HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-04 - Newport Balboa News Times" .Jllf SAND CRAB ., SAM OPA -BOMBS. Hard to tell which is caUS: Ing deepest concern -OPA discard or atbmic bomb dropping, but after Wking and listening have come to the conclusion that rents and prices are nearer the people's troubles than the Bikini ex- plosive fiasco. In the har- bor district there is little evi- dence of gouging. Reputable f"ums have no intention of boosting prices Wlduly-they lnrend to remfiln in business In the tomorrows to come; It's only the little. short- sighted, get -the -money while -the -getting - is good folks who are upping rentS and prices. That will e.lways happen, w h e t h er we have OPA or not. 'Tis true meat and grain markets have zoomed, but they'll come down when the sup- ply exceeds the demand. Black Markets seem on the way out. Reports from Washington that butter rates jumped from 67 to 92 cents a pound were found to be untrue and a cannard that OP A officials them- selves are said to have is- sued.• Packen< are credited with holding up slaughtering In some Instances, waiting for better prices, but one concern stated that so many cattle and hogs are being held back that when the competition starts, prices will drop. This means that Black Marketeers are on the way tX> oblivion. As one land- lord said here if they permit us to operate like we do In normal times, our resort rates will go up in summer and down in winter, as they have been doing for two de- cades. • • • Dirty Beaches! Sewral la- dles in the harbor area have asked the News-Times to take up the cudgels for cleaner beaches, as they claim many of them are rather unsightly with litter from the sea, debris left by people, etc. Do not know how many funds are avail- able In the city exchequer, but it would not be amiss tor the street department to give the shores of this beau- tiful section the once-over, thus maintaining our reputa- tioo for the nicest beach in Southern Calif. Mayor Reed points out that the city's beeches are in pretty good shape and would like specific Information concerning lit- ter. • • • 1 o I y Foor th. Indepen- dence Day now resolves it-:aelf into a series of vacation . days. In the old times we just observed the Fourth- now, when it falls on Thurs- day, like this year, we start Wednesday night and return to the job Monday morning. In the past there was much !lhooting of firecrackers and fireworks at night. Now there is little of either. Seems like Memorial Day is given more solemn thought than the Fourth, but, no no doubt, vets are too busy In finding a place to live to concern themselves over our patriotism of yore. • • + Gambllng. What! Seems to be some talk, here and there, of a nice. quiet place for all the folderol that goes with a refined spot to play roulette, fantan, the ponies, et.c., etc. It would be plush carpets, lee.ther chairs. bro. Qde on the walls and. in tact, a dolled up spot for the aenti"Y· But the point is that it one such den started, bow klQg would it be before olhet • wanted the same priv-IJeeet! Just now It seems tliat . Newport Beach has Dlent;y of attractlms In Its lieed*, Its bey, its ocean, 118 i-t., Its yacht clubs, Its :Set~~-= fA -• rment old or young ~ fancy. It's ):ocw>Mt, -..itbY naeatlon. Let'• . _, It tbat way for u. ..-ot our ldds. KFEP POSTED! 1. Year •••• , • tlM Ill 0 ,, "-"'om ti Ot " ••omtt- -~,__ .. .... = ; !f6Wpw$ ..... ! • .NEWPORT EMBRACING BALBOA PF.NINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HfJGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, cdsTA MESA vo.unm mwm NZW'POllT ···ca. ~ '1BtJC8DAI, nJLY ... lNI ...... 1 NtJWB•• • Business Groups Check Inflationary · Rage Record Qty Budget Calls • Appropriation of $359 ,850 For Municipal Maintenance FBI Enters ,New Hogl .I-• H. B. Woodrough, Probe of Bean · anu Early Pioneer, 0::.":~ ~:~es-Buys Mesa PH~S:S ~~~earcy ligation today launched a second L d k pioneertof the :a.tesa district and probe Into the dumping of soiled an mar tftident of the area for over 35 UNNRA sacks or bean screenings years, was found dead in his car on the banks alongside Palisades early Tuesday evening, a victim of Few Price, Rent lnc~es Seen Here, News~Times Poll Of Business firms Indicate road in upper Newport Bay last carbon monoxide poisoning. He Ch be f Co Rec • $15 500 f week. Orange County Agricultural O ne or the landmarltJI of Costa evidently had gone to sleep In the 3M r 0 mmerCe eIVe8 ' Or Commissioner 0 . \V. Tubbs of Mesa. the Friday Afternoon club. car and forgot to turn off the Majority of Apartment Operators; Restaurant Owners and Retail Store Proprietors Say They Will Not Push Up Prices Unless Forced to Do So Advertising Newport Beach in New Fiscal Santa Ana accepted the responsi-erected in 1924 by a group of ignition. Y B t Co 'I T bl R t f bility for the dumping of the bean earn .. ! harbor women. hu been Mr. Woodrough. who has been ear, U UDCI 8 es eqUeS 0~ culls. reported sold to Dennis Hogland, in failing health for the past year. Special Election on City Name Tubbs WU quoted in Santa Ana Dodge dealer, for a reported con-came to Costa Mesa in 1910 and A tflltatJve budret. for the l&f&-41 fl.cal ye.,. appro\·ed by the Newport Beach City Councll ~londay altemoon cal.ls for an appro-. prtation of $359,MO to ca1T7 on the expemes of the munlclp&I eov- em.meut. LarP-l_ lndJvtdual approprladon wu 110.000 which waa .et aside for the Newport Barbor Cb.amber o f Cornmeroe to me for lldverUslns tbe harbOr area. However, an lld.dJUonal l5&00 w.. appro-- prtated for Plarle. for maa.agen and a..ntante ID tbe adverthlac hmd camp<Up, lncreues lo ulariea we.re noted for the offtoe of the hubor- muter and for tbe office of dty tnap.t.nte. ~~~~~~~~~~- Total appropriations w e re broken down as follows: Municipal clerk's department, $6700; city hall general, $16,760; building department, $13,700; city treasurer's office, $2100; city at· tOTney's ~ffice, $3600: police judge's office, $3200; city council salaries, $3000. Auditor and tax collector de- partment, $8940; police depart. ment, $59,540: harbor department, $8155; fire tlepartm•nt, $32,790; fire boat department, $3000; life savings department, Sll,125; street department, $102.460. Engineering department , $11,· 800; electrical department. $21,- 260; .sewer department, $28,800; harbor maintenance. $10,200; ad· minlstrative officer for the city and his department, $4320; camp lune!. $8400; park fund. $8900; advertising fund, $15.SOO. The dty water fund approprta. tions were broken down as fol- lows: Smith Boat Works Sold ToAngelan Sale of the waterfront property occupied by Smith Brothers Boat Workl here was completed thil week, according to instrument. tiled tn the county recorder's of. fice in Santa Ana. The property was sold by Mn. Fk"ank Snrlth, owner, to Ray R. Donald and son of Los Angeles and constitutes the latest transfer of valuable bay-front property in the Harbor area. Office administration, $20.350; Amount of consideration lnvolv- pumping p1ant at wells, $5300; ed in the sale was not disclosed booster plant No. 1. $8700; "rater but, it Is understood, it v.·a.s a con- treatment, $1300; Corona del Mar siderable sum . booster plant, $1100; maintenance The ne\v owners plan extensive of lines. $16,000; meter main-improvements as soon as the prop.. tenance and reading, $2900. erty is vacated by the boat com- Other maintena nce, repajrs, fuel. pany. labor for auto and trucks and Occupying approximately 100 making new connections and in-feet on the bay at 21s t St. In the surance, $21,300, and betterment industrial zone, the property has of the system $29 ooo. been used for many years as a Name Cban~e Tablt'd /boat yard and in connection with The city council aJso tabled a water-front construction work. suggestion by the Newport Har· The s~le "'a~ one of th.e seve~a_J bar Chamber of Commerce call-trlJI1S&ct1ons involving 1ndustr1al ing upon the munidpal body to set water frontage recently completed a date for a special election at by Harbor Investme nt Co., ReaJ- ..,.,,hich the voters would be gi.\'en tors, of Newport Beach, who r ep.. an opportunity to cast their bal-resented both buyer and seller . lots on a referendum for a change in the name of the city from Newport Beach to Newport Harbor. O.t City Prlll.llDc !lld The mayor and council voted o accept the bid of the Newport- Balboa Press and awarded it a contract to do the city Pfintlng for the ensuing year. The Press was lowest bidder for the contract. The Press bjd 55 cents per column for the first Insertion of legal notices and 50 cents per column inch for the second inser- tion of city printing. Bidding against the Press was the Ne"'"POrt-Balboa News-Times which offered a bid of 60 cents per column inch for the first and 55 cents per column inch for the follow.up. Balboan on Ship Taking Quezon on Farewell Voyage Lt. Richard K . McK.ibben. U.S . N ., son of Mrs. P. S. McK.ibben of Balboa Island. is leaving Wed· nesday morning from San Diego on the U .S .S . Princeton, which is takjng home to the Philippines the body of late President Quezon. The lieutenant will be stationed in China for about a year. He has been living at home for the past three months v.•hile on temporary duty at the Los Alamitos Naval Air station, flying to his v.·ork and back. Federal Savings Doubles Size In Year; Total $3,000,000 as stating that the sacks ot use-sideration of $25.000. The sale is in his early r esidence. helped to less beans were dumped in that now in escrow and it is said Mr. organize the farm bureau in the area under instructions from his Hogland intends to lease the district and served on the school own office only after all possible building to a super market. board from 1912 to 1920. foodstuffs were re moved. Material 'J'he club building is located on Active in Costa Mesa affairs salvaged in the rec.leanin1 process the wtst side of Newport boule-for many years, Mr. Woodrough was ground and used for livestock varci, between 17th and 18th just recently re tired from his pasl- feed. he said. stree~, with the Mesa Legion hall Uon as secretary of the Newport Meanwhile, offidals of the on th~ cross street ln the rear. Heights Irrigation district, a past United Nations Relie f and Re-I t W reported the club will uae the M heJd for many years. He was habilitation administration Ln Legion ha.II for meetings until active in the early development Washington, D. C., were making other quarten can be found. of Newport Harbor. . Tbe majority of ownen ~ ..-rt-.t: bo-, owaen and ~ prietors or re1tauru:ta and ..._,en of reW1 •tors la u.e · NMr- port Harbor area do aot expect to hlcreMe prtee. altiove former OPA. control achqclules ~ tM7 are fol'Oed to do eo by tbe actloae of .u.. .... 'lbat WU tbe (]i:.il!£££ of Cl]l>'oei exp'! ! ii by tl00"9 of property owners wtth rental propertlm ... owwen aDd proprieton of reta1J Mtablhb:mellt.. ln a WWW 46) --M..-,. ila')' u.e Nfl1n-.'l"lmea,. Only nve out of 19 .-w ol ..........,.& lloaw ID tM ..,....r uea clecland tbat Gey ...,.,... t.crt z r-.t. '"'mediately. Foartt m otloen deftaltel.I' .--- --_,. lo ,_7 more ..&. inquiries to ascertain why a.acks la the early twenties a group 'The deceued. ll aurvived by his carrying UNRRA Inscriptions of lad! .. headed by Mn. C. G. wife. Mrs. Marcaret Woodrough; DFC A d d were used for the dumpln& proced· Huaton, Miu Alloe Ph.uner, the two brothers, Judge J W. Wood-war e · ure. late Mn. Engene Minor, Mn. C. rough of Omaha, Neb., Frederick In defending the dumping of W. TeWlnkl•. Mn. Willard Mel-Wootlrouab of Columbus. Ohio, lllad<llarket-- 'The major portion of owners of restaurant. opined that they would -move prices or meaJli upwa.nl unlea they were for~ to do so by unnatural lntteues In prloes of the bean gleanings, Tubbl wu Iott, Mrs. S. A. Meyer, Mn. D. J. an da couatn, Georre W . Oemson B lboa Pil t quoted in Santa Ana .. saying Dodge and othen organized 8 of Loe ~-a 0 that there was no wutq:e of food. club to promote the cultural and 'nme of funeral aervlces has not j but that it wu an outgrowth ot educational development ct the ~t been detlnitely arranged but -procured ~. Othen adopted a ''Wait and aee" :~:n:.d:~ == =~r ~wc:,k = r= ~tabeM~ tn Grauel Olapel tn l for Hero··1sm of pestl. building and adllld to It , from He said ~at the county high· yev to year. fJ p k attitude, statlnc that they would -ult matt for their footlstutfs uni-price purchues warranted IL way department and the Irvine While always In debt they made yer 8RC8 es M .. t ttataurant...-. expressed company save his office perJni.1--their way and grew in size. Re-I t B $ d FAIRFIELD· SUISUN AIUIT •tlafactloo now that the federal alon tq dump the refuae on the -Uy they managed to clear their n 0 ay, ave AIR BASE, Calif.-A Diotlngulsh-oontrola are off u It wu one way bank off Palisades road, ln the be-ln4e-bt~ea and about a year a.co ed. Flying Cross haa ._ awwdtd to beat the black marketeer who lief that the salt waters of the d«:l.i..i ot sell the building and Eno. A. A. Yfkutla. Oying a to !st Lt. Padraic R EY.-al bad f-them to buy poor mer- bay would prevent the beans fl"Oa'l eeek other quarten.. CUrtia SeaH.awtc: on a routine Balboa, in ceremonies at tld9 chancliR, IUCh u meatl, at higher sprouting. Mrs. Huston wu the llrit --training hop from tu. SOSU unit major Pacific coast Installation al priceo, for a ,...,.. A county offldal complimented ident and Mia Plumer fint treu· at Terminal Island paid Newport the world-circling Air Tt••wp•t Many restauranteen exprtUed the News·'nmes for not publishing urer of the club. Mn. HUiton haa Harbor an enforced visit Tuesday Command ot the Army Air Fcrcim. the thought that controlled pricft the yarn about the discovery ot moved to Loi Angeles but Mia afternoon. Brig. Gen. D. C. Stnrtber. West wt.th er without federal adrnints. the bean ba11. He said the find Pl~. "'ho was lreUUJ'ft' far Experiencing motor failure in Coast wing commam.Ser far the tration were such that the7 ODWd had every evidence of a plant, many yea.ra, finally resigned and h""8 single sea, scout-observation ATC's Pacific dtvillmt~ Jm"c:w:utrd make a falr and leglt:lmat.e profit made for the purpose of embaraas· stll1 resides on Newport Hel&h U. plane while flying in a formation the award, which was made far ex-without eoaking the customer for Ing the federal government at a Present officers comprise: Mes-doWll the coast line, Yakutis pan-traordlnary achievrment while hil meals. time when it was trying to do it.a dames H. B. McMurtry, president; qaked into the swells about 2 serving 85 pilot of a B-17 Illa..... ~ poll by restaurantJ and share in feeding the starving peo-Robert Skiles, first vice president; miles off the e ntrance to the bay on a number of bombing mlslions expreaiom: are u follows : pie of Europe. Joseph Hamblet. second vice pres-at a time when, luckily, the fish-over Germany and German occu-BALBOA CAFES From the office of Sheriff Jesse ident; George Gay, recordlng see-Ing· boats were on their way home. pied countries from August .f. BALBOA INN CAFE, Howard L. Elliott it was learned that his retary; J e rrold Spangler, corre-Signalling a passing charter 1944 to December 16, 19". On Petty, manager, Arcade Bldg., Bal- office "'as unaware of the discov-spondlng secretary; Reuben Day, boat, which happened to be the sever al occasions the aircraft boa: cry of the bags of bean screen· parllmentarian ; C. H. Ridley, Magic Isle operated by A. P . v.•hich Lt. Evans was .piloting was ""We do not contemplate any ings on property in the coun ty treasurer ; J . M. Shearer, auditor; Schunck and J . R . Thompson. Jr., damaged by anti-aircraft fire, kind of a raise in the prices of our until they were shov.'Tl a photo-directors, Mesdames W. B. Mel-of Newport Beach, Yakutis was necessitating the use of excep-foods." gt"aph of the sCC"ne late Fl-iday Iott. Elmer Clark and W. E. towed into the comparative calm tional flying proficiency under BUSY BEE 'CA.FE, 106 Main afternoon, al.most 24 hours after Nickell. of the bay a nd tied up to a buoy hazardous and difficult ronditionL atreet, Balboa, Max Wolt, man- another Nev."por t-Balboa newspa· wher e the Navy ship. anchored in On ·August 6, enemy anti-air· ager: per published Its so-called "scoop." the bay took over. craft rendered one engine use--"No, not yet. We have to find Nowport Beach police also ad-Mesa Acreage less. damaged the oxygen system, out first what wholesalers are mitted they had no information Speeder F"ned and forced t he airphme trcm ror-going to do. If they raise prices To Be Dl"VJ"ded . I ' mations before the Initial paint on aales to ua, ,!hen naturally we on the subject until they had read L L• • v.•as reached. Lt. Evans 11elected may have to increase our own the yam in the other newspaper. Oses 1cense 1n The FBI office in Santa Ana > a targe t ol opportunity which -P.i<es a little. Coffee has ah-eady A 33-acre subdivision on the C ta M Court successfully bombed and then re--ri8en from three to five cen•-a heard about the story eventually nor th• .. , corner of Artes1·a street OS esa ~ turned the aircraft to honE bae pound wholesale. I'd rather re--and an investigation was under. and Stanton avenue. Costa Mesa, safely . On September 8. 1944,, he duce "'""'--than ra'-e them." way was given approval by the Orange Luke Riley. Long Beach, appear-.-....,.;-.. ,.. S . · I A t w ·11· M h County Planning commission at tts ed before Judge D. J . Dodge last exhibited outstanding detennlna-CHRISTIAN'S HUT, 325 E. pecia gen 1. uun urp Y, Saturday morning and was fined Uon In leading the formation to F.dcewater avenue, Balboa, Leon· agent in charge of the San Diego meetln&" in Santa Ana l~t Satur-$50 for speeding Cout Hi h· the targe t despite intenae oold ard Manhall, manager: FBI division, announced that the day. The premlses comprWng the j t th f oCon g which froze!his feet. On ~--WW'e -'--" wai·t and ... what ba filled ·th culls I acreage will be divided Into 138 w~y. us sou. 0 rona del M_ar. ""'""'t"~ a114U . P wfrere Wlh · • g ean· 1. ts f GI home oons~·ction Riley was ticketed for traveling ber Z1, 1944, Lt. EVans"' airplane the others do. Unless food s~ ings om a ware ouse. o or . u u . 75 miles per hour in a 55-mile Joet JX>Wer in three engines. Dia--pUes go 80 high and force our zone. A suspension of his oper. playing a high degree ol sldl.I. he own prices up there shouldn't be ator's license for 30 days wu also regained power in tbe No. c:ne any reason to increase retail pices Dog Adopts Storekeeper! given the speeder. and No. four engines lmlll cam. now." Independence Day Will Be Quiet Here A quiet Fourth of July will be observed in the Newport Harbor communities. No patriotic demon- strations are planned, veterans organizations and the city of New- port-Beach informed the News- Tlmes today. menced the return flight to Eng-DOLL HOUSE, 415 E. Central land. aYenue, Balboa: The journey was an: ufully "We couldn't say. The meat accomplished and airenft and cunpany that supplies us wtth crew landed safely at bcnie at&+ meata h.aa closed down and we tion. The coura~. coolnea and will not know 4ntil they reopen tenacity of purpose shown by Lt. what the wholesale price of meat . Evans on all these occasiorw re--will be.... · fleet the highest credit upiin Nm-ELECl'RIC GRILL. 206 Palm sell and the armed tCll"eeS fll tbe avenue, Balboa, Arthur Silver, United Slates. manager: "We'll have to raise our prices a little now, that merchandise wfM?lesaJe has risen. For inltance, shrimp Which WU 52 cent:S a pound wholesale last week ia now whoJesaling at one dollar a paund. Calfee bu risen from 36 and :n cents a pound to 47 cents a pound." Was Oil Discovered on • Corona del Mar Bluffs? STRAND CAFE, 514 E . Ocean Fnlnt. Bal-., Jim Owens, man- Appearances and activities of someone who waa Na+d'c ra4 ta apr: two photographers, one from the the vicinity the put few -.,. had "'I don't tee any . realOft Why For the 19th consecutive time shattholders, he said: ADJO&&TION. Plct11n11 Uen Is~. fhe.~ oacMr .,... geographic department of the struck an oil •eln md bed re-there ahould be an illCl'e.Ue tn the the Newport Balboa Federal Sav-·-n.1s association In nine and lel, ,... ... adol'f"" "-Y lltorJ>, pnpnetor oC a Ba-_,... Union Oil company of Loo Angeles, ported his tlis<:o>ft)' to thr Lm priceo ot food. We do not Intent! ings and Loan association, pays its one-half years has loaned over cocktall ..,., .. bis wter. 8t!Dr7 la ..._ •" =s1 al ,....,, .._ ·on the bluffa overlooking the Angeles concern. to ral9e our pricee. We'll cout regular semi-annual dividend to $3.000,000 on imlX"Q\'ed real est.ate, ... ._.. ta t'rvmit of .. place ot ••• s s -photo bY Neal Beckner beach at Corona del Mar, on Sat· "11 we had dllcuwtecl aO Gil alcmc to lll!e what the federal CO"'· more than 500 shatt holden. The principally homes in the greater Uf1iaY and Monday, led to rumors the bluffs. we wouldn't tn• -ta aww:nt wm do tn the way ot new "'port stat.es the ora:anJzat1on'1 Newport Harbor area. Wlaell Kell Story opMlld a wlood ~ t.r ·Oil Ille and speculations that oil had heft> It by driving up tllore In ... al ....,.,.tloa to oountenct the 0 • asseta have doubled ·1n me ov,.. ··Concurrently it has served u Mala an.et promoude to Ille Balboa Pav!Baa Oil B&J ""'9t, tlis<:overed In the vicinity. our can plainly .....-'U9m J;*ted inflatlonary splurp. If a yellT ago, from Sl.100.000 June a ufe "'pooltory fer u.vinp and BeU-, lie !lfJVeJ' 1.....,eted for ,_ -.. t tila& be would · :J,Vhen asked if there WU any Q!l company"," Wat«fall *'I-<WWW,... Will Just <out aloq, 30. 1945 to $2.200.000 In Juno, lnveitment ftmtls ot local and oot beeollle tlle favorite of a plaJf11l BUle q. matb In the ,,__ L N. Water-ed. a.e ""odd nOt! lie ...,. -·tar 1946. of town lnveston, individual and Bat tlla& II Jmi wllat ....,1:-i 8al&tl&J. The 1oftb1e fall, pneral manaser In charp . Pennlta NoC GI ' I ••." •mt,. oold.-·-the The ..._t &loo .lndlcat .. that oorponte. ....... ,_,___, -'-· ~ ,;: _ "-'I II 1 • .ai.o. -at the ceoloelcal dh1slan ot the When the oil _,., s WWW K) I • "< [ a total of ~ than $3,000.000 ''"The local ••--,._ nnlM ._ ··~ ---= a~ Loo An&el'I' oil compaqy told The on apJn appeaed m 0. -M•-A JllL&lfD hu been loan<:$! during the exist-unchang<d san;,,.,.. ora:~~ yflllMlld ........... spe-W, ........ _ ... ....., c.., Bt>J' SP ... N ... nmes that the ~s -~onclq aftemaon -.._; ..,. CHEit'lIJS ~ m Karine once of the auodation, and statea fen tmod1y service bued on an I:. B&J avee-llalhaa. ~aphon wa-e cnly -lrlnC cordlnc to Q<-1 , ID tlllp as M, "olll oa CoJentl, s.rt Ouioe that when prlvat• builcliQc ls undentandln& of local noeda and Kenny and the clotr ._... utter dentand and he bad l!lAlde up hlo the -1 lleltl mapplnc cbeclt at spedmeao al the .-6a 7' -. a , 11r: -even ir;ruter demands will oondltlom, a-.i to many ,..an stnncen when t11oy first met Jn mind that he -coins to adopt the -. C-tlnc the bsy, -u 5 .,,....., -......... M1thlnl be mode for fllnds, whic6 have ot experience In the ...v .. tate a rather otltl ll<rt ot .....,, a the the .. atootl man. ''It la Just a routlno job ot ...--~ fn thr 1w lllr II@ -beN. • · heft> -at the rate ot $1SO,-financing and lnv.stmerlt !leld.. . The pair bawn't --atal lleltl -and It bao DD special ~tn-eo --II@ -wmu s ~ SHOP 12'7 000 per month for the lut lix 9'&.food barkttper wu on hia way slnce that remDoL .,..... bm ••4flrw!IQ'," Wat.l!rf.U. add-«l ft)ltft plaoed the +at . J .. a M W u •••·\ •'bail 1siend. roontha. p-.-.--Certified to opon hill place at .......... Lad-.,_ taken owr the Stary oPOrt-On Saturdo:f the oil -"Ta oma11.--_,.,.-..... ...,_ wwe.. "1"'"'1B : • Preoldonl P . A. Palmer aid _., tile aaw Kenny and kept up tbe -t. ID a aklr way or courw. t1ok1 ~ -otben oil -ear, -~ --W• -ro' • I pr1eM • a .... today that the -.11on•1 di-The Rev. E. D. Goodell, Dr. p.oe with him all the way to the He'• an -dOc - -to sur"""'4 the .rod< farma-cm dumped -ft. auu,. ....... a.a: I '1' rr-15 to ~ ,.. recton ...-the amuaJ Harry White, and the Rev. Carl pa¥111lon. ---people's ,_.,.,.. the , bluff -cm _,, t!iq -from the .,.. to Ille..---.• dividend rate ot a per -t, • Jolmoon, putcn or Newpxt Har-Item)' tlltln't -the -about lllrnlturo. ' ....... IW. al --made In -, 5 I L ... 3 WWW =•rm ••ca oplte the fact that --·bar atta t:llWU-. ~ ~ lmal. ~than to pet him -The CJ~ ore a -11111it ti lllo -al~1 all aid. BAYIRU~Oolll..._, orpn•atiom bave ftdlX9ll their b7 tm Methodist confer~ held era! tilW and to -.y kind Udall wwwp::lsst "1' r t•n w't4Lm al. ,, • ...,..-.al tbllr ems 81 c' tf Ir t t 2° la 1.-..,. Jlsaput ~ 'Im ._.. ram to -. In hill ._1 to In P••-lat-. to It. BDt t-El I lo -~ SllQ, a~ II" 1X, • I 1•s www lo li1l1wi tliat (0 " •• ..._..,,, . p 2i 1• .... WJI) • 3 • ' "&Wfi»AT BALBOA N8W..,.,•• Xc:wet B $ Otll'w 2 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY e I RISE TO REMARK NEWPORT-BALBOA NEWS-TIMES ---'Round tbe State • NEWS PBONEll: N&W..-J'. U ~-=_u ______ _ P '"tslSWl'J'T 1tar ... tt 1fs7.&nem11• v ..... mvm Cehnnm of Qaotee o.ta ._ -*..,. p , a t 1 SNr7 w1 In c 7 voaw. 0 'l1lis weekly letter wt.ll appear 1n ! the papen ot the district dur- 8ubocripdlla Payabl• In Advance: S2 :Kl per ,..r In ~ CouDU>; Ing the week of the Fourth of $2.T.I pu ,..r to 4th ...,.; $3.00 per roar to 8th ..,.,. July. I shall put down a few -l!lntel'ed----u-Second-OW matter at the Postotfttt In Newport Beem, quotations. It's a good thine to c.lllonlia, under the A.ct ~ 11.an:h _3.:., _J.8'lll.:_c____ renew our acquaintance with them now and then. &. A. MBrER -Publlaher "We hold these truths to be AK D. PORTER1 Genenl Maup::r &elf-evident: that all men are F . G. FR09l' Editor created equal; that they are en, W .. F . DIXON --• -• A.llftrtistn&: M1Mpr dowed by their Creator with cer· Priadnc Plant. JOU W. Central. A-. Newpcat Beach, cantomla ta1n Inalienable rlgh!JI : that Official Paper of the·City of Newport Beads among these are life. liberty and .&. nep a I-Me 1.-.1 Jmal ltnw ror o.. n 'l'-.n the pursuit of hapPiness; that, to secure these rights, governmentl are instituted among men, de- riving their just powers from the consent of the governed"; Sparks from the News Circuit of the· CHURCHES By LF.ONE BAXTER PONY EXPBESS \Vhen the strike stopped the OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL railroads and \Vestern NeY.-"Spaper 1423 WMt c.ntr•I Avenue Union faced the seemingly insur· 8und&y M1rre1: 8 and 10 LID.. mountable problem of delivering Oonlealana: Saturdays fMID feature material to thottsands ot f.:00 t.o G_:SO and trom 'l:.30. to papers throughout the country 8:llO p.m. from its Chicago headquarters., a -------MJ8DIBl.Jl!8 OP OOD simple idea, borrowed from th<! &T. JOHN VIANNt:Y CHUlllCH B...-y -Ida -p-Armand Monaco pioneers, solved It. a.1-lalalld -o-Froo&, N__. ABClll'l'llCT "!'he tr ...... ,.. 1upplaat..1 be Sunday W..: 8:llO a:.m. SUnday Khoo!. 10 a.m. 8lf W. Bay A-.e., Ba8- poay eitpreee,. "'" reuoned--.o Cont~: Baturd&19 froora. Morn1nc service, u L.m. llartMw 1 m \\'by not vtce venat" uplalu B. 7 :30 t.o 8 :30 p..m. ~·ening evangelistic lel"Yice at mt ••1!1•tod ATe. I . Burr, S. F . l'D&DACt!r. "'We ~ 7:30 p.m. • -•-~ NO ----,, . ..,._ lay~ OW' material acrou the oo•nNA &L Mid.week service, Tb••..rl ..... at '-------,...------1 B. R. Ball, M. D. fti--8- Houn: 2-5. 1>y Appoina.-c Teiepboae Bea<XXI IMS 111 a.-.,. Oaoe. - ActiTe Member of ''We, the people of the United States, In order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, pro- vide for the common defense, pro- mote the general welfare. and se- cure the blessings of liberty to ounelves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this' Cons ti· tution for the United States of codatry, u mall &Dd news wu ()()~ c=... 7:30 p.m. .... ~ relayed by poa7 upre., with tbe OONQllEOA'l'ION.&L • --------~----------· CORRAL DUST &t it and you TnTStmber--heM it 11nd it soon. becomu wgut. -J11.c.i: LINDSLEY Peacetime Fourth America." We, the people of the State of California. grateful to Almighty God for our rreyaom, in order to secure and perpetuate its bless· ings. do establish this Constitu· tion." personal aut..M of district st.an -~ a-.--.. ..,...:.. FIB8T · m•mbers u poaleo. Relay potnq • -·• ~-FOVBSQUABE CB1ilWB M·estward were Dee; Moblet., Oma-81.l Heliotrope. Con.a &ii llar OF 008TA JD8A Oturch ICbool hu two ~ Temporary location. American ha. Uncota, Deaver, Salt Lake-All abo,·e primary department r .-n Hall aad San F'l'ancbco. Dhtrlct aen· t . 9 30 u.....1..... __ .. .-..6.on Ice radJated, and fut. from eacll m~ at : a...m.. ............ en 1UJU BeT. and Mn. G. WWanl Stea.rm r~lay polat'" prunary department ·ages meet at Puton YANKS ARE COMING! ~~ a..m. durin&: the morning church PboDe MTl Young veterans of other states · ~-Sun~ School 9:30 a. m. now are coming to California in 7 .OO p.m. Youth meetln&:. Morning worsh.lp service 10:45. such numbers thaet they Comprise Crusader serytce 6 :00 P· m. a "tremendous problem" for our F I RST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Bere~ service ~:30 p. m. educational system, reports Supt. 8CllENT18T . Evei;ung evangelistic service at of Public Instruction Ro,>' E . Lido Theater, Central Avenue 7.30Tuesdayoclock:. . ---4~ Simpson and Via Lido evening prayer ac1. .,_11: "(\Ve) declare that the founda· · . Ab r Th M th ch at 7:30 o'clock. tion of English liberty, and of all Already 182,000 ex-G. I .'11 no\V In ranc.b. 0 e 0 er Chur • Clinical Laboratory om..-...:. -,, .. andbf_olJl_t J'.ELEPllONE llABllOS 818 !811 W. Celttral AT& DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School SM Coral Balboa bland Oradee: CoUece, Preparatory SUMMER SCHOOL o,,.M ,.,, . th t t h d I The First Church of Chrlat, Sci· free government. Is a right in the 0 er 11 a " ll\"f' ec ared their entl.at, in Boston, Massachusetts. F I RST METHODIST CHURCH 0. A. ~lorttmer, M. A., Oxford Dr. G. E. Tohill ~-~ ~ Cout"' NEWPORT BEACH --PHO:CD-Ofttce: Harbor lle.W :a.ldenc#: Barbor sse.a U Mo aruiww, e.11 Jlarbor a Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pbone Barbor 1018 So an••er: <.'all Del.con. &O<ta..a X-Ray Service In the years prior to World W a:r II the real significance of Independence Day was often all but swallowed up in the cele- bration of its fireworks and parades and picnics. In other words, the Fourth of July to many citiz.ens was little else than an occasion for a "good time was had by all". This year. on our first peacetime Independence Day in five years. there \\ill be the usuai celebration-the fireworks and parades and picnics. But we can be pretty sure that back of it all much more serious thought will be given to the true meaning of the occasion than ever before. people to participate in their I Intent to f'nter CaJll?mla schools Sunday School &t 9':SO a.. m. Sun· legislative council." and coll~es. a.nd Sampson'• dr- ''The said stat<'S hereby sever· partme-nl ls marshallin'( f"\·ery r~ day Service at 11 a.. m. Wednesday ally enter into a firm l<'ag ue of sourC'f' "t o 8ef' that e\'f'ry ,·eteran TeaUmonial Meeting at 12 o'clock fril'ndship \Vith C'aCh olh<'r for Is Mc·omn1otl.atf'd ln$0far u It ls Reading Room located at 111 th('ir common defense, the security humanly posslbl~.'' A ne\\. &.polnt Palm st.Teet, Balboa, is open daily or th('ir libertie$. and thE'ir mu· prog-ram, lnC'lUdln~ longer bour!I from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- tual and general "'elfare." ln state <'olleges. additions.I tf'&Ch· days and holidays nationally otr G. Edwin Osher, Pastor Prlnclpal Phone Harbor 852 Euclid at Stanford, Garden Grove. I :._ __ .;_ _______ .:....:=J I;;------------- Milton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1&01 eout m...,. Coron.a del Mar The veterans of World Wa:r II who were in the thick of the fight, and the families whose loved ones were lost in the great struggle are acutely aware of the price that bas been paid to preserve the freedom which the colonists set out to win on that July 4th of 1776. ' They realize that the Forth of July Is not a day to be devoted exclusively to the remembrance of the sacrifices and achievements of our heroes of history, but that it is also a time for giving earnest consideration to the tasks ahead and to the measures that will l>e necessary to pre- serve our freedom for the rising generation and for gen- erations yet unborn. , The loyalty which characterized the signers of the Dec- laration of Independence is still needed today. We are not asked to pledge our lives and fortunes as they were on be- half. of our country, but we are called upon to devote our hearts and minds to the preservation and protection of the great Nation which they founded. In reminding ourselves of this responsibility and in re- solving to fulfill it we shall celebrate the Fourth of July in the most effectual manner possible. Philippine Independence After nearly ha lf a century under the political and ec<>- nomlc guardianship of the United States the Philippine Islands are to attain their full independence on July 4th. Some years ago when this step was first approved by our government the Filipinos little dreamed that It would· lake place under such enormous handicaps as have been Imposed upon them by the wa:r. Not only is Manila a shambles, but the whole economic structure of the islands has been ruined. In addition, there is serious concern over the unstable social and political situation which threatens to explode into civil wa:r. But in spite of the chaos and unrest that mark the be- ginning of the infant republic, the fact remains that the Filipinos are realizing their complete independence. This in itself is of great importance not only to them but to the many colonial peoples of the Fa:r East who hope to achieve full freedom from the rule of European nations. Our conduct toward the Philippines shoulu clearly dem- onstrate to the world that we have no imperialistic ambi- tions but are anxious to do our part in hastening the in- dependence a nd selr-government of a ll peoples who are ready for this important step. The road a head for the new republic does not promise to be an easy one. But we feel confident that the Phili- pil106 \\iO surmount e»e ry obstacle. whether political, social or econ~mic. and achieve stability and prosperity. Popularity Pays The man most surprised at the results of the recent Gallup popularity poll undoubtedly was Herbert Hoover. He placed sixth. Only Generals MacArthur and Eisen- hower. President Truman, Mrs. Ro<isevelt and Winston ClurrchiU, in that order, of all persons Jiving today rank ahead of him in the a dmiration of the American people, aceording to the poll. · This indicates that Mr. Hoover is either regaining his pre-depression popularity or that many more citizens than was generally realized have never accepted the accusations of his political opponents who made him the scapegoe.t for the natioo's economic woes during the 1930's. Another surprise was chalked up by the widely-and- orten-critized Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace. Ap- parently, he too. has more friends than was gmerally be- lieved for he placed seventh. MODEll MAlllE SERVICE • SHELL DOCK • BALBOA I I served ''Tile United Slates shall guar· nr: &5>ac-r, nten~lned cooperation I bt I I ll 1 d The public la cordially lnv1.ted to a nttt to every st.ate in this Union n o a n nr: ' DK quarters, an I t r ' ··• 1 attend the church service. and uee a Republican form of govern· acqu remen o rueral surp u11 ment." propt"rtleos for school UM", Slm~n the Reading Room. "All political power is inherent belle,·es. \\ill do the job ................ . in the people. Government is in· . B~ ,SUING. YOU! stituted for the protection, SC· Cal1fo~n1a S . banning of breach· curity and benefit of the people." of·prom1se suits has ta~en so~<' "All men are by nature free ~~nch fro.m the .. vaudev1!1c q~p, and independent, and have certain . I II be.swng you -yet~· S . citi.· inalienable rights, among which zens st1~I hold the worl~ s record are those of enjoying a nd defend· for hauli~g one. another into court. ing life and liberty, acquiring, pos· Our office digger·upper·of-facts sessing and protecting property, ~as fou.nd. th.at there are more and pursuing and obtaining safety JUdges s1tt1ng ln L. A. County than and happiness." In all England! He thinks Britons "The State ot California is an go to court. so seldom because, inseparable part of the American over there, if you sue and lose, Union and the Constitution of the you pay all court costs and fees United States is the supreme law for both sides! He~, the poor of the land." • taxpayer foots the b1ll! ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH &1& West Centr•I, B•lboa (&bell ClubhouM) Rev. Ardys T . Dean, Vicar 8:.30 &. m., Holy Communion. 9:~ a.m., Sunday School 11 :00 &. m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. (i'lnt Sunday1: Holy Commun.too..) • BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue 9:30 a.m. Church achool tor all DENTISTS agea. r-~--·---=----~ 11 :00 a.m. Morninc Worahtp: Mesaage: "We Tha.nk Thee." 11 :00 a.m. Nursery for all chil· dren during eervlce. 6 :00 p.m. M.ethod.18t Youth Fel- lowship. Young Adult FellowahJp. 7 :00 p.m. Evening Wonh1p:- Jd.euage: "Come Ye Uve." DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !8SS w .. t Central Pbone Barbor 421 ·J Newport Dr. Obed Lucas Christian Science Lesson Text 'God' -rhe earth 1hall be tilled with tbe D~'!' knowledge of the glory of the Lord, aa the lll.·ate rs cover the 1ea." Thia !!OZ~ W. Oelltral. Harbor 1'80 declaration of the prophet Habak NEWPORT BEACH kuk .,,.ill be the Golden Text of the l'-------------l I Sunday Leason·Sermon on .. God" In aJJ branches of The Mother Cburch, l,--------------The First Church of Christ, Sclen· Ust, In Boston. Dr, W. W. Weatmoreland A Lesson-Sermon passage from Dentist: Jeremiah r eads, °'Therefore feu thou not, 0 my servant Jacob. 1atth 1801 Cout 111wa7 the Lord; neither be di smayed, O Israel : for. lo, I ••Ill t1e.ve thee from OOBONA DEL MAB Office Hours: 10-12; 2·5 Pb.one Barbor 108! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 1'7'U "3 s. mn st. Loo ~ TUcker 71U By Appolntmoot T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbyliclan and Slll'pOll st09 We.1t Om.traJ Telephoae Barbor 80Z Can you identify all of the quo-PUSR·BU'ITON PARKING tations? They are from fi ve dif· • The nearest thine yet to pmh- rent historic documents. button parkbac ls Incorporated lltev. Harry W. Whtte, AleOClate Putor Church School, 9 :80 &. m. Momm. Worah.ip, 11 L m. afar, and thJ seed from the land or Phone Barbot %2%0 -·-----------. thelr captivity: and Jacob shall re-l '-~-----------1 1 Is all this to end in an un-with plan1 for • 5.915 car-caPldtJ' balan«>d budget; i.n an impotenece under(l'ound cance, to be bol- to protect the government and the lowed out In 8. F.'1 hlch. historic people from minority intrigues; Nob Hiii. Self·parklag, f'n gtnee.ra "in perpetual "emergency war· reveal, v.111 be managed by a sys· powers"; in a OPA, or in an tem or signals and meters. pre- atomic bomb? God forbid. Which ventln1r delay, exasperation &nd leads me to rise a nd offer one scraped fenders. more quotation : The garage will go 12 stories-- "All legislative po..,.rers ... shall underground! Planners in other be vE'Sted in 8 Congress or the cities doubtless will study this ex· United States." pcriment to relie\'e the parking problem in an area "'here 7000 Photographers Give Talks on Lighting, Prints Members or the Ne\\'J)Ort' Har· bor Camera club met at the home of Harry Forysthe, proprie tor of the Forsythe Camera Supply store, 215 f\1Iarine avenue. Balboa Island, last Thursday night. E. C. Ellsworth, architectural photographer. gave a talk on Qghting, and Walter Gerhardt, Corona del !\far photographer, judged print compositions submit· ted by the other photographers. families live in a three-block square area. OUNCE OF PREVENTION Literally, an ounce of preven· tion will save 49 of every SO Call· fornians bitten by venomous snakes, if they'll r emember to carry on vacation the new one. ounce snakebite kit, according to Dr. Robt. K. Cutter of the Berke- l('y CUtter Laboratories. who's gotten it up. "Ordinarily snake. bite kits a re too cumbersome to lug around," says he. Should Sttm a cood Idea to e\'Prybody PX4"ept the chap who prefers the kit .. too eumber!IOme to lug a.roW1d-" at an excute to <'&rr)' a pocket flask of bJ~ favorite snakebite-remedy! One of the interesting results of the poll was that the first ten most popular persons are all known either for their military or polit.ical activitie5. The fact the Generals MacArthur and Eisenhower head the list shows that their war achievements and their handling of postwar assign- ments continue to strongly and favorably impress the Am- erican people. Conspicuous by their absence among the top favorites were the movie and radio stars. Either the country i.s thinking in a much more serious vein than it used to or else • the bobby soxers weren't given a ·proper voice in the poll. C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S %100 0.-. Proat Newport NOW Ol'l.:N EVENING8 llAI.'1'8 • IUJfDWICBIB • RAMBUJWl'R8 lee Cir • = to TUe o.t , Ill llORTH.JilAIN ST •• / NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Ch~ptl, Coeta M ... Rev. Herbert Roth, Paetor ServioM: Sunday, lO:SO a.m.. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Church &ta. Costa Meu Sabbath echool, Saturday moro- ln&. 9:30 o'clock. Preaching 1ervlce, 11 a.. m. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Community Methodist 1420 West Central Avenue Rev. Ii. D. Goodell, Pastor Church School, 9 :50 a.. m. Monllng Wonbtp, 11 a. m. Youth Fellowship, S p. m. Eve.tna Worahlp, 7 p. m.. Kid·Week prayer eervtoe, Wed- turn, and shall be In rest, and be quJ et, and none shall make him &fraid .••• For I v.·111 restore health unto thee. and J "·Ill heal thee ol thy '''ounda, ealth the Lord." ~fat· thew reports that "great multitude& came" to Jesu11, "ha,·ing with them those that "·ere laml', bhnd, dumb, maimed, and mar:y oth :>:·~. and cast them doYrn at J esus' fe et: and be healed them: ... and they glorified lhe God of Israel." In ··scien ce and Health v.·lth Ker to the Scriptures" ~tary J}·tl:cr Eddy says: "To Ignore God as or little use In sickness ts a n1istake. lo· etead of thrugt\n~ lllm aside in times of bo<llly troubl "", a·1d \\altl nt;. for the hour or at rer-.::;.b In \\·btcb to acknowledge Him. ,·:e Fhoulrl !('a-n that He can do all things for us In sickness as in health." JOKES-that is - INSURANCE Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE -That•s All LlfE • FIRE· AUTO MARIP.!E, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y ;-~.; E. C(ntra!, Balbo.i: Phone H•rbor 2'.i97 Lincoln National IJfe lnstll'1Llloe Co. "It. Name lDdieat.el It. Character" DON IEBNIOAN Phone Harbor !M·R S08 Marme Al"e. BalOO. hL A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ul Coaot BICh"'"Y· -· 11151 Corona del Mar Dr. W. T. Mooney Phyliclan and Surgeon NtaU. aad Ceatnl NORMAN NE\'.ON, M. D. Pedbitriciaa Certified by the American Board of Pediatrics needay; covered di.ah dinner, 8:30 p.m. Plenty Time I '----------·--..l 111001 Ga.iota Dr. Lacuna -Telephone Lap.na 1 ·IW COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH "Do you think our daughter will ,------------- ever get married, John?" OCCIDENTAL /L-------------' '"Well, yes, dear. I do. But I Cart e . Joh,.90n, Minister wouldn't \vorry about it for at LIFE IN~URANCE CO. 124 E. 20th St. Pn. 2475·R O:lurch acbool, 9:46 L m. ifornlnc' Worwhlp, ll o'olock. Youth groupe, High IC.boo!, In- least 20 years, d arling. I never Ray Ni"elsen heard of a girl of 16 months being an old maid." ll«kr,ss aad Atdlleat. , .. ldM Pbn• Bart>. tn&-J tennediate, Adult. 6 :30 p. m. our-• Evening ae:rvtce, 7 :30 o'clock. Mid-week fellowabJp and prayer, Wedneed&y, 7 :30 p. m. Auntie-In my day, a nice &irl didn't hold a boy's hand. Modern Gal-Today, a nice girl has to. 11 a. m.. Prayer &Dd Sermon. ' 24-Bour Radio Service llOME, AUTO, MARINE ILADIOS BEPAOU:D Burt R. Norton HS Ooeat mwa;r Beacon S71S Newport B•alr., '1allf. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA .FOOD SPA Oftwa YCMI tile .. 1 rrt l'IM!e ... Dille .. "Orup Oomty: All New· •• Even the Location --. ~Half Mlle Eut ol. Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We lad Southern Calltomla In the Senlnc of -SEAFOODS- At.cn YOOll 111114 411 8'J'MU -VJSit OOJl KtiCHiti'i - Sam's Sea Food Spa and FWt Market al!--• ., • 1:16 E. Bay A~e. Be.lbOin llolOBTICIA...~S Harold K. Grauel Chapel 'We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&' Others Best" Phone Belcon 5810 Cotta Meu California OPTOMETR18T8 Robert A. Crawford Opt .. D. OPTOMETR18T Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitted 1191 NOW1JOrt Bouleftrd ..._ ......... E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Op- -ll!!XAMINED LEN81:8 DUPUCA'l'ED 0......-.......... ...., ... au .. •· en.er.1. .&-. I'll. ..._ •11 W&Wi8ST RAC. ' PhwB-MU Newport II c.ta lhM CAB CO. U-Boar Sea wlee • Laurence H. Dorcy, IL D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Karine Ave., Balboa llland Phone Harbor %829 John K. C. Chung, M. D. Pbysicla.n and Surgeon · 2 -4 7 • 8:30 an4 by appointment Beacon 50i5 120 Ea.o;t 18th Street Oo!lta Meu, CaJ.Uomla Wagner Drugi...,. Institute Dr. WU.bu c. Wacaw Chiropractic. Dietetics, P hysio & Colonic Therapy 11120 Coaot Bl-nl., - 1-8-ll ..__ White House Cafe ..,._,m !Apa Beedl, o.m. Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES , warm u•.,,. -••••• .. zu, I 81 d:; °tM 'Cycles to Bum Dirt Sunday at Country Club Meet the trac1c 1n the -poolible ..... Staf Boa d Sfudi Pl Corona del Mar Nen Saf~ Prices to :~:mnu: ~:.: e r les an Kr'.:~;::=· 218 ~~~i!.~i! Uahed a track ....,.,..i far this lo-'T R B Li c ecti NU<:laua • ...,..., had u -= i:i;: •• ~.~.t:.m ~·~ o un us ne onn ng ~..:. ";:.!':"!:i ~--~ The -d hall-mil• dirt tradr; ~t~ :iba~o~!~ :::. C t M Balboa Island :::~· Mn. Laura II--. Ber-race of the year will be -tlonal O>ampionshlpo at Lacona!, OS a esa Lt. IJ.c.l HIU'T)I Hendron -Orff by the Orange County Mo-N. H, In time to give "Campy" ••• tertained his hoo t and hootea. to:reycle club -~~· theJuly .3:, a little competition. Kretz wu Mr. and Mn. Arthur Kemper, and Twelve events lllafte up en ... ,, runner-up in time trials at the .... _Ir L v_ 900 ~ $1000 pri - ~• -u~ llOh, t. =npntt, ~an blank which j)a)-s over u )fay 5th race. Bruce P ea.non. n.e Call.torn.la State a.DroM <M*', , ._ OG'9a&wen blvd., Mr. and Mn. John Sadlelr money. Only the fastest 24 quali-nashy English motorcycle rider, tile oppllcatloe of PllWp 1. lllrd ot 118 lloch..W •'-t. Costa •-and daughter, Kathlttn. 218 Nar- fiers will compete In the expert is also expected to provide spirit· wt.o Ma Mked It for a cetlftcate of open.tla. for a bu ten'lce from ciaus avenue. and Mr. Max Hann claaification, but two special ed competition for Kretz on his S..ta Aaa BelPta to A&'ate aact Park a•eew. Balboa 1"••4 and daughter, Shirley, Seaview beat races. of the amateur and Indian. and "Campy'' on his Blnr• .ppnc.u. wu IHlud befwe Es..._er F. W. Acar or Loe •Venue, at dinner at the Laguna novice variety are planned for Harley-Davidson. . Ana'el ee at a heart.ea ooedueted I.II die cou.acll ~ of l:.be New-H otel Sanlrday_ Lt. Hendron left the twelve next fastest qualifiers The Jocation of this race meet port Beach dty hall Friday. There wu no oppollltloa to the Co.ta for-Paducah, Ky., where his pa.r- in time trials. 1 will be at the Corona show1-MM&O.'• plan of opuatloa b'om repre1mtatlve. ol otaer b9 U.e ents are, \Vednesda.y. Officials have indicated that grounds, four miles northwest 0 -·m--•8 wllo wer e pre.eat at tbe bearlas. ,.Ir d .,_ ~~ H ff R. d ..... _... a----'-----------~· . an i•u-a. r.-eu o man, nothing will be spared ln putting Corona on iver roa ' Sr.. Larkspur avenue, arrived "hcardl ... of what happem to OPA ceiling ~ on foodo. Sal,._ way price piolides insure 1that Safeway prites will be kept u low u -1ble. They are a pledce to the c:nnswner for .. protection," acoordlng to Ralph Prin&le, divt- alon manager, Safeway Storea. .. In setting its retail prices, Safeway will continue to give con- sumers the benefit of savings re- sulting ·from our way of doing business by pricing a t the lowest point that will yield a reuonabJe profit. For many Y<!&n Sar'eway's tried to get up on the curb and ....... pront bu •-..ed --two et an -and lh<Y will ~ ...- --"""7 dallm'"' --ti> all .............. "Sat-will do no _.._ ~ will tp.,. full !eclti- -..C. .s.,,.... will --tbo -ta -t pr1cea to rarrnen iarplt pomlble --"' - --producon of food." I P.A~ LIDO ISlil ffl:willl! w: Q .BUCX-t;;;;;;;;;;;e Counselor Ao.or 1500 ' 0-.d&.il 3333 VIA LIDO ~ ---------------------------rJ Present at the hearing were quently. and the addition of a home ~r a two months trip ln .. Charles P . Rhl.nard. one of the co-new bus on a route. eliminating the east. Their daughter-In-law, might have followed her in the r---------------------------, market at Marigold and Coast HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions Inq uire at CARR'S FEED STORE IR27 NE\VPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. O. Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 114 W. 4th St Ana SANTA Ph. 6688 PASADENA WNGBEACH H N. l!:locHd Ph. 8J'. !-1498 L B. 624-0?' Going to B•ild You pmbably have your dream house all worked out In your mind -or maybe your architect or contractor already ba.o prepared plans on paper for yon. Electrldty will have a large part In making dreams of postwar living come true. When you go over the plans with your builder be '°"' to ask him about the ~ develoi>- menb In household labor saving and hmo- tioaal bMuty. Our ExpertB In everything eleclri<al wlD be r;lad lo help ...ttb layout plans or problem&. One suggmtlon may make a lot of dltteree<le Ir the "Jive ahlllty" of. that "- ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN Aa.9 la -..,_, I ' W h:st ftwB•coa551! •:*1 9 ·Dtlc•OM EI.ECl'RICIANS I owners of the Santa Ana-Laguna Newport Beach and Balboa in its Mrs. Rennie Hoffman, they found Beach bus line; Atty. James J . travels and making direct stop at was recovering from an accident Broz of Los Angeles. colln5el for Balboa Island. v.·ould help her incurred when the Hoffman fam-j Bird; Glenn E . Newton. associate gTeatly. ily, Costa Mesa. was driving to the transportation engineer-for the ctte Shoppin.-Nttd beaC'h for a family picnic. recently. railroad commisison and E . P. Speaking as individuals for The rest of the family had minor Huff, court reporter. their own families, the JTl('O testi-injuries and are reco,•ered. But Under questioning by his attor-fied that they could see great ad-Mrs. Hoffma n will remain at the + ney, Bird replied that he desired vantages in the operation of a bus-Community Hospital for another to operate a bus from Santa Ana line over the outlined route. They two weeks. Heights, beginning at a point des~ cited the time that would be hilrs. George Lewis. 304 Mari- ignated as Birch street and Pali-saved by the new line and by re-gold avenue. had as guests, over sades road, then to Costa Mesa, ducing t he r oute to Balboa lslandl the .... ·eek-end. l\ir. and Mrs. Don I traversing Santa Ana avenue, 1 and to Santa Ana. Kruse and family, \v'hittifr. Highway, but for the resistance of a park ed car-which had the brakes on. Mrs. Bates' mother, who "'as in the back seat, was helpless to get the car under control. We have heard of people becoming attached to their cars, but not the reverse. ?.1'r. and lt1rs. Charles Kyte. 316 Orchid avenue, have as guests rr-om Mrs. Kyte"s hom e town, Carthage, Mo., Mr. and !\·lrs. Clyde Easlate, for two "'eeks. Mr. Kyte has recovered from an at- tack on pnewnonia, this week. Mesa drive to BroadY.·ay. throug~I Carl B. Jones of Box 406. Birch Mr. and ltfrs. Coop. 310 Naricis- the town a!'d thence to 17th s tree stre<>t, Santa Ana Heights. was sus avenue, sold their house and and the h1ghv.•ay. more interested in the S a nta Ana have tnoved into their new place ------- H e said the bus would then f shopping a ngle. He said that at at 427 ll1arg uerite avenue, recent-c L o· T H E s cross the Upper Bay route to , t.he pr ("S('nt time his family has to Jy. Bill Holden and his friend, Ted Bayside drive, Ne"'por-t area, and do their sho pping in Santa Ana Thomas. Avacado a nd Second ave- then head for Marine avenue. the because or the ina bility of getting nues. ....·ere the builders or the heart of the Balboa Island busi-on a bus that "'ould carry them to hoUsc. The boys are starting an- ness district. He proposed to make the Cost.a l\1esa business district. other house in the same block. nine trips daily, but only ~even He declared that Birch\ Orchard, Mrs. Harry Stauch, 316 l\1ari- trips on Sundays and holidays Acacia and Cypress streets in gold avenue, entertained at lunch and charge a round trip fare of 1 Costa Mesa are aJI well-populated for friends which included. Mrs. 20 cents, 10 cents each way. I thoroughfares and many people L. Leilburg, Mrs. Ruth Heeke, There would be a charge of five living there would use the service Mrs. F. J . KeUy, and her daughter, cents for riders preferring to to reach business establishments Mrs. Digby Thoreson, Los Angeles, make short stops, as inside Costa in Costa Mesa. and Mn. Harold Wilson, 318 Iris Mesa or on Balboa Island. Col. s. H. Franklin of 319 Ruby avenue, Monday. See Nttd avenue, Balboa Island. corroborat-Mrs. Norah Bates. 324 Orchid !'OR MEN AND BOYS That there is a need for a bus ed the applicant"s statement that avenue, for SU.00, has recen tly line on the outlined route was i_n-populated areas of Coeta Mesa learned that even as some horses dicated in the testimony sub!Tl..lt-was one reason tor the suggestion have to be hitched to stand, so ted by four persons, two house-. that the certificate of operation an automobile nee<b to have its wives. one of Costa Mesa and the be granted Mr. Bird. brakes set. or it may do as Mary's other of Newport Heights, and Franklin who is a daily com-lamb did. Anyway. Mrs. Bates' two men, one of Costa Mesa and muter fr-~m Balboa Island to cc~ar~b~a~ck~ed~n~e~ar~ly~~a~b~lock~~an~d~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ one of Balboa. Costa Mesa, where h~ ii engaaed .; The women stressed the neces-in the advertising business, sert· sity for shopping accommoda~ons ously pointed out that the new aboard a bus tha t would CU'cie bus service would be an advantage ............ ___ .,, the route. They also pointed out to both Ba.lboa Ia:land and to that there ls not room on the/ Costa l\f~a. school bWi th• t takes some or the ~ 1 . th d • h . ., d ch~J d ........ r •Om a p('rsona Vlew, e a -c 11W"en to gra es vu an S<U..--vertising man said that he would ly there was i:io bus that wo~ld be able to use the new bus line carry older children to the high both adequately and satisfactorily. school building. The new bus line He said that he has two children, would take ~are of both these one of high school age, who "'·ill needs, they sa1~. . enter Newport Harbor high school Women testily1ng were Mrs. in Costa Mesa next -year and one Ellin Cross of 2122 Santa Ana "'ho is now attending that high avenue, Costa Mesa. and Mrs. school The new bus service would Pearl Bartine of ~3 Smeltzer make ·it much easier for both of avenue, Newport Heights. them to get to the school building, Mrs. Cross said that she has a he added daughter of high school age \\'ho · usually must walk to school, if she Qutstlon Bus Hell'ht · Examiner Agar after learning cannot get a lift by private car from Bird that the autobus v.·hich or ir the family car is in use at the t im e of her leaving ror school. he proposes to place In operation Mrs Cross also r emarked that on. the deslr~ ro':lte does n?t meet sin~ she does nlost of her shop-height spec1f1cat1ons 1"equ1red by I · B Ibo Island the new state la\v, painted out that t.he p1ni'.; on a a · Ra'I d c · · bus service would aid her in get· State 1 roa omm1ss1on un- i ting to that community easier I d.o~btedly \\·ould no.t grant a cer· than on any other bus route. She t1J1cate on that basis.. . cited the time loss going around When counsel for Bird explained Newport Beach to Balboa and that his client might be able to thence taking the ferry to Balboa finance the purchase of a new Island as she does at. the pr(>S('nt bus which ~ould meet s~ate · height r egulations. t.he exammer trme. 'rd ( · fl'lrs. Bartine asserted that she recommended that 81 re rain pla ns to start another business, from purchasing a new bus until possibly in Costa Mesa, and she he hears from the r ailroad com- felt that the new bus line \vould mission. "'If the commission issues operate on the avenue, wit hin t'Y.'O you a eertifiC"a te, your bus service blocks of her residence, which would have to commence within would be advantageous to her get· 60 to 90 days of that order and tjng to business on time. She also that," said the examiner, "will said that she has friends on Bal-give you ample time to purchase boa Island, whorri she visits fr-e-a new bus." DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH WITH ORANGE rs OWll Fruh Daily Drelleloaa Sea J"bodl Or. complete equipment when you want to catch )'OU r """- HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CEN TRAL AVENU£1 NEWPORT 9EACH Rldlrr; Appuel .... IWtllery, Err;ftoh and W..ten Complete Line of Weutag Appuoel for -. :Wc-m .... Cllilldl9 For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE It's the 23rd & Pb . Central 2600 WE WELCOME Y01U TO OPEN A ' CHAR_GE ACCOU¥T (S0-80 -90 Days) Marbro's lnme ,.., to come In and open a <barge """"'JDt. Our stocks are C<>mplete with the latest styles <JI Laclleo' Fine Apparel. Nationally A.cherllood READY-TO-WEAR mARBROJ c/a~~ 111 WEST CTR ST. . PHONE HOZ .I Store Haan: Dally fDdudlrr; Saturday 9:SO A. 11. lo ll:SO P. 11. We Have a Complete Line of FRESH ·AND SALT WATER TACKLE • • • Rods Reels Lines • •• • Leaders Sinkers Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PPER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store 105 llad'Wldea Plaee Telephone llllrfllq 9'7 for l•tetlt F!ohlng Information - AJ Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop I ~ --.~ '-00.-AMEAICAN AT I05No.B111k1\f, ftmr 1 t'l'll • • Brak en Leases Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quallty Feeds -1- Gla•es AdJusted .,.. Duplicated E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. DallJ DelJveQ'-Beacon Oiu.5 18?1 Newport 81,-d., OOSTA MESA JI I' Weat Central !lv<DIDcO ..,. Appolntmeat \Vatch the Oasslf1ed columns. THE LANDLORD STATES: That there exists no ill feeling between tenants and landlords in this area generally. That landlords have no desire to gouge tenants by raising rents unnecessarily. onJ b That the housing shortage can be solved Y Y landlords who produce the housing. . That better housing can be furnished Wlthout gov- ernment interference. and at reasonable Increases. , expenses. All Landlords are urged to sip this pledge and forwaid to our Cong1eaanan Slpaturo•~~~~~~~~~~~- ftll .M la l'MA fw _It, ... .,._ Sos .. Coist Aplrb:aeat ~ers• Association -_.. ..... W1l1 A6q' .. !FM Ot I• W ,._ ~ 81 a& ........... • w 3 Th 4 5 6 Su 7 M 8 9 TIDE TABLES lULY, 1- Hlgh Low High ......... 6:48 ,, .. --0.5 4.2 12:25 7 :37 %:S5 4.8 0.1 4.3 1 ;32 8 :27 S:M 4.1 0.7 4.5 2 ;54 9:16 4:1% 3.6 1.2 4.8 4:24 10:05 4:02 3.3 1.6 5.0 5:47 12:02 0;%9 3.2 1.1 5.2 6:54 12.48 6:0S 3.2 0.6 5.4 38tf< Low 8:44 2.5 8:1! 2.4 8;" 2.1 11:03 1.6 10:51 1.9 JI :S4 2.2 nd• an placed lD order ot ...cc~ Lllf'l ftS\lr. a. ut..: 4arl. nsw-p. In COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Pho"" 875-M 216 E. 20th St.. Coata Mesa 20-tf< PAINTING 12 Yean Service in Newport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACI'OR Phone Beacon 5259-J 274 E. 19th :::treet 24-tfc PAINTERS and DECORATORS R E. ANDERSON Paint Contractor Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tfc BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR PETl'Y SOUTH COAST CX!· NEWPORT BEACH DECORATORS f'lre Place and KlndliJlc WOOD Deli-a W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd Just Arrived ~ Heu!nc Aid BATTERIES OuodeNOn Drue On. 117 Main St. Ph. Harber 515 -VENETIAN BLINDS-Alumln- 1 tee!, wood Cell .. f« free - mate. Renovation a, r<flnllhl1'& So. Cout Venetian Blbld 0,, West 18th and Newpce t Ave., Coata Mesa. Ph: Beacon ~w. 38-ttc , FOR SALE-Tw<>-wheel Utllit:J trailer made from Ford pick·up body, good condition, $50; small 25-lb. icebox, like new, $10! two. burner gas plate, ttever used, $8. 1612 First Ave., Corona del Mar. 51-2tc 51-tfc =F"o""R-;:S_,-A-L'"E--::Ml=dni-.:-g'""h-t-"bl-u-e,-db"71-•. breasted Tuxedo in perfect con- dition. Two pairs trousen. Size 38 long. Late model. $45. Call J ohn Donhoff at News-nmet office. Harbor 13. 5()..lfc KAY FINCH CERAMICS haJ openings now for a few girls 01 woman with art training or abil· Jty. Ask for ?.fiss Dierker, 121 Coast Blvd., Corona del ~far. Painting -Decorating R E. Al\'DERSON B k Free Estimating Real Estate ro er 43-tfc FUR SALE-Girl's bicycJe. Pre-- war model. 28·inch wheels. Ph. Harbor 1146-R 1409 West Bay Ave. 52-2tp Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tfc Wanted FOR SALE or TRADE for car, 1944 model 6-cyl. 1'farine engine, FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Lively spot and good deal for 225 h .p. Call Harbor 232 ot Cement Work of All Kinds. "Tight man. Phone Beacon 5173. Whittler 410-403. 49--.ftt: 918 \V, Central Avenue 51-2tc Ph: Harbor 435-WK FOR SALE-14-fL Paddleboard, Newport Beach 51-Stp HELP WANTED-Elderly man as $25.00. No. 55 Beacon Bay • ~=--'----.,,,-,--=-=-=-:-. --::-:--watchman on construction of 51-2tp FOR A RELIABLE Pa.mt Job on new telephone bulldinc in Bal-I ====-=-.,-,,=------"-your home, call Beacon 5330 boa. 64 hours per week. See W~ TO BUY 11 after 4:30 p.m. 10-tfc Harris, 313 E. Central, Balboa. WANT TO BUY-Will pay cash PAINTING -PAPER HANGING -46-tfc for KOO<!. clean u>ed car, Phone and DECORATING Htg. Beach 3521. 52-4tc GmL or WOMAN for light house--r--=-;c=,,--=--=:--,,---H. E . McDonald k ood h Al W"ll p Cash 414 Old Conty Rd., Costa Mesa wor • wages, g orne. 80 1 ay -1 IALLMARK Ph Be 501'J as-~ gardnerforcareofgrounds.Call For your furnltun. or What ha"" -one aeon ..,... uc Beacon 566()..W. 50-4tc you. Phone Beacon 5656. Cza\.. ~'-~~;;;~~~_;;• l l ~c~ARD~~o~F~THANK~~8~==~1~1 1 YOUNG WOMEN ::fvd~~~ 1812 Ne:l";! CARDS Mrs. Howard W. Seager wishes to express her sincere appreciation Telephone operating CASH FOR USED FURNrnJRt For Birthdays tor the many messages of sym-PHONE BEACON ~. pathy and condolence extended positions are available 28-tk Wedding Anlli'fersaries to her in the demise ot'her hus-to you in your own FUaNrnJu roa ll&LI: a and Etc. band, Dr. Howard W. Seager. • 52-ltc community. FOR SALE -Slmmona atudlo v-:: ~ --=-==,--=--.c:..:._.;.: couch, rood condition. 309 _l'BAN __ l!IPOB __ T_A_TI_o_N ____ 11 Starting pay is good, Amethyst, Balboa Ialand. 51-4tc LAmpe :: Oolltuum lewelry BICYCLES experience is not required FOR SALE-Nearly new bed d1'v- Sold, Rented or Repe.lttd. enport and chair; light maple Newport Souvenir VOGEL'S Frequent increases. nnw.. 15 Bay Wand, mom1np 100 Malo st., BaJboe Vacations with pay. after Wednesday. 52-2tp and Gift Shop 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand. FOR SALE-Davenpart and chair, 1011 a-a Jllcltw•J e Old fuhloned malta We mHn juat this- 2102 Ocean Froat 94-ttc Advancement perfect corulition. ComparatiV1!ly BEAUTY AIDS 18 rt "ti new dining table wjth six.chairs. We Wrap Gifts oppo uni es. 309 Narctaus, Corona del Mar. <fE13alboa rket Hon na.a. so Yean or Sentce to tM Barbor'• Ftne.t Cllentele SOl Mala Ph. Harbor 85 Balboa, Callf. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD . 811 Coast Highway 101 Phone a..-MJ.4 ttt • Moorlllp and 8pMl9 avaJ!aNe for Boat. for &le • Paddle Boards for Beat by the week or moath. Bamboo Room Balboa Presents: The International ''Sweethearts of Rhythm'' The World's Greatest AI.I, -GIRL ORCHllNl'RA Sunday, Ju]y 7th -Monday, Ju]y 8th Tuesday, Ju]y 9th , ••• At The Rendezvous Ballroom Jaly 10th -llth·~ 12th and 13th \ COLD and MACHlNLESS Apply 52-ltp WAVES 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa FOR SALE-One blond blrcb Tintlng and Manicuring 514% N . Main St., Santa Ana dining room set, drop leaf ma. Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 17S.W hogany end table, desk, two Vi's Beauty Shop or Davenports, two coffee tab! ... 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar Ask the operator for the one bed.stead, one fireplace aet- 35-tfc Oiief Operator all in excellent condition and is Southern California attractivcly Priced. 309 Onyx Ave., Balboa bland. 51-2tc EMPLOYMENT WANTED WORK WANTED-Painting su-Telephone CompaRy aoATS, SUPPLIES 11 per:intendent, with 25 years ex· 42-tfc I::::=-::-=::-----,:.----~~-= perience, desires connection FOR SALE -Large unsinkable with large building contractor. SALE Ml8Cl!LLAN'EOUS ao canoe. reasonable. 116 41.st st. I have my own truck, com.mer-. Newport. . 52-4te claJ .spray outfit, ladders, drop FOR SALE-75-piece Haviland WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip in cloth, brushes. Good refer ence. china, floral design. Phone 10, Wilmington for same in New- Ca.ll Harbor 870l·J·2 from 1 to5. 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. port Harbor. Call Erwin Pierson 49-ttc 52-4tc at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc ::-:-:-====--=--~---:,...----0-- \ V ANTED-Ironing and care for FOR SALE -Metal bed, coil EASTERN buiJt house trailer and children evenings. 309 Marigold springs and mattress, $12. 7311 Cabana, nicely Jocatl'd on New- t;orona del f\.1ar . Phone Beacon Seashq_re Dr., Newport Beach. port Bay and furnished for sum- 1023-J. 51-tfc Ph. Httbor 8701-J-2 after 1 p.m mer residence. Sleeps 6 ; also HOUSE\VORK wanled mornings, 49-4t~ master deluxe 4-dr. Oiev. Tow $1 hour; experienced; ref. Own FOR SALE-Double decker single car if destrea. Priced right. car. Rt. 2, Box 547-C, Costa beds, springs and mattresses. Owner, Box *JS. Balboa, Calif. Mesa. 52-ltp $10.00 complete. 500 E . Surf. Sf-ltp WORK WANTED -Young girl Balboa. 52-2tc ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP-· baby sitter, 50c per hour. Trans· FOR SALE-One oak dinette set, 0 -CAR BOAT and CARRIER. portation needed. Har. 1551-W. four upholstered chairs, $45.00. Immediate delivery. Other mod- 52-4tc One victory model apartment els soon -dinghies, sailboats, --=-====---:-------•M On 9xl2 rug $25 runabouts. cruisers and paddle-WCE.N'SED boat operator, me-range, ""-Al. e . . chanic. cook. chauffeur; live One Singer sewing cabinet, $15. boards. aboard or In. WJU take over One large two-wheel luggage PLAS4;1;!CE WCA TERCRAFT CO. tral.ler wi·th 12x20 t!:l"""ulin. v1 • entral. Balboa work on "retu.med" boat. Wife ~..,.... Ph u-~-~ 7·.00x16 tires, $125. 442 San Ber-one ·~~r ~·~ 52-ltc available as maid or house- keeper. Write Box R or phone nardino, Newport Hghts. 52-4tp FOR SALE -9-ft. La118trake Normandy 11776. 52-3tp O rder Your dinghy with 1946 3 1> h.J' out- board motor. Forward steerinc EMPLOYMENT OFFERED II Servel Richardson Yacht Anchol'&g.: HELP WANTED-Fountain girl Gas R efrigerator Harbor 369. 52-ltc Phone Harbor 73. 52-l!c Now . Three 50'xl2\i'x31i' Shain 'Trtm- HELP WANTED-1st claas paint- er. Sympson & Nollar, 512 38th St., Newport Beach. 52-tfc HELP WANTED-Laundress, one day a ....it, have WUhing ma- chine, telephone. Utlo Isle. Har- bor 1912. 52-2tc at Vogel's menhip" expoea crullen. round 100 Main St. Harbor ~45tfc ::i~ 7:a ~ = yards. I;'Ull living """'"'moda-Steel Kitchens ttona •. 6'4' headroom tbnaout. GLASS nm ENCLOSURES m.000.00 --Twoo ~ m..,.. SHOWER DOORS rNCUe launcha Doub» pienbd South C unties bottom, '2:50 11.p. Ball-Scott IJ>. SAl..ESMEN -Advert1s1ng cam-em 0 vllder enc!M Built 1n 19" 117 palgn DOW In •ttect. Excellent S~y Co. wn.on Boet Worim. '3lllJO - <>pportunJty if you quality. Ap. 144 !'!~_1:'·Bea~ Ph. L 8. 4'1l1117. 47-lte ply Mloo Van !Mw, 508\i No. Ph. 5852 ..-.-~ Main S t., Santa Ana. ~~c 52-ltc FOR SAIJ" B .. t "G.le Jr,,• a.it, HELP W ·~ "-'·-· Auto Batteri-twtn ..._ cwioor, lllce,... ~ ........ --·~,. -trllb s.,. boor, butane -.. ~. ~ anc1 !lubber s.imaten p1eaq. 1 "' .. -.-'• NI lntelligont. See Mr; Wr!aht at ~manlb _ '8.'IS Ex. 111eepo tour. lf•qeqy P'm" S> Benit ot 11.mertca, N ... por1 Bch. Com ded Motor Oil Suita1i1t ter pn1 •I'll ar - Bnndl. 52-4tc pounGe!Jon 10i: merdal ....... HaQ n6 '- HELP WANT£[); Fountain Clrl. ' .., dodl. -n.. ts.., botlw .... eun.i.r-•a Drue. Phone Hv-Western Auto Supply f<r lta -ID Newpcrt ......_ bor 515. 52-ltc .__.__. ~·-A.. L Maui-., SOI ai.t a, au.~.....__... Newtut Bssctt: Pbmle: p bat HELP WANTED: 0-ttc pl 1llll Newport ~ Coeta ?-.~ 25'T1. ....___ and dnic clerlr, a-i..-l-:::--~=:---=-~-~~~·1::.:;Li~di;;;;t:-p;;;;;ftjj~-~ Dnls. Phone Harber 515-• :Jl..tt. opled baat, ...... .. 52-ltc Don't M'.J8B The Boat air,... 11.c. ......, •I' , 1 iiwi;AHn:D--;>iPmi::iiw;;;;:;;;:-. ;;;wtiilth;;-:r;;;;....,.d-,;;-Da1CJ¥• aJbc. RollNm ~ a CCM •1•ta; tbor•Wbbr .,..., :a tfca ups..:::. do racr wrep.. the 1••11•• U. 8. lmd l\x Q ed; Ill tratlr DOW at V , ... llblC -. 11.PPb' Ill ,..._ et -cm -•ill. .Bq, ..-0 ar -,... ._ H-1 Rr11 di -a.. Jllll Robbin's, 615 No. llafn Qp9 ...._ Q:zlq "'" n ~ ~ ~ --... .AM. .......... Wltet .......... -.._ ----..... . .............. . • • • FOR SAi E 46"13 party fisblng boat, suitable albacore and mackerel 13.5 e:r-. under ~ ton net. will Uceme for 33 pea. or haul 1().ton commerdal fiab.. lng. Nearing completion. Phone Harbor 1580. 52-2tc FOR SALE -Beautiful custom built 9-!L tender. Plywood Ma- hogany transom and trim, oolid brass fittings, oars Included, $90. Owner 701 Marigold, Corona del Mar. Harbor 804-R. ' 51-3tc FOR RENT-2-bedroom fUmlAhed house for July. Augu1t and Sept. 313% Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 52-ltp AP!' or SMALL HOUSE wanted WANT TO RENT-Float or an-by man and wife. We do oot cborage apace for 16-foot sail-drink or smoke, no children or boat. or wUJ share use of boat pets. Phone Santa Ane 0991-W for use of floaL Phone H . W. or· write Box "X" Newport Bal- Saulsberry, Anaheim 2614. boa N...,.,.nm... 37-tfc -----------5~1--4-,tp WANT TO RENT-2 ar 3 bedrm. FOR SALE---lohMOn outboard unfurnW>ed house. Will lease. motor, 2 cylinder, 5 h.p., good Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7fJ7 rondition. First $125 gets it. or 13. 35-tfc Palisades Apartments, Corona ----...,.-,=--------:: del Mar, Calif. 52-ltp REAL ICSTATE 4' FOR SALE--24x8 Jig BoaL Re-FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, built model B marine conversion. near Bantow, output 1200 fry- Overhead controls.. Fish hold. ers per week. Excellent eqwp. Built '42. Some terms. Phone Two modern houses. Good water Fullerton 728-J. 51-2tc supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J . 52-2tp !!OAT CHARTERS--67-!t. schoon------------- er : accommodations for 6: COST A MESA large parties a~pted. P . 0 . 123 FLOWER ST., home or busi- Box 763, Balboa. 51-4tp ness; s large rooms, 5 bedrooms, FOR SALE -Seaworthy skiff. double garage, lot 50 by 150, 1 comple te with oars, etc., $98. block to cen ter of town. lm- 424 H eliotrope, Corona cfel Mar. mediate poss., $13.000. Owner . ___________ 5_1-_2-'tp ~----------5_2_-u_c STAR SAILBOAT. J ust recon-J ohn D. Burham ditioned and new paint. Phone 2001 Ocean Blvd. Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a. m. Phone Ha rbor 315-Balboa and 5 p. m. 46-tfc FOR SALE-New ~larine Kohle1 Gen('rator , 1500 watts, 32 volt D. C., retail price for this poweJ pla nt is S516. \Ve h ave 10 lefl . tor· clearance sale, S374. Yeokel Bros., 225 So. Vermont, Los An· geles. Phone -EX. 0882. 4~tft Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Two. l>yienc & Foam refills. CQt fixed system and Portable1 now available. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast Highway Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tft 111!810AL & RADIO IM FOR SALE-Bargain, small studio upright piano. Full keyboard. walnut finished.. $125. 212 Ame-- thyst, Balboa Island. 52-2tp Radio Repairs All makes; tubes. etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Coast Inghway, Newport 23-tfc RADIO HOUSE CAUS- Now that additional competent technld ans are available, we are able to make sen1ce calls on large consoles. All work guar- anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-Uc REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir- ror-Plano. This ls a r eal bargain. Other used pianos as low as $85, $87, $125, $175. DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. ?tfaln. sS:nta Ana. 38-tfc KN'ABE Grand Piano. wamut case, Famous Knake tone. Also Weber Grand, Sohmer, Schultz. And many other famous makes. DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. JS.tfc 2 new Cape Cod houses on OC'<'an Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEAN FRONT 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom, bath. large room upstairs for gu£'st, living room. fireplace, kitchen. bedroom and bath over garage, wall heaters. 2004 OCEAN FRONT 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom a nd bath, large room upstairs for guest, living room, fireplace, dining r oom, kitchen, covered porch with barbecue, lawn, flowers, bushes, brick walks, picket fences surrounding each. beautiful unrestricted view of ocean. These houses open daily for inspection. 52-tfc Balboa Peninsula Brand·new 2 . bedroom Ocean Front home . Large living room. r.ireplace, tile flooring, barbecue and complete landscaping. $20,000.00 Balboa lncome--Four unit Apt. house. Excellent condition, 2 blocks from business center. Immedi- ate possession. $17,750.00 Ocean Front Attractive 3 bedroom home. Com- pletely furnished. Immediate possession. A real buy at- $15,750.00 Balboa Island 2·story, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. fur· nished home. 35 fret from South Bay. Immediate possession. $13,500.00 Costa Mesa SEE the new style world famous 5 acres on Santa Ana Ave., be- uphobtered pianos. Many colon tween 16th and 17th, ";th small to choose from at DANZ-SCJDllDT PIANO CO., 520 No. house and outbuJldings. Main St., Santa Ana. We also $10,500.00 rent pianos. 38-Uc FOR SALE-Phonograph Chang· er, amplllter, and speaker , ideal for rmnpus room, $70.00 com· plete. Voge l's, 100 ?.lain, Balboa. · ~2tc STEIN\VA Y Grand Piano. Mahog· any case. Beautiful tone. Med· tum size. DANZ. SCHl\.IlDT PIANO CO.. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc FOR SALE-?otarine radio, direc- tion finder, 3 band. 6 volt fisher. Nearly new. 509 31st, Newport Beach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 41-tfc DOOS, CA TS & PETS S5 DOGS--All br«'ds. stripped. clip- ped, and bathed by A.KC. li- censed handler. Free pick-up and delivery service. Send card. Ru$S('U L Ketcham. 421 Poin· aettia Ave. Corona del ?t1ar. 52-tfc Newport Heights 2·bedroom furnished home, offer- ing beautiful view of the bay and Ocean. $8500.00 Corona de! Mar 1 'i lots \.\"ith a 2·bedroom home. 1 E.xtra large living room, fire- place and hard1,1,•ood n oors. $8000.00 2 Choice Penninsula Ocean Front Lots 80 f<'e t x 80 feet $8000.00 JOHN E. SADLEffi 302 Main St .. Balboa Phone Har. 2034 REAL VALUES 52· 1 tc SWIMMING IN 3 LESSONS-Two-bedroom home. Fireplace, 2- car garage. Large level lot. Full $7.00 pr! ly Art of Swimming, Front and ce on -Back Crawl Strokes, $6250 Seven Lessions $15.00 DAVID RIGHT Balboa Point Hotel 1115 E. Central Ave. 49-8tc SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON $3.00 S..room modern home. Hardwood and tile. Floor furnace. 58 feet on Harbor Blvd. Nice bulinea site, close to buainell center. This Is ..,a11y • sood buy. Priced to sell at only- FRANK P . JOHNSON Realtor Costa Mesa Lot 50x.155 tt. 1ot 1ocated 1 b11L -t EARL W. STANLEY W . C. Wagner, Aaodat.e 1664 Newport Bl'ld. Beacon 54M-W of Newport Blvd. .REAL TOR $900 COV.ERING GREATER NEWPO~T HARBOR -615 Coast Hii:hWllY 2'.i5 ~ Aw. Costa Mesa Corona del Mar 3113 w. Central !Balboa Island 2-bedrm. house with a1eep1nc Pbcne: Harbor 1646 Newport Beach :f:' Harbor 1Tl6 porch on east llldo. Rooma are PHCYI'O-LISTING sernce offered by ~ W. ~ANLEY, large. Dbl ,..,...... REALTOR, to sellers in Greater Newport Harllor Are&. $6650--lh down I · 1. 3 Offices to insure complete buyer coverage. 2. Photos taken of Improved properties and dis- played in each office, with compiimElntary photo Lido Isle ~ft. comer lot $5000 fron tac• of lnllcle Income and Home $5000 Large lot lOOxllO. 1 block from 57 ft. Lot Iota Newpor t Blvd. Bldg. on front • ~:ould make ideal nbrbood Betwft:n C.O.ta Mesa and Newport grocery, beauty ~ etc. Large on Blvd. 3-room modern apL in rear, $4500 over extra large double garage. - This property Is an extra good EVA F. RHODEN 1nve1tment. Only-Realtor $8500 470 Newport Blvd., Cmta Mesa -ELTON D. BARNET!', Ilr<>ker New 6-Room Home Ph. Beacon 5713-R 3-bedroom in nicest r esidential ___________ 5_2_-l_tc section of Cos ta Meaa. Large Buy Lots fireplace, hdw floors, lots ot B f Inf! · tile In bath and kitchen. Closet e Ore atJon space galore, double gar age. Sets In Vacant move right in AT CORONA DEL MAR $12,450 Beautiful Ocean View Lots 40 x 200 Overlooking Ocean 1 full acre 4·room house in very clean condition plus 1-room apt in rear 'vith bath and kitchen, barbecue and cement walled patio, garden a nd chix equi p. $10,500 2 Bedroom Easts ide on ~ acre, built just be· fore war, hdw floors, large brick fireplace. Plenty of tile. Very modern. $9450 Corona del Mar Furnished 4-room. Nice view . Fire- place. Dbl. garage. Yard. Comp. fenced. Large briCk patio. $8850 Lido Isle Beautiful 2·story home, 2nd larg· est lot on Isle. 105 ft. by 92 ft. AU walled in. 2 large patios. Yard comp. landscaped. C.Omp. and elaborately furn. Electric organ. $35,000 1/2 Acre On Corner $2750 Hillside View Lots 30 x 118 $1800 Ocean View Lots 45 x 118 Near Bathing Beach $6500 Corner Lot 1 Block from Beach $4000 3 Hillside Lots Near Ocean $2100 F OR ALL THREE Other Good Lots $1500 Each HOMES 2-Bedroom $8000 2 Houses on 1 Lot 1-Two Bedroom 1-0ne Bedroom $8500 W. J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway given the owner. 3. Competent sales staff working in each office which has a photo of your propertyj and a copy of your listing. · 4. Continuous advertising campaign tO place your property before the buying public. We respectfully solicit listings on your properties anywhere In the Harbor District. CALL NOW. --~1-·-- BALBOA BAYSHORES ESTATES LEASEHOLD ATTRACTIVE 2-and 3-bedroom homes being constructed. NOW is the time to make your selection. Priced from $13,850.00. - BALBOA ISLAND SOUTH BAY FRONT HOME including two Jots-3 bed- rooms, sleeping porch with bay view; 2 baths. dining and living room, attractive kitchen plus bar. Guest apartment with 3 bedrooms and bath-barbecu.,.._play yard-pier with float-furnished-for $65,000.00. ' OTHER ATTRACTIVE 2-and 3-bedroom Island homes. EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COV ERI NG GRE ATER NEWPORT H ARBOR 615 Coast HightA·ay Corona del ~1ar Phone: Harbor 1646 • 3113 W . Central Newport Beach 225 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1776 52-ltc BROSE REALTY CORONA DEL MAR HOMES 5-room house plus dbl. garage with guest room. On west side with ocean view. Vacant, move right in. $9250 Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 ... A beantiful two-bedroom home on a well located corner lot, south ot highway, lovely large living room with real fireplace, good size din- ing room, kitchen is a dream, plenty or space for breakfast ta- ble, lots or cupboards, long all tile drainboard. two large bedrooms, with built-in wardrobes, linen cl06et in hall, good size bath with tub, beautiful hardwood floors throughout, dual floor furnace, large two-car garage, house about 5 years old of finest possible pre- war construction-. All newly redec- orated. Extra wide corner lot, about t\YO blocks from water front. A REAL BUY AT-Santa Ana Nice 5-room house. citrus & fruit trees. Close to shopping. Poten· , tlaJ. business. Best buy in Santa Ana . Vacant. $5450 3-Bedroom Home East side lot , 65x330. Close in . $8450 Newport Heights New 3-bedroom with ni ce view. Hdw. fioor!, nice yard. Sundeck on top $12,450 FOR RANCHES, 1 to JO ACRES See Us Today. Two Specials Priced t o Sell. "Where the Flags Fly" 52~1 tc For Sale by Owner Bay View Ranch, Corona de! Mar 3-bed.room house on 3 lots, fenced. 120 feet of frontage. Very large living room , 12x22. real fire- place. Alt hardwood floors. Very la rge kitchen, all tile around sink, inlaid linoleum, lots of cupboard space. Tile bath, pre· war fixtures. Bedrooms 12x14. 9x12, 8x10. Furnished With 3 bedroom suites. no linens; kitchen table, 4 chairs, auto- matic gas stove. ice box; 2·piece living room set, 2 floor lamps. Small outbuilding, 9xl2, finish- ed as card, guest or party room. House newly decorated inside. will furnish labor, material and paint outside for buyer. Poses· slon at e nd ot escrow. This MA NY MORE ... COME IN AND place must be seen to be appre- "TALK IT OVER" elated. 616 Narcissus Ave., -Open Sundays-Corona del ?.tar. For appoint· FRANK P. JOHNSON ment phone Harbor 679-J. Realtor ATTENTION BROKE~'.ltc. 1664 Nev.1>0rt blvd. Beacon 5434·WI ------------- 52·1tc A. E. JOHNSON FOR SALE--A modern ranch type Realtor home overlooking Ne""·port Harbor. This home must be seen and Associates for you to app reciate the extra Phone Beacon 5102·?tf value offered. The building site -- utilizes an outstanding. natural Today's Special vie\v loca tio n. corner comprising Newport Blvd. Home three large lots for a total of d BUSINESS BLDG 150xl27.5 fret. There ls a roomy 28 ft an 28 r '. h 1. . · t\.vo-bedroom, one-story house H · x . t. wit .1vin~ quarters. 'Aith basement, dining nook, pa-ouse ln rear. With little fixing tio, a two-car garage.«Lnd ad-could be made ~to good rental. ' joining 2-bedroom guest house. This is a spl;nd1d Jll'."operty. Ex- The home and guest house are cellent location. Quick possess. being sold coonpletely furnished Only $11,000 including rugs, venetian blinds, - pictures and kitchen equlpment. •Nearly New This 1s a distinctive home that 4 Unit Court has one of those particular, ex- clusive vie'v sites that has ln· 3 UNITS completely fum.i.sbed. 1 comparable charm. The fine unfurn. Comer lot 150 f t. x 165 character ot the improvements ft. Beautifully landscaped. In· and furniahln · ched by come $157.!50 per month. Room · gs 15 mat for 3 more units. Oose in E .side, the numerous extra convert· iences and refinements tbrou&h-ea.ta Mesa. Very neat and at· out. Owner leaving and hOUle tractive. Only Is available now priced to "'" $19,950 at $30,000. Terms, one-half - cash. Phone Hub Powen at On Ne~rt Blvd. Harbor 62-W for lmpectlon.1.,_ $15,750 Many Other Good Buys tn homl's at the present t ime. LOT SPECIAL Beautiful high level lot, hill and ocean view, excellent location $1450 BROSE REALTY 1307 Coast H ighway Corona del Mar Ph. Harbor 2048 52-ltc EXCEPTIONAL BUYS for Quick Action RESTAURANT ON BUSY lllGHWAY PROPERTY. Consists of 50'xl44' lot, restaurant, 3-bedroom home above; extra store, storage space (rented); laundry house. Closed account illness. Suitable any busi- ness. Reduced to $14,000. BUSINESS BLOCK, restaurant, cocktails, liquor store. Brick building. Income approx. SS,400 yearly rent. Priced right. NEW 4-BEDROOM HOME in Costa Mesa, furnished. Owner needs money to complete. Will futlsh build- ing, including 2-car garage, overhead door, cement driveway, etc., for $12,500, full price. Terms can be arranged. 2'fz ACRES VIEW LAND near Cagney property. Fine rancho site or subdivide. $4000, full price. Very low down payment if desired. REAL ESTATE OFFlCE. Building 10'x12'. Equipped and new. Only one in coast town on 101 Highway. $600. We Appreciate Your Listings Our 101 HJPway location stop& buyen from ~ state look- ing for buslnela and homes. Bring or send your listing to us. Realtor -. . HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors ·;t ;t ;t ;t YOUR .SUMMER HOME We have~ low priced bead\ homes to choose from ~ In Newport -near Bay and Ocean -ri:>w under coostructioo but will soon be reejy to move in. · $7~00 to $9750 ;t ;t ;t ;t SMALL RAN.CHO A lovely 2-bedroom home, beeutitully lo- cated near Costa Mesa-l'h acres with 200 ~ble and corral-fish breed- ing pond-guest room. Everything com- bines together to make this a show place. $23,000 ;t ;t . ;t ;J; 9R A SMALL RANCH Good 2-bedroom home on 'h acre with chicken and rabbit equipment.· $6800 ;t ;J; ;J; ;J; FOR LEASE ,. Modern new store building 25x70--on Cen- tral Ave., Newport Beach. ;J; ;J; ;J; ;J; AND ON BALBOA ISLAND 3 Lovely homes that will suit the best taste -with quick possession so that you can get in this summer. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harl>or 1600 & 1801 52-ltc KONU TO IAIAN • J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coata M<>aa Ph: Beacoo 5320 2 Bedroom Home %. acre, all fenced on Victoria, near stores, etc., priced at Wil.L LOAN you money on first or second trust deed oq personal property providing yoo will rent me your ·house. P. 0 . Box 1882 Santa Ana. 052-4t~. $6500 ONE-RALF CASH 3 Bedroom Home 1 acre of land, on Harbor Blvd. Fireplace, part hardwood floors, barn. Price, $14,500 2 Bedroom H ome Near H igh school. Large living room with real fireplace. Dining r oom, large ldtchen. Lot 63x168. Priced at $8500 Business For Sale Ceramics manufacturing plant. Wholesale and retail license, good location. Four kilns. Gross sales over $1200 pet" month. 3- year lease on· building. A real. buy, at $6500 A beautiful home In Costa Mesa's best residential district. Large liv- ing room and dining room, 4 .. bedrooms, 2 baths, fl1'eplace, 1 floor furnace, wall to wall car· pets. Double garage with laun- dry. Lovely lawn and flowers. $15,750 % Acre Land 6-room stucco house, hardwood floors, basement, on Orange Ave. Double garage. Immediate pos- session. $8790 J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coata Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 52-ltc FOR SALE--1\vo lots Lido Soud, adjacent center walk, eut end, 100 IL frontage. Call Kimball LOANS TO BUILD, buy, lmpt'Oft, ~ or rettnan~ N9WJ>Qrt,Balboa Federal 9"""- and Loan Auoclatlon. 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1500 AUTOMOTIVE & TIBEll A RECAPPING Recap All Five Tires In One Day Wheel Balancing Section Work LESTE RS O.K. Rubber Welders 2900 W. Central, N..._t 46-8tc AUTO Sll!iBVIOE NOW HERE Your a uthorized Chrys].er- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parta Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics • Kendall and Quaker State olio NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 1!i64-J •ttc 7151. 51-4tcl ====:--------ftADJ!llll Cl COSTA MESA TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do - 123 FLOWER ST., home or --own baullnc ODd ~ AD neu; 8 Jarce rooms, 5 bedroomo, ...,. eq11lpmellt. '2.25 mid S2J10 double garqe, lot 50 by 150, 1 per cloy, We ~ t11e ldtdl. block to center of """'-Im-Myrehn 8roL Senb Staia., mediate paa., $13,000. Owner. cor: 11tbANewpwtllhd.,0aota Qoawl 1tn>ke In -1.....,. ST.00 DAVID RJGHT Balboa Point Hotel $15,000 3--bedroom home. Hardwood and tile. 160 fttt on Harbor Blvd. 2 acres tn all. 2-car carace. UWity house with laundry trays. Part basement. Ollcken equi~ ment for 2000 cbld<ens. Full prloe only-- J. A. Beek Off\.,., Fen-y IAnd-Se•aal Iota 6l5 . to !500 rt. fnlat- ing, Balboa Island. 52-ltc ace. Call ,. for prittO A tenm. .COSTA MESA Newpert Blvd. A. "SANDY" STEINER, and Associates 634 Coast Highway 101 - ON nlE MIRACLE Mil .E 51-2tp --4kft Ph. Beecoo 5173 -&:;:;;tlftle;;;;~w;;;&11;;•;;:-ao=:------:.:=-:.._::1Mie=::=:-:w=&11-====ao=·:-, ----==. 52-ltc 1----...:..:::_ ___ -===-+' ===-----= 1115 E. Central A"-e. 49-8tc Carpenters Available ,... -al maintenance -ni-lr 0. S. IIO-N Call Harbor Bl KEY$ -W1111e Y• Wd VOQML'9 100-&.•- -llal'tM. BtO 11 ,..,.. 1 - $19 ,000 On Broadway, double """'°', -HOME and BUSINESS modern -1 front .._,, ~-home and garqe. 50 rt. FOR SALE--ln N~ Bwb: FOR SAIF---O>oioe located loll 14xl8, ,_ now u .. _._ fn:mtage. Clooe In to Cmta -x-u. 19 :io, BUL 44, 111wr Space for S-cour1 buDdlns with $14 50Q-l4500 Down Sec. M200. 0for all three. Write ODd % ..,..., S4llO to $3.000. two 11n!et entrances. 1 blk. fr'Oln ' _ -· '3!I N-1 Aw., Ar-Artistic 5-rrn. hie. 2 bedrm. em-. center ol town. PlaCle to 11-.e, ()pm ~ and Suodo7 <*Ila. s:Mtp ace with s-t rm. On 2 hie loll, wlthllOUlld-t. -• ---·-"'--$21,500 FOR ~t Apt. Boaie... an -..a .,_ San Clemente. . -. A. E: JOHNSON CODtnl, 5 ---"' .S12,!500 -..; h4,'l!!O furn. B. A. NERESON Ralph P :MBBkey • Nowport Bhol, Oiota -Jlo-Ito0•1 • hlllO -,..... !I-rm.-. 2 --A .. ..., R.E:lL ESTATE &(10 ~ m;;l_ I'll.: B• Chi 5U11M1 si-Uc Price '17,500. kOOO -X... ·llm<I-!loan, tile •aw A --Pho.ne 402 11o11 -•• •od ·-qa1n 121 E. Coatn1 •-.Ba--=-. !.:!: :--r~ a .. _ Opportual.U. ..,....,. ----~ -11'12 N_.port Bhol, o.ta --.. ttc--De1-.A-.Pbaw11 m ... ·1111. •Ph. BM 54'1 5225 I $2.ltc ftlr 8ltliS Pill:? ... QaD JI -JI. r , 2 '' 8 Ill Mam, J " ....... al ....... -pp ... n.p IW a.tie • • WE NEED LATE MO~~ CARS and Will Pay Top I .' tEfl. YOlJR CAR NOW I Wblle PrtcM are~ Pllaae far aar.CXIG .... bUJw who wlll CID ad ldtlll )"OU ·•WWWclla OPA l\ll'lhft ...... pdaw ad an<"P al detafla I 1 CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00 Inc. 0 za•t _. C' 1'1 D ' a ., m .... 0 1"""·~•1FPt• '• •o i zr r • • a • • • • • • I Calling All Amateurs ~ME HOME! ~ All amateur radio Cana and Newpml JIMllar Pa.& 111 others lriterested In radio are m. .t"P!R'OAN LBGION vt!ed to attend tbe resu!ar -u.. ...,_ • = l'r n n .. •• ly meetin& of the Or.nae County -....... - -,_ .. -'Amateur Radio club to be beld .._ .. __ • ___ .. _•_-_____ ._ .. _ .. _: 1 July10 at 7:30 p. m. In the cabin at Santiqo pork, Santa Ana. The ,--------------1 club now bu about '5 members SHOES llepmed Wlllle Y °" Walt Ray Pagan 515 Eut B.,-Front ·--.. _,,_Osle ·~--· .... and any one wishing tnfonnatioo about it may call Mr. Kesel, Beacoo 53l56. LARGE SUM TAKEN C. K. Cargill of P asadena com- plained to the Newport Beach police oo Sunday that someone stole $101 from his automobile which wu parked on East beach in Corona del Mar. """ .................. a.!1"~~!!!1--1!•!...!'!!!!•~·~°'e!!W'!!!-!!'!!ii.•~"'~!!!:!!ir..!!!IL:!&..!!!!..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:·~..;~~~~~.J.'~~~..:.·~~· Tipton Spent Equestrienoes. 1938." Al'S o. w. Kine. a1 Kine'• eos&a Mean Booked, Landinc ID """"-tins en the _0:..6....J Theft 1'1..-.11 flab blo -to are brlDslnc ID £ 11MU v•-a~ -clQo. "I've ..,....,. -.. !lob-' . M t M ermen lftn oo many floh oa the a-Stephen Cox, 22. ot ua Os Oney, -to,· be odded. "S~pipe bet--lllapolla street. Oleta llleu. - riH, a f.,. Jew fish, ~ -at tbe count;y joil ID Santo She ff R "7 llUGR .. vn r 4111 and white -baa make up the Ana Saturda7 en a ~ of theft ·~· · catch." The ne'W' live bait boat ol an automatic pistol rl ace TrQjllng -to OClt ot Newport Sport Kin& is meeting up with Deputies f!o".i the sherifrs of. Harbor continue to bring ID u>, tnfflc diffi<:ultles in belnc launch-tke reportei! that C.ox admlttecl catches of albacore as the nm ed. House movers are ready to steal.in&: the weapon from Elmet SANTA ANA. July 2.-Walter E. Tipton of Santa Ana, former doputy lheritf, who fuUahed third in the recent primary ra~ for lheriff of Orange county, was ~ ported Monday as having spent the moat money to obtain the top spot in the primary race. According to filings of expense accounts by candidates for the cootinuO., boato aver&&lng from move It from Wilmington to New-Hartford ot the Magnolia street 2, 3, 4, or 5 fish a day. The water port Harbor tor launching, but address abdut Jl!lle 15. Cox aold ia fUll of them, but they are to0 the Fourth of July traffic will de-the pbtol lri Inglewood. the lri""'" busy feeding on small bait to pay lay the trip until next week. Upton said. much attention to jjp. Albaoore Dory FIUermm CatdlJac ------- are cburnln& the water cbaslnc AJ-.. their food. Ocean dory flohermen, wbo go Acting as PreSident c. s. McElroy ot Balboa. Viet president of-the Newport Harber: ~--------------------------,!sheriffs office pest, Tipton spent All fishermen are expecting the out through the surf every morn- albacore to really bust loose at ing from. next to the Newport any time and ltatt after feather Pier, are bringing in their fair jigs. Thirty-five a1ba.core were share of a1bacore, not to be out caught by 14 people aboard the done by the bigger boats. Fred Espada .out of Port Orange Friday. Davenport caught 8 albacore Port Orange aenda out boats on Thursday and Cecil Kittle caught week days only after albacore. 11. They were fishing from 6 to 7 They troll for them first and miles out from Newport. Kiwanis club, is presiding otficet of the. club in the absence of FIQI Blower, the president. who is now on vacation. Just Arrived---New Shipment RUSH MA1TING REDUCED 4' x 7', 6' x 9', 8' x 10', 9' x 12', '12' x 15' SOc per sq. ft. ** Rush Matting Reduced to SSc sq. ft. AA PHILIPPINE ALBACA MATI'ING Reduced to 8Sc sq. ft. • ** TROPIC · ARTS Importers 737 South Coast Blvd. Laguna Beach • • • Phone 8033 Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROO.M $5740 of the $5883 in contribu- tions which he said he got from backers of his campaign. James A. 1.1usick, who will face Sheriff Jesse Elliott in the No- vember generaJ elect ion. spent $1520, including $1300 contributed. Elliott received no contributions and spent 51879.34 on his cam- paign. R. I. Morris receivNI $1587 in contributions and spen't ~190.16. 1 Harry Bell of Fullerton, low man on the six-man t icket. did no t report his expenditures, although today \\"as t he closing date for such reporting under election Jaws. Expenditures of u ncontested county offi cers: Supervisor Wil- lis H. Warner, $60; Auditor L . H. Eckel, $260.60; District Attorney James L. Davis . $120; Treu urer Harve)' A. Gardner. $183.50; Tax Collector Don Mozley, $1 50.75 ; Super ior Judge Kenneth E. Mor- rison. $90; Assesaor Maurice En- der le, $128.73; Surveyor W. K . Hillyard, $~; C.oroner Earl R. Abbey. $186.50; Recorder ~trs. Ruby McFarland, $19 1, and School Superintendent Linton T. Sim- mons, $100. Patrol Halts Woman Driver, Drunk Count California highway patrol offi- cers Friday night took into cus- tody Lillian Antonette Romawski, 25, of Long Beach, whom. patrol records show, was booked at the county jail on a charge ot drunk driving in Ne"'J)Ort township. For 1 Week after they pick up a school, they Barge fishing from the barge start f'uhing live bait. anchored off the Newport Pier A party ot fishermen from La-has been very much on the good guna FederaJ Savings & Loan was side with halibut. white sea bass, out Sunday aboard the Lorna Pat, barracuda, and. of all things. yel- skippered by J . H . "Bert" Mills lowfin croaker, being caught. and brought in six aJbacore. Croaker fishing from the barge is "Bert" has been averaging about about the most ridiculous thing I I.--_, six to eight every day. Jimmy heard of. They are surf fish and Stevenson and aJl the other troll-shouldn't be out so deep. SKILLED RIDERS. Shown ln the torec:roond la Slalrley TIH>mpeon and .. rncker" who woo flnt plaae in tlle horw and rtde.r d.lvbkm. of the recient Coeta Mesa-Newport Uou club carnival and tbb try feta. In the bac:kgTOund la Lucy Plnkley and the tamou. palomino, "Golden Boy," wtnnen of third place. Both are charmlnlf YOUD.&' wonien and skJlled In bonemanshJp. -photo, Neal Beckner. Balboa ,ing boats are doing the same. All fishing facilities in the New- The live bait boat Comet has I port Harbor are being taxed to 1 been leaving at 5 :00 a . m . from the limit these days with piers. I the 19th Street Landing fishing barges. and boats. all crowded. It east-end of Catalina or Hunting-looks like more p1ers, barges, and H 0 hWa P tr I L Pl ton Flats. On the runs to Cata-boats are needed to acconunodate lg y a 0 eg"1 on an Una the fishermen have a chance the crowds of fishermen who de-CaptureS 3 Boys to troll for a lbacore going over sire to fish. and coming back. The majority --------Wanted 1"n Theft w Id B t of live bait boats are leaving the Move Drafting Room Ou Oos albacore alone and are concen- trating on the big, stove.pipe bar-The drafting room attached to Three Long Beach youn-ters --acuda being caught on the fla•· · ~... I ~ .... the oty engineer's office at the ::J~ ~u~~j~s~~t t~~a~1 Hosp·1tal Fund ~~:!~::rnt.°a~ ~~g l~;d°'!~ ~~tdl~;Ta:t bee~a~OV~t~o h~~ ~~~~!t by0f~~~:rn0i~ S8tatech~i!ghew8¥0f looks like a convention was going police garage, where it will be ..... u.< on, or something, there are so held in readiness for transfer to burglary and grand theft in New-many of them. The Balboa Spart the new city hall building on Cen- port Beach. LEGION PLAN-Fishing Fleet has the Fishing Ex-tral avenue. The youngsters, two of whom Net profits above the actual press leaving at 6 :00 and the The police department is using I For Your Home! DisUeplsbed Good Looks . --our permanent "indow awn- ings, door hoods, porch, patio and sun deck canopies pros vide Ma.xi.mum Oomtort. (The sun, heat and weather are kept out and the 112bt and breeze COtt'le through). For FREE ESTIHATF.11 Call are 17 and one who l.s 18, are ac-1 purchase price of a new 1946 Maiden at 7:00 a. m. fishing up the old drafting -r oom for a ator- cused by Newport Beach p:>lloe automobile to be awarded at the there. ' -age and supply room for blankets and G. L. Eastman, attendant for l Armistice Day celebration at Port Lido's Mr. Kemper rep:>rts and other materials at the pres-Awning Co. of "--Co. the Lido Richfield OU service sta· Ne'-'1>0rt Beach will be turned his boats bringing in the nicest ent time. 714 8o. PldladeJ~S't. tion at Udo and West Central over to the fund for raising $500,-catches of fish he has seen in a A•st e'm Oallt.. Sl.m+WDDD avenues, of being involved in the 000 for the nev.• Presbyterian hos· long time. The Neptune continues Scotch tape, varioa. sizes, on Plllone FUJ.LEiToN IAS-J theft of a cash register from the pita! building on Newport Heights. to run daily from here, and that aa,aJ~e_:a~t~th~e:._:N~e~w.-~~Tlmea~~.:.· ___ ~============~ service station Thursda y nighL Comdr. Don Durant of the New-good-looking boat the Recapture - The sum of $75, said. to _have port Harbor post 291 of the Amer· is available for charter, as is the • been stolen from the cash regJ.St~. ican Legion said that tickets will Marianne. Seven to nine-pound which was hauled out of the sta-be sold for award of the machine barracuda and \vhlte sea bass are tlon by one of the youngsters, was and it was he who also stated that being hauled in. found on . the penon of one of the net profits above purchase price_ Pier Fbhblc Belt la Yean boys, police said. for the car would be given to the Pier fishing this week has real- The arrest of the youngsters hospital fund to boost Newport ly surprised the old timers as was made by Highway Patrol Of-Bead\'• sti.are which has been ban-acuda have moved in to give fl~t'I Craig and Mitchell in Costa loltertnc around the $38,000 mark. pier fishing fishermen the best M~a. 20 minutes after they 17-Other attracti ns are also plan· luck they've had in years. Live ce1ved a report by police racUo 0 bait is being used for barracuda tha t three boys in an ·automobile n~ by the legion post, Durant as well as feather jigs. The feather had a few seconds before snatched said. users have a cork and sinker at a cash regis ter and fled by motor 1 • the upper end ot thelr leader and from N eWPort Beach. New Building cast out and pull In. The cork Wt are diligently concentrating ..... on providing service to waiting applicants as fast as it is humanly possible to do so effort i1 being made to Improve the and efficiency of our 1e·rvlce quality • PUBLIC NOTICES H P • t causes a commotion in the water ouses a1n and the berries come over and grab t he feather. Mackerel are Directing OW' efforts as we have to render service as rapidly as ~ Store on Me~ also being caught. Yellowfin sible to all who wa.nt it and to make our sen ·ice t\'CQ better thaa it < NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. z c ,, No. 248694. ::0 IS T1TE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CA..LfFORNlA. 1N AND ROOM '< ::> P'OR TllE COUNTY OF LOS A;.._. ::;I GELES. Burtons Paint Store is now in its new home on Ne\.\'POtt boule- vard near 16th street , Costa ~1esa, in the new Daniels Building and can boast of one of the most at- tract ive stores of its kind in the county, according to A . J . Burton, ov.-ner. croaker fishing continues good at has ever been before, the 2,886,000 telephones in sen·ice as of ~fay 31, night from the pie rs. 1946, include an increase of 254,000 si nce V·J Day, of v.·hicb 113,000 "Best fishing in the ocean since were added in ~ 6tst five months o f this year-an unequaled in- ' Presents ANSEL HILL and His Orchestra -Wednesday, July 3rd Thursday, July 4th Friday, July 5th Saturday, July 6th Dancing from 9 untill Half Mile MOTORCYCLE RACES Under Rules and Sanction of Amf"rtcan ~1otorcycle AMociatlOll SPOSSORED 8\' Orange County Motorcycle Club. SEE AMERICA'S CHA.m'IONSJDP RIDERS at . CORONA SHOW GROUND Four Miles N ortbwest of CoroU-:...n River Road SUNDAY, JULY 7th Ai 1:00 p. m, -1'lliDe Trials Stan at ll :00 L IL !' 2 ., $1.M .... tlu rmr••DNo ..J v. z c ,_ r c..; a c 0: 0. z c :i: 0. ,.. 0: c SERVICE Joly 2 -Thro Joly , Limited Seating Capacity . Reserved Sea ts Available at BLUE SAILS BOOKSHOP ~ Barbor 8'18 o .......... 191 PRICES' 1%.40 a SIJIO 1acl. Tu Next "\\'eek: "BLIND AIJ,EY'' 'l In the J.latter or the E.ltate of FAITH ERNST, Incompetent. '"1 Nottoe la hereby rt'"en that the un· ..,. denilsne<l w ill !Id\ at pri•ate .ale. to the hla be•t and but bidder, aubject 0 to cooflnnatlon of uJd Superior Court. oa or a rter the Jrd day of July, 1946, :z al lhe office of MI LDRED GILMORE. 00 Attorney , 412 W e.it Sixth Street. l..o. Anaele• lt, Count1 of Loe Ange.le•. St&te of Callt ornla, all tbe r11ht, title aod lntere1t of pld Incompetent ID The new building, completed just recently by Newport Beach painting cont ractor , Robert Dan- iels, also houses tile new women 's apparel shop SHE. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1112% Y, NOWJ>Qrt Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No llml.t to UlJ" of . --COSTA MESA, CALIF. Pb.one Be9oon 5011 r< and to all the cert.a.In "*1 property > 11\tuate In lbe County of On.nge, Sta.te of California, particularly deacribed ::i u Collo"llf•. to-...-lt : -Lot 17 B lock "C," ~n& H eight. No. s . Lacuna BMGb. C&llfornla, u ~r m&p thereat recorded In Book 81.. !'~• 1 or Ml• cellaneout1 Ma.pa, AeCUrda or OT- Carrying a complete stock of ~=======:::::::'.:::~ paints and painters:' supplies as l ------------~ well as many items for the house. hold decorator, Burton's new store is handsomely decorated and first- line merchandise is displayed prominently in attractive layouts. > up County. Tenrui of aa.le cub In la...-tul money :J:j ot the United Statu on contlrma.Uon of Mle. or part ca.ab. and bal&DCe ~ e..-ldenced by oote .eeured b:r Mort-> ira.e or TMlllt Deed on the propert:r so sold. Ten per cent or &m<M.m.l bid :") to be. depoelt.ed •Ith bld. :C B id• or offers to be ID """1"1UD&" and •111 be recelTed al the aforua.td of-fice at any Ume &fter tbe rt.rat publl· ea.lion hereof and before date or ale. Plentiful parking in front ot· the building is anothe r feature and Harbor rnidents are invited to in- spect the new premises at any time, Burton says. Dated lhl• 11th day of June. 1146. HAROLD s. LAWR.EN"CE. TICKETED ;.. Guardion or I.be Estt.te of -.Id I ncompetent. MILDRED GILKORE. Nels Johnson of Corona del 1w1ar Attorney tor Uld Guudlan. \\'as ci'ted by NM&1TW>.r t Beach at 4l2 W ellt Sixth Strfft, ~ .. ~ Loe AD.&"elu t4, Ca.lln:>nU&. 4 p. m. Friday for passing a boulC'- DEA L'S Famous .Smoked Fi$h Always Fretlll 110 McFadden PL Main Store: 101 mpway "'At lloe.d to Balboa Wand" ~~iJ¥:.4' is. XI. 26• 2'7 ; July 2· ™6· vard stop at Main street and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::Central avenue, Balboa. '-------------' EVERY WEDNESDAY -IS- KIDDIES ' DAY U N.-to 6 P. M, Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel - - Tu le Concessions-Sc Tu le ) - BALBOA FUI ZOIE • • WILL PAY YOU Highest Top Cash Price for Your Used TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SAFES -FILES -DESKS ·--0"7--·---..--................. ....,, ....... wlll •• ..,. ..... .. .. I II -'* • -.IQ" .. tnew1ltent 1f&s -'' ... ....... mi. ...... I att11• ..... ellielk wr._. ... ..._ _.... ..... 741 crease in any similar time period in the history of our company. The telephone increase since V-J Day exceeds by 67,000, or 36 per cent, the 187,000 increase in the year J943-the largest yearly tele- phone increase ever recorded by our company. The (Clephooe iocreue for the fust hve month.s of 1946 excced.s by 69,000, or 60 per cent, the 114,000 increase for the encire year 1945. New applications for service-totaling 340,goo for the first ·five monchs of this year-increased 107 per cent over the correspoodiog period of a year ago. Of the 286,000 prospective subscriben at the lint of the year whose applications bad been necessarily deferred due to shortage of facilities, we are glad to report that 183,000, or 64 per cent, have been cared for. Due, however, to the time oecasariiy m. volved in the installiotioo of complicated nritd>boa<ds-in many instances new buildings are required to home rban-together with the large aumbet of ....,,. appliationa and the continued materials shortages and d;.tarbed Q>Oditions rbrougllout the countrr allectins manufaaurers' production, 229,000 •pplicant1 ore still waiting for service. We ore diligently ooocentroting, aotwirhstonding the dillicultieo in obcaining adequate appara<us and mate..W., oa providing aervice to waiting applie1t1cs as fast as it is humanly possibJe to do so. Like. wise every effort is being made <o improve the quality and efficiency of our se"ic:e. Construction of add!_tiooal toll and loog distance circ.uits bas gooe forward with rapidity and concinued improv~t ii being made in the service even though the volume continues at record high Jevd1-:- the calls being 20 per cent grearer than in the corresponding 1ive- montb period of a yesr ago. Our company bas recently made substantial fnnhet posrwar in- cr~ed wage adjustments, aggregating $6,000;000 oo an ao.nuaJ basis, fos a resulr of collective bargaining negotiatiom with the un.iom. These added wage increases are over and above the postwu adjoat, menr wage increases made in D<c.mber of lau you wbidi aggttgated more than $18,000,000 oo an annual basis. Thus, this-recent wage increase, embodied in a contract to run unriJ, Mardi 1, 1947, brings 'the posnvar adjustment wage increases, arising oot of collectiv~ bar- gaining, to more than $2-4,000,000 annually-the incuae in - posrwar wage rates· being 19 per =it. 1De rea:n< ooUective bargajos ing pegotiatioos berwrm our DWJagm>eOt and the anions estmded over a period from April U to .May 18, 1946, and at ao time tbiougb- ont the aegotialinm did the -iom or the caoapeay fail to res1i2e that the public interest come fint ... Net Income bas beea •~1 alleaed by inaa.d ..... of opencioa, i-nbw11 the larp added ...... a:peaditma. ~ .... J ... ~- l Prcrid• • ' ' • R&WW 1 4 1.llOA NAW .... HM '·1'oaM P • p re I nu• '!JI !!Ir !. .-pz-.... I. " Longmoor Appoints Seven /~ IEITEM-N-Ew_S-_~_T_HE_I ~=·:r::= On Chamber Committees ~~ RDl"Rll8 O N be the aoJu~o~ VOGEL Pua.:..c No;licE PUBLIC N OTIC E OBDll'fANVI: or ll'fTENTIOlf ot the Cty ot Newpurt Beacb for H.. M1 said vacation. doalng up and --OOI poratlon. Trustee w w donment. by Reoo1ut1on dated CAMPBELL. .utnnrit a iuO:: P uBL1c NoTicm ROO FS A...-a:o om __. • .,.,, Free --• 1-r'fo• W.I . .._._ rLANNIHG COMMISSION Chain:nen for seven committees '-''ere appointed and announced by Pre!ldent Walter Longmoor of Newpor1 Beach at the first board of director's meeting of the Asso- ciated Chambers of Orange coun· ty of the new year held at Santa Ana ~fonday night. Appointed board that nothlng must be "'- without a great deal ot consider&· tion of consequences. The writer wishes to clarity the •tatement printed in your June 20 P UB LIC NOTICE ed.Jtl'on in .regard to mention of 'the City Planning Commission.' CERTI F ICATE OF BUSINESS It was not the writer's intent to Flctttio.,. F inn N.....,,. Harvey Somers Inherits $40,000 P.s3>S single out any particular planning The underal&"ned do hereby eertlfy bod peciall th · that we are conducti~ a mapalne y. es y ose serving publishing bualneu &l &09 East Cen-without com pensation, b ut it was t.ral Annue. Balboa. California. uader th · ' i brln t the flctlUoua tlnn Damf! Of Southern e wnter s n tent to g 00 Ca.llfom la. Be&ehcombf!r. and that !Wd were: Harvey Curtis Somers of 1709 the fact tha t few planned cities nrm t. compoef!d or the tollo•ln&" per. d t ansportaUon aoM •h<>H name.a In tu11 and P~ Righv..•a)'3 an rrt · • E . Bay Front, Balboa, inherited ever amounted to much. and plan-or rffldence are u tollowa, T()..."WIT : H . F . Kenny. Newpo · . the $40.000 estate of his mother, ning boards usually act upan an Ruaaell L. Diet.rich Agriculture, \Valter Schmid. Mn. Emily r,1arvin Somers, who application on the basis of volume ~~&~~ qarden Grove. died June 17 at Los Angeles. ac-of voters in oppasltion rather than Ceo~ t:.m~ Street Sanitation, Y.'. L. Farrow, Gar-cording to her will which was ad-on the bas.is of taxable wealth cre-Balboa. CaJlfomJa. den Gro\'e-. mitted to probate in the Orange ated and actual progress. of~~~~s?ur ba.nda t.bi.a 27th day \Vater , Frank C. Latham, Santa County superior court in Santa Our community. badly in need RU&SELL L. DIETRICH Ana . Ana ~londay. ot large resort hotel sites. iS co~ .GEORGE s. VARGA.. Legisla tion. George Kellogg.I Th t t h ·aJ f ~An pletely strangled by zoning re-. STATE OF C.U.DIUR1''"IA., e es a e as a ,_ ue o ~., tr' t ' and Noah w bs de-com.."TT OF' ORANGE.--: Yo rba Unda. 000 in personal property . and se-s. ic ions . e te_rs On this 27th d&y or JUM, 1946. be· Coast Affain. L. A. Patch, . . Th will t t "th t fmes a hotel as. an inn of the bet· tore me Loub W . Brtn"s. a Notary 0 _ ch I CUI'1t1es. e s a es a • 1 ter class Publlc: tr:i and ror aa..1a-county and SUnset l;K"a · 1 daughter , Marion Somers Lowe · . . state. realdlnc therein. dulr commt.· !\.lem bership, Jack Franze, f S F . 1 The ~tcr. haY1ng S<'rv.:'d on •ioned Uld •worn. personal y appear-o an rancisco. \'>'as amp Y pro-N rt n -ch" 1 · . _ ed RuSMll r... Dietrich and George s. \V<.'Stn1inster. . I vided. during the lifetime of her ~~ . u.:-a s Panning com Varga, known to me to be the penona O thl'r appointmen ts arc stlll h I mission 1n bygone years, full \veil .,.hose name• arr aub«ribed to the Under •ons1d('ration by President mot er. I realizes said body is merely a within lnatrument a.nd a.cknowledged ... to me I.hat they f!ll:ecuted lhC' aame. Longmoor and will be announced • bumper for the city council and is rN \VITNESS \VREREOF. r have at a later date. One of the longest fences in the in full sympathy ror their PoSition ~rr'~·~:itoae~t t'f:: J1:nd..;3dy~ix1~ ~1~ Subjt'Cl for discussion at the ...,·or ld i.s in Australia and is said and should any of the newer mem-certificate Cirat abc~e wntten. nlc('ting also, v..•as the contemplat-to be over 1100 miles in le~gth. bers not yet calloused. have been 1 Nl'tary LOp\{h~ic~"n 8a~~~:r Orange ed OiJ drill ing situation at Seal !t ,~·as const1:uctcd a.s .a barr1cade j hurt by the writer's statement, Countri · State of California. Beach I I \\as !he opinion of 1he against rabbits a nd dingoes. please accept the \\Tite r 's hu111ble ~1Jb.coy~~ s:~0~1 :•fs1.reis.M~6~· l9'4.l. P u eLtc NoTtcE loulh W f/I Sf• Ea.st -,,; ,,. ICt L -r W 01' Eat MG.IS fool, . "' • -Ill Ille -ly -"' 90'l1CE or n •allfO •suoa ......... Omtn11 A~·• teet ta. width. '!BS BOAJID 0. DlREC'I'OBS --II lfortll CT• ~ •• or CX>.ASrAL llUNICIPAL Wtll a 61 ....,. lit Uot.M ea.t WATD DlSTBlCT OW OB.ANGE &en. the OD"'ID!m earner al. Seetiom cotJNTY. CALIJ'OlllflA. or A rr. ill. a mc1 M. Towmblp • -. P&i JIU::.. ASIClfO roR. m:E Rallet JO Wast. 5.B.B. A: K..; ANNEXATION or Tm: CITY o r lbmce lforlb 18" .,,. ..,. ... t lt&W:r<MT BK.A.CB AMD THE alon,a t:b'9 said waterl7 llDe al. TDlln'ORY CONS'ltlVflNG Central Aftllue. Z78.70 feet. more nm SAME TO SAID COASTAL or ie.. to m tntenedkm wt.lb. the JrtlJflCIPAL WATER DISTRICT, westerly prolongation of lbat cer- UJIDZR THS ""MUNICIPAL ta1n courw tn the United Stat.es 'If ATl:B Dnn'RICT '1Cr or Balkhead Uoe utendln& from Sta· ltlt•, AS AKJ:NDED. ts.om U. 8. 22'1 to U. S. 128., u aid Harbor Lin• la lbown upon a imp ent1Ued ""Harbor Linea. Newport BQ' ~ apprOTed by tha War n.p.-ent ~ 2nd. 1938. and on me la tbe ottlee of th• u. s. DIJ- 1fO'l'1CZ IS lll:REllY GIVEN --. .... flied with E. B. ._._., Secretary ot Coutal Muni· <ilpol 'lfator District, on Ibo 2nd clq cd Kq. 1-a potltlon ..wng torth tblt botmdarles ot the Clb' cd lfowpon Beo<h. In !be Coun\7 -' o..ns<. State of Call1omlo. which aid petition containa a prQer that .... ..s.d Cit,' ol. Jfewpoft Beach IDd. tba whole thereat be annexed to Coutal Mu.nlclpal Water Db- irtc:t. -.. ..... pnm.tona ol ~ ... unidpal Water DlKrkt Act o1 tt11•, M amended. a.td petition WM lllned b7 '8'1 penom Lind. .. Aid S. H. Beaver, • IUCb. &ecntary, uamined all th• algna· -opponded lhento and ... cortalncd and detumlned that ..id potltloa ..... 1118'1ed by lh• Nqui· •te number Of qual.J1!ed •ectora re.I.din.a w ithin the boundarlea of tb9 _... -proposed to ba annexed and, u such duly appointed and • qualllled Mere\ary. attat:=hed bis certttteat.a to uJd petittoo certify· tn& that IRid petltlou b sufficient In law and should ha presented to the Boa.rd of Directon of Couta1 V unJcipal Water Dlttrlc1.. trlc:t -· Loo An1ele9, C&ll· fomla; 9>enee South 'It" (1Y 1!ut along tb• tald westerly prolongtatlon ot said bulkhead line to an Lotersec· don with the euterly line tJl said Central Avenue. lald potnt ot tn- tenectlon aho be.Ing In th• 110uth- erq prolongation ot the easterly line ot the County H.lshway, eo feet In width. u described in the peti · ~ tor public lrlghway, Newport Beach Road, and re<:ordeod in Book 250, page 73, Records of said Or- anae County; thence northerly along the said 90utherly proloneation of the eut •IY Une and th• easterly line of said County Rfgbway, and as said County Highway Is shown on Tract No. 21, Boulevard Addition to Ne"'- port Heights, being part of Lot 169, Block 2, Irvine Subdivision, as re· corded In Miscellaneous Maps, Book 9. page 26. records of s<tld County. to an intersection w ith the center line ot the Old County Road. as nie text of said petiUon. gether with five ol the name-s tacbed thereto, 1-as follows: to-shown pn Tract No. 27. Boulevnrd at· Addition to Newport Heights. being To the COASTAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTR JCT. LAGUNA BEACH CALiroRNIA part of Lot 169, Block 2, Irvine Sub· division, as re<:orded in Mlscellan· eous Maps. Book 9, page 28, records of nld County; thence NOTth ~· 59' East alon~ the saJd ttnter line of the Old WC', the undersigned Jlgners. do County Road. 783.H f£.et: bereby peUtion for the annexation thence North 70• l!I' East 498.06 and lnclw.lon of the territory here, feet along the sa.Jd center line of lnafter df!3C?"ibed. to the COASTAL the Old County Road: MUNlClPAL WATER DISTRICT thence North 36* 18' East 440.43 under :he Municipal Water Distrlt:=t feet along the ceonter line of the Act at 1911 u amendrd; and Old County Road; We do cert1ty and declare. thence North tt• JO' W~t M:l.86 Pint: That the r eal prope:rl7 pro-feet along the said center line of poeed to be lneluded in said mwU, the Old County Road, to an inter· dpal watu dist.rit:=t combt.s ol the S«tJon with the center line of territory •lthin the corporate Umlts Westminster Avenue, as shown on of the munlt:=J pa.l CflrporaLion known a map cd First Addi!ion to New, and desJinated aa the City of New· port Height.s, as recordt'd In Book por\ Bei.ch, lying wbolly wit.hi.n of Mlscell:ineous Map 4. page 94, the Ccunty or Oran~. State of records of s:iid County; nr.e , I bi ot and parallel wi~ °"' '"'""-d -"""" tJ. a. JW'khMd ltatson •o. 111 to u. a. Ru1lrhMd line Statloa. Ko. 1'5, .. said baJ'kheed and bnt)bed .tatlona an laid out and lbown 9POI' a map ol Newpori Bq. Callbma, lb<>wlnC harbor nn., appa:o+.S b1' the Wu DeparlmODt Jumary l8tll, 1011. and ... -In tho -"' °"' tJ. 9. Dlstrlc:t Enl'-. Loo~ Call· !ornla; thence .outb.euter17 alonl a line. whlcb Une ta l:50 feet northeasterly of and parallel with the atorsaid bulkhead tine ertendlna between Bulkhead. Statlona Na.. 170 and 1756, a distance ot 1,800 feet to a polnt. which bean South zg• Weat 3.50 feet tram U. S. Bulkhead. Stl.· lion No. 110, u said ttatlon ta W d out and shown upon sa.Jd map of Newport Bq showing harbor lines; thence North 75• 11' «• Za.e. l ,· 401.60 feet to a point, which beart South ss• 28' is• Wat 144..U feet from U. S. Bulkhead StaUon No. J35, u l&Jd Bulkhead Statf°" ft shown upon a map entiUed "'Harbor Llnes, Newport Bar Harbor. Call· fornla•, approved by the War De· partm.l!!llt May 2nd. 193e, and OD file ln the ottlt:=e of the U . S. Dis, trict Eneineer, Loe Anaeles. Call- fomia; thence South 11 • M' East 1,010.00 feet to an angle point ln the ordl · nary hJgb tide line of the Pacific Ocean in Newport Bay, u esta· blished by D~ in Court Case No. 24026 of the Superior Court In and for Orange County. CaWomla. a certified copy of which deer~ was recorded September 19, 1928. in Book 109, page 275, Official Re- cords of Orange County, Calltornla; thence South 39• 48' East alon,a: the aaid ordinary high tide line l!I distance ot 334.27 feet to a polnt, which I• the most westerly comer ot • parcel ot land described In Deed to the City of Newport Beach, said Deed being rec-orded in Book 249, page 4.24 ot OUiclal Records of said County; thence North n • 57' 30"' !!a.st along the north•.\·est!'rlY Line of said parcel ot land • di.stance or 317.57 feet; thent:=e Sou th 71 • 54' East along the noTtherly line of said parce.I ot Land a distance ot 290.24 feet; thence continuing along the nor· ther1y line of said parcel ot land Sooth ss· 43' East a dtstance ot 1,378.lG feet to the n ortheast CU· neor of Jaid parcel ot Land; thence South along the east Une of the 90ulherly prolongation there· of of said pattel of land a distance of 1587.01 feet to an Intersection with a line 200 feet northerb' of and parallel with the aforesaid bulkhead line extending trom U. S. Bulkhead Station No, 151 to U. S. Bulkhead Station No. 1 ~'l· California. the whole of whic.h ter· thence North 39• 50' East along ritory I• aomeUmes herein re!erred the centeor line of u1d Westminster to &nd Is meant when the term Avenue 707.03 feet to a point of "'territor)'" i• wed herein. Said intersection wi.th the t:=t'nter Une leorritory la situatt'd wholly "·itbin of Fifteenth S trttt. u shown on the corporate limits Qt snid City a fo~.::ald map ot First Addition to thence due east aloag • Un e. of Ne..a.·port Be:lch. Knd the boun· Nt"'"·port Hf'i~ht.s: which Une i~ 200 feet northerly of daries lhe reo!. beina: the boundaries the-nee South 49• 30' East 3,240 and parallel w ith the a::forcsaid of th«! City or Nf'"'J.)Qrt Beach and feet along the center line of said bulkhead line extending from tJ. of lhe propo<M. teorritory to be Fi!tttnth Strreot fo a point of Ln, S. Bulkhead Station No. 1.51 to U. annexed, are desc-ribe-d KS all the tc~ectlon "'1th the C'l'n ter Une of S. Bulkhead Station No. 1.52 a dis· certain r~al property s1tua1e in the Irvine Avenue, u shown on afo re, tainN! of 1.287 29 feet to a poi nt; County of Ora.ni::c. S I.ate of Cali· said m ap of F irst AddiUo n '° New· thence due north a distance of fcrnia. a nd more p::irucul1rly de-port Height.t; 300 fe-et to • point: s;cr'bed a~ follo"·s. to-"'·it. thence South 40• 30' West alon r. thence due east a di.st<l nc-e of 250 Brginnir at lhe point of inter· the .s.,-,id <'"f'ntcr line of Ir\'ine Av ..... feet to a point; "'t"('lton or lhe northeastt'rly pro~ nue and the south\\·esterl,y pro1on· thcnc:e due south a dbtance of I :\$';"ition or the sout~casterly line-eation of the ct:=nter line ot lrvlnf' 300 feet to a point; o.t Sumnl!t S1rttt. as said street Avenue :?.495 fttt, more er le59, thence due e3Sl a dist.anct' of 350 is L"11d out !\nd sho..a. n on a at3r to the north east com er of Lot 'H'. feet to a point; crC the Sea.thole Colony Tract. as I Tract 919, ns re-corded in Misce1, thence C:O!terly In a direct li ne rt'CQrded in :'lh~p Book 7. p.:ige 25. lan.~ous t.tai». Book 29. pi-ttS 31 to Station N'o. 75 o1 Patent boun· r ecords f'f Or:in~e County, Cali· to 3-1 inclusi\•e. recor ds o r io ~id Coun, dart~ of the R::1 nc-ho San J l)aquin. fornia, w ith the north ban.k or t.h •' 1 ty, ,vhich i:oint Is al~ the tout.h· as per map r ct:=orded lo Book 1. Santa Ana ruver; "''e-st c-orn:-r of the 80 toot strip of page -l7· of Patent RE'COrds o( Lo.s thcn.-e eoastt>rly nnd southe"lsterly I the State Hit.?h\\'.JY rtg_ht of w:iy, as ;\ngeles County. Californ ia: Alona the north bank of said rt'>'er deeded by det'd, reco rded in Deed theoce southeasterly along aa.id 5,400 feeot. more o:-le.s.!I. to an tn~r · Book 506, paiC 334, rtt'Ords of said Rancho boundary Une to Station section v.·ith the forn1f'r southerly County; 78 of uid Rant:=ho boundary: said line of the Californi11 Sta te High~ thenc-e along the Sbte Highway Station being South 68• 43' 40• way ha\•lne a •·idth of 80 feet. Sa.Jd right of 1•ray u deeded by deed e-:u:t 220..5.5 feet from United States poi.nt o.t int('rsection bean soutn recorded l.n Deed Boolr. 338, page Bulkhead Station No. 104 in \he .\•5.5·13• east l.113.01 feet from the 314, ottic-W reconb of .s.a.ld Counr,•, bul.t.head. lirle. u aald bul.k.hud northwest comer of I.he IOUtbeast 50utheasterlr on the an: of a curve line and bulkhead at.tiona are Wd ooe-qu4'rl.er (V,.' of Sectioa .29. conC'ave to th• nor1.he.n baring out and shown upon the map of Township S South. Range 10 West. a ndiu• of 908.Sl feet Ca ndial Newport BQ', Callfornla. &bawt.a& 8..B.B. &. M.; u.id point ot mt.er· Uce at the point ol beeinnina bear-Ha.rbor Un.es,. approved by UM War ectlon aao ~in1 40 feet southel,J lng North 47• S3' U "' East> a dis-Dep.:l.rt:mer:lt J anuary lath. 1917: ~ Enaineer"a SS..tlon 883 + tO." ta.nee ot. :504..85 feet; thence South -u• 45' Eut 9IO feet.; oe tbe centeT line ol: Aid hlchwa.:r ; tbmce coa.Unuin& aloft& !he la.st th.enee South. 29• ocr ~ S30 feet; eakl point alao bein.I tba westerlJ' men.Uoned aouthttlJ' Utt• of aald ~ South .,.. 30' But to an ...-sntnua of tb.e ordln&rJ' hi.ih Ude Stata BJ..gb.....,. rl&ht of way. tan-lntenectloa witb the aouth••terlJ' uae of the Padflc Ocean in New· cent South '7t• 21• 30· &a.st 1 ,,,.,, pro)oapdoa ar the north...twlJ' p«t a.,. and d-ted "North f .. t; Uno cd Tweo\7-Sevmlh A--. • UDe" and north ba.nlr. of the Santa thence coatinuln.c aion& the lMt Tw.a.t:r-se....ntb AYmue la lbowD .Aaa Rl•e.r, • eatabUahed by • de-mentioned ri.aht at_ way line a1oD.I on a map ot Corona Del Mar, re- c:ne oc Court Cue No. DSlll of the a curve concave $o lbe nortb. havirll corded la ~Mai-. Book 8uperior ~Com1 Ill and for 0ran.p ,a ndiUI Of 1,.$50 t.el, a c99tance ot S, p&8el 41 and t.2. ncorda of said Coullt:J', CaUfornla. a cettlfted. COPY 379.M tee-t: COUDt;r; cd whlcb _,_ --eel Sop-lhenoe conliDuJAc alon1 !be '-' then<e --l:r alons tbe "' ._ tlltb. 1• Ill -ID1. -mentlcned rilbl at wa1 llDe Ion· at..-ld ooulh.....t.r17 prolonp-811. omda1 8*'°'dl cd 0.-....,t Soulh 11• 20' ao• But • .U.· Ilea at lbe north-Ir llDe at ~ cantorma: tance of IOl..Jll feet to a po1llt in "r.rent,-Seventh A-..we and tbe _. al----"' lbe --ir line "' tile pon:el --Ir lln• al '!'wel;J-S--.. a.ma An.a m... ..... tbe ot land .. ds11ad '° tbe Cit,-of l!IMb A.ftD\111' and 111 ~17 _.,....__and-Newport_b7_r_ln_l<I•--... loutll 11)• 1.r 50• l:ut. m.llf ilet. Deed. Boole -PIC'I: -wwwda ol afol' I Id D0rtt •dub ~ Soulia •• 44• JI., .z.t IMM. t9l1IL said ' OouDtr, daD al tbt Dartbw ••t:J lialll ol -·· Wll' -1.0IUI-- -r 'If•="'-... TWcl:f--lll A-lll~­Sou6 'f•• JT' u• :a.& 111M feet. lul: m '?t:Lorwl ..-,n 1a--tr -tbe wdlw stab pr IT•Ne al 9out1t. ir 11' .. ~ IJs.Je! fttt. a.n4 tlae ICIUoltlW H111t:J 111°1""0tle. .. W'tlliwte-lJ' line of Carom 8outh 11• II' W a.It ~..50 feat.ltbereof a dktanc-·at ltO..l1 feet to Dill liar, u shown oa. \be aboft _ ............... :. ! ....... ----et ' lbenee .outhealtu1Y alone Ul.11 north.....ierly prolongation ot. tbe nonheuterly line of Corona Del r-far and along the northeasterly lin• ot Corona Del Mar and it:. southeuterl7 prolongadon to Its intersection with the center Une of the waler COW'3e of that certaln canyon lying lmmediatel7 90Uth· easterly of Corona Del Mar, t:=om- monly knoW'll as But=lt n~; thenc• In. a general aouthweater· ly dire<:Uon fol~owing along the center Une of the water course of the 9.f'ores:ald Buck Gully to Its intersec-tion with the ordinary hlgb tide Une at the Pacific Ocean; thent:=e South 20• West three (3) miles into the Pacific Ocean to a point; thent:=e northwesterly along a line para Jlel to and three (S) miles fu~ tant from the ordinary high tide line of the Pacific Ocean to a point, wh.tch point is the most southerly corner ot the City of Newport Beat:=h, u the exterior boundary of the City of Newport Beat:=h b described in Ordinance No. 1 adopt· ed by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach on the 11th da1 .,t September', lSIOe; thence northwesterly parallel to 'lnd three (3) miles from the shore or the Pacific Ocean to an inter· ~cctlon wllh lhe southwesterly pro-. longatlon of \he southeasterl't' line 0! the a.toresaid Summit Street; thence northeasterly along the ~ou thwester1y prolongation ot the southensterly line. the souUieasterly line and the northeasterly prolonga. tion of the southeasterly litle of the :l foresaid Sl,mmit Street to the "'<lint ot pcginning. Second: Th~ u.ndersi gned are :u:i li fied electors of the said City 1Jf Ne\'>'port Be.a.ch and are equal 1n number to more than ten per centum of the number of such ou.alitlcd electors resid ing in the :'.'ity of Newport Beach voting for •i l car.di dates for the office of Go\'ernor ot the S tate of Califor · nia .o t the last aencral elCC'tion held •rjor lo the signin g al this pe~­ tlon. WJIE':-:EFORE. the unders:gncJ •'-:-ay thnt t he proposed territory, t.J -v.·.i t. the leorritrir y here-tofore de· ·cribed and the whole tbeoreof, ~ annexed to and m:ide a part of the COASTAL iru:-.-1c rP.o\.L WATEH DISTRICT under the pro\·isions o! said l\tunicip3l \Yater District Ac\ or 1911, as oimen,:('d, and that your I-Ionorable Body do all actJ; and t3 ke all procee~un6s nCC't"s!'ary and ·cqui.Jlte in the premises. i ~ Cl < [ ~ a • • " " • ... ~ .. • • " ~ .. N ~ ;; "' .. < • • .. • -0 2. " • " c .. 0 " 0. " " ~ .. 0. • 3 , :!! .. 0 .. • " 0. ~ !! -.. " w N ~ " ~ -"' ~ z :z -· 3 p • !!. .. ,~ • "' "' 0. g " • • • '< • 0: '< .. zo ... .., .., 0 • " .. .g " a 3 ,. 0 ,,. ~ , " 0 -~ " .. .. .. .. "' • • • • • 8' it -it -g" g" n • • • • • !;" ----.,. • ,,. "-., r .. • • g-0 " " 0. 0. 0. 0. -----IO tj -----.... ll i! .... .... -. ~ I! II ~r .... .... .... .... ,;: s. t • • & ~ ~ AN ORDINANCE OF lNTEN· April 22. 19t6. and cleslgnated LULU B RICE hls wii LE- TION OF nn: CITY COUNCIL ·~Jutlon No. 3321:• and by res-rITIA w · DYMOND BEN;AMIN OF nn; CITY OF NEWPORT olutlon dat ed {\pril 22. 19t6. and W. SEUiY A L. •SHEPHERD BEACH DECLARING ITs. lN· designated "Reoolutlon No. 3322," JO"" SHALi.ENm:RGER. EMMA 3802 lllama Pb. Bbr. 101N TENTION TO ORDER nn; and by resolution dated April 22, c. ~HAFNER. LOS ONGELES CLOSING UP. VACATION. l9t6. and. designated "Resolution MORTGAGE UNDERWRITERS WI" rv'I~ REfRIGERRTilll AND ABANDONMENT OF A No. 3323. Relf!l'ell<e Is hereby INC. a cor lion. FRED S • Ll[ I I PORTION OF A CERJAIN made for turu..r pattlculan u E:VANS . GJ;:f" DESPALAmO: ~ ERVI CE COlllPIUIY STRFj:T. AND CERTAIN AL· to the proposed vacation. closing VICH. M. L. JACK. JOHN DOE LEYS, IN THE CIT'( OF NEW-up. and abandonment of said J ACK. her husband. STEDDOM -- Z $ lib--llmo ... PORT BEACH IN ACCOR!). street and said alleys, to said & BLANCHARD -~ llh6, eo,_ ... - ANCE WITH 'THE .. STREET maps, and said maps and e ach of STEDDOM & e'ilN~tton, ••c•nry Pbone-, Day 65t La· VACATION ACT OF 1941." them are m ade a part of thla co-partne-rsh.i KELLY ROOF• .... •••cD: Pbcae Ni&ht. lllD The Oty Council of the Q ty of Newport Beach. pursuant to the provisions of the "Street Vaca- tion Act of 1941," approved May 13. 1941. S tatutes 1941. Chapter 250 and amendmen t.a thereto, be- ing Division 9, Part 3, S treets and Highways Code, does hereby or· dain, resolve. and declare as fol· lo"WS: Ordinance to the same extent and ING 00 p, ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~•~~-~~B~n~+~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; purpose as if the same were here-RJl"'"U" 0 .:.._ Ltd.. a corporation, In Incorporated In full. ~~ ROE , Trustee In Bank- Seetloa !.. That t he p-oceed· ruptcy of the estate of KELLY ings for the closing up and aban-ROOFING Co., L td., a oorpor. donment ot the aforesaid portion a tion, Bankrupt, WV. MEftE. of said street and of said alleys Dmt, "\VlLLIAM L HOPKINS, shall be bad and taken , and the ~~GARET H. BIGBY. LORNE O ty Council of the City of New-TEL/.o ~~~ port Beach. elecb to ... --• der the provisions o f· the "Street CORPORATION, a corporation, Vacation Act of 1941," approved TITLE INSURANCE A N D FllOl8T TAll'l'ING IUZZJ.INO BAMBtmom 8TSAU (rt? ... -.... -); HOMS BAKSD YUMMY Bl:&&Y AN D Al'PLI: Pll:ll SHEP'S SecUoe l . That the public in-·May 13, 1941• Statutes 1941, Otair ~UST COMPANY, a corpor- terest and convenience require the ter 250 a nd amendments thereto, auon. Trustee. TIIE F1RST NA· closing up and abandonment of a being Division g, P art a, Streets TION~ BANK OF DO~, lOlS OOAST HIGHWAY portion of Ocean Front, and of and Highways Code. a National Banking Association, NEWPORT certain alleys, alJ in the Qty of Section S. The Street Superin-JOHN OOE ONE, JOHN OOE ~ Bmne or Good EaW' Newport Beach, and it is the in· tendent of the Oty of Newport TWO and JOHN OOE CORPOR-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tention of the Oty Councll of the BC'ach shall cause to be co~picu· ATION, Def~ndants. City of Newport 84?ach to order ously posted along the line of the You are directed t o a ppear hi the folloY,.ing.described portion of street and the alleys proposed to an action brought against you b~ a certain street in said city, and be \'&cated., not less than 500 fE:et the a?°\'e nan1ed plaintiff In tht or certain alleys in said city, to be apart. but not less than three tn Su~r10~ Court of the · State ol vacated, closed up, and abandoned, all, notices of the vacation of said Califorrua, in a nd fo r the County to--v.·it : str£'.'t't and said alleys. Said notices of (_)ra nge, and to answer the com· STREET TO BE VACATED shall state the passage of this plaint therein ¥.'ithin ten day1 A parCC'l of land 15 feet in Ordina nce of Intention and the afler the service on you et this \\'idth, being a portion of tim(' a nd place of the hearing of summons. if served within thE Ocean Front, as shown upon all PC'rsons interested in or object-Coun~y of Orange, or \\'ithln thirty a m ap of S('ashor e Colony ing to the proposed \·acation of days if ~~rved elsewhere, and you 1Tac1, recordl'd in !l.tiscel-said str('('t and said a llevs all as a re not1f1ed that unless you SCJ Janrous Maps. Book 7 , page required by la\''· · ' appear and ans\\·or as above rc- 25. Records of Orange Coun· Sf'l·ficn -t. Notit'e is h('reby giv. quired, the plaintiff \vill take judi:· ty, Califor nia, and m ore par, ('n that the aty Council of the ment for any money or damaget ticularly d cscrilA.."'<l as fol!O\\'S, City of Newport Beach d ocs here. demanded in the Complaint, aa to,v.·it: by fix r.·tonday, the 15th day of a rising upon contrac t, or will ap- July. 1946, at the hour of four ply to the Court for any othc>r re. o'clock P . r.1 . of said day, in the lief .demanded in the c.mplaint. Council Chambers of the City of Given und.er my hand and sea! N e\vport Beach. Jocatro in the of the Superior Court of the Coun· City Hall in the City of Newport ty of Orange, State _of California Beach. as the time a nd place for this 24th d ay of April. 1946. Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 1, Block L or said Seashor e Col· o ny Tract; the nce, north· westerly along the northeast· erJy line> of said Ocean Front to the most v.resterly co.rner of Lot 2 of said Seashore Col- oqy Tract ; the nce. south\vest- erly along the southwesterly prolongation of the northwest- erly line of said Lot 2, said point lying in a line parallel v..·it h and distant 15.00 feet measured at rig ht angles from said northeasterly line of Ocean Front; thence, south- easterly a1ong said parallel line to its intersection 'with ttie southwesterly prolonga- tion of the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 ; thence, n orth· easterly along said line of pro- longation to the point of be- ginnin g. ALLEYS TO BE VACATED No. 1 : All of that alley 14 feet in width in Block H, as shOwn upon a map or Tract No. 323, recorded i n Miscellaneous Maps, Book 14, pag(>S 40 and 41, and Block 436, as shown upon a map of Corona del ?-'tar, Records of Orange Coun· ty, California, and more par· ticuJarl)" described as folJo,\'S, to--.... 1t: hearing all persoris interested in B. J. SMITH. or objecting to thC proposed vaca-Count?' Clerk and gierk ot t ht tion of said street or said alleys. Su~r10~ Court of the State o! And the said City Council, at said Californ1a, in and for the Coun. time and place. will hear the evi, ty of Orange. dence offered by ~any person in, By R<?Y J . IRWIN, Deputy te restl'd in the vacation of said (Seal Supen or Court street heretofore described and Orange County) said alleys her etofore described. Pub.-Apr. 30: May 7, 14, 21, 28, Section 15. The Qty Council of June 4, 11, 18, 25; July 2, 1946 the City of Ne\vport Beach fur- ther finds and de termines that the public convenience and necessity require the reservation of ease· ments and rights-of,way for the following purposes. tcrwit: To con· struct, maintain, operate, replace, remove, and renew sanitary sew. ers, water mains, and stOTm drains, and appurtenan t structures in , upon, over and across the al- ley proposed to be vacate<;i herein, arid heretofore described as alJey No. 2, and to maintain, operate, replace. remove, renew . and e n- large lines of pipe. conduits, cables. wires, poles, and other convenient ~tructur~s for the op- era tion of gas pipe lines, tele- graphic and telephone lines, and for the transportation or distri- NOTICE OF SAL E OF ST OCK IN BULK Notice Is hereby gl\'en puniuant to !he provisions Of 5ecllon 34.40 or lhe Ci\·IJ Code or the State of· California. that Barney Scheve Intends to aell to W. A. Strong and Pauline Strong all that cert.a.In personal property con· alstlnJ; generally of nxtures and mers chandise 11t0tk llxtutts aa followa ; of a ca.fe bue\.neh, "known u Kid 's Cafe belonging to said Barney Scheve and located al. 2256 Ne...-port Bltd. C. Cit y Of CO!!lR Me11a, County Of Orange State of California. and that the pur~ chaae price thereof will be paid, on Frida:,». the 5th day of JuJy. 1946. at f"mart & Final Co .. Ltd .. 1060 Ea.st 1st Street. Cit y of Santa Ana. County or Orange. State of California, at 11 o'cloc k A. M. That the addre11s ot said \'f!ndor l.!1 2256 Nev.•part Bh•d.. City of Coata Me.11a, County of Orange, State of California. and the add~ of said ''endee Is 128 22nd St.. Co11ta Mella, (H No. I. Bos: 23-A. Costa Mesa. Calif.) Ci!y of Costa ?ttesa. County of Orllllge, State of Cali fornia. Dated June 21. ls.t6. BARNEY F. SCHEVE, bution of electrical ener~y. v.•ater. w. A. STRONG. and incidental purposes, including PAIJLINE r<TRO!'.'G. Vendor. [ 5ll State 111«,"-Y Beacon Mf5 Newport Beich ~ Repair Sen ice General ~ F.lectrlc Hoa.ebold ApplianCM FOR INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gern1h 1808 Newport Boulonrd OO!ITA 11D:SA Pl>oDeBMoon5151" Automobile • Fire Accident • Life UceMe and Contract r Bonds Wrlttm Quality Llimber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LU MBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER Pboae Beacon 5015 Beginning at the most west· erly corner of Lot 1 , Block H of said Tract No. 323; the nce, southwesterly in a di, reel line to the most north- erly· corner of Lot 10 o f said Block 436; thence. southeast· erly along t he northeasterly line or aaid Lot 10 to the most easterly corner thereof; thence, southv.•esterly along the southeaste rly Jines ot Lots 10. 8, 6, 4 and 2 of said Block 436 to the m ost south· erly comer o f said Lot 2; thence, southeasterly in a di· r ect line to the m ost westerly corner of Lot 1 of said Block 436: thence, northeasterly along the n orthwesterly line or Lots 1 a nd 3 and its north- easterly prolongation t.o its in- tersection ..vith the southeast- erly prolongation of the south· y..·esterly line o f Lots 1 and 2 of said Block H; thence, n orth"'CSt('rly along said line or prolo ngation to the point of beginning. access and the right to keep the _ _JJ~u~i ~'':.· .:'!;.~,~------V~e:n:•: .. :·J..'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ property free from inf1 amm able ma terials and wood growth, and ,--''--------------------------- Greeting Card• and a Great Variety of U omoal Oltta "WE INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AROUND" C. E. LOUCKS otherwise protect the aame from all hazards in, upon and over the alley proposed to be vacated, and heretofore d escribed as alley No. 2. Section 6. The City Council of IEWl:LRY and STATIONERY the Qty of Newport Beach fur· 1 '79'7 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mesa, Callf. ther finds and determines tha1 Diamonds -\\'atchM -Fine Re.,.irtnr Pboue Beacon !Mla9· M the proceedings herein taken for :...----------------------------' the vacation of the street and tht ..-----------------------------. alleys herein described, are taken pursuant to the r eservations nnd exceptions contained in Section S hereof. · Se<-tlon '7. This Ordinance 01 Intention shall be published a1 least once in the Ne""-rport Balboa News-Times, a ne"-spaper of g('n· eral circulation printed. published and circuJated In the City of New· Bob J ayred's RICHFIELD s ·ERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication 416 East Central Ave. Downtown Balboa port Beach, and said publication J ~----------------------------' No. 2: All of that alley in Block A, 10 feet in width, as shown upon a map of Tract No. 673, recorded I n r.tiscellaneous ?-taps, Book 20. pages 17 and 18. Records of Orange County • California. and more partiCU· larly described u follows, tcr ""it: Beginning at the most v.~terly corne r of Lot 1 o f said Block A; thence, south· westerly along the .southwest· erly prolongation of the north· westerly line ot sa.ld Lot 1 to the most northerly corner of Lot 3 of sald Block A; thence. 10Utheutierly alone the north-- ... terly line of uld Lot 3. to the moat euterly comer ol sold Lot 3 ; thence. northeut· ttly atone the northeasterly prolonga tion of the aoutheut· ttly line ot sold Lot 3. to tbe moot ooutherly corner of Lot 2 ot aaJd Block A: • thence. -unv .. terly alone the south- .... terly line ot Lot 1 and Lot shall be made before the date sci (or the hearing of all persons in· terestcd in o r objecting to the pro- posed vacation. The above a nd foregoing Ordin· ance of Intention No. 547 was passed at an adjourned regular meetin~ of the City Council ol the City o! Ncv.rport Beach. held on the 27th day of May, 1946. by the following vote-, to--wit: A YES. Coun cilm en : Allen, Siler, Isbell. Robertson, Reed. NOES, Councilmen: None. ABSENT, Councilmen: None. ATI"EST: FRANK t..1 RINEHART, City Oerk. O. B. REED. Pub.-luly 2nd. 1946. No. ~61 ALlA8 81ll1J(ONS MaYQr !Action broucht In the Superior Court ot the County of Orange. and Complaint med In the Of· lice of the Cork of the Superior Court of Mid County.) la*._..,.. c-t or -Stale "' o.ntorala Ill -.... -O...t7ol0n .. 2 ot aald Block A to tbe CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. Point ot beel••lnc. • llunlc:ipal Co<poratloc ot the Subject to ~ -Sixth am. Plalntltt. ... JDISIE ,_..,.tlom lten!lnatter sped· It. SCOT!'. et al. Defendanta. !lad. '!be P""Ple ot tbe State ot Call· .t.11 '"*tlom of aald .--!arnla Send Greatlnp to: JE!!$1E • C.R. STA MOORING F SERVICE .t .t ' Installed and Repaired. Palnt.ed and Uttered. i ' ' I. Phone: Harbor 1080 or Barbor fer .. •• . aJle7o to be vacatocl. i:aed ap IL llCO'JT, IHHEL IONE FIJES- and ahaM«w:I., are more dewb SEL. El.MER A. CAIN, 11JJUAK -cm cstalD -woNd £. CAIN. b11 wlfo,i ORANGE -~ by lbe Ol7 Omndl OXJNIT 'lTI'LE" CXJMPAJIT, • '---'-----------+-------...., •• • • !1'!!!!1!~1!ji.!!2!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-p~~.....l!!llft!!!!!?R!!!!tlll'JE ..... !11!!.!•!•!!!•!:!~---MIU•pu!•...:..;•:!!!! .... !!...!-:~.~,~:...~·Jf!!r!!r.UJ\lr..!!U~·!...~~~~~~~~-R~~~~~~Ri~-,~~~llarbor~~~-iil'-+.-Expa~~-DIQOD~.--' W · n·ce,' ent ncreases · ~=-u:;=~:: urnors .1 e Program Ja Underway ()c4!1nc Apta., 40I! Hardine. Jin. N~t-Balboa Tourist Bureau · Fe AD al. Travel to Europe, lf"'cn, Hawaii I ~the-World Trips 111 lbe near future. See .... .,. K EEF E I'll. B.n.18L IOl ...... ··---....: u........... . ' . It's Alway~ COf FEE TIME At The . • • • • • Do11uTC&wis:r=LE SHOP . . . . . . . Serving COF'F"EE & DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped cream) • FOUNTAIN SERVICE. COMPLETE 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Keomy Mcbolo -Georp Sterllac ()pea E'nnblp UnW 10 o'Clock -Clloted on WednMday Seen Here, Survey Indicates ~~~EE ~ Mth ente<q and b<u-Of on Activity ~ 4=~g E. Rld<ey, manaaer; Metaon clarizins the._ ot E. L. ffart, <°"'"' rs ir-Paco 11 acros of land bun the lrYlno co. ( Contlauod (?om Pace 1) matt federal pri<e contn>I leCl&la, Courts, 206 E. Central, Wm. F . ford, 133 Mapolla, Costa M-. to be uoed in canylnc out the ex- tlon. U they start railln& prtceo, McEwm. ..,.......... ' 0-s. ~ who had rented Ance18 an olfidaJ of the Otl-1»-~ With nocottii- manaaer. then -Id> out u Uncle s..n will SL ~CL 201 E. Central, a room at the aame adch-wu ...,. N~.-.J Bank ot that dty t1om started l!lt fall, delays clue we're not &oine to nloe step in -1th a MW pri<e contn>I E Bennett ~· Sawyer arraigned in justice court last declattd that It bad not given per-to title company prooeedincs held ton, "No, unW something else hap-meulll"<." APts., 1530 Miramar ~ .. Mro. E. Satunlay ~ and onler<d to mlaslon to any oil oompany to dis-up the truuac:t1on and the deed .that would cbanp our .__ view. D. Sawyer, menaaer; S<ott Apts., -before Judge D. J. ~ lodce llpedmeno of the rodt _,, wu ftnally recorded Satunlay. prices -That prices allowed t11 J.sndlonla 212 Cypttss. Stanley D. Pinker-foe prdlmlnary bearing Jul)'. 3. land it owns on the bluffs. Purchue Pi'"" for the acreage ILLIS CAFE. 2614 West in the H.,_ area for apart-ton manager: Sea Level Cottaces. Ball -set at~-The Loo Angeles bank owns wu $23,000 lb round figur<s. OI'. mlndl G Centt Mr. al avenue, Newpcrt Beach. ment rentals have been equitable. 423 E. Bay. Mn. T. D. Thill. man-According to the arrestinc om-real estate properties in block $1250 per acre and was paid from and Mn. P . R. Wallis, co-and in mo1t caaes adequate, WU aier· SUrf Aptl. lOOO I!. Ocean cers. Cox came to ~ Hartford A-34 which . th rock savings accumulated by the school managers: evidenced by the fact that of 19 Fr<m°t. L. L. J~ manager· Yel-borne in mid-June and rented a form'.au fron~ ~ and dlatricL This I addition gives the the present time, no; we are apartments contacted by the low Houses 400 £ Central' Ev· room to be occupied a week or so on th ~~ and U: th ly school a total Ot 43 acres, David- to wait and see what we are Newg...1'mes, only five managers erett Clase' mana~ ' later . It is alleged ttiat Cox later end w~ 1 th . totyn be""-~ er son stated. "At going o do, and what we are in a contemplated any raise in rentals ' · came to the house and finding no ere e )e ........ . p============.. on to do. If merchand1se la at the present time. In Newport Beach, Mrs. Wanda one home, took a pistol and sold it It wu also learned from inqwry able t to cost us more, then natur· Th r· tments that are Odette of the El Ba.yo Courts,! in Inglewood for $18. that neither the Loe Angeles dis· we shall have to uk more . ~-,~~e ai do" .t 1312 w. Central, contemplates .. trict office of the permit divi.si.on ,, mcreCl.'t.Ll'6 ra es are mg 80• ~ slight increase in the rental of ]i Arr y th of the U. S. Engineers office nor KING'S LANDING AND CAFE, was. told. as a result of unfair only one apartment. with the re-Po ce est . OU the office of Qty Engineer J . R. 3llt street, Newport Beach. ~~·~t~Yr::Sf:;:,,~~~ ':! mainder n!malning unchanged. On Suspicion T hef t w e.bb of the Newport Beach mu- Early. manager: 11 the managers re\·eaJed. Mrs. Arline E . Jasper. 108 24th Radi·o from Craf t ruopfility has granted permits to am making a fair and legiti· sma ' . . St .. is one who will readjust rates any e1l company to take specimens profit now and I am satis· On the whole, the rental situa· on several of the transient apart· of rock or make surveys of any No, there will not be any tion seems to be on the steady, ment.t as former OPA ceilings A 19--year-old resident of the kind on the bluff area. poslti going ally for it 611 R<cer "I mate fied. l!•jW'ri Radie Service Phone Beaooa 5816 Palmer Radio raise co CAFE port in prices here." hold the line policy, ~or the were felt to be inequitable. The Balboa motel was taken into CU5· Despite the denial by an official AS"rLINE MOTEL AND present, a~d no gener~ increase increases will be nominal, she tody Sunday by Newport Beach of the Los Angeles oil company , 6600 Coast highway, New-°.f alarming pro?<""tion:' seem said police on suspicion of theft after that the activity on the bluff was Beach, Mrs. Grace Wilkins, hkely, the tabulation re..,eals. At Optirno Apts. and Rooms. a portable radio allegedly stolen anything other than a routine ger : In Balboa, R. Taylor, manager 119 23rd St., Manager Mrs. Don from a boat was found, police said, checkup, the report spread that man a o, sir. we do not intend to of the Balboa Motel, has ~n· Richards indicated that there will in the youngster's possession. thette was something interesting '!:::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;:::;' "N se our prices. If anyone nounced that there rll .be an b~n· be a slight raise, perhaps on trans· Police reported that the radio going on in that neighborhood. old their horses and not raise crease .on most 0 .his c1a 1.n$sl ient rooms, but none on steady "'as claimed by Harold Knight ot There was some conjecture in in ere a will h ices pr now, we will_ not get a ny amounting to approxunate Y re ntals. 301 E. Edgewater avenue, Balboa, discussions that should oil be dis· ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, per day. bo Newport Beach apartments with owner of the boat. covered in the bluff area "'hat Mn. E . P~gren of the Har r no changes or increases intended "'ould happen to the state'~ plans ( ,., Apartments, disclosed that thru· Cart . A •• 1025 w Cen-'od h'I h t are ers p....... . out the war perJ w 1 e er en· 1 E . Cart m nager• I th · vi tra un1ce er, . a , ants were. n e m&1n, ser ce Joh~n Apts., 108 ~ 20th St., No Price Advance for a municipal park on former Callfonila Mellcal Assoclatloz city-owned land on the beach area. IHYl'A YOU TO HW The aty of Newport Beach re· "CILIFllllA CAIAYAI" cently ordered the transfer of ; Tbe Truth peopedle, s 1 hhe neve~ asked fortaol r rale-Mrs. George Fellows. manager. ce1v e maxm;ium ren s . In Corona del Mar, no changes lowable under pnce control, but t 1 led t the Pali' ·11 · th · t th were con emp a a • now w1 .r.aJSe . e pnce o e d A ta. Seaview Ave., Mrs.. Llttle Mary "'l;lS on a visit to he!' grandparents and the old·faahion· ed clock in the hall was a source of .,.,-onderment to her. While she was standing before it her grand· mother said to her from the next room. "Is the clock running, some acreage from city to state TINSI, TIUE TAUS ' Elimina tion of former ceiling price. sa es P . • ownership for park purPD15eS In Of EAILY CAUIOIHIA t! Regardless of OUR PRICES the REMAIN THE OPA SAME Th be li ht aise at Frank Sch1erholt, manager. . ere may . a 5 g · r One interesting fact revealed y1ctory Courts 1n Balboa. accord· by the survey, points out that 1ng to :ft.1rs. June Knapp, but if th be pening up of dear?" "No, ma'am." pr~nlied Mary, "it 's just s~dhig" suffi and the Corona del Mar section. Early Tuesday afternoon the surveyors r eturned to the bluffs Every Satllrdal. at 9:15 p.m. °"· -j there is any raise it will be a ere may . an ° Ii h h 'd many apartments that were un· again, but this time they arrived . Mltual:Don LH Statlln in a blue coupe type of automobile. They were no longer using the wagging its tail." • • • Culbertson Chevorlet Co. s g t one, s e 58..1 • .1 bl' h'I 11· n-e in Apartm ts in Balboa that con· ava1 a e w 1 e ce ings """': en effect. be-cause of lneqwtable Men-Women Prostate -• Pelvis prices. Some apartment owners closed apartments and would not rent them during the winter sea· son because rents would not cover expenses. It was estimated that approximately 150 apartment.t come in this category. Gob Hmnor Gob-I am burning for you. wtth love Gal-Oh. yourself. don't make a fuel or machine with the name of the oil r A "6lc '-*' Pt1: • ; ....... ., company attached to it, an eye. CAW'J•u~""9ICIAMI' laftCI witness reported to the News-~:The P,.,.ld MtclloaloH 09'ltal 1 nmes. ...,,, .. wllklll ........... Chevrolet & Oklllmoblle DNler 1 l!oonomlo l hock out of tllMm 3011 w. Central Newport Beahc that haven't paid for thermelves in the put under OPA, but on the whole, we haven't got out our eraser and pencil for price tags Manila folden a t Newa--'nmea ' • • Hydra • Matic • • • Specialists • Do you have back·.cbef Pahl• lD lep, sn>ID or '-ck of be.cl f Are you nervoutt. Jampy, tnttable -Cl'5l5ll'l' ! Growtnc old before J'MU Umef 8Upptncf Have to pt ap 711PloT Betallen' View BRIN~ YOU& ·RADIO TO tJ8 ' 0.. n.;,--We'll P t tw'• b ... Toa Ou. ..... D .. Xed. _.,,_ W--hd ua7 ~·11:Jqiw9. yet." Radio sos Eledric • Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs rrs YOUR OLAlmll Oar excl..ave ....,,•lqae pt. .....tL No peln, 8mpry or IDJoo- llou. The position or retail stores or the area in relation to any price changes that may occur v.ith the lifting ot the price controls was reflected by Mrs. Damia Loptien , manager or Orkins Department Store in Costa Mesa. "We cannot tell exactly. u yet," Mrs. Loptien &aid, "juat what will happen with our prices. If prices of our merchandise, as it comes to us from wholesa.len, coea up, then we naturally wUl have to raise prices to meet the increase in expenses. There will probably be an adjUJtment on some arUcles That is the statement made by most retailen. They will follow a ''watch and observe" policy un tll they are able to follow the - price tendencies. ' SHE, 806 E. Central avenue Balboa, and 1584 Newport Boule-- vard, Costa Mesa, James L. Braw HA"OUJ L.•R 1 MM ._, .. ....... A.._, ........... • • • PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS . FACTORY TRAINED OON8ULTATION FREI' Call Barbor 1114 for Appohl-t -Pa11ooa&t WOOD ley, manager: t ...... .._._a_ VENmAN BLINDS • STl!lD· • ALIJlllNUll 2 ,_.__._, u :t 1-a..·o0 .... AVAILABLE MECHANICS Dr. g F . Bell, D. C .. I'll. C. 10'! !!Dd 8L, Newport _. %0 YMn SpeclalhJnl' 1n mum "No smart firm will raise prices It's worth a loss of five per cen in increased prices to keep the goodwill of the buying .public. We are holding the line on our prices.' 814 Oout IDghway PbODe a.-oa 5881,J. • FOR Y OUR , INF'DRM.ATI DN THIS A990C IATION I N NINE AND ONE-HAL,. YEARS HA• LOANED OVEA 13.000.• COO.DO ON IMPROVED REAL IC8TATIC. PRINC I PALLY H O MC.8 IN THE OAEAT CA N~POPIT HAA9fA ARCA. CONCURRENTLY IT HA8 al:,.VEO A9 A SAFE llllEPOal• TORY ,.DR THE SAVtNCla A .NO INVEaTMENT FUNDa 0,. L O CAL ANO OUT 0,. TOWN INVEaT· OA8. INDIVI DUAL ANO C D ft· PO .. ATE. THI: a A ME LOCAL MA H · AllltMCNT. UNC H A NOEO a l NClt 0 "GAN I Z A T I 0 M . Of",.ltR• F•lltNDLY •ERY1C£ 9A8£D O N A N UNDll .. 8TANOI N O 0,. L O • CAL Nlt£D8 ANO CDNO ITIQ Na, ADD ED TO MANY YEAR8 O F ~l:tttCN C I: IN THE REAL IE.•• TA.Tt ,.INANC I NO AND INVEST• ,Ml.NT f'IEL.D . OUR cu•1111t.Hi:. D IVIDCND RATE t• 3 % C14A•Tll•llD 9T UNIT'ED •TATlt• llDVERNMltNT • • J Nineteenth Semi .. c5\nnual Report of 'Progress eurrent 'Dividend Rate 3 % STATEMEN T O F CO N DI T IO N As of Jun< 30, 1946 IAn c• P4VMl[HT D,. D tVIDl[M OI ASSETS FIRSI' MORTGAGE LOANS The ~at.Ion own. '1m Tnln Daedll. Ori.cl~ on bo-ln the l'feW"POr1 Ba.rbor area. Reci:IW -nlhb Pa.r-.Dt.a &re m.cM: b7 \he boc'rowen 1:1nW the loU11 an tull.7 paJd. LOANS ON PASSBOOKS AND CERTIF1CATES Lo11.111 M> lnT~torw RCUNd b1" ....,,_, of lWr KC'Ol:IDt.1. TbMe }o ... a., DOI ~ 80 W. of ~ ..oulll ol tti. ln,...\Or·1 a«oWI\. INVESTMENTS AND SECURITIES CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS - --- FURNITURE, FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT $2,015,297.71 10,833.14 56,600.00 80,730.76 1,274.32 TOTAL -$2,164,735.93 LIABILITIES MEMJ!ERS' SHARE ACCOUNTS - - --- - Thl• re01'fff'ftt.J tbe .. ,.~. aDd IDn.tmeDt.J or IDdlnct-- aala. C'OrporaUon1. Cf'edil t11l1ona. Ln.aurw-e rompenW · frat.arnaJ orcanJ•ation.1 and cni.i h1Qda. ADVANCES FROM .FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK ---------- - - Tb.It A.W>Cfatlon b.. hll-31•t.el,p aYallabM a l1oe or endit wltb 12'1& ~ ~ uat.ecn rar ln u... of nornul recnllr-ementa. LOANS IN PROCESS ----- - - --- Tbe ~at.Ion bu ~ IO&N &o bmJd. lllOdf!rnhe, f'd'h>. ance or bUT bome., on whida o.i.e tu.II are kl b9 di.-....... OTHER LIABILITIES --- - - "Account& p..,al:lle. di.IC'O"gnt on loan. adT&nee PQlllUt.J by borT"'o•~ f(W t&ae. GENERAL RESERVES --------, -~" mMnt.aiDed to ~ ..ttlt Ille Ba)N aD4 R.esulaUoa. for lnnranee or a.oooun'-a...s noenJ. ,. ten"Hfor-~ UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL $1,636,632.85 115,750.00 '. 310,464.44 4,466.70 7,184,74 71,000.00 19,237,20 _$2,164,735.93 'Thu lusociation u CMrtt<td by Uniud s ...... Gowm..-and u Npeniis<d and .,..,.;ud by tht Ptdnol n ..... Locm Ba~ Administ<Mion CUR .. l:NT OIVI OCNO lltATE 3" Newport Balboa Federal Savings and Loan Association a aa • VIA LI DO .N ll.WflDRT •EACH, CALWQRNIA ci\,esources in excess of ~ c9)'Cillion 'Dollar.s N~ b\cc.ounts are o4lwa,s '7£lelcome DF'F'ICl!:RB "· A. ,.AL M ll: .. ,.lllJ:atOl[MT WA'-'Tll .. a, .,.ICll" V ICJ:•PlllJ:•1DJ:MT 8. A. M llYtr:R • J:C Ill J:TA .... •Tlll J:A•U•J:• AllN•a •LOM Q Uta T A••1aTAMT TD P111ira 1Dl[NT a llRNIC ll: PHILL IP• A ea1aTAMT •J:ClllJ:"TA .. V DI Rl!:CT ORB J . A . •E&:K B . A.. Ml:YCR W .... MIRA MB P. A . P A LMER WA LTER 8 .... JCElll C. W. T&WIHKLIE W . A. WILllUa / City Building figure Dips For June • Before You Build or Remodel Vlolt Our IDten&tiJlg Sample and Di.play Boolll9 Color guides, plan- ning ajds, comprehens- ive stock o! carpets and linoleum. RugH Ii Carp&l8 Cleaned, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works HU SouU. -8L Phone Santa Ana !808 SANTA ANA VENETIAN BLINDS Wood Steel -Aluminum • Fut Service -Free Estimale8 Call Us and Re•wse Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wo.rdlow Road Phone Long Beach fliS..28 Long Beach GORDON e~ FINDLAY Otnoe: OO?lii'TRACTOR AND BUILDER S4 l0 Cout Bl\'d. Phone Harbor i-11 CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MILLWORK T. C. JO~SON , Supt. Announcing the New Vihrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brtek and Oesopoo1 Blodm Now In Prod.....Uon Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. ec.tallMa Burton's Paint Store Now in Their New Home on Newport Blvd. near 16th Street • The Only Exclusive Paint, Wall Paper and Venetian Blind Store in the Harbor Area PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Pier Application , Navy Releases Harold G. Cass 1-larold G. Cass. son of l\,1r. and r.frs. l-larold P. Cass, 904 Ocean Bl\"d ., Corona del Mar, \vas dis- charged from the Navy last week after two years serviCl" and 14 mo nths ovrrscas duty as QMC-c. Cass, graduate of Harbor High school. plans to resume his edu· cation this fall. License Suspended Ne"'l)Ort Beach poliCe received v.•ord from the state highway de· partmt>nt Friday tha t the drivi.n_g pr ivileges of Herber t Fra nClS P e terson of P . 0. Box 373, Balboa Is land, were suspended 90 da ys fr om April 18 for a second con· viction for driving while under the tn flueonce of liquor. FINDS PURSE VISITING KIN Mrs. l..av.rne Rousch of the President Fa)' Blo\\'Cr of th1 Santa ·Ana Auto Court. turned Neui><>rt Harbor Ki\vanis club over to Nc"A'port Beach police a and hlrs. Blo\\'er are spending a purse containing a sum or money. l\vo \\'eeks' vacation \\1th Mn. The police have tagged the purse Blov .. er"s sister. Charlott£', at the I a nd put it in the proper'-Y room lattf'r's home in Rt'no. Nevada. at the police s ta tion. 1 ::::.::::_::_:=:.:__------~~---~---~~~~~~ YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! • All Highly Skilled Workmen. --tr- Journeymen Painters, World War 11 seek- your permanent goad will and patron~ge through the use of only 1st grade matenals and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. PHONE L. C. BEAN Harbor 2645 "lllE IT I llllltll" IARll WHILI YOU UARll A SKILL OR l'llAH SJllMdid ..t.cadoa cDd ..... I • la mon them 2IO .adlla ad ..., are aAtrM by die _.. ...... Anay. Goo4 ..... --""'- lot -0...-~ .to •™a•-..,_.. ... .Woedy. IUD IT A Ml! '«>'Ill Ge< aD tM 1mct1 at TOW aa _. O. L AnayC-.•-•U.L"-••m ,,, I '!rt' 0 • PHONE BABBOB 8, FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign Man •BOAT I.EITERING A SPElCIAL TY . . . MaJ'lne \V&y. ' GE.:.'\'"ERA LRl:PAIR8 MAINTENANCE • ~'- BokwOM eO#ff'O,,, Cited for Speeding I Leona l\1ae Hertz of 374 E . 15th 1 street, Costa l\1esa, \vas told to 1 appear in Newport Beach City Court July 2 ( todayl ror driving 45 mile! an hour in the 25 mile zone in New part Beach. -;t- Lady Attendant -;t- ' 410 Coast Blvd. CX>RONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGIIT • n Lumber and Building ~ Bay District Lumber Co. N£W 225 H. P. DIESELS ,NHAND 8-JndHlomed Dlwl8 Oii hand wHla eboioe al red1lellOll m11L I · - • e WE ABS WJllTINO OllDEIUJ ON mOBT-.&ND ~ BAND ROTATION DR!!K:J.8 FOR TWIN INSTALLA• TION8. OBOI~ OF llEDUCTION IDo"I'l'll. Oil B-adr 1611 B. P. Otmeral .............,._. See us !or ln!ormatioo oo { Venn Severin Die&els DieMi1 6-ator Sela of AD Klndo. PHONES Oftlce: Newport 2068 ud Newport IOM-W CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIP1MENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch .Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Closta M- LOI AHGILlS MOlLYWOOO LOHG HA.Of LESTER & Co. INVESTMENT SECUllTIES TO MEET THE INVESTOIS' NEEDS • l lVllS/01 SANTA A.NA Mrmbw Lo.r A•gek.r Sloclt &cbng~ 2004 WEST CENTllAL A VE., NcWPORT BEACH HARBOR 13 74-J -·-· From LOS ANGELES New Fast Passenger Train Service VIA UNION PACIFIC . T0Cltka90 "Fiie Seaonecf TrGYeler Ooea ly Frain" To DenYer-Kanaaa City-St. Louis LOS ANGELES LllllnD-"City el St. L•ls" 901 Cout HIP,way f Pboao Beaooa MSl ! STREAMLINER "Chy el I.es A1191les'' IXftA fAIT-DTU. RNl-UTU. JAU DEfAITUIES ON THE 3rd, 6!h, 9ttt, 12th, 15th, lH:, 211tJ 2,th, 27111 AND THE LAST DAY Of EACH MONTH. lv. lo• Alig•~• • 4:30 P.•· HO EXTIA. fAlf-171/a hovr1 fo•ler to St. Loula. l.-. lot Angeles (Doily} • 11 ll0 o.•. L.-. Eo.t lo• Ang•I•• 10on11 11 .so a.m. Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-AU Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 16%9 So. Mala St. P!loae 207 SANTA ANA ROSSPS UQUOR STORE ··- * ----c.- IEE fl~TREll lllPW&7 ..;~,;u, ~ ·-ma Fotmaiy ...... ---..... :;,;::.; -Gordon's --• " Drue St.me ~ i I I i ! I i I I ! I • I • l I • I ' lv. foil Los Ang•I•• • 4.50 p.•. Ar, Chlcogo • , • • • , , • 10:15 a.m. (On/1 39.1/4 lttnlfJ enrcwfeJ UN!XCEu.fD PUUMAN SUEP'INO CAl:S, CLUI, LOUNGE AHO DINING CAI SRVl(f-AND U .SflVED SEAT CHAil CAIS. -·--·-·-·-·-·-·-· To Cltkogo, N-York City, Waaltln9-, D.C. -. "TRANSCON"-NO EXTRA FARE-DAILY L.-. lo1 Nigel•• , , 10:00 a.e . lv. Eo1t Los Alt;.I•• • 10.20 a .WI. Ar. Chicoga • • • , 12115 p.a. Ar. New YOfk Oty • 1'30 a.•. Al. Wolhington, D. C. • , • • • ldD a.•. THIOUGH COAST·T0°COAST STANDAID PUUMAN Sl.llPING CAI: SllYICl-MODBN CKAJI CAI. COACHU JO CHICAGO ••• SIAT1 USBYID. roe•...,.. LOS ANGnfS,LfMITED~O mu FAU ~ ................ -rl.._.,__ l\<, LOI ~ (Daityj • •• 11.30 a.a. lY. hat L9t A111 l11 ~ ll.SO o.a. N . Qicot9 • • • • • JM,.-.. /fl. SL Po.I (M C>....a • 7i» ,_.... 1v. w ...... , .. 11, • • • • • • • ,.., e-a. ALSO THIOUGH PULLMAN SLllPIN• CAI TO ST. PAUL-MINNIAPOUI. DININ• CM sav1ca. roe•...., CllAWIGB '°Tiii E4111my T,." ... Lea AweMe• ~ • • l..U .... LY. r..t lei h 91111 (D9l1' • • I.SS ,... Ill. Q... . . . . . . . 7"'5 .... G«''FllB P HJI CMS AND COACML SAW.S IN IA.IL .... ·-Hnll cKA1•1. IMIPINMYI 1••1C1 CM lllALl. &~-... UNION PACIFIC Ar. O.nnr • 100 p.a. At. Konu'• City . llil.5 a.m. At. St. loui1 • 1'40 p. .. MODflN STANDAID SLEEPING CAIS-UP0 TO·DATI CHAii CAIS-IESEIVED SU.TS, DINING CAI MEALS. To Denw-er-Kanta• City "PONY EXPRESS"-NO EXTRA FARE (Also through Standard Pu\11110• to Chic.ago) Lv. Lot Ang•I•• (Dollyt 1:30 p ... Ly, Ea1t Loi An9•l•1 , • , • • 1'50 p.a. Ar. 0.nnr • • li35 o.-. Iv. ltanlOI Oty • • 1 ti.15 p.-.' 1'HIOUOH STAND.AID Aflm TOUllST PULLMAN SUIP· ING CAIS-MODilN CMAJ'l:...cAI co~s. POPULAI DINING CAI. MIA.LS, To I.ave,..., lffYada ''POllf UPIESS" 0...1 .. 1 1 ... ,.,..., L.-. lol ........ , Lw ..... l.ol "'911111 , • •. 1'30 p.a. ........ W lat v.,. ......... ,.., 9CSll iP I I El to 1..00 e.aJ ITANDAID Ill LIO CAI -IOOMJ Nl/O 1111111. • To C.,._ City, U ... ,,_, , ..... De.: •J"• Glwu4 c..,.. ,,..,., IWbt Ms. 4'-AllO ...... Cwlt _.. 11 • • ,.._ 19 ............................. a.-.. ' l•. .... ••• I 11 Co.9;I • • liOO .... L•. t..I ._ ... 11t11 CD111t • ldO .... Ar. c... °" . . . . . . . "'5 ... lffttl.o..MCtwe ...... wwws , .. • •• 9"°&.mt D••• CAI Wl mtlCI. * I WION PAORC11CICIT °"Cl:IANfA AM '°' i:--II;. T 1177 I ' ' 9-'lim WWl'CSI ••1 -0A nji•4•• ·Xt put 8 *• °:W 7 ft C •• a.b' &. 1111 ~:!~~~~:~~~~=t ~b Harbor Feminine Activities ~~~~;J~~~~h~ ~~~1:5. -ly clays when hll family wu and teacben, be stated. Mn. OrYilJe N. Meland. 215 Solly, Mr. -Mn. John KlnaoS'; -at a poup at -ai which Blobop Gooden bad contluned ptvwvs 13 ud 208 + By W1llltNd 8lrtlft + Rsd Wn Pboae 1637-R Apnl<na •-Ban-Tel_, Mn. CatMrino ICallnlth - -t -ou11011tt at Bal'-> the the c1ua of Jut y""r -sun: waa -Sunday at a ..arr; dalllbter, ff'.ancy, a )IDier at MIDI :::., ~ ~ i! = 8.'!; ~ i-:" .:C ..=:.:!l~or n!~ MeKibben-Boland Marriage Solemnized in Fonner Newport Girl Weds Marine.in Pretty ~ena ~~ ~ ~.;.~~~ bead muter of 11arvan1 11Cboo1 c1ua for the EpUcopal Church Ch h f St j h v· n y Balboa Island Cere t Ca ill d S A t · quanc1, w11o la • Kappa Alpha Gorman. aJ1 at Loa~ Mid "It la like coming ;;;;;;;;.: 01 the Holy Trinity, Lakewood urc o . o n tan e , mony a p a e an n onto '!beta •t the un1wn11y at Call-Mn. John F. 1-ctrY at St when he ODDf!rmed bis l<CClbCI Village, and • candidate for St. Momorin of many haPP>' llUJll-Klbbm, U.8.N., -bis brother In Capllla de San Antonio on borne at 4'% Belden """nue Bel-fornla, Loa Anceles cam-. la to Paul, Minn., Mra. lleland'a moU-. c1ua at St. James Eplacopal Luke'• church, _Long Ila.ell, at men spent Jn Balboa JnDuenood u best man. SW>day. June 23 at 2:30 p.m., vedeno Gardens. ' be the· bride at Gilbert W at M1aa )(~ca J..artctey, aloo GC c:burch .SW>day morning. wblch he wu former rect«. Jane Boland Jn her choice at the After th• service the reception Miu Doris ~ Rath, daa&hter Among local people attendlng Detroit next month. St. Paul, Mn. lleland'a sllter, "In thooe days," aald the Bishop, Presented for St. Jamea by the church of st. John Vlanney, Bal· and wedding lnokfut wu held at of Mr. and Mn. Ray S. CraJc the ceremony .,..... the lrlde'• Among the friends gathered at and ~ ot the faC\llt;y at tho Mon Sunday morning one could vicar, the Rev. Ardys Dean. were boa Island, for her marria&• on the Balboa home of Mr. and Mn. of Puente and cranddauihter at grandpattnb and aunt, Mr -the Meland borne for the luncheon Unlwnlty ot Minnesota. -~ famlllea and espedally Stephen Bailey, Edith Cox. Donald Salllnlay, June 29 to Paul S. Boland with tabl.. set on the Mr. and Mn. J. S. Van WJs of Mn. J . E. Van Wig and· Mm were Mr. and Mrs. Fr.!d Mar-John and J..,,.. CUoidy ot many young men, for the most Crampton. Gary Drake, Sara Fina-McKibben of Balboa Island, aon porch overlookinll the bay. In Balboa, became the bride of Pfc. Marjorie Van Wlg of B&lboa· .,._ quard, parenb of the bride-elect, Alexandria, VL, Mn. lloland't port clad In bathing suits, walk-neu, Winifred Barbre, Shirley of Mn. Elizabeth McKibben. 122 the house wblte nowen were used John Oliver Forgie of Camp other aunt Mn Betty ~ and daughter, Ysabel; Mn. Walter nephews. Inc alone the beach In the clirec-Franklin, Juanita Hall, Robert Amethyst avenue, and the late Dr. for decoration and gladlolu made Pendleton, son of Mr. and Mn. and son '·Wayne: Mr and Mrs Cram, Mr. and Mrs. 'ntomu Ediar Dr. Meland wu unable to at· tlon of the Bishop's house, each Hall, Doloreo Ring, Elizabeth Row-Paul s. McKibben. The bride Ia a note of color on the porch. M. Austin of OrovUle. The B. D. Bean, R;.i,y ·and BettY Workman, Dr. and Mn. Ray tend u tie wu _.,t at tho carrying a chair, and services were land. Mary Smith, Angelyn the daughter ot ?.Ir. and Mn. WU-The new Mrs. McKibben at-ceremonx._ was_ performed by the Bean Mrs. Evelyn Everett. Mr Brownaon and daughter, Marilyn. meeting of t.he ~ Medietil held before the morning swim.• Wright. ~ory Wright, Martha Jlam P. Boland of Alhambra and tended the Unlvenlty of Southern Rev. Elrnft-B. Sacha of Baldwin and 'Mrs Andrew Banks Har: Mr. and Mrs. Chari.. D. Wood Association at San Frandsco. That they made a deep itn1reuion C&mpbell, Mary Hamilton ot 1206 East Central avenue, Bal-California and Santa Barbara Park. leene H~is Leslyn Eve~tt and -===-=:-cc--==------------------- WU evidenced by the fact that Huntington Beach and Bernice boa. State college. ?.tr. McKibben White satin with 8 net skirt, Dallas We~ I T ' S A N H 0 N 0 R • 1 0 H 'A V E A S A 8 Y many of them entered the service Mohn of San Juan Capistrano. nte Rev. Thoma5 P. Noonan graduated recently from the Cali-made entrain, was the bridal __ · ____ _ Individuality for the "Mother·«>·b< • - If we don't have it, we ma.\e ie, you see! COonna,ct7'([arie Shoppe 515 N. Main St. Phone S608 performed the ceremony at eleven fornia lnstltut~ of Techonogy, gown, the titted bodice having long o'clock in the presence of 30 mem-following his dilcharge from the sleeves and sweetheart neckline. bers of the immediate families. U. S. Navy in which he served The long veil fell from a halo White stocks and Shasta da.lsies for three years, haVing the rank of effect and a shower bouquet of decorated the church and the lieutenant and having been in the satin ribbons and white carna- bride's a unt. Miss Mary E. ~land subm~ine service. The honey-tlons was centered with a gar .. of Westwood played the wedding moon is being spent at Lake Tahoe denia corsage, worn later for going marches. and after that the young couple away. For something "borrowed" The bride wore a dress of blue will be in Balboa. the bride wore her mother's pearls. crepe with a braided motif in ~~ong the guests ~ere the Jeanne.Rath, sister of the bride, white and a hat of white horse-br.ide 5 aunt and cous.in, Mrs. was maid of honor, go\\'Jled in hair braid with white flowers. Miner Ada.ms and Miss J ane pink satin, while blue net made She wore a corsage Of White Adams of Palo Alto, and her the frock of the bridesmaid, Aud- gladiolas and carried a white grandmother . ~in_. F . W. Mar-rey S achs, and both carried pink prayer book from which hung a sha ll of P asadena, J\.tr. and Mrs. carnations and blue delphinium. ':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shower of white satin ribbons and Fran.k V. Marshall of P~adena. Sgt. William Brown of Camp • flowers. uncle an~ aunt of the bride, and P endle ton was best man and Attendants were both s isters of two cousms, .Frank Marshall jr., ushers were Jesse Smith, cousin or the br ide, ~lrs. Werner H. Marti and Hugh Dimond of Honolulu; the bridegroom, and Eddie Rath, Expert Beauticians for Milady • Permanents,' Cold · Wave, Hair Styling, Hair Tinting ---Bleach- ln&. Facials. • NO WAITING Four llped-t. Alm-~-...._-An 0.-~.AD DllJ, •• ._ ._~,· , tr t• rw a tr1 ...... ..._. .. , Balboa Inn Beauty Salon a.a. Jami A....-• Oa.a Froat M tM 1'1s Mr. and. Mrs-, Marti of C!are-brother of the bride. of Oaremont being ma tron or mont, Miss Edie Hylan of R1vcr- honor while Miss Barbara Boland side. Dr. and Mrs. McCallum of was bridesmaid. Both wore en-Balboa Island. Mn. McKibben's &embles of white eyelet embroid-Sister, J\.irs. Charles H. Kendall ery and linen. Lt. Richard Mc-d h Ch I J d "- Baskets of flowers and many candles in tall candelabra made a lovely setting for the ceremony and after the organ prelude Mn. Sadu sang "Because" and "I Love As featured In ISQUl•I and PIC an er son, ares, r ., ,an ,,.u"3. Kendall's mother, Mrs. O'Berge, all of Coronado. You Tnlly." After the wedding the recep-F i naJ Meetings Uon was held at the chapel, Mn. Mrs. w. E. Nickell and Mn. J. C-aig helping receive the guesu, P. Cooper joined in hostess duties wearing a gray suit with whJte at the last meeting of the bridge carnations and white accessories. section of the Costa Mesa Friday Mrs. Cralg, who has just moved Afternoon club. Summer flowen from Newport Beach to Puente graced the cJubhouae where a des-with her hU1ba.nd, wu married re- aert course preceded the afternoon cently at the same chapel. The of card play. Prizes were won by three-tiered cake wu topped by Mesdames H. H. Uenilu, htah; a miniature marine and h1I bride Martha Ludlow, traveling, and A. and wu cut by the young couple. J . Lupton, consolation. The new Mrs. Forgie attended Mrs: John Oliver Forgie, the former Doris Rose Rath, whose marriage at Capilla de San An- tonio was solemnized last week. She la the daughter of Mrs. Ray s. Craig and granddaughter or Mr. and Mrs.. J . E. Van Wig of Balboa, and was a former stu- dent at Newport Harbor Union High School. Enjoy First Albacore Dinner Mn. P . v . Parkes, new chair-Newport Harbor Union High man 'of the section, pres.I~. school for two yean and hu jUJt Out-of-state visitors were enter- Among those in attendance wett graduated from Covina High tained at their fint albacore dtn- Mesdarnes Ruth Reid Frank Par-school. Pvt. PendJeton hu been ner Thunday by Mr. and Mrs. menter, Marcia ~mbs, Rble in the U. S. Marine Corps for Dutch Heacock of Balboa laland. Katterhenry Isabelle Boudreau four years, three being spent in They were Mr. and Mn. Roy Boyd Roberi., M . H . Brill, Gra~ the South Pacific and one at Pearl Snoddy and daughter, Betty, of L. Wilcox, William Kredel, J . c. Harbor. Seattle, and Mr. Snoddy'a mother, Payne Michael Pandel Bird Mel· The bride wore a gray and aqua Mn. Geor&e Snoddy. Iott, C. F . Hand, Chari~ McAiary, suit with white accessories when The northerners had been In c.omeuus PJas Fred L. Hauck they left for Silverado canyon. San Diego visiting the elder Mn. and Mils Alice 'Plumer. ' They returned from there Thlll'I-Snoddy'1 brother, Charles Bobb, p.LWP.'tl 111.P.CY: coti:ON. so EFFECTIVE • •·• • PIPED WITH FLOWER TONE PAW • The arts and craft.I section of day and went to Oceanside, where whom she had not seen in 47 the club held a recent picnic at they will rem~ fen: a1x days, un-years. They also visited other rel·r------------------------- 1..aguna Beach. After enjoying a t:ll Mr. Forgie recel':es ~ en.-atives, the Dan MacCallums of delicious luncheon aever&l of the charge, when they Will Vllit his Balboa Island, and later stopped members visited the Laguna Beach home in Oroville and go on to in Los Angeles to visit Mrs. Cora 7 100% NYLON TIES Sl .50 and Swlmmando Trunks $6.80 II $7.50 Sun Dresses in deli- cate lhades of pink, gray, blue or bf'O\o\n . Sizes 10 to 18 by S'Aerntan Dress ............... .22.95 Styled by Sllom1on, the most famous maker of ti.s . . . In the careful monner th is fobric deserve1 t lu•urlous. heavy-weight Gabar1 d in• Weave In out· standingly smart paf· terns and a host Bolero ·······-···· 6.95 -Cool, Uncluttered Seersucker Ark Lane's perfect recipe to make )'OU feel as cool as you look. S tonecutter loomed the unusual seer - sucker to make this tailored beau ty look lovely longer. of tolid r.hod.s. _, ... :::: 1AllTIUllll• Oomer Mata and Ocean F'Tont J Balboa 1nn Btdc. I For the Ultimate in Beauty Care • • • Phone Harbor 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S . Mariska House of Beaaty SCK llari.e Aft.. Ba!M Jrhnd HAIR STYLING AND HAIR SHAPING SWEDISH MASSAGE BATHS THERAPY VIRGINIA BELL OF BALBOA ISLAND ALSO PALM SPRINGS AND LONG llEACI -Opm Dally Ellllept ~ Art gallery. Reno. They will make their future Dent, Mrs. Heacock's aunt. Present were Mesdames D. C. -------------'-------------- MacKenzie. William Blust, Boyd Roberts, E . A. Spaulding, J . P . Cooper, Thomas Wright, Sherman Salter, Grace Wilcox, H. H. Liena u, A. J . Lupton, L. D. Smal- ley, A. H . Small. Helen Keeler, Misses Alice Plumer, -Lyda Con- ant and Sarah Conant. Balboa Theatre PIM»ne Barbor !t Box Office Open at 6:15 ShO\''I NtcbUy at a:so &: 9:SO Now Sbo"inr thru Friday _ Exclusive Plcturee "Louis -Conn Fight" -and-Back Apln ~ ••• Betty Ruttoa. entertaln.1 at "1be Stork Club" Satw'day aad Suaday Georse Raft-Ava Gardner ln "Whistle Stop" --Companion Featur~ "Charlie Chan and the Red Dragon" Dbney Cartooa and Sportreel M onday and TuHday Action u Yoo Like It! RllNDOLPH SCOTr la "Abilene Town" Aloo "Junior Prom" with lune Preluer Wedaeod&y Oaly......July 10 Spoob and CbJ.lla! "The Strange Mr. Gregory" Starrtac Edmaa4 1-e ~ "Tiie Face of Marble"' N°"tlty ud Spao-.,e Start. Tlmnill!y......J.., U nD Jt.Ncea Gale 8..._ la "Swl11g Parade of 1946" -c 5 he 111&- "Dlck Tracy" SUMMER DRESSES COLORFUL PRINTED CO'ITONS SMOOTH GABARDINES PASTEL CREPES JERSEYS Sizes 9 to 15 NEW PASTEL SU ITS OF RAYON GABARDINE Sizes 12 to 18 crhe Frances Norton Shop ~·~ . !IECOND •BROADWAY IH 8eooad • B......tway Bklc. SANTA ANA Seoolld l'1oor ART LEATHER Hand Made and Personalized Hap, Billfolds, Key Cues and ·-attt. ot leatller HIDEAWAY 111 0-t Blvd. So. Lq1ma- • • On the Patio Just Soulll of the Cliff Hotel. Open Sundays LIDO THEATRE Phone: Barbor 2114 Bo x Offi ce O~e• at 8 :45 - M..U e 8atarday at. 1:45 Now--tlma~- s•o•• at 'J :Oo a 1:15 OoaUnuoua 8unda71 z :15 s--., ..... -r-.-"edi: 5 c ·~JJ"lw ,,. ALAN LADD on•r.oom: l'lnOaALD -aatma DJac mt - llllfG <mOllBr --.. .. · DOllOnD' LUIO"Ua ''O. s. s. '' "l1le -.... ~:;:.:--u.. Glamt.· --.,,*"7 to Utopia" 'Doe ' ...,., • .....,. .. ... ...... ~ OU-. -JI... -.. ni.. -OU-. :::.: .. ~.-, ~:: .. ~..,··,:•k;! Men we111: • •n.oa BOUD.&r, "WSLL CJ110i'Ma• •••es v.,...,.. ...OKJ""~ 2 ....... iW ~ •£ w.u.: ..... .,... • Janet Blair Oar~ Studio Now D.ny ,._ 11 .a.. & te , r! & Balboa Inn Arade, 1::t-s C.ellf. ft?' &rt• ' ' •