HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-14 - Newport Balboa News Times• 111 SAND CRAB ., SAM ' C HANGE. _ More than 100 years ago New York state was under the feudal sys- •tem. The other night at the Udo saw the movie ''Drag- onwyck," a story of the early days of the U. S. and the ownership of large tracts by landed gentry, who In- sisted on rentals to tenants, despite· the fact that Amer- ica was tree. The owner of Dragonwyck was a tyrant who refused to recogilize that the Jaws had abolished his caste and system until a bullet ended his domain. Gradually the lands were taken up by free men and in the years that followed one change after anothet. most of which came the hard way, were put into fqrce by a lib- erty-loving peoJile. At the turn of the century the big corporations ruled the country and congress. Wall Street was in the sad- dle. Then came the anti- Shennan act, the Interstate Commerce commiSlion, the restriction or financial cent- ers. The die-hards wouldn't play ball and were swept into oblivion. The first World War brought the '29 panic and with it Roosevelt, who promptly did a number of things that the old-timers could not stomach. The second \Var and its after- math would avoid the pit- falls of the first, with no apple-selling on street corn- ers. The peace has not been · so hot and the labor wiions present another phase of change. Confusion is para- mount and still another cycle is en route. What I am try- ing to say ·1s that we must move forward, whether for .good or bad, depends on all of US-and God! + + + Navy Wa!lte. Story last week about grease being wasted off a U . S. warship denied today by Chief Boats- wain J. J. Hendrike, who has been in the Navy, off and on since 1907. Hendrike says the order to save grease and tin cans came from Wash- ington in 1942 and has been generally observed unless in difficult instances. He pays his compliments to the ltids who have been in the service and declates that about 60 percent of them have told their officers to go to hell; have misbehaved and dis- obeyed; have shoved many cases of foodstuffs overboard at night when it was in the way; have felt they weren't the.re because they wanted to be; have done about as they plee.sed while the offi- cers relaxed on discipline; have kicked their own food around to the distaste of their buddies. Hendrlke ad- mits that many of the cooks are not what they should be; that the supplies are A-1 when ~ived but that the fault Jays with the personnel in cooking it properly. t ~ ~ '8edliulds Co~. Al Joyce . rnodeslJy lays claim to the statement that h e I\ a s brought Redlands College students to C.D.M. strand ror the summer, 45o s t r o n g. Says that· these youngsters have been going. to a beach farther south for the last 15 years but that a survey made by the student body officers revealed the local shore the best in the Southland and that on May 24 they would arrive in. droves. Nice work, AL + + • I 11..U.er'a Day. One of the best sermons on Mothers was that given by Rev. Perry Schrock at thtt C.D.M. church Sunday morning en- titled "Sentiment and Sense About Mother's Day." 1be mothers ol yesterday, today and tomorrow were pre- sented In sUch a way that you coold be8.r a pin drop In that house -so abeolbed was the coogiegation in the presentation. Perilaps the plOMerS got a little better cl the sermon, but the par- ents ol today's cxmplex world face as many probletns .. tbo&e ol yore_ • • J.l'lnt .. Adua dt' 1 • J.l'lnt .. Ornh tlom •• NEWPODT KEEP POSTEDI 1 Ytm ~ -• • • -S!M .. ()' b SL1IOSef C1•b ts•one1- -~.__ .. Newu"I' ,Nw pwt ._. • • -~BRACING BALBOA PF.NINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT IGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA· MESA VOLt!llZ lCClVDI ~1 NOMBtala Voters To Cast Ballots 0 School ' Issues Harbor Building Volume Soars to S150,800 Mark As Second Week Begins Permits Call f or Erection of $72,000 Worth of New Homes R iversider Plans $17,000 Co mmercial Building in Corona del Mar Thirty permits calling for the construction of new com- mercial and home buildings valued at $150,800 were issued by the City of Newport Beach building office in the first 11 working days of May, J!nding Monday. Chief Building JnsPector A. M. Nelson reported $54 .800 worth of combined building for the first four days and $96.000 worth of the same Construction for the second seven days of the 11-day period, makit'g the combined total of $150,800 for the entire period. Newport Plays Host to Collllty Armistice Day Hanl!pers Prodldlon, er Says J. S. Barrett Will Present Newport Beach will be bast city outbreaks of indus- fot' the county at Armistice DaY Art t s h I so1 nterfering with celebrations Nov. 11, to be spon-o c 00 cturing and distribu- sored by local Poat 291 ot the iculturaJ implements American Legion, it was voted at ~ .a long time before a Legion county council meeting ers can equal their in Laguna Beach this week. President J. S. Barrett of the econ! ot last year. All proceeds of the celebration Newport Harbor Clamber of In that year alone, California events will go toward the new Commerce wtll present the two I produced. 1,750,000,000 \VOrth of Presbyterian hmpital fund and lt paintings which won highest produce fo the American and for- wu on t his premise the Santa j awards in the recent high school elgn mltr et. declared A. J . Ana post relinquished its claim as art exhibition t o the assembly of Schutte o Anaheim, in Balboa. early 7000 Expected To Express Wishes on Building Plans Friday Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Grammar Schools Ask Approval of Bond Issues; Newport Harbor U nion High School Seeks ~Ahead Signal for Expansion Program • host city. I the Newport Harbor Union High Friday. The county council also heard I school on· Wednesday morning. In a tQ delivered before t he Nearly 70CXl registered voters of the Costa Mesa and Newport posts plan to compile a Mr. Barrett was chosen by the members the Ne"'POrt Harbor Newport Harbor school ~ct will go to the polls Friday blood donor list to be used tor i board or d.irecton to make the Kiwanis cl b at a luncheon meet-to cast their ballots on three school proposals. __ emergencies by county health or-presentation after the high school ing in ite's Coffee Shop, One asks authorization to raise the present school tax !Ida.ls and doctors and is now officials expressed their gratifica-Schutte, o is president of the :'ate in order to meet the costs of a four-year expansion urging that all posts in the county ! tiorl for the civic organization's Orange unty Farm Bureau, program for the Newport Harbor Union High school. adopt the plan. cooperation in a letter read at the warned if dustry. labor and agri-'I\vo others appeal for approval of a $160 ()()() bond issue With adoption of the plan, which directors' meeting on ?itonday. ~lture do ot unite .for the better for the Costa Mesa Grammar school and a '$150,000 bc:md Newport initiated in their last Sch 1 th ·u led interests the nation, then Uley ssue for the Newport Beach Grammar school building week's meeting, the county will 00 au ori es sugges I will fall a t, one by one. I; Included in the is!iuance of per-L • I D have a constant source of supply that some one from the chamber The ( bureau officer said1-·-rogram--=--·----------• mi ts during the past seven days eg1on . s og for all blood types to be 'used in of commerce present the paint· thC' farm amily must -be free to ~:ere bids for the construction of emergency or needy cases. inga to the school. produce e ough fats and food to F c rt BesidC'S voting_ for school lrUS· S72.000 worth of new homes and feed both the American people aces OU t ei"S as usual, \'Oters will be ask-~17.000 \Vort.h of commercial build-Sh I Set and the pie .of the world. "But ed to vote authorization to raise ings. Approximately $7000 worth ow s Cl u w k M 19 2 5 we canno begin to produce any-the maximum /egal tax rate from ~~ ~~~~~~i.ons were also reported ean-p ee I ay . . I ~=:d, ~~ 'e ~~e n~;au\~et t~~~~:: I In Acc·1dent ~or~~~anto70anet'~~~:e tho: n:! Heading the commercial re· F Sat d with whic to do the work." four years, a procedure that wtll quests' listings were plans filed or ur ay A Call to All C"t"ze t H Ip -'Shortag-e I cover the e<pense of the propoo;ed by Raymond H . Gordon of River-I I ns 0 e Schutte aid he placed an order c F .d.... 'high school bulldin~ program side for the erection of a store for a far tractor 18 months ago ase r1 ay I \Vithout. nece~sit~ting a bond issue, building \vi.th apartment above, TRASH COLLECl'ION'S and \vas old by the manufac-· and \vh1ch Will finance the under- and for a garage with an apart· 'rhe first in what is hoped to How you can dispose ot trash, ttc. F'or your convenience turer's dis ibutor last week that , taking within the fOur-vear JX'riod ment above, at 1701 Coast high-be an annual series of American trash collections for Clean· Up Week will be increased.. because of the strikes in industry G W h" Jr I without a tong-period obligatiOn. M th t Legion sponsored Dog ShoW3 and The schedule for Oean·Up Week ONLY is as follows : h b b Id. h 't eorge as 1ngtoo Borner ., ~;· S;~r,;;;,~ del ar. e same 0 dParade, will be held this Sat~-From end of Penjnsula west to 7th St.-Monday and Thurs· e pro a H wou ave to ww 29 of 2560 Elden avenue Costa ' SupIXJrters for the expansion or ay Mav 18 t th Leen day. another i months before the M~a. w;n be ·~;~ed ~·in the th. e high sch.ool b.uilding progr. am Home ~rmit.s were issued the · ' · a e e.·0 n ~-7th St 30th g Tu--..1 tractor Wo d be delivered to him. -·-·· t ul t r h h · pas t week~u follows .· grN ounds, 15th and Bay streets, ""'uu1 • to t.-~ay and Frida}'. Anotfter factor that is handi-Newport township court Friday at c1 e pop a ton igures w tc m- ft-ch Th d d From 30th St. west to West Oty Limits-Wednesday and 10 am. to ___ to a charge, dicate that all ~hoots in the dis- To C. C. Boening of Pasadena. 1 . e~rt LX:ll · e ~a e an Saturday. capping ttie American farmer is of drunk dri;~ causing in-trict \\ill be confronted with large for a one.story single-family dwel-Judging of events Will begin Lido Isle and Corona del Mar-Tuesday and Friday. _ the lack ~f large areas of land juries to othen. He is now free enrollments over the next few ~;: ~~lea:rr:::t~ ~~~naed d~~ ! ~~~~~l~h~t ~eo;c~~~ ~=sa~r:~~= ti ~::~~g~~~~tf~~es8r~~~:f00day and Thursday. ~~n;:!~!Z,~t!~n P~~u!1e t~:ckf~ on baiL . years ta~d ·~~~Y point . ~t__ th~t Mar sa>OO · to Alfred K Robinson I Vlted to participate. Balboa lsland, Harbor Island and Beacon Ba,y-A1onday and from the d that is already in Horner is a~ by police of presen aci 1 ies are 103....:>.f.ua e of 613 S. , Flower street. Santa A grand ~ize of a trophy a nd ThuPrsl day. k . . soil prod ction. "You may not being the drf,-er of the unlighted for thesbe.lnd~· A 12-room clus-a ust b It d h ·11 be ease eep 1n tnind waste material should be in containers car which is alleged to have room u1 tng an" a larger aftt.. Ana. for a one-story frame and c om-ui og ouse Wl . not to exceed 50~nds in weight when f•'lled and pla-~f· know it, but onl y seven percent dr" . let1'c gymnasium a· re two or the Presented to the grand pnze.. i • •= of the la l area of the world ,·9 1ven on the .-• Side and stucco dwelling v.rith attached . same location as at used for :i?'j •r household trash nick·u . • ........ _ I --A f th h' h h '-''tnner and 18 other awards w1·11 p d · ~ r· given to gri'culture producti'on -, for~-" a -· driven by James T . P ans propos~""' or e tg SC ool garage at 712 Beacon street, New-· . . . apers an maga21nes shout · be in bundles, weight lim t '-~ ...... port Heights, SBO<X>: to Or. and be 8 ma?e t~clud1ng first, second 50 pounds. · he added. • 101(1e, 46. of 165! Onmce avmuc, program. Mrs. A. Adrea of Pasadena, for a nd thirds ln all events. _REM.El.·IBER. do not place waste or trash on vacant lo . Oe<"ryin th<' dearth of labor Costa Me~. off the road O!I New-Sponsors of the $160.CXXl bond two-story frame and stucco dwel-Judges f~r the affair will be H . It 1s a misdemeanor and is subject to a fine. for the fa m market, the speaker I port boulevard, near Bolsa street, issue necessacy· for the Costa ling with storage room and garage W . McClrun of the Los Angeles REMEMBER., united help on the part of all citizens 1 recalled th t agricultural labor has last !hursd~ night. Mesa grammar school building below at 201 Garnet avenue Ba l· offi ce or the Society for the Pre-make for heaJ t.h and cleanliness. It is every citizen's duty been stea ·iy on the decline ever After foro_ng the Ogle c~ off program polf!t to the fact that a boa Island, $7500; to N . A. Rous-vention of Cruelty to Animals. hel'N ' since 193 , "·hen thousands of the roR~ pot1ce say Horner 1 _car aix-room addition to the Lind- !lelot of Arcadia, a two-story frame Bertram. Morse.' of the Los An· The ~~al~~sthhi~~!:~.'it~m:::;;~t i:~~ ~~~g:nfy r:/~ farm \VOr ers left the farms for crashed t!lto the Conner's machme, bedi rgh school and a four-room ad- and stucco dweWng apartme nt gele-s Qty An1ma1 Shelter , hu-contractor or the person to whom a permit is issued. the cit}'. 'And in the four-year cat.:sl.ng inj~y to himlelf and to "tion and 8 two-bu.I garage to the above and garage below a nd a mane department, and Mr. Cra\'en G.~BAGE COLLECl'lONS-IM.PORTANT period th . followed \Ve h ad l6-Ogle and hIS passenger, Jane Mc-main school on Broadway at New- laundry and playroom at 4101 of the Ame~iean Humane society. NEVER PUT ANY GARBAGE IN WITII TR.ASH AT AN million mF.lre·P(Ople 'to feed." Alary, 24, of 250 Broadway, Costa port boulevard, will be .suffict~nt Ocean boulevard. $7000; to Victor Albers Milling Co. of Los An-TIME. It is unlawful and is is highly dangerous to health an It.A S Midi Mesa. to take CR.re of the increasing "-te-"n or Los Angel-, a one-geles has contributed . 24.o two-sanitation. l. Oiscussi' g relanted p""hases of tL.-Ogle, who is president of the ' child Population. rt: ...... ""' d k RE?i.'IEl\IBER, the city ordina nce calls for a garbage ·can antt ur N t H bor Laundry Servi story single-family frame dwelling poun pac. ~ges of Frtsk:ies and also for a trash can for each and even' residence. economic fmd political situation ewpor ar ee l However, at the preRnt time, and detached garage, at 415 eyery part_ic1pant will be awarded ~EMBER, every time you throw out garbage, and do not i Schutte sfundly scored OPA fo; company of 113 Palm avenue, prtsent facilities. at the Costa Thirty-eighth street, S6500. I the complamer:itary dog food and I put 1t 1n your garbage can. you invite rats to your neighborhood. its effor ' in the direction of a Newport. and his employe. Miss ·1 Mesa schools are entirely inade- To W . W. Humason of Los An· a booklet entitled '"The Training REMEMBER. rats cany disease and neas. F1eas carry C'Ure for inflation. "Government Mc~ary, were en t~ W&J' to quate. Costa Mesa lo"'er grades geles, one-story single family and Care ~f Your. Dog." plague. agencies not stop inflation." he business when the accident OC·l now have ~125 . pupil~ in both dwelling at 314 Alvarado place.I There "?-ll be pnzes awarded to . Garbage is picked up three times a week in residence di~-I told his 1 teners, "only the com-curred. schools, which ts an increase of Newport, $6000: to Leslie M. Hot-I the best 1n each ot the training tncts. . ' 1 monsense of the people can do Ogle said that be ~ driving 125 over Jut year's enrollment. br-of Los Angeles. a two-sto~ c1. asses he.Id every Saturday morn-R.EME'MBER to put our your garbage for every collection th•t." along w™:_n Mfi:s McAlary called Sponsors of the Ne~rt Beach •J b v Cu5 d day. Do not wait until your garbage can is full. '!' his tt ti to which -~ ........ dwelling with garage below at 500 ing . Y tnce mano, un er the REMEMBER. for your health and your children's health··· He also was critical of the fed-~ e~ on a car · wu Grammar school's $150 000 bond Thir ru . E auspices of the local ' ---lon post h rb ~ • al • r bs"d coming 1n the opposite directlon ,__ h '. ty-th street. $5500; to T . . .......,;-" • ave ge age remOYt.""U every collection day. See regular , er gov nment s arm su 1 y with t 1. ht.a and which w ,._ue, say t at amount 1s needed Duncan of San Gabriel, a one-and three priz~ in the profession-schedule below. payment gram. which, he said ou lg . u for the building of a new grade story dwelling with de tached gar-ally trained . division and three REMEMBER garbage cans should be scalded regularly and is costing e United States Treas-!1'~ve~~g 0 0 the wrong aide of school plant because all available age at 326 Marigold avenue. Cor· prizes for wtnners of the grand do NOT put bottles, broken glass or ruor blades in aarbale. $1 7 000 000 "t m"t.-e un; r~ space is now i ona del 'far, $5000, and a 0 ......... parade. It possible. put garbage can on a stand out ol reach ot does. ury ' ' a yeai;, 0 ~ u1 tried to drive off the 'road, n use. l• ..... -Monday, Wednesday and Friday: rood cos so much less. but wu knocked beck on the road They state that public accept. story dwelling at 328 Marigold Dogs entered in the 'parade will 23rd St. east, Harbor Island, Beacon Bay, Balboa. IsJand, He 1 w thi~ the Amerblcank peot tphle by the other car," Ogle aald last ance ot their bond fasue will ac- avenue, Corona del Mar, $5000. be Judged on the cleanlineu of the Udo Isle. mwi Pl.Y s money ac o e Friday complilh three things: 1 )make it To Mary Jane Sheeley of Eagle pet's skin and the condition or his Tuesday, Thursday and Satunlay: rtheder1al gov1e_mme~-~ ... some day in Inj~ in the aaah were :Miss possible to acquire land for a fu- Rock, a one-story dweJling at 316 coat. ln the other events, in ad-23rd St. west, Corona del ?.tar, NeWpon Heights. e orm incre~ taxa. McAlary, who suffeted bnmes and ture school site in Newport Smeltzer street. Newport Beach, dition to the above, dogs will be Business d.isttict-DAILY. Bar LoaAa cuts about the bead. anm neck Htlghts; 2) enlarge present faclU- $4500; to Phillip Grauer of 500 judged on their response to the He Sal the farm bureau is Un· and legs· ()cle. who ~ered tia at the main plant by addi- Narcissus avenue, Corona del Mar. child's commands and the hand-alterably o~ to universal laceratio~ al his left lee and tlon of six rooms and aho-Nen, a two-story dwelling with garage ler's ability to command. Prompt Act·1on by Mesa mllltaryt:l~ng program, but he chest and Homer who suffered and 3) complete the Corona del at the same adcft.ea. $4000; to Among local tnerchants ron· did not lain .why the farmers cuts.' • Mar school building. which wu Alfred C Plea@t' ot 600 Avocado tributing prizes are Udo EJ.@C-resent it. e said the farmers also previously held up by wartime re- avenue, Cbt1>na del Mar, a tw~ trle Co., Estus Hard,varf, Theo. oppose making by the United strlctlons. - stOIT In.me addition to his present Robins Ford agency, Newport ·f• p t B d States g vernment of unsecured Vet Offers Unique Th~ point out that Newport riMldence. $3000. ShO<' Repair, Mermaid ?tfalt Shop, 1remen reven s a . foreign lMnS to a foreign power Service to Boatmen Beach has a lower school tax rate Plaas for Oth~r Work Hansen·s FotmtaJft Lunch, New-~hich h1· failed to pay their back t. han any cafnparable school rate Pl Cl J , __ 1 '\\·ar deb . . Something in the waY of serviCe 1n the county, with 89 and 9110 H C Th P P Or B • • h A In co lus1on. the snoaker re-to boat owners which hu not been ""'n'-_ •too as against $l.~ for ans were also filed by E . \V. port eaners, ames '-AX nsur· F s essenflow of 3104 "' West Ocean Rnce o.. e et antry, . n -'-"" '"" ......... o:i I J street, Newport Beach, for a E. J . Butterworth, Opt.: E. W. us ire I op rea marked em~rs of the farm bu-?0neolforf _"'.;veralby ~ Sistaalnow be-h Laguna Beach. They also figurf' foundation and plumbing installa· Coppt'.'t'Sffiith, Genl. Contr.: Hay-. ration are pledged to ing en:u -....-....,. Souw ho that by reduction of capita) out~ tion at the same address. $1000, \\'tll'd Lumb(>• Co .. and Balboa Yel· . ~n who havt ~he forti-recentty returned from ~1e__f t lay in 1946-47 from general funds d I Co t , Pr t . I r Cost M Al I tude to fight tor prinClpl es ex-Pacific, where he ·was C1uc: war-and from r~uctlon of the budget an by ~1ildred I . and Florence ow t ages. amp arr_ 1va o . a es• I ter eaving the machine, the u•~-u s. N R. I t = ~ I t r d h t b ~.nd ' Y the. farm bureaus. rant Oil.LI.XI, • • or wo 1'n the same l•'•n•I year, they wi·11 -...1uzi er of 311 Island aven\le, East ?.taterial for the custom-built \'.Oun eer 1remen an t ell' exper us passengers ICUJ'J'ied in distant . -.-. Newport, for changes to their doghouse was donated by the manipulation of chemical appe.· directions as they were warned \Vha ver it takes to defend years on a PT tender. bring about a $31,000 saving, al· I ed I , democra , the farmers in our or-Staa:f was formerly with the present garage at that address. Hayward Lumber Co. and the rat us pre\'ent "'hat might ,have that the tuel . tank contained bu-11 do .. h Sooth Coast mmpany u a boat lowing for increases in teachers' $1000: house was built according to SPCA developed into a disastroUS fire tane. "Butane is a high1y spon· ganizati n "'i our share, e builder and sailed a Star boat. For salari~ Speeders C<1ntrib ute $65 to Co\ll't 'Kitty' specifications by penonnel of the ,1 with ultimate and costly loss of taneous chemical," a fireman said. sai~e peak.er was obtained his moorine ~ he Ulel a The educational authoritie9 Yellow Cottages of Ba.ltx>a. I life and property in C-ta Mesa's Persons who have witnessed dis-through he efforts of the program specially built bmSe and inspect.I also believe they could affect a Parents of children with dogs ~eu district lut Friday eve-estrous explosions as a result of commit including Rev. E . D . moorings, clemiQI and painting $20,000 net saving. ThiJ net sav- entered in the even ts and the gen-rung. ignition of fumes escaping from Qxldell and Herbert M. Holl<er. cans and rrplaring chains. ing, they say, would reduce the e ral publlc at large have been cor-11\e fire started in the rear butane tanks on freight motor th 1 tt ffidal af the Bank tax rate 10 cenu per $100 valua- Among traffic \iolato-pa'"•g dialJu invited to ttend the event compartment of Bus No. 102 of the trucks "erified the fittman's re-le a 8:1 oBalboa. H in-K ...don ·c-A-:-tion at the aame time allowing a ·~ J... ' a . Santa Ana-Laguna bus line when mark. 0 ca tn e was ~-~ ~au1. 15 hik tn hen' a.al fin<>r OI' forle.iting bail in city court and are urged to plan to amve fumes ~ping from a l~aking Costa MKS .tlz.e and bUa trodu by Fred Dudley.. Keston Deimli:nc fniwl'nnen ten-per cent e · teac · last Friday were Atwood Earle, by 12 :30. The k>ca.l P.-T. A. bu tank ted f . 0 ns Preai4ng at the meeting wu . ll'_.__ ' llCbool. bu Bries. Costa Mesa. fined $10 for tra\'eling endoned the Legion-sponsottd pn>-butane were lgnl oil--commutters paid high oompllment I Fay Al Blower, Kiwanis club ms ace at~-:-, Hlcl> t From the county sch,ool district 45 mph in a 25-mlle zone. gram. Lng a backfire of the carburet<r to the city's volunteer firemen preai~·· whoae home la ~ Olk Park. ru .. office ln Santa Ana Monday came V Lou H San Di · on the -nger transport. just who reached the ocene of the fire added anotl>or· ~ to bia Ion& word that that otfloe had sent 1 1e;n>-of S15a:; opeedlng ~ after It had left the Calta Mesa in lea than two minutes after an and VowinC Bot -O'tt'r out 2400 b&llots to Nport and ,;:"pb"'~ M-mile zone. ·El Coma.tee h Safe, oo. •toi> 1n the~_. a1arm wu t.1ophonecl to -. B • ess Men Aid the week ...r . be c1er .. te.i 2200· ballota to eoaa"",._ toe Ow-I p Cascio, Belli! Fr • Sa tlon. · But No. 102 was later -.. In J ~ d ...,.,,....; Aadet...,.11-2. 11-2, 18 tile -ol reg1a-·'1oten. forf I es ·of· S15 I 45 I ow er, an &nClllCO y S Outpouring ot heavy black and Sana Ana. betl'lf towed by a n n ..,,..,.,.,on . the Sa<ltl>era c.lll<Jntla Tamla In-ot Ci Oak • rure °" n a grayish colOttd amok• emanatlnc Santa Ana-Laguna blue and wblte vltatlonal beld at·-tbe Loo ~Jes From the office ty """"· Reported mlsaina aft.,. It l•lt from the fuel and motor operation -line aedan aloni Fourth .-t b<llinea men of the har-Tennis dub. ~ Rinehart ot N""port Beach, ~-= ~;,. ~~ ~g .:,ac:; N..._t harbor April 15 the 45-•ncloa11tt al the ttar ~~~ In the ~ ot the Padllc bor dil ct _,, ae~ byN the Keston's -I ID tbe ll>-,_ ::...: = ::.:e dla~k:t "!:; Central a..,,ue's ~mile zone. loot cabin c:rWser El Olmadtt, tranaprt waa aoen by ~•·-· Electric bua depot. boud <JI direc:ton the. ow-old 00,-s • ..-. -It bis 4700 •- with two men aboard, -aalcl to who quickly warned bul pe--pat1 Chamber ol ~ fourth ~ -I 18 U..t di-""~- be safely mooced at the Flaher-en of the lltt. ' A----"" ~ t their lunc:he<Jn-me<' vloion U..t be -•14•-ID Ille Hownft', therw! II no ..,.,.,...te FOllBl:STAL HALTS WASTI: men'a Wharf In San Frandaoo, By the time the bul rucbed a:..-u in Whl 'a Cdfee ahop ~ lo ~ -be -ta Call-check either here er et the ~- PORTLAND (Qr.) May 13.-An Monday alt..-. Broadwo.Y and Newpat1 -...S. Wllllam Morpn al -._. with Ne"PD" Harfxr lomla at tbe -.t o1 tbe --In Santa Am M to tbe order to halt "Improper dilpo-The ship was boond fer ill'_. dHdly f'umoa and -_.. --wa &l'Tftted ~ by petrc»-adlool· In tbeir bard elec-tenn. ex.et numbs of Pl<-........ to ' sitklll" ot Navy materiala and food ton, Wuh., when ttpat1«1.t= etratlnc the lnoide ol the -and nm> ol the Callfanlla ll!Otwq d&-tlon At fl ', D ' , ; la -· ~a. adlool .dlab":;.., It wute has -., -by ~ by Mn. Robert L. Wall -· 38 peopk, IDcludinc the 00.-. par-t cmdnml< dritbcdloraa 'Ibo !tee lnclutlea J. A. r .. ted IDS t I z•..., --...... l!'.!"-lllQ' awe tary ot. the Navy FCJn"'eltal, the WUh .. Wife of one ol tht Mipptta. made bute to lrM.w tbt tr9•wport. afta becomina iDYolved ID •ere-Beek BaJhw JaJ•nct,. Samuel lat W'l!IK" I ! .. ll S J " ., fll ·-peaps IDl.7 ...... ClftC<Jnlan roportl!'i today In a Oiarl .. Straub ot ~-II tbe M It pulled Into the CDb w ddent with Ewbn H. E-•tt ti. ·m.ra ol Bo-ud Anahelln, _ _... • :t I• ----to·tbe - cOpyrictated U1ide.. ot.bel' sldpper. a ptiOlhw -•1ce atatlan. Newpcat Bas ± Robllll Newpwt Bts rt C.t. t-5... tkm bcmdl ftidlrl . • ,;, -, -• ' • I I I • • • • ., • l - NEWPaRT-BALBDA • I RISE Boo·k Breezes P.uauc NoTicu P a4c NoTicE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY N E w s -T I M Es TO REMARK - - -noll lf'&W BALNDIA . l'llOND: ._ • -U RON IORN PllQ.LIP8 No. 40161 ~therein within ten dayo -l • ' K e • -l'bc eh OI -..,_ ..._ Al.J ,\8 ~Nl!I the llerV'lce Oii 'W\11 of. .. ......._ AOOOUNTA!ifT r a••?•~ 'l"ttt ··1 _.nm , Alla T, m•m .... _,, us-........ _,, vz ~ "·-m. .-----.:...:.:...:=.:.:. __ _ C-.. --.. Ill p "SO I~ W b a 'F' a A ,curiom thine lo ba_...g. leodlnc ••the .,_tat mllltary op-;o.nn• IJraUaht In the Suporiar If served within the 5 It lo a heortenlnc lblng. ;i baw erallon ol .ii -:· Qaptaln uiun ol the Oouaty ol ~ Etty ol ~. or within tblrtY I • 8 • W B Y T JI: lulwcriptlm Payable In Advance: PIO por -111 Oi J Duot;t; spoken, In previous colurw, ol Butdltt lo Boowell not oaly to and Ccmplalnt llled In the Of, If ........S elaewbeft. and you .,._. m _,_ ___ P._15_ per ,...r te ttb. w; llJ)O ps ,_, 1D ma -the 'Nationwide propaganda ~ ~ "Ike'• in lly 'nine y.,.. t\ce of the Oerk ol the Superior are notified that unle9 J'Oll ., =-~!":. ~ ·.....-~ Ethel Neff, D. O. ~ Dr .......... ., ... 2.'l '2 s fW B tta \l'lllla --= ....... .,. •as 1 7 a •S..llo,7h.a ............. ~- En ered ~ paigo being carried on l>Y the Wit~ -· but to the Court of aald County.) ~ .......,. u ~ tt---..,.. -... -l a c.Ji1omla. .= 2' •~ -r-~9 ~,!:LS rt B 1 "\, OPA. and of the falle Information American ~ allo. It Ii a the plalntltt will take Jude, &t1Dlft • lili *' ua1:u.a. ~~ rn-..-•• la f 111 '*IPDNt-~ A. • going out fi:om OPA ..,....,.._ 1blo source book for the hlstorlan. By -84oot. Ooart Of u.o State t or any .-..Y or c!amall'!" -,_ -..... ,_ -~MEYER • ' C ~ campalgo WU backed up by oev-wise condonsatlon, It can becclme . Of~ la -F• -In the Complaint. al ,,_ -_,, F. G D~Rn:R • •. : _ • • • , • , • ~ 1:111'f... era! or the moot noted of the left-a beacon for all n.aden. Butcher'• ~~ Of Ona:e upon. contract, or will ap-'---=::.,==..==::_ _ _J ~ w. i . DIXON -• -7 7 -Adlul' I IM . vr w\n& columnists and radio com-diary ls replete wl_th ln~tlng ~~'.1' the Court for any otber tt-·-anscr lr-----,:;:.::=---- llt-.C Plant. JOU w. emtra1 Awa-Ne•: .. ii •, om a1a ;,"'~'°':~:: ~":~~ ~=tby~~ ta""~ • ~d°!i ~RT BEACH, -qi=-=. 1n,:e .=·'!:'~ Armand MonMO Raub & Bennett • Official Paper of the cit,-of Nuwpwt B•cli country. supported by the thoueht-"':uon In the narrative. '!be 51x111 aw. ~~ ~ "'IB~ = ::,f g"llf= &ltfMfl Wl'I ~ -"0---,.. •• A ••• a '2 ~ I •1 Err .. -n -... wllllngness of the people to au WU ooplzant ot his role. K. SOCYIT et al o.iendanta. 24 • 81• -. --·-'! ... D• N---. ~-keep on buying the pooducts thq and did, ~t overplay his part. n.. ~or U,. State of Call-_th day ol Allril. 19'6. '" " a;::..-ifti--'= 1'1" 1' -•11--W mRn &,,,,,:,_, advertloe. General lke1speech on American-roml& Send Greetlnp to .TE:S: =· B. J. SMITH. 11'17W,0..-NwpwtB1nlll . ~ ..........., Two of them. you will recall, Brltloh oomlty lo memorably de-K SOCYIT. ETIIEL iork ~ ty Clerk and Clerk ol the 1711 , .. • •I A-T<lop' • ..... ill ._,.,, """;;;;,,...__ __ M rah-ursed the people to -te their dslve; his l'<fMJ"ks on General SEI, El.MER A. CAIN MIRIAM Court of the State ol 1-AwsolOI JifOI •"7 --~ Congreaman and !n11st that the "Monty'' lo fair; his ~ E. CAIN. his wife 'ORANGE qantoml&, In and for the CJoun.. -~ Price Control Jecitl&-about the RnMl•ns lo significant. COUNTY TITLE OOYPANY of Oranp. ~ I:A-•'l'(SJ' P5AJifO BAlww Z-----------------~~~~-1 tlon be passed "without crippling 'Ibett ..., gleams of humcr to oorpuratlcn. Trustee w ·..; By ROY J. IRWJN. Deputy. ·---------=--. PIAN'o TEA"HWV amendments.• Another demand buoy thlo packet ol OHrly • -CAMPBELL, ARTHUR H. RI . Superior Court CUnical Labora~-..... _ ...... was that the Senate •'undo ~ and peps. The PRO. fer exunple. LULU B. RICE bll wtf ~ C'.oiDty) ·tN&3 G. V. W481iHR+RD CORRAL DUST thing the Houoe ..,.. luplJOled to And the clooe of the book took TITIA w DYMOND BEN;AwN .£Apr. 30; MAY 7, 14. 21. :18; ~ -. I , ,,. Gn<\•bt ~~~ doneftllo ~~ bbylll Thil cam-tphlace thorrlght ln C&llfornla. whett w. SELBY, A L .SHEPHERD June ... 11, 1& 29; July 2.19M ... "7 .,, D a 1 ~o 0 a"·' \ '1 ..,...." wu o ow~ more propa-e au returned for rest at his JOE SHALLENB.-v<=D EMMA ~~ llutxr iza..w Llf< i• °"'' a iernp0<.sry dffm-it'• dJc ~ of duds. g.ut and .....Ul. ih<U ~,,. on forcver.-)AcJ< lnmll.BY gancl&, regU'dlng the results or the mother'• -.. on Shaw's Flat, c. HAFNER, LOs~ONGELES LAAOJ: llDLll v-Tl:l 4 F&On RA-m lSll W. 0.0... ~ radio efforts to Influence ConllftlL near Sono<a. Hlo three year's mis-MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS tlllzatlon of milk by Callftll'z l'L_:•:l~l~W;·~c;-;-;~·~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I recall bearing one broadcast. 1lon <1942-1045) for G.I .. had been INC.. a eorporatlon. FRED s' comumers In the form ot mar: Nl!!MW&IJJ a-.,11.a while I WU In California, which acxompllshed. EVANS GIAN DESPALATRO: milk continued .-ptlmally,, ___ D_A_r __ .. _CB_oo_i. ___ _ School Bond Issue said that Con~ would n!tum "You know. "'"-there'• some-VICll, M. I. JACK, JOHN DOE exceedlnc 842 000 allom.•' ft. Jl to Wuhlngton, 'In a chaatened thing r.., been wanting to aak JACK, her husband. STEDDOM ' In December 19'5, .: OOlftz M-ro.:-er School Ball, M. D, mood" or aomethlng Uke that. An-you.'• It BLANCHARD a cor t1on With about 713.000 pUom U£1UU "'1' 'at Miii ... There are eight reasons why the bond i.ue fur' $150,- 000 for additional school facilities In the Newport Harbor district should be given a large vote. otheT Clthlnkthlswuthenotably "What, mother!" I said. STBDDOM A :8t..AN~ 'a ar a.go, an increase of over g • Olnil •••• .._.• 1 •• lnaCC'Urate Pearson column) spoke ''My neighbors and I have ~partnership, KELLY ROOF~ cent. Onilll91 Oii' p, Pt a Nil I Roan: 2"'5. by 'Rcmtawwwt of the piling up of mall In Con-,..n you BeVeral tlmetl In pie-ING co. Ltd., a corporation, -i-i----------8UIOIEB SCBOOL -~ Bee._ 5INa They are: 1. Without additional classrooms it will be impossible to maintain the high standard i:Jt educatiooal adliewment. 2. The seventh and eighth grade boys have been deprived of. the advantages of their training in wood shop too long already; the girls, too, are missing their d•_, In sewing\ 3. In order to give shop classes back to the boys it will grenional offices ... all {you were tures and movie. with General RICHARD ROE Trustee in Bank e. .&.. llw: ,7 , II. .a ~•• Ill PrN 1..,. o.i:. ._ uked to bellow) 1upportlng OPA. ElsenhOwer. You're always back_ niptcy of the ~tale of KELLY RO 0 F S .-.,.i "'nr· &.-, ID be ne<:essary to have half-day sessions in the primary grades If the bond issue does not carry. 4. It is very necessary that the school plant at Corona de! Mar be finished and necessary equipment be supplied. 5. Provision shoold be made for additional acbool facill, ties on Newport Heights by purchasing a school site some- where in that area. Let's look at some facts: In the bacl<ground. Why didn't ROOFING Co Ltd. This ls a typical office. Other you get up fnmtt• atlon Bankru~t. WM_ a .=-: Congreumen have made similar Captain Butcher c1oes get up orni wn.LIAM L HoPIONS reports in the Congressional Rec-tront, wtth this gnat book. It de-. MARGARET H BIGBY LORNE ord. Up to about the nnt of May, serves reading, and aloud, in every ADDI KEMP ·JAMES 'p COS- no accurate record was kept in American home. TELLO coiNtR sEcuirnEs APPLDDOS ... 4 !PSO !lrtlm&ua A l_.tloa I w. 1. ••tow r Man:us Ph. Hbr. 1012·J my office of the letters which INVITATION TO SCANDAL in CORPORATION 8 cor ti came in as the result of this OPA the 188'.Ys. was a sleigh ride. TITLE rnst!RANCE por: ;~ oropaganda campaign, nor of the HonPyfoelin« nme by Vlrginia TRUST COMPANY. I ~:f==========; 11 CIO efforts t o si:et letten "from Dale says so. To honeyfogle, of ation, Tnatee TIIE' ~~-I j home." At one time I figured we course, was to butter-up with TIONAL BANK OF DOWNEY-IS H 0 E s had· received 33 letters favoring ~weet talk. This book jingles. a National Banking Association' ·1 OPA. and 24 letters opposing it. 1a~les. jingles. JOHN DOE ONE JOHN ooE .. directly traceable to Mr. Bowles HE TORE OUT EACH PAGE. TWO and JOHN rioE CORPOR t ...... 1-A Whlle Y Walt earnest effoTts to maintain his as he read heavy books. Thus Mr. ATION Defendants -.-.-..-OU agency. 1 did not think of that as Cer f tells on Charles Dickens. In y · d1r ed · . ·Ray Pagan · a gt"ea t pile of mail. the latest Dickens biogt"aphv, an ou are ect t o. appear m About that time Fulton Lewis which required four years for th action brought again.st you by 15 E t B Fr t Jr. began to give , facts over th~ Dame Pope-Hennessy to write, Sir S e above named plaintiff In the a8 ay On DB. GORDON E. RAPP · DENTIST • Dr. Obed Lucas 'DENTIST ZZOZ Y, W. Ventral. Barbor UllO NEWPORT BEACH 6. Educational opportunity must keep pare with the growth of the community and is cheap at any rost if it makes its contribution to the welfare of those who live within its boundaries. 7. The ·proposed school building project cannot be fjnancro on the pay-as-you-go method without working an undue hardship upon the taxpayers. air : just as this column has been ~arle_s steps forth in a new part. :oor ~urt of the State of >int door to Bay View Cale gl \ing facts f oT sever al years. V1ctonan. was he? Tchk. tchk! rnia, 1.n and for the County J I a. ID: to 6 p. m. about the OPA. He told of the More about the thespian Dickens of Orange, and to answer the coni-!-;Ji------------' r------...;;----.1 poor administration: ot the delays in a tater Breeze. Dr W W W....._ • • • .......oreland 8. This building program can be carried out and at the same time the tax rate can be reducro over that of last year. in gettinl? back into production "BUY BOOKS 11-tAT SMELL." I due lo OPA. He told of the absurd· What bookshop, in what univeMlity Newport a BaJooa~ourist Bureau Dentist ities of OPA regulations. Best of town, has just used this new tack All Mod f 1111 eo..t m-• all: he told what Congress was In broadcastinsi: its literary wares? es O Travel to pe, Mexioo, Hawaii ~- r eally try!.ng to do. which is very With orange blossoms, of course. Round-the-World Trips in the near future, See OOBONA DEL MAB different trom what the OPA tells Perlum~of-the-month Club! Wha t Mrs. Roy Keene. Ph. llarboli S91. 301 Palm, Balboa Pboo.e Harbor %!20 Now that you know the reason why the bond issue is so important to the advancement of education in this vicinity, go to the polls Friday, May 17, and cast your ballot oo the propositions offered you. the Pf"Ople that CongTess is trying next? .. Boan: 10 a. m..:to 8 p. m. to do! MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ;========;;====2~========:::~ ;-INll'IJBANCE From May 2 to May 8 inclusive. IN PARIS: IMPERIAL VENUS, Ir-------:_ ___ _ I have r eceived only 18 letters by Edgar Maas, is the story of Sa from the 22nd Dis:trict supporting Napoleon's luscious sister. The ndy F. MacKay OPA. and 116 letters supporting French Revolution and 'The Rise are· ken Lense -Dupl1'cated the Congress, and opposing the and Fall of the Empire serve as IN --•-- OPA a nd the OPA propaganda. backgrounds for t he Parisienne l SURANCE--That's All This does not include letters on Who treads closely on the heels GlalBM Adjost.ed • Frames Repaired Ikeper Culture Needed other lt'Ubjects, to which the writer of Cleopatra, in getting her men. Eyes Exa;nlned has appended a P . S. or final para-A beautllnl land, a peat people, f The great need in our schools today. in all our educa- tional institutioos, is not a more careful training of the in- tellect, but a deeper culture of the things that make for character. Still as of old. the word is true<---OUt ol. the heart are the issues of life. graph. telling me tO try and oor-still hear the WIND IN TI{E , , Teet OPA abuses, or get rtd of OLIVE TREES by Abel Plenn: E. T Butte orth 0 D OPA. Isn't that an interesting ''Nepotism, corruption, graft, in-• f • 1 record for one week'!' tolerant bigotry, and callous mal-5114 WMt Central Phone Barbor 2511 More than this. many letters administration have ~Ince the very suppor ting OPA wer e obviously dawn of modern times blighted Evenl.np by AfPOlntmeDt "Education is not enough," Norman Rngell said a few years BgQ, "Who," he asked, "were the men who plunged the world into its last great war•" from people who did not under-that .. ooun~ almost unlnterrupt-'-------------+! . ._ _________ _J stand the situation, but who had edly. Spain. beautiful, lrrepres-1;::============t===========:::; And in the next breath, Angell answered the question when he remarked, "All of them were educated men, men of unusual intellectual power." simply been told to write the slble Spain. The author had a rlng-11 Congressman and tell him to "aave side seat in Madreed. 1 OPA.'• Many were primarily an THE PtlLITZf:R RJ?:GATl'A : Spring Oh.aning appeal against inflation, which Best history ot 1945: THE AGE "J"" Deep within the heart of man lie the springs ol. action. Congreu is fighting d .. perately OF JACKSON by Arthur N . H . o· H . every day. but which the adminis-Schlesinger, Jr. unt1ngton 1· nner ' tratlon of OPA lnvit ... Many of Best American Biography of the ouse the pr~OPA letten were typed year: SON OF TiiE WILDER-When these are sel£1Sh, inhuman, cruel, the IJetter trained their set"Vant the intellect. the more deadly the evil it can work. on stationery trom the same box, NESS, by Linnie Marsh Wolfe. ) written on the same typewriter. Best play: STATE OF TI!E 8121 & 0-. --Unctoa BMcb There might be several from the UNION. by Russell Crouse and Uader a.me Maaapmeat ~ Let us bulld character, but let us be sure that the elements that make for good character are there in the Oesb from the beginning to the end of life. same family, or address. Howard Lindsay. DAMON RUNYON FINDS When the an_tl-OPA letteMI be· FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH In his Open Dally, . Sunday gan to com~ m. they were ln-latest title: IN OUR TOWN I dlvtdually written letters, showtng Garth Williams has illustrated tt $1 '>!:'. · personal knowledge and Interest. sparklingly. And the publisher Dinner, 5 to 91 ...,., ap, quite often giving the reasons, adds : It makes you. young a ,,__ ., __ .._....,_ A "'-'1aPbi Or-'- Hail to the Volunteers! from penonal experience, wby g~, ._..w""""' -'r ___,_. OPA policies are causing infla-Often I think of the beautiful l l tionary trends, and why they must town Highest compliments are in onler and should be paid be curbed. That ls seated by the sea; to the members of the Costa Mesa volunteer fb:anen who I have an idea that the propa-Often in thought go up and down so promptly responded to the scene of a bus fire Dl!Br a gas-ganda campaign, d Mr. Bowles, The pleasant streets of that oline service station in th Costa Mesa bt!!!lness district earl based In the opmlon or many dear old town, last Frida . e Y people here, on personal ambition, And my youtl! comes back to me. y everung. ,/ has backf_ired. The people have -Longfellow. Had ni>t the firemen anived on time, the fire might decided to think for themselves. have spread to the full-OXltent of the butanezfilled fuel tank When I wu h<>r?e ten days ago, Brazil ls larger in area than all and ' l saJd this thinking for ourselve! of Europe except Russia the 36 commuters, one ot which was a mother with was the most important matter · an Infant, might not be in a position now to tell the har· before the American people. Am· Drive C&reflllly-8p&re a Life rowing e---'-ces that w-·'d ha f-"--" __, . bitlous Individuals and minority -===========.· :"'~ .. ~· ~ ve ... ~ an ~ ... O&Klll. groups would like to thJnk for us .• - Luckily, there was no explooion. but bad there been, I said. In the word.I or the Preol· there woold have been loss of both human life and valued dent that thlo is truly. "the year property. Butane is a highly spontaneous chemical. easily qi dedslon.'' ignltabl hen 't · . Now that the people•s lnt.,...t e w 1 comes ID contact wtth a spu1<, fbemm say. ls rising 1 will repeat aod coma Those who have witnessed the earUHbaklllg cata5-ment nert week upon the amend- trophie6 aocompanying butane tank explosloos in' other ,cities, ments put In the OPA Extension shudder to think what might have happened bad the butane Bill. when It passed the House ,__,. _........._. last Fri~-. (by vote of 355 to 421 on April n . ....... ~ ua.Y everung. 'lj'hat bus would have FOB INSUBANCE !IEE Howard W. Gerrim 008TA MJ:llA l'M9e B•a. 1151 Auto.-bile • Fin Accident • Life UceNe and Contract Boods Writt.., shot through the air like a cannon ba1l and a lK!CClld later Dean Achenon. Acting Secre- it would have split apart into thousands of J'ereS, spattaing tuy of State-''One lut chance human remains among the ruins. • to ""'ore ...,..Jd trade II through This Is not an exaggeration. If you bad hem with the !:..~~-American f!nf.ndal acr- edltor in Oklahoma Qty qn April 1, 1944, and wtm · ed the ~~-------,,~;========== ~,,,_,,-:at devastation that took place there oo that date after a butane ~ tank truck exploded in a busine11s district. you would know ~II~ r 1 24-Hoar ,r I Radio Service ONCE GAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA <>n!w-Y• .. ,,_. Plmee topi-.. o-·~· ~I New· -• the Lbcation ()re.Halt Jae Eut ot Old Oil Qae.t ~- New IJaoola NaUonal Ufe Insurance Co. '"11-Name lndlca.&.M It. ~· DON IERNIOAN Pb.one Harbor !M-B SOB MArlne A..,_ Balboa &I. New York Life Insurance Company DON B-Dv.ANT U8 Orc6ld Ave. Barbor ll.51·1 CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFI!: IN81Jlr.&NCI: 00. Ray Nielsen --·~ IU Z. .._,. Aft. BIA'oe KOBTllJUN8 Baroid K, Grauel Chapel ''We 0une1 ... the Detter Serve by Serving Othen Beer .._. Bec=--111.t ~-c.m- OPTOlllJ:TZU8T8 Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. orromaurr E)rem Examined • Gl•sse1 Fitted 1711 New...,n: Boalli9m4 ...._ -.... ~ c.r.a. .... Z. T. Balles wwlll, 0 . D. 0•••-tall& naa•wuw ~ D1JPU(l4TJ:D .................. •J.U W, a-.1 A.-. ft. ...._ MU ........... Dr. G. E. Tohill ....,_.._~ 2209 Ooost !Im! NEWPORT BEACll -PHOND--Oftlo.: Barbee-188-W a-idenee: Barbor asa.a 11 No ana"er· e&IJ Hubor & Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave NEWPORT REACll P'bone Barbor 1028 No a.mwer: call Beacon &Ott-a X·Ray SeMce Milton H. ll&nreU, H. D . 1801 ~ m...,. Coro• del 11.ar Office Houn: 1~12; H Pbone Barbor ioa S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Ba11- Barbor 1'7U "8 8-BID St., Loo ~ Ttlebr1m By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. l'hywlcian and Sw 1- 1eo1 W• Bllt A- Telephoae Barbor 802 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYlllCIAN -· BUBOICON Telepboae Harbor Ull-J Dr. W. T. Mooney Phy"+• ud 8wpoa ~-0..­..... , ............ ,.a... .. Waper Dragl1• m•te Dr. Wilbu C. w .... Otlropractlc, Dietetics, Phyllio & ColOllic Therapy 191~81 .... - i.o.--. -·- ZONE TBERAP1 CLINIC v..---•••mt• .. •iii rt I Ta Jstn .. fw ()Illa IUIS-~- BJX>OllD .J:sTABI.IMHCI• fu•••WJdal milk production In Callfoml& In 19'5 --• now all-time record for m17 :rear. Utllbatlon In the fomr ol nmloet milk -In evaporated milk. - tage -curd, Ice cream. - olmWt ai.o ---...,. .... -' now what a danger it is'to ride on a powder keg and not __ ........ : ',\ I, 1 1 / / :_;,.....--:-"'-'44l-"'-"'-~'., ... know what minute a spark will set it ott. "-,-...... , , It was just a friction spark from the gw"'btel-' ol. the Okla· ----· ~ homa oil truck, which had only scraped a curb, that cmised - a fire and explosion that that city will never fulgeto Its \ toll was ghastly. j ~e Lead Swthem c.r: !8'~,1nc"' -SEA DS-: Cemplete Fountain Satit:e at HANSEN'S GEORGE D. B~F:IT OWnl A-llxi& • .,.__ ......... , 11 C beGmz Tu S&tlw -W.0.._A_.__......_,Nwpwt-315 NORTH .MAIN ST. ., • ........ ••IJM e UlfDWlmll8 • ···•J*' I • • f -I ' ·--· •2• 2 Tz .,.11u u.1.M ..... Newport Woman ~!.~~~-=a Pio•eer Cltlzell Recalls Old Sc:e•es f f oll Chosen for Post ~the Orang• Gardena iut Tues-As Newport Beach'$ 40tll Blitllday OUr nr In Music Group ~; ~ ~ .:::-.= · Celebratioll Is Planned by City As K• · Ge<l<ge W. Burt, music inmu<>-=.,~aa~;v~ "'~ To lmaglne the otretd111)'o!B;:..":. ~~~":hie flood tbttatmed to 1wan1ans Hl1t1111 • Ve•tllatlOll tor at Fullerton Union High president. ern California coetl now known u break the dam at Bitter Point and - llCbool. wu elected to the pres!· A feature of the evening wu the Oty or Newport Beach u flood down into Newport Bay. 'The Four new memben ...,.. lnl· port and doncy of the Oran&• County Sec-the ttport by Irene L. Scboep!le, noth!n& but batt sand dunes, mud "'ater couldn't a-et out throulh the tlated into the Newport Harbor Twenty dollars of the fine wu mmic consultant ln the Oranae naia. and aballow lagoons. i.-not Santi Ana river jetty fut enough. Kiwanis club at their weekly 1 for two ~ on con- County Schools office, of her re-. imagination but actual memory to H11 10n., Hugh, with the help of luncheon meeting ln White's Col-dition tha Mrs. Oxford violate p,.... .1 , •ci ..... Wum Plti•I• • Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- cent . attendan"' ot the National John McMiiian. or. Hobart Ohowell, took lhoYela and fee Shop. Balboa, Friday. -"a involving ......... for th-• • Music Educaton Conference in With the dty of Newport Beach cut a new ooUet betw"een the jetty They are, Robert L. Brown of ~~..... 0~ ---· F n 1 11M ••-''-••• •"llol11·•s MG w IW O.eveland. scheduled to celebrate la 40th an-and Huntington Beach. thus dl-tbe Balboa Hobby shop; Ernest L period. her operatOn license ~ The 1946-47 Orange County Mu· nlversary In Aua-ust. It is hard to vertlng the flood water. 'The high-Butterworth, optometrist ; Dr. i~~~~~f~or~30~~daya~~-;;;;;;;;;;~~=======~=====~=;;=======~ sic Festival wu awarded to Ful-be.Ueve that anyone in the 1880'1 way and train track was washed W . T . Mooney, c:.teope.thic phyS'.. lerton with the procram set ten-could imagine the bustlinc city out. Prado Dam in the Santa Ana iclan and surgeon, Newport Beach, tatively for March 14., 19'7. we have today. Canyon will p-event anY such and Harry H . Fttderick, lnsurance "I thought, back in thooe days, future Doods. broker, or Costa Mesa. Scotch tape, various 11zes. on that Newport would make a nice John McMillan is now retired, The latter opened an office in '------------~I sale at the News--nme. . summer resort and yachting har-lives in Newix>rt, and keeps an Corona del Mar Friday. n.117 DellfiW7"""™'8an =ea U.U 1DI' KMpeft ...... 008T.& JUSA P.APALMER LIDO ISL!! PllDPlll<?IE5 • W. 0 . BUCK-1-uranre Counselor ~1500 ~.f...,{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA bor," John McMillan sr., aald re--interest in city affairs as he has ce!ltly. "but I didn't believe .th .... for over 65 years. He is 84 yean Baptists Seek A"1r wouJ.d be anywhere near the num-old and still enjoys a stroll out ber of people ...... living bere onto the Newport wharf eadl Base as Hosp"1tal?. today. It wtll even be a greater morning, or stopping to discuss pla.ce when the upper bay Ls attain with townspeople. dredged, but more water should Pouibillty of the erection of a be allowed up there. M k ..J Request hospital and college with a value ''The ;iresent h8l"bor was spoiled 88 · eJ' 8 of well over Sl.000.000 by the with islands. A limit was put on For Ending Rent Southern Baptist Conference with- Its development right thel:e. Udo Co tr I S t OPA In the boundaries of t he Santa Ana I sle and Balboa Island should have n 0 en Army Air base. now declared sur- been dredaed out instead of built . plus by the War department, was up," he added. Mr. McMillan can The office or the Santa .A_na told to the directorate o f the~ rem ember historical Information. rent contro l board ~as notified ciated Chambers of Commerce much of which po8Sibly isn't of Ralph P. Maskey, pres1dent of the this wttk by A. R. Fl'enzel of record For example, he remem-N ewport Harbor Realty . board, Westminster. bers the fint Newport Beach that his recent letter asking for Th . f L ·-------------------------'Grammar school whlch wu lo-elimination of the rent control e .city 0 aguna Beach. by cated in a house next to the New-feature here during the vacation-~olution ~ormally adopted. by the port wharf. There was no school ing season, June 15 to Septem· city cc;>~ncil, endorsed the idea of district here at that time. The ber 15, was referred to the Los a'71~1tion by the_ coun~y of the near~ one was in Fairview, four Angeles di.strict office for r eply. military reservation. 1 t w 8 s Announcing Permanent Location Office of W. V. TREADWELL, M.D., F.A.C.S. 101 No. Broadway, SanU-Ana On May 15th, 1946 • PRACMCE LIMITED TO OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY Office hours: 11 to 12 -1 :30 to 5 (By appointmen t only) brought out. The formal resolu· mil('S way. Ma.skey made this report to the tion was ""'d to the directors. John Sharp furnished a teach«!!" board of directors of the New-Other city councils and chambers room and board to teach his twQ port Harbor Chamber -of Com-of commerce throughout the c<>un- children, a class which soon grew merce on Monday. ty are understoc:xl to be consid· to eight children llS other families In his letter, the realty board ering similar actions. sent theirs. This wu in 1888. The official pointed out that the New- teacher received no pay, but was port Harbor area is not located offered a better position in Santa near a militar y base; that there is Ana and from t here went to Lo8 not now any need for emergency Awarded Contract • arine Specialties • A N-ud completely equipped Camera Stoni for the 1-dl ..-. • • f Photo Finishing • ! ',Developing Equipment • Enlargers • Films • Enlarging Lens • Filters ·EVERYTIIlNG FOR THE CAMERA FANS Wlll Be Open Saturday unW 9 p. nt. COME I N AND SEE US l 'nll Newport Blvd. Ooeta Me. Angeles. There was no Orange housing in the area, and Newport . . county then. Later a school dis-H arbor building owners have tul-The Newix>rt Beach city council !~===*=================================~ trict was formed. That first school filled all previous conlTacts under on Monday ~"'·arded a contract to ]! j building still exists and is a r esi-the emergency measures. ~e Sully Mi ~ler company for ~he Office Phone 7144, Santa Ana ReUdence Pbone Barbor 1%41 ·J Riding Apparel and Saddlery. Englbh and We$1em Complete Une of Weering Apparel for Meo, Women and Children AJ Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop Santa Ana P h one 6722 i;lence near 20th and Central today. JOb or enlarging the auto parking John McMillan was born in lot at Balboa. This company was Campbeltown, Scotland. in 1862. the lowest of three bidders for the He made many trips around Cape HAPPY EVENTS work. Its bid was $200 to add 50 Ho rn running bet"•een Australia feet to the lot. and England aboard square-rigged I H b Ar _ -------- ships. Sometimes they went com· 0 8f Of ea All kinds t}"pl"\\Titer ribbons In pletely around the world for fa-stock at the Ne,,·s-Times. vorable winds. He was a sailmaker 1-------------' 1 ~~~~ ~~~~ d 1 h · h Mr. and ~1rs. Dorrance ~1cClure. ~ an spent many ong ours ln t e 2425 Orange avenue. Costa Mesa. GI L 's rigging repairing storm-damaged L sails. often o\•e r rough seas off the are parents of a daughter, born Horn. April 30 at St. Joseph hospital. He came to Newport in the She \\'eighed six pounds, ten 1 early Sers to meet-up with his ounces. ------------ brother, James. who had arrived Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Lowncs.I DELI CA TESSEN here by way of China. James pilot· 1Z734 24th street, are parents of 1 ed · h ba I N t a daughter born May 4 at Santa ships over t e r nto ewpor Ana Con1munity hospital. She FOOD SHOP Harbor in those early days when there was no je tty or dredged weighed seven pounds. seven and ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! channels. About 1889 a third a half ounC<'s. • • Smoked Turkey brother, Charles. came to Call· Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hinsley. • Smoked Fish fornia a nd settled at Corona, 240 East 20th street. Costa Mesa. • Boast Meats where he still lives. are parents or a son. born May • Sweet Pickle& t;we 4 7~ 9"' r a. TREASURED DAY Clot or U _.,, &I claiml. Pn>oh IO IJd<ct from. CooonJ>iJON AND v &Al>UATION PHorociaAPHs A SPBOALTY. AUSTIN STUDIOS We -fufW eqvf.pp•d to lake portralta la Ho•• w c•urc• ALL STUDIOS Ol'IN 11 10 6 PA ·IJAf SUNllA.1 AND 1WO OI -NIGHTS ... WIK -~ No.-11&. -·-__ .._ DAILY HOURS: 9 L m. to 6 p. m. Frlcla)ow -Sa•hturmdQallrn ·w a p. m. N·T~1"41 John McMillan was married in 6 at Santa Ana Community hOS· • Fresh Salads Santa Ana in 1884. After leaving pita!. He \VC'ii;hed seven pounds, I • Brandied Fruits the sea he worked on the Newport four ~unces. Maraschln Cb rries Pier unloading freight troffi sail-\ Mr_. a.nd ~trs. William Warren. • l'TI...---r~? e ing ships that docked there. Later Dahlia ave nue, Corona del Mar, • v~ ~ore he was Newport Postmaster and are announcing the arrival of a · spent many years as superin'tend-son, born ~·lay 4 at California Lu-SHOP AT GILL'S ent of the City Water Department, lh~an ~pita), Los Angeles. He \ building up the many lines tt has weighed six pounds, twelve and a ------------ today. He can remember the Santa half ounces and has been named I For Freaher Vegetables Ana river, which had cut various John Cavanaugh. Better Meats outlets to the sea during fioodJ. Mr. a nd l\1rs. Homer Mellott, Fancy Groceries In 1920 the Santa Ana river was 268 Flower street. Costa Mesa, are ------------ diverted direct to the oCean but parents o( a baby daughter, born -;--;~;;~~~~~~;':;:::;~ May 3 at St. Joseph hospital. She n weighed six pounds, nine ounces ;an~d~h~as~be~e~n~n~am~ed~C~ar~o~lyn~R~ooe~~-;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 245 F orest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH Liquor Store ___ ..,_ ---~.-----1 CLOTHES • FOR M E.N AND BOYS g°"'~ SpMJ SI.op m .-A- B•D ...... ~-in• Boat Owners ••• Canyas By the Yard ~ Width= All I...eactm Santa Aila Tent & AW'llins Co. 1m11o. .... a ftas• SANl'A ANA ... ,_ Dss,.. .. ... ,_ I I f}ll ,..,.,c,,,.,.,, I Ho• •••llM ,,_ ,_ .... ,. ..• ...,,,. fiWw Hat Tr..iu~•t T,.._ --1 ~odod lo _.... ,.., compWo. wl -~ to _.... "'" -of,... ...... .......... n., .... , al I ... cJu• w+.fte. at tiRc:lel eppea SJ LI '· ENJOY WEARING YOU R PLATES WHILE PAYING r.ke -top ol Dr. Oow• •'• a.... Cl'edlt .,_ for .a ....... ,. ol ..... try. Arrutp .. kft all 79m' S6i !llr'7 ....... ~s s' t 11I &19'"' KOW ... ..., ..... ~_. .. ,., er wtlll:J' e --.. Ji O'I' ONE PENNY .&DDIDO:N.&L ooeT. •k• YOlll' 0.. -r... ... Wl''t• ••·•• , • ' \ Foldil!g Patio Chuck BOX There's thirteen differ· ent "Texas taste tested" spices, herbs, and sauces, a real pepper grinder and recipe book in the chuck box. Junior O mck Box .. $5.95 Senior Chuck Box $18.50 ...... Pepper Grinder ..... .$3.50 C .HAIRS~ GljOUllllng and L ustrous SoBcJ AA.flaft ...,, - Folding Chairs Qynruni· cally diffel'l!l'lt from anything e have ever offered Vat-dye! fab. . rfcs in striking colors which harmaa- . ' "th td If! W1 OU oor tones --· meal ·th water-repellent heavy duck. D1~· 1-!Ctor's Folding Chair .... $1249 AH EI M lmw.o 1w •st 1 PllmelUS • • Solid Alumi1um CHAIRS 'l"lw&: Fnldlnglng OMllrs are feetbe!'- JIRtlt to handle, and yet designed to w!llwt•nd naed ta!. The frames -al ll!lld aircraft.type bpn!nnn rod, rt nnx treat.eel to r sdst tmiilliml 'l1ley Cllll'l ftat! I ,z f ', • t • ~ Diaeclnr'li Foldiq <i<hair ... _ .• 795 • , • - • • . -' ' • N&WW ••• ..... 8&W.v«MW1 ...... 8 o, C'Thr ',Tia -.... -~rTi::*=Trger Amorita Wins Key Witness in Newport 5i!r~~'7 ;~~;:~ ~t;~~;;;i;; ::nabe ~-~ ~:::E(U _ dt ~~~~;~~ Division .Race · Housing Case. Summoned Due(·~~ .. :~~ do-'"£ ::::r:1 ~~-~~~ 1!n~·"'N= =~ -;.z iE.~: mer<:e on Monday, that the com-mand fac tickets for "Ramona" Notary Public In and for .,,"t. will ~ :~ ~~:Y :. ~ : n;~.~-ll'opet ty. - mittee ....,.ntly appointed by J. s. Walter f'ranz' Amorita, New-City J d G dn p tpo nec· . . which Is completely aold out . for &aid County and. State. read aloud at QC abOOt 4 :00 o'clock .......... _ ~-J'S and JesaJ Barrett. president, "' make a SUT· port Harbor Yacht club's chal· u ge ar ef 08 nes 1810n m nat Saturday and SUnday It has (My Comm1salon Expires P . M. on tbat day In tbe Council ·--- vey on the pooaible comolidatlon lengtng boat for the San Franosco j Dwelling Matter Until He Has Oral State-been decided to add anothe1' w.ek December 29, 19f7.J Clambers In the Qty Hall N It lhalJ be mandatory u-tbe bf the city pooroffices was making Perpetual Cballenge trophy, olll-ment from San Bernardino Woman end "' the season with two ad-(SUL) Port Beach Callfoml • ew-Contractor to whom the cmtnct progross. est and moot dlstingW>hed trophy I dltlonal performances on May 18 Pub.'AprU 23, 30; May 7, 14. 19(6 The bo ' a. Is •warded. and ui-any sub-aJn. The committee includes George of the West coast. won. in diV111on ordered them to leave. and 19. . • ve mentioned check or tractor under him. to pay not Jew Weiss and J . A. Beek of Balboa; 7 and the pre-d:Wlenge regatta V!olation of a city zoning ordin-Judge Gardner, seemingly ln-This announcement comes from CAD OF BUSINESS bond ahall be given. u a guar-than the said aped.tied rates to Sam Meyer of Cmta Mes&. OLas at the Corinthian Yacht club, San ance on Ba1boa Island which re-censed over the fact that IOIDfODe A4rian Awan, managing super-Fictitlow Flrm N antee that the bidder will enter all laborers, workmen and me- J Crawford of Newport Beach: Francisco. when· it wu first in stricts the use of more than two was coming clme to perjury in a visor of the ou\door pageant at ~ '.ame into the contract lf awarded to cheiucs employed by them ln the Cot F c Venn and Lew Walla~ both elapaed and cm1ected time dwelling units on property situ-minor matter, called the receu Ramona Bowl, who adds that this . UNDERSIGNED d him and will be declared forfeited execution of the contract. of ex:o~ del Mar. in the Vallejo race this put week ated in R-2 :zones, has occasioned unW next Saturday and ordered marks the fint time in the 19-year y c:ertify that be ia crmd"::t,1 lf the succeatul bidder refulies to 'Ibe Qty Council of the Oty ot end, competinc against more than the appearance in city cOurt of the subpaena of Miss lvenon f« history of the play that additional ing a retah boat and rMrine ui -enter into said contract after be. Newport Beach reserves the right 160 northern boata. _ Mn. Ruth Diester of Bal~ Ill-the next seaton. perfonnancea have ever been men~aales tMminea at 407 E~ ing ftQUtell~ed 90 to do by the to reject any or all bids or waive White House 'The 46-foot a1oop 01 the Call-and. who Is accused of housing a _Gardner made It clear that 11e given. trai Awnue Oty al Newport Oty Council of Newpart Beach. any Informality In a bid. Cafe fomia 32 c1aa left nburon Satur-party of Easte.-vacatlonlng girls felt the seriousness of the charge Including the performances next Bea County of Or Sta Bidders att hereby notified that FRANK L. RINEHART day for Vallejo and Ailed beck from San _Bernardino In a gara1e depended on the Intention of the Saturday and Sunday matt than al daJJromla. under ~ctiu.! punuant to provisions of Section City Oerk of the Oty .,j Suncla.Y with a aJ<ttcted time of on Sapphire 1tree1 where ther• vtolaton. Uthe Dlesters, u they 36.000 penons will have visited the llnnlname ol PLASTIC· WATER.-1770 of the Labor Code, Statutes Newport Beach CaJl!omla. 5 houn, 71 mlmlta and 32'...,_ wore already two units In uoe. contend. were on_Jy helping ibe Bowl durin& the resuJarly llchecJ.. atm CO. and that ·-firm of 1117, of the State of Call!omlo., Pub.-May 9, 14, 16, 19t6_ ondl for-.the "Niqilrted race, 'fin· Settlement of the cue, which glrla out for. the week end. It wu uled six showo. and with the .,,. Is ..!.n_.i of the following the. City Gouncll of tbe Oty of I;:===========::; nlng acclaim tn aD the San Fran-has been postponed on three sue-a minor infringement of the law, nouncement o! the added two ~~-~ names and llddre:: Ne11\'l!(Wt .. Beech bu ucertained I j cilco papen. aa."Ol'dina to Franz, resaive Saturda)'I to obtain more but if they ,allegedly had ert&'a&ed &hows on May 18 and 19 an ad-are followw., to wtt· the cenera1 srevalllnc rate of per who new beck MondaJ' nJaht with substantial evidcmce by the de-. the seven girll for profit. then the ditional attendance of 12,000 could CHARD w ~ 312 diem WQ'9 and ratee for legal PIOaa1 SID Lac M 9-da, <Wll. Corona clel Mar Matt Shop ·' rv'i stories of the ·~. He returns fendants was postponed again matter wu more serious and lndi· be added to the record AlvWado Place.. Balboa oillt holiday and overtime work in the IUlllc J I~ REfRIGERllTIOn Wednesday for the Olallenge race after a brief hearing before Juda:e cated that the penalty would be nckets for these two additional nia. I • or-locality In which this work Is to . Sunday, ~ 19. Gardner Saturday morning when severe. performances may be obtained by ~ .. my band this 15th clA7 be performed, for each craft or 1111 Oaa8* lllP••7 ERVICE comPRnY Wltb Franz on the boat are Leo It became evident to th .. court calling Ramona Bowl dlttct or In .;;-~--:-1918. type of workman or mechanic • Old fashioned malta Saa. -DFzh lllC -Bel,._ Benzini, l!!lamey Lehmann and that more was involved than the R b D ' E Loi Angeles at the Southern Call-J RICHARD W. O'IHMER. needed to execute the contract We meu )1st this. llt ~ ....... 00.-. ... -Ka>neth Watu. U.they oucceed In minor technical Infringement of au OeSn t Ven fornia Music Co. Also there att ~F CALIFORNIA) which will be awarded the suc-1 ;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:~;;; TemporOJl' -· ~ <IM Lao capturtnc the trophy It will be the the onlinance after presentation of Let Fishing Keep over 50 Mutual tlck•t agencl .. CO OF ORANGE l ... ceufUl bidder. I™ Beach· -Nl&l>t. 1lllSI !Int time It baa oorne to Southern affidavits from two Interested H . f K . . throughout tbe Southland cltieo this 15th day of April A.D Th• prevailing rates ao deter-Lq..... ae.ch Call!omla. partl ... that were highly contra· lffi rom twanlS who are takln& orden for the l bef~ me Wm. H. Penn ; mined att as follows : l!JJ:pert BepUrlas ~ dlcta<y. extra performances. N~ Public In and fer &aid e-iy hr The statements. obtained from Jack Raub of 406 San Bernar-ty and State, l'ftldlnc therein Wap Diem Typewrlten It' Al three of the girls who were housed dino avenue, Newport Heights, Drift Caref'ully~ • Life. duly conunlaakmed and nram. a..tf'l<Stloa Bate Wace s ways In the Dlester garage. two of senior member o( the firm of ~~ ·-Rlme~be ~ant_;;: ... :c..:·ch··········SJ..50 $1200 Office Bquipment which substantiated the conten-Raub & Bennett, dvll englneeno PUBLIC NoTICU ~-" ~ ~ ~.,.. ~ u~• tlon that the Dlestert were acting and surveyon of 1908 Newport wbo9e name 11 sub-machine .................. 1.625 13.0b 0 rtzc -Olllllc C 0 F F E E T I M E as ''Good Samarltana" when th•Y boulevard, Coota Mesa. was the e within Im"6ment, Operator, lbovel or Mt 114 • &nr+m>c . made their garage livable by in-recipient of an. award for five-C&B'l'D IC.ATE OF PA.JlTNEB.. and p.clmowledged to me \hat he dragllne .................. 1.75 14'.00 stalling a stove and icebox in ttle years' perfect attendance In the &RIP DOINO BU8JNE88 UN· execUted the same. Operatoi-, air ROBER I '5 gar age far quarters for seven Kiwanis club at the luncheon DEB FIOTITIOUS NAME IN'lv.WITN'ES') WHEREOF, I compressor ............ \.25 10.00 Type • rvi girls. and the other, from Chris· meeting of the Newport Harbor hav4: hereunto set my hanC! and Operator, conl!'ete wnter Se ce At The . • • . . DONUT&°wiFFLE SHOP · · . . . . Serving COF'F'EE &: DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFFL ES (with whipped cream) • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island llenay Nlcbola Oeorp 8terllac Opea Eveolnp UoW 11 o'Clocll: -CIOlell • W~,y SOFT WATER SERVICE Is Available to You NOW! Soft V\later Service solves your ha rd water pro!:>- lem. A phone call will bring an efficient and reliable service man to your door. No obligation. Phone 64 70 Santa Ana We ba.ve only one oervloe to offer you and that • servloe Is Solt Water SOFT WATER SERICE 1101 E. F1RST SANTA ANA I I ' ·ro11•tt '''' LIWE JOll .. E ,,,, ••• _ Tbu'1 ..... °'"""' Sup<-. Gaaoliae briags to .,._ cu, folb-skywa7 performance odapud to the bigbwa7. War-bum imp<o•em<•a iD 8yiag foela pu<d die -1 l . for cbit I*; a , P'°li=· • peoli• that is railor·lmde ,Im ,.._ ..... ,....._ a...-Sopr-- Cfdd--ema power-llDOOCha: pufar-aa In ua8ic u>d "" doe opm 1'l9d. Try i< I Clayton Tllompson • -~ ......... hie llWdbatloa I l'tlJF 7 1ll6 • ' ' tine Iverson of San Bernardino, Kiv.-anis club Friday. We, the undersigned, do hereby afftx by official seal the day mixer ..... -.........•...... 1..25 10.00 tm w.a O.tn.I ,who said that she had made the F . D. Blower, president of the certify that we are partnen con· and ear in this certificate tlrst Operator, pump ........ 1.25 10.00 Newport llMclt arrangements for the li,'ing quar4 club, presented Raub with a five ducting a busineu u Marine Elec-abov written. . Operator. tractor .. _ .. 1.50 12.00 ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ters and had paid S50 rent. The year honor button at the meeting, tridan1 at 2151n: Marine Avenue, <SE L) WM. H. PENN, Cement ftnlaher ...... 1.35 10.80 Diesters contend that they only which was held in White's Coffee Balboa Island, Callfomla. under Notary Public In and For Truck drlver ............ 1.00 8.00 intended the girls to remain the Shop, Balboa. Accepting the the name and style of MOBARRY Said County and State. Carpenter .................. 1.35 10.80 ~arage over the week end until a prize, Raub admitted that even AND McCARTNEY, and that the <My Commission Expires Pipe layer .................. 1.25 10.00 regular apartment was available, fishing, hi!ii most favorite spor t, names and addresses of all the ~ April 20, 1946.) Oiler ............................ 1.125 9.00 l!JJ:pert Radio Service but Miss Iverson's letter implied didn't keep him away from the partners are u follows: Pub. April 23, 30, May 7, 14, 1946 Common labore r ...... .875 7.00 lhat the girls were moved only Kiwanis meetings any where in L. M. HOILADAY. 829" Pa· Watchman and after investigators from the cityl the county. "I make it a point to cific Avenue, Leng Beach 2, Call· PUBLIC NOTICES flagman .................. .875 were sent to the property and had get there. wherever I am," Raub • fomia. ICE Uii"VITING BIDS Any other classiflcat.ion said in conclusion. J . S. McCARTNEY, 28 Brook omitted herein, not 7.00 Phone Beacon 5816 < I Street. Post Office Box 326, South less than ................ .875 7.00 T D f S . Laguna, Call!ornia. that e City Council of the City Provided, that one and one-half a rs e eat a In ts, RO.BERT G. MO BARRY, 423 of N rt Beach, California, wtU (1 % ) times the said prevailing Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC VETERANS But Lose 5-4 Match Jasmine street, Laguna Beach, 'recei e sealed bids for furnishing rate of wage shall be paid. except r A h . 8 . I catifornta. a11 i r. material. transportation watchman. flagman and any other !s.&8 Newport BIYd. Two-bedroom homes ... ballt on the lot you ...iect. 0 Oa etffi tng erS IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we and 11 tvices to construct a vitri· non.manual workers, for any have hereunto set our hands this fied lay sanitary sewer a nd air ww~or~kl~·'.'.:ng~tim~e~m".'o~re~th".'an~e~i~gh~t'_.'.:(8":)'..'_li:::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=-:!'. COl!TA MESA Sweeping the singles matches 18th day of April, 1946. purt ant work. in and along New· - for the needed five points for vie-L. M. HOLLADAY port ach Boulevard in the Coun-,-------------------------: BR.ING YOUll. RADIO TO US tory, Newport Harbor tennis team J . S . McCARTNEY (y of range, from State Highway defeated. Santa Ana on the local ROBERT G. MOBARRY to d County Road, in accord.- courts l~t \Vednesdar afternoon STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ance 'th plans and specifications to keep 1.n the running for the COUNTY OF. ORANGE ) ss. on fQe in the office of the City 100 '.70 G. L Financing ~ D&7 -Wo'll Beplllr It UJd Yoa °"" ea ... It -Nert Faetory Part&. w----Faetor)' T..-Exi-tL Radio SOS Electric You pay only and legal Sunset title. Tuesday afternoon On this 18th day of April, 1946, En~eer of Newport Beach, Cali·' the Tars lost a close mat'Ch to before me, the undersigned. a fornlf· RABOLD L HAHM Anaheim by dropping both doubles Notary Publ;ic in and for laid Eafh bid shall be made out on Pbone '780 SOO 11.artm A..._ Balboa ....._. PHONE 2447-R Denison & McBroom Sales and on~ singles match giving the County and State, penonally a~ a forsn to be obtained at the office J '------------------------_J nod to the Colonists, 5-4. peared L. M. HOLLADAY, J . S. of th~ City ·Engineer and shall be -------------------------- UllO Newport Blvd. 008TA 'MESA (In the Mesa Realty Bld&.l Santa Ana results: McCARTNEY and ROBERT G. accorjipanied. by a cer tified or I Singles-Deimling (NH) d . Mil~ MOBARRY, known to me to be ~itr's check or bid bond for ler (SAl 6-2, 6-1 ; Thom (NH) d. the persons whoee names /J.tt sub-ten!1.· r cent {10%) of the amount Smith ISA) 6-3, 6-1 ; Yardley 1cribed to the within Instrument, of bid, made payable to the (NHl d. Crenshaw CSA) 6-1 , ~7. and acknowledged to me that they orde ' of the City of Newport 11 -9: Lind INH ) d . Froeschle CSA) executed the slime. POACllat4i VENETIAN BLINDS , WOOD • STEEL • ALUllINUJI ............ -0--•11•-...... -·· , .... _ .... S II )0 Jl 814 C...t Highway Phone Beacon 5881...1 Corson and Ray &-1, &-2 : Fowler (NH) d. Cole fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I R !UMATJSM ISA) 4-6. 9-7, 6--3. d ARTHRITIS Doubles -Christ and Tapscott an I :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ISAl d. Spicer and Killefer lNH) R 0 S S I ' S I fered for ~ and am so I' 6-3, 6-2: Johnson and Johnson L o S ~ that I can walk and work (SA) d. Doughty and Schulte I q u n r t 0 r e without pain, that I WW glad· <NH> &-2 &-2. Iy er anyone writing me for "";ii~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiij 'JOO Clout lll«hway infol1D&tion. MRS. EMMA IVES. • Fo.....ty Gordon'• n,.... store P.O. 189, Los Angeleo 52, Qilif. For Sale: ·12 ·FOOT MEAT CASE Newport Electric Appliance ts06 Coaat Blvd. Phone Barbor Zl.S8 Newport: r...tab. 19" • Before You Build or Remodel vblt ov ~ -,ae ud ~y ,..,..., . . . Color guldee, p1an. nlog aida, compre- hemlve stock ot nip, carpets and llnoleum. ((1--0: WI tr .. LUDLUl!ll Carpet Works 191 _ .. -M. ----a&lftA AN.A YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! AU Highly Skilled Workmen. j --tr-' Journeymen Painters, World War II 15eek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only lat grade ~aterials and unexttlled workmulhip at reasonable prices • --tr- PHONE L L BEAN lbrbcr 2645 ' I • • Pb. Beaocm IMl'7t-w Pd. Mercury Cleane+ & Dyers Offer Re~irutar -3-DAY S ·RVIC .E or ~ • 1 ·Day SpecJI Senlce If an Emer y Arises -I Your Oothlng Is ~.lt in Our Plant Whlchll~at 1844 Har!J. Blvd.· 008TA 11'2" Announcing the Building oa•Yov 5613-J & ... ~.~rs ew Vibrapac nits AU. Mi48 mDllr,fll!iO mm'8 ....... OE ;111m11c1al te Products Co. o.aa .... . ' • Washing Machine Wringer Rolls Rolla for any make ,ap. You furDlsll the l&ID.ple. Brand new rubber, wlllte and pliable GUABANTEED-POSqlVELY! COMPLETE HOME SERVICE Refrigeration, Radios, Small Appliances Newport Electric Appliance Co. WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? • •• We Will Pay You the llighMt POMlble Prioe. • Step la at: • •• / McCARTHY USED CARS 19!0 Newport Blvd S CASH ON THE SPOT CostaMMa s DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND ~.,.... Clli laud wHla clloloe of !~ ·~AD~':'=.-:.._. AND ~I llAlrD ao'l'AftON DID«i.8 fta.....TWIN Dfft••aA- TIOK& CBOICS 01' llEDUCftOlf ... II& Oil lla,,J: 185 H. P. Gtwlll M t a N-. See us for lnfonnatlon 1111 Vem Selierln Dle9els Dlesel a-star &ii: ol All Sbt '· n&1fK a. ~ (I tr w.\a) Oww • --•• Oftlw: New,..t,.. ~·7 r .&.-. ... New; I & 118'-W •'••'' .. ' • I • 1 ..-.... l ~; ~:------;~--;~~======::::::;;;-;;;:=::--1;::~~:;~ ' '7" ···-~ ....... .~· Want Ads :::::::::PEBSO:.;..;:,::N~AL,.....--~__:cH Disease, Death Ton as HIP •• World . . w:,:;:_;~,!<~~f~ TodayasltWasi•·1920, WrfterSays Blvd.. Lot 6. Block F, Tract 518. Harbor H igh Drops Two in Orange Co . Diamond Sessions susna:ss GUIDE ------H FRANK S . LAMPERT, " 117 ~OUN DONBOP'F Silverado, Orange Co. "One ot the moot terrible tras· Harbor High'• baseball . team 36-3tc edles In the hlltory ot the human • • • • • off Ilic went -., In defeat at the bands Sea Sc()uts, Gi ~·Attend SIGN PAINT I NG Boats, Trucks, Windows, }Valli. Bulletins Rai3ed Metal. Wood and Plastic Letters. AL LACHMEYER 1726 West ~entral Harbor 1243-M 36-Ztc ·TBAN--.-8PO--&T-A-TIO--N-----11 race ls being enacted within the PORT of tw-o Sunset league ~nts broad belt ot territory lying be-s Beam last week, looing to Anaheim.' 4-3. BICYCLES tween the Baltic and the Black in a clcoe one that could have been Sold. Ra>Ud or Repaired. and the Adriatic Seu. ~·s game, and to the Santa -. A. Party VOQEL'S 'The reports which come to us ev ..IONM ooMMarr Ana Saints, 14--7, in a free acoring 100 Ma1n s t.. Balboa mill lt clear that lf1 tbe9e war-81!.&11.,..Mp contest that saw Harbor relln-Sixtee members of the ·New· 208 M&ril1e, Balboa i.laod. r avaged countries dvWzatlon baa 1be cune of Donhotf certainlY quish an early inning lead of 5-L part H ·Sea scout Ship No. M-tfc broken down. DWease. bereave-did its dirty work on the Harbor Results ot the games and line-10 and ir ladies were guests of · -------------ment and suffering are present in Hlgh school tennla team-the eelf-ups: the Los ng:eles sea scout patrol BEAUTY AIDS 18 practically f!Vrr'/ hoU>eboid. while same team Ilda deportme11t pick· AuWm in the Angeles county Bridge FOR SALE-Permanent waves in food and clothina are lnlul"ficient ed to win the leque charnpiomhlp AB R H of H fete given in the Los your home, $10 up. Mn-Bond. to make life tolera.:e.children • by taklngSan their return match from Stearns 3b ······--·-····-··· 4 o 1 Angeles-ks' club Friday night .. tic. mgr. 19 years exp. Box 41'6. ''Men, wom~ d are the ta Ana Saints. Greke c ·······-······-···-······· 4 o 1 Ski Frank Moler or Ship. NewporL 38-4tp dying by the ~over Well, the Tan beot Santa Ana Bielefeld p ..... -·z·· .. r······· 4 O O No. 10 d a committee including COLD and MA.CHINLESS vast, o::,tvill~...:.cinAI are all right, just as we predicted. but Hernandez rt ····-.. ···-····--· 4 O 1 A. M. bo. Ray Marahall, WAVES to be f nei medlcol lklll a~ forgot about a little 1-by the Fedenpiel If ••r••·•T···z··· 4 1 1 Stewart lap and Ed. Munoey p A I N T I N G pUances nor elev tins ~ name of Anaheim Oii tbe day be-HID'tado cf ••r••• .. •-•••r•••"' 3 1 1 chapero the croup whic!t mc>- 12 Years Service In N.wport • 'nnt!ng and Manlcurtnc cope with the uta ,_ ••-1 · fore and ...,,.. knocked on their Albin l b .or ......... _ ...... 2 2 l tor«! to big dty for the affair. Harbor Ana Evenlni: AppL Pb. Harbor 179-W ''Whol~~~atlon m u,:;;;• • collect! .. cat-guts by the under· Pannier A ···z······-·· .. 7 · 3 0 3 Alter e awanllng ot achl~ Harry Hall Vi's Beautv Shop :;:' !, ~ f~Ues ":: doc Co!Onlsta. :;..4. Coen 2b ....... r .................. 2 o o ment ca1es to groups in tbe pAJNTING CONTRACTOR 1103 Cout Rlway, &.rona del Mar large quantltleL Thi> defeat at the hands ot Ana· -· - -Loi Anlj!les county reeton. tbe Phone Beacon 525~J 35-tfc "A re-t from Vienna dated helm. toge ther with their early-in-Tota.la ········-··-········-···30 4 9 gatherini spe-nt the remainder of Z74 E . 19th Street 24-ttc ------------.. -1 Feb. 12, reveals that 'lb~ are th~uon 1-to Santa Ana. vlr-Nowport •Harbor the evenili& danclni to the rhythm FOR A RELIABLE P aint J ob on _A_UTO __ s_EB_VJ_CE_______ rations ror three weeks'." Death tually knocks the ~ out of any Ward AB R HO of a fin~tra. ---5330 stalks through the atrttts ot chance for an undlaputed title. The Smi 2b .............. ........... 3 0 :.our home. call Beacon l().tf and ak unhindeftd fuu. best the local squad can do 19 to lb ........................... 3 2 2 ment Theft ' afttt 4:30 p.m. c NOW HERE Vl~abov: q.:'tat1on could. If it place ID a~:'."~ tie tar flnt-~eeai~rwpax c ........... r.·· 33 01 01 Dutch Heocock, local contractor il11alNE88 GUIDE lt had mentioned the m1111on1 of that Is If ~ avenges an ~ ....... r............... and buildler. Thunday mornina re-. in ered German eorUer defeat by the Saint>-3b ... r ................. 3 0 . 1 ported •~ theft to N ewport police SIGN PAINTING atarvtnc:ed ~-~~lu akl de y, which would find Harbor Anaheim Brown lf ·························· 2 0 0 or 15 b;!, or cement trom a con-Uberat ~ ..... ov a, prea-' Durkee cf 3 o o ~ ed Ollna and scores of other coun-and Santa Ana all with two kmel: Shat ························ stn.J.ctlon 'Job at Central and Se- Boats, Trucks. Windows Walls and Bulletins. Your authorized Ouysler- Plymouth Dealer. trles in Europe and Al.la. have aaalmt Utem. On the other hand. . e-r rf ·························· 3 0 1 ville ave ues, some time Wedne1- be<11 lifted trom a newwpaper of If the Salnb repeat their victory Robertaon lb .................. 2 o ~ day nigh!. Raised Metal. Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance today -but the quotation wu over the ~onlata, they will wind f-printed in the New]lOl't N..,. ot up u undisputed champo. Tot ala ···········z············.25 3 5 June 18. 1920 and the ortlcle wu lll:Allmlap 8aata Ana E IL E C T quoting ftom an addreu made by Cooch Wendy Pickens' ftnd of AB R H a Red crou official to a special the bueball season ll proving to Arm gatherin1 in the aftermath of an· be "little WUlle Smith" a transfer · andez 18 ·················· 2 O O I 38tfc COOPERATIVE Q ROOFING CO. Expert Mechanics Ke ndall and Quaker State olll other Great War. OU. year to Harbor. Smlth wu Brown 2b ························ 2 23 2 1 I brought up from the junior vanity Grou lf-p ························ 5 2 • Fouch e-lf ................. :._ ... 5 .. New and Repair Phone 875-M :ns E. 20th St.. Costa Mesa 20-tfc NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS New Mesa Shop Opens ~ ~ ~~~·;n J:'!..~ ~! ':': M1Far1an cf 7 •• 2 o o last two Innings and then played Pace lb ···························· 4 O 1 II 2616 W. Central Ave. BUILDING MATERIALS Costa Mesa's newest store. the s hortatop ror the Anaheim game. Mahoney J'C ·················· 5 1 2 Jr. Jack and Jill children's cloth-Against t he Colonists, he rapped Schmidt 3b-c ·················· 4 1 3 ing shop, opened this week at out two hits tar three at bats a nd Turley rl ·'························ 2 0 0 1761 ~ Newpor t boulevard, Costa then took the mound against Harris ss ···············--······· 2 3 1 Mesa . "'here there is plenty of Santa Ana the next day wher e Rice rf ······························ 0 2 0 HA VE 8 good stock of roll roofing fTee parking space ror shoppers once again he proceeded to hit Totals 33 1 i an<f Comp. Shingles. Tile Board Phone Harbor l 564-J who wish to browse around. There li ke he enjoyed it. With t)le bases N···························· 4 14 J in many colors. also Boysen's 38-tfc is a nice s tock of clo thing for. girls loaded in the third inning, Smith ewport Har~ R H , p . t war up to the age of 14 and boys up stepped up and cleaned the bases Snu'th cf 100% Pu.re aints a pre---------..,,..--::-:--to 6. In charge or the store are with a neat triple down the third I' ······················ 5 2 2 01 ' pric<S. Copeland Lbr. Yaros. 5th Have Surplus L1'sts F M dow. who comes from the •-·· 1· Th t h t . 1 Roberts 3b ...................... 4 o l & Artesia Sts .• Santa Ana. Cal. ay ea ' . UA:K: ine. e earn as cer atn Y Weatherwax c 5 O i I j 3'1-tfc The Newport Harbor Chamber Children's Shop of An.aheam. and needed a hitter t o help along some Freita f-................ 4 of Commerce in Balboa has re-Joyce Baker , former Atr Wac. better -than - a verage pitching by 8 wnglfc P -············· ····· 5 O 0 tii.AJNTINO CONTKACTOB ceived a number of feder al list· Ace Ralph Fr('itag a nd Smith's ~o f ····-· ··········-······· O 2 iAJNTING _PAPER HANGING ings on the amount of surplus All kinds typewriter ribbons in presence 1 in ~e li neup may do ~. a\~~~f 2b :···:::::··::::::::: ~ · ~ .g · &nd DECORATING goods now available for sale to stock at the News-'lirnes. some rea g · R. Ward ss .................. 1 2 1 1 H. E . McDon&}d the public. P ersons in ter ested are --.+---------BEAMourned Robertson l b ················-2 2 o l 4 14 Old Conly Rd., Costa Mesa asked to contact the chamber of· Offi ciating at the local ball H orrell 3b ........................ o o o i Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tfc fice. TIDE TABLES games has left much room ror irn-Mears rf . ··················-··· 1 o o MAY, lMe provement. It is the opinion of • HOftsER ATTOlllEY GENERAL WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD Hi"'h Low l-Ugh Low this depar tment that the locals • have lost a couple or ball games \V 15 9:06 2'69 8:%3 !:16 because or bum decisions. We Totals . .............. 32 7 Pl 6 WSES WALLET ged to serve 811 Coast Highway 101 • Phont1 Beacon M14 3.7 --0.3 5.5 .1.5 know that umpir es cannot be per- Th 16 9:44 3:32 8:50 2:S9 feet -they're huma.n -but that 3.5 --0.4 5.5 1.8 ract alone ought t o help them call Robert Thompson of 312 Santa F 17 10:29 , 4:06 9:18 S:Ol some plays right . ADa a venue, Newport Beach, re- • Aµ THE PEOPLE • All 11£ DIE • Anita Colby, "Queen ol the Cover Girls" and a qualified judge ol good portraiture is delighted with her ph<Jt.<>. graph by Bemiµ-cl of Hollywood. Yau will be equally pleased with your Personality Portrait. · MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT N OW • OW' stud.lo lD lbe Balboa Inn A rcade • now open &vel'J' Tnesday, Friday and Snnday. Hoor9 12 to 7 p. m. Sltunp by Appo!Dtmoat ()aly. ~ Lapna a-cb UU Phone Laguna 4MS Balboa Inn Arcade • lloorino uad ai-ee a,..n.lile 3.3 --0.4 5.4 2.1 BEAMINGS ported to police the loss of his SW 11 1 9 4 ~9~S~ ~~l n -a t~~·w~all~e~L==========~~~E~~~~~~~~~i ,F=======================~ 3.2 -0.3 5.2 2.4 sports affairs has per ked up. Quite ; ; Su 19 12:20 5:25 IO :I G S:,Gl a rew townspeople are turning out for Boa1a for !We . • -AA .... __ _._ for 8-t 3.0 --0.2 S.O 2·7 tor the tennis and baseball con-..--.uua ~ rh!ee an pl909d ln ordlW' at~ s b b ...... __ ... or lllOlltb. .. _... tests. . . . . pring foot all prac-y..., ..,.,_ Ll•hl nsurwt a. iu.; ...... ftSUl9 P. 9' tice starts this week at Harbor. ;~~;;~;;~;;:;;;:;~;;~:;~;;~;;~;;:;~~~~;;:;;;:;;;:;~;;;~;;;~~ .... Hanzal is the only returning fir st-string backfield man ..... Prospects are pretty much of a question mark. I Post War Prosperity Club Roster-Continued The full-art layout bf .Jack Undlltly, cowlloy artist, Is our way of 8flrV· Ing our ~with porlnyal& In proee and P""!lilt the face and life stories of our leading cltiaflnry. · OfUmM their -..ork ls reiterated for tht1 benefit of newcomers to the ....,.. and to remind "oldsters" of their oontrlbation to tht1 bolM'ng of the Harbor dl5trlet. N-races and tht1lr s&orlee glvt1 ''llKldog hbtorlee," displaying thtlm as -"' In oor mld8t.. Theodore Robins FORD DEALER ttH W.~ Pbone llarttor U ;t 't .t Stanl~~rden --te Brolil" y ... , -811' 11-811 ()oMt 1Dwa;J-PIL BN OOll 51.1' . .t .t .t C. F. Dennison a dsW wHll A.. "8AJ(DT' llTEINEa --1M Coed ~-· %51S £ £ ;t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL chrl;&n1s tfut MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy !HI~ FMe\.-ft. -5 . . ;t ;t .t GLADYS~ ---Beverley Realty Company 111 z. c-1nl-l'IL. BarMr 1'781 Peft 1a Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH BeM:on 6087--Costa MMA-1780 Newport BITd. .t .t £ Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room ~Grill) E&'l'8, D AND ROMANCE Pb. Barbor H"-4 H I Palm .t £ .t Burt R. N-orton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Pltoae Beacon 5111 llll eo..t, ~Kewport lleaet, Odf. £ ;t .t 0 . R. (POp) O'aw!ey-N. M . (-) O'awle7 Olatlnctlve Heme FUmloblnp . Crawley's Furniture WJ Newport. amt.~ Beacoa 0.- 0lota --·'In the H<Vt ot Town" .t .t .t 11. L VA1JGBN "I'mMod~~i:l~::IJn .. "'g""T •" ONl •--a. w. !fewpwl A.ft. ;t £ ;t Dutch Heacock BOID 111JIUll:a w IE. 11"'7 ..,_._..,_ ---111 •·•·· ....... £ ;t .t G.N.Wells Real Estate .... lier -1111 . 1 .... M•---... -n .. ~ .._ ~ FRESH. FISH Daily Direct from Fisherman -to- Custom er s 10a.m.to5p.m. ~ On the Beach F~ of Newport Plflr Slats -0 • Wood AWN I N'G S PAY FOB THEM8Jl'.l.Vl8 Freedom from upkeep and replacement expeme malts the first cost the last cost. --"--..... nca .... ...-,, .. " ............ _ SIATS -0 -WOOD Awlll!op More comfort! Pl!rmanent aood looks! Tallor<d to ftt the Ucbl· tecture ot YOUR bame! roa DllMA'ID PBONZOS WW • Slats -0 -Wood Awning Co. o10.-o ·w Tll ... nb R • LS'k •mt P 0:.. • --1 l~ ..... 'hll Ow ·- C.R. ST A A'.F M 0 0 R I N G SE' RV I CE .tt.t l Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Pa inted a nd i,ettered .t .t £ Phone:.Harbor 1~98-R ( for Prompt Se"1ce • Going to Build · This ' • HOME LOANS TO BUt, BUILD, · REFINANCE • Home ownership Is the goal of most American families. Everyone knows of its advantages. And one of the ·most important factors Ot home ownership is the proper fin- ancing. It DOES make 'a dlffl!r- ence WijE;RE you finance your home. Come in, discuss the low cost, convenient, quick action loans made by the First National Bank in Santa Ana. •• ' Co111P1ete Loan Senice 111~"1 \\1 1(>\\I 1;\\I, ·. .:: -..-'.; .... ' . ' ' . . . . . .... . . . ¥1 t1r P n al ·n; '' t m OlcpwaM u • • ' • . . • • • • , T I The Motivated Age Continu s On The Move -. , , ! • • ! • • ! , , , ! , • ~ I I I • U·ELl:Ol' Jesse L. Elliott ... h!lt SHERIFF ~-'· ;!; ;!; ;!; Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 111 ~-ft. ........ Mll Cloota -(Jallf ... ;!; ;!; ;!; A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Cio. FrfcldalJ'e ..... llQt:mc Derl'wl!M .. llU 1'191 N-port BmL--0oota -Oollf. ;!; ;!; ;!; John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance -' omee Ph. Barbor !OM SO! M.in 8--Bal ..... c.ru. ;!; ;!; ;!; F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIF"I'S OF ALL KINDS Ph. Harbor 21S2·.J !10! Ocean Front-Newport Reaell. Calif. ;!; ;!; t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Cioast Company nu W. Central-Ph. Ha.rbor 2600 ttt HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing l'Jtb a Oout Wpy-Pbone Beacon M50 ttt Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker Phones: Office. 11.ar~Res. Harbor 1669 noz w. Central Ave.-Newport BeM?b, Calli. t t t COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 104 E. Central Ave., BalboA-Pb. Harbor 24'79-.1 -n. Home of Cordiality" -G. B. Brader, Mc· ;!; ;!; ;!; J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Pb. Harbor 1242 15th at Central-Newport Beach ··0n Your Way to Balboa" ;!; ;!; ;!; Walter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer 4.11 Fenale9I Aveaae-Corona del Mar, CUit. Pb.. Harbor m -w ;!; ;!; ;!; Newport Engineering AssociateJI I r , FREDERIC J . SINGER. President Maaalac~n a 8aleli EDcineen 1%15 Coast Hlway-Pb. Beacon 606S ;!; ;!; ;!; . Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station I l - e j ' i ~ , "You Otto Bey from Boyd" 11100 W. Oeatnl-Nowport-Ph. -r 8M ;!; ;!; ;!; Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footweer fpr All the Family .. 1-N-pwt~M- ;!; ! ;!; FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Ciosta Mesa Paint & Hdw. l!lleririll-Wllllum Qaallty Palllt. Kelvlnator AppllalMM llM ~ 5'71&-J. Coata MeM. 184% Newport BmL ! ;!; ;!; Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPI'OMETRIST 1'111 N-rt llh-4.--0oota ·-Oallf. ..,,_.Beacon 6SlS • ! ;!; ;!; ~ Paul LOrenben Balboa Sportfishing Fleet Pll.. Barbor 531-Balboa Pa~• ;!; ;!; ;!; 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor UH~~ dol ..,, Oolll. PIL. Banor IS ;!; ;!; ;!; AL ANDERSON Fun Zone ..... ••• nazut ' ••• .,. N<Nc .. --....... ~ -........ _. -" "!lame -Auto Supply Stores" • I Distance Annihilated For Pie sure ·and Commerce Via Sea, Road o Air . . 613y "Doc" NELSON ·STAFFORD The romance and ClOIDDle""' of the - -Tboee COllCftJte JtJ>. '-tba& COIUleet every hamlet anddtyofoargrat~cobweb of l'Ollda tba& contribute to plelillDftl drivlD« and freight hanllnc- Oar !anc!lng fields wlt.b air trwport ph-for puoeapn and qnld< delivery of perlohallle oo~_trul.y OD the move. This period Shows an Intensity of plll'p<Me ID the dally ......_ -t of all theoe means of tnnsportation. 'l'be pa motor • blUIDg OD all "12" and m &bowing ~t lmprovemMt ID each step. 'l'be pa motor dependa upon electridty to fnncUoD-Withont It NO 00! Electrldty with ID-Oct.ane pa and proper lnbrlcaUOD wHh that flDely attuned motor 811ftlly umlhllates dlstan---whether OD lan.d, -or ID the air. , . Men of sclenee and Ingenuity are the "bacl<-logs" for all tlth • SALE-R OF BOATS -~~ ; . ' . ,. , ... -.. .. , Curt W. Bohman Curt W. Bohman, owner of the Bohman Co., 901 Coast highway, was born in Minneapolis, Minn., 32 years ago, and at- tended ci ty schools and the University of Minnesota. He came to California for the first time in 1934 and two years later came to stay, enrolling for a business engineering course at U.C.L.A. Boats have always been an interest, particularly power boats and he has owned five, two on the lakes of his native state and three since coming to Newport Harbor. This love of boats was the stepping stone to his present business, for in 1944 he purchased the Peyton Co. interests, changed the name and has speciallze<t in maintenance and re- pairs on all kinds of boats, power or sail, big or little. He has 30 employees and a payroll of $75,000 a year. Jesse Hinsley as yacht broker and his son Drug Hinsley, who is in charge of reconditioning, are chief assistants. Music is one of Bohman's hobbies and he plays both the piano and organ, having played in orchestras and with show troupes. Other hobbles are fishing, golf and fast cars but he has little time to devotl! to these pleasures. He lives on Balboa Island with his wife, Marian, and son Gary. - their lldMUflc delving llM perf . motors, pa, oil wl eledalcal eq..._t wl !M*aP.U-and ... tllMe ""glllbel'I ...... looldwg far ID .av....., for fnrtber lmproveiiest. for oar ever-power-m!DcW world.'lbere are two dominating r.Lto.s ID all Ui1D111 pertainlq to tllMe advaacemeDta one Is art-D.chanlcal u wdJ: u deconfive. Your auto, boat, home ~ud electric equipment~ Is •eeted. ID fad, all ll'Od~ uje dependMt npon aria IUld craftB. Then COllMlll the """" p. H th-~nnlta and we"' not mechanically and arUaUeally -en red, y s1reamllnfld and ID&p y ID color 11Cbeme1 o s.ier& art and llelllDt: go hand In ::f to a never..,ndlag advancement ID . moUvatea age. SELLER . . .. ' • , - Dennis Hogland, Dodge and Plymouth dealer of 1760 New- port Boulevard, Costa Mesa, is ~ually well known as a business man and as a golfer, for he islone of the top ranking players -at Santa Ana Country club and has won numerous champion- ships. He was born in Hugo, '*1a .. but left there at the age of six. The family spent two yeat1> in Phoenix, then came to Cali- fornia and has lived in Orange q:runty 25 years. His father was a golf course architect and foreman in constructing them, so Dennis literally grew up in theEe. Dennis went through high school and Santa Ana Junior college. He worked as an tomobile salesman for three months and then opened his oWll business, handling used cars, at his present location. 'IWo y~ars later he became authorized Dodge and Plymouth dealer an<! has handled these popular cars for 10 years, offering a compl~ sales and selVice business for the Harbor area. He believes'?.ii a big future for Costa Mesa and is past president of the ~ber of commerce, charter member of Lions, and memberiof Motor Car Dealers Assn., of Southem California, and of fut Automobile Club of Southern California. Dennis, wis wife, '§irginia, and children Leroy and Diane, Jive at 265 Broadway, O>sta Mesa. -;!; ;!; ;!; Thomas F. Norton NELSON f~~e~ERALD LIBERTY Et8-Hokin & Galvan ''CHUCK:'' SMITH-new owner Balboa Central Market (WM BalboaM .. t Marbt & Dolle&-) '708 L Oentral--Ph. Harbor %729 ;!; ;!; ;!; ' . Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino C~e & Cocktail Lounge -%OZ Main S treet Balbea-l'IL Barbor 1•1111 ;!; ;!; t Howard W. Gerrish llAS'lTOJU> 1'IllS IN8UBANOI: CO. ~ BMCOll 5151 lM N~ -.-,. -Oolll. ;!; ;!; ;!; DON NORMAN Norman's Meat Market -°""""" A-ft. --;!; £ ;!; Bob c.ailis -·-M•••. nm (n.DNG BOP" OWW) 111 !lllll at.-N..,..-& ft. ...,.._ 797 Prop. BAY SHORJi CAFE ...._. Beeeoe &'716-lTa a Oou& BlW'&J" SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. ;!; ' ;!; A. (Sandy) Steiner REALTOR C. F . DENNISO!(. Amoclate -(lout~---5171 ;!; ;!; ;!; DAMIA WPl'IEN. MUllaer Orkin~s Deertment Store ~w..,._H~r;-.,.., Goodl ~ Be· C4ll 5'7U Im CM lleu1: of. CloRa Ilea ltt Bob Allen COUNCILMAN l'nlp. 8 411M>4 lllLUfD VAWll ll'IOaAt ''' VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleei> by the Seli" 1911 Muwpwt ..._ -o-e. .._ SPORTLAND-BOWLING-PA VIUON Newport ii · San Francisco • Wllmlngton San Diego • Stockton ' ELl'..CI'IUCIAN8 IOOI Cout Blvd. Ph. l a 55!! ~· ~ ";' -50U·W : Mary's Bay & ~~ an~~hoppe 108 E. cL!tn.1 Balbom.-PIL Barbor 1988-.1 'lbru the Barber Shop ' ;!; ;!; ;!; ~rad~~~ch . j Finch Cenm.ics · ~-I. ;!; ;!; ;!; ~&6a~~ ... fu .-r :ioir .. -""•"'" ~ •-.,.,.. am '"r~: ;!; ....... - Dr. W. T. Moone:v CliN and SUR.GllO!f ....... 0-tal --(:IHlr.wolw) ti BAL8oA ....-•wo L P.&'l"'PPBON ad b ... lllA Patterson & Boyle ... ··-... .-... '1115 --ta A.a Mt Ooolot Ill..: N--.n. I~ ;!; ;!; ! Capt. B. J. McNally ll<INllllJ'O • Balboa Boat Livery 71111:. Bay Ave.--l'llL -- ;!; ! ;!; Dr. Cionfad· Richter Oootz-Phone Beci ~ 5015 .1 .. 1&-,e ,,-J ;!; ! ;!; Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Calli. ;!; ;!; ;!; Geo. Weiss L. Elaine Wela Cioast Properties Cio. Realtors 70S E. Central-Balboa-Ph. Barbor - ;!; ;!; ;!; W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe %W Place--Newport ;!; ;!; ;!; Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Pb.. 11.&rbor M-SOl Main St. ;!; ! ;!; Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods Phone Harbor %01 • llOl Cout: Dlghway-Newport Beacb, <Wit • ;!; ;!; ;!; -ALLAN DARTFORD · The Blue Sails Bookat StaUonery, C&nla,. Art Supplle9 S08 M&l.n St.-Balboa-Ph. Harbor 61'8 ;!; ;!; ;!; Robert E. Arvin's .Jeweleni and Watchm•keni ue Tweoaty·-st ... t Newport Beach,, Calli. ;!; ;!; ;!; Wll1lam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECTS M. E . Nledecker, Sec. & Treas. 1%15 Cout mway-·Newport Bcll.--Be&oon 54115 ;!; ;!; ;!; Walter E. Tipton FOR SHERIFF "ITS TIME FOR TIPTON" VOTE JUNE 4TH ;!; ! ;!; J.E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Windsor Ill l!J. Oelalnl • 917 Ill. Oela- -Ph. Barbor as s-. OOllf. ;!; ;!; ;!; Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES w-. w-. w-. .... 8twel ....... ;!; ;!; ;!; ANTON HERSHEY M;;'k:tsPot Ph. Barbor 1000-Balboa lalaad ;!; ;!; ;!; Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Ciompany ~--·--... ~ mpwa7-N-rt -OOllf. ;!; ;!; ;j; ROBERT H. REED Harbor Ciold Storage ,.._ Baa.or ·"' • IOllr. St.-New1Wrt ... ,,.. •• .._, Oallt. ;!; ;!; ' 'Jack S. Fred V. Raub & Bennett · ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS IMJfw ... &B-.1,_. ..... ··-••• w. Ofilia --' ' ;!; £ T.LD'EVRE "Frendlle'tr P.rbccae &: Delleatrlir .., ..... '1911 ..... Aa Gr , , , , , , , • , , , , • , , , • • , • • • - - ii . . ----. • ... -... - -~' • -• ~ -.. - ' • -WHWfMIJIOA Maw IL 1911 '-. " • • n SALE ~w • BOA.TS. 811ft'Llll:8 a sr&JC1••· ANJ11o0x"'ijiMun ~ ~--~·~·:.·~-~1~.,~""~----_:'~,~·:·:•:L~~~n:~-----'::' •''· wruw _., •••. _..,. i • LOST-Left OD L. A. bm or In • Electrical ~~~f·!:;,ill~ H~:: ~~~~ J. M. MIL [ ER . *-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REALTOR-LI* L08T .um romm Ferry station at Balboa. brown Repair Service -t.e dellwry. Other mad-Santa Ana. llall Sa •Ice. 3'-8t<> Real EBtat.e Bn: er 1664 Newport Blvd "'""''eel -. ....,....s name on A""''a"""" Home. Moton a. els IOOft -dlnahies. 11&!1-ts. FOa mT ' '1 15th and Centi' l --0---0y leaf. can Harber 1449-M, or ..,.. ·-~-te -·--bou~ -"·-and __...._ Marine Senlce. ~ ~~ ~ ~~·• ..........-FOR n ~--1~-·~ ft. lot ID . write Box 511, BaJboa Island _....,_ n.c.i,. .I. WA'MV 11.ewud. 38-2tc Attention. Plastic Watettraft Co. Mind• ~ nev Greybound OUR BEST BUY LOST, ~ ·-~-by m1ata1<•. biih .Phs .. ~ 4111 E. eentra1. Be1boa statlOD. for display or other _.tr Balboa Home Lido Isle ~ ~ Phone Harber 2673 38-ltc pooe. Ph: Harber 212. 38-c ~ sebool notebook and green bath 2818 Central 32-tfc w•-_ .......r a Very clean; 2 bedrooms; large One c the Dl08t attractive, towel from Balboa Ferry wait-FOR SALE-Boat "Seven Seu." ~·-·~ _, ~ fumlsbed homes Inc ,,.;..,,. Please .... turn ID Boat RUG "' UPHQU!TERY CIHJllns. New Qirysltt ~tor. t().ft. """' WANT-2-bdrm. hoUle. bay front. lot. Neer South bay front. in !hef_~_!'19'-Beaut!- . ' _..tor at Ferry. 38-ltc Rup sized. shampood, deaned. all clean for Mes. 3 toaa. Holds 1 month, July, Aug. or Sept. Immedlat.e 11"69 ss!on. tull~ ~ Ready to ~tch-on~: .. ~:.~.,.~ ~~~ua~~-~~~~1~.· L.~ = collect Glendale, ~~ Full Price, $15,500 mF 11 p . ~"5 ()()() Y.C.. alllo keys. Phone N..... ORANGE COUNTY • ..... 16!!0 Newport Blvd., Mon.. WANT TO RENT-4 s beclrm. Terms •. nee~ • Times Harbor 12. Howard. TENT a. AWNING CO. Thurs. Fri. after 5:30 p.n1. ~ I • Terms • -•tc . 37-4U: unfumlal>ed house. -· ~ 614 W. 4th SL, Santa Ana. • Call Sam -at Hartd 'lffl = Mr. Benedict. 1!189 ~: Fire Equipment Tests or 13( ~trc Balboa Island Home B r 1tH C-O-TWo. Pyrenea.Foam rdllla. WANTED TO RENT-4 or a .bod-Inocme prnwo,-tiy· choice loca-y roFumlshed.n omePler EMPLOYMENT . WANTED u Fire Plaoe and Klndlln& CO fixed system and Portabl8 room house, fumiab<d. for 2. 3 -....-' · 4, Be~OOIDS. che(.. or cook.' wife u helper. W 0 0 D now available. or 4 woeJcs, Island preferred. tion. Modem, and in first and fkfat. · Phone Beaooa 5240. 37-2tp Dellwred ETS HOKIN"' GALVAN Mn. Smith, 10'18 s. Qcdell Dr .. claas coodltioo throughout. J.Dimediat.e Poss; sloo 1 WA.NnD-Employment for man H. W. WRIGHT 1000 Cout HllhwaY L.A. 315. Phone oollect WBltney and wife, ranCb. 1'9taurant. or Pb. Beacon 6666 Ph. BeaCOD 5522 73-tfc -. 3Z-8tc -and yard work. Uve In or 1'1114 Newpo<t Blvd. S-tfc llUDOAL a LU>IO H WANTED TO RENT 2-bedroom • Balboa Peninsula I ot $3000 out. Phone: Harbor 1643-J or call --....,,.='"'"==-===::---1.KNABE Grand Piano. walnut cue. beach~ for stunmtt mootbl at 309 Undo Ave., Balboa. ORANGE COUNTY Famous Knake tone. Aloe Weber only. Mr. A. M. Yourman. P . 0 . ~tc UPHOLSTERING CO. Grand, Sohmer, Sdniltz. And Bax 70&, Caleldco, Calif. 3Mtp ------...,..,-...,-,,==~-=--~ Manufacturen Phone Your Lis1 ngs In EMPLOYMENT WANTED-Two Of Upholster'ed Furniture many oth..-famous male ... WAl'O' TO RENT-One or two girls want part time housework. U3 W. 4th l!L, Santa Ana DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., bedroom bouoe-or apt. Perman· and we will give them _ . _. , cooslderatlm Dollar an hour. Phone Harbor Foctcry and Showroom 520 No. Main, Santa AM. enL &!boa. Vet.enn and wife. ·900 between 12 and 2. 38-ltp S04 w .. t Cent..-SL, Anaheim 38-tfc Ref~ceo. can Harbor 537-R. DIPl.ODIENT one•• 0 WANTED only Experienced Yacht Painters and Boat Builders See Mr. Petty SOUTH COAST CO. II CHAUFFEUR WANTED -Forty doll.an per week and room. No nlaht work. Six ~ a week. Garden. Own car neceuary. Write Box J , c/o News-Times. - 34-tfc BOAT BUILDERS WANTED ... Plywood Skiffs and Sailing Dingliies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS 'Y.ATSON BOATS till CloMt mpway Bubor S2'l7 . . 1. ' • Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect =FO=R'"s=A7"'1E=~--:::---.-=.:-tadlo-:;:. =:-ph::;::ono-::::-1-----==-...,,.~-=---:----tp 12-tft K1'Ph. abort wave, automatic WANI'ED--G or 7 room house or J. M. MILLER ---:Just--Arri:---:-,ved-,,.---~ ~~· $125. 212 ~ ::.~~ ~~~ ~= Newport Beach • Ph. Harbor '~tc ......, a-rtng AJd FOR SALE-Small uprl1bt studio Uftlted In buylnc If reuonable. ---------------i'---------- 15th & Central • BA TTERIES piano, walnut finish, splendid Phone Santa Ana 4286. 36-4tc -Drq Co. condltl0n, $150. 212 AmethYst. APr or SMALL HOUSE wanted 117 Main S t. Ph. Harbor 515 Balboa Island. 38-2tp by man and wife. We do not 90-tfc STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahoe· drink or smoke. no children or ---A.,.-uto--::B:-a-:tte-n...,·'"e_s__ any cue. Beautiful tone. Med-pets. Phone ~t.a Ana 0991-W ium size. DANZ. SCHMIDI' or write Box 'X' Newport Bal- 18-month -$8.45 Ex. 01"1 PIANO CO.. 520 No. Main. boa Nem-Tlmes. 37-tfc Compounded Motor Santa Ana 38-trc BOOM a BOABD H Gallon. 70c Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd .. Co!ta Mesa 23-tfc VENEMAN BLINDS-Aluminwn, steel, wood. Call us for tree esti- mate. Renovation & r efinishing. So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., West 18th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-WANTED-Board a. room, single, Now ~at additional competent employed veteran. Ph. Harbor techniClanJ are avail.able, we are 987 _ 38-2tp able to make service calls on --·---------large consoles. All work guar-':"u:~·~•·:_:D~T~A~n:~ _____ ..::4::1 anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S.0.S. Rad.lo, 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc Radie Repairs All makes: tubes. etc. A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Ass0ciates Phone Beacon 5102-M COSTA M~SA 2 Bedrooms, frame house, hardwood floors, stucco interior. Available nciw. ' Located on Short Street, dose to Arches I $9000. Term's ---§:--; ' H U B P 0 WE R S, AG E N T Phone Harbor 62 W J. A. Beek 0 l f ice Ferry Landing Balboa Island 38-ltc REAL VALUIB 38-tfc Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON Newport Heights -· Cozy I-bedroom home, furnished, 1-bedroom home, large lot. Good Bi boa Island Hnme 2 bedroom. Furnished. $11,000 FOR SALE-Silver Fox fur and 915 Coast l:Dghway, Newport China Mink coat. Good oond. 23-ttc Call Harbor 117. 38-ltp SEE the new style world famous FOR SALE--Bfeak.fast set, table upholstered pianos. Many colors and 4 chairs: &-foot venetian to choose from at DANZ- blind: green & white high kit-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. chen stool. Call Harbor 549-W. Main St., Santa Ana. We also 38-2tc rent pianos. 38-tfc . . . J . -, incl. Electrolux retr., table top district. stove, etc. Neat and clean and $5,900 you can move right in. Garage _ & workroom. Lot 100' x 127' · New 2-bedroom home, 80o/o com- Sewer in and connected. Sev-pleted, on l acre. Nice level eral fruit trees. Price onJy ground. A buy at only $7850 $6,750 • 2-bedroom home, hwde. and tile, 7 yrs. old, good location. Only $7,950 3-bedroom home, Jl'i acre, good soil. Close to everything. good district. Chickens and rabbits. Good income. Includ. gas range and refrigerator. $8,850 or will sell house and lo t. less stock for $7,960 This is reaJly a good buy. ' ~ .. • 1 cean Blvd. Lot $3 ,000 Bay Front Lot Goo< Location. PriJ<d to Sell. Small Houses On [:..ot Zoned for Business $10,600 I -W. L. JORDAN 70i) East Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 36-tfc FOR·# by Owner, below mar- ket rice-good 2-bedrm. house on 1 th St., near Ne~rt Blvd, Cost Mesa. Zoned for business. A gdP<i SJX>t for tourist courta. Lot ils 300 feet deep. lrnmed. poss~ion. Price $8950. Call at 1653flrvine Ave. 38--3tc -- ~ beach home; 2 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom are lower stciry. Upstairs: living room, 15x27 has wiob- structed OOl!llJ1 view; upper sundeck, 6x27. Hardwood ftoors thruout. Newport Beach. Partly furnished. $8500, terms. Quick pcssessim. CORNER Yi ACRE RANCHO NEARLY NEW, 2-bedroom stucco, large living room. kitchen very modem. Guest house, garage, chicle. and rabbit equip., corral. Corner lot, 66'x330'. Street paved all around Close in East side. Space for 2 or 3 more homes. Price $12,500. Tenris. --' LIDO ISLE HOME 3 BEDROOMS & DEN, large living room, ftreplace, large !fining room and kitchen Elaborately tumlshed in good taste. Has complete baths_on each ffoor. Three and one-half lots or 105'x100'. Completely walled with steel reinforced concrete 6 ft. high. Two patios with barbecue pit; wan- derful sun deck, top of house; uµobstructed view of ocean and bay; rose and ftower gar- den beautifully landscaped, also has green house. Price $.'l:i,000. Terms. NEWPORT BL VD. CORNER 3-Bedroom, den & sun room; 10-nn. house. Living room 20'x21' with fireplace, dining room 20'x20'; large kitchen with bulltins elaborately installed. Ven. blinds, carpets, drapes and curtains. Lot 132'x255'. Comer all fenced with redwood in concrete; Sleep- ing cabin. pool & barbecue. Fruit in baclc yard. Pri?' $21,500. Terms. TWO-THIRDS ACRE RANCH 2-BEDROOM. 5-room house on Santa Ana Ave. Knotty pine walls; partly furnished; new Kelvinator re frig.; 4-burner stove, 2 beds, occasional chair. -$4450. Terms. CLIFF DRIVE 6-ROOM HOME, ocean view Wlobstructed, all-redwood house, good foundation, newly redec. inside and out. Sun room overlook- ing ocean. Price $13,000. Terms. ---OPEN SUNDAYS::.-- . --0--- *-FRANK P . JOHNSON -REALTOR-* 1664 Newport Blvd. 38-ltc FINEST VIEW LOT ON BALBOA ISLAND --101-- OVERLOOKING ENTRANCE TO BAY ---jD1--- HAS 70' FRONTAGE ON SOUTH BAY AND 89' FRONTAGE ON EAST BAY FRONT. FORMER LOCATION OF BAL- BOA Y ACIIT CLUB. $36,750 ·WE NEBO LATE MODEL CARS and Will PayTopJ:i.icce ' : TftI, YOUR CAR "NOW "«z Prfa. &19 RP .Aian. tiir ... aawtu w ~.,._~can a!ld 11 k1 :raa· I 'u OP& •IS'•lh • ..Y"'I ~....... .. ..... 1 Jl t ~ an.~ -'!f':'\f!!! ~w -·-· '>11,Ms I rtB ~. 1!110 1· Ma· • - -- •, .\ ' 1 ; / • • -I JGWriM"'PM- • 1 :;;,~·~::~;~·~--:Harbor . em1n1ne . ct1 it1es:.:::;.=~:~~~~~ .and Mrs. D. J . Doclge, Coota Mao. siX weeks' trip through the East, Phones 13 end 208 By Winifred Barbre Phone 1637-R fork, ciau.t.ter ot Wiliam B. Park, Helchts. held open -~ for all their children were a:ath-vislt:inc hil parent. in Oarksbu:rg, . attmw$~~~· Diamond avenue, evmlnc when they·entertained fer ett<t arounc1 tor the nnt t1methe1n w. v ... and her ponnta 1n Ham-Newport He ig hts Lad Chqrch People Now Harbor Scouts Atd Cub · uts Have Ba1'-~to J'*llb o.u Nor-Mr. and Mra. H""owvd Llcbt o1 daughter Dorothy and her bus-Buffalo. N. i .. ohil>. and 0ntar10. Cele rates tr n vacations tn ast res yter1an ospt a fl; eet rt ay o.u --o1 1:.o1 AnaeJes. The their dall&l\ter, Mn .. Wllllam 11 .,. _,,., years. There was ... llton. Ontario The)' aloo Yislted In b Th ' d 0 'ii . . E p b . H 't I De t' F 'd ~~ fll llr. -Mo:s. F.dward Lana!nc. Mich .. Who .,.. vloltlnc band, LL Comdr. Byron B. John-Canoda They had nice weather Bt'rthday Anniversary --i aq,i. will be marrial In June ·Donald, Balboa. FI"-" from the oon and their three children: also all durin& the trip they ttported. Rev. and Mn. Perry Schrock AU C1Jbo and Boy Scouta of the The; joy Pack meet of Den 105, upOii · -plotlot1 ot Mia Park's garden ot the hostess ,.,..,.. Uoed a.riot.her dau&hter, Betty A.dams~ Since returning th°ey ha\•e moved . . . ' or Corona del Mar Community Harbor area are sellin& tickets Cub ts, will be held Friday cadet 111111'9e,. trainiri& at Hunting· for decorations and buttetl re-- I Loe ~eles. and Donald ~ge jr. from 16th and Placentia avenues, A beautitUJ. pt~ cat!e b:t~ church are taking their vacation for a motion picture •how to be evenirlg at 7:30 o'clock, In the toa_ Memartal hospital, Pasadena. treahments were terVed. and hi. wife and \}u"ee children Costa Mesa to 502 31st street, wh1te doves cente t e in June and expect to attend the given by P~t Pictures at the Ne""'P{> Beach Grammar school Mr:t NOnnan WU a pharmacist'• 1bose prew:nt included Mr-. and or Long 13each. Newport. &h-. Norman Ls owner of and the ~h c~:~ ~.:1: meeting of the general council of high .tehool auditorium on the audit and in addition to mate ia the U. S . Navy. Mn. c H. We9C!Ott of San Dieco. Commander and Mrs. Johnson the meat market at CotUe'1 East to~d ~ stf br ~ h. erblrthda Congree-atlonal churches at Grin evening of May 23. Proceeds will the program of skits . Messrs. and Mesdames R. c . C>Wen~ • have been living in San Bruno, e rt Ric~ ce e at JS Y nell college, Iowa. They are leav-be •ven by the boys as their there be movies shown b~ Mr. Ca . , W .Herbert Ford. Wesley R. Fowler, whett he -public workll offie<r, N wpo grocery. anniversary ~~6· wH:U~~ Ing the Jut" of May and will vlait contribution to the Presbyterian Culbertfon and the nelf chart« thOhC Omen to Hut.Id Gius, Fred Woodwortl!, L. but he bas now been trans!erred son of Mr. an · · · . • relatives In Nebruka. llllnois and holpltal fund and they hope the will be!preoent..i. M~t in Orang·e · H. Ferguson: Wllllam McDobald. to Seal Beach and the family is \ Fer quick resu.lt:1 Ulf! News-409 Clay street, Newpc:>r:;_t ~ig~ Ohio before going to the eefteral public wUJ support the project. Den Mothers wtlJ meet Thurs-~ . Howard Ui:ht and the host and looking for a home tn that vicinity.! nine. ~ col:umnl. and sev~ )'OWlg lnvi~ed f council which will be June "18-26. It will be a fUll lenath I.how day~·ng, May 16, at the home hostess. p;;,;;;;;;;,,;;;,;.;;,.;,;;;~~.;;;,;;;_,;;....;;.;, ___________ _,,l thelr mo were or a During Mr. Sch.rock's absence with a travelogue on Old Mexico, of , . K 0 . Boyvey to make A. mft'ting of the Orange Coun-1 ::===========::; noon Jun~ to help celebrate the Rev. James H . Batten, mem--a film showing the Tournament of pl~ -·t"" a party to be given the ty ~. of Catholic Women I. the occasion. h Id . the 1 ber ot the board or deacons ot the Roses, a current news feature OJbs •t the end of the school wU1 be be.Id Kay 23 at 12:30 p.m. T..:ft.Je M l"-le. Now Open. ·. ''!"'· /adz aJ, Jdt II CHILDREN'·S SHOP 1761 l Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • Located in the Former Greener Bldg. GIRLS Wants to 14 SUMMER SPECIAL BOYS -- Infants to 6 • Just North of Woman's Club House in Costa Hesa • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING $1.95 ' See Us AbQut HOME II CHURCH WEDDINGS Be Sare to IDqalre About. Copyblg Old Portraits - T!i,• party wu e '" ':ge churdl, will occupy the pulplL and the main picture will be termsft to plan prizes for CUbo In "the .... ball Gt the Cbutch. .L'!-... \Jill sun-room :t there ~ere :':: Othen: fn>n1 the church who are "Jeep Herders", a thrilling Wes-telling the mc:.t tickets ·to the of the Holy Funily, 515 Eut ~ ....._. ... ta ..... for John and avoresk 0 cay t " b away are the clerk, Mrs. Andrew tern story in full color. bospi. benefit motion picture OM1••e lltrttt, Oranpo. Reser-1 .._. te ma& 1 balloons mon eys on s ic Densmore and her husband who show t be presented at the high vations tot the harbor area lhould ten: drthe guests. Lun:"°"t for~ have gone for a summer i~ the Ebell Drama Sectio n schoott'' uditorium May 23. be made With Mn. cOun BroM1, 50( Coast Boulevard chi! en WB5 serv a desert and mountains and Mr. and Had en Chapman Harbor :aoca.R and muat be In by o.-deJ - edGat cart,= T Kl h Illinois, Pennsylvania and New . . Eng gement Told · . tables and the mothers we<e seat-Mrs. Grupe who .,.. visiting 1n Luncheon Gu<:sts -~~ay:::l~&.~:::=====·===~===~~~~~~==; uests ommy ec • England . Mrs. Q. T . Johnson entertained Johnny Porter, Peg~ Ann Rein-members of the Drama section of Mr. lnd Mrs. Edward T. Chap- ert and Roberta Str~: ~es.~m;• Church Choir Ha s 'h• Ebell club Friday at her home man, $Js Ocean boulevard. Cor- M. Reinert, Dare, C. · or J ·· 21 t •~t Mn Roger Wood ona del I.tar are announcing the R be t St · Co mbe and Frank D ' p on s s ..... '""" · · . Kf r raJn, u inner arty assisted her in serving the deli~t-enge,geinept of their daughter ech. The choir of Christ Church by fu1 buffet luncheon, and members Patricil 'to Robert Clifford Had- Mrs. Herman Hansen of Han- sen's Confectionery left last week for Seat.tie where she will spend a week u•ith relatives. the Sea held a party Thursday enjoyed seeing Mrs. Johnson's den, s<ii · of l\lr. and Mrs. Robert evening before practice, enjoy· unique a nd luxuriously furnished J . Ha4ten, 219 Ashbourne drive, ing a spaghetti and hamburger hOme. South rasadena. dinner. Hostesses were Mrs. C. F. Present and making plans for 1'~1 Chapman attended New- Hand. Mrs. J . K . Elliott and their this ne""'cst of Ebell sectk>ns were port 11~bor, Union High school ------------:I assistants, Miss Craig and other ?o.lrs. lofary McBride. new club and LOng Beach Junior college. tadJes of the choir. Beautifu11 president. and Mn. Victor Grace, At ~rdent s})e is one ot the junior roses brought by Mrs. A. J . Rut-1 retiring president : Mrs. Florence deco:mat,f>rs at Bullock's store. Los ter were used for decoration and Morris, section chairman, and the Angelef. Mr. Hadden is now at- 22 members were present. Mesdames Robert Allen, Harold ten'clinli Occidental college, after NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Statioaery Ahrendt. Harry Carr, John Daniell, servin~with the Army Air corps. Local GI. rls t'n C. M. Deakins, Doans, Margaret The t families have an associa- Oearborn, S. Heyman, G. B. tion long standing for Mrs. FDJC Musical Gookens, Al Horvath, Dorothy Cha~ and Mrs. Hadden were Brookings V arieiY" .. 0-. ..,,. 0--..... NEW ONE-AND '!WO-PIECE PASTEL WOOL JERSEY DRESSES FINE FOR GRADUATION. COLORS: ROSE. LIME. BLUE. GOLD. SIZES 9 TO 15. NEW BLOUSES 1N DRESSY CREPE AND TAILORED STYLES WHITE AND COLORS -SIZES 32 TO 44 crhe Frances Norton Shop Three local girls took part in Levering, H. V. Snodgrass, A. friends1during their girlhood days the performance of "Say It With Pearl, Wood and Johnson. in Min6eapolis. ~o date has been "6 ~ad and Broad.way Bide. Music," prese~ted Friday evening . set fJr the wedding. /L _ _.::._ ____________________ __, ~ * $portrwear Santa Ana by the music .department o( Fu!-Balboa Circle Clears '--.----- lerton District Junior college, vu-$·115 at Ba zaar Yo fnends and minf I T • s A N H 0 N 0 R • T 0 H • v ' •. B •• y gtnia F ernandes as a member of · j the cast and Jeanne Ann Gerrish . . Miss ~abetll ~.Ptedp o!h San. Frhan- and Diana Margwarth as dancers. Spring flowC'rs in various shades c1sco ~n . Y v1s1 er nep e°'!' -===--==---------------------a nd crepe paper streamers made and t\ts wife, Dan and Gloria I "With Grateful appreciation to our many friends for a most successful year just concluded. Donna • Marie Shoppe 515 North Main Arcade Bldg. Sa.ota Ana Bath Towels and Wash Clothes Martex and Cannon Orkin's Department Store l '19S Newport Blvd. Costa M- • Announcing . a pretty decoration for tables al Place, .flini~g ~th them at their the luncheon of Balboa Circle and charmmg hillside home in Corona the fifty gut"st! were enthuSiastic del My. She also visited a niece, about the menu of turkey su-Mrs. &\'a J . Goepp in Long Beach preme. made by Mrs. E. A. Bar-and ho~ t? see t~e latter's three nett, the salad, cake with choc-sons. ~ch 1n a ditfer<.>nt division olate sauce and the hot rolls made of the service--the merchant ma- by Mrs. \Veath('rford. Fifty peo-rine. army and navy. pie attended the luncheon and \Vi lllam and Dorothy Dalye, bazaar. where many attractive Margu1 rite avenue, Corona del articles were on sale. and the. sum M ft last week in their car o~ Sl 15 wa.s cleared xas where they will visit Mrs . Deakins, Judge At Flower Show Mrs. C. M. Deakins. 306 Alva- rado street, Balboa, county chair- man ot Gardens. was j udge at the Huntington Beach Garden club Oower show last week, and re- ported it a very lovely event. -ALLMARK CARDS Graduation , and Father's Day v-:: Figurine& Lampe :: Oostume Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop Zl02 0.-. Front We Wrap Gifts alye's sons John, Rudolph car Lewis, and her daugh- ter, f\, • Margaret Novak. They expecti to be gone a month. Mr., nd Mrs. Bert Clevidencc of Bever Hills spent a recent week end a their Seashore Drive home. HIS WEEK " MAGIC MIST ....__ L1 DO CTRIC CO. Another Modern Factory District the Bay • m VENETIAN BLINDS "From Factor1 to Consumn:_" Aluminum -Steel Wood We Will Also Do Renovating and Refinishing VISIT OUR NEW. ~ODERN PLANT OR CALL US FOR FREE MEAsuRE- MENT AND ESTIMATES Sollth Coast Ve•etiu Bflad Co. W..t I8Ut Miil Newpu.i A- Pbaa t: Bl9eom 5355-W ~=:·=·•;•:.• -UM fw ~· ........ .... .. ·---~•Pl•'•* .. J:llDI. ... RJI, D.O. n.c. 10'7 ·Did lltieet • • .. Olllf.. FOR THE g %fiecltJnl <JJtolM4 ·-1.'t.4 W. 4111 St PASADENA 21 llf-O _ 11 ~ -· ,.,_ PIL '6888: LONGBE4CH· ....... ,,._ ........ .,. --~----~-----------~~· I •