HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-16 - Newport Balboa News Times• I THE SAND CRAB 97 SAM y oTE T O DAY! Three school districts in the Harbor area will vote Friday (today) on expansion pro- grams, and while little oppo- sition has been heard, a large vote should be cast to indl· cate the public's willingness t h a t th e improvements should go forward. Harbor High is voting on a four-year pay-as-you-go plan to give a series or installations over that long a period, and Prin· cipal Davidson says that is a splendid way to have the work perfonned at the least expense to the taxpayers. Newport Beach Grammar school is asking for $160,000 for new work and Costa ... Mesa . is appealing for $180, 000 worth of badly needed l buildings. Pollin" places have been established at three places in the district: one at Newport Beach school. one at Corona · del Mar school and the thir<I at Costa Mesa central school. People vote in all three for the High School plan, but must come r rom their re- spective precincts, w h I I e beach voters must go to the school nearest their precinct (see detail~ box elsewhere in this issue.) This ap- plies also to people In Corona de! Mar and Balboa Island. Voting for school trustees wUi also be held. The Ameri-can Legion Harbor Post. ~ tary club, Olamber of Com· men:e and P.T.A. have en· dorsed the H. S. program. ~' folks. tum out and · e your support to a badly n development! + + + Dr. Solland. One or the f"mest .citizens in the Harbor ' district has passed on. Dr. Soiland's friends were legion; his hospitality and generos- ity g'lve-en tree to everyone. His chief diversion-yacht- ing-lent an impetus to the !ij)Ort that guided many a *oungster Into !Pe right way of boating and sailing. Al- ways-a hard worker. he played equally hard, which kept him , trim and fit for 'the arduous research he was doing ceaselessly. His fight against the dread cancer was world-wide and aside from his clinical work he wrote ar· flcles, "-ent on the air, did many things to bring the ells· ease to the attention of the lpublic. His efforts will live on and on and his memory will alWa.ys remain green. + • • Clf<ua Up. Next week has been set aside as Clean-Up Week in the' Harbor com- munity. Not that it needs ltt-ln some sections, but Mr. 1Pioperty Owner and Mr. Renter you could do quite a bit by getting on the busi- 1ness erid of a rake or sh<M!I land get rid of the weeds and trash. front and back. I know you feel that you don't own the place, Mr. Renter, but. Isn't It nice to live In clee.n sutroundlngs and show ., your neighbor you can be as nice as he Is. And don't let the feminine member of the family do all the wor. + .•• What De WanlB. Fred Beck. clever columnist of the Farmer's Market, prints~: "Henry Hill of Lido Isle says ,he has an owl, a Boy Scout ·axe. two whitl! rats, a dog and a turtle and that . his hobby is 'animuls accept can· arys'. Wants to know if . we have alligators for sale at . The Farmer'• Market. Ans.: None at tbl! moment. Some due In from Louisiana.·· • + • ~ Aplllll: Congress- man Horan (D J Washington, last M!ek stated that budget oftlclals estimate there are ' 23,000 (tbolaand, that Is) fllll time, and 22, 769 part time employees doirc educa- tioml, lnfm114tlOllal, prom<> tloml. and publlclty work In tbe exea.itlw bnncb at-. tbe United States goyemment. & aid ~ butte.u 1-eported tbl!lr salaries toW" $74,829,-.-r (mlqlnm, that la). ~ u ~ that with an ac- ~ cal!Uie and me pr._ tm '5,000 "pert time pn>- madaml caeum 1n tbe -cutlve departm!nt" aft !'Ill 7 trl NEWPORT EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPOR VOLtlJU !llJlSVID . . . • KEEP POSTEDl 1 Y.-...•.• - -la ()11 "' .. ,. Ollll .. 01 ts· ..... °'"' .. _ -~...,.... .. N ... ·r, Is Mwpiwt .... EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA ~ , NtlJIBl:ll • 600 Buildings Under Co struction Here Dr. Albert .Soiland, Beloved NEWPORT II THE EARLY DAYS Survey Just Made Shows Harborite and Cancer Expert ·More Than S3,000,.000 New · Dies Suddenly in Norway Construction Going forward . Newport Beach Resident for Nearly 30 Years and Founder of Yacht Club, Gave His F or- tune to Disease Research and Foundation F ew Weeks Before Demise from Heart Attack ·Valued Data Taken Every Section Including Co8'ta Mesa, Newport Heights, Corona del Mar, Balboa Island, Balboa-Peninsula, Bal~ Newport, West Newport, Developing ~pite Conflict Be-tween Government and Contractors Asso- ciation Over Directives. • • I • N_&WHMI •••ao& • · Aid e5 r=! Newport Harbor Facifities Housewife in w~v=-:; ~~ For Light-Draft Vessels . Cruaal Time ~;;~~~~ Will Be Told Engineers putor, Rev. E. D. Goodell. • cAned to Bay Shore camp near On that morning Cllun:h boerd Newport barber and Its fe Newport Bea.ch Tl-.y night, memben and the c:n...ie oom-blllt;y u a port rar .the ealll>-H p de Deputy Sberitb Edward Hlggina mlttee, 40 In number. will meet llshment cl a harbor rar Hgbt-orse ara ond Hany Nutter °' Santi Ana ! tor brealdut at the Newport HM-draft -will be told by a May Open Co. ~Informed tbat Mn. Dorothy bcr Yac:llt'dub -the climax will committee *""'_,,tine the N<W- 1-... an e>pe<tant mother be SW!day. Jum ie. The -port Harber Chamber of C:O: Fair in J•ne and oeoiled an eaoort to 1-.,,.,.. nine Iota cm Omtr'll awnue, ~d ~a~~ ~h~ on • -boailitlL nmnlnC -frmn Hth atreet, ~ --.. ~ -When her h•-nd could not and piano call rar the hdldlng June 12 by ~ -:;ce Department OTi.nge county's Im and bone be locatm on u-. the clepu-cl a lllDCtuuY an the corner lot, U . .J.;, ~~ 11 · t to be llhow-ocheduled for the Santi reprted that they gave the woman with awmbly and .._,..,... coo-ye boerd Ana Munldpel bawl June :io 21, -. VIOL& llOBWSl'l'ZEB an emerpncy """"'1 to the Orance nectJng with the pr-t bulldlnc. ~ ~u;;;,ambei 22 and ~will be the moot ~ .._ Oela 'Sal'" county hospital inltrad. ~ch waa delJcned a the mdal or OOUWJftce, at their meeting in orate, the lar&ftt and the moet • ....._ /\'- • hall. White'• Cott.., lhop, on Monday, '""""'"l'ul 1n the hlltory of the Bigger 1.uey \JUme, Air ldnds typewilter ri-In endoned the pWi ot l"Nllnc a evmL u.:.....I ,...__ Pull • -et the N .... Tlmes. om. oanrullJ-Span a Llfa. . cldepllan to the beorinc to pro-Thi. WU pr<dicted today by muer 1.1n::Y tect the lnttnsto of the barber leaden of the Alalatance Leque .-----------------------~!area. of Onnce county, -of the Mll!lt ...,u be the way tllll llttle p R E -0 p E N I N G s A L E ! N-concemln& the •P-fair. which la delJcned to ..... lady cleoaibes the flah lhe tlkea. ~ w km wen n!Celftd fUndl for eatahllabment ot a beca...., when lhe coea after tbe 1lie Seaboard Emlpnm11t Co. hun tbe U. S. Enclneerinc of-county-wide caeer clinic. jackpot, Ille AIN'T FOOLIN'-117 .. -""" rice at the War Department. TWlce the 1pace la av.Uable f.; pounda ol cal, 49 ~ ol white 1"""' "-_. H . h N ...___. Beach wblch -for the tonowtns 1n-exhlblton u 1n paet years, """ -bua. The 1pc<tfiahln& boat. -...,._. Jg_ way' e........ fa<matlan relative to Newport I to ..... ol Army Air Foreeo build-out of Newport Harbor have been 18• off_;n.,. to the sport·*'uen of Ne_......rt Hartlor: 1ncs at t11e w. Elchth 1treet a1te tak1nc • 1ot of bis white .... bua -.._ -~...,. 1: The character, location and of the Weatem F!ylnc Tnfnlna tllll year; Matt In fact than · H.rbor a Hmited number of the 1946--esttmated coat at 1-ovm>enta C<Jmmand 1>eadquerten. 'Ill add!-uaua1. a«<>n!1D1 to "Gritt'' Griffla. -. tlcn, lepta wlll be erectecl for other aeaetlrY ot the Sportfllblnc llll0-• mERtURY OUTBOARD MOTOR Sale Boon: 12 to 4 p. m. SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 18 & 19 lrl:.\o._u ~ .Al , .. .?'·· I . ' "' •iYI YOURftQ A. •IAUT1••ll COLD WAYI PIRMAlllllT • • ATTMft 2. The c:llancter and volume of exhlblton and a Jarce outdoor daticn of Newport Harbor, alon& water-borne tr.me. and the a1ze area made available for still with rood catches of barracuda, ot t!le craft the deslttd lmprov... others. hallbut and bull -. monts Oft In~ to lttYe. The finest ~ at entries In The wlnnah, Mn. Viola Sdlwelt- 3. The juatlflcatlon for the ex-the evenfi hlltm)' alreCy hu :rer or Balboa, Callt. pendlture entailed thereby, bued been arranged rar the hone """"· upon lncn!ued lafety and con-which la scheduled ror Friday eve- venlenoe to navigation, and value 1 nine. Jtme 21, Saturday afternoon or bme.fita to accrue therefrom. I and evening and Sunday after. 4. The necealty for said lm· noon. Entries are expected from provementa, with spedal reference all over California and others are to the requirements of navtgatlon expected from the eastern states. and commerce. members of the show committee 5. The tributary area to be said. served or affected by the desired Aho tentatively scheduled ls a - improvement.a. vast parade of the country's finest 6. The interests primarily to be r iding horses in Sa nta Ana on June benefitted by the improvements. 22, with ·plans for th.is event to 7. The coopera tion and/or con-be announced later by the parade tr ibutjon which the United S tates · committee. may expect o f local interests The Assistance League is main- toward the cost of the desired im-taining offices in t.he Ramona provements or in the construction building, Fifth and Sycamore OpeD Evenlnp, Except Mooclay of complementary works at local streets in Santa Ana. where fair ~=/'i.=~~=~===:;, expense. entry blanks may be obtained and inquiries answered by league mem· For:..-Bett~r PrtnUng Ot.ll 12 or 13.1 bers. <POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT> *GOOD GOVERNMENT . BEGINS AT HOME! SELDOM INDEED have th• voters of Southern Orange County had opportuni ty to 1end to Sacramento 01 their Assemblyman a man so well qualified to do them a publ ic service. A MAN WHO HAS ABLY SERVED HIS HOME COM- MUNITY IN BOTH CIVIC AND OFFICI AL CAfACITIES IS YOUR GUARANTEE OF ABLE SERVICE IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE. Good Government Can Begin at Home if You ELECT EARL We STANLEY As Your ASSEMBLYMAN 7 4th District . AJ the June 4 Primary Liquor Store Boot. -4 Boy KeeDe Palm and Bay, Balboa Pllone Barbor Sil Go• Refrigerator Ex.,,.rim•ntol Console Model ER SERVES Fear -.Id not be oo -If tbe l llalDe II ID the .._ lalltD right ~ ...... --.. Soutbem Frm. . . ~~~~~~~~-,-~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~ name·cl Dr. T. P . Rftder,l ~------!'9"--------------:: .;V::.""iistwa:, t;:!; Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club named by the cantor-u All serv1ce ..... n.Ne rges Voters te out-patient ln!at· V O T E ..,... · Dr. Reeder ..,rwd -durinc ~ := !...1:1".=.!s ~ Harbor Area School Elections May 17 • • •• - 3GREAT CENIC 'REGIONS . ' .. Maw that lbe time II here when JOU fbWly can t. a TK&tioa trip, :rou'll want to cliooee :rour ..tin&UoA with particular care. With that aght In miDd, -call :rour attonllcm to Illa lf-"""•I Pub al Soutb.m Utah-Amcaa. TMy J!lllnta bdWazlt uray al Iha world'• moet col- ~ ud 1111....W n.alunl beauty. And .n tmM ~Ii;-... Zlcm-BIJOe Grud C...JOn ••• are ., cloeely 11<ouped that they may be Mell u Jn. vast ~•c panorama. r'ALT LAKE C1rY tillANr;;aNYON J... camfortah1e Ullioll Pac:ific lrailll take JOU tf Cedar City, Utah, gateway to the Parb. Your r train joumey will in illell be a vacaHon. JIYCE CANYON Nat'I Park-Uta• GIAND CANYON Nat'I Park-Ariz••• ~rainbow-huedfalrriudofltoutemplM, cutl.-Uld A,,.implrlnq ln lta lm.m•aai.ty-13 mil• wid. and a Other Natur.carftd lonu.tioulu.tutic beyond be2iel mile d"p--strlk:ini.J!: ooloi'. Caa.be .belt riewecl &c.. Tb-National Pf1b are open to the·publJoJUDe J.t. Grand Cuyon Lo .OD the bri.Dk of the Kort& Ilia. p<OT!deo. oomlort.blo and rouon•bly p<icod ZION Nat'I Parll-Uta• t 4ocommOdation1. Mail coupon today lot your I l • • ) ' I ' copy of UIU.Uated folder deecril:ring th ... reqiom:. The Great White Tbrou, the Tem.pla of SiMwt.ft, and other natvnl monumeutl, a.re lmpr.-i.ft ill ~ fa'ofre.rs-1're th&r ma;..ty. UNION PAClrlC RAILROAD ,,.._ 4Uf&'~ old WHAT'S YOUR OPINION? Al the Postwar HouM, you'll -oomethlng new In a Servel Gas a.frl .. ratorl Which do you prer.r: the "expewmental" Counte..,,.lght • Console Model ••• or the N1Ular ''Uprights~' alNCKly IO popular? SHOPPING for modem idcu I Th< sp«ial c.ouo..r. Heigbt'Rcfrigeraror at the Poscwat Howe is a D<W ill# for you to think abouL Th< Servel Gas Rcfrigeaa>r WU chosen fOr this mriool.lly impottant event.•• btutu• its silent Bame frcczcs witbOut a sinp moving port to wear. T,.,,,/JU-/m-wich a 10-ytu guan.mee ! Servel'• war record spealcs for iuelf! .... .,, .. rrlb I . I•~ POITWAI H_OUll WllSHltf ILVD. • MIGHLAND AVI., LOS ANGllU M>MISMOH CK4IGf.D y.., can-· ,.....iI IO a pe1hcr. .... aaiunl.loolring pt""•~ • bomo-a. t1uoe baun. i.. willl dae ........ ....i,--c-.-.m.s Glory°"' S~E THE NEW fREEDOM GAS KITCHEN ' .. ,,,. th~St·• "'· ,,,. ~· Q: !.~... a .._ ...... a,..&. .. a. a ,ca., ... _____ ..__. ............... .... ,_, w ... P...r 1 SoL4· 7 ••• s· ,,, pat ,.... hair lo a..!an, ; ...... wa ... '""'c-.-.m.s Glmy -i. lo ... -.... ,_bel·,..,,... ..... a....,_ I"" ·-...i,eo .. _.,_ __ ..... ..,. ... 1-1.,.. ...... -ClOWNING G.On'I lilac..._ ... ....... v..ar. BAI.BOA PHARMACY I 'TM Rcull sion NEWPORT PRARMACI' 'Th< R<%411 StOT< 1 • Main and Central _....._1111 2108 Oceen Front ..--5 • Cl•Me.StT b,~5~ C.-.S.t is --............. rode ' .... ..., for yolw IWRI !!or truly...,..,. . ~ -c.-S.t to -wil4 • llray ~ '9 lend luster IO dry hoir .·nm-to coax cwte boctwllenyourper- _,.,1-'v_I 1.25 I ' Ylww.-a BAI.ROA PHARMACY 'fllc .R.,...JI s-. MalaandO...tnl ........... 1. • ....... ... ~ N""E .. W"'PO"'&T PHARMACY 'TM R.,..JI s-. 2108 0.-.. Froat .._ .. Ow I ,, (' • • • 6. •A II-fw __,u,;.t•: Scicab6allr ar- r..,...i cabi-.P<orid< dnwa11 "'.wo., . -a.day, .... and -bW; pbt-tic, "..U..p" ....... dimi-_..ii.. 4-s; ool;..bk sbd-. • ~~--"'-(obdf L~-~..u--­hw-"; ... ..,p7..i.o-;.,..,,_ ..i.i.· hoedy .. -... t . A.,._.,# J...M, wida all·weatbtr dodlee dti«. _..,ric ......._ cUiMC -...i -w loaadrJ -· 11. V.-1 ' •11•• He aw• 11. -food --olldios .... !!~="~'.~t'".::~ 'M !!I w.m .,._. ..... ..., ........ -- P•ACllCAL, TOOi • ftWWl'<a'I 9 41..,,& Ana:~~ ~~~!t.~eoo~lnspired by Work of ~ocal Artists . = , ~~~~Aa-::=:~~zu~ s=::r=~ Scribe Makes Plea for Art Center For Ta ~:?'~Es .ICw lri · • Radio Se ' I ~ cld D. Talbott ot Long Beach ap-be disappointed. j . A !Int stcry direct frcm "cocktail ~ -"" bofcre --before J .. tice of the Peace D. Sheppard. owner of the cafe, By WINIFBZD Mlppp!! · a Ja-c:.mp will be Judge Bob C..-In ~ oaurt D. J. Dodp Monday niorning and Monday morning reported · the · told Friday , 1187 17, at Saturday ..-nlall . ...S "'° found WU fined $lll0. Talbott"• oper-theft of one case of Denver, Colo. FamllJar ocenes, pointed with a The other winning plct\ft, 7:20 p.m. at 1l1e Hour Ill P1<>11bec:y sull17. . I Pl+w ··--· Palmer Radio •tor'• U-· ..,.. also IUl"""ded ootter, taken from his car which recognizable flclellty, are what the Lutz'• The ~. .-..i the C.C. Awaits Longmoor tabernacle, Bf!boe and Old Ceunty Schum.t failed to •eo1-rr--"'--ate fer a p<Tlod ot 30 dayo. wu parked In front of the cafe. public wan_tl in plctureo, aocordlng hu-OOr jotty and Corona del Mar Re rt Fish road. halt a tJoclc: out of Beebe'• his plea el -sullty to the .. -A!fD l!:l&'i'IUC · to the popular vote ot Villtcn to rocb In a beautifully balan<ed po OD enftell'.8 oeniioe statitn N-purl bouJe. factloa ot the eaurt and wu fined r---...,....-------------------:-r,I the reoent yt exhibit at Newpu<t pattern. bold and exciting, done 1n Bait Net Referendum varcl. Te~ 'the otcry will be S20 ftr ea<b aa.._. IMS N....,.n ....._ ....., _ _. -Hu-OOr Union High school. G. A. gouache in a rich, -t oensuous Dr L. M Stpmp who w prell . · OOllTA. IQB• .-,,.. I _ 0 --;:-. ~ -:·· -"... Magnuuon'a large oil of Arch colcw treatment. Another one of. de~t of the ~Aue -u:C.. col: _ _:lll:;1t:a:..:-~~-~~·~11~au~a:._:w~•'.:_·_'.~==========~ • ·-· • · . . ~-• , .• • Rock, Corona de! l!far, was one hia plctureo, Eocape. lhowlng the Due to the aboence of Prftlclent loge at the · ot the Ja-• • • -.; of the top favorites and others summer crowd on the beach at J. s. BaJTett and VI ~ .. -,_..1T\9tion who t .,. · ·. · =· .' ~ ... • were RowlJnd Leach's Callfcrnla c.orona del Mar, was even more ce ~~\Knt ;('-~ spen • ~ • j •• • •'1 .. :·. ;, Shoreund,, Frchederic JohNon'she Ou 1 t· brllll 1 ant In ro!or and wu one ot l =~~g'::; ~ ffr~~ liberated. camp bolero belnc . + bo whi was a ~ ns ve my avorites. A criticism tbat was · uua.na o ~.._... ·.._,_ tt ·•--·---"·t v1ew of nearly the entire barber too "busy" in ~ was remedied on Moaday, the Newport Harbor uu-. Go auu ~-~ ~ done in water rotor, and also his in a copy done··°"-oil, wblch wu Chamber of ~ deferred on ~a.tur~~ at 11 a.m., 0. 0. Eventide. Carl Schmidt's water shown in "Ufe." any a~µon on a proposal to protest Mattison, ionary in India for color of the cannery dock, which Two of! the mo1t charming pie-the referendum planned to ouUaw ~ ye8!"· &L ~s. tell of hil ex.per. wu true to Ufe without being tures in the exhibit were Joan seine fishing in Southern Call-iences Ul tmn mysterioUI country photographic, wu another picture Brandt's HJ, Up There! showing fornia waten. ~ch be $ from outer 'n.bet E-' l ' . . ; .. ,, ,· t... . •• • . . ·. ' : • • ~ # • .. .CUSTOM BUil T DEEP FREEZE To Your Specifications N~wport Electric Appliance Co. !S05 Coat Bini. Phone: Harbor 2138 NO EXTRA COST MAKE . YOUR ·owN TERMS .......... -· Y• _.. ••le• .. to ...U YWWMlt el Dr. Co_ ......... C....ift -fw ... --···· of ................. ,,., OM,_, Addtti..ol c:..t, Alrr•1• ......... yoar -c ......... ""' ...... ,., -.. -WMkly or •••l~ly •••••h.,lt II .. IY t. .,,.. ... fw C.-at Dr. C.W.'a. \ fRANSPARENT DENTAL PLATES Ask Your Dentist to exptru, the many advantages of the new Transparent Material Dental Plates. Learn how they are created to capture tbe buea and effect. of Na· ture'• Own Teeth and Gum.. They stress Natural Appear- ance . . . will help you over'" come plate · ronsciou.sness and embarrassment. Com· fortable, too ... you will ap- preciate the ir lasting .._DI ftt" ... easy to wear. RA~ LIDO lSLE na&Jl!.5 • which held univenal appeal. children both below and on a Olarles McLaughlin, busineu to Delhi. ese two lectures are U there was one picture which br.dge, and her Very lovely Easter manager of Fishermen's Union No. special fea of the series wbidl W. O BUCX-!nsurance Cot.nae1or the public did not like Jt wu one Morning, showing a small girl on 36, explained the proposed meas-is beine ~nted each ' Friday, v.•hich some of the artilts held to her way to the Presbyterian Utt to the directors, and wu told Saturday, Stfnday and Wednesday be best in the exhibit, Phil Dike's church. Both were done in gouachelthat a repart on the matter will be night.I at 7 : p.m. brilliant blue gem. The Boats, with a masterly handling of the made ~Y Mr. Longmoor at the --'+----• a,.., 1500 QI,.,, ... '-* 3jjj"Vu, UDO CALIFCiu«A which held a place of honor be-dry bruah. next meeting of the board. t~n~---~-~-~----1-~~~-~~·~-~-~-;·~~~~~~~~~3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~=~ The Harbor by Dan Lutz and hlbltors and visitors was enoourag- Light on the Jetty by Rex Brandt. ing. Many amateur pa.i.oters en- The pictur~ immediately caught tered pictures as well as many my attention and after circling professionals, and attendance was 1 the gallery I came back and voted exceedingly good, many people 00... I for it as easily being the most ing inte rested .enough to go not outstanding picture of the exhibit. only once bu t two and three times. I was pleased to Jearn.. that my Llttlf' or nothing has ever been o.,pl{lion concurred with that of said about Nc\\'POrt Beach as an Rex Brahcft-iiiid Aithbr Mlllll!r, art ceonter and yet-the bay has wh'o also voted it the best, al~ been the source of inspiration for though like them I did not be-· artists for many. years. Bane lieve it sf1ould have received a Miller, now In New York, gre\lt' prize award. but that It should be lip painting material which he in '90mf" large tallery. Painted in found here and for some· time an impressionistic, almost a prt. conducted an art school here. Phil mitive style. the picture shows Dike has been coming here for a child standing on a green bal· yen.rs , and Rex: Brandt, living in cony and watching a parade of Laguna Beach, found he was al- boats on dark blue .water. Only ways coming he re to paint and by looking at it with both the eyes finally moved he re. Art classes of a child and the knowledge of from the inland valley and from an artist can one truly appreciate Chouinard and other art schools it. Ph.ii Dike has been coming to chooge this section In which to Nev.•port Harbor tor many years hold outdoor claSS('S, finding here a pd in this canvas he has caught all the charm lvhich the.old wharf the true spirit or the bay front, a t Rocltport. ?tfaine, holds for not so much of this modern day e astern artists. but of a time in the past. There a r{' other names htgh In Rex Brand~s. winnin~ Llght on the art world that are on our the J ett.Y was ftrst choice or some ,list of residents. but the most of the Judges. Almost monochro-gratifying thing is .the many peo.. matic in color, it is an interesting ple who take up art seriously but - study of afternoon ~g ht thro~gh in a small wav. a~d it is h~ped the tog and strong in its des1gn . that these \viii be the ones to I think the artist himself likC'd foster . by popular demand. an art I better his China Cove, for he loves association. Such an organiza- to paint atmosphere and in this tion would get behind the city and I picture he was striving for that the chamber of commerce in spons- three·d.imensional quality whlcll oring these art exhibits-another objects have in the cove, stand-Ls "Planned to be held next year- ! ing out with a glowing lucidity on and would not only give artists the a clear afternoon. , pleasure and inspiration of meet· p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j Ing each other, but wouJd do a PRONE BARBOR 81 big thing in giving the city its F 0 R S I G N S rightful place on the map of the artistic world. BENEDICT The Sign Man •BOAT LETl'ERING A SPECIALTY Suspect Bound Over To Superior Session Rufus Johnson. 32. fonner crew member of a yacht anchored in Newport Harbor, was bound over to Superior court Tuesday morn- ing on charges of statutol")' rape involving a 14·year-old Montebello gir l. Testimony at the preliminary hearing held in Judge D. J . Dodge's court, revealed that the alleged felony occured in a Newport sail loft In March during a drinking party Involving several youths. Johnson was returned from Wichita, Kans., last week on ex· tradition papers by Police Officer Jack Summers of Newport. CANNED MEAT, llAVIOUS, HASH Luncheon Meat lloth Blac;lr. Hawk Brond. Armour's Treet Meat Spread "''"""' ....... Horn or 1-gut: ...arletlff. 11 .. s. 34c -· 41ti-.•. ~ ... -- Deviled Ham Deviled Ham Svrtift'• ..... 15• Brand "" Ubby'i ..... 14° ....... - Sliced Turkey'-:::: •i-· 51• Chick«! ond Noocll•, 16-o&. jar, 27c. Chicken Fricassee ·~-;s: W SwantOrl•t Everttuh. Noodi. o lblet dlnnw, 16-o:z. tor, 24< Chicken Raviolis ...... 11° . ... Rlvi.ro Brond. Vegetable roviollJ. 1kz. )or, 13c. · Scrapple Vogt'• B<ond ...... 21• PhHadtls:if\lo vorWty ,., , Corned Beef Hash •:;:·· 23° · l lu. Ribbon lrand. OTHER SAFEWAY VALUES Soda Crackers '""ea'",.,,. 17• Brand .... l·lb. package, 30c:. Graham Crackers !."! 17° Pirate'• Gold Brend. 2-lb. poc.kOQC, 30c.. Tea Time Crackers ...... 21• .... Krispy Crackers •·•· 17° .... Cheezit. Jr. = ~;· 11• Ginger Snaps "°'""0 "~•--Brond pk9 .... - Campbell's Soup '0!; ... 14• Chick9n Noodle vori.ty. Mushrooms , ............ ·~·-..... St9ml, pleas c• .. AIRWAY COFFEE · •·•b. . -~ Mdlow·mil\I. blend. Groaad freeb when you huy. 3-lh. pkg., 58<. NOB Hill (OFFEE . ~:: Top-qua lity, rourer-frcc.&, ground to 1~er. 2-11•· pkg.,46c. !Dl¥ARD$ COFFEE 1;~~- Vaeuam-packed, full Savor. Reg., drip, pulverDi!cl. 2-lb. jur, 53c. HILLS BROS. ••4 C•• •r•"' c•ffee. l lve C•• "''••4.. 1-G. ,11:,., 2Tc. IRIS COFFEE ........................ ..................... M.J.8. COFFEE New peckM NI ti.. Dr;,., .... i .... c-., ........ ,. tic.. ····33" '"' CHASE & SANBORN ...... , '' llrl• 1r1:•1. Fht•· 1-ftl, 32" n a :>Ml _.ttl htll ...... jer MAXWELL HOUSE ........... ''""'· Ge-4 t9 •••• 33" ... -........ Try .... .-.,. jer . RLTER PAPERS •. , ................. ""... 2 !..k, ... 00 15" .............. l .... lk. .. caws Nabisco 100%.Bran 16-or.. podtagl'. 16C. Quick Wheat co;::,,"" ':O: II• WORTHWHILE REMEMBRANCES • Albers Corn Flakes for The Young Graduate WATERPROOF WATCHES Women's 17-Jl'\\<el Wrist .Watches $37.50 Richelieu Pearls Styled by Madelcn Delta $7.00 up POPULAR MAKES of • Bracelets • Fountain Pen Sets • Earrings • Signet and Birthstone Rings • Costume Necklaces Lockets jewelry LOUCKS Ossar- ' ·a;..------~----------------~--- • D. J. DODGE ustlce of the Peace 'ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY for re elec-ion to that oftke .., JUNE 4. udge Dodp hu -'"" -,,;.. at the ---Ul2ll . . . . . °""' 11 ,_,. ...... '"9. . . . f"'1et ot QISta ·--~::,:- VOTE ... JUNB' Olive Butter "= s: I .. Dark Molasses !:;:-19" .. lltobblt Gt.M LAllMt. .. ilallllll' Gold Lae.t lioht 16-G&. ........ lie. Molasses '"••·=~-.-. ZI• ,. ............ Dog Food C:.:,. :: II• Com Bread Miz C10ot11 , ... II" . --Le.lie Salt , ,_. -,. -·-Snc>WhiteSalt :'!:-'! ~I" Snarol z-. .... :: .. .... OUJ 'WAI ' Lifeb . . , µoy~ a_• ~~PluJd '_ ... -......... Gla..CJean.r q,... -Ile ---Tay..:.. Ck:cn•er ':.: .. ~~Wm ... Jdhneon'• GloCoal .. -~.--~---·--­, .. -1----------11 ........ a, a•sA. 'Q 2 • ' • • ~uicy, tender. good· Safeway guooont••• you I .,,,.. ni0ft9Y bot:l<- eoting .....,i wort ti-.... "" ~ Ulll SHMIDlll .. 33c iiii iiiii1 .. tr .., ;.• .. ·-..--'"""' s•.... .SftWllG IBS A•o waas ~ ... .,.r11 •• , ..... ~ .. ._.. ---.. ----:t="· -.. .. · · POii sMIUll ..... IOLOGllA ... ,__c __ ........... -____ .. ..... :-.:---· IU5ll ~~ .. 3t' ft===-···· ..... · . . -. ) .. .. • • • , • • De•otrab A•a•el• PIM Late C1111. Ads Rally -.OIJID* ... -· Pu.Uc Noncl! PuaL1c Non.ca Puauc None& _..:..;:;....:,.-"--'-'-'--.;..;;..;;.... ___ I =c;;._cN~o=n-"c=&=•:......--iaiio;;111J1m;:;;•;;;;;:1~~-~~!~~-=-=-=-=-==~11!l ~...r.o~§~n~--~~rr~·[011~!!·~~·!·~=·~ • punuMt to .. -ol Sec-.. ~--r. -Fw -Nd. 435!!9 and'to,._the_. WAlTRESSES WANn:D-S., 1770 ot the La1-Code. S"8hltn 0 "" .. 0. '18 ALIAll 8UWOH"ll t lbeleln wl-.. .,. s I G N Share Qife, 17th "' Clout Blcb- Anabol Park In Aftahelm wl11 GIRL far OUUDllor -. 5% days al 191S1, al the State ot cautanda. . -the -•lot cm :rou ot -lft7. Pb: N"'*'"* t 2M&. 1'-U• be~ 0:,.. on Saturday after· -. lluat be ....... P. O the Oty Council ot the Oty ol CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, 1N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF-·••--•, If -..i wltbln the PA INT IN G HELP WAN°rED--'Cu'e oC ddld noon. May 25• al a ...Uy ot the Bos 1142. e.a... J9.lltc N.,.pcwt Beach bu ·-a llunl<lpai c.o_._ ot the THE 5l'ATE OF CALIFORNIA. ty ot Clraaco. ar wltblD rar -1r:1nc mother. yoqr home Ooance County Democratic Ceo-the a.......i ~alllns rate ot per olxth dw. Plalnll(f, .._ RICH-1N AND FQR THE COUNTY da1" If _._ e1ae-. -ts, Trucb. w._, ar mine. -Harbor 106. tral canmlttee, with all Demo-. diem ._ and rats far leSal IJID R. TATNALL, et al. Defend-OF ORANGE. aDd you ore notl&d that uni-Wallo, Bulletlno llll-4tc erotic candldata for itate and Puauc· NoTICE ~ and owrttme work In the anti. . you ~and .......... u abow ' Ralled Metal. Wood and ti -· • poll II tee! locallty In whlcll tbi1 wwlt la to n.e People of tlJe st.ate ot Call· Action brou&ht In the Superior req the plamUtt wl11 talte Plutic Lettera. :..::.~ ticaJ otfl~ a 81 PUBUC Noncml be performed. far each cntt or fomla Send Greetlnp to: RICH· Court ol the Oounty ol Onnge, t far UlY -ar ci.m-. WANTED,-Twmp<rary ~ .,. ftve da1" a -k. Call omeo NOl'ICll IJllVIDN'1 iliD8 type ol workman ar mecbanlc IJID, R. TATNALL and ELIZA· and Oimplalnt med In the or-....,,._ In the Compialnt. AL LACHMEYER Tl>e rally will open at 4 p.m., needed to execute the contract BE'nl B. TATNALL. Hulbancl nee ol the Oer1t ol the Superior u .._ .... tract. ar will -· a. ..... 5432. S.2tc WANTEl).....(lomtlon ateno. It bookkeeper 10< new retail lum- ber ocmpany. Good pay and houri. Apply 425 30th St., New- Poft Beach. New bid&. 39-2tp with 1.....,i-by the >eapectlve which Mil be awarded the .,.,. and Wife, E. D. MORRELL and · Qiurt ol lald County. to the Court far UlY other candidoteo and will terminate with NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ceafuJ bidder. . SUSAN E. MORRELL, H1aband • ~-In the «mplalnt. 1726 W ellt Central a picnic IUPl'tt· that the Oty Oiundl ot the aty n.e _,,,__ teo det .... and Wife R. A. CARRIER, ELLA CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH a ven under my band and Wal Harber 1243-M 5-J<en will be Atty. Gen. Rob-of NE'Wpxt Be00. c.Jlfanla. wl11 mined ;:v.:;;.;u.,:. IO CAP.SON°L _!'.. ·R. JONES, HAJt. Munldpel ColjUatlon ol the ol Sujierlcr Court of the en w. Kmmy, candidate for aov· recelw --for fllmlahln& o;....,. p._ RIET TAYLOR. a llh>&le woman. llxth c1 ... PlalnUtt, . ty ol Onnae. State ol Call-36-2tc ...-; Jobn F . ~.candidate all labar. mat.trial. tnrw ... ta-w -JOSEPHINE M. 'GRIFFITH. ,... rarijla, tldl 19th clAy of Mardi. p A~ NT ING for llftltena.nt _..,_, Edmund and -·-to -a vltrl· aamncauoa ~ w,... AUDREY ISABELL, a alnale A. G. WERMlcH', et al, Defend-1 12 Yean Sen\oe In Ne•jQt WAMftlD-B<>nlL K4JD. Bal- G. Brown. candidate far !ltlome7 fled ~ _ ... , -and ap-M -~ -·oo woman. LES'I'ER PAUL SIMS anta. • B. J . Sll1TH. Harbor...... Ila. --· ...,. general; Uldlle Gleuon. candidole -t-". ID -aloac New-uon .................... ~~ •~ WALTER MORRIS GUED£L'. far aec:retary ot 1tate; WW Rocen pcwt Beach --the Cuun-Operator, trench 'il:NRY EDWIJID a>FFMili n.e Poople ol the State of Call-~ 0.:::: ~.!, ~t!': Harry Hall LOCAL or travellnc In -.,.. jr. and Ellla E . Pat-candl· ty of ~. -State HlJl>WllY ma.chine ................ UIZI l3.0!> •od GERTRUDE K. OOFFMAN londa -p-eetlpp to: of Callfomla, In and fer tbe PAINTING iX>NTRAcroR fer ,..,....it. No -requi?ed. data far the United St&W -to Old O>unty -. In licccrd· Operator, lhoYel ar Hlaband and Wife. SANTA ~A A.G. Wermldl and Vivian Wer-County ot Qranae. Phone S..-5259-J Good loopaie. YQU ore )'OUZ' own ate; Ray .Mid-. candidate far ance with piano -..,..-tlona dnallne " ............ L'15 H .OO MORTGAGE and 1NVESTlfENT mlch, Hlaband and Wife; By WAYNE A. DRAGER, 2'14 E. 19th Strwt M-tfc "'1ao-AlllJly 5()8~ No. Main St_ OCJnCl'eUo and Madelyn Platt and on file ID the ol&e ol tbe Oty Operator, air OOMPANY FANNIE PEASE R. M. 1bomu and LeCDa 'I1lomu. Deputy FOR A ):tELIABLE Pilnt Job cm Santa Ana. 36-?tc Harlan Savqe, cancMata f"!' the Encl._,. ot Newport B•cb, Call-O:::::'""" _;,;;~ ... l.25 lO.OO OWENS, sIDNEY F . PATrISON, H1aband and Wlfei (s.L SUporiol' COurt 0rance . )'<JUI' . home, call Beacon 5330 HELP W~ cokred llate, ~ -the 14th and ronda. mm.:.= .. -~-.. 1.25 10.00 JOSIE THOMASON, FU>RENCE A. G. Wermlch and R. M. <}unty.) . after 4 :30 p.m. l~Uc man ar _,,,...who appredata ~~ ~ !11otr1ct> _. Each bid !lbalJ be made out on Operator pump 121 10 00 E. McDERMOTT, KENNETH D. Tbornal, co-partnen dolnc --Puli. Apr. 11, 18. 25; May 2, 9, 16. iiiinniiil<U:;;;;;;;------;; a nice -t home at beach 'f. a form to be oMa-at tbe olfloe Operator: tra~:~~: 1~ 12:00 CAMPBELL. EDWARD D. MOR-,_ u <>ranee Q)unty ~ 2'-30; June 6. 13, 11N6. iAllWIW GVIDll: II and with Ucht worlt, to .ct .. of the Oty DI&!• "' and !!ball be Cement fln1lber -· 1.35 10.80 RIS and MINNIE MORRIS, Hua-Ccmpall)'; l , boulekeeper to middleqed lftl- Watch the Oaatfled colnmM ~ by a cor1lfled ar Truck driver 100 &00 band and Wife, LOS ANGELES Ge<lrae 0 . Hartman; ftJr otlleo !lllppllee, -tbo SIGN PAINTING tleman llvlnc In BaJ-. Mlat ca-1 -or bid bCDd far CUpenter .......... 1.:!5 10.80 MORTGAGE UNDERWRI'I'ER!!, Wm. L. Joneo and Roalna K. N...l.-nm.. h&.., unqueetlonable relerft ..... t"'-----------.lten pe1cat (~) ot tbe a-t Pipe la-............... Lzs 10.00 Inc, a COipot;atloa, THE ELLIOT Jonm, Hua-and Wife; Boata, Trucla, W1n4owo 1705 E. O...tral Ave_ Balboa. BALn of the bid, made --to the , ..... ~............ HORNE COMPANY. E. J . First Doe, Second Doe, Tlllrd Walla and Bulletlno. ll8-4tc order ot the Qty _. Newport ~·la~~ ....... 1 ~ ~-: WALSH, FIRS!' DOE. SECOND Doe Corporation, a Corporation; White HOllSe Ralaed Metal, Woqcl and Beach, Callfonla. Bid 11!a11 be Watchman and ..... . DOE, TIIIRD DOE OORPOR-DereDclantl. Ca.__ P!Utlc Lettert lealed and med wltll the Qty fl...,,an .m 7.00 ATION, a Corporation. Defend· You are directed to -ar In ·IC AL LACHMEYER BOAT BUILDERS · MORTUARY Clerit at the Oty Hall. Newport Mry oth« ~ifi;;;11on ani.. an action broucht aaalnlt You by ,,._, sm • 1726 Weot central w ANTED Beach. Callfonda, cm ar before omitted herein not You are directed to appear In the above named plaintiff In the Harbor 1243-M · 38trc May 20, 1946 at 4:00 o'clock P . M. leu than ' .m 7 oo an action broucht -loot YoU by Suporiol' COurt ot the State of 1...-BeaM, o.llf. CD and will be -"'"" and pul>llcly Provided, 'ih~I ·~~ and --~ the above named plalnUtt In the Calllomia, In and for the>e~Coun~=ty~.:::t":--:---====--COOPERATIVE Plywood Skiffs and Sailing Dinghies -;t-read aloud ot ar allout 4:00 o'clock (1~1 times the lald invallln& Superior Court ol the State of -------,,, ROOFIN P. M. on that day la the Council rate of wage shall be paid. except Calllornla, In and far the County G 00. Lady Attendant Ouunben ln the Oty Hall. New-watchman, flagman and any other of Oranae, and to answer the com- port Beach. Callfmnla. non-manual worken. for a.ny plaint therein within ten days 11le a1lioft mentioned check or working time more than eight (8) after the service on--; YOU ?f this bond shall be gtwn u a cuar-hours during any one Cl) calen-summom, lf served within the antee that tbe bidder WW. enter dar day where such work Ls re-County of Orange, or within thirty into the CDltrad if awarded to quired In cases of extraordinary days tf served elsewhere, and you him and wtll be declared forfeited. emergencies caused by fire, flood, are notified that unless you ~ ap- if the succeaf\&l bidder refuses to or danger to life or property, and I pear and answe.r .as a~ve re-1 enter into said contract alter 1Je... for lime on Sundays and legal Quired, the plaJ.ntiff will take ing requested ., ta do by the holidays. ~ judgment for any money or dam- Oty Council of Newport Beach. It shall be mandatory upon the ages demanded in the Complaint, -;t- 410 Coo.st Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND J:UGH'I' Bidden are hereby notified that Contractor to whom the contracl as uisif'g UJ>C''1 contract, or will -;:;::;:-~-----------:~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-I ls awarded, and upon any sub-con-ap~>ly to the Court for any other ~~~ .. tractor under him. to pay not less rcli~f demanded in the complaint., than the said specified rates to Given under my hand and seal i all laborers, workmen and me-of the Superior Court of the I chanics employed by them in the Cou':'ty o~ Orange, State ~t Call- '-------···-- RAY ADKINSON Candidate for CON.G~ESS 22nd District A LIFETIME SHAPED TO TI-IE ECONOMY AND WAYS OP ORANGE COUl'ITY & Dyers Mercury Cleaners Offer Regular • 3-DAY SERVICE or 1 • Day Special Senlce H an Emergency Arises -§- Your Clothing Is Cleaned In Our P!ant Which Is Located at execution of the contract. forrua, this 17th day of A~nl, 1£'46. The Oty Council ot the Oty of B. J . SMITB, Ne...,'POrt Beach reserves the right County Cll;'rk and Clerk of the to r eject any or all bids or waive Superio~ C~lD"t of the State of any Informality in a bid. California, 11l and for the Coun- FRANK L. RINEHART, ty of Orang•. City Clerk ot the City ol By WAYNE A. DRAGER, Newport Beach. California Deputy, Pub.-May 9 14 16. 1946. (Seal Superior Court · · Orange County) CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Pub.-Apr. 25: May 2· 9. l6, 23. 30: F1cUUom F\rm Name June 6, 13, 20, Z1, 1946. The undersigned do hereby cer-CERTrFICATE OF BUSINESS Wy that they are conducting a Fictitious Firm Name Oinical Laboratory business a t . 2833 West Central Ave., Qty of The undersigned does hereby Newport Beach, County of Orange, certi~y that they are conducting a State of California, under the fie-subdividing. deve1o~ing land and titious firm name of the sale thereof business at 12702 CLINJCAL LABORATORY Newport Boulevard. Route 1, Box and that said firm is composed 337, . Santa Ana, Calif., Qty of of the followi.ng persons whose Tustin, County of Orege, State names and addresses are' as rot-· o.r California, under the fictitious lows, to wit: firm name of Mary E Madden 901-A Lacy Mesa Development Company St .. Santa ·Ana. eafil. and that said firm is composed. of William w Brush 3221Ai ''L.. the following persons, whme St., Balboa. Gaut. ' names and addresses a:e as. fol- Wltneu o\U' hands this 24th day lows, to wit: of April. 1946 Mrs. L!Ulan H. Cubbon. 1102 W. wnLi.AM W . BRUSH, Fourth St., Santa Ana. Calif. MARY E. MADDEN. F . Roy Greenleaf, Jr .. 1102 W. State of California, Fourth St., Santa Ana. Calif. County ol Orang.--. John A. Siegel, Rt. 1, Box 337, On this 24th day ol April, A. Santa Ana, Calif. D. 1946, before me H. M. Holker, Wltneu our hands this 7th day a Notary Public In and tor aa.ld of May, 1946. - County and State, residing therein LILLIAN H. CUBBON, duly commlalloned and iwon>. ROY GREENLEAF, JR.. personally appeared Mary E . Mad· JOHN A. SIEGEL den and Wlutam H. Bnah, known State ol Calllornla, to me to be the persona whole County of Orange-a. names are aubM::ribed to the wtth-On this 7th day of May,, A. D. in instrument and acknow1edced 1946, before me, Nora S._ Mar1- to me that 'they executed the warth, a Notary Public in and 1844 H ho I d. iwne. for lald County and State, resld· ar r B v In Witness Whereof, I have Ina therein duly conunlalloned and COSTA MESA hereunto set my hand and aftlxed sworn, penonally appeared Mrs. We Are u Cloee to Yoa • Yoar my official seal the day and year Lilliam H . Cubbon, F. Roy Green· in this certificate first above leaf, Jr., John A. Siegel, known Phone ~n 5613-J wr1tten. ...-to me to be the peroon1 wbooe H . M. 911f,.KER, names are subscribed to the Me-ury Cleaners & Dyers Notary Public in and tor lald wtthln Instrument. and acJmowl-a"' County and State. My com-edged to me that they executed ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~! mlsaion expirn March 4, the aame. ! 194,9. In Witness Whereof, I have Pub. April 25; May 2. 9, 16, 1946. herellnto set my hand and affixed my official aeal the day and year In this certificate tint above written. MADL YI D. PLATT • Calldldate For Member ·of the ASSEMBLY 74th District .. * Women have earned the right '.of Representatio.n in Government No.43560 ALlA8 SUMMONS <Action biought in the Superior , Court of the County of Orange, and Complaint filed ln the of- ftce ol. the Oerk of the Superior ' Court ol lald County.) NORA S. MARGW ARTH, Notary Public In and for said County and State. My com- mission expires Jan. 28, 1950. (Notarial Seal.J la ~ 8aperlor Coar• ar Uie 8tata Pub. May 9, 16, 23, 30, 1946. r •• ,,, Bell Sla.,ut .. Orate. C.aly .Ind help Ima &,ht fa•enlle dellnqaeacy by a•ptnq na- awar. from mfnon. BONDI'.•• CAPAllLll •• • ()O(!BAG901J8 • ' • '. -• OD ' • .. ·, ' J S25,000 ADDED New and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St., Costa • BtJILDING MATERIAL8 11 TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS RA VE a good stock of roll roofing and Comp. Shingles. nle Board in many colors, also Boysen's 100% Pure Paints at pre-war prices. Copeland Lbr. Yards, 5th & Artesia Sts., Santa Ana, Cal. WATSON BOATS 34-Uc PAINTING OONTRA<lTOB 611 Coast Highway Harbor 5277 SALE Mi!!CELLANEOUS 35-tfc • PAINTING__; PAPER HANGINQGOO ~""~D~.-us-ed~s-pri-ngs-7&-m-at_lr_esses--. and DECORATING Harbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor H. E . McDonald Blvd., C.0.ta ?ties.a. 39-tfc 414 Old Conty Rd.. Costa Mesa P hone Beacon 5013-J ~tfc FOR SALE-Boy's and girl's bi- TRANSPOBTATION ll cycles. Schwinn mod.ell, 28 in. Fully equipped. Call Harbor 604. 39-4tc BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired.. VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. Balboa 208 Martne, Balboa lolaAd. ·94-ttc BEAUTY AIDS 18 USED WJNIX)WS, screen doon and hardware. Harbor Fuml~ ture, 1962 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 39-tfc Electrical FOR SALE -Adjustable beauty Repair Service operator's chair. Cheap. Harbor Appliances. Home. Moton 6: Furniture, 1962 Harbor Blvd, Marine Service. Immedlate Costa Mesa. · 39-tfc Attention. S. L. FRANKLIN FOR SALE-Permanent waves ln Ph. Harbor 1781-W your home, $10 up. Mrs. Bond, 281~ Central 32-tfc lie. mgr. 19 ye.ars exp. Box 414, ---:"---:c------:,,-.,,--- Nev1rport. 38--4tp Fire Place and Klndllnc COLD and MACillNLESS W 0 0 D Deliv~ . w AVES H. w. WRIGHT Tin ting and . ~anlcuring Ph B 5665 Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W · eacon Vi's Beauty Shop 1784 Newport Blvd. 1103 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar ORANGE COUNTY :is.ttc UPHOU:TERING CO. LOST AND FOUND H ·Manufacturers or Upholatered Furniture LOST-Left on L. A. bus or in 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Ferry station at Balboa, brown Factory -.nd Showroom covered book, owner's name on 504 Wmt Center St., Anaheim fly leaf. Call Har~r 144!f.M, or Phone Anaheim 4TI4 oollect write Box 511, Balboa llland. ---::--"'."-,, ___ u._u, Reward. 38-2tc Just Arrived LOST--Or taken by mi>take, high ll'lwb Heor!ns Aid ·school notebook and green bath BA towel, from Balboa Ferry wait-Tl'ERIES- ln Pl Gun-Drug Co. g room. eue return to Boat 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51l5 operator at Ferry. 38-ltc LOST -Lady's Helbroo wrist watch on Bay Ave., near N.H. Y.C., allo keY1. Phone N...,._ Tlmeo, Harbor u: Reward. 38--4tc II WANT-Odd jobo, llUCh u yard or house work, etc. Phone Beacon 51154-M. 39-4tp Auto Batteries 18-montb -$6.45 Ex. eo-uc •pounded Motor Oil Gallon. 70c Western Auto Supply Autbartz..I Dealer 11136 Newpoct Blvd., Colla M- 23-Uc il:llPLO'l'llil:NT OFPEail:D II VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, WANTED-Reliable general main-1teel, wood. Call WI for ~ eoU· tenance man. Lido n.eatre. mate. Renovation It ~- ==....,,~=------~-U_c So. Cout Venetian Bll..j Co., HELP w ANTED-General house-West 18th and Newport f Ave., work. No cooking. Two days off Colla Msa. Pb: Beacon 5355-W. a week. Uve in Ot' out. Good aaJ. 38-Uc ary. Two aduli. In family. Call FOR SALE-areakfut aet. table Harbor 704. 38--4tc and 4 chain; 6-loot venetian TIDE TABLES blind; a;reen • white blab ltlt· chen .•tool Call HMi>or 54!f.W. llAY,·lMI 38-2tc Hieb Low Hieb Low FOR SALE-Double bed. ma- F 17 10:29 4:<>6 t:H 1:11 llprinp; "'2 ltltdien tahleo, 2 3.3 --0.4 5.4 _ 2.1 blrdchaln, noar lamp, table lamp, s 18 11 :19 4 :42 ''" a:u case. mirror, I ablp 1op, a:i --0.3 S.2 2.4 . boat com-peJonio !lap. SU 19 12~ 5'::15 11:11 l:D model lallin& lloop. l!Z-ln., ,-. 3.0 --0.2 5.0 2.7 'nlcal bool<L Nav. ~ .. po. l!I 20 l:A 6 :14 11:11! 4:11 turft. 512 NE'WjU t Bm1., c..ta ' 3.0 . --0.1 4.8 2.9 lleu. 38-2tp l'klm ... .-... 111 ordlr ., • Sell that unwanted artk:ll ....... -L &: --.... """""' N ...... Tlmea ado. WING SANG BOAT 1& REPAIR YARD 811 Coaat Jllslnvay 101 n-aea-KJ.t e "™' P ... IJAtm ·-•t'1 far Bntl lar ,..._ , • IM'iB1 ........ a.,0 1 a I•• · ,, • ~I ---.., , - -·r --' • . . .. lllKWl'OSI' 941aoA •• • --~ ==-=:--=:::-:==-----;; ... llUSICAL. MDIO I& ·····arAD .,·,;sr~·~·~--~!'l~A~-~=====~ft~ -;;sr~·~··~-~l~A~ft~=~,===~·~·~i~-~'l'.~Aft~=====·~'l ~~·~·~-~-~ .. ~-~==-==~a~-~·~··~--~·~·~·~ ... ~-~==~·=·~-W&lC'IZD TO B1JY -I~ .: . . ..: SEU.)'<><11'--fortbe Arvin&Emerson Coast~esCo. EVA·F~ODEN ; BR/OSE REALTY 'HARBORINVESTMENTOOMPANY Top Dollar to Luffin & ~ RAD I 0 S G~·· .~.~CE Costa Mesa "'--del •·-R-•-.-Traller Sales, 2201 South Main 24-Hour RMllo Service ~·-...,"u~• .....-'-"'---.a..,.• St., 'r"ta Ana. 39-4tp Short Circuit Radio ''lns\ft today-Be sure 1-z-:· v~~~ ~.,d '::': ~ . LOTS ' w ANTED TO BUY -1940 or 41 · 305 Palm. Balbno B Ibo Good locatlcn on Elden SL 90 "BJrksipur ~" tnde Phone 16311-w U-Uc a a . $7500 ft_ x 118 ft. Comer on .. A Y1!11ue, Buidi or Oldlllac. er w~ Bual.-lot acr-from Doll zoned for income. Ideal )!:8 1 1 ttOn for court cheaper car. Private party. Ph: 0008, CATS a Pft'l!I • HOlllO. A-1 locatlo"' Tenna. -motel Beacon 5243-W. 39-ltc FOR SALE -Sprinirer Spaniel $5500 Lido Isle or ' $7000 ----+ -WANTED TO BUY-Need --Pup. 6 weeks old AK.C. res• -A ,..any bee.ut!ful 3-bedrm. home ' . lately. good. clean light car. tered. 7310 W. Ocean Fron~ Lido Isle fenced with -ly yard. Ccm- Prl~ no object. Phone Huntln&· Newport Beach. 39-ltp Pl~ue 2-story, 4-bedz<>om pletely furnllbed thru-<>UL N- ton Beach 3521. JS.tic WILL GIVE AWAY 3 bee.uutul stucco. 3 baths. Spacious 11-.tna vacanl. Can gtve quick-. WILL PAY CAl!IB tor your tur-Penlon kittens, 2 males, 1 f~ . room & very large dining room. A . buy at $18,500 ntture °"what ban you.. PbaDf' ·male. Phone Harbor ~W. each with fireplace. 75-ft. front· - Beacon ~. o. R. O'awley. J8.'2tp as•. Entin yard walled In and Costa Mesa 1812 Newport Blv .. C..ta M .... SPECIAL ANN0171'(ltMC .. ft. beautlfully landacaped. Terma. 2 bedrm. house with pnae on i. 30-Uc $~00 acre. Loe. juat ff!W blocb from ,-C-&Kr-=1 ... •c ... u-=-=ni=a,..-::!IALl:==--::.a TELEPHONE lhoppinc center on eut -· CASH FOR uSED FURNITUJIE. Balboa Oc an Front $6800 PHONE BEACON~. OPERATING · 3--"""' home and Jarse swat - 23-Uc PAYS -· Both pi_. n1ce1y tur-EVA F. RHODEN -----::-:---:--::-DlaMd. Large patio. No 1"Dt Rftl1"1' ;coo." u.ed. reconditioned Gu GOOD WAGES celllnp. 4'lO Newport Blvd., Coata M ... Rances. $13.!ICI. Harbor Furn!· $16,800 ELTON D. BARNETr, l!rol<er ture. 1962 Harbor Blvd., Coota _ Pb. s.acm 5713-R. Kao. 39-Uc No experience nec.sary Costa Mesa . 38-ltc BUNK BED. Complete with mat- tress. 1prlnp & ladder. Harbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu... 5-tfc Earn while you learn Modern 2-bedroom home on -U -located e<rntt ha1f aCn!. Gans<, AT CORONA DEL MAR · BRAND NEW unflnllhed chests ot draweTS, all sizn. Harbor Fumt-tUH, 1962 Harbor Blvd, Coota Mesa. • 39-tfc FOR SALE-Bedroom .. t, comb. hlboy wardrobe, solid maholl-any round table, 1 .. t1 12 wllm open: grill, chain, lawn mowtt. am. e:lK. range., odds and ends. 661 Cliff Dr.. Newport B .. ch. Ph: Beacon 5958. 38-4tc BOAT$. !l1JPPLDlll I II There are many other advantages k> being a telephone employee. Apply 100 E. &y Ave., Dalbo-_ 514i. N. Main SL, Sonia Ana Alk the operatoc' fer the OUef 0-atoc' Southern California Telephone CompaJ1y 54-FL FISHING BOAT, 6 ~-ton 18-Uc bold, Twin saew Chrysler ~ ----------- ton. Mackerel and albacore gear. 653 W. 20th. TE 2-3044, San Pedro. 37-4tp FOR SALE-Boat, "Seven Se:as." New Chrysler motor, ~ft. over all. clean for Mex. 3 tons. Holds 5 ~ tons crWlhed ice. Moored King's Landing. See V. L. ~ohn- 500, 1650 Newport Blvd .• Mon ., Thurs., Fri. after 5:30 p.m. · 37-4tc . Fire Equipment Tests C-0-TWo. Pyrene &. Foam refills. COa flxcd system and Portables now available. Carpenters Available fOl' general maintenance and repair O. Z. ROBERTSON Call H arbor 83 KEYS Made While You Walt VOGEL'S 100 Main SL, Balboa 34-tfc '?08 M&rtne, Balboa Ialand 94-Uc No Delay .,...t house, eottal and chicken 1 Bedroom Home equlpmenL 2 llll'1[< lots rould be Partly Furnished aold ""auy reduclnl 1n-t-$6250 ment. :boellent tenm can be _ arnnt:ed W. J. HOLCOMB $12,500 151-7 Cout m.hway -Corona de! Mar BE. :rnl6 Corona del Mar "Where the Flap Fly"' 39-2tc BRAND NEW 2-bedroom home. c d I M Shingle exterior. Enclosed patlo. Excep~O~e. ~ 2_bed- 2-car garap. """" home· llvlngroom. flre- $12,900 place, dlnlng alcove ; attr. patio: -l ;:ar prago. Good location, be- Coast Properties Co. low hlchway. near school. c:on-Realtors venlent to llhopping center and GENERAL INSURANCE bee.ch. For qulck lale- 703 E. Central, Balboa $9,500. Unfurn. Harbor 683 Well built house, near ocean. Lee. ~ltc livlngroom. fireplace, 2 bedmu., -----------bath, ki tchen-dinette, service J. E. Barnes & Son poreh, laundry room. rumpus 1806 Newport Blvd. room over l7'C8J' garage, pa.tJO Coeta Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 and barbecue. Lot 60x118 ft. One Full Acre On Harbor Blvd Close in. . $5500 Cash 2 Bedroom Home On Broadway, only 5 years old. Double garage, hardwood floors. ' $10,500 - Well landscaped and planted. $18,!JOO. Unfurn. Building Sites Let us assist you in securing a lo- cation to suit your needs. We have a wide selection of choice lots. Balboa Island ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast Highway Ph. Beacon 552"2 73-tfc Refinish Your kitchen .bathroom Vi'ew Lot wtth new tile board. Beautiful 3-bednn. home. Living· room and fireplace, solarium with cha.rcoal broiler opening on enclosed patio. Guest Apa. pro- viding excellent income. Good value at- _ Newp:>rt Heights BOAT F OR SALE-18-ft. cabin F p W ldr 75 x 135 sloop, sleeps 2. complete with . . a on $2500 sails. $300. Phone Harbor 1974. Telephone 234W. 3-4tc - 1139 West Central. 39-ltc SPECIAL one week only. lifay 20 2 Nice Bid~. Lots thru May 25, 3 ties cleaned & Goon set of oars and life jacket. pressed with every man's order 16th Place .. 50x140. Harbor Furniture, 1962 H arbor amounting to $1 or more. Corona $2500 Blvd., Costa. Mesa. 39-t!c del Mar Cleaners. 1307 Coast -- TRADE Chev. 1931 Coupe-· ;;,,d Hiway. Ph: Harbor 1347-J. Five-J . E. Barnes & Son light house trailer for sail boat. day service. · 39-3tc 1806 Newport Blvd. Write Box H c/o News-Times. HOSIERY MEl'lDING _ Edith Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 . 39-ltp Smith's, 408 No. Sycamore St ., 39-ltc $27,500. Unfurn. Well built home; 2 bedrms., living room and fireplace with large 2-bedrm. income Apt. over 3- car garage; laundry room. Ex· cellent value at- $19 ,000. Furnished FOR SALE-26-rt. cabin cruiser. Santa Ana. Mail Service. 34-8tc El B Gertrude A. Waldron mahog., Chrysler motor. sleeps FOR REI>o'T u ayo Wm w Sanf ... d B k Bay Front Lot Good Locatlon. PrlC\"d to Sell 4 dit . w Modern 2-story stucco duplex ad-• • '---, TO er , new con ton. on ways no FOR RENT R r · 308 M~ Avenue (or inspection. Ph : Harbor 854. . . -ooms or summer, jacent to Bal'.. Unretttricted view. _ .,0 _Uc 39-2tc 3 adjo1n1ng rooms and bath ln 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 garages _Ph-=o_n_,e.,..234_"-.R-.,..------~--=,,-,,...,...,--=--------A Balboa. Prefer one tenant. Har-and barbecue. Unfurnished. Balboa Island Home f"OR SALE-bor 1336-R. 39-ltc $20 500 32' Aux. Sloop. sleeps 4 ........ $9000 ' 2 bedroom. Furniahed. 35• Class 'R' Sloop. ............... $3500 FOR RENT -105x420 ft . lot in -$11,000 16' eus. 40 knot Speedboat S2950 Miracle Mile near Greyhound Bal boa Peninsula -20' Aux. Sloop, sleeps 2 ..... $1500 atatlon, for display or other pur-Attr active Stucco Home Ocean Blvd. Lot -20' Cabin Sailboat ........... $1000 pme. Ph : Harbor 212. 38-tfc 3 Bedrooms $3,000 14· Salling Dinghy WANTED ro RENT u Unfurnished _ Pl4 Cl&11 ............•............. $375 with Teak Ladies, Stars, Cartop WANT-2-bdnn. house, bay front, Boats. Falcons. 1 month, July, Aus. or Sept. 1-bedroom Apartment, rum. Beautiful 30 tt_ x 118 rt. ot on POOlsettia · avenue, hill and oa!llll vl ""· $1500. FULL >RICE 30 ft. x 118 rt. lot on · aY1!11ue, south of highway; can build twt uiilts, $1500. FULJ., >RICE HOME: 3-Bedroom home on · -Drive, com- pletely fum!sbed; extra living rocm, bath and half; beautiful ·Oa.tion; unsur- passed ocean view, FULL PRICE, &13,000 Small 1-bedroom home, ~th of highway; furnished; good location; house In good condition; lots Qf poss! ; Jot zmed for Income, · FULL PRICE, $62 iO. TERMS Very attractive 2-" home In good location, south ot hlghwa ; real fireplace; single garage; ftJmlshe4 FULL PRICE, $85i;>o .. TERMS Phone Harbor 2048 BROSE R E !A L TY .. 1307 eout Highway -l Corona del Mar LISTINGS . WAfl'ED 39-ltc INCOME PROPERTif S FOR SALE A I Motels on Coast Hiway 101. S hall Hotel, Costa Mesa · 3 to select from. Bea tifully furnished. $645 --0-mo. OPA ceiling. Large own- Concrete brick and tile fac-er's quarters. 5 garages. to".Y. W Home, 1 acre land. Room to expand. Pri(,'ed to sell. I $5000 Down A rimely Investment HOMES FoG Sale 2-Bedroom Home F urnished Home Corona de! Mar 2-&!drm. and sleeping porch: 2-Story. Almost new. Partly ~en , garage, lawn. Lot 50 furnished. Good view of bay. x l~O. East side of Costa $10,750 Mj . $5000 Cash --0-1 --0- Beach Home ' Corona del Mar ·-Oceitn view. 2 houses on 1 100 ft. from ocean; 1 bedrm.; lot. ~Income $110 month. fur. partly furnished. Lot 25x90. mshl!d- $6500 · I j $16,500 101 Highway Frontage. Sale or Lease ~ A . "Sandy" And Stein~r, Realtor Associ 'tes 634 Coast IDghway 101 Phone Beacon 5173 WE APPRECIATE YO rR LISTINGS 39-ltc FINEST VIEW LOT ON BALBOA ISLAND NEWPORT HEIGHTS Nice 1-BedlOtcn . bome. 100' frontage-. $8000 DUPLEX-EL BA YO TRACT $20,500 • Balboa Peninsula.Bay Front Bea!itlfl!I z..tory 5-bechOCllll, 4 bath bome DOW UDder Wllltructklll .. Two. ftre- pl1oes; tm1t i-t. BESX' LOCATION. $50,000 Bay Front Lot, Lido Nord Center ol. lsJu>it -lndudllB bu'khl!lld- lng. $14,000 BALBOA ISLAND Lovely home~ T~. with modem apt. over garage. Partly ful1•'stwd. . $15,850 &nail home on ree.r of lot-newly paint. ed. Large \lullding site In !root. Faces Parle avenue. $9750 Income Property Best modem 8-unit apartment in Bal- boa; completely furnished. Excellent lo- cation. Property in best condition. Shows good return. $75,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -k Completely equipped boat building and repair plant on highway with 112 ft_ of bay frontage. -tr Fully equipped electro-plating plant do- ing large volume of business. -tr Restaurant, in Balboa area. Excellent business. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT . COMPANY · Realtors ~ ~ 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 -1601 ~ 37-ltc AT CORONA DEL MAR i Bedroom Home Partly Furnished $8500 W . J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast HJghway Wanted LISTI NGS OF PROPERTIES IN CORONA DEL MAR DISTRICT PRONE A. SANDY STEINER. BEacon 5173. 39-ltc AU'l'.OllOTIVE a 'l'IBD A corona del Mar BE. 2766 FOR SALE -1935 Ford Deluxe "Where the Flags Fly'' 3g..2tc convertible Phaeton. Exe. cond., perf. Ur ... Ph: Beacon 5243-W. FOR SALE-New apt. over 2-car 39-ltc • Pacific Marine Asaoclates P hone collect Glendale, Citrus over 814 Coast Hishway 12840. 38-2tc 2-Car Garage Phone Beacon 5881-J 39-llc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. $17,500 2 Small Houses On Lot Zoned for Business OVERLOO~CE 1'0 BA* --0 ' garage. Workshop. Separate ----.-------. • laundry room. Beautltully tum., AUTO SERVICE $10,500 W . L. JORDAN 700 Eut Central, Balboa MU810AL a RADIO S4 unfurnished house. Will leue. c d 1 M Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7CTI Orona e ar GOOD used radiol. Harbor Furni-or 13. 35-tfc 2-bedroom modern home. Hard- ture, 1962 Harbor Blvd., Costa wood noon. Fireplace. Brand Mesa. 39-tfc WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed-new. Phone Harbor 153 36-Uc $12,500 KNABE Grand Piano, walnut cue, . room house, furnished, tor 2, 3 -Or 4 weeks, Island preferred Famous Knake tone. Al.a Weber Mrs. Smith, 1078 S. Ogden Dr.. -FOR SALE by· owner, below mar- Grand. Sohmer. Schultz. And L A. 35. Phone collect WHltney 3 Adjoining Lots k•t ¢""""1roocl 2-bedrm. "°""" many other famous makes. 8469 32 -._ t L block off Coast Highway on 18th St., nnr Newport Blvd., DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. ==·=--=.,,.-,==-=--:-,...--~-~ ~ Coota 114 .... Zoned for bulinma. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. WANTED TO RENT-2-bedroom $7,000 A good spot for tourist oourto. '\" 38-tfc beach house ror summer months F or All Three. Lot Is 3oo feet dttp. Im.med. only. Mr. A . M . Yourman, P. 0 . -pouealon. Price $89CIO. Call at FOR SALE-Console radio-phone>-Box 704. Calexico, Calif. J6.4tp JOHN E. SADLEIR ~653 Irvine Ave. 38-3tc sraph, short wave, automatic . ' HAS 70' FRONTAG~ SOUTH BAY AND 89' IBONTAGE N EAST BAY IBONT. FORMER . TION OF BAL- BOA YACJIT CLUB. . $36,750 ---tO I ISLAND REALTY CC !-201 Agate Ave. BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR :rrT-J 38-ltc record charger, $12:5. 212 ;.me-WANT TO RENT-One or two 302 Main SL. Balboa Exclusive thyat, Bal. :W. J8.2tp bedroom house or apt. l'orman-Phone 2034 • Beautiful two-story house near ------------+--~.~---~--ent. Balboa Veteran and wife. FOR SAI.f"--.Small upright studio References. Call Harbor S37·R. 39-ltc Newport Heights. Hardwood piano, walnut rlnlsh, 1plendld . 3&-4tpl ---A-R-E-·A_L_V_A_L_U_E__ floors throughout. A1'o garase condition. J,150. 212 Amethyst, ~----------" apartment w:lth good tncome. Balboa Island. 38-2tp W ANTED--6 or 7 room boule er 3-bedroom home . Nicely lend-Thia ta really a beautiful hori\e. cottag•, furnished. ror the , .. _ scaped Partly furnished with Price $19,500.00. One-hair callh, J. M. MI l LE R Real F.state -er 15th Bild 0 'htral son. up to $200 per month. In-1942 electric refrigerator &: gaa Shown to qualified buyers by STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahoc- any case. Beautiful tone. Med- ium size. DANZ -SCHMIDT terested in buyin& it ttuonable. range. Close to everything. F1nt appointment only. ) Phone Santa Ana 428&. 36-4tc time advertlaed. Try and match Balboa Home Lido Isle PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, thJs for value. Better hurry! F S OWEN Or Santa Ana. JS.Uc APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted $7975 509 lht' SL. Newpcrt Very clean; 2 bedrooms; large e of ~ most attractive, RADIO HOUSE CALLS--by man and wire. We do not Pb. Harbor 2577 38-2tc lot. Near South bay front. Ctj"1Jliletel:y fumlBhed homes ' drink or smoke, no children or -In the Harbor area. Beauti· Now that addltlonal competent pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991·W HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR AT CORONA DEL MAR Immediate po&1!ssl(Jll. ._, y ,_......___, ,,_.._ to tedmldans are available, -are or write Box "X" fii..._t BaJ. HOMES ON LIDO 1SLE. YOUR 3 '" -~ ,~,. lable to ma 1 ia. ..rvtAll co calllk oa boa News-Times. l7-Uc USTING WILL BE APPRE-Lots Full Price, $15,SOi In. lll'1[< ..,.,.., es. ...,.. suar-crA TED. Near Ocean and s.y "' Full Prt'ce ~ ~s 000 anteed HAROLD L R6MM. WANTED TO RENT-1 or 2-bed--All TT!.ree $2250 .enns . ~ • S.OS. Radio. 300 Marine Ave. room house or aparj:ment, turn. We also have nice bulldJnc Iota -• Pb. Harbor 7!!0. 34-Uc or un!Urn. Pemwient, In bar-as low 81 $750 and up. W. J . HOLCOMB Lido Isle oo.. area or ea.ta M-for -1517 eout Highway Balboa Island Home B F t H Radio Repairs veteran, wife. Refttenea. Call WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Corona del Mar · BE. 27116 ay ron Offie AD mak.,: tubes, etc. Beacon 5173. 39-ltp _ "Whett then ... FlY" 39-2tc lruxxne property; choice loca-4 , • Fumlshed. Pier Beacon 5763 WAN"fEb-Small apL or room ror -FOR SALE-O><>ice bullD8I ccr-tlon. Modt!in, Bild In. first &1 , float. BURT NORTON sin&l• bu1ineu W<>DI!"· Pmnan-B. A. NERESON ner, 11eart ot Newpcrt -class condltioo throughout. Immediate POIJ1e1!1'Xl 915 Coat HlchW8Y. N..,port enL ll<luli# Schachner, 12()5 'REAL ESTA.TE ·-dlltrict. 3 (l:oeta&ilr;' partly Im-.. - 23-Uc Coast Hiway, N--' Beach. Insurance and proved. hu fair lnatne. Excel-~ SEE the ...., atyl• world famoiis 39-2tp 1972:, ~~es-. =:~~"::'.!m.::i:~~"'~'. Balboa Pen ins a l,.ot $3000 upholst<n!d plUJO&. Many colon WANTED TO RENT-2-bedrm. Ph: Beacon 52:15 39-ltc Calley, 1197 So. Cout Blvd.. La-· to choo9e from at DANZ-tumlahed. apt. or house tor sum-Beach. 39--2tc SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. mer or permanenL Prder Penln-FOR SALE--0x-ona de! Mar (but-guna -~ =: p1~ta Ana. W•s": ~~~:~ct. !m w. ~ :,:_:_ ~oco~~~ LO~bedrm.floorl~ ~rt.~ _ Bild ,.!!n_o_n~Y:, isti~attOO REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mlr · fer couple. eas.lly ezpanded. near -an. Extra room aver Plano. This Is real ~ BOOM a llOAJID " Move In a1 soon u paint 11 dry. pnae, oullldo "-or a laun-~ used ~ u 1-u WANTED-Board & room, lllngle. See It SW>day l to 4 p.m. 514 dry room, patio with-bubeeue. $115. $87 $125 $175. DANZ-employed veteran. Pb. Harbor Polnlettla. Corona de! Mar. Furnlllhed er unfum. Owner 312 SCHMIDT PIANO co., 53l No. 9117. 38-2tp 39-lte Heliotrope Ave .. Corona del ._:w;'· Main, Santa AnL 38-tfc AD -typewriter rib-In Sell that. un......,ted artlcle tp Manila fol/l!!n at N..,...n-. stock at 1l>e N.,.._nm.., throu&h N..,._Tlmoo ada. Ledger lheetl at N.,..TlmeL • J. 15th "' O!ntnl • M. Ml .. LER Ne wpoa't -• PIL Harbor 12'2 38-ltc • • ' • ---.. -._2-_ _J_ ........ -/' ... I , ._ . ..._., "·f ' -r ---_,._ _,. ..... :. including waahlnr machine. Ve- netian blinds, tile ln kitchen • bath, stall shoWtt. Built-Ins. NOW HERE Posseu. on or before close of escrow. $9500. 605 Marigold, Corona del Mar. ~l tp QAI. ESTATE DOllANOE 4.8 EXCHANGE RENTAL -5-room houle In Loi Angel.. fer aame _ in Balboa. or Bal Isl. P . 0 . Box 684, Balboa. 38-Uc WILL EXCHANGE rent of small house in L . A., Bev. & Vermont, for what have you on Bal Ial. Permanent or ? Phone L. A. FI ll865. 39-4tc WILL TRADE LEASE of 5-room furnllhed home, 2 bedrooms, 2- car earace. Corona del Mar for apt. or home in Balboa er New· port. Addrea Box P, c/o N.,..-nmes. 38-4tc RESPONSIBLE Telephone om· ~ Wlllltl to .,..,..._ 3-bed-room houoe In Welt Loi Angeles far ume ln Santa Ana or vtdn- Your authorized OU")"ller- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert 0Mechanle1 Kendall and Quaker State .oUa NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616. W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 1564-J JS.Uc lty. Call Southern Calif. Tele-TB --.0-.SU--------11 phone co., Santa Ana, 58:l8. 19-ttc LEA YING Cl'1T m111t aaa1llce M-O-NllY--'IO--J.O--A-11...;....______ lllDllll houoe ~. eood con- WANS TO BUILD, 1119, -e, modl.roJire or reflne•c. Nwport -,_.. lllBan.<11 .. •I ODdl.omlA- 3333 Via Lido ~ Huber 1500 dition, llleepo 2, fUlly equlppod, Including radio, >-burner -stove, table, lamp, etc. S300 cub. Inquire owner, Sect. D, Bob Muu. Ba)ollllcre camp, 11th a Cout HlghW07 101. 37.31p "WE NEED LATE MODEL ·CARS 1 and Will Pay Top Piices ms. YOUR C#.R NOW WbDe Prtms .re Hiib-. . ~ for our ... COCii_...,.. bu1er who will call and iidvlli you l'lllUdlDs OPA resulatioqS, oeQhw .... lnd.urU19t all dlcalll . . - CULBERTSON· CHEVROLET 00., Inc. 0 88 ........ QC, QfteD,J U • ...... c r+a1.Muupw1r "•011-.n r 21 .._. , --Wiit " ... ~· • ' I I . i ·" • ' l I I . ' -• .. ...... MWWHWI •••MOA ldlW•&'•• ......... • _.._ t\ZI? • ... • . - ~A. a-. iaeoldent "'the\ Buy A1amitoe Factory War Vet Glv9s New Vlslo1 · . r Ml, funds = ':.::",.::: ::-::: :: Mooriq Fees Told ~~:~~i: LOSALAKITOS.May9.-'Ibe To Bilmd hi ~ World .>CCI\ ::=.i::eti-':.:"~:!~1ns~~-=~a;:; prupur-toly ,._.. !or wace h brick tructure whldl bouoed I F · F en In wblc:h -pro<•••~..,.,.:. --1 Cralc clllltnc • • --.!1'8" tbe •aceo of ---: old u: Alamltoo supr lac-u thett _,.., leUO In the --t of IUStolnlns students at tbe or am·1ne' .. 1s .... placed shall be adoquatoly April. a -.. 1-1 .to u. perlodo. tory Ob the boulevard DNr SpriDll of bualnea men dUrlnl the clinntt· 1C11ooL f It cooto $51 a IDOllth to labeled In bold ,_ Gothic ~ Ne• ;art -c!IJ' ........0 sUl .----------..,...--~I strftt here for many y .. n la to meeting of the New~ -keep blind people at the ocbool. letten at leUt -.balf IDcb 'In 1'anday. Corona del Mar Matt Shop be converted Into a plant fm" mak· Rotary d\dt Tlladay nlcl>t. It -Happy Jaclt bU a unique plan Suff beight, u 1-: Tor t1ab hilt ~------ Inc parta !or pref-tod -because they deeply felt and ad· ol financing the imtltutlon. erers . . only--Un!lt for human ....._ a.&Y BAaVU,ON BOAJW and un1 1 blcydeo. mired the ~ or Happy Jack otnoia 6-Balboa Sportflahlnc n.et tion.' Ra1mood K. 11.....,y 1a the - '" or: 1 de Kenney, 51, World War I wt· Rotarians wen told that ""' bU ally a neat ayatem of ban-Furtbernft It la ~-that lllmll>tr at the llbnry boud an4 HLI~ ......... Thia announc:emen was ma erari and • man who bU elven ganlD.tlons or: penom who sub-dlinc their 11"" hilt. In the ftnt dams should be deaned and wash-not WQDO K. Harper,~-~ Wednesday by John 1~ a new vision of -.rage to • !lylnc scribe flmds for the upkeep of the Money la now to be colleCted place they have two -ts haul-eel before cooldnc them and that prevlouo\y reported. Mu..........., • Oldfublme<lmalta We mean Just this. • ~= f:..:...U.. wblch wwld. school and sustenance of the tor: Europe·a •tarVina people. in-1111( bait, the Maud. with Joe Dixon. all dark parta abould be cliacarded Is ·taldna the place left vacant bJ man 1n:.....i..i in the new project. For although sidlU... HappY handicapped lnclividllala actually atead of food. it -annciun<ed and Sirlo, with Don Richards. becaUM any poison that ml&bt be the resign•\kJn of Mayor 0. B. ____________ ....:_.,..____________ Jade Kenney bu proven to othen buy baby canarlea. by Dr. G. N. Peue, general chair-to koep the bait are lo-pr...,.t 4ur1nc tJ>e months of May Reed. Mr. H~y .is an ardlltect .----------'-----------------!that one can get aloog in the Each aubacrlblng member. buys \ mui Of Emergency Food Colle<>-cat II) the -ter at the Balboa to· October, lndullve, wwld be o,iid wu fonnerly ~t of.ti. I C E world aJmoot aa -U • tbe man a canary and bu the prlvllep of tlon for the Hctbor. pavll Bealdea supplying the concentrated In dark tiaue. Only board. The lomlly bu tteontly re- l I E S E L S E R V or woman who has perfect valCXl naming it. Thia gt\lft each sub-For the obvioU. reasons Of aav-live , ·t boata of the Balboa Spart-the while clam meat should be turned to the harbor U'ff .tter without the ... or a seeing.eye scriber a bill of aale, but they do inc packing and shipping time and fish F1eet, bay !lshormen can prepared for cooking and eating." spending the WV years in Paa- • dog or other help of any kind. not get the bird. The bird la kept effort. and alao iie<a-food in get ve bait here alao. Just row That allould be enough said dona. r NEW 225 H. P."DIESEI.S ON HAND Beconditi..-1 Dleleil OD bud with elloice ol ,, redadlaa gwffa • WE A.a WBITINO OllDJ:llll ON BIOBT· AND I.Err· llANll ROTATION DIQEIA POS TWIN IN8TAU.A· TION8. CHOICE .or UJDIJCTION IJNIT8. Oa Band: 165 B. P. Gmaenl Motors-New. See us tor Information on Venn Severin Diesels Dleoel Generator Sell! of AD Klnd9. PBOND! omce: Newport Z068 512"~ Marine Avenue a.ad Newport 2084-W ~Island At leut. that is the way Kenney In the pllSHlion of the school un--the right amounts and kindl can up yoJr boat, or bring your bait about muaela. --.l------- explained it, and he doesn't have til tt has mated and then hu lta be bought more efficiently at a buck t ln cue YoU want to fish For ~ raulta ~ N_. either a doc or: human aid to help y<l<D1C and then the bird la given central point, such u New York, with · ve bait elaewbere along the FRUSTRATED Times classlfie!I c:dunu» him get about in the world. to a blind. crippled or abut-in and actually sent on its' way. the shor Happy Jack, aa he ii called by penon to keep them in good splrlta plan now la to ask every man. Malden and Dina Lee. are .u who know him from coast to. 'during their lifetime or the life-woman and child to give the price run g as open Uve ba!t boa,. In the hunger department la ~l· LEY'~ REfR' IGERATIDll., coast, lost hi& sight during a high time of the bird. of a food item or items at once. ~.the Balboa Pavilion. leavi.ng the entry on the Wednesday mom-.. ,., altitude flight white an army flyer Kenney told the Rotarians that Food 1tores and schools will be at 7?00 a.m. The Jennie Lee is Ing police botter, "pusenby "-ER\llrE rnDIPlllY in the first world war. Honor· he has ,already made provision to collection depots. av..lliible for charter. Theae three port dead cat on Central avenue, · It'" LIU ably discharged, ht' could not re--perpetl\lle the school, should Jack Cole, Rotary Pl'.esident, an-boat4 take no more than 30 pas-aaoa .from Hormen's Fish Mar-8lllea -Zsatrz 1TF1ac -.. ,._ tum to his former dvillan post, death ~e the founder. nounces a local comnuttee of ~ sen.gr each. Frank Bell is man· ~et." • o...t: ...._ OD..-. W ._ that of an executive with the Shell Handicapped perlON who mut-tariana, the national sponsor1nc age~· of the Balboa Sportflshing . A nice way to die--for a caL I Temporary Phone, Day 6M La-- Oil company 1n Los Angeles, so er the art taught at the IChool, group, and urges every one in the F1ee -Other boats he has available &un& Reach : Phone Ni.ebt. lllG ., he decided upon a new career. Kenney said, are given employ. community to respond to this call for 1 arter and the number of Drive caretuUy-Spu:e a Ufe. Laguna Beach Deatb Valley Test ment under a state rehabilitation for help fro~ people v.•ho ~a: 'ngers 'they haul are: Mar-______ ..:.__:_'------------------ Having himself mastered the art p~ogTam. and already ~everal of tually starving to death. Tim~ lS gar ei K . 26: Kailani, 10: Star 1 ,,. of using his senses to "see" his hts . graduates are holding userul the all important factor, as pcnnt-Dus\. 10; Alamo. 10; and Forever way around the countrY, Happy positions. ed out by Herbert H . Lehman, Am~, 14. Jack Kennedy told the members Right noYt' Kenney is busily en-UNRRA administr~tor. Lehman B~acuda, white sea bass, and of the Rotary club that before he gaged In the endeavor of obtain-has told the Amer1can people of ·t t be th best It dl"C'idcd to ofrer his tried method Jng an Eagle Scout award for one the great need .abroad, as has Her--hall ut sleei mbaiot boatse th resdu s ,. d d ~ H N t • I chairman on e ve ese ays. to other handicapped persons he of his b11n stu ents who has ...... rt oover .. a iona . ~ . ~--------------------------'!gave it a thorough test in Death even masteted. the art of swim-for the collect1on. for food .ts Henry E ~d H . Burns •. o! J~n1~ta Valley, the toughest place in the ming and diving as well as any Wallace. and his comrmt~ee in-Cer . 1cs, has been. f1sh1~g tn the r. t••f•r•;,, .,;,, ,,, G•..,.,,•nt .,Jn, tlH J1re. t/Mdi .. tf An.1 8Hr HJ ... '"""•"" Jd'f',, ••• ,1('$1 t1m11. 1m •I u so .a •111 MjfJ sffl ... A COLLEGE, BUSI NESS or TRADE SCHOOL EDUCATION FOR YOU ~~ ~~ y,·orld for su.ch an experiment. other normal person with perfect eludes Fiorello La . Guardia ~d s m front of his .reside nce ~t . . vision. many others recognized for their 27tt( street and catching yellowfin And in Death Valley, the btrth-deep concern for our responsibility cr~er and surf perch on sand place of that test. there stands to-I toy,·ard the hungry people of cral:E. H e had one terrific strike day a. can:ip ~chool, "'~c.re Happy OBITUARIES Europe. the ~ther day that took hook, line Jack 1s br1ng1ng ~ew v1ston to t~e Local committee members are and singer . H e figures it was a big a~ Shoshone that he does most of Funeral services for Miss Mary Spicer, vice-chairman; Larry big , nes, are being caught along eyes or many blind boys. It is 1 Dr. G. N. Pease. chairman: Erwin haliI'ut. as he says a few of them, :~ be~e~olen~ wpalror~for others Bustillo, 50, were held at 11 a.m. Brown. shippit1g; S'.lm Porter'. pub-tha sn:et~h of beech. Of course. ose 5 g tis m Tuesday from the Grauel chapel, licity: Horace Ensign and Sulney ther st1~l ts that storr of a barra- But, as Ha~py J~ck explained Costa Mesa. A native of Los An-Davidson, schools; Anton Hershey, cud : bemg caught tn ~he surf. to . th~ Rotarians. it takes sut: geles, the deceased came here a food store collection depots; Roi-N~xt I Suppos~ a .surr fish~rman s~r1pt1ons or ~oney to k~p this month ago to live with her sister, and \Vright, banking; and Mason wtlli and a white sea bass in the kind pr~ject going. Approxunately ~frs. C. Zube, 316 Onyx avenue, Siler, motion picture houses. surf $191 raised .among the members of Balboa Island. Besides the sister As housewives shop for food S day.. the barometer dropped the Newport Harbor club Tuesday she is survived by one brother , N. they are urged to deposit in a con· abot(t four-tenths and sure enough Will be used to help defray the R. Bustillo of Los ·Angeles. The venient container at the store, Montlay a southeast wind is blow- Mesa LIQUOR SHOP Rev. Ardys Dean. vtcar of St. th<' cost of a can or package of ing jWhich_ certainly doesn't en James Episcopal church, was in food. cowjage f1shlng. Mackerel. ho - char~e or services a nd interment even seemed to have arrived 1n was in Fairhaven cemetery. iI· r.ry l\1orgC'nthau, Sr., former con der able numbers and are now An1bassador-"I think \\·e are fae-bein caught on live bait boats, l&ttYi Newport Blvd. Lt. Gen. Ryukichi Tanaka. of ! ing very difficult tim<'S, but \Ve bar , and off the piers. Plenty of Whiskey Japan's former army-"I am going have faced them before and have ~ Orange County Health De- Yes, your tuition up to $500 per ordi- nary school year paid fat 48 months of college, business or trade school You also receive $65 per month living allowance-$90 if you have dependents. This is the opportunity open, upon their discharge, to men avtt 18 {17 with parents' consent) who enlist in the new R egular Army before October 6, 1946, for 3 years. Get all the facts at your 0.S. Army Recruiting Station. COSTA MESA. CALIF. ends, I shall return to Tokyo and w j t the department posting No limit to any or l to my f'"11 and my people, in five ~ conquered "them. This is no wors~ part ent's 8 n 0 u a I quarantine our merchandlAe or 10 years when the occupation than what has happened before. agai~' st mussels is now in effect Pbone Beaoon 6011 reassume my political responsibil-Li"do neatre noti in convenient spots along -_ _'.3~0~2~C'.!.ity~~H~a~l~l~B~w~·~1d~in~g~-S~:'a~n~ta~~A~n~a~--~~========±:.'i'_':'.li~••>:::·"_:_· -------the t . It wouldn't be a bad igh l.QJit Qut11chtsl) For what your car needs ... It Pays to see . " • your Dealer Dimpl•? We fix - Yess.it. 'ft llDOOlh out thme un- •igbtly bder dimples, touch them up where needed with matching paUir . . a.nd sond JOU< car our slodt and paky u a p!- wirb • acw summer boaner. r.ao.y.lftined fold -nia an llDOOCbly i!On -...., die -dimpirs .. nicely .. roar t:aik.-J>IC9CS )'OW" bar UC I ii. • Immediate Sef'..Vlce and fair Price• from • THEO ·o·oRE ROBINS Ill• w. o..tr..I N&WJ I t ...... Phone Harbor 2114 idea o quote it in full : ~ .,.._. i11 &. ~., ACMI SlfW..o CG. ~ ~,;.Sl.#"'1 ·~...,. No~· Showing tbru Saturday- Sunday thru Tue!lday- Paulette Goddard and Ray Mil!nnd Id ' ''KITTY'l . \Vedn~y and 'Ihunday- BJi Popu:~r Demand! ~"""•Ml ..,,, ,_ ___ ..... .,. ..... ..,.a.. . .-,wa r TB•AT&• -: "l'AX61D" alaa "OIQ: Wil TO 1.0\T" • --. .,.11,-.nAllM'ter H. R. BRINKERHOFF "Mussels ~e now unfit for hu- man t comumption and it is un- lawf . to take, sell, or offer for sale uring the period May 1 to I Octo r 31. Mussels m ay be taken -E. Tblnl St. !lu!ta .ba, Oallf. ,. .~-l " UIKWHAT HA tll/NE2 fJNS·PI r Bia cbangee ... faster schedules ... new aervices!Just look at whjit lilppem June 2 on Southern Pacific routes between Southern Califp and the Eutl Al!d Wa in't all! Bia tbinp are happening on _, Southern Pacific route-«> if you're planning a trip """'1Mn. call or visit your near-by friendly Southern Pacific Agent GolcleB ltate Limited 41Y. 9-n to Chicago -at no extra fare! -• the GoMM-1..bdw/be- .... tbl w .. ob•-/wf ~ "-1.a. Cbkaco trail! in blatory: i"" 48'4-.,. ~I ltwlllcanyatramlinedJ>nllnww -dlmr ...i loaol'e c.. am! mod- SD cbai:r c:8l"I toQdc:qo ••. a ...... -PaDmaa .., St. Loula •.• aal -lor tbe -tbiie-a tllroaF Pull· _,,,_y_ Alao -tbc ]WI, tbe c.lj,W· ..... papal8r .. ""'O&•.,. tnba, will --.1o ita IMt saw• ......... CMIJbc toarilt: ,._ to Qi. ___ ..,a...._ ... ..,_ .......... ··-Tw.11 • . ' ar tor llr11laiirc:s.111 I SJ 1 ~:-...-_ •. _' ·.··.----·-t-f .·.··- SunMIUmlted fastest Tf'Cl!lll Ever to New Orleans! -JOU'U be al>le IX> "'IX> Su Alf. IX>i!io, Hom!X>ll and New O!ieOm bf tnm fatter titan nu before in ~. ' Stmt1DcJuna2,thefmnouaS-· HI Li•il# will apee4 fn>ta Loa A,,.-IX> N.,. Orleom la - boan •.. at DO atra f.rel TlallfaltS....tl o M fwllcwry ::::1;:&Pu11maas1 , ... ·~-™'""• c:bair~ .... .... ... ~ llaop cs ... ..,., ,., 1•'\lllT-dw:ai-.l ~ mr. 'Dia'i ................ ..._ _ .... ,-. .... . At .. _ ...... At. 1·1 _ ... _ .... _ ...... .... _ .... , .• I ' I I • -:.. ~i ~ -,q . ' ,, p th ,,, ... , ........ hdl1t . LEY, DfSTRICT PASSENGl!KAGENT • 111 &. mta ll*'M UNTA AJllA-PllOD - . - ' , )' ' Housing Bill Decried by Savings and Loan Assn. for Vetenn's Mesa Home .. • In tho eight months ho-BIDO..- the time the eeneral hoUllne or '1ong range boulinC• bill WU in- troclucod In <M .. nate (Aucu1t; 1945) and~ date of Ill - by -le (IDid-A!ril this ~ul, It has lalt any· vl!allty It might have had u a meam ol. raiUn& America's boualng stand· ....... -'lbls ii 1M belief of P. A. Pal- mer, of tM Newport-Balboe Fed- era! Savln&I and Loan Alm.. In an Interview -...:, the -1bll- -of rolef the .,.....,t llbeltorl-pllchl of thoulando of veterans and famlllee He pointed out that the nation's boulln& 1tandarm ... going dawn ~ limply because people hawn't houoel to pay for, m'bcb mere frequently than becauoe they haven't 'money to pay fOlf' houses. , This contrast bu been lncreulncJy ._.. pronounced In the put .i1ht months. He empha- sized that today a family'• llbelter a»tl are leu in propJt Uon to lb tncune than evtt ho!Drt! In history. - ROOFS APPi.SD oa ar••w:n ..... --a. lmpeetlon w. '·. pb.;w 360'l Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J VETERANS Two-bedroom h--. - ,built on the I~ you ~ ~. 100% I. Financing Yon pky only appraisal and legal r-. PHONE 244'7-R Denison & McBroom Sales !S50 Newport BITd.. COSTA MESA (In the Mesa Ra!ty Bldi:.J Corson and Ray - "We cannot leclalate houles and we cannot era.le them automatio- ally by appropriating or arranging to lend billions of public clollan to build them," . be emphu!zod. ''Moat at.' the provtslonl ot the Wagner-Ellender-Taft blD cent.,. around a nln~year-old thecry, which hu been steadily 1..U.g practkallty for the put few _,o, that atandardl at, housing have to ho railed solely b)' way ot the podtetbook, that In .i-t it ii all a matter of having l!nOU&h money to spend for houles. Actually It's so much more a matter today of havtn1 any matmala to put Into houses and ot having the men to make the materlala and to put the material Into tM houan, than It Is ot havtng money or new credit de-- vices, that I · think this bill's emphaail on theoe ~time concerns can only hinder our whole housing program. "This aging and outmoded theory that money alone will ra1oe our bousinl: standards wu nnt embodied In the United States Housing Act of 1937, and th• Wqnor-Ellender-Taft bill, no frOlOOM - 9lDIOOM :I ~l o 8 E· " .. •• •• ,. 0 " p L I y I .. c e. O OM • • • 'T I 0 .... ........ t11 .._ ,_ --••' . ..,. ~ ..... 'W1hr. .......... 0..-.... ........ -....... 1. .... ..,. ....... 0.-.. -· c:.......,. ...... ..... .... .. c s 2 ., ........ c..a c 0 ..... 0.. ... c.aa ........... -.... ., " ................ , .. n,. '-1 ........ ,...., ....... f9-I ·-w ir.. .... .......................... ,_ . .._..., __ ..... ti _..._.,..... -... ... ....... el_.,...• ..... II .. ........ _ .. ....... matttT how mum tt hu to say \. alout home ownershlp and private •t-''-'O -~-1 ..,.. • .,...,. .... 2 0 ..... ... ...... ~-$ _ .. entttprlle. really hu at Its core I the expanalon of that federally-G At •Gt a._ All~-"'-.c,.,,,c> aut.idJz.ed housing program under ., •.e>. Bt'Daoo""f .,. c .. ~,..-r j ......... ~ ....... ........ ,..., ................ oH-.WO. .... 'f1leWIJflf---- _, ........ lh'9 _....... which one group of citizens, the o• Ru..,r v.s e.,. ..... ---............. .......... __ .. ,..... .. t ea-l•...,. _.... home-owners, help pay the aut.ldy _J o keep their neighbor's rent low. while they are paying at the same .. ________ ,. ___ -__ time for their own hdmes and the ------------------------------------- t axes on them besides, This new <. bill which the senate has •P-'A new Home by the Time You Joseph Weston, Architect, on proved would make a forty-five Ge y y;~'::'.f':U."t.:'g o;_:n~ .... r• 'the na-t our New Car,' Say Builders t r t s r f "l t isn't going to be research de- partments. National Housing agencies or firty-five year plans which make It possible for our veterans of World War Il to enjoy a better standard of housing ln the peace years. It ts going to be ather the response of the untram- meled building indust ry and of the heme financing system of the na- tion to the normal, able-to-buy de- mand for homes. the cooperation between the various elements In he building industry, and the trivlng toward a forty-five day plan in getting a hoU5e built and eady to live in, which will ful. ull the promise of a civilian life worth coming back to for the, men who fought this war." (The rouow1ng aruc1e 11 reprint-m•n• in this Industry a1one. Th•Y Tacoma Trip ed in part from a condensation of haven:t done anything at all l\bout Joseph We.ton, member of an article appearing In Practical them. In the meantime, manufac-Warfteld Co. and oolumnlst Builder, February, 1946, entitled turers cannot get labor, because for the Ne"·.,Tlmee on the "\Vhy Homes Are Scarce-a Mes-they can·t afford to pay enough. California Home, Is tn Tacoma sage to Veterans".) "Lumber mills are producing on a btm.neu trtp and there i. '-:rbere is no way by which the lots of lllmber. but· not much of no column for th.la "·eek. building business. the government, the kinds that's used in homes. A pest columnlst will take the President, the Congress of the Why not? Largely because OPA over the spot next \\'eek and United States, or anyone else, can is still operating on a wartime t he week following Mr. wee-- provide this year all the homes basis, allowing higher prices on too wtll agaln eootlnue hi.a you and the other people of this non-home lumber and on lumber lotttMtiDC and 1.nformatlve country want. No amount of for export. d.lacuulOIU on the home, money appropriated by Congress· " ... You'll have your new ~------------, can do It. home as fast as you'll have your • "Several hundred thousand new car." Building Materials For New Telephone Exchange Approved Around the Nation I Qmen1 Contncton Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the News-11mes . homes are going to be built, of course. The building industry, working wtth the government, will do everyt.h.1ng ln its power to sup- ply veterans' needs first. Even so, a lot of boys are going to be disappointed. A sign of runaway infla,tion ls seen in the hundred-dollar top for the Louis-Conn fight. For that money put into a War Bond, the .-..- Ve eran' s Representative ~=~~re __ -U..t is not consldoftd "7 Tels How to Obtain Loa~ ~ g:~ In ron-.ig article, written u flits, _.,-ts, jiuplex and his tamlly, In addition to tl>e by Le1bennann director of 11cJu1es or semi-buslw ;;, -requiftd clobt oervtce. A fum .-• po.....,., plk:ant will ho nqllired to ba ... County's ~t of will ho purd>ued, No ia--ty autftd<i>t ~ ei<perlenee - as to ;.,,Mf~tl= ~ :.,.,,.~ b~~bo,~ !lnandal ~ wblcb In tl>e and to obtain them are ea-type conatiuc&n 11\:llOed will be opinion of the board will quollt) ' pl purd>ued, unlfta the dosian abd him to aucceatlllly operate • OOllltnlctlon ·-a-'"-' '-•.' .. farmlnc ])om,,.. • .!"'~ll:.t~: Ucenaed atruct;;;al ~i! "All~ are reqlllred ID Into service ..,.. ellcft>le ace and conclltlon of tho ho covered by fire Insurance ,,,__ the privilege of -cau-will det"'1Dlne the ._.._value, lldent to np1..,. -ponnanent fornla arm and Home Pur<:haR which rouatiJy ii l!Kl bulldln& Improvements. Also • Heme Pro- Plan tabllshed under the Veta-coots p1 .. 50 to ~<JC, 1ncreue cloo-kctton Plan of U!e 1n1uru1oe is ans' elfare board. Thia appUes pendlnc on ace aild oondltlon. illued on all pun;hua'a to protect to boti World Wor I and II wt-"For a new buildln& procrun 1M dependents aca1mt -Ill oo erana, iwi.-rl&hll are equal ater it is n-.ry for the wteran to tM ploce will be cleared ID the July, ~946. haw bis lot. plana and apeclf!ca-dependents. ''Each veteran must file 101' a tlom approW.i by the board. and "In reality It la a matter of letter lot ollcibWty In order to have a oomml""°"t 11-befon tM state buying 1M ia-operty - take allvantage of the loan. The •tartln& to build. The i-rd will tM wteran buying It bad< from forms~' avallable at the Oranse oot pun:hue the t.Jme until Its tho state In peymentl omortlaed Coun Veterans' Servloe C...ter. completion, and at that time the over a :lO-yeu bull In cue of a This topthor with a pbo-lmpection will ho made and 1M -.e . toatatli' copy of the ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; paper !must ho sent Into Sacra- mento for approval. When the letter f f eligibility la secured the veter"!'. la able to use the-rlchll in ~uing a farm or home. Lamber ud Builcllns ·MateriaJe Bey District Lumber Co. ..... ....... 1111 "Thf bula of tho Jou requires tho viteran to have 5<JC, of the ;;;~ll~l~OO~~--~~-~~W~IJ~;;;;;;;;;;B~~N~c~•~•~·~-~;;~ sellin price in cub for a hotM and % for a farm. U lntet'- ~. in u1~~~ ~ "";:; C: Will Open New Store About May lat posit f sufficient to meet lO<JC, • Fuller Paints for every need •Rite Ute Venetian of de'l\'· The amount of each loan Blinds. • We repair and repaint all kinds of bllndt. will bf governed by the appraised • Trlmz Wall Pa H It ·-·-" • .,._ value o f the property and the vet-per -• • ang .r~~. ~ .. ~ eran's earnings. 20%, or the Wall Papers. maxi um 25 % of bis monthly In-A. J. Burton's Paint Store come can be used f or pa.ymen,_. / A I of $6500 Is the maximum Newpori Blvd., -15th St. home loan now and ·s12.500 for a ~=~~==================~~~ farm. On May 21 the tote]. will be r ed $1000 each. The interest rate 4% with the drop to 3% effec ve August 1. Vet Select. Property "It is suggested that a veteran. when eligible to use the loan, .se- lect e properly he is interested. in b~' ·ng and get a written agree- ment with the owner to hold the pro · ty for him su_bject 10 the app al or disapprov&l of the Vete\1ins· Welfare board. He then can bring the legal description of the ~roperty together with the * writttn agreement of the owner to the center on Fridays and m eet with~ representatives from the Vete ' Welfare office, who Will fill o ~ t all needed forms and give a st~tement requesting an ap-- praiHr to appraise the property. "Tije house must have approx:l- mate(y 800 (eight hundred) sq. ft. or more of floor space and two or m~re bedrooms. The property cann t be located in a business zon area nor in a speculatioii area. No income property sucll . '* " ... Gradually, we're clearing away the bottlenecks, gtring home builders the green light. Gradu· ally, we're getting more stuff every day, and more and more homes are being completed, more and more are being started. By the end of the year, we'll be go-- Ing at a million-a·year clip and you'll have your home, LOS ANGELES, May 14.- Charged with the responsibility of authorizing essential industrial and commercial construction so that more building mater1als can be channeled Into C .I. liouslng, the Ovilian Production Administra- tion regional director, Louis M, Drl"ves, announced that his office has taken action on the following project: citizen used to get Anzio, a Nor· ,.--;---------~ mandy landing or Okinawa.-Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARIER & PRESTON State Ucensed Contractor -----wannn-. s 0 111 . P1lloee MM 81ddmce P'llliosee NI! or !W Going to B1lld y.,.. proballq llave yoar m..m "-.. wortrecl oat la yoar ml&ld -or -ybe yoar """'"""'*GI'~ alr-'1 ............. ............ ,... .................. ____ .. , ih~ -.... .,_. dru 1 ol 11 l:ww ltl 1 -._ W n JOii p over Ille ,.._ wilt yoar haDdor he ...., to .-Ida u..t Ille ww•I drllllap- -• .. lllll•1~Dld w-..... ud ,_, •r I bl• &J. Ov l!cpeilil la _,..... •::1&lml d he pd lo Mlp wllla IQwt ..... GI' pdfl I Olle =awlhll ~ .. a lot ell --... Ill Ille ....... ". ell ** .. •. --ETS-HOlll & GALVAN lllNCS 4 1 t I t Am ~ -ft ' 11 W ' &1 •I :•I 8 7 =-D11p O..' ' El.ECTKICIANS ' ._ rM.JtOu?:'!:i =:.:., ~~.U.. ..,.. Short.ace of Plumbing " . . . One of the most serious shortages ls: in sanitary.ware, plumbing supplies and rad.lators. OPA for some time has had dozens of applications for price adjust0 Quality Lamber and Buildin1 Material• A one-story reinforced concrete communica lions service building for the Southern .. California Tele- phone Company on Central avenue near Coronado avenue, Balboa. Tile structure, Jong needed be- cause ot the increased volume of phone business, will cost $380,000. Opens Bond Office Dean Campbell, Santa Ana stockbroker, who lives at 1559 Ocean boulevard, Balboa, ls open- ing a branch office in the new Omaha World Herald. Industrious habits of New Eng- landers are the admiration ot all those who don't realize t he climate is so chilly it makes people work to keep warm.-The Boston Globe. When Jacques Cartier sailed up the St. Lawrence River in 1534 and discovered a series of rapids, he thought he had reached: the coast of China.-Tbe Boston Globe Rev. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Jreal- dent of the American Jewish Con- greu-''I am sorry for those who raise the flag of bigotry, they are bound to destroy them.selves." B at Owners ••• ·Canvas By the Yard WI e Widths-All Lengths Sota Ana T ' nt & Awning Co. 1819 8o. Main St. Phone %0'1 SANTA ANA • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. Dallas Coleman office on Central -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: avenue, Newport, and will occupy r these quarters until the Balboa telephone building is vacated, when he wi11 move in there. Collin Travers of Santa Ana will be u- IOCiated with him and the office will open about the tint of June. A. E, HO&TE.TLEA ..--.....110u YOUR PAINTING DONE. NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. -tr- Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and p~tronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. PHONE L. L. BEAN Harbor 26'5 • Before VOii B•lld or RHIOdel ..... Owpaa. a ' Ai ' .. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1---~ ----IU!ft.&AXA • Announcing the 1ew Vibrapac Building *nits ALL 81ZDJ BUILDING UNlT8 • ' lll'IClk and °' •;.ool Bloclm ow In ProdoeUooa Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. lJl80 Newport Aft. Veterans -~ttention! Your New Ho on Your • 6-Room ? Cole1rote ·• H I Tl11'1•1 ~ Financed Lot k a .. Patty •'718 ' * .-••"' -to•··· ttO .-iall"' _. 1'v•. Heater Electric W~ __ ''--- -Soon you will be •ble to ~ that spic and span new Elc:c- tnc Water Hearn-and y<>u·u be glad you waittd for an ruCINr! It gives you plc:nry al hot warn anytime, al .;ounc. But ~than th'at, an elmric water heater an be installed anywhctt t,causc it needs no vent or ftuc. Automatic? Cornplmly! And as thrifty as a newly· wed on• budga, thanks to Edison's low r&~ for water heating. Why scnk for anything Im than an Electric Water HcatU? Ask your dealer. IOUTNllN CALlfOINIA ltllON COMPANY ' * .... Am .1 •. 1.Eml ....... ··:.;::::-:-:·. ·--· A • P 0 TI• P'FF ......... • • • • NEwPDRT-AL8DA NEWS-TIMES 1FWOlllWat ll&WH!RL 11 Mii II - • • Corona d~l Mar News By lllEll8IE L lllZNEDICr BA.L80A ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue ftev. HaHy 'w. Whtte, Auoolate Paetor Cburch School, 9 :80 a.. m. Morning Wonblp, 11 L m. CorrMr W•lnvt and Church &ta. c-.- Sabbath .cbool, Saturday morn- ing, 9 :30 o'clock. Preachlnl' Hrvice, 11 L m.. NEWPORT HAR BOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Cha,.1, C-.. ..... ~ev. Hubert Roth, PM.or Serriceo: SW>day, 10:30 Llll. FULL GO&P&.L CHURCH !2nd and Elcleft. Cost.a Mu.a lhmday ocllool, 9 :<~; morni114r worab.lp, 11; ~c HrVloe, 7 :10 p. m.: Kld-week pra.)1181' meet- ing on Wedne9ciay; 1 :'6 p. m.: YOUDC people'• eva..o.pt.uc ffrViCe on rrtday, 7:<la p. m. COITA MUA COMMUNITY CHUIOCH cart •. J8.UllllR, ........... 124 ..... at. pillft, 247$. .. OlwcA Khoel. t :fil L m. ..................... 11 .. -. Y outJ:I poupe. Blp eob111, In· tennedlllt•, AclWt,. 8 :IO •· m. ....,... .. mm, 7 :80 .. -. JOd-wMlt lellowatp and prayer, \Vednead&y, 7 :30 p. m... 11 L m., Pray81' and Sermon. 315 llORTJI )tAIN ST. MODEll MAllH SERVICE SHELL DOCK -.. BALBOA tetA..ND • ·- They say-~- Newport· Balboa TJ urist Bureau All Modes of Travel to ~. Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Hn. Roy Keene. Pb. Harbor :31'L 801 Palm, Balboa Boan: 10 .. m. , 8 p. m. Spring o ;ning Hunfington Diqner House -·---~-u ____ , r Open Dally, ~ Sunday Saad= ~toA~j!S ~ . I I 24-Hour 'o Service ONCE _o-t., c OD SPA on.. .... n ¢ l'l9m • nme i..0rup c..mt1: U ew • • • Even the Location Half Jme Eut fll Old Loci~ OD Coat HllbW'f. New Bar .. .--· .. PROFESSIONAL _ DIRECTORY DENTISTS DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST • 28SS Weot Cenb'al PlloDe Barbor 4%1-l N ewport 2202!7 W. Central. Barbor H80 NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist 1eo1 Cout mwa7 CORONA DEL ,lllAR P hone H a r bor 22!0 INSURANCE Sandy F. MacKay --·--INSURANCE-That's AU 1H E. Central Ave. Balboa -Barbor 239'1 Uncoln National IJfe Insnrance Co. "11-Name lndLeaW 11-Cbaracier'' DON .JERNIGAN 1'lloae Barbor !Sf.-B S08 Marine Ave. Balboa Jal. New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DVBANT U8 ~Ave. -r 1U6-l CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL Lii'& INBUB&NCi: 00. RayN~n " I ... .t.e1li1:A hMdN ---..... 2u a.a..a.-. ..._ MOln'ICIAJlf8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel 'We Ounelvm the Better Serve by 8e'vinc Otberll Best" ...... BWDK811• Coota -Calllorala OPTOMETBillTS Robert A. Cl-awford Opt. D. OPT01llrl'IWJT Eyes Examined • Glaaes Fitted l '711 Jlfewpwt Boalnwd ........... u . E.T.~O.D. 0,1 -" .. RY88 n•llllim LENSD DUPUCA.TSD .... ·1 ...... ,..,II au..-w. o..r.a •• n. --.. mu • WWW pcm H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ADd8w1w Hours: 2-5, by Appointment Telephone Beacon 5848 111 Bn>tld-Ooota ·- OONRAD RICHTER, 111. D. ~-ams- 120 E . 18th S t. COSTA !'dESA Hoon: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Bea.coo 5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~C.::::t.- NEWPORT BEACH -PHOJlo-.S-Oftlce: H..,.bor 18&-W Belidence: Barbor 28tl-1'; U No MY"Wer, c .. IJ Ba:-borjl ' Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH PboDe Barbor 10!8 No &D.9Wtt: e&U Beacon 5040-ll X-Ray Service Milton M. Muwe1J, M. D. 1801 c-t Blway Oorona del Mal' Office Hours: 10-12; ,_5 Phone Barbor 1082 S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave, Balboa , r-Barbor 17!4 «I s, HUI St., Loo A....- TUcker 781! '° By Appoint:meat T. P. Reeder, M. D. Phywlclan Uld Swpon lOll Wed a.,. .&1"e. TelephODfl Barbor 602 A. V. Andrews, M.D. PIHIDCIAN """ IWllG&ON Telepl>ow> Barbor UU--1 Dr. W. T. Mooney ftfllt· ud Smcw --0..-.... (N.-.~) ........ w..,...r n.4-• tit.lie D•.WllllvO.W- Chlropracttc, Dietetics, Ph)'Sio "' Colonlc Therapy imc..m....- 1----- ZONE THERAP\ CLINIC Cemp~1 F~ln . ~,vice at HA"S~N'S ~ .. r, r: \ \..I ,,;u;.._,.) ""1110 l'lz:A Jfcwsu& .. ~ r f ""' T &ill ••• , I • , • • M&WIWJMJJM>A l -S~:fS;;OPA Fines 3· 190uestionsonSchoollssuesAnsweredHere1n .::n~~ lfse:.rn::c::t g~~mll :~~~18'.~'.:i.ancl • 'Local Cates· Q, What .. the -r ... upon-A. No. Tiie elec-....... Q, What la the lll-Dt ..... Auto Operations .t.ppoarlnc lief~ 1ud&e Bob • • 0 slon at thla tlmO! for a -"'-•• .._,,, ""° ~ ed valuation of the hlP ocbool lborw of Gardner in city court Satunlay ~lion 1una!lttee aftlle ~ A. ~ da11ioam Ill la w ta·s nte eoaW M le9&. 4ktrlct! the California Highway patrol. mominc on a charse ot drunk Newpmt Barbor Owmfw .i ")ts • IRle r.....11p-1 11 f dwlaoc -OIWWWI -yw. Q. ,What other method or rai.. A. ~teq f)l,111,111. = authoriU.. of NewP*'t clrlvinc. Sari L. Goodwin of LG 0>mmerc.. wu on )londay -.rvr-vf'I . Three Newpon harbor ""ta""" ""° 11 • -· - -..,.,_ Ing money for school bulldinp Q. h thla •••wd valuation began participation tbll AftCeles received• 90-doy jail --to make a rep..-t to Ille ants were amonc the 1S Oranp terta are .,.a'<l'ow.._ A tarse mi&ht have been med! . high! weeJc In a natiorr-wide trafftc ~· SU1pe1Kled for two years on neat meeting ol. the baud ol • f county buslnea firms who have t.crea•'I! a. mr•& mt 19 upeited A. A. ._. ..._ ..... t .. 1';.9 A. lfe. •sss set ......._ la &af~ cbedt desicned. to reduce \,)Ull..i.tion that he pay $150 tine rec:b:n aa the subject of. tbe ~ ' 1' ~ paid a total of $766.84 in fines and a.n yw. -a •tw. - -...,, 1 b.. ,.._ • ... to. and abotoln from the -of intoxl--4 me.-in frelsht and po9' refunds for alleced vlolatlon of Q, Wbat i. the proomt capodty Q, Wby did the -...S oolect the ~ -w • ..... ..,_ Tl>< cbock appllos only to ,,... eating liq-. f0< a two-JUI'-aoncer ta..... of tbe Podtlc Eloctrle OPA price celling requlroments, or tho ochool plant! • tAx·ralslnc method rather than the po '• -., -- - -hl"'9. involved in movinc tratt1c perlod. bus line. · I according to a statement made A. A"9at: .... ~ are ·IM bond ialle! att-zl te nlle 1111•11 ...._ violittions.. It comJsU ~an ex-r----------------------..., Wednesdloy by Edwin Sadler, price '""°" ....--· n.n wm A. ""° -,..,...,. a -,q-.. - ' ·oo -r..i -... amlhatlon of the drlwr's llclome control. cblef for Southern Call-.i.. more --aen yw. A -~.--s .---.._ no-""'I ~tratlon certl!leato and a ' GEORGE D. BASSE'fl' fomia. -•-te ,..-u came -r -.-b -Q. What Is the lll-•t value IPO inopoctlon of bis lrab!o. • "Harbor rostaurants paying dam-•rolbneat of tMe by ttlll. m&1111<r .,.. So late l Rbp. ot the bllh ocbool plant! Ug , -. wlndshleld Wiper and 6-r.i ~· I • l"lllaeiiiwa'a Boot• 11>1 es were, the Gingham reataur-Q. · How wfil the propoeed pro-TIM.we • ao Oftf.._. te ffWl1ldle A. App;•••' ?...,. 1111,111. Dt1•et• 'flrhoee can lhaw laecwM 'DD. Sei tb t. Coota Mesa and the Palm and gram ..,ueve tho oltuatlon! la-t --. -of -. Q. Wbat did Ille plant ooot! clefecto aro bobie urged to -W. o..tnl "-._ a..-~. x-~ - P ··on cafes in Balboa. A. Twel•e ..wltlms1 d· a M1111 ~ e~•••• A. 'nlere .._ • •W "1lia.d ha the neceuary repairs made.j '-----'------------------J ! ' ' W•lf4!r ::. Sadler stated that nn.. were wlD -ndta--te Q. What amount of ~ c1oeo -of "19-. "" oo' steq ~ will not be PoMllwd !Je.. I======================= levied in all cues in multiples ot pro..tde tor a total t9MP1 mt fll this method of ftnanclnc save u tl..,._ •11•1 bsw 1 sh U ca of mechanical defects In $25. and refunds were made in IMO ,..ata. A strl"• ..,_..._ compared to a bond tasue! t1M1 ,...,, r 1 l .... ., ._rd•• .. 1 can unlea they an in viola-) moat cases to cuatomen who wue a.it aad allower _.Joell• ..-ee A. Tbe ner!M!ed •• .. ._.. attic Jf I, Nwpwt~...,._ t1._ ~ ol the atate Jaw or local or-.TIPTON t-1-C.nticiete fw Sitt ER I FF • ' I ' ' ' allegedly overcharged for food w111 aa9Wtll' a.e pre••-fll eOllr .ao.e oa -eqtdnlmt am at fll Blctl .a.ea. w1ll .._ • ..... dln4nos- itema. l'Mti• .. 1*7'lkal ...... ~ .. le-J'W' ._.. ............. Sl.lllolll ... 1Jw:: cbttk will continue rcr • _....tor .._7 ~ te--. -t to '1111.eM. -.. -al -117 UK. ~six WMka or mere. It 9op -wm ~ - -Q. Att thero any additional ad-Q, Is any land to be boucht la by the International W)'CIJllnc la almoot twice the pr .... t eapac:tty of -sloop "1 vantages in thla propooed method frosn this lll<Jl>CWd lnereue! tlon of Cbleh of Pollce and size ot New Ycrk state. ....... ltotll ......._ • .-mechlae of ralalng tundl! . A. Jr.. AltlMwclt 11~ .__ hu the hacklnc ot the automobile • ~ IMlllU-. A ~ a..t A. YM. TIM propoeed me~ .... .... ,_..... t1111 • wu cluip and all other qendee tn- maltedl mllll lltop wlll pMtly re-doe. •ot lmMlr tlMi endlt of tlNl dame wt.tit .-eJ" aanid rr-.. • leNfled. lQ trattlc eafety. hefi a. crowda -... l'GlaC ~ la _,. ""'' It wm ,.... eraU.S CIOlta. Af: poib6d out by Nr•ew•P*'"" t Po-tairoap tM pre1•t eat9terta Ible. ctw u.e ...,._88 ..,,.... u.e ,._,. Q. Hu Newport Harbor Union llcej Oilef Rowland HodgklnlOll, I • ' i ' ' ' long Distance Q. What II the procram sub-u..t real enate .. bo@• "•I' ... Hl&h 9Chool been an extravagant ;r· e verace car on California hlch- mltted to the votera of the hi.sf\ wm llOt nma1a .. a •dn«" ~ school to operate-! 11 now mot"f·than eleht ~an school dlstrlcU bis a _.Ne period .,, dopr-A. Deddedly -o.ri.s tile old and It Is blehly necoaary A. Voten are .._w te ..,. o1-...... mipl -la Ntaro •tire ll ~ of lta ---~· aging vehicles bo kopt in thorbo 0 'l'Oo ...,,._0 la ti•• masJ. 7.,.... <'!so. the .,._.,i ---Nowpan R-tJ-111111 goojl condition to avoid acddonb mam lop! tu -t for,_ :roan. rUolq Ila -•7 onr a period of school U. "-la -er-o1 andJconaerw lranoportation faclD- Thh wwld make p I l'Me -l9-fCMll' ,...... paml:la tM boer'd to <>nap tlO.aty laiP .,..... wtt .. ~ ' ' . For MARINE HARD.WARE & PAINTS VARNISHES HOUSE & ' 1 expans1on progra111 crr11e from 71e to '1.'5 per tt .. •tart lte '"'""•s propam aad at tMl lowed coat Pfll' etudimt. For ·'Ille authorittee are urgtnc the we11ed Yalatl• for u.e J'Mn tM w time bold la reeene the put 11 ~ ._ C09t per pui to have their vehtclee 19"-<IT. JM7-t& IMl-U, tMt-M. mttld .. t moeey •to attract fed-•i..t.t ._ ""-. uader Ute Or-ch ked voluntarlly. The slogan B u'I L DER S' HARDWARE I in ful _I swing ' ' ' • ' ! Millions of. dollars will ·be spent broadening service on the Pacific Coast \ la 1946 alooo, oo tho Pa- cific Coast, millions of ~c:;-~ dollars wonh of loog dis- ' tallce equipment will be imtal.led -some 200.000 miles of oew circuits, for example ..• vacuum tube systems that boost the oumbe:r of calb ptesoot wire an handle. This is a pan of an unprecedented $400,000,000 Ii ... ya: program to provide an nu DJ*lding, .... im- proving telepbooe service here oo the Coat. lis, we are oa our way to pioviding a brmder, furu, loog distaoce oervice than you ever thought i-sib!L For it is our purpooe to grow witli the West and bdp the West grow in nay way we <:an: , .. '-. $outh1m Califarnia T1l1phon1 Company l~ Palm St. Balboa Pb. Barbor 1414 I Q -Under this program how eral or state moeey which mlsht: aace ooaaty •ftl'al9. For m:-of e drive ii: "Clleck Your would the mOney be raped and be ottued for Millool buOdlap oe ample, la ltu-4.5 tile ••erase co.t Drtfing-Check Your Car-Oieclc: how much revenue nilcht be a matcllJae bule. Pftl' lalp IChool papll la Orance Accjdents." raised! -Q_ Are there any possibilities coonty ~· .. nn.... Of tlMi tea ,, ------- A. Tbo moae7 would .. rsbod for state and federal money for four-;i:,ea~ blsh .:-=.ID.~• ~lrnmers to Make u a part of the recuJM school school buildings? coun .. ,,., ewpo r .._, e Pri budcet: and mlcht: prodaee' a Uttle A. Yea. A special session of :::O';t: ~:pl) ooet, the amount ey OD Ce more tleaa Sl00,000 per year or the letrl•lature temporarily reject-Q 1 rocen"u, paid SIO 000 for [ f'sintrol Pr0cedure a total of approsimately '400,000. Pd aueh a pl'Opoaal. but It wUJ my . home whlch Is ~ at .._,J;;l E. Sommers, retired har- Q. U the tax r aise ls authorized j undo ubtMly be reaabmJtf.ed at the $2,000. How much could the ex-bol'.'~..t.district business man, was by the voters, does the board hav~ next r~ H:Mlon. Ther e 11 a pansion program increase my seldcted by the board of directors to use all df the tax Increase which 1 proponl of federal aid now ~ taxes" of lhe Newport Harbor Chamber l is allowed? I for e coagrea. A. ·Sl<l.OO H thf' maximum In-of fomrnerce A1onday, to make 8 1 creue b found to be nf'tt§sary. suryey of OPA procedure in t he Q. Where do I vote? / pri~ control office at Santa Ana A. H you are rqbte rf'd fTom 1 for Jthe purpose of giving a talk to Cotta Meta. you \'ote at the Cmta ! local business me n at a meeting Re-Elect ' MHa Mala Sc-hool. ft you are 1 to J>e held shortly. registered from Bal~ Island or I S>mmers was formerly chair- Corona del Mar you vote at the map of the Newport Harbor price Corona df'I Mar scllool ; H you are ~l board ot the OPA. ;t r~!ltered from aD)"''be re else ~~~=~ within the Newport Beach School _:_:•l 11 11111 1111t11 •!11111111 11111 u1n 11111 11111111 Dlabict you vote at ttii e Newport Beach School. • It's the ' ' 23rd & Ph. BALBOA'S • Central 2600 Sheriff Jesse L~ Elliott (Incumbent) All kinds typewriter ribbons in stock at the News-Times. Why Suffer? ~)RENDEZVOUS Sheriff of OranCJe Count\ His proven qualificat;o;is os a law enforce- ment officer with 27 years •xperience --ASSURE:>S-- Ablffty Economy Efficiency "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR EXPEIUENCE" VOTE June 4th Primaries I BALLROOM --ReadM1-, PAlns in Groin and Lep-Loa of Vital· lty-.. Alwaye Tlred."-mgh and Low Blood Pnmure -"'Slip- ~ -Growing Old 1 before your U=e Alaelnla--Skln and Kidney Allineuta ....... nd qulck- ly to our Exe.la.Ive Teclm.lque WI-D....., Pain, Surg.,y or IDJectlom. Intermission Dancing and Cocktails Holly & Lee Entertainment ANSELL HILL 0o .. .i...u.. nu 9y .6.ppolaW 111$ -AND ·ms ORCHESTRA Dr. E. F. BaJJ, D. C .. Pll.0., Ul'!Zbd8troot Newport fteMcb., Callf. Phone Harbor 11.M -.,-. 1191 ~-, ~ • I • Visit the Bamboo Room Saturday, · May 18th Watch for Friday Night Bands e ..... : •-. • n""-. •:• to a:ee 4Mllis !f_,. bJ' Appo.._t ,; ~-----------' Duidng frolll 9 UDUI 1 • ... •ll H11111111111111111"'1111111111 I u ' !I LOOK~ FRIENDLY COURTESY . ' • When you see your reybouod drivet w•dng abroad,friendly · youc:mbe1atebe•- it. For back of that ~ is a sincere de.ue co make ev_, G_.,J....t trip tbe eni• --, ·~1~ ! --. . enjoyable you ever ••• and be i.dis lr up This qnaliry OJftlft -nlly CO Gteyhoaoid peopi., foe they -frieadl and neighboa of yoaa . . . wodriag, playing. owning hoOw, 'PCO"lnitbeir aimry, edur•lug their childrm • . I Ul '°"' Q)llMIM+11 '1• • widi anion, The' OMllJ 1-n ol appred•doa Gnf• Thar ~ fcx laoucl Wk. receiM daily an beartnW'UIDiDf Greyhound family. ~-., la tbe buic llDd ._..png HV!!llOC!lal• wbicb 19WUd tnd~ upoa' -bida . ' --• w Gtt')'..,id'1 le(>'••clo_ia Gtt')'hoacJ'1 COD•• ~ ID m•ke fi&I)' foeler'fkelm fromtbe r l>eginail!B peHtnpr a frl-i U 'ftll u ' a n••!QGIC I . .· . r•R Tll I IT II 111 lllflll.;.1•llT IR lllflllll PACIFIC e RI Y H 0 U • D ' • LI• I I . I , . --- • • • • • • I • I - • • • • • \ • \ • • MWW~I •••aoa. • 1- Mi$S Gertrude Montgomery of Balboa; Cal:, President UDC, Presides at State Convention Now Being Held in Santa Monica Harbor Not often is It given a da executive -.d luncl>ec:m In the ter to follow so cloeely in the foot-Bamboo room at the boteJ boo stepo ol btt mother as has MJa ored the president ceneral ond the - Gertrude Moat&=erY of Bal-state cllttcton. That attomoon Costa Mesa WSCS Has and Santa Ana. ""° II oompteting there was an executive -..cl Novel May Meeting her second term u state pres!-meeting and from 2-t p.m. mem- dent of, "the United Daughten of 'bers of the hostesa chapter, the the Confederacy ond attending the Gell-Thomas J . Olun:hill chapter annual convention now being held o1 Santa Monica. entertained vi.lit· at the Miramar . hotel, Santa ing guests with t<>*S of the city. Monica. From« P.m. Mrs. M. L. Stan, The late Mn. Victor Montgom-narc! or Santa Monica, put state ery wu state president for the pree.ident, entertained with a tea terms 1903--05 and wu Ol'ganizing in honor of Mn. Wilcox and Mils p-elident of Emma Sanson chap-Montgomery. t&, Santa Ana, of which Miss I First large affair of the con- Montgomery ts a member. Repre-vention wu the banquet held aenting that chapter at the con-Wednesday evening when Dr. Ar- vention are the state president's thur G. Coons president of Occi- 1ister. Miu Louise Montgol116Y dental college 1and a member and and 1rtrs. Glen Perkins of Yorba economic advisor ot the American Unda. Reparations mission to Japan, was Wednesday morning the national scheduled to be speaker. Dr. president, Mrs. John ~ Wilcox of Coons ls Miss Montgomery's Houston, Texas, went on the air cousin and is one of Orange at the Breakfast club program at county's famous sons. He is a which she and the Misses Mont-native of Anabeiin and maintains gomery were guests, an honor a home on Udo Isle. Subject of which went to the state president his t;.alk was to be on rehabilita- last year. At 9:45 the convention tion wo-rk as be saw it in Japan formally opened and at 12:30 an and the Philippines while with the Pauley commission. The ".'iodat hall of the Coota Mesi. ·Community church WU turned into a garden with flowers around the walls and canaries singing in their cages when the W .S.CS. of the church held their ham ond egg breakfast Thursday With· 125 attending. Mrs. Raymond J a.mes was in charge of decorations, with 'Mrt:. Clyde Otto and Mrs. Charles An- drews arranging the table settings and the decorations of May bas- k•ts fUll of flower.. Breakfast chairman was Mrs. Douglas Want Rev. Cari Johnson was speaker. his subject being ''Evangelism for 1946," ·this being a church crusade year. ·The GirlJ' Sextette from the high school gave a program of vocal numbers and Luc!y Pinkley and Doris Billings played the Blue Danube as a piano duet. Mn. T. Martin Brauti pr .. ided at the bll.!ineu meeting and Mrs. Chester Fisher led in devot1onals, The national ~ident address-her subject being the responsi- ed. the ass_embly at that session and bility of parents. ~lrs. H. B. ~1c­ th1s evening <Thursday), a recep-Murtry,. program chairman. pre- lion was to be held in her honor 1 sented rose and carnation corsages and also in honor of chapter presi-1 to ~trs. Martha E. Ludlow. 85. dents. Friday there will be in-mother of Mrs. Pearl Lupto·n. who stallatio~ or offi.cers and Satw:day ) \\"as the 61dest moth£'r present : ~lrs. Wilco..x will be entertatned to Mrs. A. D. Reynolds, youngest ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I mother present. and to~1.rs. 'W. E. GaJl\vas. mother of the largest family, for she rC'ared ten chiJdren of her own .and two others. An- other corsage went to Mrs. Carl Feml.n1·n· e 'Ac ·,~ . •t• .Ebell Book Sections Elect Officers VI les At Qosing Meetings of Year "olliA Mrs. F. E. Reinbokl o1 Be•-,----------- - + • : .#!'!; MR.. AJiD MJlS. WILLIAM l..ER()Y IONES. cutttn& the cake at their "'eddlng recepUon Friday evenllll', April !8. at the Santa. Ana Country club. Mn. Jones Is the fonner Patricia Lou Parke, dauch· ter of Mr. aad MrL Frand9 J. Park~ IM Via Vella. Udo ble. Tbe oeremony wu performed at the Ephcopal Church of the M~ Santa .>\.na.. -photo by A.rsene. .. ildl!Dm ~ 1637-R ~ ~ '::'" ~ ~1 Harbor Ladies Honor ,..._ 'ty W A d ~~Th~ ~Dli~~ New CDM Resident vo n omen tten :-"""' · St · t Co ' · f lll& co-hoo\e19"". 'l'Wenty-!lve Mn. Wallace E. Crowell, who e . , nventton o ..,_11on .._ pr'etlmt. lncludln& .,._ l't!C<llUy trom: Cncinnau W m~n s Qubs Fed. =~ :..iory~~~!'.;.. ~ Ohio, onc1 is now .. tablisbed in.,.;. tlrlnc president. Mrs. H. v. Snocl-·new home at 200 Fernlea! avenue, Yin.g by plane for the con-gnu. cbairma.n of the Second ~na del Mar. wu gi.ven a sur- ven , · at SaC"'&mento ot the Book aection. wu 8 ~ pnse housewarming re-cently when orn1a Federation of Women'• Mrs. Obed Lucas "'as named a ll'OUP or harbor area ladies were a gtoup ot Oranae chairman for the coming year and walked in with. all the things ty wom~ who are state of.-Mn.. Henry Fl'eeman ii secretary· needed ~or a delicious luncheon. . Included were Mn. Geo. trruurei' Mrs Arthur May or The time chosen was especia).ly Wheat of Newport bland. state Santa ~ .. ~dent of the Or-oPPortUne, for it also became .a ch . ot American Homes; ange County federation review-welcoming party for Mn. Crowell a Al~t Launer of Fullerton, ed Noel Coward's p1.aY "Blithe alll'!t, Mrs. Della _Brown, who had sta advbor of junior club wo-Spirit... The next meeting will arrived the preVlous day, driving Mrs .. Frank Rospaw of P _la-be held in October. through from Canton, Ohio, ond ~· _editor of the C&lifornia, 8erioad. Section w~o will make her future home ation News: Mrs. Fred ~-Mrs. Converse Wurdemann, also with her DIK-e. of Santa Ana. and Mrs. Ar-of Balboa Island enttttained th After luncheon bridge was play- May, <;>range county presi-Second Book ~Uon with he~ ed. 'Ilu•~ present were Mn. Joe e 43rd annual convention of!ldaJ1y Wednesday mom- th Mrs. Benjamin F. Wa.r- presiding. A iorum WU uled for each of the slx sess ons, with Mrs. Wheat talking on he convention theme, "How Can We Build a Better America" fro' the angle of her department, the Oine. The board meeting was he! Tuesday before the opening of the convention, and the closing seu!on \\i.ll be Friday. Governor warren and many noted speakers wer on the program. Harborites mother Mrs Margaret R De _ Stamp of Balboa Island. sister of • . · · ar the hoporee; the Meodames Hatty born assisting her. Mixed flowers Welsh, K V. Dilts, John Sadleir, from the garden of ~e hostess Harold Woldenberg, Sidney Bl•ck- were used for d~ration~ and .17 beard, Arthur Gant, Conrad Shook, members, including Mrs. McBride J h M dor wm· , ----'·•· d Mrs G · t o n ea . lam ..._._....,... .. , an · race, were presen · o . z . Robertson, Ralph Holden, Mrs. !"farian. Mc<?J1es~e:y, new-Arthur A. Kemper, Lou 1\tarahall, ly appointed city librarian, gave Peggy Richards, Della Brown and t.!1t; program of the afternoon, out-\ Wallace Crowell. lining some of the newest books in both fiction and non-fiction. Some I of those named were Saroyan's Firemen's Wives The Adventures of Wesley Jack-1 . son; Wake of the Red Witch Entertained (Roark): Then and Now {Somer---- set Maugham); ThiS Side of Is\no-Mrs. Gordon Almond entertain- cense <Taylor Caldwell\; The ed. members of the Firemen's aux.- Snake Pit (Ward}; .No Time for iliary of Costa 1\fesa at her home Tears fHughes), and A Solo in on Cabrillo street last week, somL' Tom-Toms (Fowler). guests playing hearts while others The section is planning a food were busy with needlework. -NOW OPEN-Johnson. \vho has been ill and was -------------~------------­. and Mrs. Ira Chandler and Mrs1 Frank Perew spent the MO~ers' Day week end with Mr. and 1'jrs. Frank Perew jr. in Bev- erlY Hills. On the previous week end they had as house guests at sale to be held July 10 at the Present for the evening were home of Mrs. Colin Brown, 305 the MesdMnes Harry Anderson, Pearl avenue. This \\'as the last Harold Eddy, Harold Elmer, Harry regu1ar meeting of the year and Hilliard, Gus Beach, Bertren Mrs. H. V. Snodgrass \\'as re-elect-Smith, Ed Wallace, Al Ogden, Ed ed chairman. Edick and the hostess. The next present for the first time in some months. Otto's Harr's Timely Subject St. James Auxiliary Hears USN Chaplain Costume Party for ·' Fellowship Class Sporting Goods and Saddlery 18 21 · Harbor COSTA MFSA For G. S. PT A Meet fl.1rs . Harold Bender entertainf'd members of St. James auxiliary The last meeting of the year I at her cottage at Huntington for the Newport Beach Grammar Beach J~t week with ~lrs. Frank school Parent-Teachei-association P . OJnrungham, v.·ho ~as recover- will be held Monday May 20 at ed. from her recent illness. pre- the Newport Beach 'school audl-sidf.ng. A friend from Fullerton torium at 2:30 p.m. Miss Dorothy assisted ?.'frs. Bende.r a nd Mrs. Duncan hOme economist of Paaa-Charles McAlary presided over the dena, ~ill speak on the timely tea service. Thirty members were subject, .. Those Three Meals a l present. . Day." New chairmen for the Comdr. Kenneth 0 . Perkins. coming year will be introduced U.S.N., who is now chaplain at by the president, Mrs. Edgar R.J Corona Naval hospital, was guest Hill speaker. He served In the Haw- ----------~--1 aiian Islands before the war and by Los AngeJes which she leaves San Francisco. chapters, alter later served as chaplain on ?t-fid· way, and in New Guinea and on Tuesday for Australia. He was on the crui.ser Augusta which took President Truman to the Potsdam confer-~-----------....,I ence and held serviee5 for him on Triple M Cafe board ship. Where Frlead11 and Travelen Meet to Eat 504 Coast Boulevard Corona del Mar ?.Ira. George Yardley was named chairman of the nominating com- mittee and new officers for ihe auxiliary will be named at the next meeting. _________________________ _, 1 Country Club Ladies Name Officers Mrs. Flora Beatty of Balboa theif West Central· avenue home made a hit \\"ith her beautiful MaX steiner and a gl"q!lP ~f friends costume or Civil War days at the frori Beverly Hills. Mf:"" Steiner social meeting of the Fellowship hu~ust finished his 187th motion cl~ of Christ. Church by the Sea, pict r e score. He wrote the first which met Friday evening ~t _the sco , which was !or "The In- home of Mr. and Mrs. William forrqe r," and which is now in the Estes. 1711 West Central avenue. tibriry al Washington, D.C. Scores It \\'as a ro:stume party, an.d ~he for j-nany famous pictures are to won the prize for her beautiful his J credit one of ··them being black silk gown emb.roidered in ''GoJe with the-Wind." The shades of purple. with hat to Ch dlers and Mrs. Perew show- match. ed heir guests the beauties of A buffet supper was served and the 1 arbor area and hosted a din- aft erward Chinese checkers were ner at Victor Hugo's, Laguna played. Present were the ~lessrs. Bea''h and Mesdames David Herbert, M~s · D B Roberts of EI Cen- Willia.m Ellis. R. H. Hill, George tro ~a·s ~n · a house guest of her Goeldner, Mrs. Flo~a Beat.ty, Mn. sistep-. Mrs. George Wheat, while ~iary E rickson. MJss Elsie New-att~tidi~ the slate convention or land and th~ host ~nd hostess. The p~ held recently at Long Beach. next meeting Will be June 14 . and Mrs. R. Wurdemann at the home of ?ttrs. Beatty, 307 and Miss Helen Wurdemann of L!ndo avenue. Los Angeles spent the week end at~Balboa Island home of Con-Th u!'Sda y Bridge ve and Helen Wurdemann, A Co M H help ng the host celebrate his t Sta esa Ome birt day. H elen report& their son, Bill avis, and Frank Simpson Ill Magnificent rosebuds were used of 'alboa peninsula are flying u decorations when Mrs. Kenneth horn~ June 6 from U. S. Naval Ste"''art entertained. at bridge aca my at Annapolis, both com- Thursday evening at her home on ing ck as midshipman first class. Assistance League Meets Tues., May 21 The Newport Harbor br8.nch of the Assistance League of Orange county will meet Tuesday, May 21 at 12 :30 p.m . with \Mrs. James Rogers, 1300 West Bay av,enue . NC'\vport. Mrs. Victor Grace and Mrs. E. E . Boudinot will be assist- ing hostesses. FAC Bridge Section The regular meeting of the bridge section of the Friday Af-I ternoon club \\"ill be held Wednes- day, May 22 at 12:30 a t the 1 clubhouse. Mrs. George Gay and I ltfrs. Bertha Tillotson \\•ill act as J hostesses. Reservations should be made Monday with either hostess. gina to meet them. They will spend several weeks in ~ Canada and on their way back will visit their son in San Francisco and hope to be at the graduation of their niece, Virginia Holstrom, from the law school of Stanford university. meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Verna Anderson in Santa Ana. CALIFORNIA'S t;-<tut OUTDOOR SPECTACLE ...... By 1'ot1olar -~-­Two Ertra Perfonnana:s ~'~~ Saturday and Sunday May 18-19 Ell'Ction or officers was held Broadway, Costa Mesa. Preced-Bilal, whose hobbies are writing Ing play a dessert course was and sailing, has had his fourth !;---------------------------_: rAnecenctly by Jadil ebs of the Santa served. st in. the Log, academy maga- Virginia Bell and Walter Yaisli The Purchase of the Mariska House of Beauty 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Island We will maintain the same quality ''HEAD TO TOE BEAUTY SERVICE'' as previously established by Mary Newman Virginia Bell of Balboa Island Also Palm Springs and Long Beach GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS, · Inc. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF • <JIM .e~ Bead,, Pk~u The Season's Plays ANGEL S'raEET GOODB'lE AGAIN BLIND ALLEY ' GEORGE I ROOM SEllVJCE _ 1 :lOtb CENTURY ..., ~11COAT FEVER trnFIJL PEOPLE AllPHY'l'RYON 38 • June 25th thru September 9th . I THE SEASON OPENS WITH \_~':oBN ~;~ Of ... OrlctF•' N.., y ............ The Guest Stars HEATHER ANGEL JACKIE COOPER SALLY EILERS JOHN EllERY REX HARRISON EUGENE LORING CLA1RE 'nlEVOR RICHARD WHORF KEENAN WYNN IVNE !5Cll to IUNJ: ..,.._ I..&. , ..;,_ _____ _ --.;.~ $:-"'!. ':..":f: ~~ ': .. -- )(AKE QIECKS PAY to L.\CUNA BEACH PLAYHOUSE, LAGUNA BEACH., CALIF. ...._,..... -1-·_...,_ __ 1-191 s s • Ssgz zC ol, Diie to 1 t•od Ser•s «>epi •t1 · 1.::aaom.a .um CUT auarmcr 'IO CSAJN1•> a ountry cu and named to Mrs. Dittmar won the travelling zine take charge of social events were Mrs. Blanche Andrews of Santa prize, Mn. Ernest McClellan was . Howard Orgera and baby Ana, president ·, Mrs. Sidney high, Mrs. Stewart was second. son~( New York CitY new in on and Mrs. Oaude Anderson was th Co II ti S turd d Blackbeard. Corona del Mar, vice-e nste a on a ay an president; Mrs. Paul Hall, Santa low. Mn. Gilbert Brown sub-will: spend the sununer with Mrs. stituted for Mrs. Homer Mellott Or • •· th J Id Ana, secretary-treasurer: Mra. ra a paren.... e erro and others present were Mn. Jer-s gl-f Lido •-1 Dean Campbell, pubUdty chair-••• o ~ e. man for the beach area, and Mra. rold Spangler, Mn. John West Sidney Blackbeards of ~ Charles Gibbons for Santa Ana. and Mn. Harry Burdick. del Mar are leavirig May 27 H01teuet at the Wedneaday -------------:1for Vancouver where they will bric!&• lea were Mrs. Blackbeard N SW LI N II: mee Mr. Blackbeard's parent&, and Mn. Larry Patlerson, and Craft ~-~-. ....I-wbo will clrlvo through from Re- they chose red l"C»el and blue iris U'&.~w.ua \,;4ll"UB for floral decorationa. PrealdJnc •aM 11 J over the 1JJver tea service were Broo'-'-Varie'-Mrs. Nick Thompoon and Mrs. . swp '-• Lesttt Isbell. Eleven tablet were : -~-~-~~·~=-~-~~n-~·~,~=~.':!_•..,,!.,~=~.' In play. " G-..eu.......s.-v~ecua-­ .. wE lNVlTE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS IEWEL&Y OM STA'l'IONDY 1'1111 N-" -· 0ooD -. (lollf. DI...-+ • Wa.&otze -I"-..,...,..._ ---· Announcing Permanent Location Office ol W. V. TREADWELL, M.D., F.A.C.S. 101 No. llr<NIChray, Suta Aa •Oa May J.6UI, l9t6 PRACl1CE LIMin:D TO OBS'I'E'l'RICS AND GYNECOLOGY Ofll<e hours: 11 to U -1 :30 to 5 · !By appointmm~ an1Yl omco no.. n"--&aa &rt''!Ne .......... IKl-.J Experi lboa Theatre ..... Barbor N N 1'1111 lies-. Gale Storm la Sunbonnet Sue" w1a,,. u.... TaNda.Y- " . BING CROSBY -lncrld-........ ... Us of St. Mary's" w 7-~- 11-,,. ...._ Pu! Kelly -otto~ID Allotment Wives" AlliD W&IT'ell Wiiiiam ba "FEAR" -·-N ' : "SONG OF OLD WYOM· llf ' (la eoler); • ... "EN- ~ FOii.EST" FOR YOUR I * N s u R A N c E Fire Automobile * Yacht * "Stu" Dunlap COAST PROPERTIES Compensation co. 703 E. Central • Balboa • Barbor &SS 7 CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~ 'Manapr Bal._ cinlla . DELICIOUS FOOD.;. COCKTAIL BAR · DINNERS ... BANQUE:rS HEAL .TH'S SAKE BOWL Beauticians ~ .. : . SPORT'LAID for MiJacly • ...._ Cold w~..., Hair St,tiic. Hair TJt>Cinl • ' -lllrad.-inc. Cold Waft. . ANN • CARMEN PIHi -C' I o.tll OliW. .. ,. ~·· ........ . .. .... , ... ~ .... h.!"~-n-Be..t, Salon a nil-Arzt • 0-.............. • • • BOWLING ALLEYS· .,....,,, ...... _ ..... r... 19111_1,,,,.. • ._ • .._ •ssta ... . ••' • sill&•· cs .. • • • •