HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-11 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAID CRAB ., SAM REAL ESTATE. One would hardly know just why the real estate marlcet has gone quiet. but so far as can be ascertained in the best broker circles. property is moving but slowly and peo- ple are simply refusing to pay some of the fantastic prices for the good earth, at least in these diggings. Shall we say realty has gone nor- mal or that the public, more or I~ on a buyer's strike in merchandise, has the same complex on realty? To most of us this should prove a sat- isfactory situation until the OPA fracas is settled and we find out just what the score is on ceilings, etc. One re- flection in the news today is that meat is coming into the consumers' hands in greater volume and at reasonable rates, an index that Black Markets are on the run. In the Harbor district real- tors declare that while sales have slowed up, it does not mean a reduction in values, as they earnestly believe re- sort demand will keep prices almost atlEi.r rurrent level ; that bay and ocean front property been too low for ye&l'S and that land adja- cent to those wateiways would hold firm because many folks were seeking these shores. A recent state- ment by Ralph Maskey of the Reelty Board that indus- trial prices in the Mesa area were toq high could easily me~ that the area mJght be develbped as a commercial center, which might be in competition with the present business district-+ + + "SeeYourWeei". Byfarone of the finest pieces of publi- city received in some years. Is the beautiful booklet by the Standard Oil Co. of Cali- fornia and presented the News-Times by H. A. Smith, district representative. Com- 'j)iled by noted a u t h o r s, painters and othi;rs. the ~­ ume is replete with color il- lustrations of scenes in Cali- fornia and western states. It is a lovely presentation of historic spots and ·views of great west, so dear to all. + + + Norman Robotham. More than 20 years ago Norman Robotham. a tall, hungry- looking individuaj, came into our ol d plant on the Ocean Front and asked for desk apace as offices for a bus line to Laguna Beach. Norman finally sold out and went north. In a letter the other day he mentions Gavvy Cra vath who had the slogan "Get the Facts". He says he has sold his bus interests and is now operating Gray Line Tours and this m o n t h launched a steel cruiser, sending a photo which he wants Joe Beek to see. He tried to get J oe to Redding for the launching. Then he concludes thus: "Read about the sweetheart or Newport Beach retiring recently-Dr. Conrad Richter-and want you to wish him well for me: he's a grand man." + + + Sport )!1shing. In the days of a decade ago when sport rlshing boats were trying to establish a foothold on New- port Bay It was difficult to get the public in the same . frame of mind as it is today. Whether this is due to the organization of the Sport Fishing association of New- port Harbor, it is hard to say, but its efficient and "!1- ergetic secretary. C. A. Grif- fis modestly says that 30,000 pieces or literature went forth this year for 92 craft and 32 owners plying these waters. This. despite · the fact that aver 25 landings from Santa Barbara to San Diego are In competition, yet the crowds are greater tban last year, when <Nf!!f' $1,000.000 was paid boatmen by-250.ooo ang1ers. awur boats are <Dng a land omce ~ yet the day V ! II els are holding tlwir <Mn. Pre- dlctiona are that more pecple ..s --1th wlD oome 1111w c 1lM6 than ID 19'5. • ' KEEP POSTED! l Ymr •••••• 91.11 .. 0 .. .NEWPODT a11 o.e1 o re ..... _ .. _ ... m.11..., ... IJ'•••""''1=i..-., Hwwpwi: - voi.mmwm Ban Sought On Parking ' ' ·•. • Bruce Nott, 7, Stricken With Poliomyelitis Former Army Flier Begins Vacation Transport Service By JOHN OONHOFF "You, too, CUI Ravel to MeDoo Qty, Elllemd& or 'l'lm- bootoo to spend a weekend or a vacation and not spend more than a hour or two to get there," ill &he Idea propoeed by Don Gotrtdge, Newport Beach a-army t..amport flier, and bis new Air Charter Serviee establlobed reaee.Uy by the flier wt bis twtn._tae °'= The C. 'l'lna, whlCh Don from the War Awa eorp., ... army lllU'plos atter .... dlocJlarge trom the AAF, K1"ngdo111 of Sea •tando hv at the coonty airDort and Is l'fllMly to tab .._.. -----------«>uo.,. .. , hunten and Z\A>l"Um<Tt. or Theme for Fete Lt. Morey Back From Middle- East Theater someone in a hurry lo any plllt."e Chosen from an informal con- in the country at any time. day test of board and committee mem- or night. ben and their families the theme Within the past two weeks. since for the forthcoming Tournam ent the service was established by the of Lights, the first since Pearl duo. Guterldge has made trips to Harbor. on Nl"'·Port Harbor Aug-Agua Caliente and Big Bear lake \\'ith vacationers and has been ust 17 next "'ill be the Kingdom of the Sea---e-,·erything that is on contracted by a group of duck the sea or sails UPon it. This a n-hunters to take them to Minne-sota in the fall. noun{'('m<'nt was made today by James S. Barrett, president of the Guteridge. who lives at 1025 chamber of commerce and board Central in Newport Beach with member of th t t h. ·r d ,_ n . . e ournamen asso-11 IA'\ e an son, ..... -gan .)'ln ~ 1n ciation 1937 and "'ith the outbreak of the1 Many. boat I d ~1 . . 1940 ed s arC' a rea y ~ ng national emE>rgen~y rn · serv . prt>pared for decoration and lights . as an Ar":'y primary and basic "We believe this will be the blg- (Conunued on Paae 4) I gest tournament ever held at New- Port Harbor," said Barrett. Boat Launching Planned for 5 p.m. "Sport King," a 65-foot, 275 horsepower Cumming diesel en~ gine boat, seating 60 people, wu to be launched from the ~·ays of the Kurt Bowman boatyard in Ne\\'port Beach at 5 p. m. today (Thursda)'l. The new boat. the property of Darrell W . King. fishing boat o"-•ner, of King's Landing, was built by r.ianuel Goularte at Wil- mington, and was towed here Wednesday by the Star Moving company of Long BE>ach. The American soldieMI definite- ly had an edge on citizens of other countries, in the opinion of Lt. Herbert Morey, 312 Coral avenue, Balboa Island. who has just re- turned from Cairo. Egypt, where he was stationed for 16 months as information , education and special services officer in the Africa- Middle Ea.st Theater. Hollywood USO Staff Visits Here As Balboa Guests Auto Collision Revolver Stolen I can operated by Arnold H. A .32 calibre Colt revolver was Josa:i of EJ Monte and John A. stolen rrom the compartment of Biers of Garden Grove, crashed at the car own£'d b)' Robert James 30th street and Central avenue, Weeks of Ontario and which wu Tuesday afternoon, without injury parked Tuesday evening in a lot to anyone. Both cars were dam- The lieutenant was In charge of several G. I. colleges and said the program was planned to prepare 1'he Balboa USO Wttt" hosts to the ret~ning soldier to become a the professional staff of the Holly- good c1t1zen. and to that effect I wood USO located on North ca: they were kept up to date on all huenga Blvd .. in Hollywood, on \\'Orld affairs. I Tuesday, July 9. It is largely the result of this At 11:00 a. m. the guests were advance work by th~ army that so 1 taken for a sightseeing cruise of many G. I .s a:e taking a~vant.age I NeV1.-port Harbor, und<'r the spon- of the bill of rights a nd going back I sonhip of the chAmber of com- to school to complete their educa-merce. tion. he said. A delicious s"·ordfish dinner ,,·as j . Also part of the ~uty or the I enjoyed at \Vhite's Coffee Shop a r lieutenant was arranging one-day ~·hich time 8 hearty "'elcoml' "'as tours of Palestine both for serv~ 1 exle nded the guests by Postmaster icemen a nd delegates. an~ he ~·as Herbert Kenny, then they were host to the l\'lead committee and treated to S<'Vera l popular pia no the Undresecretary of War . . numbers by David Chodorov, Rus- Lt. i\1orey "'as formerly "'1th sian composer and a resident of the Los Angeles board of educa-BaJboa. tio n as acting vice-principal of The Hollyv .. ood guest9 were \Vashington lr,;ng high school. Merle Wat£>rman. club dirt"C'tor, and although the family plans to l\trs. \Vaterman and t~·o children. continue living at Balboa bland. l\ferlc, Jr.. and l\felody. Eln~r he 1A•ill return to the board of ed-Hofstetter. associate director. a nd ucation although in \\'hat capacity Mn . Hofstrtttt, Eddie Stewart, he does not )'et know. associate director. and Mrs . Veterans Need Not Take Exam For lns11rance It is no longer necessary to take a physical examination to rein- stat~ your National ServiCe ute Insurance p:>licy which may ha\'~ lapeed, ay the Orange county veterans' service center of 225 N. Broadw&)'. Santa Ana.. St\\'eart. Rev. and Mrs. Trottf'r. Other g:~ts were Terrence ff, Halloran. ttgional super'\'i.sor of National Catholic Community ~1ce Agency, George F. N .. h of ~fobile Service. and Mr. and Mrs. David Chodorov. ~ Balboa USO wa.s represent- ed by Herbert F. Kenny , program chairman; Hei-bert Burkart, &SIO- ciate director ; Loretto Ashen. staff aid. and Clyde Ashen. club c!Jrector. 1be Veterans' Administration Drtvla« Hau.rd ..-nUy announced tltat under Lools J . Schrenk. general auper- tbe more liberal rrimtatement intmdent of the dty of Detroit's plan now in ef-fect.. the veteran Public Ughtlng Corruni.aion ~: need only submit a signed atate--. "'It ia my firm belief that as drtv· ment that he is In u sood health er's ability to I.ff becomes ob- u he wu at the time the policy scured. tJte sre•tPr the hazard to lapoed. drivln&. whetllet' the -truction This plan will remain In effect la ca\lled by clarO-. -- until January 1. 19n, and wlU or dirty wlndshJeJda. -... , apply to all polkies that lapae be--la the sreatat --- tween -md tl>en. utlnl faetor." • Balboa. he told Newport police. aged. Eisenhower Reports to You! The dramat k' story of the AJUed victory for the Uben.Uon of Europe from t.he yoke of Naddom la; Wnc narrated by General Elseoho~·er In a AeriM of sl.x artlcleer. tM ftnt bectmd1'&' today Oft the eclltorlaJ paite of The News.-Ttmee.. -:=-~ .. !:-::i~:·:=: .. :·:'I:~·:·:·: caMWQ. DWWWWI D. llt..a-• c n'iii::J lar•cs 1 r- • • BOA ... , & ··-.. I el brc I tla• EIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA. DEL MAR. q:>STA. MfSA. ~, ~ .. eter Collections Balboa Improvement Group -Calls on City to Shroud Coin Machines on Sunday Committee from Association Will Present Pe- tition to City Council on Monday; Group Sets Dates for Pirat.e Days Celebration Balboans have decided Iha& &bey want to discontinue Jd, whose mother, Mn. Mettler. ii visiting rela- tives in ewport Beach , did not know ho to swim until she took lessons om the Red Cross in- structors here last week and now she is ab to take care of herself In the b waters. The Jd's aunt is l\1-rs. H. 0 . Boyvey o 1139 West Central Ave., Newport ach. Mrs. tiler's husband is assist- ant com troller of the General Analine nd Film corporation of New Yor Oty. Her rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E . Ora r, reside at 621 Main street. tington Beach. a Business p Formed; tion July 24 Bean Culls Source Still Unexplained The source respansibJe for the use of federally stamped UNRRA sacks in the dumping of bean screenings on tidewater lands tn the Upper Newport Bay two weeks ago still remained a mys- tery to the Orange County sheriff's office today. However, County Agricultural Commissioner Dixson Tubt. ol Santa Ana today revealed that one batch of the beans came trom out- men of Balboa Island side of the county, while the other ded to . have their own batch came from within the coun- to keep in closer coll"' ty. The beans, he said. were one another and in or-screened 8.J finely as bulk. e a more active part in The dumping of the beans in nd community affairs. no way infringed on agricultural the agreement reached regulations of the county, he at an portant meeting held added. Wednesd y evening, July 10th. at According to Undersheritf Stev~ the Park Avenue Cafe. Duhart, the blackeyed .leans found Presidi g at the meeting wu dumped on tidewater lands in Ule H. J . Fo ythe. upper Newport Bay, were screen- • President Qyde Johnson told members that material for the new street lighting is aJowly ar- riving and installation will begin in about two weeks. 'Ille parking lot extension J>Ptl- tion, he added, has the signatures of all but two Involved Balboa property owners. Their compli· &nee is expected IOOn and the city council will then be uked to take the necessary action. Balboa mer<;hants who wish to use the parking zone Without con- tinually paying the 25c fee were told that pass tickeU are now available. ~ The final matter discuued at the aaodation's moit lively meet~ ing WU the setting of dates for "Pirate Days" to be held thi3 fall shortly after Labor Day. The event ii planned to bring addi- tional crowds down to Balboa and September 12, 13, 14 and 15 were the days set. Acting on the ~·ishes of, L'iose ings, unprofitable for further use, Alb st·11 attendin the session committees and in no violation of any "!xi.sting acore I to map ut an active program law or regulations. were ap inted as follows: Bob The beans could have come from ~i!hey dEWi1~~13~;i·th :~~! ::~ks w~~~;us~nt~~a~%~ca= Be·1ng Caught elected an election committee of no markings other than the to formu te plans for the election UNNRA slamp on each sack.. Du- of office at the next meeting har~ advanced the theory that the Trolling boats out of Newport which w I be held at the same sacks could be obtained from llnY Harbor continue to bring In nice place \V nesday evening, July dealer in second-hand gw1-ny bogs catches or albacore, boats averag- 24th. and because of the scarcity of ~ ~al2bato 5 fibsh. Thf~-~ater is A t deal or preliminary sacks during the war, tanners and core usy CT:Uing on work considered and much \varehouses uaed any bap they small bait churning the water was a plished at last night's could obtain. The sacks in ques-chu1ng their food so don't pay U hand much attention to i·1a.. meeting, including the appoint-Ln were second and would e- ment of 'ttees to plan the not have been used fo End any AD fishermen expect albacoT<' entry of float for the "Touma-produce fo worth to the mmket. bust loose ~y time and start ment of hu" t be · ,._ The ~und used for ...__,.,,.. dter f .. thel' jip. 35 albacore wett of the n g associoatio~~ uic name the bea;-wett tide.I.ads ~ti; cauaht by 14 people aboard the El- A co mlttee on membenhip clam Jn the upper bq ...S -to = out of Port. 0.ange Friday. wu also. -. ted and this public use Orange serwi.; out boats on wu uk 'fo'";.ian a bi& m!:P lo corroboration. Coun!;, Agri--da)9 only after albacore. for the xt -lncludlnC .! Cultural Canmiaioner ~ 11lo7 troll far them tint and after lnvlta to prominent speaken. Tubbs said that the 1w.,. were fll ::0' ~'tu~ achoo~ they •tart R. F. enny, ~or. and Har-no further value ---A -al flshennen from the ry Wei Secretary, of the New-llCrttlled beyond !Ito ncraal -._ Fedmll Sav!np 'and Loan ~ H bor Oiambtt of Com-<eulng. ._ out SUndiy aboard the Loma e p-esent repraenttn& 1bere WU one batch. bowcva. Pat, aldpprered by J H. "'Bert•• ber and offered the co-!Ital hadn't ----.. ~ --llrouitht In ~ alboaft. P rolP.ofamthal ~anlullon In as the bulk an dlt -""' a..t -s.rr "* -. averqtnc about which the lJland u the bulk and it _ ... -Ila to oi&tit ewry day. Other may de•dcl!> ot Onrnce couni,-. ~boats are clolnc the-· The clumpinc ot the -Ill m 0 l!aaa ...... ·4ay inirinced on ~-nc--INJURED remaJndor of l!N6, vet-ciatlcns of the ~ • .,.-. arid War II may rdo-1-' Ber.. oi -BIDllillctall • Na_. Senlce Ufe P 'I• -~ r-...S mtqor fnJurfeo ID i:~=t-~ t taJdnc a ~ In tbe firlt -· poll •= a mWr -• -*Is• ..,, o t1on ~ 't1w7 -u.. tbe-V~ M1•PI• ~-V. -ill &"Cir•• -·---.. """ -PIO'ln&.. 5 -...... ,. • a. llr' _, ... "' WWli .. ao -a. ...... W• II - M = S .... _.Clll_Aa .... loc.eli lTf,Jll • . --..... _, ___ _ a ' • Helicopter Mail De6very Schedule Is Announced 'Ibe U. S . Post Office depart-12:12 p.m.; Torrance, 12:20 p..m.; rnent in Washington. D. c. on Wibnington, 12:26 p.m.; San Monday announced the schedules Pedro, 12:32 p.m.; Long Beach. for ita new helicopter service to 12:40 p.m.. (arrive). Return trip. Orange County; leaving Long Beach at 2 :30 p.m.; On Monday's special service San Pedro. 2 :38, \Vilmington, flight,' the following departure 2 :44 ; Torrance, 2 :50; Hermosa time was obsf:.rved on the coastal Bead>-Redondo Beach, 2:58 : Man- route: Lockheed Air Tenninal. batton Beach, 3:02; Inglewood. 11 15 N h H 11.____. 3:10; Cul\•er-Oty. 3 :17: Santa : a..m.: ort ou.r ... """'""'• 11 :21 •. m.; Van Nuys, 11 :27 a.m.; MonJca-Venice, 3:25; Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, 11 :37 a.m.; Santa 3:33; Van Nuys, 3 :41 ; North Monica-Venice. 11 :45 a.m.; Culvei Hollywood. 3 :47; arrive Lockheed, City, 11 :53 a.m.: Inglewood, 12 M.; 3 :55. Manhattan Beach, 11 :08 p.m.; For Monday's special service on Hermosa Beach·Redondo Beach, the Inland route, the following DEA L'S Famous Smoked Fish Always Freoh 110 McFadden PL Maln Store: 101 mcbway "At B09d to Balboa ~ * L•••••• Miik It 101 .. I• 1oaltory po pet, •••·trip coatoi•ers.. schedule of departures was ob-- served: Lockheed, 11 :15; Glendale, 11 :24; Pasadena, 11 :32: Monrovia. 11 :44; Alhambra. 11 :55; Monte- bello, 12:03; Huntington Park, 12:13; Lynwood-Southgate, 12 :19; Compton, 12:26; Downey. 12:55: Bellnower , 12:4J ; NorwWk. 12:48; Fuller ton, 12:58: Anaheim, 1 :04 : Orange, 1:12; Santa Ana, 1:14. Return trip--Santa Ana , 2:30; Orange, 2 :34 ; Anaheim. 2:42: Fullerton, 2:48; Norwalk, 2:58; Bellflower. 3 :05 ; Downey, 3:11; Compton, 3:18: Lynwood·South- gate, 3 :25: Hunt ington Park, 3:31; Montebello, 3 :4,1 ; Alhambra, 3:49; 4:00; Pasadena, 4 :12; 1'llWPOllT •••.an.& • Glendale, 4 :20, and Lockheed Arr· port, 4:27. Beginning TUeaclay on th• cootal route the departure times on the two -.th-tiouncl trl .. dally will be aa follows~ Lockheed. 5:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.; North HoUywood. 5 :36and11:06; Van Nuys, 5 :42 and 11:12; Beverly Hllls, 5:52 and 11:22 ; Santa ~lonica-Venice. 6 :00 and 11 :30: Culver aty, 6:cil and 11 :38; Inglewood, 6 :15 and 11 :45; Wins Discharge Milton Sidney Johnsaci, cradUat• or Harbor High school and former student at Santa Ana J . C., wu disdw'ged from the navy lut week after 16 monthl ltl"YIO!'. Johnson ill the son of E. A. Johnson. realtor, and res..idn at 1802 W . Ocean Front, Nowport Bea di. ManhattaA Beach, 6 :23 and 11 :53; WM-to Appl~ H ermosa Beach-Redondo Beach, Under the new G. I. BW. vet- 6:27 and 11 :57; Torr8Jlce, 6 :35 and erans have 10 years from the offi· 12:05; Wilmington, 6:41 and.12:ll; cial end of the war ln Which to San Pedro, 6:47 and 12:17; Long apply for home, farm or bulinea De Beach (arrive), 6 :55 and 12 :25. Joans. parture times on ~the return ------------trlps will be as follows : Long Beach. 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.: Lynwood-Southgate, 6 :34 12'14; Compton, 6:41 and 12:21 : Downey, 6 :50 and 12:30; Bell- flower , 6 ;56 and 12:36; Uorwalk. 7:03 and 12:43; Fullerton. 7 :13 and 12:53; Anaheim , 7:19 and 12:59: Orange, 7 :Z7 and 1:07; Santa Ana (817ive). 7:30 and 1:10. Departure times on the r eturn trips will be as follows: Santa Ana, 8 :30 a.m. San Pedro, 9:<l! and 3 :<ll; \Vil· mington, 9 :14 and 3:14 ; Torrance, 9 :20 and 3~20; Hermosa Beach- Redondo Beach. 9:28 and 3:28; Manhatton Beach, 9:32 and 3:32; Inglewood, 9:40 and 3:40; CUlver Oty, 9:47 and 3 :47 : Santa Monlca- Venice, 9 :55 and 3:55; Beverly Hills, 10:03 and 4:03: Van Nuys, 10:13 and 4 :13 ; North Hollywood, 10:19 and 4:19; Lockheed (arrive), and 3 :00 p.m.; Orange, 8 :34 and I:~~·~ 3:04; Anaheim. 8 :42 and 3 :12; FuJ. 10:25 and 4:25. On the inland route the depart- ure times on the two south-bound trips daily beginning Tuesday, will be as follows : Lockheed, 5 :30 a .m. and 11:10 a.m.: Glendale, 5:39 and 11 :19; Pasade na, 5:47 and 11 :27; Monrovia, 5 :59 and 11 :39; Al· hambra-1\tonterey park, 6:10 and 11 :50; Montebello, 6 :18 and 11:58; Huntington Park, 6 :28 and 12:08; lerton, 8 :48 and 3.:18; Norwalk. 8 :58 and 3:28; Bellflower. 9 :05 and 3:35: Downey, 9 :11 and 3:41 ; Compton, 9:20 a nd 3 :50; Lynwood· Southgate, 9 :27 and 3 :57; Hunt- ington Park, 9:33 a nd 4:03; h1 onte- bello, 9 :43 and 4:13; Alhambra· l\1"onterey Park, 9 :51 and 4:21 ; Monrovia. 10:12 and 4:32; Pasa- de na, 10:14 and 4 :44: Glendale, 10:22 and 4 :52; Lockheed (arrive), 10 :30 and 5 :00. KEEP FIT ••.• Drink plenty of during summer months. Lucerne Mille ia rich and qood-taatinq. It com• from fine herds of lmpected cows, ia pasteurized and homoqenhed in an im- maculately clean cr801Ury, and ia rwihed to your neiqhborhood Safeway Store, lrelh and at Ila beat. Lucerne Mille ia SWIM PREVIEW , •. While praducer!Larry-Crooby amllH approval, M. C. Stu Willon lntervt"" the famous Brown twins. Patsy and Martha. Sah Dleio champion swimmers, who w'ill atar In the AGUA F01JJJ:S openlnc July JO at Loa Anceles Olyrbplc Swimmlnc 1tadium for a two •ttk run, under apouonblp of Ula Loe ADl•lell Junior ~ of Q)mmerce. I * Ne .. ttlo dop11it, .. "'· tt.,.,. ...... ~ ...... .., __ ry. * 5.i•ore COrfOR tokH Mp Iott -· la ,..., ....... -•·No • ..,.. of llottle ........... 11uM06UIZED MU unconditionally quaranteed to plec:me ... or your money back. Buy aeveral quarts today. HAa..HHALf * ,,., the ",,... _, ... ., ........ 1 •• tllfU ,.II UIT ,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, Baby Foods 5"•~ 7c Heinr. Brand. Junior Foods, con. 9c. Cuterbury Tea '~I° v ........... 2:1<. 'Ii-lb ....... •k. Tea Bags ~t.: 369 Pkg. al 16 boos. l 3c. Pkg. al 8 bags. 7c. Cant.!My 8'ond. Slack Tea. l•ato Sauce 1 i:.;.-4c Gorcltnstde Brand. Raviolis Rn.;.,. Chicken J&c .......... V9g1etoble R~ls. 16·oz. jor, I le. Hot Muffin Mix•;: 22° Duff's Brand. Catsup Doi Mante 8•and. 17c 11111//IU tlU/11111 IM Merrdl lrond n• , .......... Rich Suds WashinqCompound 20- 0ro ltond. 10-Gi.. pko. Bleach _ .. _K:=:n- ... ou ;oJ1an. Ile. Qu«t, 9';. Babo Cleaner Satina Tablets Dry Cleaner 2 ',!;;-21• -s• ......... = ... Top-quality fruirs and bl llegeta. es ore plentiful at Sof £n · •way. ........... .... •111•MILK ...... ... "4. ,.... cona• C111111 , .... Stile-_,... .. 17• 9c 20- 111111 IAllWl1 Nllll Grapefruit Carlton'• ltond. Carrot Juice ...,.., ~:"..!'.::! 15• Spinach ._... :::0".:::: I .. Shredded Wheat,..=';: II• TOASTED WHEAT '--· . 7c ..... Deliciousbreokfostcereol. Nu-Vito brand. ''T-.1ice- toasted." Toasted Rice, 6-oz. cello, 9c. ..__ CLOSEUP. Tbh ..... -of tbe -1 canlnl aad lhll trr 11- by tbe eo.ta Meu--Newport Uou dub st•m 90IDe Idea of cn.wd that a~ed It. Man under tbe wl4e umbrella, wttb hla a.ck to the camera. ls Lynwood. Vick of Balboa bland. who acted u .JmUoe la the Fun Court. -photO by Ray Ba.mes, COcita Mesa. 26 YEARS AG~(from the files of the Newport News, July 8, 1921 ) -Big news of the week around the Harbor area was the visit of the high moguls of the Union P a- cific railroad who came to inves- tigate the prospects or future busi- ness in regards to shipping a nd harbor expansion. According to Back to College F orrest E . Wright, son of Mrs. C. P . Chapman, 508 Bay Ave., Bafboa. was discharged last ¥.'eek frof_ the navy at the separation center a t Terminal Island and is now visiting his parents in this city. Wright, a graduate of Fremont Hilth in Los Angeles. plans to re- turp to college in the fall. the papers, the big boys, includ-Larcest Business ing the president, were quite en-The Veterans Administration1 thusiastlc and impressed. operates the nation's largest in- -Buried in the minutes of the sure.nee business with 7,000,000 council meeting was noted a 1921 policy holders. infl ationary item. The city r e--+· ----------- corder was given an up in pay 1 during the summer months to $45 cl~ive islet wef.e slashed. Accord- per. The other eight months of the ing to the sale advertisements, year he was to serve a t the cus-loti that were selling for $2000 tomary $15 a month. could be obtained for $500. Most -The P. E. officials announced or ihe prices went down from 25'7o that they hauled the biggest crowd to pc>%. It w as reported t hat many of pleasure seekers of their history O'NJlers on the Isle '~rere buying into Newport Beach over the m~y lots at these prices, con- F ourth of July week-end and the finning their faith in the project. city in tum a nnounced that the 1 The Superior Oil .Co. began celebration was the biggest arid driµing for oil this week in the best in its annals. A fireworka NeWport Height.a section and display shared the honon with a planked down a considerable cash juggler and dand.ng girls. bonµs for the leases. • Ovic leaders Share l«t.eas OnfetePlan ~val of Pirate Days and re- union of ·all r~r mayors of Newport Beach was s•iggested by ~ Johnson. president of the Balboa Improvement aaoca.ation. and Harry Welch, executive ICC- = -=~ ~Mr~.:~::o said that u an added' •ltrac1ka the dvlc """""'•tloos should -all former lll&)'<>n oL the dty '° ' be '1onor<d guests at the anm-- sary festival. Welch also said that the ""- ber of commerce oould elve a luncheon to alt the former 11la)lllllft and he added that this phase ot the fete could be ad\'ertised u an Oldtimers' luncheon. A cting President Walter Lone· moor took under advisement the appointment of a committee to represent both civic assod.atJom in activities fqr the annlver'IU)' celebration. retary of the Newport Harbor ------------ Oiamber of Commerce, u capital ;------------ ideas for the 40th anniversary celebration here this fall .. Johnson and Welch 8j[l"eed or. these reoonunendations in dual talks before the meeting of the board of directors of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Cornnierce Monday afternoon. J ohnson was a guest at the luncheon m eetin't which was held in I White's Cafe S H 0 E S. BepUred While Ya. Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front in Balboa: Non -Iii B..,-~ <life • ....... p.m. Johnson suggested the Pirate '------------" De Law Says: ''A 1 Leash on Every Dog'' We Have 'em Food -A.ccessories -Remedies far Dogs -Cats -Birds -Fish 111 II.GATE II.VE, BALBOA 18Lll.ND PBONI: HABBO& 17ZS·W M' - C·LEGA ·L FORMS FOR EVERY TRANSACTION We have ~ It oow=Jen~ for you to Insure oomplianoe wt& aK req1mune11i. ot the law by carrying a «<apWe otack ot all tums and papora needed for tM eJmplelion ot every tmnRftMkn .. r mW, tee, tut tlllil QM' SIM .. .__ .. _ ... y_ .. __ ...lw0 ' I ,..l'a'tl'M fl'W a CMIPI ... ...... ...... II ........ ptocMscc PflW'll .. ... ,, ... --pullltall"'9 Ill - -,..._ ., ,.... ....,,,, .. Ne ., ..... . wlM ... •"•••• te ~ .......... t1r ln-.i_ef_-. NEWS-TIMES Chocolate ~ 15" Ghlrotdrttli's Premium Brond. 1oy )'OUr fOllO<ites often So . f t ' · tos. oe "'" guaranteed at Sof ewoy. -The year 1921 waa durin&\j~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i Prohibition but the local Ice com- pany noted in a neW3 item that they had delivered 17.500 tons of No Pri· ce Advance Maso1 Jan .::::. &O" '2 ..-11-7 le. 12 half gal. i-1.15. Apricots Carrots Peaclles Onions Bl~a. •1 CB)> t he 1 • ce tor c-..t .. 6 , "'' lb., llit)~· .. local «">""· Sw and crup Se "'!-~ncler, • ..... Krips, iced. .. lied Ji.1;.., -•.uiety £.eeli...t for aliciar. · .. s ni....i......,...., Son. io. ol I< ":!.1;:1· .. ~· .. Bell Peppers • ice in the area over the week-end. !9 YEii.BS II.GO- -A small boat ca~ized ln the tricky waters near the Harbor entrance and the son of the wealthy president of the Union Rock Co. of Los Angeles was drowned -County officials announced that Costa Meu wu at Jut to have paved streets. The paving project ...,.. to becln In the very near future. -1be Harbor atta entertained over 100.000 sun and fun aeeken ~ the Fourth and the city ccuncll come up wltjl the Idea that more ample parldnc opoce waa needed u well u additkmal ac-----On<le ap1n the county re- cxcdtd that Newpcat Beecb wu ~ In the County In taxable WH!th. A tum ol S1.0ll0,180 wu the total 11111'.Ded by --.. U n:ASll AOO- -Coot.a -.... t • -· to the county )loan! ot --· to form a putinc cllolllct ID the oam- munlty. Somothllw . a1oDa thla line WU promlOed by the tupen.• •nnouncftneat came thill -that the liquidation ol Udo Ille by qenll "' tbe Aaeta Uqqlclatlon Corp. -In ..... - Regardless of the Elimination of OP A OUR PRICES REMAIN THE SAME • • . ' Culbertson Chevorlet Co. Ct.etn1W .t ()ldp!MINJe o.ler 3011 W. Central Newport Beahc • • • Hydra • Malle Specialists • • • Oldsmobiles & .Cadillacs • • • ! • . . - PLENTY OF GENUINE PARTS AVAILABLE FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS -ra1 -le -... Ille --1·~-----~-----~~--~-~---------------1 · • • Taxable County Property Reaches All-Time ValiJe • SANT A ANA, July 10..-<>range Real "9tate-$1,926,6a> for • f county propot ty, excluaive of pub-total otl$sa,424,9115. • Ile utllltlel. bU r<0ached a value Bullclinp-$4.207.88:1 for a total d $227,5ll3.100, an all-time record. of $70,948 42S. acoarcllns to Coonty -. Maurice Enderle. Penonal property -$2,629,765 '!be total value of public utill-for a total of $21,699,960. ties a tiet by the board of equall-~nderle said ~e ~ a poal- zatlon la approximately $17,468,-bllity that public utility ...... _ 970. thus brincinC the total u-menu may be marked up from the lle9td valuation for. tax purposes preliminary estimate. to $?45,0ZZ,070. 'I1le marketable value of the 800 IJQU&re miles of Orange county on the basD ot tile above figures ahould reach a tlgure well beyond halt a billion dollarl, Enderle said Total vetera.m' exemptions in the aiiunty were $3,706,000, while other exemptions for such tangi- bles as property owned by cbw-ches, achooil, public districts and go\·ernmental subdivisions. amounting to Sll.098,000. The only category which dis- doset a • Joss was ln tree values which dropped $87,040 during the year to a current valuation ot $27.544.470. Other categor y increases were : Mining rights, Including oil.:_ $1.345.2SO for a total ~ S39,361,· 825, Solvent cred.il.5-Sl ,793,010 a total of $12,117,905. Phone Beacon 5824 Newport &I Co8ta Mesa CAB CO. 24-Hour Service for Unity Exists; Fish Strike Called Off Commercial fishermen of New- port Harbor have e nded their picketing or three wholesale and r etail fish distribution houses a fter more than a month of str ik- ing against local fish dealers in demand of a r aise in the f ish price scale. The strike was called oi f, a spokesman for the CIO local in Ne\vpor t Beach re por ted, a fter a cooper ative understanding W :l.S ma de with the fi sh dcale~. a nd. although the present arrangC'ment! ar c temporary, dea lings between local fisher men and disU•bu tors are harmonious at presen t . The strike of fishermen in San Pedro was called off two days be- fore the end ot the local picke1 - ing. P. A.PALMER .-LIDO l&£ PPbPBR:rIBs ~~~-·~~~- W. O. BUC~ -h>surar.ce Co..nselor ~1500 ~R...{ 3333 Vli LIDO CALIFORNIA • Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE washing • Polishing • Lubrication Tire Recapping • nres Retreaded 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa • 7 SURPBISF--IJttle Miu LoWae Mettler (above), fov z=A...,.balf year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr11. Franklln M ettler of Summit, Ne"· .Jer uy, ,,·ho ue viJ.ltlnc ln Ne"'port Beach, "'U one of the cl.au of no\14'.l!S '~tho have surprlsed themselvea u well u others by the pro"'~ lo learnlDc ho"' to .,,1m lll the Bed Crou Summer claaes conducted here. Tbe Utile ctrt could not •"""lm be.fore she came to N e"-port Beach. -Photo by C. A. Griffis. Costa Mesa Bldg. Work -$69,490 S ANTA ANA, July 10.-Mo re permits u.·ere issued for construc- tion work in Costa Mesa t han for all the re mainder of the unin- corpora ted area of the western end of Orange county in the past two weeks. according to a stale· ment nfade public today by the Orange County building depart · mC"n t. Value of the 19 permits issued in Costa Mesa for the seml· monthly period juat mentioned was $69,490, the building: depart· ment official said lndJvidual permits were Issued for Costa Mesa as follows: Veda Schmitt, 173.52 Bannin1 S t., $2000; Richard Cookesley, 1351 Rochester St. $6000; Irvin& MeJba, 1092 Cabrillo St., $4000; J ohn Sondra, 20542 E lden Ave., $6000; Thomas van Fleet, 22381 Fullerton Ave., $3312 : Cecil Hunt, 1052 Wilson St., $4000; A. W. Abbott, Santa Ana Ave., and 16th St .. $3300; George D. Pop. 1041 Ma gnolia Avt'., $5700; H. B. Woods, 21122 Harbor Blvd .. $1500. Dale Lltchford, 1342 22nd St., $1864: Gle n D. Baker, 1332 22nd Corona del Mar -News By BESSIE L. BENEDICT l\trs. J ohn Sadlelr, 218 Narcis- s us avenue, entertained her bridge club Friday with desert luncheon. ~1 esdames Josiah Stamp, K V. Dilts, Harry Welsh, Sid Black- beard. Arthur Gant, Harold Wal- denburg and Arthur Kemper. Mrs. Wa ldenburg won hJ gh, Mrs. Stamp SC'COnd, and Mn. Kemper, con.so- la tlon. Joane Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mn. J. Hogan, Poppy avenue, recen tly received word of her ac- ceptance into Principia College. Elsah. Ill. She will leave in the near future to enter in September. She wW major in drama, art and literature. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Robertson and da ughter , MaruJyn, and son, John. Jr., San Marino, have moved into their beach place they recent· ly bought or Col. Luers who moved to San Bernadina. 1---------------------------i st., $1864; Sylvester Rutledge, 20612 Santa Ana Ave .. $1500; W. Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Swiger. 314 Larkspur avenue, entertained 1\1.r. Swla:e r's cousin, Mrs. Oaribelle Jenkins a nd daughter and Mrs. Jenldns ' brothe r, Mr. R. Barr and wif e. Fort \Vayne, ·Ind., Sunday. The visitors are vacationing at Redondo this summer . C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE t t t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;!; ;!; ;!; Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 739-J for Prompt Service VENETIAN BLINDS Wood • Steel • Aluminum Fut Service -Free !'af:lm•tM Call Us and Reverse Phone Charpl Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wanllow Bo..i Phone Long llMch 4M-28 Long Beadl Prepare NOW for "Cooler Weather" this fall! FLOOR FURNACES Floor and Dual Wall Types -.,. , st.ti SAVE 10°/o 119')1. o...-ON S.tw .,.,. .. • FURNACES Gmrcrt11I ....... --•Wallo Ir • JNSTAIJ.fm DU&ING -· JUNE OR JULY .-.... . RARJ)WAU p E R R y 's APPU&NOIB P. !ttcGee, 16th P l. and Oran2e Ave .. $1000; B. A. Nereson, 23182 Orange Ave., $1500: W illiam Guthrie. Sr .. 10'T71 17th St., $4500; \Varfleld Co.. 2621 Coast H\vy., $4500; L F . MJtchl'll, 20262 Ace· cia Ave .. S4350: K. L. Quarry, 23422 Westminster Ave.. $6400, a nd A. G. Eldred, 1122 Mesa Dr., IS6200. Radio Stolen \Villiam Bailey of 801 % Spur~ geon street . Santa Ana. and O. Fidler of 1532 Ocean boulevard, Balboa, reported to Newport police Wednesday that someone stole a r adio which was left ln the care of the Ftdler youth, police said. Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the News-Times . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stauch, 316 Marigold avenue, ha d as guesta for four days, l\lr. and Mrs. J. F . Ke lle}', Los Angeles. They motored to a mutual friend's ranch a t Vista. Friday. l\tr. a nd l\:tn . Harold \Vilson, 320 Iris a venue, gave a dinner, . TE'- cently for guests. l\lr. and Mrs. B. Macke nzie. San Bernardino, and Jl.·1rs. Wilson's parents, l\tr. and Mrs. W. Swige r . Larkspur avenue. and friends. Mr. and 1\1.rs, H a rry S ta uch. Marigold avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Bergen Davis, 209 Fernleaf avenue, announce the birth of t h€'fr son. Bergen Michael. 1 lbs. and 1 oz. July 2. According to them. the paby is noisy, hungry a nd just r ight wi th dark eyes and it seems a QUC'Stion. yet, whether he resembles ra ther or mother . Mrs_ Bergen and Bergen, J r., will arrive home Thursday from the Community hospital. Balboa's -RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM -THAT SENSATIONAL-- ALL GIRL BAND The International Sweethearts of Rhythm "The Girl Band That ts Taking the Country by Stonn" ly lltb Friday, July 12th Sablrday, J•ly 13tb Dancing From 9 Until I \ ' ' " . - 7 Tt Dz -Mn.A.M.N.-, ___ llr. ---~ -.V., Bulletin for ill at her ._ cm Ncapat Ca)' atre.t, Neaport He!Pta, Hetcbta, lo r-•aliC-lln. -ta-...,.,,tlyatBlc-. cAdomo .... been wltb --ell)oJlnc the flll>lnc -tlle - ' Veterans '!be ... "' Mr. ond Mlt c. o. .~lnc~~-;;;w,,...;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;; .. ;lm:;; .......... ;;;;;;;;~· Flanapn of the West Cout M~at l Co. ond 325 Santa Ana A ..... New- port Bead!. WU diKhargod !nan the DA\')' lut ....,k after oenioe """'"tly at the Naval Tnlnlnc By Jane Calkins • Q : How may I establilh oervloo connection for malaria! A : A claim for dilabillty pen- sion should be flied within a year from date of discharge. Servloo connection may tMn be granted when there is an offtci.81 record available showing the presence of malaria In service, or when proper diagnosis of the disease is made within one year from date of sep- aration trom active service, pro- viding there is no Indication that the disease was contracted prior to or since release from service. Q : What evidence should be sub- mitted to the Veterans' Adminis· tration to sut..tantiate the tre-. quency of recurrences ot malaria? A : Various types of evidence may be submitted: 1. A physician's sta tement on his letterhead gtving date or examination or treatment, his findings. diagnosis a nd treat. ment. 2. A druggist 's statement on le tterhead giving da te and na· ture or drug sold a nd any ob- serva tion \\'hich indicated to him tha t you might be suffer- ing from malaria . Center in San Diego. '!be IOI\, Dean, ii a tp'aduate of Harbor Hlgbf IChool ond before en- tering lt"l"'Vide was employed a a wholesale rpeat jobber In his father'•-~-+------ Mn. Marie Barbre of Loo An- geles arrived Friday and spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mn. C.. G. Porter Jr., 4lst otreot. 3. S\\-"Orn statements from Jay persons gi,ving dates and de- sai.ptions of S)'mptoms noted. Q : Ma.y I receive medical care from the Veterans' Administration pendJng ajudication of my claim. • A: Yes. 9ut Patient Care at the Veteranl;' Administration Out Patient Department at the West Los ·Angeles Facility is available. You may also apply fOf' H~ Town Care through the Veterans' AdministratiOn· from a doctor be- longing to ~e California ~ysi­ cians' Service. -it-you have turther questions regarding this info rmation we suggest you contact the H ome Service Department or the New- port Harbor Branch of the Amer - ican Red Cross. brief ••• bare ••• and fabulously flattering ••• all of them -ger-to-swim WATER FASHIONS From sun-swept California comes o glorious collection of surf and sand suits! Th e prettiest, gayest swimsuits we've seen in years ... streamlined or demure ... they're all here waiting for_ you in white and 1-o-v-v-v-e-1 -y watercolours. r Keep Your - Office Equipment_· in per/eel repaU-f · 'n>e ""1-1 .. --~-t bu -'"l'7 slow ta -.t monU.. Hewewr, dell~ eriel fl'am. ov ..... ._...JW al orders are !)e. In& ..-------d&J'S. UnW the <1111'87 .. --'-t la pooolble w!U-t - -d~ .. -periods of wait. lnC. lt'1 rm OM ••• lt"I: pod business to make )'OQr s--t .. re .-.1 1ut. 'nerun.. .. s; n;riii to care for JPur needs. prompllJ>', ..... _t17_ Our blP17 trained t«b- nlcal ~ -'.t b7 Tieman'• years ot upe.r.. fence. i. Yom' __.....,. of conect lastlns _,.,.,.._ Checlr: )'Ulll' omc. mach1nes. ll the-y are not up to par. pbcme '143 lor an e-xpert to look them over -4 Qaake the necemry read- justments. .. Phone 743 - • CMTU•LOOMR ....--I 'l1Wll .................. JCI I IOC•lllill .... ··-· 1511 ... ............ UI .. ?HUA• 9Cll If .,._, :l 0° i C 0 11 I •111 ...... 1!16 Jr.-Oa!IM Aw. B•a .. Czli#M 11 7 I So Help Me BJ Bldclle Oott7 WE HAD ANOTHER ol those Pep Meetings yesterday. Now we're all so tired out we'll probably have to take the weekend off to rest up. The Boss, J. M. Miller, that big trafficker in real estate at 15th and Central, just sul>- scribed to one of those Wash· ington News Letters that tell you all about how you could make a lot of money if there wasn't a rule against it some-- where. This one is put out by a man named Irving 0. McF1uegeltwitch who works part time as a bearded lady in a side show now towing ' western Pennsylvania. 1bey say it's very interesting if you can understand it-I wouldn't know. • • • • ''Boys'' began J. M. ''break up that card game and listen to me. It says here that now that O.P .A. is finished the real estate business is at the crossroads." • • • • "Do you suppose we could get an option on the comer lots at the crossroads•" ask· ed Russ, our errand boy. "We could put on a big sales campaign with the slogan. •we Have a Comer on Comer Lots." • • • • • . "Yeah." broke in Holly, our bffice boy. "We could put lawn furniture on those lots and sell them furnished. The man that retreads our old carbon paper was looking for a nicely furnished vacant lot only yesterday." • • • • "Why can't we use Biddle's Idea for a two-story vacant Jot ?" asked Jane. our office girl. Then we'd get the jump on our competitors." • • • • ''There's ·. law against jumping on anybody inside the dty limits," pointed out Russ. who is a very practical perllOll. "And we don't want any violence." • • • • "Violets? What's the mat- ter with violets?" asked Bid· dle the assistant janitor dreemlly as he stared intently out the window. "I Jove flowers and beautiful things like that." • • • • "Like what?" snapped out Holly, taking a quick gander for himself. "Oh, I see what you mean. Shame on you." • • • • "Look, Holly, we'n1 Wklng about this Washington News Letter right now," said the Boss wearily, "so we can find out something about the real estate market now that the O.P .A. is finished. McF1ueg· eltwitch says the gmeral trend of thought is that real estate is here to stay. That's definitely encouraging." • • • • ''The way I feel this mom· ing I need something beside encouragement," said Holly. "AnybOdy got a couple of . . ,,, aspmns . • • • • "I gave my last aspirin away yesterday to that man with nine children who was trying to rent a bait tank suit· able for summer occupancy." said Russ. • • • • At this point the meeting was interrupted by the arrival of a man in a kmg black overcoat with a moth-eaten fur collar wearing a derby hat. Said his name w"I' Joe. He had hitch-hiked down from Vancouver with an idoo to relieve the housing short- age in this area. Something about putting folding beds in telephone booths. A little crowded. of course, but as J . M. pointed out, we could. describe them as quaint, and that W<>nl will sell anything. So the Boss took off v.~th Joe to talk business to the ~ phone company. and the meeting was declared e clampus vitus, which doesn't mean a thing. • • • • In the meantime. before all the phone booths around town get full of tenants in foldin!t beds, step Into one and call HArbor 1242. The next voice you hee.r will be J . M. Miller's, and your reel estate problems will be over. If your favorite phone booth is aJree.dy con- verted. tell the ricksba boy to follow the crowd to 15th and Central, where the manage- ment furnishes free parking for heliropters and iceboats. Vacatloll-by-Air I I S.W:. Stai t,d 1..-s_P_-__ R_"Y'_o_"_s_.,_it__.. ' SlJRBOUNDED BY THE BEAUTY or theJr custom made IUnlture and eldlfully.-created ceramlca are Maartce MarUne and Joe L Stamp jr .. who recenUy opened the ~ Sbop at Ul Cou&: hlcbway, Co- rona del Mar. Tbe new Lanai bu attracted a veat deal of lntereet from Barbor reUdeata and lta ~ tabllehmeot bu added another dlsttnctive retaU bu .aneu to the fut-(T'Owlnl" CDM d.latrlct. -photo by Gerhardt. INT&U8TED 8PECTATO~A11emble4 beN are the ,.,,_ta el tbe poop of J'oaDI' people wbo par-. .... ,... .. -..,._ -1IUddle Kanllval .. d co .... -...... ---... ---.i.,, .ipt. Tlllo --... -._taton ID tbe IOdal room of tloo USO clab, -tbe coroaatlGll took pa-. -photo by Ed. BloddeD IOOO Besister Three thousand veterans are· registered daily at the 34 Vet- erans Administration office a throughout Southei:n California . Flili Enoucb Two little girls were playing. One pretended that., she wanted to rent the other's playhouse. "Have you any parents?• the playhouse owner asked. "Yes, two," was the reply. "I'm sorry," the small landlady said. "but I never r ent to children with parents. They're so noisy and destructive.''-Canadian Tribune. U.S. District Court Ruling Favors Supenisors in Overtime Pay Rate When foremen are required to perform the &&me dutle. u tbe men they aupervbe, they are enttUed to ttme and one-ball pay for overUm e ""·ork, ruled Judce Bea Hant.an of the U. S. Dlltrlct Court (Loa Anrele.) ln a precedeat.-MittlnC decision affectlac many beach- cltlea realdent5. Upbolcllar clalml of 12 foremen. uabtant foremen and 1ub-tore- mea to back wace. from Loe Anseles 8.blpbulldlnc Corporation, the court directed that the men should be paid at the premium rate for all work over 40 hours per week. according to David Sokol and Cletis J . Hanifin, attorneys for the employes. Does Your House Need Painting? -A- In defending its fai1ure to pay time and one-half for the group, the company maintained that these were administrative em· ployes and as such were exempt from overtime pay provisions of the federal wage and hour act. Attorneys Sokol and Hanifin stipulated that during a large part or the work week the men were required to perform the same du· ties as the men they supervised and therefore were not actually administrative employes, despite their titles. No walUng ... Work done Immediately by highly •killed Journeymen Palntea using the most mod- em eqnlpment and finest materials. -A-- Own ed and operated by World War D Veterans seeking yow permanent good will and ~ *-For Free FAUmates- Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman Hanifin estimated that $10,000 in back pay was involved. An ad· ditional 125 cases are pending, with approximately $100,000 in· volved, he stated. The decision was regarded as highly significant, as in a recent similar case in Massachusetts, the court found in favor of the em· ployer. Whlaken Wlnd-BIOM'D A gtr) who was in a restaurant BEACON SEA FOOD Now In -.-., I ";th her escort was speaking of the many bearded American saiJ. ors. "It's amazing,". she asserted. "The other night I saw three of them. no older than I am, with full beards." NEW LOCATION ''Probably Just back from over- sea. service," her escort suggested. "Were they weartnc ribbons!" "Oh. no," the girl replied; "they Just let them llow loooe." At Colinty Port (Continued from Pace 1) nJght instructor at Lancuter, Cal·Aero and Tulare. Mm two and a half years In- structing. Don then wu traftl.. f en-ed to the A TC and 11.W do- mestic ferrying service in thla country and then went to OUna to lly the tttacherous Hump. F1yJng the Hwnp In Army Curtis Commandos, Don made regularly scheduled h<>pa from Calcutta Into China. and moot all of them w~ pretty routine stuff, a=rding to the pilot. There was one bop that turn· ed out to be a litUe more than "j\llt routine," however, and It resulted in a n.ightmatt. While flying a couple of passengers ln Otlna one night, one motor of the big transport quit and the other caught fire at 400 feet alti· tude. Luckily, the plane was over a big canyon and everyone in the plane wu able to jump...-but in pitch-black darkness, it wu no fun, the pilot narrates. Guteridge, himself, was pretty well bruised and injured, but he was rescued by some Chinese and brought back to his base in more or less one piece. Guteridge's new air service ls going to be a boon for many local residents who wish to visit rela- tives, or make emergency calls anywhere in the U. S. and he is ready at all times to make the hop. There isn't any set fee, Gut· eridge says, because it depends of course, on whether the passenger is making a round trip or a one- way, but the charge is nominal and service is really guaranteed, he says. I.f you aren't anxious to gQ any. where in particular, he says, Just take an air ride around this area, it is beautiful a nd you'll learn a lot about the land in which you live. "The Ceslna," Don says, "ls willing to stay up ror but just an hour or rorever-you name it and we'll do It." They Say--- l:ra .. t -F ...... 8eeretu7 of EBCIM4-"U we put 100,000 JeW1 in Palestine tomOlrow, I would have to put another divil.ion or British troopa there. I am not prepared to do IL" l..U.O MWi•el F. W ...... el - New York Sul* eme eean-."'I cla.u Communism with murder, abortion, mercy klllinp and all other interference with God's plan." Frederick lollot-Ourle. French Hieb Commhel:oaer for Atomic Eneru-"We intend to work to attain some sor t of interna tional control of the development of atomic energy for useful purposes and to prevent the use of atomic weapons." Eleanor ft()(Mlevelt, Chairman of tile UN Committee oa Human Rlcht.,_"We would rise up, I thin k, very quickly iJ we thought that any dictator was trying to keep us from the control of our government long before any real control could be held over us to keep us down." Clinton P . ADdenon, Secretary of Aptcu.ltu.r~"U we want to keep our comparative advantages in various lines of production and at the same time· to Jet other countries keep theirs, we must have expanding international trade." Gen. °"-il'bt D. o,enhower. Army Chief of Staff-''I stand for present continuation of Selective Service, not as a peacetime policy of the United States, but as an assuranCe to ourselves and others that we will have the strength to carry to complete fulfillment the purposes for which we went to war." Dr. Robert C. Clot.taler, preUdent of Rutp:n Coll~"An alert citizenry refusing to shirk its re- sponsibility will give the United States the internal health and ex- ternal strength it muat have to guide the world toward perma· nent peace." Prof. Boward 1. ~, ol 8etoe Boll Collos--"At S.too Hall we have a thousand men on the 1135 Cout Highway Port Orange Beller campw and about 90 per cent are The expectant father had been war v•to. It becmnes clear that padng the lloor or the hmpltal th• men who wU1 need dooest waiting room for boun lhowlnc guidance are the non-- eviclenceo of cliatrea. At Jut a whooe u-haw not been lnll!r· Fresh Sea Food Cocktails nune aPPl!'ared and told him. rupll'd and who have not yet "It's a'·clrl" · learned to meet reapomibW-u ·~ heaven!" he llhouted. the vetenm haoe." • A SMOOTH 1p~ r1yon gabar· d ine 1uit like thi•' one will give 1mart service all year round: It fu· tute1 a 1nug-fitting ja.cket, winged 1houJder1. the new detper armhole ind wide cuff• on three-quarter aleevea. Wear it with a blouse, with ;ewelry at the neckline or with an ascot scarf as thown here. If JOU want accurate information about the rayon fabrics in your suit.-1.ook for factual labels that give 70u the re- sult• of laboratory ttltl for dry cleanability and wear qualitiet. You may have a ltH copy of • belplul liaflet, "Menclinc Trldco for Ray. Ona... by aendinc • stamoed ..u .. t.ddreued a\y~lope to the Wo111M•1 Watch the Oaastfied colwnna. PUBLIC . NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF BUll NES& Flctltlou1 Firm Name P-S370 The u.ndetsip.ed do berebr certify that we are conductln1 __ a masutne publlablng bu.lnua at 508 East Cen· tra1 Aninue. Bal~ cauron.la. under t.be r1cut1oua nrm name or Southern California BM.cbcomber, &Did that aald nrm I.ti cornJ>(IMd of the foUow-tq per· IODll wboH n&mell In full e.ad p~~ or rM.ldence are u follow•. TO-WIT: Ruuell L. Dietrich 61» I:. C-tnl ..... Balboa, ClllfornlL ".""~ ~'f.:. "'""'' Balboa, C&.illOMliL W1TNJ:8S OW' bands th.la J7th day Of .June 1M4. RuSSZLL L. DIETRICH GEORGS S. V ARG.A.. STATE OF CALD'ORNIA. COUNTY OJ' ORA.NGJ:.~: On thla 27th day of .June. 1H8, ~ fore me Lout• W , Brtsp, a Nol&rY Public ta and for aald county ua state, rqldlnc therein. duly commt.· atoned and •worn, ·pel'80nall:r &p~­ ed Ruaiell L. Dietrich and Geor1e S. Varp. known to me to be the per90-wboee names are •ub8Cribed to the within Instrument and aelmowledced to ~e that they_. e:icecuted the same. IN ! WlTNESS WHEREOF', I baTe be~unlo Mt my hand ano a!fl:iced my otfl('lal seal lhe day and year in thLI certJncate !Int above .written. . LOUIS W. BRIGGS, 'Notary Public In and for Orange Countr,. State of California. Ky comm ulon expire!! May 25. 1947. Pub. July 4. 11, 18. 25, 1946. NOTICE OF INTENDED SA.LE Under Section 3-440 Civic Code of the State or California. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ; That Da.vla S, Hatch . Vendor. whoee addreu 111 219 llagnolla Avenue, lo the City of Coat& Mesa, County or Orange, State or Callfornla, lntend11 to :tell to Robe.rt D. Rlchard11 and William B. Speer. Vendees, whoee a.ddrealle8 a.re 520 No. Stanley Avenue. and 721 No. Spaulding Avenue, In the City of Lo11 Angeles. County of Loe Angele.. State of Cali- fornia, the following deacrlbed personal property, to· wit: All stock In trade. fl:ictureit, equip- ment and good wrUI of a certain PlaaUc ManufactuHng bu11lneu known 11.11 Nova Novelty Company and located at 219 Magnolia Avenue, In the Clfy of Coal& lfeaa. County of Orange, State of Call· fornla. and that a Mle, tranafer and a.ulgnment of the u.me will be made. and the con1tderation therefor will Wi paid at· 10:00 o'clock a. m. on the 19th day of July_. 1946, at the escrow depart- ment of Bank or America NaUonal Truat and Savings A.uociatlon, at 7166 Santa Monica Blvd .. South Ho!Jywood Branch ( at Loa Angeles. In the City of Loa Anples1 County of Loa Angeles. State of C&l fornla. Dated July I, 1946. DAVlS S. HATCH . Vendor. Pub. July 11 , 1946. NOTICE OF INTENDED MORTGAGE .Under E'«tlon 3440 Cl•ll Code of the State of CallfOl"DIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN : That Robert D. Richards and WU· llam B . Speer. Mons-agors, wboae a.d· dreeaea ar-e 520 No. Stanley Avenue, and 721 No. Sp&uldtn1 Ave .. In the City of J..o8 Arll'elee, CoUnty of Loa An-l'el•. State or Callrornl&. lntend11 to mortgage to D&ria S. Hatch. Mort· gagee. whoee add.rea la; 219 Munolla Affnue, In the City of COBt.t. lie.a. Countr of Or&rl1e. State of Callloml&. the followlnc ducribed penonal prop· erty. 00. wl l : lilachlnery a.nd equipment or a cer· taln Plutlc Ka11uf&etw1ng bWll""8 known aa No•a Novelty Com-pi&ny, and located at 21'9 Jrlacnolla Aff.bue. In tbe CltJ or ec.ta Kea. Count,-or Ora.nee. l'tate of Ca!lfomlal and U..t u u:· ecuted mortcaae o the aune will be dell9-ered &Ad the conalderaUoa thereof PLld at 10:00 o'clock L m. on the ltth aa,-of July, ltoM, at lbe tiec:row ... P&rtment or the Bank of America Na· UouJ TrWd. and Sariqs A.uoclaUoo, 7116 Santa KonJca BIYd.. at South RoUywood Bra.c:bl ta the City or i.o. 4Qel•..' 0oantJ" 0 Loe £.ap!M, State of "C&Uronda. Datod Julr 1, .-ROBKRT D. RICILUU>8, Kort.ca.or. wn..LUM B. SPUR, D.AVIS 8. RA.TCH, llortcacor. BUIDICW arms H -INSURANCE- • FIRE • Atrl'OMOBILE • YACHT a OOlllPENSATION "STU'' DUNLAP OOAST PROPERTIES 00. 703 East Central -BALBOA -Harbor 2658 TIDE TABLES II lULY, -194- F 12 9:04 2.35 7:il 1.19 WANTED-Secretarial pooitloa 3.6 --0.3 5.9 2.5 ~r ~~7~enced. Phone S 13 9:3"DW.>3m S:H 1:..i ar r • · 54-ltp 3. 7 --0.5 6.0 2.5 REUABLE child """'· day or Su 14 10:14 3 ,40 8:41 !:!18 evening. Call Harbor 140lhl. 3.7 --0.6 6.0 2.5 53-2tp M 15 10'48 4.12 9:2% S:l! 3.8 --0.6 5.9 2.5 WANTED-Ironing and care for T 16 11:24 4:45 8 :58 S:5! children e\'enings. 309 Marigold 3.8 --0.6 5.8 2.5 Corona del ?ttar. Phone Harbor n... an pieiced lll orGer o6 CNmT..,. 1023-J. 51-ttc ~t apr. L 111.; Mft a..,. p. • AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FREE ESTIMATE on House Trailer Painting . Portable Equipment GEORGE'S BODY & PAINT SHOP • 2920 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 826. li WORK WANTED -Young girl baby sitter, 50c per hour. 'I'ntM- portatlon needed. Har. lSSl·W. 52..Ctc LICENSED boat operator, me- chanic. cook, chauffeur; live- aboe.rd or in. Will take OYet' work on "returned" boat. Wife available as maid or b<MJ1e-. keeper . Write Box R or phone Normandy 11TI6. 52..Jtp EMPLOYJIENT OFFERED • HELP WANTED-1st class paint· er. Sympson .!t Noliar, 512 38th St., Newport Beach. 52-tfc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Cheryl's. 322 Marine Ave., Bal· boa Island. 54·tfc WANTED-Elderly woman for housework. Stay nights, room, board and salary, private room. with private entrance. Phone -Beacon 5249.W. 54-ltc ---:::-:::c:-:=-:-:-:::::=--:-~5-4_4_tc 1 -;;;·~;;;;;;:;-"·o;;;:·:::--"'.'.:7.:---=-=:,::;; SIGN PAINTIN WANTED-Women w:lth J)r9duc-G lion experience to do rod wrap. ping work. Apply in person at Boeto, Trucks, Windows Narmco, Inc., 1015 Coast Blvd.. Wallo and Bulletlna. Corona clel Mar. 52-tfc Ralaed Metal, Wood and Plutlc Letten SALESMEN -Advertising cam- •-T LACm'EYER pa.Ill! now In effect. Exoellent n>U .ll.lll opportunity If YoU quality. Ap. 1726 Weal Central ply Miu Van Uew, 508\i No. _Harbor ___ UG-_._M _____ llll__;tf• Main St., Santa AnL 52-lltc PRE-BUILT HOMES co. HELP WANTED -Secrotuy. •tenocrai>lm', experienced -Intelligent. S.. Mr. Wrtsht at Bank or America. NOwpol°t BdL GARAGES -tlTILlTY HOUSES HOMES Branch. 52:4._tel" HELP WANTED-By hour, wo- man for ceneraJ ho~ 1404 So. Bay Front, Balboa Ial- 201 Westminster and. Harbor 754-W. 53-2tc Inunedlate Delivery A. M. DIXON, Dealer Newport Helghto 51..Ct<> HELP w ANTEO-Elclttly man u COOPERATIVE =-~~ .:U~~"" a! ROOFING CO. boa. 64 homo per .... 1t. s.e Ne_w and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. 20th St .. Cotta Mesa 21}.ttc PAINTING 12 Yean Service ln Newport H•bor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J 774 E. 19th etr .. t 24-tft Painting -Decorating R. E . ANDERSON Fr .. Estimating Phone Beacon S~J 47-tfc FINE FINISH KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W. Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Newport Beach 51.Stp FOR A REUABLE Paint Job on your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4:30 p.m. l()..tf< PAINTING -PAPER BANGING and DBlCORATING H. IC. McDonald il4 Old Conty Rd .• Co.ta Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J SS.tic l'BANSPOBTATION H WILL TAKE 3 passengers to Bos- ton, leaving Monday, July 15. Phone Harbor 391. 54-1 t~ BICYCLES Sold, Rented .,.. llA!p&ind. VOGEL'S 100 Kaln 'Bt., - 208 -.. -laland. -llZAUTI" AD>8 COLD and MACHINLESS WAVF.S Harris, 313 E. Central, Balboa. PAINTER SMALL BOATS Experienced 46-tfc Good Wages-Overtime Watson Boats 611 Coast Highway 54-11<> WANTED -Woman, experienced in genera) housework tor two days each week. Phone Mn. Lang, Harbor 614 or call at 605 Via Udo Soud. 53-trc Experienced BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR. PETI"Y SOUTH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 51-tt• YOUNG WOMBN Telephone operating positions are.:,available to you in your own community. Tlntlnc and lllanlcurlnc Eveninl Appt. Ph. Harbor l~W Vi's Beautv Shop Starting pay iB good, uaa ca.at lllwaJr. ~ del x. experience iB not required 1$-Uc ' With Amaud's and Norton's Sauces • "She'll ...._ have to co tbrouch what rve Just been throo1h." -II Lodpr -at -.:nm.. Pa•. , .. , u . .-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiil FOIJND..-IAd)>'a wrlat watdl on AU the IOOd of which humanity Bo1boa Island Phone Harbor Frequent increua Vacations with pay. i. capo.bl• i. comprbed 1n --WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD · 1287-11. M-ltp We Still Feature: COOKED LOBSTER ence.-Joltn Stuart MIU. 811 Cout llJchway 101 A Methodist DelJ"O -llhoutod: "C<lme ... jlne ... anD7 ............ lilt ob de Lohd!" II Fresh and Smoked "loo done lined." replied -of the --lion. .;;:,i:.d YoU jlne!" -the • :::: ~."·: ... ~ .. •• 17•!'1 Seafoods "In ... Be,ptla' ch. ch. .. ...,,.._ • ..... , Bu • llr ._. _,..,, cblle," -the -· ..... --Ao -.,..,., aln"t ID the aftlll': -yo'a In de _, - -.All ~ bp&W&IM Illa • ~ n&"Y." ._ ________________ "!""_..,. __ llllil J""'* 8t .. -, I •. • Advancement opportunities. Apply JOO E. Sq Aw. Be-• ~N.KalnSt.,SanlaAa ... Alt ... _.tor fer Illa a.w Oporator Southern Califonda Telep)ione ComPDF . . .... ' • ~~'=··::~::~: ........ ::::~·~·:·:·:·:·:""':: .... :~::·::T'-:: ....... ::~·=*-'1'.:!:u.::::1•:11::::::::::::.....:.::::::::::::::::::::::=-;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:·:::::::::::::-::::~~·:::22 ,, pp;:f,1. UT.US ,, •g••. ~ ,, -··· .... ..,. ., ••L mr.&n • SALZ lllllCZLLANEOC9 • UU: l09Cl!:LLANl:OC8 • ~_lf'.Al. • R \fllO S4 KEAJ > FOR SALE-Reflector nOor lamp. Order your with shade. perfect conditloo. Servel S18. Phone Harbor 520. r.4-ttc Gas Refrigerator FOR SALE-Apt. size range. $20. Now rnacllron 522 : 1 maple bed divan at Vogel's $25. All in e xcellent condition. 100 Main St. Harbor 145 54-ltc 52-tfc -WILL~~~TRAD=c-=-:~=-=-"'k~egs~-o-:;1:--n-:;al~ls l -~~~---==-~~~--=-. 6-8-10 penny common. for hard WANTED TO BUY 11 wall pluter. 700 Coast highway, WANT TO BUY-Will pay ca5'o Newport Beach. 54-ltp for good. clean used car. Phone CAN DELIVER Mason or Kerr Htg. Beach 3521. 52--4tc pnoservtng Jan. 1 qt. size, 40 w ANTED-Used portable type. dozen; 2 quart size, 50 dozen. writer, in good conditlon. P . 0 . Phone Harbor 189. 54·ltC Box 145 Balboa bland. M-2tc ATTRAc:MVE back bar, l&-ft. WANT TO BUY-Wardrobe trunk long, 9-ft. high. marble top a:d must be in excellent condition, columns, perfect. Full p1ate mir-and have good lock. Phone Har- ror. $375. Ph. SantJt. Afla 54.29. bor 79-R 54-ltp 54-itc _::::....:.:....c:_,_.,---=--:----' =FO=R..,SALE-=-=--=Twi,,...,.._n-:::2-::'n-,·h-.p,.-_ -'-;J-:;ohnc--:-· Will Pay Cash son outboard motor . Call Beaoon For your turniture or what haw 5618-R.. 271 Broadway, Coata you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· 54s2tp ley Furniture. 1812 Newport Mesa. Blvd, Costa Mesa. 48-tf( FOR SALE-Bell and Howell Spe-ci al 70 P.A.. high •peed len.se, CASH FOR USED FURNITURE telescopic lense. wide angl~ PHONE BEACON 5538-J. tense, tilting equipment. tripod. 23-tfc light meter . Complete equip-FVRNITURE FOB SALE st ment. Used only once. Call Har· RUGS FOR SALE--Gray, 2x7, $3; bor 1194-J , around 6 p. m. ~ .. .,. A-" ro .-..r..o: DI mond 54-4 tc ".11.0, >l'ol', ...,.. , • ,z1a. &.JJ a . -------~,-~--Harbor 213S.M. 53-2tc FOR SALE-5 single Roll-aways , BOATS. SUPPLIES II complet e with ma ttress, $15 _;..:.:..;.,':;....: _______ _ each. 418 E. Ocean Front. Bal-"SMALL BOAT boa. Ph. H a rbor 2739. 54-ltc · F OR SALE-Good s tove. right hand oven. with heat control. $35; chest a nd bed, mattress, coil springs, $30; brand new dav- enport with springs. mahogany tilt table. 312 35t h St., Newport. 54-4tc F OR SALE-Leitz 300 wt. projec- tor. Com plete w i th s lide changes. Stereo projector tense. viewer and adaptor for 50-mm. Leica tense. O ther accessories. 303 Amethyst. Balboa Island. 54-ltc HDQRS." WE MAKE many sizes and kinds of skiffs and dlnghie5. and the "Wat.son Oink" class sailer. AND Paddleboards. WE SELL other good small craft-Hughe! Kelson, Fold F1at. WATSON.BOATS 611 Coast H ighway Newport Beach FOR SALE-King upright piano. whit e, $100.00. 255 Diamond, Harbor 2139-M. 53--2tc SEE the new at,Yll"' world famous upholstered pianos. Many colors FOi' ..., .. to choo8e from at DANZ- SCHMIDT PIANO CO .. 520 No. FOR ~ · Main SL. Santa Ana.. WP also act::nr rent pianos. J8.. tl c l CkJ r . ----.,, n F1')'er plant. output 1200 fry· E..iccellent eqWp. ·.si:s. Good water , "trbor 2625-.J. ' 52s2tp :o lots Udo Soud. .,. walk. east end. •. Call Kimball 51--4tc STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahoe-7151 any c:ue. Beautiful tone. Med---J--E-8----¥-...,-.-_-- tum size. DANZ· SCHMIDT . . a rnes uc. ovn 0 CO ·~ N Mal 1 fV'l6 ~··wport B1vd PIAN .. = o. n, ·-Santa Afla. 38-tfc a.ta M.-.. Ph: Beacon~ FOR SALE-Marine radio. direc- tion ftnder, 3 band. 6 volt fisher. Nearly new. 509 31.lt. Newport on Beach. Ph. Harbor 257'7. 41-tfc Res;dence Lot • Flower street ln Costa Mesa Only $1400 2 Bedroom Home Radio and Electric REPAIRS 14 acn, all len«!d on Victoria. near 1torea, ete.. priced at 24--HOUR SERVICE $6500 ONE·RALF CASH All Makes -Pick Up 6 Delivery PERRY HARDWARE 1305 eou1 Blvd. Harbor 232 4·Bedroom Home 1 acre of land. on Harbor Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Fireplace, part hardwood noon. ~~~~~~~~~~54-.--.tfc barn. DOG!I, OAT!I & PETS 116 Price, $14,500 DOGS-All breeds. stripped. clip-- ped. and bathed by A.KC. H· 2 Bedroom Home censed handler. Free pick-up Near High school. Large living and delivery service. Send ca.rel. room with real fireplace. Dining Russell L. Ketcham. 421 P oin· room, large kitchen. Lot 63x168. ..,ttla Ave. Corona del Mar. Priced at $8500 52-tlc _ s--PE01AL--ANN--o-UN_OEMENTS ____ 111 Business For Sale CeramJcs manufacturing plant. FOR SALE-Very nice 18-ft. 6-in. Wholesale and retail license, boat, six pusengen. perfect good location. Four kilns. Gron condition, with trailer, $2800. aalea over $1200 per month. 3- Phone Santa Ana l~J. 53-tfc year lease on building. FOR SALE-1&-lt. sloop. small A real buy, at $6500 cabin, 5-fL beam, exCellent con-_ dltlon , !195. Zl5 E. Bay, Bal· A beautiful home boa. Phone Harbor ~-In C st M , ~2tc o a esa s ----INE--ERIN--G-CO--.,-. boot residential district. Large llv· RAM ENG ,-p~· Ing room and dining room, 4 rine machinilts-machlne work bedrooms 2 baths ttreplace FOR SALE-Leica model Doll 0 p E N S U N D A Y. p 54,;1~ chrome with F-2 summar tense =.:,· -:=-=-...,.,,....,..-----: J and 135 mm. lens.e. Eveready F OR SA.LE-16-ft. canoe, good and combination carrying cue. good condition, reasonable. Ph. 303 Aml"'yth5t, Balboa Island. Harbor 2393-J. 53-:2tc of all types, pick-up and deliv-floor ~ce wall lo wall car~ ery service, dock fadllties while pets. Double' 1arqe with laun- under repair. Will do work any dry. Lovely lawn and nowen. hour night or day. Located at $15 750 Central Boat W<><la Yard, Rhine > Channel. foot of 31st St. Phone - Harbor 21!1.J. %. Acre Land SWIMMING IN 3 LESSONS &-room atua:o houa<, hardwood noon. buement, on Onnse Ave. Art o! ~. Front and Double garap. Immediate - Back ~awl Strokn, -1on. Seven Lallona s~oo $8700 ----~-----54-_l_tc FOR SALE -Laree unsinkable FOR SALE-Bicycles, men't and canoe. reuonable. 118 4lst st ladies', pair to match, pre-war, Newport. 52-4tc like new, many extras. 303 FOR SALE-Newport dinghy in Amethys, Balboa Island. excellent condition. Phone Har- DAVID RIGHT FOR SALE-Flattle -complete Balboa Point Hotel =--~=-~-,---=-54--:lt<:_ bor ~-54-ltc FOR SAL&-Goody<ar Bicycle, nearly new. balloon Ures. Bou- quet Shop, 409 North Broadway. Pbon• S. A. 1990. ~2tc J . E . Barnes & Son ~ Newport Blvd. with dolly and new canvas cov-1115 E . Central Ave. er. Reasonable. Harbor 1145. -=~-------- 54-itc SWIMMING IN ONE LESSON FOR SALE-7:'>-ple«! Haviland "'WILL=-=-EX=""CHAN==G=E~i!O:-::ft:-_-.U-::-p-:ln-1 $3.00 china. floral design Phone 10, Wllmlncton for same In New· ~awl stroke In thrtt I'""°"' $7.00 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. port Harbor. caJ1 Erwin P1enon DAVID RIGHT Coota.... Ph. -~ 54-ltc REAL VALUES 52--41<: at Kimble 5283. 52--tfc Balboa Point Hotel ""FO=R~S-ALE--S.,...,,,-.,,..w-ordfls-=-=-=-h-rod....,..., -r-,eel '1'llrtt 50'x121!t'x31'' Shain ''Trim-1115 E. Central Ave. 49-8\c Two-bedroom home, i. acre: good and line complete, $85. John T. menhlp" exprea cnlllen. found eoll; good district. Full price Sympaon, 512 38th st., New· bottom, twin Chrysler Royals. Carpenters Available 0 nlY- port Beach. ~tic Built In 1943 by boot Seattle for seneral malntenan«! $5500 FOR SALE-Two-wheel utlllty yards. Full living accommoda· and ..,.Ir ~ trailer. $50; new two-burner gas tions, 6'4" headroom thruout, plate, $8; new door with chrome $15,000.00 each. Two :rf' Hia:girul hardware : kitchen double faucet, rescue launches. Double planked 34-U'c twlng spout. 1612 First Ave., bottom, 250 h.p. H all-Scott In------------ o. Z. BOllSBT!ION Call Harbor 83 Corona de! mar. ~2tc vader engine. Built In 1944 by K E Y S Wiison Boat W0<ks. $3500 each. FOR SAL&-One oak dinette set. P h L. B 47587 41-8tc Made Wblle You Watt four upholstered chain, $45.00. · -· VOGEL'S One victory model apartment 26-ft. apeed boat, powered with 100 Ma!D St., ~ range:, $30. One 9xl2 rug, $25. Oirysler Ace Marine engine: ...,.0 ,., _ _._e Balboa t.land One Singer sewing cabinet, $1.5. 3 cockpits; thoroughly overhaul-•uo --u.a ' · e+-ttc One large tw~wheel luggage ed; in water now at Alamitos ---~-------:-:: ,, trailer with 12x20 laJl>aulin. Bay, $2850 or trade for cabin FOB RENT '1 7:00x16 Ures, $125. 442 San Ber-type boat. Courtesy to broken. ----------- Furnished home, nice lot ; ea.st side of Neiwport Blvd.; 1942 refrig- erator and gas range : garage. Priced to Jl"'ll at only- $5700 Furnished two-bedroom home; hardwood and tile; garage; only four years old. Belter hurry on t his one- $8750 nardlno, Newport Hghta. 52-4tp Write or call J im Wilaon, 35 ROOM FOR RENT-Furnished. S •. • •• Be b •1 tf t o man: close to bathroom. 516 Three-bedroom home. 10 years FOR SALE anta ~,a, ~•g ac · " · < ol d·, hardwood and tile ; two-car 36th St. 53-2tp WELL BRED spi.rlted saddle WANT TO RENT-F1oat or an-garage; stucco, part basement horse, good western saddle chorage space for 16-foot sail· FOR RENT-Two lovely rooms cement. Two acres nicely land- .and bridle. N. W. corner of boat, or will share use of boat in private home, between ocean scaped; 160 ft. on Harbor Blvd. 15th a nd Santa Ana Ave.. for use of float. Phone H. W. and bay. Phone Harbor 19'n-R. Chicken equipment for 2000 BROSE REALTY CORONA DEL MAR ' New Duplex wit~ Ocean View Well located near ocean on a * foot lot. The very best construc- Uon. lovely kitchen wi~b tile drain- board. beautiful hardwood noon. large two-car ga.r... Immediate occupancy both units. OJnstruc>- Uon. locatlon and price unex- «!lled- Full Price $17,500 VERY LIBERAL TEID4S We still have a few beautiful view lots left, but they are going fast- don't be too late-building ls on lts way. BROSE REALTY 1307 Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR Phone Harbor 2048 53-ltc BALBOA BAYSHORES LEASEHOLD ESTATES. New homes under COil· stru'ction. Select yours now. One just completed and ready to occupy. Contact us for complete in· formation. Tenns. ' · BALBOA ISLAND EXCELLENT LOCATION ON NORTII . BAY FRONT. Attractive 2·bedroom home and fumlsh· lngs. INCOME PROPERTY. Two-bedroom home and apartment. FURNISHED, FOR $25,500 OORONA DEL MAR NEARLY COMPlEI"ED 2·bedroom knotty pine home on comer lot. ONLY $9750. Yi CASH EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NEWPORT HARBOR ll!r Cout lDll)lway 225 Marine Ave. Corona de! Mar ' 3113 w. Central Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beech Phone: Harl>or l'rnl 54sltc INOOME PROPERTY BARGAINS CATALINA ISLAND 20--room hotel, redecorated, newly furnished, 14 dozens of linens of each kind. Income, $200.00 per day. Price includes four.room house. $60,000, half cash. RESTAURANT DRIVE-IN, 101 IllGHWAY -$60,000 yearly gross income. Very attractive building in· eludes home quarters, two storerooms, walk·in quick freere 5x8, cold box 8x8. Because of illness, build· ing, business, equipment and stock for sal~,000. Tenns. COST A MESA-Heart of business section-small tw<>- bedroom house and one acre land-$11,500 or house and 60x125 lot, $5,000. -COME IN FOR INCOME-- ' HARBOR INVESTMENT 00.MPANY Realtors ~ ~ ~ ~ YOUR SUMMER HOME We have 9IM!l'&! low priced beach borme to,. choose from -In Newport -near Bay and Ocean -now under cmstrucUClll but will SOOll be ready to l1XM! In. $7500 to $9750 SMALL RANCHO A lovely 2-bedroom home, beautifully lt>- cated near Costa Mesa-1 'h acres with 200 trees--<rtable and corral-fish breed· Ing poo~ room. Everything com- bines ~!her to make this ,a show place. $23,000 ~I OR A SM'ALL RANCH Good 2-bedroom home on 'h chic_ken and rabbit equipment. $6800 acre with ANTIQUE SHOP Well Erulblished. Low overhead. Doing good volume. Priced to Sell AND ON BALBOA ISLAND 3 Lovely hOl!les that will suit the best taste -with quick po&sessl'XI so that you can get in this summer. ; HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors ilOtb at Central Ph. Hul>or 1800 A 1801 54sltc BALBOA PENINSULA 11011n TO lAWf • LOVELY Cape Cod OC<!an front Wi'Ll.7J~N,::;-;;:==-:=-;;:;:; home; large living-room. fire. W1LL LOAN you 1llOlllO' on ftnt place, barbecue, complete land· or aecond trmt deed OD paaiMl 1eaplng. Brand new. Immediate propet ty providing you wfll net pouesslon-me your houa<. P. 0 . Beat 18112, $20 000 Santa Ana. !D--4tc __ ' _ LOANS TO BUILD, .... - BALBOA INCOME-4 unit Apt. house. Ex- cellent condition. Two blocks from business center .: Imme- diate possession- $17,750 CORONA DEL MAR OlARMING two-bedroom . home; four years old; fireplace, floor furnace. Completely r edecorat- ed- $15,750 _.,.._ Newport Balboa Jl'Odenl Ba~ aDdX......-- 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harber 1llOll AtJTOMOTIVS & TIBD • TIRES Cuh for your used ti.rel Sell Them for top price at Lester's 0 .-K. RuOber Welders Recapping Wheel Balanctnc Section Work. 2900 W. Central, Newport Beach COST A MESA • 54.-81<: FIVE ACRES on Santa Ana Ave., AUTO l!!ll!BVICE. • small house, barn. Real buy at-Costa Mesa Saulsberry, Anaheim 2614. =-=----==:---~--::2tc chickens and family fruit. We 54-tfc 51-4tp WANTED TO BENT u Jus t cannot describe this place. ---------'--Better come in and see for A "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor $10 500 BOAT CHAR~·ft. IChoon· WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. yourself. . ' Auto Batteriell er; accommodations for 6: unturnlahed house. WUI leue. 634 Coast Highway 101 NOW HERE Rubber Separaters large parties accepted. P. 0 . Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 Beacon 5173 BALBOA PENINSULA 18,month -16.7l5 El<. Oil Box 763, Balboa. 51-4tp or 13. 35-tfc WE ARE HERE TO ~ERVE YOU -------------------~~-53-_l_t<:_I CHOICE bay view lot. 40x!lJ ft.- Compounded Motor STAR SAILBOAT. Just recon· AP!' or SMALL HOUSE wanted -$8000 Gall_on_. 70c dltloned and new pelnt. Phoo• by man and wife. We do not B . A. NERESON NEWPORT HARBOR REAL ESTATE Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 N~wport Blvd .. Costa Mesa 41-ttc Santa Ana 4148 between 8 L m. drl.Rk OI' smoke, no chlldre-n or REAL ESTATE J and 5 p. m. 46-ttc pet.. Phone Santa Ana 0991.w •--uran-and AAA OHN E . SADLEIR Kohl X' N n-' uuo ~~ ~-302 Main St., Balboa FOR SALE-New Marine ei or write Box " ' ewport ocu-Buslneu Opportunities Gene<ator. 1500 watt>. 32 volt boa News-Times. 37-tfc 1!17'2 Newport Blvd., Coota Meaa A REAL BUY in a modem, attractive house of pres Phone Har. 2034 D. C .• retail price for this pawet WORKING Mother desires room Ph. Beacon 5225 54-llc war constn.Iction. A roomy. tw~bedroom1 one-story 54 -ltc SHABBY FLOORS plant ts S516· we have 10 Jen for se1r and s.year son. would -----------house. with basement, dining nook, patio, adjoining COSTA MESA for clearance sale, $374· Yeokel like k.>tchen """"eges or c·-Elden Ave. h 'th bedrooms d bath I On Broad d b M d e Bea utl.fu) B -So v t. ' -• -•· .. u -' ~.....+ ouse WI two-an . Exce • way, ou le corner, new a ros., ~ · ermon ~ ~,. and '··~ for child, although Lot 50x l 50. New •room frame 5~°' mod nl h and g ) .. Phone EX. 0882 4• ti< ~" ~ lent harbo. r view from Newport Heights. ern n!Sidence. 1 front room Take oft old. grimy var s e -· · .r not necessary. Call Harbor 2551 house, pract ically completed. 14x18, used now. as businea. get down to the huh, clean grain Fire Equipment Tests 8000 to 4:30. Beth Wilson. $3600 THIS IS A DISTINCTIVE HOME that has-an ex· Space for S.court building with of naturally handsome wood. C-0-T\wo, l>yrene &: Foam refill&. 53-4tp _ ceptional view site on a well located comer, utilizing two 1treet entrances. 1 blk. from Rent Our Hiloc CO fixed syatem and Portabl., WANT TO RENT-Schoolteacher Costa Mesa Lot three large lots. For inspection of house and furn. center o! town. Place to live, Sanding Machine now avallable. and wile want furnished two-50xl.S5 ft. lot located 1 blk. weat ishlngs call Hub Powers, at Harbor 62·W. Price with aound Investment. U ETS HOKIN A GALVAN bedroom house or apartment, of Newport Blvd. $30,000. Tenns if desired $21,500 Eut ~:ig::,~:eyaurae ~ti... 1000 Coast Hl&hway Newport or Balboa Island, year $9 00 Ph. Beacon 5522 'D-tf< 'round. References. Call Long /JI.~ Ralph P. Maskey Burton's Paint Store llUlllllAL & UDlO u Beach s1m or write Vernon -3'10 Cout Blvd. Your authorized Otrysler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrlcatloo ud Malntenanee ~ Mechanlco Kendall and Quaker State o11a NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central An. Phone· .Harber !!166-.1 IS-Ue Newport Blvd. oear 16th strttt =.::::..;;;c::....:....______ Patterson, Box 838. Balboa Costa Mesa J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Island ~tfc Island. 54 -ttp ~bedrm. houae wttb a1eop1na Phone 402 =--==-:-::,......,-:-:=~=-Radie Repairs ., porch on -t aide. -are FerTY Landing ' 54sltc 46-ttc TM"-" 1 a FOR SALE-Man's preswar bicy· All mak .. ·, tubes. etc. :UAL==-mrA==ft=-----,,;"~ •·-Dbl. du -•"' -· -----------------------wgat, mI'ATli J:XelldOS 611 TRAILERS FOR RENT-DD.,._ de: Just un ..-. H .. ">' 'Y Beacon 5763 John D . Burham $665"--1L2 down LOTS FOR SALE-By owner, FOR SALE-Home and 1ncomo -baullnc and morial. AD tlrn, $:1(), 512 38th St., New· BURT NORTON 2001 Ocean Blvd. v--_n 60x75 on Bay Ave., near ·Palm. p:operty, Jar&e llvlnc room wttb WANTED TO EXCHANGE-Fur· -~t. 12.25 -CUO port. :12·tf• _,.,.. ~ 315-Belboa Lid T-• Inquire P. 0 . Box 6l. Balboa. r'ftl flrwplace, dlnlnc room. beds nJahed twt>-bedJoum mountain -d.17. We ru.-tbe ldt<b. Fire ~ and Kindl.,. 91!1 Cout IJlll!waY, Newi;;:tttc P11oM o .... e 54-itp roam. ldtcben and utility pordl, cabin with fireplace, bath, run· llJlrelm )lll'oL Servlee 811-W 0 0 D 2 ;,... Olpe Cod ho<»es on ~ft. CCII'-lot ~-----------bath and lhowtt; upataln, aun--nine water, electrldty, on CG!'. l'7tl1-6Nowportllhll,alil; DellWftd RADIO HOUSE CALUI-Ocean Front on the $5000 FOR SALE-New 2·bedroom slues parch, 4 bedrooms, 1!t bath. Jn. deeded lot. for _Balboa, Newport II-. ., , tfdt B. w WRIGHT Now that additional oompetmt Penm· sula ~ft. fr>ont:ap al lnalde loto CO, hardwood throueh<>ut, l2l<15 come $90 per -.ek, poalblllt)' or Laguna Beach ...._ ty. ; ' -· tedmldanl are avdaJ>le. -are •1<1\1\1\ bedrooaa. 7·ft. ~ta. plenty for much IDGft. Price $21.SOO Write Paul Hallum, 607 West Sell !bat .........,ted ortlde Ph. Beacon 5665 able to ma1at aerv1ce callo on .,,vvv we ldtchet> and bath. Lars• llv-pvtly furnllhed. 418 •E. o.-,; Fl!nl. Redlanda. ~-54--3tp llRuull> N.W.Tllw ado. l'llM Ne.._t Blvd. J.ttc I•--•-AD work ~··-:2000 OCEAN FRONT -•·· room and ••-•·· -<1ous "it, n.,~. Ph. ~.~ 2'139 .-;.".:..~LD L. .. :.';;;:. 1.a•-and a half, 2-bedroom 57-ft.. Lot ~... ......_ ·--~ ~-' ·-WAJllW •&'IJ'lae WUiW» • Just •--'-"' -~ ~ ....--. _, ble pnce. FUmlb!n optional. Mslt<:i,,,;,.:.:;=...==~----==:.:.:::..:=:=::... ___ ..= A<T1'f'"'1 S.OS. n-~ 300 Marini AW. bath. Jar&• room upataln for Be'-a.ta II-and N-pcrt 372 -·~ov ~-11-· I ...-B-.rtnc Aid Ph. ~ s..ttc cues•. living room. !lttpla.,., on Bhd. ~-..... ~-54:..tp _!Real Investment WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS . BA 1"fERIES ldtch<n, becb-.i and bath """ $4500 OUDI rm Drug Co. ~EC> SP-I T)pe mlrs prage, wall beaten. -COSTA MESA Opportunity and Will Pay Top Prices UT Main St. Ph. Harbor~ ~..:..i '™;.!',.!.~ ~ 2004 OCEAN FRONT EV A F. RHODEN 123 FLOWER ST .• home or bull· Lare.,• C:::' a:"; .. !:.""• m1, YOlJR CAR NOW =======::-..-;:== Sll5. $87, S125. $175. DANZ-l·•l«Y and a ball 2·bedr-.i and Rnltor 1 _, 8 Iarc• rooma, 5 --· On ~ .,..,,.,. 125 fnlntaae Wblle Prtcm U9 ....... VENE"nAN BLINDS-AJumlnUm. SCHMIDT PIANO 00 lDll No ' 470 N•~-~pornnr1t Blvd., OlotaJ Mesa double pnp, lot !iO by 1!50, 1 ,,.._..___ ~-_._ .._. a-1. --caD m for ll'ee csrtl-Kain, Santa Ana. • 38-tk ~~roe:.....-=:. ELTON BAJlNE'IT blodt to center al town. Im-on._..-..,. r•-.,...., Phme b-!JUI' ---~·wbo wll al mill mate~v~-~ ~ KN.ABE Grand Plano. wamut cue. c11n1nc roam. ldtchen. w•aed R~~ WG. ~~ mediate -.. $13,000. <>;::~ ' 1ar$3J:..OOOaa1e. · ~ 'r ....... OPA. ncc•ttoi-. < • C So.~· ~ ~....., ~. ---~-·~w.-_... with -•-r~u" ... ~·~•· I*-.ai•lal' :l:e:ll:• west 18th and Newport Aft, • ..-~ · ~ .--· · --... -. FOR SAIE.....Jn New™ft _, W. J . Holcomb . -w Grand. Sobmer. Sc:bUlt:r. And t1owen. -. --~ -,.. "BERTSON a.ta Ilsa. Ph: -~uC mAIQ' other faw --picket feDON llUn'OUlldb!c eech. Ph. Bea '"' 5713-R Mslt<: ~ 11, 19, 30. Bllt. "-iu-I Exdurol+e Apnt '°""&. CHEVROLET CO Inc. DANZ-SaDIIDI' PIANO CO. beautiful Wil&bk.-vMw ol1_-,;;ii1t;;;;t-;;;;;;;;;;;a---;~;.;1 Sec. ~..:.,for~~~ ~ UlT ~~:!°· ConJna de! -0 11•t """C' '7 D ' + " lDll No. 11a1n, Santa Ana. oc:nn. 'I"--open dall1 1 SeD tllat mwuW ---. -~ ..... -"~ -P1ap 1'17 e ll!!l!l·C '""'•so t, 0 -0 • 7 p • p 38-ttc for lnlpedlcn. 52-Uc llltuulh -Tllw --. !D--4tp sa.::ttcl mi!!! ~;!JI: re.<. . • ' 0 E W • -• ' • ., I .. Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER P110De Bea )1111 IOU • IOI FABQUBAB of the R uaUqtom Beach News f ol' tbe put 19 yean bu an- nounced bla caaclldaey for the offtce fo State Seaator from Ora.nee County. Jn h19 open- ing campalp Farquhar paid a glo"'blC tribute to t he former Incumben t, Thomas JI. Kuch el, f5ilalboa rkel More Than SO Yean of 8erYlce to the J:ll.rbor'• Flaeot CUenWe SO l Maio Ph. Harbor 85 Balboa, Oallf, For M ARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & B U ILDERS ' It's the HARDWARE 23rd & Ph . Ce nt r a l 2 6 00 THE WORLD •.• ••• ATAGLANCE "LOVE AND KISSES" It has . been a long time alnce Conuess bu had '° much "afiec- tion" thruat upon It. But the '1ove and kisses" radiOgrams now reach- ing the salons from our occupa- tion forces in Tokyo are not aigns of a love feast between the law- maken and the men In uniform. Quite the contrary. Our toldien want Congress to "get off the dime" and take posJtive action on the draft extension measure which must be considered again before July 1. "Love and kisses'"-the rode message voicing this demand -indicates that the men overseas feel that continuation of the draft is necessary for a num~r of rea- sons. They stated the case pretty clearly in the original radiogram which the "love and kisses" code message is intended to repeat. Said the original radiogram, "Be- lieve emphatically draft must be extended to assure successful oc- cupation and consolidate victories gained in fighting war, at same time equalizing burden of occupa- tion by providing adequate re- placements for men who hav<' done thC"ir share." Congress should extend th<' draft la\V not only in fairness to our occupation forces but in justice to the entire nation. A Good Time To Stop Some of the state chief exe<:'\.1- tives attending the recent gover- nor's conference at Oklahoma aty voiced their opposition to the practice of states asking the rcll- era1 government for financial "hand-outs." They painted out that part of the present $272 billion na- tional debt" is due to "constant and insistent demands on the fed· eral government for grants in aid to be expended in the severaJ states and units 1of government." But state governments, as a whole, are better off financially now than in many yean. So, now ought to be a good time for them to put down the "tincup and dark glasses." In the final analysts, the taxpayers in the states have to foot the bill, anyway. Elections··· "Red" and ''Pink" Czechoslovakia emeried from I its first genera! election in morr I t~an a <le<:ade with a "red" face . Co111munltt tftci other leftllt groups polled !1 pu cent ol the total \<Ol@ lndlcating that this lit· tl@ country, which has been a bul- Wark of democracy in Eastern Eu- rope. has moved politically closer to Moscow. Many observers are inclined to feel that this is a tem- porary, rather than a permanent, trend. Contrasting with the results in Czechoslovakia were the elec- tion r eturns in the American oc- cupied zone of Germany in ballot· ing held the same day. There the i £ predominant palitlcal color was :__--~-----------------------certainly not red. At best. it was • • j / There's a chance for a real carHr on a Tel.Phone Job I ' ' ' ' • • • • You h.tt I rul : oppomWty to gee: ahead oo a telepboae job.. You're paid ..u while rou learn, and J'OU get tirn:nl raises the Te:ty flnc: fUI'· • ' I I I I I I • I I • ·Worlc b lntu- estjng, pleas· uit. and work· in& <'OOditiom a re esceJlnit. .".~::S~..,.Tbac's ooe tea· SOil why ttfe-• pboae work at· tncts the kiod of pcoplt fOU L1ce co meet and ttijoy bang with. --------------------------------------------• • ' • I I • I I I Tbtft &tt od:.e:r I I I adnutagn u -11. aod '°" ca work up co oae of m.aa:r Joi.. "'"' CUTJ rut rapcnsihil. ioJ. Wbt --.. ...i.11 ·----------------a.,1, 111 • • I I I I I • • • H.,.'s _., y .. ·n like a .. i.plioaa CSlll' • Good pay wlaile ~ ln.m • Good -. cooditiom • Rt:plat m.. • Vacabca wida pay • ,.. ............ !lbeod • ---------------- SowtHm (alifoni• ltltplio11 C-111ony only a faint pink with CommunisU trailing the more conservative par- ties by a wide margin. Barring long-continued and lncreasingly severe economic disruptions in Europe, which would tend to sti- mulate the growth or Communism, it appears that the extreme leftist tide has reached lts crest and is more likely to decline from now on than to increas<'. "Unreconstructed Rebel" Passes The Senate lost its oldest mem- ber Y.'hen Carter Glass, the 88- year-old Virginian recently passed on. But Carter Glass had almost become a complete stranger to the Senate for he hadn't appeared on the Ooor in four or five years. Even before his re-election in 1942 he had been forced virtually into seclusion by illness. Last year, ef- forts were made in Virginia to have his Senate seat declared vacant but the courts nullified the move. Glass ~pent nearly a half century in public service be- ginning in 1901. During World War I he served for tY..'O years in Woodrow \Vilson's cabinet as Sec- retary or the Treasury. He was named to the Senate in 1920. In 19-10 he backed Jim Farley for the Democratic nomination against Men-Women Prostate • • Pelvis Do J'OG .... t.al:-.eMf hblo bl lep, ......... - el beMf AN ,_ w•••· jampy, lnttallle aad e-·Q! Gnwbac old ...,..... ,..... ta-! 81W•' 11a .. to pt ap tolPtoT rr8 YOllll OIANDll Ow.rud ... weWh 'z• .... .-IL No pa.la. 8maa1 or ~ -OONB17LTATION Fm Call -U M -A.fp atatw.t Dr. II:. .,_ -. D. 0.. ... 0. lrla..l llL.N--MY.,.81rl?K I .. Qh a --_.,_ ---NI' 11 IP LE.STE Jl &-CD. --T0 ---5YOH' N 7MA ····--·- M-6• IM A.cJa Slreci '"' ... 200( War CINTliL A n., NXWPOl<T BliOI U.U-137+J - • ' • Business Direcl.ory TO BE COMPLETED SOON '!be Newport-llalboe Nows-'nmes 19'6 eum-and Profes- s:lonal Din!ctory, <x>ntalnlni: the "who's who" In -and professional life In the Harbor """'-Is """ beln& mmp!eted. It your listing bas not all'Mdy been turned In. ,..,.. llbould report a t· once. '!be ~ory will contain uaoful fnf~tion concemlng the dty and district In gmeraJ, followed by a ""'"'"°"t.atlve picture section ot the business and protealonal ~. otf!- dals and Institutions of Newport, Balboa, West Newport, Sea Shore Colony, Udo hie, Corona de! Mar, Newport Heights and Cost.a Mesa. The complete list will be published first in the News-T1mes. The directory will then be issued in book form, classified and alphabetically ammged. 8Jld given free distribution in the Harbor area and the surrounding teni.tory. A nominal listing charge is made for including a card in this representative work. SUPBEl\I E FAMILY-Tbe9e 10 children pictw'ec1 t a tlwi anm of their motben were ehoeen .. the su- preme royal family In tbe recent Kiddle KanalvaJ. a Dd coronation prGC1'1'Dl clvea. b.J thebPytEbldanBISlsru _!!.f TluUn, at Balboa. -~oto Y · on e · There will be no display advertising of any kind in the diJ"ec.. tory book. All types will be uniform. alphabetically ammaed as to classification and name. Phone harbor 12 or 13, bi- rectory Dept., foi; insertion or your name and business without delay. _ ''(""'l·-"'Ul.'Wl l!lllMI; I!...-----------------------' · · f4 Point Tallies Are Given for Blue Star Boat Races 'With Everett Morris. raoe chairman of Newport Barbor 'f'acllt club back In actton once more. the ·fndependeaee Day seriM --for all claues wu held at that club wttb racM on .July t, 8 and i. ftla was also the fint day of the Blue Star .ertes, aecordlng to u.e revl!led 1wnmer 8Cbed.ule. This aeries ls for .July '1 , 14, %1 and !8, while tbft Sata:.rday and. Sunday series for all cla.ues \Iii.II be July IS.-14, ~%1, !1'·!8. ID. August, from the fifth to the lOth.©----'----'---'----- will be the Southern California Yacht Racing association r egatta at Coronado Yacht club, San Diego, as per schedule. Race week at Newport Harbor Yacht club will be August 16-1?-18 and the team races for Rhodes and PCs have been · added to the schedule for Aug. U-25, while after the Labor Day regatta Aug. 31, Sept. 1-2, will come the Star ellminatioii. series on Sept. 7~15- 22 8Jld 29. George LaPerle To Enter College George R. LaPerle, son of Mra. Z. R . LaPerJe, 1549 Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. was discharged from the navy last week at the separa· tion center at Terminal Island following more than a year ot. service. . LaPerJe, who was dixharged u For the Independence Day series Slc was s tationed at San Fran· boat 'Z7 was winner in the Alba-~ and Del Monte Naval buea. tross class with 21 \0 points. No. A graduate of Harbor High school. SENIOR FAMILY-8111owa above are u.e OthH l O cldJ4rea. or Newport ~r parenta who were 23 was second with 17 ponts and \ he plana to attend college in the c-n u moot oelec:Uve for U>e -1or dlvbloll ol ta. Kiddle KarDlval and ""~~ b~I PJ:ii boats 15, 21 and 25 tied for third fall. -.:.by:....:.U..:::_.:.l'l:.r" __ '"_ft_llla_te_"'_•_t_Bal_1>oa._-:-------·------1-----o-o __ r ___ on_~j pl•""· Beauty Show Planned by Fun Zone Lt. Comdr. Durkee, Released by Navy, I Returns to Balboa TREASURE ISLAND, San Francisco.-After more than four years of naval aervice, during which he rose from an enlisted man to a commissioned officer, Ueut. Comdr. H. C. Dlll'kee. US Local beauties will compete for NR, 38, of 33 Be&<:<Jn Bay, . Bal- cups In the bathing girl parade to boa, Calif., was released to mac- be held SUnda.y, July 28, at th~ tive duty Saturday, June 22, in Fun Zone, Balboa. under the spon-Los Angeles. sorship of Al Anderson and the Before leaving his post as a.ssist- Gustlin School of Swim. An added ant personnel officer of United attraction will be the Kiddie Fash-States Naval Training and Distri- lon show sponsored by the HobJlY bution center on Treasure Island, Shop of Balboa. Lieut. Comdr. Dmkee received a The bathing parade \viii be en-citation of me\-it from Commodore Urcly non-professiona1 and entries R. \V. Cary, USN, commanding \.\'ill close July 25. Blanks may be officer. obtained at the Fun Zone office A former 'clerk in municipal or at the Gust.Un school of swim· court in LosrJ\ngeles, he enlisted ming near the Fun Zone beach. in the navy April 8, 1942, as a Tots up to seven years of age may yeoman, second class. After duty register for the fashion parade at at the Naval Training center in either the Fun Zone or Bobby San Diego, and the Receiving Sta- Shop. tion In New Orleans, La., he was Professional diving classes are transferred to the Bureau of being held at the Tustin plunge by Naval Personnel in Washington, the Gustlin school with John B. D . c. Balzer, Tustin athlete. add~ to Lieut. Comdr. Durkee was rom- the staff. Classes are .held Mon-missioned ail ensign in J anuary. day, Wednesday and Friday mor.n-1943, and went to Princeton uni· ings with the plunge open to the versity for indoctrination. He public in the afternoons. At Bal-then attended the Miami Sub boa private lessons are given Out.ser Training center in Miami, Thursdays and Sa~a~ ~n the Fla .. unW October, 1944, when he private beach at Chnsuan s Hut. reported aboard Treasure Ialand. Franklin Roosevelt. witl\ whom he had frequent and sharp disputes. It was F .D.R. "'ho called him the ''unreconstructed rebel.'' Glass was credited with being the fa ther of the Federal Rese-rve System. No "Super" Seniority The recent decision of the U. S . Supreme Court to the effect that returning "'llr veterans are not entitled to "super" seniority set· ties one of the most controversial issues that bas arisen out of the di!Iocations created by the war. The Supreme Court held that the returning serviceman resumed the samE" place on the .. seniority es- calator " which he v.·ou)d have had lf he had been v,.-orldng on the same job during the war instea• of serving in the armed forces. The Court decision wu 6 to } . A 1931 graduate of the Univer- sity of Southern California, he played varsity football for four years and also appeared ln the 1929 and 1930 Rose Bowl games in Pasadena. Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Durkee, with their son 1..arry, 13. will re- turn to Balboa. Guests Sunday a t the home of r.tr. and Mrs. C. G. Porter jr., 41st street, were Mrs. V. C. Barbre sr. of Orange and Thomas Gab- bert and his cousin of Excelsior Springs, lt1o. Mr. Gifford is Mn. Porter 's cousin and the two had not seen each other since they were small children . Mrs. Faye Cartier of Bell and NeWJ?Ort Island underwent a major operation \Ved.nesday morning at the Bell hospital and ii now do- ing nicely. Mn. C. A. Farnum ol the Island visited Iott Sunday. ,.,,~ -··-~-for YOUI ._. -~ ......... the Ml .. ., .,.. ......... ,....,.,. ••• ~ ..,. .. ,..... .,.. ~ .,__,... ....... --.. ctw ~·-.... ,.... ............... ~--~· ... .,, ... ~ ....... ,....ldllm~dmilyCl"tN W1 I~ .... ., TM ~ ICl•ICI P I 1rw. ,,_. hllPM ..,._ are .,,._ 'lflllvtt"' ..... daly ._ h ..... thot ..,.. ,_, ..td ,... ,...,p;•sd to .,_ Ml fmpocf ., ,.., ..... .,.. fmnll¥. -------·-----·---' n. Owt1t1M Jdwe ... ,,,.. ~ I :: -:=...-: a... ..._., ltlwt • ...._ 11. rl!Wdwn. I C1AL Mu t I ,.._..,.., o _.. ~· t Mt _•? .... , to ~,='.... 1 -~--·· ,_ .. 0 _,._,, I ·---I I <U.S.-• ~I :" I ______ ....... ~-----·-________ _J Laguna Art fete Opens On August 4 After four years of war e nforc- ed suspension, the an~ual Festiva l of Arts at Laguna Beach is to be presented for the eleventh time August 7-18, it has been announc· ed by C. Leland Freeman, presi- dent of the board of the Laguna Beach F estival of Arts Assocla· ti on. Featuring the famous Pageant of the Masters, the presentation of living pictures. the first post- war festival will be held for the second time In Laguna's Rer.rea- tional park. The pageant will ru'l 12 nights in Irvine Bowl, which is immediately adjacent to the park's recreation area. After being shunt- ed from place to place in the vil- lage through the years from 1932 to 1940. the permanent home of the festival was established in 1941. In addition to the Pageant of With 14 entries Bob Davit' boat Hold lmaranco took tint in the Snipe clau wtth Seven million veterans are hold- 46%: points, to top Champion Bob ing on to their National Service White's 441..4 points. Third boat Ufe Insurance. was No. 3624 with 40 points. -============ I n the P I C class boat No. 8 i' came. in first with 10% points, Lempel was second with 9%. points, Hilstein thl~ with 5% and Russell fourth with 5 points. In the Star group Ficker was first with 20~ points, Hatch second with 19%., Hall in 2017 White House Cafe and Hall in 1481 each had 12, 523 1°------------- had 10 points ,and acero and 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-Christensen each . had 7. WILLEY'r REFRIGERllTIOO JERVICE COIDPOllY --~-lla­no ~ •ft.. 0o-. del -T>!mporary Phone. n.y 65' La- cuna Beach; Phone NJPt. U8CI LagunaBHcll Griffith, ii\ Henny Penny was winner in the Rhodes division with 28% points, Williams in Whim was second with 25% points and Beardslee in Sea Bee was third with 251.4 . Following in close order were Wurdemann in Mid- ship, Joyce in Crispin Ii. and Lindgren in No. 9. Otl]ers were the boats Rebel, .Nimbus. Jran and Mistress. I ~------------. F or Balboa mnks No. 26 1ook BALn first place, 42 was second and 40 third. In the combined class Lehman was first with 45~ paints. White second wi th 361h and Raab MORTUARY third with 19. Following in order -. were G. Raab, Royce, Farwell and Danniell. An Apple a Day A young doc;tor and a young dentist shared the services of a re- the Masters, which this year will ceptionist and both fell in love be under the direction of Fred-with her. Then the dentist was erick Schwankovsky, portrait -.t - Lady Attendant -.t - painter of Laguna Beach and art called away on business, so he chairman at Manual Arts High sent for the receptionist and said: school. Los Angeles, since 1917, "I am going to be away for ten more than 100 artists. ceramists days. You will find a little present and handicraftsmen or Orange in your room." 410 Coast Blvd. OORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NJGHI' County will display their woTks She went in and found ten ap- and wares in booths and on the IP~les=. ~Fin~an=d~a~l~P~os~t=. ====~;::===========~ grounds at the park. Puppet shows ~ will be presented each afternoon of the festival by Ivy and Don Wilson. A highlight of the celebration this year will be an operating ceramic shop on the grounds. Rus· sel1 Leidy, president of the La· guna Beach Ceramic society. who is In charge of the ceramic exhibit. has disclosed that the shop will be complete in every respect. even to a working kiln, and that it will be constructed to allow visitors to view every stage the "mud" goes through in the manufacturing of ceramic pieces of art. He sBilf that small souvenirs of the occasion will be made and 90ld at the shop. The Pageant ot the Masten, which was created and directed during itJ: tint .even years by Realtor·Artist Roy M. Ropp. of Laguna Beach, this year will in- clude not only living reproduc- tions of the workl of the old mu- ters, but also thme of aeveral con-· temporary artista and aculpton:, acconling to Sclnvankovsky. Due to tbe devdopment of·new ldeaa, It Is espected that more plcturs than. eY<r betono will be •taaed tjUa _... • -t Frftman. In maldnc tbe announcement of tbe festlval, -that ~ hundred La-c-~ on hon! at wurlt ... --pu1a of tbe ennqaJ .....,t wbldl boo pined natlanal CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Com et Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the BuDctiq Contractor. Dutch Heacock t• .. 11••• .&.. ·--Cl 11k --p•••4MPIR ud tbe mthmiw"e .. L -~of ort --~!..-----L----------------.J ' . • I ~ -----MAWW ••• .,... •••!t""*•.. I rt • ·-Oell' I -,,......,. ,.., u, '~!!!!l!!!!!..!!i=!!li.-!/!!!i!!!!!!t...!~~~:.!!!!z~!....!lt~~·~·:=::::::::::--~::--:-:---l'l'Yilll!"~~~=··=·======:::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::~ M I Del• ERrollnteat Peak JOKES that is--~s~o~u:r re-==~~=~c:.. Helicopter ai IVery . Set by College 1ar7ts"~7~1!::~~ :::.:eg~o'.":1~~:~1 Frank M. Linnell"• Bay Roof Beg·1ns ·1n Orange County e~~o:i..~~-!:~: ~=.,,,thei:~.~= N~ Beach ~lice were told Garden on East Bay Front. Bal-at the Santa Ana Junior college, began to gathe-r round to kiss the Sunday. boa, is being rushed to completion · Director John fl McCoy an-bride. After a hectic half hour, the for the grand opening to be an-Tbe Post Office department to--•--------------1 nounced Wednesday. breathless girl looked narrowly at nounced at a later date. day announced ~chedules foe the W Warns Coll~ offices are open from a little man and said said: Furnishings In the color of the !Int carnage of air mall by hell· oman 6 to 8 :30 p. m . to accommodate ;•Why. I don't 1<now )'OU! Why rainbow have been placed 0 0 the copter, which began tn the ~ U dert Took late comen for the largest enroll-are )"OU kissing ~?" roof in advance of the public Angeles area A!onday morning. n OW ment in the history of the insti-.. 1 dunno, ladyj" said the . man Al IENTION! ! Home and Boat Ownerieirss-aB•llden Mr. ahd Mn. John Richard Doty have just returned from a two-week trip to Yosemite. Mrs. Doty ls the ronper Betty Jean Blakeslee and was employed at the Bank or America before her marriage on Easter Sunday. opening. Color scheme for the fur-July 8. 1946. s . mer's Life tution. McCoy added. meekly. !'When .11 joined this line niture, comprising large beach yughts were special service Wlm Students who expect to pursue do\Vtl the street I understood it umbrellas for shade, chairs and runs over the coastal, inland and summer work, and returning: ''et-\\'as for bacon.~uisYi lle Cour-• DIJliBL&-...,._. ._. ...w. • M?lo'IT.&aT-~• ~ -...., tables. is blue. green. light brown. Terminal Annex roof shutUe Having lost her yoong nephew erarui planning to continue their ler..JournaJ. • """!!.';":,:..':" ._ .... -• ~= \';'.;;:Nt, ....... orange. vermillion. brown and aft f the bal In the waters aff Manhattan college .education. may enroll fo"l' -------..,.-------• lllGID --~--• DlJlJIDUD T. S~ Drainboards and Galleys Built to Your Specifications Lt. Richard •rorrencc .. \\'ho re-.... 110"'· routes. There er, or -___..~ 0 1r· \Va J ance of the one-month experl-Beach two weeks a.go, Mrs. Ella courses in the new jaysee quar-. I . CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO turned recently from t.infa th, Tu·o dumb "'aiters, complete ment. two round trips dally will Workman of Orange and formerly ters at 1012 North Main street, er classes ln Span~h .. physics, Eng-• where he was in .cha~ger..:s Ane "';th electrically heated grills to be flown O''er the coastal ~nd ln-of Balboa, has written a letter to it was announced. Full G. L b!ne-1 Ush, l,Uld mathem~tics for ~hose • post office, is staying. tn . -keep the food at an even temper-land routes and frequent service The News· nmes, warning parents fits are available to service me.n wish.ing to revie'~ in these fields. I ~=-= ... =~-="= ..... ~~A~-...=== .. .,~~~·~o,~ .. ="""'===~-==""=·~·~,,~··~··=a.~•-=~ geles and expects h15 discharge ature before serving, have been will be established between the air-to use caution in pennittlng their wishing to complete work for thetr -t l . July 23. He then Pl.~ ~o re-installed on the roOf. and t~ro air d th T · al Annex chl)•-n 10 swim in the high diplomas. including a nwnber ofl .-------------; turn to his former position 1.n the ''ent "ilators have been installed port an e ermin · · ui.:: 0 I over all three routes. the iniUal waves brealdng on the beaches. special high school ,classes for Boat wners Newport post office. for the convenienef! or patrons on service on Monday began at 11 :15 Her nephew, Giles Stadler, Jr .. those who "'ant to secure highl • •" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ I v•armer days and nights . .' a.m. Three army helicopters left "'as a good swimmer, and yet he school diplomas. Lockheed Airport at that time1 never-came to the surface after Inaugurated in 1942, the Santa c Expert I Mrs. Eino Ollila and s.mall SOO!I and prOC'E"edcd to their designated running head-on into one of the Ana college twilight divi!llon has I a n Iv a s • I !ov. ~rd and l\'l ichael of Red Bluff, landing areas. unde rcurrents that s~ept to"'.ard attracted nationwide attention as Radio Service I l\Ic nt.. arrived Saturday mor~ng Along the routes, civic celebra-the beach, where his relatives all day classes are closed ln favor and \\ill spend three "'eeks Wlth tions marked the epochal first were having a picnic. of night school courses dur ing the Phon e Beacon 5816 I ~·lrs. Ollila's parents. Mr. and carriage of mail by helicopter. On Her le tter follows : , summer. All classes no"' meet be-By the Yard I Opea Su1Wb7• trom u ._ m. to 12 nl><ln I avenue. l\1rs. T'rygve J-[ess. \Vest Bay the coastal route the !int land-To the Editor. The News-Times: ~·een 6 and 10 p. m ., ~1onday ing was made at North Holly-This b just a little warning to through Friday for eight weeks, Wide Widths--'-All Lengths 1 Palmer Radio Th(' Misses Elaine and l\.lartha 'Hessel of Los Angeles, daughters or a formc-r pastor of Christ Chur ch by the Sea, "''ere here r l'C'ently on a vacation and were ~UC'sts of !\trs. Ora Racker. 1916 Court a\"enue. I AND ELECTRIC :Ml Newport Blvd. OOSTA MESA •so~ooo . ae1c1ec1 • 1% ···~· * . For 3 year olcl1 Post ,Ti•e I P. M. -RACIS DAILY ~ ~ ........ ., ........ ,. -.:tl.tn.W,2 P.M.Sz1w•lf I P.M.. ·v---~ '~" . ·~ .-,,'\ -. ~·ood at approximately 11 :19 a .m. parents to '"atch out for the .un-permitting students to work in the Glendale "'as the first stop on dertows or anything that rrught daytime if they so desire. the inland route. ~·ith the land-be dangerous around the ocean. Special classes listed to begin ing scheduled for 11 :22 a .m. . My llttl~ nephew. Giles Stadler, tonight ihclude a course in crafts, Santai Ana Tent & AW1ling Co. 1629 So. )lain St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA The la nding on the Ternunal Jr., drowned at Manhattan Beach specializing in plastics a nd leather Annex Post Office roof was made t~·o weeks ago. His body was work; bacteriology, chemistry, at approximately 11 :27 a .m. found after fi ve days and nights physiology and zoology for nurses! The experiment was conducted in the water. and medical students; and refresh-'------------- so that the Post Office depart-Bo d raised at Manhattan ment may estim~te the cost of Bea~~ was a good swimmer. ,------------------------=:-! helicopter operauo~ . and gather and no one thought anything of figures for subrruss1on to the it when he ran ahead of his friends Civil Aeronautics board, as to the and dove into the water. But the best possible routes, adequacy of other boys !!lopped short of the service and volume of mail If the water'!! edge when they failed to tests show a f~vorable result, the !lee Giles come to the surface. de partment will recommend car-, riage of air maU by helicopters ln It happened that qwck!y. the Los Angeles, New York, Chi-Giles was a son of Mr. and Mrs. cago, Philadelphia and Boston R. J , Stadler, ~·elJ known storage areas. Within a year, it is esti-and van man from Redondo. mated that helicopter air mail (Mrs.) ELLA WORKMAN. service would be extended to every 1127 W . Palmyra avenue, Or- metropolitan area. ange, formerly of the Casino cafe, Stamp collectors sho'-',.ed a lively Balboa. Interest in obtaining first day can-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;; cellations. Persons who desire PHONE llARBOB l'7 such cancellaUons should write to F 0 R S J G N S the Chief Clerk, Railway Mail District No. 2. Los Angeles, encloo-BENEDICT ing a self addressed envelope to which eight cents in postage has been affixed. All ApproDm&le Flpro Uttle Johnny came home from '!be SlflD Man • BOAT. lEI"l'ERING A SPEX:lAL TY • • • sch-ool wtth a new book. "It's a ~===========~ prize, Mother," he announced - proudly. "A prize?" she answered "For what, dear?" "For being the best in natural history. Teacher asked how mfmy legs an ostrich has 8.nd I said three.'' ''But an ostrich has two legs." "I know that now, Mother, but the re!lt of the class said four. so I was nearesL" Mesa LIQUOR SHOP UIH Y, Newport· Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey No limit to any of OUJ'moidlaDdloo COSTA MESA. CALIF. ' Phone Beacon 5011 i Going to Build • ~'" Boluw. eOMf'O'"I soi eout mpway Pbone Beacon 5U1 You probably have your dream house all worked out In your mind -or maybe your architect or contractor alrMdy bu prepared plans on paper for you. J!:ledrtdty will have a IKp part In ma!dng ct.-of postwar living come Vue. WhM you go over the plans with your baUder be An to uk him aboai the a11M& develop- _. In homehold labor •ving ..... flmo. ~bwdy. Ov Eqlertll In eftlr1fldng eltidllcal will be glltd to help with layoat ..... or pr-Hlzzra OM ............ -y mab a lot al dlftw- ln tile "live. alilll&)" al tllat "'- ·as-HOKIN & GALVAN • 8llfal 4 ltlt 1000 (but m11.. •re B• na 41111 ~ ~ ..._ r.P.M ... al .. 1~WWlllll"11Cct~1_.. .. ..,,...,,.,,.. .... ~ .. ~1s~•..-COllllllal_.' EI.FCl'IUCIANS ..... ~~ ::.r:t::~AW. - • HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance, . Advice on Planting ' and Soil Conditions Inqpire at CARR'S FEED STORE 1821 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA P. O. Box 507 -Phone Beacon 5245 astsi • • • Before You Build or Remodel • Visit Our Interesting Sample and Display Rooms LUDLUM • Color guides, plan- ning aids, compreherur- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rugs&: Carpets Cleaned, Repaired 1622 South Main St. Phone 8Ulta Ana %808 Burton's Paint Store Now in Their New Home on Newport Blvd near 16th Street -·-The Only Exclusive P~int, Wall Paper and Venetian Blind Store in the Harbor Area PARKING PLENTY OF SPACE .. - • • I • - • ........ .NAUD Mi M•-• ;sac .I ... ,... .. p:m 3 .... p.. NEWPDRT-eALBDA NEWS-TIMES ••wmu ... u ., a -s .-..w • v ..... mtw • SEQ ·:-:;-•• _.. 2 ..... ----1 . ,, .. ...,. ....... , v.-o • P , ••• Pa;Jiable m .Adtt r1.: S2 50 per J'eU' In Ol'ap O:Jmn;j. S&.'15 per -to• ame; P-00 per .,..r to 811.i -' -----..,,. ed -a.a-t-<lua matter at the PDl'tatDce Ill Newport BM ell. Callfomla. under Ille Ad pt -3, 1119 L_ 4. llEtER · P.!NWwr BM D. PORTER General Y..mpr F. G. F'R091' .• • • -Editor !ft F. DIXON ---• • Ad9ertlllzic 11.t.._-..... Plant. 3011 W. Contra! A..nue, Newport Beach, Callfcrnla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A De&i 11 f·bh Local i..uta•• for en. n Yean Eisenhower Epjc Acme Mmnber of Beginning with today's issue, The NewS-Times is publish- ing for the first time a series of articles by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme commander of the Allied Expedi- tionary Force. on the dramatic wartime events that led to the Allied victory for Europe's liberation. These articles-six in number-will be printed each week on the editorial page of this newspaper as space permits and as long as. the publishers can get the required newsprint. The editor o( this newspaper believes that the Eisenhower series of articles should be told and retold as many times as possible so that the upcoming younger generation may know some- thing of the military history of the period through which we oldsters are now passing. Truman 's Fate . ·- In '48 He is a bold political prognosticator, indeed. who would dare at this time to forecast the probable effect of labor's break with President Truman on his fate at the baUot box In l 94S-if he runs for re-election. • • . S1JMMABY OF oPEBAnoNS IN NOBTHWEST EUBOPE 'It G•• •• l>wlvbl o. EEiomrlhi.. .......... . _ _.. ____ ... ... •10.._ .. a.-.. ,.,... •n t •11 .... da .. •oWvWYd1LW. ... " '•"I' .. .... c NJ CIC 1211• al SJtlotl-ia ... AJ:ricG aacl tlM-ir nt•••= oa'W lldly .. ti.. ltalloa 90.l•ka-4. W\tlt. daw .cca• ptiahd. -~ ,._ .......... bed i-ADle4 abipp&ae. ad witll .. ...., ..,.., ..,.ciaJ •lf\dpaaelll bllill -la ....... .,.. al 1ul lei a positi-te pnpar. iiw .. bAl cr..chGnD.a. .-uialt wlt.icb Md bffll 09f•ed upoa line• April ltd u ow maia operatioa 09aimt c..oay. ti: ·-corredo ly beli_.M th°' only OD the bl•oric bo.ttl• &..ldil al Frianc• mul the Low Couatri .. could Germcml"• onm .. In th• .... b• dKisi•ely •nvQ9•d AAcl ..... tecl Americca and EaQlQ.Od-lhe We1tem AW..........could DOt be .... deal11 *ODI to uadiertak• the auoull a.9a:iul f'ronc• 1il1ltD r-. 1"4 ba.1 U.. Moad tactica.I pla.u lot the opo9ratioa were com- pl .. ed ad o.pprored by th• CombiMCI Cbiehl of Sta.I ill Auquet 11'3. prioc to .•T ~ptloa ol command °' the F.u.topea.n Tbecat• la Pel»nlart 1144. Aa port ot our kaic waten. ond ill a«erdmac• widt. tile toak 9'••• to ti.. Stroteqic Air Force vnder the Ca saltlanea. t>itec-li•• iA }Glluca:rt lt43. th• bem.bin9 of: GenDCUlJ. be9u.a early in the wo.r by tM lldtiell Bomb., CommaDd. Weta inte.uiied in Mery 19'3 -.d c«mtillued witb. moutin9 ttreogtb to the eod al the co.at-~ Neither tile coatemp.lcrted in•ciaioc cd EW'ope DOI' the direct a ttndi oa the Q.enDQ.111 indu1trial a.ad economic syst•m would b• leasihl• util w• bad achi••ed supr9!DC1t;y o•• lh• G«mcm Air Fore•. TbU atru99l• tor air wpremai;y. whiclt hod bff:D 9oinv on throu9bout the wCU'. was vi••D added lm-p9tus by a • .,.. directl•• (lmown CUI POINTBLANI) hi Janumy 1"3 which. cdmed ot .W.Ju9otin9 lhe eaemt air Ion:. by the spring of 194'. ID the n•a.L Germa.n cU.r mi;bl wo• lhorou9hly dominated by D-t>ay ClDd w• were h•• to apply the imm•n•• atreoqtb ol tbe Allied air lore•• in the mGllQM we wished a.ad to launch the in· •cision contid•nt that ow plaa. could not be Mrioualy upset by the Gedfton air force. la addition.. air bombardment bad dia- Npt•d ~. G•rmm:t. communica tions system. imm•ClSW"Obly o.idia9 out ground fore•• 'by irnpeclin9 •aemy mo••Dlenla. Our main atrotegy in th• conduct ol the ground compaiqll waa to ta.nd amphibious and Clirborn• lore•• on th• Normandy coo•t betw••D Le Hon• and th• Cotentin P•ninaulo and. with th• suc- csulul •atcbliUment °' o b •ochh•od with adequot• porta. to dri•e along the tin•• ol the Loir• and the Sein• Ri••t• into !b• heart of France. de1troyi•9 the German 1trengt)t a.nd lreeuig Franc., W• CUlticipated that the enemy would reabt atrongly Oil the liAo ol th• Seine a.nd later on th• Somme. but once our fore•• had broken throu;b th• reloU•ely atotic tin•• of the beacbh•o.d at St·Lo and inO.ict•d on him the b•aYJ cuaualtie1 in lb• FclaiH pock•L hta Clbllity to re1m in FrOftce was a991iqible. Thar.alt•r out anal•• sw•pt ea1I QJld north in on. unimpeded od•anc• wbicb brouqbt lhem to the GenDGQ 1.iontiJ r ClDd lb• del•DH• of tb.• Sieg'fri.•d Lina. The second article by General Eisenhower wiU appear in Tuesday's NEWS.TIMES. ' From aU present indications the president has lost a large part of labor's support which wiU be necessary to give him another tenn in office. But present indications may be en-• CORONA DEL MAR NEWS • tirely misleading. Most of the shouting against Mr. Truman · !By Bessie L. Benedict) has been done by irate labor leaders. It remains to be seen Mrs. Carrol King, Pasadena. has \Vhat the rank and ftJe of labor think of his recent actions. arrived for her summer vacation there. Maj. Olson writes that he received a wel come box of avo- cadoes from Hartland Hoked, who lived here formerly. NEWS of the CHURCHES CHUllCH OI' CHlllST' CllutW ... W•utllb'a ... L. D'•Rt 01r•y, ......... . ....... : • ""· 10 ..... 8llle ~ ....,: 11 ..... ......_ •cnldp.1r-~;---;;---;;;;;;:;;:--1 l r~::-__:-:::::•~·~·~0~-~:_--...., FULL -L CHURCH I. a. WBYTIC Raab 11.. Benn lllMI aM ..... c.t.l..... Dtll & MS eUI JWOT C& ett -...-~-• I -. ........,. W ._ v...... ...._ 'l'lw--... .., ...... -. ... ••· ~ _,._ ;_,.; IDCJnUD& W7' D9 rt 'IO I-I 1....... ---·- OUll LAOY OF M,T. CAllMEL ~. ll; Snapllotlc wtlce, ·-"''" '-... -1-Nwpw&lllhl. ~- 1423 Wed c.ntrlll AVWIUl 7 :90 P. :m.: Jilld..1nU p~ meet· ,:!Jll!l:en.*~';:. Ts' l' , 'ts I IL ... W &mda7 v, : a ud 10 a.m.. IDS oa Wedaee•7, T:'° p.m.: -UM ....... ~. e-. .._ lll'JW.o.trar Nwpwt.__ Om.l'S ... Dm: Satunta,. tmm .)'Omli people'•~ ....nee bwo ...... .....,, Tv''IO *' R1nor·ua •:oo to ~:ao and tram 7 :30 to on Jl'>Ula7, 7 :~ p. m. l :IO p.m. aT. JOHN VIANNl!'Y CHURCH hlboa 1..and Sunday -: l :llO a.m. ~one: Saturde.ya front 7 :30 to 8 :30 p:.U. OOllON A DEL MAK OOHMUNJTY CBUllCll, OONGJlr.GATIONAL p.,..y ~ 8cluGclr, _,_ 911 Heliotrope. COl"Olla 4el Kar OIW'ch ICbooJ bas two sessiona. All above prlinary department meet at 9 :30 a..m. Beginnqs and primary department ages meet at 11 a.m. durine the mornine church hour. 7 :00 p.m. Youth meeting. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Lido Theater, Central Avenue and Via Lido A branc!i ot The Mother Church The First Church ot etuut, Sci~ enU.t, la Boston, Mu•chuaetta. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sun· day Service at 11 a. m . Wedne.eday TeatimonJ&J. M~Ung at 12 o'clock Reading Room located at 111 Palm street, Balboa, is open daily from l p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun· days and holidays nationally ob- served. Tbe public i8 cordially invited to attend the church services a.nd U.1111 tbe Readin& Room. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 515 Weet Centr11I, Balboa (E.bell Clubhou.c) Rev. Ardy• T. De.an. vica,. 8 ;.SO a. m., Holy Communian. 9:46 a.m.., Sunday School. 11 :00 a. m .. Momin&' Prayer and Se.rm'?n.. (Flnt Sund&y1: Holy ComniWlloo.) A8"'RDP.Tl:!J 011' OOD e_,, -... -.. ....... 1 Armand Monaco -Lee! .. JWI. l6tb AD,.,..._,_ aad Catral A.Ye. ~ ... .A..Sl'\,/.a Sunday llChooi 10 un. 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Mornlnc senlce, 11 a.m. ~ l'IU EveniJ>& evangelistic oervloe at nu Lakewood Aoe. 7:30 p.m. 1-A.,.-NOm -dy MOS Mid-week senlce, Tllursday at '-----------...! 7:30 p.m. ll'IJl8T ll'01JB8QIJABE CllUJICll OF COSTA MESA Temporary location, American Legion Hall Rev. and Mn. G. Willard Steania Puton Pbone !6'11 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Morning worshlp service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :00 p. m.. Berean service 6 :30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service at 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer service at 7 :30 o'clock. <JUNJ<lAI.•LABOltATORY Clinical Laboratory <>mce hoan: 9 -4:30 -by appolll-t .TELEPHONE HARBOR 818 Z8IJ W. Centnl Ave. DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School S02 Coral Balboa lsJand Oradet;: CoHece, Pref>a ratory SUMMER SCHOOL °"'"' l ulr O H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8- Hours: 2-11, by APPof ntment '~ 8-ori 5848 lit a........., Ooota .. _ Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Phone Harbor 10111 No amwer: call ae.coa &a.e-a x-~ Service Milton M. MaxweU, M. D. Hot eoa.t w,"'l:- c-0rona del Mat Office Hours: 10-12; 2-5 Phone Barbor 106! FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 0. A. Mortimer, M. A.. Oxford G. Edwin Oal'!er, Paitor PrlnclpaJ 1 Phone Harbor 852 i-------------. Euclid 11t Stanford, Garden Grove. I '---~.-+i -----_:.:_:=.,J 9:30 a.m. Churcn achoo! tor a11 ni~TS . S. R. Monaco, 1\-f. D. ages. r--....J..--"-'----~1 814 Bay Ave., Balboa 11 :00 a.m. Mornlnr Worabtp: DR. 69RDON E. RAPP Barbor ni. Message: "We Thank Thee." 11 :00 a.m. Nu7 tor all chil, DENTIST "3 S. mu 8& .. Los Anplee T Ucker '78U dren during .. rvi !BS! Weat Centnl By Appolntmont 6:00 p.m. Melbodiat Youth Fel- lowablp. Young AduJt Fellowship. Phone Barbor 4:!1-.l 7 :00 p.m . Even.Lng Wonhfp:-Newport Message : "Come y,. Live." I '-----------,---1 COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Rev. Jamea P. McGraw, Putor 140 Cabrlllo St., Cotta Mesa Ser vices Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Dr. Obed ·Lucas ' DENTIST - UO!!> W. Ceatnl. Barbor HllO NEWP:ORT BEACH T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and Surpm U09 West Central Telephone· Harbor 60! shoul • at her beach house, 330 Poppy It d be remembered that John L. Lewis, in spite of his avenue, Saturday. She just re turn- c:xmtrol over the miners, couldn't ween them a\vay from · ed from a two Y.:eeks trip as dele- Franklin Roosevelt when they \Vent to the 'polls. gate to the Zonta IntC'rnational Th f f th Con\•cntion at Swampscott, Mass. e act o e matter is th.at many persons who wouJd She is chairman of the No. 7 dis- not ordinarily vote for Harry Truman would support him tri ct of the Wom en's Rotary or- now if the presidential election was held today, because of his ganization. She flew east oO the strong tand th railroad Constellation with stopoff!! at s on e . strike. On the other hand many Chicago and Belloit, m .. whtre •h• others who backed him \Vould now oppose him for the very a tte nded her college alumnae same reason. meeting. She then new to New A I ha York and Boston. ot can ppen in politics in two and a half years. A She spent some time with lot is likely to happen between now and November 1948. By friends in Providence and at that time the man in the White House may be a political dead Salem. She round the famous duck. Then again. he may be even stronger than he is now. doors in th e Salf'm houses of great He said the avocadoes made a big hit \vi th the Americans as they have hardly any fresh vegetables or fruit., The Korean waitresses and cooks were excited and jalr bcred about what to do with the m as this was the tint time they had seen avocadoes. Maj. Olson wrote • that the Americans stationed there are so hungry for fresh things that tht>y use celery for dessert when they get some in. H e wrote that when they go pheasant hunt· ing tha t the Koreans tag along in' troops. BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry W. White., A..aclate Putor Cburcb SchOOI, 9 :90 L m. Momin&: Worahip, 11 L m. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Costa Mesa Rev. Herbert Roth, Pa.tor 8erv1ca: Sunday, 10 :30 a.m. SEVENTH DA"V ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Church St&. Christian Science Subject 'Sacrament' The Golden Tert or the Sund1LY Leason-Sermon on "Sacrament" In all branches of Tbe t.f other Church, The First Church of Chrlsl, Sclen· tlet, in Boston. will be Crom I Corln· lblana: "The cup ot blesetng whtcb we blea11, Is It not the communion ot the blood or Cbrlst ! The bread which we break, ls It not the com- munion ot the body of Chrlal !" In a Lesson-Sermon citation the PsalmJat says, "'1.7bat shall I render unto the Lord for all b is benefit.a toward me ! I will lake the cup ot salvation, &nd call upon the na.me ot the Lord. I ,.,.Ill pay my vo1\·a UD· to the Lord no"· ln the presence or all bis people." "\\'ho shnll ascend Into the bill of the I~ord ? or v•ho .11 ball stand ln bis holy place~ !-le that bath clean bands. and n pure heart; .. , He shall receiv e tbe blessing: from the i_,ord. nnd rlgbt- eo usnei;s from the God of bis salva· tlon" . Dr.W.W.Westmoreland Dentist llOl Cout Bl...y CORONA DEL MAK Phone Harbor !220 IN!!URANCE Sandy F. MacKay A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN ... l!JVRGEON &ll Co.at lllcb ... y. llarl>or 1151 Corona de.I Mar NORMAN NBI::ON, 11. D. Pediatrician Certi!ied by the Amarioaa Board ot Pediatrl<;1 1001 Ga.tota Dr, X.CU-- T1>1epi>oM X.CU-l ·llM interest, some or them reaching We don't profess to kno\v. the second floor and of beautjful One thing, ho\\rever, we do knO'.v: it is never safe to sell design. The house \vhose corner Mr. a nd Mrs. \Villiam Kendall, 505 Acacia avenue, left tor a 3 months trip to sec their daughter, Mrs. Wetherell, La Center, Wash. \Vhlle gone their house will occupied by the noted cartoonist. P eter Arno and his mother, New York City. His book of cartoons has ~n published. any man short in politics. \Vas cut out so La!ayet te could get around it IA'i t h his carriage, so narro''' "·as the street. ,,·as amus- Production Needed Now It is no longer necessary to discuss inflation In terms of the future. Inflation is here. How far it will go is anyone's guess. The only thing that can put an effective brake on ris- ing prices is efficient. high levl'I production follo\Ved by com- paratively low cost mass distribution. The traditional re- sourcefulness and imagination of American businessmen are needed now as never before. All along the line the emphasis wiU have to be on volume. Modern industry, from factory to retailer, is based on volume. Obsolete notions of the inherent "badness" or bigness should be discarded. For example, just becaµse a chain store distributor may operate two or three thousand stores acro<;S the country should not make him a bad citiz.en. His efforts to trim costs and push sales at reas- onable prices should be applauded rather than criticized. He and thousands of other retailers are the best antidote to in- flation that any country could have. II anyone can, he can stimulate ,mass production because he is a mass distributor. His main job is to striRe a balance between costs and prices that will move the goods. The mass distributor is a stabilizer. Consumers will increasingly appreciate his vital role in the clays to come. Mass production made possible the winning of the war. Mass distribution can help make possible a prosperous peace. Every tax or regulatory measure of a punitive nature In the field of distribution should be reviewed and corrected in the light of the present emergency. Archaic chain store tax laws and other demagogic devices designed to limit the same effi- cient retailers should be mercilessly weeded out of the statute books. Retail distributors·have become In the nature of a first line or defense against Inflation. regardless of type or size. They should be recognized as such and treated accord- ingly. GEORGE D. BASSETT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service :eot W. Oeatrsl A-. 1--· ~..J,'N-rt - MODERI MIRllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK· BALBOA ISLAND ing. This house ,,·hich lx-longs to the Art Association Is being re- stored Crom thC' celhtr to the a ttic, exactly lt.S it \\'ai-when the rum runn('rs usC'd it to discharge their cnrgo at high tide. \\'hen the peo- ple v.·er<' Rt church. The Associa· tion is putting on wall paJ>{'r as like as the old, a piece or "·hich has been preserved. with skim milk and calcium ns they did or old. Mr. and l\frs. Euge ne [)(' Brecht, Costa J\1C'Sa. announce the birth o! a 7·pound baby gir l, Cathy. The IX> Brechts lived formerly on 1:8rkspur a\·C'nue. I-le is e-mployed at the Veterans' Adrninlitration , Santa Ana. J\'fiss Dede Alden , daughter of Dr. and l\trs. S. J . Alden, 214 Gol~ dcnrod avenue. left with her uncle, Dr. \Vard Alden, Pasadena, to a dude ra nch in J\1ontana for her V8Cllltioo. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Johnston and children. P asadena, are vacation- ing at their beach place, 220 Pop- py avenue. this \\'t."ek. 1'1rs. King \'isited friends, at ~tnrblencck, \\'ho proudly told her tha t thC'i r harbor \\"llS the largest and he ld the most pleasure boats. Allowing for the early season , \Vht>n there are no t so many, she said she still tho ught they ha d bt>tter Sff N('wport Harbor before ~~;;!':~as so many interest• Brudin Estate Papers in civ;c affairs that as she said Filed ID Santa Ana "they keep me n}1ng." She wa~ Letters ot administration were the first v.•oman realtor In Pasa. !IOlJght last Wttk in superior court de n&. ~nd It Is through h~r efforts on the ('S tate of Emil Brudin. pio- ~hat ''0~f'n h~vf' become realtors. n<."er Hl'met contractor, \\'ho died She "'1ll g1~·c r£'ports on the I April Z7 at his Balboa Island home ~nta ronvent1on soon at RivC'r· IC'aving real property to the value side and !3urbank. or $14,500. l\,fr!e. F.arl Olson. 213 Dahlia Petition(>r \\·as A. E. Brudin of avenue, has receiv<'d v.·ord from Hcm<'t. a son. Other survivors are her husband. !\·taj, Olson stationed the \\·ido,v. Agnes O. Brudin of tn. Korea. She ls waiting to leave Balboa Island; a daughter, Agnes \\'Ith hl'r t \\'O <."hildren as soon as f\1cC a nn of 1-lemC't. and another the cholera .Quarantine is lifted so n, Oscar \V. Brudin of Hemet. Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZlOO Ocean Froot Newport MALTS • NOW OPEN EVENINGS S&NDWJCHES • HAMBUBGEBS loe Cream to Take Out Ill llORTil.MAl'll ST. , • Costa Meu Sabbath school, Saturday moro· lng, 9:30 o'clock. Preaching 1ervtce, 11 a. m. • CHRIST CHURCH BY THE 81i:A. Community Methodist 1420 West Central Av~nue Rev. E. D. Goodell, Pastor Chllttb School, 9 :60 a. m . Moming Worwhtp, 11 L m. Youth Fellowwblp, a p. m. Evening Worahlp, 7 p. m. Mld·wee.k prayer .tervloe, Wed- neaday; cove-red diab dinner, 6:30 p.m. COSTA ME8A. COMMUNITY CHURCH Carl 8 . Johnson, Mlnlatet "'The Bible tf':t ~·bPs t ransfonna· lion of the Uody b)· the renewal o( Spirit," ,,·rltr..; . lary Baker Eddy Jn "Science and li<':'l lth \\'Ith K ey to the Scriptures." Af:'aln she says, "The baptism of Spirit , washing the body of all the iwpurlth?s or flesh, signifies that tlif' pu re In heart .!lee God and are approaching s piritual r.ire and Its demon s tr a 11 on." .. Through repentr.nce, s;>l rltual bap. tlam, and regeneration, mort.als put arr lbeJr material bel rera nnd !&life individuality." ROOFS 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 2475--R OlW'Cb .cbool, 9:46 a. m.. Morntn,g Won.hip, 11 o'clock. Youth group., High Khool, In· termediate, Adult, 6:30 p. m. Evening e.ervlce, 1 :30 o'clock. Mid-week fellowab.Jp and prayer, Wednelday, 7:30 p. m. APPLIED 0& amPAJWg> F're<! Estimat .. & lnspoetlon w. ;J, Benbow 3E02 Marcta Ph. Hbr. 1012-J 11 a. m., Prayer a.od Sermon. 24-Hour Radio Service llOHE, AUTO, lllARINJ: BAl'il08 REP AIBJ:D I , Burt R. Norton' au eout m...y -.,.. s1p N-rt .....,.. QaUf. ,- SAM'S 0 SEA AFOon SPA Qffen Y oa the llbwt l'laClll to DIDe .. Oruge C,-ty; All New. • • · Even the Location · .. One-Halt Mlle East ~ Old Location oin Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail aar We Leed Soutbem CalUomla In the Servin& ~ -SEAFOODS-·•rM •YOUR JiM ol IJTMKS -VJSft OVll a:tlCiiD( -' Salli's Sea Food Spa and Flab Market -~ .... c . i--· • 1111) ' INSURANCE -That's All LliE ·FIRE. A UTO MARlr!E, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKAY 7"1 E. C..:nt,.al. Balbo.1 Phone H.arbor 2'J97 I Lincoln N afional Life Insmance Co. "lt. Na=e IDdlcMel It. Cbatll<'tel'" DON .JERNIGAN 1'J.oH Barbor !Sf.·R S08 M.artne Ave. Balboa Isl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen · I I''; a .... ~al Polkkil r•o .. e ... w 229N t JG E. 8v A't"!. a.lb-. HORTICI.f.NS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OUrsel.ves the Better Serve by SeNlni' Others Best" Phoaelleoooa5fl.O Costa-Mee. CalllomJa I "OPTOMETRISTS I . Ro1*rt A. Crawford I Opt, D. OPTOMETRIST Eyes EkamJned -Glasses Fitted l '79 t New-port Boulevud Pho.e ~a si13 C'09TA )[g8A I E. T.I Butterworth, 0 . D. ' Optometrt•t E,-r;s EXAMINED LEl'f81:8 DUPLIOATl:D a.._........, .... ......, 31.lfi W. ~ .A:n. ft. ....._ MJJ 1nwron DA.CB Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 321 M~e Ave., Balboa latand Pllone Harbor %9!9 John K. C. Chung, M. D. Physlclan and Surseon 2 • 4 7 -8 :30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 120 Eu& J8tfl Street Costa MNA, California CHIROPRACTORS AND OSTEOPATHICS Dr. W. T. Mooney Pbywlclan and Surgeon Pia-. C .... br. eerriee) Harbor 641 Dr. G. E. Tohill Pllyalclan ...., Surpoa _ 2209 Coast }$JVd. NEWPORT BEACH -PBONES-OfUoe: B arhor 2:88·W ~: Barbor 281J-B U No Ml6trer. t•aJI Hart.or 6 Wagner Drugless Institute Dr. Wiibur O. Wapey Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy ,IDiO Cout Blvd., Soatb Phone 2053 Scotch Tape Now on Ha nd Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES 1Newport-BaJboa Toufist Bureau AU Modes.of Travel to Europe Mexico Hawaii ttmd-the-World Trips In Ute near tutUre. See llfn. Boy Kee~ Ph. Bartllw S9l. SOl l'lllm, Balboa llovar 11 a. m. te I p. a • .- Finch, Hospital Fund leader, ls Grateful to legiQn Posts An ..tvance lotter of alllftCla-Hospital FUncl. tloD -received by local Amer-Your plan is in the very best leu 1.,.ioa .-u this week trom tradition of community service Jlndm Finch. chairman of the and public weUare and the whole Nowpuit Beach oommlttee fer the of Orange County will be deeply Pl....,161.an hospital IUnd. In re-indebted to you for this worthy am* to the.tr plans for a gigantic work. The future of our nation AnldaUce Day celebratkm ln N~-in assured when organizations pert Bncb, funda from wbidl will such as yours voluntarily sacrifice t.. donated to the bmpitn.l tund. timer strength and money on be- 1'1e Newport Be-ach ind C.OSta half ot the. oommon good. • ........ Ml.,. M•••••w, ,.._,.... z-. OZW a Seacratt Now Eqmlpped to Handle . An · Types of Boats for Launching The story about fishing out of Newport Harbor ls still albaeott as boats continue to bring them in. The Waterwitch. from the F\ln Zone landing, went out Sunday and brought In 35 albacore. The \Vaterwitch picked up a school and held It for 21> hours, using live baiL Fishermen had 26 hook- ups at one time, which means plenty of excitement. To hang onto an albacore after getting hooked.- up is quite a problem. The Sarah ll, from Port Lido, ' --.· . ~~zu l"INUT TASl'DIG !IDZJ»rO &•MB~ STEA•• (rtmr•• lie .... -); BOKll: BAltll:D YUK·KY Bll:BBY AND APPU l'Ull SHEP'S Mesa puats wU1 be hosts for entire I would like to place the New- Orange county on the Soveml>er ~rt Beach, Committee of the H~ date-Plans till lncomplet~ 85 p1tal Fund at )'OW' service for this to the prog.rar:n •but on the gala Armistice Day undertaking, and 9Cbedule will probably be '1. foot-l1:5k that you call _upon WI . at any ,_,, d dan tune for infonnation. advice and • came in with 11 albacore Sunday. King, Val a m. and Wate<- wttch. Tnlulng 00.ts: Alamo, Alma, Atecln, Bonspray, Olinook, Day n. Dolphin. Dorabee, Eia. Eva Jane, i Georgia 1\.t. Teuer, Hoopa-La, b'ooepblne, Jig-an-Reel. Las Tunas, JLoma Pat, Lure, Mar- lin IV, Nina Doretta, P.D.Q ., Phantom, 1st. Low. Jr., Skip. Along, · Skipper, SJ)rig, Sueno, Tight Unfs, Tradewlnd. Tyee, Virginia Mae. Llve bait charter 00.ts: ~ Andrina, Bess T., Blue watei. Bonspray, oar-Walt. Cyperlurus Don Pat, Dorabee. ltll OOA!IT mOBWAY NEWPOllT ......,_., __ uau same an a ce. k h be f · t Tbe Jetter follows: wor w ere we can o assts - July 9. 1946 ance. Newport Beach P ost C:O.ta Mes.a Post American Legion Newpo1"' Beach, Calif. Gentlemen: Gratefully yours, BRADEN FINCH, Chairman. Swimmer Okeh On behalf of the Newport 1--ta r- bor Committee of the Orange County Hospital Fund. I wish to express our appreciation for yc.ur praiseworthy and public-sp;rited Armlltlce Day program. l nave been informed by Mr. Copper- smith, COmmandl'T' of the l'\ew- port Beach Post. that you have planned an elaborate and spectac- ular series of events leading up to and celebrating Annhitice Day and that the money received through t.bia program, less a few necessary expenses, will be given to the Thought to be struggling in the waters off the 19th street land- ing at Bay Front, Newport Beach a.t noon Wednesday, LeRoy Car- ter, 13. of 1810 Laguna street, Costa Mesa, was found to be all right on the arrival of a first aid rescue squad from the Balboa fire sta tion, a police report said SEA.CRAFT, INC., bu rapidly convert& the old Staab Boat company yard at 825 Coast hlgh- "'ay, Ne"'J)Ort Beach, from a "'artlme to a peace:Ume basis. It Is now j!flf"l'l!d ln the productlon of stock crui~rs a.nd la aho equipped to buUd any other type -------------•·ui \\'aterCl'aft, po"·er or sail, Ob • All kinds typewriter ribbons in s tock at the News-Times. NOW-'Round the ls] and Ferry 9,30 A-M. TO 11 P. M. South Bay, Ba!OO. Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Betu;on Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay' Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BABB()B 12-W * \ kilowatt-hours eave 0 kitchen hours -make your 0 kitchen all-electricJ llectrici v helps prepare and cook: -the food, washes the - dishes, disposes or garbage, does 1110st or the tiresome work automatically -while ;you enjoy life more. Eventua~, ,n.ll have an electric Jd tcben. ~ I Coast Assn. Will Meet in San Clemente San C!emente will be the gath- ering place for the JWy meeting of the Orange County Coast Msoda- tion, aocordln& to the report of H. F. Kenny, president of the coast body. Thia ii the first meeting held at Sa.n Oemente for two or three o~der. Seacralt boat yard hu invented a nd installed v.·hat it describes as a vertical lift ways for the launch- ing of boats of all types and size. Highway Dept. Studies Plan To Aid Isle The ways is so built that there is no strain or stress on any hull. The boats are brought up to the ways on a transfer carriage and then they are shifted easily the full length of the yard to a set of steel rails which serve to hold the new boat in place until the ele- va tor is carried downward under The California State Highway the_ water and then the boat slides department is making a study of easily out into the bay. plaas for "vi belt I The entire boat yard has been gi n~ a er c earance alt ed th th I on the state highway from New-er SO . at now ere are un-port Beach to Laguna Beach to dercover paint shops, woodwork·! resident-motorists who live on ing and machJne lhops. All of Balboa Isl d these are fully equlpped with paint Th an · years. materials, all typee of shafting, at was the statement made Two topics to be discussed are and milling, boririg machines and by Poet.master Herbert Kenny, of interest to all the Orange Coast single and multiple drill preues. ~airman of the highway com- area. They are Highway Safety Alao the yard has a ~ton der· nuttee of the Newport Harbor and Coast Development. Authort· rick ttane which is hardly ever Chamber of Commerce, early this ties on both subjects will be ln-f ti week. 'ted t ddreu the meeting out o mo on u it tolls unceu.-K aid th V1 o a ingly to pick up the boats ow enny s e state hJghway which wtll be attended by r epre-under repair and transfer ~ department has not yet decided sentattve groups from all sections em whether clearance will be made of the coast and county. from place to place throu&hout in the form f --'-al brid the boatyard · 0 ~ ae1• ge The session will be held July This crane is also ed f lift-or a subway leading to the main 23rd, 6 :30 p. m . at Chappelles us or highway to Laguna Beach Cafe, which ls located ln the for-Ing boats out . of the water and The poetmuter admitted that mer Golf Oub, about one mile placing lsthe~ tn trucks for ship-transportation and traffic wa.s 8 south of the Banlc of America J n_ient e ew ere w~en the Decet· pressing problem and that a more Building in the center of the city. SJtNy callsbefor sfucboh dists pooall. ed rapid means of transit from the um no a are aunch ·1 d bsl by the new boat company and one ts an was an a o ute need. SA Annexation Army Air Base Predicted Here Probability that the Santa Ana Anny Air ba.se may become an industrial sectioO of the City of Santa Ana loomed early this week when it was disclosed at a meet- ing of the board of directors of the Newport Harbor Clamber of Conunerce that Santa Ana munici- pal officials were considering an- nexation of the base for that pur· pose. The possibility that the base may be taken over by the Oty of Santa Ana came about during re- marks made by Ra1ph W. Maskey, president of the Newport Harbor Realty board. Mr. Masl;cey ex- pressed the belief that should the Oty of Santa Ana annex the army base, which is fully replete with a water and sewer system, both Costa Mesa and Newport Harbor would share with Santa Ana in the pa)' bene!il3. "1 think annexation of the base by the City of Santa Ana would be a logical movt!," Maskey stated, adding, "!or we do nN'd an in- dus triaJ district u·hich would make for an all-year -round payroll for aJl concerned." Theft of Purse 1\.1arjorie Dovell of Glendale re- ported to police the theft of a purse and watch on \Vednesday. She said she missed the valuables while taking a sun bath on the beach near the Fun Zone in Bal- boa. of the biggest users of the ways are the · Malibu company of ._Los Angeles. Seacralt, Inc., is being managed here by Mr. and Airs. Robert V. Staats. the former own- ers and operators of the old Staats Boat company. WU Delivers 2075 'Grams To Harborites A total of 2075 messages were delivered by the \Veste rn Union Teegraph company to residents of the Harbor area during the month o! June. Only 42 or the 2117 messages handled through the telegraph company failed t o reach residents immediately and these were de- layed simply because they carried improper addresses. At the present time. post offices in the harbor area are making an effort to locate the correct street addresses of owners of the 42 non· delivered telegrams. The Los Angeles district office of the Western Union <"Ompany is now making a survey to ascertain if there is a need for the opening or a telegraph office in the harbor area. Motorist Cited Mesa Girls Face Charges of Theft, Loot Recovered Recovery of a large quantity of articles allegedly stolen by seven young shoplifters ranging in age from 11 to 15 years a nd who live in Costa "Mesa was reported Wednesday by Sheriff Jesse L. Elliott. The suspects and their cases are no\\' being studied by the sheriffs office and by county juvenile offi- cers. according t o the sheriff. Deputy Sheriff W . R. Hough- land of the juvenile bureau, who cleared up the cases involving the youngsters, said to be all girls, reported that one, a 12-year-old, discJosed that she had taken be- tween $50 and $60 from a cash register in a relative's store. Another admitted theft of $20 from her mother, the sherifrs of- fice r eport revealed. Five other suspects totd the deputy that they had taken so many articles al- legedly from stores in Costa 1.fesa and Santa Ana that they could not remember the amount of the mer- chandise ur places from which the articles were removed. Pinky Scott, manager of White's Park avenue cale, Balboa Island, underwent an appendectomy at Santa An.a Conununity hospital Saturday and ls now recovering sa tis! actorily. Newport Beach police thia week cited two motorists on charges of exceeding the speed llmlt. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; / 1bey gave their names u Kenneth The Nobilis, from Port Orange, had 24 aJbacore Sunday. Missawtt, the regular li\'e bait boat from Port Orange has been catching barracuda, halibut, bass, and a few white sea bass. It leaves at 7:00 a. m. Balboa Sport Fishing Fleet's Niadoret ta caught 9 albacore Fri- day, 8 Saturday, a nd 5 albacore on Sunday. This boat is 30 (let long. four fi shermen can troll at once and has a capacity of nine. Rent daily' $50.00. J . H. "Bert'" ~lilts. of the Lorna Pat. caught 33 albacore Friday, Z3 Saturday, and 14 albacore Sun- day, fishing about a n hour out. He \\'ent out Sunday evening to see if they would hit at sundO\\"n. Skip- per J . B. McNally reports plenty of albacore with them all over the ocean. ·. 9 OUBIC FT. ~ .~ ~ ~ee~ EFr~ Ne~ Electric Appliance Co. ZS05 ?!Je-.-port Blvd. Harbor %118 JOHN DORY NOW OPEN C1ho ice Marine Foods Fresh Fish OPEN DAILY 12'00 TO 3,00 P. M. King's Landing reports 23 , Balboa lslaad straight days to have its boats 801 MJtrine Ave. come in loaded with fish. Halibut, +.:===========::::=============~ barracuda, white sea bass. and - bass, are on the schedule, for the 1,----+-----------------------. regular live bait boats. Trolling 1 ' I E s E L s E R v I c E boats are getting albacore. Blue E~'.:~~~:!4 ::n~~:ii:Ei I King ls now scheduled for launch-NEW 225 H.P. DIESELS ON HAND ing at Bohman's on Thursday. New Floblns Bars• BecoacllUoaed Dl-i. cm bud wHh chollle of The new fishing barge Retriever :-reduelloa. mlta. ii being prepared for operation be-• wE AJllC WJllTINO OBDllll8 ON mOBT-Alfi) LU'r- ginning this Saturday. The Re-BAND aoTATION DO:SCIA FO& TW1N Dfft'AI•.A· triever will be anchored off ery.'. Tl~NB. OBOl<ll: OF BIIDVODON 1JNlT8. taJ Cove, with a shore boat run-On lluct: 1115 B. P. 6-111 llloa--N-- nlng to It from 5 ,00 a. m. to 5,00 p. m. from the Fun Zone Landing See us for Information on In Balboa. George Swain and Dick Venn Severin Diesels Dittmar are the operaton. 24 feet long and 100 feet wide, there Dlwl GeDerator Sela ol All Klndl will be a clear sweep ot 85 feet n.&NK a. LEWD (~ Lewil) 0.W--"e·· 1 for fishing apace. • The bait tanks will be flush with PHONES the deck. Galley service will be + available. Live bait wlll be fur-Shop & Wayw!lleacoa Mlll ottlce: n.-11889-W - nlshed, and there will be tackle a& Bob-.. Co. 415 FltteeDth St. for rent. The boat Sprig will run Nt.wport Beaeb Newport Relgbta as water taxi to the new fishing ~--------------------------' barge, as a substitute for a new -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 46-foot water taxi, which ts being :i built for the service. From the 19th Street Landing comes word of the Comet catching 7 albacore and the Don Pat with 18 on Saturday. The Comet, Flyer, Scout, and Signal fish from the famous old 19th Street Landing. Barracuda weighing from 10 to 11 pounds are being caught. Plenty of anchovies are available for bait. Pier fishermen continue to catch halibut, barracuda, and a fe w macker el. It seems the mackerel have slowed down a bit. Fisher- m en on the barge anchored off the Newport Pier are catChing halibut, barracuda, mackerel and bass. Surf fishermen are getting yel- lowfin croaker, but the corbina are a little on the slow side. Yel- lowfin croaker are a1so biting good off the piers after dark. While the ocean piers furnish large facilities for fishermen, probably the most people of all fish from the bay. On any day the bay is crowded with anchored outboard motor and row boats, many with baskets of live bait tied alongside. These fishermen catch croaker, various sharks, and an occasional halibut and such. Bay Shore Camp, Ba1boa Pavilion, and other places where row boats are available for rent, keep the bay dotted with boats._.Spotfin, halibut, and sea trout are being caught oft the float known as the Port Orange Fishing Hole where fish- ermen can fish all night, u th~e Is a man tending bait there '1J night. The new r evised fishing map of Newport Harbor lists 10 daily live bait boats: Dina Lee, F1yer, J . B., Maiden, Music, Neptune, Sport We Have a Complete Line of AND SALT WATER TACKLE FRESH • Rods • Reels · • Lines •• • Leaders • • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of . FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT I PIER AND BOA! FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store I TelePhoae Barbor 97 for I•tait Fhblng bfomnUcm . . - • • ?tt-~~· ROSSI'S Liquor Store M. Hahn of Palm Springs and WWJam Maltadlchlan of Loo An- Kdft. Hahn wUI appear next Monday and Makadichlan will ap- pear next ~ In dty oourt to plead, police &aid Merchandise now in our store will NOT marked up beyond present prices .. -and even merchandise now on its way to us will be marked as previously planned under OPA regulations. be • J H ESTUS RARl>WABIJ • • GENERAL EI.ECTRIC &ANGEi • a&n:IOD&TOU • • ...... IJ-W-e UDI08 Newport B•dl ; ,..~ .... wq -.... '"'"'"' -. .. °""' -()pa~ Bat' Scotch tape, varlouo -· ... aale at the N.,.._nu-• Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL .SUM BVILDING UNll'8 llrldi ud Oi ;.oal ,,...... N-.. ~ Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. ueo Newpari A'"" ~ ._ THIS IN THE MIRACLE MD.E 3 Blocks So. al The Arcbell • IS OUR EFFORT . .... TO FIGHT ~ INFLATION l'UBNi'l'UBE 822 o..t mpny. I Everything for th~ Home I -e----Radios I Appliances- I BOURSJ" DAILY 9 A. K. TO 5:30 P. II., INCLUDING SUNDAYS. FRIDAY EVENING TIU. 9 P. K. QL!!!m MOHD.US. ' • " • i .• w.. Fonner Newport Girl Home on Visit Fellowship Oass Holds Beach Party Local Delta Gammas Hostess First Tea -w a-· h -.~::...-=--=Harbor Jf eminin~ . LC~~.Y..lt~~ ~.t;..;~~ Eumn llelegat<o -11 -W 11 months old. Jo1ed a beech pu1Y Sunday ef-ftl<ww 13 ud 308 By Wlnltnd Putlft -----. wntlon bOlns bold Jul7 10-l!i at :::" .:,:W ....!9~ ::,noon~•::,t:,:;:-.:=1 ·0>-u_n_ty_P_oe_ts ____ ,_B_al_l;>_o_a_l_sl_a_n_d_G_i_r_l _W_ed in Ceremon y at '~Ha bori · ~~--=~ Pn~ D. c.. and .... ewoll at the home ..... followed by a --Wt'll Hear s Bo "f Cath l' Ch h A h . r tes beyond ell their expect..-"' Ml"I. Snyders paren1s. Mr. and at -i. _ t. nt ace o 1c urc , na e1m Flnt oii the pro&Tam w.. the 11n. Lloyd Gabriel, Harbor boule-Olmaxing the outlna .,.. a Famous Speakers At 1qa z1w r1t8 bold at 2:30 toa slwnlw-.y attemoon 1p -. Coota Mesa. campfltt wonhlp -CClD-• p.m. 8'turday July 6 In St. 11ca1-n... ,._,,t we il/llnc at. Mary the hotel lobby with the Oranp Mn. Snyder " the torinor June ducted by the president. Mn. Nor-County P>Oll are plannlnc to faa Catholic' church. Anaheim. Boland and Paul ';'Sldd'" McKll>-county chapter, .-tecl by S... Gehrie1 and wu a Wave before man Talmadc• and with Dbde attend the California fedttatlon Domla Joy Mucltmthaler, onl)r ben will lone bo remomber<d by G<qoonio chapter Of Rlvenlde, u her ~-·Her husband " In Gene Root and Dm Ivester In meetlna ot Ouiparral P>Ots. to bo daual>ter of Ml'. and Ml"I. Martin their Harber ~ althouch ~ Pourlnc at the boauU- pbannacy school In Washington. charge ot the program and devo-held ell day Saturday at the Finl Mucltenthaler Balboe Island, be-the cer-and receptbi WU fully dealrated tee table......, Mn. AJoo home " MJsa Patricia Gabriel, tlona1 mnace. With the younc Unitarian church. Loe Anaeld came the bride ot Vernon Fred-strictly a family of!alr. Jack Walt..r Spicer of Harbor 1s1ant1, who entn-ed the Wavn after the people were the Rev. George with the new president, Labon ertck St:lchtman, aon of Mr. and McKfhben. younger brother ol the slater of Mrs. Jean Teall, naJ:ional marriage of her sister and who Root, putOT of the church; Mr. Johnson taking over the leader-Mrs. Fred Stic:htman of Anaheim. bridlfcroom, is the proud pc»-vi~president. and Mrs. C W. reoenUy receivrd her disch.arge. and Mrs. Geor&:e Potter and Mn. ship of the federation. the ceremony belnc read by the tel8Cll' ot. a Moon, that swanky Dutton; they were usisted by She plans to enter photocraphy Talmadge. Thirty chapters will be ~ Rev. Henry Groos. lmpooinc car ot 1926 vln~. Mes<lan>s Olarles Eaton, Harold ochool in Los Angeles in the fall. llOllted. includinc Orange County' The bride who was given In J•clt hod rubbed 113 gnen and Harvey, Richard Porla aem Down from Stockton tor• tam-L. I. Snowbird Assn. Olaparnll Poets. Attending from rnamace by her father .....,..., • black paint to • ltich po!Wt and airistle, Justin Kennedy, H . M. lly &•theti.D& over the week-end Newport Beach will be Grace eown of heavy white ~tin fasb-decorated lt in appropriate style. Wallingford. Mel Trickey, Harold wu Ralpti'S-kman. brother of Starts Race Series Shattuck, Ball Ingraham. com-loned with sweetheart neckline To line the top of the old car, Cimeno, Olarlotte Lee and mem- lln. Ga~I. poser and poet, wpo is a mern-fitted bodloe and skirt n~ Ja~ went and 1earched • the bers of San Gorgonio chapter. First race of the season tor the ber of Lucille Palriler Prize-Win-into a long train. Edging the family rag-bag and using ~undry In the evening the fiesta SUI>" Lido Isle Snowbird auoclation nen Chaparral. sleeves and used as inserts in the pieces 0~ old pajamas and discard-per, served in the romantic at- will be held Thursday, July 11 First address on the program train was treasured o1d lace which ed ~annc, apparel, had borrowed mosphere of the beautiful swim- with boats startin& at 2 p.m. from which begins at 10 a.m. wil1 be had been used on the wedding a _ne1ghbor s sewing machine and ming poo1 in combination with the club pier. There will be six the "Rediscovery of Hebrew Po-gown of a close family friend st1.tched th.em into a covering. In early moonlight, became an occa- races. boats leaving each Thurs-etry'' by Marcus Lytle, president some 30 years ago. Topping the thl.S geramums and other flowers sion long to be remembered. Host- day at the same hour. emeritus of the organization. bride's red-gold hair was a tiara were thrust in rustic effect. for esses wore Spanish shawls, high 1 · ! th of net in sw-theart outline from a floral bower. The black blinds combs and mantillas atid Spanish At the cone usion o e season The all-day meeting starts at 10 '"'"' do d th n al ph d th I Which rell a flnge•tlp veil. A were wn an on e oor was entertainers presented a fine pro- 11rL -To.II ol __..., N .Y. -tlwl wlo&-yacal 'v' of Delta Gamma and a _.... of M.n. Wa.lt,er Spleer, llartM>r JUaad. F. A. C. Officers Attend Conference the perpetu tro Y an ree n-a .m. w1·th the "Rediscov...rv of • al t f red anl · ·d al h . ·11 be ded. '"' two-st•and necklace, ""'t of the a roy carpe 0 ger wns. gram. d1v1 u trop ies Wl awar Hebrew Poetry·· the. main talk, ' &... J k I ft th ch ch I f Members or the race committee Marcus Lytle. prt'Sident emeritus, Miss Carol Terry.· daughter bridegroom. was more ot the It ac .~ tie t ur . :ar~, ~~ Unable to attend this opening Mrs. H. B. McMurtry, president are Thomas Rutter. George Peters speak-. "something new" and both "old.. reqw me 0 win · e 0 session were the Or ange county ''" of Capt. and Mrs. V. S. Terry of Moon. but she was ready snort-and Franklin Warner . Winning poems in the high Balboa Island, who left this and "blue"' was the tiny handker-i d -t ami wh th' br"dal president, 11-irs. Charles Ray of of the Friday Afternoon club. and Mrs. Robert G. Skiles. first vice. Last week the snack bar wu school di"isions and awards for chief \\:hich the bride's mother had ng an • e ng, en e 1 Ba1boa Island, and the committee ed t th 1 bh ~oving '"''eek on a lecture tour of the c·-i·ed at her own wedding. White coupl~ left the church. B~ly ch•'-an' . .,_,. Jack Houlihan. president. represented the local organization a t the summer con~ open u1" • c fu 0':18e: .... d the same will take place. East Coast and will 1eave in .... I .a': 1 ed in a lovely glancing at the real estate sign a.u "' '"u a pop ar spot or JUniors an Alfred Noyes. famed poet and September for Bombay Presi-g aUJO uses arrang . across the street which read, adults alike, and answering a long-Dr. Haldeen Braddy of Tulane dency, India, where she will be shC?\\'er formed the bndal bou-"For Sale-Five-bedroom House-- Last o/eek national officers and province1 secretaries "''ere e nter- tained by Mrs. Spicer at a patio luncheon and the account of the affair, F.blished in the News- Times and pinned to the bulletin board a't the opening tea. drew flattering comment from the na- tional publicity chairman. ference of the Southern District. California Federation of Women'1 -°"~;M!ll~~f:~•;•;nln~p.~~f:x~""l'~~t~M~on;•;a~y~=f=el=t=n=e<d~=· =:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~ university. "''111 speak. Adult poem 1.1rith the Ramabai 11-iukti mis· qu~~tricia Keithley of Anaheim Newly Weds Please Note," they .I! winners will be awarded follow-j slon for women. Miss Terry ftrSt was maid of honor. She wore an climbed Into the chariot and ing r eading of their contest con-set out for the mission in 1941 enchanting gown of white mar-driven in state by Jack and Tom, tributions. and '-''&S captured at Manila by quisette over blue taffeta and car-headed the procession to Balboa, Evening meeting win feature the Japanese, spending the next ried a quaint bouquet of pink sum· radiator steaming and horns blow- clubs. held this "'eek in San Diego. Drive C&refully-Spare a Life. Greeting Cards "Wt In111te Y ou AM • OmN Varlet7 el to Browse A round·· Unusual Gifts e DIA»OSD8 e 1t"AT('HE8 e PL ...... IC &ICP.&.mL'IG C. E. LOUCKS e ,.liWILal" e 8TATIOSJl:&Y 1i97 ~-"'°" 8lv4., <'•ta •..a. CaUt. I'll-: 9-oo 0639·• INTERIOR DESIGN CUstom made draperies Tailored slip-covers Venetian blinds Furniture selection and maintenance Select wallpapers ' '----------34"48 VIA OPORTO NEWPORT e1ACH.CALIF. o"' HAR•Oft I a'° .. Can'l'a fu fa lion6 •••.. lo tl. JULY BRIDE Adela Rogets St. Johns who has t•-ee and a half years in a pris-ing '" mer blossoms edged with blue net. · . • chQS(>n the subject "Poetry From a on camp. Her headdress was a white Juliet It being noon on a summer Prose \Vriter 's VieWJX)int ." "The sequin cap with short back veil. day, the young folks were soon in Philosophy of Poetry" wm be dis-Ather attendants were Mrs. the water. When a dripping bride Costa! Mesans cussed by Dr. Louis Merton. Bishop Sullivan, Lowell Mallonee of Anaheim and and groom surrounded by an Hostsl to Relat1'ves Newly elec1ed o!fieers will be Patna, India, Visits Mn. Wi11iam William>, the for-equally dripping entourage cut the installed and entertainment wlll wedding cake and ate breakfut ~ include piano recital numbers by Sister in Balboa mer Joan Stichtman, sister of the on the sand some of the more con-Gues for two weeks at the Helen Delaney and Ruebln Martin. bridegroom. also of Anaheim. servative guests were sJightly home Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speakers will include Marcus Bishop Bernard J . Sullivan, S . J . Their gowns were similar in de-amazed but to all good Balboana Alvord, Pacitlc drive, Costa Mesa, Lytle, "9'0Cident emeritus; Alfred f p I .a: • 't · sign to that of the maid of honor It wu tlr 1 logical Lat ·-Mr1'. A1vord'1 111· ter, Mn ~--o atna, no.ua, was a vtSl or 1n with Mrs. Mallonee wearing white en e Y . er, an-........ Noyes, tamed poet; Dr. Haldeen Balboa during the month at the othet" c.ar, bearlnt a l>Ot of fiow· Sterret bf LaMarr, Colo., and hw: Braddy or Tulane university; Adela home of his sister, Mrs. Oyde marqulJette over pink taffeta and en on the radiator and hWl.K with band. I Rogers St. Johns and Dr. Louis "'""° s·-Mn. Williama, white over green. pla--~-d U-dr ped with . H. Ashen ot ~East \&Cl. Their headdreaes harmonized with .._.\.14 an we a tin Anothjer recent guest in the Al Merton. A party honorinl7 Bishop Sul-ed whl cans and old shoes, bore the vord ho.me waa Guy Keep, who • their gowns and they carri te newlyweds off for their honey-Uvan was held at the Aahen home flowers edged in pink net and yel-has JUlt returned from Calcutta on Sunday at which relatives of low b1caoms wtth the green net moon. India. receiving hJs dlacharce a Corona del Mar Malt Shop iota Clout mp_, • Old fuhloned malll We moon just this. NBW LINE . Craft Gl'.eeting Carda -sa.t:nar.., -Brooking! V arieb' .. .,... ..,., a.-.. _ • . .... ., ......... t • Clubwomen Attend Summer Conference Local clubwomen attending the summer conference of California Federation of Women's clubs held Tuesday and Wednesday at the Grant hotel, San Diego, were the new county president. Mrs. George Wheat of Newport Island; M~. C. M . Deakins, county chaJrman ot narcotics; Mn. Bruce McBride, pre!ident of the local Ebell club and Mrs. Robert Jayred. the bi.shop from San Die&"O, Chula background, respectively. Said Mn. McKibben, "The only Lon& Beach. A family dinner wa Vista, North Hollywood, Haw· Walter Kirkhart of AneMm tbiD& UllMl about U. whole affair given ift his honor, aome of the thorne, Santa Ana. Orange, Plioe-served u best man wtth Bob wu that tM7 61 ea••ft&• rtnp!'" relatives not having seen him nix and, Casa Grande, Arizona Schmidt, Anaheim, and Donald AllOt~ weddtuc may be ex-since he was a small boy. He were n..-.nt. M k thal b h f th pected soon in the Boland family and his' Wife and da"....,ter, who a-.. .r-. uc en er, rot er 0 e for William Boland, Jr., la to mar-""611 During his viJit in Balboa the bride, as ushers. ry Edie Hylton of Riverside some made their home in Long Beach , • It was essentially a program conference and many interesting auditions were heard. ChJet speak- er or the conference wu Dr. George Warmer, former Santa Ana pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Summers and Glen Nelson of Los Angeles were guests from July 4 over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Florence Torrence, 27th street. and others who were there Sunday included Commander and Mrs. Bruce An- derson and son Scott of San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer and son Michael and Lt. and Mn. Richard C Torrence and daughter Maurine of Los Angeles. God regins, and will "turn and overturn" until l'ight ls !ou.nd su- preme.-Mary Baker Eddy. bishop motored to San Diego to Miss Edith Brown, friend of the time this summer. while h~ was in the ae.rvtce, re visit with relatives and Bishop bride, sang "Ava ~taria" and Mn. Phillip Zorn ot East Cen-turned to Nebraska. ::C - Buddy of the San Diego di<><..'E)lle. "P.anis Ange11cus" for the nuptial tral avenue iJ in New York, vilit-Y U Archbishop Cantwell of Loo An-songs with Mrs. A. F . Faust as Ing Mrs. Cecil Nation for an in-OUf friendtl and mfnl' • &eles, Archbishop Mitty of San accompanist. Violin solo, Schu-definite time. The John Neguses flJ Francisco. San Francisco univer-bert's "Serenade," was played by of Hollywood, with Bud and Nan-A. C~ Goodell. brother of the Pl sity. Santa Clara university, and Mrs. Jack Montgomery, cousin of cy, came down Sunday for the Rev. E. D . Goodell, putor or Jesuit Novitiate of Los Gatos. the bride. Mrs. Faust also played summer and the Hook Heardeslees Christ Church by the Sea, died < Bishop Sullivan has been in the traditional wedding marches. and daughters. Barbara, Nancy recently at his home in Banning. :z India tor 22 years, 17 of \\thich Over 200 relatives and close and Sandra are ln their ocean Mr. Goodell attended the funeral. :::: wu served as bishop ot the Pa,tna, friends witnessed the rites which front cottage. Barbara was 8 going on to the Methodist church c India, Mission diocese. v.•ere solemnized before an altar Stanford graduate this spring. conference at Pasadena. < . During the war, Cardinal SpeU-radiantly beautiful with 1arge The Frank v. Marshalls of Pasa-..J man of New York appointed sprays or white gladioluses. daisies dena and their son. Frank, Jr., Bishop Sulli\'an as his special and other white nowers in tall have taken the Corbin house at representative to all the chaplains 'White baskets together with pot-1204 East Central avenue for the in the CBI theater of war. ted shrub palms and white candles. summer. The bishop is nov.• on his way The candles in tall candelabra Herberta Johnson ot the north ea.st to tour the large eastern were also used to mark the white bay front is at the Kay Finch cities. speaking on missionary work carpeted pathway tor the bride. studio this summer, following her in India. • Reception honors took p1ace in graduation from Harbor Hi. the garden tea room of the Capilla Relatives of Mrs. Oscar Clevi- A DIMl'mlnc Mann~r de San AntonJo on Highway 101 dence were at the Seashore Drive Miss Jane Taft, who has been at Redondo Beach for several " months with relatives is now home z for the summer with Rev. and C Mrs. E . D. Goodell at 3000 East Ocean Front. ~ t; Mrs. 0 . J . Wilson, who with he r .... husband. is the new owner of Bay - View Cburt, BalOOa, has recently Q arrived from Vista and Mr. Wil-C son will come as soon as they have ~ sold °tir avocado ranch there. ll. The co1,1ple have three children. A red-headed lad got a job as with the parents of the young house or the Clevidences last week messenger boy. The manager sent couple standing in the receiving and Sunday tile owners and their him on an errand in a fashionable line with the bridal party. small sons moved down tor the district. A little later a stranger Mrs. Muckenthaler chose a summer. Clyde Rex, who has been called the manager on the tele· smart1y sty1ed street dress in occupying the house during the phone. powder blue shade with white winter. moved with his bride to New , sidents of Newport Beach Z "Have you got a red-headed boy accessories, while Mrs. Stlchtman the Burt Clevidence house a short are Mr.1 and Mrs. Robert S. Green-C working far you!" the stranger wore a dress in aqua and bJack distance away, wald, Whose marriage was recent· ::C Grypboo Productloos 0 :0 L;::.-.; PLAY~OU~ : BLIND ~ ALLEY .,, :0 0 ti ~ n -I Lut Time Joly 14th Limited Seating Capacity • Reserved Seats Available at BLUE SAILS BOOKSHOP l'llone -· 1'78 Or Lacuna Ill Opening .July 16: KEENAN WYNN -TAMARA GEVA .. ... 0 ~ "' Balboa Theatre lnquired. co1ors with white atteSSOries. The'E . I. Moores of Central ave-ly solemnized in the F irst Evan-0.. "Yes," replied the manager. Their corsages were pink and nue are spending much -of their gelical 1 church, Santa Ana. Mrs. >i 20th Century "Well, this is the Janitor at the white carnations. respectively, time at their Sllverado canyon Greenwald is the former MadiJyn 0:: Oakwood Apartments. where your The bride's cake. a four-tiered cottage and are there this week. Kubitz, daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. t:I PRICES: '2-tO A $1..IO --rH Box Offtee ()pm at 1 :15 Sl>ows NIPUy, l 'SO & 9,se LMl ~ Frtda.y, lal7 U: P'1l1 llepn -Gale storm "Swing Parade of 1946" boy~ to deliver a message. He creation was topped with a dove The Charles Tanners spent the Walter Kubitz of Anaheim. She lllcl. Tas Insisted on coming in the front holding identical wedding rings, week-end at Catalina on the Trade is a graduate of Redlands univer-" NOW , way. He v.•a.s so persistent' that I a decoration that had been used Winds n with Mrs. Walton Hub-sity and her husband graduated had to draw a gun." on the golden wedding anniver-bard, Jr .. and daughter, Jean as from Santa Ana high school, serv- "Good heavens !~' the manager Sary cak .. ~ of the bride's grand-guests. ing afterward with the Army Air PLAYING exclaimed. "You didn't shoot him, parents, n1rs. Albert Muckentha1er Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Oiamben Force tor three years. did you?" and the late Mr Muckenthaler. and son, George returned last ~~====~======~==========~=~ll I lobem' yean of experience con holp you """'• this foy- ous acc11ion one Iona to M ,_..........,, witfl a PHOTOGRAPH IN YOUR HOME OR CHURCH ·-. l • Special Prices - to July Brides ,;. ----t ,.g ftlOI• 09M POI ~If SANTA ANA NaW MJMMa .. HOUM ..,. ... AM. tit 7'19 P.& ~ -OtM1> T1MI aw US ' 'en' --i-"DICK TRACY" Saturday and Sunday: Gene nemey In "Dragonwyck" Monday and Taeiday: Abbott & Costello 1n "Little Giant" -..-"Danny Boy" El<dllac Pollce-Doc 8&ory! Wedneo.lay Oaly--.1uly 11 : DOUllLI!: WILD wr..&TEBN SHOW! Gilbert Rowl&Dd .. he a-. 1IUll .. "Ille Gay Cavalier" ~--"Baclnten of the Border" "No," ansv.·ered the janitor, "but formerly ot Anaheim. \\'eek from a month's trip to ~ l want my gun back." I· Among the many friends assist-Canada. Back also from Yellow- Lido ·neatre ,.__111' Box Office Open at 6 :45 ... Shows at 7 and 9 :15: P.fat- inee Saturday at l :45 . Continuous Sunday 2:15. l"rlQJ ..... Sabmlay: ht O'Brieo -Ratio W..-it "Perilous Holiday" O>lor Sport: "Snow Eact-" DoaaW Dock Color Ca.rtooa Coler eutoo. A Newwwl 'II'..__ SM.. his n -M : MSIRoky" !....ta Te n ' ··-- ...,. __ Ama•..- ing in reception duties was Miss atone National park were Buz Madelyn Vincent or Anaheim , who Chambers. Walter Spicer. Earl attended to the guest book. Ki1Jefer and Brian HanzeJ. I Later In the day the new Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lumley are Stichtman .and her husband left ataying at Newport Harbot;. Yacht f~r a \veek s honeymoon ~t Crest-dub for a few days. IJne. aft<'r which they v.·111 make The Gifford Davidges and their their home for the present time I children moved last week from at Balboa Island, 213 Ruby Pasadena to their summer home avenue. at 930 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isle. For traveling Mn. Stichunan ... _ d M ch b 1~.1r. an n . H . B. Baetz. 1211 ose a rown suit accented with West Bay avenue. have returned white accessories. pink blouse and from six weeks in Pittsburg and a pink feather hat .. She is well Detroit. visiting relatives in both known in Anaheim. where she at-la t nded Ka II p ces. Their son. Herbert jr .. e te a grade school and planed to join them and then new Anaheim HJgh school. She has on to New York aty. been employed with Jhe Ne\IO'POrt-The s . A. Meyen moved last Balboa Press in act\'erlising tor wrek to their new home on Via the past ~ar. Mentone, Lido Isle and first euests Her bridegroom is a graduate or were Mr. and Mn. Arthur Powell Anaheim Hlgh school and has just and daughter and Mr. and Mn. .-ived • cl1"charge from the Fred Baldwin and daughter of Marlnn after. five years service, Downey, and Mn. Bett)' DeSc:hield his war .,._..,, ... includinc the ot Beverly Hllll, who spent July major battles in the South Po-fourth theTe d1ie. At the time ot the Pearl . Mid'n. Ted Bacon, who has been Harbor bombing ~e waa atationed home tor a wee-k or more from on ~. He IS now employed the California Maritime academy with • contractor in Whlttitt. at Vallejo. left Wednesday to re- sume his studies. Other cues11 Townsend Oub at the Paul 1.ormi.n home owr the hollcllly~ Incl.-Ne~ Beach T-wncl dub Comdr. and llrL Lee, El- will -Tllnday, July 16 at 8 -Henry Ames. p.m. at the home of Ml'. and llrl. L. K. Aohbeueb. lt03, Weot 11Q UnW netiom .,.. awooa they aWDUO, Newport BeedL will -bo -; tnlO ~ la for the Ultimate • In Beauty Care Phone: Harbor • • • 1827 VIRGINIA BELL'S MARISKA House of Beauty Balboa Islaad Marlae Ave., SOI Hair Shaping HAIR Styling Virginia Bell of Balboa Island . I Also: Palm Springs and Long Beach seue..... poliey'; au bitten w, . A.II -1Jpcw1ltw aR' w • •-"· de-, lm1' pin -n O pje n Dai I>' E" c •pt Sa ad.a 1 -at .. -T' 77 -. but --· --"'-o\=i-==----=--= .... =-==----..1 • •