HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-09 - Newport Balboa News Times• Tll SAND CRAB ., SAM CENT&AL A VE. Seem s that llOlllething might be done about Central avenue, betwe:n Newport and Bal- boa. a step.child of a street that has been buffeted hither and yon fllf" years, yet the ronnecting link between two cities from the ou ts l de. ChamberofCommeroe,dty dads and P . E. officials are about to go into a huddle and g i v e a long-suffering public a workable thorough- fate. In those ancient days of yore when tl,le P. E. was given several bfocks of land and a right-of-way to build here. the red cars ran to Balboa. The railway seldom showed a profit and about the only money the company realized was from the sale of its land in the El Bayo tract and on the ocean side of the street; later it received about S20.000 from the city for its right-of-way, but in all the transactions the land was sold far below present-day values. The P. E. a few years ago gladly took up its rails to Balboa and it is the area be- tween both sides of the busy street that actioo Is being 'sought by Balboans. There certainly is enough right-of- way to widen traffic lanes and thus eliminate the haz· ards of driving. because when cars are parked at the curb, there is scanty pas- sageway. Some argument and hesitation appears to be over the power station near 15th stJ1!et, which the city wants removed to the wes- terly city limits and which the railroad is not inclined to do. But it's time all the fac- tions got together and a pre- sentable highway with bet- ter movement be arranged. • • • IJdo Project. In a talk with Bill Myrems of Griffith Co. the other day he told why progress had not been made on the new proposed business center. An appli- cation made for a $300,000 public market near the Lido theater, first unlt of the dis- trict, had been made to the Civilian Production Admin- istration in Los Angeles and that federal board deferred it. An application now in process for an administra- tion building, it is hopeful will be approved. \Vhile the county permit tor its Mesa theater. Newport Blvd. and• F1ower streets, costing $50,000, had been granted, its application to CPA. now in process, is so m ew h at doubtful of approval. Mr. Myrams makes these state- 1ne11ts to advise the public that everything is being done by his company to go ahead . . ~ Good Idea. J . M. Barry of Balboa offers the following oo rent controls: "I just passed Bay Side Villa courts, corner Adams and Bay, and saw a darn good sign that they are not going to raise their rents----why don't oth- ers do that too? Good for the town." He's right in more ways than one. In order to prove that landlords and merchants can operate at a normal profit without bene- fit of OPA, it would not be amiss for f1r1DS to let the public know how they feel. It is only the isolated cases of gouging that are given publicity; the hundreds and thousands of repiltable corr cems who do not intend to ralile prices. never say any- thing, coofident that their rustome!'S have faith in them and their booest rates. . + •• GM Oo. Growth. One In- dication ol the growth of the cout line Is seen In a new expanllloo policy by the Sou- tbem Counties Gas Oms pany whlcb has crea!M a new pod, that ol branch rep. 1-.ta:tlft for the tuwm of Lquna Beach, Newport Beach and Huntington BNch. . Ray B. Hiii. forml!I' aedlt muwpr In Santa Ana ol his .,,.,,peny, baa i-.. ~ "11> the job and 819 the CQeslal 9"Ctloll b a a OOWD 80 fut that a -C001dlnated encrt ta me 1 s ary In henclle the sr-tlY lnuMMd bWr !II • I I KEEP POSTED! • .NEWPODT BALBOA • '11r ~ 1 ye. ...... .... Ill. Ca ... ........ ._,. om .,, c tu .... Olt .. -... Gillll ... Ms• •••• T I Jk SJ""" -- EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA lSLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA JiESA voi.m mtm NEWPOln' B&Mlll, ()~ TUDDAY, ltlLY .. -~' JilUM••• .. P-E Denies Holding Up Central Ave. Project -• ~ Widening of lhoroubhtare Kiddie Karnival Coronation Draws Parents to USO Club; Give Prizes on Wednesday Depends On~ on How Soon Meter Statton Can Be Built Spectators Applaud Children and Infant Winners in Gala Program Sponsored by Pythian Temple of Tustin in Balboa Com- munity-Small War Bond Is Won by Balboa Youngster. Railway Company Answering Criticism Crop- pihg Up in Discussion ate. of C. Directors Meeting Chilrges City Officials Failed to Keep Their End of Bargain on Proposed Improvement One hundred and thirtY·lhree persons a ttended the coronation Central avenue, from Coast boulevard to the BaJboa. peninsula. pageant "'hich was held in USO club headquarters in Balboa Monday will bt: wid~ned by the City of Newport Bee.ch as soon as the Pacific night as a climax to the kiddie karnival which was s taged without . Electnc Railway company of Los Angeles can build a n~ti,.-e re- ra nfare or publicity in Balboa the past three weeks. turn n:ie ter station to ~ace the present street car rails which The ca rnival, whjch was sponsored by Pythian Temple No. 'TT of are being used for electrical contact work in wnnection with the Tustin a nd which was promoted by three women who sald they were TO THE RESCUE ~me. the Co.ut Guard cutter u Ens. A. B. Yakutls \\'alts ln hls Curtis Sea power i:_>l1_1.nt of the P .-E: ~pany on the municipal camp grounds. members or the Pythian Sisters. attracted a great deal of attention Ha\\'k, N&\'Y M'Out,-QbHrvatlon aeaplue, lll Ne\\1)0rt bay. 1·a1cuu., experiend ng motor fallW'e \\'bile Off1c1als of the Paci.fie Electric Railway company in Los An- from proud parents of young Harborites and there was an ardent fl)i.nr In a formation •ear the f'ntra.nce to tbe jetty, pancaked lll tile ocean and wu to\\·ed lnto geles Monday afternoon , told 'Jbe News-11mes of an understanding scramble fo r high places in the main show which occurred last nisht. aafety _of the bay by ·a pa1s1q: nr•&' cb&rter' boat. ., -Photo by C. A. Griffis. reache:d between the Oty ~ Newport Beach and the railway oorn· Although the winners of the various divisions of the canuval ment 1n Newport Harl>or and that they would be Jlad to cooperate ~~.~=i~~~~~i::;,~~:c~wh':w~~=:.w~ Wart·1me Exper·1·ences 138th Lot Prices Scare =i;t~y::irri~~l:~~~~~ phies and other ducats of the oc-Ed Mesa Industrial The spokesman for the railway company explained that in ~r:~~ ~~g·~~~ ~e~= ucators c b t E . R II d Dist Developers ~~ .. ~f ~~~ ~-~~an::<::.~AAo~ :£~%:~~: ~~in~~ed = Ask s om a ng1neers eca e Skyrocketing of the sale prices Grand Jury·_ =...~in C:::'..':.al t~ve~:;;; tion.s, "Prized Baby Show," were urvey on loU in the vicinity of Newport street. There was at that time in- handed mothers of the wlnnlns Veteran Describes Adventures of California-boulevard trom 1sth to nth vo1ve<1 a ooNic1erauon of some children. These bore the slgna-F c II da streets in Coot& Mesa hu lftYent-R ds SDlO for the extra footage de- • M ~--'-~ Club f or Neva Boys Who Repaired Bombed eel that ..... from becoming Costa ecommen sired. ture, "M « OJIC .... u.. 0 Q ege Mesa'• flnt industrial diatrict, it · Pythian Temple No. Zl." Bridges and Ruined Towns UnaerGunfire WU -v•aled by Ralph Maakey of n,. railway company offidal red Bal .. "' a-.'efT'ed that the City of Newport Although tt wu rumo in -Newport Beach to members of the D Control BNcb. bu thus far failed to com- boa .. late .. last Saturday lhAt EI-......... the 118tlt ._. __ " Combat battallOD !ram th• board of directors of the Newport og -•-te lg t f the L--a1n a r e----ntatlve ot Selznick In-Two lmpartant steps were taken r>-• .... -~ t-"'" par 0 utlJ"I · ~---th'· k bl· Netllerl&nd9 lato Oermaa• ........... tlle"'tMt war wf!f'e deecrtbed b• Ma' Harbor Chamber of Commerce n -11-.v offid·'· •xplalned th' ternational Pict\D"e9 was to pve !a wee ¥ school authorities of " ---. " ~ nau~-., -1a a screen test of some of tM ln-the Orange County coast high Newell Mcl..Na of Santa Aaa. oae of flte poap leaden la tile Battle Monday. matter to Tile News-1lmes only •s• I ••s ·~ aimed ot tbe D··'-e. at lbe mee"-• of tM JUwaab club la Balboa Frida•. Mukey, who ls chairman of the +fter they heard -~·t the ~s fants entered in the kiddie car-ao.:.1100 uau1ct . toward the ._... --. " .uuu . we· --• u f M•'-Mc.l..eul aad Lt. Col. W a. ___., tlte latter of BlrmlaC chamber's development commit-The appearance ot rabim in ---a.-by the ~-~ f ~~-nival, lt became knoWn Monday orga.iuza ·on o a new junior col· ,--,.,. · --~ -... --.-. vu.a-"' o u.u._-u..• night that this was not true. Iege district. School trustees of b&m, ALL, aad •ow aa otnelal of tlH! A'•"'*me Power eempe.,, took tee, declared that everything wu Oran&e County, where .ame 25 al the Nl'WpOrf: Harbo!' Olamber th f hi h --• 1 ••-. f part lll th leadlac work of Ute 1...., ..__. __ ... Combat battalion. aet to make the specified area an h Uy ~ ~ at their --ti· Spealdn• fo• the women ........., e our g :tU.100 Y1A tr1cta or-~ ~~ . d cues ave recen oa::w:1ed. indl-· ...........-ng • • · .--.--1_ .. t th 5 5 rl d T1te 9PM1ler wu la.trodoced ~ Ute &e'\'. ~ D. Goodell of New-1n ustrial district when the news Monday afternoon moters of the event, Miu. Shuru w..-ueu o e late upe nten -1 ked cates that there i& ; IC mellj · · ent of ~s•-•· their u •s ·•·t port ~ cJaalrmaa of tile pr~ .. eomm.Jttee of tbe Jllwaah club, fa out and immediately land-.. Deelllle M"e saJd that Hubbard Hunt agency, """""IUU!a req es ... uUI wbo said Major McLeaa wu ebtalaecf M a 'P"ker tb.rouct. tbe flf-ownen in the vicinity raised for the H"tabllshmimt d a ual-! . Offtdala ..-fnted out •"--t 8 a Hollywood pho•-aphic studio, a survey be made at once to deter· 1 . ~ ~-"'II.~ mine the need for a collegiate in· forU of Harry Welc h. execu.tlv pr ces far out of r each for the in-form. system for the CDrtrd al. aqw:eaotative of the Pacific Elec-. wu to make tests of winning in· stitution for the coastal area. And MCl'etary of the Ne\\'J)OJ't Harbor she did not have motive power on dustrial developers to meet. stray dogs, difd'l!!'es Ult' ~ bic company and Mayor Reed and fants, \\1th the Intention of dis-h Bo d r 5 Chamber of Commerce. the highway. She used t he putt· Another parcel of land is now County Grand 3,,,.Y ,_ a __ others met at the dty hall three ~buti'ng the pr1'n•· among talent t e ar 0 upervisors of Or-putt type of en'"ne for wate· use d d -"' ··-~ u 1. . 04 Co t h •--led Major ~tcLean said the combat ... • · un er consi eration· but this time mcndatioii made od weeks ago to diacua what could agents· of Hollywood moving pie-ange un Y ave ~n presen A! th b . th , t ay to mem-with joint petitions asking that engineers were the handy men for ter e com at e.ng1neers e committee chairma n said the bers or the board of ~ be done about the improvement of ture companies. the narrow corridor now separat-the army, the men Y.'ho produced crossed the Bailey bridge, a suir location would be safeguarded The statement, wb.ich bears tbe the avenue. Plan County Fete ing Nc'A'port Beach from Laguna and distributed the maps and the porting unit of engineers would a~ainst premature publicity th~t signature of Elmer L o-.wt'onl. At that time municipal otfidals Miss Shurtz aJso informed the Beach be eliminated by giving o nes who rebuilt bridges and the move in, fold up the Bailey bridge, might lead to another splurge 1n foreman points out to the btmrd sought to get the railway company gathering of parents and spec· half 10 cach o r the named districts. roads so that the allll'd armlet (Oxltlnued on Paze Five) high lot prices. that th~ grand jury first made otftdal to consent to t he Idea of tators who came to witness the I t is expected that favora bl e ac-could negotiate them and carry this recommendation on February displl:ing of its present pawer gala fest.i vitlC'S that transpired lion \\'ill be take n by th e respon· the supplies needcd up to the rront 'f 1• h f s b• d I L d 21, ~fore the rabies epidemic be-plant land holdings 'near the that there would be a county· ible authorities, t hus making it lines. 1g t 0 now 1r s ea s came so widespread in the county. munidpa.I camp grounds and to wide king and queen review in possible for the districts to act to-The> Ge rmans ha d done 8 good The state-ment follows: relocate the power plant in the Santa Ana on Thursday, Joly 18, gether for the purpose or organ-job or r emoving all road signs and We. the Orange County Grand neighborhood of Slst street, New- and later Miss Shurtz amended izing the junior coll ege district. unless you had a ma p l)'ou would A t p • H b Jur)t for 1945-46, respectfuJly aub-part Beacb. a spakesman for the this re.port by stating that !he At a r-::-crnt meeting of the in· have gone in different directiom ug ·us rogram 1n ar or mif to the Orange ComtJ' Board railway company said promotion group was now. trying I tC'restcd county school authoMt ies. trying to find the 'vay out. 1\.1c· of Supervisors the followine re-'Ibe Newport Beach city officials to make arrangements wtth ~he 1 supervisors, Coast Association ed-Lean finally got his orders to quest that further •s••H-atioo alao 110U,ght to get the r ailway Sa nta Ana Board of f'.ducat~on ucation committee and Dr. Frank move into ene n1y terri tory from . be given to their reoxmnendatkm company to improve its present for the us~ o~ the senior high I B. Lindsay or the State Depart-Antwerp. Belgium. through the Thrt-e big events are scheduled for this great "'ater spectacle. I of February 21 1946, in r~md to bul: and railway depot at Mc-- school aud1tor1um for this event. men t of Public Instruction, Or. Ne therlands. one December. As at Ne\\rport Harbor for August. Held at night the illuminations the County Po~d, under the Meat Fadden place and to extend it d Opening early in the month is the of the ~rated boata are refl ect-and Livestock Ins to M F dd n pla-. the "If we cannot get the au i-Lindsay pledged his active support they prepared to move someone "Fl" h r h S b" ds .. Th" eel and fnirrored a thousand times pector. Dr. Bow-nearer c a e '"'" torium, \\'e shall try to hold the to the pl a n. He Indica ted that it noted that the McLean unit did Is ~~et l~th t :nnu":I.wr::ce ·of th~ in the sate waters of the Bay. ers: railway spokesman said . re~ew elsewhere," M~ss Sh~t1 I was high time that the people of not have a trailer to move the Snowbird class and the committee Of course there will also be the The appearance of rabiem in Or-In ~ew days the Oty of New- sa1d P arents of pr12e-.winn1ng 1 this area should re alize their op-unit ahead. in charoe ls counting on 150 boats Labor D . r ange County where some twenty· port ach will receive from the Harborites were invited to attend portunity to have a college or their Another unit had a trailer and "' ay se n es 0 events which five cases have recenUy occurred, railway companyi.-an official letter the Santa Ana evC'nt. Miss Shurtz O\A.'n. was moved in to ene my te'rritory to cross the line at the start. includes all classes of yacht races indicates that there ia p tna stating that the latter does not stated that prize-winning chil· ahead of the McLean outfit. This An Invitation has been extended as •.veil u neighborly contests for need for estebli!lfunent of a mJi-intend to move it.a power plant Dr. Lindsay said: "'I should like t Go Earl w t · skill in wt · d divin dren from Santa Ana, Anaheim, trailer \A.'as shot to pieces at Ant· o vemor arren o agB.ln s mm1ng an g form system for the Claib'UI al. from its present location. Fullerton. Laguna Beach. Balboa to Sl'C not just another junior col· werp. Members who were not cas-act as official starte r . Last year which are carried out without any stray dogs such u ._ reoom-The dilculsion followed an in-lege of the usual Jdnd, but one 1•• boa ed i h d org · eel d and Huntin,.,...on Beach will par-ualties were transferred t o an· ~ ts start n t e race an aruz program. men ed by our body on the above quiry which was made by Louis w. ~~ suited expr£>Ssly to th ence<b or 100 fi · hed d ticlpate in the cou.n ty·\\'ide show. other a>mbat engineer unit. over · n1s · mentioned ate. The reprt stat· Briggs, insurance and real estate Although Miss Shurtz ¥•as non-~ew Brtd1e Used August 16th y.·ill be the first a t e cities tbat wt.bed broker of Balboa, u to wtien the this area. It seems.to me that your G Id N d ed th th committal as to who were the Wh(>n the unit headed by Lt. day of Newport Harbor "Race cou a opt a uniform onfinanoe dty intends to improve Central proble m is to sell th(' idea. Do lhe OU ame Id d people want a junior collC'ge?" al ""omen promoters who a.re arrang-CoL W . R. Purcell of Birmingham, Week" which v.'ill bring together cont ning the same conclltions aa avenue. "We paid for the bond ing these affairs for the Pythian The speaker aJso pointed out Alabama, and Major McLean yachts and sail craft of all classes. the County Ordinance No. 457, but lmoe, but nothing has beeri done," Sisters, it \\'85 learned from other that in California our higher edu-reached the ir designa ted strip in Races for every class and sire of Tun' a Club's stated that additional facllltim Briggs challenged. reliable sources that they are cational institutions are lnade-Holland. they found that the Ger· boat \\'ill be held on both Newpor t would have to be made to the Herbert A. Ke nny, chairman of Carmen Barga of Burbank. Elaine quate. even in normal times. The mans had already destroyed com· Ba y and out on the ocean fronting County P ound to e nablr the de--the highway committee of the ?tlerkle of Long Beach and Ber· Uni\'ersity of California will try munication lines and booby-trap-. Ba.lboa. This race meet brings to. partment to handle additional chamber of commerce, sought to nrlla Shurtz or Sa n Diego. to accommodate 38.000 this fall. ped the bridges. gether so many craft it has been N L d dogs. explain the reasons for the delay, Durin~ the pa.st week Miss All of the colle-ges of the state will "It V.'&S °pretty rough going from e&lled the Larchmont of the Pa-ew ea er We feel that this is a mare efft-polntfnc out that the P acific Elec- Shurtz has been l.n charge or the try tc> accommodate 80,000 by then on out into the enemy's ter· ciflc. It brings together one of cient Y.'ay to handle tlair stray doc tric company could not remove the Huntington Beach phase or the crowding. '"I t is a bad situation:· ritory," ?t1ajor McLean said. '"lhen the greatest gatherings of mem-proble m and rabies control, and old street car tracks unW it had kiddie Kamlval and \\'a s last he said. "especially for the lower one day we got 8 ,peculiar assign-ben of the aai]jng fraternity on likewise is a me.ure al eiis••••IJ tmtalled a negative return meter Tt"gistered in that community. division stud(>nts." ment to go up and make a survey the Padfic Coast. It is anticipated ~The Newport Tuna Oub , all to the cities. Moat al. the dtiea station in their place. When the promotion for the Dr. Lindsay asserted that. "the for the British. There was a packet with enthusiasm by all ''Blue Wa-regular members of the Newport would like-to function uadn' the Briggs aaid that the city could kiddie karnival started here three addition of a junior college in this of Germans lying ahead and we ter" sailors. Harbor Yacht Oub. decided at its plan and some of them~ eothdy pave the street from Alvarado to \\·eeks ago, a.n employe named Miss area is sound. Although veterans had to be extra cautious as we On Saturday, August 17th, the meeting last week to warn aJl an· too small to aftord ildwldlwl ~tb street, without interference Irene Coleman, who gave the are cn'&ting the present situation. moved along. Wby they did not Balboa Tournament of Ughts will glers to be on their toes. Under powids and mSny ba:we Mbd to With the P.·E .'s system. ..Or does Rossmore hotel. Santa Ana .. as her the normal increase in population Fire at us is still a mystery." be reborn after five yean of dark the leadership of that truthful be allowed to pBudpme: la tbe Balboa have to waJt until New· address, took charge-ot the ~ ·will n€'CeUitate more colle&es in When they reached the-spot days of war. This year's revived fisherman, Ray 0 . Gould, "'ho wu County Powlcf arrana rvt part does aomethin& about that?" gram. But in the course of three southern California.'' "la public whett they ..-.ere to take over and Tourna.rnent of Lights will take elected' pre!;ident, 8 program ot, We are therefcre 7 hac a.t Harry Welch, executive aecre-- weeks. Miss Coleman was with· opinion ready to go ahead! That rebuild some of the destruction on a different and new aspect. real sport \A.'as outlined you allow the dtfes to Jma wttb tary ot the chamber of oommerce, dra...vn rrom Ba1boa and sent else-is your problem." '\vrou.ght by the Germans, the mm-~ Directors of the Tournamftlt Olallenges to other fishing dubs the County 1:n handl1llc atrQ .... said that be understood that tbe where for promotion work, Miu The State Board meets the mid· bat engineers used the British· Auoc:iatlon have decided on an to set dates for tournament:a will We wish to voice .QUr wovat P.·E. could not give up a strip o! Shurtz said. dJe of July and again in October made Balley bridget to span tM All-Corinthian event. Ovtc entries be issued. of the stand taken by 'Yo-bulb' land and still operate lta tlne. Since that time othen of the this year. By having the petitions rivers to get supplies acroa. will be included but all entries Regular monthly fish fries will in rejecting all app& ••$ far ..,... Talb kiddie karnival s:romotion group for the-IUl"\'ey before that body for 'The Balley bridge," Mc.Lean must be on ·boau. Heavy, cum~ be held. and the Trophy Commit· additional hoc rmidi&o ... a.ape: Sameame ID the P'OUP remlnded h&\•e been In charge htt<. For the July meeting will insure t,he explained, "Is a type ot bridg• that borsome Ooata will not he in the tee. Rudolph KyseJa, chairman, that you and other ·a - -Ill'. Welcll tbat the Oty ot New- the past few ~ , Miss Peggy opportunity to preoent the matter far l\lrpUled anythlns we could Ughta Pando this year. will ... to it that prizes, medals he able to ellrnl-q •·-prt -eould institute can- Siml*Jl'I. an emploJie ot the group. of organization to the ~e for make. It ii a type of. bridp that Dlttlculty ill hancDln& thne and all ann cha1n wt1l be avail-that are feeding aw• 7 • f.rcD ' mticm. ~ .qwhwt the wu in charge ot the llnal phase an •lectlon this fall. Otha wlw, a """ he u-tened or Jenctbenet1 heavy barre-Ooat. in the Pu..ie able for tbe -fllbennan ar .,,.....,.. .,.._ tbe C b. hdllc EloCtrlc ~ oam- of the coronation pqeont. considerable dellll' will he fQfteCL" and can CUTY •onnaa• from the pl111 the ll'Oat lncruie in number ltcl7teller. . Dated this 27th ..,, '!I -. -to forti. it, to 1ww the Preadlng the announcement ot Upon favwabl• action by the lightest to the hea'11est lftlPt. It of boob in N•wpoct Rari>oo" are Reculatlon tackle u tnecrlbed 1946. .-., tbat the dty eauld - w1nner1 in the royal family dl· peopl• of the four high school -can he lengthened to 190 feet and lftpot.ibl• f<r the dedsloa. In-by all Ullllin& duba mu1t he Uled, ORANGE COUNTY GIUJllD Ille ~ a-._o•wwwt. visions, .. 1..,tion of wtnnen for trlcta. the county superintendent can C&rT'Y up to 'lO tons. And it can vltatl-to dtloa hav• hem ex-and the !Isl! properly ......,._ JURY FOR llN5 tlL Mr • ..._: ltepped into the in.- the title ot Muter and Mil-of schools wtll a ppoint a tem_.,y he used qn waterways u -0 u tended and a rep-.tatlv• num-FJoz>in !Isl! ..,tri<'Yed from for-By EllMI" L Otiudm.. ha ;pi;j by palntbos -that ot ~ .,.... made on the buls' boa>;d of trusleft until the ttCUlM on pontoons." ber ot entrln -upected. elp ...aten will he aa>ept.ed on17 Far----ID tbe ..., ot 111>- ol the s-tat amount ol appla-school •lectlon in Miil'· ,,.. olect<d This type "' bridge PIUl'ed wry ' n,. --ol llchted and -by the pDey ........ .. ....... a--the .... st-by the audlenol at ,.. trust ... may then emplo:r a super-llUCC09tul in fut _,,_ oratocl craft "°"'" durlnc -Fl'anlt W-. chaliman ot the NET TH IQl"I' _, ...... --a. - da1' nlcht's __ CBe-intendent and ca11 a --~ -the c.nnam ...... wee1t and the 111 ~ o1 -F'llll Fry l)mmttteo. .... 11n•-.s REPOR m ..... = """''" , to provide a lite and bulldlnp for llcbd, Mc!an lald, wu ---i. au_.... the ....,. lhauJjl plmtJ> ol fllll will be -rid at 'l'l!a) H ·Up tD pal8t ID tM dloo- Tbe FftlC<Odinc -tbt wno the coll-. .-.place It with a mott permanmt add to the °"" .... "'" A ll'Oel -the l"llbernml'a -~ If -_. .. _ O. B. -_. u that -in a.. --The cout hid> achool districts span. and then they --yacht and boot owwv are <umrt· ho -lllr .... to q4lf) the The tlloft ol 1ZZ11D wma fll QI. 0 " •1 n. latter a.. ....... , amateur vaudeville -. tn-this year paid $H,&l!O.OO for the the Bailey bridp fonrvd. -.a cm to l*llldpali! in tblo "Co-a-..... IMrlt -and_. -a a I-5 1 1 b ·.; .. -· lloth""at ,,_ ot a ai1n or dollar bill be-education ol lta student. at Santa it eould he -again f<r tbe rlntldan" Tournammt, -to doc-After f-,..... al -blctlow td .-to lbe "6as::;t_P •* _•r; •,=:J '"to -!t. --inc held .,_ Siie -ol the Ana and Fllller-JOL FW!fttc+I -JJUl"ll"HI. orate and ----... -· ...... ,_ ..... t.aauL police by T. p---~ . . CDBtstmta. ...._ Sbartz: bHll a tuect ltaielf only $'1,250.00. It coat or.-arssr. and join in tbe watft pepant. to a P'and eensra ot lll*'t-AD "°ewpcat Beset\ fr'Cm K ... Rcscuua~ an.-p._ Jdtt ,.._ owr the -ot the little Santa Ana ~ $115,m.OO ~ ~ ~~up to the JlblDe ~~ ""~ ~. New ... t -tk+ip paint to an .rtT nm ol otf M'-'m -la -.._ • t'a ~a Ir, y ;.w .... (Caa-...... •> to IUllPOl'I their collep lhll )"Ml". n=, ~ -t ....,.,. ... -~-~."' z location lbe blc --IDll'-(0 H ........ t) • • • • I WM: !l&WWWW IS ... U • e I RISE TO REMARK· --RJaht DOW there lo DO price con-, BOJll. IOllN ~ trol law. The Houoe passed a 20- 'lbe writer of this clumn lo u dA7 extemloa. I voted aplmt IL • 'Round ... State ' •, ..... THE WORLD ••• ••• ATAGLANCE • S" a I~ 'hi I ., ... ftw I '.Ar.w I v ..... mwm curious u any of lts readers to A temporary measure was point. o.&a lhM rMllM P I? 2 1 .._,. D r I ~ V D .ee what .W happen between the less. u }'OU have since oblerved; Sparks from the News Cimrlt By LIX>NIJ BAXTER By EDWARD CLAYTON J. 8. WBYTB n-.!.b & Bennett 0 111 ....... -..-D&¥ • ~--In 0 ---time lt ls written oa July 2rMl the Senate isn't acting on it. We ll<i"""•ipdam ~In~: PS>-JN!'•-~v; · l .~ ... Sl.'r.i per JN!' to 4tll -; SJ.00 por ,...ar to lltll... (the oecond dlly of the seaincl can· ust u e...,, dlSCUIO a sub-A•~lllr&MW..._~ ... 'f.'••_. Dzc'te•a -----freedom) and the day lt appean stitute for the bill the President 111'7 l>w'V1r t .. iW & ..... .. i. X ....... ._ LZAllNINO THE ROPr.8 SEE &llER10A oomwUoD. wti. *-t.az .-.., wwpcu---., o..ta .... A tribute to the mature ouUook FDIST-QUICll A'ODftl • UilWWW T••······ ••• ,. 1111-W Dtteftd u Second~ miatter at tbe Postotnoe tn Newport Bs·d\ tn the papen. This wou1d be a vetoed A temporary measure only caJltani., --Act al Karch 3. lB19 • good time to have that crystal confuses' the people, who shculdn't WIMW•*•fiMt _.._ 1117W \... · -~ of the average ex-G.I. comes from That tw.>week vacation ts now ·~ "" .. ,..... ...... S.. A.. MEYER • .,...,.,.,.,_ ball! Failing that, I turn to a be confUled any more than now. , AK D. PORTER GmenJ Manaser book more comforting than any I voted for a temporary rent con- the San FrandscO Y. M .• c. A, long enough to enabJe you to see. 1 _-___ ... _ .. __ .-_,_ .. __ ,~_,_,_-_,_-_ _. ,_ __ 'l'l_T"!'_•_'_••_•_-___ m __ _ which haa given tree nlgtit courses the United States from cout to F. G. FROS"I' Editor aystal ball. The exortation of trol, loi-.that ia what is causing on "Starting Your Own Buainess" coast and border to border if you r---~A~Bl~~~-~llMJl'~~:... ___ 1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-w, F . DIXON ----~ V.uaer Samuel slightly abbreviated, seems the "scare·• in the country. There -tine Plant. 3011 W. Central ..t.o ••, Ncwpoct Beech, Co-..ia to apply: are arguments on bJ>th sides, but to 650 veterans. Dlacovering. in can spare the rare of $785. The , D--cb "Be atrong, and quit yourselves It would have great concern to Official Paper of the City of N~ .-like men, and tight." come out of that gradually. c1 .... that they were as abort on lint plane ca?T)'lng 21 tourists Armand Monaco H R. llall, M. the know-how ot businea os they luu set out from Newark to cover • /&& D. were long on ambition, a third of the important scenic Poinll 1n ~ n,..... Md 8li:a& rm A~··· , Me 1.-.1 ... Pl r ,_ o...r n y..,. With OPA "thou 0 , There ne~·er was a time when or wt t PA. the men have decided to cootlnue America In a ''flightseelng" toui 8lt W, Bay Ave., Ba'- working for oomebody ebe a while that will bring them back home In -l'IK Houn: ~ by Ai>Poln-t Active Member of before embarking on ownership jtist tv.•o weeks. From the Shen~ IT!l ~ Aft. Tells*-w &-ton l8M ventures of their own. andoah Valley to Boulder Dam. IAe A.llr>v NO. ZIJ W Ul .......,_ o.e. .._ .. S.Cll 1abor4J.auc:e of~ and frotp Yosemite to Niagara. '--------------' ne. to prudn.ce aad lf!la8et" M1'I Falls the sky tourists will get a courage and leadership were more prices "''111 rise. OPA has increased needed in the Congress. I was not the prices of 824 items in the last here when WPA died, but those fwe months, some greatly. That's wbo were tell me ot the similarity. something OPA doesn't like to The counterpart, at that time, ot publicize. Prices ceuld go up less •---------------------~~~~:_-!the hysterical and untruthful Mr. without OPA than with it. The Bowles of today, supported by the fate of price controls rests not left-wing organizations, as now, with the Congress, but with the screamed that starvation and manutacturen, and the wholesal- Adolpb O. Stoll. procram dlreetcJr, bird's.eye view or wonders of ,__a.INICIAL _____ u_BO_•_•_roa __ Y __ , ""IDND• tbere'U be f~·er falhtre9 America. This will be supplement· amoac these mm .. tatare wi.e. ed by motor visits to some of the, tbe eeller'• market eads aad com-spots of interest. The fare includes petttloa become. touc.ber. Tb.eJ"ll all first-class hole! and other ac- Clinical Laboratory Dr. G. E. Tohill ~a::=i-Follow American Line As is natural with steamed-up speakers, George Meany. secretary-treasurer of the American Federation of Labor, oratorically went a bit overboard in blasting the rival CIO, in his keynote speech at the AFL state convention in San Fran- cisco, when he declared: "You AFL members in California gave support to the nation's defense effort at a time when the Moscow-wor- shipping boys of the CIO were doing their damndest to stop production of aircraft right here in California. The AFL unions in this state did not have to adopt a new line on June 22. 1941. when Germany attacked Russia. You can be proud of the fact that the California State Fed- eration of Labor was pro-United States of America when Hitler and Stalin were partners, and you were pro- United States-after the dictators had parted company." Mr.· Meany's pride in the general AFL record is justifi· able. But it is an e xag"eration to blanke t all CIO unions and members as 11?tioscow-worshippers.11 True enoug h, Commun- ists have centered their boring-from-within program on CIO unions, succeeded to leadership in some, and so besmirched the CIO sadly. Yet many CIO unions honorably and patrioti- cally observed the no.strike 'pledge through the war, and the dismal showing of the CIO-PAC in several recent election contests indicates tha t thousands of CIO union members are at odds. in thought and in the polling booth, with their voci- ferous, self-elevated, left wing "spokf!Sltlen." However , every patriotic American unionist, AFL or CJO, could st.and with Mr. Meany wbea be 11811erted that "we are golag to follow the American llDe from here OD ID." A !IOWld slogan for every American group, fam- Uy ud ladlvldual-Follow the American. Line! It 18 the American Line that the digD!ty llDd rigbfB of the IDdlvld- ual are paramount ID soolety: that the state Is the serv- ant and creature of the peopl&-a<;>t the people the crea- tures of the State. OD that Hae, the American people have overcome every peril, from without or wlthiD, slace the nation's birth. Every foreign ideology that Is s ubversive to lbe American Line must be cleaD8ed from our democratic way of life llDd our republican form of government. Fann Electrification AccOrcting to a feature article in the New York Times, the priva te electric companies of the United States haye set up a budget of $300.000,000 to be spent during the next three years for the construction of electric lines in rural areas. This money whEn expended will CTeP 'e assessable property on the tax rolls of the communities involved. The private companies have sought to cooperate with the REA Administrator to complete electrification of the nation's 6,000.000 farms, but have been rebuffed. Wha t sound excuse Is there for such an attitude which delays farm electrifica- ti ' on . More and more one is led to the conclusion that the na- tional program for go••nrnment ownership of the electric in- dustry is not so muCJ. J ncemed with getting electric power to the people as it is with driving private companies out of business and establishing a socialized electric system in their stead. Whrl'(' private companies plan to put up $300,000,000 for farm C'lectrificati on. the REA has been trying to get a federal grant of 5585.000.000 in tax funds to loan to tax-sub- sidized electric cooperatives during the next three years. A large part of this money would be used to duplicate or pre- vent private electric companies from rendering services in the territories involvc<l . What hope is there for tax reduction or e ncouragement of priva te enteri>risc ,,·hen a pC>\\1erful go\1e mment bureau takes such a non-cooperative attitude toward the endeavors of pri- vate citizens and ta xpayers and fosters unfair competition' Only the people can correct such a situation in their expressed senHment for or against iL d o?" commodations. At $785 per head INVESTMENT it remains to be seen how heavy ~ boan: •• ,,.. -..,. -·""-' TELEPHONE Ji.umoB llSI UIS W . Oeatn1 A.,._ NEWPORT BEACH -PBOND- Ottke: Bvtlor lltrW a..tiOtonce: Barbor ~ ll U Mo ..,.,,.., e&ll BU"bar a chaos would result. WPA was ers, and the retailers, and with e nded, and there was no starva-the people th6nselves, you and lion and no chaos. 1 do remember you and you, as they say over the very well, when California ended radio. Restrain yourselves ; be the State Relie f Administration strong and quit yourselves like (SRA). The sam e dire predictions men. and fight, a nd OPA, like were heard, some from the same \VPA and SRA, will soon be a people who, now employed in memory. Let yourselves go, and Washington ag('ncies, prophecy the C?u nt:ry \\i ll ~ave a price con- disaster \\'ith the ending of the trol imposed on tt that can lead OPA. The SRA ,,.85 e nded and all I ?nly into nationa l _socialism , which Progress and finance walk hand in hand across the pages of his- tory-and forever the two face West. the demand will be for reserva- tions. But undoubtedly there are enough individuals with enough "--------------' .------------- money to put .the service on a DAY SCHOOL was calm in California. ts t he earn~t desire of the clam- Th c h Pr 'd I orous left·\Vl ng gr,,ups \Vho now . e ongres~ sent t .e cs1 ent lead the cheering section for OPA a bill t.o continue pnce con trols 1 reinstatcml'nt. . for one year. I didn't like it, be-- cause it still contained the con- swner subsidy program which has I Corona del Mar destroyed nations and could de- stroy this nation. ~lr. Bo\Yles did-' News n't like it be-cause it took food ront rol fron1 him and gave it to the Secretary of .. \v.ricultur e. I t also said any Canner or any manufacturer "'as entitled to the costs of producti on, plus a rea- sonable profit ,· and I can't think or any more basic 'American prin- ciple. The Preside nt vetoed tha t bill . The kindest thing to think, to quote Mr. Fulton Le\\•is' broadcast or July 1st, who, in t urn, quoted Senator \Vherry, was that the Pfesident had swallowed the dose administered by the OPA, the PAC of the CIO, and the Commu· niat Party, and hadn't studied the matter. I myself called atentlon to the fact that the veto message wu not the President's s tyle. but was the style or the Bowles' broadcasts. It was as Inaccurate as any of the OPA releases. Mr. Lewis checked the veto statements. like those about steel and automobiles. He found no thought on the part of the lndus· tries that price would advance on those commodities. The House did not pass the bill OYer the veto; a minority prevented it. OPA died a t midnight Sunday. Monday OPA spent its time r e- leasing warning stateme nts about rising prices. Congress spent lt.s time exposing their inaccuracies. S teers were reported selling on a By BESSIE L BENEDICT ~tr. and !\trs. Leslie Steffensen. 209 !\1arigold a\·enuc, entertained for thc>ir,..son, James, in honor of his birthday anni\'crsar y, July 5. A number of James' friends among them Sally and Barry Bieler, Alta- dena, who wet e guests over the week-end, had a weiner bake in the yard. Lt. Col. and Mrs. F. C. Venn. 230 Larkspur avenue, spent the "'eek in San Francisco. Their friends, Capt. and Mrs. Kirby, Redondo, occupied the house until their return. P.frs. Harold Benedict, 427 Nar· cissus avenue, returned home Wednesday after a 10-day stay at Community Hospita l. Santa Ana. following an operation. First Lt. Guy Ha.rrlson Ander· son. son ot Mn. F1orence Ander- son. 428 Marguerite avenue, ar· rived home Thursday from over· seas duty since April, 1945. He was met at Burbank air f_ield, when he n ew down from Saera- m ento, by his co-pilot Charles Ed· wards and wife who drove him to Corona del Mar where a welcome celebra tion was staged by his family "'ith one of f\.f om 's dinners for which he had been longing. California is home base now for a man who (as assistant to Jesse J ones) actually handled more money than a.ny other man in the history of tfie world. The "big- gest money m a n," Sam H. Hus~ bands, has been brought West by A . P . and L . ~1. Giannini as nev.· C'XC'Cu tive vice president of Trans- an1erica. Billions upon billions lltf'rally pas!M'd O\"r r lldsbaads' desk dur· lnR" hl5 many yPars u one of the top me n In RFC. Of our state, this new resldt>nt say5: "Callforula 1s one or thr N'atlon'8 M>lmdest i.n- \"1'8tmf'nt11 In the future." · -TIE TllAT BINDS \Vhe n the .State Supreme Court rul<'d r ecently that California courts need not 1r ecognlze di\'or ces' obtained in Nevada, if it is shown Nevada residence was established purely to fulfill divorce require-- ments there, a murky cloud of un- Cf'rtainty spread over the marital s ta tus of thousands ot people-es- pecially around Hollywood, All sorts of mixups-as to where wed· lock ends and bigamy begins, as to legality of wills, settlements, allowances. custody of children- seem possible. The cloud may. however, have a 1llver Ualnc for Vallforala di~ vorce lawyrrs. Parttnc ceuples "M1ll t4!nd to NJteno-vate" ln Cali· lornla, "'"htirti that tie really.bllld& tlU lt's loosed by a home JudK"r! SUCCESS STORY permanent basis, A good many of :------------- us will be "·ery much Interested -when the cost gets down around SlOO o.r $200. And maybe some day it will. GREE?\"'ER PASTURES The resignation of Budge t Di· Mortimer School SO! Con.I Balboa &land Grad .. : CoUeoe, ...._,..tory SUMMER SCHOOL 'J:j,M5 G. A. MorUmer, M. A., Oxford Prtnclpal Phone Barbor 152 rector Harold D. Smith has added I--------------' I another name to the list of capable DE....,TISTS Go\·ernment officials who ha\'e ,.-----·-------~ left \\1ashington for greener finan- cial pastures. Smith steps into the vice-presidency of the ne\V Inter - DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST nationa l Bame at a ta.ic:-free salary 2W ll·est Centl'al of S2'2,500 annually. Uncle Sam paid him Sl0,000 a nd took back a Phone Harbor Ul·.I' s~'bstantial chunk in income taxes. Newport Mr. Smith's departure from Gov-~-------------' e?timent service once again fo- cqses attention on the fact tha t ~------------~ top-flight executives can't be hired for second or third-rate salaries. In accepting his resignation, which Smith explained was for financial reasons, President Truman declar· ed, 'This ls often the tragedy of public service." It is a tragedy, Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HOZ~ W. Central. Barbor HllO NSWPl:>RT BEACH however, whose cause should be '"-------------' eliminated. for if Uncle Sam ever . ..------------- needed men of real capacity he needs them right now. ALL ALONE Pugilistically speaking, Joe Louis is very much alone these days. Having thumped Billy Conn, Dr.W.W.Westmoreland Dentist 1801 c-m~ COBONA DJ:L MAB Phone Barbot' H!O the Pittsbur.,gh challenger, into re· "--------------' tirement .Toe now finds himself without a serious contender for his world heavyweight , title. But INllURANCI: Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Phooe Barbar t 018 No amwtt: call lloe.aeoa &Ot .. a X·Ray Service HUtoa M. MaxweU, 11. D. 1801 eo.t m~ Oorona del Kar Office Hours: lt>-12 ; 2-5 Phone Barbor 1062 S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 11h '4S s. Hill 81., Loo ~ TUcku?SU By Appointmmt T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pby,ielaD and 8urgeoa MOt w·mt Veatnl Telephone Barbor 80% A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN &ad llUROEON ill Cout mpwa7. Barbor NI Oof'OD& del Mar Dr. W. T. Mooney PbyslelaD and 8urgeoa wild market: instead. they sold for $22.50. only $4.50 over the OPA ceiling \\'hich has driven 839'0 of our meat into unregulated slaughter. I-logs \\'ere up, but drop- ped $2 on Tuesday. Meat is com- ing into t.he market and you'll have it again. OrangC'S \\'ere re-- ported zooming; instead they wer e a dollar under the ceiling on ten Lt. Anderson flew his plane. a B-25, first to New Guin~a. He se rved in the Philippines at Leyte. He w as s t ationed at Okinawa and the last several months of his service he spent in Japan. We have enjoyed the in teresting letters he st.•nt home about his work there. Whe n Louis Marberry of San to comfort him in his "solitude" Bernardino, now 18, lost his right he has 40 per cent of the approxi- arm in a hunting accident four mately $1 ~ million gate---or years ago, he put his talents and whatever portion ~f that 40 per r emaining arm on the horses and cent he ca n keep for himself after won. He doesn't bet on them-he he ge ts through paying his ex- trains 'em . He teaches them t o fox penses and the tax collectors. trot and "count, add and subtract \Vhile he didn't have to work very better tha n some college fresh-hard in the ring to C'arn his money, mC'n." Eight of his trainees have due chiefly to the "bicycling'' of '''On horse show pi-izes. H e's plan· his opponent, Louis is still far ni ng a horse show for his fellow ahead of his predcCT'ssors in the F uture Farmers. He's made number of times he has defended .--------------,'.._ ___________ __, principal m arkets. !'no.ugh money for his college edu-his crown. The Conn fight '''as the Uncoln National Lile cation. 22nd time he has risked the title. Insurance Co. Hl.8 motto: "You can \\in on the j In \'iew or his ability as a fighter, "ILll Name ladieate. Iw Cba.ractu" horses -but not through a and his character as a man, the booklti! ' fistic business could st and mor e DON .JERNIGAN Phone Harbor %Sl·R He has ribbons of Army or Oc· cupation. Philippine Libera tion, Asiatic-P acific Theatre, American Theatre, and Victory. He has been awarded the Presidential Citation. Air Medal, Bronze Star and S ilver F isherman-Say, you've been standing there watching me for men of his type-a lot more. CAN IT BE TRUET S08 Marine Ave. Balboa hi. . NORMAN Nll'!:ON, II. D. PedlatrielaD Certified by tho American Board of Pediatrics 1001 ~Ylota Dr., Lap.na BMell Telephone .Laguna l • llN Star. two hours. Why don 't You try fish-Mr. and Mrs. R . K. Harve y, 1406 . If' Seaview av e nue , entertained tng yourse · U. S. C. college frie nds and their Spectator-1\fe? Aw, I ain't got families in a n all cfay affair on _1h_• __ pa_u_·e_n_ce_. _______ _ Limburger Cheese has been all .-------------, but deodorized, says a r eport lo OCCIDENTAL '---------,--' the Sa n Francisco Chro!!icle. the Fourth. with luncheon and dinner. The guests e njoyed a sail l\trs. Robert Callis, 718 Jasmine Many persons will breathe easier LIFE INSURANCE CO. now. Ray Nielsen ., ... ,,, &Dlll AeddrDl P.alt.kll FhoM Harbor IS8W on the Harvey's boat and a swim avenue, attended her sewing club The U. S . national debt will to- nnd party a t the beach. Guests en-at th~ home of Mrs. Ed Pankey, tal $275,{X)(),000.000 b y July 1, joying their hospitality were Mr. Tustin, Wednesda y. 194-6, according to Secretary or '-------------1 I ~ta &. kr Ave, • Wboa Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D. Pti)'5ician & Surgeon S%1 lll&riDe Ave., Balboa hlaad Phone Barbor !128 There \\ill be incrC'ases. \Vhen we'Ye been tr ying to fool our· selves for three year s: there must come an eYe nt ual awak ening. Just keep in mind that until _you pay more tha n 57c for round steak; 47c for rib roast: 46c for pork chops; 71c for ham: l Sc for milk, and I haven't space to give more, and remember t ha t costs vary east and west, you aren't paying more than pr€."Sent costs, to you, through subsidies. except that be- fore-you also paid the salaries or the thousands of bureaucratic parasites who administered them. and l\·trs. Richard Mogle and chil· f\<Ir. and 1\1.rs. Harvey had l\tr. the 'I'reasury Vinson, who ought dren of Chino. l\fr. and l\lrs. Au- and Mrs. Ben Parker and da ugh-to know. This is about $2000 for )IORTICIANS I'--------------' brey Simons and daughter, P o-ter , Cheryl, San Gabriel, as lunch-eve!"y n1an. \voman a nd child in .------------- !'-tr. l,e\\·is in\'estlgated one of thC' OPA news releases. that said butter \\'as selling in the District for high pr ices. I-l e rC'ports it as untrue. He checkt'.'d all chains and m any independents: all \vcre sell- ing a t 67c. or course. if you really want butter back on the market. the price \\'ill have to CO\'er the cost of manufacture. mona. Mr. and Mn;. Carl Cain and eon guests Friday. the nation. Harold K. Grauel rantily, Co\foa, Mr. and Mn;. Fred r------------------------Chapel Bice and son, San Gabriel : l\Ir. ahd l\irs. Clayton Holoway, South 24-Hour "We Ourselves the Better Serve Gate; l\lrs. Elinor Sheehan and by Servin&' Others Best" childre n. Victorville; ~tr. and ::'Ytrs. Radio Sem"ce Phone Beaeon 5110 Jack Samuelson. Laguna: Mr. and Co.ta Meaa CalUol"llia 1'-lrs. Newhall \Vashburn. Hunting- ton Park: Miss Virginia Arnold a nd fl1r . and l'-trs. Charles Rucker and daughter or Los Angeles. This is the first time the friends have been together since war time. llOME, Aun>, MABINE ! &ADl08 Bl:P Aflll!D Burt R. Norton OPTOllETllISTS Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETBIST Cemplete Fountain Service at eu eout m~ -. nu Newpwt llwoh. o.111. El"'5 El<amlned • Glaaaes Fitted 1791 Newport Boull8TU'd ..._.._.NU 009Uxa& HANSEN'S ZlOO 0-. Froet - Ill ltORTH.J;IAllt ST. I • . . ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA rFOOD SPA -,j Often Y• a.' ftw& PIMe to DIM la 0rup 0:AH11*7: All New··· Even the Location ••. (Im.Half Mlle Eut al Old Location ClD Coast BllbwaY. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We lad Southem QtHfnmla In the Sa vfLC al -SE\~DS- YOOK ldlld flll ll'IB&U -vJBttOW~- Sul'S Sea Food Spa -and Flah· M.net -c.ait•ztt• ~--) .. ' E. T. Buttenrorth, O. D. Opt wtrW En:8 UAlllM&IJ LENllEll DUPUCA'l'ED ..__ ., .,.._, HJ11• au& w. o...a. &-. ft. a.ti. •u •••mi...,.. John K. C. Chung, M. D. Pb.yllclan and Surxeon 2 • 4 7 • 8 :30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 120 EMt 18th Street Costa MM&, California Wagner Drugi-Insuta1e Dr, WU-0. Wac- Chlropractic, DletetiCll, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19%0 C-Bl'ftl., - 1---- Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at-• NEWS-TIMES ' • • ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·!l*!W~#±E!l'IJ'•'~"~l?'llllll.:PPl*!!~·i"t!l'!'*!.,.l!lloJP~-1'1'1'~1L"!l!~Cll..i?:!!il!?e!l!ll•·!l..~r!.'!!!1'!!1r~·~"ll!r!!!lt..!!.l..!ll!ll!!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~--·~~~~~_;;:....~~~~~~~.l~ · 1 •1••• Groaps ~afions Cost Exceeds •••11 Urges · Dz Sell Trost_. Hallbmt ~~ • • • off tile New port and _ !.':I:~ ~. &"'.'•a:-C.orge Hl .. r . DING YOO& UDIO 'l'O tJ8 a.. Dllr' -Wd. 11lr B _.'I'• 0.. ..,,_bB, .. llf..._ haa 1 ........ W9* 0c&at11t h: a I Tl ~ Kmdlo SOS Electric -••WOLD L ••MM .,,_,.. --A-.... ..._. . . PallCOOd VENmAN BLINDS WOOD • ·s1wu. • AUJJllN1JJI ...... Tww-•-. 1-...--· ' M 5 _.._.,, •• Bob Ja.t1ed'1 Urp Resbahd VllQ er= for 0:~-~the Revenue of Municipa6ty "Dnmk~att~·!~ Wmq. ~. ~ national Concre• today were c:;ioo. ot mmaoe we face,.. declared a L I RICHFIELD SERVICE aldorina: substitute ol a ~-CosU ct OIJOHtin& the city (CUbe) llorTll, state hl&h'Q7 pa-11re RecalJlliDc e Tlrm Retreaded meu""' to lft""Dl lnfiatlonuy Newpcrl Be9dt haw Jeeped rr-BLI• Valzatlozs 1ro1man -resident o1 Newpcrt price -rent advances all CNer '229.lllMI for tbe fllCal year ct -ti• Beadl. In an _._ before mem-416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa the oountry. bnaiMa·--1941-42 to $360,000 for the 1"' 'Jop '46 R d, ben ol Santa Ana Lodi• No. 2tl., '---------------Ii------" I I n 'every line of commerdol actlv-just ~~ lncre"::t of ~ ecor F. A A. M., Friday DilhL 9 ty were ealllng on members to per cent. -~ ~ .. to • s emen Nelson Reports Morns wu discuuinc some o1 use restraint on the Impulse to Issued today by Counc!lman Bob the pliues ct state hJchway patrol skyrocket rommodlty p-l<es. Allen -L. L. ,Isbell, memberl of work In the Qr_., county area. From New York Oty. the Na-the dty oouncil I finance commit· Valuations of building oomtruc-n.. topio WU ''Traffic Safety," Uonol Retail Dry Goods usocla-tee. i lion reoor1led In the N~ Har-and tbe patrol officer urged his tlon called upoo members to The budget for the last fiscal bor area the put a1x moot.ha ex· audienoe to join in the crusade pledge they will not ··exploit cur-year wu $280,000. ceeded valuations tor the entitt for safer driving and prevention ent conditions by increasing The committee re~ .that Pl'f?':'1ous year, •ccord.inc to • re-of accidents on the highway. r prices of commodities beyond the the dty's lncome has nsen alight-cap1t':11ation ma.de today by Qdef "Last year 3677 persons were public's re.,ch less the public react ly due to new construction _in-Building Inspector A. M.. Nellon killed on California highways" he by not buying at all. creasing the assessed valuation. of Ne'A'(lOrt Beach. 'd . 1 Or t 96 'died I P.APALMER LIDO l9lll8 Pltwm<> W. 0. BUCIC .c ~ c.o..nselar E 814 CGMl Jllgbwa7 Ph.-8-li881.J From Sacramento, the State Di-But under _war limitations build-! Wi~h CPA regulations and ~ so ~ar ~~e ycC:,.un Jere have vision of Real Estate reminded ing, they said, could not keep ~ce't scarot>'. or building materials been 55 traffic fatalities. u this and.lords of a state law requiring \vlth increased. costs of operation_ 1 bl~n~eting Nr'''POrt Harbor's ratio keeps up the total will pass I .tL.t 1500 ~fi...l I hem to give advance notice to and th~ result is a dedd~ cramp--b~1l~ng boom to an e nforced 100. • • , tenants, usually 30 days, before ed lteling aro~nd the public purse. nun1mum, new construction has "Drunk drivers ar th t t I r ents can be pushed upward The committee recommended nevertheless rea(:hed a high for e .e . grea es 3333 VIA IJD() CALIFORNIA · that the city fi nd means ot in-· the fi rst six months of the year. mena~ we face .. ~)' c1t12e~ who The per iod or notice must be creasing t he rrwnicipal revenue to \Vhich tops the t'ntire figures for turns in a descr1pt10!" a~d license -----------------------'--- the,same as !that corvr~r~I byr onhc keep the municipality out of debt. the )'ear , JS.·15. highest in the his· numt ber !of~ a ~undk . driver to a •---"!"'--------------------• r t'n paymen : .a.n o 1?a o t e The council adopted an ordi-to ry or the city. mo or o 1cer. ts 01ng a great real estate d1v1s1on said today. na nce increasing dog lioenses to , . . . . good. He does not have to feel Landlor ds who are not familiar $2 a nd S3 and agreed to take h \\d hale building permits for June he is a 'stool pigeon' or informC'r." "'th th h r th t t t . a tapered to the lo\\>·es t or any . . . 1 e i:t ~ses o c. s : e ~~h furt her steps \\'henever possible previous month o f the year S2 _ Dur1~~ his. talk l\1orr1s passed \ ·HI HIU THEY COMI I • ~~ci w:u-n 1 o 1 co:;rr;un~a ~ "~ to take in more city revenue. 723.785 was plaCC'd on r ecord fo'r· out ~rr1cial ptcturC's or n1any fatal f et~ oc~ rrca U~ a e 1•hr obr l A pl ea for garbage ca.ns to be ; the six months as against $20TI-traff1~ crashes in the cou?tY .an.d ur er in orma on on e su -placed on the b.:i.y fr ont \\'as m ade 761 r 1 • · explained them. Following his ject . 1 or ast ycar and $1 .160122 , · by Mrs. H . W. Steve ns, \\•ho said for 1940 t he next best y ' I talk he anS\\•erC'd many questions. r From Los Angeles cam e word I picknickers fill the trashboxes I h, . ear . th t th So th Caff · H t 1 . · n t e past six months 28'2 • • • . •,. u t horn h • .o,rnia 0 el 1 and even the rront yards or resi-ho uses were under construction IAuttern Mtsstng assoc1a ion. roug 1 s counsc. de nts in that ar e a "'ith "'ater-d 56 · · · R d V H an commercial bwld1ngs as o R H r c d aymon · a un, an attorney, melon rinds and other refuse and · 320 · · annon o o rona el I clarified the hotel situation as tha t city garbage collectors de-agai~s~ b . houses and 25 rom-l\1ar reparted to Police the the;[t follo\vs : cline to pi;k up the garbage merCI: ld ~lcJ!1r:ir for 1945. In 1944 or a red lantern from a pile of d Gunn ochtsrnon name "H otel guests on a permanent ·since it is not in garbage cans w,_arf!c.r::.e7 750u1 ng down to a low sand at 824 \V. Bay avenue dur- basis must be give n a 30-day no-'fhe m atter was turned over 1~ 0 d~ • but . 165 .ne~·" homes ing the night or July 3rd. 0 young Y d 'd Lun fj,e'e was int1ng i sn I. I th r 1 1 an six commercial bu1ld1 ngs were ice. n e case o enan s on a thc city l'ngineer and the street dded ·fe the boat po Whose •• ·1h the fuss \Yet>kly basis I presume the hotels d a to the city. . . . , epartme nt. E \·c ryone can give pleasure in some way. One person may do it by coming into a room, and an- other by going out ! To dispense '<1111 or o~ assoc1at1?n "·111 follow: their The Newport H arbor Chamber pr evious practice or granting a of Comme rce's application to week's notice. change the name of Newport She corne over _to ~s bs o re second to none. • Po'"' 10 'Couse our • ''Hotels may now become all Beach to Newpor t Harbor was transi~nt . or all permanent in heard and tabled by the council operation instead ot each category ~nding circulating or petitions. as they were forced to do under the OPA freeze orde r or November 1, 1942. The better hostelries will be able to bring subscale rooms up to standard r ates." WE . WELCOME YOU 'l'O OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO • 60 • 90 Days) Marbro'a invite you to come In and open • c:harp aOcount. Our stocks att complete with the latnt st;yles ot Ladies' Fine Appattl. NatloaallJ &lherti9ed KEADY-TO-WEAR mRRBROJ .. c/~ {bra, 118 Wii8T •TB ST. PHONE lH! Bronze Medal Given Gardner Lt. Comdr. Rober t Gardner, USNR, Newport Beach Municipal Judge, has been presented the Bro nze Star Medal by Rear Ad~ miral L. J . Wllt.se, USN, Com· mandant of the U. S. Naval 'ease, Terminal Island, San P edro, the Navy announced Friday. In a citation signed by Admiral Nimitz. Lt. Comdr. Gardner wu commended tor excellent press liaison work on Salpan, Guam, and during the occupation of Yokosuka, Japan .. He was chief censor for the Pacific ocean area. Judge Gardne r completed his undergraduate and la w studies a t the University of Southern Cali- fornia. He was associated with the district attorney's office in Santa Ana from 1937 to 1939. He resides with his \\i.fe, and their daughter, Nancy, 3, at 805 South Bay Fro nt, Balboa Islaud. DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish Always Fl .... 110 McFadden PL -Store: 101 ~ Plan Institute To Visit Here The California Planners Insti~ tute, whJch includes representa- tives from various planning groups in Southern California, is arrang· ing a visit to Newport Harbor about the middle ot July. In response to a request made through the Chamber of Com- merce, the ladies of the Commu- nity Church have agreed to fur- nish luncheon for the party of 50 or mor e who are expected to visit the area. The Chamber or Commerce will also provide a boat for a trip around the Bay in Orde r to show what has been done in the way of harbor development in this area. Mayor 0 . B. Reed and repre-- sentatlves from the Planning Com- mission of the City will atte nd the luncheon to represent the Qty and the local planning group. Plans for the visit are in the hands of C. H. Diggs, a cting tor Orange County, and Tom D. Cooke ot Los Angeles, acting for the California Plannen· Institute. Newport Beach's first aid squad had an easy Fourth of July. There were no drownings and only one person had to ·be ·assisted in the water. Four were given first aid treatmenL GILL'S Store Boan: Dllll7 ladudlag 8atmda7 9:SO A. 1111. to 5:SO P. 1111. '--·.t._,_ .... __ to_--__ 111am __ • _, 1 DE LI CATE SSEN lOI AMGIUS _._ '""" IUCll ......... -l l'lfUIDI .......... LESTER & Co. 1111.,.bw Lo1 A,. •• 14,. Sloca Ur.Mr• 2004 WEST CENTRAL A VE., NE'tt>PORT B EACH HARBOR 1374-J tNVISTMINT s1CU1n11s TO MW THI IHVISTOIS' NHDS No Price Advance Regardless of OUR PRICES the Elimination of REMAIN THE • • • OPA SAME Culbertson Chevorlet Co. Chevrolet II OWw oll&e Demler 3011 W. Central Newport Beahc • • • Hydra • Malle Specialists • • • Oldsmobiles & Cadillacs ~ .. PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS FOOD SHOP • Freeh Apple 8auce • t::f Orab Meat • Drud"P • PlcklM -Olives • Cb-llleeofll • ~ -Anchovies • Craclien -BloeaHa • FNucb Rolla - SHOP AT GILL'S For Frwiber V .gel& ':lea Better Mellfa J1'.ucy Grocm.. W Fond A~ LAGVN& BEACH CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS &""''' $pMJ 81.ap " •••1Aa ....... ..... ..... Sweethearts Play For Rendezvous Dances All Week Now featured at the Rendezvous ballroom in Balboa, today through Saturday is a band that boasts plenty of pulchritude as well as top-notch music-the Interna- tional Sweethearts of Rhythm. Members of the aggregation are 11.tar girl instrumentalist.I, and the band has jumped from obscurity to national prominence in the last few months. According to those who have heard the Sweethearts, the band is an eyefull as "'ell as an eartull. THIS WEEK ELECTlllC RANGE Apt. Rome Size Dogs Ruin Lawn Stray do gs tore up the lawns and gardens of P. J . McLean at 438 El Moden a av!!nue, Newport Heights, he r eported to police ·Repair 8enloo °"" ...... Eleotrle Bom?told A.ppllancee Thursday. Statement of Condition at the RESOURCES Cash and Due from Federal Reserve and other banks .. $ 4,764,764.32 l U.S. Government s .. ecunties ........................... ., .. . State, Municipal & Other Securities ........................... . Federai'Reserve Bank Stock Loans & Discounts ·······-······ Overdrafts ..... . Bank Building Furniture & Fixtures Uncollected Accrued Interest ···········-···················· Other Resources ···················- 22,614,911.59 • 841,033.95 36,000.00 2,778,934.98 4,976.50 406,806.00 96,947.13 109,491.22 4,765.37 Total .. ·-···--········--·-···--·-··-$31 ,658,631 .06 GENUINE M11/tl-ltwllt llGINNfRS' ROLLIR IKATll .,," R u•&ER WHEELS .rou· .. beeo ..ma.,. for -"\:!,..-..,oil-io11cr ..._wim_.; .. ---... _,......,...,. • oriaiool Mu!D-Kwili 16-dior-"-•.. qoUft, ....... dtey !""' be uod ..,.._, or"'"'""' ... 4o - -loon ... r.lly...t- oble 10 sll ohooP.,.for-)007 ........ --- -. ... sad ""'for""' m Oolr $2.71,. .TURNER'S YOUR ELllCTRIC APPLlM«:E DEALER ' --' 205 W. ftb S&. -SANT.A AN& -PhOH ll7Z • Close of Business June 29, 1946 LIABILITIES Combined Capital and Surpl~ ·······-··-·-··-············$ 1,200,000.00 Common ... _$60(),000.00 • Surplus ...... :.$600,000.00 Undivided Profits 506,091.68 Reserves for: Taxes, Interest, etc .... ·-····· 208,778.67 Income Collected Not Earned ................... -.......... . 3, 130.96 Other Liabilities ................... . 28,257.81 • Deposits ·······--------·-·---· 29)712,371.94 TotaJ. _______ ... $31,658,631 .06 . ' I The First National Bank in Santa Ana Welcomes · Inquiries Regarding !financial Problems. Quick, Courteous, Confidential Service on Loans Makes It Gdod Busi- ness for You to . Do Business With Us. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE ·<X>JIPO:RATIO • ' • r -I • • • , I ._ -·--_ -------------------·--------....!"!!*!l*!!WWW:!!!!,J!1:4&;'~"!!1~"U"!!*!!I!!•!:••• JCsse& • ,. a. .. n T_,.,. l!lr e, !:"t . TIDE 1 ABLES Landi . d Church School P lan w·de . f Th . hfa Ftaellu's New A ard K·ddie ~ N~ ~~ • High Low Hlih IAw w 10 roLY, IMC or s Change Is Announced I n1ng 0 or~ug re a.pat Moored Off w I "' ~al l._~ (boys): .BIU7 c.z.. Are W ed ,,,., Corona <1e1 Mar eommw>11y De ds o I H s B~)'Sllore Drive Sh p • · peoter. J~ O.Tmnpie, o.nm 7 :47 1:27 .,. u :t• 3.4 0.2 5.6 2.4 Thll 8:28 2 :02 ,,.. U:M arn =l~~a!:tJ!:o: pen n yon ow oon A new :i-s fishermen ~t . ow r1z~ 5:terf?:u~= 3.5 -0.1 5.8 2.4 On R I me;.;::::;;· next Sunday., July M t St t• c L,1 D •it namrt the "Jig An' R<oel" and Wed d Wri&ht.1t::oyt, Belinda Bot· enta s ~~~·:n!~.:.,v;ru:~~ e er a ion an ut '>UI ~~=~~:~!1E.boa!= nes ay ~tit~·~:~: F 12 9:04 2.35 1:U LJ9 3.6 -0.3 5.9 2.5 s 13 9 :39 3:07 l :H S:ell 3.7 -0.5 6.0 2.5 Tw. .,. plaeM. 1D. ~ Of CICOiiii L&abt flS'Ql'W ...... : dart !lpns ... Landlords in the Newport Har- bor atta were reminded today by OPA rent officials in Santa Ana that ~ with control provisions removed. California law forbids (be faJslng: of renta or evlctiom of tenants without one month'• ootice. meeting In two sessions-at 9:30 (C<l<IUnued from Page 1l operating In the matter. Sunday. (Ool1Unued from Po&e I) Mi• Doro!tllY Keller of 8101' E. and 11 :00 a. m. During the sum· Another spokesman pointed out The boat was christened by children as they vied for the a~ Swi •3· Balboa, "'as adjudged Gregg W atson, director of the county rent ofiice of the Offioe of Price Administration, asserted that a statute in' Section 1946 ol. the CvU Code of the State re- quires a landlord to notify a tenant in writing that he is can- celing his tenancy or changing the terms of the tenancy. UU tlae tenant is on a month- to-atoatb buis the landlord ha to g-lve him a mootb'1 •otk:e (a ot ju.at SO days); lf p a •·eekly hula, he mmt five the tenant a '''eek's no- tice. Tb.is appli" to the rais- ing of reata as \\'ell u evtc- Uou." nie OPA price and rent control office in Santa Ana are inopera· tive, though standing by and emw ployes are-still on duty as a r esult mer months only one session will said he thought that Kenny had that it appeared that the Pacific Paul Fruehan, son of Capt. Frue-plause of the spectators. winner ol the $25 war bond tt, be held &nd that at 9:30 a. m. expressed a correct viewpoint of Electric company would not give h.an: It will be use:d for charter The ones in each of the divisions Mia Sb Monday night. Mia A nursery ~ be maintained the whole matter. the footage necoessary for the fishing and b ~ moored ln receiving the greater applause Keller W8:f no~ present to claim during the church hour to care for Mayor Reed, however, did say avenue project. H~ey's Yacht· Basm on Ba.yshore was told that a prize wouid ,be her aWIU"d; which ¥i-111 be malled the little children Df parenU who that the city was stymied fOT two "We can't widen Central drive. . -sent to the parents of the winner. to her. wish to attend the church service. reasons: one that the Paciflc Eleoc-avenue near the southeast bceause Capt. Fruehan stated that the After these selections were -~,------ tric Railway company had failed the Pacific Electric would not boat has an army surplus J-hull made Miss Sb\D'tz introduced the Manila Father, Son Team Snag 14 Barracuda On 14th Balboa Try The number "14" seems to be lucky for the Gerlachs of Los An- geles. A father and son fishing team, the Gerlac.hs, John and h.is son, Bill, caught 14 barracuda on their 14th trip to Balboa Sunday. The GerlaChs, who live at 343 \Vest 52nd street, Los Angeles, were aboard the "\\'aterwitch" and ofr the waters or Huntington Beach when the fish "'ere caught. They returned to Balboa. packed a box or fish in their machine and \\'Cnt home. The senior mC'mber of the Ger- lach family is a gasmaker and has been cmployd by the Southern Calirornia Gas company for Z7 years. to give the city a commitment and give the footage,'' aaJd tJi.ls spokes-and is powered wif..h OirysJer heads° of the royal families of t~den secondly, whether the widening man. "and we can't widen Coast ~yal motors. It a~tea three divisions, running by ages ,-----+--------~. was for appe&fance or whether it boulevard because the P.-E. depot e1ght persons in a tis~ party. from infants up to three-and-a- wa.s to be done to improve or re-is there.·· On a trial run off 14-mile bank half years old Thew Were ch08en Ueve the traffic congestion in the "lt's a tough deal," said another here fishermen caught four alba· in adVB.llce on the basis of health areas mentioned. spokesman. core and more are expected to be a.mi atfons conducted by local I! it was to relieve the conges-Walter Longmoor, president of ca_ught from the . boat on future ~ans who volunteered their lion of traffic between the points the clt~ber, suggested tha,t_ the trips, Froehan said. services. mentioned, the mayor said, then Balboa Improvement associltlon Street addresses of the winners the improvement of the avenue appaint a ~mmittee to discuss the L A A • were not obtainable from the would have to be done from C.oast matte~ v.,th .. Postmuter Kenny • • rt1st promotion group last night as only highway all the \\'RY to the end and CJty officials 'On what is be· names \\'ere announced. The royal of the peninsula. "If we can get ing done and what can. be ~one. families "'erE' bulletined as fol- a commitment from the Paciftc Postmaster Kenny aga.m pointed v COM Jows · Elc-ctric company, we can go out that improvement of Central •is•its · Supreme Division ahead,'" said Mayor Reed. avenue depended on how soon the King, Lester HarUord; Queen, Briggs entered the fray again telephone company completed its Annette Van <?rdcn: Pr~cc. Bobby I as the mayor finished by declaring ''"ork. H e said he believed the Shipman: Princess, Linda Car- that the city delayed the projected City of Ne,vport Beach could have Miss Dorothy Lange. of Los An-penter; Duke. Buddy Bishop; improvement on Central avenue the plans for the avenue project geles. noted contralto, visited her Duchess. DahryJ Ellis: Count. during the war on the ground read~ by next 5UflU'.\er. . sist(\r. ?.1rs . Harold Scranton. 310 Dennis Carpenter: Countess. Bob- that thC>re \\'as a shortage of labor Th~s delay met ~V!th disfav_or. Marigold avenue, this past "'eckt. by Grace Ross; Lords. Dexter and materials, and he repeated he Briggs thC'n said he behe,·cd 'l\lis~ Lange sang in radio at Beloite and Joseph DeTemple, und saw no reason for resurrecting that a progrl"ss report should be KECA and KMTR. \Vhile singing Lad;·-in·\Vaiting, Carol \Vedeking. that excuse no v.·. He said the made of "'hat has been don~ to at thC' Santa Barbara fiesta one St>nior Dl,,lalon present condition of the avenue is date by the city a nd committee yea r Vejar Vasquez, minister or King, Johnny Jones; Queen, INSURANCE • PROTECTS • • NEWPORT BALBOA F EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Quality Lumber and Build in g Material• • of orders received ~:Ionday from headquarters in \Vashington, D. C. Evl'n if the Office of Price Ad- ministration. is liquidated, Watson explained, employes and officers 'vould have to remain on duty to work out the remaining details of the closing. Volumt'.'S of documents and papers must be filed away and packed ror shipn1ent to ware- houses. where an official record of proceedings and schedules will be kept on file permanently ln case there is ever a need for price or rent control again. an eyC'·Sore. from ~he chambe.r of commer~. education of Mexico, invited her Sandra Bird; Prince, Michael Ask Aid He said hu!ldred~ of fX'Ople ha\e to sing at the theatre of the "Bel-j Loving; Princess, Barbara Gavin;. Mayor RC'ed did not answer the coin~ to his office to ask wh.Y las Artes" in Mexico Oty in 1943. Duke, Alan Messing; Duchess, remark. th~ improvcm<'nt of the avenue 18 She received such acclaim and de-Linda Clarke and Carole Earle; At this juncture, Theo McElroy,' being dcl~yl'd. mands for her appearance in Counts, Lindell Collins and Merle vice president of the Balboa lm·I \Velch interposed a rem~k to states of Thaxacalo and Pueblo in Pearson; Countess, Linda Stewart; 1.,..__;__; _________ .....! provement association. who also is the effect tha~ the st.ate highw~y l concerts and opera that she re-Lords. Kerry Statz, ?.fichael Mur· ;;:============~ Newport Beach , California BB Via Lido Harbor 1500 COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. a member of the board of directors I department might be interested l1l 1 mained for two years in Mexico. phy and Bobby Jones; Lady·in· • of the Ne\\'PQrt Harbor Chamber a plan to m~ke the avenue part I She sang in "Rigoletto" with I Waiting, Sandra Sherwood. Expert A ccounts uprned by the 10th of ihe rnonth ea.rn from 1he 1st R. E. HOSTET LER Pboae B MC!Oll 6015 of Commerce, said that his asso-o~ 8 state highway scheme,. runw Bruno Landi of the Metropolitan, lllfut Division • • elation sympathized with the views 1 ning from Coast boulevard over also,with Hilda Reggani and Ar-King, Bernard Hoffinger; Queen, Radie• ServJCe expressed by Briggs. Cen~al avenue to Palm avenue, mando Tokatian. Melitza Korjus, Janet Metcalf; Prin~. Terry Pho•e Beaeon 5818 Open lkt....,.. r..... ....... 1.1 ..... <?::JJalboa rket White House Cafe Mayor Reed then said that the crossing the f~'!Y· through Balboa star or 'The Great Waltz," sang White; Ptincess, Marie Wolfe; Newport Beach city engineer's of-Island to Pacific pathways. wit" her in the sextette from Duke, Glenn Meyers; Duchess, Ail- fice has gone as far as they" can Pr~sident· Longmoor . received Lucia. nette' Blank; C.ounts, Davis Gentry on their plans for the improve-unan1m?us approval on his recom-She is under the tutelage of and William Slemp; Countess, ment and are now awaiting word mendation thal Postmaster ~en-Maestro Fenazzano, former pro-. Llnda Hoyt and Kathleen Wright; from the Pacific Electric Railway ny's highway commJttee subnut a tege of Tetrazzinl, and expects Lords, Wayne Francis and Daryl company to see what it can do progress repor~ on . wha~ the Cen-soon to accept an offer to tour Dterich; Ladies-in-Waiting, Nancy about granUrtg the footage neces· tral avenue situation LS so that South America in concert. She has McGill, Marilla Nott and Micki Palmer Radio AND l'JUXJ'rlUO SO l Main Balboa, Callt. GEORGE D. BASSFIT ACOOUNTANT Monthly BookkeeplDg Service • Pllone Beacon 5824 Newport & Costa M- CAB CO. sary for the widening of the the chamber of commerce will been resting a year, recovering Dexter. " avenue. have the actual facts. . from .a serious illness with which Beaa ty Wlanen Kenny arose to paint out t'1at Mayor Reed then Injected the she was taken while in Mexico. A First place (boys): Lester Hart· 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the Pacific Electric Railway com-r~mark th~t the members of the concert tour is very strenuous, ford, Bernard Hoffinger, Dexter pany's commitment might come CJt?' coun~l fe~t th~t it "'~uld be she said. and one must be in per-Beloite, Michael Murphy, Michael any day. ''It is now in the top quite .a finan~al undertaking for feet health to undertake it. Loving, Bob.Py Jones, Johnny drawer of the Pacific Electric the city to improve the avenue Jones, and (girls): Judy Fuller , company," he aaJd. out of city funds. However, he Welch expressed the thought added, perhaps a litUe closer study Valued Rods Taken that maybe It the Balboa Improve-by the city council might bring ment association wrote a letter some change in the matter of their ROOFS Men-Women Pro$te - -Pelvis Do yoa .. we --t Paln9 la lees, pol.a or t.ck HO! W. Oealnl A.e.. Pbame -1-·J ., N ewport lleeeh to the P.-E. company the latter views on the subject. Theft of two expensive marlin rods and reels from the Bonnie Door moored at Christian's Hut Sunday night "'as reported by the O\\"llt>r, Dr. Frank A. Williams of APPLIED OB &EPAIB.l!D FN!e Estimates It ·Inspection . of bead f Are J'OU aervoua, Jnmpy, lrrltable and e~! Orowtnc old before 10UJ' Ume !' 8Upplng f Ban to pt op ntptaf • !....-----------''!might see the expediency of co- BATH.ING GIRLS • SUNDAY, JULY 28 AT THE FUN ZONE NON -P ROFESSIONAL Sponsored by Al Anderson and Gustlin School of Swim Entries will close by July 25th KIDDIE-FASHION SHOW Sponsored by THE BOBBY SHOP AGE LIMITS -Infants to 7 years old MODELS will fashicn exclusive designs turnlshed' by- TJDI) BOBBY SHOP REGISI1tATIONS will be taken for both events at either the Fun 7.m1e or the Bobby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDNESDAY 12 Noon to 6 P. M. Rldes6c Co•cesskllls Sc ----------- w. J . Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012·J Eva Comstock Leaves Sunday for Missouri P asadena, to the police on Monday. I'-------------· rrs YOUR GLANDS Our exolm.lve tedmlque iret. result. Miss Eva Comstock of 116 22nd George Newport and fa mily of 1. • street. Newport Beach, a soda F ontan a are at their <:<>ttage. 726 llllLLEY ~ REFRIGERnTIDU No pain, Surrery or InJeo- tlono. fountain clerk with the Hansen ! Wes't Ocea.n Front for the sum-ERVICE compnny Confectionary store at 2100 Ocean I mer. H Front, Nev.•port Beach. leaves -------------Sale. _ Eqlneerlnc _ Service " CONSULTATION FB.EE Call Harbor l l M for Appointment Sunday for Paris. l\1o., where she I 9%0 Oout BITd.., Oorona del Ma.r will spend the summer With her Carr's F eed Store Temporary Phone, Day 654 La· Dr. E. F. BeU, D . C, Ph. C. 107 22 nd St., Newport Beach 20 l'ears Spectalldnc In Gland.I fa ther, John Comstock. of that , guna Beach; Phone Night, 11:362 communHy. H ay and Grain --~~~~·'.lla~Bee~ch="---~~~~~~~~~~~= Ledger sheet8 at News·Times. Quality Feeds I For Your Home! DistiDKU)sh ed Good Looks •.• our permanent window awn- ings, door hoods. porch, patio and sun deck canopies pro- vide Mutmum Comfort. (The sun, beat and weather are kept out and the l.Wlt and breeze come th.rough) . For FKEE l:STDllATES can hATs+tvDDD A~ Co. ol Orup, Co. 111 ............ ¥. 8t. Am'' ~ ._ nlLlAToN laa.J -§-. Dally Delivery-Beacon 5245 1821 Newport 81\•d. COSTA MESA FOR INSURANCE SEE How•rd W. Genia h 1808 Newport. Boalen.rd OOllTA MESA . .....,. Beacon 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and C-tract Bondi Written A 11 ENTION ! ! - Ho11e and Boat Owners B•llders CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. _ ............. _ .......... _.., C. R. STA A F MOORING SERVICE . .t .t .t Moorings Buoys Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered . .t .t .t "Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 739-J for Prompt Service GORDON B.· FINDLAY CONTRACTOR AND BUO.DEJl Ottloo: M IO Cout Blvd. Plloae Barbor US CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MUJlWORK T. C. JOHNSON, Su~. --8-l'llono: -_,, BrektHt lenses D.,._llcated Gh•111 Ad"p4ed • rnmi. Bepalred .,. llzmU ell E. T.-Batterwor ~ O. D. Du-Owlul · ~-•• IAl II; 1 p '7 &11 Is:' j t I WING SANG· BOAT & +Am YARD ' 811 Cout BJsh~ 101 ftz•1. 81 n• ICU "' • ::: ;:.;:'z· ~ .. ilill I ..... , ..... .. ., .......... . • • • ... , -· . ' . . . (I . ' .X•4 . ·, .. ................. ••. ,, 0 $ ........ • I¢' ... . _, .. HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -.LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control \ . • • N&Wrowt ••rao& -Corona del Mar Clergyman Wartime ~ t := -=~ ;1_..ie_Sm_.tdl_t the_tape_K_~_Vllrious_Tlmeo __ ~ __ on.:._:'·=~=-=::...:·-:.=-=t'*==-=·.::~=-=-rilill-<_ .. _ .. Tells of Orphans of Nature Experiences ~ =i~~°7E yond tlje Weser rtwr, ·1o Bucke- Lut Sunday momlns the Rev. lie pup. All of them touched hu· A' T Id bent-A~ eveey place along the way PerTY F . Scbrocl< WU back In his mai> hearts. human oympathy, Al re 0 theie .,.. & military h!ihway. pulpit In the Corona dd Mar we drove aJonc the bichwaya I . Huge bl'!<lges. 1000 feet long and Community Oiuidl, .concretl•· meditated. Why Is it, that people 200 feel high, weno blown out, tlonal, after an aboence of four can be oo IDIM!d by ... orphan <Continued from Pa&e 1) The GErmans doing all this In weeka. During these four weeb: lamb or an orphan skunk cir an all the roads low and swampy. tbe.ir ef4ort to stop the Allies' ad- Mr. and Mrs. Schrock motored orphan pup and yet seem so indif· "We de • booby • tiapped the vance. l'itcLean said it would take East to \islt friends and relatives ferent to the m1lliona ot orpban bridges and mines to keep our-100 years to· repair the damaae and to attend the biennial meet· human babies t:brou&bout the selves from being k:Dled en route, done here by the Germans in their ing of the General Council of Con--world'!' We oucht not be indi.ffer-and got the British moved up to retreat. gregational Churches. They travel-ent to the cry of animal oc;pbanl. Briton, despite the fact that the ''We vere right in the midst ot ed u f&1 East as Ashtabula, Ohio, ot course. But l•t us not f.,..et Germans bad blown up the bridees re~ some or these brldees and Jennerstown. PennaylvaniL the human babies who cry for and the town wu ln ruins... when ~ war ended, and we com- The General Council meetina wu milk and are cold and homelea McLean said the combat engi-pleted one of them after V-E d.-y .. held at Grinnell College, Grinnell, and unloved." neers had more trouble removing Major McLean added. ' Iowa. the debris, and then they put the When! ·his combat engineen: The Schrocks have a house Bailey bridge into operation again moved Jp they found a German in trailer and they took it with them Coppe' rsm·1-th and took over the SUJTOunding dlarge ~ a locomotive and when and thus had their own hotel ac-countryside. The Ninth Anny was he refuted to m ove his train, .the commodations "Ai.th them. The then to the north of them . Then combat engineers took it over and trailer provided the subject for the the combat engineers was given movlf:d ~t back 60 miles. where sermon last Sunday. Mr. Schrock p• k d L • the assignment to step froward to they di'?ded it by cars in1'> three took as his subject ''Trailing the IC e egion the second phase of the campaip. units arf:I moved theD' ""' the spat velogue-a report of the trip. It shape Around Brilon. the comb'!! '{The by using cranes we took Ifs Always • COFFEE · IME At The • • • • D011uT&*wil SHOP FLE ' ' . ' . . 1· . Serving COF'F'EE &: DONUTS • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WA~FLES (with whipped .cream) • COMPI.El'E FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue llMP:I' i'llobolo Balboa Island Georp 8terlbls ()pea. Evml:Dp UnW 10 o'Clo$ w Closed • Wedneed&J Fertilizers Yard a nd Orcha rd Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions Trailer." The talk was not a tra· After getting all the roads Into Y.'hfr_e {ey needed a bridge. was rather a gathering together c d engineers were given permission German timber and put it in place of incidents and impressions that omman er to recross the Rhine. 'We sat I over th cars to make a bridge I :_ ______________ _: ___________ I 1 suggested li nes of thoug ht wor thy there at 8 p.m . and at 9 sufficie tly strong enoug h to car-1--------------------------- of Sunday meditation. o·clock ""'e got ord~rs to move to ry the 170-ton traffic that was'11---.!''--------------~------- .. I want to tell about some an· the Ruhr pocket." I mo\'i ng 'up beyond us.'' the major . Inquire at CARR'S FEED STORE 1827 NE\VPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA imal orphans \Vl' me>t," said l\lr Heading the gold braid for the \Vhen they reached the Ruhr, explained. local American U-gion post or th I · Schrock. "One night "'e parked c engineers received word that t ,,·a.~ impossible for the Allies the trailer in front of 8 farm Ne\\1>0rt Harbor for the coming the UppP river bridge must be re-to use the r ivC'rs because the house in Utah. We heard" the year y,'iJI be Earl Coppersmith of paired. 'The bridge ha d been debris t.f thy the allied bomb111~ Corona del Ma r. former l\'tarine bl I f h d bleating of lambs \vhen ,,.e arrived. O\\'n up by the Gerplans," Mc-o t e ri ges so cluttered up the We asked permission of the lady Oyer in the Paci fic, \vho ""'35 elect-Lean added, "and \VE.' \\·ere given I \\'at<'rs that travel \\'as impossible. e<l to the post of commander at t d "Th b of the house to park our trailer 1 , h Id 1 t \\'eek t the wo ays to put it in shape to e com at engineers '''ere and became acquainted \\ith the e t:'C.tions e as a carry 70-ton traffic:. So before still lr)ring to move this debris CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT ramily. Then Y•e learned about the 1 Le~;on ~ut . th . . r (' t daylight, Colonel Purcell and I \\"hen ~lc>ft." ~1:ajor ~1cl..ean said. I ·--------------------------.J I lan1bs. That young woman "''RS . ect to e position ° ~rs started rorward to look the situa-•·acror I left Europe, the other feeding 18 orphan Jambs by bottle. vicc-comm.ander \Vas John Daniels tion over. \Ve arrived two hours units o enginc>ers "'·ere preparing Sh<' fed them at r egular intervals ~nd ~tauric Stanle~ "·as balloted before our unit got there a nd stockadj:s for German prisoners of and she mcasurC'd the amount giv-into the secon~ vice-commander made a sketch. listing materials \Var. The Germans had taken their en to each lamb. She had four \ spot by the .Legion electo~ate. . that Y.'e \\·ould like to ha,·e ror the rolling ~tock into the rear, so that children of her own and all of the ~ther . 0.ffiC<"rs . who '''di beg~n repair job." ! the engineers had to take what duties of a farmer's y,tjfe. But s he their off1c1al dutt~s soo~ are ~tll Other units arriv<'d late in the lumber they could find as a sub- also found time to feed these 18 Bannl~tcr, chap~a1n : V.:-1lbur Bid-evening and firing was going on in stitute."' P. 0 . Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 'Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment ./ ,/ "llQl'I .t IWll.l. 1-l'lt TOIJ'IPW ''' nooun1011· Use Swidard ~ltry House Spray 10 kill mite9, deb and ileas. Comes·mu:ed, ready to use. A dime's worth covers more than 100 squ~re fttt and stays active for days. Aod use St1oclo ud Whire Oil No. 9 U.S.P. to ltop up egg production from list.less hens. Mix wirb fe•d. Ir'• non· irritating mineral oil thac bdps bowd movements. ~ Clayton Thompson ~ \Vholesale Dlstrlbotlon Phone 155 Res. Phone 1094 I Travel EXTRAS for Travel EAST MORE Daily Schedules MORE Convenient Departures MORE Scenic Routes Yoa get highway ttanlplm oa aGrefbow>d bus I Yoa c:an r> Baa any da1, ...., wa1, .Jl die wa1, by Greyhoaad. A cb<wk>a ol ,..,_ lea you go oae way, retum uocber ••• ,._ you -sight· II hg pie-, too. )fon dally d1~e!M, 1awokhe<lock depanmw ...U·k •llJr to mw 01 ,,.-OWD mn-iec>Cle. Get me. ttanJ -• : , .. ,_ COit dwa clrmag. Lee '10'IU Gieybow>d apit plu .,_ mp-<0mpletel1. ... .. ., ..... .... T ............. C' .......... w Db ....... ,. fll 0 ......... K I ~ •• ft..Jll ... Orf&•I • .... ,,., U.fwl-/ - (l. (l. SW AFFORD -808 COMt lllcbway -Ph. B-Mn -~-GREYHOUND orphan Iambs. die. finance officer; Vince Cusu-both sections where the combat ;--------------, "In Nebraska we saw another mano, sergeant at arms. . engineers were working. T he Ge.r-Boat Owners ••• orpha n-an orphan skunk. A 12· .Elected to the executive com-mans knew that the bridges y,•ere year-old niece was caring for this m1ttee were Ed Bucko, Phil H ay· out of commission. "We liberated. or han. She fed it with a medl-den and Dr. E_. T . Butterworth. engineering equipment as we went. · p dr Color guards wtll be C"..eorge Van ·ckln cine opper and she had warm p It d 8 .11 Th pi g up whatever we could blankets for it . No mother could e an 1 · ompson. 0 find : arc welders and searchlights, care for her baQy with more in· and put them to work. Our men terest and tendefness than th.is Opens Swim Class were perrect targets for the Ger- young girl cared for the baby Jack Griffiths, former swim-mans but they didn't fire at us, skunk.edln Missouri we became ae-ming insuuctor with the Navy :ork~~ could proceed with our quaint with still another orphan. and former life-guard captain We spent the night in a "\Va)'llde opened his swimming class Mon-Huce Spana Bl.uted. Park." When we arrived we were day at the bay beach at the foot Steel was badly needed, but greeted by a half-grown Collie of 19th street. He has recently none could be found, but the com· pup. I never received a wanner been discharged rrom the Navy bat engineers were successful in greeting. She just poured out her and lives at 114 l9th street. finding some at the Hamm works. affection upon us. She was hungry Individual instruction is given They put steel rails together and Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. • Everything for the . Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa M-and she looked as though she had · f found some other steel parts on at any time by appointme nt, or f no t eaten much lately. We fed her bo'h children and adults, non-cars ar ahead of the town. M and she slept under the trailer swimmers or those who wish to s;~oo~n~as~th~e_'L:'i.!'p.!'pe:...'.r~iv'.'.e:r~b'.'.r~id~g:e~w~a::_s'..':::==F=========:'_!_=========================~ that night. improve their swimming. • Phone 20'7 SANTA ANA • ""The next morning she was just as cordial as ever. We called her Orphan Annie. We couldn't resist her and \\'ished we could take her with us. She begged us to take her! Either she was lost or some one had deserted her. It did not seem wise to try to take her along but we really were sorry we could not. 1 "Her e "'·ere the three kinds of 1 orphans-orphan lambs. orphan skunk and Orphan AnnJe the Col- Nem·Thnel advertlsemonts an yo ur guide to efficient tpendina. ROSSI'S Liquor Store '700 Cout B1Pwa7 Formerly Gordon'• Dnll' Store Open Every Da7 VEN·ETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel -Aluminum ·Fast Senice -Free F.8tlmates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charg88 Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Phone Long Beach 453-28 Long Beach • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our' Interesting Sample and Display Rooms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carp!!ts and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1U!-Mala8L a-11u1a.u.- DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. D~EI.S ON HAND Beeiadlllo•MI Die•• • Umd wltll dM""8 ot ~ ..... • WI: AU WIUTINO OllDll:llll OK lllOBI' AND UD'T- llAND &OTADON mwac•• W"O& 'IWDt IN9r.AJ.,l,.A- DON& Cl&Olt'.S OF UDOCTIOJf mliI&. Oil &"": 185 '" P. Gaw ill 11Man N-. See 111 for lnfonnation on Venn Severin Dleaels Dielel o-aiar Seta ol All ..... • SI Offtce: Be•-~W US 1'fkw&i 8t. NewpariBticMI ~ ....... <' PBONJ!:S Sllcip a ';:C= a--sat a& • Co. Newpcw$Beedl ' • • Snapshot of sJ;cts.Sful Vacation! At left, the fam ily Ford, v•hich behaved like a Thoroughbred every foot of the way I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Here's hov• it wu/d have been-annoying delays, unex~c<l expense. Such a minor thing as a Vl·Orn-out fan belt can spoil your fun ---------------+---~----------- Do this I see this I Vfhere Y0 " .• llut the l!ooo ..... _.. Bebe die Bit Doy be dlOft his"""' "1iaCI< bome" oDd ubd for ""' ""I?'""°" dlockup I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·I "lladl ao-· it bea ·-sbop- fanl.cn.iood -=""Din. ming Ford ..tbollt ...i ....... iag rook j>uc ,.., Ford .. *po for • aip cbal ...a 11oppi11 • Immediate Service ancl fair Prices fro• THEOD_dRE ROBINS , ( 1118 W. o..tnl, Newpuri B•ell l 5C1a ... om.., Rw',' ct-B•ell ' • • • • • • lmnb• anC1 8nfJdlns Materials Bey District Lumber Co. -· l1ll . uoo••** wu a ........ • EALTH W1111 Fresh Daily Delldou.o -J"ooda Or, complet. equlpmmt when you want to catch your._. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH Biding Apparel and &ddlery, Engllsb and Wesiem Complete Uue of Wearing Apparel f or Men, Women and Children Ai Sherwin Riding & Sport Shop %05 No. Broadway, ' Phone 6722 Santa Ana • • I ' • Six Booked For Shooting _ fireworks OnM , ~:.:-'Nl& •• , 0H1c1r1 of D11t& Gmlilm Wan' 1 t Ads · F•t1d .. W.ner 5pl1:1r "-i~11d .ae.tJ, a-. of Newport natbor l~ao~-~~·:!..,~-~=~ .. The F ourth ot J uly Is 1tlll a day of Joyoua celebration and it can't be a real Fourth unlea then are !lttwwka. Flttworka are OIYIDbol- lc ot the period when tbe Amer- ican colon.lsts fought for and fi- nally "'°" their. independen<:f! from tyranny. However, in recent )"ears some municipalities have passed ordi- nances prohibiting the sale of fire- works and the shooting of them within the confines of the conunu- nity. Newport Harbor has such a law. But it did not keep six persons from·1 firing the p)'Totechnics on July 4. They were going strong when the strong arm of the law in the being of the Newport Har - bor police stepped in and ordered them to cease firing. Na-amo.1 <II Dolta 0------------SI:r. PAINTING -. -·· m!Jecl.ote rratem1t1. Ho..._-• ~...._-' . In Soutbem Callfomla for the II.. ...... Boat8l Tnlcb, Windows 32ncl national ---to be Navy Disdlarge w .... -a..u.un.. beldj at the Huntincton Hotel In ~ ~ and Pu'!'lm&' from July 10 to 15, ex-After two ~ ...-vice In the M, iLACIDIEYER Pl"••ed entbllliasm Wedneaday Navy, durin& wbidl time .he por-l'lllll w .. t Central afternoon for Newport Harbors tldpated In the invulon ot Iwo Har!Jar 1243-ll *• chum, beauty and n=eatlonal . 1----+---------advU>tages, a t a patio luncheon J una. Cleorce B. Hoffman, 1<>n ot et-In tbelr honor by the Or-L S. IJoffman, B0x 42, Newport aoge County Alumni Association Beach, .,... diocharged ·from the at the home of Mn. Walter Spic-Navy Jut week. er, ~bor Island Mn. Jean Teall Hoffman, who served u oox- of •uttalo. N. Y., national vice-swain, ia a graduate of Newport ~nt la a slater ot Mn. Harboi' High school and pla.m to Sp1oer. go to college in the fall. Eighteen Attending were Mrs. J . W. months of his sen;ce ·was spent Bingham, national president of overseas. Palo Alto; Mrs. W . K.. Holslnger, ------- first vice-president, of Oticago: Motorists Haled On Speed Counts Motorists cited for a ppearances in court on speeding charges by Ne'''port Beach police over the Fourth and week-end were: Special Lig ting Batteries We have a set of Heavy. I)uQ lighting batteries fer a 32-voll system. These are very rme bat~ teries, made to last from 5 to 10 years. The regular retail price Is $361.20; our price la $200.00. We also have many other tint batteries for boat or car at bargain prices. We specializt in batteries. Storey's Battery Service ....._ Westminster (between 18th and Magnolia) Costa ~lesa. California 52·211 And then they \Vere told that they might have to appear r.efore the judge to explain "·hy they Mrs. E. nel Smith, treasurer, of PhiJi'delphia; Mrs. L. R. Wilda- son4 secretary, Dayton, Ohio; ~ Roberta ;rAbemathy. execu- tive secre tary, from national head- quarte.rs at Columbus. Ohio; h1rs. Edwin F . Hill, province secretary from Berkeley; Mrs. La\vrence K . Reynolds of Emer a ld BaY, organ- , izer", and Mrs. Geor ge W. Feni· Jerry Don Hall of 213 Diamond avenue. Balboa Island; Robert Earl Barron, But"na Park ; Ber - nard Hogan, Long Beach ; Simon Leste; \Tan Kekerix, BC'llflower; George Tichacek. San Diego, a nd Elmer Edmund Richardson. Los Angeles. SHOES were shooting fire,vorks in viola-PRIZE-\VLV?l."ER. MJM Glyde Mayo.ant of Sl • Seavtew aven ue. tion of a city ordinance. Corona del Mar, shown abo\-e In her befiowered ho~ WN a warded The six gave their nam€:'s as four prhe9 fo r specimens or her l'Oflel and other dowers at tbe re- Richard Grable, 264 Broadway, cent. county fair. Ne"'port &ach; Paul Robertson. M1u Ma.)-ua.rd was &Mbtant librarian at the Poat library at tbe 429 Heliotrope avenue. Corona del Santa Ana Anny Air Baee. until Its recent clo91.oc'. She lo\'ft p.l'- Mar; Charles Vandenburg of 11 2 den.lnl' and t&kea grea.t pride In ber lovely now~Plioto by Gerhardt. Abalone avenue, Balboa Is land: ___________________ ..:_ __ c_ ___ _ Bill Ross Berry, 1967 Church street, Costa Mesa; Robert E. Berry, 512 Denard street. Costa l\>l c>sa, and Gerald Tripp, ~230 Thirty.first street. Newport Beach. Nicholas OJlpepper'' should hold the interest of all. The complete list of new books follows : more, recording secretary. of the Nursery School for VisualJy Han- dicapped Children, 2531 Fifth ave- nue, Los Angeles, part of Deita Gamma national project for blind and sight conservation. Orange County AssociatiOn Repaired While You Walt. Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front members present wer e :P.frs. James EternaJ vigilance is the price Kay, president, Mesdames Charles of liberty. And it is predicted we Eaton. E dwin Williams, C. W. will find the same price-tag on Dutton. Harold Harvey and Clem • -------------' peace. ""' Christie from BaJboa Island; H .I ~=========================::; Nut -tot 1111' ~ Oafo l&.DLlo l p.m. M. Wallingford, Mel Trickey and I ·- Justin Kennedy, from Santa Aana; Sea S tories Jack Houlihan of Midway City; Higginbotham, Wine for My Harold Cimeno of Orange; Law. - YOUR PAINTING DONE NOW! Brothers. and Vidal, Williwaw. renCe K . Reynol~. Emerald Bay. Mysteries Th~ yoUnger set was represented F r renc NacY, P rime Mln.bte r of Hunl'ary-"Russia has consider· ably reduced her troops in Hun- gary, although their exact num· ber is a mill tary secret. The Rus- sians bring their own food with L--------------------------'I them and do not live on the land." Books Offer Good Reading At Library Player, The Ingenious Mr. by Mesdames Hoxie Smith and Stone; Powell, Shoot U You Must; Misses Kay Morgan, Helen Fag- Roden, Wake for a Lady ; Scho-wel,, Midge del Bondie, Mary Lu field , The Cat ln the Convoy, and Smith and Marilyn Carlson. AU Highly Skilled Werkmen. ~ Journeymen Painters, World War II seek- PueL1c NoT1CES NOTICE NOTICE McDermand's "Waters of the Golden Trout Country" ls one of t he Intriguing nonfiction books on the shelves of t he Newport Beach Public Library. Higginbotham's "Wine for My Brothers" and Vidal's ''Williwaw" are among the new sea stories especially recommended for the reader. The Name of the- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: E. D. Goodell, Guardian or the Estate or Blanche H . Harri· son will sell subject to confirma· tion of the Suptrior Court of California. certain personal prop- erty including: one G. E . Electric Refrigerator , one kitchen range, one electric aweeper, chairs, tablet, beds and her beautiful dishes and antiques. The sale at 1Z7 Broad· way, Costa Mesa, on Thursday, July 11th at 10 A. M. For fur· ther information call Harbor 1699-R. 53-!tc Schofield's "The Cat in tl\f!: Con- voy" and P owell's "Shoot 1t You Muat" are two of five well worth r eading mystery novels. • I I NATIONAL RESEARCH & ·MANUFACTURING CO. Has Been Chang ed to • NARMCO, Inc. H . R. JENKS, Manager 1015 Coast Highway Phone Harbor 487 ART Burke's "Relllctanf Hussy," Mackay's "Great Lady," Mitford's "'The Pursuit o( Love," Saroyan's '1'he Adventure of Wesley Jack· son and Tyrrell's '"'The Affairs of LEATHER Hand Made and Personalized Bags, BIDfolds, Key ea- Hll>EAWAY 711 ()out Bl..t 8o. ~- • On tbe Patio J ust Soutll of the Cit! Hotel. Open Sundays MORE FREQUENT SERVICE Most bos ttrft.lenwill tell you the ooe thing diey value most about Greyboaod service is ia to•-;,,.,._ They like to be able to go .••• and come b&ck ••. when they-to. ' Greyhound iecognOrd diisimportant f:aa f from the narc •.. pla.._t ud Ml# MXOM· iogly. R.esulc G~today,ha built up ; a cruly •!Nixing freq.-:y •ot dailr -.ice ' lnNf-"-' ,,, .., ... .,., If~ 11-of buses, willingness to accept fuaancial risk ,, . and, most important, res! faith io die future of dieoommnnitiesG.eyhowldMncs. For Greyhound looks ahead, and often iA- cr-frequency of oenice Wfarw ii>aeeled Gtetboaod.ho•youc mmmunity. · · 1- eoo6deocr in ia progie. ..• &Dd will QID: 1Nmpwkti•I ' Thia llChinemmt io pab1ic 8STioe has needa io the JUD ab ad bTproming" bee-. aken~olpiocarnr'ag•peNnce,apw -&eci-1awiw chm ewe. -·~ Jla Tll a11T II Ill llltlll .•• llllT II lllTllall r PACIFIC -- -I GRIYHOUND -~ -.., ••• ( ' Stagge, Death's Old Sweet Song. 1'le luncheon afforde"d opportu- FleUon nit)! for a reunion of thr ee char- Bissett, The Beacon; Bridge, ter members of the Gamma Chap- Singing Waters; Burke, Reluctant ter at California University at Hussy ; Doner, Blue River: Fisher, Berkeley, Mh. Teall, Mrs. Paul Winter Kill ; Goodin, Clementine; ltf. Paine of Corona del Mar, and Howe, We Happy Few; Macardle, Mrs. Hugh J ewett of Bakersfield. The Unforeseen ; Mackay, Great Wlth Mrs. Jewett was her daugh- Lady; Miller , A Moth of Time; ter , Misa Helen Josephine Jewett. lttitford. The Pursuit of Love; recently returned from several Modell, The Sound of Years; years of active Red Cross service Moore, SpoonhandJe; Page, WU-in France. . your permanent go!ld will and patronage through the use of only 1st grade materials and unexcelled workmanship at reasonable prices. ~ PHONE L. C, BEAN 2645 derness Adventure; Robertson, The Orange County Association The Unterrtfled; Rothery. Balm will be CO-hQf.tess with the San ------------------+====== of Gilead; Saroyan, The Adven-Gorgol).io Association at an after- tw-es of Wesley Jackson; Sharp, noon tea for the delegates attend- Britannia Mews ; Street, Olrilto-ing 1the first convention assembly. pher Holt; Tellhet, The Assassins; P.~ Jack Houlihan has been ap- Tyrrel,> The Affairs of Nicholas paiqted chairman for the tea. Culpeper, and Winslow, C1oudy Al room has been reserved at Trophies. the Hun tington Hotel for use of Noo-F1e t1on the Orange County Delta Gam- Brodie, The Absolute We apon; mas. Mrs. Charles Eaton of Bal- Bromfietd. A F ew Brass Tacks; boa' Island is arranging tl"ampor- Hurok, lmpresarto; Loo, It Is tatif>n for those desiring to attend Dark Underground; McDermand, Shf! has instructed th~ desiring W aters of the Golden Trout Coun-transportation to call her at Har- try; McKinley, Old Rough and bor 2454. A record breaking at- Ready: Monaghan, Last of the tendance ls expected at the con- IBad Men; Peattie, The Pacific vention, the first since Pearl Har- Coa.st Ranges; Pitkin, The Best bor. Years; Pyle, Last Chapter ; Rosa, North Africa Speaks; Smith, The Housatonlc; Smith, Into Siam; Stimpson, A Book About a Thou- England now has 240 oil wells, producing at>out half a million barrels of crude oil a ye ar. They were drilled dw-ing the war by an Oklahoma contractor for the Brit· sand Things; Struther, A Pocket· fuJ of Pebbles, and Wilson, Ge- raniums. ish government. Going to You prohahly baV.. yoar diam h-aD worked out la yonr mlad -or -ylle your architect or OOldndor o.ln!edy ha prepared plus .., paper for you. ae.Alld&J Wiii baft • large pu1 la -..... ti.-al plwv B•lag -true. When you I'll Oftl' Ille Jlla!IS · wttb your lm!!cler he -. lllll'e to ... blm. about Ille ...... deftlop- m Ill la llcal 1bold lllbor •"flag and fac>. ..,. .. lleuiy. 0. lll•r Ill la evayllds& elodllcsl wlD he ~ .. iJJelp .... ...,... ..... -prab' • 0... -a•C.,_ -Y --a lo& al.,._ x .... ., .. , •MllJ" .. .. • " m-HOKll & GALVAI -4 · 1111 -U.011ll8lwi@ •m1811-1111 Miii ~ .. .. a w 0 •• a • ll a Ille• 04' a EJ.Fpl'RICIANS , • FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 1200 I Ml LE GAS p IP ELIN E * * * ASSURES AD!llTIONAl GAS SUPPLY FOR GROWING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OR -.y 11, .. ,..,_.Pew C•••h16-•H ., ... cwtntctMMt et • T•--CallfecMm ,.,..... protMf to M d""41l1 ... .t • ce.t ef ....,, th.. $70,DOO,DOO. leMtl ""' applialriMt ef S-....,_ c.liftinti9 -4 ~ C-..tin 0.1 C...,..U.. -· 8 p_. ........ 0.. c-~ ... ..,....,. h .. ·~ c.11 ..... i.· ....... .... ... •• ,,., ,, .......... w. ....,... .. , .... -· ..... ..... ''"' .................. 1"74. Futur1 su,,ty l Southern California has mn tht challenBt of fuN.tt with •ision aod darin1 tl'Uttptix: ConSltUctioa of a sptttacular t 200.m ilt pipeline to tnMpon a continuin& supply of natutal pi from rht Mid~tintt;'t f itlds in Texas has now bttn fully approved hf ~ ~ahfurru~ IU.ilromd Commission and the Federal Powu Commission. Cali· fornia gas companies will cormrun tht poniOn of the line from tht Ulifornia bor~r wesrwu ds, and ~ El I.Paso Natural Gas c.ompany, which will·su;ply dw gas.. w1U bWld the balance of tho Jo... I Southern California is jr>dftd fortunate in beiq.g_ablc to cap tM abundaor ractTC:S of tht Mid-Contin.rnf Fid ell The DC'W project will pur &owe a larp: volumc of pslno• bcin1 ~ fur lack ol a nwkict ... and •ill lft'l.tcr mtr'\'U &l'C' ariilabk for funut needs! • ' '. '-· ·~ .. -. -' ' • ' ' ·' -.... -.. -. ·~ -• • I -. ============:-:-~'===========-;;:~~;;;;;;:;;:;;·;·~·~-~~~·~·;·;-~;;-;;;•~+-;''·· ........ r 52 a ........ Mr' -..... 11 l!:MPLO~~~Yll~~~C~NT~· ~OP!~·~c~-~v~-=~·~1~u~·~·~·~·~:a~.1~.a~l'IJIO~~llll~=::::!·~ _...,~~~'l'l~MSll~~IT~~o~·~·~-~-~·§·~·==·~1roa m'I' u -1~·~·~-m.&n~~~~;;;~~~~.,~~-~~·~··~-~Y~A~n:~======· ~i~,~-~·~·~-~~§f=====-~ -----------: Steel Kitchens STAB SAU.ROAT. J--ROOM FOR REl'l'I'-Furnlsbed. fuRONA DEL MAR bome, ..... PRE-BUILT HOMES CO. GLASS TU8 ENCLOSURES di-and -point. Pbone to· man; cloR to bathroom. 516 bou9e, ,_,.1y completed '""" GARA. . GES _ UTILITY HOUSES SHOWER DOORS Santa Ana 4148 betw..., 8 a. Iii. 36th St. · ~2tp •lnlction, 2 -...,., bath. Experienced and 5 p. m. ~tfc living room and dining room. HC1MES Southern Counties FOR RENT-1"-o lo\·eJy rooms fireplaco. A gooc1 -··•ty lmmrdlale Delivery • A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Westminster Newport Heights 51-4tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St .. Coots Mesa 11().tfc PAINTING BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour • SEE MR. PE'l'l'Y" SOUTH COAST 00. NEWPORT BEACH S I C FOR SALE--New Marine Kobl.. In private home, between ocean ....,.... ·-- upp y o. Generator, 1!500 --32 vol! and bay. Pbone Harbor 1922.R. for a bu)'tt who -to ... .,.... 144 Cbast Blvd N. ·~ vise the finishlnJ: of a new home. Ph. 51152 , ·-·-· Be ch D. C, ret&ll ~ far this _.. 1 ~2tc Lar .-.--• pWit Is $516. We have 10 Jofl ge lot , In pieuant location. :13-ltc for c1earanee aale, '37'-Yeoltd WA!ftSDl'l'O llmlT U $10,000 Don't Miss The Boat Broe., 225 So. V<nldll, Loo""' WANT TO RENT-Garqe or Jf M. MUJ.ER ' EvefY"l1•'• aaytnc, Robbins baa &eJ<s, Phone EX. 0882. e.tft •l«a&e apeoe for furniture In 15th Central Harbor 1242 U S ......_._ Col'Oll4 de! Mar. Call Harbor ••1 th:.,:a,:i:-~ · aru1 '"""""" Fire Equipment Tests 2585-J. :13-2tc ---'----'-. ----~--tc-1 Robbin's, 616 No. Main CO.Two, Pyri:ueAFoam rdllla. WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. FRANK P. JOHNSON Santa Ana. Arcade Bldg. co. ~-b'Yl1 tem and Portablet unfUrnlshed ""'-· ww Jeue. Realtor ~tp now a.-•· Call Sam Porter at Harbor 70'1 W . C. Wagner, AAoclate ETS HOKIN A GALVAN or 13. 35-tfc 166fNewportBlvd Beacon~W SHABBY FLOORS 1000 Cout ffl&hway Ph. Beecon 5522 73-tfc APT ar SMALL HOUSE wanted Made Beautiful llUSIOAL • BADIO M by man and wife. We c1o not Take off old. grimy vami5h and 1 =:c-::=-==--=-==--=:-:-..,.---:-~ drink or anoke. no children or get down to the lnsh, clean grain PIANO FOR SALE, $150: In A·l pets. PbOne Santa Ana 0991-W of naturally handsome wood. condition. For information call or write Box "'X" Newp::rl Ba1- Harbor 2579 or Beacon 5209-W. boa N ..... nme.. 37-tfc SPECIAL ~room. 2·bedroom stua:o, Jarce living and dining rooms, with real rU'eplace, hardwood noon throughout, large guest room NEWPORT .HARBOR REAL ESTATE w ' A REAL BUY in a modem, attractive of pre- war coostructioo. A roomy, two--one-story house, with basement, dining nook, P}t .,_ adjoining guest house with two-bedrooms and hi.th. Excel- lent harbor view from Newport Heigh~ TIIlS IS A DISTINC'l1VE HOME tha has an ex- ceptional view site on a well located , utilizing three large lots. For inspection of house and fum. ishings call Hub Powers, at Harbor fl2-W. Price $30,000. Tenns if· desired -r J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Island · Ferry I;inding 53-ltc U Years Service In Newport H•bor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTIL\CTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J Rent Our Hiloc 53-ltc Sanding Machine FOR SALE-King upright piano. WORKING Mother desires room tor self and 5-year son. Would like kitchen prvlileges or care and bosrd for child although not necessary. C&ll Harbor 2551 8 :00 to 4 :30, Beth Wilson. In -rear. _Cement Doored cblcken REAL VALUES house, ']'ce Yard with plenty or LAGUNA BEACH bome, 2 beol- rooma, 11> baths. One al cbcJlo. est locations in Laguna BeedJ., with ocean and mountain view. Room on lot for additional house. Ready for lmmediate ~ cupancy. Two -car garage. Charming patio and ganlen. 51-tfc -and do it yourself. White, $100.00. 255 Diamond lawn and flowers, close ·to 2-bedroom home. Fireplace. Large school ~d shopping. level lot. Coed district. A Z74 E. 19th ~treet U.t1t WANTED-Woman. experienced in general housework for two days each week. Phone Mrs. Lang. Harbor 614 or call at 605 Via Lldo Soud. 53-tfc East to Operate -Dustless Harbor 2139-M. SJ..2tc Burton's Paint Store FOR SALE-Bargain, small studio ; $8750 steal at- $5500 Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Phone Free Estimating a(.acon 578Q...J 47-tfc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement \Vork of All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Ne":port Beach 51-Stp FOR A RELIABLE Paint J ob on your home. call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. 10-t!c PAIN"TING -PAPER HANGING and DECO RA TING H. E . ?.1r f>onald 414 Old Conty Rd .. Costa ~tesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tf( TRAX~P()RTATION 18 BICYCLES . Sold, Rented or Repatred. VOGEL'S 100 M.aJ.n St., Balboa 208 M&rlne, Balboa bland. 94-tfc lll!AtrrY AJDS 11 YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are a vaila hie to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave .. Balboa 514% N. Main St .. Santa Ana or Ask the operator for the C!Uer Operator Newport Blvd. near 16th Street upright piano. F\ill keyboard, · 53-4tp Income and Home 53-t!c walnut finished. $125. 212 Ame-REAL l'!llTATIC ., Large lot lOOxl!O, 1 ·block from FO=::R-:::S-:-ALE-c:-::~-:M:-:--an-:,,...,-P-...,-.-w-ar-,-b"l,...cy-. thyst, Balboa Island. 52-2tp -------------Newport Blvd. Bldg. on front FOR S.ALE--Chicken Fryer plant, 'Would make ideal nbrhood cle: just like new. H eavy duty tires, $50. 512 38th St., New· porL 52-tfc Fire Place and Kindling WOOD Delivered H. W. \'llUGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Ne\vport Blvd. Jus t Arrivefl Freeh H e&rlng Aid BATTERIES Gundel'80n Drug Co. ~tfc 117 1\'fain St. Ph. Harbor 515 flO.tfc VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum steel, wood. Call us for free esti· mate. Renovation & refinishing So. Coast Venetian Blind Co., West 18th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5355-W. 38-t!c FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle. Pre· war model. 28-inch wheels. Ph. Harbor 1146-R. 1409 West Ba> Radio Repairs All makes; tubes. etc. near Barstow, output 1200 fry-grocery, beauty shop, etc. Large ers per week. Excellent equJp. 3-room modern apt. ln rear, Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON Two modern houses. Good water over extra large double garage. supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. This prOperty is an extra good 915 CQast Highway, Newport 52·2tp i!lvestment. Only- . 23-t!c RADIO HOUSE CAL!.S- Now that additional competent technicians are aya.ilable. we are able to make sirvice calls on large consoles. All work guar- anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, COSTA MESA 123 FLO\\'ER ST., home or busi- ness: 8 large rooms, 5 bedrooms. double garage. lot 50 by 150. 1 block to center or town. Im- n1ediate poss., $13.000. Owner. 52-tfc S.O.S. Radio. 300 Marine 1-\ve. FOR SALE-In Newport Beach: Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc Lots 18. 19. 20, Blk. 44, River REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir-Sec. $4200, for all three. Write ror-Piano. This is a real bargain. O'-"'ner, 439 Naomi Ave .. Ar- Other used pianos as low as cad.la. 52-4tp $85, $87, $125, $175. DANZ-OWNER MUST SACRIFICE SCHMIDT PIANO CO., 520 No. beautiful home on Balboa ocean Main, Santa Ana. 38-tfc front. Building just completed, KNABE Grand Piano, watnut case. has never been occupied. 4 large Famous Knake tone. Also Weber bedrooms, 3 tiled bathrooms, 3 Gr.and, Sohmer, Schultz. And firpelaces, ample clost and cup- many other famous makes. board. space. kitchen modern in DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO co., every detail. Inside barbecue in $8500 N ew 6-Room Home 3-bedroom in nicest r esidential section of Costa Mesa. Large fia-place. hdw floors, lots of tile in bath and kitchen. Closet space galore. double garage. Vacant move right in $12,450 Overlooking Ocean 1 full acre 4-room house in very clean tj:indition plU5 1-room apt. in rear with bath and kitchen, barbecye and· cement walled patio, garden and chix equip. $10,500 New, one-bedroom home. Larg~ living room. Nice kitchen and dining room. Hardwood and tile. Stucco construction. 1-car ga- r age .. This is really a good buy. Better hurry! $7350 Nice modern 2-bedroom home. Tile. hard\\'ood. and automatic furnace. On a business frontage lot. Close in. Nicely landscaped ">ith Oo\\'ers and shrubs. 1-car garage. If you arc looking for a business and home location for the future, don't fail to S<.'e this buy today. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A . NERESON REAL ESTATE Insurance and Business Opportunltles 1972 Newport Blvd., C.OSta Mesa Ph. Beacon 5226 -53-ltc '$11!,000 J.M. MILLER 15th and Cerltral. Harbor ~ 53-ltc John D . Burham 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula --- 2000 OCEAN FRONT 1-story a nd a half, 2-bedroom. bath, large room upstairs for guest. living room, fireplace. kitchen, bedroom and bath over garage, w.all heaters. 2004 OCEAN FRONT 1,-story and a half, 2-bedroom and bath, large room upstairs for guest, living room, firepl-.ce, ~ining room, kitchen, covered porch With barbecue, lawn,, BALBOA HOME-very attractive flowers, bushes, bl'lck walb, 2-bedroom house, tiled batl;l picket fences swTound.ing eacbc COLD and MACHINLESS WAVES noting and Manlcming Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 17~W Vi's Beautv Shop Southern California Telephone Compa11y (2.tfc Ave. 52-2tp WANTED TO BUY 11 WANT TO BUY-Will pay cash 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. dining room. Owner going east 38-tfc within week and has set the price below actual cost of con- SEE the new style world famous st.ruction for an Immediate sale. upholstered pianos. Many colors Ready for immediate occupancy. , 1/2 Acre On Comer S.:room house plus dbl. garage with guest room. On west side . with ocean view. Vacant, move right In. and kitchen, bricked patio with beautiful unrestricted View of play house ~d flower be:<fs· ocean. These houses open dally fenced for pnvacy, A charming for inspection. 52-tfc and comfortable home, ready for possession at close of escrow. llONft TO IA>.&N M 1103 Coe.st H lway, torona del Mar B_AU: ___ Ml_SCELLANEO _____ u_s __ so_I for good, cle8.Jl used car. Phone Htg. Beach 3521. 52-4tc 35-tfc =c~~~~~-~----·I -----------~ FOR SALE-Goodyear Bicycle, !I nearly new. balloon t1res. Bou- quet Shop. 409 North Broadway. Phone S. A. 1990. 53-2tc LOST Al\'1> FOUND WILL woman who found Bulova wrist ""A'atch in Balboa Fun Zone call Miss Battle, Harbor 1169-J for reward. 53-ltc EMPLOYMENT WANTED 28 FOR SALE-75-piece Haviland china, floral design. Phone 10, 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. -52-4tc RELIABLE child care, day or FOR SALE-Double decker single evening. Call Harbor 1408-J. beds, springs and mattresses. 53-2tp $10.00 complete. 500 E. Surf. _W_O_R_K __ W_A_NTE--D---P-ain_ti_n_g_su_-Balboa. l 52-2tc Will Pay Cash For your turntture or what have you, Phone Beacon 5656. Craw- ley Furniture, 1812 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 48-tfc CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON SSJB.J. 23-tfc FURNITURE FOR SAU: perintendent. with 25 years ex- perienc.?, desires connection with 1ari:e building contractor. I have my own truck, commer- cial spray outfit. ladders, drop cloth, brushes. Good reference. Call Harbor 8701-J-2 from 1 to 5. FOR SALE-Nearly new bed dav- enport and chair : light maple FOR SALE-Swordfish rod, reel finish. 15 Bay Island. mornings and line complete, $8.5. John T . after Wednesday. 52-2tp Sympson. 512 38th St.. New- JX>rt Beach. 53-tfc RUGS FOR SALE-Gray, 2x7, S3; 2x6, S3 : 4x:7, SS. 255 Di amond. FOR SAI.F 4 ft. electric refrig-Harbor 2139-M. 53-2tc erator. good condition ; one ----- Simmons single bed, springs BOATS. SUPPLI:r..S to choooe from at DANZ-$43,500 SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. J M MILLER Main St .. Santa Ano. We also • . rent pianos. 38-tfc 15th and Central Harbor 1242 53-ltc STEINWAY Grand Piano. Malloe-1-:::-:-=-=-=-:,....-:===-==-=-- any case. Beautiful tone. Med-BALBOA PENINSULA Jum size. DANZ-SCHMIDT LOVELY Cape Cod ocean front PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, home; large living-room, fire- Santa Ana. 38-t!c place, barbecue. complete Iand- FOR SALE-Marine radio, direc-scaping. Brand new. Immediate tion finder, 3 band, 6 volt fisher. possession- Nearly new. 509 31st, Newport $20,000 Beach. Ph. Harbor 25T7. 4l·t!c DOGS, CA TS & PETS DOGS-AU breeds. stripped, clip- ped, and bathed by AX.C. li- censed handler. FTee pick-up and delivery service. Send card. Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- settia Ave. Corona del iru. 52-t!e BALBOA INCOME-4 unit Apt. house. Ex- cellent condition. Two blocks from business center.: Imme- diate possession- $17, 750 49-tfc and mattress. 216 E . Bay (up--F-O--S----6-------SPECIAL ANNOUNCEME!>'TS Sil WANTED-Ironing and care for stairs). 53-ltp R ALE-1 ft. ca!l()(', good _ CHARMJNG two-bedroom home; CORONA DEL MAR children evenings. 309 Marigold good condition, reasonable. Ph. WANTED-~tooring or slip for 24-four years old ; fireplace, floor Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor FOR SALE -Baby's wardrobe. J-farbor 2393-J. 53-2tc ft . boat. Phone Harbor 781-J. furnace. Completely redecorat~ baby buggy and fancy baby bas-ed-1023-J. 51-lfc sinctte. and icebox:. Call Beacon FOR SALE-Brand new 12-ft. 53-ltp WORK WANTED _ '{Nona girl 5466 1251 B d C plywood boat and 3 h.p. motor. ---e • . roa \\lay, osta Be 5482 R 53-ltc baby sitter, 50c per h~. Trans-l\1'esa. 53-ltc aeon -· portaUon needed. ]"lar. J.551-W. FOR SALE-Two new steel foJd-FOR SALE -Large unsinkable -"="===-,------52_-4_tc ing cots with mattresses, never canoe. reasonable. 116 41st st UCENSED boat operator, me-used, $15 each . Also child 's Newport. 52-4tt: ch.an.le, cook. chauffeur; live '.'Taylor Tot" walker. S5. 221 \VlLL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip in aboard or ln. \\'Ill take over Santa Isabel. Costa Mesa. \Vilmington for same in New- work on "returned" boe.t. Wife 53-tfc port Harbor. Call Erwin Pierson available as maJd or house-I -;;=-:::.,-;--;:--....,,.-,--...,.-,,--.,.--I at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc FOR SALE-Eastern built house ~eeper. ~Vrilt~77 Bo6 x R or 52phon3 e trailer and new cabana, sleeps 6. ALL PLASTIC 12-ft. 110-lb. TOP orman Y · -tp located on bay, Newport Beach 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER. ZMPLODIENT OFFERED ZI Trailer Park. \Vrite owner. P . Immediate delivery. Other n1od· FOR SALE-Very nice 18-ft. 6-in. boat. six passengers. perfect condition, with trailer, $2800. Phone San'ta Ana 19-J. 53-tfc WANT TO BUY-Snipe or small class sailboat. Phone Harbor 2767W. 53-ltp FOR SALE-16-ft. sloop, small cabin, 5-ft. beam. excellent con- dition, $195. 215 E. B;1y, Bal- boa. Phone Harbor 2289-J. 5~2tc HELP \VANTED-lst class pa.int-0 . Bo.."'t 806. Balboa or phone rls soon -d!nghies. sailboats. R~t ENGINEERING .CO.-Jvta- er. Sympson & Nollar. 512 38th Harbor 2056-R between 9 a.m. runabouts, cruisers and padd1e-rine machinists-machine \\'Ork S t.. Nf'\VpOrt Beach. 52-tfc and 4 p.m. 53-ltp boards. or all types. pick-up and deliv- FOR SALE-Pr ti 11 Plastic \\'ater craft Co. ery service, dock facili·u·es '"hile HELP \VANTED--Laundress. one ac ca Y new port-407 E. Central, Balboa " day a ¥.~eek, have ""A'ashlng ma-a ble barbecue. All metal. Phont' Phone Harbor 2673. 53_ 1 tc tmder rE>pair . \\'ill do work any chine, telephone. Lido Isle. Har-Harbor 2423-\V. 53-ltp . hour ni ght or day. Located at bor 1912. 52-2tc CAN DEUVER Mason or Kerr Three 50'x12\!:'x3~' Shain 'Trim-Central Boat \Vorks Yard. Rhine menhlp" express cruisers. round Channel. foot or 31st St. Phone $15,750 COSTA MESA F1VE ACRES on Santa Ana Ave., small house, barn. Real buy at- $10,500 BALBOA PENINSULA CHOICE bay ">iew lot, 40x80 ft.- $8000 JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St.. Balboa Phone Har. 2034 53-1 tc For Sale by Owner Corona de! Mar SALES~·(EN -Advertising cam-preserving jars, 1 qt. size, 40 bottom, t'vi.n Chrys1e.r Royals. Harbor 287-J. ·pa.ign nov.• in effect. Excellent dozen; 2 quart size. SQ dozen. Built in 1943 by best Seattle ...,==----------I 3-bedroom house on 4 lots, fenced, opJX>rtunity if you qualify. Ap-Phone Harbor 189. 53-ltc S\VIM?\IING IN 3 LESSONS 120 feE"t of frontage. Very large Ply Miss Van Liew 508" No FOR SALE-'! . ~ r 4 b 'u'ards. 6f,\'"4• hlivindrg accommh oda-$7.00 living room, 12x22, real fire- , ..,.. • i• ag1c \..Ill' -urner om. ea oom t ruout, piece. All hardy,·ood n ... --. Very l\1ain SI .. Santa Ana. 52-Stc A tm h $lSOOOOO ch ~-37, H ' 1 Art of Swimming, Front and uu • .,. gas range. par ent · ouse • · ea · ' .... o igg ns Back Crawl Strokes, large kitchen, all ti1e around $9250 3-Bedroom Home East slde lot, 65x330. Oose ln. $8450 Newport Height.'! New 3-b:edroom with nice View. Hdw. floors, nice yard: Sundeck on top $12,450 FOR RANCHES, 1 to 10 ACRES See Us Today. Two Specials Priced to Sell. MANY MORE ... COME 1N AND "TALK IT OVER" · -Open Sundays- FRANK ,P. JOHNSON . Realtor 1664 Newport blvd. Beacon 5434-W 53-ltc BALBOA ISLAND home, especial- ly designed for a yacht owne-r. Private pier and float, storage space for ship's gear, 70 feet frontage on south bay, 3 bed- rooms, 2 baths, enclosed lawn for privacy, 2-car garage, de- tached servants' quarters. Mate~ rials and workmanship in this lovely home cannot be dupli- cated today. Occupancy at close 1'f escrow. Courtesy to brokers. By appcintment only. $65,000 J.M. MILLER 15th and Ce[ltral Harbor 1242 53=-ltc Costa Mesa Lot 50x155 ft. lot located 1 blk. west of Ntwport Blvd. I · $900 Costa Mesa 2-. house with aleepfn& on east side. Rooms are large. Dbl. garage. $!i650-1/2 down A bargain at-~ WILL LOAN you money on nnt $16,500 or second trust deed on personal J. M. MILLER. property providing you will rent me your houae. P . 0. Boll 111112. Santa Ana. 52-4tc 15th and Central Harbor 1242 53-ltc A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102-M LOANS TO mm.D, buy, tm- modemiu o~ reftnanc.. N-rt Balboa Fedora! 11&"'- &Dd Loan A9odaUon. 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor ll500 AUTOMOTIVE A TIRllll 11 T d • S • J FOR SALE-'40 Unc:oln Zephyr O ay I pec1a sedan, 2500 miles on new motor, Newport Blvd. Home new brakes, 5 new tires, perfect and BUSINESS BLDG. shape throughout. Priced low 28 ft. x 28 ft. with 11ving quarters. at $1650. Call evenings, Santa House in rear, with little fixing Ana 2416-W. See it after 6 p.m. could be made into good rental. at 1404 So. Main, Santa Ana. This is a splendid propertj. Ex-53-ltp ·cellent location. Quick possess. -----------_; Only $11,000 Nearly New 4 Unit Court 3 UNITS_....-eompletely furnished, 1 unflIT'ii. Corner lot 150 ft. x 165 rt. Beautifully landscaped. In· come $157.50 per month. Room for 3 more units. Close in E .side, Costa Mesa. Very neat and at- tractJve. Only $19,950 11/1 Acre Ranch 2-bedroom house, barn, chicken house, price- $4750 Newport Blvd. HOME and BUSINESS S.:room home and garage. 50 ft. frontage. Close in to Cos"ta Mesa $14,50G--$4500 D o wn Open Evenings and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON 469 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5102-M SJ.ltc RECAPPING Recap All Five Tires In One Day Wheel Balancing Sectlion Work LESTE RS O.K. Rubber Welders 2900 W. Central, Newport 46-Stc AUTO SERVICE NOW HERE Your authorized Ch.rys.Jer- Plymouth· Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance .. Expert ?.f echanics Kendall and Quaker State oDa HELP WANTED _ s--t·~. size. Excellent condition. Ph. rescue launches. Double planked Se Les $ 5 00 si'nk, Inlaid li'noleum, lots or ~< -, H bo 2038-J •• 2 ven sions 1 . -BALBOA ISLAND hOme, furnlsh- stcnographer. experienced and ar r . ~ tc bottom. 250 h.p. Hall-Scott In· DAVID RIGHT cupboard space. Tile bath. pre-Lido Isle ed 2-bedroom, bath, fine loca· int•llige:nt. See ?.tr. Wright at FOR SALE-Two-wheel utility vader engine. Built tn 1944 by Balboa Point Hotel war fixtures. Bedrooms 12xt4, 35-ft. corner lot tion, close to bay, large bricked Bank of America, Ne,.._, Bcb. trailer. $&!: new two-burner gas Wilson Boat Works. $3500 esq,. 1115 E . Central Ave. 49-Btc 9"12, SxlO. Furnished with 3 $5000 patio and garage. An attractive Branch. 52-4tc plate, SS: riew door with chrome Ph. L. B. 475i7. 47-Stc bedroom suites, no linens; ktt-be ch home -------------50-tt. frontage of inlJdre Iota a with great piossibil-\VANTED--Women with produc-hard"·are; kitchen doubJ~ faucet, 26-ft. speed boat, pawered wtth SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON chen table, 4 chairs, automatic ities. Ready for immediate oc- tlon experience to do rod wnp-swing •PoUt. 1612 First Ave.. Chrysler Ace Marine engine: $3.00 gas stove, Ice box. 2-plece $6000 cupancy. ping work. Apply in person at Corona de! mar. • 53-2\c 3 coclcplts: thoroughly overhaul· Ctawl 1troke In three Jeaons $7.00 living room set, 2 floor lamps. -I J M MILLER National Research Mf&. Co. 1015 FOR SALE-one oak dinette set. ed: In water now at Alamltoa DAVID RIGHT Small outbuildln&, 9xl2, finish. 67-ft. Lot iSth .,;d Central Harbor 1242 O:>ut Blvd. Corona del Mar. four upholstered cha1ra. us.oo. Bay, $2850 or trade ror cabin Balboa Point Hotel ed .. card eueat or party room. Betweei Colla Mesa and Newpoc:t I ' ~ltc NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORs 2616 W. Central Ave. Phorw Harbor ~ ~ PAINTER SMALL BOATS Experienced 52-tfc One victory model _,-tment type boat. Courtesy to brokers. 11l5 E. Central Ave. 49-$tc House newly decorated Inside, on Blvd ~. $30. One 9xU rug, $25. Write or call Jim Wlbon, 351------------will furniab labor, matorlal and $4500 Fd>R SALE-Two lots Udo Soud.i:;;===:-------_,,,, One SJnger .....tng cabinet. ru. Santa Ana. 1.<>:ig-Beach. 51-tfc Carpentere Available :,::,.,o~~ f;;'; ~~-~ "'" _ ~t oenter wa1.k. -end. ftADp+ 11 Good Wageo---Overtime W at&ln Boats 611 Coast Hl&hwty 53-ltc HELP WAl'o'TED-By hour, ....,. man far ceneral hooseWork. HOC So. Bay Front. Balboa Ial· and Harbor 754-W. 53-2tc One larce two--1-FOR SALE--46xl3 party flablnc for 1t>l6al maiJ>-place mU1t be ... n to be a~ "'1 A F. RHODEN OO rt. frontage. CaD KlmbaD TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do J011r trailer' with l2x2l tarpaulin. boat, suitable albacore and and ~ dated 616 Narciaua Ave., Ra!tor 'T151. 51-4tc own baulmc and """1nc. All 7:00xl6 tires. Sl25. 442 San Be<-mackerel 13.5 gross, under ~ Corona •·• ~--For ppolnt "'lO ?f Blvd, Coo1--new ~t. $2.25 and $2-'0 nanlino, Newport Hahta. 52-4tp ton net, will license ror 33 pua. O. Z. llOllEM'llON ~ ~-a -EL....., D ~ ~-FOR SALE 2-bedloom houle, un-per da;y. We fUnilab the llltdL or haul 10-ton commercial fllh. Call Harbor 83 ment phone Harbor 67!hl. •• -· ' ™ fumiSbed. M!5llO. 1652 West-ll)'ttbn -Seulce Statm; Order Your Ing. Nearing completion. Phone 3'-tt.! ATTENTION BROKERS! Pit.I Bea ll713-R mlnlter st., Newport Helatrta. -· l'fthA J ewportlllvll.,Obota Servel Harbor 1580. 52-2tc 53-ltp 53-ltc .-~ltp x-_ . - Gas Refrigerator FOR SALE-Beautltt;l C\lll<lm KEYS --Real--In-v_estm __ e_n_t __ ---C+-0-S_T_A......;.lMES--A--'Uble Wil-11.&Clfllil Wil-• Now built &-ft. ten""'. Plywood Ma-Kac1o WU. Y'"' Watt Opportunity ' On ~-double comer, ..... -------------'=..:;_=::;::, =---_,......:: at Vogel's . hogan,y tnnsom and trtm. IOlld voaa:a 1.arge •""""' ,_, buUdJn& res1c1ence. 1 tront rocm WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS 100 Main St. Harbor 145 br.,. fittings, oars Included. $90. lOO -flt.. Balboa 7 Cabins, Gu Station 14xlll I uaed now u t-m-. 52-tfc Owner 701 M~d Cu-ona del J08 -· ---On Jarce corner 12:5 frontace 8-~OT 8-court bulJdtnc with and wm ·Pay Top Prices W ANTED--'Dri....,... for dry clean- ing route. Good real foe r1Cht men. Apply Men:ury Cleanen. 1844 Harbor Blvd, eo.ta Mesa. Auto Batteries Mar. lfarbo<' 804-R. 51..Jtc -on HJ&hway. Price ooJy two I '<et ... tr-. 1 b1JL frcm WANT TO RENT-Fl.,.t or an-roa RENT u $30,000 -te al -. Place to U..., !EJ.J. YOVR Cl\R NOW cl\orag• apace for 16-foot sail· for quid< sale. wltb -bi-to-t ' Wbll9 Prka U9 lfta:li boat. or will 111aro -of boat FOR RENT-In Newport. 1arp W. J. Holcomb $21,600 Pl-. for aur ---,_ _ _._ ...... -n __. for U10 of float. l'bono H. W. room with bath and Id-tie. _ --.,.. ....., ,...., ,.... ..,.. ~-.. •-'--•-·•·•-2614 use al beach and clock. Far Esdullve Aa<nt JI ~ P. v,..~ey idwlw 1'1111 ...., .... OPA. r111&1••-. ...e..e · ->ll~..-4~. ~~ • summer moathL John D. Burn-1517 CoMt Hl--.y, Corona diel Kar ,m._11& i*lc& lllll anez•• d -H•• ---. 5l-4tp ham. 2001 ocean Blvd... --tbe Flap Fl7 o.t -. · · iiieo)j1.:crT'°CCHiWARn1iiERS~i==i'671-i·rt.~art>iiC.,.;;;;:_ Phone Harbor sis. :12--2tc 53-2tc Phone 402 -a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET ·00 Inc. er; accommocS.tiom far 8 ; ------------•Uc Q · , _.(I-., •·-_ _._ ·~t<d. po --_.._ ~ Bell -an-•rt-id•f·"L;ijj;f-;;;;-;;J~;;.n;;;;~1 --•-• '"oD. 8 -a<.----r .. r~ -·---~ • -0 14R Wl&.•01 =711'-..... / Box -Ba1boo. 51-4tp N""*"~ lkO!cl> ~·---at_,_, I~ • ----IJ -,-.._ ·~ .......---..-..-'"' I •• ' 53-4tc Rubber Seporab!n -BELP--W-ANTED--' ____ Elc_""' __ l7_mon __ .. -I IS-month -• 75 El<. Oil -tc11man .., ....-al Compounded Motor ..... ~ buDdlns In Bal-Go!Jon. 70c boo. " hoan ---See -Barria. m E. 0on1n1. Ba1boo. W estem Auto Supply •tt1: Autbcalad DNler -----------1111911 N-l BM!., Costa Mw '1-tt.! . -·---~ --... _ • ' . -3 ' ' --, : , \ • ' • • • I • ---........ W W!f41 '''"A WSEEO •• a en ' 7 T, ' , .... ,- ' Gay Time for Guests Mrs. George Wheat At Birthday Party Installed President A ca1re with three ,_,; County Federation Harbor Feminine Act vities H. Erickson Takes Catalina P C Race F:or Strom Trophy Fonner Church aass Holds .Reunion Plans ~emorial Gift . • • .. nd!N -with P"-In & special tmtallatlcn .,.... fhiKW 13 and ll08 --the bis tohle whore DXlll)' bdd M""""7. Juq 1, atl------------:-~ .....n -W«e -led the annual ......... -.nee al. when Loren n.tcher • """ al. llr. the 0ranse Count7 Fecleratloa al. and Mn. Won-en Fl•tdler, 21' Womm'a cluba, Jin. Ge«p Orddd avenue. Corona del Mar. Wheat ot Newp:rt r.1enc1 took od hated Ida blrtbda7 !alt -. aver u ~t al. the Feclera- 8-iilil•• Phl11 J4S7·R Hebe ----Wlth ••aai .or their -==,,.-;--+---------I-tint -in the PC.-to -bc~_jn ---__ , a Island Circle , Catalina .,.... tbl --. tU:ln& ., the f..,._ U&bt ~ ... - ' the Georce s-Perpetual --ol Clrlot O!urcb by the See -t lls Officers, pily with hla l~ polnta, re>eroe ,Frlclo7 .....,q for dinner at tbo- Ebell Leaders Give Hints of Coming Programs A .._ al. er-and :reJ1aw t1cn and Jin. A.,...t Sdnlmadler 1ltr<-am<n ,,.., above the t&bl• and al. Anaheim wu made vice---1-Glvln& a hint of aome of the lwnclDI In th eoenter WU • dus.-dent. fine procrama in st.ore tor Ebell ter of PY balloona. Small cuesta Mn. Wheat WU el~ lftOI-club memben next ye&r, Mn. mar1:hed around the room alngiJlll dent tteenUy lo~ the l'ftlg-Brua! Mc:Brlde, president, and "Happy Blrtbday'' and alter bl>-nation of Mrs. ArthlD' )lay of Mn. L. L. · hbell, vi~prnldent inc teated. found at their place. Anahetm. Installing ottlcer wu and chairma.n of the program tin horns. paper caps, ~tine Mrs. E. H. Smith of Orange and committee, are telling somethina: and everything for a thoroughly the conference was held in the of speakers selected durl.n& five enjoyable time. Oran&.e Women's clubhouse. days of auditl'ont ln Los Anceles. (juesi.s were Pamela Tohill. Following the ceremony came With 'Mn. McBride and Mn. Ja... Davtd Lucas. Allison OuisUer,I the program confuence when bell were other members of the Franklin and Sally Schultz, Denny outgoing presidents of each club program committee, Mn. Harold Campbell, Bo)'d and Craig Balley, told of their outstanding programs Woldenberg and Mn. Obed Luca1. Nancy and Peter Nickhtz, Gary of the year and offered sugges-One of the top speaken ls to c.al~·e:ll and Gail Anderson. Also Pons. Also making reports and be the radio oommentator and present were the Mesdames Toh.Ill, suggestions were county and dis-authority on lntemational attain, Lucas, Christler, Schultz, Cam~ trict chairmen of all departments. Kent Roberts, who will appear in bell, Bailey. Nickertz, Caldwell, New county chairmen announc-November speaking on "Washlng- Anderson and Fletcher. ed by Mrs. Wheat were Mrs. ton Faces the World" Another James E. Donegan of Orange, topnotch speaker will be Mason American citizenship; Mrs. Grace Rose of the staff of the Unlver- l_jALL M ARK '11 C ARD S For Birthdays WiiddlDg Anniversaries and Etc. v-:: FlgurlDea 1-pa :: Ooehm.., lewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop R. Loxley of Laguna Beach. em-sity of Southern California. . blems and seals; Miss Barbara At Christmas time will be ' an Hedden of Fullerton. press and especially wonderful program of publicity; l\lrs. George Telferd of Christmas music by the California Placentia. crafts. and ~lrs. Arthur I Singers. eight in number. An cf- ~1ay of Santa Ana. song leader. fort has tx-en mad(' by the com- This was the final meeting of the mit tee to ha\1e a variety ot sub- season and the nC'xt meeting will jects presented during the year, so be the board meeting of Septem-that there \\;JJ be programs suit· ' her. ed to the taste or ever yone. Ebel! Food Sale Wednesday a t B. I. Altar Society Meets A cooked food sale is being At Bal boa --sponsored by the second book sec-The Altar Socie ty of Our Lady tion of the Ebell club for Wednes· of Mt. Carmel and St. John Vian-day, July 10 at 11 a.m. in the patio of the Colin Brown home, ney met July 3 at the U.S .O. 217 Pearl avenue, BaJboa Island. rooms, Balboa, and after a short talk by Father Noonan enjoyed Vacationing housewives wtll find ·-'al h d f hrn t many delicacies for the family a ;:,vo..1 our an re res .. en s. larder and business people are in-Mn. Jack Sullivan wu a~ vited to drop In between 12 and 1 painted to take charge of altar p.m. for san4,y;lches and coffee decorations during July. !\CR. Ai.,-o MRS. DAVID A. Of:NTR Y cut tbe bride' a cake foUowlnc" the-Ir marriage Cf!rf'mOnJ" reeeatl J la Chrbt Ch urch by t he Sea. The bride I§ the fonner franees OolUer Hust on, daqhler or Mr. &ad Mra. Marvin A. lluston, «S Sa.ala Ana avenue. Neutport Hel&bts. Miss Jean Reed Hostess a t'Birthday Dance at NHYC H a rbor Girl s Graduate at Seasi de Hospital Celebrating her 15th birthday, Miss Jean Reed, daughter of Mrs. Three NeWport Harbor girla: served in dellglitful surroundinp. Recently the Altar and Holy Mn. Victor Grace and Mrs. Name societies sponsored a aur- Brown Will be assisted by Mn.. prise party for Fathe-Mulcahy Robert Klllefer, Mn. O:>rt. Mn:. on the tenth anniversary of his L..------------' S. Heyman and Mrs. Ed Rogen. ordination. It was held at the -------------------------IU.S.0. with about 75 in attend· !10! 0.-.. irr-t We Wrap Gifts Walton Hubba.rd, Jr., of Lido Isle were included in the class of ten was hostess to 150 young friends which graduated from the lchool Tuesday evening at a dance at of nursing at Seaside hOlpital, Newport Harbor Yacht club. She Long Beach Thursday evenin& aa wore yellow marquisette with a nurses aides. wearing for the tint full skirt and mou1ded bOdice, Its time their white caps and uni· shirred top ending ln tiny puffed fonna. 'They were Oiarlotte Lou sleeves below an off·ahoulder Fr-eeman ot Balboa, Margaret neckllne and in her hair were Nielsen of Newport Beach and gardenias. Kathryn Louise Smith of Coota ,, .. TO H A V E A IAIY .. , ,. FOR THE • , JI . I a.nee a.nd bingo the amusement of the evenlng, with prizes of chew- ing a:um and Henhey ban award- ed. Fish net draped the space far Mesa. the orchestra and six big net bu-Many local people attended the kets hung from the celling, filled exerdaes which began with the in· with colored balloons which were vocation by the Rev. Orval Awer· released for the balloon dance. ka.mp, followed by a solo, "Ave Festoons of crepe paper draped Marla" by Jeanne Ann Getrlah of the walb and red and blue Uchta Newport Beach. After a mono.- shone on the young couples, the logue by Edna Hawver, the p-adu- girls pretty in the1r summer for· ating class u.nc "In the Gard.en," mais. and another aolo, ''Trfts" by • OPENING. ~TONIGHT w Prlus were awarded for a dance Beverley Rudd, followed the ad- contest and on the buffet IJWlcll dreu by Rev. Awerkamp. :i: c.: .. "' II: .. z ~ -r.: .. .... v. z c ~ f- c.: ::i f:l c 0: Cl. z 0 :i: Cl. >< 0: l) Gryphoo Productloos ·:::.~· PLAY~OUst For 1 Week BLIND ALLEY July 9 -thru July 14 Limited Seating Capacity Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAILS BOOKSHOP PboDe Barbor 1'18 Or J..ac'UDa Ill K EENAN WYNN and TAMARA GEVA In 20th Century PRICES' SZ.40 a •t .IO Incl. Tax " "' and Ice cream and cak~ oohlec-The pledge and conferring o1 i< tions were sl'rved. Assisting Mrs. diplomu was next, with the bene- 'tl Hubbard as chaperones were Mr. diction and singing of "America l: and MQ. Charles Tanner of Bev-the Beautiful" closing the exer-- 0 erly Hill.,, Mr. and Mn. George cises. A most appropriate little z Yardley, htr. and ~trs. James ~-·motto h ad been chosen by the ers and Mr. and Mn. HerQert class, "I t ls better to light a Thomas. "" little candle than to curse the 'ti Among the guests "'ere the dark." ::0 Misses Nancy and Gene Lang of -------- O Co'""•.•nd Julie Dossett of Bev-Birthday Breakfast C orly H1!!s, house guests of Miss F W F . c:: Reed. or ayne ranc1s n • "i Birthday Fete for When • fellow has a birthday '"'t , the earlier he gets a start on o Newport Lad I celebrating, the better, and Master z Jimmy Emerson, son of ~tr. and Wayne Fl-ancis. son of Mrs. Betty 00 Mrs. Ralph Emerson, 3310 West Francis, 106 27th street, began Ocean Front. celebrated his his with a birthday breakfast Mon- eia.h lh blrhtday recently when rel· day morning. C"' atfves and friends got together for Wayne was four years old, and > a pot luck dinner. weiner and the birthday cake was in colors or :3 manhrr"llow rol!e;t . F.veryone yellow and blue. Enjoying tht> Z gathered around the fire while he breakfast and watching him open opened the many nice gifts. his many presents wel-e his grand-> Helping Jimmy celebrate were parents and aunt, Mr. and Mn. J . his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Van Wig and Miss Marjorie O;I W. CUrry of Placentia and Mrs. Van Wig of Balboa; his paternal t'1 Dessa Emerson of Garden Grove; 0 gr1anLosdmoAnthegre"lesMrs, .YFrvesankLeFrBo~:'e > Mrs. Ethel Hempshell and daugh-. :i ters, Barbara and Marlynn and of Santa Ana, Mr. and Mn. D. X Jimmy Gilispie of Anaheim; Mr. B. Bean of Newport Beach, and Mn. Harry Baxter and daugh-\Vayne's small brother, Robert, ter, Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl and his mother. Stearns and son, David, Mr. and In the afternoon Mr. and Mn. July ' Ca rol a nd Billy Conner, Jimmy's Wayne ''Happy Birthday" and acxrlnc. WU.-. of -and H urley Bell with a ,_ .. -•• -. rves Birthdays third .,i..,.. will .-... -..-1n& and oven1nc of d>attinc an... trophift flun the Balboa Yacht ward at the home of Miu ~ club, and w... Strom with 4 painta Mills, 19th iatreet. aven Hany Whit•, wife ol Dr. putor ol Balboa Ialand al. Olrist Oturch by the tailed new offieetS of Bal- and circle at the meeting ~on·tlY at the home ot . 0 . Varley, 207 Sapphire T office were Mrs. Leon· ard~argrave, president; Mn. Irma utter, vice president; Mrs. Lotti Don.ke.r, secretary, and Mrs. Bettye Fink, treasurer . . Louise Smith presided at the meeting, which opened with ~e rlord·s Prayer in the absence of thb devotional chairman, Mrs. E. D GoodeJL M tery pals for the year were reve ed and birthdays for recent .-iont were o~erved. Drawing prese ts \Vere hoirs. D. Bea.ls, Mrs. Dell Carroll, Mrs. Vera Rickard, ahd .... White. Mrs. Cummings drew for ~trs. ~fillard, who has bfen ill. , Th s was the closing meeting of summer for the circle and the ext meeting \\'ill be held in Sept niber. . Ardys Dean ummer School Da id ge-Staats En agement Told l~ interest is the an- m'ent this week by l\.frs . Brown, 468 Allandale road, ena, of the engagement of her daughter. Mary Henrietta Staa , to Thomas Crary Davidge, son f l'{rs. Thomas Crary Da- vidg . 1340 New York drive, Alta- den~and the late Mr. Dav:idge, and andson of l\.trs. G. Gifford Da e and G. Edward Ray- mon of Pasadena. 1 s Staats is the daughter of Ro rt Visscher Staats, Newport Bea and is a graduate of West· ridg school and Occidental col- lege where she was a Delta Omi· tton Tau. . Gifford, who is the nephew of . Gifford Davidge of Pa.sa- d and Lide Isle, attended Sou \,estern Military academy, Mon ezuma schoo1 in Los Gatos and is a graduate of the Unl- vers ty School of Pasadena. He serv four years in· the Coast G No date has been set for the edding, but it is expected to be · the fall or winter. and Wilkinson with 8. wlnnin& on Aa the cJUa ha been lnoctlw elapaed time for Hammond a1ao for ........i yean. it wu decide4I had •lllht polnta. ' to talc• the money in the ~ Others finlshing in order named add to lt the 'amount made i,j were Smale:t, Henley, Wheeler, the sale of calendars this wU.ter McFarland and the Jones brothers. and give a small stained s~ The first four boats all arrived Window to the · new church u a within nve minutes of each other. memorial to John McAdams. A aowd was on the BYC pier former member of the class and to watch them come in at 6 :09 the only one of the church to }OM S unday evening, and the skippers his life during the war. rep:>rted a wondreful time at Ava-Tr-easurer of the class is J4la Ion with Commodore and Mrs. Elsie Newland and memben Washburn and 'Secretary and Mrs. present were l\irs. Eino Ollila. here Norman Pabst giving them a fror:n Red B.luff, l\font.; Miss Edna wonderfuJ "'eloome at the yacht Walker, Be\·erly Hills; l\1rs. Nonna club, v»hile Carl Reed entertained Hendrickson, Los Angeles ; MlSI them \\;th a cocktail party at El Lorna Mills, l\·1rs. Hugh Mcl.filla11 Mirador. and l\lrs. Charles Porter. Race Olairman Fred Brewer I ':1ocked tht> race and Tupman's Drfve ~fully-Spa.re a Life. fine pc>\ver boat and Ed Frazier's 1 ------------ speed OOat were used as commit- tee boats. "D ":"'S WSCS to Meet 61 6161 Newport Beach \V.S .C.S. of "'f\?).\"': §~§§~ Christ Church by thc> SC'a ,,;.11 meet Wednesday, J uly 10. at 1 :30 I ... p. m. at the church. Delegates to ,. lll the annual district conr~rence will =~­ bring reports and there \viii be a discussion of post-war problems. Individwility for the "Moth<•"to·be If we don't have it, we m4e it, you u e! 'Donna-ctl'1farie Shoppe 515N.lll&lnSL -- , "-1nr ~ ~1rs. John U'Ren, Mrs. Teowaler, J oe Cupin and twins. Dolores and \ ''-.l ~· Mrs. Edna Stearns, Teddy '"'Filk, Otto of Santa Ana came to wish ta sister, Judy D,iane, and his par-With more ice cream and cake, --;------,------ -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_~;;;; ents, Mr. and ~trs. Emerson. It was almost a second party. • the newly;-~o~pe;,n~ed~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- at 113 ! Agate Ave. -BALBOA ISLAND Just Y2 Block from Ferry h Now Serving • Breakfast Lunch Dinner • ._----FEATURING DWCIOUS • Why ~k: "What Shall We Have SWIM and PLAY SUITS and · DR~ For All Occasions Orkin's I Wear?" Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 a..&: .. ~ •• , Old fasbloned malta w. -)llt tbl& 114W.4thSt , PASADENA Alla SANTA Ph. 6688 WNGBEACH ft N. -I'll. Sy. !-HI Plae An. L. B. IU-0'7 • WE ARE NOW DISPLAYING NEW SHIPMENTS OF ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE IMPORTS MANY DISTINCI'lVE, DOMESnc Gll''IWAR.lll LARGE .~. PAPER DINNER'NAPKJNS 1 ll'•X1n1111'111er Aft.. • · , ~ -J.....' 1 .... , _,,_ lnlln9f -. --- • • 1 •