HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-06 - Newport Balboa News Times• J • • • • ' ' I ,.,. ~-=======-======~·============== THE SAND CRAB ., SAM G ROWING. Over at C<>- rona de! Mar the other day percolated from one store to another and mar- velled over what a few years bad wrought. \Vhether the rivalry between one block over a different one fur- ther along the highway ex- ists or not, fact remains that the area housing the post- office seems to be the busi- ness center. Which perhaps, is one reason why P.M. King has three chairs in his of- fice, causing one patron to remark: "Why?" He doesn't know himself, leaving the two acocmmodating ladies in the office distribute the mail while he tries to get Barber Lee to work on him and the rural carrier, with- out much luck. And last week Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Burlingame spent that period there. The Bur- lingames used to run the Balboa Rendezvous and the theater, recalling to mind the days of Harry Tudor whose idea started the big dance hall made famous by the song, "Balboa Bines". Bob Murphy, who now op- erates the place is not so well, having been in the hos- pital for several weeks. Then chinned a bit with Jack Twist, veteran realtor, who years ago did the same thing at Balboa In his office is Col. Venn, who believes four postotfices, so far as COM is concerned. are better than ooe. On down the avenue to Walter Mellott's construe· tion firm. Walt lifted too much the other day and hurt his spine. Russ Hamp- too's drug oasis is doing a thriving trade as are all the other stores in that block. • • • Beliring! Hub I Ask Steve Griffith it he intends to lay down direction of his vast enterprises. His "no" is em- phatic and · he declares he will operate until he is 100 yea.rs old. Judging from his -trim and healthy appear- ance today, believe he has something. "I intend to keep control of my business and in that way tell them what to do," he grinned, "why build up a business through hard work and effort and let the other fellow run it? N~ me." The uninitiated ask, who is Steve Griffith. \Vell he runs Griffith Co., a concern that builds dams, highways, etc. He took over Lido Isle after $1,200,- 000 worth of public improve- ments was about to default; his company owns much realty elsewhere and all in all Mr. Griffith. keeps a pretty tight rein on what it is al !about. • • • Lawyers Advertise! That was quite a laugh a bout the state bar associa tion sug- gesting members advertise-- and pay for it. In the years I covered courts and politics ran into quite a few bar- risters. most of w ho m \\'anted their nan1es in the ne\\'S s to1ies as being identi· fied with this or tha l yam. Some months ago !he Cali- rofnia bar objected to attor- neys pub.lishing inch cards in the locru papers on the ground that it wasn't ethi- cal. Now don't get me wrong that there are some 13.w;..,rs who are sticklers for ethics, but the majority of them are in business to sell their services and the better known they become the more business results. results. Any arguments? + + + Religious l!'.d.....UO.. At- tended a meeting the other night to ascertain if a church should take advant- age of the law permitting schools to send children to a religious school for an hour a day or so a week. Eight, none with school-age ki<ll>, turned out. Last year, I be- lieve, Rev. Ed. Goodell had a class for his cbureh, while Santa Ana wmt in fw-It in a big way. Rev. Perry Schrock wants to find out If there is •lfflcient interest to do tbe -in Corona del Mar. KEEP POSTED! 1 y_. -..•.. S%M • c-tJ '8-11 o.t of Cl lt7 .. ,.. o.t ., _ .. -°'"'* PayUlo .. N~Newpurt,8eMlll -.NEWPORT BALBOA. I o.ly Orup Camt, Wf!Mly Newspaper if_,_ Aadlt 89- ...... "'Ore+llce -=====.======"' EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLUJIO: XJaVDI NEWPORT BEA<JH, CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, l He ~ T NUlllBICll 11 Street Imp ovement ·Cost :Set at 400,000 Lehman Wins Pacific Race At San Diego By KENT H ITCHCOCK SAN DIEGO. Aug. 6.-Barney Lehman. Pacific Coast cha mpion and crew for internatfona l Star race championships, came through with Scout V to a sparkling first place win: over 13 competitors. in· eluding two past international champions, in the Star boat race of t he Pacific Coast championship and Southern California Yacht association championship regattas here yesterday. . . • .. .· _. • • • .. ' • c .. , .. .. • ' • . t -. . > • ·" ~\~-,~ . . . .. . ' • ... { • State Legislative Committee Told Heavy Traffic Increase fore es Widening ·of Highway Mayor Reed and Engineer Webb Representing Newpqrt Beach at Santa Ana Meeting. Ask for State Financial Aid in Develop- ment of Project-Coast Blvd. and Central Avenue Involved; Assessment Dist May Be F ormed to Share Cost In second place was Lowell North's North Star and third place was held by The Wench . sailed by Ashley Bowne. ROCKET TO THE VE-Most of the 16 p&Mengen wllo cOu.ld not swim u.bore alter the apeed boat F'W1 ZOne C&Ul"ht afire a.nd ex- ploded In Balboa Bay on Sunday were reM:ued by the sldppel" and ere"' of the Mt. Rocket I, which Q~rate. from the Balboa pavlllon. Financial aid from the state towwd the proposed widen- ing or Coast boulewrd and C...tnl avenue &t a cost of $4l)O,- OOO was asked by Mayor O. B. Beed and City Englaeer J. B. Webb or Newport Beaeh a& the state legislative committee hearing In Santa Ana -lloaday IDOnllng. 'Ibe Fun Zone boat wu mplet.ely destroyed. None of the 'Viet.Um were ~rfotttly hurt. More suffered from lmmerMon and shock. -photo by Roy L.yman, Balboa Island. In reqnesUng the state's aid through the aUO<aUon of monies from Oallfonlia gMOllne tax huM1s, Mayor Beed said that the heavy 1aca-In lnftlc using th""" sfnlelll of major -----------.--importance had forced them into Irvine Parcels Accepted by City; Rollcall Vote, 3-2 the position of widening the streets to accommodate the traffic now. Ruth, sailed by T. G. Meyers won first place for the Rhodes 33 class and in second place was Hook Heardslee's Sea·Bee. "'hile Con· verse Wurdemann's Midship took third place. In the California 32 class first was Escapade, Walt Elliott; second, AJtamar, Don Douglass jI', and third, Amorita, skippered by Walter Franz. In the Ludera 16 clus, a new prefabricated boat built by the South Coast company, .J. Robson was first in No. 150; Evelyn Clarke was serond in No. 151 and in third place was Ralph Phillipot In No. 37. First place in the P . C. clasa went to La CUcaracha, 1k1p-- pered by John Washin,ton, George Strom's Lee was second, and in third place wu Roger Bryan's Minx. 1~~~8;!~h~~ Walter Lewis, 14, Winner Exploded in Bay Of S wb" d f l.f ht S d Quick thinking. p•omp action no 1r 1g un ay Amphibians Urged As Substitute for Fire-Fighting Boat For some years the CitY.. of Newport Beach had been con- fronted with the problem ot widening and improving Central By a rollcall vote of thre to two, avenue-between Alvarado street the Newport Beach Oty Ccuncil and McFadden place; Coast bootle- on Monday afternoon aPSMOttd a vard betwttn 22nd street and the resolution of annexatkm at two westerly Qty limits and the con- uninhabited parcels of land awned necting link between Cent r a l by the Irvfne oompaay. avenue at Findley avenue and Declaring that 3000 boat.I in egotlations for the tramfer al Cout boulevard at 30th street. In the percentage handicap clua Windsong, ulled by R. and J . Crum took !lnt place; Frolic, with J . E. Marsland as skipper was sec-- ond and In third place was Blue Jay with Erwin Jones. Donald Burnham's Javelin was first in the Ocean Racing class with C. Mc· Ke-llip's Gayle second, and White Cloud. sailed by Frank Kent or San Francisco, third. On the race down from Newport Harbor Windsong, skippered by R. McB urney, came in first "'ith Flying Cloud, sailed by ~1organ Stark, in second place. and Alura. sailed by James Irving. in third place. Racing ~{onday was over a nine and a half mile "'ind\vard-lei'ward course with the wind iight, for ce 2. the ocean smooth and difficult for the big boats. In charge as chairman of the combined rega\las ls Commodore Henry B. Grandin of Ne\\·port Harbor Yacht club. Hurt in Crash Mrs. Yvonne Bergey, 40. of 3210 Acean Ave .. Newport Beach, suf- fered minor injuries l\1onday when an auto drivcn by Frank A. Ste\\'· art, 40. of the same adlk'es.s. and with \\'horn shc "'as: riding, crash· ed at Chapman a nd TUstln Aves., with another vehicle, driver of y,,·hich is unknown. and effective rescue efro com· bined Sunday evening to owly avert a serious tragedy in the en· trance of Newport Har r when the Fun Zone, 5()..foot s boftt operating from the Bal Fun Zone,·caught fire and sen 17 per- sons into the bay. No serious injuries ported. although all were treated for shock d .Im- mersion by Dr. Gerald Ra a. who was summoned to the ~harbor· master 's office where som of the l't"Scued persoru: "'ere tak .. One of the heroes of th(> oc· casion "'as J ack Boyd, *2 Apo-lena , Balboa Island, pilo of the craft. who, "'hen an xplnsion rocked the ship and r es ted in fire, ordered all those a ard t(l abandon shi p. Boyd r epo tro that the built-in carbon mono ·dC' fire cxtinguishing system f iled \o function and it \vas then that ht• orde red the passengers o erboard. ·Anoth<'r hero \\'as Chl' Brandt, piJot of the Miss Rocke I, who sent his craft around a n around the buming boat and p eked up all but four of the pe ns from the water. No other ahi in the vicinitY Y.-ould venture cl e to the burning ship, evidentI¥ f aring an explosion of the gasolin tanks, but Brandt in the Rocket. ad been running along side the un Zone when the latter entered the har- bor and immediately nt into rf:'Seue operatiOlll. An eyewitn<'SS, u.•ho "'as s tand- (Continued on P aiei 4 l . Plans Underway for Balbpa · lPirate Days' in September That the r('Sllmption of Balboa's I ture th(> cit y nnd pr~ '"ith fa n1ous "Pirate Days·· v.•i\I be as their ruthle!>s rcign of m?1k t{'r rnr. gala and f(>stive as the celebra· / Pira te court \viii be hf ld thru- tions before thc \~tar was indica ted out the period and pc~s found this y,,·eek as pl ans for th!.' four-guilty of improj)('r g ar or in· da y l'\·ent on St-ptember 5. 6, 7 subordination \\ill walk e plank a nd S were discussed at a noon into the bay. mct>ting of the Balboa Impro,·l"-C.ommittees announced at Mon· ment association at \Vhite 's Coffre day's mee ting are as fo)iows: shop ~1onday. F inance-Theo McElrot . Under the general chairmanshlp Pirate Boat Landing-Clyde of Bob Brov.TI , who appea red at J ohnson . Al Anderson nd Joe the meeting in full pirate regalia. Beek. plans for the festivities, which at· O ty Anni\'-ersary and Dinner- tracted thousands of pleasure seek· Harry Welch. • ers in the years before the war, Publicit}'--Geof'i"e V ar e well advanced and sub-com· sell Dietrich. Kent H itch mit1ees are hard at work on vpri-Hannon, Ed Blondell. a. Rus- k, Don ous phases of the activities. Pirate Parade--Clare ce Orr. Highlights of the festive session Mel Ford, Bob Murph Emma will be the coronation or a Pirate r.1 cConnelJ. Queen., a treasure hunt for both Decorations-Frank adults and kiddies. a street dance, Pirate Court-R. R. H a CC?_ronation ball, a costum<"d pa· Herb Kenny, Lortie Hu rade and many other ac>'11.'d-Phillips. attracting events. Street Dance--~lel F Business men of Balboa will KJddle Ka.rnival-Sa.11 Brown. soon begin letting their beards Pirate Queen Contest and Cor· grow and preparing their costumes onation--Thomas Dugan for the festivities a.nd a general Aquatic Events-Paul ustlln. holiday spirit will JOOn prevail on Pirate Treasure :lt,-J. J_ th< peninsula. Bishop. SchM.uled for an ev\y appear-Pirate Beard and Contst ance in the-four~ actlvity •1Il -Emma Hughes, Jack eld. be the pirate boat landin& -Treasure Hunt-Ned .1""- buccaneen will Invade and cap-Hsb Holkrr, Herb K< • • Nancy Grandin and Fred Thomas Follow Winner Across Finish Line; 130 Boats Finish in Annual and Colorful E vent the Balboa·Newport Bay are now the land, which ts located In a This improvement is of majoC without fire protection ot any westerly direction from d ty dock importance to the peniralula areli kind. John F. Vogel of 2294 Chan-property and adjoc:ent to th< of Newport Beach, u Central nel roa~ Balboa peninsula, warn-Swain bay front J*upa b. wu avmue and Coast boulevard. are ed membera of the Newport Beach initiated by P . A Dhwnu•e. an the only mean1 of ingrea and City Council Monday atternoo auoclate of James Irvtne. owner esreM to this area. A traffic that the ' city should Immediately of the property. llDd 111Qor O. B. munt taken by the state higb- Fourteen-year.old Walter Lewis. son of Walter K. Lewis jr. of Riverside and general chairman of the affair, outsa.lled 129 other youthful skippers and won the 1946 edition of the annual Flight of the Snowbirds last Sunday. Young Lewis, "''ho piloted the Ha-Ha, won out over the largest field ever to enter the colorful event and receivl'd the Governor's Cup, presented by Lieut. Gov. Frederick Hausl'r. and one year's possession of the Albert Soiland Perpetual Trophy. Second place winner a nd the first girl to cross the finish line in front of the Balboa pavilion was 16--yea.r-old Nancy Gra ndin of Balboa, daughter of Commodore H. B. Grandin of the Ne"1>0rt Harbor Yacht club. Ann Rawlins Thre-e Minutes· provfde a type of fite protection Reed. ~ department on Sunday, July Pat Welsh S~· John Johnson' I before another tragedy such as • By verbal ag1ee11111 t with the 13, shows the traffic on Central ' ' · last Sunday occurs in the bay. cit M Reed said th Irvt aftllue opposite the Udo theater Aquilla· John Alle n · M1ke Ba~ y, ayor ' e ne ·to be apprvx:imately 70 per cent cock: Grant Baldwin1 , ~turk ; Don V~el referred to the explosion company will i~ the necessary of the traffic on U. S. 101 at the A P tr l II. Geo B I and fire on the Fun Zone speed· sewer and water Jines on the prop- . yresS.h e o t. .' D ' k'&se rown~ boat, Which occurred at 6:05 p.m., ·ertles Rs soon as it is subdivided overhead crossing at the inter-ing, earwa er, 1c ununers, 5 d 't th v I' $50 . . L--In section of Newport boulevard and Mik Jae er Vikin Chllde· Ted un ay, op)lOS1 e e oge s ,-for the bwlding of new 1.l\.>UK9 S 1 1 Sh e g y' k . g J Reed . l 000 bay front home. Vogel told the SI0,000 and $12,000 cla.5!!1. U. · 0 · Ph?l~ersB ban ~· ~ull · J~ the council that it might better Reed said that the city had in· The present width of the road- shl' Pd ra yny. 11 reyJ k t'. J hn get an amphibious mobile tank and tended to extend sewer lines to the way of Coast boulevard between au eman, e ow ac e • o . •t •th . ·r d f ed I ds but 22nd street and the westerly city Stevenson. Sea Dog·, J . Sheperd· equip I wtd ct"h: ian h' el enfse uninhabit an a year agotiguous, Pumpers an use 1s ve 1c e or h l t limits is 28 feet, the roadway oa son. Zombi ; Fred Moldenhauer; f. h . boat fir H .d th as t e parce s rere no con Angus Richardson, Wa-Wa; Gloria ~g1 Uhng th es.. es~ e 1 they could notlrvido_so at that ttme 1 . Central avenue between Mc-- Stevenson Bob Halderman. ~l Y as e pumping equ1~en Howev£>r , the ne company, n Fadden place and Finley avenue la · . . 1n the basement of the munJcipal order to help the city annex the 40 feet in width, and Central Barba:a Cu~diff ; Lubell Boice. building. properties. has consented to pasa avenue between McFadden place Peter G1nk; ~ii Kraem~:. Robert Vogel said he did not know on to the city 8 strip of land, and Alvarado is impr:uved with Lon~. Zephyr· H~n~y Hill , ~a.r that there was no longer a fire· where the trailers camp is located two roadways each 20 feet in CleVJden~. Corsa!r · Robert Milli-boat in use in the bay until after on the bluffs, whidt will then width. kan, Pelican ; J an1c:e. Jen54:n· J . J .; he had called Irvin George Gor· make the lands contiguous. In order to keep traffic moving Terry G!Ot>g e. P.a1Jk1a ; Bill Blau· don, Newport Beach member of Actually there are three parcels at an even pace during the peak veil. B~~a ; DaVld Ove:holt, Phi~ the county board of supervisors, a of land in the Irvine tract. One periods it is necessary to pro- Lew-Oa1 , . Peter Morra~, Ouzel, rew minutes after the Fun Zone was recently subdivided for home hibt.t parking along the northerly~ Winner of third place was the Ste\',e Pridham Zombi · Bruce • and 1-roadway of Central avenue be-Pow. \Vow. skippered by Fred . · ' . boat had caught fire. building. One strip ·of I m now' Bro"'ll· Bob Kramer, Andale, Gordon '•nfonned him. he said, leased to the South Coast com· tween 15th street and McFadden Thomas, 15, son of Dr. and Mrs. M N t K c t Bob I ll d s da ~·-~Y ewpor · r,azy a ; that the a ty of Ne\vport Beach pa.ny and is used 21 a boat slip by Pace a ay on un ys. ..,118 L. A~i ~;:: ~~ ~~af~18!1~ners Leishma n, . Poco-D1ablo; Joanne had disposed of the boat last the later. Mayor Reed &aid that as along with the acute shortage ot Van de Gr1ft ; ~1arsha Younglove, , k soon as the company can find a parking space in this particular are members of the NHYC. ~50 11 J Id S l · "ee · diff'cul bl ..,..,_ ; er-ro pang er Jf ·; Mltyor o. B. Reed intert'upted substitute mooring plaCe, this 9trip area creates a 1 t pro em. The next seven to finish and All Sawtelle H ard Tack Mayor Reed said. receivers of trophies were Dick en ' · Mr. Vogel by explaining that the may be annexed by the city also. Deaver. BiJ I La\\·horn. Joan La Judy Terkel, Punkins; P ete u. s . Coast Guard had removed There lies the pmsibility that 'The widening or Coast boule- Dobbs, Dobbs Ferry ; Robert In· the old fireboat (rom the harbor the Bayshore Trailer park will also va.rd will give traffic to and from f\·tontague, Charles Heyler , John T h 11 Le . Go r th · · the Long Beach area an opportunity P arks, Norton Younglove and Ben gram; Joe ate e . ts ; as they had considered it tnade--become part o e oty m near and f y 1 Richard Mcintosh. Lucky Lad; quate for fire-fighting purposes, future as a r~t of the Int.er~ to flow freely in out o the 0 111ung ove .. d f th 136 r· . h Bob Halderman, Lucky Duck ; (Cootlnued on ?age F1v~) (Continued on Pap J1vie) peninsula area," added the mayO!' ~remain er o e 1.n1s • Sandra Beardslee, Sanaba; Fred in his report to the committee. :l~:::":~:fr~;~;~:~~~2:~anjr~ ~~~~~r;'+u~~~;ja~R;'.'°~~:~;;\~: Patterson w·111 A"1d City's ~~::.;:~:F:~r:n~~:c:~~~ ~1 organ :\Jor gan. 0 k·lt ; Robert J Rli~y Ga)·?or : Lloyd Auber t Jr .: I · I f "d · t .ii y dl R t D k M . Sle1pnl'r : Nancy Pearson. Scrooge, pract1ca rom a wt ening s an ...... SRi~k~,b~; ~\h~turf'Glnm,~:::;' ;L~rDol~~~ ~~~nh('t . s~~~~cki,y~r~~~f1~ ~:o~[, ! Defense of T"1del'ands Su"1t ~~~~d a~ c:n~:; =~~\i;;. )j;:,~ I(' en a,,.g . oa 8 \\a); n I\l . 0 . Do D b . Sheila . both r ight or way acquisition a nd 6~~;~;; J~v~~dr~~~. E:,g[,'';:~~~d ~~~~· ":~~~; Pai:~~6ee-T:': i co::,s~:~~o~~. city has atiiuired GR-Obrr·~·thiles,. i'JcnDon tKhC'll . ~I · J oh1n I \\'inttirop JG roxr. \Vindsroop: Bill Fonner City EnginC'er R . L . erties of the harbor district. rights of way to a center strtp r1 1t Jr.; r (>a l f•\vpor · La . T d 1 R ' h d \Vh'l y · p 11 ·11 · 1 Cit Atty The ch-"en-we-f•'led by one of land on Ce ntral avenue, be--C h f\t . R 1 h p tt . r-.,.1 . ttin, a po e: ic ar 1 ne . a erson .. ,.t. ass1s y . tu1 b'""" ~ ... F a te Re .. Ga P., ~V~ lMary Susan Winkler; I\1ichacl Baum. Roland Thompson in the defense individual and thn?E' concerns tween McFadden place arid "B" cnton. ex . eo1gC' . ys-f th tld 1 d su·t instituted _against scores of owners, not Iden-etreet, whlch Was purchased from tery: l\.tary ~·loM'is. Umfy ; :'--lorris Billy Hamm: Marylyn Miles; o . e h •.,an f N ' to. h the Pacific Electric company In Kirk. Pooh-Pooh: Ted Meru. l\.1artha Fundenberg; Grover ~1ont-against t e Cl yo e .. vpor Ol.<aC . tified by the Federal Land Office 1942. at a cost of $5861.96. It has Fifty.Fifty JI : John DanieU : apert: John Lamar; Hltl Hickborn; Confirmation of the appointment because tl'te flings are against also purchased cer tain parcels of Glor'·a Stevenron ·, G~rge Chamb--David Harrington; Jim Ibbetson; of Mr. Patte rson, which was made le.~al descriptions of the pmuperties. ... v Mrs F1orence A. Richardson of land along the northerly side of l'rs. Bosun: Gilbert Kraemer: SeY· Pet er Grt."t'nficld ; Louise Funden-at the request of the city attor· · Coast boulevard between 22nd mour Beek ; Billy Fundenbe.rg. bl'rg: Robert Briggs; Noel Barlow: ney, aftPr he had obtained the 7;22 Llnroln mvd, Santa Monlc:a, street and the westerly cit)' Carrie r Boy; Bill AUen. l\fan·lyn Badham. consent of Qty Engineer J . B. levied the claim ap.imt the coun-limits. Webb. was made by the city cotm-ty.av.'tled 500 feet of upper' chan- d1 at its meeting in the dty halt nei property euter"ty ol the Arches Mayor Reed pointed out to the 0 . E. S. Chapters Carry Sunshine 00 Monday. . and lying between the wate' and committee thal the city must yet Coast Highway, ~ Wtrth •t INlt •cquire right.a of way to c:ertaiD To Vets On Ships and ID• Bosp1•tals t '!be ~ty attt?:'.'1ey saifamllld that wll'atht-si;oo,ooo. poroe!s of land along Coast boule- erson UI en "~ Y · ar Ei"'t other .,..are daiml vard owned by the Pacific Eltttric SAA'i'A ANA, Aug. 6.--0la~ and hobby shops with tools and the tldelandl matter and will be were tiled by the Lone Beach Railway company and which are te rs or the Order of t.M Eastern equipment for working on leather, ~~ '?ty's ctidtief defense asset ln Land co., tfle & rritle 1.-nd c.o. located between 22nd street ud Star In California donated more pJexi·glass, and wood were in-uR: ovil a on. of Canon Oty, Nev .. mid the Vista 32nd street. than $53.000 in 1945 to t1>e project sWled. Complete orchestra, bed-'lllle A-IJlet<un Lenci Co., al.lo of em-Q ty. n.. IJ\8Y1l< added that th< city or s upplying recreational material side ra'dios. record.ioe by whlc:t1 'ntle to coan.ty--cwned upper Land omce otnda!I Aid the must acquire certa1n privately and hobby shops for u. S. tfOOPS men cou1d send messages to their channel property at Newport dafms are under ptHiduaa at. a CJllt'ned lands and lota along the in hospitals and ships. according families, pianos, ~Ide gym. Beach and 200 acres of both ocean 1pedal act of Ca:igrea of Aprt.l northerly side of Cout boule- to a relX"t made by Mn. Minnie nasiwns and recreational material front and bluff-top properties in 11, 1860, by wlllch Pl:rU!rfleld. vud between 32nd .-t and tb9 A. Harris of uu. city, jiJnlor past were furnished to permanent boo-and a1'0U\)d Newport Beech ...,,. Wya:niloru! imcl Valentine ....ip ~ city limit-. He said tb9 matron of Hennooa chapter, pitals. challenged Aueuot 1 In claln. bolclen ......., gnmted ....tatn city m .. t get a right of way far O.E.S. Because of thla generooity Ob presented to th< fed<'ral lime! al-richts to federal pr-tJ. 1be Ibo mmiectfnll link between Ca>-. Mn. Harris was matron durinl the part of the CallfcrnJ..a ~tern fice in Los Anae.ies. scrip was awm ded a P*JWWWt far tra1 avenue at ~ey avenue and the term of Grand Matron Mrs. Star, boys on hospital ship/. many Plaintiffs are holders of 1Cr1p aervia:s to the gcwa '"'•"t. ar .far eo..t boukYard at 32nd_ street. Ulllan Podesta of San FT-ancilco, ot them in caste er able to move iAued by tbe gova rm.ent ln 1880 property Rized. "!be lmprovemenllr will ootnpa199 who was _the spomor for th< pro>-about only an crutchel found ln-to lndiv!dua!s u peyment for oerv-curt. ond sidewalks; two roa4- ""-All Orange county chapters t.....ttn&: -tlonl an boord lea to Ibo eovenmont-. .Jmms Albert D>awm, a, al -. 30 feet In width with C!ODt.. made substantial contributlanl to sh!po durtnc th< Ion& four or n.... In-att boldlno wwth into Coltnn, wu _.. led m --Put<d lltrtits. flu~ -or1as th< fllnd. _. trip ........ AP11"wdmatel7 mm..,. al dol1an. and 1ep&u1t-port -nollip -a ' 1 II!' --owr Ibo oxlstlns ...,, .. ~ tllls f\md oblpo weft S"ll,000 al th< f\md waa Opoi-hlS both undeveloped and oomo of ldchwolY _.. for -pa-t and MpNdtic .... eta equlppod with mUllcal blltrWWWD for Ibo nM ...... I !mtnlmiaa. tlle -~ Imp--ckf.... (Qmel 1a1d .. ~ " • \ NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES: BAllAOia 1% ud 1S -PaM1+z•Eft'7~ ... n..1 t 7.attenoona. vo1amemvm c::o.ta llma Eddltloa hblh'rd E"'7 WW-e1d•7 Velw D Subscription Payable In Advance :--$2 :50 per year In Orange Caunty S2.'15 per~ to 4th zone; $3.DO per year to 8th """" Entered as Second-Class matter at tM Po&tottice ln Newport Beach, · C&li!omia, under the Act ot March 3., 1879 Publilher SAM D. PORTER F.G.FROST • Editor W. F. DIXON - - --Adver!iSln& Manager ~ting Plant. 3011 W. Central Avenue, Newport Beech, C&llfornla Official Paper of the <:;ity of Newport Beach A Depeadable Looal IMUtu.tloa for OT9I' 11 Y-.n Active Member of <'I t > I I I I I I 'l l 111 1 I I• I I> I 11<1111 !f '"''"~" '""!1"11 I l"l ><I <to·l1 11 l l!lltl llltlUl!!IHlfllt!l><l11lllaJ1~ .. ~ ~ CORRAL DUST ; ! ,'\loch~~ 15 or1g1rwl-('l1Cll co py1ng-th('r(''s no cwo things i i alr~e by man or natuTc ~ ~ j ACK LIN DSLEY, ~ . -~ •I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I IHtlll!ll 1' 111•-.·I I' lh 1H'1.I ti '"'' t ul 1t1> ll·t1'l l I ti •l~I I Expose the Mongers It doesn't seefn possible Utat anyone would ever hazard . . such a thought, either openly or secretly, that Jun Farquhar. Huntington Beach publisher, is a communist. Yet only last week 'The Anaheim Daily Bulletin in a page one editorial re- veals the startling information that someone has maligned the good and patrioitc name of the Huntington Beach pub- lisher. apparently in an effort to blacken his campaign for the office or state senator. Farquhar's integrity as a citizen and hi< past record is beyond reproach. It is time for all Orange county journalists to cast the spotlight on the per- son or per.sons or group that is fostering this type of rumor mongering. for an attack on Jin1 Farquhar is an attack also on the press of the Southland. It should not go unanswered. \Ve reprint herewith the editorial by the Anaheim Bulle- tin: Let's Keep it Clean Year in and year out. political crunpaigns in Orange county have bEen kept on a pretty high level. There has al- ways been a minimum of mud-slinging, and candidates for various offices have seldom resorted to underhanded meth- ods. Usually, when rumors based on so-called "inside dope" are circulated about a candidate, those rumors are started by over-zealous crunpalgners, and not by the offioo.seeker hll'!1- self. Unfortunately. the originators of smear-talk are gen- erally hard to run down. Consequen tly. the maligned can- didate seldom ·has a chance to confront the rumor mongers in person. . This week. one of the Republican candidates for the state senate. James Farquhar. Huntington Beach l"'blisher has been called "conummlst," and "radical". The rumor mon- gers have also intimated that Farquhar is not a man to be trusted. Such rumors have absolutely no foundation in fact. Any person who deliberately brands Jim' Farquhar as a communist or radical or "shady operator" is a constun- mate liar! The Anaheim Bulletin will stand back of this 'statemenl For 19 years. Farquhar has bEen publisher of the Hunt- ington Beach News. He has done a gPoCI job, and his news- paper and editorial policies are respected by publishers throughout the Southland. At no time in conversation or in writing has Farquhar said anything that would justify the brand of communism. In fact. a major plank in his plat- form' is based on the need for free enterprise and includes a pledge of "no compromise \\ith communists." Among the things he advocates is compulsory arbitration of strikes and "fewer laws and less dependency upon legis- lation which promises so much and gives so little." The next time anyone says to you that Farquha r is a com- munist. pin him down; make him tell you how he knows the charge L• true : m ake him give you facts to support his charge. The Buleltin Sl'ldom ta kes part in local 11<>litical cam- paigns. prerer1ing to pn."Sent the c1ualifications of rival can- didates on an eqt1al l>a~is. gi\·ing all a fair c-hance to state their plc1tfo1ms. 1-l u'' l'\'C'f, ,,·hen cl n1<.1n ,,·hose! integ1ity has ne\<·er tr:-c.•n Qtl("Stioned lx>t:omes-sin1i)Iy because he is a c-an- didate for pu blic offi ce--the targ~t for mud slinging, then The:-Blt.lletin ,,·elcomes ttte opportunlt~· to come to his de- fen..<;e. I • Decade of Franco It seems hard to realize Utat 10 years have passed al- ready since Francisco Franco crune to poJ.er in Spain through a treacherous revolution that was backed with arms and men by Hitler and Mussolini. ' M&WPO&I' ••1 .IM\A Po Strange Thin uicides, ShoW · • w Brand of Patience ' War taught many tience, commentators ed. but here are two the kind of persever not particularly mean people pa-1' ~ observ-Ed --•-Tr . samples of Uuuc:: or am they did For War, MacLean, In Philadelphia ntly a man released from Sing ing prison waited in a store for our days to do a thorough job of robbing it. Peter Pastick. 31, aigned in city court, was a o f fitting himself out with a n "'' suit and coat and stuf.flng "h pping bags UC Prof., States LOS ANGELES. Aug. 6.-Amer- ica now has a choice: to educate all her chJldren in the wa.ya of peace or immediately to set about training them to tight and win World War ill v.'ilh $3000 worth or g So says Dr. Malcolmn a.taclean, Newark, N . J .. 0 the other profe~r ol education on the Los hand, reportOO how a litary ~Un· I Angel~ can:ipus of the University man stood in line in the United of Cahfom1a. who recently ad- Statet Trust compan 936 Broad dre~~ the 8th Annual School Ex· street. until his turn ame at the I ecut1vcs Conference on the Los "''indow. Angeles campus. ~n he brand.is a gun. r\ .former nt'\VSpaper editor.' uni- lhreatened to blow the place I \'Crs1t v dean and .college president, with a package fo troglycerin, Dr .. ~1aclean Ser\ied f?T" 8 year l'1S and walked off "A'ith 500 "''hile I cha1.rmAn of. the President Roose-- clerk!\ fumbled ,vi th 8 arms which velt s committee on f~ir employ· didn't w k me nt practices and during the v.1ar or -_ __ "'·orked as comrnandeT with the People also \\'ere sh "·ing a ne"'· N a\'}''s military government pro-- determina tion a nd per c>verance l n gra':1-visiting sc.h0?1s in t.he th('ir attempts to kill themselves. Car1bb<>an. NOTth Af~1ca. the ~1td· 1 die East a nd tht' Pacific. Police in Bridgepor . Conn., re-1 .. • . • ported rec('ntly tha t Daniel Po-I realized tha t the children of land, 33, of 211 !\>fad on avenue, I those far places and the childr~n shot himself rour imes-three of America are those who will m times in the chest an once in the 20 years or so either meet each head-and then turn on the gas other around. the con~erence . ta- in the kitchen o f his home. Last bles of that time or drive against reports say tha t he ..,., recovering I each othC'r on the Rhastly, bloody at St. VinCC'nt's hospit I. hattlC'fields of \\'orld \\'ar Ill." he Grand Rapids, l\fieh. mcan,,·h_ile, sa~~chool executiv('s today are had reported. thal U: Grant Ke!· faced '"'i th the compelling neces- l('r, a form~r c~em1st y p_rofess.or sitv to reach oui and grasp the a~ the . Un1\'en1ty o \Visconsin, "·o"rld C'ducational pictui-e. to de- k1lled. htms.C'lf under ti <' '''hC'els of mand leadC'rship from Washington a tratn which tle c.has for a SC'C· and thC' UNO in thC' solution of ond try . .In th~ first a ttcm.pt he global school problems and to par-~·as knockffi a~ulr '''h 1." trying .to ticipate in the solution." 1ump betw('('n the cn,1nC' and 1ts teodrr. Picking him~el r up. hr Di"d You Know That·. overtook the train, ording to reports, and lrled agai -\vlth sue- cess. I . In China an a ppropria te gift 1 to gi\'e an aged relative is a cof- ---fin. Jack Trout , of Bra ii , Ind .. has 1 2. A fem111e cricket cannot chirp. an affinity ror wa ter, but not as 1 3. The elephant reaches full ma· much as his name su gC'sts. Aft('r turity at forty. traveling more than -.ooo miles 4. 'oliver Wendell Holmes was over th<' "seven seas" as a boilC'r· seventy \\'hen he began his fa· maker in the Navy, he almost 1 mous china-painting. drowned rttently w en his car l 5. Five million birds a year are overturned. skidded into a pond, killed in the United States to su~ and pinned him under l"-'O feet of ply feathers for "'omen's hats. water. 6. The peace statue, Christ of Despite his six feet four inches, the And(>!, on the border of Ar· Trout in "deep \\'a ter" until neigh· gen tine and Chilt>, was cast out of hors. worki.ng swiftl freed him metal of cannons used in the ~ by prying open the oor of hi.s longed wRr between thffe -two car with a crowbar. nations. 7. F our barrels of water from Cats and the whi.njs of doting Grell.t Salt Lake In Utah will pro- owners are persistently in the duce. after evaporation processes, news these days, but/ few of the nearly one barrel of !alt. recent headliners ccLld hold a 8. Wheat in various forms con- whisker to the fortunes of Casey. stitute a bout 19 pt'r cent of the now the monarch of all he sur-total food of an American family. veys at Viroqua. Wis. 9. A penguin can swim 100 miles Morton Shirks, his la te ov.'Der, in a day but it cannot fly. djdn't shirk his respansibility to l 10. Richest tin mines in the Casey when he died three years world are found In the l\1'a1ay ago. His will rc>nted the Shirks peninsula. residC'nC(' in Cente r street to o ------- !Mend, LC'onard l\iutlcstad, \\"ith the provision that thC' house could no t be sold, or the furniture re· arranged, as long as Casey lived. "Casey tike's it tha1 "'ay," the will spt'cififfi in referring to the furniture. a nd thrn particularized further by requiring that Casey be fC'd regul arlY-"'lt~ hamburge_r -next to the chair \\'hich Shirks formerly occupied. Lasti}', a spe- cial door, gives Casey perfect ftN!· dom or mo\'C'ment in ahd out. California Standard's Veteran Payroll Now Numbers Over 24,000 VetC'rans of the second \Vorld \V ar now constitute approximately 40 per cent of Standard of Ca1i· fornia's entire 'A'Orking force of nearly 25,000 persons, President R. G. F ollis of the oil company dis· closed today. Thus far 3430 company em- Dl"vt"ded Feelt'~s ployes wh<> scn·ed in the mililary forCt"S already ha\'e returned to This is the season f the }·car \vork and approxirnatC'IY 6500 "''hen lhe nt?igh lJorhoOO filling sta· others who v.•ere in the military tion operator is a man or mixed services 11r e now employed by the emotions. lfe kno\\·s hC''s going to company. Tht" lattE'r cons1itute do a n~ce pic>C'\" of busJn('ss fix· n('atly 70 per cent of all new em· ing up your cnr ror tha t vacation ployes hired sin('(' V-J day. trip--<>\'t'n sonic n£•\\' tirC's. maybe, Follis explained that employes if he can get 'cm. Blf thrn you'll I returning to the company are be- tx-gone for a coup!~ or "''eeks. ing given aJl general pay incre8.S('S da.d gum it . and his istttt ion isn't • ~ranted for thC'ir jobs dur'ing their on wheel.$. absence. The period spent in mili- A midWC'Sl 01 \ co11pan\' p1ans r'trC'("t COTnJ)tln)' 1lpt>lr.lion ()[ flS ~~~ ~ =t5~~,'.~cro~~~i:~~··111~r~ ~ram to lrain \'l'lcran. for SUJY'r1or tar)-SC'r,·ice llke";sC' is counted as compAny ser\;('(' time to"·ard qualifying: lhe returning cmployes for benC'flts providl'd by the com· pany. station operation. I F'ot Better PrtnUng Call 12 or 13. ' I Cempl1 e Fountain Semce at ZlOO l~ ~n~ E N ' ~e•i-t Nbw OPEN EVENINGS , llA.111'8 • ~WICHm • BA.llBUBGJCBS .Ile Cream to Take Ood It seems h~r still to realize that this m&n who has been called the "Spanish butcher". because of the human slaughter that attended his triumph, is still in control. !~=====~==~~~==~~====~ A decade ago the civil war in Spain served ~ a dress re- hearsal for the gteat conflict that burst into lleing just two or three year.; later. At that time ..Franco rode to power on the rising· tide of fascist militarism. In th~ year.; imme- diately following 1936 that tide threatened ro sweep aver all ol Europe. For a time it did actually engulf almost the whole ol the continent. But now It has receded-Both of his pals. Mussolini and Hitler came to a violent erni Their ~piresMwcrumbled. ~ Today Francisco Franco is a lonely man. He is detested by the world and by most ol his own people_ 1 He has sur- vived thus far only througll the most oppressive and vicious mellsQreS against all who oppose him. • Rlght now be is living on bot 10\\'l!d tiJne.,.....and time Is running out. Some day the past will catch up ~ith him. . I • .3 5 ,NORTH..MAIN ST. • Car With Million Miles -PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T o Credit Still Running With a record of more than a·A-------------- More Efficient Fuels Need~ for Engines We Americans are so prorie to I. 8. WHYTE -us~ .A.11~---t1'.lll. ........ Tr-.. U7 0.-rt ... ·-I ..... .. U.. 'W:t'-' ...... UIS _....._ .&VMn • a1a1m •II 1 MPIN• .,._ ---..... ~------.... mlllion miles in slightly less than six years of operation in taxicab service, a 1940 Chrysler sedan is stlll going strong on the streets of Tacoma. Wash. This duly •u- thenticated and documented record is furnished by Kole A. Oliver, president of the OllveT Taxi and Ambulance Service, which com- PIU'!Y bought the car new on July 9, 1940, and has ope.rated it ever since. Much of the driving has been done by Tony Day,~ who ls still at the wheel every day. take industrial miracles for grant·i~-----------~ ed we frequently overlook the tremendous amount of work it re- quires to achie\1e them. AWCIMllZJO'I' Comes nO\lo·· D. P. Barnard. noted petrolt>wn researcher. to tell us that the ne""· designs in auto engines will require carefully tailored gasolines. Automatic clutches. he says, will require gasoline with perfect idling char- acteristics to make them \\'Ork. "Early automobiles, dit'Sel e n· gines and jet planes could use any old fuel," Doctor Barnard reports. "but as better and more efficient engines are built tht>y must have fuels which are just right for their highly·specia1ized. needs. Scientific controls in the manufac- ture of gasoline and other motor fuels, theref6re, become increas- Armand Monaco ABCBITllCJ' 8U W. Bay Ave., Balboa ...._1m !'7!11-A.,. Loo ~ NOM!llllldy NOS CllDIOPBACT0118 Wagner DrugleM lmlUtat.. Dr. Wllbar 0. W- Otlropractic, Dietetics, Physlo &: Colonic Therapy llfO Clout Bi..i.. - ~-P!>onelOSS CLINICAL LABORATORY The almost incredible mileage 11tchie\•ed by this durable vehicle was made possible partly by war- time conditions. Fort Lewis. one or the largest military posts in the U nited States. is located near Ta· coma and during the war as many as 100.000 men were statjoned there at one time. One of the tRXicab company's stands is locat- ed at the north coast bus terminal. the largest and busiest in T acoma. and in the last six years upwards of a million soldien have passed through this terminal. as well as a heavy civilian traffic. The de- mand for taxicabs na tura1Jy was i.r~mendous on the part of military personnel traveling between the city and the post, and the Oliver company maintained its vehicles, including the million-mile Chrys· ler on a 24-hour schedule. ingly important." ,.-------------· What interests us about that is Clinical Laboratory what Doctor Barnard didn't say, He didn't say. for instance, that 0tace boun: 9 -4 :30 these better fuels are going to re-and b7 appolntmeat quire more and better laboratories. TELEPHONE HARBOR 811 more skillfUJ and highly~trained scientists, a nd-above all-more ,__ _____ w_._0oa __ tra1 __ A_..,, __ --' of them. - All of this means that the fi eld DAY SCHOOL The Oirysle r taxjcab is now op- Pratin_st with its sC'CO nd engine. The one originally installed at the factory \\'as usro for 528.()'.)() miles. ,,;thout major repairs. The second engine is no"' approaching tha t mnrk. also \\;thout major repairs. The ori~inal transmission And dif· ferential are still in the car and i;?i\'ing good sC'rviCC'. The body is in 2ood. condition, in spite of the terrific US(' to .which it has been of petroleum research now and in ,.-------------~ the future offers more and better jobs to more people than ever be· fore. That's true of just abtiut e\'ery skilled trade or profession in the world today, So about the best ad\'ice to any youngster in the United Sta tes today is to stick to that educa- tion as long as he can. study as hard as he can, and don't stop Mortimer School 30% COral Balboa hland Ondea: coo...,, ~ry SUMMER SCHOOL G. A. MorU.mer, M. A .. Oxtord Prt.nclpaJ -Phone II.arbor W DENTISTS !Ubjff:ted. learning whcn he's out Of school. ..------------~ Tony Day drove thi• car out of S d . h E h the dealer's garage when it was tu ying t e art purchased by the Taxicab com· A prominent geologist remarks pany from Everett T. Steven, of ·that "it is S<>lf-evident that a study the Steven Motor company, and of the earth is fundamental to the he was at the wheel every day un-enjoyment thereof." We agree. Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST !%02~ W. 0..tral. llarl>or H80 NEWPORT BEACH tit called into the army, where And we know of no better way to '----'----------....! he served in the South Pacific. study it than on a quiet alter· pa.rt of the time as a chauffeur noon, under the shade of a tree .---------------, for generaJs. When released from and on the banks of a creek with the military service, Tony went a fish pole along to prove that back to his old job with the Oliver we are there on business -and not· Tax' and Ambulance Service and just fiddling a\\•ay our time. tnststed upon having his favorite Chrysler assigned to him. Even All kinds typewriter ribbom LI the offer of a new postwar Oirys· •tock at the Newa.'Ibnel. DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST %831 Wed O..tral Pl>oae Barbor dt-.J Newport ler recently delivered to the taxi· .----------L----, !'--------------' cab company would not lure the Joyal Tony away from the 1940 veteran. ''The day they take this cab out of SE'tvice Is the day I'll quit driv· Ing it." !lays Tony. "And that will be a long time yet." OBITUARIES Arthur Thompson \Vard. 66, died in his sleep of wha t is believed to be a hl'art ailment, and \\'as found at 7 a. m. Wednesday, July 31 . Mr. and l\.1rs. \Vard came here aOOut thrC'E' months ago from Loi Angeles and \\'('re slaying with Mrs. \Vard's brother·in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Packard. 4028 Channell Place. NCwport Island, until their O\\lll new home, which is under construction. was com- pleted. An autopsy was l}erformed Thursday afternoon. Only survivor is the widO\A', Mrs. Minnie B. Ward. The couple v.•ere former rl'Sid(>nts of Ontario and funeral ser,;ces 'viii e held Mon- day in O ntario, Baltz l\.1ortuary directors. and burial \Ari.IJ be in Mountain Vie\\' cemetery, Ontario. FOB INSURANCE liEE Howard W. Gerri1b 1808 Newport Boa.lenrd COSTA MESA Phone Beloon 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written 205 'W•st cu.ta. ltn& • 24.-Hour · Radio Servke HOME, AUTO, MARINE RADIOS UP Antrn Burt R. Norton 118 CoMt mway ee.oo. S'JU ~ewport Bx=h, Callf. ONCE AGAIN . SAM'S SEA .fOOD SPA I orr .. y.,. u. .,_. P1Me to Dllie .. Pmrp 0-ty: • All New· • • Even the L«ation .•• One-Halt Mlle &at ol Old Location on Const Rl&hway. Beautiful New c:ocktail Bar We lad $outbftn Crllfomla In the Serving ol -SEAFOODS-Ar.so YOOB lllrd ol ll'l'B4118 -VlSlT O\JR tcrn:llDI - Sam's sea Food Spa and Fish Market ' 91. OIMI' _.... ex--.... a •> Dr. W. W. W...tmoreland Dentw 1801 Clout 1!110&7 ·CORONA DEL MAB Phone Harbor !!!O INSURANCE Uncoln National IJfe _Insurance Co. "Ila '.!lame ltidicat.e. lta ~" 1>9N .JEBNIOAN Pbone Harbor 2M·B SOS M&rine Ave. Balboa Jal. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen • ..... .&.MWeatf.ur&. Pbo .. u ... w Ha..., tlS S.. kT An. a.n,.i MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel 'We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&' Others Best" Phone Beecon 5810 Costa Meu Calllornla OPTO~fETRlSTS E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Optometrl•t EYES EXAMTh"ED LENSES DUPLICATED o.... &.tipalNll ... .Mf9W_ Ill• W. c-t..1 .&...._ Pia.. BerHr 1111 lrEWPOATUACB Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D . OPTOlll!JTJllllT !:ya.Examined -G.._. Fitted 1711 NewjiOW$ ---- PIU8ICIANS -llUJIQEONI, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Pll;JMl#FS .... h ... ~ ... 0.11111 .................... ) ....... Dr. G. E. Tohill ""'' _.=z11n N~Bl'M"H ---om.: ............. .,.,.._, ___ u.,_.._...._, • A. V. Andrews, M.D. N'.i&MllAN -B1JllOlllON w~ ..... .,.-• a..-. ... _ lob IL C. Cb ... M. D. .... .......... kz;••• 2 -• 7 -8:30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 ut Eeat lla St& eet Ooota --eaiu...w. Laurence a Dorey, 11. D. Physician &: Surgeon 8%1 Marine Ave.; Balboa blud Phone Harbor !Cl H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll>..w.a """ s.rs- Hours: 2-5, ~ Appointment Tolephone Beecoo 58411 Ul Broadway llllron M-Maxwell, M. D. 1801 Coast mway Corona del Mar Office flours: 10-.12; 2~ Phone Harbor 1oa S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Harbor 11U US S. Hlll St.. Loo ~ TUcker 18U By Appointment - Gerald Ramia, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Pbone Barbor lOll Mo U.1Pft": eaa .Beac.ooa '°'9-a X -Ray Sernce T. P. REEDER, M-D. and WM. S. IRETON, If. D. ~and 8m1www -w. 0..tral Telepllone -.. - Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade • Office Hrs.: 10.12 a.m.; 3.5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 PUBLIC STEl'IOGBAPHEB Phone Beeoon 5808-W M. D. Keesling 1808-A Newport Bl'f'll. eo.ta M- 8UBVl:YOB8 Raub & Bennett 8uneyon and Enflnean 1808 NewportBl\'d, 00.ta- Telepbone Beacon 5808-W rsn w. c..ai...1 "'•WJM>r.t -... Telephone Barbor tu PueL1c NoTJcEor NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ENGA.GE IN TIIE SALE OF ALCOHOL. IC BEVERAGES. July 31 , 1946. To \\'horn II l\.1a): Concern : Notice is hereby given that fif- tePn days After the da te posted, t he-undersigned proj>oses to M"lJ alcoholic beveragC6 at these prem. ises, dMcribed as follows: Filhing Boat "SkiP.A·Lou," 1135 Cout liighway, Newport Beach, Calif. Pursuant to such Intention, the undersigned is applying to the State Board of Equalization for issuance by transfer of an alcoholic beverage llceme for these prem. 1aes as follows : On Sale Beel' . Anyone desirlhg to protat the luuance of such Ucenw may me • Verified proteat with the State Board of Equallz.,tJon at Sacra- mento. Collfomla, 1tat1ng P'OUDClt for denial u Pl'>"ldod by law, '!'be premises are """ ~ for tho 1a1e or aJoohollc 11oveng ... ROY F. BARRON and HUGH R. McLEOD. Pub: Aue. 6, IlM6. A non-nlltlng &uoll~ pump made of plutic ctaaa baa -ci.- veloped to eliminate painting proi.. 1ems of mUng atatJon <>Pttaton. A berse lermlnaJ With otorq9 aiJl"d.o/ or more than 3.2!0,llOJI pllonll of petroleum producto .. under C0111tructloo new ~ ton, W. VL • • • • Ml.BOA N&iWHiMP, If•,_, 8ss• Oe ... ...,,A,...!, l ... , ,....._ ------·--- Some 300 products from 56 coon-WAA Pl AAA Launc~ Safety Ca..,ign It Costs Over Four Million To Run County in 1944-45 Mesa Bailding Is Up 525,000 0-. ~t D . 1'1 r •..,s. to fn!e the world from the .u.r..i -tries ==outside==the ==United==States==go I a es -~American .automobiles. Army CWef ., 8'&11-"lntema- tionally, we are now embarked on • great en~ whose aim is of another suicidal war. Jt otters millicma of Americans an inspirinc. challence." WELCOME HOME! Newpod lfartlor Pm& !91 AMD•OA.N U'.OION .............. = t ..... ... -.. ftla ... ,..._ a.. ... ... ....... J.aa WT--.. I .. a. flying B ts Up for Sale -iixii:iaxii:iaxaxii:iaxii I Seven nytng boats. the mam-1 moth Boeing "Clippers' or ocean- THIS WEEK GILFILLA.'1 KADIOS Immediate Delivery t •. -E L·ECTRIC C-'0 : 111 •-BIP-7 llm noa 1185 J!(owpo.t 8-11 spanning fame, are be ng offered for sale by the War ets Ad- ministration. Bids are now being ~pted on the war-surplus, 89fpa.ssenger, four-erJtine planes, RCfOrd.ing to L. R . McGehee, WAA r ,gional air- craft disposal chief. The planes will not be sold in- Wvidually, McGehee said, as only bids for the entire set en planes plus spare pa.ru and equipment will be accepted. Bids rust be in the Washington, D. e., WAA of- fice by noon, August 7. Some of the planes e now in California. and may inspected at Pan American Sta ion, Mills Field or at Naval Station, Alameda. Information and bid forms are available at e aircraft division of the WAA r 11gional of- fice, 155 W . Washing on Blvd., Los Angeles. P.A.PALMER LIDO ISI:E PP.DPERI!ES ----· W. 0. BUCK-Insurance Counselor a,_ 1500 ~#.di. The American Automobile ~ ciation has launched a I nation- wide campaign to convin~ every American car driver an~ every American pedestrian to ·rake it easY" in traffic. We shouldn't ,need an great amount of convincing on t is sub- ject.. There are J ew adull' Amer- icans who have not had friend or relative killed or serioufly hurt in traffic accidents. Mos~ o r us have had more than one. In spite or this, the toll cohtinues. y~ar alter year, on highwr1 ys and city streets. Jt is well to remembtt that the cars that chugged along On \\oa r- time gasoline now are g~ting a much fancier grade of fodder. And it's fun to zip 'em up and feel the power that mode~ gas- oline gives. The trouble with tha t i.!i the fact that the driver who does it is enda ngering not only his qwn life and that of his· passengen, but the lives of people he has nevt seen and who do not know he is coming roaring round the corner In just a minute. So the next time you f 1 like putting a heavy foot 4n the throttle, just remember td "take it easy."' That's all, brother. • Dr. Ruhlman Named ' UC Dean of Women, Arrives in Fall LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.-Dr. Orange county go"•ernment costt8-------------- A total or $25,700 In building permits ""-ere issued for the Cmta. Mesa area by the rounty building department last week. Permits were granted to Coer· S4.123.033 for 1944-45, with $2,- 48'2,400 or 60 per cent far charities a nd corrections. California Tax- payers' association said today, making public its statewide. stud)' of county government payments. City a nd district costs are not in- cluded. - Ten years ago, 1934-35, the county government cost $2,232,268. "'1th S785.615 or 35 per cent gcr ing for charities and corrections. Over the state as a whole, coun- ty government costs reached $217,- 818,413 in 1944-45. Charities and corrections took $135.161.691, or 62 per cent. In 1934-35. county governments throughout the state cost $102.- 639,555, with $43,995,106 or 43 per cent for charities and correc- tions. Charity and correction costs amounted to 50 per cent or mOre of county expenditures in 41 Cali- fo rnia counties in 1944-45, the as- sociation found. In 1934-35, only one county used more than half SA City Draws· mont Sherman or R L 2. Box ,!159, Costa Mesa, for a hen house on Plans to Take the west side-.of Harbor Blvd .• 61 feet south of Victoria St., $2500; Land, Air Base to Raymond Lodden or Los An-geles. for a foundatiori and re-! . pair \\'Ork on a quonset hut on 1 SANTA ANA. Aug. 6.-Mem-the east side of Placentia Ave., 650 I hers of the Santa Ana Real Estate feet north of 19th St., $1500. Board were. informed here Fri-1 To aaude L. Wells of Rt. 1, day that City Attorney George Box &5A ·Costa Mesa for a home Bradley was dr . I r ' . . awing up Pans or on the east side of Elden Ave., 330 the annexation of property south feet south of A'.lesa Dr. Sl<B> for of the city up t d · cl di h ' ' • <:> an in u ng t e a residence and garage on the former army airbase · Pr I" . . · 1 south side of Flower St., 100 feet e. 1m1nary expenses of the an-east of Raymond St .. $6620. nexat1on were to be borne by the T J c o · r 339 Waln t cit E ti Wh. . o . . avis o u y, vere ite, the speaker, Pl., Costa Mesa, for a home and to\d the realtors. He added that garage on the north side of 21st these e..-nonses · I d bli hin .. ,,..... . inc u e pu s g St., one-fourth of a mile from a ~o.t1ce of intent, circulation of Santa Ana Ave., $7000; to Sid- petitions and public hearing on ney P. Mattingly of 212 E. Berk- the proposed annexation. ley St., Sarita Ana, for a resi- Autos Not GOOd Or Cheap Enough Yet dence and garage on the east aide of Elde n St., 125 feet from Mesa Dr .• $7000. iU expenditures for charities and We note that Henry Ford II cOrrections. Civilization is the 'slow-process of gradually falling in line with the visionary ideas of minorities . Only one county spent less than says the "automobile of today, one-fourth of its total expend.i· amazing though it may be, is not tures for charities a nd corrections good enough and cheap enough. in 1944-45. In 1934·35, in 16 coun-Th~ youth of today cannot com- ties less than one-fourth of total plBJn that t~ere are no new worlds expenditures went for charities to ~nquerr. h od . and corrections. I , os_e ? ~ w o r e with Hen- • WHERF.VER you may be- if you're in California, the chances are yQU're near a Bank of America branch. For Bank of America's unique system of statewide operation ha11 brought complete banking service to almosteverycityandtowninthestate. ' 1Sttttk of Amtrini NATIONAL r~~~';t&; ASSOCIATION 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Jessie L. Rhulman ol Cornell university \\'i ll replace Mrs1 Helen ?tt. Laughlin who retired .Tune 30 as dean of v.•ome n on the Los An- geles campus of the Unive~sity of California. it "'as announced tcr day by President Robert Gordon "CharitieS and corrections took ry 5 d.istingwshed grandpaw can a larger share of county ex:pend.i-remember when a smart youth turci In 1944--45 than ln 1934-35 in ~'ho could get ahold of four old every California county-a situa-tires and a yard of baling v.i re 1 lion hard to explain when the could put . together a contraption boom conditions of 1944-45 and that certatnJy was cheap enough; I the depression Conditions of 1934-good enough to. get·to the reservoir 35 are considered," the association and back-which 'vas as far as "d the pavement went anyhow-and MC111111 rt11111il 0 1•01n ···"'"'"'' '0&1'01411011 MCM•l• flllll•L 111(1¥1 •••tl•" MAJOR'S ZZl W. Fourth -Phone 3120-W -Santa Ana • LUliliRliE • . - Sets M~tching An Purpose Jaunty Original Reliabl e Smart Use Our 30-60-90-Day PAYi\IENT PLAN No Extra Charge Al"O a Complete Stock of All Leather Goo ds and Ladies' Handbags Stewart -Warner ' nis Panel Available Chrome Now • IR Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints • . ETS · HOKll & GALVAN . . . - SINCE 4 l 9 I e 1000 OoU& Uhray AJOolaS..-\\'UJalaCtOa-8-.S.. ~ EI.EciRICIANS C-0-T..-o .;n. F.qnl,_.t ... FAOl'OSY, Pl.A.NT, llTOllB, orncz. FA&M. BOllS. Sproul. ! sa1 . r · , as or amazing .-nobody ever did Although she "'ill exercise the same administraJive duties as Mrs. Laughlin, Dr. Rhuhnan will also have academic rank as a~sociate professor of educational psychol- ogy. A graduate of Ohio State uni- versity in 1930. Dr. Ruhlman took her master 's degree at Ohio State in 1935 and her doctor 's degree from Columbia university in 1938. She served as registrar and in- structor in FrC'nch at Ohio State. was rC'Search assistant for the Progressi\·e Education associa tion and t aught a t Colun1hla a nd Sarah La\\Tenct' college before ~oi ning Cornell as associate professor in the graduate school or cdJcat ion. Dr. Rhtrlma n is a n expert in stude nt couns.e\ing, personality stud iC'S. indiv idual a nd group ~ tcAching and voca tiona l ~JidanC<'. On t he Los Ani;::C'IC's campus it is I C'X pc>ctcd thfi t she \Viii devQtC' full 1imC' to administrativC' dut!C's And ,,·ill 1t•ach summer courses in her chosen field. I. Shr i~ l'XPf'C"t<.'d to 1-1r1ivt' in Lo:- Hornet Survivor Receives Awards At Pearl Harbor · Entering the naYy at the age of 18. C.P.O. Douglas Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Hess. West Bay avenue. re-C'nl istcd in. Decem- ber of last year and is now at Pearl 1-la rbor. He has been in the sC'rvicc for six years, four years of which "''ere spent in the So uth Pacific ""ht're he survi\'ed the sinking of the aircraft carrier 1-lornet. l·i<' has numt'rous cit ations and \Va srer:cntly presented ,,·ith t\\'O Distin~uished F lying Crosses and I six air 1nedals. No"' 25 yC'ars old, Mr. Bray is chosing the> navy as a C'ar<'c r. I !is \\·ifc. the forn1C'r Anna- h(·lle John<:on of NC\\·port Beach. anrl thP1r sn13H son. L>ou~lass II. n o\\" li\e at t::!t) :..16th str~t but nrl· 1~x1~·ctin~ to go to Ha,,·<iii at rtny time, ' Sci._ that un,,·antcd article j ,S,,e,•r"'v"',. c .. e.,,s·1rAi nre50rHtcne,bld0 r . R through Ne,vs-·rimes ads. For \V. . Cubbon, 1 ~~~~~~~~ ""~~'~hRe:.,:~.~~.~~ .. l'~n~:!GI LL' S S:inta 1\nn l ann!> <ind fn t h1·r or '.\Ir:; l{e1lph ~:•:t.• nf llnlbun. dit•d --------~--­in S• Jo>•'!•h ho,p>tal l.>'1 Fri-DE LI CAT ES SEN day ni gh t. ~lrs . ~:i:;-c. '' lll1 is conn1"('lt«I ,,·1th 1 1 ht• :"\t.''"l)()rt 1 larhor Chamh•·r of FOOD SHOP I Cornn1t~r<X'. is lhP nnly stir,·1,ur nf ! tht.' 6!)-yC'n r -ol d rancht•r ,,·hn hnd • Fresh Apple Sau ce \iv\·d in Santn ,\nit since his h1r th • Fane.}· Crab Meat m 1877. • Salad Dressings ;\Ir. Cubhon h.::i.d rC'N'n tly IK'1':i • Pickles _ Oli\•es ho..<:pit n l1 .t~"'d for a hC'nrt ailn1~·nt • Chee'iie _ M eat..s Fun£•ral scrvicC's \\'ere 111;-W ~lond:i.y at 10 n.m. in tht> g ... 11111 • Sardines -Ancho\riCS & Tuthill mortuary. RL•v. \\·1·<:-• Crackers -Biscuits ley A. liavt•rmale. rrctor 11f lhP • French Rolls F.p1sropal Church or th(' l\l ~':-sin h 1 ------.~-------­ r ''"s 1n chrt r~c of St'r,·1ces llnd in-SHOP AT GILL'S tr rmrnt wa> in F'irhavrn ·.·mr- tery. ' I l\lr. Cubhon \\"3S th(' son or t~e F o r Fresh e r Vegetables 1 la!<' John ('l,\bl>on, '''ho .:-am" 10 Better Meats 1 San ta Ana in 1870. one year aftc>r its founding by \Villiarn H . Spur -Fane.)' Groceries gcon. Thl' oomma ndme nts or God are thC' br<'ad of life for t he na tions.- Ro.sY>'ell D. Hitchcock. 245 Fo"'8t Ave. LAGUNA BEACH • Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All Modes of Travel to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii Round-the-World Trips In the near future. See Mn. Boy Keene. Ph. Barbor S91. SOI him. lle!1-. Boan: 10 a. m. to I p. m. HOLLISTER Brollcers LANDSCAPING -LAWNS LAWN RENOVATING Orchard and ornamental shrub pest control Fertilizers Yard and Orchard Maintenance Advice on Planting and Soll Cooditlons bq1llre a& CARR'S FEED -STORE JSZ1 NJ;WPO.-r BLVD. , 008'rA JO&\ · P. o. Bos llf'1• -n.•e a-5165 figure "'hat made those kid jalop-I pies run. · 1 ...,;.:.::;:..=..!.::;:....;_:;.:.::.:.,..:.:.:..::.J They Have Just Arrived "Grown-Up" Suits for ·Youngest School Girls ALL· WOOL SUITS With trim buttoned-up jaclc::ets and seParate skirts. Smart prac- • deal outfits. very latest Other styles-the creations for the tlie youngest generation. Sizes 7 to 14. Assorted plain colon , and checks. On the M ezzanine Shower Gifts -Main Floor. Your friends will appreciate o. shower gift with the Wheeler stamp of quality. Among the many suggea· tions we can· make are: ( 1) Baby pillows; · ( 2) Satin crib-bolster sets; ( 3 ) Embroidery sheet and pillow-slip seu; ( 4) Satin carriage robes. And, remember, all are Wheeler-quality merchandise- In Our Kiddies' Paradise ' . Wiftd.Up Toys .. Back Again l:o.tod la tlio ~Ollt, we bovo th. largeot tnock of fine IO,t ba all ~thon OWlomia. ~-wind-up toys on in .-i. oplat !Wlm, ..u., fire trw:b, tnlnt, etc. Spedal No11 -ban Jw ~-" o wall ahipm•t of th. fa- . maao Uoeol Rl1 nolc Traim. loo tD..I • Aleo ........... , '" wii ... ..,.,. .... f'Olmdl, ........ pooll. I'll tc. 11111 ..... .il .. dllUltplsbisd. l1" U., W..... staap el t Mts. ' ... New Arrivals -;ci for Boys Don't fail to see the 100% wool suits for the young gentlemen-sizes 3 to 6. They are very, very smart-and your youngster will wear his with g reat pride. See them now -on the Main Floor. 't-nd in the same department our clearance sale of boy51 seersucker suits is now under way. •• fo~ in. ; .- Special Full-Panel Crib '111.U atra •~al crib h.u a Wet-Proof mattress, Non- !eg atccl •pring, non-poisonous finish. Safe drop-side may be raiHd or lowered to your pleasure. White or natural fUU.b . Only $39.90 Koor, ...i l'lo<ino T.,i.c. Sole 0 1 m lp'UDl•cm••_lllllr_W~•tlW .. -.' an i•, ... ·. Two Doon NOrtii ol B•=IJWa 8uta Aa • • { • ' • • -. • • .. .~ ... ~~: ... ::=:=:=:=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;tG-;;;-;Wli'ji""'iB\:'~~~~~i:i:::=~L.!!::1:.!~~.£:!!!:l!~!:::=:.tr.~~!l..!!:!!..--------_.;..----G-1"v-e--P-e-muss---·--1·o_n _____ Mr--. -and--1\ln.---v.-ct~--Goi--a~dlo -;: assett have moved ·to Huntington Beecb Lumber and Building Materials • • For Bus Between ~ :,~"':.' ~~: :' .1: Bay [)is!,!c! .. ~::!ber Co. Res·1gns from ' Mesa anti Island :=f~~~th Coast a... llll OOA8T moBWAY AT TBlt A!MlRSI! Phillip Bini. 106 Rochester SL, Everqane W1nts 1afet1 for their 1aving1 ••• and --Eveniane 6ets safetJ when their savings worlc here. ..., And, .. e, ha" the highest earnings consistent •• withlnSURED NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL S A V INGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3 3::113 Y I A LIDO PHONI!'. H A A80A 15 0 0 C I f P k Costa !.1.esa. this week received a ., ac ·1ng his permit fiun the railroad com-. =a~~~ , G. W. Bassett for tho last three The new line, which will make yean business rnanag"1' ol the nine trips a day, will awer ap- Call!ornia Marine Paclcin& Co.. re-proximately 10 miles and is ex- signed from that C'Ortcern, effec-peeled to get under operation tive today, and he and Mrs. Bas-within two weeks, according to sett have left for an extended va-Bird. · cation trij>. Upon their return Bird has been negotiftin& for Mr. Bassett wit lengage in busi-the franchise for the past five ness in the harbor area. · mmths and several public hear-- The Bassetts came here from ings ,as well as commission hear- Santa Ana where he was in ings. were held before the grant. charge of the Orange County Builden Exchange for a number of years and became identified with the fish packing company with M. Gregord Gorny as oper- ating heed. \Vith Mr. Gorby in the partnership is associated Ed- wa rd M. Diamond of San FTan- cisco. TOP MA.i."l \VITH A SNO"'BIRD. F ourteen-:rear-old \VaJter LeW'h It shown reoelvf"«' the Governor's Cup f rom U eut. Gov. Fred H alder tollowl.nc his w in la lad Sunday'• ''FUPt of ~ Snowbirds" race« St.anding by to recd,·e tbelr bonon for bclng seoond and tbJ.rd. respectl,·ely ·ue Nlllley Gtand.ln. and F red Thbmu. Sunday's e''ent. wu one of the mo.t most sUCc;eMlul of the annual series. · -Kent Hitchcock photo Dallas, Texas, is locatM a~ proximately in t:he cent er of some 70 per cent of the n ation's crude oil production. P. S . So is Fort Worth. Europe is trantfle for cars and b'Ucks, the Netherlands. for exan1- ple, having only 30,000 today as compared with 100,000 before the war. Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1011 OoM&_ JllllPwa~ • Old tashloned malta We .._., )lat this. SHOES Repaired While You Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Nm door to Bay View Cafe 9a.m.to8p.m. Reports a re to the effect that the partnership will, be dissolved and a corporation formed in which Mr. Max Gorby, "'ho operates can- neries a t \Vilmington a nd Ter - minal Is land. "ill be identified and the local pla nt affilia ted. The News-Times "'as unable io con- tact l\ir. Gorby to verify the change, as we go to pres.s. Highway Dragoon Lights Enters Tourney 17 Suffered . Pa11c:oad VENETIAN BLINDS (Continued tr-o m Page l } WOOD • STEEL • AWlllNUM ..._ r--Ow ' I -a..ur.. -811 r M J -.._ .. ,. ·W While Fredonia. N. Y., was light- ed up with natural gas on JtJne 5, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J 1825, it did not come into ~cn"r::il -use until the 1880's. NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF"ORNIA Interest is centering this '°"'eek paveme nt over balance of road-on the entries for the Augus t 17 way. Adequate storm drain sys-parade of lighted boats. Biggest tern "'ill also be nC'eded. C'nlry so far announced is the Other improvements "ill in· "Dragoon" Conunodore Henry elude or (lamcntal street lighting Grandin"s Ne"'port Harbor Yacht system. The entire cost of the club flagship. Shock, Boat Sl4 fuisl Highway fire, Blast~~~~~~ Phone..Beaoon · 5881..J • • BALBOA CAFE Bay Avenue and Washington St ., Balboa. California Re-Opening Saturday, Aug. 3rd under New Management and New Help Open 5 A. M. to 1 A. M. ''Nancy'', formerly of Bay Front Cafe is our dinner cook CLOSED THURSDAYS Waid Largen, Owner ATlENTION ! ! Home and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks,. Dr~boards and Galleys Bu il t to Your 'Spec ificatio ns· e DIJKABL~LUUea• •oael m•tal. e a t:SISTA.."'T M> bouetield Mtu. a&I$ wsur. f e t lGlD -pleee eo•tnclloa. e 8A."11TA!lV-No Jolata -&..,. lo .,1ean. • aa~"'T--&•N 7 ........... 9 IMlll.EDL&TI: Dl:Ll''UY. CUSTOM METAL PRODUCTS CO. ' PLUMBING J. H. ESTUS HARDWARE GENERAL EI.ECTRIC &A.'IOES • REFRIGERATORS • WASHERS DISHWASHERS e RADIOS Phone 116 Newport Beach 2205 Coast Blvd. CLOTHES FOR MEN AND B O·Y S Sa"~ /JptJ'd /J/u,p !O'J Marine .... overall impr ovement 'A"ill be Commodore Grandin has a n- $400,000. nouncro he "·ill put out a long "One ?Tll'thod of financing such towline for smal boa.ts. a pr ogram is to form a n assess-Plans hnve been made for rom- ment district. This dis trict "·ould plcte patrol of the parade course include some 4000 Jots a nd put the by J-la rbor 1'la.;;tt'r Russell Craig entire system burden of the cost ,,·ho "·ill have at ll'ast four boats or the improvem ent on local prop-operating. erty. This same property stood I The pnrade \Viii begin at 7 :30 the expense of the original ex-p. m. and "''ill cover the Newport pense im provements ,,·hich have 1 1 area fi rst so that traffic from the OO\V become inadequate," the '"est end of the city may be n1ayor said. cleared out first according to the The state legislative committee suggestion of Police Otief Hcxlg- adjourned at noon and resumed kinson. their m('('ting a t 1 :30 p.m. Nelson Stafford and Charles Payton wil have charge of light- (Continued fr om Page 1) ing on the jetty wh('n the ex- plosion "''hich sent the Fun Zone's engine hatches into t.he air. said that there was a min~mum of con- fus ion, but that thC' quick r escue efforts of the Rocket "'as main- ly r esponsible. Cause of the fire is still un- known but it is believed tha t fumes in the bilges "''ere ignited and resulted in the explosion. · No passengers were hurled into the water. · 'I\.~:d other ships, the Eileen a nd the Pago-Pago, took some of the rescued persons from the · Rocket and brougtit them to shor e while Phone Portraiture and iCommercial Photography Palm Ave. four of the passengers made the Harbor 1033 BALBOA 3ln Balboa bland l'llone Barbor 0'78 Catalytic cracking capadtf ot ing materials and all questions re- the United States \\rill be in ex-garding all kinds of materials for cess of 42 million gallons ~~ly eptries should be taken to the of- "'hen all of the 96 new r eftrung -fice of J. A. Beek at the Balboa units now built or building are Is land end .of the ferry. shore by swimming and were 1 • ____________ ...., __________ _. treated at the John Vogel home. completed. An urgent appeal for the loen The Fun : Zone burned almost completely to the water· line be- fore the blaze was quelled and it is believeQ that the craft is a -------------------------of boats for entries such as those Sea Trout and Halibut Are Biting . • • off the Newport and Balboa Piers ~:!I .~~,:e ~.Av~ George Hiner BBING YOUR RADIO TO US 0.. Day -We'll Bep<llr I& aad You Can Ba"' I&. tho Nert F11otorJ Pano. Work ouann-. Faclol')' Trained ~ Radio SOS Electric KAROW L HAMM Pit.one '780 SOO Marine Ave.. Balboa bland of organizations and outside cities has been made by Hany Welch of th~ .ch~ber of commerce to wt)orn such requests are made daily. Anyone will ing to loM a boat should call Mr. Welch a t 1818 or Toutnament committee hee.d· quarters at 62-J . Oil City to Have New Newspaper total lqss. Aboard the boat at the time of the fire were Russell Smith, 1020 S. Adams. Gleodale and his eight- year-old son , J immy ; Misses Gin- ger Blakely and Peggy Maurey, South Laguna: Kenneth Whit e, 41. of 4893 H artwick St., Los An· geles, and his daughter, J anice, 51,2: Mr. and Mrs. Ad Myl, 1418 Gardena Ave., Long Beach; Mr. and l\irs. Conrad Schneider . 174 S . H. Franklin. who has been St. J oseph St., Long Beach; A. C. connected with the Costa Mesa Lengtat. 52, of 742 S. Broadway, Globe-Herald since last December. Los Angeles. and his son , James, --:::==================::;;;:---"will be&in publication of a new 23; F r ances' Stamprer . 1324Y.i: ne"'spaper in Huntington Beach in l\{aryland St., Los Angeles. a nd the Fall, it was announced re-Mr. a nd ~irs. ErnC'st Ochoa and CC'ntly. their son . E rnest jr., 3 1-::, of 218 NOW-'Round the Island Ferry • 9 :30 A. M. TO 11 P. M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Oub, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans', Villa !\farina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BARBOR il!-w The paper "''ill open under the 1 S. Eastman Ave., Los Angeles. ba nner of the Hub Publishing Co. and editorial offices \\"ill open soon For office supplies, see the at 520 l\1 ain street in Huntington News-Times. Beach. ============ Expert Radio Service Pboue Beacon 5004-W Opea......,... f1'09 •a. •· M I I-• Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC !s.u Newport amt. COSTA~ DEAL'S Famous Smoked Fish AlwaYB Freeh 110 McFadden PL Mala s1o..,, 101 mpway "At_lo _ _.. WORTHINGTON ~ ,.~ ---~ ~hl•ll"'· "'"''"~ Refrigeration FREON AMMONIA S ton to 10 ton Air Conditioning S ton to 50 ton Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All PJ'eMure& and All IJquon In Stock Call . " ' . ' CS S. Loe~ St.. Anaheim -- Public Aaction Sale CATALINA ISLAND ·HOME 62-ft. YACHT "PRIV A1'EER" SANTA and the • • h W est Id sol! from t e There wos on o t ot his best k. wos no W ho of wor 1n9 the ways h. boot on He put 1s l th ree dovs Slept two or d d a ll of the re sf . While South Coast i Your pass Jo Carefree Motori1g • ... 117 ~of M. w . ........,.,,., •r«pee tor 8-ent of Cndlton. -"' lie ()oedert.ed ta ' Room 804 at 111 W. 7th St., .Los Angeles ADD TO ITS SELLING VALUE WITH ADEQUATE WIRING \.- Proper clccttic wiring' adds far more than ilJ aJlt tothcvaluc'of ahousc. By providingcircuiu,ou~ lcu, and switches adequate in siz.c, number, and location, proper wiring permits the full we ol. dcctrical equipment upm which modem living 'depends .. Any home that is not adcquatdy wind is out.«-<iatc. Good electric llliring k«Ps" home modern for m1111y ye•s. Y ct, oo the average it cx;ists on! y 4 % of the IOlal building budget I Phone or write your nearest ~iSlll office for Information about our free ~~wiring ad- viJory service. No obligation.' . SOUTHIRN CALIPORNIA EDISON COMPANY FRIDAY, AUGUST 9TH AT 10 A.M. ~Bedroom com~ely fumlabed h<m>e at ll!07 E . Avlllon T..-....,.,, Avalon. ~ ~and 1Je¥. Inspection dally fn:m noon to 4 p. m . -.s1oa when purcbaae price placed in -.ow. YACHT "PRIVATEER", 62 fL 'IOnc.'14 fL -aleepo 8 .,_.. and ~ of 3. Dly clocked early put ol 19t6. Rlalna: and ..u. =conditlon. 6 Cylinder Marine enclne, Inspectioo dailY at tbouae Yocht J:.andin&, WUmingtan. Directlom: Sooth from on on Henry Ford Blvd. to edce qt drawbri<lle, turn ri&bt to landtnc. · . I , • Far Descriptt.., arcuar. ca11. ""'*' -"' 2~N.J.:.~i!<J?'!, '}~~!?~ •, . ' _,,_. _____ ., ...... .,. _ ,_ ............ ...,--pc•ww• , ... _...,..,_bii:fe11o .... -...... .,; -wl _ ...... ol TQ I ifJM & .......... id& ....,. ... ,_.a:, •.• Ned ... • Cndit c.NI , ..... ..a_.,. .-... ... -,1 . ' ........... s f rlllMi•1:Q ••• a. tr 1W. ... _,See:' d of'•'" w oAc.. A STANDARD Of C ALIFORNIA S E"VI C t • • • , • I , --------------------'."'.'.-~----:-:::----.::NZWPOST:=:::~::..:BAUIO:::=~A~~;.:li:,::W~8~-,.::TI;:=--Newtw! a 0 Otllhnla h«:1ty. A,.,, !, lMI r-----s1Rites in l(okomo B ts Need lnine Parcels Plan Vets' ENJOY THESE Af).VANTAGES! h : Window Awnmp, Door Hoods Ponh & Patio Canopies e -Oat ---U ... t bl; • Rabi oat ---Bne.e In; • Permaaemt • • • No "U.-a 1>owu": • 8llent • --No Rattles; • Rarmon..lom Design --- Cmtom Built; • Utmoet F.cOnomy - -- Lonll' Ule, No Repl-.cemeot&. Now! Quality Venetia n· Blinds (Either-Wood or Metal) QuJc.k Service For Free E11Umates C all Reverse Charges filTS·D·fVOOD Awning Co. of Orange Co. '715 So. Phlladelph.la S t.. Anaheim, Calif. Pbone FULLERTON 16"-.I For David Love, -Oa Accepted by City ~~~"~!~ !!e~ Protection, chan~:-::::: ::.::_the College on .. it Went • + + Un Daddy Found i~' Was fl.is Tire in Kokomo. Ind., for David Love, Irvine company and o ty offioals. 15. who wed when he fell from Voge-I Says ofWbenthe twthoe~~: wo:. =.":,~: Army s·ite _'7 .. ___ .. _ a truck near Hood River, Ore., r----oee ai.n.t a una11 N n by th. m aunr at the council meet-,----ewpor and struck his head on a rock last ··-...----•-r -_ - Friday. Ina Monday alternoon. both Coun· •--• •- !Condn-from Pa&• 1) dlmen L. L. Iabell and -·ts. ,..,. old. ~ _......,.. ... Love was uie son of Mn. Allen objected to the ooundl tak; LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.-Plam ..... ldm •ttmc ..-,,. Otarles Love of Balboa Island and and members of the council con-ing action on the resolution. for tbe ettablishment of a uni-• ca.rtll la ~' ol ..., the n-•ew of Col. J . J . Sailors, -•ty f t t th ~--ta i-m~ fami17 mr. 8adl .-.. "'YI' tributed the information that the Isbell strenuously ............. that v~M · or ve erana a e ~ city administrative officer. A na-bad bee ble -•~cil Ana Army Air Bue were dllc:lomed a ...... brefwd tale tive of Kokomo, the boy had lived city officials n inw to the members ot the coun post· here Sat • .-..... at a ~-•erence con-• aDd eM Miked ~ get anyone in the sta~e or national ctlo until he had a chance '-Al'U&.7 U,11.U. 11o ........ about a year with his mother on pone 8 n · · ducted in the state build.in& by ---.· the island and he was a so~ legislatures to aid them tn gettib.g to discuss the matter wtth Mr. the Callf . f V bare ...S UaRin. llom- more in the Newport H arbor Union another fire-boat. Irvine, who be ventured the guess Aft~ Department 0 et-mle", 'malor, •1t SOM "We're still hopln° to ""et some wo uld be here in a bout a month. erans '?", u be __..._. a .....ii Hit:h school when death came. e. a The •~-1 de b E ,....... · · with action in the matter," said one Allen supported Isbell. \UM.: osure was ma Y · ..U ba tbe valve of a tire. He was on a vacation trip .,. When the ~tuu·on was voted B. Wicklander, field administrator -.._J ,.... ~xp1u~-...a ...._ ---George Bicos of Pasadena and the of the councilmen . , ~-... d th ..1.mum; -------J--- two were hitch-hiking to Hood Vogel said that if he had had on, both Allen and Isbell were ~~~~t~~:;e~~ :hs':t.:;actC:: tery ~ -.veral Oat t:aJ.e. w1dcb River. According to Biros, his a garden hose that would have paired against annexation of tM progress rfor the formation of the companion fell off the truck while reached out far enough he could parcels. Mayor Reed. Councilmen school, designed to take care of it was rounding a curve on the have extinguished the blaze on the Mason Siler and o. z. Robertson · R . h . h Fun Zone boat before it spread voted 1.0 favor of annexation. All about 10,000 students in varied Columbia 1ver ig way. · tines of educational activity. Surviving are his mother &nd too rapidly. "Why, t)le boat drllt-those favoring the proposition ex- one brother, Charles R. Love. both ed around outside my place for pressed confidence in the integiity The conference was attended by of BaJboa lsland, and his uncle, nearly 30 minutes," he said. of Mr. James Irvine and his com· Stanley Abel, representing the R rts N Col. J . J . Sailors. Vogel said he wa.s unable to get pany F ederal Public Housing Authority, po ew th h bo .. t · ffice by t el.... · ''-'ho expressed conJJdence that the · e ar rm er s o .. -Only citiun present who advis-. t phone, although he did r each t he ed members of the city council not plans would meet with success. v f. d 1· d partm t both \Vicklander and Abel admitted • f Whom Sent Wh•t a1'd they could .nal that both the University of South-LI'(' an po ice e en s. to be too hasty in accepting the erve 1rus 0 L"I Irvine properties was Lew vv - t th f th fi ''B t the em California and the Los An-o e scene o e re. u lace. Newport Beach real Pstate f. d tm t I t equ1'pped to geles campus of the Ugiversity .of rre epar en s no broker, "'ho said that after 40 -r h boat ftr " h I ted t California have raisC'd ·objections ig t es, e po n ou • years of personal dealings with the " d there was little that they d that it would be impractical for an trvtnes he felt that the ty id do d th · them to establish branches at the cou un er · e ci.rcum-should exercise some care toward stances." air base. But the two men de-such an offer. dared that with added backing of Councilman Isbell pointed O'J.t public officials and educational that there was no evidence in leaders they belie ved the schooh writing to show that the Ir•;ine would change their attitudes and company or that ~1r. Dinsmore. give the plan their sup~rt . his representative, had tele_phc n('() Mayor Reed, as the latter hl d said. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-A myster us nerve disease which strikes its victims in isolated and par ts of the body, par- in the fingers. legs and toes. • been repor ted by Dr. Robert Wartenberg, assistant clin- ical pr fessor of neurology in the Unive ity of California 111cdical school DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH Vogel lauded the efforts of the skipper and cre\v of the ''Miss Rocket." which ls owned by the Balboa Pa,·iliion company. The Rocket. he said. was just ahead of the Fun Zone boat. when the fire started, and it went into N?- verse and skipper and crew val- inantly rescued a number of peo- ple from the water. Mayor Reed assured Isbell that there was a telephone conv<'rsa- tlon between him and Dins.nlC're a nd that the latter had spoken for the Irvine company \vhen hf' of· fered. to transfer the tYlo unin- habited lands to the city in ex- change for water services. City Returns Patrol Boat 1 Dr. Vartenberg said that the · disease "·as reported briefly from ! Vienna 40 years ago, but has been ORANGE Y~ OWN DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS < and Associates Vogel said his son. John F . Vo- gel jr., with a rowboat, succeed- ed in rc5CUing three persons, one of them a deaf mute. who could not swim. "\Ve carried them into my place and WTapped t hem in blankets." said Vogel when describing phB!les of the scene of the fire later. One of the scenes that displeased some of the onlookers on the shores was the alleged failure of skippers of the bigger yachts, whlch were passing at the time, to give aid to people who were floundering in the bay. Dwyer Turns in Top Performance Police in Search For Missing Pair · Police authorities of California and Arizona were asked to search for a Costa Mesa pair this week as J esse Byron Henderson. 38, and his 20-year-old son, Elwood Byron Henderson. failed to appear at their Arizona destination la.st S at- urday. T Co t G d ' forgott n since. He said that the 0 3S Uar I disorde follows no discer nable -I patterais no serious handicap. but The City of Newport Beach this is very stubborn. week returned to the Coast Guard \ l n s me cases. the disC'ase is the combination fire and ~trol chroni4 that is, it lasts over a boat lt borro"''ed after the a.st period ff years. It may show it- Guard headquarters closed an an-self in the form of a pain in a nounced that the ci ty expec to toe or of a numb spot on the receive loan of tv•o 30-foot"'f jet-arm o leg. a nd i.t may . migrate propelled craft for fire protedtion. from e spot to another over a According to Fire Chief F . W. period of years. The pain may Crocker. the large craft wu too not be felt in the numb spot un- expenslve to operate and that less t patient bumps it. The smaller craft which probably will pain c always be felt after brisk replace it on loan from the Coast stret g of the affected. nerve. Guard, will be satisfactory for all The · ease also takes an acute, fire control and patrol purposes or sho t, form. Thi! usually Jol- in the harbor area. lows ~me infection, or it may be In the interim, the Sport:Cisher t he pr lude to a more system atic n will function a.s fire and patrol and s ious nerve disorder. boat for the harbor. Dr. artenber g said that he h as studied the disease for 10 years, News·Ttmee advertilemenll an but deb not know its cause. He ' caused by .ttamln ddk:leDcy er any metabolic d>sfunction. n.. mo1t reuonahle answer is that there ii at work some vtrus ot low .,_ a virulence wbldl attadm Ille ui.. or 1uperftdal nerves ol the hurnM body exclusively. <3f1alboa rlr et M .re n.. IO l'ws of Sel'ttoe '9 tM Re-'MI-. Ill ll&IN -OlleB-MUIO&, ()Alff. GEORGI!! D. BASSETI' AOOOUNTANT Montbl,y Bool'lreepJng Senb · · - W. o.lnl A---.-.._,Newport - E. J. (Bud J Jacklin C01''TllA.CTOR CEMENT WORK flat Work or FoundaUou CALL 1 !5 ! % -J FOR INFORMATION WE WELCOME YO-U • TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (SO -60 -90 Days) Marbro's invite you to come in and open a charge account. OUr stocks are complete with the la test s tyles of Ladies' Fine Appiµ-el. NatiooaDy Advertised READY-TO-WEAR mRRBROJ c/ania Q,na,, 118 WEST f.TB ST. PBO!<E HOI Store Bonr11: Dally lnclodtng Satunlay • 9:80 A.-111. to 5:80 P. M. (bl the Mlnlcle Mlle) One of the most amazing per- formances ever :seen in the history of predicted tog power boat racing was that of D ick Dwyer , whose Llttle Lady IV won the predicted log cruise from Newport H arbor to San Diego wit h a percentage of error of .55. This ls the smlllest per centage error ever heard of In the American Power Boat asso- ciation and is all the more remark- able in that Dwyer has been in only six races . Mrs. Dorothy Henderson, 848 W . 18th street. Costa Mesa, told the sheriff's office the father and son "had left home at 4 a. m. last Thursday for Buckeye, Artz .. and they had not arrived BJ scheduled. your .W~ to emdent ~-said t~at apparently it is not I'--------------------------_, Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Cars Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harbor 497-M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa ' GORDON a~ FINDLAY CONTRACTOR A.ND BUO..Ol:R omce : M IO Cout Blvd. Phone Harbor 4.l'! CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND l\llLLWORK T. C. J OHNSON, Supt. 40'! SOtb Sln>et Pbooe: Barbor Ull-1 • Before You · Build or Remodel Vblt Our lnteni&tiDg Sample and Display Booms LUDLUM Il:n 8Mtla MalJl St.. Color guides. plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rugs & Carpets Cleaned, Repaired SANTA ANA DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H.P. DIF.SEJ.S ON HAND ....,_nllowd 1"-111 oa llud wl1ll elMJloe ol redadloll .... e W1i A.111i WJUTINO ORDEllll 0 1< 111011'1'-&l<D LSPT- 11.&ND SOTATION Drzaw:1.a roa TWIN Dflft'Al.J.A· TIO!<ll. ORO-OP ll&Duano!< 1lNll'8. OD B•-+. 115 B. P. Owwcal Jloton-New. See us for Information on Venn Severin Diesels DIMel o-ator Sets "' All ...... n&Jtrl"& a ~ (~ 1A911) Oww •-••• - In second place was Dream. pilotC'd by Harold Gartner. and In third place was Hoy Hoy with John Merrill as pilot. A good rep- resentation of Newport Harbor y.6.chtsmen are at San Diego for the S.C.Y.A. regatta. A Michigan service station oi>er· ator, retailing a dJversffied line of merchandise, sells soap, which in the past four years has increased to 50 per cent of his total sales. The letter of the law of God. separated. fTom its spirit, tends to demoralize mortals. and must be corrected by a diviner sense of liberty and light.-l\1ary Baker Eddy. Boat Owners ••• Canvas By the Yard Wide Widths-All Lengths Santa Ana Tent & Awning Co. 1629 So. Main St. Phone 207 SANTA ANA Fresh Daily DeltdOUI Sea F oode Or. complete equipment "•hen you want to catch your own... HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT B E ACH Broken Lenses Duplicated E.T. Batterwortll, 0. D. llH "-* O..tnl --1111 E v h p -A;s •I c • • C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE t t t Moorings InsWled and Repel.red. Buoys Painted and Lettered t t t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R fGr Pr<mp4: Sea t ie& • Ylhi\e Y0 " 11;,still looks for new cah. Meanw a car that loo ks oit e a Jong wait · e, why put up with d acta its age 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·Drive in for a check-up by expert Ford lllechanics. They'll give speedy service, UBing Genuine Ford parts and special F ord methoda. Your Ford dealer knows your Ford beet. • -------~r.-~----,--------------- R•\""•" j te l lt teels 9reot A tun<>-UP will m e your Ford act young again. d it'll look younger, too, with fenclera straigh ed, upholatery cleaned • and n!paiJ~P,&int renewed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Yee, 7our ear will Gd and loot yo~ again. ADd 11wU feel a;reat to have tW lllft'-ear pep under 7our foot, that abiD1: 1pick-anckpua car to mne. . . ecliafe Service anJ fair Prices . from ' w;•* ••cl! .......... • I • • ' ' .. M&WWU1 ao& c Noni::ES • WANT • • ADS Carr's Feed Store Hay aJJd Gr ain Quality Feeds -l- Barrack Sale Called Off, Reports. W AA • Heart Attack Proves Fatal BOIUNW OtJIDll: H B0811>111:118 6rms • H ~~~~~~~~--' o.117 IWf'lll'J' Be ~ • 5!41 Ulft:N_...-. <XJ8TA KUA ---. -~ ----~co--....... ···-~ LOS ANGELES. Aug. 6.-ln- quiry here as to what disposition is to be made of the Santa Ana Army Air Base brought forth the disclosure from the War · As.sets administration office that as far as they know the Orange county a rmy base has not been declared surplus property. Informed that word was re-- ceived from Washington, D . C. sources several weeks ago stating thal the base was surplw; 1and was to be turned over to the War Assets administration !or dis- posal, an official of the W AA here said, "While that may well be, we have not received any such no-. lice." SPIC K A.~ SPAN aaaa~oa tM tnetor la llm Wooda of die Newr .. port 8-cll clty •beet _._.. Tp .._ ... ._ rtpt lo OWe Robert.oa. Jr.. IOll or Ootmdlm&D o. Z. &oberboa or Ool"Oll& .tel Mar Tractor and mea ue cleaAbl«" up CM Cof'ODa del Mar B.eecll dally. -(photo by Kent lllt.chcock. Arthur 1bomas Wanen, 66, passed away at 4028 0.annel Place. ~ Island, Tuesday, according to Newport Beach Po- lice records. Cause of death was listed u heart failure. Services will be held at Baltz Funeral Parlors in Corona del ~1ar but arrangements are still in- compJet e at press time. PUBLIC NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF DOINQ BUSINESI UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME Harbor Monthly Building Valuation Tops $325,000 i:hf~~~~~i or Seventy-two pennits with .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~­•'KA.CB.A.RS"' ~ wblftofi_l h&Te Dereunlo hand and au1aed my oftlclal da.y &ad ~ ta th1I cer-ftnt 1.boft. wrtttu.. HELEN O. KLl.'IT. Not.u'7 Public lD and for Mid Oounty and St&tA. .,. emll• mluloa eicplrel Dec. I, 1946. ) uly JS. JO; Aug. C and 13. lMI.. RTIFICATE OF 8USINESS ICTITIO\JS FIRM NAME UIMlen:lsned do hereby ce.rtlb' ey a re conduc!_Jn_g a llN.t uG buslne• at 7(Jll Eut Central e, Balbo&. California, under the ua tlrm name of Balboa Ce.ntr&l t and that aa.ld firm I.a com· ot the ro llowlng penons. whOM and addf'Hllea are u follows. RLES L. SlllTH .. 1506 Ea.at ~ntR.I A venue Balboa. Ca.ll.fo mla ONER K . SMITH 1508 Eut Central A.enue Ba.Ibo&. caJl!ornb. 1"£SS OW' handa thla 29th da) y. lMC. ~~.LSJ~W'· OP' CALIFORNIA. CO OP' ORANGE--a. lhi• 29th day of f.~t· A. D. 1941, befo me. H . JL HO R . .a Not&r7 Pub c In Uld tor Mid Cou111t7 an4 state, pef"90lla.lly ~114&1'11d Cbarl• L . SmJ U:d Romer IC. Slllith. knO•D to The W AA r epresentative ex- plai~ that while inquirer's in- formation may be authentic still it would be a matte r of time be- fore the Los Angeles district of· fice of the W AA would also re- ceive the report through the vari- ous channels from Washington to ·San Francisco and thence to Los Angeles. building valuation ot $327.785 were issued by the Newport Beach city building de partment during July. Chie-f BuildinJ:: Ins pector A. M. Flynn Schooner Leaves Newport Within 2 Weeks Tbat tbe7 a,.., .tbe .ale ownen of tM aid p&rtDerablp, aAd .. -.Id part· nen, that they conduct bu.lueaa at be th• pe.raotul whoee namu .,. rt~ to the within Instrument. ltnowledpd to me that they u*" the 11&me. l)t lhJn StrHt Huntlqtoo Beacll, C&lltomla and 109 Main "Street. &I· boL California. both In the C\lunt1 cu Ot' 0f'ULS9, Slate of Callfornls : WITNE..~ WHERIX>F. I ha.H here to Mt my hand ud attb.ed mJ offlc al seal the day and year in lhll • Domestic and Commercial Perfecold Newport Electric Appliance Co. 2S06 Cout Blvd. Phone 2JS8 When asked wha t disposition might be made of t he old troop barracks on the base. the W AA agent said a scheduled auction ot all th,e buildings was suddenly posponed. No reason was given !or the change of mind. Drive Caret'Ully-Spare a LU'e. WILLEY'r REFRIGERllTIOR JERVICE COffiPIIDY Saa -Dwsfneaatac -.. "°" 9H Cout Bl'nl., Oo..,.. del llal Temporary Ph-. Day 654 La· guna Beach; Phone Nfibt, 1.le6l Laguna Beach Nelson reported that while only one more permit was issued in the 1946 mont.h than was issued for the same period in 1945, valuations this time we.re mor e than double valuations for the same period last year. Jn J uly, 1945, the city building off-i ce issued 71 permits carrying building valuations of $159,550. In the last three days of the month this ·year $70.000 more was added to the July building valua- tion to bring the total to the $327, 78.5 mark. Permits were issued for the erection of nine new homes and one gar age. P lans for new homes were filed as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bila of 110 22nd street, Newport Beach . a one-story dwelling wtth detached garage at 425 Redlands avenue. Newport Heights, $11,500. Hal R. Carlson of 31 Hermosa avenue, Loni: Beach, one-story dwe lling and one-stor y double garage with bedroom and bath at 319 J asm ine avenue. Corona de! Ma r . $10.000. Mrs. Aliso Malloy of 716 Beacon Bay, a two-story cement block dwelling and attached garage and one bedroom for second s tory, $8500. JO<' Catherina of 429 S . Broad- way, Santa Ana, one-story dwell- ing with garage attached at 612 Orchid nvenue. CoronA del ~1ar, Errol F1ynn, his fa ther, Dr. T. Thomson-Flynn, professor of biol~ ogy and cur.a tor or the mUSt"um of Queens University a t BeUast, Ire- land. and a Scripps Institute of Oceanography mem be.r. will leave Newport Harbor aboard the Zaca for a cruise of the equatorial Wa· t ers off Central and South Amer- ican coasts within two weeks. Flynn's $200.000 118 -foot schooner has been r efueled and repainted for the trip which will take some time. Er rol's father arrived in Southern California last \'-'eek and has been staying at the Flynn home in Beverly Hi lls. Among those a ccompanying the F lynns will be Dr. Claude 7.obelJ , a cting director of the Scripps in- stitute. The scientist and Dr . Thomson-F lynn will leave the ves- sel at Panama a fter a five-week voyage while Flynn plans to con- tinue through the Carribean 01' a pleasure cruise. The Zaca carries a 10-man r.J"e\•i'. The United States consumes in the neighborhood or 4,200.000 gal- lons of lubricating oils daily. 'Ibat the Dame• and places or rest· dence or Mid putne.n and the per-.ans oonducUnc aa.ld bualneu are u follow•: R. W . BARTINE I03 Smeltser A."nue Newport Be&c:b. C.Htorrua THEO S. Mc.ELROY 11s c ur:c Drt•e Newport Beach. California WlTN'Em\ our hand.a, this 26th d.a) or July. 1948. TH.EOOORE S. Mc ELROY, R. W. BARTINE. STATll OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF OR.A..."lGE--u. On thle the 26th day or July , l!M6, before me. FRED J. DUDLEY. a No-- l&ry Public ln and for a&.ld CountJ and State. per-.o~_ly _appeared R . W. BARTlNE and THEO s. K cELROY, known to me to be the penion11 who• names are 1ubacrtbed to the within ln.1trument and ac)lnow ledged to mr that th~y. e:s:ecuted lbe aame. WITNESS my hand and offlcial ae&l. FRED J . DUDLEY. Notary Public in and fo r B&Jd County and State. (Not&rla.1 Seal.) ~b. July !O; Aug. 6, 13. 20, 1946. NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE Under Sectio n 3440 of the Civil Code ot t he S tate of CaltCom la. NOTICE t s H EREBY GfVEN: That GLEN K . LARSEN . Vendor, wboH addret& I• 2908 W e•t Ocean Front. In lhe Cily or Newport Beach. County of On.n~. State of C.llfom la. Inte nd• to ~II to VE LL M. DUVALL. Vendee. whose addr'C!U I• 301 W6111ey A venue, H untlnl'ton Beach. California. the fol· lowin~ deacr1~ pef'80nal property ; The boat repair and .servicing bus I negs knovn1 u ·'Gle n Laraen Floa!lnir Repa:lr Service .. located at a nd operating from Lido Cove Landing, Newport Bea.ch. C..11- fornla. including the b&Nte. i;;rar and equipment of 11&.1'1 bW!lineas a nd the &"ood·W111 thereof ; and that a sale. tni.n1fe r and a.Mlg-n - ment of the same w lll be made and th~ ronJ1lder>10on therefor l)M/d6 at 10 :00 Oil containing as high as 17 IX't' o'clo1_.k "· m. o n the 13lh d8y f Augu•t. · 11· ff' 1946. a t the office!! or Harbor Inve11t. cent macrosta 1ne "'ax-para in I menl Company. at 30th a nd We11t Cen- of a high melting point-has heen 1ral A \'enue11 . In the City o f Newport f 8 "'8ch. County ot Orani;e. State or -.::~~=========:::::::::::::::=_ 1 58000. -------------.l\lbert ~·f at thews or 209 Via salvaged rom \\'eathered tank bot-("s!ffornla.. tom settlings under processes de -Dated : AuKU!'!t 3. l!MG. I ...... A GLE!': .!,I. LARSEN. ve O~u in govC'rnment labora· Vtndor. CONTRACTORS' RENTA L EQUIP ME NT Jaeger Compressors . Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th nod Santa Ana A\·e. -Costa Mesa torie>s. Pub. Aug. 6. 1946. I Dijon. Lido Isle. one-story d'-"'C'll- ing a l 701 E. &-a.<ihore Colony, I I S,~. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS " d . ] -" h II FI CT ITIOUS FIRM NAME I ~tildrC'd Humborg 'of 1J.1 1 F'err. · t•\v tl"~C'-pD\\'('fc."U SR i.\V-Th(' 11ndf'rll1gne-.I •In herebr certif)· drivr, F'ullerton, t\\.O·S tory d\\·ell · dra fl Chr~o Vt'SSC}S Of 2700 tons lhlll Ulf'I)" ttrl' f'll n(luctlnl'! ll boat repair I d I d h ·11 1111<.I "''~"l·worloni: 1)1110ir1t'f<~ at 61 5 ing \\'ilh apar tment above ~nragl'\ nrc <'~enc so I cy \\'I O?l'r:1tl.' f"•.:l111 1111.:hvnay. f"1ty or :-;""'port Be"ch. at 424 Poinsetta avf'nUC' S5500. hoth on Tht• O<'ca n ;tnd 1n r ivr r!i. C'••unt) nr Orani;€' St11tr r>f Cnllfornln. · \1··] 1 ·~ h , un•J;>r 1 1h{' fl1'f1t1nt1JO f1rn1 nan1e ul \\<'. D. Rcnrro of 1303 \\'. 'fhird it l .:.uol Ions cargo t (' nt•\\ • ...:T~:ltL l :"G EQ,\1" \\'OR.-:~ an..t that o:.f ref't, Santa Ana. on('-story d"·pll-ships hav<> a d raft of only C'tght 1 ~ahl flrn1 111 ('Pllll"'!'rrt 1•f the follov.·-feet 11.L. l~"r!'<•n!I. ~·hvse n:une:s and ad- 1 int.: and dctach<'d garai::C' at 543 · rlrt>,o!l•'I' :irt> a,. rnllo"·s: tn ~It : Orrn S \ $5500 Thnrk.1ltl"'""· 130 Vilt K or .. 11. '.'lf'wport ;:i nta .f na aVC'nUe, · I IWa•·h. ("u1tr .. r11i:1 . Dori" ;..;, Thor kl!d· Leon C. Bet'b(•. onc>-story d\\·('1\-""rn. lllJ V ia. Koron. Xev.-port Beach. · d -10 Al . R Q O F S C.llifnmla. 1ni: an ~aragc> a l :J tso 8\'e· \\"1111,.,... .. nur hand th i~ Isl dtt.y of nur . i\'t:'\\·port Hf'ii,::h ls, S."l500. . An~ust l!\~6. L . 8 . Sl<'lllOns of :!'.l·I Pt"a r/ il\'C· APPLIED OR REP.URED · ORIX TI-IORKII.0$1' Free Estimates &: ln~ .......... ion 1)(),RIS :'\'. THORKILDSE:>. nUC'. Bnlhoa Island , t\\·o-story I •~· l f:t11 t .. 1.1! ca11 rorn1a. d 11 · t bo d \ (",.unty 0C Ora11xe-~11. \Ve in~. apa r n1('nt ll \'C' an 1 W . .J. Benbow On thl.o1 1,.t clay of Aui.'"\1>11. A. o . garac(' and tx-droo1n !')('10\\' a t 214 t 3602 Marcus Ph Hbr 1012·J l!lli;. twf"r" me Tom \\'. ll€'11d1"r.win . a Garnet S lr('et, BalbQR Island, I · · :-; .. c;u·y l'ubli.-1n a nu for s1ud Count)' ~------------~j 1<nd S11tte. N"1i..tinK thcrei:\. dulf ('on1· $5000. I ;:;;!·~nb1r1 1~n,:h6~~·1~~en ":n~~~a 1~~ \·'ictor L. Berry or :)38 Aliso ave-M w Th·•rllBd"l'll. kn11wn to n1e lo be the nuf'. N!'\Vpe>rt J.ll'ii:ht.s. one-sto ry e n -0 m e n pl!'rtoun!'I 1••h nBe nan te!'I :\rt' irub!ll'ri\iecl tc> th" v.·1tl11 n instru1no:l11t. ;1n1\ a..·knv .. ·1-=~ng a nd dt•tach<'d garage, Prostate PeJ\is ~;.,~~ tc• 111c that the)' eit:f'<'uted the O. ,--ha•e bllekacbr t Faia I" \ I:" \VIT:">Ef'·3 \\'J.fEREOF. I ha ,·e Quality Lumber and Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E.. H OSTETLER PboaeBoacoD0015 Famous kip. 1TGl11 w bWk or be.d:" Arr hereunlo :oet 1uy hnnd and affi.:ced my Jll'll nenous. Jump,-, lrrlt.ab1" a.n.1 .. rr1•·ial .!1f'11l thf! ds)· snd )'f!&.r in this --..k:Jf 0 fo..rlac old before 1e nr •'oi'rliflt'l!.te fir11t :tbo1·p writ ten. u-!' 81/pplacf ll11fe co en Up •!<EAL) TO.\I lV. HEi\'DERSOS . .ishta'! :-;.,tnr1· Puhllc In 11nt1 f,.r !!alcl County and Stale. IT'S YOUR GLANDS Olll' -u.~eJul~ oar ~ _....... J.,.llM'dlak re.11IW. No p&.ln -:So drus-So •arcer1-:Co le-... ,..,_ Dr. 'C. J'. Bell. D. C .• rll.t'., 101' ftDCI 8t., Xe111-pon 8-dl. l'bo..e Rarbeir 1 IM for appoh1t.fttt. H Ytat"t ~OS la Ola...._ HH.n 9:S. A. M . ~ 1 :30 P. M. lil-.lar• • .,, TbllN4Qw ROSSI'S Liquor Store '700 CoMt mcta••J Former1:7' 0ordoD'• Dnc 8tof'9 <>i-lllTwy Day l f}· ('(lmml~1c>n expltt!I March 7. 19'19. rut>.: Aug 6. 13. 20. 27. 19-16. I CE RTIFICA T E OF' BUSINESS: F I CT I T I OUS F IRM NAM ~ The u nde r,.Jgned dU{'~ hrrd>y ttr· tify that they are condut'tlng a Print· Ing and Publishing Ru11inegs o.t 3011 \V. Central Al·e.. :">e'trport BesC'h C3.lifoml&. under the 1Jct itlou11 flnr na.me or !"t'\\'Pllrt J.i ar bor Publlahlnl! Co .• and thl\t 11aid n rm 11 compoaeil or th• follov.·lng per&0n1 whoae n&mea and addre1111es are !LS follo wa. to-wit: Sam D. Porter . 15&9 Mlrarna.r Drt\'e, Balboa. CaHtoru ia. Nora S. Wade. 205 \Yr,.&tmlruitu Ave .. New.·pon Beach. Calltornla . \\.Un :ss our ha.nd11 lhla 22nd d•> Of JUI)·, 1946. SAM D. PORTE?l., NORA f ... WADE. STATi: OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE--611. On U1\1 2:?nd da7 of J uly A. D . 1946. before me Helen 0. ioatt. a Noury Public In and tor the ald county ant! 11tate. residing tbere.ln. AEOLIAN PORTABLE It's Always RADIO • -TAKE IT WITH YOU- Plays Anywhere Guaranteed PerfofJllance RESERVE YOURS BY Battery Operatei:l AC or DC PHONE TODAY Harbor Electronic Engineering Co. S'18W.t8Wh ~ • COF f EE Tl M.E At The • • • • • . - DO llUTc&wil.:FLE . SHOP · . . . . • . Serviilil' O)E'f EE I: DONUI'S • WAFFLES STRAWBERRY WAFFLES (with whipped cream> • roMPLF:rE FOUNTAIN SERVICE. 305 Marine A venue · Balboa Island a..,..... 01111• .... . ce lcate first above written. H.K.HOLKER. Notuy Public In and tor said County a.nd State. Ky oom· mlulon expire• March 4, 1&49. Plib July 30; Aug. G, 13. 30. 1946. TICE Of SALE OF: REAL ·o PERSOSAL PROPERTY T PRIVATE SllE. No. 240.000 the Superior Court of the St te or California, in and for the Co ty of Orange. the Matter or the Estate of LIBBEY ECKLEEN, DE>- ce sed. otice is he reby given that t he un ersigned will sell at private sal , to the highest and best bid-det subject to confirmation of sai Superior Court, on or after th 3rd da y of September. 1946, a t the office of Edward R. Milli- ke Attorney, 20 North Raymond Avenue, Pasadena. County of Loi eles, State of California, all right, UUe and interest or said ued et the time of death and the right, title and interest that the estate or said deceased h~cquired by operation of law or therwise. other than or in ad- d! to that of said deceased, at th time of death. in and to all certain real and per....W onl-tv situate In the Coonty al ge, State of California, to- Lot Fifteen (15) in Block I of McKnight's Addition, Sectiqn A. Laguna• Olfh, u -... a ap recorded in Book 8, page 31 llaneous Mapa. reoords ol. Coonty, California. Lot ~ty-(27) In 0.-Ee 7 ,. 1Jatll 1-t e'Olilll -a' ( J I -......... ,_,,, SAN PEDRO 211. -belnc•lllbdivlaloD ................................................................ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~..,.-~~~~~~,--~=1a1 J. A-n.yTpet. mtuated • ' COOPERATIVE ROOFING co_ New and Repair SIGN PAINTING \ Boats, Trucka, Windows Walls and Bulletlna. Raised Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Ceritral Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 38tft 12 Ye:ln Sen.1oe in Newport ~Area Harry Hall PAINTING OONTRACl'OR Phone Beacon 5259-1 274 E. 19th ~t 24-tft TIDE TABl.E.S AOOUllT, lMt Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Eatlmatin& 41-tfi FOR A RELIABLE Paint Job .. your l>Ome, call Beaeon 5311 after 4 :30 p.m; • 1().tfi PAINTING -PAPll:R HANGJNQ and DilOORA TING H. Ill. KcDoaolcl 414 Old Conty Rd., Ooota M- Pbone Beacon 5013-J., ~tft l'BANllPO&TATION U BICYCLF.S Sold. Rented or Rep&lrod. VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. Balbo. 208 -.. Bal-lalaDd. -llll:AOTY AID8 • OOLD and MACHINLESS WAVES Tlntlnc and Kanlcurlac II w 1 7:0S 12:27 S:Sl 11 :IS Even!nc Appt. Ph. aarl>ar 1~111 3.3 0.8 5.2. T/' 8 7:45 1:07 8 :14 11 ~ Vi's Beauty Shop 2 8 ll03 Cout lllway, Corona dol -3.6 0.4 5.4 F 9 8 :17 1:42 8 :111 U:t1 35-tlt 3.8 0.1 5.7 2.7 LOST AND romm D s 10 8'44 3.9 Su 11 '9 :10 4.0 2.12 --0.2 2:42 --0.4 1:Z8 5.9 8:01 6.2 1:%1 2.5 1:51 2.3 'l'ldt9 an pl&09d Lii order Oil. oceurNMit. Ll&'llit ~ .. 1llL; dart ftprM p. lft PUBLIC NOTICES in the Rancho Las Bolas, in the County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia. as shown on a map record- ed in Book 13, page 40. of Miscel- laneous Maps, records of Orange County, California. Subject to all rights-of-way and oil lease of rec- qrd. (Said property is referred to in the following instrument.) AND 3. Grant and Assignment of Un- divided Interest in Oil Lease and Production, dated March 4, 1922, executed by Selah J . Evans, as grantor and Alma L. Eckle nn. as grantee, assigning and conveyini: An undivided interest to tht-ex- te nt hereinafter specified in, and to all th~ one-eighth right, title and interest which the said Selah J . Evans had or has subject to the oil lease hereinafter described, or that he may at any time hereafter acquire in and to all oil, gas a nd other li ke hydro-car bons that shall at any time be produced upon that certain real property, located in the County of Orange, State of California. commonly known and described as the Kujawsky r anch propert y. particularly described in tha t certa in oil lease wherein A. H art is thC' lessor, and P. J\-1. Greenlee ct al. are less<'es, recorded in Book 29. page 26. of Leases, r ec- ords or Ora nge Coun ty, State of California; the undivided inter est hcrC'in conveyed is a proportionate inta'est to be computed and de- termined in the ratio that onc- firteenth of an acre bear s to that portion of the arca of the \Vholc of said real property abo\"e de- scribed. \\"hich the said Selah J. Evans has heretofore ~'vnC'd . or nov.· O\\·ns, or may hereafter ac· quire. Terms of sale cash in la,vfu\ m oney of the United States on confirmation of sale. or part cash and balanc(' evidC'nc<'d by note se- cured by 1\1or tgage or Trust Deed on the property so sold. Ten per cent of <imount Uid to bC' deposited y:ith bid. . Bids or offers to be in \\'l"iti ng and \\'ill be received at the afore- said officC" at any time after the first publi cation hereof and before ! LOST-Lavender !'Neater, 1300 block. Ce-nt[.al. Balboa. Thun· day, Aug. 7. Reward. Phone Harbor 280. 1322 E. Central. Wm. Dehm. 61-2tc DIPLOl'MENT WA:NTl:D II WANTED to manage apt .. court. or Motel. Experienced. Refer- ences. Babin, 1506 E. Central, Balboa. 61-'.ltp HEU> WANTED-Woman or gtrJ for general housework; good wages; live in or out, Harbm' 1992. 56-tfc EXPERIENCED MAN wants work meeting public. Will learn your way of business. Write Box M. care News-Times. ~2tp LADY with grown daughter wantl work at beach. Help with meals. housework, children; will drive. Write Mrs. WhiUng, 339 No. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasaderi.a. Calif. 6().2tp JAPANESE -AMERICAN, exper· ienced in dressmaking and alter, ations wants work at home. 110 Cabrlllo SL, Costa Mesa. 6G-4tp P OSmON WANTED-Apartment m anagement. capa ble, can fUr. nish good rcferenCC's. Call or \\.Tite 506 Walnut, Hur.tington Beach. 61-4tp WILL TAKE CARE or childrt'n between ages 3 to 5, evenings. 126 31st S t., nca.r Coast Bl,·d ., Newport Beach. 61-l tp FORMER \VAR PLANT executive desires r csponsib!(' position Har- bor area or ,·icinity; age 28, collC'ge gr aduatC'. Phi &•tll Kappa : rcsidl'nf Balho.1: 12 years con1prcllcnsi,·c busin<'SS expc-r- iC'nC'l' 1nl'luding or!iCC' 1nanagc- ml'nt. pt~rsonncl, n1ntcrial t)l 'O- curcrpcn1 [1nd control: thorou~h­ ly dl'pl'ndable, conscicnli<>us. Sound ruture of n1ore interc-st than immcdiate salar)'. E..xcC'I· IC'n t refC'rC'nCC'S. \Vritc Bo:-. F., c/o Nev•port-B.1Jboa N•'Y."S· Tirrics. G-tfc E~fPL<l \"l\IEST OFf~ERED ;• ffA \'f.:: OPENING ror a good Real Estate Broker in C'.osta 1\-lcsa. &\. L. !l.1a1 1he,\·s. 2232 :'\"C'"'port Blvd .. Costn ~1esa. 61 ·2tc HELP \VA1''TED~Typist and of- ficC' man: 40 hours. $45.00 a ,,.c>11k 10 slart. l~c:acon 5277. date of sale. _W_A_N_TE __ D ___ T_e_a-cl-1c_r_o_f_fc-·rs--r-oo-m-. Dated this 1st day of August, board nnd salary ror ,,·oman to 1946. carCJ fo~ child aflC'rnl)(\nS a nd DANIEL A. WHITE, Adminis trator of the estate of help \\·ii light house,,·ork. Ph. Alma Libbey Eckleen, deceased. Beacon 5577. Gl ·2tc EO\\'ARD R. ·MJLLIGEN, Attor -HELP \\rANTED-1\,·o maids, ney for Administrator . 20 No. steady work. top salar y'. l\.1 il'aclP. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, Call-Mile l\.1 otel. 706 Coast Highway. fornia. Phone Beacon 5299.J. :N'ewpr>rt Pub.-Aug. _l . 6, 8, 13. 15, 1946. Beach. 61-2tc • WING SAN G BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 • Phone Beaeoll 5414 it it it Moorlllp and llJ8"" aval!ahlt for Boalll for Sale •· hddle Boards for 8-t bJ tbe week or lllOlltb. Does Your llol9se Need Painting? -A- rarr.eew1 ho Poone HARBOR 2645 Beu ........ ,, . ,, I , , ' ' :, I· :: I: -' .. . , ' '. -. . . . . . -• ... • --1 ~~~~·~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~=-~~=-~·~·~ .. ;:;I:;;;~~::::·::::::~~:;;::;:~·;;~;::::::::'.::::;:;;~~;;;~;;: =;::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::'.:::::::::::::::;-;-;:;:;:;~:;;~~;:;ii~~==:::;~~~~=ii5ii~~M~&~W~#OIL~~T~BA~1~.BO~.t.:~ , • l IC •g•t. mAD -41 I ~ I. mAn i&T 1•~&~•~•:_· ~-~llT~~.t.~'l'&~-----~·~1~u~•~•~·~&llT~~·~-~-----'-:...::O::_ -s·· • ~Q~ • ·~cB • BOM'll. 81JPPLIJ:8 a 111J8lo.t.L ~ llADio.____ 1-;:::;;;-HN ON -~no:NT orrsu:n -~ ~·--f'OR sALE-i..o--.1y J:>.fL ,eorner: r~· .. ., P. JO S ----------FOR SALE-Man's and woman'• FOR SALE-Fiablnc · skill with Radio and Electric lot on Lido Iale. $4500. Phone Realtor LIN.WOOD HELP WANTED -Experien<ed bicycles. 120 Abalone Ave., Bal· oen and good outboard motor, REPAIRS Harbor 2447-R 11·2tc -h and door man; otso boat boa Island. !59-tlc $1SO. 424 Heliotrope. Co<Ona , iv. c, wacner. ·-•e 312 Marine Ave. VICK builder. Salary open. Sterling ....:::.:..:c..======:-;=::-1 clel Mar.. • 61-2tp 24-HOUR SERVICE Balboa Island Home Ul6' ewpmtmvd. BeaoonMiM-W Boat Works, 615 Coast Highway, SMALL HOME FOR SALE-Eut-FOR SAJ..E..,-Asbr'idge built yacht All Makes -Pick Up A DellverY We are offering for sale one of Newport Beach. 61-2tc em built house trail.,. and cab-dinlhY. 2 Kayails and a\llt of PERRY HARDWARE the finest homes on B!llboa ina: all fadllties and equipped Snowbird sails. lnquitt 117 Sap-Cout mvd. Harbor 232 Ialand. Ita location on the South WANTED -RCM»eeleanlng, one day. weekly on Peninsula. Pleue call Harbor Tf2..W. 61-tfc SPECIAL .- to sleep six; nice location, swim· phi n-•boa Ialand lower rear lJI05 o... Front with private dttp 5-m ~ 2-be<lroon\ stucco, larse mm. g, boaU'ng, Ushing. Cheap ""· ~ ' CXlRONA DEL MAR -Y 11, 1-and dJ-•--with apartment.. 61-ltc 54--tfc water pier and Ooat suitable for ... ~ !'.16 .. ...._'& rooms. Phone Harbor 548 • Brok~ BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND • ~ W ANTED-Glrls for fountain work. 18 or over. App&y in penon, 1770 Newport Bhod. or call Beacon 5224-J. 61 -3tc rent . Sacrifice for quick aale. large yachts. together with fa-~ fireplace, bardw~ floorl Owner. Lot 99, N. B. Trailer FOR SALE---30-ft. cruiser, new al-GOOD med pianos for practice. cilltlea r~ storage of ships' gear ~t, large guest room Park. 61 -ltp baoore gear, engine overhauled; ~,u law u $57 and $19 or . makes it especially attrac~ve to in ~. Cement Oocred chicken COMPLETE twin and double bed-excellent for fishing or pl~urei rent a piano for SS per mo. Let a yachtsman. Large fenced lawn ho IN, nice Yard. with plenty ,of. room sets, large davenport, good living q~ersDock. aoa"t the children learn. Danz..schmidt and detached servant.' qu¥"ters la1 'D and fl~, dose to ONE-BEDROOM BEACH carI'AGE in business . zone. Fenced-in yard-' $10,500 1WO-BEDROOM BEACH carI'AGE. Uvlng- room. 'Fireplace," dining-room. FUmlshed. Ample room ID build aose ID shopping oenter- WANTED-Young lady over 18 . experienced, to work ln malt ahop evenings; good pay to right party. Apply 211 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. 60 ·2tc W AlTRESS WANTED six days week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe, 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tfc WANTED-Housekeeper for small family. Bay front home. Salary $150 per month. Phone Harbor 844. 59-tfc KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Cheryl's. 322 l\1arlne Ave .. Bal- boa Island. 54-tfc WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good 1-r ours Also FRY C OOK . ?tffi. EARLY t mornings onlyl King Landing Newport Beach Experienced Associated Manne • Plano Co., ·~ N. Main, Santi -~-B · tm t -' ool and shopp•-radio-phono. comb., two down-Norm. 6l -2tp ..___ ONA.I SS.tfc ins~ privacy. y appo1n en -... ....... filled chairs. barrel back chalr, ~ on 1 y . Courtesy to ·broken. $8450 12xl5 beige frizzed rug, baby FOR SALE-Very nice 111-fL &-in. BABY GRANO-Repmoeaed. Now $65,000. __ grand piano. organ, lamps, mir· boat. six passengallen. ~ only $485. 'This b a great bar· J . M. MILLER rors. curtains. drapes, misc. condition, with tr er, ._.uvv. g ain. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co.,, 15th &: Central Harbor 1242 Phone Harbor 857-.M 61-1tc Phone Santa Ana 19-J. 59-ltd Santa Ana. ~ttc • 61-l tc FOUR P AIRS new rust-colored WANTED-Balboa Dinghy. 120 \VORLD famous Spinet type drapes. S25: four ne~ panels, Abalone Ave., Balboa Island m.1rror piano. Repossessed. Now .$4 .50; Youngstown upper cab-59-tfc reduced to $295. Terms. Superb ine t, 28x21xl2 inches, $12.50; FOR SALE-F ishing boat being tone. Mahogany case. Designed Holly\'Oj?"Ue double bed size solid painted now. 7311 Sea Shor e for style and long service. Danz ... bedstead. $1 2.50. 2007 W. Cen-01' .. N. B. Phone Harbor 1493-J . Schmidt Plano Co .. 520 N. Main. tral 61 -ttc Call after 1 p.m . 59-tfc Santa Ana. 5:)-.tfc FOR S ALE-Wilcox Crit tenden SMALL S AILBOAT and trailer ANOTHER magnificent Steinway. marine toilet : cleaned and over· for sale. price $200. Call Ham-Medium size. Beautiful mahog- hauled, $25.00. Fred B. Hunie, il ton Lowe, 229 Opal St., Balboa any cue. The piano of the· Slip 46, Lido Channel Yach! Island. Harbor 259()..J . 59-6tp Masten. Danz-Schmidt Piano Anchorage Co.', 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. . 4-CYL., 15-KW. 110V, D. C. Hill · SS..tfc FOR SALE-Coats, dresses. fines1 Diesel Gen. $1000 cash. Fun quality .sligh tly used, bargab Zone Boat Co., Balboa. Ph. Har-DOGS. CATS a PETS 15 prices. Call Ha rbor 248&-M. bor 6. 58-4tc DOGS-AD breeds. stripped, cllp- =::-:==-7-:::-7-.,-::=58-4=:::-ti WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In ped, and bathed by A.K.C. ll- FOR SALE-Man's pre-war blcy-Wilmington for same in New-oensed handler. Free pick-up cle; just like new. Heavy dut) port Harbor. Call Erwin Pierson and delivery service. Send card. tires. 512 28th St., Newport. a t Kimble 5283. . 52-tfc Russell L. Ketcham. 421 Poin- 52-t!c sett.la Ave. Corona del Mar. ---=-:-::"""-:-'.=::::-::---FOR SALE-Matched pair BUDA 52-tlc BARGAINS! marine diesel 125 h.p. engines.-----~=-==== Lowest prices in furniture Is m) motto. I buy right. I sell right I also buy furniture. N eedle 's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesi 57-lf< See a t Boatswain's Locker. 1003 SPECIAL ANNOUNOIEMENTS 18 Coast Hiway, Ne"-1>0rt Beach. RAM ENGINEERING 00.-Ma- Calif. 60-t(c r ine machinists-machine wor k FOR SALE-Snowbird. romplete: of all types, pick-up and deliv- sails, trailer, cover . 1564 Ocean ery 1e.n rice, dock racili~eS. while Blvd., Balboa. 60-2tc under repair. W ill do work any hour night or day. Located at REAL VALUES 1·bedroom home, new, 1-car ga- rage. large lot, good district. Full price only- $5500 21;-i acre good 5-room house, 10 years old. garage. This is priced to sell at onJy- $8 950 Comple tely furnished 5-n>om house, ~ acre, good soil. family fruit, close to Newport Bl\td., automatic floor furnace. Full price onl\ $9750 Good 5-room house, hardwood a nd tile. Autom.atic fl oor furnace. Nicely landscaped. nice large lot on Barbor Blvd. 1 block from ci ty center . Th.is could be a good business as well as home. This "'on't last long. Better come in and l t!t us shO\\' it to you. B . A . NERESON : Income and Home Larg~ot lOOxllO. 1 block from Ne t mvc1. Bldg. on front w d make ideal nbrhood grqcery, beauty shop, etc. Large 3-r\>om modem apt. ln rear, ov+" extra large double garage. '_l'h+s property is an extra good . inr tmenL$;;0 . New 6-Room Home 3-bedroorn in nicest residential sedion of Costa Mesa. Large fireplace. hdw floors, lots of tile in ba th and kitchen. Closet sp&ce galore, double garage. vaCant move right in I $12,250 ±verlookin g Ocean ¥..-a , 4-room house in very cleL condition plus l ·room apt in ,-ear with bath and kitchen, b e and cement walled pa 'o, garden and chix ·equip. $9750 2 Acre On Corner 5-rcxtn house plus dbl. garage $16,900 1WO-STORY STIJDIO TYPE HOME with high beamed ceiling, large living-room, fireplace, bal- cony. Three bedrooms, dining-room. l 'h baths, with stall showers. Two large dressing rooms. Two-car garage. Completely furnished including piano and radio. You can amlllge \:enns and move in today-• - $19,850 SIX-BEDROOM 1WO-STORY HOME on 40 ft. lot only 100 ft. from South Bay. Easily converted inlD duplex. Good income property if so desired or ideal home for large family- $23, 750 Lots are selling rapidly. If you plan ID build on the island, select your lot now. , Here are a few choice lots available to choose from: Lot on Little Island, 30x85 ft. ....................... $ 7 ,000 Lot on Canal Front. 30x85 ft........................ 9,000 Lot on Bay Front, 35xl01 ft ..... : .................. -... 13,500 LINWOOD VICK BOAT BUILDERS S t e e l Kitch ens GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS F OR SALE-Penquin. $350: Eagle. Central Boat \Vorks Yard, Rh1 ne $1300; three Star boats at S750 Channel, root or 31st S t. P hone and up: cabin Vi king, $2200; 32 Harbor 287-J . rt . sloop at $5500. Viking Port, _:.:.::..:..:.:_.:_ ______ _ REAL •ESTATE Ins urance and • Business Opportunities wi h guest room. On west side 312 Y.i h ocean view . Vacant, move r ight in. Marine Ave. Broker Phone Harbor 548-:M Specializing in Balboa Island Properties. If you choose to sell your property. we would appreciate your listing and will try to give it prompt and $1.47 p e r hour SEE MR. PETTY SOUTII CXlAST CXl. NEWPORT BEACH WANTED-Dignified field repre- Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Coast Blvd., N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten IS.month -$6.75 Ex. 61-ltp Compou11ded Motor Oil Gallon. 70c . Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd., Ccsta M ... 41-tlr aentattlve for Well known por-~VENETI===AN=-=B=LIND==s.....:-A:-1:-wnln-:-um- tralt studJo. Man or woman; steel, wood Call us for free esti· car netts3ary. Liberal comm.is-mate. Renovation & ~ftntahlna: slon. See Mr. Fox. Bernard of So. Coast Venetian Bllad Co.. Hollywood Studlo, Balboa Inn West lath tnd Newport Ave .. Arcade. P hone Harbor 1048. Cc.ta Mesa. Ptl : &aeon ~W. 58-4tc 38-tf< • YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available • • to you in your own · community. Starting pay is good, txperience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. . Apply 100 E. Bay Ave .. Balboa 514% N. 1-taln St., Santa Ana Ol' Alk the operator for the Chief Operator Southe rn California Telephone Compa11y 42-ttc 1!1ALE Mt!ICELLANl:OUS Fire Placr and Klndllne WOOD Delivered H. W. WRIGHT P h . Beacon 5665 1784 r.{ewport Blvd. J u!'t Arrivlld Freeh Hearing AJd BA T'l'ERIES Gunde~ Dru1r Co. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 llO-tt< Orner Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tft WANTED TO BUY Sl Will Pay Cash For )"Our furniture or what have yO\I. P honr Beacon 5656. Craw· ley Furniture. 1812 N ewpor1 Blvd . Costa ~tesa. ettc 909 Coast High"-'RY. Newpor t. Beacon 5Q33. 60-2tc Carpenters Available 1972 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5225 61-ltc $8750 3-Bedroom Home F OR SALE-21 rt . Mallard Knock-for general maintenance about sailboat. Built in 1945. and repair LIDO ISLE HOME Eas side lot, 65x330. Close In. Sleeps three in cabin and twb in O. Z. ROBERTSON An exceptionally well-planned 2-$8450 cockpit. H as latest hardwoods Call Harbo!' 83 bedroom home "ith tile bath -- used in construction. Price, 34-tfc and kitche n. fireplace. covered Newport Heights $1900. Ph. Harbor 369. 60-3tc patio and barbecue. and large New 3-bedroom with nice vtew. 26-ft. speed boat, powered with K E Y S 2-car garage. J ust recently corn-Hd~. fl oors, nice yard. Sundeck Otrysler Ace Marine engine: Made While You Watt ple ted. but wtth lawn and plant-on top 3 cockpits: thoroughly O\'erhaul-VOGEL'S ing already in. A very practical "12 ,450 ed; in water now at AlamitOI 100 :Uaht St.. Balboa year round home. $27,500. ~ __ Bay, $2850 or trade for cabin 'I08 Marine, Balboa laland J. M. MILLER l L Acre type boat. Courtesy to broken. ---,,==-------94--tt-;;c 15th & Central Harbor 1242 T .!. • Wrlte or call Jim Wilson, 35 -41 61-ltc Over ooking ocean ; water; aarden; Santa Ana. Lcmg Beach. 51·tfc :FO.:::R:...::R=l!:NT::.:.::.,.._,.----:--;;-:::-;-------------ne U-Cagney estate. A steal at FOR SALE-New Marine Kohler F OR RENT-August and Sept.. AT CORONA DE L MAR $2000 Generator, 1500 wattl, 32 voll lovely apartment, water front, .... 2nd floor living-room, bedroom, Beautiful ~ D. C., retail price for thll power bath, dlnette and kitchen; tWo , R H plant i. $516. we have 10 len Ocean View Lots lVe-oom ome for clearance sale, $374. Yeokel adults; no drinkers or peta. Har-R RENT OR LEASE bor 961-W. 61-2tc Bros .. 225 So. Vermont, Loo An· With Grand View Suitable for doctor or beauty geles. Phone EX. 0882. ~tf' FAMILIES with children prefe-r· -See--patlor; 'Ii block downtQwn l"f'd.. No liquor allo"'ed. Ideal ~ M Completely furn Fire Equipment Tests Christian family resort near w . J . H OLCOMB $alOOesa. • CO-Two, Pyrene & Foam retllla. Lake Arrowhead Always cool. 1517 Coast Highway CC) flxl'd system and Portablet Write or phone to Pine VieW Corona del Mar Per Month now available. Lodge, P. 0 . Box 1. Blue J ay. "Where the Flags ~y" 61 -2tc 1 -- E"I'S HOION & GALVAN Calif. 61-ltc -------~----F OR.i RANCHES. 1to 10 ACRES rn h C o rona D e l Mar Home 1000 Coast =g way w•~ TO-~ U , See Us Today. 5522 7•tI ~ •~u ~ • This 3-... -~m home, with 2 ba ths · Ph. Beacon .,.. ( ~ uv Two· Specials Priced to Sell. \VANTEO -Unfurnished house, and 2-car garage is located on a ALL-PLASTIC 12-ft . 11 0-lb. TOP Balboa Bay distr ic t. 1 or 2 years very l a rge lot wi th unsurpassffi 0-CAR BOAT and CARRIER . lease. L. Spencer Hamburger view or ocean and ba y. 2 covered MA!'fY MORE ... COME IN AND Immediate delivery. Other mod-Stand. Fun Zone. Balboa. por ches and large enclosed patio ) 'TALK IT OVER'' els soon -dinghies. sailboats, 61-2tc ideal for sunbathing and outdoor -Open Sundays- :;:::uu. cruisers and paddle--W~ANTE===o.....-,R=-oo-m--o-r-A::-p:-.t:-.-;f=or ~=· :rmp~~di~::1 ro;uil~~~ FRANK P. JOHNSON PLASTIC WATERCRAFT CXl. single man. week of Aug. 12-18. fil S.OOO. ~ Realtor . 407 E. Central. Balboa Phone Orchard 70589, Ingle-- P hone Harbor 2673. 61-l tc wood, evenings; reverse charges. J . M. MILLER 1664-ewport blvd . BeaconS434-W 60-2tc 15t h & Cen tr al Harbor 1242 61-1tc ·M 0 T 0 R B 0 AT S l -w-ANT--TO-RE~NT~~2-o_r.,..3"'"bedrm.-:--l _________ si_-i_tcl I 5 ACRES R E A D y T 0 G 0 unturnished house. wm lease. A. L. MATTHEWS oricellent land, near Santa Ana Take away-just a (('w days after can Sam Porter at Harbor 707 One of the most beautiful homes · Base . or 13. 35-tfc in Costa Mesa. Patio. sun .gar-$5000 you order- 1-Your choice o( any of our boats APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted den, two-car ga r age. Completely (8 to 14 ft.), made of light, by man and wife. We do not and luxuriously furnished. A tough, "-'aterproof plyv.rood with drink or smoke, no children or home to be proud of. 2-An extra efficient 114 h.p. In· pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W A . L . MATTHEWS board motor installed and or write Box "X'' Newport Bal· 2232 Newport Blvd .. 3--A patented "Flexidrive" Oe.xi· boa News-Times. 37-tfc Cos ta 1'1esa 61-2tc ble shaft-propeller unit (pro-\VANTEO TO RENT _ Year peller steers· boat, lifts up in around. house furnished or un· beaching boat). furnished. Tu·o or three bed- ... Complete. ready to sho'le off. roomS. Phone Atlantic 2-5665. A . E . JOHNSON Realtor ' ., Cos ta Mes a 3-bedroom home on large lot. Just off of Harbor Blvd. $7450 ·Lido I s le 1 ~ lots--45-rt. frontage at thes(' typical prices: 1835 Carlisle Ori\'e, Sa n Marino. F OR SALE-Gas cook stove. 10 ft. skiff .................... $262 6l-2tc 309 Coronado St., Balboa. S9-3tp -F=c=R"NtTURE===-:ro=R::-:S::-A:cl:c.E=---S'I= l~\\~~·it!k~~~ ~;~k )~s~;r SMALL F"URNJSH ED apartment CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACXlN 5538-J. 23-tlr and A ssocia tes Phone Beacon 5102-M $5250 • SEE FR.Al\fE rtrrLDING-11 ft. ~----;:--...,-.,.-.,.---,-or house, August 16 to Sept. 14 : ~ -1EVA F. RHODEN courteous attention. 61-ltc TWO SOLUTIONS TO THAT HOUSE PROBLEM Two bedrooms with garage in Newport Heights.. Pr!~ _____ .. _________ ............................. ______ $8350 Two bedrooms with extras, twcrcar garage, Corona d"I Mar. Price ............................................. -.$13,500 Call HUB POWERS at Harbor 62-W or • 71!4-R evenings. J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Island 61-2tc FeITY Landing SAN FRANCISCXl -2-bedroom home and 2 apartments for tn-INCOME PROPERTY come, will sell or trade for FOR SALE BY OWNER-Income Newport H arbor property. Har-property on corner near New- bor 1600. 57-tfc port Harbor Yacht Club, 2 unita, furnished. 3-car garage. Price F OR SALE-Beautifully furnished $21,000. Crestview 68468 or Har- 7-room stucco, ranch-house type bar 1764-W. 6l-2tc beach home. practically new. Just completed on 2 corner lots. lll!ONET TO LOAN -• Concrete street ip good location. LOANS TO BUD..D, buy, :!Dprot'e, rumpus room, fire place, patio, modembe er reftn&nce. · double garage, large porch and Newport Balboa ~ 8a"1.alra sidewalks in. Flowers started. IUld Loan Awoc•1am. Sl 7 ,000. Possession 1 week or 3333 Via Udo Ph. llarbc:r 1500 less. 312 36th street, Newport Beach. 6().2tc 1 _M_o_NEY==W~AN'l'ED~--,--=...,.,.,,111 J h D B h WANTED-Private loan, $10,000. 0 n · ur am Secured by excellent property. 2001 Ocean Blvd. Phone Harbor 315-Balboa Box 628. BaJboa Island. SS..tfc 2 new Cape Cod houses on Ocean Front on the P e ninsula AUTOMOTIVE A TIRU U FOR l>ALE-'41 "Red AxnYw'' house trailer. 24 ft.; sleeps four. Insulated. new tires, good shape. 2560 NeWJX)r t Blvd., Costa Mesa. 2000 OCEAN FRONT 6().2tp l ·story and ... a half, 2-bedroom.1-----===----..:. bath, large room upstairs for TIRES illest. living room, fireplace, Cash for your used tires kitchen, bedroom: and ba th over Sell Them for top price at garage, wall heaters. L e ster's 0 . K. Rubber 2004 OCEAN FRONT Welders 1-story and a half, 2-bedroom and Recapping \Vh~el Balaipng ,, . by 15 ft. at 2 !96 E . Central, to F OR SA LF~Bunk beds. complete vV A TSON -B O A TS livi ng-room. kitchen, bath: two be moved. 'T '\en phone York, u;th springs and mattr<'Ss, SlO a "Small Boat Hdqrs." Rdults. \Vrite 1813 Euclid Ave., T o d ay's S p e cial N e w port Blv d . Home and BUSINESS BLDG. I ~a1tor bath. 'large room upstairs for Section Wor k . guest. living room. firep~ace, 2900 W. Central, Ne\vport Beach dining room. kitchen. covered 54-Stc porch with barbecue. lawn, ------------..,... flowers. bushes, brick walks. TRAO..ERS 11 picket fences surrounding each, 1'RAil..ERS FOR RENT-Do your beautiful unrestricted view of own hauling and moving. AD ocean. These houses open daily new equipment, $2.25 and 12.51 for lnapection. 52-tfc per day. We tumlsh the hit&. 111 ' r ,, 1243 L. A. 59-.. tp unit. 427 31st St .. Newport 611 Coast Hi\\·ay Beacon Sm San Marino or call SY-9-2667. Bi'ach. 61 -2tc oo-trc 61 2 PADDLEBOAR ~ 12 ft.: perfect I------,,-,-:=----:: 1-=-,,,===------·-::tc condition. 12?1 .. i\pole na. Ba l-F OR S ALE-S tudio couch. ~lO; MUSICAL & RADIO S4 REAL E8TATI: t'T boft island. 59-4tp good PN"-'''ar construction. nE'eds rt'CO vrrin•. 500 Narcissus, Cor-FOR S ALE-Upright piano. good NEWPOR'.1' HEJG HTS FOR SALE-11 ~ ft. Phillippine ona del 1'1ar . 61 -ltp condition, $200. Phone Beacon This well built 2-bedroom home 28 ft. x 28 rt_ \\-ith living quar ters. House in rear. with little fixing could be made into good rental. This is a splendid property. Ex- cellent loca tion. Quick possess. Only $11,000 470' N ewport Blvd., Costa Mesa EL TON BARNETT RUSSEL W. BARTINE l'PERNEI, G. BARNETI' , Brokers 1 Ph. Beacon 5713-R ' mahogany paddleboard. Phone 5712. or call 205 Westminster on a corner lot is an exceUent Harbor 411 -~1 . 60-2tc FOR SALE-Piano. Stager up-Ave., Newport Heights after buy for the householder "illlng Nearly New 4 Unit Court 60-ltC' ---=-=---=--:-~ El Bayo Tract right. grand, $200: twin coU 5:30 p. m. SS-tfc ak . im t VENE'J1AN BLINDS-Wood C1t rprtng mattre!ses. S25 eacll: 1 _.:..::::...;,..-=,:,,--;:,..-""°":----to m e nunor . provemen s metal Any size. Western Auto twin d<luxe coil springs, $15 Radio Repairs that will greatly enhance the 3 UNITS oompletely furnished. 1 un!um. Corner lot 150 ft.. x 165 fL Beautifully landscaped. In- come $157.50 per month. Room Supply, Co&ta Z.1 l"S8. Phone ch Ph H bar 494. 58-tfc value of thl5 property. Situated Beacon 5675. 60-4tJ ea · one · ar All makes: tubes. etc.. in a ttractive neighborhood of FOR SAJ,E-St. Augustine gr- $1..00 per !l&L 225 Poppy Ave., emu.a clel Mar. Telephone Har- bor 183&. 61)-1 le FOR SALE-Bed-davenport with Beacon 5763 new homes. Immediate pouea- mattress, SJ.5; over-atuffed chair BURT NORTON a1on. $10,000. ~~greenA co~~clel2.'14~<:'.'.:'1d· 915 OJut lfllliway, N""pott J. M. MILLER •~ "• .. ~~ '60'..4tp 23-tlc 15th & Central Harbor 1242 · for 3 more units. O me in E. side, Colta Mesa. Very neet and at- tractive. Only RADIO HOUSE CALLS-----------,----,-=61_-_llc FOR SALE-A. B. C. washing llO.t.Tll, S1lrPl.l&ll a Now that oddltlonal oompetent modllne . .-. 605 Via uc1o --.--------LEASE FOR SALE 111 •• Acre Ranch $19,950 o-~ 61-ltc SNOWBIRD -Now, -""-te, technidana att avallable, ""' ... On "--~--oaM>u ~-·--~ 7'1 ---bl --~ --• -n---~n. ..-..., ·~·~~ "bedroom "°""'· barn, chicken ~ Call H •~• • 61-ltp a e to ~ -·•"" ~ -•-·--I N Be ch -FOR SALE-Good used &-ft. Cold ~ -~. 1•1'1!" consoles. All ...,.k guar-·~ n ewport a · hotMe price-- Spot ~tor. Sl.00. >'hone FOR SALE-1&-ft. Snipe type anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, A . L. MATTHEWS ' $4760 U..-:M42. -61·31c boat. all mabosany, s:l8i!. 405 S.0.S. Radio. 300 Marine A..,, 2232 NO\"l>Ol't Blvd., FOR SALE-....,_ electric cal· E . Edaewater, Balboa. 61-tlc Ph. Harbor m . 114-tfe Ccsta M... 61-2tc lk-Acre Ranch culatCll', l19l. 1840 Harbor FOR SALE-28-ft. flalllng boat, GRAND PIANOS-You will be BALBOA HOM,E o.My ':f.-.i home, newly Btvd.. a.ta Meu.. Beacon ready to 10. $2800. Bffcon astounded a tour sreat bl1 This very a.ttractJ~ beach houR demrat:ed imide and out. Ga- l5892-1. 61-tlc 5283-R • 61-2tc stock. Kimball, StelnWllJ', Soh· , bu 2 bedrooms, tile bath. fire.. rage, barn. chlx houle only-- FOR SALE-!Jvtng-room set, new fOR SALE-Ford V-8 marine """'· Hallet and Davis, Story place. patio with barbecue, tile $6450 dttblc water i-t .... table-top ~-t'XOOlmt condition. Ph. and Clark. One aorceoua Chicle-kitchen and littplace. ,,.. yar<I --. electric ._, 5 h.p. outboa.-d Harbor 861. 61-ltp erlng and It b the real Oilcker· b fenced, all top soil with beau-Open E\-enlnga and Sunday motor etc. -Beacon 5743. FOR SALE-225 h.p. Cuia-Craft Ing, too. Many others to """'-tlful flowft' glll'den. with small -- , 61.tlc ~-. reconditioned. See Lucky lhlm. Priced to start at $395. play "'"-in back. A abort walk A E JOHNSON al8 EJcar trailer. 25-ft., 3 rooms. -.! two months. -ooadJtlon. Call at Mannan'• ~ Shop, a.-dol Mar. Harbor 596. Sl-2tp """"-T--Or rmt. Dam Sdunkl1 t ~u A •·-•-· · • -•· 901 ~--t Ui...a...,.v Nf!W ~ ....__.._ o ocean or ,.,.,,.. Ulllll:' ,__._ 489 New-t n~ ~--~ ... ~~. ~ • .,. .. -~. • Plano Co., ExdmlvelY pie-. f dren. ~c~ ~ ™-~~- port. 61-4tc ~-·-or cttll --Ph. Beaoon 5102-111 11-ltc Nothlnc else. 520 N. ......_ J M MILLER FOR SALE-Snipe, good condl· Santa Ana. '!111-tfc !Sth A ee,;tral Haibcr J.2C2 Sell tllat -- lion. Inquire 2139 Scypreao, Sl-ltc lllhi4b _,_ -Santa Ana. 11-2tp I...icer -ta at N ... ~ • •. . . . • Lot on Bay Avenue :· $4750 Large Corner Lot On -..i.. with view. $5750 Business Lot with two 'mnall -t $10,500 Sewn! good Bay Front Lota LOI' ON OCEAN BLVD. ' $3000 I w. L. JORDAN '700 E. €entra1. BoJboa Phone Harbor 153 Stfc FOR SALE-214 acrea, Fontana. near atoeI mill'. W1ll aeD $25llO .,.. tnde far beach l*opetlY. 233 w. CclumbYi St.. Wilmar, Calif. '1- '. I - SEAL &ll'l'AT& DCll.t.!l'QE '8 Myrehn Broe. Senolce Stadon, · cor. ITth A Newport BmL, Cmla MOVING TO SAN FRANCISCO? Meaa. 41-eft New. custom-built model home, .&IJa"LAlllS8 a San Mateo, jlas everythlng-2 1 .::=:...::==~---,-=....,..­ bedrooms and d<n, 2 tile baths, TAKE A HOP a-the Harbor living-room, fireplace, dining-area, $2.00; also flYing Inattuo- room. modern ·kitchen, laundry, tlon. Competent ex-AJJ' ID- aewlng room, 2-ear garqe, large structon. Alao dealon I'm hobby workahop. tiled patio, Aeronca anti the new llaba flower itarden. Many bult-ln "Swllt" plaM' Come to N-- extru. Trade .!Ol' Bay Front port Bay Sky Hartxr, rme - h0me. Write Box T, c/o News-west of Ccsta Mesa on 19tb It. Tlmee. 61-3tc . 118-tfc .t.1'nl9 W.t.R£W» •&Vl'Oll -• WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEJJ, YOUR CAR NOW WµL Pit.. are mp. Phom for our ---bQyer who wm mo Md .tvlll you nardlm OPA riC' 7 Ma 91 T I sa.lc& lllld ... -. •....,,,. · · CULBERTSON afBVROLl!T 00., Inc. 0 cc lr1 .. Qll t•1 III:':-:~ ...... mw.tc , \Rs: patB a . .mer. ,· r ¥' ._. ... - ' ·.i--, I " ' -.. • . f . - I . ' NEW LINE Craft Greeting Cards Stationery Brookings V arietv .. c.... ..,._ 0.-.--c a' t 1 ....,. e1 a-·,•'• ...._ ()pm Ev...i.p, Ellcept Moaday Mr. and Mrs. Gale S. Gallentine, 1000 East Ocean Front, Balboa, are parents of a daughter, born Aug. 3 in Santa Ana Community hospital. She weighed seven pounds, 15 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. S. E .Foote of Newix>rt Heights attended a re- union of Spanish-American war veterans at West Los Angeles Sun- day. lndividtuility foT the "M other·to·be • · · If we do not have it, we ma.l{e i~. you see! C-Oonna--c01Carie Shoppe 1116 N. -St. Summer Charm is a N ooegay Cologne ....... . .. .2.00' Nooegay Bath Oil... ........... ~1.75 ' N~y Dusting Powder. 1.75 • plus ta.x • Toiletries NO Sf GAY ~ OOROTUY 5RAY Cool as an ocean breeze . • . match your mood with a fra· grance Light as lace, gaily nos- talgic . . . Dorothy GraY Nose- ga}'. Fou.rtb and Sycamore In Santa • .\na • Open House Held By COM Res idents Mr. a nd Mrs. Lynn E. Kepper, who recently purchased a new home at 312 F emJeaf avenue, Co- rona del Mar, have redecorated it and furnished it with early Ameri- can antiques and reproductions. Saturday """'1.ing they held open house with cocktails served in the living room and ping pong in the patio, friends bringing many lovely gifts tar the home. Among those present were Mr. Kepper's sister, Mrs. Ellen Wil- liams of Pasadena; Bill Warner of Long Beecil, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buis of Anaheim, Mr. and Mn. Drew Bernard ot Glendale, MID Clarissa Bulrice ot Long Beach, Robert Blake, U.SN.; Dr. Craw- ford, and the Messrs. and Mes-- dames Frank Rich, Lovell Knox, Fred Goodyear, Bert Miller, Harry Blod&ett, Wally Kaulfman, Wii- liam Sanford and Had Ring. FAC Arts and Crafts At Plummer Home ~Harborites ' The Wayne Balls have moved intb their new home at Balboa and Mr. Ball's mother, Mrs.' Bird- ella Ball, has sold her home in Down(>Y and moved back into her Ocean Front property which was occupied by her son and his wife thi$ past year. Mrs. C. C. Nolder of Corona del MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM P. BO D 11L~ ll'h08e Weddill&' took place Wedn.sday evenlnc. JWy 1'7, t Corona del Mar Comm11SlJty Mar, who has been on the sick list church. Tbe bride is the former e Hylton. daughter of Mr. u.d tor nearly two months, is back on Mrs. Robert L. Hyltoa ol Riven.Ide. ~t pre.ent on their honeymoon, the golf course at the country club. t hey will return to the Boland home at 1%08 Eut Ceatral avmue Capt. and Mrs. Siegenthaler and untll fall. I .... Photo by T ommy Thomas. children, Christine and Robbie, are D ht B t in Santa Ana until they can find aug er orn 0 • xchange Dates a place in Balboa or Balboa Island. t CTU and Wscs back from Kentucky and staying Mr. and Mrs. L. Partin · The captain is out of the service Meeting dates of the Newport and their many f~nds &re glad Announcements were received Beach-W.C.T .U. and W.S .C.S. were to have them b8.ck. Jut week of the birth at Kissim-efchanged this month, that of the Mrs. Paul Palmer of Balboa mee, FJa., of a baby daughter t,o f rmer scheduled for Wednesday, l&land and her granddaughter, Mr. and. Mrs. Lester Partin of J\1ug. 14, at 2 p. m. at the home of Judy Eastman, are home from JacksonVllle, Fla. Mrs. Nellie McAdams, 23rd street, -woodside, just off the campus of Mrs. Partin Is the former Billie d>sta Mesa. Mrs. McAdams is a Stanford university, where •they Honeycutt, daughter of Mr. and f0rmer member of the Newport visited Mrs. Palmer's mother, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Honeycutt, 2020 Har· uhion. Benedict, for ten days. Mrs. Pal- bor boulevard. Costa Mesa, and ·u Wedn mer's daughter, Mrs. Marjorie the baby is the CTN>at-..,.anddaugh-I The w.s.c.s. Wl meet f Mrses-sqpth and her three children have e-~ e· day. Aug. 7, at the home O : befn up there ever since school ter of Mr. and Mn. Ed Walker, ~arry W~tover, Corona del Mar, cldsed. Mr. Palmer went up for 116 27th street, Newport Beach. f~r a picruc lunch at 12:30 p. !11· ·twO days, bringing his wife and Mr. Partin is with the navy as in· "'\ilh a short business and aoo.al Judy back Wednesday 1pector of new airplanes.· hpur to follow. , Mr. and Mrs. Ira aiandler spent Las Costuras The aru and crafts section of Mrs. Leon Ferguaon was hOBtess the Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon at her home, 453 Santa Ana ave- club met with Miss Alice Plumer nue, Newport Heights, Wednesday at her home on Santa Ana ave-evening to members of Las Cos- nue. Mrs. Mattie Cooper, Miss. turas, sewing occupying the hours. Emma R. Baker and Mrs. Michael Special guests were Mrs. E . S . Pandell assisted Miss Plumer. in Dunn and Mrs. D. S. Hale, mother serving homemade cookies peaches and sister of the hostess. Grandson Arrives Ir Stanley Home Saturday and Sunday at Cherry Cove on board their b<>Jt. Mrs. Chandler's mother, Mrs. Frank Perew, left Monday to spend sev- eral days with her son, Frank and ice cream tea and C:,tree. Members present included the Pla ns for th~ coming year were Me~ames Trilby For~ •. Lucille discussed during the business ses-Mullins, Io_na Trusty, B1ll1e Fowl- sion presided over by Mrs. Grace er, GeneVleve, Joyce McDonald Wilcox, chairman. and Mary Stanley. Present were 1.1esdames O. D. King, Charlotte Cooper, T inta Small, Isabelle Boudrea\J, Lucy Smalley. Edith Cooper. Josephine Payne, Dell White, Boyd Roberts, Thomas Wright, D. C. MacKenzie. Andrew Lupton, H . H . Llenau, He len Keeler and Miss Lyda Con- ant. ALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Wedding Anniversaries and Etc. v-:: Flgurin"8 Lamps :: Costume .Jewelry • Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts Fred Earel Boyd Born Saturday AJl set for a dinner and dancing at Balboa Yacht club Saturday evening. Vice Commodore and Mrs. Bob Boyd telephoned in to cancel reservations but with orders to "Set 'em up!" Reason being the aTTival of a grandson, born that day to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd m. 515 San Bernardino street, Costa Mesa. The baby was bom at St. Jo- seph hospital and weighed seven pounds. fifteen ounces. He has been named Fred Earel after Mrs. Boyd's father, the late Dr. Earel. Mr. and l\·lrs. R. H. Hill, 121 Al- bert Place, Costa Mesa, are leaV· ing Thursday for Scotia. Northern 1 California, and '''ii spend about a month \VitJ1 th<'ir daughter, ?\1rs. George Larson and family. Welcomed Sunday into the home of Assemblyman-elect &n~ Mrs. Ea.rt Stanley, No. 9 Rudder Road, :t:.c::~ ~!n:na: j~~e!h~a:r::'i; l&st week at Queen of the Angels hbspital. Los Angeles, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gallant, 213% CTystal ayenue, Balboa Island. Mrs. Rex. AJbright, the former Earlynn Stanley, and her husband ' have three small daughters, but }'Oung Joe jr. is the first · boy in the family in two generations. He a~d his mother are at the Stanley home for a time. ~, w jr., of Beverly lDlls. . and Mrs. L. K Ashbaugh ntJy sold their home at 1405 West Bay avenue to their daugh- ter and son-in-Jaw, and have mov- ed to Desert Hot Sprin~. Mrs. Frank Hardiman of New York City arrived July 28 at the home of her son and daughter-in· laW, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardiman, 223 Via Ra\·enna, and ~'ill stay Un· ti1 Sept. 2. Mrs. Hardiman has been gone from Lido Isle a year , but she feels California 15 reall}' home, instead of her native Ne"' York. During her stay many af, fairs are being planned in her Your Friends and Mine honor. Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and children of Costa Mesa at- tended a reunion picnic recently a~ Irvine park, the first to be held s~nce before the war by a group of Orange. Tustin and Santa Ana friends. Some 35 people were present. John l\'lich ae1 is the name given the new son of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Moore of the Herbert Apart- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Coop of 425 Marguerite avenue, Corona del Mar, recently spent a delight- f~ week-end at the Mission Inn, Riyerside. While there they at- terided the chapel wedding of Helerie Elizabeth Beck and John Rutledge, friends of long standing from Pasadena. Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Heacock and son of Balboa Island are on a ten-day vacation to Portland and Seattle. ments, East Central avenue, Bal-------------- boa. He is the grandson of Mrs. ~ · C. A. Westphal, ownoc of the DARK apartments. and is three weeks USTD.. old. ~1r. l\1oore \\·as with Patton's army O\"('rseas and has the Purple :t S . .\.TURDAY Heart and several Bronze Stars. C.: Mrs. Esther Sterritt of Lalt'Iarr. < Gryphon Productions OPENING SUN SUITS \\~;67 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milligan and son or l\fonter<'Y P ark were Sunday gu('sls at th<' home of Mr. and J\·lrs. Leon F('rguson. Newport Heights. Mrs. F erguson's sister, Mrs. D. S. Hale a nd daughter who have been guests ror two weeks, left Monda}' for their home in Denver, Col. The Bathing Is Great Col., who has been visiting at the ta: \\'alter AJ\"ord home. Pacific a\"e-1' 0: nul', COsta l\1 <'sa, left for San Francisco in company with her < niece. Dr. Evelyn Alvord, and the z t"'o will do some sightseeing in the :: northern city before ~!rs. Sterritt ~ rleturns home. < ..i August 10th FOR 1 WEEK HaH Price Summer Dresses Must Go to make room for a new fall line ORKIN'S ' DEPARTMENT STORE • • \ Oj ,. ' -, ' • ID BALBOA BAY frllllt ol the FUN ZONE RIDES-- ARCADE- BATHING-- BOATING- AMUSEMENTS- ~ .. •·t•eltat Every Wedffsday Kiddie Day • 12 Noon to 6 p. m. Rides 6c Concessions 5c "' z Ten Nights 0 M E-- tJ • ;J ID 8 -Q Bar Room 0 0: "' z ! -NJcMIJ' G P. 11. -H P. 11. 0 Limited Seat!nir C8padty" :i: Reserved Seats "' AvaUable at .. >< J BLUE SAil.S "' 0: BOOKSHOP > Cl n ---:i: Or~Ul • 5 ...... • -, Tu ., 0 « I -• • • DDF Observes Twelfth Anniversary Members of the DDF dub mo- tored to Laguna Beech Playhouse recently to see Claire 1Tevor and Onslow Stevens in "Dark Vic- tory'', a Gryphon production. The occasion was the celebration ol the club's twelfth anniversary. The play was imm€-nsely enjoyed by the following members: Mes· dames Roger BaITOw, Ed Edick, Roy Page, Elmer Patterson, Jcr sephine Oquist, Harry Baker, Walter Nollar. and Ray Craig. Newport Bride To Live in Florida Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor jr., Mesa Matron Feted On Birthday Mrs. Walter Honeycutt WU hon. ored with a birthday dinner Sun- day at her· home, 2020 Harbor boulevard, Costa Mesa, guests bringing cake and ice cream which was served after the gifts wen opened. Present were ?.tr. and Mrs. F.cl Walker. Newport Beach; Mr, and Mrs. Walter Alvord and Mr. and Mrs. Honeycutt and sons, Dick and Don. White Hoase Cafe PhOM SUI! LAguna lleaeh, Calif. who were recently married in Las 1.-------------., Vegas. Nev., have left for Jack- sonville, F1a., where Mr. O'Con- nor is attending a school for mo- tion picture operators. ,Mr.;. O'Connor is the former Betty _Racker. daughter of Mrs. Ora Racker and the ltit.e Mr. Racker, 1916 Court avenue. llhone Beacon 58U Newport II Costa M- C AB CO. 24-Boar Senice GJinal ~learance CLOTHES FOR THE 8%fitclanl o/Je11 DRASTICALLY REDUCED Mostly Half Price or Less Dresses, Suits, Separate Jackets Play Clothes, House Coats ALL SALES FINAL iin11CIPHTIOO SHOPS 129 West Third St. Long Beach 114 W. 4111 SL Ph. 6688 PASADENA :II 11. r.1R ft. e, . ..._ LONG BEACH ... _ .. _ ...... _ •