HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-06 - Newport Balboa News Times1THE s;AND CIRAB ... SAM ~ONS. Orange coon- ty IS safely in the Repub- Ucan column; at least until next November, which was shown by the way the voters "'"'nt for Gov. Warren. Prin- cipal surprise was the sher- iffs race, when Jummy Mu- sick jumped into second place to run it off with Jes"se Elliott. One or two bettors in this area lost a ff!W smack- ers when they took odds that Cuba Morris would get _more votes than Musick; how sad is the news. An odd situa- tion has developed in the Constable's race, wherein Kanagy, who said he would not be a candidate, looks to be in the running, but at this writing the vote \\1as not tab- ulated. In the Assembly battle Earl Stanley has been elect - · ed on both tickets and will not have to compete in No- vember. Much credit goes to Bob Geivet. who handled his campaign. for the able way in which he conducted the promotion. Earl, who is a persistent cuss, should make a good legislator. A surprising number of office seekers had no opposition. Practically all the county of- fi cials were re-elected. This includes Supervisor Gordon. Thus in Orange county the only contest of any real ex- citement wiU be that for sheriff. as predictions are that Elliott will have a hard- er fight than if he had Tip- ton against him. + + + Dr. Richter. It is given few men to live such a long and useful life as that of Dr. Conrad Richter, who is re- tiring after 58 years in medi- cine at the age of 83. The veteran medico, \vho is re- garded by association men, as one of the ranking profe,.- sionals In Southern Califor- nia, has a splendid record of achievement to his credit. His work on tropical dis- eases, eye ailments and oth- er microbe maladies \von him wide acclaim. Still vig- orous and active, it is hoped his retirement from gene.raJ practice d~ not mean that he cannot serve in an advis- ory capacity in some big hos- pital or institution. + + + Name Change. It is be- lieved that little opposition will arise over the plan to change the name of the city to Newport Harbor, because there an\ at least a doo.en Newport Beaches on the Pa- cific coast, and the commun- ity long ago has grown away from the idea of a mere beach resort to a dty with a real harbor, with thousands ct yachts, with teeming ship- yardA and an ever-<>xpanding population. Lew Wallace did not believe a special election should be sandwiched in ~th the November general tJialloting, because it would t., better to call the election some time in October or ear- lier. + + + 0 PA Letters. Slapping ~wn of OPA regulations by cbngress has peeved Chester Bowles, its head, but his tac-tics have done more to de- feat his program than any oiher one thing. Reports to congress reveal that thous- ands an dthousands of letters Were "phonies'' -identical, ~raphed, many of tjiem unsigned and post marked by the hundreds from the same postoffices. One senator said· that OPA bad been passing the postals out on street comers; that 'afhooJ children were told to !li!nd them In; that Detll'ly ' ~ ~-wing organization ~ the coontry bad its mem-' benihlp sign prepared state-,. ments· in scme cases the slg-' ' natuttd -wu · U8l!d on ftve or more cards. but the ~ turned evly in May +!>en tbomands ol. bonaflde li!tten came In from house-~-buolnesa and protes- ...,., men, ask1nC Its abol- 11.tunent. • J!1nt .. Mu•tlllDc • J!1nt ... OreaWloa • .NEWPORT I ' ================• ' KFEP POSTED! 1 Year •••••• 11.51 r. Ol••tJ' "-"°"*"'~ ..... °"* .. ... -~ ....... .. N..,..r 1, Jtfw'*" ._.. EMBRACING-BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST WPORT, SEA SHoRE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPO.gT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA :h'EWPO&T HACH, CAUPOKNIA. Tll1JUDAY, ll1NB I, . ~ 1 NlJllllEa 45 ====~~==--...... -=============================.......,=====..._====~ ..... -==--=-=-"====-== voLm mwm Balboans Ask Communi Henry Vaughn Now Trailer Court Owner H•nry Vaupn. who med to operate RrYice statlona, bu de-. dded to take up a different voca- tion and hM purchued the Mesa Trailer Court at UIS> Newport B--L Home "-:-Boul<'Vard -Ellcme J.-. ~ ..:a ~ ..... SllY1I he la up to bla nod< In Mr. -Mn. Harold Harpole renovatlnc the ~ -maldnc ba•e .. i....-to Costa -frotr> lt oplc and ,.... for tbe many a motor trip to Plttsrleld. DI., people who llk• to llw In traDen their Connor home. ,They ,.... coomcll and ._ othen who can't bolp -five ---e..i llllOO office --l and -~-­Newport Beach city that In )fq Ills $ll026 50 In -224 city aairt-.. 1 ' M&WKCI •••JtOA If -lMI NEWPORT-BALBOA e I RISE TO REMARK-. --Bldg. Permits Drop Slightty PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 1..iEWS-TIMES PHONES: NEWPOllT U -U :cc_ ____ _ r tr tr' E""7 Twda1· u d ftandaJ' ~as1 v.-.e XXXVID Ooeta. 11-Edition hbu..Jaed E~"flr1 Wetrczrtr7 Vol111Df D Subo•lptlom Payable In Advance:-$2.50 por yev In Oranae County; $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3..00 per )'Ml' to 8th wne __ .c__ HON. IOHN PHILLIPS 0 ACCOUNTANT ~ . E. H. Koch, editor of a • • 8. WHYTE Di~ Tll COXRJLT.Alft' e xo'lftjooat C.orona del Mar, takes · .A.alboriMd bJ" u.e Called Staie. ~ to the proposed plan io VY n.pan-1 kl iUJlii 1 ,d.s-\.1 '9 Building permit totals for New-co ·date the four po1t offices in COlllledloa -.tUt. ~ t.u m&u.n.. port Beach were slightly lower the ·ti, as foll°"'~: ~o1~"#:. E. T. Battenrortla, O. D. OplomebW 1tYl:S a.umnm LEN'llES DUPLIC&nat o.....e,......._ ... AU 71 lllt w. ~ ...... ft. ............. N"SWPO&Ta&&cm Entered as Second-Class matter at the Postotfice tn Newport Beach, California. under the Act or -3. IJl79 -------s. A. MEYER • 11le:re ls a 1trong pouibillty that I was "take it or lea"\·e it." It seems May 25 will be a historic date Ln to me the situation is much like the United States. The ttouble havt.ng a fire in your home. Wben with historic events is, of course. the fire ~tment arrived, It that when you are living throUg:hl broke down the front door to cet them, you don"t recognize them. in. 1be fire waa put out. It Is Years later, they may stand out.) rather late now to stand around or they may have been forgotten. and argue that the fire chief Saturday. May 25, the President l should have gone ·next door and asked for a special joint session 1 gotten a key from the neighbor, of the Congress at 4 o'clock ln where you usually leave one, er the afternoon. that he should have looked under in permits being issued for the co dating of post offices? '-----.. -:•:·:·~-~-=-::~w;;_ __ .J l ru::;;;;;:=::;;:==~ than uSual this week with $23,400 ff 's all this talk about the om. UM _._. U.... c.... ._ past seven days by the buildin& Wha the matter with the one department. we have? It suits us all right. ABC lftllZO'I' llarpret Dust CorbeU s:\M D. PORTER F. G. FROST W. F . DIXON Advertls!n1 Manqer Prlntlni Plant. JOU W . Central AV"'11le, Newport Beach, Callfomla He spoke of the impending dis~ the mat, or tried running a knife aster to the country if the rail· throu&h the crack in the screen road strike were to continue. That door, to lift the hook. There wu was a fact. Few people realize an emergency: the President uk· ho\t dependent we are today on 1 ed COT' power to meet it, and the transportation: power: cu: other Congress gave him that power utilities. and services. Had the on his own tenns. Only penn.its for two new ~not Jet good-enough alone'! ,..------------~I awa ... Ge OP'lldac Of. a houses were luued for a total of A group of dvic 1 .. d .... at • Armand Monaco --or lE19 Ed'oc 1" $14,!500 In new building, with the mee held In Balboa recently, ABCllITECT E. Neff Woods, D.O. --- Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Deprnd•ble Lecal ~ for O.W 11 y...,. Active Member of CORRAL DUST Sophist1cat1on i.s a post, Tt$('Ttlt O"I ju.st plain dt,mbnu.s. -JACJ:: LINDSLEY Name Calling Out of Place Name calling is out of place in the present emergency. ~trike continued, we ¥'ould have I rise to remark that in any felt the pinch in five days. All the national emergency, the Congress facilities of both Army and Navy I will support the President ot. the could not have moved a fifth! United States, and will ahare with <some people think a tenth) of the him the coraequences of the ac- necess.ary foodstuffs, and emer· tlon. gency travel. and other necessl· ties. """4inder of the sum bein& taken dis the propaoed comoli-81t W Ba A B ...__ · hmlr110tor with alteration and renovation ~ti of the poat offices in this • y ...., dlwu. ---= • O ..... ~ .... I 2 O perm.its'. -area and forming them into a cen-Z'T!l~ Aft. ..._ ':.:°' ~ ~ - A permit for $8500 was issued tral ffice, which would probably Loe A..aple9 N~ l&OI to R. Barton Rust, 1014 E. Cen-be in Newport or Santa Ana. tral. for a one--1tory frame 1 dwel-sd:h a move would JrQbably ATTO&NEY8 Una: at 217 Jasmine-. mea:& a kind of rural delivery for . Also llOued a permit to build a Co!Uia de! Mar, and maybe ""' r-'-~~-----------T I one-story frame dwellll\I for w~ only get one delivery a day, $6000, wu Helen L. Kinnan, 1116 tnstljad of callln& foc our mall if MAX HURWITZ Ethel street; Glendale, at Z13 39th and 'whenever we felt like it. street, Newport Beach. one! C. F . Venn of Corona A'l"l'O&NEY AT LAW de-1 ar declared that he wu not lltlllVEYOU Raub & Bennett -----1118 Nw.,..n.,.._ Ooola- Tlltpb -e B•emt U.--W 11117 W. O..tral Nwpon- Telep••• lluttor lJI The President said it waa no longer a strike between labor and management. but "a strike against the government itself." He asked for legislation to meet the issue. Immediately after he finished, the County Planners To Reconsider Pit Compile New Request on Friday Directory for Harbor Area Hll Wmi 0-tral -Hl-W in vor of such a move aa it wou d result in the lou of ln· divi uallty of our nice little town, L-~-----------l and that he penonally liked call-OLINIC&L L&BOllL&TOBY lng for his mall and chatting with. ;-------------.1 PllYllICLUlll • llUJIGBONll. .... H. R. Hall, M. D. House had before It a bill givln& The Orange County Plannln& the President enlarged powen to commission at its meetinc ln his lrtendl and neighbon. He aald · tha he waa not In favor of a de-Clinical Laboratory liv~ service even if the postman omae laoan: I • 6:IO "rarl.g three times a day." (That's ~--. ... aw,,,. The disgraceful antics of some labor, business and govern- ' . ment officials at a time when practically every institution of meet a-strike issue. The bill wu Santa Ana on Friday will again A classified directory and boost· presented without chance for take up the petition of R. W. er book of the Newport Harbor amendment and with little debate. McClellan. Newport Beach con-area is now being compiled by The House .had two choices; to tractor, whose application for a the Newport Balboa News·Times. support the President of the Unit-sand and gravel pit alongside the The business directory book ii ed States. in the emergency, or Santa Ana river at Ball road, wu being compiled with_the object of not to support him. The House, rejected by the county board of providing a ready reference guide properly I think. by a vote of 306 supervisors recently. to businesses, professions, offic- tell4\g 'em Colonel!) ... b;r appqbltment r n:u:PllONlli RABllOB 111 Houn: 2-5, by Appaln- Telepbcxw 11eacon - Ul Brood_,. Ooola M- American life is in danger. is inexcustable. The recent ex- change of epithets between the head of the National Associa- tion of Manufacturers and a United States Senator, is typical. Each condemned the motives of the other in regard to price control. The public gained nothing from the exchange and the press wasted tons of valuable news print. There are sin- cere. intelligent, patriotic people on both sides of the price control controversy who are struggling with a staggering ec<>- nomic problem-the sudden appearance of a back-breaking public debt. That a large part of the debt was unavoidable due to war. is water over the dam, and so is the profligate ' spending of the federal government for the past decade. The problem now, other than attainment of a balanced federal budget. is how to prevent our representative form of government, together with the economic and political li ber- ties of the people, from being crushed in the struggle of var- ious groups to escape the hardships of postwar turmoil. No matter whaf happens . the laws of the land and the safe- guards agains t oppression. born of the wisdom of the ages and wlitten into the United States Constitution, must be pre- serve<!. They cannot be preserved if they are ignored in at- tempts to control inflation. strikes, or any other economic disturbance. Ideas Pay Dividends rt is interesting to read the 45th annual report of the se- cond largest chain food store system in the United States. It started from a very small beginning as the result of the dream of an individual who walked from house to house tak- ing grocery orders a nd then delivering them. He saw the money that could be saved under a cash and carry plan. In the face of the strongest opposition, he made his dream come true--first in one store then in several. His goal was to buy on a quantity basis and sell retail at a minimum mark-up per unit sale. by eliminating every possible overhead cost then common to delivery and credit systems. He believed that people would be glad to carry their own purchases if resultant savings were transfen'ed to them in lower prices. A genera- tion later the balance shee•~ of the company he started, showed a gross annual business of nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars, done in 2452 stores scattered over 22 states and fOUI' provinces of Canada. Thus a dream which was based on the service idea is !<>- day providing opportunities for thousands of men and women in all parts of the country to learn a business in which they can advance or from which they can step out and into activi- ties for themselves with training that will. better assure their chances for success. Building up 2452 stores and nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars' business annually looks like "big business", but when broken down over the territory cov' ered, it becomes highly local activity in each state and town, working to hold Its own with independent and chain competi- tion. U you have an ide;i for service you have a chance to put it into effect in the United States. Don't be envious of success. Try to go the other fellow one better. Lead Shortage A shortage has developed of which the public has little knowl!'(lge, 'although it can have a far-reaching effect. That shortage is lead-the lead that goes into gasoline. Unless the <>ii industry can secure enough lead to maintain the octane rating of gasoline, the private and commercial motor transportation system will be seriously IJ;npalred . Old cars and poor gasoline could bring about a widespread break- down. to 13. chose to support the Presi-The planning commission ap.. ials and institutions of the New- dent. I voted for the bill. pro\'ed the contractor's request port Harbor area and to enable The bill then went to the Sen-[ when it was first made to them.. new residents as well as old better ate which was at that time dis-The commission recently ap.. to acquaint themselves with the cussing the S<rcalled "Case Bill." I proved the follo\\ing projects: progress and development of their It provides for more permanent CYPRESS-\V. B. Cleek. motel, city and business people who serve solutions of some present labor Lincoln Blvd. near Watson St., them. problems. It is not as bad as some I for 10 u nits and parking area. First publication of the classi- labor leaders have been shouting. COSTA ~tESA-R. A. Mitchell, fied list will be made in the col- You can see that for yourself,! manufacture of small boats, Har· umns of the News-Times. The w': when you read it. 1 bor Blvd. near Bay St., and Leo rectory \\'ill then be issued in book In the meantimC', the railroad C. Amcndt , malt and sandwich 1 form. classified and alphabetically strike was settled. As the Presi· I shop, N e,\·port 81\"d. near Broad-arranged so that the information dent \Vas reading his message, a way. may be had at a glance.- secretary handrd him a note S<lY· BUENA PARK-Adrian Build· The first pages of the book will ing the strike \Vas O\"er. on his ing Co .. office· and yard for con· contain up-tcrthe-mlnute figures own terms. "fha t incidC'nt \Vil\ h<> tracting, ~ta nchester Ave. near1 on statistical data and useful in- arguc>d for thC' nrxt gener a tion! \Vestern Ave. formation concerning the city and Did the Presidc_nt knO\\', bef?re 1 DELI-fl-Leo •Love and Arvid Harbor area in general, follo,ved he came to the J-111!, that the strike Johnson. cement block manufac-by a handy guide and reference to \\'as over . or didn't he? If he did, ture, lo-lain St. near Delhi Rd., the businesses, officials and in- \vas he fair and frank \\•ith the south of Santa Ana. 1 stitutions of Ne\\ix>rt. Balboa, Congress? tf he didn"t , hO\\' can1 WEST ANAHEIM-T. E. and West Newport, Sea Shore Colony, you explain the notice to the Sen-H. H . Yellis, commer cial dairy for Lido Isle, Ne\\'port H eights, Co- ate, by the majority leader. at 250 head, southeast comer of rona del r.tar. Costa r.tesa and about 1 p.m ., that the strike \vas Brookhurst Rd. and Crescent Ave. vicinity. settled? (ConJ.":ressional Record, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO-E. There will be no display adver- r-.1ay 25. page 5795.) T . Sholin, sand and gravel pit. tising of any kind in the books. Anyway, wnen the emergency Trabuco creek, three-fourth mile All type will be uni rorm. alpha- bill reached the Senate, the strike north of to'-''n and near Oso Rd. betically arranged as to classi!i- \VBS over and the Senate, again OLIVE-Fred Frederick, granu-cation and name. These directory quite properly y think. refused to lated soap plant, Santiago Blvd. books will be given general free rush it in ahead of the legislation and Ocean VieW Ave. distribution in the harbor area then under debate. When it did DANA POINT -Ralph W . and surrounding towns. ~by. Hospital Bldg. '---1111 __ w_._0ea_._tra1_.&_ ... _.,..! D~ive Picks Up $11,000 DAY SCHOOL 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-::-:"1 .I II OONRAD RICHTER, JI. D. A:.. total of $267,410.90 has been ~ aad ...,._ r~'ived by the campaign com-Mortimer School mit ee of the Orange county di-aoz Ooral Balboa hlaDd 120 E. 18th S t. vi.Si n for the Presbyterian Hos-GradM: fJollep. Preparatory C'OSTA MESA pit construction fund to June l , SUMMER SCHOOL Op@M Hours: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p..m. acr:rding to a report made today llll1 a Phone SH.eon 5075 by ev. Dr. Scott McFarland, gen· O. A.: Mortimer, M, A., Oxford era chairman in Santa Ana. Prtnctpal Pbone Barbor &U , 1Jie weekly rC'port filed in NeYt· port Beach and Santa Ana dis-• DE1''Tl8T8 closes that NC'v.:port Beach is still r------------- witj'lin sight of its 560,CXXJ goal, a!~'ough the attainment of the go is still some $17,000 behind. c report for Santa Ana-Tus- tin ~nd·other communitiCs follows : !'fe\\tport Bc>ach, $42,606.70; DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST . 28" \\'e&t Centn.I Pbone Barbor Ul ·J Newport Dr. G. E. Tohill Pllyslclan Mid Surx- 2209 Coast h1vd. NEWPORT BEACH -PRONES- Offleoe: Harbor 2S6-W Rffldeneoe: Barbor 28&-R II No U11wer, C'•U Barbor 6 Sa~ta ~na -Tustin, $108,418.50; La!funa Beach. S39,464.50: Hunt-'------------_J G Jd ing lon ach, 523.576.70: Orange. era Rausa, M. D. ~1~601.00 ; San Juan Capistrano. ~-----------2830 \Vest Central Ave. s1S;ooo.oo: Costa M.,.a, SS.068.50 ; Dr Obed L NE\VPORT 1'EACH A1!fhC'im , $800.00; Fullerton. SJ.· • UC38 Phone Barbor 10$8 34~: Placentia. $1,600.00: Gar-DENTIST No an1wer: call Beaco11 60f8-& de Gro\"e, S4 .550.00: non-county, X-Ray Service $2. .00; total, $267,410.90. HO!~ W. Central. Haibor 1'80 11·-----------_J Short Line High NEWPORT BEACH veraging almost 20 tons per .-------------- tri for the single box car oper-Dr. W. W. Westmoreland at , a Geor gicl short tine headed De all United States railroads during ntlst ~ , - W Id War II in m aximum fr~ight 1801 Coast. Wway loa "ngs. · CORONA DEL MAB Milton M. Maxwell, M.. D. 1801 ()out Bl..., Corona del Mar Office Hours: 1cr12; 2-e: Pb.one Barbor 108.t come to vote on Wednesdav eve-Quackenbush, malt shop and A nominal listing charge is be- ning. the Sen'ate removed the un· 1 sandwich stand. near Da~a Point ing made for Including business desirable Section 7, \1thich per· State Beach park. cards in this \york. No personal f'o Better Print ini: ea;1 12 or l3. mitted induction into the army of -solicitations will be made; how--+------------ Phone Harbor 2229 S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor IT!-& men who refused to \\'Ork. 11 C,Ounty Will Get ever. an invitation will be extend- should be remembered. in his veto ed by telephone to cooperate in messafte on the Smith-Connally X. Ray Apparatus getting out thjs representatlve di- Bill. the late President Roosevelt rectory. asked for the same power. and for Call H arbor 12 or 13 to insure the same purpose. Portable 35mm X-ra)' equip. the insertion of your name and W~nesday the Case Bill. as ment, on loan from the. U. S. Pub-business in this book. lie Health Service to the Cali· 1. White House Cafe Phone Sl8! Laguna Beech, Calif. amended by the Senate, to include fornia Tuberculosis and Health Drlve Carefully-Spa.re a Life. the Hobbs an ti-racketeering sec-Association, is being scheduled for i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j tions, was accepted by the House. 235 to 96 for immediate consider-use in Orange county, August 1 to 16. ation, and 230 to 106 for passage. Miniature films at a maximum rate of 200 per hour have been taken with this unit which oper- ates at a gnater speed than the 4 x 5 equipment of the state asso- ciation. formerly scheduled thru- out the county. MODEaN MARI E SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA SLAND The situation is this. The Case Bill is before the President. It Is said he wants to veto it. He would then be in the difficult position of having asked for strong meas- ures to curb strike conditions, and of 'having vetoed a weaker m eas- ure to bring about more perman- ent labor peace. The emergency measure is in the Senate, ready for vote, with the induction sec- tion removed, and if the President were to favor that, now the strike is over , he would in effect favor the sterner measures, but for a few months only. U the Prnident is sincere. it would hardly seem possible to veto the Case Bill. The Orange County Tuberculosis and Heal th .Assoda ti on and the Oranee County Health Depa.rt· ment are on the lookout for large groups of industrial, agricultural, factory, or packing house workers who will register for chest X-ray pictures, and for adequate rooms i=======~======~==========~ '-''here the portable equipment might be se t up during the oper- ations. (The 4 x 5 equipment wu operated in a truck but the 35mm equipment will require a r oom ln store, school or industrial build- ing.) 24-Hour dio Service M to the current discussions on whether or not the House should have passed the emergency bUl so quickly, or without amending out Section 7. or without more debate and perhaps other amendment!, well, it must be kept in mind that no amendments were possible. It Gas · Heating There are about 211,000 church builcUngs in the United States. Ledger sheets-.t Ne.,.,'1-nmes. & Ventilation INSURANCE Sandy F. MacKay --·--INSURANCE-That's All '714 £, Central Ave. BaJboa -Harbor Z59'7 Unroln National Life lnsuranoo Co. I "It. N•ine lndlC'•t.el I~ Ch"'acte!'" DON IERNJOAN Phone Harbor !M·R 808 Marine Ave. Balboa hi. New York Life Insurance Company DON B. DURANT U8 Ol'dald: Ave. Harborll155-J CORONA DEL MAR I OCCIDENTA!L LIFE INSURANCE! 00. Ray Nielsen lie• Mill Aeeweat P.UC"9 . PbOM llarlMw tU9-,I •ta 11.. a., """' 'ri.n.e. MORTICLU/8 «3 s. mu st., Loo ~ TUcker 191! By Appolntm<l'lt T. P. J.!eeder, M. D. Physician and Snrc- 1001 Weet Ba;r Aft. Telephone Barbor 80! A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICLUI and l!UllOEON Telepllono-rftlH Dr. W. T. Mooney Pbywldul and Smpoa Nlalll imol O..tral .... ( ............... , .......... NORMAN NIXON, M.. D. Pediatrician Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics - 1110'7 Oavtota Dr., Lacuna - Telephone Lacuna 1-lCIN ONCE A AIN Harold K. Grauel S Chapel laureaee H. Dorey, II. .D. CHARIER & PRESTON State ~ Contnctor Be .... 1-t:allatlw ....._ Wum ......... , ..... l'tllo.-"" Rtdc1 • Piia 11 Na or tw AM'S SEA fOOD SPA "W~s~~~~e Often Yoa the Flwt l'IMle Ooola M-Callto,... to la ()nap Coaaty: 11 '---------=...!I I Physician &: Surgeon S21 Marble Ave., Balboablalld l'llOM Barbor 189 Spokesmen for the oil industry, in discussing the prol>- Jem , "recognize that there is a severe shortage of metallic lead in this COWl\ry and we agree that a curtailment in the use of tetraethyl lead is necessary. We likewise feel that the pe~ industry will cooperate to the fullest extent poesib1e consistent with reasonable perfonnance of trucks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buses, and passenger cars in this C0W1try today." During the mooth of April, the government allocated 3500 tons of meta111c lead for use in the manufacture of tetraethy\ lead. ThJs Is approximately tw<>-thirds of the unrestricted con- swnptloo rate. In the opinion of petroleum authorities, it . is essential that the metallic ~d allocation for May and subsequent months be at least 4000 tons if serious coose- quences are not to be encountered in the petroleum and transportation industries. , N OPTOMETlllllT8 1 ~-----------...! ew - - - the Location Robert A. Crawford Waper Dn;gl• lmtlt i. Dr. WI!-c. w- Oilropractlc, Dietetic:I, Physlo &: Colonic Tbenpy HMo...tm....- 1--""-- There are things that this CO\Dltry cannot do "'ithout- Olll! of them is good gasoline. A nation on wheels, with- out gasoline. is like a dairy ranner "ith a barn full or dry cows. 315 NORTH .MAIN ST. Half Mlle Eut ~Old LOc:2jtMm on Coast Highway. uti{UJ New ·1 Bar roqii1a 1n the Serving ~ DS ..:.._ Sam's Sea ood Spa and FWi lrlarket -1 ~ 11111& ........ ., c---) 0P.t.. D. o~ £yes Eum~ -~ ntted lTtlNewpWt---..U ............ _ ..... _____ _ E~ckson Leads field BYC Race Hebe Erickson came out way In the lead PCa for the Memo- riaJ day series at Balboa Yacht club. wtlh 214 points (revene scorlngl for the three ocean races. Larry Wheeler. who sold his ~w With which he raced to a spedacular fin ish in the Easter regatta, "A'U second in tus new Pa.PCJOS.e with 9 points. Ed Giddings came in third wit}) 1 1 t points and Md'arland was fourth v.'ith 13. Finishing in or- der named were Bud Caws.rd. Haynes, Wilkinson, Fred S'mailes, Tom Jones and Bob Henley. Dixon Smith took the PIC race • . with 4 ~ points, !\littler was sec- ond with 6, just nosing ahead of Burt Russell with 6% and Wllh . r th . 'th 12 For 1 POP{!LAR PLACE. Looldnc north from tAe point of roclu above Coron.a del Mar, with the eh•nNll ln . oit was 0 l:'-r wt t: . the background, l9 Corona del Mar's lovely beach. wll.leh ls rapldJ7 becoming tbe mecca for lliundreda of the Snipes, which are get. ing in bathers. Thb .cene wu take n on Memorial Day. -photo by Gerhardt. some ocean racing along with the larger ."cia~es . Var~tay ~as ~~1 Commodore Ewart Adams. Pete1 boats raced the bay course with I War Veteran Opens 4~ ~~:sD~~r~av::cathird with Ficker. Alan. An~ews an~ ~he Rear. <;omnt~ore Dick F enton and ! Men's Apparel Shop with_ · _ic . urlh with 9% Tom Tupman s, sen10r and Juruor Publ1c1ty Dtrector Velma Barber • 9 ; Jim_ Lewis J~.,df014 · \\"hose cruiser was used as the as the committee one day, Conner Jn Main St., Balboa and La"" horn ° · committee boat. ! Race Chairman Craig Doyle and ·The ocean-racing classes were The Stars got together for an J ames Craig the next day. Capt. E. M. Johnson of Oak· out on thrtt days, May 30, June I d h p 1 and 2 \.,.;1h one race each day. informal race with Clarence \Vat-For the P-14"s Bill Ficker was an . a veteran of l e Asiatic a- Race Comml-tt,..,.. Chairman FrC'Cl erman placing a first and third 1 first ";th 4 ~ poi nts· Ala n An-I ci fic "'ar theater. "·here he spent ""' . . · ' four and a half years as an offi cer Brewer \\'as in charge. assisted by Joe Jensen a fi r~t a nd third a nd 1 dre\\"S and Pete Serrell \\'e re sec-in the aNny transportation crops, Commodore Don Kemp, Staif ~lorra l\•t unroe t\.\o seconds . Small ond """ith 10 points and Bob Kyle ! has opened th<' Piper-Johnson 1 third, 14 point!'li. Drew Gram. \\'ho men's sports\\'C'ar shop at 101 l\.·lain ' INSR~CE P. A.PALMER L IDO ISLE PP-OPElcrIES W. 0 . BUCK -Insurance Counselor Ji~ISOO ~~ 3333 V IA LIDO CALIFORNIA has ~n ill for so Jong, "'on the Balboa d inghy series with si,s. points, \\'ell ahead of his near est competitor, Stratford \Vhiting, \\"ith 11 :i.._; Marshall Gram \l.'8.!1 third with 13ir...,. next we re Ronny Collins. 18. and Jim Smith, 19. TIDE TABLES JUNE, 19'6 High Low High Low Th 6 2 :12 9 :28 4:31 10:25 4.3 0.1 4.4 2.2 F 7 3 :38 10 :20 5:11 ll:SI 3.9 0.4 --4.7 1.6 s 8 4 :54 11 :03 5:45 ..... 3.9 0.4 5.0 strct't. Balboa. Associated "'ith him in the busi- ness is his ""'ife, Dorothy Piper JDhnson. 3Iso of Oakland. Both are graduates of UCLA. The Johnsons are living at the Balboa Inn at the present time. Capt. Johnson on Wednesday said he \\'ould gi\"e a ne\\' sport shirt or a pair of slacks to the party "·ho would find a home or apa.rt- ffi ('nt for he and his \\i fe and d1-1 ugh1 er , Jody, 12. Before the \var, Johnson was Oakland city salesn1an for the l Richfield oil company. Drive Carefully Span a Lite. Su 9 JM 10 @ila/boa rket 6:00 12:2'2 G:IS 3 .3 l .1 6 :13 6:55 1:05 6 :40 3.5 0.6 5.5 ll:U LI 12:1.&( 1.4 Light Truck for hauling By the Hour More Than SO Vear9 of Sen1ce to • SOI Main F1n~t CUente.le Ph. Harbor 85 the Harbor'11 Balboa, Calil . St~~~ WEDDING PORTRAIJS I Of lhe bride ond groom I Sin 8" x 10" * S.elt ..Wi~OMI c\•f9e for _,,,., 1lttil'lt1 ia !Mt•• ot cti.mh. We ,_,,,. c•n4Hf 1het1 '" .-.iiti.,. M yow fOt'MOI portroil. ot $1.00 MCh (c•ttfl'lt theqb,, ce•I .. 4-wl'I ~· oi1lo, •t cetera). T 11 7:4.t 1:41 7:06 3.5 0.1 5.6 00 One In FULL Oil AUSTIN STUDIOS I WI .... ""'" rourl'l'fD TO T AICI l'QlrrllAITS IH HOMI O• CHUllCH I AU. 11\1DfOS OP1N 11 TO 6 PA IV9'f SUNDAY Alie TWO Ga·MOll NIONTS P11 wtm ~* No. llabl 8'. Pboae 1463 • -DAILY BOOBS: 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Frtdaiya ud !Wudaya 'W 8 p. m. 12:4.t 1.7 Phone Harbor 1672·.J '--~~~~~~~~-'I ------------, SHOES Repaired \Vhlle You \Vail Ray Pagan I 515 East Bay Front Next door to Day \'lew Cafe 9a.m.to8 p.m. W!tlEYt REf-RIGEAnTmn JERVICE ~DmPnnY Salee -Engtneer1.n1r -Service 920 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar Temporary Phone. Day 654 La· guna Beach; P hone Night, ll·362 Laguna Beach GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sau<e =~~eat • Pickles -Olives • Cheese -Meats • Sardines -Anchovies • Cracke.1'3 -Biscuits • French Rolls -· SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher V egetablell Better Meats Fancy Groceries 245 Fored Ave. LAGUNA BUCH Why Suffer? a..• ..... llerdr '!I P.a. la Grala ... 1...X~ el. VlW- "7-"~ Tlrer~ ...i Low BJeod Pl 11a.re -1Up- ....... -Olw ... Olol -., 70V " 7 Ar • B!:b _. KY J A0z•Maq ....... 1¥ So Hr ExehSre T-D 'a• ........ Dnp, ............ , or bt,,leetllW9. • o ........ .... ., .... 0 9 9 DT. I:. F . &II, D. 0.. ft.()., lft--N'ewpiwt: •as• c.at. --UM a-.:·--1U1 "-:•---~-..... --Ma•facblrer Dazed by ry Leaves Beach W-ltlloat . is Pants; Now Appeals for ~etum of Same S<otch tape, various s1-on I AU kinds lypowr!ter rl-la a.ale at the New.-nmea . stock at the N"''l-Timft. • James Reynolds ot L(>s Angel~., "I hope you wUl not 'two too vice president of the Reynolds In-severe on the Reynolds family ternational Pen company of Oii- 1 1 when you ntion th.is in the cago, was in an awful pred1ca-paper, as )pl probably will have ment when he got to the home of to explain ~ lt happened," said friends in Santa Ana Wednesday Reynolds, ~ding "but I would night. r like to get ack my trousen." H e discovered much to his cha-Reynolds described the m issing grin that his brown gabardine trousers a -t. brown gabardine. trousers "·ere m.issing. . 1 He said y contained a brown Oad only in his bathing suit, leather• wa Jet. \Vhich had five with which he had atte.nded a bucks in it and 10 tickets to the picnic, with ltis \\'i.fe. •on the south play, "The unkard."" now show- beach of Corona del 11.far Wednes-ing in a Angeles playhouse. day afternoon, he admltted last 1 "I don't car e anything about evening that the beauty about the five do ars," Reynolds stated, Corona del Mar so amazed him ''but J w like to get back my I that he walked off without his pants, a.pd aybe the wallet. The britches. billfold w ne~'. and you know. ''I got into tne car and drove it's mighty difficult these days away. forgetting that I had placed trying to g t a pair of pants." my pants on the fender." Reynolds If anyon~ has found Reynolds''. decla red in a plea to The News-pants. they can reach him by tele-1 Times, asking it to aid him in getz phoning Al dany 2011 in Los An- ting back the apparel. geles. I 1 The trousers were not on the . fc.•uder \\'hen Reynolds got out of ~ the machine in front of the home .• ut·L~ 0 0 0R R~PSAIRF.D of friends in S a nta Ana. ,..,.. ..£. E. '"It was an embarrn.ssing posi-F'ree Es ates & rn~Jlf'(·t1nn tion for me to be if\, calling on W I. Benbo\'\' my friends in a ba thing suit, but 3602 JI.fa·· i. s Ph. Hbr. 1012.J If you are -unable to com e~ rn during a office hour s, why not · save by mail? Whe~her it is s'aving for a. home, comfort in later years, etc., you can do it better thru our savings pJan Part ot All you Earn is Yours fo Sav(f NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOC/111/01\l 33a3 YIA LIDO ~HOMC HAAa01t 1500 "'hat could I do:'" Reynolds ex-l'CW: plained. ·----+-------·~----:------.,..-------------'--' NEWPORT BEACH, C::ALIF"CRN IA I PEANUT-IUTTER COOKIES 1 Bll!Dd toiethu in • lar1e bowl: I ~ cap peanut ba11f" I J.S np ... orteain• I Then add. and cream until Ha.ht and fluffy: I ~ rilp llll'uwn n.1ar, firmly I pocked ~ cup panulated 1u1ar I Stir in, and btat well: f 1-I Sift, Ihm measure in1 0 sifter: l ~ eupt enriehed flour % seupoon .od.- ~ te.o•pooa baklnc powder ~ teupooa. ult Sift inlo creamed miIIUre; mii: well : chill 2 to 3 houn; inen roll in small b.ll1. Place on lightly greased cooky sh~t. Flatten with a fork dipped in Aouc, making criucrou mark. on top of eacll one. Bake in a moder- ate o,.en (375• F.) 10 Ip 12 minute&, or until 1olden-browa. rtfak n S doz.en cookir1 2 incbn in diam~er. PEANUT-BUTTER FROSTING Combine and mil tboniuihly : I I I I I I I PEllllJT lfJTTEll I flWH fftl flt tll/MIWll •H lnw•·flp THI Serve this wholesome and vitamin-rich food often. It takes the place of many currently short-in-BUpply foods. Safeway has a plenti· ful supply, so !alee home a jar or two. today! BEVERLY PElDT BU HER 1 ·lb. Frab-raa•ed navor. 2-lb. jar, 4&. ior PElDT HOWDY 1-lb. Coane grind. Guaranteed to plea8". jor ROSE =: 8-01. 3 lahle.poom pe.nac batter 2 i.bletpoo• cold ieol"tt 1 labletpooa nurm or milk 1 tablnpooa. ••nilla es.I.net Silt, then meuure: ,. ....... fE ...... cu •• ........ ·'-'· IM6.... , .......... ....... -"'- 1 ~ to 2 e111pe powdered 1apr Add l"'fdually to peuut-butttt mi1.ture, beatina well •fttt each •ddition. Will frost I l~~::_:~~~·~:ai:i:::u.: _ j TOILET SOAP Cashmere Bouquet .. 10- J ban '°' 27c. Sierra Pine 2 _ 13- WCllNG SUPPUES JarLicls _ a- 2-pc. Jctr Caps -19" M. C. P. Pectin 3 !.;:: 218 · DAllY l'IODUCTs HomogenizedMillc-141/ie . L""'°""° 9rond. Hotf GolNn_ 21c. LucemeHalf&H¢f ,...1 .. Luceme Butterinilk _ 8Y2c Cottage Cheese _ 219 fGnMr $t)1t. ..,,,. TllN ...... JELLO Delicious, full eors of Gol -~ Serve roasted, boiled. A '.:'LEMONS , .L.. -~ .... , c ........ ----CANTALOUPES CUANING AIDS LaFranceBluinq2 •::;: 15• Satina Starch ,.......,.T"': 5• MopHeads c°'"'°""'": SI- Toilet Bowl Brush -• 2D" White Magic Bleach .._ .. 1h goflon, 1 lir. Gollorl, 29c. INSECTIODES aad SPRAYllS NeocidDust ,,..._,... 79" Butchet-'1lrond.With10% DOT. Flit with 5% DDT -32" ,lit withol.it DOT, .>lrtt, 19rc. COFFEi, COF/EE SUISllTVTB EdwcndsCoffee ....... rr Rich~ Orlp, R..,, w ~ 2.-lb. ;ot, Orip or Reo,. 53c. Ben Hur Coffee .... o.-;~": 33- Instant Coffee •· -32" 2-.... CORN LB. • CANNED GREEH IWCS Green Beans Green Beans .......... , •• 12" , ....... H...,_Cut 15' , ..... _ PAIKAIE fLOUI Flap1· ack Flour Albon ''""" 22" ieo ....... Pancake Flour "''"""" "'""" J&• ......... CllKI THESE WEWAY VALUES Campbell'sSoup "~·· It• OiicMn 6 Hoodtio Variety. Spaghetti Dinner& .... 31• CMf ilo)l·At-0. lfond. Mushroom Sauce ..... _ I" Swplrlo Brand. ;French Dressing ,..._....., 22" Vlr;inlo Dore 8rond. WIM Sty&e. Prunelade LI-... Pwo I&• 11 ..... .... Beverage Powders 3 ,.,.. 111" flcvor-..AJd ltand. Grope, o.ty, Strawt»rry, a...mort-l.imt, ~ ond flospbony flovon..0 CAtlllED MEAT aad IA VIOUS DeviledHam Ubbr"''""' It• •~ .... Lunch Meats ,,_ -H• Honor...,. -.,ftood bn»ndL Rcniolia .._ .. CNd<~-• ,. .......... .. a-. ..................... .,,.. ....... ~ ........ .. .. CAIBAGE .... -............ ,.-.. .. .... _..,_ I POTATOES ---.. "'-""-II ... lt:~!!t•_ ............ . _ _._. YBlOW ONIONS .. _...., .............. ...... 111'-:':·=~"ti .. ...., ........ ~ . ........... ...... .. CARROIS ~ ....... -. .. 4 ti •• -?_,....._., .. -• 1-~==~-==~-~ .. ~·~·~·:·:·:::'~.J J ~iiil:'i;;;;;:::iii::i:'(j;::i:iii:::' .... ,. ........ 111111 ....... ......... , t•st1.,01d .._ I I \ • • a • • • • • • • 7 .... .._ •• Qtll? 'y,_,_ I ' : Two Sailors Hurt In CDM Car Crash Ro~= on Balboans ~!::ti: Dr. Richter a~ :"w~ch~y"'= = G. I. HOllleS Ask Qv"1c to .~:~7:~ Page 11 • Will Retire • crashed into the rear of another William Gatts, federal qipraJ:s.. Enroute to the convention the . =: de~tMi:lat~t .. ':!f': er for thla clloblct ... G. L -· improvement :;:i.=·..!'~:~. ~ : ;:; (Continued f>om p-1) day. was the prindpml mpetk"' -rue. gates of Yellowstone Park Where cal rewarch for the savtna of Police reported the car in which day eveniDc of the Newport Bal-they will make a stop and on to lives of thousandl of wounded and -- the sailors were riding was badly boa Rotary club. Be w. intro-(Continued from Page 1) SL Paul. Minn., for another stop. injured servtcemen.. Dr. Chun&: damaged The aailor:$, William J. cluced by Had JUnc. ln Chicago they will make a tour bu the a~tltude and applreatlon Zabiah and Kenneth Johnson. were Mr Gals -lalJMl!J(f the work-Don Harmon, amuaementa, 101 of the rooms at the headquarters so requilite in the ~feulon and taken to the marine h01pi.tal at . · ..,... Main street; R. S. Downing, fiah of Klwanis International, then a:o I pttdict ~ will .. '° far in his the El Toro staUon. Zabish sut-lDP of G. L io.n.. wbicb were tackle, lQO Main street; Max to Boaton tor a .dedication cere--choeen life 1 work.. ~ fered an injury to his left leg. The later clarified by Roland Wri&ht. Wolff. ...Staurant, 106 Main mony. At Atla'.ntic City, which 0... Chun& p-aduated fnm MU'-W mt .th-~the~:el.=-·.,:; FOR SAIF 4 double bunk beds. other's lnjuriea could not be de---ot the Newport Beach street : C. R. Johnson, cafe, 51l they will reach June 9, they will quette university, Milwaukee, In of ba y, stay nigh ta, week ends 1prlnp and matmuea, S20 tennlned branch at the Bank at AiMrlca, E. Central 1tay at the Treymott botti on 1937 and oerved In the Anny Medi-orr Harber 729-W 45-4tc each. 31l Ialand Ave. Ph: Har- 'nle car that was s truck is own-who aaid that after the aovem-Larry Hartwig. cate, E. Central the board walk. Mr. Bartine leaves cal corps from 1942 for 37 months, • · bor SO. ~ltc ed by Mn. R. B. YOW>.g of 1201 ment appto\l'ed lta M.000 the bank Ave.; Sam Kins!ather, plumbt.nc. June 13 for home, but will stop mo1tly overseas. He won a bronze W~ -Woman for general ---------- Coast hich•Q', Corona del Mar. loaned the t»••nce required up E. Bay A\'e.; Lorne Hycke, cloth-Iri Wu.hincton. D. c.. for two star and an Oak Leal Ouater and ~k. two in family, no FOR SALE -Bunk bed. Kohler ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\to $10.000 provided ia-oper 0'1!dlta Ing, 303 Main street; Harry Jamea, days. arriving here about the 20th. wu ~ Sept<mber 12, . cooklic. Uve In. 1240 Weat Bay, OVO?$tuffed oet. Wlndoor rocker. ROSSI'S Liquor Store and blue printa are farthoamlng. Balboa Paint store, 600 E. Bay; Among the 1peal<Or:$ on the con-1945, shortly tbett~ ~.~ Newpcirf 45-2tp Occu. chair, dlninc room table, Mr Gata expl•lned that the John Wallace, 302 Main street; vention program are Harold E. the Orange County nu..,.tal ~ oak chest and dra'tllttl. Call coat 0at the -muot a1oo in-W. C. Cooper. market, 301 Main Stallell, Gen. Omar Bradley, Sec· Dr. John Montnus, superintendent. HELP fWANTED -Woman for Beacon 5636-M. 44-2tc llOAT!!, llt1Pl'LIZI! a elude the Jot; that a fair ap-1treet; B. C. Koch, amusement, rotary of Agriculture Clinton P. He will uaume blo work here ~ bowlework, flill or part BENDIX Wuhin& Machine, two FOR SAL&-Q2.fL hull. Cape Co4 -~ ...... ., praJsal ol a two bed>oom home 405 N. Main (pavilion): V. Ophelia Anderwon and Conlreuwoman July 1. He wu bom In Honolulu time, Uve In or "'!_L Good wqeo. boy'a blcydea, 1 pins-Pong table dory type, $250. Phone ~ wu $6.00 per Mlllm'O foot, al-LaCrolx. cafe. 401 N. Main (pav-Oare Booth Luce. and married Mia Carolyn Richter Fo family. Ph: Harbor and aet. 1 croquet set, 1 set of l691. 45-414 thouP In the barbar cllotrict, at ilion>. (no relation to 0... Richter) In 1992. 45-tfc """'· ·1 _,. 2 vi llns. Phone r~.-:.-,~ ~ Slon leut, few -can be built on Edward Flrbank, 305 Main M d D Milwaukee. They have two dill-....., &-tar, o FOR SALE---Outboard Ciampi.., ~~~~~~-~-~·~-~~~~~~~:~ba~iri~1,~l~t~wu~~ata~ted.~:__ ___ street·, Frank D. Bell, Balboa a ogs dren, Joyce 7 and Maxine 6. WANTED -Mlddle-qed Harbor 1819 or oall at Via Ov1et motor, 3.9 h,p., xlnt cond. Cal for houoekeeper and .Udo Iale.-44-2tc Twin Oaks 4774 I. A. 42-4to sport fishing float, 403 Main llUlllNEllS OUIDS 11 , 2 adulta. 928 E. Central, . · , • _ . 1 ~----------------------; street: Charles L. Smith, Balboa FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on Phone Harbor 1916. FOR SAU>-Beautitul Red Fox 20-FT. SAILBOAT, deatgned b) I , G..,."'RGE D. BASSP1•1• Central markeL 708 E. Central On Loose . 44-2tc fU1' noat. Three quarter& length, Schffl, w..11 built In 1940. Ph: I:LV u A J M H The ""-your home, call Beacon 53301W,l.l:;l;;;~=-H.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;I size 16. Bought Jut year, worn Burbank Charleston • ~~ ve.; ames . ome, ~. after 4:30 p.m. 10-tf< ~~ Gwnl ~&mg • ~·• JloM• ! 1phig Howie, 104 Main 1treet; Earl -Housekeeper, smaD twice, $165. 603 Larkspur Ave.. 45-4tt Jacome Tax Seatlee Rtttor She, 806 E . Central Ave.; on Island. Cook meala Corona clel Mar. 42-4tp :::::,.,,.--:--:--...,.----,-----= Ned M. Johnson. "He" M~n·• In County PAINTING and DEOORATING ~ ~<>,:~·~": 2nl&l5l~Mta FOR SALE-1 wicker baby lb'ol-FO!~e~~~ls s':4 ~ Sportswear, 101 Main street; uy By the hour or job. ~ ler, $10; a lovely set for baby, Craft. Good condition ~·~ Metter, 104 Main street; Roland Alao Sprayins. I 42-tfc ~·-• 11 bed with 1 •• .....,.. U edtke, 600 D ... Front: H. M. Call ~--•-8701 '-2 . •-uor ze new nner• Phone ~ 680-W. ~11:1 ~ ~UUl" -.. DECORATORS apring mattress and wardrobe, ::::::=-==,.....,;::.,:::--:---::--:-~ Holker, Balboa branch manager, Doc own<r:$ and realclenll · of From Ii to 5 p.m. $35. 418 E. Surf, Balboa. 42-4tc FOR SALE-11>-ft. Dory. 1oiu- F 0 r S a I e a Bank of America. Newport Beach and ourroundln& , 44-81< KAY FIN<;,!. ~c;::_,_1w01 FT TRIUMPH I tin Seahane 21 h .p., oom~te, S4DO. , a communities were warned this gu~ 4\i-· 1tee cas g Uke new. Call at 127 42nd St., I I week that there is a opreadlng SIGN PAINTING with art training or abll· rod, $6.50; collapoible trout Nowport. '1-41e 12 n ME AT CASE OBITUARIES epidemic of rabled.iloe> In Oranse ---lty. Ask for Mia Dierker, 121 landing net, $5: Winchester .22 • • county and were urged to take Boata, Trucks, wlndowi-C:apt Blvd., Corona clel Mar. rifle, single, $5.SO; jointed metal FOR SAI.E--3:).ft. fantail lloldllf '-· ------------' precautjons with their pets by Qty WallJ and Bulletins. __l '3-tfc cleaning rod, .30 calibre up, $1. boat. motOI' and boat good 2- Evelyn Lewi.a Spencer Humane Officer Vince Cusumano. Raised Metal, Wood and 319 Anade, Balboa. Ph: Harbor ton ice hold. 4-lon deck load Newport Electric Appliance Going to Yoo probably have your dream house aD worked out In your mind -or maybe your architect or contractor already bu prepued plans on paper for you. l!'Jedridty will have a large pan la _.,. drflams of postwar living -Woe. Wbea you go over tlJe plans with your ballder be aore to ask him about the newfJlt develop- meata In bo"""hold labor 11&vlng ud faa<>- tloaal beauty. ~ Our Ezperta ID everythlag electrlcsl wlD be glad to help with layout plans or pnb1emL One soggestloa may make a lot of .un- la the "llve-abWty" of that home. Mrs. Evelyn Lewis Spencer died According to CUsumano and Plastic Letten 1283-M. 45-ltp Commercial gear. See at 413 a t her home. 249 f1ower street. authoriti .. from the Orange Coun-AL LACHMEYER I TltAILERS FOR RENT-Do your Edgewater, Balboa. 45-lt< Cos ta Mesa. on Wednesday, June ty Health Department, dogs of 1726 West Central ' Experienced own hauling and moving. Al1 26-FT. AUX. SLOOP, sleeps Z 5. She had been a resident for Westminster . Midway Ci ty and Harbor 1243-M 38tft I new equipment, $2.25 and $2.50 Star motor, good sails, $1500. two years, coming from Laguna the West Sa nta Ana district are per day. We furnish the hitch. Or trade for car. Burnette, c/o Beach where she had lived 10 under strict quarantine for rabies COOPERATIVE BOAT Myrehn Bros. Service Station, F1eitz Bros., Anchorage, San years. She was past-president otl at presen t. ROOFING CO. cor. 17th & Newport Blvd., Costa Pedro. 43-4tp the Laguna Beach Women's club Everyone is urged to prevent BUILDERS Mesa. 42-4tc ==-_,,..,.,,.,,,...-=---..,,,.--,,,..-,-_.:. and during the war took an active t he spread of tht! disease in the N FOR SALE-Star Boat, light con· part in the Red Cross Canteen Harbor district and to notify the eytr and Repair Fire Pla~ and IStndllng stru'ction. galvanized machined ! service. j Surviving are her widower, Ben- I net t W . Spencer; a daughter , Mrs. Benita Spencer Lovela nd of Bal- l boa Island and t \\"O sisters, Mrs. Grace L. Parsons of Arcadia and Mrs. B . F. Langworthy of \V in- netka, I ll .. Christian Science ser v- ices will be held Saturday. June 8 at 2 p.m. in t he Baltz chapel, Corona del l\f ar and interment will be priva te. Thank You To the Citi1111 of Or11g1 'Co111J: humane department o! Newport Phone 875-M $1.47 per hour W 0 0 D keel, stainless steel rigging. Lo> at the first sign of dogs showing 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa Delivered cated at 1707 E. Bay Ave .. Bal· symptoms or sickness. 2()..tf< boa. Name: Hyli te. 42-6t'p !-----------H. W . WRIGHT Apprehend Escaped Prisoner PAINTING 12 Y'e3.TS Service in Newport Harbor Area 1 Harry Hall PAINTING' CONTRACfOR Phone Beacon 5259-J Z74 E . 19th ~treet 24-tl< P AINTINO OONTll.AUl'OB I SEE MR. PETI"i SOUTH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 41-3Th4 Ph. Beacon 5665 WANTED ro RENT -Slip 101 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tfc 1&-ft. sailboat for summer Please contact L . H . Landis, ORANGE COUNTY 10518 National Bl\'d .. Los An· UPHOLSTERING co. geles 34 , ARdmore 88079. Manufacturers 4>1t< Of Upholstered Furniture 413 W. 4th St .. Santa Ana Factory and Sho"Nroom 504 West Center St., Anaheim Phone Anaheim 4714 collect 12-tfr FOR SALE-New Marine Kohle1 Gener ator. l'soo watts. 32 vol1 D. C .. retail price for this powe plant is $516. We have 10 lefl for clearance sale. $374. Yeokel Bros., 225 So. Vermont. Los An· geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45-tf< HYDRA -MAJIC llU81N1:118 GUIDE SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS · Culbertson Chevrolet Co. 3011 w. Central Newport Beach -INSURANCE- • FIRE • At.rI'OMOBILE • COMPENSATION "STU" DUNLAP (X)AST PROPERTIES ,. TACIT m. WING SANG BOAT[& REPAIR YARD 811 Cout HJPway 101 ..._ 8•11111 Mlt • ::a-.::::.:~· _'L,,I • ...... B••,_ .... ~ ... .-.a• .. !> · .Plywopd • Skit($ •' and Sailing Dinghies TOP PAX OVERTIME BONUS WATSON BOATS m 0out 111Pw11 ~5277 • BUNK BED. Complete with mat-STEINWAY Grand Plano. MaJias· ,_,,_ u-~ any case. Beautiful tone. -. u.-, opr1np "~. ~~ 1 M-D'-.,,..,.,.._ 1 F.urnlture, 1962 Harber Blvd., um ~. ~·~·...........,• Calta Meaa. . 36-tfc PIANO oo.. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. IBotfe BRAND NEW unfinllhed cheata ot RADIO HOUSE CAUS- clrawen, all lizel. Harbor Fund·. Now that addl-1' 00111P1twt 'tuft, 1112 Harbor Blvd., Colta ~ -aftllable, -.. Meaa. 36-tfc able to -sevlco -9 \arp -·All--~ an-. RAJIOLD 1. tllAilnl. S.O.S. JI-, 300 J1ar1ae AW: Ph. ~ 'llO. • M-tle FOR SALE-9dt all wool ru&. -O< tiunk bedo with sprlnp and mat-. \llle new, 3 .... ..,. drcp-top cleak like new. tdnsle ma-, 2 bedroom rup, SEE the new tt)1e wari4 tam - other m1oc.. 22() Sapphire, Bal-upbolstend pl•-. MalQ' -. lg hland C5-2tc to -fnm at D.utz, SCHMIDT PIANO 00. DI lfe. Main St.. Santa Ana. We-.... rent pl•MI. II-tie I • j. M. MILLER Reel Estate Broker 15th and Central · Lido Isle Balboa . . • • MAW~ a•• .... A xm-u•• Jfwwwtw! "rs# °rt, cf. lw !, ski ' ' . ' ~·~1 ~-~ .. ~·~··:.:-~-~~ ~·~n:~----~&1 wz•r. aTAft '' .... mA.n COAST PROPE ,TIES INCOME PROPERTIES FOR SALE COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH Fumlsbed court; new; O.P .A. Income approx. $21.00 dally plus owner's quarters. • REALT01'S GENERAL INsuRANCE "Insure Today -Be &Je Tomorrow'" I co . • • • '' PS••·DTAD HARBOR tNVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors BALBOA ISLAND Model 2 B. R-home, completely furnished. •Bay front. Near Lido club 2·Bedroom home with patio. house. Completely furn-Playhouse, barbecue, fur- 9 rentals, $645.00 mo. O.P .A. ceiling; beautifully fumlshed. newly painted Inside and out; large living quarters, beauti- ful landscaping; 5 garages; room for 12 cabins. Best buy In Harbor area. $35,000. Terms. ~Y to brokers. --a- BALBOA ' Excel location. Immed. poss. Terms. SUMMER RENTALS? ~o.ooo . . ished. A real buy nace. Completely furn- a t $32,500 ished. Immediate posses- HURRY HURRY! HURRY! mon. 5 stucco units; court, fur. nlshed. Extra lot, ·room to build next to alley. Net in- come $280.00 month. This place will not last long $15,000 --0-at this price. · Balboa Island 2-Bedroom residence. Furn· !shed. Oloice location near South Bay front. Imme- diate possess''lll. $15,500. Terms Costa Mesa Bu.mness f rootage with improvements $10,500 Bay Ave. Lot near Yacht club $4500 Balboa Island 4 RESTAURANTS Harbor area:. Comp. equlpPl!d. Going bumness Leese or sale of property outright. Come In for details. --0- --a- Motels; 3 to choose from; 101 highway In Newport Bee.ch. Big Incomes. --0- Finest view apartments In bay CONCRETE BRICK PLANI' area; 10 apts. and 10 rooms Going Big ,, ___ ,, Beautiful home on South Bay O.P .A. yearly Income appro ' business. """'"""' front. 70 foot frontage; pier $20,000. Section restrict!i ~= ~ .= ~ and !loal Plenty of yard against any other Income pro-pay for lbelf. space. Guest house. A rea1 perty. place fo rtha&e who enjoy --0---0- livlng. HOMES Yes, we have three .In Bal~-Please Inquire . Sorry, no children Fr pets . BALBOA Neat 3-bedroom home. Spacious patio with large p;cruc-- table and barbecue. Double garage. $15,0QO BALBOA Attractive 3-'-bedr ..... 'OOl-ni home. ~cieiY furnished ; 4 neat apartments bring In good Income. All units and house newly redecorated Inside and <J9l. Outstanding buy at . . $27,500 .COSTA MESA New 2-bedroom home on nicely located comer hall acre. -Garage, guest house ; corral and chicken equipment. $12,500 : 1WO HOMES NEWPORT HEIGHTS LIDO ISLE Phone Your Li~lngs In On Canal Front, tumlshed Comer. Private pier; 6 years old. Immediate possession 2-Bedroom home, large ldtch-Plcture.que 2-story, 4-bedroom stucco. Three baths, en, big cupboard; be&utifUI lpadous living room and very large dining room, each and w.. will give them every consideration landscaping. Ocean view. ' , , with fireplace. 75' Frontage. Entire yard walled and --0- --0-and beautifully landscaped. Terms. - $29,500 J. 15th "' Central • MUSICAL & BADIO M. MILLER Newport Bee.ch • . Ph. Harbor 1242 45-ltc M EVA F. RHODEN Arvin & Emerson Lido Isle R A D I 0 S 2·story 2·bedrm. home with at· 24-HC1UJ' Radio Service tached garage. All rooms are Short Circuit Radio large with living room across New 1-bedroom home, large lot, tile sink, shower. etc. $4750. Halt cash. --0- COSTA MESA New 3-bedrm. home; large rooms; tile, kitchen and bath. 2-Car gar. Fireplace. $6400 down. Beach home. 4 rooms partly tumlsbed; gar.; patio. $6000. TentlS. --0- CORONA DEL MAR 2 homes on one lol SllO mo. total rental or owner's apl & $60.00 mo. Furnished. Excel- lent ocean view. $16,500. TentlS. 305 Palm. Ba1boa entire front of house. '1' block Phone l~W 13-t!c from bay. -0----Q- Radio Repairs $20•000 SPECIAL COsrA MESA 1-Bed~SJo~~t 66x300. All makes ; tubes. etc. Newport Blvd. Lot 2-Bedroom Cape Cod house 100 rabbit hutches. Good in· Beacon 5763 SO.ft frontage facing on West· 2 garages; beautifully turn come. $5750. Halt cash. BURT NORTON minster. New double garage. ished, newly painted: furnace --Q- 915 Coast Highway. Newport $6500 heat. 30 Chickens, 1 cow. rab-I BALBOA 23-tfc _ bits and farm equipment. All 2·Bedroom home next to bay. DOGS. CATS a PETS S5 Corona de! Mar for Sl2,000. TentlS. , vacant. Very neat. ;:F:.::O:.::R:.::;.SA.::LE-~.::.,.;17;....;:mo-=,:nt-Ch,-s -o'°'ldc-m=ate Furnished -4-room home. View. Doberman A . I<:. C. champio n Double garage. Yard fe nced. Ex· stock. \V. Purdy, Balboa Motel, ce11ent condition. Fireplace. Im- 315 E . Central. . 45-4tp mediate possession. A buy at- lll'ECl .\L ANN0°m<CEMENTS S8 $8_8_50 TYPEWRITERS · OFFICE EQUlP!ylENT Cleaning. Oiling. Adjusting. Overhauling ROBERT'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE EVA F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ELTON D. BARNE'Tr. Broker Ph. Beacon 5713-R 4>2tc · 2600 W. Central Harbor :1t!c Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W . Sanford. Broker Carpenters Available for general maJntenance and repair 308 Marine Avenue Phoc e 234-R Balboa Island LOTS -LOTS Highway lots on 101 -Newport Boulevard 2 lf· Acres ocean view for rancho or lots. 5 Acres good land for orange grove, subdivision. etc. New subdivision lots in Sea View Heights, 1 ocean and bay view. ' BAY FRONT LOT El Bayo Tract. Canal comer: water on 2 sides: clear view. SPECIAL ---COR9NA DEL MAR LOT With extra adjoining lot. A real buy. -D-- A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor Charlie Dennison a nd Associates "Rusty'' Baker 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone: Beacon 5173 "We Appreciate Your Listings" Will exchange North Bay corner 43-lt O. Z. ROBERTSON Call Harbor 83 lot for inside property. Business --------------------- lease, 2 stores. Excellent loca- tion, ?41arine Av"nue. Attractive income. KEYS Made While You W&lt VOGEL'S 100 Main SL. Balboa H 0 U S E S '?OS Marine, EbtJ.boa t.land \Vell built, large living room, fire- 94-Uc place. glass enclosed front porch, ------------::! bedroom. dressing room. Well FOR RENT U furnished. WILL RENT 3-room furnJshed Terms. Immed. posseu.lon. apt. to lady that will usl.st ln $15,800 motel wark few hours per week. _ Coastline Motel, 6600 Coast Hi-Very attractive, newly tumlshed. way. Ph : Harbor l4Q8..W. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, paUo, near 4~2tc North Bay. BROSE REALTY Corona de! Mar ONE-BEDROOM HOME ON AVOCADO A VENUE; double garage; partly furnished; ocean view; possession. $8,875.00 t ,, COSTA MESA Sea Erta Motel. Modem 15-unit layout and 3-bedroom home. Newly redecorated. Lots or space tor more units or trailers. Good tentlS. $55,000 EL BA YO BAY FRONT Modem 5-bedroom, 3-bath stucco with tile roof. 3-car garage. Spacious knotty pine living room opens onto large brick patio. Eatch master bedroom has its own private full bath. $47,500 BALBOA 2 Ocean front homes. Fully furnished. No rent ceilings. Large furnished patio $16,800 EAST NEWPORT R-2 lot. 31'xl02' $3000 BALBOA R-3 Bay front lot. 30'x88' $16,000 CORONA DEL MAR Brand new 2-bedroom home. 2-car garage. Forced air heat. $12,000 COAST PROPERTIES REALTOJts GENERAL INSURANCE co . 703 E:. Central Balboa Harbor 2658 45-ltc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Colta Mela Ph: Beaoon 5320 2 Bedroom Home Furnished. near Newport Heightl d.i.ltrict. Lot 90x150. Large gar· REAL VALUES Completely !urnished one-bedroom home. Hardwood floors. Nice lot, close to transportation and shopping center. $4500 age, rabbit. and chicken equip-Must Sell This Week ment and a ver'Y. nice berry Two-bedroom home, 104 x 150. 2 B. R-home. 60-ft.'!rontage. Near pprtb bay. Part furnished. Immed. poss. $22,500 LIDO ISLE Modem twt>-stoty bay front home. Unit beet. A-1 locatioo. • $47,500 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 B. R. home. Overlooking entire harbor. 'Ibis Is a real value. Elec. refrigeration, stove and ottM!r fumlsblngs. Terms. $7,000.00 3 B. R-home on Santa Ana Ave. Large lot. Immed. poss. . $8,750.00 CORONA DEL MAR Brand new home. 2 B. R. and den. 1 'h baths. Nice view ,.-. of ocean and bay. Terms. lmmed. poss. $19,000 NEWPORT CANAL FRONT We have two houses on canal waterfront which are now available. Priced at $15,000 and $17,000 Both good values. Both have bulkheads and floats • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES To lease--New building on Central Ave. 25x50. Excel. loca- tioo. To Lease-200 ft. on bay front In commercial zone. Long term lease can be arranged. Gift and merchandise business. Best location. gross bus. $2,000.00 month. Full pr. $14,000 12-Unit court in JJa]boa. Average in c. ·$650.00 mo. Full pr. $45,000. Terms Tackle store. Gross $100,000. Favorable lease. Prime location. For sale at 30% over inventory SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES List With Us for Best Results HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 & 1601 4.1tc Bay, Front 10 bedrooms, 61,i baths, located on 3 bay.front lots. Pier and Ooat. Hal( ·cash down payment $25,0 00 • Corona del M~r FOR SALE-Corona del Mar 40.ft lot on Lark.spur near Sea View, $2750.00. Also lot on Orchid, %i block off Coast Highway, $1500. Call Morningside 16698. 908~ Lucille St., Los Angeles. 45-ltp FO_R_RENT_______ $23,750 OFFICE SPACE Immed.·possesslon and Terms 'IWO HOME.S, ONE BEDROOM EACH, on two adjoining 30x118 ft. lots; Houses about four years old, In excellent condi- tion. each completely furnished; very choice location, block and half from ocean. patch. We believe th1a would Nicely landscaped. Garage, pass the G. I . loan. Price-chicken house, fruit and berries. Costa Mesa $7500 $7500 5 acres on Santa Ana Ave. betw. FOR SALE OR TRADE-'36 ai.v. 4-dr. oedan. 200· mlleo 1lnoe mo- tor rebuilt, new brakes, clutch and rear end. Clean and xlnt running cond Want old car and cuh. Ph: Harbor 1990-J. 42-4tc for Builder Contractor ln Real Well located business property, Estate office. In an outstanding store and well turnllhed living location. Ph: Beacon 5173. 44-2tc quarters. Shown by appoint· ment. 2 bedrooms. nicely tum. WANTED TO llZNT U 2+ear garage, wide lot, attrac- WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 bed-tively priced. room hout.e or apt. Permanent. - Call collect Long Beach 84467. Several good buys in dUplexea. CapL Monden. 42-4tp Also furnished homes with guest apartments. Priced from $18,900 WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. to $30,000. unfurnished hoole. WUJ Jeue. _ Call Sam Porter at Ha.tbor 7(17 So. Bay Lots. Excellent location. e1 l.S. 35-tfc _ GARAGES WANTED. one for Corona del Mar car. near Balboa library; oi:'e 40-!t. Lot, ocean view, good loca- tor trunk storage, anywhere tn tlon. below highway, $4750.00. area. 319 Anade, Balboa. Phone Two Ocean Front lots. Both priced Harbor 1283-M. 45-2tp to .. u. HOUSE. 1~ 45-ft. Lot, view. South ot Sea View APT <1t SMALL wan~ $475000 by man and wife. We do not · · _ drink or smoke, no children or H -ta Phone s.nta Ana 0991-W ouses Both Homes $21,000 THREE-BEDROOM HOME ON HAZEL DRIVE, north ot highway; furnished ; beautiful view. $11,500 LOTS An excellent selection of lots beginning at $1400 Some may be purchased on terms. : .;..it• Box -x-Newport Bal-2-bedroonu, 2·story. 0-ft. loL So. -N_..'l'lmes 37-t!c of Sea Vlow. $15.000. B R 0 S E R E A LT Y • Chcken Ranch On OM acre ln Costa Mesa. Nets more than $300 a week. 2 bed- room house. Immediate posses- sion. Full price--- $12, 000 A beautiful home In Costa Mesa's belt residential district.1 Large Uv- tng room and dining room, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, flr<place, noor furnace, waJJ to wall car- pets. Double eara&e with laun .. dry. Lovely lawn and Dowen. $15,750 % Acre Land 6-room atucoo house, har..!d'-w-ood-' floors. basement, on Ora.nee Ave. Double 1arage. Immediate ~ -Ion. $8700 VETERAN and ~de p1AJ1D1ng to ~:!n "';"-=-= : 1307 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar Ph.: Harbor 2048 ..-ln Coota Mesa. Want sm. highway. 2 bedims. and den. • 45-ltc Sandwich Shop rum. apL or -· '?'"'"'ct Mr. large Uvlnc room. tile kitchen PUBLIC NOTICE AT CORONA DEL MAR Good location. Businea and equl Jca-at Harr• Jewolry, and bath, serviat pordl, 2-car Six Days ment 1821 Harb« mvc1.. eo.ta M-. cvace. Cash Ra' · Sal $1300 · 4J.tfc $16,000. u nfurn. NO'rICS or ao.uw or 1S1ng e _ ·~Al.n:ATJON JID"i'iHG J. E.. Bames & Son ~ ia. New,..-t m..i. Here ls ..cr'he Answer to Small attnctlvo -with 'flew. your Food Problem partly turnllhed. NJeel:J located, Notic. 11 bettby &1wn that the Local butcher needs one or two IOUth of highway. lArSe llvinlt Oty Coundl of the Oty ot Now _ _. home, flJmllbed or ';"' room. finplatt, patio, ~ port Beach will mHt at a Bovd flJmiohed. pennanent or or gvace. Prl.,. for quldc .i.. of Equalization· commenctns at Juiy •and "-L ~alladul~ $8,750.00 4:00P. M. on Monday the flnt day CU fUmloll :rou w•th M-tfc of Jilly, 1946, and will continue in bald-lo-pt meat and cr<>CO<Y !..-----------, a<ijourned ....i .... 1n>m 10 A. K . i-' Sco"'-L T to 12 Noon each day thtte&ft.,. to write A. ~ Bo'-Island, U0. .... Saturday. Jilly 6, 1946, lncluolve, Gonenl Dellve<Y or Phone La-N d or unW the returns of the Asoes-_..M9. . 4'-2tp ow on Han .... have been .-.ctlfled or vmtkd. u:wr. ~ u Supply Limited By ..-of the City C'.oundl a1 'IWO BEDROOM !umlahed -· -at-the City of Newport Beech. Carcaa clol Mar. vcmth al July, NPr-w'S • TIMES FRANK i.. RINEHART. pio. Adtll-Bos R. c/o N_.. lliio Clerk al the Board. ~ ~ltp'l'-...;_ __ ....;.._....;.. __ _;,_:1 Pub.--.Jane 6, U, 1946. • Beautiful Lots 60 x 118 feet $2700 Corner. Le»el 60 x 118 feet. $2800 Comer. Level. 90 x 118 feet $2250 HD! side. OJota 11 ... -Pb. ~-5DI -t5-ltc A. L. Matthews Nice lot on Newpcxt ffel&bta with OC'Mn view. Price $1850.00 Four Acrel In 0Jota 11-. West side. 800 ft. frontap. . $1800 'Pel' acre ,_ h>dultrial )oa In N'•EW'" ... "'rtrt with 1'didmce m rear. W. J . HOLCOllB List1-Appr<ciated m1 eout Hlch._ A. L. Matthews, Broker Corona de! Mar Barbor 2'1811 509 31st St. Pb. Harbor 25'17 "Wbere the Flop FIY° M-2tc Newpcxt Bead1 4'-2tc ' ' 16th and 17th, with small house Completely furnished two-bedroom and out buildings. home with den. Nice large Jot, $10,500.00 one block from Newport Blvd . AUTO SEBVICZ Good district. 1942 refrigerator Newport Heights and gas ran1e. Priced to sen. 2 bedroom furnished home offer· on!y-$7975 :.~ ~~'."1 view of the Bay NOW HERE WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A.NERESON REAL ESTATE Insurance and Bualneu Opportunities 19711 Newport Blvd., Coota Meoa PQ: Beacon 5225· 4S-1tc $8,500.00 Balboa Peninsula Lots $2,950.00 Up JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St:, Balboa Phone Har. 2034 Your authoriz.ed Otryaltt• Plymouth Dealer. Authorized ports Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Export Mecbanlca .. El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue ; .45--ltc Kendall and Quaker State olll $4000 Large Corner Lot On Penlmula. with vlrfv, $5750 On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,600 Income Property 2 bedroom -and 4 .....n rental units. Seves al aood Bay Front Lota LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 See Us Far Oti-1- .$6500 and Up Aloo Lota W. L. JORDAN 'lllO E. Central. a.JbcM Phone Harbor 163 ~lfA> - NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 21116 W. Central A ... FOR SALE-Qtoice located Iota and \j, acres, $400 to $3.000. Artistic 5-nn. hie. 2 bednn. G.,... -with guest rm. On 2 _bll lota, tlnest aYe.y view ol oeND, DNr all con....U.-. San Clemente. 112.500 unfurn; $14. 750 fUQl. ~nn. bcane. 2 bedrn& A 1arase. banlwood Ooon. tile "-"' A link. I.up cloleta, fhplace. Prtce lll500. Adele Gimbel, 15 Del llar Aw, Pboas 31l or 318, San Oi:i-te. .. 43-tfc -RortJar 15'-J •ttc &VlmWUIWWW ••vroew.uem \VE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices I S£lJ. YOUR CAR NOW While Prtc. .... Hl&h. . Pbane far !JID' WUi...,.. bu)>er who will eall and 811vlw )illll _..... OPA recu1at1o111. ""Bns prkB and .uftllp all detlllll - ruLBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. . a oaallt ... ·?! .,. Ds..'sns • m -0 treJ.Jfowpo .. t Bnlll, ao. , a ct I''•...,. ' .... • .. • Corona del Mar Milt Shop· HUI ~mpwa~ • Old fuhkmed malts '!e meu just this. -- FINE81 TASTING lllZZLING RAMBUIWl!B& 8TEAllll 1..-..er bo pla -): ROME llAKED l'UllMY 1111:11111' AND APPLE PIES SHEP'S , • ..... ,~.-..,., ..... , __ Nit,.... __ ,.,.,..,,, .. ,....,,, _ _.._,. __ , _ ....... ,, ... ,,., .... , t•• I-· Nit_,.,._ /dff 1 b Nit "' ,.,. ,..., ,. .. , ..... _ _., ,.,.,._.,. .. , THERE'S A TRAINED VETERANS' COUNSELOR • . . 4t tJk /le11.d '"'""' 'Id# I Here at Bank of America nothing takes prioriry over veterans· loans. If you are planning to b•y a home or a rum, or start a business, take your questions ro the neuesc Bank of America branch. l,n each branch you will 6nd one or more Veteran~ Counselors ... members of a group of 1,000 especially train«l to know your rights under the amended "G.l .Bill" and new buiJdiog rcgula1ions. 1\unk of Amtricu '. NATIONAL I~~slTNG~ ASSOCIATION -Announcing- • PAINTING CONTRACTORS INTERIOR AND E.'\:TERIOR I lEstimates Free) Patton & La Veque • Sli8 Oak St., Lacuna Beach, CaUf.-Phone Laruna Beach 5811 lLocating in Corona del l\iar Soon) , • Before You Build or Remodel vloit our ID.tereotlllg -pie and display roon& • . . Color guides, plan- ning aids. oompre- hensive stock of rugs, c8rpets and linoleum. --· ()arpelo CIMmetl, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Wotks lm Soulia Mala St. Pb.one Santa Ana t806 SANTA ANA S E A S O· N T I C K E T S ! ! on Sale Now at GRYPHON P~ODUCTIONS Laguna Beach Playhouse ..... _ ''ANGEL STREET'' John Emery 8o•oa 'Dcllets Oil 8ale Now for 9 "'8)9, $20-4u: i.e. Mall onion aoo.pted--mab ---to: ._ -...,_, ._. '*• Collfz ... 1-111 -•orm PU.Ya-. Ga i• Qolm~ . ... c. ... , -. a&Wl'Wi •••ao• M&W&-ft•'!, !fewet D1 To Pave Street Longer Civilized COSTA l\1ESA, l\·lay 27.-NinC"- • •-ear-.. a - Movies on Planes • Ma nila folders at Ncws·Times. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1822 V: Newport Blvd. t('('nth strt"et adjacent to the 214-Recent t'xcavations in Iraq have Sound movies are no\v presented acre tract of the Pacific Coast providC'd archaeologists \\'ith evi. regularly on a number of trans-Plenty pf Whiskey No limit to any of our merchandise COSTA MESA, CALIF. l Airy,•ays corporation v .. ill be paved dence that the da\\TJ of civilization Atlantic plancs for the entertain-, by the county at a cost of :S1500. was approximately 6.000 B. C. m ent of passenger s. The l&-mm. High\\·ay Supt. A. A. Beard said rather than 4,000 B. C .. as pre-I projector is operated by a stC'"'- today. l viously supposed. ardess. i Phone Beacon 5011 DIESEL SERVICE · NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Diesels ou hand with choice of reduction units. e WE ARE WRITING ORDEll8 ON lllGllT-AND LEFT- HAND llOTATION DU:SEL8 FOii TWIN IN8TALLA· TIONS. CHOICE OF REDl!CDON UNITS. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. see us for lnforma ti on on Venn Severin Diesels DIMel Generator Seta of AU Kinch. nANil II. LEWl8 (Luol<y Lewie) ---- PHONES Ottlce: Newport 2068 512~ Marine Avenue and Newport 2084-W Balboa bland Contractors' Rental Equipment Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 50'l YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. ~ Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled wor~anshijl at reasonable prices. ~ PHONE L. L. BEAN Harbor 2645 For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE ~ It's the 23rd " Ph. ' Central 2600 • ., Balboa Islander Gets Navy Release Quality Lumber and Buildine Materi.ala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Pbone Beoooa IOU Boat Owners ••• Canvas ' By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S 2100 Ocean Front Newport MALTS • NO\V OPEN EVENINGS SANDWICHES • HAMBURGEltS loo Cream to Take Out ROBERTS' OIL PAINTINGS 51.95 .. 5:17 VIGNErtE r • NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY • Portrait& of Beauty ud Character pa Glamoar See tJ• .&a...t y_. ROlllJ: A.'ID CJltJJICJI WEDDING Pl()TI).,.. Be 8are te r.q.me Alloa$ Oop1bc olil P<ata• ----• .' . • I • ! ! . • • . BUY IT TODAY--NOT BYE AND BYE G. N. Wells Real Estate ...... ,. __ 1111 l_ lf..,..... ~ -Qlllf. £££ Dennis Hogland PLYMOUTH BBM''-...,~ Jive 11• N ... _.,.poo..tn lllft. £££ Arthur Silver -Bob p.dtleld New Blue Room lllAT8, D':iN{;j ~ °':J>llANCB .... -m4 _.._ £ £. £ Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Pllo.e llWCDa 5'ftl M11 OliMt ~lfewpoft: •••• o.m. £ £ £ 0 . R.. ("'&!~~~ ~ er."'"7 Crawley'& Furniture ll1J Newport BmL-PIL. Bra DOii MN Coot& Mfta-"ln the HNrt ot Town" ££.t Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" UOO W. Oea.tral-N ewport-Pb. Barbor 986 ;!;£;!; AL ANDERSON Fun ?.one Balboa ;!; ;!; ;!; G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES .•. nrestone ••• 1111 Newport Blvd •• Costa Meu. Bea.co~ flUS·W "Home and Auto Supply S tores ;!; ;!; ;!; RE·l:LECT Jesse L. Elliott -lncwnbent-- SHERIFF PrtmarfM. Jone 4th ;!; ;!; ;!; Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broad.way-Ph. BeMion 5810 Oo9ta Mea. Callfomla ;!; ;!; ;!; . A. E. Groty -_]. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. ~ ---Dealer-Beooon 55111 ·1'91 Newport Bml.~ -o.ilL ;!; ;!; ;!; John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Offteo Ph. Barbor !OM ---~-a.ut. • ;!; ;!; ;!; F.B.Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS ft.-· %15%-J 11• oae.a none-Newport 8-c'\ 0111t. .t ;!; .t HUBBARD HOWE !'Teo. Hubbard's South Coast Company nu w. o..tnl-l'IL Barl>or !- ;!; ;!; ;!; HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1.,... & Oeut Blpy-l'tlloae Be1 -NII ;!; ;!; ;!; Lew H. Wallaee RMI Estate and Insurance Broker ftrrx: ~ lial'Mr I Bee Barbor lMI 1111 W. Oealnl A~N-porl JIMdl, Qlllf. ;!; ;!; ;!; COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store '9& S. Oealnl A--ft. -U,._, -n. .... el~ -0. B. Bt , F.i llp'. ;!; £ ;!; J.M. Miller REAL EST.A.TE BROKER J'IL &anor UU 1M o& Oeatnl-N~w-"OD Your Way to " £££ Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the -n.TJNO u:D ROUS" JOHNSTONE SERVICE , -ll'lt·J ~Jlho4.a1Hl_....., £ t ;!; NewportEngineering Aa8ociatee f1l!!DEruc J . SINGER. Prelfdent w , , .,.. a11a1eanzas 1•• U11 Olielil m...,._n. Bee c 1 • WI • • • . \ ,, ,J All Cannot Own Waterfront Property, But The Hinterland ls Wide Open :By JACK E. SADLEIR lllRory reconk Ula& Ille four ..tatM _..,, nm, tbe lord of the prllldpallty; """"8d, the clergy; third, the _, cbangv. '1'bell the -i of porlrayblg or Ulaotra&mg-foaad -n 'Y to edify the m MOI' ._._ 1173 weni miedamW or cWlaltelJ lponat. So, Nun'-o.e, the hNllo.-d u "" now blm today, dedded to - Ult the artlsua or u1lslll .... &be tomtit ..tale -bon. 'l'be!Wy .,.,_. the ,._ for ~ people, 'l'be Foarth F.atate • After all, the properly --""" ud operated · by the "big lhot" the landlord ud oo It i1J today. Yoa ..., tlle prillee Of yoar prbldp.nty-prilldpallty owuecl ud operated by yoa. This prc>- eedure carriea Oil today. So, "Bay today, aot bye and !lye." Owa a bome. · - Our Harbor 10Dt1 ii coming Into Ila o-u far u oomparallle • The Feminine Slant ::--"' -. ' . . .. '· L. Elaine Weiss L. Elaine Weiss is truly a native daughter for she was born in Costa Mesa. but as her stei>-father was a bead driller with the Union Oil Co., the family moved about to active oil fields. Elaine went through the sixth grade in Noiwalk, then to King City where she graduated as valedictorian of her class, and back to Noiwalk for high school. She studied for secratar!al work which claimed her a tten, lion until in 1940 she married George B. Weiss, assistant to the district freight agent of the Southern Pacific railroad. In June ot that year he was transferred from El Centro to Los Angeles as chief solicitation agent The couple took extension classes in real estate at U. C. and in 1944 sold their home in Glendale, bought a home in Balboa and opened their office at 703 East Central avenue which Elaine operated until Mr. Weiss secured his release from the railroad. They have handled upward of $400,000 In businesses, motels, mansions, cottages, lots and acreage and are agents for all types of insurance. They are the parents of one son, and Mrs. Weiss. who en, joys her very modem home, has two hobbies. trying new cooking recipes and reading books which are on the deep and heavy side. The Man's Angle I . Geo. B. Weiss George B. Weiss, who with his wife Elaine, is the proprie- tor of Coast Properties Co., with offices at 703 E. Central In Balboa, was born in Seattle, Wash .. and remained there through his second year in high school. The next two years were spent at Hill Military Academy In Portland, Ore., and then back to Tacoma, where he enrolled at the College of Puget Sound. • . The University of Washington in Seattle was his next educational stop, where be became a member of Theta Chi fraternity. He then came to Los Angeles where he finished his fomial education at Woodbury Business College and fol, lowing graduation, became affiliated with American Air Lines In their Los Angeles office. He later went with the Southern Pacific railroad In El Centro and Los Angeleii. He met and wed Mrs. Weiss in El Centro and after their marriage, they came to Los Angeles and took up the studies of real estii.te and insurance at the U. of C. The couple came to Balboa iii 1944 and opened their of- fice in 1945. George's hobbies Include the growing of fine flowen and being the No. 1 booster of the Harbor area. 11L L VAUOBN 'Tm .no 'lleel' -my 'aole's' In this buslnea" Modem Shoe Repairing Ooet 11--8. W. Newport A.., MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannacy Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES .t £ £ Dutch Heacock BOID JIUIU>E& w ... ,. ..... ~ -· llO! -111 ........... ;!; ;!; ;!; "CHUCX" SMI'IH_.,ew _,,.. Balboa Central Market (WM Belboe"et llartDM A: Delloata••) -.. Cea~-· :nn £££ Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge Ml ..... 8ta cat BaD 11 ft. llal1lier ,,.II £££ Howard W. Gerrish 11.&aD'Om> .US llf8ULUICS CO. ......... 1111 1-N:., •• .,pow .. rtrt ~ ·-Oalll. UOI ~ rr-t-l'IL Banor a £ ;!; ;!; OLADYI m:vJ:llLSY ----Beverley Realty Company ll01 s. Oeatiu-ft. -1711 - ;!; ;!; ;!; Thomas F. Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ..... Benera 1145--1'*' a Ow&: Bl'tfa7 SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. llL £££ A. "Sandy" Steiner RE.A.I.TOR C.F.DENNlSON,AMOdate IM o-.t a.., "s t BtnM9 1171 I ££ t D.A.Mli ~. -- Orldn's Deoartment Store Reedr-. lfe.d. T<a. Pltee ~ lntantr w~ w-n.o.. ._,. ., ............ ., o.ta -- SPORTLAND-BOWUNG r-PAVIUON w-. w-. W• 11.abt Mr111 '7"1a ;!; ;!; £ A'NTON HERSHEY Prop. Henhey'o Market Spot ft. 11art1or JOll Mbea W... ;!; £ £ NE!.50N STAFFORD e GER.A.LI> LIBERTY .. Manqen .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan N-"t BMdl , San Frandoco • WDm111ctm San D1e2o -Stockton . ~Ol.A.N'I i t•O....BIK ft. 811era 1112 • .. -a..: BwMa IMl·W t £ ;!; Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe -= and Manlcurlno: .,.. .. ~ ..... l~ 'Ibru the ~ Sbop £ .t t Braden L Finch om Mer. Finch Ceramial Ph. Harbor 2402 BALBOA - • "-~~lb~ Merchant Patrol .a.I Dstscll+e Is vlw -..., ~Fl ••*'-N..-.,..n n. .. ._ 1m-a £ ;!; ;!; Theodore Robins ·FORD DEALER 1111 "· o.dlal .__ .. £tt Stanl~am~rdea a.:I :m.tate Bl •1r-Yac*t ........ I au 0eut Blwa7-ft. 11··-i&l.6 ;!; £ ;!; C. F. Dennison A.11c~l• ... wta. A. °'BANDT" llTSINl:a ---"'~mp~ --11'11 ;!; £ ;!; Jack S . Fred v. Raub & Belinett ENGINEERS and $URVEYORS ~N-rt-nrd Plloae -... llllOll·W. Coot& - ;!; ;!; ;!; JOSEPH L. MARSHALL -rrancoa.", ~ Christian's Hat Balboa ;!; ;!; ;!; ' T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & DelicateS!!en 101 Main St.-Balboa Hotel ~ ;!; ;!; ;t RICHARD L PATTEll80N Civil Enctn .. n Patterson & Boyle s.,m-s-Blq.-Pll. 5915 -Saata AM He Cout Blvd. No--Pll. 51!!-1- ;!; ;!; ;!; Capt. B. ]. McNally McNal17'a Balboa Boat Livery 106 E. Bay Ave.-Pla. Barbor 608 ;!; ;!; ;!; E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG - F..UN Z.ONE Largest Number Dart Games on Coast Play Ball with Dolls B. B. RUie Rance -Balboa ;!; ;!; ;!; Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER llALBOA Oaut. ;!; ;!; ;!; Geo. Weiss L. Elaine W- Coast P~rties Co. ?OS I:. Ooatral-Bal--Pll. Barbor MU ;!; ;!; ;!; W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Iha ~Newport ;!; ;!; ;!; • Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Ph. -· -1 Main llt. ;!; ;!; .t Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods ~-Ml 11'1 ~ lllPwaJ'-Nffpoot ....... Qlllf. ;!; t ;!; ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails 11 ...... 1-.,,, ~ Art ...... ··-- -.... 8t. llalbaa ............... m ttt Robert E. ArVin's loweleaa ud Watdm 'ken 111 Tweatr•eaed ltreM NNPott Bos• Olllt. . .t ;!; ;!; . Wlllllm Ma.cCurdy w. H.. (Skip) O.IJdm ~r,_~Inc. )(. E. -· Sec. • nw. UU o..& Blway allf"ewpen: .._-ass-MU tt£ Sl.-oT EARL W. STANLEY -. ASSEMBLYMAN ?-DD .. klll;kttle$-...ll-ta, 1M1 ttt w alter E. Tipton FOR SBER:-1F-'F "1Tll TDIE J'Cft JlPTOl'r \'Oti! J1JMS ftR • • • • • ~ ~ • • • ~ ~ ! • • • • ~ ...! 7 • • • • • • . • • ........... f l •••• 1 17 ~ om 1 s' n I" n . ,, ( 1 j, J.2iJ.o I fw • ~- Puauc Nonct --· Tldour..il. a dnls lmawn ID day at Kay, 19tll. dWoNoal lilbci-. ror a cm-~PoWELL :_~"""....::..U~ l.': RObr~ t1it --al. pier -.,, retard-State al Clallforala ) DEUIQI ED TU AI D· ASIESSMEITUST Pa--Elmer ~l;bmr ) -... .,... IAJJ<Wr.iza ADDID6~-- ' 1 2 -.~ 4 7 ll!I 0.W-' f I.et ... OU-. N~ ~ .. Sa;.. Buil. ol L A. 31 • A.S 1U9 CIU..... Ndaa.1~ 6 Saw. Mak ol L A. 29 ... 1167 La ~ L 16 A-31 "" 4.9'1 ins -,.,..., aatiori at tbe t!Qr-Cqomty at ~ , > -. , ro6d barmoiie. ON 'l1DS 22nd day al Kay, A. 0 . N 6Rlne. 1946, bet""' me, Nora s. Mars-NEWPORT BEACH CITY rAXES AND AS8E88Jll:N'l'8 !Calif Snow Deepest worth. a Notary Pullllc 1n and ror DELINQUENT FOB N .l R Inc. NARine. ~ 3 ~ CIU-.Nt • ASaVLBankofLA. S .~ ut.46 au-. Na t a s. ... Bank ot L A. 16 B-32 61.48 4.71 17.99 lot The .:a.ie.t oeaaonal -all the aald. County and State, rftidlnc ~ _ .& . ..... recorded in the uillted States :;;: =...n'7"'.= :::. n~CAL YEAK 1949. 46 La Roe, Olia HOtrman, Albert c. HOtfJnan. Albert c. 17 12 u 13.'lll JU:.81lB OF OOBONA DEL ll&ll 9.Z1 ~·Hetty J . 7 lLlS f'_'~· Hetty J. 8 35 ,35 133 31.lllL 20.01 l~ 9.78 16.03 8.92 s.92 wu durin& -the winter or 190S-....,.., Robert L 15 :ljl07 when 884 in-or 73lli feet. llam Powoll, Betty Poftll, and ......, ~teted at TOllUltaclt, =-~~':.to~ STATE OF CALIFO~ } Rahall, Anals B. Callfomla. oCilbed to tbe wlthbt ~ COUNTY OF ORANGE u McMiiian. Nell S. "'---Both W and acknowtOdced to me that they CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH . McMillan, Nell S. oeo::B ay& executed the aame. IN WITNESS SEC'DON A 8 11 12 219 220 220 Brlnkerholf, H. R. J$ly E'. 12 9.97 Brinkerholf, H . R. SW!)' _ 1t 24.33 Lloyd. Hazel M. 19 14.51 Lloyd. Hazel M. 21 137 137 141 141 The whltllgjg beetle hu eyes ~F, I haw benwtto .. t l , R. R. Hodgkinson. u Ex-Officio Tax Collector, In and for tbe l'Dl8'l' ADDl'l'IO N 'l'O NEWl'OBT BEACH !bat' can look above and beloW mi b8nci an4 affixed my ottldal City or Newpor\ Beach, County of Orange, State of California. Bartt. Annie Ellis NEJy 50' 12 20 ~N.iDELD& 8.&4 Glover, Wood Jr. • NEJy 15' 11 234 6.74 llmultaneously from tbe surloce seal the 1/lay and year In this Cet-HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that, default havil)g been made in the Batre, Annie Ellis NEly 50' _µ 20 « qUiet water. A black pigment tfflcate tint above written. payment of taxes and useumenta due to the City of Newport Beach 6.li2 Glover, Wood ,Jr, , 13, ~ 10.5!1 Leech, Vernon A. NEly 20' 3 5.91 dlolcleo the ey .. so that the upper NORA S . MARGWARTR. ror the fiscal year endlna June 30, 1946, upon tbe property herein-BBCHOJlf B -1 scans the surface ol the Notary Public In and fer after described. and that unleu said taxes and ...........,ts so Cl>ambetlln, Pierre A. • i.-:ti-; Vernon A. ·SWJy 20' 5 235 5.:;6 water and the lower pa.rt sees be--Orange County, state at. delinquent, together with a'n pena_ltles and co8ts due thereon, be pa.id O:i~lin. Pierre A. low the IUl"face. ~'or::;:1::aollllon Expires at the Tu Collector's Office in the Cty Hall. or on before Saturday, Alexander, Ot.arlea 27 28 13 15 15 u; 21.116 SawJ<r, James R. NEly 10' ~ '237 2.81 ~ l!a.Wl'tt. James R. 8 ~ 21.d January 28, 1950.J June 29, 1946, AT TEN O'CLQO( A. Ill. of that clay, all of said prop- !sEALl erty described In the within list on which said taxes and Hoeutoents, Tapley , Ouistlne et al 48. 79 z-trel. Kathleen M. 12 24~ 11.~ Z'ftifel, Kathi-II. 1t 241 10.6? ~UBLJC NOTICE Pub.-May 23, 30, June 6, 13, 19'6 penaltles and C<Ots are then unpaid, will on the date and the hour 5 2 4o 26 Zweifel. Kalhlftn Jd. 16 Z41 10.54 . Bean, Raymond P . NEl_y 20' 29 ' 243 5.3i NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOL· IC BEVERAGES. above specified, BY OPERATION OF LAW. be sold to tbe Clty or ~ Raymond P. 31 243 7.T.! No. 43559 ALIAS SUMMONS N..,_t Beach. and that such sale will be made In the OFFICE OF Neighbors, May B. THE TAX COLLECTOR or said City. . 4 33.01 Bean, iaYmond P . 33 243 7.72 Whyte, James S. NEly "' 28 243 2.73 9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE. R. RI HODGKINSON, Ex.Officio-Tax Collector of Newport Beach., California. Isbell, J ohn C. 9 109 17 29 Wl>Yte. James S. 30 243 4.9'1 · City of Newport Beach 18 332 8.53 May 28, 1946 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that fif- teen days after the date posted, Action brought in the Superior AHeUed °" ... er Lo• Block To&al Delln- queacy SUB. OF BLOCK "A" E48'l' NEWPOirr Elliott, Eugene All (Ex.SEly 44.9') 15 Johnson, George L et al 52 A A Carroll, June 20 332 15-l!I Cheyne, John 20 333 9.78 22.91 de la Torre, AlpMrue G. 14 335 3.78 23.39 de la Torre. Alphoruie G. 16 335 4.311 the undersigned propor.es. to sell Court ol tbe County of Orange, alcoholic beverages at th~ prem· and-O:nnplaint filed in the Of-· L ises. described a& foll09/S : fice of the Oerk of the Superior Kittle, Cecil · NEWPORT BEACH TRACT 24 28 32 32 37 $ 12.60 10.35 4.11 5.97 Deem, J oe R. ·. 90 \. NEWPORT BAY 'l'BACT 26.03 Hogan. Paul J . 10 337 3.50 -Clcy or Newport Beach 3 429 4.311 A F1shing Boat "~O" end of Court of said County. Spellicy, Anna E. et al Newport Pier, Ne'A1>0r t Beach. Spellicy, Anna E. et al Orange County, California. CITY OF NEwPoRT BEACH a Kentz, Emma A. AD (ex RR ) 14 AU (ex RR) 15 1 Plummer , Anthony K. 3 Plummer, Anthony K 4 De Moss, Oyde J . 15 3 3 4 Stoever, Ruth B. • 6 429 15.32 25.9l Oertly, J ohn W. 21 431 6.74 19.48 Meyen. Otto J . 16 433 4.10 18.66 Collins, Thomas M. 22 433 4. 71 S till. Mary J . 4 442 3.50 Punua.nt to such intention, the Municipal Corporation of the undersigned. is applying to the sixth class, Plaintiff. THIRD ADDmON BALBOA TBAOI' S tate Board of Equalization for vs. Griswold, Loys 5 41 9. 78 E lliott, Eugene 1 6 70.42 Kroenke, G. C. NEly 12' 19 529 2.ot 34.51 Kroenke, G. C. 21 529 17.43 35.49 Shellenbach, Harold C1 6 531 7.99 issuance on original application of A. G. WERMICH, et al, Defend- an alcoholic beverage license for ants. Hues, James W. t 8 5_88 Hues, James W. 5 8 RIVER SECTION 28.18 Bettis, Gwendolyn G. 14 532 4.10 13.84 Morrow, Bertha R. 2 533 9.24 Meyer, William B. 11 539 6.74 Meyer, William B. 13 539 6.74 these premises as follows: Plumer, Alice C. ON SALE BEER. The People of the State of Call-Sunshine Farms Inc. Anyone desiring to protest the fomia send greetings to: Sunshine Farms Inc. iuu&nce of 1uch license may f ile A. G. Wermich and Vi vian Wer-Lane, Dorian 11.43 J ones, William R. 6 8 11.90 J ones. William R. WJy 13' 7 8 t .53 EAST SIDE ADDmON 'l'O BALBOA rRAO'r 19 37 13 41 14 41 7 43 • verified. protest with the State mJch, Husband and Wife; Board of Equalization at Sacra-R. M. Thomas and Leona 1'1lotnas, LAKETRAO'r (And 0.-.. J!'roafa«e Adj.) Elliott, Eugene Ellio~tt, Eugene Elliott, E ugene Elliott, Eugene Crocker, Frank W. Meyer, William B. 15 5..19 6.74 . mento, California, stating grounds Husband and Wlf~ McFarland, O eo E. for denJal a5 provided. by law. The A. G. Wermich and R. M. Gloeuer, lda L. 3 135 15 135 premises are not now licensed for Thomas, co-partners doing busi-Blair, Dorothy A. 19 235 36.95 8.93 10.86 8 NEly 30' of SE!y 60' T 9 16 34.78 Johnson. Mary Ann 19 539 6.74 16 2.15 Johnson. Mary Nin 21 539 7.~ 33.25 Harms, George W. 8 542 3.50 the sale of alcoholic beverages. ness as Orange County Refining CARL H. an4-Company; CANAL SECTION SEly 30' T 18 24 2.15 Harms, George W. 10 542 3.50 9.37 Hanns, George W. 12 542 3.50 RAYMOND McCULLAH. George 0. Hartman: Pub.-June 6, 1946. Wm. L. J ones and Rosina K OZBTIFIOATE OP BUSINESS Ftctitioua Firm Name Jones. Husband and Wife ; First Doe, Second Doe, Third Doe Corporation, a Corporation; Defendants. Henley, Joseph M. Henley, Joseph M . Henley, Joseph M. Smit h. Amelia, et al THE UNDERSIGNED do here-You are directed to appear In PUBLIC NOTICE by certify that we are conducting an action broug ht against you by :__.::..::..=:.;:.__:. ______ _ • cleaning business at 1844 Har-the above named plaintiff in the a pply to the Court fOl' any other bor Blvd, Costa M~. California, Superior Court of the State of relief demanded in the complaint. under the fictitious fU'l?l name of California, in and for the County Giv d hand and seal Mercury Ceaners a: Oyen and of Orange and to answer the com-en un er my that aaJd firm 11 compmed of the plaint tb~reln within ten days of the Superior Court of the followtna pert.0'19, whole names tn after the service on you of th1s County of Orange, State ot Call- Nil and places of residence are u summons. if served with.In the fornla. this 19th day of March, follows, to-wtt : County of Orange, or within 1946· William Powell, 2591>-i Grand thirty days if served elsewhere, -Avenue, Long Beach, Calltornla. and yau are notified that unless Betty Po\4<ell. 259 ~ Grand Ave-you so appear and answer as above B. J . SMITH, nue. Long Beach, caJifornia. required, the plaintiff wtll t ake Robert Powell. 259 ~ Grand judgment for any money or dam- .Avenue. Long Beach, California.. ages demanded. in the Complaint, WITNESS our hands this 22nd u arising upon contract, or wtll County Clerk and Clerk ol the Superior Court of the State of CalifornJa, in and for the County of Orange. By WAYNE A. DRAGER. Post Wa r .Pro sperity Club Rostet--Continued Deputy. ~ full-i-ge an la,yout by .Jack Lindsley, cowboy ar6st, la our way of "'"" ... oar .....ien with portrayalti In prooe and pencil, the ,__and Die ftorlell of our lo·dJng cltlaary. oru-tb.U work la reitented for the benellt of aew to Ule -111111 to remind "oldsters" of their contrlbuUoa to the building ol tile Barbor dlotde&. New ,.._ lllld their storlel gne ~klog hlat<irtm," dllplaylng tit-M 1me1il In oar midst. DON NORMAN FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Norman's Meat Market Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw. -o..1n1 ... .......-. ...._ .. Bllenrln-wmlama Quality Palau Kelvlnator AppllanCM . 4; 4; ;t a-a 51..-J. ea.ta M-. 11141 N-pon Bl'ld. J.E. Ragsdale , t t .t Balboa Motcl~d Windsor Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPl'OMETRIST 91T J;. 0..tnl l 'lft Newpori llhd.--Ooe&a M-Calif. ......,.. Callf. ~ lleaeoa 611S Ill&. O..tnl • ..,.,.ft. llarbol' Ill . ;t ;t ;t Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. ';t;t;t Paul Lorentzen Balboa Spottfishing Fleet 3 139 4 139 5.23 5.23 13.38 6.65 TRACT 518 Harms, George 'Y· 14 542 3.50 5 139 Lampert, Frank S . Deutsch, Emery Deutsch, Emery 43 B Harms, George W. 16 542 3.50 6· 10 Coram. Roy E . 4 629 7 .99 8.63 Coram. Roy E . 6 629 7.99 16.77 Savoy, Phillip A. 5 635 3.50 8 139 10 c 11 c SEly "' PUBLIC N OTICE Pacific States Savs. & Loan Co. Pacific S tates Savs. & Loan Co. Pacific States Savs. &: Loan Co. Pacific Sta tes Savs. &: Loan Co. P acific States Savs. & Loan Co. Pacific States Savs. & Loan Co. Pacific S tates Savs. &: Loan Co. 31 8 8.78 Casler, Enuna w. 10 638 6.74 6.10 West , Ernest 0 . et al 1 640 4.10 c F (Seal Superior Court Orange County.) Wly 8.75' 9 28 1.92 West , Ernest O. et al 3 640 3.50 6.10 Peck. George N. ' 9 640 3.50 F F Pub. Apr. 11. 18. 25: May 2, 9, 16. 23, 30; June 6. 13, 1946. 32 7 5.48 Peel. Leone D . 5 642 3.50 6.10 McBurney, B. A. 11 643 3.76 G H 7.97 Henderson, Tom W . 17 643 7.27 Bergeron, Arthur J . 3 J 29 K No. 43560 ALIAS SUMMONS Pacific States Savs. & Loan Co. 20 M 27.32 Henderson, Tpm W. . 19 643 7.Z7 TRACT !MS 5.39 Morris, M. Ethel 7 737 6.74 (Action brought in the Superior Court ot the County of Orange, and Complaint filed In the of- fice ot the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County.) Sharp, A. G. 23 Siegel John A. 11 737 14.16 Gogerty, Frances E. 96 9.20 'l.97 de la Torre, Alphonse 15 737 3.50 de la Torre. Alphonse 17 737 3.50 SEASHORE OOLONY TRACT de la Torre, Alphonse 19 737 3.50 Beeby. J ohn D. 4 1 F 23.90 1.66 3.61 3.97 3.34 2.99 de la Torre, Alphonse 21 737 17.60 In UM! Superior Court of the State Beeby, John D. SEly 15' of NE1y 20' s F of Callforala In and For tbe Mcinnes, Ida B. NEJy % 3 3 'TRAcr 828-CORONA DEL MAR County of OrlUll'e Mcinnes, Ida B. 4 3 Mclnnes, Ida B. 5 3 CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, Mcinnes. Ida B. 6 3 a Municipal Corporation of the Driggen, Dudley D. NWI 25' ot N1 sixth class. Plaintiff, vs. RICH-Y Y "' 3 9) ARD R. TATNALL, et al, Defend-Driggers, Dudley D. NWly 25' 4 9) Boyd, R. L . Bennett ,Charles A. Bennett, Charles A. Richardson, Angus S. 9.55 Richardson, Angus S. AU (Ex. 'Hwy,) NWJy 35.47' (Ex. Hwy.) ·-AlJ (Inc. por. of Elec. Way adj.) 3 4 5 2 3 anti. Driggers, Dudley D. NWty 25' 5 9) n... People of the State of Call-Hammer. Fred NWJy 30' of SE!y 60' of Nly % 3 9J TRACT 6'7S-CORONA DEL MAR (ornla Send Greetings to: RICH-Hammer . Fred NWJy 30' of SE!y 60' 4 9) 9.74 KFryeelerV SalliJ ·e Lathrop 11~ ARD. R. TATNALL and ELIZA· Hammer . Fred NW!y 30' of SEly 60' 5 9J e. · · • BETH B. TATNALL Husband OOEAN F'RONT rRAcr Ballard, RoOOrt H. 22 and Wife, E. D. MORRELL and Small. Lora v. 6 51 Ralph, William H. SEly 50' 44 - SUSAN E . MORRELL. Husband 12·76 Ralph, William H. SEly 50' 45 and Wiie. R. A. CARRIER, ELLA F1RST ADDmON 'l'O NEWPORT lll!llGH'l'S Ralph, Willia.'" H. SEly 50' 46 CARSON, J . R. JONES,. HAR-P orter, Miriam S. -9 14 4.84 TBA,.... &S• IV>RON• DEL~•» RIE"I' TAYLOR. a lllngle Woman, Porter , Miriam 8-J O 14 ..,.. ~ "" '~ JOSEPHINE M. GRIFFITH. J ohnson Peter 11 17 21 -~ Nueent, Cl>ester 0 . 16 AUDREY ISABELL, a slnele Johnson' p 1 NEly u lO 17 4· Hogan, Paul J . 36 woman, LESTER PAUL SIMS, ' e et n 2.53 HOitan Paul J . 37 WALTER MORRIS GUEDEL. Karge, Henry P. 11 18 4.23 ' 'fENRY EDWARD CXlFFMAN McMahan, Edward D. 5 23 6.97 TRACT I026-CORONA DEL MAR 1od GERTRUDE K. COFFMAN. Hart. Ethel B. 11 24 4.23 Citizens NationaJ,:rrust .. Huliband and Wlfe. SANTA ANA Wallace. Lew H. 16 24 6.97 Savings Bank or L. A MORTGAGE and INVESTMENT Lee. Virginia et al 13 ll6 8.99 Citizens National Trust .l CXlMPANY, FANNIE PEASE City of Newport Be.ell 18 28 2.99 Savings Bank of L. A. 24 11 E M M y y B B B B g ~=~if~:.-:to~6i ~.'.~, or;1~wpor~ Beach 19 28 2.99 ACREAGE-CORONA DEL MAB E McDERMCYIT KENNETH D -v· 1 iarn -l 32 36.40 Wagenheim, Edwin 50' lot l/i D cAMPBELL. EDWARD. O. MOR: Hunt. William R. 2 32 8.25 (Inc. beL same 6 high tide line ) RIS and MINNIE MORRIS. Hus-City of N""'J>Ort Beach 7 32 4.23 band and Wife. LOS ANGELES City or Newport Beach ' 20 32 3.61 (So. or Co. Rd.J l60.04 rt. SE!y , of SW!y ext. of NWly line of MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, City of Newport Beach 21 32 3.61 Acacia St. Inc., a corporation. nlE ELLIOT McMillan, John D. NE1y % 10 34 2.09 6.34 19.79 11.38 10.72 10.13 15.98 4.TI - 5.91 ~;j 6.74 4.311 4.3!1 20.70 12.54 23.02 ~= ~P~~YSE~~ McMillan, J ohn D. 11 34 16.98 RE-SUB OF SIJCDON I-BALBOA ISLAND- DOE TimtD DOE 'CORPOl!r McMillan, John D. 12 34 4.58 Stephen. Lester J . 28 6 ~ 10.&<l • OladWlck Nettie Adams 19 34 3 61 Myers. John W. 15 7 16.?R ATION. • Corporation, Defend-Ell h, Paul B al . Myen, John W. "' 7 31.:::i ants. swort • . et 10 35 3.61 -·n1 You are directed to appear In Oenllng7. Clyde H. 2 B 19.20 Bonham, Edna F. et al 24 13 37.Bd ' . Ml,!!OA ISLAND V ilD!:TY n.. -r ISi-a.i .... h- 4; ;t ;t an action. brought against ycu by TRACT 444 SECTION :t-B ALBOA ISLAND the above named plaintiff in the Grleuer Robe• rt Al Jr 60 Sh n .. ·--U E 18 t ;t ;t VOLNEy L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "$ftp bY the Sea" 11i1 Ne..,..& mft. -Oooa - ;t ;t t 0. Z. Robertson General Co.ntracto'r dlt ~ ~ ........ ()ollf. PILaa...rll ;t ;t ;t Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Coiri~y T , ,, ,,+ •••1Nll Kn ~am -~ ..____. ••• Com. t ;t t ROBERT J1. JJEED Harbor COJCJ Storage ........ ; ... J • m ... a lfca ..... 81 rt, fllm, ''' -~-fit: 1»• *W*'· 1'919 (ft.J'DfG _. OWW) ....... ., 8 1,.......or Court of the State of • ' • 12.97 aron, ~ · --· • • Ir t __ ._.._ Calltornla, in and fer tbe County TRACT BUI SIXtHON 8-BA.IJIOA J8L4ND of Orange, and to &JlSWl'I' the com-Rambo. A. M. 9 2 4.85 ll!Fwbury, C. S . 23 ~nt therein within ten cia3'9 Wblte. Forrest H. 2 4 16.77 McKenney, StarlJeY V. ill attn-the service on you d. thll ' summons. If lletWd within Ibo Macaulay, JHSle _R. 3 5 7.n ~u. Geor&e E: ~ County or Orange, or within thirty Holmwood. laaa<; N. Ely 100' at Wl)r ShOOk. Nellie V. 3 .S.,. If ...-vtd elsewhere, an4 you 720' !Ez Hwy) F 58.79 Thompoon. Hollis R. 28 att notified that unleA you "" ap-Breithaupt. Harry R. SEly 100' H 92.70 Brewster, Harry C. 34 • put and ..,.._,. u above re-Manhall, Ray V . ~~ qulttd, ~ plalritdr will tan · rJl'ACT 90'7 'IDO llDJ: Dimmitt, Ralph B. 15 Judcment fer any money or dam-WrlcJit. Douclu 27 64.02 .... demanded In tbe Omip!otat. -Roderick 94 Cl.oe llF£'DON '-BALBOA ISLAND u &ttllnc u""" canttact. o. wm Griftltll c.onp.ny 112 n.eo Hanoly, Huold H., .Ill al :it -'Y to the Court fer any OU-Griffith Company NEly "'· 111 6.04 Richard9on, Ancus it I relld demanded in the complaint. carttpn, Hai~ L NE1y Iii 222 6.97 Richanbon. Angus S. . 7 Glwn under my hind -~ Cal'J~ Jlautl(le L 223 13.ts Hamm, Harold L !:17 7$' 1 1 6. 9 12 13 16 17 18 20 2 11 11 14 22.211 29.87 ' 20.11 . 20.Tl 25.QS 2U0°' 54. ~' ~ ~U::.a1~. ':.i! :1st -...;. Hemm JC. Im u.ei s~lli s al•MA ~ fomia, this 17tli cky at Ai:oro.' 1111i!. ~. Gardon ,L IHI U6 lh-. John William 12 2 34.fi B. J . 1111?1'8. -· GordqD L SW!)' Iii 5(7 .~.lljj ~. Lulu Mae 9 I 3 311 • County ciettt -o.n ., tbe LllDbein, om D. 11111 ..... a ltlley, Vivian · Wb' 30' 27 I . •> 11# Superior Collrt ot tbo State ot Llndllbcm. ~1 0 . -la.46 RileJ', VJvWr : , Wlr .110' • , ~ • ~·~ore~;:.ror ~,c--:c· mu." . ~ i. ~ ~ 6 •ailrll'-b' ... fzhfare ..... -11··-111-tbe-pw ll . w'WAi L vu~ . . the C1T'C c:. IUWPOWt •ear. OOUJf'ft or ~ lla .. b. . .iOO.d ' I .... -~ad <i' ...... t t~ ST4 OF ~ (Seal ~ eo.t Bolman Curt 8 G.3J. Dated --cloT fll -.-. ~oa...tJ') . • -.. •iw.•:-1;e.w.a.111; _ __ . OCllWA..-.••• iiiiiiiiiiimll 1-1.11. Z. 27, U& a-Na-'Dwt a - -ot t;; 4. 31 '4411 ··~. . R.R.~ ·ui p.••' tili..S. ~:.::.~= 11'!• • 'za fi •Cd I '1 • • • • , How Orange Countians V~t~,·i~.P~i~;i~ MP .. 1anesa.~~er~etste N~-Balboa T~ sweau' _ .. Ulllll I'' All ~~~Travel to Europe, Mn1c:n, Hawaii · ll CW:. UPmlLJOAN a,.,..,, Tttll l*t.-~OTON HAbe Set f Oi' June 21 ~the-World Trips In the Deal' future. See MewaTlud adtatl•wnta an. p N ,..... pic!e to offlciont opmdina. UllL,IC OTICE NOTIOI: INVJTINO llID8 Margaret L. Scharle Go-Madelyn D. PlatL--4,641 0-tol>le-..... BoJI "--I'll. eart.ar S9i. '81 hm, .... <Membor Music Teachen' Assn. of C&lifomla) ' Teacher of Piano Notice is hereby given that the Board of Scbool Trustees of the N-Beach Scbool District will receive sealed bids fOr paint- ing 18 rooms of the school build- ing located between 13th and 14th Streets on Central Avenue; also Caretaker's cottage located on 13th Street and the caretaker'• cottage located on Carnation Street in C.Orona del Mar. Earl Warren ......... _____ .18,019 Earl W. SWll•Y--:--·-4,801 Dulaney --------·---------1,338 A . Jlooln: 1t a. "!'-.. I p. m. Robert w. Kenny ............ 1.093 ~IJ'. 15tll Dlot.-Dooble ................ _ ... ----· 323 dinner meeting of the mer-"------------------------1 William E. Rik••'---------14.5 Sam Colllno -•-·---·-8,530 SEAL HAOH chants division of the Costa Meaa Ueateaaat Go•..,._ Harlan Savage .. ----· 5,400 Oiamber ot Commerce Will be held 0 ---------------------- Goodwin J . KnighL .... _ 7,930 NON-PAKnSAN lull"" of ... '--June 2J at 6:30 p.m. in the llOdal Organist • Accompanist 8C l'o: SO'I GoldeD.rod Awmae Coroaa del M.v PHONE: HARBOR 1046 EqJert Radi6 Service Phone Beacoa 5816 Painting to be done accordl.ng to Specifications on fil~ ln the Di&- trict Superintendent's office, 14th and Central. All bids to be in the District Superintendent's of· fice by 8 :00 o'clock p.m., July 2, 1946. ~1-;,.ws~:::::.-.::::: ~~ 1~~th8ar:'~.oos $-:==:::::::==::::::: ~ ~~ '7o ~tyJch~;: S-etary ot State-8apt. Pablle hlnlc-Drent barger. r:;~, ~.;,~~j~~l~:~ ~: ~-_:::::::::::1~~ Burch =:::=::=::::::::::::::::: ~ DrSpeW~~~~ ":,~Y.~ C.troUer-Co. Supt. of 8mooll BUA dent of the Osteopathic Physicians Thomas H. KucheL ... _16,860 Unton T. S lmmonl. ....... 19,553 0..Utable-and Surgeolls College of Loo An· John H . Carter ......... ---309 OouatJ' Olslt-Liv!ngston ............... _____ :!411 geles. Ira J. McDonald............. 440 B. J. Smith. ...................... 20,306 BlllJngs ............................. 679 The number of """rvations fnr Harry E. Riley ...... _.____ 873 Slterttf-OllANGE dinner are limited, according to Tffuurer-Jetee L. Elliott. .. ----·-··-9.59'2 luatlce of tile PMite the chairman, and those planning Breken Le11ses Duplicated Gbwos AdJoAecl e ~ lbwwlned E.T. Butterwortll, 0. D. llH WoR (loetnl ,_ -r 11U Eo-.p bf, App-t The Board or School Trustees of the Newport School District re-- servet the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid Oiarles G. JohnsCJn.._.16.222 Harry Bell ·········--··--· 3.106 Paddock ····-·---.. ··-··:·-···· t,328 to attend must make reservation9 Atlont•7 ,O.enl-.... ---·-·-Floyd W . Howard ..... _ 3,189 Fairbairn .......................... 737 as early as pooslble. L-----------------------l Walter L. Bowen........ 880 R. I. Morris. .. ___________ 5.178 NEWPORT BEAOB ' Palmer Radio AND ELIXJTBIC 11'8 N-n-. OOtn'A ISS& GORDON B. FINDLAY, Oerk of the Newport Beach School District. Pub.-.June 6, 13, 20, 1946. t/Ule 4 7~ 94'""" 4 TREASURED DAY I " IJUNE 161 6 x I Inch size • Ooe or u many u desired. Proofs to select from. CowMuNION AND GllADUATION PHOTOGJtAPHS A SPECIALTY. AUSTIN STUDIOS We are fully equipped to talce portraits In Home or Clturclt · All STUDIOS Of'EN 12 TO 6 P .M. EVBY SUNDAY AND TWO OI -NIGHTS 1'111 WOK 508 Yi So. M&l.n St. Phone 1463 Santa Ana DAILY HOURS: 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Fridays and Saturdays 'tiJ 8 p. m. NT-6-6-46 Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES · BUILDING UNITS Brick and c-pool JUl>dm Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1560 Newport Ave. ' u J ll I n n1Ja,:;<1 11!ldl "''"I ' ' ' BALBOA'S • Edmund G. Brown. .. -732 James A. Musick... .. _ .. 8.3'.lO C...*·bl~ HarTilon W, C411 .... -.... 4,701 Walter E . Tipton ........... 6,761 Fred N . Howser .. ·------· 9,967 Carl E. !COiley .... _.......... 1.499 Vaughn ............................. 890 B4. of Eqoal.luUoa. ,_. Dllt- WUllam G. Bonolll ......... 12.695 Fred Carlllon .................. 4,646 u. s. 8-alor- WUllam F . Knowland. ... 12,776 Ellis E. Patterson..-----····· 1,375 Will Rogon jr .................. 4,245 OoDp-. !!11d Ohl.- John Phlllipo ............... -13,601 RaY Adkinson .................. 4,139 Auembly, ,,tb Dtat.- Raymond G. Garlljer ...... 1,860 Oiarles Hindley -·----------1,349 Madelyn D. Platt..·-······· 1.894 Earl W . Stanley ............. 8,756 Dr:MOORATIO Goveraor-- Earl Warren ···········-·····-8,531 A. Beldon Gilbert............ 168 Robert W . Kenny ............ 5,810 --Ruby McFarland .......... 20,114 Aadltor- L. H . Ecktl .. _ .... _ ... _ .. .21.017 A•e11~ Maurice F . Endei'Ie ....... .20,265 Dl9triet Attoraey- James L . Davia ... -... -.. .20.268 Tu Collector-- Don S. Mozley ............... .21,410 Treuur.,.._ H. A. Gradner ................. 20,461 Surveyor- W, K Hlllyard .. ,. ......... .20,389 Public Admr. aacl Coro11er- E. R Abbey ..................... .20,879 The township election results were u follows: SANTA ANA TOWNSHIP luatlee Of tbe Peace Cameron ····················---··-4,800 BrO\V?l ···········-·········-········· 1,962 Childs ......... _______ ,_______ 701 Kanagy ................. ------· 637 SAN JUAN OAPlllTRANO JuaUce of tile PNCe Forster ·-··--····· .. ·-·-··-----· Stlte ................................. . , TUSTIN .lmttce of tbe P~ 638 312 Allen ·····-·················-----····· 532 Morris ................................ 406 Uncontested candidates ·and their votes were: Tustin-Constable, Logan 845. San Oemente -Conltable. Stroscheim 211. Laguna Be{lch--J'ustice of peace, 0-avatt 646; Constable, Jamison 654. Newport Beach-Justice or peace, Dodge 1838. ANAHEIM TOWNSHIP William E. Riker............ 139 Ju•tlce of the Pe~ Santa Ana-Sternberger 5906. Fullerton-Justice of peace, Spence. 2910; Constable, Skill- man 3020. Lleuten.aat Governor--1 Stark ··--······-·····-····-·········· 1,695 Goodwin J. Knight .......... 3,635 Schultz .............................. 2.454 Brea-Justice or peace, Earley 872. Charles W . Lyon .............. 4,610 Coutabl&- John F. Shelley ................ 5,094 Marion -······-·····--···--······-· .. 2,5TI H untington Beach-Justice or Secr etary of State-Wallace ··················-·····-··· 1,865 peace, Pann 1318. Frank M. Jordan ............ 8,660 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; Lucille W ebster Gleason 4,448 ' Controlter- Thomas H . Kuchel ......... 9.108 John H. Carter _ ............. 796 Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. Paul Collins ... .................. 951 d 754 Phone Beacon 5111 :::n~· :cii:r;;1 ... :.·::::::~:::: 1.ss2 1--a-1_a_oo..._AJ1T.;.;..;m;;.;.G;;;B;.;W;.;A;Y;... ____ ..;A;T;...;~;.;·H;;;"';;..;;";;;..,;;-;;l";;;"";;;.-~ Trt"uurer- Charles G. Johnson ........ 10.702 .----------------------- 644 1 Attorney General- Lawi-ence W . Allen ....... . Walte r L . Bowers ............ 1,783 Edmund G. Brown .......... 3,341 Greettng Cards and a Greet V&riety of Unuaual Glft. "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS Harrison W . Call............. 913 ll:Wl'.:LRY and SrAnONERY Fred N . Howser .............. 5.618 1'19'1 Newport Blvd .• Costa Mesa. CaJll. Carl S . Kegley.................. 931 Dlamond.9 -\Vatebes -Fine Repalrlnc Phone Beaoon 5139·M Bd. of Equalization, 4th Dh1t . .-'--------.:...:====-=.:...:::.:...: _______ , \Villiam G. Bonelli .......... 8.185 ------------------------ Fred Carlson .................. 2,055 .-----------------------Ha~ket M . Ross ................ 1,046 Curtis Thompson .......... 1,218 u . s . Senator- WUliam F . Knowland.... 3,054 John S . Crowder............ 154 Adam C. Derkwn. .. -....... 63 Wayne McFarland ........ 215 Ellis E. P atterson ............ 2.571 Will Rogers jr .................. 7,562 ConcrPSs, 22nd Dist- John Phillips .................. 5,703 Ray Adkinson .................. 7 ,203 PHONE BARBOR 81 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sien Man e BOAT 1.EITERING A SPEClALTY , , , e ~-8alu.-e-ra,., 901 ~ JDcllwar PIMIDe Bw -on KSl VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel -Aluminum FMt Service -Free Estimates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity -Lino -Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Phone Long Beach 453-28 Long Beach GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER omce: 11410 Ooaat Bl..S. l'bfte-. uz CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T. C. J OHNSON, Supt. , 40'1 30th St.Mt Plleae:BarborZW·J We Have a Complete Line of . FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM • Sinkers ....,... llDlA • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING COMING June.14 lc 15 TEEN AGERS Pa I ... The Band Sensation of the Year KING GUION The Newest Thing in Music "DOUBLE RHYTHM SECTION" Fri., June 7; Sat., June 8 Dudng ,_ 9 ..tu l -• • TACK LE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store 106 ............. Place Telepb°* Barbor 117 fw lete.t P'Mlwc ltd'onnetlaa • the Hal'lla,'1 fi111t Dining· Hause·~· beautiful cocktail lounge I I DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WINES AND LIQUERS S06MIMt • 11, tri ,,1ttvi a-:;,, GIVES The Bride Away .... 40-0UNCE "DUNllAR" CLASS nA POT SPICIAL Sf J9 " lfl'l#t~ dnlcneci tu pot. Its h"•~encv C*"mlts "°" to -. ttw -.ct sfTWntth ot the tw.w. Mad9 ot durable hiMt-rtosistlns ..... • • ~ Mindi• . • . Holck eiprt ~ E.ny to cle.n. APPLE COOKIE IAlt SPICIAL 1 1 .. A,pplll ~ er'ld de<or•t· ed ... LM .. open;"I •.. ~ c.ap.acity • • • A .. * tNt cornt>i,.,. 900eer~ • n d ..-vice-ability. 8-CUP TEA POT SPECIAL ·~·· ~'-Rldp .. Hand paint- ed dacar at ton . • Undw ~ .. H°"*' 9iSf'lt a.p • • fl"9 quelity. • 8-CUP "DUNBAR" CtuJronteed GLASS COFFEE MAKER SPECIAL Sf69 M •ttrktive 1i.• coffee maker. M~k" tult-bOdied cl-coff-. No wa5t-No -netallic faste--No Mdiment E•v to C'lean . . . M.ot .I touth. 1tronc hll!11 -ras11t· 1n1 11au • . . CO<M handle. Sa~ coffee 11 tne Table fr11m this 1ood-loolunc i:M- con•~ ALUMINUM ROASTER SPICIAL •4 .. l • r 1 e atumitun ro.tw. 16-1~ Mu ••• Tirt fittlns ciov« ••• Easy to ci..n . • . ~ ot di.#'-.,,_ sn.t atYftiflwm_ ALUMINUM ' ROAST PAN . SHCIAL . , .. You her one of the lovely, l•1tift1 1ifh you'll find 10 re.-bly priced ilt our store. We'we a wide variety from which to chOOM -plenty of thinp th•t win help "'ake a drea"' house out of the bride '1 new home. Come in tod•y •nd Ht for younelf. ,.-.... ''-Shower'' Sugge•tioru SNACK NAPKINS • Oecor•ted P•Plfr ~pk!ns ..• 6§• 100 in Gift Bo)(.............. .. MAT AND NAPKIN sm Includes: f ifht 1&"xl6'"' wes.habae •1• paper in.ts .-ct l50 eo&ored paper NIP· k ll'll ••. G.itt boxed. NAl'ltlN AND COASTER SET 100-plece combination ~ neokW. ... er'ld coestw _., , •. A.ttf"Ktl ... sift .. ~ 72 -PIECE PAPER CU£ST TOWE.. •1ff c1n sn. 2-QUART ''DUNBAR'' CLASS SAUCE PAN SPICIAL S169 Cook•nt foodt vtslbt.t 8' all tlft'ln •• , ..... ,.,.. ... .;,, ent 11-. . . Coo(, cornfortltN handle •.• ~ -··,.. ..... I V..,Qt. "DUlllAR" ... ,. caASI DOUIU IOILD •••• , .SPICIAL ... ' -, I l r • I • ' . • I D ,_ . az &• o om , -'2•.lw tlM !Altar Furniture, Sacred Vessels Among H b F • . A • • . • r::O~i~:.::::!:~~~tJ::;::ch ar or ' em1n1ne ct1v1t1es ~of .tbehnprlant--S~md Mia f)n-•tteftdf• ~ on tbe new odlllc:e of St. To be carried In tbe pn>«S-of tbe summer will be that or Miu ' ~ Hall In Lowell. -. .... Mi:. and Mrs. Richard Emison of Beacon Bay Announce Engagement of Daughter Patricia .Jama~ chlll'Ch, Via Udo, sional Ott the brua proceaional Pbrmee 13 and 208 + By Winifred Barlln + ReOtence Phone 1637-R Patricia >m'-1, daughter or Mr.I DePauw unlwnlty, alma mate lland~~tbe--~tbe~~~~~ln------------7-----------------~------~------------1 -~~·--of~~-~-~ Ardys Dean. -tbe Idea silk and the American 0.un:h Co d A h f M" Do th w ·1 F o· L"b . 40 Ruddor road. Beaoon Bay, Beth. that the Euttt aeaaon, 0 .,111....,_ nae In lillt. 'lbere are baptismal mman er S ton 0 ISS ro y I SOn, Ortner :tty I ranan, whose engacement wu announced' Mr. Gunn wu a -euest al oratlve of tbe reaurrection of candlesticks in brass, and the Co!lSt Guard Aux. Arrives in Japan ; Tells First Impressions Friday evening at an Informal tbe f)n!-home earlier In UM Cbriat and the victory over death, aterlinc silver baptismal 1>ow1. Comes to Balboa party. The >m1""" 11&ve rocenUy wee1t. oot t.•1nesa called.. b111t wu a. fttting tlme to 1Pve equip-Other gifts include the wedding One of the fll'St letten from We pu:aed devutation. but lt moved to Newport Beach from north before the pvty. Howuwr. rne:nt ror the new church ~ u stole, the bl'US lectern and the Miss Dorothea wn.on. former has been neatly cleared away. Santa Ana and guests were mem-, be aent lovely orchid COl"Mlft to memorials for the faithful de-leather lectern Bible. as well as Two more of the yachting fra-city librarian and put p-esident 11le peopJe live in tit'Y shacks but t bers of a dinner bridge club to1 Mrs. Emiaoo and btt two claUCK- parted. the pulpit Bible and silver book ternity who are locating perman-of the Business and ProfMlion&l manage somehow to grow a fiCJIUI'. which they have belona:ed for ters. ·since that time much of the marks, and several of the many ently in Newport Beach are Mr. j Wome n's club, who has just reach-iah.ing garden. I am thrilled be-mott than 20 years. and children Patricia's grandmother. Mn. E. equipment for the altar and chan-pews needed have been donated. and Mrs. Harry Ashton, who are ed Japan where she ls one of a yond words with what I haVe seen of t_h?H membe~, with Whom G . Summers. and her aunt, Mn. eel, necessary sacred vesaell and A memorial fund has also been for the time being living on their group establishing libraries ·rOr so far. Patrtaa and her 1Uter ha\'e grown 1'tona Summen Smith, were pres.. furniture have been given as established to which people may 38-foot custom built cabin cruiser the Army of Occupation, has just Our hotel is close to the Im-up. 1 ent as were her cousins, Mr. and memorials. Included are the altarf ~vein any a.mo!111t, and on which Edna Lee, moored at Evans been received by Mn. Edna perial hotel and all the better Patricia has just ~n separated\ Mrs.. Ludan Simpecm and Mr. and cross, the set of eight brass can-1t will be posstble to draw for Landing. Davenport, 1506 East Central buildings. It was an office build-, from the WAVES and later in the Mrs. Robert Fisk oi Loi An&eJe& dlesticka handmade after an orig .. further equipment. Mr. Ashton is commander of a\•enue, Balboa, CalJf. Mn. Dav-lng betore the war and now is summer ¥till become the bride of Included among, the guests wer1 1na1 dest&n. a pa.tr ot large altar In time there will be six stained the Coast Guard Auxiliary for the enport's son, Lt. Col. Frank N . reconverted by ·yoUr son into a Herbert Gunn jr .. of Monticello, Dr. and Mn. John Ball, Dr. anC YaSel and a pair of small altar glass .memorial windows which 11th Coast Guard district, which Davenport, ls in charge ot the comfortable home for women son of Mr. and Mn. Herbert Gunn, Mrs. Dexter Ball, the Messn. vases. both also handmade in brass the subjec~ have been ~n extends from Santa Barbara to hotels in Japan, including the working for the government. prominent ranchers of the San 1 and Mesdames Hugh Lowe. RaJ after an original desJan. and a and for which desJgns are being San Diego, and is a member of the one "-'here Miss Wilson has quart-Everything is spotless and freshly FranciK'o Bay area.. He is a Holle, Herbert Miller, Honcl missal stand. obtained. They will include the Los Angeles Power Boat squadron. en. The letter follows: p1tlnted My room is on the sewnth graduate of Stanford university, Stevens, Baxter Jouvenat, F"foe4_ 1 For the ritual of Holy Commun-Holy Nativity, the Resurrection, He was commodore of the Holly-28• May, 1946, Old Kaejo Hotel. floor facing the Imperial palace, u also is Miss Emison, he being Forgy and a score or more youna· Ion are--two tterling silver cruets the two sacramE'nts of the church, wood Yacht club in 1941 and has Japan. 6 a.m. in bed before Ima~ such a view! I would a Phi Delta Theta while she wa.s 1 1 er friends. for wine and water, the sterling Baptism and Hoty COmmunion. been their delegate to the South-breakfast. never have dre amed of such a Kapp& Kappa Gamma. Before ------- ,.Uver bread box and the sterling and one of St. James. patron em California Yaehting associa-1 Dear :P.trs. Davenport: break! Our rqoms are typical :au. Dolorea Elder, ...._. ... of completing her college work at Ori•re C'attfully-Spue a. W.. lavabo bowl. There is the leather saint of the church. The sixth win-t.ion ever since. After practlslng l At last the "Marine ~nt" army style-two regulation cots. Mn. i.e.ter IMel1. 1185 z.t A 1 t 17 ~ ~ Centml awiaae, Balboa. wbo altar book. the chancel prayer dow will be the rose window over gener al law in Los nge es or got u!I to J apan. It wu really two chairs, and two tables but l(f'Mluatee Welmietfay, Jame u, years, he h8:5 moved hlB office to a rugged voyage. One night . the on the fioor 1s an Oriental thick from Weatlalte 8eJM>o1 fo r Glrts. Sweaters SJJpon and Coat Styfe11 Lingerie Sun Back Frocks 2-Pleoe Mldrtft Pea&allt Style Sbes 9 to 15 Cotton Pajamas Checket Taffeta Petticoats Lingerie Sachet Case · ''Deauville'' 739 South Coui 81,'tl. Balboa and is located at 509 Eut 1 ship came within 25 feet of hit-pale green carpet. Outside our Central avenue. ting a floating Jap mine. We window is the moat. the gardens won't forget that ni$hl. the way and the emperor's palace---guch she put up full speed, and she beauty so close! swayed and groaned unti l our in· Our boss. JUne Fairweather, a sides shook accordingly. native of Hawaii and transferred Local Girl to Have Footprints With Those of Stars Balboa Yacht Club' Formal Opening Saturday Evening Yesterday morning reveille last F ebruary m et us for dinner ) sounded at 4 :30 am. Up we got, here_. The dining room resembles Miss Carol Wolden berg, daugh- Flag officers and directors of dressed and out of the porthole a high-class tea r oom at home. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H . F . Wolden· the Balboa Yacht club are an-peeped an Island fai ntly silhou· Is set in attractive surroundings. berg, 1300 West Central avenue, nouncing their annual openin g for et ted against the r ising sun. ~ The meal \\'U delicioUS-butter J\fe\\'POrt Beach. \\'as last week se- the season with a d inl'l£'r and a string of islands followed. ex-and strawberry preser ves, hot lected the "most heavenly sole" d nee Saturday J une 7. It \\'ill be actly like the picture postcards. rolls and meat well served H ow-! on the University of Calirornia, S:mi-formaJ v.•iih cocktails in the The air was hot and sticky, a ever. milk, fresh vegetables and Los Angeles campus in connection 1 patio at 6 0:clock and dinner a t 7. deep contrast after the cold. blust-fruit will be rare . All r estau· with publicity for the forthcoming . h d e ring wind of just o ne day pre· rants are out of bounds for Am· Campus Theater production "Shoe- Thts year th<' onore guests vious. erlcans . maker's Holiday." ~ill be club members who "'er~ To make a long story short v.:e After dinner our boss gave us A sophomore at U.C.L.A., "'fiss in the armed forces and membei:s pulled into Yokahama dock at a the lowdown. According to her, Waldenberg is a m ember of Alpha I sons a nd daughte rs ":'~o. were in fev.• minutes before nine. The everything in Japan is according Xi Delta sorority. During the con- the armed forces. V1s1t1ng com-Jap beggars in their small canoes to rank. Librarians are up on the test ror the.campus "sole," Carol modores from other clu~ are ex-camt> in droves to beg food from social ladder and that is why we was selected by applause of the CHRISTIAN'S HUT I pect<'d. and the decorative theme the passengers. The hoses wer e h ave a view o f the e mperor's male audience a nd Doug Fahy a will be full-size burgees of P a· turned on to keep them away. palace. Beta Theta Pi was chosen lhe 1.---------------------------' ci fic coast clubs. These have been The process of debarking was bigges( "heel" ~f t he campus by pai~ted by Sue Ficker. decm:ating endless. 1 was the last woman Today w e have orientation female a pplause. Leonard Marshall, Manaaer Bal'-, California DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS , .. BANQUETS • 1 • chairman Dean Bradford will be classes. We will only be in Tokyo · to leave the ship, our names were At the close of the contest pic-in cha rge of the entertainmen t. called alphabetically. for a few days and then off again. tures v.•ere taken of the two just F h · d · r The four of us will be on the go or t e opening ay a series or The processi·n• J n-•ary took as Miss Wolden berg was being '---ed · 6 ........ """ for a while. We are on a 44-hour juniors only has ~n arrang hours because \\'e \ver e all gov· week which means four hours of presented with 8 lovely or chid by Fred Br£'\ver, chairma n of the ernment '"orkers. At the docks and a complete Max F a ctor m a ke-"' overti.me. Our rent will cost us race committc-e. "'Biting were t\\'o busses, comfort-nothing (imagine) and food is a ll up kit. Mr. Fahy received a ne1A· • able American style. All the we pay' for This is a land of pair of shoes. P l. Off"cers · . F ootprints of Carol a nd Doug O tee .1 , women w ere sent to this Old s uperlatives. W~ do not pay for were made in a cem ent block Wives, Dine at ~~~ h~;~e\na;!'ok~:. men to an-our stree~ car rides, our laundry I which is being displayed on the SA Co t CJ b o.r anything, as fa r as I can campus this week. Next "'eek the u n ry u I The ride fro m Yokatiama took figure out. I should be .able to I block v.·ill be taken to Grauman's one hour along a \Vl'll-paved high· s_ave .plenty ~tcr a while ~d Chinese theater \\'here the na mes Si.icty·five rescr,·e a nd regular \\'ay. Everywher e we attracted hve like a princess on the Side. and rootprints of the two will be members or Nc'vJXlrt police de· the full attention of Japanese a nd I do hope that I can see_ Frank. laced alon with t hose f th partmc nt a nd wives attended a Gl's alike. W e must have been Everyone seems t o know htm here. P. st g 0 e dinn<'r and social gather ing \Ved-quite a sight, our little caravan Take a bow. onema ars. nesday evening at the Santa Ana 1 of girls. Every mile I becaqte I 'vill write more \\.'hen I know -------- Country club. more enchanted by the charm of more. In the meantime I am Rev. James Batt6'11 The social affair , whic h marked 1 surroundings and the quaint cus-hoping to get some mail soon. It Preaching for Month the first time that the r egular of-toms. The streets are neat and seems mo nths since I have had ficers and the reserves a nd orderly v.·ith green trees lining 1.ny contact with my friends at At COM Church Expert" Beauticians for Milady • P ermanents, Cold W ave., H air Styling. H air Tinting • · • Bleach· ing, Cold Wave. ANN • CARMEN Featminc Helene Curt111 Cold Waves 0.-llM•rU7, AU J>a7, l:•enl.. ApPOUtt-Lll fM Pttmaarni.: PIMM Harbor IJll Balboa Inn Beauty Salon • OciMD .Front at Ule Pier spouses have met together, was the way. The buildings are a home. under the auspices of the New-combination of the old and the Much love. An able substitute for the r egu-1,---------------------------. Iar m1n1ster, the Rev. Perry STYLE DETAILS port Beach Police Officers' Assn., new. The \\'Omen made a de-DOROTHEA. or v..·hich Officer W altt>r Dyson is lightful picture waJking in their preside nt. bright colored lJjmonos carrying All kinds typewriter rlbbotw ln 1 Guests of the association pres· a baby on their backs. 1tock at the ·News-Times. ~ ent included Police Commissioner GinJs(u• in clauic cul, slim and trim to fit your /gfu~ Bia!H:lll, canvc :· ,. _;r-.; lined waillband to keep your ahirll from pulling ouL A buic in your c.1111•1 wardrobe ... 1elect from eevero l gem-tone alildm. Sites 12 to 18. $5.95. so6 East CtntTal Avenut' &lboa, CalifomU. L. L. l.sbeJI, former City Judge 0 . A. Jones and Capt. Johnny Upson, former police officer now on tt:>rminal leave from the army. the front door. bearing the crests of the 12 apostles. Until such time as the windows a re given, there will be temporary windows ot tint~~-·----- Dr1ve -&.;;fu1Jy-Spare a Ute. For the Ultimate in Beauty Care ... Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S Mariska House of Beauty SOt lllllrille Ave., Balboa Wand • HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING by Gene SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BELL OF BALBOA ISLAND ALSO PAUi SPRINGS AND LONG BEACH ~ Do.lly Em:opt Slmday- JUNE at- 1211 Coast Hiway Corona· del Mat PIQUE f ROCKS of Hearts and Flowers Sun Suits of Stars DEE BOYD JAN HENDERSON • A WIDE VARIETY OF PERFECT JEW- ELRY GIFTS FOR DAD'S DAY • JUNE 16 at HARR'S ·JEWELRY and Watch-Repair 18!1 llartlor - ; . ·- • Schrock who is now on vacation. OF OUR NE\V is the Rev. James H. Batten or s u I T s Corona del Mar who is occupying the pulpit of the Corona del Mar Community church during the mo nth of June. O n Sunday, June 9, his subject v.ri.11 be "The School in the Potter 's House." Mr. Batten \VU a lecturer on the Chautauqua platforms for eight years, appearing at cities from coa.!t to coa.st. For a time he was minister of the First Con· grega ti on al church in San ta Bar- bara and later went to Pomona college where he spent ten years as director of public relations and publlcity. • SHOW THE NEW PENCIL SKIRT FUl;J..ER SLEEVE NEW NECKLINE TREATMENT DIAGONAL TUCKS A DRESSMAKER SOFTNESS WITH A TRIM LOOK FINE IOO<ft WOOL CREPE SIZES 10 TO IB ···- crhe Frances Norton Shop . ~·~ . On leaving Pomona college he SECOND a BROADWAY retired from active aervice and ue 8eoond. a Broadway Bldc. SANTA ANA _.,_ came to Corona del Mar to be '---------------------------' near his dau1hter, Mary Batten Steffensen, who is prominent . in mu.sic circles. Mrs. Steffensen ia choir director ot the Corona del Mar church and is also dittctor of Cecilian Singers, a chorus com- pased of Orange county women. Your friends and mhlr Mr. and Mrs. Forrest O'Hair, Bayside Villa, Balboa, are pa.renta of a daughter, born June 4 in I Santa Ana Community hospital She weighed s ix pounds, nine ounces. A marriage license was issued this week to Mary Bak:ich, 26, ot Watsonville and Wayne A. How- ard, 29, Costa Mesa . Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kidder and small sons, who recently sold their home on 4lst street, moved this week to their new home in Alta- dena. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards 8ta&io•1 1 Brookings Variety -0.-. •WT"· 0--...... c ••• u..., a·e-. ...... o,e. ir:•:.••lllllP>"' • 1 • ••tsr • Gifts He Will Appreciate ' - • 17 Jewel Wrist Watch • Pen and Pencil Set . • Diamond Ring • Fraternal Ring • Birthstone Ring • Cigarette Lighter and Ca8e • Military Set with Nylon Bntshes • Bill Fold • Key Ring . • CUff Unks • Necktie Olpa BEST JEWELRY AND GIFl'S Q-RIO SH ·opp~E -· 205 Main St. ..... -...... :...,.. pn • •