HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-07-16 - Newport Balboa News Times' 111 SAND CRAB I 117 'SAM f AREWELL! Nearly a quarter of a century ago, the Crabber, his lovely Help- spend and channing daugh· ter, got off a P. E. car at East Newport, to take over the job of publishing the Newport News. which he had purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley. Aside from the Iiite George Peabody, the first persal to greet us was Mrs. W. W. Crosier with whom we have been fast friends all through the years. The ups and downs of the News have been the ups and downs of Newport Harbor, but through the m all, con- tinual progress and growth have kept step with each other and the times. When the writer was able to contact his office. after a long illness in Arizona, where he published a paper at Chandler, he found a rather chaotic condition: a plant with little equipment and less business. In one comer was a pile of papers which he discovered were the files of The News from the date it was established nearly 40 years ago. It re- quired a month to sort out and make a yearly file of those papers, which today are invaluable because they present a chronicle of the history of Newport Beach, its early struggles, its battle for a harbor, its political en- counters and all the things that come and go in the building of a city. + + + Many Moves. In 1933 when the earthquake struck Southern California, it also shook loose two blick walls in which the plant of The News was housed. Can re- member Operator Wade, still with us, who watched his Linotype with ooe ey& whlle the other was riveted on the outside door, to -whether he could make it between quakes. He didn't have to, but oddly enough the front doot jammed and he would have been out of luck with the rest of us in making a hasty exit. So what we did was to start a building on the site now occupied by the hardware store of the South Coast Co. and pray that the walls would hold up until we could get out. They did. + + + Do"''D Central Ave. When the war came along the South Coast Co. expanded so rapidly with producing boats for Uncle Sam, that our structure was needed. So our present location at 3011 \V. Central came into . being. When """ put up a building with 5000 square feet of floor space the skeptics wanted to know what we were going to do with all that room. Well. it took about three years to fill it to capacity and a number of alterations were necessary to make space for the ever expanding btlsiness. + + + Hard Work. But the war years took their toll on not only the wliter but on his steadfast and intelligent ro- worker, Nora Wade. With that th01.1ght in mind he lJe.. gan to look around for help and the choice fell on Sam D. Porter of Riverside. who ac· Quired a part interest in the business last September and today has taken o,·er the re- maining and controlling part of the business from the pl'l!Sellt publisher, who has seen and been a part of the greet stlides made by New- port Harbor in the last five yeim;. + + + ~t. Fellows around town wuuld say: "Sam, you can't retire: you'll have to do something; don't quit!" All of whicli is as it llhould be because Sam does not 1ni.!fti to quit: just take it easy;~ do the~ he wants to do when he wants and bow. Not tied down to aiettlnlr out 11eWSp6pers day m and-day out; not forced to llSten to what some grouse baa to say about the way tbe piper Is nm or the articles that should not have been (Ollldmlld ... Pap 4) KFEP POSTEDl 1 y.,. ....... tsz,..51 la Os tr o.w om"' o ts .. ,.. om"' --~...-.. New•T I • :Nw,..rt; .... • .NEWPORT o.ry On • ()1 " EMBRACING BA,LBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE.. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA IS~, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MEsA VOUJJD: mww • NEWPOaT BEACH. CAUFOBNIA, Tl11!:8DAY, l1JLY 10, 1... ~ ' ~ Ill Yachtsman Flynn Denies Love Suit Charge Three Loving Cups Ottered In Fun Zone Bathing · Girls' Parade at Balboa, July 28 Alexander Twins Are Among List of 20 Beau- tiful Girls Entered in Beauty Contest; Entry List Still Open for Others; Fashion Show for Children Draws Participants. More than two score contestants ha"'e entered the bath.ln,r beauty parade and nearly half a._, many have entered the kJddle fuhJon 5how "·hJch wtll be held at the Balboa Fun Zone on S unday, Jul;y 28. The b&thing girls' parade, open to all non.oprofenlonals ln tile harbor area Is spoll!IOred by Al Anderson and GusUln School of Swim and entries for this phase of th ~ event vi.ill close Thursday, July 25. The fashion show is SJX>nsorcd by The Bobby Shop. 711 East Central avenue, Balboa. and Bob and Sally Brown, the proprie tors of the establishment. While the bathing beauty show Fire Chief Warns Against Dangers Of Groundswells is a competition in which per-Caught in a groundswell as he sonality and pulchritude will vie tried to ride out a breaker orr with c harm and loveliness for "Eye" stre-et, Balboa peninsula, three loving cup award5, one each John Riley of 824 Milwaukee to a winner, the fashion show is avenue, Los Angeles, sutfered f'rac- not. • There will not be any prize tures of the back and r ibs on awards offered in the latter phase Sunda y. of the event. Fifty other bathers were knock- Ostensibly a fashion show, the ed. down by the rough waves and children, r anging in age from in-seven were caught in the undertow fancy lo 14 years. will model a~ until rescued by lifeguards . under parel and parade before adults in the direction of Otiet Ufeguard the same manner as do profes-W. C. Meyer!. T en other person! sional models at a dress exhibition were assi.Ated and numbers re-- in a New York salon. quired tint aid treatment. In this way parent.a , Will be Fire Chief FTank Crocker, who given an opportunJty to see how is head of the Red Cross safety their own little children might program in the harbor area, issued look In the same models under a warning today to parents to be other circumstances or on other extra cautious With their children ' FORM, FIG~ GRACE AND POUIE wlll be lour ol the domlnaflO« laclors which wlll be ad· llered to by the JDdcee' committee In maldnc their .elections of noa.·profemonals at the b&thinc beauty cont.est and parade to be •Id In the Balboa Flan Zone on Sandsy, .July Z8. Pictured bere are etpt u-. beautse.. four of wbJcb ha\•e alJ"Mdyl entered the oontest. The others ha"·e not yet made up twr mlDda to parade before the jodga. The four oonle:t!ltant& are, forecround, Gloria Mabon, M.IC09d from left. and Pat Sayre. third from left; backpound, Jane Alexander, extreme left, aad ,,_. AlexAIHler, ber twtn •ter, utreme rla'hL Barrett Co. Wins ·Second Award for Laying Sewer Line in Corona del Mar I Newport Beach COntracting Concem's Bid Is $3608 Under F.stimate ol City Engineer for Final Portion of System; City Council Refuses to Grant More Oil Lease&. For tbe 8eCOnd time lD a year tllle J. S. Banett Ge.t1CnJ Contract-- Ing computy of IMO State biPiwq, Newport Beach, bu won a oon~ tract for laytng the sewer line hi Corona del Mar. A year ago, tbe Barrett coatr.cttns con1pan.y wu the lowmt bidde r for layt.ng tbe l1De to lleltotrope aveane and thence to Bay&lde. It alMt came through Monday with ta.e loweAt bid for layloc' the re. Mindanao Debris Ord·ered Removed By Federal Govt. mainder of the pipe line south of the highway, thus completing the work in that area. J In Monday's bidding, the Barrett company matched wits with three other contracting companies, two from Los Angeles and one from North Hollywood.. Barrett's low The remains of the Mindanao, bid was $92.273.49 for the 20 old vessel hauJftl.out of-Newport items of work in the 15,QOO..foot- Bay by the harbormaster crew line to be finished with a pump-. and burned off the jetty about a ing station. month ago, has been declared a By coincidence, the Barrett bid menace to navigation and the was $3608 under the estimate set War Department has ordered that by Oty Engineer J . W. Webb for the debris be m~ completing the work. This information was conveyed Other bidders and their esti· to members or the city OOUDCil mates were, Bob Bosnyak of East Monday afternoon in the form of Los Angeles. $108,868.90; R. A. ·a communication from the War Wat.Ion company of North Holly- Department, which 'also took cog-wood, $110,346.91; M. F . Kemper nizance of the tact that the U. S. Construction company of Loa An· District Engineers were also very geles, $120,599.15, and Edward much interested in the immediate Green company of Loi Angeles. Withdrawal of the hulk of the $139,934. burned craft. Former City Engine-er R. L. occasions. in bathing during the present -~-------------------------------------- Registrations for both events 1 period. Qty Attorney Roland Thom~ ~attenon withdr>.w a request tD son told the city council that he ~e streets in the new Balboa was in consultadon with olfid.-11 Coves community exclusively the of the U. S . Engineers depar bnent private property of residents of in Los Angeles and Long Beach that development after members on the matter. Of the city council pointed out to are still being taken at either the Grounds~elts are a set;1uence of Fun Zone office or the Bobby waves which are occasioned by Shop stornu in the Southern Pacific · and when they reach the local Two judges 'have been chosen beach area they tra'{el with ter- and one other judge is yet to be rific force and are danger ous to selected for the bathing beauty bathers as well as good S\\i m· contest. 'Postmaster Herbert F . ers Crocker said Kenny and Harry Ashen of th~ During these appearances of U~O club, Balboa. the t~~ jud2es ' heavy groundswells. Crocker ad- wtll select the thlrd off1c1al judgr! vised all parents to keep their for the event. children out of the surf and away This committee of judges wil from the ~ach slopes. Ground- select the beauties on the basi swells are tricky a nd suddenly of, 11 form and figure : 2) best apJX>ar i.n breakers when least ex- sun tan beauty, and 3 ) grace and pectl'd. poise. The fire rhi<'f made a survey of Among the 20 girls who have the.waters in the harbor area and signed entry blanks for the beauty noticed that the series of rough contest are the Alexander t\vins. \\'&Ves come in periods or 17 to 18 J a ne and Jean: Gloria Matson and second intervals or at the rate Pat Sa)Te, a11 of Balboa. of three waves a m inute, vary- Ma ry Price, proprietor of the ing from moderate to heavy ones. Bay and Surf Beauty ShopJX', 703 The water (irst appears like a East Central avenue, Balboa. will mill p:>nd a nd then sudde n.ly high, groom so me of the beauties for dangerous waves swirl into the the bathing girls' parade. All en-surf. These usually come in cycles tries to t>e serviced by her must of from 22 to 30 minutes. Jnter - first be verified by the sponsors mediate waves roll in In 10-minute of the beauty parade. cycles. If the bathing girls' parade and ··I'd like to warn all parents kiddie fashion shay,• prove success-and children to watch out for ful, Al Anderson, proprietor of the these sy,•ells as they are danger- Balboa Fun Zone, said today that ous. \Ve've had some bad ones, he would make it an annual sum-and we'll probably have more be- mer attraction of the amusement fore the season is o"·er," the fire center. chief concluded. Construction for 12 · Days Reach $140,850 Valuation Filed Plans Provide for Erection of 17 New Homes - --Alhambra, Altadena, Pasadena and Los Angeles Folk New Owners Here Th.lrt}"-one perm.Its caJUnc for constractlons valued a.t 11 .. .850 were l~ed by the Sewport BNch city bulld~ department In the flnt ).! daya of .luly, Chief Bu.lldlns Inspector A. M. Nehon reported today. Plans OD file for that period pnt\ide for the 8"!1Ctloa. or J 1 DeW homes with a total \"&luatloa or StSl,000. Other p~ ""'ere Olecl' for $1950 ~-or1b o.f lmpl'O\'ftDeata In pNMGt dwelllnp and $1908 wort:Jt of -ra....... Home construction plans y,•ere Duarte avenue, ?ttonro\l'ia, a one- filed by the fo~ng persons: story duplex residel\C'e wtth a ?r.1r. and !ttrs. Richard D. Aston double garage at 441 Goldenrod of 315 E. Colorado streoet, Pasa-a\o·enue, Corona del M-"• Rl)OO. dena, a t\\-o-story dwelling with Robert S. Holden of 1716 Water- double garage at 2148 Ocean front d:ri'-'e, a oneastory dwelling Front. N~'J)Ol't Beach. eo1t1na with detached ca.race at 423 Mar• $20,000. Ray Grigp of Los An-guerlte avenue. Corona del Mar, geles. a two-stoey duplex dweJJID& $6500. at 201 Diamond avmue, Balboa H. L Roberts of 2410 Elden ave- Island. coating $17.000. nue. Costa l.tesa. a one-&tol'Y Robert C Burt ol 327 South dwelling with detached garage at Michisan avenue, Pasadeba, a 511 El Modena avenue, N8'pOl"t Olle4t<ll'Y c:coaeU nslclence with Heights, $6500. car port at 6:10 MaJiruerit• a>-..rue, Alfred C Piecer of 600 Awcaclo Corona del Mar, $9000.. avenue. c.orona del Mar, a OM-- Mrs. R. S. Cook ol Balboa story dwelliftir with car port at Island, a .-..t<ry ct-lllnc with 160t Seoond street. Coniaa deJ store attaebed at 310 Marine Mar, $6000.. avenue, Balboa Island, $8500. H. M. Sift-. ol U3 l'Hrl J~ Standley ot 825 Wat (ClontlD-S cm Pqe 4) ACTOR REBUFFS MARQUIS' THRUST I Flynn Says -He1ninks Singer's Cruise Planned Has Never Met Hubby Has Movie When 'Cry Wolf' The Lady I Aspirations Is Ended He adVised the dty fathen: to him that It wou1d be an expensive authorize him to cormnunicate burden for the residents to bear. with the War Department to the Members of t he council assured effect that the city of Newport him that so long as the streets Beach realizes the remaining par. remained private thoroughfares it lion of t he burned vessel is a would be impossible for the city menace to waterborne traffic. but street department to collect debris that the city disclaims any lia-and other waste and also impos- bility in the matter. &ible for the city to insta11 sewer The city attorney also asked systeins there. Fire a nd police Errol F1ynn, Newport New· si nger accompanied Flynn and love \.\ith Aiack Gray, said to be for authority to state to the War protection like\.\ise could not be port Harbor yachtsman and 01her film-Jand figures to house 8 bod)•guard for George Raft, the Department that the city would granted residents of the Coves un- not.ed motion picture actor, a nd beach parties a nd to night actor . be willing to pay half the expenses der such a setup. they said. today denied the accusation clubs. . In support of her sta tem ent if the United St.ates Govemme nt In other words. as several coun.- made Monday In a Cl'088-COID· 1 At a de1X>5ition hearing held that she was "still in Jove \\1th would haul the debris away from cilmen pointed out to Mr. Pat· plaint to . a Los Angeles di· Monday, Mrs. ?wtarquis denied all Mack;· the Marquis complaint fur-off the jetty. tenon, the reside nts of the Coves vorce action involving night 1 her husband's allegations. ther alleges that the latter found The city council not only voted communit~would have to furnish cfub singer Patricia Lee Mar· Jn a court hearing 10 days ago postcards both from him a nd a I the authorization to the city at· all these )ital necessities, quis and her husband, Rieb· she obtained temporary .alimony man identified 'only as ··Chuck" torney, but they suggested tll&t Feeling tpa t the City oJ New· anl Marquis a Santa Barbara j of $90 on her representation that indicating there had been an "en-he confer with members of the port Bea~ has not been reim- 1 fir' ti y--1 she Is an expectant mother-which dearing correspondence" between Orange Gounty fiarbor commlalon buned ~i well as officials think nsurance m appren ce. Marquis admits. these men and the singer. for their _advice in the ma.ttf'r. It should have been in the mat· Flynn was reached on the set 1 In a telephone interview with Her conduct while he was in The Mindanao, a ~gross-ton ter" ot city Jands leased for oil well or the First National Studi~ or; The News-Times this morning, Mr; the Navy and a fter his discharge windjammer, was barned in 100 drilling purposes in the past, the the \Varne r Brothers productions Flynn said In r eference tO the re-was such, Marquis charged. that fathoms )of water off the Ba.1boa councilmen unanimously approved in Hollywood. His yacht. the marks made by J\.lr . Marquis, ••1 he spent "sleepless nights" and jetty on Monday, May Zl, under a motion to deny all future appli- "Zaca," is moored in the bay, off I ha\'en't bad the plea.sure of the lost 15 pounds. the direc~on of_ the Ne~ har-cations for that purpose. Newport Beach and is being lady'• acqualntan<"e-lhe husband In her original divorce petition, borm~ter s office ~ with the Following out this recommenda- readied for a long cruise around must have · movie .,.plratloDA." Mrs. Marquis had accused her supervision of _an _official from the tion. the council denied a request Cape Horn next month. I Flynn said that he will leave husband of "extreme mental cruel-Los Angeles district engineers de-from e priva te wurce who want- 1\tarqujs. a naval veteran of Ne\.\'J)Ort Ha rbor on the pla nned ty.'' which caused her "much su!-partment. ed. to uae part of the Mesa-New- World War II, charged in the I cruise as soon as he finishes a fering," from the time he returned The vessel was the ,.opetty of. port tract for oil-well-drilling cross-com plaint to a divorce ac-ne"' film entitled, "Cry Wolf,'' for home until their separation on C. E . McFarland, Newport harbor purpoleS. The source offered the tion, that Flynn "'as one of t""'O the Warner Brothers studio. February 1, 1946, the third anni-boatsman, whO brought it into the city $100 rental for the first three notables in the ·•clandestine" life In his statement, Marquis al-versary of their maniage. Balboa channel and moored it oU months and then S5 per acre of his wife, Night Club Singer teged that whe n he returned home At a deposition hearing, 'h-lrs. the municipal camp «rounds until thereafter. After the council de- Patricia Lee 1'1a.rquis: from naval ser.,ice o n December l, Marquis denied all her husband's the New.port Beach city council nied the request, a Costa Mesan Marquis complained that the 1945. his wife told him she was in allegations. received complaints that it w:as stated that oil developers were --~---~---'-'------'-=-=-"'·"-="--==---'-=-====="---------intcrferring \vith the pagagc of paying $10 an acre in his com- ARMY STREAMLINES ORGANIZATION ARMY AREAS , SIXTH &AMY tA \ - -• .. Relealed by U. S. War Dopu1ment. Bureau cl Public Relations. TRIS MAP DltPIC'l'B tlle --••• I • ., • C-tl.-tal tJalW ......... * &"97 .,.. .... ~ 0,........,,... c.atNI,. tut., ....... ~ •11 i I ..... -.... wMela ....... f//6- leet. U.... tlllll ,._...,..,.... at&lsee 8-vlelt 0 _. ,.._ •~•• • ..... .,.. _.. __. ..... ._..,°'' ,..__....,. ..., •• 'c .... ,...-•• r .,._....., .... U. -I , A-.... lftlW Yem Oltf', .... we, 4 0 M, -'! 1 1 1) 01171' .. -....... other boats. munity. ' Wat Department Streamlines Continental U. S. Defenses New Geographical Setup Creates More Eco- nomical and Eff"u:ient Operation of Forces from Coast to Coast and Border to Border ' • • ' • t <war 0 -I N&WHJAI a••.llOA N&W.,.,•• Xwe! a NEWPORT-~ALBCA 1'11 E W 5 - -T I M E 5 PH01''U: }11.'"ZWP()ft I! ... JS ---PuMlaW Eve_rJ n.e.day--' ft.......,. AltetMJIM Vol:W mvtD Coela Meu EdJUoa P11Mb' 1 SYW7 \\'eherdQ V.i-e U Subeoipti09 P ayable in Advance:-$2.50 per ~ar tn 0ra.n&e County: • $2.75 per yeu to 4th z.ooe; $3.00 per year to 8th zcme --------En~-u Sttond-Qass ma.tter at the P<lOtoftke In Newport Beadl. Calllomia, under the Act of l4an:l1 3, 1879 ------------!\, A. MEYER • Publisher nM D. PORTER General Manager F. G. FR09T F..ditor W. F. DIXON Advertlsin& Mana&er Prlntin& Plant, 3011 W. Central A.wnue, Newport Beach. Calltomia -- Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dependable LoNI tutllaliloa for <ner S1 'l'ean Active MembeT of ;J-I I I I I I I I I I '1 1 I I I I I IHI 1'1< .. r1lrl nll1•l! .. ll1'l <l •I I I l "l 'I l 'l 'I I I I l~I I I I I :: • ~ CORRAL DUST • • Ler l1onC'Sty b' a pr1nn"plc, not " policy · · · it"s ta.sy to lnta.J{ e ! a policy. • )ACK LINDS LE Y • . . • --'a!'l it •I • I I I I I I 'I I O I ti I •• l >i l 11011"• •I • llll lll "l ll l Ol <ll ltt<l lll•• .. ll t I llll l lll UIHl l l lllltl i<l lll"I I I Watch That Jab! In the Pacific Northwest, the scars of an ancient feud be- tween the neighbor cities of Seattle and Tacoma are still ugly. and occasionally are reopened. The feud began years ago over the naming of a mountain! Tacoma, in civic pride, in- sistro on Galling it Mount Tacoma (and old-time Tacomans so caJJ it to this day!) Rival Seattle called it Mount Rainier. Seattle won out. It is Mount Rainier in geographies and on maPO>. But the bitterness lives on. and is dying very slowly. A hollow "victory" at the serious cost of community good neighborliness! GE1CEBAL EISENHOWEll'S REPORT ll A quan-el of that natw'e is silly to contemplate-from a distance. Yet it could happen in California. as faul C. Smith editor and general manager. of the S. F . Chronicle, warned the other day in a talk in L. A. before the Southern California Management Council. He has directed, said Mr. Smith, that 1.-------------.J on the grounds. and a splendid no "snide remarks" about L. A. or any other California or LETI'ERS TO THE musical program. COLONEL TED DA\115, West Coast community, appear in his paper-and he im-NEWS-TIMES General Manager. plied that thls rule wuuld be a good one for all editors, after dinner speakers, columnists, gag writers and others who have ready access to the public ear. Every intelligent Californian realizes, of course,. that in our complexly intermeshed economy, community growth means state growth, and that anything which retards one section of our state retards the entire state. As Paul Smith puts it, West Coast harmony is~ so that the entire Pacific coast area may go forward "in the greatest expansion the world has ever seen." Nevertheless, jests on the "snide" or disparaging side, even when not illy intended, may tend to stick and bum among neighbor cities just as among individual neighbors. The American sense of humor will never rule out goodnatured ribbing. But let's keep our humor jabs above the belt! War on Debt It is r.ever pleasant to present the unvarnished truth when it is hard and bleak. So it seems that Simeon E. Le.land. Chi- cago University professor of government and finance and Federal Reserve Bank chairman. should be entitled to a badge of merit for his courage in telling the American people that the next hundred years will be the hardest for them. He predicts a 100-year war on debt that will call for cease- less hard work and ex'ercise of thrift. Our federal public debt of 280 billion dollars, the professor points out. means just thls: lt is an obligation of $2000 per capita. Every American has $2000 of that debt, plus interest. on his shoulders. Every family of five owes $10,000 of it. To pay the debt off in 30 LIBRARY BOOK LISTS BRING :\PPRECJATION ASKS HELP ON MERCHANTS SEAMAN'S MEASURE July 10. 1946 Ne"•port Beach, Dear Editor : .. July 10, 1946. Now that the Merchant Sea-Dear Editor : I have just read the mid-week edition of your newspaper and I wa nt to exprC'S! the thanks and appreciation of the library staff for the very fine publicity you have gi,·en us durin11t tfle put year and especially this week In printing our monthly book lists. Many of your readers a nd our patrons have mC'ntloned their pleasure in rC'adint: these art icles. !Mrs.) MARIAN McCHESNEY Librarian. man's Bill of Rights and Benefits has ~n reported favorably out of e11mmi ttee all of us should get to-- gether and fight for Congress to pass lt ! The Merchant Seaman was in action long before a &Un was fired. Thousands were killed and wounded, and m a ny a r e still missing. Our country hasn't done 8 t hing for t hem yet. Write your Congressman today insisting on some thing for those heroes. Or write mc> and I 'll sec that your letter gels to the proper commit- 1 tl't'. Let's do something NOW for ILLJN()I~ GO\"ERSOR \VrLL the forgot ten man-he helped to ADDRF.~S FOR~fE R ILLIS I save us and our allies. Long &-ach, l FA YE HYDE. July 11. 1916 1721 1 1R N. Sycamore, Dear Editor : Kno"'ing that the re art> rnnny peoplc> living in your ci1y "'ho are former r1'sidC'nts of the stat<' of Illinois, ,,·ish to inform you that Governor Dwight H. Greenc>. s;:ov. ernor of the state of Illinois. will make the addrE'SS al Bixby Park, Saturday. July 27. at 2:00. Gov- ernor Earl Warren of California has been r equested to introduce this distinguished guest. This will be an all day picnic in his honor. with food. coff~ and cold drinks Holly,,·ood 28. California. PT!oc~ Dlfft>rs \\~. B. \Voodburn. chief of the bureau of m ilk cootrol. said the increase in t he price of milk in California from l liic to 2c repre- sents the a.p proximate differ ence between labor and feed costs of producing a quar t of milk and wha t the government has been paying to producers for several years to keep down prices of dairy produc ts. years would require annual installments of 11 billion dollars action on the part of Individual states and institutions to help -more than the average annual government income in pre-cope with this problem. He estimates that as many as half a war )'l'an. Nearly 6 billions yearly would be required to pay million students, including a quarter miUion vets. may be the debt in 100 years, and that figure more nearly coincides turned away at the school doors unless "more far reaching with the taxpayer.;' ability to pay. Sobering facts! action is taken." Plainly, as Professor Leland warns, the pressing and im-. Certainly, every effort should be made ?" all levels, 9a- mediate need is ID prevent the colossal debt from growing any tional, state, and local, to fulfilJ the nations promise of an greater, and the film step to that goal must be a balanced education to those who served in the armed forces. federal budget. It is encouraging to note that two meaSures The ex-GI's have earned it. \Ve should see that they to that end, the Tydings bills to curb both over-spending and get it. over-appropria tion by government, are before the senate ------------------------- now. Yet once the budget has been balanced. the aim of congress should be to reduce it, in coming years, by resolute extiq>ation of every governmental expense not justified by real necessity. And the same rule of economy should guide every state and local government in America. , Only by the balancing of all public budgets and utmost care in public spending-from city hall to national capitol- may the rigors of the war on debt be at all eased at the source: The wage-earner's paycheck and the merchant's till At best. a long-haul job is ahead-for all living Americans. their children, their grandchildren-and great-grandchildren. GEORGE D. BASSIITI' ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service !IOI W. Oeatnl A.Te.. PIMJDe Barbor UOG-1., Newport lleedt C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S NOW OPEN EVENINGS llALl'S • SANDWICllDI • llAlllBVJIGEBS , Ill IORTM .MAI• OT. I • e I RISE TO REMARK---• BON. JOHN PHILLIPS 11111.tionist. I am certainly not ,thaL PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY I • All >'t!S votes will be called .,.,.,. lloooUNTANT 81JllVl:l'Oll& While the argument goes on, in tlonaL I .do not thlak I am that.Ir------------: ;------------- the Senate. over price controls. We arc asked to take these pro-.. S W By T.. Rau suppose we keep In mind that grams blindly. I do not like that. ,:c.,,.. T.u ~ b & Bennett headlines or radio announcenients. In replY to a question, I myself •o.llaorized tao-u.. Ulli'9d 9....._ ~ 8ane1"'n ... ~ saying prices have risen, rarely was told by a high official of the 1ll'7 I»partwat to twww ' dlM&e. lD llM N---.rt • .._. ,.,__._ -CClll:Ulettion wttl:ll i.co-Ma .... -... ----~ ..._ take into com:kteration the hidden State Department. that it was not .&.tTD1" • lllllW Tel,...._ llMooa. SM~W subsid.i<'S "1th which the consum-necessary to give Congress full ~ ID.flC& tll'JW.O-tnJ. Newport-....., t>n ha"-e been fooled for the past infonnation about the loan. I om.. UM ....._ ....._ ti.-._ ~ llarbw W , several )'ears. think Congress represents the~ -----...,...-------------'l ~------------1 use the word "foolird" intPn-pie. England h&s a lower per ca~ tionally. What else can I say of a ita debt than we have: the Empire 4 ..,..leoT PBrlDCLUfS a SUllOIX>NSt •.a program which has helped wreck has greater natural resources. Wei :------------~ every nation that adopted it In the are to have no serurity, and no Armand Monaco pa.st ; which is admittedly infla· firm promise to pay. The contro-ABCBITECr tionary. and which shoves OlD' food verstal Issues are not settl . 8l :W bills over, from a time when we Britain. l think. would Uke to ' ' ' Bsy Ave., Be"- are better able to pay them, to a maintain he r supremacy, in • tttt8:!°"ew!:' Ave. time when we may have less changing "'·orld, on the basis of money, or when they must be paid her ag~1d conceptions o( sover· Loe Aqelee N~ MOS b)' the men and women who have eignity, while at the same time, recently been away at war. and she tries out socialistic experi· who had no thought., "'hen they ments "ith money supplied by us. fought on every battlefront. that She even plans to loan to Russia, they '-'"OU1d have to come back and at 2 %:%. some of the money we pay through the year. for the food loan her at 1.62 ~. As one man put the people at home were eating, it. if we do not loan the money, "''hile they fought. Entland is mad at us now : if ¥le So let's keep in mind the relief do loan it. England will be mad from subsidies. as we talk about at us a few years from now. I am price controls. or "rising prices." still listening patiently, but at Jn the Los Angeles area, the top the moment, my vote is no. price of round steak was 45c but there was a hidden subsidy of 9c so the price was r eally 54c and until it goes over 54c there is, of COW"Se, no increase in C05t to the consumer. Corona del Mar News BJ BESSIE L. BENEDICT CLINICAL ~TOBY Clinkal Laboratory . omoe -.s: • -•:ao -"7-..,- n:LSPBONI!: BABBOB 8S8 ~ W. O..lnl A- DAY SCBOOL Mortimer School SOZ OoNI ~ lll&nd Gndoo: <loll-. ~tory SUMMER SCHOOL =-• G. A. Mortimer, M. A.. Orlord Prmdi-1 · Pllono -r 4151 Rib roast was 39c with a hidden subsidy of 8c so it must go over 47c to sho'-'' an Increase. Please note that I do not take into con· sideratlon black-market prices. which prevailed in many city mar· kets. the elimination of which wouJd in Itself justify the death of the OPA. I have no des.Lre to see us made into a nation of crim· inals. nor to see the black·market h<'come the regular market, as it did in Fl"ance. Mr. and Mrs. James Porter, 304 Heliotrope a venu<', spent a week at their avocado ranch at Carls· '--------------' Pork chops, 40c plus 6c or 46c, and ham 51c "'1th a subsidy of 8 ~c making 59'1)c. I'll save space by Jetting you do your own addi· tion; keep in mind that until foods do reach the tota l figure, they have not increased in CO!I{. Bacon 46c p1us 6.Sc; butter 71c plus 19c. or a totaJ present cost of 90c and costing: more than that to produce, which r eminds .me to say that some of these foods were not ob- tainable and will now, with OPA in eclipse. come back. on the shelves. and thus, as production increases, should eventually come down In price. Milk. I lhink the present price was 14c plus 1.3c but that lJ something to cause little concern to Californians. \Ve have the best milk control law in the country, and we sel1 milk at the lowest pos- sible cost to the consumer . The problem was t o get OPA to recog· nlze this la\v ; that agency pre- ferred its own regulations. written , I think, by the same man who in- vc>ntcd the psychic bid. bad. DENTl8TS Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Burford and r------------. daughter Katherine, South Pasa- dena, are vacationing at the beach this summer. They reside at Glyde Maynard's place, 314 Sea- view avenue. ?t1.rs. Juanita Fletcher, 600 Be- gonia avenue. is home for her two months' vacation from teaching in Berkeley. Dick Markell. son of lttr. and Mrs. Richard Markell. 60'l Be- gonia and Bill Cla.ncy, son or Mr. and Mrs. W. Clancy, Poppy avenue, walked on air, even though asrrying a 16%:-pound b1ue fin tuna home from Crystal Cove recently. Yes. sir, this one did not get DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST USS West O..lnl Phone 11.Mbor 4!1 ~ Newport Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST !20!!-)·W. C...tnl. Barbor 1480 NEWPORT. BEACH away and it really measured 4 ft. ,.-------------, long. It seems they were looking for fish to spear and could hardly believe their eyes when they saw this big one being pounded by the waves. They climbed over the rocks and waded in and speared him before he could get out to Dr. W. W. W...tmon.land Dentist 1901 Coat 111 .... , OOBONA DEL MAB Phone Harbor Z!!O deep water. This was the first ------'-------' big one they caught. Mr. a nd Mrs. Stuart Deihl and family, 508 Goldenrod avenue, \isited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hook· ham. Vista, for' t\vo days, and picked apricots. Dr. and 1.1.rs. E . ?\-{, Johnstone and daughter Sally, Pasadena, are at their place, 524 Poppy avenue for the rest o( the summer. Their son David' is at camp in Sa nta YnE'z mountains. 1'1r. a nd :t.-IrS. Gror~e Woolley, 210 lris 8.venuC'. have enjoyed a t\VO \Veeks \·isit \Vith their grand· INSURANCE Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE · That's All LlrE ·FIRE· AUTO MARii.£, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y 7~.'I E. Ccnff"al , Balbo.1 Phe ne H.arbor 2S97 H. R. Hall, M. D. ...,_ ... ~ Houn: 2-5, ~y Appolntme.,t Tolephooe S...oon 58U UlB~ ~-- Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2&lO West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pbo~Br.rbar IOU No ._,,...: e.11 Beaeo. IM9-a X·Ray Service lllJfon M. lluweU, M. D. llOl Oout ~ Ooroaa del Illar Ottlce Hours: ll>-12; 2-5 -...... 1082 S. R. Monaro, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa · llartJror 17U "3 8. B1U St., Loo ~ TUdlw78U By Appointment T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and Sur-po• . ._ w .. 1 c...1n1 Telephone Barbor llQ2 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN ... BURGEON Ul Clout mpway. -IA Ooroaa del lfar NOIUIAN NRON, 111. D. Pedlatriciua Certl!led by the American Board of P ediatr1C1 100'7 Ga-Dr, Lap-. - T<O~ Lacuna l·HM Laurence B. Dorey, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Phone Barbor !&19 Bread,. lOc plus l e; flour 78c plus 9c; cheddar cheese 57c plus 12c; tomat()('S 21c a can. plus 2c: this will give you Rn idea. lf you ~et . as I did yesterday through the mail. a scare letter from some s:rnthetic orl{anization of which Chester Bo\\'les is the patron saint, sho\\'ing food costs rising. be sure the subsidy costs wer e added be· fore the percentages were figured. It will save you mental concern in this hot weather, and it may save representative government in the United States! son, Steven, son of l\.lr. and Mrs . ...------------~I r-------------, Ronald Woolley, Long Beach. Llncoln National Life Airs. Blanch l\•larie Quine, 308 Insurance Co. .John K. C. Chong, M. D. Phyolclan """ 8tupt>D 2 -4 1 . s ,30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 Iris avenue, has her daug hter , Mrs. "Ite Name Indlcaiee Ite Cbaradu" Harold Haught and her two grandchildren, Diane and Paul v.ith her for their summer vaca- tion. DON n:BNIGAN Phone Barbor ZM·B SOI Marine Ave. Balboa Jal. uo Eut 18th 8-eo.ta Meea, Calltomla While the Senate stews over OPA, we discuss the British loan. We have 16 hours general debate, before we start to read the bill for amendments, which will mean days more. The choice seems to be to vote for the loan and spend the rest of the year explaining why you voted that way, or to vote agalMt it and explain the vote. The best way is to vote, and not explain! It's okay to tell a gal she has ,.------------~ pretty ankles-but don't compli- CHIBOPBACTORS AND OSTEOPATHICS ment her too highly. ROOFS APPLIED oa a&•IM'!D Free Ertlmates • 1-e<- w. 1. lh•boiw 3602 Jdarcua FIL Hbr. 1012-J All no votes will be called tso- 24-Hour Radio Service llOlllC, .UTO, 111A81NE UDIOll llRADJ:D Burt R. Norton 1u OoMt m...., a·l!•~• na Newport: B•flll. QllU. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Olfaw lY• .. " ¢ l'IMe ID 1*' la On•p Ooa&J: All ,.ew ••• Even the Location ..• One-Half Mlle Eut at Old Location Oil Cout HJabway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern Califonlla In the Servin& ot -SEAFOODS- AU!O YOOK .W al lft'l!A.'118 -VJSlT OUJl &tlUDi2'I - Sim's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market • -2 -OIM& «£! 124 (1'w' ......... , ' OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. :Jlay Nielsen ' " t ... I c1ll1• P..u... no.a.ra-......., 118 .. ..,. ......... .. ..... HOBTICL&N8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OUnelves the Better 8eJve by Servin&: Others Best" ---114110 ~·-Callfotma Robert A. Crawford ' Opt .. D. OPTOMETBIBT Eyes Examined • GI._ ntted' 17'1 N-rt Boalenld ' ..._...._MU OC9.A...a& ' E. T. Battenrorth, 0. D. OptamebW lftD DAlmfa> UIN'U:S D1lPLICA.D:D .............. Ml 'I uuw.~ • ._.._..._•11 DW•lm&ea- ' Dr. W. T. Mooney l'l1JllWu Uld llwpoa -... O..lnl • .... (M-k. M"l'teli) ........ --------. Dr. G. E. TohDI -PBO!'fD.- Ofl&m: Barbor 18&-W a.idrnloe: Bwbor 188-B U Jfo .. ..,..., etll Barbor a Wagner DragleM lnt!lllale Dr. WD-0.W- Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy HIO~Bl-nL,- 1..-a--- PUBLIC 8TL'10GBAPllD M. D. Keesling l Newport.BaJboa Tourist Bweau All Modes ot Trawl to Europe, Merim, Hawaii Round-tbe-Warld Trips In the near future. See I BoJKuse Pll.lbrbor191. IOlhlm,Bllaaa ..._., Haaa•a .. -. r • wwwww ••• .,,. • we llLOKD& WA!ftW P d hW llVllBAND On .Mardi l. death pe1"iom to b<iy her that -tul lla7 were being pelcl by the Veterana front home just listed at J . 14. Administration to 9732 veteran Mlller'a, l!itl> "and Central, beneficiaries in Southern Call- HArbcr UU.-;-Adv. fontia. i ' ' ' , I P.APALMER LIDO !51£ PID>u:lIES ··---'--w. 0. BUCK-1"surl1Ilce Counselor ~ 1500 ~.R.o( 3333 VIA UDO CALIFORNIA • k. per from Woles ce was o s •P There on f his so ils Who wosn 't 50 su re o Hi! rigging too b bugaboo . Was o 19 of tus oils 110kcare Till South Coo s o , NOW • BEING SOLD l_jALLMARK ,, CARDS For Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries and Etc. V88e8 :: Figurines Lamps :: Oo8tume lewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 o.-n Front We \Vrap Gifts Indicated aueptance of this property suggests that those interested should ad ~mptly. /7he Coast's Most Distinctive ' Residential Community" Here's your first opportunity to purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mar, where th~ ocean shore line takes a pic- turesque bend ... natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improvements: underground utilities, sewen ~ architectural resuictions. Large sices, each with its individual appeal. If you are ocean- minded and want somdhing ntw on the coast ... this is it. The long·a"·aired opportunity to purchase one of these large ocean-view homesites. See this p roperty ... make )'Our selection t.•;-i:-ly. by D evelopers of Santa A.iita Oaks ~ymon~A.~rn Co. e ve I or er s 340 E.Gr•en SL LA f"-• YcamO«I 2.-SIQI . ~no!.cn'. c.i tr . . ~ 1.(,164- CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS g°'""l"tl. SpDlli SluJp :lt't-ATe. ......... --5'1· ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES! ID: Window Awnl•gs, Door Hoods Porch & Patio CanopiM • -Oat ---upt .. , • Ba.bl Out - --Breme bl; • Penz •t -- -No ....:J,. a now."'; e SU-t -• -No Batflee; ·~Deolp--· CWlt:•• ~; e Utmod: Soe1•1-.:r --- 1-Life. No Replac l r·:ta.. Nowt • Quality v ..... 11aa JllbMls (Either \Vood or Meta!) ~-For Fl"'ee ......, •tre. Call Reverse a..._ Sun+~aaa A ..... Oo. ol. 0. II' OD. TU ... n· I 'stt st. •mt P ,a.m. -"1u.arGlf 1-.i ' • • • HO\¥ IS YOVR IN SURA Ill CE? Food Drive Continues As Millions Starving "1119 JOUL~llf • lsHwpple•• ... Trade Whitney Steer-0-Matic Baby Coach D ·.,..d for ullDDeC c:oaMwc ...i ..lay. '!llere'a ., liff+-""I mct111ry for •bil--:.· -a ODIW ••• II lw a -1 'l"'iac II I ffn. _ .. , -<ldiilo• 6-'I 1M,. l<wrl'"'"'°" ••• edj , .... -.. ••• ..., Sood.a• .......... ... /lad It foldo • ...., •. A 'l!Ploeda-Qi •1 l'locluct . For Baby's Home Comfort Ow Baas Speciol Fall .._ c.il> .... ~ Sceel Sp.inc. wlaich _, be ralioed cw loawed at wilL And, -impoaw al oll.11 '-a~ f;nio&_ TIW ~ pi... oatfit, incladiac the fa-~ '4390 IwapcL& Mllitlr't:m .. only-------- (Whi,. cw maunl llnWa.) . We.._ boTI: a -U obipa"• al Chiffeo«.... to ~ ahe '3495 ..... ,.;a, .. ____ _ . P F5A--. 91 eswwo .._. ..... to-*..,._. _...,..._~ .. ---·-... .----·a _,_ __ _ • WHEELER Im, & Jne•I~ Slao-p , . I Ha.ry wl FlooW T.,..., 5t 0 n --·••11~111111-1 .,... __ ........... _, 0 -·--· .. ,-.. ... 415 1Cea6 ,.,.,.._. 'IW Demo Noo6 of • 'w. '!"-eaz Santa Aila , ' .... - Ana SANTA Ph. 6688 y.,. Get tltt F'.m Q.olity Priced at $32.95up Other Quality Models $14.95.., Ki.tdles' Poraclise ..... opl'fp'c'J f-1 ••• _. To7 Bllrement • • • &led. .... ..,,. '° Zu't...., sht. ... ·-···-°"" -·1 a.h,_W ..... c .P- "'"~-· · · ....,. __ To<- -. TrluJeAc.. 811 la• ••• F,klll.._ s' a'ZP v 1111. • ...,.._ ...... '£ .... .. 8 ·mn:~ ..... . , ' • • -, • ' ' . ..,._ • N ·~ _M_E_P _L_A_T_· E-s-·--'7'C-=--o-n-str-u-ction for 12 Days =~:.:~:: War rtment Sfreamlines w1LLEY'~ REFR1sER011on FOR BOATS· AN~ ~~M~ Reac~ $140,850 Valuation P~::..~the~=Be•ch Conti tal U.S. ~tenses =~~* •zpt t o, '>Phi t , T '•r, ..., !!. ut1 Heavy Brass -------··--------· 2.00 3.00 5.00 !Continued from Page 1) ment over double p.rage, same ad-Ocy>coundl on Monday afternoon IOllltln•-"I tliom Pace ll "'talned °'a aub-ottl"" with MaJ. ~ -: -Nlmbt. 1llll Chro • 2.50 4 00 6.50 dr<ss, S5000. authorized Ot,y Engineer J. W. -:i:= Genen1 'Y· S. Uveaay In -com-;;;;;;;;;;;~I~·~·~-~;P;•;""~;;;;;;;;:~ DllUID --·---------·---····----• street, Balboa bland. a one-story John R. Daniels ol Cottage 8, Webb to draw plans and specifica-bility as well + tactical """°"'i-mand. TEM DAY DKUYUY ... :.AD. ea rwen 'l'OOa oa»im sow TO dwelling at 507 Tustin avenue, Bay Island, a one---a-tory dwelline ttons ror the setting ukle of addi· b.Wty. . General j Jmeph W. SWwell National • Newport Heights, $6000. with detached prage at 2033 tlonal land oo Ocean Front. Bal-General eo.\rtney ·u . Hoclgel oommandrthe Sixth Army and the Engraving Co. Agency . Frank w. RJcha.rds ol Balboa Miramar avenue, Balboa Penin-boa for the parking of 150 auto-commands the First Army and the Sixth An\.y area, which lncludel Ro s·s 1.? s Liquor Store --.,,._,.._ --· Inn, Balboa. a one---sto1"y dwelling sula, $5000. mobues. · 'First Army ar!ea. which f:ncludee wuhlngt(.n, Oreton and Calf. with attached garage at 2112 Arthur Smith of 2.13 Santa Ana The council . approved tbe ~ Maine, New H.-,;:;p&hire, Vermont, fomia, with headquarters at San Ocean Boulevard, $6000. avenue, Newport Heights, a one-pooa1 made by the Balboa Im-Massachusetts,IRhode Ialaftd, Con-Francisco! The Ninth Service -----''-------------------1 A. M. Mason of 1300 Marengo story dwelling at 233 Santa Ana provement association in a roll-necticut. New York, New J ersey Command headquarten at Salt avenue. South Pasadena, a one-avenue, Newport Heights, $5000. call vote, with Mayor O. B. Reed and Delaware, with headquarters Lake Oty is now 8 sub-office, with hrm1tV Oort an Dnl' 8IOl'e , .. ~~ ·--.. ~ mEn's I DRTSWDIR Balboa Ion Bldg. eor. Main & Ocean Front New Shipment Sport Shirts and SPORT SHffiTS with hand picked collar and tabs in Solid Color Pastels a n d ' Plaids ... SLACKS Gabardines Worsteds Shetland Tweeds story dwelling to be attached to J . I\f. Young of 747 South Gar-di~nting. In stating his opposi-at ~ew York Oty. The old F1rst Major General W. E . Shedd in Op-. .._,. 0.,- present bUilding and ~esent living field aven~e. Alhambra, a one--lion to the plan, th' mayor ex-Service ~d .headquarters at command . room to be converted into a double story dwelling at 115 43rd s treet, plained that he did not feel the Boston will be retained as a sub The reorganization continues garage a t 203 Pearl avenue. Bal-Newport Beach, $4000. additiona l parklng would solve the or district office, with Major Gen-the military district of Washing- boa Island, $6000. . Louis Nelson ot 3225 Olive ave--problem. eral Ira 1'· \VYChe in command. ton embracing the District of W . B. Dunbar of 604 Orchid nue. Al tadena, a one-story dwell-A committee from the Balboa Lleutenant General William H. Columbia and adjacent milit81Y avenue , Corona de! l\tar. a one--lng at 621 PoitlS('tta a venue, Cor-Improvement association obtained Simpson commands the Second installations as a separate com- story dwelling with detached ga-ona del Mar . $4000. the names of all bu t one prop-Army and the ,Second Army area, mand directly under the \Var 1Je.. r age at 604 Orchid avenue, $6000. J . F . Rhone of S18 N. I\1'ilton er ty owner on a petition approv-which includes Pennsylvania, partmen~. with Brigadier General Wil Uam Gannon of 500 Narcis-A.venue. Whittier , a one-story ing or the proposal recently. ~faryland. Virginia. \Vest Virginia, Robert N. Young in command. sus a venue, Co.rona del 1'1ar, a 1 dwelling \\~th de tached garage a t Howe\'er, the city council tabled Ohio, Indiana and Ken~ucky, with Posts. camps and stations, ex- one-stor y dwelling at SI S Poln-614 Begoni a avenue, Corona del the improve ment group's proposal headquarters at Baltimore, Md. cept for Air Force installations setta avenve. Coro na de l Mar, l\.1'ar, $3900. tor the ·prohibition of parking The old Fifth Service Command and certain exempted stations un- $6CX)O. Alte:raJtons mete r collections in Balboa on headquarters at Columbus, Ohio, der War Department control. are Mr. a nd Mrs. W arren Clemence Improveme':'t plans we re tiled Sundays and holidays. This mat-will be kept as a sub-office, with now under the army commanders of 421 Dahlia ave nue, Corona del by the followtng: ter will be discussed more fully Major General Robert S . Belghtler of the geographic areas. Mar, a one-story dwelling at 511 Paul E. Thompson of 421 Dahlia at the next meeting of the city in command. Narcissus avenue, Corona del Mar, s treet, Corona del Mar, interior council in August. 1 Lieutenant General Oscar W . 11 y Old Brld Ab d ed $5500. cha nges to present building a t Griswold commands the Seventh -ear-e an on Harry W . Mekeel of 604 South 1511 Coas~ highway, Corona del Army and th!? Third Army area, hope of ~.ver finding an attracti~e Bay Front, Balboa Island. ape.rt-Mar, $2500. • Th S d C b I which includes North Carolina, home until her husband dropped in SH O·E S Repaired While You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front R. R. Hodgkinson of 115 Via e 8D f3 ·South Carolina, Georgia, Florida. at J.M . Miller's, 15th and Central. Dijon, Udo Isle, building a bed· <Con tinued from Page 1) Alaf.ama, Mississippi and Tennes-HArbor 1242.-Adv. '-----------...: room over a garage at 115 Via see, with headquarters in Atlanta, ;::=====================::::::; Dijon, L. I., $2000. published whether right or Ga., lormerly used by the Fourth R. Hitchner of 1004 W . Surf . 0~ as Braden Finch I Se:rvjce CommRnd. Fourth Service avenue, addition to present build-~~If· Id publisher' Co~and he adquarters at Atla n· Ing in Newport Beach. S800. lUJI~ an O 11 • , ' ta il being discontinued, but the J ohn L. Smirch of 312 35th told. me today: It s a great physjcal ladlltles will be utilized s treet. Newport Beach . addition to feeling to be your own boss, by ute Seventh Army. The Seventh present dwelling, $750. Sam, and tell the world to go Army which was inactivated in lttartha K Knotts of 308 Poin-to hell, if you feel like it." Genilany prior to its present re- setta avenue, Corona del Mar, Which I won't. organization now functions in the build an addition to present dwell-But folks my finger will Third Army atta 111ince th"e Third ing, $400. still ~ on the pulse of New-is being continued on occupational Harry Johnson of 215 Marine rt. Ha bor· I've had a swell duty in Germany. I avenue. Balboa Island, enclose ex~ ti~ r ' grand bunch General Jonathan Wainwright isling porch, $400. me. YOU are .a . commands the F ourth Army and Robert Danskin of · 730 Poppy o~ folks and I mte~d to abt~e . the Fourth. Army area , which in- avcnue. Corona del ?\<tar. addition \Vlth you all and giye the dis-eludes Texas. Louisiana. Arkansas, to present dwelling, $400. trict. my very best tn my own Oklahoma and New Mexico, with .DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Diesels on hand with choice of redaction nnllB. e WE ARE WRITING ORDERS ON RIGHT-AND LDT- RAND ROTATION DIESELS FOB T\\'IN INSTALi.A· TIONS. CHOICE OF BEDUCl'ION UNITS. On Ranch · 185 R. P. General Moto.....:...New. See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels THE MOST Sensat~onal Sa I e, Edna Gu.ymor of 1802 ~ Ocean way and when I please. headquarters at San Antonio. T e x- Front. Ne"1>0rt Beach. change Incidentally, 1946 rounds as. Eig1'th Service Command head- plumbing and partition, $300. out 50 years of newspaper-quarters at Dalla!t, Texas was dis- Felix Bangs of 120 Turquoise ing continued. av~nue. Balboa Island, co.nvert in-Fare\vell but not goodbye! Lieutenant General Walton H. ter1or room \\1 th knotty p1ne, $250. ' Walker comma~ds the Fifth Army OMI Generator Sefll of All Kinds. PHONES OF THE YEAR STARTS TOMORROW! THE VALUES WILL TRULY ASTOUND YOU BATHING SUITS 2-Piece --·Reduced from $5 .98 PLAY SUITS 3·Picce -Reduced from $12.98 l\1 ade by a famous make r Whose label you wil:o.l _,see=--~----------- PLAY SUITS I-Piece··· Reduced from $3.98. & $4.98 PEDAL. PUSHERS CLAM DIGGERS Reduced from $4.98 BLOUSES Reduced from $5.98 and $6.98. White and all colors-sizes 32 to 46 SHORTS Reduced from $3.98 · White and colors SKIRTS White -colors & peasant styles Reducedfrom $5.~98=------------- HAND BAGS Genuine plastic patmt -will not peel or crack. Black, White. Red. Green, Brown, Navy. Reduced from $5 & $6_.98~·~· ------------- s2ea s500 s1sa · s2sa s2sa s11s !!~ !!! S s500 Redoeed from $9.98=------------:--- ~ ~~!0PPERS s1000 RedllCled from $15o::.98=------------ ALL WE CAN SAY IS -HURRY -AND BE SURE NOT TO MISS THIS SALE THE SPORT SHOP 212 W. 4th St. • WHERE ALL SMART SANTAANA WOMEN SHOP AND SAVE ! S. C. Oien ol 520 Dahlia street, and the F ifth Army area , which Shop & Ways: Beacon MSl Office: Beacon 5889-W Corona de! Mar, sun Porch addi-People Swarm Beach includes Michigan. Illinois. Wis-at Bohman Co. 415 Fifteenth St. tion to preserit dwelling, SlOO. consin , Minnesota, Iov.•a. Missouri, Newport Beach Newport Height& SpenceT Howla nd or 320 Alvar-To Escape Humidity Kansas, ~ebraska, Sout h Dakota, '--------------..,.---------' ado place, Newport Bay, build North Dakota, Wyoming and Colo----------------"--------- open porch to present dwelling, Thousa nds of persons swarmed redo, with headquarters at ChJ-.,....-----------------------: $50. to beaches in the Ne\vport Harbor cago, nl. The old Sixth Service Quality Lumber distr ict over the week-end and on Command headquar ters a t Chi- !.1onday night to seek refuge from cago has been discontinued and the heat in their inland commu-the Seventh Service Command nities. headquarters at Omaha, Neb ., was CONTRACTORS' . On Monday night both Ba lboa . and and Newport Beach areas were r-----------RENTAL EQUIPMENT Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. jammed with automobiles and mult itudes or people lay on the sa ndy beaches as bonfires burned brightly a nd the rough waves crashed against t he shorelines. Mrs. I\1'yrtle Grat z of Minne- : White House I Cafe Phone 318% Laguna Beach, Calif. Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws R. E. HOSTETLER Pllono -· ll-015 apolis is a guest at the home of :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,j her aunt, l\1rs. Nellie Wilkinson p ~~~~~~~~~~~~o~f_'.:Li~·d~o~l~sl~e~.------- Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment I .CE CREAM • . . or Deep Freeze 9 CUBIC FT. Newport Electric Appliance Co. UOC5 N-rt Blvd. Barbor US8 • BBING YOUS RADIO TO US 0-Doil' -We'll Bej)8lr U -Yoa Ou Ba.., H -Nert Focto<y Puta. Work ow-. ho""7 ~ ICxpwtL -180 Radio SOS Electric 11.&BOlD L. RAMM IOO.-A-.-- Pa,,coad VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • S'l'Co, • ALUMINUM 1-....--e· o 't -rr..S" 61 814 <lout Highway JOHN DO_RY NOW OPEN Choice Marine Foods Fresh Fish OPEN DAILY U'91 TO 1'91 P . Ii. Al IENqON!! H01118 amd Boat OWllen B•llden Sinks, Drainboards anc! Galleys Built to Your Specifications • ........ I 0 -...... ...... • Mlfft.&a'.I'_. _.. ,..... -... . ~.. .... ~ .. ...... ·-··· •.. ,.. ...... • ... -s,· • •• z•n -...-r.. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. ........ --. .... ..... _ ftiwC' I 'a..199 Men-Women Prostate - -Pelvis Do you have beclr:-ache ! Palu In lep. poln or be.ck ef bead f Are you aervous, Jumpy, Irritable and cranky! Growbtc old befo1'9""" JODI' tlmot SllPIJlncf Baoe to pt op nlcblllt . rrs YOUR GLANDS °"' ...,. ....... tedUllq1le pill ..Wt. No pilll, Sarpry or lnJoo--00N8ULTATION FREE Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock O.U Barbor 11.M for Appoln-t Dr. E. F. Bel1. D. C., Pit. C. 10'/ Had St., Newport -zoy..,.,,._. • .....,.. Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa M-In- LOS ANOIUS NOll. Y'WOOD LONG llACN ...... NA l'OMONA l lVllSIDI .......... LESTER & Co. M.,,,/,rr Los .A.8•ks Sloe' 1!.xch.,,g• 2004 WEST CENnA1. A VE., NEWPORT BEACH HAuoa 137 4-J INYHTMDfT SECUllTIU TO MErT TMI INYESTOU' NODS No Price · Advance • Regardless of /the Elimination of OP A OUR PRICES REMAIN THE SAME I • • • Culbertson Chevorlet Co. aien~ltt a ow 3911 w; Central ·~ Newport ... ~ ' Hydra • Matlc Speclallsts PLENTY OF GE FACTORY • • • ·1es & · Cadillacs • • • UINE PARTS AVAILABLE NED MECHANICS • • ., • PUBLIC NoTJCE . ~..J.J ~~~~~~~~---~-----~-~-;-------::-:.!l~:·~•:PO&:::r::·~·~·:ao::£::w:•:*:,....,.:::•::l!!!~M=ew::,..::~:;';·~·~•::-~Qp~•~·~,=·~r.~:·:·•:&~·~l!lf:!:1~\"::U~11;;;;-;;;;;;::::;;;;:;;--;;:;;;;:;'::;:;::::::::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·~~•:m~ ... =-~· .------------------------rlalbaoore trolling outside be!ore lnrly in the mominc. Halibut are ,------'------------------, PUBLIC NoTICE moving In to the pqint tat l'<llu!Ar l being caught thruughcut the day H 'k, Lin fishing. . along with mackerel. At night N~ OF AW ARD OF For turther particulan refer-OQ • e People destring to charter boats yel1owtin croaker and corbina are CONTRA.or ence is hereby made to said Res<>-are advised to make reservatlom being caught. Surf Cish.ing has Pursuant to the statute herein lution or Intenti?n No. 3327 and d Sink J.t least two weela ln advance. been slow. men tioned and Re<olution of to the plans. profiles and drawmgs an er Flshennen desiring to go cut on The barge Can<ler anchottd off I file tn the office of the Qty · regular live bait boats will find the Newport pier is funtlahing Awa.rd of Contract No. 3352, of on . · · BJ' RUOB llcMD·'·"N it advisable to make rt'Rl'Vations fisbennen with catches of barra- the Oty Council of the Qty of Engineer of said Qty of _NeT L-----------------------"i ahead ot time alao, as moet land-_ ... _ halibut and mackerel. Shore Nournnrt Beach. California, adopt-Beach. and to the specifica om '-'VWoao ... -,.._. for the said work heretofore The first broadbill swordfish ot fishermen giving it a try. Barra-inga are nen loading: their over-boats run from the end of the ed on the l Sth day 01 July, 1946• adopled by the said City Council the 1946 fishing aeuon wu cuda snd bus were caughL Shore load boato to capacity. Newport pier and there ill galley dlrect1na: this notice. and on file in the office of the brought into Newport Harbor boat to the barge leaves from the Boats trom Port Orange are service aboard NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, City Cierk of said City, and all Saturo..y, July 13. The broadblll Fun Zone landing in Balboa at bringing tn barracuda. hallbu~ · The Balboa Sport Fishing Fleet that. the aald Oty Council m open of said plans. profiles, drawings weighed 398 pounds and wu 5 a.m.. 1, 9, 11, 1 p.rn..._ 3 and, 5 white sea bus. Albacore day has the Fishing £xpress leaving 9eSSlon on the 15th day of July, and specifications heretofore •P-caught by Howard E. Earl. 2919 p.m. Uve ha.it is furnished ahd boats are run on weekdays only. at 6 a.m. There is no 7 a.m.. boat, 1946, opened, examined and pub-proved by the City Council of said W. 42nd St., Lo& Angeles, aboard there ls galley service. All boats are being loaded to as the Maiden isn 't running now llcly declared all sealed proposals Qty are incorporated herein and the Dolphin skippered by Eddie The new live bait boat Sport capacity. Missawit ls the regular at that time. The Nina Doretta, or bids, offered for doing the. f_ol-made a part hereof and reference Offerle, veteran fisherman. King was lowered into the waten live bait boat. J . B. leaves at Poco Loco and Forever Amber a.re lowing described work. t~~t : is hereby made ~ereto for a more Twenty-lour ~ad line w~ of Newport Harbor this week, and 6:.30 and the Skip-a-Lou at 7 a..m. other boats available for charter. The construction of ~t~f~ed particular description or laid used to land the fish. It was offi-Norman Hagen of King's Landing From the Newport pier comes The Fore\'er Amber isn't a novel, clay pipe sanil{U'Y sewe~, vitrified \\'ork. dally weighed in at the harbor reports It will be ready for serv-word or t he catches being made it's a de luxe bait charter boat, clay pipe house connection sewer Said City Council has detennin-master's office by Harbor Master ice in about 10 days. This beau-by Keith Rima with the Zootsme with Dutch Goldthwaite and Jim lines, mantioles. cast iron m~nhole ed d declared that the contem-Russell E. Craig. I tiful new boat has three pro-II. Ten and 12-pound bass are Ovellet aboard. frames and covers, "Y" _branches. an , k d . ement The new fishing barge Retriever pellers, \\'hich should push it along 1 beinJl: caught. along with big bar-Bay fishermen from the Balboa lampholes, welded s teel. ptpe, pump plated f "or ~n edimpro":n the is now anchored off Abalone Hill at a good clip. The launching racuda. pavilion are enjo)i ng catches of atatlons. toge_lher with_ app~h he:e.tonor:f ':~d 0~ity ~~cil of and Sunday, July 14 saw the first was quite ~n affair &'_ld brin'gs Tu·o albacore were brought in ! sea a:>ut, ~alibu~. ~an~ croa~- tenant wor~ tn con~ection \Vlt I opiruoth local or ordinary public back memories of the ''Bag Sunny' Sunday to Port Lido aboard the ~r. using bve bait which is avai.1- any .and all items ~r improvement morer· and th "d City Council and years gone by. Pas-Due. J . H. "Bert" Mills of able a t the pavilion. Much of this herernabove_ mentioned, . all ~I ~ne ~a~~ thee !:~nses of said PUBLIC NOTICES One day this week 26 alba· the Lorna Pat has been aver aging same fishing continues in other more part.Jcularly .dcscrtlx>d in as bl u n a district core were caught aboard the from six to 35 albacore daily parts of the bay. Resolution of Intention No. 33!7, work hchargeta ule ~ cr"pt"on 0 ( the office of the City Clerk of said Rocket skippered by Earl Cole-Cishing 40 miles south of the New-pas.sed and adopted by the Oty For t e par ic ar es I I Cit ' • H Li_ ~ n~-• ' ..-. C t Off · •t th 20th the said djstrict reference is here-Y: man. Frank Keeler and Norman port arvur ~tty. Del t uses -A~ u CoundJ ot saJ~A~ Y :n ~ii . b ade to said Resolution of In-tent1on No. 3327. Hagen were in on t)Je catch. Fish-feathers exclusively, shunning chairs or tables in any home day of May, l:;J"«J. an on e in Y m Said City Council has determtn~ ing on the Oats off Huntington bone jigs. When he picks up a rented through this office will ed and declared t hat serial bond! Beach seems to be slowing down school. however , he starts using have to be paid for . J . M. Miller, bearing interest at the rate of six and many Newport Harbor live live bait. friday he caught 23 15th and Central. HA.rbor 1242. <6'7r ) per cent per annum and ex-bait and trolling boats are moving albacore. -Adv. Wi E WELCOME YOU ' · ro OPEN A Ci ARGE 'ACCOUNT r (SO. 80 • 90 Days) ~. Invite ;pou to CXJll>O bt and I._, a cbarp """°""t., ~;::~·i:..:: Fine~ N+-8>' Advertioed READY-TO-WEAR I mARBROJ c/a..da Q,na- 118 WEST 'TB ST. PBONJ: ltOI Store HollJ'8: Dally Indndlng Saturday 9:80 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. <f!::i3alboa rket Saturday July 20 tending over a period ending nine back to fishing off Dana Point. Pier Cishermen have been enjoy-------- (9) years h'om the second day of r~m~e~boa~ts~are~;rru~·xm~·;g~in~a;l~it~tl~e~1~·n~g~s;o;m;e;;g;ood~;;b~arr~a:;cu;da~~fishln~· ~~g~~D~rtv~e~Care~~rull~y~-S~pan~~a~ut~o.;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 January next succeeding the next October 15th following their date, will be is.sued hereunder in the More 'I1aaa SO l'Mn of 8en1ae to &be ~· m a nner nrnvtded by the "Improvf>n n-t <Jllentele ~-SOl Main Pb, Barbor 85 Balboa, Oallf, ment Act of 1911," being Part 5, -=:..:=:_ ___ _::..=;.;:::_.:.:._ ____________ I Division 7 of the Streets and ~----------------------; J Highwyas Code of the State of Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication TI.re Recapping • Tires Retreaded 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys .t .t .t Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. .t .t .t Phone: Harbor 10~0 or Harbor 1698-R for Prom pt Service VENETIAN BLINDS Wood -Steel -Aluminum Fast Service -Free &timates Call Us and Reverse Phone Charges Intercity Lino-Shade Co. 1095 E. Wardlow Road Phone 1.#ng Beach 453-28 Long Beach HOLLISTER Brothers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soil Conditions lnqnlre at CARR'S FEED STORE 18%'7 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA Mll!A P. 0 . Box 501' -Phone Beacon 5Z45 ATTENTION! California ,to represent each as- sessment of ~·enty-five ($25.001 Dollars 01" more remaining unpa1d for thirty (30) days after the date of the warrant. All of the work herein ordered shall be done and carried through in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of Cali- fornia, designated the "Improve- ment Act of 1911." being parts 1, 2 a nd 3 of Division 7 or the Streets and Highways Code. The said Qty Council did by said Resolution of Award of Con- tract No. 3352. award the con- tract for the doing of the said work to t.he lo\\·est, r egular. re- sponsible bidder, to-wit: To J . S . Barrett, at the prices named in his bid on file In the orfice of the City Clerk of said Oty. Da ted this 16th day of July, 1946 . FRANK L . RINEHART, City Clerk of the City of Newport Beach . California Pub. July 16, 23, 1946. Phone Beacon Newport &ii Costa M"8& CAB CO. 24-Hour Service Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5816 0P'!•8..Un ,,.... 9 ...... i t-· Palmer Radio AND ELECrRIC tM8 Newport Bl'fd. COST& ll08A DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish Always Freeh 110 Md'adden PL llhm Store: 101 JllPw&7 .. At Boed1 to Balboe. bluld"' LINCOLN-MERCURY ·owNERS KNICKERBOCKER SAYS I want to REPAIR your LINCOLN or MERCURY MOTOR as econom ically as possible, BECAUSE I am your only AUTHOR- IZED DEALER-and I want you to know how economically · your CAR can be maintained. • Our Senice is Better • 01r Service is Quicker • Budget Term Knlekerboeke.r's YOUR I4NCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 1118 N. Main St. SANTA ANA Phone S. A. 7171 3 1801 N~W.,ort Blvd. 1 HOUSE WARES Bread Boxes . .. . ........ age Cake Safes .. ...... .. ... .. 89c Cannister Sets 4 pcs. 89c Jumbo Waste Baskets 129 All the above are decorated and of metal construction Triple Coat White Enamel Ware 8 cup Percolators ..... $219 8 cup Dripolators ...... $219 Io Quart Dish Pan. ...gsc Blue Enamel Ware . Tea Kettles ............ $119 7 ql Cid. Pk. Canner $198 1-2-3-ql Sauce Pans 29c 39c 49c 8 ql Dish Pans .......... 5gc Rotary Egg Beaters .4gc I Wire Dish Drainers .. a9tl A COMPLE'I'E LINE OF GLASSWARE including PYREX YOUR NEWEST STORE ' I I l SPECIALS Ladies' Rayon Hose Oil Cloth ... Turkish ·Towels Wash Cloths ... Shelf Paper Kleenex ... Diapers ELECTRIC TOASTERS and IRONS Aluminum Percolators En a m e I CANDY and Wrigley_'s G U M Men's KnitShorfS Broadcloth • KIDS' CAP PISTOLS Kitchen Curtains Sash & Panel AND ABOVE ALL ~~~;i: of the Ciosta Meu, Newport Beach ::~h:d!: at , Honest Prices • COSTA MESA • LADIES' WEAR Rayon Panties ,_79c 89c • Regular and Extra Sire; Ladies' Slips 90c and up Anklets ......... 29c and up Cuff and straight top-all colors Two-Way-Stret.ch Panty Girdle .............. $259 Handkerchiefs 2 for 2Sc White and Prints Men's & Boys' Wear Men's Sox ...... 25c and up Work,. Dress, Loog & Slax I Men's an<\ Boys' Undershirts ...... 39c 59c Boys' Knit Shorts ...... 55c Belts, Neckties, G~rters ' ·1111d Other A.-orles ' Crochet Cottons and Wool Yams ••• Stamped Goods' .•. Embroidery Floss ..• Floral Tea Towels and Luncheon Cloths. Visit our Cosmeti~ Sta- tionery, Hardware, Elec- tric and Notion Depart- ment.s ---they are all com- plete, - • • ' • • . . . ' -------------_:-----------:--:-~M~"!!'E!·ll!'l'U=~w~!J!i!!!!•!:M!!ll • ;?• •1 c om s .., 1· r. '* 11. M .=:7:~~-;Lco~=;~~=ties Jr. College =r=.m: ~tton'sVarietyStQre()pens w11 1:?~.: ,a. Carra Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds 1- DaltJ ... ..,. Be1 ZIMi IMI u:nK.._t-. 009'l'AllM.A releo recenUy said: ''Sixt)'-live To i;nol>ote and odmlnisttt of· Pl Will I ' c st ~J-,j,. Sat da 123! ~ 11 :~ 5~ $5!~0:!::!~~::==~ ans 1 =~~~= n o a PIQG ·OO ur y::: --~~ ~ l~ .;: our 13 pnotest up~ tbonJUll>-In el&ht Southern California coun· Be Studied trial lnrenulcy, the Southern Call· Milton'• !>-lO and 2!>-cedt v 0.3 4.2 2,4 fa<ef-" He odded that 100 U... a ties. military aulHllatricts bead· I fomla I-trial ~Ilea will riecy department store t 1801 ,w...., to ""-S 20 12:25 7:16 l:te 8:11 year could be saved by li&htlns quartA!n have been establlohed In open In Leo Anreles on August 24 Newp<rt boulevard, eoat! M-. California dlstributon of. dairy Su2l 4.4 0.7 4.5 2.1 \.-----------'I u-e 13 atnetL the Federal Bulldlnc, Leo Anceln, and continue until September-2. will be opened to the public a., products .will generany adhere to 1:43 8:03 l:te t:IJI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!under the Wu Dopartment ,...... To be held In the Pan Padlic Saturday minimum[ prices establtshed under 3.7 1.2 4.9 1.1 ' ganlution prog<om. Col. Rlc:bard SACRAMENTO. Ju]y 16.-The Auditorium, It Is designed to show-. ' the Callfornla Milk C<Jntrol Act, M 22 3:24 8 :59 l:U ll:U w. Hoker of the field artillery Is State Board of Education at Its ·caoe the produru of West COut This Is the ,,.....t In the chain •CC<ll'dinc to ~ M. Ghormley, 3.3 1.6 5.3 O.t New! This Traditionally American in command. October meeting will conalder the manufacturers in the 10 principal of enterprises founded by t1'e late vice president of the Carnation ..,_..,. -,. -., - petitions of Orange County coaat-avenues ot World trade. Milton Farrar of Loe: Angeles In Compari,y. LAatlt ,..._ ._ -.; _.. n...,. p. • MAPLE BEDROOM! An kinda typeWriter ribbom ID al dtiea for the fcnnation of jun-1be theme of the exposition, ac-1931. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;w stock at the News-11mea. ior. colleges in Newport Beach, cording to managing director, After hia death, tht;: enterprises p -----------Laguna Beach and Capistran{) Everett H . Burnside, •1ll be "De-have been conducted by his widow, Union Hig:h school districts. calade of World Trade"--a.nd it Mrs. Edna Farrar, aJ.so of Los Bo 0 Reque!ts for surveys on the set-will depict th~ various components Angeles. at wners • • • ting up of the institutions of of world commerce. She operates stores in Venice, Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & .A.wning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone :IC11 SANrA ANA learning were made by the govern-Special entertainment will be Ocean P ark, Eagle R ock, Pass- ing boards of the school districts. featured, "rith a galaxy of sta-;s dena, Montebello, Lancaster and ShoulcJ\ the state educational to be on hand for each days Norwalk. authorities favor the plans, the showing. The Costa ?.fesa chain store will superintendent or the. Orange With less th#ln two months be-also be supervised under the di - County school. system wtll set the rore actual opening date-, Burn-rection or Mrs. Farrai;.. with J . E. date ror elecuons on the subject. side warned manufacturers t o hur-McK.ibbon of Costa Mesa, as man- riedly acquire ipxhiblt space AS ager . Flnal Wanda.c! only a limit~d amount re_ma.ins. ?.lcKibbon is a veteran or World \Ve will positively not be re-So~~ern California Industrial Ex-War n , ha"-\ng served with 8 para- sponsible for any atom bomb dam-position hea.dqU:arters are located troop until he sustained an injury . age done to any property not sold at. 9615 Wilshire blvd., Beverly and then he was transferred to through this office. J . M. Miller, Hills. the infantry for duty in Europe, 15th and Central. HArbor 1242. from which he returned recently. -Adv. ff B d t S A1an ager Mcl{jbbon said that Uge U ge een the Milton enterpr ises buy all Does Your House Need Painting? *-No walling ... Work done Immediately by highly skilled .Journeymen Palntei:s usiDi:: the most Diod- er:n equipment and finest materials. -A~ Owned and operated by World War D Veterans seeking yonr permanent good will and patronage. -A~- For Free Estlm•tes Phone HARBOR 2645 Manna foldera at N..,..Tlm.. If Voters Approve their merchandise direct from =::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=t School Measure manutacturers and that the Mil-1 ;F~§~~~~§§~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + ton s~ores are competitive in price -- F with all other syndicate chain Now-'Round the Island erry Pity !he 1947 stale legislature' stores. Confronting it will be the prob-, . Bean and Ho,man Make a Su ite from 9 :SO A. M. TO 11 P. M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans', Villa l\·l arina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Bee.con Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or floaL BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HARBOR 82-W Jem of balancing 8 record budi;tet .Costa Mesas new var1e~ store of 8 billion dollars, according to Wlli . sell such ~erchan~se as T .cgislative Auditor Rolland A. clothing for the entire fanuly from Vandegrift. infants t ogTO\\·nups as welJ as Pointing out that state treasury housewares. . . these beautiful Maple Pieces! Bed, FnD or Twin 19.75 4 Drawer Cbeet 27.30 5 Drawer Chetlt 38.50 Vaalty -·----··-35.50 DMk ·----··--·--27.30 Druoer ------35.50 Buak Beds HH H <-37.50 revenues "will not continue to in-Whether or not there 1s an crease at the rate they have been OPA, the _store, ~he m~nagernent doing during the \\'ar years" and rn~de plain, . belJc~es 1n -honest· that state expenditures keep pyra-prices a?d. ~11 str1c.tly ad.?ere to mid.ing, he \Varns that the poor that basis ln its dcal1ngs \\'lth cu.s- legisiators' job will be no bed of tomers. ~=====;:;;;:;;;:;;=====;:;;;:;;;:;;=====; I roses. ' The Milton Enterprises, Inc., f He adds that fixed charges in have taken a 10-year lease on t he EASY TERMS! Our Prices Remain the Same as Prior to June 30th • Before You Build or Remodel Sample and Dlaplay Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehe111>- lve stock or carpets and linoleum. Santa Ana Furniture Co. Rnp 11 OarpelB CIM.ned, Repaired • "'Jfu_ df.om£ of 'JinL '3uinltuu." . • LUDLUM Carpet Works 426 West 4th St. 1bos. B. Wllllams Santa Ana, Pb. 922 lGI --8&. ._ -.ba -SANTA ANA • BATHING GIRLS \ / PARADE SUN.DAY, JULY 28 AT THE FUN ZONE NON-PROFESSIONAL Sponsored by Al Ande rson and Gustlin Sch oo l of Swim Entries \Viii close by July 25th KIDDIE FASHION SHOW Sponsored by THE BOBBY SHOP AGE LIMITS -Infants to 7 years Qld. MODELS will fashion exclusive designs fwnished by- THE BOBBY SHOP REGlSTRA TIONS will be taken for both events at either the F\Jn Zone or the Bobby Shop. KIDDIES' DAY EACH WEDt4ESDAY 12 Noon to 6 P. M. Rides 6c Concessions Sc the budget will go up $100.000,000 Costa Mesa business propei;ty, t he if voters adopt a proposed ini tia-owners being ~-and Mrs. J ohn tive at the November general elec-Green of Costa ?.tesa and Palm tion increasing state school appar-Springs. tionments and guaranteeing mini------- mum salaries of S2400 to teachers. Watch the Oa.sstned columns. MOORE'S CHINA AND GIFTS ! N E W L 0 C' A T I 0 N 422 North Broadway Santa Ana Formerly Located at 110 West 4th St. ENTIRE NEW STOCK of Crystal, China, C-Opper, Aluminum, Fig- urines, Wooden Ware. VACATION AHEAD AVOID EXPENSIVE ROADSIDE DELAYS Any Make Car-Immediate Attention I Going to YoU' probably have yonr dnlam holl8e aD worked ont In yonr mind -or maybe yonr areblt.ect or con~r r.lrMdy hM prepu'ed plans on paper for yon. Electrtdty wDJ have a large part In making dreams of postwar Uvlng come trne. When you go over the plans with yonr builder be lllll'e to ask him abont the newest develop- > -d• In honoehold labor oavlng and func- Uonal 1-oty. Onr Experts In everything electrical will be glad to help with layont plans or problems. One snggestlon may make a lot or difference In the ''llv&-abllity'' or that home. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SDICE ~ 191 0 1000 Cout lllwaJ Eione Beacon M22 AIM la SU ......--~-9-·SU·Dtoco·Oakl- • ELECTRICJANS C-0-Two l'lre Equipment ,., FACTORY. PLAJIT, lft'OBE, omCE, FA.BM, BOJa: 5 ·Point Inspection ~;,~ 1. Compression t; 2. Electrical System I -.. 3. Gene11Gtor CircuJt 4.Carbu~ 5.Safety Cf.eek 11'1 .~, ...... / 'I 'I s1l1•101 Al8 Tl!& .. I ' ...) ... I • .' • _, • - ~~~~:!:="~·~=~~o.~=n:~=·=~·=~~:::'!::~lal;J'~~l'~l~t~l~l::::::;:::::;:;;:;:::;:;;;;:;;=::::~~~;:;:~~~~::::::::::::;;-j;;:;;;=;;;;;;;;::::::::""~== .. ==•=ou~ NAWN•\ 941 80& •&W•l' ..... ~ A ~ I .. -~·-SUP-._ II DOGS. CATS & PEI'S • ··~·~·~1~·_:11:11~.T~A~TIC~-------=·~1 M 41· mA2'K ., lt IDIPLOYJO!NTOrPEalCD 19 a,u.m llDICJtl.LAIOlllJ8 :~=:Q=·:::._-.::.:.:.:·.::::~:=..~~~---=~1.::...:..:..:;....;;.;.:.:..:....-:-~-:-~:--::--1-llUSU.~ GUIDE 11 BUSINESS GUIDE ===-===----SIGN PAINTING KITCHEN HELP wan!A>d. ApplJI FOR SALE-Twin 2\i·lqx John· "SMALL BOAT DOG.S-All breeds, stripped. clip-FRANK P. JOHNSON Elden Ave. • O>er}ll's. 322 Marin• A\~ .• Bal· eon outboard motor. Call Beacon HDQRS." pod. and bathed by A.KC. II-Realtor Lot 50xl.50. New 3-room fra.mo AUTO BODY Repair and Painting FREE ESTIMATE Boats, Trucks. Windows W.US and Bulletina. boa !Jland M·tlc 5618-R. 271 Broadway, Coeta cmsed handler. Free pick.up W . C \Vagner, A.ssodate house, pracUcall)• compJeted. M .. a. 54-211' and delivery service. Send card 1664 Ne~rt Blvd. Beacon 5434-W $3600 Raised Metal. WOO!) and Plastic Letten \VE l\lAKE many sizes and Russell L.. Ketcham. 421 Poin-·• _. FOR SALE-Bell and Howell ~ kinds of skiffs. and dinghies, settia Ave. Corona de) Mar. on House Trailer Painting Portable Equipment GEORGE'S BODY & PAINT SHOP 216 2920 \\r_ Central Ave. Phone l-larbor 826. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone ~M 54-4tc E. 20th St.. C<l<ta Mesa 20-tfc PueL1c NoTICES IN THE SUPF.RIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA JN ANil FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 38tft 12 Years Service in Newport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Pbone Beacon 5259-J Z74 E . 19th Ctrttt 24-tft Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating Phone Beacon 5780-J FINE F!NlS H KONCRETE CO. Cement Work of All Kinds. 918 W . Central Avenue Ph: Harbor 435-WK Ne\vport Beach 51 -Stp FOR A REL! ABLE Paint J ob on your home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. 10-tfc PAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E . McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tft! l'RAN!!PORTATIO!i 18 Experienced BOAT BUILDERS $1.47 per hour SEE MR. PETl"Y SOtrrH COAST CO. NEWPORT BEACH 51-tf< YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are availabl~ to you in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not requited In the Matter ro t he Estate and Guardianship of F . L . K EN· NEDY. JR. Minor. BICYCLES Frequent increases. No. 253140.-NOTTCE OF SALE Sold. Rented or Rep&lnd. Vacat'1ons with pay. OF REAL PROPERTY AT PR!-VOGEL'S clal 70 P.A .. hi.gh speed lense. and the "Watson Oink" class 52-ttc lf'leMX>pic le~. wide angle sailer. le...,, tilting equipment, tripod. AND Paddleboanls. llftXJJAL .U.'NOUNCDIENT!I II light meter. Complete equip-WE SELL other good small ment. Used only once. Call Har· craft-Hughes Kelson, F old bor 1194-J, around 6 P. m. Flat. 54-4te FOR SALE-Very niCl! 18-ft. 6-in. boat, six passengers, perfeet condition, with trailer, $28)(). FOR SALE-Good stove. right WATSON • BO ATS Pbone Santa Ana 19-.J. 53-tfc hand oven, with heat control, 611 Coa:st Highway RAM ENGINEERING CO.-!tta. rine machinists-machine "'.,,,.k $35; chest and bed. mattress. Nowport Beach d deli coil springs, $30: brand new dav· or all types, piek·up an V· enport with springs, mahogany O p E N s u N D A Y, p . M. ery sen'ice, dock facilities while tilt table. 312 35th St .• Newport. 54-tfc under repair. \Vil! do work any hour night or day. Located at 54-4tc FOR SALE -Large unsinkable Central Boa t ~Vorks Yard, Rhine -FO-R-..,S~ALE--~"'75-~p-l~ece--oHc:a-vll-:;-an-,d canoe, reasonable. 116 41st st Channel, foot of 31st St. Phone china, Ooral design. Phone 10, Newport. 52-4t( Harbor 287..J. 216 Marine A\'e., Balboa Island. FOR SALE-F1attie -complete -'s~~-=~==f1'-:IlN==Gc-::IN,..,--,,3_-I:-:::ES!=s=o:::N-;;S:,.- S2-4tc "ith dolly and new canvu cov· -~~~--,,.---,.::-:-~....,.---, $7.00 F OR SALE-Swordfish rod, reel er. Reasonable. Harbor 1145. Art of Swimming, Front and and line complete. $85. John T. 54-4tc Back Crawl Strokes, Sympson. 512 38th St., New· WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip in Seven Lessions $15.00 port Beach. 53--tfc \\"llmington for same in New· DAVID RIGIIT FOR SALE-One oak dinette set , port Harbor. C8.lJ Erwin Pie~ Balboa Point Hotel four upholstered chairs, $45.00. at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc 1115 E . Central Ave_ 49-Ste One victory model apartment 26-ft. speed boat, powered with ------------- range, $30. One 9x12 rug, $25. Otrysler Ace Marine engine; Carpenters Available One Singer sewing cabinet, $15. 3 cockpits: thoroughly O\'erhaul· for general maintenance One large two-wheel luggage ed.; in water now a t Alamitos and repair trailer with l2x20 tarpaulin. Bay, $2850 or trade for cabin 7 :00xl6 tires, $125. 442 San Ber-type boat. Courtesy to broken. o. Z. R-OBEBT80N nardino. Newport Hghts ~2-4tp Write or call Jlm Wilson. 35 Call Harbor 83 FOR SALE Santa Ana. L<>ng Beach. 51-Uc __________ 34-_tf_c WELL BRED spirited saddle STAR SAil.BOAT. Just recon- horse, g6od westC'rn saddle ditioned and new paint. Phone and bridle. N. \V. com er of Santa Ana 4148 between 8 a. m. 15th and Santa Ana . Ave., and 5 p. m. 46.tfc Costa l\tesa 54·t!C FOR S .\LE-New Marine Kohle1 Gener ator, 1500 watts. 32 vol\ KEYS !.fade Whtie You Watt VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa '?08 Marl.De, Balboa Ial&nd 94-tfc SPECIAL S.room, 2·bedroom stucco, larce living an<! dining rooms. with real fireplace, hardwood noon throughout, large guest room Costa Mesa Lot 50x155 ft. Jot located 1 blk. -t of Newport Blvd. $900 in rear. Cement floored ehlcken Costa Mesa house, nice yard, with plenty of 2.bednn. house with sleepina lal\o-n and 00\\·~rs, close-to porch on east side. Rooms are school and shoppmg. large. Dbl garage. $8450 $6650-l/2 down Income and Home Large Jot 1.00xllO. l block from Nev.1>0rt Blvd. Bldg. on front would make ideal nbrhood grocery, beauty shop .. etc. Large 3-room modem apt. in rear, pver extra ·large double garage. This prol)frt y is an extra good. investment. Only- $8450 New 6-Room Home :J.bedroom in nicest residential section of Costa M~. Large fireplace. hdw floors, IOts of tile in bath and kitchen. Closet space galore, double garage. Vacant move right in $12,250 Lido Isle ls.ft. comer lot $5000 . frontage of inside Iota $6000 57-ft. Lot Between Costa Mesa and Newpcrt on Blvd. $4500 EV A F. RHODEN Realtor 470 .Newport Blvd., Costa Afesa ELTON BARNE'IT RUSSELL W. BARTAINE PERNEL G. BARNE'IT Brokers Ph. Beacon 5TI3·R Overlooking Ocean 55-ltc 1 full acre 4·room house in very REAL F.8TATE EXCHANGE '8 clean condition plus l ·room apt.1:::=:::.c._:;..... ________ _ in rear with bath and kitchen, WANTED TO EXCHANGE-Fur- barbecue and cement walled nished two-bedroom mountain patio, garden and chlx equip. cabin Y.ith fireplace, bath, nm· $10,450 ning water, electrldty, on SALE ~~.L~ BYnOORS VATE ,. Advancement SHAE NOTICE is herehy ~iven that 208 Marine. Balboa bland. the undersigned. BERTHA L. IM-tfc opportunities. Made Beautiful ALDRICH. Guardian or the E~-BEAUTY AIDS 18 Take orr old, grimy varnish and D . C .. retail price for this powei 1--------------:::-1 plant is SS16. We have 10 lef1 1 :..•.::o.::Rc.RE __ .,._T _____ -.,.-.,.-..,.. 1 1/? Acre On Corner for clearance sale, $374.. Yeokel ROOM FOR RENT-Small double S.roonl house plus dbl. garage deeded lot. for Balboa, Newport or Laguna Beach property. Write Paul Hallum, 607 West Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 41-tfc Oil iate or F . L. Kennedy, Jr .. a mt· Apply get down to the fre!h, clean grain nor, v.;11 sell at private sal<' to COLD and MACHINLF..SS 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa of naturally handsome wood. the hi•h""' bidder upon the terms WAVES 514% N. Main St., Santit Ana Rent Our Hiloc and conditions hereinarter men-Tinting and Manicuring or tiont'd and subject to confirmation Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 11g..w Mk the operator for the Sanding Machi ne by said SuJ>('rior Court on or arter Vi'~ Beauty Shop Chief Operator -and do it yourself, J uly 31. 1946. all the ri,'l:ht. title 1103 Coast Hlway, Corona del Mar East t o Operate -Dustless and inter"'1t of F . L. Kennedy, Jr.. 35-tfc Southe rn California S a minor. and all the right. title Burton's Paint tore and interest that the guardianship LOST A.1'ri> FOUND t! Telephone Compally Newport Blvd. near 16th Street estate of said minor has, by oper· ==-:_::_.-:_:.cB.::l~G~R'-=E~W"'A-c=Ro:D,----42.tfc ____________ 53-_U_c at ion or law or otherwise acquired. Black wallet, lost Sat. nite, Bal· ---------=:----:: · other than or in addition to that boa Island: contains American SALE MI8<JELLANEOU8 SO Auto Battenes or said minor in and to that cer· Ai·rii·nes ti·cket to New York Rubber Separaten I f I d FOR SALE-Electric refrigerator, 1• th $6 75 Ex tain lot. piece or parce 0 an City. Notify Ann Delafield. 215 v o-mon -· · I · d be. i the perfect condition, $150. 210 ia C d d M to situa te, ytng an ing n . Ruby Ave .. Balboa Island. o::o:: 1 OKlpOun e 0 r County of Orange, State of Cali· SS.2tp Koran. Newport Beach. J.J-tc Gallon, ?Oc fornia. and more particularly de· FOR SALE-Zl·foot white picket scribed as rollows, to-wit: OCPL-OYMENT WANTED !I fence. $7. Phone Harbor 1283-M. An undivided onC' -twel fth 319 Anade, Balboa. 55·2tp (1 /12th) interC"st in and to the WANTED-Ii-oning and care (or Southwesterly rectangular one-children evenings. 309 Marigold FOR SALE-Paddleboards-Three hal! of Lot 9 of Tract 376. other· Corona del Mar. Phone Har bor Ha "•alian surf board model pad- wise kno"'Tl as Santa Ana Heights. 1023-J. 51-ttc dleboards. One ''Tailor·Made FOR SALE-Man's pre.war bicy. in Orange County, State of Cali-\VORK WANTED -Youn~ girl Rogers." $50; one Rogers style. cl e: just like new. Heavy duty fornla, as per map recorded in babv ~itter. 50c per hour. Trans. $45 ; one diving and abalone tires, SS(). 512 38th St .• New- Book 15. Page 29 of ~fiscellancous port'ation needed. Har. 1551.w. board, $40. Best style and port. 52-ttc: Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, Los An· r oom for summer visitors, will with guest room. On west side geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45--t!< with ocean view. Vacant, move $8750 3-Bedrooni Home East side lot, 65x330. Close in. serve a good breakfast at 40c Fire Equipment Tests each. 406 Dahlia, Corona del right in. C·0-1',•o. i>)'Tene & Foam r efilla. mar. 55-3tc COs fixed system and Portablet now available. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Ceast Highway Ph. Beacon 5522 73--tfc: MUSI€AL a RADIO S4 FOR SALE-Upright piano. good condition, $200. Phone Beacon 5712, or call 205 Westmins ter Ave., Newport Heights after 5:30 p. m . 55--tfc Radio Repairs All makes; tubes, etc. Be;icon 5763 BURT NORTON 91.5 Coe.st Hlghway, Newport 23-tfc RADIO HOUSE CAI.1.S- FOR RENT-Beautiful room over· looking ocean with tV.1in 'beds, two sun balconies. $30 per week. Phone Harbor 2013.W. 1718 East Ocean Front. SS.ltc W.U."TED TO RENT U WANT TO RENT-Garage or storage space for furniture in Corona del Mar. Call HarOOr 2585-J. 55-ltc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. unfurnished. house. Will lease. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7Cf1 or 13. 35-t!c $8450 Newport Heights New J.-bedroom with nice view. Hdw. floors, nice yard. Sundeck on top $12,450 FOR RANCHES, 1 to 10 ACRES See Us Today. Two Specials Priced to Sell. APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted MANY MORE ... COME IN AND by man and wife. We do not "TALK IT OVER" drinlc or smoke, no children or --Open Sundays- (¥'ls. Phone Santa Ana 0991.w FRANK P. JOHNSON or write Box "X'' Newport Bal· Realtor boa News·Times. 37·tfc 1664 Newport blvd. Beacon 5434.w Fern, Redlands, Calif. 54.3tp MONEY TO LOAN II WILL LOAN you money on~ or second trust deed on personal property providing you will rent me your house. P . O~ Box 1882, Santa Ana. 52..ftc LOANS TO BUILD. buy, un-. modem.lr.e or retina.nee. Nowport Balboa P'odenl 91'"- and Loan ..u.odatiCXL 3333 Via Lido Ph. Harbor 1.500 AUTOMOTIVE a TIKE8 18 FOR SALE-G. M. '39 truck, ,_. ton pannel. Call Harbor 596-J, evenings. 55-4tc FOR SALE-Plymouth P-2, 4-door sedan, clean eXC(>pt for paint. $425. See R. T . Hoffman after 5 p. m . 1304. Balboa! Ave., Bal- boa Island. SS.2tc TIRES Maps or ~Aid County; an'tl one 52-4tc models. Excellent condition. Fire Pia"""' and Kindllng share or s!ock in the Santa Ana Write or call fl')r showtng after .. ~ WA!\fJ'ED-[}{'ek-handjng job on 5 p.m. L<"e Lenzen. 210 Pali· W Q Q D l-IC"ights \Vatrr Company appurte-priv;:lte yttcht or chari er boat. zada. San OC'mente, Cal. 55·1tc OeUvf'rcd Now that additional com petent technJcians are available, we are able to make service calls on large consoles. All work guar· ant<.'ed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S .O.S. Radio, 300 t.larine Ave. Ph. HarOOr 780. 34·tfc 55·1 tc \VORKING Mother desires room for self and S·year son. \Vould IF-O_R_S_A_L_E--B-a-Jbo_a_l_sl_a_n_d-. -sm_a_u 1 like kitchen prviileges or care house ,vith good foundation. Cash for your used tires Sell Them for top price at Lester's 0. K. Rubber Welders nant to ~aid land, as e~idenccd Hearon 5529.i\J. Bct\\·ec:n 6 and by Certificate No. 221. f 7 p.m . !iS-ltc A p RT C 0 1' S H. W. WRIG~IT and board for child. although available soon. °'''Tier must sell . not necessa r y. Call HarOOr 2551 Price $1 0.500. half cash, terms. Reca pping \Vheel Balancing The terms and conditions o TRF:E RIPENED ROY AL APRI· Ph. Beacon 5665 sail': Cash in la,,'ful money of the YOUNG MAN y,•ould appr('ciate COTS .. O& pound: Jenl apricots. 1784 Newport Blvd. REPOSSESSED Spinet Type mir· ror-Piano. This Is a real b;i.rgain. Other usro pianos as lo\v as 8 :00 to 4 :30, Beth Wilson. Call Hub P o,vers. Harbor 62-\V SJ-4tp or 794-R e"enings. 55·1tc Section \Vork. 2900 W. Central, NC'\\'JX>rt Beach 54-Stc 3-Uc United States; ten per Cl'nt 110":) Sa1urd11.y ,,·ork. 1-las s::ood car. 0 d .d Sh .04c pound. t lillsid(' rchar . Juet Arri've..t or lhl' purchasC' mon"Y to be pa1 \\'rite or contact D. E. av<'r. . ..:i t J b I '! . . 1 ·r .1 IX't\\'('<'n 22nd & 23rd on Tus tin -·h Hearing Aid at the time of th(' sale, a anCT' on Nr>Y.'port Bt'.'ach 1• un1c1p.'l a1 er -5---l r 1a:1 confirmation of salr. Park. NC'Y•port L'"'-·ac . a . • P n -h c I 2 t Ave .. Costa l\l<'Sa. , tc BATTERIES The purchaser is to take the p 1 . FOR SALE-Davt•nport and chair. Gunde-n D-·g Co. WORK \V ANTED-a nt1ng SU· . , .. said parcel of rC"al property sub-25 9x12 Axminstt'.'r rug, oak dining 117 Mai·n St. Ph. Harbor 515 per intcndent, \vith -years ex· k d ject to condi tions. restrict.ions, table and six chairs. oa rop-60-tr< reservations. C'asements and rights periencc. desires connection lea! table, ice box. 1637 E . ----,..,-====--;-;:-.,-,.,.,= \vith large building cont ractor. 5•2t •~NETIAN BLINDS-Al"-'num of way of record and all taxPS a Cent ral, Bal1Joa. .r P v c. . · ........ d r t I have my own truck, commer · steel, wood Call us tor free esU· lien thereupon, not e tnquen · cial spray outfit. 1adden, drop LADIES' BIKE for sale, in good mate. Renovation &: reflnbhlng All. bids or offers must be in writ· cloth, brushes. Good reference. condition. 125 39th St., Nev.·· So. Cout Venetian B!.iAd Co., Ing and will be received at the of· Call Harbor 8701·J·2 from 1to5. port Beach. Call after 5 on West 18th and Newport Ave., flee of ELMER H. V. HOFFMAN. 49-tfc weekda~. S<>-ltp ·-·w 1024 Rowan Sullding, Los Angeles. J" Costa ~'lesa. Ph: Beacon ~ · California, or may be filed with EMPLOYMENT O~D it FOR SALE-White elKtric cab--38.tfc the Clerk of said Superior Court. inet sewing machine. 413 Edge.. or dt1ivered to said guardian per· WANTED-Maid for motel work water, Balboa. 55-l tp Order Your Servel aonally at any time after fint in Laguna; half days ; good pay. publication of this notice and be-Phone Harbor 2018. SS..2tc Steel Kitchens tore making sale. HELP WANTED-1st class paint· GLASS n1B ENCLOSURES Dated this 8th day of July. 1946. e r. Sympson & Nollar. 512 38th SHOWER IX>ORS Gas Refrigerator Now BERTHA L. ALDRICH, s t .. Newport Beach. 52-Uc Southern Counties Guardian of Said Minor. WANTED-Calley girls· attractive Supply Co. at Vogel's 100 Main S t. Harbor 145 52-tfc Pub. July 16. 18, 23. 25 and 30, wages on sport fishing boats.. 144 Coast Blvd. N. l946. Inquire at Scotts Landing. 1101 Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach IN BULK NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK Notice Ill hereby given pursuant to the proTl.alona ot f.t<:t lon 3+40 ot the Civil Cod« or the State o r California. that Bia.MM Bound•. Intend• to 81!\I t o Romer M . Smith all that certAin IMl'"ltODal property consl•Ung generally or h&lr interest In nxtu.e• and mer-rhandl11e atock ot a Gf'OC'ery. K eat and ~llcateeeen buslnesa. known as Ba.I - bo& Ce-otraJ llarket, belonging to said Blanche Bound11 Md located at 706 E. Centnl, City of Balboa. Cuunty o r Oranse State or California. aod that the pu..:C..baae prli::e thereof •ill ~ paid. Oil P'T1day. the 19th/•Y of Jul11. 19"16. at office of Smart F1nal Co .. Ltd .. 1060 E. lat St., City of Santa An&. County of Onnice. State of California. ., 11 o"clOC'lt a. m. That the AddreM or a.Id 'n!Ddor 111 ro8 E . Central. City of BaJboa. County of Orans-e. State of C.Ufornk. and the addrna of said nnd• 19 141f WHt 66Ul P lace. Ctty of Loa Aage_les. County of Loe Ac.&elea, Stat• or caurorula. 0.t-.d July 54Ct1.~JHE BOUNDS. Vendor. HOMER M. SlllTH. Coast Highway, Newport. SS..ltc =~-:cccc=-:=----::=55--.;:;:lt~c SALESJ.1EN -Advertising cam-FOR SALE--Gennan swordfish paign now in effect. Excellent reel, line and cow·hide harness: opportunity tr you quality. A~ new. Make offer. AJs6 East· ply Miss Van Liew, 5081.ii No. ma n movie projector. 16 mili· l\iain St., San ta Ana. 52·8tc metPr. S.30. H 2018. SS.2tc HELP \VANTED -Secretary. FOR SALE-Leitz JOO.-watt pro- WA.NTl:D TO BUY Sl WANT TO BUY-Will poy C8!h for good. cletln used car. Phone Htg. Beach 3521. 524tc WANTED-Used portable t~ writ.er . In good condition. P. 0 . Box 145 BaJboa Island. 54·2tc stenognipher. experienced and jector. Complete with side Will Pay Cash intelligent. See Mr. \Vrtght at changer. stero projector J('nse, For your furniture or what have Banlc of America, Newport Sch. ,;e\\·cr and adaptor for 50 mm. you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· Branch. · 52-4tc Leica IC'nse. Other aC('('ssories. ley Furniture, 1812 Newport HELP \VANTED-By hour, wo-303 Amethyst, Balboa lsl~itp Bl\•d., Costa Mesa. ~tfc: man for general housework. ----------:--:-=:--:: CASH FOR USED FURNrI"URE 1404 So. Bay Front. Balboa lal· FOR SALE-Leda model D all PHONE BEACON 5538-J. and. Harbor 754-W. 5J..2tc chrome \\1th F·2 summer tense 2:J..tfc and 135 mm. tense. ever.ready and combination carrying case. &OATS. 8UPPLIE8 II \VANTED -\Voman. experienced d •1 in general cleaning for two 303 Amethyst, Balboa Islan ·' FOR SALE-Rowboat. 9"it·foot. KE.AL ESTATE $85, S87, 51 25. Sl75. DANZ-FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, · SctnflD'T PIANO CO., 520 No. near Barsto\v, output 1200 fry. 1'·tain, Santa Ana. JS.t!c ers per \\'eek. Excellent equip. KNABE Gra nd Piano, walnut case, Tv.:o modern houses. Good \vater Famous Knake tone. Also \Veber supply. Ph. H arbor 2625-J. Grand, Sohmer, Schultz. And ._ 52·2tp many other famous makes. FOR SALE-New 2·bedroom stuc· DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO., co. hardwood throughout, Uxl5 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. bedrooms, 7·ft. closets, plenty 38-tfc tile kitchen and bath. Large llv· SEE the new 1tyle WOl'ld famout ing room and dining room, dou· upholstered pianos. Many c:olort ble garage. Furniture optional. to choose from at DANZ-372 Broadway, Costa Mesa. SCHMIDT PlANO CO .. 520 No. 54-4tp Main St .. Santa Anti. We a1ao ___ C_O_S~T~A-.,-M'"'Y,=c.S""A.,----I rent pianol. ~tfc 123 FLOWER ST., home or bus.I· STEINWAY Grand Plano. Mahoe· ness ; 8 large rooms, 5 bedroom», any cue. Beautlful tone. Med· doubl~ garage, lot 50 by 150, 1 tum size. DANZ· SCHMIDT block ~o center of town. Im· PIANO CO., 520 No. Main, mediaie poss., $13,000. Owner. Santa Ana. 3S-tfc 5Z.tfc Radio and Electric REPAIRS 24-HOUR SERVICE All Makes -Pick Up & Delivery PERRY HARDWARE 1305 C:O..t Blvd. Harbor 232 CORONA DEL MAR · 54-t!c FOR SALE-King upright piano, white, SlOO. 225 D iamond Harbor 2139-M. 5'>-ltp A. E. JOHNSON Realtor and Associates Phone Beacon 5102-M Today's Special Newport Blvd. Home and BUSINESS BLDG. 28 fL x 28 ft. wt th living quarters. House in rear, with little fix1ni could be made into good rental. This Is a splendid property. Ex· cellent location. Quick posseu. Only $11,000 Nearly New 4 Unit Court 3 UNITS completely furnished. 1 NEW MOTEL AND CHOICE Motel Sites W. J . HOLCOMB 1517 Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2766 "Where the Flags Fly" 55·2tc FOR SALE -Newport Beach home, %: block from ocean, 4S. ft. lot, a partment upstairs, hard- Y.'ood floors, tile, ocean view. Downstairs, double garage, laundry, bath, bedroom and play room. Yard completely fenced. $12,500. Phone Harbor 498-R. FOR SALE-In Newport Beach: Lota 18, 19, ·20, Blk. 44, River Sec. $4200, for all three. Write owner, 439 Naomi Ave., Ar- cadia. 52-ttp LOTS FOR SALE-By owner , 60x75 on Bay Ave., near Palm. Inquire P. 0 . Box 64, Newport. 54-4tp UAI. ESTA.TE John D. Burham 2001 Ocean Blvd. ., Phone. HarOOr 315-Balboa 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the Peninsula 2000 OCEAN FRONT AUTO SERVICE NOW HERE Your authorized Chrysler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parta Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics .. Kmdall and Quaker State ollo NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Pbone Harbor J.564.J 3S-ttc TRAILER8 11 TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do your °""' hauling and moving. All new equipment, $2.25 and $2.l!O per day. We fumlsll the hltd\. Myrehn Bros. Service Statloa, cor. 17th & Newport Blvd., o.ta Mesa. -1-story and a half, 2-bedroom. Sell that unwanted bath, large room upotaln for through N.,....Tlmes ads. article guest, llvlng room, fireplace, __ ;;_ ________ _ kltclten, bedroom and bath aver :.cADlPLANE8=c..:cc..:c=:..._-----_,~c.. garage, wall heaters. 1 SMART & F'INAL CO., L TO., 1C110 E. First St. Vendee. da)"! each w .. k. Phone Mrs. -----.,-,..--,=:-:--,55-::-l-ztp 1637 E . Central. Balboa. 55-2lp Lang, Harbor 614 or call at f'OR SALE-l<·h.p. 110.V .. D. C. 605 Vla Lido Soud 53-tfc refrigerator motor. Beacon JO ft. commercial fishing boat. complete gear, 72 h.p. Ouysler engine, 200-gallon fuel capacity, $4000. Kim. care Crftt Hold. San Pedro. Terminal 2-0961. GRAND PIANOS-You will be astounded a tour great big stock. Kimball, Stein'-''ay, Soh· mer, Hallet and Da\'is, Story and Clark. One gorgeous Chick· ering and It ls the real O'licker· ing, too. Many others to choose from. Priced to start at $395. Terms .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt Piano Co.. Exclusively pianos. Nothing else. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. SS.tic untun.. Carner Jot 150 ft. x 185 200f OCEAN FRONT ft. Beauti11J.Dy Jandscapod. In-1-story and a half, 2-bedroom and 16-ft. factory sea sled hydroplaiie.- two cockpil$, 32-h.p. Johnlort motor, completely overhauled, lncludlog rebore; has •teerlnc wheel remote control, Iota I or c:hronw, very fut , incl.- trailer, USO. Aho 22-h.p. Ev),,. rude A-1 condition, $125. 443 Santa Ana Ave., Newport Beach. S.l'lb AM. Callf. Pu.b. Jul7 11. 1946. 81Watloa Ua~h&nced Uttle cbanee in the butter sit· uatlOn ts Sffn in the near future, despite removal of prlee controls. Butterfat ls being consumed to cai-cfty 1n other forms and de. mand for those other producu wil1 take prttedent over butter manu· facturing. WANTED-Dignified field repr:e- sentatlve for ~·ell known por· trait studio. Man 01' woman; car necessary. Liberal commis· sion. See Mr. Fox. Bernard or Hollywood Studio, Balboa lnn Arcade. Phone Harbor 1048. ~2tc WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 • • lllwwwboga Uld ....., anhhk for lloaC. for Sale Padtlle Boards for ... .,.., ..... or_.._ 5034-W. 55-ltc GOOD used pianos for practice. come Sl.57.50 per month. Room bath large room UIJOtaln for for 3 mere units. Ooae in E .aide, guesi .J,lviog room 11ttp1ace Coota M-. Very neat and at· c!ininC room, kit~ ""'1ered' SS-Ztp FOR SALE-Apt. me range. $20; gladiron, $22; one maple bed divan, $25. All in excellent con- d.i tion. 3708 Channel, Newport 1 ·w-ANTED-S---~-00-w-B,-lrd..,-..,in--g-o--o--=a 1 laland. 55-ltp condition. Harbor 1558. 55-lte Some aa lovv as $57 and $79 or rent a piano for S5 per mo. Let the chlldttn learn. Danz.Schmidt Piano Co .• 520 N. Main. Santa tractive. Only porch with barbecue, lawn, $19,950 flmren, bushes, brick walllll, 1 1/.i A ere Ranch 2·bedroom house. barn, chicken bouae, priee- picket fenceo 111m>11ndlng each. . beautiful Wftltrlcted view or FOR SALE-Eastern built house trailer and new cabana. sleeps 6. located on bay, Newport Beach Trailer Park. \\trite owner, P. O. Box S>S, Balboa or phone Harbor 2()56...R between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. 5'>-ltp CAN DEUVER Mason or KeJT JreSel"'ing jars, 1 qt. me. 40c doz.en ; 2 quart size, 50c dozen. Phone Harbor 189. 55-ltc RUGS FOR SALE-Gray. 2x7. $3; 2x6. $3; 4x7, 158. 225 Diamond. Harbor 2139-M. 5!>-1 tp f' AST SLOOP-Snow Bird siz.., Ana. s:>-Uc good condition. Flne trailer, BABY GRAND-Repoaessed. Now "'"' tires. No use to owner. only $485. This 11 a great bar· Best reasonable otter. Seen at Kain. Danz. .. Schmidt . Plano Co., Pallaades Aportmenta. Corona Santa Ana. ss.ttc I <,-Acre Ranch de! Mar. 55-ltc --------~,..----1 I~ S · t type Dandy :f..bedroom home, newly roR ~ • • r ~oonng· at Emerald WORLD famous pme and t. G r ~Ul. ......... _ _. N decorated' inside OU a· Bay. Catalina. suitable for 35 to mirror piano. Re,.._-""' rage. barn. ehlx house only-40-ft. yacltt. Phone Harber reduced to $295. Terms. Superb -· • •• ltc tone. MahocanY case. Designed $6950 "->~. __... fOI' style and long service. Danz· ALL-PLASTIC 12-ft. 110.Jb. TOP Schmidt Piano Co .. 520 N. Main, Q..CAR BOAT and CARRIER. Santa Ana. SS-tfc $4750 Open Evenlogs and Sunday A. E. JOHNSON ocean. 'lbese houoea open dally Sell tllat unwanted for lmpectlon. 52-tfc tbrOQCb N..,._nm.. - WE NEED LATE MODEL ~S and Will Pay Top Prices SElJ, YOUR CAR NOW Whtie Prtmi are Hiib. Aiane for our eaar1MKll bll)'l!I' Mio wl1I c:alJ and 8dvt. you l!'l!P1'dlnlr OP A regu!atiaal, nrf"IW pdas UlltanU!p ... ck«alla 55-4tp • A TTRACl'IVE back bar, 16-ft. loog, 9-ft. high, marble top ard columns. perfect. Full plate mlr· ror, $375. Pb. Santa Ana 5429 . Immediate dellvery. Other mod· ANanIER magnificent Steinway. ~Is soonbouts--~"!..i"'!.~'!: Medium me. Beautlful mahoi:· rune • ~~~· -any case. "Ibe pano ot the boardt. Muten. D~Schmldt. Plano PLASTIC WA TERCR.AIT CO. Co 520 N Main. Santa Ana. 469 Newpwt Blvd., Coota Mesa Pb. Beec:cn 5102-M ~ltc aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET CX>., Inc. 0 din 1 ... CA 0 ,. D I • ~te 407 E. Central. Balboa " . 56-tfc Pl..-Hart>ar-:l67S. ~lte 1'ar -..Wlm. -u.. _...._ ....... c lnol, .. e;nt• 7' •<>· •• r .. I I • I • • ' -__ ,,,__ .1 ..... -~ ' I . .... • • _-.ii=-~ ~· ••. r-~ , • i n -' h 11C fr :!!Ir 1\ lM! r Pioneer Balboan Honored at Party Miss Shirley Hann Shower Honoree Harbor Lutiebelle Williamson Becomes Bride of Fred Lindeman ~ Rites at Navy Chapel Feminine Activities • Everett E. Chace, who came to M1u Kathleen Sadleir enter· Balboa when a youth of 20, cele-ta.ined Saturday evening a t the ~•---home of her parent., Mr. and Mn. bntted his 76th birthday • ,__, John Sadlelr, Corona del Mar. llor>- Pbzn 13 and 2M + ~ the chapel ot the srandlnotber ol. uie bride, -Santa Ana Llghter-Than-Alr Sta-pr_,,t u..,... a ifto,t uncle and tion as the """"' of their marrl-aunt, Mr. and Mn. W. E. Kine at age. Lutiebelle Wiiliamson and San Diego. at tbo Yellow Cottages Which he ortng Mias Shirley Hann. who is baa owned and managed for 44 to be an August bride and who years. The guests, moat of whom is leaving Wednesday for Detroit. come year after year and are Roses and dahlias were used for looked on u personaJ frie nds. sur. the decorative note and a cake, prised Mr. Chace With a birthday beautifulJy designed with a dove party in the patio, some 2tX> and r<>ies centered the buffet coming to wish him "Ha ppy Birth· table and was a ccom panied by ice day." cream. Tall tapers added their Your friends and min• Former Newport Girl Mar ries in Ceremony -Fred Louis Lindeman repeated The-"lftdcllng cake and ~ H bo •t vows Saturday afternoon 1n a were lerYed at a table covered The big cake \\'as baked by t he note of graciousness to the scene. , Mrs. 0 . J . Wilson, who with her husband, is the new owne r of Bay View Court. Balboa, has re- cently arrived from Vista and Mr. Wilson will come as soon a..111. they have sold the ir avocado r anch there. The couple have three children . Mr. and Mrs. Har old Thompson of the 30th s treet grocery r eturned last week from a vacation of five weeks spent with relatives in Idaho. Florence bakery and was accom·1 Bridge v.·as played and after- panle<l by tee cream. Sally \Vilk ward miscellaneous gif ts were helped ?tin. Chace serve the presented the honoree. Mrs. guests and J . A Cox took pi ctures ! Arthur Ke mper took first prize, of the affair for a lasting re-Miss Marilyn Hill \\'as second and minder. Miss Marjorie Mason was con-1t1r. and Mrs. \Villiam McDon-.-------------------------..,--.1 aid and family of Balboa spent When You Take Your Plunge ~ -~1--- t he week e nd at San Diego. Mrs. 1\.f. K. Ives of P asade na is at her cot tage on Anade s treet, Balboa, for the sum.mer . soled. Present >A'ere the 1\fesdames Kemper and Sadleir and the Misses Marjor ie Mason, Carol Woldenberg, Marilyn Hill, J a ne Grace. Claire Craig. Shirley Hann a nd the hostess. At First Baptist Church, Santa An a ar rl es cen!mony attended by 200 frlenda with lace and decorated wit.II ______ _ and reJa tlves. gardenias and white candles. Mn. Miss Lou Ann Acree, daughter with delphinium. The bride is the daughter of a C. V. McCerthY helping 9er"Ye. of Mr. and Mn. Homer Acree ot. A reception was held at the ~-and Mrs. E. !: Chapman, former rtjayor of Newport Beach, Many lovely wedding gifts werci Ontario and formerly or Newport home of the bride's uncle and t.!'ell' daughter, P a tnCJa, and her Chie! Pharmacist Harry Hays on display. Betlch. was married at 4 p. m . aunt )ir and Mrs. J esse L Camp.. f1ance, Robert Hadde n. have been Williamson and Mrs Williamson Th b "d •-• · · · t Lak Arr h d · · e rt e tiu"'w her bouquet, Wednesday, J uly 10. to Oliver Eds· bell. 1332 Sycamore street. Miss vacauonmg a . e ow ea of 1520 Miramar Dri\•e, Balboa, \•l hich was 8 . \vorth Nfodin of the Marine Air Phyllis Dietrich presided at the for a Wef'k and returned home Fri-a nd Mr Lindeman is the son of Es nd cl ught by ?ttiss H elen Co h be. guest book and Mrs Beth Jordan da y. A yo unger daughter , Judy, Is 1t1r and. 'frs Fred L Lindema n ~us, a a te r changed t~ her rps, t e ceremony ing per -. . . . , b k fr l\f 1 Ca. , h . " • . • going a wa y costume, a swt o1 formed at the First Baptist church cousm of the bride, was 1n cbarge ac 0~ . e i.ne ~ camp. \V ere 2374 Elden avenue, Costa Mesa. black and white check with Shock .. Sa nta Ana. ""i th the Rev. Harry of the buffet table lovely 'A'ith she w as JUruor councillor lll'lth the Their romance began in their . . . ' G' l Seo ts f t 111• k \ · ing pink hat and black accessones. Owings officiating. lace cl?th, candl~_. and a bouqu~t ir u or wo ee .s. school. da}"S Y"hen both attended Crestline was the destination of The bride, given in marriage by of white delph1n1um and gladi-\Vestwood m a trons \\ho have Newport Harbor Union high th 1 "th the first 1 Th b "d t th ... __ been vacationing at Balboa are h 1 e young coupe, W1 her fat her, >A'ore a dress of white o us. e ri e cu e uu.~ sc 00 · · ht t t •••--· In RI . ed eddi k d M Mrs Richard Argue and Mrs l\1er-ru g spen a 1~~1on n, ver~ cre pe in street length and carried tier "' ng ca. e an ~· .11 ftichards · Chaplain J. C. Gluck performed side . On their return they will u ... -4 a \Vhi te Bible on which Y.'ere gar-Kenn.eth ~rge assisted Mrs. Jar-ri · . the ceremony and t he bride w a.. a t the l\.liramar Dri\•e home for • denias in shower effect. Her at -dan m serving. D.uane Deakins'. son . of ?ttr. and given in marriage by her father . time for the bride's parents Jett tendan t was Miss Lois J ayne The bride \vent through the Mrs. _C. M. Dea kins, 15 home on She wore a s treet le ng th dress of Sunday for t>A'O n1onths in Wash. Bacon, a school friend. \\'ho wor e local grammar school. Newport ~acation and plans to ~n~er. med-y.•hite silk, buttoned dovi.'ll the ington and Canada . gray crepe and carried a nosegay Harbor Un ion high school and ical. sch~l . at the University ot back and >Ai th elbo\\' length bouque t of yellow carna tions cen-Santa Ana District Junior college. Californi~ in ~e fall. He gra~-sleeves. H er little veiled hat had tercd with red rosebuds. She has been attending Red.lands uat~ this sp~ing .from the Um-an oft the face brim in sweetheart Best man \\'BS Alber t Hampton, University and wi ll com plete her versity of C~ifo~aa at Ber~e~ey. outli ne and she carried a shower a university friend of the bride-work there next year. Mr. Modin Next wed.ding_ in the William bouquet of gardenias and bou- groom and ushers \\'ere Charles graduated from the University of Bolai:'d fam.ll y 1s o~ _W ednesday vardia. Dewey and Douglas Siden of the Kansas a nd served with the 1\i a-of this week whe n Wilham Boland, M w·u· M h . f J ·11 1 · h . b 'd M' rs. 1 tam urp y, siste r o Marine Corps. Mrs. Acree \A.'Or e rines. He has accepted a position Erd .. th'" He •1 1m 85 1 R1~ r~de ThlSS t he br ide: \\'BS her only attendant To Whom It May Concen.: The blamedest place you evet did any real estating at is at J, M. Miller 's, 15th and Central HArbor 1242.-Adv. Your Hair Will Be Dry · -- If You Wear One of Our ~ ~ for t he occasion a dress of flow-with the Knop..Snyder hfortuary Y e Y ton o 1vers1 e. e H dr f bl d · • · t t k I · th er ess o aqua ue \\•as ma " ti:xioCiX:ccx:i-:Xi:iCixi:iCJI I ered silk jersey and her flo,vers in Colton a nd the young couple ~remon) ~s 1 o l\: e peace in . e in a style similar to that of t he "'ere pink an d y..·hite carnations will make t heir home in t ha t city oro na e ar ommun1ty b 'd d h . bo d. . ---------------------------church and only the immediate ri e ~n s ~ wor e uvar 1a 1n Corona del Mar Malt Shop Bathing Caps We Have a Complete Line of Swim & Sun Suits for All Ages Orkin's · Department 1798 Newport Blvd. Store Costa Mesa Advance THIS WEEK G. E. 11.EATL~G P ADS A.S D LA.'tPS 518 !ltate mpway ee.co.. IM50ll Newport BMc.b August Fur Sale -See Lovely Sabel dyed Emtine, Ko- linsky, China Mink, rich M i n k blended Muskrat, Persian Lamb, Beaver . . . Magnificent Mink and lovely grey furs! FUllS • Proudly we present our 1947 FU R Collection! • More Excitingly lovely than Ever Before Starrin g Fl NE FURS In the New Season's Silhouettes! &-e their full sv•inging backs, luxurious new balloon slreves. deep tum -back cuffs. suave necklines ... definitely warm beautiful fur coe.ts you'll prize for seasons! Plall to Buy Your Far Coat OD Our Lay-a-Way l'tul • 218 N. ·Broadway Santa Ana Ph. 373 "ORANGE COU!>"Tl"ll ONLY EXOLtllllVE F1Ja 8'l'O_. Mesans Honored by Church Members 1 Mrs. Kemper ·Honors COM Bride-Elect relatives '"ill be presen t. he~ ha ir. Servt.~g as .best man "'as Chief Phann1cist \.\'!lliam l\1u rphy of the Terminal Island N aval Air Station. All the men of the br idal party \Vere in uniform. • Old fashioned malts At Wednesday Meet The Rev. a nd l\frs. Charles Hand l\tiss S hW'ley Hann. ~aughter of f c t M h h bee ~1 a.'< Ha nn. 1401 Seav1e'" avenue. O OS a f esa .. w 0 ave n Corona del r.tar, and the late me mbers ~ .chrlSt Church by the 1 i\Jrs. Hann, "'BS honorL'd a t a m is- Sca for .six years or more. are cellaneous bridal shower Wednes- transferr.mg to the Cost a l\1esa I day evening by Mrs. Art hur A. Commun~ty churc~ and ~ednes-Kem per lit her home on ()<>oar. ~ay ':ven1ng a special ~eetmg a nd boulevard. festival of fellowship \\'as held l\liss Hann ls leaving W cUnes- at the .church ~ter the usual pot day for Detro,i t , Mich., '"here she luck. dinner Wlth 50 people at-will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. tending. and Mrs. W illiam Hann, until Rev. Hand is a retired preacher some time in Aug ust, when she from the Iowa-Des hfoines Me th-will be married to Lt. (jg \ Harry odist confere nce and has been sub-Hendre n, who is a friend of L t. stitute pr eacher '1lt Christ Church Bill Kem per and le ft he re recently by the Sea as well as teacher of after s pending some time at the the Pilot Cass. Both Mr. and Kemper heme. Mrs. Hand have been members o( White flowers were used in the the choir. dining room and pink blossoms The Louis Brittinghams are a t their Lido Isle home a nd M_r. and Mrs. Albert Brittingham ·came do\\'Tl Frid~· for the ~'<' k-cnd. !\"Ir. and r.trs. Paul Loren tzen le ft Monday for the East coast and will a t tend the graduation of Mrs. Porentzen's tta ughter , Mimi Bacon, from Bennington college, Vermont. They will return about July 20 but 1\·1iss Bacon will re- main for the m arriage of J udy Horton of W estwood. which will tak e place in Boston on Aug. 10. Mr. a nd Mrs. Jeff Cravath and daugh ters, Carol a nd A.nn of Los Angeles who have been occupying the Lido Isle home of Dr. and Mrs .• lw. E . Mabee. left Monday for v ie Mabees and their daugh· ters are expected back this week from New York, wher e they have been vacationin g and visiting Dr. Mabee's mother in Con'necticut . The Stephen Royces and sons. Stevie a.nd b annie. are thrilled With their new boat1 &ston coaster m , a 42-foot schooner Which was sent around thruogh Decora tions at the chapc>I \\'e re \Vhite garde nias, larkspur a nd many lig hted tapers. At the \';'il- li amson home in Ba lboa /\trs. W illiamson r ecei,·ed guests at the r eception wearin g a smart black a nd gold dres!t and large black hat. Mrs. Alice Sperbeck, maternal We mean just this. NE W LI N E Craft. Greeting Cards Stationery ' Brookings V arietv _ ... o.... ~-o-... ..... Individuality for the "M otheT·to·bC" --• If we do not have it, we ma~e it, you see! ' CVonna~ctMarie Shoppe 515 N. Main St. --T aking pa.rt In the program and centered the br idge tables where expressing appreciation for the the desser t luncheon was served. years of service r endered the After play, when prizes were church by the departing members a"·arded, the bride-to-be received were D. W. Holtby, Richard Wall-lovely gifts. First prize went to ner , president of the Methoaist Mrs. Harold Woldenberg, second Youth F e llowship; Harold Glass. to Mrs. John Meador a nd Mrs. president of the Pilot Oass; Mrs. Lockwood was consoled. the canal by freight and whJch r------S:cLE:-==EVE=o-:INTER===ES=T--IN--THE=---NEW--------. will be kept In the harbor. DRESSES John K. Elliott for the choir, and Guests were friends of Miss the Rev. E . D . Goodell. Hann's mother and In cluded the Mesdames Woldenber g, Lockwood, Mrs. Nonna H endrickson of Los Meador , Cartter, Krafft, Ronald Angeles is vacationing with her Bernasconi, W. F . Mason, J ohn pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kel-Sadleir , 0 . Z. Rober tson nad Miss sey, 110 East Bay, Balboa. Ka thleen Sadleir. Ifs Always CO ·f f EE TIME At The • • • • • Guests a t t he home of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. H ebert, 2464 Elde n ave- nue, Costa Mesa, are t heir daugh- ter and grandson, Mrs. Geor ge Krauss and Di.vid, who arrived Wednesday from their home In Phoenix, Ariz., and will spend the summe r . Mrs. Krauss drove the m over and returned Sunday. Also leaVing Sunday was a niece, Mrs. A. R. Spikes of Bowie, Ariz., who went to Redondo to visit Mr. Spikes' mother and \\•ho .will re- turn home this 'veek . Air. Spikes is owner of a large ra nch and re presents his district in the state legislature. Drive Ca.refully-Spe.re & Llte . DoNuTC&w'As:r:LE DDDD'S . ~~~~ . . ~rnng ~t\~~:b)l~~~~§~ COF'F'EE & DONUTS • WAF'FLES ,,. •• 0 STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with ~Vl whipped cream) • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine Avenue Balboa Island o-,...s~ Open EoeniDp UnW 10 o'Clock -Cloaed on w-.,. ••• T •ll p~.,.,, $12.95 I "' " ~ Eveolop, Except Monday ~- .• OPE.'<ING TONI GHT Cl Gryphon Productions ~ :i; r ~ '~::,~· PLAYWOUSt ~ I "' :i: g: K EENAN WYNN o < z < .J z 0 z 0 = A. > 0: o · and TAMARA GEVA ID 20th . Century IULY JI TllBU :ti Limited Seating Capadty Resel"Vl!d Seats Available at BLUES~ BOOKSHOP ___ .,, Or 1-HI Oil ·-.1.,q U~: CIA.DIE TBEVOa AND ONSLOW 8'1'ZVEN8 .. 2 · .. " 0 c VARIES TO SHORT CAP EFFECl'S P USH-UP STYLES -LONG F11'1'ED, SHOWN IN 1WO-PIECE CREPE OR ONE -PIECE WITII PEPLUM SKIRT SIZES 10 TO 18 NEW BACK TO SCHOOL DRESSES INCLUDE 100% VlRGIN WOOLS CO'ITONS AND GABARDINES LOVELY aJLORS-SIZES 9 TO !? WHATEVER HAPPENS TO OPA, WE STAND PAT ON PRICES crhe Frances Norton Shop ~*~ L SECOND & BROADW AY tse 8eooad &. Broodlta Bl f.\s Fourth and Sycamore "" llaata Aaa Desiralill' nffe r Thirty Urgent after Forty? Fretting won't bring back th.at soft, appealing bloom lo Kin pu t its twenties. But science may help! Plus 30 Crea m contains on ly the genuine h ormones found in nature ... not a synthetic imitation. When absorbed by the skin, this hormone ingredjent tends to replen... ish Nature'• lagging supply of the glandular substance which contributes to the emooth.. nes&, the f~ pliancy and radiance o! yo1J118 llcin. Women <>-.tr thirty usually may expec& ,_111 after using one jar of Pl119 30 Creom..) Mado by Bonne Bell. --, I., W_.,• IM trW 11.00 flioo -,._ r.,, ...... ------ Toiletries Street F1oor n:~!o • 1-'---r---::-:-':-----:--------__,, • • • -.