HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-25 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM ' So\M_. WATZB, WATER! Slowly Newport Beech IS pro- ceeding toward a possible "'8-ter solution. as is shown by the forthcoming hearing at Laguna next month for anneocatlon to the Coastal Municipal Water district. It doesn't seem possible that so many years have elapsed since MWD came into being, · nor that this city has been sparring with the proposal of water wells against Colorado river. One thing has proved certain through the last de- cade-that our wells are not giving us such a happy out- look as in the past and that our underground now h as been getting less and less, due to dry )'ears, increased ;population and resultant lleavy demands. You can fuke a look at what is hap- pening to some of the irriga- tfon districts on the Mesa to find the plight that "'~II be this ci\y's, if we do not stop twiddling our thumbs . .. .. .. Lagllna Federal. "fother day a group of local Feder- als. (not cops) including Bill Willgus. Paul Palmer, Char- ley Te\Vlnkle and the writer, visited the new $80.000 building of the Laguna Sav- lllgs and oLan. It's a hand- some structure, Sp a n i s-h type. for the most part the creation of Secretary Andy Hall. and It's one of the slick- est arranged projects we've seen I na long time. The main noor has ample bank- ing facilities, while the upper story houses directors' quar- ters, lounging rooms and a kitchenfor employes. The job is a long-realized dream of llir. Hall, who has built up his organization to more than five million assets and rates among the largest in the county . .. + + Annexation. With so much talk and discussion going on over annexation and incor- poration, may one insentent commentator point out to our esteemed city council that nobody has improved on the idea of annexing the practically vacant area from the Santa_ Ana river east to " Corona del Mar and as far north as 15th street. Some · enthusiasts say 17th street would not be too far north, In such a plan several thous- and acres of land, most of which is sub-divided, can be added to the city and give the hatbor a section that can be developed along the best and most approved civic planning lines. Both the council and the C. ot C. can appoint committees that will go to work oo It AT ONCE. + + + N..-A.ll 8erue-An eye.- opening letter from a news- aperman in the PhiliP_Pines to a local man, says al liS not hooey a,nd sweet-smelling rcees un&r the Roxas re- slme. or u Paul McNutt "grandlOBely uts It, 'the Fili- pino peOllle have spoken• (actually It was the voice of 1,200,000 against 1,100,000) -after this sad-sack of a puppet Hitler wa selected our paper folded up." "Yes the picture has changed coosideT'llbly ever since Viva Roxas took over. I wonder If you ever get any news about the things that are happening this way. He's got a rubber-stamp COllgt'esS and senate, ---all opposition Is being swept away, legally and otherwise. His tentacles have reached into our Su- preme Court. U I bad eDOUlh to tide me CM!!' for the trip adn one or two >-?S' start. rd lladlY pack up all our thlno. llllC and '-aaa'e. and mlcrate -•• ye1, twget I -ews-bom In this country at ym.dop -•• to South America. art this IOlmds .,_, cowardlY and I dlln't ...-n It that way. I belleYe tbe ~ will -PQdlate him I ntbe end. wbm the actual -wta at tbe .. tardly wortc• al a buldfll1 at A-1c:an lmuerlallsts with Raus tar • 6'ont l'ln- allY -to lllbt--"It the Amatcan peClllle took U much U UI baUr's time out to r-s tllR hifwjn. (0 " ...... not) KFEP POSTED! 1 Y..-r •• -••• p..11 .. Cc SJ ... .,. oa o1 01 ts ..... Oil&., - ..... 0.. .......... Jrrf""• TI 1, N .. ,.n ._.. • ODT ..... A .. Bml•• Orm'stl EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SH RE COLONY, UDO ISLE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST.\ MESA VOLm mtw Nll:WPt.l&T lllll:ACB. CALIPOaNIA. TUl:llDAY, ltJNE u. 1-~ ~ • HtlllDIEa .. City Nips Taxi if rips to Gambling Shi ps .. Plans for $102,000 Worth · ·Boosters of Balboa New Home Construction Are ·Filed in 10-Day Spurt Here Union Iron and· steel Co. Executive and Santa Ana Lawyer Are Among New People Locating in Harbor City. Valuations Now Hit $226,000 for Mo nth. A . G. SlPmons of 113 Pearl street. Balboa Island. ont'.'·s tory . single family ~'elling at Z17 Gar· net street. Balboa Island. $5500. Atty. Dc>1ber t La.rsch ot 320 Halesv.·orth street, Santa Ana. one--story single family dwelling at 212 Garnet street. $5500. Robert B. Lynn and Helen Lynn or Hollywood, one-story dwelling with attached garage at 601 Be· gonia avenue, Corona del Mar, usoo. Harold \Vellman ot Los An· ielel. one--story house at 221 Diamond street, Balboa Island, $4000. Clyde E. Shet wood of 121 24th street. Ne9o1pOrt Beach, apartment over present building at 410 32nd street, Newport Beach. $3000. Jacob A. Keidrlk of 117 46ih ttreet. Newport Beach, one-story sinele family ~·elling at the aame addn!u. $3!500. • J-.\ ~ .;·. t , """" ..-.· . ' --'· . . . ' • • Municipal Council Warns Revocatton of Licenses . Will Follow Violations Minute Order Amending Regulatio~s Aimed at Owners and Operators of Piers Who May Be Considering Letting Water Taxies Pick Up Passengers for Gaming Vessels fll9t~':..~~~~~~~.,......,......,......,......,.....~~.,.....-.,......,.....-.,......,......,......,..... ___ .,.....~-----~!!!!:!!'.l!'.21lT!!JB~A!!:'!B0~A~!!!!!::!.!~~~S!!?!J!!!!...!!!!!:!!a..!Cal~U~ .... ~!!!!!m.~..,!~~~·j8~aD!!!!e,.!!~1!9'~14-.,......,.....--.,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,......,....._.,.......;,. ______ ....jl_~ • The sa the question Is settled. No regime gifts! l Y Y ·' in the world can transfer a Tyro-y weekly Jetter of June 13, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY M-..;~ , •'" • lean into an Italian." t sentence of the last para----·r:..-.~ C _ appeared in· print as fol-ACCOUNTANT •w•..,-••- rn.ldeat Harry S. Tnunaa-Dr. Harlow Staapley, Harnrd ~ "Const.ant repetition, even1 ...-------------;----+-------- !lithe YEAJISN_, AN~ TOJunDeAY2;--lrom1921 .. ::?""toplte -~d tlecht~'llcalof r~l-~·~--udt ~ll ofh-~d of U thful statemen~.llwill thevent,: I • S • W By TE Raqh & Benn U ~ ·· r--~ .......... .., ,..u.,;e PfO~• e pen )' """"' we ..,_..., VU9'Cll •"& or7-. We S . vw Ua get people to ue eve em. ISt.'011& T~ CONSULTANT f" e -Announcement WU made that have often failed to jdJstribut.e it .atop our sciencn and take up \Vhe the copy left Washington, "-•~ _. uae Uidted 5...,. ~ SenQw. ............ a big bathing R:irl parade wa.a ex-as well u we should; In the long poetry and the arts it would be it s d, "Constant repetition, even ,.,,. ~t to ~t dien"' ill 1W Newpwt BtvC.. eo.t. .._ pected to Jam o ty streets over thr view no nation is a;n)' healthier very sv.·eet and nice, but it \\~d of trrHFUL statements, -.aMt1olll .ilb '---tu: .au... ~--In N rt B ~ k d. The bath' ~-ti _J .A,tiDJTS -Bl9iUl9 ~··-Bea~ -- california. under the Act ol llatcb 3-1B'1'9 were to be v much in promln-penHJS than its fa.rtnefS." ti\'e world." expressed in th.is colwnn, on. I.Mt..._. SI.._, c.... •-!ll'J:-1~:1"~~._... 'Erltered u Second-Qaa matter at the rv.tMU-M.JI::' ew ~tf&;U, wee en ~ ing u.;au es than its children o.1 more prot· be the finish ot us in a competi-etc." In spite of my doubts, som~ llOO&mPIN"o saanca ..,,, S...A.. MEYER _ pub1hber e~~· 1tarting m Balboa P a-oft handouts of the \\'ashington 1 ____ .._ ______ • ___ , __ _, '------------ S7'M D. PORTER Gmen1 M•M-vilion and para g through main Somaer W•U.. Formu Seer<>-• J RISE agen ·es, and the figures they pub- F. G. FROST Editor streets of town. to be Judged in tuy of State--" After every major lish, I am sti.U in a mood to be-ABCIO'l'EC'I' PBI81CJAN8 a StJaGmc>N&. ll.ll w. F. DIXON _ . . -. AdYer'tll:iDa M enqer the afternoon, to actually enter war a tendency on th\e part of the TO REM.ARK • .. • Uev "iruthful statements!" .------------,\r--------=:.::=.== l'rilltlnc Plant. 3011 w. Centnl Aftllue, N<W""'" Bu m , Calltomla the water and swim and then to great powen to disregard the just HON. I ORN PHILLIPS Armand Monaco H. R. Hall, M. D. appear or:" the stage of the Balboa right. of the great ~Wers rnakel p "ts Ask d Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach Theater m the evening. itself !ell. That tendency is grow-A Little of Till• -e ABClllTIXJT l'to•l'hg -9aa1w . A D• , He Loc..i bulltrl' I fW -n ·-_,The aec:ond lhipload of !um-ina rapidly .~..... F E ti 814 w. Ba:r Aft., ........ H~-·. 2~ by .__.__t • her to arrive iii Newport Harbor -~ ......,. A Li ttle 01• Tllat : f ree 00 • -r UU. -· .... ....,....., DllONAI . . 30 ed wl h th The election is over. It was an %7%1 IAkewood A Tel~-n--~o , E .__ A -..:-e within days was no t t e Phllip J. J oel-Baker British . t U 1 u· r-•lf rni 1 Q Ba Pi ft. ~ ~C'Oll: -ftl;u• announcement that lhe ship 'Lion' repreBeata tlve to t he uN-"l say tin eres ng ~ ec on. di':""'d 0 thla. n y ers Loe -... NOt•• My "°' m .........., <>Ma ..... SOCIATIO~ M ber d · ed 'th 10000 f t of . t5 governors race, some ng e111 ha arr1v w1 • ee that at this hour defeatism is the f!r bef do in th u ited -..M.,,.IJ, of i~ber from the north. Harbor most sinister offense which any ~:tes so °::r a1 n: know eandn cer-e more application to con-ctiNICAL L&llOBATOB'I' residents declared that this ln-jndividual can commJt against the-· · ' · _ --------'-------------_:~~~=-·creased shippi·ng would put New-•t . hich h li . it . tainly never done _before in Cali s a pier and one to constrUct :------------, , commuru Y tn ":' e ves, is fomia, where previoualy only one CJini"cal Labo to port Harbor on the nations map. the greatest single danger to the , (Hir J~---) m ne ways in Newport Bay are ra ry f th f ,, go\ ernor am u..u.~n was re-ed b th E · · DI -Fint albacore catch o e cause o peace. elected for 8 serond term. re t Y e ngineermg • Ofllee lioan: 8 • C:IO season was . recorded by Capt. Most of the other races lacked visi n of the Harbor and Shore-and by appotn.tmmt F . C. Stancliff~ owner and skip-GniieraJIMlm o Cbalac Kal-ataek, great significance. It wu a light line Section of the War Depart· per of the "Juanita." Stancliff :e-of Cblna-"Unless every citizen vote in most d.i.ltricts. More Re-me t., Drawings, showing location TELEPHONE RABBOB 8S8 CORRAL DUSf Love has odd quirks ---often it's mi,,iaced or its m eaning · misunderstood. ~ack Lindsley OONBAD BICJi'I'ER, 11. D Pl I • alJ'• ........... . 120 E. 18th St. COSTA MFSA Hnan: 1~ 12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. PbO!J• Beacoo 5075 ported a cat ch of. three large ftsh respects the social order and ob-publicans seemed interested than and plans of the pro}X)Sed piers, UIS W. Central Ave. R • E } of 22 pounds 15 rruJes off shore. He serves discipline, wiless each has Democrats. Did that indicate any-a re on file a t the division's Los -------------' .-----,--------USS13Il xamp e predicted a good. ~ed-nl. th initiative and b cooperative and thing! I don't know. Republicans An~les office and objections I -In the cla.ssifi co umns e sell sacrlfici'ng a new China can d De t · -~ous d·s · · -· ' DAY SCHOOL Dr Ii' E. Toh 'II Americans who are still inclihed to look upon the Rus-. . .. Good • · • an mocra s, m •~ • ' -ba on nav1gat1on interests. • u. J following was off~red .. A not be brought into being." trlcts. lost and won, or \\'On · both m t be made before June 27, it ,...-------------, ~ uad Su...- sians as "dirty Bolshies" might take a note on civic clean!!-Buy-<:orner .. lot with five bunga· nominations. without any pattern. "' announced. Mortimer School 2209 Coast B1vtl ness from a recent book, "Russia On the Way," by Harrison lows, $4000. Cbakravarthi Rajiecopalacharla. The idea that incumbents would plication has been made by S02 Coral Balboa laland NEWPORT BEACH Salisbury, United Press foreign correspondent. One of the 20 YEARS A.GO--eminen t Hlndu leadtt In lnclla-suffer was exp1oded. c . f... Knowiton. 3409 Finley ave-Grades: Oobece. Prep&rator,r otn~P:!1":t"s&.w f . tte rdin t --Co&ta ?vlesa residents started '"Russia doesn't wan,t a n India n The idea t hat the PAC has a nuei Newport Beach. for permit SUMMER SCHOOL ~ RMldeoce: Barbor SS&.• major taboos in the current book 0 etique ' acco g 0 their drive t o rajse S40.000 to settlement now, as that \\·ould r abbit's foot was also exploded. to nstruct El pier \\ith landing .iui, 5 u Xo 1.new-er. C'&!J Barbor• Mr. Salisbury. covers careless disposal of refuse in public build 8 community church and s urely m ean greater strength for The Governor, supported by the no a t baY'vard end, to be located G. A. Mortimer, M. A., Oxford places "In the trains, in the street ran;. in the subways and socia l center. Britain. One can therefore see A. F . of L. and opposed by the in o nt of lot 5, block 434, canal 1 _PrlD __ cl_Plll ___ Pb_0_••_-__ r_M_2-' buses." he \\Tites, "you never see scraps of paper. Even on -100 acres of QC('an front and Russia w~ts Indian . agitation C. l. O. toolt both nominations. The sec ion, on the northeasterly fSide bluff property, valued et $2,000.· kept at white heat until her own same thing happened in the 15th of nd extending 30 feet into the DEI\'TISTS ~street, people are very careful to throw paper only in the ooo. In Corona del Mar \ ... as of-plans for security and power are Dis trict. Wht>r!' the radical groups Riv Alto Channel. a \\'esterly arm r--------------. t.zclsh cans. It just is not polite to do othe rwise." fered for sale \\i th H . Cardoza completed." exerted any influene<', in F1orida of C\\1)()rt Bay. DR. GORDON E. RAPP Contrast this with an American subway . or one of those Sloan n amed as gener al sales or T exas or elsewhere, lt was ob-e other application comes DENTIST New York streets \vhere drifting paper is like "snow in sum--Clean Up \Veck "·as announc-Army Chi of Stalf-"lnterna-money spent and the amoun t of 1 per it to construct a marine \V ays %833 u ·est Ceutral manager. Gen. D\:t;ht D. El.!enho\ver , \iously because or the amowtt of fro The Irvine Co., Tustin. for mer ... and the morale for American cities is obvious. If they ed by Mayor Conrad R ichter. tionally. we e nO\\" embarked on work which consequently could I an 240 feet of floating-type boat i I Phone Barbo I' Ul ·.J put the same emphasis as the Russians on prevention instead -Noticed in the advert sing co -a great enterprise whose aim is to be bought. In one Florida district, sli to extend 20 !C'et ba yward or umns were fish prices : H alibut, free the world from the threat of field \vorken for the left-wing the U. S . picrhead linC' in Newport Newpol't of clean-up. they \v ould have more to show and less to talk t7c; barracuda. 12c: yello\vtail. another suicidal \\'ar. It oUen group opposing the incumbent Ba ~------------' about. As it is, the tendency is to go through a year of un-12c; rock bass. lOc. m illions of Americans an inspiring ga\"e dimes to the younger school curbed littering and then put a great deal of heroics and civic 15 YEARS AGO-challenge." children, to t ake circulars homl' ballyhoo into our annual clean-up drives. The result of this -The Ncwpoct·M<'lla Irrigation "to their parents.'' but gave quar-Dr. Obed Lucas district and F air vie\v Farms \Vat-Mn. Elf'anor Roose\·elt. chair-ters to the high school students. philosophy is shown in the following word portrait of postwar er distric t announced that they man of the UN Committee oo and 50c pieces to junior college 1ifornia's peach crop, esti· DENTIST OP PEACH CROP raid "P d Th t' r· · It t' ma cd at 546.000 gross tons, t ops Americans from the Portland (Me.) J>ress..He : aper, had retained the le."'· Cirm of Dleh1 H uman Rlchts -"A democratic stu cnts. a s 1gur1ng ou · K th t . · d if th the largest pre\•ious year, 1930. 220!Y,, w. Central. Barbor 1••• Cl·~-tte butts. tin foil, cellophaoe, and a wide assortment of and Anderson o( Costa Mesa to labor movement can be of great eep a 1n nun . e same ~ S bee -.,-' t h · h ·"t •-· profit to Germany. It will de velop group tries it out in California. Be by ~(XX) tons. ugar t acreagC' ,..,... our advanced civilization clutter our sidewalks, buses, depots, represC'n t em in t e sw vo:1ng sure to get the correct amount. has gone from 44,000 acres in 1944 '"&.WPOltT BEA.CB brought against them by a group freedom of thought and opinion . . to present acreage of 148,000, I'-------------' and other public places. Tin cans and bottles pile up in al-of northern ·county ra nchers. The a nd I trust that our military gov-One of the JOk;->. In Washington e x ted to produce 750,CXX> sacks leys, woods. streams, fields. Paper bags, cardboard, chunks suit, rl'Straining the companies ernment will permit every free-has been the difficulty most of of Ir------------- of metals and glass blaze our •-"-along highways. Junk from taking water from the Santa dom that is necessary." us have had tn getting accurate Dr. W. W. Westmoreland u~ Ana river bed, is also being returns for our own races. The and waste abide in back-yards, rellars, garages, and attics." brought against the cities of New-R •rman Morrloon, Lord Preal· last I heard. I was 518 behind on BAR REDS Dentist Newport Harbor city officials could also take a tip from port Beach and Laguna Beach. dent or the Councll ln Enctand-the Democratic ticket, with 9 pr~ I ed h ··• -t k b aU t cincts still to be counted, and the Russian example. After ""'rvovi.n a the beach areas of -t was not that, althoug ~ us see y means o en----, --f brok the state had tentatively an-courage trade within the Empire about 700 absentee· b allots. I want embers of the American Vet- er s committee, meeting in Des Mo nes for their first annual con - ve "on. will bar Communists from 1eo1 0oui m ... ,. CORON A DEL MAR Phon e Harbor %2%0 Newport and Balboa and noting 90 many evidences o en nounced. the r aising of their ante as much as possible, but not by to thank all those who helped me bottles, scraps of paper, discarded cigarette packages and the from $100.000 to $125,000 for the m easures which restrict the ex-In the campa.ign, and most cer-the ranks by requir ing a pledge I'-------------' like, we are inclined to ask the d ty council to authorize the grade separation plan at the panslon of world trade." tainly all those who voted for me. rand Arches, affairs were at a stand· I'll try to deserve the suppor t.. to e Constitution of the United St es. cleening up of this mess. It's an eyesore to both g . still, because county officials were lameA F. Byrnes., Secre tary of Congress hopes to_ be out around towns. It might be better for the municipa.1 officials to con-not quite positive about how to State-"It would be wrong to give August 1st, and I sho uld be home e major oil company already Sider appointment of beach police, whose chief purpose would proceed. Yu. go. slavi.a the_ \f\hole of Venzia in the District September, Oc-i h paid out more than 41!! million G I t uld tr r tober and November. do under its military service be to · k th trash th t careless picru·ckers leave behind ~oseph A. Beek, master mind 1u 1a, since 1 wo . ans .er pie up e a · behind the annual Tournament of fTom Italy to Yugoslavta the oty Right now. the work ls running wa e plan, by which employeS in after a day'g outing in the harbor beach area. UghU, has announced that the of Trieste. with its 50,000 Italians." out of our ears here in Washing-the services who have dependents current tournament will be the ton. I never saw anything like it. r ive up to 50 per cent of their greatest ever staged. F loats from Earl Gruber. Forel.p Mlnhter Neither did m en who have been re lar salaries. an ove r Southern California were of Austrla-"Austria wiU always her e from ten to thirty years. If 'ji:~xiCixiCixiCixiCixq C'xpected. press for the r e turn of Tyrol until it isn't OPA, it's the British loan, More Gold for State Cnlifomia earned its nickname, GoldeP-State, from the -------------------------and if it isn't that, it's Mexican virgin metal its mountains and streams yielded after the gold 1 labor, or housing, or imported who provide the service. the people who use it. and the public nuts dat-r· i rus h of '49. That rush brought besides gold seekers, many · .. ~ or igs, concern ng authorities entrusted with regulation of its over-all opention which I am just about to make a tradesmen. artisans and others who became the state's first have generally cooperated in the effort to make telephone speech on the noor. I am as con· tourists-foren.mners of later seekers after a differe.nt kind fident as I ever h ave been of 'ervice always better tomorrow than it is today. The prog-anything that the mer chants or of gold-the gold of California's superb sunshine and malh· ress of the telephone in America has sprun~ from the initia-the 22nd District, including the Jess scenery. This tourist flow reached its peak just before tive, the spirit of fair play, and the common sense of the Am-druggists, do not agree at all with Pearl Harbor. Restricted only temporarily during the \Yilr the way their supposed opinions Is th f 1 erican people. These have encouraged and nourished a de-are being presented in Washing- years, that fl ow now promises to reach new leve as c trs velopment which the rest of the world looks at. with admira-ton. Putting it bricny. do you peacetime summer since 1941 approaches. tion. Without them, the tremendous accomplishments in want nµts. dates. figs, from famine Last \veek the head of a national travel agency stated countries, or from areas adjoining telephone service would have been !mnno<;b!e. r m· t i ed 1 from New York tha t "thousands of travelers in holiday mood r--a me coun r es, us so .,. as possible to feed starving people, already are on the march. adding impetus to the start of Th t n· t Oil M A . or do you want them •hipped to the greatest vacation year in the nation's history; $6,000,-3 JI' Y enace galil the Unit~ States to make a profit 000.000 will. be spent in the Uru'ted States bu vacationists this Dirty oil dumped by oil-carrying schooners short cli£-for some •XJIOrter ther e, and some J imparter here, while at the same summer." tances off the coast of Newport Beach has begun to reach time, you, as citizens and tax. Much of that will be spent in California. Many of this low ebbs of the beaches and is becoming quite a nuisance to payers are being asked to send THIS WEEK G. E. Gilfillan Radios L1 DO ELECTRIC CO. 511 State mp.,.7 8-550(I N-poaillMdl Boat ribold AppUaacee • I I I both bath d t t k Bath I k •t th food to these same famine coun- state's communities already are in the midst of campaigns ers an o sore eepers. ers P c I up on e itri~·= .. ~-~us~u~all~y~dir~· =ee=U~y~o~r~in~di~·r=ee~t=-~*=========~ designed to Jure the tourist westward. Across the Pacific, bare feet and carry it into stores and storekeepers are having Hawaii beckons to more tourists who must pass through Cali-& difficult time trying to remove the greasy sediment from fomia. Railroads. air lines and bus companies, by their their floors. advertising efforts, will direct many thousands westward. It would seem in order for the federal marine depart- Service men and women. newly returned to civilian life, are ment to enforce the law regarding the prohibition against making good on their promise to return to this state where dumping of unwanted quantities of this dirty oil so near to many of them trained. or through which many passed to coastline cities and beaches. An investigation by the Oil theatres of war. Institute of this matter might also bring results toward the The stage is set for that other "gold rush" which will elimination of this practice in the close proximi.ty of our benefit all of California; f!Very county thus becomes a new shores. "Mother Lode Country." Mountains, seashores and sunshine p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==============;; are the irresistable lure which California dangles before travel·hungry eyes of Easterners. 'nley will respond with a bounty that will benefit California in f!Very walk of life, di- rectly or indirectly. Truly will California's nickname, Golden State, take on a new lustre no less acceptable than that wblch shone from the gold pans of the early day prosPectors! • C.mpJete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S nooo-ari-t JIAl/1'8 NOW OPEN l:VENING8 • SANDWICIDB • JlAIUl\)*'11l118 leeOr mtD~QU 115 NORTH .MAIN ~T. 24-Hour dio Service OBIE, .t.UTO, llUJUNK aADIO!I llEPAIB"D urtR.Norton 915 VoMt llhra.7 •• t • ., .. Nwwwport llx• Odf. WV&llW -VlBlT oua ir:jrcma. Sam's Sea and Fish ' • WI o.-e ...... az C--li!JMll), INSURANCE Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE -That's All Llf E • FIRE · AUTO MARl,.lE, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y 7·.~ E. Ce ntral, Balbo:1 Phone Harbor 2$97 Un coin National Life Insurance Co. "lte Name lndieatee It• Cbaraeter" DON JERNIGAN Phone Harbor 2M-R S08 Marlne Ave. Balboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen ~ aad .A.ttW•i PoUdem Pboae Herber mw SJ.II E.. 8a7 A-. a..n... MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourselves the Bett er Serve by SelVinit Others Best" 1'bo9e -5610 Cotta Meu. Callfornla OPTOMETRISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOMETllll!T E)"el Examined • Glaves Fitted 1'191N-rtllonlennl ..._ --. a.u coer.a. Jo::1A l!l. T. Bllttenrorth, 0. D. OIAumabM ZTEll ICLUllNED LDl'llEll D1lPLICATllD .................... Ill• w. ~ ..... .._ -.... •u ..... ~ .... Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Pbooe Harbor lOU No &111.-er : t"all OMco• &CM ... X·Ray Seivfce Hilton M. M&xweU, Ill. D. ieo1 Coaet 1m-.,y Corona del Mar Office Hours: l!>-12 ; 2-5 --rlOI! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave_, &"- Hamor JU& 60 8. HID St., 1-...- 1 TUobir Ttl! By Appoln<mst T. P. Reeder, M. D. Ph)"lllclan and s....- 5409 w .. i Ceatrai Telepbolle Barbor 80Z A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYSICIA..'1 and SURGEON &ll Cout lllchway. Harbor 551 Corona del Mar Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and lw~ NlllUa ....i a.. .... ...... (......, ................ .. NO NJN:ON, 111. D. Pedlatrlcl&a Certl(led by th• .American Boord of Pediatrico 109'1 a. ..... ta Dr, 1-- TelOlllMne 1-a 1·1- 1 Laurence H. Dorcy, II. D. PhYsJcian & Surgeon 8%1 Marin" Ave., --bland ft.one Barbor iae Waper Dn:gl-lmlltoillO Dr.-o.w- Chlropractic. Dietetics, Physlo &: Colonic Therapy 18!0 OoMl llhd., - 1---- Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- N•S·TIME$ . Ho1se i C.fe _I , ..... Ila 1.11! ....... a. .. ' , • • ·. ... ·-· -proYing • -delicacy to -run. Eddie Offerle, of the Daisy I Vets Open Ne wbo like them. Tbcy llnd this is caucht 1101De albacon! Thursday. ' the time of year to get their fill D . w. King of King's Landing is I Mesa Malt Shop I~ ha" '"""! or ordinary publk of them. looking fcrward to the day when b(>ocflt nnrt th<' &aid Oty Cottn· .. Albacore fishing Is v er Y the new live bait boat Spc>rt King Two former service men who di hA$ ,,..,, r the expenses or said spotty;• says Al Forgit of New-will help relieve the burden of '"'n'"l-c :.r-r .. h1£> upon a district port. .. Some of the ~al pusengen from hia: other boau_ spent a combined. total of seven F'or thr particular description of fishermen have been bringing in Only a. few short years ago one and a halt years in the Paclftc 'hr <:Aid ,,i~·rlrt refettnce ls hrN'- By KOOB lldllLL&N a few. Almost everyone gets one, boat carried live bait fishermen durtna the war, have opened a 'l·· f""11rlr tn Mid Resolution of In- Record crowds are fishing from two, or three fish. but no on~. has from the Newport pin_ Now many new malt shop lb Costa ~tesa. tf'ntion No. 3327. boa t f made a good hit this week, he boat landings around the Harbor ~ Id ~ ,.. ell h de ~: H~ the5e ts~ !s added. "According to the purse have live bait boa ta in operation, Roy M. Johnson ,tonnerly of ;n;.; R~~tv dee~~ :at ~:::J aome Of th. ~1 f'·hlng of the se'---conditions are right for a besides those from the pier. As Orange and a native Calltorn.ian. I.IC'> .ut . un::.a ~ honct111: br-1tring interest at the rate year is being done by Newport good run of albacore yet." more passengers desire to fish, spent four years as a staff aer-"' .,·x ,~,., , per cent per annum Harbor sportsmen. All :X,e: land-Jimmy Stevenson had this to other boats ~rill have to be added geant ln the Army on Pacific duty ,.,.,d r"''f'n~in1t O\r~ a peMod end- ings are hard pressed to find say about the albacore situation: to the fleets. and his partner, Royce H . Carvin, ing ninr (ql years from th<' • • P u eL1 No.TICE Puauc N011CE ,< • At a wt OftdlMll In W-.,._ D.C.. tljo .a._ Air FGrae . . .....,. pr I l!llited with the biDkmtb madepa (,;..fifbi;;ledto the crder ot. Nld ADDI KEMP, .JAllES P . ODS-p0re ot. a.tatloD ~ne pro. "'ltv, by a responolb1e TELLO, COTNER SllCURJTIES -by ~ -. .... 'Ibe Bank. or a bcmd as required by CORPORATION, a ---. s•ili-will be prHerwd In a law for amount not less than TITLE INSURANCE AND mpec:1a1 Yi.al u a perma.oent avta- ten (10% pet' cent of the -TRUSI' COMPANY, a cnpor flan allllilt. · gate of e ~. Each b id atlon. Trmtee, THE FIRln' NA-1------------- ... hall be de out on a form to TIONAL BANK OF OOWNEY, 1 -------------~ lV' obtai at the office of the a National Blnkfnc A.adatial\ City En of said Qty. JOHN DOE ONE. .JOHN DOI The tractor to whom an TWO and JOHN DOE OORPOR,.. y be made "'111 be re-ATION, Defendants. furnish with the' ""°" Yoo me directed to -i. ty bonds, one falthfW an action b-·~t ·-•-~ ce bond in an asnount •""'"6u .,.. ......... )'OU u, I CARDS enough boaU to accommodate the "Pretty slow last week, but things BARRACUDA nSRING also of Orange, spent three and .. rronrt dl'!v of Jsnuary next suc- nwnbers of people desiring tc fish. ought to pop, if they are going to ON PIER ce('(fing thr n<"xt October 15th fol-< Barracuda. white 1;ea bass, hali--it's been about a week now." "Th.is is one of the best runs a half years on Naval Pacific duty 10,,inl? thrir date, will be issued ot less than twenty-five the above named plaintltt In thl cent of the amount of Superior Court of. the State al For Birthdays ...... ~ .... De. but, and bull bass is the report The Loma Pat, skippered by Bert of barracuda on the pier we've as a radarman. hereunder In the manner pro"id<"d coming in from each landing. with Mills, is bringing in barracuda and had in years," says one Newport The partners have combined tCJ bv the "lmprovement Act of -special emphasis on the barracud:1. whitt: sea bass. He is trying for tackle store operator. "and the open the ~lesa Malt Shop at !TIO 1 1911 °'. bring Part 5. Division 7 of These long, alinl fish are running a repeat on the nice haul of alba-halibut are wonderful. If one can't Ne"-1X>rt Blvd., Costa hiesa. They ~ fhr Stref'ts and Highways Code big these days. Banacuda eggs are core he made at the first of the catch halibut out on the pier, they announ th t th .11 f t of the State of California, to =;;~;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii just aren't fishermen, he added. ce a ey wt ea ure r<"present each assessment qf • YOUR HEALTH WITH "In the last day or so. there is no hamburgers, ice cream, Frostys Tu•e nty-five <$25.00) Dollan Ol' DEFEND reason in the world why anyonC' and cheeseburgers in their new more rt'malning unpaid for thirty can't get hJ.s limit of fish out establishment. (30l days after the date of the 0111.A M'-'£ ..,.. there. Mackerel f"i.shin g, howC'ver, warrant. I'° ~J , ~ has been very slow. Bait has ~n All of the work herein ordered Oy,y -excellent and thC' weather is ex· PUBLIC NOTICE shall be done and carried through rrn actly What the chamber ot com-in pursuance ot an act ot the merce ordered." N'f>i18~ER~ ATs~~~vAi': SA~i:~L Legislature o( the State of Cali- Braken Lenses Duplicated • Frames Repaired Byes Examined E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. Sl 14 Weet Centnl Pbone Harbor 2511 Evenlnp by Appointment DIESEL SERVICE The latter part or the week surf No. 248694. Cornia. designated the "lmprove- fishing has beE>n a little on the IN THE ~UPE.RIOR COURl; Of' THE ment Act ot 1911", being Parts slow side, but some good yello\\'-STATE OF CALIF'OR..'\'IA. IN A.."D 1. 2 and 3 of Division 7 or the FOR THE cou :-:T,. OF LOS A..V-fin croaker are being caught by G!:LES. Streets and• Highways Code. fishermen on the Ne1A.rport pier Jn the Matter or the Efltate or FAITJ-1 Said City Council, pursuant to at night. Many are averaging 8 ERNST. Incompetent. the Labor Code of the State of or 9 fish. a.frs. Alice Hill, 2234 Notice l.s htreby gl,·en that the un· California. has .ascertained and de--I Wilma street, Los Angeles, caught dentgned y,•ill &ell at pr-ti·ate sale. to tcrmined that the general prevail- 25-d h l 'b t th N the hlghe1t and bell bidder, 9ubjttt . a poun a 1 U on (' e\\'-to coorlrmatlon of N.ld Superior Court. ing rate or per diem wages in port pi£"r Saturday. <ln or o.fter the 3rd day of July. 1946. the locality in which the said R. h d R H 01· 11.t the of!\tf' Of MILDRED GILMORE. "'Ork h"ret'n d-cn'bed , .• to be IC ar . enry, 1ve avenue, Attorney, 41.2 Weit Sixth Street, Loa ... ..-.::;,, Long Beach, caught two'very nice An•ele11 14, County or Loa Angele!, performed. for each craft or type b d F 'd h . d State of California. all the right, title of workman or mechani'c n~ed arracu a r1 ay on t e purr an and lntere1t of a&Jd Incompetent In "'-'-....., a sack full of mackerel before and to all the certaJn real property to execute the contract and also t ltuate In the County of Ora.ng-e, State 9:30 a .m. Barracuda and small or CallfornlL particularly deacrtbed the general prevailing rate tor white sea bass are being caught u rollowa. to·wlt: legal holiday and overtime work h bar h ed Lot 17. Bloclr: ··c:· Lacuna for each craft or on t e ge anc or off New-Hel1ht. No. s. I..pn.a Beach, type or work- port California. u per map thereof men or mechanic to be as fol-. recorded In Book 8, Pqe 1 of Ills· lo-·. Harbor Man Discharged From Service cell&neo\U Mapa, Rttord11 of Or· ~ .. ange County. Terms of ale cub In lawf'Ul money of the Un.l.ted Statea on con!lnnatJon of ule. or pa.rt cub and b&Ja.nce evidenced b:r note eecured by Mort- l'a«e or Tnat DMd on th• pror"' M> .old . Ten per cent ot amoun bid to be depoatted with bid. Hourly Wage Ciassiflca tton Rate Electrician ........... : ...... $1 .70 Pipe Fitter ........... ____ 1.75 SteeJ worker (struc- e ag gate of the bid and Callfonrla. ln and for tbe CaantJ ope mat ·at and labor bond ln of~. Ul!d to amwer tbe eam- an amo t not less than fifty plaint therein wttbln ten ~ f50~ l ~cent of the aggregate after the lel"Vice on 1V'l • um ol said b summons If served wltbln the The Ci Council of said City County oi Oro.nee, er wltbln tlllrtJ reserves e right to reject any days if served ~ and J"'I or a11 bi and to waive any in-are notified that unie. JOU 91 formality a bid not affected by appear and answer as above ft. law. quired. the plaintiff wjJI tOla. Jude· Dated 18th day of June, ment (or any monej or cbirnept 1946. demanded in the Ca:nplaint. u NK L . RINEHART. arising upon contract, er will ap. Clerk of the c:'ty .or ply to ihe Court for any other' ~ rt Beach. Cal1forma. lief demanded in the c.nplaint. 20, 25, 1946. Given under my band and eeal (Action Court o and Co fice of Court AS SUMMONS ought in the Superior the County or Qrange, plaint filed in the Of- e Clerk of the Superior said County.) ln the Su OI' Court or the State of C-!![om.i• In and For th& 'jo:nty oi Oraap CITY f. NEWPORT BEACH, a f\.funici . Corporation or the Sixth Cl S, Plaintiff, vs. JESSIE K. S . et al, Defendants. The P le of the State of Cali· ;ro;:.:_nu.s'i:a:aS..'lltd "Greetlnp to' JESSIE n , ETIIEL IONE FUES- R A. CAIN, MIRIAM his wife, ORANGE TITLE COMPANY, a of the Superior Court of the Coun- ty o< Orang., State of Callfomla this 24th day of April, 19t6. B. J . SMITH, County Oerk and Clerk of tht Superior Court of the State ol California, in and for tbe eour.. ty of Orange. By ROY J . IRWIN, Depu1y (Seal Superior Court Orange C<>unty) Pub.-Apr. 30; May 7, 14. 21, 28; June 4, 11, 18, 25; July 2. 1946 GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP ...... :: Ociel11 Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop sun o.-a ll'roat We Wrap Gifts FEET HURT? '"'s 1s Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Week NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reeondltloned DI-is on hand with choice or n!ductlon unit& William Allen Pollard, 412 38th street, Newport Beach. was re- leased from the Navy last Tues- day after serving 14 months over- seas and plans .to return to his civilian occupation of commercial fishermen in the near future, ac- cording to a recent Navy release. Bid• or offen to bo In writing and will be received at the &fo~d of· flee ~t any time alter the t int publi-cation hereof and befol"tl date or -.le. Dated this 11th dar of June. 1948. HA.ROLD S. LA. WR.ENCE. As Guardian of the Etlt.a.te or •Id Incompetent . tural) ............. -....... 1.75 Welder (structural) .. 1.75 Mill wright ................ 1.57 Mason, brick .............. 1.85 'I"nlatee, W. W. , ARTIIUR H . RICE, 12.56 LULU B RICE, his wife, LE- 14.80 TITIA W DYMOND, BENJAMIN : Freeh = =.oe .::rDn'p • Plddta • Ol"9 e Will AIU: WlllTINO OllDEBll ON BIOBT-AND Ll:PT- llAND llOTATION Dlr:Sl!:LS >:OR TWIN INITALLA- TION8. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UN1Tll. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. See us for Information on Venn Severin Diesels Dleoel Generator ~"' or All Kinds. PRANK B. Ll!Wl8 (I.ackJ' LeW'ls) Owner-Maaapr PHONES Pollard, who joined the Na\.'Y in September of 1944, participated in the battles ror Okinawa and Japan aboard the destroyer In- gersoll. Pollard, son of C. A. Pollard of Ncv.-port Beach, is a graduate of Harbor High. KILDRED GILldORE, Attorney for MJd Guardia.a, 412 Weit Sixth Street, Lo. Ansel• 14, cauromla.. Pub. June 18. 20, 26, 27; July .a, 1946. CR·tm4. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Opera tor, trench ma- chine ........................ 1.75 Operator, drag line .... 1.85 Opera tor, air com- pressor .................. _ 1.30 ()perator, concrete mixer ............... _ .. __ _ Operator, pump ....... . Operator, tractor ..... . Cement finisher ....... . 'I'nlck driver ............. . Carpenter ............. ":"..-.. Pipe layer. sewer ... ___ _ Oiler ........................... . W. SE , A. L. SHEPHERD, JOE S LENBERGER, EMMA C. LOS ONGELES •Cheese--• • SardinfJll -.Ado• ... 14.00 14.80 MORTGA E UNDERWRITERS, • Cracken1 -Illa eata Frmch Rolla 10.40 r:NC., a corporation, FRED S. _ • EVANS, GIAN DESPALATRO-r------------ 10.40 VICH. M L . JACK, JOHN DOE 10.40 JACK, h r husband, STEDDOM 12.40 &: BLAN , a corporation, SHOP AT GILL'S 13.00 STEDDO & BLANCHARD, • For F'rellher Vegelalllm 8.56 co-partne hip, KELLY ROOF· 12.00 ING CO Ltd., a corporation, Better llMIB 10.40 RICHAR ROE, Trustee in Bank-Fancy Grooedta 9.36 ruptcy o the estate of KELLY-------------- Mattoon's Shoe Store The next International Oil Ex- position will be held at Tulsa, Okla., in 1947. The expositions '-------------------------------'I '''ere suspended during the war. Office: Newport 2068 1112Y.! Marine Avenue and Newport 2084-n · Balboa Island Punuant to statute and Reso- lution No. 3345 adopted on the 17th day or June, 1946, by the City Council of the Qty of Newport Beach. California, and on file in the office of the ·City Clerk of said City, ordering the work de· scribrd in said resolution, to-\vit : Common laborer ..... . Watchman and flag- The construction of vitrified man ......................... . An.y other classifica-clay pipe sa nitary sewers, vitrifi et..l tion omitted her£>in, 1.30 1.30 1.55 l .625 l .07 1.50 1.30 1.17 1.00 1.00 8.00 ROOFIN Co., Ltd., a corpor· ation, B nkrupt, WM. MERE· 8.00 DITH, LLIAM L. HOPKINS, MARG H. BIGBY, LORNE 24S Fonist Ave.. LAGUNA BEACH F9otwear for the Family 1795 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Diana Lewis Powell Vi\'llciOUS Actress - --wife of ''Tilin Man" Bill Powell, thinks that Bernard "hit the jack pot" \\~th his portraits of her. You too,.will feet equally enthusiastic if you have ." camera study made by • Our Balboa Studio Now Open Daily • h<a 10 A. K. to 1 P. K. Balboa Inn Arcade, Balboa, Calif. I'll.-Barbar lMB For Your Home! Distinguished Good Looks • our perma.nent window awn- ings, door hoods, porch, patio and sun deck canopies pro- vide t\l a..dmu'm Con1fort. !The sun, heat and "'ca l.h£'r a re kept out and the light a nd breeze come t hrough ). For FREE ESTOL\TES Call • clay pipe house connection sewer t 1 h h I . nh 1 no ess t an.......... .875 7 .00 lines. man ors, cast iron ma 0 ~ Provided that one and one-hair fra mes and cov!'rs. •·y " branches. ( 1 ~) timrs the said prevailing lampholt'S , \V('lded steel pipe. rale of \vagC' shall be paid, except pump s tations, together '"ith ap-"'atchmen, flagmen and othC"I" purte nant \vork in connection \Vith non-manual \\·orkei-s, tor any any and all items of improvement \\'Orking time more than eight hereinabo\·e mentionC'd . all as (8) hours during any one Cl) cal- mor(' particularly described in endar day "-'here such ,,·o rk is r <"- Resolution of Intention No. 3327· quired in cas£'S of extraordinar y passed and adopted by the City t.'mergC'nciC'S caused by fire, flood, Council of said Ci ty on th ~20~h or danger to lite or property and day of .~tay. 1946, ar:id on file in for time on Sundays and the th~ or~1cc of the Ci ty Clerk of j seven (7) legal holida}'S, to-"i t : said City. l New Year's Day, a.·tcmorial Day, For further particulars refer-Fourth of July, Labor Day, Armis- ence is he rt."by made to said Reso-ticl" Day. Thanksgiving Day and lution or Intent.ion No. 3327 and Christmas. ~o the pl~ns .. profiles. ~nd dr~"-. It shall be mandatory upon 'hf' 1n_gs on r~lc in the o~fiee _or the contractor to whom the contract is City Engineer of saJd City . ~f awarded, and upon any sub-con-NC'~vport Beach. a~d to the specifi-tractor under him, to pay not less cations for the s&Jd "'ork . herC<~10-t . than the said specified rates to all fore ~dopted by. th~ said . > laborers, workmen. and mechanics Council a~d on file 1n th.e. or~~ce enlployed by them in the execu- of the City ~erk of satd ~··Y · tion of the contract. and all of said plans. profiles. , _ dra\\rings and specifications here-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEr.ri toforc approved by the City inviting scaled proposals or bids Council of said City are incor-for doing all the work hereinbe- poratcd her ein and made a t:::trt fore described and orde red in sa id hereof and reference ls hereby Resolution Order ing Work, to be t' 0 D made thereto for a more par-presented t.o the aty Clerk at ~LAn•D•'-'O ticular description of said work. his office in the City Hall of said City up to the hour ot 4 :00 P. A""lling Co. of Orange Co. Said City Council <has determ-r--t. or Monday, the 15th day of 115 So. Phllade.lphla St. inC'd and declared that the con- Anahelm, Calli. tcmplatC'd \\'ork and improvemmt July, 1946· Phon& FULLERTON IW..J heretofore mentioned was in the The proposals or bids offered :r..------------..a I opinion of said City Council of shall ~ accompanied by a check ()pea Dally lOa.a.-la.m. fta•e: Now Open Mesa Malt Shop 1770 Newport Blvd. Costa M- Featuring:- Frosty Malts Frost Cones Banana Splits Sundaes • So4u Packaged Ice Cream liamburgera C.Offec Root · Beer "C.Oke" Sum ertime means lots of outdoor playtime for ur children. Keep them happy at home by m Icing your yard a rcndc.,ous for al l their little riends. Get all the necessary tquipmcnc for heir play hours at Wheeler's where QU LITY MERCHANDISE AT REASON- ABL PRICES is the policy! Shop at Wheel· cr's ... you will always find courteous treat- mcn and prices no higher than elsewhere. Open a Oaarce Aecount or Buy On Easy Term11 ' • SO appropriate1y named ... our T oy Basement . . . filled with tDyl to delight little gid• and boya ••• Ouroor Gym s. ... , Wading Pools, Merry-Go-Round., Swing Sets, T eete< Totters, Tricycles, Scootaa •.. Hundreds of other play- ' things in dte la.rgat, finest selection in Southern • California. S•owar Gifts Tbt molhef'-t.o-be will be mighty proud to -tbe Wheeler 8ea1 of Quality on her gift _,,...._ .UU.kWOOD j W.&DDfO -Gill -,. a.1 MIM!1M and ~ tllim. mal .... .. ..... Ola .. _ua __ _ .......... . . . llltf • Jw11l11 SllDp , .. --. a , ' - ' ·. ·-• • . l'!p~ x ~!!lr.SO-~WO!!!•~'!!:...!!~!!Z...!a~,~~19111~!.J.--.--::-:._,,_,,_,,_,._,~,_,::-,_,._,._,,_,._,._,,_,._,,_,._,,_,._,._,._,._,._,._,._,._,,_,,_,.:_ .. ~ Bob Jayred Boys tnl~:·::e, 8::'." Ruth 1Qftd, CO A :rporf ::~ StantOO:: .=-1::" P uBL1c NoT1cu Pu c NoncE Puauc Nonc• Puauc Nonc:a . Rithfield Station =-~.:. ::s ~ ~ . • Al ~!:ollowing the ccoventlon, Bar-ZIO and amendtnonts thereto. ~ time and place, will -tho evl-Ibo a-ol N••mrt &-~ ----_, ,__ ~ In~ """t to Wuhlngton and took Inc Oil/Woo 9, Part 3, S~ts and denoe .., -~ ~ ·~ pomted to thot -1tlon opin-t!lls c t I Asked the alghts of our nation'• Highway> ~. doea heftby or· olf<ttd by UIY -in-tiler n.k and -tlla1 Bob Jayred ol 1211 C...tnl _.. on ro capital, then to Olicaao and home. daln. reolve. and declare u (oj. ~ i::t.:::ii In u~ tereated In the vacation ol Aid the ...--heroin ......... avenue, formerly ~ man--'Ibe Jayredl have a 900. Lee. Ba.rtine wu qw·te Im,.. ..a lows: ·Street hetttof~ deloibed. and the vacation lot the street and thl ted Stal who la a pupil 1n the oewnth ~ a map of Tract No. 673, aald alleys hetttof~ described. alleys Mreln clescrlhed. .,.. talla ager '°" the Conoollda gnde ol the Newpcrt llMdl B L I T • with the trip and especially at -L That the public in-"'"*'led In Miscellaneaua -L 1bo City Coondl ol pursuant to the .-va-ud ~=..L: ~~."::';:_grammar acbooL y oca r10 ~le:. tr~~ :::!t "::: =gai: =·==:-of': .!<'><Bookonllso'f'0r: ~~ the City of Newport Beach fUr-.-Pli<lm oontalned In So<1lon I and Southern Pacific offidals were portion of Ocean Front. and of ornia. and more particu· ther finds and detennine9 that the hereof. ' · :--'~•=a~ ~Cm-Supposed i:iotsam Off . among the group may bave bad certaip alleys. all in the City of described u follmn, in-public convenience and · necealty In= !h.n n.::_ ~ = Dana Pt. Bll'd Haven A group of three Orange coun-something to do with it, llartlne Newport Beach. and It Is the In-requin! the reservation of eue-leut _ In the N t __ __ remarked. but eve""one got ---tention ol the City r-·-~• or the at the -t and -'db'--• f ... _ .... -~ ewpcw ~ ty men, including George Bailey of ., ,__ ~~~ ··-menta ,,.. ~-way or u~ News no-~ Deputy Dou&laa Priest of the Newport Hf.rbormaster'• office fn.. -tlgated a report Sunday that flotaam with Iota of blrda on It WU 1eeD. off Dana Point, aome three miles southward. Priest reported to police, ""1ich ftnt recelwd the report !ram a man who gave his name u Jack Fltzpatriclc. that the flotaam waa a COD<Tete float, which had been anchicwed at the spot for the put three years. and ta now a stop- ping-off place for birds In fllght. • BRING YOUR RADIO 'l'O US o.e n., -We'll Bi,... It _. Toa ClaD Raw. It U.. Nert Focto17 Parts. W-o-ru-. l'Ml'°"7 TnlDed ltl:petD. Radio SOS Electric BAJIOLD L HAMM n-180 __ A __ _ C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys .t .t .t Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. .t .t .t Phone: Harbor 1080 for Prompt or Harbor 739-J Servi"" Newport Beach, appeared before vaUom tor their return trip With-Oty of Newport Beach to order erly corner of Lot 1 of followlni purpoees, t~Wit : To con-. eral drcui ~~:re" ~ the board of supervison lut Fri-out much trouble. the-folJowing-desaibed portion of Bloclf A; thence. south-1truct. maintain, operate, replace, and ~~ed. tna-th; at/:t New. day announcing their willlngneu Several Rotarians, who bad held a certain street in said city, and erly along the aouthwest-remove, and renew sanJtary .aew-port Beach. and said _,.._11 tloa to take over ope.ration of the Or-their convention in Atlantic 0.ty of ~rtain alleys ln said city, to be prolongation of the north-en, water mains, and storm ..,_..ca ange county airport and offerlna: just previous to the Kiwanis con-vacated, closed up, and abandoned, w erly line of said Lot 1 to dra.lm, and appurtenant structures lhall be made before the da~ 9et $1000 a month for a lease. Troy clave, were still in the Conven-t~wit : the most northerly corner of ln upon over and across the al· for the heuinc of all Pll'IOm in- Colboch of Buena Park and Sid Uon City trying to make reserve-STREET TO BE VACATED Lo 3 of said Block A ; thence, ley pro~ to be vacated herein, terested In or objecting to the pro. Holland of Santa Ana were the Uons for their return trip, Bar--A ~1 of land 15 feet 1n sou asterly along the north-and hetttofare described as alley poeed vacation. othei-two men ol the group. tine obeerved. Probably jult a width, being a portion of eu erly line of said Lot 3, No. 2, and to maintain, gperate, The above and f<Jf'el()rlng Ofdm. The airport, under the oper-case of not knowing the tfiht Ocean Front. as shown upon to e most euterly corner of replace, rm'IOVe, renew, and en-ance of Int~tion No. 517 wu atlon of. noyd Martin, Joe Hager, people, he implied. a map of Seashore C.olony sai Lot 3: thence, northeast-large • lines of pipe, c:onduita, passed at an adjourned ft'IUlu Lee Windolph, Johnny Martin and Tract, recorded In Miscel-erl along the northeasterly cables, wtr.s. poles, and other meeting of the Oty Council ol Bob Geier, is now leased monthly Cowboy Artist's· Work laneous Maps, Book 7, page ongation of the southeast-convenient structures for the 01>; the City of Newport Beach. held for $300. O D' ]a , 25, Reconla of Orange Coun-line or said Lot 3. to the eratlon of gas pipe lines •. tole-:' ~u.:!..~dday of May, 19t6. b7 The conference, which adjourn-n 18p y ID Mattoon ty, California, and more par-t soutllerl~ corner of Lot graphic and telephone lines, aJld e 0 u-w"A vote, in-wit: =n:yi~; ~~m~a~~\~:.n :_ Shoe Store in Mesa ~~~ty described as follows. t :=:er~l~n:Jie ~~~ i':uo~ot ~-==~=~. !::: 1a!~~~en. Siler, whether a lease signed in pre...war Beginning at the most w terly line, of Lot 1 and Lot and incidental purposes, including NOES, Councilmen: None. days before the Army Air forces A colorful display by the News-southerly comer of Lot 1, 2 f said Block A to the access and· the right to keep ~e ABSENT C.Ouncilmen. None took over the field is still bind-Times cowboy artist, Jack Linds-Block L of said Seashore Col-po t of beginning. property free from inflammable ' · · · ing. County Counsel Joel Ogle Jey, is on exhibition in the show ony Tract; thence, north-ubject to exceptions and 'materials and wood growth, and ATI"EST: contends that it can be abrogated windows of the W&Jace C. l\fat-westerly along the northeast-rvations hereinafter sped-otherwise protect the same from FRANK L. ~ART, if a higher lease price is offered. erly line of said Ocean Front all hazards in, upon and o~r the Oty Oerk. The Martin-Hager group inaist toon shoe store at 1795 Newport to the most westerly corner alley proposed to be vacated, and 0 . B. REED, portions of said street and that they have exclusive right to boulevard. Costa Mesa. of Lot 2 or said Seashore Col-alle to be vacated, closed up heretofore described as alley No. 2. Mayor. use of the hangars and adminls-The display is being shown in ony Tract ; thence, southwest-and bandoned, are more clearly __ s_ec_H_on_s. __ Th_e_a_·_ty_Co_un_c11 __ or_Pu_b_.-J_un_e_2S_._1_946. _____ _ tration building at the airport. connection with Dr. Scholl's Foot erly along the southwesterly ed sho on certain maps approv i-------------------------. They were in operation at the site Com pact week. prolongation of the northwest· and dopted by the aty Council before the war. erly line of said Lot 2, said ot t City of N ewport Beach for GEORGE D. BASSFIT Costa Mesan Designs point lying in a line parallel said '&Callon. closing up and aban· ACCOUNTANT with and distant 15.00 feet do ent. by Resolution dated Hats for Ex hibition measured at right angles from Apri 22. 1946. and designated Monthly Bookkeeping Servi"" In Los Angeles said northeasterly line of lutlon No. 3321 ... a nd by res· !IOI w. O...tnl A-. ~ -lll05-J, N-n - Ocean Front : thence, south· oluti n· dated April 22. 1946. and ~------------------------' easta-ly along said parallel desi ated "Resolution No. 3322." ------------------------- line to its intersection with and y resolution dated April 22, the southy,·esterly prolonga-l946 and designated "Resolution tlon of t he southwesterly line No. 3323." Reference is hereby of said Lot 1: thence, north-m ad for further particulars as easterly along said line of pro-to t e pro-posed vacation , closing longation to the point of be-up, and abandbnrnent of said It's Always Historic Site (Continued from Page 1 l Donald Button of Kenndon Pennsylvania route, the group Farms, Costa Ml'Sa, landscape headed for Philadelphia, but stop-artist and lecturer. has accepted peel at Valley Forge and went to 1 the invitation of the Los Angeles the nation.al shrine by special bus. Assistance lC'ague, to design and The Kiwanians attended church execute two seasonal hats (or its services in the chapel and dedi-1 annual Garden Gala at the Town -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;r cated the California bell that is House, Los Angeles, today. . • hung in the tower . commemor at-l Pre·war imported French velvet ginning. str t and said aUe)'S, to said ALLEYS TO BE VACA TED ma . and said maps and each of No. 1: the are made a part of this COFF.EE TIME • Before You Build or Remodel Vltlit Oor Interesting Sample aud Display Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, romprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works lift Soutll Malo SL SANTA ANA '· . NEED MONEY? GET A PERSONAL LOAN FROM THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK • The best wliy to OYl'r'COIDe financial worries Is to get a personal loan from the First National Bank In Santa 4na. YOU solve your financial problem, bulld valuable bank credit for Mure use. *** • I 11~" I \ \ I I< > \ \I r> \ \ I\ .... s ...... ,i..t.u. ~' .... :. . . -... ~ .. ~ -· -. " tr Wii i el Diii M .., __ •Clwplc 811 \ng the memory or the patriots from Button's fabric collection in- of the Revolution who spent a spired one hat, while plastlca and teTTible winter in the histor ic re<:l...,'ood will give emphasis to the area 5 o'clock number. After a dinner given them by the Norristown Kiwanis club, the group went on to Philadelphia a nd Atlantic City. The four-day conclave in the convention city of America was highlighted by the presence of such national figures as Harold Stassen, Gen. Omar Bradley, Sec-- retary of Agriculture Clinton An- derson. colwnnist Drew Pearson and William K. Jackson, president ot the National Chamber of Com- merce. Another Car Theft Two billfolds and $30 in cash were reportedly stolen from the car owned by Thomas Grant of Orange and which was parked on the little beach at Corona del Mar Sunday night, police were told PuBLIC MoT1cE ORD lNANOI: OF INTENTION No. 541 All of that alley 14 feet in Ordi ance to the same extent and width in Block H, as shown p e as if the same were here- upon a ma p of Tract No. 323, in i corporated tn full. recorded i n Miscellaneous Maps, Book 14. pages 40 and S tton !. That the proceed· 41 , and Block 436, as shown fngs for the closing up and aban- upon 8 map of Corona del do ent of the · aforesaid portion Mat\ Records of Orange Coun-of s d street and of said alleys ty, California. and more par-sh be had and taken, and the ticuJarJy described as follows, Oty Council of the City of New- tcrw:it: port Beach, elects to proceed un- Beginning at the most west-der e provisions of the "Street erly corner of Lot 1. Block Va on Act of 1941." approved H of said Tract No. 323; Ma 13, 1941, Statutes 1941, Chap- thence, southwesterly in a dj. ter and amendments thereto, rect line to the · moat north-bein Division 9. Part 3, Streets erly corner of Lot 10 of said and ghways Code. Block 436; thence, southeast-Uon S. The Street Superin- erly aJong the northeasterly nt of the City of Newport line or said Lot 10 to the shall cause to be conspicu- most easterly corner thereof; ousl posted along the line of the At The . . . . . DO llUTcTwim:FLE SHOP . . . . . . . Serving COF'F EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWJiERRY W AF F LES (with whipped cream) • COMPLEI'E FOUNI'AIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue Balboa Island K..l.y Nldlola Geo ..... 1Her11Joc Opea £..mp UnUI 10 o'Clock -CIOMd • Wed'nxdq Outstanding. entertainment was offered to the delegates, accord· Ing to Bartlne, who was impressed by several splen<lid yout.h choral and orchestral groups. Particu· larly outatanding to the local delegate. wu the Sault Ste. Marie High School choir of 130 voices, the nationally-famous Westin ghouse Male Chorus from Pittsburg and a 100-piece bovs' band from York, Pa. Famous or-J ganist Lois Miller was also pre- sented in concert dally for the congregation. AN ORDINANCE OF INTEN· TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARING ITS lN· TENTION TO ORDER THE CLOSING UP. VACATION, AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A "CERTAIN STREET, AND CERTAIN AL· LEYS, IN THE CITY OF NEW- PORT BEACH:-1:N -ACCORD- ANCE WITII THE "STREET VACATION ACT OF 1941." thence, southwesterly along str t and the alleys proJ)ose<t' to the southeasterly lines of be cated. not less tltan 500 ftet '-------------------------' Lots 10, 8. 6. 4 and 2 of said apa , but not less than three in J :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Over 10.000 Kiwanlans from all over the nation and Canada were present for the convention a nd J . N. Emerson of Pullman, Wash., was elected to the presidency for the coming year. Ell'Cted to the The City Council of the City of Newport Beach, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vaca· lion Act of 1941," approved May 13. 1941, Statutes 1941, Chapter Block 436 to the most south-all, ttces of the vacation ot said erly corner of said Lot 2: stre t and saJd alleys. Said ·not.ices thence, southwesterly in a di-shal state the passage of this rect line to the most westerly ance of Intention and the ("()I'ner of Lot 1 of said Block tim and place of the hearing of 436; thence, northeasterly all rsons interested in or object- along the northwesterly line ing o the proposed vacation of of Lots 1 and 3 and its north-said street and said alleys, alt as easterly prolongation to its in-req ed. by law. tersection with the southeast· tloa 4. Notice is .hereby giv- erly prolongation of the IOU~ at the Qty Council of the westerly line of Lots 1 and 2 of Newport Beach does here- of said Block H ; thence, ix Monday, the 15th day of northwesterly along said line 1946. at the hour of four of prolongation to the Point of o'cl k P . M. of said day, in the Cou ciJ.i Chambers of the City of Nirt Beach. located in the Ci Hall in the City of Newix>rt Be h, as the time and pl«ce for he ing all persons Interested. in or jecting to thf! proposed vaca- tio · of said street or said alleys. An the said City/ Council, at said WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? • • We WW Pay You the Highest P088lble Pri"" . • • St.op In at: • McCARTHY 1920 Newport Blvd. • USED $ CASH ON THE SPOT CARS Costa Mesa $ ARE BACK et'TOYAR in lifetime atoinlua dHI Jlrm-'1 aDd im:am.ponbly baulil'ul, Wlltary ...a dric• , , , a lor co aac. No omface 6iliah co end: qr -o6, DO foo<hoJd fa odon or food «pooica, im- pa +iow IO f'tamhJc acida. hot pam or lwd m&e< Wenda with ""T color~ ""T lcirdaal, WJa J'Oll _,. a Tnq Sialc J'Oll COD be aarc J'Oll b.aft dia """aiDk e+cr ~piled lili;riw ~11111im • ' . ' - Easies t to Clean Econom ical to Own Decorates any Kitchen Ageless Beauty More Sanitary .M.ost~Durable of All I NEW, OVERNIGH _T TRAIN D I ~ E C T T 0 (,f,tl#tl ~ll,()ll \ I • i • j -~~~~~~~~~~~~-=:::::::::::-:::::::::--~~~-;;-::;;;:::;;;;;;:;:;:-~H;;&;W~l'GWl~;-~~~~ !!!!IJ!!!!l!!!.!!l!l!liJ~ ~~!l&,~l!!!n~ •• -~~ Ol!TJCU:D • ~ ~ • K1JBIOAL a llADIO Killed •OSIMm QmDS -~~·-· Rattlen ::..c....;_-=s1=-=G'"'"'N:-:P"'AINT:-:::-:=rn=G-YOUNG WDMEN Auto Batteries In Newport Area Boat1. Truda. W1nc1mn Telephone operating Co ,::::,d~ed~;"toEx. Fishenmn and picnickers have been warned by the Southern Call· fornia division of the state fish and . same commisllon to be on the )ookout for rattlesnakes in the fields, brush and trail areas along the coas.t trom Newport Beach to Redondo Beach. Six rattlers have been killed by deputies of the office of Capt. T. F . Miller of the Long Beach office of the state fish and game oommW:ion in the past 10 days. Four more were killed in the Palo \ferdes cOastaJ area and two were killed east of Ne~"port. Mil- ler said The rattlesnakes are likely to be found in the o\'erhanging grass and brush along trails traversing the cliffs and banks down to the beach, he stated. l\tost penons visit.i.ng these areas are unaw&l'i! of the prMence of the snakes and are likely to be cai;eless. he point- ed out. : Penons should be particularly careful when waJking on trails or passing through fields and shrub areas to reach the beach or coastal rocks and in followi ng trails lead- ing along the base of the cliffs, he said. Sand Crab (Continued tr-om Page 1) wans and Bulletins. "ti -1 bl rnpoun .wo r Raloed Metal. Wood and po8I ons are avai a e Gallon, 'IOc Plastic i..tten to you in your own AL LACHMEYER community . 1726 West Central Harbor uu.M 38tt• Starting pay i8 good, COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New . and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St.. Coota Jina :.11}.tf( PAINTING and DECORATING By the hour or job. Also s~. Call HarOOr 8701-J.-I From 1 to 5 p.m. PAINTING 12 Ye:irs Service in Newport Harbor Area Harry H;lll PAINTING CONTRACl"OR Phone Beacon 5259-J 274 E. 19th !..:treet 24-t!t PAINTERS and DECORATORS IL E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tlc Pre-Cut New Lumber Garage and Utility Homes 12x20, $168.00 20x20. $227.00 18.•20, 5206.00 30x2'l. $.L!l.00 Ph. L. B. 671-104 experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 1.00 E. Bay Ave.. BaJboe 5141!. N. Main St., Santa Ana or AAk the operator for the OU<1 Operator Southern California Telephone Compa11y Excelleat positions open. A Competent Secretary · Stenographer Also a Competent Dictaphone Operator Pleasing personality and neat appear&!'lce required. Lots of work and darn good pay. Oil 3-Bedroom Home East side lot, SSx.330. Close in. $8450 1 Full Acre Corona de! Mar Apartment -2 bedrooms. nearl7 new: hardwood floors and room for another house: $6,900.00 BALBOA PENINSULA LOTS for $2,950.00 Up ous Jasper Bell Bill which this bunch of gangsters IS jamming down our throats in exchailge for 0 indepen- dence'" and "relier'. and which that Super-puppet Roxas is endorsing at the top of his lungs.' the American people would not counten- ance such a slur upon the es- sential fairness which has al- ways been associated with the American nation. This is beginning to sound like an editorial. if not the ravings of a madman. But I am mad! Yes and something like sev- ent.;.,n million Filipinos with me. Only we don't count, at least not yeL ... Seriously, we're hoping A,rnerica pulls out long enough to Jet us clear this up by ourselves ... Already tiny uprisings flare here and there. The people as yet are not organized, do not know the real issue. But they can't be fooled all the_ time: ... Only Roxas thinks so." 1860 Oregon Ave., Long Beach 50-ltp FOR A REUABLE .Palnt J ob on your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. l~tfc Phone P. A. Palmer Harbor 1500 For Appointment FURNITURE FOK SALE FOR SALE -Two maple desks, book shelf. tine old rocker, fibre rugs, misc_ household items. 204 Garnet, Balboa lslund. rt Blvd., Costa Mesa cen 5102-M 50-ltc C STA MESA Overlooking ocean. 4-room house, very clean, plus garage and 1- room apt. with bath in Tear. Barbecue and many extras. JOHN E. SADLEIR 3o2 M&in st.. Balboa Phone Har. 2034 Inmate of County Jail. Says He Didn't Escape PAINTING OONTllAOTOll PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E. McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., Coota Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tfc PERSONAL ' Reduce -Relax - Keep Fit "Different from other reducing methods" The Stauffer System 247 Broadway, Laguna Beach Phone 7412 Single Treatments $1..50 24 Treatments, $26.00 Open Monday, Tues. and H Thun. evenings. 50-ltc 48-4tc DECORATORS KAY FINCH CERAMICS h., openings now for a few glrla 01 woman with art tralnlng or abll· lty. Ask for Miss Dierker, 121 Cout Blvd, Corona del Mar. 43-lfl HELP WANTED -Woman for general housework, full or part time. live In or out. Good wages. Four In family. Ph. Hari>or 1992. 45-tfc 1WO MAIDS and one gardncr for work in motel. Miracle Mill' Motel, 706 Coast Highway, New- port Beach. 50-ltp BEAUTY AIDS 18 SALE lllDICELLANEOU8 IG COLD and MACHINLESS FOR SALE -Complete bedroom WAVES set, twin beds, springs & mat- tresses. Chest of drawers, dreu- 11nting and Manlcuril\g er, two mirrors, $125.00. One Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W double bed, springs & rnattre!!, Vi's Beautv Shop $40.00. One c1r .. ser and mirror, 1103 Coast HJway, 6Jrona de! Mar SI0.00. 200 crystal Ave., Balboa A not guilty plea wa'J entered 35-ttc Island. Call Harbor 892-\V. last week in superior court in -EMP--LO-n<E--NT="'w=ANTED==:--::::18 50-2tc Santa Ana by LesJie Charles Har-==:-:---====-::==:-::--::::-vey or Costa Mesa. accused of at-WORK WANTED-Painting su-Don't Miss The Boat tempting to escape trom the c·Jun-perintendent, with 25 years ex-Everyone's saying, Robbins has ty jail. Trial was set for July 23. perience. desires connection the stamps. U. S. and Fore1gn Officers claim that HarvPl'. 19, with large building contractor. sets on approval. did escape by scaling a 50-foot 1 ha\'e my 0 'vn truck, commer-Robbin's, 515 No. Main wall out of the stockade and that ciaJ spray outfit. ladders. drop Santa Ana. Arcade Bldg. he was recaptured in Huntington cloth, brushes. Good reference. 5Q...4tp Beach by police who searched all Call Harbor 8701-J-2 from 1lo5. --=::---=,,..---:-:-::-=-- busses out of that city. 49-tfc Fire Place and Klndlin& WOOD Its war job accomplished, the Petrolewn Industry War Council. the oil industry's advt.sory group to the Petroleum Administration for War, wound up its affairs and dissolved in mid-December, 1945. .\R( YOU ~ULL'r' COVERED .. POSmON WANTED by exper ienced gii-1, Ylilling to care for children for room and board and small salary, during sununer. Miss Dela P.f. Ware. 426 El Rancho Dr., Whittier. 49-2tc OPERATORS, pilot license, deck hand. Commercial Fishermen, Box 284. Corona del Mar. or call Harbor ~M. 50-:!tc \VJLL CARE for elderly person in my home. Rt. 1, Box 140, Costa Mesa. 50-2tc H1GH school graduate wi.ihes of- fice \\'Ork or typing. Call Beacon 5657-\V 49-2tc EMPLOYMENT OFl'"EllED Delivered H. W . WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived ~ He&rlng Aid BATTERIES Gunde.!9:ln Drug Co. 3-tfc 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 ~tfc 11ENrn.AN BLINDS-Aluminum, steel, wood. Call us for tree esti- mate. Renovation &. refinishing. So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co., \Vest 18th and Newport Ave., Costa 1t1esa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. 5-2tc FURNITURE FOR SALE -Call Harbor 1773-M. 1305 N. Bay Front, Balboa Island. 50-tc BOATS, 8UPPLDB II Three 50'"121!.'x31!.' Shain ""Trlm- menhlp'' expreu c:ru.Lsen. round bottom, twin Oi.rysler Royals. Built In 1943 by belt Seattle yards. Full living accommoda- tions, 6'4.. headroom thruout, $15.000.00 each. Two 37' Hlgg!Ds rescue launches. Double planked bottom, 250 h.p. Hall-Scott In· vader engine. Built ln 1944 by Wilson Boat Works. $3500 each. Ph. L. B. 47587. 47·8tc FOR SALE-Boat "Gale K." 38-ft twin screw Q"UJ5er, nice galle, wtth Ice box, butane stove and plenty of cupboard space: sleeps four. Mahogany planking. Suitable for passenger or com· merclal business. Hauls 7 % tom on deck. lbere is no better boat for lU atze In Newport Harbor. A. L. 1t1atthews, 509 31.st St-. Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 2577. 44-tfc ALL PLASTIC U-ft. 11(}.lb. TOP· 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Immediate delivery. Other .mod- els soon -dinghies, sailboat!:, STEIN\VAY Grand Piano. Mahog- any cue. Beautiful tone. Med- ium size. DANZ -SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc FOR SALE-Marine radio, direc- tion finder, 3 band, 6 volt fisher. Nearly new. 509 31st, Newpl!'t Beach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 41-tfc FOR SALE-Philco console radio, model 50. 470 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Ph. Beacon 5TI3-R or Beacon 5779-R. 50-ltc FOR ·SALE-RCA Victor cabinet radJo, $50.00. Ph. Harbor 675-W. 204 Garnet, Balboa Island. ~2tc SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON $3.00 Crawl stroke In three lessons $7.00 DAVID RIGHT Balboa Point Hotel • 1115 E . CentraJ Ave. 49-Stc Carpenters Available tor generaJ maintenance -ttpa1r O. Z. KOlllEBTSON Call Harbor 83 runabouts. cruisers and paddJe------------- boards. Plastic Watercraft Co. 407 E. C.ntral, Balboa Phone Harbor 2673 50-ltc FOR SALE-New Marine Kohle1 Generator, 1500 watts, 32 voll D. C., retail price for this powe1 plant is $516. We have 10 lef1 for clearance u.le. $374. Yeokei Bros., 225 So. Vermont, Los An· geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45--tfc KEYS Mad• While You Watt VOGEL'S 100 M:aln St., Balboa 108 Karine, Balboa IalaM. IM-tfo FOK RENT u FOR RENT-Office space ln cen· ter of Balboa. Harbor 24St. 50-ltc center with ·residence. 1 front room used -nOW as business. or 8--court building with t entrances. l blk. from of town. Place to live, und investment. $21,500 R I h P. Maskey 10 Coast Blvd. Phone 402 On Bayo Tract t on Bay A venue $4000 4&-tfc ge Corner Lot eninsula, with view. $5750 ii Peninsula Bedroom Home '$13,500 In ome Property 2 bedrllom house and 4 small rental units. Severat good Bay Front Lots ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 1 For Other Houses, $6500 and Up Also Lot.I L. JORDAN E . C.ntral, Balboa Ph ne Harbor 153 ' 4~tfc FOR S Balboa Island, very lovely "Little" Island 2-bednn. home. Exceptionally modern, ideal oundings, near beauti- Fire E~.pment Tests fuJ th Bay. Pegged hard-WILL SHARE front apt. 1115 E . ood I llvin C-0-Two, ene & Foam refilll. ,..._ I Balboa. See S . w oors in arge g room, "-Knlra Ave., wun-clistin ve linoleum throughout, ro fixed system and Portablet ming Instructor. 49-2tc rest 0 house a'ttractivl. Dining now available. ETS 0 u nook rear, convenient pretty H ION&. GALVAN ------------kitch , sun declc, Orick patio, Ph. ~~k Highway 73-tfc A.Pr or SMAIJL HOUSE wanted house lnterestingly furnished, by man and wife. We do not imm ate condition, single W A1llTED TO RENT FOR SALE-20-ft. fish boat, Star, drink or smoke, no children or garag Immediate occupancy SALES?tiEN -Advertlaing cam· full converted motor, steel hull. pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W can arranged. First time of- paign now in effect. Excellent FOR SALE-Midnlght·.btue, dble. A-1 condition. 628 Clubhouse or write Box "X'' Newport &J. fered. Inquire '-t 331 Crystal. 38-tfc opportunity if YOU quailly. Ap-breasted Tuxedo in perfect con· Drive or phone ATI.antlc 1·2036. boa News-"nmes. 37-ttc Ba.Ibo alsland. 49-2tc ply soain No. Main SL, Santa dition. ~·o pairs trousers. Size owner. t7-4tp Ana. Miss Bayer. 44-Stc 38 long. Late model. $43. Call VETERAN and bride planning to FOR S Ice located lot.I John Donhoff at News-Times FOR SALE -Snipe, mahogany reside ln Cocta Mesa. Want nn. and acres $400 t $3 000 HELP W ANrE~Elderly man 85 office. Harbor 13. 50-tfc hull, one suit dt.nvas, good con· furn. apt. or house. Contact Mr. ~rm. hse. 2 ~ Gar~ v.·atchman on construction of clitl 3901 M A N J t ~--· J eJry on. arcus ve., ew· orgensen a ~·· 1 ew , age euest rm. On 2 big lots, new telephone building ln Bal-FOR SALE-Used irregular oak port Island after 5 o'clock.. 1821 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. (\neat ve., vtew-of ocean, near Harris, 313 E . Central, Balboa. . In. Y.'ide. l in. thick. See at 206 4&-tfc Ruby, Balboa Island, Sunday or STAR SAILBOAT. Just recoo-WANTED TO RENT-Small apt. 112 unfurn; $14,750 turn. $10,500 5-ltc 2 Bedroom Home MO~ TO LO.t.N U Y.r: acre, East side. Prewar const. TO BUU...O ........ Fireplace, hdw. floors. Plenty of LOANS . • """Y• UDf'l"O"' modemlse OT retlnan~. tile, very clean. Newport Dalbo& Federal Savtnp $9450 t.lld Loan .uooclatlon. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor l&lO See Us Today AUTOMOTIVE a TIRIC8 A On This FOR s~raham Truck 1934, Lot 100xl20, close in on potential mechanically perfect. Call Har- buslness street. Bldg. on front bor 234-R. 48-4tc would make ideal Nbrhcl groc· ery, store or beauty shop. Mod-FOR SALE-'29 model Panel type ern 3-room apt. with ocean view Truck, excl. motor, new paint. over dbl. garage in rear. $285. Call after 3:30 p.m., E. $8500 Atchison, 'YMCA, Santa Ana. 484tp Newport Heights New 3-hedroom with nice view. Hdw. floors, nice yard. Sundeck on top $12,450 FOR RANCHES, l 'to 10 ACRES See Us Today. Two Specials Priced to Sell. MANY MORE ... COME IN AND "TALK IT OVER" -Open Sundays.- FRANK P. JOHNSON 1 Realtor 1644 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5434·W ~ 50-ltc REAL VALUES 3·Bedroom home. Hardwood and tile. 2-car garage. ·Large level lot. Only 5 yea.rs old. Stucco. In good residential district. Nicely landscaped. Paved street and sidewalks. All assessments pa.Id. Don't fail to see this one. Priced to sell. $10,250 2-Bedroom home. TI.le and hard- wood. F1oor furnace. 58' on Harbor Blvd Two . blocks from city center. If you are looking for a business location with a modem home, you can't go wrong on this one. Full price: $15,000 Exclusive Listing 2-Bedroom home. Hardwood and tile. Large living room; full size dining room; 11!. baths: 2 large bedrooms and den; 2-car gar- age; &erYice porch with double laundry trays. 2 aeres in good district; 160' on Harbor Blvd. This Ill really a good buy. Bet- ter see this one today. Prices to sell at only: $19,000 F OR SALE-1938 Ford de luu Tudor sedan, good tires, radio, new brakes. Private party. 706 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. 50-ltp FOR SALE-1944 Indian motcr· cycle, model 741 . Like new. See Wallace Rogers, 6507 Seashore Drive, Ne\vport. 50-2tp RECAPPING Recap AU Five Tires In, One Day Wheel Balancing Section Work LESTE RS O.K . Rubber Welders 2900 W. C.ntral, Newport 46-8tc AUTO SERVICE • NOW HERE Your authorized Chryller- PlYplOulh Dealer. Authori1Jed parts Complete Lubrication ud Maintenance El<pert Mechanics • Kendall and Quaker State oll9 NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 !w. Ceatral .t.ve. boa. 64 hours per week. See wood, 100 pieces. 12 ft. long, 6 4~2tp 41-tfc :~""""'· San Clemente. ---------,.~--call GL. 3725. . 50-2tp clitloned and new palnt. Phone or hOUM for next IChool term, 5-rm. , 2 bedrnu. " caraae. WANTED-Lady to work In vep-Santa Ana U48 between 8 a. m. In Corona del Mar. Box A. c/o · Ooon, We l~er a. We aJao baV<! homes from $2900 table department. Cottle'10 !5Cl8 FOR SALE-23-!t. Eastttn built and 5 p. m. 4&-tfc News-Times. 49-2tp sink, clooets, ftr<place. and up. Lots of all m... and Phone Harbor 15M-J ' W. C.ntral, Balboe. ·•-•u to ~ trailer. sleeps 4; Whitney Price Adele Gimbel 95 ......., BOAT FOR SALE-Brand new W ANr TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. . • prices. Also good bU)'ll In in· Mr. Miller. !I0-2tc baby buggy: lawn swing; 16-!t. Del Ave., Phones 311 or 316 · __ ~rty P·l4 racing utling Dlngby, W!rY • unturn1ahed house. Wlll leue. ci6-~"!lttc' """'"'_, ... ..._ · \ TILULl:IUI' GIRL or WO~.~· for "·ht -canoe. 36lch.8 Cout Blvd., .":.""'· ~ -~· .... rt Bea ~2tp fut. 218 Via Ithaca. Udo :W.. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 1-----:---------- work, wages, aood home. Abo po -,'. SO-lie or 13. 35-tfc FOR Bulldlnp near Hunt-WE ARE HERE TO .SERVE YOU TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do -, gardner fOT care ol ~. Call FOR SALE -Metal bed, co1I Jni' euD ed In ' mm baullnc and --., All Beacon 5660-W. ~tc iiprinp and mattn., $lll. 7311 BOAT FOR SALE-1.2-ft. SaDlnc ROOM WANTED-By pemdnent -na:-·, all I;::, boJ•-' new ~t; sz.zs and l2.llO •---•-0r.. N<Wllpart Beach Pram wtth ..ua. 1125.oo. 218 l'Olident on 11a1bo1 x.1.nc1 Hu-__ , """ B A. NERESON HELP w • .....-n ~ sltttt ~-~ ..--. truction. 4 bulldl""' . per doy. We flTndab tho bltm. ~ •• .,.... -' Ph. Harbor 8701-J-2 after 1 p.m Via llM<a. Lido Ille. SO-ltc bor 2372-11. ,50-2tc 20'9" ·• 1 bull""·· 20'9"~. Rm ESTATE .. __._ JlroL Senk>< Sta.._ eYery Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. •• ••· -... -...,.~ -50c per hour. Ref-. Ph<.ne ~~ n•r. DT.UW ., ...... DT.t.DI ., J . Frazier, 124 7th St., r---and """· 17th .. N ... part 111"4, Oaola BICYCLES Harbor 96-J. 50-2tp _FO_R_SALE ___ or_· ~nlAD=-=E""""'f_or_car_, 1 Huntblston Be""'1. Phone 2832. s.1n = Opportunltleo Jllaa. M-cft Bold. Rmtod or Repalnd. 1944 model 6-ql. Marine onclne. N 0 w A v A I L A B L E I &2tc 1972 Ne..,....t 8MI., Coota -Bell tlaat imwut.d -- vooa.·s RI~~~ N~ ~ 225 h.p. Call Harbor 232 or FOR sd.&-aildm> ,.,._ !lill>t. I ~Ph~·~' ~B~ee~:~<111~5~225~;:==~50-~1~tc~11n~..,...~~N~•~r~·~n~z~w~w~"'~-=~= I081c:.: :!I~';:.., nltutt Mart, 822 c-t HlchwaY· Whittier Cl~ 4Mtt SEVERAL CHOICE REsmEN'nAL PROPERTIES w , output 1200 117-1 · H-tfe 50-2tc FOR SALE _ I.arg<. three com-ON BALBOA ISLAND SOUl'H BAY FRON!' en week. Excelieat equip. Al1l'lll9 WAH&D , •.t.-Wfi&D · • -.;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; j --t Ice box. In cood con-I TOro b<wwee Good wator · ' · ~ 1 clit1on, $150.oo. Call Harbor You SHOULD SEE TH•se: LISJ'INGS Ph. 11ar1>or -.r..;._2tp WE NEED LATE MOD L CARS WING SANG BOAT &' REP AIR y ARD l~R or 1032 W. Ocean. New-BEFORE YOU BUY. •• d wim p T Pi!lca port. 50-ltc I HOME JNOO~ an w . ay op -1-- 811 Cout Highway 101 . FOR SALE-S.......itlab rod. reel H u B p 0 ,.,,, E R s AG E N T -· -productive -. IEfJ. YOUR CAR~ and line complete. $85. John T. W , sr-. C>aiot --let · W• Jlltia are ft! s II••• Ml' sym-512 38th s1.. Newport J. A. Be e 'k 0 ff ice -eo. N-toom - Beach. S0-2tc Ferry Landing Ph. Blu1lor 62-W Balboa hland Price SII.SOO. -. Ph. l"-e for -_._. ~ wt1 call ...S ''' FOR SALE-White .... me1 hlch a.ttc 870'1--. 41Mtc · adttli )IQll l r ..... OP.A. "'IP•rcthw, ....... • !!! L!r 1 .,-~ .l._,. an•U, own -.-. cood a>ndltlon. FOR aalt Apt. -cm JMtla a •• l'I .r dlqlll ·-•• ~ --U19 -Central Aw .. -Balboa lshm~I !'FOR SAi E "'eoP=t --Om . 5 ---al. • , • so.2tc c_. i.liodnaan. tuz-1 -1ot. . -a1. lllllltwct. SD!O. . 1-Sillll rser ,.... aJLBER:rsoN CHEVROL!ET co .. Inc. • .... , ..... hr It-* .,.;,'CIROi"iss;AliIWE~i9(cu.;;L"'iitt.LCGf:.E.E·~Mi;;cmni1.. lleel ~ patio. ~pr-Gerald ic!!:!~ ~ r:!: : .. T,51D. II.ODO -.. ID-Oun•t _, O' • •1 ·~ · -•--*•a n tor T"P refripntor. Call Bea--· Located a ~ o-• ::"·a. · -. E. c-traJ ~"' ~ -Wilt a •• -·: •t • *• • n r • •. • · • .__""!""________________ """"'77-8. 50-2tp --0.-.13. .. • i • 7 -- .. tit n • ' • ' • • r • • ' ' -' ' ...... R&WFCMl ML80.A ••..,...•• ._......,. •• 9' on a a, TW • s, ,_a. u. Po&ce Ote 8 For · Violations Polloe reported -followlnc 1"!r'e--~ -aran<ft before· Oty Judie Bob Gardner: ~Harborites ! • Capt. Herbert Morey, 312 C«al , ~ fll Supervloan ... t<lp • lt'a tum _. ......., "' .... 11 .. ~ Policy fll ndal -.iatton" by muda loMr than that fll Illa orderill&' wblte and ......., veterans wblta. In the -fodlltlell, .... --... 1 ---- conUnued far four -by i'l"8 Tlllli uw ~ , You can't lfeep &oall Wit.bin tm Richard v. Mead of Loo An- geles; Franklin A. Wlliama and George Patrick Dunlcan of Alta- clena; Albert s. Kidd of -El&'bt motorlatl were dted for Par~; James Lynwood Kelleml Jr. n>l.atlona of the dty opeedlng of Arlington; Andttw John Klea eoc1e In the Newport Harbor area of Alhambra; Fred Carner Miiier cm Sunday. All were from out-of Ontario and Charles A. Rock- a""nue, Balboa Island. bu Juot returned borne after two yean in oervtce, prlndpally In Africa and EgypL Natalie 1-e, clall&hter ol Mr. and Mn. George M. Lowe, c.oraJ avenue. has returned home for the summer from Anokia SChool for Glrla and before the term closed received the -of being elect- ed president of. the student body. ,Oppooitlon to encllnc the non-dty llmitl ol) Newpoc t Beadl. bat ~atioo Policy wu spearhead· J . M. Miller jwill aell you ·a -- <cl by Richard IL Nl'WhaJI. Call-to ralae ,,_ kids. 15th - famla Department Commander Central. HArbor 1242.-Ab. v,terana ·of Forelp Wars, M. C. "Sam" Hennann, VF.W. Depart- ment Quartennaater-Adjutant and Bob Snyder, California Depart- ment Commander of the American Judge Mn. D. J . Docllw -the ....._ well of Santa Ana. spent S at Camp Jlo.U-U, I New)iort-Balboa Tourist Bareau All llilodes ot Travel tX> Europe, Mexico. Hawaii ~u»-U.World Trips In the near future. See Jin. Boy g,-. Ph. 11.ar'-S9L SOl l'Uln, IWboa &Min: •• a. ...... p. llL . FreJa Daily ~-­Or. complth oqulpawrt wben yoe want to eat.ell .,.,.., OWL HORMEN FISH MARKET ON caNTRAL. AVE.NU&., NEWPQAT BEACH The Lawrenot S pragues, who sold their home in Arcadia, have just moved into their new home on the peninsula. Friday they were out on the 14-mile bank in Ed Offerle's boat with the Ross Greeleys and the Taibl. The party took eight albacore with Mn. Greeley and Mr. Tate claim· Ing two each. Carolyn Spicer, daughter of the Walter Spicen of Harbor Island. has Jeft for summer seuion at Stanford universjty. She has just completed two years at Scripps college. NIU'Wlel. are ...... t or • l •&•A'Mkliwn aremo ..... -with -plaato, -. -a ~ to pt flowvs 0 f~ -DOt.llblc more. But aot 80 wt_. ulin. mod8rn aur- f/leT1' deelped for Nonna.a oa die eo..t Jdcflwa7 la OoroDa del Mar~ 1'7 PlaUmer Eller- -. loeal udd . _._, the unique balldbaa aUllw natural ep appeal to attract pullnc nower-tovtns mo ortate w1alch aacmenta N orman'• ~ m:oeU t OoraJ ~ Con· tractor for tlMI .true was Garland Ruta of Anabelm Tbe top pboto lho~ ."1 exterior "1th the en· tnace ID the rtp.t b&c".kCf.und. tbe lath home on Old friends will be glad to know that Charles William Wood is back in town and will spend the l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l l swrune r with his grandmother, h-irs. M. R. De Lano, 1307 East .. the left &Del varlom sanp.11 ahrubs in t.be fore- l'f'Oand. A doee-up of u.dcanttlever marquee. tbe ahadow display box, the tmaJJ bed. of paml.ee and VENETIAN BLINDS Wood • Steel -Aluminum Fut Service -Fnie btimates CaD Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road l'lloae Long Be.eh 455-28 YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! ' Central ~venue. He has been in the navy for two years as a boat· swain's mate, third class, and was at Vella Gulf. the bullt·ln pool ls OD the t. -photos by Ellsworth n "The Beachcomber" OBITUARIES ERSEST F. KENNEDY Services were held at 10 a .m . Saturday in Santa Ana for Ernest F. Kennedy, 64 , ot 2063 Newport Cory Says Cooperative Operation, Uniform Water Distribution, Will Reduce Irrigation Cost to Farmers r oad, Costa Mesa, who died Cooperative operation of pwnp- Thursday in Santa Ana Com-ing plants and more uniform dis- munJty hospital. Interment was tribution of water are two faetors in Fowler, Calif. which will lower irrigation costs The '1eceased was born in for the farmers of Orange county, Winterset, Iowa, but he had lived .Assistant Farm Advisor W . M. tn CallfornJa tor 60 years. Sur· Cory said in Costa Mesa. operation of a pumping plant. In this way, overhead costs of the plant B.re distributed over a greater number of acres and the pump is In oper&.tit>n for a longer period of time through the >·ear, reducing its current cost as lower rates are applied to units in con- stant use. Patri tic Forees Halt Atte pt to Je0pardize State' Housing Policy SAN CISCO, Juhe 25.-A spectac ar drive by -left-wing groups · d misinformed individ- uals to ·~eek the non-segregation policy sdoaratlng white and negro war vet~ans in local housing proj- ects. ht1!been halted, temporarily at least, by the Veterans ot For- eign W and the American Le- gion. I . Hearil\g on the vociferous de- Legion. -rHermann pointed oUt that '.'race where Coot& Mesa Boy Scoula _.. now In cam The Judce 11 -ot the troop committee- Involved In the proposal and warn-,-----+--------: dilc:rlmination" was not the laue t; ed that a non-segn>gaUon Polley Coro de) Mar ~gbt very easily develop into an •.i_ u Sh unfortunate situauon, He asserted Mllu• Op that if necroes were permitted to ltll b.. Jll&tiway share the same housing projects 1 with white veterans· that the • Old ~uh"-ed maltll negroes would eventually take ~?We ~ )&at. this. over such projects to the detri· ---' merit of white veterans and their -;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; families. I Newhall said that statistics ~ vided by the San Francisco Hous· ing Authority established that more than 5000 white veterans and their families are now waiting for housing accommodations as compared to 1,000 negroes and that it is a proven fact that the ROSSI'S LIQUOR STORE ·- 700 Coast Highway ·-Formerly Gordon's ·Drug Store DL EMIL F. Bl:JJ0 D.O. ft.0. 10'1 ZZDd Stree& Nwrt llwt o.M. --"! . CLOTHES All Highly Skilled Workmen. ~ viving him are his daughter, Mn., The lnformatio~ about volume Patricia Honifeld of San Fran-of wate.r used is important to de- cisco; a sister , Mn. F. W. Hayes termine how much should be ap- e! Oakland; two brothers, W. S. plied for each irrigation, he re-- Kennedy of Tustin and Roy R minded. l! there happens to be Kennedy of Reedley. more than sufficient water ap- Supervisors Consider Land Use Map Today m a nds df the Communist Party, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ AmericaP Veterans Committee, " the C.11 0 ., the San Francisco Council or Civic Unity, the J ew- ish S 1 ey Conunittee, National Lawyers Guild, n.egro organiza- tions d individuals that the POR MEN Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent good will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. ~ PHONE L. C. BEAN Harbor 2645 • • • THIE N INrTICl:NTH CON at::CUTIVIC OlVIOl:N O AT THC RAT• 0 ,. THAICI: Plf:A CENT 13 'r•I PEA ANN U M ,.QA THIE aCMl·AN - NUAL PICAIOO CNOINQI JUNIE 30TM , 1946, HAa BIEll:N OC- CLARl:O av THIE 01R1:CT0Ra o,.. TM•• As a o c1ATI ON lo W I LL a1: PAID JUNIE 30Tl-i, 1946. AaaOLUTI: 9AP'l:TY P'CR YOUR P'UNO• llACH ACCOUNT INl!IURIEO UP TO 19.000 TOTAL Rl:aOURCl:a IN IEXCll:aS DP" .2,000,00() NEWPOR T BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LO AN ASSOC I ATION • >:taa VIA LIDO PHONE HAR•DA l•DO NEWPORT BEACH , CALIF'ORNIA • J . A. •lf:EK P . A . PALMER OlltECTDA• •-A . MEYER C . W. Tc.WI NKLE W. R. MlltAM• WALTER •• •PI Cl:R W. A . WILGU• GEORGE F. WILLIAMSON Georae Frederick WUIJamson, 78, of 306 AlvOrado place, Balboa, died Friday at an Orange hOI· pital. He waa born in Liverpool, England, a nd had been a resident of Balboa for eight Years. He leaves a brother, Percy, of the same address and two nephews, H . Arthur Martin and George W. l\fartin of Long Beach. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Harold Grauel chapel with the Rev. E. D. Goodell officiating and interm£>nt was in F airhaven ceme- tery. Phone Beecon 5824 Newport & Costa Mesa CAB C O. 24-Hour Service plied, then the crops might suffer instead of benefit, he said Frequent use of the soil augur, both prior to and following an irrigation. is a good way to de- termine if water has penetrated to o uniform depth, he said. Irrigation costs may also be lowered in many instailees by two or more neighbors joining in Contractor Accused of Bldg. Violation SANTA ANA, June 25.-The Orange County Board of Super· visors today took up for consid· er atlon the general land use map which was approved by the county planning commission ltfonday. lity L~ber and Bu ding Material• • STA MESA UMBER CO. Slated to appear befor e J udge D. J. Dodge in Costa Mesa Wednesday morning is Harvey Miller, general contractor, who is alleged to have violated the con· tractors' license la\V, sections 7026 and 7028 or the Business a nd Pro- fessions code. The s upervisor! "i ll hold a hear· ing on the map preparatory to Its adoption by the board. They are proceeding with completing m:t- chinery for the regulation of in- dustries and other improvements in anticipation that the board adopts it. t. E . HOSTETLER Agricultural, commercial. indus-one Beacon 6015 trial and residential areas a re set ;;., __ ,.. ________ ..; out on the map, "'hich does no t ---+---------- specify any particular area for ,---+---------- such devl'lopm('nt but merely sug-C=:l'.Js Feed Store gests localities. ~ Accused or contraCting in the Harbor area without a contract-FREE BACON or's JiCC'nse, Miller is no\v on lib-One pound of bacon rrec to e rty on S500 bail. ever)' customer of a home costing 1'1iller was r ('C('ntly found gwlty $50,000 or more. Cash. No agents. of the same offense in San Diego l J . 1'1. r-.1iller, 15th and Central, county and reputedly forfeited HArbor 1242.-Adv. bail. court r ecords disclosed. --- Pueuc NoT1CE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL Manila folders at Neww-Times Riding Apparel and Saddlery, Englloh and Hay and Grain l Quallty Feeds -§- Dall Dell.ve ry-Beacon 524.5 1 Newport Blvd. 008T&ME8A Complet.e IJne of Wearing Apparel for NOTICE IS 1-IEREBY GfVEN pur-.uanl to the proTl11lon• of Section 3440 of lhe Civil Code of the .£<ate of CILll-tornta, that C. E. BABIN. Vendor. of 50-t We•t Central A,•e nue. Newport Beach. California lntend11 to ~II to WANNAJ-f M. Gil.LIS. Vendee of 21~ 21!1t Street. Newpon Bear.h. ca\1rom.1a. all that certain per90na.I p·roperty con· 11111tlnK generally of all •tock In trade, flxturu. e-Quipment and good will of a ~rt.In Care bualneaa kno •·n ltJI i~~;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;;:~~~~~~~~~,,,;~~~~~~~~~~ .. T i-IE COACH LAMP" In !he City of Ne wpon Beath and located at 604 · We11t Central ATen~e . Newport ~h . Callfomla.. a.od that the purchaae i>rlce thereof wlll be paid at 10 :00 0°cloc.k w ... tern Men, Women and Children lOS A.NOil.iS M04.ll'WOOD lONO llAOI ........... -llVIHIOI ........... * LESTER & Co. i\fembn-Los A.111#1.$ SJoclt &ciu.1• 200.f WEST CENTRAL A VE., NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 1374·J HYDRA -MAJIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs INVISTMINT SKUllTIES TO MEET THI INVISTOIS' HllOS PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE . BRING YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS • Culbertson · Chevrolet Co. Qlenulllt a OM •Nie DI • 3011 W. CA!lltnl Newport Beach • L m. on the 2nd day of July, 19-46 a t Balboa Bf"&nC'h Bank or America N T 11: 5 A. In Balboa. County of OranJ:e, Slate of Callfornlll.. Oat~ J une 20. l!H&. C. E. BABIN. Vendor. a.nd/or 1-lA.V:'\'AH N. GILLIS. \'eDdff- Pub. June 2•, 1946. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL S OTICE I ~ HER.EBY GIVEN pur- suant to the prnvialorui of Stttlon 3440 of lhe Cl\·\\ Code ot the State of Cailrorrlla. that W. f'RA.~K WOLP" a.nd HENRY F . JO~'ES. \'endOf"l_, _of 815 Nort.h Hiil Street. Oce&n.tde . Cali-fornia &nd 906 South Kenwood Stn<et. fnlll'lewood. Caltrornla. reapecttvely, In· lend to .ell to C. H. L EE. Vendff. or 4407 Price Street. 1-lollywood. Call· fom ta. •II that ~rt.aln per90na.l prvp-erty con•l•tlng geMraJly or all atoCk t.n ll'1lde. food•tu«•. rrxture.a. equip- ment and sood wlll tocetber •ltb the building of a ce.t'tAl n lunch •t.and buaineae know-n u ••J"RANK.'8 LUNCH STAND'· located at 507 u....,.ter A.Tenue. Balboa. Caltfomla. and that the gurcbue pr1ce thereof wUI bf! p&jd at 1 :00 o'<'-lock a. m . on the 2od day of .July. 1941 at Ba.nit or Ame.rlca. Balboa Bra.ocb, In Balboa. County or Orange c.tteomlL O.ted June 19. llH&. HENRY F . JONES. W. TRANK WOLF. v ....... and/or CHARLES K. LES. Pub. Ju.. M, 1N1. v- -nlRJS4NCJm - Howard W. C ,· • 1m XW)IM'.t •llllcuW C>Oll'U. MM• ..... SS I Ital Anti nlnle • r-, Acc:id 1• • Uh ~-Oiatl­~ Wtlnwo Al Sherwin Riding 205 No. Bl'OIM!way, Santa Ana ' EVERY WED -18- KIDDIES Met ry-Go-ROll Fea rls Wlleel • Tulc BALBOA FU Sport Shop Phone 6722 ESDAY , DAY • Sc ZOIE , kpert Radio Service AND BOYS Phone Beaeon 5816 g~ S(J411i S~ Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC 1848 Newport BITd. I0'1 ......, A. .... ---Phoee Jlut)or 5'78 COSTA MES& INSR.UCE P.A.PALMER LIDO lSl!E PRDPERTIE.5 • W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor JJknL 1500 ~.f...,f 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Going to Build ni ear? You probably have yonr dream\ house all worked out In your miDd -or maybe .yonr architect or conlnctor already hJ prepared I plans on paper for yon. _ _ \. , Elec!lridty wDI have a lup pui la ma!r!ng dn!am9 of postwar llvbag aome vi--When YOll go OYer Ille plam wltll yov ballder be ...... &o ... him aboui. the ~ cleftlop- -1a In hOOlellold lalJor •"'*'& r. tao< tlcwal '-aty. . Oar lll•a-• .. everytblng will he &lad to llelp wltla 1aJGG* plMu or prethm O..iau tl!M!-Y czkea lotol•rr.-111 ID .. "Ire 1W*J" al. ._ •..J m-HOlll & RM'9* LVAI ' 1-Ourt11111111_ .. _,,. ftnallil.e.mllUI -~- ' • • ' ' I Balboa Seafood Cocktail Bar Opeas Friday, Social Catering Is Planned Sea food cocktalla expertly pre- pered will be delivered to any part d Newport Harbor by a new con-- cern opening a seafood cocktail bar at the Balboa P avilion next Friday morning. and a tail-gunner with the 483rd Bombing Group of the 15th Air Force in Foal, Italy. Hill WU a B-17. 'lbe ooncern will be operated by Ken and Del Star)< of 703 E. Cen· tral a~ue. Balboa. former ,.i- donta of Whittler. Though he oerved with the army air corps for three years, be spent 18 months of this service at the Santa Ana army alr base, where he was meu sergeant, a bllghty big respons·ibllity for 10 huge an outfit u wu stationed there dur· Ing the war. Ken Story formerly was pro-ed from prietor of a grocery, meats and When he return wsetable market in South Whit-and was honorably di>charg from the air force he was a tier and was at one time relie.l manager ln the field for the Safe-pointed purchasing agent in th way atol"el company. He also ia a civilian department of the San araduate ot the Fullerton schools. Ana Army base. He comes her During the lut year, tht. youna from that department. man 1erved as a staff sergeant Story said tod.&¥ that his open air establistunent which faces th e n s H 0 E s entrance to the Balboa Pavtlio and can be seen from Centr al avenue, as one comes down th e Kepalred Wb11e y.,. Walt promenade leading to the pavilion Ray Pagan will be equipped with all the lates t 1so types or freezing equipment • 615 East Bay Front that there will not be any ch an for !poilage of foods. Nen -to Bay ~ c.lo A quick.freezing unit, a holdin ce •a.m.tolp.m. g e unit a nd a refrigerator case ar some of the types of equipment -Waxed cups and lids for carryin g e the cocktails will be used, h said. \\rlFE BEATS HUSBAND DE AL:' S to J. ~1 . ~1iller's real estate facto Famous at 15t and Central, HArbor 1242 -Adv. Fish s..,oked Always Fresh WILLEY'~ REFRIGERnTian 110 McFadden PL ERVICE comPnnv Main Store: 101 11.lcbway --~-920 Cout Blvd., Coron.a del .,.At RO&d to Balboa bland" Temporary Phone, Day 654 guna !leach; Phone Night, LajiuNl Bea<:h HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions bqure at CARR'S FEED STORE 1827 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. 0. Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting . . . off the Newport and Balboa Piers ~e:..t.r o~~ve ~t. A~ George Hiner Pa,,coad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • AUJMIN1JM ...... T--0_.. 1111-....-.-··-"'"'u .... -.... z .. ·o.· ~stn,_ 81i Cout Hlgbway PhODe Beacon 5881-1 GORDON a~ FINDLAY • Otftoo• MlO o-& Blvd. ._ B.arllor ill CABINET SHOP SERVICE CJABINETS AND MILLWORK T. C. JOHNSON._SupL WI SOtll 8-!'MM• -r -I WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (llO -80 -.. Da,.-) Martlro'a bwlte ,... to oome 1nu11---...·-•t. Our -aft complete -IM la-1111111 al. ,_. ,_..._.... Natlaee!l7 Adnwtll "4 BW:ADY-TO·'WE&B . mARBROf clanta a,,,a, • IU WWI! Clrll llr. #&Old Ull 11 •Bia• .._ h n • 1 1•.e.· ..i-.1117 ' . ............... • - La •••W BALBOA 11awr11M• llf ' • ~- Over _.QAPPY EVEN'IB In W In Harbor Area ,ooo t. Per111lts lss•ed for B•Hding on Mesa Tuatln A...,_, acldltloo llnd resJ&lr ilftl1lns - aide <it Tllstln At:ut al. lTtb st., $1!!5fl. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Horne, 2126 Thurtn street, Coota Mesa. are parents of a 500, bom June 19 at Santa Ana Community hoo- pltal He weigh.,i five pounds, thirteen and a fourth ounces. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mn. Nebon Stafford, 1516 West Ocean Front, on June 21 in St. Jooeph's hoopltal She wel&hed six pounds and one ounce. It was a son for Mr. and Mn.. Don New, 105 North Bay Front, Balboa. He was born June 18 ·in SL Jooeph'a hospital and wel&hed elgbt pounda, two and a half ounces. ' Tech. Sit. and Mrs. Lawrence Hittle, 214 32nd street, are par- ent.I of a son, born June 22 In St. Joseph's hospital. He weighed six pounds and lour ounces. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett, 620 Cliff drive, Newport Heights. are r eceiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, who arrived June 21 in St. Joseph hospital. She weighed six pounds, fourteen ounces. Lady Luck's Wand Touches Bassetts And Lo, They Win! Ir' Lady Luc k is playing favor- ites right now, certainly Mr. and Mrs. Rich Bassett are high in h er favor . Attending the Llons club first annual fish fry and carnival, Lion Bassett, coming late, boua;ht somewhere about the five thou· sandth ticket, which turned out to be the top prize winner. The Bas.sett home being equip- ped with electric refrigerator, \Yashing machine, toaster, radio and other prizes or which a choice could be made, the winner decided to take the alternate cash award of $140. stlll bOlds the lead arowin& COOllllunlty unty, according to Deirrlllts lslued last week by the ty building deport- ment fat ~t attL Permits -... issued to J . A Peatte, d Broadway, C.O.ta Mesa, for J five-unit multiple dwelling on r the north side of Broadway, o6e-balf block east of ' N...._i Blf, $17,000. To Tom ~ Broderick. 1807 N. Main SL, s.fita Ana, for a dwel· ling on the 1*'th side of 21st St., east of ~a · Ana St., $3500. To Eugene P. McGovern, 302 16th St., Calta Mesa, for a resl· dence on south aide of 16th St. at Santa Alla S t., $4()00. To C F . Boster, 1672 Flower St., Costa ¥esa. for a dwelling on the sou~ s ide of Flower St. near ~ St., $4500. To R. P . rEtt ol 1914 New- por t Blvd., Costa Mes:a, for a dwelling on west side of Oturch St., north t" f 19th St., $4()00. To James . Harris, Rt. 2, Costa Mesa, for dwelling on south- east side of Rochester St., south of Orange ve., $88)(). wners ••• c ' By !the Yard Wide Wldµl&-All Lel1i:ths Santa Ana Tent & .Awning Co. 1829 So. M.ahi St. Pboae20'7 SA¥fA ANA • To A W. Barnes, 216 E. 18th SL1 Coota Mesa, for dwelling on east side of Sant.a Ana Ave. north of Orchard St., $3000. ' To Benjamin LaMotte, Rt. 1, Coeta Msa. for dwellinc on north aide of Irvine Ave., south of 17th SL, $10,000. To J . Stuart Innerst, 1724 To R. L. Moore, Meoa, far a dwelling OD S. Anaheim AW.. betw""" 19th and S ts., $tOOO. NYLON 8.U.. could be I conducted ID one of the b~ locations llatal at J . M. Miller'&, ~ ..Ute, 15th and Central, HAr!-12C2.-Adv. ---------------------· G -1 F T S for the Baby Baby Rings - - -Comb and Sets -- -Sterling Silver Spoons and Cereal Bowls. .rush pups, At HAR~~s ' Jewelry 1821 Harbor Jou1evan1 Costa Mt- u:e <>:•:•:• I 3 I h 3 +'.)('.+ I 1;1 3 M I I S <>::>:::> I~ I i +;; M e + lllllo.-.....1· • Going on to the amusement sec- tion, Mr. and Mrs. Bassett play· TICKETS 1 1Now Oil Sale llflf'I .t Tf..tM If.tor ro wo1t '01 rou FREE/- BEAUTIFUL BALBOANS. .Joyce Lugo of 914 E. Central avenue. B&Jboa. and her nlne--montla--old Scotcb col.lle., Stormy, are abowu enjoylnc a walk on the equally be&uttful Balboa plua. Joyce'• bu.- band, Johnny Luco, l8 part owner of the Balboa Texaco station. · -photo by Arsene. Deckert Invites People to Visit New Surgical Supply Store Friday Night Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. PMM Beacoa All Ill OOAllT lllGllW .t.l' t.T TID 4SCRM 114W.4t11St~ PA8ADBNA LONGUACH • N. ft "I ft. ... !Im , ....... _ .... _ ed the game! and each took' home a big basket of groceries. Later in the week Mrs. Bassett went out in the yard, picked four hy-~ drangea blooms and took them < over to the Orange county flower Ca) show. You guessed tt, they took cQ the red ribbon. 11DE TABLES LOOK -o- lla.m.-tp.m. • Gryphcf Productions 1J ·;::: ~LAY~OUS[ ~ s tj ARRING Z J 0 H .N EMERY ,;g of th Original N. Y. O Prp<tuction in- A GEL S REET 0 .c: ~ ' \ --- -* i :t1iee free punpblet1 ...m help you bdcle the f"gh Jobs the rigbl -1· They go all-out to ... you tim., _,_. Oiedt the OllCI you need and uk UI todayt D P-GtU4 D .c ... r..hri<;- P-J>hl" o '{f,:t,f;' u.1w1<"'io• O TrtKIM RoU.,. L#bti- """ P-J>hld D Wind &m.g s....;,, BooilJd D P1 .. 1 S<rvlt< (th.ii, recortls, cosf.for.u for oper•li11g ~11cis ail lr<1&tori sd'r'1;{1<"'11J... . ----. --_, . ---- Clayton nompsod Whok 11le DlstribnUon I Phone 155 Bes. Phone tdet Your local distributor for STANDARD Of CALIFORNIA PHODUCTS ' EXPERT DRIVERS The Greyhound bmdmer bol of lkill and -.ice in poftlllioa. WUI! him yoa • knowledge dw behind becomeasym· ocorlzedcnu- t:ninedal"•tt.-ofdlf·-~ Both tninia1 ud ,,Cl rl!didon pTe die Gttyboaad elmer _.._ . pdde ii bis ability. New: cUiftn, -oC. J>- • • • L..11 di -ea1..-:e, naate a ..... moo en _,. of ia1M••e 1 · tniniog beCod I , twkhw09S CIG their -TB., Jlllllt ~ t:-. , • ' - cenain physical aod meow -(llMD1pUl$e co !hole of the Amq Air <:oipe. Alld .... ot, Gstjbooad'• foaner ~ 41:fs'•?• ~ ~ 11t rb,e wheel m. ....fj., kadieh wtr-. . ·--&er. -. ....... Gt.,Jlcll:Ijld _,... .. __...._._cLi.um ... are equally &med,i>r,.. die;r ~· + ..... ':°8~··~ lefP!o(---~ tm'eliDg by Gujlioaad mon dim ~ a way co lo"p';c-. ,, _ j l • • (J f' l· ~ -.. r ·' I Fii .Tll lllT I ·1 I I I If I F t:I •• :1I.I1-Y• I 1 J .1 I i ,y , I Ii I ' .. '""1.' ·~l PACIFI Ga I Y H 0 U • D J. I 91 , .• .... , ; ' - , • • • • .......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~.J--!!!W!!WCISl'll:!!!!!!..! -Bc~con Bay Girl Weds in Pretty Ceremony at F • • • • • Balboa Circle Your and •ht ~·=~S:;!.~:::~:!~M=Fkr-Harbor. . em1n1ne Act1 . it1es E~~i::tw.-in~i:~:.-::.= mony read recently at U.., Oiapel ence Andenoo playod •At Dawn-dq at . tbe home of Mn. Pete Mn. ~ McConnell. wl>o b9 ~ tbe Sea. Ccrona do! Mar, Ins." "Andantlno" and the ftcl. PhmW 13 and 2M + By w;wtJ'l!d Butln + ~ 1637-R S.tty, Undo avenile, and elected been vlsltlnc Bob Murphy at Santa aftited In marriage Rae Virelnla · march. olficen for the new year. Namod Barben. • ....,,,t visit from Shepard. claucht... of Mn. Jack din& G I' M M II F k V R d Ca 11 d wwe Mrs. StejJben Wea-d, her oon-tn;!r· Malo< C>ot Om>-Bojlan, Sil Beacon Bay, and James FoUowln& t1>e .,......._. a re-Tiny 'Circus ir c i an-un ows epeate at pi a e Old J!: d E poesidont; .. Mrs. s. Heyman, v1ee-rad. who 11hl; 1n 1rom Burpb-. :C '!.:~. r.:! aa~ :':"°.m:" :-1 ~ca!'."'.: Observes Birthday San Antonio on Traditional Wedding Date L n J..B:ta sed '{J?Jt ~~t:~ Ei!.:"'°~:;..::, ~;' ·~ ~ ~~~ Flmlt <if Corona do! Mar. cu't and a delldouo buttet aupper Patrida Ann Schultz. who Is Oioooing the'Capl]la de San Aon O -j, y I tttuurer, and Mrs. J . K. Elllott, home,~ a';~· Coa~";' The bride wu lovely In a gown was served. Afterwards the "°""g Just three yeara old and wants to tonlo ne":~~ as~ Family Gathers Sd>ool chums who bad not aeen ~ leader and publicity ;:::ey ~~ttt~ ~ at IOft white net and a shoulder couple left for a honeymoon al be a "c:ircus gir~" bad a ctrcus of their,. '"-· and a --eacb other In 37 yean enjoyed a ctwdren. bert d N af wlJ and she carried an old fa.sh-Carlsbad and oo their return will party for her birthday recently day traclitional to the third ,.,.. At Elliott Home visit ~tl:r when Mn. J . w. The next meetins will be July Seattle ~ came an clown~ the ~ bouquet of butterfly orchids reside at 1860 Laguna &Vf!Due, when her mother entectalned at eration, vows were ~ated . Holle~1 of V~ Ore .• wu a 17 at the home of Mrs. Elliott. wedding of Mlsl J ean Funk ut4 and bouvarilia. She was given in Colta Mesa. their home, 346 Poppy avenue. Thursday. June 20 at 7:30 p.m. Mn. Eugene De Bra and chil· guest for severi.l days at the borne . Dan McM.illpl Ol'I Th\ll"lday marriage by her brother, Irvin& The new Mn. Buell receiwd Small guests were greeted In ~d J=-=e~~ttt ~l ~: dn!n, Bonnle Jean and MarilyJI, of Mlsp Elsie Newland, Coast CDM p rty Harris __ ~alley of HonYwooo, Sbep&nl. founerly ot Pasadena. her discharge from the Wa""9 lut the entran<:e hall by a clown and Coa M • and Den ot Inglewood, who have been boulevard. a fatbtt of v;.,, Harry Garther, - Mn. Miles Saunders of Pua· November after two years of aerv-animals and 8 bi& balloon. with ange avenue, ta eta. visiting Mrs. De Bra's puenta, Mn. -fHollett and her daughter-, 8 guest fcJ.-8 few days at tb4 · clena, matron of honor, was gown-Ice In Wuhlngton, D. C. Prior a girl'• '.raoe and gaper curia went ~:i"°r:~f ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. John K. Elllott, Mn. Cleo Dodd of Salem, Ore., Wally Gerhardt, Corona del Mar Gartler ~~ In Newport ~q ed In pink tafleta and carried an to her marriace she wu employed to 8 lucky wi.rfuei.. · n N Heigh The 900 East Ocean Front, Bal*. for have bffn visiting their son and pbotoerapher , entertained. at bis and sun~~ts were a brother: old-fuhi...,i ~uet of pastel In the ~ ot Clt:f Councllmail Pink Jemonad. wu ae<wd first. =~ ::""perfonnedts.by the the put~. reuived a IUl'll'ioe brotbef! Harvey B6gle and family home recently. Among the gueats Bernard Milley and family. Mr'. Do--. .._t mlon waa -o .. Z. Robel -ai bookkeepel'. then everyone "ent to the dlnillC· Re E D Goodell t of Saturday morning when Mr. De at ~ Beach, and Mn. Were Mr. and Mrs. Al Woodbury Bernard ~ey Is head of th! . 11.ctq jot'H•docton Parl. The Mr. B\ldll baa reeently been dis· room where cnpe paper wu v. 6.ri b th• ::":the Bra returned from the east, where D<>dd~~Ohd-th-. Bogles spent a day and Mr. and Mn. Pet>off, Los Los ~. manufacturlns cam _., •imltbtt .-~ blue charged from the U. S. Navy Air dra,.;ci from tl)O celling to look °::~ce of a ~un~ %1atives he bad been visiting his mother. here before the northern visitors Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Hollabird, pany whidj bears his name. with 1'inJl-troeebud hat and mat,cl)..· COl'Jll, having served several years like 8 tent. with colored be.noons pr d f . els • . With Mr. and Mn. Walter H. returned home. Pµadena, Clarence King, Long Ing gloves. in the Hawaiian Illands. He ii hung from the center. Table dee-. an Set:Ine; ~ff the bride's blonde De Bra of Burbank havinc arrived ? . Beach; U:roy Dugan, ~~rton; 1.----_.,,._ ______ _, F1oral dea>rations In the chapel now employed by Earle Hatheway, or ations were In pink and yellow. beauty was her gown of white Friday for the weekend, celebra-w c rr· u Me t J I 3 Mrs_. Pauline Boland, Phtlllp De N. w LIN g wtlh pink larkspur, white glad· Guests at the wedding included scribed "Happy ' Birthday, Circus sweetheart neckline and long day evening the latter couple were ( Hayward Westlake. g were keyed in pink and white, Laguna Beach. and the big birthday cake, in· brocade, the fitted bodice with its lions were in order and on Satur· • .. • • e s u y Lozier, Mlll!i Marian Anderson and Craft !reetin Carda k>lus and double Shasta daisies, the Messrs .. a~d Mesdames W. B. Girl," was served with ice cream. sleeves ending at the hipline in hosts at dinner at Victor Hugo's, 1be ~Newport Beach W .C.T.U. tatlonery lovely in the li ght of tall \\'hite Johnson, W1ll1am Hughes, Roland Later popcorn and peanuts were a full gathered sldrt. Her veil while Sunday evening the Eugene "-ill m~t Wednesday, J uly 3'with Five separate oil-bearing strata Broo ·ags V arietv candles. Pew decorations were ~ood. Robert McClay, W. L. B':'ell eaten from paper bags in regular WU of. tulle and her bouquet of De Bras entertained at dinner ~ Mrs. ~ Weatherford, 322 Al-have been found by the test well .. o..e i:'· o.-... - tiny pink old-fashioned bouquets, Jr., W. L . Buell sr .. Bob McKec.1as, circus style. •h" 1 di 1 w t ed. with the Johnson cale. vorado.place, Balboa, at 1 :30 p.m. · -~-~·~·~··~~~_,~.,.~-~·~-~-·~·~··~"'~ and all the decor a tions were done J Steinbach Norton P Lewis . '-" tie g 8 0 as as cen er ---------------f'---'----'---...:.-1 on U. S. Navy's Alaskan reserve. :.. J~ck Boylan: Irving ShePard and Patricia's ~othe~, Franklin a dcta~hable cors_age of g~denias . . .7F===============~=======~ children; Miles Sa nders, Mrs. Sc hultz, and his friend. Timmy and pink carna t>ans Wh>ch she Harbontes Play Large Part 1n Success Laura Bo Ian Mrs J L H 1 Holabird of Pasiide na, who 1s down later wore on her gomg away suit Qf O Co F . d 'H Sh Mrs y b S .t .M . ~m~, here for the S'/'T>mer , assisted in of blue and white. ' range Unty atr an t OrSe OW · · · argen · rs. · · entertaining, and !\{rs. Katherine !\laid of honor was the bride's r ~rg, Atr. and l\ilrs. Scully and Orr made all the animals that sister Miss Verna Funk whose -.. First to be held since before Rffd of Lido Isle receivOO an hon-ch~ldren. Mr. and l\1rs. Suderman, were used for decora tions. full-skirted gown of powder tilue the war, the Orange countY fair orable , mention for her exhibit. Miss Laura Wal~er, Mrs. Ar?yl S 11 t 0 Vl'd L made a lovely contrast to her and horse show which ended Sun-The beautiful display entered by Shaffer and Mr and l\1rs CorZltle ma gues s were a ucas, · d r d h •~ Mr nd Mrs Wal W · f . . . Gary Caldwell, Sonny Coffin, flo\loers, a shower effect of yellow a y was . ar _an away t e ~t . a . t~r e1_mer o Jr. Loren Fletcher , Pamela Tohill, gladiolas and matching satin rib-event of 1ts ktnd and drew an at-Costa ¥esa took a first prize. ---------~---------------Gail Anderson, Allison Christle r , hon. Little Robin Erwin, just tendan_ce of nearly 35,000 persc;>ns, The )parade on Saturday was O-aig and Boyd Ba iley, Peter and three, the daughter of Mr. and according to Mrs. James Irvine, thrilling to see, and sidewalks Nancy Nickertz, Timmie HoJabird M rs. Ralph Erwin of Newport genera! manager. . were ~eked for th~ entire line of and Franklin Schultz. boulevard, was flower girl, quaint Staged b Y the Assistance the parade. The silver mounted in a long frock of white net and League of Orange county to raise outfits l and the beautiful pa)o-Mothers present were the Mes-1 Mary ocation New is now settled in her and invites her former, as well as new RS-trons to the -• I Marine Beauty tShop !2'7 l\larloe Ave. Balboablalld dames Lucas, Caldwell, Coffin. carrying a little old-fashioned funds for a county cancer clinic, minos f ere a sight long to be re- Fletcher . Tohill, Anderson. Christ-bouquet. all Assistance League members membered. ~=:=:=:==:':=:==:::=:==::=:::=:==::==::=:==:=:=:=:~ Iler, Holabird. Bailey, Nickertz Gaylord Blue was best man and worked to make it the success it The horse show was the best f511alboa c}(arket More Than 30 Y~':.:'~.t.o u.,, Barbor'• and the hostess. ushers were Ralph Irwin and Hugh was. The Newport Harbor branch yet giY.en, and among those en-.------------------------...., SOI Mal:D Pb ho 85 Balboa, Call1 McMillan. Mrs. Funk wore flow· gave its efforts to the flower joying 'it from boxes were the -~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;Har;;;;;;;;;;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.mjj ered net in shades of blue. and show where entries competed for c L. Thoms, Ray Alfords, Everett C. D . M. Hostesses pink, and a white corsage while some $1200 In premiums. Acting in Gardin+'s. Mrs. Addie Haugh, Mr. eOlDRt. The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH~HEAT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storage Vault On Premises HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELED NOW AT LOW SUMMER RATES! PHONE 373 218 No. Broadway Santa Ana ORANGE COUNTY'S FOREMOST FURRIER Entertal·n at • Mrs. McMillan wu gowned In a supervisory capacity were Har-and Mn. H..S. MacKay, Mrs. Wal- pastel green lace and wore pink bar Chairman 'Mrs. Walton Hub-ton HUbbard jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bridge Luncheon carnations. bard Jr .. Mrs. George Yardley, L~ !Farwell, the George Yard- White gladiolas decor ated the Mrs. Chenoweth and Mrs. Nancy Ieys an4 the Fred Newcombs for- Mrs. Alfred Schultz and Mrs. Warren Fletcher were co-hostesses at a bridge luncheon Thursdax at the home of the latter, Orchid avenue, Corona del Mar. chapel, with tall candelabra, artd White, while Mrs. C. M. Deakins mer NewpQrters. ' organ music preceded the cere-helped classify the entries. ~· _· ____ _ Lou ~nn Acree to Wed 'Santa Anan mony. The reception was held Mrs. Willard Killion was in at the chapel with the bride and charge of hostesses and those from groom cutting the cake, which the Harbor branch included the was served with punch. Mesdames Jack Hillman, James Garden flowers were used for The occasion also marked the Ro&ers. Victor Grace, Dixon decorations and were compU-anniversary ot Mr. and Mn. John Smith, George Holstein, Don Mc- mented by the table linens In McMillan and of the bridegroom's Callwn, J . Addison Gurley, Porter i>ru\tel colors. ~ng the grandparents, 1'lr. and Mrs. Robert Durkee, Walter Franz, DeaJdns, luncheon cocktails were served in L. Dole of El Segundo, and the Henry Niemeyer, Harold Olrist- the patio. two elder couple were feted later ler, Everett Gardmer and William Mr. and Mrs. Homer S . Acree of Ont&rio, former residents of Newpotj: Beach, are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Lou Ann Acree. to Oliver (Bud) Edsworih Modin, 204 West 17th street, anta Ana. Six tables were in play and at a party at the Funk honM? with Wh\te jr. Assisting With the food first prize went to Mrs. Clifford about 30 in attendance. were loofrs. Dick Whitson, Mrs. Ar- Noldcr . Mrs. Paul Hall took The new Mr. and Mrs. McMWan thur Best and Mrs. Robert Powell. Miss Acree is a graduate of second prize and third went to are honeymooning on a ranch A Harbor branch member, Mrs. Newpor Beach Grammar school, Mrs. R. C. Hoilcs. above Bishop and on their return Houston Wit herspoon of Laguna Newpor Harbor Union High wi ll occupy the new home which Beach, was located In the patio school and a ttended Redlands uni- they have just completed on where the begonias and fuchsias versity.:Mr. Modin Is graduating Broad street. were displayed, and lucky indeed from th University of California, B alboans Entertain B efore Camus Dance Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Tohill cn ter tained "'ith cocktails before the Comus club dance last week, with about 15 couples attending. Among those present at t he dance werf' Dr. a nd l\trs. Obed Lucas. the George Lowes, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chris tler, the \V arren Fletchers. Jack and l\:tonica Zell er, Mr. and r-1rs. Paul Hall and the Dean Vampbells. 1'"1JDE BATHJNG ALLOWED in bath or shower of any home sold by J . M. Miller, 15th and Central, HArbor 1242.-Adv. Both young people Bfe gradu~ were those persons who went Los An eles campus, this month. ates of Newport Hartio-r U,U.On a\\•ay possessors of some of her He is c.vnnected with the Harold High school. The bride has been charming silhouettes. Brown qo1onial chapel, Santa Ana. employed at the Polly Apparel Miss Glyde Maynard of Corona The wedding Will take place shop and the bridegroom return-del Mar took three a"•ards with some time in August and will ed thls spring fr~m overseas, her lovely roses and Miss Jean probablY be in Santa Ana. wher e he sav.· service way ahead I !=============;;;;;==========~ of the front line while stringing 11 1 telephones for Gen. P atton's ad-1 , .. a ncing army, r eceiving the Individuality for the "MotheT·,o·b< bronze star for meritorious serv- icn. ~ NOTES of the . Balboa Yacht Club An innovation which should prove very popular ls the junior skippers' dinner dances which are to be held every Friday evening during the season. beginning June rf Wt don't haut' it, Wt' mal{t it, you Stt'! I crJonn~ctJ'([arie Shoppe 116N. -8t. --28. according to a decision made 1 i:===============1~=======~ at the board of directors·' meet-I . Ing held recently. Slated for the evening of June 29, the annual dinner of the PC neet has been postponed untll July 20. Saturday, July 6, is the race to the Isthmus at Catalina Ialand with boats radng for the GeorJ:e Strom Perpetual trophy. Skippers have receiwd a cordial lett... from the Catalina r.Jand Yacht club ~tary • treuurer, N or m a n Pabat. extending their welcome and cooperation to the PC fleet. which stays ·over that evening and races back Sunday. Becauae ol this cominc event they did not race this put Sunday. I T ' S AN HONOR• TO a" a y1 + Custom Dixon Smith ot Balboa Ialand bu been appointed chairman of the board of admlulon for elemen· tary piloting for the Balboa The ~ Door Opens ---on one of the Southland's freshest contriba· tions to the art of informal Ii V· and ing. We invite your • • presence your op1n1on. 12 Noo1, S11d1y, l11e 30, 1946 ·LANAI S·HOP 411 Coast Highway • Corona del Mar Power squadron. Tom Tupnian'a 14-foot Intema- Uonal, which made news ~ it arriwd by &Ir from Clewland. o .. at the Lone Beach Munldpol airport. didn't ll'Ot christened when it arrived. that beins Father'& day, but the Cft'<IDOllY may tak< place lat.... It .. -Oft - play at the 1-Beult -t ""°"'· BYC la •-tar the IJ>-tematimaat Rear Crm"'9dca"e Dick Fontan la the only - -·----· .._a.,. an an order for Pete 5erftll,..,.. Sdwncll and Wlllbr Smith. Miss Jeanette Shook Leaves for Berkeley ____ ....,_ af llr. -Jfn. Oomwl -ot -I"-L loft We"welQ tor a.· 1" ' ........ lbe wll1 at.- tad -AW ..... At the tJm._ -t:fol~ ---jalt ..-w -Santa AM lmdar ccD "' ___ ... lllrafDll.la. Af'ta> -Ml 1 Wr·CW.W ... wm ...... the ... .,. fll "'* ? ...... ·-··• .... v.c. ~ .... ·. • • , IN HPPHMINr STllHS ... > ............. ... ~' ~"--' C.221 del tQ.flS Good Selec.tion of- SUN SUITS Orkin's Department Store l 79S Newport Blvd We Have-- - SUITS -- -For Al Ages and sizes. ''lx!tween IG-f(' ~., ... , ...... ~ .. -.. ~,.,. ... .... .• ,, ......... , ···1: ............. 11•1 ~· k M ..... ..,...... II • I ......... ·-1:-11'"'1'·1'11j'-••-· s•' s'111.tr d 1111--dal: • .... •••I .. J If 11 I h•w• ... -I f' __ ,..., •Frh.zl1-•-_.W,_=, 4pe,6a ..... .,,.1:.. .............. .. ............. -•• I 'fpa I ... ..... .,,..._,. ,..,1:~.,.-.. r ,.....,. .. .......... . - l