HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-05-30 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl ~ SAND CRAB 117 SAM STUPENDOUS! In three years Newport Beach has jumped from sixth to third place in assessed property values in Orange county, ac- cording to the annual report on finances of municipalities and counties of califomia as ccimpiled by State Controller Thomas H. Kuchel. Santa Ana is first with a combined realty, improvements and personal assessments of $26,- 448,170, with Fullerton sec- ond, having $18,175,685 and Newport Beach next with $16,842,070. The figures are as of July l, 1944, and gives this city $8,749,035 realty, $6,037 ,780 improvements and $2.053.255 personal property. Huntington Beach is fourth with total assessed values or $11.487.898, An ah e i m is fifth , Orange sbcth and La- guna Beach seventh. In line with this vital and factual information comes a talk made by Walt Long- moor at the Associated meet- ing Tuesday, in which he de- clares Orange c o u n t y ' s coastal area will shortly be the playground of the Pa- cific and points to the fact that there are 3000 pleasure craft here with an assessed value of $5,000,000. Mr. Longmoor is not . given to hasty or far-fetched conver-5a ti on and . when he says that some quarter of a mil- lion .sport and commercial fishermen frequent these shores annually, he is not far from the mark. He puts the yearly revenue at $2,000.000 with 105 fishing boats plying these waters. + + • ) Balboa-Catalina. If the . foregoing is any criterion of how we gTO\V, co~ider the first boat passenger run out of-here for Catalina. Some years ago an effort to give harborites a daily trip to Avalon died aborning. But the "Clarwalt," a trim craft with a capacity of 50 people, started bravely forth from Balboa and despite the usual 11bugs'' in its operation, fin- ished the journey. Four men are behind the venture: Walter Hartman. Ed Shin- bain, Ben Rabuskin and U. S. N . Comdr. Chas. Williams. • + + Bul1ders Bottle. Southern California builders seem to be stirred over Black Mark- ets in materials and claim much .critical stuff is funnel- ed into non..,,;sentials. Well. lf you would care to take a run through large city areas, you would find many struc- tures, other than homes, ris- ing. Take out Crenshaw way In Los Angeles, · several big department stores are pour- ing millions or dollars worth ol equipment into mammoth structures. Where do they get It? They certainly must have approval of the U. S. Housing authority, else how could the priorities came through? It's a cinch the G. I.'s aren't getting homes out of that material, and it's a fact that hundreds of houses could be built from them out of that lumber. • • + Any Butter Tod&y! Larry Ewing of . the Mesa Radio Shop is home from a two weeks' jaunt to Kansas and smiles when he tells about the ~ntiful supply of but- 1er, hatn, etc. at I0\\1 pnces. He say); ethe! gas sells for 12 9111) cents per gal., as agaiI)St; 20 cents here: that farmer.i claim there are a quarter of a million pounds ot beeffon the hoof in Kans- &!'-Larry wonders what c,.uses ;lack of distribution, as against one section of the oauntrii against another. ; + + • Pri 7 0.. Next 'l\Je9dAy ill elec:tlon day for the prl- Diaris 'In California and we vote fOf state otftdals. a few county candidates and as- ~ Best contest IS tbe race for sheritt and as- ..nbly. In Newport three _, are nmnlng for olflce: Eur~ for •-"'bly, • "Olba". ,Morris for sherltt 'and Herman Childs for coo- , lltelJle Ol COUl'9I! Geo. Gru:-- 1 dall ill a candidate for super. ftlor but George bas no ~ pum1h Why say more. -- • l"ln& .. Ad;affef•. • lllnt .. Clrealll&loa I •• .NEWPORT .- KEEP POSTED! 1 Yeer ..•... sza .. .. () ~ ..... 0.., c ~ ... Od.,, - -~...,_ ... N.,....T t , N-put ._.. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUIO llJDtVDI NEWPOBT BEACH, CALD'O.U.'IA, TllUBSDAY, llAY ... 19i" ~ T NlllDIER U Great Ocean Playground Boy Scouts Show They Exe-el Even At Bisquit Baking Edison Rate Slash Creates Big Saving esorts Planned ' • • • . ........ ·--- HOU8e Marked Up under awtr-at 114 Tllr--quoise avenue. S.llMll Mencl Paint ..,.. smeu<ed en the imlcle JU\.-enlles with a yen for vandal-and a bole -.. poked in the Ism are suspected Joy Newport po-plaster, Mn. J .. A. A1lmd jt. al lice in the smearing of a . -that addrfta reportecl Cemplete Fountain-Service at HANSEN'S i100 Oeean Front Newpwt NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHES • • .... , •• .,. l!!!!!!:!!! Refrigerator Af1tt, siOo Collected Beach 0·11 Co. ell Appeals King Guion Plans- New Type Music Damages Slight In Food Drive to F . r Aid to Fund n.. home of Chari .. '· wolf• Aid Europe G·ives s·5QQQ D • ve of Church ~ Gi::,ue i!:i,nu:ru~ ti;:t,:: 1 of Glendale at 1510 Ocean Front, , , v. Edwud D. Go<QU, pastor tO the Rendezvous ballroom in Newport Beach, wu the soene of Fl hundred doll . F d D of 'tie Cbrlst Church by the Sea, Balboa on Saturday night, June 1.1 · I ve ars has been T • the !Ommunity Methodbt cburdJ is the augmented rl).yt.hm section. a fire Monday eve.rung at 7 coUected in the last week for 0 un rive of Newport Beach, bu sent a which listeners at his last Bal-o'clock which., while causing lltUe the Emergency Food Collection pasionJ. letter to frlendl and boa engagement dubbed .. double damage,\ emitted en<JU&h amoke drive, as reported by Dr. G. N, 'hers of his church. appealing rhythm." to alarm nearby resulents and call Pease, chairman, and Roland fET1their aid in maJdng possible out the fire department at New-Wright. treasurer. 1be promise by Glenn Martin, the raising of $35,000 in the By using ty.·o bass, two &Uilan, pert. Bal a1rp1 two drums and one piano, it This amount includes callee-t:imott ane manufacturer church's new building crusade now The cauae of the fire WU re-tions made at grammar --'--ls and former resident of Santa Ana. under way. said that the band's rhythm sec--~ be th ~--• of ~~ tribu h I $1 E tion achieves a verSatility seldom ix>rlc:u. to e U'-U1unc up a and at the high school and aev-to con te t e ast _oo.ooo in .. have been your pastor for attained by a dance orchestra.. ge retrigerator and the owner. eral generous individual checks the $500,000_ fund raising cam-&ix1 """al'S," Goodell wrote tn part ... .. 1....,. t b Id th n--byt r1 <I" The new crew with its d:iUerent notified at his Glendale home, which were mailed Into drive ~·: 0 UI e ..-,~ e an of · pie&. 'The one time when _ . . ~de an .appearance later in the headquarters. hOlpi.tal in Newport Heights, hu I pealed to you for 8 aupreme acyle or produong mUllC la the • _.iar Rendnvoul. • King Guk>n's ls "the -tll&t -.-watch In '46." • • We Haft HUDSON CARBONATORS for Fountains The drive will continue through led a Huntington Beach oil com-eff~t-the debt-raisins campaign culmination of a planned cam-;==~====================~~eW!Dlnc~~~to~s~urv~ey~~the~~damag~~~e.;.i food atom and civic aniza-prany to add tta $:5000 check to the -~ responded mqnlftoently. paten by the ambitious youne sax ; tloru1. Rotary club, the ~nsor-tund. It w~ l't!ported by the New-w~ paid the debt In fuJJ and player to develop a new type of Ing group locally, voted to take port Beach campaign committee hov,e about $4000 In cub for our dance bond-<l band that Is pleu- a collection from memben at the today. , bll#ding project. That required ing to ~~ ea.i: a.i:td combines PROMINENT CITIZENS ENORSE M'ADELYN D. PLATT Candidate for I As5em_bly 7 4th District .. THE FOLLOWING PROMINENT CITIZENS OF THE -74TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT HEARTILY ENDORSE MADELYN D. PLAIT: CurtJ~ Burrow L EIU'le Phlllipt Herbert L. mtl (Ulbl!rt P1att B. Z. McKinney C. A. Knowlton 0 . G. Grupf' .Ir. Earl E. Wrl1bt Mrs. C1audla \\~onwlck R.. C. llead ~trs. Wallace Walton Major Leach Mnl-Sharpie--\\'&Iker Hany Brackett J&me!l E. \Valker \\"&)"De llarrl!iOn ROM Boyd A. P. Trawick John H. Knox Jr. \V. MaxweU BOl'ke Mrs. .Jan.Ice Shockey M1'. Harry \\'eetover Ru8Mlll MUlllO R. O. Chambers Ger&ld Edwank Mrs. Guy Harvey fttn. RMe Dracti N. E. \\•est Judge J. G. Mitchell .J. R \\'alAh M.n.. Ruth Ann Spears George Thomp&OD Mr9. M.lcbala Valles Larry Golden ~n. H. M. Wal.ll.Acford \Voodrow Wlbon Mn. Haz.el Goldea Capt. Richard R. Wo~ Fn>cl A. Jacobo J . F. Olllncer Mrs. Andrew .ladmoa Hayman Guy Rlch&rdA Bryan Boatlck M ~ Alice Bee-kier ~In. Alma Morrta Mn. Allee .lacobtl ~lanuel Vlep Jr. Benj. L. McCarler E\.·erett A. White Robflrt Brown George Tobl.u Mn. Pearl Platt Smith WOMEN HA VE EARNED THE RIGHT OF REPRE- SENTATION IN GOVERNMENT • (This Ad Paid for by Friends of Madelyn D. Platt) next meeting, and a_ppointed Jack Encouraged by the oil com-th~ raising of apsroximately $17,-good musicianship ~'lth danceable Phone A•befm 465! Cole and Sam Porter to contact pany'a donation. Braden Finch, 000:-Now we are planning to tempos. 62S So. Lt. Aqelea St. all other service clubs in the hope chairman of the local campaign raiSe $35,000 above all that we Bob Murphy, manager of the '------------' they 1ri11 also make • canvu ot and vice chairman in the county hue on hand. . This will give ---:::=============:::;:==:::::::::::::;:--mfltlben. Don Durant and D. drive, said that all worken un~ us , sufficient money to go ahead W. Coppenmith were appointed der hil command were receiving as soon u conditions make pos- from Rotarj to ca.nya.s the Amer-calla from other contributon in si e the building which is '° lean Legion members and solicit this area who wish to add to the baiJ!.v needed. their participation tn the drive. money they have already given for ~e church membership in a.nt Roland Wright, manage r of the cons~ctlon of the new hos-n~ meeting has voted that it Newport Bank of America baa pit.al building. is"absolutely necessary to the on- opened. temparary accounts tn h.11 Members of the Assistance g~ life of the church to pro- bank and another one in Balboa League under the chairmanship vi e both the bulldln& at the Bank of America. He announces ot Mn. Walton Hubbard and of p nt location and an adequate that checks may be mailed to Mn. Arthur Best are r eceiving ch' pet on Balboa Island. ;~~===========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ either bank. made out to Erner-the entire support of the league TI know that you are anxious gency Food Collection, and also in the present fund campaign and th.t 'Christ Church by the Sea' that these contributions are de-they will canvass loca1 people dur-shill meet her whole resix>nsibll- ductlble from income tax. There ing the next 10 days in the hope ityr Will you not lay aside 'every are containers now in food stores of gaining the $60,000 quota re-coecern that will interfere and and shoppers are being urged to quired of the harbor area. gi~' '·your best thought and effort make a contributinn to hungry A n:ix>rt of pledges filed in to great and imix>rtant task! people abroad as they shop. the Newport Beach and Santa Y with the heuty effort ol Fortune for Tellers So eager are Americans to peer around the corner of the future that S125,000.000 is spent annual- Ana headquarters of the hospital e~¥i one of us and full coopera- campaign with totals follows: llon or all can we hope to ac- Oties-Total coA-iplish our task. Only as we Santa Ana-Tustih ........ $107,023.50 s~k God's guidance and bless- Laguna Beach ................ 37 .3.56.50 inl for the crusade can we hope Orange ............................ 18.601.00 Y effort, your money and your Huntington Beach ........ 18.291.70 t~fwin. Plan to give this crusade ly for the futile prophecies of for-San Juan Capistrano.... 16,000.00 pr yers." Costa Mesa ... '................. 6,068.50 I ~-'.-----------. lune tellers. Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5816 Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC !US Newport BlTd. COSTA MESA Quality Lumber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A . E. HOSTETLER Pho·ne Beacon 5015 ROSSI'S Liquor Store ;oo Coast RIP.way Formerly Gordon's Drue Store Open Every Day Anaheim ............. ............ 800.00 [ FOR INSURANCE SEE Fullerton ........................ 645.00 I Placentia ........................ J,600.00 l;foward W. Gerri1b Garden Grove ................ 4.550.00 -. Non-county .................. ,. 2,380.00 . 1808 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach ."........... 42,606.70 COSTA MESA GRAND TOT AL ........ $255,922.90 NEBRASKA PICNIC SUNDAY The Ord. Neb., picnic will be held Sunday, June 2 in Bixby park, Long Beach, according to the president of the society, Mrs. P. Phone Beacon 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written P. Bell. ._,,__ _________ _, WANT TO FLY? .1 • Flying lnstrjtctlon • Charter Tri' ' • Plane RentalS AT THE NEW • NEWPORT BAY KY HARBOR 19th and Placen,, for information . . , Costa Mesa PHONE S. A. 2140 --FOR SA~JW.Ft:-- New Ercoupe11, Aeronca.a and ~y Surplus ~tea....,..;>_ Fairchilds and "' ~ ~~~ & ,\ -Going to Build! nis ear? Yoo probably have yo~ dream b-all worked oat In your ~ -or maybe your architect or ooatractor ~y baa prepared plans on paper for you. i: .. , l!'.lectztclty wlD haft a ~ pen In _..,,,, cll'MIDll of postwar llvinf. come Vue. When you go over the plans "'th your balider be IUl'e to Mi him about the newm develop- menlll In bouebold ~ 1avlng and ,_ Uoaal hMaty. Ou kperta la everytblilg eleetriCal wlD be glad to help with la~ plus or pcobloc• One ag..uo.i may~ a lol ol dllfw- la t,be "llv&ellilHy" ol ~ Iv-. • ' " • Before You Build or Remodel • vlllt oar IBte:w"stc n•p!e and clllplay .-. . : . Color guides, plan- nlng aids, campre- henslve stock of rugs, carp!ts and linolewn. -· CJarlleb CIM .... , llA!pol .... LUDLUM 1 Carpet Works 1822 South Main St. Phone Santa Ana !808 SANTA ANA * • If RD!" ... ,,, ~our ter ,., .... • ,.,,,,,-. You will b< glad you waited for that new Electric Water Heater. and you will b< abk co buy ir 1oon, An.Electric Wattt Heater is rops in water heating con· venience Silent, clean, safe, it 1111tom•ti<1llJ supplies plenty of b0< water anytime you need it Electric W attt Hearers are low in operating cost, and th<y give you long years of card r«; service For modem convenience and economy it's sman to buy an tl1r1ri&/ Ask Y°'!I' dealer. IOU•HllN CALIPOINIA IDiSON COM~ANT * \ ETS • HOKll ~ GALVAI * , .-; ; • mxq,s .gf, its• • iooo 0u ... Jllway . -·r,..._ ~ 11411 Aloe Ill -.. 7.Eefi,.~ ,, DI•• (kM I C.0.'fwo ..,:-i;;;:., lor II'~, PLUIT, l'IV&J> onus, 11'.&aM. .._ I BABDWAlllJ .I. I. ESTIS GENERAL El.ECTRJC &Alf-• ....... _ .. *.&*'TOm • W:*W I uww•w•• • •• ..,. . -nzlU N'eew .. pwmtl Bnell .. • • --• • J M&WWWW a••aoA MSW • ...._ •wpwt 9ss•, ()all• 7 , Dwi...,.,....,. II, 1MI .... Dl99 Talented Duo On ( Beachcomber.Staff Pierce Out Pasadena ·Man . Tave111 Keepers '. enTu ta~~~ :!:C::. ':""' I 1or---lale~tbe~~v:~ - Balboa Inn f.ard Has New OffICes · ~~:!:s.:!Y ~':: 11 l ;their;:;·~·, ,;:;.~;:;::=,;:;·;:;:•;:;•w.;:;are;:;~;:;ocuslng;:;cy';:;';::;;Lec1cer;::;;;:;-;::;;;,;;.t;:;N;:; ..... ;nm;:;;:;-;::;;;:;"";:;"'::;:;;;;Catttul::;:;;;;';:;Y-si-e::;:;;;;;:; .• ;:;Llft.::;: .; .~~ .~th~~~ ~·::,~u.:i:fl~~~ Be1!:: Of Log Race With the addition of Franklin SANTA ANA, May 27.-Re. Inn Cafe, with the opening comber, are now in a new loca-'lbomu of the California lnltl-ing former city attorney Ott~ !~· Tbun(iay night of Judy Whitney tion according to editors Ruaell T Sa o· tute of Technology at Pasadena Jacobs: 81 their counsel, mem~ and Wes Vaughn for a limited Dietrich and George. Varga. now 0 n 1ego and Q\arles Gilman Hyde of the of the Orange County Ta'rern ena•a--t at the popular Bal-wo. rking on the new edition plan-Trss ---..i ti ·~-~·· •-"~" -~ • I -~ t J faculty it.the University of Call-~pen ~• on ~y o , boa night spot-ueu .or the atter I"'"-" .. o une. the' '-'tial ul I of fornia, keley campus, the ad-U' u.u assa t on the p an Wes was formerly with many The Beachcomber, which 111 M k Pierce of Balboa Island. .... .-. board ot consulting engl-the county to aueu liquor licentes . printed by the Newport Harbor ar ~-1 f big name bands u vocalist a_nd Publishing Co., will now be edit· who won . the $4000 gold cup of oeen which will srepare a sur· or tax purposes. cuitar player and sang with ed in the new office building on the American Power Boat . auo-vey of a county-wide sanitary County Counsel Joel E. Ogle re- Freddie Martin. Ted Weems and th d floor at 509 E. Central ~tion ~ 1941 with his 7~foot system is now completed. accord-cently ruled that liquor licemes Mi Whit e secon diesel crw.ser Anne,(: will not de-lng to an announcement made at .. the late Hal .Kemp. lSS • 1n Balboa. f . d his titl . th edicted 1 the Orange meeting of the Auo-are personal property and sub,ect ney accomparues and solos on the I In the new office building also en S •Di1!l eandpr b ck .~~ o·ated Chambers of Commerce of, to a tax. chord and is well known in · 1 ' race to an ego a uuo nova . , is Harry Ashton, attorney.at-aw, weekend. He has not been able Orange county. Many payments on the assess- muaic circles for her ability on well known Hollywood yachtsman, to buy or charter a suitable boat With A. M. Rawn, chief engi· ments have been made already, the instrument. I V.:ho is making the Harbor area and his present cruiser, although neer of the Los Angeles county most of them accompanied by his home. extremely fast, is under the r e--sanitation district as third mem· protests, ~1eaving the way open_ for AD kinds typewriter ribbona ln quired length of 30 feet. ber, the board wtll draw up plans court action which Ogle and atock at the News-'nmes. J Ma.nila folden at News.'nmes. The famous James Craig trophy for a district which will include all Enderle foresaw would be forth-, was won in the last race to be 1 cities and unincorporated areas, coming. r held since before the war and and will submit requests to the The assessor said that the $600,·, came to the coast for the first I supervisors for field work which 000 assessment o! the 173 liquor time. The race ca lls for 150 miles will be done by specialists or by licenses in Orange county is about or more of open ocean racing and meriibers of county departments. one.half their actua1 marketable at that time was run from Long j The survey 1s the result.of re.-value. I • We wish to thank and all of the customers who made our opening last Saturday a big sue- hundreds of friends one and cess. We also wish to thank the ll)any indi- viduals and firms for their congratulations and beautiful flowers. Beach to Coronado and back. In quests for improved sanitation that event Don Allison's Hoaloha facilities from practically E>Very was top contender, but ran out community in the county, most of of gas just before the finish. Bets which are faced with overburd- are on her this time for Dean ened pla nts or no facilities at all Banlcs of Pasadena, who had ex-due to increased population pected to be in the run with the t growth during the war years and 40-Coot Harco cruiser No. 3 finds ' post-war months. SHOES Repainld While You "'alt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front '!!====Hampton Harbor · Dr L!g~ . ' " • ' . ' . . • • . . " .. ~··--·_.....__ __ ......... JUDY \\rlUTSEV and \\'ES \',.\UGHAX, popular entertainers who have ju..'t con1v&e ted a succt"s..,ful season at the Rainbow Room, Palm Sprinas, wlll 01M:n a U1nit ed e1i.gageme nt at the Balboa. Inn Cafe Tltunday, May SOth. GEORGE' D. BASSETT General Accounting • Fishermen's Bookkeeping Income Tax Servloo 280% \\·. Central Ave., Phone Harbor l~·.r .• Ne:rrt Beaeh GORDON B. FINDLAY CO!'iTR.<\.CTOR . .\.;,~D BUILDER ornee: MIO Cout Bl,-d. Phone Harbor CJ 2 CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MJLL\\'ORK T . C. JOHNSON. Supt. -&~h Street Phone: Harbor 2S88·.J ,wtlcal•rlr R•co••••decl For hr10•1 la '•ltllc ut. Hew H.. f,...Ju....t T.....,.. -.,. sh•dod lo ...tdl -comploxl.. ...d sh.pod "' ...tdl tho e<>olour of 'fO"' !Kial '""""" n..., h .1 p .......... chea:-wha.. • tlf\al1I eppeeranc.. .... ,._ DwfW .. ...... ,._ .. ..,.,.. ENJOY WEARING YOUR PLATES WHILE PAYING Take adnntace of Dr. Cow· ea .. Ube:ra.1 Credit Plan for all branches ot dentistry. Arran.p to have -all your Deeell'J'J' work -led RIGHT NOW • • • pay later la .....u •Nkl7 or moad.1:7 amoaata. N ~ T ONE PEl'o'NY ADDJ'DONAL COST. MMe Your Own Tenm ••• Wltwa ....... . the boat is not broken in enough to race and neither is Dutch F" 1 H • Schultz' Blue Moon, which has Ina earing On I just been reconditioned, but the L d M M d . latter will probably take the com-I an ap On a) l mittce do\\n . The master land-use map for The 20 or so cruisers left Ne,v-O range county which gives a gen· port this morning and running at era! outline of development areas a straight speed, were to be in at for future years may be" adopted the Coronado Yacht club at 2 p .m .1 by the eoµnty planning comis- AftC'r th£' WC'ekend of events plan· sion a t their n1eeting Friday eve- ned for the opening of the Cor· ning. l\1ay 31. and pass it along to onado club they 'viii complete the 1 the board of supervisors. ~nd lap of the race Sunday eve--S('C'OOd public hearing on the ning. map was held i\.1 onday at Gar· L. A. County Legion Women Feted Here den Grove. ScattC'red about t he map are nine square miles Of industrial and commercial areas but present policy still calls for screening A pleasant day \Vas spent by heavy industries · through Iand- 1he women of the auditing com-use applications. mittee of the Los Angeles County ------------Council. Amer ican Legion au.xil- iary, at the home of Mrs. L. F . Let hen. 1428 \Vest Bay avenue , Newport Beach. Follov•ing the business session a delightful luncheon was served. The committee con1isted of l\trs. Fern Byrnes of Los Angeles, l\lrs. Ann Tennis of l\'la}">vood and Mrs. Lethen of Ne,vport. Mrs. SacUe Shay of Los Angeles is president of the council; Mrs. Thelma Gas- ton of \Vestwood, secretary. and Mrs. l\'lar y Anderson or Los An- geles, program chairman. They were honored guests. l\.lrs. Lethen is press chairman of the county council. Boat Owners .•• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 SO. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA Manila folders at News-Times.I!..------------' CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, Mll1lllier Balboa, Callfornla . DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS away back .. when a fellow got what he wanted, when he want- ed and needed it? Do You?- Woll it's aft <0ml119 back, slowly llut doflnltaly ••• -thine - today ••• more tomorrow, we hep9. TIERNANsS Can Now DELIVER Adjustable bock, wood ond Metal Posture choirs, -ol Copy Holden, that 1ove time and orron. Comfortable Swlvel-llodo: Choirs, -al w- lloskots, A.\efol Smoltlnv Stands, Metal Card flies. Also some Wooden Typewrltw Slonds1 spnng filled Choir Cushions, and many other offlee nesd1 VISIT TIERNAN'$ TODA YI . Nezt door to Bay Vle"· Cafr. e a. m. to ·e p. m. .\ ' ' . ' s-1 .... ' _31 , SOAPS, llCMISlllOlD Sierra Pine Soap • '. Palmolive -=-a -' ..... , .................. ~ ..... ,frL Cashmere Bou .. I TeiW S.., J .... ,_ 2'J'c. Boraxo ~.:::!' '!; zi . 10.0..Jl .......... Jl &. i . Cleanser "'".!::" 2 '4: I _ Scotch Cleanser ·~ ~ Sunbrite Cl . ~,':; ~ Dish Cloths •r.:_•' Z ,. I ! • Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2535 619 Coast Highway "'* la the time to 1iea1 your lcmµJy to lclll ol lt9&h "'J91ablea. There'• a wide variety ol' ~ looda m -00 plan to ........ two or three dllf-t ooee at each meal. To be sure of lull '!"ti~, buy '!here quality ia guaranteed . . . your Mlec:tlon8 at Safeway. DAIRf PRODUCTS Pasteuri7.ed Mille Z -29c ~ ....... Holf~Zlc. Lucerne Half & Half _ 16c Lucerne Buttermilk _ '81/2". CottageCheese -• ,_~-..... ...... UINOIEON Mun .... ICUPIU Luncheon Meats '":; » Armour'1T,...l,lnic:it ~·,, C' ';. Roth Block Howk. Corned Beef Hash ";: D- e1ue Ribbon INnd. Ham Spread "'::"-":: 2D" Scrapple v....,_ .. , ,'.:i:: ZI• PEI FOOIS . Kendall "Fives.. .,'!:% ZZ. Kendoll ~ Doo F-c, S... .... S'1c. Friskies '::,.. -.-. _. . frilldft Cut.I, 2.-~. &*41 .. Ztc. . AllbreedsDog Food-: D- s-lb. boO. Sic. Healthway °Z:" ...,,... _. GfJllRllNTEED MEil TS I.AMI BREAST ......, ..... , 4 , ............ ......................... PORK SAUSAGE _ .. _____ ..... ........ ,....,.... ...- COD Rll.ETS , =·= 7 :.&·~-::..-= .... lUNCllON IBT . .. .,., ........ .., ......... ~ ...... ,,................ ~ Foncyqualitynewwhitevoriety. Flavorful all-purpose potatoes. GRAPEllUIT 5• ............ ~ .. .................. EGGftAfft IS-........ --., ............. .. .................. ~ ...... SQU-511 -ns•;~.-.. 11· CUCUMBS • 21• .... t ........... .. --... _ .CBaY ----·-.. •• ...... ... ......... , ·--....-...o ,.., ... • ' _,. ; •' • • • Elliott's Career Colorful .. =t~!::ifus:: ~:~~~;;:r TA~ a angle~ _au_8INEllll __ oum_z ___ .. _a_u11D1_~_._;_•~0umz=--~19 (Continued from Page ll after• -""cart trip (Continuedfn>mPapl). Before any definite move las th R I J . M. GRIFFITa acroa the prairies and dem ta to made on the suggestion for -t moo u AUD ISABELL. a angle -INSURANCE- law entorcement work in Orange the golden Statr of California. His coutal dtJes to consider the aet· office changes or -consolidation. ~ LES'l'ER PAUL SIMS, parent. ontied to Gcopol Swamp, tins up ol a wide program of the commlttee of the Newport WAL'tER MORRIS GUEDEL. • FIRE ""':'i!ltt Ell.lott's grand -daddy Orange county and there. Jeae "'°"'"tlonal facilities for all the Harbor O.amber of ~ <Continued from Page 11 'iEN:1lY EDWARD OOFFM lli • Atn'OMOBILE was raised to manhood. beach communities, poln~ out will make a thorough study and --a'1d tjiERTRUDE K. COFFMAN, ·• COMPENSATION .. • YACHT brought In two migrant trains At the esmt time among that more and better facilttiea secure complete information as Santa Ana; Mrs. Leta Sk~. Mrs. Hl.JSb!nd and Wife, SANTA ANA In 1849 to Fort Sutter. California. many oU.: ~ •pooltloaa will attract more people to th ... to advantag .. or otherwise. Walter Hartman, J . G. Qonhoff, MO!l;<:AGE and INVESTMENT . ~~J~~~tC~~n; -o-& BloM.. (Jo.-& del Mar held by Orange oounty"i Sheri!( d~es. Though Onnce county This was decided Wedne.day at Mn. James Rorick of l!fewport COMfANY. FANNIE PEASE . • "STU" DUNLAP Elli tt. ls his appointment u ViceJ. Cities do have aome recreatlon&ll a meeting of the committee head-Beadl; Mr. and Mn. Alberl Joyce, O~, SIDNEY F . PA'l'TISON, • O.~ of the State Law Advls-centers, he said most of them are ed by s. A. Meyer with O.arles Mr. and Mn. Jack He~n of J . THOMASON, FLORENCE COAST PROPERTIE" CO. 0 Commlttee and President of lacking in proper equipment and Crawford. Col. F. C. Venn, Lew Costa Mesa; Mrs. Louise1 Fidler. E . ~ ERMOTI', KENNE'nl D. "" ~ ~ State S~f'I Auociatlon proper leader& far a well-rounded-H. Wallace, George Welaa, J . A. Mn. Elizabeth Miller, ~· and ~BELL. EDW,ARD D. MOit-703 East Central _ BALBOA ·-Harbor 6S3 Zo 1 prising the elev~ out athletic program. Beek also members of the group Mrs. PauJ Lorentzen, . and RlS d MINNIE .MORRIS, Hus-t ~ =tlea. "We should have more ball play-which was increased by the ad-Mrs. Darwin Tate, Mrs. Louise band and Wife, LOS ANGELES oR";-;miJ.:Rt-;-~:;;-y:;;:-::-:-;;;;;;;-:;::;==~==--- Tempxary Phone, o.y 654 La- sun& llNdl; Phone Night. ll362 sou . ~~ ol th Ing grounds and more tennla dltlon of Erwin Spicer and G. W. Fidler, Mr. and Mn. Frank Bell MOR,fGAGE UNDERWRITERS, FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on IElllPLODD:NT OPFDED • Here JS •man --w..., ere-courts in the lnlMd cities and BUsett. of Balboa; Karl Reid. Balboa hl-Inc.,' corporlltion, TI-IE ELLIOT your home, call Beaoon S33Q • Lasunalleech - Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1911 ODMt Bis ..... • Old l'uhJoned malta We ......, juot thls. ROOFS spect ~ ~-0~ ~ \!:: more ping pong and card tableo, All local postmasters will be In-an.d : Elvin Funder, Lone( Beach; HO!qlE C 0 M ~ANY, E .' J. .!ft<r 4:39 p.m. 10.tfc WANTED -Housekeeper, small citizens &e ~ h more motel& and parking fadll-vited to attend another meeting I Miss Ludlle Graham, ~ Diego; W ~. FIRST DOE, SECOND home on Island. Cook meal&. ~ont for • -In the beech attaa," be said. of the committee when more d.,_ Mr. and Mn. Cl)'de ~ C. R-DOE~ j THIRD DOE CORPOR-SIGN PAINTING llii:ht housework home · bt:a ~ys. I will ·~:.= c:n-adding that the pouibilities are tails of service can be discusled Miller. Norine Stetzel, [Edward ATiq: a Corporation, Defend--Good pay. Phone 1 Hu-bor ~-M. ti.nu~~~ __ will O: ec-here for the finest recreation pro-and Frank Harwood, gostmaster Shinblain, Walter Wittert. B. D. ants.~ Boilta, TNcka, wtndowl 42-tfc lion u ..-• my gram to the county. "If we are to at Santa Ana. will also be to-Rabushkin, Mr. and Mn\ M. A. Y"f' are dlreeted to appear to Walla and Bullettna. <wuANTEO-:rn;;;·n;:-;=,-,;-.,.--.,,..::::_::: utmoot to ..,._ you. give a favorable lmpreulon to vlted to give his sugge<tlonl . fer Morris, Harry fbainberl'l"d. Loo an , n broueht acatnat you by Railed Metal. Wood and room. oo!i,.,,. for boy 6 years. These are not mono wor'21. aahls tourist&. Improvement of toter-county mail Angeles: Comdr. WUllaJjw. San the named plaintiff In the Plutlc att<n F ther loal A ieneral CU'e record to otfke proveo thll beyond Before cloolng, Dr. Strong 1\111· service. Diego, and Skipper Walter Hart-Court of the State of AL LACHMEYER 1!.J home .:;w1 ~~d Wai a doubt. gested the poaibWty of an adult Many ideas regarding the tu-man. ::· tr ~ •: ~-:: .:w:e th= 1Tl6 West Central ~ W . ~an ~t. ·N~ recreation program, with a com-ture of the Harbor area and !ta Milk, B tt Ch ' therein within ten darl Harber 12'3-M :!lltfe 43-2q Lar-Reefer d . prospects for expansion in all ltnel u eese 5~• mlttee to act to an a .viaory ca-were pr ... nted at the meeting Pr. Go u' aervlce on you of thll COOPERATIVi: WANTED-Cook to oome to part . , padty In cooperation with county which waa attended by s. A. lce8 P J~e 1 , If aerved within the ROO of each day during summer. APPLIED oa m'AllQ!D America• larsnt rdrl.,...tor la officiala and community organlza-Meyer, J . A. Beek, Earl W. Stan-Coun of Oranae. or within thirty FING 00. Good salary. Write Box 1166, capable of •tortnc from 60,000 to tlons for a countywlde recreation ley, o.ar1 .. Crawford, G. W. Baa-WASHINGTON, May ;zg.-Th• c1ays ; served elaewhere, and you ·~ Balboa Ia1and or phone Hart>ot 75.000 tona of perishable produce. program. sett Jr. Col. F . Y. c. Venn Erwin Office of Economic Sta~!Uzatlon att ed that un1 ... you oo •P. New and Repair 1661hJ. 43-lta F'lft -..i.. "' Impectloa w. J. Bmbow It is the converted cave-Uke Ker-S 1 ' Basse ' announced today that tM retail pear d · answer u above re-- lord quarry nnr Atcl>loon. Kan.. Jei':' George tt and Harry price of mllk will be increaaed one q the plalntlff will take Phcine 875-M DECORATORS 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J which wu ll!ued to the U. S. War Sell that unwanted article · cent per quart, butter h cents nt for any money or dam-216 E.. 20th St.. Oosta Mm& KAY FINCH CERAMICS bu Food AdmtnlatratloD. through Newa-'nmel ads. per pound and cheddar bh .... 6 -j cled In the Complalnt. -opentnp MW for• few strll m -Telephone Directory -WITH- .JNew Harbor and Beacon Numbers • Now Being Delivered The new prefixes, as well as Telephone numbers assign~d when the new Costa Mesa Central office was opened, are listed in the New Orange ·County Telephone Directory. Whenever it becomes necessary to enlarge a Telephone System, the changes may result in temporary inconveniences for some of our sub- scribers. We appreciate the co-operation of all ' Telephone users in making this change suc- cessful. · • Our facilities are being expanded to meet post war demands for service as rapidly as possible: We hope to complete a $70,000,000.00 con- struction program in Southern California in 1946. • The new Costa Mesa office is one important step in this program. OBITUARIES cents. These new prices Wm be el-u UP"" contract. or will p A I N T 'I N G ·-woman with art traJntnc or •bli· fectlve June 1, In all 1tate1 except a to th• Court for any other 12 Years Service to Newport • ity. Aak for Miu Dierker, 121 '------------' I Arizona and New Mexico. rel! . demanded to th• complaint. Harbor Area Cout Bl'fd.. COrona c1eJ Mar . . GI n under my hand and seal H~Hall 43-ttc Alfred Paul Collltrene of Superior Court of the Mass was 1aJd at 9 a.m. Wed-Bell Aided Speech r--PAINTING NTRAcroR no.day in the O.urch of Our Lady r t! 17~c1ay"' ~:...'.:~ Call1~; Phone' Beacon 5259-J l of Guadalupe for Alfred Paul One of the greatest Interests B. J. s~...., ~"WO. 274 E . 19th 0 ""Street 24-tfc SKilJ...ED Con~eras, 71· who died Monday of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell wu ty Clerk and Clerk of the BUILDINO MATEIUALS at his home, 17th and Monrovia instruction of the hard-of-hearing or Court of the State of '-'-==-=-=====--~11 streets, Costa Mesa. He wu born in the mechanie1 of speech. Today ornia. in and for the Coun-HA VE a &:ood stock of roll rootht& In Lower California and had lived the basic principles ot his tele-f Orange. and Comp. Sh1ngles. 'nle Board in C?5ta Mesa for 18. years. He is phone are used in ·the sin'kle-unit By WAYNE A DRAGER, in many colon, also Boyaen.'1 survived by his Wldow. Mary; hearing a ids made possible by the Deputy. 100% Pure Paints at pre-war three som, Alfred George of Santa compact "Mini-Max" battery. (Se , Superior Court prices. Copeland Lbr. Yards, 5th Ana. Manuel of Los Angeles and ange County) A .Artesia Sts S ta Ana Cal Valentino of Costa Mesa; three • 25 ·• an • · daughters, Mrs. !\1arguerlte Ar· Drive Ca.retully-Spi.re a Ute. Pub. ~pr. :1ray 2, 9, l6, 23, 30; -:-:===...,,.==~==-34--tfc bello of Anaheim, Mrs. Frances une 6• ' 20• Z'T, 1946· PAINTING OONTM.OTOB Hi ger a, Costa f\itesa, and Mrs. PUBLIC NoTICKS El('anor Sarigosa, Costa Mesa. also 15 grandchildren. Rosary was read f. No. 43559 ! ALIAS SUMMONS Tuesday evening at the Grauel No. 43560 chapel, and inter ment was in Holy ALIAS SUMMONS SUPERIOR COURT OF Sepulcher cemetery. (Action brought in the Sqperior :.JJc.-:STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Edna Earhuff Court of the County of Orange, AND FOR THE COUNTY ,PAINTING -PAt'ER HANGING . and DECORATING H. E . McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tfc rRANSPORTATION 18 Edna Earhuff, 62, died May 23 and Complaint filed in the of-0 ORANGE. a t the home of her brother, fice of the Clerk ot the Superior ., BICYCLES Chauncy De Gates, 322 Wakeham Court of said ~unty.) Act n brought in the Super ior Sold, Rented or Repaired. t of the County of Orange, VOGEL'S street, Santa Ana. former resident Jn the Superior Court of the State Complaint filed in the Of- YACHT PAINTERS, SANDERS and BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour. SEE MR. PETTY SOUTH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH of the harbor district for 14 years. of Callforn.la In ar,1 For the of the Clerk of the Superior lOO Kain St., Balboa She was born in Grand Rapids, County of Orange 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand. Mi ch., but had lived in California t of said County. 94-tfc _________ 41_-3Th<_ for 60 years. Services and inter-CITY OF l\TEWPORT BEACH, · OF NEWPORT BEACH a BEAUTY AIDS 18 ment ';:f:n!: ~ T~~~e.:!~ a. Mhuni,cipal PClo~potirlfatlon oRf!CHthe "cfpal Corporation of the --co=LD=-an-d_MA_CHINLESS~~~-- ... ~~ s1xt c ass. ~tn . v~. -class, Plaintiff, WAVES o/ Minnie A. Thompson, 79, died al ARD R. TATNALL, et al, Defend-ri ! her home. 1318 French street, ants. WERMI~: et al, Defend-Tinting and ManiC\l?'ihg Santa Ana, after a 11hort illness. The People of the Statf of Cali-Evening AppL Ph. Harl:J&.j 17~W S he had been a resident ot New-fornia Send Greetings to: RICH-Vi's Beauty Shop YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. port Beach for 15 years and of ARD, R. TAmALL and ELIZA-People of the State of Cali-1103 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar California for 31 years. She was BETH B. TATNALL, l Husband fo send greetings t o: 35-tfc Start' · d the widow of the late Frank and \Vlfe, E . g· MORRELL and §. G. Wermich and Vivian Wtt-lng pay IS goo , Thompson. Ser\'ices were held SUSA~ E. M RRELL. Husband mi Husband a nd Wife; EMPLOYMENT ~ANTED 2I experience is not required Saturday in Santa Ana with pri-and \V1!e. R. A. CARRIER, Eu..A R.: Thomas and Leona 111omas, WANTED-Temporary bookkeep- _v_a_te_in_tc_r_m_e_n_l _at_F_air_h_a_v_en ___ c_A_RS_o_N_._J._R_._JO_NES __ · _. -'"HAR--Ht.If and and Wif~ e r five days a week. Call office Frequent increases. 4 G. Wennich and R. M. manager, Beacon 5432. 42-2tc V t' 'th (Political Advertisement ) OUR THANKS Elect HERMAlt CHILDS CONSTABLE --Ot- N e wpo rt Township {::( An experienced ~ officer who beileves In strict law enforce- ment. ! • . To you • • . who have' so geoero1181y spoken your mind In support of Floyd Howard'• stand against LAWLESS- NESS IN UNIONS. Your strong vote Oil .Jone 4th la the electloa of a Sheriff for the llext four uncertain 1fllln will pbice Onnge County OD reeom--rvlng notk.. ito all Power Mad M.lnorltle& ti.at their actlv!Uea ml dm llOallty muat be ClOllducted legally, to the Wier of every law tW gwtee& Amerlcaa rl&bla ud free enterJ.• Howard for Sheriff Committee Th~ as, co-partners doing busi-LIGlIT house work by the hour, as Orange County Refining ironing or care of children eves. >\iji<an), Phone Harbor l~J. ask for rge 0 . Hartman; Mrs. Henneberry. 43--tfc L. Jones and Rosina K. , Husband and Wife: ¥fi'LOYMENT WANTED -Re- t Doe, Second Doe, Third liable woman will stay with chil- dren afternoon or eves. 320 An-rporation, a Corporation; ade St., Balboa. 42-2tc . Defendants. are directed to appear in EMPLOYMEN'I' OFFEB.ED n "on brought against you by WANTED-Reliable general main- bove named plaintiff in the tenance man. Udo Theatre. or Court of the State of 26-ttc a, in &f!d for the County ==c-::::-:-:==......,,--.,...:.:....::,: HELP WANTED-Care of child. aca ions WI pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E. Bay Ave., Balbo& 5141> N. Main St .. Santa Ana or .Uk tbe operator for th• Otlef Operator Southern California Telephone Compa11y Mesa QUOR SHOP your home or mine. Phone Har-•42-tfc bor 106. 42-2tc ----------- um~ Newport u1..i. enty of Whiskey No limit to aay el oar ,__ WANTED-Woman to stay with school age children evenings, oc- casionaHy over night. Call Har· bor 299-W. 41-trc PuaL1c NoTICE STA MESA, CALIF. --5011 l ,~iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:iiii:i~~~~~I of Crance, and to answer the com-plaint therein within ten days after the lel'Vice on you of thll summon.a, if served within the O:>unty of Orange, or Within SHIPS CARPENTERS WANTED Top Wages for Top Men -Apply now - Central Boat Works Foot of 31st Street Newport Beach thirty days If served elsewhere. and you are notified that unlea ----------43-4--'tp you so appear and answer as above required, tbe plaintiff will take judgment for any money or dam· agea demanded In th• Complaint. as arislnl' upon contract, or wtll apply to the Court for any other relief demanded to the oomplalnt. J. DODGE Given under my band and He! of the Superior Court of the County of Orance. State or Call- fcmla, thla 19th day ol March. lllt6._ B. J. SMITH, County Clerk and Clerk of the SUperior Court of the State ol califcmla, to and for tbe County of o..nce. -By WAYNE A. DRAGER. Deputy. (Seal Superior Court Oran&• County.) Pub.. Apr. u. 18, 25; ¥ay 2, 9, 16. BOAT BUILDERS WANTED on Plywood Skiffs and Sailing Dinghies TOP PAY OVERTIME BONUS WATSON BOATS Ill Cout HJcbw"7 Harl>ol' 5277 SO. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CO. stice of the 'Peace ANNOUNCES '23, :!O; June e. 13, 1!N6. ;o;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-=---.-;;------·-· • , ' I , . • CANDIDACY for ......aec- to that ottlce on JUNE 4. .l:loclp! bu served aa Jus- al the p...,. since 1929. . . . Over 16 )'HR experience • . . . .-t al Oosta M ... for 34 YMn. .. . . la :iz-i for the . OTEonJUNE4 WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD . 811 Coat Hislnr&J 101 • • l'!rnn B•1• 6&14 • :i':_. 111• MI Ne ,_ 1 ,. .... . ............... ... ., ....... -I • ,, , . .. -. . ·--· -. --__i.~ .... -~ --~ -' . ......~ ,-.-..._.;. -~ . • • I . 1 • MSWW9••ao& ~1.MI -. ---.._ . • FlJJlMITtJU POa 8ALE SI SPECIAL ANNOtJNOEllZMTS • M 41 · m'Ar& ,, ~M~4~1~· U~llT~A~n:~~~~:!1 3.•~1i~~~~~=~~~s.~7iju~+~I~, m£n~·~~~====s.~1~PB~1~1·~-~'l'.~A~Dl~=====~-f • -'----------STUDIO COUCH.~ Seat style, FOR SAL&-l C<met and 1 s._. FOR SAL&-A beautiful 2-atory INCOME PR0°ERTIE FOR SALE • HELP WANTED · beautifully upholstered, unuaual· Sun Rey SallboaL Top oondltion. Oeoan Frcclt home. a..e in. p.,. " , ) Female Excellent pooltlon open to a competent secretary· 1tenog1'apher. Pleulng personall ty and neat appearance required. Lots of work and darn gO<MI pay. Phone Jy fine piece of furnltun; ma1c.. Will deliver. 2054 Anaheim, tentlal lncc>me of S15 per clay. ~ into comfortable bed In nnaI1 C..ta Mesa. 43-2tp Can be lncreued. 5 bedum., 2 , j aptce. Can be seen all clay Fri. BE COMFORTABLE, year around. aleei>!nli pon:1>es, 11' bath. JarKe COSI'A MESA lfl~PO· •RT BEACH It Sat. a.m. at No. 7 Be""°" Bay. Johna-Manville Rock Wool heme Hvlns room with real flftplace. 9 tals ~'"5 00 0 p • }i\unlj;bed 43-ltp lnaulatlon. fiJee lnfmmatlon. Nice dining room. kitchen and !!"' ' """· • mo. · 1"'" ' court; new; O.P .A. I ·BO-A-TS.--8-UP_PLIES ______ _:ll Write Box M, c/o N.,.._Tunea. utlllty porch. Pai-Uy furnlabed. ceiling; beautifully fumJslied. in approx. $21.00 daily '°"4tp m,:;oo. by owner. 418 E. Surf, newly ~ted inside and :J::~; plus ·5 quarters. FO~. s2~1~;,ci a:"i.!: -ro-.-SZNT----------u-' Balboa. Pb: Harbor 2'139. large liVJng quarters, bea , ti· --0- aiter ITo ::.:p.m.an f' 42-tfc FOR RENT-1--•~ ft. lot ln 41-4tc ful landscaping; 5 ~; -~ room for 12 cabins. Best buy FO S .. ~ ~. •--~ ~ 1 Miracle Mile near Greyhound B 'ld' S't in u--'-r ·-$35""" R ~ut~ ~,.amp on station for display or other piir-W lnR: I es =uuv ~-~ ,.,,,.,,, motor, 3.9 h.p., xlnt cond. Call Pt,. Let ua assist yoo u, securing a i... Tenns. Courtesy to brokers. 5 units; court, fur. Twin Oaks 4774 L. A. 42-4tc poee. · Harbor 212· 38-tfc cation to ault your needs. We nishe Extra lot, room to WANT TO BUY OR RENT-WANTED TO BENT 0 have a wide aelection of choice --0-build llext to alley. Net in· Mooring for 28-ft. Crulaer. Ph: WANTED TO RENT-Room In Iota. . ' COSTA MESA """' 714 L. A. 4Z-2t come '""'.00 month. BALBOA Thornwall 4 c :i.;.a~:~::~en~ Well built home; 2 bednns., living Home, 2 bedrooms, plus 2 <Dt· . .--Q- F A I trnent 26-IT. AUX. SLOOP, 1leepa 2, Harbor 292-W 4Z-2tp room and fireplace with large tages; 4 car garage, ~ aae P.A. Palmer Harbor 1500 or ppo n Star motor, good aaOs, $1500. . 2·bedrm. lnoome Apt. over 3-land; excellent location. r· Motels 3 to choose from; 101 =h~ry :. Newport Beach. - __________ 42_-4..-.tc Or trade for car. Burnette, c/o WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed· car -; laundry room. Ex· ........__ $550() $14 ()()() h • P • _,. ·-•· """"' mo. , • UL& lllBC)ELLANZOtrS 11 f1eib Bros., Anchar'.a&e. Sao room ouse or ap... ermanen... \%ileDt ..... ue at- GOOD. med 1i:rfnp A mattremet. Harbor Furniture, 1962 Harbor Blvd., a.ta Meaa. 3&-tfc Pedro. 4l-4tp Call collect Lon1 Beach 84467. $19,500. Furnished ---er- FOR SALE-Star Boat. light con-CapL Manden. 42-4tp Finest view apartmen1s in ~ •tnletlon, galvo:rlzed machined WANTED TO RENT-Ot aubleue Gertrude A. Waldron area; 10 apts. and 10 l'OOll'lS, kaei atalnl ... •teel rluln&. Lo-house, near beach, preferably Wm W Sanford Broker 0 .P .A. yearly incpme al'Pli>x. cated at 17U7 E . Bay Ave., Bal· Balboa Ialand. beginning around • ' • $20 ()()() .,. _ _, ·~·· boa. Name: Hyllte. 42'6tp July 1. Write Box N, c/o N..,.. 308 Marine Avenue ' , ""'--uon restri nnwa. 42-!tc Phone 234-R 42-tfc against any other Income FOR SALE-Bow and •tern moor· OCEAN FRONT perty, I ' . --0- Resta t; 16 stools; 3-bed· room oo highway; lot lOOxl 0. Good Investment. $15,00 down. ---0---: Ing for 20-ft. boat at end of Ruby APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted A ~-'·hed h-· with 3 •~-., --0-FOR s~ -IDckey. Freeman St., In So. Bay, Balboa Ialand. by man and wife. We do not ·~~ v .. _ ~DW man'• blue ault, 1lze 39-40, 706 t1ne Ph: Harbor -.J. 42-2tp drink ar smoke, no cblldren or living room, dining room, break-· HOMES quality. Practically new. pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W fut room and patio. Offering · Avocado Ave., Corona <kl Mar. Lehman Kits of Parts or write Box ''X"' Newport Bal· excellent location, &O<MI con-. COSI'A MESA I ~RT HElGHI'S -=,....,,==--:::---:-==="3--ult~p To convert Ford A, B, VS-85, ~ boa Newa-nme.. 37-tfc dltlon and Immediate poueulon, . FOR SALE-On• qL canning Ma· englnea to marine uae. Kita are for-2-Bedroom home, lmmedijlte 2-home, large kitdl· aon Jan It ring•. 45c per doz.; comp!. with directions. Coming WANT TO RENT--;2 or 3 bednn. $15 750 occupency; will sel!__~!h !_or en, b' cupboard; beautiful alao 2 qt.a., 50c per doz. Phone aoon Ford 4, 6, 8-cyl. and Wffiy'a unfurnished house. Will Ieue. _,_ without tumlture, $2500 dn. landsc ping. Ocean view. BROSE REALTY Corooa del Mar Lovely two.stocy Iliglish style home on 60 ft. x 118 ft. lot. Excellent location. View of hills and ocean. $12,000 -POSSESSION --0- New 1-bedroom home over 3 garages. Very nlvely furnished. . $9500-~0N --0- L-0-T-S IRIS AVE.- North or hlghway, 2 adjolnlnt loCs. Good loca- tion. $2400-FOR BOTH LCYl'S -TERMS LARKSPUR AVE.- Good 30'xl18' lot, north ot blghway. $1500. ' ACAca AVE.-• VER't NICE 30'xl18' comer lot. $2500. POPPY AVE.- 30'x118' olt less than half block from ocean front. one or the most be&utiful residence lots In Corona del ·Mar. $4750. Harbor l89 afttt 5 p.m. Can "Jeep" marine englnea and kit.a. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7(fl JOHN E. SADLEIR Move right In, · 1 --0- dellver. U-ltc See your· dealer or write Allied ar 13. 35--tfc 1 ~ ~;=:~::--==""""·•-=-·-=bi=cl:;: West Dlstr., 118 New Mtg'y St .. WANT TO RENT-Small uprl•ht 302 Main SL, Balboa --0-Beach home 4 rooms~ BR 0 S E RE ALT y FOR SALE-Boy'•~~· cypaln•L. s . F., Calif. 42-3tc iuno 3 or 4 months. Ph: Harbor Phone Har. 2034 c • • pre-war, new Ur ... new · New ~-bedroom home, large ·~·~ ed; gar.; patio. ' 1307 Coast High Co del Mar Ph· Harbor ""-'0 Phone Harbor m-w ofter 5 FOR SALE-Pooltlve Income. 4G-l14&-M. '°"4tc 43-ltc lot, tile sink, shower. etc. Tenru way rona ·· """"" p.rn. "3-ltp ft. Com. Fantail Fishing Boat. WANTED TO RENT-Small cot· fuR SALE-Ololce located Iota $4750. Half cash. ~ --0-'3-ltc FOR SALE-Beautiful Red F ox Plenty of gear, diesel power, an-tage by refined middle aged and % acres. $400 to S3.<XX). --0--• H M / fur coat. Three quarters. length, chor and winch, 8 plecea of net. couple. No peta. Permanent. c/o Artistic 5-rm. hoe. 2 bedrm. Gar· C RONA DEL MAR , , LANE -REAL ESTATE - alze 16. Bought Jut year, worn Giggs and line all ready to go. Box B, Newa-Tlmea. 41-4tp age with guest rm. On 2 big Iota, COS'I'A MESA h I $llO 2006 CoUrt Ave. Opp. Qty Hall twi-. $165. 603 Larkspur Ave., All with mooring at Newport, finest ave., view of ocean, near 2 .......... on one ot. mo. " only $~ 227 20th st New VETERAN and bride planning to all . s Cl New J.bedrm. home·, I~ tot:'1~ lental or owner's apt. & Corona de1 Mtu'· 42-4tp · 03 •.JV. -· ·· -conveniences, an emente. >a.'th. i.v 1 k b b tr l port Beach. 42-2tp ~~e·~-~~ot!".8~:;:~ ~: $12,500 unlurn: $14.750 furn. v~; tile, kitchen) and ti:~~ $60. mo. Fumished$.1Ex6 cel-F~!. 5s~ to~fy e;et ~o~ ~a~y~ Fire Equii)ment Tests Jorgensen at Harr's Jewelry, ;~w=efl!,~· !!:e~g~ d~. gar. Firep ace. l ~:rn 1 • view. ,500. junlor size bed with new inner· C·O·Two. l>yren~ &: Foam refllls. 1821 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. sJ nk, large closets, fireplace. ----0----0- spring mattrel'!s and wardrobe, CO. fixed system and Portables 41·tfc 'Price $8500. Adele Gimbel, 95 • $35. 418 E. Surf, Balboa. 42-4tc now avallable. ROOM II BOARD 48 Del Mar Ave., Phones 311 or 316, LOTS -LO '"S FOR SALE -Lar ge Frigidaire, ETS HOKIN & GALVAN San Clemente. 43-tfc Hi h I ts 101 N Bl d . . f 1000 Coast Highway WANTED-Room & meals, in pri· g way o on • ewpprt v . 1h acres ocean View or $37.50; high oven range, $15: Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc vat• home, by young man, to be INCOME rancho or jpts. TI 5 acres good land 1 pr orange grove, subdiv. davenport. S15; 9x t4 rug. $50: employed locally. Balboa Island ect. 11 New sulx:livision lots in Sea ~ iew Heights, ocean and 1 ~Tit ing desk & bench : 2 bunk FOR SALE -Snowbird, recently or vicinity. Returning to college PROPERTIES bay vie\v. or twin beds with springs & mat· overhauled, $375. Inquire up. in fall Best o[ references fur· tresses, s&>. Other misc. things. stairs 1409 W. Bay Ave. 41·2tp nis hed. Box MC, c/o News· Times 7Y.t acre ranch. Good 5·rm. house, 220 Sapphire. Balboa Island. -----42·3tc completely furnished. Re[riger· 42·2tc FOR SALE-1&-ft. Dory, Johnson ator, gas range, piano. About ----,,.,--...,--:---Seahorse 21 h.p., complete, $400. REAL ESTATE ,., 800 chickens, 8 calves. 2·car Electrical Like new. Call at 1Z7 42nd St.. garage, two cabins, rent S65 per Repalr S e rvice Newport. 41-4tc J. E. Barnes & Son month. Modern chicken & brood- --a-• ' A . '"SANDY STEIN ~R. Realtor Cha rlie Dennison and Associat ;s "Rusty" Baker 634 Coast Highway 101 · hone; Beacon 5173 Appllances. Home. ~iotors & MUSIGAL & RADIO 34 18)6 Newport Blvd. er house. Grounds all fenced in Marine . Service. Immediate Coeta l\.fesa._ Ph: Beacon 5320 \\'1th steel fence. This is r eally --------------+--------4=3~·1:.::tc Attention. FOR SALE--Piano. $25. Call Har· -the BEST BUY we have had in "We APPre<;iate Your L,istings" bor 507·. 43-1 tc s . L. FRANKLIN 2 Bedroo m H ome a long time. Full p~ Ph. Harbor 1781-W FOR SALE-Upright Crown piano, $21,000 '-32.t[c Furnished. near Newport Heights 2818 Ce ntral $150 ; l\.1arimba, $45. 2315 Old district. Lot 90xl50. Large gar· F'ttt Place e.nd Kindling WOOD Delivered H. W . WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport IDvd. J.tfc ORANGE COUNTY UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers Of Upholstered Furniture 413 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Factory and Showroom Santa Ana Rd., Costa Mesa. Ph: age, rabbits and chicken equip- Beacon 5168-R. 42·4tc ment a'nd 8 very nice berry FOR SALE-Marine radio. direc· patch. We believe this would tion finder, 3 band. 6 volt fisher. pass the G. I. loan. Price-- Nearly new. 509 31st. Newport 1 $7500 Beach. Ph. Harbor 2571. 41·t!c KNABE Grand1 .~i~:'J: walnut case, Famous KnaM: .• ,,!.Yu!· Also Weber Grand, Sohmer, Schultz. And many other famous makes. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-t!c Chcken Ranch On one acre in Costa Mesa. Nets more than $300 a week. 2 bed· r oom house. Immediate posses· sion. Full price-- $12, 000 GOOD income of home with 2 sun porches in Balboa. Partly furn. iahcd Overlooking the ocean. This place will really pay for il!elf. Full prlce- $23,500 CAFE -Completely furnished. Furniture and fixtures. 100 ft. frontage on Newport Vlvd. S. room living quarters in rear. If you want home and income, bet· ter sec this one today. ]. M. MIL~ER Real Estate Br ker 15th and Cen Balboa Island 2 Bedroom home furnished; also 2-bedroom home over 3-car garage. Patio, barbe- ;cue. Well located; posses- sion end of escrow. $19,000 Balboa t Lido Isle Lovel 4-bedroom home com- ple ~ly furnished. I ' $25,000 Lido Isle Phone: Harbor 343 Beautiful, modem 6-unit furnished apartments, 6 garages with overhead doors; laundry room. Near Lido theatre, and waterfront. Shown by appointment- $26,500 Three large bedrooms, bath and ¥2 bath, hall; large closets upstairs. 15x24 living room ; dining room, kitchen, dinette, service porch down- stairs. Ganlen apartment in basement. Entire house newly and beautifully decorated. This home is on an ocean front comer in the neck of Balboa Peninsula 'h block from bay. Posses- sion end of escrow. Shown by appointment- $25,000 Two-story, 3-bedroom, exquisitely furnished home pn ,Lido Isle; 3 'h landscaped lots, wall enclosed. Early possession- $35, 000 55 Feet business frontage on Coast including 3-room furnished house- lilghway, ' $11,500 Wide range of Harbor District vacant and improved pro- perties. . . . What do you want? Maybe we have it. FRED BRIGGS or DAN HEAD -with- H. M. LANE -REAL ESTATE 504 West Center St., Anaheim Phone Anaheim 4TI4 collect l.Z-tf< STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahoe· A beau-tif-ul home $2_8 •_000 4-~ home, 75-ft. front-• any use. Beautiful tone. Med· In Costa Mesa's WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU 4-Bedroom, completely refin· ag Large patio and barbe-2006 Court Ave. lum size. DANZ . SCHMIDT best residential district. Large Uv--ished and newly decorated. CU-~. Flowers; shrubs. Im· Opp. City Hall Just Arrived PIANO co., 520 No. Main. ing room and dining room, 4 B. A. NERESON Immediate possession.· meQiate possession. 43·ltc .,.,,.h Hearing Aid Santa Ana. 38-tlc bedrooms. 2 baths, flreplace, REAL ESTATE $I 7,500 $29 500 =~=::::=:::==::~~::::::==:;:--===========· S n f II II ' REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 48 AUTOMo--11 ~-•• BA TTERJE MUSICAL II RADIO M oor urnace, wa to wa car· Insurance and ... ~ ·~ - Ounderwon Drul' Co.. RAD OUSE CALLS-pets. Double garage with laun· Buatness Opportunities 1932 NASH COUPE, good corid. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 IO H dry. Lovely lawn and fl owers. 197'2 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa B WILL EXCHANGE rent of small If Now that additional competent "15 750 Pho Beacon 5225 43-ltc alboa Peninsula "ot $3000 house In L.A., Bev. It Vermont, 2 spare Urea, $350. 426 30th SL, 90-c technicians are available, we are ~ ' for what have you on Bal. Ill NeW}X>rt Beach. 42-2tp ---------, ---able to make service calls oo -F JACK SULIJVAN • Permanent or ? Phone L. A. ------------ Auto Battenes large consoles. All work guar· Completely furnished . I FT 8865. 39-4tc AUTO BEBVlOE • -Rubbe .. Separaten anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM. 2 Bedroom Home Real Estate Phone Your Listings In ----·------ ·1s.m<lnth -$6.75 Ex. Oi'I S.OS. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. eut side of Costa Mesa. Lot 50x IN CORONA DEL MAR d will gl th 1 TRADE for Costa Mesa or Corona Compounded Motor Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc 127~. Refrigerator, wuhlng -an we ve em e consideration del Mar, near Riverside, 2 fer· Gallon, 70c • d ' R • machine, rabbits and hens. Fruit HOMES tile comer acres, attractive, NOW HERE -Ra lQ epairs trees. 2 newly completed 2 bed.rm. home&, , well built four extra large Western Auto S upply All makes; tubes, etc. Price only $5350 J M M I L E R i · 1 1 trl B 5763 nice runette. fireplace. dbl. gar-, • rooms, irep ace, e ec c range. Authorized Deal~ eacon Will take house trailer as part age with laundry room. 4 Value $7500. Phone owner Har· 1836 Newport Blvd., a.ta Mesa BURT NORTON payment. $10,000 l:>th & Central· • Neryort • Ph. Harbor 1242 bor 1161-R. 41-tfc 915 Coast mg11way, Newport -_ 43-ttc 11 --0-NmY=_,,ro,,....LO-,-AN.,.-----....,..,16 VENETIAN BL.INDS-Aluminum. -23·tfc J . E . Barnes & Son One of the finest · homes in this steel, wood. Call us for free estl· SEE the new style world famous 1806 Newport Blvd. vicinity on the ocean front, large Balboa Island Home ~I/ Ocean Front LOANS TO BUILD. buy, unpro"' mate. Renovation a: refinishing. upholstered pianos. Many colon Costa Me&a Ph. Beacon 5320 living room. with fireplace, den 2 bedroom. Furnished. 3 m. 2 baths, attractively modernize or refinance. So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., to choose from at DANZ--43-ltc also hu a fireplace. The beat of $11,000 ed home, gO<MI condition, Newport Balboa Federal Sa.tog• West 18th aitcrNewport Ave.. SCHMIDT PIANO CO .• 520 No. F OR SALE---3-bedrm., ~rm. frame construction in every respect, a -loc tion and immed occupancy. and Loan ,A.aodat1cu Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. Main St., Santa Ana. We alao house modern with garage 50-ft fin e gu .. t house in rear. If you Ocean Blvd. Lot $l5 ,750 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor lllOO 3S-tfc rent pianos. 38-tfc ' · are interested in the best, see __ ...:,..________ lot. newly painted inside and out, this home at once. $3,000 _w_ANTED ___ ro __ 8_UY _____ 5_1 ru;:?~~~ 5i!'1~~J>;;arg':i~: ~~;'1 ~0 ;::'d;;:~:· to':!'i"i::'. $50,000 Bay ~ t Lot NewPort Heights FOR SALE-Fon!aon tractor, new . CASH FOR USED FURNITIJRE. Other used pianos u low as 5 min. to Newport Beach. Posd. -'" on Furn shed 1 bedrm. home. Offer· tires, reuonable. Phone Beacon PHONE BEACON 5538-J. $85, $87, $l25, $175. DANZ-at once. Located in Newport INh COSTA i:E~A-Flne ~ ~· Good Location. Priced to Sell. In beautiful view of bay. 5508-W. Jack's Service, comer 23-tfc SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 5:io No. Heights. Sell my equity. Owner ome in t ocatioln, Myr. obe, 2 S -II H $8,500 17th It Santa Ana Ave., C<Jsta Main, Santa Ana. 38--tfc occupied. 457 Santa Ana Ave., on a large corner ot. uat ma OUBeS _ Mesa. 40--4tc WANTED TO BUY-Need immed· Newport He•tt~ta. 4Z-2tp seen to be appttdated. A bar· On Lot Zoned for Bualneaa lately. cO<MI. clean light car. ArVin & Emerson ""' gain today at-.,10,500 . Balboa Peninsula AUTOMOTIVE a TDIEll 118 Price no objecL Phone Hunting· RA D I 0 S H 0 M E S "12,500 • Oce• view. Attractive 4 bednn. FOR SALE OR TRADE-'36 01ev. :ton Beach 3521 . 1 38-tfc ~Hour Radio Service of · 1' _ -~ 3 bathrooms. Th.is home ls 4-dr. sedan. 200 miles aince mo- 57 Your authorized Olryaler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Export Mechanlca Kendall and Quaker State ol1I NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. 1 Phone Harbor 156'-J WlLL P.AY CASH "" your tur-Sh rt c· "t Rad' REAL VALUE IN EMERALD BAY-A beautiful w. L. JORDAN ~jexcellent location and con-tor rebuilt, n.W brakea, clutch ttJ.ture or wb&t have you... Ptu:me 0 lrCUl 10 _ new 2 bednn. home large romm 700 Eut Central, Balboa '1on. • and rear end. Clean and xlnt Beacon 5656. 0 . R. Crawley, SOii Palm. Balboa $-bedroom home on ~ acre. 2-car throughout with a bl& fireplace; ' Phone Harbor 153 ' 36-tfc $30,000 running cond. Want old car and ===-:-------- lBll Newport Blv .• C..ta Mesa ____ Pb_one __ I_638-__ w ___ U-_tfc &ara.&e and utility room. Good 67 IL frontage with a gorseoul ------------• casb. Pb: Harbor l!J9G.J. 42-4tc TSAU..,.. G 30-tfc llPEOlAL ANNOIDl<SKl:NTS II district. First time advertised. view of the ocean. • EV A F. RHODEN1 U El Bayo FOR SALE-'32 Plymouth 4-door; TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do )'GUI' • TYPEWRITERS -This Is a real bargain at only $26,6, 00 _ S.room dupiex with gO<MI tjrea, new paint. Sell "°" ""'1 haullnc . >pd mavlng. All FIJJUQTUIUC P'OS SALE a $10,500 _ tnlcted view. Immediate $275. Fib: Beacon 54.35 or Be"""° new equipment, $2.25 and 12.!IO .iOOD. used. roc:ondltioned Gu a?~~~~& _ LOTS Lido Isle wi va ~n and bay front ad-511111-W .,,... 42-4tc per clay. We furnlah the hitch. •---ea, $13.95 .. Harbor Furnl· ,:.,_ •• ,.;,__ ' 2·bednn. home on •·-e level lot. TWO GOOD BUYS :i..tory 2-bednn. home th at· · ,.20 500 Myrehn lll'OI. Servi~ Statlcn, f;;.".' l962 Harbor Bh"d.. a.ta ~~... Good district. c-=:. • be bought tached 1arqe. All roocm are • , For otnce ..,ppu.., see the cor. 17th It Newport Blvd., Coot& Meaa. 39-tfc ROBERT'S furnished°' unfurnished. Better 90 ft. on Polnaettla. 120 ft. from 1arP-·with !Ivins room ~ -N-.nmea. . Kesa. 42-4tc BUNK BED. Complete with mat· ~~ ~Kl hurry on ~s7on,5e0.0Prlced at only ~· Make an cil!er Oii all or entitt front ol houle. \0 ~ Corona del Mar AftOll WAIH&D ••'DTOll WAHID • ~. ·-'--·It ·-~-. Harbor ~tfc • 20 from bay.$20 000 2 apt., fairly new. Hanf. _.:.._ ___ _;_ _______ ..:....;,;.:::....:=------u-.,.. ···---80 ft. on Poppy, fenced, with w od n It f Furniture. 1962 Harbor Bl,"d., ----------avocado trees. A real buy at _'.._ i. Lise. 00 " room °' another WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS Costa Jlleaa. 39-tfc Carpenters Available J.=m..!.iuri:.:~.~'i"C:i:~~~ $5950.00. -NewPOrt Blvd. I ' $6,900 and Will Pay Top Prices BRAND NEW unfinished cheatll ot for g<neral maintenance acaped. Cloae to Newport Blvd. Comer lot, 63 feet frontagie on _ ~ clrawen, all aiz.s. Harbor Furnl· and ttpalr $7 ,975 Summer Rentals Blv. Excellent buaU-l°"tlon. B lboa Peninsula Lots ~ ture, 1962 Harbor Blvd., a.ta 0 _ z. •ftllEBTllO. lf _ One in Corona de! Mar far 2 er 3 $6000 'I SEfJ, YOUR CAR NOW Wblle Prlas are BJcb, Ma&. 39-tfc Call 'Hart>ar 83 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU months. 3 bedrooma. A wry nice -for $2960 & up FOR SALE-Gu ranee; Hot-Point 114-tfc -heme. _ EVA F. RHODEN elec. Wllter heater; pre-war kit· ____ K_E_Y_S~---B . A. NERESON LISTINGS APPRECIATED chen sink. 121 E. Bay Front, Kade Wbllo .... Walt REAL ESTATE Balboa Island 41-4tp VOGEL'S Insurance 'and FOR SALE-Rue and pad, 9xl2. 100 llalD St., Balboa Bualnea Opportunltl .. F. JACK SULLIVIAN 1213 Cout HlCllWat . CORONA DEL KAil ~tor . OHN E . SADLEIR .470 N'-ew-poc.....<rt mvd., Coota -302 Main SL, Balboa ELTON D. BARNETT, Brolr<r Ph. Beacon 5713-R Phone Har. 2034 '3-2tc '3-ltc All wool. &ood oondltkln. Harbor JOI Kartne, Balboa Ilf\l.Dd 197:? Newport Blvd., Costa Ms. ~. 41-3tp -Ph: BeaCOCI 5225 43-ltc Pb: B•Di 5876-J ~ltc 1'w ~ Prmtlac OIJl 12 or J.S. --:::< Df.-tn--:Canlllll::-7'::-T-~-:;:--a-:Llfe.c:-:-_; • .:·'..'~ -l. ---... ~ .. . Alone for OUI' wut..._ buyer who wlD call and adv ... you ~ OPA ~ m!1!n1 pdm9 and amiiip ... detalla aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET CX>., Inc. °""'--QI n .., :cbe=·~•n:. .. .,. -W• Otillnll. Ncwpan B •, a o.. a a r rt•._. . -... t I :-• -· u • I • :'.. ) • • . , · lf&WEWI •••.BOA :N&W»'fi!•!!•!..,. 1'!!!!!!1!!!.!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!~!!i.. ' ,....n_• _____ -__ ----;1 Ajr Base Sllney A~. ~urwitz to Open Stanley Almost St ked H·1s =~~~er a~ a::~ C.. R. ST AAF Started by County Office m Newport -Enter1,1.._..t -. tunmbod M 0 0 R I N G s E R v I c E Oran&e ;;.,...,ty oupervi.n .... ~g i!:.~ J~w ~ Way Around GI . Vis•1ted Q>u~ ~men~~ ofw~= ~~..: ':-~ ~ considering acquiring the Sonta i;;;::.:.:ifiee at . 1 ~ • f last Monday owning at Lesion Precident of the orcanlzation II ,.."""""" Installedt t and£ .,_,,,_. -. Ana A\,ny Air bue for Ille .. a from ·~:'he,,,"':":!. been 8 c [ • • E I 20' hall In N..,port Beach with the R. Dee Woodwanl ot Laguno -----·~= public center and to this end have -~ ~th his brother, 1 ountr1es I ar y s Newport -. ch ~t .. Beach and teen!tary Is Ralph T. lfi'oys Painted and Lettered . asked Oiarles IL Diggs, engineer Samuel Hurwitz. both before and hoot. Johnoon, allO of Laguna. ,. t ;t for the county planning commls-after the war Departments represented were -.... + Ilion, to make a survey or fadll-· Newport Beach Laguna Beach, stock at the News-Times. \ Phone•, Harbor 1698-R Ues at the base, to make recom-Mr. Hurwitz Is "" stranger to Not tha t he would parttcul~Jy A an Italian lhlp out of TusUn, State F.;..,.try, Naval Air throuP N.,...Tlmea •<IL mendations for its use and to de-Newport Beach for he worked u recommend It for every younc Port d he went to Aden and Station Santa Ana and South for Prompt Service termine the cost of maintenance a.n accountant in the South ~t man, but Realtor Earl W. Stanley then Shanghai-as a wireless Coast Boat Co. DrtN OU'ef'Ull:;y-8pve a Life. of its 1400 acres and extensive company eight years ago while of Newport Harbor took a year off Ol)era or, beca.Wte he could speak ~---------=---:-:--:---:-::---::----:-;----------::====' ==================y jbulldings. also atte.rtdin& law school .at the and Worked-and-bummed hlli way Eng • He then stowed away to (Political Advertisement) r Oty officials of Santa Ana University of Southern California. around the world. ~ag ... and after a bi~ of dif-• YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. --tr- Journeymen Painters, W orld War I I seek- your permanent good will and patron~ge through the use of only 1st grade matenals and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable p rices. --tr- PHONE L. L. BEAN • Harbor 2645 . I •• ,~ of the He saw !Jervice for three and H d friend started out with ftcul th Japanese police over which contro s one-uuru If "th th e an a · 1 ck of · he t his d 1 h ve in- a ha years overseas wt e $2lO betw them and after his his a VlS&, ae ~=e ~u~ase wuts H. U:· S: Anny, both with the legal friend dro~ out' of the Mara-for the mid-Pacific and Warner and Fred Rowland that di~on of su~e headq,uarten thon, Stanley went on alone--a.nd home the are willing to cooperate in under General Eisenhower s com-after visiting 18 forel.gn coun-r a year and a day a':"ay. Y bl d 1 t mand and also at the American tri ba k with 93 Olinese these shores looked good to him. any reasons e eve opmen . <'mbassy in London. es came c dollan! B Will Cl • • • • He left Pasadena High school 08e Boy Cyclist Killed Arctic to Berlin to Join the Navy in 1917, and ·~t ;ary Day in In Huntington Beach. A dynamite explosion set off 01 18 months as a gob, returning f La • ' the Arctic island of Nova Zembla to school to study and play foot-Q rvance 0 W Name Newport Driver in December, 1933, was detected ball: he w~ a teammate of the So thern California, in line with in Berlin, mor e than 2,000 miles famed Babe Horrell: wh? ,became the e(ltire state. will be "dry" next HUNTif.JGTON BEACH. May a y,•ay. University of California s All-Tuesd.ay, June 4. date of the pri- 28.-Gilbert Coller of 210 Via San American center . · m election, according to Wm . Remo. Newport Beach, was named From Occidental College, Stan-G. nelli, fourth district member by Police here as the driver of ley took off around the world. He of th State Board of Equalization. t he automobile which is said to worked his y,•ay to New York,' got Bo elli cites., Sec. 59 of the Al· THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PHYSICAL have fataJly injured Gary Marques, 1 a job stoking coal on the S. S. ·coho c Beverage Control Act, 14, of Watsonville, a ~icy~list. on P ennsylvania, jwnped ship at whic prohibits. selling. givi~g highway 101 near this City over 1 Southampton, England, worked awa or furnishing any alroholtc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~~~;'h~e~w;ee;k;;en;d;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 1 for a time at Stoke-on~Tr.ent, beve age in any election _pr~in~t I y,.-here his present father-ln·law, or di trict where an election ts tn Frank Twitchell , was .drillini for I pro ess during hours Y.•hen the I oil for the British governmc>nt. polls ~e required to be kept oj)('n AND MORAL . COURAGE '. HYDRA -MATIC S P ECIA L IS T S Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs P LENTY OF GENU INE PARTS AVAILABLE. Raymond BR ING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. GARTNER -for- STATE FACTORY TRAINED MECHAJ'llCS ASSEMBLY • (7th District) Stands for the Average Culbertson Chevrolet Co. lndl"idual Backed by no special in- terest groups. minorities. nor anyone \vho \vill con- trol my \'Dice and vote. . . ,... 3011 W. Central l} Chewolet & Oldsmobile Dealer -Newport Beach A Vote for RAYMOND GARTNER Is a Vote for UNINCUMBERED REPRE'!ENTATION This business was started June I st, 1921. Twenty-five years of serving the autoing public of the Newport Harbor District. I n 1940 installed a complete Ford Dealership in H untington Beach. This operation has grown so that a 75% expansion is planned just as soon as m aterials etc. are available, and this expansion will include a complete body and paint shop and a large stockroom. Both of our dealerships now that we have more me- chanics will be able to take care of all makes of cars and trucks· when pa rts are available for them. Special atten- tion will always be given to Ford P roducts. Also celebrating the "Automotive Golden Jubilee" The 50th a nniversary of the Automoti ve In d ustry, in which the Ford Motor Company and its dealers has played such an important part. v.uM;Xf~ "/bbms SALES ~ SERVICE Newport Beach Z2ad II C.tnl Tbeodore RolUa, dM'er 0 . B. Reed. sales manager 0 . H . Briscoe, service manager Georgl! Bersch, manager parot Dept Mrs. E. Everette, bookkeeper Floyd Sedan, mechanic Atwood Earle, mechanic Merle Bersch, mechanic Oils Weatherwax. mechanic Jack Fellner, lubrication Bob Robins, parts dept. I H untington Beach 5Ul II Olive Tbeodore RoNne, dealer Calvin Nagel, manager L. T. Van Cleave, service manager Mrs. E. Everette, bookkeper Charlie Troi!den. mechanic Bnice Van Oeave, lubrication On to Paris and a job Y.ith the for ting. 1 American RE'd Cross and to \Var~ v ing hours on June 4 in all saw. \\'hPr£' he became charter pr('('· cts ar e from 7 a.n1 . (o 7 p.m. member of thC' first American Le-and • ne lli points out it will be ! gion post in the P olish capital. illeg 1 to dispense alcoholic bc\'- \\o"orking his \\'ay 10 Nice. Monte erag s during that period. I Carlo and to ~1 ars<'illes, h e-be- came. a crewman on a J apanese F rm Production Up ship bound for Port Said. For six Pr uction on American farms days of the voyage he ate ~y per •orker today is more than 30 a nd rice-it \vas chi~fly an Inllian per nt above the le\·el in the ~e'"-;-and he hasn t eaten rice ye immediate ly preceding since. Wo~ War n . The Department of griculture a ttributes this to E L E C T the lertness of farmers in adopt- ing odern methods a.nd devices. Fred HOWSER ATTORNEY GENERAL Pledged to serve • All THE PEOPLE •All THE TIIE 0 er Drivers Safer Sa ety sur\'eys have determined that the most dangerous a ge for auto obne drive rs is from 15 to 2o ars. To this group is attri- but twice as many acciden ts and ive times as many fatal ac- cide ts as to older drivers. Walter E. HEAR WALTER E. TIPTON KVOE 1490 on Your Dial MONDAY, JUNE 8, 10:15 P. M. Yo u Want the Best You 're Entitled to THE BEST ' YOUR VOTE 1 • Can Give You! , ••• That's Earl W. Stanley ~ RETAIN ( WILLIAM G.'._ __ BONELLI (IMCt"MIDn) ·+ ' • • FOR State Assembly, 74th Dist. . . * A Man of Proven Ability , * Offering His Services To You . * The Assembly Needs This Man ~ . * Your Friends Have Endorsed Him I BE SURE TO VOTE·· I MAKE IT COUNT FOR I EARL W. STANLEY X --,_ -~- • . . j sta"n.;y For As•iiblf c;iiin;11ili1 Braden find-. General Chairman \ ' • I • • Pueuc NoTicEs tim'D'IOATZ OP BU81NZ88 Flctltious Finn Name THE UNDERSIGNED do here- by certify that we are conducting a cleaning: bw:inea at 1844 Har- bor BNd., Costa Mesa. California. under the fictitious firm name of Mercury Oeanera & Dyers and that said firm ls composed of the following pe:rsons, whose names ln full and places of residence are u follOW'I, t~wtt : _ William Powell. 259% Gnnd Avenue. Long Beach. C.allfornia. Betty Powell. 259% Grand Ave- nue. Long Beach, C&llfomla. Robert Powell, 259% Grand Avenue, Long Beach, California.. WITNESS our hands this 22nd day of May, 1916. WILLIAM POWELL BETI'Y POWELL ROBERT POWELL S tate of California ) C.otmty of Orange ) a.. ON THIS 22nd day of May, A. D. 1946, before me, NOTa S . Mar&· warth. a Notary Public in and for the said County a.nd State. residlDg therein, duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared Wil· liam PoweD, Betty Powell,. and Robert Powell known to me to be the persons whose names are aub- acribed to the within instrument. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto tet my hand and affixed my official aeal the day and year in this Cer- tificate first above written. ' NORA S. MARGWARTH, Notary Public in and for Orange County, State of Callfornia. (My Commission Expires January 28, 1950.) !SEAL) Pub.-May 23, JO. June 6, 13, 1946 Cl:RTIFtCATE OF BUSINESS Fictitious Flrm Name • .. .-_,. ... 1N8 Puauc NOTicu PueL1c NoTICE Puauc NoTic:u PuaL1c NoTicE Pue 1c Nonca PuaL1c NoTicE PuaLIC NoTica RESOLUTION OF INTZNTJON fled clay pipe home connect1cna. euterly .from ~-Avonue, northeutaly from the center line man11o1... cut iron manhole u shown on -ts Nos. 9 and 21 of Cove Stn!et produced southeast-betw NO. an frames and coven and appurten-of said piano; and In the !Int el'ly. aa ahown on sheet No-22 of Poppy GLENN DRIVE U.. aoutheasierly Une of venue iroduced southwest- and -roru>ectlcn sewer lines by said Oty 'lttuurer, all u _. are to be coostructed. with the vlcl<d In the ''ImJll'O"""'O"t .t.at class ot pavement and/or resur-ot 1911'", hereinafter referred to. RESOL1J"l'ION OF THE CITY ant work ln connection therewith; ALLEY said plans. COUNCllL OF TBZ CITY OF ln ' lying southeasterly from Femleaf TWELF7H: 'nM?-construction of NEWPORT BEACIL CALIPO&-IRIS AVENUE Avenue, between Seavlew Avenue vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewer, NIA DECIAIUNO IT8 INTEN-between the southwesterly line of and Bayview Drive and-extending lamphole and appurtenant work in TION TO OBDZB OONSTIUJO-the !Int alley lying IOUthwesterly IOUthwesterly aaoa Bayview connection_ therewith: ln the north· Tl.ON or A 8 ANITA a y from Bayview Drive produced Drtve to connect with manhole westerly aide of Fern1eaf Avenue, SEWER SYSTEM IN OCZAN' southeasterly and the northeaster-No. 8 to be constructed hereunder. between the center line of Cove BOULQAllD AND CERTAIN' Jy line of the first alley lying u shown on sheet No. ll of said Stn!et produced southeuterly and OTRE& 8TIUZTS, ALLEYS southwe1terly from Seavlew Ave-plans· and ln the first a point distant 150 feet northeut- AND EA8EJlllENT8 IN (00.. nue produol'd northwesterly, u ' ALLEY er1y therefrom, as shown on sheet RONA DEL MAR), SAID CITY: shown on sh.eel No. 4 of nld plana. lying southeasterly from Golden-No. 22 ot said plans. DECLAIUNO THE WOU. TO FOUR'nl: The conslnlction of rod Avenue, between the first al-nnRTEENTH: Th~ construc- BE OP lllOBE THAN LOCAL vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers. ley lying southwesterly from Bay-tion ot vi~~ clay pipe sanitary OR OJU)IN~Y PUBLIC BEN· manholes, cast Iron manhole view Drive and Bayside Drive, ~erch virifiedphol clay d plppurtpe wye EP1T AND DESCRIBING THE frames and coven and appurten-C!'Olling Bayview Drive at its in-ran es, am e an a en- :OISTIUCT TO BE BENEFIT-ant work ln connection therewith; tenection with said alley, and ex-~t wor~ in connection therewith; TED BY SAID wo:ax AND TO ln tending northeasterly into Bayside m the fll"St PAY THE COSTS AND EX· JASMINE AVENUE, Drive to connect with an existing PENSl'.8 AND FIXING THE LARKSPUR A VENUE. manhole, u shown on sheet No. TIME AND PLACE SET FOB MARGUERITE A VENUE, 12 of said plana; and In the tint HEARING OB.IECTIONS TO ORCIUD AVENUE, and ALLEY SAID WORK. POINSt:l"l IA A VENUE, lying 90Utheasterly from Helio- between the southeasterly exten-trope Avenue, between ~ fint sJon and the northwesterly exten-alley \yln& aouthwesterly from slon of' the first alley lyine IOUlh-Bayview Drive and Seaview Drive, westerly trom Seaview Avenue al croulng Bayview Drive at Its in- lts offset intersectlon1 wtth said teraection with said alley, as shown Jumlne Avenue, Larkspur Av~ on sheet No. 13, of said plans; and The Oty Council of the Oty of Newport Beach, Caillonlla, pursu- ant to the provisions of the ''Im- provement Act of 1911," beina Parts 1, 2 and 3, Division 7 ot the Streets and Highways Code ot the State of California. does re- solve as folloWI: DESCRIFI:!ON OF WORK Section t. That the public in- terest and convenience require, and that It ii the Intention of the Oty Council of the City of Newport Beach, California, to order the fol- lowing work to be done. tcrwit: FIRST: The construction of vit- rified clay pipe sanitary sewers, vitrified clay pipe chimneys, vitri- fied clay pipe house connections, vitrified 'clay pipp--wye branches, manholes, cast J Iron manhole frames and coven and appurten- ant work In connection therewith in the following streets and alleys: nue, Marguerite Avenue, Orchid ln the tint Avenue and Poinsettia Avenue, all as shown on sheeta N oa. 4, 5, 6 and 7 of said plans; and ~n POINSE'ITIA A VENUE. ORCIUD AVENUE, and MARIGOLD AVENUE, between the southeasterly exten- sion and the nOt'thwesterly exten· slon of the first alley lying south- westerly from Coast Bou1evard at its offset intersections with said Poinsettia Avenue, Orchid Avenue and Marigold Avenue, all as shown on sheets No. 9 and 21 of said plans: and in ALLEY lying aoutheasterly from Larkspur A venue, between Bayside Drl._"e and the tint alley lying south- wester-ly from Seaview Avenue, and extending northeasterly Into Bayside Drive to connect with the existing sewer in Bayside Drt.ve. as shown on sheet No. 16 of said plans; and in the tint ALLEY lying southeasterly from Marguer- ite Avenue, between the first alley lying southwesterly from Coast Boulevard and the first alley lying southwesterly from Seaview Ave- nue, as shown on sheet No. 17 or said plans: and in the first ALLEY lying northeasterly from Cove Street, between Fernleaf Avenue and a point distant 110 feet north- westerly therefrom, a.a shown on sheet No. 22 of said plans. FOURTEEN"Ill: The comtruc- tion of vitrified clay pipe sani· tary sewers, vitrifled clay pipe house connections, Vitrified clay pipe chimneys, vitrified clay pipe wye branches, 1ampho1es, man· holes, cut iron manhole Ira.mes and cover: in the ALLEYS in Block 337 of Corona Del Mar, as per map refconted in Mllce1- 1aneous Map Book 3, pages 41 and 42, records of Orange County, California, and Block I of Tract No. 323, as per map recorded in Miscellaneous Map Book 14, pages 40 and 41, records of said County, as shown on Sheet No. 24 of said plans. F'lfi"I EENTH: The construction of vitrified clay pipe and welded steel pipe sanitary sewer , cement concre te pier supJX>rts for welded steel pipe and appurtena nt work in connection therewith ; in facing conforming most nearly to TIME AND PLACE OF the pa.vement..,.and/or surfacing of HE.ARING the stn!ets ~ they existed at the SECTION 5. NOTICE IS time of the adoption of this Reoo-HEREBY GIVEN, that en the 17th lutlon of Int..,tlon. clay of June, 1916, at the hour tJl PLANS, PROFll.ES. DRAWINGS fOID' (4:00) o'clock P . M. In the AND SPECIFICATIONS Council OwnbeT of the Oty Coun- SEcnON 2. All of the said clL In -Oty Hall of the City Nifaj~~N'll'H: The ronstruo-work and improvement to be done, of Newport Bead\, any and ell e intenectkm. of Fern.leaf shall be oomtructed upon the per'ICftl having any objectionl to and Cove Street, of a r ein-grades, along the lines, be'tween the propoaed work or lmlJl'O'ft"' concrete pump and pump the polnta. of the dimenslons, at ment. or the extent of the aaea. , together with the instal-the places and in the manner ment district, or to the Plusx-ed f pumps, motors, switch-shown on the p)an&. proflles and grades, may appear and show conduit!. float, ca'>t iron drawings for· the construction ot came why said work lhoulcl Mt •alves, fittings, eoqipment sanitary sewers in Coast Boule--be done or carried out In aocard- and a tenances for the pump-vard and other atreeta ,alleys and ance with this Relolutkm ot tn- ing o~raw sewage, all as 'PU'-easements, being plan numbered tention. Protests ~t be ln writ- ticular shown on sheets numb-414, consisting of 29 sheets, and ing and must be deltW'ftd to the ered 28 and 29 of said plans. Standard Plam nwnbered 1002, Qty Oerk prior to ~ time set Also ln connection with said 1003, 1004, 1008. 10!50. 1051 , 1069 for the hearing. pump _,l!ltion, the construction of and 1060, on file ln the office of. IMPR.oVEMENT ACT a wel"f" wrapped steel pipe --The City Engineer of the said SEcnON 6. That all of the sure i· e lea~g from said pwnp Oty, and except as otherwise ~ work herein propoeed shall be done station northeasterly along Fem-vlded for on said plans in· further and carried tlu'ough ln pursuance leaf A nue and crossing Ocean accordance with S pecifications No. of an Act of the Legis)ature of Boulev to conneq with man-70 and specifications for the con-the State of California. designated hole o. 7 lo be constructed struction of sanitary sewers, said the ''Improvement Act of 1911", hereun er, u particularly shown specifications being on file In the being Parts 1, 2 ·and 3 ol Dlvlskm on sh t No. 23 of said plans. office of the Qty Clerk of the 7 of the Streets and Htgbways Also ln connection with said said Oty, and to which plans, pro-Code of the Slate of Callfornla. pump tatlon and said pressure files. drawing! and specifications PUBLICATION OF RESOLU- line. e construction ot a rein-heretofore approved by the Oty ' TION OF Il"n'ENTION forced concrete booster pump Council of the said Oty, reference SECTION 7. n.e. ''Newport cham r in the southeuterly side is hereby made for • further full BaJboa News-Ttmes" a seml-week- of Ferpteaf Avenue at its inter-and more particular dncriptfon of ty newspaper published and drcu- sectio"ttwith the first alley lying the said work, and by reference lated and of general circulation northe terly ot Cove Street, to-thereto the same are incorporated in the Qty of Newport Beach. gether th manhole, steel man-herein and made a part hereof. California, is hereby designated u hole ri g and cover, toge ther 'With DESCRIPTION OF ASSESS-the newspaper in which this Reso- the i allatlon ot pump!!!, motors, MENT DISTRICT lution of Intention shall be p.ib- switch board, conduits, cast iron SECTION 3. That the said con-tished b~· the Oty Clerk. ln the pipes, a1ves, fittings and appur-templated work and improveme nt. manner and form provided by law, tenanc for the booster pumping ln the opinion of the said Oty and for making all other publiea- of sew ge from said pump station. Council, ls of m ore than focal or lions in the proceeding under lh1I all as tlcu1arly shown on sheets ordinary public benefit, and. said Resolution of Intention. 23, 28 and 29 of said City Council hereby makes the ex-The Oty Clerk ts directed to In CARNATION AVENUE between the northeuterly line of Seaview A venue produced north- westerly and Ocean Boulevard, as shown on sheet No. 2 ot Mid plans: ALLEY BAYSIDE DRIVE : The construction OCEAN BOULEVARD between the south\\•esterly prcr longation of the northwesterly line a nd tn the first ALLEY The undersigned does her eby of Carnation Avenue and Golden- certify that th1;1y are conducting a I rod Avenue, as shown on sheets subdivid.Jng, developing land and No. 2 and 3 of the plans herein- the sale thereof busin<'SS at 1Z702 after referred to: and in the first lying southwesterly from Coast Boul~vai-d, between Marigold Ave- nue and the first alley lying nor th· westerly from Ma rigold A\'enue, as shown on sheet No. 21 of said lying southeastt;"rly from ~tarigo1d Avenue, between the first alley lying southwesterly from Coast Boulevard and the Cirst alley lying southwesterly from Seaview Ave- nue. as shown on sheet .No. 18 of said plans. along the soii.thwesterly extension of a \ lded steel pipe sewer pres.- of the alley In said Block I of sure 1 a nd appurtenant work in Tract No. 323, connecting with connec 'on there\vith the following the existing manhole in said Bay-a lley. treets and public easement side Drive, as sho"'Tl on sheet No. I to-wit : 24 of said plans. Ir¥ e first alley lying south- S~XTEENTH : The construction \Vester from Seaview Avenue, penses of the said work and im-mail notices ot the adeption of provement chargeable upon a dis-this Resolution of Intention to all trict, which said district said Oty persons owning real property pro- Council hereby declares to be the posed to be assessed ,,,..hose names district benefitted by said work and addresses appear on the last and improyement and to be as-equalized assessment roll for city sessed to pay the costs and ex-taxes, all in the manner and form penses the reof, and which district provided for under Section 5070, is described as follows: -5194 and 5195 of the "lmprove- Newport Boulevard, Route 1. Box ALLEY 337, Santa Ana , Calif., City of lying southwester ly from Bayview TUstin .. County ot Orange, State Drive. between Goldenrod Avenue of California , under the fictitiou.s l and Iris Avenue, crossing Helicr firm name of trope Avenue at its intersection ~tesa Development Company I \\'ith said alley and extending and that said firm is composed of northwesterly across Goldenrod the following persons, whose A venue to connect to m anhole No. names a nd addresses are as fol-9. all as shown on sheets No. 3 lows, to wit: and 4 or said plans: and in the first Mrs. Lillia n H . Cubbon, 1102 W. ALLEY F ourth St., Santa r\.na, Calif. lyinJ:: southwesterly from Sea view F. Roy Greenleaf, Jr .. 1102 W. I Avenue. between Iris Avenue and Fourth St.. Santa Ana, Calif. Jasmine Avenue, as shown on J ohn A. SiC'gel. Rt. 1, Box 337, sheet No. 4 of said plans; and in Santa. Ana. Calif. the first \Vitness our hands this 7th day ALLEY of }fay, 1946. I ty1ng south\vC'Sterly from Seaview ULLIAN H. CUBBON, I Avenue, between Larkspur Avenue ROY GREENLEAF. JR.. and Mar~uerite Avenue, as s hown JOHN A. SIEGEL. on plan No. 5 of said plans; a nd State of California, in the firs t County of Orange---u . On this 7th day of May, A. D. 1946. before me, Nora S . Marg· warth, a Notinr Public in and ~ far said County and State, resid- ing therein duly commissioned and IW'Dm, penoaally appeared Mrs. · Ulliam H . Cubbon, F . Roy Green· teal, Jr., John A. Siegel, known to me to be the per.ions \vhose names are subscribed to the within instrument. and acknowl- edged to me that they executed the same. In Witness Whereof, 1 have btteUnlo set my hand and affixed my ofndal seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. NORA S. MARGWARTH, Notary Public ln and for said County and State. My com- mission expires Jan. 28, 1~. !Notarial Seal.) Pub. May 9, 16, 23. 30, 1946. N'ew Crop Aids Soils ALLEY lying south\\•esterly from Seavic\v Avenue. between Marguerite Ave- nue and Orchid Avenue, crossing Marigold Avenue and Narcissu.s Avenue at the intersection of said alley with said Avenues, as shown on sheets No. 5 and 6 of.said pla ns; and in the first ALLEY lying south,vesterly from Seaview Avenue, between Orchid Avenue and Poinsettia Avenue, as shown on sheet No. 6 of said plans; and in HAZEL DRIVE between Coast Boulevard and manhole No. 59 to be constructed hereunder at the southwesterly end of said Hazel Drive, rui shown on sheet No. Z1 of said plans. SECOND: The construction ot vitrified clay pipe and welded steel pipe sanitary sewer, manholes, cast iron manhole frames and covers and appurtenant work in connec- ~on therewith, in that cer tain public EASEMENT between 'the existing sewer main at manhole No. 1 to be constructed Subterranean clover. imported hereunder and manhole No. 3 to froth Australia, is reviving the be constructed htteunder in the profit in America's exhausted nor'thweste.rly side of Carnation aotb by forcing its seed under-Avenue, as sho9.'tl on sheet No. 2 ~ This pasture, hay and seed of said plans. plans. FIFTI-t: The construction of vit· rlfied clay pipe sanitary sewer. vit- rified clay pipe chimneys, vitrified clay pipe wye branches. manholes, cast Iron manhole frames and coven and appurtenan t work in connection therewith; In the first ALLEY lying southwesterly from S eaview Avenue, betWeen J asmine Avenue and Larkspur Avenue. as shown on shect No. 5 of said plans. SIXTH: The construction of vit· riCied clay pipe sanitary sewers, vitrified clay pipe house connec- tions, vitrified clay pi pe wye branches, manholes, ca.st Iron manhole fTames a nd covers flJld appurtenant work in connection therewith: in the first ALLEY lying southwesterly from Seaview Avenue, be~·een Poinsettia Ave- nue and the first alley lying south· easterly from Poinsettia Ave nue. as sho\vn on sheet No. 7 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying south'-'·esterly from Seaview Avenue, bet\\'een Carnation Ave- nue and the first alley lytng south- easterly from Dahlia Avenue, crossing Dahlia Avenue at its in- tenection with said alley first described.· u shown on sheet No. 10 of said plans ; and in the f:lrst ALLEY lying southeasterly from Poinset- tia Avenue. between the first al- ley lytna southwesterly from Sea- view Avenul? and the first alley tyt ng southwesterly from Coast Boulevard, crossing Seaview Ave- nue at its intersection with said alley first described., as shown on sheet No. 8 ot said plans. SEVENTH: The construction of vitrified clay pipe sanitary sew- ers. vitrified clay pipe house con- nections, \i t:rified clay pipe wye branches. lampholes, manholes, cast iron manhole frames and cov- ers and appurtenant work ln con- nection therewith: In the first ALLEY lying southwesterly from Coast Boulevard, be~·een Mari11:old Ave- nue and the first alley lying south· crol? ii said to thrive in red soils THIRD: The construction of vil· whith are low in organic matter rified clay pipe sanitary sewers, arutihlgb in add. \;trifled clay pipe chimneys, vitrl-~-"~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~-'-'-~~~~~~~~~~~ Unquestioned Ability Unquestioned Honesty 15 years of actual, on-the-job experience as a law enforce· ment officer. R. I. MORRIS, State Peace Officer -ll'OB- SHERIFF OF· ORANGE COUNTY Nominate M0t1ls J11e 4! EIGH'Irl: The construction of vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, vi trified clay pipe, house connec- tiorui, \•itrified clay pipe wye branches. lampholes a nd appurten- ant work In connection there~ith : in the fir.it ALLEY lying southeasterly from Iris Ave- nue, between Bayside Drive and the first alley lying southwesterly from Seavie"' Avenue, and extend- ing northeasterly into Bayside Drive to conn~t with an existing manhole. as shown on sheet No. 14 of said plans; and in the first ALLEY lying southeasterly from Jasmine Avenue, between Bayside Drive a nd the fi rst alley lying south- westerly from Seaside Avenue, and extending northeasterly into Bayside Drive to connect with an existing manhole, as sh0\\'11 on sheet No. 15 of said plans: and in the first ALLEY lying southeasterly f.rom Narcis· sus Avenue, between the first alley lying southwesterly from Coast Boulevard and the first al1ey lying southwesterly from Seaview Avenue, as shown on sheet No. 19 of said plans: and in the first ALLEY lying southeaster ly from Orchid AJ.'enue. between the first alley lying south"•esterly from Coast Boulevard and the first alley lying southwesterly from Seaview Ave- nue, as shown on sheet No. 20 of saJd plans; and In the first ALLEY lying southeasterly from Dahlia A\•enue, between Sea\1ew Avenue and the first alley lying south- westerly from said Seavtew A•e- nue as shown on sheet No. 10 ot said plans. of Yitrified clay pipe and welded from anhole No. 31 to be con- stee1 pipe sanitary sewC'r, vitri-struct hereunder and Poppy tied clay· pipe house connection. AYenu . thence southwesterly manhole. cast iron ma nhole frame along Poppy Avenue to Hazel and cover , cement concrete pier Drive. thence southeasterly along suppor ts for welded steel pipe a nd Hazel Prive to the public ease- appurtenant work in connection ment .along the south"·esterly therewith: tn the side o Lot 35, Block A, of said ALLEY Tract o. 673 ; thence southeast- in Block 336 of said Corona Del erly a · ng said public easement to Mar. and extending northeasterly Glenn rive. all as shown on sheet across First Avenue and extend-No. 7 bf said plans. ing southwesterly into Bayside NTY-FlRST: The construc- Drive-to connect with an existing vitrified clay pipe sani- manhole. as shown on sheet No. er, vitrified clay pipe wye 25 of said plans. a nd appurtenant work in SEVENTEEN'rn: The con-ion therewith; in that cer- struction of vitrified clay pipe blic sanitary sewer. vitrified clay EASEMENT pipe house connection, vitrified the southwesterly side of clay pipe wye branches. lamphole, t 35, Block A, of said Tract manhole, casti on manhole frame 3. as shown on sheet No. and cover an appurtenant work ·d plans. in connection ther ewith: in as incidental to the loca- OCEAN BOULEVARD tion d construction of sewer between the southeasterly line of e br anches and pressure Poppy Avenue produced soutti-and along said easement, westerly a nd a point distant 175 requir the removal of the exist.: feet northwesterly from the center ing ca ch basin location along the line of P oppy Avenue produced south€f9sterly curb line of H azel southwesterly, as shown on Sheet Drive.4 and the corrugated iron No. 26 of said plans. pipe dfain along said easement and EIGHTEENTH: The construe-reconsltuct catch basin and corru- tion of vitrified clay pipe sanitary gated (Fon pipe drain, all as shown sewer, vitrified clay pipe wye on Sheet No. 7 of said plans. branches, manholes, cast Iron man-T\1i:ENTY-SECOND: The pav- hole frames and coven, and appUI°· ing ~d/or resurfacing of the tenant work in connection there-trend) In the Streets where the with; Ln aforeibentloned sanitary teWel'I LOOK"@ , All that certain territor y of the menl Act of 1911". of said.Streets City of Newport Beach, California, and Highways Code. included. within the exterior boun· POSTING OF NOTICE OF dary line shO\\'n upon that certain IMPROVEMENT map or plat numbered 414-A here-SECTION 8. The Street Super- tofore approved by the aty Coun-intendent of the Oty of Newport ci1 of said Oty on the 20th day Beach shall cause to be consplcu· of May, 1946, indicating by said ously posted along the line of said boundary line the extent of the contemplated work or improve- territory included within the pro-ment and along all open streets posed assesSment distric t, and the within the district liable to be said map or plat is on file in the assessed for said worlt, notices of office of the City · Clerk of the the passage of this Resolution of said City. Reference is hereby Intention, in the time. form and made to said map or plat for a manner provided by law. further , full and more particular PASSED AND ADOPTED by description of the said assessment the aty Council of the City of district, and the said map or plat Newport Beach, California, at an so on fiJe shall govem for all de-adjourned regular meeting thereof tails as to the extent of the said held this 20th day of May, 1946, assessment district. by the following vote, to-wit: DESCRIPTION OF BONDS AYES : Councilmen Allen, St1ers, SECTION 4. That serial bonds Isbell, Robert.son. Reed. bearing interest at the rate of six NOES: C.Ouncilmen None. (6%) per cent per annum shall ABSENT: Councilmen None. be issued to repreSent each as· APPROVED! sessment of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, or more, r emaining unpaid for thirty (30) days after the date of the warrant. Said serial bonds shall extend over a period ending nine (9) years from the second day of January next succeeding the next October fifteenth following thetr date. Payments on the prin- cipal of unpaid assessments and interest shall be made by prop.. erty owners to the Oty Treasurer, and the same shall be diabuned O. B. REED, h-tayor of the City of Newport Beach , California. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing Resolution of Intention was paued and adopted by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Callfomia, at the time and by the vote above stated FRANK L. RINEHART, City O erk of the Oty of New- port Beach, California. Pub. May 28 and 30, 1916. NINTH: The construction of vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewer, vitrified clay pipe hotu1 e connec- tions. vitrified. clay pipe chimneya, vitrified clay pipe wye branches, lampholes and appurtenant work. in connection therewith; ln the first ALLEY LOW COST TRAVEL lying southeuterl)' from Carna- tion Avenue, bera-een Seavtew Avenue and the first alley lylng southwesterly from said Seavlew Avenue, u shown on sheet No. 10 of said plans. - T£N"nf: The construction of vitrified clay pipe sanitary sewers, vitrified clay pipe house connec- tions, vitrified clay pipe wye branches, manholes with flushing device, cast lron manhole, frames and covers, and appurtenant work in connection thttewith; ln COVE STREET between the first alley lying south- easterly frun Femleaf Avenue and Dahlia Avenue, crouing Fernleaf A venue and exten'.dina nqrthw~t­ erly into Dahlia Avenu.t to the !lushing manhole No. 1 to be con- structed hereundei; as shown on sheet No. 22 ot said plans; and In SHELL STREET between the center line ol. the first alley lying IOUtheuterly from Fernleaf Avenue and extendinl northwesterly Into Sbell Stttet • d.Lltance of 103 feet, u lhown on sheet No. 22 of said plans. ELEVENTH: The construction ot vitrified clay pipe sanitary -- er, vltrltled clay pipe wye trand>- es. lamphole, manbolea. cat ln>n manhole h-and COWfSo and •PIJUrtenant work In ~ tt.aewith; la ~=:t I 11\nc -tuly !rem FomlMI A-bottlw a.. eoater llqe ot -Strftt piudueM -lbe"ft- I I I llo other form of pu · c tf-nsportatioo is u low in cost per mile f ~modem intercity bus-The low fares p along the <;.our Highway enjoy tocla direa produa ol Gteybound J...teqhip', Year dietyeiu~~opdba a>alittendy -. piooe ered oae imp U..another ill bw-.io:eaad t!ll"ii-•t·---m.-a- -mlyr•--ithe · I pa7foraliclctt. ----------___ , It actually cost! .,,,.., to operate your car than · cogobyGreyhoundl~G~ound':fin(• I ilooeoftheoununding~J!llhe . hftroryof aampomlioG. Toclay,wbilelheC01Cof •I-~. ei.e yoo bay • going ...,. Greybowtd c:oo- m. ..... to gift yoo waw•ieot. t.ec-·dian· j •• r I I T I I I I ,T I I I I I I I I I I I I • l i ;;1..;l;..;;l..;1'-"T-,;;,l_l_..;l'--1 -'l"-T,;,..;.l_l;;...l_•-...1 I • PAC I I GREYHOUND L 1·• 11 ' - • \ I I !.--------------------------------. .! .J"'b' and • point -150 feet • • ' • • • • NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES e I RISE TO R.DIARK ••• PROFESSIONAL ' DIRECTOR'r :i:.:= fu.opb -~-·1 ,_.;-..;,N__,.l"'"'"""W_.,...1 11...._.""""'";i;'r c..n !a. ct(\I·= .. ·= BOif. -PBJLUPll l'llQND• 1'i&WW u.-II Evan-';_. Goff.ar of tlae 12' ' llt. ..... -R s~• a...rcb ...... 1 .. -. , '7 MALA I V ..... mv1D We have been bol-" .... lnterett~ 11 e'al1 *- p ,, •• ~ " a • .,. v-D inl: hearlnp, befono ti; Commit-Evanc<Hst Glenn Ccllfv a6-c H u D " H Es Yoaa. mp -. 1n- 11u._,.;pt1oa i'a)'oble In Adwanoe: '2!!0 -1Mr ID °'-ClooalV: t~ on Acriculture, °" the IUbjoct nounces anolhor biz -at the A '11 tc_.,.. 6 :IO p. m. $2.'15 per )'ft' to 4th-. $3.00 per_.. to .. -of the int<rnational food situation, Hour ol l'Pophec:y tabernacle, --\L ______ .,;_ ____ .J\ ~ ....joe, T:a& o'doclL -----and Its nlatlon to food and f-S.. ...,. ol Bolsa and Old County Road. Mid-~ llld PIQW, ll:lotsed a Seeond-Oul -at the -ID Nawpt Bn'"b, As usual, the United States to N..._, Heights. Saturday nlcbt, OU~LA:!t ~·=EL W ·~· p.m. Calltomla, under the A.ct ol llarc:h 3-11119 In ••-~t1on of .....,. __ -•--•-June 1 11 the night you come and 11 L , --• --ua.: ~ ... ., ..... au•~~ 8unday Me 11: 8 tad 10 Liii. --.....-. II. A. MEYER -I'll-to be a Good Samaritan, and feed choooe YoW' ~ attorney-~ Cont-.: 8&lunlo,p ma st.MD. PORTER -GeDenl ··-the world, and ending up IUlpect-the topic Is 'Gttat Court Night. 4:00 to 6 :30 ..,4 .tram T:IO to OF OOD F . G. FROST Edit« od and critldud. OUr situation II A CLOSED DOOR LECnffiE a·ao 8::t' !'!; ....... -· W . F . DIXON • A4-tlaina ... _ not helped by the outbunU ot will be gt-Sunday night, June ' p.m_ --"""-' PriDtlnc Plant. 30ll w. Central Awnue. Newpwt -· c.utanda Mr. Lehman and Mr LaGuardla, 2. and no one will get in unleu aT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Ms~~ ~.:ua.m.a.m. , , N B L nor the critical comment.I of news-they have a ticket. 'ncketl will aalttoa IUnd .... ~ ..... Official Paper of tile City of ewpori•c11 papen in countries whlch In fact be •vallable tr... of chore• at the Bunda Kw· 8.80 ~ tic -at A D" '·No Local IMtttu',ss ,_ O.W n y_,. want and need our help. tabernacle up until the time of ~om· · k ... , .... -:! tron. 7:30 n.mi. A few days ago the London the lecture. The name of this ?·IO to 1.30 · ---.,-wd.~ aervtce, 1bunday at of CORRAL DUST "I'm gldd to be living in this atomic age ... but 'pace, not pieces' plc4lC'."-jAcr. LINDSLEY. Mail said that country wu secn!t lectW't! Is "The Mark of the · · p.m. 7:30 P-Dl; · · · "scraping the botton of the bar-Be-u~.'' ·~e Un~ble Sin," OOSONA DEL llAa ..;I' _____ _ rel to make good the commitrnenta the 11n which God cant forgive ii OOIDRINITI' Cllt1aCJll, c4UACt1 dF CHRl&T of America. .. Other papen car-Wednesday n1&ht'1 lecture: and OOMo•ro4ftON&L Ch&1fjdt and Walnut Street. ried aimilar, inspired artldea. lt 1 on Friday night, June 5, ,.the Perry l"reder"* smoelr., lllmRw L ma.,.. C.nby, Mlnleter. might be well to set do¥ln in speaktt will tell about 1~ 111 Heliotrope. 0... de1. llar Senteb: Suaday, 10 L m., Bible tmple figures, what the situation Thlev1!9 Caug,ht In One Church. Sunday, Jm. 2. 1lN6 Stud)'; t:. L m.. Morolnc wonhlp. really is. Ea_ch ni&:ht I program ... ~ fol· Oturdl IChool bu two ...me-.. I: Can anyone question the in her-lows· moving pictures 7 .20 • com-All bove primary dep&rtme t l'D8'l' Pot71t8QUAJm: CBUBCB ent willingness of America to munity sing 7:X>: question and tat 9 ·30 Becinnen ~ 1}r COSTA MESA share its food! Watch our bOya answer period 7:50; and lecture ~ ~t I.IN meet at ~ locat!cm., An\erican ACOO'llNTANT I. I. WHYTE IMIOOaa TAJ[ ~ .&•~ w ._ u.i .. ~ "'-' W7Pl • '•z• ,...._ .. ltloia wt~ a.cw &u ....... &.VDln • 8181WWW ••• • au w•-_ .._ ..._...,. a.ia.._ --- AWA IHlfiiCI' •• Armand Monaco ABClll'l'llC'l' 8lf W. llq AVe., B&n- -l'IU ttll •a• WOG41 An. Lie •spt)M NOa •""'1' W MAX HURWITZ A'ITOIL'n:Y AT LAW hill West Oea.tn.I. Aftll89 Barbor ltl-W ......... -:·z:;1•:.. E: Neff Woods, D.O • ... b .... . -. ...... ... -....... .._. ...... ~ .......... ... Raub & Bennett ..,..,..,_. ....... ! •• 1-Nwpw41Slft.. Ooata- '1'1111' s s e • a..w MUW,Oooltnl N-"""-Tel15t ae ....,..._ U1 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ .......... Houn :2~by~ Tolepbone Beacon 5IK8 m -~ 0oata •-abroad: they share their ratlona 8:00 to 9:00. 11 ·a.m. during the mon>lng churd! ..Legion Hall with the utlll!lemourished ot eve.ry hoUr BM' .... Jin. O. Wiiiard Ste&ru\'------------...J '------------...J country, particularly the ~hlldren. U. S. Courts Can Stop ll . a.m. Morning wonhlp Dur-' Puton Build Greater California! A new slant on California, which should allay the doubts of those fearful that the State's war-time growth was of ·mushroom nature and must inevitably slough off, Is given in the CWTent issue of the Coast Banker Magazine. The author, Earl Lee Kelly of the First California Com- pany, makes the case that the emergency gro~ was simply an acceleration of a process that has been going forward steadily half a century. Everything that has come about, he says and proves, would have come about anyhow, only without so dram3 tic a spurt. "In 40 years of continuous population growth (1900- 1940)." he writes in part, "the three Pacific States surpassed the national gain and that of every other geographical sec- tion by spectacular margins. The 40-year growth of the Coast was 133 per cent above the national average. Cali- fornia has grown at a rate five times that of the United States, rising from 21st in rank of States in 1900 to fifth in 1940. This growth was before the war! During the period since 1940, the population growth in California, Oregon and Washington was almost the same as the total gain registered by the 15 other States that showed an increase. The remaining 30 States Jost population during the period . . . California now is third in size of popula- tion, and economists predict that the State will pass Pennsyl- vania for second place by 1950. "California has come of age agriculturally and commer- cially and fs well on its way to industrial maturity . . . The principal factors in the situation are : People, money and cheap and abundant electric power. People create the markets!" The materials and the people are here. The real build- ing of California is the privilege of this generation! Protective Reasoning While UNO is bravely continuing its efforts to preserve a world front for social action, reverting nationalism is a force in the background which tells too well the story of in- ternational feru;. distrust, and Jack of faith in a common out- look. PerhaP8 the best recent index of this counter-trend is the proposal in Great Britain for construction of a new bil- lion ddlar deep subway system for protection of London's 10,000,000 inhabitants against atomic threats and possi- bWties. Reasoning of this kind, of course, is not peculiar to Britain, for American spokesmen have advocated similar protective measures-including decentralization of popula- tloos and location of induatry. underground. What It DOES SHOW, however, is the extent to which protective reason- ing continues to overshadow preventive action in the world; and,-since protective outlook is usually national, It also shows a reactive force In nationalism. While understandable In the light of what Britain ex- perienced In World War II, such a self-protective outlook on a national !ICll!e is a shadow which weakens the profession of faith In UNO. It shows the continuing depth of fear In the world today and sets up that sort of skepticism which Is 'Inimical to united and protective action; for, by the same token, where self-~ Impulse Is dominant there is seldom outright faith. ~our Food-Dollar 1be average family of three Is spending at the rate of $466.84 annually for food, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. This is at the rate of about $11 .00, or 2t,I, per cent, more a year than at the same time last year. All frultJ> and vegetables Including fresh, canned and dred, led the list with $133.38 spent per year. or 28.6 per CEJ!t of the average family food budget. Meat products were in second place with $100.90, or 21.6 per cent of the average expenditure. 11.e dairy products Wl!tt a close third, with the average spending $90.72 or 19.4 per cent of their total food cost. In this connection, each family Is subsi- dized by the government in tM amount of ·Sll.20 a year fer dairy foods according to the Department of Agriculture. Since this COll!IUlnet' .w.ldy'ls bl lb!r 1ban. for IDOlt> other foods, the total cost ol. dairy products as well as tbe per- can••g!! is higher than indli:ated. · ' Of special Interest to those consumers concerned with economy and• qulity •of foadl, i-et', .ts• tbe I amount of .aablents supPIJed by the appioxlmately 20 per cent ol. the f-1 budget spent for milk and its pl'Oducts, states the Na- tlcnal Dairy QJomidl . In 194.2 the Bunlm al.' Home Eco- nomics and Human Nutrition Ot the ·United States ~­ meat of Aotculture pointed out that dairy ~ QQllSUilled In thla country IQPlllied 78 per cent of all the caldum. 39 per cent o1. all the pbospborous, zr per cent of all the tats, lT per cent of all. the food dletgy, 24 per cent of all the ' That is just as character1stic, u E . ti . C ing vacation of minlater, Rev. Ju. n... n'Jl it Is apparently for others to get VlC ons In ases H . Batten will officiate. Sermon, Sunday School 9:30 L m. the credit,. and for us to get the '"'l'be Gulde and the Goal" MotnN worship service 10:'5. criticism. We have been sending WASHINGTON, May 28.-Fed-7 :00 p..m. Youth meeting. ~r service 6 :00 p. m. shipload alter shipload of grain eral courts can prevent eviction of Be.re«h service 6:30 p. m. to France, with a minimum ot tenants from rented houses. pend-FIRST CHURCH OF CHRllT, Evenil;tg evangelistic service at publicity. It was recently an-ing appeals based on ru1es issued SCIENTIST 7:30 o'clock. nounced that Russia was about by the Office of Price Administra-Lido Thutar, Cerrtr·al Avenue Tues~ evening prayer service to send wheat to France. It was I lion, according to a verdict ~-anct Via Lido at 7 :30Uo'clock. suppased to be carried in Ameri-\ dered Monday by the Uruted A branc!I of The Motber Church. FIR&""~M-E_T_H_O_O_IS_T_C-HURCH. can ships. When our ships arrived 1 States Supreme court. Tbe Flnt Church of Cbri.t, Sci-T at a Russian port. ror the &"Taln, enu.t, iD Boeton, M•••chuaetta. :tEdwln Oeher, P..,. there was none there, but a few B Ibo w·11 Ski 0 Swuloy School at 9:30 &. m. sun-Euclld t atanford, Gardon Grove. days later, one Russian ship. load-I 8 3 I p ne d&y Service at ll a. m. Wedn.-d.ay 8:30 m. Cburc~ ec.bool for all ed with wheat. did arrive .at a Day in weekend Race TuUmonl&l Meeting al 12 o'clock ..... I French port. and was met Wlth a Reading Room located at 111 11:00 a..m.. Komm,. Wonh.tp: band, and banners and a celebra-One day, Friday, will be skipped Palm street. Balboa, la open dally ll~: ''We Tbnk Thee." tion. Russia had sent food to in the Memorial Day series at Bal-from 1 p.m. to 5 p..m. except Sun-ll:OO:, LIL Nuraery for all chll- Fra nCt>! boa Yacht club >Aith races on May days and holidays nationally ob-dl"en d'J"UI' aervtce. I think some of the 45,000 prop-30 and June 1 and 2. Because of served. . 8 :00 p.m. Ket.bod.I& Youth Fel- aganda agents on the gove rnment the opening of the Coronado Yacht The pubUc la cordl&lly tnvtted to lowehipj. Youns Adult Fellowab.ip. payroll could devote some atten-club on May 30 this series fills in attend the church 9ef'Vlce. and uM 7 :00 p.m. Evening Wonhlp:- t . t f · cred!•• even ~e-e ·. "Come Ye Ltve." ion o oreign ..... for boats not able to attend. and is the Reading Room. -. 1 though it took t ime momentarily not an invitational affair. from their earnest efforts to make The five larger classes, Rhodes. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Chri8tian Science Topic our government here more like PC. PIC. Vikings and SnJpes will CHURCH Deno\inces Me8merism the Russian one. race outside with one race each 515 West Central, Balboa l.!.. - Let's look at the figures: The day at l ·.30 p. m. and the PC 14_ (E .... 11 ClubhouH) The poldeo Text or the Sunday """" Le1so-'?-tSermon In all branches or United States has furnished more foot dinghies and Balboa Dinghies Rev. Ardye T. Dean, Vicar The .N.other Church, The Fir1t than 40<f, of all the grain for the will have two races each day in 8:30 L m., Holy Communion. Cburcti!,.ot Christ. Scientist. In Bo• stan·ing people of other, coun-the harbor, beginning at 1 :30 p. m. 9:4~ a..m., Sunday SchOOI. ton, Is ~rom P11alms : .. My flesh and tries. It has paid 72% of all the 11 :00 L m., Momtnc Prayer and my befrt falleth : but God I• the costs of UNRRA. and has suir Sermon. (Fi.rat Sund&ya: Holy •tren~ of my heart. and my por· plied 80o/£ of all the grain UNRRA Some Tail This CommunJon.) tlon r~er. For, lo. they that are distributed. fa.r r thee &ball perish." "An· clent nd Modern Necromanc1. A year ago \\'e had a carry-over The longest tail on record is CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA &llas esmerlam and Hypnotism. of wheat of 281 million bushels. that of the Great Comet of 1843 Community Methodlft Denouqced" 11 the aubJecL The current wheat crop was 1,123 which was measured at nearly 1420 West Central Avenue A s~rtptural account from The l'l'!.illion bushels. We used 495 mil-200.000.000 miles. or more than Rev. Ill· D. GoocMll, Pallor Acta r•porta lbat "the people with lions domestically: 310 millions for twice the distance from the earth CblUC~ School, 9 :00 a. m. one afi"ord gave heed unto tboae feeds; 82 for seed: 20 for manu-to the sun. M91'Jlinl 1Vorehlp, 11 a . m. thlnp hlch Pblllp epa.ke, bearing facturi.ng needs, and are export-I Youth Felloweblp, e p. m. and B Ing the miracle• which be I ( I t l, Jy f 1· fl Ev nln W bl 7 did , .1 •• But there "·as a certain ng a m0& en ire or re ie period. We made no commitments e I" °" p. p. m . man. dalled Simon, wblcb berore- over 380 ·millions. That will leave but we did delive r ! By July we Mld~week prayer .ervtce, Wed-time 1q the 1an1e rlty u8ed .1orcerJ, us a carry-over of 117 millions or will have supplied. for relief, 380 ne.tde.y; covtted diah dinner, 8 :30 a nd b•wtrcbed the people of B• less. Translating that into indi-or more million bushels out of a p. m. maria. l'Klvlng out that hlm11clt ...... vidual shares. it means that each world total of Jess than 900 mil-aome Kfeat one : ... But when they person In the U. S. will have a lions. BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL bellevekl Philip preachlnc l h • f 8/10 f I b h I Th t 2 • tblnga lcon f'ernlnc the kln&dom of reserve 0 0 us e · a We are not ~ng for praise, 1 AV11te Avenue God. ali.d the name of Jeau1 Cbrlat. would carry us 90 days, a nd of nor for credit, ~r a generosity "ev. M•lr)' W. Whtt.e., they wire bapUzed, ... Then Simon course you can•t divide It that ac-which Ls just as natural to the A.ocfate Pastor him1el believed alao : and ..• he curatel.y. The new crop will soon u . s . as chewing gum, but we Church School. 8 :30 L m. cont1b ed with Philip, aad won· come in. could get along without being ?d oming Wonbip, 11 L m. dered, 1bebaldlng the miracle& and Without boring yau with siml-kicked in the face. Bigus "'f'hlcb were done." Jar figures for other countries, The left-wing organizations are NEWPORT HARBOR M&~ Baker F..ddy aay1 In ··set· f LUTHER •N CHURCH ence &tld Health with Key to tbe Canada will have a carry-over o starting a campaign, for some rea-""' Scrlptdree: .... All unaclentlflc meo· 6 bushels per penon, or a years son, to revive rationing. To begin Graue) Chapel, Costa Me:aa tal pnftlce ta erroneous and pow-e r- supply, and there are other. coun-with, we're getting food for re-Rh. Hffbert Roth, Pa.tor leae, &Dd •bould be understood and tries with sale carry-oven. What lief without rationing. and there Servicea: Sunday, 10:30 a..m. ao rendered. Cn1ltle1a. The genuine gripes the British papers. at the are two excellent reasons why Chrlsttfa,n Scientist 11 addln1 lo ht• sion UI asking that the wv reeenre take three months to print the Corner Walnut and Churoh ate. and 1• nt'reutn1 bl• patlent'• •ptr- of approximately 500,000 tons of books and set up the ration Costa Mela ltuall wbtle reatortn.c lllm t>bJ• CJLINlOAL LAllOBATOBY Clinical Laboratory Ottloo Mare: • -.... -by appoln-• TELEPHONE BABBOB 818 t8SS W. Ceatnl A.e. DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School IOZ Ooral Balboa blaDd o..-: Oollop, ~IT SUMMER SCHOOL~. G. L Mortimer, M. A., Odonl- Prlnclpal Pbone ·11arttor 112 DENTlllTS DB. GORDON E. RAl'P DENTIST :111SS w .. t Central Pho~ Barbor Ul ., Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST 2%02V, W. Central. Barbor HllO NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland ~tin . 1801 eo.ai m'"'I' · OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Harbor ZZ!O ··-1N8UBANCE Sandy F. MacKay ---INSURANCE-That' I All 1H E. Central Ave. Balboa -Barbor !581 OONRAD RICHTEB, M. D. ..,__.,_ 120 E. 18th St. COSTA MESA Hours: 1()-12 a.m.; 3-!5 p.m. Phone Beacoo5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill Physician am Sarp.a• 2209 Coast lsJVd. NEWPORT BEACH -PBONES- Offtce: Baz-bor tS&-W llatdie-: Bwbor 18&-& U ?i'o &m:w-er, call Barbor 6 Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Centrill Ave. -NEWPORT BEACH Plt.oae Barbor 10!1 No an.wer: call Be.coo 60f .. a X-Ray Service llllt<>n M. Maxwell, M. D. 1801 eoa.• m'"'I' Corou. del Mar Office Houn: 1<>-12 ; 2-5 Phone Barbor IOU S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor l'IU "' s. mu st.. Loe A..,- TUcker 11U By Appointment T. P. ~er, M. D. Physician and Surpotl 1001 Weet Bay A"" Telephone Barbor 60Z A. V. Andrews, M. D. J li'BYSICIAN oD4 81JBGEON moment. is that the Hoover mis-rationing Is not desirable. It would SEVENTH DA"Y ADVENTISTS patlen~ mental and moral po••. food. I l to l•-no--• Is •---· ... _ .. ...J a ...... --.. D\-· lcall.1 roucb dlTLDe .Line." supp emcn ary uc OIWU board.I again. The eme"'°enc:y a..--...a. -. ............ '-... _ .. • ----+----------'• ,, !'-------------' Tele....,,_ Barbor Hl.8-1 reserve and to food in transit. be for the next 90 days. The other Ing, 9 :30 o'clock. N~-T1.mel adftrt:UerMnta an. ~------------ reduced materially, or even wiped reason ls that under the OPA PrNCb.lns Mrvtce, 11 L m. your "* t.o eftkient l!pl!Ddlnc. out, just as it has been used, in the ration~ Items were always 1 the lntttnational food crisis, in the ones unneeesaarily short. FULL QOSP•L CHUlllCH all countries. The request hu been Think of butter and meat and 12n4 aftd Elden, eo.ta ... complied with. to date. to the ex· f •· a~. -.,. -~ 8:t6; .......... tent of 400,000 tons. We'll do better if we let the wonlalp. 11; ~ mntoe, The first demand on the U. S . DeparUnent of Aericulture work 7:30 p. m.; )lld..week Pl"Qlll' ... t- wu for 22.6 million bushels. from this out, with the help of the Com-1Dc" cm W..ts 'V. T:.S, p. m .; July 1945 to July 19t6. A few blned Food Boerd. c et rid quickly >"""'I people'• ....,...uauc Hntee House Cafe Pita•• 1181 LN-8-Jt, o.m. Uncoln National Ufe IDnrance Co. ''IY Jf ... bdlcaW. I&. ~· DON n:BNJGAN ...... Barbor!M·B -lll&rlDe A--Jal. Dr. W. T. Moolley l'llJlldM .... 8m&•• Nlatll -Cell- ...... CM-W.~> ..._ .. months lator thla wu l.ncreued of UNRRA which Is a complete • nteo.,., T:'6 ., m. ·--+---------· to 249.9, and within a few months failure, save foods individually .------------•1 ~-----------~ It wu umped to 506.5. The de-and collectively, and give full play Ir-------------+--------, N~w York Life mands against all other world to the normal willlngneu of the .,_. H wheat oupplies .... incnoued only p<Ople to help anyone who needs --oar Jn.surance Company from l,0'55 to 1,182 in the same help. Se • DON a. D1111ANT proteins, 27 per cent of all the vitamin A , and 48 per cent of all riboflavin Intake by humans In this country. With the increases in milk consumption since then, those per- centages are even biiber. •Ell MAlllE SEIVICE r ·r o ' A I :l L I 1 • ' . SHElL .llOCI BALBOA ISi AND o mce --A-.-.1:uw -- AV'rO,·JUlllN& U"OIJ m-•RPD . R. N1>rton m..., Be· roa 1111 'Mjt-rt .... Oallt. ONCE AG SAM~s SEA F ·.511 tbe ....... .,,_, -O:rt•• · 'OowtJ>: • J ' ---· ••" 1..a r ...... .., - Often ... .,.... All ' ,Even . '"' _:: ............ ', .. . " -. -Loca~1'. line Eut al. Old Coat ffllbwaY, New Bar ~-· l'O' CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen 9'-t ... A.<r'i?ld ....._ ~a.rwnew 115 &. ..,. A.". ....... HO&TICUNB Harold. K. Grauel Chapel 'We Ounelves the Better Serve by Servin& Othen .llee\" ~ •.. :• .... Ooata-~ . -.~~}gjrord EJw Ezwmtned • G'e ! I J1ttad 1'111 Jfewpurt 81wks'aa .... ........ ~·- -' NORMAN NIXON, lll. D. Pedlatr1clan Certified by the American 4 Board of Pediatrics 1001 Ga.iota Dr • ._ - 'ha. >-e J..ecw l·lW Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D • Physician &: Surgeon Ul...-Ave~ ----!- Wagner Dl .. 111 IDsatate Dr.-o.w- Chlropractlc. Dietetics, Phy*> &: C.olonlc Therapy I.Ill~ .... -.... --- " zoo TBERAP1 CLINIC ·----+·11'Mzs IS' .. 'RT t , .,_Ollila i ' ...... ....-o 7 ··--,. . Scotcll T• Now on Hand SupPly Limited --t-·TIMES t . I • --- • #• -- ---------------------------------..!N!l•!!•~twww:!!!!!l'U•!.!'!!'!::!.,..!!!..!"!l•!!•~•!:!*L!!•!!" •=e•• • • om , -, 1 , ::r:tt!t~i~s 1 3°!~~~~ ~o;!:c::ty Harbor Area Rural Areas this t tb&t I haw -.-id ruch r-ta becooc• a --to do Ille jab my plw er ueater pro-necoaary-may be ~ "1 -to ._117 -·the In- B S • sible for protection :" .;::uu-dj -DaV18 Report Shows w·11 Sh Need p 1· . for the al areu," 'npton •tat-a reCO<JI of etndency -bad<· of the peope • a --ed. · ed up by an octu&I .-d. JOU.b&W the __. to the Wlllllc "Tice an-p<>'•.-er thus saved "Add to this plan a will Imel rural problem. • Y upemsors I porated area beach .. an a &• c _ :r!. to their muruopal OOund-in~~~~~ ~ne! I are O I 1ng shall be lg8lll:a!d and directed ----------------------in such a manner u to P"OYide SANTA ANA, May 29 -Four Huntington Beach will have record number ot oimlnal cues R Pl Sa 1. additional nlgbt patrols on which ;~~ ;r:~~:%:E , ~~~io;.~=. ~.;.":'8 a::: 22:=.;:by~~~7:; esort an ys 1pton afternoon by the county board ofl will _cover from the n\er south to . two men needed. This service, obvlOllSly, Will be provided with- out a · ·on.al penonne1 cosL supervisors ror the cooperative a pom~ near. Laguna Beac~. ~h~ James L. Davil:. (Continued from last week) When · plan is effected, any llve--guard protective service that aty will take over Jurisdic-Approximately 787 compl~ts mately ~ pleasUtt boats, with Charging that rural areas of which under~:ent a successfully tion to the south border of South of all types have been filed tn an assesied valuation of $5,000,000 Orange county have not been further uests or the-sheriff to the of supervlso~ pr"O\'en teat during part of last La~-San ?emente will _have superior and township oourtl by -sailing and power cruisers-properly policed in the face of r----;---------, year's summer and winter sea-jurisdiction O\er the remaining his office, discl01ing that for one-make Newport Harbor their llomf' increasing crime, Walter E . Tip-Sutter? IOD. usable beache11. third of the year 8 totaJ of crim-port. ton of Santa Ana,. one of the six At t ti t1 contestants in the primary race Newport Beach will receive inal proceedings wu equal to 8 mos comerva ve es -tor the office of sheriff, declared $4725; Huntington Beach, $5545: Scotch tape, various sizes, on half ot all proeecuted crime in mate of an average of $100 per Wednesday in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, $2835, and San sale at the New..-1lmes . 1944 or 194!§. boat for moorings and repairs, the revenue would amount to $300,000 that it elected. he will keep hia Elect ••• JAMES A. MUSICK SHERIFF Veteran of World War D April was the peak month with 235 complaints filed and lndiea- tlons are that May probably will show an lncreue. annually. This ls exclusive of any pledge to provide adequate en- llvlng expenaes while in the area. forcement for these areas. A b ig increase in this number i.J Here with his motor caravan, assured as the Newport Harbor Tipton took time oU from his . In J.a.nuary there were 2'l2 nl-shipyards and local d.istributOn of speech-making to issue a public ings, m February 135 and in , eastern boats have 8 large back-statement expn!SSing dissatisfac- March 195. tog of orders on hand tion with the manner in which filedA t~tal1o9441 1483hcol mlnplai1n~.: wthere A reasonable estimate would in-the sheriffs ~ffice ii being oper- in w 1 e '1"9J e dicate that from 15 000 to 20 000 ated to the disadvantage, he saJd, total was 1708. In the first four people enjoy the ~ation ' of of people in the several unincor- months of 1944 there were only !"•~ d isln th dj porated communlties- 482 I · •-hil ln th aa ... ,. an cru &" on e a a-· comp ainta w e . e com-t t during oodl "I have pledged myself to pro-- parative period lut year there ~n ';athers he• id Y por-vide adequate protection for the were but 462. on. 0 e year. S&J • rapidly expandJng rural areas of I t was pointed out that the MIUlom Visit Beaches Orange county, where crime is Dr. E. • Ball, D. c.; PILC., O'I nlld 8- rt -Calif. ne Sanor 115' ::=-: Barbor 1111 ftMn: I • .:. ~,.-;;,..::-:-.. t .... greatest "crime" months are Data developed in the report of known to have increased and re--usually in the summer and the the Master Plan of Shoreline De-malned unchecked in the past,'' I ~-_,__,. ________ _ Jim Musick says: ''A man's reputation is not made during a cam- paign.'' INVESTIGATE--Know the background of the men aspiring to the re- sponsible office of Sher- iff. CONSIDER Weigh carefully qualifications of each candidate, and the ELECT the man who ha.• the EXPERIENCE plu.• the CHARACTER and MORAL STAMINA to FUL- FILL his PLEDGE kl YOU. JIM MUSICK Is nat Man ! ! Elect Him YOUR SHERIFF Elect RAY ADKINSON TO CONGRESS 22nd Coaar-ional District • • In P11b0c of World 25 w. Years I • • Elect· a Man Who Understands Our Problems to Represent Us in Congress Primaries June 4, 1946 CUJTent figures indicate that the velopment estimates that approx-Tipton said trend by year's end will show a imately 2,000,000 people visit the "On the basis of my seven years' startling jump ln criminal ac-Orange county beaches for recrea· experience in the sheriffs office, tivity in the county. Peak month tlon purposes each year. The I know that that objective may last year and the year before was sources of this classification of be achieved in part by proper August with '201 complainta filed visitors has been estimated as fol-organization and by the ellmlna· in 1945 and 171 in 1944. lows: 6 per cent come from out tlon of duplicated -effort." of the state: 35 per cent come from Orange county and 59 per cent come from other counties of the state. "This indicates that 1.300.000 ot these people come from outside Orange county, and if they only spend an average of 25 cents each they would leave in the countY $325.000 annually," Longmoor Twenty.five deputies are avail- able for field work through the sheriff's office, he added and pointed out that in the past many man·days have been needlessly 1";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ J lost through the practice of dis· I: patching t \vo or more deputies on routine day matters, such as the serving of subpoenas. the de· livery of teletype messages and the investigation of comparative- ll-ILICT CONGRESSMAN JOHN PHILLIPS AllLITY Pl US E'XPIRllHCI JOHN PHILLIPS l91J"Mnteti.,• in Con1reu Prl-ry l .. ction JvM 4th x said. Observing that a successful campaign has been completed to transfer into control of the State Park commission a large beach a!'"ea adjarent to Huntington Beach and the Corona del Mar beach for the operation as public bathing beaches. the speaker pre· dieted that '-"ith the addi tion of the state park areas. a miniature Atlantic City is now in the mak· lng. @:~~~9~ @~~§0 Liquor Store BooU &ad Boy Keeae Palm and Bay, Balboa Phone Harbor Sil Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips in the near future. See Mn. Roy Keene. Pb. Harbor 891. 301 Palm, Balboa Roan: 10 a. m. t.o 8 p. m. Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. Pllone Beacon 5111 1111 OOA91' MGBW Al' AT 'DD: ARCllE8 Gas Heating & Ventilation CHARTER & PRESTON State Uoemed Contractor ee.ttnc lmtallaUom Make Warm Frlmcl9 ~mhem Plaone MM Belldenoe Pbow IMC or !996 ·•<•~·,, .. ,., ---------. ly minor offenses. "Even in some of the more im· portant investigations. made after crimes ha,·e been committed. man· po\ver has be<>n ,,·asted.._ through the practice of 'pairing' investi· gators," Tipton said. "This is not essential to the '''elfare and safe· ty of investigators-a criminal will not return to the scene. of his crime to do bodily harm to an officer." "The Federal Bureau or I n- vest igation has set a precedent for the elimination of waste and inef[iciency, through the assign· ment of single, alert investigators I to many important cases-it is on ANCE • There's ~o place ,.. like $DME far Ford 1 Service -· 1m Fant dealer Yes, we have mo, help now ~ur sen-ice is faster than e, er now ... and better. ¥any of our Veterans ... ~d friends of your Ford c;r r ... are back on the Jpb. They're making our fjiop hum with the kind HOW COME? There are Two Veter2lns Who Are Candidates for Constable? .... f activity that means orter t ie-ups for your r : . • better y.'ork at wer prices. Bring your r in now. We've enough killed mechanics ... fac- \ory·trained in approved Ford methods ... to ret *oinr on it right away. ft'll rive your car that new-car" feel arain. llSV. P.APALMER UDO ISLB Pll<ll'l!llI1ll ----·--"---w. 0 . .8UCJC-r-_u.ance Ca.nselor ;;;._ 1500 0.-...r"-* 3333 va UDO cALl~ VOTE TO KEEP Domas H. KUCHEL (pronounced Kee-kl) State CONTROLLER the incumbent • ---·--- Veteran World War II ---·--- • Kuchel was appointed State Controller upon the dea th of Harry B. Riley . . . It pays to keep up appearance• The appearance of your car can mean a lot. Because when you get ready to trade for a new Ford .•. you'll ret more money for a car that loob like real value. Fender dents, bent bumpe.n, ecratched doon and bad upholstery all tend to cut down tum-in 'allowancea. So now'a the time to make vourcar ready for ita top re-aale value . --------------------------------------------------------------· HOW COME one -of these candidates can and has held outside jobs? If you want a full time Constable, then we ask your vote for FRANK VAUGHN Our Township needs FULL TIME elected officials and it is our duty as Voters to elect them. Let's hav tr'a Constable who will WORK at the job. This advertisement donated by friends ot FRANK VAUGN FOR CONSTABLE tl.ect ~·~ •UDGE GOODWiii '· L~J GOVERNOR 1M OnJy Wtwhl w., \ll'erw.• c.-. .... ,., ,.... OiSc9 • Drive In at thi1 1lgn f r complete Mrvlee t That familiar blue-and-white Ford oval airn mea.na "Home, Swee Home" for your Ford. Driv in and let ua brinr your car u to par with whatever it -~ Our terVice include. a tbo~h check-up throughout your a,r, with new parts in· stat where needed. Come in and about it. The work can be now without delay. Drive out with your car young again Your car CGK feel youni and frisky again! Just try Jett.i ris:. our Ford-trained mechanics uae their Ford -approved 1 ~ methods and precision~built ::; Genuine Ford parta to ft.X it riahl! Special Ford equiP-. ment for lelta, adjustmenta and repain aets the work done ql.lickly ... aavee on lobor. And you'll aet a bettu trade-in price. too. · cliate Service ancl Fair Prices from ... - • • ' A Y.gorous, ProgrNve American ************** Zll& W. 0...tnl, Newpod Bndl 4cia II Olive, Bmth!poa Bn'* ' , "< \ I Assistance League Expects Record Exhibits For $1350 in Awards at Flower Show and Fair HUWl'G9! 941aGA -I • Harbor Feml.n1·ne Ac .... i.·v1·t1·es ~e~~~~~:~~~~=~tu~~~~:~~~~~ Entry blank3 and lists or awanla Newport Harbor, with Mrs. IJoyd . DriYlnc Eut °" their honey·..+------------ ror the huge flower &bow, to be a O>enoweth and Mrs. E. D. White moon Ott u.e RA!Y. Herbert c. c ty F d t' future of the Orange County Fair aa coonllnators. Members of the Phones 13 Bild 2al + By Winifred Barbre · + Phone 1637-R _,pastor of N~ HartJcr Oun e era IOll and Hone Show June 20 throuP central committee In ~ of Lutheran church and bis bride. the Meets June 14 At :;._ "';' ~b~ ".'.:11 ~: ~ments Include the follow-N pt. Heights Circle Officers of C.D.M. Capilla Circle and S.S. Guild Pal-tr Announces ~~ ~"" ~~~ ~ Huntington Beach membenofthecountyAD!st.uiee Mrs. Raymond Beem and Mrs. Elects Officers, InstailedatlmpressiveJointCeremony Goring Marriage of 2032 North _Maln street. Santa Orange Oounty Federation ot Leacue. sponsor of the ra1r, an-J . K. McDonald. Huntington Hears Ann. Reports L . e Williamson Ana. They _will go .. far as Penn-Women's clubs board meetin will nouneed today. Beach; Mn. Verne W. Carlson Using u her theme "Love 5ylvarua. visi.ttng relatives ol ee.dl. take place in the Hunt~ Premium awards totaling $13!50 and Mn. Donald Smiley, Orange; Action," Mn. Frances Cox con-, ·. -• The wedding took place Sun-Beadl Methodist church t Or have been arrang~ for the nower Mrs. Walton Hubbard Jr .. and Newport Heights clrcle gave a ducted the beautiful and impres--~ enga~nt and \xnni~g dy_ evening in St. Peter's Luth· and 11th streets Friday a Jun:°~: a.hoW, wtuch will be staged in Mrs. George Yardley, Newport benefit . luncheon al the home of sive cer emony ot installing new age of Miss Lutie Belle Wil· enut' church, Santa Ana, \\1th the starting at 10 8 m · buildings of the A.AF Western I Harbor, and Dale Griggs, Santa Mrs. William Trusty with Mrs. ofCicen or both Capilla Circle and n to Fred ~-Undeman, son ~v. George Busdiecker officiat-The morning ~on will .include Flying Training Command head· Ana. Herbert McDonal~ a nd Mrs. Leon the Sunday School Gw1d of Cor-A. Lindeman, Linden 1ng. The bride was given ln mar· two-minute summaries of the quarters adjacent to the Santa Proceeds from the county fair Ferguson preparing and serving ona del Mar Community church ue, Costa Mesa, was an· ria&e by her father and wore for ye&r's work by -co ty ch . Ana Municipal Bowl, where other will be used by the Assistance the barbecued ha.mburgen. . at a joint meeting held in the ced: Saturday at a cocktail the ~ a rose frock with and chairmen of ~anding~ fair events and the hd-se show League for establishment of a Mn. Charles Hand, was chair-social hall. at the home of her par-matching feather ~~t and gloves mittees. Awa.rd of prizes in the are scheduled. I county-wide cancer clinic, one or man for the day and Mrs. Ray Orcle otricers. installed were Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Wil· and black a_ccessones. She canied 1 county contests will be m ade. Thls Arrangements have been com-the many philanthropic projects Ban-ett led_ in devotionals, her the Mesdames o. z. Robertson, boa n. 1520 Mira.mar drive, Bal-a 'tBhlbwhile. witlth streamers caught 1 includes ·art. drama, rac:li o and at· b I bers to of the league ,subject being ""IboughtluJness president; J ohn Sadlier, vice ?-ir. WDliamson is former W1 . te owel"I. 1 tenda.nce. pleted Y ea~e mem . · · T oward Others." Mn. Agnes WU-ma or of the Oty of Newport · handle a recor~ ~1st of entries for j . son. chairman of the nominating president ; John Meador. secre-Be Mrs. James M. aark, sister of 1 At 11 a.m. Louis Allen \Vhite the floral exhibits. not ~~Y ~-Talented Organ.1st committee, gave the report and tary; L. A. Norman. treasurer; oral decorations for the oc-the brfc;le, was m atron of honor. will speak on .. The Human Equa· • cause of the larger phrem1umtl .list Weds Club Owner the following officers we-re unani-P erry Schrock, parliamentarian, n ~ snaP<lragons, pansies She wore aqua with white hat and tion in the New Ord.er ." At l 0:"5 but also because o t e par cipa-. .. mousl elected· and Newton Cox, historian. Guild white tapers, arranged by gloves and b11a~nkaccessortes with a.m. Dr. Mildred Wehrly wm tion of many or the county's tr -I ."Don,'t hire the ~al, marry her. Y · officers "'ere the Mesdames Lo-. Fred Crosier. The Young a corsage o p1 carnations. speak on "Cancer Control and den --~ions and clubs. I Thats the adVlce Ace Tennl5, Mrs. Fred Woodworth. prest-well Newlon. president; Edward Richard Roth brother of the E ~' CJ "d peo le went through the Newport . --'-' · arly Diagnosis of the Dread on.-The deadline for entries as proprietor of the new ub Li o dent; ?ti.rs. Trusty, vice president : Dudley, vice preside nt; Aufred ' :. br1<l.eKrvum, was best man and ease." been aoet for noon Friday, June 21, on Newport Bay evidently took Mrs. Henry Harris. treasurer, and Pleger , secretary, and Kenneth · · sch ls together in the same class. ushers were Sgt. Robert Au champ ! \\·hen all exhibits will be in place in securing the services of tat-Mrs. Ed~·ard Hart, secretary. The Ste~·art, treasUttr. .,,J ?-'Ir Lindeman came back from of El Toro Marine base and Rich-Luncheon Will take place at for judging. r ented Dorothy Dil1on. who _has new pr6 tdent announced her Mn. Rober tson announced her 31 the South P acific two months ago ard H aber of.Costa l\tesa. noontime at ~e clubh~use at 418 The nower show itself is spon-1 been featured supper club organ-1 committee chairmen. Mn. Chas. chainnt>n for the coming year. •• • an is now employed in ·Laguna Organ music which preceded the 10th street with a nominal charge \st in several Eastern resort spots Hand, devotional : Mrs. Henry NAmcd Y.•ere Mrs. Nora Bates, Mrs.. .lames lrl1:ne, founder and Be ch. The wedding "''ill take ceremony was presented by Mrs. to be made. ·-·• by I-ague auxiliaries of d h 1 d ts d 1· h · H · 'I G M I d • al •halrm·-of Oraace pla dur1"ng the furlough of Miss Aft · 2 ..,.ICU "' an ote s, an now e 1g ting arrts and ,. rs. eorge ore an . se,,·ing; Mrs. 1-larry Stauch. sun-rf"n r ._ · --Dorothy Dutton \\'ho also accom-e rnoon session starts at Orange. Huntington B~ach and patron~ "'ith or gan music at the ways and means; Mrs. Gus Nlren. shine~ Mrs. Harold \Vilson. rvtrs. County AS!llstance Leaa-ue. \V' iamson's brother, Lt. B. K panied r.trs. ·Wanda Davis \Vhen p.m. "'ith r epart of state con\'en- NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards S!Jltionery Brookings Varietv .. c-& a.,,.. c:.-•1 v .. Coiia... Lble M CllU..,_-• BooU (;:~;:/-• , FINE !"_OD ( , ·.·~;1/1,_lv:.l/IYJf·'t ~ 'flAZIL · . ... -.. , new club. berg, nO"·en and cards: Mrs. Fer-Gerald Ritchie and !\itrs. Mar\.;n \Vi iamson or the U. S. Army Air she sang "My \Vonaerful One." tion to be given by delegates. It isn't Dorothy Dillon nO"-'. guson . special events: Mrs. Niren· Leuck, mem~rship; !\ITS. Arthur FAC Book Section at Fort Worth, Texas. and "At Dawning" and "Because." Special musical entertainment wiU ho,VC'\'C'r. it's l\'[rs. Ace Tennis, and berg and l\1!rs. Har t, YC'ar book : Kemper. publicity; ~1rs. Nc'"'ton l . "'i pro~ably be ~n August. A r eception in the church par-be presented follo"-·ed by a demon-. has bc>c n for a little more than 1'-lrs . Herbert !\icDonald a nd Mrs. Cox and l\!rs. Sidnr y Blackbeard. Elects New Officers, ,tten~ng the party were the Ja rs folloYo'ed. Special guests \Vere stration talk on "Plastics-A Ne''' a "·eek. I BarrE>tt. \\."Ork. and Mrs. Tt-usty, '\Vays and means. 1 H ars Book Reviews. hoqoree ~ maternal ~andmother, pastors or Souther n confC'rCnC(> of Craft 1t1aterial," f\tary Bissel, 1'1rs. Tennis recently came_ to1 mC'mb<>rship. In thC' historian's report Mrs. e Mrj. Alice Sper beck, her great the American Lutheran church. teacher or crafts at Santa Ana Xe,,-port from Hollywood. Florida. The "·ork pr oject ror the Ne'''ton Cox told of the form---unqle. a nd aunt. ~·f~r. and 1\1.rs. W. The ne\v 'Mrs. Rofh is \vell High school, speaker. "'h('r e she ap.peared nightly at t~e coming year \Vas discussed and it I ing of the circ!C' in her home tour Ne"' officers ."'ere elected ":hen Ei !King of San Diego; ~pt . an~ knov.'l'l in Santa Ana musical cir- Ra inbow Grill. It was on this \vas reported that t\vo boxC's or years a~o and or its gro,,·th until the Book Section of the . Friday ~· C. ~· McCarthy, Miss ~Iari-1 cles. She was soprano soloist \vi th 1rip. '''hich: inc identally 'vas to food and clothing hnd bec>n sent no,,. there is a church organiza-I AJtt>~noon club ~eld . t hetr last 1 Hamlin , Col. Harry H. Culver, the Cecilian Singers and is a mem· be a vacation, that_ Do~othy dc-1 lhe little FrC'nch girl. S uza nne, tion with its 0,,.n edifice and a meeting or the )ea.r _in the sun Mis Marcia Geldert Gunn. George her ot St Peter's choir cided to come to California. '''here \Vhom lh"' "irclf's are aiding. Mrs. stendily '""o"·ing membership roll.., roon1 of the clubhouse .following a De 'veil er. J ohn Lindeman. l\fiss · · d ~ '-.... b 1 h "'Ith dessert othy Myers, l\1rs. Rose Lugo, HC"r h~sban~ '''~S ~aduated she had previously br~adtast ~ _Harris reported S25 had been paid l\1rs. H . Lynn(' HughC>S gave a no~· ag unc con CoJllmander and Mrs. Leonard from_ Capital un1VC'rs1ty, Co_ lumbus, demonstrated for \Vurlltzer Co. In above the former church pledge. very in1 £'restin5!:· report for the pro .. id<'~ by the club, those serv-Stll!ford. Mi ss l\1:ary Myers and Ohio. and fro~ Evangelical Luth- Holl}"'·ood. She ~as had many or-I NC'w mc>mbers a("t.'f'plffi '~'C're Sunday School Guild. stressing in~ being. the Mesdames 0. D. tt:i~ Messrs. a nd Mesdames Ch.as. eran Theological seminary of I fcrs to ap~ar in Holly"'ood but l\1rs. Roy E. Salter. Mrs. A. A. community friC'ndship and se~ce. King, Edith Cooper, Charlotte Ho)t, Fred CrosiC"r, Fred Linde-Columbus. Rev. a nd Mrs. Perry Schrock, Santa Ana. pastor of t he Corona dC"I Mar Communil}' ('hurch. Jeft TuC"sday on thC'ir vacation. They ''ill rC'turn by \Vay of Ames, Iowa, to the Congr('gational Church con· rerence there. They will be gone a month. pref£'rs lending her talents to the lit , d l\1 s A S Thompson I No Red Cross se-...1ng is to be Cooper and J. M_. Shearer . t ---- success of her husband's new club. F~~ an mf'~~rs . ·present a~ done in the future, but Mrs. Bates n:i~ \Vho will serve for the m . Charles Miller , R. E . Var-----===----------------------,-, r . ced th t t -115 w t rommg year are Mrs. Joseph n , John Lugo, Ralph Phillips, Balboans Vacati'on _,.,,.,. •·• ,,, '"'"', ,,.,,,,, ,,, ... ,. '"''' • •'••11••·•'''''"'"'' • • • • • • • • "' • • ~uests were Mrs. l·felen Ensign announ a wo qui ere 0 H bi tt h · . Mrs Reuben Mf-rtin Malloy and G. w . Sch- ;. ~ or Ontario l\trs O G Bernard be set up this "-'eek a t the social am e. , cha~rman . M . El d Two Weeks in North DDDD'S ~ ~ of El Modena ·and. M~s Stella hall. It was also announced that Day,k vice·c airman;d ~· ~;r ra ... er. ~ B a I b 0 a 's -EllS"''Orth or Pomona. The next the church and Sunday school Clar . secretary. a n SS y a I --------Mr. and Mrs. William Umland ~ ~ m('('ting wi ll be at the home of picnic would be held at Irvine Conant, treasure~. , NOTES f th and their coUsin, Mrs. Bess Rig-! DEZVOUS ~ l\·frs. Ray BarrC'tt with Mrs. Park June 18 and all members 1 Mrs. 0. D . Ki~g presided .and rorn e ney, Balboa. returned recently ~REN ~ Nirenberg as assisting hostess and -"d friends of the church are in-the progra~ consisted ?f outli nes Balboa Yacht Club from a two weeks' trip through ! : members ar e asked to bring their vited to attend. of books given by various m_em-Oregon a nd \Vashington. They •-"•s J •1 Sheare• reVlew . ormal o~ning or Balboa Yacht went up the Columbia hi ghway • • dues a t that time. The progr<t.m of the afternoon ~rs. n·i. · · 1• ·• • . -..--·.~ B A L L R Q Q M \\·as given by l\lrs. John Miller, f'd Keys of the K1n~dom and 1\.-tiss c;b is scheduled for -Saturday, and back through the redwoods, -S h C t tl1ned The Val J e 8 and at that time senior stopping \vith a niect-at l\.1odesto ~ l\.lrs. Louise Barr('tt. 1218 Bay v.·ho sa n~ 1-10-...• Beautiful Upon ara p onan ou I t 11· th -a junior members, both men and and visiting their daughter. !\1rs. • Viey a\'i'nU <'. \'isitC'd her brother the Mountains (Harker). and Con-1 l<'y of .0 \ver, a ~ove e ing e DeS ~ h a n interest side of the T en '"+men. who served in the armed me t anrl tv.•1n grandchildren in •.' />"" z' ~ >2 ~£ ~ ~i} JSudj:;(' Jos<'ph W .Lo\'ockA('rs,l of trhe side_r thb<' ~i11ies FllScott l. aAcrodm-n~sms~ Valley project a nd wha; fo ces '"ill be honored, also m em-Sacr amento. La.<:t v.·('('k they spent -'1 < !~ U'""'rior Court, s nge es. or pan1 cd y 1• rs. orence n er-'--"'~ . · ~ d r z1 j ; 'l ---a ,;-eek. son. For a third number she gave the enfor ced displacement had bfts' sons and daughters \VhO \Vere jn Riverside. Mr. Um1and is on • '-------.. ~ · I done to the people of the valley ini service. According to the club his 35th year with the ~·gas com-1 The band sensation of tftt yea• • Li"do Theatre 8 :f~:~o ~~~itu!iness meeting Mi:-s-Kjng gave the story . of ropter there are bet,veen 30 and Jiany. · O)M'n E,·,.nlngs. Exrept Monday ~ ~ th£'re \Vas a social hour "1th tea G£'rt1e the Duck as recorded by sq:En~;. back from serving their I'':---------------------------, ~ ..JC/ .. Phone B&rbor 2114 served by the hostesses, the ( the Afil"'~Ukee J ournal, and ~frs. e flag raising ceremony and Greeting Cards and a Great V&rlety of Unusual GltC. • : ll1esdames Fl-ank Powers, E . A. K. Day outlined two of the river "WE D\'VITE YOU TO BRO\VSE AROUND'' KING .. No"· Show1nir thru Saturday-Hackett, J . H . Smith and George ! se~(>S , The ~alinas River and The o ing day races are J une 8, ! A picture you can't afford to miss: E Le'''is ... Arkansas River. She also talked aiid the Spring Invitational series • \\'Ith a-rea.t pride. the Udo an-· · about Design for Living, Be Your ~ June 9, continuing through • notmoN the presentation of the Own Decorator , and Ernest Su th-tile 16, 23 and 30. ! C. E. LOUCKS JE\VELRY and STATIONERY 1797 Newport Blvd., Cotta Meu, OalU. Dlamo,nds -Watches • Ftne Repalrlng . Phone Beacon 5639-M ! t-::~. ".'08' ouoponseful procloe-Hurley Bell Scene of erland Bates' edition of the Bible pver the Memorial Day holiday G 0 I 0 N : Gay Luncheon "designed to be read as living r~ces wer e held Thursday, skip- • i • • • • WT'HE SPIRAL literature." pihg Friday and "111 continue on'--------------------------"' I s],' turday and Sunday, this being --------------------------- Mrs. C. Lewis Baltz and Mrs. a fill-in for skippers not able to STAIRCASE" R. Donald Hall wero hostesses at Girl Scouts View a tend the opening day races at -Expert a bridge luncheon recently at the 1' ro d B and Bis Ordleslra · • • • ' Hurley S.11. Tables were decor-Doll Exhibit na o. ea u t. c. ans !~::i~ .. c:~~:~~~:~:;E:~~ w~~~ Ev;~~~~~::~ t~~~ ~~i 1Bal!«?.a ~~~tre I 1 · pastel r ibbons bore pink tapers. Scouts of Troop 8 to visit the!-!.------------for Milady . • -Starring-t ii. featuring !! .. Dorot!Q' McGuire • Georp Brent i {:::t ~ The newest thing In music ; and Ethel Barrymore ~ <{;:J )..J "DOUIU RHYTHM SICTION" ~ -~ ~ ~ ·~~~~~· • • Sunday thru TuMday-.lune 2·3-4 \\11llam Garpa' a Janh Carter ln Place cards were small fans which doll collection now on display N w Showing thru s~turda.y-• Permanents., Cold W ave, Hair were used later for bridge tallies. at the Bowers museum, Santa Styling. Hair T inting . · • Bleach· Veronica I.Ake • IJll!an Gish \Vinning prizes were Mrs. Ralph Ana, rcently. Accompanying the ing, Cold Wave. . ._· ' "Night Editor" ~ ~ ~ ~ I Friday, May 31st i I = Saturday, June 1st I I • DANCING from 9 until I Watch for Friday Night Bands! • • ' ~ ~ • • • • • ~ "GILDA" Next Attractton: "MGM's Ziegfeld Follle8 of 1946" ~NeJrtWeek : 11Do You Love Me!" ' ' , "M""t Me on Bro.dway" • 1111eu111t111i111111lfnl1l1·•1nr.•t111n1n1111111u1111!1'111>1111111.,,11,1111u~11111 1111111 ... 1a1111n1i•t1llHIU.f~l1ll!!lllll;"., 14Saratop Trunk" r:::::::=~BEACON s"'='=EA::::::::::::F:::::=-OO-=-=o.::;:.=s,;;;~:: ' NOW IN NEW LOCATION: 1135 Coast Highway Port Orange -------Announcing ------ FRESH SEA FOOD COCKTAILS With Arnaud's and Norton 's Sauces WE STILL FEATITRE: Cooked Lobster Fresh and Smoked Seafoods Maskey. rlnt : Mn. A. v . An· girls "'er e Mrs. Robert Reed, "Mi"ss Sus"ie ANN -CARMEN dre""· second; Mrs. John Sadlelr, Mrs. R. C. Owen and daughter Featorinc Bel .... Curtis third, and Mrs. c. a. Rudd. low. Eloise. Mrs. Elsa Hargrove and Slagle'S" C.Old wave. 0 h th M Sm.II daughter "Dinky." t ers present were . e es-0pni S&h,.,,, All o.,. · dames B. z. McKinney, Harry Girl Scouts includect. Ann Boise, ETeallia Awe4•tw.t. t• rw • ... t.: b ~--J ~-m--•-n mt' l"b-llarbw 817 Welsh, S . E . Birtcher, Leiter Bar ara .i1-W11ty, oan Nunan, __, .--... .- Vierling. Joseph stamp, Gordon Judy Reed. Mary Lou Hargrove. "Masquerade Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Findlay, A. J . Grant, A. A. Kem-May Standage, Carol Feder, Joena S edd M ah --.... A.-• 0-Froat ......... per, George Conaway, Mary crow-h er, arlene Mon an. Diane in Mex1e" o" ell, K V. Dilts, Gerald Ritchie, Harbert, Ellen Owen. Joan Mer- Sidney Blackbeard,"' John Meador, rill. Shirley Sue Stahler, Nicky Wltll Dorothy r..moar 0 . Z. Robertson, Walter HJtch-Nichols, Yvonne Howard and man, Conrad Shook, Lester X.. Olarlene Cbamberlain. bell, Harold W oldenberg and Wayne Harper. Catholic Women Attend Annual Meet Attending tlle annual meeting ot the Orange County Council of Catholic Women held Thursday, May 23 in the Women's club house, Orange, were the Mes- i dames Fl-ank Henderson, Burke, R. N. Cunningham. Smith, Arthur Taylor and Colin Brown. The meeting featured inte-resting ~ ports from members of each par- ish in the county deanery and 'plans were made for the year to come. Corona del Mar News BJ B ESSIE L BENEDICT ll-fr. and ?:lrs. Al bert Bowen, 218 Goldenrodt a venue, and their daughter Mn. Robert Steinberger , Santa Ana, &nd friend Mrs. Alle n, Long Beach. returned Friday from a month's trip in the east . They drove to Mrs. Bowen's for- m er home in Mason Oty, Iowa. and were entertained .by friends in MJnneapalis. When they reach- ed their farms near Fergus Falls they found a late freeze and s now- storm. They came back by way of Bryce Canyon and Zion Park. SEASON TICKETS!! on~Now&t GRYPHON PRODUGTIONS Laguna Beach Playhouse THE SEA.SON OPENS '1JNE !5th WttH ''ANGEL STREET'' ...... John Emery . Seu• 'l'lcblll ,. Sale Now for 9 Playw, $20 bx lloe. Mall onion ~ -payable to: ...... a.ell ~I..-•=• Oallr. ..... , 7 111 011 .,. !f::-...... -..... -•ow~ Oeup A4Wln10tolllt0tta0'.J"w• a Deft Ylalm7 _..,.. ...... ... 0-IW) •g ?J9et tl9,,., p • . 8jinda.-thru ,,_y-.lnne %-S-4 bull Gable a Greer Ganoa. In S22 Marine Ave. BaJbo& biaDll "Adventure" I edJl.Mday a Tb.und.ay--June 5-8 A Bllartoa. Comedy mt! "She Went to the · Races" -ANNOUNCING- New Hours for Summer Season Beginning .June 1 Dally ......... ·············································· .11 to s • 4 to 8 Sundays-................ ·-··········-···································· .. 10 to 8 I °tmlnc Nest Week: ''Road to Utopia" ''Sallor Takes· a Wife'' "Blithe Spirit" 1 ---Closed Tuesday ' LUNCHEON -DINNER -BREAKFAST -AT ALL HOURS- For the Ultimat.e in Beauty Care • . . Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S Mariska House of Beauty .,. ....... &-. Balboa &heel HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING by Gene SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BE• L Of BALBOA ISCAND ALSO PALM SPRINGS AND LONG m:+CE --Open Dally Ela>opt llundq--' • ,