HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-07 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl SAND CRAB ., SAM . urilY SB·B-B! Comes now .. -the ~ Costa Mesa Globe-Herald and gives our city council a going over and the way Globe Editor Ludl would have them COil· duct its business. He objects to informal sessions and says that is not acxording to Hoyle, although every dty of any sm. In th~ U .s~. meets before sess1ons, m commitue, In commltue of the whole, etc., to disCuSS problems. as does any large corporation or other civic group. One might say that the Costa Mesa Oiamber of eommen:e has met time without end on Incorporation without calling a general meeting; that they have been doing that very thing on the self-same subject for at least five years and yet Mr. Ludi does not feel nervy enough to ask them to come in the open and lay ALL their cards on the table. One could call the Mesa C. of C. a council as it performs most of those functions. "Up in Costa Mesa." says The Globe, "we're not a city and we're not used to city ways ... and have our own ideas on how a government should operate ... not in se- cret sessions." And then he says Newport Beach people are mighty smart. It's bet· · ter to be smart than cute. The Globe-Herald says it is not used to city ways but "Pop" do you remember the time when the attractive lady on your left sat on the edge of her chair, eyes pop- ping, and just hung on the words of that dynamic per· sonality at the other end of the banquet table? She was trying to get used to your city ways, Pop! 'Member? Why not be smart as well as cute, Pop, and you may be- come a councilman too! + + • TblJ'd 'l'tme Charm. Mar- ion Dodd is seeking re-elec- tlon May 17 for . trustee of the Newport Beach Gram· mar school Marion is fin- ishing his sixth year, the last three geing as president of the board, and while no one, thus far, has the temerity to run against him, still Marion feels the people's moral sup- port could be better present- ed by a hefty vote. The other two members are Gor- don Findlay and Weston Jay, and the trio is vitally inter· , ested in the f orthcomlng bal· Joting on the $150,000 bond Issue sought for extensions and improvemen~ + + • Be C-Back. An· nouncement that Ge or g e Schaeffer, fonner I~ pub- lisher, has purchased The Santa Ana Independent from Paul Witmer and that M in- ll!llds to start a daily, will be rece!V1!d with much interest by hls friends here. George has been t'OOJleCled with the promotion department of a motion picture studio In Hol- !ywood and has always had a yen to live In Orange county and run a newspaper. ••• His lnltlatloa. When Ma· son Siler participated In his first business session of the city council, he listened with deep concern as Kate Mc- Cann told about the "filthy" · streets. alleys, sidewalks, etc. in her bailhvick. This quite distressed the new official and he gazed at his col- leagues for their reaction and noted a half-smile on their faces. Then Mayor Reed turned to him and gravely said: "This is a mat- ter that should be referred to the street committee; you are chairman of that com- mittee, Mr. Siler!'' + + + Fin& Vw&loa. Herb Ken- ny has been Balboa postmas.. ter for five years and now be ·Is getting his nm vacatlm. 1be department gave him a month's leave ot ahlence, so next SlJnClay M and the Mis- -~ leaving for Lake county to attend the Post· ID&ltel1' state roovention and atter that they will en- train for Vancouver ,their old stamping grounds for a visit 'llllth relattves and wbete Hnb ctahble<t In the printing bnsfn e .NEWPO:RT . .,... .. Adm"' I • Jl!nt .. Cir• I ... • KEEP POSTE• 1 Yw-.•••••• a• .. c •b ' -.:r• a.er 0t • P:eto...e1-· .... Olillli* ..., th .. Neww T 111 Mwpwl D # EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, Ul)9 ISLE, BAI.BOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA . voLmm mwm ~1 •. ~- ·aus Line Warns. Ci are Boost Move City Will Buy Motor to Aid School Youth Work of Local Artists SllOWll At Exhibition ArtistO from the Oty of New- port Beach represented ln the ex· hlblt at Newport Harbor High schoOl included from Corona de.I Mar: Rex Brandt, who has three pict\ll"etl "Ught on the Jetty," Unanimous apprOYal by the "China Cove" and "Sunday Sall"; Newport Beach Oty Council was Otto F . Gerhardt, who has his given Monday to a request by Po-picture "Little Corona"; Joan ITV· lice Chief R. R. Hodgkirulon for Ing Brandt, who has four pictl.a'\.'S the purcha.."'E' of a motorcycle to be "Hi, Up There," .. Euler Sunday," used in controlling automobile .. Surf. Sand and Sea" and '"Dories traffic on t he highway near the at Rat"; Burt Proctot, who has Corona del ~1a.r school building. his picture "High Tide"; Kath- Tile police official called the ertne Knox. wbo has two pictures counctrs attention to the serious-"~t ending the Nets" and "Newport ness of the traffic si tuation at the Bay," and Bessie Benedict, who school crossing, where people and has her pic ture "Rocks:· children fe4f to cross the highway From Balboa Island, Helen because of cars that speed by in Smith, who has two pictures that vicinity. "Costa 1t1esa Farm" and "'Home- Hodgkinson explained that the work"; Ruth Reinhold~ who has city guard employed at that point four pictures "F ish Cannery, New- has had difficulty controlling the JX>rt," "Fishing Boats," .. Autumn traffic there because of a lack of Day" and "Grand Canal." a vehicle in which to do so. F Lid 1 1 ~ 1 St in rom o s e, ,,esse e , Hodgkinson said that the guard who h.a.s two pictur es "The Green is paid $125 a month. whlch. he Boat.. and "Lido Cove"· from added. is a small sum for the t amount of work that the man does Newpol't, C. W . Hunt, who has for the city. The police chief al.so three Pictures "Boat Rentals." suggested that the city consJder "Udo Bridge" and "At Anchor," raising the saJary of the traffic and Samae McCorkell, who has ard thrtt pictures '"Th e Frolic," "Bay gu With the advent of a motor-View" and "Wave." MayJ. Proclaims Cl~~P Week 'fo ~ighten City ' P. E. Petition Before Railroad Boar.d Would Raise Rates 15 Percent Proclal\lung a special "O•an- lfp Week'' for May 19 to 25, I MOJ'OI' O. f !;I. Reed calls attention to the need fOf' contlnulitg effort I on this alt year, all time problem ' of makinl the city more attrac-~i:m.:o 1.;t'.-?"' .. well as to . Newport City Plans No Protest at Present to BROTllER8 IN ~ WU-(loft) and aa..,, OeL Sir Paul win•.,.., Bart, (rlp.t), former Udo We boJWt P-.1' pre-Modi.- el"• Day tribute to twr moU!ier, Mn. WllHama, at Collar Home ........ Two famous Sons Honored Not on1r' is clean-up a factor in Bus Companies' Request . to Readjust making ~ better ap)X'aring city, P-:-ht, p d Sch I Far but it is a factor for safety from a·• ""6 a88enger aD 00 es fire, clef· up of wM:te paper, cartons, : bbish helps _In no small 1h"1eves Grab . It was &PPU"'Dt from M--way to trol the fire menace. day's meeuag of the Newport and the .•uty of it is th•t it $600 in Values Beach c1ty OOWldl t11at t11111 costs praF,h cally nothing. . body doM aot llltead to pro- Tbe a~peal to all citi:r.ens to I test the move of the Los AD· join '"1.n ~lean-Up and Fire Pre-Thieves W1!re _busy around the vention. 'l'f'eek should be listenod harbor_ area during the weekentd, geles motor .-eh and the to by &!I' &ood citizens, accord-a~ to .• report made_ o Padfic Electric bu com- ing 4D tije mayor's proclamation sheritrs deputies. A tray of nngs pa.Dies to apply for a 15 per lo\•hich ls 'given here in full · I was stolen from the store of C E. oeat increase in freight Uld I. · Loucks at 1'197 Newport boule-passeager-~~-the .tale l CLEAN-UP vard, Costa Mesa. 1be rings val-rallroad ~ 1 and I ued at $COO, were taken f~ a FIRE fREVENTION WEEK I show case S<llDe time Saturday, it The dty faUltn' li!iltun la WHERJ:AS, our N ation through I was believed. this dlrectloa WU lilm.ply to the gre~ efforts of its armed From Cofona del Mar also came receive and pllee on fOe-the forces sUpported by the united the rePort that punes. watches application of t1te PM& effort of !all ill citlz.ens has with-and other vah•Nes worth $200 12ectric Ral!':!l eomi-ay in the Past year brought to a were taken trmn the 1 auto of H. M'. when It· WM Ja part by vlctoriouf conclusion after four Melt.cm. which was ~ at the aty Clerk Fnak R'rihrl a& ye81'1 1"° world wars; and edge ~ the bluff muth ot Corona the ting ~· there yet remains del Mar. · -• with I us ?ska of vital importance 1 Bua ~ Up to otlr' fvture; and Police <Allis, : In asking for a readjustment in NOW, f.THEREFORE, I, o. B. • I freig,ht and passenger rates, tAe Reed, M~or of the Oty of ~--Citations, Hit railway company petition stated JX»"t Beach. do hereby proclaim I in part that great increases in the weeit .. of May 19 to 25 as All-Time Mark ·operating expenses, brought about "Clean-tij> Week" during wh.ich 1 by the iocrease in rates of pay cycle, the guard will continue to From Balboa, Katherine L. Orr protect schoolchildren on t heir with "'The Zaca Off Lido Isle," G. w ay to the school building, and A. ~1 agnussen·s three pictures when not doing this, he will be au-"Arch Rock. Corona del Mar:• thorized to keep traffic going at a "Rocks" and "Corona View ... and reasonable pace as a safety meas-John William Grant, who has his . u_re_fo_r _all_.-=-------::-::--p-ic-:-tur_e_"_B•-=c=k_Ba_y._" ----King George CQnfers Knighthood on Gen. City-County Harbor Expense ~:e ::~1!i:': o:Vc11:n~fheaded Airr every d,'t:tzen will exert his or matorfe .0-Ume reoordt. wen ! retroactive to ~~-1, 19:16, has U. her utm.l..t effort to Clean Un..-___ ... poll 1 caused lhe Pacific Electric co¥ Yo t-set in t he Newport ~ Cf!; t · \d t th 'ty I Yards-Alleys-Vacant Lots-and de~ .. Ap& ~:1Y o ~e o e. n~J . Reaches Total S4,Q#'700 With tlle 40th anniV!T"S81')' of[ thi? founding of the C\ty of New--I w port Beach, which occurs next oca oman August, an .Interesting summary of expense 1n bwld1ng Newport Harbor has been compiled by the H•t c • Newport Harbor Chamber of Com-I ross1ng merce: It' reveals a total of more than $4,000.000 expended by the ~ht:,,,~~ ;';';r~ ~!Y"Or•nge The H·1ghway Hurt da~~r~f ~rea th~~w l~:ltei~i!!~:. I Date of incorporation, Augus;t 21 ,, ' 1906. Fint meeting of board of Mrs. Gladys Manden of Cabin 5, trustees. September 3. 1936: Waves motel, Seashore Colony, Up to 1825, the Santa Ana river Newport Beach, suffered serious flowed into AlamJtos bay. The tnjuria late Sunday afternoon river then moved east to a paint when she was struck by an auto- near Huntington Beach. In 1861, mobile in the 6500 block ot Coast during a big flood the present hjghway. channel moved to a line· along the Police reparted the driver of bluffs west of Colt a Mesa. the machine wu Ensign Jama L. First federal survey of Newport Shipman of the Los Alamitos Harbot' was made in 1888. A naval station and Monette, Mo. ''hearing" on February 8. 1912, Witnesses told police that the established harbor lines ln New-woman wu escorting two prkinese port Harbor. dogs across the highway when she Oty of Newport Beach voted ls said to have walked Into the its firat bonda for harbor work in path of the oncomine car. September 25, 1916. June 10, 1919, Mrs. Marsden was placed In an Orange county votl'd first bonds A.uociated ambulance and escort- tor harbor work. Santa Ana river ed by Patrolman Jack Mlnttt ot diverted direct to the ocean.~19'20. the Santa Ana pallce to Orange In December, 1933, Orange county hoapltal, where 1he wu county voted second bond issue treated for a slight concuulon and for harbor work. This money lacerations of the left eye and with federaJ and WPA funds, to-cheekbone. tallng nearly $2.000,000 in all, car-On account of the lack of a ried out big improvement project. I room due to the over-crowded con- Fint jetty rock dumped Decem-dJtions of the county hospital, the ber l , 1934, first of three dTedges j woman was released and allow~ arrived January, ·35, and whole to return to her home he re, it wu program completed and harbor of-learned. ficially reopened by President \ Inquiry at the local motel dis- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1t1ay 26, closed the information Ulat Mrs. 1936--ten years ago. Marsden '-''&S suffering from her Total spent on Newport Har-injuri6 in her cabin. It was 1aJd bar to date $4 ,000.000. that ·she and her husband left Two Sailors Hurt In Auto Crash Two sailOf"S suffered minor in· Juries in an automobile colU!ion Huntington Beach last week to ri\ake their new home in Newport Beach. Her husband ls employed in Long ~ach.. Ammunition Washed U on Local Beach at the intersection of Marine a\•e--Another full cue o! 20 MM am- nue and Coast highway in New-port township, lut Friday. munltioo was wubed up on New- PoliC<> said can driven by G. C. port Beach this weelc and reported by Frank Slully, ' 3600 Ocean Hennes jr .• ot Fullerton and Dale Front to the poUoe drpartment.. Smith. 19, of the San Dteco naval Tbo local department QOtilled Loo •ta=th ~ l>uddy, C. T. Mani>. Alamitoa Naval Air bue who dla- 20, .wo ot the naval •talion, ...,.. ~ of the Uve ammunition. Must Move Debris aid neigtjbors in every way to the 'l'lllt * 1 end 1181 filing their application wtth t same enii so that ouf city ~ el I& I ,. w .. 'city as an em ergency matter a present Fa better , cleaner and !ra111e .-c::: .~ ~ Ute this time. · brighaer as well as safer outlook llfC"6ed" m Mdt laetaace C! W. CornelL genera] attorney Mn. Edwin Williams. mother general was head of the airborne to o Ives, our many visitors 18 flte W.t.y al. -..,___t, for lthe Pacific Electric compan1, of two famous sons, wu surprised division which landed in Holland and frie , ds. Politte c:.... L &. a......._ who . signed the petition, al90 la.st week When one of them, Ma-and spearheaded . the invasion of F~R11!ER. we respectfully IUd.. poln~ out that the company ex- jor Ge.n. Paul Williams, head o1 the.,.«>ntJnent and Jt wu for this petition Jnd urge upon all dtlteM Hodel:' '• ~t aJao pectlj to 1pend $3,000,000 in 1946, the Third Airborne Troop Car-&ef"Ytce rendered to England that that thl~ Clean Up Effort be not made 115 Uft9la ... reeovered d~e ~ increased. operating expen- rier command. flew jn from hil he wu ·honored. He is .a veteran 11.mited Only to an effort ot one nm worUl of. ...._ property ditures, ar\d he a&ld the company headquarters at Greenville Anny of World War I and was com-we.k, b t a continlBng: plan and cluriac die 1 a... will •spend at Jeut another $350,· Air base, Greenville. S . C., to be mander ot the 12th U. S. Army progr throu&bout the ~ar t.& PoRee 8st. ai Be PrlMt 000 far making improvements in at her birthday party. The other) Air Force in Africa in 1943 .• He the fur er benefit ot our rom~ 11 day ,........,dam; 791 ..U.: materiaJs and supplies to the lines. son, Eugene Williams. i~ now in . wears th.e French Croix de Guerre munit:y. .: -ww .-W .. tllle wal School .. .,... 1 .. p Tokyo, where he has JUSt been and Legion of Honor, the Ameri-CITY F NEWPORT BEACH reeanl r. tlle .._, ~t. In its application the railway put in charge of the prosecution can Legion of Merit, Dis.tinguished o. B. Reed, Mayor: ""'l'lflll" ;:.. ...,. .. 8ct. PrtMt re-company is asking for an overall of all war criminals, being sec-~ervice Cross, Dtstlngu1shed F1}'-At test: ank Rinehart, CJ'erk. membered, •1• C.O. waa tltf!I increase of 15 per cent in one-way on~ only to Joseph B. Keenan, ing Cross and medaJs for overseu Dated ith.is 6th day of May, 1946. n.mL• as well as round trip fares, with chief counsel for the war crimes duty. a 'half-cent to a full cent addition prosecution. Eugene Williams, known as one R t O • where necessary to meet overhead G<-n. Williams, 'A'ho formerly c:r the nation's moet deadly crim-0 ry pens DrlV8 .S.mdav expenses incurred by the company. made his home on Lido Isle, waa 1nal prosecutors, was head of the T Ass• • I School children's fares wilt I~ r ecently knie:hted by King George land division of the U. S . Depart-I 0 1st Sb iCkell People ere~ one cent, while school com- of England, who conferred on him m ent of Justice in Los ' Angeles mutation fares also will be in- the Ro)ral Order of the Bath. The (Continued. on Page 4) I Eme:r&Eik!Y Food Collection on creased at least 15 per cent. . Tru~ ;;ived :::;a1~U:::, ~=.tr~~ The same increase appllei to in_ PENCILLED PERSONALITIES. For ~lee~ cal wm start Jll.Q' u. llCCOl'ding to !'~po~i~: ~.~~:pa=m-.:;: ~ Co bo local Chairman G . N. PNR, on e.xpreu charges on t.hiJ: mattn By )ACJ: UNDSUY. ~-~ .... ,,.~ Exa f inf •oard ~~:e .::ti:~.~ (Continue<! Oil Pap Five) • • • nie Newport Beech dty OOUJl• Rotary A u -1 J-Olle hu WAA Takes ' cU or> Monday approyed the ~ appointed -~ oommit· commenllation sulimlt!W by M«)'VI' tee: Dr. -. dlldrman; Sam 0 . a Rtled for the ·~tment of Porter, pohlldly; ---Emlp, W'tlllam[ K Trusty of S30 Santa llchoolo; An-Heub.7, food col-Over SAAAB Ana a.inue-, Newport Hd&hta, u lectlan clopoea; Lury -·• box- a E ' r of the electrician's ox· Inc ond <ntmc; Erwla• Spic<r, aminin&: board vice -. sue<:ff<k Sidney Black· Tbo followlac mre. will act u betll'd ~ 213 Orchard avenue, ·eo-collection -centeo; War Aueu administration In rona ~I Mar, who reoentl)" re-... •• 1¢ 1 Wuhlngton on Monday authorized signed ·'Ft post. Maret Spat, 2J0.::1112 lbrlne Ju Loo Angel .. district office to aWlttlle. take over the Santa Ana Army Air No ne Pro•-ts Food 0enter 3116 Marine Ave Bue. The hue WU tranaferred ...,., Harbor -ht. 302 Marine Av•: I by the War l>epertment to the Go es .Annexation . J IWAA Jut Saturday alancf ~~~Al}. . M stated excl~vely i t\ the / 0 Newport Beach Hopn'a Food C-ter. Newport Balboa News-Times is- • .J ••• 1ue of May 1, the AAF headquar-Allhl~·n;ance providing for dty Balboa llartaet. 301 11.aln. St. ters of the Sixth Ferrying group annexaUon of Balboa Coves, a· Balboa Central llmicet. 7os E . of the air t;ranaport command, de- tract ot~ach 18:"d extending from Central. n1ed ctrcu18.ted newspaper reporUI the ov~ad bndge at the Arches S.teww;:r Stme. Ba1boe that it wanted the army air bue. west alo.ng the Coast highway for R 1 The 1400-acre tract ia compio&ed ne~ly ~le, was paned on to Newport ~ Kuket. 2116 of land partJy owned and partJy aecond &ding by the city council Oceaa Fnmt.. leued by the federal government. Monda · Cottage -No. :lllO According to the war Assets were no oral or written Centr-1. 1., administration public land w(Jl re-- prom to the petition -"" Cotlap -No. 2, 508 vert to that status and building• boa Cova pn>ject -No. CenlnL llul)able for housing will be trans-l · fe!ftd to the Loo Angeles and ~ ~ :.11)(1 30th St. San Fl'ancll<o district offlcu ol McK nzie ·ConfirmecJ F.:;:..-;:__ Wblle Stare, ll2 lfe. the Federal Public Hauling auth- C:O.ofl1imat1on ol the appoli>t· arity. ment o W. H. McKemle u -· ~ F.-v lliel, 2210 Tbo bue wu &!activated March ant ~mMUr WU madli 0ceoa ,__ 31 and later cledarocl •urplu< by the. N-t Beach city 001ind1 C •wd ..... _.., will be ao-the War deparb:tw:nt. )(ondQ' I cepted. _It --•• , c __ • ..! i · , Uniform Rents Asked M&IIei Geta Pennit to DedllrlWW•ln On City-Owned Docks . OperJte SkiD Game Hm11, Nlre ..,_ Ualfonn l'Ollt charSft for all 'Ibo ewport -d~ ....,_ Dr. ,,_. n R • ~ 1,; a ~ cloc:b on the _.,, i$red. 'They ...,... treated at El Toro marine air tltatlon boapltal -later reluotd to return to their •taticn. A. (a--..1-) s~~ by Gerl>anll di ~ acoepteif the -1-B +SP: ' ' , -• 'Rn + ud ot lilP•&ir 101 In the Oontractoft Who contemplate .,,......,, IClllQ" ~: Police CUef R. R. at ll2 -I.a -? -. IA-Newpwt -WU ad-ted by buildinc in tJwo dty ot Newpmt ...,,•it"' s..,_,., ....._,_,...a ... -OllM&: ""-ew., . ..,_... . and panted a permit pm Rt rt..... ' .... 11 1~ Berbarwter Jtm11D O'alc to tbe ~~FryClu,bCarnitoS,taceval :=i:,.u: ... fli~.~'ii.: ::..t:t..:~:.:.:t~ .... -=i•::::1 ~ ',%'. :.=.-u:.:i..-.=,~~=:"?,.tr •-:-~i-:"1'R.s ~ r Ull1 debrio after tlnlahlnc tbolr pn>Joct. Tbo cllotanc:e bet•m e.r1ap9t llrwt W«ld Ws, made lill wq to "!+:-"*' • ....-. to. ~ 1 ; 11111 I ftmt -6-oa 7 a • artar Wioll and llfa- Newport Harbor Liam club la The d~ coundl ~au-In HU111:ary and the --Mlle Anmica and -..., .. ,. a _. the af -l!!'hlcli.a-. !II la a • • • - -'• --"' -t1oe ,_. ma1t1ns prepaza-f<ir i. !lob fry laed • Odd Bo•ldlnc Irwpedor Oil Coaat bleh"'lli< lo a -t --.J realtor -d-ID -b!lf andJ the dty ~ delQed 1'1&11-•Jal C fta ? ' ba IW • a O I-t!I - -oamival 11Q' 18 at the Amor-A. JI. N.-to mtlfy c:oatncton -the --cl --lan4. lift varied -.-1111, IRit -m11-= the palioe ddof l'IC•Ul*I P 1 ·-CS la cat a -Ml th, -_,.lie 1cu Loslon hall. Caata lilaa. Din-ot the cl~ order -u..,, apply aaw the m-' ot the -that lo the .,,. 1 ....,. ot A. -W ""'W· -,. c:llil' -'ft 7 a "' --at -~ .. -•01C ,_ will be -...s "-4 to 8 -f<ir pemdb ~build boft. Into tbe H-laa OlllliQ1 la tloe (0 '? 5 -.... J"lft~ paned , tllo -· I . •• tic 0 .. ' , ~. lbe I ... ' -r ' I ---• • • • • 1 .m .. .._' • •' .,, -~ I lW . PEDESTBIAN SAFETY walking on the ldt -aide at On roadwa)'S outside ~·or the r-1. cled&l'8 the Pllbllc Safe- -.!ential districts pedestrians ty dojmtmeut ol. the Natkmal must face oncoming traffic by AutormhQe dub.. Newport Raises S40,932 ~!"~~~· ·sors ~;::. ~c: the fore-P~a~c::~194& f H •t I '8 •1di Expens IOlnc Instrument, kMwn to me to befOl'e me. the undenlgmd. a Or OSpl a UI Ing Ora.nee county, mernher of the es be the pa:..w who executed tM Notary Public ln and for IUd Oraor' te u.e .. Wwmg Appvd fcir -.•·-·· Al Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop Z05 No. Br...tway, Suda.ha ftwe l'7n =~~ ~:ii.:~·ix:: . :.i:ai::-i-!:' = ol. !: = r"M~~~~ AP-~ Oranp oounty tlCXltrilK>-oerloualy Ill patient in a nine-bed tra!llc safety check, beslnnlnc -led&ed tO me that such air-McCARTNEY and RO~-~ Uons for the new Prftbytn1Aul ward at St. Jooepb boopltal and May 15, Patrol Olle! E. Raymond , board of au~ Wed-porati<Jll executed the """"'· MOBARRY, tno..n to me to bo hospital, to be built on the blu!!s many docton throughout the Cato ~ today. • ~ ordered expenclltur<0 of IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I the per,,_ whme names are lub- overlooking Newport Harbor;have county are !lndlng that too often n.. check coven an Inspection $1'\:035 and took into Its treuuey have hereunto oet my hand~ al-ICrlbed to the within lnmument, not as yet reached SO per oent of th""' are no beds available !or of the driver's llcenae and plates l:i !lxed my ottldal oeal the day and I and Of'l<no"'led&<d to me that they the '500.000 neecled, NeWl)O<t Hu-patients who desperately need -and a test .ol linkeo, llchts, tires, frame 1-at fl1I W. >'"I' In this certl!lcate ftnt above ""°""ted the .......,_ bor bas ralaed lll&hUY .,..,. two-plW care. windshield wipers am! boma o! Ill atreet, Santa Ana. -&old written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I th1nll of Its quota of $80.000 ao-It bas been pointed out that vehicles !nwlved in movina 'llola-to J. 0 . Thl:oc:ianorton o1 '19 ALICE DA Y.ENPORT, haV<! """'1nto set my hand ~ oonllnc to campaign ~. Crance oounty Is mote than 400 tlons. It Is --by the.In-., atn!et, seme dl7, far Nmary Public In -!or a!!lxed my of!ldal seal the day Rev. o. Scott MacFarland o! hoopltal beds ahcrt of basic mini-tematlonal Aaoclatlon of Olle!s $3'p am! H empty barrels at the said County and State. and year in this certl!lcate ftnt Santa Ana. mum at the present time and of Police am! will start ~ul-~ty hospital """" sold !or (Seal) above written. COUtlty contrlbutiona now stand while the popuiati<Jll 11 lncreuln&, taneouo1y in all ports o1 the $lg.SO. Pub:-Apr. 16, 23, 30;,Jlilay 7, 1946. CHARLES WOODFILL, at $231 047 accordlna lo the Rev hospital _.,. la not. United Stales and Canada. It wu prpendltuns _..,,_ ......, : N I Pub MacF...:1...d_ and Newport ~ Contrlbuton are uked to ....S timed lo !ollow President Tru-~ !ar 62f !eet ol. Iron pipe c:&atDICATZ OP PASDI--o ary llc In and far has raised $40,932 to elate with a check ar pledco to the chamber man's Tl'attlc Sa!oty tlCXl!oronce ...,a $800 worth ol. water meters llJliP DOnro lllU!llNEll8 UN· said County and State. womon o! the Al&lstanoe ~. of ccmmoroo at Newport --In Wuhln&lon, D. c., May 8-10. raj the Seeond District Waler Dsa PICTITIOUS NAIDI: (My Commission Exph .. under the cllalrmanShip of Mn. AIL-"'flal; ODlO !ar SO beds at the December 29, 1947.) '::===============~\wal1oo Hubbard, boclnnlna: their Crea..,. of New So thI d W ·t.e ~w: $1800 for 11re !lcht1nc w . the undenl&no<l. do <SEAL> • drive this ...... lo reach th• quota. ca.. ........ A It u an a r ~~!ar! th• division of !ar-certU). that ...., are partnen ~ Pub.-April 23, 30; May 1 H. 19411 $SURE' WE PAY CASH$ ~er:-1r:c1en7'~~e ~4:! ••.J 11111D1. wa Conference Called ~c;.,v:r ~tee= Z-~ =~~:a!.am:.!:..,.1 --------· __ trlct to contribute Ill they can Collllty Map Okeh !t !or a comp'°'.""ter far the Balboa laland, callfornla. U...:: c L 0 T H E s afford at the present or to ma1u! A Southern callfornla Water ~are department, $300 !or ...,_ the name am! style of MOBARRY • a three-year pledce. LOS ANGELES. -Of!lclala o1 Oonf......,., •-ed by the n.;> ~~:a a~!"' juvr-AND McCARTNEY, and that the ' Plans fOT the structure call far the Avalon emporatloa here tbday State Ownber Water Re9ourcee ~~I new u=py at ~ or names and addreaee of all the WE WILL B .,. 1 • 1 ,...., THAN erection of a Class A hospital ol said that wb1Je !lnandaJ and ,,..,.. Oommltteo, will be hold at the cy! boopltal room coun-partnen are u follotn: "' .ua• 60 or more beds with the number structlon pa,.. are comploted far Los Ancoles Bllt:mcro Hotel on · L. M. HOLLADAY, 829% Pa· MEET AIL OFF'ERS ON of beds to be ln=uecl u !unds their p_.t 250().bulJdlnc unit Friday, May 10. WUllam A. Smith. h d!lc Awnue, Long Beach 2, Call- l'OR MEN are available. Alter the bulc units deveiopmont !or the Westminster chairman ol the Los ~!es USING ICJl:D llOLll tcmla. YOUR CAR. o! the h,.pltal auch u kitchen&, area cret1tlon o! a new er._ County Bovd o! Supervi-s and manu!acturo of Ice mlllc J. S. McCARTNEY 28 Iln>ok laboratories and surpry are built, coun'ty municipality tb<ft m1at a member o! the State Ownber i 5,075,000 Collons In Call-Stroot, Pmt Of!lco ~ 326, South • additional beds will CGSt appox-wait unW the 0ranp county plan-Water Resources Committee, will !o!nla in 1945, as compared with Lacuna. CalHornlL AND BOYS lmately $1000 each. It Is stated. n1n1J comm1s11on hu approved the ~. The meeting, llt&rtinc 4~000 In' 1944 and tho S-year ROBERT G. MOBARRY, 423 So stop in atMcCARTHY USED CAR LOT Th• urgent~ for the booplta1 1ubdlv111o11 map. w1th a 1undleoo, will open at 12:15 a-... o1 6,881,ooo. Jum1ne •tr.et. 1.aguna Beach. at I """ N rt Bl d Co t M d t beComes more apparent every day The development, which will ·p.m. ) callfornla. :7~v ewpo v ., s a esa, an ge accordlns 1o doc:ton and Health cost in the neighborhood o1 $18-ni. proposed acencla Includes It IN WITNESS WHEREOF -the top dollar for your automobile. Offioer Edward Lee n-11, who mJ1J1on to build. will be laid out talks by James Muaattl, ~ Ruauc NoTICE bav• """'1nto set our lwicla' this cites the ln<:n!aslngly cla,...roua on the 63:>-acre tract adjolnlnc the manacer o! the State Ownber; 1Bth day o! April, 1946. shortage of hoopltal beds. 9ne doc-northeut boundary o! the Seal Harold E . Hedger, chle! enclneer OERIDIOATl!I OP BU81NZ88 L. M. HOLLADAY tor stated that he considered him· Beach ammunition depoL For the Loi: Angeles F1ood Control Dis-~ Ftctitious Flrm Name J . S. McCARTNEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~se~l~f _:v'.'.e".:ry~!~o~rt~u~n~a'.'.te~ln~p~l~ad~ne~a time being the development will trlct: Arvin Shaw, .-peaking on the I ROBERT G. MOBARRY I. B. BBDfl!:B, 8S.al'iom•1111.• -be called, "Long Beach Meadows." Mexican Treaty Obligations; J. H. mio undersigned do horeby oer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Howard, chief counsel, Metropoll· tllY that they are conductlnc a COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a. SCENIC VIEWS ARE BACK AGAIN! . 25 gorgelus, ICllural-color wester• photographs to collect as you travel ••• ••llAND NIW ... aod th<y'tt biggu, mo<c '-udf1ll than the Scao<lard Sccoic Vns millicww a>llecud bcforo the war. Smiic y-_,, ue l'REB ,.._gift £rom Sanden!. ol Califomia. ' eWUIDN ICINU IN ALL THllR •ti-WI 91.0ll'f • -. ttcO<ded "1 the color amens of Ott pbotognpben. "-.,..ads of J1icm.ra, a jury of aptitl sclJCr:ed cbe 25 m.... fO< }'OQo eHANDIOlllllLY llOUNTID .•. oa a uxu-...i.Scrakv..,..,,.. .. ,.. 9 x 12. On cbe ID o•hw ii a '!!"'Tm.. obe ...... by ........... l!mie Pyle, lnin s. CObb,' m-. HaJ<UX- •A NIW k& •C VllW 1IACll WW ...... 0 niag DOW wt for 2' we '\ 'JOG cang« • ..... Scro!<' v .... ..i. ..em: • • • don't .._ a om:t ellOW to CCM•KT K •C VllWI WHIN TOu TUYIL ••• Tbe W• ._ bem dlwlded llllo -wl ID wh -• ...,_ s..-. vn will be o1. .... ..i...-. .., r-s-;,. Yw c.a.,,·,. N- fREE.;.11 CllVIOll GAS Sll1mS • UIMB • SUll\Am SIADDllS Several New Books At Public Library tan Water District, and Raymond ~1 ·o, radar and electrical aales ______________ .:_ _________ _ Matthew, chief engineer, Colorado d 1 tall ti b In t N River Board of Calilornia, will ns a on us eu a ew- speak on "Proposed New Federal ~'1 Beach, Ca!Homla, under the Spring Opening Polides Threatening Southern fictitious firm name of J . K. California's Water Supply." BiftOWN co. and that s~d firm H t• o· H A set of the latest edition of At the recent meeting of the ~s composed of the foll0W1n g per-un 1ngton inner the Encyclopedia Americana in 30 Board of Directors or the State .•· whose nB1T1es and places ol ouse illustrated volumes has been add-. r 1dence are as follow11, to-wit: ed to the non~fiction books at the Cham~r in Los Angeles, 8 recom-!General Partners: Newport Beach Public library and m endation of the w~ter Resour~s JJ. K. Brown. 1008 Cliff Drive, other books of interest in that Com~ttee concerni~g protection fl(ewport Beach. California. section are the Ciano dairies. Sec-0 : \\aler resources in t~e South-!1R9bert Olndiff, 6459 W. 82nd ond Carrot from the End, and of wes~ ~as ~d~edpt~;th-n:sth recoSt ~-Street, Los Angeles 45, California. particular interest in the coming men a ion 11 a : a e ~ e JUmited Partner: weeks. Pest Control tn the Home Chamber oppose an~. substantial 1 West Shore Company, 1801 Wil- Garden. ch~ge in the pr0Vls1ons of ihe sliire Boulevard, Los Angeles 5, In the fiction line are some new National Reclamation Act of 1902, tj.li!omia. books by favorite authors with :'1°d Acts supplementary thereto, v{ITNEss our hands this 8th day 8tb A Ocean -B c:o:lnrton Beach Under Same Management Open Daily, Including Sunday Dinner, 5 t-0 9 $1.35 up Sandwiches -A-la-Oarte Orders Pbone 4961 plenty of new mystery novels. In-insofar _as they_ n:11!'Y relate to the ot April 1946. eluded are: Bellah, Ward Twenty; econom.ic fe~i~il1ty, repaym~t J .·K. BROWN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Black, The Whitebird Murders; and local proVtS1ons of the ~ct. ROBERT CUNDIFF Bot tome, The Life Line: Burt, General -Partners WA CP «<G!Z¥ 4 ' ' -- Lady In the Tower: Butler, Kiss Directors to Meet I WEST SHORE COMPANY ·~,~~ y~. the Blood Off My Hands; Cald-,1 By Carlton E. Byrne· "'Y ... ..,.___. well, This Side of Innocence; Carr, ltfembers of the board of di-~ By Esther Smith Byrne He Who Whispers; Clambers, rectors of the Kiwanis club of ~ Llmited Partners Death Against Venus; Oiapman, Newport Beach and Balboa will STATE OF CALIFORNIA } I Will Be Good; Cheyney, I'll Say meet Thursday night at the home d>unty of Los Angeles ) ss. She Does!; Chute, Flight of An of the club's president, Jan Bris-'On this 10th day of April, 1946, Angel; Eby, The Case of the Mal-roe, 450 San Bernardino avenue, fore me, a Notary Public in and ~volent Twin. Newport Heights. for the said County and State, re- Siding therein, duly commissioned ,.or Better Prtnting Call 12 or lS. ~d sworn, personally appeared ;========================= J 1 K. BROWN and ROBERT CUN- Drtve Carefully-Span a LU'e. DIESEL SERVICE DOOEL MOTOR SALES · RE-BUILT DOOElS -PBONJ!ll omee: Newport !088 Md Newport 20M-W Belbga "'enc' DIFF, General Partners, known to ~e to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within in- sirument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IIN WITNESS WHEREOF,' I ,tY,i.ve hereunto set my hand and affixed by official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. J T. R. PHILLIPS J Notary Public in and for aald County and State. (My Commission Expires , Aug. 19, 1947.l (Seal) TE OF CALIFORNIA l ty of Los Angelet ) ss. this 8th day of April, 1946, before me, a Notary Public In and fOr the said County and State, re- ~ding therein, duly oommisllloned and sworn, personally appeared Garlton E . Byrne and Esther Smith Byrne, known to me to be tl>e Vice-President and Secretary I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I ot West Shore Company, the 1.1.ml Whether it is saving for a home, comfort in later years, etc., you can ·do· it better thru our savings plan !'art o\ All you Earn i\ Yours to Sav<! Rosources $4,906,000:00 Laguna Federal Savings arid loan ~ociation ''••Pl•·-·-Ollr. -ft. - ~andy F. MacKay Life -Aato -.,,,, ..,_,a a.Jiil 11.ut.e-Oaet1 u.. .'MN!ttJ' -A- 1 .,,SRI) a ......... • Brina & MacKay Liquor Store __ ...,_ ...... ..,. ...... ...... , - GIVE YOUR CAR AN O'tEN,BAKED THERMAL-SET. -~~ IN A HAIUllSON ~uro ~AINT JOI YOU GET All 7 FEATURES -Y~ PAY NO MORE I a a ....... Dqr1t ..,, ............. ftea I .. .... ,., · ........ _.......,,... ' 2. Dz 1' -mi , ... ,rte_.• 1 &s .... 11 , , ...... , I • I • Oem' ' \ • ' $ •s « tr. .... Jl'lddn ¢ '•' I .. • 11Mm .. ' Sine ... st t t W. 4.na '11"1.•••tbl! _...., •• .... .. •1 .,,_ . 5. 1111'' •' tt ,...it111 ' n·-...m • 'P ellal •• t ..... -' ....... , .... ,, ... rs' a ......... .. Bal ses 'M ..... -~ I 11' ... I ,!11• ...... ........ ,,..~ .. ·--7 n 3 ~' ... .Ptr .,, _ _...:. ................. . . ~ r 742 ,, ., .. -I de I W_. ll1'7a1-•••111 I OaAm n ·na16Dlt ' - ~7:...,,!!ll"'~M:--~i:---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_:_~~ .... -~ ff'1*.~~ §Army Engineers &anted =£!:=. R . H Craig MAWH61 a••ao& Swim Training Plan Completed Pla.m are complete for a fine -.uauc trainin& proc1 am in the · bay thla summer, u announced by Frank Cl'ocker, chairman of water safety for the Red Cross chapter a well u for the Newport Har- bor branch. The fint cJaues in swimming for begin.ners, intermediate and •• ALLMARK CARDS For Mother's Day May 12th ~~ffi;;; S300~Million ·tor 1947 L:!~~~~·: Ind as program here and the local Congreu has appropriated $308,-dlatrlct -In -oplatlon oud Lurie, JDallacinc director of H M t classes will be resumed Julr 29 845,250 f<r the Ovll Works pro-with amount allocated to each, the Pacific Cout Spot lamm'I as er foc two weeks of Balboa hland gram of the Army Engineen for aro: Holb«>ok, Ariz., $243.000; San Show announcod this -that and the two weeks endin& Aucuat the o.c.J year of 1947. 'l'hd Gabriel River, 165(),000; San Juan iJM:reulnc _enth•wtmn wu being 24 In Balboa. amount la contained in the report ~. S60,000; San Antonio lhown In the expooltlon alated for Chief Crocker announce. that of the conferees on the War De-RHervoir, RI0,000; Carbon Canyon July 3 to 7 at the Municipal Audi-O::mflnnBtion of the pennanent pli ts f claa Instruction partment avU Functions Appro-o.m and Cl>llllMI, "°,000; C<Jlnp-torium In Long Beach. appoln~t of Russell Craig a ~ :nslx Y:rs old M older and priation Bill, a~ted by the House ton O'eek, $35,000; Paooima Wub, .. Inquiries continue to pour In harbor ~er of Newport Harbor th t if th enou&b adults Tbunda)', April 18, and by the $51,000; Rin Hondo Channel. $t0,-every day and an early sell out by the ~ of supervisors wa 8 le e~~:U-e l i,.; Senate on ApriJ. 19, 194.6. 000; Rublo Canyon and Eaton of space f.5 indicated with many OO~certaln thla week fol-=. ~asses~ ~:n ln Ot the amount appropriated, Wash, $40,000; Ventura River Calllomla and national organiza-lowing a 1 ting of city coundl- the morning and afternoon. $110,125.250 ls allocated to the Levttt, $50,000; Los Anseles tt.ons being represented." .accord-men a.nd 1 harbor commiaioners . Rivers and Harbors Division for River, $3,000,000, and Alamo Rel-in& to Lurie. who ann C<d endonement ot R:epeaung the statement made new work and maintenance, and ervolr, $90.~. 1be interior floor spaoe u well Craig for I e Poll. ~uring the. war . by Navy Train-a grand total ot $194,.315,000 ts as the Marine park surroundlnc Craig, wu a city pol.Jee mg ~cquatic oUicen, t._hat 50 per allocated to the Flood Control Di-Se • M Asks the buiJcling will be utmzm to officer to assuming job as ~~t of the men lost '" the Pa-vision. In addition there is appro-l'Vlce an bold all the exhiblton expected to aaiatant harbonnuter, becam& GF.ORGE D. BASSRIT 0 7 sl MCI "sc • .ftllwW'I 'ko'±e19I I JMGaz Tax Swtlw -W. C kol &---1-.i~ Ne._...t - I CE v-:: Figurines l.amJI" :: Costume .Jewelry ctflC alone could have been 18Ved prlated. through the Rivers and $2500 Or Boat dlsplay BPortin& goods materials acting h ter When n.om.. had they been competent tune-Harbors Division, $2,900,000 for And Damages during the five-day sealon. In· E. Bouche went into Coast G I 'I ___________________ ._ ___ ..,. Uonal or survival swunmersti Otlef the Government's share in the al-eluded in the display of goods service in April, 1942. Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 0.-0 Front We Wrap Gifts er.ocker urges fullberdpa tha~n = teration of bridges over navigable will be yachts, airplanes, auto . Bouche already has annomKled this program, eVUlg waters of the United States and Who owns or who is going to trallen, camp Ing equipment, his f resignation. He had peace as well as war. everyo~e another Sl,500,000 for the Fort operate the fishing boat Ba.-sport.a apparel, radios, cameras, asked for~ leave of absence tJe.. should know how to swun for his Peck, Montana, power plant. balooclla? That is the question athletic equipment and a long list Yond the days allotted to him safety as we!~ as pleasure. Cr<xker "Ovil Works" is no misnomer asked of superior court in a suit of othe r merchandise in the boat-upon his lease from Coast Guard s~ated that since Red Cross aqua-filed by a local fisherman last ing and sporting goods fields. service in anuary, but the lea.ft' tic program.s have been under in the cue of these projects. Bulk week. Each exhlbtt -•n be ••-~nctive was deni cir h h d of the work, especially in the con-Edwl Se ued -~ ~u ed d lls st.ruction field, is let to private clalmi \\'ay, own1ngs ere ave e--n arles s Earl Hurst, and modern in design and exhibit-Craig n{idraws $300 a month. creas an emergency ca contractors through open bids. ng that. Hurst agrE!ed to op-ors are being given a free hand His salary, is pa.id partly by the ~------------''greatly reduced. Each project thus accomplishes erate the craft during the time to· display their products to the city and tly by the county . .. -----------------two objectives. It benefits the Searles was in service from Oc-best possible advantage. Large This will ~ adjusted upward as -,_ D .. tld ,. s-,_ s..,., .. rartlc•l•rly aecoaaended For r.rso•• /11 '•bile Ufe DR. OOWl:S """" - ENJOY WEARING YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING Take ad\•antage ot Dr. Co~·­ en's UberaJ Credit Plan fo r all brancbe!i of dentlstl')'. Arrange t o ha\'e all your nece88&.f"J' ~·ork comple ted RIGHT NOW ... pay later In small weekly or monthly amount& N 0 T ONE PE.SS\. ADDITIONAL COST. Make Your Own Terms ... \\'lthln Reason ... community in which it is located tober, 1943, and then return it to theme spaces Wi.11 occupy much of of July 1, ~hen the count}-'s pro- and fumlahes jobs for a number of him upon his release from rnili-the area and will include desert posed ne salary ordinance be- the inhabitants. tary duty. and mountain settings and yarious comes eff tive, it was learned. Now that he is a civilian again. sporting scenes completely laid Army Engineer Ovil Works Searles claimed that Hurst not out to scale. projects undergo what is probably only r efused to release the boat, the most elaborate checking sys-but refused to make an account- tem in the United States Govern-ing of its profits. He asked $2500 ment. Located in all parts of the or the boat and $150 damages United States, each project is plus a share in the profits, ac- suggested to the Congress by the counting of which he asked the residents of the community. The court to order. Army Engineers a.re then asked to make a report to Congress. If un- favorable, the project is dropped, after the proponents have had a chance to present their case to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, 8:t Washington. Whe re a fa\•orable report is re- turned by the Army Engineers, they are asked to present their findings before a Congressional committE:e which decides whether the project should be recommend- ed for authorization. Congress then votes on this recommenda· lion. lf authorized. it then becomes a part of the Civil W orks program. This program is submitted to the Bureau of the Budge t and through the Preside nt of the Uni led States. to Congress. Appropriations com- mittees of each house then decide on the amount of money to be> al· located to the project a nd after a confer ence committee irons out any differences between the two \\·ings of Congress, the appropr ia- tion is then made. Only after the money has been appropriated do the Army Engineers take over the job of construction. Projects within the Los Angeles For MARINE New Cafe Is Opened In Corona del Mar The Triple-M cafe, 504 Coast highway, was opened Friday morn- ing for business by the owners, Mr. and Mrs. M. Pownall. The cafe has a red. white and blue color scheme with the walls in pastel blue. Mr. and :rwtrs. Pownall prev- iously were in business in the S<1-n Fernando valley. Their special- ties are chic~en fried steak. Fre nch fried shrimp and double hamburgers. The clever name for their cafe originated from the initials of theirs and their son's names. A pleasing addition to their place is the beautiful flower garden plant· ed by the landlords, Mr. and l\.1rs. Allison. Mr. and lt1rs. H . L. Bogle and family of Redondo Beach wer e Sunday guests at the home of Miss Elsie Newland. West Central avenue. HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & • BUILDERS' HARDWARE Local ,Electrical Expensive Product Firm s Ready Cheap, Outmoded, To Su ply Trade Says School Kids Its repu tion and buying power ; being so ghly rated throughout Seattle school itids, decked out the state, e Ets-Hokin & Galvan in gay nineties costume, paraded firm. one of the largest clec- t hrough downtown str eets, wav-trical com nies in Califoi'nia. will ing posters which said that their have no d ficulty getting mater- schools were as outmoded as the ials for btllding purposes. clothes they wore. At their teach-That w1s the information im- ers' prompting. they went home parted to representatives ot the and bothered their parents like-company fn a conference in the wise. Last week harassed fathers main officl in San Francisco last and mothers voted (90.000 to Friday, acrording to Nelse ''Doc"' 15.000) a SlO million bond issue Stafford ftd Gerald "Tex" Lib- to build ne"' schools and modern-erty-co-o ers of the Newport ize old ones. branch of the company, 'vho re- What the Seattle youngsters turned Su day from the nleeting. ! (and their teachers l accomplish-Represe ta tives of the com? I ed, many another city's educators ~ny "-'ePe also told that the var- wanted. \Vould taxpayers elsC'-1ous branc es were so coordina ted where take a hint ? that it wY,ld be possible to get New York city schools Jost materials. ne from the other. in 1119 teachers in 1945. ,,·er e losing case of e ergencies at any time. more and more. GI's 'vho were j once teachers \.Vere not going R O Hi back : there were better-paying Oge 1S pens S jobs elsewhere. Se t • J D • In the colleges. things were na fl8 rIVe just as bad . Princeton raised fac- ulty salaries (to a $2500 mini- mum for ins tructors), passed the higher cost of li\•ing on to stu- dents, whose tuition was boosted from $450 to $500. Colgate and Vassar had already done the same. Warned Dr. Constance M. Mc- Will Ro didate !o nominatio campaign today. He sas State Wilmingt rs jr .. Democratic can- the U. S. Senatorial , opened an intensive n Southern California. ill address the Arkan- icnie In Banning Park, , at 1 :30 p.m. Sunday. Cullough of W estern Reserve: CLOT' HES THIEF "The teacher shortage is not. the 1 m a lady; it is a fymptom ... the f American people are trying to buy E . Luc&.f of 204 Adams street, an expensive product cheap ... " Newport, old police Wednesday, The National Education associa-he awoke arly to find some one tion estimated that it would cost fleeing · h clothes which were the U. S. 1420 million a year to taken fro his clothes-line. raise all teachen' salaries to what ----+,-------- ~ards as a desirable minimum: Gu.J+ Trucking In Mankato, Minn., the board of ~" education offered every new 18SO Newport Bh'd.. schoolmarm a pair of nylons. -°OOSTA. MESA Pianists Will Pay Tribute t.o Mother At Melrose Chapel Pllote NpL Bdi. 97S Boiaded A ha wed ' Anita Colby, "Queen of the Cover Girls" and a qualified judge of good portraiture is-delighted with her photo- graph by Bernard of Hollywood. You will be equally pleased with your Personality Portrait. llAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NO\V • oar lltadlo ID tbe Balboa Inn Arcade I• now opee eftl"J' TM ky, Friday Md Sunday_, Hours 12 to 7 p. m. 111;• za ..,. -..-..... t <>a17. Phone fAC'una ae.cia. 4MI * Combining the sparkle of CHROME-LIKE BRIL- LIANCE with the rugged durability of heat-treated 901id al• heww .-oy, this new line has sales appeal unique In lawn and garden furniture. F1owing, graceful frames- c:rystal-deer finish of the metal itself, chemically treated to resi8t nnt, corrosloo and weather-plus the eye-ap- peellng Colors of the cushions, In green, blue, yellow and rust. .t It's the Twenty young planlall will honor Mother's day in a procram Sunday afternoon, May 12 to be prnented under the dJttct1on of MIA Arline Birchard ln the Mel· l"OM' Abbey chapel at 3 o'clock. Favorite ae)ections from the mod- em and cluaic composen Will be featured in appreciation of the musical herita&e of Mothen and their love of fine music. OW OPEN • • • Deluxe Director's FOLDING CHAIR $1375 Deluxe CHAISE WUN GE $4995 Assistaat's Cbair $995 Arm Chair $2995 Pads Incl 100% Staple CoUoa Bl~. Gl"H'n Yellow, Terra O>tta • IAIWE SELECDON OF OJ'HER PADO ITEMS • SANTA ANA FURNITURE CO. -. ...... ,.. __ -.... --... • 23rd a: p h. Centr.al 2600 It's Always COF f EE TIME . OOE~"EE "'ooNtiTs • w~ STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with ~ cream) • 'COMPLETE :AIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa &land • I mat7 '1 01 .. •1 S J .,._, •• n r u.m 11 e'Olllll: -a 11 • w1~t ca • FRESH FISH Daily Direct from Fisherman -to- Customers 10a.m.to5p.m. . ~ 01 the Beach Foat al Newj!iiii ·Pier Boat Choen ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths SUltaAna Tent Ii A wnhur C.O. mta.. .. it. ft•• 97 SANTA ANA I J . ........... ,-• . •.· • Balboa lsJa·d's Newest Place .- SERVING •E•KFASTS Drup iD at the - - - ' rsland Snack Bar p ____ .....,. • ' ' .r you ... .. ........ . . • I \ • ' • ' • ow.,... u•.BOA aew.-n•• lfwtwt ... .._ ~~d RedDri~e~ Honor t·1do =u:. =g· S2·Million Worth ~'Z7-Mn.th~~~;::.~ More Clothes Stolen Death Notices Two pain of """'k p&llts were taken Thunday night from the clothes line of E. H. Mayo of 210 . 35th street. Newport Beach, he told police . ~ r:= .. i;:m~ at r wt ~" Four Balboa Coves di Pl Fil d ·~=~ :: ~=~~ ==~~=~-~ Native Sons ~ca~bu::: =~ Buil . 1ng ans I e Pueuc NOTICES . ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;~ Mesa. with the ReY. lbrry Ow· Viele, to discuU the drive for <CoDtlnued f!VDI Pap Onel BNd>. for War ~t per< than $2,000,000 worth <llCllTlnCATI: OF B118INEll8 ings officiatiJlll. Tbe -WU funds which bu fallen $2000 abort mil to dredge four cove& to depth new en:iaJ and new borne Fictitious Firm NOUM born in Kentuc:lcy and bad been of its quota of $51Xtl. With 90 April 12 wu appointed of six feet. beJCl'N mean lower low cons on work was ~ a resident ol. Calta Mesa for 10 many residents not having been ~tor by the War Depart-water, in areas designated u ·Coft ma. through the offtce of Qhlef THE UNDERSIGNED doe a yean. contacted by worken, they are Prem! T jo d "A" Cove "11.", Cove "C," and Bull · Impector A. M. Nellon In tt s hottby certify tbat be ts eonduct- She Ill survived by her widower, urged to mall their contributions ": :,.;: Jap ,!;. ~mt!!'ta oWe "0 ," on the -1herly shore the Beach-city hall dur· r . Ing a "'tall boat and mntne oqulp- William Donica; one IOft. Oif· to Mn.. Gunning Butler, P . 0 . Box 0 far TokyQ.... of the exiltin& westerl.Y channel in& put four months. ~ ment sales buaineu at 407 E. Cen- ford Donica of Coot& Meas; one 244, Coota Mesa. and the drive an:t 1':u ~~llllams' Tl'tb of Newport Bay, renoving approx· Ne n disclooed that $519,085 tral A..,..ue, Oty of Nowpcxt sister. Mra. Carrie Haoater of was extended to June 1. •'-"*-~ anni~ and her imately 65,000 cubic yards of ma-was done1 in January; $298,-Beacb, County of Oranae, State Palm Radi Malden, Mo;, one brother. Charlie Of the two work rooms at btr~...., d ....=of her fam-terial to be b)'clraullaallY ~ted 9'24 aa done In February; $906.-llJ' BUGH lldllLLAN of California, under the fictitious er 0 Perigan of Qullln. Mo., and -1816 ~ Newport boulevard one hu :::~an t deal of dl!!lcUlty on the ocean front between 4lat 877 u clone In March and $300.-With the trouble motorists have firm name of PLASTIC WATER- AND ELECl'IUC granddaughter.· been retained and will be usedwillfor ~··~ ~~ to •la1 at home and 45th ati;eets, in the city of ns ~orth of buildin& was ~ne In finding parking apace theoe clQs, CRAFI' oo. and that said rtrm storage space. The committee ~-' Newport peacll. April Tl>ese t1gur9 added to-D. W. King comes up with a park· la rompcoed of the foliOWlne per- ZUll Newport Blvd. The i"'Btest distance east to continue to meet at Mn. Viele'• for ahem~ .. ~ to visit Orawtn( ~-1ocaikin and geth bring a total of $2,025,604 Ing lot within 15 feet of tbe dock oona. whole....,_ and ad- Expert ' Radio Service Phone &.COD 5816 COSTA MESA w .. t. in the United States, Ill borne. Pn!oent at the seulon were "= ewnlnC ~ da=b ~ of the .~ --" la on for l the previous four-month at King's Landing. Of coune, lf are u foll'""'"· to wit: ~==========~=3.~l()()~m~Ueo::_. ________ · Mn. Lloyd Gabriel, Mn. auu .... Walts Goode 8ncl b..l>cd Malc!r me .•f.tbe Loo AnPla EnlllM9'I period you liet the"' a little late, you RICHARD w. OTIIMER, 312 • -Mr. and Mn. H. B. McMurtry, Goode arrlwd from Santa Jlaf.· otl!ee • .Intenot1!4 pam .,., In-~ ~ 1a May might 11ave to park 20 or 30 feet Alvarado Place Balb. Callfor- • Mother's Day May12 Finch Kay Ceramics Mr. and Mn. John Webster, Mn. • ~ 'rited Iii impeet tbll drawing IOid · the first four daya In away """" the dock. In that cue aliL • ' Viele and Hugh Davis. leefttar)'. ~ :"' blr~i:,,jiek jO sutm1t·1n writing, In tripllate, May his department laued per-you will ~e that much further WrtNi:ss niJ hand tbUi ~th day with cake and candles. and the on ar before 11 a.m., Friday, May mlts caJlln& for the construction to carry >'Wr flllh when you get of April, llH6. W ter Tests Deferred ho .... presented with .. be<! 10, l!M6. any objections based on of ~ dwelllnp, the total value off the bOo\. . fUCHARD-W OI'HMER. a f ~plants and a new -navigation intereats that they may of 1fhlch will be $54,800. In· Incidentally, D. W . aays the STATE ~F CALIFciRNIA ) • • • 0 ests eierit lncluded ~ have to aald work. Objection& eluded were licenses for the erec--Valencia m hu been bringing in COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. Penodical chemical tests of the ~~i _1 : Mn Eua:ene WU-hued on other than naviptlon =on of two homes, one valued at dally patches of barracuda from On thia l5th day of April A.D. wells tn the city of NeWPQrt UC n a • · . interests cannot be considered, and Uie , other valued at around Dana. Point. All lut week f w ·H. Penn ' Beach·~ potable water iupply sys-llama of San Gabrielb Mrs.~ G. B. Debout, chief of the engln· wu cOo!I. "turday waa slow, but ~9'6~be ~bll me In ~ for ..S: tern must be deferr~W the :;;n~al ~~ 1 :;.. eerlng division, said. ~-E. M. Richard& of Pas•· Sui\clO)!.. caine bad< good qaln. c!mty and s:ate. resldlnc -...1ft Southern ~=a n trcom-ter Marian and f~ther James d~ filed plalll for the ereetlott You cu keep YoUI' eye open for ctuly comm1alcined and sworn. jY ca;i i a~ 8:; Reed. Loo Aneeles; Sgt. ·wllllam NO ONE HURT of 4 two-•lorl'. five-room, one-~Sport King the .new live bait _.uy a_....i RICHARD ~r;r;ts, :at': su;t. John R. Mc-Y<>1t. Laguna Beach; Mn. WU-f~ dwe~ge ~~ ;15 on;-: = ~t ~ ~ °::~ W. amMER ~n to me to be Millan said today. =· daugh~e:;...1:-'~d~~': No inJuriet l'ftulted SW>day :~e'fu.".'1 J.itx!i liland, to coot Isie bridge betwee,n May 20 and ~ tbe~tbln ~ non, an Andeno • from a car collision between ve-$8500 · J-L The Sport King Ill to be and admowledpd to me tb&.t hi FINEST TABTINO 8JZZl,Dl0 BAMBtJaOEU llTEAll8 (-........... -)I BOlllC BAK.ED YUllllY BBBBY AND APPLE l'llC8 SHEP'S P•;:J;;: ;:;,d ~~ Mr. and nMn. hlclea driven by D . C. Frisbee of • VI(.· L. Tubbe of P . o. Box 373. !hi'. ..... powerful &!;-foot live bait executed the-. WUIWN returned IW!th Mn. Udo Ille and Ray H. MuJllna of Corj>na del Mar. flied plans for boat on the cout. . IN WrINESS WHEREOF, I Goode to Santa Barbara, where Raymond, Wash., at 811 Coast the jbuilding of a One-and-a-half· While barracuda remain the have hetemito .t my hanil and the will spend a few days. highway, police said. stony frame and stucco dwe"!:ng mc;ist . popµlar fish being caught affixed by otnda1 seal the d&,. Y witli attached .garage at 242 on the ,live bait boats, calico bus, and year in this certiftcate tint · Girl's Bike Found H~' 1 drive, eprona del Mar. to an .occasional white sea bass, hall-above written. _ Harper Gets cos $8000. • but or macke~I are alao on the <SEAL> WM. H. PENN. Lib P t In Sllooo, Bracket • menu. The various live bait . boats Notary Public In and For rary OS R. E. Clark of 417 19th $lreel. c. Prairie of Huntington Park from Newport Harbor are r&nglng Said County and State. Resigning Monday as a member Costa Mesa. reported to Newport fil plans for the construction from the flats off Huntington to -(My Comm1ssion Expires of the city library lX>ard, Mayor Beach police Sunday that someone of a two-story frame and stucco below Dana Point in their quest April 20 1946 ) 1015 OOAST MORWAY O. B. Reed recommended the ap-left a ~l's bla~ bicycle in .bis dwe)ling with garage below it at for fish. . . Pub.-April 23, aiJ, Ma.)r. 7, 14, 1946 NEWPORT poin tment of W ayne ,K. Harper to yard during the night . The ~ehicle 116 Marine avenue, ,Balboa Island, Barge fishermen got the 1 r "Tbe Dome of Good Eat.'9 the vacancy. The cit')' council con-was turned over to the police de-the same to cost $5500. chance t o start fishing at their ~~~~~~~~~~~~~c~urred.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; partment. S Foster of 1000 Coast high· favorite sport May 1 when the =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ wa)(. Newport Beach, submitted barge was towed out of the bay " pl~ for the building of a one-and anchored off the Newport Expert Repairing Typewriters Office-Equipment VIOLATION Of TRAFFIC LAWS PA YS Off · • lN TRAFFIC COURTS • DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOTH TIRJ!'8 BA VE TBZll BE(JAPPED You're "two feet'' from death --• so watch when you see green (light). You'll be "nearly" '8.fe-Don't be a jiiy walker. -Jack Lindsley. This "Drive With ''The Arches" Why take chances with your own life as well as the lives of others in your mad rush to reach your destination -- -with nothing to do when you get there? Have some regard for the other fellow, even if you don 't care about your own car and life. Drive carefully -have your car under control at all 'times. Good brakes may save you from a serious accident. Traffic Death Toll Mounts America's traffic fatality rate is almost back to its pre-war kevet. accord.inc to the National Safety Council. During the first three months of this year, 8120 persons were killed in automo-- bile accidents. This compares with 8250 .deaths for the same period in 1941. On the basis of present fi g- ures the council estimated 38.- 000 persons would die in auto- mobile accidents this year, The all-time hiJlh of 39,969 was re-- corded in 1"'941. O ties with the lowest num- ber of traffic deaths by reglll· tration rate (number ol traffic deaths per 10,000 registered v~ hicles) in the three-month per- iod included Santa Monlca, which had no fatalities. Keep Your Car - • In Good Condition Have T,ested Your Brakes " Regularly Drive With Care Tbe Hied: dlataaoe t.o follow an· other car la 0111& carlenctb for -lOmlleool ...... At:ltmlleo a lloar, for example. die aale "fol·' to'tlrlq'' cn.tance woalcl be three ear Jeact:bL Safety'' Sponsored Message Market Spot by the Following: "Just a U tt le Bit Better'" Coclct&il Lounge and cate 0. Clout Jllsllway at Newport Ill.._ Ant on Hershey 100 llutDe A.99. -Balbo& bland. Lester's Recappiltg ~1mServlce New-~ Repam-ll·br. Servloo nee w. a..tni-Newport Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sail Boe.ts o,,.i aat1 Soatti Bay-Pllone n l'Alpwat:e.r at ~Phone 11 Hi-Way Garage Official Southem callfomla Aut o. Club Ganp 1'40 N-rt Blvd.-PtL In Reed's Super Service Shell OU. Gu, Lubrication and Ace aa cdee :tnoWeo10..tnl Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing Bod 8111• "wt. W~l1 ea-& llla••a.r Balboa Circle Taxi h:J -· 0.,. or Nlpt-ft. Npt.. - Newport Auto Works Genora1 ~--t-..me... s.-Ga • 00 --·Ceut--·Nadooal Auto.· Club Emergency Station Hanahaw's I-Stop Service Station Oxnp)ete Auto Service Lubrication -Brakes Relined .1m x .. ,.n llhd.--Ooota -Lowman Boat Builders · taN .. peet~- Ets-Hokin & Galvan Electrldam co-~ Fin Equipment r ... Factory, • Store. Office, Farm. Home 1111---._UM Dean Termite Control Guannteed Termite Omm».-Latest ~ - 111, .... .. .. , .... ·= ft••• - Lido Richfield Station Wash • Polish • Lubr1cadon 11411 w. O..tnl --r- Newport Tackle Store 104 Mer.Mia Plw Newport Cunmercl&I and Sport Gear Good Stock of Pre-War Line .............. ,. Balboa Fun Zoae -Authorized Shell Dealer IH--blaad "Lubrication" -Washing • PolWrl .. TIN~O..~ ..._ ... o..·w1i• P11:•11 n1•w Boyd's Service Station UM W_.O..tnl ---Mobllps and Mobllcil Lu~· Wuti"'Lc;, Pollshlnc -Auto wtclee Ba.vside Fish Market -·~Newpwt- Sportland Bowling Center .._. and Roy Keme .......... Bini& .......... "For Your Health'• Seloe. -1· Excelsior Creamery ;:;;,DI ;II~ ~ ~ CiUBs -9'Jll Oout ~ ) -8311 Newport - Gus Beach Hancock Station -ProdUcts -... _Gu -8uPlllloe. ~ Paint. Harclnre 19S·------~-. Virg's Garage anti Texaco Statkln 14NWeat0-tntl Asaociated Service Station Lyle R. Pope and Henry A. Schroeder ID • O..tn&-N-n Newport-Balboa AutO Supply Automotlw 8Ulllllle9 -Open 9 a.m. to!::- Let Us Help You With Your Parts 'Pi Glen w. C)lllkle • Manaaer UM W. o..tnl A--Npt.. -llD Carrell'• Garage General ~ • 1lral<eo Rellaed lllo<or 'NM-Up • --... 11111 et..-ifat .. ,,,,.....,.. ., " .... Culno Cafe & Refreehment Loanp ' ---tW-Ltm Vmw'97-Jlen•a Kenneth E. Wi1Bon Co. Cllrio-Craft ~ -......_ -c...t ...... ft••• - Bay Shore Cafe . Oout~T.P,-laa> -ut Seried Sa--!IUDdor Open 1 .. m. to 9 p. m.-Oooed --- "tJle y..,. -_ _. a(. Your Ram" Johnstone~ -l~lf~:.1:~:;" .... -Mol>llpa and II I I llinina Plea8ltlle Craft Diolo E. Wallo, V.-111 _ __...IHI M~ & Caildna, a Naftl Ardll---lluMon -Boat·~ -..... -..... -uu aw -.. n 19 • ' sto fr ame and stucco home at pier . Mackerel and halibut seem 707 Iris avenue. Corona del Mar, to be the main fish caught in the at cost of $5000. waters around the --barge these J. B. Slemons of 113 Pearl days, but schools of barra~da ca n str~t. Balboa Island, filed pla ns be expected about any ~e. So, for !t he erection of a one-story be ready for them any time you sing)e family frame and · stucco do go out. houfe at 709 Iris aveue. Corona ,.-----------. de~~ar. to cost $.5000. Wh"te · Ho RObert· Potter of 700 Heliotrope I use ave 'ue,~Corona del Mar : submit· Cafe ted plans for the erection of a one-1stor y, single faniily frame and stud;; dWelling with attached garlfge, a~ 711 Iris street , to cost ~~ln M. Dietjfick of 335 ~c;c;;;c;;;;;;c;c;;c;;;;;;;~A MaRJ.e avenue. Orange, filed plans for t the const ruction of a one- story, four-room dwelling a t 514 Begbnla avenue, Corona del Mar, tn Cost $4500. I 11.f .1 bert Gannon, address not gi~ , filed plans for the erection of one-story, five-room house at , 5 Narcissus avenue, Corona del l'lar, to cost $4500. ftank W. Lloyd of Pasadena. subrj'iitted plans for the building of a I, ope-story. three-room dwelling at1 484 Dahlia avenue, Cor ona del M~ a t a cost of $3000. THIS WEEK GLASS COFFEE MAKERS L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 5H 8tata lllcbway --MOii N-nlle¥h ROBERl'S Typewriter Service HOI w .. t Central • N0wport8-h Arcade ANTIQUFS (Opposite Arcade cate) Largeot display from wldcb to ch.-... the -· slftll that wlD be worilly of ID· ..-lac --t tllroap theyoan. V181TOB8 WELCOME -· .. RHEUMATISM and ART~ Dtew A. Bernard_ of Gle~dale, was 1i issued a permit to bwld a I suffered for years and am IO one~tory, single family dwelling ] thankful that I can walk and work. wi , a ttached garage at 310 Jas· [ 8-lr 8erTlce agalnwlthootpaln, thatlwill&lad- min avenue, Coron.a del Mar, at a ly answer anyone writ.in& me for a rost of $3500. -..,.. l!:leatrlc Information. MRS. EMMA IVES. nj,bert A. Parion of 14-09 E . -•'old Appl!-P.O.Baxl89,LooAngeles52,Clallf. Bay~ street, East Balboa, was Pd. Adv.-NUE-;OVO Laboratories iSSUfd a permit to erect a one-\~~=~=~~=~=~:!!!.;;;;,;;;;;;~;;;;:,;;;;;;;;:;; story, frame and stucco garage at his 8ddress to cost $1000 .. R£.y E. Satton of 504 Tustin avedue, Newport Heights, was issutd a permit to build a bed- roo~ onto his present house at ~te address, the cost to be T 'EASURER CANDIDATE~~~~~~~~~~ We Have a Complete . Line of . FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE • • • Rods Reels . ' Lines • • • Leaders Sinkers • Rooks . . . and all kinds of fresh and salt water bait. PIER AND BOAT _ FISHING • ;,_;J .......... •• -? ~· .. TACKLE TO RENT ~ • FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store 115 Mmrl'l'I ftlloe , T1b,._e ...... ., .. •••1 t 1'11" ............ 111.•Flltlll•• • , I Given Speed Ticket o,.se Hemy Denlinll:er or Bal- boa wU handed a traffic tk:ket tor allogedly speodlng 45 miles an hour in a 25 mile zone late Sunday afternoon. Newport Beach police ttpol"lod Mor.i.y. ' M&Wl'CWI •••ao& phue ol Sandy'I life WU later-I , rupted -be waa eicbt ~ old by the -th o1 bll snnd- fatber and the family ;etumed to H_,-. A few yran Later, an obscure Balkan archduke wu ueuainated and it wu while Sandy was in Steiner. better known u Sandy. junior hl&h ac:bool , the flrat World Sandy Steiner Calls Harbor District Home CCcntlnued !nm P age 1) . -• • ' .... Bus ompany Ca Hons Qty (Coo tram PJogo One) DIUJlll1IZN DlllVJNO "Como on. Bill. jolt a roupi• more-before .,~ drive home," ii often a prelude to serious lalurY or death, decl8"!S the Public Safoty department or tho Na- tional Automobile cl\J.b in warn- inc motorists who must drink to WINDOW 8TICllEll8 ,---------------: War broke out. SandY'• father, WELcOME HOME! Sandy Steiner'• life bepn In who Md taken out hll llnt papon Hungary. born of pm-en.ts ot the for dtbenlhlp tn America but wu Newpwf llarflor pm( Z91 Old World, but at the ... ol -· still a dtlzen of Hungary, wu nta and under the sug-stay away from the wheel CJ! a , the minimwn would car· MotorisU are cautioned by tM Public Saloty ~t ol 1119 National Automobile club to IP' ply stickers to wind&hields ~ in a aeven-indt 1quare 1D tbl 1oW'el' comer farthest ttmaY'94 from the driver's poolllon. Lll>- eral sprinklings ol aticken cm CU' windows ii often tbe came of faulty vision. AMl:RJCAN LEGION he round birme1t tramplantod to drafted into the army. Durlnc thll ....._ • •• 1 ttr 81 0 .,.. T• Alpha, New Jersey, where his war period. Sandy, becau.e be wu _ .. .,.... _. ~ 11111 .._ _. father became foreman of • <..'e'-enrolled in a ICboo1 J'DfCban1cal _. •-.., • .. hm.. • ... -. ment mine and the young lad be-COW'W and had mechanical skill, gan his schooling. The' American was detailed to work In an am- -------------''------------munition factory u foreman fJYer a CfeW' of women. I t WU al9o dur~ ing thll period that Sandll found out what lt was not to see meat, bread. milk or sugar and hll diet consisted mainly of whale bacon and wormy potatoes. rs-Proteet . Franklin of 319 Ruby boa Island. a reporter ta M ... Gl-.Herald, city council to recon- action to file the bua application. .. tod that perhapa if Nowport Beach and Beach were to protest before the railroad "°'""'dal<fi that other oommw.. ltl.. ml& do llkewile. In thla way, ho ed. Newport Beach When the Roomalnlana entered Budapoat and captur<d the dty, our fri~d took to the top ol. a frel1ht car and neaped to the home of hit: parents situated near mlcht be ilo to obtain a Pftferen- tia) rate ~fit to lU citizens. llAPPD:8T MOMSNT-lln Bl (umtw) iM 1 IJtl: r'r b• fl'W Oty . Roland Thompson ._ O. a. -., N_.--fer -'-potoe palatlmp la Int at thll point the ~ Hard-to-Get Post-War STEEL TOYS Wagons, Irish Mails, Out-Door Gym Sets, Slides, Wading Pools, Roller Skates, Wind-Up Toys, Doll Buggies, and hundreds of other item<. • We also remind you of our Furniture Department .... tho Auotrlan border. With the ond or hootllltl .. , the Steiner family bea'an their three year wait for papen to Mturn to the Land of the Free and dur- inll: lhll period, yQUnJ1 Steiner worked u a machlnht locksmith and received a diploma of pro- :::.C: .!':!t"' ...!:':. .... --Nt, .. .,_llho~:rt= mark t there wu no ouch ------------.,.-------------1 thing as ,a preferential rate. He tldoncy In thll art. Dog License fees Upped It WU in 1921 that tho family finally arrlvod llac:k in Amorioa and Sandy be-Can his tHaineu career In aeveral dlfferent ca· Police Chief R. R Hodakfnson's pad.ties. He first worked ln a recommendation for raises 1n the pants factory, then as a waiter at local fees for dog lea.shin& licenses West Point and then u a private was approved by the Newport chauffeur. At thls time, Sandy Beach Oty Council Monday. started his own business, that of The city dog license ordinance providing can for hire and he also will now be amended and licenses sold automobiles until 19'29. for animals hereafter will be, two In 1929 Sandy joined the Navy dollars for male dogs and three and was going into Naval Aviation dollars for female dogs. Mayor Reed Presents Art Awards With 75 pictures submitted, the judges for the Newport Harbor Union High school art exhibit, fin· ally selected the two winning pie. tures which are being purchased for the permanent collection at the school. The increase in fees ls necessary but the Bureau of Navigation at due to the increase in work of the that time put the freeze on en· Rex Brandt's subject titled "The humane department. Hodgkinson Lt ht th J tt " d D listed men being trained in the g on e e Y an an program so Sandy went instead said. Lutz's painting "The Harbor" into the radio technican division. were the two selected by the board Following his discharge from the FIREMEN REST of judges which was ' headed by Navy, Sandy employed hJmself in Arthur Millier, art critic of Los said, h or, the dty oould, If It ao , work through the Newport arbor Clamber of Com· merce, to orga.niz.e a ficht acatn.1: the ~UI pan1 .. • petition before it ts pr nted. to the railroad ~..:. -xplained that th~ r.U:.:d~uion, which repre-- aentl all the people, 10 very care-. fUlly intof problems of this nature, and he ju certain the interests of the · tizenry would be pro- tected. Bill Hill Gets N vy Release ----------------------~ THE llS WILL PET PANTRY Agate, ... hlew! • BE OPEN SUNDAYS (Clooed Thursdays) a.1Wa1be .. le _ ... _ ..... , ..... ., .... .. ............... hM..nc.' 0.r .................. .mw,.~ 'I. or more opens your account NEWPORT-BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATIO Ill SSSS Vla Udo NEWPORT BEACH, CALIP'ORNIA Famous Cribs, Kroll, Whitney. Lulla- bye and Baby-Line, Hi-Chairs, Play Pens, Training Chairs. Everything tor the Baby and Juvenile -from bll'th to IS what is called the "resort game.. The Newport Beach fire de· Angeles, and included Mrs. J . A. ·and stayed with this until 1937 partment had a restful day over Beek, Kay Finch, John Nolali and when he went into business as the weekend. Fire Chief Frank Sascha Jacobsen, the noted violin· Seama Third Class William John Hi . 19, of 301 35th street, Newport Beach, received his dis· charge f om the naval personnel separati center , Terminal Island, ~=======================~ San P o, Saturday. - lUHEELER BABY & JUVENILE SHOP operator of juke boxes and amuse-Crocker reported only two per· ist. 1 ment devices in Elgin, Illinois. sons were given first aid treat· High compliment has been paid Jn 1944 he sold out his business ment. to the collection of pictures as and came to California where, 8 well as to the number submitted year later, he began investing in Marie, and his son. Michael, at whibe.chhisldl8:'gethfor thf' (Thirst exhi1'~it properties in the Harbor district. 2428 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa, to 1 e ln ~ area. e qua ity In February of last year he ob. in the home which he purchased of the work is very high and · ed Cal I . . . bTought a word of praise fTom ta1n his i ornia broker·s li· :ecenUy. an~ aSS0C1ated ~th him Millier in tbe Sunday Los Angeles cense and practiced in Los Angeles 1n business 1s C. F. Denruson, one Ti until he came to new offices built of the old·timers in the district. mes. for him at 634 Coast highway. whose life story was previously Mayor 0 . B. IJ.eed presented the Hill isla son ot Mrs. William J . Hill of J.he Newport Beach ad- dress. Hfs sea duty included serv· ice withl the USS Comept from April 2, 1944 through June 22, that ye~ and service with the SS Le ·ngton from February 12 through pril of this year . He c ·es. two Asiatic·Pacific service tars and one Philipplne liberatio service star. He served 1 25 mon overseas and was grad- uated f m the Newport Harbor Union gh school. Manil folders a t News-TI.mes. Mother's Day ·Dresses Smart new Casuals and Dressy TUBEROUS BEGONIAS Sandy finds his hobbies in the recounted in this series of ar· awards in person to the winners great outdoors and he is a quali-ticles. A new addition to the firm last Saturday at the official open· fied exper t with the National is Russell D. Baker, a resident of ing of the exhibit, which was at· Riflemens' Assn. with both pistols the area for ten years, who just tended by some 200_ persons ~nd and rifles. All types of water got out of the service. nine ot. the prominent artists sports are also on the hobby list It goes wtthout saying that whose pictures are on disp~ay. At- and during the war just ended, Sandy Ls in love with this district tendance each day has kept around r--r-::::::~:=~ Sandy was a hand·to--hand combat and after a lifetime of wandering the 200-mark and on Sunday many instructor for a class of 75 Army in various parts of the world he people from Palm Springs, Los personnel in the East and he is perfectly contented to ~ttle Angeles and other cities attended. trained the auxiliary and local I down and call this area "home." .·J--,.1 . . types -,_ -easy to wear Oiecks, Stripes, Prints, Pastels and Blacks. Seedling Plants, Finest *** Strain Sturdy Uttle Plants Ready to Pot Up or Plant Out CAMELLIA TYPE - --IN LOVELY COLORS 25c each -- -$2.50 per doz. *** e Also TRAILING V AiUE'rlE8 from tubero. Nb, young plants, ..-ly for hanging pot or buket '75e EA.CH *** Cardoza Gardens • Conlaa del ....... Callf. Phone Harbor 4'7 CHOICE WHISKIES -AT- LIQUERS NEW STORE 700 COAST filGHWAY GORDON'S DRUG STORE -NO '.IJIJT- .._BBllon-•-W 'l'W9 •• , ................ police in the city of Elgin, Ill. Mrs. Arthur Kemper and her Sandy resides with his wife, Drive C&re.tully-Spa.re a Life. guest, Mrs. John Sadleir. Corona Pa"coad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUIUNUM ...... "----..... ••A-.....,._··-"•-...... u ... 814 Coast IDghway Phone Beacon 5881.J ( W. V. TREADWELL, M. D., F.A.C.S. Announces Temporary of Offices at Opening 122 E. 17th St., Santa Ana Phone 2414 Tblll'9day and Saturday Only Practice Limited to Obstetrics and Gynecology New, Sensational Trolling Jigs For Albacore and Barracuda OOIDIERCIAL F1SHERIOl:N OOlll'Lm'E SUPPLIES FOR Specl•Jlziq ln TroJUnc Gear McCallum & Harvey --·11 Mercury Cleaners & Dyers Offer Regular 3-DAY SERVICE ... 1 -Day Special Service H an Emergency Arises -1- y our Ootbing Ia Cleaned In Our Plant Wblcb Is Located at 1844 Harbor Blvd. 008l'A """ We Are M C1me to Y-My.,. Phone Bacon 5613-J Mercury Cleaners -& Dyers del Mar. at tended a recent bene-- fit bridge at St. Agnes· Guild, Anaheim. -~------For pfflce 1wpplles, see the News.nmes. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- D&Uy Dellvery-Belcoll 4UOi UIHN_.--. COSTA JD:S' FOB INSURANCE SU Howard W. Geniah 1808 Newport Boulevard COSTA MESA Phone BMoon 5151 Automobile •. Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written ELECT Fi.I HOWSE -- • -ATTlllEY CEIEllL Pledged to serve .ML 1IE PBIU • 11111E 1IE . Sl~-0-Wood A NINGS PAY FOR TIIEMSI!:LVES Freedom from t1pkeep and rei>ta.bement expense makes • the ftrst cost the last cost_ f -frQI-~ ........ .nm4nah.Jd ID - ..... '1'8 -0 -WOOD I AWDiDgs ~comfort! Permanent good I Tailored to fit the archi· tectuj're ot YOUR home! FOB IE8TDIATEll PHONE OB WlllTS SI ts -0 -Wood Awning Co. ' :!.":.w County "r ~--· ~ 8t. -11111-J Tell caus-· $16.95 up Gift Suggestions • HATS • LINGERIE • DICKIES • BLOUSES ·• PURSES • SCARFS • COSTIJME JEWELRY I fi\Sf.llON SMOP FOR WOMI• 608 N. Mabl SL Pbme 0821 Slllta AM CAMERA FANS • The second meeting of our Camera Oub--for beginners . . and experts-will be held this.Thursday evening, May 9, ·at 7:30 p.m. Everybody with 'art 'interest in photography is cordially invited to attend. Everyone has fun and learns tool ·' -DllOI' IN TBV.B8DAY EVJ:NING • FO~YTllFS CAMERA SUPPLY • • : - M&WfiWI ------·111ree DalS Spe1d Day Corona del Mar Olt 03 O.pe1 Sea Uatll Malt Shop · ....__ 1111 ~ ....... Gllardsa111 Rescues • ..... • Old ,_._ malta The 'J'hfte Dins -....t a'filhln' Thins ot the sport In the laU W. -• ••M •U. last Saturday afternoon and thero-att.rnoon, the \hree Dins pointed -,.... ~ . -coUectlw --the by hanp a tale. N...,_t Harbor channel and The 'lbree'Ilana, a :n-foot sloop home. but found tbemsdv.. on the ~-----------owned by Dan Corson of 113 wrcag end ot a paalve·reslstonce Grand canal, Balboa Island. and polley ot the elements-'10 broeze. U>ree occupants, Dan Sr., Dan Jr., It looked like a ~ nf&bt abead and Dan III, left early Saturday in the open sea. • ROOFS afternoon on a brisk breeze and • Back at the Cor-. doanlcile, beaded Into the open sea whete Mn. Oonon, Senior that Is. be- the fishermen spent the afternoon came sil&btly worried when 7 :JO contributin& free lunches to apa· In the evening rolled put without thetlc schools of fish. a sign from any ot the Dens-or -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; any prospects of a fish dinner. • Notifying the Coast Guard ot the Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SUM BUILDING UNITS Brick and Ce.pool B!odm Now ID Production . Walter Kline Conerete Products Co. situation. Mn. Concn. with a light In the window, began her vlgll. The 'lbree Dans with i .. cllllled ~r list ot t.brtt Dans, was found at 1 a. m. Sunda.y morning, adrift and helpless, off the Har- bor breakwater by Coast Guard Cutter 83337 and toowed back into the Harbor where she b now be6 Ing fitted--OI all things-with an --auxiliary motor. r:-~=-=N:......:...ewport'NNA~-WRWfl,'ffRW/mllQltl'"eo.ta~·-.1 City Declines Dredge Otters Newport Beach to Share in Liquor Fee Returns Navy Cracks Down on Low Flying Here Freala Daily Dd.ldoao -P'oo4e Or. complete eqwpmeiit Nhen you want to cat.ch your own. HORMEN ·FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL A VENUE. NEWPORT BEACH• Two companies engaged in --· dredging work in this vicinity of· SACR.Alto1ENTO. May 9. -Cali· fered to purchase the city of New· fomJa cities and counties are port Beach suction dredge ?\ton· about to share $1 ,298,912.66, reir day. resenting half of the alcoholic bev- J ohn P. Gilbert, manager of the er age license fees for the last six Newport dredging Co .. 631 Thirty· months of 1945, according to ~ first street, Newport Beach, and announcement made here today the finn of Paul Trautline and by William G. Bonelli, Member of ===========::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,J J ohn Gillis, also of N ewport the State Board of Equalization Beach, were the open bidders for for the 4.th District. Vigorous action is being taken to curb reckless and dangerous flying by U. S. Naval Reserve Flyers, Captain R. S. Clarke, USN, Commanding Officer of the Naval Air Station, Los Alamitos, an· nounced today. the imple ment. Of thts sum, ~hared ~n the The city council which received I basis . of the location ~f lice~ the otters at their semi·mont.hly prenuses, $16,106.51 W1ll be dis· meeting i.n city hall Monday de--t:ributed i": Orange county, wh::~ clined to accept either offer until $2166.25 Will go to Newport Be . One flyer already has been reeommended tor a general court · · ed b M a nd S2779 37 \\111 go to the urun· a committee, appoint Y ayor ed. . h t martial· a second has been recom· Reed d i Judi g Councilmen corporal area in t e coun y. · • . . . , an nc n "Current allocations " said Bon· mended for loss of his conuruss1on Lester Isbell and 0 . Z. Robertson . . 1 h · ·u· , d and aviator's designation and five d W S t Joh D McMil. ell1, "will br ng t e C1 cs an . · . . · an ater up . n . . . , f 8 t l" more are awaiting similar action, Ian had looked Into the need for a count.1 e-s share o ta e icense Ca Cl k 'd cit;-owned dredge at this time. fees to S32.345.581.44 since . r epeal pt. a r e Sat · VETER AN S Tw<>-bedroom homes ... built on the Jot you select. 100 '/o G. I. Financing You P"Y only appraisal ud legal fees. of prohibition in 1933.1 This r ev· "CIHun.1 of Loll An«eles, Santa enue has been collected and dis· Ana. Long Beach, Ne\\-port Beach tributed by the State . Board ot and adjolnlnr a,rea.s could l'l'eatly Equalization at no cost to local au!At the Navy ln thl• action by governments. After deducting ad· tnunedlately reporting all obsf'rv· ministrative expense, th e re· ance9 of filcht violations to the mainder of the fee proceeds goes Operations Outrie r, Naval A1r St ... to the State General Fund." tion. Lo9 AJamltoA, phone Long State Guard Seeks Aid From Warn Veterans fk.aC':h 368-61," Capt. Clarke urged. All possible identification of the plane by type and number, and exact time the violations occured are important to prosecution of the offenders so that needlolls danger to both Navy and civilian lives and property can be ellmin· a ted, he explaiped. ' U1loli HIP Pr ... s s.,..•oay 01c•eslra to R1pre111t Ceuuty In OD ottori to·llrtl-Ibo ad-Mr. lbJiib Reed, ..suit --- tural clnelopmnt ot ~-.·at Newpat ~ UnlaD county, the Ncw..,.nlutxr Unlaa Hiib Sdlool. Hllh Sd>ool la attemptinc lo ,_ :.='a-?;.~1~ 1~:'= SchJeuter ReturM adult ec1ucat1on --. Home from Hospital 1n ~ rorma.Uoo ot uua c:wd- tra. Orange county will Joi!' many Rlcbanl Schlueter five-~ communltlea in limilar Ulidorlak-soa ot M.r. and 'Mn. o.-.m. lnp. The otthestru al f'1!tedena, Schlueter of 1801 W. Cettnl ave- Santa Monica,, Whittier. and Glen-nue Ntwpot t Btadl. who was ,... dale are -..nt eiwnpl'" of cued from drownin& off N ...... t ventures of this type. The mem-!!Neb ~tly. la ,,_ ........,. hen ot thfte and 11101t of the. along nicely at bla home. ma orcheltru. in California are mu-fat.her ls proprietor of the Balboa sldans whcoe desire to play to-Curio ahop In BoJ.boa. gether produces programs of hleh The youngster vfu rescued from mualcal quality. There is no doubt the watera .off Newport Beach by that such a group could be ...-Y Mrs. Louise Koch. a reg;.- luccesatul In Orange county. nune and wife of Bernard Koch. Because of the nature of the proprietor of a skill came con-- spomcnhlp of this p..,_cl or· cessl"'1 In the Balboa pavilion. chestra. ttheanals will commence Her eoa.. Bernie, age thrtt-and- in the fall In connectioii With the a-halt-,.ario and a chum of Rich- opening of the other Newport ard. saw the latter in the water Harbor High School adult actlv-and called his mother who went !ties. However, Mr. Clinton Sawin, to the aid ot the Schlueter boy . inltructor in instrumental mua.ic at the Newport High school and who is to conduct the orehestra, Book Ends Taken is very desiroua of •CCUJ11ulatlng B . C. Koch .of 405 N . Main a personnel list during the remain-street. Balboa, reycrted to police ing part of this ICbool year. FU!' the the rt of book eDds and a cl&-$ riners Honor ther 1n10rmation may be obtained ... t lighter from 'his - by writing to either Mr. Sawin or recently. R lph P. Maskey · 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ngratulations were being re- today by Ralpb P . Maskey. pro · ent in Shrine activities hert, on his appc>intment as Po- te~ate's Ambassador for New- por -Balboa. His credentials were jus received from Dr. Vierling K y. Illustrious Potentate of Al ' alaikah Temple of the Shrine. }: ambassador li\les at 3714 Ch el Place, Newport. Ith his official credentials c e a message from Potentate Ke eY for him to contact local Stu1ne club officials, and to ar- range a caravan of nobles from thiS' area to attend the lirst big 1946 Ceremonial to be held in Stiryrfe Auditorium, Los Angeles, Satprday, May .Jl, starting at 7 p.m I Inf ant Death Rate I s Reduced in State e chance a California baby has or surviving the first year of life• has increased five-fold during the la~O years. Neverth"eless, pre ·entive "public health measures ca force the infant death rate stn lo\\·er, Dr. Wilton L. Halver- son state director of public health, said in commenting on the ob- ser a nce of Otild Health Day, Ma 1. WOMEN -WAITED! . ... NOW TRAINING FOR OUR NEW F ACTORY LADIES' FINE SPORTSWEAR AND DRESSES Single Needle Operators, ~rs. Help in all De- partments. Oean, light, airy factory. Best work- ing conditions, the kind of sUITOW1dings you will be happy to work in. Excellent pay if expei:l- enced. If not experienced, we will gladly teach and pay you while learning. List.eel here ate addltlona.J featnnis to make your work pleMant e Lunch Room e Hospitalization In- surance Plan e Nurse in Attendance at All Times e Public Address Sys- t.em • Musi<: While You Work e Transportation Good, Next Door to P. E. Station and All Buses. . ' . Establish yourseH now ID a permanent all year 'round job APPLY IN PERSON NOW PHONE 2447-R Denison & McBroom Sales Sta tewide survey of \Vorld War 11 veterans interested in r eorgan· ization of the ground forces of California's National Guard, soon to be reactivated. was launched today by the State Adjutant Gen· eral·~ Office. The California combat veterans are sought to 8.id in reactivation of all ground branches of the Na· tional Guard as soon as final allo-- cations of National Guard units are approved by the National Guard Bureau in W ashington, D.C. e 1945 infant death rate of 32 per 1,000 live births is an average for the state as a ., .. :hole, Dr. Hal· ve n pointed out, and in some co ties the rates are much high· er.~e approximate range in rates Jr. College. to Move is om is toss. in general. tewer ba es die where there are well To Tempo_r_· ar_y Place ?~ized 1ocal public health serv- MAURICE EVERETT 114 W. 4th St. Ana SANTA Ph. 6688 ' . P ASADENA LONG BEACH· L B. &U-o'T Going to You probably bave :roar dis:• la-.a \ mwked oat ha your mlad ---ybe your llldlttect or COlltnidor alreed1 laM prepared pa.. oa i-PM' fer yoa. De::ta ~ wll laave a larp part la=·'*-« dr 3 ' ol ............ llvlag -lrae. W1- ,.. p oww tlae p1aM with yoar ballder be -9 &o Mk bla &boat the newest develop- -la la bo.-bold labor •vln& ud ,_ tlzr sf beaaty. Ou Eli:pdlli .. ~ ekdrlGll ... be &W to help ""'1 layomt plaM OI' IJli"OllllimL Olle az::aestkMa -1 --• lot., --- .. .. ~al ths& Jw-w ETS-HOlll & GALVAI lllNOS -1111 1808 Cl-* IDway . 1 . .. •• ····DI•• o+' I ~ la -... WWW:' II W • Q• • El.scrKICIANS C..0-'l'wo ~ -.; •& 1ar p.amo&Y, PL&!IT, ftOim> Ol'ftCS, PAW. llOllS . %300 N-rt Blri. 0 0 8TA MESA. (ln the Mesa Realty Bldg.) Corson and Ray Mrs. C. M. Deakins of Balboa, county chairman of gardens, was one of the Judges of the nower show held last week at, the Ana· heim E~ll club. DEFEND YOUR ffEALTH WITH BRING YOUS RADIO TO U8 0.. __ _.!'"!-••:,:::~ ~ l ..... _o.. ~~a:.:.-.:: l"'Mtllr7 ...----" ~··> ·~ Radio SOS Eledrlc --· Gas Heating & Ventilation • CHARIER a· PRESTON State IJc:eoted Oon- a .... lrrt .. tlrz1 ... w .... r at a -1 FR ..... "*' • SS -. ... ... -1111 • Before Yo, Build or R ...... I I 0.. • ~ 'i ., • i • .... ' . •• • --~a I . I .. . ,. ~ .. ' ., : t ,. ., J • l . ' ........... 75 I s' I ...a I '~•• . ·=ra~= ? ]: • • • 1 1 ' 11: I bawlte ... at n.-, _,,.., -...... I --1C. UQ, , ..... Oll'I* .n p' • 0 s s · WDLU• C...,.t Works ___ .. " ----™ • - - Upatain -405 French Street -Santa Alla P1ans are being made by the ~i·~;;~;;~~;;~;;~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Santa Ana board of education for r the r emoval of Santa Ana Junior college quarters from their pres· ent aite al 917 N. Main street, Santa Ana, to the property now occupied by the board of educa· lion administrative buildings. Harold E . Yost, business man· ager for the educational board, an· nounced rut Friday that he wu preparing advertiaementa calling for bids on moving three of the major college bungalowa to the interim of the achool. Present plans p-ovide for con· tinuina: operaUOna of the junior collese on the site of the board's adrniniatratlve building until the new college is built at Bristol and 17th street, S.,ta Ana. '~~ ..._ -D ... 1sz1aC. -.. .._ -~ lllft., (Jo-. ... -T<mp<>rary P hone, Doy 65t La· auna -; l'bone Nlsht, UBa La&lfa Beech S~mach Trouble a• d GA8TBO ·I N'IZSl lNAL deraacement. we llaft '-nwA' from---·~ afto la oar ~ tloe 0.- ot '°" o1 ali m -Realtb. Diii· comfort ud l Sh.__ • tlile llama• eoa••fai. We eoalcl aame a Score of --._..,. -ble to -Ouae-........ Inc& .... ....... ~ ........... ... MIColldor't la Abio idpal area. We •n a 8pl!ldfte ~ -'~----Or .................... ,. P'1 'ed, -"* D'RflM " I i ••· Om a e&a.111 are +AA 'ul""" ........ ~.rel ..... ,... of cx;xct1ae1 la tov ...._ . -We -l!fO .,,_ -l!fO ···=?· • ...,.,. ... 110 I m;.,,. Jut ... ll1a111 are _,.. ... s 'Irr It _.. as '"• ..... 1'19' ............. ~ t .. ,... .... -•••II: --rssrz ....... ._UM,_ ••:1w '•N ,,._ n.._ .... , .... -.. ..,. •1111 ••t u L D&m..P.9S'LD.Aft4 lO'l llaol IMl11& Kwwwpwt • ... Clmm. J • Post War Prosperity ' Club Roster--Continued 'lbe flall-page art layout by l ack Llndsley, eowboy artist, Is our -y of ~­ lllg oar ...teri with portraysla ID proee and (lfllldl; the face and life Aoriea of oar --dtlaemy. - . . ~ their work Is l'fllteratecl for the '-eftt or ·--.. &o the -and to remhid uoldoten" of their lllllllribntlon &o tbe balldlng of tbe llarilor dMa Id. New~ wl their storlM give "bKldog hlllt.orloe," dhplayillg them aa 111: ID oar mkll&. Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPTOMEmUST lftl N., ... .,,. ...... ~ ._ Oallf. Pllrio9e Ilea NU Uta ttt -Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet .,_ Dl__._ l'a- t t t 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor Ult~~ del llar, Oallf. N-rtD ttt AL ANDERSON -I Fun~ne -· ttt Bob cailis ......... WM**••. •ata (ft.TDfO ~) llT ... a.-New.-1 " 7 WT I t t t .J. :E. Ragsdale (()wnor) ·Balboa Motel and Wmdaor J.I & OMM•wl • .......... ?"* m SH~1Uft' 111' & Cutnl ...... Clllf. 'TMI TDD:. FOR 'bPl'ON" van: JUNJ: «DI • ____ _.,..._.• --- Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Telep•D•N BealllD• Nil _, Ma Ill Ow&: Pia' q---Jlkx,e.rt: •••• ClllH. • t tt ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage --di IOa 8t,.......Newpwt Brm, QalH. Jack S. Fred v. Raub & Bennett ENGINElilRS and SURVEYORS U.-N_.t- .,.._ BecCIDD aw--.w. OOllta ._ t t ~ T.LEFEVJIE "Frenchie'li' 1Wbec1!e & Dellcate•en 1n11e1a-. •••• -....~ l • • = = - ! -. · ood Government Means Sel ct OffiCialdom •• . Harold K. Grauel --qHA.'PEL raa. ••• ., Ooolia --(lollfooma > ttt A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance <A. T'"' Uil llaJ1ac O.'m B•c• 1611 I Kwpon ~II-.~ • • • ttt John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance --·--................. o.m. ttt F.B.Owm Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS -n11-1 · IHI 0-rawt N .. ,.,t 8113' c.m., ;t t ;t . HUBBARD HOWE Pni1. HuN>anfs South <Aast CA»mP8Jl)' llU w. CJealrU-Newpoft - ;t ;t ;t HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1111> a Cout IDpy-Pbone -5430 ;t <t ;t Lew H. Wallace Real F.state and Insurance Broker ft:o•es: omee S-Bet. 15419 Zin W. Celltnl A"9.-Newport -. Calif. ;t ;t ;t COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store -S. O.tral A-. Bal-Ollll'. Pio. Mn-I "'Ille -of OotdlalltT' -G. IL ....... lier· ;t ;t ;t J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER PboM uo U. A OealrU-Newport -"On Your Way to Balboa" ;t ;t ;t Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer &IT .._...., &u ! ()orona tel llar, <Jam. Nwport-nt·W ;t ;t ;t NewportEngineering ASllOciateJll FRICDERIC J . SINGER. Prooldent -....·--UID Coat IDW•T-PIL -- ;t ;t ;t Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Statjon "You Otto Buy from llo)ld'\ · Jml W. o.tnl-N .... rt Bw• ft1•1 - t ;t ;t ""Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. F-for All the Famlly .• 1111 lfwport ~ -t t ;t FRANK A. AND MILDRED WAISR <Asta M~ Paint & Hdw. l!llwwbrWDllaw ~ l'lllmta · llelwlaatc.Applh·eea 8!1"'08 1111-1. c.ta MMa. lid Newport .... t ;t ;t G. N. Wells Reel Estate Pt.o.e lie· !Oil 5111 lftl Mawpsct ••&.~na llw, CWll. ;t t ;t 0 . R. ~11~-tt. M. (Mcmel O""'°l' -"1rAllblnp Crawley'& Furniture . lilt N~ 11.tft.-PIL llealllDll SIM Ooota M= "In the !fart ol ,_.. ;t t ;t ILL 'VAUGllN -rmM'J~sh-:·R:.:tr&;' · C.-- -IL W'. 1'_,_,, ....... ;t t ;t Dutch Heacock llOID:BmD ma.a.r---.--na · ....... ..... 't ;t Wablll' ,,.,, J\ •. PPadl• .... ·a.i• Beach \;lt;f Merchant Patrol Aal Dt1sMw1 7 •'- --,.._, :!fw~ -ft. Hit .. ttt DllUIOr Jeue L. EUioU > 'r &- SHERIFF Pl' d I,... • The Voter ·Is The Boss and Sho Id Choose • . l - ' I ·-·. Comp.etent Managers For Civ·c Jobs o. J{. . .:, .( . ... .. . . ' . • r:By JACJ{ LINDSLEY . ' . " . . . . • • ~. < . .. . ' I ~i vote for the rtapx&lte eendfdet.ee , l'bp'et for uotller -of 1be (ll'!l!IYC cltbemlilp. •ore ~ .....,. &lld eledlae .. ,,.. For remember &Ila& au11111e-• yoa, yoa &lld :roa accept um 19- lpM8lblllty &lld urge otllen te &lie ollllpUoa, yoa will llO& p& IDto pablle allloe tbe type ol ' who will appolllt ..UW.t pabllc lel'V&ll1a to gift 1oa aa~· t.IJ operated dtJ or -tJ pverameat. A d&J, noanty, a or aaUoa Clll Ollly p fot'WU4 wllM lta votmc popalaMloa ill a tao hedr.ward to ...i &belr W- loCa. . - C..pt. B. J. McNally ~"R~ll"1 ttt • Dr. <Alll'@Ci • ....!!. ·::Jt:i;,;; ' -' •1tt !£!1 ~St;f ' ;t t t Herbert F. K~ · POSTM'AS'l'ER ' .•.. _. ·am.· t t 't ·· W. B. ~owe Starck's . r.af-e _,. -.... t t it Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market -:!fwport. Ill -II&. ' t t ;t . jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Pboae · 11artMir Hl lat OoMt lllcbWlt.7--Jlie'tlfPOft Btt+, ~ t ;t ;t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boola\ St&tloaerJ', c.rda. Art •1 s Mrs -II.Ila !It: 11a1--.n, N_.a .. ;t ;t ;t Robert E. Arvin's lewelera aad W• ............ \11 Twmtrl1msal ...... N..,....n Br•, cam. ~ ;t' ;t WIDlam MacCurdy w. H. (Skip) O.Mpe ; >;-! . MacCurd & Calkins, lne. 'NA.Vi ARClllTIX:TS . -- Jesse L. Elliott ... Sheriff ... Jesse Elliott, sheriff of orange county, has made one of the most efficient, as well as one of the most colorful sheriffs, since the days of Theo. Lacy, one of the early day sheriffs who seived five terms. Sheriff Elliott has seived the people of Orange county through one of the most trying periods In history. Serving during the three critical years of emergencies preceding the recent Greet World War ll and the past five years, .as everyone knows, of the terrible con- flict, Itself. Previous to this, he served the people tor another 19 years as constable and policeman, learning law enforcement work tnxn the bottom up. Twenty-seven years of experience in law enforcement work in Orange county ,eight of these years as a real sheriff, Is the kind of experience that warms the taxpayer's heart, when he Is putting real money out for salary. It Is then that he considers the efficiency and executive ability that actually derives from this long experience In law enf~t.work in Orange county. In his announcement for re-election he says, "I will appreciate your continued support at the coming election, and as in the past will do my utmost to seive you." 'nlese are not mere words as his record in office, proves this beyond a doubt. ' . ' L. H. Ewen -Prqirietl)r Mea Radio & Eledronica Co. ..._ lies ec-. 11U . r I-Nr.,_.,,_,. .... ~II-. Oo8f. 0. Z. Rob rtson .. . Countci'l$lr 0 . Z. Robertson, city counci ' , contractor and builder, was born in Decatur, Ala., a railroad ce · r of 1000 people. His father was yardmaster of the L . &. N. R. . all his life. 0. Z. as he is fa- miliarly known, went through high ool and after working for a while joined the army, serving on e Texas border with the Illi- nois 33rd division in 1915. He aJsi> seived a year and a half in France in World War II I After the war he sold electrical 111.ppliances for a . time, then re- turned to Alabama and married Blllle Fiest. 'Ibey moved to Mem-• phis, Tenn. and he became a travel!ing auditor and was in charge of inventories for Plggly-Wiggly stores for 10 years. Continuing west to Denver and \P>lorado Springs, he managed wholesale grocecy stores tor 10 ~· then on to Long Beach where he was supervisor of Red & White ~ores for Smart & Final for 12 years. He opened "Rob 942 's Mark• :• on Balboa Island but In 1 went to Certified Wholesal eG , L. A. as personnel manager. tered . · contracting business, d woo a e t on the city coundl, bell in a like, constructive and ReturniJig here he en interested in politics an dty affairs should be n,111 damentally sound mann group of office-holders er. He 'e I& there Is now a honnoni OU8 a who will w< k for the good of the city as whole. ' I Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe Pljdlcure and Mankurin& Tll E. ~ Walllaa n..e 1_.I the-Shop t t ;t DAllIA LOPTU:N', M••aaft' ;t ' t enL.Finch Louis Verwey, Prop. Cuino Cafe & <Aektail Lounge • llMl ... sat ltaft1a ft.. ,,.. .. ttt Howatd W. Gerrish 11.t.M1PC11111 ·..S~a1 oO. ..... 81111& llll -1' ...... ~--~ ttt DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market ... O'l.A.e:H1W "CHUCK"~ --Balboa ~ntral Market ' -. (W. •pg Mxt .._...a D1' 0 !&)\ ws.o ... ft.Im Orkin's De~ent Store ft I ~·~-JJ:t.s";'are Goodl -·--11'1111 la .... -oC OoRa -ttt Bob Allen COUNCILMAN 941aoA W.4,:v; . .t.1••••mTI ftOU ,,, ' JOSEPH L. MARSHALL o.rlsti;n71 Rat 2 ••• itt TholMI F:Norton Prop, BAY SHORE CAFE ...._ ••• -.,._1,. • o..t ........ - BRVING 12 NOON TJLL 9 P. IL SPOR , .-MWUNG-PAVILION '0. Jllr . .. een.t. ''' Rebert •• ., ............ .. _,~.!J ~I!!~.~·.,.,. ™~ a. a ,,at ._. ' ,,, re Robinl ·RD. DEALER 111' W. 0 I al .... I ;ttt · NEUION S'JAJTOIU> • µERAU> LIBERT! ~ okii'& .Galvan Newswrt -San Flaad&w .. ~ ---=-=--~.---ft. W--•--.:81 ~•IMl--W • ·BALBOA .• )f. 11::·~ Sec. .. Trw. . Ulll 0-t mwar·N-rt ----Mlll ;t ;t t Stanley James ~~ . ~KARINER ._. ...... Broker-Y-*t aal W. Bl D Ill Oout 111.way-Pll. Bes~ MU ;t ;t ;t C.F.Dennison fpsfai8W wla .&. "8.t.NDP 1ITSl1'Ea - --0-...,....,. .. _..,. ;t ;t t MAC PELLETIER Newport Phanmey n• 0.-. Pl•t ft 1a1 'I ;t;t,;t , --ANTON HERSHEY ~:t'S.:Ot ..... 1111 ......... t ;t t Donald J. Hannon BJl,BOA HORSE RACl!S ........ ·----......... . ttt Dennis H 1and PLYMO~ ttt ArtburSllYer-BOOl'edlleld New Blue ReOlb -~~---·Ide ~l __ •a:m. DB1ND A1'D .. om ....... '!! ! • ~ ........ • • • .. NIWPORT-ML.80A e ·I RISE delMar Dl•KIORY. ~EWS-TIMES TO REMA1tK - - - BOOK BREll2~ ---- ,w ·= WWWSUN ..... BOif, IOB!f "'8oLll'll r ;·n 'ai::J."' ,.,._. ·"', , ~-mYlll Somet1u .. -. 1 told ."' the From Balboanesia ~ 1a. -> ~ - -._ ____ .._ -• • 5 Y' t • prooea a lePlatlve bill a-~ 'b:ll> WNL I N.-D So• .. Ml •ao throuP be-the time It to in. no: 11r -I• 8. WBYTll DUllC ICU, • 0 • .,,, ;_Pee Ms a Ad ,.: .-,_.a OE • Oiuz11"; troducN and the time 1 Is ..... __.... OLD •AaTY dcww. to wvt story Sc:t&eant ~the GuRd. 410 N•~il!la ~ w us ea sci.ea.ft ~ Dlt. ..... ••tt . ., _ .,: .... ,_ '79R to Mil w; sa,ao pw J'9U' tD ma_. . t ......-lead off in thl:I week's bound over b7" JCentt. wtw latest ill Nicbt &'f'eDUe, retumed re-•• ._. i"" cai. .,.._. ...._ ~ 'b , a • ,_ •sr ...... ~ D<I •• • ~rt=.=O:~:::'"i.la:J::•"*t B ch. ~~llk!"';:1:!, !':~=~:.!:...!'.~~Mai:~.: and~~W •w:••W:•tif n-:'tly • y°!,~~ .!:t ..,. u.::;.:-..::, .;.-:,: -.... -,1r •so·, · to an appropriation bill. All ap-bot Juat .,.....,tee! the or!alnaJ ..toa-....Uta ~ In a amouut Zallrilld opal llJ>Od· at t .._ .... ,...,. -a.. .... - & A. Wtl2l -p •y ' r ~-b111a -oristnate In man...-lpt "Of Human llcmdap' """'""' montbl)I suld<: . mom. vloited F11rna<:e Cftel< ----. - -._ -..._ - -DMD. PORTEil · Gmm'al M SI' the Howe of ~ntatl-. 'n1e to the Ubrary at c.iner-. Som-Walle °' , .. --· u and fnlm made oewraI tldel'---.;"=::.,;•;;;;;;;;:;;..:;1 ;: 11 ;: 1 .:;•.· __ .Jl'----------~.J F. G. FROST Editor Committee and Appropriations 1" enet Mauehan feels this i. a atrance a clovll u ...,. loom a tripe ot ter-eot. They ....,t W&IW -: .. ,~W..~F~-~DIXON~Plant.~~~3011~·~W!_·:.·!:o.tn.l~~-~A:~·!!·~,.~·~N~•~-~Ad!!_www~B~:-C~0~°'~¥~1~;,.~•~f,,.~ ~ larih ~of allbenthelcommlt •• ~~T.,: token of approdation for what woman or ran a tldp Into !ta ~ drl"" called "Artlstlr·-·'--··.• •• •.•.•.•.or.~---.11-------------.,.... • ~ u ~ mem · u m•~ Amor1ca hu done for hbn and .,.ve." Surely a South Sea _. Drl~ the coloring 1" al· Raub & Benn tt Official p of the City of "-rt B•cla Into 't2 1ubwuunlttees. The AP-hlll. and the Engll&h people. 'lbll Ali . -In lta rich Anaand Monaco e AD•,•= ....a 1 • din hr :l!':T.... propr alnntlons tiCommlal of ttee ~!,'" manuaaipt anies the grutat Mu-l!a,_. °' .. __ ,. fucln-llhades throueh the gold can· AWM'!MA • ,., .... -•v lft moot uen the •=umt-•"'"Y written, perhapo, In the atlnc. terrlfylnc." Rumbles with yon WI\ bout two In the after-lllf W. Ba;r ...... ••na 1-!l'ewpwt~ Oool&- t.eet ln the House. although dtl· ~ntleth century. Somenet de-Klplina's thunder, by atalktna and noon the lor la~ gold In the ...,._. l'll& TMe,t ._ 8!1 ~ 1118-W Actne • M ,.._ zens who have ll)>Odal lnt«ftta c1are1 a novel llhould be a •-'""t ,,.. •• , •• ttri-' --'-u 1~ Devil's coUde the craded ml ,.. I • ltl11f.()mlnl N--- tur ll -~der the -1 _.....,., ----... ~ ~ -_J I _.._ -· .._ _. n.a a Y U11D.1 u..uiu.&ttee 1•-, not _.... ~ or ten f .. t --.-.. ....__ -a .... acles ft --to pools of , 1i I 3 I B. '"' llllor UI •-·•• th ub """"" .......... ..,.,.. .-VI-'"~ -'•"'-. ......_,,. .,...._u. ~--IM Aae1'11 lfOI t tr W -~Ing at• ject the -!Jn. propacanda. -., tM ~· aouth of llalt. Lit bridls and the leftl '-----------J -----------..! of -™'' to them. We would prob-ror Sl!C&l!T by the editor of Tobacco Road. the Florida crack· -ta the appearance ot a 1 __ .;.· _;l'IAX:.:::o~n=:•._::::::~--ably consider the C«nmltt.. on PM will certa.1n1y erupt bouJden en." Ptthapo Enklne caJd'ftJI golf . Only, u ~ re-1 0_ClUNKlAL ____ .•·.•.ao_•.•.TOllll ___ 1 I.: Honor Thy Mother • • . Agriculture u the moat Important lngenoll'• book hu blt the front bu taken Yoll deep enouch oouth marked. would be terrible to 1' for us. An appropriation dleo with pace of thrtt leading literary already. play on the end of a fiscal ye-ar, ., Con~ macazlnes. He is verry wrry Tldl l!!llde ol. l•M c raoe,, ''sursina At z.l~ld Polllt the foothllb grftl must act upon all •PJW'O* rough oo General Ike and Monty, action. 1tonny drama." 'lbat wo-are of rich colors and re- prlation blllll before Juno 30. An too much .., mayhap When ..., man hu clone It again. Don't say aemble late IWIC1aes with all Appropriation Bill 1" born In the comlder the ~ buain ... you thought Taylor Cal-II wu plsta<1>1a. strawbeuy Clinical Laboratory ~--····· .... "7 ""•Iii'-' ' . '1'1:1.W:PilONJ: ll.&JlllO& .. -"'.· omni .a...: PIANO TBA.CURR G. v. UNBmQl.a.JtD ~ ..... 0 I 1 5, I !lot 1 Ph. Harbor 1252-W 15111 "'· o-n ~ The one day in the year when we should bestow additional tributes upon the most beloved person in the world-your mother-is Sunday, May 12. No other one, except the Lord himself, shoulders so much of the heavy burdens of this world as your mother. She is always near when you need her advice on the problems which irk you. She Is always there to brighten the dark comer. department or agency which will on the world peace agenda. De-a man. No! on top. Near Fumacr eventually spend t.lw ~Y· Th1I finitlve bJographies of the Amer-Ol"Mmda f• Uvtac, "get out.-desert holly, the7 said, department. bureau ar agency lean and British generals are yet doors and be-cfn to live a book gl"OWI abundantly and larger '-----------...1 P'ID8ICllN9 a 81Ju.>N& KA ~kes up an estimate al. lts re-to appear. The full documentary for lazy people." ' than an , tller place: One of tM DAY ICllOOL qwrements. That ls sent ... not to evidence ls yet to be assembled. The Bulwark, "of a Quaker holly b es would be pink, ~ ... ..-----------....., the Congress. ~~t to the B~au Meantime. each American is duty-whose devout faith cluhed with other 't;>l • purple, green or white Mo~-· c:t-L--.'I or t~e Budget. . bound to read this eruptive broad-20th century materialism." ·Dreis-and as hi h as one's waist. I'WlllCr OCllUV No greater tribute could be paid to her May 12 or any other day ih the year than to show her with the greatest of care and kindness that you have not forgotten all the many things she has done for you. If mother lives a great distance, telegraph her a bouquet of roses. If she lives at home, present them to her. And above all, make this, her day, the greatest day of all, so that she will remember its happiness the whole year through until another Mother's Day iooms into view. Wasters of-Good American Cash Millions of good American dollars are being wasted yearly -actually thrown away-by both the federal government and by private business corporations who tum out by the reams In mimeographed, printed and typewritten forms what they call press releases. · Little of the propaganda which comes to an editor's desk day in and day out is usable, for the simple reason that the pl'ellS agent thinks he should tell his story in a thousand or more words. Some of them have the mistaken idea that they are novelists. They ought to look twice in the mirror before they sit down to plug out something for the boss. Take a Tip, Mr. Press Agent or Public Relations Man- . ager, if you want your stuff published anywhere in Orange ccunty, you'd better keep it short, say 300 words or less. It Isn't worth any more to any editor. 'Political Race Is On This bureau is ~nder direct con-side. The top secret comes out er's last book. Will you ever for-They dj'ove to Bad Water, the -Olnl BaD,.. ...... trot of the President. It reporU \ Into the open. for full fresh dis-get his Esquire article on 'Mark lo~est pl4ce In the western hemis--· OOllece. ~ to him. It is a powerful bureau cusslon. '.I'he Anglc:rAmerican duo Twain? Dreiser was forthright. phere,~6 feet below sea level. ' DAY 8CllOOL = and It dafin~ly writes its 1 own rthec-brought hOme the bacon. Or was The Cue Acabut the Admlrallt "Ibey Stove Wells and came o. A. .__., M. A.. (b:fwt om~en ttons,. not on Y on e it only "a piece of the Rhine," "why we must have a unified home by ay of Lone Pine where Prt9cdp&l Pt.one llarlaor 15! e ntire Appropriations Bill. but on again? Ask the informed serv· command a book to wake up Am-they cou See Mt. Whitney, the lnd.lvldual Items in the bill. These iceman from overseas. Prod the erica." Wbo or what can deny highest s t. DEN'l'llftw recomm~ndations go to the House dutiful citizen. achievement to teamwork! Mr.ran• Mrs. Fol&om. 319 Marl· ..-----------....., Appropr:iations Committee. It hu THE FIELDS by Conrad Rich-Brave Adm'r'l, say but one good gold ave~ue, and Mr. and Mrs. DB. GORDO -n . said that .the House Appros ter-<lon't miss this conquest of word: S. C. Oi.,. 520 Dahlia avenue, left N E. KAPP P.r1ations Committee is very aensi-wilderness by Town-a seq'uel to What shall we do when hope ii S\.Ulday IPr San Francisco where DENTIST tive to the recommendations of '"'The Tren." By the frontier gone? · they visit Mrs. Folsom's sis- the Bureau o~ the Budget. but way, have you reveled in James The words leap like a leaping ter, E . L Vehlow. Mr. Fol-UIS Wed Ol!ntnl only in one dittctl~n. The com· Daugherty's drawings in DANIEL sword: som will make this a business as Phone Barbor Ul-" mlttee rare 1 y increases the BOONE AND ABE LINCOLN. Sail on! Sail on! Sail on! and well U ple~ure trip. ~e ~s the Newport amounts recommended by the Bu-BACHELORS ARE MADE by on! . Southe California distributor reau although it may cut those Eleanor Nash. Sounds like a He gained a world; he gave that for the Universal Dairy Equip------------~ amounts turther. double entendre. Bachelors are world ment Co~ of San Francisco. The subcommitttt conducts ex-Made ... we wonder where. It·s grande5t lesson: Mr. a d Mn. Harold Wilson, tensive hearings on the bill. When REFRESHER READING-you "On! Sall on!" 320 Irla av~nue, leave Sa,JUrdaY Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST , these are ended, the subcommittee must be ready again for that stal· -Joaquin Miller. for a m th s trip to Washington goes into executive session and and Or n and to Vancouver and proceeds with what it calls, Victoria. They will go the inland H02 Y1 W. Central. Barbor 1'80 "marking up the blll." When the R h G d Supervisors Appoi\tt r oute return the ooa5t route. Nl!WPOB'.r BEACH subcommittee finlsties this work,• 1g t u·1 e M to c ty J b Mr. Mrs. Harold Brown. cl L.~-------~;.--l th e bill is reviewed by the en-en oun 0 8 Orchid venue, returned recently ";""' tire committee or 45 memben, and The board of supervisors ap-from S Francisco, where they Ir---------.;,_--: finally is r eported to the floor. This column is designed to pointed Walter Honeycutt as cus· lived t years. They went for a Dr. W. W. Wflltmorelaad At this point. you would see a give official VA answers to todian-caretaker for the Costa visit of o weeks and then stayed Dentillt great weakness in t he method of veterans' r eadjustme nt prob-Mega public park Tuesday. Honey-in San ancisco. Mrs. Brown will I making lp.ws. Let me take the re-lems. Send questions to : cutt succeed! David C. Allen who be reme bered as Bro"'nie ot Mc-llOl Oout llhnJ' cent agriculture appropriation bill Right Guide, 1041 s . Broad· was caretaker on a part-time basis Glnitie' grocery store by the bay. ()ORONA DEL MA& as an example. That bill came to way, Los Angeles 15, Calif. at the 10.acre park site. The full Phone Harbor H!O the Floor, accompanied by the time salary was set at $175 per ln.atiOD comm1ttee report. and a transcript month. f h . hi h d book Most of the questions which are Also on Tuesday Glenn A. Pat-Vi OPA o earmgs, w c ma e a • now be'ng recei ed b RIGHT I~ in fine print. of 2000 pages. Last 1 • , ; v · . Y terson of Huntington Beach, vet- year It was over t,600 pages. It Is ?~~;al 1~~~!:re1 qurtions. of a erans' service offi cer for Orange Shoe pair shops m ay charge quite possible that a discussion of swers t 1 t~ a~ bi~ ti an-county, submitted his resignation 15 to cents a pair over their an appropriation bill may begin on 00 eng Y or pu ica on. to the board and Ben Liebermann, regu1ar ceiling prices for the the fi001" the day after it is re-r~e tturned ov:i to t~e VA director or the Veterans' Center, leather ling of shoes when they ported out of the comm1ttee, and e en . concem an an· was appointed as temporary sue-use special types of soling therefore the day after these hear-sw~ ~~~o~~lyh~~:~eteransf ce_ssor, holding down the two jobs materi , the OPA announced to-- lngs are avallabt; to the Members general interest'. · are 0 without any pay increase. daY. generally. Once 1n a while, I have • • • The extra charges, effective seen a bil1. the need for the pass-E . w . M. of Glendale asks: 1 am more than merely filing applica-May 8, MU apply when the shops Sandy F. MacKay --·-INSURANCE-That's All '71( E. Central Ave. Balboa -Barbor !.691 age of which was rather urgent, a veteran of the first World War. tions. The nature of the disability, use if. nite full soles, O'Sullivan reported to the floor before the 1 aptitudes, interests. suitability and men's own and leather color would like to know if I can ,make th f L-----------.J hearings were returned from the a GI loan to buy 8 horn ? o er actors are carefully consid-plastic alf soles, or Neo--cord full r-----------., printers. It is physically impc:>S· . . e · ered in each veteran's cue. soles. sible to read all of the hearings tn Answer: Eligibility for benefits • • • Prev usly similar additional H, R. Hall, M. D. ..., •dss ...... ,_ Hoon: 2~ by Appolntmmt Telepbone ~con 5M8 Ul e.-..,. OOMlAD lll<JllTBB, IL D. PIO • '?· ... IL&lt• 120 E. 18th St. <XlST A :!illSA HOW11: 1()-12 IUD.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Jl<aoon 5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill .._,...,...., ... lwe• •• 220I o-t --NEWPORT BZACH -PBOND-Offtoe: Barbor S88--w Relddenee: Barbor SS&-B. lt No ...,.,.., C.U Barbor S Gerald Raua, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pbone Barbor tot8 No UMI-: c.11 Be~ 6"0.B X·llay Service Jllllt.oa IL Maxwell, IL D. 1901 c-t m,,..,. Coroaa del _..,. Office Hou,..: 1()-12; ,>5 Pllone Barbor 1oa S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 1'7!4 MS ti. 11111 !It., Loo ~ 'l'U-'l9ll By Appolntmem . ' Pol.ltical foroes and candidates are now starting their campaigns for the primaries and general elections to follow. From present filings of candidates it appears that California agriculture wiH be in a less favorable position relative to representation in the California Assembly than they have been during the last two ses&ons. The lineup In the State Senate so far as agriculture Is coneemed should show very little change in those state offices which effect administrative and legislative processes. Political observers are generally picking Warren over Kenny for Governor although they ex- pect Kenny to put up a good campaign. Te is an astute poli· tldan. The agriculture vote is expected to go strongly 4> Warren. In the race for Lieutenant Governor which is. being vacated by presen.t Lieutenant Governor Houser, ~te Sena- tor Shelly ol San Francisco, Democratic candidate, ls gen- era!zy recognl7.ed as having an advantage because be has the IUpport of both the Communists and the cooserva tive fac- tion In organized labor. He ls being opposed by two Repub- lican candidates-Superior Cort Judge Goodwin Knight of Los Angeles and Charles W. Lyon, present speaker of the ASM!lllbly, who has also served in the Senate. Both appar· ent.ly are good men but the farm vote strongly favors Speaker Lyon because of his splendid legislative record Oil behalf of agricultural legislation throughout his entire legislaltve career. Frank Jordan is expected to return as Secretary of State: 'Thomas Kuchel, another good friend of agriculture, should no doubt be returned to the Office of Controller. State Treasurer Johnson bas no opposition. In the race for At- tomeY General there are se'Yell candidates. Of the seven, the race will probably IUllTOW down to three of them. Edmund G. Brown, San Francisco District Attorney, will obtain most of the C.l.O. left wing support plus some sectional northern lllJPPOrl. Fred N. Howser, District Attorney of Los Angeles, will rea!lve strong A.F.L. support plus considerable southern California sectional support. under the "Servtcemens' Readjust-__ .J ' the available time. This Is a reason ment Act" (GI BUI) is based A Bloomington. mother whose char~q had been allowed when why experience becomes increaa-honorable active service "o~po; son ls now stationed in Japan Neoli~or Panolene soles are used. T p Reed M D lngly valuable In all leglslaUve after September 16 l940 and prlor wants to know just how to figure The creased charges are neces-• ~ er, • • bodleo. to th t . U • f th t the amount of time he will >tave llitated by higher price ceilings DON & DUJllNT Ph......._• and 8m General discussion may be for w ..,e ermina on ° e presen allowed for schooling under Serv-gran~ for these substitute Ma-U8 Ordlld Ave. Barbor 1155-J J-~CeGll New York Life Insurance Company • • Saving Even The "Squeal" Private enterprise continues So build its reputation as a conserver of natural resources. One of the recent devel<>i>- ments _In this direction ls a $9,000,000 gas absorption plant In Texas, called the acme of batural resources conservation. The plant converts casingbead (low pressure) gas Into me- thane (dry gas) which can be burned by industrial and resi- dential consumers. Casingbead gas like gasoline was once l'l!Bidue ol no commereial ~ Private enterprise turned both ol them into ii. priceless natural resource. The Texas plant Is set up to handle 30,o00,000 cubic feet of 1--pressure gas and 55,000,000 cubic feet ot high-pressure pa. It Is aentered about a control room having 45 automatic controls that reauJate the Intake. temperature, ~ and dlstrlbutlon of the gas as it Is ~ormed Into usable form. Only one man watches the controls while four others check the compre!lllion engines, tumaces, valves and other pieces of campllalted apparatus. EY'en the gas to bat the fllmaoes IXllift from Nlldue of the plant. We have '-rd the 118.t paddngrlom-Industry dellcrlbed u an enmple of etftdency wi-e eweytblng but the 911\-1 of the pis WU aved. Here -find what might· be called the HIQOml'' In oil being aved. one hour, or for several days. ar. lcemens' Readjusbnent Act. terlah at manufacturing and CORONA DEL MAR tMl Weet a.7 A'"" After the discussion. the bill .. • • • . Answer: Any veteran with ~re whol e levels. I L---------~-.J read paracraph by paragraph. un-A.E.F . (Army CWO Riverside: than 90 days of service between Ir-----------., TMephone ~ GM der what we call "the five-minute (!) rd like to know If the time I September 16, 1940 and tennin-s, H 0 E s OCCIDENTAL IL.---------'''---' rule " This means that an amend-served in Warld War II will count atlon of the war is entitled to ment may be offered, and the for-Ovil Service retirement. C2f training at the government's ex-LD'I: INSUaANOI! 00. author of the amendment may Where would be the best place to pense for a period equal day for Ra NieJaen A, V, Andrews, M. D. have five minutes to dlacua It. apply for a pci&ltlon with VA? day, to all hlll time In ..;rvlce be-Re While Yoa Walt Y From the HOUie the bill goes to ~: Ul Yes, honorable tween theoe dates plwo one ad-......., -. D811-I PllY8lVIA!I' the Senate. It ~ to be a l"n· service In time of war will count dltlonal year, not to exceed a total . ~Y Pagan IU 11:. llq .a.-.,. 11 - era! practice on that •Ide of the for retirement purposes with the of four years. In other wonlo. If ~N Capitol to add other Items to the Ovll Serv!Ct!. If, however, you the veteran were in service 31 51 East Bay Ffont MOB'l'llllA!l'8 bill. or' to increue the appropri· wlah to receive annuity benefits months he will be allowed 43 N door to ..,. VS.. Ode atlons. One joker said. the reuon for llUCh time It will be neceaary months (31 plwo 12l of training. ' a. m. to I P. m. , Harold K.. Grauel the Senate wu called the "Upper to pay to Ovll Serv!Ct! """ per ~=e=hu==no=be~arlng==on=e=li~gi~·b~lll~ty~. ~===~========~ ""-~l . Houte " wu because it always cent of your bate pay while in 1.JIUI~ "Upped" the appropriations paa<d military wrv!ce. <2> Jobs are open "We ~ tbe Better llerYe by the "Lower House." In nearly all VA departmen\a. "~ u ,_ by Servtoc ~ -· . Dr. W. T. Mooney ~-l!lm.- ho , __ Th ... are Ovll Service but ap---~ -8 11 -llllt The people at me sometu1~ plication ls made directly to the think, when the Senate completes Penonnel department of the V Jl Raffio Se • o..ta ._ Oal:fenlla ,..... ... Oaw11111 ....._ ( ......... _....-) ---.. tts action on an Appropriation • • • j · ~e Bill. that this puts the bill In final R E, o ., of Venice started on-OPl'OMm'Blll'l'll form. As a matttt ot fa~t. the bill the-job training under Service-I Robert A. Crawford comes back to the House, to be mens' ~adjustment Act last Sep- 11~ A.vro, llA89fE accepted or rejected, so far u the temper. March 14 of this year be :r; aw:r.a...,.. changes are concerned. and since was awarded 10 per cent pension a bill is rarely accepted in all its for a service connected disabillfy B R. details, It .. llOO'I to "Conference He Immediately !lied applicatio~ U " Norton Committee. Thi1 is where prac-for his training to be switched to ..,_i.. tlcally all lm-™'t bills are put P.L. 16 (Vocational Rehabilitation 915 """'!'" llhra3' -ll'!IS Into final form N~oo<t Bl,..... . ~-.. · Act for veterans wtth 10 per cent .--· · -.. The ConferenceCommittee sendl or more pension ). He wants to ~-----------­ the bill back. and both Houses know if the added subsistence al· :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;:;:::=;;;;;;;;~~F;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j, must attept the Conference ft.e... lowance under P.L. 16 is re~ ( port before the bill coes to the active to the date he started his ONCE AG&Illf'I President. 11 either HOUlll! ft'f'U8el training under Servicemens' ft.e.. to accept the Report. It has to co adjustment Act last September. SAM'S SEA F back to the Conference Commit-Answer: Subsistence allowance tee for further work:.. Many under P .L. 16 1tarts on the date change5 actually take place in an the veteran 11 actually placed in Appropriation Bill, u In any other training undtt the bill regudl .. bill. after both Homeo have actm of date of aP!lllaition. "Placed" :1n upon It In lta orlslnal form. traJnlnc under P .L. 16 lnvolwi 115 NORTH .MAIN ST. l I • s-'1 S.. F .... flllh .. Olilllt ... 4 D SPA ·s.- Opt., D. I oPl'OlllE'l'Bl8'.r I Eyes Examined -<;:1.-. ntteci 1'191 Newport Boulnanl ni.. ..... 13 ............. E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. ~ J:YE8 JCX.UONm> Lmfllw:ll DUPLl<l.&n:J> mm..-.......... ....,..... 1116 W'. c..n.I. 4.,., n. ....... Ull MMWFWJ-..cm Waper Duel!• Iulfi:ale Dr. wu-c.w- Ollropractlc, Dletet1cs, Phyalos &: Col~ 'lbenpy 1ne <-. lllft., -. 1--....__ ZONE THERAP'i CLINIC V ..... -• M1•r1' M I' l;1t•al Ti&•b ..... ..,. OaMt ·--- 1'ewport-Balboa TOllrist Bm 1111 All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mextm, Hawaii Round-the-World Trtps In the near future. See ..._Boy Kiu•e. I'll. Barbor ISL IOI...,;, llelhc. -•. 11 ......... .. Cemplet.e Poantala Su tiee at HANSEN'S ...... JllUW' .o111-•1 atMidllMll . ..... • llAJIDW++ • •·a ca I ._OIDI-•=• ,o.a • I • r ~ ---' 0 ' '-' .. ' ' .,.. .. • • ... -' -·~ •••aoa Jll&WM"•p .. .,., sszn O'Ptw : I Tc-'-,, !lax 'I, lMI -orms 11 llt1111lfE88 orms 11 n&Nlll'OaATION u aAY .,..,.;.,.•>mo1111 • BOA'lll. ll11l'l'LID a ~JO ANNOmrCl:lllSN'lll a •••. -.&n =..::=:=...:..::.===----_.:....::..:..;___.:..______ BICYCIW Steel Ki. 'tch FOR SALE OutOO.d motor C ters A ail bl _o&:Q ens with lkllf, $75. 951 w. Central ·-' ·-n v a e -···~· .. I' I R E Y A C H T S. llold. -or .__, GLASS roll ENCLOSURES VOOEL'B SHOWER DOORS A~ .• after 5 p.m.. 35-.2tc for·' mainU>nence Au T 0 )( 0 BI LE c 0 M p EN s AT I 0 N 100 -Bt.. ·-Southern Counties FOR SALE -Snipe. Hull """"'" and repair ''STU'' DUNLAP Insurance :IOI -.... Doi-leleNI Supply Co. m-. Solla fair, i=. 2 Bay < z. aomTSON =-==,-,=---·----., 144 c..ut Blvd. N. Ialancl. 1"1: Harbor 2671>-W. Call Harbor 83 M:A'OTY AIDll 11 Pb. !51152 Laguna Beach 35,4tpl---+-------M--tfc_. COLD and MA.CHINLESS 3&-ltc FOR SALE-'l'Wo 50-ft by 12141 fL 0 I K E y s WAVES niund botl<m Dl-1 Water llllilo Wldle y.., Walt 0 7-03 E. Central Balboa INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Painting and Docont!ng. 8'2 No. CJnnce, Ph. 0ranse 247-J. R. W. Stlmjlle. 36-2tp SIGN PAINTIN G Boats, Trucks, W indows, Walls, B~tlnl Ralled Metal, Wood and Ptutlc Letters. AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 36-2tc Phone Number 683 COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Pllone~ 216 E. 20th S t., Coota Ma& 2G-tfc nnttng and Manlcurlne Le Valley's Food Mart Tull. Built 1n 1942 by Sba1n • · vooa.'8 Evening AppL Ph. Harbor. l79-W N~ Beach Boat Works of Seattle, $10,000 1 D Mab> ~ - e9dl. Phone Loac Beac:b 4'15117. '88 --. Vi'• Bea~op Clothes Pins l!Mtc Motte llo.1 Cout Hhvay, de1 Mar Spring type and lob cl tb<m. 2tc FOR SALE _ Fishing rods and --~1-------- :JS.tfc 36-reels (for tuna and Ugbt tackle) _J No Delay LOllT AND romro a Electrical Also wood for kindling. Call - REWARD -for return "' black Repair Service Harbor 14'l'S-R befett 9 :30 a.m. :roar -.•tbl- blllfold loot Wed. ..,. In Ccota Applhmo .. Home. Moton A 36-2tp ,th -U1e -..._ Mesa. Navy man on leave needo Marine s.. +ioe. lmm«ll.ate ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 11<>-lb. TOP-I· p, Waldron I. D. cuda. Phone Harbor 520. AtU!ntion. ().CAR BOAT and CARRIER. 36-ltc S. L FRANKLIN Immediate dellWTJI. Other mo<!-Tel~ 23fW. MllO =B..:O..:II=,n:.IN=G:...:lltlA=n:Jl:.="=A=l:.:.11:_ _ _;1::1 ::-LOST==--M,.,-a-n·-,-dark-,..-br-ow_n_ha_t Ph. Harbor 1781-W els soon -d!nchies. aallboats, FOK JIDl'l' '1 HAVE a &ood stock at roll rooting with Pheuant LeL Leave at 2818 Centnl 32-tfc :"b· cnlllen and paddle-ROOM FoR RENT-Twin -. and Comp. Sh!n&les. nle Board Keene's Orner or N.,...nm., RUG A UPHOLSTERY OnDinc ~c Waten:raft Clo. SS ~ -er SlO ll!ncle, per In many colon, also Boyaen'• ottlce. ~ 34-4tc JluD lbed, m..._..i. clHnocl. 407 E. Central Balboa nl&h1' 217 Via Dijon, Lido Iale. 100% Pure P aints at ~..., EllPllOTIIDT WANTSD A Ovontutted funilture ....-_ Phone Harbor 'JSis 36-ltc 2&-tfc prloea. Copeland Lbr. Yardl, 5th 3 claT """"-up and dell....,. "'Artesia Sb ., Santa Ana. cat WANTEO-Employmmt for man 311 ~ --~ LEAVING citY. -w:riftce w TO am u 3'-tfc and wife. ranch. n!Otaurant, or ORANGE COUNTY-opeodboat, 22 ft. Jone. 8 fL beam. W/oNT ro RENT--:! oi' 3 bodrm. ;;p£11ff1N;iia;;;;.;;0~WR:;;;;;;~;;;-u;-;;;;m---houoe and yard wwk. Llw In or TENT A AWNING 00. 1939 Studebaker Marine Conv., -· WW Jeue. ouL P'1one Hubor 184:h1 or call 1114 W. 4th SL, Santa Ana. exceptionally good condition, Call i.,.. Ptirter at Harbor 707 PAINTING -PAPIDt JLUfQINQ at 309 Undo Ave., Balboa. Phone Mr. Benedict. 15811 Santa very neat Jookln& and f\llly or, l3j :IS-tfc BALBOA ISLAND · SPECIAL $9000 Small dwelling Oil front of lot. In bJslnom section, on Agate Ave., near Ferry Land- ing. AvaW\ble now. · --fl-- HUB POWERS, AGENT Phone Harbol' 62-W J. A. Beek Office Feny I .anding Balboa 'Mand '-36-ltc J.M. MILLER Real Ellta.te Broll« l!lth and Central CHOICE BALBOA ISLAND HOME 2 Bedrooms; large lot; "5-ft. fnllltqe Fumisbed·as ls. Immed1ate possr•Don Full Price $15,500 PAINTING U y..,.. Service tn Newport BaRor Ana Harn Hall PAINTING roNTRACI'OR Phone Beacon 5:z59..J and DmOORA TING M-4tc Ana. 22-tfe equipped. Flnt $900 takes IL W ANTtD TO RENT-2 or 3 -. II. JI:. MeT>aM'd -U !nt.,...ted Inquire owner, Bob room b·houae fUrnlshed. for 2, 3 E N 414 old eonty Rd., c.ota Mesa smn.o1'llDNT 0••••eu • BATTERIES Mani. Bay Sh<>rft Camp, 17th• .,.. 4 ' ,. .. ..;., I.aJand pref.....t. ast ewport Home Phone Beacon 501~ 85-tfc WANTED-Houook-In lewly For Pwtable Rlwlloo and Cout Hlway, Newport Beach. Mn. , mlth. 1078 s. Osden Dr .• Nice, 2 bedroom, tumlshed. PEBSONAL 14 home, 2 In funlly. Private room. for He.rln& Aldo. 36-ltp L A.'f35. Phone collect WHlmq P08SMS!on at end of escrow. Ocean Front Home Clean, 4-~ tumlshed. Immei!late P'J Mo sood -I'll: lO'lll-J. X-tfc -.M--'--RadiClll M69.' 32-8tc Full price- WlLL Nqr be respomtble for any WANTED-Jlellabi. 1....,.ai mai;,. Meo& R..uo ·a. Electronlca Clo. ..,...., · '1!1" ()()() bW. but my own on 2120 Ocean ten.a""' man. Lido n-tre. l7llt N~ Bhd. A.,.0.hle h•mwdlate --,,, oom-WANTf:D TO RENT-By teacher, ~ .,,, . Blvd., Lot 6, Block F , Tl-act 518. 25-tfc Sl-tfc pkte ..._ cl -. Y-In-= furn. house or •PL by vo;:.:::•=:~~:.; ~ .. ~&,~1;~ _W_Al __ 1_11._ESS_ES __ w_ANTED _____ 11a,_ Fire Place and 10 .. o111na ~-=-. ~~ 1n~or.,!._a~:;;..,~ 100 Feet, Miracle Mile after ':3()"p.m. :W.tfe 36-3tc Sbore car •• 17th .. C4ut Hiii>-w 0 0 D Highway. Ph: Beacon 5435 . Corolia del Mar -2110. Between Bay and Highway. -----------------------way. I'll: Newpc:+t :234f. 14-tfc Dellvtretl -=---------~-tf_c l 32-tfc Will lease all or part. PueLIC NoTICES HELP WANTED-Gardener, fUU H. W. WRIGHT Fire Equipment Tests WANTED TO RENT or LEASE, ------------I or part time. Also woman for Ph. Beacon 5665 C·O-Two. l>yiene .l Foam refills. mna!I house or apL, H&Tbor area part time house work and per-1784 Newport av._ ~tfc CO. fixed system and Portables Islanli, preferred. Pay $200.00 NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE a Munidpal Corpor ation of the sonal laundry. Apply 611 Cliff bo p B00~-0 RANGE COUNTY now available. nu,. ermanent. uitu1eu V ader Sectloa 1448 of Ule Sixth Class. Plaintiff. vs. JESSIE Dr., Newport Beach. Ph : Beacon Clvtl Code of C.Wonala K. SCCYIT. et al, Defendants. 5958. 35-4tc UPHOLSTERING CO. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN couPJe. no children. c/o .News- The P eople of the State of Cali-Manufacturers 1000 Coast Highway Tim~, Box "E" 33-4tp NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: fornia Send Greetings to: JESSIE EMPLOYMENT OFFEllED H Of Upholstered Furniture Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc HOW ~tIT trading homes for That Hannah ~f. GUlis, Vendor, K. SC01T, ETHEL IONE F~-WANTED TO HIRE-Two girts 413 W. 4th St .• Santa Ana FOR SALE-20 h.p. Marine Deisel, a mgnth or so this swnmer? We whose address ls 2614 West Cen-SEL, ELMER A. CAIN, MIRIAM for waitresses. Experience not F actory and Showroom like new. Half original cost. Call wo~ like a place at the beach. tral Avenue, Newport Beach, Cali· E. CAIN, his wife, ORANGE necessary. Full or part time. 504 West Center St., Anaheim Newport 2234-W. 14-tfc Wo dn't you like one high in $18,000 --~' Balboa Home 2 bedrooms; completely tam. Possession end of e8CIUW $12,200 ' Phone Your Listings In and we will give them every consideration • J. M. MILLER 15th & Central • Newport Beach • Ph. Harbor 1242 "Ori Your Way to Balboa" 36-ltc 77' E. 19th Stn« 24-tfc PuaL1c NoTICE fornia, intends to sell to Roy R. COUNTY TITLE COMPANY. a Good houn. App1y Island Snack P hone Anaheim 4714 collect MUSI CAL a: RADIO u Bea ,titul Altadena! Convenient Shelley. Vendec~ whose address ls corporation, Trustee. W . \V. Bar, 307 Marine Ave., Balboa 12-tfc ------------• to everything, yet quJet a nd 211 20th Street. Newport Beach, CAMPBELL. ARTHUR H. RICE, Island. J&.3tc -----------RADIO HOUSE CALLS-restfµ!. Reference exchanged. -----------, ------------- California. the following described LULU B. RYCE, his wife. LE --Just Arrived Now that additional competent H. H . \Vatson, 2354 N. Garfield, COSTA ME SA personal property: TITIA w. DD:10ND, BENJAMIN HELP WANTED-General house-Freeh Hearing AJd technicians are avail.able, we are Alta~ena. Ph. SY 43382. 33-4tp AU •tock In trade, fixtures, w. SELBY. A. L SHEPHERD, work. No cooking. TWo days off BA T'l'ERIES able to make service calls on W AITTED TO RENT-2-~ eqUlpment and good-will ot that J OE SHALLENBERGER, EMMA a week. Live in or out. Good 5al-Gundenon Drug Co. large consoles. AU work guar-clJ oom -taln cafe business known as c. HAFNER. LOS ONGELES ary. Two adult! in family. CaU anteed. HAROLD L . HAMM, bea , house for swnmcr months ... 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 on!·• Mr A M Yo P 0 "Gillis Cale," located at 2614 West MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, Harbor 704. 34-4tc 60-ttc S.OS. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. ,,b . · · : urn:'an, · · Central Avenue. Newport Beach, INC., 8 corporation, FRED s. CHA.UFFEUR WANTED -Forty Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc Box j 04, Calexico, Calif. 36-4tp Califor.1ia, and that the sale. F.\'i\N~. GIAN OESPALATRO-doflan per week and room. No Auto Batteries GOOD uaed pianos. Some u low W~D TO RENT-House or tran!:fer and assignment of the VICH, M. L. JACK. J OHN DOE night work'. Six days 8 week. l~month _ $6.45 Ex. 89 $89. F1ne for practice. Euy largf: apt. Phone Harbor 2605, same will be mode and the con-JACK, her husband. STEDDOM Garde n. OWn car necessary. Compounded Motor Oil terms. OT will renL Danz· ask or Earl Douglas. Perman· siderntion therefor will be paid at & BLANCHARD, a corporation. Write Box J, c/o News-Times. Gallon, 70c Sdunldt Plano Co., 520 No. Maln. ent.. 36-2tp 10:1)() o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, STEDDOM &. BLANCHARD, a . 34-tfc the 15th day of May, 1946, at the cc:rpartnership, KELLY ROOF--Santa Ana.. 8-tfc W~ TO RENT-One or two office of Tom W. Hendenon, At-Th'G co. Ltd., a corporation, WANTED-HOTEL KAID. Balboa Western Auto Supply FOR SALE-Bendix Radio Com-bedroom house or apt. Perman- torney at Law, 308 West 30th RICHARD ROE Trustee in ~nk-Inn. PhtlGle 880. 6-tfc Authorized Dealer pa.u Direction Finder . Rock-Ola ent. Balboa. Veteran and wife. Street. in tHe City of Newport r uptcy of the ~Slate of KELLY 1836 Newport Blvd., Colta Mesa Juke Box, 18 records. Suitable Ref1!rences. Call Harbor ~7;Rt Beach, Coc nty of Orange, State of ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor-Ex perienced P ainters 23-Uc for den. ~ p 2 Bedrooms, frame house. hardwood floors, stucco interior. Available now. Located on Short Street , close to Arches $9000. Terms --§i-- - H U B P 0 W E R S, A G E N T. Phope Harbor 62-W ] . A. B e e k 0 f f i c e _ Ferry Landing Balboa Island 36-ltc California. ation, Bankrupt. WM. MERE· H . E. McDONALD Qhort Circuit Radio WAN"tE~ or 7 room house or Dated: May 1, 1946. DITH, WILLIAM L. HOPKINS, 414 Old County Rd .• Costa Mesa WANTED TO BUY 11 '-<: 305 Palm, Balboa cottage, furnished, for the sea------------------------ HANNAH M. GILLIS, MARGARET H. BIGBY. LORNE Beacon 5013-J 36-2tc wn...L PA y CASH tor your fU:.. Phone l638-W 30-Uc son, up to $200 per month. In-AT CORONA DEL MAR 4·ROOM APT. over double sar· b • '"'"Vendor. ADDI KEMP. JAMES P. COS-'DRY CLEANING DRIVER-With utturo or wbat have you. PboDe ter< ted in buying If reuonable. Fine Level Lots age, Corona del Mar. Immediate Pu .-nfay 7, ~-TELLO COTNER SECURITIES . R d ' Re · Pho e Santa Ana 4286 '" •tc --~-•Ion. $6900. Tenns. ':n1 • or W!thout route. Mercury Beacon 5656. O. R. Crawley, a 10 pairs · ~ ......--- CEBTIF1CATE OF BUSINESS CORPORATION . a corporation, Cleaners. 1844 Harbor Blvd. 1812 Newport Blv., Costa Mesa. All makes; tubes. etc. WA.Ni' TO RENT -Professional • W. J . HOLCOMB Larkspur St., Corona del~ F1ctitious F\rm Name TITLE .JNSURANCE AND Costa l\fesa. 36-2t~ 30-tfc Beacon 5763 man; veteran, desires to rent 1517 Coast Highway TRUST C<)t.1PANY, a corpor-Corona del Mar ation. Trustee, THE FIRST NA· LOCAL or traveUng in busin.,. WANT TO BUY-Balboa Dinghy, ' BURT NORTON furn!shed or unfurn. house or "Where the Flags Fly'' J0.2tc "lhe undersigned does ~ereby TIONAL BANK OF OOWNEY, for yourself. No money required. with or without sails. Must be 915 Coe.s t HJ&hway, Newport apt., Will pay maximum rent. ----------- certify that he l! conducting a a National Banking Association. Good income. You are yow-own In good condition. Phone Garden 23-tfc Ph: ~ge 1688. 36-2te REAL VALUES G<neral lnsuran"" Age;cy and JOHN DOE ONE. JOHN DOE boss. Apply ~\\ No. Main St., Grove 6256 or write P . 0 . Box BEAUTIFUL Spinet type mirror REWESTATE n Brokerage buaineu at 4 Eut TWO and JOHN OOE CORPOR-Santa Ana. 36-7tc 64, Garde n Grove. 35-4.tc piano, 8 barpin. Terma. Danz.. - Central Avenue, Balboa, Callfor-ATION Defendants Schmidt Pl Co 520 N Main t "'A F RHODEN 3-bedrm. home. 2 yrs. old. Hard- nla. under the fictitious firm name You ;.,.e directed · to appear In HELP WANTED-Elderly colored FUKNJTURE FOR SALE . n Santa AnL ano ·• 0 · 8-tfc , 1 IY • wood and tile. Double garage ot BRIGGS A MacKAY and that an action brought against you by man or woman who appreciates -with utility room. % acre, nice said firm Is t'Ompooed or the fol· the above named plaintiff In the a nl"" permanent home at beach FOR SALE-Gu range, sofa, wall Arvin & Emerson , Costa Mesa level ground. Good district. Bet- lowtng person whoee name 11 and Superior Court of the State of and with light work , to act al bed, 3-)'d. linen tabfe cloth, new. A DI S Ve~y lean 2-bedrm. hoUSf on % ter hurry on this one. Full price place ot rn1dence la u follows, Californla in and for the County housekeeper to middleaged &en· Phone Harbor 314. 3&-ltc R 0 acr Has nice yard and garden. only-t~wlt: of Orange'. and to amwer the com-tleman living in Balboa. Must CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. 24-Hour Radio Service location on Elden St. $9000 Sandy F . MacK.y. 1521 Ocean plaint therein within t en days have unqu .. tionable references. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. Short Circuit Radio 1. $7500 Boulevard, Balboa, California. after the service on you of t.hb 1705 E. Centr-al Ave., Balboa. 23-tfc 305 Palm. Balboa • Have buye-w .. ;...i ..... t-homes on WI-h--• th'· ·-· day 3&-4tc Pb<>De 1638-W 13-tfc ' . -•• -~ .. -. my -~ Q ~~ """""""'· If ""rved within the FOR SALE-Bleached Philippine ' Lido Isle Lido. Isle. Your lls\lnlt will be of April. 19t6. County of Oiange, or within thirty mahogany solid top dining STEINWAY Gprid. Ilka new,..,. A really beautiful 3-bedrm. ix-._.,ciated. SANDY F . MacKAY. days If served elsewhere, and YoU BOAT BUILDERS table, carved pedestals: 2 mu-cl the W<ll'ld'a .,_test pion<& fended with lovely yard. c.on.. · "'T""" STA.TE OF CALIFORNIA. > are notified that unlea you so te:r and 4 side chairs. Phone ~ tone. Beaut:ttul cue. ple::11y turniahed thru-out. Now We a11o haye ~--&uilding lots u County cl Oiange ) ss. appear and answer as above re-WAN TED This Is I f low ..,.,, Gd W h On thtil 12th day of April A.D .• quired. the plalntltf will take judg-.. . Harbor 1297-J. P . l\f. only. l.D nstrwnent or the va t. Can give quick poa. u ••-.ii,, up. e are ere 19'6, before me. Louis W . Briggs, ment for any money or damageo on 3$-2tp =::-~ eo'.'.~-No.~ buy at $18,500 to"""°-?'- • Notary Public In and for the demanded tn the Complaint. as Plywood Skiffs F OR SALE-15 complete double Santa Ana. S.tfe I! -B. A. NERESON aald County and State, residing arising upon contract. or will ap-b1Jnk5, w!U sell at $15 each It i Costa Mesa therein, duly commissioner and ply to the Court !or any othei re-and tal<e all. 418 E . Surf SL, Balboa. !IPriCIAL ANNOUNCElll:NTll. 2 bedtJn. house with gar.age on 141 REAL ESTATE sworn, penonally appeared Sandy Uef demanded In the complaint. Sailing Dinghies M-4tc HOSIERY MENDING _ Edith acr¢ Loe. just few block5 from -1::"~~tl .. F . MacKay known to me to be Given under my hand and seal Smith's, 408 No. Sycamore St ., shoP,ping center on east side. the penon -name II sub-of the Superior Court ot the Coun· ONE Kroehler Lv. Rm. Suite,' one ' $6800 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa acrlbed to the within lmtrument. ty of Oiange. State of California, T OP PAY Occ. chair, ooe Duncan !"1yfe Santa Ana. Mall Service. 34-Stc ) 3&-ltc and •cknowled&ed to me that he this 24th day of April. 1946. coffee table, one dinette oulte, MonIERS DAY -Give her a • VA F. RHODEN executed the same. B J SMITH OVERTIME lawn equip. Ph: Beacon 5658-W. "Canary and Caa:e. Lave-Birdo, In Wltnea Wherecl. I have County Cl~rk. and Cl,;k ol the BONUS 1777 <>ranae Ave., Costa Mesa. P arTOkeetl, gray and white , Realtor hereunto set my hand and atflxed Superior Court of the State of a&-tfC Zebras. 505 E . Central Ave.. 470 Newport Blvd., Cc.ta Mesa my official seal thf day and ye&T California. In and for the Coun-• Balboa. 32-stc EU PN D . BARNETI', Broker In this certificate ttnt aboYe ty of Orange. -THERMADOR Electric Range, Ph. Beacon STI.3-R written stud.lo couch. dinnet set, plat-36-2tc LoUIS w BRIGGS By ROY J . mWIN, Deputy. WATSON BOATS form rocker, table book rack. TRIPLE M CAFE . (Seal Superior Court HI....... ' ·'bo Isl d H Notary Public !n and for ~--~--) 611 Cout ... -ay lamps, 2 bamboo shades. 7x9. ')• '"' a an ome ...... ~-...~ """"'1.1..., ..,,. ___ • ._,. N 1 Be Where Friends and Travelers .__.-__ ---'-bed. said County and State. Pub -Apr 30. May 7 14 21 28. ~-_,, o. • aeon Bay. 3&-ltp ~ •~ IMy CJommlalon Elq1irM . . • • • • • ~tfc Meet to EaL $11 000 (~-·) May -1"'7.) June •• 11. 18. 29: July 2. 1946 FOR SALE -Hand-made, hand· , -' ~ -. ~ SALll ~1111 • carved Old English oak dining-504 Cout Boulevard Pub.-Apr. 16, 23. 30: Ma:I 1. 1946. sis room set,· refl -or ~ table, Corona del llil&T 36-tfc IOcean Blvd. 'Lot TIDE TABLES FOR SALE-:50-lb. tee box. . ~· .,~ No. 40161 951 W. Central Ave., after 5 ends extend to seat ten; 6 blgb-""""PnHONE $3,000 At.1.u SUMMONS MAY, 1Me p.m. 3:).2tc back chalrl, all exqlllllte pieees: i J:aAli' <Action bn>usht 1n the SUporior Hlall Low H1sb Low ----------a1so serv1ng cabinet : total pr1.,., OPERATING . Bay Front Lot Court cl tho Oount:y 0( ()ran&e, W 8 2:48 10:20 1:!6 11:16 FOR SALE -Boyo bicycle, ~ $540. 265l er...-Drive., Bal· Godd Location. Prklecl to Sell. and Complaint filed In the Of-4 4 --0.3 4.1 2.3 war. In good condition, $15.00. boa Bay Sbor8. 36-l tp PAYS t1ce of tho Clerk ot t11e Super!« Th 9 4.4·i.2s 11}.23 ''!! 11 ~7 ~.1.ar11sp1r s t.. Con>na ~ GOOD WAG"'o eoort of said Couaty.> ~ ~ ~ N E W & U S E D "'"' F 10 5:25 11:57 •;St .... : .. _ FOR SAIF Sc:;m •awer Singer • 2 Sl!lall, Halll!es 0 Lot ~ for Buol.- $1Q,500 . BUILD NOW LOW COST ROMBS Be Sure and See Models , At 711 Begonia Ave., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 88&-W ftp' wn wm can j • -. PICO BUILDING MATERIALS Ocean Front Lot On P eninsula $4760 Attractive Balboa Peninsula Home On 1 141 Loll $28,000 Furnished, 3 be4rml., 2 ~. • Uvlnsroom, flrepla.,,,, kitchen, large patio and sun deck, 2-car garage. JOHN D. BURNHAM 2001 Ocean Blvd. ~ Phone Harbor 315" · M-Ctc · RESPONSIBLE Telephone .,,,_ ploye wants to exdw>ge a.-. room holme In WHt Loa Allpls fer same in Santa Ana or TICIB-- lty. Call Southern caur. ,... phone Co., Santa Ana, 5828. a.trc •• LOANS TO JIUllA), buy, •z e;a. ~ora S•roa. Newport 8111b1ia ....,._. 81ti' we aMLMDM11•aar 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1!500 Ull VI& 1.1119 TAwt> we llO" ~D'i'OllO'fiYK a fiiii • FOR SALE-2 ,_ 7:00:l18 tlrtL N.,..'nnaofflce. ·•tfc FOR SALE-1936 Ford V-8 ....... A-1 condition. R..uo and Fod la u.ie 8 '11'ericw eo.rt Of ta.e State ., c.111-. ..... ., .. - C...ty ot Olup 4.2 o.o '.s --Sewbc v. •-. tr ,._ •tyte: F U RNITURE s 11 8:21 12:3111 ,,.. u:m. 111o drcQJatln& --·Uk• 4.2 U 5.() o.3 -· c.D at 122 17th St., N.,.· .. Chairs W L JORDAN --1913 w. Central .. .,.., . . llLtfc N-Btt... ll'21c 700 East C..Utral, Balboa .... ~ ...... N 0 h o experience neceasary Earn while yon learn . ne-an,...... ta..,... Clf port Bt rdt 16.2tp CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. lAIM as--...... a.It ---.... WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD \ 811 CiOUt ~ 101 ,~, . ::-.:'I ~ :-·-••h FOR SALE-Y-1&Ylnc hens $1.40 .. ch: 1 laying or broiler coop; 1 baby chick brooder with heating unit : 3-burntt au plate, ,,,_ble. Pb. Beacon 5208-J or 165 E. 23rd St., Ccota 'llilesL 36-ltc Machine Shop Equipment One unaU lathe One large lathe Vllee, drill pa fll8t etc. Call NewpL l!eadi Bnaln !51551. SMtc Stoves Tables , Rugs Beds Springs Lamps Ice Boxes Everytb!ng F<>< the Heme Stt Ua Befcn 8"1lal ' -HARBOR FURNITURE • ..,.1 a..mfwll-* I ., .. ""* -• ti S<ll that -tied ~.,;,.·------·------------J I thraap -~ edL Phone Boaaxi 55311-J artlde 1.982 H&Tbor BmL. Coota .,_ -.11e There are many other advantages to being a telephone employee. Phcf>e Harbor 153 36-tfc • ..::"':.:ii..:'*"=•-=-"=.IUl:.:•.::www.::www.::• ____ ..:•=•e::..:.-=...:"::&!ll.::niiD::..=I=-' __ _:_:=• •l • FOR SALE 1 • AW!! A ~ dellnble home, nicely lo-catjl aoatb al the lllghway. 2 bedftm., tarp Dvlng room with ftrei>lace A floor turnace: 2-ear 100 E. Ila, Ave .. Ba-; BoailC lndt trees a 514~ N. llfaln SL, Santa Am cl ....... and ~ • r , ~ 1s low CMJ. pi eMDt market. S11 Alt Ibo _..tor for tile · 1-' -· Home Is anall but Qdef Operator :t=t. attractive A tum. A Southern Ca!ifornia ~!ii"'"~"":.~ Telephone Compaay i503 ebMt ~ ~~ 11ar ~tfc '-'7. - W£ 0NliliD .LAt'E MODEL CMS and ·Will~ Top Pitas . ·-. -l. 'l(r..At CAR WllOW~ .. I ,W Etl'll ;.-~4 I Plinle far_. Cl&IM& .... wlle ...... .. Ii ,... 2 5 nit: ca ... I ltlr ••• I pc.W ... Mi~?·~,·111 . 0 ~ 0 lrt ~·J 0 .:..111!- ___ c t1,11s_as1rts1 11, •• r .. r r st .... 0 • .... ·<, ::.;,,_; : ! \' 0 . --.. 0 • " 0 ". . . ' ' ' • f 0 ~ ·~ • for Mother Daniel Green Slipper All Sizes and Leather Soles MAnOON1S . SHOE STORE Footwear for All the Family 1195 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa "Freedom of the seu" is some- thing we have in peace-time but lose in war. Wherever Smart Women Meet You Hear Them Say: • ''YOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS THE -SP 0 RT SH 0 P'' Dresses Plalnly Marked Below 0.P .A. Ceiling Price Blouses Thousands of them in all colors and styles QABABDINE SIACKS AIL WOOL SLACKS Pl:DAL PUl!!'D'R8 SL&CK8urr8 SHORTS BATHING SUITS With Laces and Strings sass ' PLAY SUITS SUN SUITS SKIB'lS ud SWEATERS Hand Bags-~%-'8 llade to Sell for $5.00 <Jome jlee for Yowwlf -Courte-l'IM••t Glrlla to Sea"'" Yoo AT THE SPORT 212 West Fo11 tll St SHOP S.ltaAu "\Vbeft Smart Women S1JW and Saw" • Ham 'n Eggs for Costa Mesa WSCS ~ • • • llOO'.le In _...! --·o.y-- Auction Nets $59 . Over $59 was realized by mem- bers of the Pilot class of Quist Olurch By the Sea at their aut.' tion of hard-to-get articles which followed the dinner served Friday evening at the church by men ol the class. The menu featured creole shrimp with rice, and durinl: the dinner hour MJas Betty McCubbon pve two piano aelectJona. Tw~tr ~en members were present. D»l'UJllt lml.&Y ... pins and matdllnc Mrrinp. COATS AND DRE.§ES Brine "MOM" in for a New Outfit • Orkin's Departmmt 86aft ma&, NHW NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Statloaery Brookings V arietv .. o..e •1'7· -0.-iW -0 t 1 ...... ., .,,,., ........ For the Mother-to-Be --- a Nice Little Play Suit Featured by Donna-Marie 515 No. M&ln Pbone 3808 BEAU TY B&lboa bland. -l'lloDe Barbor 111%7 Opon Saturdays Until May lat · Cl..ed on Monday WHERE HAIR STYLING IS AN ART Our aim is to enhance Milady's beauty and pl'QVide the ul~te in beauty care. HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE $o f1BiniM. 10 ..... Mal liltWI "Kl•F• t1" W..., $!.'10 lei Pl ••• , •• .., 91 di ., • ·~ ...... .... .,, ...................... ,..., ........ .- .. ,,.,._, wloitit auho•lo ..,_ CN!* I ·. . ........... .,.,. __ , UNTA.&11'.t. •