HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-06-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB ., SAM WATER, WA'l'EB! Slowly . Newport Beach is pro-ceeding • toward a possible water solution, as Is shown by the forthcoming hearing at LagWJa next month for annexatioo to the Coastal Municipal Water district. It doesn't seem possible that so many yea.rs have elapsed since MWD came Into being, nor that this city has been sparring with the proposal of water weUs against Colorado river. One thing has proved certain through the last de- cade--that our weUs are not giving us such a happy out- look as in the past and that our underground flow has been getting less and less, due to dry years, increased population and resultant heavy demands. You can take a look at what is hap- pening to some of the irriga- tion districts on the Mesa to find the plight that will be this city's, if we do not stop twiddling our thumbs. • • • Laguna Federal "!'other day a group of Jocal Feder- als, (not cops) including Bill Willgus, Paul Palmer, Char- ley Te\Vinkle and the writer, visited the new $80.000 1 building ot the Laguna Sav- ings and oLan. It's a hand- some structure, Spani~h . type, for the most part the Cl'l!fttioo· of Secretary Andy Hall, and It's one of the slick- est arranged projects we've seen I na long time. The main floor has ample bank- ing facilities, while the upper story houses directors' quar- ters, lounging rooms and a kitchentor emplo~. The job is a Jong-realized dream of Mr. Hall, who has built up his organization to more than five million assets and rates among the largest in the county. • • • Annexation. With so much talk and discussion going on over annexation and incor- poration, may one insentent commentator point out to our esteemed city council that nobody has improved on the idea of annexing the practically vacant area from the Santa Ana river east to Corona de! Mar and as far north as 15th street. Some enthusiasts say 17th street woold not be too far north. In such a plan several thous- and acres of land, most of which is sub-divided, can be • added to the city and give the harbor a section that can be developed along the best and most approved civic planning lines. Both the council and the C. of C. can appoint committees that will go to work on It AT ONCE. • • • Not All Sereae. An eye- opening letter from a news- aperman . in the Philippines to a local man, says al !is not hooey and sweet-smelling roses under the Roxas re- gime, or as Paul McNutt ugrandiosely uts It, 'the Fili- pino people have spoken' (actually lt was the voice ot 1,200,000 against 1,100,000) -after this sad-sack of a puppet Hitler wa selected our parn;r folded up." 'Yes the picture h a s changed considerably ever since Viva· Roxas took over. I wonder If you ever get any news about the things that are happening this way. He's got a rubber-stamp congress and senate, - - -all opposition Is being swept away. legally and otherwise. His tentacles have reached into our Su- preme Olurt. U I had """'llh to tide me OVt!I" for the trip adn one or two years' start. rd gladly pack up all our thlnp, bag and bqp&oe, and mlcrate • - - ,_, furll'!t I WU ewr born In this country ot yes-dop C C 0 to South America, But this lllUllds -cowardly and I don't 1111!1111 It that way. I be11ew the ~ wlll re- padlete him I nthe end, when the actia! l9Jita at the cta. tudly wukbip at a bandt\11 at A-an "'='" .. with Raua tac • ftn. llllY ~ to Jllht. "If the A""""-i DeCllie tDOk u aan u an haar'a ,.. out to rwl ...... ,.,,_ IC n , ..... ..... • ........·os .esa · ·o I •. '• I Awllt-• Newport Balboa~New Times Ore b#css P -,a-ns~f o~r S-10-2,___:00=--0 W-o-rth------;;C~ost-a·-;--;Mesa--=--------;;;f;--:-ish--;;:-fry----;-fe-t-+e ----.lMunicipal Cooncil w New Home Construction Are Revocafion of Lice ses filed in 10-Day Spurt Here Will Follow Vio ations Union Iron and Steel Co. Executive and Santa Ana Lawyer Are Among New People Locating in Harbor City. Valuations Now Hit $226,000 for Month. Plans for the erection of $102,900 worth of new home construction wer e filed within the past 10 days with the Newport Harbor city building office. This briogs valuatlom of total building for the put 2S days of the month to $226,220, Chief Building Inspector A. M. Nelson reported today. Hlghllghting the applications for permlU. for the new home constructions were plans calllng for the erection of three large homes COllting $17 ,800, $15,000 and $1S,000 each. In all, 16 new homes will be · erected in the harbor city area. R h H Several home owners flied plan• anc orses for new addition• to present build-Rescued "in One ings. About $2850 worth of this type of building win be done. Of Three F"ires Other owners filed plans for alterations costing $450. Plans for new hornet were filed Three Harbor fires kept fire de-- by the following persons: partment crews jumping Sunday Jack Berkeley Hughey of El Monte, a two-story single family wtth two grass and brush tires and dwelling with attached garage at o ne boat conflagration beltlg re- 116 Lido Nord. Lldo Isle, $17,!K>O. ported in the course of the day. A. W . Lewis of the Union Iron Most spectacular fire of the & Steel Co., Los Angeles, a one-day occurred at the Nimmo Ranch, story, single family dwelling with detached garage at 149 Venezia which is a part of the Irvine prop- avenue, Lido Isle, $15,000. erties lying adjacent to Corona del Valentine P enberthy, a two-Mar, where a brush fire was re- s tory dwelling with two-car gar-ported sweeping over the bluff at age at 107-109 "B" street, Balboa, 1 :52 p.m. This fire. presumed to S13.000. have been started by a stray Mr. and Mn. Hugh Haley of cigarette tossed by a passing mo- P. 0 . Box 892, Balboa Island. a tor lst, swept through the dry grass one-story, single family dwelling destroying a hive of bees, treel. \vith attached garage at 235 shrubbery and a telephone pole in Poppy street. Corona del Mar , the vicinity. The corner of the S9500. ranch house w as also licked by o. c. Twigley of 518 w. Cen-flames, but no damage to the tral a venue. Balboa. 8 one-story house w as reported. single family house with attached The stabl('S of Lionel Harris p;arage at 435 Rivenide avenue, Wl're threatened and property, in- NeY.rport Heights, $7000. eluding ma ny horses valued at w . Irvine of Bell, a one-story S50.000. \Vere saved by efforts or rrame duplex dwelling with double \vorkers. Vince Cusumano of the garage at 4502 Ocean Front. NeY.-port tx>lice department was S6000. instrumental in saving many of 1\.ir. and ?.'In. Ted Russell ot the riding equines O\\'Tled by H ar-ris. Some $200 worth of haY was 211 Dahlia avenue. Corona del set ablaze and destroyed before Mar, one-story d,...·elling v.it.h at-the fire was extinguished. tached garage, same address, $6400. This fire dwas h andll'd byCosthe A. G. Slemons of 113 P earl county fire epartment in ta street. Balboa Isla nd. one-story. ?.lesa a nd aided by Engines No. single family dwelling at 217 Gar-3 and 4 of the Newport fire de-- net street. Balboa Island , $5500. partment. Atty. Delbert Larsch of 320 At 10 a.m. Sunday morning, Halesworth street, Santa Ana, Engine No. 4 quelled a grass fire one-story single family dwelling at on a vacant lot at the rear or 920 212 Garnet street , $5500. Ocean Front, Corona del Mar and Robert B. Lynn and Helen Lynn no property damage wu reported. ot H ollywood, one-story dwelling Starting the engines of a boat with attached garage at 601 Be--before gasoline fUmel had diu1- gonia a'-"nue, Corona del Mar. pated after refueling, WU listed $4500. as the cause of. a bloat blue at Harold Wellman of Loo An-the Shell dock on BalboA Ialand g~les, one-story house at 221 at ll:<il a.m, the fire department ~d •~t. Balboa Ialancl, announced. $4000. The Susan, boat owned by Clyde E. Sborwood of 121 24th Frank KllllDech and Stanley •~t. Newport Beach, apartment Swaittech of Loo Anilels, aulfer- over present building at 410 32nd ed damases amounting to $500 street, Newport Beach, $3000. when a guollne fire broke out Jacoti A. Keldrik of. 117 46th below deck& after retuellnc . The street, Newport Beach, one-storJ tire boat and Enctne No. 4 quelled single family dwelling at the same the blue before further damage a ddress, $3500. wu incurred. Historic Site of American Revolutionary War Visited Just returned Jut week from ~ the area u ""tntenlel:y ~au­ a ~mile trans-continenllll r•il Wul. even to the jaded traveler.'' trip and attendance at the Jbt At Spoka,,.., the orqup entralnod annual convrrtion of Kiwanis on the Great Northern line and lntunall<'nal in Atlantic Clty la journll!"yed eutward over the R. W. Bertine, pcomlnent Harbor no<tbern route to St. Paul. It reldent and civic booot..-. who wu on thll leg ot the jour90]I la lftparlnc bll .,,_t on °"' con-that Ibey •'-'1 at Glacier Na- clave for tile edification ot the tlonaJ park In aome pretty cold local Kiwanis dub In the near ---..,,. ot the Kl- !utuft. -blc-wta:o _., ---Bartlne. lieutenant..,__ ol onry cblelo ol the JJ>dian tribe Dlvllloo Four ot tbe California-J"kllnc In tbe am. It .... ct.- Nevada dlatrtct. left the Sout-.. acrlbed by Kr. Bart1ne • a piwttJ Padtlc depot In Loo Anpleo In aood lhlndlc- orwnpany with mo 3lO Klwanlano Tbe Klwulanl arTlftd at St. In "'° special tninl numd tbe Paul at U p.m. cm Saturda)' DIP! Gold and -~ -and -.. awl •• the llatiOD by trawled north to s.crunmto. At a 100-piect bud wbo PNCltlll !be· state CO(lltal. -Qr\oa4 to marcb -with snat r-.... ot club Die ........ fnlm San ....... -the main tbciroulbfuw to the doeo and tbe Ba7 -jol....t St. Paul bolti. Wilen tbe .,_ tbe ...,....., -U. on------Attbebottithq tnve!ed on to Portland, -to. _.. tNated to a band wt $pnb• -• -.... bold In tbe -- It la ---let )le. .. -......... -tbe two dtllo, -Bir-LN¥1nc St. PauJ cm U. ---·-"'""'--'=ottbeWat. BP' rb (0._cm._~ Minute Order Amending Regulations Aimed at Owners and Operators of J1iers Who May Be Considering Letting Water Taxies Pick Up Passengers for Gaming Vessels Operators of water tam who plan to carry pusengers from Newport Harbor to gambllq sblp11 anywhere In the Pacific .,._.. better give op the ldea. And owners of piers or llllp11 la the harbor ....,.. who may have been approached by latensfa see1dq: ~ pla<8 for their water ta.Des bad better take heed ' For the City of Newport Beaclt will not stand for the IMnance of any permi18 by private property ojners to ,_ thftr piers or lllip11 for 9llcll pwi- To make IW'e that no Ne wport State Car Rams :.~. ~~.I ~ N.= Machine • rour Beach Oty Council In 1pedal ..,. ' r' olon at the city ~ Monday af- llOENE 8BOW!r 80111: OF Tiii: TBOUBANDS of people ...... attended tbo earnl~ ..... fbh fry c1-Girls ShaLen Up ,temoon passed !Of first ..... ding by the Coota M-.Newpon uo .. ehd> la -.it of charity ...... uy. 'l1l1o -..1.....•-r ... ,.. deplc.. ft an amendment to city pier tt&U-,... --'·llona. • . toWMlotk u they wait ta tbe '"dlow liDe'"' for tenfnp of the delicious ftsh. Funda reoelftld from the -. sale of ticket. to U. CU'lllnl wlU be net to ba:llcl an athletic field for eo.ta M~'• fOanpten. Miss Marcia Friend d 526 S . Thu: amendment would make tt ---photo by Neill Beckner, Balboa. Sycamore street, Santa Ana. and 1 lllegal for any pemon within the Sen. Knowland ~ Setures Reinstatedlent ¥~;:~~=:~E ~~~~~i:~ Greater Central : Valley .Pro1·ect fu~d , ~F~~::7:~1 ~-::: =~:: :~~ ~ I 1 transport.lion wu specifically According to a t"eJX>rt ~ mentioned in the: minute order Pl W·11 Senate Doubles c s k ~~~'.: ~~";e~.;: ~-:;: adopted by rouwi; vote. anners I ' oun ee s in the theater zooe -the llC-Commercial owners or operators ·S-m for Shasta cldent occurred. One of the of Newport Harl>Of piers will be nurses was thrown from her' seat notified by the police department C t . . Dam, Reservoir p t• by the impact of the crash. I that the City of !'lewport Beach Oopera e' 1n ro · ec ion According to information re-=..,.re:~"...1:1.e wt'':ita~!s :'i:'~ W ASHINGTON, lunt '!5.-U. s. ce1ved from the Friend family m new city rul A C Pl Senator William F . Knoy.•Jand of Santa Ana today, the driver of the e. at F B h 1 1 h. did ot • h " City Attorney Ro1and Thompson ny I Y an .~;~!~:~!:,e:~rc;;tt~m!:t 8:1~: or eac es ~~~ :~c a1;~ress n; mf:: as~ •aid that the city 1of Santa Mon- . Crntra l 1 Vallf'y Projttt funds ~~~e~i1~~r~nfoThrmouatig.onh -~en'!'.!: I ~~ anw~~~:~~';o~~it ~sat!: \\'hlch thf! llouse cut out of the :uldl\. """ of "If an y mf'mber of fhf' Balboa 19-'7 lntf'rlor Departmf'nt Appro-LONG B~ACH . June 4.-0r-ll-·Jiss Friend had the presence of I any .of .th~ piers or sllps within lmpro\•emPnt assoctatton \\1ll I prlat:lon Bill nou· before the Sen-ange county! civic leaders a nd se\'-mind to call out the number <:A. the ill junsdictions for the purpose brine forth a plan for the brnf"-at e. eral municipal officials who at-other car to one of the nlll'Sf!S with oollined in the lbcal municipal flt or the Pf'Oplr u a \\'hole and t ended the rn' eeting called by the her who wrote it down. minute order. · As r f!portt:"<I to the ~rn3.te by , The members of the city coun-not for narsonal •aln, the city U S En.nnee-here las t Thurs -8 It$ Appropriations Comm ittee this · · "'" '" • I t II L d1 also discussed the possibil1·1y Plannln• romrnJ!J...lllon ,,111 be more day wer e b n r-nl today as ns a ongmoor \\'Pf:k the bill carrt~ $20 8S6.610 '='--" of limiting the oper ation of games than ,,·llll nlf to cooperate !" for Central \'allf'y "'orb. prac-neither ap.l.roving nor opposing •--Ide . 1 Ed All h . f th N posed ~ I f h Assoc1"ated Head . harum bor cooommmmeurctnlatieszo. nes in the en , c airman o e ew-tlcally t v.·lce t he IIO.MO,lZO al-I pro e~tens on o t e Long port Harbor City Planning com-10,,.IMI by the House of Repre.eo-Beach harti>r breakwater to a Alth h h ciJ mission, ma de tha t statement last point near~al Beach . At Sunset T ight taoug t · e coun. granted tatlves.. Th~ &onate fl111r e WU on perm! for the pe t f "-Thursday nigh t to about 150 peo-However , the delegation, which 0 ra ien ° uu~ ple . who attend~ the regular ::;::6~~ ~~~h~h:,:;,~bty r;: included H~ Welch secretarY gamee of amusemep t for the BaJ- sem1 -monthly meeting.of the com-Federal Budeet Bureau. of the Ne~'I rt Harbo~ Clamber Walter E . Longmoor. president boa Fun Zone area directly after mission In the counol chambers.I . of Comme , and former a ty of Western Canneries, Inc... New-the conclusion of the . discussion, ,\lien's remark was an answer The restoration of funds was Engineer L Pattenon of Ne"·-port. Beach, will be Installed u there wu ~ Indication by to statements previously m ade byl m~de by the Senate Appropri-port Beach jd.id demand that every president of the Orange County members that the City commission John Vogel and other merchants, at.1om Committee after ~owland conside~au' be given possible Associated Charnben of 0..nnwsoe might outlaw all g~es next year. of the Balboa area to the effect appeared_ before the comrruttee in erosion.aJo the county's beaches. at a dinner meeting to be held at 'Ibere wu '°l'Tle! Qttestlon over that the planning commission was supJX>rl or the increases. At the P a tt and Harold Sprenger, 6 p.m. tonight ('I'Uetday) in Sam'• what constitutes I a gamblin& turning down requests for changes same time, Knowland presented actin1 :lot Orange county's Sea Food cafe at Sumet BNdl. maddne. Games of chance were ln zoning ordinances that would Warren's telegraphic Pr 0 te 1 t flood con I deparbnent, were Speaker of the evening will be mentioned, and ~ dkcuukm improve buslneu conditions in against the H ouse's "drastic cut." spokesmen for the Orange dele-Ray Rosenberg, man9ging editor dwelt around where to draw the that community. In detail, the bill now carries: gallon. · of the Inglewood Dall7 N-. He line. Councilman Isbell ulted Voeel and the other merchants $2,716.000 for joint facilities, in-Tiie e dtln encounter· will talk on "Sautbenl C&Hfonlla'• whether the council wu l'oin& to made their remarkl at a meeting cludinl the ator&&"e system at ed ero&1onl problema after the Future:• a••lder a new poµey. of the Balboa Improvement aao-Shuta Dam and Reservoir, com· Lone Bead. Harbor bn!akwater The hlgll Jlgllt of tbe -illll: CtJ Atty. Thompoon adYloed cia6on, Which WU held last pared with the House fleure Of WU ext~ to Its present We will be the ir-ntatiOD ol tbe the ~ that the cltJ ... mm Wedne9day night In the Rendez-$1,385,365; and again after the U. S. Navy annual award for net•• a' --bu the power to lectalate -1mt voua ballroom. $12,312.000 for Irrigation faclll-put jettl out from Anaheim tidpallon trophy. _..tlon of Ctttaln devices at any Vogel Implied that the Balboa ties. against the HOUle-aPl"O"ed Bay for i Seal Beach Ammunl-The ceremony of ~ -It -flt. community wu confronted with $6.2M,020; lion and~t Depot, the heartnc Longrnoor u preoldent, W. L. '11>ompoon aloo lald that the the procpect of taking one of two Sl,!IOO.OOO for the Shasta powei-wu told. Corttctlve meuures, Farrow of Garden era.... • "'°" crlllml policy wu to restrict the .,.._,oads. one that led to the plant, compared with the $970,l95 chiefly " and revetment con-president and Frank -al PD... to a partlcul&r rone, but graveyard or the other that WU allowed by the Houae· atruction, yvere required to pn>-Brea as treasurer will be •t•*"nd.· tllat ~ City of Newport Beach the key to making Balboa the Sl 000 000 eadl f U,. Keswick tect the bellch .. , with 1uboequent ed by Joe Ogle, awf:Jt ,..._. hu enr..-that" phw ol entrance to a p-eat cout play-• • or outlays: of Cub by the couilty and The program la belnc aaazc;a1 b7 the resulatlon. ground. Dam and Keswick Power Plant, by prtva~1 of beachel the-George Kelloec ~ Ymta ,.._.,_ The dty attomeJ" expeued the The Balboa merchant and oth-w 55 h10Ie. 70 thef.Houaechhad allowed only Orange ty men a.aid. ' who will be muter at eeie1.;n; UIAldm that It w<¥4 be diaaim- en urged mus oolldtatlon rather 1 ,., OT ea of theoe ltema; · lna!or7 on the part of the city ~~:1;lm~~ =~= !~~.·~ He1·1c1 0• pters to 0e1·1ver M~il ~u:~ ==:=: awrllnc that In the put Inell-pared with the $765,570 appvved UI the opplleatlon otl Paul Lorent- _. hadn't cotton -: far. by the H-. for all lwltchyank T 0 S&lta Ana in Federal Test ~~ 7~!:1:F Take Highest Honors . ~:~ J~.:~ ~~t~lB :::r =-= ::;"1!1"°m:=:~ ~: coptera frqn tbe 62nd Air Fon:ir round-trip flllbtL 1-B 1 C 12111 aoew tori an auto oerv- bue unit f•t Mareh 1'eld heft San Pedro and WIWIC' -~ Im lllnp at that itddr-; by J. will-be~' In the pttlirnlnary a aepante route -D -JI. -ol 1010 I S1xre -· llUl'WY made by tbe fedenl dU... AB flJdtto & Id I .a °'"""!" dot! llar tor a bot Goe ~ to cleterm-the Lo<t'*<d Ta 7 7 ~;. ~ ~ i:-k o1..:: b» the ty ot dellwr1nc 'Ille --- -• -& I 7 t;:t~cate · ,_ Am -11 to Oranp and ....__. . • . -....;.'-"',,;, Santa laDI nm to ~ 1illl • ,,_, , fll. .., ••WWW. oar. J'aot ~ fn>m G5mdaJe to P hw, M ...... -di? llar tar a paa II -. W D. C., who uilwod In ~ -"""' ...... -=:.r ::-~ :.t'!, ~ = .QC ¢_,.,· point ID tbe 1-A_,_, -I I °'> ..... .a llT ;::;rt .;;;,r-a --. ---,. tw It _.-. Fbwww, --. ~ • o6 Ille a.... ·-d!!e&. will -!be ---. o ........ Dua-. ----far - -· tbe ..,.ti fw -will -· ""' ...... 7 • • -• -..... l'Clllmll -mrt J"'7 :,1. belm,. °'-- -,&-. Oii I .., -llm',! Ille pk:lc-.. -de-.... -trips, -• -· u..,. ol iiudl will be ,,, •n If "'--ae .... .. 7 g Gall --r--···--11.1.nn.-, ~-.... After u.e WiV) ...... 0 • E 7 Vlilial 0... Sb:' Amii>' Air F..,.. __ ., ulelJ to start -..... -- -• 8&1111 ... • =-a ~-Ille -tlon ___ .,_._ ... ____ ~ ,._ Jwoi· a11it, -J'lold, ID iQ' -JU'tl ·-.,._ 1111---·-C..tn1 ---·Pp 111111°'*"-i.r...,AlrF____ ftNOW~· t0-7 -o6 .. w .. Dlpml I at. Ille "ftJbC w' ' -• IWI ._ ....... --.. ... .... CnC.Z. ~ om. I ....... a • .... a •• D .. -· .--s o c 1 as ........ andl<r•• ,, __ .... _. •• ---- c • • .. -\ , l PROFESSIONAL· DIRECTORY N EWS~T ... tM°E s I JI..,,.. M-··· 1 They Say~-.. t~El:t.~oa~ ~f~Je.::~~~~ PBONDI: JlliWfWI 11 -U --·-era ' appeared in print as fi>J. &OC01!1''TANT IH111Vli'f'Oll8 ;~~;~~~~~~;~;~~~;;:~~~=~;~g Pa 1°111& _.RarQ: S.t TJ • Dr. Barlow a.ple:j. ~Iowa: "Cons~t n!peUtion. evm ~-----------,1 -------...:..:::.....:.·---p 2 M t t EYeJ7 TwdaJ ... ft+ 0 J' Ar.-wm I V.a-e mYW !$ YEARS A.GO TOD&Y-&om ''Despite Q\11' technical know)-Mbwmer __. dlrector of tM of thful statements, wU1 event-1- 0.C. ... ElllUoa hb'' t c E'twJ' ..... 0 'I' Velw D the Ne~-port News,. June 24, 19'11 edge to provide plenty of food we eoDece allilla•atory-'"lf we should ually get people to believe them." ~-.. 8 T..u. wc:.:L~~ Raub & Bennett ~ Pa)·able in •Achance: $2.50 per )WI' ID, 0ranp Q:Junty; -:-~nt was made that have often failed to distribute it a·top our sciences and take-up ~ the copy left \Vashington, .a.11........_, b7 u. uauea !!I~ n.. 8ane70re ... 'sl' 1111 $2..15 per year to 4.tb ZCJDe; $3.00 per ,_r to 8tb w 8 big bathing '!"I parade waa ex-as ~·ell u we should. In the lon& poetry and the arts tt would be it ~ "Cl:>rnstant repetition, e\."m mT ~' to "'preaa' dSea .. I.a i. Newport;Jlh4,. Oailla._ ---=.:.. ~~ ~ N 8 ...._ pected to JatllTheOtybastreethinu obeaver Uthe view" no··nation ii any healthier. ,,wi sweet and nice, but it would of VNTR.trlHFUL statements, ~~= ~11':,.8111a•-... Trt!z'•• ltr•~• Dll·W Entered as Second-0.asa matter at the~~™ ewpil't11ca week end. I' u n than lb children or m<lft prda-be tbe.tQUah or-win a competi-etc."'· spite of my doubts, some-MOlliUD'INO a:am It Callfomla, under the A.ct ol llardll 3, l.8"1t were to be very much in prom.in-perous than its farmers." tive world." ~ expresaed in this column, OU.. IMe aa.=._~twla ._ 17 ~~::1~.._.. S. A. MEYER ~· starting t.rom Balboa Pa--• of the handouts of the \Vashington :.....---"---------'1'------------ AM D . PORTER • villon and parading through main Samaer W.U., Formtt Secre-• J RISE agenpes, and the figures they pul>- F . G. FROSf Editor streets of toWn. to be judged in tary of State-"Alter every major lish, 'I am still in a mood to be-A&llllHl'IECT Pll1'BICIAN8•8UBOEON&IUI w. F. DIXON - - --• Adftrt:Was Ma~ the afternoon, to actually enter war a tendency on the part of. the TO REMAJlK • • • Ueve l .. truthful statements!" !------------~ Print!Qll Plant, JOU w. ~ •-N':".'port Beach, CaWonua the water and nrim and then to great powers to disreganl the just Armand Monaco # appear o~ the stage of the ~boa rights of the great powers makes BOlf. •Ol!N PlllLLIP8 ·p •ts Ask d .... ,..,.._,_ Official Paper of the Ci"-of New port Beach Theater m the evening. 1•--11 fel -·t I -~ . emu e ,._,_.._.,.., .. •;, · .... ~ -~ ·"pload of Jum--t. uw •• ....,ey IS crow· A Ultle ot ftlo -F ,' E . 81' w Ba A .... ...__ " Dll !I ..... Local -··nm .. 0.. l'I 'f'-ber :.;~.,.ri~;i:, N~rt Harbor in& rapidly today." A Uttle of n.t: or reetion .. . -Lr ~~ - Active Member of CORRAL DUST Love has odd quirks .• -often it's mbplaced or its meaning misunde rstood. -.Jack Linds1ey within 30 days WU noted with the Pllllip •. .loel-Baker. Brltbrla "Ibe election ls over. I t was an o~ Ba Pi !ttl l•lrewoocl .&"'- announcement tha t the ahip 'Uon' repreeentattve to the UN-"l say interesttnc ~lectlon. <?8-liforn.ia._ in Y ers Loe Aqelel NOi" swtr ... had arrived with 10 000 feet ot that at lhll hour defeatism ls the ita governor I race, did something . Jwnber from the ~th. Harbor most slnlster offense which any never before done ln the United =1 resident.I declared that thlJ in-individual can commit aa:ainst the States, IO far as I know, and cer-more application to con- creaaed shipping would put New-communtty in which be lives : it is talnly never done before in Cali-stru a pier and one to construct ~-------.-----, port Harbor on the nation's map. the greatest sin&I• danger to the fomla, where previously only one e wa,,. in Newport Bay are Clinical Laboratory governor (Hiram Johnson) was re-ted b th E · · o· -Flnt albacore catch of the cause of peace." elected toe 8 second term. reP'Jf Y e ng1ncer1ng 1--Oalae IMMlrs: 9 _ &:II season was recorded by Capt. Most of the other races lacked visi<f of the Harbor and Shore- F. C Stancliff, owner and skip-Oeeenllulmo Cbalae ll.al-Uell:, great ligniflcance. It was a light line jSection of the War Depart-aad ~ appobatmeat: CLINlc&L IAllOU'l'Oll'f' H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ aad Smaeaa Hours: 2-5, by Appoia-t 'I'el"IJhone Bea.,.;. IMS Ul--~-- OONRAD RICJtH:B, M. D ..., .. ,, • ... lmaw • 120 E. .18th St. •CUSTA Mn>A H"'1J'S : 10-12 a.m.; 3·5 p.m. Pbone Beacon 5075 per of the '"Juanita ... Stancliff ~e-of Cldaa-''Unless every ciUz.en vote in most dJstricts. More Re-men 1 . Drawings, sho"1ng location TELEPHONE RAUOB 8SI ported a catch or. three large flSh respects the soda.I. order and ob-publicans seemed Interested than and plans of lhe proposed piers, !8SI W. Ceatnl An. of ~ piound! 15 nules off shore. He serves discipline, unless each has Democrat&. Did that Indicate any-are :en rue at the division's Los :.....-----------'I;------------ predicted a good_ ~ason. initiative and Ls cooperative and thing? I don't know. Republicans Angfles office, and objections, Russian Example Americans who are still inclined to look upon the Rus- sians as "dirty Bolshies" might take a note on civic cleanli- ness from a recent book, "Russia On the Way," by Harrison Salisbury, United Press foreign correspondent. One of the major taboos in the current book of etiquette, according to Mr. Salisbury. covers careless disposal of refuse in public places "In the trains, in the street cars, in the subways and buses." he writes. "you never see scraps of paper. Even on -In the classified columns the self.sacrificing, a new China can-and Democrats. in various dis· baseil on navigation interests ~---D_A_'f'_SCH __ oo_L ___ _ following was off~red :_ "A Good not be brought into being." trtcts, lost and ~·on, or won both musi be made before June 27, ti Buy--com er .. lot wtlh flve bunga· nominations, without any pattern. was announced. lows, $4000. Ch.akra,•a.rthl RaJecopAlacharla. The idea that incumbents would Application has been made by ZO YEARS AGO-eminent Hindu leader ln lndJa-suffer was exploded. c. A. Knowlton . 3409 Finley ave· -Costa Mesa residents sta rted "Russia doesn't \\'&nt an Indian The idea that the PAC has a nue, Newport B<>ach, for permit Mortimer School 11112 Conil Balboa hl.ond Grades: eon-. Proil&ntory SUMMER SCHOOL 'J:i;'0 G. A. Mortlmer, M. A., O:lfonl l'rlDclpal Pbone B.ubor 85! . the street. people are very careful to throw paper only in the trash cans. It just is not polite to do otherwise." their drive to raise $40,000 to settlement now. as that would rabbit's foot was also exploded. to construct a pier \\ith landing build a community church and I surely mean greater ~trength for The Governor, supported by the noatat bayward end. to be located social center. Britain. One can therefore see A. F . Or L. and opposed by the in front of lot 5, block 434. canal -100 acres of ocean front and f Russia wants Indian agitation C. J. O. took both nominations. The section. on the northeasterly side "-------------' bluff property, valued at $2,000,-kept at white heat until her own same thing happened in the 15th of and extending 30 feet into the DE..VTISTS 000. In Corona del !\far was of· plans for security and po~·er are District. Whe.re the radical groups ruvol Alto Channel, a \\'esterly arm .------------- fered for sale \\1th H . Cardoza completed." · exerted any influence. in F1orida of N'e\\'port Bay. Sloan named as gl'ncral sales or Texas or elsc"•her e, it was olr The othC'r application comes manager. Gen. D"igbt D. EJMobO\\-~r. viously because of the amount of fro"} The lr\·ine Co., Tustin, for -Clean Up Week wns announc· Army Chlef or Staff-"lntema· money spent and the amount of I i>c'rri)it to construct a marine ,\·ays ed by Mayor Conrad Richter . t.ionally, .,...e are now embarked on work which consequently cou1d and 240 feet or floating-type boat DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !8S3 U'est Central ·Phone Barbor U l ·I Newport Contrast this with an American subway. or one of those New York streets where drifting paper is like "snow in sum· m er," and the morale for American cities is obvious. U they put the same emphasis as the Russians on prevention instead of clean-up, they would have more to show and less to talk about. As it is, the tendency is to go through a year of un- curbed littering and then put a great deal of heroics and civic ballyhoo into ou r a nnual clean-up drives. The result of this philosophy is shown in the following word portrait of postwar Americans from the Portland (Me.) Press-Herald: "Paper, cigarette butts. tin foil, cellophane, and a wide assortment of our advanced civilization clutter our sidewalks, buses, depots, and other public places. Tin cans and bottles pile up in al· leys, woods, streams, fields. Paper bags, cardboard, chunks of metals and glass blaze our trails along highways. Junk and waste abide in back-yards. cellan;, garages, and attics." -Noticed in the advertising col· a great enterprise whose aim is to be bought. Jn one Florida district, slips· to extend 20 feet bayward of umns were fish prices: Halibut, free the world from the threat of field workers for the left·wing the V· S . pierhead line in Newport t7c; barracuda. 12c: yellowtail, another suicidal war. It offers group opposing the incumbent Bay: I'------------.! 12c; rock bass, l Oc. millions of Americans an inspiring gave dimes to the younger school 1~ YEARS AOO-challenge." children. to take •ctrcu1ars home -The Newport-Mesa Irrigation "to their parents," but gave quar· district and Fai rview Farms ,\.·at· Mn. Elranor R009e''elt. chair· ters to the high school students, T~P PEACH CROP Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HOZ YJ W. Clemtn.1. Barbor 1'80 1''EWPORT BEACH er district announced that they man of the US Committee on and 50c pieces to junior college had retained thC' law firm of Diehl Human Rights -"A democratic studl'nts. That's figuring it out! a nd Anderson of Costa Mesa to labor movement can be of great Keep that in mind, if the same represent them in the suit being profit to Germany. It will develop group tries it out in California. Be brought against them by a group freedom of thought and opinion sure to get the correct amount. of northern county r anchers. The and I trust t hat our military gov-One of the jokes in Washington suit, restraining the companies ernment will perm.it every free-hu been the difficulty most of c,.lifornia's peach crop. esti· mat~d at 546,000 gross tons, tops the _;iargest previous year, 1930, by 4000 tons. Sugar beet acreage has 'one from 44,000 acres in 1944 to ~ present acreage of 148,000, '------------..J expetted to produce 750.000 sacks ~----------­of s ' ar. from taking water from the Santa dom that is necessary." us have had in getting accurate Ana river bed, is also being returns for our own races. The brought against the cities of New· Renn&11 Morrison, Lord PreM· last 1 heard, I was 518 behind on port Beach and Laguna Beach. deo.t of the Coandl ln Ellcland-the Democratic ticket, with 9 pre-. I BARREDS M1mbers of the American Vet· er8!1! committee. meeting in Des MoiJts for their first annual con· ventien, will bar Communists from Dr. W. W. Westmoreland Dentist UIOl Cout mwaJ' OOBON& DEL M&B Phone Harbor !!!O Newport Harbor city officials could also take a tip from the Russian example. After surveying the beach areas of Newport and Balboa and noting so many evidences of broken bottles, scraps or paper, discarded cigarette packages and the like, we are inclined to ask the city council to authorize the cleaning up of this mess. It's an eyesore to both grand towns. It might be better for the mllllicipal officials to con- sider appointment of beach police, whose chief purpose would be to pick up the trash that careless picnickers leave behind after a day's outing in the harbor beach area. -It was noted that, although "Let us seek by all means to en-clnctl still to be counted, and the state had tentatively an-courage trade within the Empire aOOut 700 absentee ballots. I want nounced the raising of their a nte u much as possible, but not by to thank all those who helped me from $100,000 to $125,000 for the measures whJch restrict the ex· in the campaign, and most cer· the· ranks by requiring a pied.gel'------------..! More Gold for State grade separation plan at the pansion of world trade." ta.inly all those who voted for me. Arches. attain wer e at a stand-I'll try to deserve the support.. still, because county officials were 3ames F. Byrnes, Secretary of Congress hopes to be out around not quite positive about how to State--"It would be wrong to give August 1st, and I should be home proceed. Yu goslavia the whole of Venzia in the District September, Qc. -Joseph A. Beek. master mind Giulia. since it would transfer tober and NovemtJ:er. heh.ind the annual Tournament of from Italy to Yugoslavia the city Right now, the work ls running Lights. has announCE"<l that the of Trieste, with its 50,000 Italians." out of our ears here in \\lashing· current tournament will be the ton. I never saw anything like it. greatest ever staged. Floats from Ea.ti Gruber, Forelp Minister Neither did men who have been all over Southern California were of Au§trla-"Austria will always here from ten to thirty yean. If cxpl"Cted. press for the return.of Tyrol until it isn't OPA. it's the British loan, California earned its nickname, Golden State, fro m the and if it isn't that, it's Mexican vi rgin metal its mountains and streams yielded a ft er the gold labor, or housing, or imported w ho provide the service. the people \vho use it, and the public nuts. dates or figs. concerning rush of '49. That rush brought besides gold seekers, mr.ny authorities entrusted \vith regulation of its over-all opention which I am just about to make a tradesmen, artisans and others who became the stAte's first have generally cooperated in the effort to make telephone speech on the noor. I am as con- tourists--forerunners of later seekers after a different kind fident as I ever have been of !"ervice always better tomorro\v than it is today. The p rog-anything that the merchants of of gold-the gold of California's superb sunshine and math-ress of the telephone in America has sprung from the initia-the 22nd District. Including the Jess scenery. This tourist flow reached its peak just before live, the spirit of fair play, and the common sense of the Am· druggisu, do not agree at all with Pearl Ha rbor. Restricted only temporarily during the war the way their supposed opinions erican people. These have encouraged and nourished a de-are being presented In Washing. years, that flow now promises to reach new levels as the first velopment which the rest of the world looks at. with admira-ton. Putting it briefly, do you peacetime summer since 1941 approaches. tion. Without them, the tremendous accomplishments in "'ant nuts, dates, figs, from.famine Last \Ve'Ck &he h ead of a national travel agency stated countries, or from areas adjoining telephone service would have been imposfilble. famine countries, used so rar as from New York that "thousands of travelers in holiday mood possible to feed starving people, to tlie Constitution of the United Stat . 0 major oil company already has qitid out more than 4 11'1 milljon dollars under its military service wag~ pJan. by which employes in the ~rvices who have dependents recei~e up to 50 per cent of their regulkr salaries. ' . tr'HIS WEEK G. E. Gilfillan Radios ! LID 0 ELECTRIC co. Newport BMcb. already are on the march. adding impetus to the start of Th t n· t 0 .1 M A . or do you want th•m •hipped to the greatest vacation year in the nation's history; $6,000,-a Ir y I enace gam the United States to make a profit 000,000 will be spent m' the Uru'ted States by vacationists this Dirty oil dumped by oil-carrying schooners short dis-!or some exporter there, and some [ I 8-lr llervlco ] importer here, while at the same summer." tances off the coast of Newport Beach has begun to reach time, you, 85 citizens and tax-!!:~-·~~~ Much of that will be spent in California. Many of this low ebbs of the beaches and is becoming quite a nuisance to payers are being asked to send _ .....--- both bath d k Bath th food to these same famine coun· state's communities already are in the midst or campaigns ers an to store eepers. ers pick it up on e ~'.'.:·~~~~~~~~~~'.J~~·~~~~::ii:;:~~~~ designed to lure the tourist westward. Across the Pacific, bare reet and carry it into stores and storekeepers are having tries, usually directly or indJ,reCt- Hawaii beckons to more tourists who must pass through Cali-& difficult time trying to remove the greasy sediment from r------:-------'--------~ rornla. Railroads. air lines and bus companies, by their their floors. 24-Hour advertising efforts. will direct many thousands westward. It would seem in order for the federal marine depart-I Se!Vlce men and women. newly returned to civilian lite, are ment to enforce the law regarding the prohibition against Radio $ervice making good on their promise to return to this state where dumping ol unwanted quantities of this dirty oil so near to --[ many ol them trained, or through which many passed to coastline cities and beaches. An investigation by the Oil BOlllE. &UTO, llAlllNii theatres of war. Institute of this matter might also bring results toward the ll&DI08 llliP&'llED The stage is set for that other "gold rush" which will elimination of this practice in the close proximity of our benefit all of California; every county thus becomes a new shores. "Mother Lode Country." Mountains, seashores and sunshine ;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;;;;;======::; are the irresistable lure which California dangles before t;ravel-hungry eyes of Easterners. They will respond with a bounty that will benefit California in every walk ol life, di- rectly or indirectly. Tnlly will California's nickname, Golden State, take on a new lustre no less acceptable than that which shone from the gold pans ol the early day prospectors! Never Ending Service The history ol the telephone in America Is a ma;t remark· able one. In dynamic American fashion there has been de- veloped In this country the finest communicatioo system In the world 'Ibis system is enormous in size, but bigness Is only one ot its characteristics. It Is also one of the most delicately balana!d physical structures 00 the face ol the eerth. Eacli part is finely fashioned In ltllelf and ftnely ru-1 to w<ll'k In harmony with blllioos or other parts. Only the bellt In design, mantifacture, and malntenalM'P Is Kood en<iugh; fOI' a fleck or dust In San Diego can trouble an ear In Portland, Maine. Similarly, caly the best In hmnan opera- . tion will p'Op!rly Ene the telephone's purpoee; a careless act may deeply affect a human life. 1bere are many rea.-why this gJ'eet system W<llb ao well Uld Is so unlvenally Uled. You will find one reason In "tbe wk:e with a smile" and .,. _1w In the cunpllcated equ&· tiorll d. the research physicist. But there Is a fundlme"tal 19.., which UDderlles an the otberS. n 1s that the peqi1e C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S • NOW OPEN EVENINGS • SANDWIV&l8 • llUllltJllGm lee Clr.m to TRiit OS Ill NORTH.,MAIN ~T. • ' I . Burt R. Norton I . tu OoMi •tn.1' ••• .. nu N•pat ••• QmlK. • ONCE AG·"'·''"" SAM'S SEA F OD SPA Offen 1,oa ., l'lazat PIMe to Dime m Onsp <Joastr. Al~ew • • • Even the Location . . • Half Mlle Eat d. Old Locatloll on Coast ~. HeauMul New · Cocktail Bar We Lend SOdka Calltomla la the Savbc d. -SEA.FOODs - moa~~shan -vmr OUR KI"fi"'" - Sui's Sea FOOd Spa and Fish Mti:et -<-"atvv 'I (---) INSUB&NCE Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE • That 's All L lf'E ·FIRE · AUTO MAR l f'lE , ETC. BRIGGS & Ma cKA Y ;-:.: E . c ... nfral, Balbo.1 Phone Harbor 2Jl)7 Lincoln National life Insurance Co. "'1141 Mame l.Ddlcatert lta Chuacier" DON .JERNIGAN Phone Harbor 2M·B S08 Marine Ave. Balboa hi. ' OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen 81et.·m11 a.I AMt•emt hil.leMI Pilotte Rwbef ne... lrllJ E. .., .&.., a.a- MOBTICIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Begt•• ~-5110 OMta Meu Caltlornla OPTOMETBISTI! i Robert A. Crawford I Opt.. D. OPTOMETIUST !:)>a Examined • Gia-.. nttec1 I'llll N-rt -.., E. T. lluttenrorth, 0. D. o:-aw ...... ftZ8 QAMJM&D LEN8U DIJPQ(l&ft:D Glllw '•tr .. Ml :U 11 h1• W. o.e..I. ,&..., ft. ..._ Mll ···~-.... Jfslpret lluwl o.wt .. .::::::·.. .. 'tr ., • Ill' r• ..... el.,_ mf M E. Neff Woods, D.O. hsbw&w -: ........... n s 0 -... ll&J' _ ..................... _ . Dr. G. E. Tohill l'1IJ'*lan and 11ma-2209 Coast 1!1vd. NEWPORT BEACH -PD'OND- Offtce: Barbor U&-W Relideaoe: Barb<w U&-• u No IUMW'el'. t'&lJ Barbor a.. Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 \Vest Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Pllon. Buber 1018 No antwer : call E1Mc:oe &Ot .. & X·Ray Service Milt-On M. MuweU, .M. D. 1801 eout m...,, Corona del Mar ' Ofrice Hours: 10-12; :H PliM:me Barbor 191! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 17U US 8. RID 8t., Loo A.,- ~ 711.t By Appointmmt T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and Sarc- Mot Wmt Oea.b'al Telephone Jhrlxw 80I A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON tll Cout Highway. Harbor 5M Corona del Mar Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and Sm gw Ninth and 0-tral ,..._ (M!lu'. _....,.., ........ I NORMAj'i NJllCON, M.. D. Jledlatrlclan Certified by the American I Boa"fl of Pedla tries 1007 0.vlota Dr. LAcam -Telii>Mae 1..apaa 1·1- Laurence B. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 3%11 Marine Ave., Balboa hlaad n..J.e llaPbor HH Wagner I Druglw '"'•ale Dr.-o.w- ChlroP,..ctic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy I um CoM~ -I 1-~ -- ~tch Tape N9w on Hand Supply Limited -at- 5-TIMES Ho•se Cafe ~·-.. .,. •••• ClslL • • • • • \ , "rl•W~ "''.JUl-' "''""'"'fl...._ Piii ...... E 0, OnWW 9 T 1' r, 6-& !!II proving • choice c1e11c:acy to .-""'-Eddle ou ... 1e. of the Daloy Vets Open New PuaL1c NOTicE Puauc NoncE Puauc NonCE ..:~ ~t~i::: _:. ::W-::0 wbo like them. They find this i. caucbt -oJboaft Thunday. 1 -pr .,~~tb the -, the time or Y•"" to 1•• their fill o . w. King of Kine'• Landlnc 1s Mesa Malt Shop ._.. than 1oca1 or ordinary pubJlc mode ~ to the crier al oold ~DI KEMP. .JA.MFS P. oos. p11an a1 avlo .-- ot them. looking forwanl to the day whon benellt anc1 the said Qty Coun-Qty. eertllUd by a r<0po11olble 'fEU.O. COTNER SECURn'IES duood ..,. rdlneries. nae "Albacore fishing is v•ry the new live bait boot Sport King Two f ...vice men wbo ell bU made the ••Pot*• of said Bonk, or a l>ond u required by CORPORATION. a cupca-~ will ,,. pr.........t In a spotty," says A.I Forgit of New-will help "'1levi the burdon of =!Md total of-'""""' chvgeable iJpon a cllstrlct. low for an"!"""'Dt ~t Im tbon TITLE INSURANCE AND ;pea;t:vlal u' ~t avla--1-"Scme of the commercial puoengerl from hJs other boata. spent a For the portlcular clesaiptloa of tm (10"1 per cent ol the aare-TRUST COMPANY. a _. tloa exblbtt: • fishermen have been bringing ln Only a few short years ago one and a ball years ln tbe Pacific the 18.id district reference is here-p.te of the ~-Each b6d atlon, Trustee, THE l' DiST NA· 117 IPJOB'llC'-Jl!l·'· 4 N a few. Almost eveeyone gets one, boat carried Uve bait fishermen during the war. have opened a by made to said Resolution of Jn. shall be made out on a form to TIONAL BANK OF DOWNEY.1.,.-------+-------, Record crowds are fishing from n-.-o, or three fish, but no one has from the Newport pier. Now many new' malt shop In Costa Mesa. tention No. 3327. be obtained t•t the office of the a National BanJtinc A"'Oda~ the sport fishing boata out of made a good hit this week."' he boat landings around the H...-Roy M. Johnson .fonnerly ol Said City Ccundl hu detenn-Qty Engineer of said Qty. JOHN DOE ONE, JOHN DOI! Newport Harbor these days as added. "According to the purse have live bait boats in operation, ined and declared that serial The con~ctor to whom an TWO and JOHN DOE CXJRP()ft,. some of the best fishing of the ~iners con~tions are rig.~t for a besides those from t~e pier. As l Orance and a native Californian. bonds bearing interest at the rate award may_~ made will be re--ATION, Defendants. year is being done by N~'vp:>rt gOod run of albacore yet. more passengers desire to fish, 1pent four years u a ataff Rl'·1of six (6%) per cent per annum quired to him.isb with the con-You are dirttted to appev Im Harbor. iport.smen. All ;,ca: land· JimmY Stevenson had . this to other boats will have to be added geant in the Army on Padfic duty and extending over a period end· tract. sure$bonds, one faithful an action broUcht apimt by lnp are hard pressed to find say about the albacore s1tuat_ion : to the neets. and his partner, Royce H. Carvin, ing nine (9) years trom the performance bond in an amount , . )'OU enough boats to accommodate the "Pretty slow last week, but things BARRACUDA nSRING also f Or spent three and I second day of January n6! sue--equal to not ·Jess than twenty.five the above named plaintttf In the numbers of people desiring le fish . ought to pop, if the y are going to ON PU::R 0 ange, ceoed.ing the next October 15th foJ. (25%) per t of the amount of Superior Court ot the State m BarTacuda. white sea bass. hall--it's been about a week now." '11lJs 18 one of the best runs a hall years on Naval Pacific duty )owing their date will be1 issued the aggregate of the bJd and C&lllomia.. In and for Uae OxmtJ MARK bu~ and bull bass ii the r eport The Lorna Pat, skippered by Bert of ' barracuda on the pier we've as a radarman. h~under in the ~armer provided one material and 1abor bond_ in of Orange, and to annrer the cam- coming in from each landing, w ith l\fills, is bringing in b~acuda a nd had in years," says one Newport The partners have combined to by the ''Improvement Act ot an amount rnot less ·than fifty plaint therein within ten 4a,y1 VW :: l'l&wlww special emphasis on the barracuda. white sea bass. J:le ISh ultrytfngalbfor tackle store operator . "and the open the Mesa Malt Shop at 1770 1911", being Part 5, Division 7 of (50t %.ld perb'd. r nt of the aggregate alter the servicoe on yOo • thll (~·-lll.*B :: ot...a.''IM lew~ These long, slim fish are running a r epeat on the ruce 8 0 a-halibut are wonde rful U one can't Ne rt Blvd Costa Mesa The the Streets and Highways Code 0 S8l .1 . summons, i! served within UM -1 big these days. Barracuda eggs are oore he made at the first of the catch halibut out on the pier , they wpo ·• · y or the State of Ca.llfornia. to The Oty ~cil .of said Oty County of Orange, er within thh1:J ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==~=~;;;;;;,;~~~§~~~~~~~~ Just aren't fishermen , he added. announcoe that they will feature represent each assessment of reserves the ·nght lo reject any days if served elsewheft and J'O'I D YOUR HEALTH WITH ''Jn the last day or so, there is no hamburgers, icoe cream, Frost)'!; Tu·enty.five ($25.00) Dollars OT or all bids and . to waive any in· are notl!ied that ~ JOU • DEfEN r eason in the world why anyone and cheeseburge rs in their new more remaining unpaid for thirty formality int.a bid not affected by appear and answer as above re- can't get his limit of fish out establishment. f30l days alter the date of the law. l quired, the plaintiff will take 1'Jdc· O,ftJI ~'£ VW' there. Mackerel fishing, however , warrant. Dated th1f 18th day of June ment for any money at ctamaget 1111.ft'VJ ' ~ has been very slow. Bait has been All of the work herein ordered 1946. rai demanded in the 'Y<mPlaint. u Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop Z102 ~Front We Wrap Gifts OW:'N excellent and the weather is ex. PUBLIC NOTICE shall be d one and canied through City ~ ~ 1;-~Cl~ARTf arising u pon contnM;t. or will ap. ..-J actly '-''hat t he chamber of com-in pursuance of an act of the '-'~r 0 e , .. Y .0 ply to the Court for any other re.!'--------------..: mercc ordered." N~~·&:ERi': ATs'P'R~vA.V; SA~'t.L Legislature of the State of Cali· Ne , rt Beal~ CQ}tforrua. lief _demanded in the_ cemplaint. 1--------------- Brak en Lenses Duplicated Gia.Mes. Adjusted ii yes • Frames Repaired Examined E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. 311.f Weat Central Pb.one Harbor 2611 Evenings by Appointment DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Di-ls on band with choice of reduction onlt& • WE ARE WRJTJNO ORDERS ON RIGHT· .urn LEFT· BAND ROTATION DIESELS FOR TWIN INSTALL.A· noNS. CHOICE OF REDUCTJON U?\"lT S. On Band: 165 H. P. General Motors-New. See us for information on Venn Sever.in Diesels Diesel Generator Sets of All Kinds. PHONES The latter part of th~·\\'eek surf No. 248694. fornia, designated the "Improve--Pub. June , 25, . Given under my hand and Raf FEET Hu RT7 fishing has been a li ttle on the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE me nt Act of 1911", being Parts of the Superior Court of the Coun-· slo\\' side, but some good yellow. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I N AND 1. 2 and 3 of Division 7 of tht' o. 40161 ty of Orange, State of CalifCX'Dla · • FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS... A.N· h ' 24th d pril ~-fin croaker BrC' being caught by GELES. • Streets a nd Highways Code. ALI S SUMMONS t is ay of A , l""'°' fishermen on the Ne\vport pier Jn the )tatter or the Estate of FAITH Said City Council, pursua nt to (Action b~ght in the Superior B. J . SMITH, at ni ght. l'\1 a ny are aver aging 8 ERNST. I11com~ten1. . J the Labor Code o f the State of Court of fhe County of Orange, County Clerk and Oerk or lhf or 9 fish. ~1rs. Ali('(' Hill. 2'134 Noti ce ts hert>by gl,·en that the un -California, has ascertained and dC'· a nd ComQlaint filed in the Of-Su~rio~ Court of the State o! I \Vilma strPCt, Los Angeles. caught dersl~ned w lll sell at ~rlvate sale. to !ermined that the gener al prevail· flee o r th~ Clerk of the Superior California, in and for the Coun- a 25-pound halibut on the New. ~~econ1~~~tl~~dor ~t~ s~~~or·~~~ ! ing rate of per diem wages in Court of aid County.) ty of Orange. port pier Saturday. on or arter the 3rd day or July. 19-4&. the locality in which the said By ROY J . IRWIN, Deputy . . l'l the offi ce ot 1'111..DRED GrLMOR.E. . · . r~-al S ' Court Richa rd R. H e nry, Ohve avenue. Attorney. 41 2 \\'es:t Sl:.:th Street. Loa work herein described is to be In the su5or Court of the State O>t." upenor Long Beach, caught t\\'O very nice "Angelea 14. County or t..o5 Ange!e111. performed, for each craft or type of Calif la In and For tbe Orange County) barracuda Friday on the picr and ~~'dte 1~fe~~1'00{'11'!a1~11 1':~zr7~~n1t11l~ of \\·orkrnan or mechanic needed Co ty oi Ora.nee Pub.-Apr. 30; May 7, 14. 21. 28; a sack full of macker('I before and 10 all the certain real proPf!rtY to execute the contract and also June 4, 11. 18, 25; July 2, 19'6 11tuate In the County of Orange., f(.ate h .. 9 :30 a.m. Barracuda and small or Californ ia.. particularly de.crlbed t e genera l prevailing r ate for white sea bass are being caugh! u follows, to·wlt: legal holiday and overtime w ork Lot 17 . Block "C." Laguna on the barge anchored off New. J.fel11;hts No. 3. Laguna Bea.ch . for each craft or tyPe or work· CITY 0 NEWPORT BEACH, a Municipaj. Corporation of the Sixth Class Plaintiff, \.'S. JESSIE K SCO'IT, ~ al, Defendants. GILL'S port. California, u Der map thett<1f men or mech anic to be as fol. recorded In Book 8. Pai::e 1 ot Mis· Harbor Man Discharged From Service William Allen Pollard, 412 38th str eet, Newport Beach, was re- leased from the Navy last Tues- day after servin g 14 months over. seas a nd plans to return to his civilian occupation of comme rcial fishermen in the near future, ac. cordi ng to a recent Navy release. Pollard, ""ho joined the Navy in September of 1944. participated in the battles for Okina"'a and Japan aboard the destroyer In. gersoll. Pollard, son of C. A. Pollard of Newport Beach. is a graduate of l·farbor J-ligh. cellaneoua Mapa , Record• of Or· lows: an1:e Coun ty. Temia ot Nie cuh In lawful money or lhe United State1 on co nrtrmatlon of Nie, or part cub a.nd bala.nc~ ei•!denced by note aecun!d by Mort- gage or Truat ~ on the prorrt' 110 aold. Ten per cent of amoun bid to be depo11ted with bid. Bids or otfcni to bf! In writing a.nd will be recei ved at the a!oresafd ol· fl ee .a.t any time after lbe Clnt publl· cation he~f and before date or A le. Daled lhl~ 11th day ot June, 19-46. HAROLD S. LAWRENCE. A• Guardian or the Eatate of • a id Incompetent. MILDRED GILMORE. Altorney for aald Gua.rdla.n. 41 2 Weit Slll:lh Street. Lo. Angele1 14. Callfom la. Pub. June 18, 20, 26. Z7 ; July 2, 1946. CR-12774. NOTICE l?i\'rTL""G S EALED PROPOSALS Hourly \Vage Classification Rate Electrician .................. $1.70 Pipe Fitte r ................ 1.75 Steel worker (struc- tural) ...................... 1.75 Welder (structural) .. 1.75 Mill wright ................ 1.57 J\>lason, brick .............. 1.85 Operator, trench ma- chine ....................... . Operator, drag line ... . 1.75 1.85 Operator, air com- pressor -·················-1.30 rator, concrete mixer .................... .. Oper ator , pump ...... .. Operator, tractor ..... . Cement finisher ....... . Truck driver ............. . Carpenter ................... . Pipe layer. sewer ....... . Oi.ler ........................... . The P eop e of the S tate of Call· P er Diem Wage $13.60 14.00 lornia Send Greetings to: JESSIE D EL I CATES SEN K. SCOT!'. IONE FUES· ------------SEL, R A. CAIN, MIRIAM COUNTY E CQr,\PANY. a FOOD SHOP E:. CAINJjhis wifoi ORANGE 14_00 corporation Trustee, W. W. • Fresh Apple Ssaae 14.00 CAMPBE , ARTHUR H . RICE, e 0 t:'.:J ~_,._.!._rat l2.S6 LULU B. /?ICE, hJs wife. LE-ur .• .._ 14.80 ITrIA w. QYMOND, BENJAJIUN • Pickles • Olives W. SELBYj A. L . SHEPHERD, Cb M-~ 14.00 JOE SHJU+.ENBERGER, EMMA o -" - 14.80 C. ~R. LOS ONGELES • Sardines • AneboYim MORTGA~ UNDERWRITERS, • Crackers 0 .... '>1118 10.4-0 ~~~s~ .~ai;;i~p~~g: 1 __ •_Fren __ ch __ RoUs ______ _ 104-0 VICH. M. JACK. JOHN DOE SHOP AT GILL'S 10:40 JACK. her. busband, STEDDOM I · 12.40 & BLAN D, a corporation. ------------ 13.00 STEDOOM & BLANCHARD, a 8.56 .. "0--partne ip, KELLY ROOF- 12.00 fNG CO. Ltd., a corporation, 10.40 RICHARD O E, Trustee in Ba nk· For Fresher v....,.... Better Mtl&lB Fancy Gl"OCM'ios 9.36 ruptcy of he estate of KELLY-------------- 1H1s 1s Dr. S<holl's Foot Comfort Week When JOUr feet bun. you butt all ovul Don't mffer. Take advantage of chis oppommicy ro !nm about die Fooc Relief Aids perfected by Dr. Wm. M. SdtoU. WOtJd-DOttd: f<XM authority. Dr.Sdlo1r1FeotCOlllhnAnhS-1S If JOG hl"R Ardi Se.a .•• U wak or faUm •rct.9 uc 11Ukirt1t rou "bu" •II onr" ... Ice: u1 ibow you bow tbouaod. hl..-e fOOod re.lief with Dr. Scbolt"a. """ .......... Dr. Sdloll'1 Foot <omfon hmodlK Then ii • Dr. Scholl Ai4 for tbr tt!id o1-netr ~ lo« •ii-t. If rou.t fc« biut, fU:R ad~ tap oi o.r hcilit~. ~ ia for Uec fOOl ~. Mattoon's Shoe Store Office: Newport 2063 512\.!, Marine Avenue and Newport 20&1-\\' Balboa Island The next International Oil Ex· posi1ion \\'ill be held a t Tulsa. Okla.. In 19-17. ThC' expositions \.\'ere suspended during th(' \\'ar. Common labor er ... . \Va tchma n and Oag. 1.30 1.30 1.55 1.625 1.07 1.50 1.30 1.17 1.00 Pursuant to statute a nd Reso. lution No. 3345 adopted on the 17th day of June. 1946. by the City Council of the City of Newpor t Beach. California. and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said lity, ordering the work de- scribed in said resolution, to-\vit: The construction of vitrifiC'd An~~th~;· .. ~i~~~ifi·~~-~ l .OO 8.00 ROOFING Co., Ltd.. a corpor-245 Forest Ave. ation, B a rupt, WM. ~tERE- 8.00 DITH. Wl LIAM L. HOPKINS, LAGUNA BEAOH MARGAR H. BIGBY, LORNE Footwear for the Family 1795 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Diana Lewis P owell Vivacious Actress • • • wife of '"Thin Man .. Bill Powell, thinks that Bernard "hit the jack pot" with his portraits of her. You too. will feet equally enthilsiastic if you ba\'e a camera study made by ' • Our Balboa Studio Now Open Daily from 10 A. M. to 'J P. M. . Balboa Inn Arcade, Balboa, Calif. 1'11.-llarllarlMB For Your Home! Distinguished Good Looks • our permanent window awn· ings. door hoods. porch, patio and sun deck can opies pro- vide ~laxlmum Comfort. lThc sun, heat and weather are kept out and the light and brt'('Ze come through). F'or FREE ESTL\Lo\TES Call ILATS·G·WOOD • Awning Co. of Orange Co. 7 l5 So. Phlladelphla S t. AnaM.lm, Calif. Pho ne FULLERTON 16"...J 0,.. Dally 10&. a.-1 &. .. ..... : clay pipc-sanitary se'-''ers, vitr ified tion omitted herein, clay pipe house connccti~ sc:·~r not less tha n.......... .875 7.00 lines. manholes, cast iron man ° e Provided that one a nd one.h alf fram('S and covers. "Y " branc~cs. (11~) times the said prevailing lampholes. welded steel P1P<'· r ate of \vage shall be paid except pump stations. ~ogelhcr \~it h ~p--J \Vatchmen, flagmen and other I purtc>nant "-~rk 1n co~nect:on '-''1th non·manual \vorkers. for any nny and a ll items ~r impro,·cm('nt , ,,·orking time more than eight hert'inabo,·c_ m entioned, . all <;1S 181 hours during any one (1) cal· more particularly .descr~bed in endar day \\•here such \\'Ork is re.' R csolut1on of Intention No. 33~. quired in cases of extr aordinary passed. and a_dopt~ b:r the City emergencies caused by fire. Oood, Council of said C ity on th ~20!h or danger to life or proper ty and d11y of _l'\1ay, 1946. a~d on file in for time on Sundays and the th~ of~1ce of the City Oerk of seven (7) legal holidays, t<>-'-''it: said City. Ne'v Year's Day, 1\1e morial Day, For further particulars refer· F ourth of July. Labor Day, Arm.is· <"ne<> is h('r('by made to said R1.->s<>-! ticc Day. Thanksgiving Day and lution of l nt('ntion No. 3327 and Christmas:. to th(' plans. profiles, and drfl\\'· It shall be mandatory upon the in_gs on f~Jc in the 0_ffice _of t~~ contractor to whom the contract is City Engin<'c r or said City . . awarded, a nd upon a ny sutrcon· Ne~'POrt Beach, af!d to the specif a· tractor under him, to pay not less cations for the said work . here!<>-tha n the said specified rates to all fore a dopted by the said C ity d . Co ·i d 1-1 · th rr·-. laborers, workme n, an mecharucs unci an on 1 e 1n c o i .. "' 1 ed b ' · h r h C-1 Cl k f 'd Cl .. ~. emp oy y them 1n t e execu. 0 t e 1 y er o sa1 .. ,,, 1. 1 th tr t d II r "d 1 f'I"• ton o e con ac . an a o sa1 p ans. pro 1 .. , drawings a nd specifications here-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tofore approvOO by the City in\iting sCaled proposals or b ids Council of said City are lncot'· for doing all the w ork hereinbe-- porated herein ' and made a part fore described and ordered in said hereof and r eference ls hereb)· Resolution Ordering Work, t o be made thereto for a more par. presented to the City Clerk at ticular description of said work. his office in t he Oty Hall of said Said City Council has d eterm· Oty up to the hour of 4 :00 P . incd a nd declared that the eon· M. of Monday, the 15th day of templated \\'Ork and improvement July. 1946. heretofore me ntioned \\•as in the The_ proposals or bids offered opinion of said City Council of shall be accompanied. by a check P Now Open s=::.=- Mesa 1Malt Shop 1770 Newport Blvd. Cost& x ... Featuring:- Frost)I Malts Frost Olnes Banana Splits -Sundaes ' f Sodas Packaged Ice CreaJJJ Hamburgers· O>ffee Root Beer "O>ke" l • • Summ rtime' means lots of outdoor playtime for yo r ch ildren. Keep them happy at home by m ing your yard a r endezvous for all their linle iends. Get all the necessary equi~ment for eir play hours at Wheeler's where QU !TY MERCHANDISE AT REASON- ABLE PRICES is the policy! Shop at Wheel- er's . . you will always find courteous treat· ment d priccs\no higher than elsewhere. ...! Open a Cbarce Account or Buy On Eu7 Terms ' I , Kiddies' Paradise So appropriately a.a.med •... our ! oy B~sement , .• filled with toys to delight little girls a.nd boys _ •• Ouroor Gym Sets, Wading Pools, Meny.(;o..Rounds, Swing Seu, Teeter T o tters, Tricydes, Scootcn ••. Hundreds of other play· things in tLe largest. finest selection in Southern Califomia. Sliower Gifts The ~be w1n be mighty proud to ._, the Wheeler Seal Or Quality on her gift -...... ....W Toti for Girts 1 to 14 . pl wanla ID be -U..i.....d, an4 .... ~ .... ~1 ..-U 1-of oiry, -1 _... v----:1,js•'"' ..... ._ -die,,.,....; ......... : -ii .... play docba for 7""' d•ap- mauo•www WADIMO .... ---.u..-.... ~-.... --... . a. .. -......... ..... • , • S-Dr s x ••• 1'1111111 SI o* ••• IDl>i-- ___ ._ • HEELER ..., • .-....s • ., Jm, _. R ' 1 T..,...i., Sol. Ou m ...'!"~~---. ... -.... ;ii•1::1••;fl~!~:;~~~!:!!!! . . ••••• ea llAft& .ur& • I • 1ntema~ -.. BaP p N J-. or -onl ••a llltr. ueuc OTICD NoncE Followln& the ccnVftltion. au-. Z50 and unrndmenu th<ftto. i.-'-!~~~;:--°..:..:::..:.:..==---­Bob Jayred Buys -traleo:.;-.:-•. ~ Rutt. JAJnd. Co A =rport Ricltfield Station ;:..:-=" ~ :S ~ ~ • Al Puauc NoncE PuaJc Nqnca a .. a:. J;::!1:f~ Qnn: ~;C ::: =~-:: Control Asked =~. ~ ~~dai:.'!c..s:: =:.i E. N~ -s:: By Local r.r·10 a veteran of War ll, bu pur-11 tine wtllt to Wuhlngton and took lne Dlvtslon 9, Part 3, S ln!eb and In the ai&hb or our ·nation'• High~ Code, doos hereby or- capltal, then to CllCOllO and -· daln. raolv•, and declare as fol- Bartlno .... quite ~ -.: with the trip and .. poclally at -l. That th• public ln- lhe fine train 9erVice the sroup tettst and convenience require the recejved. 'n>e fact that two closing up and abandonment' of a Southern Pacitlc offidall were portion of Ocean Front. and of among-the ll'OUP may have bad cer tain alleys, all ln the O ty of chued the Richfield guollne and S ~..-1 FJ •---Off oil ~ 1ta tlon a t 416 w. Cello up.,...,.,.. o ......... Dana Pt. Bird Haven A group of three Orange coun-something to do with i t . Bartine Newport Beach. a nd. It ls the ln- ty men, lncluding George Balley of remarked. but everyone cot reeer-tention of the Qty Council of the N be vations fOI" their return trip with· Qty of Newport Beach to order ~·ty Dou•'u Prieat ot the ewport Beach, appeared fore t ch tro bl f ··• &.l'FO.,... ~ the board of supervilon last Fri-ou mu u e. the ollow1ng--described portion of Newpc:rt Harbonnut er'1 otflce: tn-d ay announcing their willinpeu Several Rotarians, who bad held a certaJn street ln said city, and vestigated a report Sunday that to take ov er operation of the Qr.. their convention in Atlantic Ct;y of C"ertaln alleys In said dty, to be Ootaam with lob of blrdl 00 tt ange county airport and ottering just previous to the Kiwanis oon-1 vacated. cloeed up, and abandoned, was 9H'D. off Dana Point. 90IDe: $1000 a month for a Ieue. Troy clave, we.re still in the Cooven-to-wit: ' ·~-miles southward. Colboch of Buena Park and Sid tion atr trying to make.......,,._ STREET TO BE VACATED u..uPrie.t reported to police. which Holland of Santa Ana were the tions for their return trip. Bir-A parcel of land 15 feet ln fin ived the port fl'om other two men of the group. tine observed. Probably juat • wid tlu bein& a portion of t reoe re • The airport, under the oper-case of not knowing the ri&ht Qc!ean Front, u shown upon man who a:ave his name u Jack atioa of F1oyd Martin' J u.... people, he implied. a map of Seashore Colony Fitzpatrick. that the flotsam wu · • oe 6 ~er. a amc:rete float. which had been Lee W~l~. J ohnny Martin and • Tract. recorded in Misoel- anchOttd at the spot for the put Bobf $300Ge1er, lS now leased monthly Cowboy Artist's Work laneous Maps. Book 7, page three yean. and Is now • stot>-or . . On D1·spla . M ttoo 25. Records of Orange eoun-. ff 1 f birds In filghL The conference, which adjourn-y ID a n ty, California, and more par- -::============p=mg=""==p=a=ce=or=====::::; ed without a final disposition of Shoe Sto • M tlcularly desciibed as follows, ,. control for the leading s ite, re-re ID esa to-wit: whether a lea.se signed in pre-war Beginning at the most BRING YOUR RADIO TO US One 0..,--We'll Bei-tr ft and Toa Caa ea .. I t ... Nerl. F aeloQ' P..ta. W-Gaannteod. Foetol'J' ~ E1periL Radio SOS Electric RABOLD L RAMM SOO-A-.Bo.-lalaM C.R. S T AAF MOORING SERVICE ;!; ;!; ;!; Moorings Buoys Installed and Repaired. P ainted and Lettered. ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1080 fo r Prompt ;!; or H arbor 739-J Service • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our lnteresling Sample and Display Booms Color guides, plan- $lg aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linolewn. LUDLUM Carpet Works SANTA ANA days before the Army Air forces A colorful display by the News-southerly comer of Lot 1. took over the field is still bind-Times cowboy artist. Jack U nda:· Block L of said Seashore Cot- ing. County Counsel J oel Ogle ley, is on exhibition in the show ony Tract; thence, north- contends that it can be abrogated windows of the Wallace C. f\.fat-westerly along the nor thea.st- if a higher lease price is offered. erly line of said Ocean Front The Martin-Hager group iJUist loon shoe s tore at 1795 Newport to t he most westerly com er that they have exclusive r ight to boulevard. Cos ta Mesa. of Lot 2 of said Seashore Col- use of the hangars and adminls-The display is being s hown in ony Tract : thence, southwest- tra tion building a t the 'airport. connection with Dr . Scholl's Foot erly along the southwesterly They were in operation at the site Compact week. prolongation of the nor thwest- before the \\'ar. erly line ot said Lot 2, said point lying in a line parallel \\ith and distant 15.00 feet measured at right angles from said nort heasterly line of Ocean Front; thence, south- easterly along said parallel line t o its intersection with the southwesterly prolonga- tion of the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; theftce, nor th- easterly along said line of prcr longation to the point of be- ginning. Historic Site Costa Mesan Designs Hats for Exhibition In Los Angeles Donald Button of Kenndon Pennsylvania route, thl' group Far:ms. Costa ~lesa. landscape headl'd for Philadelphia, but sto~ artist and lecturer, has accepted peel at Valley Forge and went to the invitation of the Los Angeles the na tional shrine by special bus.\ Assistance league, to design a nd The K.iwanians a ttended church execute two seasonal hats tor its services in the chapel and dedi-1 annual Garden Gala at the Town cated the California bell that is I House, Los Angeles, today. hung in the tower, commemorat-Pre-war impor ted French velvet ing the memory of the patriots from Button's fabric collection in· of the Revolution \Vho S{)(!nt a spired one hat, while plastia and terrible win ter in the historic rcd\\'ood wi ll give emphasis to the CCootlnuM f rom Page l l area. 5 o'clock number. Af ter a dinner given them by the Norristown Kiwanis club, the group went on to P hiladelphia and Atlantic City. The four-day cooclave in the convention city of America \\'85 highlighted by the presence of such na tional figures as Harold Stassen. Gen. Omar Bradley, Sec- retary of Agriculture Clinton An- derson, columnist Drew Pearson and William K. J ackson, president of the National Olamber of Com- merce. Outstanding entertainment wu offered to the delegates. accord- ing to Bartine. who was impressed Another Car Theft T\\•o billfolds and $30 in cash were reportedly stolen from the car owned by Thomas Grant of Orange and which was parked on the little beach at Corona del Mar Sunday night, police were told P u eL1c NoTICE ORDINANCE OF INTENTION No. M'J .. ALLEYS TO BE VACATED No. 1: All of that alley 14 feet in width in Block H. as sh0\\'11 upon a map of Tract No. 323, recorded i n Miscellaneous Maps, Book 14 , pages 40 a.J'\d 41, and Block 436, as shown upon a map of C.orona del h1:ar. Records of Orange Coun- ty, California. and more par- ticularly described as follows, tcrwit: Beginning at t he most west- erly comer ot Lot 1, Block H of said Tract No. 323; thence. southwesterly in a di- rect line to the most north- er ly corner of Lot 10 of said Block 436: thence. southeast- erly along the northeasterly line of sald Lot 10 to the most easterly comer thereof; :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lby several splendid youth choral and orchestral groups. Particu- larly outstanding to the local delegate, was the Sault Ste. l\1:arie High SChool choir ot 130 11%% Soutll Main St. AN ORDINANCE OF INTEN- TION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH DECLARlNG ITS lN- TENTION TO ORDER THE CLOSING UP. VACATION, AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A CERTAIN STREET. AND CERTAIN AL- LEYS . IN THE CITY OF NEW- PORT BEACH. IN ACCORD- ANCE WITH THE "STREET VACATION ACT OF 1941." , thence, southwesterly along the southeasterly lines of Lots 10. 8, 6. 4 and 2 of said Block 436 to the most south- erly com er of said Lot 2; thence, southwesterly in a di- rect line to the most wester ly oorner of Lot 1 of said Block 436 ; thence, northeasterly along the northwesterly line of Lots 1 and 3 and its north- easterly prolongation to its in- tersection with the southeast- erly prolongation of the IOUtb- westerly line ot Lots 1 and 2 of said Block H ; thence, northwesterly along said line of prolongation to the point of • • NEED MONEY? I GET A PERSONAL LOAN FROM THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK The best way to overcome financial worries Is to get • a personal IOBD from the First National Bank In Santa Ana. You solve your financial problem, build valuable bank credit for future use. Loan Senice • 111~\I \\11()\\I l~\\I\ ~ :-· ... 1:.t ... , ... (' :... .• -; -~ ~ ... , •. •. •. D r1 1 Cll 1J I ct ·--• Owi& " voices. the nationally-famous W estinghouse Male Chorus from Pittsburg and a 100-plece bovs· band from York, P a. Famous or- 1 ganist Lois Miller was also pre- sented in concert daily tor the I congregation. Over 10,()(X) Kiwanians from all over the nation and Canada were present for the conventio(' and J . N. Emerson of Pullman, Wash., was elected to the presidency for the ooming year. Elected to thE" The City Council of the City of Newport Beach, pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941," a pproved f\.1ay 13, 1941, Statutes 1941. Olapter ~KSARI BACK in life time 1fainleu dee! PiomaNody aid im:omponhly beautiful. asniwy aid &Iii ia( ••• • lar to-. No smfaco 6nisb to crack ar -o6., DO '-bold £ar odon ar food clcpmits, im- ptnia9 to ~ acids, boc pom ar hard .,... W<""' witll .., color ect..m· modnniww fllT lciocbm. Vf1-JGa OWll a Tracy SillJc JGa Clll be MC ,..,.. lla'f9 tM .... DU C.U bailt-1 pjmd lii1inc p 11 ion , • . - .. Easiest to Clean Economical to Own Decor ates any Kitchen Ageles's Beauty More Sanitary Most Durable of All that alley In Block A, In Width, .. shown map of 'T'r'act No. 673, rec~~ I n M1scellaneowo Book 20, pages 1'7 and time and pbee, wUl -the e'<I-the Ol;t· ot Newpcxt Beac11 g. dence offered by any person In'-ther flndl and ·detftmlnes that tettSted In the vacation of aald the proooedlnp hemn taken far sin.et hetttoloro cleocrlbed a!ld the vacotlon ot the aln!et and tl>o said alleys beretotott desttlbed. oileyo -detcrlbed. att w... ~onls of Orange County, · , and more particu- -S.. 'Ibo Oty Council ot punuant to the noaervatlcm and the O ty ot Newpcxt Beach fur-exceptions contained In s.ctlori S ther ,!i.nda and determines that the hereof. publi~ convenience and necessity 8eetlGm '· This Ord1nuoe a1 lde.ombed .. follows. to-require the reservation of Intention shall be pubilshed at ments and rights-of-way for the leut once tn the Newpurt Ball:iol foll-..C purpooes, to-wit: To con-News-Times, a newspaper of gon-.,.cmmne at the most west r ly corner of Lot 1 of said lock A: thence, south- west ly along the aouthwest- erly longation of the north- westfrlY line of said Lot 1 to tbe t northe'l'ly corner of Lot of said Block A; thence, s•--t. ma1n•-'-o~te -lace era! circulation printed, publlshed u ~ ~ .. ~·-'·-r ' and ~-" led • the Ci remove, and renew sanitary sew-1,;U'-'\U.a m ty of Net1r• asterly along the north- ly line of said Lot 3. most easterly corner 'of t 3 ; thence, northeast- along the northeasterly ga tlon of the southeast- 'ne of said Lot 3, to the mos southerly comer of Lot 2 o said Block A ; thence, no westerly along the south- r ly line of Lot 1 and Lot said Block A to the of beginning. ject to exceptions and ations hereinafter speci- ers water mains. and storm port Beach, and said publlcatloa drains, and appurtenant structures shall be made before the date let in upon over and across the al-for the hearing of all persons Irr JeY pro~ to be vacated herein. terested in ~ objecting to the pro. and heretofore detcribed as alley posed vacatlon. No. 2, and to maintain. operate, The above and foregoing Ordln- replace, remove, renew, and en-ance of Intentkm No. 547 wu large 1in<s of pipe, conduits, passed at an adjoomed regular cables, wires, poles, and other meeting of the Oty Council of convenient structures for the op-the O ty of Newport Beach. held eratlon of gas pipe lines tele-on the 27th day of May, 1946, b7 graphic and telephone ime'.s. and the following vote, to-wit : for tlle transportation or distri-A YES, Councilmen: Allen, Siler, bution of electrical energy, water, Isbell, Robertson, Reed ~d incidental purposes, including NOES. Councilmen: None. access and the right to keep the property free from inflammable materfals and w ood growth, and ABSENT, Councilmen: None. A'ITEST: otherW:ise protect t he same from L. RINEHART. 311 hazards in. upon and over the O ty Oerk. FRANK rtions of said street and alley proposed to be vacated, and O. B. REED. heretofore described as alley No. 2. Ma-to be vacated, closed up J ..... andoned. are more clearly _s_ec_tJ_on __ s._Th __ •_Ci_._ty_Co_un_cil_· _o_r_1_Pu_b_.-J __ un_e_2S_. _1_946_. ____ _ sho on certain maps approved ,---------------------------. and a opted by the City C.ouncil of th City of Newport Beach for said v cation. closing up and aban- donm t, by Resolution dated April 22, 1946. 4(\il designated "Reso ution No. 3321," and by res- GEORGE D. BASSEIT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service %80! W. Oolltnl A-,.._-. 1806-J., N-rl - ol utio dated April 22. 1946. and llS========================= desi ated "Resolution No. 3322 ," and r6<>Iution dated April 22. · 1946, and designated "Resolution No. 23." Refere'nce -is hereby made for further particulars as to th proposed vacation. closi ng up. nd abandonment of said stree and sa~d alleys, to said - a nd said maps and each of are made a part of this nee to the sarpe extent and 1ur~.e· as if the sa.me were here· rporated in full. S..<ti<>a z. That the proceed· or the closing up and aban- nt of the aforesaid portion of s d street and of said alleys shall be h ad and taken, and the Qty uncil of the City of Ne\\'- port ach, elects to proceed un· der e provisions of the "Street Vaca on Act of 1941," approved hfay 3, 1941, Statutes 1941, Chap- ter and amendme nts th ereto, bein Division 9, Part 3, Streets and lghways Code. It's Alwa ys COF f EE TIME • • • • • • • . . . . . Serving COF'F'EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WA F FLE S (with whipped cream) • OOMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue K....,.. l'flobola Balboa Island Georp Morllnc Opell EvmlDp Unut 10 o'Olock -Clowl a. We*...., on s. The Street Superin- tend nt of t he City of Newport Bea shall cause to be conspicu- ous} posted along the line of the str and the alleys proposed to be v cat<.'d, not less t han 500 fE.et '---------------------------' apar • but not less than three tn I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; all, otices of the vacation of said str«:4:f and said alleys. Said notices sha!_lj state the passage of this Ordirance of Intention and the tim e and place of the hearing of all rsons interested in or object- ing o the pf9posed vacation of said street and said alleys, all as req red by law. tlon 4. Notice is hC'reby giv- en at the City C.ouncil of the City of Newport Beach does here- by x Monda1. the 15th day of Jul 1946. at the hour of four o'cl k P. M. of said day, in the C.ou cil Olambers of the City of N rt Beach, located in the Cit Hall in the City of Kewpor t Bea h, as the time and place for hea~ing all persons interested in or cpjecting to the proposed vaca- tio? of said. street or said alleys. An =f the said City Council. at said WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR .? • We Wiii Pay Possible Price • McCARTHY • You the IDghe8t . • . Stop In at: • USED CARS Costa Meu 1920 Newport Blvd. $ CASH ON THE SPOT $ e'/'TOYAR NEW, DIRECT OVERNIGHT TRAIN T 0 d,11,,t/ Ct1hj'fJll :1.a ... r.o.~-.... TQV.U,J09_ ...... .., .. diia • ...t .... IGmMCw;ac.Obw•icall1.,...•n•dwlwill:Mrs ... t'C ' Yr dllit a.. 1811 fwd JlaNj Aig •sa·wvicet-a IL Y , OU ,....., llip. ' 111.doe<lw; .,.., .. .,. ....... a;.; ........... f nf .. .. aocldle -......... , ne IL rov.u. . ..._ Loi taaoh• 'dai!J • Z:30l"W; .,.;,._ Gllllil 0 ;w 7'4SAM -cloy. IDjor • cloy • die c-,oa ..i loowe l:OOPW; ..;..·Laa ~ lt:OOAM. Sc rim/ -,,,,,., JWh= ,_, .... • 11 • a b.-• "'GtwJC ;uf-r)s wMss l"1S.. SANTA F E T ICKET O FF IC E C. D. LINDSEY, Trav. Pus. Agt. 111 No.llale 8&. .._e tl8 8AlftA AM.A, OAID • • , • --·~~:...----------------------------..... ""."'--------::--:::::::::::::::-::::::::::~~~::;;~~;;;~!l~"!!! .. !l!i*!.!!J!~•!.!'"'~o:!l!!'!·!•!!!!i'!!a.Tl!~'!u~·!!f~·~1~ .. !!!•~l!!!,!!!!a.llll!!ll!...--1!--------l-'•~-----------------------·----------------------------....!Pz!!ICl!.,JI!!!!!!. Bt1tllMm GtJJD• 11 DIPLOYKENT orrzm a SALE llJ8CELLAHZ0118 • KtFSIC.U. • ILADIO ..... •s••-mAnf ., •g•t. MTA'IS ., .... aTAD • Rattlers Killed 111 NewjhN t Area Fishermen and picnickers have been warned by the Southern Cali· fomia division of the state fish and game commission to be on the lookout for rattlesnakes in the fields, brush and trail areas along the coast from Newport Beach to RA!dondo Beach. Six rattlers have been killed by deputies of the ·office of Capt. T . F . Miller of the Long Beach oltlce of the state ti.sh and game comm1ssion In the past 10 da~. Four more were killed in the Palo Verdel coasta1 area and two :o.:.c:-S-IG_N_P_AINTIN_--=-G~-YOUNG WOMEN Auto Batteries Radio Repairs E JbHNSON FRANK P . JOHNSON 11.edi~ ~t-· .. Rubber SeperatBS • ' Realtor • 18-month -$6.75 Ex. All makeo; tubes. etc. Re&ltor w. C. Wagner, Associate . bedrooms; 5 \l_bl.tbs; 50 feet al Boats, Trucks, Windows Walla and Bulletlna. Raioed MeW, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER' 1726 West Central Harbor ~M COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M 38tfc 216 E. 20th SL, Coota ~ :lG-tf< Telephone operating C d d M to Oil Beacon 5763 and ~ciates 1664 Newport Blvd. Beacoo 5434-W blo)' trontace: positions are available ompoun~ 10c0 r BURT NORTON Beacon 5102-11. $35,000.00 to you in your own 915 Oout H!P-.Y. Newport • Corona de! Mar • Western Auto Supply 23-tfc {l'oday's Special Furnished 4-room. Nice view. Fire-Balboa Peninsula community, Autl>clNed Dealer NeWJ>Ort Blvd, Home place. Dbl g..age. Yard. Cunp. Modem home. fUmlsbed; ,_ Starting pay is good, 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa 11.-RADIO HOUSE CALLS-and BUSINESS BLDG. fenced. Large brick patio. structed view ol blo)'. Bricbd il·tfc Now that additional axnpetent 28 tt. x 28 tt. with living quarun. $8850 walled yard and patio. Immo- experience is not required 1---S,-te-el,......,,Ki"'""tc"h"e_ns___ lecbnldana.,.., available, we are HOUie ln ttar, with little flxlns diate po<R"kln: able to maim IM!Mllce calls on could be made lnto good ttntal. , Lido Isle $10,000,00 Frequent increases, GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES large oonsoleo. AU work suer-~1a a splendid property. Ex-Beautiful 2•1tory home. 2nd larg- Vacations with pay. SHOWER DOORS ant<ed. HAROLD I.. HAMM. cell t location. Quick -· est lot on we. 105 ft. by 9'l ft. Ocean Front Advancement opportunities. Southern Counties s.o.s. Radio, 300 Marine A.,.,. Only $11,000 All walled ln. 2 large patios. Attnictive 3-bedroom home, fllm. Supply Co. Ph. Harbor 'l!IO. 34-tfc w Yard romp. landacaped. Comp. !abed with Immediate pws" 144 Coast Blvd. N. REPOSSESSED Spinet 'l)'pe mlr· ' 'Nearly New and elaborately turn. Electric lion. A ....i bu7 at: .,..,.., .killed eut of Newport, Mil· PAINTING and DECORATING 1er aald. By the hour or job. Apply IOO E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514\i N . )U1n St., Santa Ana or Ph. 5852 Laguna ~tc ror-Plano. ThJa a a ....i barpln. 4 Unit Court organ. $15,750.00 Other uoed Panos . M ·1ow u 3 UNITS completely turnlshed, 1 $35,000 B Ibo Isl d INSTRUCrION or couneo ln the following taught groui:e « ln- dlvlduaa: navigation. stability & hull construction, compu1 compensation, general seaman- llhlp. Capt. Stephen Freedman, BS., Master, U. S. Merdlant Marine. 1312 W. Central, Apt. 3. $115, $87, $!25. $175. DANZ-unfui-n. Comer lot 1!50 ft. x 165 a a an The rattlesnakes are likely to Also Sprayinc. be found ln the overhanging gr... Call Harbor lrlOl--l-1 SCHJl.IDT PIANO co. 53> No. fL Beautifully landscaped. In-1!? Acre On Corner :i.story, 2-bedroom, 3,liath fllm. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc com.i $157.50 per month. Room :>-room house plus dbl garage -bane *' f"' .._. - and brush along trails traversing From 1 to 5 p.m. the cllffs and banks down to the '4-Stc Ask the <>l'f'nlor for the CUef Operator FOR SALE -General EJ.Ktrlc for :tmore units. Oose in E .side, with ruest room. On west aide HQ'. ~ P 11 km.: portable radio, charges own bat-Costa Meu.. Very Deat and at-with ocean view. Vacant, move $13,600.00 beach, he stated Most persona ----------- 'Ylaltlng the9e areas are unaware P A I N T I N G Southern California Telephone Compuy teries. Philco tteord player, tradive. Only right In. · ot the presence o( the snakes and 12 Years Service in Newport are likely to be careless, he point· Harbor Area 4S-4tp plays through any radio. Sell or $19,950 $9250 excbanee for camera or type- writer. Phone Beacon 5173. Costa Mesa 5 Acres on Santa Ana avenue be- tween 16th and 17th with miall house and outbuildings: ed out. Harry Hall Pe:nons should be particularly p .AIN'nNG OONTRACI'OR 11 5Q...2tc NICE 1-bedroom home and ra~ bitry. 70 does, 10 bucks. Half aae land Santa Ana Nice 5-room house, citrus &: huit trees. Close to shopping. Poten- tial business. Best buy in Santa careful when walking on trails or Phone Beacon 5259-J passing through fields and stttub 274 E . 19th ::;treet 24-tfc HELP WANTED Female WILL PAY CASH tor your fUr. KNABE Grand Piano. wamut case. nlture or what ll&ve you. Phone Famous Knake tone. Also Weber I $5160 $10,500.00 areas to reach the beach or coastal Beacon 5656. 0 . R. Crawley, Grand, Sohmer, Schultz. And Ana. Vacant. Newport Heights rocks and in ro11owing trail• tead-p AINTERS and :::,g .~1i~~g the base of the clilts, DECORATORS Excellent positions open. 1812 Newport Blv., Costa Mesa. many other famous makes. 30-tfc DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., oh NeWJ>ort Blvd. . Several lots 65 ft. to 500 ft. front- age. 'Call us for prices &: tenns. $5450 · 2-Bedroom furnished home, offer- ing beautiful view ol the be)' and ocean: Sand Crab <Coniinued from Page 1) ous Jasper Bell Bill which this bunch of gangsters is -jamming down our throats in exchange for "indepen· dence" and "relier'. and which tha t super-puppet Roxas is endorsing at the top of his lungs, the American people would not counten- ance such a Slur upon the es- sential fairness which has al- ways been associated with the American nation. This is beginning to sound like an editorial, If not the ravings of a madman. But lam mad! Yes, and something like sev- mteen million Filipinos with me. Only we don't count, at least not yet. . . . Seriously, we're hoping America pulls out long enough to let us clear this up by ourselves ... Already tiny uprisings flare here and there. The people as yet are not organized. do not know the real issue. But they can't be fooled all the time. • . • Only Roxas th1r\k5 so." Inmate of County Jail. Says He Didn't ~scape R. E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor Phone Beacon 578()...J A Competent Secretary -Stenographer CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. PHONE BEACON 553S-J. ;:;::;::-,c:----...,..,,..---.,..,--:-38--tfc 23-tfc SEE the new style world famous W l' 11 Pay Ca.sh upholstered pianoo. Many colors Also a Competent to choose from at DJ\NZ.. Dictaphone Qr.orator For your furniture or what have SCHMIDT PIANO CO 520 N Pre-Cut New Lumbe r ~ you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw-Main St.. Santa Ana. "we al;:; Garage and Utility Homes Pleasing personality and ley Furniture, 1812 Newport rent pianos. 38-tfc 12x20, $168.00 20x20, $227.00 neat appearance required. Blvd , Costa ?t1esa. 48-tfc 18x.-?O, $206.00 30x20, $321 .00 \V ANTED-Small house or hoUSl" FOR SALE-Wilcox-Gay Recordio Ph. L. B . 671-104 Lots of work and with apartment in rear. P.fust be radio phonograph and r ecorder ' Newport Blvd. HOME and BUSINESS S..room home and garage. 50 ft. frontage. Oose in to Costa Mesa $14,500--$4500 Down I - Open Evenings and Sunday I 1860 Oregon Ave., Long Beach dam good pay. combination, used, in good. con· 50-ltp good lnvestment. Phone Harbor d;tion. Vogel's. 100 Mwn St.. A. E. JOHNSON Ph 2373-M or P . O. Box 83, 3alboa. Balboa -------~---,,..,--One ~2tc · 5().2tc 469 Newport Blvd., Coota Mesa FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job on p ] ~· your homt', call Beacon 5330 P. A. a mer S% FOR SALE-Phonograph Chang· Ph: Beacon 5102-M 50-ltc after 4:30 p.m. 1().tfc Harbor 1500 FURN1T1JRE FOR SALE er. ampUrier, and sp.aker. ideal COSTA MESA F or Appointment FOR SALE -Two maple desks, for rumpus room. $70.00 com· On Brpadway, double corner, new PAINTING VONTRAOl'O& 4,8..4tc book shelf, ti ne old rocker , fibre plete. Vogel's, 100 Main, Balboa. modtrn residence. 1 front room PAINTING -PAPER HANGING ----------rugs, misc. household items. 50-2tc 14xl8, used now as business. alld DECORATING DECORATORS 204 Garnet, Balboa lslund.s ~"TEINW==~A~Y~G~r-an-d~Pl~an-0-.~M~ah~o-g·-l Space tor 8-court bulldlng with H.. E . McDonald KA y FINCH CERAMICS h&.1 5-2tc any case. Beautiful tone. Med· two ptreet entrances. 1 blk. from 414 Old Conty Rd .. Costa Mesa openings now tor a few girll Oii _F_U_R_N_ITU~~R~E-,,F~O~R~S~AL~E~~Call"" tum size. DANZ. SCHMIDT center of town. Place to llve, Phone Beacon 50l3-J 85-tft. woman with art training or abU. Harbor 1773-M. 1305 N. Bay PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, with sound investment. PERSONAL Reduce -Relax - Keep Fit "Different from other reducing methods" The Stauffer System 247 Broadway, Laguna Beach Phone 7412 Single Treatments $1.50 24 Treatments. $26.00 Open Monday, Tues. and Thurs. evenings. 50-1tc BEAUTY AIDS 18 lty. Ask for Miss Dierker, 121 Front. &!boa bland. 50-tc Santa Ana. 38-tfc $21,500 Coast Blvd., Corona del Mar. 43-tf• BOATS, SUPPLIJ:ll 11 ~R SALE-Marlne radio, dlrec-R I h p M k --------=--~ Three 50'xl2\i.x31i' Shaln ''Trim-'lion finder, ~ band. 6 volt fish..-. 31P · a.s ey HELP WANTED -Woman (or menhip" express cruisers, round Nearly neW. 509 31.s:t, Newport 3410 Cout Blvd. general housework, full or put bottom, twin Olrysler Royea. Beach. I'll. Harbor 25T7. 41-tfc Phone 402 tlme, live in or out.. Good wqes. Built ln 1943 by •-1 Seattle 46atfc F In family Ph 'U'-..-.r L-"21 FOR SALE-Philco console radio, ------------our · · ~~ y-~-. Full 11·•--accommoda· 1-••ttc ~~ •u"' model 50. 470 Newport Blvd., ~·-~ tlons, "'4' headroom thruou' v · .., Costa Mesa. Ph. Beacon 5713-R 'IWO MAIDS and one gardne.r $15,000.00 each. Two 37' Higgiu or Beacon stm.R. 50-ltc for work {n motel. Miracle Mile rescue launches. Double planked.1------------- Motel. 706 Coast Highway. New-bottom. 250 h.p. Hall-SCOtt In· port Beach. 50·1tp v.111der engine. Built ln 1944 by Wlllon Boat Works. $3500 each. Ph. I.. B. 475i7. 47-lltc FOR SALE-RCA Victor cabinet radlo,.$50.00. Ph. Harbor 67S.W. 204 Garnet, Balboa Island. 5().2tc El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue $4000 Large Corner Lot On PenlnsWa, with view. ---------:-:---00 LD and MAOilNLESS FOR SALE .....:.. Complete bedroom W AVES set, twin beds, springs St mat· ----------~ FOR SALE-Boat .. Gale ~." 38-ft llPIXliAL ANNOUNOEMENTll 18 $5750 tresses. Chest ot drawers, dresa.. Tinting and Manicuring er, two mirrors, $125.00. One Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179--W double bed, springs &: mattress, Vi's Beautv Shop $40.00. One dresser and mirror. 1103 Coast Hlway, Cor<>na del Mar srn.oo. 200 Crystal Ave .. Balboa SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON $3.00 crawl stroke tn three lessons $7 .00 DAVID RIGHT On Peninsula 2 Bedroom Home $13,500 Costa Mesa 2 bedroom, 5·room stucco, large guest room in rear. Fireplace, hdw. noors, very nice yard. $8750 3-Bedroom Home East side lot, 65x3SO. aose in. $8450 1 Full Acre Overlooking ocean. 4-room house, very clean. plus· garage and l· room apt. \Vith bath in rear. Barbecue and many extras. $10,500 $8,500.00 Corona de! Mar Apartment -2 bedrooms, ne&r!7 new ; hardwood fioors and room for another house: $6,900.00 BALBOA PENINSULA LOTS fer $2,950.00 Up ' JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Mwn St.. Balboa Phone Har. 2034 5-ltc 2 Bedroom Home 11.oNEY ro LOAN • 'Ai acre, East side. Prewar const. _LO_AN_S_TO __ B_UILD __ , -... -.-""""'"'~-- Fireplace. hdw. floors. Plenty of modemlse or reftnanet!. tile, very clean. ,.. Newport Balboe. Federal Savtncl $9450 and i..... Awlclation. 3333 Via Lldo Ph. Harbor 1500 See Us Today AUTOMOTIVlll a TDml M On This FOR SALE-Graham Truck 1934. Lot 100xl20, close m on potential mechanically perfect. Call Har-- business street. Bldg. on front bor 2l4-R. 48-4tc would make ideal Nbrhd. groc. ------------ ery, store or beauty shop. Mod· ern 3-room apt. with ocean view over dbl garage in rear. $8500 Newport Heights New 3-hedroom with nice vtew. Hdw. floors, nice yard. Sundeck on top · $12,450 FOR RANCHES, 1 to 10 ACRES See Us Today. FOR SALE-'29 model Panel type Truck, exd. motor. new paint. $285. Call after 3 :30 p.m., E. Atchison, YMCA. Santa Ana. 48-4tp FOR SALE-1938 Ford de luxe · Tudor sedan, good tires. radio. new brakes. Private party. 706 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. • 5().ltp A not guilty plea wa! entered 35-tfc Island Call Harbor 892-W. twin acrew cruller, nice gallf!'31 with Ice box, butane stove an• plenty of cupboard apace: sleepa tour. Mahogany planking. Suitable for passenger or com- mercial business. Hauls 7 'h ton.a on deck. 1llere is no better boat for it.a size 1n Newport Harbor. A. I.. Matthews, 509 31st St., Newport Beach. Phone Harbor 25T7. 44-tfc Balboa Point Hotel 1115 E. Central Ave. 49-8tc Income Property Two Specials Priced to Sell. FOR SALE-1944 Indian motcr- cycle, model 741. Like new. See Wall ace Rog en, 6507 Seashore Drive, Newport. 50-2tp RECAPPING Recap All Five Tires In One Day last week in superior court in EMPLOYMENT WANTED 18 50-2tc Santa Ana by Leslie Charles Har-=::..::..::::..:.:::::._,;,,,,,:.~-,--,---·I 2 bedroom house and 4 small rental units. MANY MORE ... COME IN AND "TALK IT OVER" -Open Sundays-vey or Costa Mesa, accused o! at· WORK WANTED-Painting su-D on't Miss The Boat tempting to escape from the c:.iun-perlntendent. with 25 years ex-Everyone's saying. Robbins has Carpenters Available ty jail. Trial was set for July 23. perience, desires connection the stamps. U. S. and Foreign Officers claim that Harvey, J9, with large building contractor . sets on approval. tor general malntenance md ttpalr Several good. Bay Front Lot.a FRANK P. JOHNSON Realtor did .. cape by scaling a 50-foot 1. have my own_ truck, commer-Robbin's, 515 No. Main wa11 out of the stockade and that cial spray outfit. ladders. drop Santa Ana. Arcade Bldg. ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 11().lb. TOP· 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. ' Immediate de.livery. Other mod· els soon -dinghies. sailboats, O. Z. ROBEBT80N Call Harbor 83 LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 1644 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5434-W 5().11.c he was recaptured in Huntlngton cloth, brushes. Good reference. 50-4tp Beach by police who searched all Call Harbor 8701·J-2 Crom 1 to 5.1 --~-~---,-=-=:---34-tfc runabouts, cruisers and paddle-------------See Us For Other Houses, $6500"and Up REAL VALUES busses out ·ot that city. 49-Uc Fire Place and Kindlln& _PO_S_l_I -IO~N-~W~A~N~=r=E=D-:b-y_e_xpe_r W 0 0 D Plastic Waterttaft Co. board>. KEYS Also Lots 3-Bedroom home. Hardwood and tile. 2-car garage. Large level lot. Only 5 years old. Stucco. In good residentia1 district. Nicely landscaped. Paved street and sidewalks. All assessments paid Don't fail to see this one. Priced to sell. I ts war job accomplished, the Petrolewn Industry \Var Council, th<' oil industry·• advisory group to the Pe troleum Administration (or War, wound up its affairs and dissolved in mid·December, 1945. <\R( YOU i;: ULLV COVE.~E.O ., ced II. f ~livered 407 E . Central. Balboa ien girl, wt ing to care or Phone Harbor 2673 50-1 tc • Made Wblle You W&lt VOGEL'S W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 children for room and board and H. W. WRIGHT 100 Kain St.. Balboa small salary. during 1wnmer . Ph. Beacon 5665 FOR SALE-New Marine Kohle1 108 -· Balboa 1"l&Nl IN-tfc Miss Dela M. Ware, 426 El 1784 Newport Blvd. 3--ttc Generator, 1500 "''atts, 32 voll Rancho Dr., Whittier. 49-2tc D . C., retall price tor this power 45-tfc FOR R&NT Just Arrived plant is $516. We have 10 left OPERATORS. pilot license. deck rr.h Hearl.ng AJd (or clearance sale, $374_ Yeokel FOR SALE-Ba1boa Island, very hand. Commercial F\shormen, BATTERIES FOR RENT---Office apace in oen-lov~ly "Little" Island 2-bedrm. $10,250 Box 284. Corona del Mar, or BroL, 22S So. Vermont. Los An· ter of Balboa. Harbor 2484. home. Excep~onally modern, 2·Bedroom home. nie and hard- call Harbor 550-M. 50-2tc GundeJwon Drug Co. gelel. Phon~ EX. 0882. 45-ttc 5Q-.1tc ide~ surroundings, ne~ beauti-wood. floor furnace. 58' on WILL CARE for elderly person in my home. Rt. 1, Box 140, Costa l\.1esa. 50-2tc JUGH school graduate wishes of- fice work or typing. Call Beacon 5657. w 49-:Hc 117 Maln St. Ph. Harbor ~ttc Fire Equipment Tests WILL SHARE front apt. 1115 E . ful South Bay. Pegged hard· Harbor Blvd. Two blocks fr<>m C..().Two, l>yrene & Foam refilll. Central Ave., Balboa. See Swim· w~ flc:x>rs ~n large living room, city center. If you are looking VENETIAN BUNDS-AJumlnwn. CO-fixed l)"llem and Portablet ming Instructor. 4g..2tc distinctive linoleum throughout, for a business location . with a steel, wood. Call UI for free esti-now a\•ailable. rest ot house attractive. Dining modem home, you can't go mate. Renovation & refinishing. ETS HOION & GALVAN WA.."iTIID TO RENT u nook in rear, convenient pretty wrong on this one. Full price: So. Coast Venetlan BUnd Co.. 1000 Coast Highway kitchen, sun deck. brick patio, $15 000 \Vest 18th and Newport Ave.. Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted house interestingly furnished. ' EMPLOYMENT OFFERED !9 Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. by man and wt.le. We do not immaculate . condition. single ------------38-tfc FOR SALE-20-!t. fish boat. Star. drink or smoke, no children or garage. Immediate occupancy Exclusive Lis ting SALESMEN -Ad vertiajng cam-------,..,,..,-.,,..,--.,.,,---;,,.,.-full converted motor, steel hull, peu. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W can be arranged. First time of-2-Bedroom home. Hardwood and paign now in effect. Excellent FOR SALE-Midnight-blue, dble. A·l condition. 628 Oubhouse or write Box "X" New-port Bal· fered. Inquire at 331 Crystal, tile. Large living room, full size opportunity if you qualify. Ap-breasted Tuxedo ln perfect con· Drive or phone A11antic 1·2036. boa N~TI.mes. 37-tfc Ba.Ibo alsland. 49-2tc dining room ; 1 Y.r: baths; 2 large ply 508 ,.l No J.faln St. Santa diti"on. Two nad-trousers. Size --47 •tp bedroo and den· 2--· =• Ana. ?-~ &~er. 0 44-8tc 38 long. t.ate-a";ooel. S45. Call u ..... er. .... VE7ERAN and bride planning to FOR SALE--Otolce located Jots age; ~ce porch, willi ~bi~ J ohn Donhoff at New.-nmes FOhRull SALE ul-Snlp.. mahogood any ~de ln Coota Mesa. Want sm. and Ii acres, $400 to $3,000. laundry tniys. 2 aettS ln good HELP \V ANTED-Elderly man u watchman on construction of new telephone building In Bal- boa. 64 hours per week. See Harris, 313 E. Central, Balboa. 46-tfc office. Harbor 13. 50-tfc ' one 1 t canvas. I COD· 'uru. apt or house. Contact Mr. Artistic S..rm. hie. 2 bednn. Gar· district; 160'. on Harbor Blvd. dJtlon. 3901 a.tarrus Ave .. New· Jorgensen at H·~s J-lry wl On 2 FOR SALE-Used im!gu]ar oak port Island alter 5 o'clock. l82l Harbor Btvd.","eo.ta'M...'. age th guest rm. big lots, This a really a good buy. Bet· wood, 100 pieces. 12 ft. long, 6 4.9-2tp 4l~tfc finest ave., view of ocean, near ter see this one today. Prices to in. \l,i de. t ln. thick. See at 206 =~-~~~=------' all conveniences. San Clemente. sell at only: Ruby, Balboa laland, Sunday or STAR SAILBOAT. Just recon· WANn:D TO RENT-Small apt. $12,500 unfurn; $14,750 furn. · $19,000 call GI.. 3725. 5().2tp dltloned and new palnL Phone or houoe for next school term. S.rm. home, 2 bedrms. A garag•, __ WANTED-Lady to work ln vege-Santa Ana 41'8 between 11 a. m. ln Corona de! Mar. Box A. c/o hardwood O-., We shower A We a190 have homes from $2900 table de-tlnent. Collie's. 508 FOR SALE-23-ft. Eastern built and 5 p. m. 46-tfc News-nm... 49-2tp sink. lar1te clooets. flttplue. and up. Lots of all 11zes and Wheel Balancing Section Work LESTE RS O .K . Rubber Welders 2900 W. Central, Newport -AUTO SJCRVJOE NOW HERE Your authorized Ctrysler· Plymouth Dea1er. Authoriaed part.a Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics .. Kendall and Quaker State olll • NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 1.564.J W. Central, Balboa. Apply to houae trailer, sleePI 4 : Whitney Price $8500. Adele GlmbeL ~ ,,..,_ Also good bu~ ln In- Mr. Mill.... ~ ~-~-by '-•-·, lawn swine; l&-ft BOAT FOR SALE-Brand new WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. ~~--A ~--311 -• ,,.,_ ,. ~~ ~ ..... , • P 14 cln aallln "'-~-•--A-~~~ ~ ~ ve., n~ or D•"' ~ pniperty. -------------,.,. GIRL or WOMAN far light -canoe. 3618 Cout Blvd., New· f~t. ~II ~la 1U:.;u~·~ ~itS::.P.r1:'::':i ~";;; Su Clemente. 43-tfc TMD,l:IUJ n work, "'-· good home. Also -1 Beach. 49-2tp !IG-ltc or I.I. !s.tfc FOR SALE-Bulldlnp near Hunt-WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your gardner ~ Cattw "'~ ~ ~!_ALEand-lie-ta! ~ ~ BOAT FOR SALE-U.ft. s-m,,. ROOJI. WANTED-By -·-t lncton Beach, euUi moved In own hauling and 100Vln&. AD a.aeon ~ . ~•c ~~ Dr"."' N ... ~e.acb. Pnm with aalla. Sl25.oo. 218 raident on Balboa iaJ;.i.~H;.. oat aectiom; all lumber, bolted. B. A. NERESON -........,t. ~ and l2llO '============IHELP WANTED -Belly sitter, Ph. Harbar8'l01.J·2 after I p.m. Via Ithaca. Lido 1a1e. 50-ltc bar 2372-11.. SG-21.c panel comtructlon. 4 bulldlnp REAL ESTJ.:TE per day.' We fumllb UM! bltdL ;;ft.4=;;.;";:°'*:...;;.;:;.lr;;.;A.:.TI0:;.:.:.:.1'1 ____ 11 every Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 4Mtc 20'9•"96'; 1 bulldlnc 20'9'"68'. Myrmn Broa. Senlce Statloa. BICYO' "'° SOc per hour. Refaw Phune p•~·~·~·~mrA~~D:!_ _____ ~.,~V~•~L~U!!*~A~...,!_ ____ _:,~T Aicmo J. Frazier, 124 7th St.. -..... -ccw. l'ltbANewportBmL,c..ta ._..,.., Harbor 9&-J. SG-2tp FOR SALE or TRADE far car, I Huntington Beach. Phone 21132. -·-~ -_ .e.dt lloM. -tad er ~ HIGH SCHOOL age boy for part 1944 ..-i kyl Marine ..,.me, N 0 W A V A I L A B L E ' ~:He 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa -Bell -UllWUltad artldl 100 - "°"!"8 •"= time work. AilP¥ N••-1 Fur-225 b.p. c.n Harbor 23:l m FOR SAL&-Oilc:km ...._plant, Ph.: Bee om 5225 , SC>-ltc llaoulb -.n.w odL --Whittler UM0.1. 4Mt• SEVERAL CHOICE ~EN'nAL PROPERTIES • llladM. -1wec1 niture Mut. 822 Cout Hlah-.Y-0 ·~ • ,...... -Bantow-. output 1.200 try. -SG-2tc FOR SALE _ Laree. 1btte com-N BALBOA .....__.,., SOUI'H BAY FRONT on per .... 1c. -U.t equip. ..._ W'Aiil&t -'1111'.t.Nl&t • ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 -t ~ -. ln good con-I Two moc1em ""'-'Good _ _. ---'---------=.:==:;;.,.===----= WING SANG .BOAT & REPAIR YARD 8.1.l Cout Bish~ 101 dltion, Sl50.oo. c.n Harbor YOU SHOULD SEE ·mese: LI8l'INGS 8UIJPl7. Ph. Hlll'br :lltls.J. WE .NEED LATE. M0~L CARS ~R or 1032 W. Ocean.~-;;; BEFORE YI OU BUY. CT·2tp and Will Pay Top . ' cee """~ -HOJl.E AND INCO~ FOR SALE-Swordfish.rod. "'"1 H u B p 0 w E R s -· 3 ...... p:-oductlw lemon !l'JJ, .YOUR CAR NOW and line complete, $115. John T. , A G E N T ....,.,.. Odcie -c11otr1ct Wiiie PdoM aft SW> .... , •.... "" ''' . : rr.: :: ,J.. ·-·»r .............. ....... &. • ~ ru 38tb SL, N~ J. A. B e ~ k 0 f f ice =-~ J,';o ::._;: Alme tar • .__:....:... --n __, Feny I anding Pb. Harbor 62-W Balboa 1e1,nc1 ,__ rmrr-~· 4Mte _.NW a .__ ....., .... ,_ - FOR SALE-White enamol high 48-ltc ~-.:::":-~=-~_,,...,...,....,=---Mltlw ,_ r I ... OPA qc •t1o•w, ""'aw .,..... po stove, good -tlon. FOR ~I Apt. -ca pitma llil4 U1i St• cllCmlll j 1319 ~t eentn1 ........ Balboa. Balboa Island . !FOR ~Exet1Joa1 liq -cm'"1-s --"'!'• "'--*LBERTSON ~LS:A:l:&:~;;L!t:"'G:E:JSG-ii;;;j2tc eo.y 2-bedroom. fUnPsbed home. lot. .,..th ol. blP•q, S2ll50. 1Wilioa Iwn1w lla!O per JMI'. '-V CffEVROJtET 00., Inc. FOR SAIF 9 cu. ft. G.E. --·Ilea!~-patio, -pr-GenldRltdm,1219eo.tmp. Pl'l<e '11,500. '8.000 --:r... 0 II lul mtors ,. D 2 m tor Top ffili&<ntor. c.n ee.-age. Located 303 Grand ~ bor-.Y • .£«-do! -· Ph.-~ "'*'-121 & CmtnJ Ave. ~ m -c 'Jill, lbs; 1 a ., a o , n r 2; ..... • """5M't-R. 5Q.2tp --°'-73. ........ --~ ----- ' 1'. ..... • A&WW uiaoa R&W••••• •tzpu1 • ¢ OnP ' • 7 Tz 0 Police Ote 8 ~~0S ~Harborites F Vi I fl S Rlcbard v . Mead or Loo An-Capt. Herbert Mcroy, 312 Coral · or 10 a on ge1 .. ; Franklin A. Wiliams . and avenue, Balboa Island. bu Juat Geort:• Patnck Dun!Jlan or Alta-returned home atttt two yean In dena; Albert s. Kidd or Baldwin -prindpally In Africa and Elchl mo«oruts were dted fa< Park; James Lynwood Kellemo Jr. E~t.' I "'°"'tiooa or the city sp<.dlng of Arlington; Andrew John Kleu -r codl! In tbe Newport Harbor area of AJhambra; Fred Carner Jllllller Natalie !..owe, dauah~ or Mr. ~ cm Sunday. All _,.. from out-of Ontario and Olarles A. Rock· and Mn. George M. Lowe. C.oral -the .areL well of Santa Ana. avenue, bas returned home for the Newport-Balboa Tourist Bareau All Modes ot Travel tx> Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Jin. Boy K·e-Pb.. Barbor S9L SOl Palm, Balbc-. ao.n: 10 .. llL tit • p. m. Fresh Daily ~-­Or. COIJJ1lhte eqalpm.ent W'ben yoe want to e.atch ,......-. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON caNTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Stee1 -AJuminum Fast Service -Free EBtlniates OaD Us and &verse Phone CbargElll Intercity Lino-Shade 1095 E. Wardlow Road Pbtme Lollg Beach 45$-28 Co. Long Beach YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! All Highly Skilled W orkrnen. --tr summer from Anokia School for Girls and before the term closed received the bon<l< of being elect- ed president of the atudent body. The Lawrence Spragues, who eold their home in A.read.la, have Just moved into their new home on the peninsula.. Friday they were out on the l~mile bank in Ed Offerle's boat with the Ross Greeleys and the Tails. The party took eight albacore with Mrs. Greel~y and Mr. Tate daim- lng two each. • Carolyn Spicer, daughter of the Walter Spicers of Harbor Island, has left for summer session at Stanford university. She has just completed two years at Scripps college. Old friends will be glad to know that Charles William Wood is back in town and will spend the summer with his gra ndmother, Mrs. M. R. De Lano, 1307 East Centra) avenue. He has been in the navy for two years tu a boat- swain·s mate. third class, and was at Vella Gulf. OBITUARIES . ERNEST F . K ENNEDY Ser vices were held at 10 a.m. Saturday in Santa Ana Cor Ernest F. Kennedy, 64, of 2063 Newport road, Costa ~1esa, who died Thursday in Santa Ana Com- munity hospital. Interment was in Fowler. Calif. The deceased was born in Winterset, Iowa, but he had lived in California for 60 years. Sur- viving him a re his daughter , Mrs. Patrlcia Honifeld of San Fran- c isco; a sister, Mrs. ·F . W. Hayes of Oakland; two brothers, W. S. Kennedy of TustJn and Roy R. Kennedy or Reedley. Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- your permanent goed will and patrona5e II GEORoi: F. WILLIAMsoN through the use of on]y 1st grade rnateria S Ceori:e F'rederick William.son. 78, of 306 Alvorado place. Balboa. and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable died Friday at an Orange hos- • pital. He was born ln Liverpool. pnces. England, and had been a resident ---k-of Balboa for e ight year1. He PHONE t. C. BEAN Harbor 2645 • • • lca\'es a brother, Percy, of the same address and t\\•o ne phews, H. Arthur Martin and George W. l\1artin of Long Beach . Funeral services \\'er e hl'ld Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Harold Grauel chapel \Vith the Rev. E. D. Goodell officiating and intermenl \vas in F airhaven ceme· tery. THIE N I NETEl:NTH CONSECUTIVE DIV IDEND AT TME RATE 0,. THACE PEA CENT t 3 'rol PEA ANNUM ,.DA THIE SEMl·AM· NUAL PERICO IENOIND JUNE 30TH, 1946, HA!I BEEN DE· CLAAEO BY THE DIAECTOAll OF" THI S ASSOCIATION ANO WILL 81: PAID JUNE 30TH. 19•6. Phone Beacon 5824 Newport & Costa Mesa CAB C O. ABSDl..UTll .... ,.CTY l"DA0'rOUR ,.UNOS 24-HO\ll" Service E:ACH ACCOUNT IN8URED UP TO as.coo TOTAL AIESDUACE!I IN EXCE•• or $2.000.000 NEWPOR T B ALBOA FEDERAL SAY INq S and LOAN ASSOC I AT I ON :11:11:113 VIA LIDO PHONE !ARBO A 1500 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF"ORNIA .I. A. BIEIEK ~. A. ~ALMER LOI AHGlllS MOt.L T'WOOO lOfrotO ••ot rA.UDINA -llV1«StOI ........... • DIAECTDA• 9 . A . MIEYl:A W. A . MIAAM8 WAI.TEA 8 . SPICER W. A. WILCJU• LESTER & co. Afttnbn Lo1 Ang~leJ Stocll E.xchng~ 2004 WEST C'L"JTRAL A VE., NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 1374-j HYDRA • MAJIC SPECIALISTS Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs INVESTMENT SECUllTIES TO MEET THE IHVESTOIS' NEEDS PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE. BRING ·YOUR HYDRA-MATIC PROBLEMS TO US. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS Culbertson Chevrolet Co. a..nw a O'+' sMn Dn'1 3011 w. Central Newport Beaeh • Nuneries are thoqtat of M tumbledown. (ftlt'Q- bo,_ ftlled with ..Ortec1 plants, ........ bal- • place to set flowe.n or rertWzen -aot.bfnc more.. But not ao "'1tb. the new ultra modern nu.r-- .ery deslcned for Norman's on tbe Coast hlcflway la Corou del Mar. Planned by Philmer E ller- broek, local archlteCtura.I ~. the unique bulldlnc utllh.M natural eye appeal to attract pullinl' Oower-10,inc .motorists wblcb augment.a Norman'• al.ready excellent Dorat btamlne.. Con- tractor ror the structure was Garland Banta or Anaheim. The top pboto sllo"-·• the exterior with the en- trance In the rll'h t backVQUDd, the lath home on the left and various &mall shrubs In the rore- croand. A clOM-up of the canWever marquee, the ahadow display bo:s., the unall bed or pansies and the built-In pool Is on tbe right. -photos by Ellsworth in "The Beachcomber" !loud 0( &ipor.ioon "stop lt'1 IUrD -"' --" Polley 0( radaJ -..U...ttan" by much -tban that 0( tbs onlerinc white -DeClO WUrana wblla. o homed In the -fadllttes. bu been continued for four week1 by lr8 TIU: JAW the su~ You can't keep -ts Within ti. ~lion to epding the non-dty limits of Newport ee-. but >egrogation policy was spearhead-J. M. Jllllller Will sell you a pi..,. ed by Richard fL Newhall. Call-to raise your -kids. 15th - fomla Department Commander, C..ntral. HAr-1242.-Adv. Veterans ol Foreign Wan. M. C "Sam" Hennann, V.F.W. Depart-Judge and Mrs. D. J . riocia. ment Quartennaster-.Adjutant and spent Sunday at Camp Ro-U·U. Bob Snyder, California Depart-h ~-t M Bo ment Cmnmander of the American w ere 'l.AJlll a esa Y Scouts an Le . now In camp. The judge is -gion. Of the troop committeemen. -Hermann pointed out that ''race -----'--------- discrimination" was not .the issue ,-------------lnvol,•ed in the proposal and w ed that -a non-aegregation poll might very J!'aslly develop into an unfortunate situation. He asserted that if negroes were perm.Jtted to share the same housing projects with white veterans that ·the negroes would eventually take over such projecu to the detri· Corona del Mar Malt Shop ltd a.-& .... ., • Old fub'c••d malt8 We -)lot this. ment of white veterans and their -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; families. t . Newhall said that statistics p~ v1ded by the San Francisco Hous- ing Authority established that more than 5000 white veterans a nd their families are now waiting for housing accommodations as compared to 1,000 negroes and tha t it is a proven fact that the 1,000 Americans Die Tour DeW"Cla&lef" \elle of pre 19d't Pl:IOPIO d11v almo.t daitz wllb -oaJled "Ilea.rt :P.Uuni", m-U7 •twoas'b' about b:r lliC'h Bk>od PNM-. Our Elr:clu.111,. DrQl.ae. Re.flR •• thOl1 rtodUC'M " out Of 10 CMll!lll of H .B.P. 20 \o &o POln\a \be tlnt 'l're1tmen1 -CoQUDQed ~' makH lbe rNnlt DUID&neoL Our l"-tDle!ltl DO NCYr SUPnll8 U.. lle&rt to pt t'Nllli.--&e fact lbe BMr\ I.I Slt'elll"thened a.ad BenenttecL Cory Says Cooperative Operation, Uniform Water Distribution, Will Reduce Irrigation Cost to Farmers Patriotic Forces Halt Attempt to Jeopardize State's Housing PoJicy SAN FRANCISCO, June 25.-A spectacular drive by left-wing groups and misinformed individ- uals to \vreck the non-segregation policy separating white and negro war veterans in local housing proj- ects. has been halted, tempararily at Jeast, by the Veterans of For- eign Wars and the American Le- gion. I ~-5*,.-- ROSSI'S LIQUOR STORE ·- 700 Coast IDgbway U J'OU ba\09 "dilSJ' sPelia"___, '°° l'ull-i>al.u ln oeck. Pou.Iden ..aD4 !M&G-1.f 1our lleep •l alsbt tai "tll-rur•. .,. u.a before 1ou baq • ·atl'Oke". Pleue plioae -· 1111 for aa Appoln-t °" M-.,0 or Th..-..,., 9:00 to 6:00. -ntnco bJ Appointment. DR. EMIL F. BgJJ., D.O. ft.O. 10'1 nod Street Newport Bttm, c.Jlf.. fl ftE( FEATHER! I -... ·- Cooperative oper ation of pump- il)g plants a nd more uniform dis- tribution of wa ter are two factors which will lower irrigation costs for the farmers of Orange county. Assistant Farm Advisor W. M. Cory said in Costa Mesa. The information about volume of water used is important to de- termine how much should be ap- plied for each irrigation. he r e- minded. If there happens t o be more than sufficient water ap- plied, then the crops might suffer instead or benefit, he &aid. ol)('ration of a pumping plant. In this Wa)'. overhead costs of the plant ar e distributed over a greater number of acres and the purnp is in operation for a longer period of time through the year, reducing its current cost as lo\l.•er rates are applied to units in con- stant use. :n --·-···-· -·~ -." .. ··~ ... ~·· : ..... ______ ...--· Hearing on the vociferous de- mand$ of the Communist Party. Ameri~an Veterans Committee, the C. I . o 1 l. the San Fra ncisco j Council for Civic Unity, the Jew- ish Survey Committee, National ;t..awyers quild, negro organiza- ti ons l Md I individuals that the • Formerly Gordon's Drug Store CLOTHES Supervisors Consider Land Use Map Today Frequent use of the soil auglll'., both prior to and following an irrii:ation, is a good ""'aY to de-SANTA ANA , J"Jne 25.-The termine it Water has penetrated Ora nge County Board of Super· l to n uniform depth. he said. visors today took up for consid· Quality Lumber Irrigation costs may also be er a tion t he general land use m a p l Jo\\'ered in many instances by t\\ .. O which was approved by the county and or more neighbors joining in planning commission Monday. The supervisors ,,.ill hold a hear-Building Materials Contractor Accused of Bldg. Vio]ation Slated to appear before Judge D. J . Dodge in Costa f\lesa Wednesday n1orning is Harvey l\·ti\\cr. grnE"ral contractor. who is allc.'ged to ha,·e violated thl' con- tr actors· license la\\·, sections 7026 and 7028 of the Business a nd Pre>- fessions codl'. Accused of conlracting in the Harbor a rea \vithout a contract· or·s license. l\•tiller is nO\V on lib- erty on S500 bail. l\lillcr \\'as rc>CT'ntly found guilty of the sam1.~ offense in San Diego county and reputedly forfeited bail, court records disclosed. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIC E OF INTENTION TO S ELL NOTICE t s l"lF.REBY GIVEN pur- 11Ullnt to the pro\•i1iont1 or Secilon 3440 ot the Ci,·il Codt' of the eotate of CaU· 1 fo rnia. that C E. BABlN. Vendor. of 5o()of We!lt Central A\·enue. Newport Beach. CaHtornl;;i. lntenrh1 to 111ell to HASSAH M. GILLIS. Vendtt. or 214 2l!lt Street. r-:ewport Beach. Ca.lltornla. all that ttrtain pe~ilal p ro~rty con· 11!1t1ng genemlly of all atock In lrarle. rt::a:tuN'I. equlpme11t and good ..,·U\ oC a certain Cate buainesa known u "Tl-IE COACJ-1 LAYP"' In the City of Ne .... ·port Btoac h and located at 504 Wl'.!11 Ct'ntral Avenue. Newport Beach . Call!onila. and that the purchu:e price thereof will be pa.id at 10:00 o"clock a. m. on the 2nd day of July. 1946 , a t Balbo& Brant·h Bank of Amertca I :"' T &. S A. !n 8..'ll~. County or Orangl'. :)talc of California. Dated J une ~. 19-t8. C. F.. BABIN. Vendor . a.Dd/or liAN:"AH ]ol. GILLIS. Vend ee. Pub. June 24. 1946. NOTIC E OF INTENTION TO SELL NOTICE 1£· HEREBY GIVEN pur· suant lo tbe prol"islorui o r Sei::tlon »40 of the Civil Code of the 'State of Cal ifornia. that \V. FRANK W OLF .ft nd tfEJ\'RY F. JO:O.'"ES. Vendors. or 815 Sorth Hill Street, Qcellnftide, C111!-fomla and 906 South KenwOOd Strff't. rn1clewood. C411 tornia. re•pectl,-ely, tn· tend to 11ell to C. H_ LEE. Vendet:. of 4407 P rice 9trttt. Hollywood Cali-fornia. all that ~rtaln pereonai prop· erty conaisUng Kenerally of all •tock In trade1 food.11tu.CI•. fixturea. equip· ment a.no irood will tog:elher wt.th the bulldlng ol a certain luoch it.and bualttne It.Down .. "FRA.NX·s LUNCH ST AND.. located &t 507 Msewa.te.r A\·enue. Balboa. Ca.llfomla.. and that th• gurcbaM price thereof will be ~d at 1 :00 o'clock a.. m. on the 2nd day of July. 1941 at Bank of America. BaJOO. Bn.beh. in a.Jboa. Cowaty of o""~ Callsanila.. Dated June 19. lt41. HENRY F. J"ONES, W. rRANK. WOLF. v ......... ud/or CHARLES B. LEE. Pub. Ju.de St. IMS. v...se.. l'Oll INIR!L\NOS - Howard W. G nm i.e. Jlfw,.,t ••••UC OOll'IA MM• ...... 1111 Allbl 1 ntaile • Fire Aa:i.t111111 • Uh 1--~ -lfttam ing on tf'le map prt>paratory to its l adoption by th<' board. They ar<' • proceeding \\-"ith compll.'tini::; mi:i · CO TA MESA chinery for the regula tion of in· ' dustries and other improYements LUt,BER CO. in anlicipatic.n that the boRrd R. • HOSTETLER adopls it. Agricultural. commercial. indus-Pbo~e Beacon 5015 trial a nd r (>SidC'ntial art>as a rt" set ____ .... ________ _, out on t he map, \\·hich dOC's not ----+-------- speciry a n)· partic•Jlar area for ;----+---------, such development but merely sug· Carr's! F~d Store gC'sts localities. ~ F'REE BACO:S O ne pound of bacon free to every customer of a home cost ing S50.(X)Q or more. Cash. No agenls. J . ~1. l\1iller, 15th and Central. HArbor 1.242.-Adv. H ~Yi a nd Grain 4an_~_Feeds Dally .oi.bvery-Beacon 524.5 1827\ Newport Bl\."d. COST& MESA Manila rolders at News.Times Riding Apparel and Saddlery, Engllsh and I lcomplete Llne I of Wearing Apparel for Men, Women Westem i I and Children 205 No. Broadway, San_ta AU Phone 6722 EVERY WEDNESDAY. ' -UI- KIDDIES ' Meu ry-Go-ROllnd, Ferris Wheel • • Tu lcs Co1cesslo1s Sc • Tu lcs • • • I DAY 5c Eqien Radio Service Phone lleaw11 5816 Palmer Radio AND ELEcrRIC ZS48 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA POR MEN AND BOYS s~ SpivJ S/u,p JOT Marlne Aft.. Ball••• bland P.bone Barbor 618 INSR~CE P.A.PALMER LIDO ISl:fE PROPERTIES • W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor Pkne 1500 ~.f.d 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Going to Build nis Year? You probably have yonr dream boll!lfl all worked ont In yonr mind -or maybe your archltectoroontnctoralreadyhMp~pared plans on paper for yon. . Elcsct:rlclty will have a luge put la a khlg m-of poetwU' Uvlq -tr-. Wiiia ,..,. go over the p1am wttll yaor t-Uder be ....... to ... him abont Ille --......... • -9 ID lloUlebold labor •'VIili 11114 fDDO- tl-' ~. Oar ••l*lli Ill eTerytblDs ele tdml wll be Pd to belp wttll lay1IDi plMI ar prol' a o.e-...e••-:rn balo&aldllf& •ee , I lallle"BwcaHl&:t'" altllll&., e ETS-HOKll &·GALVAI . . " I -~ .... IMO Cn • J11ws7 .a.~---]' w , a a I \ • . , . - • • wewena I -. I HAPPY EVEN'IB Balboa Seafood Cocktail Bar Opens Friday, Social Catering Is Planned Sea food cocktalJs expertly pre-~ will be delivered to any part ol. Newport Harbor by a new con- cern opening a seafood cocktail bar at the Balboa Pavilion next Friday morning. and a tail-gunner with the 483rd Bombing Group or the 15th Air Force in Foggi, ItaJy. His was a B-17. In Harbor Area !~~~~~~~-' Oftr 560,000 1, Per11tlts lss•ed ~n Week for B•ilding on Mesa · ~J Mosa still holds the lead To A. W. Barnes, 216 E. 18th -To R L. Moore. 0.ta ~ far as tb~e (astest g:rawing community St., Costa Mesa, for dwellin& 00 a dwelling cm S . Anaheim A ..... in e county, according to east side of Santa Ana Ave. be-19th and 20tb S IL, ~ J Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Horne. 2126 Thurtn street, Costa Mesa. bull · · permits' tdued last week north of Orchard St .. $3000. ~N SALE n.. concern will be operated by Ken and Del Story or 703 E. Cen- tral avenue, Balboa, former ret.1- clenta or Whittler . Though he served with the army air corps tor three years, he spent 18 months of this service at the Santa Ana anny air base, where he was mess sergeant, a mi&hty big responsibility for so huge an outfit as was stationed there dur- I are pa.rents of a son, 'bom June 19 at Santa Ana Community hoo- pital. He wei&hed five pounds, I thirteen and a fourth ounces. A daughter wu born to Mr. and Mn. Nelson Stafford. 1516 West Ocean Front, on June 21 in St. Joseph"& hospital. She weighed six by. the county building depart-To Benjamin LaMotte, Rt. 1; ment ror that area. Cc.ta Metf, for dwelling on north Penilits were issued to J . A side of IrVtne...Ave., south ot 17th Pearci 122 Broadway. Costa St.. $10,000. Mesa.. for a five_..unit multiple To J . S tuart Innerst, 1724 could be &ue<:eSltlilly concluded Ill one or the l/USlnea locations u.ted at J . M. Miller's, re.al estate, 15tb and Central, HArbor 1242.-Adv. Km Story formerly was pro-ing the war. When he returned from Italy and was honorably discharged from the air force be was ap- pointed purchasing agent in the civilian department of the Santa Ana Army base. He comes here from that department. prietar of a grocery, meats and vecet.able market in South Whit· tier and was at one time relief manaaer in the field for the Safe- way stores company. He also is a eraduate of the Fullerton schools. During the last year, this young man served u a staff sergeant s H 0 E s Repaired WhDe y.,.. Walt Ray Pagan 615 East Bay Front Story said today that his open- alr establishment which faces the entrance to the Balboa Pavilion and can be seen from Central avenue, as 'one comes down the promenade leading to the pavilion, will be equipped with all the latest types of freezing equipment so that there will not be any chance for spoilage of foods. Nut door to Bay View ()ale ta.m.t.olp.m. - A quick-freezing unit, a holding unjt and a refrigerator case are some or t he types of equipment. \Vax<'d cups and lids for carrying the cocktails will be used, he said. DEA L'S \\.IFE BEATS HUS BAZ'li'D Famous to J . -~,t. Miller's real estate factory at 15t and Central, HArbor 1242. -Adv. Smoked Fish Always Fresll WllLEY'r REFRIGERnTIDn 110 McFadden PL JERVICE comPnnY Main Store: 101 mrhway .. At Road to Balboa bland" --Enctneertnc -8erftoo 920 Coat Blvd., Corona del Mar Temporary Phone, Day 654 La· guna Beach; Phone Night, ll362 Laguna Beach HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions lnqure at CARR'S FEED STORE 182'7 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. 0 . Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting ••• off the' Newport and Balboa Piers ~~ o~f~ve ~t . Av~e George Hiner Pa11coad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM ....,..T.,..-0_,_...,_a.oun-e "t""s-,..._•tt s+. Phone Beacon 11881..J GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONTBAOTOa A.ND B1llLDZ& Offkle: s.&10 0oMt Blvd. ftMIDe Barbor il1 CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWOU T . C. JOHNSON, Supt. WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE AC -COUNT (SO· 60 • 90 Days) Marbro'1 Invite 1"" to come ln and open a cbarp •Cl"'OOllL Our stocks ..,.. """"""'te wltll the latest ltylel ot Ladies' ~Apparel. Natto-Dy Ad1att11I BEADY -TO-Wl!&B ITIARBROS cJ~ Q,,,a, bl WAI GB ft'. 81 •• B• '"'Ji.llT .. it• C Bela.., 9-.111 A. M. te 1:11 P. M. - J dwelling on the north side of -------. c- • BEAUTIFUL BALBOA."S. J oyce Lugo o r 914 E. Central avenue. Ba.Ibo&. and her nine-months-old Scotch collie, Stormy, a.re shown enjoytnc a walk on the equally be&uttrul Balboa plu.a. Joyce's bu. band, Johnny Lugo, IA part owner or the Balboa Texaco 11taUon. -photo by Arsene. Deckert Invites People to Visit New Surgical Supply Store Friday Night pounds and one ounce. It WU a SOD for Mr. and Mrs. Don New, 105 North Bay Front, Balboa. He wu born June 18 in St. Joseph's hospital and weighed eJght pounds, two and a hat! ounces. Tech. Sgt. and Mrs. Lawrence Hittle, 214 32nd street. are par4 ents of a son, born June 22 in St. J oseph's hospital. He weighed six pounds and four ounces. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett, 620 Oiff drive, Newport Heights, are receiving con gr a tula lions on the birth of a daughter, who arrived June_ 21 In St. Joseph hospital. She weighed si.""< pounds, fourteen ounces. .. Lady Luck's Wal}d Touches Bassetts And Lo, They Win! If Lady Luck is playing favor· ites right no,v, certainly Mr. and f\1rs . Rich Bassett are high in her ra,·or. Attending the Lions club first annual fish fry and carnival. Lion Bassett, coming late, bought 1 somc'''here about the five thou- sandth ticket, v.•hich turned out to be the top prize \\'i nner. Broadway. one--half block eut of I NeWJ>!)rt Blvd., $17,000. " To TI'om A. Broderick, 1807 N. Main ~t.. Santa Ana, for a dwel· ling ~ the north side of 21st St., east of S\"ta Ana St., $3500. To Eugene P . Mct;ovem, 302 16th t., COsta Mesa, for a resi· dence1 on south side of 16th St. at sahta Ana St., $4000. To!; F. Boster. 16?2 Flower St., ta Mesa. for a dwelling on ~" south side of Flower SL near 'Raymond St., $45CK>. To . P . Barre tt of 1914 New4 port Blvd., Costa Mesa, for a dwell ng on ._.:est side of Oiurch St .. 'orth or 19th St .. $4000. T o Uarnes A. Harris, R t. 2, Costa Mesa for a dwelling on south· east 1 Ide of Rochester St., south of ange Ave., S88CXl. Canvas By the Y8fd Wi6e Widths-All Lengtha I Santa Ana T nt & Awning Co. 1629 So. Hain St. Pho.e207 SANTA ANA The Bassett home being equJp- ped with electric refrigerator, \vashing machine. toaster. r adio and other prizes of "'hich a choice could be made. the \\·inner decided ~--;-----------' to take the alternate cash award of $140. Going on to the a musement sec· lion, Mr. and Mrs. Bassett play· ed the games and each took· home a big basket of groceries. Later in the week Mrs. Bassett went :i:: out in the yard, picked four hy· U drangea blooms and took them < over to the Otange county flower l'.al show. You guessed it, they took i:Q the red ·ribbon. TIDE TABLES < z :::> ! of the Original N. Y. Production in-All Orange county i~ invited to I ~ent a nd fuctures · represent an attend the formal opening of the 11nvcstn1ent or mor e than $100.000 ne''' home of the Deckert Surgical and provides C'Verything in the . y,,·ay of mechanical apparatus, in-W 19 compan}'. 409 South l\.1 ain stre>et, st'ruments and supplies needed for ro!Ol, 11'8 " Hl8h Low Hiib Low < .:I 1:54 6:37 11:56 6:'8 A NG EL STREET 3.5 --0.2 4.8 3.0 ···-·--·· 7:24 !:U 7:18 Santa Ana. this Friday. 2 to 9 the doctor. hospital, nurse or sick Th 20 p.m.. acrording to an announce-room, including rigid and pliable ment made today by Dale G. I applianet>S and supports as well F 21 [)('ckert.' O\~rner and o~rator. . 1 RS maternity needs. 0 .1 3.7 3.0 ~ 12:41 8 :13 S:!5 8:08 O Accla1mC'd by those 1n the 1n-The store·s large X-ray sales S 22 4.3 0.3 4.1 2.6 E:: 2 :05 9:03 4:03 10:21 tJ dustry to be .I.he fin£'St. lar~cst I d . d · nnd most complete store or its an sen1ce epartment ts in 3_9 0 .6 4.5 1.9 g Su 23 3:45 9:52 4:41 11:25 o !'16-.... glaCl9ll bl --o6 oawrnDOt. c:: kind In lhe nation, \"isitors \Viii be charge of Iludson l\·1cK<'e, an out· affordC'd the opportunity to in-standing X-ray technician. I~ge spec! the modern features a nd ritting rooms \\·ith full-length, services of this store a nd see the triple mirrors provide extra con· LlPt ~ ... -.: ..... a.w-p. VJ p. · h to individuals, doctors a nd hos. many sciC'nlific dcvi('('S "'hich re-ven1enCC" to t e customers ""'hen sC'arch has made available for the b('ing fitted. l 'he nurses' salon pltals. aid of hun1a nity. cllrries l'verything ne-ed ed in the The personnel consists of Dale The ne\v building, stock, equip-"·ay of professional \\'omen's cloth-G. Deckert, owner and manager; ROOFS ing and S1lpplies. The physicr f\lrs. Evelyn Webber, secretary therapy dC'par tment displays every and treasurer ; Mrs. Hilda Struth· ultra violet ray lamp knO\\·n to E'rs. women's surgical appliance science and a great stock of sup-fitter: Dale G. Deckert Jr., sales· I plies for all types or machines man, and Hudson f\1c.Kee, X-ray ~ ,.. "' . " pening Tonight Thru Sunday Night ... > Cl c 1e<1 Seatmc Capoclty-z Next Week : "Room Service" Seats Available Now $2.40 & $1.80 incl. tax Phonel91 AU Seats Reserved. > GIFTS for the Baby Baby Rings - - -Comb and Brush Sets · -· Sterling Silver Cups, Spoons and Cereal Bowls. At t HA1RR'S· • ;-,~ J. d Jewelry 1821 Hubor Boolevard Costa M- lllltl'I A 71.tM ltl.tDr 70 WOltK FOR rou FREEi • l1iese free pomphlm will help you tackle the tough jobs cbe right way. They go all-out to ave you time, "'°"°7.• Oied< the ODCS you a<ed and ask us today! _ · D p-c;.uu O 'f:J:1.or Z..brielllio• O TrM101 RoUw l.Mbrl- """ P-phkt D Whul Bem•1 s.,,,;" Boo/Un D Plt'I S1rt1it.1 (thMlt, rteords, eo1l·for,,., for o p1r11lin g lr11eli1 -•" lrMlor1 1ei,111ifi.e4'J7)_. Clayton Thompson Whok 1•le Distribution Phone IM Bes. Phone IOIN Your local dis tr ibutor for STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCTS APPLIED OR REPAIBJ:D Frtt Eatimates .Ir lnspecU011 W. '· Beabow a nd lamps. manager . 'rhe rental department ""'ill be -;:=============t======:---:::;;;;;;;;;,,.:;;;;;:;::;;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;:~::;:;;;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:~==~~~~ an important division of the store, v.·here e''erything, except Items restricted by law, will be rented 3602 M...-cw Ph. Hbr. 1012-J Lumber and Building Materials Bay District Lumber Co. PIM>ee BMcoa 5111 511 OOA8T RIOBWAY Ar THE AllCllJ:ll LOOK"@ . - , EXPERT DRl ·YERS TheGreyboundbus4riYabubecomeasym· bol of skill and • in motorized tnu- ponatioo. With yoa ride oecure· in the knowledge that cbewheel is a highly tnined ezpett,--Ws fl-,.;_,_ Both training d .tradition gi•e the -\ Greyhound elmer -dH111ed pdde in his ability. New regUd!ess of pie- mas aperience, rtcm-e • full month or more of iouasive. • mining before airing mer oo own.. They m-pas certain physical and mental taa com1?9able to those of the Anny Air Colpi. ADd DOW mo« of Greyhound'• former eq~ driven aie b.ck at cbe,whed afw ·i ~ .+m, ia cbe Ann.I Porai. . : 'I B•-hu,~uio, 'dilt d 11~ Ga:)und 01•• aft ·--... -~· ,f . ,..my . -equally &med lior their frieadlT. ager aamtiotl IOefeqcietall olacitb~moW trneliog by G1e7boand more dwl j1llt a war ID 8o p1.m. .. I • F e I T I I I I T I I -1 I I I I I ••I .e I ••• I ,e I • T e I I I I Y ~ e I I I ~ ........ --~-..-....;;;...;;...:...;...::.~..:;..::: , ·114 W. 4th St. ',.., 1688 PAC I F I C. L ··~I I PASADENA LONG BJ!A-CH . • • N. Sc1ll ~ -· .... Ill.._...._ LB. ... - 1 ' • • ' li!."Wt~~·:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:.~·~~~~~~~~.J!lt!WDW!l'G9l'!!!!!!~•!!•!1 ao!!!~ALl "'"" .... , ae.con Bay Girl Weds in Pretty Ceremony at • • Balboa Circle -your friendl and •be Oiapel by the Sea; to Live in Costa Mesa H b F m1· . . Act v1t1es· Elects Officers N-J¥-n. -.. - An lmpl Ive double r!nc .,_. bythe bride"• brotbfr. Mn. Fl«-ar 0 r e n Ille -Crde mot lut ~-~..:.~·z ~ :..~:::-C IDDD;y read ...._tty at the O\apd ence Andonon plQed .. At Da,..... ~ at the bcme of Mn. ~ Mn. Emma KcCmnell. who bM b7 the See. Corona tie! Mar, inc." "Andantino'" and the wed-Pbal'9 13 ADd D + By Wlnltred Bartin + -Pbone 1637-R Beatty, I.-awnue, and -been vlllttnc Bob Murphy at Santa lmll24 In marrlace Ru VJrslnla din& mardl. offtcen far the new )'Ur. Namod Barbara, b.,i a .....,nt -t fluD =-52~":".!'"~.=-J~ Followlnc the --a fe. Tiny 'Circus Girl' McMillan-Funk Vows Repeated at Capilla de ;:!i....~~~:,:..,,~ ::.:~i,,~~~ Bllell of Benno.a Beach. O!!I· ceptlon -held at the Hurley Observes Birthday San Antonio "on Traditional Wedding Date OLI 'FrDeienldsedEnvj~r -1c1on ... •--·.· t:~E.J~_!ame~::=.~::~~~FIK datlnc wu the Rev. Jamea Batt.en Bell. wi...e the wedding c:aU was O g-ay !Sit _, ~ _,.., --·~ 0( Corona tie! Mar. cut and a delldous buffet IUPIJ<r Patrida Ann Schultz. who is 01008ing the Capilla do San =r · t?eUtln!r, and Mrs. J . K. Elliott, home, Onl1P a-ue. Ccota 114-. served Afterwards the -~0 t nlo near Anaheim as the ..,.,.. Sdiool ch -•· •·• t devotional leader ·and publicity wore Mn. Funk's lister. Mrs. W. The bride wu lovely in a cown wu · ,-~ just t11tte Y"&n old and wants to ° Family Gathers , llDll -~ ~ no 1een chalrmul-Berkey and husband. and - 0( IOft white net and a lhoulder couple left lor a honeymoon at be a .. circul gir~" had a circul of their -.ic. and a weddlnc ::.rther In S7 Y"An enjoyed a children Delbert and Nancy 0( "ftD. and lhe, carried an old fash· Carlabad and on their return will party !or heT birthday recently day traditional to the third ,.,.. At Elliott Home visit .._.,t1y when Mrs. J. w. The neo<t meetlna: will be July Seattle •who came down !or tht loned bouquet of butterOy orchldll reside at 1860 Lacuna avenue, when her mother entertained at eration. YOWi were repeated t ot Veronla. Ore.~ wu a 17 at the home of. Mn. Elliott. weddln& of )l1:a Jean Funk and and bouvardia. She was given in Colt.a Mesa. their borne, 346 Poppy avenue. Thunday. June :..: 7 :~ P.;:-Mn. Eugene De Bra and chil· ~for oeveral days at the home Dan McMllian 00 ThundoY marrlace by heT brother. Irvlnl The new Mrs. Buell received Small sueots w...., '""'124 In ~ J~ =ell Funk.ter 2091 0r'. dren, Bonnie Jean and Marilyn, of Bfiu Elsie N-and. Coast CDM Party Harris Malley of uoUYwoocl, Shopud. lonnerly of Pasadena. her disch&rKe from the Waves lut the entrance ball by a clown and · ol ln&Jewood, Who have been ~ father of Mra. Harry Guiher, - Mn. Miles Sat.D'lden of Pua-November after two yean of serv-animals and a bl& balloon. with an&e avenue, Cotta Mesa, and Dan visitina Mn .. De Bra's parent.a, §TuHollett and her daughter, .. a guest for a few days at the dena. matron of honor. wu gown-ice in Washin&ton. D. C. Prior a strl"• 'face and paper curio went McMillan, •on of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Elliott, Mn. Ceo Dodd of Salem. On!.. WallJ-Gerhardt. Corona tie! Mar GuUer home in Newport Heishtl <d In plnk<tatfeta and carried an to her marriase lbe was employed to a lucky winner. J ohn M~an.t ~gh~ 900 East Ocean Front, Bal*-for have been visiting their 1<111 and pbotoerapher . entertained at hll and Sund&¥ guests,...,.. a bro- old;fMh._., bwquet 0( ~ in the oftlce of Cty Councilman Pink lemonade ,. .. served lint. avenue. ";"JlDr rf ed .b the the put ,..,.k. l"<Celved a Nrprioe bro • Harvey Boc\e and lamily heme recenUy. Amon& tile cuesta Bernard Malley 'and famlly. Kr'. fk..;uL Beot man wu Robert 0 . Z. Robertaon as bookkeeper. then ove ne went to the dinln • ceremony "as pe onn Y Sal\lrday mornin& when Mr. De a~ndondo Beach, and Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Al Woodbury Bernard 114alley is head of thl llcCl&J' 0( Huntlneton P ark. The Mr. Buell has reoenUy been dis-ryo ,.!_ Rev. E. D. Goodell. pastor of Bi-a returned from the eut. where and the Boglel spent a ~ and Mr. and Mrs. Petroff, Loo Loo ~ manufacturing com bride'•. mother wore powd« blue charged from the U. S. Navy Air ~~ ~ th~ll~~ look Otrtst Ol~h b~~~%l~ti= he had been visiting hls mother. here before the northern visitors Angeles; Mr. and Mn. Hollabird. pany wh.kb ~ his name. with pink ro1ebud hat and match-~· having ~ed several years like 8 tent, with colored balloons ~n:r~C:O:S a With Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. ret~ home. Pasadena: Oare.nee King, Long In& gloves. in the Hawaiian Islands. He is hung from the center . Table dee-Settin ~ff the br ide's blonde De Bra of Burbank having arrived. J -_,... Beach; Leroy Dupn. Full~ton ; ,..------------: F1oraJ decorations in the chapel now ('mployed by Earle Hatheway, orations were in pink and yellow, beauty ~as · her 'go"Wn of white Friday for the weekend, celebr a-W I:' T LJ Me , J J 3 Mrs: Pa~ne ~land, Phillip De N Ii W LINE WeTe keyed in pink an.d white, Laguna Beach. . and the big birthday cake, in-brocade, the fitted bodice with its lions wer:e in order and on Satur-.y. . . ets u y Lozier, MISS Marian Anderson and Craft Greeting Oard& with pink larkspur, white ~l~d-Guests at the wedding included scribed "Happy Birthd~y, Circus sweetheart neckline and long day evening the latter couple w ere I . Ha}'Vr'ard WestJak~. Rt..Hna- iolus and double Shasta daisies the Messrs. and Mesdames W . B. Girl " was served with 1ce cream 1 di · t th hi 1. . hosts at dinner a t Vlctor ffnoo's Tl'ie Ne"''J)OJ"t Beach W.C.T .U. ..,_.,,. , · hnso w ·tr H h Roi d • · s eeves en ng a e p me 1n -• 1 B 1.,:__ V . lv lovely in the light of .tall white Jo n. 1 tam ug es. an Later popcorn and peanuts were 8 full gathered skirt. Her veil while Sunday evening the Eugene \\"ill lneet Wednesday, J uly 3 with Five separate oil-bearing strata roo'.a.angn ane candl~. Pew d~rations were Wood, Robert McClay, W. L. Bl;lell eaten from paper bags tn regular WU of tulle and her bouquet of De Bras entertained at dinner a t Mn. Emma Weatherford. 322 Al -have been found by the test well • ~ ..,.. o.r.. ... ._ tiny pink old·fasht?ned bouqueb, jr., W .. L. Buell sr., Bob McKeo~. circus style. ~:hite gladiolas was CC'ntered \Vlth the J ohnson cafe. vora , o place, Balboa, at 1:30 p.m. ;_!'.o~1~·~t•'..!',...~!-!...!'."'~·~·~·~·~·~=~·~ and all the decorations were done J . Steinbach, Norton P. LeWJ.s, p t i . . brother. Fr anklin d h bl r ard . on U. S. Navy's Alaska n reserve. Jack Boylan. Irving Shepard and a rCJas . . , a eta~ a econ.age o g. en1as ~=======================:<; children: Miles Sanders, Mn;. Schultz. and hJS rr1 end .. Timmy and pink carnation~ which she Harborites Play Large ·pa in Succe$s ,, Laura Boylan, Mrs. J, L , Holmes. Holab1rd of Pasadena. who :s down later wore on her going away swt Of Orange County Fa1·r an Horse Show Mrs. v. O. Sargent, Mrs. E. N. here fo_r .the swnmer, asstSted . tn of blue and white. . . 1 Borg. Mr. and Mrs. Scully and entertBlning, and Mn. Katherine Maid of honor \Vas the brtde s First to be held since before R of Lido Isle r eceived an hon- childrC'n, ?\.fr. a nd Mrs. Suderman. Orr made all the a~lmals that sister, Miss Verna Funk. whose the war, the Orange county f air ora,. e mention for. her exhibit. Miss Laura Walker, Mrs, Ardyl were used for de-corat1ons. full-skirted gown of powder blue and hors• show wh1'ch end -• Sun-Th be tlf 1 di I t ·• b Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Corzine Small guests were David Lucas, made a lovely contrast to her day ~·as" far and away th~ best Mr~ ,an~u ~. vJ~tt~ ~er~'; :r Jr Gary Caldwell. Sonny Coffin, flowers. a shower C'ffect of yellow . --------------·-----------Loren F1etcher. Pamela Tohill, gladiolas and matching satin rib-event of its kind and drew an at-Costa Mesa took a first prize. Gail Anderson, Allison Christler. bon. Little Robin Erwin. just tendance of nearly 35,000 persons, nk parade on Saturday was Craig and Boyd Bailey, Peter and three, the daughter of Mr. and according to Mrs. James Irvine, thrilling to see, 8.nd sidewalks Nancy Nickertz, Timmie Holablrd Mrs. Ralph Erwin of Newport general manager. wer «! p8cked for th~ entire line of and Franklin Schultz_ boulevard, was nower girl, quaint Staged b Y the Assistance the rParade. The silver mounted Mary :~ ~~: "'.'u~. New Location -and ln\".ites her fonner, as well as new patrons to the Marine Beauty Shop 321 Marine Ave. 03f3alboa rket Mothers present were the Mes-in a long frock of white net ltDd League of Orange county to raise out!ifs and the beautiful palo- dames Lucas, Caldwell, Coffin. carrying a little old-fashioned funds for a county cancer clinic, minOf were a sight long t o be re- Fletcher, Tohill, Anderson , Christ-bouquet. all Assistance League members membered. ':::=:=:=:=:=:'::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=o=:=:=:= tler, Holabird. Bailey, Nickertz Gaylord Blue "''85 best man and worked to m a ke it the success it 'I'hb horse show :wu the best ,.--------------------------, More Tbaa SO Yean ef 8Qvlce to tile Bart.or'• SOl Main n-t ClleDW. Ph. Barbor 85 and the hostess. ushers were Ralph Irwin and Hugh was. The Newport Harbor branch yet. ~ven and among those en - McMillan. Mn. Funk wore fiow-gave its e fforts to the flower jo · tt' from boxes were the Balboa, Calif. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,... I c. D. M . H 0 s tesses 8Qi j& ~ ~ ;• Entertain at tiULU 17lf, . fl/~ 4 Bridge Luncheon ~ Mrs. AlfT'ed Schultz and Mn. The Only Safe Protection Against MOTH-HEAT FIRE -THEFT Cold Storage Vault On PremltM HAVE YOUR FURS REMODELED NOW AT LOW SUMMER RATES! PHONE 373 218 No. Broadway Warren Fletcher were co-hostesses at a bridge luncheon Thursday at the home of the latter , Orchid avenue, Corona del Mar. Garden flowers were used for dceoratioru: and were compli- mented by the table linens in pastel colors. Preceding the luncheon cocktails were served ln the patJQ. Six tables were ln play and fint prize went to Mn. Clifford Nolder. Mrs. Paul Hall took second prize and third went to Mrs. R. C. Hailes. Balboans Entertain Before Corn us Dance Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Tohill entertained with cocktails before the Camus club dance last week. \vit h about 15 couples attending. Among those present at the dance were Dr. and Mrs. Obed Lucas, the George Lowes, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Christler, thC' \Varren Fletchers, J ack and l\1onica Zeller, l\tr. and ~.Yrs. Paul t lall and the Deon Vampbelts. ORANGE COUNTY'S FOREMOST FURRIER NUDE BATHING ALLOWED in bath or shower of any home sold by J . M. Miller, 15th and Central, HArbor 1242.-Adv. +- SHOP +· Custom The Door Opens -----------''-------on one of the Southland's freshest contriba- tions to the art of inf Ol,'mal Ii v- and ing. We-invite your presence • • your op1n1on. 12 N·ooa, S1aday, J1ae 30, 1948 ·LANAI SHOP 411 Coast Highway Corona de) Mar ered net in" shades of blue and show where entries competed for C. Thoms, Ray Alforda, Everett pink. and a white corsage wh.ile some $1200 ln premiums. Acting in G en, Mrs. Addie Haugh, Mr. Mrs. McMillan was gowned in • supervisory capacity were Har-and . H. S. MacKay, Mrs. Wal- pastel green lace and wore pink bor Chairman Mrs. Walton Hub--ubbard jr.,. Mr. and Mrs. carnations. bard jr., Mrs. George Yardley, L Farwell, the George Yard.- White gladiolas decorated the Mrs. Chenoweth and Mn. N ancy Ieyw d the Fred Newcombs for- chapel, 'A'ith tall candelabra, and White, while Mrs. C. M . Deakinl mer N ewporters. · ' organ music preceded the oe.re-helped cla.ulfy the entries. mony. The reception was held Mrs. Wlllard Killion was in a t the chapel with the bride and charge of hosteues and those from groom cutting the cake , which the H arbor branch included the was served with punch. Mesdames J ack Hillman, James Lo Ann Acree to We ' Santa Anan The occasion also marked the Rogers. Victor Grace, D ixon anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Smith, George Holstein, Don Mc-Mr and Mrs. Homer S . Acree Mc:MJllan and of the bridegroom's Callum. J . Addison Gurley, Porter of Ortario, former residenta of grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durkee, Walt er Franz, Deakins, Ne~t Beach, are announcing L Dole of El Segundo, Blld the Henry Niemeyer, Harold Chrhit-the-e gagement of their daughter , two elder couple were feted later ler, Everett Gardiner and W illiam Lou n Acree, to Oliver (Bud) at a party at the Funk home w1th White jr. Assiltlng with the food Edsw rth Modin, 204 West 17th about 30 in attendance. were Mn. Dick Whitson, Mrs. Ar-stree Santa Ana. The new Mr. and Mrs. McMiDan thur Best and Mrs. Robert Powell. M. 1 Acree is a graduate of are honeymooning on a r anch A Harbor branch member , Mrs. N rt Beach Grammar school, above Bishop and on their return H ouston Witherspoon of Laguna Ne rt Harbor Union High 'A'ill occupy the new home whJch Beach , was located in the patio schoo and at tended Redlands uni- they have just completed on where the begonias and fuchsias versit . Mr. Modin is gradua ting Broad street. were displayed, and lucky Indeed from he University or California, Both young people are gradu-were those persons who went Los geles campus, this month. atM of Ne\vport Harbor Union away possessors of some of her He i connected with the Harold High school. The bride h¥ been char_ming silhouettes. Bro~ Colonial c~apel, Santa An8.. employed at the P olly Apparel Miss GJyde Maynard of Corona Th wedding will take place shop and the bridegroom return-del Mar took three a"·ards with some time in August and will ed this spring from overseas. her lovely roses and Miss Jean proba):>ly be in Santa Ana. where he saw service way ahead ;============;;;=i;;;========~ or the front line \\'hile strin~ telephones for Gen. Patton's ad- vancing army, receiving the bronze star for meritorious serv- ices. 1w. NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Club An innovation which should prove very popular i! the junior skippers' dinner dances which are to be held every Friday evening during the season, beginning J une Individu.:ility fcrr the '"M ot ·to·be · • lf we don't have it, we "'41c.t it, you see! Shoppe SUN.llbln8L -- 28, according to a decision made ~=============~=========~ at the board of directors' meet-- Ing held rttent1y. Slated f or the evening of June 29, ~ annual dlnn~ of the PC fleet has been postponed =tll July 20. Saturday, J uly 6. 11 the race to the lsthmus At Cata1ina Island with boats racing for the Georae Stnim Perpetual trophy. Sklppon have received a cordial Jetter from th• Caiallna Island Yacht club teeretary -treasurer. N o r m a n Pahot, extending their welcxime and cooperation to the PC fleet, which stays OVeT that evenlnc and racs beck Sunday. Be<auoe of thll coming ev~t they did not race this put Sunday. Dixon Smith of Balboa I1land hu been appointed chairman of the board of admission for elemen- tary pilo ting for the Balboa\ P ower 1quadron. Tom Tupman°1 14-foot Interna.- tionaJ. which made news when it arrived by air from Ooveland. 0 ., at t he Long Beach Munldpal airport. didn't l!"t christened when It orri•·ed. that beinc Fathtt'1 day, but t..he ceremony may take place latn . It ls now on en.- play at the Long s..ch Boat .-. BYC 11 l!IOl-U.c the In· ternatlon.al. Rear O:mmodore Dick Fon,_ 11 the only olhlr member wbo """'° one. but tbeJ are on artier for: ~le Serftll, Fred Schend< and Walker Smith. Miss Jeanette Shook Leaves for Berkeley Mia J-ite -. claucbW ol Kr. and lfn. Conrad -ot Balboa Toland. left w~ far Buloeky -.... Wiil at· tend _...,.. oc:hool at the Uni- --.lty ol Callfamla. Kiii -.... jUlt sndlaa124 trcm Santa Ana Jlmlar colloslo. -.... -odltor ol Del AM. After her_,,,_ --lbe Wiil mt.r the Sd>ool of Nlll"lins wldob .. al!lllalllt! wllll 11. c. ·HAVE . ' • • A •••••• a A I yl "f'«/<111/ M~ (!~ F4 smm .. . .(A ............ Wt.tel ···------· o.,t ,_, C1r1J' 11 ..,.,. Good • Selection of- I SUN SUITS ·orkin's Department Store 1798 Newport Blvd. We Have··· SUITS and TRUNKS • -• For Al Ages h and &izes. • ., ........... .,,.. ... _ I I ................ t zt• ... ....iccefNPt' _......_•6e6111' I •I I ......... .,...... .. '•.W•11J'S_il_ "'c .,.-n.. •• I r•1L111nr-6 ' ••-... -. ..... ft, .. •• " d ··--·...... ... _,..., . ., .. ··------............ .. -"'ill I ............... .,....... .. I I .. _._.._..,.. ..... ,, •'11 I ..... 'a..a.· ....... _,, . .., ..... ..,.! .. ,....., .. I ·-'-~ I I