HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-18 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE Sl ND CRAB BJ SA M f AREWELL! One of the most forceful and pictw-es- que citizens to ever grace the shores of Newport Bay. was Dr. Howa rd Seager. Time and again Doc. Seager was the center of frontal attacks for his adamant position on the city planning commis- sion, the chamber of com- merce and other organiza~ tions. It was Doc. Seager, who years ago, importuned our official groups to,appomt a harbor commission and get going under the harbor dis- trict act: it w as Doc. Seager \\•ho some fi"·e years ago brought in a report on the Metropolitan water, urging the C. of C. to proceed and that body in turn w-ged the city dads to proceed. but the report was tabled; we're still chewing the fat about water. One thing about Doc. Sea- ger: he never talked much about his accomplishments, of which there were many; two-fisted, slow-voiced, but powerful in debate, he could hold his own in any battle of words, while his younger days in the army were full of brusque encounters with many offirers over treat- ment of the wounded. I ask- ed Doc. one day while amb- ling down the street, what was best to do about one's heart, and his reply was typical of the man: "Don't do anything, except go along the way you have all gone. but more slowly as you get older. and you'll live your al- loted life." He followed that concept, but, gosh, Doc., many of your friends would sure liked to have you linger longer with us! • • + Finch Ceramics. 'Tother day dropped in to get a piece of pottery at Kay Finch Cer· -amics. C. D. M. and was taken in tow by Braden Finch, who gave me a per- sonally conducted tour. Last time there was when the Finches had just moved in from their old location, and they were just getting the new pince going. The visit the othe r day \\'as a surprise and a re\·elation. not onJ y from the number of em- ployes--4>5-but a t the ex- pansiOf\. which includes the addition of more ground. equipment, more supplies, etc .. all necessitated by great business growth. The plant ls now 30 days behind in its oi:ders. It's worth a visit, If you're interested in lovely figures and designs. + + + Honor for Hub. A well de- served honor has been be- stowed on Hub Howe, of the South Coast Co.. in making him head of a state-wide small harbors. development group of the California Olamber of Commerce. The new group's job is to pro- rn<>te a series of small ports and refuges along the coast. and while this adds more work to Mr. Howe's already heavy duties. he is young and acti,·e enough to take it on for the good of the indus- try. • • + \\'heat to Mexico. Here's something for the boOk. U. S. ships a million pounds of wheat to Mexico monthly ~use our neighbor sends us farm labor. Did you ever talk to a farm bureau man about that labor? \Veil, in the first place most of the · workers send the bulk of their wages to the mother country and a good worker can average from $20 to S25 a day for picking oranges, based on the price of Sl.00 per box for picking. Then next comes an item from Bakersfield where the U. S. · Riis 1000 carl0ads ot suds to dlst:illers as a substitute for sraln with which to make alcobol. Yet.we use potatoes to help make bread, of which we are short; all of which edds up to a lot of damphool- llhness. ------- AU Plastic Plane q... .~ane manufacturer has ..., uperimenUnc with plastics wlib Ibo hope ot conltructinc an ell plaatlc ~- KEEP POSTED! 1 y e.r . . . • • . SZJ5I -~ $%.75 om o1 o...~ '3:0t «>"' .. --°""* ~ lo • -N~N_.,..._, ••• EMBRACING BALBOA PENI NSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHOR COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUME XXXVDI Planned New Yor k· San Diego Route Would Bring Eastern Traffic West More Rapidl y B)· JOllN OOS'HOFF MESAN FINED Olarged with speeding and no ope.rator'! license, Olauncey R. Druck, 45. 193 ~ 18th strttt. Costa ?\lesa. \.\'&S fined $15 by Santa Ana City Judge R. M. D-ookshan.k last ~'eek. Robert Lee Bo}'<i, 45, Coast high\llo•ay, Corona del Mar. pleaded not guilty to a cl\arge of speeding and a trial WU held Saturday, June 15. Mesa , Santa Ana Babies Win Prizes I ~, THIS lS \\'H..\T HAPPE. D "'h~n a mototl!'t. ml:l"ed al<'ohol with p.8011ne lut. Thu.rsday e\•en.lng. The above picture was take9 a (ew minutes arter the cruh near the Udo theate r In "·hJch a woman "''as hurt llnd damages eetlmated at near $1000 wu done. -photo by Kent Hitchcock. . t, was built company ago. s Boats s Watts Costa ~tesa, the Higgins y ol Coast ach, has re- trip to the manufactur- ew ·Orleans. und trip by · itles at the eana plant, n ot 23-foot and 32-loot ay and that ttady for po<t Beadl December, tor sales 1. ppoints Board C«ona clel of Newport Oplln al . named by --17 pl111:11l11C -- Balboa Line Delay ·in Laying Conduit Line Seen as Aid to Busine5s Men Weiss Buys frosty Shop Ne\v o\\-ners or the Frosty a nd iCC' cream stand in the Fun Zone at Balboa are Mr. and P.lrs. George \\"eiss. realtors or the Coast Prop- Prtic>s Inc .. and Mr. and Mrs. John Linkie, it \.\'as announced last Friday. The Frosty stand was purchased from Al J9yce, who atilt retains his concessions on the beach at Corona del Mar. The Llnkies a r e long -time friends of the Weiss' and the four are sharing their duties at the stand while Mr. and Mrs. Weiss continue in their realty and in: surance business. Stanley Gor rucbovsld, recent f'u.nd1dal~ ror the offlC'.e or city t·ounclllnan. '~'h o graduated (rom Santa A oa .J unior college June 12 and r eceived the flam· mond Sf't\1ce a"-.rd, highest honor of the school. li e "'as 1•rt·sldf'nt of the •tude nt. body, b an assistant 8COUbnuter and r haplaln o( American Leeton P08t !91. FIRST CIASS AIJI. C ABRDtB.S Of U1e 144 first-class air car- riers operating throughout the world. 23 fly under the flag of the United States. The Southern California Tele- phone compnny announced today that it v.•as discontinuing its work of laying the con<Juit tint> for its ne \v te lephone building in the business section of Balbo..'l until September 10. ln an effort to a la merchants in that arl.'a who would other\visc ha ve lost thousands ot dollars \\·orth or sun1mer business if the job \\"E"r e rontinued as ~rig· inally pla nned. .The telephone company con· struction ere\\' v.·UI continue the \VOrk after the September date. Meanv.·hile the construction crew will star t laying the line from "B" to "G" street. ''1lich is not in the Balboa business section, and which In no \Vay will obstruct the continuance of business In that area. The telephone company decided on its change of plans a fter a meeting with the Balboa Improve- ment association last Thursday night. -Members of the association, compr1s1ng hundreds of property owners and business mC"n, reCently protested to memben of the city council that continuance of the excavation of the East Central a\·enue project would seriously jeopardize their business during the summer months -a period y.•hen "thE'y say they realize on their large investments in the Balboa area. Members or the city council dis- cussed this phase with members of the Balboa Improvement ~ elation in an executive session at the city hall on Monday afternoon. Fantasy of Lights Set for Aug. 1 7 This date was selected by the board of directors or the Balboa Tournamrnt of Lights association at their mccting in the! Newport Harbor Yacht club. Pla ns wcrC" made to handle a cro\\'d or son'C' 250.000 people, who are PXfX'Ctr d to "isit Balboa and the Ne'N-port harbor area for .the program . The board announced thC' wa ter ff's tival will remain striclly Cor- inthian thi!ii year, with lighted and dl'COratC'd boats ranging from canoes to huge yachts to be en· tered for a 10-mile n ight parade around the bay. Barges and simi· lar boats '"ill not be entered. Attending the meeting wer e Commodore a nd Mrs. Grandin, Commodore Donald Kemp of Bal- boa Yacht club and Mrs. Kemp: Vicc-Comniodore ruchard Fenton of Balboa Yacht club and Mrs. Fenton; Chamber of Commerce President James S. Barrett a nd Mrs. Barrett; Mr. and Mn. W. H. Hitchman. Mr. a nd Mrs. 1-lubbard C. Ho'A'e, Mr. and Mrs. J: B. Mc· Nally, Mr. and r.t rs. Harry .Welch, Mr. and ~lrs. Wayne Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bangs, Mr. and Mrs. Waller Spicer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peyton. J\fr. a nd Mrs. Bra- den Finch. Mr. and ~n. George Ya rdley, Mr. a nd Mrs. G. L An- dre\\<-"S, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wilson and A. J. Twtst. Coastal School Officials Propose Jr. Coll. Survey Officials of the coutaJ acbool atlon .be k:ome cale junior coll """ that 8 and added given to the kind of districts met in the We ege fit led to the area that the school should ~onday noon and dkided unique situation which survey sbould .be ..-mthe a junior .!cticm of possibilities al bulJdl!.c now occupied. He men- exploit the the coast tioned art lng and bor, the oil at Laguna, the yacht- college in the coat sailing at Newport Har- Orange county. at Huntington Beach. Board8 of th efour blcb -. the agrlcul ture in the a.rea back ln the dlab Id wlD be -to of the cou t, the Mlaion at Ca(»- file thlo req.-t fur a ..._ <hen-trano, and with the Ilona. the many other attrac- slve IUfft)' om! lllDdF State Board at M ••tlmL ay also poin~ out the Dr. IWy -al Ihm and lnc:nMlnc do- -Dr. JJ.,,,. Beach pr-.i at tbe ttictoo tftt"rwndoui: -lhc< mane! m ii al the lHrnlnC In the high lnstltutkmo of Dr. Fl'ank B. u.-the state. He -they State Board al -lnadequat6 to the er-th 1tlon pw were llOIDe valuable -im-tlnc de-the 1tate'1 cban":'fln~ ~ ol ~ tan. ot the pr«e••tt rno1<-,.em_u ... -,y, out the -tint for the www •t7 ..S lollmv tbloccl> If • ,..... program • ut••··....., upon. . -to In the lul ~ <<:r"'"'"dlh~'I n ~now in )5 )'l!OR and the ID- umber of,...._.. people California u eompared to ·-_.... . Dr. I lnclRQ> --H ap-Kr. 1Wy Elliott al Hun linllton --peared• -..1 --•trk:I-. the -..... lion .. bzlinecl tlall c who preoiiled at Ibo wt.th the nhwdcn -1 -al Ibo -""" al ,.,_.la -be -tteejal the~- the -·bid-1 ented tome lnta' fllllF -to , .. .,. • 111111tra!:f tbe ...... ..a ... lop.lie ,, ... ·-· • c1a-. ... ), 'w d-taeta ''b .. "ltlll u -........ --. • GEORGE D. BASSIITr ACCOUNTANT Monthly BookJl.eePag Service -W. C..tnl An.,.._...._~. N•pwt- CE P.APALMey.. LIOO ISLE PJa'BIU1Eb • W. 0 BUCX-!.......-Couneelcr .4'.. 1500 m-..t4 " 3333 Vli UDO c:Ail"""FOR.NIA ALBACORE For Canning ••• Orders Taken Now for Future Delivery Phone Beacon 5387-W ••• F. & B. PRODUCTS "5 Newport Blvd COSTA lllllA FOR LIFE Retail * CAUPOaNIA DAllT -mtT AIMSOIT IO- "HOW CAN I FEED MY FAMILY PROPERLY . and still keep within my budget?" is the biggest question facing most housewives ••• not once in a while, but aO lbt lime/ One simple, basic answer to that question is, "Use "'on dairy foods." Dairy foods supply the minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohyd rates in the _well-balanced proponions you need for healch, growth and vigor. They are the richest food source of calcium, needed for strong bones, beautiful teeth, clear complexions. Prom the s1andpoint of nutritional values, dairy products are your most econ,oQlical foods. A.I twit• tlH pri1 , tbry would sliO I># your best "food bUJS." California Dairy "J!roducts ••• For Life • ne C.rrlot'llle Oolty lfKlw•try AJ.,i.ory loonl It ..,ppom..1 •r •• pre</~n •ad hoaJlen of dolty pt'MIKll """" 111• Steto ••dor ovt,.orltr of •• Act of t•• Sfoto of Celifw.;,,, oJNsldwoJ •r th Ow.dw el "-•'c....,.._ • \ M&WWWW ••tao& , • J8l!.T C::!t Harbor Business, film Folk ~r~~~!~: Attend Opening Photo ·studio lature cletr!Vlng alien !lsh<rmon of the right to fish In American Over 100 residents of the Har-In the field j ot ~. waters is dlacrimlnatCll'Y Superlcr bor area were i-eaent at the open On exhlbltloa In the ~ Judge Henry M. Willis h, Loi An-hoooe held by Ed Blondell at the room ot hla ...,. and attr-=11" geles on Friday ordered the Call· openlnc ol his new photographk: atudlo are I pbotoa of bla _, fonlia State Flab and Game com-atudlo in Balboa last 'Ibunday al• pbotogetlc daughter, who -• t mlaslon to laaue a fishin& 'llcenae ternooo and quite a pthering of ~able l'ftemblance to II"" I to an alien Ja-. Tcrao Tak· Balboa and Newport ootablea It Marcaret O'Brien of the -J abUbl, who pttV!ously fished wu. Need!-l<I aay, the ambl-.. 1 commercially In California waters . The sueat boolt. preaided over young Kathryn la to -• s1noe 1915. by lllrL Blondell and young cwacn· actreaa. The -t ot mandate waa .,..,. ter Katbryn. waa llcnod by 110 Guest ot the Blondelll later Iii ceaafully sought for the Ja-guests who made an appearance the eYmlnJ waa Patric ~ I by Attcrney A. L. Wlrln of the at """"' tlme durin& the after--hancbome l eadins man ol 1111 Loi ~lea office of the national noon. mOYIH, who wa in BaJba6 • American Ovll Ubertlea union. Blondell, brother of the fUm guest of the Duntte'1 at the ~ Prier to l!M5, fish and came actrea, Joan Blondell, bu been Goooe apartments. laws had denied flahlnc llcenaea to conaected in the aUll camera ~ "alien Ja-." but a fact-find-partment of Womer Broo. fcr All ldndl eype.n!ter rM • .. Ing committee "'ported to the aeveral yean and la well known .-at the N ..... ~ Fish Change Meal Time Until Nighttall, Playing Hide and Seek With Troll Boats senate there wu dancer of the ---------------------....:... __ _ statute being held unconstitu- tional and the word.a changed to read "persons lnellc!ble to dtl· zenahlp." Judge Willia pointed out. €Balboa 1lrel ">.. It wu commoftly known to the 1945 legislature that Japanese 1ft're the only aliens inellsfble to dtlunshJp who engaged ln com· More '1.'1aa11. M y..,. ot 8entiee to a. •*'-"e merdal fishing, lt la manifest the ~':;':I: Illy BlJOB L McMJLIAN Trollin1 boats out or Newport Harbor are contlnuinc to brine tn catches of albacore u the run swtnp into the second week. The first school which covered about a thrt'e mile area on the fourteen· mile bank is scattered now. but a aecond cood achoo! ls •howlnc ~ yond the steamer·lane on a ltrie out from Dana Point. ThKC fish are being talked about by com· merdal fisherme n on their radio transmitters from as far as the Tanner Bank . Of the local school the earliest boats out have been getting the fish, all big ones. Capt. J. H . "Ber t" Mills, of t he Lorna Pat. hasn't come near the 23 a lbacore he caught Wednesday in la ter fishing through t he week. He fig· ures this local school to be just a n arc and the good fishing to come in July, as the larger schools come in. So far, apparen tly, none _llALLMARK r CARDS For Birthdays \Vedding Anniversaries and Etc. Vases :: F1gurin,.. Lamps :: C-Ostume Jewelry of tll8e albacatt have ahown ln San Dleco or Catalina waters.. Skipper Jimmy St-n of the Daisy, hu been catchlnr albacore for many yean--when they nm. He la atlll puzzled u to where they come trom or leave too. box that momina before be went outl Night flahin& at Port Orange Flahln& Hole la !><'Ovins popular with spotfin croaker and aome b .. bring caucht. Here you have live bait for bay fishin& from a lighted barge. Bill Johnaton cauaht 10 yellowfin and one cor- btna 1n the surf at 28th Street in Newport Saturday night. using sand crabs for bait. legislature Intended to eliminate :jr;SO;;;l;;;M;;ahl;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;><;;;u.;;;;;;;;°";;;;;;;;;;;;BNIJ;;;•;-.;;;Oll;;;";·;; Japanese by descrtpUon rather than by name," aald the decision. The Salt P.,U.r, tro!Unc boat , owned by Eddie Groenendyke, brought In three albacore Sunday. Wally Gores and Mr. Emerson took the work boat out from the Sou th Coast Co. and brought in 'The thin veU used to conceal the purpose wu too transparent." Vince Was Plumb Angry, No Mesan C-Ould Do That • • • 18 albacore. Two boats from Oc "d ta} D King's Landing, t h• Tyee and Cl en egree From Sunday noon to 2 p.m. Freckles brought in albacore. Por t A waits H. B. Baetz Patrolman Vincent 0 . Cusumano Or ange is running albacore day of the Newport Beach palice de· boats \•lhich are limited to 14 Her bert Barclay Baetz, son of partment roamed the ca rnival passengers each on week days Mr . and Mrs. Herbert B. Baetz of grounds at Costa Mesa trying to only. Over the week e nd these 1211 W. Bay, Ne'"1>0rt Beach, is figure out where he was td judge boats are charter ed. The fare is 1 among the 75 candida t es for de-a pet show. $7.50 each and the boats leave at grees to be given at the 60th com· Someone on the fish fry commit· 6:30 a .m. The fishermen rotate menceme nt exer cises a t Occi· tee had told h im that he had been at t rolling, a nd if a school is hit. dental college, Los Angeles, Tues· selected to decide the winners of the boats stop and the fishermen day evening, June 25 a t 6:45 p .m . the show . '''hich were to comprise I use live bait. I in the Hillside theater. such exhibits as a goat with trip- Al Forgit of the Ne"1>0rt Tackle Herber t is 8. graduate of Her· lets. a guinea pig and fam ily, a 1 Store repor ts that the albacore bcrt l-loover . High school and ex· goose, a pedigreed dog, half cocker sC'f'm to be hitting best on the1 pects to receiv? 8 bachelor. of ar ts spaniel and half "'ater spaniel, a 1 bri~ht colored plastic jigs. Many ~egree. at Occi.dental, havtng ma· 1 donke y and some ducks. 1 t lJ' boat f. h" JOred In chemistry. ~o 1ng s a.re ts 1ng commer· 0 . k Cusumano searched ever ywhere c1al on days n o passengers are ther commencement 1,\:ee . I .1 bl T h l\f K events in \\"hich he "'ill partici· but could not find a show "1th all ~va1 ah e.. 23 ~b argar~t J k pate inc lude senior class day on those kinds of animals in it . He I Turoul g t in h pa acore ahn 2Q acl Thursday June 2().; alumni day the '1 \Yas very glum as he 'valkC'Cl the r ey on t e eer caug t a· · ds • d · ·r b r· h . . 1 Th follO\\'ing Saturday including the groun , "on cr1ng 1 someone on acod r.e. isr mpg coL~dmerc1ka . ede 1 president's reception . and bacca· the fish fry committee hadn't pull· I An r1na. o ort 1 o, s 1pper ' ed. a fast one on him · by Earl H aganan brought In 16 lau~eate, Sunday, ~une 23. The · a lbacore Thursday and 18 on F ri· sen10~ breakfast "'111 ~ held the day. The Phantom, from Richard· morning before graduation. son's Yacht Landing. skippered by Norma n Beggs, had 15 albacore. U. S. AND BRITISll \VORLD Affi ROUT ES Play Pen • 788 Pine Avenue Long Bea<la • The Store that Specializes Baby and Youth • In FURNITURE • TOYS JUNE All Mahogany Baby Swing W1tb s4 98 Canopy CAR BEDS •2 98 . Ch.lldren's SALE Sltootln,;-S tar Aircraft Scooter All Aluminum; $898 Ball Bearinl' Hard"-ood DOLL BEDS '198 Plutlc N S . G. WinJter, of the J eanette. ewport ouvenlf brought in 17 albacor e, the larg- and Gl'ft Shop 1 ••t one weighing 28 pounds. Hundreds Attend Furniture Store Opening Saturday HAMIL TO,N-The recent meet· iflg of British and American dele· gates to the Civil Aviation Con· fer ence here agr eed that the British \Ver e t o receive 7 r outes to and through the United StateS. and the United States was to get 13 routes to various poi nts in the Empire. The delegates also !gr eed on the freedom of traffic rjght and unlimited frequencies of schedules . Table Sets Sturdy $ft1'1S Tea Sets Z6 s219 Pl..,.. The albacore being caught by 2102 n--n Front f tr olling boats has overshadowed ~ the catches being brought in by ) We Wrap Gifts I the regular live bait boats. Barra-Hundreds of people visited th~ L------------cuda. '"'hite,sea bass. sea trout, Newpor t furniture store, which mack<'r<'l. halibut. and bull bass opened a t 216 Coast highway, is the fishing ne"'S from the live Ne"1>0rt Beach, Saturday. • -----------~ HOW IS YOUR IN SlJRAWCE? ....._e store is featuring a new bait boats. These boats have con-. f 11 • • tinued their regular fishing, in line of !J?PICal mode furn~t ~ .. ------------ spite of the albacore. The albies for the dmmg '.oom, den and living WELCOME HOME! t y,•itl ha,·e to be hitting hot and 1 r~m . There ~s also o utdoor fur· heavy before they v.;JI change n1ture for patio and sun porch. Les Blakesley of 223 Cor al Colorru1 ~ PI a y Pens Made to 0 rd er Ball Bearing '1098 SHULER \\1,.\LKERS --------Complete Une or-------~ Educational Teach-Tot Toys ~~~~~8 S~R.l~G~t~.!1LETE ····-·····-·····---···-·····-··-~30" over. Newport Barbor Post 291 AMERICAN LEGION avenue, and Van Hayes of 2151,1 I C J t N The bright moonlight of the last Pearl avenue. both of Balboa Isl· ~'" .. ~.:,-=-_.1!1~1~:. !:i 0 mp e e U l Se f y Furniture fe\v nights has given the fish a and, are the co.owners of this .._,Anti-i .. a'" T_, 8 p.-. 1 :f~§;~~§~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ chance to feed at night and with ;~ew;;~rur~n~lt;;ur~e~e~st~a~b~lis~h~m~e~n~t;. ;;;;;;;I~~·~;;;;;~~~~~~~~ plenty of bait, it has affected the fishi ng to some exient . S kipper C. B. Bickhar t. of the Tropic, how· CV('r, brought out eight passengers from King's Landini and brought in a full limit of white sea bass. H. A. Graham, with the Trade Wind , caught a limit of barracuda ror e\'ery man aboard. Skipper Bud Reedy, or the Sea Gull. brought in white sea bass. bull bass, and bottom fish, to King's Landjng Sundoy. Boats have been l fi shing from Dana Point to the Huntington Beach flats. King·size sardines seem to be the bait fea· tured on too many boats these days. I Barge fishermen out of Nc"1>0rt have been catching halibut. b8", plus a hot run of macker el. Pier j fishermen are continuin g their nice r un or halibut. ";th plenty of mackerel, a fair catching of yel· lowfine croaker, and even one SEASON TICKETS!! on Sale Now at GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach Playhouse THE SEASON OPENS JUNE 25th WITH ''ANGEL STREET'' John Emery Season Tlckell! on Sale Now for 9 Plays, $20-ta.J: Inc. :P.fail orders a ccepted-make checks payable to: Going to Build nis Year? HYDRA -MATIC barracuda was cau~ht this week. It·s tha t way on the Newport Pier! O ne 28-p:>und halibut wu caught on t he pier . Oscar l\1oe, of Balboa, fished Sa turday from the Lacuna -Playbome, Lapna Beach, Callt. Pb. Lapna 191 . -•OTHER PLAYS- Oeorp Ampb,tryon S8 You probably have your dream house all worked out In your mind -or maybe your architect or contractor already bas prepared plans on paper for yon. Electrldty will have a large part In making dreams of postwar living come true. When yoa go over the plans with your bnllder be ......, to uk him abont the newest develop- menta In household labor •ving and fmu>. tloul 1-uty. SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE . BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. 3011 W. Central Newport Beach Dark Victory BeaaUfUJ People %Otll Century • Subject to a.aace pier and ate fish tha t night. or cow-se. he had playbi it sate and 541,\:' that there was fish in the lee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' 1,000 Americans Die Pleue plaoae llutlor UU t•r aa Appambnemt °'II II~ or nnu.s.... •:tO tio 6-Eoe-.._ "1 Appo<a~t. DL IDOL F . BEU. D.O. ft.0. 10'7 ttBd Street Newpwt 1ttt1*, callf. DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND BecoadlUoaed ~Is OD bud with choice of reclnctloa llDIC.. • WE Alm! WIU'ftNO OKDEllS ON RIOBT· AND Ll:Fr- ll.&.ND llOTATION DIESELS' roa TWIN IN8TAl.J.4- TION8. CHOICE OF JU:DucrlON UN1T8. Oii lhM: 165 B. P. Gmenl Moton-New. See us for Information on Venn Severin Diesels Dlael Gfterator 8eW of AD Klnclw. nAN1l B. l.EWU (l..adEJ Lewt.) Oww •amsw PHONES otnce: Newpuri 2088 51!~ llart.e A- ud Newpori !IOM-W • Our El<perta In everything eledrlcU will be glad to help with layout plans or proble-. One sugaUOD may make a lot of dlft111w ID. ihe "llve-Uillty" of that h-. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN ' • llINCll 4 1 t I 0 1000 ec-t Bhray Phone ..._ Mzi Ai-~ -rt....ee.ea W---.tw·8tr titw ._.Dies• Cht1 I . EI.ECTRICIANS Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Mades of Travel to EurQpe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Mn. Boy Keene. Ph. Barbor S9L SOI him, Balboa Boan: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. F ourth and Sycamore In Santa Ana SUMMER GADABOUTS This beautifully tailored skirt of super-soft wool is just the thing for all sports. Wear ,_;th your favorite blouse or sweater. This Bobbie Brooks original has three grand box pleats, front and back. Comes sizes 9 to 17, in all colors. Play P als Street Floor 540 WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO -00 -90 Days) Marbro'.s invite you to come in and open. a charge account. Our stocks are complete Y.'i th the la test styles or l.adie&' Fine Apparel. Nationally Ad.-ertlsed READY-TO-WEAR ffiR'RBROS c/an~ an.a- ua WEST •TH ST. PHONE 140'.l Store Hours: Dally Including Saturday 9:SO A. M. to 5:SO P. M. Fair Opens On Thursday Orange county's agricuJtural and industrial wealth will be on display during four fun-packed days of the annual county fair and hof'S(' show which ts sched· uled in the Santa Ana I\f unidpa.J bowl and the new locatioh jn the former army headquarters on \V. Eighth street, Thursday through Sunday, June 20-23. • • • The falr , with ?.frs. James Irvine as general manager, ls sponsored by the Assistance League of Orange county, with proceeds to be used for E'!tablish- ment of a county-wide cancer GRADUATl'..8 OF THE fJ! fB GRADE or tM DeW Coroaa del Mu ecbool sat. for tbelr ftnt. ecbool p&o.- tW'e ud bere they are .,.., ... ,d .. a l"Ollp tor tt.e ftnt time. Girls: Barbara Trusty, Vlrctnta She~ &rd, Mar7 Loa 8aowdea.. ........,... Petenoa. Ellen 0"911. loaa N.-aa. Elbabetb Nortoa,. Marpret Mar-~rbM'a .Maale7. ~ i...n. Dorotll7 Borrell, IDdltb. Gan.non. ileita Gumon. Smaa Da\icbon,. Obanliberlala. N uc7 Bramley, P'b.JW. &e.rdt.&ey and Patay ADea.. Boys: Jack \\'est, Nonaaa Hall, Da\1d 'IUto-. Doaa&d1 Tllornut Dean Taylor, lloclerldr. Stewart. Fred Sb&mlon. Gordon Rorick. Karl Oqu!N, Peter Mo~ Teddy Mc.Masters. Teddy Ko~ Donald Jackson, Bodney Ho1'-e, Baroid Hol- brook, Robert HID, B-t llayale, WIUlam Fallal, Bol>ert EUb, Gerald C<nlDclllDAll, Sammy Cooper Eucene Beoedkt and Jan. Bontad.. Mt. Carol Deaton ls teecber of tb& claM. -photo by Gerhardt: clinic. Hundreds of attractions have been arranged in the huge build- ings formerly occupied by army air force personnel, the buildings to ~ de,·oted to displays a nd ex- h~its, \vhile te nts will accommo- date othPr exhibits in open are as on the grounds. Dr. Howard · W. Seager Dies; Was . Distinguished Surgeon, Active in Harbor City Lite F ea turin2 three da)'S of the fair will be the a nnual horse show. \\"hich this year ~ill dra w entries from many othrr s tates as '"'ell as a ll sections of Cali fo r nia. The finest horses in the country aJ. 1 ready have bc>en si~ned to com · I pcte for S7500 in premiums a nd a l"e'>'"(X>rt Harbor \\'as Shocked full show is promised each d ay for Saturday to learn of the sudden j p t Sh J d visitors. death Friday night at St. Joseph's e OW U ge The horse sho\v is schedul('(f for hospital of Dr. J-Io\,·ard \V. Seager .I Van• h • L" t 7:30 p.m. Friday, 1 :30 and 7:30 71, one of the best knO \VJl business IS es, IS p.m. on Saturday a nd 1:30 p.m. men and civic leaders In the F d W"th H" on Sunday. Classes to compete community. Few people kne,,· tha t a es I 1m include thr rc and five-gaited sad-the noted Harbor ite had been ill I-las a nyone seen Vi ncent Cusu- dle hors<'s. polo mounts. hunters. and he had only been in the hos-ma no? jumJX>rs, hackney ponies, harness pi tal a fe\v days. Private funeral That's right, Vincent Cusumo na, poni<'s, roads ters, draft horses, services \vere held Saturday from the Ne\vport Beach patrolm a n and stock horses, trail horses, chil· the Har old Graue l chapel in Cost a pound.master . dren's mounts. Arabians. !\!organs, Mesa. He ,,·as the judge or the pet Air Shipper Research WASHINGTON.-Due to con- tinually rising shipments or air cargo bringing many new com- modities to the airlines, the Air Tl'ansport Association or Amer · ica is setting up a Shipper Re-- search division. The new division \\'ill study and prepare regulations dealing \\'ith the safe transporta· tion of hazardous commodities by air . It \\"ill a lso direct laboratory exPeriments in lhe testing and an- alysis of packaging specifications. Auxiliary Jet Power One of the domcstic a irlines has ordered 100 planes that \\rill have jet e xhaust propulsion as aux.ii· iary power. The planes. twin engine type, capable of flying 40 pas&engers will be used ror speedy, economical flights of 1000 miles or less. American saddle horses a nd palo-Dr. Seager had a tong list or shO\\" for the Cos1a ~1 esa-New- minos. nchievements t o his credit, not port Lions club carnival and fish j ~;i::iCCixi:iccX:Cix:iCCi:;Qi Ano ther reature \•.:ill be a parade only during his 13 years r esidence fry on Sunday. of nearly 400 of th'e country's here. but also in Los Angeles and When a ll the animals had been finest saddle horses beginning at his distinguished se rvices in the judged by Vince, he go t hold or noon on Saturday, with the pa-United States a rmy as a surgeon. I the nan1es of the winnahs a nd that ra de r oute to lead from Eight h He had been a member, secre-v.•as the last seen of either Cusu- and F1o,ver strt'ets through the tary a nd preside nt of the city I mano or the names. business district of San ta Ana and pl anning commission almost from Although th<' missing CUswnano• re turn to the municipal bo\\·I. its inception more than 10 yea rs I was paged four' times Monday by l\1 any pr t'miums have been ar. ago and was largely instrumental Police Sergt. Charlie Priest of the ranged for the entries, with judg-in formula ting its policies and in Newport Beach department, he ing to be a t 10 a.m. Saturday, at gi \"ing the community a zoning could not be reached by nev.•s- Eigh!h a nd F lower streets. Jaw. that \\"hile the subject of a t-paper men. Elabora te plans ha \"e been made tack in some quarters, is still re-I Least of all even Charlie for a hobby sho"'· to be seen in i;?a rdcd as one of the best ror 8 couldn't loca te him on a ny o[ the !he main building of the fa ir· rity as romplex 8 .., Nr~'(X>rt Beach, I four calls. so the story goes. grounds, with thC' Oran2e County that can be found a n}'\Vhere. I And tha t's \vhy, folks, ""e're un- Railroad club to dis pl ay its [llodcl Several years ago he built Villa .able to publi~h the lis t of winnah!' tr ains, the county a matC'ur r adio Mar ina at 801 Ba yside dri\'e, a in c=:usu~ano s pet show. club. the county ~·am~ra cl~1b and yacht anchor ai;::C' and high class I . Its quite rx:is~rmc that ~in~nt THl~-~EEKI HEATING PADS L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 518 Stat<> IDgltway Beacon 5506 Newport Beach l Rope.Ir Servtce l General ~ Electric Hou...ciehold . .\ppllances ...- Ledpr -at N..,..nn-_ f Roberts' Summer Special One Oil Painting $195 5" 7 Vlp tie --·-·--·-·-··-··········-·-·--·-·-····--· Be Sare to bqulre About Copying Old Portrall>I! See Us About Home a(\d Church Wedding NEW 8UMJll:R HOURS Pictures 10:00 A.IL to 1:00 P.M. Da.1.ly-Othe r Time by Appolntm:ent the Southern Cali f?r:i1 a Coin club n1ot('I. SevC'rA I months ago hf' '"'as bus~' pasting u_p . t~c <:hppings also to <'ntrr C'xh1b1ts. Anoth('r 1 purchased \\"hnt is no,\· Port Lido about his past act1v1t1es 1n some feature \\"ill be a d isplay of quilts. near the Arches and near th" unkno~'ll h idc·a\vay at the time afg ha ns. ~dspreads. tablecloths en trance to Lido Isle, and ~·hi ch /1 he "'as IX>~ng pag~ l\'tonday after- 1 and rugs, ,,·11 h l\.l~s. Dan l\la rsha ll he sold shortly after to Tom Hen· noon. He s got quite a scrapbook, of t\nahcim ha ndling such ('n tries. de rson and associates 'they sa y. \'Yonder if it includes a ·;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ The fair 's opening day Thurs· ' · rt'cent item about a certain person d T\\·o--\\"ar \'f"t('ran ay "'ill be d('voted to junior rar1n· seen picking up the Zaca's Siamese ers, \Vi t h a huge tent to be plaC<"d Dr. SC'ager \\"RS born in Grant cat? in fron t of the administration Pa rk, I ll., and came' to California r\ny,,·ay, if nC'\vspaper men are building to house the lar~e entrit's 39 yC'ar.'i ngo. A physieian and able to locat<' the evasi\"e and e lu- of brffding cattle, S\\"inc, shr('p, surgeon ror more than a q uartrr sivc !\·lister Cusmano by sundo~'ll chick('ns and rabbits, the young-of a cen!ur y, he beC'~me a t~oop today, "'e'll ha \'C the list of names sters to have their O\\'Jl judging sur11:eon in !hf' Spanish·An:('r ican of the winnahs in Thursday's ring. Young fa rmC'rS. members of '"ar a nd "·as quartered in the I paper J the 4-f-l clubs a nd J.~nturC' Farm-Philippi~cs. In \\'orld \Var 1 he I ~te~n time. if Vi nce secs this crs from r-uJl('rton, Ne,\·port 1-lar-''·a~ ; 1;<'utenant-cod.10nel r"r~d \Vas li tt le notice. "'<' hope he'll report bor. Garden Grove. Orange, Pu-assis .a n comm<l n. inj? 0 icer . of pronto to headquarters. cnte, Pomona and Nor,,·alk al-l-losp1tal No. 131 1n Fra nce \\'lt h ready have signed up for entries. 20.000 beds. In addition. 16 boo ths in the n1ai n 1 ~om 1931 t~ 1933 he ~·as ap- ta1 r building \\ri ll be devoted to po1ntl'd coltl'C tor of the Port of their home economics and other Los AngelE's by President 1-foover displays. a nd after his resignation moved to Heretofore unrevealed secrets of Balhoa Island. AJR-MINOE D \VASHINGTON -Mor e than $40.000,000 wor th of Army a nd Na\). bombers, fi ght ers and air- cra f-t equipmt'nt have been made available to qualified educational institutions. This equipment was sold at nominal fees through the Reconstruction Finance Corpor. ation. modt'rn "'arfare will be displayed 1 ~ascd \.\'as a life member or by a special army group from Salt j ~1a_son1c Lodge 278. Los Angeles, Lake City "'hich will show, for a hfe member of ThC'C>dore Roose- the first time in the United States, ve1t Post No. 9. Spanish-Amer- ultra-secret weapons and equip-ic~ War Veter a ns. in addition to ------------- me nt. In addition. tanks, heavy being a member of Calumpit artillery. searchlights, etc., will be Post: life member of Scottish Rite sho\\'tl· by another army unit. Consistory, Los Angeles, and a 32 A flower show, for which an degree Muon : also a life mem- ove rwhelming number of entries ber of Al Malaika T emple: mem- have been r eceived, will be staged ber o~ Newpo~t Harbor Post 291, in t he former officer's club. A American Legion. CLOTHES · POR BENDIX H O!\O: LAm oRY KEL\"IXATOR REFRIGERATORS KEL\'INATOR ELECTRIC RANGES PHILCO REFRIGERATORS WASHERS E a..ciy Conlo n \1oss H a ag Norge P exte r One ~tinute .?\Iola DucheM IRONERS' lronrlte EMy Conlon Bendix RADIOS' RCA Victor Pblloo Strombe~ Carhon Motorola. Emenon Sonora. !05 West Fourth St reet SANTA A..'liA. CALIFOR1'"1.A Service Dept. 151 1 So. Ma.Jn St . FRIENDS: Are You Looking for Any.of the Products N arned in the margin on the left? Phone 5'709 •--------------------------• total of $1350 in premiums have Survivors are the widow, l\{rs. been orfer£'d for this sho\v alone. Lulu Seager; one sistt.r, l\frs. MEN AND Olympld Arvin Meek y OU Will Find That Turner's I We Have a Complete Line of FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE e Rods e Reels e Lines and all kinds of e Leaders e Sinkers e Hooks. FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMA TlON Newport Tackle Store 105 llaeJl'tMldea l'laee ~Barbor 97 r..-•·tat ,....,Ing bfca11 &lam AIR RESEARCH SCH OLARSlllP ... NE\V YORK-The first ~·orking and research graduate scholarship in air frei ght has been established by Ne,,• York University. ~/ T ...._. to flt IN ...dwtcclwc .t '°"' lto•c, SLA TS.Q. wooo_ .. _.. lool.-i•t. lo•t lc1ti•t ••d ec-..tc.I. A. ,.li.o.. c .. .... _.., ...... ..,... .. ,;.. .,.. ...... ......., - H..te t etto• "-tit •kl• .. <: 'M.l:.lr ...... la.m+WllD Alfllblg Co. ol Oruge Oo. TU .... --IA ..... a •ant 11 , c.m. -~ ...... Ethel Schultz. North HollY"·ood ; one bro ther , Leslie, Los Angeles. A.EROSA.UTI CAL COURS E DENNISPORT -This Cape Cod's Colby Junior Colleee is out in front of most girls' schools in Qffering an unique &\1iation course. Listed among the college subjects is a n "Aeronautical secretarial Coursl'." This course v.;ill famil- iarizl' stude nts with aircraft parts as ~·e ll as prepare them to be- come trained secre taries. BOYS Saa.~ S~Sltop !07 Marine A.Te. Balboa bland- Pbon9 Barbor 5'78 It's Always COFFEE TIME At The • • • • • Dorlu'l!:TJiils:t=LE OOF"Fri "'"ooNtris • w~ sTRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped cream) • COMPLETE F(>UNTAIN sERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa hland W S lODlk 01 pMssM a 0pm S; 0 C" UaMI 11 o'Clllll* -Or 1t •Wit IQ" • Lear \\'esttngbome General Electric Wiicox-Gay J\IORTOS KITCHENS L ,\. \\1 ATER SOFTENERS WATER BEATERS' Bastian F owler Electric ROOM BEATERS' An.i n Tbermador VACUUM CLEANE118' Eureka Royal Premier Duplex ~lie EU:CTBIC SBA VE1l8' 8cldck !km-~-- 8KALL APPLIANCES BY> m To•ehn•·ter klk'lraald --w .. ~ 0-ralJElectrio ··--·· °""7 --Telz .. _a.lm -ft I! 11111 llZCOIU> DEPA&TJO:NT: -o.a ... -Qt ..... •eJ1 Cir .:-- is the logical place to get these fine name brands of Better Appliances; Plus the Service You Are Entitled to More of these goods are coming in and you may rest assured that; Your Priority Order placed with us will be treated with the fairne&B you have a right to ex- pect. WS TAKE CONSIDl:&ABLi PKIDI: IN HONORING THE CONWIDl:NCE YOU DAVE PLACl:D IN US • • • TURN~R'S IOUB l!:l,lrnUC APPLliNCE D!:U.J!R ---•.•& -Mlft4ANA 1 • • • ....... HAVE FOUR DAUGHTERS Ranging in Age from 7 to 14 "I have hunted all o v er and couldn't find a bathing suit for them. Emma isn't that awful?" EMMA the Sport Shop GERT "Listen Gert, go right down to Santa Ana - - -at they have hun- dreds of them -in gorgeous colors -and only $5.00. You'll just love to shop there. Marvelous values -very pleasant sales- ladies -and grand selections of hard-to- find merchandise, like blouses, play suits, white sweaters, skirts, jumpers, bathing suits, handbags, dresses, slacks, slack suits, beach coats." Hard Work Earned Posts for Kenny (Continued from Page I) next five years he homesteaded in North~rn :P.1ani toba. The next two years were spent in Winnepeg atte nding classes at the University or Manitoba and ' doing organization work in his spare time, and, after a ahort time, K~nny left the university to _4 . move to Calgary and continue his ••;::::;::t:; organization duties. Before leaving A Alberta in 1922. Kenny had per- formed in "'arious businesses in- cluding insurance and appraising, Uvestock and grain, and spent two years a.a an assistant editor on a wttkly ne wspaper. After one y ear in Vancouver , the Kennys arrived in California on New Year's Day in 1924 and Kenny went to work for a short t ime on a fruit ranch near Fresno. • Kenny's first Introduction to O range county came over 20 years ago when he was a member of a sales force in Dana Poin t and for the next 20 years he was a resi- dent of Dohe ny Park, Sant a Ana and Balboa. Ar a £AMA'J'.tl OF Ff)tJB..CA& CRASH near Udo tbeater laat Thunday e'"enlnc. Concealed behlml pliJJow In car la pbyslclan gtvtnr nnt aid to Mn. .loltn Watt• of Wesbnlmt.er, who wu Injured In craah. Policeman 11tands nea..rby ready to quesUon driver, lohJI l\'atta. (Story on Pace J). .., -photo by K ent Hitchcock ~------------l----~ ~~r.;~::~~;o:i~;;:~~~ Woman Injured in Three-Car Collision ~ay widening programs, Kenny -;;, (Conti nued f rom Pa~~ 11 r------------- r an ror s tate assemblyman but FAC Section Honors 'Ra d p tt G t w .. defeated. Kenny w .. later . • City Judge Bob Gardner a_lso I n y a on e s active in campaign wor k for Con-1 Birthday of Hostess suspended ror two years a )811 1 H" N R I I gressman H arry R. Sheppard. term of 180 days, which will be IS avy e ease Bet ween 1939 and 1941 Kenny I '! .... _ ! imposed on the Westminster I • 1• em~rs of the arts and crafts dr' ·r h · · ed b th was in charge of the Proper ty Di· SC<'tion of th• Frida ' Aft r n I J~er ~ ever e 15 Cit y e ~fak ing his home in Newport vision of Orange County Welfare club of Costa-!\I } e noo police tn the future. The court ' Beach since arriving in California departm<'nt and in '41 he assum-. . ro;a \\ere enter-also suspended \Vatts' a utomobile is Randolph Patton f orme r . ·. ' :.11nC'd June 11 at tt'.c Bernard 1· r ·oo r · h ' ' cd his duties of postmaster at • tC<'nse or a peri 0 s ix m ont s. Orange High school athlete d B lboa j c:.,rrf't homC' of ~trs. D C. l\Ia~-T!ie accident created quite a r R C p . an a . K"nzieo rvterrbi..•rs brou~h· th . . . . . . son o . . atton. "'J'oung Pat-Kenny is now president of the · . · ' C'lr I stir in thC' '1cinlty of the Lido ton has received h is discharg• th.IS O\\"n sand'''IChr::o and a drss£>rt th t Th t · · t ' Orange County Coast Assn., past , . , . . . ea ~r. ea ergoers v.er e JUS month at the U. S. Nav~I SC'p..-1ra- president or Orani;_;(' County Post-! Cf'l.fSC' of ice l:r<'an1 a nd ~akc \\BS enter ing the playhouse for the tion Center Lido Beach Long masters Assn., chairman of the ~.~r\·1 ·d by l\l rs l\1acKC'nLl". \\hos..-. second sho'v '''hen the \Vat ts car Island . . highway comn1jssion of the Asso-bt•t'iday ,,·as no!"d at ft.t· gath-sJX'(I over the Vio Lido bridge p It• . h ciatcd Chambt•rs or Commerce of ('rin~. and crashNI into an Oldsmobile S"' ~ on 'vaOcs s~~rn 6'" 1~ 0 3 navy , rv1ce on lol.lt""r ~1 and O rang!."' county, s~cond vice-presi-11.cludC'd :-irr1 ->ng lhO!<>P prC'sent sta1 ion ,,·ai:;on O\\"ncd by William ca lled to active clut~; l\.1ar~h l. dC'n t of the NC\\·port l·larbor ,. 1 re l\f('sdan1c i C"narlritte C0up<.'r, B. \Vcbc>r or 141 Via Zurich. Lido 1944. taking his initial training at J(l ?. Spau\dir.~. Gf'arg<' i..(·,,·is Isle, and which \\'as parkf.'d a t the J\finot. :'.'l"orlh Dakota. lat er i r~n s ­ Sac!ic \\"right, lsahf'llC' Ooudrt•au, curb outside the theater. ferrin_g to Great LnkPs Naval F:ciith Coopt'r, Ftorf'nce .5hrarer 1'hC' forcC' of thC' impact spun Training Station beforl' ""Oin<> to •lit !en K('e\l•r . !.i ,1ta Sn1all. ~h · r· !he station \\'fl.[!O!L around in the ... ... 1r..1 n Sa lter, Lul•1·\\.a\k1..~r. \'.'L!1i;:i1n opposite dirrction from ,,·hich it m_dar training school at San P1LO'l'8 EXAM AllaoAD 'p N WASHINGTON _ 'Ibe Ovil UBLIC OTICE Aeronautics Administration has made arrangements so airline T I TL E INSURANCE A N D transport pilots based in Europe TRUST COMPAl\"Y, a a:c....- can obtain their six·months phys· ation, Trustee. TIIE FIRST NA· ical examination over there. The TION~ BANK _OF IX>WNEY, arTangement is temporary pi!nd.ing a Nauonal Bankmg Assodatkm. the appointment of CAA medical JOHN DOE ONE. JOHN DOB examiners abroad. TWO and JOHN DOE CORPQR.. ATION, Defendants. Pueuc NoTICE No. 40161 AIJAS SUMMONS (Action brought in the Superior Court ol the County of Or~. and Complaint filed in the Of. flee of the Oerk of the Superior Court of said County.) la th Sa.p91ior Comt of the 8tate of CallfOl'll.l.a la aad For tile Ooaaty of On11p CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. a Municipal Corporation of the Sixth Class, Plaintiff, vs. JESSIE K SCOTT, et al, Defendants. The People of the s'tate of Call- fornla Send Greetings to: JESSIE K. SCOTT, ETIIEL IONE FUES· SEL, ELMER A. CAIN, l\IIRIAM E. CAIN, his wife, ORANGE COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, ·a corporation, 'I'nlstee, W. W . CAMPBELL. ARTHUR H . RICE, LULU B. RICE, his· wife, LE· ITTIA W. DYMOND, BENJAMIN W. SELBY, A. L. SHEPHERD, JOE SHALLENBERGER, EMMA C. HAFNER, LOS ONGELES MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, You are directed to appear ta an action brought a&:ainst )"OIJ bJ the above named plaintiff in tbl Superior Court of the State ol CalifornJa, ln and for the Count;J of Orange, and to answer the ~ plaint therein within ten 4Q1 after the service on 'you • thll summons, lf served Within uM County of Orange, or within thirt;J clays if served elsewhere, and yoq are notified that unJess you M appear and a.nswtt as above re- quired, the pl&!J1tlff ..m take Jude· ment for any money or damacet demanded in the Complaint, u arising upon contract, or will ap. ply to the Court for any other re- lief demanded in the cemplalnt. Given under my hand and seal of the Superior Court of the Coun- ty of Orange, State of Calltornla. this 24th day of Aprll, 1946. B. J. SMITH. County Oerk and CJerk of UM Superior Court of the S tate ol California, In and for the Coun. ty of Orange. By ROY J. mw"IN. Deputy, !Seal Superior Court Orance C.Ounty) Pub.-Apr. JC ; May 7, 14, 21, 28; .June 4, 11, 18, 25; July 2, 1946 lNC., a corporation , FRED S. ------------- EVANS, GIAN DESPALATRO-!""----------· VICI-I, M. L . JACK, J OHN DOE J ACK, her husband, STEDOOM & BLANCHARD. a corpora tion, STEDDOM & BLANCHARD, a co-partnership, KELLY ROOF - fNG CO. Ltd., a corpora tion, RICHARD ROE, Trustee in Bank - ruptcy of the estate of KELLY ROOFING Co., Ltd., a corpor - ation, Bankrupt, \VM. ?\1ERE- DITif, WILLIAM L. HOPKINS, MARGARET H. BIGBY. LORNE ADDI KEMP , JAMES P . COS- TELLO, COTNER SEGURITIES CORPORATION, a corporation. FINEST TASTING SIZZUNG BAMBUROEB8 STEAKS (whene\•er be Ket. tbem); HOME BAKED YUMMY BERR Y AND APPLE PIES SHEP'S 1015 OOAST IDGIDVAY NE\\1PORT "The Home of Good Eata" NO WONDER THEY'RE THE TALK OF THE COUNTY Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 Coast Hlgb"·ay A 'I . C L d . d h . d . Diego. J 1st, 1• atlLC' '"!"pt"'r , UC\ ::.nu.t-\\'as stan 1ng an t en carr1e 11 ley. A. J . Luvton Ethel Si ·ii·rt• 20 ff'et. l D1_1rin$!" his ,,,.o yC'ars n( navy 1 :'1..1-.rlha Nor•Ti.1 ri. l\fisM· .•. ·\I -'C' Then the \\7atts machine plo\v-~ervicc Patton s pPnt se veral I T ' S A N ~'ji'oNOR * T 0 HAVE A BAB T THE SPORT SHOP 212 West Fourth St. Santa Ana • "\Vhere Smart Women Shop and Save" • Old fashioned malts \Ve mean just this. Radio Repairs Newport Electric I Pl,1mer and Lydt1 Coi;tant. ('d into the Ruick sedan or Karl months as a mE'mber of 1h" armed R('id of 315 J\polena avenue. Ba l· ~uard on _a J\~erchant ~1arine ves- boa Island, ,,·hich ~1rs. Reid h ad SC'l operating _i n the Atlantic ocean Chamber or Conunercc. treasurer a t h of the llospital campaign for Ne\\'-parked outside the theater . The s a roop s Ip. port Ha rbor and during the \\•ar rorC't' of this impact sent th<' lat-1 Further duty a t Trf"'asure I sland \\'as active in \Var Chest or ani-tcr mac.hine into a Dodge sedan and Brooklyn Armed Guard Cen- zation and the Balboa .USO. g 1 1 rC'gistC'rcd to Lronard L. Logsdon ters !ound Pat to~ as~ighf'd_ to the . of 2060 Ne,vport boulevard, Costa S. S. Tusculum Victory, \\'hu:-h car- . The Kennys, "'ho were married Mesa, damagi ng it, too. I :1ed him to several overseas bases 1n 1911 . ha~e one d~ughter, ~or~a Police reported that it was in Europ<>. ~eand who 15 married and li ves ln l n('CE'ssary to haul the \Vat ts.I Since retum in~ to the States asa ena. . . , \Veber and Reid machines to a last D,ccember. P a tton has been Her b has a different twist on • private garage, \vhile the Logsdon ' attached to the Brookl\-n Armed hobbies-he likes all kinds of out -machine \Vas able to IC'ave under Guard center as ship's cOmpany. door sport-as long as someone its o"'ll power, =;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~~2~3~05~Co.u~~t;e;t;v;d;·~P~b.~IU~•~bo;;•;2;t;ss;;;~•l;••;;i;s ;pe;;c;ro~r~m~i~ng~t;h~e;m;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~ -~~~~~~~-I I Circle Officers to Be SOCIETY In stalled June 25 Newport Harbor's Newest Ofricers of Balboa Island Circle of Christ Church by thl' S<'a \Vill Bride-E lect Honored At Surprise Shower be installC'd at the postponed June ~.Yiss Jean F unk. dau~hter of meeting '''hich "ill be held Tues-Mr. and l'vlrs. Hershel! Funk, 20901 day, June 25, at the home of ~irs. Orange avenue, Costa Mesa. was E. 0 . \'arley, 207 Sapphire avenue. feted "rit h a sur prise miscellane- l t '''ill be a pot luck luncheon. and 1 ous sho,vcr Friday at the home of mf'mbers having birthdays in 1-iay, her fu tu re m othl'r-in-lR.w, Mrs. Jun(' and July will be honored. John ~'lcMil lan, 540 RC>dlands ave- Featuring Furniture Store a • ID Is NOW OPEN Complete Line the Modern of Mode Tropicala • Furniture • Island Matron Leaves for M.innesota Mrs. Esther Ri chter of Balboa Island left Monday for Ma nkato, ll·tinn., where she will visit her da ughter . She was guest of honor at a farwell br idge luncheon last week at the home of Mrs. Colin Brown. Pearl avenue, and received a pret ty gift as well as the guest prize. Prizes for bridge went to Mrs. W illiam Langjahr , first , and b.frs. Nap Richter , second. The lunch- eon was sen.•ed in the lovely patio of the Br own home. Quality Lumber and Building Material• nue, Newport Heights. The mar- r iai:?e of Miss Funk and Dan Mc- Millan will be a n event of J une 20 at the Capilla de San Antonio . Mrs. Robert L. Dole of El S e- gundo, mothe r of the hostess. as- sisted in entertaining. Games were played, with prizes going to Leola Funk. Sue Kelly, Linda Morris and Jennie Anderson. Streamers over the prettily decor- ated table with rhymes at the end of each. told the honor ee · where t o search for her many lovely presents. Guests present included the Mesdames Sadie Irwin, S adie Ho~'ell. Agnes Ellswor th, Ruth Gerrish. Mabel tnve. Cassie Blue, Orpha Blue, Wllva Blue, Helen M irkovich, Betty Bailey, Nadine \ ~ ~--"""'"' FOR THE lxpeclanl .J1otlier 1\fodern Furniture Designed for California Living .... An entirely new type of furniture that blends in with your in- formal, carefree way of life here. Airy-looking and light with its sunny ash and elm woods; yet, Tropicala is heavy and substantial. Saddle leather thong tied for just enough of a rustic Western feeling . . . no-sag spring bases . . . spring filled cushions in combination covers-tropical prints on one side, solid backs. • P almer . Lorraine K ell y, Mander- son, Dolor es Irwin. Emma Funk, Dole, Hershel! Funk, Cook , Brown, Elmore McMilla n ; t he Misses Leola and Verna Funk, J e anne Ann Gerrish, Virgie Du Boies, Linda Morris and JeMie Ander-r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; so n. APPIJANCF.S: Zenith Radios Magic Chef Ranges Quality Ranges O'Keefe & Merritt Ranges Western Holly Ranges ABC Washers Mattresses and Box Springs Floor Coverings Pictures Mirrors Lamps \ Colorful Outdoor Furniture • • • • • • • • for the Modern Beach Ho ... e ' 1- F URN ITU RE 822 COAST IDGHWAY, NEWPORT BEACH In • • the Miracle • Three Mile on Blocks Sou th the of Coast Highway the Arches ..• COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER PboDe B• cioa. aou WILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVlCE comPnnY --~-­no eout m..s.. 0o,_.. 11e1 .., Tempo.ary Phone, Day 654 La· (IUD& l!Hch; Phone N!jij>t, ll!62 Laguna lleeCh ROSSI'S Liquor Store , .. <Jou& ll!PwaJ' Fo._..,. ~·· ~ 8ture ~ £_,-n.y Another surprise shower wu t endered the bride-to-be at a din- ner last week at the R . L. Dole home, El Segundo. Mr. ilnd Mn. Sidney H . David- son and sOn Sidney jr., are expect- ed home Wednesday from Grant's Paa, Oregon. where they have beeTI vacationing for a week o:r more. ' Espert Radio Service Pho"" lleaeoa 5816 Palmer Radio AND JIJLECJ'RIC ZMI N-P<M llhd. OOllrA lllDIA PallCOad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • 81Zt:1. • AUJION1Jll .....,......,._o_ , •-....... -••--·••-"'---• EVERY WEDNESDAY -1&- KIDDIES ' Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel • • Tu le DAY Concessions-Sc Tu le BALB .OA FUN 1 ZONE 1 .--------~--------.,_ ................ • • M&WW a••AOA Nm-"1--lfwprrt • di. Cdhi. ' , T!e!4aJ, 6w U, lMI DIPLOYME.""IT OFFEllD !I SALE MJSCELLANl".A)0 8 a BOATS. SUl'PLIES II WA...-n'ED TO ll.ENT U UAL m.A'l'E &'J ~-~1!~&~1,~g~:r~&~Tl!~-----___:•!.:1'.!•~z".'u.~~-~:r~A~ft~'._-----~·~, WANTED-Woman to help with FOR SALE--4 new Hallett Radio CHRYSLER.Royal Marine engine; URGENT! -Keenly responsible FOR SALE-Fiw new single roll- • Three Way Weather To obtain weather and aerody- namic data under severe condi- tions the U. S . Navy's aerological research wii t at Banana River, F1a .. using Army Air Force equip. mint, under the supeni.sjon of the u:-S. Weather Bureau will Oy pnoueu planes into Florida thunderstonns. BUSINESS GUID!ll 1' FOR A RELIABLE your home, call after 4 :30 p.m. Paint Job on Beacon 5330 l ()..tfc PAINTERS and DEC ORATORS R. E . ANDERSON Paint C.OntTactor Phone. Beacon 5780-J PAINTING and DECORATING By the hour or job. Also Spraying. Call Harbor 8701-J-2 From 1 to 5 p.m. 44-Bt< SIGN PAINTING Boa ts, Trocks, \\'indows \Valli and Bulletins. housework. Hall days., ecxne at Sh.ieJding systems ror O'lrys)er 2 to 1 reduction gear. Excellent family desires summer or year-aways with mattnsses. $20 ea. 2 o'clock. Off after dinner. No Thuet, Beacon 5342. 4S-2tp condition. Price $615, or will ly rentaJ, 2 or 3 bedroom borne. 418 E. Surf, Balboa. 46-4tc small children. Must be plain trade for car or what have you. Phone Harbor 276lhl or K. F. FRANK p JOHNS ON FOR SALE-2 ne)Y guns. German See Doc S tricker. 717 Coast H•Uyer, Buick Co., Anaheim · cook. Phooe Harbor 682 for ap-make 16-gauge shotgun, double Highway, Newport. Beacon 5551. 22!17. 43-ltp REALTOR pointment. 46-4tc barrel; 31-calibre Mauser sport .f6-4tc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. \V. C. Wagner, Associate Broker HELP WA~ITED -Woman for rifle. Both fine guns from Krupp 1664 N~rt Blvd. Beacon 5434 W general house""-or k. full Of' part plant. C.Onsider ttade or good FOR SALE-LNew Marine Kohlet unfurnished house. \VW lease. --,_.... _.,___ - Good car. r--tact G. w . Couron, P ia-Generator, 1500 watts. 32 volt Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 -L.J time, llve in or out. wages. \,.AAI C d J M anill Ph.. Ha.rbo centia &: Victoria Sts., Costa D. C., retail price Cor this powet or 13. 35-tfc . Orona e ar f;;f in 11 y. 45-U~ Mesa. 4fr2tp plant ls $516. We ha\'e 10 left APT or SMALL HOUSE ted 2-~. furnished; .excellent ror clearance sale, $314.. Yeok el b wan _.. ocean view and bay viev.·. An SALESMEN -Advertising cam- paign now in effect. Excellent opportunity it you quallfy. Ap- ply 508\0 No. Main S t., Santa Ana. Miss Bayer. 44-8tc -HELP WANTED F e male Excellent positions open. A Competent Secretary -Stenographer Also a Competent Dictaphone Operator Pleasing personality and neat appearance required. Lots of work and darn good pay. RADIO TUBES Many scarce ones now in stock. BA TrERIES for portables and hearing aids. Electric broi.len & roasten, Electric Heaters. Mesa Radio &: Electronics Co. 1794 Newport Blvd., Costa Mi!SB 47-tfc Ftre Place and Klndllnc WOOD Delivered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. B e acon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. ,3-tfc Just Arrived Freeh Hearing AJd BATTE RIES Gundenon Drug Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51.!S 6().ttc B 225 So V t • _ An Y. man and wife. We do no1 ... _.; ... t •s .ll-am. La-living nn. TOI., · ermon • &..otJm • drink k chlldr Q.t ...., u.Ll;:' ·o~ geles. Phone EX. 0882. 4:>-tf< or smo e, 00 en or "''ith real brick fireplace. Nlce pets. Phone ~an ~ Ana 0991-W grounds ""i th dbl. garage. Priced Fire Equipment Tests or write Box 'X" Newport Bal-for quick sale at $8875 full C-0-Two. l>yrene & Foam ref"llls. boa News-Timcs. 37-tfc price. ' co fixed system and Port.ablet VETERAN and bride planning to New 3-Bedroom in now,,_,!vailHOa~ & G~VAN resturn.i!le In Coota Mesa. Want sm. C o sta Mesa ~, ~ apt. or hoUR. Ceo tact Mr. •-·••h• ·~ Lo 50._.~ 1000 Coast Highway Jorgensen at HUT'• Jt!welry Lot M ~ · ~· t ~ Ph. Beacon 5522 73-U<· 1821 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa: adjoining lo t may be had for 41-tfc $l !K>O. Lehman Kits o f Parts To convert Ford A, B, VS-85. VB-66 engines to marine use. Kits art compl. wt.th dlrectlons. Coming soon Ford 4, 6. 8-cyl. and Willy's "Jeep" marine engines and kits. See your dealer or write Allied w .. t Dlstr., 118 New M(&'y St ., S. F ., calit. 45-4tc BEAL l!llTAT!ll n FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant. near Barstow, output 1200 fry- ers per week. Excellent equip. Two modem houses. Good water supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J . 47-2tp El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue v~ Acre ID Santa Ana H e ig hts MOOem 5-room house. Rabbits and chickens with equi pment. Nice garden. Garage and workshop. $7950, full price. Easy temts. Nearly New 2-Be droom East side. Ha nlvi.·ood floors and fireplace: 66'x330'. Only $9750. Costa Mesa In potential business district. Lot J. M. MILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central Balboa Income Well located business comer. Price: $25,000 Balboa Lido Isle ~Bedroom home; possession close of escrow. Price; $31,500 Balboa Island Near bay. Good neighbor- hood. 4-Bedroom home. Im- mediate possession. South bay fronl Otarming 2- story home with pier and float. Best location. Only: $65,000 $17,500 -~Down -Wanted: 2-Bedroom Home, Lido Isle " lf You Are Interested in Harbor Area Property· \Ve Can Help You ---§--- MILLER J. M. Raised Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LAC HMEYER Pho n e Auto B a tteries Rubber Separaters 18-month -$6.75 Ex. Three 50'x12'°''x3~' Shain '"Trim- mership" express cru~sers, round bottom, twin Chrysler Royals. Bui1t in 1943 by best Seattle yards. Full living accommoda- tions, 614• headroom thruout, $15,000.00 each. Two 37' Higgins rescue launches. Double planked bottom. 250 h.p. Hall-Scott In- vader engine. Built in 1944 by Wilson Boat Works. $3500 each. Ph. L. B. 47587. 47-8tc $4000 15th & Central • Newport Beach • Ph. Harbor 1242 100'xl20'; small business bldg. . 48-ltc Large 3-room modern a pt. in --------------------------- 1726 w .. t Central Harbor 1243-M 38tf< COOPERATIVE ROO FING C O. N ew and R epair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa 20-tfc ~--=--,--::-c:-:--c:::-::--:--:--:::--·-P A I N T IN G U Yea.rs S<'rvice in Ne\vpor t J.tnrbor Arca H a rry H all P AINTING CONTRACTOR P hone B<'aron 5259-J 274 E. 19th' :tr.-.et 24-tfc: P&INTJ;N(l COSTB.ACTOB PAINT ING -PAPER HA.i~GING and DECO R A TING H . E. ~l cDonald 414 Old Conty Rd .. Costa f\t esa Phone &-!lcon 5013-J 85-tf< 16 BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Main St .. Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa laland. 94-tfc BEA UTV A Ill!" 18 COLD nnd MACHTNLESS WAVES Tinting a nd l\1ani curing P. A. P a lme r H a rbo r 1 500 For Appointment Experienced BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 p e r h our SEE MR. PETTY SOUTII COA~T CO. NEWPORT BEACH 48-4tc I fELP \VA:"iTED-Elderly man as \~ .. atchman on construction of new telephone building in Bal· boa. 64 hours per week. See Harris. 313 E . Central, Balboa. 46-tfc C o mpo unded M otor Gallon. 70c O il W estern Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 41-tfc VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, steel, \\'ood. Call us for free esti- mate. Renovation & refinish ing. So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., \\''est 18th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Ph : Beacon 5355-W. 38-tfc Steel K it ch ens GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Souther n Counties Supply Co. 144 Coast Blvd. N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach ·18· l tc INSTRUCI'ION or courses in thr foll o\\i ng taught groups or !1 .. d ividuals : na\'igation. stability & hull construction. compass con1pensation. general seama n- ship. Capt. Stc-phen FrN'dman, B.S .. Master. U . S. Ml'rchant l\·tarine . 1312 \V. Central, Apt . 3. 48-4tp \\'ANTED TO BUV 31 WANTED TO BUY-Need !mrnod· lately, good. clean light car . Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W ------------- D ECORATORS Price no object. P hone Hunting· V i's Beau ty S h op 1103 Coast J-Ji\vay. Corona del Mar 35-tfc EMPLO'Yl\f"ENT \l1 A.:.vrED ton Beach 3521. 38-tfc KAY FI.NCH CERAMICS ha1 openings now ror a few girls 01 WILL P A Y CASH t or your f ur· \voman \\'1th art training or abil· ntture or wh at have you. Phont ity. Ask for r..t iss Dierker . 121 Beacon 5656. 0 . R. 0-awley, C t Bl d C d I ..... 1812 Newport Blv .. Costa Mesa. LIGHT house \\'Ork by the hour , oas '' ·· orona e ,.,ar. 30-tCc ironing or care of children eves. ____________ 4_3-_t_f, ------------- Phone Hachor 1023-J . ask for YOUNG WOM EN CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. htrs. Hennt'berry. 43-tlc PHONE BEACON 5538-J. EMPLO YMEl'll'T OVFERED %1 FOR SALE-Fireplace equipment, electric heater, roll-a\\'a}' bed. Phone Harbor 1026-J. 48-2tc HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -2 adults. good horn"'. and salary to r ight party. Phone Beacon 5304-\V. 48-2tc FOR SALE-500 sq. ft. of used hanfv..oood flooring. 165 E . 23rd St., Costa Mesa. Beacon 52()8.J. 48-ltc SALESMAN-l nflllation. weather ectabllshed firm. 1415 So. Main, stripping. Exclusive territory, Santa Ana. P hoAe 4470. 45-4tc WANTED -?\father's helper, as- aht with house work and care ot bah)', stay nights. vi.·eek ends off. Phone Harbor 729--W . 45-4tc Puet.1c NoTICE CE RTIFICATE OF BUSINESS Tictlt l~ nrm Na.me · 23-tfc T e lephone o p erating --==-=,_,,=--,-,...,...-wANTED TO BUY-1' h.p. elt'c- p ositions are availabl e tric motor. 14.000 rpm.. 50 to you in your own cycle. Phone Harbor 281-\V. 48-ltp community. W ill P ay Cash Starting pay is good, For your furniture or "·hat have • · • d you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw-e xperience JS n o t reqwre Icy Furniture, 1812 Newport Frequent increases. Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 48-tfc Vacatio ns with pay. BOATS. SUPPLIES SI ' STAR SAILBOAT. Just recon- Advancement ditioned and new paint. Phone Santa Ana 4148 bet""·een 8 a. m . opportunities. and 5 p. m. 46-tfc Apply W ANT TO RENT or buy mooring 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 20-ft. cabtn cruiser . Atlantic 514 ~ N.'Main St ., Santa Ana 21758. Reverse charges. 46-4tc or F OR SALE-22-ft . hull, Cape Cod Ask the operator tor the dory type, $250. ·Phone Orang• Chief Operator 1691. 45-4t< S th C lif · 2().IT. SAILBOAT. designed bi OU e m a orrua Scheel. well built in 1940. Ph. Telepho ne Compa11y Burbank Charl .. ton 6-9405. FOR SALE-Boat "Gale ~ ... 38-ft twin screw cruiser. nice galleJ with Ice box, butane stove and plentY of cupboard space; sle('ps four. Mahogany planking. Suitable for passengC'T or com· mercial business. Hauls 71...!! ton! on deck. There is no better boat for Its size in Ne\vport Harbor. A. L. f\'tatthe\\'S, 509 31st St., Newport Beach. Ph6ne Harbor 2577. 44-tf c 1'mSI€AL &: RADIO Larg e C orner Lot On P eninsula, with view. $5750 On P e n i n s ula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 I ncom e Property 2 bedroom house and 4 small r ental units. Several good Bay Front Lots l.OT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 See Us F or Other HousC's, $6500 and Up Also Lots FOR SALE-York Trumpot, thor-W. L . JORD A N oughly reconditioned. $75. Call 700 E. Central, Balboa Harbor 2640. 47-3tc P hone Harbor 1 53 FOR SALE-f\·larine ra dio, direc-45-tfc lion findtt. 3 band. 6. volt fisher. ------------'-- Nearly new. 509 3lit. Newport COST A MESA Beach. Ph: Harbor 2577. 41-tfc On Broad\\'8)-'. double corner, new modern residence. 1 fiont room KNABE Grand Piano, walnut case, 14xlB, used no\v as business. Famous Knake tone. Also \Veber Space for 8-court building \vith Grand, Sohmer , Schµltz. And two street entra nces. 1 blk. from many othC'r famous makes. D MIDT PlANO Co center of tO\\'n . Place to live, ANZ-SCH ·• with sound investment. 520 No. Main, Sant,a Ana:is-tfc $2 1 ,500 STElNW A Y Grand Piano. Mahog- any case. Heautiful tone. Med- ium size. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. ?o-tain, R a lph P. M askey 3410 Coast Blvd. Pho n e 402 Santa ·Ana. 38-tfc 46-tfc -------------F 0 R SALE -General Electric FOR SA{...E-Choice located· lots Portable Radio. charges own and ~ acres, $400 to $3,000. batteries \\•hile in elec tric clr-Artistic 5-rm. hse. 2 bedrm. Gar- cuit ; also Philco Record pl ayer. age wi t h guest rm. On 2 big lots, pl ays through a ny 4radio set. finest ave., view of ocean. near Beacon 5173. 48-l tc all conveniences, San Clemente. RADIO HOUSE CALLS-$12.500 unfurn; $14.750 furn. N th t dditi. 1 t t 5-nn. home, 2 bedrms. &: garage, ow 8 a ona • compe en hardwood n oors. tile shower & technicians are available, we are able t o make service calls on sink, large closets, fi!'eplace. large consoles. All work guar-Price $8500. Adele Gi mbel, 95 Del Mar ~ve., Phones 311 or 316, anteed. HAROLD L. ~· San Clemente. 43-tfc S.O.S . Radio, 300 Marine Ave. ------------- rear over double garage which can be made into 2 more apts. a t little cost. This is a chance to make some money. $8500. 2-Be drm. Eastsid e, H o me Built just before war. ~ Acre. Hdwd. floors and fireplace. $9750 MANY MORE ... COME IN AND "T ALK IT OVER" -Open Sundays- FRANK' P . JOHNS ON R E ALTOR 1644 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5434.\V 48-ltc REAL VALU ES 3-bcdroom home and gut'SI house on ~ acre. Some furniture. Full price only $3250 2-b<'droom home. Fireplace. N ~ar­ ly 1h acre. 2-car garage. Ch icken coop. Priced to sell at only 2-bedroom Chicken garden. $6500 home on large lot . house. Garage. Nice $6850 2-bedroom home. Extra large rooms. One year old. 1f.i: acre of good soil. Good district close to business center. This is really a good buy at only $10,2 5 0 Good 5-room home on 1 acre on Newport Blvd., 71 feet on boule- vard. Close in. I f you want a good home and business site, you must not overlook this. Priced to sell. $17,500 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A .NERESON R EAL ESTATE Insurance and Business Opportunities Ph. Harbor 780. 34-~ SEE the new style world famous upholstered pianos. Many colors to choose from •t DANZ- SCHMJDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main St .. Sa.nta Ana. W e also rent pianos. 38--tfc REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir- ror-Piano. This ls a real bargain. Other used pianos as low as SSS, $87, $125, $175. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. l\1ain, Santa Ana. 38-tfc FOR SALE-2-story ocean front home and income property. Up. per: 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch and ~ ba th. Potential income $75 per week. Lower: Sun porch, living room with real fire- place; dining room . kitchen, · utility porch, bedroom. bath and shower. F\lmiture includes Cold Spot electrlc refrlg., electric washer, and G.&S. gas range. Price $20,000. 418 E. Surf. Bal- boa. 46-4tc 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa ?ofesa J h : Beacon 5225 48-1 tc AT CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful Level Lots $13 65 3 Hills ide Lots AH For $2250 W . J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 'Where the Flags F1y" 48-2tc Radi0 Repai rs All makes; tubes. etc. B eacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Coast Highway, Newport 23-tfc C osta Mesa A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102-M 42-tf c =:=--=--:-:--:=--=-------:=--4-,5-4,.,-'t I Thf' undentpeil do hereby certify -------------FOR SALE-One new Gray Ma-th.at they an'l conducting a KETALIZ-...... a rw-Y ... a-.rw.nus - DOGS, CATS a Ptj:s Large, modern 2-bedrm. home in good location on east side. All rooms are large. H as fireplace, floor furnace, patio, kitchen r ange, venetian blinds, curtains, and wall-t1rwall rugs on part of house. + $11,000 Today's Special Newport Blvd. Home and BUSI NESS BLDG. TSG buslnet-e at 506 Thirtieth Street.SALE c=:.:::....:~_:_.:....----~-·-~----~-rlne Diesel motor. 2'25 h.p., 1~ City of Newpart Beach. County of Or-BABY BUGGY FOR SA.LE-4lS to 1 reduction. Price $2500. a.np. State of California, under the n cttttou.!I nnn nan1e or Harding St., Balboa. 48-2tp Br adley-Rehrig Co .. Los Angeles. CLARK & BATES COXPA.NY Ad 14306 47 2t and !hat -aid firm Is composed of ams · -C the followlnc ~nona. •hoee twnff FOR SALE-Brand new bicycle. 11J2d addre!MN "" u follow•. to-wit: Joseph Carey, 11922 E . Balboa. Manier. H . Clar)!:. 1•~ Via Wulers, Costa M na. Calif. 48-ltc Lido la e. Ne'llrpOrt Bea.ch. Callfomla... FOR SALE--17 months old male Doberman A. K . €. champion stock. W . Purdy, Balboa Motel, 315 E . Central. 45-4tp SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 Cos ta Mesa Lot 50xl 55 ft. lot located l blk. of Newport Blvd. . $900 w .. t 28 ft. x 28 ft. with llving quarters. House in rear, with little fixing could be made into good rental. This is a spleridid property. Ex· cellent location. Quick J)OUeU • -Only $11,000 NOW AVAILABLE SEVERAL CHOICE RESIDENTIAL ~ROPERTIES ON BALBOA ISLAND SOUTH BAY FRONT ---§>--- YOU SHOULD SEE TIIESE LISTINGS BEFORE YOU BUY. ---§--- H U B P 0 W E R S, AG E NT J. A. B e e k 0 f f i c e F e rry Landing ' P h. H a r bor 62-\V Balboa Island 48-ltc Gertrude A. W a ldro n Wm. W. S anfo rd , Bro k e r 308 Marine Avenue Phone 234-R , $1500 DOWN. $37.50 monthly buys attractive new I-bedroom house v.·ith half ac.re. Price S.5650. Vet· eran's preCerence. See O\\'fJer, h1onrovia, bct"•een 17th and B a lbo a I s la nd Exchanges Balboa Island North Bay corner lot. So. Bay lot and good inside lot. 0\\'Jlers \\'ill exchange for improved Island property. Bus iness L e a se 18th, Costa h1esa. 464tp MONEY TO LOA....'i II LOANS TO BU1LD, buy, Lmproftt modernize or reflnan~. Newport BaJboo Federal Savt.np and LoflD Auocbt.tlon, 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 Tu•o stores, excellent location, AUTOMOTIVE &;: TIRES f\.1arine Avenue. Good income. H o u ses Well built, large living room \\.1th fireplace, enclosed front. por ch, bedroom. dressing room, kitchen and \)ath. Price $15,8 00 Furnished. Immed. possession. Ver y attractive nev.•ly furnished home. 3 bedrms., 2 baths, patio. Price $23, 750.00 T erms. I mmed. possession. FOR SALE-'41 Ford Convert- ible Coupe. Call Thuet, Beacon 5342. . 48-2tp FOR SALE--Graham Truck 1934, mechanically perfect. Call Har· bor 234-R. 48-4tc FOR SALE-1936 Lincoln Zeph)T, $750.00. 306 Craft Ave., H •Jnt- ington Beach. 48-21c FOR SALE-'29 model Panel type Truck, excl. motor, new paint. $28.5. Call after 3:30 p.m., E· Atchison, YMCA, Santa Ana. 2-bedroom, nicely furnished on wide lot, 2-car garage. home 1 ----~~~~co=-,,,=--4_8_4_:tp R E C APPING Price $16,0 0 0 Furnished. Attractive 2-bedroom house on rear of 60-ft. Grand Canal lot. Room to build. Completely furn. Price $23,500 C orona de! Mar Lots 40.ft. lot, ocean view , below high- way. Price $4,750. Two Ocean Front lots, both priced to sell. Other lots from $1 ,375 up. Houses Modern home, 2 bedrooms & den, large living room. tile k:J tchen and bath, service porch, 2-car garage, on well landscaped lot south ot highway. Price $16,000 Unfurnished. 2-bedroom home. 40.ft . lot, nicely loca ted. South of Seaview. With good \.iew of ocean. Room to build on the front ot lot. $15,000. Furnished SmaJl attractive house with view. Partly furnished, nice location, south of highway. Large living room, fireplace and patio, 2-car garage. Price ~8, 750.00 R e cap All Five Tire s In O ne D ay Wheel B a la n c ing S ectio n W o r k LESTE RS O.K. Rubbe r Welders 2900 W. CentraJ, NeWJX>rt 46-8tc AUTO SERVICE NOW HERE Your author ized Chrywler- Plymouth Dealer. Autbori2"<1 parts Complete Lubrication a.nd Maintenance Expert Mechanics .. Kendall and Quaker State oUa NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS hart!>;. ~~ ... c..llfo::"a.: Street. )Ian-g..FT. NORGE Ottp Freeze 1'nd WTTNESS ou.r ba.ndl Ulla 25th dQ \\'estinghouse Electric Range. of lil&y, UMI. El tri A p11 llA..VLET H. CLARK. Newport ec c p an~. FOR SALE-20-Ct. fish boat, Star, Cull converted motor, steel hull, A-1 condition. 628 Clubhou.w Drive or phone ATiantlc 1-2036. O\\'Tler. 47-4tp TYPEWRITERS O FFICE EQUIPMENT Oeaning, Oiling, ~dJustlng, OV1?rMullng ROBERT'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE Costa Mesa 2-bedrrn. houae with sleeping parch on east side. Rooms are large. Dbl. garage. Nearly New Gertrude A. Waldron 2616 W. Central Ave. STATE Ol",.llLlful~U:8-2305 Coast Bl\'d. Harbor 2138. COU~'"TT or OR.A..~GE.--.. 48:;1c On lhla twenty-ntt.h day of May. A. D. l!M&. before me. Roland A. W r1abt, FOR SALE-Used lrre&Ular oak • Not.ary Public In and for aaid COuft· ty and St&le, reakilna: tbe~ln duly wood, 100 pieces, U ft. long, 6 in. C'Oauni...loned a.ad nron.. pereoaa.IIy wide, l in. thick. See at 206 appeared »a.nley R . C'l&rk and Fay R.. Bale&. kno-.n1 to me to be tbe penons R uby, Balboa laland Sunday, 0£ whoM namea an w .bkrfbed to the all GL 3-41 2tc within l n.stnunent , a.ad aclmowled~ C · '""-'· - to me tha.t tbe7 es.ecuted lbe .-ine. A NE\V 2·hor'W tralleT. built by IN "\\'lTNICSS WHEREOF". t ba>tt hereunto •l my hand 11J2d a.foxed my North American. WU1 sell a t oftlctal aeal the day and yn.r la th19 Doc Strick certlnute nm abo .. e wrtltea. deale.r"s coat. See er. ROLAND A. WRIGHT, 717 Coast ui ............ v N___..rt Not.an-Public In and for Mid .. ~.-...,., -·-- Cou•tr and State. Ky corn-Beach. Phone Beacon 5551. ml•ton u:pl..-.. Octob4r l t , 46-ttc 1947. -------------! INOTARlAL SEAL.) ~· alleetl at NOWl-T!mn. Pub. 11&.y ?I : J une 4, 11, 18. lM&. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 <:out Highway 101 ~Beaeoa Ml.4 • • ''' )loqt .... ud ..-ee .,..,,.,. for Btlmila for!We PMille lloudll ,.,.. .. bJ' tile ...... or -111. FOR SALE-Star Boat. light con· structlon, gal\•aniud machined k~l. stalnJess steel rigging. Lo- cated at 1707 E. Bay Ave .. BaJ. boa. Name: HyU te. 42~tp 2602 W. Central Harbor "7 4().tfc 1 -~-------.,..,.~~-FOR SALE -Johnson Outboanl Carpenters _ Available motor. 411' h.p.. good condition. Also dory. Friday e"\•e. 0£ Silt. fOT reneral maintenance afternoon, Cowl .. , 109 Edge-and repolr water. Balboa. 47-ltp O. Z. ROllEllT!ION FOR S ALE -2 Outriggers and Call Harbor 83 clami:-. New clear lumber, 2x31 ____________ 34-__ tfc taperod. $15.00. T. Brindenon, K E y S El Nido Trailer Court. 1630 ~ Whll• You wa.tt Newport Bl\'d., Costa ?ttesa. VOGEL ' 43-ltp 100 Main St.. Bal- W ANT Speed or Utility boat, 108 Marine. Balboa i.1and around 18 feet. PreCer !t1arlne N--tte l\totor. Contact J im Wilson, 35 ~ro-a-IUNT-.-.---------41- Santa Ana A\·e., Long Beach. 43-ltc FOR RENT-Garage, 11th & Bay, ALL Pl.ASTIC 12·ft. llG-lb. TOP- 0-CAR BOAT and CAJ!RIER. Immediate delivery. Other mod- els soon -dinghies, sailboats. runabouts, cruisers and paddle-- boards. Ph. Harbor 1472-M. 48-2tc $665~2 down Lido Isle 35--ft. corner lot $5000 50-ft. frontage · of inside lot> $6000 57-fl Lot Between Costa Mesa and Newport $4500 Gorona de! Mar · FUrnlshed -4-room home. View. Double garag<!. Yan! fenced. EJ:- cellent condition. Fireplace. Im- mediate poueaion. A buy at- $8850 EVA F. RHODEN Rttltoo' 470 N'•--po<ftrtr1 m'·d . a.ta Mm. ELTON D. BARN!:IT, Brol«r Ph. Beaoon 5713-R 48-ltc Plastic \Vatercraft Co. 407 E. Central, Balbo<l • Phone Harbor 2673 48· l tc \VILL LEASE-llOO sqaa:re feet wood wurldna and cablnot shop. Furnished with all new ma- chines. Must bt rHpr«t•lhlr party. Ph. Hui>ol) 2427-W Corl aee Doc Stricker, lll2 W. Bay Ave, Nowport ~ 46-ttc Sell that unwanted Manna !olden at N..,.'nzme. tllrauCb N.,..nm. odL 4 Unit Court Wm. W. Sanford, Broker 3 UNITS completely furnished. 1 ~ Marine A venue Pbca>e Harbor 1564-J unturn. Corner lot 150 ft. x 165 Phone 234-R 46tfc 38-tfc rt. Beautifully landscaped.. In- come $157.50 per month. Room HOME AND INCOME-2-bedrm. 91 for 3 more units. Close in E .at.de, house, 3 a~ productive ~emon l ;:TLULl!ll8;:::===-~~==---=-- Colta Mesa. Very neat and at-grove. Oicnce frostleu district TRAILERS FOR RENT--:-Do your tractive Only Orange C.O. Near tawn and own hauling and mOV\Dg. All . ~19 950 llchool. Price nl.l500, terma. Ph. now equipment. $2.25 and S2.50 "' • Orange 8707-R-4. 48-4te per day. We fUmlsh the hitch. NICE 1-bedroom home and raJ>. FOR SALE-Newport Heights lot Myrehn Bros. Service Station, 50xl25, all utilities available, cor. 17th & Newport Blvd., Coot& bltry. 70 does, 10 acre land. bucka. Half .,.,.,0 Mesa. 46<ft n750.00. Owne<, ...-1 Weat-1-==-----~~:_:-­ mlnater St., Costa Mesa. 48-2tp MonO, foldon at N...,..nm... $5750 On NewPort Blvd. Several loll 65 ft. to 500 ft. front- age. Call us lor prlcet & terms. ' £Vim WAHID WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS ·an.d Will Pay Top Prices Newport Blvd. SELL YOUR CAR NOW HOME and BUSINESS ~-~room home and aarage. 50 ft. """"Prices are fDgb. frontage. Close In to Coota Mesa Phone for our 01JU118a11s buyer who will call and $14,500--$4500 .Down mvtlt you ~ OPA regulations, ()P!Hns -prlcm and amiiip .ii details Open EYen1np and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON ·°:'LBER!,~.,!l .Silt~~ CO., ln.c. • ~:~:::~Coot& )(:i1e 1 ~·-c~e'!.. Newpcwt If'·;. llrl Ocll • &• ............. • f . I ....... BIOB IKlBOOL OWNS AIJU'OllT MEMPHIS-The Shelby Coonty School of Aeronautics, Wbite-- baven High -1. is the tint high school In the nation to own its own airport. The landing field and parking space ii next to the school grounds. Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. Pbono Beacon 5111 &U 00.&irr HIGHWAY Ar THE AllCBSB BRING YOUR RADIO TO US 0... Da7 -We'll Bep&lr It and You Can Have It the Nert Factor]' P&rta. Work Guana"""1. Factor]'~ ~ Radio SOS Electric HAROLD L. BAHM """"' 780 SOO MariDe Ave.. Balboa &land • Cite Harbor Post For Member Drive Not only was the meeting Or the Orange county council of the American Legion, held Friday evening at Club Lido the largest ever held with its attendance of oveT a hundred nearly doubl(> the usual number. but it was the first time t hey had been welcomed by a veteran of \Vorld War rr, Coffi( mander Don Durant of Ne,vporf Harbor Post 291. Commander Durant welcomed the guests and Glenn Cramer of Costa ~tesa Post 455, county coun· cit commander , presided. Disting· uished guests introduced included Deputy Vice Commander John Briel of San Diego. who is also Fifth area commander ; Carl Sher- wood of San Diego, 2'2nd district commander: George Kellogg of Yorba Linda, 21st dl!trict com- mander: Grorge Bolden of Ban- ning, 21st district viCt"-command- er: Ken Rigby of Ana heim, 21st 1 district second vice-commander; I ' I Thomas \V. Stauts of San Diego, ' county council commander . and BOOSTERS. Tht5 ti part or the overflow or hundreds or residents, propert)• owoers and. business peo- Harry Foster, past San Diego pie or Balboa who llended the recent n1eetlng or the Balboa lmpro\·e ment A.t!tOClatlon to demand county council commander. that the city do so ethlng to lmpro\·e coodltlon11 ln that Stttlon. -P!toto by Don Harman, Balboa ! ~~1~~::~1:~:E£1i~!~~:;f ~~ Geologic bl Experts Find Salt I set aside for the '''Ork of re-! JJ '''ere discussed for Boys' State Cowboy Artist Will Sketch County Fair As Sherif f's Guest • I • i ' 'Bermuda Nearer I PueL1c NoTicE NEW YORK-An hour and 44 1 -------~----- mlnut .. wu shaved off the two-hnson way New -York~Bermuda air of June, 1946, Roy M. Jo . and Royce H. Carvin the ownen reoo_rd f?r commercial Dying or the her.?inafter described fix· e~er th.is . year. One of the U. tures and equipment of that cer-s., Oag 8.ll'lines covered the 1340 taln ~1esa Malt Shop situate and miles from ~ew York to Bermuda located at 1770 N~'PQrt 81\'ll., ~d back in s. hours and 48\ Costa 1\-Iesa, california, intends to minutes. The ~ight do\\'ll took _2 place a cha,tel mortgage upon the .flours and 22 minutes and the trip said fixtures and equipment. ba.ck required 3 ho~ and 26 RO)' }.;L Johnson and Ro}-ce H. minutes. Car\'in are tile mortgagors of the Dorothy Sundin of Los Angeles. stenotype teacher. is \isiting 1'irs. Gloria Place of Corona del ?tlar and hopes to spend the summer in this locality. PUBLIC NOTICE said proper t)'; end their address is 1770 Ne\vport Bl\·d.. Costa l\tesa, California. ThC' First National Bank of Orange is the mortgagee of . the said property and their address Ls P . 0 . Box 269, Orange. California. TH'E PROPERTI'. fixtures and C'Q.Uipment upon \\'hich the said NOTICE OF SALE OF R EAL chattel mortgage is to be placed PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. consists of the following: all of No. 2-486lM . the personal propc'rty in the 1'1esa IN THE f.UPERIOR COURT OF Tl{E l\falt Shop located at 1770 New-STA.TE OF CALIFORNIA . IN AND • 1-~oR· THE COUNTY OF LOS A..~-' port Blvd., Costa ?\tesa. CahJornla, GELES. and more particularly dl'scribed Jn the Malter of the Estate of FAITH as: I 3I-IS2 -3\\1 ... 3 \Vorthington , ER:"\ST. Incompetent. F12 No. Au-1 956 Cond. Unit. 3 No1Jee Is hereb!' g:t\·en that the un-h.p .. J phaze !\1otor No. SY; 1 dersli"fli!d ... ·111 se I at 'Drtvate sale. to 62 G I H--• ea~ the highest a.nd ~st bidder. subject "\\'eber" D2005. a · t1..CT.1 u- to ('On!irmatlCID or said Superior Cou rt, incl I less unit); 1 Su(X'r Kold. 2~ on Cir after the 3rd day or July. 1946. I N 11.t the offi ce of MILDRED GtLMORE. Gal. lee Crean1 Fr('('ZC'r Seria O. Attorney, 41 2 \\'eet Sixth Street, Lo8 637 (lC'SS unit ); l Fountain Rail, Angeles 14. County of Los Angele~. · I Stttte of Californ ia. all the right. title \\rilh 2 draft arms. 9 pumps; and Interest of ~id Incompetent In "Soden" ro CU. ft. (ne\\?l 2 door a.nd to all the certain real propert\' su 1u1te in 1he Counl)' or Ocangt>. 'Su1·e flcss unit) ict" box; 2 Exp. Val\'es (If Cnhfornla. particularly described [or abo\·e. fone for box. one for as follu wa. tO·lll'it : L.u t 17 Block "C." Laguna freezerl : l Beverage Cooler with lh•li;hts r\o. 3. t.Rg1.1na Beach. f\\'O doors (less unit); l Exp. ("ulifnrnia. as per 11111.p thereut Get ready for the biggest and best VACATION ever. nn-o,,, your \Vorries to the winds ':::bi:~~~~~ed·"t:n:~~~~y ;~::~! . Sea Water Seeps Into Wells·, f \\'hich \\'8S not held last Y<'ar but : ~~~::E~~~lh~i~,~lcs~;:~.~: Harbor=· : City Hearing Called Hold('n as candidaf(' for the next Jack Lindsley, note<l cov.'boy · art.,ist, \viii be a guest of Sheriff Jesse L . Elliott and his party at the Orange County F air in Santa Ana on Saturday. rec<,n:led in Book 8. Page l or Mts-~ \·alve and one so\('noid for abo\•e, cellaueous ~laps. Recvrdi!I of Or-1 temp. control ; 6 Srts of Booths; ant-:e CClunty. Terms or Mle c~h In la'lli·!ul n1oney 2 15' Counters and Stools (rom· of the United Statea on confirmation plcte set)·. 1 Gal\'anized Kitchen vf s.a.le. vr part ca.sh and balance e\'ldent·f'J b}' nu1e secured by Mort · Sink ··Hughes" 2 Tu. 2 openings; g-ai;e or Trust Deed on the propeny S · I S I S · I s· k f 110 lffild. Ten per cent of a.niount bid 1 ta1n css tee pccta 1n or • ' and play to your heart's content.~ Our SPORTSWEAR Shop is the Springboard to your good times. You'll revel in our Playclothes ... you'll bare up beautifully in our new play suits: Pedal Pushers; Slacks; Shorts; Bras. Everything for a SensationaJ time. 4th at Broadway SANTA ANA J~e 1omino fmorvency Commlllff Urv•nlly Appeals lo tho Houuwives of Am•rlca to Help Fight Storvofir n .. 21st district commander. ~ . D. · 1 Co d r-A~ Officials of the Metropolitan I Fairview Farms hearings. reports 1str1c mman ('r ..... n.:vrge • • t ·r · --~: ed h u s ~--1 · I K II led th N t \Vater distric 1Ulllounced 1 c•=' to t e . . ~~ og1ca e ogg presen e ewpor I 1 • S · · d ' cd th t post with the national citation for Monda)· that th~y have selecj.-urvey engineers In 1c~t. a membership. for the "outstanding ed July 10 as tli!' dale set fbr salt water fr~m th~ Paetfic ocean achievement" of having the en-hearing the City1 (>f Newport was already invading t~e beach- tire 1945 membership enrolled by Beach ap~catiot-for inclu-he?ds fromlb SafntaN Mon1caB tloboaa I · D f h '45-'46 point sou o e\\'J)Ort-a Arm at1ce ay or t e year. sion in t-e d.Js , ct's water d h , d t Commander Kellogg also present-SU I • s "Stem an t ere "as so~e ang~r o ed each post \vith 8 picture of the PP) ) · the seepage feared into the fresh signing of the surrender of Japan The hearing \\'ill be held in the water wells here .. on board the battleship, Missouri. Laguna Beach Water district The U. S. Geological Survey re- L indsley, \\1ho is a typica l born and bred W esterner of the plains, \\ill devote some of his time sketching prominent <;haracters v.·ho visit the fairgrounds. The cowboy artist, v.•ho is a favorite with News-Times readers, is well known throughout the west. He has been sketching prom- inent business and civic leaders in all parts of California a nd neigh- boring states for nearly 50 years. Ace Tennis ,a n£'\V member of Post 291 and proprietor of Club Lido, was complimented by San Diegan John Briel for the dinner served, Posts represe nted at the meeting were those from La Habra, Br<'a. Anahei m. Buena Park, PlaC<'ntia. Fullerton, Santa Ana. Laguna Beach. lluntington Beach, Seal Beach, Garden Grove. Costa ~fesa. Newport Beach. Or- ange, Tustin and San Juan Capis- trano. building at 8 :30 p.m. on that date. ports the existence of three gaps At the same time the district's in the barrier "'all formed by the ~-------------, commission 'A'ill hold 8 hearing on Inglewood-Newport fault line. the application of Fairvie""' Farms They are at Ballona Creek in of Costa Mesa, "''hich also has ap-the Playa del Rey are athroul;h plied for inclusion into the Colo-which the sea has invaded tile rado \\·ater supply system. \li'atl"r bearing sands up to Culver Phone Beacon 5824 Newport & Costa ~lesa CAB CO. The City of Ne,1rport Beach of-City. Some engineers believe that fi cials sometime ago met to dis-"invasion" of the underground cuss the increnstPd demands for waters by the sea, unless blocked wate r from n('w rCsidents moving by \\•ell shut·dO\\'llS, may r each as into the harbor ar('a. I t was far north as Main street and Jef- agreed at that time 1hat the city ferson street in Los Angeles, the must find other sourcC's of fresh report stlltes. \vater supply to furnish its in· It is the wa.r of \Vaters. sea crPasing population as . "''ell as to a~ainst fresh. fought deep be- have a sufficient supply on hand Jo\\' th(' surface. menacing perhaps I fron1 present Laguna Beach 700 square miles of land i.n Los sourcC's. An2eles and Orange counties, While the ~1etropolitan \V ater with a population of 900,000. I district board v.1as a nno uncing the v.•hose primary v.1ater stocks are '---------------' date for th(' N('v.ix>rt Beach and at stake. • Already the ('ncmy has moved inland. south of Santa Monica tov.'ard the boundaries or Culver City: it has contaminated wells, forcing many to shUt do,,·n in the El Segundo. 1wtanhattan Beach. l-lern1osa B('ach and Redondo B<"ach areas; he has spc,vcd his hrine into the \\•ater beds from the south boundary of Palos Verdes hills to Long Beach, mov- ing 10 mi!('S inland to the Dom- inguez area: Huntington Beach has been struck and wells sup- plying NC\\'J>Ort-Balboa and Costa l\1esa are feeling the sting of ocean saline. PROMOTE AIR EDUCATION WASHINGTON-Aviation edu- cation is being promoted by four of the domestic airlines of the United States which maintain special departments staffed by full-time directors and able re- search and fi eld workers. OBITUARIES CHARLES FHEE~lAN RANDEL Charles Freeman Randel, 86, of 210 Sapphire avenue, Balboa Isl- and. died at a Santa Ana rcst home after an extended illness and services were held Saturday under the auspices of the Masonic lodge with private services later at Fairhaven cemetery. Born in Nemaha, Kan., 1'1r. Ran- del follo\\"ed the carpenter trade. He was a member of Lt.'v.•is, Kan. Lodge No. 220, F. and A. M. a nd the Lewis 1.0.0 .F . H£1 is survi\'ed by two sons, Floyd C. Randel of San Diego and Ralph R. , Rand£'1 of Balboa Isl- and, a daughter, Mrs. Georgia Matthe\\'S of Kansas; a sister, Mrs. Orpha Robbins, Kinsley, Kan., and a bro! tier. Elmer E. Randel or Kansas. CHA R.LES L. OE \\1ALT Charles L . De \Valt, 79, died Saturday 'afternoon at his home, 2307 Newport boulevard, Costa :rt·tesa: He was born in Philadel~ phia and had been a rancher iu this section !or the past 20 years. He is sur,•ived by his widow, Belle; one son, Clarence Wine De Walt, lo1ontana : one sister, Mrs. Helen Padfield, Los Angeles, and one grandchild. He was a member ot the Masonic lodge of Vermil- lion, Kansas. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. today (Tuesday), at the Harold Grauel chapel with the Rev. Carl Johnson officiating and interment was in Fairhaven ceme- tery. • Before You Build or Remodel ' Visit Our lntl!resting Sample and Display RoolD!I 1111 1 " Ill ' :·. ~ v :.·· Color guides, plan- ning ail:ls, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum . Rugs & Carpets Cleaned, Repaired ' • - ? THE tlOMI SllVICE DlrAITMIHT Of YOUI GAS C:OWANY SUOOlm THESI PIACTICAl WAYS YOU CAN HELP IN TOOAY'S l'AMINI IMllGINCY- , BREADS 2 FATS 3 CAI.DRIES CJtl "-oo all wb<u produas: Sour, wholnrbtt~ ~ttals, •po· pru. u .. fna slias "' breod pu dar ... pinmr-1 s.ar-: subotim1• ootmal, poalOa, IUlcbr ftpcables, • ..a. ~axnmral c.1-... oo all &u and oils. s .. e . Wt-0ttr pork and bocoa &r fot mcWjng 'rum iii UDU9hlo &r 10 your butdior. s_,,;,.,: substitu1• oiless or cooked salad-dressings. A..iid fried lOodL CJtl '-00 all hi&b~ b>da ... suc:ll u brHd, puui.., &u, --S~: sub<ihllt milk and milk Jl"'di>ca, -~ &u.iu i>r desscru .•. Uh, sea b>di. poulay, .... bcmiay. SOUTNllM COUHTllS OAS COMPANY • '. j\ " . ,, t ·' > '.: ~ . ·:. ~ .... LUDLUM Carpet Works tm South Matn st. Phone 8aata Ana taoe S.U."TA ANA HOLLISTER Brothen LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orebard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Sou Onittlons CARR'S ~ STORE Ul%'7 NEWl'O&T BLVD. CJ08'U. Ill&\ P. 0. Bu lle'7 -Plllime B••• UC6 • to be depCJsited with bid. Ice Cream Room; l Stainless Steel Bids or offers to be In l\•r ittng &nd .11 \ldlt be received at the aforesaid of-Special Sink for Counter use; ... (Ice at any time after the first publi· Fluorescent Ughts \\'ith tube; 3 cal.i on he;reo! t1.11d befo"' date or sale. Dated this 11th day or June. l946. 1'1alt Mixers;'S Ice Cream Scoops; HAROLD s . LA.WRE!'CE. 20 2 ~ water pipe; 50 1'1-~ water All Guardian or the Estate of a id Incoaipetent. pipe: 1 Suction Fan (utility); 1 MILDRED GILMORE. Steel Grill Hood ; 3 ~1irrors ; 11 Allf2n~~e!fr s~t~ ~~~ti.an. Water Cooler and Soda Cooler Loa Angeles 14. California. assembly; l Hudson. Carbonator; 1 ~K~i~¥~'.e lS. 20. 25. 27 ; July 2. 19-46. 002 Regulator. NOTICE OF INTE1'""TION TO CHA'rl'EL MORTGAGE THE SAID chattel mortgage ls 1to be executed and the consider· atlon therefor u·iJJ be paid o n the 25th d ay of June, A.O., 1946, at TO WHO:rt1 IT f\1AY CONCERN: The First National Bank of Or- Notice is hereby given pursuant ange, Orange, California. to the provisions of Section 3440 By B. L. Brubaker, Asst. Cashier of the Civil .Code of the State of I Mortgagee. California, that on the 13th day , Pub.-June 18. 1946. Ana SANTA Ph. 6688 114 W.4th St PASADENA LONG BEACH %% N. Euelld Pb. Sy. 2·U98 M8 Pine Ave. L. B. 8!•+07 LEGAL FORMS FOR EVERY TRANSACTION We have made It convenient for you to Insure compliance with all requirmienu of the law by carrying a ooni~ lltock of all forms and papers nee'«! for the <nnpletion ol every tra-uon. ' .. _, ~·'~ -.................. .. NM!1 1o -uy -au, ., ,_ pelAtlc I probleme f"'°"' a 00004;' It ...... ...... II JR11ts•,....... pr1•~· ti! .. ,... .... -.............. ..._.. T'llwel fll ,_, ...... ,, I ..... ,eMl51S1 wftt bl ... 1111 • w· .,_, .....,, ... flw ··-.. .., """' IEWS-TIMES • • • ' • • . • • • • • • • • . • . . . ' . . • ' • . • • . ~ . -. • • ' . . • • ' . . . • • ' ' • • • • ~ • • ; • ~ ~ ' • ~ ; . ; ~ ' ; • ~ . ~ • ~ • ; ; • ~ • ' ' ' • ~ • • ~ • • • . ~ . ' • . • ' . . . l • i . . . • • ~ ' ' ' ' ' • • -· -• OUR DISTRICT A MELTING POT G. N. Wells Real Estate Phone Beacon 5181 1790 Newport Blvd:-Costa M-. Cal1t. 0 . C. HARR · --C. C. CYITo Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry Twin Locations 18%1 HARBOR BL\'"D. Costa ~tes&-Be. 5806-.J Arthur Silver -Bob Padtield New Blue Room (Wu Electric Grill) EATS, DRINKS AND ROMANCE Pit.. Barbor 22""....l !OI Palm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Beacon 5'763 tllt Coa.tt mgbway-Nflwport Beach. Calif. 0 . R. !Pop) Crawley-N. M. (Monie) Crawley Distinctive Home Furnishings Crawley's Furniture 1812 Newport Blvd.-Pb. Beacon Mae Costa Mesa-"in the Heart of Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd'' 15-00 \V. Centra.1-Ne"·port-Ph. Harbor 9& AL ANDERSON Fun Zone B a1bos G. T. Everson !\'tanager METZGER STORES • •. F1re!lf.one •• , 1789 S e \\'flOrt Blvd., Costa ;\(esa., Beacon 5243·\V ··1-tome and Auto Supply Stores" R.E ·ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -lncumbent- SHERJFF TUESDAV, XO\'. 5th Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 eroad"·oy-Ph. Beacon 5610 Costa ~tesa. Callfomla A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. Frtkidalre and l\t aytag Dealer-Beacon M65 1791 Newp0rt Blvd.-Co§ta l\lesa, Callf. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance Office Ph. Harbor !OM SO! l\la.ln Street-Balboa., Calif. F . B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GTFTS OF ALL KINDS l,h , H arbOr 2lS2·J !10'! ON>an F'ront-Ne"•port Beach. Calif. H UBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's , South Coast Company 221'! \V. Centra l...:...Ph. Harbor 2800 HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Catnp and Boat Landing l 1tb &: Cout Hls:ay-Phone Beat'on M60 Lew H. Wallace Real Esta te and Insurance Broker Phones: Offk'e, Harbor 3--~8. Ha rbor 1669 2%0: \\'. Central A'\·e.-Se\vport 8ea<'h. Calli. COYE. \VATTS Balbo a Liquor Store '7M l'.. ~ntral Ave., Balboa. Ph. H a rbor !479·J ""l'be Home of Cordia.lily" - G. H. Drader, Mer. J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE B ROKER Ph. Harbor t'!-1! lGtb at Central-Se"·port Beach ··on Y our \\'ay to Ba.lbon'" Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "FL \"lXG RED HORSE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE Harbor 16'J~·J Cout 81\·d . at JOI mp.way Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER. P .-.sident Manufacturers &: SaJe. t:npoeen UIS Coaat mway-Ph. Beacon 506S \Vall ace C. JMa ttoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. F ootwear for All the Family .. t~ Newport BITd..~ta !INa Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SUR~N Statll aDd Central P1L. Barbor (U·hr . .e.rrice) II Robert L . Sh<>tty-R..,.,rding Engineer • Davis & Gay Music Co. 1801 Newport Bhd.--Colta Mew Be·~-Im tit Walaat: St.---Butmctoa ~ • Men and Women f r()m Foreign Soil Bring New Blood, Virility and Ideas to Our Shores . . GJ3y HARRY WELCH tore. . A wonderful and very inte'resting fact about being a . membet: of our great American family is the realization that we are all a blend of many races--.. mixture of those who have come from abrO&d IA> this land of freedom and opportunity In the search of our way of life In the world's great democracy. Their presence 18 like a mirror In which we find our count.-y's founders' reOection reminding us of ~ur fhst wars for freedom and 1 those who first landed on Plymouth Rock-and those later genera- tions th.It won and pioneered our great West. . We have many such adopted citizens In California, and value their presence and contributions o our advancement in many fields such as arts and sciences, professions, business and agricul- These eopple are constantly giving our civilization in America fresh transfusions of spirit and with new life and blood, thus Amer- ica remains the greatest country the world bas ever known. , From Belgium From Hungary . - • Fritz Go ossens A. "Sandy" Steiner Fritz Goossens \vas fascinated \Vith stories of America and ultimately landed in California from his na tive Belgium. Arri\·ir1g in Ne\v York \\'hen he \vas 19 years old 11e \vent im- mediately to Misha kawa. Ind .. where he worked at the rub- ber business. Coming to California in 1926 he became a n or- chardist. working his own cillus properties a nd tl]ose of others. To the "Miracle Mile" on Coas t Highway came Sandy Steiner after an eventful life si nce he sa,v the enemy enter his na ti ve Hungary in the fi rst World War. At the age of three he arrived with his family in Alpha, N . J., but they soon returned to Hungary \\1here the father \\ras forced to enter the army. , In 1940 he owned and operated a fine cafe a t Los Ala- mitos a nd four years in the business prepared him for his nex t venture. the grocery game: so in 1944 he moved with his fam ily to Garden Grove and later with a friend purchased the Ba lboa Market. Then he purchased the interest of his partner :1nd became sole O\vner . Sandy studied mechanics in school and was drafted for a foreman's job in an ammunition plant. Three yea rs la ter. in 1921. found the family back in the U. S. A. and Sandy worked as a pants maker, waiter a nd lirivate chauffeur. the latter leading him into the a utomobile busin ess, renting and selling cars . Next he became a radio technician and after his dis· charge from the navy he was in the "resort game" until 1937, then owned and operated juke boxes in Illinois. He came to California in 1944 and got interested in the real estate business and recently opened offices a t 634 Coast Highwa y. Associated with him in the business is C. F. Dennison. a n old- timer in the game, and Russell D. Baker, who is recently out of the service and is well known in the Harbor area. The store features meats. frozen foods, and has a unique "vita min ba r·· for the display of fresh vegeta bl es. Woody Cooper is associated ,,·ith Goossens as part O\vner a nd man- ager of the meat department. Fritz" hobbies are his ranch and the growing of fine fl owers. He is president of the F1emish-American club of SoL1 thern California. His fa ther, brother and l\VO sisters are still in Belgium a nd last week he flew over on a long-delayed visit and will stay several months. during which he has prom- ised to act as "foreign correspondent" fo r the News-Times. His hobbies include jujitsu. rifle and pistol sho6ting and wa ter sports. Steiner li ves at Costa Mesa with his wife and son Michael. "CH UCK"' SI\tlTH-ne\v o"TICr Balboa Central Market (\\"a11 Ralboa.l\l eat l\larket & Dellcateuen) 708 E . Central-Ph. Harbor 2729 Bob Callis Dl11hibutor OE...VERAL PETE (FLYL~G HORSEPO"-"'"ER) 227 tOlh St.-Sewport-Pb. Harbor 191 Howard W. Gerrish B.UlTFORD FIRE ISSURA...._,CE CO . Phone Beacon 6151 1808 ]-'ewport Blvd.--Costa MINA, Cal.U' • MAC PELLETIER N ewpotlt Pharmacy !108 Ocean Front-Pb. Barbor 5 OLADYS BEV.:RLEY Realtor-Broker Beverley Realty Company 50'7 E.. Central-Ph. Harbor 1188 Balboa Thomas F. Norton Pron. BAY SHORE CAFE Plaone Beacoa 5'7.&5-1 1tll & Cout Blwa1 SERVl1'G 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNlSON, A.~e.te a.& Cout Blway-Phoee Beacon 51 '7! Larry Ewen-Owner Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. 1'796 Newport Blvd.-lleaeoa 51U DA.?i,IIA LOPTIEN, l\1ana2er Orkfu's Department Store Ready-to-wear. Beach Togs, Piece Goods Infants' \Vear-Household Ware Phone Beacon 6165--ln the Heart of Cc>Ata Mesa Donald J. Harmon . BALBOA HORSE RACES Won. Woa.. \Von Main Street-Ba.Ibo& ANTON HERSHEY Prop. Hershey's Market Spot Ph. Harbor 1000--Balboa Island NELSON STAFFORD • GERALD LIBERTY • . A-tanagers . . Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newport Beach -San Francisco -\Vilmington ' San Diego -Stockton EU;CTRJCIANS 1000 Cout Bl .... Ph. llMcon 55%% ----., -..... aou-w Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe Pedicure and Manicuring '7DS' E. Celltn.I 8a"b1a PIL lla.rbol' 1911•1 Thru the Barl>er Shop Lou is Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge !O! MAia 8beot-llal-..._ -r ,,._II . Braden L. Finch · • Gen Mgr. Finch Ceramics FRANK A. AND MILDRED WALSH Costa Mesa Paint & Hdw • Sherwin-Williams Quality Paints Kelvlnator Appllance8 · Beacon 5180·.J. ~ta Mesa. ISl.2 Newport Blvd. Dr. Robert A. Crawford ')PTQMEI'RIST l '79% Newport Blvd.-Co.ta Mesa, Callf. Phone Beacon S81S I Paul 1 Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet Pb.. Barbor SSl-Balboa Pavlllon 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor Ull Coaat lllchway-COrona del Mar, C&IH. Pia. Ba.rbor 83 Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Telepllow Beaeon 5U1 aDd 54S% IOI Cout IDPway-NewPQrt Beacll, Clallf. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage ""--·™ ut IOtll SL-Newport Be·c>r, c.nt. ROSS GREELEY ''PIK-UP'' ea.-"-"' -lee c-m 1llaltod --Bot Dop -CoW ci-tt-!M ,...._ .... ,. Waller Apple_llclq,__PrUdpal Beach t,'ity Merchant Patrol Aad Detectl... 8enloo UM Ooean'Froat-Newpo~ Barbor l Ul·B Theodore Robins FORD DEALER !118 w. Oonlral Phone Barbor !.8 Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER Beal Eatate Broke ,._Yacht and Ship Bl"Obr 811 Coast Blway-Ph. Beacoa. Ml' C. F. Dennison AMOCl.ated with A. "'SANDr' STEI1'"ER -Realtor ISi Coast IDP,""lly-Ph. Barbor !51S Jack S. Fred V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 Newport Boulevard Phone Beacon 5808·\V. CMt& Mesa JOSEPH L. MARSHALL UFrancols", Mananr Christian's Hut Ba lboa T . LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen 107 ?\fain St.-Ralhoa Hotel Arcade RICH:\RD L P . .\.TTERSON Cl,iJ EngineeM> Patterson & Boyle SpUf'R"f!OD Bldi.-P h. 5915 -Santa Ana 246 C.Oast Blvd. X orth-Ph. 5122-~guna Capt. B. J. McNally McNally'" Balboa Boat Livery 705 E . Bay A\•e.-1,h. U a rhor 406 E . C. "POP'S" LUD\VIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Games on Coast Play Ball "·ith Dolls B . B. Rifle Range -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Calif. Geo. Weiss L. Elaine \Veiss Coast :Properties Co . Real lors .. 70S E. Central-Balboa-Ph . Harbor !658 W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Ph. Harbor 8."-SOI l\l aln SL ! . jack H amil ton Beacon Sea Foods NE\\1 SPOT 1186 Coast llighway-Ne"'port Beach, CaJU. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob. Stationery, Card§, Art SupplJee S06 Main St.-Balboa-Ph. Harbor 8'78 Robert E. Arvin's J ewelers and \Vatchmakers 118 Twenty-Second Street Newport Beach. Callr. William MacCurdy \V. H . !Skip) Calkins MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc . NAVAL ARCHITECl"S M. E. Niedecker, Sec. & Treas. 1215 Coast Hl"·ay··Ne\\'J)Ort Bch.··Beacon 5615 DON NO R MAN Norman's Meat Market 2000 Central A \'t!.-Ph. H&J'bor 806 J.E. Ragsdale (Owner} Balboa Motel and Windsor SIG E.. C.entral • Balboa Ph. Ha.rbor~S~28~-- 917 E. Centnil Balboa, Calif. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. BALBOA ISLAND VARIETY STORE • VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" l&a Newport Blvd. -Co.ta Meaa M. L VAUOBN "Tm no 'heel' -my 'sole's' in this business" Modem Shoe Repairing eo.t Mma -8 . W. Newport Ave. Dutch Heacock ROME BUJLDP.:B W J:. Ba;y P'rollt-Pllo..,. Hubor llO: -1UI Balboa bland EARL W. STANLEY , llealt.w Covering Greow-Newpdrt Harbor nl 11arb1e •a .. aa We., Rn-t.r lTN ru·Oout -~.., ......___ J.811 SW tA!atnl Aft.-Newimt ..... • • • • • • • . ; • ~ -. • - ' • • • ; • .; • . . • . ~ • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • ' • ~ ; ; ; • . • • • ! -. . • • ~ • ' • ~ • • ; • ' • • ' • t . • ~ • • ' . . • ' ; • • • • • ~ • • • ~ • ~ • ~ ! • ' • • ~ • • • • • • • • ' - •• • *· «>mw T I ,, • I RISE IF A ked Co d IM !~.~~~.:... --our s . .,. 0 . RT·ff the roN'ew~ ar N&WFOWi ... __,,.,.......,... llsaf!I" a NEWPORT-BALBOA l'i!EWS-TIMES ,. PROFESSIONAL DIRECToRY ...... llalled i:Yel'J' TDeoday ....i Tbanday Atienaoom. v-.... xxxvm I f f I f s Beam By BESSIE L BEXED•CT Costa MeM Edltsoe P9blJMed. Every WedM1d•J' Volmme D The President v~toed the Cue or oa s Bill. The message reached tbe •v Jo•• DD••D•• Mrs. Lee Shiplev. 242 Heliotro~ Subs<:ripti08 Payable in Advance:-$2.50 per year In ,.,__ Coun~; Ho 1~-th !Ith d " ~ ..... ~......... ..., use )'es t:"1'Udy, e . an an BEA.Medd.Uap avenue. has as guest for three $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8tb zcne immediate ,·otc "'as taken, Th II k Mrs Ch 1 ------h Four applications 10 construct rough the e orts of a bunch "_"E'e ·s . ar t>S Nichols, Aus- Entered as Second-Class matt.er at the Po6toffice In Newport Beech, w ether or not to override the or fE'lJO\\"S \\'hO ~·ork at Consoli· tin. Tl'X3S. :.Lrs. N"ichols lived here California. under the Act of March 3. 1B19 \'eto. Under the Constitution. the piers in various parts of ·Ne\\--port d · o-y have •--n r-1·, .. • 1·0 th"" dated Steel, Newport Beach is uri.ng the "'"ar and California • 'c.itl.'.' must be taken by yeas and 00 un: '°'"-c ~ ... de h · ~A .. l\lEYER ---Publisher nays, and the question beirig past rew "'eeks by the Engineer-representro in the aew softball ma sue an Lmpression on her, PHONES: NEWPOKT U ud U ------ '· 8. WHYTE D\OOXS T.AS CO:SSUL'l'A.Jn' Au\horb:9d bJ' ilia UnlL.!d St.a&M noeu. Uf7 °'1>M1.mtll\ lo retlrl!eeD\ d:tsl~ I.a cooONUoa. '1th i.ocome ta,z maniers. .&.CiDIT8 • S\"STUS 8001l&.SD'~O ~Ul,CS om. iWM ....,..._ a1.-... c .. i. •tsa ~ ..__ l!rB9t"" F . G. FROST ---Editor . · ..i -~ A 1 ., K day night ov<'r at Huntington i only for a ,·isit. Her Texan •0r~cr S"Ai\l D. PORTER General Man~et l anS\\"('r(.'(f is: ing Office o'[ the \Var ~tment league "·hich got unden,·ay Tues-s1he said. that she had to return in-LA.RI ngc es, accoruing to en-~--...&.E.o w. F . OLXO:--J Advertising Manager "\Vill the House. on reconsider-neth P. Peel, chief or the }{arbor SC'ach. friends say s he is not a loyal !~------------~ 1?rinlin4 Plant. 3011 W. Central Ave nue, Newpon Beach, C&lifomia 1 ation. pass the bill, the objections and Shoreline section. Th<' fellO\\"S, "''ho call their team Texan, bilt she can enthuse a list-• of the Presid<-nt to the contrary the "Steelers."' are in the league ener \vith a desire to visit Texas, Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach nc.t \\'ithstanding?" 1 Dra"'ings sho"';ng location and purely through t heir O\\'TI efforts so vivid is he r description of its A De dabl Local Jmtltuti t ave 37 y p ans of the proposed \Vork are pe.n e ' OD Or" r Mn T he vote \V8S 255 to pass the on file at the Engint'ers Office at and are not being backed by any-charms or varied climates and bill; 135 to support the \·eto, and -1 S F one, as arc the rest of the teains scenes. So it looks as if her affec· 7;, o. igueroa street, Los An· L '11 absent or not votin .... Sin<X' a in the Iea .... •e. Other teams, ''"hich tions are s till "deep in t!1e heart to gelcs, and interested persons are b.. j t\\·o·thirds vote \\'as requirC'd. 5 invitro to submit objections based come from Seal Beach and Hunt-or Texas: Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor I '21• ?7?1 Lakewood Al'&. Los i\.np)ea NOrmandy ~ ~llORIAL SLOCIATION :;n;;tJfA:. Active Member of of those \Vho \"Otcd nay, \\•ou ld on na\"igation interests befor e 1n~ton B<'ach, ha .. ·e had their 1'fiss Jarciuel:rn Rust, daughli'r have had to vote aye, or fiffl't'n l\1.onday, June 17, according to equipn1cnt furnished them by som e of ~trs. Ruth Jefferson\Rust. 3ff7 Cl...l.Jlri"'ICAL Lo\.BORATORY more ~tembers \vould have had to Peel. .. business concerns and are being :!\lari~old la\"enur . \\"a!' ~ndURtC'd ,..--------------. hf:i therc and vote aye. to pass the ,\pplications arc as follo\\·s: sponsored Y.;th an interest. Ssturday, 1June 15 from USC and hill. The 'vrto \vas S\Jstain<'d. By J . E . Hutch('"S()n, 3411 Finlcy The Stet·lers ha\"<' had to chip rl"C'C'1\·ect 'C'r de~rff of Bachelor Please Note, Gov. \Varren: Clinical Laboratory Otlk:e hou.rs: 9 -•:30 and by appointment TELEPHONE HARBOR 838 28.SS \V. Central A\·e. Of the Californitl delegation, 6 avenue, NeY.'PQrt Beach, for per-in to buy enough balls and bats of Sciepce. She ,,·ill have <'i··;.1 1 \'Ol<'d ,to PJ'l!llS thP hill : 1:1 voted mit 10 con!truc.·t 8 \picr with ll\.nd-to get through 1he leagu<' schedule months ·'''!Jrk in as m::r.ny h""pitdls to su.o;tri.in thP \'toto, 1tnd I ,,.,.rl in~ noat 81 ba>"'·ard end, to be nnd arc not guaranteed support in line 1\·ith her Occupational Failure o·f legal ancl police authorities to e nforce the full absen t. I voted to pas.o; th£' hill i("o("sttt>d in front of Lot 6. Block from any organization or even Therapy .!ours<', \vhich "'ill help I lctl('J' o f the traffic };:J.\\" b.Y se\·erel)· ptlnishing the m oronic 1-\s I asked in a previous column -134. Canal S{'('tion, on t:he north· fron1 the general public. 1 her choook.-the type of hos pital . -h fl I . l t 't ct . t ro· . v. hen the bill first ,,·rnt throt;ch t astcrl) !"idi· r:if and extending 30 All the frllo\\·s of the team arc she prefrrs to \vork in. as the '----------------' moto 1·1s ls \\' O :.1.~rant y \'IO a e Cl y an . s ta e O inn nces IS lhr l-lousr, how ,vould il hur t fi••·t into the Ri\"o "\Ito \hannt•I. cn1ploycd br C'onsolidatcd Steel . .\rmy. :-.:a\'y or childrt·n's hospitRI. O . .\Y SCHOOL 1 ot:1ll~,r 1"C'Spt•nsil1lc for the mounting cleath toll o n the hig h -1 lahnr"'.' n \\"• "'C'rly arnl of :'\E>,,·port Bay. but lhe cornp.'lny has rorb~de the :\tr an1' :\trs. Grorgl~ C(ln,,·ay, ,.-------------- \\'3\"5 . 1 ·t1f'"'-.l' atttho rities l1;tve \\'it hin their pD\\·cr tl1c It \\·01lld h ... ,.,.. <T"'I''"' :4n inrlr-f:y ,\£nt's De Gnrtano. 26\H U!H' of tht· t'nn1pany nan1e in con· 3i9 Poins t tia avC'nlli', in rompany Mortimer School · f I h h bee I . . h . J"l('nr!• nf Fo•rl :-;'11 )ll'diflt ion R<'llrd Stnnr r ;i\'C'n Uf'. Los ;\ngf•\1.~i;;. for nection \\'ilh th£' outfit and is in \\"it h :\Ir. and )Ir~. r:.obert RPC'Cl. mf•nn~ t u en Of"('(' tt1e a''" butt e~r a\·e n en1cnt int c ir 1, h• .. ,-·ni 1 h 11 p . 1 ,· . . d ,,0 ,, .. ,,, 'l"''''''r1·n· ti><' boi·s Some N.,,.1~r t ··ht '' d 'I ,... 302 Coral 0 tt.lbo• l•l•nd • •• 1 ....... 1 <'! v 11· rl·~u 1·n pt·rrn1'1 loconslructp1•·r \\·i1 hlan -·. · -,., ·· '-..., £'1,., s .. r.~n ,,·rs ~. .p.;_ - I E.T.~O.D. ~-EYEB µAJ1INED LE..'181:8 DlJPLJCATED Gaw. ............. ...,...,. .1114. w. c-t...I &-. PIL. ........ till NCW.OST 11&.t.CB Margaret Darst Corbett anno11Dtta the opcnlng of a bra.ach 8Chool of Eye F.ducaUon. E. Neff Woods, D.O. Instructor Hoar.: • • &. -• it,. Appel.c:.e.t 60% So, Bay Front Bdboa h~ ft-llarbor t0U SURV!:YORS Raub & Bennett Sun -eyon and En~een 1808 Xe",X.rt Bl\·cL. Costa Mee.a Telepllone Beacon 5&)8+W 2617 \\'.Central Xe\l'J)Ort BM.cb. Telepbone Harbor I!! I PH\'SI Cl..\XS tt SURGEON'S. M.D H. R. Hall, l\1. D. Ph~·1'11clan and StlfX"OO. dt1tie.,.__f 1)() J(•tl iL'll t for i he pliblit good. There a rc sorne po· It \\'Ot!ld h;i \"f' ·.'.l.ull1(1r\1 ,.fl . Th i<{ in..: f!o:i: a l IJ<lj \\·ard t'n d. 1o t)(' puhlic support lwhind Ne,vport Pcl<'rson, l·luntln)'.::lon Park. ~tr . Grade!: ColleJte, Prtparatory • J u~-~ j•i ·t ict'~· hri\\C'\'C'J. ~n() :-iontc police departm e nts, too, ,,·ho Board t <l try anrl <;"'f'1lrP pi ·.ll'<'fnl \<'t·Hti d in front of Lot 2. Block Il<'ach'~ O\\"n nlit::h t hl•lp a lot in and ~trs. \'illiam f-f ('\\"it l, GardC'n SU!DIER SCHOOL o"""" ·ire f"'l'i o n~il1" t b'i r duties . For especia l commend~tion . <"tth·mrn'< or all r1;,pulr< wh;rh i\Jli. ('an.fl 5,.,·tlon. on tlw south· mok;n" the softh"ll league a sue-Grow, nn ~Ir. nnd Mrs. \\'errrn G. A. Olortlme•, OI. A., ·~~1:n1 ISi Broadway Costa "'- ... \\IOUld nffM"I thf' c;rnt'ral puhlir• •·:-•;t,•rl~-.;idt• n( and r'.'.L\.•nding 30 ('('SS. !\lessing, nade a\'<'OUe, Ba lboa, Prtnclpal Phone Barbor 652 1 '--------------' hPl"(' ~ll'C' Jtt~fl f'PS c:rooksl1ank of Santa Ana. and Gardnrr of lt prnpo.;rd m"di<lfian. C(IHC'ili· {l'I f 1nl0 !he Ri\'O r\11 1• C'hanni.'1. Thl· locnl outfit \\"ill probably attended t c birthday party t::i\'('0 !\\.~\\'port lk'<tl'h, 11 ncl also the S.:tnta Arla po)i('e dcp._trtmerlt. ~!inn. ,.nlur.11ar·· ·1 rhi~r:tfln•i \\"hilt a \\'t·~t£'r\~ arn1 or l\'l'\\1>0l't Bay. play' g:rod haU :\nd is !oadcd ''ith in honor o ~lrs . 1'.I(·ssing at Lake· I-lours: 2·5, by Appointment Te lephone Beacon s..._q,i.s I,., ,,·ronr-,,·11h thrtT"' 11 \\·rul•l h~,-,. 11\' r·annii' :\1. Rlak(', 615 3filh l'l"a i 1al{'nl. 111('y recrntly \vallop-v<ood <:l;.1 . I..ong l~·ac.-h, F'riday 1\11 11 11£'(· .ire adn1 i nislt..>rir1~ tr1cir o.1 t}1 to the best of tr.rir i:llJil-1 ·~ . d-' '1 1 '1 · d r . . . ~ _ . r .. ,u1rr m::inag('mf'nt :l n( :l "lflr strC'Ct, N'C\\"J1()rt SC'a('h .. for permit 1d a.n r\lpha Be-ta squa :om night. ity atlrl m o ronic-n1t>tor1s ts get tl1Ptr JllSl dCSSC'l1S \\'l1e11 the)' to r"fr11in from ,·iolrnrr. nnd it 10 ronstruct a flo..1.t ,,·ith Junding ! llun11ni;:-tnn Tkach h~· lh<' lopsided J\lr. an~ l\·lrs. 1-larold \\"il!'tnn, t.·on1£~ \\"ithin t t1e1r jl1risrlictio11s. B t1 l n o t all mis ctemeanors ,..<::1;1hh"h"d a ro d·i y<:: "<'onlinl! off r1n.'l1 at ha\'\\'arc1 end. 10 l>e locat· sror<' of 23-3. 320 Iris a C'nur a nd ~1rs. \\'ilson's b)1,n1nronic mot nri...;t.i;,; happen in the cities; most of thcn1 O<.'· rcri('lrl" l"M"fnrf' :"I .::1rik1" ('I r a lock· i·d in fron.t of i1nd c xt,"nt\1n~ 30 This n<'''" ll"'a~uc is a stC'p in parPn ts l\1 . and Mrs. $\\'iJ::C'r, 314 nut. ~t1rh a plan i'" alr1•nd\ in feet into th{' Ri,·o 1\\to Cha~nt"I !hC' ri!::;hl d ir \.'('tion for organized Larkspur .venue. \'isitrd :\Ir. ;1nd ('Ill' wtfle C'Ottnt~· ;.i nct s tc1te l1igh\\'a)'!'. That's \\'l1ere thC' nla-opi•ratinf"J ot;U('f"'<'c;sf11Jl~·. ill ;\!inn•'· ;l \\t"o!' 1"~\ ;irn1 nf :Se\\"J>Ort Ray, I c:ports for '.'f'\\1)()rl ttarhor a nd it l\Irs. Ed. JJ art and familv at For· jor (")()rtion of n1otor rlC';!ths :1r1J serious accidents happen. c:ntn nnd ('1·-1\\'hrrr I~\ ll '11 llPmntL'r. 1530 E~st is this scribe's opinion that a rest Hom~Thursd;1v. l\irs. 1lart And \t."hilc (llt tile subjec t of l1igh\\'3)' accidents. \\'e \\'Olild It o;r • ilJ1 n fac t findint' prn· (;;1··~1 ·y. F::l ;I.Jonte·. for p<'rmit to \cngur. con1prisC'd or t<'P n1s spon·, is the sist r of :\Ir. \\"i\son. redUTl'. f1,r rii!<pt1Tr-< •11\,,l\·inc 1."Qnstrurt a pi('r ,,·ith landin£: flont s~rt•d by SP\"t•r;i \ n1crch.ants in the l\1rs.'Fr \\'ad\C' 0 y, 211 l\1 arigold Like to knO\\' \\'lla.t the state hig h\\"<l)' p.1t1·ol in Orange c;ount~· puhlir u1ili ti<'s. \\'hat is \\Tnnr: nt h;.i~\\Cll'd PrlCI. to I)(' Joci'l t<'d in C'1ty. c:hf!u ld hC' s1artC'd tn thr l-Iar· a\·cnue. l'n ertain<'rl at dinnC'r Sun· is s upJX>SCd to be doin g thCSL' da)·s. It has l>ecn 111onths s inCT' \\·iir nn 1l ft (n1pt to ha\"C' !'('lffiC' rra· frl•r:.~ of l..Qt ::. lllvck ~36, Ca~al ho~ ar~·n and somC' r('al fun could da~·. Fathfr's Day, in honor of \\'e l1ave SCPn <l hig ll\\'a)'· pc'1troln1an OT1 the road bct\\'C'en Ke,,·. o;oniih lf' proiecti0 n ai::<lin:-t stop-~· r·11nn. on thl' sontlil•nst<'rly side dc>,~lo p. h<'r husba~d, i\lr . nPcl l\lrs. t:•'•~­ rv>rt <111{1 Costa :.'fl.'Sll nnd Santa Ana. That rot1t e is t he tnost tpoinc:i::,,rS:1r,~~C't"S nf'('r..:: ... 1r.v to lifC' 11nrl o t ;i nd rx1 c nd1n~ YI fct•t into the ~'."'tl_i·y bet\\'('<'." t~e differ~nt C\ea\'cr. Lqs Angeles. and l\1r. anti I" -·• ,-_ 1~1:\1 1 0 ('h;inncl. n \\'!'SIC'tly :t r1n o[ SC'(ltons of lhe atra ~'ould t>C in· ;\Jrs. Frt"d \\'adll'Y Ill. Santa !\Ion· flagrantly ,·iola tetl of a 11y \VC' ktlO\\I. Tl1rre is n't <l dcly or n 11 \\'ould hn,·f' a11thnri1rrl la h0r 7\"i '\\"JlOrt nay. ll'nc:e And liarbor r('S1dcnts \\'ould ica. ~-trs. ~ea,·c~ is !\Ir. \VadlC'y·s n igl1t that sr1nlC' onC' of mnn)· careflll clri\'ers isn't alm<>"t union" and rmpln• •·r~ tn 'Hlr C'nrh --~ bac-k l h l" vrniurr o n thC'Se \varm daughtl'r a d Frl~d \\"adlev Ill 1:1 nth<'r . in 1:\ rlf'r:1I (~our1<::. for -'l t~l)lf'.\I . Sl'l'l'l.IF."-H\" .·\IR sumn1rr ni~hts. son -scarL~ ot1t of his \\'it.s l1y a {lamn moror1i(· cl1·i\·er ,,·h o Ct1ts in hrrarhf'!i'. nf rnntr"lrt ... r~olh \\·,~utd Oth1'r 10\\ ns havl~ 1hi!' setup-· I t I F'i glU'I'!' j::n th1·1·1·<! rron1 fi!rs of \Ir <ind ~trs llo\\'3rd Rnrnl'S anr 011{ Of l 1l-. fl'~lffj(· a ne, endafl!:!C'l'ing the Ji\'e5 Of his ()\\"ll ha\·p fO fl'"'tllllf' C'f!U:\J rrsr)('lnc:1hi1· \\'ll\' not !\'('\\-port IJarbor? . r' "· • ' · ..... 1h1· ,\rm\, :-:a,;-. '.\l nrinC' ('urps, • ·ind d;iught r &\·er]\· 410 ~-n·cis pa.o;;.~11~f·1~ a" \\"t•ll ilS riclers in othc1~cc1rs. 'I'l1e m ajur part of iiv ,,, Ii~·" L~P to a sii;:n<'d agr('c-R('rl C'ros~ .111d Ht!~rr 11r"':-i niz:i1 inn' Rt' \l\fi·ntion" ' ' · · · · ' •• . . . 1 m• nt . \\ h~t <: \\"rnnc: \\"ith lfi ·1 t"' .., JI.:rbor 11i~h's fOf'ttba ll prospects stts ri\"enu<'. -;i~d ~1r. BarnC's· n1ot ~· th~ l'l'('\.:.IP:-:s :111rl s1x.'C'Cl.1ng drl\'ers arL' ~-oLU:~ Jt'J'l\:-:. !)tll \·nu nnd I h 1.•·r· tn li\P UP 10 nur '" till' ,\a· "Jr;i~"l"""' ,\o;c:o~i'ltion for ffl:ll srf'nl n li ttl(' dim at this er l\1rs. \\1ilhal]l Barnes anti his h I I ol ,\!l'l•'!'IC':l, shr•\\ lh"l T h total nr n"ph"''' Don'ltl Bro•1·n s~nt th• l t.'1-C a so art' son11' o tlsters atnong them. t oo. ZonPfl lin11ts ;1;..:1·i·1·mt•nt!'. I s:i1 ;11 ~, 1;1 hll· 11 e.r ,,ritins.; not mu<'h is kno\\'J1 of ·-.. · 0 . •. 1~ ... . ,.... ~<;:r ,Of\Cl 11in t~ of hL.:hl y •V>ri.,hn.hlf· d t\ :-tt San L1u' •o Frida\' The mean notl1in!'.! to t}1\r:1 ;1s the\· hit 50 :1n ct !lll r11l~s an il<Jlll' in :--:1n Frnnr\!'.f'r'I. \\"it h """ nf ,,.,, hi .,,fl \1·;1<: n,1,,n o\1'r<:<·~· for u<:• th•' chanN's or 1h<' locals to fi C'ld , . . • i.;, . • . ~ . · . . mn.:;t \\"i ri r·'"' p1thhriti'rl J·il·n!" if t(I· \\·i nnini::: c\ob. ·rl·r \'ar!'tity ,,·ill Ril r nts attended thr n11 n('ral s!_1ci\\' DE~TISTS DR. GORDON E. RAPP DEl\'TIST '!SSS \\"e!lt Centrnl Phone Harbor 4.!!l ·J Xe,,·port Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST 2202~'2 \l1• Cf'ntral. H!lrbor 1480 XE\\'PORT BEACII Dr. \V. \V. \Vestmoreland Dentist 1601 Coast Bl\\"&Y CORON.<\ DEL 1'1.i\R l~hnnt• lln.rbor 2220 ancl so1nct1mes ''hi~ -..c1 clcr.;c bestr!l" n 10l"C" careful clrt\"l"!:... tha t <'r'" nn 1hC' \\\'SI ('(l;1 .;1 , anrl I h''ard h·. ,\1111 rir.'ln fu.:l•TinC! n1Pn . ::\I ed1· hr n \\'ill in" C'noui::h hunch of lads. Sunday at Gl('ndale Aud1tor1un1 ' ·One rlOt.'S n0t knO\\" \\'hen one or t!1e other ,,·ill beco111c tangled hint <::\y 1h;1 t if hf' n1.'1rlP :-i m n· •· d st.,i .•c: shipp.·d ,·in air h;-lh•· nnd th(' :oarhini! \\"il l he good. ,,·hpre $l ,OOO.()(X) ,,·orth of l:::C'ms '.\'a\'Y .1lnnr. h\•t \\"P!"n 1 h1~ f.dl of \\'('r(' shO\\'J1 ThC' o,;;ho,,· ts 1h<' J.'lr,... llJ~ 1r1 a ('ras li. Soni.c> rlav ii \\'ill l1appcn on tl1;1t hig ll\\"a\·. t\Jlrl tr11 r 1. nnd tho·:i;:llt rlur!ni;: th" !if,. 101.' nnrl .Jun1 11\ J')t1, ;i.-:1n•1n '1·d hut j11<:! ho\\" n1an,· i:::amC'S lhe . . '. ,..,.!'---------------' . . • . . -· · flf that f'fln!ra('t rh:i ! hi· ('Ollld i.:"I !it.:hl ._ lll;\d \\"ill \\·in. fronl confC'r-est ever shO\\'J1 . J\·1r .. Barn_cs friend 1f 1t rtOl.~. lhl' Urctnge cot1nt;,· office of tile l11gh\\'ay patrol n\rH· .. fnr hi<: l'H"l"lpli'. h·· \\'nulrt hOI\"(' 1t' l .'.2~7 .o:-.r, p<111 tt<l". 'fh(' ,\rn1\ r nc<' fQ"s is a in;\l ter of no little Jack Frost or llann1ng ,_,·1th \\·hon1 l'.\'SUR1\_._"\'CE llll l"'t sl1a1'\! some of tt1e blanlL'. 11<"1 hrsi111nry in br1 akinc thr r••n· mO\<'rl fi,l)()()Jl<kl P'1und'.' of mrrl · ,.,,njrciur('. ht' has taken many trips to the en\ 1;uppli1 s from l·:n t.:land to th•· desert'. and the O\\·ner ('If a lnr~C' \\"e·f(' r1ot IX"jng too l1;1rs}1 o n tr.e Orange county office of tr;1r·• I think l h11 1 l,!l!i!urte d£'-contin1·n1 \'ia nir het,\'rC'n Au~us1 \\"1·ntly Pickrn1; h<ls only t\\'0 h . · ~ · . . . . . "trn~.: 011,. ff•aturt' of i\ni ... rh·ri n first ~lrin~c·M; fronl last yeRr·s ealcit(' mine, had a t able C"Xhibit t e s t<ll(' t11gll\\'~t).r p a tro l. Tl ie~· deser\·e thts cr1t1e1.s111. l1 ]if,, flnrl husinj•"s nn \\"hiP h \,.,.. hn\·f' I and Ol·c.·.-n1her 14, 19-\--1. i;:qunr1 r1•1urninc hut hl' is count· thC're. th<•.\· IM .. rf<Jt1"l1C'<I ~1n~'\\'l1crc> r.l'<l l" as \\"Cil as the rema ir1 dcr of ' h11 il1 '"" rnuntr\", r c•nfidf'nrr is ----1n1; nn somC' of \asl Y•'<ir's B S<Juad ;\Tr . and :\!rs. ~tuart Di<'hl. 508 ( .\IK 1•1?.f)1lt·<·t: l'l .. \~T Goldenrod a\"enue. and :-.tr. and tt1r "l a te.~ l1igh \('a~· j);ltro l in other parts of Californin. \\'(' Cf'r· a n .n:;rf'"11~··11 t. 1 ln rC'11 .• nd out n s1 a r1 in~ C'l<'\'Cn . It . I Id .. . It ,~ .. ut.I llrl\'•' fnrh•drl··ri Th!' l .(1~ \'\G f-:I .F:~ ,_\ pt'(l('f·ssi11~ I' pr1 tly rrrtain thnt th<' squad l\trs. Jat' !\1cChl's nc>y. I~ttlbo.::.. fl:t- ta111 >. ,,·ot1 IJt\ tl1e itrst o n es to praise t l1en1. \\'e cc1nnot ap--.. ~, ,, .. 1,1,.0." l't"l \C'!'il t .. ;_,_.,. dnn't iirid pack:lt:ini.: p!."l lll 10 prl'p:n" ,,.,11 bt• lii;::ht hut ii should be 11•ndcd th<' baby sho'''C'r given 111·1 1\I"' \\·l1c1t \\"C' <lo not~('(" ltcre in Ot<mg e l'Otlnt\·. \\'L' h a \'<' liki· 11111 · 1n (·.11i Jn1 r111 :t lrt'atl' fr<'!'h frtut and \'('t:t•tahl "~ for pr••lty spc'cdy. \·lrs tian1on Skinner hy hf'r sistPr I · I ~ · 1\'I I 'I · 1 1 ' 1· h · t I 1 ·11 f'!oro~hy '.\1cC'arty of Holl :."'"ood, :-.t'f'll t lt' act l\'e roac r)atrol \\'Ol'k done on the high\\'i:l\'S fl'(11Il ' i:. >: Hllj,( 1llPI ..• 11 ' • ,t.tn• IC: rall"!!fl!'l;i loll y rur IS n. )(• lUI IK•Jlt' rron1 Santa :\na during Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE • That's Alf LlfE • FIRE • AUTO MARINE, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y 714 E. Central, BalboA Phone Hirbor 2597 to I "· F . d f th I 1 · h hl' rlr a\\'n into 1:1.hor rnnflic.·ts" Thi" h} •in o'"l!;1n11:1t1nn co11 1:i,.ting of ~i>r;n" prti"li"c> s;iys that the' Saturday. Tha1 is, the ladies at-·11,:rnmC'n o .;>t.1n • ranc1sco an rom e re o par s on t e f·\rnt 'r. knm h 1. · . · 1 r ,. i·r · 1 · .. .. .. -tC'nded the sho\\"<'r and the n1en , 1 :-. \' O\\" , :sn.;tr11 us 11 C'IC ii o n 1 ornia s ar~i'"t )'.::rO\\'-C'hn.nipion~llip f;:linls ,,·ill be ju.st Otlt...;kirts of I.OS A11gelL~. \\"e'\·e S('{'n h igh\\·a~· J)<1troln1c·n 'ln c"ui tu tn th'"'-\\ h• ~1 ""I' ju"i•·· •"rs rinrl -<hipp"N \\'ho «0hip n tolril gathered at thC' home of Horace ,.--------------. rt . · ' · • ao: s trnnr: C'On1<' l--.111 :-t!' 1hC'y \\'C'rc l'ortC'r of \\"ls:\·:,°V'ci. 11.crtha Skin· acli\·e clut.\· in thl' \·icin it'-· of Ricl1mond ,0 nd Oaki"nd, ~. 1........ i{'11 r.1i r,1 1t'<;linn" ;1r' in\••l ':1 d . nf ,,-,ooo f'·1r -.. or 1X'risl1 nhlo:-pro· 1 rl · Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. ~ " ... .:.·~ ,..,_-· · ' \V ~ · . ll!'I so."\son. · l<'Y \\'er(' a n11tc ton nC'r anrl 1'.1 a rif''t :\lrlhf'snf'•· \\'i ll cially on tilt:' coast road fro n1 Rirhmonct to Alban)'. \\"c'\'t.' ·r1i, .. bill ''~·uld h '\•" .... 11 i!iir(f d uce :i )rR r . ith .. CAP<l:ity of strong last yrnr for any othrr unln11s fr1u nd g11i1 1y n r oh,lr ucting 3U l<1n<;: A dA y, the p_lant \\"t\l pre· I school in th£> Southland and he remcn1bc>red as the pleasant sec-n tl1e111 fl<l!.! dO\\'n s1:>Cftiing motorist::; ancl \\"C'·\·e \\·itr1C"!'Scd c-n11lr1•.'"('•' hv r11hh.-r\,r1r 1•:<tnrtinn rool , rlC'an. 'vash. 1r1m and p.'l~k· emerg"C'd as ·C'IF chnnlps. clerks \\"(' had .::.t the-poi;;t offic(' the decisi on~ that \\'ere handed out by some or t he J"t1st iecs Ot>t•S honf'SI lnhor ohif'C'I to !hat:' ~[!'.(' produc-t~ fnr airborne ship-I here a couple of years a~o. The It Ir! h · 1 R('pnrto;_fron1 l[untini:;ton Ikar h Port e~ Ji,·ri;! formerly on Jasn1ine in th<1t pnrt of the state. \\'r can <:.:lv tl1at t1pstate the hi c~h-\\·ou a\'t" r1'(1u1r1'( join! lahor-me nt. ,.,._..., · n1a n.1~t·m(•nt rl'S \'l<in:o:i hillly (or the --------say !hat the Uilers ,,·ill fi eld a a\'f'llU<'. \t"<.\)' pc1trol is cloin g a S\\'ell job tr)'·ing to reduc.-e the traffic toll nclminisir:ition or such funds as f't .R\'ES KEEi' Pl.A~ES IS AIR squad of bchC'n101hs and could be Marilyn Hill, daughter or ~1rs. "II• ~af!JC! l ndi.-.alee II• Char~ter" DO:"'lt' JER.i.,'IGi\.'\ Phone Harbor 2M·R 308 1\-larlne A,·e. Balboa 11'1. on the high\\"<lYS. Bt1t ,,.e cannot say the same for the l!JXl-tht" henlth-1tnd-\\'elfar" 1unds se1 \'f'ry slronf:. . . . Or ang(' has a J£>ssie ilill. ~42 1-leliolropc a\'enue, t I Th TI1r hasic secret of kccpini;:-an nt'.'\\' roach and arc out to make 1, a nd hC'r fricnd Jane Gra("(' of Rat~! r------------~ trol" in Or;:tnge cou11 t.v. up in rccl·n "'"'\ AgrPt'mi•nts. e · 1 · h h ' k c-d h I Senate' put that pr('t\'isi0n iri th<' airp anC' up is I <' I IC en s ape !his ~C'ar their long·pronlisC'd \\in· boa. returned for the sumn1er New York Life Insurance Company DON R. DURANT bill of thr ''"in~s. more sharply curved ning one. from the Uni\'ersity of Oregon on lhe u1>......,r than on the Jo\\'C'r at Eug0 ne Fri.day Atom • R • The bill said ror('men could i·oin ,.~ .. , . IC USS.a surfaces. Thus the air has to 11n11Hl!', hul it \\nuld h;:i\t' lefl •t :n OIS POS \L Of' \\'AR \IRP Tr<tVC'I fnrthrr ovc>r the upper sur-1 · ·· · f · ORTS The a t o mic bon;ib is n ot the o nly \\·eapon \Vhic h is flour-employers to recognize thete aa fact'. creating less pressure 1han \\'ASl·IINGTON -i\irport fi eld tht• barga1nin~ !lg('nts for the forl'-bclU\\", 50 that the gr eater pres-men of lhC" l~i,·i l Aeronautics Ad· is hing o n a n e \\' basis of interna tional ri\'alry \\·hilc Russian men. This is part or thC' aroumcnt · · t 1· " sure bclO\V creat('S a strong liflin~ n11n1s ra ion are nO\\' invc>stigati ng and Angl~American policies disagree a t every drop of the over ,,.ht·thl'r fort·n11 n ar ~ part of fore('. The push of the air against and making recomnlC'ndations on h a t . A s \\'alte r LipJJn1ann has pertinently a nd sagely ob-lhe "'np!oye(' ~nHJ • 0 '" 1vu·t of th<' tiltl'd lower surface also con-son1C' 700 surplus airports. The Re· White House Cafe I . managem('nt. I do not think it Is trib6 tes 10 the lifting for ce. cons truction Finance Corporation f'.el'"'\"('(. Cl l'CVl\'ed Germany m ay be the result o f the continued sC'ttlftt J'C't. This se1.·t ion ho'v"v"r ·11 h h r· 1 .. .. '''I ave t e 1na say in the dis· I Angl~So,·iet dispute O\'er control of occupied territory. Tl1e I did not su~~t·!"t tht~ '"In. ..R,\OBS .. IT JS posal or th<'sc airporls. Phone 3182 Laguna Beach, Calif. danger , he h as pointed out. is not tha t German\' may fall tm-Theb.Prll es1dent Ask,·ed ~or a S<'-~ \"C're 1 to contra uruons and Th£> ohserY<?lions of tcmper a- dcr o ne contro l o r the other, bllt may rise as the bala11ce of s1up s1r1k1 ·s. ltr propost'<I. <t tf'nl-turC', prc>sSure and humidity made pD\\"L'l' bel\\'C'CO. porRry hill. ThC' Congr~s ~nvcl"' hy ins trun1cnts in frtt balloons Next, put Gennan\· a nd t h e atomic bomb t th r d \h im 11 much less severe bill. aimro "~~. trans~1itt_ro _by radio ground .• oge e an at a n10r<•f>t-m1&nt•ntpro~rrunof''1 -1 thr1 ~t aTLons arf' callrd )"OU t1a \·e so 1n1.. .. tl11ng Ilk(' the 1'C'al danger in \\"Orld contI'O\'e rsy n1a1 n1 .i1nini: p<'fle(' IX"t\\"(•<'n lahor ··raobs.' t oday. Nor is this st1eh a n ltnlikely bracket in itself. The and ni;i nAe:cm.'nt. 'fhl' Pr~s1dl'nt ------------ Gcrn1ans. in fact . hact alt·Pady thou(Tht in jtist such te rms be-· vet.~ th~t bill. N?\~ "'her~ arc -<ound1'<1 the s~n1c.· note. Congress .:. .. \\t'. 1h1· :'.\L"·'· York r1n1rs said tht• is \\"aiting to sf'e \\'hat th£> r ('aCtion fore e\·cr~·ont' gut lo get l1C'r a 11d beat then1 to th<' finish. L est \"r to ,,·us ··profoundly dishenrtt•n· nf the people \\;II be> to the veto. \\'e forget. just ;1n occ:asional brtts hing up of 011r n1em o r)' o n ing " '.\tosl_ pn1x·rs h·l·re. son1l' uf ·rht• Prrsident's £'n1er1:l'ncy bill is 1 sucl1 poir1ts s h ottld 11l'iJ> tis to SC'C n1ore closel,y ,,·h ere ,,-e pro--~ thi•n1 dl"c.·idf'dly pro-IRhor. ha\"e s 1t11 in the SC'nate \\'ai ring action.' fess lo disagrce. At lC"ast it \\'Otil dn't do Rt1ssia an\' h a 1111 to i;:;;;:;;;;:;:;;:;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~;;;;;;;;;; 24-Hour Radio Service H01'CE. AUTO. ~IARLXE RADIOS REPAIRED Burt R. Norton 915 Coast ruway Deacon 5763 Newport Beech. Callt. 428 Orchld A\·e. Harbor 1164·1 CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. . Ray Nielsen f!l~k-and Attklf'nt PollclN P hvoe HMbor 2289-.1 ':13 E. n.,. A.-". Ba.lb• I '------------'I >IORTICIANS I 1---- Harold K. Grauel Chapel "\Ve Ourselves the Better Serve by Serving Others Best" Phone Beacon 5610 Costa 1'1esa Callfomla OONn . .\D RICHTER. M. n . Physlclan a»d S urgoon 120 E. 18th St. COSTA ~IESA Hnurs: 10·12 11.m.; 3·5 p.m. Phone Beacon 5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill Ph~"SIC'lan a.nd SUl'KflOO 2209 Coast b1vd. NEWPORT BEACH -l'HO'.'E!'t- Of!l!'l': )l,.,r t'(lr 1?!1•1-\\' ltf'~!,lt>nrt" Hnrh"r ::1'6-R It ~0 llUP'"f· f':lll ll11t!Jor ~ Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 \\'t>St Cc>ntral Ave. l\'E\\"I10 RT nEACH !'hone ll:trl'-or 1tl::'I Millon M. ~laxwell, M. D. 1601 ('oa~t HJ,,·a~· l 'nrona de.I !'llKr Office tiours: 10-12 : 2·5 Phon6 Harbo r 106'.! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Ba y A""·· Balboa ff nrbor 1124 4 l:t S. 11111 S t .. l ..o<i Ani.:e-le& T11<·kcr 1612 Dy Apf.>0in1n1c>nt T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbysician and ·Surgeon 3-109 1\\'t>sl (."1·ntral Telephone Harbor 602 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PH\'SICIAN a nd SURGEON Telephone Harbor 2!18·J Dr. W. T. Mooney Ph)'lliclan llDd Snrgeoo !\l.ntb and Oe:ntraJ • NORMAN !lt'Il(ON, 111. D. Pediatrician Certifi ed by the American Board of Pediatrics 1007 G11vlota Dr •• Laguna Beach rem ember ,,·hat German~-c1h11ost ctict to the So,•i e t bcfort.~ e\'eryune DID ge1 toi;elher. Rememberin g tha t Ge11nany diet tf1at ,,·itl1ot1 t tl1e atu111 bottlb, it \\'ould be best for R·t1ssia. also. to ag1'('(' 11ot to disagret."-SO tha t no one e\.·er h as the final combination. Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ONCE AGAIN OPTO,U:TRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETRIST I Telephooo Laguna 1-163' Laurence B. Dorcy, M. 11· Physician & Surgeon ·Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting • . • off the Newport and Balboa Piers Pleaty of lli-e Bait Available George Hiner at EM of P\en • . . • 2100 Oct-an Front Newport MALTS • NO\\' OPEN EVENINGS SAND\VJCHES • HA!l!Rl:nGEns Ill NORTH . .MAIN iT. , SAM'S S·EA FOOD SPA k1A .... ....., Offers You the Finest Place to Dine· In Orange County: All New - - - Even the Location ... One-Half Mile East of Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern Califomla in the Serving of -SEA FOODS -- ALSO YOUB kind of STEAKS -VISIT OUR KUCHEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market .... o.-&:1111111•*7 . ~ Eyes Examiru:>d · Glasses Fitted 1791 Se,vport Boulevard C'OSTA IDtSA Scotch--T<ape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES 321 lllarine Ave., Balboa blaod Phone llazbor !6!9 Wagner Drugless htM4tule Dr. Wl1bm-C. Waps Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy 111:!0 Cout Lopaa8-:h r Super Food Market Will Be Modern in Design, Equipped With Latest Improvements Construction of the new home of the Greater All-American Mar- ket. wtuch ii to be built by Wayne Hutchinson of Downey, at 81Pr820 Cout highway, Newport Beach, wu well.under way today. The new market. which ls one of three owned by the Downey buslneu man. will be Installed with $50,000 worth of fixtures and will have the lat~t improvements poa1ble ln a fagd merchandising highway is the building contractor and H. J . Wood of Coeta Mesa lo the foreman on the construction job. E. M. Smith of Udo Island developed the property and will lease the building to the Hutctt. inson enterprise. Fullerton Opens Summer Classes markeL The Summer School of the Ful- 'Tho!'re will be nothing like tt lerton Junior college opnlrd Mon- anywhere 1n this end of Southern. day. The seuion thll year will California. It will be complete continue for eight weeks. 0Ule'S with five check stands for record-will meet from 8 a.m. to 12 noon. tng the purchues of commoc:tities. Monday th.rough Friday, and 1lldll It wtl1 have grocery, meat, vege--be opened to high school and col- table, and liquor departments. lege students. 'llM!'T'e also will be a drug store College studenu will be per- and a delicates.sen concession. mitted to carry as many as e11ht Moat interesting feature or the units for credit durln& the aeuion. new market will be a self.wrap-Among the collece courses to be p ing meat counter. Packages of offered are algebra, An;tertcan in· meats will be individually wrap. stitutlons, analytic ceometry, cal· peel In cellophane. There will not culus, chemistry, physics, poychol - M a butcher behind the counter. ogy, Spanlah, shorthand, trlgon· Seven refrigerating lockers will ometry, typin&: and zoology. How· contain fresh meats, and these ever lt 15 understood that all lockers wtll be open to the view classes will be offered for which of eustomers at all times. there ts a sufficient demand. The entire market will cover 1-llgh school subjects will be 13,000 feet of floor space and offered for students now enrolled there will be a paved parking lot in high schools and for non·hlgh in the rear of the establishment school graduate veterans who de- wbere motoring customers can ~ sire to meet the requirements for accommodated at all times. It is I high school diplomas. Among the expected that the new super mar· courses to be offered are algebra, k et will be ready for business about August 15. Gordon B. Findlay of 3410 Coast chemistry. civics, English, phy!ics. gometry, trigonometry. U. H . his· tof-y, typing and shorthand. Registration will be conducted Some Have Fun, Others Swelter At Mesa Fish Fry Probably the ones who bad the most tun out ot the Uons club fish fry carnival at Coat.a Mesa last Sunday were Mn. Harold K. Grauel and Lynwood Vick. Balboa laland real estate broker. Mrs. Grauel was garbed as a chief of police with a huie silver star futened to ha blouw. Part of the time ahe wore an old blue policeman'• coat, wtth the belt hanging down the back. Nobody had a safety pin for cy!na l t around her waist. Vick WU aarbed with Cowing beard and whilken u an old· fuhloned type county jultl°" of the peace. While "arrested folk," meetly men, sweated un· der the hot noonday ""'· the :led&• smiled comfortably under a wide wnbrella and lm:poeed dollar fines galore. Sometimes some of the "arrest· ed. tolk" wen placed ln a wire cage, which had a sign on tt reading, "Costa Mesa'• Ftrst Jail." Arnone those who really got the worse of the hot sun'1 rays were the crowd of some 200 people who came to tee C.olta Meta·Newport Uon club's first carnival. There were no 1hade trees where even Sheriff Jeue L., El· Uott and his crew of deputy sheriffs could go to escape the heat. There was a rush for the beaches around 3 p.m., even nylons didn't keep all the crowd at the carnival grounds. Hundreds of Vets Apply for Homes On Army Base . ROOF.S APPLIED OR REPAIRED Free EsUmates & Inspection Wi J. Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012·J in the office of Adult Education. More than 5(X') veterans have Administration Bldg., high school made a pplication for the housing campus on Thursday and Friday. units bf'ing converted from the ~unc 13 and 14 Cr~m 9 a .m. to! form('r barracks of the Western ::> p.m. and fr?m 6 :30 to 9 p.m. Flying Training command near HO\\'CVe r , reg1strat1on m.ay be Santa Ana. according to Cy made on any day or evening ~X·1 F ('atherly, ma nager of the area. ccpt Saturday. F or further in· \\•hlch will be named Casa de formati.on contact office of Adult Santa Ana. Education. . s H 0 E s Re paired \l'hlle You \Valt Ray . Pagan 515 East Bay Front I Tt is expected that the firs t 60 'of the 98 units will be completed S .J\TlOSA.L Gt:ARD ~\IR FORCE by July 1 and officials are now Prl'Sl'nt plans being ·developed in the process of scr('("ning ap- by th£' Army Air Fore£' call for plicants to determine the most 84 air squadrons of 16 planes each dt'servintt of the hundr~ who for th£' :\'ational Guard Organize· have applied. • .-I ' . Cadet Hansen Of Paren · ..q • .........., ... tllat dt:J-Ill -...-~ rn.m t11e --~~ ~ T.· ;.1:.:''::.1: WU 17% yeSra of,.._.qe. UJd tm- medJately ""!'&ht to aJlltlnue !di oc:hoollnc-He sllldled - army m11en at Stanftrd untftr... Illy for a yeer, and another - at Amh<n< ~. Mua.. be- fore takinc the entrance exwmine. !Ion for Weot Point. ·#~ ' . ' ' OOMZT ON WAY& I"-* alao9i to bft Mr ftnt tu&e or M.lt water at •r , ......... a week ap II -()ow&, -_... ""ldac --by Bay Klmi.D -oldppered ..,. lalm lllltL Tiie little lad:r about to ~ '!'i bott.16 Oftl' tbe bow .. Uttle Pat.7 B.artmaa. irftaddallcbtlM' of Klmhe.11, ftenlred by Mr. -llln. IW'll! ..,,,., -....S at -c1utoteo.1,.... Tiie 0-t ls -Jl4'lllC lier tnde dally ,_ tbe lttll 8t. lu41nc --photo by Kent Hitchcock Bob Wagner Leaves Navy Robert P. Wagner, son of N. A. Wagner, 3706 Channel place, New· port, was released from the navy last week after two years of serv· Ice and work with radic>-controUed target aircra!t. Frog OutJumps Field in Lions Derby at Mesa Upwards of 2800 persons paid admissions totali.og more than $2500 to partake of the fish fry and to share in the prizes offered by the carnival given by the Costa Mesa·Newport Lions club at Costa 1'1esa on Sunday. O'Hanlon's Son, Larry, Graduates Newport Beach is a.. second home town for the Dan O'Ha n}on family of Fullerton, for the \veil kno\vn realtor has had an office Ray Samuel Hansen, 19, ot Newport Beach. who was recenuY NON-PBOFlT Am appointed to the United States F'OlJNDATION Military academy at West Point, CLEVELAND-Ovlc and -- N. Y., returned this week for a ness ~adttl: hen have formed a vlslt with hll po.rents, Mr. and non-prdlt Air Foundation wblm Mn. Hennan Hansen ot 11128 lo offerina ICbolanhlpo to -6- 0cean Front. vance aviation. Private Hansen Dew by airplane ;:::==========:::; from Amherst., Mau., to Dallu, Texas, and from there to Bur- bank. He Li one of 25 aoldien from the entire nation to gain entrance frcm the army rankl to the ui:-tate New York institution. He is now on inactive duty and Ls under orden to report to Weat Point on July i. A natl~ ot Bell, HOJWen r;ot Carr's Feed store Hay and -Or.in Qulllty Feedl -f- Dallr~- 111'1 'Nw,.n Bhc. 008'!'.&. ...... DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE '"" Fresh Daily Ddlcloull -Foodll Or, comp.-te equipment when you want to catch your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVE ~UE, NEWll'ORT BEACH Wagner . who ,tras a chemist "ith Pioneer·Flintcote Co. before en· tering the naval service, is a graduate of Loyola university and plans to return to his postiion in chcmlstry in the near future. The program, engineered by Bob Skiles and Jack Ford . former south\\'estern showmen, a nd now of the Ne\\'J)Ort HarOOr area. in4 eluded a frog jumping derby. a baby beauty cont.est. a balloon as· cension and a pct sho\v. here for n1any years as ,veil as in 1~~~:::'.====~~::::~~~====~~~~~~~~~~~~~u the la tter city and the family has Record Crowd Visits Beaches Record CTO\\'ds visite<l Newport 1-l arOOr beaches on Sunday. spent much time here. Loo I -• L . · d ~ h Th!' seventh and young{'st of the p. cgg .. '1.1 1zz1c, a arr.: orse in th cfrog family, out jumped all I O'Hanlon children. Larry, gradu· other sponsored frogs in the frog-ated Sunday from St. l\1ary's pa· jumping contest and took lhe first rochial school. F ullerton, a nd next prize tor . o .1to . Dodd of Costa I year \\•ill be the first time since l\lesa. L1 zz1e Jumped 12 feet , the school \vas founded in 1922 \vhile the other frog~ croaked out I.tha t the name of O'Hanlon \\'ill at four feet. something even Pete , not appear on the school r oster. Cooc-y of the Santa Ana Register . Q( the previous six graduated \\•ho stabled one or the frogs, from the school three are in edu· couldn·t understand. cational \\'Ork. VENETIAN BLINDS Wood • Steel • Aluminum Fast Senice -Fl'ee F.stimates CaU Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino -Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Othl'r fr~g·sponsors were in· Peggy, first to be graduated, is clined to agree in the general no"' a nursing sister at St. Jo--Phone Long Beach 45S·28 Long Beach Next door to Bay View Cale 9Lm.to8p.m.. I lion. The 84 squa.dron~ Ylould be The Federal Public Housing located at strategic P:D•nts and . 721 administration is in charge or of them \\'Ou.Id be fighter units. converting the former barracks Each state \V1ll have at least one in to one and two-bedroom effic-- unit. 1 r ---------------------------! icncy units and some "'i 1 be ur· The fire and police departments had no accurate estimate of the number of people "'ho "'ere \i sit· ing all the b<'aches in the area. but conditions were such that every a\'ailable parking space was used. r.Iotorisls who arrived at the b<>aches shortly after 2 p.m. found it dirficult to get a space for their machines a t Newport Beach. Many were turned a\\'<O' and went to Balboa, \vhere the same con· dition was apparent. ()thers just rode through Ne\\'port and Bal· OOa and wl'nt home again. cons£'nsus of those in charge ot seph's hospital in Orange. Dan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the fT'og·st ables that either there jr. is a graduate of Loyola uni· was something wrong with their versity, Los Angeles. and joined frogs or else Loop.L<'gged Lizzie the Jesuit order in 1939. He \viii must have had monkey glands be on the teaching staff at Loy· r---------------------------' ni shed and others unfurnished. it \V8S Sa.id. Riding Apparel and Saddlery, English and \Vestem Al Sherwin 205 No. Broadway, Complete Line of n 'earlng Apparel for Men, Women and Children Riding & Sport Shop Santa Ana Phone 6722 Go all the way by Greyhound -Because Greyhound bas an ageot in your community youc:ao buy ooe tick~ right where you arr, to anywhere Eut ... aod ba.c:k. Go ooe way, return another, if you like. Greybou..nd offut a wider choice of sceoic routes. mott daily ICbedulea, better-timed dcpa.nura _ .. for 1-rost diaa ""7 other wry to travel Round trip tick.ea NYC nea more. Piao your uip as you like ... or your local Greyhound "lft'' will gladly do it fo r yoo. e•I W&Y J&lll ....,Y_.. o..u a.ac.ee ••• ~ w_.•••-·. u.1• Pitt•• ,,. • ,. .......... ary. tt.n .... o.t.-. M..te • ''-,,. {wW.J .. C. C. Swafford, Agent 608 Coast Highway Ph. Beaeoa M22 ~ GREYHOlilND UNIVERSITY WANTS A IRLINES EVANSV1LLE-Purdue Univer - sity no\v has an application before I t he Civil Aert nautics Board to operate an experimental fttdl'r bc>t \\·een this city and Chicago. The University, \\'hich offers sev· cral aviation courses, believes such an airlinl' \\'Ould provide practical instruction for students as \\"ell as aid aviation gener ally due to the intensive rC'Sf'arch \\'Ork tha t could be accomplished. Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-AU Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Maio St. Phone 20'7 SANTA ANA Both fire a nd police depart· mcnts \\'ere certa in the crowd had reached its peak at 2 p.m., and it ,,·as the largest gathering ever to \'isit the beaches here. ,,.RITER'S CRAMP American planes flyin g to Sout h American countries have to carry as many as 527 documents relat· ing to cargo a nd passengers. All the documents must be certified to by the captai n o( the plane. FOR INSURANCE SEE Howard W . Gerriab 1808 N ewpor1: Boulevard OOSTA MESA Phone Bea.con. 6151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written GORDON a~ FINDLAY CONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER Office: s.&10°0out BITIL CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T . C. JOHNSON, Supt. I YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW!' ' All Highly Skilled W otklnen. (:,; Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent g ood will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable price;s. PHONE L. C. BEAN Harbol! 2645 \\'hich helped her to manipulate ola this fall. the 12 feet to the consternation Eileen is Sister Mary Kathleen, of \Olitnesses. teaching at Eureka. Thomas saw Somrone else reported to Bob \Var service in the Pacific and is Skil<'s. gener al chairman, his finishing his education at Loyola. opinion that perhaps the Ouid He is married and has a baby used !or the frog test had been daughter. Ka thleC'n Rose received tampered "'ith before the der by her credentials from Mt. St. Gas Heating & Ventilation ---··--- CHARTER & PRESTON State U censed Contractor HeatlnK' lnltallatlons Make Warm Frlende took place. Loop.Legged Lizzie, Mary's college, Los Angeles. to they said, had nb t used this flllid teach in secondary a nd elen1entary and ther£'fore made a better schools. H er sister l\1arjorie \viii ! RMlden~ Pbonea M8Z or %985 jump. Loop-l.R2ged Lizzie refused be a sophomore at St. l\1ary's I \ luslneu Phone MM l ~lo~cr~oa~k~!~o:r~p~u~b~l~ic~a~tl~o~n~.--_ _':n~c~x~t~!~a~ll~.----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8tt All 1 FEATURES -Yo1 P11 lo lore 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. O.nuine, .,,...war, Dupont 'Weather Tnted" Thermctl letting enamel, or post·war enamel if d•ired. Enamel "Cheml-fUMd" to m!lfol or coa~ng with - clal -ior binder. Ovon-bakocl, thermal controlled to chemical .......tton to onamol-glvn tone flnilh. 9lvo precision tm••th, glau-- Thennal controlled, a,,..,_bakocl -mol 91Yoo 9rantt.- llke finish of .,_ beauty. Special woathet-prMf hoaln-1 soah -molttuN betw.-m-i and ......i. Gi-llthf-llripplng, long lmtl<'lll finish. hwy car hand oandocl and Nt.bocl to 1m "" a "'-I< lwurlon finish. Ha-'1 "7-nt" ~ 91Yeo you• paint lob tftat retktl WNther, oxidation, wear abrmioft. -••SYUIME ~-- • THERHAi.-s£r Jobs "'!~;£/;;,-,;:, UITI 1111 -· ,i. --/ PHOIE&Dal. • • • . WSCS Members Hear Stories of Cape Cod; Pledge $1000 to Building Program of Church • • Flaberfolk of the west learned at the piano. ot Cape Cod mariners and their I At the business session, pre- lllstory from the days of the sided over by Mn. D. W. Holtby, world-famed clipper ships and the members of the four circles which modest beginnings oI Swift and make up the W .S.C.S. voled . to Co. ln that section \\ith the sell-give $1CXX> toward the building Ing of meat from a push cart and fund. Mrs. J oseph Bodman was the importing of bananas from appointed delegafe to the confer- J amaJca by the United Fruit Co. ence at P asadena June 28. De-- • Harbor Lt. W. A. Kemper Released From Active Service The speaker "'ho told o( this votional leader for the afternoon Interesting history (lt the meeting was Mrs. J ahn Fischner. her sub-Home t~ week from Seattle, of the \Vomen·s Society of Chris-ject being "The Spirit-filled Ufe." where he was released from active ti.an Service held Wednesday at It "'as a nnounced that Mrs. duty was Lt. {jg) William A. Otrist Church by the Sea. was 1 Fischner would be hostess at t~he Kemper, U.S.N .R .. son of :Mr. and Mrs. \V. Waldo \Veller, who is here next meeting of the Newport C1 r-Mrs. Arthur A. Kemper, 900 with her husband, Dr. \Veller. I cle on J une 26 at her home. 3016 1 Ocean boulevard. Corona del Mar. Dr. Weller is here from Ph.ila-Coast boulevard. He expects to spend the summer de.Jphia for a month. heading the . enjoying life at home and regain- $35.000 buUding campaign of the ~1.r, and ~lrs. Leo Snuth, 110 \ ing 20 nettssary pounds before church. )-larine a\·enue, Balboa Iseland , entering school in the autumn. 1'1 Ed...,·ar1 d tsurns ga ve the are parc>nts of a so~ born Jun~ 151 \Vith one more year to go. he ·mus~~! program, singing a vocal at St. Joseph hospital. He weigh· hopes to enter eithc>r U.S .C. or number v.·ith Mrs. Louise Hansen cd 5 pounds, 14 ounces. U.C.L.A. LJTTLE \VOMET' DRESSES ,\LL TI-lE NE\\'EST ~ATERIALS I:s'CLCDlNG , SANDS\\'EPT CREPE IN PRl'.':TS. STRIPES, WH ITE AND PASTEL ~IA~"Y STYLES AND COLOR COMBINATIONS SIZES 9 TO I5 Cfbe Frances Norton Shop Q).,esses * &portswear §ECOND & BROAD""AY tS8 Second & B roadwa}' Bldg. Large Assortment of SANTA ANA Second Floor Wool Yarn, Cotton Rug Yarn and Canvas Threads Steel Knitting Needles Embroidery Haodmarles for the June Bride THE NEEDLEPOINTER 118 E. Broadway Costa Mesa Entering the navy in December of 1942, Lt. Kemper served in the South P acific for 18 mon ths as commanding officer of a L..C.T . He wean the Asiatic·Pacific Am- erican Theater . Philippine libera- tion a nd Victory ribbons. and has four battle stars for Iwo Jima. 1 Okina '''R . Leyte and the Philip- pines. At l\VO Jima his craft car- ried in the l\ilarines and hC' v.·as I standing by y.·hen the historic flag I raisin~ occu.rr<'d. I Si nce returning from ovC.rs£'As h<' has been slationl'd at Astoria and j P ortland. At Portland he "·as commanding officer of the L.C.S . 1 116, th<' di\'is ion na~ship, and I di\'iSion conl.mandc>r of L.C.S. Di-! vision 72. He recei\·ed his com- mission from Midsh.ipn1an School , Columbia uni\"ersity, N. Y. C o untry Club Bridge Season Closing Mrs. \Varren Fletcher and Mrs. Lee Metzgar were hostesses at the bridge tea. last to be held a t Santa Ana Country club far the season. \\'hen ten tables v.•erc in play. \Vhite c hiffon da.isies and yellow tapers made a pretty pic- ture of the tea table and pouring \Vere Mrs. Robert Powell and Mrs. Charles Nor ton. Social chairman this month is 1\-trs. Gaylord Tohill of Balboa. The bridge luncheon for .mem- bers o nly is at 12 :30 p.m. June TT and there \\ill be no bridge parties in July and August. The Comu.s club semi·formal dance is Thursday evening, June 20 and hosts are Mr. and ~·trs. Gilbert Platt. Dr. a nd Mrs. Perry ~============================'!Davis, ~·tr . a nd l\trs. Aay Trevor-~===--------------------------,1 row and ~lr. and 1'1rs. John Pier- ffBOVE EVERYTHlnG Y_o u r b Io u s_e_ 210 1u S..n ;" MAOEMOISRLE' • w,-JOU"CJ •• -. a·, .... t .. ; •• a·s 9'71• ....U. ~-a.o;, loy" w-. ... ;-1 5ttle nrflle ., ........ :tt.. dMp yol• to moh you lool an9"c. W""'- ·~ble "'!"" -crepe •• wt.it• ancl _ cclon. sc ... _ )2-31,. Play Pals Street Floor son. Stamp Enthusiasts Invited to Attend County Meeting The J-f arbor Stamp club met Thursday e\·cning: at the Mesa Radio shop \\'ith the vice prcsi· dent, J . 0 . Jt>nkins presidin~ in the absence of Pr('sidcnt Kent H.itchcock. I t v.'as proposed as an amcnd- mc>nt to th(' by.Ja\\'S that meet- ings b£' held the first a nd third Thursdays of each month instead of every other Thursday and this v.·iJl be voted on at the next meeting. Lan Franco invited the club to meet \vith the Orange County Philatelic association Friday eve- ning, June 14, at his home, 1028 Richland street, Sa nta Ana. The balance of the evening was spent tn discussk>n and trading. The next meetl ng of the club will be Thursday evening, June 20. TOGS • • Stream Orkin's Department Store I - Feiniriine Activities ~. George Devenish Named President of St. James Auxiliary; Installed Sunday New officers were elected bya ------------;._ • By Winifred Barbre • ~sta Mesa Lad Plays Host at First Social Event Residence Phooi! 1637-R Younger Set Enjoys Moonlight Dance At Wakefield Home the Women'a Auxiliary of St. • ,.,,,.. EPls<'opal ctiurdt at the Bal boa Circle to last meeting of the year, held Insrall Officers Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Kellipg, 2124 East Central a\•enue. Balboa. ?-!rs.. \Veb- ster of Lido Isle \\'as assisting hostess and Mrs. Ber t B. Bre\\·er and Mrs. Frank Cunningham Sunday afternoon at the home lbree young Balboa Ialand poored. / of h1s grandparents, Mr. a.nd ~In-hostesses, the Misses Diane Wake--1'trs. CUnningham presided a t Arthur Donaldson, 210 Knox field. P eggy Trine and Dot Wright, the business session a nd after street, Costa Mesa, ?-laster John entertained v.i th a hard-lime the re(X)rt offered by ~lrs. George Nicholas Scelsa m observed his dance Friday evening in the lo\'ely Yardley. chairman of the nomin- first birthday with a party for patio of Mrs. Blanche Wa kefi eld"s ating committee. the follo\\;ng of- young friends o( his own age. home on Grand Canal. ficers were elected· prn"d . t The meeting of Balboa l.sland circle of Christ Church by the Sea, v.•hich v.•as postponed from last Tuesday, election day, will be held Tuesday, June 25 at the home of Mrs. E. 0 . Varley, 201 Sapphire avenue. I t \\·ill begin with a pot-luck luncheon ser\"Cd at 12:30 p.m. and birthdays or members observing their a nni\·ersaries in May, June a nd July "'ill be honored. At the business session ne\v officers "ill be inst..'\lled. MIM Carol Wold~nberC. daqh- t~r of Mr. and Mn. H. F . \\'ol- denberJ. t SOO \\rest Cenb'al a\·e- nue, \\"hose footprlnb. moulded In cement, \\ill this )''eek be placed at Grauman's Chinese theater, H oll:rwood "1th those of the stars. l'\tlss \\'oldenbeJ"K \\'a.• ch o§en by popular applause "1nost h1•a\'f'nly isolP" on lhr Los AnKeles campu.A of the Onl\'er- ~lty of Cali f ornia ln a r ettnt ('OUt~f. Silver Anniversary F o r Mr. and Mrs. H o llingshead Gordo n Hollingshead. ~1.G.M . di- rector, and Mrs. Hollingshead re· ccntly celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary Bl their summer home, 119 East Bay Front. ~rith a buffet suppcor for members of the family. l\ilrs. Hollingshead was pre- sented with a Sheffie ld si lver cof· fee urn which completes her set. and there were flo\vers from nume~ous friends and cablegrams from mernbers of her fami1y a nd other friencis in Norway. In the a fternoon she-\\'as guest of honor at a foursome of bridge at the home or her daughter. l\1rs. l-1. R. Ring, Balboa IsJand, v.1ith l\'lrs. Brev.•er a nd 1'1rs. Tom Hen- d£'rson as the other guests. At the' supper \\•ere ~1r. and ~-lrs. Ri ng and children, Donna, Dolores and Bill. and Pwlrs. Ring's sister. l\trs. Robert Webb and son Jimmy of Cheviot Hills. Mesa Couple Wed In Arizona l\'larria~I'.' VO\\'S "·ere repeated Tuesday, June 11 in Quartz.site, Ariz. by 1\ol iss Barbara Jane Richardson, 219 Ea..::i. Wilson street. Costa l\1 esa. and E\·erett H. Schnee"'<'is. also of Costa l\lcsa. The ~r£'mony \\·as performed by E. B. Hart. justicf' of the. peace of the Arizona city, a nd attending the young couple "'ef(' l\1r. and l\'lrs. H. L. Partridge of Costa l\fesa. The bride \\'Ore for the occasion a blue and '\\"hite dress with black accessories, She came to this localit y from Bakersfield about three months ago to join her parents. who mo\-ed here last year. The bride graduated from the Bakersfield schools and Mr. Schneewels, whose parents now live in Palm Springs,. is a gradu- ate of Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor Union High school. He is a farmer em~ ploye of the Fuller Paint com- pany a nd at present is employed at the Fun Zone. Balboa. • for Fun Beach Park or Back Yard ,r1 -o·- ·~ \ '\. 1 '791 Newport llhlL o.tallma Thett was a cake decorated in It \\'as a perfect setting with lt1rs. George Deve~ish mn~ ga.y colors of red, yellow and swings and tables. patted pl~ts Crysta] avenut"'. Balboa' Island: white, with o~ big candle in the and flowers and o...-e rhead. bright j vice-president, }.frs. F . E. Finster ; Ct'nt~. and there were favon .or !11oonl1ght shining dO\\'TI. AsslSt- 1 secret ary, Mrs. Cameron Tham paper hats. ~ne too\( ~1c-1ng th~ young hostesses "·~re ~lrs . and treasurer, 1\lrs. Ed Rof{ers. tu.res of th~ affair, the m~t un-\Vakef1eld. Mrs; Betty Trine and They were instalJed by the Rev. portant soc1a1 e\"ent of Johns Ule. 1 ~irs-Gladys \.\right. Ther e V.'C're l Ardys Dean at t he early serviCX' so far. maby cle\'e r costumes but those an Sunday morning Mrs. Roger Barrow D.D.F. Hostess Young guests included Stephe n judged best and v.'inning prizes I . · . Thatcher, Lance Collins and Paul "'ere \\'Orn by Charlotte Phinney m The final four dra \\'Jngs \\"f'~{' ~trs. Roger Barro\\" entertained Hart, all around John's age, and and Ste\\'art Gillette. Pictur('S of ade_ for the ~la nket club and it mc>mlxirs of the D.D.F . club Fri· Sa dr Ch 1 b't Id p ts th ff · k b "--"'as \oted to g1\·e t\\'o pe\\"S to the n a u a, a 1 o er . aren e a air were ta en y ....... :.t:nc new h h F . 1 1 day c,·l'ning at her honiE> on \Vest-prcsent were 1'ir. a nd ~1rs. Robert for the &achcomber. c urc · ina Pa"" were : . Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. B. Cot-Among those present '''ere the made for .the dessert bridge to be 1 r:iinster avenue. Ne\vport Heights. lins., l\1r. and Mrs. Grorge Chula l\'lisscs Dolores Ring, Jackie Good-~eld \Vednesday at the Friday Flo\\'Crs ~rom the &ardPn or. tht jr. and J\f.rs. Celia J-tart, also Jim year, Joan Dodd, Herberta J ohn -ftc;noon clubhousf', ~.osta MPsa: hast~ss \\ere used for d('('()rat1on. Griffen. a nd of course John's par-son. Joyce J ones, Jeanne Lou It ~\as 8:nnounced that ~h~ boys . Bridge \\•as follo\VC'd by a n1id· ents ~1r and Mrs John Scelsa Grund Virginia B chm S h choir \vh1,ch has been trfu n1n~ un.1 ni gh! supper . ;\·Irs. Harry Baker J·r. ~·ho have i·ust ;cturned home Best, ' Al ene Sut~ora anB abr a der the direction of l\1,rs. Hall is l hf'ld hiRh score and JI.I rs. Sheldon · ' ar ara near ly read t k · · · · JI S 'th I d 0 " ...... 0th aJtC'r nearly five months in Ne\v Stovall. Norma Fuller. Judy Cat-Y o n1 a e its 1n1t1 a n11 1a <v '*'nors. ers pr~s- Vork Jin l\targie Gibbs Chari tt Ph' _ appeara nce at church. ent \\'ere the Mesdames Ray Craig. -ne;._ Jean D.1acC~llum a~d e Tan;a Ed Edick. Josephine Oquist, El· Seeley; S · l E . ntC'r PattC'rson and Roy Page. Harbor•ites Messrs. Jack Hostetler, Stewart · OCta venlng The July hostess will be Mn Gillette, Bob Robins. Bud Frank· Planned for Lewis Cock, :17th street. !in, John Fowler. Quincy Cass, Local Catholics --- Bill Moftttt, Dick Keller, Bill Pey- to.n. Dick \Vallner, Fred Hope, Dick Brace, J oHnnie l\1artin, Russ Gilbert, Dick Dunn, Don Hall, and Curtis Phinney. Thrift Shop Head Fetes Co-Workers The Altar Society of Our Lady of l\'lount Carmel is sponsoring a bingo party for Newport and Bal- .boa I sland parishoners, to be held 1Thursday, J une 20 at 8 p.m . in the Balboa U.S.O. rooms. The main objec:t of the party is ' far the parishoners to become better DDDD'S 1 Lt. Terrell Roat and his wife, ·P atricia. "'ho \\'ent to mN>t him. new in Sunday from San Fran- cisco. 111e lieutenant has been on \Vake Island for 10 months and J\irs. Root has Ix-en living with her parents. Dr. a nd ~1rs . Lester Lo\\·e. Balboa Island. The Lowes had a busy \\'~ekend for · their son, Tom Thomas, graduated Sa t- urday from Elsinore Naval and Military academy and Mrs. Lowe's b rother , F orrest E. S teve of Dal- las. Texas, is visitjng tor a few days a nd has alr eady brought in his albacore. Tuesday of this \~:eek a niece, f\1rs . Rober t Value of Ontario left with her husband a nd small da ughter Suzanne to make their home in the Ha waiian Islands, leaving from Burbank on the Constellation.... Mrs. Value (l\fa rion Koch), has spent much or her time here. Open Evenings, Except Monday 1'trs. E. E. Boudinot, head or the acquainted and to ma ke for more Thrift Shop committee, enter-successful get-togethers of m em- tained her co-workers at lunch-hers of both Mount Carmel and eon at her West Bay avenue home St. John Vianney churches. Thursday. She was assisted in en-No cha rge will be made, and tertaining by her daughter, Mrs. refreshments will be serVed. Mrs. Burl Aubrey, who plans to r eturn \V. J . Neville and l\1rs. R. N. to her home in the north early in Cunning ham will be in charge. July. . I ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: 1\lrs. Frederick A. Roberts of Portland \\'as a recent guest for t\VO \\'eeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Le\vis Clark Fabian of Corona del M ar. Guests at t he luncheon were l\1rs_ Herman Hilmer, l\trs. Russell Re<>d, Mrs. Fred Catlin. 1-frs. S. A. Meyer. l\trs. Henry Eggert, l\1rs. Bertha Tillotson. Mrs. C. M . Dea- kins. l\trs. Charles Priest and ~irs. Lew Wallace. Red Cross Workers Caljed to Rally ' Individuality for the: "Mothc:r·ro·be -· lf u 1e' do 1t't have: it, we: ma~c: it, )'Ou see! CVonna-V'«arie Shoppe . 616 N. ~fain St. Arcade Bldg. Phon& S608 H. R. Ring, Gr and Canal. Bal· boa IslRnd, and has brother \Vil- liam. 'vho is a Red Cross ofCi- cial at l\1anila. re turned \Vednes- day from Oakland. V.'hC're they were called because of the criti- cal illness and subseque nt death of their father, R. 1-t. Ring. All Red Cross \\'Orkers of the Harbor area arc reminded of the rally \vh ich is OCing called by =-----------------------------"' l\trs. Phoebe l\'lulligan for WC'dncs- da)', June 19 at 1 p.m. nt the Corona del Mar grammar school. ThC' building is just off Coast Hight\·ay a nd flai\8 will be out. ~lrs. L. V. Linsenbard a nd her grandson. Thomas Shedden, left l\tonday far Portland. v.·hcre they "·ill \isit friends on a ranch at JC\\"C'll. near Astoria. and \\'here they may spend the su1nmer. \'v'hile her mother is a\\'RY ~1iss Jean Linsenbard has as a housC' guest her former roommate at Berkeley, 1\-l iss Velora Nelson of Richmond. Mrs. E. · E . Boudi not left this y..•eek to go north, where she \\'ill joi n Mr. Boudinot and their son Bob. who arc on a fishing trip. and the three will look at ranch property. FAC Bridge Section Meets Next Week Ballet Dancers In Two R ecitals 'J\\'O recitals v.·cr£' held by Flor- ence !wtorris' ballet classes last "·eek, one ~·londay evening and another \Vedncsday evening at No. 6 Bay Island. Taking part in the program were Jane Nunan, Hungaria n dance; Dia ne Harbert. toe dance; J eane Briggs, eccentric dance; Carol Pierson, sailor dance; Mary Ann Morey, Mammy dance; Mary Kay l\forris, Dutch dance, and Shirley Franklin, toe dance. Also a ppearing in interpretationa set to waltz numbers were Donna Sedinger, Susie Williams, Micky Nichols and Andrea Cribben. '?<eta~ ""' cottrol tltat fitwt wlilt dolag ltl Tliere'• v"'-;,, s1enc1er--i ,.,. un1cx1;,., ·io..iy figure _. .. Y"" feel r--'fO"' ._..i., acldl to 'fO"' -""" confi._. The s..;u11w $ysMtft wo;b w;ih ~ - . .. relaas -' Nf-'* Y"" wfo"le it helps ......,. off ugly bu1ps. No drugs, llrenwut diet, eMl'Cile, « el1 ctrldly. Titou- _,. ._. ..,joy.d it. H.,._p, ...... ...l,_ __ , ... ,...,_1.,,..~ ... _ ..... .,.,.., .. - Single Trealmeat _·...$1-50 12 Tna'meat. __ .$15.00 Z4 Ttttatmtllt. ----.PG.00 ~ --· U'1 Broadway ~ Beadl Ph. '741.Z ()pell llo&, ~ .... 'Dllll'L llnaillp Anita Colby -"The Face" * * * America's most famous cover girl is certainly a competent judge of good ph<r tography. She is enthusiastic about the Por- traits which Bernard made of her. You too will be equally thrilled if you have your por-' . trait made by - Our Balboa Studio Now ()pen ~ f..-10 A. Ill. to '7 P. Ill. Balboa Inn Arcade, BNboa, ('.alif, 1"'-llarlior 1M8