HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-01 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB .,. SAM WE;ATHER· It was the hottest day in the year that Sam Porter picked on the Crabber to take a busi- ness trip to Los Angeles. Suppose he had read that it would be cooler in the Angel City, but as one man re- marked at one of the supply companies when mention was made that we were from Newport Beach: "Do you mean U> say you came In from that lovely shore to TlllS town?" All of which leaves the feelin gthat it is mighty nice to live at New- port Harbor, enjoy its cool- ing breezes and get some Inkling of why several mil- lion Inlanders hie them· selves to the seashore. + • • Doing Hi.. Stuff. Just read a proof whP.re the state as- sembly passed a resolution endorsing the Tournament of Lights and opine one can see J oe Bcek"s astute mind and the lit tie t:\-·inkle in his eye. as he persuaded Clyde Watson and Sam Collins to do their stufr ror Orange cot1nl)' ancl tl1e Lights ife~1 tt the middl e or August. Joe, as clerk or thP slate >'Cnate, has been there so long that he. knows just what to do and \vhere to go to achieve the things that spell publi- city and good will for the harbor and the Balboa Isl- and he laves so well. • + + S l ow Rescues. Even though it was a false alann_ yet it could have been a real case where a call came in t.o rescue a drowning person the other day. The life sav- ing truck had t.o race from Balboa around Newport to Bee.con Bay, a matter of 10 · ·-~J~t~~:.·1iur!~;;: • provide a speed boat for the harbor department so quick attention can be given life saving. The cost might be $5,000, more or less. Is a life worth that much to the Boe.rd of Supervisors, the Harbor commission or the city council ? Presume not, unless It be relative or frie!ld of the officials responsible for its lack. + + + Water, Water! Note that the luncheon clubs are going to discuss the MWD situa- tion and give· the city some Idea on what to do in calling an election for thousands of dollars worth of bonds re- quired to give us Colorado river water. 11iat's a good Idea but why not go a bit further and give other ci ti- zens not members of the Knife and Fork clubs, an op- portunity to put in their tw<>-bits' worth! There are quite a few of them, you know, and they also vote and pay truces. + + + This 'n That. . Letter from Jim Macklin. now a leading citizen of Los An- geles, objects to this guy us- ing ~'such a vile word as h ell." Jim says I never heard him use such a terrible 4-letter appela tion denoting fire and brin1stone. F'a.r be it from me to call James Hamilton :Macklin a trifler of the truth, but I bow to his su- perior wisdom and training. . . . Mrs. Chas. Hill claims we persist in misspelling ••prerogative" and that '"-e say "per" or tha t the proof reader is on vacation. Hope both the printer and proof- reader please note .... Yam about CongresSonal delega- tion going to visit Newport Harbor given to outside pa- pers by Harey Welch, in- stead of first to locai.roitors. Harey knows better than that and want his 'report be- . fore we put him in the same bundle with a certain other outspoken publicity chair- man. +I + + Apologlm. Before Otto CUlbertson "calls me" want t.o add his name to list of new auto (Chevrolet) firms In the harbor area in recent years. Point is that he is next door to News-Times and also lives next door to $am Porter. Sorry. • KEEP POSTED! 1 y.,... •.•... $2.M .. O...IJ' -=···Oat ot~ 9$:00 °"* ot --~~to New.-'J'hDM, Newpwt a.. .NEWPODT· • • BALBOA I ·weekly Newspaper MW>Mr Alllfi ._ reau of are.latioD EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COCONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL 'MAR, COSTA MESA VOLmo: XXXVID NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1-~· Snowbird's Race Here Sunday Afternoon Population Gain Strikes Water Supply Two other faclors which are f~c:t the City of New-port to ....,k a more permanent source of water for dollle8tic and general use are the steady population drain of the present weU sui>- pl y and the ever preoent danger of contamination of the wells by saline and oil fi eld brine, a municipal offi- cial said today. Col. E. H. Marks, Army Engineer, in Visit Here Friday Col. E. H . Marks, U. S. Army, head of the Western Division. U.S. Army Engineers, San Francisco. with CoL R . C. Hunter, District Engineer of Los Angeles, will visit Newport Harbor Friday, August 2nd. on an inspection tour. The Army officers will be accompa- nied by Mrs. !\larks and Mrs. Hunter. \Vith the visitors will be Major Eaton, he!a d of the Erosion Section or the District Office, Kenneth P . Peel, head of the harbor division or the same office in Los Angell'.!s. They "'°ill be taken over the harbor in his boat by J . S . Barrett, pres- ident of the Ne"1>0rt Harbor Cham b<>r of Commerce', l\1rs. J . S. Barrrt t. l\l rs. Hubbard Ho\ve and Th::1.1 thl"r(' is son1c C'\·idcncC' of Mrs. \\'. l\·f . Longmoor \\·ill "'el- foreign suhstflnc£•s IC'akin~ into thC' comC' the visitin~ ladicS". ,,.t·lls supplying-rt'sidcnt find in-With Mr. Barrett to mc>ct the du.stria] <:onsurners is verifird by officials \\"ill l>C' llubbard Ho\\'('., a samplf' tC'st rnarle last ,,.l'f'k hy Chairm:in of thC' Small Ttarhor n Jof'al photng-raphic supply huusc·.1 Con1mittre nf the State Ch;.imbcr .-\ f':i,p ta~•·n fron1 a (~uc.·C't rf'-of Con1mcrcc. Otht.•rs in the party \('alf'd Sl·~n11 t•nt of a mixture ~f lo n1t•et the visitors \\'ill be ~T ayor h.ro\\'n grit_. t~C' C'xact compos1· o. B. Rt't'd ror the ci ty. \\"nltf'r S. lion of \~·h1ch is unknO\\"n nt thC'I Spic<'r. rrprcsrnting the Orange prC'S£'nt time. County 1-Jarbor Comn1ission. a nd F our city \Vt.•lls on parcel No. \V. M. Longmoor and Harry \\'clch 1 \Vere abandonl'd in 1934 a nd S('V-for the Ne'''POrt Harbor Chamber l'ral oth£'r wells-in the lower basin of Comme rce. The party is ex- have been abandoned since on ac-pectcd to arrive about noon. count of the danger of foreign in- filtration. The danger of sea water In- trusion a nd of the contamination from saline surface wate r and from saline connote or deep-seated waters \\"ould be the direct result of a permanent lowering of the C083lal plain. • The existence ot the overdraft thus becomes or prime import- ance, the official added. The annual ovedraft under con- ditions pre vailing from 1922 to 1943 was estimated at 15.000 to 20,CXXl acre feet. Any Increase in the water demand due to normal growth of lrrigation or do- mestic use naturally would make this overdraft larger . Last Supper Role Played by Varied Character Cast LA GUN A BEACH. Calil.-"!'11 gi\·e you SlOOO if you'll assign me a part in The Last Supper." This was the offer made to Frederick Schwankovsky. director of thi9 year·s Pageant of the Mas- ten. leading feature of the Festi- val ol Ar~. August 7 through 18. by a retired resident or Emerald Bay. He told the dittctor he had seen the livlni reproduction of the lamed pictutt at L.quna'• pag<!ant se'\'t>ral years. and ..Ji.nee the rtrSt time had bee:n harboring a deep desire to take part. "Now rm a permanent r8ident and am willing to pay you $1000 if ·you will allow me to pase In the tableau." ~ said This man's enthusiasm is akin to that demonstrated by hundrt'ds or residents in this area. Competi- tion to page in the UYing pictures is keen. The Last Supper ca.st includes a ceramist. a lumber deli\'"f!l'Y man. a medical doctor. a masseur. a ghost writer and Rveral veterans of World War II. The port ol the Christ. alwa)'S kept a ~t. Is ~ lnC taken tbla _.. by a veteran. County Action Paves Way for Coastline J. C. • Old, Young Entered in 1946 · Event Colorado Drainage Basin Ciops Yield Huge 1945 Income • • • • Enrqan1 Wants safety for their savings ••• and __ Everqane 61ts safety when their savlnt• worl& here. -' Aed, tloey h•ve tlte •'9hntNrning• -I.tent •• uifh lnSURED NEWPOR T B A LBOA FED E R A L S AV I NGS and L OAN A SSO C I AT ION 2'333 VIA L.100 ~HON IE H AA•DR 15 00 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Seek Yacht Entry For Havana Race With the final race In the Pa- d.fie Coast Blue Star champton.. lhip elimination series having been aailed here Sunday with Bill Fic.ker u winner and the three top boats slated for the finals at San Fra ncisco, August 16, 17 and 18, the real interest of local yachumen is now centered ln the Gold Star world championlhlp races to be sailed at Havana, Cuba, Nov. 24-30. The elimination series for the world event will be held in New- port Harbor in September unJer the sponsorship of Newport Har- bor Yacht club with 15 e ntriea expected and the winner to repre- sent the Ne\vport Harbor neet in Cuba. Hopes are high that the wQrld championship will come to th.? Harbor for a t.t-Jrd time. The 11't~ Walton Hubbard. jr. won the trophy in 1927 v.ith his Tempe 11 and Hook Beardslee was 1934-J.i champion ~ith By-C. Five new Star boats arc schMuled to take to the water within the next two weeks, all in hopes of going to Cuba, but t he big threat \\'ill be Barney Leh· man and his South Coas~ ·built • ' . -• OFFICERS AND DIB.ECTO&S of tbe newly orpaluid Balboa bland Buslne. Men'• Aun. are shown rollowtnr their election a t Wldte'• Park Ave. cale lut WednetMlay e\·enlnc. Seated are H. E. Chrht- ler director· Lob R uehon. aecretary·tre&Mtrer and Hany Fonytlte, president. Standlnc are Dlreclon Bob Cook, \\• w Sanford B ub Powers, G ralnrer H yer , Hal Wlll Smith and Anton Hershey. · ' • -(photo by Neal Beckner) ' ' • ' ·' • .· Water District Plan Will Be Dillcussed At · Luncheon Clubs The merits and demerits of the Nickertz Opeas Allto Agency Here on Friday propooal, should Newport Beach The opening tomorrow of the Join lhe Metropolitan Watei: dis-Joe Nlckertz' Studebaker a\111> trict, will be debated in a 9eries mobile agency on Central avenue, or civic talks now being arranged acroa from the Lido theater wm' in Ne"WpOrt Harbor area. mark the latest establishment of It is planned by the civic ll'OUP a new business. concern in the interested in knowine: whether Harbor diatri~t and the entrance there ls more opposition er more of a 13-year resident to local bual- favor for the water district mem-ness circleL benhip proposal to have the l8lue Completing almOlt a year of ne- discussed fairly. at meetings of the gotiation and building, Joe Nick.- Newport Harbor luncheon clubs. ertz, who lives wtlh his wife and It II believed that In this way two children at 318 Sapphitt, Bal- the addresses Will be published boa Wand. Is celebrating his and Harborites in gene ral will be opening .... ith the display of the able to formu1ate an opinion of 1947 Studebaker Champion. the their own in time for them to car that has been the source of vote on the proposition in Sep-considerable favorable comment. tember. N ickert, who -came to the Har· Police Probe Nine More Area Thefts bor area in 1933. has been in the automobile business almost all his adult life, having been with the Paul G. H offman agency in Los Angeles for 16 years and having tinkered in garages a good many Nine petty thefts were reported. years before that. tO Newport Beach police this It wa.s while a salesman "i th week. ' Christian F . Schindler of New. :.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·1 Scout V whic::!"l was launched last Sunday. Bright yellow iri oolor, ,. I , port Beach reported the the ft of $75 \\'orth of carpenter's tools r a trunk on a car parked in entral avenue near the Douglas boat works. the H offman company that Nick· ertz built up quite a Studebaker clientele among local folks and he decided to one day build his own agency here. Associated with Nickertz as service manager will be Wtlliam Taylor, who also was with the Hoffman agency for many years and who recently bought a home in Newport Heights. DIESEL SERVICE t here will be no mistakini;t it in the Southern California Yacht association races at San Diego next week. Lehman is Pacific Coast champ. ion and missed taking the intrr· national champio nship a t Los An· geles harbor in 1941 because the committee ruled the tip of his mast hit the marke r btiuy. Of the other new Stars four are be- ing built at the Costa Mesa Boat yard. One is for the owner of the yard, Camille Beaumont, and the o thers are for Davis Hatch, captain of the Star Boat uso- ciation; Fra nk Guerkin and Clyde Converse. Another is being built at Manhattan Beach for Burl Gardner . These will all be en· tered in the Gold Star elimination series. I J . A. Brandt of 317 Coronado avenue, Balboa, reported the theft of a .675 mm. German Walther automatic. The new and attractiVe build- ing next to the Richfield statioti is being leased by N ickertz and is owned by Warren Br~tol of Hunt· ington Beach. Nickertz. who ts quite a fisherman and golfer, wa.s employed. by the South Coast Co. in Nev.'J)Ort Beach for 3 ~ years during the war, as a machinist. NEW 225 H. P. DIESELS ON HAND Re<xlndltloned Diesels on band with choice of reduction llllitll. · e WE ARE WRITING ORDERS ON BIGHT· AND Ll:FT· BAND ROTATION DJESEL8 FOR TWIN INSTALLA· TIONS. CHOI CE OF REDUCTION UNITS. On Hand: 165 H. P. Genenl Motors-New. See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels Dieoel Generator Seta of All Klnm. FRANK B . LEWIS (LaciQ' l.ewt.) O....or-M..._ PHONES Shop II Ways: Beacon 5431 at Bohm!U! Co. Newport Beach Office: Beacon 5889-W fl5 WtMnth St. ' Newport Helgbta Going to San Diego for the S. C. LT . CMDR. H. C. D URKEE 33 Beacon Way, Balboa Inactivated REJECT SALES TAX Y. A. r egatta \Vhich begins Sun· day will be eight of the Star fleet, Bill Ficker's Cynosure, Davis Hatch's Sioux, Toodie Christen· sen's Valhalla, George Hall's Whirlwind, Saint Ocero's Stormy, SAN CLEMENTE, July 29.- Priscilla . Cunningham's Moira, Merchants and taxpayers here Clarence Waterman's Kagy and have rejected a proposal of the Lehman's Scout V. League of Orange County Oties Top winners of the ellmina tlon series who will go to San Fran· to lmpose a hall percent city sales ( i • ! . 1 tax on local purchases in an effort d.sco 8.('e Bill Ficker, 20.,. poinU; to raise more revenue for the city. S WIM INSTRUCTOR Art.bur M. Steck ot Yountville and Ml9a .Joan Hatch, 19~ points and Toodie -------------z ube, his ...a•tant.. took time out from tbclr ..re •wlmm.lnc" ln - Ou'istensen, 12 points, who will •tructlon clUMHI lo Newport Harbor t or tht• picture. M.IM Zube Is take the pince ot George 1-lnll. series wer.~ Cicero, 12 points; CUn· the da ugtate r of Capt. Ed Zube v r f1re St;atlon No. 4. who came in for 13 point.I, but will nlngham, 9 points and Waterman, -Photo by Red Cross. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~be~un~a~b~l~e :t~o~g~o~-~O~lh~en~~ln~lh~e~4:po~ln~ts~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::t ---------------------------Hitchman Won the Governor, the only machine But Welch Got the Publicity Harborites are chuckling over l\lrs. V.'arre n to be official starte· the r ecent publicity setto between ! for the Snowbird Flight. so every· Harry Welch, Balboa's public re-1 one seems to be satisCied. Stan1ey Arndt of 812 West Ocean Front, Balboa, reported the theft of a varnished fishpole. Mrs. J . R. Sanford of ls6o E. Ocean Front. Balboa, reported theft of three "beach to"·els. R . C. Atchley of Seal Beach reported that his automobile was ransacked at Corona del Mar and that $68 in cash and valuable r eal estate papers and a government check made out to him w as stolen. Mrs. G. F . Gilbert of Newport Beach and :r..trs. M. Davis of the same city reported the theft of 15 assorted bath towels and a child's red bathing suit from clothes line. Mrs. P . w. Peden of 1011 W. Bay avenue, reported the '.theft of five 1 bathing suits from a clothes J.ine. Mrs. E . T. Taylor of Balboa r e-- ported the loss of a diamond ring and a sapPrute· studded \YT"is t watch While she was at a movie Vet Personnel The Veterans Administration employes 106,000 doctors, Jawyen, actuarial experts, clerks and in· vestlgators. SHOES BepUred While Yon Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nert -r lo lla1' V.. <We la.m.tolp.m. show. 1-------~~--~--' . • Before You Build or Remodel Vt.It Ow Interesting ,Sample and Dlaplay Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprebem- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works lllZZ 8ouill Mala St. Pboae l!aala Ana %8411 SANTAANA in the of its kind Newport Harbor Area! lations lmpressario, and Walter 1 "From nO\\' on," the Balboa pub- Hitchman, th(' Beacon Bay press 1 lie relations impressario mused, agent, in their maneuverin~. to l "V.'e'll make _the Snov.1bird Flight get Governor Warren to off1 c1ate a ladies' aCfa1r." a t their respective and colorful However, Welch is still one up i==§§~~§§§§§====~=========~ August events. on Hitchman. The Snowbird W elch popularizes the F light of Flight program receives national the Snowbirds and Hitchman publicity and only recently it won propagandizes t he Tournament of thousands of dollars worth of free Lights each ye'1'-advertising .in the metropolitan ZORIC DRY CLEANING SYSTEM ' .. -!-~ - You are cordially invited to visit and inspect our new plant and see for yourself that the ZORIC DRY CLEANING SYSTEM produces the highest quality of cleaning. FREE Phone Phone Beacon 5798-J Pick Up and Delivery Beacon 5798-J LIDO CLEANERS • 456 Ne'Wport Boulevard Plenty of Parking Spaee Welch recently issued a press New York dallies which have wide release stating that Warren ac· circulation as far south ~ Miami, cepted an invitation to be offical Florida, and as far west as Chi· starter for the flight of the Snow· cago. birds. Upset by publication of this report, Hitchman charged that the Th ft Fr B t governor made no such promise. e . o_m . oa &'aid Hitchman. the governor is B6at equipment, tncluding a tar· going to officiate in the program paulin. a pair of ~ccn oars, a set of the To urnament of Lights. I of oar locks. a bait box and a red The Flight of the S nowbirds fire exit sign, we_re stolen from a takes place here August 3· the . motor boat, v.·h1ch "'as moor ed Tournament of Lights. Au~t 17., at "D" street. Mrs. l\1ary Price of Balboa. reported to Newport I In the intC'rim. so the stor y g?£!5, Beach police . \Valter got Joe Beek, oldt1me ------- 1 senate scribe. to be host to Gov. I d d and Mrs. Warren at the Beek l Car mpoun e home on Balboa Island, a nd there, Newport Beach police have im· it is said, the Tournament of pounded a car "'hich was found Lights committee won the gov. abandoned. in a red zone actoss ernor. He will be commodore of from the Balboa fire hall. The car, the fete. police said, \\'as registered to Not to be outdone by this capi~ Douglas S . Muller of 249 Ladera tulation, \Vetch decided to invite drjve, Beverly Hills. 7 For Delicious STEAKS BREAKFAST 4l LUNCH e DINNER .-on- Baib·oa Island li llloc:k from Ferry 113% .Agate Going to You probably have yoDl' dream hoooe all worked out In yoDl' mind -or maybe yoDl' architect or contractor already baa pnipared plans on paper for yon. Eleetrtclty will have a large part In making dl'l!IUl>ll of postwar living come Woe. When yon go ov~ tbe plam with yoar .....,_ be sure to ull him alloat tbe ""'"..t ,develop-= la la ll«aebokl labor •'llm& ud ,_ ....., baaiJ .. Oar JC•r•-la ~ eltddwl w!ll be pd to llelp wlth ..,.,... ..... ar prvt' I 0.. 1GUufl• .. 7 ash a lot el. dllla 79 la tile~ ol Gia& hi 7 trs · HOKll & CALVAI I lll!(<JS 4 I • I e ' 1000 OaMt ~ ...,.e Ba-11111 Alie ..... ·~~1 ... 1•l•1_.'W1Willoli ................. 1 ... ~1~1•o~DID'"11~ .... ~0.)al!•' ... ' El0ECl'RICIANS • ... -. ·Mass X -Ray Service Plan Is Open to Al~ Countians A county-wide search for un-250 people here who probably do known cues of tuberculosis will not even know they are ill, since be Inaugurated early next month tuberculosis often has no outward under a mass X·ray program be-symptoms in its early stage, yet tng •Ponsored jointly by Ole Or-who are losing their health and ange County Tuberculosis associa· m3y be giving the disease to tlon and the Orange County others. The o nly way to find H ealth department, according to these unkno\\'n cases is to X,ray an announcement made yesterday apparently healthy people:· b y William R. H)7lds, president The X,ray project '4'ill begin of the association. \\;th· t he examination of· the office '1"his is one of t he most im· personne l and workers in the partant steps ta ken by the spons· larger industrial pl a nts. A m~· oring organizations for the con· I em transportabl~ X:-r ay unit. tro1 or tuberculosis:· S""aid ~tr. OYl'llcd by the Cahfornta Tubercu- Hynds. It is estim a ted that a p. losis associa ti\'.)n \\"i ll be used. It proximately 1000 persons in Or· v;.ill be opera ted . by e~rt tech· ange county ha,·e t uberculosis. a ni cians and the films .\v1ll be read communicable disease \\'hich is by local rOC'ntgcnologists. Sched· spread from person to person. ~l~ are being i:nad~ and other pre· "Of this number onl 750 are hmin~n: v;.·ork lS being d?ne by lhe ' Y · · assoetat1on. Nurses aides. who known to the health authorities. lso · ed · th lnu"la • Th · lik have a assist tn o er s • us, there are some thing e .11 k ds and programs, \\'l eep recor assist when the X-r ays ar e take n. After industrial workers have been X·rayed. other groups will be invited to join in the search for all unknown cases of tuber· culosis by having chest X-rays, ac, cording tO l\1r. Hynds. .. We hope that every adult in the community \viii want to par· ticipate in this program to control tuberculosis:· he said. "We are beginning \\'ilh industries for two reasons. One is that workers In industrial plants represent large groups which can be easily reach· ed. The other is that, generally speaking. \Vorkers are particularly vulnerable to tuberculosis. .. • OnM' a I t fi A .... !, 1Ma Enderle, San Bernardino Supt. Promoted in S. f .. Moves 0 . L. Gray, auistant to oper~~-=-------,------- County Ai·..:a Asked ating vice president of Santa Fe U Railwa)· at Ol.icago, has bttn ap- pointed general manager or East-Toward City Fire ern Lines, with headquarters at Topeka, succeeding H . B. Lautz Boat Maintenance who retires ef"fective July 31 after 56 yea.rs of continuous service, it was announced today by G. H. Minchin. operating vice president 1 at Chica.go. • First employed as a file 1clerk in the Los Angeles office in 1,909, Gray held various PoSitions in the operating department before his appointment as tra inmaster at Ga llup, N. 1-f .. in 1927. In 1936 he was named superintendent of the Albuquerque division \\'1th headquarters at Winslow, Ariz., and became assistant general man· ager of the Coast Lines in 1941, from "'hi ch position he was ap.- -~"' pointed to assistant to vice presi- dent in 1942. Gray '''ill be succeeded at Chi- cago by Guy R. Buchanan, assist- ant gener al manager, Coast Lines ' SANT A ANA, July 29.-0range. county has been asked to appro- priate S-'>700 annually as its share of the operation and maintenance of a fire boat in the service of the city of Newport Beach. 1.-takjng the' proposal "·as Fire Chief Frank Crocker of the Ne\\'- port Harbor fire department, \\:ho also sugg('Sted that the county might like to contribute an extra $100 monthly for operation of the harbormaster's activities. Payment by the county will give the fireboat and crew a legal right to enter into county territory to fight blazes ashore or on craft either moored or mo,•ing, Crocker said. at Los Angeles, since early this Santa Ana Driver year. A. a. r:n•er1ee, ••pe•••••••••' Faces Tipsy Count of the Lot AArr.IH dJvblon wttb headquarters at. San Bernardino I alace A.prd of thl• year, will •u~ Thomas M. Lynch, 22, of 2001 '"'b ceed Buch.&aan, Prior to h.19 traaia-Rousselle street. Santa Ana. was .._ '-"P-..-· fer to Saa Bernardino, Enderle booked by the sheriffs office on COMBINING PULCHRITUDE A.~D ABll.ITV, these four local had been supql•telldeat of the a · charge of drunk driving after laMeS ba\•e be'f'JO ch<>Aen to carry the emblem of the Los Anrftee Albuq"uerque dlvlalon at Wlaslow he is a lleged to have driven Athletic club and to perform for that ehamplon-maklnc orgonlza.tlon sin ce IN!. through a stop sign and narrowly In •"1mminc meets as well as to recelvlll& lf:MODA from the club'• SuCC'eeding Enderle at San Ber· missed an automobile in the ~1 00 famous swimming coachM.. From left to rtcbt In the back row the nardino will be A. J . Smith. now block of Santa Ana a,·enue. Costa comely nataton are Sarah Be91, Corona de.I ~tar ; .Joan de 01'U8e>, superintendent at \Vinslow. Smith ~fesa to\\'Tlship. Friday.· Balboa Is land, a.nd Joan Dodd, Balboa bland. In the foreground h served successively as t r,inmaster, Lynch also "·as to be questioned Dot \\'rtJ;"ht. Balboa h land. -(photo by Gerhardt) d d "It cannot be ov£'r·emphasized. assistant superint£'n ent an su-in regard to the sides\\iping of a ho\\'e,,er. that tuberculosis knO\\'S • perintendent at Ne!'dles Crom 1942 1 machine O\\·ned by Virgil T . Cour· SAnT41 4111A • CllUFORJIUI GILL'S DELICATESSEN no boundacy li~es. Anyone may Court Orders Family to Leave , to 19-16. . sey of 811 West Ca mille. stroet. ge t the dis£'ase and a ny case of • 0. H. O~born, superintende nt of Santa Ana, bet\\'C'<'n Nt!''·porl tuberculosis in thc> community is Harbor Section by Next Monday thC' no r thern ~ivision al F~rt I Beach a~d . Costa .~tesa. C'o11r~cy a threat to the r est of the com e I I \\tort~, T e xas, will suCCC<"d Smith told sheriffs d~·put 1~s he foll O\Ved munity. Cha ractC'r ized by 1he cvurt as cloihcs to shreds. j at \V1nslo\V. the alleged s1des\v1per to 16th "Bec~use of the Jong syn1ptom·/ "undf'sirables" a young couplel It had bc('n the third trip to • str 4:-t and N~\vport boulev~rd. and lC'ss onset of the disease. the onl y prepared today to forsake their the city court .for th£' husband, Newport Beach Police from !ha t point the deputi("!) took \\':tY one can. be sure his l~n~s abode and lc>ave Newport l-(arbnr s a id lhe judge before he passed Issue s ............ ~ Tickets t-0 up the chase. are healthy 1s to have pcr1od1c for a t 1£>ast l\\'O years. sentence. . ~ --------x Th f th F C ty Motorl•sts James F. B yrnes, S("('re ta r y of chest ,rays. c presence o e The spouse told the court ea.·li er OUr OUTI d. · led b x be State-"l t \\'ould be \\Tong to give 1sease os cevea y , -ray • in the day tha t she would leave Avat"Jable Surplus · d Yugoslavia the .. ~:hole or Venzia fore its symptoms appear an the harbor area alone. leaving Ne\\'1'V'\rt Beach traffic police- • ... nm-. P.APALMER LIDO ISr!8 PWPEKIO:S ~~~-·,~~~- ' W. 0. »UCK-1.nsurar.:e <Aunselor .4:.... 1500 ~.&..{ 3333 VU. LIDO CALIFORNIA Polished AluntinUJn CHAISE LOUNGES • Durable .-Comfortable . Beautiful FURNJTURE ·11Z2 COAST WGHWAY "ln the Miracle Mlle" S Blocks South of The ArchM EVERYTHING FOR THE H OME FURNITURE RADIOS APPLIANCES FOOD SHOP • Fl'Mh Apple Sauce p ty D ta T Id ...., Giulia. since it would transfer \\'hile the disease is still in a stage tYl·o small children in the custody roper a 0 me n this week handed citations · ds dil from Italy to Yugoslavia t he city when 1t respon most rea Y to of her husband. In Federal Booklet to the following all_,.ed !:...........1ers : ~~~~~_'.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ed . . -.,. ~ of Trieste, with its 50,000 Italians." treatment. Persons interest tn The husband was prepared to Alfred£. Lee of Costa 1t1:esa, who having a chest X·ray are urged provide for the children in the was Mid to have driven 50 miles : t".3 ~b1:.Seat to contact the Orange County harOOr area home until he, too, Answers to many questions on an hour in a 25-mlle zone. He was Tuberculosis association, 112 West was told that he could but n1ake buying surplus war property are told to appear In city rourt next • Pickles -OUvea Ft.Ith St Santa Ana." now obtainable in the new 32.page ·• one choice of two things : Monday. • C"--Moats • Sardbu!e -Audiovleo RUNS INTO CAR • Crackers -1119cultl! • Fnnch Bo& Linda Lockett, age fiv~. of 5821 Lindenhurst avenue, Balboa Island, --------------I ran in front of a machine at 112 SHOP AT GILL'S Garnet street, Sunday, and waa For Freeber V egetablel! Better Mealll Fancy Groeerlee Z45 Foreat Ave. slightly shaken up, Police were told, Driver of the car was Tom H. Smith of San ~tarino, police re- ported. Witnesses totd police Smith was driving slowly at the time of the mishap. War As.sets Administration book· "You can go to jail for 30 days let, available free at most United R ichard H. Snodgrass, 21. of or you can leave to\\'Tl tor two States post offices. P. 0 . Box: 164, Balboa Islnnd, ,,·ho, Yf ars," the city judge said. police said, was driving 35 n1iles The iUu.strated booklet explains an hour In a 25--mile zone. He also "But Ir 1 go to Jail." said the procedures for buying surplus is scheduled to appear in court husband reluctantly, .. what will goods, telb where to get infonna· her e on Monday. happen to the children ?" tlon on sales throughout the na· Evalyn Marie Early o! Costa .WThereforoourthtadit"d 0 nneo.t have an an· tion, and gives information to vet· Mesa was cited by police for al· erans u to their rights and prior· 1 edl d ln 50 mil h u I "I'm a machinist by trade a nd eg Y o g es an ° r n ltles. a 25-mile zone. She was to apPear l'd like lo stay here. where l can Booklets with additional specific in court thia: Saturday. support my children ," the husband information for buying in South· Paul R Wolfe of Brea, c;t.e-J by said, "but if I go to jail I can't em California and Arizona are police for reportedly doing 50 do that. If you will give me Un· also available at the WAA region· tn a 25-mile zone, wu told to a;'- til Monday, I 'll take them with al office. 155 W . Washington blvd., pear in court next Tuesday. LAGuNA BEACH Scotch tape, various sale at the N~·TI.mes sizes, on me:· and at WAA public interest and Today the husband, knowing veterans priority offices at 3636 the cruel housing situation, was Beverly .blvd. in Los Angeles, 4205 '-''Ondering if he would be able to Pacific Highway in San Diego, .-----------------------------;I find another place for himself and and w . 35th and \'an Buren tn brood. Phoenix. Sankey Returns Home Robert Edward Sa nkey, son of Mrs. Pearl E. Sankey, 904 So. Bay Front, Balboa Lsland, was dis· charged from the Navy on July 26 after more than three years' service. Sankey is a Conner stu· dent or Newport Harbor High school. Bob Jayred's R·I C H F I E L D S ERV I C E Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Can Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497.M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa Police records disclosed that the spouse spent the night in the dty jail for being drunk. Records also disclosed t hat the husl>And was arrested t.he next morning on a charge of lntoXication and ma· liclous mischief in & complaint signed by his spouse. According to the police, the wife returned home Wedn~ay to find that he r husband had torn her Given Probation Three years probation and a fine or $50 "'8.S levied against Arthur E . Duncan last week in Superior Court after Duncan pleaded guilty to the theft of Harold Knight's "Jimmie Lee" from a Balboa pier lut June 28. Duncan was ordered to begin payments of SS monthly by September 1. For offJce News·'nmel. aupplles, see tM l0$ AMfllS MOUYWOOO lONO MACM LESTER & Co. INVISTMIN1 SKUllTllS TO M.ln THI INVISTOIS' NllOS Thieves Need Towels Bath towels are on the preferred Ust of the gang of thieves which are operating in the harbor area. Ten were removed l'rom the clothes line of L. H. Federheart, 128 Opal •tree!, Balboa uland, and four "'ere removed from a line at 1352 CentTal avenue, police were told. ':' l l'tftl*DI .......... M.,,.J,er Loi A•r•~r Sloe.I: Excb.ltr• 2004 W EST Cf:NnAL A Vil, NETPOaT BEACH HARBOR 1374-J REAL ESTATE Jack Sullivan News·Tlmet advtttiJementa an your cuJde to earldent spend!ne. f 205....,.st fad& JlM. • .......... ,... allciiUd ......... ~-·kiow,,ripr_ .... -ol ~ lot ---.titfte--.- "°'rd:~ with boiliftc qnap ... ...... boil J llO S mi--. Pill hot ;-- to \o!i itd. ,,_ top .nth hot fnlit -.cl Hquid. a ... ove bubblir•: Wi,. rim. Adjwt w. ~ .... -q~ in ..,... __ tNllll rr......-10.m-t. a...t-20mi..,.. Cold 1'.d: Fill ,_ j• with pMltd ,_ W-C--to Yi inch hvm lop with boiliftc qtVp or~. Piniatl • etio., ,,__ ill boifilll ... beth ,.,....__20 .. ~ CIO .. + ... --JJS ...._ -c-. ... .,..,. LJ4N $,,,.: Dil9ol:ft I nlfl ......-i.· 3 10 4 c,.. -.tft. Con. 5J'"IP ...t H-r: Con ~or hooey may bot \Md ta ,..,,-. up to ~ w....,.~ • .,., r.u.: P-tt.. _,. bot c....s MtillfllCtorily without ..._-. u-t:oilina --~ or fNit jv:K-9 iii p'-9 ol ....-_,.,.. n. MUI will ~ -....._ ......... Te PM ' S.few•t H1 ,1,.., ef ,..c:~i ll ... .... ,_,.N•il ....... .. ........ ...., .......... . S. ... ett1ectM....,....,et ,.. .......... s.t.w.y "--I ' E~BERTA PEACHES I . C j ralla._..,,,F __,,n;,;, tbl ''"°"" ,.. -I =··i· Note the cncsi'l9 prim. JfllaM NICI IY .,.. we ••• .a.. HALE PEACHES IYTNI LUG .. v"'Yr..p. r. •••Cl ___ .., .. ,..._, APPLES . .. CANNING SUPPLIES ...... CDl'ninO is easier _ .. "i#>,_ t INSURANCE CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment ·GROUND BEEF .... - ..... Jam ........... .... ~._,_,s,_,_,.., .. Joseph J. Howe •Life Harry H. Frederick • Life -Fire -Auto -Comp. -Liah. Barbor 1247-J 1213 Coast Biway -Corona del Mar, Calif. • • Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Barbor 502 or Bacon 5508-W 17UI lllld S..ta AM A--Ooefa .._ °'"""., ......... _,Vl<bc_ CHUCK ROAST e11:11• 111111•0 ••• --.... -- Pmu a:• " ............ ... While,....., ... :•t1 ... ~ ......... ... , ..• .., FlfDed ... = ... ............ .... SISnDC-azm~alll I :;:» "::'• ~·Cnam "':!..'= .. ...... _ ........... v.+.,JarLlds - • C.4111 Jar Lida ' - • M-JarCap _ .. CallnJarCap -• -· ...... ·-~· __ ....,.,......_.. --.. ............... ... ...._ .............. 'el _.._""' ......... _ ........................ ' ----·-;:;~ ... .__ .... I,. ... . ·---.. '!;' t · .. ..... f I .. . ...... . .. , ., ................ . ~· I 1 --• ....... ~ .. ..., ..... _. .... 7 _,, ,_. , ........ "".··='I I~ .... SAi LKJtl" RnN~119Alcobol ,.. .. --' . • ' I'-' 8lde Newport llhd., (l m •Ml-.. ..... ~-··· .. • • ' -· ROOFS APPLDm OR REPAIRED Free Estimates & Inspection W. J . Benbow 3602 Marcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J BALBOA \\ CAFE Bay Avenue and Wll8hington St., Balboa, California Re-Opening Saturday, Aug. 3rd under New Management and New Help '- Open 5 A . M. to 1 A . M. "Nancy". formerly of Bay Front Cafe is our dinner cook CLOSED THURSDAYS Waid Largen, Owner B.ack Again- TRANSFER FILES! Letter or Legal Width Sizes and 26 Inches Long Made of corrugated pressed paper, with steel reinforced edges for strength and durability. Can be stacked in units of 4, 5 or 6. EXTRA! Strong, Sturdy Durable, Good- Looking Smoking Stands $9.50 "LYON" Single and Double TMH" LOCKERS 12x12x60 and 12x15x72 Six• B.a'N 3 slncle prons and orw double prong c;O&l book. Doon are louv~red at top and bottom tor veUlaUon and fi tted with a numbtt plate. -FEATURES- 902 No. Main .,._ 743 • • • • N&WPOaT BAll'OA tlU Booked by Police Richard 0 . Nilsson or San Luis Obispo w as booked on a c:harge of drunk driving by Newport Beach police following a n accident on the overpass near here Wednes- day. No one \\'as hurt. On T ime Mrs. (studying catalogue): "At last! H ere is the pillow I \'Vant, dear; 25 per cent down and-" Mr.: "Nothing doing. We're nol. beginning any of that time pd.y- ment stuff." Mrs.: "But listen, darling, it 1ay1 25 per cent do\\'TI and the rest goose feathers!" ROSSI'S Liquor Store '100 Cout Bla'b••J' Harbor Hi f acuity Lists Changes (Continued from Page 1) ber he will be on the te aching force again . Seven members of last year'• faculty are nol returning this year. Mr. Roy Andersen. for ma ny yean teacher of sod.al studies, left to tak<' over the vice principalshlp of the Riverside High school. r.t iss Dorothy Converse resigned from the Home Economic depart- ment to take some more work at 0r<'gon State college. l\tiss Ruth Frochlich Vv"ho taught quire. Terms of sale cash In la\\'ful money of the United S tates on confirmation of sale, or part cash and balance evidenced by note se- cured by Mortgage or Trust Deed on the property so sold . T en per cent of amount bid to be deposited with bid. Bids or offers to be in writing and will be r eceived-at the afore- said office at any time after the first publication hereof a nd before date of sale. Dated this 1st day of August, 1946. PATh"TING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E . McDonald WANTED: WAITRESS---Cheryl'! Cafe, 322 Marine Ave., Balboa I sland. 56-tfc WAITRESS WANTED six days week. Nor ton's Bay Shore Cafe, BARGAINS! Lowest prices in furniture is mJ motto. I buy r ight. I sell right I also buy furniture. Ne'ed le's Furniture 2204 NeY,rport Bl\'d. 414 Old Conty Rd .. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013*J 85-tf( 17th and Coast Highway. S!l-tJc ____ F_O_R_S_A_L_E ___ _ HELP \VA.h'TED-Working man- ager for apartment house. Apartment furnished & month - ly salary, or, part-time worker. Phone Harbor 2360-M. 59-tfc fRAN~PORTATION 18 s Su 4 M 5 T 6 Nd• an placed ln order ot ~ lJPt ftpt'till L m.: dara: ~ p. 9' PueL:c NoTrcE SEE MR. PETIT SOUTH COAST CQ_ NEWPORT BEACH WELL BRED spir ited saddl(' horse. good \Vestern saddle and bridle. N . W . corner of 15th and Santa Ana Ave., Costa 1.tesa 54-tf( Oil Gunder.Jn Drug Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 . ftO..tt• Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52•tfc NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF 51-tfc: WANTED TO BUY STOCK I N TRADE ------------- II NOTICE ts HEREBY GIVEN . that · "f'ed f ' Id W1'll p Cash Wm. J . Ad&m!,i. 'residing at 916 Emerald WANTED-D1gn1 1 ie repre-ay Bay, Laguna iseach. C&I•fom111.. Intends sentattive for well known por-For your furniture or what havt to sell and t ransfer to F . w . L&rgen trait st udio. Man or woman ·, unu Phone Beacon 5656. Craw. DANIEL A. WHITE, of Cost& Kesa. California. all of his J"'- Administrator of the estate of Alma Libbey Eckleen, deceased. EDWARD R. MILLIGEN. Allor- ney for Administrator, 20 l'Jo. R aymond A've., Pasadena, cb.li- fornia . Pub.-Aug. I , 6, 8, 13. 15. 1946. right. title. and lntett1t In and to the car necessary. Liberal commis-ley Furniture. 1812 Newport ron~i~~ce~e:f~~!tfu~trt~'ridt~:J!: sion. See "Mr. Fox, Bernard of Blvd., Costa Mesa. etfe bustnes• known as the Balboa Cate H II ood S tudio Balboa Inn CASH F OR USED FURNITURE and located at the Northwest corner 0 · yw • or Ba.y A\·enue and Wuhington Street Arcade. Phone Harbor 1048. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. in that portion of the City or New* 58-4tc ....,. ,.,.C port Beach known u Balboa. --------------u toi;:'ethe r with all Ill! pqulpmenl. good !..;._ ___________ _ name. &nd good will or 11.aid bwilneu. YOUNG WOMEN FURNITURE FOR SALE Formerl.J' Gordon'• Dl"lll'. Oral English a nd Dramatics dur-on the 8th day of August. 1946. at ten o'clock a.. m. at the office of Ross Synth•t1·c-1'ls have •--n de\•el-Greeley. 302 Main Street. Balboa. Call· ·T elephone Operating F OR SALE-Piano. Stager up- right, grand, $200: twin con spring mattresses, $25 each: twin deluxe coil springs. $15 each. Phone Harbor 494.. 58-tfc Ope.a Eve.ry Day ing the last three years resigned ~==:::~~~=~=~==~! in ord('r to be married. She became .. -... ut.""r fornla. The con!ltderallon or price ls oped that will continue to n ow at to be pa.id at the time and pl&ce of p ositions are available temperatures as lo\v as 121 de-sal)ated thll! 3l!!t ctr1.y of July. 1!>.t6. Corona del J.\>lar Malt Shop 1018 Coat m chw•y • Old tashloned malts We mean just this. Domestic and Commercial Perfecold Newport Electric Appliance Co. Ulll ~ llUft. -11• the bride of Captain l\.Yedric Ivan Llnder. U. S . Army. on July 11 . at l\iC'moriol Chtlrch, Stanford grres below zer o. They are for use WM. J . ADAM S. to YOU in your Own I · I h dr I' I Vendor. university, California. n a1rp anc Y au IC Systems. Pub.: Ault. 1. 19-46. COIDffiUni ty. F OR S At..E-Bed-davenport with mattress. $15: over-stuffed chair \vith gr('('n covf'r. $5 .. N. 0. \Vendcn, 234 Goldenrod Avr: .• Corona del Mar. 60-4tp Mrs. ~·1 a r t h e 1 I a l\.YcSC'vney, 1 tC'acher of Oral English and Dra- ma tics, during the past year. left in order to aCC'('pt a position in the Dramatics department of the Ful- lC'rton Junior college. Mrs. TerMa P a tterson r esigned from the Spanish deparbnent In order to assume the dutie!i of a WING SANG BOAT & REP.Am YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Pbone~MJ.4 ttt housewife. Her husband. Vernon • Jloorlnp lllld .,.ee !.,.Jlahlo P atterson. is a teacher at the for Boat. for Sale . Huntington Beach High school. Mr. Elmtt Rehlne, who served • hddle eo.Na far Beat · In the Metal Shop during the war by tile weeli • -th. eme.rgency, has resumed charge ot ;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ his own repair sbop in C.OSta Mesa. He plans to teach some night school clUIH In metal work dur• Ing the comtns ,..... Mn. Mary Ulrich, former Mary Hill, teachtt of Spanish. W1ll mar- ried prior to the end of the ochool ,.... and Intends to be with htt husband in another community. HECChanges Meeting Place Dbes Y"r HOllse Need Painting? ~ No ...atlq. _Work .S.-tm._i•·Wy by hlidlJ.y """""',_...,,,_. Palni::::t, .. --iiod--eqalpme11t .... noe.a ~..- Owoed ud operated by World War 0 Veterw -w• :roar i1e111 •mmt good wlD ud pUr-.p. ~..-- FcwFree!Wt-hil Phone HARBOR 2 6·4 5 Bea1 aid Holm• Announcement is being made of a change in meeting place for the next session of the home econOmlc. section of C.O.ta Mesa Grange. which "''as to ha~·e been held at the home of Mn. Ddttdge. In- stead members Will meet with Mn. Edna Hutchins, Bernard street. at 11 L m. Tuesday, Aua:- ust 6. Mn. Dclttdp 'lrill be -· -at tho AQllUlt 20 mHtlna. l•----------------------·"I • Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Appll,/ 100 E. Bay 4\ ff., Balboa 5141' N. Main St., Santa Ana er Aak the open.tor for the O>lef Operator Southern Califomi4 Teleplione Compuy FOR SALE-Lenic upholstered wing ch air, excellent condition. $.'Xl. 211 Onyx, Balboa Island. Phone Harbor 623-W. ~ 1 tc BOATS. SUPPLIES D FOR SALE-Very nlce 18-ft. S.!n. boat, olx passengers, perfect condition, with trailer, $2800. Phone i;anta Ana l!l-J. ~3td FORSALE-Sru~.acellmtoan­ ditton: racing lalll (former fleet champion!; also mow-bird Nils. 107 Saphlre, Bolboa Wand. ~2tc FOR S.U ,F Runabout ''Creepy · 42-tfc Mouoe" 14 tt. ... 11 5· excrilmt -.-ALE--IOllCELL&Nl:O---'----Ul---.-1 oondltlon. -'o.mer. ' Hmtlor 2450-W. S.2tp ~ SAL&-Man's and woman'• WANTED--Bolboa Dinghy. 120 ~~l2° Abalone Ave.59-~; Abalone Ave., Balboa Jaltncl 119-tfc SEE FRAME PUILDING--11 ft. =~~--------- by 15 ft. t 2 !96 E. Central, to FOR SAL&-18 ft. cabin ~ • • ., on trailer; exaiDent oondltkm; be moved. \en phone York, ·..Oady to go. s.., at Sa-·· 11U3 L. A. ~ .. tp Machine Works, 1604 Newpa<t PADDLEBOARD. l2 fL ; perfect Blvd., Costa Me.... S&-2tc oondltlon. l.Z!,,. ~polena, Bo!-FOR SAL&-Flshlne boat betilc boa Island. S!l-4tp p.lntecl now. 7311 Sea ·Sbcft FOR SALE-~ bi.-ul&n, Dr., N . B. Phone Harbor 1-.J. 8x3ll with cue. Sa!! U2 cr,.w can otter 1 p.m. !llt-ttc Ave.. BaJboe tslent, ~ltc Seq_ that mawant.td W tldll w-Ille a· ,...., o+m+w • • ..... -Tlam - 1 . • l • .N&WPO&I BAJJM>A. M&W&-tlllft ••et Bir .. O'W ' ft!r!l!i• A ... t 1. 1911 _ .... '' ••••. mA2W '' n••.m.a.n ,.,. ..... ·~ ,, n••. mr.&n A 111U810AL A UDIO 22 ft. Criltcrafl twin cockpit; .ooc1 condition. $2()00. Port ()range, 113:1 Cout HJgbway. 59-2tc GOOD med pianoo for practice. Some u low u $57 and $79 or . rent a pUtno for $5 per mo. Let the children learn. Danz..Sdun1dt Piano Co., 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. :56-tfc SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer tor sale. price $200. Call Ham-. llt"'1 Low• 229 Opal St., Balboa bland. H.;,.bcr 259G-J. 59-611> BABY GRAND-lle1)cme18ec1 Now only $4115. Thia ls a &real bar- FOR sALE-Soow!Jlrd sand dollY : gain. Dam-Schmidt Piano Co., lapotral« rowboat and yacht Santa Ana. :56-tfc dinghy 1319 East Contra! Ave., =""=--:----:,-,--.,.-,.--I BaIOO.: 5~2tc WORLD famous Spinet type mirror piano. Repoaetaed. Now 4-CYL.. 15-KW. 110V, D. C. HW reduced to $295. Tenna. Superb Die.el Gen. $1000 cash. Fun tone. Mahogany cue. Dellcned Zooe eo.t Co., Balboa. Ph. Har-for style and long service. Danz- bcr 6. 58-4tc Schmidt Piano Co., 520 N. Main. WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In Santa Ana. :56-tfc W)lmington for same in New-ANOTitER magnificent Steinway. port Harbor. Call Erwin Plenoon Medium glze .. Beautiful mahog- . at Kimble 5283. 52-tfc any case. The piano of the FOR SALE-~1atched pair BUDA ?rtasters. Danz-Schmidt Piano marine dil'.'M.'I 125 h.p. engines. Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Bhd. CCOta -Ph: Boo.con 5321> SPECIAL! ~one-bedroom house on two large lots near Newport Blvd. Furniture includes Cold- spot refrigerator, washing ma- chine, table top stove, etc.. FUll price- $5000 with $2500 down. Half Acre On East 18th street. with unfin- ished house--- $5700 Easy Terms. F. JACK SULLIVAN C.orona cSe:l Mar Harbor 1.247..J HOMES New twc>-bedroom stucco; nice dinette, large kitchen, hardwood Ooors throughout, big double garage with service room-- $9500 Just completed-a fine nvo-bed- room home on a comer lot A beautiful beam ttiling li\>ing· room with a large fireplace: kit- chen has lots of tile and extru. 1be construction materials and fixtures are the fin~t to be had See this home toda.Y- $17 ,500 BAYSHORES ' BALBOA LEASEHOLD ESI'ATES--Select your new home from the ones now being completed. Cmlact us for details. BA.LBOA ISLA'ND TWO BAY FRONT HOMES-Completely fumlshed. Available for poosEssiOO. Priced to sell. WELL LOCATED--small is!aJMi home, fumlshed $11,500 SELECT NOW from 2, 3 and 4-bedroom homes. I NEWPORT ·BEA-CH for THREE SMALL HOMES-S4500. $4750 and $6500. • HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors ;t ;t ;t ;t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLOATING SHIP REPAIR SERVlCE--Well built barge equipped with 60 amp. charger, fuel and fast bilge pumps, glass bottom ha~1450 fuJJ price for a business that cleers about $350 a month and terms, if you want them. ~ at Boatsv.•ain's Locker. 1003 SS-t!c Coast Hiway. Newport B<ach. DOGS. CATS • PETS Sii New 3-Bedroom Home Calif. 60-lfc --'-'-'-----------1 A nice small home belo'-'' the high- way: two bedrooms. dinette. kit- chen and living-room. It has hardwood floors throughout and is as neat as a pin .• Has a large garage and patio. Can be bought furnished1 for- Close to ocean and bay. TWO NEW 'IWO-BEDROOM HOMES-S8500 each. ~QUE SHOP-A money maker with very I~" overhead. The only shop of Us kind around henj. Grossed $15,000 last year. Good set-up. W1ll in- ventory close to $6750 which is the fuJJ price. An • :. -.interesting . opportunity for a person who likes \U'tiques. -="----::---:.-:-:--:---:.=,.-::-::..,~I GORGEOUS pedigreed Siamese ~t location; hard"'ood floor5; 16 ft. speedboat "'tth trailer ; ne kittens for sale· excellent stock; noor furnace: double garage- paint, recently overhauled; ri.'as· beautiful eye ~lor. 233 East $12,200 onahlr prlC"C. 1221h Apolcna. Bay (rear house), Balboa Isl- Balhoa Island. Phone Harbor and 57-4tp Terms. Hfi.">-M. 6(). ltp ~~::.· -~,----..,.---:--:---::~ I F OR SALE-Fis.hin!:!: boat, 32 ft .• built 19"11 : fully rquipped: s~·ordfish plank; ne\\' Gray mo-- tor. Likt' nC'w . r eady to go. Phone 1-larbor :>MO. ~ 60-1 tp F OR SALE--SnO\\'bird. complete; DOGS-All breeds, stripped, clip- ped. and bathed by A.K.C. li- censed handler. Fl'ee pick-up and delivery service. Send care!. R ussell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- settia Ave. Corona del Mar. 52-tfc nils. trailer. rover. 1564 Ocean _S_P_EC_IAL __ AN_"_N_O_UNo--GEMENT===:::s:-7'.sa Blvd., Balboa. 60-2tc FOR SAL&--P!'nquin. $350: Eagle. ~1300 : thrr<' Star boats at S750 and up: cahln V1kin~. S2200: 32 f~.· sloop at Sf~J{X). Viking Port. 909 ('mi.st IIi~h\V:ly, Nc"ix>rt, &aeon 50..13. 60~2tc FOR S;\LF.-21 rt. ~1a llard Knock- about !liRilboat . 11uilt 1n 1945. SIN'J~ thrN"' in cabin and t\VO in PRE-BILT HOMES CO. GARAGES -UTILITY HOUSES HOMES Immediate Dcilivery A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 \Vestminstcr Ne\vport Heights 57-4.tc Residence Lot on Flower street in Costa Mesa Only $1400 5 Residence Lots On Walnut Street. Best buy in town at- $1000 Each One Bedroom Home Not completed. Roof is on and most of the plumbing in $3600 $11 ,500 Two vcry nice homes within one block of the Ocean fTont . These have two bedrooms each, fire- place and den. Both landscaped and ready to move into. Must be sl'en to be appreciated. Both priced at- $25,000 A new three-debroom home c\OSf' to the OC"Can: nice fireplace. big living-room \\"ith large windows facing ocean. Plenty of clothes cluset space. large bright kit- chen and dinette. Big double garage \\'ith ser\;ce room. \Von't last long at- $17 ,500 BUILDING LOTS--S400 up. CORONA DEL MAR ' SPECIAL-Modem stucco close to stores; one bedroom, large living -room, hardwood floors throughout. Tile in the kitchen-. PRICED at $6900 MODERN STUCCO-Two bedrooms, fi replace and floor furnace. Venetian blinds. Hardwood floors. Walled yard and beautifully landscaped. Lath house and patio. 1\v<>-<,ru" garage. Excellent condition. PRICE $14,700 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR ('O('kpit . 1-l<L" l:t tPSt hard,,·oods ---------~-.,..,­lL~t'(I in consiruction. Price, RAl\1 Er\'GTNEERING CO.-l\ta- $1900. Ph. JJ;irbnr 3fi9. 6(1.Jtc rine machinists-machine \vork J . E. Barnes & Son COVERING GREATER NEWPOR T HARB O R On Ballxwl Island-3-bedroom 615 Coast High'\•ay 225 Marine Ave. house \loith a bath and a half. Corona del 1-tar 3113 \V. Central Balboa Island of all types, pick-up and deliv- 26-ft. sp<'('d !:>oat, po"·cred \vith ery service, dock facilities while 01r\'"!lilC'r 1\cc ~1nri nc cn ~i nc; under repair. \Vilt do work nny 1806 Newport Blvd. Cos ta Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 60-1 ~c 3 cc~kplts : thornu~hly overhaul-hour night or day. Located at ro ; In "'ater now at Alamit?s C£'ntral Boat Works Yard, Rhine ------------ Bny. S-"'850 or tradC' for cabin Channcl. foot of 31st St. Phone type hoat. Courtesy to brokcrs. Harbor 287-J . \Vritc or call Jim \\'ilson. 35 ------------ Beautiful Building Site One-half acre. Lots of fruit trees. Santa Ana. Lt-!'lg Beach. 51-tfc FOR SALE-New 1-tarine Kohle1 Generator, 1500 watts. 32 vol! D. C., retRil prlct' for this powet plant is S516. We have 10 lef1 tor clear ance sale, $374. Yeakel Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, Los An· geles. Phone EX. 0882. 45-tfc Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Two. Pyrene A Foam 1'!fllls. CO. tlxed s)'1lem and Portablet now available. Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repair O. Z. ROBl:RTWN Call H arbor 83 KEYS 34-tfc Ka.de While You Watt VOGEL'S East side of Costa Me~a- $2000 Nice Six-room Home On Elden avenue; three bedrooms; chicken equipment and lots of fruit trees; one acre of land- $10,000 Terms. 100 14aln St.. Balboa F ODEN m M&rtn•. Bal-1a1an<1 EV A . RH 9'-ttc Realtor locatC'd. 1 1~ blocks from the Phone: Harbor 1646 Ne''l>Ort Beach Phone: Harbor 1776 ce nter of to\lo-n. Nice fireplace · 60-ltc in living-room. bright kitchen. -----·-------------------- A single-car garage do,vnstairs, See this at once-- $19,500 . LOTS Business Frontage On the highway, view lots on the ocean front and lots In every lo-- cation both sides of the highway at prices from $1100 on up. · I have many other homes and lots for sale lf you are In th(' market to buy or sell, let's talk It over. SEA VIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES 1, Large Restricted Building Lots Unobstructed View of Ocean and Harbor Adjacent to Fastest Gro,ving Shopping Center Paved Streets-All Utilities in and Paid For Terms ot Sale-Cash or 1-3 Down Easy Monthly Payments Act Now ETS HOKIN A GALVAN 1000 Coast H1ghway Ph. Beacon 5a22 73-tfc 470 Newport Blvd., Coota Mesa F. JACK SULLIVAN BUlllNE88 OPPORTUN1TIE8 '° ~'TON B • n•~ New SUbdivislon Selling Fast - For Choice Location· FOR SALE-14 ft. clinker type &ki!f, $35. 25 Beacon Bay, New- port Beach. 56-tfc PUMPS WORTHINGTON PRESSURE · CENTRIFUGAL ~ IU'-''li:oJ.... 1213 Coast Highway FOR SALE-Sandwich, cold drink RUSSEL W. BARTINE CORONA Dlj:L MAR and confectionery store. Net PERNEL G. BARNETI' ·~ yearly. For sale with Broken Phone Harbor 1247-J ~ 60-ltc tease. 320 Marine Ave., Balboa Ph. Beacon 5TI3-R ------------Island. 60-ltc 60-llc --~~~~--~-~-FOR RENT U REAL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR For AU Pressure TO RENT from August 15 for one A splendid one-story home contain- ing walnut paneled den, dining- --0--- RALPH P . MAS KEY , Realtor 3411 W. Central, ()ppo&ite Udo Theater (Courtesy to Realtors) 60-ltc Soden Refrigeration year. nicely furnished three-bed· 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim room home. Can be seen any Tw~bedroom home, 10 years old; 2~ acres: good district near high school. If you want acre.. age and a home for the future. here it J . Full price only-- room, living-room , breakfast --------------r-----------I room. two baths, two bedrooms 1 Phone 4652 60-ltc day. 304 Anade Ave., Balboa. 6()..tfc M CYI'OR BOATS READY TO GO T" • Take away-just a fl'W da~ aft~ J:OR RENT-Nicely furnished _._ "' room separatl' entrance. close you orl.K'.r-be. ch S' 1 516 36th 1-Your choice of any of ClUr boats to a · 1ng e man. 18 to 14 ft . J, made of light, St. 59-2tp tough, waterproof plywood '~th "'A..VTED TO KENT U 2-An extra efficient i 'i4 h.p. in- board motor installed and \VANTED--Room or Apt. for 3-A pat('ntcd "F1cx1drive" nexi· single man, weck of Aug. 12-18. ble ihaft-propeller u nit (pro-Phone Orchard 70589, Ingle- ..... 11€.'r lte<'rs boat, lifts up-ifl wood, evenings; reverse charges. ,,_ 60-2tc beaching boat). ... ComplCte, r('ady to shove ctr, 11.l thes<' typical pr\ces; 10 ft. s kl fl. . .. .. . •... $262 12 ft. skiff ~2\4 ' '"'hile our stock lasts) WATSON -BOATS "Small Boot Hdqrs." "611 Coast Hi"'aY' 8€.'acon 5277 60-tfc MU8J€AL A RADIO FOR SALE-Upright piano. good ronditlon. $200. Phone ~aeon 5TI2. or call 205 \Vcstnunster A\·e., Ne,,-port Heights after 5 :30 p. m. 55-tfc Radio Repairs All makes: tube!i. etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON BY ELDERLY gentleman of re- finement. good habits and quiet life, small cottage or apartment.. Permanent. Write Box 382, Co- rona del l.1ar. 59-2tc WANTEO-A hon€'ymoon cottage or apartmrnt n£'ar ·beach from August 17 to September 14. Dr. V. C. Kelly, 303 N . 12th. Albu- querque. N. l\l. 59-2tc \VANT TO RE!'.'T -2 or 3 bed.rm. unfumishE'd house. \VUl lease. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. 35-tfc APT or Sl\1ALL HOUSE "'anted by man and "'ifc. \Ve do not drink or smoke, no children or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W or '''rite Box "X" Newport Bal- boa NeY.:s-Timcs. 37-t!c 91.S Coast Hlg:hv.•a y, Newport ,, 23-tfc =REAL==-=E=S"-T'-'Ac:TE=-----~- $8950 One-bedroom home on 1 %. acres; sleeping porch, 8x32 feet ; out- standing kitchen: hardw oo d floors. This is really a good buy at only- $10,250 Completely Furnished • Tu·~bedroom home. close to Coast highway in Corona del ~'1at·: hardwood floors. firepl:ice: re- frigerator only one month old. This Is really an outstanding buy. Full price only- $12,500 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A. NERESON REAL ESTATE Insurance and Bwiincss Opportunities 1972 Ne"1>0rt Blvd .• Costa Mesa Ph. &aeon 5225 60-1 tc plus 2\0 garages. Situated in A TIENTION, BUSINESS the fin est residential section on a beautifully landscaped 45-foot corner lot with a sprinkling MEN! system- $25,000 EL BAYO TRACT Corner lot with two stucco apa.rt- mcnts completely furnished . Facing a public beach on the bay. Three-car garage-- $20,000 BALBOA ISLAND 1\vo bedrooms. u,;ng-room, break- fast room and an extra slee~ ing room. Close to the ba.y- $18,000 NE\.YPORT HEIGHTS Unlimited ''ic''' of the ocean and near the bay with a three-bed- rOOm home. Completely furn- ished- $9750 !NCO.ME --We Need Listings-s-- of small business and income property. We have a large number of people looking for business of all sorts. Today's Best Buy Four-bedroom home, new; furnished; In Costa Mesa- $12,500 A. "SANDY" STEINER, and Associa tes I 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 HARBOR INVESTMENT Realtors two-car garage. Realtor 60-ltc COMPANY. Other BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES and BUSI- NESS PROPERTY now available in all zones. Good selection of lots in most sections of the harbor area. I . ;j; ;t ;t ';t BElTER BUYS IN BEITER HOMES LIDO ISLAND HOME-Fully furnished 3-bedroom and 2 baths plus maid's bedroom and bath. Spac- ious living-room and adjoining dining-room styled with translucent glass partition creating an atmos- phere of gracious living. An enclosed patio in the center of this plot plan offers an interesting inter- pretation of definitely mode m story-and-a-half de- sign. Complete furnishings are truly better quality and include everything from a 1946 radio-phono- graph to kitchen fl atware. Built in 1942-com- pletely redecorated this spring. Pliced at $35,000 ,\!i!h terms if desired. Immediate possession. EL BAYO SPORTSMAN'S HOME-60 feet of waterfront with piers and float. Badminton court. Se\>\:n bedrooms for family and guests. A roomy, well furnished home about 25 years old. but well cared for and in fine condition all around. If you need plenty of room for your Ilarbor career , you'd '--... better take a good look at this $40,000 place. --...._ Terms if you want, plus immediate possession. · ;t ;t ;t ;t TW-o GOOD 'IWO-BEDROOM HOMES-Well lo- cated near canal. Brand new. $8500 each. Quick possession. Or, if you have something else in mind, call us. BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT LCYI'-lnter- estlng location --··-···-·-····-·--··--·-···············$13,500 .LIDO ISLAND 45 FT. WATERFRONT-Bulk- head and ret:urils. .................... .,.-····-··-·-······-···$12,000 18 acres in Costa Mesa; well located. ........... $19,000 HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Pb. Harbor 1600 & 1601 60-ltc MO!\~ WANTED John D. Burham 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 3l~Balboa 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the FOR SAL~Fint trust deed- $4500 at 6%-10% discount. A L. Matthews, 509 31st. Newport S..ach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 60-ltc Peninsula AUTOMOTIVE A TIBEll • 2000 OCEAN FRONT FQ!i SALE-' 41 "Red Arrow" 1-atory and a half, 2-bedroom. house trailer , 24 ft.; sleeps four. bath, large room upstairs for Insulated , new tir es, good shape . guest, living room. fireplace, 2560 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. kitchen, bedroom and bath over ___________ 00-_21p....;c garage, wall heaters. 2004 OCEAN FRONT TIRES Cash for your used tires Sell Them for top price at Lester's 0. K. Rubber Weld ers 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom and bath. large room upstairs for guest, living room, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, CO'Vered porch with barbecue, lawn, Recapping Wheel Balancing flowers. bushes, tirick walks, Section Work. picket fences surrounding each. 2900 W. Central, Ne,vport Beach beautiful unrestricted view of S4-8tc ocean. These houses open daily TRAILERS a for inspection.. 52-tfc ------------ COSTA MESA 123 FLOWER ST:, hom e or busi- ness: 8 large rooms. 5 bedrooms. double garage, Jot 50 by 15V, 1 block to center of town. Im- mediate poss., $13,000. OWner. TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do )'OUI' own hauling and movtng. All new equipment. $2.25 and $2.!IO per day. We fumlsh the hitch. Myrehn Bros. Service Statlcn, cor. 17th A Newport Blvd., a.ta Mesa. 4S-cft 52-tfc ------------RA---D"°'l"O,-.""H"O"'U"S;:cE;::-C:::;ALLS---;-;--;--.---FOR SALE-Chicken Fryer plant, N ow ·that 11.ddltlonal competent near Barstow, output 1200 fry- techn!dans are available, we are ers per week. Excellent equip. FOR SALE-Ni ce lev('l lot on N('\\-pe>rt Heights, $1600.00. 'f\\·o acres. Costa 1-fesa. "·est side, $1800 per acre. A. L. ~tat· the"•s. 509 31st. Newport Beach. Ph. Harbor 2577. 60-ltc. Five rC'ntal units: 3 2-bedrm., 1 1 -bdrm., and l bachelor: five garages. Built on two large corner lots with a marvelous ,;e"' of the bay and ocean. Com- pletely furnished including five refrigerators and five new water heaters -$15,000 cash will handle- BOAT BUILDING PLANT Six week$' old statement shows close to $40,000 assets and a cut-Off made today would probably boost that another 10 per cent or so. Its incor- porated with half capital stock owned by each ot the two partnen, both active in the bnsi!ll!S'C But, ooe partner wll1 sell his full interest for about three-quarters ot book value. A profitable busi- ness with good equipment in an .,,,ce11ent location. a 1------LO-------.. -AIRPLANES llONft TO Al'! able to maR service calls 00 Tu·o modern houses. Good water Large oomolrs.. All work guar-supply. Ph. Harbor 2625-J. antood. HAROLD L. RAMM. -------=-___ 52_-_2t_p s.os. Radio. 300 Morine A~. El Bayo Tract Ph. Harbor 'lllO. 34-tfc Lot on Bu Avmue Radio and Electric $4750 REPAIRS 24-HOUR SERVICE All Makel -Pick Up A Deli,-.ry PERRY HARDWARE 1S0!5 Cout Blvd. Harbor 232 CORONA DEL MAR 54-tfc GRAND PIANOS-You wW be utoundrd 8 tour great big stock. Klml>8Jl. Steinway. Soh- meT Hallet and Davia, Story and ' Oark. One gorgeous Otlck- ertng and It ls the ttal Otlck..-- ing. too. Many othen to choose from. Priced to start at $395. T ei:rm .. Or ttnt. Danz Schm1dt PiBDO Co., EttJusive\y pianos. Nothlnc •lie. 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. 55-tfc Drtn ~--8pan a lb. Large Corner Lot On Penlnsula. with view. $6750 Business Lot ""1 th two small houses $10,600 Several rood Bu Frcnt Lob LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. C.ntral, - Phone Harbor 163 ~tfc FOR SALE-Newport Height.I, several good lots priced $1000 to $1500. Terms i! desired. Call Hub Powers. HarboT 62-W or 794-R evenings. 60-ltc Very Attractive Five-room Home Near So. Bay, Sl.3,500. unlllrnlshed. ISLAND REAL TY CO. 201 Agat• Balboa Island Phone Harbor 377 • W 60-1 tc BUY FROM OWNER Save $7 ,500.00 Balboa Island Bay Front Home Now and beautifully rurnlshed. 4 bedrooms, large living room. ~aoe, 3 baths, t<=ed air conditioning, 2-ear gar. Nothlns finer on the bland. $52,500.00 Owner leaving. Immediate poneuk>n. Phone Harbor 1511-W 15&-2tc • ' $25,000 JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St., - Phone Har. 2034 •ltc FOR SALE-Lot 50x12'7 ft. 6 In., excellent location, Newport Htl. Utllltles. $1700. Call Har. 1374-J. !!9-2tc FOR SALE-Beautifully turnlshed 7-room stucco. ranch-house type beach home, practically new. Just completed on 2 corner lob. Concrete street in good location. rumpus room. fll"eplace, pe~ double Ke.rage, large pon:h and sidewalkl in. Flowen started. $17.000. Poa<uion 1 week or leu. 312 36tb stroet. Newport Beach. 60-2tc Ledl<r -at N..,.n-. .t. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Hamor 1600 A 1601 . 60-ltc FOR SALE BY OWNER--Qlolce p.N FRANqsoc> 2-bedroom corner lot on Minmar Dr. Pb. -b<>me and 2 .apartmonu for In- Harbor 515. 59-2tc cxme, wW .. n or trade for New1U I Harbor J.ll._ l;y. Har- .bar 1600. 57-tfc ~~~-~~~~~~~ MereQ• faldrms at New.'11ma LOANS TO BUILD, buy,=- modemlse OI' ref"lmn.t19 N-port -nder1'I !la~ -Loan~-3333 Via Udo Ph. Barber 1SOO MONEY WANTED TAKE A HOP over IM Harbor ...... $2.00 ; .u.o flying lnltruo- tion. Competent ex.-A.AF tn- 1tructon. Also dealers tor Aeronca and the new ~ "Swift'' planes. Como to N-- port Bu Sky Harbor, one m11o west of Coot& Mesa on 19th St. w ANI'ED--Private loan, $10,000. . !18-tfc Securm by excellont propeit;y.1 -----------'-- Box 628. Balboa llland. S.tfc M1n1lo !olden at N-~ A.U'IU9 WAN'IWWW •&11l'Oll- WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEfJ. YOUR cAR NOW w,ilJe Prl I! I are High. Pbane for our oourtliola blzyer Mio wlD ad wl edvlw you 1'9Pldb« OPA replatlml, c ·na J11i1B and auauce all detallll . a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLM' 00., Inc. • . o ua-.t _.CIT ''r ID='~a~ ... P.• ... •• c ?Piii. Nuzput • • a 001 rm. n a 11 ._. . .. • ' • ' .- So Help Me ! ... :!!il!J ... 1!!!,.:_ ______________ ~-=·::•:;1:•:,!• -M&WHWI MJJM)A N&Wrttlft!, 1'wwwpwt B •• <Wlfw '!, ...........,.. A .... 1, UM S:::s ~~ Ch•r-n and v=. !:::~ ::'~~~Senate · Body ARMY AIR FORCES 39 YEARS OLD ---Puauc NoTicE Gerafd Haward Peterson of was a house guest at the home of T I s· '::1ec1~~~50w~es~~ ~~or~er~~:ya ~w'::: 0 nspect 1te In the 25-mile zone here Wednes--Wallace Kenrucott of South • day. An excessive noise charge P asadena has been a guest tor a Wu also inVoked by police. week at the home of his sister. Mrs. Florence "torrence. 27th Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main Si. Phone :io7 SANTA ANA SOl Main street. Friday Mr. and Mn. Joe S ummers of Los Angeles we.re down for the week,.end and .Wed· ncsday Dick Torrence and two friends were down. Sunday guests also included Mr. and Mn. Glen Nelson and ~Ir. and Mrs. Perry Nelson and daughter. Sh irley Mar· Jene. who are here from Chicago. ~1r . and l\trs. Ralph Tangeman of Pomona "-'ere at their cottage. 113 27th str!'et Saturday, and oc- cupying the cottage from Wt"dnes· day to Friday "''er e ~1r. a nd Mrs. Char les Stortz, also of Pomona. ~Ir. and ?."1rs. George Frazee, 309 34th street .are parents of a daughter born ,July 29 .at Santa Ana Community hospital. She weighed six pounds even. Balboa, Calif. GEORGE D. BASSEIT ACCOUNTANT Monthly Bookkeeping Service HM W. Ceatnl Ave..~ Barbor lll06-l, Newpo"' _,. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9:50 A. 1'1. TO 11 P . M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY llABBOB 82-W For MAR IN E HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE . & BUILDERS ' ' ' . HARDWARE Senator J ohn L McClellan or Arkansas, chairman of the special Senate committee to inspect pos- sib1e sites for the proposed na\•al pos t graduate school, has given as- surance tha t his committee . will took over locations In Orange county. In a recent letter to J . S. Bar· r('tt. president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Senator l\1:cClel1an states his com- mittC"C plans to arrive in San Fran- cisco about September 1 and at that time V>'ill make out the itinerary for their trip through- out the Pacific Coast states. Sena- tor l\1cClellan assures l\ir. Bar- rett that he will be glad to ask his committee to visit Orange county in response to the invtta- t ion extended to him on behalf of the county by Senators Sherida n Downey and William F . Know- land of Californ ia, and Representa- tive John Phillips and Harry R. Sheppard. The sites in Oran ge county which the committee will be ask- ed to look over include both the area at the Seal Beach ammuni- tion and net depot as well as New- port Harbor territory. Mr. Barrett s tates that the Har· bor commit tee of the County Coast association and t he San ta Ana chamber will arrange for a group to meet the distinguished visitors and assist by furnishing informa- tion of interest. South Coast Readies Four New Cruisers • It's the .. (z~i~=?=lf:;:..;·~~·~:::..~·-4~"'~11\~·Strut~11~7~&~) ...--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ --Somt thing to boor-the • peuimistic dyspeptic who ha.s 23 rd & Ph . Central 2600 Expert Radio Service l'bone Beacon 5004-W ---....... ,. - Palmer Radio AND ELECl'RIO ta'8 Newpo"' llmL C08TA lllUA VENETIAN BLIND Manufacturers We Make Them • A Better Blind "SUNSHINE CORRECTI.. Y REGULA TED IN YOUR HOME" Complete Renovating 'by Our Modem Factory S¥stem Immediate Delivery On Made-to-Order Blinds -Up to 36 Months to Pay ' Our Prices Remain the Same . We °"'91' Oruge Coaaty j Rm-'LITE VENETIAN BLIND CO. Slc~Jy sla.nu: on t'l.lt'Tything • • • &ld headed barhe.,s always rt commcnd. have a ptt hair tonic they • • • If you can laugh ai yourself , othtTs will sm ile and Lovt you just a little more. with you • • • I Encourage chtldrrn to draw . originality and dirt ction. They develpp neatness , • • • &chelors maJ(e good hu.sband.s-thty hovt learned to hang their clothts and blow thtiT own nose. • • • . Hamng rntmits shou.:s '.\'OU amount to so mething-don't stn~t bacl{ at thtm-~etp attn and their blows w11J alwa ys mi.s.s the mar~. A lictlt too and a dog 's lift. • • • much puppy love-thrn the "dog house" }ACK LINDSLEY ' aad """"-you're faMy about the good appearutoe of all yoar cloUNs -pat them In oar b•""" for esperl dry eksnlng. • Tha• to yoar 1w .-U-- ap, '"' have beM f--i to add aa- cMbfll' de emg eeH to oar ,._. eqalpmeet. ..._ for pleknp _,._ Ice a& your ... vealeeee. 3 · Day Service MERCURY CLEANERS and Dyers lWNwpw&Blw.L ~­...... 7 ........ • ~'- The Sip Man •BOAT LETl'ERING A SPECIALTY . 8olu..tu1 (JOMfJG'"J • 901 Caaot ~-"' P..o.lltt~Klt tril M ·rn YOUR TRIPS ktweu 10 4. 1#. fUU/4 p. I# • Oti a/U'i 6 p., 1#. • Your 1hopping and business trips con be more conveniently '!lade after the morning Nlh houn and Won the 9Y9nlng irafllc peak. ' lletwMn 10 and 4, when th• traffic flow 11 llghteat, you can ride can and ........ with th• "'°" COMlott ••• ahopping, too, II ,... pl1 mMt. 'l!IM-ldl. ""10 .-4 -4MOS c/f#s 6 i-- "Yogurt's the name-Ho. mer L. Yogurt. I'm a pro- moter . That's what you need around this office-a good live promoter." • • • "How could we keep pro. fessionals from smuggling hangovers in from outside communities•" asked the Boss, who sometimes Is not as dumb as we think. • • • • "Don't won-y your pretty head about that," sakl Mr. Yogurt, wanning up to bis subject. "Our local hangover experts could give handsome handi caps to any outsider ahd still win. Let 'em bring in their competition-we have· home-grown hangovers in this area that would be. put In an isolation ward anywhere else.'' .. • • • ''Okay," said the Boss. '1I'm sold. Seeing tha t I will be entering the contest myself I'll leave you all here to work out the details while I go down to the Balboa Inn to start getting in to shape. Shel- by Coon will be my trainer and manager." • • • It looks as though we will be working, a little shorthand- ed in this · rea l estate offioe a t 15th ,\nd Central tmtil after the contest. but don't Jet that keep you away. Bustnes as usual, you know. U you have a nickel or can find an tmguarded telephone, ask the operator for Harbor 1242, which Is a oecret code meiin- ing J. M. Mlller's. Burleoq-.Stq:e ·~ lo ~ all the ent<rtalnen tblnk everyone In the audlmce ii frcm Mluouri. • DEAL'S Famou Smok~ Flsl- Alw.,..l'J n1J 110 McFadden PL i ---·111--. ~, .. -~._. .... , •. , r ' I I • i ! ' ' I I I i i i I • • • .-. • N&WWWW BUSINESS---A F"'o-'chool For Office ·Holders I Robert L. Sborey-Reconllnc Ell&ID«r Davis ~ Gay Music Cio. 1M N'..;pwt ~ •••• r vs am •H W-BL ·-11aa-- G.N.Wells Real Estate Pbo11e Ben-. rut ' 1-Newpon ~ -OolH. 0 . C. HARR -• -C. C. O'ITO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry Twin Locations 18%1 BARBOR BLVD. Costa M..._ne. 68415-1 Arthur Silver -Bob Padtleld New Blue Room (Wu Eleetrlc Grill) E&TS, DBINKS AND ROMAN(JIJ P1L -r m4 !OI Palm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Be&coa 6763 1111 Co&tt Highway-Newport ae.cb.. OaUf. O. R. (Pop) Crawley-N. M. (Morrie) Crawley Distinctive Home Furnishings Crawley's Furniture 181% Newport Blvd.-Ph. Beacon MM Costa Mesa-"in the Heart of Town" Otto Boy d Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" 1500 W. Oentral-Newport-PIL Barbor BM AL ANDERSON Fun 1.one. Balboa G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES ... FtrNtone ... 1'111 N-rt Blvd, Coota M-Beecoa 5!U-W "Home and Auto SupPly Stores" RE-ELECI' Jesse L. Elliott -l:ncwn.bent- SHERJFF TUEllDAY, NOV. 5121 - Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadwa)'-Ph. l!IMcon 5810 Coota M-California A. E. Groty -J. ~.\. Groty Groty Appliance Cio. ll'lfcldaln -llla7t&C -.......-..... 115111 1'11 N-rt Bml.-Coata M-Callf. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance otnoe Ph. Barbor 2034 aft Mala BbeOt Bal-Calif. F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFl'S OF ALL KINDS ' Pb. Harbor % 1"3-W lt0t Oceaa n..t-N!?°rt Be1d\ Calif. HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Cioast Ciompany nu w. Central-Pb. Barbor !IOO HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp · and Boat Landing 11121 a Cout 111pz-..-Beaeon 5'50 · Lew H. Wallace Reel Tutate and Insurance Broker ~: Office, Harbor 3 Bes. Harbor 1581 DO! W. Oentral A--N-rt "-di. Calif. COYE. WATrS Balboa Liquor Store 10& E. Central Ave.. Balboa. Pb. Barbor !4.71-1 -n.e Rome of Cordlallty" -G. R Brader. M&T· J. M~ Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Ph. Harbor \24% 16tlil at Centnl-NeW1»0rt Beach "On Your Way to Balboa"' Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "FLYING RED ROB8E" JOHNSTONE SERVICE llartJor 111!·1 OoMt lllml. at 111 "'lllP'""-wq Newport Engineering Asl!ociatea FREDERIC J . SINGER. ~t •e ""**'en a .... ..... e UU <'-* llhr!{-ft. Bet -llA Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwear rm-All the Famlly .. 1"8 Newpolt 8IM..-Oaeta ._ ~Mncim Nlt-W Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON --Cealnl ft. -(M-lllr. -) M Walter J. Gerhardt ~29'l-W OUR PHOTOGRAPHER U'1 ..__ A--COC-del Mar l\1any Successful Men In Other Fields Now Swing To Elective Positions 6l3y SAM D. PORTER We have '-ft talkln gaboot tbl8 for yean-lt'o likened to a daqerous ~ ~ red Ughta and markers are not ID-staJled ontil many ca.,"'1tie8 liave oocprred. Yes! We have been trying for yean put to have better busiD<M men nm for public offiCOJ8 &nd like the signal Dghta It 18 becoming a reality. The old day politicians have ron their COW'Se with their dobioul State Assembly EARL ST AN LEY We have t-n talking &boot this for y~t·s likened to a space of some 10 years developed a real estate business spreading to four offices-Newport Beach, Beacon Bay, Bal- boa Island and Corona clel Mar-with 10 salesmen and four women in the offices. He is a past president of the Newport-Balboa Rotary club, • founder of the "Under 20" club which became forerunner of youth canteens; headed the California Real Estate associa- tion's 12th district of all Orange county 'ind part of Los An- geles county; was president of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce, is a director of Balboa Yacht club antmember of the Elles and Santa Ana Country club. In World War I he served in the U. S. Navy; World War II he served his country as chainnan of Selective Serv- ice Board No. 171 for three and a half years, and as chair- man of Appeal Board 18 of Orange, Riverside and San Ber- nardino counties for 18 months. Pasadena born, 45 years ago, he is a product of Pasadena schools and of Occidental college, was active in track and football, and learned real estate from Anita Baldwin, whose properties he managed. . SelVing the Newport Beach city council with outstanding success, Stanley proved a unique official; he refused to trade on his official position with the city while seeking the state assembly post, so resigned as a councilman. He was elected to the post in the June primaries. • ' -)'S-<ltuffed i.tlot box..., tongoe-ID:.Cheek and hand-behind-back -giving the public notb!ng but a thombed n08e. Today we have reached t.hat much ......,led and desirable goal 'Ibis dktrlct Is particularly ble88ed with sncce88fol business men who are adding their exeeuthe abllltle8 and training ID the man- agement of oor civic affairs. City Council ROBERT ALLEN Robert (Bob) Allen, city councilman, owner of the Balboa Island Variety store and property owner on Balboa Island, was born in Pittsburgh. Pa. He went through the city schools there, and migrated to California in 1926. Bob became a banker during his early manhood, and while working daily in the financial institution, continued his studies at night at USC. From that he went into investment business. In 1937, still a young man, Bob came to the harbor dis- trict and built the Balboa Island Variety store, which he still owns and operates. A couple of years later his energy was directed toward his first civic enterprise-starting th!' New- port Harbor Rotary club. Bob was elected the first presi- rdent. The year 1940 was especially auspicious for Bob ·Allen. He ran for the office of City councilman and was elected. In the same year he was given the signal honor of being the only young man named in this entire district for civic enter- prise by the national body of the Junior Chamber of Com- merce, and received the coveted gold medal. Bob was re.elected again to the coun.cil in 1944. Sailing is his hobby, but Bob is a thirty-second degree Mason and an Elk. He and hls wife Bernice enjoy their fam- ily of two <:hildren, Janice and Ann. He believes the harbor district has unlimited possibilities, and that we have started up the grade to world fame. A. "Sandy'' Steiner Braden L. Finch Thomas F. Norton REALTOR C. F. DENNISON, Associate 834 Coast mway -Phone Beacon 511S "Ol.uck" Smith & Homer Smith, Proprietors Balboa Central Market (Wu B&lboaMeat Market a DellcateMea.) 108 E.. Cflntral-yPb. Barbor !1!9 Bob Callis Dlsbtbator QSNEKAL PETE (FLYING R0118EPOWEll) !!7 -8t.-Newpo-..ft. ..._ 791 Al and .llm's MEATS A_..•lell WUll Oottlo'o -·°""'----. .. · .Jolumy AheD Balboa Island Sporting Goods "Everything for the s-· m ~ .._ &----. -.1__._ We MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey Zlll~ ....... ~-5 ..., .. lb hr Beverley Realty Ciompany 611 E. C:-lnl-PIL llaltil9r 1• ..... Harold L Hemm Radio S 0 S Eleclric -Jlaltao-Balboa !eland n. JiUllel' ,.. ftrOco, o. E., Bolf =, • D I ... ~ ......... A ............... ? I "1 .,, ~Mgr. Finch Ceramics DAMIA LOPTIEN, Mana£"er Orkin's Department Store Ready-!.,.....,...., Beach Togs, Pie<e Goods lnlants' Wear-Household Ware none -57-la ... e-t of Coota M._ Donald J. Harmon BALBOA HORSE RACES W-, w-.. Woa Mala Street a.D11 ANTON HERSHEY M~:tSPot ft. ..... 1111 ............. NELSON STAJTORD e GERALD LIBERTY .. Manqen .. Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newpo<t --San ~ -Wllmlnctcn Saa llle&o -~ndl loa SUlOIUCJUl!lll 1-~~ ... -1491 ---a..: --.w Mary's Bay & Surf Beauty Shoppe ~ and Manlcurinc ,. E. O.&nl ••• ,. ft. .............. niru the Barber Shop Louis Verwey, Prop. . Casino Cafe & Cocktail LouDse -................. rhL..,,. • • Proo. BAY SHORE CAFE Phone Beacon 57i5--17tb £t Coast llhn.y SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. ROSS GREELEY ''PIK-UP'' Carmel Popcorn -Ice Cream Malted Milka -Rot Dop -Cold Quatto -Main -Balboa Dr. Robert A. Crawford OPI'OMETRIST nn l'l---...... n -.--Oooea -"Oollf. --MU Paul Lorenb.en Balboa Sp~.rtfishing Fleet ... --~---... - o~ z. Robertson General Contraoro,r m•~~ ... -.aoa .... .-.. Curt H. Bohman \. nae Bohman CAJmpany 1 'll I a' Bzn -Nil ~ Mii l"1 °'11111 ~ewpaa Bs 1' Olm. ROBE~T H. REED Harbor Ciold Storage ..... #Mr"" . ... at. Kewpwft 811•; a.r. .EARL W. STANLEY . ..... mC::: =::r U::C..~Tll Ill o...t ...... ~,. .. ... ..... ··---1111 UU Oooltnl A.,.__Newpild - WliHw ~-~-• I Beach t.,uy ; Merchant Patrol I Alll1 °"""'II" llenloe 'HM~..,_~N~-rHll-a • Theodore Robins FORD DEALER ZUI W. O...lnl .._Rarllor!I Stanley ·James Barden MASl'ER MARINER Beal Edale Bmker-YMlll.t and 8lllp BrellR 111 c.ut m'tlJ'IQ'-l"IL Beeooa Ml' C. F. Dennison I A.9eod&ted wflll A. "SANDY" 8TEJNEa -a..ltor OM Cout Wpway-PIL -r !571 Jack S . Fred V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS UN N-rt Boalenrd Plloae -ll808-W. Coota M- JOSEPH L. MARSHALL chrl;ti~ntliut Balboa . T. LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Deijcatessen IO'I Mala SL-Balboa Role! Anlade • RJCllAKD L PA'1Tl!:ll80N Cll'll Ensfneon · Patterson & Boyle !!para-Bklc.-1'11. G915 -8-la Ama Ml Cout Bl'1l. Not1b-PIL 51.ZZ-1- Capt. B. J. Mc.Nally MeN&lly'e Balboa Boat Livery 105 E. Bay A..,~PIL Ra-r - E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Lal'iftt Number Dart Games on Cout . Play Ball with Dolls B. B. llUle Kane -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA CaHt. Geo. Weiss L. Elalne wm. Cioast ~1!.rties Cio. 108 E. Oontral-Balboa--PIL -· - W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !lot n--N-rt Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market I'll. -· M-801 -St. Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEW SPOT 11~ ~ llJ&inn1-N!!!p0rt 0-. Callf. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob. 8taUOM17, Cuda, An Suit"• 108 Mala SL Balboa-Ph. Ra-r 1'18 Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelers and Watchmakers 119 Twomtr-·-N-rt -Callf. Wllllam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) ~ Mac~~i~s,/ M. E. Nledecker, Sec. & Treu. l!U ()out m.war · Newport Beb.-BM COD. N1I Lee ---BEAN II HOLMAN ---Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS aoo 11-.el Drt~r ZM5-0orona del ll&r J. E. Ragsdale (QwneT) . Balboa Motel and Windsor 1U S. Olatnl e 111 S. 0 I ill BeDaaft....,..rl!I lleDt•OllK. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN MU!O& JllLUQ)~Wff - VOLNEY L. HAY Sea-F.sta Mot.el "Sleep by the Sea" Im N'•W1tft ..... -c.ea .... ~OOK.1'-0W- 'Tm DO 'lleel'-n:!l ,._rf In lhia '?'hJllwlll>T ...r· Modet11 l:!Jhoe Repairing ~--Lw.x_,....a ... Dut.ch Heacock ... S1JIU.a . UI & .., 'Wl ?...-"ts I "1¢1c -~ Tll ... 1 ....... ; 1 . ) . :~ - NEWPORT _, BOA NEWS-TIMES PBO!rl8: llA.aoa U -U • zr·z1.._,.r z y_.'Daa, 7.Aft&: a1 v.a-emww o.ta . ._ Wllw Pn""# t ·z.er,-Wr t %1 Volw D Snt. 1 iptlon ~le in Advance:~:50 per year in Onon&e County S2. 75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zooe Entered u Secmd-Claso matter at the Postoffice in Newport Beodl, California. under the Act cl March 3, 1819 SAM D. PORTER Publisher F .G.FROST Editor W . F . DIXON Advertising Mana&1!I' Printing Plan~ 3011 W. Central Avenue. Newport Beach, California Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dependable Local Imtttutloa. for Over S'1 Jean Active Member of 'fl'• ·t:ltl'ltllt I flll HI' t I t I I I I I l l 11'1"1' l~I 1811'1!1 ll!l • I I l I 1· f I f I f ' I I f I f II" I f I " ; ;_ . -• CORRAL DUST ; ~ M ost people li~e to tall{ about themsel ves. Me , too. ! ~ Silence is the hardest argument to beat , ; ~ }ACK LINDSLEY. ~ • i llt ! I I• • f1fl • I' I •I •l i<I ii I ,, t 1"1 'I Hllll t •t• I •I01f II 11J•t u11•t >!IHl1ll lll 1rt>Tllll111 II ,.,,.111•10.t "l\ll "t f Tu>ad to War According to a recent nation-wide survey. 62 per cent of the American people now believe that we will have another world war within 25 years. Only 24 per cent believe that we NSAFGa'-.,,_,. • GENERAL EISENHOWDrS BEPOllT VJ ~--~-~---Mio ___ , __ -cvpg-J .... __ _._. ..... sf 10 record her• tlae cMtClil9 of •Y ,.-na•o -· s a..11d ptitudlll to dtaM wko .,.....941 • Muotie49y 41t .... • a..l- q1.1cu1.•rs aod! o.t tta.. otb ... MaclquCllt9n wWdi c• ap ca~ • ~ and effKti••lt with u.a. h coa I _... •Mlll'IM• 1•1tpid• el tU coUo.boration ot tboee •CLDY ~ftcila lD dril •d -'lhary potiitioa.11 in Grkt l rlloiD and lh• 0.Ut.d Sled• wttlil -~ •Y d'"ti• brought me into contort. a:ad •b-ellc.ts a.lded • o majOI' deep•• the occompliabm•at of ..., catt"O" tmk. Yet l bow that oll theu wwld ba•• •• pay o bGI trib\l-te to U.. mory ol two ••IY ••-Dior aad gollaat oEceN wbo •arted tb• ::mpctiqn with u• @d wb.o )091 tb•ir liYH belOI'• its conc:ldioa. Th••• were A.dmital Sir S.rttGJD H. llmmoy of the loyal HGYJ. ClD.d A.it Chief Mcuehal Sir Trciftord Lei9b;11follory ol the Royal Air Force. At the beginning of the ~pera~oa th••• ot6c~rs were respecti••tf my NaYo.1 CommCU11der-ui-Ch_1•I aad. my AU ~oa­ mcmder·in·Chief. The lormn I~ hW W.• lll. 4D curplo..as acad~nt i:eat Ver.a.ill••· froace. while •till HITlD9 in the .a.me co,poaty. The Jottet. reliewed bom my comma~d to l~• o••t the . Allied Air Forces io Southscut Asia. wua loe;t 1n o..a a1rplaoe acci.dent near Greuoble, frcmce. Tb• war "":ice. the de~otioo t.o duty. and the ..aCrifice ot th••• two outata.nd1.09 me~ typ1ty the 1n eploceable cost of the campaigo represented lD the h••• ol ~oua~da ol offi. cers aad enfuted meo cmd members ol th• wom•a • .. mc•a. of the Am.ericaa. British. and Freoch lore•.. , AU of them died I.a the sphil of that uolty wlUch. joined the Alli•• in our c;ommoa idealL To them. oad to tho .. who bear th• wowids of batlle. we. lheir c;omtad•• in cum&. reode1 mos! grateful cm.d hgm.ble tribut .. Under the CUTClJll9•m•nla made by th• Combla•d Chiebi of Stcili tor th• control 01 th• &eld lorcH. ~eoeral of .~• Army Georg.• c. ManhoU acted u their ex•cuti•• ia trcmaauttiD9 .to. me . theu ord•r• Qlt.d in.structlom. Mor90••r, und.r th• most diatift9uiah•d Secretary of Wcu. Henry L Sti~n. Genfl"Cll Jl!anhall wua o.lwaye my dir•d odminiatrati•• aupenor lo my capooty u a com.mcmder of United Slot•• Anny forc•a. To lh1a great soldi•r·•tatesmo.n.. I ow• 0 parliculw debt for hi• fri•odly counael and conataot •~P­ port. Th•t• wcu aolhin9 throu9hout lh• wcu ao morally •uatam- inq aa the lcnowled9e that General Mar1holl ~ncurted in the plans I wcu adopting and the mea.u I woa to.king to p\ll them into eU•rt. will have a lasting peace. By comparison, three years ago, I ~------------, rC'COns lr11ct the vast dcvasta tio'l of h...1·11rs and cities crt•a\\.'\J by the Nazis, Soviet factorits \\"ill be kept busy produci ng s1 1pplic~ and m<tt C"rials for thc-se pur110Ses tor cl I nn~ tim(' to romc \\'ithout ur.- d\~rt :i l<:.111~ a na,·al exp 1nsio11 pro-- granl. ("'l''·ious rulf'rs of Rus!'in h:i.\'c 11 H•'1 to makl" 11 '\ mar;li'.11e nation, nut tht• fJ<'OP~" B'i a \Vhnlf' 111~1 dttn • 1aht• 10 thf ,.,.<.i:cr. ·n 1c>;,. )'a'.,, tv•1 n1ut·h t('rrh (ll ~: ;'I nd too little ~·-r'\\.•~SI. when the last wa r was at its height, 47 per cent of the people felt that a lasting peace wa.5 probable, and only 43 per cent were convinced of the inevitability of another war. : The diminishing faith of .the American people in man's . THE WORLD ... ... AT A GLANCE Ry !:O\\.r\ RD CL,\ \·TO:S ability to pre,·ent wholesale mw'der and destruction on an in· I'....------------' credible scale is in iL<;clf a terrible commentary on the state of the \\1orld. Its origins ru-e ob\iOLIS enough. \\·c ha\·c watched the failure of the United Nations Security Council to arri\'e al ,,·orka lJle agrecme11ts. \\."c ha,·c seen the trend back to the olcl b.'lance of power policies which did so much to foment \\·orl(J \\"~t1-s I a11cl II. \\'e ha\'C SCC>n thC" r 1gi1ti; of small na tion;; clesll·o,·ed and the \·oiccs of clis.."iente rs \·iolC"ntly stilled. \\1c ha,·c ~n at1thorities pessimistically· forecast that the \vorlcl m a_\· break dO\\TI i11to t\\·o great Ol)JlOsed spheres of inflt1cncc. l<.'<-i 11\' the So\'ie t Union ot1 one sicle ~111cl ' . the United States on the other. The challenge this offers to all the na t ions of the world is the greatest they ha\'e ever faced. F or . shottld war come again, it could very well end only in the dea l ~ of civilization as we know il The atomic bomb is in its infancy. an<I the "improved" bombs of the h1ture, compared to those of today, will be like a 1947 car beside the primitive vehicles that ap- peare<l forty·odd years ago. Other weapons, of unimagin· able scope and destructive power, are in the experimental stage. It is perfectly possible that this kind of scientific pro- gress, once unleashed for war. may mean the ruin of all man· kind. \Vhat nation wants this9 \Vhat government, no matter how greatly it distrusts its neighbors, will assume the awful responsibility for another war? What differences are so im· portant that they cannot be reconciled in the interest of a lasting peace? The very existence of every being, whether he be Russian or American, Pole or Greek, Indian or Briton, depends upon the answers given to these tremendous ques- tions. Olf ! P. :\. Th<" :~dminisl rn1ion m.1,· hn.Yf' \\'O n :-i "\ ictory" in J.:f'I ting C'ons '"()l't:tt.'1'1 0~ Dl .\l~F.Jt" grj s.s to p .. '1~!' rt sc·concl l1P ,\ lull but it cnuldn'1 .:t\lnd n1.1 ny m11r1· \'i("loril'!' lik" th:1t. Th(' Prt'.;ir!1 ~11 L;"ai nt-d :ittlf'. if ;iny. prC'"lt i:::\' hy his ,."10 of 1h1' fi :-:-1 n1('11St11'{' Jn ·r1v• :iuL o( tran!'p<11 !Hi: 1:-1()(1 fact, in th(' :inxious \\,<'k" h1•\\\.1'rn 1\rtnv 1:1<1 NaYy \\'i\·,,c:: :l:"'i 111,...i r thr first nnd ~C'cond hill~ hc> n1ay 1r1or.· 1h:1n 3000 childr€'n t1 r.n1 \:ir t- hn\'C' \\·ishr<l a i:ond m~n~ Times ous 1.,..·l rt~ in th(' P\lt (f : · 10 the thnt h€' hnd "\~nrcl ThC" ori:.::i n:il t\mcri<'{1n short•s has been \'il'tU(1l- proposal Asi df' rrom r{'nl con1rnl. I' cor1111lt·1t·ll. ·rhti:.C' .11·,, tl\L' ;..:iris th e muntry i:;ni n~ ,·irtu;tlly nothi nj? ,~·ho 111t·l and marri1·•! 1\mrrican from !h(' n f•\\' l :'I\\' hut ron!usi11n sol di~•r•:; c::tritione>d ovrr:·1•n ..; . .\lost anrl trouble. Thl' unre>rtainty ahout of th1•1.1 "·er(' from 1\us1ra1ia and price crilinE::!:' on many of the prin-!\:I"'\\' Zt•:i 'and, but n1hr1·-. carnl' ci pal commodities "'ill kC'('p busi· fron1 Ne,,-Caledonia, the Philip- ncss unsettled until the cf('-rontrol pinrs, India and Shan}!hai. F., ... r board acts on them 1\hout tl1r "1nct.• 1~pril. 19-14. the ··br id C"ship"l" only persons who r('ally came out have been reachin~ California. bu1 ahead 'on the deal arC' the bu-the task of bringing them "homr" reaucrats y.·ho ride the publk pay-I rrelly ~ot undr r y.·ny on a full roll. It "i ll cost John Q. Citi7..rn scale or operation last January. a cool $75 million to carry them No\v t hat a ll hnv" arrived safely along fo r another ycar . They're .. Operation Diepc'r" is all .. ,,·ashed like visi ting rC'lativcs--ju."'t try to l up." get rid of them. UPllEA \" ALS "'SAR1\" DfED PROC DLV Bikini is no t the only p lace on \Vhen thl"' second nC't or the this planet v.·hc rc earlh-shakir.g drama at Bikini was perfor1n('d I blasts ha\'c occurred in recent lh(' gallant Aircraft cnrf-ier Sn:-fl-w~ks The revolution in Brilivia IO~'l ,,·as right in 1hl"' micltllC' or and the terrorist bombing in Pals ThC' "stn~ ... just a s -;hC' had hc'C'n cstine are cvidcnces of the sccth- fn r thf' (i'l"St grrat aton11c tC'st fi nd ing underground turmoil .vhi~h a.<1 ~he had bC'cn in f'>i:;ht m:l jor bursts thrOr.t.1gh to the surface her<' Par1f1r campaigns nil thl' ''':1y and there throughout the glob.~. from Guadalcanal to 1'okyo. On The Bik ini "big boom" injured no '\'cry previous occasi.1n she had one. but the tY.·o othE'r incidents survi\'Cd the bc-s t--0r tt'.e \\'Orsi -took a hea\·y toll of life end Limb. Labor Backs Teachers punisliment that th(' f'nL'my or the The Palrstine bombing \\'BS sheer ato:n could hand ou t to her. N~\'Y mlt'rder . It did mor e to set back Although the November general e lection is months mon "'•r • praying IhRt this time the Jowish cause in the Holy Land too. sliC" '''ould come through. But than a ny other act or violf'nC<' In away, the S\Veep Of SUpport for the initiative School it ,,,35 not to bC'. For 71 2 hours reecnt years. In Boli\ia, th~ story m easure, Which \VOuld Set the minimum Salary Of 3ftrr the incredible r3rce of tnr \\·as di(fi.:rcn t. There the ViOll:'~CC' teachers at $2400 yearly, already is impressive. For blas 1 had s prung the µInf('< lX"lt\.' \\'as instrun1cntal in overthro\ving 1 d S 'd · • l' · th<' \··att r line the bi!it cai·ri<'r tri{d the fascist regime "'hich "'as a r ea Y tateWI e Gr gan1zat10nS tota Ing millio n s Of hard Io k<t>p afloat. It wa; a los· 1 closely linked with the Peron gang m embers--Native Sons of the Golden . West, State in~ hat tie ='IS the \\'&ter r.rndu:tlly in J\rgrntina. The new goverr.F.!C"nt A erie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, California fill<'d lhe hold and draggod her should be an impro"ement. Some C ongress of Parents and T eacher s, California State down. She died BS she had lived-day lhe Bolivians and the J ew> proudly. But to the men of lhf? and the rest Or th~ world \Vill work Federatio n of Labor -have officially endorsed the u. s. n•"Y she will ne .. er <he for OUl polilical probt.ms in peaceful initiative and urged its passage. her memory will ever liv(' in their and constructive ways. That may The l a test o f these endorsements, that of the AFL hearts. nol be soon. but it will be. R USSI AN NA\")" in State conve ntio n , is of unusual s ignificance in that 't aff' th · t 11' t t f d t' th t ·rh"' l\losco\v an~ounC"('r1"!1·r: th:it l tlr rman '.\lorrlso!'· Lord Pft"S.i· l re Irms e In e igen COncep 0 e UCa !On a RtL•s:a pla~s to bu.Id a Rr~·11 "'"Y i dent of t hr Cound l ln England- · . • NEWS They l Say~--PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY of. die CHURCHES • Pl I F ., e.IT7 8. 1Tl'l.-- "Despite our tecbnica1 knowled&e I. 8. 1t' BY T It to provide plen~ of food we have Dlt mus ~ otten failed to distribute tt u well .......... • ..., w ..._ '!'fw. ~ C. 7 , .... Is ....... u we should.. In the lone view no .w. ....... 1aa --.. nation is any healthier than its ~ " &IWJW chili;lren or mnre ~ ~ -:·...:'!.!. ::! ._ A. V. Anchewa, M. D. rilillim•N -IRlSGl:o:ir w ~ Jlll&ll•q. -.. o.,_ ........ OUll LADY OF· MT. CAllllEL 14a3 W..t Central Avenue Sunday V•ae1: 8 and 10 Lm. Ccnt.-OU.: Sat~ tmm 4 :00 to ~:30 and from 7 :30 to 8 :!!0 p.m. its farmen." ""-...... ......, Cloakn.,-artbl a.Jeco.,_ioeharl&, '-------------!I '-----------.....:.J AIMIMl1SCT ST. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Balboa laland ~e•t Blaft leadtt la bdJ...,_ "Russia doesn't want an Indian set\}eme nt noW, as that would ;--------------.1 surely mean greater strength for Armand Monaco Sunday Mau: 8:30 &.m. Ccntealom: Saturdays trorn 7 :30 to 8 :30 p.m.. Britain. One can therefore see ABCBITECT Russia \\'ants Indian agit ation kept at white ·heat until her own SIA W. Bay Ave., Balboa plans for security end Po\.\'er are !'7!l~owr oocltmA .... ,. CORONA DEL MAR OOMMCXITY CHURCH, CO~GR.EGATIONAL Perry Frede.rick Schrock,. Mlnbter 611 Heliotrope~ Corona=-.deil Mar Sunday. Aug . 4, 1946. 9 :30 a. m. Church school. 11 :00 a. m.-1\.iorning \\·orship. Sermon by Mr. Schrock: "Change Your Minds as \Veil as Your Clothing,'' FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Udo Theater, Centr•l Avenue completed." COSTA MESA COMMUNIT'Y CHURCH Carl B. Johneon, Minister 124 E.. 20th St.. Ph. 2475-R Church achool. 9:4~ L m. Morning Worab1p, 11 o'clock. Youth groupa, H igh echool, In~ termedi.ate, Adlll.t, 6:30 p. m. Evening 1ervice. 7 :SO o'clock. M.id-week fellowlh.ip and prayer. Wf'dnesday, 7 :SO p. m. 11 a. m.. Prayer and Sermon. and Via Lido ASSEMBLIES OF GOD A branch ot The Mother Church, Henry and Ida Sa.o.de, Pastora '{he First Chun::h ot Chr18t, Sci· Amf'rican Lf:>glon 1:ran, 15th entlal, ln Boston. )4a•919cbuselt.a. and Central A\•e. Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m. Sun· Sunday school, 10 e;m. day Service at 11 a. m . Wednelday Morning service, 11 a.m. Tf'aUmonial Meet.ing at 12 o'clock Evening evangelistic service at Reading Room located at lll 7 :30 p.m . Palm street, Balboa, ls open daily Mid-week ser\'ice, Thursday at from 1 P-m. to 5 p.m. except Sun· 7:30 p.m. qeys and holidays nationally ob---------- <e.rved. FIRST FOURSQUARE CHURCH The public 111 cordially invited to OF COSTA MES-"- ettend tbf' churcb M"rvices and uBe Temporary location, American the Reading Room. Legion Hall Re''· and Mrs. G. \\lllard Steams ST.' JAMES EPISCOPAL CHU RCH 515 West Central, Balboa (Ebe II Clubhouse) Rev. Ar"dys T. Dean, Vicar 8:30 a. m ., Holy Communion. 0 :45 u.m .. Sunday School. 11 :00 a. m .. Morning Prayer and Sem1on. lF irat Sund&)'&: Holy Communion. J Pastors Pbone 2671 Sunday Schoo! 9 :30 a. m. Morning worship service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :00 p. rn. Berean service 6 :30 p. m. Evening evangelistic seIVice at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer service e t 7:30 o'c;lock. Loo AJ1P1M NOrmandy 61-0S CJDBOPRACTOBS Wagner Drugle9 lnsUtute Dr. Wilbur c. w- Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19210 Clout 81...i., - Lacuna--- CLINICAL LABORATORY Clinical Laboratory ~Oftloe boms: 9 • 4:SO and by appointment TELEPHONE HARBOR 8S8 W3 W. Central Ave. DAY SCHOOL , Mortimer School S02 Coral Balboa Island Grades: CoU~, PreJl.8.ratory SUMMER SCHOOL G. A. ~lorttmer. 1\1. 1\ .• Oxford Prlnclpal Phone Barbor 662 DE1"TISTS ' Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST BALBOA I SLAND CHAPEL 218 A gate Avenue FIRST METHODI ST CHURCH G. Edwin Osher, Pastor 2ZO%VJ W. Cenu'.al. Harbor 1.a.80 Rev. Harry W. White, A..aclate Pastor Cbureh School. 9:30 a. m . Morning \Vora.hip, 11 a. m. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Costa Mesa Rev. He.rbcrt. Roth, Pastor Services: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Corner Walnut and Church St&. Coata Meaa Sabbath achool, Saturday morn· lng, 9 :30 o'clock. Preaching 1ervlce, 11 a. m. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Community Methcutlat 1420 Wed Centra l Avenue Rev. E. 0 . Goodell, Pastor Church School, 9:00 a.. m, MUrnlng Worship, 11 a. m . Ypulh Fellowship, 6 p. m . EVenhtg Worship, 7 p . m. Mid-week prayer service, Wed· neaday; covued diah dinnq, 6 :30 p. m._ FULL GOIPEL CHURCH !2nd and Elden, Coct:a Mesa Sunday echool, 9 :46; morning worahJp, 11; Jtvang~letfc eervtce. 7:30 p. m .; Mid-week pra.yer meet· 1ng on Wedneaaay, 7 :45 p. m.; youog people'• evangelistic aervtce on Friday. 7 :4~ p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church and Walnut Street.I L Du•ne C.1nby, Mint.tel", Servttes: Sunday, 10 L m., Bible Study; 11 a. m... K orolng wors:hip. Euclid at Stanford, Garden Grove. NEWPORT BEA9 B 9 :30 a.m. Church school tor all ,_ __________ ....;:._......! ages . 11 :00 e.m. Morning' \Vorahtp: Message: "We Thank Thee." 11 :00 a.m. Nursery tor all chll· dreo during .ervice. 6 :00 p .m . Methocl.Ut Youth Fel- lowship . Young Adult Fellows:h.lp. 7 :00 p.m. Evening Worahlp:- Meaaage: "Come Yei Llve." COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD R.ev . .lame11 P . McGraw, P astor 140 Cabrlllo St-. Costa Mesa Services Sunday 10 a. m ., 6:30 p. m. and 7 :30 p. m. THE FRIENDL\' CENTRAL BIBLE C HURC H DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST Z8SS "'etit Central Phone Barbor '21 ·1 Newport Dr. W. W. Westmo...,land Dentist 1801 Coast mwa.1 CORONA DEL MAR Phone flarbor 2!!0 D\light. Kinman, pastor, \\'om - ('O's Clubho11111f". CMta M~a. =-------------- Sunday school, 10 a.m. l\.forning worship, 11 a.m. INSURANCE Young People's service, 6 :30 p.m. ~------------­ E\'angelistic Gospel service, 7 :30 p.m. Prayer meeting, Friday, 8 p.m. 4th. Strut] • "'· 117'2 IJncoln N atlonal Life Insurance Co. "II.II Name Indicates It.e Cb&racte:r" DON JEBNtGAN PhODe Harbor Ut~R SOB Marine Ave. Balboa 181 . OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen ... _ ud A~t P.Uclee PboM Barbol'J QW •ta 11:. a..,. ...... "-" a.lboa MORTICIANS .lohn K. C. Chung. M. D. ~-Sw·-2 • 4 7 • 8 :30 and by appaintment Beacon 507S 120 E&ot 18th Street Ooata Me.a, Calllon:da Laurenoe H. Don:y, 111. D. Physician & Surgeon 3%1 Marine Ave.. Bal-hlaDd Phone II.arbor M:t9 . H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll,yololaD """ s....- Hours: 2·5, ~Y Appointment Telephone Beaoon 5848 lSl Bro.dway Milt-On M. Maxwell, M. D • 1601 Coast mway Oorona. del Mar Office Hours : 10-12; 2-5 Phone Barbor 106:! S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave" Balboa Harbor 11!4 «S S. HUl St., Lo~ .~gelN TUck er 7612 By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 \Vest C.entral Ave. NEWPORT REACH f'booe Barbor 10!8 No an1wer : call Bell.ot"(lo 604,9.a X·Ray Service T. P. REEDER, M. D. and WM. S. WETON, M. D. Ph.l·slclall!I and Surgeou. MOO W . Central Tele phone Harbor 1602 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ' Phone Bea.OOn 5803-W M. D. Keesling 1808-A Newport Blvd. CoAta Mosa SURVEYORS Raub & Bennett Surveyon and Enrfneers 1808 Newport Blvd, Co.ta Me. TeJepbone Beacon MOl·W 2817 W. Central Newport~ Telephone Barbor W has distinguis hed res p onsible labor leadership in Cali-" 1n.orestmg nows. hu• " " nor "Let us seek by an meam to e n· forn ia over the years. Without adequate school likc'r to ("UUSC gr("n!. Ct'nl~t·m courage trade within the Empire tr · · · th' f t h 1 anv)n~ the admirals nr tile ,\n1r'r-as much as nnccible. b\lt not by ,--------:-::-::-------------======== atmng, in is age o ec no ogy, anr; young man or · d 8 · ~ 1can an r1tish navif'l" Rt•n'\on: measurl'S "'hich l"(>Strict the ex-2• H W Offian iS drastically h andicapped in ife. RUS"lJ·1 is pr1n1nrily a l~nd ('JO.\\er pa.nsion of \\·orld trade." fl-• · 0Uf Harold K. Grauel Chapel Mrs. Ell"a.nor Roo8e\'e lt, chalr- ma.o. of the UN Committee on lfuman R lghls -"A de mocratic labo'. movement can be or great profit to Germany. It y.·iJI develop freedom of thought a nd opinion and I trust that our military gov- ernment will permit e\'cry free- dom that i.s necessary." Pueuc NoTICE& Education is the gre at leveler o f our democratic and is 'ik<IY to remain Su "1,01 her society ,· it equalizes the Opportunity for advancement the mon in thf' Krf'm•ir. \\'.ifll 11 10 1 Gf"nf"rall!Wnlo Chi&i1g Kal-sbf'k. Radio Service or not. f ht• t'normou~ str<'1~·h1·<1 of o r Chlna-"Unles.s e\'ery citizen in life of the son of the butcher and the son of the lhe ~!oho und,•r Mosco""' Mnirol r espo<:Is the social order and ob- banker. The former , ho\vever, is dependent upon the gi\'f' lh:it C?U nlr.r Ahc111t •111 11 -.·~·n ser\'f'S discipline. unl<ess each hes Caliber 0f the public Schools f o r the excellence Of his handk on land wil hOUl domr. "cry I iniiiaiiVe and is cooperative and . Th . h h m~ch nr. the St'R. I ~ Ru, .. i.l is to sclr-sacri!icing. a ne\\' China cans training. e rlC man-S OUld public school stand-bu1lrl llP h• 1' hea,·y 1nd1:s1r1i·i; and not be brought into being." ard s contin ue d o wnw ar d-co ul d sen d h is ch ii d re n to r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ expensive privat e sch ools. The man who lives by wages canno t d o that. In clear r ecognitio n o f this is the AFL end orsement statem ent that "the teaching profession mus t be made m o r e attractive, through the payment o f •a fair a nd adequate living wage. to induce the f inest type o f young m en and women to enter the classr oom, and to persu ade those already engaged in public instruction to r emain in their jobs. .. " The stake o f labo r in public education ·is hardly second in value to its stake in the right to organize for economic betterment. It is r eassuring to all groups interested in promoting educational stand- ards, and to the public at large., that California's o ld- est labo r o r ganization has taken so f o rthright a stand on this salient issue. MODERR MARINE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Cemplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZlOO 0...... Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS lllALTS • 5ANDWICJll2S • HAMBUBGEBS '"" en.... to 'l'alle Oat 315 NORTH _MAIN ST. DOME, AUTO, MAJHNE RADIOS llEPAl'llrD Burt R. 'Norton 915 Oout Blwa7 Beacon 5781 Newport Bw'la.. C.W. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Otten Yoa the ~ Plaoe to Dille .. Orup Ooaat,: All New • -, • Ev.en the Location • •.. One-Half Mlle East ot Old Location OD Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbem CalltomJa In the Serving ot -SEAFOODS- Atm YOO& Jmd Gf Sl'E&U -V1ll1T OUK Kl'Iua:H - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market ...a...e: ... 4 "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Best" PboDe Be• con 5110 Costa Mesa , ~ornJ.a OPTOMETRISTS E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. OptometrtAt EYES EXAMINED LENSES DUPLICATED a..._......._...,..,_... 31 lt W. c..w.I A-. I'll. llarber•t.J 111 &WPOaT a&ACJI Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOMETBl8T p ,3<02 CERTIFICATE OF PERSON TRANSACTING BUSI NESS UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME The undertilgned . J . H . Bailey , does he1't'b)· certify th11.1 he 1.~ conduct ing & ••hole$ale l·egetable pruduce l.JuslneM 11.J1d "Rn y bu11\ne11.a Incide ntal the~to a.l 532 Coa11.t J-ligbway, Ne••port &ach. Ornnge Cnunty. Cllllfornla, under the fic titiou s fi rm nan1e of BEACH CITIES PRODUCE CO and that Mid !inn IA corr1posed of ' the fo llowing penion. whOM" name and ad-dress Is 1U1 follov.·11. to wit: J . If. BAILEY. O•·ner 201 Wel!ltmlnster. Coste Mua. CflJl!ornla. \VITNESS my hand this 16th day of July, 1946. ST J . H. BAILEY ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . COCNTY OF ORA."iGE ) u Eyes Examined • Glasses Fitted 1'111 N.....,..rtlloalennl On this 16th da)' or iuly. A.o : 1944. befo~ me. Leroy P Anderaon • Notary Public lo and for 118-id Cc:>Unt:r .and Ee.ate, penKPn&lly apPUf'td J H. Balle,.. known to me to be the ~ , wboee name Is wbacrtbed ti! the wilhbl Inatniment. and ecknowlfXl&ed to me that he executed the same IN WlTNESS WHERE'.011'. I baft hereunto set m,.. band and aftb.ed lll1' --------------'I official .9eal the day and year lD uu. certificate first abowe written. PRYlllCIANS -SUBGEON8, D.O. Dr~W T. Mooney ud8aagw --o..tnl ..... (~·--"-> ....._ M Dr. G. E. Tohill ..., ,, ... _ .. ~a..tllnd. N J!Okl' BP•QI .,,,,.. .. om.: ........ . : ...... .... 11: .. -. ........ . ~EROT P. A.'JDERSON NolU')' PubUc In and for Mid County and Stat.e.. Pub.-J uly 11. 25. Aus. t_ and 8, J.H1. Men-Women ~. Pehla De ,_ ........ , •• t ...... lsp,sret.w'-111-6._.,AN ~ =.,-, .. ~.t;'"· •. ,, ...... ... .., .. ,..... ::;::i,-.... , ........... rrs YPUB GLAND8 ._ Orf 'fwlr ._ ... ::r!' -... _ I ff ·-,.. __ , .. .... ,p - p ........... a... ft.G.. ..,. .......................... _.._UM tw • 'hmNll 'MO .. Me .L ..... ,:.. .71/L1 -· • •• -... - 9 •• ,. I • · Flowers of Exquisite ~auty Will Be Shown at State Fair SACRA.MENTO.-F1owers of ex-tive Dowen on dilplay. quisite beauty, flown from all over Another unusual exhibitor will the world. will be part of a lour· be George Pring Jr-. of the Mis- point florlculture program to be aouri Botanical sodety, propagator presented during the California of water Wies made famous by State Fair, August 29 through bis father, noted hydridlzer in September 9. according to plans water lilies.. revealed today by F . M. Sandusky, Rare orchids in quantity, be-- manager. goniaa, g~ by the bun- The famous Hall of Flowers on dreds, the famed Bird of Para- the fair grounds will become a dise. as well as the rare An· veritable fairyland of noral beauty thurium will be exhibited In a under the direction of Ken Fry, background of ""'aterfalls, streams, exhibit supervisor. ponds, landscaped walkways and Richard Tongg of the Mid-shrubbery. Pacific Horticultural association In addition to the Hall of of Honolulu indicated he would Flowen display by professional exhibit clipper-flown Kahill Gin-growers. the four point program 1er blossoms and Y.:ooden roses will include displays by garden from Ha""•a.ii. Guam and other clubs. by institutions and specialty South Pacific areas will haye na· displays from overseas. While it has been the policy to limit premiums to county exhibU in the past, th.is year premiums have been established for inc:il- vidual exhibitors in all phases of the flower show. Competition, however, is limited to California grown exhibits. S. D. Driver Cited • liook, Line and Sinker By B'UOB WcMJl.I ,AN' ''Thett are plenty of bn>odbill. Some limita ot omall Brookla ore but the marlin haW!n't been show· being taken from Deadman Crftk. ing up," says Eddie Offerle of the Mammoth and Rock Sandles are Dolphin. "One marlin wu seen slow but fishermen are getting~• Saturday which came up and few eating size fish. Some catches smelled the bait. I haven't seen up to 5 pounds taken on rues ln but one marlin and that wu the Owens River Gorge. Water t. da.y I wa.s hooked Into the bn>od-dropPing ln creeks and fiy flshin& bill," Eddie added. It was two is pJcking up a little. Grant Lake weeks ago that he brought in the fair for trollers at times; June broadbill swordfish. "Another Lake fair at times. Silver and Gull "·~k should see swordfish." Sun-Lakes, Rush and Glass Creeks day Eddie Offerle brought in 16 poor. albacore, which were caught by Some trout fishing can still be three fishermen. enjoyed in the Santa Paula and Saturday saw the first trip out Sisar streams of Ventura county for the new life bait boat Sport but water in most other streams King from King's Landing. Thia of that county is low and contains boat really has the speed, comfort, a great deal of moss. ' • CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~1, ~r Balboa, onlia ... ..... DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANQUETS and fishing space all real live bait Fishing is good on the San Joa. I ~-------------------------......, boat fishennen desire. The Tropic quin at Millers Bridge in Madera E J ( B d ) J kl• came into King's Landing Sunday county, states National Automo--u _, ac 1n with one hundred twenty-six alba-bile club. Lake fishing is poor, • • core, Rocket fifty.five, Tyee eight, although some good fish have been ·aeno twenty, and Lancer twenty-taken from the Fernandes Lakes. nine. So, the albacore have return- ed 'tn good numbers. Reavis on Navy Cruise to Cuba CONTBACTOB CEMENT wo ·RK F1at Work or Fot111datloa.s CAll. 1522 -.J FOR INFOBMA.'tlON • A reckless driving citation was issued to Robert R. Perry ot San Diego last Saturday after his automobile allegedly sideswiped one driven by Hub Powers, Balboa Island real estate broker and salesman. police reported. TlUS BARE SPECIMEN I• a AetobatuA Calllornlcus, better known u a bat Atring ray and he ls pure "'hilt>. \\/bile not. extremely larfe, u these .. gentle" creatures co, thlA cbaracter'A oddity lA that be I.A albino and lA llvtnc quite a peaceful life at the Kerckbotf Marine Laboratory in Corona de l Mar. Commttt'lal rtshermen brourbt Mr. Aetobatus to the laboratory alter findin1 it ln their net.a \\'hlle fishing ott the cout. Wally Gerhardt took th.b remark· able action picture uader adverse photo condltloiu of annoying light reOectlons aad rlpplln1 watf'.r but cau.sht the younl' fello,,· just u he "'u maldnr a sharp rlcht turn at the corne r of his pool. ThlA "blondle's" nor mal color should be a dark bro"'· accord.in( to .John D. Splkn, laboratory M!llsta.at. -photo by Gerhardt The Recapture from Port Lido brought in forty·two albacore Sunday. These fish were caught by a group of Pasadena Elks. The Alma, from Port Lido, brought in 10 albacore, caught by five fish· ermen. Port Lido has the Neptune, an open boat, leaving at 7 :00 a. m. Midshipman W . A. R~avts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Converse Wurde- mann, 209 Ruby avenue, Balboa Island, Calif., is aboard the USS "---------------------------~ . - Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Rotmd-the-World Trips in the near future. See Mr& Roy Keene. Pb. Harbor S9L 301 Palm, Balboa Boan: 10 a. m. to 8 p.. m. Braken Lenses Duplicated GlaMee Ad)usted • Frames Repaired E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. 111.f. Wm&: Centnl EveDin:p by Appointment C. C. Council Will Discuss Teacher Bill LOS ANGELES, July 30.-The Southern California Council or the California State Otamber of Com- merce will hold their semi-annual luncheon in the ballroom or the Biltmore hotel at 12 noon, Thurs· Book Lore Notes By ESTR.ELLJTA Those readers of "The Sun Is My Undoing" y,•ill be rather dis· appointed in Marguerite Steen's new book. ''Bell TimsOn." It is a disjointed dissertation of an over· po"'er ing mother's love for her two children, whose lives she ruins in a meandering fashion over some 370 pages of a book that might better have not been written. Balboa Sport Fishing Fleet still has the Fishing Express running daily. The Poco Loco. from here, brought in twenty.five albacor e Sunday. and the Forever Amber had twenty.four. , "All the fis h they can carry," are the "'Ords quoted !Tom Kim· ball"s 19th Street Landing. Sun·· day Carl Mcintee had the Don Pat from here on a course for Dana Point after barracuda and off La· guna he saw albacore chasing fish along the surface. He started chumming them Y.ri.th live bait and his passengers ended up by landing nine a lbacore, although about three times that number were actually hooked. Washington. a battleship, for the first swnmer peacetime cruise since the end of the war. This cruise is outstanding in that it is the first time in peace-- time history that the midshipmen fro01 Annapolis a nd the cadets from West Point will work .on combined operations. The ports at which the Wash- ington will call are: Ne,vport, R. I.;.. Guantanamo Bay, OJba; Noc· folk. Va.; New York, N. Y. The cruise will end August 15. Ex-Marine Opens Dry Cleaning Shop In Costa Mesa Area Albert H. Matthews, former proprietor of the Banning Laun- dry and Dry Cleaning company at Banning, has opened the Udo Cleaners, 456 Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa. ~-------------------------~!day. Aug. 15, 1946, it was an· ---------------------------nounced today in a letter to the Ho"·ard Fast has done his usual perfect job of "Writing-his subject "The America n," a middle-western legend. The man, about whom the story was written, sacrificed his whole life for democracy. It Is a book for those of us who are searching for an ans""·er to our present day dilemmas. Surf fishermen these days are catching yellowfin croaker and corbina, but not in any too great numbers. One fisherman cleaning a corbina caught up by the Santa Ana River jetty found a hard shelled sand crab in it. Soft shells are the better baJt for surt fish, but this proves they will take hard shells when they are hungry e nough. An ex·Marine who was on the staff of the inspector-general of the U. S. Marine Corps for marine laundry and dry cleaning, Mat thews grew up in the business. His father also was in the bust- IMDWIAPllLIS • Alliiil~-• SAN AN"oONIO • DES llOIMfS ' NEW GAS ~UPPLY COULD SERVE f!/I ~OF THESE BIG CITIES to strn SeatHnt Califllllia's •Mllill lllPUtlll - lmaPIM wluit k ,...Id M like if tlae elt'-of I...._ apolb, .Abo., Dn Molan aad S.a Aa ... &o ...,. .. .. lramplaalecl ... Mn ••• tMir w!llh-... ...,. dtDeat added at.o.t o•ernialat to Soadrtern C.lifor. ail!•, popal.tion ! Sometlriin1 •e:ry like tluit ia luippt>niq a.ow! Al..- llad number U•e arrived t.intt 1940. Handred• of 1i.o.und• moft are eomi111 ••• lO aU on oar ,. toal'ttS far beyond the already tttmendoa• clema.L Fuel Supply Solnd As a mule there is a &towing nttd for mote and still mocc rurura.l gu, t~ mo:krn, «0oomicaJ fucJ . To mm it, pcc-- liminary work hu alrndy begun on the largest lon3-distancc gu 1ransmiu1on line ever builr. WhC'n compltttd, it will brio.s to S°'uhcro California a continuing, additional supply of chis vital fuel ... ntt111,,0 °'''• ,, €6ft j..-/,., "'"" ciJ#J.' 1200 -Mlle GIS Pipeline $carting from t~ ~iid<0nt.iDCOt G:u Fidds of Tens, this huge, MW pi~line will up a great rnen"t ol n.anual ps, ttanspon it over the TC'X&S plain, aod lift it Offt tM Coo· tiomla1 Oi'fidc bJott codins a 1,1:00 mil~ journey ia South- ern CaJiforo.ia. &IHI U1~1rt1kl11 At a cooouurnoa 6 ..... ol U-16,000 I'"' .W., 0a -1 -will rach $70,000,000 ••. -o( u ....-..,.;-;.. ...,;.cu ol ia kied. llS,000 -o( ,.,. will bo ._;,.I. 4,000,000 me· honn ol work will tie as: W ..... mil "'lift.Ii •" tacha m.,. a JC1t1 and a !aalf &cm now. Ac iu uJt:i.Joae cas-iQ' ... aod bl ldclitioa IO aw pr.-•"'1---dw ..... pipdiw will-........ _ "'' 47.000 bums ol oil dailr. or ... 189 aon..da of ooo1...., doy, or ... mn. 0-tht dai1r -of dooaw.I _., -llouldu Dom! Htll's w~ll H -H It Jtl -a plrallhl1 and conlia•.U ••PPIJ el utw.l ... ........... ,_ .. o11 ....... council from E . C. Hwnmel, r e· gional vice president. Purpose of the meeting will be to review the recommendations or the regular and special committees submitting reports .and research work In connection with various measures pending on the forth· comin g general election ballot on November 5, 1946. Foremost or these measures re- ceiving atte ntion will be the school measure including No. 3. which increases the state proportion or costs and sets $2400 as the mini· mum salary for teachers. The veterans' measure and the court of tax appeals, as well as t he so-- called Fair Employment Practices Act initiative are among the total or seventien other important measures that will be reviewed and considered. Invitations have been extended to the United States Senators, William R. Knowland and Sheri· dan Downey. to speak at the meet- ing. It ls anticipated that the two U. S . Senators "ill swnmar· ize the action or the put historic session of the 19th Congress: now drawing to a close. CAR HITS MARINE ~1arine Pre. Olarles C. Pavel, 18. or Camp P endleton. "'BS struck by an automobile on Coast highway, Sunday. police were told. The ma· chine was gone '''hen the police arrived to make a report of the accident. All kinds typewrl ter ribbons la stock at the News·Time!. BALTZ MORTUARY -;t- • Lady Attendant -;t- 410 Coast mvd. OORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT Readers who are looking for a good American book because they are tired or war and English novels will find a n answer in the "Iron Land" by Ogley and Cleland The setting is in Minnesota: the time, the end of the Ovit War. The brothers. about whom the story revolves. form the keynote for a whacking good story of love and adventure. Don't miss it! It has been years since· I said it, butl pier fishermen are still catch- ing a larger variety of fish than can be found in the average fish market. Saturday night saw spot· fin and yellowfin croaker, corbina, tom cod. shovel nose sharks, and mackerel caught. During the day halibut are added to the list, plus a dozen or so other odd varieties. even up to including a barracuda once in awhile. Bay fisherme n continue to catch a few ye11owfin croaker, as well as ness. Matthews resides at 7308 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, with h1I wife, and three children, the lat- ter being Natalie, age six, John, age five, and Michael, nine months old. Matthews h45 installed the lat· est Zoric dry cleaning system, which he says is the only one of its kind in the area. One of the nicest books of the season. the "Golden Earrings." by Yolanda Foldes. Its war back· ground is minimized by the beau· tifully flo'''ing love story of the British army officer and the gypsy woman who disguises him and teaches him the gypsy tricks of trade. The scene In which she pre- sents him with the golden ear· rings, as a token of love. will be one of the few well done love scenes of modern literature. spotfin. bass, perch and sharks. iror Better Pr1ntlng call 12 or 13.. Saturday night ye scribe caught !;:::===========:::; a rat·taJl stlngaree on salted an- chovie fl'om Racker & Pon ting on a book from Al Forgit's. Anyone who has read and liked Somerset Maugham will. no dOObt, wish that he had not done his present novel. ''Then a nd Now." If It had been written by anyone other than Mr. Maugham it would not have been a bad story of Machiavelli a nd his t ime. but we The Zootsme II and Sherry LYfln continue to run from the Newport Pier. and if you want to 1 go grunion hunting. the date and time is July 30th, 10:15 p. m., Jujy 31st, 11 :00 p. m. The place: any hunk of beach you. chose There were no grunion in the surf near the Santa Ana River jetty Sunday night. "Stack" Stackhouse, the grunion fishennan ot Santa Ana. explained. that the grunion didn't run because the moon did not come ouL have learned to expect much more Upstate Reports of Somerset Maugham. High countr y lakes or Tuolumne EVERYTHING In Qnallty REFRIGERATION Air Conditioning Eqnlpment 0-. Cabinet. • Ooanten Walk-Im • Fomlt&lm • Stooi. Bod< Ban . Boo- Compleie Market. Cafe, Et.c. Plannln .. UWEBEB" DEALEB8 • "Britannia ~fe""'S." Margery county will furnish good fishing Sharp's new book is the story of for some time. although all close-- Adelaide. who leav~ her home and in fishing for trout in the county security to marry a struggling is practically finished for the sea· artist. They live in the Me"·s. Dur· son. ing a n argument tx>t"·ecn them, Fishing is generally poor in 6%3 S. Lo9 Angeles SL. Anaheim the artist husband falls over the \M~o~n~o=co~un~~ty~Wi~th~~!~ew~e~x~ce~p~ti~o~ns~-~====Pbo~~..,~~Wl~t~===~ balcony to his death . Conflicting opinion and the shado\V passed upon her by the death, m a ke it impossible for Adelaide to go home. Eventually, she takes up "'ith a man of good family. The ston· is based on their life tt> gether. ORR DISCHARGED Ens. Robert G. Orr, son ot T. V. Orr, 604 Broad St., Newport Beach. Calif., has beeo discharged from the Navy at tbt penonnel aeparation center in San Fran- C.R. STAAF ' MOORING SERVICE ;t ;t ;t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettere<t ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Ila wlee - cisco, Calif_ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Sama~r Wela. Fanaer Beere-p; tary of s..-•Afttt ffYOf'Y major war a tendency on the part al, the ctt•t powers to <llln&ard the Juot rights of the ctt•l ~ ipakes ltaeU felt. That tendency is grow- A 11 ENTION ! ! Home aad Boat Owners-Builders ing rapidly today." Announcinr; the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL 8IU8 BVILDING UND8 Bricll ud 0 11pool BIN •1 N-i. ProdlMJlkw Walter KJine Concrete Products Co. (Jul•._ CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. for YOUll ...... How to toQ tN Nfs out of VOIA' breakfal'I routlrw ••• WOyt to make your kitchen "homlty'' •• , wNrt color to d'°°99 fllf your living room •.• TheM or. jw,f o '"' •f the lntrlg~ ,... ideas tumlthed dolly on the w__.., .... of THI CHllSTIA.N SCllNCI MOMITO& These helpful k:Wa. Ot'9 "plus YOlue" In thlt dolly M'll'SPGCIW far the hOfne ·thct gl'l'ft )'Ol..I WOl'kt NW1 lnt~<td fO tholl" .. Hnpoct on you and ~ tomlly. ------------------...... ceu,.. I n. Clybtlon ~ Pl.A>li&hif'llil Society I ,_ .,._ SPI· I One_._ ,..,.~ StrMt, Boat on 1 S. Mauochuletb I CIA.L """41..c• P}tas9 .nter o apec:iot lntrocka:tory subicripfion> .. ~~ I TheChtisrion'ScienceMonlto..-SW'Mkt C)Obluml tor SI 11 ,. ___ , ...... ,. ,U.5.Nndll ~I Street I ar1 c;ty -•1 -----'-' .. _ ... __ -· -~-------------:=:J You'll dial calls all the way across the country SotM llay, 1"" will be Ible to rompleu • all to New l'b+ or 1111wbetecbe in die~ u nrit. Jy u a local call. For 1°" will dial·dic number yoa - ad ,.,... all will be automatially rout<d .en. the l:OU""1· Preljmjn1ry wotk: oa a D&Cioo-wide di.alio.g IJ't' -is .i....i, ander ....., . -All-:-'·•·"'"' ............ ~"' '"'.~ · &tnl tosnsklll ubh 11HH1 wia. llllll ""'".,,I""'''" r• f0< --~-' •-'~""~,.,_.~IN,._ -"•I r.-"4-.,... ,,_.·-"'••ho ""'· S.11L1ri C1&fonlia Tll1pL111 C.. --• 0: -~ I .............. _ .... ---7 0 ,....._ • -.. -;5] , - • • DO IOT BE MISLED Variom individualo, oome not even rft!idenlll of this community, have lndicat.fJd that they ""' go- ing to get out "souvenir pro- grams of the Tournament ol Ughts and will appeal to the local businessmen for ad»ertising. No 9Ucb venture ha.s '-" ap- proved by the tournament - elation which will Issue programs at ill! own expeme. They will con- tain no advertising but may have a list of ClOlltribotors. The Tou:rnament lo an ...-.. Ilion when local people try to - bow mnch they can give rat.her than bow much they can get. Do not he deluded by oullllden who ~ to me It for pelMD&I pin. Balboa Tournament of Lights Assn. ' -by I. A. Beek, Commodore DRESSES Values up to $19.95 •................................ NOW Special Group 2-piece Dresses Values to $24.95 ............................. . Values up to $22.95 ............... : ............... NOW Values up to $29.95 ................................ NOW Half .Size Dresses Values to $24.95 ............................ .. SUMMER SUITS . $18 99 $12 99 $1499 $16 99 $16 99 $1999 100 '70 Wool SUITS COATS ROBES 100'70 Wool Hostess Coats ............... . Ya Off Ya Off Y2 PRICE Sheer Night Gowns $5.95 Values ......... ·······-······ .......... . $299 Bags ~i~·...... ......... .. Y2 PRICE Costume Jewelry Y2 PRICE • Blouses ~~S::es .. ........... ........... $2 50 Hats ~al'20.oo !5 ~a~2.95 $2 Special Group of DRESSES Values to $24.95 ·······················-····-··········· AD SU., F1na1 e No E:s:daaace-• No Rd.._. Store Boan: t:JO 10 ·5:30 -bcl...U., 8atuNq ' fAS~ION s~o• fO• WOMEN Pl11ae ·m1 • r • N&Wi'W& •••aoA --' Harbor Femi Ille Activities • Phones 13 and 2al + + Engagement of Joyce Tuffree, Member of International Snipe Champions to Fete Pioneer Orange County Family, Announced New World Challenger .Friday at BYC ~ I l 'f 'Ibe engagement of their daugh Bob • Davis, whose fractlonall.,·------------ ter, Miss Joyce Tuftree. to Leon-N I G'f p lead over Bob White, in~tional I\ ard Jmeph Doyle, Jr., son of ?\.tr. OVC 1 t, arty, Snipe champjon. gave him the -N~fromthe Balboa Yacht Club and Mn. Leonard J. Doyle, Yorba Planned for championship of th• Newport Unda boulevard, was announced Harbor fleet, will be guest of hon- lhis week by Mr. and Mn. s. Volney L. Hay or at a dinner Friday evening James Tuffree, Palm Drive, who hosted at Balboa Yacht club by are spending the summer at their Both beautiful and novel ,,.as Bob and Betty White. The White home on Central avenue, Balboa. the birthday gift presented Volney twins were not only fleet champi- lt is expected the wedding wil lbe Hay, owner of the Sea-Esta motel, ons last year but took first in an event of the early tall season. Newport boulevard, Costa Mesa. the senior class and second in the Miss Tuffree is a member of on his return recently from a trip junior_1 class at the international Alpha Delta Pi Sorority at Uni-through Oregon, Washington and meet JfUt year. • ·Larry Whecler \\'as winner of the PC summer championship for the second consecutive year when results were checked for the five races and others in order were Hebe Erickson. second; George Strom. third, and Bud Caward, fpurth. versity of California, Berkeley, Northern California in company This year Davis will represent wl h his ·r First official race of the new where she was a student last year. t w1 e. Newport Harbor at the Interna- Previously she attended Marywood During the absence of the Hays, tional Snipe races to be held at ·l 4-foot class was held Saturday Central Catholic high school, Ana-who v.rere former owners of the Lake Chal.#tauqua Yacht club, and a sec:o~d ?ne Sunday, Dick heim, and Anokia F1intridge 1 Balboa motel, their friends, Mr. Lakewood. New Yor~ Aug. 20-21-Fenton bemg fll'St in 116, Burz:y School for Girls. Her fiance stu-and Mn. William Umland of Bal-22 and the whole harbor will be TUpman ~nd . In 260 and B. died at Gonzaga university In boa and their motel manager; Mrs. eargerly awaiting results. At the Johnson third wt th No. 11. The Washington and was graduated Beu ~gney .spent much time an.d last race Chicafo local boats were Tupma.n boat i~ the one which wu from Northwestern university u effor t in building a unique rock used but this year skippers may delivered by &lJ' recently. an .ensign in the Naval Reserve. garde-n in the spacious enclosed take their own boats a.nd Davis The P-14's held two races with He has just returned from ten patio at the motel. planned after a wUl sail his own pa.le blue Shady Pete Serrell tint, Bob Kyle second months service in the occupation similar one the Umland.a had built Too, No. 3518. and Ray Harder third. ot Ollna. at their former Ocean Front home. Bob is the son of Ken Davi!, ac-The International Snipe asscr Much interest attaches to Miss Beside a rustic pool is a minia-t:lve in yachting circles and a elation has a different klrid of Tutfree's engagement for she ls ture Mexican village with had-member·of Los Angeles and New-sooring than any other class and a daughter of one of the real plo. end.a, wishing well and eight-inch port Harbor Yacht clubs, and has competition, was so close betv.•een neer families of the Placentia dis-figures of people and animals. A been sailing ever since he was a the first four winnen that it was trict. Her paternal grandparents. gravel road winds through the small boy. The International Snipe actually less than one place, when Col. and Mrs. J . K. Tuffree estab-rock garden and a rustic mill-Association is the largest regis-scoring for the July series plus lished residence here in 1872 t1 nd wheel turns In a stream which tered neet of sailing boats in the the Independence Day series had were identified 'ildth all the early no"'-s down over the rocks. Other world with over 5000 numbered. been completed. developments of the community. figurl"! are about the patio and Alan 'Andrews is captain of the Bob Davis had 15841.4 points, Her maternal grandpa~nts , Mr. fuchsias are hung from the walls. 1 local n eet . _ Bob White had 1554'%, Phil Greene and 1\1rs. M. H. P eelor. who now Celebrating the birthday a Guests at the dinner will be 148734, and Dick \Vcaver 1434 ~. r("Side on their ranch on Placentia "'i~ner bake y.·as held with a big skippers a nd their cre"'-s and in· While the Snipe neet is sponsored a\'enuc ar£> also early-day resi· whit(' cake decoratC'd by Mrs. Um-vt ted arc Bob Da,·is and ere"' b.Y Balboa Yacht club. there are d~nts . ce l ebr~ting their Golden 1 land y.·i th a l\texican senor and James Lewis jr. a nd crew, Drc\~ members from othcr clubs a nd \\ cdd1ng anntversary two years cactus. and after\\'ard Volney Hay Granl and cre"'· l\t ax,,·cll and Da,·is Y.'i l carry the Nc,vport H ar - ago. jr. !'ho~~:cd pictur~ take.n by. hum Clar k King. Bob, Alan agd c.8th-bor Yacht club colors when he anrt his father on t h<'1r trip to arinl' .i-\ndrl'Y."S, Dick and Louis r aC'C's in the inlernational regatta l\1 rxico. . I Blatt crman, Dick and Lois Kemp. Rt Lake\\"ood, Ne\v )·ork. on Aug. Foo d Sent Europe By Police Auxiliary TI1°"'c present 1nclud1."'CI i\1r. nnd Phil Greene and ere,,·, Danny El-20-21-22. J\l rs. l-Jugh &~·<'rly, ~·tr. and l\lri;. 1 liott and CTf'\\', Dick Dca\'Cr and "Larry \Vheel£>r has boui<:ht a Jack Ford, l\trs. Anna Ab~tt . crc,,·, Tony and J ess '""right, Ha r-nc\v Snipe'. No. 5835 from Darby l\.1rs . Ida ~l'Cd, 1\lr. and l\·lr!'. Vol· I~ l{oyt and cr r\v. f\1or_gan and :1\1atcalf for !tis childr.en. Diane ney Hay Jr. a nd small daughter . l\t ercdilh Cox. 1\tr. and Mrs. Dar-and Jimmy, \\'ho arc> learning ho,,· J~nicc>. M.r. and l\frs. Ha~l. Mrs. I b)' Me tcalf, Gloria and J ohn Ste-to handle it. Another Snipe has Rigney and Mr. and l\1rs. Umland. phenson. Diane and Jimmy Wheel-been ordered by Mr. and Mrs. ' ?\1rs . B<'e Lace \\'as hqstC'ss Tues- day C\'<'nin~ to mcml:Jcrs of the Police Auxiliary at her home on Court avenue. Ele\'en m('n1bers were present. The group is sendlng canned foods to Europe and Bee Lace. chairman of the committee, re- ported sending 44 pounds this past month. Each year members entertain their husbands and plans were made for the affair to be held some time in September. Mildred Johnson, whQ had celtbratrd her birthday slnce the last meetln.&. wu presented with a gift. He arts was playC'd with tint prize going to Elizabeth Waltte, second to Alda Gorton and Ruth Gerrish consoled. Others present were Lorraine Montgomery, Pearl Waterlue, La- Veta Lace, Viola Comee! and Audrey Cottle. Mrs. Wate rlue will be th.e Auguat ha1tess. NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards SlaU-ry Brookings V arietv -0-.. ..,.. a... ... -c s' ta a.-., ca·o_.. ...._ Expert Circus Theme for Third Birthday ~trs. E. C. f\iartin, 407 North Bay Front, Balboa Island, enter- tained last week honorine the third birthday anniversary of her small son, John. Mn. Martin. who Is an artist of considerable note, had decorated the wide front porch with twisted crepe paper 1treamen 1n various hues and ar- ranged to carry out a circus theme. She also painted attractive circus posters and made big Jack- in-the-boxea to add to the effect. Refreshments carried oyt the motif. and a huge pile of "four and twenty blackbirds" proved full of favon for the ama.11 guestJ. J ohnnie's largest birthday gift. a real merry-g~round, provided amusement for all Mrs. Lawrence Moore jr. assist- ed Mrs. Martin in serving, and several other mothers \\'ere pres- ent. Guests were Donald McKee) jr. and sister, Dee: Tommy Ad.ams, Gary Bowman, Stephanie Smith. Susan Nemec, and Larry and Michael Moore. Mn. Anne B. Lefler, 210 Via San ~mo. hu returned from Akron, Ohio, for the summer. She wt.ll go ea.st in September but nex·t spring expects to come here to remain permanently. White-HOllse Caf~ n-S1llZ ........ Beedl, Calif. Beauticians for Milady • Permanents. Cold Wave. Hair Styllng, Hair Thltini • -· Bleach- ing, Faclals. N O WAl'DNG Foar Speel••ta ........ eu--"'--An --·All ""-;;·_ ... ..................... r.... .., ............ , I ..,. .. '-..,.... • P•blic Alldlon Sale SANTA CATALINA ISLAND HOME and the 62-ft. YACHT "PRIVATEER" BJ 0rW el 11. W. '=le~ ~::s::..-:. 8•tflt el Credlton. ' Room 804at111 W. 7th St., Los Angeles FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH AT 10 A. M. :'>-BEDROOM eornpletely tumilb<d home at 1S07 E. Avalon Ter- race, Avaloll. overlooking villace and bey. lnspeetlon dally from noon to 4 p. m._ Poac:llion when purchue price-placed in e9Cl'OW. YACHT "PRIVATEER'", 62 ft. lmc. 14 ft. beem. sleeps 8 - end .,._ ot 3. Dry docked -part ot 1916. Rlalng and Aila =cmdltlon. 6 CyllDclor 11arine ~=tioft clollY at ,_ Yacht llandlnc. Wllmlna1m-. . : South trom on on ~ Fon! Blvd. to odl'O ot drawbri~. tum risbt to Iandlni-I For ~ Orculor mil. wire. writ~ MILTON J. WERSBOW, AUCTIONEER am I 1111.... ... ....... 3 SI. Qia. TI ., .. - er. Leon Sanchez and crew and Geor ge McRoberts, ""ho have soJd Michael Giddings and crew. their Star No. 319 to John Ter- williger of Balboa Island. The Mc- _arbecue Supper Al: Had R ing Home ~1r. and Mrs. Had Ring, Grand Canal, Balboa Ialand, entertained with a barbecue supper and cards Saturday evening at their home, guests being Mr. and Mn. Jack Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hender- aon and ?.tr. and Mrs. George Peters. Miss Dolores Ring has returned from a week in West Loa Angeles with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hollingshead, much of the time being spent at the new Cabana club, Santa Monica. This week Donna Ring, who had as a gul"!t last week Joan Lones, of Oieviot Hills, ts staying with the Hollinpheads. Your friends and minei . ~fr. and Mn. John Long. Route 1, Costa Mesa, are parents of a daughter, born July 28 in Santa Ana Community hospital. She weighed five pounds, eleven ounces. Roberts are building a new garage apartment at 124 '1l Collins ave- nue. On Sunday, last day of the July series. one of the markers drifted away, washing into the surf around 44th street about the time the racing boatJ were trying to locate It, and the Clyde Kemp cruiser Milty m WU used 81 a substitute marker. • . With the Flight of the Snow- birds taking over Newport Harbor Sunday and ab large boats at the S.C.Y.A. regatta there wlll be no official races at BYC until the challenge races of Aug. 25, but each Wednesday there will be In- formal races for Snowbirdl, Fal· cons and Balboa Dinghies. On Aug. 10 there will be a semi- fonnal dance at the club with an orchestra, ubffet supper and door prizes. Atrs. O'Dare of Huntington Park, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Del Stein, 2435 Or- ange avenue, for a week, returned home Friday. During her stay they visited their mother, Mn. S. K. Stroschetn. San Juan Capistrano. Mrs. O'Dare and Mrs. Stein re- cently returned from a trip north where they spent two weeks with another sister, Mrs. Weber of Beaver Creek. E . D. ?.lorton of Tucson, Ariz., who has been a guest at the home of his sister. Mrs. Thomas Taylor. 3300 ~ia Udo, for the put six weeks, left Monday morning to re- turn home. Ir-------------, Phone lle9eon li8U Newport II c..ta M- CAB CO. 24-Bour 8ervlce Mrs. E. S. Dunn of Ft. Collins, Colo., is a guest for an indefinite time at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Leon Fer-guson. 453 Santa Ana avenue. Last week 1'.1rs. Fer- guson's sister, l\frs. D. S . Hale and her daughter , \Villa Jean. of Den- ver, arrived for a few weeks' stay. =============I . ' ... ' \ _1 ' ..: n Trrtc • Sii.ii llTI: 0 2 ... Tele"_, ...... .,,......,. STAUFFER SYSTEM _,. .. .., ....... 1A01llU ••CB -< :z -- ., z 0 NOW PLAYING Gryphon Productions i;:::: PLAY"OUS~ Keenan Wynn ID Petrified forest laly .. llln .&,.-• Limited jleetlnc Capodty Reserved Seats Avali•ble at BLUE . SAII..S BOOKSHOP ....... r'Nr.,. Oi i.s-ltl ftlCJSll: 8IM • IJL8I -.Tu °'I tC Aas-& i.t&Dl for 1 ,.._ Cl ;o >< "Cl p: 0 :z "Cl :II 0 c c:: n -i .. 0 :z " t" > Cl c: :z > Ill L'I TEN NIGHTS IN> A BARROOM ~ I -N1sllllJ' IP.IL-HP.IL ···~-(~ ...., a,ih111 ....., Costa Mesa Pastor and Wife Welcomed to Sixth Year of Service at Formal Reception • A "l!IY lovely fonnal tee. boot-··----------- eaed by members of the w .s.c.s. Galloping Tea of Costa Mesa Community church • ...... held in the church chapel Surprise for Friday .evening in honor of the Costa Mesa Hostess Rev. and Mrs. Carl J-and welovnin& them to their alxth Newport ~eights drcle held t year in Costa Mesa. .. galloping tea .. n.esday afternoon. Pink dahlias and tapers decorat-a surprise affair fot their holU.. ed the beautiful tea table where Mrs. Ray Eastman of Newport Mrs. W. L Currie and Mrs. aatre aven.ue. Costa Mesa. and ~money. Nelson presided O\'er the silver making project for the circle. service, a family heirloom loaned As ?.trs. Eastman had served re. by :1\trs. Josiah Kirby. Represent-freshments the ("}'ening before, ing the :1\fethodist Youth Fellow-Y.'hen ~tr. Eastman "'as host t:G ship \\·ere Miss ?.Iargaret Nelson members of the fflen's Brotherhood and Miss Oiarlotte Best at the of Costa Mesa Community church. pwich bowl. she "'as in a good pos.ition to off~ In the reception line were Mrs. unexpected hospitality. J . I... Barnett, hospitality chair-Enjoying the afternoon were UM man, and members of the otftcial Mesdames Leon Ferguson. Flol-e board, the ladies wearing formal Forshay, D. F . Hale, E. S. Dunn. dinner gowns. In the line were Flora H&(Tis, Alice Nirenberg,, Mrs. Chester Fisher, Miss Doris Iona ~· Alma Cross, Edit.h Billings, Rev. Oi.arles E. Hand, Barnftt, Davis. Apes Wilson, RoJ Claire Nelson and Rev. and Mrs. Salter and the Misses Gwendolyn Johnson. Harmsen, Barbara Trusty and Mrs. Corene Boettcher was in Judianne and Marsha Salter. charge of the program and during -------------the receiving: pla)'ed organ music. Margaret L Scharle She also presented two artists, Miss Muriel Hatch, talented vio- uru,t and former Costa Mesa girl who is now a student at Redlands university, and Mrs. Berineace Fox, soprano. Miss Hatch played. (Mm>bet' Music TMchen' Aan. ot Cl.llfomla) Teacher of Piano "Melody" by Dli"'es and ·'M.ed.ita-Organist -Accompanist tion" from Thais by Massanet. 8tadlo: 811 Ool6mrod A~ Mrs. Fox sang ''Roses of Picardy," Ooroaa del llar "I Heard a Forest Praying" and PHONE: HARBOR 1066 '"The World is Waiting for thel'-------------.J Sunrise," \\'ith Mrs. Boettcher playing the accompaniment. . Mrs. James Harris acted as program chairman and Miss Jeanne Edick gave the \Velcome for the YMF, \vhile ~·lrs. T . ~1.ar­ tin ·srauti, president of \V.S.C.S., spoke for the church membership. Re v. and ~trs. Johnson '''ere pre- SC"ntC'd with\a lovely rose-colored ,,·001 blanket. ~1rs. Raymond Jan1cs. and rM.rs. CharieS Andre'''S ,,·ere in ~harge of decorations,. and the Fidclis class "·ith Mrs .. Ray '\Varnc as chair- man, presented the refreshments. • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends in short hairdos. ' . • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also macbineless pennanents. Virginia Bell's MARISKA House of Beauty 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Jala.ud Phone .. Harbor .... 1827 Balboa's ' RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM JIM MY '.D-C1RS£Y ff'T.Mfi o•c•1•r•~ • '.l1>e World's Gn1u.t s- PlaJfll' Saturday, August 3rd ++++ • COMING. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22.ND AND THURSDAY, AUGUST 29TH • HARRY JAMES Dueing frat 9 antil 1 .-...