HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-21 - Newport Balboa News Times·111 . SAND CRAB ., S, k M AllJl:IUCANA. This is "I Am an American" week and ooe sometlrnes wonders In these hectic days of strikes, Walkouts, ceilings, lntlation and confusion, whether the veterans of Wu II all believe It is such a hot idea. Decisions of great m~ ment are being made daily by public officials in Wash- ington and elsewhere in the world and one wooders just for what are we striving. Beca'u.se voters are disinter- ested in going to the polls, does it mean they are dis- gusted or that they have lost faith? And. yet that is the only way we can register our a pproval or disapproval of what our chosen repre- sentatives are doing. A comic on the air last night summed it up in a short sen- tence: ''Truman plays the piano while Congress fiddles and Jimmy Byrnes!" + • + School VoU!L Some 859 people out of a total of more than 8000 registered voters went to the polls last Friday to give the harbor district nearly $900,000 worth of new school buildings. About 10 per cent of the population indicated a wi~ that the improvements should be made. Just why more pe<>- ple did not feel incumbent to vote is a puzzler. Some Mes- ans were worried because they felt there would be many anti votes. yet the tabulation revealed there were a few more against the program at the beach than at the Mesa. • • • Stanley's Race. A poll of the newspapermen on the trip to Catalina Sunday re- vealed that practically every publisher favored Earl Stan- ley for the Assembly and in- dications point to, the fact that the Newport Hubor man will be nominated. It is hoped he can poll enough votes to obviate the neces- sity of a run-off. Stanley told a group that he did his first work at Catalina and later was taken to the Bald- win Hills by Anita Baldwin and taught the art of selling realty, which he has been d~ ing successfully ever since. . .. . . Is This Fraud! In a bold broadside editors are warned of a trick playing on the name of the late Harry B. · Riley, fonner state control-· ler and the post for which Tommy Kuchel of Anaheim la a candidate. One of his oppooents is Harry "E" Riley, anjl his literature is evt~tly planned to indicate it· MIGHT be Harry "B" Riley. Harry "E" Riley is in the electrical business and whether be is trytng to trade on the name of the former oontroller,lahardtosay,but voters are urged to acquaint themselves of the situation before going to the polls Jillie 4th. • + + He""'" an Idea. Frank J . • Foguty, who operates a small grocery at Westmin- ster comes . up with a plan that might be copied in SOuthem California. The Idea comes from New York where many •meat markets refuse to open their doors witil they can buy and sell meet at -the proper price, thus doing away with black markets. -U such a plan were started here it might react on some ol. our packers, who are accused of selling their mupplles to Blad< Market op- erators rather than legiti- mate marketeers. + + + N~:t•t 8cu-ee. With strikes the woods and saw mills ot the Northwest, -"PP'" ot California and 'tbe country face a real lliiorta&e. For the tlrst time during tbe war )'l!tll'S and lince, "flat news" (which 'lbe -News-Tunes uses) bas ·become scarce and our quota bu been reduced. Number ol our pages bas been cut and fUrtber reductions may come If the situation does not ease Cllf. • • • .NEWPORT I KEEP POSTED! l · y..,. ....... ..... Ill ·C &Ir .... _.,CJ -.... _ .. _ - -~..,_ .. Hwa r; I !fwipwt ..... ' . .. . EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT-HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA \ -.. . vot.m mvm -N&WPO&I ••ca. CAUPOUl1A, ftJS8DAY, llAY n. ... _, NV ........ Suit Over nd For State ark Site Looms As Defense Counsel War s of Civil Action Amorita Sails for Newport Wednesday Tidelands Oil Controversy Goes Beyond Contest for Oil Lands ' By George Erickaon 19C5. s1nce whim .-. -..... rom1a cout ,_,. s.nta BaJ1>ua. Editor ol ·~-11-~-=-1 ~-ol and countereharpo. llOlltlal1 -A ,_ moat.bl lat« A~ Geli-u~ -~· '-~ euwrlne, and a Presidential proc-era! Clazl<. In order to -tbe The Olristlan Sdence Monitcr. lamatlon haft muddied Ibo wator l~t lltlptloD wblcb be Wboro hundreds ol mlllioN ol \Dltll the _,..,.,.. ia all at ... r ........ ww!d aria out-of a - dollan ~ at stake, there one .,... states' rights, oil and mlnenl court declalon. wtu.ir-the IUlt n,.y !amt for tbe sbarpnt ol con· --lblp In submer...S-. and and lnatltu'led one before tbe Sa- troYersles. That ii the cue at the question ol the national In--Court, -ldnir tbe S-cl prft<Dt In ttprd to otrsboft oil teftSt. C'alifomla the -L He - The Senate Judiciary eommltt<e . The Juatkr ~t hM fd that the Court rule tbat Ille urced the pua~ ol a Joint ,_. tried to haft the· -tter IOtlled Unltfd States --the land tut1on wlllch wwld renounce to by brlnPic In a lull about a :i-r thn!e nautical miles aut fnml die the states any Federal claim to qo before a dJatrlct court, ult· --and tbe -· lldelands, --th "'lvtpble Inc that. tidelands teuee. In this -.ter t ... ten within state boundorios -· the Paoillc Western Oil O>.. fore the atata had no l1Pl to • and flllecl -n.. Houw 1111 rd be ....-tn.d from taldnc oil out -ads luck. a bill to tbls effect on Sept. ~ ot a aullmer...S .,... olf Ibo c.11-(Oor.IW • ~ 6) • • W41•1 nAXW OnMkn ' D ' = ..... , .......... ..... an.··--· I ·- • • . ' • • • • • • ROOFS Newport Co11111itlee Gratified APPUED oa ..:J"AIMED Free ilrtimat.eo A lnspectla1. By Hospltill Drive Res11tt With Newport Huber• share of. the Preobyterian bolpital !uncl set at $60,000 the p:esent amount of $42,477.10 .oollected In cash and pledges is gratifying, according to leaden of the drive. Members of the Assistance League and mo- . tioo picture houses are concentrat· ing on the drive this month but will not be able to personally con· tact all 'the people who wish to give, and tbe9e are urged to send their OJDtributions in to the cham- ber of commerce. So bnponant Is this~ not only in Oran&e oounty, but thru- out all California, that Dr. Wll· liam Gilman, ronner president ol the California Medical a.ssocia.tion has been asked to devote his en· tire time to making a swvey of new hospitals needed in the state. w. d. lleabow 360'2 Marcus Ph, Hbr. 1012-J Newport Beach, formerly short North Orange CO<!DlY Is respond- ing nicely and San Jll&JI Capa- trano and Garden GJ"OY!' have tent In contributions. Pled&'es aro u good as cash when fiaure<I on the allocation we may expect to get from the government, according to Mrs. G. L. Andrews ol the county committee and the man who lliws a three-year pled&e actually triples his gift. 1111/d &oddlery, Complete Une ol Wearing Apparel for Jim, Women 1111/d ChlJdreD Al Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop 205 No. B.....twa7, S....ta Ana Phone 6722 Educators Indorse Simpson, Program Conclll<lin&' meeting ol. tbe Or- ange County sectiori of the Cali· fomia Secondary School admlnls· trators for the current school year was held in Balboa. Wednesday evenlnll'. President Sydney David- son of Newport Harbor High sehool presjded at the ladles' nlght program. ' The Orange County section en· dorsed the educational program ot Ray E. Simpson, state superin- tendent of public instruction. re- cently appointed to fill the va- cancy left by the dee.th ot Dr. Walter F . Dexter, and agreed to support the candidacy of Simpson for election to this post at the June primary elections on the basis oC hi! extensive and succeu-L.~~~~~~~-~----~~--~~------' I f ul public sehool experience. rtEw ... Now Available to the Public PR Q.V ED··· For Five Years by Armed Forces .KEMIKO Permanent Colors for Concrete (Endlll'ftl for U... Life of the Cement) SUNPROOF WATERPROOF WEARPROOF KEMIKO ~S A STAIN NOT A DYE -MOT A PAINT AT THE H0-8 OF Charles Boyer -Ronald Coleman USED BY U. S. Government State of California I ' Home Owners Protest Zone ~ ~ t::· Change, Central Near Finley Simple ceremonies marked the dedlcati ol a• ..,wly installi!d bell In Iii': toooer ol. the FUiierton Junior ci>lle&e business education A final public hearing on the menta at their ._. buildin&' ~ The ornamental question of whether i t would be Al it wu Pointed out that any copper 1 11 wu desiened for in· feulbl.e to convert a portion of new busJneu coming into the re-stallati at the ccmpletion ot. the Central near Finley avenue, New-zoned street might necessitate the bui1dina 'but installation wu de- port Beach, for reaJ.dentiaJ to busJ. breaktna of curb lJneaEdrive-ferred a the time and subsequent- neu zone, will be conducted be--way ~. the on ly ma impossible by war-time tore the Newport Harbor dty chairman &aid this proba Jy would restrfc . planning commiuion June 20. be objected to by the a(ate hish· nae ~ was made in the school No decision wu reached by way department. : plant ~t by Gus Gnm- members of the board at their The state highway de°partment wald trdn lheet 6.JWEC. It lnar- meetlng ln the coundl chambers has never allowed CW'b lines to be porates i cuttnr mount poured In of the city hall here Thursday broken In that area, except where the achol>I foundry 'undef' direction night. Lot ownen who favor the the service station la 10cated at of Otarfrs \V. Hart. foundry in- cc,.i:venion tince they have vacant ( the corner. 1 slructo~ Installation ot the bell lots in the. area and dwelling owi;i-Also since it ls 8 . question was su rvised by. William & Pot- ers who Wlsh only to protect their whether the city of Newpor t ter, pla superintendent. homes, were heard by the com-Beach ever took possessibn of the Dedic~on ceremonies symbol- mJsslonen. t alley. the commission decided it ized th beginning or a period of Thirty mombon ol the <nmice County Fire Oliefs association were suesta ot ""' Oller Bert Smith ol OJsta Meoa at a dinner given In the Welcome cafe, Costa Mesa, Jut Thursday night. ''Flame Proving," was the sub· Ject ol. a talk made by Inspector Fruk C8rlyle ol µ,. Angel.., Who represents the Orange county dis· trict In the state fire manhall's office. Following th.is there was a l'OUndtable discussion on arson, mutual-aid and other kindred sub-- jects. Next month Fire Olief Rudy Nyboe ol. Anaheim will be -to the visiting lire chiefs. Fire Oller Frank Oocker rep- resented Newport Harl>or area at the Costa Mesa fete. HI! had as his personal guest. Capt. Philip A. ~ of the N...,.,... Harbor fire department. f)rt.,. Cafttully-8pare a ut0- ' F1shennen In the N..,port lm- bor area are not looking for ..,- material lncreese In the prices ol certain varieties ol. ftlh as a l'9llt of OPA suspension ol ~ pric» , controls on them. Ouu-les McLaudilin ol Ooota Mesa. business agent ol the tlllt- ermen·s union here,· doubted if prices would go up u the de- mand for fish In the harbor .,_ is too low. While price controls have been ""'1<M!d from such fishes u the bamlcuda, wlllte and black -, bass, bonlta and yellowta1J, "91'" trols remain on all canned fish - seafood except fish by-producls, all varieties of rr..t> and ,,_ Pacific salmon, balllJht, -lllll tuna-like fish, pilcharcls, rJe- and sea herring, salt cod. bab, pollock, cusk, Jin& and saithe. .JUST ARRIVED! ...... CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES Oxfordl ... 8lnpa Boys' and . Mttn's Huaraches Extra Heavy Soles Men's Casuals Red Rubber Soles MATOON'S Shoe Store Footwear for All the Family 1795 Newport Blvd Fred W. Brig~ and his wife. would be better to postpone fur-constru ion to meet the needs of Tre~ Briggs of Balboa, who own ther discussion until Jurie 20, the the rapi y developing college pro-- three lots on Central near Finley date for the final 'public hearing. gram. Pfrticipating in the observ· /~=======================~ avenue. spoke for the change to ance _were T . Stanley Warburto'. I; o business zone. • V J ed A :::I. ht supennt ndent: Fred R. Duk~, Mrs. May Wentzel of Clubhouse 8 U rmy ~·Ilg Halbert 1 • Graham, Ross N. H - avenue and ~trs. Katherine Roy of ll}lprovements Gi'ven son and '.Ralph c. Shook from e Central ,venue. Newport Beach, board <if trustees. and Chari s 1 said they ·objected to It in some Co unty Govt. System Bell. FuJ.lerton Junior college st u· degree sinCf they feared it would dent bofY president for 1946-4'1, I be detrimental to home property Field improvements valved at t and at the same time create a $350,000 and comprising chiefly p · .,;i p • tin ff traffic hazard in the Street BS it border and landing lights, runways fJZ~Jr 8JD gs ang is not wide enough for delivery and taxi ~trips, and an elongated. In ff bor Schoo) trucks to park in that area. SOOO-foot runway, have accrued to An alley \\'hich proceeds from Orange county as a result of the Clubhouse avenue to Central ave-I shifting of control of the airport nue ls one of the hJndering fea-from the federal government to tures to the proposal for a change the county government, it was Gas Hea,ing & Ventilation ' CHARTER & PRESTON State Licensed Contractor -tine lmltallaU--Wann FltoDtb in the zone, the objecton said.I learned tcxlay. Since thi5 was a matter "'ifh Five smalJ buildings may be- which the commissioners were not\ come count)• property, or they too familiar, Chairman Allen ask-may be loaned by the government ed former City Engineer R. L. Pat-I for county use in peacetirile. terson to explain ownership of it. Chainnan Willis H. Warner, chair- \V. M Longmoor, past president of the 'ewport Harbor Chamber of ~erce, presented two paintin~ to the Newport Harbor Union High school on Wednesday l,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g morning at the school assembly. The paintings were paid for out of funds rf.ised by the chamber for thiS J>Ul!X>Se and were selected as the tw~ollwinning pictures from the Up to 1935, the Pacific Electric man of the board of supervisocs, rRilway owned 8 right of way bor-disclosed over the weekend that dering on the alley but the city the county may lease 20 acres of of Newport Beach Purchased this the airport property bounding for $8500. It ls now city property.,Paularlno road. However, the city made an agree-It was reported. too, that 18C ment with the state highway de-1 acres adjoining the field on lhE partment, Cor lh.,e improvement ot 1 14·est and leased from Jam~ the areaway, with the highway de-Irvine, rancher. will not be'need· 75 ente in the Art Exhibit held recen at the high school. WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR?. ••• We Will Pay You the Wgbest EASY TO APPLY Color Styling for Porch, Sidewalk. Patio and Tennis Court Bing Crosby Spencer 1:8-cy Los Angeles County Douglas Aircraft Co. part ment making these Improve-ed by the county. This acreage J will be returned by the federal The ' · tings were by two na- tionally ~nown artists, Rex Brandt and Da9 Lutz, and will go to help establisf a pennanent exhibit for the sctp:>l. This assembly tea~ tured a f.O!tcert by the high school band wfu.ch put on a splendid per- fonnan& under Musical Director Lee safin. Possible Price. • StA>p In at: A SEIERSEN'S HOME APPLIANCE AND HARDWARE STORE S20 W. Fourth St. Phone 1845 • • ... Santa Ana ........ Be Ready for the Nation-Wide ~ · TRAFFIC SAFETY CHECK-UP Law E"*-"t and Traffic Officers Demand ·M-D1f*1dgble Safety Controls On All Cara. The Check-Up Starts This Week. ' Liquor Store Boob -llo7 ~ l'lllm -lla:J, - ~-..... 111 government to the Irvine ranch in- terests. J . S. ijBarrett, president ot the chambef, who was to have made the preientation, was called out of Clean-Up for Sure town or! business. Mayor 0 . B. Reed 's appeal to Pt ents warned ••• McCARTHY USED CARS . 1920 Newport Blvd. $ CASH ON THE SPOT Coetallfaa $ residents to clean up trash in the ,f spring beautification campaign Mr. ~ Mrs 1 Frank Loney ot l iF~§§~~~~§§~============;;i was evidently taken seriously by Pomo"41! left their small be.by In "' someone who really wanted to get their car. perked near the Fun to work, for the city push cart, Zone, ¥!boa, Sunday afternoon consisting ol a 30--gailon container and returned to find the child on two disc wh~. wu stolen gone rr: a note from the police to Saturday night from the rear ot call at the police station, where NJck Suttora's home. according to they w re infomted such neglect his report to police the next mom-was a misdemeanor• and were Ing. ~dee!. • Before You Build or Remodel '.Oraef, ........ im -~'!!~UM._ ~j_lVor!<!. a• DIESEL SEtVIC.E . ' NEW 225 H.P. DmEI.S ON HAND Beco+dl&lo•ei Dl111lr •1·ed eholoe of ~ -I • WI: Allll W&lllNO om.11:1111 ON ORT-AND ..-r- ll&ND ao'l'ATION DU#C•• ' TWIN DfftAt.1.&. non OBOICE or 11ED1ICl'IO!f, ·OD ... ,,,, 185 B. P. 0-ral,Jlle•.,..;N-. See us for lnforma on Venn Severin~ Diwil a-.tot 8elll ol An ....... l'&&Jlnl a. LSWIB '(' I 1 ....,.. I Oww •·up PBONlll - om..: Newpw& 1188 IU~JladMA,-• ud ew,..tllM-W ••1a'd" ' Going Yon probably have your dram howe all worked out ID your mind -or -ybe your arcblteet or.CODlnctor alrelld7 l!U Jinpued plaDa Oil ..,. for 7oa. Dedi~7wlllllafta111rp put Iii nzHac dr1 ?-of ,.., ..... llvlizc -&r-. W.. ,.. go -.. J.l!!ia wffla ,_ lnPf• lie Rn &o ........ allud .. -·-....... -·" • •• !t'id labor ..... Md ,_, tlrm' •nZltT. Oar ll:s:peris a ~ ele Qlml 1!11 te pd ...... wltla..,... ............. . 0."" «• _,. ... Jo&....... . ,,, "' ........... ,,.. .. a.a .. 7 • -.,; • J : I m ·.ao111 ·& GALVAI -4 i••• '1-Oc•st_...,.. ... •• ••1• 1111111 Am la .. ft 1111 W ' at I' 'I 11 M p %0' t El.wI'RICIANS • • Several New Books Added to Library Cities Report -Little Change ~=.1:*5~~ = Public library reco:ntly. include: • 'lbe Unreas<llling Heart by In Fun" Drive ~:-~~ £E • • " Promise by Mouston. • Mysteries include Love Has No C..ta M.... Laguna Beach, Alibi by Cohen, Holy Imorden by Newpoir1. Beach and Santa Ana Crispin. and Murder Strikes An were still short of their establish-Atomic Unit by DuBois. ed quotas in the Orange county On the non-fiction list a.re · drive for funds to establish a Geof.frey Otaucer of England by Oaa A hospital on the bluff site Chute, Papa Went to Congress by -overlooking West Newpor t as an~ Horan. No TI.me for Tears by other week loomed into view. Hughes, and 1be Messenger <Mo- Cocta Mesa. which has a quota hammed) by Bodley. of $15.000, has raised $6068 to date. Laguna Beach, which has a 1------------ quota of $50.000. hu raised S37.-__.000; N ewport Beach, which has a $500,000 needed to put the ~ .quota of $60,000, has raised 543,-gra.rt? ?ver the top. 16'1, and Santa Ana. which eclipsed Manon B. Youel was sel~ted to lb original quota of $100,000 last succeed Howard W .. Fienung of May 18, now has $25,000 to raise Laguna 8!ach as president of the for 8 new quota established at board. of dir~t~ of the new Pl"es- $125 ooo b}rt.enan hospital at the recent :or:) o: Scott McFarland, minis-election. Youel was vice-president ter of the Santa Ana Presbyterian last year. church, who is chairman of the . C. E. 1:ush of Orange :-vas n~ed bospit~ drive. s:tated Monday that VJcc-pres1dent and Lesile F. Kim- another report will be made to mell of Laguna Beach was re- hia office on ,Friday. elected secretary-treasurer . Dr. McFarland also reported · that $250.000 has been raised all News-Timea advertisements an. over the county. This is half of the your guide to efficient s;>ending. .. .. 1. CUSTOM BUil T DEEP FREEZE To Your Specifications Newport Electric Appliance Co. !505 Cout Blvd. Phone: Harbor 21S8 "Now I know why so many wo- men from Newport and Balboa shop at < the Sport Shop in Santa Ana. "There isn't a thing you could mention that they' don't have-and at prices lower than I've seen anywhere-- much, much lower. "I saw such a display· of beautiful blouses, I was amazed-thousands of them in 16 colors. "~d bathing suit.s ... play suits .. . sun suit.s ... gabardine and wool slacks .. . slack' suit.s ... cool summer dreslles .. . sweaters and skirts •.. pedal pushers ••. jumpers ••. and those white shorts and bras for only $1.98. . "Whoever does the buying there must be a stylist. "Go there and see for yourself." · Where Is t.bai store! H 's the Wk of .... -U,ty. Tiie SPORT SHOP • 1U W.& l'wlll ~eel Se•Ama ' • Mrs. Says Made laney QPpies . yVets 11iere ia a ftory behind every ooe ol the littif.ftd poppiee which the citizens o( Calta Mesa will wear in honor bl the war cle&d on Friday and Satjlrday, May 24 and 25, Poppy Dall! Eub poppy ~ different and baa its own story, ~ F.dith Du- laney, presideiat ol Costa Mesa unit ol the Aljerican Legion aux- iliary, w!tlch ~ complelin& prep- arations for trvance ot Poppy Day here. · The poppies ve ..been received at American ·oo headquarters where they we~ made by diaabled veterans of both world wars. Mrs. Dulaney told .ibout them as they were being SOrted, ... counted and made ready fof distribution. '.- linued. "F1nt. It _,,._ them to through and what Ibey ant 8tlll ..... moDoy. 'lbe -Le-endurinl beca-ol --&ion au..-ililiy pQS them for every service. Then Jt will ~ uncl!r poppy Ibey make. '!\> 8CtUall)' stood that the -II -)lot evn """"' ._ opln la an ea-a --made at&, but a .,...,. cotttqiag acperimoo for -fully 'shap<d . JYlllbol . ol ·- men. after kJnC 118lths ol heli>-. brance made by the diAliled la .......... -ol them -the honor ol their departed com-money home to tbelr tamq1es rades." "Se<ond. the -ia valuable Orkin'• ~t store will u ocwpatlonal· -.PY-It oc-be headquarten for -sai.. cupies their -and mijldl and in C..ta Mesa. · helps them cet well. "l hope eveeyone who J1Uts on Mr. and Mn. John Mar1ell. a _poppy "" Poppy Day olUJ look fonnerly ol 1~ W. Boy a-. cl~ly at the little dower-and Newport Beach, are now tMng in think of the men who malre tbe I their new home, 8IXI Bush s~ po-what Ibey b&ve been I Santa Ana. P.APALMER uoo ISL11 maams W. Q BUCK-r......r.lnce Counselor ~1500 ~a.,( 3333 VIA UDO CALIFORNIA • PLAN ,FLOWER MIOW-Memben of .. kn~ 1 ty. eommlttee for the fto•-er lllllow to be he ld '"In con)uncUon wtn. .the Ora.nee County Ylllr a.ml Rone show .June 20 tttnugta n are lllllown abo\•e at a tea and ,..-den party pven by Mn. .J J.me~ ln1ne, general ma.u.cer of the abow. Fl'OID le rt to right ln front row are Mn. trvtne, Mn. J. K. l\teDcn!lld of BunUnctoa Beach and Mn. Walton Hubbard Jr. of 1'ewport Beach. Lett to rlcht In t be back row are Mn. U oyd Cbonoweth and Mn. E. D. \\'h.lt.e, coordlnaton of the flower allow, and Mrs. ~rp: \'ardley of Newport Harbor. "As they ~made by hand, no two or the nowers . are exactly alike," she sai{ ''Some come from the hands or men who were h\trt I r=;;;;:~=;::;;;;;=========;:;;;;;======:;; 28 years ago i1' the battles of the I: first world Y(&r. Others have · n e t • -~ been shaped by young veterans, .. Q I n .. t I A injured in Ew;ppe or in th e Pa-_ . _. '!"' 9. . . ~ ~ cific in the s~d connict, who b made poppies ~this year tor the U t • 0 t e X p e n '5 i V e I Crankcase Leak \Vhcn smoke begins to pour from the breather tube-or the oil filter pipe on hills, the Servic-e Depart· m('nt of the National Automobile club declart'i it is an indication that a leak from the rings lnto the crankcase is permitting the passage of engine gases. This is often mistakenly attributed to running on thin oil. THIS WEEK TRAVEL IRONS L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. . 518 State Bl&'hy,·ay Beacon 5605 Newport Beach llepalr Senice General ,t'~ E lectric BoU9eheld A.Ppllan.c.es ~/ T .ilottd to ,. tN ~!wtt"cbir• of yo11r '-o••· SLA rs.o. WOOD --,. •N t..d loo~in,, 10•9 l•,tint ••cl t"conotN<•I. A ....... <.JI _, l:ww., owl: -~ te ,;... ya. • "'" ...t-..C °" tMt• <••to• ~uilt 1id1 le c-"'t.w:r livif'!. 11.An-a·WDDD ' A wnlng Co. of Orange Co. ll6 8e. ft"n I ........ •wt, .. , c.111, tl -ILICT CONGRESSMAN JOHI PHILLIPS •• MILIT'Yf •• PLUS IXPUllNCI JOHN PBDJ.JPS I 9 s '•lw ia C1 1 w X .... ' ....... .._ .... Mears Photographic Store and Carver's Boat Shop Open Pros Open New Golf Game Near Npt. Blvd. fi"t ,time. If !We could know the • <"" • stories of all jbose veterans, old and young. they would make an epic of servi~ and suffering for the security otl America. Harl>or district folks who at- tended the opening last Saturday of Carleton Mears' camera and photographic store and Joe Car- ver's Boat S hop at 1750 Newport boulevard, were· pleasantly sur- prised at the fine line or equjP" ment and supplies available in both places housed in the same building, owned by l\1r. Mears. CM'Tler Mears decided to locate in this section after careful con- sideration of a ll other locations. He says his prices are as low as· can be found for comparable SUP" plic-s in Los Angeles, whicli he feels will be an advantage to camera fans. He invites people ••••ith photographic problems to let him help them. Joe Carver has been in these part.c;; for many )'ears. coming here in the earl)' 20'~ on a vacation and 1hen bu ilt a nd raced boats for the late Bruce Crandall, v.•ho built the stru"tur<' on the bay near the overhead crossing, nov.• knO\\'ll as Udo Boats 0'4'lled by Tom Hender· son. H(' says his outboard senice department is well equipped, v.•ith George Barnett. who new B-24's ns a Marine pilot. in charge. They will also make small boats. I LAGUNA BEACH. May 20.- l\1'rs. Thomas D. Bird. incumbent, unopposed in filing for C'le<:tion as t rustee of the Laguna Beach uni- fied school district. was re-elected Friday with 192 votes. "Making th~ poppies has two important bene1its for the disabled veterans." M.Jl;. Dulaney con- A gala preview of a new golf game that its inventor hopes will sweep the country like miniature golf did a few years ago, was s taged Saturda)o night at the Santa Ana Recreation and Sports ,..------;-1 ------. center on South Main street in c L a T H . E s Santa Ana. near the inte..,eclion " or Newport boulevard. t The name of the new game is Hi-Ball and the inventor. Ray O R • Bailes, has erected the first course d of its kind in the country at the M ,E N local point. A ND E.xhibitions by such noted south· B A, Y S land golf professionals as Bud \J Oakley of Palos Verdes. Fay Cole-~ ma n or the California Country club. Zell Eaton of Montebello. Clayton Alridge of Rio Hondo, George Lake ol Long Beach. Chuck Walters of the recreation center and many others were fea- tu~. Bay Bridge Repairs Will Cost $26,000 g~ g~ Slu,p 201 1\larlne Av .... BalbOa Island Phone Harbor 576 ' '! -, Allocat io n of $26.000 for repairs C •,, d l M to the bridge across the nonh oron~ e ar ann of Newpon Bay on Highway Malt Shop 101 (All.) has been announced if 1 from Sacramento by the State 1018 9of t lllshway kj J-lighwa;r commission. One other • Old fas~ioned malts II Orange count)' highway repair We mea!i just this. I job receiving stat<' highway funds I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;:~;:;~~ allocation is Highway 101 betv.•een ___ _ Gal:ivan and Irvine, where $60,-~ ~II c::fv:~i:.'nded on installa-lll!llEY'r REFRIGER~TIO n JE~VICE camr ~nv 1 RENTAL EQUIPMENT , Sales -Enct;eertnc -Servi°" 920 Cout Blvt.., ~nma del 1\lsr I Temporary P~ne, Day 654 La· · guna Beach; !ihone Night, 11362 Lagtina Beach ASK YOUR DENTIST It to.ita DO "'ON' 10 1111 rcbaM!I Den· l•.I l'lal.ff n1a.tlc frolll the 11 I' ... Tran1'11arent. M .. 1 .. rl;A.1 ••• 1'611'M\1· le1'1 of tb e1r OllUlJ' dl1th1c:Ove '"i.t ui".•'-1hcy are prlft'd ,.. I I h I a y our 1nr1n~. Tbt llP"'' Tr!Oll&P~nl "latl'ri:il 11 un- 1urpa11 e d t or Ot>auty. Con1furt and DuraloilitJ' 1111d .P.ffo rd11 n1 ,11lJ' E~U OY \VEARlllG VOU R PLATES WHILE PAYllG P • rel••• ...... Dr. c ...... um.. • r •I Cre41t Ton1t •• .lfo Ertre Chrt• 11d 1'1H11a.c:r11 lu·n.•to lul'l" unkno•n to l•IP1li'W('•1f'••lf'. ,\f ftwd~ ~rw f:allnl' l'h•a11•l't' ..... ln"•To,·f'd l'rr-Wn11.I Ap1,..ar&Gff. Cement Mixers--1/t and 1/2 Sack Size Jaeger Compressors I , ' Comet Saws on Trailers Planers, Jointers, Skillsaws and Sanders EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDING CONTRACTOR --OPA Rental Prices .... -- PHONE HARBOR 502 --Watch for the New Location1-- Ifs Always COFFEE TIME At 'lbe . . . . . - DOll~T:\:fii•FLE . . . . . . . Sel'vhlc COFFEE A OONUl'S • WAl"l'lES STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped c!:am> • OOMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. • 306 Marine Avenue Balboe lded • ,. t 0 -4l-4l1e111..... r n a 0,-•• n .. ..,... U e"Olilic* -OJIJI -W tr a I ! , ~>·&a1 ,_ 1 I 1 .,\c~~~ . _.......-E : ,_ j_'f :/ ·-'7 ,~ -~ ~. _A ,,,., Do . YOU KNOW dMil .a.. ,,_ 25" of our doy'• trove! 1 °los Angel" Is now ltms .. d •• ,__ 4:..0 mtd 5:40 p. m.? Wjth the abandonment ?f formtt mggettd _hours program, ~ak-hour u:yiic has gradually incrc~ to iu present enormous proportions. As no additional equipment has been obtainable during recent months, this greatly increased pcak·hour traftic results in heavily loaded ~ .... '"":".-.... ~·d;., .... _ ............ w ..-..... Adclitiooal t: 1 tt and strcce an alone an nor solve the congcs· ti . problem duriag peak lsoan. Of cxianc, mott equipment is _nccclcd, will be ia scnicc as 9000 as ICC!ci•ecl. but mggcttd boun of cm- ptYment-and asc of hows between 10 L m. and 3 p. m. for shopping -fatt still acccssar1 if the pcak-laour aaflic boulcocck is to be rclicYed. ' ) . O..DIQ'-We'll a11s"'lt ... Y• 0-.... ·-Med. PaCterJ' Pu1a. Work Gwteed. PllllllJ 'l'k tr '• £I ..... Radio SOS Eledrie llAROLD L RAMM ........ .a...._-.. I I 0 • • (Continued trom Page 1) • luotratiw oi Ibo .......... felt by u.. states .....,. u.. problem 1s p N the statement by Orrin G. Jlllld. , BUC OTICU , solidi« -1 of tbe State of ·That tbe pr-nt otnce ot . PuBL1c NoTiea ·Want Ads N..,. York. In piintinc out tbat NOl'lOS OP 8ALJC -is located at Suite 200 Re-;:;;;;;:=:::-===----much of tbe nJ!11Ne New Yortt Sectton 3440 CC Ilana! l!uDd!ng, Santa Ana. c.Ji. B1llllNl:88 0'1IDB II City pr-ty-bu -built Oil -.,...., or1PW1y unc1er water and . . Dated 14ay s. 1946. . P A I N T I N G that bundredo of ml~ of• dol-~!Ice is hereby Ii,,_ that tbe ROGER S. WATSON. 12 Y-Senke In Newpcat Ian have _,-ton llllllmerpd ~Ganed. ROGER S. WAT· Pub. May 9, 19'6. -Ana President Enters tide 1anc1s on Lonir bland Sound. soy. cloin& lJomre• .-. ·the No. 40161 · • Harry Hall Picture the Hudsm Rlwr, Nlapn. and ilrni name and style .of WATSON ALIAS SD-ON8 PAINnNG CON'ntAC?'OR St. Lawienoe · Rlwn and Ibo (Action -..Pt In the Superior Phone a..-5:l59.,J Less than two weeks bef0tt the G .... t I.ateo. He tberefctt --W DCRAFI' SHOPS, located at Court of tho County ot Orange 274 E. ·1 . (Cmtlnued lrom Paga ll shouldn't place this property In .,._ Supreme Court suit was rtJed, demno tbe "dloquietlni c:lalma" Cout Highway, City of New-and Qlmplaint tiled In the or'. 9tb Stftet • 31-tfc ~----------------------~!crow." Thoolpoon said. President Truman attempted to ~ the stat..' *"""" ot title. Bttm, Orange County, Cali-nee ot the aen: ot the Superior FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on Sea T oat nd H I.but Are Biti After • heated dlscUollon, w1tb .. ,tie the 1ssue by edict. 0n Sept. The l>epartment ., Justice c1e-r 1nteDc1s to ae11. -.. Court ., oa1c1 County.> 10\lr home. call a...... 5330 r a a IDg Coundlmen Allen and Siler on Ibo 29, l!HS. be proclaimed that tbe nles tbat It Is lnteftsted In tltleo oonwy oalcl --to after 4 :30 p.m. 1().trc Off th Newport and BatL-'D:-defenalve and Robert.on takln& United States had control onr PL 00D FABRICATORS INC., la ... 8ape1tor Coan flf iM State ===:---------• • • e..... ..-ft:l'B the otrenslve, Mll)'OI' Reed called "the natural ,_,......,. ot tbe sub, to ..-laJld or t"i -pd a Qallromla ..,._atlon, -tbat ot c.ur...ia la -PW ... ll1llilNEll8 011IDI: • 11 .. Pleaj ~°'-~e Bali. • '."vallaNe. . I'..--'a=---!or a roll call vote on tbe motion soil and --ot Ibo conllnen ...... -lllled -Oii -tbel ~ will -~ and tbe ~ty., ~ --~~ _ UVVll6V ..:I to hold the matter In abeyance ror lhel! bOneeth tbe hilb -but stzuc:turn have -. ·llunt. It ~price be pold at Ibo of-SIGN PAINTING '-----------------------'lone ....,.k. contJ&uous to the coasts ol the ~will -try to l'Ot a re-flOli ot HARVEY, JUMEI. Ir Crry OF NEWPORT BEACH l;idlng with Allen and SUE! WU United Stat .. ." and itaeed tbem -ol tbe -of pre•icu :.?.t'~N, Suite aoo Rell•-• Munldpal ~·lion or ~ Bo.ts. 'l'ruclm, Windows Dlij .. ,.,Bell Sliall 11. 1 I .I Ca FJ Aad Wp ....... , JatnU. d11 I IDC'f br ............. CIQl'IW"GllrW' flii ml>Bam. BOttWI • • • CAP&-.. •• • Coundlman ·Lester llbeU. wblle under Ibo ~or tbe Sec-hilb court --·~di -tn :no North Kain Street. Sixth a.... Plalnttrr, vs. JESSn: Wallo and llulletlna. Mayor Reed waa paired wltb C<>un· retary ot the Interior. He ,... etfect .tbat "aboolute -1;7 In, ~Ana. Oranae County, c.JI. K. SCOTI' et al Defendants. Ralaed Metal, Wood and dlman Robertoon In the -t!Ve careruI to say, .,_,,.,_, that his and dominion and ~tY.....,. f on Friday, ~ 17,..1946, The PooPie ot U,. State ot c.JI. Plutlc Letters vote. lorc!er 1VOUld not atrect ettber 1ects· the so11s. under tbe tidewaters tn •t boar of ten oclock A .M. fomla Send Greet1np to· JESSIE AL LACHMEYER latlon or J<>cHc!al -but waa Ibo ori&lnal statea .....,, neerwd · t the .-ot the Intend-K. SCOT!' E'l11EL IONE FUES--1726 West Central Y ht Cl b Buildin• issued merely to establish United to Ibo aevera1 states." U42 U. S. ed wndor lo 123 Gnnd canaJ. SEL. ELMER A. CAIN MIRIAM Harbor U43-M 38tf< &C U g States juriscllctJon "from an Inter-To Be Oontinuecl N-w .. lt Island, c.Ji(ornla. E CAIN his wife . 'ORANGE --====c-:-==::-:--Expansion Plans Are national standpoint.• -cOUNTY 'T1TLE cOMPANY, a COOPERATIVE' In Indefinite Stage A'iJie ~111.,r.:;~ 1l: =: n ~t VEN AN BLINDS ~ ~ Hwiu;{f ROOFING CO. No definite plans have yet been to the Senate Judiciary commit· t'GlfCOd. LULU B. RICE, his wife, LE- drawn by Ibo boerd ol ~'.'!' !!7.'_ reportto ....:..~t .r~c.~~ any-WOOD • ii••. AUllllNtJll TITIA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN New and Repair ol tlie N"'l>Ort Harbor y~,t w...,. -·~" w~ na~~ flOY'" W SELBY A L. SHEPHERD -8'15-11 club for the expomlon ot Its enunent bu any rightful claim, - - -- -- -a H " • JOE SHALi.ENBERGER. EMMA 218 E. llOtll St. a.ta ..... property, altboucb It becmn& but merely ·~ a cloud rrom 814 CoMt lllghway · Phw Beaoon 5881-1 C. HAFNER. LOS ONGEI:ES ll().tfo known over the wee1<"'1d that the tbe judidally established title al MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERs club had purd>ued flw -t the states and their grantees." INC. ••-FRED s.' cl ··-·-This cl-~ It t ·--..... _,..._ TIDE T'"""LES lots adjacent to the u-.,..... goes on o say, ·-EVANS GIAN DESPALATRO-AD premises !or a reported 1i1m said been . cauaod by tbe aseertlon ol ' VICH M_ L. JACK. JOHN DOE ._ J.1M to be $311,000. certain Federal administrative ot· • • Deed reststerinc the sale of lldals. by whldi la mttnt the JACK. her husband. STEDDOM Hlch 1-Hiib 1- the property by the former owner, heads ot the Interior and Justlce ARE YOU G ING THE 4 BLANCHARI). • corporation, 'I'll 21 · T:12 ll:M .... :._ Fred E. Lewis. wu ttparted by Departments. STEDDOM Ir BLANCHARD, a 0.1 4.4 the county ""°rder's office on The ttport recalla that tbe Su· CO-partnership, KELLY ROOF-W 22 .... : .... • 8:17 &:Sl 7:11 Friday. The purchased._ property preme Court haa ruled In every ING CO. Ltd., • coiporatlon, 0.1 3.4 3.3 Includes three beach lots and two one or 54 decislons °""" the last AMERICA WAY' RICHARD ROE, Trustee In Bank-Th 23 l:<J5 9:17 &:'8 t:U more wttich are opposite the club 100 yea.rs that ownership of sub-• ruptey of the estate, of KELLY 4.1 0.2 3.8 2.9 '-----------------------on W . Bay avenue. merged tidal lands lie in the states ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor. F 24 2:48 11:08 5:08 lO:U -;;================;;,;;================;;;~J and In those to whom the statet atlon, Bankrupt, WM. MERE-4..0 . 0.2 4.1 2.2 !!' have granted tl!em. The com· DITH, WILLIAM L. HOPKINS, S 25 4:08 10:51 6:U 11 :41 mitte<> pooh-poohs the idea ot MARGARET H. BIGBY, LORNE 3.9 0.3 4.6 1.4 RESERVE YOUR NEEDS NOW We Control Our Source of Supply. ----·---- We Are Diverting Our Entire Mill Output -of- SURFACED LUMBER to Serv~ the Home Building Program of This Area. Priorities must be served first. Some Material Will Be l"rlnrlty Freel FIRST COME -··FIRST SERVED ----·---- Deliveries will start in about 10 days. ----·---- WOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY HaroJd L . Ickes, former Secretary M be ADDI KEMP, JAMES P . COS-Su 26 5 :18 11:31 .l:OI .... : ... . of tl:e Interior. that CongTeSS ay it isn't best way TELLO, COTNER SECURITIES 4.0 0.4 5.2 .... . should· not act while a t est suit CORPORATION, a corporation, nc1es an OlaClld 1n order ot UOCIW'l'mo.. was pending in the Supreme l TITLE INSURANGE AND L!Pit~L-.:~~P.tn Court. TRUST COMPANY, a corpor-··..:.·==========~ I k ' CJ . But we haven't heard of a atlon. Trustee, THE FIRST NA-p N c es &Im TIONAL BANK OF DOWNEY, UBLIC OTICE Is Deprecated 'BE I I ER ON, t Dat a National Banking 'Association, It noted that the bill was pass-·' . 0 e JOHN DOE ONE, JOHN DOE thence, southerly along saJd ed by the House a month before TWO and JO~ DOE CORPOR-easterly llne to a point ln the t he suit was filed tn the Supreme J. ATION, Def~r:idants. southerly Jine of the 100 foot Court. It disposed of Mr. Ickes' Our home, under the AME.RIQAN WAY, has remained You. are directed to appear in right of way of State Highway claim when It said. "Congress our castle. We've enjoyed th6 right to home owner-an action brought against you by ORA 60-A. said line belng tan- should not peorm.it i.tself t o be the a~ve named plaintiff in. the gent to a curve having a radius embarrassed in its consideration ship and the ·r1gbt t.o control our own land. our own Superior Court of the State of of 1550 feet; thence westerly of legislation by the subsequent property. We've gotten along far without dictation. California, in and for the C.ounty through said curve, having an instJtution of judicial proceedings of Orange, and to answer the com-angle of 13• 46' to a point in a by another branch of the Federal 1 plaint therein within ten daya line, said line being tangent to Government." It brought out Sh }I W FIGHT f ' Th R• hts? after the se<Vlce on you of this aforesaid curve: thence, west-effectively that were Mr. Ickes' 8 e 0 ese Jg • summons, if served within the erly along saJd tangent to its contention valid, any one could , l>' C.ounty of Orange, or within thirty point of tangency with a curve. thwart the passage ol Important W , ·-ft'"' abo t this "PLANNED ECONOMY'' days If served ellewhere, and you having a radl\lf" ot 1550 feet ; Jaws by merely riling suit in the ere ~005 u ;· • are notified that unless you so thence, westerly from said point Supreme Court. It's & pet phrase of the Was:f: Bureaucrat. He as--appear and 8.llllwer as above re-of tangency along aa1d curve, Last June, Mr. Ickes stated be-sumes that the home owner Is capable of thinking for quired, the plaintiff will take Judg-a distance of 60.21 r .. t : thence, fore the Hoose Judiciary commit-himself; that HE MUST E DIRECTED. AND ment for any money or damages South g• 27' West 339.42 feet, tee that the issue was solely who I demanded 1n the ~plaint, as more or less, to Its inU!rsectlon got the oil, but Robert W. Kenn)'. WITH • -• arising upon contract, or wUl ap.. with a line designated u "North attorney general for the State or pl y to the Court for any other re-Line," being the mean high tide California, in rebuttal points out M R } ~ Re I t• lief demanded in the complaint. line as per Superior Court Case that in the original suit filed by ore U es an . gu a Ions Given under my hand ·Md seal No. 23686, Book 201, Page 253 of U. S. Attorney General Tom C. of the Superior Court of the Coun-Official Records of Orange Clark. tbe court was told tbal the A th Ge laid ;i • __ th ty of Orange, State of California, County, said point being distant issue involved all titles to all sub-year ago e rmans r 0wn. &.Alet August e this 24th day of April, 1946. easterly 83.55 feet from the ln· merged lands in all the stales bor-laps threw In th.. sponge. .e bad readily accepted B. J. SMITH. tersectlon of a line having a dering on the ocean. This con· regtmentaUon. We made sacrfices gladly. We wanted Councy Clerk and Clerk of the bearlng of North 37• 1' 30" clusion was based on Mr. Clark's Victory. BUT THE CONTROLS S'DLL GO ON. Superior Court of the State of West with a line having a bear· 425 30th Street assertion that "at the time or the Callfori>la, In and for the Coun-Ing of North 73• 34' 20· West; fonnatlon of the Union, the first ty of Orance. thence, easterly along Kid mean Newp«i Bead! 13 states did not own the lands By ROY J . IRWIN, Deputy. high tide line to Its Intersection ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~?=~ underlying the three-mile belt." We Need Action ., • • Not Words (Seal Superior Court with the westerly line of Central The Justice Department's con-.Orange County) Avenue, said westerly llne 'being ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; tention. In the words ot Mr. Cla rk, Pub.-Apr. 30; May 7, 14, 21. 28; the existing boundary line ot <t <t "tbat no staie littoral to tbe 'lbere ....,, some 27,000,000 PfOperty· owners. U pro-June 4. 11, 18, 29; July 2, 1946 the Qty or Newport Beach; .--The New Club lidu-----. Formerly Galley Cafe NOW OPEN Featmiug Sea Foods • Dinner • Dancing Presenting Dorothy Dillon at the Organ Id Theatre on Bay oceans .,.,., had nor now has any perty Is soclallud this group laces e:dlncUon. y 00 can thence, northerly along said E'P proprietary Interest In tbe mar-I ORDINANCI: NO. 114e boundary line through Ila varl- gmal eea lands," hu brought fight back. • ; ous courses to the point of be- thundering oppooltlon from 45 l ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ginning E'P •tates which have Joined c.Jl(or-· ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN -2. That the boundarlea nia to defend what they conceive The N ti I H d UNINHAll1TED TERRITORY of the City of Newport Beach, ll to be an Invasion of states' rlahla. JOIN a ona . ome an CONTIGUOUS TO . THE CITY Calllornia, be ,and the ..,,,. -fJ The state attorneys general con-OF NEWPORT BEACH. hereby altered to include the above tend that If Ibo Interior Dopart· · Property , --described territory, the anneutloll ment, "can seize one IQUatt foot ft ll'V'I ~ The City c.ouncu of Newpon of which ts approved and ordained E'P of tide or submerced lands In any Beach, California, does ord,aln u herein and Incorporated IQ the state and maintain such seizure, It Founc1a· ti follows ' City or N-Beach, c.Jl(ornla. will be tbe ofncial duty of Fed· • -~· • ~ Section 1. That the annexation 8ectl011 s. That the proceed. e. era.I officers everywhere to com-to the 0.ty of Neyvport Beach, Inga and annexation herein orw plete the conquest of all like areas Califomia, of that certain unin-dained are had and taken under In all tbe states." habited territory contiguous to and punuant to the provlslona ot E'P Support Quitclaim I I said Qty, lying adjacent to the an act of the Legislatar• or the Other groupo have joined the National Home nd Property I City boundary line extendlnc alone State of California, designated and t raJ Jn ••-• I . West Newpo!;t Channel southerly referred to as the "Annexation ot E'P a tomeys gene u•~r SU-1 or State Hl-6way ORA '6().A, and Unlnhabi°". Terri•-Act ot of the quitclaim bill of tile House. 0 ' f nd ti · • ,..., ~·, sucll as tbe Council ol State Gov· wners a Oft westerly or State Highway ORA 1939." E'P errunents, the Govemon' Coondl, j I 43-A, comi>risl"g approximately . Sedl• &. The City Clerk ahall' the Natlonal lnstltute ot Munlcl· 1'11 K 8~ N. W. W~ D. C. 16.11 acres, iii hereby approved cause tbis Ordinance to be pul>- pal Law Offlcen, tbe American ancj that the l8J1le 11 hereby or-lished within !ltt .. n (15) daya Association al Port Autborltla, p L E dalned to be annexed ·and made after Its -ge,, at least once ·1n E'P tbe American Bar Association, and a part of the City ol Newport tbe Newport Balboa News.-,,_ harbor and ~ bodies. n-Beach, California. That said ter-a newspaper or 1eneral drcula-1 I bereb ""-'-the of $ I rltory iii partlcuJarJy desc:rlbed .. !Ion published and dr<:ulated In POil INlltllLUfOB !ID Howard w. C..1Wlt ..... B7 7 VR llll Automoli<le • r- Ac:ciclmt • Life ·1.-and Olat>llt't -Written Radio Service Palme~ Radio -~ . • • t Y ~~ lllDOlft ·-····----·-······-followa: the City of Newport Beach.. I Beginning at the point ot In-The lorecolns Ordinance wu tn- 1 Signed ·······---------!.·--·----·-·-.... -.. _ I teraect1on or the llOUtberly line troduced by the Coond1 or 11ie l of Stat• HiahWllJI ORA 6().A 'City ot Newport Beach at Ila -I Address .. :·------... -.. --~,. ..... -............ _ .••... -... -I ::!':°! :r:::i:1,;:: an!1: ~ ~ ::": ~;,,:: I Oty and State -·--·---.... -'l--------- I Local afftllation (It any): ' I I -··--·--------·-----·--I Dam I I ............... ,... to l'ol ..... but: 11e11 to K&LPB P. 11.&1_.:Y,, sno ClaMi a.ft. Ne•"*i --~· Clellf. Newport Harbori rrom u.. -line or said 1ng of aid CouncD held on Ibo State Highway, with !be llOUth-20th day ot May, ltM6. erly prolonptlon of tbe -0 . B. REED, ly line or Newi-t Beach llou1e-· Mayor ot tbe City of van!. said -ly line being tlle Newport-S.eeb • f!Xistinc boundary line of tlie Al'IEST: City ol NewjM't Beach: i-. nu.NK L. RINEHART, fnll!I tllll point or ' boslnnlng Qty Clorlt. ~.ilakl ...... 11 line ol !ltate lly FRANK L. RINEHART, ._.aq to-1be e-ly line of {!IEAI,) Deputy. S~ Jllill>wQ ORA 4$-A; Pd>. Hq 21. 1M8. WING SANG. BOAT & BBpAm Y.-,0 , 811 C•llt Rlataway 101 nnz1 Bu:• Ml' .•• , . .............. lust Opposite Lido 'dpBONB BA.8B08 11181 fer a g 8 g a V A T I 0 N "E'P A.ND ............ ... ~ ... .... •. r.•··· .... ... OOllUj""' .lir•--•r. ' • a , , ,, ,, 11 , .. ~. "'i. --. . . -0.;._ '' -..... . • . . . . ::::::::::;::::::::;::::;;;;:;:;::;::::::;.-:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::::::::;--;:;:;:;;;::;;;:;:::::;;·~-=·~Hl&~=~~-;•~1~ao~~~A~!M:&~~W~·~;~1~w~ee~·~-~~==~fA=~~=·~1~1~·~-~0n~t~?a~·~~,..;·:11~'=l~·~ll°'Y~~n,.~;Ul~~l~~~~~==========~;:;:;::::::;:;;;;:;:;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::~)M,o~~n=w::,-I: I = ~ Q ~ ~ 8tJJLDING ~ 11SALK1118CELL&JU()t18 • BOATS, 8tJPl'Ll]C8 • WAMHID'l'O~ a •• , l:ll'l'AD ,,u·1~~ ~, ••1. ~n ., •••. ....,. • :HA::::VE==a::.c::.<>..:.od=,=,::.,.::.,k;_o!~roll"-',,-rootin&-,,,--. FOR SALE-Garue door with all FOR SALE-Boat. "Seven s.u.• APT or SM•tJ. HOUSE ..... w " I . ::-i ~p. co~alsoTll~ !uteninp. Call.Harbor 229().1(. New C1rysler motor, t().ft...... ~"":r ::.~;;,~":FINEST VIEW LOT ON BALBOA ISLAND *-FRANK P. JOH·~SON -REALTOR_:_* 10011> Pu1'! Painll at ~war tG-lb: all. clears !or Mex. 3 -~~ 'poll. Phone Santa Ana 0991.w 1664 Newport Blvd. MEN'S ~war S<hwlnn bicycle 5% tom ctusbed Ice. --or write Box "X" N poi1: Bol-prices."Copeland Lbr. Yards, 5th In good cond. 224 Hellotrope, Kine'• I.anding. See V. ls Jolm-boa N .... Tlmes. ~ 3'1-tfc --D--t---0- lt Artesia Sta., Santa Ana. Cal. Corona de! Mar. Phone Horbor -· 1650 Newpoat Blvd., M.on.. OVERLOOKING ENmANCE - -===-=====..:.34-.:..;;tf_c 128'1-R. tG-2tp Thun., Fri. after 5:30 p.m. WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bodrm. TO BA j AnnDfO OON'ISAOl'O& • S7-4b: un!\lrnlabod houl<i. Will loue. y J :AINTINo -PAPZR HANGING Di::;;!·' !o!~t~ i.:: ~: Fire Equipment Tests ;-11 u Sam Porta a', Harbor-35-7,fc • ' • and DllOO~~o Pad<ard-Bell 6-tubo nodlo, floor C.O.Two. PyrimeAFoam reftlla. w··~ ~--" pt. r HAS 70' FRONTAGE OOt SOU'm BAY H. 1!!. 11.c~ lamp, cocktail table, front room (X)o fixed system and Portables A.I., .a~u-..... • er room or ~ 4l4 Old Conty Rd.. Costa Mesa heator, 2 pr. drapoa, generator now avallablo. • ainglo buo1neA woman. Ponn&n-AND 89' FRONTAGE EAST BAY Phone Beacon 5013-J e:>-tfc ·!or b0y'1 bicycle. 572 Hamilton ETS HOKIN 'lt GALVAN ent. Rmalle Sduol!hner, 1205 FRONT. FORMER-' ONOFBAL- -.u<ilPbi'TATION 1t St., Costa Moaa. tG-ltp , 1000 Cout Hlgh.._y Cout Hlway, Newpoat Beach. BOA YACHT CLUB. GOOD, used springs It mattresaes. I'll. Beacon 5522 'ra-tfc • 39-2tp BICYCLES Harbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor FOR SALE-2&-!t. cabin crui-. WANTED TO RENT-2-bedrm. •$36,750 Seid. "'"'~·~ Blvd., Costa Mesa. 39-tfc mahog., Oirysl~ motor, lloopo turnlabed apt. er bou&o !or aum-Dr-+- 100 Kain Ill., S.1-FOR SALE-Boy's and clrl'• bl-'· new condlti<ln. on wayo ""'" mor or permanent. Prder Penln· . ""._ _ ! 208 Karlne. Balboa 1a1anc1. cyclea. S<hwinn modell. 28 1n. ror 1n1poct1on. Ph: Harbor 1154. •ula. Couple. 920 w . Central. ISLAND REAL TY ~201 Agate Ave . M-U1: Fully equipped. Call Harbor 804. 39-2tc Newport Boach. 39-4tc BALBOA ISLAND HARBOR m -W --=,..-=..,,---·---:u:-:: ll!Mb: llUlllC.&L & LU>IO " WANT TO RENT-Small uprlcht • 40-ltc ll&AIJTY AD>tl :.\;;: piano 3 or 4 ..-thl. Ph: Harbor _____ _:· ________ _,_ ________ _ . FOR SALE -Adjuatabl• IM!auty Electrical' FOR s~mall studio upright 1146-ll. 4G-4tc M j-S A _...-. c:halr. 0>eap. Harbor Repair Service eu,y.~~~· = MAIL CARRIER. Balboa. a1ng1o, C 0 S T A 't:: Furn!~. 1962 Harbor IDvd.. A~ Home. Moton A 40-2tp wanll -""'<nt botwttn Ioland Coat& Mesa. 39-tfc Marine Service. Immediato Avo. and tho Point. Call Harbor 2 Bedrooms. frame houae, ~floors, FOR i;ALE-hnnanont waVOI ln Attontlon. KNABE Grand Piano. walnut"'""· 932. 40-2tc stucco Interior. Ava!\ahle Po'"'· YoUr home, SJO up. Mn. Bond. · S. L. FRANKLIN FlllDO<ll Knako tono. A1'o Wober ~~~~~· ~====~ Located Oil Short Street, pose to Arches Uc. mgr. 19 ll""" oxp. Box 414, Ph. Harbor 1781-W Grand. Sohmer, S<hultz. And !"*'• mrAn 41 i f'lewport. 33-4tp 2818 eentral 32-ttc many othor famous ma1on. EVA F. RHODEN $9000. Terqis COLD and MACHINLESS F1re P\aoo and Klndlln& DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 1 ~ WAVES W 0 0 D 520 No. Main, Santa Ana:is-ttc Costa. Mesa • Tintlns and Manlcurlnc Dellvend STEINWAY Grand Plano Mahoe· Very cloan 2-bedrm. -on % H u B p 0 w ER sll AGE NT Evmlnc Appt. Ph. Harbor 17'}.W H. w. WRIQIIT . acre. Hu nice yard and .prc1en. ~ Vi's Beauty Shop Ph. Beacon 5665 &IQ> cue. Be&utlfUI ta>e. Med-Good location on Elden St. Phone Harbor "-W •um a1u. DANZ· SCHIOI1I' $7500 J. A. Bee" 0 ,If f 1· c e 1103 Cout Hlway, Corona c1e1 Mar 1784 Newpoat Blvd. S.tfc PIANO CO., 520 No. Main. II. ~ $-tfc ORANGE <X>UNTY Santa Ana. 38-tfc -Ferry Landing Balboa Island -LOBT--AND--ro-mm _____ n UPHOLSTERING CO. RADIO HOUSE CALIB-Lido Isle 38-ltc Manufactuttn Now that additional cunpetont 2-atory .2-bedrm. homo with at-_____________ _.. __________ , LOST ..:. Lady'1 Holbroo wriot watch on Bay Ave., near N.JL Y.C., aJoo keyo. Phone Newa- Tlmes, Harbor 12. Reword. 38-4b: Of Upholstered Furniture t«hnld&n1 are available we are tacbed garage. All rooms are ~ 413 w . 4th St.. Santa Ana able to ma1ce aervlco .;.u. on larp with living room a=-J M M I h L E R Factory and Showroom larp conoolOI. All work cuar· entltt front of hoale. % block • • .... .L •. 504 WOlt Center St.. Anaholm antood. HAROLD ls HAMM, from bay. Real Estate ~er Phone Anaheim 4n4 collect S.0.S. Radio, 300 Marino Avo. $20,000 15th and O!ntral LOST-Diamond ring, 5 large and 12-tfc Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc -I 17 small diamonds. Reward. Call 1------------N rt Bl d ! Beacon 5710. tG-2tc T •• ~ Am'ved Radi~ n-pa1'rs ewpo v . . """' v ·""' Corner lot, tl3 foot frontage on Balboa Home • 1 .Lido Isle LOST-Tack.Je box Sat. on New-P"nfth Rearing A1d All makes; tubee, etc. B1v. Excellent business location. por t plu. station Uo. 40. Liberal BATTERIES Beacon 5763 $6000 Very clean; 2 bedrooms; large Onel of the most a~ctive, EAST SIDE,NEARL Y NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME, hdwd. floon, fire- place, redecorated-Inside and out. Lot 66'/C330'. nice garden and \andsaplng, .$9750. Terms. CORNER Vi ACRE RANCHO NEARLY NEW, 2-bedroom stucco. large living room. klldlen very' modem. Gaest house, garage, chick. and rabbit equip., oomll. Comer lot, 66'x330'. Street paved all around. Ooae In East side. Space for 2 or 3 more homes. Price $12,500. Tenns. LIDO lSLE HOME 3 BEDROOMS 8t DEN, large living room, flreplace, large dining room and Id~ Elaborately furnlsbed In ROOd taste. Has comt:;t: baths on each f!Oor. Three and one-lots, or 105'x10CY. Campletely walled with sfeel reinforced concrete 6 ft. high. Twopattmwlthbarberue~ derful SW1 deck, top ol houe; view ot. ocean and .bay; roee and flower gar- den beautifully landscaped, also has gtEdl house. Price $35,000. Terms. NEWPORT BL VD. CORNER 3-Bedroom, den 8t SWI room; 10-tm. house. Living room 20'x21' with fireplace, dining room 20'x20'; large kitchen with bullttns elaborately installed. Ven. blinds, carpe«s. drapes and curtains. Lot 13Zx255'. Comer all fenced with redwood In concrete; Sleep- ing cabil\. pool 8t barbecue. Fruit in back yard. Price $21,500. Tenns. COSTA MESA 'h Block to Shopping Center roward for return. Leave al P<>-Gunde..., Drug Co. BURT NORTON _ lot. Near South bay front. ~letely fumlshed homes lice Station or write H . A. c<irt-117 M I St Ph H bor 515 ~ Harb<> area Beauti man. 233 Linwood. Monrovia. a n . . ar 90-tfc 91!5 . Coast Hlct>way, Newi;':'tfc EV A F. RH ODEN Immedlate possession. landsca:;.,.i. Ready ~ • ----------40--2.....:tp ---A-u-to--B-a-tt_e_n-·e_s __ SEE the new style world ramous 470 Newport~~':. Costa Mesa Full 'Price, $15,500 mov. in. 'h ACRE of land with 3 income units, 4 garages which could be converted Into apt. rentals. Unlimited possibilities for fu. ture income. For full information see us. Price $13,950. Tenns. EMPLOYMENT WANTED !S !&-month -$6.45 Ex. upholstered pianos. Many colo.. ELTON D. BARNETT. Brokor Tenns ull Price $35,000 WANT-Odd jobs. such .. yard or Compo unded Motor Oil to choose from at DANZ-Ph. Beacon 5n3-R Tenns house work, etc. Phone Beacon Gallon, 70c SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. 40-2tc 5854-M. ~tp )lain St .. Santa Ana. We also AT CORONA DEL MAR VETERA!"'J wa.nts job for summer . surve)1ng or deck hand. Write Box H c/o News-Times. 4~ltp -rent pianos. 38-tfc Wes tern Auto Supply 3 'Bedroom H o me Authorized Dealer REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir-Fine view or Ocean 1836 Newport Blvd .. C.OSta Mesa r or-Piano. This ls a real bargain. q.13,000 23-tfc Other used pianos u low as 'f1 WILL 00 house work by the hour. VENETIAN BUNDS-Alumlnu.m. Phone Beacon 5635. 40-2tc steel. wood. Call us !or tree esti- $85, S87. $125, Sl75. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc --DISHWASHER-Bay ShOT'e Cafe, mate. Renovation & refinishing. Arvi & E W. J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor Z766 "Where the Flags Fly" ~2tc 17th and CoaSI Highway. Phone So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., n merson Beacon 5745. 4o.trc West 18th and Newport Ave., R A D I 0 S Corona del Mar Costa l\fesa. Ph : Beacon ~W. 24-Hour Rad.lo Servic-e- Balboa Island Home Income property; choice loca · lion. Mode,m , and in first class condition throughout. \ ' Lido Isle , . ay Front Home 4 rooms. Furnished. Pier and ,' oat. nmediate Possession Balboa .Peninsulaj i...5>t $3000 CLIFF DRIVE 6-ROOM HOME, ocean view unobstructed, all-redwood house, good foundation, newly redec. inside and out. Sun room overlook· Ing ocean. Price $13,000. Tenns. --OPEN SUNDAYS~­ ~--0- -k-FRANK P. JOHNSON -REAL TOR-* 1664 Newport Blvd. 40-1tc W ANTED -Woman ror goneral 38-tfc Short Circuit :&idio Exceptional value. Modem 2·bed· Phone Your Li' tings In houlework. 2 children, salary -----------305 Palm. Balboa room home; llvingroom, ti.re-open. Phone Harbor 2336-W. Steel Kitche n s Phone 1638-W 13-tfc placo, dining alcove; attr. patio; . and we will give ·th~ ev.'1 y consideration FOR SALE-Choice bua!neu cor-BEAL ESTATE Zl(CJLUIOJ: &II 40-2tc GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES ==---..:..:...:..:.:..:.. __ ...::.:....::.: l""C8.r garage. Good location, be--ner, heart of Newport buainea ----------- ------------SHOWER DOORS SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 18 low highway, near school. Con· district, 3 frontages, partly Im-EXCHANGE RENTAL_ •room GENERAL house work wanted, . I t t sh · d -washing or Ironing. part time. Southern Count ies BE COMFORTABLE. year around. ven en ° oppmg center an J .. M. M I L I-' E R proved. has fair income. Excol-house In Los Angelea for 1ame Write Vlrginla Beck, 2230 New-Supply Co . Johns-Manville Rock Wool home beach. For quick sale-lent investment -development fn Balboa or Bal.~lsl. P. 0 . Box port Blvd .. Costa Mcaa. 40-ltp 144 Coast Blvd. N. insulation. Free Information. $9,500. Unfurn. 15th"' Central • Newport Bea n • Ph. Harbor 1242 property. Information N. R. 684 Balboa. 38-tfc Write Box M. c/o News-Tunes. Well built house. near ocean. Lge. 40-ltc Calley, 1197 So. Coast Blvd., La· ' . WANTED-Accounting instructor Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 4Mtp livtngroom. ttreplace, 2 bedrms., 1 guna Beach. 39-2tc WILL EXCHANGE rent of small buslneu school. State education, 40-ltc ------------' bath, kitchen-dinette, service · 1 ' house in L. A., Bev. A Vermont. experience and lalary. Addressw c:-AN-<TED,-,:--:T:co-=Bc:UY=-----:::,1 TYPEWRITERS porch, laundry room, rumpus AT CORONA DEL MAR 'i. E. JOHNSON Homes o f Value !or what have you on Bal. W . Box J. c/o News-Times. 40-4tc OFFICE EQUIPMENT room over 1-<:ar garage. patio 1 Bedroom Home · Realtor _ Permanent or ? Phone ls A. WANTED-Reliable general main-CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Cleaning. Oiling, Adjusting, and barbecue. Lot 60xll8 ft. Partly Furnished and Associates Partly furnished, 2-bedroom homo, FI 8865. ~b: tonanco man. Udo Tboatre. PHONE BEACON 5538-J.23-tfc Overhauling Well landscaped and planted. $6250 • Phone Beacon 5102.M % acre. Seven fruit trees, grapoa MONWI' TO LOAK a · 26-tfc R013ERT~ $18,000. Unfurn. -_ and berries. close to Newport LOANS TO BUILD, 1>u7, - HELP WANTED-Ge al h SE LL your house trailer !or the TYPEWRITER S. ICE W. ·J. HOLCOMB t >.rewport Heights ' Blvd. . m-..W. ar-. ner ouse-'It. Top Dollar to Lu!fin It Lewis 2602 W. Central Har 447 Buildin~ Sites 1517 Cout Highway "' $6 000 N rt Bal-ll'odenl •-work. No cookln&. Two days oft f Trailer Sales. 2201 South Main tf Le i ----....!-Corona del Mar Harbor Z766 Cozy. 1-bedroom home, turnlahed, ' .-poUd Lou .Amoal H I a we.k. Uve ln or out. Good sal-St Sant An ~ •tp 40-c t us ass st you ~w"l11g a lo-"Where the nags Fly" 40-2tc in Electrolux refr., table top -I cm. ary. Two lldult.s tn family. Call ., a . a. .,~ cation to suit your needs. We at e, etc. Neat and clean and 2-bedroom home. Completely furn. 3333 Vla Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 Harbor 704. 38-4tc WANTED TO BUY-Need lmmed· TELEPHONE havo a wid• 10loct1on' of choice Corona del Mar yo: can move right In. Gorage Large Jot. Good dllt. Clooo ~ TBAaroas n GIRL for coun•-work. •u d•...., lately, good, clean light car. Jots. New, 2-bedrooms, living room. S.A: 1 workroom. Lot 100' x 127'. ~~ andoodshopplngbuy. · Tllla \C-1. J"711 _.. OPERATING Balboa Island er In and connected. "'-·-·~Y • C · FOR SALE-F ~-----. Wffk. Muot bo lleacly. P. 0 l'rice no objoct. PhoM Hunting-fireplace, attractive kitchen, din· ~· ~6 850 °"'""" ~--· Box M2 Balboa 39-3 ton Beach 3521 38-tfc ' PAYS Ing alcove, excellent location. er · truit trees. Price only "'1 , . Urea, reuonable. Phone BeaOOI\ · · b: · Beautiful 3-bedrm. homo. Uvlnir-Clcean view. $7850 -5508-W. Jack'• Sorv!ce, """- W ~~ l7:~t-~ ~ture"~T .. ~,:!.!or,.:UPI>';:; GOOD WAGES :,~~·~': $16,500 unfurn. ·· $4 50 2·~.,.=~0n~ ::.;i~~ ~!!'.."'Santa Ana Aw.,= w Ph Be •745 l'U Beacon 56156. 0 . R. Oawley, onclooed patio. Guest Apa. pro--~ •, ._ 7 landscaped. Stucco. . Lota or !rult. 'UTOM~ • -• •Y· : aeon J • ..... c 1812 Newport Blv., Calta Meaa. vtding excellent income Good 3-bedrm. home. Good view of ooean Dn.i. ...,y 1-bedroom home clOR in, and &'arden. This is one of the ,,. ..., ........ • .. .._ HELP w ANTED-Catt ol chlld 30-tfc N ° experience necessary valu• at-. and cloae to b<lthlng boach. near Harbor IDvd. Gorac• and few homOI of UM kind for .... :ro=R=-=s-:-ALE-=:--::1"'938=-:::v"'.s=-Del=-::-ux-e-=s.-- rot workln& mother. Your homo nJllNlTUJlE roa 8AJ.E n Earn while you learn $27 5 00 Unfurn $15,000 Furn. ~oom. 72 r .. t !ron<qo. at th1a low prk>e. dan, 'M carburotor, 6,000 m1lee « mine. Phono Horbor 106. • • • for quick lale. $9,950 . 1lnco OOfl)Pl•tely overhauled. ' 38-4tc FOR SALE-Doak, boauti!ul hand There are many other Well built h-2 bedrms ll·•--Balboa -Good tirea, roe llghta, etc., $47!1. WANTE&-Temixrary bookkeop-~~. ~~:'.~.::f""'"~: advantages to being a room and'ii~Jace with ~ 3 bedrooms. 1% b<lthl, large uv1ng h~n¥2 Acre Ranch HAVE BUYERS WAITING FOR Ph: Harbor 21 40. tG-2tc er five d&yw a week. Call omco telephone employee. 2-bedrm. lncome Apt. ·over 3-room. fireplace, baloonyroom. ~ ranch~ ~~me. ~ HOMES ON LIDO ISLE. YOUR AUTO snVlm: • rnanqer. Beacon !5432. 39-2tc ;QOD. used. ro<:ondltlonod Gu car garage; laundry room. Ex-outdoor llvlnc room, tile kitchen. " groom · arge ~-LISTING WILL BE APPRE--..,---·------- Ranges. $13.95. Harbor Furnl-Apply cellent value at-, rear patio, 1--car garage. nice n>Cf!l' &nd sleeping porch. L&rce CIATED. ; WANTED-Combination ll•no. "' !Utt, 1962 Harbor Blvd., Coat& $19,000. Furnished furnlturo ""'l'D. k!tchon and brealrfut ---r !or """' retall hllll· Mesa. J&.tfc 100 E. Bay· Avo., Balboa $15. 000 Down ""!"'· Modern. tile b<lth. Dbl. Wo aleo havo nlco building loll NOW HERE ber company. G<>od pay and 514 % N. Main St., Santa Ana • g~ Beautiful Landocap'-- houra. Apply 425 30th St .• Now-BUNK BED. Comploto with mat-Gertrude A . Waldron -wl_f'.i-· ,shrubs and now.;;:: u 1 ""' $750 ~up. port Beach. Now bldg. ~2tp tresa. sprlnp "' ladder. Horbor or Wm. W. Sanford, Broker Balboa Island A!! Ideal (Otting for aomeono WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Furniture. 1962 Harbor Blvd., ,k tho -tor ~ ••-308 M-~--A-·-BeautlfUI 2-bedrm. homo. Uvlnc· wllo wanll privacy. WANTJ:D-BOTlllLMAID. Bal-tf -~-·~ u~ ~= ·~·~ f Inn. -MO. .. lfe Costa Mesa. 39-c Chl•f Op<ntor Phono 234-R 38-tfc = ~=·~ ts a gift at $10,400 B. A. NERESON BRAND NEW unfinished cbOltl ol Southern California AT CORONA DEL MAR encloaod patio. Guest Apt. pro-REAL ESTATE ~~,re~~~~ = drawon, all altta. Harbor Furnl-1 Bedroom Home vldlng exoellont Income. . . Balboa Penin~a -Imuran<e and Good income. You.,. Y<><V own turo, 1962 Harbor Blvd.. Costa Telephone Compaay Partly Furnlahed $27 500 · ¥arv:etous Bay V1ew1 -()pportmdU.. bcm. Apply 508% No. Main St., =~-=leu.-::.,-:--=--::--:-----,--3&---;:-tfc JS.tic $8500 ' ....:__ DUljµ!X or homo with lovely 1972 N•"PO<t Blvd.. Colt& Maa Santa Ana. 36-7tc FOR SALE-Bedioom aet, comb. ------------1 -3 bedroOriia, compinoJy rurru.-. ~ upotalrl apt. Luse Ph: -11225 40-ltc hiboy wardrobe. solid mahoe· Carpenters Available w. J. HOLCOMB Attractive, modern turnlahed suoat copb. ~ ! ~~ ~~ v:•J. ln'AD J:JrolL\Jjoa &II BOAT BUILDERS WANTED &IQ> l'OUnd tablo, seall 12 ...,.n !or -nera1 malntonanoe 1517 Cout H!cbWaY apartment. OVft 2-car prage. ~ ·-....-. open; 1¢11. chain. lawn ruowa , r Oorona del Mar BE. 2'1e6 Bay.-. Immodlate pclUHicm 3 ~ --Cornpleto bath. WILL 'l'1lADE I,EASI£ ol ,_._, an. oloc. ranee-oclda and mdL and repair ''Wbett ~ Flap Fly'' :!9-2te ot apt. Wide lot ....,. So. Bay. t!1'd Colottd tile kitchen. many turnlabed bome; 2 -. 2- 661 Clff Dr.. Newport Beach. o. s. aollmllON ------~.:..· ----1 Gertnide A. WaldrOn blilt-inl, ...... bi-. 1-apt. car _.... Corona do! Mor for Ph: Beacon 59e8. '8-4tc Call Harbor 113 Balbo Isl d H !'+. l&rse llv. -flttpUco, apt. or home In -or New-M-tfc a an ome WJD. W. SanfordLB_.!Oker . bedroom. kitchen and " bath. poat. Addrea Box P , c/o N..,._ Plywood Skiffs llOil'8. ll1lPft.DB 11 ----------1 2 bedroom. ~ EXCLUSIVE AGrn 09lllde .-.... patio, barbecue, nm.s. 1 lll-4lc -FOR SALE-10.ft. oollapolblo ,_ KE y s $11,000 . -• dlilble -·IT'S TOPS boat. Uko ...... Pll: Harbor 51!5. -Wldlo Toa W.. -Well built home; 2 --, J191ac ~uced to $20,500 ...._ -to 0 • ~ OD tG-ltc VOOSL'll Ocean Blvd. Lot room and flftplllce with 1arp -.,...,. •u -~ and . Sailing Dinghies Your author!-s ~­ Plymouth Dealft. Authorized parta Complote LAlbr!catlan and MaintftlADCO ExpertMecban1cl Kenclall and Qualcer State Ciilo NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2SleW.Cmtn!Aw. TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS =FOR=-:SA-:--:-L-::F.:--::Row::--:.,,-.,...,t.,-_-:ll,.-o-..,-. 1• -llt.. llaD • 2-bedrm. lncame Apt. avor S<ar ~ and ~ ,_ -ill Wt9t Loo • C ' -~ '!OI ---$3,000 pi-; laundry room. -for -ill Sonta Am Oft ---1-t atnicted. copper rlvtll A bolll; • -$19 500 Furn'-1..ed ltJ>. Call .. ,,..,, Cdt. - no oars. .....is palnt. $21). PAD--Bay Front Lot , · "'° A. E. JOHNSON phone OD., Santa Am; !ml. I •di: g1:,':.::'t; 1~:1P: ';;i m:;~25 "t' u..~=:: Good Loc:atlcm._ Priced to Sell. BuildjDIL Sites 411,r:"=: :;t;. o.ta ~tc -;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;';----~i.~dlc~~;;:;:;~;;;;;;===.;:::=:: Asato Aw .• Balboa ll1and. Ph: ·Pl •n•d with '.-y man'• ..-2 Small HOllllell i..e:,.:.,-:1::;:: )'OUI'-=.•:; VETERANS -warm -w.uuw • Harbor 2567. 4-ltp amoUntlng toSlor m«e. C<nlla On Lot Zoned for-·-·-""'E 'l!N'\ T' E 0 EL CARS ALL PLASTIC 12-f't: 11(}.lb. TOP· de! Mar OHften. 1307 CoMt haft a -aelectlon ol choice Yv <all bQ my nice blC lot In W N~ LA M D . <>-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Hlway. Ph: Harbor 1M1..J. nw-$l0,5 oo 1ot1. ~pa~ M-~...:.= and Will Pay Top Pricel ~'°-~~i::: c1ay -•ice. :iwtc W. L. JORDAN Gertrude A. Waldron ' 1oee tn. c.n 8 '" ,., -1 ms. YOUR CAR NOW runa11ouu. cru1oen and pa-HOSIERY MENDING -Edith 100 East Central. a.-WJD. W . Sanford, Broker !-~~~=:-:--=· :-:~~~2ti>!J w• • Prta. ue "!!:!: boarc1a. , Smith'&. «Ill No. 8'almft St., Pbmw ~ 15S a.de 1119 MArlDe A-AT OOllONA DEL MAR - P1ut1c Watorcnft Co. Suto Alla. Mall 5'n1ee. -Pbmw :lM.R. . tG-dc 3 Lots WATSON BOATS • 1 ~ «TT E. Central. -F9R SALE bJ' -· ---~~:.;;;;f~;;,;;;;;;r--;;:&i;I -~ and -FOR SALE-HI&!> --ltoft. Phone Harbor 2673 40-ltc roa amrr a ket price aood i--. ..... 8oll tbet wwwMletl ·-_, Pl •• far oar www..,. bQJw wllo wlll ~ 11111 .... )QI_.,,.~ ... , ......... pd&m 11111 ai I .. •1 I 1 ' I I ' • I ' ' ' ' ' I ' --1-tor. -·-OD 18th St.. -N pxt-.. tllrouCI> _,_ -All Three $2250 Sl1 Son Bemirdlno. Neapoat 54-Ft. FISHING BOAT 1%--FOil RENT -106x420 ft.· lot In Colt& --%...w f:w .... m Bolst>ta. 4&-2tp • -Mlle ,,.... Cnybound ' bold. Twin ~ ~ ...,. lt&tlon. !or dhp!17 or_._. A aood -' for ---'-• -8-oa ? CULBERTSON 61'11MlOLBT 00., Inc. , . , • a a ...... as •• 18='~:.-~ FOR SAIE Bathlnettie Ud-. tlfl!lly ---Pb: Jlao. bor J.OST-W. tD-2tc I• ton. M"'*""'1 and alt-o•e --Pll: ~ 212. •ttc Lot II JOO -deep. Tua 11 oale at tho _,_ • per. 653 W. 20th. TE~ pow Im Pi'lm-. OiiD at Sa!> -. ' 3T-4tp -fulllola at tr-, Jm -A-.... -. •• . . . ---~ t•lll• :•rt• a, •o. ,-a 21 T. -.. ' -.~ .. .. ' ' NWWfiWI Eben Club Tella Planen De•led Sheriff eandic1ates 1 .... ...._ 1 · st Democra~ Lead Republic~n nl~ ~~a~ Registration . tor Primary NEW YORK~-r.dnc Outboanl Racen ~prove Meqer · With Power Boats To Speak Five Minutes ll"uolft:I" eq•e A f•t~ ot the meeting-ot Pro--In the Ebel! club, S.OIA Ana, next Thuncky ...,. nlnil:. will be !lw-minute talks by all llix candidates for the office ot sheriff of ()ranee oounty. night denied the petition ot F. E. cir!"""' tllnJulllout tbe country Birtcher of 302 Larkspur aVe1ue. SACRAMENTO. _ n.. lorg<lt I n.. sma11 .. t r.glstratlon In tbe will -the -that the ' Prindl>al speaker, however; will be Superior Judp Goodwin J . -Knl&ht "' Leo Anples. who Is • candidate for lieutenant governor. Corona de! Mar, for permission Primary voter rectstratlon In the state comes from Alpine coomty c:oundl ot the American - to convert plans calling for a history of the state wu announoed with a total ot 164, incl~ 34 Boat association has ~ a guest type bOUle oo Poinsettia Friday by Frank M. Jordan. Secft-Democrats and 128 Republicans. me<ger with the Na-1 Out- avenue into a building which he tary of State. e>ran&e rounty reported a total board DriV!'l'S' assoda.tion.. 'lbe actocy'' was the tene can use for experimental labora-Jordan aakl the curttnt n.gls-registratlon pf 76.!134. 'O>ese .,.... actkln. taken here at a tM<WIC at-uent stamp ot approval tories. tratloo for the June 4 primary broken down u foUows: Republl-t~ _by • memben ol. ~~ I..&BrUcberie placed on Birtcher, who Is connected with election Is 4,113,608 or 362,312 cans, 37,367; Democrats. 36,423; pruzationl, means~-~ ··-A-llM6 spring football pnc-WhHe House cate the Orange County Laboratories. ~ater than the previoua high thooe who declined to state .their activities ~ be ~~= ~~r r aeein& his "Blue" first Inc., Santa Ana. """"'tly took oot shown tor the primary election of affiliation, ~; Prohibition, 268 the .,._ ot the A.P~--~---his "Gold" lleCalds, 8 permit wtth the Oty ot. New-1942 and is only Zf.723 below the and miscellaneous. 217. In a ~ JDOft' i..u auwu"':=' this week's traditional port building inspector's office for all-time high for all elections set Rlvenlde county reported a total =-~'1'.:n th~ ,..,,,....,'i uad "big game" endinc the Piiome l1D LiogmllJeecb, <Wit-~CO:~~ '!.!s ~es~ in the general of 1944. . resUtration of 49.750. Tbe.e were OeYeland. 0 executive secretary ~ter's Spauldlne i1eld I M ~-~ Is Democrats continue to lead the broken down as follows: Demo-o".o' ... -a---'-ted drills. :r ~~~~~ now un· Republican registration wl~ 2,· crats, 23.788; _Republican, 23,.581; of ~veN.~. ~of A.'.P.B.A. -;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;; 1393.997 and 1.530.335 respectively, declined to state. 2127; Probibitlon. 1 ~-Racing~ and • a difference af 863,662. . 14.S, and m.iseellaneous, 109. that Lou Eppe1 ot Montcl.atr, N. Other regts~atl?M show. Pro-San Bernardino county reported J., be chairman. 'Jbere will also cu.larJy impressive was vet-erback and l9e captain Csse. who sparked the • by passin& 24 · yards to & Dyers Mercury Cleaners Offer ~ 3-DAY SERVICE or • 1 -Day Special Senice If an Emergency Arises -!- y qur Clothing Is Qeaned in Our Plant Which Is Located at 1844 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA We Are as Cl.-to You as Your Phone Beacon 5613-J Mercury Cleaners & Dyers hJbltlon, _6.549, nuscelJaneous, S,-a total registr•tion of 91,812. be the A.P..B.A. Inboard Racing 350: declined to state 1n •. :rn. . Broken down as follows: Demo--· · of wti.lch EriC Green- Since the previous reg1.1tration crttt:s. 50,887; Republicans. 35,992; ~:~gt.on. D. C., is ex· figu_re released a month aco ~ failed to state. 4401 ; Proh.ibiUon. ecutJve secretary. additional 332,012 persons regis-449, and miscellaneous 143. After consltlerahle discussion on tered. Including 214,001 Democrats Sais Diego COWlty reported a the financial aspects of the mer and l 03.842 Republicans. . total registr-ation of 193,059. ger, the council agreed that esti- Since the 1944 general electJ~n Democrats numbered 107,999: Jte.. mates ot costs submitted by otfi- the Democrats lost 24.968 regis-publicans. 71.462: declined to state, cers of the association would fonn trations and the ,Republicans 18.-lJ,099: Prohibition. 610. and mis-the basts ot annual budgets from 060. cellaneous, none. ¥>'hich to finance outboard regal- ~~l:~end~Dave Dobrow for 01 , convertmc after t and third scores and 6en- erally g the teai:n well. His S d running mate, left half Johnson, .the 157-poond ento boy who played for =1 s Pre-Flight last year, bu out the eyes ot some 6000 · Bruin spectators by his lhiftyl ball..:arrying. J9'1nson set up th' second "Blue" score in the or the total registration 58.19 las. second quarter by taking the ball per cent is Democratic and 37.20 The council approved a number on a '·verse from Case, rounding P<'• cent Republican. Drinking VS. Driving or rule changes. most outstanding right end into a broken field Throug'hout the state Democrats of which will require owners and and ~g 20 yards to the 17- have majorities in 53 counties and "of.inking has a profoWld effect I drivers in sanctioned regattas to yard \me, where he lateraled to Republicans' in the remaining 5. I upon the traffic accident sltua· I be individual membe~. of both the 211>-J>Qlmd John Nikcevich, who Los Angeles county continues to tion," accord.in& to Bert Stewart j A.P .B.A .. and or affi~ated <:lubs. bull;;..t his way the remaining dis- lead the state with a registration jr .• Public Safety Director of the <?tanges .an membersh_ip classifica-tan~l1to the goal line. Although of 1,761.608, composed or 1,027,988 National Automobile club. ''Drink-t1on design~ to. en~t the sup-JohnsOn injured his ankle on the Democrats and 631.461 Republi-ing when you plan to drive is a port .or a Wldenmg etrcle of re-play Td went in for just one more cans. San Francisco county places serious violation of the rules of creation boat owners also were ap-during! the second half, he showed second with a total of 412.608 1 common sense and decency. Alco-proved. ' the UClan coaching staff that he'll made up of 264,954 Democrats and j hol. even in small quantitiet, im-be haild to keep off the first team 134,424 Republicans. Alameda pairs vision, judgment, and muscu-Fred Lorenz of Ney,·port left to-this flu. He carried the bftll for county is in third place With a lar efficiency. If no one would! day (May 23l. flying to Miami on 61 ~ in. five tries for an aver- total of 349,765, including 198.093j drive after drinking, one of thel his way to Havana, CUba. on a age or better than 12 yards a Democrats and 139.057 Republi-major causes of automobi!~ acci-business trip. He was booked .crack.11! . cans. I dents wou1d be eliminated. through the Keene Travel Bureau, Othtr first string standouts in· clud~ center Les Steiner, rugged PRESIDENT TRUMAN ASKS CURB ON · RECKLESS DRIVING 195-p0pnder from St. Mary's Pre- Fligh~~ 1945 club. One .of the fastes , men on the entire squad. Stein . was a large thorn in the sides ff the "Golds" both on of- fense ·fllld defense. Nikcevich, a fresh"lan from Banning Hi, show- ed a cttat deal of promise in rus first · llegiate effort. DON'T DRIVE WITH SMOOTH TIRES HA VE THEii RECAPPED This "Drive With "The Arches" •Just a Utile Bit Better" Cocktail Loonge and Cate Oii Oou1 BJclnraJ' al N-rl Blft. Vallely Boat Rentals Motor and Sall Boats Opal and 8ocltb Bay--'I! l'Apwater &t Palm--P!aoDe '71 Hi-Way Garage Ot!ldal Soothem Californla Auto. Oub Garage 11H Newport Bh-.J.-Ph. en Shell Reed's Super Service OU, Gas. Lllbrlcation and Accessories m o west c..tra1 Port of Seven Seas Boat Landing -lWOI ._ Wa:r--&11 C-mpwa.,, Balboa Circle Taxi A1q Boar, J>f>y or Nlctlt-ft. Npt. Sff Newport Auto Works P RESIDEllo'T TRUMAN called upou the nation's traffic chiefs to halt "MURDER" ON THE IDGH- \V AYS by BARRING "MORONS AND NUTS" from the driver's seat. Hls a ppeal !or action to halt the DEATH TOLL -N OW NEARING THE" EQUIVALENT OF THREE ARMY DIVISIONS A YEAR-was presented to the National Highway Sa!,,ty Conference In Washington, recently. TI The President stated: "The nation cannot a ffonl and "21l not tolerate this tragic waste of human resource.'' Deaths 4 2 Percent Higher On Rural Highways in State "Slow down and live longer!" This terse bit of advice to Cali- fornia motorists came today from Edgar E. LamptOn . the new Di ~­ tor or Motor Vehicles. after a study of 1945 traffic casualties disclosed 1093 accidents in which one or more rx-rsons lost their Jives because of traveling too fast for the conditions. I The same s tud.r sho"'ed 10.416 accidents fn which one or more persons \,\·t-re injured. all attribut- able to excessive speed. Deaths on rural highways, where speeding usually occurs, went up 42.4 per cent and injuries. 48.2 J>E:'r cent. '"These figures indicate conclus- ively that many people are driv- ing too fast for safety," Lampton commented. "Almost overnight we have returned to pre-war con- ditions of traffic congestion. The average c.ar on the high-ways is now more than eight years old. Our tires will not stand excessive spe«I. "The obvious answer is to slO\\' down to a safe speed and avoid getting into trouble." Lampton added that he has in- structed California Highway Pa· trol officials to pay particular at- tention to speed violations. He favors an overall reduction in speed llmits until such time as worn out equipment can be re- placed and general conditions re- turn more nearly to nonnal. GOOD BRAKES MM SA VE YOU FROM A SERIOUS ACCIDENT! Safety" Message Sponsored by the Following! Market Spot l.ater's Recapping Anton Henhey llO M-w An. -Be'boe WaDil ComDlete Tire s.mce New-um...-Repaln-3-br. Service -w. Ooatnl-N-pott • Lido Richfield Station Wash -Polish -Lubrication Ula W. Olatn.I -Srwbl Touo Virg's Gatage and Texaco Station Newport Tackle Store UNI Mc.--.,__N _rl C<>Cnmerdal and Sport Gear Good Stock ot Pre-War Une KNm Rlma, M•ma• -Authorized Shell Dealer !Z1M~lillall4 "Lubrlcatlon" -Woshing -Pollshlni: 'l\n ~ 0.. 8poolllty -...i Dom W-!S19-W -weet o..tn.1 Balboa Fun Zone llal- N ewport-Balboa Auto Supply Automotlve SuppU .. -Open 9 a.m. ~ Let Us Help You With lfour Parts Pr Glen W. Conkle -Manager llOll W . Ceetr.i A.e. -Npt. lldL HD Carrell'& Garage General Repairing -Brakea Relined Motor Tune-Up -Wheels 1lalanced IM l8UI St.-Nert to ,_..,., ~ lllilop Casino Cafe & RefreshiDent Loange --st.-1.oa1ov_,,_ .. _ ·. a-.! R.opalring-2+br. tow aervice, Sunoot Gu • 00 r.ut Ill*'« tam 11111 A OoM& ..._ Boyd's Service Station 1-WM O.tn.I -....... 11115 Mobilgu and Moblloll Lubrtcatina -Wuhlna: -PolJlhlnc Batteries .. Auto A«. • '*ies Bayside Fish Market Kenneth E. Wilson Co. am.-<:raft ~Marine ~·w .. o.a ...... IQ ...... Ill National Auto. Club Emergency Statlon Hanahaw's 1-Stop Service Station Oomplrle Aut o Semce Lubrication --.. Relined 11'18 N-,-~- Lowman Boat Builders _.Nw,..n~-, . Eta-Hok.in & Galvan -CO-Two Fft ~t for hctory, S'-, ~. Farm. Home 1-~---i-. Dean Termite Control Gt.atut.d Tonnlte Clontrol-Latest lmpruoed -., ............... ., ·- -a .......,__Newpwt - Sportland Powling Center "Boob" and ~ Keme .-8be• ..... ft ••• Ma "Thi" Your Bealth's-sab, Bowl" Excelsior Creamery S...ta Ana-CalJtwnla FOl!ter &; Sons "''TI"--'" erui..n -DI Clout ~ "'-8315 Newpu<t - Clothes Theft Tti t of a blue suit case belong- ing1.o1 Marjorie D. Hargrave from the fa-lboa. Yacht la nding last Sunda. · was reported to Newp,lrt Beac police by the OY.'ll!;r. It conta eel $30 worth of exPQSed 16 ilm and clothing valued at OSSl 'S quor Store 1oO~t Hl,<hway Formerly Gordon'• Drug Store I · Open Every Day ETERANS o-bedroom home!I ... t on the lot you lect. 0 100 % I. Financing pay only apprabal r legal, ...... iroNE %«7-B khdsCin & McBroom Sales N~lltN. dotlTA MJ:8A e M ... Realty ~.) :dt&on and Ray ECT I Lawrence, 214 3llth .-. bevel' talks "' -.,.tclllft& any than by the cloRn. He Is a beU.-In -ruor clams for bait and uslnc a ccrnplete clam meat OD each hook_ Ho tluowS the clam shells Into the bay around wbett he la flahing l'b feed the filll OD By B1l-peM!JJ,&lf the few particles ot meat clinllns Record a-taxed to capodt')r to the shell He. uses -plenty ot the live balt bpats flsblna out ot ball and doesn't mind !Goin& it, Newpo.~ Ha.-~er the..--u It keeps the fish feeding. Once u Sootheni Callfomla tlshennen the fish stop feedln&, It Is bard took advantace ot flahing facili-to get them baclt to bltine again, ties out ot Newport-Balboa. Fish-he uP.alns. ing had been good all week long When you rent a boat and buy but Sunday most boats came in live bait at the Balboa PaviUQll with only fair cetches e:xoept for you are fumished with a wooc1m the boats. that fished Cata1ina. • basket which 'Ooats In the water The Jennie Lee, from the Balboa behind the row boat In wbiclii to Pavilion, made the run over to keep your bait alive. You can row- Catallna Island '1be majority ot to wherever you want to fish, tow- other boals fished from Hunlhlg-ing the buket behind. There Is the ton Beach to Dana Point. Calico, 1 Jive bait when you: want to fiah.. rock, &nd kelp baa wore caught A neat Idea. · on mo1t live bait 6oats. A few \ . ' halibut, barracuda. sea trout and . • • • white sea bass were also caught, Highway Colllllll88lOD bu:i=~ v~ ~. Landing in-Allocates $26,000 cludedo Valencia m. Ma Mac, Sea For Upper Bay Span Gal, Lancer, Tropic, Moama, Tyee, · Freckles, Sea Oiariot, Blue Water, Hurry Home, and Reno. From The state ~ehway cxmm ialm EarJ's Landing were: Music, Bess at SaCl'1U'Dellto bu illfwsmd a. T. Peer. Marbelle, Sail Fish, Mar-cit)' of Newport Beed> that garet K. From Port Orange: $26.000 was allocated by It for the Missawit Jay B Cyolurus Nobilis financing of the needed repairin,c E""8da. Sardo Sarda, su~no, ~ ot the highway bridge across the ll, Trade Winds, Southern Com-upper bay. . fort and Ella May. The commi&.sion also reported Boats from the 19th Street $60,000 has been earmarked for- t.anding included: Flyer. Scout. culve~ and other improvements Jennie, Signal, fttargee n, Don on High~ay 101 between Galavan Pat, Georgia h-1, Marlin IV, Magic and Irvine. Isle. on Thursday the twin-screw ------------ Comet will be launched to oJ)erate as a day boat from the 19th Street Landing. Pier fishermen are enjoying a fair catch of mackerel, halibut, p I us a n occasional yellowfin croaker. With the shortage of meat, the catching of an occas· ional fish from the pier, surf, bay, barge, or live bait boat can help oue at the dinner table. Barge fishermen out of Newport have been catching small barra- cuda. small calico bass and me- dium-sized halibut. The barge can be seen anchored off the-Newport pier. Probably the champ croaker Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA fisherman of these parts is M. D. I!.-------------' \ DON'T TAKE ·cHANCES WITH · POOR BRAKES. Come in and have them tested today and avoid a ci- tation from the H ighway Patrolmen or City Police. ~---SPEC I A 1L---~ For One Week Only: B.ra.k,.s AdJasted ' ---... ; 11iii1t111lJl 1r11r111111t111 I tUERT~I ·CHEV~LEJ·. lfO. , IN'c. • 3001 Weat ~~ie. Newpcwt Bew · fhaaelBulJUio 513 , , I • • t ' • - • • I· I • Surveying and Engineerin,....' Our .Domain • • • G.T.Everaon • Menacer MEIZGER STO~ . .. nz t I •.• l'llt N•-e.....n.-·1~ c.&a )I-, 811.-a.g..W "Bame and Auto &Jpl)jy _. £££ 111:-EU:Or Je88e L. Elliott -law ,., SHERIF'F Plf==dss, lw 6*11 £.t.t . Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 111 ~ ·--111• Ooota-~ .t .t .t A. E. Groty-J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. rill'ttrllrct'ilol1-1•1re Md ...,..... o.Jer Bw • IW l'ltl Newpwt ~ -Com. .t .t .t John E. Sadleir ·Real Estate -Insurance Ottlce PIL llaltlor ION .. -81aw& -Ool!f. .t .t .t F. B.Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS ' P1L Barbor Zlft·l Itel OoMa Frvnt.-New»ort Beer•, o.nt. .t .t .t HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hu~'• South Coast Company nu w. Centrai-PIL Barbor %- HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 11111 a eout · B1p1-P1>one e.._ 5450 .t .t .t Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker l"IMl'•n: ~ llal'bor S Ree. Jlarbor 1589 De W. Ceatnl Ave-Newport Bttch,, Olm.. .t .t .t roy E. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 1N Ill. Oeelral A-, Balboa. PIL -r Un-J 'fte -of Oo-tf" -O. IL-· Mar· .t .t .t J:M.Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Pl&. Barbor UU lM at Ooatn'--N--"On Your Way to Balboa" .t .t .t *"1tWalter J. Gerhardt Our Photographer .., ... '] 'A.~ ..... , aim. Pia. lluttor m ·W .t .t .t Newport Engineering Associate& FREDERIC J . SINGER, Pnoldmt My.,..•MWI 6 lale9 ~ lJU Cw* llhny-ft. ll•M9 Mii .t t t . Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station -You Otto Buy from Boyd" QM W. O..VU-Neorpon ft. -r .. .t t .t Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . Foo<•"*' for All the F)amlly . . 1-lf-~~- t t .t FRANK A. AND MJI.ORED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. ....... wunu. QaalltJ Palaia ......... &ppHe· Ma 81 r•• .,....,. Ooeta 11.-.. tl&J Newport.,... t t .t Dr. Robert A. Crawford .... OProMEI'RIID' 1'111 lfwpwt ~ -Com. ...._ ll1nc •Ill.I t .t t Paul Lorentzen · Balb\ia Sportfishing Fleet ..... a.1"111 ........ ...... ttt 0. Z. Robertson General Gontractor wt 00.-mp • ..,. ()oc.-<Ill -· Qol!r. 1 -ft. •ntcr • .t ' .t AL ANDERSON Fun Zone .. ,, . Much Study and Work is the P.r ·I·iminary To Actual Building Constr11 ion · '. ' SURVEYOR . .. ' ·. . .. ~ -· jack S. Raub r:By LEW WALLACE ~ , .. ,,, . "· -~··"'' "'\• . ., . If : ~J.: ' •..... i ;· . • ' .. . . ,.. .. ~· Mea rr-.n ...n.. ol lfe m 8':i~1111=1f!:•:•:: bel'e br'•lllac tbelr Mllll wl trehmg 1ae1pfa1 la ear IJo ,....... Wewaia nwlb • 1rx 'aplUoem..iu-,.u:. biKrMdyfor.._11 ..... ..., t " ala. l1le "¥'-+At s lbat thm tile ym ud a1v11...,u •• ..a follows Ille .,..._... ud l+........ . I We ... nd;J y!ms•qi Ula& a r-,_... -aball w lGO,IOO .,,,. ... °"' ..... _.. ... tluhlltc -.... . 'l'he 1111W.C for tldl pioltwri,., eoaaty, tile -·• la • 'tl!e lwl bit tile ri..t at la worldly &'OOda ... ...,,.. - I : •• . ' .. -. . .. :.. ·• I I • ' .. i... ' . ' ... . . . ' . "• .. . . ' . . '. . . . .. . .; ..... ~ ... • ...• , . . ' .. Jack S. Raub, member of the firm of Raub and Bennett, surveyors and civil engineers of 1808 Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa, was born In Denver, Colo., In 1903 and after leaving school entered the state highway engineering depart- ment as a flagman and rear chairman. Fred V. Bennett, second m ber of Raub and Bennett, civil engineers at 1808 Newpo boulevard, Costa Mesa, was born In Milwaukee, WISC. In 1 , going through the schools there and after a trip around world, completing his edu- cation at South Dakota Insti te of Technology where he graduated with honors. • At the age of 21 he went to Oregon and worked for the Cobb-Mitchell lumber company cruising timber, bulldlng rall- roods and surveying, contlnillng with them three years. Then he came to California and became aftlllated Mth Thomas A. King, bead ·of the state hydraulic engineers at San Diego, working on highway projects, lnigation and sub- division, later with Newport Englneermg Dept. Beginning as rodman with surveying gang In CUster State park of the Black Hills South Dakota, he rose ra- pidly until he became chief r for the park. He moved to Orange rounty In 1940, · ding a home in Santa Ana where he llws with his wife VI and his two stepdaughters. First employed by the U. engineers In 1940, he soon In 1944 he opened his own office which Is now doing all surveying for the Irvine company In the Harbor area. for the Presbyterian hospital site and for some 20 new suhdlvisiol\s. He loves fishing, gardening and volley ball and is a member of Kiwanis. He and his wife Marjone have two children, a soo and daughter. rose to be assistant district en · r and after being trans- fen'ed to the Santa Ana Anny Base was appointed gen- eral superintendent ot post rs. He ls a 32nd deg1ee Masnn; ember ot the F.astern Star," ' an Elk, member ot the · , an engnleerlng fraternity, ' and als<1 ot Sigma '!au. He sa his only hobby ls WORK. Bob Callis CISNDAL PB'l'S u::.= &Ollm'OWU:S) m -llt.-N-rt-n. BarMr 11"1 , "CH1.JCK"" SMITH-new mmer Balboa Central Market (W• ....... ea& M.utal& A Del'"?' r•) 111 E. O...taA ft. llaftor l1tt .t .t .t Louis Verwey, Prop. C.lino Cafe & Cocktail Lomtce -.... 8b11t ................. ,,. .. ' .t .t Howard W. Gerrish •••nomt na INSllUJl'm co. ....... 7_ 1111 ' .... N:•w,..,..lftn ~ -Oo1!r. , .t t .t DON NORMAN Nonnan's Meat Market ... v.tnl ... .,.._..., .... - VOLNEY L. HAY Sea. Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" 1m. Nu.,.n ..._ -a.ta 11 .. '' .t Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ..... ·--11&1-l'Hla • OIMl....,. SERVJNG.12 NOON TILL 9 P. K. ''' A. "Sandy" Steiner JIEAf,TOR · C. F. DICNNJSON, Aacv:lal.o • 1M ()eMI& aw;q " t 811-RU ttt DAMJA LftN1"1&N. v • ..,_, Orldn's &nutment Store ~~~~:..G«m ..... j) 7 Jd tz• la &a.a -.ut'ef OMla -- £ & & Doi> Allen OOUNCILMAN ~ ••• ..,. .,..., •••e11 new • W. T. Mooney 1$'SICIAN and SURGEON -~ -Ooalral ft. -(U-llr.-) " .t .t .t :il'FORD .• GERALD LIBERTr .. Manacen .. :Uokiit & Galvan . !letldl -San Frandoco • Wllmbqrton San DieRo • Stocktcn ' ll:l.mO'llmOl&Nll ' 1-o.ot 1lhd. PIL_..,. .......... :•ss?M ..... W -Ill. t t t Mary's Surf ·Beauty ~hoppe -.re-~_.. Tbru tbe -Sbop ''' '' ' raden L. Finch Fincba.~ . ''·' ' -~~-CO Rtc•1141c""81or • ·& Gay MuSic Ce., · •'s& 4>11tl Wsn •111 811'1' • ax t .... a -SPOR I -BOWUNG-PAVWON ·.PIL2 BALBOA • T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue ' & Delicate•en "' ................. ........ &&$ PJ(B•• L P~ii "Olf . Otll Dzctr • . · Pattenon & Boyle •a _ _... .. __ "- Ill OliMt -.L N•• ft. 1111 '4 ttt Capt. B. J. McNally _..,.. ~ .~ J:iv!e!l &tt Dr. Conrad Richter --~···-..... •1rtC 111 ~ ttt \lferbertF • .Jre~ POSTMASTE'R •••ao.& Ool!r. .t' t Goo. w-L. Elalne w- Coast ~rties Co • ,.. I!. Oreatl'al ~-... ..,.._ -it .t W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 11.d PIMe Newport .t .t .t Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market . Pio. Barbor -1 Mola St.. .t .t .t Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods ._llarborlO! Ull a.. lllclnra7-Newport .,.... a... .t .t .t ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob. Stat'•• 1, OUda. Art ~:r1z Ml lfala 8t. Balboa I'll. Baittor 1'71 .t .t .t Robert E. Arvin's lewelen lllld Watcbmabn 111 Ti.ea~-·-Newport Beneh, o.111'. .t .t .t WIDlam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calldm MacCurdv & Calkins, Inc. NAVh ARCHITi:CTS M. E. Nledecker, Sec. & Treu. Ull 0oM:t mw.r·Newport Bda.-11 .. Ma 1111' EU:Cr EARL W. STANLEY 8-lter ASSEMBLYMAN 1'111 Dlolalet -4111, lHI ttt Walter E. Tipton FOR SHERIFF "IT'S TIME FOR TIPl'ON" VOTE JUNE 4TH .t £ .t J. E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and WindllOI' 1U Ill. Ooatnl e 11'1 z. O--. ... ,.Pia.~ m ....,_, <llllf. .t .t £ Donald J. llarmon BALBOA HORSE RACES ·-W-. W• Mala MIN& 8RD1a .t ' .t ANTON HERSHEY PIL~Ft1kL ttt Curt H . Bohman 1be Bohman Company ::::· •• Mil -... .... ···-...... • .. Ollll. .t t t ROaERT H. REED llarbor C'Atld Storage ' ' ft..•d• ... .... llc:apa&Bss•, <lllm. ''' .Im* I . • 1'le4 V . Raub . &. Bennett ENGINEERS mt soRV•E"':i""ORS- • -. ... & •• SI•=• ft•• .-••• 1111 w. Olilta ... ' -. -• -= = = = < - • , • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES • aacms HAWHWZU .. U -• n·a • .,_,.; , ... -'I.&n11•1•• v.-mvm 0.. -----'a~.~, a 1...,. Wlh lie TIP D ...... •lplloa l!ltQ-m Adv--; r SI por -Ill O • CauDV: a;a per -to 4tb-. SS.00 por _ .... ------EnteNd •~matter at the Pmt.:trloe ID Ncapcwt 1!17 rh, callfomla, under the Act ol -a. 18'19 ~----------8._ A. MEIER -P.JblWwr ftM D. PORTER Gmenl ¥'"(; I'. G. FROST • • -• Edi • saww•'•-..mwecw••••11•• «t•• 7 e nu .. -.a.- C«ona del Mar News Editorial Say ... PROFESSIONAL DIRICIORY I . . e I RISE TO REMARK ••• RO!f. IOJl!f PRJLUPS n..:-L..-- Le. . the II I BF u:ll80: L BZNlmICT "!' ............ t me reVISO -gave Dr /1Ztb1jr H. 0ompton, atmnlc mt -i.. tot the Pftlimlnar7 Mr.andMn.JolmKnoxSr.223 ~ -ot ti. .a... •:...•.BY!.! "saVe the OPA" carJ11'&ilJL NardDuo ··-· ~ ..... Different lb.la-Ir Na-..J .. .._ ol Olrlatian ...... -----It was the ovenlng of A&><ll 17, mlon with their family .-pt "-~ and Jews "'J1ae devdopment ol .._:"I: !__ • -w --whiletheHouseof~tatlvet two on Mothers' De.y. Mr. and W•l!Jlaea&ls& ' atomic KU Jen.led .,.dL•·•• ~-=-= wu still voting on the bill, that Mra. John Knox ·jr. and 10n Jo-8116--W.7 ... h Jain. h trmdl accetowud ~ Aftftl'" • WWW * the penona11y ambitious Mr. seph, Santa Ana. Mr. and Mn. Am Natlo• Qne 1d aeued •tion. ed\ption in .._ 1!.. •..._cwa -=~= ._ .. Bowclioles_:.~~ln~~ttotheattf~ Q\ftter Stafford and ton Chester, From the R1 mi•n conceptjon . -oJ,ben and ~l'---..:"'..:;;"::'..;.,:;;;;::•;;;..;•::•::•::•:.• __ .....J ~·--..., ~ -North Hol!ywood. Mr. and Mts. tbat the lndivicl..t fUlllilt Ilia els-ol objoct!Vet fOC' tll -the Congrets. That meana, to at-Gale Jordon and family. Log\ma tln,y as part ol the -lnevit-l<IDcl" ..... HIC'r . ' llarpn& ~o.•ou ... .:-::-= .. ::.: ... -: "";1 o1 : •• E. Neff WOoda, D.O. h tr 2 ....., .... _..,..,,,, a ..._-::...,s.. ~~ - llUllVSYC.S tadc the people themselvts, for Beach, Mr. and Mrs.. Melvin Sal-ably stems th! conception toward "Congress" is the way the people YetOn. Anaheim. paid tribute to other nations; If It If right to Armand ~ ~·b & Bennett sPeak. in a ft-ee government. Mn. Knax.. maR the lndMdual Ccmfol'm to Arthur W. Reclford. Deputy ~_.he' 1111 W. F. DIXON .. - - - -Adtau.lnc M""acer Printtnc Plant, 3011 W. C.entral ~venue. Newport B!z-b, ~ Official P~ of the Ciq of N-i-t Beach .& D111•'n'l1 1.om1 ~for o..-n r .... It wu curious; that demand. It Mrs. Harry Sltuch and Mn. a p&ttem decned ftcn the mp. Oljef QI Naval Operations for AJllM~"I: ·u. Ne p'""'l!mL, ~- would be in order for the President George Lewis. 1-tarigold avenue, there is nothing wron& with mak· Ali'-'"ln opinion, very large 81' W. 11&7 &'a. •"'oa '1'1le1'sa i -e.ea.· ---.w to ask for time, that quickly, on attended the Congregational inc oa~ COQ(onn with a ~ planes not in the future be of llartlor 11" Jtl1w.0..ll'al Newpwt,.._. the National networks. It might church oonlerence at Oarernmt, COllCebled "patten) regardless of primary terest for military pur-ftll 'Mtwtad Aft. 'l'M!pll-. ........ r. lll _~ be in order. in some emergency, for Wednesday. tbe choice of 4.he nation concern· =•es self-propelled cuJded "-~ NOa tr-... l '-----.~--------'L .. a cabinet member. Mr. Bowles Mrs. Birrel Walsh, Dahlia ave-ed. male~ very large ~--------,----.W ~ COK&A.L DUST Y ou.'ye not ncccuanly a musician )OU'f rime OWdy . We Need More Ships ca.use you "fiddle .. -JACK. .JNDSLE.Y • After four years of 100 per cent conversion to war. the United States Merchant Marine is being returned to peace- time operation. Maritime Day, May 22. 1946, authorized by Congress and proclaimed by President Truman. marks the halfway point in this reconversion from global war to global trade. Prior to the war, Maritime Day, which is the anni- versary of the sailing of the first trans-Atlantic steamship from the United States in 1819. was dedicated to the creation of a Merchant Marine adequate for bur foreign and domestic commerce. and capable of supportiilg our armed forces in war. After 1940. Maritime Day was dedicated to the great drive for slJiPs. !lhlps. and more ships. As we got the ships, It was dedicated to manning and operating them to deliver the supplies needed to win the war. Both jobs were done. On VJ Day, the Maritime Commission, charged by law with carrying out the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936. turned from victory to carrying out the late PreSident Roosevelt's directive of 1944 to prepare a "bold and daring plan" for a postwar Merchant Marine. During the days that followed the Maritime commission has hammered out that plan. World-wide studies were being completed as our troops were brought home, as food and other essentials were shipped to war-devastated areas. as the Mei;chant Ship Sales bill was passed, after months of discussion, as)many Government-requisitioned vessels were returned to their own- ers and the beginnings of nonnal shipping service were made. Our Merchant Marine was being readied for a greater peace- time role while still cleaning up the residue of Work left by war. Maritime Day was set as the target date for the com- pletion of the planning work. On that day will be announced the plan which will see more American flag vessels on more routes than ever before. holds no elective office: not even I nue, told her pace recently to Mr. It is thb clash ol. moraJg which pa.. an office created by ~ Congress. "'nd Mn. RUSRD, Hollywood. Mn. we are seelng In the United Na--~ He holds only one of th<O< muth-Walsll bought at Bay Shores and tions deliberations "'"'" Iran. an. ~"Oh. room. execut1ve-oriler offices, exuecbl to move by July. When it is easy and convenient to wbm we'll all..wake up created for the war emergency Mn. Ol.arlH Kyte, 312 Orchid do 90., the ft1m1pm *'1rUe-that to flnd t thS"e~ ii a ~ty ot only. and soon happily to go out avenue, entertained her .De Gleda they are not violating the Jigbts Scud and a Sbprtap ol of existence, when we r-etum again Darner, {The Happy Ladtesl club ot a smaller nation and that tbetr Sbortaa and the world can dua\ to Constitutional and representa-Tuesday, with ten members pres--troops a.re not on Iranian soil -foe off t1ii cOrnforfible old J word tive government. 'Ib.ree of. the four ent for tM lovely luncheon she the purpose ot coercion. But' when plenfy put it to Ule acaifL .. Clinical Laboratory --..: I. •:st ... b7 ""•tme.i.t Tl:Ll:PllONE llAllllOll 1111 11111 W. Oeatnl' A"" networks evidently realized this, aerved. 1be club was organized in this defeMe is successfully at· Harold I...ukl, cha1rrnan of· the '------------......1 and refused. the request, the fourth 1933. Six of the oriJtinaJ members tacked, then the Russians merely ExecutiV Committee of the Brit-DAY 80BOOI: <NBC> yielded. attended. They will meet for say that the whole discussJon lsh La' Party.....:..''It wou.14. be •!;-------------..., The speech was full of the cus-founden day with Mn. J. 0 . makes no !llt'nse and walk ' out. gt'N.t gedy if "the disunity of Mortimer School tomary inaccuracies, among them Hawler, Santa Ana. in t\\'O weeks. And to them it does not make Europe working classes were to the implication that Washington Mrs. Stuart Diehl, 508 Golden-sense. because their code is not continue to Poison the integrity was full of "special Interest Tod avenue. entertained the Star-the saml> as tJ:iat of the other dis.· of the · ·. t movement." 1!110oral --Gndeo:CJo6-~ • groups" and that Congress had bt'i~ht club Fridav afternoon. for putants. yielded to "pressure." I haven't desert lufich and bridge. lttr. and But fac ory backlogs probably Exchange Prospects cannot worked off betore 1ate SUMMER SCHOOL ="• 0. A. Mo<11mer, M. Ii, o.h..S PrlDOlpM Phone -r 8tl% seen a lobbyist, and so far as I Mn. Diehl and family spent the know, these "pressure groups'' con-week end wtth Mr. and Mn. sist of small business men a nd George Hoqkam. Vista. formerly \VOrnen. and big business men and of Corona del Mar. The Hookams "'omen. and farmers. and all sorts are carin~ for the ranch belonging of prople. who have come to Con-to Mr. Hookam's mother. Mrs. Ida ~essional Committee-s (which the Ackroyd Y:hil e she is visitin2 r ela- Constitution says is their right) lives In England. She cabled them a nd told how OPA is rrtarding of her safe arrival there. She said production and thus keeping prices it took only 12 hours, by plane, up, and inviting inflation. The for the trip from New York. most expensive p_ropaganda. and "11ie Coffee Grinder." the name t~e greatest auant1ty, comes. to me given his new BT-29 plane by Bi11 dire-ct from Mr. Bo\\rles offi ce! Coffee. 600 Coast Blvd., held thril- Let's see what happened: Be-led passengen Thursday when tween April 17 and Mav 1, dur-Gene and Bruce Benedict and ing whlctt time the OPA propa-Bobby Diehl took their ride in it ganda poured out. over th~ air a_nd over Laguna and Corona del Mar . thro_ugh. the i;tapers .. this office The bovs claimed they could see (which 1s a typical office ~ received their do~ and bicycles in t heir 69 lett ers asking me to "save back yard and that thev loo'<C't. ~PA" a nd 40 letters on the other like ants. Another passenger. Har- s1de. On ~r about May 1. Mr. F~I-old BenE'dict. thinks Newport Bay ton LeWJs, Jr., started. to give viewed from the air is bv far the facts and figures .. just as this most beautiful alo~g the coast. column has been doing, about the Bl11 Coffey and wife are to fl y OPA. F or a week there was a to Texas to visit their kinfolk soon. lull. and 12 letters came in favor - ing OPA with 23 letters against it. Then the gates opened. May 8. 3 letters for Bowles. 70 supporting Congress. May 9, 33 for the Con- gress and none against it. ?t!ay 10. 56 for sanity, and 2 for Bowles. The peak was the 13th, 161 for the Congress with only 2 for OPA. Total to date, in the battle of Bowles vs. the Congress: For Howard Folsom spent t he WPek with his parents Mr. and 1'1rs. L. T . Folsom . 319 1'1:arigold ave- nuP. Mr. and Mn. G. R. Prior and son Willis, Riverside. visited them Sunday when the fathers and sons renewed their interest in their quartette as of before the war . 1947 .. .Journal of Commerce, wa.rreq Smith, secretary of the DENTISTli N. Y., Reports F1n&n-Hat Research Foundation trade Abroad Are Improved associati n. estimates that 14.000.-.-------------~ Al though World War ll wu by ooo felt ats were turned out by DR. GORDON· E. RA:PP far t he most destructive conflict factories last year, only 16 per DENTIST in history, the outlook for foreign cent un the 1940 figure. How exchange stability today is a good much gher the total output %8SS West Central deal bette r than was the case after might h e o-nne if labor and ma-w Id W I •-·· Pboae -r ill·I or ar · terlals had been plentiful is any- Several reasons for adopting a body's srliess. Despite shortages, Newport rncxierately optimistic view as ~ some relailers had record turn- gards prospectS for exchange overs. '_11;1e increased dollar volume ~-----~-------1 stability are advanced in the cur-is partly ~ttributable, of course, to D Obed L rent issue of the Federal Reseive din ooc1 f th da r Uca8 the free-spen · g m o e y. • Bulletin. In the first place, gold \ DENTIST and foreign exchange holdings of .....!--. .• foreign countries aggregate some Drive ~ly-Spare a Life. $20.000,000.000 at the present ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ time, or several times the size of such holdings at the end of World War I . Secondly, gold production abroad is about three times as la rge as it was then. A third factor is the establish- ment of the Bretton Woods insti- tution a nd the reconstruction loans that are being made by the Export-Import Bank. Finally, con- trols over abnormal capital move- ments are expected to check the flight of funds that precipitated major foreign exchange fluctua- tions in many countries after the earlier war. • 1,000 ericans Die every dA:r m HIC"h Bl(l()d ~!lllUre. n.ecordlo.-an article In the ~ader'1 Dl.re1t. •hi b term• lt ''The Muter Kl.lier". Your ne aper te.111 of nrornlnenl. people dJ1 almost da.117 with "°' cAlled "Be Failure". mottl7 broUC"ht about by B b Blood Preuure. Our Exel llYl!I Druc-leee Reflex: Me- thod l"l!dn 9 out ol 10 CU9 of B .B.P. 30 to Ml p0in11 the lint Treatment Continued Treatment malte9 t~ re.ult perm.anent.. Our Treatme1:11• DO NOT Suppree. tbe Heart t.o nt reeull....-tn In.ct 1be Heart ii Strenc-tbe and Benef.llted. Hat Sales Climb ... ~., .. B -•--W-k Pl.-°"" -r UM for Hot Y, W. Oontral. Barbor HIO NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist i111 ~ m""1' OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Harltor !!!O INSURANCE Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE-That's All • PIA.NO TEACHER G.V.LINSENBAJID Graduate ..,... ~-.... , •.. . Pb. Harbor 1252-W - l!l2S w. Ocean n.nt H. R. Hall, M. D. ftJ+E'•,eDd.hrpaa Houn: 2·5, loy Appolntmet Telopbone Beacon 5848 U1 Broad""7 Ooota - OONRAD RICB'tEB, M. D.1 ftcJ I '•a and Swa..... I 120 E. 18th St. COSTA Mill& Hours: 10-1.2 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Bee.con 5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill ~c.==r- NEWPORT BEACH -PHON~ Otnae: Bubor !88-W RMldeoce : H&rbor 18$-B 11 No l.IUIWl!r, call Harbor" a Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT !IEACH Phooe Barbor 1018 No a1111wer: call Beacon &Ofi9-& X·llay Service Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1901 Ooeot ~ Corona del Mar ' Office H~ .. 10-1.2; 2-5 Phone -. r lDll . "' • .!-. It Takes Courage, But-, Bowles 91 , for the Congress 484. It is the same in all districts. to whose members I have talked. I While racketeers and dishonest dealers continue to hold have not counted hundreds of let· their line of resistance against the return of sound market· ten. on other subjects in which Mn. P . Rust, 307 Marigold ave- nue, entertained her bridge club Saturday for the first time since moving to Corona del Mar. This club has been meeting for thirty years with some of the original m'ernbers in it. Those enjoying her hospitality were: Mesdames H. B. Pearson, C. E. Harbeson, H. E. Barnes. H. H . Neville. Ruth C. Smith, Horner Ames, G. A. Peck. Anaheim; Gilbert Kraemer and Howatd Krause. Placentia: Harry Sears, Ontario, and Earl Abbey, Corona del Mar, The high score wu won by Mrs. Neville. 11 YOU ffive "<1i.llQ' 1pd)9°'-bead loo full-t> n.1 In neck. 1boul<ler1 and r.ead--11 ..ro r 1leoep at Wbl ii '"fit- ful'·~-a be.fore 7ou baYe a -.uam -... an t on Monda71 or Finds Pnbllc In Th~ e:oo to 5:00. i:.e· · · .•. Free-Spending Mood n1agt i.y ppo1n-t. S. R. Monaco, M. D. Just when the men's hat Indus· 8lf Bay Ave., Ba!bcw, try was greatly concerned over a · DB. F. flEIJ,. D.O. Ph.O. 11' E. Central Ave. ~ 11U the writers mention OPA. trend !award bareheadedpess, the 1 22nd Street 8alboa --r %597 "8 s. Bill 81. lAo A-'ss U. S. a rmed forces' unifohn regu-rt. BMM. Oallf, TUcller 11U Ing in the west, there seems to be a ray of hope and sun-So let us see what Congress (or shine appearing on the eastern horizon. There honest deal-at least the House of Representa~ ers united and are forei.ng the black marketers to forsake lives, where I work!) Is trying to Jations make millions of males ex-~===~=======~I .-------------By Appoint.meat tremely conscious of headwear. _ I"---....; _______ _ Manufacturers are Inclined to see .----''+--------Uncoln National Ufe do : (1) To set a time limit. This their nefarious trade. is not very important. The OPA In Philadelphia last week a ro:operative association, wants • guaranteed life until July which succeeded in breaking the local black market in eggs l , l947. The House says to make It some correlation between this fact s Insurance Co. and today's unprecedented order S' o E "I~ K&JIM ~ Ii. Cb&nleter' .. volume. Retail hat sales began DON n:BNIOAN climbing SOOfl afte r the discharge April 1. 1947, as Congress will be last sununer, is starting a similar butter campaign. Pur-back in January, and can tell bet· chasing weekly carloeds of butter from a farmers' e<r<>pera· ter what to do about the OPA. live iii the Great Lakes dairy area, the association will sell !21 To say that everyone who . t Pboae -r ZU·B pOln system was announced. Be· see llutne Aft. n-·--ltl. The hostess served a delicious fore long, ban-en shelves became ._._ chicken luncheon prepared by the the ru1@, even in stores maintained Pagan grows something on a farm, or it in open market.. makes something in a factory, tn In New York a few weeks ago butchers for the first America, Is entltled to the coots .ffi.<a larg seal of of production, plus a reasonable time voluntarily produced ~ .. ,.vits against <>-e -orofit. That happens to be the fenders. Since then 500 Brooklyn butcher shop owners have basis on Which America became joined in boycotting all meat offered at black market prices. great. and on which we won the They have•---' to dose tlieir sto.res until the black market war. The alternative is National ae.1.~ toeiallsm, of. which Mr. Bowles is Is bee.ten. now a minor prophet. 1 It takes courage to risk the 1068 of Jess scrupulous com-(Jl To say that when any of ~tttors of both supply sources and customers by def181loe the 8.000.000 items on which the Triplr M cafr, Coast Highway. by such manufacturers u the John Mn. Florence Anderson. 428 B. Stetson Co. Many who ,..,. Bay Front Marguerite a.venue. entertained in ~ived gift certificates last year to a., View ()de honor of her daughter Patricia's still hold them, waiting for the m. to I p. m. birthday annlvenary Sunday with ~sh'.'.ope'.'.'.'.'.~t_'.'.o_:·~get~~a~be~t~teT:~seJ~ecti~·~on~.~====t:=======: a trip to the l~dct: Guests 1 -_ _,. ___ ...., ___ __,_...., __ ..::.=+::..:_ _____ , Included MIA Jean McCosh, Co- n111a dcl Mar, Sgt. WUliam Yost, Laguna and her son Eddie Ander- llOn. Mn. Helen Conway, 319 P oin- aetrta avenue, had as guest Tues-· day, Mn. Edna Kress. Pasadena. ...-OPA set ceilings, has reached a ------------- of black marketeers, states the "Boston Christian Scieooe point whe... supply Oquals de-lltical b<nefltt. It delays produc-1 r-------.---'-------.i-------~ Monitor," reviewing the state of affairs. But such defiance, mand, the C<illng on th• Item. and lion. Mel nomlaJ oondltlons. and the ~ adds, should be support.eel by the public, for the controls, come off autornatical-loads an added expense on the re- ly, not '!hen thr OPA decides it ts tum.Ing veterans, and on future withou\ pulilic support the black marP:et ClllUIQt be licked. politically good to take them off . generations. and Invites intlatlon. At this juncture it might be timely to observe that legal That amendment was not well Until I can get to answering prosecution of black marketeers and dishonest dealers in worded, in the House, but the in-the fine letters that have come tent ls only as I state it, nothing t tlti tr· · th the Southern California area fails only when t.'UStomers-the more. 0 • o •ce in e past three weeks, this will have to be a blan-consumers--lack the courage to verify in a public court (41 And last. and most import-ket "Thank you." It is great ..,. the affidavits they have signed in private. ant ; to get rid, over six months couragement. It ia evidence, a.a 1 of the dangerous "consumer su~ l&ld la.st week, that the people ' Service Norton And so if It is true that black market operations are sidy progTam." which was polltl-have decided to think for thorn· flourishing throughout California and especially in the coastal cal to start with, and lliatnrfeally selves. That alone will save ttpre- communities, racketeers and dishonest dealers are getting disastttous. The program benefits sentative government. and the rich simply beciuse the consumers are afraid to testify ~n;;;o~°""~=· ~·=xce=p~t~f;:or~to;em~por~ar~y~po.~;tlm~~e~is~tragl~~c~·~lly~short.~~· ~~;;;;~ /L __ _::::::=~==~~---~==~ against them in court. S There is no use ccying to price administration offices a'bout suspected black marketeers and dishonest dealers un- less consumers are willing to sign affidavits and to stick by their sworn testimony when they are called into CQ\lrt. Neither price regulators nor the COUi:tB can do anything to prosecute price violators if a complaining consumer n!fu9es • to back up the evidence he bas pce&e11tro. So Jong as coosumers fall to protect their rights, black marl<etll and dishonest dealers will continue to get rich In California. 'en.a! sftH n .• Pt... C)t..• Oowt)r: --- New York Life Imurance Company DON a. DUB.ANT U8 Orddd A.,.. -· 1141-1 COIUllCA DEL MAil OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSUB.lNCE 00. Ray,Nlelllen Ml aliilAet't Shlktel Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W• Oune!ves tho llettft' Sene by s.mng Others Bet!" .-..-B11m1•Mlt Ooota ·-CaDfontla OPl'Ollll:TBlllTli ' Robed A. Crawford. Opt., D. . OPl'OMSTllUT Eya Examined ... G11r&1 fttted 1711 Newpott Boalinart ,..._....._NU ._. ...... I T. P. Reeder, M. D. l'tlywldan and S111x- ioo1 Weet Ba,-"'"" ~-Barbor GM A. V. Andrews, M.D. Pln'8ICIAN ... llOROBO!f 'l'el"P" ... Barbor ftl.lni Dr. W. T. Mooney PbJ*laa and 8m111111 ---Oot-..... ( ........ ..m.., ......... w...-I>raP-Jn la le o..-o.w- Chiropnlctlc, Dletettca, Physlo &: Colonic Therapf 1-c..t-.- ~--- 1=-~~~~~~~~ ..... Lodpr at- . 'ttS NORT1t ·MAIN ST. • • ~Jt)ete; Foan~'8:fii.•~ at HANSEN'S ....... • • JIOW OCIP!ll•r, SVW88 •u• •-•••a•• ._ ..... -----------·Ford Claims Title ~ HAPPY EVEN'ffi In Harbor Area Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Pope- joy, 430 ·-Westminster avenue, Costa ~fesa, are announcing the 'Vt'lvaJ of a baby daughtrr born May 14 at Santa Ana C.ommunity hospital. Sh~ weighed 8 pound5, 6 % ounces and has been named Ka.reD ....,... Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rlschard. 301 Collins .avenue, Balboa Island, are pare.nu of a daughter, born Mo.y 13 in St. Joseph h<>opital. She wetg.hed 8 pounds even. lt was a son for Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Re1d. 440 Bernard street, C.C.ta Mesa. He was born May 13 in SL Jooeph. hospital and tipped the scaJes at 10 pounds, 12 ounces. Mr. and Mn. Roy Rickard. 121 North Bay avenue, are grand- parenta of a 7~ pound boy, born Jn San Francisco May 11 to their DUL 'Police Car of W t!llt' nte Ford appears. from a recent survey, to merit the title "police car of the WesL" More than four out .of ten police cars In the 11 Westenr·mo1t States are Fordl1 according to the survey. QI the 4,859 cars reported In police work in this terntOry 2,067, or 42..5 per cent, are Fonb. All other makes of automobiles com- prise the remaining 57.5 per cent. Of the five Ford fac:U>ry terr!· tories in this region, Long Beach reported 41.8 per cent Fords, and Richmond. Calif.. 33Ji per cent, according to local dealer Theodore Robins. , son and hi.I wife, Mr. and Mn. Marshall Rickard. He has been named Manball Jay Rickar<I jr. Man.hall sr. ls a graduate of Har- bor Hi of the class of '41 and was an ensign in the Merchant Marine until his discharge in January. Drive Cstttully--Spare a Lite. • - ltf:EWPOllT BA'.llOA Heacock Will Open Yard For Renting Building Equipment BOOK· BREEZES From Balboanesia Should a motorlat be forced to Jadt Wri&bt ol 18S11Ttb llbmt. pull over to the side of the bfO· OJ&ta y:._ and him Dell> •,. WllJ' f~ ·~ncy repairs be 'la Haward ~ ol n.--.-. Noticr la gl-pursuant cau-by the Public Safety OootA Mose.. ~ ~ two to the of Section 3'40 Depertment of the National Auto--°" • fislilng trip t o tbe of the Civil ot the si.te ot mobile club to be C<rtaln that be Siems. California, " t RUSSELL E. is well clear al the pa~auient. ThJa ------- RIDER. int to >ell to VIRGIL will avoid aonie of the great Scotcb 14pe. varloul 1iJft, • D. SMITH i that C<rtaln _. danger ot aide swiping.. sale at the N.,.._nu-. so...:J conslatlng generally ----------------------- of the • equipment. mach- inery, and todc of automobile parts of a g e business, known as "RIDER GARAGE" belong- ing to iald uaaell E. Rider and located at 4 West Central Ave. nue. City ol ewport Beach. Coun- GEORGE D. BASS.IITI' Gmenl AacoanUng • ~ .. BooldleePDC lllCOlioe Tu 8& , .... • -W. °""tnl A---·~• Newport - ty of Oran • State of California. '-------------------------' and that purchaae price there- of will be · • on TUeodoy, the 28th clay of May, 1946. at Bank of America . T. ol S . A.. Ba11- BrJ1Dch In~-· County of Or-ange. State f California, at 10:00 A. M. Tha the a-of aald vendor Is te 4. Box 383. Santa .Ana. Coun of Orange. State of California. ~ the --of aald vendee (IS 092 Southeut 18th ~ Street. Coo M .... County ol Or-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ange. Si.te Callf ornla. ------------------------.. Dated lllq , • 1-. ······-- USSELL E. RIDER. . Vendor ILD. SMrm. Vendee. Pub.-May 1. 1946. Notice is by given pursuant to the Iona of Section 3440 Announcing the New Vibrapac Buildin Unit.s g .. . - ALL HIZM BtllLDING UND'8 Brlek ud Or poal Blo«*w N-la Pl'Odaelloa Walter Kline Concrete Products C-0. of the Civi Code of the State of California at CLAUDE B. Mc-lll80 Newport Ave. ~ •; Oosla ._ Realizing that there was a need POETRY OF EARTI-1 l! ceaaine bible is out again in a third CORKELL . tend! to sell to ROB-._ __________ • _____________ _ ' Budpt Te.nm No Extra Golt Santa Ana I $125.00 rl!CE$ IHCLUOI PlClllAL 1AX Main at 5th for someone in the harbor district never. Thus Keats has beaten edition-THOROBRED RACING ERTL J.A all that certain ---'----------------------- who could handle construction Pierre Van Paasen around the AND BREEDING by Underwood. pe~n.;i perty con.-ti f Don't overlook the WILD P .. n era y o• 1• ng gen-equipment on a rental basis or buoy. Van Pauen's EAR'nl l'U.JoJ-Lf lscellaneous fixtures the entire •county building indus· COULD BE FAIR (Dial) is indeed MINO <Longmans)-"a magnifi-and equip nt and stock of gaso- try, Dutch Heacock. Newport har-erudite. forthright, mellow and hu-cent gold and silver stallion roam-line oils a greases of a Service bor constroction engineer and man. But the title is not commen-tng the prairie With his band of Station ness, known 81 "Mc- building contractor, recently de-surate. and a Keatsian curve ball mares." By Stephen Holt. CORK1£ RICHFIEJ,.D SERV- cided to be the first in the county might strike out the m alingerer at FIRST EDITION LOVERS. You ICE STA N'!.. belonging to said to open an equipment rental yard. the world's plate: DOUBT. PVP are advised to be on the alert CLAUDE. ·, McCORKELL and Jo- Over the weekend he was in-has repeated the success or his when MISTRESS MASHAM'S cated at ·-f 6 E. Central Avenue, fonned that his construction DAYS OF OUR YEARS, In his REPOSE (Putnam} appears. The BaJbda. Copnty of Orange. State equipment Js on lhe way. It will latest boqk. He 'ATites of the puQlishlng date is not certain. of Callfonia, and that the pur- comprisc f\VO new Jaeger com· youth in the Dutch town of Gor· Hope it is at attractive as LOVE-chase pri~ thereof will be paid, pressors. 50 cement mixers, 30 of cum, the people he knew from LY IS THE LEE. on Tuesdi!.Y,, the 21st day of May, the quarter saclc: type and 20 the e very station of life. The Conrec-I HAVE MET wrnI WOMEN 1946. at B' ot AMERICAN. T . half sack type : jointers, skill saws, tor, Dr. ·Jan Snetlage. and the vi.'ho I really think would like to & S. A., boa Branch, tn Balboa, sanders. jack hammers, back-fill-young Ril'tvelt with his bowler be married to a Poem and to be County of ange, State of Ca.ti- YOUR PAltfflNG DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. ., ~ I .. • ..i ,., .loorneymen Paint.ers, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials an~ unpcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. ers, spades. wheelbarrows a nd hat. spats and silver knobbed given away by a Novel. -John fornla. at 1 :00 o'clock A. M. That pa_jnting equipment. walking stick. are as warmly Keats. the addres of said vendor is 302 ~ Heacock is now looking around memorable as any character you The fairest garden in her looks E. 0ce·an nt, Balboa, County 1 for a location for his new equip-have read about. The storm of the And in her mind the Wisest books. of Orange, tate of California, and PHONE L. L. BEAN ment, some of which he will use in German lnvulon-its impact in -Cowley the addr or said vendee is 416 his own construction work and the book, ts done with the finesse E. CentraJ Ave-nue, Balboa, Coun-Harbor 2645 some ot which he will Jet out on a-ot a natural story teller. "Going to ty of Orarl , State of California. '--------------------------' rental ba.!is. He can be reached Go."-one we11-known critic de-Mr. and M.rs. Ray Craig, 27th Dated Ma 10, 1948. -::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;~:;;;:;;;:;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-: by telephone at Harbor 50'2 ot" clares. So PVP should have an-street, entertained his parents, Mr. Cl..A/..TBE B. McCORKELL, 1 TI-A other best seller. and Mn. Walter Craig of Whittier '"l Vendor. ALL SET TO GO -ANY-on Mothers' Day and visited her RO RT L. JAYRED, Huntington Has 5121 WHERE? If SO, Brandt Aymar'• parents. Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Van Vendee new boat book b your galley W.:.:ig:_.:o::.f :_Whl.:..:.:::tu:·e:::r:..:::th:::•:::t:_e:_v_:e::ru·::n::g:.. -.,;..Pu_:_h_. _M_:.a+2...:1:::. :...194:..:::6_. -----meat: THE COMPLETE CR.UIS-- HUNTINGTON BEACH. May ER. · 20.-First semi-official count ot a ANOTHER REFRF.SHER is special federal census conduct.ed the edition by Newton Arvin for here Friday shows that this city K f · THE SHORT STORIES has 5121 residents. The last 1940 ! 0 ;'fu WTHORNE. Have you ever census showed that there were climbed the secret stairv.•ay be-i~~~~~~;;:;~:;~;;~;;~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;°";;l~y;3;7~38~peop;;~l;e;. ;;;;;;;;~~ hind the fireplace in his HOUSE OF SEVEN GABLES in Salem? They used to climb it to hide from the Indians. Nat remembers. WILDERNESS ADVENTURE After .8 years it is time to elect a vigorous ex~tive with the moral and physical courage to perform the duties required of a sheriff. WALTER E. TIPTON is by far the moet qualified man for this important post. Post War Prosperity Club Roster-Continued 'Die fall-pmge art layout by Jad< Ulldlllly, eowboy artllt, Is oar -y of llel'V· 111g oar readen with portrayals ID proee and peacll, the face and life stories of oar hrc!lng dtitoelD'y. Oft1mes UMIJ' work Is reiterated for the benefit of newcomers to the -and to ftlDiDd "oklsten" of their contribution to the bnlldlng of the Harbor dlstrlet. NflW t-Md their stories give "be<>ldog histories," displaying them "" -111 la oar mldllL w.ieor~hCifys-1 Merchant Patrol A1111 DotecU>e &rYloe QM 0.-.. Fl<Nl&-Newport--Ph. Barbor HU-B ;t ;t ;t Theodore Robins FORD DEALER UH W. Ooalnl Pbollie Barbor !I ;t ;t ;t Stanl~~rden --1 z.tate Broke.f'-YMllt ...... Bl 1tw 111 COMt mwa,y-n.. Be.FOii Ml' ;t ;t .t. C.F.Dennison A tdaWwttlt. .... "SANDT'" trn:INICll --... (lout~_.._ -11111 ;t ;t ;t JOSEPH L. MARSHALL christi~i:;·uut .... MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy !ltl~~-5 ;t ;t ;t OLADTII UVKaL&Y ........... G. N. Wells Real Estate Pt.one Beacon Gl81 1190 Ne""llOri Blvd,--Ooeta M-Calif. ;t ;t ;t Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH BMeoa 508'7-Cost.a Meea.-1180 Ntrwpori Blvd. ;t ;t ;t Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (W_u_JC!ectrie Ortll) EM'S, DRINKS AND ROMANCE ~ Bar1>or t!U HI Palm ;t ;t ;t Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN PltoM: 1Jt·on11 .,. Wl CoMt ~-pon Bise\, Clallf. . ;t ;t ;t O. fl (Pool Crawley-. M. (Morrie) Crawley Distinctive Home ~ Crawley's ·Furniture llU Newport lllft.--ft. 9• l>Oft MM O>ota M...,_ "In the Heut ol Town" ;t ;t ;t M. L. VAUGHN , "Tm DO 'hee).'-my -.oie'J' in this hwh !Is" Modem Shoe Repairing , Olill 11--& W. N....,.,t .&1'9. ;t ;t ;t Dutch Heacock BOID BUIU>- 111&.11.:y Fr•at ftl•ra aan.---na ........... Be_,v~rJ!~f!m~ ~~~~~;:;:=:~ (Rinehart) is a historical novel by Elizabeth Page. Indians, 'n everything, 'n done rtght. You n.w her ''Tree of Liberty .. compreaaed into the movie "The Howards or Virginia." UNLESS YOU HA VE A BACK ORDER you cannot get an aUth· or l zed Webster'• Dictionary. Therefore the COu.EGE ST AND- ARD DICTIONARY (Funk and Wagnall's) is your lexicographl· cal lean-to. WATCH OUT for THE MA- HATMA AND THE WORLD fDSP) by Shridharani. At least he clothes his ideas with convlc· lion. CALLING ALL EQUINES. EQUESTRIANS AND EQUES- TRIENNE$! Here is a hor-se- lover's roundup tor fair: GREAT HORSE STORIES (Doubleday), ~lected by P age Cooper and pro- fusely illustrated by Paul Brown. CORONER0S CREEK <MacMillan) by Luke sPort-gunfl.re, revenge Memorial Day • erv1ce Sponsored by Posts American Legi • of Huntington Beach Beach Garden Grove Mld1"3Y City and the . Westminster Memo ial Park at Westminster Memo ial and Mausole South of W'estml11Jrte• on Huntington Bea Park Thursday, May 30, 1 :00 a. m. on horseback : and the hone fan's "---------------+---------'! DRY CORD WOOD FOR SALE Blne Gum, Elncalyt>lm andatrns ' Immediate delivery anywhere in bay....._ Pit: ~ta --w IET.....__ta Ama -W Carr'1 Feed Stere Hay and Grain QuaUty Flledl -I- D.tl:J' ~iW) 81 I lD1 lfew.-t ...._ VOllTA-& ·RHEUMATISM and .ARTHRITIS I sultered for ,..a -am ao thanldu1 that I am -.II< and -aplnwlthoutpUI, -IwlDpd- ly answtt ~ writllla -fGr ln!onnatkln. MRS. DOU IVE& P .O. Bm: 189, L09 "-'• 52, ~ Pd Adv.--NUE-090 ~ lfN~ s~ ~~ CALIFORNIA PHYSIC • r S' SERVICE •••••••••••••••••••••••• ························) .............•••....•.. ~ TIPTOl'S PROGRAM ' -Rn bd•Dy. 1a ~ ni.-Plml J99GldlDg -,.. _.,,.--_.,t!OD of -.-it'• Office: L To o,_ D tbe Sberift'a Oltlce OD the ioaaiL · ftmdameatal prlDdP1'-of aucc:euful buain_., I. To -ploy oaly .. c1a penoaa"" -tbo ablllty --wW "' h-Uy _... -lat•-ol tile p11~• • a whole. L To pn'9ct tlle bmocent with the same tenW tMt .... , --... -purou!t of tbe guilty. 4.. To guarantee tbat both majorities mad millorltMI: 9ball ha'Te equal rt9bt to aecurity under ~· law. S. To enforce all the laws wttbooat fear or fcn'or cmd with no rec;rmd for the p:inoncrlity or po.ttton of cm offender. L 't9 proYide adequate protection for the rapidly :;:'._ rural m ef Orem~ Couaty where il(Jm ...... to ---..... --la tbe pa>t. 7, To ••med'm.ly create a Junmlle Dlmioa c.1 .. .. -.., -cmd -god wlU. -,.._.i. blllty oC -prM-OL I. To cloal trlU. llOtb -------penou wttbla tbe eonttn1· of the Couaty JalL wltboat ~ ... --h---tr-· met .. a.. etbll. I. To COOl'dlDGte tM worll: et the lbetllr• oftice with --.. -...-dopw-ta. .. croold d~ of oflO:t ad .. --'" etactsncy. l& To actt•ely cagp«at. wltla D1lbllc 1ebo1l oflldala ----ty ....... to curtail della· qamcy cmd atme aDd" t. p&uawte gmcaal 11 r•ltr 99 Jwttw I .,._ .. ,,.w •... .,,. ............ . 7 T E ; • ...,.11. lltl ities Harbor Hi Honor Students Receive Awards Harbor Femi· n1·ne Act. At Annual Ser\.ice Banquet Held Friday Eve. Oimaxlna the :y.oar'a octlvlty potrick. and _.,i.J award ~- _a... ot Newport ButJor en, Flo)'d Blower and C)wnmoncler eil!!~~:.....---~·:·.,....-~..,....2~!!~~~~~~~-Unlon Hlal> ochool .... the annua1 ~Durant o1 the American Le-Pb(llws 13 Biid 208 + By ~.eartn Pbtia1 l&S7-R =~ ~~~=,: P>i> ~ the Ameriean 1.ec1on G1-·r-Is-·-L-e_a_g_u_e_i_n ___ .,...Ge_rtru __ d_e_Co_I_lv-e-r-I-n-stall-,~d President of od>ol&nblpa and awards ....... pre-award for -...... JMD Two Meetings oenled. Attendinc wen! about 100 Reed and Carletco Meers. HIP· Business and Professional Women, Thursday studonts and cuests. est point winners !or the year Mia Ruth Daniell, mathematics were Herbert& John9on and for teacher, was chairman and tout· boys a tie between Roy Ward and mistress and Introduced the speak· Bruce McGavreDs ffighest point ers. On the program were Prtn-winners for four years were Joyce clpal Sidney fL Davidson. who Ann Jones and Cameron 1bOm p-esented school service awards; and these two were winners or Mn. Clinton Lee Sawin, Magjdan the new Assistance League Bob Doughty and lhlff students scholarships of $150 each, the ,,,.. who spoke on phases of the th"'I"' quirements of which are: "Scientific . Impressions." Alicia (I) lllghest total number of Beck. DaVJd O'oa and Cameron service points during four years ThooLH ~ l . luded at Newport Harl>or; (2) qualified ono1~ gues 5 tnc mem· for permanent membenhlp in the hen of the -""' of trmtees and National Honor society· (3) suc- their wives, Mr. and Mn. Donald cessfully compl•ted a coh.ae - J . Dodge, Mr. and Mn. Braden aratory course; (4) clemomtrated flnch. Mr. and Mn. J . A Beek, a desitt for further oducatlon and )fr. and Mn. Mellott, A fL FUz, training toward taking his or her place in the world a_, a better ~------------\citizen. Flnal choice was made by • NllW LINll Craft Greeting Carda ~· Brookinp V arietv a committee composed of three merribe-n ol the faculty and three members ol the Assistance .. OIMll ...,. 0--..... ...-.. a··ar. ..... This Wednesday League. Sell that unwanted through News-'Ilmel adl. article ~e~:f~=·Y Potato Pancakes *'--- The Coach Lamp • Balboa'• t:SO to 8:00 Unique Dinner Bouse • Central new bland Ave•uei A DELICATE FRAGRANCE FOR THE JUNE GRADUATE • BY BART N E LL ••. Gay Glitter Cologne is • hi;hly concenlratcd cologne pl us. A lrue cologne euctlymatched to the perfume. $2.';'j 10 $16. pltU tu. ~ Slrftt Floor FoarUa A 87cwre SANTA ANA Two .,,..tings have been held In a ..ttlna of ~ f1owen. <her Betty Noller Myrl llcAl- lhis month by the Girls' League of soft candlellclit and enchanting Uat.;., Lucile waid.n. Dorotb;y the N~ Beach Grammar harp music Carolyn Weber, put Kendell. BIIUe Heisey, Gean Tla- lcbool, the tint being on triclay, state president ot Business and ner, Nadeen Trick. Floronce Dur- May 10 when they entertained at Professional women and new ktt Marptet Hallentlclt and the annual Mothers' tea in the president ot Oranee County coun· ~ OtL school auditorium with 80 guests di, Installed officers ot the local M~ .....,.. Gertnacl& Coll· attendinc. B.&P.W. at a dfnntt meetfnc held ver, Natalie Michaud, l!cqbl)d The combined glee clubs from Thunday Ownina at the Newpcrt Stephom, Forn HOOm. Betty the aeventh and eighth crades Harbor Yacht club. Han<ly, Greth& 1'lbl>I, Marlo sang lour numbers under the di, Lighting the OYmbollca1 candles Ehlen, Winifred Barbre, · lllna rectlon of Mary Batten Steffensen, which she peentod to the ottl, ffinbey, A1lco S1emcns, llaJ'luer- The League cabinet held a mock cers, Miss Weber installed Gert· let Way, Mercedes Vale, cay Cos- business meeting. giving their r.,. rude Coll..,., president; Dorothy grove, Alda Gortoft. Helen Km- ports In rhyme, Carla Mercer Sutherland. vlco pn!Sident; Alda Dody, Koy Vauatm. Aps Blom- danced a modern ballet number Gorton, recording secretary; qui.It. Elaine Wela, Do<othy Suth· and Mary Ann Morey gave a short Marie Eblen COl'Tesponding secre-erland. Lois Slmmona, C\aritt talk on the origin of Mothers' Day~ tary, and N~talie Michaud. treas-Brown, Margaret F.ae. Vltginia The stage was attractively dee-urer. -Shirley, Mildred Stanley, Ada Bar-- orated. with masses of little yellow Tall baskets ol. pbik and white rington, Matte Rolllnc. Marie desert primroses and on the tea carnations and sweet peas decor-Hieb9ch. Eliubeth Bantad and tables were pretty arr~gements ated the heed tab1e, with Mar Joan Herrick. of leaves. Alter the servtng of tea poles on the other tables., and ------- and sandwiches guests enjoyed the down the length of all were pastel fine art exhibit in the art room. candles, arranged by Matie Roll· The work exhibited was done by ing and her comnllttee, Mildred seventh and eighth grade classes Stanley. Virginia Shirley, Meta under the direction of Mrs. Bess Ba.Chm.an and Margaret Ege. Mrs. Hughes. Collver received an orchid cor-- On May 16 the League again sage and other officen: and c1ub entertained in the auditorium, presidents. received corsages 9f with the sixth grade girls as ruffled carnations. guests. The program consisted of Harriet Wood of Long Beach a quiz with the guests as per-was harpist, and delighted with formers and having to pay the her lovely music, played both dur- consequences when they failed to Ing dinner and afterward as a a nswer questions correctly. Prizes program. of candy ban and suckers were In the absence of the retiring awarded the lucky winners. Th.is president. Dorothea Wilson, Mar- was the last meeting of the year garet Ege presided and Mildred and the girls are looking forward Stanley gave the speech of wel- to another interesting year in come. Presidents of visiting clubs 1946-47. t were introduced, as were visitlni; Two Birthdays at Tohill Home members. .. Introduced by the new president were the committee chairmen, Dorothy Sutherland, program; Gretha Tubbs, parliamentarian: There were two birthday par-Betty Barstad and Joan Herrick, ties last ·week at the home of 'Dr. membership and-attendance: and Mrs. G. E. Tohill, 1756 Mira-Joyce Piper, publicity; Elaine mar Drive, Balboa. On Saturday Weiss, finance; Ruth Gerrish, em- Taja was eight years old, and was blem; Peggy Ege. year book; hostess at a luncheon for her Edythe Lippincott, education and young friends. The cake with ~arch; Mildred Stanley, legis- birlhday candles, and table decor-lation ; Borghild Stephens, inter- ations were in pink and blue. national relatiom; Clarice Brown, Places were laid for Terry Jay, pubUc affairs; Mercedes Vale, Brenda and Carol Ann Blower, health and recreation; cay Cos- Diane Covey, Llnn and Shirley grove, courtesy; Helen Kennedy, Stahler, Betsey Levering, Sue reservations; Natalie Michaud. Young, Bobby Zeller, Bruce Lucas, music: Matle Rolling, decorations, Franklin Schultz. Mike Dauser, and Agnes Blomquist, musician. Kenne th Mohler and Taja. After announcement of chair- On Wednesday Pamela celebrat-men Mrs.• Collver was presented ed her fourth birthday and the with a bouquet of flowers, a gilt same blue and pink color scheme from the retiring president, Doro- was used1 while the small guests thea Wilson, with a note or best had favors of ha ts, papguns and wishes. Miss WilsOn was still in baskets. Seattle and sent her present ad· Eight mothers were present and dress, APO 500 Advance, care at the guests included Lou1se Peters, Postmaster, San Francisco, to Sally Schultz, Dick Stahler, Alli· which all the members were ask- son Christler, Loren fletcher, ed to send messages until her Denny Campbell, David Lucu, permanent address in JapM is re- Garry Caldwell and Janet and ceived. Kathleen Hobel. Guests present were Miss Web- Dance Wed. for H. S. Students er, Amelia Oliver, president of the Lagwta Beach club; Imo Ran- dall, vice president of Santa ADa club; Edith CUrrie. president of Fullerton club; Cathryn Brewer, Wednesday afternoon, May 22 past vice president oJ Orange the senior class of Ne\vport Har-club; Rose Pomroy, Tonenia Hil- bor Union High school will give a derbran, Norma Moser, Agnes dance after school in the cafeteria Saviers, Elizabeth de Clance, for the student body and alwnni. Allne Merrill. Pat Reid, Oleryl Records will furnish the muaic Johnson, Mabel Allison, Mable and there will be refreshments. No McQuinn, Mn. W . L. Tubbs, Lou admission charge will be made. Sutton, Opal Buck, Dorothy Dun- Jack McKibben Ui in charge ot ar-can, Martha WhJtsoa, Lee Pat- rangementa. ton, Janet Humphrey, Edith 'Ibat· I N D ,J V I D U A L I T Y -- -for the Mother-tOsbe. U we do not have It We make it, you see! DONNA -MARIE SHOPPE 515 No. Main Mrs. Owen Honors Michigan Visitor Mrs. R. C. Owen, West Coast boulevard, entertained Wednes- day with a luncheon honoring Mrs. Howard Ught ol Lansing, Mich., who arrived last week with her husband to spend a month with their daughter, Mrs. William l\1c- Doriald of Balboa. Flowers from t he garden of the hmtess were used for decoration and the guest of honor was pre- sented with a corsage of gar- denias and lilies of the valley. After luncheon pinochle was play- Wa e Pat Gabriel Ret ms Home M' · Patricia Gabriel, daughter of and Mrs. Lloyd Gabriel, 1909 Harbor boulevard. Cost.a ~fesa. returned home last ·week orfolk, Va., where she serv- onths in the navy as spec- photographer) second class. ived her honora~ dis- April 5 aiid went to Wash- D. C., to visit her sister, . H . Snyder, who also aerv- onths in the Waves. ed with Mrs. Joyce McDonald ingto taking first prize, Mn. Leon Fer-Mrs. guson second and Mrs. Trilby ed 19 Ford consoled. Wi Miss Gabriel is Arlene of Toledo, Ohio, who i• here far a time. Both Miss Gabri and her sister are well Present were the Mesdames Ford, Ferguson, Light, Alma Knowlton, Mary Stan1ey, Joyce McDonald, Jean McDonald and the hostess, Mrs. Owen. • Balboa Island Circle Elects Officers P.lrs. Leonard Hargrave was elected president of Balboa Isl· and circle at the meeting held in the chapel, and other officers named to serve for the coming year were Mrs. Irma Rutter, vice president; Mrs. M . Donker, secretary, and Mrs. Bettye Fink, treasurer. It \\'BS voted to give $50 toward the camp fund of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, and $350 was added to the building fund, $50 of the amount being (he gift of Mrs. Margaret Dearborn. The next meeting .will be held June 4 at lhe home of Mrs. Varley, 207 Sap- phire avenue. Tttere will be a sack lunch at noon and installa- tion of officers. Ebell Players Honored at Luncheon kno'«' in Newport Beach where they jere former residents. ~ Joi ~t Installation Of_f hurch Societies Joi t installation of officers of the. pi11a arcle and Sunday SchOO Guild of Corona deJ Mar Co nify church will be held at 2 p.m Wednesday, May 22 in the social hall. Mrs. Frances Cox \\'ill inspirational talk and Mrs. John iller will sing. This will be '1 last meeting before tall and ·ends of the church are in- Vited o · attend. Metof Church Hear Of . I. Education Im essions of Italy were broug t to the group known as Men f ·the Oiurch, which met Tues y evening at Christ Church by Sea, by Homer A~er of Santa Ana,, a former major in the l{J S. Army, who was in charge of G education in Rome and Nap! . Mrs. Roger Wood entertained A nner preceded the business with a Mexican luncheon at her mee~g and program, with B. S . home on Montero street, Balboa L. itag and Ro&s Owen ln for members of the cast of the charg • and Fred Woodworth pre- play given recently by the drama siding Thirty members attended section of the El>ell club. Place cards at the table bore nameo ic .Invited to or the characters in the play and Gra ge Program pictures taken that evening were .J vtewed. Th ... 1)ll10tion picture ''Sun Val- Gu .. u Included the Me.dames ley'~' hich was paotponed by the Harry Carr, C. M. Deakins, O. T . Costa Mesa Grange, will be pres Johnaon. Dorothy Leverin&. Bob sent Thursday evening, Ma.y 23 Allen Vera Doane and Florence foll g a pot-luck ·dinner at 6 :30 Mani.. aectlonl leader and author p.m. There will a1lo he a short and cllrector"'6t the ploy. ' ~ program. This is an =r eeling and the public is Ins Harbor Stamp Club vtled.~ Meets May 23 · For er Harbor Girl With the M .. a Ra~o shop In lif. Ho~pital closed for repairs a1MI the pro-Mrt Burt Aubrey (Dorothy p-ietors, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ewen Boudihot) of Corvallis, Ore., un· away on a vacation, the next.meet-derw t a major operation Thun- lng of the Harbor Stamp club day a the CaU!omla hoopital, Los will be on Mey 23. acc:ordln& to Ang and her condition LI very ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~====================~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~the~;aecr~~·tary~;·;Mn.~~Fr~ank~;Perew~;;i·, satisf ctory according to her n .turj.'.i' Mrs. E. E . Boudinot, who home Sunday evening. Mr Aubrey was down to be with · Wife but hu returned to ore ' while the children are s · g with their grandparents at • GRYPBON PRODUCTIONS, Inc. ANNOUNCES TiiE OPENING OF <JI. .e~ Beaclt, Pl.a'I•" The Season's Plays ANGEL SntEm' GOODBYE AGAJN BLIND ALLEY GEORGE ROOM~VICE a)th CD4'i'URY PEl"JICOAT PEYER BEAunnJLPEOPU: .&MPHYTRYON 38 June 25th thru September 9th el .. Ortiib IN .. Y.S Pl._.._.,s IUNE lliCll to ltJNJI: lllCll, bd. The Guest Stars HEA'niER ANGEL JACKIE COOPER SAu.Y EILERS JOHN EMERY REX HARRISON EUGENE LORJNG CL&DlE TREVOR RICHARD WHORi' KEENAN WYNN Sealcm Ticket. on Sale Now for 9 Play&,-$20 ~ ..... hr ......... ._.. ,_ • ... ,,_ bt at Bu OM I ISM _. ILa. tu: 1111e. llAla; QIECKS PAYABLE to LAGUNA ll!CAp>; PLAYHOUSE. LAGUNA BEACH, <;AUF. .,._ rue· av W• .._ write t.c-• a..a ...,.._. w mU LllpM. 191 s r • Sr'• •¥A• e arded. Dae to •h'W Sn"sc 11e,.:tl) . t••••••[.w 4llD CU'!' ltlm ft c.wAJllUJ , , Headquarter,s American Legion Auxiliary poe_e_y SALE · 1000 F...,t ol ibme popptM ID oar wbidow ' On Sale Friday and Saturday - y_. •• .,, ...... ........ l•Nz•fi*'mwd. Ouk.._ • • • I I l !• the avenue home. . Dutch lleaoock and son Charh of Balboa laland are back from jSeatUe where they spent a mon With Mr. Heacock'• par- ents. They report the weather, after the moet rain in 20 years, cle up ·and there ....,.. only two y clan wllllo they ......, there ALLM~ARl\ CARDS . Graduation Father's Day Li+iia :: 0..1 ' ,. .... , ' . e!'port Souvenir and Gift ,Sbop . 1111 Ores· raw& We Wnp Gifts I Cub Scout Pack 105 Receives New· Charter At End of Active and Successful y car. Pl •nlatipn.lof the now dlart« ~ -•ttl..ma. receh1ac WU -b>sl'ld: 105, CUb Sa>uts, pins 'ftre l.m S. ll..m. c:babma; by their _., H. 0 . ~ at L. W. Covert,,_ Hendeteon. Tlox the put Pack Meet of. the -, Tl1nnell and Jack McNees and oon. held · F1idoy .....,;ng In the there ...,.. abo pins for the den Newpcrt -gram.,;a,. ld>ool mothers, Mesdames Jack Raub, auditorium with -· 200 ~ Do1os llrius. Ruth McNees, GU- Pl't'.5ent. '!be peck LI ,lpOnOO<ed by bert SN!. Tex Tunnel~ Dora Hiii, the Newport Beed!. Grammar Blanche ftocen, VIOia Perkins and school Parent-'l\!echef' association Diane Hiilman. and den motben and members ot The boys are oelllnr tlclms tar the troop t'Clllllnittee ,...,.. \!!lank' the Scout~ motion plc- ed !or their cooperation rot-the ture !eaturinc "The Jeep Henl- put ,..,..., ers" and several .olhe< fi1ml Theme of the meeting was "Ra· Thunday """nlng of this -.It at dio" and Den 4 took the skit the hlllt school auditorium, and aWard when thr-e. members w.!re thl'ft' prizes will be gtvm to the "hypnotized" , and P"" Imitations CUbs selling the most tickets to of Nelson Eddy, Bing Oooby and the show .• Frank Sinatra sincing over the The latter ~ ot June den radio. Den 4 of wh.id1. den inotb-mothers are givin& a picnic far .,... are Mn'. Tunnell and Mn. the O.b Scouts and the . bo)'S ":"' Perkins, abo woo the attmdance to brine money for famine ~ award. and as they h8d recelwd Instead ol col1ectlna food. wblcb it th~ times, were giVen a Pemi· takes so long to ship. anent ribbon for their Cub flag. Party Honors Miss Rose Rath Den 7, of which Mrs. Raub ls den mother, got,. a ribbon1 for win- ning the handicra!t award three times and also received the good conduct peru!ant. Mrs. Gilbert Miss Doria &oe Rath was hon· Seal's Den 6 received the hand.i· ored recently with a surpt ise birth. craft award. day party given by her mother, Mr. Culbertson of the sU:ta Mrs. Ray Craig, 27th street. It Ana office showed two motion was a weiner roast on the beach, and among those present were Mr . pict'1-feS in color. OJ.bbing in the a nd Mrs. M . D. Banks and "Miss Home and Cubbing in t~. A LesJyne Everette, formerly of number of guests were ~nt N from San Juan Capistrano. where ewport Heights but ftO'l of Hunt- ington Beach; Joe Kl&cues at San a OJb Scout pack is just being Gabriel, Miss Pat Anderson and organized. Miu Audrey Sacks of ~ Boys receiving awards we re Park, A. Forrest or Otrus. John Tom Henderson and Charles Gill, Forgie, Miss Rath's fiance, and a Llon badge; Skipper Hitchcock friend from Oce&nside, Eddie Rath and Sammy Cooper, Keeper of the of Puente, Miu Jeanne Rath and Buckskin; Bruce Brown, Peter ,..._ __ .. ,.,_ Ray ~' .. u . -~ ~ ~~1. Tatum, Kenneth Nack and Roland -----'''-------- Beach. Denners stripes;. F1oyd Swanson, Wolf badge; Torn Perk- ins, Lion badge, and Webelos award; nmothy Tunnell, Bear silver arrow; James Alexander, Wolf gold and silver arrows; Bob Briggs and Roger Boyvey, Wolf silver arrows. The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH-H~AT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storage Vault On p,.ml- HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELED NOW AT LOW SUMMER RATES! 'ff'Cj-.ti N H 0 II 0 I * T 0 H A V E A I A I T .. •• t ~ l0ur New l«ation 129 Wat Third 8&. •