HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-02 - Newport Balboa News Times• Ill SA N·D CRAB ., SAM ~ACITY. For more than a quarter of a cen- • tury Frank Strobridge has struggled to bold on to the two miles of beach,along the highway west 'ti-om the Overhead Crossing at The Arches. In the dour days after 1929 It seemed that more than once he would have to surrender to taxes and the usual tribulations that go with vacant land Frank had seen the early struggles and changes of ownership of Lido Isle; he had seen a raging Santa Ana rivpr flood pour past his beach into the bay; he had seen the channel along his land into West Newport de- velop from a trickle to a navigable waterway. More than once he had been tempted to sell and forget it all. but with that determina- tion that has produced pie>- neers. he held on. until- Today Strobridge's· dreams have corrfe true. He has seen his tract pass into com- petent hands with the kind of development he feels is justified with the growth of what he conside rs the best beach and harbor in the state. Nearly a year ago he went to work with J im Mille r to find the right set.up. Time and again failure greeted the pair, but with that tenacity of purpose ·that outwits de- feat, the two hung on. The rest of the story Is one of ef- ficient promotion. which is in the hands of real experts. Frank's task is done; he has earned his respite from worry, anxiety, near disas- ter. That he is entitled to his peace and security will be readily acceded by his ma ny friends in the harbor district. + + + TelephonM. I'll bet Chet McDonald has received more cus&ng in the last week than any man In Orange county. This is due to the fact that the phones In the harbor dis- trict have been changed over and segregated from the Newport Beach Ex- change to the new one on the Mesa. Costa Mesa phones have the prefix ''Bea- con ," and the beach numbers start with the word "Har- bor." When It Is under- stood that l!)Ore than 1,000,- 000 calls are made out of here annually and that the Increase has been more than 2000 daily, you can get some ldee of the expansion of the community. They are de>- lng a good job despite the gripes. + + + Food Waste. At Intervals during the war the Crabber printed yams about the food wasted by the. army and navy around the world, with an occasional denial not borne out by the facts. Now a blistering indictment of food waste at army posts has been made by a special congressional committee and yesterday a CO<lgreSSman t who happem to live at As- 1 torla, told of wanton waste by the navy, the dumping of millions of pounds of food- stuffs, spoiling of food by in- fest.ltlon. etc. The attitude of many of those officers who I talked to in the war days. was one of indifference I and "what are you going to do about it?" Whether it is the system that pervades those and government cif'.. cles. is 1'ard to say, but It sure makes one's blood boil O\ter it. + + + A lob, Dallldlttt. Hilde- . garde on the Rlr last night: "I've got a dog named Cor- ll!t." "Why is it named-Cor- . ll!t?" "Because she's tied up all day and let out at night!" -• • • Nl!W Daily1 Reports per. list that Santa Ana will have a new dally. Hart and Dunlap were going to start one with their Globe, but pa- per shortage. sent It ,to a weekly. Now Paul Witmer, who has )lat acquired the lndependejjt. lnttmates be will start a dally u 800ll u P*lble. Alao l'lllDOl'ed be will quit his post al u. s. Led Coounlss!mer to .. 'l'de all his time to the a,_, 'trt. · .NEWPiODT • Pint .. Clreubtlon EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT VOLUJU: XXXVDI ' N&WH>Wr ••ca. QALD'OaKIA, iBU"mAY, MAY I, 1 Balboa Coves Project St Authorities to Apply For State financial Aid When P1an Ready Willis H. Warner, Chairman of Board of Su- pervis0rs, Tells Members of Associated Chambers of Commerce of Benefits Mrs. Eugene La Perle of n.10 Coast highway, rf"J)Orted to police that her son wu bitten by a doe owned by Fred McMuters of the same address. Police said Wednes- day that the boy wa.s treated by a phyllidan • REPORTS THEFT A $100 bond WU taken from a locl<od dra....,. In the home of Jolin Martin ot 106 32nd stttet. Newpo.'t &.ell, IOll1e time Sun- day, Martin told polla. Wednes- day. OU-bonds In the drawer ...,.. not cllsturbed, he laid. Barborites Recovering ~ pounlnent local -wl>o ba.,. been In SL Jc.eph booplW f« the put ""° -.... -u Oil the ra.d to recO'W!I y. their lrlollda will he sJad'tO learn. Jodse D. J. Dodie of Ooota llHa lo ex- pected .home _,. and - Lew Walla<e of 1\10-lo Pttlnc al<JllC Dlcelp. THJ8 18 Mn. La iiills I &--. wtfeot.....,..a-...www .... ., u.e curie .... ..k ....... . Pa--wtlll w ,,_ __ ... __ _ ~ r..epa f, •Tell flw+-JW- 91id ...... , ·-.. 1•1 w. C.tnl •••• lfew,_. 8 117'. --.. CTR n J II a ,,,. Photo by Gerllardt - ,,.. ..... Recital Planned ' • KEfCP POSTEDI l y.,. ....... ... ~Cs ti ••a.tel~ ""' °'"* .. ---aiodt~­N...--I • Newpwt .... EIGHTS, .BALBOA ISLAND. CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA. MESA ~, NUllll~- sin Ten Days stem Planned Deed Recorded for , Area's . Largest Subdivision; Cost of Improvements $165,000 De..-eJopment Will Be One of Finest lit Harbor · Distrid Surrounded by Shrubs-and Trees With Close Proximity to Highway ' ' •• 1 ... Tw9 ...,.... _________ __. _______ -J.!!!!!?!!i!!..!!!!:l!!!!!..!!!!!!::!!!! Your·F riendsandMine sANTA ANA llO-'B» WILL Railroads Seek In-........ p p 6 Mr. and Mrs. L. J . Dutton have P~SE 'l'.""'C11EJ18 WAGZS '-&~ ' r·1ce 0 ICY Seafish Takes One l:ook At Bait; :~ir =::.i. ·~.:·Mi::_! yc~;::ii:..:.;~ ~.,; In Freight Rates, Mav 15 . ·. ·1ghf. GU.Ide· Bites --Result: Record Catch· 'lbe new o~-ner, Bud Nichols of en and~ ~year for second· WASHINGTON.-Ratlroadl of traffic tcibe expelcted in 19'6 and He d Sc d · 'llfe biggest banacuda on Laguna Beach took possession ary and junjor college teachen the United States asked the Inter· follawtng years., the petition stat· a ore record so tar this sea.son. m boa.ts Jut Fttday. Mr: and Mrs. Dutton. j will be established by -ge tn-state Commerce commlalon fer ed, will be sufficient for the rail· gi ot~::i'v ~ =~ !~ oot of NeWport ~. was \Yho have been here nearly two creases upwards to _$150 a year an increase of 25 per cent in z:oadll .. if thelr rates are restored ve erans• readjustment --.h.. caught by Paul .Lowell ot. Ravia )·ears. are planning to visit rel&· I ~ ~ salary revision now be-freight rates, "'."th certain excep-to something approa.cltlng a proper .,....,.,..... St., Lakewood Village, one day In Harbor Area HAPPY EVEN'IB tives, Mr. and l'tln. C. L. Stiles, mg oomklered ~ the ~ta Ana tions U to which lesser ln<!ttues relationship to the wages they Attacking recent radio speedlet ~ hl G~ 1~~~:~ this 'Neek on the five-mile bank in El Centro but are continuing board o_f edcc.ation. while recom-were sought, to become eff~ve pay, the costs of materials and made by FecWral Price Adminis· otf the Newport Pier. It weigh- to make Costa ?tlesa their home. \mendatiom for county aalU'y on May 15, subject to modifio-supp~ they muft buy, and the trator Chester Bowles. Congress-•Loe Angeles 15, Calif. ed 11% pouncm. 1--------------1 Rod MacMillian. seaman first schedule chances are being ~, tion by subsequent orders of the general price structure prevailing man John Phillips in a speech be-This old moss-beck ban'acuda It was a son for Mr. and Mn.. claaa, left Monday after two weeks pared by SUperviM>I' Willard commllllion. No incre&le was in t.he national ep>nomy.'' fo.-e the members of the j>oa.rd of T DISCHARGE BUTTON grabbed a Barracuda Joe jig as John Pierce, 1605 P.otlc Drl'f'lt. &eave at his home on Santa Ana Smith. ... I asked ln the present pusenger Palp a.te Booe'& directors of the Newport Harbor is a badge ot honor _and clis~ne-Mr. Lowell was ll)Xling from his C.Orona del Mar, born ·A.i:ril 20 at &\l'ellue and ha3 returned to San Lowest salaries for teachen ' fares. The petition said that uocler Chamber of Commerce here Mon· tion but some veterans are find-own · boat the Storm Bird. He St. J0&eph hospital. He wfl&bld l"ranci9co. Would be $1800 for elementary A general and lmmediate ln· present conditiona the rallroadl day afternoon declared that 'the lng o their sorrow. it is not a caught sevttal other barracuda. seven pounds. fourteen ounces. and $2200 for junior and le'l'lJor crease in freight rates ii tmpera-face a critical emergency in 1946, former ahou.ld practice what he c ch.arm ~th po1'"el"S to keep but none as big as the told-timer It was a da.u,chter for Mr. an4. high school and junior college. ttve, the petition sa.ld, to meet with a combination' of pre-war preaches. evil spirits.. AJt 11-pound halibut was cau&hi Mrs. Gene Monroe, 5026 Play& def -A blanket raise of $25 allowed the · critical . sJtuation resulting rates a.ad post-war costs which ''Bowles says publicly that we ery working d~ reports come Monday at 9:30 a.m. from tJle Norte, O>rona ~l Mar, bam AIJdl. county employes during the war from the combination of lnaeued will a.lmoet wipe·· out all net rail· shouJd ease off,. but he doesn't do t to attentfon of VA offi~ of Newport Pier. by R · c. Pember-24 at St. Joeepb hospital. Sbe Corona rlel Mar Malt Shop IH8 Cout ~· will have another addition of SlS wages of railroad employes, in-way operatln&: income and pro-anvthing about it!" PhilUpl added. ~ell operators wtth clever ton, 222 3.1rd. Newport. He used weighed six pounds. five ouncee if approved. Hospital empJoyes creased and ino-euln~ prices for :i~~ .. "enormous del"lCit in net The representative from the ea to gyp veterans. The a live bait to get the big fish on Mr. and Mn. Harold F. Fair- have created the heaviest pres.sure materials and supplies and a 2?1id ron~onal district assail· cas vary in odor &Ad color and a 30-pound test nylon leader. ba.nD. 220 36th stteet, are pannta arid a number have threatened to sevett decline in traffic and rev-'Mle railroads propose.· tJ>ere.. ed what he characterized u an r from the highly criminal ()Iller u.e. ol a son. bom April 26 at Santa leave unless granted pay booets enues with freight rates 1tll1 at !ore, that the existing 10 per cent attempt by the federal price ad· to e ten spot slipped under the Uve bait boat fishermen now Ana Community holpltal. He in the new bud&et. prewar levels and passenger faret ma-eue In baaic paaenger fares, rJ'llni!ltretor to control the power tab for a Up on a vacant room. have a chance to use the Newport w~ed ei&ht pounds. el&ht -=========================== only lllghtly higher than before which under prnent orders of the of the radio in an effort to lnflu-ortunately, for the veteran, Pier as Kenn Rima has started ounces. 1 · the war. oomrnialon b tO expire aix monthl ence .the mass ot the people of ls little evidence-evidence to operate his Zootsme n from Mr. and Mrs.. Phillip Jaser, 2230 • Old fashioned malts We mean just this. "With coots colng up and vol· after the Jet:al termination of the the country in the direction of will stand up in court. this famous old landing. Mr Newport boolovud, Oolta 11..0. Newport -Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel .to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Mrs. Roy Keellll. Pb. Barbor S91. SOI l'Un, Balboa ume of traffic and revenues go-war, 1boWd be continued: and that his procram. operators are smooth and Rima intends to operate two ac:t.-welcomed a dauchter bom April Ing down." '!\" petition declattd. there should be a uniform and Phllllpo revealed that only one on! once in a while do they step dltlonal live bait boots and six ::S at St. JOlejlll hoopitaL Sbe 1 .. the raJlroadS have paaed the aeneral increase of 25 per cent tn national broadcasting company ov' the llne--and consequently, liye bait charter boats. The tipped the scales at nine pounds. point wbett it la pauible to con· frelcbt ratee, with llmit&tionl and took Bowles at his wont that he Ian in the arms of the law. But 7&tstne ll is a 54·foot, wateT-" three OU.nc8. tlnue to meet the need tor ade-qualiflca~ designed to avoid must have time on the atr on a the damage ls done. The veteran taxi type boat with a V·bottom Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 8roe-' quate and efflcienJ transporta-undue diiruptlon ot compeUtive certain night to broadcast hla h. loet his stake. All too late bas a slx--cylinder GM diesel and rinc. fV7 North Bay Front, Belboe i;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;,;;;:;;:;;:;;;~ 1 tlon with rates at the present pre-~Jatiom and commercial condi· tnf'IN.le to the country. They can· .he earns there are booby traps in traftls at 20 knots. The boat Is Island, are receivin& CIOll0'9tula-war levels." tions. celled contracted time to gtve his th field of bus1nesl u well u equipped with galley, bunks and tions on the birth ot a son. April Wages of railroad employes, the Theae Include limitations of ln-speech priority, Phillips said. on I ttleflelds. · has a 14-foot beam which cuts 28 in St. JORph holpltal. He petition added, have recently creases to maxima of 10 cent.I per polntin~ out that the American, ~nds of veterans are plan-down on the roll and makes it weighed e!Pt pounds I e Ve D been increased ~nder the proced-100 pounds on cotton; 15 'cent.I Columbia and Mutual broadcast-nilf'. some aor t of investment. To easy riding, Reservations may be ~~adst Mate and Mn. Vtc.. ures of the Railway Labor Act per 100 pounds on fruib and lng companies refused to be placed thqse RIGHT GUIDE offers the made by phoning Newport 97 or tor K Roan: 11 a. m. to 8 p. DL BALBOA INN CAFE the opening of tbe First - Seafood Cocktail Bar IN BALBOA Opens Friday, May 3-Four p. Crab -Shrimp -Seafood Cocktails -Made to Order m. -........ ,,. ~ •• '""·· t~ GIYI TOURliQI A a_IAUTl•U.~ by 16 cent.I an hour, to apply re--vea-etabl6. lncludinc citrus ; 10 In 1uch jeopardy. slo an ot the Better Business Century 28768. emp, 2110 Orance avenue. t:roactively from January 1, 1946, cents per 100 pounds on lumber B u : "BEFORE YOU IN-Croaker fishefmen are continu-Coeta Mesa, att parents of a son which ls estimated to add $619.· and. wood-pulp; 6 cents per 100 "-rona del Mar T-INVESTIGATE."' . Ing to have good ·luck in the New· born April 30 in St. JOlejlll'• 000,000 to the 1946 wage hill. pounds on petroleum and ita prod-\..AJ port Bay, using razor clams and hospital He weighed seven pounds. Added to previous Increases ot 26 uct.s in tank cars; 10 cents per 100 N GHT GUIDE has received mussels for bait. seven ouncea. per cent. this brings the total pounds on sutar, and 4 cents per eW8 tel phone calls and letters from Uve bait boats out of Newport Mr. and Mn. Nickelu West, lncreasP in wage levels since the 100 pounds, or 80 cents per ton on (By Bessie L. Benedlrt) . ans asking the question: Harbor are catching wmte sea 23rd street and Tustin avenue. beginning of the war to almost 48 iron and steel. On iron .ore 'the Mr. and Mrs .. T . L. Kistlnger, am planning on building a bass from 8 to 10 pounds, barra-Costa Mesa, are pa.rents of a aon. per cent, making the total wage proposal is to increase all rates 1310 Ocean Blvd,, had as guests ho e, 9r opening 8 l5~iness .. who cuda, halibut and sea trout and born April' 30 at St. Jmeph's hca- paymentl in 1946 approximately 12 cents per ton. Coal and coke for three weeks Mrs. Peggy Reed, ca I see to be sure mY deal is calico bass. Approximately 75 pital. He weighed ei&ht poundl. $1,355.000.000 more than would rates are to be increased in am-Boulder Creek and Miss Ann Mc-sot?'" live bait boats are now operat· three and ,a half ounces. have been pat"d on the pr-· ourits from 15 --nts to 40 cen•-Do I M' · Fl both f ing from Newport Harbor. Near'"' b "" ... _ ...... . ..., uga · ianu, a.. 0 oughout every community ly a hun"-" a-e~ted t be a.sis. per ton ; sand, gravel, crushed ho t · · th W t U-l1;0U .... ·--- 0 w m were cap atns in c acs th e are reliable agencies avail-going at the he1'ghth of th . SkyToeket Prlc8 Blamed stone and· slag. 20 cents per ton,· and served in the ATC, u11der the e sea ab to every veteran organized son Prices for materials and sup-various other specified products command of Mr. Kist.inger at Mc-an~ designed to help him avoid · plies. Including fuf'I. were one-of mines, from 20 cents to 40 Clcllan Field during the war. qu tionable investments arid give May_ 1 will see t~e begt~ning. of third higher in 1945 than before cents per ton; and cement. brick, J ackie Hill, daughter of Mrs. I hi the .. Rlght Guide" in any ofperatihonNof the li~e bait barge the war, the .......titian continued, building tile a nd l1'me 50 ~n·· W C H' ·11 140 J'el'otro Ave ' rom t e ewport Pier by the Mc-..,.. • . . ... .. ..,. per · · 1 • ,, 1 pe ·• b 'ness undertaking It's good CUllah B · · while further increases made in ton. Attended the Pomona college barn se e to use these gr~ups A sue be 6 ros. FU'5h t boat out wil) 1946, a nd still others In prospect, In view of the adverse effect of dance Saturday night. Jackie was . • 1 at a.m.. ourly thereafter will add anoth<'r $167.000.000 to each day's delay upon both the a student at Pomona last year . ~ ful busines_s man seldom goes Live bait will be furnished, and iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 1946 expenses. It is estimated A h d M 'I h in.t a . deal \\'lthout a conference there will be a galley aboard. I t.hat the cost to the railroads of carriers and the national economy, not er aughter. ari yn, w 0 w1 his banker or other technical I ~RIEfR"6~11T1=1, and the fact that increased rates is attending the University of ad isor. · R materials and supplies in 1946 cannot be made r etroactive. while Oregon. Eugene, is in charge of . . Mrs. Harold Graufl of Costa will be half a billion dollars more shippers can be amply protected the noat for her house. the ..Alpha . rvi~ officers of veteran.s or-Mesa attended the mothers' din- 1 than it would have been at 1939 by awards of reparation. the rail-Chi Omega, at the y<'arlv frstival fn izat.ions. ve~erans committees ner given in Los Angeles Tues-Sa1ea _ ~ .-8enkle prices. roads' ask that the new rates be v.iven by the college. The theme B . hamber or Commerce, Bett~r day evening by Sigma Alpha Iota 9!0 Oout Bl"-. Corona del Mar These increased costs, the peti-permitted to become effective at this year is State Fair. h-tiss Hill iness Bureaus, Le,gal Aid national music sorority, as guest T em(X>ra.ry Phone, Day 654 La.· lion said. have not been reflected the earliest possible date, May 15 , is m a joring in art. fn" ps and many others are do-of her daughter, LaNom'a, who is guna Beach; Phone Night, ll862 in the rates char ged by the rail· subject to subsequent action by Mr. Jack Powers. son ot ?I.fr. conimendable work and have pledged to the organization. Laguna Beach raads. except for the Increase of h , . and Mrs. F. Powers, 601 Mar-sa veterans many thousands of ----------t e comm1ss1on after more com-d b ~ ·-10 nnr "'"'nl ;n bas1'c n0<seng-'t f h 0 ars y giving advice 1n busi-1""'" '-"' _.. ... plete hearings. guer1 e avenue. was guest o onor d . n -fares authorized in 1942. The rail-at a dinner party given by his ~e an investments. r.A:'presenta- roads were able to meet the in-parents Sunday to celebrate his 5 of these groups are center- creases in costs during the war Higgins Craft Wins return from occupational duty in ~ in Veteran Service Centers years. however , because of the Austria. The Maddock f;uni\y and sc ttered throughout Southern great volwne of traffic. although New York' Attention fri ends from Riverside. Mr. and c 'fornia. even then the effect or rising costs . . Mrs. Earl Young and their son n early American once said, was such tha t the railroads r eal-H1gg1ns cruisers and sporting Vincent Young and family \Vere ounce of prevention is better !zed less n<'t operating revenue craft, models of which are expect-('ntertaine>d bv the Powers Sat-th n a pound of cure." It's far and less net income from the ed in the near f11 t11rf' a t tb" local ] urday and Sunday. be ter for a veterari to talk over heavy traffi C of 1945 than they agency on Coast Highway in New-Mr. and Mrs. Krause, Pasadena. a eal \vith the right people be .. COLD WA.YI PIRMAlllllT • -~ did from the lighter traffic of port. excited interest at the boat-moved durine: Easter va cation into fo and than to try to get his . • AT· .... 1942 and 1943. ing s~ow held in New York City, I the house they bought from :P.lr. m ey back after he has been I During th <' 194 5 h . as did several other makes and and Mrs. F:d Dav, 609 Marguerite g ~· "Before you invest-in- '""-atlLDllWI ...... TOO Q ••• ca.a, • 9 .,_ ........ o,..I. 4!..Q I ,G.rp ... ____ ......_ .. ........ -......... ........ y .. --·,......if ID. pa ......... wunl-loolring penn-.-<lona • bomc-iD tbi.o boun' or las widi cba ' . pie, -i,-.-c-.a. Glory c.w WmR P.111e¥nt &*tticww ~ •• Smp1, pm ,..... bair iD rurl.n, damprn ..i. .... '""'G-int Goe, wl, iD -- .... ,... beli1.., ,... i.... • io..i, - pM sr zr-rwly • • ia )'oar owa w ... •• .,ta ... And aU,... mad lo -CROWNING GLORY! ' I I..-• VI.wt'• JIAIJIOA PHARMACY 'The Roosll StOT< Main and Central -Ill l -Polletler's 'NEWPORT PRARllACI' . -'rhc Raall Store 2108 Ocean nuit -6 c Y ar .. t c pct•· model f ft f h' h h b I v tigatc." tion pointed out. there began a . s o era or. ':"' 1c .t e pu -1 avenue. The Days moved next decline in the tremendous traf-he ha.~ bct-n "'a1t1ng since the door to their house at 611 Mar· llt:f:::::::::::::::::==:::::::::;;;;:=:+ fie t.hat was "the on<> factor ·n::i of thf' \\':lr, it is reported by I guerile avenue. The Days left for ' which had carried the railroads the manufacturC'r. Lake Hensha w Tuesday where lhrough th(' war years on prac-Featured in t.he Higgins exhibit 1 thC'y <'XJ.lf'CI to catch a mess of Mesa LIQUOR SHOP tlcally their prewar level of \\'ere cruisers and runabouts with fish this next week. rates." The combined effect or a sail boat and several outboard Shou•e r Honors Rrlde 1822 Vi Newport Blvd. lower volume and change In the models. The two-toned 26-foot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huffman, lenty of Wh. k CHRISTIAN'S . HUT composit!.Q:n of th~ trafric. the Eureka cruiser attracted a great 512 Larkspur avenue, gave a IB ey railroach"<!'estimated. will mean 8 deal of attention as did a bril-bridal shower for their grand-No limit to any ot lA!onardBalboa,~~:.r,aaer Olli' merchandiee \)MUI reduction of 23 per ccnt in 1946 liantly painted 17-foot special in-daughter Mrs. Charles Bliss. La- operatlng revenues, as compared board runabout and utility version guna, the former Betty Jean Huff~ CO~~ C~. DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAil. BAR with those of 1945. of the same length. man of Hollywood, "'hose mar-~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;,;~D~INNERS~;;;·~·~· ~B~AN~;Q~U~~E~l'S~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;; Even so, it is estimated that riage took place March 21 at her 1946 traffic will be well above Mr. and Mrs. Joe Summers and home. The bride received many anything experienced prior to the Glen Nelson of Los Angeles were lovely household gifts. A delight- Second World War. The diffi-weekend guests at the horhe of fut supper was served of sand- culty confronting the railroads, Mrs. Florence Torrence, and Sun-wiches, salads. cake, ice cream and there.fore, according to the peti-day guests "'ere Mrs. George coffee. tion. is due to "the fact that. in Francis and sons Wayne and Mrs. Bliss was teletype oper- a world of gTeaUy increased Toby and her house guests. Mrs. ator during the \\'ar and her hus-· wages and prices, fTeight rates Frank Francis and Mrs. Martin band served in the South Pacific. remain on a prewar J~el." The Spielettlc ot Los Angeles. The couple live in Laguna where ~·_right treatment -riit ._, wury hair Wl1li ... the ii~ ~ouch to~ grooming under the· deft) fingm of our hair bauty expertti 0fillrif Si*"' c,.,,. ,.. -~. ,... )h ... ,.frftw,. • ... ~ .. °" ... ,_ ,.. ()CJ Sl •••. ..... ,.. .... c...ar S. D f11 ... /.If ~'7 ('......... . .... )fffWiflkt )Wrl-. ~-.......... ...., ..... lastrr. • ... , ... ....,..... Sc.JJ CAdo. . • •• I. ., Vlw.t'• BAIJIO&. PllAKllACl' 'Tlic Roall Store -and Central Mae ....... -HI NEWPO&T PBA.Rll&.CI 'The Raoll Store 2108 Ocean Front ·-· he ls employed by the Mobile OU company. ~-~ GOVERNOR EARL WARREN Every FRIDAY 7 ,00 P . M . KFXM • KVOE and Don Lee -Mutual Network *** What California FannMs ""Y About Governor Warren TIJES. • May 7th, 8 ;45 P. M. KNX *** C. J. Haggerty Secretary·Tttuurer Callfomla Srate Fedon.~ ol Labor WED. • May 8th, 8:15 -P. M.- 111'.CA • IU'80 ' and ABE Network * * * OR YOUR HEALTH'S SAKE sow).· • Cen SPORTLAND BOWLING ALLEY 'S Foot of Main St. -Balboa Ff:!115 RellervaUons Pbone Harbor UM 10 ·----Alle7s "BOOTS" and ROY KEENE TODD.'S DAIRY, & INDEPENDENT DAI Y SIOI UNION AGREEME T W~th · ' Ilk Driven & Dairy Employees Local U1loll No. 93 .A.F .L pectfully urge members ·or organized labor and their ds to patronize the products of both· these dairies. ILK DRIVERS & DAIRY EMPLOYEES Local U19lo1 No. 93 AS ,I.. MARK WHITING, Sec'y;Treas. ... ,.,....... - Labor Council • Central Labor Coandl of Oranp Co. A.I'.(. - • ·- M&WFOSr a.u..80& N&WH'MM 1' B •, Ca8hnia. TIN1 .. T. ~~:!-=: State epublican Assemb~ ~dB~ ~An k 181~ The most popular security in all • . . Leader Sets Forth Program They Had Was Jam!' For Pl•q•e ~~k.his~ :J'~e i~~: or'=~ ~g .=r: ;:•-;!~~ ._ . Harbor area ~ were The d anchor which E Savings Bond Is Five Years Old Bond ol the u . s . ~ .. ury first ed veterans -men still _In the Pl ed t w· p rty v t feeling the pinch In the ' bread Capt. . NOttk draaed !ram went on sale May 1. 1941, along I ~ce, Ref:' Cross ts shaping ~p ann 0 1n a 0 es ahortage In the retail markets to-. the of the ocee.n off the with ita sisters, Series F and G. its pea<:e:"ume program fn dis-. day as a r-..1-a1 -~t N pier bu been presented In five years more than a bil·, aster . reU~ •. public health and acency rushed~ of-~~ to the ty. lion individual E Bonds have been ' aqu8:tlc tratrung.. LOS ANGELES. May 2..-The posall: .. _ ... "----•.,._ ..... wheat abroad ror the use of peo. 'Ibis '~resung-·ol !~~A~ wbservene issued to Americans who paid With the cl08111g or AJrll the new president of the California ~ ~-,._ ,_,. ... IA · uft:' ~o more than $42 billion ror them, local Red Crou ~ heard Republican assembly, G. Revelle ~ California Republican as· ...... m the famine areas. . ·ps were many and I~ it waa announced by Fred H. Hom~ Service Olairman Jane Harrison of Los Angeles, recently sembly will: Stymied_ by the 25 per ~t cut n in larse ~ J ohnson Southern Calltornla di-Calkins re_port 153 H~ Service elected in state convention to 1-EffectiV'ely au:l.st in the re-in bread .aupplles for ~ local were uent visitors here. • 'r th U S S . gs Bonds cruies camed over to this month. succeed Arthur C. Carmichael. election of a Ren11bUcan admi.nis-grocery trade_ over the ~kend, There are ltiD a few of the old rec:c;r o e . . avin H An 1 ·•-·u th 1 al r-local h ----division. orace ge · vial n~ e oc San Jose, is a young (42) big, 6 tratJon at Sacramento together ouse~'lVCS vi;•ere CQuu._at-timers ho will recall those inter- Only 875.24.1 E Bonds were sold branch, as general fiel~ !epre-foot 1 inch, 195-pounds, soft--Jipok-with a majority or Re~bUcans to ed with another 25 per ce:*t alash esting Louie Everdin& ot. in May, 1941, ror a total of $126,-sentative from the Pacific a rea en fellow who drives himself hard our state legislature in order that in the commodity as the ,~k ))e.. Balboa d delights in tellin& 940,000, issur price, the records headquart~n. stated · that thiS and well. errident, economical and prog:res· &an yesterday. i of how came uhore at New- revealed. Sales increased gradu-home aervice load ~as well in ex-A penonable, cooperative fel-sive government will continue in While mother could tlgh:ten her port on a lumber tow when he ally unW the Pearl Harbor at-cess of that earned by many low loaded with energy, he has a our state. belt a little to aid suffES"en orj was kn high to a tum buckle. tack, after which E Bond became chapten mllf!!l larger ~an OW'I. way or 1etting his ~workers to 2-Work strenuously for the hunger overseas, she wu trying A re , others ~ ~ ~m-J the all-lime best seller among se-. A new policy ro.r disas~er re-put on a-lot or steam. M presi· election of Republicans to the I to figure out how ahe was going her of the lnteresung items curtties. hef ~as been established Wlth the dent of the Loi Angeles County United States Congress for the1 to acconunodate junior when he ol. th days. The billionth E Bond was issued ap~intment 0~· Lloyd ~veland as (Republican assembly during the pUTp08e of retumink control of: 7"ed ro~ a slice or bread with The cbor salvaged by Captain In January, 1946, and the value chairman .0f disaster relief for all difficult year of '45, 'Rev" Har-either one or both houses or J8JTI on It. Norek . I .be turned over for dis-r ot E Bonds held by the Amer-branches in the souther:n Orange rison provided a leadership that Congress to the Republicans; We In one Balboa home.· a young-position o the architect planning lean people reached" a peak" of C?~ty chapter. He ":'111 act 85 reflected itself in the work of the propose that the new dea1 be 1ter, IO accustomed to ttle soft the new ,city hall and he will de-j nearly $31 billion, after redemp-oakvilian bl~ donor ch~:urm:°, and executive group he gathered carefully audited and exposed and tissue of bread, scoffed at the idea dde it shall be placed, prob- tlons. t e ~ acuve part 10 t . e new around him. that sanity be restored to our I that she ahould eat jelly lfetween ably on a cement slab on the I ·Wise lnves1on are buying E peacetime program. He lives. on The state president began his federal government. two soda C!'ackers., "l.l want grounds r the new city hall struc- Bonds regular.ly in peacetime as B:alboa Island and served as field first -work in politicil organiza-3-Propose and encourage bread," she said. \.... lure. J they did during the war, know-direct~r for Red Cross at the Santa tlon 12 years ago as a precinct changes tn the election laws of The ctarnber of commerce has ' ing that there is no security in the Ana airbase. . . be worker. From the precinct he this state, laws designed to Mr and Mrs w S H k rescued~· ther1historic relic, the world at once so safe and so Mrs. Marguerite Khng rg p f ascended, step by step, to the toP strengthen party responsibility and B.urt Hunsa.k · · . unsR~ er wheel the old sailing ship I ..... L. beinc ~ from the wred< in \ )cars was a feature ol the all the entrano.. the .-for -G,...,., Dnr&on cal~ at Ba- ••••••••••• _ ......... .... ·-······ .............. ~ Ow .... _ ... ........... *Lor more opens your account NEWPORT-BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS a11d LOAN d. ~ E Balboa Island who · also served • · · . . er were 1n 1ver -"~-... profi table," Johnson sai '.1.11e ' . . role he, now occupies. Harrison and .restore to Cal1fom1a the side several days recently. called ri t:'~OO m her la,ter. years wu .1 Bond still cost.s only 75 cents on ~ed. Cross at the airbase, is ad-is the super-listener type, but he benefits of a t:ru~ two-.pa.rty, by the deat h or 81 niece's husband. Used ln ~· e movft:tg picture aeta Telepllone Harbor 1609 the dollar of maturity value and mg as se_cretary at the local usually comes out wtth the objec-system. a system which has con·1 Mr Burt Hunsak . andwas ecfonthebaratthe tn ten -years pa}'& back four dol-branch office. S~e reported many tive he seeks. He assigns responsi-tributed ~much to the greatness a time after the o~e~U:.~~ned.ror entrance~ to _the bay e~rly in the NEWPORT BEACH, CALI FDR.NIA ASSOCIATIO "J Jars for each three dollars in-requ.ests for. all kinds of Red Cross bility to those aroun~ him and of our United States. history picture making. After -:::::::::::::::---------.......... ~~~ vested. ser~ices, cit_ing 36 ambulance calls I expects them to do the job. If 4--Expand and encourage an _ "~lillions of thrifty Americans during April alone. they don't do the job he replaces ever increasing number or Repub- will rightfully share this week in I them \\'1th m('n or women "''ho will llcans and Democrats to join with celebrating the lift~. birthday of Calif. Vet Population / p<>~form. The replac<d remain us in order that the succe<S of thlS No. 1 security. N O l 300 ()()() friendly. such objectives may be .insur<d. OW ver ' ' I l!i Natl\•e 5-Welcome and solicit the par- !tianila folden at News-Times. A nati\'e son of California, ticipation a nd assumption or ~~r!~~::~l L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 611 State mpway Beacon M05 Newport Beaoh Repair Service ] General ,,... .. Electric Bomellold Appllancee; Recently released state and fed-whose father was a Methodist positions of leadership in our or- eral surveys indicate California's minister. "Rev" Harrison "'as ganization by returning veterans. veteran population now stands at born in Imperial and obtained his by this method war veterans will 1.349.140. An influx of out-of-I grammar school and high school ha\'e an effective means of ex- state veterans has swelled the t education in San Bernardino. The pression and action encompassing figures considerably. Sixty per , Harrison family moved to Los An-those ideals for which they fought cent or 809,484 of those vetera.ns geles in 1922 and "Rev" entered and are deeply concerned a1:>9ut. reside in Southern California. 1 the University of Southern Call- This Fish Caused Fishermen's Fight On Newport Wharf Oting those figures as indica-1 fornia, and graduated therefrom tive of the eonsantly increasing with a law degree. For the past work load of the Veterans Ad-15 years he has engaged in the minist~ation in ~s A~geles, L. practi~e of the Jaw in Los Angeles. C. Chapman. regional director of 1 Harrison married a Los Angeles the VA , today appealed for more girl. Dorothy Lohman, and they A tale of l'-''O fishermen \Yho than 800 additional employes to are the parents of three children, required the wisdom of Solomon fill full _ and ~t-ti?1e ~itions , t"4'0 boys and one girl: '"Rev" Wil-to decide which of the t"''O should at VA installations 1n this area.l liam , 11 ; Ann Louise. 6, and J ohn hp.ve possession or a fish caught ' l Ro"•la nd. age one. off the Ne,vport pier last Sunday 1-frs. Ethyl Ferguson. 4 lst (__ T~e state president of the Re· was told. around police head- street, who is a cle'tk in the New-I publican as~embly has ~ strong 1 'quarters 1n NeWJX>rt Beach ~ion­ port Beach post office and the group of officers around him. They day. wife of Carl Ferguson, Newport ~ includ~ Arth';U' C. Cannichac~. San Seems that the police were barber, was taken to Community J~. 1m~ed1ate past president ; summoned to the pier after the hospital, Santa Ana.' Monday ~d I vice presidents. Glenn R. Baker. two fishermen became so bitter undef\\-·ent a ma;or operation Los Gatos. J ohn Berry, San Ber· over "'ho should ta ke the fish that l!::~=~~~~=~~=~~~Tu~esd~a'.:y~m~o'.'.:r_'.'.n~in~g::_. --·----n3;f'dino, Mild~ed Biddie~ San Ga-.they engaged in r1sticuffs before .: br1el, Vr~m~n J . Dorman, Lemon it was settled by ~joint decision. ~rove. V1rg1na Larke, San Fran-As it so happened. the unlucky c1sco, Dr. Edward Poulsen, Santa fis h chose the hooks of both lines Cruz. and Arthur Strehlow, Ala· held by the fisherrn~n. One hook meda. . was in the mouth ,and one hook Why not give her that long cherished Diamond .Ring she was promised long ago? and up Richelie Pearls Styled by Madelon Delta s700 s7500 up to * Necklaces * Earrings * Bracelets * Lockets * Costume Jewelry Pottery ~ . La Mll'lldo and Laguna • • • • • FLOWER BOWLS • VIKING GLASSWARE CERAMICS • VASES • FIGURINES POPULAR MAKES OF FOUNTAIN PEN S.F:IB LOUCKS J ew<lry and Stationery ims~-. ~.e new secretary. 1s capable, was in the gills or the fish when poht1cally-smart Harrison H. Mc-the me n drew in their lines af-t er Call of Los Angeles. Byron Arn-the bait was taken by the wily old of San Francisco is assistant fish. secretary. with effici('nt business The fisherman j whose hoq,k man Roy f"roc.ker. Los Angeles, caught in the gills agreed that the treasurer. Cyril 1'1cLean of Oak-f·sh h Id t th f. h Id .· /1 sou goo .e 1serman an 1s .ass1s1ant to Crocker. . whose hook snagged the fish's Conscious of the far-reaching mouth Aft th d · · · f 1946 · h 1. · 11 . . . er e ec1S 1on was importance ~ in t e po itica made. both men shook hands and ~cene, Harrison slT~es that the again settled down to a tranquil Job must be done in_ the county, hour of fishing again. The key to success 1n state and nation is a well' done county job. President Harrison has pro- nounced a strong, realistic pro- gram for the potent state-"•ide Republican assembly in 1946. The program points up these pro-. ~'Ir. and Mrs. E. H. Light pf Lansing, Mich., are expected Sun· day and will spend the month.., of May at the home of their daugh- ter, Mn. William a.tcDonald, 1536 Ocean boulevard, Balboa. Distinctive b-u t n o t e x p e A s i v e ! it_... .. --to purcbue Dea· lal P1alft 'm.Adll from tbe ne w ~ot x .. ~al ... res....s- 1 e ••of t b •lr m•DJI' dhU..CU.. feat-tbey an . ..... ..... ,, ... ,_ ---'1'llie ... Tnn.-t lllaterial 1-11.n- 11l r P • • • • d tor BN.u\f, ODcarcn a 11.d DurMIWU &.s affCW'ds ....,, EIJOY WUllllG YOUR PU TES WllLE PIYlll , ....... . .... -.. . ---. ~ ..... er... T--••A• ..... c .... ad .. aot...-bln\4.ofore aalulo.u "° J>la.tewearer.. Art_. N-~ ............ '-...,_..... Pu r 11 Aaa w•=• t Although every week is "Ba~y Week" in many thousands of homes ... this wefk is known as NA- TIO NAL BABY WEEK. Safeway salutes BABY! ... and wi shes bo1h baby arid ' olher !he best of h .. hh and happiness. . · I . Not only cta11riftt leby WHk, but ot oll time~. you'll find the recognized bett~ brands of boby fOods on Sofewoy. shelves. From pre-cooked cereals to Chopped meats, we liove all the f lesh-ond-bone-b~ild i ng, heohh-insuring foods you need for the Monorcfi of the Household. Select from the wide ossortment iot your Sofewoy Store, today! l HEINZ' Vocuum-pock.~d IOUPI, rne-Ot1, fru its, veoetobles. Ju1t worm ond serve. LIBBY'S 4 V2 -u. ••• 4 V.1-os. Strained Vt'Qefobles. Al50 1troil"IKI Prunes, ceft App~1·Apucot, Aoolei.ouce o!'\d Apricot- Peoch. l l ibtly'11trolned MiXed F11J lt1, Peaches P~ ond Pear-Pirwopple, cori, Be.) ' CUPP'S Fru1t1, soups, ...-.ge1ables. StroiMd to r~ hord, coar .. fi&.n. CUPP'S CEREAL Al'° Oatl'l'eOI. Instant voiiety. Easy to prepare. Pr•·cooked. CHERUB MILi ~ized, evopototed milk with Vitamin 0 increaWd. 4 w . cons, 18c. CARNATION MILi _ .. ,,, Un~-....... conttntflt cciW1." 4 .,,an ~'I 9c. SEGO MILK • ~ the COIJPOfl fO<" voluobi. pre. m•...,,l-4 wnoll cons, I 9c. NUTLE'S MILi Uomog..,i1ed. Nourilhing. 13 fluid 01:1. Pl'f toll con. 4 unoll con1, 19c. PO MILK Sc;ifeL 1terili:r.ed. rich in butt•r-fot. 4 unol1~0t'IS, 19c. Exc•llent for baby! 2 4 \li-os. .... 2 ..... ,k ... 2 toll . ... 2 toll .... 2 ton . ... / I !~ ' 11-••· ••• Town Hou se Brand. Tuies like fn:sh grapefruit 46-oo. can, 30c. Citrus .Cocktail '!:IS-Orange Juice . '!~:·· 18° Anogold Brood FuO O'GcMd Brand. '46-oz. con, '4lc. Tangerine Juice ~';L 22" Blended Juice '!:'· I&• Old South Brand. 0ronQe and Grapefruit. Bl~ O'Go*d Brand. OTHER. FRUIT JUICES AND BEVERAGES Tomato Juice '!:-tc Canterbury Tea-;:.· 23- Sunny Down Srond. 46-cr: m n, 2Dc. Bladt vari9ty. Y:i·lb. pc>ck.099, -4k. 14'..az. Apricot Nectar Colifornio Morning Brand. Tomato Juice ,._ 10--Libby Brond. 17 -oz. con, 22.c. padc.009, 8c. f81ock Teo Boot. package ol 8 bQo.., le. Pocll.oge of 16 bogs, 13c. Pockog.11 of 48 bogs, 36c. I Hemo ..,...,., •·•· 5 .. Brond jiff Chocolate f~9d Vitamin Mix. .. Drink y6uf Vitamins ond Llke/frrt." CHECK lHISE TYPIW WIWAY VALUES Peanut Buttel ".:::,~ 2·\b. tot. 4k. Peanut Butter Chunk ....... ·: 31• Peanut Butter = ';! %'1- Peanut Butter•-;~ ';! a- Pahnolive Soap~ 2 .., I .. Regular 1h:e, 3 bon, 20c. Vano Liquid Starch ... ZZ. Chicken&Noodles ·~· 389 Swonlon's lnlnd. Chicken a la King •: 31" S-llOl1'• ll«lnd. Rancho Soup 3 '0!., .... I,. Tomoto cw Alporogr.a _.19ti.._ \t9clllablie Sowp, 10~-oz.. con, 7c. Chick9't Soup, IOY:z ·OL con. 16c. Elastic Starch Pot Cleaners ·:.:-,. Kurly Kote II" ...... - Cook ony Sofe y cut your f°':'°rite way •.• eot it a I up. If you don t get tender, flovorf , good-eating meat every time . • . our money boc.k. GIEllY IHUIARI Crisp, Nndlr, red stalks of sweet rhubarb. Ill. 11.:·12° Strrt it offttf S1cc1ft•f LAMB SHOUL Nutritious roost. -4 °' 5 rib cut with rou bone chops on. Serw with new potatoes. LAMI llUST UDISHES bee•...,, OA>t'fiUl1. Mab nice gomish for solods. ITALIAI SQUASH Flowwful, finn and ...... S..W. wirh tomato IOl.U. AVOCADOS 8Ul'nO Gnade. M1 dk• lized tOlod fNit:Nutty flOYOt. •. 100 .. 25 .. .. Delightful sefWd braited Olf boked. lne POii SAUSAR .__ ..... ,..._ ___ ..,.. ···-= LOCAL CBEIY T.-.~~tp.Dal'ciNlcoobdor into&o& JUICYl.mOllS 'IMA... • ........ s.w ... 1d1 often. .. I° go - ,........ .... , ............. _ .............. ClllOTS ......... -............ ..... CllUROWEI FIYlll CHIClm "-YHewYork ...... ..........,.S.- ~, • ' : ' • \ • P bl. Sp·r·ted Qtizens County Si>eedsters Pu •c NoTtc•s BUSJNE88 GUIDE U IC I I To Race Sun., May 0n 24th day o1. April. A. s 1 G N Back Sch. ool Project . son eorona Track ti::19fn.andbdJ'u0ttsbtallcte~.~!;a;~ Paintings Entitled, "The Light on the Jetty" . The Orange County Motorcyde duly 'f~-;;;; = and "The Barbor", Both -Depidinc ~ar-reont1nuec111om""-0no> _to become educated.~ c1ub will promote 11a first race ~aweanc1MuyE.Mad-bor Seen Ch for "-'--1 Colled:ion · -· meet 11noo June 1942 next Sun-dm William H . Bnllh. known e8, 08eR ~ll!IUI -parent-teacher usodatlon. I ha"" Mn. Roy King, Coota M..a: "It day, May 5. n,.;_., r_,. will be to to be the penona whose With 75 picture& submitted, the quality of the -la ¥WY bl&h. had an opportunity to observe the will make c1..... analler, give In the form ot a half-mile track are rubocribed to the with- PAINTING Boats. Trucks, Windows. Walls, Bulletins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters. • WANTED-Woman for cook and lenet'al __.k. Call 1915().W -. !or appaintment. 33-2tc WANTED-! dllh• wuher. $140 per month and board. 2 Walt- ressea, SH5 per month & board; 1 fry cook, $175 and -See Mr. Early at King'a Landing Cafe, N~t. any time morn- ings. S4-2t< judges for the Newport Harbor All pl.am far tbe olftcla1 open-crowded conditions now prevallina more gym room.. better retteation cont.est located four miles north-in t:nt, and acknowledged Union High IChool art exhibit, fin-in& of the esblblt haft be... made at the high llChooL We mUlt act and a larger variety of subjects." west ot Corona on River road at to that tl)ey exrcuted the AL LACHMEYER ally selected the two wlnnlnc pie-With ...,.,.. O. B. -i*,_,tlnc now to build at IOOD u pmaible. Howard GerrWt. president ot the trad<alte of the Southern Call-aame. HELP W ANTEO-;-General -- tures which are bein& pun:haled the awudl ID paw to the win-Even at beat. with the coastanUy Uons club, Costa Mesa and New-fomla Quarter_ Hone Breeden In Wlm... Whereof, I haw 1726 West Central W<lrk. No cooking. Two days off for the ponnanent collectloa at nen on Saturday, llaJ' 4 at 2:30 lncreuing numbers and building ~ Beach: "I beUew In Newport Association. This will be the first hereunto set my hand and affixed Harbor 1243-M a ....,k. Uve In or out. Good sal- the acbool. pm_ Many al Ille .,,...._ .will oondltlons, 11 will be a long tlme Harbor and lta f\ltutt. The schools motoreycle race ...,. held 00 thla my seal the day and year 3'-2t Vf. Two adulta In family. <'.all Rex Brand't llUbject tltled "1be be of.ffftd far Mk. Alreally llOV-before adequate facWtlee can be mU&t expand to keep Pace with popular hone track 1n certiftcate !Int above Harb<>r 104. 34-4tc Ught on . the Jetty" and Du ~~ '::"'"a':;~;;: provlConcl~:~ Mn Hill ''I hl-~•y the growth of the community. You Practlcally all of. the throttle wri p A I N T I N G WANTED -Woman to _.k at Lutz'• peJntlng '"Tho Hubor" .~..._ • ~ . . .,. can put me clown u del!nltely fav-twbters are beck from oveneu H. M. HOLKER, 12 Yoon Servltt ID Newport cafe-motel wwk. Good _... _,.. the two ldected by the --ap,.-ove ot all Intended layout.. ortng the program." service and such popular natlaOal otary Public ln and fac Aid Harbor Atta Permanent. Coutllne Motel, board ot Judleo which was headed This area Is growing by leaps and Nl:WFOllT favorites aa Bruce Peenon. Ben County and Sta~. My com-Harry Hall 6000 Coast Hlw.y. Phone Har- by Arthur M!Iller ot L<lo ·AnceJeo SPEEI JING bounds, and I feel that It will X-Wallace, pioneer Harbor Campanale Floyd Emde Kelly 1 mlsa!pn expire,; March 4, IG CON'raAcroR bor 1408-W. S4-2tc and Included Mn. J . A. Beek, Mn. continue to do IO for many yean dtlzen: ''I bell<'Ve that the hl&h Myer&, Ed' Kttt.z. a.ud< '11uney 1!11.9. ~~ N.,._t 83'1;W CHAUFFEUR WANTED·-Forty Kay Ftnch. John N<llu aud to come. Now ""'"' than <'Ver a ochool need& more bullcllnp ln and Jimm7 Braithwaite will be on Pub. prlJ 25; May 2, 9, 16, 19'6. I . U-!tc dollars per week and ._.,_ No Sucha J-.., the noted vtolln-Ivan S. llallq of. -wu lwlmmlng pool Is a Ver/ ,_. order to keep pace with the growth hand to provide -old bl&h 2j4 !:. 19th Street nilht work. Six .i.,. ,• -. 1st. ·-a police --t Wed-aary addltlon to "'any ICbooll··-: Chll-of the .!,!~pldlltrilsct,theand ~ •peed broedlllde thrills again. The . 1 No. 43559 P'OR A REIJ4BIJI! Pat Job .. Gar*n. Own car "'"'''"Vf· High compliment has been paid ~ _,..,. _, to -ar in dren. especially -• ...., near pay-u-,--.-an u~• contest Is aanctlooed by the "'·'"8 SUMMONS your ,_, call NewP*'t ton . Write Bnx J , c/o :t'l'llpes. to the collection of pictures u city court S.tm"lla7 to n:pl•ln h1I the beaches, should be riven a etftdent .. 'fll"&y of flnandng tM American Motorcycle Aaodation. aft.er. -Y..tf ~de well u to the number aubml!Ud reuon for dtl•lne 45 mil<s an chance to rettlve proper lnstrUc-and program. official natlonal competition body, IN SUPERIOR CX>URT OF t:JO p.m. c -4. - hJl>Jt to be he.Id In the attL The recocdl aq. d.ivlngo·~-Fa __ .. , ... ,,.,. •·--·. Newpurt Bf'ach: "'We will vote for topmolt prlu rnonei and there-IN AND FOR nIE COUNTY ROOFING 00 bcMae work. small:I ' two which Is lar!le !or the tint ex-hour In a 25 mile -police Uon In_ the art of nrimmlng Mr. and Mn. Myron Kuhlmeyer, with an entey blank that calla !or ~STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COOPERATIVE HELP WAN'l'm> -'3; for TUBER 0 US BEG 0 NI AS oo:;;' ~1~~;-• :.~m~~~ do ce::,; Eis':'"'~ !lno~&ll~~~ ~~F 0= 1n the Superior New and Rep~ :*:@:~.:::~ Seedling Plants, Finest Stnin *** Sturdy UU1e PIUlta lleady to ht Up OI' PIUlt Oat Mn. R<>adne Feeley, Balboe: Mn. ,Alvah Denton. N~ There are 52 entries to llate;but of the Couniy of Orance. Pbohe m.11 aome frft houn. Call 'N~ ''Expanllon how Is good forealgl1t ; Beach: 'We all want the best ln the race will be limited to th( Oxnplalnt filed in the Ot-216 E. 20th St., Coota M.. 891.J. :15-tfl! 'pay-u-you-go' Is good b....U-; educational advantages for our ruteet 24 quallflen ln time trials. nai of the Clerk ot the Superior ' 21).tfe and Improved educatlonal fadU-children, and the beat cannot be The next llx !utest/ men will be :r: ot Aid County. WAITRESS WANTEO-Muot be tles make a better community." obtained wltll owr-<l'OWding. The allowed 10 ride ln a lpedal evenL Btp:DDrO MATl:BIAL8 11 ovor 21 yeen old. Apply - Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Redmond, lncreaae ln taX<o will be IO •llllhl In all there will be twelve eventa CITY 6F NEWPORT BEACH a HA,'VE a good stock ot roll roof1nc Cafe or call 361• s:Mtc Balboe: ""The P&Y·U-)'OU-IO plan to the ~ and the advant-on the ~ with the !Int-M:./.idpal Corpontlon ot the t,nd Oxnp. Shlnglee. Tile Boord W~ lll.A.m ... ,_ cram IHml to be a very te'Nlble ret behind the procram. The ty1na heat raoea tranaferrine to va. 100% Pure Painta at pre--war CA~ TYPE - - -IN WVELY OOLOllS each -- -$2.50 per doz. of flnandna: the expanalon pro-ages "" ereat at we llllould an place winner ln each 'of. the quall· :r claa, Plaintiff, 11> many colon, also Boysen'& llm. --. ..., Idea. I would lftfer to PoY the health l*'Ol'&m Is Ver/ neceaary, an extra 1peclal !our-lap Trophy A. G WERMICH, et al, Defend-prices. Copeland I;br. Yards, 5th tax ln this llmple manntt, rather and at thi! preeent the gym Is ln-Daah which should provide tbrlJJs ~· & Artesia Sta., Santa Ana. Cal. BOAT BUILDERS than as a bond luue, whlch cSe-. adequatt' to care for the tncreued and aptlla comparable only with __ 1 34-tfc mands IO much more of the lax· enrollment. The boys, especially, the 15-lap main e vent. Time trials People of the State ot C.ali-WANTED *** . e Also TRAILING V ARIETIE8 from tullen. Mee, yowag planta, ready for hanging pot or ._~ payer." should have opportunlty for a •tart at 11 a.m. and the tint tom! &end crfftlngs to: l'AilftlNO OON:DY.WGa ; BALBOA ISLAND l&rl'tt shop where they can have heat race bi slated for 2 p.m. A.~· . Wermkh and Vivian Wer-PAINTING -PAPIDR HANGING on Mrs. R. W. Othmer, Balboa acceu to ~ machinery. mich, Husband and Wife; and DECORATING Plywood Ski fs II land : "Both Mr. Othmer and I Many boys nnd their fu~ jobo RELEASED R. M Thomas and Leona Thomas, H. E . M:co.:-ict and !eel that the improvements are from the becinnini training they Hus d and Wife · •1• Old County Rd., Pb: 164-W 75e EACH *** needed. and we hope that all par-recel"" ln shop." A teen-age Newport Beach A. G. Wermlch' and R. M. O:Jota M:... 86-tfc Sailing Dinghies ents wtll feel the same way." youngster was releMed from the Thon.-s. co-partners doing bWli· ------------ D. W. Scott. Balboa Island: ''It GffiL'S BIKE LOST? Orange county juvenile ]\ome ness as Oraoge County Refining PERSONAL H Cardoza Gardens should have been done long ago." Wednesday and remanded to, the Cornlimy: SEE REV. BARGE R, psychic, for custody of his parents. JW1tice ;d: COSTA MESA Postmaster Herbert Kenny of Franklin West of t he county ju-GeriJ.rge 0 . Hartman ; private readings, 908 W . 4th St., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shirley. Balboa reported to police the dis- venile court ordered the boy to be W . L. Jones and Rosina K. Santa Ana. Ph. 4406 for appt. Costa Mesa: ''Not only will the covery of a girl's blue bicycle home by 10 p.m., not to associate Jonest Husband and Wifeic . JI' 34 -2tp TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS 503 Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar, Cant. Phone Harbor 47 expansion add greatly to the abandoned near the Balboa post-h dri k d Ftr$t E>oe, Second Doe, Third School and .n.ble more people ]din Wedn da with other boys w o n an Doe "'-r poration, a Corparatidn ·, TRANSPORTATION lt office but g . es y. not to imbibe in alcoholic liquors ~...., to come to this community, but it himself. The youth was also told . Defendants. WANT RIDE-To El Toro Marine :~§§~§~§~§~§~~~~~~§~§~~~~g~w~ill~~~-~-~t~h~e~s~W~d~e~~~~a~be~t~~~r~~~r~-~~te~r~-~~~~g~~~U~t~Z~•~U~-,~gMa~-~or~-to Tu~-ted ~a-ln -~:H--W "1" an a on brought against you by 35-ltc 611 Coast Highway school. the ve named plai ntiff in the Harbor 5277 Supe~'::; Court of the State of BICYCLES 35-tfc WATSON BOATS • Fill 'k/e NOW! out the coupon ~low and mail with your check the Newport Chamber of Commerce. DO IT NOW! In coosideration al the great need for another hospital In Orange County, I hereby proml8e to pay to the- PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITAL OF ORANGE COUNTY (Non Prollt -Open to All Faiths -Class Al The sum al ~--------------payable as follows~ $·----• $, ___ _ $, ____ _ Date Signature .. ________ ,___ ________ . -This sub9criPtiiin Ill valid allly If 80% ot the $500,000 goal Is attained Please make c:hedm payable to: Pl ,,..,._ Br.,1a.i of o._ ~..,.,-.and mall to the Gbamber ,of. o ... _.,... Newport Beech, C&llf. Olhl ue-lth Pt's ..... _ .. TU .... DIK .. pwr'f1I ~ .... to • THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE SOUTH 'COAST CO. • -----------------------------------------... -- • Who PB.YI tor advertislng! No-Calif ·a in and for the County Sold, Rt!bted or Repaired.. • body. It pays tor lt&elt! of Orlnge'. and to answer the com-VOGEL'S SALE MISOELLANEOU8 p~ain therein wltltin ten days 100 Main St .. Balboa FOR SALE-50-lb. ice box, $15. P N after the service on you of this 208 Marine, Balboa hland. 951 W. Central Ave., after 5 UBLIC OTICE s ns, if served wi thin the 94-tfc p.m. 35-2tc Coun of Orange, or within BEAUT\\ AIDS 18 CASH FOR USED FTJRNTI"URE. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS thir days if served elsewhere, PHONE COSTA MESA 740-W. 1 F\ctltlou F1nn Name and ou are notified tha:t unless COLO and MACHINLESS 23-tfc appear and answer as above WAVES The undersigned do hereby cer-, the plaintiff will take Tinting and Manicuring FOR SALE -Boys bicycle, pre.- tify that they are conducting a ent for any money or dam-Evening Appt.' Ph. Harbor 179"-W war. In good condition, $15.00. Clinical Laboratory business at emanded ln the Complaint, Vi's Beauty Shop 507 Larlapur St., Corona del 2833 West Central Ave., Qty of as ing upon contract, or will 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona 'del Mar Mar. 35-2tp Newport Beach, County of Orange, apply to the Court for any other 35-tfc FOR SALE-Andirons &. fireplace I State of California, under the fie-relief ernanded in the complaint. screen, good 81 new. Call 169 ar t itious firm name of Giv n under my hand and seal LOST AND FOUJ'iD t! 316 Orchid Ave., Corona del 1 CUNICAL LABORATORY of ~ Superior Court of the LOST _ Man's dark brown hat Mar. 3().tfc 1 and that said firm is composed Coun of Orange, State of Cali-with Pheasant Lea. Leave at __:.=;;... ________ _ I of the following ~rsons, whose forni this 19th day of March, Keene's Corner or News-Ttme5 FOR SALE-All Metal steamer I names and addresses are as fol-1946 trunk, $20: 3 pain odd drapes, lows, to wit: . B . J. SMITII, office, Reward. l4-4t~ $10; 1 new 54.xS4 linen lunch Mary E. Madden, 901-A Lacy ~nty Clerk and Clerk of the EMPLOYMENT w ANTED Z8 cloth, $6.50. 2007 West Central. S t., Santa Ana, Calif. uperior Court of the State Newport. · 35-ltp William W. BnWi, 3221> "L" 1o_f California, ln and for the EMPLOYMENT WANTED--Gar- St., Balboa. Callt. County of Orange. dening and general outdoor Wltneu our handa thla 24th d.y WAYNE A. DRAGER, . work, $1.25 per hour. Ph. Har- o! April, 1946. Deputy. bor 1023-J. 34-2tc WilLIAM W. BRUSH, (Seal Superior Court Orange EXPERIENCED apartment house MARY E. MADDEN. , Couhty.) manageT. A-1 qualifications and State o! Californla, Pub. Apr. 11, 18, 25; May 2, 9, 16, references. Addresa Box "B" c/o County ol,Or&ni'>--G. ~une 6. 13, 1946. News-Time<. 35-ltp FUBNlTUBE FOB SALE n~r: FOB SALE n WANTED-EmployY11ent for man GOOD us~ and Wife, ranch, restaurant, or house and yard work. Uve in or FURNITURE, B RGAINS! out.PhoneHarborl643-JorcalJ s at 309 Lindo Ave., Balboa. ~~try-~~~'_~-red .. ~ .. ~-~! ~-~'::!.e:sm\l 35-4tc -1-DIFLOYMENT OFP'EBED ft Walnut dining set, 8-ft. ext oo table, built-in leaves, 4 walnut ladder back · to match, new upholsterln&. A real value. .. ..................... ~9.50 --§- WANTED -Fountain girl Gun- derson's Drug Store, Balboa. Ph. Harbor 515. 35-ltc FOR SALE -Fountain Carbon- ator, ln good condition; also 11~-ft. show case. Ph: Harbor 2651 or 309 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 35-1 tc FOR SALE-2-wheel traller 4x6, &ldea 37 lnchea high ; also Moo- terey flnlah portable bar, In- cluding elaues, etc. Ph: Beacon 5013-J or call at 414 Old Coun- ty Road, Coota Meaa. 35-ltc FOR S~l heater, complete lnatallatlon equipment; b ab y . buggy, good cone!., electric Julcer, Even-now nunery bottlel .. Ph. Harbor 1333. 3'-2tp FOR SALE-Man'• bicycle with long handlebars, very good eoo-Monterey style bed divan. blue tapestry, light color wood trim, good construction. y ................... .$37.50 WANTED-Houoekeeper ln lovely dltion. Phone Harbor ·883-w. home, 2 ln famlly. Private room.1 ___________ :w-_2tc_ -§:- Good all-steel bunk bed. . te with laddfr. Re- built mattress and springs. -··------··.$39.75 ---1- Good selectlon of odd dressers. LiOit and dark fin-ishes. Priced from ........... ·---.... ________ .. ____ .. .$6.75 -§- Studio couch; makes full size twin beds. Service- able. Only ............ - ........ ___ .. _ -·-------.SS.75 -1-Good. clean, all-wool face · ter rugs, 9x12 size, se~ceable Nf. Only ........ '._ ...... -----~ .. -·-...... "..$29.75 good wages. Pb: 1075-J. U-tfc FOR SALE -HoUlehold gooda, WANTED-Reliable general main- tenance man. Udo Theatre. 26-tfc WAITRESSES WANTED -Bay Shore Cafe, 17th & Cout Hlllh- w.y. Pb: Newport 2344. 14-tfc HELP WANTED-Gardener. lull or part time. Also woman for put time house work and per- llOll&l laundry. Apply 611 Cllff electric heater, wtlftle ir."lll. clown qullta, &atln bedspread and bolster, lamp ohadeo, plc:tun! frames,, end table. Harbor 520. 3'-2tc Machine Shop Equipment One small Jathe One large lathe Vises, drill preues, etc. Call NewpL Beach Beacoo 55151. 7 ·== = ~ ~, ....... :-·~ .. -~;: . -1-Dr., Newport Beacti. Ph: Beacon 5958. 35-4 tc M-ftc ~orPalr~~:.~ twin-~'-F-~-~~--J9'~ Electrical -4-· Repair Service Wily not buy a JlhonocniJlh ! OnJyr -----........ ___ .... .$4.!15 TH>E TABLES App11anoeo. Heme. Motors a: -I ianfts. llAY, UNI Marine Ser;v1<e. Ino1tedlate ~ ~ ooly~~----.L_:___ __ She -~.s'f:;, lHl:Olch 4Low36 11~ Lowa·•• Attention.I.. """·~~ ... 1--J F 3 1 . : :~ ,_ S. ·~·~ HUl!dn.ds of. other good Ille<! pieCes of. f\lmlture 3.8 -1.3 6.2 1.6 2818 Central. Pb: 1781-W priced to aa~ :vou money. I -s 4 12:12 5'33 11:19 ''" D-ttc -I_. 3.5 -1.2 s.a 2.1 -:U~il[jpj~[SiiiiiiYQ;;;j;; Abo complete line ot new iin!inlob<d chesta ot Su 5 1:411 6:38 11:11 1.-RUG & UPHOUn'DY Oeenhc c1rawen. AU -. I u -'>.9 s.3 2.6 ~ abed. ahan>p>od, ..__ DON'T FORGET-~;r:;;;-j· ELL----OR TRADE! I( 6 ------7:54 1:21 1"' OWntutfed fllrnltuft ~·woL -'>.8 3.4 2.s a 4"7 p1c1c""" ---6· -f -'I'll 7 1:14 9:13 t:41 t:ll 315 yeen of. aetld!ed CUO-. · . Harbor Fuiiture u '--0.• a.a 2.1 oR.UIGE COUNTY ;iiiiiiOiiiiiiOd~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~;;;--~1 n..u. ...... la_..efwa1 1 TENT A AWNING <Xl. 1962 Harbor Blvd. Phone B-1515311-J Otota .,_ ._ -a. a.: --"' ., 8M1 W. 4t1! St., Suda.-. WING SANG BOAT REPAIR Y ARD1 101 Pix.-llr. 8%9'11ct, 19 .... Apa. l:Mfo • 811 CoMt l'll.elleli-5(14 ' "' at •nL • ROSSI'S Liaooi' Store -OIMt llhra7 ~--..... -•o ,,._ BAT'TERIES "For~-­ for Bemlnc Aldi. - -RadlQ & --0.. l'!N Newpa t 81..s. 11-4fc Fin JI'--ad D"O I WOOD Dollwwld a. w .................. .. 1111 Ni•twt ..... .... ,. . • ----. .. -- • JliilMWro&T a••aoA -••4L -·-,, u•1. m.t.n llALZ JO!MlSLIANEOU8 • D008, OATS a PSTll _ Ill -w~-----,--- ORANGE roUNTY WANT good home for Black Bel-J. E. Barnes & Son UPHOLSTERING CO. glum Police Dog. can at 216 1806 New ... t Blvd. Coast Properties Co. Realtors · Manulacturers Macnolla. Coote Meoa or phone Costa Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 Of UpbolalRNC\ F)lrnlture Beacm 5502-J. 35-ltp -El Bayo Bay Front 413 W. 4tb SL. S&nta Ana FOR SALE-Purebred coDle pup-Two bedroom home Modem 5 bedroom stucco. 3 baths. Factory and Showroom pies. 20312 s. w. Cypress st.. on west side ol wwn; partly fllr-3 garagH. O!oicest location. 50t West eenm-St.. Anaheim East ol Country Cub. After Dished; % ol an acre of land; $47,500 Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect . 32-4tc earaae; 50 hens; chicken and 12-ttc 5.30. rabbit equipment; electric brood-- -----..,::--:--:----;---SPECIAL ANNOUNCEKENTS 11 er. Houae bu Just been patntA!d. Peninsula Bay Front JUBt Arrived Full · $5450 New 5 bedr-n home. 4 baths. ..._ Hearing Aid HOSIERY MENDING -Edith pnce . Ready llOOI\. C>oooe your """ . BATTERIES Smith's, 408 No. s~ St., One Full Acre colors and decon.tice -. Santa Ana. Mall Service. 34-Stc $50,000 Guat1S9l"Cl Drvg Co. On •-BJ·J ~--In 117 Malo St. Pb. ~115 MOTHERS DAY -Give her a Har~ ·~ ~ · - -Canary and Cage. Lovo-Blrda, $5500 Cash Peninsula Ocean Front ---:--:--:;::--;-:---;----Parrokeets, gray and white -Two story furniahed home. 3 large Auto Batteries Zebras. 505 E. Central Ave., Income Property ]JI.month -11.41 Ex. Balboa. 32-Stc On Newport Blvd. 2 st<>rea, 3 apts. Compounded Motor Oil w ANTED TO EXCHANGE-= a11 furnished. Comer 1o1. 53xl!50. Gell011, 10c 10ldlO Linen cloth and 8 n&P' Full prlce-$l5 OOO k1na. fm standard slze type-. , West.em Auto Supply writer, not over 1 years old - Authar-De&Jer '2!!!T1 West Central, Newport. 2 Bedroom Home JW Newport Blvd., Coote »-35-ltp On Broadway, only 5 yean old. is.ttc A ail bl Double prace, hardwood floon. ,,,..,.==-::::--=;;----;:;n Carpenters v a e · $10,500 WAJitlED TO BUY for iener&l maintenance - WIU. PAY CASH fCr your t'Ur- 11.ltaft or wt.at ha.Te JIOU. PbCDt &aeon S'§6. O. R. Crawley, 1812 Newport Blv., Coota Mesa. 30-Uc and repair O. Z. SOBEBTllON Call Harbor 83 34-Uc WANT TO BUY-Balboa Dln&hY. KE y s with or without salla. Must be Kade Wlllle You Wal& In good c:ond!tlon. Phone Garden VOCJm.'8 Grove 6Z16 or "write P . 0 . Bo,x 100 lllala k. - 64, G&rdon Gn>Ye. 35-ftc 108 M&rine. --i.land 2 Large Lots West 19th Street. Approximately % acre. $1250 2 Nice Bldir. Lots 16th Place. 'l50x140. $2500 M-Uc Ten Acres bedroon,., l* baths. Comer Jo. cation affords nlce bay view. $24,500 Peninsula Ocean Front nn year old 3 bedroom, 2 bath stu=>. Apartment over double 1araae. Extra lot Including fm. proved with 1*1mlnton court It I~ shelter with barbeque. $25,000 Peninsula Ocean Front 45-foot lot. A-1 location. $5,000 Peninsula Dlatlnctive 2-story, 4 bednn. home. Spedous upstaln llvfnc room It balcony. Walled In petlo. Few furnishings. ~ roa MLS II -----------1 Vacant land on Santa Isabel St., FOR SALE-Bleached Phlllpplne TEL:&PHONE In Coota Mesa. - mahogany solid top dining $10,500 Balboa $30,000 table, carved pedesta!a: 2 mu-OPERA TING _ Choice bua1neu 1ot a=-trom ter and 4 side chain-Phone p A YS Furnished Doll House. Good tenm. u••.m.&n BROSE REAi..TY Corona de! Mar LOTS 1 Good level 30Xll8 ft. lot on ·· J\venue, south -of highwa, $1500 CORNER LOT FOR INCOME 39-Ft frontage by 118 ft deE >. Comer on Marguerite Avenue, south ot lighway. Can build three Wlits. An excell~t value. Full Price $3C 00 CHOICE HOME SITE Beautiful 45x118 ft. lot on Id ave., block and a half to oceanrrt cloee to new busbess center, a BUY AT- $3500 1 BUSINESS PRO~ERTY 100 Ft. frontage on Coast Hjghway in Co- rona de) Mar; good level co r In an ex- cellent location-- l Full Price $15,000. Te s If Desired HOMES One bedroom home in very 9J!oice location in Corona del Mar, cootpleljey fumlsbed. HALF BLOCK rnoM OClj:AN -FRONT. House and yard In perlect condition. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Must 1be seen to be appreciated. Price $13,500. Tenn. if desired Possession Harbor 1291-J, P . M. only. 2-bedroom Home $6,500 -,....-,::-:-:-=--::o-==::-;--:;35-~2tp:::-GOOD WAGES 0n * acre, near Newport Blvd. -OTHER GOOD BUYS IN ~HOME8 FOR SALE--Overstuffed daven· · Chicken equipment. Corona del Mar AT THE PRESENT port and chair with slip covers, No experience necessary $8,000 Superb Bay and .ocean view lot $15. Call at 4026 Oaannel Place, '5: _ and a halt. i! Newport Island Sat_ or Sun., Earn while you learn J. E. Barnes & Son $8,500 B R 0 S E R E LT Y May 4 and 5. 35-ltc 1806 Newport Blvd. - FOR SALE-15 complete double There are many other Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 Costa Mesa 1307 Coast Highway -rona del Mar bunks. will sell at $15 each I! advantages to being a 35-ltc Five yeu old 2 bedroom stucco. ________ P_h_on_e_H_ar_bo_r_264+---8 ______ 35-_l_tc take all-418 E . Surf S t-, Balhoa. telephone employee. Corner half acre. Guest house 34·4lc F. S. OWEN unfinished on inside. Corral; _llO_A_TS_,-s"'UP=P'"'Llll8==-----;;S3 • Apply -chicken equipment; garage. Ex· boa Four Acres in Costa Mesa, west cellent terms can be arranged. FOR SALE Outboard motor with ski!!, $75. 951 W. Central Ave., aftrr 5 p.m. 35-2tc 100 E. Bay Ave., Bal _ d ed r ·1 514* N. Main St., Santa Ana si e. Leas or 0 ' · $12,500 F OR SALE -Snipe. Hull recon~ dltloned. Sails fair. $325. 2 Bay Island Ph: Harbor 2675-W- 35-4tp or Ask the opera tor for the Chief Operator 2 bedrm. house in Newport. partly !urn.iahed and quick possession. El Bayo . $8500 Modern duplex. Permanent bay FOR SALE-10.lt. !old flat row boRt. Ul;;c new, $50. Also out- Southern California Telephor.e Compa11y 1 bedroom house with buUt·ln garage on back ot industrial lot. Fine for machine shop. • view. 3 bedrooms upstairs; 1 bedroom down. 2 fireplaces. Patio and barbeque. $22,500 ~l r..otor. JohnM>n single. l8-ttc We will app~e your listings Balboa Ocean Front ~~-l. 1518 ~liramar, Balboa. Ph. -------,-Ja----and give them every consider· 7 bearoom manslon on 3 lots. Harbor 515. 35-ltc No _D_e Y a lion. Beautifully furnished. FOR SALE-2:>-!t. Mahogany hull Refbdsh your kitchen ,bathroom -$47,500 ._.i boa!. 125 h.p., all recun· with new tile board. F. S. Owen, Broker dltloned, $1250. can we<'k d>Ys -Lee Matthews, Salesman ORchard '19732 or at 1220 Long F p W ldr 509 31st St., Newport Beach Beach Blvd , Compton. 3-1·21 c , · · a On _ _ ----_ --Tc.cphOne 234W. Mtc Tel. Harbor 25'TT 35-ltc FOR SAU:-Two 50-lt by 12 ;<, It. ====-=====::::-7.: round bottom Diesel Water BU8INE88 OPPORTtJNlTD'.8 40 EVA F . RHODEN Tuia. Built in 1942 by Shaln • • - Boat works or Seattle, s10,ooo Plastic Mfl?. Business Santa Ana Heights each. Phor.C' Long Beach 47587. F OR '"SALE 2 bedrm. hoUle with 2-car garage 34-4tc All machinery and equipment and and extra room, on i,t aere. Sev- ----,-,---,----:::--:-:----4 months supply of i:naterial. eral fruit trees. QuJck poa.. Marine Radios Large orders being shipped $7600 Available immldJate delivery, com-weekly. One person can operate _ plete ranie of sizes. Your ln-business. Nets $150 weekly. Ex-lOO Ft Fr t apect!on welcomed-IDGGlNS cellent oppor tunity. $6500. Nova · On age PLEASURE CRAFT, 810 Collat Novelty Co., 219 Magnolia Ave., Newport Blvd. established Cate, H,_._ Ph· 1104 ~t1c Costa Mesa. 3J...3tc completely equipped. Doing nice .... way. · · business. Also 5 living rooms P'IRE llQUIPMENT TESTS FOR SALE completely furnished Including CO-Two. Pyttne A Foam rctllla. Business and home near Riverside. spinet piano and washing ma- COa tbl:ed 11)"&:.em and PorU.blH Two bedroom apt. furnished and chine. Three other buildings, one aow an•lab.. E'IS ffOKIN • twi>chair barber shop ln front equipped with machine power OA! .... VA.N, 1000 Cout. Rlgtiway. wtth rent tor $100 per month. tools for shop. -1584. 'J'S.If< Real bargain at - FOR SALE-Motor boat, 15-ft. $11,500 EVA F. RHODEN nm.about. with Johnson motor, -Realtor like new; boat completely equl!>' F . O. OWEN 470 Newport Blvd., Coota Meoa ped. ldHJ for bay or lake. $:lllO 509 3ut St., Newport Beach ELTON D. BARNET!', Broker cash. 1600 East Central An. Tel Harbor 251'7 35-ltc Ph. Beacon 5TI3-R Balboa. :n-tfc 35-:rtc FOR SAt E :io h.p. Marine w. roa KENT 41 2 Small Houses lllle -· Halt original ~ Call WILL RENT good fllrniahed 3-rm. On Lot Zoned lor B.•h = . Newport :12M-W. U.tfc ·apt to woman that will assist In $10,500 lltJUOAL a UDIO M rntaurant and motel work. Good wages, permanent. 6600 - RADIO HOUSE CALLS-' """"' Hlghwa_" 34-:ltc Choice Bay Front Lot Now that addJtlonal competent .:::::::!: ' Priced Right technicians are available, we are ROOM FOR RENT-TWl.n beds, _ able to make aervtce calls on ~ per person or SlO single, per 2 H 1 Lot I•~e consoles. AU work guar-nlght. 217 Via Dijon, Udo Isle. OllSeS on .;;;t"...t. HAROLD L. HAMM, 2S-tfc At Corona dcl Mar S.0.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave_ WANTED TO llENT &I $18,500 Ph. Harbor 180. 34-tfc - -----,-----::-----:---WANT TO RENT~ or 3 bedrm. Income Property GOOD uoed pianoo. Somo u l"" unfurnished house. WW lease. i.lledroom HOUM and as $89. Fine for practice. ~ Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7rtl 4 Small Rental Unlb tenno. Or will rent. .Dana· or 13. 35-Uc - Schmidt Plano Co., S1J No. Main _:::....:::.___,,.,...,==-::--;-;:-'"7 Santa Ana. 8-tfc WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed- room house, lumlshed, for 2, 3 FOR SALE-Bendix Radio Com-or 4 weela, I.iand P"'lerT'ed. -Db.._11on Finder. Rock-Ola Mrs. Smith, 10'!8 S. Ogden Dr., Juke Bax, 18 """"""· Suitable L. A. 35_ Phone collect WHltney for den. 8489. 33-Stc Short Circuit Radio 3111 Palm.- Phone le38-W 30-tft: Radio Repairs All_, n-. -Pb. lN17. BURT NORTON WANTED TO RENT-By teacher, small fllm. houae or apt. by June l for 3 adults. anywhere In Harbor areL Permanent. Call Corona del Mar ad'90I 2110. 32-tfc 915 Qut llllbWtliJ', N.,ew.,pao_,rt WANT TO RENT-Apt. or -· -fllm. or unfurn. Veteran, per-iBEfi°A.trnF1]Lin:miLi91*19iiibOit:'titJiii'IJO;"";m11;;bi1;;;car I --t. -t ~ .. .,.._ Jam<s piano. a bupln. -o..a-Sat011, P. O. Bpx 13S, Balboa. Sdlnddl .._OD.. DI No. -:16-tfc Santa AM. 8-tfc WANTED TO RENT or LEASE, • --'-a. Emenon uml1 -or apt.. Bubar -A.CUD g, Island preferred Pay SIQ0.00 RADIOS· -.... Pomw>ent. Bnm-:H-H<iur Rldlo Service couple, no children. c/o N.,.._ Short Circuit Radio nmes. Boz "E"' 33-4tp 3111! Palm. ~ HOW ABOUT tradinc homes lor Pboae tm..W U-tfc a month or 10 th1a mnnmer? We Sl'EINWAY Gtand. like -· -ot the WG'ld'I ,....uet pie- wotlld like a place at the beach. Wouldn't you like one high In Beautiful Altadena! Convement Ocean Front Blvd. Lot $3000 W. I.. JORDAN '100 Eut Centro!, Ba!bae Phone Harber 153 30-Uc BUILD NOW LOW COST HOHBB Be Sure and See llodela At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Kar ss.111·-... .,ft wm cau PICO BUILDING MATERIALS ~ tone. Beautiful -· '!'bk lo .., tnatrument for the --~-Dom--Pltmo OD.. S1J No. Main "" nerytblnc. yet quiet and :118-tfc rei1tUL Reference excbanged. -8;ii1u;;;tu;;;;;;;;;e1m:iid~ I .a. H. WabOll, 2354 N . Garl!eld, Sell that unwanted attlde S...ta.t.a. -Allodm& Ph. SY 433112. 33-4tp t-.p N-..'llmeo adL -. -- Newport Channel Front 50 foot frontage. $9,500 Business Buildings Newport and Balboa. Coast Properties Co. Realtors '103 E . Cen tral, Balboa Harbor 683 Ocean Front Lot On Peninsula $4750 35-ltc JOHN D. BURNHAM 2001 Oct-an Blvd. Balboa - Phone Harbor 315 34-4tc ATTENTION! Price $1646.00 Less Siding $1396,00 Sales tax and ha~ extra. PhRDhinc tnDtble.. W• also bave other unlb 12x20, lllx20, 20x20, 2lls30, " - Stephen Connolly Exclualn Dlotrlbutcr lor lhmlll and Jomo Origlnawn ot pre.fallricated boUI !I . Phonellubar888-W !&-lie -. -~ ]. M. MIL l ER Real Estate Bro ,er 15th and Centr l Balboa Hone Pre-war construction; 2 , tile bath and shower; fireplace, barbecue;_ p tio, flowers and shrubbery. Completely furnillll !<!. $15,000 Bay Front Lots on Lido Isle and Balboa. C orona de! Mar Com r lot on Poppy street Priced to sell. $2500 View Lot Balboa Bay Home Be ween Poppy street Very beautiful. an Hazel Drive, south Priced to sell. of Hlway. -I Priced to sell. Balboa Isle Income O~ean Front Lots $25,000 era! well located Shows nice return. . ots on Peninsula. 100 Feet on Mira ~le Mile Between Bay and Hiway. Will[Lease all or part Phone Your Lis ings In and we will give them consideration - A. "Sandy" Steiner & Associates REAI;,TQl_t; 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone Beacon 5173 ·. ' BUYER$ WArrll G FOR: Balboa hland 2-Home. Balboa IWnd 3.Bedrj)om Home. Lido Isle, Bay Front '..ot or Heme. Newport Heights v. -Lot. Income Properties. . ' -• '' 35-ltc -_ -- -··· mn'4ft -,, ..... mt'An - HARBOR INVESTMENT <;:GMPANY · Realtors ------- NEWP()RT HEIGHTS Nice 1-Bedroom home. 100' frontage- Large garage. DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT Permanent unobstructed view of bay. 3- bedroom; fireplace; upper-1-bedroom a: fireplace. Lower -barbecue, double garage. . $22,500 LIDO ISLE •3.Bedroom -1-utifully fUmlabed; Im- mediate poa:ss!oo. $18,500 I Balboa Peninsula Bay Front Beautiful 2-story !>-bedroom, 4 bath home now under CIOll8l:ructlon Two ftre- places; unit i-t BESI" LOCATION. $50.~ Bay Front Lot, Lido Nord Center ot Island -Includes bulkhead-Ing. . $14,000 BALBOA ISLAND Lovely home on Topaz, with modem apt over garage. Partly furnished. $15,850 Small horfle on rear of lot-newly paint- ed. Large building site 41 front. Faces Park avenue. $9750 Income Property • Best modern 8-unit a partment in Bal- boa; completely furnished. Excellent lo- cation. Property in best condition. Shows good return. . $75,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -tr Completely equipped boat building and repair plant on highway with 112 ft of bay frontage. -tr Fully equipped electro-plating plant do- ing large volume of business. -tr Restaurant, in Balboa area. Excellent business. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ave. Ph. Harbor 1600 . 35-ltc REAL VALUES 4-ROOM APT. over double l'&r· age, Corona del Mar. Immediate poaseaion. $6900. Tenn&. !507 Larkspur St-, Corona dc1 Mar. Bring Your BATTERY TROUBLES · To . Us. • WE NEBO LA'fE MODIH.. -~ and 'll'lll Pay Top P-lioes ms, T<Xnt Cl\& "°"' Wb1e PM&i ant Mat • Plw far --··· -·· wile ..... mil _... JW r I '!I 0... 1 I 7 3 11 F?s pd md -·1'! ., a 35-2tp • CULBERl'SON Oll!'lltOl.l!T 00.. Jnc. ar .... _.. ma· --a ·.., R pat a a · • o • a 1 ., a • • 4 a -. ., ' l-J -.f" ... ...!" -, -. - ' ' • / ..,z 1'WWW a•1 -0A M&W.,,•• Me1!1!5& 81111!. o.ar.. 0 nm «•z, .., I. 1MI Meu Metthanta ABSn. Aus for Pointen Harold Grauel. met Jut week and hours, houn fa< bolidaya. cooper-Gecrp Ew<won al )letzpr Stoftl. " canms for oooperatloa_and. sue-'tion ln 80lldtatim ol tundl. etc. geotlom from -..-.Ots in Membon of the oommlttee, who worldnc out a prosram. will qain meet on May 9 at the Mn. Kmt HI,_ ~ Lido Bei11g Behild Cell Ba Is Notlllng Puauc NoT1ca PuaL1c NoT1CE New to Jaysee e lll$blttor; ..... 1:.a-8:0 _ ~~~~~:::;; n,., !Int .-ttri¥ of Costa '!be oommlttee, which II a part Welcome cafe, .,... J . C. Lion· ~ returned Tuooday after aponc!! , of the chamber, II designed to barger ,of TeWlnkles, chairman· Mesa 1 Merd>ants Aan. eommlt-meet tho problema of Mesa bull-Morris Crawley of Crawley'• ~ Ing aome time in the Lone Beach !ft, appoln<H Jut month by nea men with regards to uniform nl\ure store; Rocer Barrows of -pltal l'OCO'-ering bun • minor Chomber ~ ~ President practias In opening and clooing Barrows O.partment •tore and _.-atlon. He Keeps Inmates in Pea lect Trim (Action brought in the. Superior after tho -on )'CU ~ - Being behind jail bars is noth-1 Court'of tho County of Orange, •ummona. if .......i ,.._ the Ing new to HaiTy Cornsw .. t. who J;'W t RISe• and Complaint filed in tho of· County of Orange, or .nthln tblrt7 spent four hours a "-"eek on the l"V fioe of the Oerk ot the Supenor days ii sen'ed elRWhere:, ancl )"OU ·- . 0. R. "POP'' CRAWLEY AND N. M. "MORRIE" CRAWLEY 1812 ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF Distinctive Home Furnishings AT Newport Boule vard , C--Osta Mesa -• • ~ • • • • ~ . • • ! • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • ~ • • • • • • • • ~ . " -• • • • -. . • • • • PftDllo<s of tho Cowity jail In In vt. "-st Court of. aald County.) are notifi<d that unJesa,.,.."" ap- Santa Ana. The jaysee instructor '-"' S I• the Superior Court ot tM State pear and. answer as abaft re- acts u the supervisor for tho fed· of Callfonla ID and For t11e quired, tho plaintiff will take era!. state and county prlooners C-ty of o.._ Judgment for any money or .dom- u they participate in vo11eybi.11 coun es and munJcipallties will ages demanded in the Cr«nptatnt. and callathetiCI when they are rise rapidly in the next few · aa uiain& upon contract. or will allowed this curtailed exerdae ln vears than during the war, James CITY OF NEWPORT ·BEACH,\ apply to the Court for any other a closed pen. M tti, general manager of the a Municipal Corporation ot the relief dema.ndl'd. In the compla!nL During tho three years Corn-Calif rnla State Chamber of Com· alxth clasa, Plaintiff, vs. RICH· 1 Given under my hand and -i sweet hu been attlllated with the me • wa.r:ned to4ay, in citing ARD R. TATNALL. et al, Defend-of the · Superior Court al the jail, over 15,000 inmates, from. n ity . for es'tablishing sound imts. OlaDt7 ~ OraDp. State al ca»- lmmlgratlon vk>laton to murder-rela nsh1p between financial The People of the State of Cali-fornia, this. 17th day of April, 19'6. en, have participated in the wet-capa<li.ty and local gove"ntmental fomia Send Greetings to: RICH-n. J . SMITH. comed activity under his d.irec--res~ibilities. ARD, R. TATNALL and ELIZA-County Oerk imd Clerk of. the lion. Th' state . ch8.IJ'lber's tax de-BETH B. TATNALL. Husband Su~ior: Court of ·the State ol Some of his "students" are fired nt, with cooperation of 15 and Wife, E. D. MORRELL and Califonua. in and for the Coun-- with the "home-coming" imtinct. ~o al specialists tn the taxation SUSAN E. MORR.EU.., Husb&nd ty of Orance. u they return again and again field, ls m~ng a special study of and Wife, R. A. CARRIER. Eu.A By \VA YNE A. DRAGER. after checks bounce or a drunk the cal relationship of state and CARSON, J . R. JONES, HAR-· Deputy • charge is waved in their faces. I local governments. When com-RIET TAYLOR. a single woman. <Seal Superior Court ..,. A few probation vtolaton pay re-plet .• the findings \Yill be made1JOSEPHINE lot. GRIFFITH, <>ranee County) ' tum viJJts when they neglect to av . ble to all interested orcanJ-AUDREY ISABELL, a single Pub.-Apr. 25: May 2, 9, 116. Z\ 30; Inform t he authorities of their ~ti j s a nd governmental agen-woman. LESTER PAUL SIMS, June 6. 13, 20, 27, 11946. whereabouts. oes. WALTER MORRIS GUEDE L . Juvenile delinquents are also "California's local governments l-:IENRY EDWARD COFFM ~\.N Mrs. Everett Souder. 32nd instructed in physical education by fa~~ate demands. Including and GERTRUDE K . COFF?.1AN, :.e~t,h hasit~tur~ed _from~ Corn.sweet, a lthough they are sep-s improvements, more schools, Husband and Wife. SANTA ANA fr!;""" osp . 18 arated from the other pri9oners. sew e disposal systems and ad-MORTGAGE and INVESTMENT om an opera-lion. Mr. Cornsweet rem ar ked .. "I dltio~al fire and police protection," COMPANY, FANNIE PEASE ~....;_....;;__....;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ have had very good oooperatlon Mussatti stated. "The counties. OWENS, SIDNEY F. PATTISON, FRESH Fl' SH from the prisoners, for they re· mun ipalities a nd special districts JOSIE THOMASON, FLORENCE alize that rowdiness will only lead have experienced Increases of E. McDERMO'IT, KENNETH D. ' to extended penalties and the loss fro':\ 30 to 40 per cent in cost CAMPBEI;L, EDWARD D. ?ttOR·1 Daily , of their exercise . period. of ~fbor, materials. service and RIS and MINNIE MORRIS, Hus- Mr. Comsw .. t has taught 14 eqw~ment since 1939-40. band and Wife, LOS ANGELES Direct from different subjects in four years of "P)lblic wor_ks of local govern-MORTGAGE UNDER\\o"RITERS, l F • h school terms, ls 8 union carpenter ments-tentati\'ely scheduled for [Inc., 8 corporation, THE ELLIOT I I 8 er m an with Gordon Finley and other star ' of construction between now , HORNE C 0 Mp ANY. E. J . -to-- contractors during t he summer, and 1948-total $552,094,030. WALSH, FIRST DOE, SECOND C t and at present is embarked upon Fun4s a\'aila bl e will cover 48 per DOE, THIRD DOE CORPOR-! U 8 0 m e f 8 a project of making rope-rugs. cent of cost of these projects. ATION, a Corporation, Defend-10 a. m. I<> 5 p. m. i ~ ~e waS a wrestler (amateur) In The 52 per cent to be raised by ants. , ; I h~ coU_e~e days, as his physique loc government totals $287.534.· You . are directed to appear in ~ ·\\'I ll testify. 52'2. an action brought against you by • • ~ On the Beach • • • • " reatest need of California's the above named plaintiff in the ~ Two-thirds of Vets .('OU"lies. citios, school and special Superior Court of the State of ~ distl!lcts are enlargem e nt and ex-California, in and for the County 1 • Foot of Newport Pier -• • ! , Withdraw Claims tension of sewage disposal syi;-~ tem.S, storm drains, more schools, • • • • ~ T\vo-thirds of t he Southern stre!t a nd highway improvements, I California veterans who have ap-fl~ control a nd public· \\'orks. ~ • ~ • • • • ~ ; • • ~ • I • ! ~ • • FINE FURNITURE TO PLEASE EVERY TASTE IN BOTH NEW AND USED PHONE BEACON 5656 :• M;:)!:CC* I I I I I I I I No Flowers, Please ---Let's Send it to the New Hospital Fund • • • • • . -• ' ' • ~ • • < . . • • • • • • ' • • • ; • -~ I i ~ ! ;;; ~ ~ i i I ~ ~ ;;; i j ll!llll >!t JllJEI l!•lllllll i!ll!l l11Ullll lt11<1111Jl lllll!ll!IJll lll1ll •!llllJll lll lll !ll!>l lll l•llll lll l•l •••·····•1•1111111•••······ ,, t11111•1111t1ll•!llfllil111119Ull!ll\llll1111•1!111\lllllllltll!.lil11111ll<ll!ll!llll••llll!!lllltlllllllll!ll~l•llllll(lltlllllll111n1111n1il. Bea 'Wulie4--- Tit POP AND MORRIE CRAWLEY: "" -J. E. Barnes & Son Hi-Way Garage Orkin'& Department Store llal l!lltat• --Edwin C. Edlcl< H.W~ght W. T. Jeffenon Hanshaw'& Richfield Station 17411 N Blvd. Mlracl• Mlle l·S top Com~ Service Braddy's A. E. Johnston Viehle Plumbing & Sheet Metal Barber and Beauty Shop llal Eatato Mn. Vlele Stuart H. Price Robert A. Crawford, Opt. D. Costa Mesa Furniture Mftt'• and llo¥a' Clothlnc 1791 Newport BIYd.---Optometrlat--e..ta - New and Uaed Fllmllu"!, Polly Apparel Bastanchury Water Co. Eva F. Rhoden Gilbert and Loah Brown Famowl ArtHian and s.._ Dlltllled Rftl Elltato Quality Bakery Drlnkinll Water Coeta Mesa Pharmacy '111• llMt in Baked Goodo Costa Mesa Paint & Hardware Russell Realty Mr. and Mn. F . A. Walsh A. L Pinkloy Gus Beach Hancock ,Station Costa Mesa Tire Shop Elale -George -G. N. Sarge's Cafe Ftrestone Products and Hancock Gu 24·Hoor Recapping Cervlce Groty Appliance Co. Welcome Cafe. 1830 Newport BIW. The Sport Shop Frig!daltt and Maytag Deeltt Dinner Dance Wed <l Sat. Mra. Fem Smith Lowman Boat Builders Davis-Gay Music Co. Mesa Cleaners N . L. Lowman, Proprietor ~rythinc In Music and Sound'' A. R. Gingras-Phono 2J53.-W Costa Mesa Lumber Co. Andy's Beauty Shop Mauray Studio R. E. HO!tetler Mabel Andenon--123 Broadway l'Ortralts-16th <l Orange Mesa Recreation Broadway Cleaners Harry W. Taylor Mooe, Prop. P . D. Eastman-Ph. 2242 Plum bing 1111 NewpoR Blft.-1 p, IL to ll p. m. W estem Auto Stores Kid's Cafe Boulevard Liquor Store · Mr. and Mn. w. c. Tun>ft' ftaN_rt __ Ml N~ Boulovard -"I'op d the BID" Jay's Radio Service Lou~ Dennis Hogland _,.. DndvPIYmouth Dealer ' lW N-t -....-lSn·W Katy's Kitchen Dutton's Grocery Metzger Store11 ,_ __ ...._ Cold -t-Fndt-V_,.i,lol fta•a.e Plo4wcl .. 1._ Hwpwt ..._ TeWinkle Hardware Thelma's Malt Shop Mattoon Shoe Store 'Ibebna Wataon -for the Entire l"amlJ¥ D. C. ,MacKenzie . S. E. Eaton Myrelm Broe. Service Station RMI. Dtate Loe• OeNjK'OI • Septic TUI< Sa .... l'ltb A N-pxt Bml.--Olota - I em's Feed Store Howard W. Gerrish Modem Shoe Repair .. 11rtr &a••• .. -~.All~ II.LY .... Alpha Beta Store A. W.Gibbon Meu Radio & Eledronia <llwwwloo. -t. FNlt. V..,.iatiloe 8-1 Elltate -1--saw ltldiD Sa•ltJ' Boalenrd Feed Store Gingham Cafe Barrows C. II.. 1f1' ca Cbt.i k-• Pie D11w.,. Dr,. Coodo -Shoos -Spuo lilwcsr • plied for unemployment allow-Thef approximate 72 per cent of ance under the Servicemen's Re-esti ated cost of all California adjustment Act s ince V-J day have loca projects scheduled for con- withdrawn their claims. according struf tion in t}\e n.ext three years . to figures ieleased today by L "<jities and counties may be rich C. Chapman, regional manager of or lf>Or. small or large, industrial the Veteracs Administration. or ~side_ntial; growing, static or The exact figure shows a total decl(ning. They differ in ability of 172,424 veterans have filed for to~arry the expenditure load. unemployment allo\\•ance since Tha raises the very important August 17, 1945, and of this num-qu tion as to whether all local ber 61 ,698 remain on the rolls gov rnments should render the today. The differl!nce between sa.inf services ~nder such great these two figures represent;; vet· vari lions in economic ability." erans who have found work. en- tered business, r egistered in school or for some other reason with- D Ive Carefully-SpaT"t' a Llfl!:. drawn their claims, Mr. Chapman ,-+----------- ;::edSanta Fe BAL JZ Los Angeles Head ORJUARY CHICAGO-Promotions affect-I ing fift een top Santa F e passenger I executives, eight of whom are lo- cated on the Company's Coast I Lines, we re announced today by 1 T. B. Gallaher , general passenger I traffic manager. C. C. Thompson has been named passenger traffic manager at Los Angeles. He will be succeeded as general passenger agent by Ross E. Chappell, former assistant gen- eral passenger agent at that point. News-Times advertisements aro -;J;- Lady Attendant -;J;- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR ;elephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NlGHT your guide to efflcien: s;>end1n~ 1 ·-+--·-------- (O()LLY, T41'& TfL!PllONE 11/AtfTS &ni!LS Ula IJS AS OP~li?ATOli!S . ,.........+-N-DS_L,,.IKa I CAN HAlU>LY •ELIEVE MU R~AL OPl!li!ATOIH 41lTlffAJ1Yf NITY ~OC"ING! LETS 60 J)OWN new and newsy •.•• -IA1'T A AN A ,§UNDAYt)liLDDI • SANTA ANA .DAIL)' GLORI: WILL BE ON YOUR NEWS ST AND HERE MAYS 10 CENTS ON NEWS STANDS (S MONTHS FOB Sl.00 MAILED TO YOUR HOME> Orsnre County, State, National and World News up:to-U. minute. Peat.w-es, Comics. Cartoons, Commentators. P'arm. Church, Seb.ool, Building, Market, Radio, 'Ibeater, Music, Soc1et)' &a.d Women's Pages. DIRECT 0?\'1TED PRESS WIB.E SERVICE All UMI SatardaJ ..-ta renJta. Tbt Globe ls &.be onlJ 8-. W pa .... wlUI late SatmdaJ 1pona. Oranl!e Gountv's On Iv Sundav Faper ON 8ALE AT ia:ws STANDS IN • .. UGH SC+400L GRADS/ +4e12Ef C+IANCE: F012. ~L'EPl-IONc CARE~! IAIN AS YOU LIAllNI . ooee,iDcr11 ...... l&r]7. Pleuo•t work i. pl- wu ..... -IMll*I. ,,...... _..v··---.-... ........ ..... .. ... c ... ......... ,,,_, Go to .,. w .......... .. Oti•n'1r ... ClaW0,1 11 .... bo,io.lto ..,._ .. 1'>111 ol .. 141., r t .... •- IOtJTBSSlf CALJJ'Oa1'JA . . TSLSPBOKS COlll'AKT· , .. • • • ...... _IDWPOllT NeW's BALBCtA Private Water Companies OW1I SaJda T • · Aaa River Basia, Says P8111 Bailey 1mes -In an effort to bring to ftll. ne1 of the riW!I'. Still further · clenbl at Newport Beach fllll • amounu """"'*te tram the trunk Jlonie l r~~=::::o::::::-:------, a,,,,,,,,· • tails ol both lkletl on the water channel Thus, generally speaking. ~--------------l--By }ouPH WuroN question. thaee who feel au!-the larger port ot the 411egate fictent suppli .. or wat ... may or all water 1n the Santa Ana Tomoirow's Home a ~nal Notion be obtained from the Santa riW!I' and Its trlbul8ries sinks by Ana RI...,. Basin and tbooe who pemollltkm Into _,.. alluvia of First, this future house will be in character, and think Metropolltan water, te-the valleys and is owned by the will take the fullest ,advantages of climate, local ma- Costa Mesa Tire C,O, perience, will be the mechanic In ~ U.:.ytheoo:;:;::,""';., rt;:. ="' m:'.\.~~~ ~ terial, local backgrotindm· to a na' ~ ,tu::tture.l Ituchwilllessnotanbem· ~ the garage, Mitchell aaid. J . R. ···-·-UUU<U ...,,,_ 0 Ne Garage will be the of growing abort.age, the News-supplied by this process. tional pens W ~~~ company. manager Tunes herewith rOjlrinta the Other ownenr of water In the This~~ ;..w e a¢.rantage of all me- The CootA Mesa Tire company second article from the Orange Santa Ana river are the mutual chanical equipment hich eases labor and opened Its new garage building Huge Project Set ~.: :':!f.i:~is~-water companl .. and thooe who.I adds to comfort-but y to the point where •I Walnut street and Newport ' •-eer. under the laws of the State 01 simplification results,· ot further complexity. boulevard today. For G;µ-den Grove orana• C-ty Water Dtotrict California. have appn>prioted for: We expect to stop about tying the Owner of the company U H. J . LOS ANGELES.-The AvaJoe In the first ot this aeries ot use during the irrigation teuon h Mitchell of Texaco aervice. He COrpol'&tion announced Wednes-articles, attention WU called to the ordinary Md the low-water ooT and garden t ther. and go ahee.d and will conduct a ceoeraJ auto re-day that an $18,000,000 project the l a r g e underground -water now in the channels of the main ... • • · pair shop In the new building. will be started in the neor future basins In the upper valley of the river and ltll tributaries. These The automobile ;eroach to the house Let:ter Fowler, better known u 00 the ~acre tract of land ad-Santa Ana RJver in RJvt'rlide and watttt att diverted into canals will be more direct more attractive. ~ ... who ls an automotive re--joining the Seal Beach ammuni-San Bernardino counties and ln at points along the edge-of the The heavy jobs e laundry work will pair man of aome ; 16 yean ex-Uon depot in Garden Grove. the lower valley on the coastal valle-y floor where the streams be l"e--studied and p~ made for well- Thi> development calls for the plain In Orange county. Attention emerge from their moontaln can-arranged and sufficient space. We will have ROOFS APPi.-> OS m'AIBW:D l'l'ee Elrtlmotes a Impectlon W.1-••~ 360'2 Marcua Ph. Hbr. 1210-1 erection of 2500 homes tor lam-wu called. aloo, to the compar-yons and ""' then dl!trlbuted lor neither basement or attic for sto " , so some place other illes averagi.nc four or five per-atlve ease with which water can U9t on nearby lands. In nearly all than the garage certainly is req' · for family accumula- sons and a small business district be obtained from these basins for iru:tlUlcet, these dtversions are tions. · will allO be developed, the Av-111e on properties overlying them supplement<'d during the period of Our house will be low to the of the gar- alon corporation official said. The by pumping trom "°" located on tow-water now by pumping from den.. _The rooms will have plenty f -natural, light (and corporation recently purchaaed the premises. It wu there pointed wells. Some sim.Oar diversions are artificial the land for a figure said to be out how thl• Independence of the made under the State Jawa. aloo, . too) but windows will not . used where they have $500,000. ' Individual properties, 1n each be-for uae on riparian lands. The nothing to look upon, are not ~ for ventilation or -------------------------lng able to secure and operate It.a diverters of these waten and a where they do not make sense. _ I . · ' own water supply u needed wtth-few who may not as yet have ex-Simplicity of shape, honesty of ft!ucture, and whimsy out having to wait for the organ· erclsed their riparian righta, own in ornament will prevail. Shutters Jth~t do not shut and lzation ol many properties and the all the ordinary and low-water bultl"eSSeS that do not butt will be· avoided as fakes. construction of a large projeet, now ln the Santa Ana river and • ~or--good, ~g, sure, h~oijious color will be used has been an Important factor in its tributaries during the lrrlga· -UlSlde and out. -$cale--the Size nilationship of the oom- the rapid development of the two tlon seuon. ponent parts of the house will be m~'thoroughly considered. va!Je,.. ol the Santa Ana river These ownenrhlps of the ordl· Unrelieved flatness of surface will be de more interesting P.APALMER. W. 0 BUCK-fusurancc Counselor ~1500 ~~ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA and, also, how the ~ge volume nary and low-water flow have, for and the battle of the roofs will tinue. ' of water accumulated 1n storage in many years, diverted all of the The roof is the most telling :,r1' f tecti · these basins and the facility with lmmedJately usable now tn the · sym ~ pro on against which It can be drawn on by the river durlng the irrigation season. the. elements, as well as the ~tronges , ~mgle factor of house individual properties according to This now Is very largely adJudl· design. ~e are therefore likely to ip1tch the roof of our their needs. haa made these under-cated amo ng its diverten by court ~omorrow S house-to better d~~ the ram, and so that ground basins very valuable as-dectsions agreements and long tt can be seen-and to cover 1t witli the most lasting and sets of their communities. continued use. the loveliest material we can find. I . The courts of California in the The ordinary and low-water --JOSEPH ~N. Architect. • early Yeai:-s or statehood, based n ow of the river a nd its tributar--;;~~~;--~;-------11;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I on common 18""'.· . recognized 1.he i('S, outside of t he irrigation sea-u. s. Engm' eers right ~f the indivtdual properties son. has always 8nd still does per-ONE JIAKBOR 81 Lumber and Building Mat,erials overlymg . th ese under ground-colate in Its en tirety from the SeV· Are Guests of R s I G N s v.·ater basins to pump fTom the eral channels In which it fioW"S ENEDICT Bay District lumber Co. waters beneath them the amounts Into the underground-water basins ff ho C C Phone Beacon 5111 n~eded for bene ficial use on the and is used bv. the overlying lands ar r . . 511 OOA8T BJGBWA.Y AT THE A&CJIE8 :-erlying _lands. This ri ~ht has through pumping from wells. The Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARIER & PRESTON State Licensed Contracto ... BeaUac tn.taJJattou Make Warm Frlend9 Bml.neee PboDe 118' Beeldenee P1M>DM 9'82 or !993 en .con~ii:mro an~ defined tn owners of the overlying lands own The Sign Man many decis1ons. It 1s one ot the this water. The board of a rmy engineers a.p-• AT LETI'ERING legal bulwarks that secure to the pointed to consider the allocation t owners o( these overlying prop-OWN FLOOD WATER S of materials and surpluses a t the ~A SPECIALTY · erties stable \'alues in their Invest-The O\\'Tiers of the lands over-Santa Ana Army Air base were ._ __________ ..,: mcnts and t hat re nders their prop-lying the underground-water ba-en tertained at an informal dinner, ertiC'S saleable and eligible for sins, also, own flood waters that \V ednesday evenint, by J . S . Bar-B~' loans because, should they lose percolate from these cha nnels into rett, president of the Newport 1 the use or this water . the lBnds the unde rground basins. Other Harbor Chamber or Commerce. and the improvemen ts on them portions of the flood flow are The army men. m ost of whom ~ would become useless a nd their O"'ned bv lands riparian to the had flown from Louisville, Ky.. ;;r values would disappear. several channels of the river and from the Louisville headquarters, Marine 1Wa)' The total of investmen ts in and its tributaries. The entire flood were met a t. the Yacht club by a GEl\""E.R;A LKEPAIRS on lands overlying the under-now in the Sa nta Ana river was small corruru~tee headed by Mr. MAINTENA.""'l'Cf: ground wate r basins in the two adjudicated between c1atmapts to ~ttS and included ~ayor 0 . B. valleys of the Santa Ana riveT it several years ago in an action Gord, ~rviJso~ Ir.:in George now total several hundred mll-In the federal court Jmo~ as the I Rou onil ·al · · Sailors. A B. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j lions of dollars It 15 important Irvine F1ood Water Suit. ralssethe, W hte r Franz and sev· · . · . . e o ers w o represented the therefor e. that-this high invest· F'Tom the for('go1 ng it may be city and the chamber ~ ment. r epresenting the life-work seen that all the waters fn the [ The affair w as enti~l inform 1 ! of many people, should continue Santa Ana river and its tributar~ and was merely a fri;;,dly w ~-rll_Jf_ • VETERANS 2-Bedroom Homes Built on the Lot You Select . . Payments About $30 per Mo. 100°/o G. I. FINANCING You Pay Only Appraisal & Escrow Fees Dennison -& McBroom Sales ' -N-rt Jllft. Cool:a lll- 1-ted bl tbo -8-lty Bide. Corson & Ray, Gen. Contrs. We Aloo -fOI' n-Wloo WW !loll •• -to v..-. to be p~ote~ted by preserving in· ( it's a.re nov.· in private ownership come t o the eastern and oth~r -,~ tact thlS right of the overlying and that no \\'Bier Can be diverted army visitors. 8olu e lands to pump from the ,,·aters f-rom the river for new uses with-' Col. Pinkley headed the group • "'°"" ~ beneath them, and that proposals out infringement on the proJX>rty of visitors which included among I to modify t~is right .. su?1 as eman -rights of these owners. Proposals others. A1:ajor J.M. Adamchak. L t. • 901 Coast Highway ate fTom time to time from var -for the reallotment -of the waters 1 Col. Carl Bronn, Capt. M. T. Mc-\J Phone Beacon MSl lous sourCl'~, ~ ~jected. It fol · o r the Santa Ana r iver and its Ginnis. Major R.'S. Miller, Major lows that 1t 1s Important, also. tributaries, such as ha\•e been , R. \V. Wise, Capt. J . [{. Aland-:o---'""-------- that the O"\.\~ers of ov.erlytng la~ch made on t~e supposition that stiek, ~1ajar J . J . Prause. Col. w. 1 and those uhose business and 1n· grl"ater efrtc1ency tn the use ot1 c. Farnum. Colonel Jones, ?.1:ajor Quality Lumber I V('Stments . are profitable because I \\'atcr could be so obtained. are \Vyatt and Major Sitz. of production on them, should un-parallel to any other sociali.!tlc der!tand the close T"ela.Uon of this 1 proposal for the redistTibution of right to this production and to some kind of private property. Th~ LESS BU"l'TER E.i\TEN t.he stability not only of the value I supposition that greater efficiency Butter manufacture in Califor- of the-overlying lanch but also of I in the use of the waters of the nia In 1945 declined to 15,431,000 the value of property generA11y in [Santa Ana river could be so at· pounds, less than half the amount the. same and in the adjoining talned ls based on Ignorance of reparted as manufactured in 1896, rommunides. the fact. It it were based on fact, the first year for which SU('h data CoO.J't Df!ClllOb the Santa Ana river would be the is available. This compares with , •nd B 1ildiq Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. I ,R. E. HOSTETLER Pbonp BeaDOD 5015 [n addition to the overlying last river on which such a pnr the total of 29.466,000 pounds in lands having correlative rtghts in posaJ would be made instead ofl 1944 and a 5-year average of 62,- the common supply in these un· one of the first, foT on no other ~850~.000~~-=========~=~=========~ derground basins, the courts have large river in the State ls a ; held that the ove rlying lands are ~r:::utcr percentage of the total entitled to have the natural •up-run-off from Its drainage area GEORGE D~B SE'IT plies of the basins continue for l"'ii<'fully ('mployed. This superior their use. These na tural suppUn f'fflcieney com£'s about through Geaeral Accounting • '• Bookkeeping ~~;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~1 are r t'Ct'IVed. through the perco-the vast O\'Cr-season storage in the IDconae Tas: Sert'Jae lation of w ater from the Santa underground.water basins along !80% W. Central Ave.. P'b.one Barbor "OM>G·I"., Newport ne.Ja Ana rtver and its tributaries into the Santa Ana river. These absorb ~;;;;~;;;;~~;;~;;~~~~3;~~~~~~~~~ - . - If vou are · ' ¥'"" ··--unab le to com e~ i~, ~u:;ng of fice hours, wh', ,,not ;,ave bv mail? • - Whether it is saving.for a- home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do I . it better thru _ our savings plan • Part ot All you Earn is Yours to SaYf./ ,906,000.00 Laguna F · ·~ral .:.savings · ·J and Loan ·Association l I "l..... ~ I i..c-B•eli, Qa•. -l'JL l80 I lo a r fil •1 • . - the parus a.DU\lia. ot the valleys. nat\f"Mly large frectiona of t.he As pointed out in the tint of this floojt ~ wbmever they come ~ries al articles, a very con-and bold the water over for later siderab)e part of the aggregate f»e. On no other 1arge river in run-off from the mountain and hill the State, ewn where large sur- areu of the Santa Ana river ~ l'eRr'VOlts ha.ve been con· drainage, Including flood now, 1tructed for at~ Dood waters. slnks into these porus alluvia is ~ CXIQler'V8tlon more or::m!plete \\-1thout reaching the trunk chan-than on the Santa Ana river. • Before Yoa B•ild or Remodel Ottstt. •is p .. LUDLUM Carpet · W~s la! --SL ----ll&NT..t. AJfA rl -• • Will Open New Store About May 1st • Fuller PaintS ·for every need. •Rite Lite Venetian Blinds. • We repair and repaint all kinds of blinds. • Trimz Wall Paper ---Hang rit yourself. • Birge Wall Papers. A. J. Burton's Patnt tore Newport mvd., near:· 15th St. ' ' • • • If you have a qUesti n regarding development of 7our land- ' Phone 2353-J ' Siegel & R ub "'cl'*111H ud ~ nto8 Newpcrl Blvd-. t' . CosCa W- IMNewMA .,. - Going to ' . Y oa pn>llallly ban J'Olll' di z r ha d I al ....ne.t oat la J'Olll' mbld -or ~ybe · ;yoar lll'daltec& or .-tnetor lllrwly llM pnpared plllMcapmporforyoa. . 11'1 itrldty wlJ ... .,. ........ la _..,,. m-of ,......., 11"'-1 -tr-. ..... yoa So over Uie plua wltll JMI' llallcler be sure to Mii: bl8I mlloat Uie ...... clewlop- ...... la .._lllold labor • .,..., ud ,_. t.lenal beuity. Oar Exper1a ba •veryfilbt& elect:rlaal wlll be Pd to help with layoat pi.. or proNe-. One sugestlon maymab a lot of cllffllNIMll bl the "lhe-eblllty" ol tbal la-. •• ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 19%0 1000 Coast IDway Phone Beacon 5522 AllllO ln San Franclsco-\\1Umlngton·Stockton·8&n·D&eco·()alrland ELECTRICIANS . · C-0-Two Ftre F.qulpment' for FACTORY, PLANT, STORE, OFFICE, FARM. HOME llARDWARE J. H. ESTUS PLUMBING GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES e BEl"JllGJ:BATOR8 e WAllllEB8 DIBIRVA--8 e aA.Dl08 Phone ll6 Newport Jleacb l'M ON TNE JOI 2f NOVl! A IAYI JI • , } Wha~ • comfort-hat a boon 10 healdt, ckanline11 - and !:asc of living it is ro have Reddy Kilowatt in charge of your bot water aupply! Day in, day out-1 rwcary-four bouna day-bc:'srcady IO give you bub-.' rum·or lawidty rubs full of bor water wbea J1PU have N a modern decrric wah!r hearer! And wbac a quiet, 1 • • dici:nt, neat and clean dctuic:al ICnant Reddy ill i l You will· rake him for graared bur be tbanlful f<w,! ,. him, ioo, for nery Ofllt ol die maoy hou1cbold A41 I. v ' Jae ,doca for~ yom modern Mdrk llomd ... ··-· ~ . -i (1 .:.. l -S..Y- F , '1 •*' I~ ' . " ~ 'lJ • , • • ' ' N~DRT~L•DA --P -LCHU-. WEWS-TIMES BO!f, ~0-l'lllLLIPB N • w 8 -.-. ---------r---D 11tuot. l:M; ....... 0. act' I OM* ... a o..t v-. .. tJ WI GlftSi ~asww u-• It II sood to be home acaln. ftnt lnveotlptlon ol tbe ct.y. A f ~-ll; •• se!k'k w ,..., "WE fiVIn: YOU TO BROWSE .tUIOuND'1 even for a quldt Wit. You start mt allpa out ol tbe lleld. with • . 0 ~ P. ; -...... ---!rem Waablncton, and driw thnl ...,._ In her mouth. C.ttle -lllS 'tVrt kJ', f:41 p. a; c. It LOVCKs o.111a ... ss11 • sa·sc..... n ,a ,_, • the congested Ealt, 0-D01TOW lully. A little lllrl lqp • bis pall c H u R c H E s -.. ---BWEUIT -ftAftONSSY •• '2 f11~•1a "tt. .!'.;:-C = :=: ~ °""''¥: and wtndlnc roacll. FlnaJJy you from the ham to tbe -It's • • T:41 .. IL n: • .;W•t1 . .._~ -· -· ma the pttt l<!!atalppl, '!be about aD she ean carry. '!be sme11l'------------'I ' 1m N ...... a-. ~ j11w. c.m, Eatael u ~ -.tter at .. Pat enc.~ Newport Br 5' conpatlon eues a little; the r09dl of wood amke ii in the:a.tr: 1be OUR LADY Off MT. CAllMaL URCH OF CHRllT callfanola, -.. Ad ot Mo a :s, ..., straiehten. Pretty ooon. you're out ..... u ol cotfee too. After a whlle 1421 Wool -A--w°"'ut - • In the desert country, and the )'OU puo the 1JCboo1 dlildreft with -)' M K : I ud 19 LIL L-CMlly, Mill-, M ~Dt · Gomr.i r;tz"::;: mind slto up and •tarts to breathe tbelr fftshly llmlbbed reca. Then ~= _,.. rr.a. : .llundo.:J, 10 .. m, - F. c. FROST Edltor qaln, after a ~ar of Waahlnstoi! the farm ..._. U It's Saturday 4:00 t. 5:30 ud tz.... T:llO to ~; 1 a. 111., 11 ..... mc ~ W. '· l>DWll • • • • • -"lwrtllbc "· -cer oonfuslom. Your aoul stntcbes mornlnc In tbe South. all the fun-l :llO p.m. PllllT FOUlllQUAlll: CHURCH ' PilalfAC .P£at, 3111 W, ~ A-Newpwt Br± c.mGnda itself. and the litUe mm ol tbe lly Is in the w-. behind tbe F C08TA MEIA ----""---------'--------" Washington. age.ncies, and even slaw moving hone&, on tbe way IT •. JOHN VIANN•Y CHURCH Rw. • .... G. WHlard Meame Cemplete Foantain Senice at . HANSEN'S 1100 0' 7 • "'-* Of~, P:r,: :!.itt:.2f of._N~!,:-cll '.::..=a-;,,.~:.!"'::·~~~~~ :.ito~.'~ =·~ a..-,.::._~~'.:.,°"!..., ...::-:11 willin& to sell the Unlted States nlng, you pus them oomtnc home, ~= a.~ rro... y ll<'"ool a:ao a.m: Into Inflation. If thooe ambitions with a bag of nour, and tbe -ci, 7:IO t. l :IO p.a. wanlllp --10:46. can be reali.z.ed., aink into ins.lg, and the box of grocerlel. :Should-W"rice 1:00 p.m. NOW Ol'llili EVZNING8 Mwe..W,w nificance. The air la clearer. 'lbe ~ droop allghtly, and the younc-OOmGJiA DD.. llA& lll:ral.D crrica l :IO p.m. thinking of the people is clearer. est c:hlldren are uleep on tbe hap 00.-uNJTY CIR1llCB, ........... ..,.....itottc _....., at IMlft • i!l&NDWlall:8 • BAMBIJBGERS of The stan are brighter. The people of .teed. OOKG...O.&'l'IONAL T:SO ~ look up, a.nd forwa.r;d. not back. Tht' ranges have cattle on them. Pen"J' ~ 8arock. ~ Wedil!1til.y •'Milin.I' pt"Q'er 8VT- Eat More Grapefruit-Week Begins PROf'ESSIONAL DIRECTORY .,,. ---. Thls is America: this is the 1Ull I wish the OPA could take this ru --o.n.a del ... tc. at Y:ao p.m.· free WesL These are your people, trlp. It remhids me of one of my &mday, May 5. 1946 .,[ ______ _ the (arm people, in whc.e ha.ruia friends who stopped. durina: the Olurch IChoo1 hu two sesa'orL COSt A MUA COMMUNITY on. the liberties of the country now war days, at a little Western town, All above primary department ~ CHUllCH While news dispatches from all _,.,.. of the world are resL to stock up. His wife fumbled In m<!et at 9:30 a .m. Becinnen and CV' a, Jo-Mlal- llU.& o.g You cross the Colorado. and l her bag, for the inevitable ration pnmary department ages meet at 1J1 _e. 2ltlrli aa. "'· ff71.A relaying messages of death from starvation, and President you're home. This Is the 22nd Dis-stamPo. "Oh." said the storek<!eper 11 a.m. durtna the morning cburcb ao~ oc11oa1. t:fll a. m, Truman Is warning America daily of the. national food crisis, trlct: Imperial county, Riverside qalmly. "we don't use them thlnp hour. Modlng w..-i, u 0·-. growers of grapefruit in the desert regions of the west are county and Orange county. It ls out here." How can you tell an 11 a.m. Morning wonblp. Ser-You.Us. croui-H1cti echool ln- as if you had come through the 1 American in the great West, m~ by .. Mr. Schrock: "Usetul. t~e. A.ctuit. 1 :30 p. m. ' reporting an abundance of their product which they fear doors into some Promised Land. I where he sees more cattle on the Mistakes. Ev~ ..-vice, 7:30 o'd.ock. the public may not consume quickly enough to ~:;::rt con .. The smell of fresh cut alfalfa: range than perhaps ever before 6 p.m. Youth meeting on the l41df'eek. t.nowsblp siderabJe waste. Any food waste at this time would be a pr etty soon the smell of orange in the history or this country, that beach. Wednepday, 7:80 p. m. blossoms. All the planted acres ... supply does not meet demand?" 11 a{ m.. Prayer u.d MlOOCNTANT I, 8. WHYTE INCOID TA.:J: OONMJLTANT At1Lbol'bed b7 tbe Uni&ed Sta.IM Troe .. WT Oeparllll8lt to ~nt cUetil9 In connection with lDCOmt'I tu m&\ten. AUDITS • 8Y8TEll8 aoo~noG ss.al·1cs Orta.. ]_ .................... "-*-... n-....._.&an-' AWCMZISOT public scanda.1, and the grapefruit growers have thrown their You meet with the farmers and I How can YolfexplaJn to the Amer-FIRST CHUR<:H OF CH,.,IST, !------+- problem upon the public to make of it what it will. w ith PnrAmerica , and with study ican housewife that the meat she SCIENTIST Th clubs, and with county officials, buys carries an artificial load Lido Th•.tter, Central AYenue FIRlf"' METHODIST CHURCH Arm d M ese growers ,whose groves In the Arizona and Cali-and with Republicans and with called a "consumer subsidy" which and Via Lido .. Edwin Ooher, Paolo< : an 0•8CO fomia desert have matured the fnrit earlier than tL5Ual this Democrats. You sense a determln-makes it cost her more than it A branc!l ot Tb• Mother Church, Euolldiat stanford, GatdtiR Gr0ve. ARClllTECT --Flrat Chun:b of Chrlat, Set-.,!.30j a.m. Chw'ctl 8d*>l tor all 81' W Bay A.. n-•'--year, are notifying consumers in the west that there are ation to fight to save represen-should. for she also pays for the .. u.o:: __ .... • ve., ~ three milli·on bo"es of desert grapefruit available for ... ___ tative government. You gird your administration of the subsidy? en.Ult. ill Bolton. »•••chueetta. 11 .00 "om~-w-.. , Harbor 17U own 01.ns an go ac n o a ow can we exp n e strange 11--C.: "We Thank ee." Siecel & Raub ~aadsane10n · 1-N-rtBhd,, Coot&M- Teleplltoae & ... DOD 5808-W 1117W.Centnl N-rt-Tel.,.._ Barbor WI PIANO ftt\C'WS• PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBA1ID Oradullt. ..,., ~•.-..t•l"J'. 'Illa: le Ph. Harbor 1252-W 1526 w. Oooan P'r<lnt <vu I · d b k i t th t H la! th Sunday School &t 9:SO &. m. Sun, . a.m. .,. -.~ Ul-....op : tnl l..akewoM. Ant. sumption . . . but it must be eaten immediately. Market-fight with a shot of encourage--regulations which make it difti-day Servlce at 11 &. m. Wednesday LO. Aqeles MOrmu41:J Mes In · through th h led ed d vi ed k Te-•-o·•·• .... Un• at 12 o'clock ll:Oip LlL N~ f ~all chll, '-------------' g agencies . out e west ave p g support to ment an gor. cult for establish pac ers to -.......... u.oaa -. .. dren 4urla&' 88rYice. '--------------' - the growers appeal to have an all-western emergency fanner-Last week. I spoke or flying to process meat, so that it goes Reading Room located at 111 s :~ p.m. Methodiat Youth Fel-CLINICAL LABORATORY PHYSICIANS A: aUIMHIOH& KA sales Chicago and back the same day, through irregular channels? In-Palm street, Balboa, is open daily lo11111hth y Adult Fellowaht ~-----------, consumer campaign, May 1-11, and food and non-food for a meeting. 1 mentioned it, JlS stead of keeping prices down, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun-::.~· OUDI' p. tail t making 'al ff Th f:OIJl p.m.. lllvenla&' Wonhlp1-Clinical Laboratory re s ores are a SpeCl e ort. to cooperate. e characteristic of the age in which housewives are today paying in-days and holidays nationally o~ Meuege: "Corae Y• l.J•e." U. S. Department of Agriculture has put all of their western we live. Coming home. I had a Oated prices. served. --.\+--'-' -~------- facilities at the growers' disposal, and are actively promoting similar experience. Congress vot· You can't explain. All you can at'!!_ed ~~bl• 'ccbua.obcoc:~:_m~!'2 .. ~ Chr,tian Science Topic ed, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wed-do Is to·support the Congress of ...., .. ,.. .. -...... ._... r the campaign to sell more grapefruit. But the growers feel nesday, on amendments to the bill the United States, and refuse to the Re&dtng Room . 'Ev"e(lastingPllnishment' it will tak~ more than this. They are appealing directly to extending Emergency Price Con· be decei\t«l by the high powered "llw nigh to God, and he w111 westerners to help them as neighbors to consume the abund-trot. ~e used the 18th to cle.an propaganda pouring out of the ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL draw nigh to you. Cleanse your '. . . ' . up minor matters. Mrs. Phillips OPA offices in Washington. Price CHURCH bands ye sinners; and purlty your ance of d~rt grapefnnt munedia!ely, and to promote its ·started Wednesday morning and control will sti.U be with U5, but 515 West Central, Bafboa hea. ~ ye double minded." Thia Ottlco hours: 8 -4:SO and by appoln-t TELEPHONE BARBOR 8S8 USS W. Central A~ use by demanding it of tehir markets and encouraging its drove, in two days, to ~ashville. Congress wants to put the nation (Ebell Clubhoues) admoAJtJon from James will be the Th d j I t k th I Co ReY. Ardra T. Dean., Vicar Goldeb Text ot the Sunday Leason· M rtim Sch I use by every means po.ssible. Desert grapefruit is sweeter urs ayi even ngn oo Ne hpvillane back Into production. ogress S:30 ._Ill., u....-Qunmrintoa SermQln on "Everlasting Punish· 0 ef 00 Spring Time Is Prevention Time ' \ 2.88S Weat Central i>~ne Bazbor 421 ·l this . f d . heal hful th in Wash ngton, ew to as e wants to get the costs of govern-~-3 ment" In all branches or The 802 Ooral Balbea blaad at time o the year, an 1S more t • e growers in four hours. Friday morning we ment down to the level of the 8:U a..m..., Sunday Soaool. M.otbl r Church, The First Church report, and the price is :reWiOOB.ble. were on our way home. Little as nation 's incorrle. We are on the ll:OO L m., Monzlnl' Prayer and ot Ci!ist, Scientist, In Boston. O~: Collep. ~ these things may seem, they are edge of inflation. Only courage Sermon. (J'tnl 8undaya: Holy AcdDrdlng to John's Gosp'el there DAY SCHOOL :;: propretic of changing influences and action can save us now. Tem-Com:mwUoo.) wu a man ""·hlch had an lnfirm1t.J O • .A.. llol'U.mer, M. A., Oxford on the internal economies of the porary gains in pay through thtrt1.! a.nd eight years. When J esua Prtndpa.l Phone 11&.rbor &2 United States, and on world rela· strike! will be swept aside by the CHRIST CHURCH l!IY THE SliA saw il1m lie, a.nd knew that he had !'-------------' tlonshipa. . inflations resulting from produc-C0tnmuntty MethNlet been how a long tJ,me in that caae, Recent presentation by the National Board of Fire Un-. 1•-w t ~-I • he eJtth unto hf!!. Wiit thou ho Dl!!NTl!!TS Early morning Is the time to tion losses. This is the cnsis. This -u ea '--'"""• .... venue made~Whole! The Impotent man &n· I ~-----------~ denvriters of the Gold Medal Awards, offered annually for drive. The dogs are out (or the is the "year of decision." Rev. E. D. Goodell, Pastor ewer him, Sir, i have no man. cutstanding public service in fire prevention, to a 01.icago _____ _;____________________ Churca School, 9:60 a.m. when.the water ts troub\f'd. to put d C G• Morm.c WolWbip, 11 L m. me tllto the pool : but while J am radio station and the Burlington, l()Wl\. Hawk-Eye Gazette, The Albert Soilan ancer If t Youtb. ire.lowobip, 6 p..... coming. another 8leppelh down he- serves to stress the gTO\ving need of fire prevention. Fire Eveninc Won1hlp, 7 p. m. fore ale. Jesus sa ith unto him. Rlee. The people of Los Angeles are His unselfish gift to cancer re-Mid take Up Chy bed. and v;a\k. And Im· D& GORDON 'E. RAPP DENTIST H. R. Hall, M. D. PIQslcilaa .......... Haun; 2-5, by Appolri"'-t TetePltone Beacon 5848 U1 11......_,. c.. - OONRAD BlCBTl!C&, IL D, 120 E. 18th SL COSTAlDBA H()l.ln: 10-12 .a.m.; 3-5 p.m.. Phone Beacon 3075 Dr. G. E. TohiD Pb'='~ :,a;r NEWPORT BEACH pHQs~ Off\c.": Barbor 28«'·W ~: BuboP tse.a If No &111~. eall Barbor 6 t,_ Newport ~-------' 11 Gerald Rausa, M. D: l069eS are near an all-time high, reaching more than $455,-gratiCied to learn of two medical search is particularly noteworthy -week prayer .e.rvlce, Wed, medljtely the man ,,·:is made whole, 000,000 in 1945. phihy1thropies which will bring at this lime when the American nead&y; covered dtab d1neer, &:SO and 4>o~up h1s bed. a!1d "'alked." ne\v enlightenment to medicine Cancer society's drive for funds is p. m.. Marf B ker Eddy says In "Science At this time of year fire prevention goes hand in hand BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL and Se wllh Key to the Scrip. her e--the $1,000,000 Shrine Hos-lagging. Surely if he can offer · with "spring cleaning." Spnng· is clean up time. And there 11.1 Aga .. AYenue ture11 S" lutter no t•l::l im of sin or pita) for Crippled Children and his fortune to further the cause, ReY. Harry w. White,. of el'<:lr. eas to gt'O\\' upon the is no better place to start than in your own home. From Dr. Albert Soiland's gift of a others can support the cancer Aeeoclate ~aster thoui.~L tsmlss It with an abidin g bft:.sement to attic the refuse has been gathering during all similar sum to establish a cancer campaign with at lea.st a token Cb.Utth School, B:30 ._ m. convll tl that ll Is Illeg it imate. be- foundation. donation. ..•ornin• Wonbi 11 caua~ y u know that God is no ~ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST the long winter months. Oosets too in many homes are -. -p, ._ m. mor;~ author or alcknees than The Shrners have long been ~ !!OZY: W. Central. Barbor 1'80 stuffed with junk-inflammable '"·~"' Now Is the time, in Noteworth>y Books He 1 o sin. You h"'• no law or Jl.Uo.n.. generous in their charities for the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS His t 11 pport the neceasltJ either NEWPO&T BEACH the f'll'St warmth of the new season, to spend a few hours care of handicapped youngsten. L" ed At L"b Corner W•klut and Church Sta. or al 0 • sickness. but you have d1· '--------------' putting things in order. tt takes but little time, and a small The Shrine hospital here will be 1st 1 rary Coat. M... Tine iu orlty for denying that n& the 16th such institution in the Pertinent among the new non-8.abb&th school, Saturday morn-cessl!" d healing the alck:· ~-----------~--inofthecl backt yardcellmaytsavei at largedater one in the deadly Undited States!. Planstrualreu·ady ared fiction books at the public library ins. 9:80 o'clock. Dr. W. W. Westmorelaud u.nuun::. ose or ar a a a er un er way or cons c on an is Our Teen-age Boys and Girls Preacb1Dg wrvtce, 11 L m. Anoth poin tha should be erl, ooked In th property for t.be llite has been ac-by Crow. while another one of Wl ' . e continued development Dentltlt . er t t not OV . ese quired. Imperial Potentate Wil, lntere1t is Levenson's Teaching of w::: the world will be too days of soaring prices, is the adequacy of fire insurance liam H . Woodfield made it clear Through Radio. Others in the AllS&MBI,11',8 OF GOD small J'.:'.f_ght In. llOl C-. lllfOa7 policies, Oleck!ng policies should be part of the spring that theoe medical centers are not group recenUy added are: 8;::l c:!,!~~= ,..-..,!~----------OOBONA Dll:L MAK cleen-up. A policy based on values of ten years ago will for Masonic children alone and Gillmore, The B. 0 . W. S.: Say-Sunday school, 10 a.m. Phone Zlubor 108Z that paying patients are never ers. The Great Conspiracy; Price, Momin& uervlct, 11 Lm. H 0 E s be found to be sadly outdated, The insurance industJ;' is taken. Key to Japan·. Carlisle. The Ram-Eventna: evana:ellltic le!'Vice at doing everything possible to awaken policyholders to the An internationally famous can-pant Refugee; Oano, The a.no 7 :30 p.m. danger. In fact, one representative of the Industry says, "It cer authority who hu pioneered Diaries, 1939:1943: Fisher, No l<!Jd-weok servioo. Thunday at While You Walt , Is the duty of everyone In the Insurance business to try and many treatmento, Dr. Soil&ncl Is More a Stranger; Jones, Skinny 7 ,30 p.m. givln& his lifetime savings for the Angel; Seagrave. Burma Surgeon p &ee that evrey policyholder has facts that will enable him foundation whlcb will bear his Returns: White, The Autobiog-NU.PORT HAR8011 agan to form a sound judgment on the adequacy or Inadequacy of name. Dr. Solland wu an Im· raphy of WIUlam Allen White. LUTHERAN CHURctH , Bay Front his protectloo." mi&rant Norwegian burning with New fiction includes: Emerson. Qrauel Ch•pel, eo.ta M... ., Ba:r View Cale the desire to become a doctor. Shooting Star; Gardner, The D. A. Rh'. Hwbert Roth, Paster a. m. to • p. -. New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DtlltANT 08 Orebld Ave. Barbor 1155-J CORONA DEL l<!AR So remember-spring is here and so is inflation. Clean His career ii an inspiration to all Bttaks a Seal; Finnegan, The Ly, ~~-~~~:=8unda~~Y=· ~t~o~:IO;'.:~•~m~~=~~========::;1 up your premises and Investigate your Insurance protection, young men and women enterln11 ln11 Ladies: Grey, Shadow On the 1 1 medicine. Trail: Henderson, ~-----------p.-aom An Expensive Project Since the starting of the present century, political agi- tation for a St. Lawrence Seaway has beE!l pushed by adv(): cates of publicly-owned power systems, who see In it a chance to promote government owned hydroelectric power Installations. As to the practicability of the St. Lawrence Seaway, over- looking the fact that It would be fl'O'Zell some five months out of the year. the Honorable Carl A. Hatch, senator from New Mexico, received a letter from Frank J . Taylor, presi- dent ot the American Mercltant Marine Institute, Inc., regist- ering the vigorous opposition of the Institute whose mem- bers operate the larger portion of the American-flag mel'- chant fleet Mr, Taylor said the see.way has beE!l described as a deep water channel, but so far as shipping Is concerned it Is ot extremely shallow draft. It provides for a Z7-foot business competition with private enterprise on which it de- pends for tax revenue to maintain its proper functions of governing rather than going into business. Pionctrs kt1d the foundatlOftS for our future-wt profit -man)' of them did not. -JAc~ LINDSLEY •ERi MIRllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA 151 AND channel from Montreal to Lake Ontario, He Included In a:====================~ bis lettl>r a table showing the n\lffibet' and draft of ocean-- iQing merchant vessels oonstructed by the Maritime Com- mission and private owners be~ September 1, 1939 and December 31, 1945, 'The nwnber totaled 5025. 'The nwn- ber drawin&: Z7 feet of water and over was 4348, ol which 4241 were the Uberty and Victory ships, the type which would supposedly UR the -way, A ship wwld have to draw mucli less than Z7 feet to operate In a Z7-foot chan- nel As a matter ol fact, the oftldal report made by the United States Maritime Convnln!or ~ that Ollly 8,7 per cent ot the gna hnwp ol the great American 11111!!' chant marine would _. be able to -the seaway pivperly, ·~to Its )ad[ ol depth, American dtizienl, .ii E v owe:burdened with taxs, 151n11d reject pi'Ojects wbo91! lllaln purpoee Is to apmd p!NIC _,,,, ~ .,£D01sfla&'ed ......,_ to put tbe aouenmmit Into ONO!: Servit.e BCl¥j-. AVl'O. MA ... ajl•oeara._ R.Norton • ..,. lll!SCOB 5"111 •zz--a... • SAM'S SEA F SPA We l.-1&.cet ._ ... - OCCIDENTAL LD'J: INSUJl.ANOIJ 00, Ra,-Nielsen PlsoBe -· %%89-l IU I:: Bq AW9. Bal- KOBTIVIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves tbe Better Serve by Servinc Others -~ ....... ~Ml• ~-. o..nr.- OPTOJIO'DU8Tll Robert A. Crawford °"*-D. a.toii&JMM: E)'W En'""-d · Gle !I P'ttted 11'1 •wrwt •••• ... .._ -l9U CGlftA lmM. --. B. T. BElkawwi._ 0. D. Os0 1kW ~ a••••so LmllW D1Jl'UC&'l'SD ..._ •1rhl ... Misti 811• W. °'*"I .A-ft. ..._MU -··---- Ethel Neff, D •. 0. ftoDr.-1181.r ... Tl ' n c W •sate Ylslsa -.......... ""'. rt ...... _ ...... _ ~ ............... _ 2830 Wetlt Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pborie BAl'bor 1028 No a.rawer : ca.II Bea.coo 6049·8 x-a&y Sezvloo Miiton H. Maxwell. IL D, 1101 ~ ....,. ·0orona det Mar Office Hours: 1()-12; :Hi Pbone Harbor 108% S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay .A.ve,, llalboa Ba1'21or l 7U .... s. £111tsm:;-Loo ~ TU-781! By~t T. P. Reeder, M. D. PhJllldu ... s....- llOI Woot Bq AW9. Telephone llarllor 602 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PRYlll()IA!f ... 8t111GEON I Telepllon6 -· !%1.8-1 Dr. W. T. Mooney Ph,..... ud 8mpoD ~ ... Ole*al < n.-( ..... f -n..) __. .. ' ,. Wap1r ~111 h 'Sate Dr. w--0. ........ Cblropradic. Dletedal. ~ " Clolonlc ThW'apy -o.Ja ..... -._ -- ZONE lJ'llERAPl ci..INIC ·---.. '•= .. 2 2 .... __ .._ • I ,, -• • •• o.llr.nlL ..,..,.... I lift ~ qm~_ ~~'!'!.-~~~ __91!,.!!ajL~~-~~~~ --s ... '"';_. ~I·~~§~~ S.{¥~~~~ ~ E ~~E!"'es._Sn_~~-: cusslons held by the city council I dallm of· the comml•"'n approv-ed to that owned by the Grtftllb U.. for a public. h~. PORT ent. u happy to relate, the E. and L. Lawreru>!._._ 33 '3 Mr. and ~ Volney ~ fll and the planning commission se-1 lng the acUon .'! ~ counc.lltt b.~ eompany8._.:.,~ ~~ .. ofby ~: .r1;::ryqu~:.5"ot_ Jae loca"oo of ST .,,0 " .. oa""Q.,... Tars ha~ ~'O league fra-M. Vocel and C. Atkin.,.., 31 ~ triBalpboato ""'Mexl~I from ~ _...,,, cured b Councilman Bob Allen tofore tu.~ LU l,..Ull:" ma er. ~~ man ............ ~.,.. --~ ~ , LOOSE T ALK cases and 1 t two to. a .500 aver-C. Lee.ch and R. Roush__ 30 ~ .....,.. . _l M'Vel'aJ ~nths ag. o and read to/ motion carried unanimously. man llibeU and carried. the matter a Ovtc Center sl~ came up tor There is quite a b1t of talk in age-and reputation of a dark I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;; ..... laid on ·~-·-~. few turtber further cn.:uutoo..• Cotmcflmen ... ~-whl no -~-· lnt-ted the Rotary club at that time, are The offlcial recorda of city ball Wft> ui..aa Stanle bein«' of the '"'°" that different spots around the circuit uunte __.........,. ~~ re-printed herewith to throw light ~ site di.scuarions by both ctvtc ~Mid~':° 1944. pro~ hearing iii °:;e matter about certain singles players of : :!ic~~....Ji ligh~ ;:' u:= -on the aspirations cast upon sev-oodles (including a ccm.llderaUoo °.!..~1 -~ _ ~-dlm•n Stan-would not. under the cb'Cw:utam.cee a couple of league schools taking ~ al -·-~lme ti I editor ~ Site No 1 wblc.b Stanl.v told j.UJC e~ ...... ~ ·~---........... of ~--ton Deimli·".,. of one pit • Mr. Ralph Freitag, er ... vu.uo...1 · n recen Y n -..... · · -.1 1-_ .. ...___.. to the Grlttttb Com-be fair and im-... 1-".to sit.a other UllC" ••-=---.:; n.t:3 ~-U ••-th la] •· f ·•---Bal-Ialanden Kood&y night -.1 -.....~ l"-.._ when th-'-teams --t H-~ on es un: er to e question ol. commenll..ll o anoun:~ n"'....... · --•-••ve to ... _ recommend&-than the one recommended by the cu-.. ~ .u......... I> ·~ T will -·u never cou.ldered) are re-~ ~ •"---·--It •-· ~--vol__.. ow many igames u.ft'" ara papu. .... Uoa of the .P\Um1.ng Com.m.i.Mlon Pla.n.ning Commiatoo., however, un: """""....._ ,..., ~ ... ~ . beca ' time Mr B At the request of Council"':an printed herewith: . for a Civic Center Gte wtl.lcb woold tbe city attorqey &dvi.ed. that all around over at Anaheim that ::es the every the Sallo~ ..:: Lester Isbell. re-elected to office Reool"da Of the Mlnutee of necemitate Ui. acquiring by the at. could be eoa.aildered and die--they are expecting to take all a threat to !the peace of mind of at last Tuesday's election, this The eouncll Meeting• city ol. certain front.are owned by CUliled at the heartnc. dfiovueb1~a:t~utandthatmaybe1 gotevtoen ... the. the oppoo; . factual reco~ was wtthh~ld tromJ October 2., 1944 the Grtftlth nvnpany wu read, .June 4, l~: ca-u Fullert whl h ful (rinting during the e1ection cam-ReaoluUO!l No. 217 ot the aty topther wtth-~ commwUcaUon And I don't think that I will. on c tS a power palgn because he preferred to keep ?l&nnlng Commi•lon wu pre-&om Paul A.. Palmer acmt for :u::tt~m::S~:.m2!' :!. ~?. lahln my opinion, Keaton will fin-~~~:. . theo~o~e,,.: ~ the city hall matter from becom-een.ted and read, said rMOlutlon the Grittlth ()xnpany, ~ that ed and read, be"'• a ruolution out the Ruon without a de-. Huntington~ ch Uk . .bbled inc a political football. approvtns and deetgnatiDg" aft.er none of tbe GrUftth Company ~ feat and Harbor will take the i a ewise ru Th l.ssu already settled by 1 U recomme:ndln.g tbe Bite desl,gn&ted championahJp. 1be boya are darn , but one hit d the Tan took. that e e, ! holding public hearlnp. a oca on property 9UC'l'lfled. for the C1.vic u Sile No. 4 u a Clvic Center. On disa.pnn> .. ted In dropping the'•', one 2-1. , ta Ana was a differ· ..-ote of the c1ty council aeveral I aa a Civic Center known u Site Center mte would be for ale, motion of Councilman .. "en ·~-~· ~ t t 4f,!'1ph t pped •--montha ·~ upon recom.mmdaUon _ ........ __.. -----A.J,I UUJ opener to Santa Ana and • .._.. w:lll en 1 ory , 1 e ~u _... 4-A. Councilman Stan.ley au..-.-u whereupon Councilman Stanley recnmmendattoo of the PlanniDS MJ'<:'J from the d after the fll'St of the city plannin& comm.Llaloo 1 ~ainet undue bute 1n .aetectln.&' moved the following: Commimion WU Ol'dered nled u a take them over the nets the next three 1 .. fti .. il.. not so much from following mer a )'Nr at ~g a site and IUbmltted pootoe at. lnumucb u the adjolnlng prop. recommendaUoa. approving the ac· round when they meet qain. In Saint h-~~ts,"!JQ t from wUdneu and aeven sites, had ~n revived r e-varlou• other localiaa. .Wtable for e.rt)' required lD the .ate known u tlon Of the city councU be.re tofore that particular match, Harbor team e I 'Ibe day of the Saint omtly by one coun~lman who fa-a Civic Cent.et lite and eugguted fi~A recommended by the Plan-talc:en In the matter-. The moUon took the flnt four si.n&les matchee ' · von apenlng the issue to public that betore making any definite Ding Qommt..too for the one but dropped the fifth singles and game, the fhole team was lousy. debate. declaion. that flgureti Uiould be ob--..-te:r cannot be acqut--t other wu duly eeconded by Councilman the two doublet for the loelng Coach W~ Pickens expects to the "-"iJM ---. Stanley, and the motion wu car-points take the encounter from the Bob Allen ez.pl&loed that u a taioed u to the coet of. necea-than by condem0 •tton, that the rted by the following roll call vote, ,, __ :..,_ u-.--.. -1_ ,..._,,_iment-county sea 1 1team with Freitag on counctlm&n elected by &1J ot the pry lano involved ln the ditfer-quelltlon ot a Ch1c Centtt site be ~wit : ~ ... ~ • .1•• ........ -_.-th do °peOPI• ot the dty, he ,.,... not ent 1llet, alter 80me dJxuaion of refened be.ck to the Planning ing wtth his lineup and trying to e moun 1 so we. pttjudJced ln tavor of any alte the matter It waa the COl1aenl\l8 Qnmm'-km for further oon.l.de,... AYES, Councilmen: Allea, Stan· atrenathen his flnt doubles com-11 altboaCb be owned property near of the councll not to accept the atiOD of Site No. fi, and .,,__.ed ley, ltbell, Hall. Reed. binaUon by playing Cameron pM==A==i~~=L==J=N==G==I\ ••· -·-•-• Sit 7 ~--Hi b ••-"' NOES. Councilmen: None. Thom d r---y dl ....., ..,...,..,...~ e , on ....u..t I -P'laml1ns Ocm1Mion·• recom.. to the Pt.annlns Comm l•lon a •te . an ~-ge &r ey, nor- way. mend&Uon at pre1ent. or unW equal to &bout one-third ot the ABSENT, Councilmen: Ncme. mally second and third singles (Tbe or1cbW Site No. 7 cc.n.aUt-more lntorma.Uon could be •&-tronlag'e Of the city property on July 18. 1SM5: respectively in that' spot. This of * M APL ES ed Of about .oc:> feet Of the city cured u to the ooet ot the land Highway lOl 1mmed1.a.t.ely north ol Councilmen Alim, Stanley and course weakens the singles but owned property, while tbe preeeut required in the vlclnlty of 1"lne the city property on tbe bluff over-Reed, the Committee appointed to Harryman either hu to concen- 8tt.e propoRd by Stanley take.a in av~ue trom the Irvine Compu.y lookinr the enttre harbor and cen-lntervlew architect. tor Plan..ulnl'. trate on winning all the singles the entire 2300 feet.-l:d.. not.e l. and from. the Griffith Company tor tering the city Pfoperty wbleh we dfftpJng IU1d. IUpervti.ion ot con-and take a chance on being the The records ta.ken from council the atte recommended by the Plan-can del1113iate u Site No. s. Would et.ruction or the propo91!1d city hall victim of a switch on the part of meeting on .June 4, 194~ ab.ow. nlng Commiulon. Councilman ta-&Yo like to lnctude in thla motion pftaented a written report on their the opposition or count on Rubel, that CO'lmcilman. Stanley eeconded bell mentioned the .site on prop-that the Pla.nnin• CommJ•ion -"ve flndfnp and recommenc!ed that a Fowler, Lind or McKibben to take " &• contract be entered into between t 1 t tw poi •- Spring Opening Huntington Dinner House 8th 41: Ocean -Buntlngton Beach Under Same 1\lanacernent Phone 4961 Open Daily, Including Sunday Luncheon, 12 lo 3 Dinner, 5 to 9 85c $1.35 Up Sand\\-iches -A-la-Carle Ordeni ua a recommenda.ll.oa u to poet-a eas o nll..ll. war development Of the 2,300 feet the city of Newport Beach and In the Huntington Beach match of city property 00 the Highway Ralph C. Flewelling ln order that last Friday, Harryman played the the latter may immediately pro-bo bl u d all b t and a recommendaUon. u to po9l-a ve com na on an won u wa:r development ot property own-ceed with the .tudy al the require-second singles-but then the Oil· menta neces••..., In planning a h 't tr t ed by the city and formerly known -.1 en aven a very s ong eam city hall ror Newport Beach. On d Full t Anah im d S t u the "Camp Ground" now teued an er on, e an an a motion ot Councilman Reed. aec-A d"ff t ·1· by the South Coa.at Boat Company, na are l eren propas1 ions. onded by Councilman Isbell and EATING CROW believing that It Ls eaaentlaJ to carried, the report ot the Commlt- know the poat-wu development of tee wu accepted and ordered tiled. these properties ln conaldertng a On motion of Councilman Reed. preeent and wiahing to be heard. ctv1c Center aite. The motion wu aeconded by Councilman Allen and Entering protest.a againat Site 4 duly secunded by Councilman Al-carried, the architect to submit a weft Braden Fl.nch, 0 . Z. Robo len. and at thia juncture, Council the er'll!lon, Comml.uiooer Allen, H. E. man Reed brought up the question ~~~~~~t for approval by city Cbriatler, Louia . Brtgp, Wayne ot condemnation ot the property F ebruary 15 1945. Harper, Nelaon Stafford, Roger needed for the Civic Center site, ' · Wal!oo.. and Kent Hitchcock. Mr. and auggeated that aome action Approval or rejection at Site 4 I H . M. Lane favored re-building on should be taken on the matter tor a Civic Center for the city of the present city ball site. Plot since there had been much delay Newport Beach. Thia hearing was \ pla.ns ot the Griffith Company for -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I aJready. Councilman Isbell wu ot called upon the request of the poet·war development ot Lido Jsle rl the oploion that the city owned city council that the Commiaaion 1 property adjacent to the property 1' DeWitt \fycoff of Beverly Hills had the honor of rolling the tint perfect ganij. to be rolled In Sport- land alleyss~ast Friday night. It was also Witt'• first 300. With Hal Toombs substituting for Ed Willtt, league play start- ed off smoo y Friday night and Hal establis 1 d an average of 154 1n the Jeag\ie and after league play rolled f. neat 253 game. Peggy F~' git took Al by 18 points irt\ t , e second game and Ruby Leslie I pitched a 201 in the second, her t\igh game for the sea- son. Also in the second game Dave Ross fussed a 203 to take high game ~nors for the evening. He also·oowjed high series of the evening wi ' 555. Balboa Mixed Dodbles J . Vogel an S . Burwell .. 57 19 • j ~ \ & Mercury Cleaners Offer Regular yers 3-DA Y SERV· CE or 1 -Day Special H an Emergency Arises ( -11-I Your Oothlng Is Cleened In Our !Plant Which Is Located at i 1844 Harbor Blvd. COSTA llJIJ8A. I We Ani u Clolle to Yoa u Yoar Phone Beacon 5613-Jj • Mercury Cleaners & J)yers I $SURE, WE PAY CASH$ • • WE WILL BFIITER THAN MEET ALL OFFERS ' ON YOUR CAR. • -· So stop in atMcCARTHY USED CAR WT at 1920 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, and get . I the top dollar for your automo~ile. I. B. BREWER, s.Jennan. tutnctent land for the site without approve or reject that site known I of Sito 4 wen-presented by Com· buying any and euggeated that a aa Site 4 &a a Civic ~nter. Dia-\ mlasloner Seager. When the report f'r'om the City Engineer as cuaslon of the Commlsslonen waa lengthy dlscumlon n.nd arguments to what buildings were propoeed held prior to the open meetJng, were tiniahed and all had been ror the Bite in order to determ.Jne during which CommlM!oo.er Pat· 1 heard. Commi."81oner Patterson what amount or land waa needed. terson described the aite, at the I moved and Commiuioner Allen The city attorney advUe:d that tr reque3l of ChaJrman Hopklna. !teeonded that the hearing be clo•· additional land wu requlttd, con-&t.ating that it comprised approxi-, ed. Motion carried. The matter waa demnaUon proceedings couJd be mately 4 ~ &crea, net area of 157,. then turther di.9cll.16ed by Commls· re50rt.ed to. 550 square fut, or a total area ot ston. with the motion finally be· January 2, 1945: 250,400 square feet. all city owned.! ing made by Comm.Lssioner Allen. Resolution No. 221 of the City About 60 cilizen.s ·were prese:.1 t and seconded by Commissioner Plan.n.i.ng Comm!Mlon re.affirming for the bearing. Y.'hlch when de-~ Baltz, that the Commiselon recom- their recommendation or Site No., clared open by the chairman ror mend the ftjtttlon of Site 4. Cha1r 4.A together with their Resolution protests or agreen:enta ror 88..ld called for a roll call vote. ·I .EW COSTA MESA TELEPHONE ~· ! ora Owners Get your car ready for Spring and Summer driving See us soon-Save money QUICK SERVICE THEODORE ROBINS SALES -SE:RVJCE Phone Hatbor !8 Newport BMch BALBOA'S • No. 217 laid over f'rom a previous Site 4. tlr8t heard Braden Finch , I A:yes: Commissioners Allen. meeting recommending 58.ld stte, president of the chamber of com: I Baltz. Campbell and Patterson. \li.'ere brought up tor considerat ion merce, and O. Z. Roberl8on 'lf Co-Noee: Commlasionera Hopki11s, \\.'hereupon the city attorney ad-rona del Mar, who both not only Isbell , Johnson, Nelson and Seager. vl aed that the proper procedure ln j protested the approval of the site. The next motion before · the I -but went into discussion of the site Com.minion was made by Comm1s- knowo a.a Site 7. a.nd its approval,! sloner J ohnson that the Comm ts. B t 0 so that it wa.s apparent to the 1 s ion recommend to the city council oa wners • • • Commin ion that even though l the approval or Site 4. as the deslg-1 Canvas By the Yard Wide Wldtrur-AD Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 16%9 8o. Mala St. Pboae %07 SANTA ANA Liquor Store -.. -.. ,- Palm -9-7. -- PIM>ae Barbor Sil hearings had already been held on ; natt'd site for the Civic Center of all sites cooaidered, that the meet-Newport Beach. Motion seconded lng be thrown open for di9cualliOIUI b)• Commiuloner Seager, and a t or all .atte11 agaJn : whereupon I roll call vote called by the Chair· Commissioner Seager moved, and man. Comml.Mioner Allen seconded that I Ayee :Commimtoners Hopkirul, the Commiaaioo. hear anyoo.e wtab. lsbell, Johnson, Nellon and Seagu. Ing lo be bee.rd. Motion can1ed. j Noea: Commlaaionens Allen. For over two houra: Sile ' ver'9WI Baltz, Campbell and Patterson. Site 7 were dbcu.aeed by all t.hoee f AfoUm carried and ao ol'dered. Go EAST ••• Go NOW \for LESS RENDEZVOUS 20 tr1,,. a day to all tltelaaf BALLROOM Pt&• • Intermission MITCH MOWERY Dancing ...ct Ccdtalll AND ms BAND Holly & Lee Entertainment Sablrday, May 4111 Vllli tlM> Watch for ~ming Name Bands Bamboo Room 'hs he frGm 9 aatll 1 • I • • • • • • • • - Here's oaoa-Ameria trafti MniClo that's had co i. .. c1 'recia-~ make ii ~,, ..... go wbea JOO p .. ow -come bock whoa JOO'ie .racly. Take yovchoice of maay acaaic:.-GoODeway, ftlmD &DOCber, if JOO like. Greylooand's dlri&y &ta .... JOO """" ... spend wt. ... JOO .. dter-e ••• - oily .,_ -" 1 ... ch&ll clrrn.n1 JOO< car. N-1'-.'6.N ~···­Pltt.•mata • ...... •e • 0t7 . la.19 C. C.. 8WAP'.POllD, W o-.t "*"*., ...._ B1em ·-. - ~-GREYHOUND • r !OFFICE MEANS MANY NEW • l ii ,. • NUMBERS IN ENTIRE AREA Keep a List of the Numbers Y 01 ~ Call Most Frequently • 'i Until publicati~h of the June 1 directory, you ! will find it very helpful to keep a list of new numbers near t our telephone. Construction of the Costa Mesa office and enlargement of telephone facilities in this I . area is a part •f the largest expansion pro- gI'Jllll in our ruJtory. UTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. • • • • •• .... T9m -........ -Capilla Circle Elects Officers Npt. Heights Circle Plans Breakfast San Franci sco Cou ple Exchange Vows i n H b F • ·· A t' • • t • Pret,ty Cerem ony a t Newport Beach Home ar or em1n1ne c· I 1· 1es The J . H. Mills home, 221 19th· oerved. A beautiful oenlftlli«e al Capilla On:1e met in !hl! oodal Newport Rei&bts On:le met at lltftet, wu the scene of a !l<"t!Y white nwt -and malclenhalr 637 R llaD al Carma de! Mar Comm'Jn-the home of Mrs. Ray Barrett, ~-wedding ~·-•-y evening fern centen.d the cllnlD& tahle, Ploi~ U 8ml D + By W ..... ed Butln + I""-1 • lty cburdl with Mn. 0 . Z. --Newport boulevard, with Mn. ~ '~ ch side and ertson ~ and Mn. il<>mbou Herbert McDonald as dlaJrman when Mn. Mllla' sister. Mn. Ruth with omdles at ea . • M leading In devotions. It wu the and Mn. Edward Hart leadinc In Waller Oeag. was married to Ed-1 there. was both a wedding ~th Former Local Man N e wport Harbor G i r l Scout Association Altar c i ety eets; annual meeting and electloll ·of clevotlons. She ga\'1! an in•-*'---~ Nelson with Dr. John Rush-bride• cake, each drd<d "' · 'd Off' A · t d !ti -~ ...... ;;,,,"",;!Van Nu,,. o!ficiatlng. Both .,...,,. -·.. White llllN. And Eng hsh Brt e Installs Officers at Luncheon Meeti n g at BYC. tee ppotn e ~ ~of~:::::.. ;:::,,~n~:i:,ter customs of cllf-~ncipals are from San ~;~~ '::::=·were uoed V is it Relatives New officers o! the Newpurt• all trtendl of Girl Scouting will M of the Altar Society atlng committee, presented the It was reported the circle bu . · · cl Mill• who wore Harbor Girl Scout Auodatlon. contact Sb>uts in their nelchboJ'. ot the C.l olic churches ot Our names of Incumbent otficen they gone over the amount· needtod for 'Ibe bride wore blue crepe with Miss Patri. a ' and red Mr. and Mn. Wlllla.m Newland were installed at a luncheon meet·! hood or Mn. Lonnie Vincent, Lady of 1-(t. Carmel and St. John were unani.rnoualy elected. the church pledge. Future actfy.. matching hat accented with flow· chartre\15e ;1~ ::ih1Jie ~es and have returned to Fresno after Ing held last week at the Balboa I chainnan of the benefit theater Vlanney 11Balboa Island met a t Those who Will serve for an-tties planned included· a C011'1e-U· en and veil of shocking pi~, and C8.r!1atlons, g t e Mra. Milli spending 11 days in N ewport Yacht cl ub. Ta.king office were 1 party. the USO rooms, Balboa, and other year are Mrs. 0 . Z. Robert-you-are breakfast to be given th1s her conaae was ol garderuas and ass 15 ted in ~rvingiroclc ot blaclc Beach with relatives. Mr. New-Mrs. Herbert Morey, president; Newport Harbor branch of the Fl!lther N an appainted otticen son, president; Mrs. John Sadlelr, month. stepbanotia. She was att~nded by wore 8 two-piece . carnations. land i.s the son ot the late W. E . Mn. Walter Cole. vtce.president; Assistance League of Orange to serve or the balance of the vice-president; Mrs. L A Nor-.Thf" neY.t meeting will be a ben-- her niece, ?tun Lorna Mills, ~I and . white and . pink and Newland, former manager ol the Mn. Susan Rutherford. secretary; county ls tending !M.lr SUPPort by year. ' man. treasurer; Mrs. John Mea-ef1t luncheon at the home of Mrs. wore shell-pink ere~ with cor-Dunng the evening tel:~o":tula-Ocean Front Market, who made Mn. Stuart Diehl, treasurtt, who providing a $1000 c.ampenhip fund Those ljamed were Mrs. W. J . dor, leefttary; Mrs. Frank Pow-1 Wlillam Trusty at whldli time the age and coronet of purple iri> t~legraph messag~ c!:ne In ru.. home in Fresno for ~ put was appointed to take the place to be used to pay part of the ex-Neville otl Costa Mesa, president; ers, =dln.ator, and Mrs. Newton nomlnatlng oommlttee wtJl r-t. and 1ilver ribbon. Mr. Mills acted tions and best . es from the six years, and niece of Miss ElsJe of Miu Dorothea Wilson, who ts ~nses of girls who would not Mrs. Robert N. CUnningham, vice-Cox, histonan. Members of the committee are u best man. from 58:11 Fr:;'~ cou le. New~d. W~t Central av~nue. ~ Jeavt.ng soon for Japan. otherwise get to camp. Individ~. ~dent ;/Mrs. Art hur Donaldlon. Reparts on the reeent conven-Mrs. Agnes Wilson, Mn. Olarlell After the cer emony, attended by many friends p cousin, Mari.5 NeoNland, lives in Seated at the head table were also, may contribute and a camp trlasurer, and Mrs. Colin Brown, tton were given by Mn. Arthur Hand and ?tlrs. Leon Fergu80ft. 15 or more friends, the reception The new Mrs. Nelson . t:i: w~ll N~rt Heights. . . the retiring officers, Mn. Hub--tund hu already been started for secretary.JAppointed as sacristans I Kem~, Mrs. Schrock an~ Mrs. was held .-Ith a buffe t iupper known here for she has VlStted ID Mr. Newland enlisted '" the alr bard Howe, president; Mrs. Loa-next year. were ~ J . E . Burke for the Sadleir. A panel discussion on M i ll Valley PeJt!e ::::_::=:_::_:_:_:_:::._ ____ _:,;:__ ________ -::::====1 corps before P~87l Harbor and nle Vincent, vice-president; Mn. Girls in all the troops of this Balboa 14and church and w. E. Afr~ca wu led by the program . • served .. techn1ctan at Chanute Everett Nunan, put-president of area have had jam and jelly show-Wertz fot Our Lady or Mt. Car-chairman, Mn. Sadleir, those tak-Buy t n Newpt.. eights field. He went to England and the Leaders club·: Mrs. Harold en at their troop meetings t o meJ. 1ng part being the Mesdames L Capt. Carl H. Hermance (re. served tw~ years at ~ field near Holtz, president of the l..eaders provi~ the camp With some of the Tea w served at a table dee-Sparkes, Frank Powers, E. A. K. tired) and his wife and dau.gbt.er Lond~, his rank being that of club, and another honored guest, luxuries. Next week th~ camp orated wi fh pink tapers and pink Hackett and Ronald E . Bernas-are now residents of Newport technical sergeant.. In March of "Skipper" Allen, executive secre-committee is driving to B1g Bear sweet peas, with Mrs. P . A. Gal-conJ. . H eights, having recently purchu- last year. he mamed an English tary. on an inspection trip and to coi:a· lant and' Mrs. Aughe Pouring. I For the musical program Mrs. ed a home at 512 Newport boule-- W AF, flight ~rgeant ~thh the The new president appointed the plete arrangements already in Members lot the hostess commit-Kemper sang two numbers, l vard. ThC'.)' came here from Mill ~· who received her disc arge following chairmen : camping, Mrs. progress. tee werer. the Mesdames N eville Come to Thee (Cara Roma) and Valley, near San F rancisco and in November after 64 m onths of EdYo'ard Chapma n ; equipment, Mrs. H owe, r etired preside'!"t, Cunning4m a nd Theodore Rot>.'. TI:te Prayer P erfect (Stenson) plan to enjoy yachting and boat· Expert Beauticians for Milady • Pumanentl, C.01d W<1.vc. Hair Styling. Hair Tinting · · · Bleach- ing. Cold Wave. ANN -CARMEN Featurtn~ H elenfi Curtis Cold l Vaves ni-S.111rtla7, ,\II p ...,, g,._... Apll'Olnlmf"nl-for Pnm&111mU : l'h•-Harbor ~17 Bal boa Inn Beauty Salon BaJtM:i. Ina Arcade • Ottaa Front at; Die Pier Mothers · Day May 12th Give ·~,, -,~-- Her Flowers • • • Even if you have sent her a nother gift, Her Day won't be complete unless you re- member her with the token that truly expresses deep devotion . . . FLOWERS! NORMAN'S Flower Shop • Nursery 1814 Cout Highway Corona del Mar Pbone Barbor 690 • • • Come and See Our Selection MOTHERS DAY Sunday, May 12th 17 -1 ewe! Watches $28.50 and u p ALL GUARANTEED 'f.r D ia mond R ings 'f.r Wedding R ings 'f.r Birthstone R ings 'f,r S ignet R ings V i nyl Plas tic and Plastic Ca Di Pa ma Ceramics A ll Han d M ade LARGE SELECTION OF Pins • N-ecklaces • Earrings BEAUTIFUL CRYSTAL • SILVER PIECES GOLD AND SILVER CHARMS STERLING SILVERWARE BEST JEWELRY AND GIFl'S Q-RIO SHOPPE 2& Main St. BALBOA Harbor 2261 service. Mrs. Vincent; J uliette Low fund , was presented a pin by Mrs., Vm-ins. Duripg the afternoon Miss wtth Mrs. H. Cardoza Sloan play-ing in the harbor. A graduate of Harbor HL l\.1 r. Mrs. Edgar Hill; membership.I cent, who expressed appr eciation Imelda ~ton, organist for Mt. ing the accompanimen ts. Newland attended state college Mrs. \Villiam Trusty; organization, of the me.mbers f?r all she has Carme.l, pla yed piano selections. A buffet tea was served by and later went to Y.'ork on t he Mrs. Alfred E . Gibson : program, done for Girl Scouting in this area Thirty-~' members were present , th.e hostesses, the Mesdames Sad- Bakman Fruit ranch at Fresno. Mrs. Robert Kill~fer ; public re-for the many years she has work -for this fi t meeting to be held letr, Schr~k, Sloan, Harry St8:uch, \~le h~ was away the compan.)• ltt.tlo ns. Mrs. Ralph Deaver; train-ed, and for the past year when she in severall ars. H arold Wilson and Walter Swiger. bullt him a new house o_n the lng, Mrs. Nunan, end r egistration, served as president of the organ-1 Th 1 . 'II be J Twenty-fout members Y.'ere pres- ranch .. Y.'hich ~he C:OUPle. will ~ I Mrs. Murray Rabbitt . ization. "Skipper " Allen thanked e nef~ mee,~1ng ,,, . une ent. . cupy if the bnde likes 1t in this he the board of directors. leaders 5 at the 1.SO ""1th l\1rs. Cohn F. Later this month there \\rilJ be country, othern•ise they plan to re-l\1rs. Walter Co~r. announced tor and members of the troop com-Bro~ an~ .1\tlrs. Henderson as the a joint meeting and installation turn to England. Out-of-dDoors tTdamihng C?urst e tred mittee for thC'ir splendid cooper-committee 111 charge. of officers with the Sunday School ,------------ all lea ers en ot er 1.n eres f ' """-Guild th dat t be -• Sch I d lt bet held at Christ ation during this 1rst year . .i.ue h W SCS • e e 0 Bn:"Ounu:u . Margaret L. are ~u \ n~w th "J., f 10 m next meeting w;n be in October. N p t . e ac later, and hostesses ti.mg the I urc Y e a Tom a .h · Meets Wed nes d ay Mesdames P owers, Hackett, J . H. (Member Music Teachers' Assn. to 2 :30 p.m. on Thursdays, t e C I Smith and Bernasconi of California) Mes a P T A Tuesday Costa Mesa P arent -T eacher leader being Mrs. E . B. Car-Newport ire e . Association meets Tuesday, May michanl or Hermosa Beach. n · F d N Be h WS CS "]] Teacher o f P 1'a no 7 at 2,30 p.m. in the Main school. Mrs. Edward Chapman an-' ' lSCUs s e s 00 ewpo ac · · · · wi li-ferle Newland. s0 aman J/c., . meet W~nesday, l\.1ay 8 at Christ San Diego, spent the weekend This is the last meeting of the nounc<.>d plans are well under way Conservation Ch urch b~the Sea with the study with his brother Maria Newland Organist ~ Accompanist year and '''ill honor eighth grade for the first established camp for class con . ening a t 10:30 a.m. and and family, NeY.'.port Heights. I Studio: ~-<:.'>~~ A,,_,ae students. Girl Scolits of this area. to be NeY.'J)Ort Beach Circle met a sack I ch at noon. The after-Mrs. Arline J asper . 24th street '-""~...,._um. n.a..- The drama class C'f the high held at Big Bear lake for two Wednesday at the home of Mrs. noon spe ker wi ll be a mission-\isited friends in San Diego Tues: I P HONE: HARBOR 1046 school wi ll give the program and weeks t his s ummer and applica- May U'Ren , 3512 Ocean Front w:y from ~epan, a former prisoner ~~·==========~~==========~ eighth grade mothers will be host-tions are being mailed to her this with Mrs. Hunsaker presiding and of war. j • ------ esscs. Members are reminded week. Mrs. Ella Goeldner leading in de- ther e will be some one in char~e There are accommodations for votionals. , on altlhech.jdrlayground to en "-ertain only 50 girls. 25 each week and When the Faith 'Jar "°as opened sm i en. reservations are being m ade in it yielded $21 which goes toward ' the city many times. She and her the order in which they are re-the church budget . Plans were sister are members of a pioneer ceived. In order to keep the cost made for serving luncheons for the Honolulu family and were edu-as low as possible for each girl, MYF during May. All-purpose cated both there and in Europe, the Girl Scout association is spon-cards and "Doll y?duz-its" are now Mrs. Nelson ha'-ing studied the soring a benefit motion picture, available from all circle members, violin at the Conservatory of the amusing comedy "A Sailor it was announced. Now SbOtng thru Saturday- J\1usic. Leipzig, Germany. Takes a Wife,". at the Lido theater l\.·tiss Elsie Newland read an ar- After the reception the bride Tuesday evening. May 14. Pro-ticle on "A Olp of Cold Water" changed to a two-piece suit of cecds from tickets sold by S:co~ts followed by a round table discus- printed crepe with tan accessories a nd members of the assoctation sion on food conservation in Eur- and the couple left for a n undls-wtll augment the camp f~d . in ope. In view or the need for sav· closed destir.ation. They will be supplying lots of good nourishing ing food it was voted to discon- at home in San Fr ancisco after food a nd plPnty of milk for the tinue serving refreshments at May 10. girls while in camp. It is hoped circle meetings. GIFTS for MOTHER H a nd Block ed • • Handmade Jewe lry Per fume Cosmetics Linen C ock tail S e t s Luncheon Sets A p r ons • The next meeting will be May 22 at the hOme of Mrs. Goeldner , 217 33rd sln!et. For quick results use-. News· nmes classified C\..lumns -----·-- NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Stationery Brookings V arietv .. 0-.. ..,,., 0--...... c ' $ 5 u.."" ... ,,.... .... · Arcade ANTIQUES 515 North Main Street Santa Alla . (Oppoolte Arcade Cale) Lary;eot dlopla)' from wllleb to-... -n-t~ -will be ~ of ID· o.-nc --t tltnq1I the _.... Vl81TOll8 WELOOME ~===============;1 -=-==---=-----Balboa Tbeatre Announcing • • • • . . ·The Opening of THE NEEDLEPOINTER Monday, May • Wool Yarn Embroidery Ass't Rugs AAd Tbreads ALL AOOE880BIE8 for the NUDLE WOBKER °'~ ~ 6 Appropriate Gilts . for Mother LEONA BER'ra ll8 I'-* Blwdwa1 008l'A Ill&\ • ---·" Now Mio ....... tlana S.turday- Pwry Como • VI.tan Blatne ID "DOLL FACE" Allan .Jones -Bonita Granville In "Senorita from the West" Sunday thru ~a7- Ba;1· !llllaad. -Jaae Wyman bl "The Lost Weekend" aho CMriee 8tu...tt In "Blazing the w estem Trail" Wedi !1day a 'Dlanda,y- Wllllam Gus--N._ Ko1i7 ID ·"Follow That Woman" Aloo ...... _.._ Pu'etie Oe6luC, a .aee1 Y.-C ---.. "Standing Room Only" 7zxtn A~ Exel~ New l\IABCB OF TIME "Night Club Boom" 3 C-'JtTOON8?[ Don.a.Id Bt Bunny ~ Elmer! n-.· 3-.,CROSBY ~RGMJ\N -../.!£() A uw:r.t TheBellsci .St.MaryS ~---..,---­, ....... -.-.-., .. -~ -~.11"7-00lllNO .&ft'&&CftONB Ip.DE TJDNU ID ..., D' I O....i.tpW-~ ·-1-" .__ Coed • • ~D'Wf£A ""I' '1m1t ._. • .._,.,.1---l---------- -~ a ...,..... ociioNo .&ft'&&~NB -........,.. .... , ........ . e-·--v •• • ~ • ...... Mo t ,._._.,,. -.....ear -~ ~y._...,.. r ra .... • • Balboa bland -Phone Harbor 1821 Open Saturdays Until May 1st Oesed on Monday WHERE HAIR STYLI NG IS A N ART Ot!r aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and provide the ultimate in beauty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE ,M([})llHl~fR'§ ll»AY fo,AY n2ib send fl£}!, a. NORCROSS~ Hor cloy of days dosol)tM ~ oltonlion. Como ~ our Mothor't Doy cards,. wh1ch oro especially io..ly. They n>dioto tho true :.pint of Mother'• Dov , ·and will gi"" a spo<ial hof'!'ifteu_to_lter" •. The BLUE SAILS OppMl.te Poat ornoe Mother's Day 8 aJboa Suaday May lZ for HER on HER day 1847 Rogers Silver Hollo\vv,;are -§- • Tiffin Glassware -§- F))glish Empire Ware -§- Vontury Porcelain Ware -1 - Laguna Pearls Simmons Costume Jewel ry -§- Elgin Watches IUmited) -1 - Reyco Watches -1 -Lap~I Watches -§- Parkt:r Pens -§- Reynolds "400" Pens I