me, a Notary Public in and bou. Apply H. Van Deren, 508'rii nitutt or what have vou. Pbcce CORPORATION, a corporation,. for the !l&ld County and State, re-N. Main St. Santa Ana. 2Sl9tc Beacon 5656. 0 . R. Crawley, TITLE INSURANCE A N D siding th...,ln, duly commissioiled ==-:::-::=:-:-:-::'==---=---...,--1812 Newport Blv., Costa Mesa. TRUST COMPANY, a corpor-and swom, personally appeared HELP \VANTED -Woman for 30-Uc atlon, niatee, THE FIRST NA-J. K BROWN and ROBERT CUN· house work, small house, two FUBNITURE FOB SALi!! TIONAL BANK OF OOWNEY. DIFF, GeneraJ Partnen, known to adults. Private room. outside n a National Banklns A91oclatlon. me to be the persons whose names entrance. Not enough work for JOHN DOE ONE, JOHN DOE are subocrlbed to the Within ln· all d8$. Live ln, but could have TWO and JOHN DOE CORPOR-atrument and ac:knawledged to me some free hours. Call Newport 4TION, Defendants. that they executed the same. 891..J. 25-tfc You are directed to appear ln IN ~ WHEREOF, I • action brwlht ~&Wt YoU by have hereunto set my hand and ~~~~~-«l~~~. ~1° 0~· p~ the .above named p ai ntlff in the atn.xed by offidal seal, the day time. Harbor db:trlct. lnQulrt Superior Court of the State ot. and year in this oertiflcat e ftnt 204 West Third St., Santa Ana Callfornla, in and for the County aboVl! wrltte'(!. ~ Oranp, and to ........,. the com-T .. R. PHILLIPS 10 a.m . to 4 p.m. 3l-4tp F OR S ALE-15 comple te double bunks, will sell a t $15 each if take all. 418 E. Surf St., Balboa. 34-4t c' FOR SALE-General El~tric :>. burner Hotpoirlt high oven r ange, therm. control, good con· ditlon, reasonable priced. Phone 2537. JJ.2tc plaint therein W!thln ten doYs Notary Publlc ln and for WAITRESS WANTED-Must be FOR SALE-Dining or patio table -the servl~ YoU ot this said County and State. over 21 years old. Apply Arches 6 by 3 feet, 2 benches. hand- mamrDOnl, lf .served within the Ody Commission Expires Cate or call 361. 32-4tc hewn, wrought iron braces, flre County of Orange,'"' within thirty Aug. 19, 1947.l W~HOTEL KAID. --and weather proofed. 428 Orchid M OTiiERS DAY -Give her a Canary and Cage. Love-Birds, Parrokeets, gray and white Zebras. 505 E. Central Ave., Balboa. 32-Stc Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repair O. Z. ROBERTSON Call Harbor 83 \ 34-tfc KEYS Kade While You Walt VOO&L'B 100 Ka1D St., Balbo& 208 Karine, Blllboa Ialand I N-Uc $6800 E 1 A F. RHODEN I Realtor 470 Nfwport Blvd, Costa Mesa ELTQN D. BARNETT. Broker rh. Newport 196!>M _. 33-2tc :(!.EAL VALUES 3-~m home. ~ acre. 350 lay- ing tlens, brooder house & equip- ment A good home and Income. In ~ district. Nicely land- sca Lots of shrubs and flow- ers. is really a bargalrt. Exel lllive lillting. Full price only $875~Terms Wil sell. less stock, $7950 We aJ have nice bullding lots u low ~ $75(1 and up. We are here .to I you. - B. A.NERESON Income Property 2-Bedroom HollM! /and 4 Small Rental Unlts Ocean Front Blvd. Lot $3000 19-tfc EXCHANGE W. L. .JORDAN WILL EXCHANGE spadowi 700 Eu! Central, Balboa fur. nished Beverly Hills apt, ~ blk. - from Beverly-Wilshire hotel far houae or apt. ln Bay areL Olll Anaheim 2085. ' JJ.2tp Phone 153 · 3().tfc BUILD N-6 W LOW COST HOMES Be Sure 'and See :W:odels At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona de! :Mar aOHM TO LOAN • i..Obis TO BUlLD, ~. -m1d1mt. or r & ,.... Nowport Balboa J'oderal ~ -Loan Amoclatloa. aaaa yta Lido Tel-uor AUTOHOTIVI!! a TIBE1I 11 FOR SALE-1938 l~·ton General Motors truck with 1940 01• mobile en&"ine. Phone 1512-W. days lf setVed ellewbeTe, and you (Seal) Inn. Pbrioe seo. 6--ttC! Ave .. Corona del Mar. 30-Uc ""' notlfted that uni .. YoU so STATE OF CALIFORNIA l ~ar and answer u above re-C.ounty of Los Angeles ) n . HELP WANTED -Housekeeper BOATS, 8UPPLllJ8 SI qabed. the plalnttff will tue judg-On this 8th day of April, 1946, !or 2 adults. Private room and F OR S ALE -.19-foot Speedboat, ment for any money or damages bt-fott me, a Notary Public ln and salary. Nice home for right marine motor, trailer , excellent TELEPHONE! OPERATING! PAYS GOOD WAGES I REAL ESTATE Insurance and Opportunltleo ' • 19'12 ewport Blvd., Ooota Mesa I 34-ltc Phone 886-W S•leenen Wlll Call AUTO Sl!!BVJCII: Bring Your BATTERY ',l'ROUBLES J2.2tc • demanded ln the Complaint. as for the said County and State, re--party. Ph: N. B. 1075-J. 32-2tc condition, $700. P or t Udo, 3452 aria1na upon contra ct, or wt.JJ ap-~ding tbereln, duJy commisslonHI SALE 111.SCELLANEOUS so Via Oparto, Newport Beach. ply to the Court tor any other re-and sworn, penonally appeared ~2tc JJof demanded ln the complaint. Carlton E. Byrne and El!ther CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. ------------ Given under l1ll' hand and seal Smlth Byrne, known to me to be PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. FOR SALE-New Lathrop Marine ~the Superior Court of the Coun· the Vlce-Prftldent and Secretary 23-tfc Motor, 20 h.p .. 2.cylinder, UJ>- 1:7 ot Orange, S tate of Callfornla, ot West Shore Company, the Um-right. Phone Westmlnster 8211. tills 24th day of April, 1946. lted partner named ln the fore-FOR SALE-Andirono a. fireplace 31-4tp screen. good u new. Call 169 or B. J . SMITH, Coln& Instrument, known to me to 316 Orchid Ave Corona del FOR SALE-Flying bridge for 30 County O erk and Oerk of'the be the penom who executed the Mar. • ·• 30-tfc to 4!>-ft. fishing boat. Made of Superior Court of the S tate of within tmtrument on behalf ot. the waterproof plywood. Call at 411 Ca1ifornla. ln and fer the CouJ>. <'OI (Xll'atlon bettln named and FOR SALE-Dining room and bed E . Central, Balboa. 3J.2tc ty of ~. a-ledced to me that IUcb cor-room turnlture. Inquire 1722 E . By ROY J . ffiWIN, Deputy. poration executed the same. Oc.!an Front. 34-ltc FOR SALE-25-ft. Mahogany hull CS.al SUperlor Court IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I FOR SALE-OU heater, comple te speed boa.t, 125 h.p.. all recun- Ora.nge County) haw hereunto set my hand and af. installation equinrnoftt; b a b Y dJtloned, $1250. Call week days Pllb.-Apr. 30: May 7, 14, 21, 28: flud l1ll' oHlclal seal the day and ~·-· __. cond Tectr1c Juicer ORchard 'IS732 or at 1220 Long No experie12ce necessary Earn while you learn There are many other advantqes Mi being a telephone employee. AVfl:T 100 E. Ba7 4w., llo- 5Hli N. llaln St., Santa Au J-4. 11, 18, 29; July 2, 1946 year ln this -cate !Int above ~ri~n......zy bottles. Pb'. Beach Blvd., Compton. 3t-2to CWWWIDWAft OP llUSIKW written. ALICE DAVENPORT, Harbor l333. , 34-2tp ~~= ~ 12:0t~; AK ~--~~ tbe Flctltloul Firm Name Notary Public ln and for FOR SALE-Mans bicycle with Taxis. Built ln 1942 by Sbaln "-.. "'em "'-"'orrua"· said County and State. long handlebars, very good con-Boat Works of Seattle, $10,000 .,..,_, ..,.... The undersigned do hereby """ (Seal) dltlon. Phone Harbor 883-W. each. Phone Long Beach 47587. Telepaone Compuy tlty that !hey .,.. concluctlnc a Pub:-Ap-. 16, 23, 30; May 7, 1946. • 34-2tc J4..4tc '1.1-tfc WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast m.tnraY 101 . ,. ....... ,11•• • :::B7It ....... ..-•He ,_ .-,. ... . ............... ,. .... . ., ....... ...... - . . - FOR SALE -Houtehold goods, ALL PLASTIC 12-fL UC>-lb. TOP-1------------ electric heater, waffle Iron, ().CAR BOAT and CARRIER. clown quilts, satin bedspread lUld Immedlate delivery. Other mod· bolster, lamp shad... picture els soon _ dinghies sailboats. frames, end table. Harbor 520. runabouts, c:rulsen a'ncf paddle- J4..2lc boards. Plastic Watercraft Co.. ----------~ BED DAVENPORT, genuine Phll-407 E. Central. Balboa. Pl>one IP1>Pine mahogany, ptt-war, S.ft. Harbor 2673. 34-ltc length. -Into full -6-ft. bed. Separate NShlom and pil- Jow arms. All steei lnner-sprlnga. Good condition. Both pieces "5 . 212 42nd St., NeW(Xll't. M-ltc om.~aur.. - No Delay -R-IAi · · ,-Id-,batbiw Wltll-m.-. F. P. Waldron TdtP..me 2SCW. . M11C FORS'ALE- Balboa Island PICO BUILDING MATERIALS oModen, new, completely l'arnlob-26-tfc eel, 2 bedrooms. ' 2,500 -Terms •w:111. lllllTATIC 1CllOIIAN011 u Bay t house, wtcle lot. Per Wil.L EXCHANGE '°"'°"' fur. and float, unfllrn., mu.-&te n1shed apL ln Bungalow Court ff'•! loo In Hollywood. IJ9ll1lnal ""1t. for $50,000 00.-or apt. ln Newport. Balboa or Ooota Meoa district. Jadt w. Ge de A. Waldron Street. General o.u....,., ~ Wni . Sanford, Broker 1p ID 11ar1no A-FOR ,EXCHAN~ In HR-Pbode 234-R 31-tfc bor Blvd. frcntage, 300 feet, houoe, clear. Wont Bal ..... New· prt or Balboa hland -· Good loc:&tlon. $30,000 to M0.- To Us. BATTERY REPAIR WO.RX IS OUR BUS~ WE&JMINSILk Aft. !Bet-Utll a Ka ........ I COSTA MWIA I cean Front Lot On-.ata $4750 000. Post Office Box «16, Coota Mesa. !fS-ltp llMfe I Attractive Ball Pa Peninsula Home °'1 .1~ Lots .$28,000 ": -~~ 3 -Oil, 2 batlla, Bo ' flrepUoe, l<ltchen. tars patio and ...... -. -_ .. _ JO tlN D. BURNHAM 200 Ocean Blvd. Balboa l ione Harbor 815 34-4\c 1 ....,. w.awwww --·--WE MBBD LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices Bl· YOVR OAR l«>W M-1P1hn-nw- ~tar -WMID• tz wllo wCI Cid -1 : .. ::k:I -I . '2 C.A. 1 0 3 Cc • I a 1 ~ a . pit 11-• a ••& CR.BERnolll CHEVROJ.,El' 00 •. tJ_ • ..,, 'rt _.ass m 111::,:":;.. ..... ~ I -.. ollC '11,i. S d8 8 1 ~Qr ,31'. 1 .. 1 ;!:.. --._,, , ' 1· . ' ' • ' I ., . ,. >I; , ' I • First Play of Ebell Drama Section Wins Applause; Nets Goodly Sum _ ; Appl••-ond c:mcratulatlom wu -ot the blto '<JI the plo.y. r -were showeted on the drama RC-Mn.. Harry C'an' wu the pipe-- tkm al the EIJelJ dub for lbelr smoking Mn. Abipll McSkew ond ant play, prwnUd Friday ev1>-her husband, Mortimer, dornlneer- ainc at the Friday A!tanocm dub inc head of the -WU played house and returns cleared · over by Mrs. llocer Wood. Mn. Dorothy $105. '.!be "Grut wesu.n MeJo. Levering took the part <It two- drama" was written and directed Gun Percy, who escaped from jail by Mn. FJ<>ttnce Mttril, chairman and held up the M<Skew family at the -· and the scene was and husky Oswald Fluafm the stated In the living room of the sheriff (Mn. R. L. Allen! con- McSkew residence some time in tender far the hand of Daisy, only the e'arty 'nineties. to be foiled by Filbert the Poet. \ Mrs. c. M. Deakins, as the hero-who thereby became favored lne. l<>Yel,y Deisy McSkew, finally suitor. achieved the man of her chqice, Before the curtain went ~p Mrs. Filbert F earless the suave poet. Constance Jayred played airs of played by Mrs. O . T. Johnson, and long ago on the piano, bringing the singing of Miss Daisy with her back memories of the era. hero accompanying on the violin. Mrs. Morris' ballerinas who Arcade ANTIQUES 515 North Main sin.et Santa Ana (Opposite Arcade Cafe) L&~t cllsplay from which to -... the-· ctn. that wtlJ be worthy of in· ueulna-9ent1ment tbl'Oup the years. VISITORS WELCOME danced as part of the program were: June Keene, toe dance: Diane Harber~ toe da.oCer ; Mary Kay Morris, oriental dance; Carla Mercer, rhumba ; Shirley Franklin and Andrea O.lbben, pas cje deux: Norma Castle. toe dance; Mary Ann Morey and Carol Pierson, hula, and a.telinda Leithold, toe dance. Antiques used in the set were from the Coach Lamp Antique shop. For quick re5Ultl me News· Times cl•,.,,,_, a• SUMMER BLACK DRESSES "COOL AS A SHADOW" SLL"1 SKJRTS TOPPED WITH A BOLERO ONE-AND '!WO-PIECE EYELETS COTI'ON CRASHES SUMMER FAII.I.ES ADDED DETAlL TO SLEEVE AND NECKLINE GIVE THAT DRAMATIC AIR AND NEW LOOK Cfbe Frances Norton Shop CJ>resses * ~portrwear i38 Second and Broadway Bldg. Santa Ana COLD . FUR STORAGE! The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH -HEAT FIRE -THEFI' Cold Storage Va ult On Premises • • • HAVE YOUR FURS REMODEi.ED NOW AT WW SUMMER RATES! •nu...) PHONEm ~~llS I 218 No. Broadway Santa Ana ORANGE COUNTY'S FOREMOST FURRIER -- Scyled ;,, c.1ifomn oE -.riol desip<d end band-K'ft«IN cxclu.s.iw-ly by LAGUNA Of CAUl'OllNL\. Bcacbaaber "INNElt·OUl'U" Md tnmb a:rc:n chc Wcs<'s rdased tempo ~ • . ---L-_..!.J.. __.__ Of o4llCdcKw &ring. Bosn-cypc-~ --~ De ........ u< l\olly lin<d,Fot .... _ 0 r kin's _ l '19S Newpcllt llhd. OaAa .... Department Store . ' MM!tt-Oal M•aGA Hai:h9r,Hi PT A Officer Given Signal Harbor Phones 13 and DI + ftesldenti11 Phone 1837-R Honor at Fourth District Convention . ~ ac:ble .. nclls ol new cbainnen listod b .,.r:. · .._.,.,._al N ... ...,..t HaltJar Un-hen! and ratllled mJudod ::: Ion 111111> -· Parent-TMcber Edpr Hill of ~ ~ •<soda-were ac:lcnowledged Founders' n..~ ~-•---- Delta ·Gamma Plans For Nat. Convention • . l when. 'lbt Fourth District Calif Konn .,.,,, ~-·~ and Mn. J o~es-Parke Rites Repeated Friday in Su~rise Luncheon rua 0qress oe ~'" .';:;i horn~~°'":,.:~ Episcopal Church of the Messiah, Santa Ana H M s · Teacbers met Thursday at the presidents or the · ors rs. tewart HunUncton Beech Hiah sc:bool au-PTA's 1n thei iJ'Ul'mMUi llCboal Delta Gamma Alumnae anocia-In the light of myriad tapers 1 and while \oft harp and piano mu-~ ditartua Certificatee . awarded niunities.. r respecuve oc:m• tion of Orange county met last a nd a n oral setting of easter lie was played. Delta Gamm& ~· Kenneth Stewart, pres!-we-re · fm' pUblicity, program and Mrs , . "'·eek at lhe home ot Mn. Hal Will lilies, white watsonias. masses of sorority 1isters of1 the bride as-de of the Parent-Teacher uao-entertaniment. and hon 0 r 8 b I e speak · ~\'!igh.!.a .. wu t~pal Smith, Balboa Island, with Mn. stocks. marguerites and other si.sted in serving. They bicluded: cia n of the Costa Mesa Gram-mention civen for increased mem-rules e~ t lie -v ~d , ed. on OiarJes Ray presiWng. white fio"'"ers, Mhs Patrida Lou Miss Margant Mary Del Bondso, mar schools, wu honored With a bership. which . pa~, ~ Pl,~ure The group is aiding 8 family in Parke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miu Mary Condon, Miss Ann S\JrRrise pot-luck luncheon Tues-f\tn. Speny Knightoo dbtrict An ori= f . P~ts. Holland and brough t clothing to Francis John Parke. 104 Via Yells. Simpoon, Miu Helen Ann Grundy, day given by her board members publicity chairman, ~ted the "In Old ~~.' ""-:'teth\j'.l"'retta be sent. Letters were read telling Lido Isle, and_ William LeRoy Miss Dorothy Unn, Mia Shirley at t e home of the publicity chair-KQlcl..seeJ certificate to the hi&h ! hers ol th rn~ wnde n f mem ... of appreciation for boxes already Jones; son of Mr. and Mn. A. B. Watkins, Miu Libby Jeffry, Mrs. s1 Mrs. Byron Fenley, !-tag. J 9cho0C"°Pl'A for the publicfty book culty was ~resen~ bi;:t t:; sent and relating experiences and Jones, 512 Westminster avenue, Robert Fogwell, Miss Diane Lode-~avenue, Assisting hosteaes compiled by the chairman, Mn. the Huntington Beach High ~ needs of the family and their Alhambra, re Pe a t e d marriage hart, Miss Virginia Owem, Miss Mrs. Ernest "!cClellan and JerT'Old Spangler. This is the and there was also musi b the friends. It was planned to have vows at 8 p.m. Friday eve ning in Patricia Piner, Miss Jean Ann ~Richard Dittmar. ~-award in the district, school band. c Y individual members se.nd boxes the Epl!copal church of the Mes-Strornach, "liss Patricia Luer, wen from the garden . of which ts comprised of all Orange Atte-A; __ the _, ! each week With food, clothing and siah, Santa Ana. Miss Barbara Ta!t and h-1.iss Fran-H~bert Olurchman, a _net&h-cotclty with a membership ot IC.-Newpo~ff'arno m:~ fnm needed articles. The Rev. \Vesl~ Havermale ces YeukilJ. AJso assisting was borTf amous for her priz.e-Wlnninl: 153. In malting 1 r ..,, P':fA were Wlth the national convention to read the eeremonialUnes and the a.1 iss Dorene Barton of Mills col-v ties, were used for decorating to Mn. Spengler ~~i~~ ~~I~~ ~dent, ~~I \Vesley be held at the Huntington hotel, bride was given in marriage by lege. bo tbe rooms and the attractive stated that her book was the only-0 z. fiooerbon ~'I.rs.~· . Mrs. Pasadena early in July, plans were her father. The bride ls a graduate of New-buf t table. Included were vari-one meeting requiremt"nts as listed · Spicer. made to entertain the national The bride made a charming pie-port Harbor High school and USC col<fed snapdragons. beautiful I by the $tale organization and com· council at the Walter Spicer home ture i'.' a gown of misty white Y·•here she was active in Amazons, largie carnations and unusual mended her for. the neatness and for a patio luncheon. Mrs. 1 marqwsette. ruffied from the tiny Phrateres, YW~. ~.Cross and l'OSefS· . -c:werall COYemge. Mrs. Spicer's sister. Mrs. J . R ! waist to the tip ot the long train A\VS. H er husband is a graduate CArd tables were set in the liv-Mrs Arth S'ph rd Teall of Buffalo, N . Y. is national and held out by hoops, and with of Alhambra Hi&h school and USC ingToom tor guests and the menu, District i ll:r 1 e. · Fourth vice-president and will be one 1 tong sleeves and off-shoulder yoke "-'here he affiliated with Delt8 allugh not planned, worked out morntng~ddenftt, presided at bo1 th ed ed . ffl H s· Ph' H tl . ed delici' rt tl <U~ a ernoon sess ons of the honored guests. The local I g with a ru e. er finger· 1gma 1. e recen Y rece1v as ous, pe ec y balanced Mrs Frank w · ht r Et ~f · group will also serve tea at one tip veil was caught into a Juliette his honorable discharge. lun heon. eaur·omia Conng 0 li onte. f · l d F h eddi trt v s gress par amentar-of the aftemoo.n sessions of the cap . o point ace an her old· or er w n_g P to ancou-rs. tewart, and l\trs. Jerrold ian, acted 85 installin officer in convention. fRShtoned bouquet was of gar-ver , B. C .. the bride chose a cucoa , gler, delegate from the New-the aftemoOn \\1l g ffi Mrs. Kent Hitchcock J1ot Lido Isle was ta.ken seriously ill and had to return to the J Beadl hospital. ' •<· ! · i' . FI NE 1000 Present at the meeting were the denlas. carnations and sweet peas. bro'A·n dressmaker suit and brown por Harbor P .-T. A., left Sun-1 'Nel"e seated. Mrse'k new~ rd~~ Mesdames H. M. Wallingford, Mel 1 The bride 's a ttendants wore J accessories and white. straw hat. da for the state convention at from the Harbor. ::.erry u ~. Trickey, Helen Nowotny and Char· identical go\VT!s of pink marquis-The couple will reside at 1128 Sa Francisco, planning to stop stalled as sixth vice-p~dw~ d latte Mockhee, Santa Ana ; J ack ettc fashioned on moyen age lines Prospect avenue, San Gabriel. e -way to visit friends of the ___________ • __ a_n _____________ _ 6;1~~~ O'Houliha n . Westminster: Walter with long fitted bodices ending in er. As a mai:k of appreciation, r-------------------------~ Spicer. c. w. Dutton. Charles Ray, bouffant skirts and tiny puffed J LJclan Delta Hostess . Stewart was prl'.'sented with Edwin \Villiams. Pat Root T~rrell. sl eeves bel O\\' corded yokes. Halos . a ~au_tiful sheer blouse. Clen1 Chri~tie. Olarles Eaton and or pink marquisette were gar-1 At Weekend Party f7esent "''ere the Mesdames Roy Hal \Viii Smith. landed with pink sweet peas and l Afiss Carol Waldenberg, Alpha Roqsch, C. H. McVay, Raymond The next meeting 'A'ill be A1ay oldfAshioned bouquets in shades Zi ZX.lta from the University of Wafne, Paul Norman, Ario Hay· I 21. a_t lhe _!lome of Mrs. Edwin 0 . or pink and white "'ere tied wi th California, Los Angeles campus, w~d. Dennis Hogland, William \Vilhams, 505 North Bay F ront. blue ribbon. I \Yas hostess to several of her so+ Crolis, Durward Cart\\'Ti ghl, Harry Mrs. Phillip Callahan of Pasa-rority sisters and other UCLA Brr.ck, Joseph Hamblet, K en-Rota ry Ladies at dena 'A'U matron of honor and ! friends for the Easter week·end in net Stewart, Ernest McClellan, the bride, was maid of honor. Mrs. H. F . Waldenberg, Balboa., ley~ The Mother-to-Be Will Find, Individuality Here Dresses • Slack Suits • Suits • Robes • Jumpers I Bed Jackets Conference Breakfast Miss Jacqueline Parke, sister ofl the home of her parents. Mr. and Ri ard Dittmar a nd Byron Fen- ~rldesmaids were t~e Misses Mar· Following an afternoon on t_he l 1an Beach and Marilyn Carlson of beach Saturday, there was an m-B~zaar and Luncheon Donna-Marie Shoppe . \Vhile their husbands were a t· tending the Rotary club confer· ence a t the Elks' club, Los An- geles, Thursday, the Mesdames Don 1-lummell. Arlan Moore, Jack Cole a nd Nelson Stafford, a t· te nded the breakfast session at t he Ambassador hotel. whe re Mrs. Dick Wells, wife of the past-presi- dent of International Rotary pre· sided. and Hedda Hopper. Los An· ge les Times columnis t, was one of the principal speakers. Los Angeles and Beverly Griffiths formal party before the couples A Ch I of Westwood. left for dancing at the Rendez-urch Friday 515 North Main St, Santa Ana Arcade 14 Best man was dlarley Ayles-v~~-On Sunday swimming and 1 ~--------------------~---4----.J bury or Hermosa Beach and ush· SaJhn~ were en~yed In the warm With summer weddings in the WCTU Meets Wed. I NeWJX>rt Beach WCTU wiU meet Wednesday, r.tay I .at 11 a.m. a t the home of J\.1.rs. May U-Ren, 3512 Wl'st Ocean Front with a sack lunc h at noon. ers "'ere Warren H auseman and suns~1ne of an ideal day and that offi.hg and birthdays popping up P atrick Hillings, Los Angeles; evening the group ~turn~ to col· no~' and then, pretty gifts are al· R c>ne DeLiban. Seven Hills. Te-lege to resume thetr studies. wa in order and women of the junga, and EdY.'ard Gumming. Alpha Zi Deltas were Ba.rl:>ara Ha bor area will have a chance to P asaden11.. I Neff, thert> with Bill \Vorsham, se~t them this comirlg Friday After the CE'remony the reccp-Delt from S. C.; Bette Schmitz wh n n:iembers of the Balboa I tion Y•as held at the San ta Ana· a nd Bob a.tead, Zete; Cay Goffney a le will have a bazaar and lun- Country club. In the recei,ing li ne 1 a nd Bob Barry, Zete; Roberta chebn at Oirist Church By the "·ere Mrs. Parke in pastel green Thomas and Jack l\.1org~n . Beta: Seal-. \\ri fh a small hat circled \\;th pink Ca rol \Voldenberg a nd Dick Snod-~erv~t1ons for luncheon, roses in var ying shades as the grass, Zete. wh)ch . WJU feature a delectable note of contrast, and Mrs. J ones, I Other Deltas ""ere Betty Davi s. ne~ d1s~. turkey suprem~. may be who wore pale yellow 1and a hat I Pat l\.iacDonald. Nancy Olris ty, maje with Mrs. J . K._Elllott, Har- of flowers. [Ruth Ellen Lauman. Darlene Wy· bo.-12137 or Mrs. B:arnett_. Harbor The tiered \\•edding cake cen-lie. Pat Heffler and Pat Volker. 1504-\V. The ladies Wlll serve tered a long lace-covered table I Th~n there was Car ol Schmitz and from 12. to 1 p. m. a nd ask that 1'-fanila folders at Ney.·s-Timcs. decora ted with os s a d ·1 Phi Delta The tas Terry Rousse-re1rvat1ons be made early. ___________________ r _e __ n __ sm_•_•_x. lot and Vince Hilliard. I A tar Societes Plan LAURENCE H. DORCY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Announces the Opening of H is Offices at 32 1 Marine Avenue Balboa Island. California Mesa PTA Members J dint Meet Wed. : Win Honors joint meeting of the Altar eties of Our Lady of Mt. Car· m and St. John Vianny churches National Baby Week The Bobby Shop Bob and Sally 711 East Central Brown Phone Harbor 1158-W BalbOa Phone Harbor 2629 A certificate of attainment was a wa rded the P arent·Teacher asso· ciation or Costa Mesa Grammar schools at the Fourth District convention. California Congress of P arents and Teachers, held Thurs· day in the auditorium of Hunting- ton Beach High school. Buena P ark was applauded when in re- ceived the gold cup for member- ship, showing a gain of over 200 per cent. be held Wednesday, May 1, a t 2 g.m. at the USO rooms, Main s~t, Balboa. It will be a social m~ting and tea. Mrs. W. J . Ne- vill is president of the Mt. Car- me society and Mrs. CUnningham f~efi~~nt of the society on Balboa ~-------------------------..J USE DY 8 C·AUTY 304 Morine Anit1ue Balboa blan<I -Phone u1n Open Saturdays Until May bt Clooed on M<>nday WHERE HAIR STYL1NG IS AN ART Our aim Is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE 114 W. 4th St. PIL 6688 PASADENA WNGBEACll ve Carefully-Spare a Llte. Mrs. Harry Burdick. member of the Costa Mesa. organization, was installed s.ixth vice+president of r+-------'---~ Forth District, Mrs. Frank Wright H o . E s of E'J Monte, California Congress parliamentarian, acting as install-• ing officer. l pal-i WhDe You Walt Attending from the Mesa group were the president, Mrs. Kenn<>th . Ray Pagan Stewart; Mrs. Richard .Dittmar. Mrs. Ernest McClellan and Mrs. ~15 East Bay Front J oseph Hamblet. Jriut door to Bay View Cale Next week there will be a board I a. m. to I p. m. meeting and the week following '-+----~--------' the regular PT A meeting. ,FELLOWSHIP RALLY • at the • Assemblies of God 2306 Oce Front Newport each -THURSDAY E Special Musi ING, 7:30 and S·&»e$ Guest Speaker o the Evening NORVIN .J. sT RD, E. M. 2-c I EVERYONE ELCOM.E e 'l'O THE QllllJllC:Jf YOU ~ A STaANGEB lJ'I' ONCE • · 8ee Ue About Yov ~ BOJllE AND CBUllCH "'1CDDIN'O PICTURES! Be Sare to •1nqu1re Ai-t eo.Ymc Old p•on.• • ' •