HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-20 - Newport Balboa News Times' • • THI SAND CRAB ., SAM A l'OLOGIES, Lions! Golly, fellows, don't jump down my throat for everything that happens on a DE!\\'Spa- per!, I'm sorry, and must take ttie rap. What I mean Js the piece that said there ·were only 200 people at the Mesa Fish Fry; that it was so h ot, they left for the beach· that there were no shade 'trees, and that nothing could keep the crowd there. The facts are that it was the most successful event ever pulled in the har bor distridt; that nearly 5,000 people en- joyed a grand time; that gross receipts were $4.600, and the net of $2600 will be used to develop a basehall diamond that will be used as much by beachites as Me- sans. The News-Times yam ·was a damphool article and did the affair, that cost many workers a hard grind. an injustice. Now, please smil I e. • • • Prioritles. Do you prospec- tive builders want a li ttle Info. on the priority angles of your dream home ol t<>- morow ? Well, I needed this and that to finish a house the Missus and me had been sweating over since last Oc- tober, ~o I hies myself to the civilian production ad- ministration of the FHA at 9th and Spring, l..<Js Angeles. A veteran was just finishing with the clerk at the counter, who told him he needed his contractor's agreement be- fore he could get the gt>- ahead sign. The next man looked i!ke a poor, harrassed man, who said he wanted an addltlon to his small 3-room house, now occupied by his , wife and three younguns. ''Is it a necessity?" asked the clerk . "0, yes, sir!" "Then you must send your application to Washington ; If they approve, come back with your blue prints and we'll discuss {he ma tter of p riorities." + + + · '.11.e Next Seeker. I was the next seeker a fter knowl- edge. I told my story. about the priorities I a lready had. the matei-ial I couldn 't get, and \Vhat was the answer ? The man said he would be glad to give me some priori- ties, but that I had to wait until the first of July, as all the priorities were ex- hausted for May and June ; and besides· there wasn't any lumber, etc.. available, if there was a priority. What did I do? Came home, of course. • • • Black MarkelB! Did you say there were no Black Markets in the building game? Perish the thought, brother. And who is re- spons.ible for that? Your Uncle Sam, or his depart- ment heads, who are accused of ·"freezing" nails for one thing as a possible grab and rake-ofr, in addition to abus- ive trade practices. illicit disposal of war surplus con- struction materials. w h i I e profiteering, an ugly word in the last wa r . is ""'ring its unsig htly h"8d. Isn't it true that black market in the btlilding game has been fos- tered by the govenu .. _.1t's own screwy price program; one federal group crying for full production, while an- other demands profitless price ceilings. + + + Clyde lohmoll. This man, Clyde Johnson. bead . of the Balboa Improvement ASS<>- ciation, is a pgetting newcomer business execu- tive. Johnson bas been here only a short time but in ~t period was instrumental ID getting more street lights for Bal.boa, in persuading the • utility company to desist from tearing up the streets in the town's busy season. He recently purchased the cafe and building formerly occupied by Ida Brinkman and la .. pet IClllllble and .m. dent l'IY· • KF.EP POSTED!. 1 y ..,. ...... .. Ill~ SI. 11 Oat ol Ca t.r .. , .. Oat"' - -~PQalilo .. New•T s, Xewpori ._. • • • • I - dgT • 'el' AwM Bu na EMBRACING BALBOA PUUNSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA ,SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPoRT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLtJIO DXVllJ ~, Vogel Says Newportt -Harbor's Future Otizens -. ,. Nelson Stafford's first Big Merchant Pictures Desolate Period for fine Community Unless Qty Amends Ru I es . Cross-Country Trip by Rail · Thrills Harbor Rotary Club Newly E lected P resident Reports on Journey to International Rotary Convention in New Jersey; Trip Packed With Thrills, Starting With Engine Breakdown in Louisiana Sw ampland. Tt:1L~.c. L•• &Lr. ra:.u ra...a:. ""'" ..ell'"'-.-........ i. • .,. tn" ... "'"''l>urt naroor area :tu yean .r:e n1·e. 1hf'.V are the pupll• (lf the klnderxarten cl&M of the Corona del Mer ~r .cbool and. It Is tbelr nnt .chool plctur-e. Aren't they a eate bunch of ldda!' -photo by Gerhardt · Sees Balboa at Crossroads, One Headed for t Playground, Other Leading to Graveyard; Urges People to Unite and Fight for Wel- fare of Town-Others Deplore Attitudes of Moguls at Meeting Riding East In antiquated railroad cars, swamped In Louisiana, with only allgators to look at, when the locomotive broke down, rained out In New Orleans, stranded In Wash- ington, D. C., when the train departed OD time, were some of the episodes of tbe recent crOM-COunt ry trip made by Nelson "Doc" Stafford, newly elected president of the Newport Harbor Rotary club. Waming that Balboa Is a t the crossroads as far as busi- ness is concerned, J ohn Vogel, Malo street, Balboa, mercltant, B d L. I y c 't Sell w·11 I t II pictured a desolate period for the people of t he section UJlleM Oun ary lne OU an I ns a they get together -i do something to prevent t he town from • I 'Crackers Here I Farmer's Officer ~=!':r~: ~0E-': Questioned By I ~~:;;:1~~t0~~~t ~~~;~:';:~ i New Rotary t Asks Suppo. rt o.n :1i~g w:,0 t~;te~~a1r:~~~ Tales of the trip were told~by Stafford at a mttting of the New- port Harbor Rotary club 'in White's Coffee Shop on Balboa Isla nd Wednesday night. Stafford was a delegate to tht! Rotary International convention at Atlantic City. In Stafford's party were former l\'layor Vern Wilkinson and w ife of Fullerton, Phillip Gabriel and wife of Whittier, Frank Crane and wife and Ed Yost and Y.ife of Santa Ana and Carl Hankey and daughter of San Juan Cap1s~ trano. The party together with a large group of other Rotarians from clubs in District No. 108 left aboard a seven-Pullman sp...---cial train from Los Angeles. OuP ti) the railroad strike whjch WAs be- ing felt at that tim~ a train of modern cars did not arrive at1d the delegates and their wives wer e forced to take a trai n ol' a ntiquated Pullma n cars \Vh ich wer e hastily re-routed from all parts of the state into Los An- geles for the delegation. Allgators Bob Around The delegation and trains \VCrl' shunted over Arizona and Texas o n the "''ay east. They arrived In E1 Paso four hours late and too late for dinner . To make up for-the loss of the meal arrang<'· ments \\'ere hastily made to take the party on a sightseeing trip to San Antonio. which everyone e njoyed. J-lowever, ""·hile on the tr ip by rail to Ne w Orleans. the locomo- tive broke dO\\'n alongside a S"-'ampland. some 70 miles fr om the southern city. All the del<'- gates and their wives could do for the next two houn was look out the ear "i ndows at the aliga- tors which were bobbing up and down in the swam~bed. After the engine wu repaired, the train got under "''8Y again and it arrived in New Orleans in m id-afternoon instead of 10 o"clock in the morning which wu the scheduled time. The delega- tion "'as taken to a unique French r estaura.nt which was established in 1840 and for years has been one of the famous spots Hoff man Is Being Groomed for S. A. City Managership MWD Off• • I works within the city proper . off• Labor LegISJat1on ~:~Je;~~';°i~!\~:'oo~ !• w~':: 1c1a s ee~:::17~s ~~tth~p~~~~a=y ,:; Ice rs . ANAHEIM,--June 20.-Defeat or da~o:e~~~ho has been 8 resident , I Monda:t:" aCternoon. and as has hap-the Case labor bill will be ·felt of the community for 28 yeanr, do-pened 1n numbers of past cases, I " •ght h · Oran county" The ofDclah of the M etropolitan the application \llM denied. Nc"'·ly elected officers of the 1 n t ere ~d ~ edi 1 un-clared that Balboa has r eached its SANTA ANA. June 19. (Spec-Water l)latrict are not aatUfted Asking for a permit thi5 time Newport Harbor Rotar-y club will ess V.0 ers ~ . 8 econ-apex as a place to a ttract new lal to The News-Times>-Pol.itlc-with tbe Newport Beach bowldary were Larry Gundrum of 759 Via be installed at ceremonies to be gress1onal .s~ Of s!mflar l~ng-business. He said there are oi:ily ians here Wednesday njght saw In llnie whleb le preHatly etat.ed. to Lido Sowl and Jed Clark of 145 ' held next Tuesday evening in the ra n~e legislation, H. T. Brewer, I two ways out for the community the developme nt of a study for a ~ by COW't decree Oil the llOUt.b Via Wazien botb Newport Bea h 1 • president, Associated Fanne_rs . of at the present time. One would be P lan C charter form of govern-baa.k of tile SUit.a Aaa rtvu . ' . ~ · • Orange county, warned a..ssocJation to make it t he key to a south ment for this city a move to seat ' ln c!l")'lng t~e petition, the ~ty members today. coast playground or else to cater Asa Hoffman . pr-esent chairman Th.le WM tM lafonnadOll lm-coun referred to 8 dty o~n-"Presidential legislation now un-to retired people of Anaheim and of th~ city's board o( trustees. as pru-ted to tbe w:rnben of the ance adopted May 18, 1942, which der consideration in congress is in-Orange N'e'4,.,0rt Dea.c" City Cou.adl a t , prob..lbJU the sale of fireworks adequate and temporary" n.tew.r · its firs t city m•naget . lh•lr m .. ttnr ID lb• Clcy Hall anywhere in this city. 1 charged. "Its etfectlven~ wOuld .. Clteo Palm Sprlap H offman itt if\ f&Uthorjty or1 Moaday attuaooa. · be limi ed to t th t If you start catenng t.o old . . t one year a e mos . people .. he warned "you will bc- municlpe.1 rot-ms of government, Suggesting t~at thE' bank Ot tho A~k Counc·11 If t~e Case bill is at~ched to it~ come ~n elephant's buriai ground." havlnfr made a serious study of it route of th.e rivet may hAVfl bee.n a _nde.r, the case bill would die He stat~ that Palm Spn'n~ for a number of years. He is re-h --• h t the d of It ~ •-changed since t e court decrt:1:U ~t 1 at ~ . 8 year. was at the point in 1934 that Bal-garded as an economist as well as th bo d 11 h I 1 is probabl 0 como.dence that the a mathematician a nd is. well-in-e un ary ne, t e ega coun-y n · · boa is experiencing today. ..I sel for the water district System c & El t• meas.ure would die JUSt before knO\\' 1 was there,, Vogel decla.r--formed on political economics. has implored the beach city of-a ec ion electron season. . . ed. "The people of Palm Springs During a ll the years that he has ~i cials to investigate this possibil-• ,: , ... ..We need ~II-time_ legislation," were in doldrums. They didn't been in office here as the chair-1ty and set the new boundan· line he asser~. not ~tOJ>gap me~-kno'v what to do. Then suddenly man or the board. the m ayor . as for them 0 c N u r('s. The outlawmg of abusive . Hoffman is usually called, has . n •ity ame -: labor tactics should be for all time' things began to chan~e-local c~p-Th<' matter comes up at a time not t•mporary. ' ital _bega_ n to com_• 1.n. to the city Sl)('nt considerable time In the h · f N o . h < w en the city o e"-'port i:X.'BC "Loss to the nation -ulting to give 1t new s pirit. ser\'ices of the city. He has always · · · · h •t l' ,.. ~--as pet1t1on1ng t e 1•' etropo ttan from work stoppag~ ;~ the aut,.,,_ 'foday, Palm Springs is a thri ,_ ut.-..·n in the city hall. if not in his w o· · f · I t .._.., .... .....-ater 1str1c t or perm1ss on o motive, coal, rail and other in-ing JitUe community. I t is the Q/fice \\'hen needed. join its "-·ater supply Sh<'d. Residents of the city of Ne,,·_· dusttics 15• .1:---trousty h.igh," fourth in the entire state in thr Ac1ive in ~lasonic circles. Hoff-,..... R I d port Beach \\'ill have a chance at ~ 1-lo,\.·ever. \. 1ty Atty. o an 1 Brewer declared, "and the loss issuances of buiJd.ing permits. man is rf'garded here as the> prob--Thompson advisE'd the city council SOWf time in th<' near future to will continue to mount if we are "And it was built up again by able first choiCT' for city n1anager that bonding companies have vote on th(' change of the city's i'nactive as voter..." little people just Uke you," Vogel in the plans being pushed by the never hedged on the-municipal-n~me to N_e\.1,.port Har bor, if the :'\ t.:~(tS STAFFC)RD said. He r l"Called how he himself Santa Ana City Charter commit-ity's presenlly stated boundary city co.unCll accepts !he rccoi:n-Heads Rotary 'A I Sb' t' came to Balboa, bought the ma- 1{'(' head('d by its chairman \Vil-line and he added that he dOC's n't mC"ndat1on or the special commit-. nge ee tc>rials of \Vhat was the old Balboa lia m J . Ti.v!ly. executi,·p In a understand \vhy the officials of [ tee of t~e local chamber of con1· Palo Verdes Country club near 0 Se • t walkatho n building, took thl'SC Santa Ana lumber roncern. the wat<'r district system is mak-merce. it "'a~ announced at a l Rl"dondo BC"ach. pens r1es a back to Palm Springs and built a Thi." charter group \vhich was ing such ado about the matter at h.~nchC'On mcctnfg of the board of \ Ceremonies "i ll be preceded by L Be ch building on a coup!<' of lots he appointed more than a year ago the pr~ent time. directors of the local chamber golf and bridge in the a ft ernoon. aguna a owned there at the time. lo study the P lan C charter sys-"\Vherl'Vl'r the boundarv line Tuesday noon. which will be follo"•ed \Vi lh din-"Today, in the same p1ac(' where tern of go\·E'rnmen!, '-''hich has runs to the source of a na\•igable The committee. "-'hich has been ~ ner in the evening. The ins t alla-. '"A ngel S treet ," an exciting r put up that building," Vogel ex- proven very E'fficient in ma ny stream that constitutes the boun-\A.'orking on the change of name tion program will follow dinner . 1hree-act melodrama which New plained, .. I can sell the property othc-r cities in the east a nd west. dar-y lin€.'," Thompson said. adding. proposition for over a year , re-I Heading the newly elected of· 1 York critics said "can keep yo u for $50,000. Hotels grew fast after me ! hC're Tuesday nigh!, at which "Bonding companies have never portC"d that it was diCficult to ar-ficers of the or ganization for the anchored to your seat bolt up-P a lm Springs incorporated as a lime it was announced that the questionfil our boundary iine in range a meeting of the State ensuing year is Nelson 'Doc' Staf-right" wilJ be presented by Gry-city. There was no s topping her . charter committee fa\·ored a city the 20 years that I have been Board of Geographic Names and ford of Newport Heights, who has phon' Productions lnc. at the Little people li ke ourselves were manager form or government. here." !hat it would be expedient if the succeeded Jack Cole, as the new Laguna Beach PlaYho~ Tuesday her builders." :he committee, also reported It Althoug h Thompson. "''as auth-city council called a special elec· president. evening. Balboa Hu Ever ythtn• fa\iored the continuance of taxes orlzed to confer with the water tion of residents. The election may Stafford, a native son and son John Emery of the original Balboa hu every natU:aI re- on real property as they now ..district rouruiel. he pointed out be caUed at the same time as the of parents who are native Cali-Broadway production will play the source. the ocean, the bay, the stand. that he could not see "''h~re the vote on the Me tropolitan water tornians, is widely kno'"" through-leading role of Mr. Manningham, beach, ·Said Vogel, adding that Tway also said that the commit-city can give the said o fficial a ny question Is put, it was noted at out the state u co-manager with a villainous man who la slowly people with a little initiative can t~ hoped to have a charter refer-other description of the Ne'-''J>Orl the meeting. • 1 Gerald" Liberty 1~ the Ets-Hokin driving his Wife insane. Movie-oVercome the shadow that hangs endum ready for placement on the Beach boundary line thari' that al-The directors voted to withhold & Galvan electrical engineering goers will recall that the play waa low over t he future of Balboa. ballot for the November election ready affirmed by court decree. a display of Newport Beach in concern, which has offices in New-given distingulabed treatment un- \\•hen all registered voters ot the "l don't kno'A· \\'hy the MWD the forthcoming Sportsman Show port Beach. der the title .. Gullght" with In- city \\•ill have a n oppor tunity to can·t be satisfied with it," he re-"'hich "-ill be held in August, Bob Callls of Corona de! Mar . grid Bergman and Olarles Boyer-. express their personal wishes on joined. after deciding that the expense who is a member of the firm of Mr. E~ was lut seen in the plan. would be unwarranted because the General Petroleum company, ''The Foolish Notion" opposite of New OrlE'ans. local boat builders have nothing to "'ith offices in Newport Beach. is Tallulah Bankhead and hill other display. both the outgoing and incoming New York appearances include secretary of the organization. "The BarrettJ: ot Wimple Street" AfteT lunc~·~·;;:1egation "a• F1"ve Pass F1"re Charge lots taken on a tour of the Mardi Gras f city. visiling the old F,.nch Department Tests s d lk Stench on Canal Also to be installed "'ith Star-with Katharine Carnell; "Lilliam'' ford and Callis are the six vice-with Ingrid Bergman and "Sky- president& on the board of direc-lark" with Gertrude Lawrence. He tors of the harbor Rotary club. recently appeared in the motion Vogel minced no words in point- ing to the authority which many property owners claim is prevent- ing Balboa from going a.head as a prosperous beach community. He t0$Sed his bombs directly fa t the city planning commission * which he blamE'd for holding back the community. , Qurtrtrr and the ne\\· quart('r and • • 1hE' famous park. At the e nd of I ewa s 1n nreatens Health this inlcresting journey the dele· Those who t'C«'ived passi ng ' J:at.ion \\'as takl'n to the Roos~-marks in the recent city civil serv-I Of Island People , .. It hotel. where suilcs were f ice examina1 ions !or pHot. cap-B d c d•t• These a r-e, T . Weston Jay. Larry pictures "Spellbound." "Blood on Brown, City Judge Bob Gardner, the Sun" and ... The Spanish Main." Councilman Mason Siler, Roland Leading lady for Mr. Emery F or years Orange county has discouraged the prospect of out- side capital being invested in theil' r egion. "That is one reason that 0range county has stood still." Vogel said. arranged for the ,\·omC'n and for tain-enginccr. probaJ.ionary fire-a on I 1on the men. I man lind captain inspector of the Balboa Island canal ieetion, Wriliht and Bob Callis. will be Peggy Convene, New Yor k Local .delegations of members and motion picture actress. Mia of the Newport Harbor Rotary Converie appeared with Mr. club \\'ill motor to t he country Emery in the Bn>adway nm of There Is only orie way that out- side capital can invest here, and that is by an organization getting behind the plan that may be spon- sored by outside capital, he said. \Vh<'n the delegation lC'ft Nt"v Newport Beach fire department "-'hich lies between the small and Orleans at 10:30 o·clock that "·ere: large islands, is in. a deplorable club for the impr-essive cere-"Wuthering Heights. .. monies, \\'hich will start promptly Others in the cast are Fred night, buck('tsfull or rain was Piiot Thrtt property O"-"ners in the condition, Ray R. Reeves, presi- s ff d Balboa section ot Ne..,.......,rt Beach d t t th n --R b"-pouri.ng upon the city. ta nr Roy Gehres of 311 l\1arlne ave-... .,... .: en o e n..n:-ves: u LNr com--• 11 have complained 10 the ci,y coun~ c San Cl t and N said. ..The rain follo"-·t.-u us a nue. Balboa Island, 90.2; George t pany o emen e a ew- the "'ay into \\'ashington .. D. \ .... 1 Van Pelt of 703 £. Bay avenue. cil of t.he deplorable condition _o port Beach r esident, told members at 7 p.m. on in.stalJation night. Clark. Molly King and Connie "It is up to us, the people of this beautiful community," warned Vogel, "we can choo&e either crouroad." vacant lots and sidewalks u well •'---ch d ·1 M he added. Balboa. 90.0; and Richard S tarke)· of ul'I:' vca . ty couno on on- Stafford and his party decided of 924 \V. Central a,·enue, New-as of thto parkways there. day. to take French if'a\·e of the others 1 port Beach. 87.0 ; They think that the city offic--The area is unfit ror swimming "'·hen the train reac~ the na-1 Capta.ln-Enctneer ials should do something a bout and "''hen the tide is at low ebb it tional capital. The train ~·a.5 to George Van Pelt. the only one improving these spots. which they gives off an obnoxious odor, remain over for a spell and thry to take this examination, received say in private conversations. stand Ree\'el added in 8 letter "11.ich no doubt felt that they could take a mark of 85.8: out in the open like a raw wound he sent to the council !lnd which a taxicab from Union station and ProbaUoa&ry Ftreman I on the community life. was read to the memben by Oty see some of the capital of the O\a.rles Branam of Azusa. the Block '"P" on the bay front wu Oerk Frank Rinehart. 1 United Sta~es before the eng~ne.r only one to take this exam. re-cited in' the communi~tif.n read 1he rubbtt company official re-- Santa Anan Opens Swint Classes; Gives Nylons for Prizes Paul Gustlin of Santa Ana, who has taught swimming here for the past two years and some 10 yean ago was here for about lix years, opem his rwimming classes both here and in Tustin this week. gave the highball for the tr1p to ceJ\'ed 8 mark of 72 1. by Oty Oerk Frank Rintcbart lo minded the d t.y of.ficlall that its Atlantic Oty. Coptabt Iasp.;,I the c:oondlmen Monday a f\ernoon. own city •n&ineeT department The classes at Tustin High P,,rh.aps they shouldn't have Phili Ha~ C 316°'Alvarado While oboerving that ttfe prop-dredaed 50 feet 0~ the canal ...,.. school plunge "-Monday, June done it. but they. did avenuep Balboa. ~ived a mark erty involved is largely privately tioo last year but were f<reed to 24 at 2 p. m. and prizes or nylon ~&)'.they hailed a ~band ot 8'7.5.to pass this examination. owned. the protestants p:>int out remove the~ outfit 00 ac-hole are_ being _ottered for the old- mo'\ore<t up Pennsylvania a\.·enue that the premilel are u.ed. by the count ot ca.lll for it to other parts est bathing sw.t wbkh makes its to Fourteenth strttt and thence Faces Court public 10 a IP"'at exient. ot the waterfront area. •!'!"'~ and the oldeot, fun-along the latter thoroughfare to The communicatioo was signed . niest swt. The plunge is open the Potomac Park aPIJl'O&Ch to the by John F . ~I ot 2294 'Channel Rttves uraed the councllmen to from 1 to S p. m. --~ ~--take action u soon u pmible u, --d n-~-Wuhlngton-Artlngton brldge into Herbert El.'"1'hard MilleT: Costa ~; Cllarlet Holt ot '.llTI ~ be aald, the aanltatlon and cood ·~ ass at ---ns al 10 VJrslnla. wheft they visited the Mesa cab driver who ttSiclos al boulevard; Don A. ~ ot health ot the people ot the . 1 -a. m. "" Tueoday, June 25, on the bleak Pentagon building, the 513 Balboa A,-.. that city, was 1'81 Mlnmar drive, and Ltt Il9y aft Involved. IL• be.y front two blocb wnt ot the ROl»evelt ac!ministrat1on·s new c:haried with t1nmk c!rivins 1'los-ot 1515 0oean boulevard.I . ' ferry. a ..... will 11e from 10 a. ardlltectunl <ontributlon to the day .......ins by Senta Ana pollce, The city counc:il dlroc;ted tbO By a unanlmo<111 Yote of mom-m. to 4 p. m. .., ~. nwn.. War Doplrlment. 1-~that they a• llllller street ~t to ~te bOn ot the cicy counc:il. the mat-day 4Dtl Satunla,y and .,.. for Fl'om thett the Stafford puty drivina ernticaUy on Br_., In the lltuatlon and to ma1te ._Jn 18' .,.. -to Ot:J Dist._. clllJdron -dlJi., beijP• .... -'°"'thwed cm ~ llb:l Senta Ana. --1ary. I , Webb's atrleo far a<tlon at-. -~ ~ I Wells. "Angel Street'' will be followed by ''Room Servla!." "Blind Alley" which will be directed by Her- bert Rudley; "GuuclbJe Apln," "Dark Victory" sbrTlng Caire Trevor; ''20th 0...tury," otmring Keenan Wynn; "Bamtlful ~" "Amphytron 38" and "Gecqe." Traab Boxf!e Boocllt The meeting was opened by C. R. Johnson, president. President Johnson told the members of the asaodaUon that the Southern Callloml• Telephone Co. wu dlsoontinujng the work of • laytna the oonl!uf t line In Eut Applebury, Hertwick Central avenue through the buol- N ed to P '1:-n......_· ,_ section untfl September 10 am Oua:: ...-......, at the roquest of th• aaoc!atlon. Clar'moe A. AwleluY al New-He said the ~elephone company -1 Bea4 -;i_ E. ll<rtwld< at would flnlah the work u far u Corona del .._. were wooed bJ Palm awnue. Stoppqe ot. ttw the dty «Omdl lf-c1a:r • speelal work In the _,_ lleCllon at --In the Newpat -um time will not interfett ..tth Poll~ .i.s--t. the cuttlne In , ot the inmlr line A~ will be 'c '"" to W1J1c1t ..W furnloh service to - the-.. petral -wlD -... -at the telephone •111pny, act -......... aftL• -oGwl' Jam..... aakl be .... lntwmed. a-Ip-M" I I ., --The .. d&-be..i -O• Qlief R. R. lhlJIL' M Pl·-that "'" orpn!P--Hntwlck -be 'c ' • Pllldwbc man tnob .__ to .................... " ... 1-........ the ..... - Kar .. ...... . (0 •" ,. -Parlt 4) • r J\!rs. J . H. Mills, 19th s~t. re-1 Mrs. O>arles Dennison and her turned Friday from San Fran· mother, Mrs. Jordan, West Cen· ~-wher.e she spent two weeks tral avenue have returned from With her s-lSters. and on her way • back stopped over in Los Angeles Desert Hot Springs where they to visit her daug hter Patricia. j spent the winter. VENETIAN BLINDS Wood • Steel • Aluminum Fast Service -Free Eldlmates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino· Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road • Phone Long Eeadi 453-28 Long Beach AMERICA'S THIRD GREATEST DOG ·SHOW! SATURDAY -JUNE 22 r SUNDAY -TUNE 23 -LONG 9EACH - MUlllCIPAL AUDITORIUM MOM& TffA!'f ISM F.NTltt~ NATin!'f.t1.1.T r~'ffl•'• .rrnoa :A-'missiol' A.dulls Sl.20. ChildrF>n. SOc ft.d. .... • Sand Bars Create Future Navigation Hazard, City Told Fifteen property owners in the \'icinities of Anade avenue and Edgewater street complained to members of the city council on Monday afternoon that sand from beaches formed by the dty a few years ago is now washing into the channel and creating sand bars on the Bay Island side. As a result of this invasion, the channel nearest to the peninsula has become very shallow. The property owners expressed the fear tha t the time might arrive when thi! bad condition might make the channel non-navigable. They said that already rushe! and sea grass have made their appearances in the shallow \'!taters when the tide is at low ebb. Dredging of the channel and re- moval of the sand bars seemed to be the next best move by the city, they said in conclusion of their communication to the coun- cil. Mrs. Harry Cope of North H ollywood, former resident or Newport Beach. was in town re·· cently and visited Miss Elsie Newland, Coast boulevard. HOD EQUIPMENT HELPS YOU ' CLEAN CLEANER WITH LESS WORK use Tavern Products ' Cte•nin1 c•n be •1 hard a cho,. a your equip- 111e11t M•k•s it. If yo• h•.,. -'ood clea11in1 1id1 your work will 10 quickly and ••sify. Our •lot• b1 the place to 1et 1ood quality, R•tlon•lly known br1nd1 of the best of •••rythin1. Stop i• tod.ty "cl 1•t Tawer• cl1anJn1 aids, EASY TO POLISH RESISTS WATER SPOTTING TAVERN LIQUID WAX QooMt CAiio• 89t '2" Recommended for wooden' floor1. linoleum, woodwork, venetian blinds and •MIJ'leled surfaces. ........ , .... , .... TAVllN PASTI WAX I ...... 69c Utl J -U.t. •••. $1.69 TAVllN lllCTRIC MOTOR OIL " ..... """""'"""°" """" • Se oH Sf*i.lly ad.tiptl'd fOf' .. ei.c-tr.c ft'ICton. Tut>t: TAVERN PAINT CLEANER Qv•rt c.non S9e '149 e Cle11tt w~, tile e11d porc•lel11. • Doetn't ut lnhl 1Nolnl. • W in not 1tr••k or d•ll ..... • R•Mlr to llM. Removes smudge, grime and 1rease. Keeps home lookin 1 like new. You can safely use it often. Won't dull paint. Cuts cleaning t ime in half. TAVERN WINDOW CLEANER Quart S9t Callo• .... Keeps windows and gl•ss sp•rklin1 with little ef- fort and time. Pleasant1y scente~Leaves no fil m. • -' ' TAVERN Pi•I 59" I RUG CLEANER ., 1 TAVERN C.I~• S9<t DRY CLEANER ., TAVlRN S9 LUSTRE CLOTH t TAVERN FURNITURE CLOSS Cre1m ty~ emulsion tor •!I 596 types of furniture, wood· .. work. lacquered •nd pelnlKI w rlac"s. Pl"t 1111111111111111111111111111 Ill II Ill Ill Ill I TAVERN NON-RUB FLOOR WAX o ......... 98e Holf SJS9 Call011 •.•.. can. ..... S2,89 Gives a beautiful lustre---dries In 20 minutes. Easy and quick to apply. Re.slsts water spots. Lone last1n1 -fewer 1pplica- tlons nKes»iry. Excellent for woorl, linoleum, rubber and composition floors. It needs no poliihina. HYDRA • MAJIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. Cbe\-rolet & Oldsmobile Dealer 3011 W. Central Newport Beach • I • • , Forrest Beal Elected o• Board un1ven11y1 President Artmlr cuu. Willard will C<Jllfer a total al MO The o. boardran,eclirecCoutors ~f CoaSt Association degrees. Dr. RaynlOnci B. Anet. executiv. <lean al the Cblcqo col- leges. will be \he comn...,, '""'wit speaker. . . g::;:. ~;,ti~'::. at~i::. Balboan w·111 , One hundred and .. vonty-lllx al with Pftsident H. F. Kenny in the the graduates will )"eceive declt• chair. . of doc~o~ or medidine. 46 the de- ?.lr_ Kenny called attention to R . B s gree 0 pctor or 'denW &Ul"p!l'7, the fine work being done by the ece1ve . 11 the bachelor of science deer• committee on education, Ray El-in pharmacy, and 99 the degree liott, dtairman, and on motion. • • of bachelor of science in meclldni. duJ ·ed. Three students will receive tbt s~~o wri~~terw: ~-From Ill un·1v B.S. d~ in occupational tw. ~~~t~0th=.~~:o~a~: . . -• . • :~Y~w~theth~-~~ Letter from Ray Smith of San of science in chemistry and -Clement~. resigning from the C!IlCAGO, June :IO.-(Special ::;e M.S. degree in dental hi-.. board because of change in loca-to News-11mes) -James Deacy U>gy. . lion was read and accepted with Brown jr., 222 Pearl street, Bal-F~OWlng the_ graduation cere- regrets. Forrest Beal was elect-boa Island, will receive the degree morues, a: rea;_ption will be held la ed to fill the vacancy. of Bachelor of Science in Medicine th~ Dllni Uruon building on tbl On the matter Or island drill-from the University of Illinois Col-~cago campus for relatives and ing for oil at Seat Beach, a memo Jege of Medicine in commencement friends of the graduates. ~n tt)e s~bject was present~for ceremonies in the Ovlc Opera information. After some · -House here tomorrow CFrld4y). Manila. folders at Newa-'I'lmm. sion the di.rectors deferred ta ·ng \-------;-------------------== any action, but called atteritlon "ri=:::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i=:::: to the fact that in the past! the 11 a.~ociation had gone on reco~d in opposition to island drilling and at this time there appears no ---------------------------!special reason to change this at- f h P ddl B t M k titude. FAVOBJTE PLEASUU BOAT el Im FftDcll &lvlera me'ree IU debat oa Newport! bay. 81towa l:D tM Pedalo, pUclle boat for two patterned alter f'!t:adl deslp.. ue 8wtmm••ir a.ad Film 8tu Jolumy \\rel§Oluller and Allene Gates of Hollywood. A rental fleet ol 10 Pedalos are expected ln t:be b&y tblt •·eelulod. -photo by Gerhardt. renc a e Oa S a e On the matter of · the Outer 1 I Breakwater. Mr. Gallienne stated1 that the engineer acting for Coun-Ap. peara·. nee ·1n Ha· rbor .Area ty Engineer Beard would rep.esent Orange county a t the hearing on the Outer Break\.\.•at er at Long Beach June 20. It was suggested that the association should have -~ someone present to represe nt it. ..... On motion of :r.1r. Patch, seconded _I P.A.PALMER L IDO I~ PF.OPER!IE5 • W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor a-J 500 • tJlu,p,n;t ..f...,.{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA • ShadC's of th(' F're>nc.h Riviera! acting as factory representative. The fa voritC' 'v~t <'r ,·chicle of The boat itself is unusual in Europe's fa voritC' \'fatcring plaC<'s design. 1\vo J)('rsons sit side by is no\v Oitting ai;ound Ne,vport side in comfort on adjustable Bay and production for their a\vning-covered chairs on a deck manufacture is no"'· undC'r,vay in supported by t\\'O \\idC'ly-spaced Costa l\.l csa. pontoons. A hull structure at the by Mr. Tornquist. it \vas agreC'd --~~;;~::;;;=::;::;;;;~,---------------to ask :r.tr. R . L. Patterson to at-~ , ',< · -\ • tend the headng and represent , ;.,~~¥ ~·.;"~ i :fctt'·:~;;~ the Coast association interests. ~~-· , A letter from Mr. \Varner to · . _ -. • """-"'!· .-. _ ,_ The \'Chic!(' is the Pf'dalo (pro--front and sides. appearing like an nounct'd Pedal-lo,,·l and it made automobile radiator, protects the I its dehut to AmC'rica in Ne,,-port riders from \vaves. In front of 1 last Sunday \VhC'n thC' first one hit the riders are pedal cranks \Vhich the \Vater at J ohnny "''eisn1u\ler's arC' operated in the same manner paddleboard rentals beach site on as those of a bicycle and connect· thC' hay. C'd together so that the pedaling i· 1'he first t('n boats, being built po\\·er of both persons is trans- by D. E. ColC'n1a n and Jack l-IC'rn-mitted by means of a bic:ycle chain don at their llOat-buildin~ yard on or V-belf to a paddle \vheel. This I The l\1esa. arC' O\ .. TI C'd by A. B. paddle '''h<'c l is housed under the Ha\\'k. forn1cr captain in the a rmy front of the hull and drives the a ttached to the S anta Ana Air hoat fonvard or back\\'ard. ac- base, and he is tbe fir st rental cording to the rotation or the l 0perator in America to offer boats pedals. of this type for r~l. Bergman. who foresees grC'a t I . Th~ Pedal ~. '''hich is quite an popularity for the Pcdalo in this 1ngen1us affair, \Vas the favorite country, says tl;lat one excellent playtime boat of the French feature of the boat is the fact Riviera and the most popular or that it gives healthful exercise all recreational dev.ices Y.'ith Am-'''hile persons are comfortably erica·s ar med forces \\'ho attend-seated. at the same time offer ing ed army rC'st can1ps in Nice, Can-safe. p}C'asurable recreation for nes and Juan-l('s-Pins during the ! all ages from 7 to 70. You can Jatt('r part of the> war. go riding in it in a sY.-imming suit Responsible for bringing the 1 or party clothes. . Pedalo. of FrePich design with At present there 1s but one French patents. was Dick Berg-Pedalo pa.dd~i ng merrily in the man. former Special Services of· Bay, bu.t it is expected that ten ricer in Europe. '''ho now lives m?re \\'111 be added to t~e . fle~t \.1tith his wife and daughter at this weekend, and production Wl~I I 1708'h \V. Ocean Front in New-be speeded up. Number one 1s port Beach. Bergman. falling in being kept in constant ~se by love with the boat in Cannes and pati:-ons ~t Bal~a ~nd is pro- rf'alizing that it \Vould be ex-vo~1ng quite a bit of interest from tremely useful and popular in Am· S\v1mmers and paddlers in the f'rica, chased do,,·n the inventor ! area. and dickered with him for the It looks \\'Onderful as a lazy rights to manufacttlre the boat in man's transportation for water- ,_\merica. Following his discharge and it's m uch drier . from the army, Bergman brought the plans and pa ten ts to Cole- man and Herndon, and is now Sewage Warning Given by Council :r.tr. I<enny regarding dir('('tors of the Shoreline Planning association ,,·as read. Responding to the request of l\'lr. Warner, the di- rectors thf'n 'na med as directors of the Shoreline Planning association for Orange county. H . F . Kenny. \Vm. GalliennC', C. G. Kimble, R. A. Tornquist. This on motion of l\1r. Briggs, secon.dcd by Mr. Patch. Mr. Kenny reported on the road mee ting at Long Beach and sug- gested that the efforts of the asso- ciation should first be directed to solving the road problems along the coast. Mr. Patch said he had some ideas in mi nd for a Christmas li ghting program. He promised to give them in detail at a mCet- ing which he proposed for early in September, \Vhen he '''ould ask delegates from the coast cities to meet a nd discuss the program. Ml'. Kenny was asked to investi- gate the possibility of a members' meeting at San Clemente. The secretary was asked to '''rite letters to the proper au- thorities calling attention to oil and waste on t he beaches and asking for investigation to be made of the source. ' Gut'Sts this week at the New- port Isla nd home of l\1r. and Mrs. Keith Rima are Mrs. Rima·s sister, l'virs. Chesley Reynolds and son Bill of Berkeley. Bill has been two years on Okinawa and re- ceived his discharge June 10. A1 former student at the Universityl of California, he is planning to continue at the Los Angeles ,P·ERSONAL ,,, LOANS __. .......... Pll TIAI roa EACI 1100 IGllGIED . (TOTAL cosn N eed money? Sorrow through 7"7"4 '. The ~ low rote includes Insurance to pay Dff the loan in eyent of death. Confidential, quick Mtrvlce.. You 'get the money-ony amount from $50 to $1500-without red tape or embarrassing I~ vestigotion. Quolitied applicants (whether d• positors or not) need no collateral or comaken. 1'unk of .Amtriru GILL'S campus. Hereafter no one will be allow-NATIONAL I!~51Trl31 ASSOCIATION ed to dump any waste or residue Manila folders at News-Times. ••"•t• ,te••·~ a1'a'1' 111111•A•cl co•"'l•Atu11 . 111111111111 ,,011u~ .,.,..,,.,...., into the Newport Beac.h city sewer 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j 1 r-:::;:P~~::::::::------------;,;,;,-'-!o, DELICATESSEN system unless such residue is col-11 lected within the limits of the city, PRONE BARBOR 8'7 the city council ruled at its meet-F 0 R SI G N S FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sauce ~!:.t the city hall Monday after-BENEDICT Not only that but the members of the municipal body warned that anyone who dumps any residtle into any manhole within the city limits will be subjected to legal arrest end court arraignment. • Fancy Crab Meat • Salad Dressings • Pickles -Olives The Sign Man • BOAT LE:ITERING A SPECIALTY ... Further , the city• council ap...1 ~;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:~ proved the recommendation of the • Cheese -Meats • Sardines -Anchovies • Crackers -Biscuits • French Rolls SHOP AT · GILL'S For Fresher Vegetables Bett.er Meats Fancy Groceries U5 Forest Ave- LAOUN A BEACH sewage committee headed by \\'ater Supt. John D. McMillan and Police Chief R . R. Hodgkinson that the city impose gener al busi- ness licens('S or not less than $15 on any person or firm that de- sir es to engage. in the pumping of cesspools in the city. All kinds typewriter ribbons .. stock at the News-Times. Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the News--'nmea . SE A S·O N TICKETS!! on Sale Now at GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS Laguna Beach Playhouse THE SEASON OPENS JUNE %6th Wl'l'B -''ANGEL STREET'' John Emery Sea.wn Tickets on Sale Now for 9 Plays, ~ lac. • Mail orders accepted-make cbeclc:s payable to: ._ Bueb l'llayllo-, ._ -.. c.w. .... ._ ltl -•O'DlE& PLAYS--. Georp Am.., .. , .. 11 Dari< V1etory -hople !Otlt OelltarJ ............ 0..•p Ma.rtne Ways GENERA LREPAlllll MAINTENANCE • • ~-. 8olu,,o,, e-.palUJ 801 0.-t lllP""'1 --· Mil Why Suffer? Dr. II:. P. llall, D. C.. . PIL()., 1., nad 8- Me...,.port; Be•cla. Calif.. --llH -.:-Utt _, ..... n.... ........ ..__,.., .... ,. T Going to Build nis Year? l'ou probably have your dream house an worked ont In your mind -or maybe your arcblt.ect or contractor already has prepared plans on paper for yon. Electricity will have a 18.rge part Jn making I dreams of postwar living come tine. When you go over the plans With your bnlJder be mre to 11811: him abont the newest deVl!lop- menta In household labor saving and lone- . Uonal i-uty. Our Experta In everything eledrlcal will be glad to help with layont plans or problems. One snggestion may make a lot of difference In the "live-ability" of that home. ETS.· HOKIN & :GALVAN lllNCE '4 ' •••• Council Commends . Closing Exerciaes For Kindergarten Commercement aercises Weft held at Miss Mollie Galbreth's kindergarten school on Balboa Lsland recently for 20 girls and boys. • • ' . . . ' " .. I -County Fair Opens Friday In S. A. Municipal Arena ' ... -Manila folder& at News.1bm& Newport-.Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In tpe near future. See lllrs. Boy ._ .. Ph. Barbor "391. SOI Palm, Balboa Cusumano After the entering march the children were seated on the floor in a circle, a nd with their beloved Miss Mollie leading them. aang ' . • • Springing into e\'en greater' day. Rems: 11 L m. to 8 p. m. prominence than it attained ln Preceding the air show will be ·--------------------------J ~war years, Orange county's a parade of more than 400 of the ·::;;;;;;;;~;~~~~~~~~~&&&&&&iliiil Humane Officer Vincent O. song after song. "Ran LI ttle Crab,'' CUsumano ii ln the news again. "Jack H orner" and "Miu Muffet" This time he received the pulr and many Others were acted out Uc commendation of members of by some, while others sang. the Newport Beach City Council. Mothers marveled how their Seems that the humane officer children had been able to learn has been doing a fine job as 50 many songs. Afte r the program. keeper of the dog pound and a5 the children and teachen visited Nnltary inspector foe the city. the bird farm in Costa P.fesa.-They When it came time for the city look forwa rd to the fall when they council to consider him for a new can again start to school and learn monthly salary, he having servEd so many wonderful things and hll six months probationary serv· ha\•e so much tun. ... .... •1>: annuaJ fair and hone show offi. country's finest riding hones dally will open tomorrow in the through. Santa Ana's down.town Santa Ana 1'funicipal bowl. with 1 district, led by the March Field record-breaking throngs pr edicted ! band and by a steam calliope. to view the largest n umber of ex· The parade will start at noon at hibit.s in th~ ~''ent's history. the munitipal bowl a nd will re· . Huge bu1ld1n~ fo r:mer ly OCCU· turn to that point for the begin· pred by the army a1r forces on ning of Saturday afternoon's horse W . Eighth street in Santa Ana show wilJ. be devoted to ~undreds of/ So~e of the best known stables ~cultural and hort1cull'ural ex· in the United States will be repre+ hib1ts, to a vast hobby show, an . art xh'b't · dis 1 d sented 1n the horse show, with e 1 1 • ceranucs Pay an I oompetit.ive events in a large many others. number of classes schedulM for WILL PAY YOU ~ _...,. lee faithfully and well, P olice ;The following children took part Olief R R Hodg:koinson penon-In the exer cises: Bruce Douglas. ally told the council ~at Cus?· Stephanie Dally. Michael Smith.1 ma.no had performed his work irr T ech Sinclair, Bill Blackburn.! ·a businesslike and satisfactory Louis Knox. Stevie He nvatin. I manner with a minimum of com-Muff Johnson. LouJs a nd Lydia p laint from citizens. Treadwell, \Valter Wyler. Christin In the Rdjacent officers' club the ' 7:30 p.m . Friday, 1:30 and 7:30 largest n~wer sho"' .ever o~fered p.m. Saturday and 1 :30 p.m. on by the fatr management wtll be Sundav. The March Field band seen, "-'ith hundreds ~r displays will Play for the sho"' Friday by amat€'~r and professional gro"·-! night, Saturday for the parade I ers. cont1 n!-1ous musical programs I and for the Saturday night per· and numerous Oo\\•e r arrange. fonna.nce. ment exhibits. Membc-rs of As· sistance League chapters from Orange, Huntinglon Beach and NC:>\vport 1-larbor \\"ill ser\'e as hostesses bE-ginning at ~ ·p.m . Fri- Highest Top Cash ' Price for .Your Used TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SAFES-FILES-DESKS The members of the council Neil, Ann Bnoering. Nancy Gar- addcd their two C('nts "'Or th when 1 dine r . Rod a nd Roger Vehrs. they vo ted the humane officer a 1 Freddy Abbott, Dee l\fcBeen and permanent post at a salary of $185 Christie Carver. monthly, beginning July 1. j The school clos<>d Thursday with a picnic on the beach. Miss Gal-1 Dr. Thomas p , R('("der moved breath's school h~s been ~unning lnto his new .office opposite the two yea:s and "'Ill o~n in Sep- udo th t th. k tembcr 1n a new location on the ea er 1s WC'C • • 1 d 1s a n . ?-.frs. Nash of the Island Rooms. day. ThreC" p .RtJ j(lt pla n(ls from 1'1 arch Fit'ld \\'ill op<>n Saturd;i._, aft ernoon's progr am in the muni-ager. cipnl bo\\'l by roa ring di\"f>S o\·er The C'n t ir!' e\'C'nl is l;>eirig spons- thC' city and by 15 n1inutes of con-or<'d by the .t\ssistancc League of tinuous Sl l'nting ror the throngs. Ora.nge rounty. \\.·ith prOC'C'!'dS to The super-fast ships arc being lx> u;;ed for establishment of a sen t to Or11nge county by . Gt-n. rount)'-"'ide cancer clinic. Box SC'ats and reser\·l'd seats are going rapidly for all perform· a nces. \\•ith an especially large cro"·d expected Friday evening to 1 grCf't all members of the state f?.ir board. "'ho "'ill tx> guests of 1'1rs. James Ir,·ine, the fai r man-1 Yantez Taylor a nd Col. L Koontt n you llave ..,. oftlee equipment that 100 4on"t need. mllll it ln at top .... price today, and which will ~ rellne t he p rMeJtt erilis in ...-city or typewrlten, ..sdln1 macb m-. -.tee, m-, d.n., ~upHcators, cheek writul and of.her uala Phone 743 NoUJ fo r Full Particular• Balboa Island, \\•as called to \Vash- lngton by the 5eriou.s illn(lss of her mother and "ill be there in· definitely. l\·1iss l\liriam Nash. who is employed at the McNally Council Okeh s Pay Hikes for Officers Boat Co., was taken to a Pasadena Having completed their six hospital with acute appendicitis mon ths probationary term as New· and a sistf'r is at the Is:and port B<'ach policemen. DaJ(I J . Rooms during her absence. 1 l'wlontgomery a nd Layton V. Cor · A\VAIT F . .uJl. H ORSE SHO\\I. Mrs. Sandy F . Mc llay of Balboa and thorou.ghbred hone Flre ba"·k are racerly awaiting tbe annual Orange County Fair and n o,. S ho\'' w hJch wlll be •taced la Santa Ana J une '!O th rough 23. City Warns Racers ' Harbor Chamber Will Avocado Ave. Isn't : Not Oppose Increase A Through Street Fares for Commuters I and \\"ill be piloted by a t least two of the m!'n who last week flew from the P acific coast to Washington and back in a single ~r\·, C'har!C's Ha nd of C·.:ista l\lesa left last week to spend a \aca tion at his old home in the Shenandoah Valley. ,-· ' , 1'1rt. Hoxie Smith of Balboa1 necl were approved by the city Island returned last week after a council on Monday afte r noon for va eation of several WC'eks in Yo-regular posts as patrolmen at ·sal- aemite and northern California. I aries of $185 each mo nthly. MICKEY ROONEY And His (in Person) Hollywood All Stars · (MJckey Plays 2nd Bue Entlre -VS. I. C. S. FULLERTON BALL Saturday, June Game) PARK 22 ___ The Nei.vport Harbor ChambeT It nll.L'l be very disconcertinR" or Commerce will not protest for drivers of cars and truck! against the proposed increase in who use Avocado avenu£', Corona fares for passengers using the d el Mar, Cor a speedway, to find busl'.'S and railway of the Pacific that at the C'nd of the road it Electric Rail"'ay company. comes to a dead end. That v.•as the decision made by Yet many such drivE>rs are find-thC' board of dir ectors of the har- ing this so and have to turn their bor organization at their meeting cars about and r11cc out again, in \Vhite's Coffee shop,~ Balboa, much to the discomfort a nd safety Tuesday. . of peoi;>le "''ho live on that str~t, The board's ttansportation com· according to l\1rs. Stanley Smith 1 mittee re(X>rted that the freight J of '18 Avocado avenue. ratt' incrf.'asc "·ould be settled by ~frs: Smith did not ask the city federal legislation. Discussion fol-I council on J\'tonday afternoon to lo" ro in \\'hich it was pointed out punish thf.' specd.stC'rs. She simply that 1he t\\'O months In "-'hich rcq~ested the city fath('rs to f.'rN:t 1 !hf' P. E . r<'rords ,,·ere taken "'<'re I a sign at lhe rorn<'r lo \\'nrn fu-slack monfh"' f0r the beach ar eas. turr drivers that Avocado is not J\·tr. K!'nny a~r("('t..i ~omrone \\IOU ld fl through stre<'t att!'ncl thC' hf.'arinj'.: bt'fore tbC:' J\·tayor 0 . B. R<'f<I a nd mcmhcrs railroad commission \\'hen· the ap- or th(' COUnC'i l ai;:rt~C'd that the plicalion for incrraS(' in ~at!'S \.\'8S CffiLDRE N US-D E R 10 F R EE j strf.'c l dcpa rlm<'nl should ('reel h<'ard. It "'as finally moved that I '-----------------------------' such a sign. Frank Rinr hl'l.r l, cily 1he rl.'p;Jrt or the committee be Game at 8:1 5 p. m. Admission 40c, Tax Incl. cl('rk. "':i.s aulhorilf.'d to notify :i.cceptNi and no further action ' P"-------------------------"'ll lthf' st rC'ct crC'\V at oncC'. tnkPn until further information r(ICC"i\'ed On the n1atter of freight John E. Sadleir announces the addition of ROSS GREELEY as an associate Broker in the Balboa office 302 Main St. "Harbor 2034" Fr11 z Cooss<'n~. propri!'tor of ralC" Increase'. !ht' Ralhoa J\tarkr t . IC'fl this '''<'t'k by pl a nt~. n1akin~ th<' trans-,\t - lantic crO!'Sing by ~i r. and \viii \•isit r£'lnti\'l'.'S in Rru~scls, Ikl- gium. During the ,,·a r . as official of a soci('ty of his countrym<'n, he ga \'l" n1uch aid to the home· land. l\trs. !\tary \\'a c;npr, \\·ho has li\'rd at 129 27th s tr("('t for thC' pAst yC'a r. is moving to \V€'st- n1ins!('r and thC' O\\·ncr, 1\frs. Lydia Geor g€', \\'ho has lx>€'n making h('r honic in 1-luntington Beach, \\ill occupy the rC'Sidence. Burton's Paint Store Now in Deir New Home on Newport Blvd. near 16t h Street -·-T he Only Exclusive Paint, Wall Paper and Venetian Blind Store in the H arbor Area PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brirk and Ces..pool Blocks Now In Production' Walter Kline Concrete Products ~. 1560 Newport A •·e. Costa Mesa YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled Workmen. --(r-I Journeymen Painters, World War II se~k­ your permanent good will and patrorifge throug h the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workm&nship at reasonable prices. • • TIMM ll#kel .thcth-4 t"""911 .... ,.,. • htfMI 11. 194'. He ....... ,.. ..... ..., ........ NNIW ... SAFEWAY VAlUES Grapefruit <""-~.~'.;:: 'Zl- Long SpaghettiGo~!:lt• Sauerkraut "';';~'.:::IS• Evaporated Milk 2 ::'! I .. OienA> ln:n:t.. 2 .,.,,, 9¥11~ 9e Libby Pumpkin ., __ ... IZ. Cider Vinegar ""'Mi""';,:: 10- Quort bottle, 1 k HersheyCocoa I\..__ 10- DAIRY PRODUCTS HomogenizedMiik-151/:ze LMcieme lrond. Haff Gonon. 29e. LucemeHalf&Half ,..17' Lucerne Buttermilk_. 9c Cottage Cheese -20' ,....,._ Strie. ~,... ..... CANNED CLIMS, MEAT, SCIW'PlE MincedClams40.......,....,,. 299 10.. .... Scrapple -·"':~;21• Deviled Ham,....,.,,...~· ....... IS• CANNING SUPPUES Mason Jars· u-i-60" 1 2 .QUOrt lor1. '7Jc. 'h.gollon jora,. 12 for 1.06 ·JarCaps -.1 .. JarLids _ .. Coffee Jar Lids -S-J els Rite ._ ...... 11• Certo ._....,.Ir Spedal Offw. 9ur l tdtlill for lie. Get tNrd taottte for Jc. total I tiiom... 41 c. • r.: Ca10I ~. Dlndar I The Hmam·.._• S...u • Bos 2ll0 : Son ..........., 28, Calif. : .,..... leed .. .YOJV C.01 1 • I G-bqokiol, for""*" I -I c:i-10e In com (or N-.l ·---pea.· I • I Name • • I SlrMt • LISOOIS, IUYOl.f(lff(l, !U.1'811. IBYI YOUR FAMILY LOTS OF FllSI FIUIT FOi toOD IULTI Make Safeway )'om' replar lhoppi.ns cent..-for frc.b fnii l. Ovr buyen in llw 6elda &re purchuin& top-qual ity {n.iill (and vq:etables., too) which att beina ruthed lo you r nei&hborhood S.fe- way atore at the peak of •tin& 1oodneu. Buy a 1ood auppl7 IOd&rl CANTALOUPES n ick walls of l 'Wett rne1t. F iae te11ure, rjch flavor. Sertt: cbillN for breakJa11. WATERMELONS Popular varieties. Ripe and swee t. CABBAGE Solid pe. •eedl. Nice for olaw. Grud wldi~ beef. RED ONIONS Derk red okin, eolid, slrong· lleYOred. Keep well; TOMATOES Fancy, large size;·ripc toma· toea. Excellent for slicing. POTATOES New White nrldy. Nice 10 lo bake, boil or fry. CRISP CQERY Taider, fancy Utah·type. Staib are sweet, meaty. YELLOW CORN Straight rows of meaty kernels. Large, full ears. FRUIT, VEGETABLE JUICES Grapefniit Juice 2'!:2S• Town House 8rond. Tomato Juice """'~ .. ApricotNectar ,....__ 1s- eo111om1o Morning Brand. Tomato Juice ·::.._~a- SAlT Sno-WhiteSalt "°"'.:.O.'°".: .. Scl>illing'sSalt Zl\-.-13- c:.,.. °"'°"· Gork, Sowry .,.. ....... AllJ CON IROI. AIDS Antrol ,__u- ~Powder •-:•wi;::..i-:= 10- "Yolleir• ... ~IW,......• ~~ 1Jc Ant Traps - -..... ---.. ·--------Ant-BGon Seta .. .,. Ant PoiloD .::r.-.= .. lb. 7c lb. 41c 2 . lb. 4c lb. Sc lb. J7c 29c • lbs. lb. IOc lb. 10° I c;" z- PBONE L. C. BEAN I S&ata llarbor ~ ....................... . uar• ~· =-= 1 2_11-__ 2_.,., G1 I: · • •••• • I• I -~ fllo111•• -•- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'--------------------+--1 ... SW.Nw;u& ..... Ow•.._ m~c ,.., ... ,. \ ' • ·--... Vets Take Jobs As Storekeepers At Navy Station More than hall the billets for •'statlonkeepers" at the Lee Ala- mitos Nav:a.l Air station have been filled by veterans seizing the o~ portunlty for a ctive duty in the Naval Reserve without being sul>- ject to transfer, Captain R. S. Oarke, USN, e<>mmanding officer, announced today. .. an air station for the Naval Air Reserve training ~ogram are of- fered a unique opportunity, Cap- tain Clarke explained. '"They will receive the aame pay, retirement benefits, family medical care, and annual leave privlleges oflered ln the regular Navy, yet will not be subject to transfer and can be re-- leased from duty upon request." Ex-Navy men can obtain their highest previous rating if billets are open, while Army, Cout Guard, and Marine veterans are eligible for seamen asalgnment.1. Station officials hope to complete the-Ir statt before the complete air reserve training (JH>ll'am coes into elf~ July 1. Joins Local Staff Already 170 men have been en- listed for the 306 reserve billets at the station. but 136 openings 1WJ exist for all general and avi- ation rates required to operate a naval air station, officials said. Seamen and second and third clau petty officers especialJy are need-John J. Gerten. former real es- ed. The only chief pet ty officer tate broker ~ San Fernando openings remaining are far chief valley, has joined the staff ol. F . commis8ary steward and chief J ack Sullivan, "ff:eal Estate, of Co- apecialiat Y (control tower oper-1 rona del Mar, It was announced ator). this week. '-rhe men who will perform the many tuks necessary to operate Ledger aheeta at News-'nmel. For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' It's the HARDWARE 23rd & Ph. Central 2600 ' Merchant Pictures Desolate Period for fine Community fCoa.tl.nued trom Page 11 polnted out that individuals act- don of the Balboa atta and he said the city council ln a r ecent executive session had informed a committee from the association that the city street department wouJd be ordered to pick up the trash. ing on their own behalf have been snubbed especially by the mem- ben of the city planning rommls· sion. "You'll never get anywhere unless you go to thE! commission m eetings in a body," one apeaker said. . • ' ~~~;1: .. ~·!..!~l~N~ll~·iiiii=~iiii:i========'=iii";;:~:iii:~~~~;::======:;~::;:;:;;:;:;;;~~::;:;:::::::::: Plants in 15 Green aus1NEM oums 11 l'IWfSPOa'r&noN 11 sALE lllSCELLAlQoUll • Boxes Now Beautify ruR A REUABLE Paint Job oo . BICYCLES BABY BUGG\> FOR SALE-W Balboa Ocean Plaza your home. call Beacon 5330 Sold, Rented or Repalred. Harding St .. Balboa. 48-21J after 4:30 p.m. 10-tf< VOGEL'S FOR SALE-Brand new blcyde. Fifteen huge green boxes pack- ed with toll and carrying tree plants ha\'e been placed along: the Ocean Front promenade adjacent to Balboa pier. 'Ille boxes and plants were ob- PAINTERS and DECORATORS R. E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor -Beacon 5"1ll()..J tained by the Balboa. Improvement 47-tfc usociation for the beautification ------------- of the approaches to the beautiful pier. PAINTING and DECORATING By the hour or job. 100 lllatn st., Balboa Joseph Carey, 11922 E. BaJboe, IOI Mllflne. Bal-loWld. Costa Mesa. Calif. " 48-1te M-tfc ;;;:;;;--;;-;-;-~:;,,-=-7.=;_,,..:__....;::.::.:: ~11""1:-&""u""T __ l'_A_m_s------.. -11 FOR SALE-Studio divon. $10.00. 312 Alvarado St., Bal-. afte1 COLD and MACHINLESS Friday. 49-1te WAVES FOR SALE or TRADE for car 'l1ntlnc and ManlCIJl'lnc 1944 model ~I. Marine engine'. Evening Appl. Ph. Harbor 179-W 225 h.p. Call Harbor 232 or Vi's Beautv Shop Whittler 41~. 49-ttc f Loop l'laa Urse Maa. SolldtaUo. Ac thlll";;eeutlve session, he The !utility of Individual soUcl-PUBLIC NOTICE la.id. the mayor and coundl also tat.Ion was Wustrated1 by one mer-------------- Also Spnytnc. can Harbor 8701...J-2 From 1 to 5 p.m. 1103 Cout mway. Orona del Mar 9-F"l'. NORGE Deep Free... •nd l:-==-c=--------35-_tt_c Westinghouse Electric Range. L08T AND P'01JlllD n N..._i Electric A~. assured him that the Main street chant who told how he and bi's business section will have better partner for nearly a year had llghtlng in the near future. One tried to get the Pl.anfling commis- of the lnnovatiom promised by the sion to approve of a .sensible plan. "We spent a lot of money, u.ed a city officials are new two light lot of guolloe. and :wasted a lot standards which will be erected on that thoroughfare. Merchants of time trying to get the commis- "'ill share a small proportion of &ion to arqend one of their ordin- the cost of installing these stand-ances. We as individuals did not ards, the president said. get anywhere," the merchant said. Vice President Mack McElroy Other merchants and property said that the members of the city owners told of similar individual council expr6sed favor with the solicitations to the• commission old Patton traffic loop plan which whlch had failed-.a number of the was drawn up in 1938. The coun-suggested improvements were for dlmen discussed the plan with the the public welfare aS well as for association's comm ittee. The loop the benefit of the community. might be constructed with an en-Another merchant satd that as trance at "A" street, and an exit a serviceman he had ibeen all over at "B'' street, if the city planning the world and Balboa was "a commission, which has the final heaven on earth" beside all the authority, approves the chart. places he had seen. He said (and . One member of the planning others present concurred by their commission '''as quoted as having applause} that Balboa is a beau. inferred that he was in favor not tiful place and is deserving of only of the Patton plan. but also more aid .than it is !lo':"' getting an enlargement of it. The pro-from municipal comnuss1ons. posed loop would makf> possible a I W f'lcome Stra.agers 100--foot road for parking of more One of the wo':"'!1 members automobiles. present won a~1at1op support I Urgt' C'oopt"ratlon for . he~ suggestion .that the or· John Vogel 111f'portf'd fhat he had gan1zat.1on .sponsor ~ 'Clean·l'.P submitted a bid for the association Campaign in Balboa . She saJd to the Santa Ana Army Air Base property owne~ in her neighbor· for 100 surplus cans "·hich can be hood were using the vacant lot used by merchHnt members of the ~f anoth~r property O\Vner who association as rt-ceptacles for ltves o~ts1de the harbor are.a :or I \\'A~t e materials. a dumping ground. The assoc1at1on The thf'me of cooperation bc--1 "'ill send a commun_icati~n to t.he tween th(' Balboa Improvement proJJ:<-'rty ov.•ner. asking him to in· Asspciation and thr Ne,vport Har-J \"Cst1~ate the matter and have the bor Chamlx'r of Commerce was 1 lot cleared of debris. emphasized as a nC'~ssity, al· President Jo~nson then recalled though it was pointt'd out that that when he ~1rst came to Balboa since the chamber of commerce to open a business here, a couple represf>nts all the communities in named ''Mr. and l\1rs. \Vilson" sent Ne,vport Bf>ach the Balboa asso-him a bouquet of flowers. ciation will hav~ to do the greater . "I v.·~s just thinking what a amount of campaigning for im-nice thing that was: I v.•as a provements that must be made in stranger here at that time. That the Balboa community. I bouquet made r;ie feel rr;i,igh~y NOTICE IN\'ITING sur.gn PROPOSALS Pursuant to statute and Reso- lution No. 3345 adopted on the 17th day of J une, 19+6. by the Qty Council of the Oty of Newport Beach, California, and on file ln t he office of the Oty O erk of Wd City, ordering the work de· scribed in said resolution, to-wit : SIGN PAINTING Boata, 'l"r'ucks. Windows Walla and Bulletins. Rabed Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harixr J.243.M 38tfc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair I LOST-=~-Fl~a-t -sil'-ve_r_te_aspoo __ ns_an...c;;;d 2305 C<>ast Blvd. Harbor~~~ salad forks. Reward. 510 w .. t Bay Ave., Balboa. 49-1tp FOR SALE--23-ft. Eastern built ' house trailer. :sleeps 4 : Whitney DD'LOTJIENT WANTED 11 baby buggy; la•-n swine; lS-ft. HIGH school graduate wishes of-canoe. 3618 Cout Blvd., New· flee work or typing. Call Beacon port Beach. 4S..2tp 5657-W 49-2tc FOR SALE -Metal bed, coil POSITION WANTED by exper springs and mattress, $12. 7311 ienced girl, willing to care for Seashore Dr.. Newport Beam children for room and board and Ph. Harbor 8701-J-2 after 1 p.m, sm all salary, during summer. 49-4tc Miss Dela M. Ware, 426 El AVIATOR'S WRlST WATCH, Rancho Dr., Whittier. 49--2tc Swiss Keik with stop· watch, cost WORK WANTED--Paintlng su-$195. Trade for S..50 Binoculan The construction of vitrified clay pipe san itary sewers, vitrified clay pipe house connection sewer lines, manholes, cast Iron manhol~ frames and covers, "Y'' branches, lampholes, welded steel pipe. pwnp stations, together with ap-Phone 875-M purtenant work in connection with 216 E. 20th St., Costa Mesa perintendent, with 25 years ex-or sell for cash. 131 Opal. Bal- perience, desires connection boa Isla nd. Harbor 1286. 4S..1 tc with large building contractor. FOR SALE---35 mm. Balda cam. I have my own truck. commer· era Me}"f'r Gorlit y lens. 3 colors,, any and all items of improveinent ____________ 20-tfc cial spray outfit. ladders. drop One black. Tilter, hood chain & cloth. brushes. Good reference. case. Phone Harbor 1023-J. hereinabove mentioned. all as p A I N T I N G more particularly described in 12 Y'eus Service in Newport Resolution of Intention No. 3327, Harbor Area Call Harbor 8701-J-2 from 1to5. -. 49-ltc ____________ 49-_tt_c , ;FO,;::;R;:--,S~A771.~F.,......,.4_7b-urn-e_r_;_g_as_ran __ ge_, passed and adopted by the City H H JJ Council of said CiCy on th e20th arry a day of Msy. 1946, and on file ln PAINTING CONTRACTOR the Office of the City Clerk of Phone Beacon 5259-J EMPLOYMENT OFFERED ti table top. all v.•hlte enamel ex cellent condition. Take 3·burner said City. 274 E. 19th Ctreet 24-tfr FOR SALE-Fireplace equipment, smaller range as par~ payment electric heater , roll-a\\'ay bed. 109 No. Bay Front, alboa Isl· For further particulars refer- ence is hcr('by made to said Reso- lution of Intention No. 3327 and to the plans, profiles. and dra\v- ings on fil(' in the office of the Ci ty Engineer of said City of Newport Beach, and to the specifi· cations for the said work hereto- fore adopted by the said City Council and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said Ci~.y. and a ll of sa.id plans. profile.>, drawings and specifications here· toforc approved by the City Council of said City are incor- pora ted herein and made a p;i.rt hereof and r eference is hereby made thereto for a more par- ticular description of said work. Said City Council has determ· ined and declared that the con· PAINTING OONTKACTOB Phone H arbor 1026-J. 4S..2tc a nd. 49-ltp P AINTING -PAPER HANGlNO HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -2 FOR SALE-Lorraine uick l\1eal and DECORATING a dults, good home, and salary gas range. 2 O\'('ns. il('r and H. E . McDonald to right party. Phone Beacon \\'armer. ovC'n cont I, \vhite 414 Old Conty Rd., Costa Mesa 5304-W. 48-2tc porCt>lain, $60. John ry, 301 Phone Beacon 5013·J SS. tfc r WANTED-Woman to help with Marine Ave., Balboa Island. PERSONAL 1~ housev.•ork. Hali' days. Come at 1 49-ltc NOTICE-Be it known that Har-2 o'clock. Off after dinner. No "A,-,N7EW=c-c2'"-'°h-orSet--tnu-c.J-el~.~b-u1,:.·1c:....:b,:.y old G. ·Rheaume \\'ill not be re-small children. Must be~ plain North American. ~I sell at sponsible for a ny bills or debts cook. Phone H arbor 682 for ap-dealer's cost. See Doc Stricker, incurred by Mrs. Cai-oline pointment. 46-4tc 717 Coast Highway,, Newport Rheaume from this date on, HELP WANTED -Woman ·for Beach. Phone Beaconi 5551. June 20. 1946. PFC. Harold G. general housev.•or k, full or part ·· :.:.. ! 46-4tc Rheaume. R·39746619, C.O.B., time, live in or out. Good wages. FOR SALE-4 ne\Y Hallett R.Adio 63 Inf. APO 6, c/o Post Master , Four in family. Ph. Harbor Shielding systems for Chrysler San Francisco, Calif. 49-p 1992. 45-tfc Thuet, Beacon 5342. .. 4S-2tp Pusuc NoTJCE S~SMEN -Advertising cam· FOR SALE-2 new guns, German paign now in effect. Excellent make 16-gauge shotgun, double oppor tunity if you qualify. A~ barrel; 31-calibr e M<luser sport ply 508%: ·No. Main St., Santa rifle. Both fine guns from Krupp Ana. Miss Bayer. 44-Btc plant. Consider trad~ or good car. Contact G. W . C{>uron, Pla- centia & Victoria ~ts., Costa 1'fesa. -48-2tp Speakers also emphasized the happy. It was. a nice gesture. said necessity ror group solicitation ~ohn~n. adding that he ~ought rather than individual solicitation ] it m11i!;ht be a gesture v.•h1ch thE' for any one thing that v.•as needed a.s~ociation could adopt as an of- 1 from either the city council or the f1c1~ ...,·elcome to every nev.•comeT .i city planning commission. It wu business man to Balboa. --------------------·--------~---'-"'---------To Meet Reclalarly tcmplated work and improvement here tofor e mentioned v.•as in the opinion of said City Council ot more than local or ordinary public benefit and the said City Coun- cil hss made the expenses of said \vork chargeable upon a district. For the particular description of the said district reference is here- by made to said Resolution of In· tention No. 3327. quired in cases of extraordinary emergencies caused by fire. flood. or "8nger to life or property and. for ·time on Sundays and the seven (7) legal holidays, to-wit: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day. Armis- tice Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. HELP WANTED Female Excellent positions open. Pre -C ut New Lumber Garage and Utility Homes • • ;"; The ttrribte emptiness of not having enough to cat dro·fe these children out early in the morning. 'Ibey are hopefully waiting for food. MillioBI of children aze sick from bun· gu. Many will die before bdp can reoch them. But you can help .... maoy thou· oaodo oi od>en. Their oaly hope la your generous bdp. Wiii you GIVI tltcrt they may LIVI? Ya, you· ... pl<dpl to "Share 1 Meal E.,.ry Day" to help _,.iog p«>ple. But the oc<d for food is IO despenm you"nt asked ro do more-to give "''"'"Y to buy food. or give food in tin cans. and to give generously. WIMre the food y.. 9lve wW ... . C,oouibutions oi anned food will be dis- \ tributed Cree in war-denstattd counttiel on the basis of grcatc$t oe-ed. Why food must IM In tin ...,... Food lo tin ans can be bandied. safely for dis- W>t shipment over difficult ,.,.ds. . ' I I \··! \ • - 1WI ocivwtiMmeld .. ,,...,.. r, the AclwiMt11I•1 c.-dJ fw .. 11-•fl•lll•-~t ,_. C1l1 di1a ... 11 ............. .,. The.. Newport Harbor Publishing Co. \ A Competent Secretary -Stenographer 12x20 ...... -............................... $168.00 20x20 ...................................... $227 .00 18x20 ................................... $206.00 30x20 ................................... $321.00 The suggestion that the asso- ciation should disband for the summer months because of the in· crease of business and that some of the merchant·members work nights to accommodate patrons of their pl.aces was disapproved by all the members present. They urged ·1ha l the meetings be held once a month. JX>SSibly on th(' first Tuesday. A motion was made to this ef· r ect, was seconded and carried Un· animously. The next mttting will probably be held in the Balboa Rendez\'ous ballroom. providing the particuJar meeting night does not conflict with a dancing date. If it does, the meeting v.'ill be held else- where. the place to be named in advance by the president. Said City Council has determ- ined and declared that serial bonds bearing interest at the rate of six <67r l per cent per annum and extending over a period end· ing nine (9) years from the second day of January next sUC· ceeding the next October 15th fol- Jo";ng the ir da te. will be issuro hereunde r in the manner provided by the "Improvement Act of 1911 '", being Part 5. Division 7 of the Streets and High'''ays Code of the State of California, to represent each assessment of Twenty.five 1$25.00) Dollars or more remaining unpaid for thirty 130) days after the date of the rt shall be mandatory upon the contractor to whom the contract is awarded. and upon any sub-con· tractor under him. to pay not Jes...;; than the said specified rates to all Also a Competent Dictaphone Oper ator laborers. wor kmen, and mechanics Pleasing personality and employed by them in the execu-neat appearance required. tion of the contract . NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN Lots of work a nd inviting sealed proposals or bids darn good pay. for doing all the '''ork hereinbe-Pho ne fore described and orderf'd in said Resolution Ordering \Vork. to be P. A. Palmer presented to Che City Clerk at Harbor 1500 Ph. L. B. 671-104 1860 Oregon· Ave., Long Beach • 49-2tp, Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator N ow at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 49-ltc his office in the City H all of said For Appointment City up co the hour or 4 ,00 P . 48-4tc RADIO TUBES M . of Monday, the 15th day of -----------Many scarce ones now in &tock. July, 1946. HELP WANTED-Elderly man as BATTERIES for portables and The proposals or bids offered watchman on construction of hearing aids. Electric broilers &- shall be accompanied by a check new telephone building in Bal-roasters, Electric Heaters. v.•arrant. made payable to the order of said boa. 64 hours per week. See" Mesa Radio & Electronics Co. Ford Makes Changes In Plant Personnel Under Dearborn Plan As another major step in shair ing its plans for post-war oper- ations. the Ford Motor Company has just concluded a series of meetings with its regional man- agers. p I a n t superintendents, branch controllen and branch la- bor relations men. All of the work herein ordered shall be done a nd carried through in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia , designated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911", being Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code. City, certified by a responsible Harris, 313 E. Centra1, Balboa. 1794 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Bank, or a bond as required by 46-tfc 47·tfc Jaw for an amount not less than -~=--~--~~~--=-..::.: ten (IQ<fr) per cent of the aggre-DECORATORS Fire Place and Kindling gate or the proposals. Each bid KAY FINCH CERAMICS hBJ w 0 0 D shall be made out on a form to openings now for 8 few girls 01 Delivered be obtained at the office of the woman with art training or abil· H . W . WRIGHT City Engineer or sa;d City. lty. Ask fot Miss Dierker, 121 Ph. B eacon 5665 Henry Ford Il, president: J . R. Davis. vice-president in charge of sales and advertising, and John S. Bugas, vice-.president in charge of Industrial relstions. conducted the group sessions. Mr. Bug as and M. B. Undquist. assistant director of labor relations. also Interpreted for the group the new company contract with the UAW-CIO. In general, the plan consists of completely separating the field s.ales organization, Ford, Mercury and Uncoln, trom the manufac- turing and accounting ends of the buslneu. Under the new set-up, former branch superintendentl ~11 be made Plant managers, hav- ing com plete jurisdiction of all as. sembly plant operations, including employment, labor relations. plant protection. f'tc. The branch con- troUen will operate as a separate entity under the supervision of Dearborn rnanaa:ement. The company's field sales or- ganization will continue to tunc-- tlon under the supervision of the regional managen and their staff&. Mickey Rooney, . Aggregation Plays at FulJerton, Saturday That versatile )'OUftg sdeen star, Mickey Roon•y, Who can di- rect a band and double in base- ball with equal ease. will appear Saturday e\·ening, June 22, in per~ son at the Fullerton Baseball park when his Hollywood All.Stan play the International Correspondence school team. Mickey will play sec- ond base throughout the pme. wtuch starU at 8 :15 p.m. All dill- Said City Council. pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of California, hu ascertained and de- termined that the general prevail- ing rate of per diem wsges in the locality in which the said work herein described is to be performed, for each craft or type of ...,·orkman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and also the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work for each craft or 'type or work- men or mechanic to be as fol- lows : The contractor to "'horn an Cout Blvd., Corona . del Mar. 1784 Newport Blvd. ·~tfc award may be made will be re-43-tfc quired to furnish with the con-___________ ..:_..::.; tract, surety bonds, one faithful performance bond in an amount equal to not Jess than twenty-five f25?<) per cen t of the amount of the aggregate of the bid and one material and labor bond in an amount not less than fifty (50%) per cent of the aggregate of said bid. The afy Council or said City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any in· YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Just Arrived F'reoh Heartng Aid BATTERIES Oundet'90?1 Drug Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 ei>-ttc Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten 18-month -116.75 Ex. Compounded Motor Galion, 70c Oil - Hourly Per formality in a bid not affected by Frequent 1"ncre~oo•. Wage Diem Jaw. ~ Western Auto Supply Classification Rate Wage Dated this 18th day of June, Vacations with pay. Authorized Dealer Elec<rldan .................. si.10 $13.60 1946. Advancement 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa M- Pipe Fitter ................ 1.75 14.00 FRANK L . RINEHART, 41-tfc Steel worker Catruc-City Clerk of the Cicy of opportunities. VENlITlAN BLINDS-Aluminum, turaJ) ····--··-····---····· 1.75 14.00 NewPort Beach, California. steel, wood. Call 1.11 for free estt. Welder !structural) .. 1.75 14.00 Pub. June 20, 25, 1946. Apply mate. Renovation & retlnlshlnc. MIU wright ................ 1.57 12.56 100 E. Bay Ave., -So. C<>ast Venetian Blind Co, Mason, brick .............. 1.85 14.80 NOTICE INVJTINO BIDS 514% N . Main St., Santa Ana West 18th and Ne.._t Ave., Oper ator. trench ma-or Coata Mesa. Ph: Beaoon 5355.W. chine ···········-··----···· 1.75 14.00 Notiot is hereby given that the Ask the ~tfc Operator, drag Une .... 1.85 14.80 Board of School Trultees of the Od#!l_,.~::: the INSTRUCTION or courses In the Operator, air com-Newport Beach School District ...,~ · pttSaOr .................... 1.30 10.40 will Heelve aeal<d bids for paint-Southern C-"•orru·a following taught groups or !n-Operator . concrete tnc 18 rooms of the IChool build. iW:ll divtduah: na\figation, stablUty mixer .......... -........... 1.30 10.40 Inc located between 13th and 14th Telephone Compuy & hull comthict!on, compua Operator, pump -····---1.30 10.40 Streets oo Central Avenue; al.a U.tfc compensation, general teaman- Operator. tractor ...... 1.55 12.40 Caretaker'• cottage located on ------------ahlp. Capt. Stephen Fnedman. Cement flnlaher ........ 1.625 13.00 13th Street and the caretaker's F ottlce pplla B.S.. Muter. U. S . Merchant Truck driver ........ .,-... 1.()7 8.56 cottage located on Carnation N or 11meL llU • tee the Marine. 1312 Vf. Central, Apt. 3. Carpenter .................... 1,ro 12.00 Street In Corona del Mar. -;.,...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;48-4;;;;~tp Pipe layer. aewer ........ 1.30 10.40 Paintlllg to be done accordinc t Oiler ... _ ......... _ ...... _.... 1.17 9.36 to spedflcatlono on Ille In the Dll- Common laborer ..... 1.00 8.00 trlct Superlntendent'a office. 14th Watchman and flag-and Central. All blda to be In man ...... _ .. ,,_ .............. 1.00 8.00 the District Superintendent'• of· Any other clauifica-flee by 8,00 o'c:lock p.m .• July 2, tlon omitted herein. 19". not lea than.......... .875 7 .00 The Board of School Trustees of Provided thl t one and one-half the Nowport School District re- (1 % ) times the said prevailing serves the right to reject any er rate Of wq:e shall be paid. except all bidl or waive an,y lnforin:i.Uty watchmen, Ragmen and other in a bid. non-manual work.en, for any GORDON B. FINDLAY, WOC"king time ,,_,, than ejght Clerk ol the Newport (8) houri during any..,. (1) cal-' -Scbool Dlltrkt. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 ~llwM14 ''' • ...., .... ud .. 1eeank'bll , ..... ,.. .. I -------------------------------' dJoen under 10 ~t tr.. -endar day F 1ucf1 work II re-Pub.-.June 6, 13. 20. 1lN6. ...................... ., ....... ...., • • • ---. ~ . . l· J ' • ' ----:-:-=:"".:::::-~~~--::-;:s::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;-;;~:;:~~;::;;:~N~&~W~WOW~~~~-;·;·;ao,a:;;~N~&;•;--~ ...... ~~~~ .. ~·~ ... ===r!=·~·s~z~t~Oii~-~·p~5~a;·~~1!'"""1;:::~~·~~::·:1!,~~ .. ~~-~~~~~~========~~~~;;~~;:::::::::::~ii~~ii~;;r::~ .... ~·~111~~~~ \ ~---,------==--+'1 -----:-::::=c~===c:==:-------::=l·----=-=-------::·:::::::-:c:-::=:::-:::::-------:.::-, ..... ---·--Ma-, WANTED TO BUY n llUBICAL. ~JO "1 ~·~·~·~··:..:&111~ .... ~A~-~'----,,,..-.,.-,,-_::•::1 n••.mA.ft •1•s&•.ESTA.n ,, n••.mAn ., ..... arr.ATS .. --..... •• WANTED TO BUY-Need lmrpeds ~ED Spinet Type mir-Gertrude A. Waldron BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Robert -V. Bl'06e · laujy, good. ·clean lisht car. ror-Plano. Thlo ts• real borcaln. Wm. W. Sanford, Broker ' Ucensed Real Elltate Brok.,. Prloe no object. Phone Hunting· Other uoed planoo aa low u 308 Marine A y SmaD I)rivesln Restaurant. Orocl& de! Mar ton Beach 3521. JS.tic sa:;, $87, $125, $175. DANZ-~-, -· vmR "" c Restaurant & Grocery, 1-nn~livlng quarters. - WILL PAY CA8H ror YOW' f\U'- nttun or what have you.. Pb.ooe Beacon 5656. O. R. craw!A!y, 1812 Newport Blv .. Costa Mesa. JG.tfc CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. PHONE BEACON 5531hl. 23-tfc Will Pay Cash For your turnlture' or what have you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw- ley Furniture. 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 48-tfc 1"UBNITllBll FO& 8AL& n nIE McMahan Furniture S'°""' by constantly being on the alert ' S~~~ PIANO CO., 520 No. r~ ~ 11 ' L 0 TS ~ • U Radio store with 12 exclusive franchises. Main. Santa Ana. 38-tfc Balboa Island Exchanges U SeYeral Restaurantswithorwithoutproperty. Beautllul JG.ft. lot on Poppy Ave. Rad. Re · · nue, North of Highway, exoel-10 p8ll'll Balboa lalll>d North Bay corner lent location. • All makes; tubes, •tc. lot. So. Bay 1ot """ aooc1 1mJc1e Income Properties . j U S T I N T I M E $1750 Beacon 5763 lot. Ownen will exchange !OS' BURT NORTON tmproved laland property. U Small Hotel, good income, room to expand. 915 O>est Hlg!l~. Newpwt U Motel&: apts.; can Increase Income, good buy. :za.ttc Business Lease U Furnished Court, excellent daily rates, hwy. Two 110"'5, excellent location. n Trailer Court, Restaurant, 5-~rs incl. !IPZ01AL ANNOIDIC&ll&NTll II Marine Avenue. Good tncome. SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON '3.00 Crawl stroke rn t.hrtt leaona $7.00 DAVID RIGHT Balboa ?'?Int Hotel 1115 E. ~rural Ave. 49s8tc TYPEWRITERS OFFICE EQUIPMENT Oeanlng, Oiling, Adjustln&, • Overhaullnc ROBERT'S TYPEWRITER SERVICE Houses Woll bunt, large living room with fireplace, enclooed fr<>rlt p:rcll. bedroom. clresslna: room. ldtd>en and bath. Price $15,800 Furnlshed. Immed. pouesslon. Very atiractive newly turnished ~. 3 bedrm.s .. 2 baths, patio, Price $23,750.00 Terms. Immed. pouesslon. 260'2 W. ~ntral Harbor 447 _ Homes ---Homes ---Homes U Udo Isle, Ii bednns., 2 baths, show by aptmt. U Carta~; new 3-hednn. Corner. U Corona del Mar; new 1,bedroom; very neat. U Balboa Home &: income. (3 exera ·apts.) Many Others In all sections Lots ---Lots ---Lots U 101 Highway, Costa Mesa, Newport Heights,, Udo Isle, comer Canal lot , water both s1des. Brand new 2sbedroom homes being rushed to completion - 3 to choose from -Newport -near BAY and OCEAN. And priced right at- -$6750 to $9750 - Yes, we have a WATER- FRONT HOME --- that you can afford. Full price $8750. Ready to move In. and only-. $3500 down • And if you want Balboa .. Good JG.ft. Highway, front. comer lot, ~th ol 2 blocks to water $2500 Balboa Bay Front Good atnall beach house on JG.Ct. Bay Front lot. - $16,500 30ft Bay Front Lot $15,000 BROSE REALTY 1307 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar Ph: Harbor 2048 49-ltc for all of' the better known and most popular Unes of home fur· nishinp. have succeeded 1n be- ing able to provide for you 1n their 1tMes wide selections ot the most attractive patterns and the moat outstanding values This enables WI to offer wonder· ful THREE and FOUR ROOM o u·n l'l'S, assembled for har· many a nd utility. Now we an: featuring two such outfits, ont a t $399.50 and one at $699.50. l...o'4'f!t tenns. tree delivery, nc red tape to open your account Select yours now. Evening ap poin tments on request . Mc l\lahan Furn \ture Company, Sec ond & Broadway, Santa Ana Calif. 45-4Th< --------,:--::c-:-:<IG-:-tf_c 2,bedroom. nlcely fUrnllhed home Carpenters Available on wide lot, 2scar garage. .We Appreciate Your Listings Island ----_ - we llave 3 lovely homes that will suit the best taste-with quick possession. FOR SALE-Balboa Island, very lovely "Little" Island 2-bedrm. home. Exceptionally modern, ideal surroundings, near beaUtl· ful South Bay. Pegged hard- wood floors in large liying room. distinctive linoleum throughout, rest of house a ttractive. Dining nook in rear, convenient pretty kitchen. sun deck, brick patio, hoUSP inte restingly furnished, immaculate condition, single garage. Immediate occupancy can be arranged. First time of- fered. Inquir e at 331 Cr}-stal, Balbo a lsland. 49-2tc BOATS, SUPPL!ES .. \V As~ TO RENT or buy mooring 20-ft . cabin cruiser . Atlantic 21758. Reverse charges. 46-4tc STAR SAI LBOAT. Just recon- ditioned a nd new paint. Phone Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a. m. and 5 p. m . 46-t!c 1&-F'T. STAPLF.T racing sloop, ma ho~any hull, nice lines. trail· er , $500. 215 Garnet, Balboa Island. 49-1 tp 30-FT. CA BIN CRUISER. Some fishin~ gear . Rt•asonable for quick cAsh c;;nlc-AmCTican Le- gion Docks. 15th St., NeY:port Beach. 49-l tp FOR SALE -Snipe. mahogany hull. one suit canvas. good con- dition. 3901 l\t arcus Ave., Nev.•. ,port Island after 5 o'clock. 49-2tp FOR SALE-20-ft . fish tx>a t, Star, full convrr ted motor , steel hull, A-1 condi tion. 628 Clubhouse Drive or phone ATiantic 1-2036, owner. 47-4tp BOATS. SUPPL~ SI Clffi.YSLER Royal J\llarlne engine ; 2 to 1 reduc tion gear . Excellen t cond..it1on . P rice $675, or will trade for CRr or what have you. See Doc Stricker. 717 Coast ffighway, Newport. Beacon 5551 . 46-4tc fOR SALE-New Mar ine Kohler Generator . 1500 watts. 32 vol! D . C .. retail price for this powet plant is $516. We have 10 lef1 for clearance sa le. $374. Yeakel Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, Los An· geles. P hone EX. 0882. 45-tfc Fire E quipment Tests C-0-Two, Pyrene & Foam refills CO fixl'd s ys tem and Por tables now available. E'1'S HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast Highway P h. B<'aoon 5522 73-tfc Three 50'xl2\>'x3\>' Shain ''Trim, mership" express cruisers, round tx>ttom. twi n Chrysler Royals. Buil t in 1943 by best Seat tle yards. Full living a ccommoda- tions, 6'4.. headroom thruout, $15,000.00 each. Two 371 .Higgins r-escue launches. Double planked bottom. 250 h.p. Hall-Scott In- vader engine. Built in 1944 by W ilson Boat \Vorks. $3500 each. Ph. L. B. 47587. 47-Stc FOR SALE-Boat "Gale K." 38-ft t\4tin screw cruiser, nlc-e galle)I with lee box, butane stove a.nd plenty of cupboard space; sleeps four. Mahogany planking. Suitable for passenger or com· mercial business. Rauls 7 ~ toru on deck. There ls no better boat for tu size in Ne""-,iort Harbor. A. L. f..fat the'\VS, 509 31st S t., Ne"-port Beach. Phone Harbor 2577. 44-tf< MU81€AL & RADIO M F OR SALE-York Trumpet, thor- ou&hly r econditioned. $75. Call Harbor 2640. 47-3tc FOR SALE-1'-farlne rad.lo, diree- Uon nnder. 3 band. 6 volt fisher. N early ne~·. 509 31st, NeW}Xl1't Beach. P h. H arbor 2577. 4l~tfc KNABE Grand Piano. walnut case, F amous Knake tone. Also Weber Grand, Sohmer. Schul u. And many other famous makes. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. ~lain, Santa Ana. JS.Uc STETh'\VAY Grand Pia.ho. Mahor- any case. Beautiful tone. ?t>Ied- lum si:z.e. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO.. 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. 38-tfc 'RADIO HOUSE CALI-S- Now that add.ltiona1 competent technicians are ava1lable. we are able to make seTVtce calls pn large consoles. All work guar- anteed. HAROLD ls HAMM. S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 180. 34-tfc for general maintenance Price $16,000 and repair Furnished. U Our 101 Highway location stops buyers from every state looking for businesses and homes. Bring or send your listings to us. O. Z. ROBEBT!!ON Call Harbor 83 34-tfc KEYS Kade While You W&lt Attractive 2·bedroom house on rear of 60-ft. Grand Canal lot. Room to build. Completely turn. Price $23,500 -0-- A . "SANDY STEINER, Realtor By the way, we close on Wednesday VOGEL'S Corona de! Mar Lots and Associates 634 Coast Hwy. 101 On the Miracle Mile Ph.: Beacon 5173 49-ltc HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 100 !4a.ln St., Balboa 4()..ft. lot. ocean view, below h!gh-30th at Central Ph. Harbo< 1600 & 1601 '?08 Marln~. Balboa Ial&nd way. Price $4,750. Bay Front r.1editerranea n stucco house; 5 bedrooms ; 5 "2 ba ths; 50 feet of bay f rontage: Coast Properties Realtors Co. • 49,ltc ... tfc 'J\vo OCean Front lots, both priced _F_O_R_R_ENT-.--------ll-to sell. Other lots from ii ,375 _µp. GENERAL INSURANCE "Insure today-Be sure tomorrow" MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES t\!A S AN J ACINTO MTS. well built 5-rm. year around home. Knotty pine. All con\'eniences. Elect . pump. Lge. stone fireplace a lso 3·rm. cal>in. 1 ~~ acre. 5 mi. from l dyll\vild. l mmC'd. occupancy. $12,!'>00. ~ cash. Furniture it desired. fhone Harbor 2382-W Newport Beach or \\'rite Box 34, FOR RENT-Garage, 11th & Ba y, Ph. H arbor 1472-M. 48-2tc \VlLL Sl-IARE front a pt. 1115 E . Centra l Ave .. S alboa. Sec S "'im- ming Instructor. 49.2tc \Vll.L LEASE-1100 square feet wood working and cabinet shop. Fumjshed "''ith all new m a- chines. Mus t be responsible party. Ph. H arbor 2427-W <or ) see Doc S tricker , 1112 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach. 464tc WANTED TO RENT ----------~ \VANTED TO R E NT-Small apt. or house for nex t school term, in Corona del Mar. Box A. c/o Nev.'S-Times. 49-2tp WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. unfurnished house. \Vilt lease. Call Sam Porter at Ha{bor 707 or 13. 35-t!c APr or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wife. We do noi drink or smoke, nq children or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-\V or write Box "X" Newport Bal- Houses Modern home, 2 bedrooms & den , large living room, tile kitchen and ba th, se rvice porch, 2-car garage, on well landscaped lot south of highway. Price $16,000 Unfurnished. 2·bedroom home, 40-ft. lot. nicely located. South of Seaview. W itb good view of ocean. Room to build on t he front of lot. $15,000. Furnished Small at tractive house with view. P ar tly furnished, nice location, south of highway. Large livi ng room. fireplace and patio, 2-car garage. Price $8,750.00 Gertrude A. Waldron Wm. W. Sanford, Broker ~ Marine A venue Phont-234-R 46tfc $35,000.00 Balboa Peninsula l\1odern home. furnished : unob- structed view of bay. Bricked walled yard and patio. Imme- di ate possession : $10,000.00 • Ocean Front At tractive 3-bedroom hom e, furn- ished ~i lh immediate posses- sion. A real buy at : $15,750.00 Balboa Island 2-Story, 2-bedroom. 2-bath furn- ished home 35 feet from South Bay. Immediate possession : $1 3,500.00 Costa Mesa 5 ACTeS on San ta Ana ave nue be- tween 16th and 17th with small house a nd outbuildings : $10,500.00 3 Bedroom Home Near Ba y. Firepl ace.' Nicely fur- nished. Electric refrigerator. Immediate possession. $1 3,000. Terms Bay Front Lot R ·3 corner , 30x88 $16,000 c,2 Balboa Lot Corner 30x75. $6 ,500 3 Furn. Apartments Ne"'IY deeorated. and sleeping room with bath. \Vell loca ted. Peninsula Lots and other building sites. Coast Properties Co. .. J. M. MILLER Real Estate Broker 15th and Central Balboa Income Well located business comer. Price: $25,000 Balboa Near bay. Good neighbor, hood. 4,Bedroom home. Im, m~ate possession. $17,500 Lido Isle !,Bedroom home; possession close of escrow. Price: $31 ,500 Balboa Island South bay front. Olannlng 2, story home · with pier and float. Best location. Only: $65,000 'h Down Balboa Isla nd, Calif. 49·ltc MONEY TO LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD. buy, tnlpf'(Jft, modernlu or rt ttnance. Newport Balboa Federal St&vtnp and Loe.n ANOCiatlon. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 AUTOMOTIVE & TIRES Ill F OR SALE-'41 Ford Convert, ible Coupe. Call 'Thuet, Beacon 5342. . 48-2tp FOR SALE-Graham Truck 193(. mechanically perfect. Call Har~ bor 234-R. 48-4tc F OR SALE--1936 Lincoln Zeph}T. $750.00. 306 Craft Ave., H ·.1.nt- lngton Beach. 48·2tc boa News-nmes. 37-tfc ------------• Realtors GENERAL INSURANCE 703 E . CentraJ, Balboa Harbor 683 Newport Heights FOR SALE-'29 model Panel type VETERAN and bride planning to reside in Costa Mesa. \Vant sm. furn. apt. or house. Contact Mr. Jorgensen at Harr's J ewelry, 1821 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 41-tfc REAL ESTATE ., FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, near Barst ow, output 1200 fry- ers per v.·eek. Excellent equip. °T"'O modern houses. Good water supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. 47-2tp FOR SALE-Five new single roll- aways with mattresses, $20 ea. 418 E . Surf, Balboa. 46-4tc F OR SALE-Newport H eights lot 50x125, a11 utilities available, $1750.00. Owner, 22331 West, minster S t., Costa Mesa. 48-2tp FOR SALE--Cholce located lots and 1h acres, $400 to $3.000. Artistic 5-rm. hse. 2 bedrm. Gar- age with guest rm. On 2 big lots. finest ave., view of ocean, near all conveniences, San Clem ente. $12,500 unfurn; $14 ,750 tum. 5-rm. home, 2 bedrnu. &: garage, hardwood floors, tile shower &. sink, "large closets, fi.!'eplace. Price $8500. Adele Gimbel. 95 Del Mar Ave., Phones 311 or 316, San aemente. 43-tfc FOR SALE-2-story ocean front home and income property. Up- per: 4 bedrooms. sleeping porch and 1;i bath. Potential Income $75 per week. Lower: Sun porch, living room with real fire- place ; dining room, kitchen, utillty porch, bedroom. bath and Mower. FunUture Includes C.old Spot electric refrlg., electric washer. and G.&S. gas range. Price $20,000. 418 E . Surf, Bal- boa. 4&-4tc El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay A venue $4000 Large Comer Lot On Peninsula,. with view. $5750 On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 Income Property 2 bedroom house and 4 small ren ta1 unl ts. Several good Bay Front Lots LOT ON <X::EAN BLVD. $3000 See Us For Other Housel, $6500 and Up Also Lots J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa ~lesa Ph: Beacon 5320 2 1/~ Acres CloSE.' in. Fronts on 2 streets. 1 bedroom house. Only $6500 2 Bedroo m H ome Near High school. Large living room \Vith rC"a l fireplace. Dining room. large kitchC'n. Lot 63xl68. Priced at $8500 Business For Sale Ceramics manufacturing pJant . Wholesale and retail license, good location. Four kilns. Gross sales over $1200 per mon th. 3- year lease on building. A real huy, at $6500 A beautiful home In Costa Mesa's best resident ial district . Large liv- ing r oom and dining room, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, floor fumac-e, wall to wall c.ar- pets. Double garage with l&Wl· dry. Lovely lawn and flowen. $15,750 3Ji A ere La11d 6-room stucco house, hardwood floors, basement. on Orange Ave. Double garage. Immediate pos- session. $8700 Business Opportunit y Lis tings Wanted. Real Estate, Ins urance, Bwiines,, Opportunities. J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coota Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 49-1 tc ·AT CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful Level Lots $1365 3 Hillside Lots All For $2250 Newport Heights 2-Bedroom furnished home, orfer- ing bt'auti ful view of the bay and ocean : $8,500.00 Corona de! Mar Apartment -2 bedrooms, nParly new ; hardwood floors and room for another house: $6,900.00 BALBOA PEl'/INSULA LOTS for $2 ,950.00 Up . JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St ., Balboa Phone Har. 2034 49·11< Costa Mesa Large. modern 2-bedrm. home in good location on east side. All rooms are large. Has fireplace, fl oor furnace, patio, kitchen range, venetian blind!, curtains, and wall-to-wall rugs on part of house. $11,000 Costa Mesa Lot 50xl55 ft. lot located 1 bile:. west ot Newport Blvd. $900 Costa Mesa 2·bednn. house with sleeping porch on east side. Rooms are large. Dbl. garage .. $6650--1/2 down Lldo Isle ~ft. corner lot $5000 5().ft. frontage of inside loll $6000 57,ft. Lot Between Costa Mesa and Newport $4500 49-1 tc F. J. SULLIVAN Corona de! Ma r -·-HOMES New 2·bedroom home, hardwood n oors. nice dinette and large kitchen. Extra large garage wilh laundry room. $10,000 Possession at once. new 2·bedroom house on a lar ge comer lot : lots of closet space. nice dinette and fireplace. The noors a.re car- peted throughout. A real buy a t : $10,500 Right on the ocean front : a new 3-bedroom home With a bath and a hair; lots or new ideas. A large fireplace and fine view. 2-Car garage. See this at once. $1 8,500 In Costa Mesa The best buy in this location : a 3- bedroom home less than a year old on a large corner lot with a large garage. Lawn and shrubs all in. This will not last long at: $12,500 . Emerald Bay A bea utiful new 2-bedroom home, large rooms throughout. with a fine view of the ocean and hills. A l&rge fireplace and a beautiful kitchen. A fine home in· one of the showplaces of Orange Co. See this property now. $26,500 LOTS I have a number of good buy3 in lots from a thousand dollars and up. Come in and let u.s show you these lots. All prices and all locations. Costa Mesa Business frontage with im, provements ... a real buy at- $10,500 Balboa Near telephone office. Income property. 1 unit avail able for living quarters. Price-s ' $16.~00 Most beautiful view of entire harbor area. This is really. a fine home and very mod- estly priced at- $35,000 Costa Mesa Modem pre-war 3,bedroom home. Completely furn, ished. A bargain at- \. $12 ,000 Wanted : Corona del Mar Business Frontage Buyer will pay cash. · · U You Are Interested in Harbor Area Property We Can Help You ---§--- J. M. MILLER 15th &: Central • Newport Beach • Ph. Harbor 1242 49-ltc NOW AVAILABLE SEVERAL CHOICE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES ON BALBOA ISLAND SOUTH BAY FRONT --§-- YOU SHOULD SEE THF.SE LISTINGS BEFORE YOU BUY. --§-- H U B P 0 WE R S, AGE N T J. A. B e e k 0 f f i c e Ferry Landing Ph. Harbor 62,W Balboa Island 48-ltc REAL VALUES 2-Bedroom home. Fireplace. Nice large level lot .. Oose in. 2--Car ganoge. Full price: FOR SALE-BU'ildings near Hunt- ington Beach, easily moved in flat sections; all lumber, bolted, ' Truck , excl. motor. new paint, $285. Call after 3:30 p.m.. E. Atchisoh, Y!ttCA, Santa Ana. 48-4tp RECAPPING Recap All Five Tires In One Day Wheel Balancing Section Work LESTERS O.K. Rubber Welders 2900 W. Cen tral, Newid't 4~tc AUTO SERVICE NOW HERE Your authorized Chrysler· Plymouth Dealer. AuthOrlzed parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics .. Kendall and Quaker State ollll NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 15MsJ 88-tfc $6500 -•-2-Bedroom ha:ne. Nice Jot. East F. Jack Sullivan and side. All rencec1. 2-car -· panel construction. 4 buildinp 1------------- 20'9'"96'; 1 building 20'9'."68'. TllAlLER8 91 Alonzo J . Frazier . 124 7th SL, TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do ;vour Huntington Beach. Phone 21l32. own hauling IJ>d mcwfnc. AD John J. Gerien $6650 49-2tc new equipment, S2.25 IJ>d l2.l50 _F_O_R_S_ALE-3-___ uru_·_t _A_p_t._H-ouse--o-n per day. We fUrn1sh the httch. f Myrehn Bros. 5mllce Station, Central, 5 blocks we.t center o cor. 17th 8t Newport Blvd., Ooota Harbor Blvd. 1213 Coast Hi&hway :J..Bedroom home in Newport Hts. Large lot on Bl•;d, v.ith 2 bedrm. Corona del Mar Sewer in and all assessments home, garage, and rear building Phone Beacon 5876-J. 4.9-ltc paid. This is a good buy at only: Balboa. Income $1850 per year. Mesa. 46-dt Price $17,500. $6,000 down. In, quire 121 E . Central Ave., Balboa. Sell that unwanted arUda 49-4tc throush N.,..,'I'!ms ado. with washroom and extra room. F OR SALE -liObedroom Ocean $8500 W. J . HOLCOMB Buildings are set back from Front home, Balboa. Large 3-Bedroom home. Hardwood, tile. 1517 Coast Highway Bl"'d. to allow business location master bedroom upata.irs. $18,-5 Years old. Stucco. Nicely land- Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 in front. 000.00. Term&. Call phone Whit-scaped. Large level loL We sel· "Where the Flag• Fly" 48-2tc $9500 tier 418-347, revene charges. dom get a holl)e Uke this at __ 49-ltp such a low "(>rice. Let us prove COSTA MESA EVA F. RHODEN ~FO-R-s·-· ~-~--Fro-t_d_1'"' it. Full price only: On Broadway, double corner , ,,..,. ~~•n n up ex. $10 250 mod--!•'nee 1 front -......... Realtor Newport. Use one, rent one. , ""···· • .., .. uc . . • ......,.... • Prl-~o.ooo. p----''on close we· also have--' buys in lots 14xl8, used now as business. 470 Newport Blvd .• Colt.a Mesa ~"" ..,. ~ &""""' Space for !kourt building with ELTON D. BARNETr, Brnker of ~-Wrlte or call phone and income property. two street entrances. 1 blk. from Pb. Beacon ~R \Vhittier 418-347, reverse charge. - centa: of town. Place t.o Uve. 49-ltc 49-ltp WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU • "1th 50W>d Investment _H_O_ME--AND--IN-CO-~------m.-$1500 DOWN. $37.50 1DOS1thly bll)'s - WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices. . SEIJ. YOUR, CAR NOW Whtie Pltcm are High,. • ' .. f • SEE the new style world famous u pholstered. pia.l'lOI. Many colon t o choose from at DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. Main St., Santa Ana. We also ttnt pi.3.00L.4 38-tfc W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central. Balboa Phone Harbor 153 '5-tfc $21,500 house, 3 acres prodUcttve lemon attractive new l..tiedroom bou9e B. A. NERESON grove. Oloice ll'<Jstless district with, half acre. Price $5650. Vet, REAL ESTATE Ralph P. Maskey 3410 Gout Blvd. Phone 402 46-tfc Orange Co. Near town IJ>d eran s preference. See _.-, Insurance IJ>d school. Price Sll.5()0. tenDI. Ph. Monrovia. be""een 17th IJ>d 111_,, -oi-tun1t1es Orange !rl0'7,JH. j 48-4tc 18th. Coota Mesa. 4&-4tp 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa - ••nOa folden at N~T'lmm. Pb.: Besom 5225 _ 49-ltc Phone for CJlll' CW18UUi bu;yer who will call Uld ed9lle )'OU ~ OPA regu'latiolll, oiOq prtoes Uld amiilp ... dl!Calll a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. Qwu1c:M .. OP' ·s D11'1'1 ..W.t.C&ltal,NcapcrtB1 *· •0i1111;B M tlwlllm* ~ ' . . 7 -. • 0 • • 7 ,, ' i ' f / "'l!!IEl!..!Z!!!!!!:..------------------------------.:...--...?"!l•!!•!lPWA~EL!'•!i•!'!!iao.!!!!.i•!!!!!•!!::• ••e --e• ..... OrM 7 n 111:·.1-. S.:~75.~ ~~.:7.:::=·=eari:: Nelson Stafford's First Big Beach'• total to date to $43,008.39. John E. Sadlier &nllOUOOOd this c c / try T • b R •1 Solidton for the drive to 001· Laguna Beach continues !D bc>ld week that the oontlnual growth ross-oun rip y a1 1ect i:i00,000 to erect the Presby· the money . lead over Newport _or his real estate and Insurance teria.n Horpital building on New, Beach, however, having rolled In business had reached the point port He!ghta announced today that a total or $44,116.60 up to June L~. where It was neceuuy for him (Continued fl-m> P>ge l l -------------------------to add Ross Greeley to the real • • • THlr: NINICT Elr:NTH CON81:CUTIV1C DIVIDEND AT THE "-ATIE 01" THREE .. l[R C C NT 13 .,._J PEA ANNU M l"DA T H E 8CMl-AN· N UAL ~EAI DO EN OINO JUNC 301'H. 19'4e, HA8 •&EM OE· cLA•aD •Y ¥HE D I RECT O R • DI" THI• ..... OCIATI ON AND W ILL •tc .. A I D JUNC 3 0'fH, 19•&. A•aOLUTC aAl"ETY l"OA YOUR ,-UNO• EAC H A C COU NT I MBUACD u .. TD as.coo TOTAL R £•D U A CE9 IN EXCElta o,-,2,000,000 NEWPORT B A LBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LO A N ASSOCIATJO . 333 3 VIA LIDO PHON E HAABOA 1900 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF'CRNIA OIRECTD AB J , A. •EEK 8 . A , Ml:YER W. R . MIAAMll P . A . PALM I:~ WALT ER 8. aPICl:R C . W. TcWIN KL1C W . A . W ILO UB G_reet1ng Cards uid a Great Variety of Unusual Glftl '"\VE 1NVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS .JE\VELRY and ST . .\TIONERY 1797 Newport Blvd., Costa ~lesa, Callf. Dlamo.ncb -\\·a te.bes -Fine Repal.rtn&: Pb one Beacon 5639-M Brak en Le11ses Duplicated Gla"Ses Ad)ust..d Byes • Frames Repaired Examined E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Sll ' Wee:t Oentn.I Phone Barbor !511 Evenlnp by Appolntmom t CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, Manager . Balboa, California DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS ' t iesef"ed seat fastes . to Cba\t Cats \\\ ij\S\0~ . nd t'eVf Ot\eans C\\\Cai,O au -a\ no el\ta tate \ estate department and Monte R. Grimes to the insurance depart- ment so that the standard of serv:ice to his customers could be maintained. Ross Greeley, who joins the staff as an associate broker, ts well known in the harbor area, having lived in Balboa at various periods during the put 30 yea.rs. After several years with the State Division of Parks, Ross re- turned to Balboa two years ago to asswne the management of the Newport Bay Investment Co. The largest of their holdings was the Balboa Pavilion, recently sold to Paul Lorentzen. J . P. Greeley, late father of Ross Greeley,•organized the New· port Bay Investment C.o. and was responsible for the opening of the Balboa tract in 1905. Ross has witnessed the development h"ere ft°om the sand dune stage and has unbounded faith in the future growth of the harbor district. In joining Mr. Sadlier's office. Ross Greeley stated that it is his sin- cere desire to render the type service that will aid in the de- velopment and the improvement of the entire Newport Harbor area . Monte R. GrimC'S, World ;var Il veteran. joins the Sad.leir of- fice as manager of the insur ance departme nt. ~1:onte is a veteran of two J ima. Okinawa invasions, and the occupation of Japan on V-J day. Before entering the U. S. navy, Monte was the executJve sC'CTetary and assistant to the preside nt of Reda Pump Co., manufacturers of electrical oll well pumps. He is a graduate of Chillicothe Business college, and the San Diego Junior college. After ~ ing discharged from the navy as chief yeoman. he has organized four Veterans of F oreign Wan posts, in the short lime ot three months. ?tlonte Is senior vice commander of the Laguna Beach post, district deputy chief of staff and has just been endorsed for junior vice commander , State of California. l\tonte is in charge of the insurance departmC'nt of J ohn E. Sadleir's office and pledges continued good sen;~ to all our customers. Barons C. Parcher, artist and photographe r y,·ith studios at 6727 •4 Hol1)'\\'ood boulevard, "'as visil ing Ne\\·s-Times artist Jack Linds!C'y Monday. Par cher. who 1 received his Coast Guard training at Ncy,•port HarboJ;"; has recently recei\'('d his discharf::e after serv- ing 20 months as Port Security specia lis t at Sit ka, Alaska. IUILLEY'r REFRIGERnTmn JERVICE comPnnY Sa.lee -Engtneerlng -SeM ce 920 C.Oast Bl\·d., Corona del Ma r Temporary Phone. Day 654 La- guna Reach; Phone Night, 11:362 Laguna Beach •ow Southern P acific offers two great new services E3s t-nse"1ed SMI; no-extra. fare chair cars toChicago ... and to New Orleans and Da!las ... on schedules that 1et new records for speed and comfort! Here are th" J etails: SUNS£T LIMIT£D-49~( houn; to New Or- leans-fastest Los Ang-eles-Ne\v Orleans service in histof'}·. -.OEM STATE LIMI TED -48){ hours to Chicago: the fastest no-extra-fare Los Angeles-ChiCAgo train in history. Leaves Los Angeles 11:15 A. M. daily; arrives Chicaa-o 1:30 P. M. second day followin&. Leaves Los Angele; 12:30 P. M. daily; arrives New Orleans 4:15 P. M. second day following. ••served Seat Car to DALLAS via tit• •SUllSET LIMITED" aniTee at Dallas 7:50 A. M.. second mornina folJowiac. mr,onMT: U wtl.,. , .... _. .......... r•Mn .... Mluwe. F• ,...,,._...,_ • t~ ..._ ... ., r, ... ,.... •••"r l1•lll 11w Pac:t9c ...._ . s • p ,,, ,,,,.,,, s •• , •• ,. ,.,,,,, 107 E. FVtll St. E. B. SHARPLEY, District l'wll&er ~t Santa"-. large llmous!ne pulled Into At- lantic aiy. rode to the Arlingtoq National ~ were 15,000 Rotarians in cemetery, where they Visited the attendance at the convention. tomb or the Unknown Soldier and Fifty-eight Qf. the 72 countries saw the well-kept gravf.s ol other represented In the International famous Americans who igave their Rotary drcle sent delegates to the lives for their coun try in years convention. There 111ere represen- gone by. 'n!e party mdtored back tatives present u far east as by wa.y ot the uppert Arlington China. Delegates were also pres- bridge leading to Washington and.1 ent from South America and the West Potomac Park site of Mexico an4 119 delegates alone the Uncoln memorial. The statue came from OJ.ha. of Abe Lincoln facing the wall Some ot the features on the in the park and the c~llumlnated pr<>&J"8J:r\ .. were f;\\o"() pageants beauty of the White House at 1700 arranged by Quentin Reynolds. Pennsylvania avenue were very the noted lecturer, author and impressive to the visiton. magazine \\Titer , and Phil Spit· Worried alny's Hour of Charm orchestra, When the cab pulled into the both ot which were roundly ap- Union station again t~e Stafford plauded. party received discomfor ting The outstanding speech was news : the train had left with-made by Hon. T. C. Wang, former out them ! I t had been gone only Chinese ambassador to the United fi ve minutes. Sta tes. His theme was National- Stafford said that his party be-ism versus Internationalism. gan to worry about t.he,ir luggage. Vlslt N ew York ' whJch they knew was scattered Another feature of the program about their own part of the car 1 which won the applause of all t.he on the departed train. The party delegates was the pageant of nags told the stationmaster their arranged by girls of the Atlantic troubles. The r ailrOC¥f man ad-City high schools. Flags of 72 vised them that fhere was an-nations "'er e carric'CI across the other train due to leave in about mammoth stage of the Atlantic 30 minut<'s for Philadelphia. So City conventlOn hall. SPORTFISHER IV NOW ON WAY TO S .olN DIE Go. Tb.ls ls the new all•teel ftlhlnc aad pleuare boat whJcb wu bullt &Del. launchfld from the yards of the Centnl Boat \\'orks bel"e tut week. --photo by Kent Hitchcock. 25 YEARS AGO PUBLIC NOTICE to cor:iflrmalion or aa.ld Su r1or Court. -F"ROM OUR F"I LES o n or nfte.r the 3rd day orJuly. 19 .. 6. PuBLIC NoncE HORNE CO MPANY, E . J. WALSH. FIRST DOE, SECOND DOE. TIURD DOE CORPOR- A TION, a Corporation, Defend· ants. they waited and took it. Then came the ceremonies of Arriving in Philadelphia, thC' farewell to the outgoing presi- Orange county Rotarians found dent of Rotary International. friends In the heart of the rail-Thomas \Varrt"n of Wolvcrham~ road terminal-the Philadelphia 1 ton, England, and the address of Rotary club had set up a recep-welcome to the incoming presi- tion booth on the mfin level of dent, Richard Hedke of Detroit, the station for brother Rotarians l\lich. who might be in trouble and the Stafford said that Distr ict No. Stafford par ty certainly was. The 108, which comprises the Rotary Philadelphia Rotarians saw to it clubs of Newport Beach. Orange, that the Stafford party was Riverside. San Bernardino. Im- placcd on a train bound for At-perial and Los Angeles county, lantic City. The Quaker City cluP east of the City of Los Angeles, committee also had the station-had made reservations for their master there wire ahead to At· d•legates at the Hotel Roosevelt !a ntic City to be on the lookout In New York City. About 60 for the party's luggage. Certainly per cen t of the delegates accept- this was grand hospitality! ed the reservatiort5. Ride In Llmomtne Stafford said New York City \Vhen the Philadelphia Rotar-was hot for the three days that iaru1 learned that the train w as he was there. He said his dele· not due to leave their city im· gallons took sightseeing bus trips mediately for Atlantic Cit y they to the battery, scene of much took the Orange county delega-harbor activity: to Wall Street, tion In tow and took them to the financial street ot the east: lunch, after which thef took them to the Cathedral of St. John the on a tour of the friendly city. Divine. which impressed every- Visits "'ere made to the home one: up Fifth avenue, which Staf- of Betsy Ross of Old Glory fame ford typified as "millionairt'S' a nd to Independence Hall. row": and through Central Park, The party had no sooner reach-the largest improved park land in ed the Union sta tion in Philadel-America. The dC'legation also sa\v phla again whe n they were told the N c\v York stage play, ''The that the train "·as lea\i ng in a Red l\iill," aJter which they \\'ere moment. They made haste for ~uests at B~lly Rose's Diamond their car a nd \\'ere just about t o HOPSeshOC' n1gh!club. . . go \\'ith it \vhen a member of the l The dclcf::a t1on also \·1s1ted Philadelphia Rotary club's rec<'p-Grand Central sta tion in the heart tion committee came running 1 or l\la~hatt.an Is land, 'vhere all dO\\'Tl the pla tform to tell them t~e tra ins fo~ north\\'cs tcm N C\\' tha t a PhlladPlphia Rotarian "·as I 'Y ork and Chicago and the Ne\\' bound for Atla ntic City in his Engla~d states m('('I. They al~o pri\'ately chauffeured car and he took ~ides on the Brooklyn Rap~d '''as a nx ious to accommodat e other Transit and Inte rborough Rapid Rotari~ns \\·ho \\'anted to r each Transit, thr r l('{'trical sub,,·ay car the convention city. system of NC'w York. Long Isl- So the Or ange county party, and and Grente.r _Ne\\' \'ork. . includin£ Stafford. \Vilkinson . Ga· They a.ls~ visited the Emp1.re briel, Crane, Yost a nd H ankey and , s .tate bui1~1ng and r~e to its the ir \vives and kin were ushered highest point In th<' skies. They back into a beau;iful. refinedly ' also ,·isited Ra~io City and the upholstered limousine chauffeured ~Valdorf-Astoria s famous Star- by 8 groomed colored man. ,.. 1 hght Roof. "'here notables and the Y.'ealthy rub should~n:. Chlntte Speak5 They also took an excursion "We learned later that. our host boat trip around l\fanhattan l sl- "'as a wealthy PhtladC'li:hla and and passed within sight of the broker, and though at f1rst S tatue of Liberty. glance he seemed rather haughty, Since he h d v '---t he turned out to be a swell fel-a ne er 1..Pt't!'O eas 1 .. ld Sta!! d of Dallas, Texas, before, Stafford ow. sa . or. ·. said tha t he also wanted to see This year \\'hen graduates of Ne\\tp0rt Harbor Grammar s'chool gave their commencement pro- gram they featured a class proph- ecy going ahead in imagination for 20 years and telling \vhat they were doing at that time. Twenty-five years ago this week studen ts were graduaci:ig and they too gave a class prophecy telling what they \\'ere going to do. Sheldon Smith had been ap- pointed. chief surgeon at Walter Reed hospital in \Vashington. D. C. and Walter Dyson had an o~fice on the 49th floor of t he \\'ool- worth building. There was a fine new high school on the palisades and Lasky studios had taken over Rocky Point. Principal H . 0 . Ensign had taught until 1930 and then retired, having become a n1illion- aire from his oil interests at Hunt· ington Beach. Balboa had not been heard of for years. for it \vas now all Ne\\'• por t Beach. (See page one story, "l\lerchant Pictures Desola It' Period for Fine Community.") PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of:' SALE :-;fltt ... e li!! he re!:.'{ lt'i,·en th!l.1 Rohert F . AllPn. n r l ri tl1ur1e1 A\'I'.. IAl'l Ang~[e11. Cal!!ornf11 l:i l'llelll nl:' 10 J ohn ~1. Hane.on. of 209 ?>lnrlne A,·enue. 8 1\lb{la 1:-land . 11\1 hil'I rlJ.:ht . title. nnd lnlPN>!'t In nnr\ to thl' hu11t ne!<!I rnn· rlurtl'•l at 3fl7 ?.larlne A\·enue, Balbon. f!lland. C"11llfornlA. knov.'n il!I t hl' Isl· 1\0(1 f--in,.k Bar. t nt::elher 'ldth It!' i;Q<.d \\"ill. 11.nd th" rood stufr. and grocer-1<'-' nn h11.nd. Satd !\.'\le "''iii be r'nnJ111mn1rit<'rl . anrl th<' purc-ha.-e price paid. a t t he o f- fi<'e of Grainf:'l'r J-fyer . Al tornr.y 11.t t,a .. ·. 31~ ?>fnr1ne A\·enue. Ralh<i11. I!ll· 11.nrl. California at 10 A. M .. J une 29. 1946. J une· 19. 1916. ROBERT F . AL.LF.:-:. Vendor. J Ot-l:-; M. HANSON, Vendee. ~TATE OF CAL IFOR:"lA. COU:"TV OF ORAXGE.-t1s . On Ihle nlnetttnth di\\' ot J une. A. D. 1945, before me. !.lae Dewey. & Notary Public In 11.nd for 1<ald Co11nt)' and State. reeldlni;= the retn duly com· mle9oned and !!'lll>"Orn. ~..,,.,nally a n- 01111red Rnhert F. Alle n and J ohn M. Haneen known to me to be the J'". sons "·hose names are eubacribe to the within ln!!trument. a.nd aeknow l· l"(li::td to me that they executed the -·· IN WITNESS WllEREOF I h&ve hereunto set m y h11.nd and airtxed my official eeal the d&y a.nd ve11.r In thle certlftc11.te tint above written. a t the office of MILDRF.D G ILMORE. Attorne)". 412 \Vest Sixth St~t . Lo8 Angeles 14. County of Lo!! Angeles. State of California. aU the right. t itle 11.nd lntere!!t of o ld lncon1petent In a nd to all the certain n?al property 11ltuatP in the Countr or Orange , ~11.te of California. particularly d escribed aa follo"'•a. to·wtt: Lot 17, Block "C," t.a..-un.a Heights No. 3, Lll.guna Beach C11.ll!ornla, u per m11.p thereof recorded tn Book 8, Page 1 o r Mls- cellaneoue Mape. R~rde of Or-ange County. Terme of sale ca.ab tn lawful money of the Unlte-d State! on conC\rm11.tl on of . a11.le. or part cuh and balance e\·ldenced by note secured by Mort· gage or Truet Deed on the property ao eold. Tl!ln per cent or 11.mount bid ro be deJ>03Jted w ith bid. Bids or offen to be ID writing snd ... 111 be received at the a fore.said of- fice at any time after the flrat publl· cation hereof and before date of a..le. 011.ted this 11th day of June. 1946. HAROLD 'S. LAWRENCE . As Guardt&n of the E11tate or laid Incompetenf. MILDRED GILMORE. Attorney for A&id Guardian. 412 West Sixth Street, Loe Angelea 14. Ca.llfornla. Pub. June 18, 20, 25. 27 ; July 2, 1946. CR·l2774. No. 43560 ALIAS SUMMONS (Action broui;ht in the Superior Court of the County of Or ange, and C.omplaint filed in the of- fice of the Clerk of the Superior court of said County.) In the Su perior Court of t he S tate of Ca.lifotnla In al¥' For the County o~ Orange CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. a Municipal CorPora tion of the sixth class, Plaintiff, \'S:. RICH- ARD R. TATNALL, et al, Defend- ants. The People of the Sta te or Cali- fornia Send Greetings to: RICH- ARD, R. TA TN ALL a nd ELIZA- BETH B. TATNALL, Husband and Wif<', E. D. l\.fORRELL and SUSAN E . MORRELL. 1-Iusband You are directed to appear hi an action brought against you b)I' the above named plaintift in the Superior C.ourt of the State 0.: California, in and for the Count)' of Orange. and to ans"'er the com- plaint thc~ein within ten da,ya after the service on you of th.ii summons, if served within the C.ounty of Orange, or within thirt:J daya if served elsewhere, and yow ue notified that unle.u YoU w ap. pear and answer as above re. Quired, the plaintiff will takt judgment fo"r any money or da,m. a&'e!I demanded in the Complaint, as ulslng upcn contract, or Will apply to the Court for any other relief demanded in t.Jle complalrit. GJven under my hand and teai of the Superior Court of tht O>unty ot Orange, S tate of CltJJ .. fornia, this 17th day of April, 1~ B. J . SMITH, County Oerk and Oerk of the Superior Court of the State ot California, in and for the C.oun· ty or Orange. By WAYNE A.·DRAGER, Deputy. (Seal Superior Court Orange County) Pub.-Apr. 25: May 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; J une 6, 13, 20, Z1, 1946. Radio Repairs and Wife, R. A. CARRIER. ELLA N t EJ tr" CARSON, J . R. 'JONES, HAR· ewpor ec IC RIET TAYLOR, a single v.·oman. • JOSEPHINE J\f. G R I F F l TH, 2305 Coast Blvd. Ph. Barbor .. 1S8 AUDREY ISABELL, a singlc l:::::::::: __________ , woman. LESTER PAUL SIMS, Ph ne n--n 5824 WALTER MORRIS GUEOEL. O ...,...,... 'IENRY EDWARD COFFM ~N N e wport & Costa Mesa and GERTRUDE K. COFFMAN, H\ISband and Wile, SANTA ANA 1 CAB C 0. MORTGAGE and INVESTMENT ; COMPANY, FANNIE P E ASE OWENS, SIDNEY F. P A1-rISON, JOSIE TilOMASON, FLORENCE 24-Hour Service E. McDERMO'IT, KENNETH D. I t \\'as still rrun1ng when the somelh1ng of the majestic Hudson Gillis Cafe !CJ' Central Ave. river which he had heard so much abot1t, and so he took a New York Central railroad train up the east shore of the Hudson to Albany, Pub. the capita.I of the state, "-'here he entrained for Chicago. He had to MAE DEWEY. Notary Public In and for th< County and State. Ml com -mluton exptree AU!rtl# 17th. 1949. "·-l W'le 20. lMti. CAMPBELL, EDWARD D. MOR· RIS and MINNIE MORRIS, Hus- band and Wife, LOS ANGELES MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS, I nc., a corporation, THE ELLIOT Expert Radio Service GOOD FOOD FAST SERVICE Starting June 24th Open 5 a. m. at 8 p. m. .Jack a Nada wants wait in the \\"indy ci ty for six hours for the train west. "Chicago is a little like Ne"' York," he sajd, "just very big. En route to San Francisco our train took us through the ~foffet tun- nel. which thrilled me beyond words." Stafford said that he had \Vant- NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT P RIVATE SALE. No. 248694. I N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALrFORNIA, IN' A !\~ FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS AN· GELES. In the Matter or the Eata te of FAITH ER.'"ST. Incompetent. ' NollN! Ill her~bv gi,·en th11.t the un-deMilgned w ill &ell 11.t prlv11.te Mll!l. to the hlgh~t 11..nd be11t bidder , aubje<:t cd to visit the Royal Gorge on the Y.'a)' "'est out of Denver , through 33 t~nnels , one of "'hich but after being on the train he \\'as S~\'en miles long. Th~ Colo-R 0 S S I ' S Jt>arned ,that it "·ent through the r ado ~1ver along the route is very r.1offe tt tunnel instead. This dis· I be~utiful. ~e ad?ed-. L i q u 0 r s t 0 r e pleased him. he said. "until l be-\Ve arrived ln San Francisco gan to see hO\\' "·onderful the Mor-last ~ursday a nd I ha~. a chane<> 700 Coast Highway felt tunnel trip is. It is more to_ visit the ZO? the~~· Staf~ort:I Fonnerty Gordon'• D l"UI' Store scenic than the Ro}'al Gorge I sa~d In conclusion. \Ve arrived Open ~el'J l>ay think." ' I in Los Angeles aboard 'The Lark' "":"'"""""""""~"""""""""~"""~""""""~.!__~E~n'_~ro~u~1e~~h~l~s-~'t1'~·:'.:.__l'":".~ed~ at 9 .o'clock Saturday morning. _ ain pass / and "'hen "'e arrived home, New- :-----------------------------port Beach looked better than DIESEL SERVICE NEW ~5 H.P. DIESELS ON HAND RecoadiUoned Diesels oa hand with choice of redactioa nalta. • WE AD: WBITING OBDEll8 ON aJGBT-AND LEFr- BAND BOTAJION DQ:SEI-8 FO& TWIN INSTAl.1.41. TION8. CHO.CE OF &EDUC'DON VN1T8. Oil Bud: 165 B. P. 6-nl lloton-New. See us for lnfonnation on Venn Severin Diesels Dleeel 6-aior Sec. of AD Kladl I ™-a. LBWl8 (I •• - ..,....., .. any of the places \\'e had visited en route across the country." Yes, there's no place like home. BALTZ MORTUARY -4;- Lady Attendant -4;-, 410 Coast Blvd. <X>RONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT Phone Beacon 5816 Corona del Mar Malt Shop Palmer Radio 1018 Coad ID.chw•y AND ELECTRIC 2348 Newport: BIN.. • Old fashjoned malts We mean just tltis. COSTA MESA I Contractors' Rental Equipment Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Barbor·502 •. I -----w·--• DELllQUEIT TAX AID ASSESSMENT LIST City of Newport BMeb, State ol CallfCll'llla NElft'OBT BEACH lJttY TAXES AND A!!lml!UIJl!N'l' DELINQUENT FOB FISCAL YEAR 1945-46 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH I, R. R. Hodgkimon, u Ex-O!fid<> Tax Collrctor, in and toe the Qty of Newport Bead!, County of Oran11e. State of California. li£REBy GIVE NOTICE that, default havlni been madr in the payment of taxes and .......,,.,,,ta due to the Oty of Newport Bead! !or the flJcal year •ndin& Jtme 30, 1946, upon the property hereln- atttt described. and that, unleu said taxes and ......,,,.,,ta ao delinquent. together with all penalties and cosll due thereon. be paid at the Tax Collector's Office 1n the Oty Hall, or on before Saturday, June 29, 1946, AT TEN O'CLOCK A. M. ol that day, all of said prop- erty descri~ 1n the within list on which la.Id taxes and asseumenta, penalties and coets are then unpaid, will on the date and the hour above specified. BY OPERATION OF LAW, be sold to the Qty of Newport Beach, and that such sale will be made in the OFFICE OF THE TAX COLLECl'OR of s~d Qty. R. R[ HODGKINSON, Ex-Officio Tax Collector of Newport Beach, California. A11eeaed 0\.'\"'ller Lot NEWPORT BEACH TRACT 24 KJttle, Cecil L. Spellicy, Anna E. et al Spellicy, Anna E. et al Kentz, Emma A. Griswold, Loys Plumer, Alice C. Sunshine Farms Inc. Sunshin<' Farms Inc. Lane, Dorian M cF arland, Ciro E. G loesser, Ida L. Blair, Dorothy A. All (ex RR) All (ex RR> THIRD ADDmON RIVER SECTION LAKE TRACI 14 15 1 5 19 13 14 1 3 15 19 28 32 32 37 41 37 41 41 43 135 135 235 Total Dellll- quency $ 12.60 10.35 4.11 5.97 9.78 5.88 11.43 11 .90 4.53 36.95 8.93 10.86 awnw•"..,. 4 ttlll!il ()w.,. , Drinen. Dudley D. NWJy 25' Hammer, Fred NWJy 30' ot SEly 60' of Nly % Hammer, Fred NWJy 30' ol SEly 6IY Hammer, Fred' NWJy 30' of SEly 60' LD& 5 3 ' 5 ()(JEAN PBONT rBAcr Small, Lara V. 6 J -9) 9) 9) 9) 51 n:B8T ADDmoN TO NJ:WPOBT JIDOHIS Porttt, Miriam S. Porter,MlrlamS. Johnooo, Peter Johnson, Peter Karlr•. Henry P. McMahan, ..Edwanl D. Hart, Ethel B. Wallacr, Low H. Lee, Vlrginla et al Oty of Newport Betoch Oty of Newport Beacb Hunt, Wllllam R. Hunt, Wllllam R. Oty of Nrwport Beacb Oty ot Nrwport Beach Oty ot Newport Beach McMlllan. John D. McMillan, John D. McMillan, John D. O\adwick, Nettie Adami Ellsworth. Paul B. et al Denlinger, Clyde H. Griesser, JWbert Al, Jr. Rambo, A. M. White, Forrest H. Macaulay. Jessie R. Holm~:ood, Isaac N . Breithaupt, Harry R 9 10 11 10 11 5 11 18 13 18 19 1 2 7 20 21 NEly % 10 11 12 19 10 TRACI 919 Ely 100' or Wly 7"JiY (Ex Hwyl SEiy 100' 2 60 9 2 3 F H \\fright. Douglas Burnham, Roderick TFACI 907-LIDO ISLE 27 94 112 Griffith Compan y Griffith Company Carlton, f\taurice L. Carlton , ~1aurice L . r.toshcr, He rma n A. l\1odic, Gordon L . !\Iodie. Gordon L. NE!y Ii NEly % SW!y % SWJy Y, H H 17 17 18 23 :It 24 26 28 28 32 32 32 32 32 34 34 34 34 35 B 2 4 ~ .... q • ••• , .... o... Keeler. Sal1le Lathrop 9.7' !')ye. v. J. Ballard. Ro6ert H. Ralph, William H. Ralph. Wllliam H. 12. 76 Raiph, Wllliam H. - Lot 12 16 22 SEly 50' 44 SEly 50' 45 SEly 50' 46 -B B B B B B 4.84 TRACI m-ooBONA DEL llAB 21.42 N.._t, O.ester 0 . 4.23 Hopn, Paul J . 2.53 Hoean, Paul J . 16 36 37 4.23 11.97 TBAcr 10Z6--00BONA DEL llAB 4.23 Otluns National Trust A 11.97 Savinp Bank ot L. A. · 8.99 Othens National Trust A 2.99 SaV!np Bank of L. A. 11 24 ACREAGE-CORONA DEL lllAB Wagenhebn, Edwin 50' lot in (Inc. bet. -"' hl&h tldr line) (So. ol Co. Rd.) 160.04 ft. SE!y of SW!y ext. of NWly line ot Acacia S t . D 2.99 36.40 8.25 4.23 3.61 3.61 2.09 16.98 4.58 3.61 3.61 19.20 RE-SUB OF SECTION 1-BALBOA ISLAND 12.97 Stephen, Lester J . ?ttyers, John W. Myers, J ohn W. Bonham, Edna F. et al 28 15 24 24 SECllON Z--BALBOA ISLAND Sharon, Russell E. 18 6 7 7 13 1 --. -15.98 4.TI 5.91 7.71 6.74 6.74 4.36 4.36 20.'lO ~ a• •em az 1 ...__. -pl•• lw . ...-... ' --·-· Tro_,n pa._ with o1eep1nc °"" wmr--• be ....i • a..._,modatlonl cllsappeottd dur--at ~ flllbta -tbo7 in& the war, due to dem.wnd tw wen ne!tlect befme the wv . seats. but they .. 111 soon begin to appear on the airlines for u.e ~ ldvw11w; ••ta aa In loocer trips. Beca_, ot in-_. .-ID -IP""'•· SEC'l'ION ~BAIMA ISLAND iba~ Owner Lo& Newbury, C. S . 23 McKenney, Stanley V. 19 Rm1eu. ~ E. 25 Shook. Nellie v. 3 1bompoon, Hollis R. 28 Brewster, HarT)' c. 3( -6 Tolal - Marshal~ ~ v. 16 12.M Dimmitt, llalpb. B. 15 9 12 13 16 17 18 20 ta•t:7 29.67 20.91 20.n . 25.05 28..50 54.99 54.32 13.39 11.57· Sl!lC'l'ION 4-BALllOA ISLAND Harvey, Harold H ., et al 16 Rlchardlon, Angus s. 6 23.0'l Rlchanlsoa, Angus s. 7 Hamm. Harold L. Ely 75' 1 SECI'ION 5-BALBOA ISLAND 2 11 11 14 Mason, Joltn WUllam 12 2 Henderson, Lulu Mae 9 3 Riley, VMan W1y 30' 27 6 ) Riley, Vivian W1y 30' 28 6) 35.45 29.00 29.00 42.51 34.97 30.8:! 16.95 10.60 All property hereinbefon! described ta situated in the ~te 16.28 limits of the CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, COUNTY OF ORANGE, 31.79 STATE OF CAUFORNIA. 37.90 Dated this sixth day of June, 1946. R. R. HODGKINSON, Ex·Otficio Tax Collector, Newport Beach. California. 22.26 Published June 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1946. 4.85 Soutb. as• W 54• East 4 ......... feet. ~ ol. and parallel wilb th.mot 90utheuterl)-alone tbl 16'71 PUBLIC NOTICE Nonb ea• Ill' 01• Eu! ~.15 feol. the t.tI•Mod ~from U.S. oorthwestul:r prolon1atioo ot Ibo 7.n ---to • point ta tbe westerb' line of. Bulkh..S StaUon. No. 1'10 to U. S. northeasterly line of Corona Del M'.>TICE OF BEARING BUOBB Central Ans:aue. _, feet in width. Bnllrb•d line Station lfo.. lTS., u said Mar and along the northeasterU' THE BOABD or DIRJ'JCTOBS which point b: North 47• f'T' 11• bulkhead and btilk.,_,, ltaUom are line of Corona Del liar and lta 01' COASTAL KtJNICIPA14 Welt • diataDce at 1,608.34 fatt laid out and shown 1lll'Cfl r map of southeasterly prolongadon to ltll WATER DlSTRICT 01' ORANGE from the common eorner of Sectlona Newport BaT. CaUlomla. lhowin& intersection with the center Une 58.79 92.70 COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. OP A 27, 28, !S and M. Township 8 South. harbor llnea. approved. b7 the War of the water coune of that certain PETillON ASKING FOR THE Ranae 10 Wert, S.B.B. &: IL; Department J"anual'J' 18th. 1917, and canyon tying immediate!)' eoutb· 64.02 ANNEXA'.flON OF THE CITY OF thence North 1a• sr W East on ftle In the ottice Of th.e U. S. easterl.y of Corona Del Mar. c:om- 43.06 NEWPOR~ BltACH AND THE along the said westerb' line of District Engl.n~. Los Angeles. can-monly known as Buck n uJty; 11.60 TERRITORY CONSTITUTING Central Avenue, 278.70 feet. more fomJa; thence in a general southwerter- 6 04 THE SAME TO SAID COASTAL or less, to an intersectton with the thence 90utheasterly along a line. i,. direction following along the · MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, westerly prolongation ot that cer-whJch line is !SO feet northeasterly center line of the water course of 6.97 UNDER THE °'MUNICIPAL tain course in the United. States of and parallel with lhe aforesaid the aforesaid Buck Gully to iU: 13.45 WATER DISTRICT AJ:t O.F Bulkhead Une extendlJll from Sta-bulkhead line extending between intersection with the ordinary high f 13.45 1911'". AS AMENDED. tlons U. S . 227 to U. S. 128, u said Bulkhead Station. Noa. 170 and tide line ot the Pwci!ic Ocean: 5 0 , Harbor Line ia shown uwn a map 1755, a distance ot 1,800 feet to a th S th 20• West th (3) .~ NonCE ts HEREBY GIV!:N entitled "'Harbor Lines, Newport point. wblch bears South 29• West . en~e ou . . rce 3.26 that there !was tiled with E. H. Bay Harbor'' approved by the War 350 feet from U. S. Bulkhead Sta-m1.les. into the Pac1f1c Ocean to a 13.45 Beaver, Sectetary of Coastal Muni· Department May 2nd, 1936, and on tion No. 130 as said staUon is laid point. 13 45 clpal Water District, on the 2nd file in the office of the U. S. Dfs· out and sh~wn upon Said map of thence north"·esterly along a li!le H enley, Joseph M . H enlt'y, Josl'ph l\1. H enley, Joseph M . Smith: Amelia, et al CA...~AL SECTION 3 4 5 8 139 139 139 139 5.23 5.23 13.38 3 ·61 1 day ot May, 1946, a petition .etting trlct Eniinee:r, Los Angeles, Cali-Newport Bay showing harbor lines; parallel to and thre_e (3) m.iles dU- . forth the boundaries of the City torn.la; thence North 75• 11' 44" East 1,-t~nt from the. ~rd1nary b1gh tide 19.83 ot Newport Beach, in the County thence South 79"' 00' East along 40 1.60 feet to a point, which bears ltne of th~ Pac1f1c Ocean to a point, ot Orange. State of California. which the said westerly prolongtation of South 35• 28' 18 .. West 144.43 feel which point is the most southerly RECORD SURVEY-9-4~BEACON BAY (lmpro\•ements) said petition contains a prayer that said bulkhead line to an lntersec-from u. S. Bulkhead Station No. corner of the City of Newport Bbhman, Curt" 8 42.31 the said City ot Newport Beach tlon w ith the easterly line of said 135 a sa·d B lkhead Sta tion Is Beach, a~ the exterior boundar7 and the whole thereof be annexed c tral A said l t t 1 ' 5 1 u .. of the City of Newport Beoch 11 111 222 223 381 546 547 667 668 676 677 Lindstrom. Carl D . Lindstrom, Carl D. 1\·tiller, Galen h t ilter, Galen P a t tcrson, Eln1e.r P atterson. Elmer N & R Inc. N &: R Inc. N & R Inc. La Roe, Otis H offman , Albert C. H offman. Albert C. Rabail, Anais B. McMillan, Neil S . McMillan. Neil S. LANCASTER ADDmON SECTION A 1 2 1 2 3 17 12 13 8 11 12 331 331 42;; 425 425 430 530 530 219 220 220 FIRST ADDmON TO NEWPORT BEACH Barre, Annie Ellis NEly 50' 12 20 Barre. Annie Ellis NEly 50' 13 20 Cha mberlin. Pierre A. Otamberlin, Pierre A. Alexander, Olarl("S Tapley, Christine et al Neighbors, May B. Isbell, John C. SECTION B TRACI 626 TRACI 2M SECTIONB Elliott, Eugene SUB. OF BLOCK "A" EAST NEWPORT All (Ex SE!y 44.9') Johnson, George L. et al Dttm, J oe R. NEWPORT BAY TRACI Plummer , Anthony K. Plummer. Anthony K. De Moss. Oyde J. Elliot~ Eugene Hues, James \V. Hues, James W . Jones, \\'illiam R. Jones, William R BALBOA TB.A.er Wly 13' 27 28 13 5 4 9 15 52 90 3 4 15 1 4 5 6 7 15 15 16 2 9 109 A A A 3 3 4 6 8 8 8 8 CORONA DEL MAR 6.65 Citizens National Trust & Savs. Bank of L.. A. 18.99 11.87 73.03 124.'!6 Citizens National Trust' & Savs. Bank of L. A. Citizens National Trust & Savs. Bank of L. A. L a Courrcyc. Frank L.. Citizens National Trust & Savs. Bank of L. A. Citizens National Trust & Savs. Bank of L. A. 26 A·35 28 A-35 29 ,A-35 16 A·36 8 B·32 16 B-32 61 .48 13.75 9.27 11.15 RE-SUB OF CORONA DEL MAR 9.97 24 .33 14.51 Elmore. Hetty J . Elmore, Hetty J . Boyd, Robert L. Brinkerhoff, H . R. BrinkC'rhoff. H . R. Lloyd, Hazel ~t. Lloyd. Hazel M. 7 8 15 NE!y 15' 12 S\Vly 25' 14 19 21 8.64 6.52 CORONA DEL MA'R Glover , \Vood Jr. Glover, \\'ood Jr. Leech . Vernon A. 21·86 Leech, Vernon A. 46·93 Sa\\'YCr, J amee R. 48·79 Sawyer, James R Zweifel, K athleen M . 40.26 Z"·eifel. Kathleen M. Zweifel. Kathleen M. Bean, Raymond P. 33.01 Bean. Raymond P. Bean. Raymond P . 17.29 \\'hyte, J ames S. \\'hyte, James S. City of Newport Beach Carroll, June 22.91 Cheyne, John 23.39 de la Torre, Alphonse G. 26.03 de la Torre, Alphonse G . Hogan, P au.I J . 9 Oty of Newport Beach 25. 1 48 Stoever, Ruth B. 19. 18.SG Oertly, John \V. Meyers. Otto J . Collins. Thomas M. 'l0.42 Still, Mary J . 34.51 Kroenke, G. C. 35.49 Kroenkr, G. C. 28.18 Shellenbach. Harold C. 13.84 Bettis. Gv.·endolyn G. NEly 15' NEly 20' SW!y 20' NEly HY NE!y 20' NE!y % NEly 12' 11 13 3 5 6 8 12 14 16 29 31 33 28 30 18 20 20 14 16 10 3 6 21 16 22 35 35 133 137 137 141 141 EAST SIDE ADDmON TO BALBOA TRACI Morrow, Bertha R. l\teyer, \Vllllam B. 4 19 21 6 H 2 11 13 15 19 21 8 234 234 235 235 231 231 241 241 241 243 243 243 243 243 332 332 333 335 335 337 429 429 431 '33 433 442 529 529 531 532 533 539 539 539 539 539 542 542 542 542 542 629 629 635 638 640 640 640 642 643 643 643 m m m m m m (And 0.-.. Frontage Adj.) NEly 30' of SEly 60' 8 T Elliott, Eugene Elliott, Eugene Elliott. Eugene Elliott, Eugene O'OCker, Frank w. 9 SE!y 30' T 18 TRACI 518 Lampert, Frank S. Deutsch. ~ry Deutsch, Emtt'y Pacific States Sa'l."5. & Loan Co. Pacific States Savs.. &: Loan Co. Pacific States Savs. & Loan Co. Pacific States Savs. A: Loan Co. Pad.tic States Savs. &: Loan Co. Pacific States Sa\IS. a: Loan Co. Pacific States Savs. a: Loan Co. Ber&eron. Arthur J . Padt!c States Savs. A Loan Cu. SEl;y % Wly 8.75' TKACI 918 43 10 11 31 8 9 28 32 7 3 29 20 Sharp, A. G. 23 Goeerty, Frances E. 96 SEASBOU COLONY rBACI Beeby, John D . Beeby, John D. Mc:lnnrw. Ida B. Mclnnel, Ida B. Mtl....._ Ida B. Mer...... Ida B. Drlaer&. Dudley D. Drlgen, Dudley D. SEly l!Y of NEly 20' NElJ % ' 5 3 4 5 6 3 ' 16 16 24 B c c c F F F G H J K M F F 3 3 3 3 9) 9) lwfeyer, Vlilllanl B . 34.78 Meyer, William B. 2.15 Johnson. Mary Ann 33.25 Johnson, Mary Ann 2.15 Harms, George W. 9.37 Hanns, George W . Harms. George W. Harms, George W. 6.10 Hanns. George W. 8.63 Coram, Roy E. 16. Tl Coram. Roy E. 8. 78 Savoy. Phillip A. 6.10 Casler, Emma W. 1.92 \Vest, Ernest 0 . e t al 6.10 West, Ernest 0 . rt al 5.48 Peck, George N. 6.10 Peel. Leone D. 7.97 Mc;Bumey. B. A. 27.32 Hendencn, Tom W. 5.39 HeDdenon. Tom w. T m Morris. M. Ethel Sl"l!'!L John A. 9.20 d• la Torre. Alphonse 7.97 de la Tbrre, AlpbonM de la Torre, Alpbonor 23.90 de la Torre, Alphome 10 12 14 16 ' 6 5 10 1 3 9 5 1t 17 19 7 11 15 17 19 21 1.66 rBACTS%S OOBONA DEL llAB S.61 Boyd, R. L. 3.97 Bennett .Diaries A. 3.34 Bennett, Diaries A. 2.99 Rlcbardloo. ADCllo s. All CEt<. Hwy.) NWl7 35.'7' (Ex. Hwr.l AD (Inc. -· al i Eke. Wq adj.) s '11 E M M y y en venue. po n o n-:§h own upon a mop entitled Harbnr d 'bed · 0 d. · N 1 d t to Coastal1 MunlcJpal Water Dis-tersection also belng in the south-Lines Ne"·port B:iy Harbor, Cali· escn tn . r inane': 0 • • 0~ - trlct, und!;t the provislons of the u ly prolongation of the e asterly fornl~". ripproved by the War De-ed ~Y the City Council of the City 4 •36 ,.Municipal Water District Act of line of the County Highway. 60 feet partment May 2nd. 1936, and on of Newport Beach ?n the llth day 4.97 1911", as a.6ended. Said petition in width, as described In the peti· f ile in the oUice of the U. S. Dis· of September • .lS>OO, 4.91 wu signed by ~ persona and tlon for public high way, Newport trict Engineer, Los Angeles, Cali· thence northwesterly parallel to 4.71 ~~ ~1,! E. H .. edBeavller. 1 hu 1 such Beach Road . and recOrded in Book fomia; anrdththrcep <113~ m 0 iles tro 1 m the 1•h1ore ~re ........ exam1n a e s gna-250, page 73, Records of said Or-thence South 71 • 54, East l ,OlO.OO o . e ~c 1c cean o an n er- 17.9!! tdtes appended thereto and as-ange County: feet to an angle point in the or<fi · c:.ection w1t'h the southv.resterly p\.o- 14.24 certal.ned and determined that said thence northerly alonjt'. the said nary . high tide line of the Paci fic longation of l!'te south~as1erlv Une petition was signed by the requi· southerly prolongation of th~ east · Ocean in Newport Bay, 811 esta· of the aforesaid Summit S tr t'et; site -"iJ,llllber ·.Of qualified electors er~y line and ~e easterly line ~r blished by Decree in Court Case thence northeasterly along the 31 .3E rtheesi~~ega wpirtbloponsethde .~~daa::x:J sac •d C1 ouHn.tyh H1gh1w•yh, and asTrasa•dt No. 24026 of the Superior c ourt in south"·cstcrly prolongationth o! th1e .... "' oun Y 1g way s s ?~n on c I and for Or~nge County, California, southe.:.sterly line. the sou easter Y 20.01 and, as such duly appointed and No. Tl, Bouleva rd Add1t1on to Nev.'-3 certified copy of which decree line and the northeasterly prolonga- 19.25 qualified secretary, attached. his port Heights: being P~".-?f Lot 169 1 was re<'orded September 19, 1928. l ion of \he southeasterly line of the 9.78 cinert.i:fith'00 1 te ~d .aldti'tlpeti~i~n __ ~;t1ify1• Block 2,. lr"'.1ne Subd1v1:!aon, as re-in Book !99, page !!75, Official Re · .:iforrsaid S<i mmit Street to the 16.02 g a 581 pe on ,.. •U1.1IC en corded 1n Miscellaneous l\~ap~. Book cords of Orange County, California ; point of p~ginning. in law and should be presented to 9, page 28, records of s31d County. th 5 h 39 , 48, E 1 1 Sttond: The undersigned are 8.92 8 .92 the Board of Directors or Coastal to an intersection with the center en~e o~t . . as a ong Municipal W ater District. line ot the Old County Road, as the :said ord inary high tide Uni; e qualifiMI elet'tors of the said City The test of said petition. to-shov.·n on Tract No. 27, Boulevard dls~ance of 334.27 feet to a point. of Nt'!wport Beach and are equal Addil.•on 10 Ne•"porl He•'g hts. be•'ng which is the most "'esterly corne. r in number to more tha n ten per gether w lth five of the names at· .. f 1 f 1 d d !bed centum of the number of aucb tached thereto, is as follows: part of Lot 169, Block 2, Irvine Sub· 0 8 parce c;> an escr in al 1 th 6.74 To the COASTAL MUNICIPAL division, as recorded in Miscellan-Deed to the c.1ty of New por~ Beach, qu ified e ectors residing In .e -us Ma~ Book 9 page 26 r--ords said ~d being recorded 1n Book City of Newport !!each voting for 10.50 WATER DISTRICT, ~-... .... ¥. • • ~-... f'49 424 r or1· ·ai R d.s all candid;itcs for the office ot of said County·, -, .page o 1c1 ecor • 5 .9 1 LAGUNA BEACH thence North 56• 59' East along of aatd County; Governor of the Slate ol Callfor- 5.56 CALIFORNIA the ea.id center line of the Old thence North 23• !57' 30" East nia at the l:lst general e lcctlon held 2.81 We, the undersigned signers, . do County Road. 763.92 feet; along the northwesterly line of ~ior to the signing of thl1 peti- hereby petition for the anne:.:ation thence North 70~ ft ' ~ 498.06 said parcel of land a dirtance of on. 21 ·82 and inclusion of the territory here-feet along the aaid center line ot 317.57 feet; WHEREFORE, the undersigned 11.00 ina.fter described, to the COASTAL the Old County Road ; thence S outh 71 • 54• East along pray that the proposed ter ritory, 10.61 MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT thence North 38• 18. East 440.43 the northerly line of said parcel lo·Wit, the terrltllry hereto!"ore de- 10.50 ~dterat'b1•91MI unicipal Wd •~ter Ddistrlct feet along the center line of the of land a distance of 290.24 feet; scribededand thde "·~ole tbeceot,. thbe ........ as amen ea; an Old County Road: annex to an m::iue a part o e 5.31 We do certify and declare, thence North 12• 3IY West 521.66 thence cont inuing along the nor:· COASTAL MUNICIPAL WATER 172 therly l ine of said parcel of land DISTRICT d th · · I · First: That the real property pro-feet alonr the said center line: ot un er e prov1s1ons o South 85• 43' East a d.istance of aid •1 · · I W t D ' t · t Act 1 72 posed to be included in said muni-the Old County Road. to an inter-s •• un1t'1;:>a n er is r1c · 1,378.16 feet to the n ortheast cor-t 1911 d d d th 1 clpal water district consists ot the Retion with the: center line of o , as amen e . an a your 2.73 ner of said parcel of, land; H bl B d d II 1 d territory with.in the corporate Um.iU Westminster Avenue, as abown on onora e: o Y o a ac ·s an 4.91 of the municipal corporation known a map of Fint Addition to New-thence South along the east line take all proceedings n ecessary and 8.53 and designated as the City of New-port Heights, as recorded in Book at the southerly prolongation there· requisite in the premises. 15.85 port Beach. lying wholly w ithin of Miscella.rreow Map 4., pace: 94, o~ o~c:~ rr~elio°f lan~ ~ di1ta~ce :cl I"' C'> < t1 9 7ll the: County of Orange, State of records of said County; o · ee an in enec on e O " " o · California, the ·Nhole of wbieh ter · thence North 39• 50• !:ast along with a line 200 feet northerly of 'g. QI ~~ ~ ~ en 3.7e rltory is sometim~ herein referred the center line of said Westmira:ter and parallel with the aforesaid rt ~ 4.36 to and iJI meant whe:n the term Avenue 707,03 feet to a point of b8ulklkhheadd 's'"1aeti~te~~ing15tr1 ~'.'.' UU. SS. td N r"" ~ ~ • •territory" is used herein. Said intersection with the center line u ea on , .. o. .., · · ~ ID ,: 0 :-" C 3·50 territory ls situated wholly within of Fifteenth Street, as shown on Bulkhead Station No. 1"'1' ~ 2. .... Q. a. iil 4.36 the corporate limit.:s of said City atottsaid map of P'int Addition to thence due east along a line, c ~ ;· 15.32 ot Newport Beach, and the boon · Newport Heights; which line is 200 feet northerly of d ~ °" . 6.74 dari.f!I thereof. being the boundaries thence South 49• 30' East 3,240 and parallel with the afottSaid Jiii' of the City of Newport Beach and feet along the center line of said bulkhead line extending from U. 2: 4.l O of the proposed territory to be Fifteenth Street to a point of in-S. Bulkhead Station No. 151 to U. o. 4.71 annexed, are descr ibed as all the tersection w ith the center line of S. Bulkhead Station No. 152 a dis· 3.50 cert.:i1n real property 11i tuate in the Irvine Avenae, as shown on afore-lance of 1,281.29 feet to a poi.nt; 2 .04 County of Orange, artlState 1 ot 1 Cadli -said map .of First Addition w New-.,.!hetn< 1 • todue n~rt1h a distance of fornia. and more p cu ar 1 e-port H~gh t.s; """ ee a po1n ; 17.43 -=ribed as follows, to-wit: thence South 40• 30' West along thence due east a distance of 2.50 7 .99 Beginning at the p0int of Inter-the said ~nter line of Irvine Ave-feet to a point; 4.10 9.24 6.74 6.74 6.74 6.74 7.99 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.SO 7.99 7.99 3.50 6.74 4.10 3.SO 3.50 3.50 3.76 7.71 7.71 .6.74 14.16 3.50 3.50 3.50 17.60 section of the northeasterly 'pro-nue and the aoutbwes.terly prolon-thence due s outh a distance of longation of the southeasterly line gation crf the. center line ot Irvine 300 feet to a point; • of Summit Street. at said street Avenue 2.495 feet, more or lea, thence due east a distance of 350 is laid out and shown on a map to the northeast · corner of Lot 'H'. feet to a point; of the Sea&hore Colony Tract, as Tract 919, as recor<ted in ~-thence easterly 1ft a direct line recorded in Map Book 7, page 25, laneous Mapa, Book 29, pages 31 to Station No. 75 at Patent boun· records ot Orange County, Cali· to 34 Inclusive, records of said Coun-daries of the Rancho San Joaquin. fomia, w ith the north bank o! th ~ ty, which point ts also the !IOUth· as per map recorded.. in Book 1, Santa Ana River; west comer of the 80 foot strip of page 47 of Patent Records of Los thence. easterly and aoutheastttly the S tate Hlgbway right of way, as Aneeles County, California; alone the north bank of said r iver deeded by deed. recorded in Deed thence southeasterly alon1 said 5,400 feet. more or less. to an Inter-Book 506, page 334, records of said Rancho boundary line: to Station section with the former southerly County; 78 ot said Rancho boundary; said line of the California State High-thence. along the S tate Highway Station be:ln&' South sa• 43' .0- •aY havinc a width ot 80 feet. Said right of way aa deeded by deed east 220.55 teet from UnJted States pol.nt of intersection bears soul~ recorded l.n Deed Book 338, paae Bulkhead Station No. 104 ln the s•M'l8" eaat 1,113.01 feet from the 314. o.ttlclal recordJ of AJd County, bulkhead line, u said bulkhead northwest corner o.f the .authe~ southeaaterly OD the arc of a curve line and bulkhead stations are laid one-quarter (IJIJ of Section 291 concave to the nortbM.St having out and ab.own upon the map ot Townahip e South. Ra.nee 10 West. a radiw at. SIOS.33 feet <a radial Newport Bay, California. lhowi.O&' :Z: ?! :Z ?: ~ 5.BA le: M.; .aid point of inter· llne at the point of bqinnin& bear· Harbor lines. approved by tbe War 3 .ection ai.o bein& 40 teet southerly 1111' North 47• 33' 25" Eaat.> a dis:· Dep:irtm~t J anuary 18th, 1017; p::i P' p:i ?' ~ ot ~ttr''t Station 883 + 40.95 tance of 5CK.85 feet; thence South ~· 45' Ea.c .0 feet; ... ... .... ... :..: on the center line of said highway; thence continuing alon& the tut thence South 29• 00' East 330 teet; 0 0 0 0 O said point abo bein& the westerl.7 mentioned .outberly line of said thence South M• IO' Eut eo an tocether with m other danat:uiw terminus o1 the ordln&ry bi&b tide State HJ.abway rtatat of way. tan-lnte:nectlon with the 90Uthwesterl7 which. with the forqoinc 5 tJpia. line ot the: Pacific Ocean in New-cent South 74• Jl' 30• East 1.2.U.22 prolonpUon ot the northwelter:ly twa.. make a total ot. 487 ~ port Bay and dal&nated "'North feet; line of Twenb'·Sncnth A•e:aue. u tura attached to aid pet1tiOG. Llne" and north bank ot the San.ta thence COl'ltinuin& alona the Jut Twenty-Seventh Aftnue la shown NOTICE IS GIVEN to all penou Ana River ... esta.bllabed by a de-mentioned' fi&bt of way line lllonc oa ~ map ot Corona Del Mar. re-interested that said petl.ttou will Cl'ft on Court c .. No. ZN9I o( the • curve coocave &o tbe north havina corded in ~ Mai-. Book be praented to the 8ovd of Df. .. Superior Court tn and tor O~ a ndiu. Of 1.550 feet,. a distance of 3. ~ 41 ud U., ncorda ot aaJct rec1on ot Coastal Ku.n1dpal Water Counl)', Calltomla, a «<tilled eopJ :m.M tee1; CountJ; Di.slrid at lhe CountJ ot ~ of which decree wu recorded Sep-thence cootlnuina um.a the Lut thence nortbeuterly alons the State of CaillomJa. at tta reautar \Imber ltlb. 1921 Ln Book IOl, pace: mentioned ~t of way line. tan-atOl"eSi.id 10U.$hwesterly prolonp-meetin.I ln the Board Room cd tM :ass, Ot!lclal ~ ot 0...... -• South 111• zr 3(1' &alt • dis-tion ot the northwesterl7 Uno <II r.a...,.. llead1 Couol)' w-Dloo Caunt7, CaJUomia; tance ot 201.35 teet to a point ln TwentJ'-Seventh A•enue and tbe trtct. iti tht IAsuna Bacb. Cow~ •tbence alon& aid norlb \lank al. tbe IOUtbe:aste.rlT line of the parcre:l nortbwe:stl!rly line of ~-SeY· Water District BuDctln&, ID tbe Cttl' 1 Ibo Sonta Ano ai-lllrcKCb tbe <II land • deeded to the CllJ ot enth A.....,ue and Ila -17 <II r.,_ -. Com>IJ at Or-• 1.:W --and -Newporl Bwb b7 deed N<Ol'ded In proloaption to a point -Ille -8'ate ot Ca11fom1a, at 1:19 1979 Soutb •• 1r w Eut mm-. Dwl Book*• -m. -at atorwld -IT ~-o'cloclc P.M. ot ~ •... 11• 1 · South ea• M' IS' !tut 5MM -. mid CoUDtr. tlOll at Ibo amth...cod:r llDo ol c1A7 at Zti17, 1M1. 11.38 South 51 :II' W -J.OIUI ---W W..t aJoac ... TwclJ.-th ..__ -DADD -UU. ,.,, at z....,. 10.72 10.13 8ou:th lt• IT' u• Kut 111.as 19". Jut ...U...t llllUtbeu&erl:r liDe tbe aortllwmter1y lll'Oklnatla ot. 1111. • 6ou.th n• ta' W SM 115.35 teet. and tbe IOU'lbwestertr proloa.ptlaa tbe noctt autal.7 fine oi c«oaa (UAL) 1 H. llZAVD.;:J South n• M' to" &Mt 1-.. feet. 1blnot a d1PaDre of *70.11 feet to Del Mar, N llhown ee. &be ...,._ Becretar:T ot tile Oowtll' ao..all 11• 'a' .Ill& J-.a ..... -"'ta--Jridl a U.. • tMt m Stf'Enl .. It .. , _ ~ ,,.m'dpll ~--JJ ' ] • _ .. --.. - • , ' . • • • • ' • NEWPDAT-llALBDA Corona del Mar News I LETl'ER8 TO Tip; \ NEWS CGaTA MUA COMMUNITY CHUllCH ONAl.·Dl~RY NEWS-TIMES l'llOIOB: ~ U -_ia _____ _ Pt• 2 • ..,.Tis '7 ... TLw Ir ARll.a I I VelwmvDJ o.e. ._ =nsa r n=, c ~ w.. c 7 v.ew D ... .._ tlptlm Payable In Advance:-$2.!IO per :rev In 0ranse County; ___ $2.:_75_ por yar to 4th ..,.., $.'!.'00 per joMr to 8th zooe J::ll:teftd u Second-aw matter -.t the Postottioe tn Newp>n. Be1cb., · caJlfomla. under the Act ot Mard:I 3, 1879 IL A. MEYER -Publisher OM D. PORTER General Mana1er F . G. FROSI" Editor W . F . DIXO N -• • • -Advertlslni Manager Pnntln& Plant, 3011 W. Central Avenue. Newport Beach. Calilornla ----Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A. Depenrlahle Local laltltutloa. for Onr 11 Yean ' ~RIAL «OCIATI~ 7HMJ.. Active Member of CORRAL DUST A black eye is not riecessarilf a disgrace. ?-taybe }'OU hit a door or someone you adore hit you. -J ack Lindsley College Can Be Supported by Region 117 11:1'.SSO: L llllNEDlCT ' _ NEWS-TIMES of the CHURCHES Mn. H. J enks and daughter lllARll lORNSONS VJSl'lµIO Martha. OeKalb. DL, came Mon· THE "'PROMISED LAND!" da.)r to spend the summer with her The following letter from For-"-------------' son Mr. Robert J enks and family, mer l'ttayor M. J . Johnson, will be 311 Marigold avenue. Mrs. Jenks r ead wj.th Interest by their many gid everywhere she lookl ls a trie nds: OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1423 Weet Central Avenue Sunday V-!I: 8 and 10 a.ID. ConUUloa.e: Saturday• frcm 4:00 to 5:30 &Dd from 7 :30 to 8:30 p..m. picture. the heighbon' gardens . Seattle, Washn., June 12 the hills, ocean and even the Dear Editor: dirigible on its patrol over the blue \Vithout asking Sheriff Elliott sea. In fact she thinks citizens of or Chief "Hodge" for J)e"rmission Corona del ~far a re very fortuna te to leave Oran ge counly, early people to have a home in such a Tuesday thorning, May 21. my v.ife beautiful spot. and I , without making a ny noise, Capt. and l\frs. John Kirby and "snuck" 8\l.'8Y from NeW}ll.lrt son of Redondo Beach spent the Beach and headed for Sea ttli?. ,,·eek end ";th Lt. Col. and J\.1rs. After a n uneventful and pJeaqnt F . C. Venn. 230 Larkspur avenue. trip we arri\•ed in the "pmrnisC'd Mr. and l\1rs. A . J . R utter and land" Monday evening to b~ izreet- Mr. and ~1rs. L . T . Folsom. 31() I ed by Mn. John L. AndeNOn, my 1'1arigold avenue, attended the v.·ife's sister, at whose home we third and last musicale concert arc now staying. given by the R i,·erside Ovic Out of our many t rips bet..\•een Chorus. Monday night. The chorus Seattle and California it is safe has 125 m embers "'1th an orches-to say that this one is the ri1ost tra of 75. They give three pro-beautiful \Ve have ever taken. TI.is grams evC'ry winter. is especially so in Northern Cali- l\.1i ss l\.1ar~ar(>t Sinclair. San · fornia . Oregon and \Vashington. ------ .,._ JOHN' VIANNEY CHURCH •••boa ...... d Sunday Mau: 8:SO a.m. Conte.lom: , Saturdays troru 7 :30 to 8:80 p.m. OOBONA DEL MAR COMMUNITY CHUIWll, OONOREGATIONAL POTTY Fffderlcl< Sdln>cl<, MID!ster fl 1 Heliotrope. Coroll& del Mar Cllurch school has two sessions. All aboVe primary department meet at 9 :30 a.m. Beginners and primary department ages meet at 11 a.rn .. durin& the morning chW'cb hour. 7:00 p.m. Youth meeting. Diego. visited ~1r. and l\irs. Gus-The beauty of the nev.· grov.'th on tav Grupe, 701 ~·larigold avenue. the trees and bushes. the miles and ror a (C\\' days. mill's of v.·ild lilacs. scotch broom , FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, l\.1r. and l\.lrs. Ed\vard Kelly. Los dog\vood nov,,E"rs , v.;ld roses and SCIENTIST Angelt's, spE"nt a '''eek at their I many other nowers were beacti-Lido Theater. Central Avenue rott.:i.ge . 629 Marigold aVC'nue. ful beyond the pc>\\'C'_rs of my hum-Ind Via Lido Mr. and l\1rs. John ~tiller and bl e IX'n to describe. A branc?l of The Mother Church, son TE'rry, 711 l\1a rigold avC'nue. S eattlc>, like all olhcr Pacific The Fir8t Church of Chrlat, Sci- are on a u.·cek's \'acation at Coas t c ities, has made nlany ential, in Boston. MassacbusetU. Yosemite. chang('s. Aft{'r having been a,,·ay Sunday School at 9 :30 a.. m. Sun- cart a. '° .. 11r., Mlftlltitt' 124 IL -at. Pl\. 24~R Clnudl . .c::hc:d. 1 :'5 L m. Komlac Wonblp, U o'clock. Toulll croupe, ~ llCbool, in· i.m.dlate. Adult, 8:il0 p. m. ~ •rvlce. 7:30 o'clock. Mid-fell""'""1p and pro.yo!', Wedneeday, 7:30 p. m. u a.m.. Prayer &Dd Sermon. A881XBI.JES OF GOD R...,. lllld Ida -Pu&an U06 Oeeaa hoat,. ·Newporl Sunday IChoo~ 10 i<.m. Morning service. U. a.m. Evening evangelistic ae:rvloe at 7 :30 p.m. b.tid-week service, Thursday a t 7 :30 p.m. Flll8T FO~UAJIE CBUllCB OF COSTA MESA Temporary location,. American Legion Hall Be-r. and Mn. o. Wlllard s ........ Pu tors Phone %871 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Morning worship service 10:45. Crusader seIVice 6 :00 p. m. Berean service 6 :30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer service at 7 :30 o'cloCk. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Osher, Pastor I. 8. WBYTI!: meoD MS ~ Ao~ _. U.. 11Mted s ...... ....._ \U'7 _. ..... =• to NPt • dllld9 .. ~ Y:lUt. 1DCOIDll tu; .u..... · .&VDlft • nnm 9'llM •••rm-a a:a'i'IC9 GfDllUle..._ ....... ~-----A .. lHl'l'ECr· Armand Monaco • ARClllTECT 814 W. Bay Ave., Bal'- Barbor lTU Z'IU LUtewood A.,.. Loe Anpleo N<>nnand7 NOS CLINICAL LABOllATORY Clinical Laboratory Ottloe boan: 9 -t:M .... by_ID_ TELEPHONE RARllOR llS8 !8SS W. Central Aft. DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School 302 Coral Balboa lal&Dd OrMieo: eou...,. Preparatory SUMMER SCHOOL o.,. r lu.l:t' S G . A. Mortimer, 1'1. A-. Oxford i:rtDclpaJ Phone Harbor 652 The proposed Junior College dis trict for the Orange county coastal region has the .wealth, the school population, the varied industries and trades, and the natural unity to Indicate tha t a college is needed and can be adequa tely sup- ported. The territory included in t he four high school dis- tricts comprises a population with harmonious and cultural • Interests. It is united by modem highways ar.d is a nutural Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grove. DE?'<i"TISTS 9 :30 a..m. Cb.urcb school tor all r------------~ Mrs. \\1illiam Warre n. First a nd for nearly 20 years I find it quite day Service at 11 a. m. Wednesday Dahlia avenurs. had as guests a task to find my way around. TP~ti.nunlal Meeting at 12 o'clock unit for transportation. The four high schools are conven- iently spaced in distance from one another, each serving a concentrated population . and not in excess of 15 miles from a central possible site for a coll ege. The proposed district forms a complete geographic unit not now adequately served by higher educational facilities required by the rapidly in- creasing numbers of its young people who are being released from war work, who need or desire further training to in- crease their efficiency or to make them employable. This situation is serious at the present t ime a nd threatens to be- come acute as reconversion accelerates. ~---· This area has a ll of the characteristics of a modem Am- erican community. It is a territory of small and independent home owners who desire to make the community a place to live and ·work. Living and working conditions here are ad- mittedly ideal. It is a community in which young people are In the majority. The residents are typically active and vig- orous workers. The increase in the numbers of children in the elementary schools in the 10 year span from 1935-36 to 1944-45 was 1395. or 45.6 $r. The increase in the four high schools in the same period was 353. or 28%. And the total increase was 1748. or 40.5 %. The percentage increases in the year now closing-using the eighth month figures--0re 11.8 % in the e lementary schools, 15.1 '1 in high schoo ls. an6 12.8% for the combined schools. The area not only comprises a community of high class residents, t r ! nlso includes many large and small industries. many business establishments. and an abundance of wcrea- tional facilities associated with the seashore. Boatbuilding . commercial and pleasure fishing, a nd their attendant services provide rar-'round employment for thousands of skilled worker!'. Training should be provided for youth \":h:> desire to follow those occupati ons. Agriculture has been basic to the prosperity of this region. Many fine groves of ci trus, walnut. su\)-tropical and other varied crops contribute to the wealth of this. the richest per-capita county of California. Animal htJS bandry, noriculture and other scientific pursuits of many kinds have their devotees. The number of profit- ovl'r the '''t'<'k E"nd her m nth<-r Mrs . Anderson a nd my wife as Reading Room located at 111 :i.1rs. ChestC'r \Vhistler. her siste r "'Cll \\'ish me to convey their kind-Palm street, Balboa, is open daily ~1rs. Arthur Forbes and son Roh-l'St r egards to your wife and your-from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- E"rt . h"r niece Louise Jordan of self. days and holidays nationally ob- Alhambra. M . J . J O HNSON, served. l\1rs. Harry Westover. 1615 P a-503 Lakeside AvC'. The public ls cordially invited to ciric drive. enter tained for her Seattle 22, \Vashn. attend the church aervtcea and \198 husba nd J udge Harry \\'estover the Reading Room. on father's day. at a picnic lunch B b C b B bca in their garden Sunday. F orty 0 fOS Y 0 ts guests a ttended. I Return to Rendezvous I.tr. and Mrs. R. T . N. Vance. Los A~eles. have been guests of Remem ber the summe; or 1943 the Westovers ror t\\'O .weeks. I \\.h{'n Bob and his Bobcats played Dr. and ~1rs. Arthur L. Richard-at the Rendezvous Ballroom. Ba l- son , Pasaden a , Oew dovn' to see I bo Th t . Bob . d the Vances Thursday, ha d lunch a. a sum~cr ma e \vith them on the island and then thousands of frten~ v.'ho ha,·e back to P asade na in the nfter-1 nev~r . forgotten him .and are noon. Mrs. Richardson. Mr. and a\\'r&1t1ng his r<'turn wlth great Mrs Vance's daughter J ane pilot-enthusiasm. Yes. he entrenched ed the pla ne. a Little F airchild. I himself in th<'. h~arts. of all South-land, and it is predicted that he \vi ii dra\\' a packed house bot.h Forrest Deal Reopens I Friday and Saturday nights. H ho Fi h Sh With a ke<n gift of showman-ar r s ops ship Bob comes back with a band of act' Instrumentalists so versa· Forr N\I DE'al. 1\tarine Corps tile that the y play ballads and "·arrant officer, retired last month rhythm numbers. S\veet and \~ving aftr r 18 years ser\'ice, has r e-music "·ith equal ease. Bob liin1- sumC'd his smoked fish business self aftC'r monlhs of performing on Coast Hljthway and a lso on in the South Seas. o fte n under ~fcFaddcn Place In Newport I rough conditions, wields a smooth- Bc acJ1 . rr baton than {'\'Cr and gives out D":tl-h ad 12 ye nrs active service ,,·ith plenty of h is noted vocals. ,,·ith the Marines prior to the last T hroug h his personality, music \\'ar and re turned to the Corps and sho"·manship. Bob quickly C'S- Oct. 1. 1940. ta blishl'd himsl'lf as n nation-\vidl' i\frs. Lou J . Tallc>y, mother-in4 radio fn\'Orite, "'Bob Crosby and la\\' of I)(!al, is mana~c>r of thl' Company" headlined NBC's Old NC\\-port store. '''hilc> Fred R. Gold sho\,. cvc>ry Sunday for many Deal. twin brothf'r of Forrest . \\'l'Cks and Bob also did a success- as:sists in managin.i;: thC' Coast 1 ful stint or subbinJ;::: for Brother ll1 gh,,·ay store. Fred l)ronl '"as r e-Bin~ on the Kraft f\1usic Hall tirl"d from the Na\'y las t month sho\v. aft er 22 years service. Soft spoken. afrable-and full of i\lrs. Dorothy Maf' DcAI opcr-fun. Bob is i:;ix reet tall. \V('ighs a tro the businl'Ss '''hilC' i\1r. [){'al 1&5 pounds. is d i\rk and handsome ,,·as in the scr \'iC'('. and belie,·e it or not dOE'S not like night clubs. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 515 West Central, Balboa I (Ebell Clubhouse) Rev. Ardy• T. Dean, Vicar 8 :30 a. m., Holy Communloo. 9 :45 a.m., Sund&y School 11 :00 a.. m ., Mornlng Prayer and Sermon. {Flrllt Sundays: Holy Communion.) CHRIST CHURCA BY THE SEA Community Methodist 1420 West Central Avenue Rev. E. O. Goodell, Pastor Church SCbool, 9 :60 a. m . "omlng Worablp, 11 a. m. Youth Fellow!lb.Jp, 6 p. m. Evening Worship, 7 p. m. Mtd-week prayer eervtce, Wed- needay; co•~red di.ab dinner, 6 :SO p.m. BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry W. Whtte, Anoclate Pastor Church School, 9 :SO a. m. Morning Won.hip , 11 a.. m_ NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Costa Meaa Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor Services : S unday, 10:30 a .m. S~VENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Church Sts. Coda Mesa Sabbath echool, Saturd&y morn- ing, 9:30 o'clock.. PreacbJng service, 11 IL m. agee. 11 :00 a..m. M.orntnc Worship: Meua.ge: ·we Thank Thee." 11:00 a.m. Nursery for all chil- dren dving eervice. · 6 :00 p.m. Methodist Youth F el- lowahlp. Young Adult Fellowehlp. 7:00 p.m . Evening WorahJp:- Meeaage: "Come Ye IJve." Christian Science Tex\ on Ato1nic Force The Golden Text of the Sunday Lesson·Sermon In all branches or The Mother Church, The First Church of Chr ist. Scientist. tn Bo• ton, ls from I>roverbs and reads, .. The Lord by v1isdom bat.b rounded tbe eartb; b)' understanding bath be established the heavens." The question "Is the U11.iverse. Including l\lan. E\·oll'ed by Atomic Force?" Is the subjecL A Dible selection from Zephaniah reads. "Seek ye the Lord, ... seek. Mghteou.!oess. seek meekness : lt may b e ye shall be h id In the day of the Lord's anger." l\latthe\1..-'s Gos- pel relates that \\'h en Jesus "'\\'U entered Into a r.b ip, bis dlsclplea follo\\·ed hiw. AnJ. behold, there arose a gr"'at tlmJ1lSt In the sea, Insomuch U1at the !>hill \\'88 t'O\'ered with the \\'8\'es: but he "''a s asleep. And b!s discf'plcs cu1ne to hlru. a nJ a.,..·oke hi m, saying, Lord. S3\·e us : \\'e peris h. And be saith. unto them, \\"by are ye rea rful. O ye or 1111Je faith'? Then he arose. and rebuked the \\'Inds and the sea; and there \\'as a great cahn." Ma1·y Baker f:lldy \\'rites In "Sci· ence and Health \\·Ith 1,:f'y to the Scriptures : ·· ··J .:>~ns or Sazarf'Lb \\'aJI the mos t st·ientl f!c man tbat e ve r trod tbf' J;lo:i~. Fi e plunged be- neath the ruateria l surface or things, and fo und the spiritual cause." ··The manifestations or e\'il, v;blcb countertelt dl\·lne justice. a re called In the Scriptures, "The anger or the Lord.' In reality, they sbow the self-destruction or error or mat· ter and point to matter's opposite, DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST • i8SS West Centnll Phone Harbor '21-J Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST 2202 Y, W. Central. Barbor 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist . UIOl Cout mw.,, CORONA DEL MAR Pbone Harbor 2220 INSURANCE Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE -That's All LlfE ·FIRE -AUTO MARl,.l E, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y 71 .i E. Central, Balbo:a Phone Harbor 2597 Lincoln National Life ' Insurance Co. ..1t9 NalDf! l 11dic&te1 Ji.. Cbarac1.er" DON .JERNIGA..V Phone Ba.rbor %84-R S08 Marine A\•e. Balboa Isl. able vocations and avocations is legion .. Commander and ~1rs. Bruce An- derson and son Scott of Santa ~1onica were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Florence Tor- re nce, Zlth stN>et, and ~1 onday dinner guests u·erl" a honeymoon- ing roupl@ from F airfield, Tit.. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchannan. YMI, this "";11 be home coming \\"e<'k f'nd for Bob Crosby, so fans don't forget Friday and Saturday nii;!hfs at the Rendezvous Ball· room. Balboa, a nd give Bob t!'tat big "\.\'elcome Home." FULL GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd and Elden, Costa Mesa Sunday ecbool, 9:4.5; morning worship, 11: Eva.ngelLaUc service, 7:30 p. m.; Mid-week prayer meel- lng on Wedneaaay, 7 :45 p. m .; young people'• evan.gellaUc aervtce on Friday, 7:45 p. m. the strength &nd permanency or r.------------~ Spirit." Drtve C&ttfully-Spere a Life. For Better Pr\nting call 12 or IS. Drive Carefully-Sp&re a Ufe. The world has recognized the quality of our resident art- ists a nd a rtisans. and the homes of America have been en- riched by their handiwork. These a re expanding pursuits beckonjng our youth. Oil production of this area has not only kept the wheels of industry humming, it has cont ributed magnificently to the coffers of the state and, at the same time, h as been the source of livelihood for thousands of local order. If they have any luck at all, the nation's number one CHURCH OF CHRIST residents. This is a promising field for the future citizens. property destroyer will find slim pickings in their region for Chun:h and w alnut st....u White House Cate now our youth. The climate here is ideal for aviation and a long time to come. L-Duano Canby, Ml nlrur. Th els f th ·ti could fit b th ~ervtce.: Sunday, 10 a. m., Bible PhoM sm Lacuna Beaclt, Calli'. aircraft construction. as attest,ed by the ma ny civilian a nd ousan o o er commuru es pro Y e ex- military installations of an expanding and permanent char-perience of this little \Vashington town. It learned its lesson acter. Pre-flight aviation. aircraft design and construction, the hard way. Others can learn the easy way, profiting by and even fl ying itself should be included in the collegiate cur-experience. They should follow the advice of fire prevention rlculum from now on. Much more could be said in justifica-experts with greater diligence. They can revise obsolete or- tion of a wide program of technical offerings to prepare the dinances. check the adequacy of water supply. encourage in- youth to take their righUul places in this community as it dividual awareness of the danger of fire. They can go far to- -progresses through the expanding years just a head. 1 ward elimina ting a half-billion-dollar fire Joss each year. Learn Hard Way An entire communit.}'-hotel. tore, garage, hon1es-,\·as destroyed by fire recently in the state of Washington. In 10 minutes thousands of dollars worth of property and a town were wiped off the ma p. Thirty families were stranded. For- tuna!~, !lo lives were losL In this"case the fire may have been unavoidable. It was Anyway, there is one community in Washington that should hereafter be a good citizen from the standpoint of practicing fire prevention. Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S 2100 0.-ean l'Yont thought that a chimney spark on a dry roof started the con-. flagration. However , the ci tizens of this town should not for-NOW OPEN EVENINGS get the lesson they have learned. When they build again. and MAI.TS • SANDMCHES • HAMBUBGJllRS that "ill be no easy job in these da!;s of shortages and high Ice Cream &o Tab Oat costs. they will undoubtedly give serious thought to the elim-1 ~=========~::=======~'."'."."==~ !nation of fire hazards. It is a good bet that hereafter they I· will make certain that their fire fighting equipment is in good MODEll MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Ill llORTil..MAIN ST. • • ;~t~ud~y~:~1~1~a.~m~·=· ~M~o~n>~tn~g~w~o~rwh~l~P~·~::::::::::::::::::::::::: 24~Hour Radio Service ROME, AtJTO. MAB1NE RADIOS BEPAIJUtD Burt R. Norton 915 Clout ID'")' BNcon 67JIS Newpori -Calif. L_~:::::::........~--- ONCE AGAIN ~SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen You the 1'1Dest l'laal &o Dine Ill Orange Coant)': All New--· Even the Location ... One-Half Mlle East o! Oid Location on CoaSt Highway. Beautiful New I Cocktail &;" I We Lead Southern Callfomla In the ~ at -SEA FOODS -. ALSO YOUB ldmd al 81'&\KS -VJSIT OOR Mcia:H - ) New York Life Insurance Company DON R. DURANT U8 Orchid Ave. Barbor 1156·J CORONA DEL MAR OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen ~ .... .&~e .. iPoll~ Pillo-Harbor· zisw ttfJ r.. .., .t.... a.n... HORTICUNS Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourse1ves the Better Ser.ve by Servini: Others Best" Phone Beacon 5110. Costa Meu Callfornla OPTOMETBISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETBIST Eyes El<amined • Glasses Flt!A!d 1781 Ne-wpon Boaleftnl ...._ a.eo. AU 0081'.& I08A Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES II:. T. Bau.awarCls, O. D. Os' tW - DD DAMIM&D .. LKNU:S~ ................ MJ1°I nu •· o-tr.a A-. ft. ...._ 8DI ll&WFO&t m&ca lllargaret Darst CorbeU 'FN"M'" Ge 01 i °nj( el a ~ ....... l:1e l'Ai•1:tlalll E. Neff Woods, D.O. IDltnlator ..... : ......... , ....... --.. t ... .. -lie.....,. ......... . ....... i-.. n-...... _ SUBVEYOllS Raub & Bennett s.r..,.., .. lllld ~ 1808 N-rt Bhd., Ooota •- Telepllo-Boaoon 151198-W Ul7W.C...tnll Nowpori- Tel~ae llartM)r US PHYSICIANS a 8UBOEONS, H.D H. R. Hall, M. D. Planlclan and Snrseoo Hours: 2-5. by Appointment Telephone Beacon 5848 lSl Broadway Oo.U. lie. OONBAD RICHTER, M. D. l'lanlclao .... Sartt- 120 E . 18th S t. COSTA MElSA Houn: 10-12 am.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Beacon 5075 Dr. G. E. Tohill Pb.,.Sclan and ~ 2209 Coast hr\ld. NEWPORT BEACH -PBON~ ornoe: BIU'bor sss.w R.Mide11<:e : HIU'bor 288-Jl u No &D•"Wtt· call Barbor I Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Pho11e Barbor 1018 No an1wer: call ~ &CKD-a X·Ray Service Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1801 Oout mway Corona del Mar Ott ice Hours: l<>-12: 2-5 Phone Harbor 108% S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave .• Balboa Harbor l '7:U U3 S. mtt St., Loe AO.- TUcker '781.! By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and Suri;- 8409 \Vest Central Telephone Harbor 802 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON ii 11 Coaat Hl&hway , Harbor Me Corona deJ Mar Dr. W. T. Mooney Phyllclan and Su..- Nlntll and 1 Omtnl ··-(N-11.r. -"-> ~ .. NORMAN NHCON, M. D. Pediatrician Certlfled by the American Board of Pediatrics 100"1 Gavlota Dr.,~ Jlea,eb Telephone Ucun&\J.·1- Laurence IL Dorcy, IL D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave., Balboa~ ~-- w....,r D1)4S • lmtaate Dr-W1llM\6' Q. wecw Chlropradlc, \Dletettcs, Pbyslo & Colonic Therapy UM Caul Jlho4., - ~---- • • , I s H 0 E s Repaired \Vhlle Yon Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Next door to Bay Vtew Oate 8a.m.t.8p.m.. ROOFS APPLIED OR REPAIRED Free Estlmates & Inspection W. J. Benbow 3f,()2 Ma""15 Ph. Hbr . 1012-J Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1822 y1 Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No llmll to any of our merchandl~ COSTA l'IESA, CALIF. Phone Beacon 6011 .. DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish Always Fresh 110 McFadden PL Ma.ln Store: 101 ID(h1''&Y .. At Road lo Balboa l aland .. I I Miniature Golf Comes to Balboa A nc\\' innovation has come to Ocean Front in Ba lboa in t.he form of a minia ture golf course. Operators of it a re 1\1ajor Bar- ney Bell, War 11 veter an, w ho er'"·ed overseas during the last connict . and his friend . Cliff J oye. s c s Their enterpr ise, '·"hich is lo- ated on t he Ocea n Front at Washington street, has attm cted cores of a mateur golf enthusiasts who are no\ ... practicing their putts 0 n the green. It's an IS-par-hole course . Drive C&rerully-Spatt a IJ.te. HOLLIS·TER • Brothers LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions lnqnre at CARR'S FEED STORE 182'7 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA • P. O. Box 507 -Phone Be..-52'15 "lllE IT I llLLIOl 1" ENLIST IN A GUDE WITH YOUR ARMY MOS • • lONG lf:ACH f'A!AOENA P'OMONA l lVllSIOI SANTA ANA • • • H. ~forgan Noble, engineer, re-r--------------. ported Wednesday that Orange county will expend $5000 to deepen the upper bay channel near Bay Shores, where last year·s rain runo(f carried silt and other ~ bris into the county's harbor. Noble said dredging at the ~boa Yacht club, costing $1900, is completed. In this area nmof( filled in the channel and made navigation dangerous. The coun· ty paid part, Irvine company which o~ns some of the adjoin~ ing land, pa.id part and the yacht dub the r emainder. Also completed i9 a smaller amount of dredging near Newport Harbor Yacht dub, partly paid by the O ty of Newport Beach and Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-AD ~ ,.,, Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1~ So. Mahl St,. ' • Pboee ZO'l' '·SANTA ANA GEORGE D. BASSETT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service ieoe W. Central Ave., PhoGe lla.J'bor tao&-1., Newport; BeMlla Mrs. Irene Ollinda and small sons are expected soon fl"f'm '========================== their home in the m iddle \VCSt on a visit to Mrs. Ollila's ~ents, Mr. a nd 11.lrs. Tr)-•gve Hess, West Bay a venue. lilDE TABLES .JUNE, 1946 High Low High Low w 19 1:54 6:37 11 :86 G:ts 3.5 ---0.2 4.8 3.0 Th 20 ····-···· 7 •24 2:43 7:18 li.1 3.7 3.0 F 21 12:41 8:13 8:25 8:68 4.3 0.3 4.1 2.6 s 22 2:05 9:03 4:08 10:21 3.9 0.6 4.5 1.9 Su 23 3:45 9:52 4:-ll 11:25 L'ldee are pla.ced lD order or uccurrenc. LI.&' bl ttcuru a. bl.: cl&r11 ncure1 p. V\ @Balboa rket More Thao SO Years ot Service to the Barbor'• SOl Main F\nest CUentele Ph. Harbor 85 Balboa, Calif, • Before You Build or Remodel I Visit Our Interesting LUDLUM Saij>ple and Display Booms _ \ Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rags & Carpets Cleaned, Repaired Carpet Works 16!2 South Main St. Pbone Santa Aaa !808 SANTAANA C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE , ;!; ;!; ;!; LESTER & Co. INYlSTMENT SECUllTIES TO MEn THE INYESTOIS' NEEDS Moorings Buoy~ InsWled and Repaired. Painted and Letrered. ;!; ;!; ;!; lif nnbw Lo1 Alfg,k 1 S1 oclt &ch11ngt 2004 W EST CENTRAL A VE., NEWPORT B EACH HAJtBOR 1374-J @ -- \ 1 ANGllll lllWINO COMPANY• l0$ AHOILIS Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 739-J for Prompt Service ' Perfect timing ia the very eMeDoe of mueic-from awing to symphony. And the maestro balanoea one aection of hie great on:he1tn agains& another-strings and woodwinds np, the bruaea 'down-n~ the drama and crashing cynilials. Perfect· riming and exact lal/oratory control are also neoeuary in the b._mg of fine beer. A li!dime of experience by one of tl)e world'a ...Uy great brewmaaten goea into every glul of the complete! satiafying E11bide beer yon enjoy today. • •• \ • .. • • I ,, ¥· ... • , Mrs. GeOrge Wheat of Local Ebell Club Named Pres. of Orange County Federation Mn. GeCJ<p Wbeat at Newport Wheat pr.-nted ~ at the X.!Ond, a JDft'l)her o( the loeai county board meetln& bel4 lut Eboll club. was olect<d presidont Friday at Huntlngt<x! BHdl. At al. OnJni" County Federation ot that time Mn. Albert ~ W 011Vn's clubs Wednesday after-winner at the third award In the noon tollowinc the resianation of state druna cent.est., wu boMred Mn. Arthur May of Santa Ana. witb the pr1u bein& prooented t• Activities Mrs. George Yardley New eha4nnap, Other Officers Named by Assistance League New ullllAs a ~ elected and costume&. li ·Mrs. May, who has held the tbe Anaheim woman during the Po&llion for a year, felt it Im. morning SWoeJ'&D\ of buslneu. p>ISible to complete tbe second Other important features oo tbe year ot her tenn ·and presented mornln& business agenda Included her resi&n&lion when she enttt-a talk on "CAncer Control and tAJned members of her executive Early Diqnosls" by Dr. Mildred board at luncheon at Santa Ana Wehrly ot Santa Ana ,and other Cotmtry club. awards to winnen in state con- Mn. Wheat was county vice-tests recently conducted.. pre91dent and ~trs. August Schu-Reports Ori convention were macher of Anaheim was elected to given by Mn. J . J. Alexander of fill tmt J position. The Newport Fullerton and Mn. E. K Smi clubwoman is also state ch.airman and Mrs. J. E. DeMgan ot Orang-e. of the American Home depart-Afternoon program featured the ment and will resign from that of-singing of the county ~ SOii&' !ice, feeling that with 23 clubs in by Mn. Arthur May and written the district, all her time should be by Mrs. George Porter ot. Huntin&- de\•oted to her new duties. ton Beach. As progra_m cha..irmari, lirtrs. Plastics and demonstration of students' work was presented by Miss Mary Bissel, teacher of arts and crafts at Santa Ana high school. COLD WAVE -l-w Summer conference at Orange r'lll~ on July 1 at 2 p . rn. was an- nounced. AU past presidents will ::If~ present new club presidents at I this meeting. Southern district I U•ttMI _...._, meeting is scheduled for July 9 at COLD WAVE 10 a. m , at San Diego. ...,Y4W~ Present from Newport Ebell .:_om~•:. ia',.. tr were the president, Mn. Bruce :.... ~ ~ '! McBride; Mrs. C. M. Deakins, Mrs. =:;, D'•• IA\. = Albert Red4en. Mrs. George Weiss. + • Delta Gammas Plan For Nat. Convention At Santa Monica Fifty Girl Scouts of Newport Association Off for Camp ; First Group Leaves Saturday Saturday at 6 :30 a. m. tbe l'lntr . group ot 25 Girl Scout. are INv-H b . Att d Plans for partldpatlon In tbe In& by bus from the Udo theater ar OnteS en first national convention since bound for a week at Mel Caine's Meet of 'County Pearl Harbor of Delta Gamma.. camp. Big Bear lake, and at the • • • National College Woman'• Fro-same hour oo the morning ot Sat-Phtlatehc Society temity, were advanced at the reg-urday, June 29, the second group ular monthly meietlng of the Or-will leave, the first reJ:urning late ang:e County Chapter held '1\J.es-that day. Buses whJch take the day nJght at the home of Mn. &frls up and back have been ar· Justin Kennedy, 710 KUJOn Drive, ranged for throu&h tbe OOW'U!sy at Santa Ana. two of the fathers. The convention will run from The &iris will be in camp in July 10 to the 15, with headquar-time for lunch and will be greeted ten at the Huntington Hotel, by three unit leaders and three Pasadena. senior SCouts who a.re serving as President Hazel Ray appointed program aJdes. There will also be Mrs. Jack Houlihan, 336 Van a nurse. Miss Erma Cotton of the Buren street, Midway C1ty, chair-Laguna Beach schools and a dieti- man of arrangements for a tea to tian, Mrs. E.sthi!r Worley, be served by the Orange county The.re will be five unit leaders and San Gorgonio Chapters on the in all, with Mrs. Phyllis Meyers opening afternoon. Other conven-for two w~ks. Mrs. Lonnie Vin- tion highlights will be formal din-cent and Mrs. Ralph Deaver for ners on the first and last nights. the !int "'~k and Mrs. William an I. Magnin Fashion show, Mod-Trusty and Mrs. Walter Cole for el Initiation, Edgar Bergen broad-the second week. Program aides cast, and excursions to nearby are Next Cass. Judy Olapman and points of interest Tanya Seeley. A special room has been reserv-All arrangements for the camp 'James Howard, treasurer of the Harbor Stamp ... dub, and Mrs. Frank -· IJeCl'etary, ~ sented the' club at tbe meetlnc o1 the Oranae County Philatelic · '° ciety b.eld Friday at the home of Mr. and Mn. Robert L&ii Franco. Santa Ana. Mr. i.,.n Franco showed his in- teresting collection "'Of old coin!I, including the fa.med .. pieces of eight" of 1797 and three colonial notes of the same period. 'There was also a sale or stamps with Mack Robbins aa auctioneer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard extend?<! an invitation to the society to meet at the ir home, 306 Fernando street. Balboa, on July 12 for a pot Juc.k supper. At the close of the evening Mrs. Lan Franco served refreshments, assisted· by her mother, Mrs. Ann Brower. Other guests preSent from the Harbor area were Mrs. James Howard. Mrs. Ne!Ue Spen- cer of the Balboa post offi~ and • Riii..,. Pl*9 1637-R Mn. Georp Wlaeat of Newport bland, local !:boll clab member and state eb&lrm:aa. of homea, wbo wu elected preeldent of Oran.p Couty FederaUoa of Women'• clut., Wedne.day, fol- Iowtar the reetpaUon of Mn. Arthur May, Sallta Au. Balboa Island Boy Scouts Leave For Camp Ro-Ki·Li annual ..,... ta were ttad at the Pre9Ult at the mH:ting ~ the tlnal mMtll!c ot tbe Ne..._t Har-Meadamell ~ Grace, Castle, bcr 111-ol tbe Ambtance .Wltberlpcxm; Kllllon, Yardley, Loque· al Orani" county, held Jade Hl1lmu, Henry Niemeyer, ~at µ,.·home of Mn. Ev-Walker, Don McCallum, Porter mott Mania, Lido lale, with Mn. Durkee, Hubbard, Hodgkinson. J . Acldlom Gurley and Mn. Walter Artbur ·Best. Everett Gardiner, Franz u aalsting h-Ost._. Smltb, Cameron Thom. Rlchard Mrs. Walton Hubbanl Jr, pre-Powell and Edgar HW . sided. and following tbe re\>ori of Mn. VIrslnia Castle, chairman of tbe nomlnatin&'. oommitt.... the Waves Join Legion folloWmc officen were elected for Virginia Cuenwitz and Helen the comina year: Ola.lrman, Mn. Mason, Wri.ves, are the first George Yardley; vice chairnian, woman veteran.a of World War U Mn. William ·Whit\; recording io be admitted into American Le-- secretary, Mn . .Rowland Hodgkin-Ilion Poot 291 ot Newport Beach, son; correaJ)Ondin& aeaetary, Mrs. being accepted this week. They Robert Walker and treuurer, Mrs. wtll be active members and will Victor Grace. specialize in child welfare work. Retiring officers are Mn. Hub-'. bard, chairman; Mn. Yardley, vice chairman; Mri:. Willard Kil- lion, recording secretary; Mrs. James Rogers. corresponding sec- retary, and Mrs. Hodgkinson, treasurer. A vote or thanks was given Mrs. Hubbard for her chair- manship during this most success- ful year. Roy Want Goes To Boys Town Roy Ward, son of ~Ir. and Mrs. Douglas Ward, 321 \Vest Bay avenue, was selected by Sidney H. Davidson to represent the Harbor area at Boys TO\\'Tl, sponsored. by the American Legion next week at Sacramento. ln the annual reports the treas- urer stated the Harbor branch had given the sum of S17EK> to various philanthropies. Two Scholars.hips Sell that un\\•anted article were presented to graduates of through News-Times ads. Newport Harbor Union High school and the dental ·clinic had aided many children. They have N E W L I ·N E also aided in the Presbyterian Craft "reeting c-_.8 hospital drive. q-Al"U BAJ'..Bot\ _Pllt\RMACY Mrs. Robert Jayred, Mrs. S. Hey- man and ?\.I.rs, Wheat. ed. at the Huntington for use of have been completed by the camp the Orange county group, 1\trs. chairman. Mrs. Edward Olapman. Charles Eaton, 602 Balboa avenue, The business manager, 1t1rs. Ro- phone Harbor 2454-\V , is arrang-bcrt Killefer, has seen to the pur- ing transportation for those desir-chasing of food supplies. Mrs. ing to attend the convention. Hubbard Howe is in charge of the ~-tr. Albe rt Spencer . Leaving Tuesday morning at 8 The regular mee~ng of . t~e a .m . by bus from the Santa Ana Harbor Stamp club WJll be tonignt court house were the first con- (Thursday) at the Mesa Rajjo tingent of Boy Scouts bound for shop. Camp Ro-Ki-Li and among them Reports for the county league Stationery .. • whole showed $81.416.89 Brookings V arieb' ILJ-W:WW:W~ Of local interest Is a pre--con-campership fund provided by the .---------------------------,1vention picnic luncheon on July Assistance League and nine &iris 3 at the home of Mrs. W4Jter are being sent. wholly and in pa.rt. I ; ~utMe t'4t 7~ DLD Pll-CTDGlAPll ~4~~~ AUSTIN PORTRAIT SplC'f"r, 33 Harbor Island. honoring through this fund. Mrs. J . R. Teale of Bu!falo, N. Y., Through Mrs. Lonnie Vincent's • sister of Mn. Spicer and vice pres-promotion committee $133 was ident of the National Council of raised from a recent theater bene- Delta Gamma, and other national fit at the Lido. Mrs. Walter Cole officers. is program chairman. All mem- Daughter of C.D.M. Resident Wed In Anaheim In support of the action of the bers of the camp staff have had National Council the local chapter t~nfng by "Skipper" Allen, exe-Now at home in San Bernardino voted to petition President Tru-cut1ve secretary of the local as.so-after a honeymoon in Laguna man to continue the Child Wei· ciation and professional Girl Scout Beach are Mr. and Mn. Robert fare Bureau as now constituted. worker. Edward De Weese, whose mar- Present at the . meieting were The first .. few days ":!" be .desig-riage took place recently at St. ~~~, l .:..I ..,...__ ' Me~dames H. M. Wallingford, Mel n~ted as quiet days until. the Michael's church, Anaheim. The Tl"ickey, and C. M. Lee, of Santa girls are used to the hlgh altitude bride ls t he daughter of Mrs. Ana· Mrs. Walter Spicer Harbor-and most of the time wiU be spent w . J . ·eomb of Corona del Mar Isl~; Mrs, Harold cm'ieno OT -in handicraft WOl'k , with the more and c. w . Madsen of Redlands, ange: Mrs. Jack Houlihan 'Mid-strenuous activities of horseback and was given in marriage by her way aty: Mesdames Chari~ Ray, riding and hiking to come later. father. Hal Will Smith, C. W. Dutton. Capt. and Mrs. He~rt ~forey The ne'W ~In. Weese is a gradu- Hoxie Smith, Oem 01.ristie. and ~d Mr. and Mn. LDnnie Vincent ate of Red.lands H igh school, Uni- Mlss Kay Morgan of BalOOa will go up Thursday morning to versity of California at Los An- Island. see th.at all camp details are com-geles where she was . affiliated •-.•ti• Shtll•• lu1" ,,..cioliud for o.,.... 2P yeor1 I• ,.....,..., lto'11y ,.,,. • lad-4 CM dht9-.rff pfc- htfft, 1q,1h.tt Gfl'1 th1ty'"' lo th•ir Ol'i9il\•I ct..,..... tn .. , i• .,.. .. th~i1h.tt 01'1 ,..... ........ fMey ... ti ....... llri•a •ff• lfl!O Mo .. tif,.I tiff '°""''''' Tlri• prk•• -low, tlri• q11oliry lrii9h, AUSTIN STUDIOS We are fully equipped to tafce portraits In Home ar Clturclt OOSY., No. Mai.a St. Phone 1463 Santa Ana Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. dail y Saturdays 'til 8 p. m. • Other evenings & Sundays by appointment NT-6-20-!6 . V.F.W. Auxiliary Gives Benefit Bridge pleted. Mrs. Morey i.! president Sh ·11 of th~ Girl Scout association. One wtth Alpha Omicron Pi. e WI be a mrmbel' of the Highlands thing badly needed ls a tent, for faculty thts coming year. housing facilities are small and a ~tr. \Veese la 8 graduate of San tent is needed for handicr aft sup-Bernardino High school and has . plies. most especially Lt It should The benefit card party given happen to rain. Anyane having had four years in the service as Friday at Costa r.tt"sa Amcrir.JU1 one to loan may call ~tn. Clap. radioman. H e wears the flying Legion hall by the Auxiliary of man at Harbor 1303 cross. Presidential citation and Coastline Post, V.F.\V., drew an On the first week's.list of Scouts stars for six major battles. I attendance of ~ and was a most j going are rota ry Blodgett. Lou He plans to return to university successful affair. Belle Boice. Grace Crocker, Diane nex~ fall p.nd will major as radio Mr. and l\1rs . J ames T allman Daniel, Nancy Deaver. Alvah Ann engtn('('r, wer e winners. at brid~e and G. t-:. Denton, Dorothy Ann Fowler, t -------- Weber was first ~t f1\.·e h~ndre ~ l\tary Lou Ha rirf'Ove, Lois Holtz, 1 St James Benefit Mr. Sands \VBS high 1n pi nochle Sheila Howe, Sally McMillan. • . and L<oslle Hartford was first at Joann• MerriU. Marilyn Moort<, Voted Bi g Success I the table for rummy. . . Elizabeth Norton, Marilyn Peter-The benefit dessert bridge spon-~he next . regular . meeting isl sen, Susanne Pleger. Judith Reed, sored by the \Vomen's Auxiliary Friday evening of this week. Mary Robins. Mary Ann Snyder, of St. J ames Episcopal church a nd May Standagto. Winston Sullivan, held \Vednesday at the Women's SelJ that unwanted U'Uclt Kath•f)Tl Rabbitt arwJ Lonita Vin-club house, Coi;ta ~lesa, drew an through NeW1-Tlmee ads. cent. attt"ndance of nearly 150 with 35 Lido 1beatre Phone Barbor !114 Now Showtnc thru Satunlay: '1oyooEie MY LOVE'' Aleo Color Featurette: "NAUGHTY NANE"l'TE" W-y Oaly-..lome H : "Girl of the Limber lost" "'VOI CE OF THE \\'Ul8TLER" Richard 011: Comln1 A ttra.cHon!I: .. CLUNY BRO\\'S", "0.8.8." "PEIULOUS HOLIDAY" "SMOKY", •"TJIE VIROL"VIA..'"' For the second Week are Judy table's in play, Mrs. Charles r.1c- Allcn, Ann Boice. Norma Jean Al8{Y was gener al chairman. Castle, Patricia Clarke. Nancy Mrs. Paul Palmer and Mrs. Ger- Cole, Patrieia Sue Craft, Aldora aldine Dittmar v.•er e winners of Anne Davis, Robbie Lou FierO, the nylon hose and potted pla nts Borden Greenleaf. Yvonne How-served double duty as table dec- ant. Mary Howe, Dorothy Howe, orations and prizes. Patticia Kat terich. Lura Mae Georgll Mortimer, organi,st f01" Land!ield. Sharlie Eileen LYons. St James church, was winner ol Nancy Millett, Mary Ann Morey, the fint door prize and others Carol Pierson, JOf'na Talstra. went to Mrs. Nickles of Huntlng- Shjrley Stahler, J eanette Talstra. ton Beach: Elaine Crocker, Birnie Barbara Trusty. Pat WUliams and Powell, Mrs. Charles Hand. Mn. Evelyn Woodworth. Clarke, Mrs. Earl McDonald, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson of 30th street are on a three weeks' vacation and are visiting Mrs. 1ltompson's father and other rela tives in Idaho. Mr. Thom)> son's fa ther. A. S . Thompson. was recently married to 1'-1rs. Sally Bell of El Pa!'IO, Texas. who is a sister of l\1n. Erick.son, Coast boulevard. • 0 . Z. Robertson. Mrs. Cottle, Mrs . Cuppett, Mn. John Meador, Mrs. Sayer. Mrs. ltfohn and Mrs. MoioJa. Justice of the Peace D. J . l>Qdge of Newport Beach township, re- cently reelected to that pasition with no oppoeition, l.s this month serving as J , of P . for Huntington Beac h township in the absence of Justjce Chris Pann. Announcing Opening of For the Ultimate in Beauty Care •.• Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S Gustlin School of Swimming Mariska House of Beauty 904 llfarlDe Aw., Balboe hh"' HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING by Gene SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BELL OF BALBOA ISLAND ALSO P.A.L.111 SPIUNGS AND LONG BEACH -Open o.lly Except SUndoy-- ' 10 a. m. to .. p. m. Private Lessons Two Biocf west ~r Ferry, Balboa PhOne Santa Ana 1161..J were the boys of Troop 110, Bal- boa Island. They will be there from June 18 to 27 and Assistant Scoutmas- ter Colin Brown will be with them for the first part of the period and Harold Hamm for . the last three days. Swimming, diving, hiking, boating, archery and han- dicraft will occupy their time and there will be test passing and in· divtdual instruction for merit badge requirements. Boys who went were Harlow Richardson, Nicky Slaughter, Bill Hamm, Gene McMasters, Fred Guard, Larry McMasters, Bob Ald- ridge, Don Cantrell, Jim Smith, given in money for Red Cross .. c-.. a..,. c.._ 1111 ._ work during the war and one mil-; _,!;-~·~-~..!'!-~.,~ .. ~·~,~-~':'._•_!h~••~J lion hours of service given by the .;. members. · Members of the Har'bor branch are assisting With the Orange county flower and horse show which opens Friday and they . are giving the third prize for the art exhibit which is a part of the show. One of the Harbor mem- bers, Mrs. Houston Witherspoon of Laguna Beach, will be at the fair and will cut the clever sil- houettes for wti.ich she Is noted. Tickets for the fair are still available and may be obtained from Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Hcxlgkin- son and Mrs. Dixon Smith. Mem- bers who are to be at the fair as hostesses will wear Spanish Torrimy Burger, Don Stef(ensen, j-------------------,,- Chuck Heacock, Walter MitchelJ, Lionel Moore, Jack Reed and John Greenleaf. Mesa Scouts Now At Camp Ro-Ki-Li From Costa MesaJ 26 enthusias- tic Boy Scouts a nd several equally: enthusiastic Dads lett Tuesday for Camp RO-Ki-Ll after several weeks of planning and a prograJT\ of "earn-your-o\\'ll·'-''ay" through1 a paper drive. atizens respansible for the large group of campers were Otto Dodd. Judge Dodge, Sid Young, Harold Kyle, R. Chambers. Red Zimmer- ly, Ted Turma n. 1'-1 . Worley, Scout- master Harold Halt and Cliff Lion- barger . Boys from Troops 6 a nd 20 at camp are Stanley Young, Bob Net- tles. Leonard Hall, Ed Rasmussen, Bob McCracken, Stephen Kasser, . Bernard Kasser , Bob McClellan, Jim Hurtadao. Jerry Lingo, Hury Crosby, Don Tate, Marshal Wor- ley, ·Dick Mobley, .lack Conkllh, Raymond Louvier 1 Junior Frankel, Jim Frankel. Ed Opp. Jilek Tur- ley, Eddie Ortego. Ranald Engle, Bob Wells, Harold Kyle, R"'1 Zim- merly and Sid Young. Expert Beauticians for Milady • PermanentJ, C.Old W ave, Hair Styling. Hair Tinting -• • Bleach· ing, C.Old W ave. ANN -CARMEN Featminc Helene Cw1h Oold Wavea Open S.t'Clrda7, .\U 0.,-. l:vealq Apootnt.ie•t. few rennaoeal4• Pb-H.,.IMM 81'1 Balboa Inn Beauty Salon \ Balbo& Inn An:ade • 0-. Front at ~ Pier Individuality foT the ''M othcr·to·bc: · • lf we don't have it, we maJte it, )'OU see.1 'Donna.-V'tCarie Shoppe 515 N. Main St, • All kindl typewrlter rtbbono b \~=======================~ Jtock at the Ne...... iime9. Balboa neatre Pboae Bartor it Now Sbowlac t.hru Saturday: "Return of the Durango Kid" Charles s ...... tt Aho: "'KITl'Y" ........... Gooldard -..,. Jlllland 8anday ..... M•bdaz: "Bandit of Sherwood Forest" Coraell Wilde ~inivc;u1- • Way Home" l-llaleJ ... Seven Days Leave" ...,... -'s7 a r 11: "Tokyo Rose" c n 1 Atuwa1m· I ·-.ur BAD POta 801'P ll()l.1JB m&V A1f .&" I -Ill lllDL&lf&w ··---'fVWW" WWA&'nm' • Balboa's . RENDEZVOUS ' .• BALLROOM ' c zAA • A PRESENTS - .P JfRIDAY, JUNE 21st SATURDAY, JUNE 22nd· I Dancing from 9 until 1 I ' • i j