HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-15 - Newport Balboa News Times• • THE SAND CRAB • 117 SAM • T'°URNAMENT. Mos i e d over to Joe Beek's cabi- net shop and yards, now turned Into a mad house filled with youth and decora- tive material, trying to com- plete their craft In time for the JTournament of Lights Saturday evening. Found Joe in a pair of blue over- alls running a band saw and carving out the dome of the state capitol! "Tell you what, Sanl, '' he said, ''a group of state fellows came in this morning and declared they wanted to put the state houSe in the parade. Those working on the Job are John Lea, senate minute clerk; Pat Rollins, assistant senate seeretary; A. P. Bellisle, sen- ate mail clerk and Laura Prentice, senate enrolling clerk. Hardest job was to Cmd lodging for them, but that's behind us." Then there's going to be a g host ship with masts and blue lights that the Balboa Yacht° club commodore is putting into shape. and that is expected to be seen and then disappear. 'l\vo pretty girls, Carol and Ma r i o n Hough, Pasadena. are con- cocting a boat with a silver- a nd red fish that is expected to startle the natives. Bill Dosta volunteers his serv- ices as entry recorder and he ma1<es the b\g commodores step up with reliable specifi- cations, or else. Kids swarm In and out of the shops with th" greatest of ease, ditch their bikes on the sidewalks and wade into the supplies of tinsel, colored cellophanes, lanterns, props, etc. with the careless abandon of youth. + + + Busy Bay. Out on the bay and along its shores are youngsters working to put their boats in the parade. As usual some of 'em wait until the final day; others will la-oor up to the time of start- ing, but over it all is that air of enthusiasm and cheerful- ness symbolic of happy vaca- tion time. Over the ferry to Balboa where its side of the shore bubbles over with girls and boys, oldsters, fatties, slims and shapely lookers. Everybody is rushed, stores I mean, and thousands con- tribute to the music of the cash tills. so pleasing at this period of the year. Just where all the sightseers will rest their weary bones Sat- urday to witness the eveRt is a problem nobody has solved In the last three decades. So what's the cliff. The cafes are stocking up, the traffic jam will be immense and Hodge's super force will be as tired as ever after it's all over. + + + Kent 1 Hitchcock. Tickled to note that Ke nt Hitchcock has stepped out of his role as champ. photographer to take on that of reporter . He sure did a swell job In coveri!ig_ the races at San Diego; his copy was not only factual but dam interesting. It's really not a far cry from taking stellar news pictures to one of writing the st ories. U you will remember during ~e war it was Hitchcock who worked for the Navy from Santa Monica to San biego in taking shots of war craft that were be i n g la unched. He did such a bang-up job that his photos were in demand in all parts of the country; and when Kent Hitchcock takes a photo of a boat or an 00. .ie<;t. you can bet your bot- tom dollar you get a true piece of artistic work. + + + Georp Peabody. Here's hoping that George Peabody Is alive, despite the fact that It took four years for a let- ter be wrote In 1942 to reach IKlme from the Phlllppines. Peab<idy was ooe of the early settlers here; his was a restless ,.roving disposition· ~ knowledge ol. almo&t anY subject was uncanny; be lml!w hundreds of people anti be cculd produce more ldl!as In a week than the av- -.&e man In a lifetime. I Kli!EP POSTED! l Year •••••. SZ..50 .. °""""' IS.'11 Os& Of Ca.I) P:WOdel- -~.._,_ ... N.....,__New,0...- ; NEWPORT. ,o.17 h•p 01 V Wee1d7 Newspaper llm±r A.,. a. reaa ol Clre blioa EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~' VOLUIOlmvJD NEWPOltT llEAOB, <:ALIFOIUOA, 'i'BVIRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1-·-NUM•C•t& Metropolitan Water Costly, Says Wallace Long Beach Municipal Band Will Furnish Music for Gala T ournamerll of Lights Fiesta The colorful Long Beach Munlclpal hand wt.a be one of the added attractions fer the gala 'l'oUnlamfllllt of Llghlll oelebraUon here Saturday night. The S6-manned moolcal orguiiatlon which ill widely known throughout the state will cWIJlitely be here for the illuminated pande oa the ._y ~ Arrangemenlll for the hand were made Wednesday after- noon by Harry Welch, executive secretary of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce,~------'------....:.-­ who is a member of the celebra· lion committee. Governor E a rl Wa rren is bring· ing his family with him \Yhen he comes to sec the tournament. They \ ... "i ll be guests at d inner at the Ne,vport Harbor Yacht club. Among their Harbor hosts and dinner companions "'ill be Commo- dore Henry Grandin and l\.Irs. Grandin, Tournament Commodore J . A. Beek and Mrs. Beek and president of the chamber of com· Redskins, Rams Battle In September merce, James Bariett and Mrs. Southland rans u'ill gl't their Barrett. !int taste of grid action Friday BOAT AJo-,:ffE. Beached at the foot of Onyx a\'MlDe, Balbofl bland, and stlll aflame \\'hen this pic- ture wu made, ls the 26-foot, twin~ sport flshlnr boat, owned by Et:l"A'&rd H. Groenendyke. Bal· boa l flla.nd Union 011 company operator, who ei1eaped by dJvtng overboard ~·o minutes after the era.ft exploded and te mporarily knocked. blm unconAClous. -photo by Vincent Healy Pioneer Harbor Resident Offers Some Salient Facts For ~oters Consideration It wlD COii& .. ~ ol the dty ol Newport lleMll a total ol $651,IM.M • tllelr ....._ ln...,.luellt btto a share of the ...... ol ................ WaW dl&ldcC •ystcm, said Lew B. " .......... estate and ....._ ~ of %202 Wellt 0 lnl ..,1•ae, Newport Bead!, toc!Q. Wdhoe MW a.e ~-oald ~ wllai by~ eill"Cled to pay flW -::::._ _In the dilltrlct water • .,.... belore they vote • the _ U.. In Septembr. "Had - Adventists voted to join the Metropolitan Water district in 1944, we would have had to pay the accumulated cost from the year 1929 to a nd including 1944-45,.. Wal ace added. Pl f • That cost would have Involved an Orelgn a Jrincipal of $432,655.24, with in- t erest of $68,743.00, thus making a total of ~50 1,398.24 . "Today," Events N• h Wallace made some notes on lg t I paper, and added, "these figures a.re added on the basis of SO cents per $100 of the assessed. valuation plus the annual interest "The Voice of the Nations," a program in which there will be At the BaJOOa Yacht club Lt. night, September 6. whe n the Go\'. r~red Houser and l\.1rs. world champion Los Angeles Rams Houser u'ill be dinner guests of meet the Washington Redskins in Commodore and l\.1rs. Don Kemp. the Los Angeles Memorial Coli· Other dinner companions will be seum. SKIPPER ESCAPES DEATH AS BLAZING·S~~~h;~F§"E~ rate of four ~r cent. including the years 194S..1946 and 1946- 1949." The notes on the paper ind.i· cated that based on the 50 cents per $100 valuation, the estimates shaped up something like this: l\.'lr. and Mrs. Richard F enton, Mr. Playing their only scheduled and Mrs. Robert Boyd and Mr. game of the season, these two and ~lrs . Ray Loomis. These men great teams promise to use every are the staif officers of the club. trick in the bag to win the con· BOAT BLOWS UP OFF BALBOA ISLAND Entries are still pouring in to test. By NEAL BECKNER coma he found that flames were li cking up the back of his shirt toward the nape of hls neck. H e quickly rolled over and smothered the names. was attended by a physician. the Tournament of Lights associa· Last year, playing in the rain Edward Groeoendyke, own~ He estimated that the "Salt Pe ter" is a total loss, with th~ possible exception of t he engines. which may be ~alvageable. He said he attributes the gasoline leakage which caused the explosion to faulty glass bowls on the fuel flit· ('TS of the boat. tion and preparations are now in and snow at Cleveland, the Red· er and operator of the Marine the final stage for the big festi· skins kept the Rams at bay Sales COIDl*DY' Inc. and the val of lights, music and fireworks. throughout the entire game. So Union OU company dock a& Strings of lights stored away closely m atched were the two 504 Sooth Bay Front, Balboa for fi ve ~rar years are being un· 1 teams that when the gun sounded hl•nd, narrowly eecaped. be... packed and being put up on houses the Rams held a mere one.point 1...... burned t.o death b a nd buildings around the bay lead. Final score being Ra.ms 15, bJ: sport fish~boat _'!.!t Both engines were still running, so in defiance of the flames that engulfed the craft, he promptly S\\'ung the boat toward the island shore and gave it the gun, beach· ing the vessel between two piers at the foot of Onyx avenue. The !ire by then was Completely out of control, so Groenendyke cut the sv.itches, ;umped overboard and waded ashore. shores, and once more the bay Redskins 14. ~· will have its night of gala enter· This year. both teams have for· afire and expl< off Balboa Groenendyke recen tly refused an offer ~f $7500 !or the craft. taiilment and beauty. tified themselves with additional lslan~ Tue8ciay night. C I star players. Groenendyke was piloting the Unusual Disease Takes Balboan o ored movies of the parade will be taken from the Shell dock The Rams boast or such former "Salt Peter ," trim, twin·engined 26-foot sport fishing boat east which is being reserved for photo. collegiate "greats" as Bob Water· h d I field, UCLA backfield ace and last along the island shore at 6 :30 grap ers an newspaper personne . o'clock. One e ngi ne faltered William Kirk of Balboa Island. '"ho saw the blazing craft, notified the fire and police deparUnents. Firemen responded a nd extinguish· ed the fire. William LeRoy Kilday, 34, died \YednE'Sday morning at his home. 206 East Central avenue. Balboa, after being ill for several weeks "'ith an unusual and complicated hear t ailment. H(' was a native of Colton. A boat will also carry others from year's most valuable player in the slightly and as he adjusted the the press. Judges will first see professional ranks; Tom Harmon. throttles the boat suddenly ex· the e ntries from the Uni on dock l\.tichi gan's gr('at halfback: Jim ploded with a deafening roar. on Balboa Island a nd they wil1 Hardy and Kenny \Vashington. bJou·ing the hatch covers and then board a boat a nd circulate to who played cxCT"ptionally fine fool· canopies into the air and render· better review the boats and make ball for USC and UCLA also are ing Groenendyke unconscious. their consider('{) opinions as to in thE' Rams camp. Ho"'' long Groenendykc lay over ''I'm the luckiest m&n alive!" Groenendyke said today as he sur· veyed the charred hulk of h is burned craft . He suffered only superficial bums and scratch(>S a nd Surviving are his widow, Mar· gue rite, of the home address. and his mother. l\.frs. Zena Kilday of Riverside. who are to receive the coveted the rail or his burning boat is un· c ups. C ta M G• knoy,·n, but as he came out of the • They w;11 also ha\'{' to Vi('\\. thE' OS esans 1ven houses because thry ";11 award I Permits for Buildings a trophy ror the best decorated house on the shore Music a}\\'ays furnishes an im· portant part of the Tournament of Lights and this year son1e fine talent has be<>n secur('d by l\trs. Leslie Stef[ensen. There will also be a calliope from Santa Ana, which is "Hitch" Hitchman's pet piece of work. He is having fun \\'ith the committee deciding \\'here and how the cal· liope will be entered. but he as- sures the crowd that everyone u·ill hear it . The county building department on W('dnesday issued permits to Pa ul Trautwein of 305 Flower St .. Costa Mesa. for a salesroom on the southeast side of Harbor blvd. at Bernard St., $1500; to Karl W . Peters. Costa Mesa, for a dwelling on the "'est side of Monrovia St., 600 feet north of 17th street, $2400 and to Richard R. Squier of 120 Virginia Way, Costa Mesa, ror a residence on the west side of Or· ange avenue at Wilson street, ~00. Peabody Believed Alive in Jungles; Letter Tells of Eluding Jap Troops That George T. Peabody, and have him rrply lf hr:, thfl lap member thlaJdac of Cb.rlatm.M pioneer of Ne~rt Beach and wOQJd prom!.. to wait In Lopoa Tree lane u we oped for the Orange county, who went to ttll the ofncer could r ehun. With beach! 1 Jumped, runnlng. Must the PhWppines years a.go and som e heMtattoa be promiaed to have taken a half dozen stepa •00 was believed killed by the "·a.it an hour and a half. It "'U air' before It hit an,ythlnc like J...,. may Si.ld!ttll be alive,. 'Wa8 then. 5 p.m. It \\'Ould take tbe sand, then just u \\•e cruhed lnto __..,. r:rulser three bourt to make the the tres the machine gun• on the manifested Y by receipt n1n. That would ctve me t Y: plaae11 cot Into actton aad tbf! 1;---------------------------.101 an old letter written by houn to \\'alk Ah mlla ovtt a •nremes put out their UC"ht.a!' It him in 1942 and mailed a few mountain to my boat, erOM a l !-"'u Chrbt:m.u moralD.1"! months ago by a foremaa on mJle barboJ' and l"et to .ea! "None of m\t4•er~ hit by bullet.I the old Peabody Plantation ''TbPre ,,.u no moon. At th" and crawled Into the Janl"le.. All addressed to Mn.. Peabody, Pad of lhl'tt hours "'e "'ere 10 day planet roared ovPrhead, look· now living in Puadena and mil~ at sea. our Dine.I \\' .. •lop-toe, \\'hlle Jap patrols walked the Appeal to Citizens of Newport Beach On Saturday evening. August 17th, we will have our first Tournament of Ughts in five years. After this lapse we find ourselves practically starting over again. Bearing this in mind and realizing the shortage of materials and equipment we use we hope you will forgive us if we do not function with clock·like precisioa. Harl>ormaster Russel Crai&. Olainnan of the Course Committee, will be in complete charge ol the paradr ITilm the time it crosses the starting line until it finishes. All boat.men are urged to dve him tull cooperation. Polh:e OUel Roland Hodg- kin.tan faces a bH.vy traffic problem. Your COllSXlonltion ot tllls matter will be ---tee!. -n... Cbief Fnnk o-ocktt. OlairmalJ' ot our Safety ()vrnnltt..,. will patrol the ~ to l"""!'t acddmts and render aid. Suppon him. Talce care ot the little folks. They are not expendable. Some """ f""t haV<> .,..., our wont mishap. Let's keep our record c:Je&r. J . A. Beek. Canmodore BALBOA TOURNAMENT OF UGHTS ASSOCIATION , .... who, in tum, sent It to Harry peel and "'e drUted In the lnten11e beach, afJ"akl to co Into the Juncte. W e lch, an old friend of the darknet1• till the crtd,..._r pa.ued us and !.S lap "'·anhlp!I Jay at anchor famll,~. \\1thln a quarter mile. l 'had al· and took a shot now and then lato .J ready been up nve days aad nll"hta,. our troops la Davao. It wu cer- The letter S&)"S that Pea-as I felt the ottlcer and crew, all talD d~ath for me to remain on body was ordered to be de-F1llpln011, could not be tl'u!lted \\1th the bland! The Japs bad already li\•ered t.o the .Jap commander the job of command and con.slant placed a price oa my head! \\'hat 1'ith.ba six hours; that p..,. lookout. Now I bad to l"O to to do! Davao, I! mJle1 clhtant, body took the lll4Z ·sip wbeD Meep? wu MJTom1ded. by ttattleahl119 aad 1 he answered the phone In the "Al mldalcbt )Uot .... tb of Cape 20.-eolcllen, aphut ..., Utile I COIDIDllDdant's offke aad that SU AnpsU.e I called -eaptala army of lllOG m-anned ....., ud ud ordered. him to proceed to ao plues. be walked llx mllM over a s.....,.aa1 hlaad, aboat toe ..u.. '"l'lle next lllcbt '""' of ao air mountain road to hill boat aad from Dano and ID five mlaata I ·-~ to -ID · a ._ ... escaped. 'I.be Alr'rlllc el*lle waa dead te u.e world. WltlWo .i.:iiri: two! We "'""' caacbt ID ~ In put, U follcnrs: -llom' tbe crew 1ot "Mmm&dl' tbe &l&re of • tearchllPt ad a.oe "'I wu called. to Dano a.1 u.e -tltey aD lluMI falllllle9 la 0._ftM>-more ..,.._, ..tety. la Ole jlmcle amsy-USAFFE -Downber I .. d )aat Won ..... I WM awak-It ralaedl all alcltt! Wit.II mon- aad wu aU:ed to take ~ e1. t!9ec1 b7 aer•r'••e mo...,._~ 1ac· -__.u,. shbam& I dedded Ute on.....a.re patrol ... cae w ....., ell ~ .,. feet; to •co•• we wse ._....-wu a ,._ time to make • e11tlcz1 wt~t ......,, • I ... la tM ...at Ww1m ~ _. seta~ we walked acrw.., put c.,..._,..,. reUremat ap. .._.. •at·r.. rfcltt ta that t1' ~ Is. ta.e stare G( tM ~ • ftat alttt.ooa we .w ip1ms. Dane ... two .. pleree lilad p •Ml tile btuca t.to t;M water, "0. tk Jdcllt "'-Ute J.. , ....... -elUiMr lildfl of _,-Mat. •oll• ) Id .. ud startal f• 8uta Beet at~ Da•ao I w.. ID J1aW ~e WM ao time to Mk er... n ..._ awa7? AD Uy oa tbe eut riwt wi.e. u.e ~ .. eetktm we were wttlda lOI tlaree Yf!rT c11rt7, Ured .__.. .... ,._e oa Ute taMe of tlle V.. ,..,... ., ......, _. ..q ..teQ". I esW' .a...t Mbd..,.tdled a.at --cU-s~ ................... myn.t ..... ---_ .......... 1 ........ _ m.J' elbow, 110 I •? w&ed. • TSJ' ~-lltl ., pM•ed. lM ..... tol:z ... &o '-I ad 8* If t11e7 A&•e voice ..... "TMe la Lt. CW. ,,_Ma ............ ,I• tM IJt'Jl9fld: &o t.e too dole fw ecmt- RuMnnra Taco ., uae 1 1 eaW ~ nae for "fllll ~ .. l!1f,' fort. At 7 p.a. we •1ztet W a Army of Japaa. I ,_ etart1ms f• told MWJl 1 IJ' to ,_., W-. ... tlNsW 8uta Cnz. .... jsll& tlilree 11.atU at tace.. o. _, anhlll M .. , t-..e ....... t.eM tlae mr=• ..._._.. rr-tale ......... "-It -t ~ to IM .. Azstie. to ~ .. ~ ..a.. -~?· aow ta Jlatti--'Cs ,..,.. a. T. t~ ........ w .. tie J s 11. -i. Ute MSt • da79 1 traftlell ~.". "'It WM ... Wk ........... ITllee "7° .... ._, ! 1•, ""I .,. • ed to w c.. c--tile a.. ,.._, u. ..-wse trelJdac, .... ttar .,. w a • _,...,. ~ 1M -m se __ _. ..,.. .,_a lllPT I ,.._ (0,,,-C1ll f'.-41 Old County roads, ia a.ta Mesa, Friday night. August 16., at 7 :30 .o'clock. The program Will ho ci""'1 In the form of a radio broeikast and dur- ing the broadcast bdvldua1a ac- tually fro m the va:riam foreign countries will be intenkwed. Na· tive costumes will be worn by some of the participants. ~ to th~ committee in cbarge of .the program .. Representing South Africa wDl be the Misses Ruth and Dorothea Morton, vfho reoent.JY arrived fram that country_ wei-~ who has spent half his llfe In In- dia, wiJ speak tor that laml From the Sooth Padflc islands comes an ex·servi•ew••n. Dale MackE"y, who will bring • thrUllag dE"scription of bis ezperiences there. Dr. Milton Maxwell wUJ represent the contme.t al. Soath Ame rica, while North America will be discussed by Mr. an:! Mrs. Syl- vester Rutledge. LOSES II BUCKS W . Frank Kredel ot 1043 W . F ourth street, Santa Ana. reported to txiliCt> here the theft al. a wal- let containing $11 on the beach near the Fun Zone in. Balboa. Loses His Lirenae Mitchell Wildman of. Route 1 Box 560. Costa Mesa. n.prted to police the Joa at his operaU:r'a permit a.od dlsd!arge pope:n, SUn- day noon, in the harbr area.. CASE MISSING Principal Interest 1945-46 .... $ 69,533 : 1944-45 .... $5562 194&-47.... 72,703: 1945-46 .... 2908 $142,236 8,470 Total ........ $150, 706 $8470 "Now taking the $501,398.24, th<I. principal in th• period from 1929 to 19#--45. w e add to it the f1cure of $150,706.20, and we get the grand total of $652, 104.44," de- clared. Wallace. This amount is to be paid in 20 · equal parts without interest OYeT a period of 20 years, making an annual pa)'n'lent of $32,600 to the Metropolltan Water District. system. he added. ·~o this annual back payment for 20 years is to be added 48 to 50 cents per $100 on our aa... sessed valuation, which for the year 1946-47 is $14,540,640 and th.19 no doubt will be ma terially ln- a"f'&sed in 1947-48," said Mr Wal· lace. · I! the citizens of Newport Beach should cast a majority vote authorizing th(' city to enter the Metropolitan Water District sys. tem, "our first payment to the' MWD will amount to $105,308 and this would increase ov.lr the yean until the 2().year pe-riod is reach-- ed and during all this ti.me we would be paying only upoft the annual assessed valuation or ~ erty," Wallace stated. 'This ~ ount must be paid for the privil- ege of belonging to the Me~ politan Water District system and Ba rbara Pie"rSOn cl. 1130 E. Ceft.. from which organization the dt:J tral avenue. Newpart,. milled an can never withdraw and it doe9 alligator skin caae frmn her car 1 nOt include payment for any water Tuesday, police wef'f' toid. i we may use at $15 per acre toot.• HEAR YE! HEAR YE!! AD BaJbm bwl• e• men and their em.- ploya, all Plra~ Queen contestants and all athen --to malr.e Pirate Day.. 1946, • O'aad •I('( • must ·be Jn part.ill pirate """"'*" Satunla7 ....mng, August 17. I-, at 7 p.m. to midnlgltL Waams Pints =mzt wear at leut a Iara wtloe cm -ear, a brtcbt blooae md a ll<tillit -. Any addlticlllal ~ ....... Men Plrwtl 1 _.. wear at Jieut a beard, a larp 9nloe cm -....-, a briebt shirt -• l1dPt -And additional ftPJia •Ph ' .l!IAil' ... 11511•• ... Dade Wd I .. , p II Be ... die I 3 .. far -..... Plraleil nut iD ••• or ~a.rd Sz.tur-dQ ca , a • ....,. lT, 'I1lls 111 -on w Dbatlwe bJ" Bab "'Cap b mr auaa, irmi Pirate Heed-_-. . • • ·~·~-·"'!-:~~~~·-:Th~;~ ;=Miili~~; Sa~ ·G~ % Masterpieces Given USO _Trip to Catalina On Exhibition ~~~:~1~~ ±!:~ 55-lb. Bluefin Tuna Mesa Chainber Hooked by Local Man Views Incorporation • IOI Mr. and ~lrs. W . ff_ Gallienne jr. of Santa Ana( nee Vera Watkins) celebrated the "blessed event*' SWlday evening, Aug. 11, at the St. Jooeph hospital ;::===:..::., ___ .;_ _________________ f j 'Dle new Gallienne heir was born A P Georgia M. a trolling !>oat skii>- enter the Balboa USO 'building last will do it.'• He said the unfinished wu used for bait, and a kite was The one--miUionth ~ceman to "Wbaf1 left to do and boW USO t ageant pered by Jess Skeen. A flying fish Sunday at 3 p.m. dliring the task of USO ls part of the un-used to keep the bait skipping A reg\IJar directon' meeting of the Costa Mesa Clamber ot Ccxn.. merce was held TUesday evening in the Mesa fire hall •i th a ca- padty attendance or directors. members and guests. Reports tnJm committees on parking and incor- poration were heard but no action was taken. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:lt .&. II-·TO 11 P. II- South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Rlchanhon"s. Evans'. Villa Marina. Shlelda', Balboa Yldlt Buln, Beacon Bay, Harbor bland and South Bay: Hall tnxn any dock or floaL BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HAllB()& 11-W at 11 :29 p.m . and Is n"!l'ed Lynn Edward. The mo ther is doing nice- ly, as is the baby who weighed eight pounds_ The grandfather. William Gal- lienne, secretary-manager of the Huntington Beach O\amber ot Commerce is celebrating the event because the new son is the first boy born in the family to carry on the family name. GalUenne's brother ha! three girls and his sis- ter has four girls. Fourth Anniversary program, wu finished task of winning the war-along the surface of the water, a navy man in the penon of of safpguardlng the fruits of vie-LAGUNA BEACH, Calif.-'Ibe yards away from the wake at the Leonard w . Surry, yeoman 3rd tory so that peace can be made se--famous Pageant ot the Masten. stern. class, from the stUp USS Pheasant, cure. featuring 1eproductions "ot old '-rhere were some bigger ones Services will be held Saturdl.y formerly docked in Newport Har-For maintaining essential serv-masterpieces and the works of than this one -out there," Jess bor, but now at San Diego. The ices to the 2.000.000 or more who several contemporary artists Skeen said. "We only had one kite at 2 p.m. at the Baltz chapel. Co- sailor hails from the Qty of Port-will be the United States forces pased in tableaux by residents of and the tint tuna strike broke rona de! Mar, with the Rev. E. D . land. Ore. Immediately 'UPon his ln 1947, USO must carry on. this south coast art colony will that. Tomorrow, we are going out Good.ell officiating and interment entry into the USO building and USO h8:5 three major obligations started Wednesday, August 7, and with more kites." will be in Fairha,ren cemetery. as he was the millionth serviceman to meet in 1947: continues daily through August 18. -------------------------- registered. he ~·as whisked away 1. To serve those veterans of Under the direction of portrait Giant Zuccini Grown ----------------rlBy Balboa 'Farmer' C. R. S T A A F In Backyard Garden by ex-serviceman photographer the ""'ar <A'ho wilt not yet have artist Frederick Schwankovsky Pat Doyle, to take his picture in been re1e asec1 from hospitals and the program will be presented various poses sWT0W1ded by USO military services by the end of in Irvine Bowl ee.ch of the 12 days hostesses. 1946. at 8 p. m A total oC 64 living plc- When Herb handed the sailor 2. To pro\;de interim activi-tures are included in the reper- his pri.ze, which consisted of a ti€'S for the peacetime armed tOire. E~ J. ( Bud ) Jacklin OONTB&CTOB MOORING SERVICE ;t ;t ;t Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and Lettered. ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for Prompt Service ............................................................................ • • 0 I : beautiful Casa La•una = • • • • • • • • • • • • • • round trip speed boat ticket to forces, until some permanent plan From 11 a . m. daily the works Santa Catalina Island and a $5 bill for morale services !or the en-of Laguna ~ch and Orange to defray meals and incidental ex-larged army and navy have been county painters, sculptors, cera- penses, he exclaimed, "Gosh, I've compleled. ~ mists and handicraftsmen 'Will be always wanted to see Catalina, 3. To accomplish Its own o 6-dlispayed in 120 booths on' the thanks a million." Jy demobilization at such a te · po festival grounds. An operating CEMENT WORK nat Work or Foaad&UOM Who said a fisherman's dream is to have a farm. Well, one New- port fisherman makes a farm of his family backyard even though it ls but a fraction of an acre. Yet, Arthur Taylor of 1219 West Central avenue provt>s it by bring- ing ln to the Newport Harbor Clamber of Commerce a prize zuccinl, about 18 inches long and full brother in size to a small pumpkln. The building was a riot of color that it does not add to the gen-ceramic shop will afford Visitors OALL 1 S 11·1 FOB INFOBXA'l'ION with roses and bukets of beau· eral confusion, but remains a the -Opportunity of seeing how '----'-----------------------' tiful flowers artistically arranged steadying lnflue.nce during the oeramic artists manufacture their and placed throughout the rooms. transition to permanent peace. artistic and useful wares, and The "Open House" prog?"am USO operations in 1947 will in· puppeteers Ivy George and Don Mn. Taylor calls it a Truman zuccinl. The zuccini is not the only product grown in Mrs. Taylo r's Victory garden. She has a v.ti de range of other garden sass includ- ing choice tomatoes among the other good growing things which find their way to the family table. started at 2:30 p.m. with several elude: 350-400 USO clubs in the Wilson will feature a three-ring musical numbers presented by Mel United States for hospitalized. vet-circus in the afternoons at 3. Each F ord and Dave Chrody. One of erans, troops in training and fam-evening, at 7 and 10, a puppet va- the popular nwnben presented wu ilies of servicemen! station r1ety shOW" is to be presented in one of Dave Chrody's own com-lounges, travelers' aid services and the little theater. The cherished JX>Sitions. clubs at transportation points for can,yasses or local painters will be Rev. Thomas Noonan, pastor of troop. in transit, men on leave and seen in the festival art gallery. the ?.'It. Carmel church welcomed relatives of servicemen en route the guests on behalf of the USO, to military establishments; over-Drive Carefully-Spare a Ute. of which he is the club moderator. seas clubs in the Philippines, ------------- Birthday cakes were received Hawail. Alaska, Canal Zone, Pu- from the Riverside USO and the erto Rico, the Antilles, NeWfound- Balboa business men. The ladies land and Labrador, and camp of Mt. Carmel church altar society shO'-'"S entertainment !or service- under the c hairmanship of Mrs. men as well as veterans in hos- Long Way to Fish From how far a way do Newport Clarence Heppler, served cakt' and pitals. Harbor pleasure fishermen come? punch during the afternoon. -------- The Sportfishing Association of . . N f" I 0 Newport Harbor this week re-Tht' display of art craft articles a 1ona ne ceived 8 letter from a fishe rman caught t~e. eyes of a large nwn-• in Fresno, CaliL, "'ho \\'ants r eser- 1 lx>r of ~is~tors wh~ m arveled hat vations on a liv€' bait boat. the . art1st1c ha ndiwork of t e D R servicemen and v.·omen. s"g es Blanchard Beatty, physical t'd-Among the visitors present \.Vere e I n ac ucation teacher at Garden Grovt', ~:r·s:~a ~~. Tt'~:n~a~o~~~rai~ s BYC \Ya! a guest this w eek Of his par-t t t t'nts, Mr. and rrtrs. Pc>tc Beatt y, regional supervisor of the 12th dis-ar a Lindo avenue. Balboa. trict for the National Catholic Co ntmunity service, a member agency of USO. GIL1L'S JUST WHAT IT SAYS HERE I • After 7 Months Walling ••• a Telephone!! .................. . '"' ..• "" ... • •rt 7 .... ._, .. I DIESEL SERVICE NEW 225 H.P. DIESELS ON HAND Reconditioned Diesels on hand with choice of rednction onltli. o WE ARE WRITING ORDERS ON BIGHT-AND LEFT- HAND ROTATION DIESELS FOB TWIN INSTALLA- TIONS. CHOICE OF REDUCTION UN1T8. On Hand: 165 H. P. General Motors-New . • • • • • • • • 111•••••••• oppertv11lty ret1111r11a 16Y. t..Jerbert J. Kenny, postmaster of Balboa and chairman of the USO program committee was the speaker of the day, summing up : the various activities and services l D E LI CATE SSE N rendered the members of our arm- National-One Design races got off to a good start last Sunday ";th five boats turning out for the first national competition to be held in Ne'-'1>0rt H arbor for Beacon 5183 See us for information on Venn Severin Diesels • N-. Well c~lrvct•d. CO!tlplet•fv oftd otHocliv•Jv f\lulilh•d 4 doubl• oporl••nts ond 14 do\lbl• ond twin bed t OOftll. On highwoy odjoc•nl to borhiflg beoch. lOOS occvpi9d. l.ogi.ll'IO hoch hol lot1g r•cord ol ll!Cl.limv"' oco.iponcy. DelftOnd incr•osing cOflllontly. Thi' prop•rty ,...,,;,, ilhmtdiot• condd•ra1ion. Shown by appQlnrmenr or1ly. : ed forces by the Balboa USO. Mr. • some time. New competitors are cordially in\ited to join the gr oup nex t Sun- day, Aug. 18 at 1 o'clock in front of the Balboa Yacht club; both copper and racing bottoms are eligible. The group, on an informal basis at present, start and end the race themselvC's over an agreed course . Battery Service for: • • • • • • • • •••••I eatlmotetl ••I l•c•m• $35,778 f•ll price o•ly ••• , •••• $200,000 P• a • 3333 vio lido • courtesy to brokers • palmer, realtor newport beach Tel . Harbor 1500 • • • • • • • • • • • • • · ....................................................................... . THANKS for the kindly '{ . reception • given our new STUDEBAKER AGENCY Come ID aad see the new low, tong. hll1lrloas STUDEBAKER- Anwka's first genuine, faJly IMted .post..war ear. NOW ON DISPLAY Joe Nickertz 3415 West Central A venue FOOD SHOP • Fresh Apple Sance • Fancy Crab Meat • Salad Drt"'81ogii • Pickles -Olives • Cheese • &l eats • Sardines • Anchovies • Crackers -Biscuits • Frencb Ro!Js Kenny paid special tribute to the many local volunteers '-''ho sacri- ficed hours from their homes and families a nd the vital part they played in helping the local USO jlltain the popularity and many ac hievt>ments in its \\'Ork with and for the service people. He paid a silent tribute to the memory of the servic•men lost in Last Sunday·s race was \\·on by action. \vho were frequent visit-National No. 237, O\\'ned. and skip- ors to the Balboa USO in the past perC'd by Grorge Broderick of Los I r d Of whom Angeles; second, No. 456, O'-''Tled our years. an some · b ~t Bl k' d k. ro SHOP AT GILL'S \\'£"r(' personally kno<A'n to the club 1 Y • · ary ~n iron a.n s 1pper \'Olunteers and staff members. He by G€'re Shirley:. third. No. 136, commt'nd('(f and congratulated the O\\'Tled and skippered by ~· USO sta!r on their loyalty and un-I Sch"·ab. Ne\vs of !utur(' ra~s "'11 For Fresher Vegetables Better Meats Fancy Groceries MS Fore8t Ave.. LAGUNA BEACH · · II · t . th appear a!t€'r nl'xt Sundays com-t1r1n~ c orts In promo mg e tlti b t ·t · h ~ th t I ideals upon · which the USO is pe on, u. 1 IS 0 1-"-''"' a a founded : to serve the members ot ;egular racu?g schedule n1ay be our armed forces in their spiritual, in~ugurated if enough boats com- educational and recreational prise the fl eet. -------"~-concluding ru. address Mr. Return Chaperons K enny w ent into the subject of Balboa's Bring Back The Chaperon! A novelist with two daughters of her own says othe r parents should see to it that their daughters have leS! freedom. Read Taylor Caldwell's story in The American WeekJy, the Magazine distributed with next Sunday's Loi Angeles Exam- iner. • RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM _ ll'or Better Prlntlnc Call 12 or lS. l • Your Car • Your Boat • Your Mechanical Equipment 11 you can't come tn, atep to the neare&t tel ephone and call:- Beacon 5 183 STOREY'S Battery Service Westminster St., • (bo-18th a Mapolla) COSTA MESA • Al I ENTION ! ! Presents ANSEL HILL and His Orchestra Featarlq Red Doris SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th COMING Tbond&y, Aug. %2Dd Uld Than., Alig-29tb HARRY JAMES Dancing from 9 until 1 • Home and Boat Owners-Builders Sinks, Drb~ards and Galle;s Built to IY our Specifications e DUL\.aL& a.-& w ..... .-al. e Wlll'l'&ln' .. Ill I b •'• ...... --· • uom -.~ ---a CUSTOM META PRODUCTS CO. ' ........... .I.ft. ll&1f o•••mr. ......OD.t I ..... , .. • Before Yoa LUDLUM ·---- • aild or Remodel .... .Dllpay ...... Color ciddee, plan- ning aids, OOiiipttbem- lve atcick ot carpets and llnoleum_ Works Di-I Generator Setli of All Kloch- FBANK B. LEWIB (Lucky Lewlo) Owner-~ PHONES Shop & Ways: Beacon 54Sl at Bohman Co . Newport Beach Going to Office: Beacon 5889-W 415 Fifteenth St. Newport Helghtli You probably have your dream" II.-UI worked oai ID :roar mlDd -or maybe your att.bltect or eontraetor already bu prepued plans on paper for you_ Eleclrlclty will have a 1arp pu1 ID -king dreams of postwar living come trofl. When you go over the plans with your builder be sore to ask him about the new"'it develoi>" meota lo hoosehold labor saving and func- tloaal beauty_ ' Our Experts In every1hlog electrical '.will be glad to help with layout pl.ans or problelllL One snggestlon -y ma.ke a lot of dlffermce lo the "liv&-abillty" of that home. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN lllNCli 4 l t I t . 1000 (lOMt lllway Jlbame B•eoa Mn Alie la -Pa 1-aa WU; n , ... Bls lt '---~ EI.ECTRICIANS ~Two litre ........ t . • r.&moaY, PL&JIT, ftOll&, 6rtlm; r..-. ao- • • · Scientists Swim Class Completes T~ Ji&WWWI BA!ao+ Need Nurses For Polio ' 1 .. , . CWSING OUT OUR ENTffiE S CK OF JEWELRY AT TERRIFIC PRICE REDUCTIONS!! A Complete Liquidation Must Be Accomplished Regardless of the Cost or Loss. Entire Stock to be Sold for What It Will Bring at Retail Public Sale., . · 1 Will Study Cosmic Ray The Balboa Water Campaign classes finished on Friday with the following classes passing re- quired completion tests: Non- swimmers. 57. ~those who learned to swim a little); Beginne rs, 38, f can swim and know a few strokes); I ntermediates, 29, Cim- provers); Swirruners, 9, (finished, knowing all strokes), and Junior Life-savers, 11, (finished junior Lifesaving tests). Epidemic forced to Vacate .. .'Unable to enew Lease ... Selling Out Completely An appeal to the local Ra?d Cross • BERKELEY. A ug. 14.-Equip- ment for studying cosmic rays in B-29 Superfortresses has been de-- signed and is ready for operat:1o.n by University of California sct- eni,:ists. Dr. Wayne Hazen. usistant pr<>- feaor of physics. designed and built the equipment, w h ich con- sists of a small model \Vilson Cloud Chamber and a modified v~ion o( the same instrument .. A total of 367 registered for the lessons and 256 attended the class- es; 144 rinishing. Certificates were presented to the qualifying by In- structor Ar thur Steck on Friday afternoon. has been made by the National 0 u c K s J w E L R y F oundation for Infantile P aralysis L asking them to recruit n urses to serve in Los Angeles county hos- pital d uring the present e pidemic. Five nurses from this area are neaded a t once. ' 1797 Newport Boalevard COSTA MESA With the instruments the sci- entists, in cooperation with the Navy, VI-ill go to an altit~de of PoAibly 45,000 feet. where it may be possible to find out a great dea} more about cosmic rays than elater to the earth's s urface. I t is believed that there are two types of cosmic r ays, primary and secOndary. The primaries come h urtling in to the earth's atmos- phere fr om stellar space, crash il'ig lnto atomic nuclei in the atmos- phere and thereby creating explo- sions which libera te secondary cosmic rays. Since most of the prim ary cos- . mic rays are spent before r eaching the earth's surface, it is believed that much more can be learned about them in !he top layers of the atmosphere>. \Vhen cosinic rays pass through a Wilson cloud chamber they bump into atoms . .knocking off electrons and creating a general atomic dis- t urbance. By making water vapor droplets condense over the pa~­ ttcles knocked orf by the cosmic rays. scientists can photograph its path and ll'arn a great deal about IL Saga on Homer While most of the participants were children, there was a class for adults in w hich 15 entered. The Balboa Island campaign opened Monday the 12th. Instruc- tor S teck reporting a registration of 300. This is t he last of three campaigns for this season. Approx- imately 150 are attending 'classes with the adult class numbering 10 al'td 140 in the childre n's group, said Frand W. Crocker , chairman fo t he Wa ter Safet y and Life- saving committee of the American Red Cross. Are You Troubled? Thin k you have troubles? What about the people who are really handicapped-those without arms or legs? Read how many have \lo'hipped adversity. Tiieir st.Qry ap- pears in The American W eekly, the magazine distributed \vi th next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. Mr. and J\.1rs. Harold Fink and daughter, Carol, Diamond avenue. Balboa. are vacationing in north- ern California. Ledger sheets at News-Times. Gr aduate nurses will receive $14 a day for ward duty nuning a minimum of two patients. Trans· por tation costs to a nd from Los Angeles will be paid a t termina· tion or service. Nurses are protected by medJcal supervision and covered by work- men's com pensation. Full mainte n- ance is a vailable at the hospital Nurses who can ser ve during this emer gency please phone Miss Louise Floyd at Fitzroy 5261 and also notlfy your local Red Cross repr esentative of your assignment. Telephone number of the local of· fice is Harbor 1865. Large Sum Missed Thef t of a wallet containing S300 from a counter in a store in the 2(X) block of Mar ine avenue, Balboa. was repor ted b.Y L. K. Alli- son of 911 N . Bay Fron t. Balboa, Saturday afternoon, police said. WE NEED the thlnp you no longer need -·-Ph. J fS'7 or 708 For Pick-Up BERKELEY. Aug. 1<1.-"F olk T all', Ficlion and Saga in !he H omeric F.pics," by Or. Rhys Car- penter. dircclor of the American School or Classical Studies in Athens. is one of the recent pub- li~ations of the University of Cali- fcrnia Press. • INSlr~CE P. A. PALMER · LIDO ISl!E PRDPERilES ----·----w O. BUCK-Insurance Counselor Du tch Heacock, L. S. Blakes)('(' and Bill Hoffmon hA\"C returned from a trip of ~evcral wc-eks to Oregon , combining business v.;ith hunting 1\nd fishing. au-1500 ~f-,{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA ~("way hat plenty of th~ tendef. mouth-w aterintt beef s<eak.!-and ground bttf to !Upply your nttd~ for out-of-<loon barbrrue d 1n~rs.. Ev"ry cul of Saf_.,,. m"al 1• agt'(l 10 1M ~·l of le.nderne!I! and good-e.-ling quality. u· t' guaranltt you perfttl eat· in« sat1!fact1on ... or money back! Scop tn and te:la--i your favorite cul al Safeway, today! GROUND BEEF °"""'""'""" L 35· • _,WJ \',.L..1 -- SIRLOIN STUK · &5c Ddicio11t broil~ or pan-fried. • .. !:!!!~.b!!DK .. &9c ROUND STUK '"""'· jttlq, ~ .... .., .. "'' PllME Ill ····~ ···•·• ,..., ,, .. !:i.!!!"UT._239 ~!·-~ I.om G10PS ... SHOULDER ,......,. _ ... L .. I ii -la...t-,...... ... .-a1tl29I Flaked mu1n9-::-a _ 11' ---CllllUMIV Grapefruit Juice a '!: _. , __ ._ __ a-tra. . . '· . ' tHCKlKI #i HlTllU Soda Crackers --:;.. '::: I,. KrispyCracken ,~ ... 11" Pretzel Twists "-";'!.';:. 14• ITIU 1'llJM1 NllU Luncheon Meat°'::':::. U- Black Tea Baqs..,~ ,. .......... _ ... ~ .. l ...... lk. TreeTeaBaqs .... ~~:::;: I• CanterburyTea,:.=;.: r .......... lk. ............ _. __ 0-.--.-._..,.. Tenderleai Tea ~~ ... 24• Chili Sau .. -... ll' C8 IJ-.- Sauce ~:::11• BeanawlthChili ..... .., 11' -°"'····· ..... C. ti ·--1-1gare • _ ... ,,,.... .... lGIUTCIES FiraMiil~I. . .. lZ" .... !.!..'!'..!«!' .. lZ" ~--.. ~· WAIEilll'OIS., .. s-.•n,.. .-.... ,...... ............... ........ ,.,,.. ...... I' ' Clezs1r ""°':"-~I .. I .. Clean... ~--== .. Clem. --~-=. Ccmot Juice-'""'::..": I .. ~.Pii;i~ OaJdte Cl-I -:.-19' -a-..-. .... - .L::rt~siii:1i:•e-;N;;ew;;pad;;;t'i•i;N.,u<laAl;;:a;~-- • ! Forced to Quit! -t•I ..., no••k -· .,..._ lq I• C.la Ill-we .,.. f~ *-----~~ .... -........ ,.. to cl--· ... ...... 1&1letl "' UN-... ~, pem,lble u.. llm.&&Du:88 or TU LOMI Ull-411 ....... ofd.....,.•, 1Cere -ftJ' Ula& -pea. u.• Drllftkl Aetloa. Tbt. ~ .... feorft!lli .,... .. -----.,. ... able la re9l!"lll' o.u ae-o• GOr Moure ,_ •• w .,. ~P'llW co ~. lM la.Ml ...... ~ not.I~ thUC he wi.tMoi 11 c Mlitn M &Ile e:s-plratJoa ol _,. '-ae. \\'e h•e ffd&t that lhre bl onlr on llllna -eaa 6o. plaee &be •- Uroe Mork -.-le t6 U.. pmblle AT PklCES 80 LO •'THAT TRI!: STOCK. "'U. L8ELL A...''D 8&LL QUlCliL\'1 Lee. lbe IM'l'tlhaMbe brlac wha& ll w W and tbtl •-be w ha& I& maT. S OLJD GOLD MEN'S RINGS l\lan's Solid Gold Signet Ring Reg. $22.00 •12•5 SALE PRICE .............. . Man's Solid Gold Blue Sapphire R ing Reg. $29.75 '16'" SALE PRICE ............... . M~n·s Initial Ring. Solid Gold :1lE$.'l~~~CE. ............... S 1876 Man's Solid Gold Navy R ing R ec . $39.50 '2195 SALE PRJCE .............. . Man's Solid Gold Ruby Ring n..-. $-19.75 '26'5 SA.LE PRICE .. ·-·········-· l\.1an's Solid Gold Tiger Eye Ring Rei . $51.00 '27115 SALE PRICE ............... . l\.lan's Sol.id Gold Ruby Stone Ring , R ... $59.75 s3495 S ALE PRJCE ............ . Man's Solid Gold Black Onyx Ring v.·ith Diamond Reg. $112.00 '6960 S ALE PRICE .............. . l\fEN'S EMBLEM RINGS l\tan·s Solid Gold l\·1asonic Ring \\'ith Blue Sapphire =~~EiS~~CE . ., ........... ' 19!50 l\ta n's Solid Gold '.\lasonic Ring Reg. $59.50 $35.U S ALE PRICE. .............. . l\·lan's Solid Gold Knight Templar Rjng =~ES7=--~C E ................ 144 95 Solid Gold Diamond Set, E lks Ring R•r . s99.ll0 •5 795 SALE PRJCE ............... . WRIST WATCHES Man's 17-Jewel \Vrist Watch with S\\'eep Second Hand and Steel Back R ... $$6.50 •1915 SALE PRICE ............... . Ma n's 15-Jev.·el Wrist \Vatch 1 \lo'"ith Steel Back ""•· s-i•.oo '2250 SALE PRICE ............ _ .. Man's 17-Jewel \Vrist Watc.h, Gold Filled a.,,. $S9.l5 . •2750 SALE PRICE ............... . Man's 17-J e\.\•el Wrist Watch, Stainless Steel Back, Shock Proof, Non4 Mapetic, Sweep Seeond Hand Reg. '6&15 '3815 SALE PBICE. .. ·--·-···· l\.1an"s 17-Jewel Wrilt Watch. Solid Gold. Sboc:k Proof, Water Proof, Non-Magn•tlc a.c.m... '49'° SALi: PBICE. .. -.. - BILL FOLDS All Leathe r . Lady's Bill Fold and Coin Purse Combination a.c. -'3" SALi: Piiie&. .. -·---·· Look for the Sale Signs It's the Absolute End of This ~ewelry Store ... We Are Positive!Y Quitting Business . . . A Complete Sell-Ou Must Be Accomplished Without Delay ... We Go Into This Our Farewell Sale · But One Aim ... To Sell Out to the Bare Walls as Quickly as Possible . . . ery Item to Be Ruthlessly Price Sia.shed ... Everything. Must Be . . . Has IX> Bj, Sold . . . In the Time Allotted Us Before Our ' Expires.' CLOS IN OUT SALE ' P LEASE BEAR IN MIND ... Thi~is not a sale on just a few items or a part of the stock, but a sale tha t will incl e every dollar's worth of merchandise in the store ... lt is not a sale for just a y or two, but a sale that will continue until every dollar's wo , of stock is turned into cash. Sale Starts FRIDAY Aug. 16th at 9:30 a. m. AND ()()NTINUES UNTIL l:NTIRE STOCK 18 SOLD ~.~ale Price~: ln~:-!-~-the--F-e_d_e-ra_l_L~-D!-~-. _____ P_EARL __ _ KEY CHAINS Sterling Silver ~E$8i>":1cE ............. s 4 u GOLD FILLED ..... $9.00 S ALE PRICE. .................. . •485 LADIES' WEDDING RINGS Solid Gold R ing. With 3 Diamonds ~E"!"::cE... . ... '2895 Solid Gold Ring \Vi th 5 Diamond Rec· '69.00 •4 750 S ALE PRICE .............. . Solid Gold Ring, Two Rows of 14 Diamonds ::k'~~E .......... '12830 Solid Gold Ring with 6 Diamonds , =~'2;~ICE ......... ' 13 750 Solid White Gold Ring and 7 Diamonds ""•· $225.00 '13950 S A.LE PRICE ....... . LAlllES' ENSEMBLES \\"EDDING, ENOAGEl\IEl'\T AJl.'U \\''EDDIXG RING, DIA~IOSD SET Engagement a nd \Vedding Ring, Diamond Set. SoliQ Gold :.~~:Ess~::CE .............. 53 745 Solid Gold Engagement a nd \Vedding Ring Set Diamond Set ~~~CE ...... $44<5 Solid Gold Engagemen t and Wedding Ring Diamond Set ~~~~CE ............... '49'5 Solid W hite Gold E ngagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set R ... $1$6.00 '89"° SALE PRICE ............... . Solid Gold Engagement a nd Wedding Ring, Set with Diamonds ""«· SSO<.OO '19500 Sale Price, Both Solid Gold Engagem e nt and Wedding Ring, Set with Diamonds R•C· $4U.OO •295oo Sale Price. Botb. Solid Gold Engageme nt a nd W edding Ring, Set with Diamonds Rec. '970.00 '62500 SaJe Pnce.. Botb IADIEll' BRACELET-LOCK.ET AND CHINA SET Gold Filled. Exi>ansloo Bracelet with Locltet, Chain to Match ~~P5---··-·-'l 1 '6 IDENTIFICATION ·D 4 CSl.ft8 Ladles" or Men's Gold Filled Mesh, Bracelets a.c. SUM •r SALi: PIUCE...-··-··-- ' WfE DDING BANDS Sol kl, Gold Plain Band Ring Rf'g. 1'8-75 $4 95 ~1!:l ·'~:·~:~~~~--~~~d Ring Re~? ~.75 $5 85 . 8k~~=~o~~··~~~~-·~;~g Engraved Top Rf'g. t5.oo s7 er, SALJ PRICE ................. . I )EARRINGS I ONE GROUP Earr ings, Var ious Stones 1 I and S tyles Valuew to $1.60 69c SAL\:i·~~--~~-·~~~~us 1 'Stone Clusters ""•· $1..50 s2 u S AL!j \PRICE .... . ..... . Earr1· gs '''ith Ruby and other Ston and Designs, Solid Gold For Pierced Ears Reg .. f 7.50 ~ sgu S ALfj PRICE ................... . I LADIES" ?TONE RINGS Soll'd Gold Rings in Various Stone Se ts Reg. $7.00 $3 95 S 1\Li I PRICE ................... . So~d Gold Rings in Many Popular Stone Sets ~~ ~:·~CE .................... 18 95 Sof-i<l Gold Ring Sets with r .• J Amethyst =~ ~~:!cE ................ $1350 so\;~ Gold rung Set With Emer ald Cluster :1'.11~~CE .... '1615 . j .l Solid Gold R ing 'llip Opal and 10 R ubies ~5!1::JCE ............... ~334t5 J Solid Gold Ring Ani(jthyst and Four Rubies ~:lr~~CE .. m-······'52"° SPRAY Pl_N and WRJNC SETS I I ' Sprct.Y Pin and Earring Sets. V8.rious Styles~and S tones lttan yto Oloose From a.c. ·'!19.75 '995 SA.LI: 1 P&ICE..---···----··-·-·- LADIES' 1 1BRACELETS 1..arg, '.Group al Bracelet>. Gold ~With Various Stone Seta v--, t.> SlllM s746 I ' Tllrquoile Set a.c. ..... •41• SALE PBICE..-··-··-- Steruric Silver Indian Bracelet and Ring S.L 1-arp Stone a.c-J.s;u~CE..--·-·-·-'11 $0 I LOCKETS and ~ CHAINS One Lot in Gold Filled Many Di[ferent Desigm: ~:1~~ ~R~~·:o ....... __________ . '31~ Solid Gold in Various pemgna =~;~CE .. ---···-···-'1876 LA.Dr&.<;• CROSS with CHAIN SETS I n Gold Filled' Reg. $5.%5 . '286 S . .\LE PRICE ....... _____ _ In 14K t . Solid GokS Reg. $10.60 ' ~16 . S ALE PRICE.________ ~ In 14 Kt. Solid Gold with Crucifix Rpg. SU.SO • .,. S . .\LE PRICE..·-·-···--·-···---- LADIES' Pendant With Chain Gold Filled Pt'ndant with Chain Se t \.\ith Zircon =~lE$6~:1CE. --···-···-··--··· $3 l5 Gold Fillt'd PC"ndant with Chain Set "·ith Pearl n~,;-. $9.95 •5u ~A.LE PRICE_ .. · ··--··-· Solid Gold P rndant with Chain Set \\'ith Genuine Onyx Res-. $14.75 sr S.U.E PRICE ...... ·-··------· LADIES" WRIST WATCHES Solid Gold Ladies' Wrist Watch 17-JeweJ Reg-. $59.75 ··34911 SALE PRICE ... ---·-······· 14 K t. Solid Gold Ladies" Wrist Watch Set. Diamonds, 17 Jewels Rec. SIS"l.llO '87ao SALE PRICE ... ·-······-· LADIES' LAPEL WATCH Gold F illed Watch, J~ Movement ~":;~~CE -··-'1915 LADD:ll' WATCH BRACELETS Solid Gold Expalllli<m W.u:h Brace kt - ~..:CE ____ •14• LADDCl!V SPRAY PINS Sterling Sliver S-PW. Varloua D 'c• Boe· ~&.15 ... SALE PBICE..---- STERLING CHARllS VariousSUIJ a.c. p.oe :& SALE PBICE. .. __ _ a.c. -11.U.S PlllCE.. . . -•1• NECKLACES NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS Single Strand Pearl Necklace =.:"P':ICE. ..... . ... •359 Single Strand Pearl Necklace Bee-Sll.00 '895 SALE PRICE .................. . Two-Strand Pt'arl Necklace ~:.CE..· ...... '1846 BABY JEWELRY Sterling Baby Cup ~p~:.CE. ··-·m•m s5i5 Solid Gold, Baby Signe t Rings ~$5~:.CE.. mm •m m •3 45 Solid Gold, E ngraved Baby Band rungs =.:sz::.CE. ... '1 u Baby Gold F illed Cross & Chain Reg. $3.75 •2S5 S ALE PRICE . . ........ . Baby's Gold F i lied Locke t and Chain Reg. $1.llO SALE PRICE. LADIES' DRESSER SETS Three Piece Set in Lucite =.:$8.P~ICE .... .. .... s 4&5 Seven Piece Luci te, Dresser Set Bee-fn.llO • 1295 SAU! PRICE................ , Tw!'lve Piece Lucite Dresser Set. In Beautif ul Case Rec· ssz... •2195 8ALE PRICE ............... . DRESSER PERFUME SET Dresser Perfume Set, with Two u Fancy P erfume Bottles filled l',with Perfwne. Powder Box and Tray ...... su.oo '14llO SALE PBICE ............... . MISC. ITEMS Special Attention! POKER CJllP HOLDERS &eg-. f7M s3.a SALE PBICE ................. . Poker SeL Lucite Stand, 200 Chipa and 2 Decks of Cardi a.s--~~-'9" llALE PlllOZ. .. -····-······· Musical Powder Boxes. Various Colon and Designs -..-'6,' 11.U.S PlllCE. ................ . We ~ a dock of Clal)drm•a --,_ TWmao _,. .. To:ra. TI Ir' G I II 8tllffed 4•tmah: ·---. 0 ''· o.a.. Dell .......... De.. am ._ 8tad1s rr •• Gow• U,. -V---a-. AD cl Tblo Mn-chandiR la To Be Sold at Almoot U-rlReductlono! I Loucks Jewe 1 ry • Costa Mesa 1797 Bo•levard ' ' • • • • • ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... .-~~~~~~~~~~~~-::::-~":"'~""';~-;;;l":"':W~l'O&~!T?;lBALllC>;::~;::A::: 811 ... ~ Tll 1161 !I ._ Lola r.....-tlle ....e u. .._ P ueLIC NoTICES 1aLtc NoTICE ' W A N T Red Cross Meet Luncheon Honors Peabody Writes ... -....i ~7 -1.,.. w1 ..... 1,:...::.::..:=....:....:c.=-=-:..:;..:: ___ ~.++:=:.....:..:.::::.:.:::=---ADS II llA!CI Crou annual meeting will be held at the EbeU club Friday, August 23, at 8 p. m. OulirmaD Kentuck·y Guest From Jungles ............ to mall II to 7-.. -·-~ and cloclared that serial ... ~. "' .... City or NeW'l)<>rt "-"· Bt18DO:s8 GUIDE case amne other fl'Dow eoDecta tt.e a:um.'Q Co\Olfy of Oranp, State or Calitorn.la. bonds bearing intereest at the rate udi that an executed monpee of the ceonttnued rrom ~ 1 l u sr&M.. <& > t ..me1 1t1u t.e deu9'U'ed .na -u.e con-CORSON & RA y POSITION WANTEO-Aparbnftit 11 maJ>ai"IDODt. capable, can fUr. nlsh good relerencea. CaU or write 506 Walnut, HULtingtoa Beech. 61-4tf · .. h the m~ttme J 9ttln to INI of llx per cen per annum. 1nderatton t.Mttfor paid at 10:00 o'clock ... •--~--t .. - -and extending over • period end-a. m! Oll Ttt.untd.ay. the 2IDd d&J' of Mn.. Jade: Boylan, 53 Beacon Jurgen Lortentzen strongly Uf'Ce9 Bay, wa luncheon hostess at the motor boat aad swl•n• tac! 0e9, all who can to come to this meet-Vlctc:r Hugo Inn, honoring Mn. W . S-t• bre'\'"etM me Major a.t for ing which will elect Red " en.a H . Wool:9ey of Berkeley and her the •ext few mo.tlu wu • •tatf officers for the coming year and mother Mrs. Nell Hart of Louis-ol.ftoer wtt.b t~ b~ anft1' hear an outline of Red Croa wtrk ville,, ~ ot M)ada•eo A. .ort of tldioeal- the 1 ~ oa lng . (9 ) from the sec--~ 1948. at the ncrow clepartrnent alr la Mlndaaao' We have •o rune }"ears ot Wallace Ftnance Co. at 5058 I Is • t com.r--ond day of January next SU~-tUer BIT'd.. ln the City ot Lo. An- aewa. t . • -srea .,. .. ing the next October fifteenth fol-~if ~ty of Loi A.Dg-elea. State of Rany, to re~ml»er that 1 ~ lowing their date, will be issued Dafed .I.QC. 9. l~ bad -rn..d. -a-po hettUndu In the manner provided A. A. T1'NNl& Building Contractors Phone Harbor 2447·R Phone Harbor lS~W ~ltc COu.EGE GRADUATE. 38, de- now ~Ing done. • 1 .... ....,. "-•· ..,......... to lln.. Hart is maker of the fa-talft told by t.he yoaqer otnttn. Explor-atlon for oU is underway mom ""Nell Hart'' sleeping bap a combblaUoa of BaffaJo Bill ud in the Baham.as, although none Jlo~r. by the "Improvement Act of 1911," 1 DOROTHY n::.:'J....,,. ·Flagstone Contractor being Part 5, Division 7 of the 'WALL.AC!: FINANCE COMPANY. PATIOS-FIREPLACES airel respvwihle office position Harbor area or vicinity; 12 yean' ezperience office man- acement. penonnel, material procurement and control '!'Ypist. Especially lntenated marine ... allled Industry. Considerable boating knowleclce. Salary n- qulrements reuonable. Excel- lent references. Write Box E. c/o N.,._t ·Balboa News. for babies and in company wtth Hoovet" 0-Maa. has as yet been found. her granddauchter, Joan Hllrich, "I wu oa patrol Oii t lte cout ----=---------- flew fnxn Kentucky to Berkeley at tile time of tlte aU1TeMier, M St.te of Caufoi'nia. to 1-e-etent -·-·· By K. P . WALLA.CE: Streets and Highways Code of the M K ortppe. STORE FRONTS-WAI.KS ~ -~ J425 French St. Phone Santa Ana the .. tt.r-' of May to 1pend the today 1 llt oa top a Jtmcte-eo• .. ..i PUBLIC NOTICE 114"''** with the Woolsey family. mcta11t&la top wt.th a prtated •otlce :....::.=.:::.::_.:..c:..=...:...:==----- AD are ~ a vacation at the ta lll7 pocket that read•, -rile Im-NOTICE INVITING SEALED each ~nt of 'l'/.•enty-five Pu 1: Aul". 16· l!H6. Santa Ana, Calif. 1121..J. ($25.!lO) Dolliln, or more. remain· I 63-4tc Ing unpaid for thirty (30) da)'> CE OF SALE OF BEAL ------------ af1tt the date of the warrant. PEUONAL PROPERTY All ot the work herein ordeTed 'I' PBIV ArE SALE. shall ~ done and carried through No. 240,000 ....:=:=:..:=.. ________ w_oo1oo_.,..:_1w_o_..,, __ ..i._. _61_Bea __ co_n_Ba_y. perial Army of 1._ u. .. t -. PROPOSALS. tM mm of 116,0IO wlddl wtl1 be COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. Times. 64-tfc EMl'LOYlll!MT 0-. Plans and Specifications • For Builders, Contractors & Engineers ---·--- BERT J. MORRIS, Jr. Residential and 011a••1dal ~ ...._ Harbor :510 paid to uyoae captmtac 099 Major or c-modor O. °'" r...- or to aa1oee exldblttac tlle Miad. of .... ukl JlllaJor p-to Oll7 otneer of tbe lmpt'rial Anny of .las--!' ... bave a do&en Joyal volaateen wtth me armed wttb 'riot• cmta- We flc'ht a llttle--eleep a Uttle aDd 9Pf!lld. tile b&la.mee of the time •ematnc rtce' wbk:lt a ldadl.J old pacu Tap.co&Ja gtves us. We have ao moeey aad have been wondertnc ti tlae 115,IOO offer for 'the exllllltt Ollly of my be&d' would hoJd ti I t-00k It In 'oa' my .. ou1d- e...-b11t my boya hu.l•t that the lapA have no M:DIW!! of humor. ~===~============~=====;;;;;;~! "AID 1•.taa this wttb 1D7 old Does Your Hoase Need Painting? * No waiting ... Work doae lmnw!lafely by highly lkllled .Journeymen Pablt.:!=£. the moet mod-ern equipment and fl-' 'fl. Owned and operat..d by World War ll Veterans -king your permaneat good will aad patronage. * For Free l'AfU.+••tal Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman ' COOL OFF WITH ACME .. the beer with the high I.QJI' Q"'"'"'''> ............ _., __ ,_'°' FllONE B 1UUI(). 11'1 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign Man • BOAT LETrERJNG A SPECIALTY ... Marlne WaJ'I GENEllA LREPAIB8 MAINTENANCE • 901 Cou& ~ P'bone lier coa. Mil Newport Electric Appliance Co. Now Under New Management · • • Open 5 a. m. until Midnight Bait Available For Outside Boats at All Times . Plenty of Live Bait Flying Fish For Broadbill and Marlin Fishing Boats for Rent by the Day or Bour • • • We Always Have a Good Stock of FRESH WCAL FISH BALBOA FISH MARKET BAlllOA PAVIUON Doi aad Ken Story OwDCl'!I I • Pursuant to statut~ and Rese>- lution No. 3300 adopted on the 4th day of March, 1946, by the Qty Council of the City of N.,.· port Beach, California, and on file in the office ot the Oty Clerk of the said City, ordering the work described in said Resolution, l'o- wit: The grading and paving with uphaltic concrete pavement with a decompoeed granite base. cement concrete alley approaches, vitrllled clay pipe ho1..11e sewer connections, water service connections, cast iron pipe water mains, fire hy- drants, fittings and appurtenances an.d appurtenant work in connec- tion therewith in alleys and streetl in Sections 1 to 5 inclusive, of Balboa Island and Tract No. 742, all as more partl°'Marly described in Resolution of Intention No. 3Z79, passed and adopted by the Oty Council of said Oty on the 4th day of February, 1946. and on file In the office of the City Cl<'rk of said City. F or furt her oarticula.rs r efer- ence is hert·by ~ade to said lution of Intentio n No. and to said plans, profiles, a nd s tions No. 409 "iheets 1 to 25 i elusive. a nd Standard Pla ns Nos. 1016 a nd 1061 on file in the offid? of the City Engineer of said City of Newport Beach. and to ihe speci· (!cations for the said work here- tofore adopted by the said City Counctl and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and all of said plans, profiles, sections and specifications her e- tofore approved by the City Coun- cil of said a ty are incorporated herein and made a part hereof a nd refer e nce is hereby made thereto for a more particular de- scription of said work. Said Qty Council has deter- mined and declared tha t the con- templated work a nd improvement hereinbefore me ntioned, was in the opinion of the said City Council, of more than local or ordinar y public benefit and the said City Counctl has made the expenses of the said work chargeable upon a distric t . F or the particular de- scription of the said assessment district reference is her eby made to t he said Resolution of Intention No. 3:179. • Said City Council has deter- mined and declared that the City of Newport Beach, will out of its Gener al Fund, pay the sum of 515.· 000.00 toward the costs and ex- penses of said improvement. Said City Council has dett"r- ROOFS APPLIED OB llEPAIB.rD Free Esttmat .. & lnspectlm w. l . Benbow 3602 Mareus Ph. Hbr. 1012·J 11111.1.F(r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE CDffiPRRY In pursuance of an Act of the the Superior Court of the LePlatllN! of the State of Call· S te of California, In and for the tornla, designated the ''Improve.. Q:jiunty of Or~. mrnt Act of 1911," bf.'l.ng parts 1. -II* the Matter of the Estate of· 2 and 3 of Division 7 of the Ai.MA LIBBEY ECKLEEN, De- Streets an<I Highways Code. ~ Said Oty Council, pursuant to jrf otice is hereby ziven that the the Labor Code of the State of wl<lenlgned will ..u at private California, hu ucertalned and de-salf. to the highest and t-t blcl- termined that the general prevail-ct.;r. subject to confirmation of lng rate of per diem wages in the ~f Supt'l'ior ·Court, on or after , locality In which the said work t!le 3rd day of September. 1946, herein described la to be per-ai •the office ot Edward R. Mllll- fonned. for each craft or type of i' , Attorney, 20 North Raymond workman or mechanic rlt'eded to enue, Pasadena. County of Loi execute the contract and also the }es, State of California, all general prevailing rate for legal tJ;e right, title and interest or uJd holiday and overtime work for dfceued at the time ot death and each craft or type of workman or all the right title and interest mechanic to be u follows : that the esta'te of sa.l.d deceued ROW"ly Per hu acquired by operation of law Wace IMem or otherwise, other than or in ad- Clu.ll'lcattoa Scale Wace ditton to that of said deceased, at Asphalt plant mixer the time of death, in and to all operator ................ $1.25 $10.00 the certain real and personal Asphalt plant dryer-pfoperty situate in the County of man or fireman.. ... 1.375 11.00 Orange, State of California, to- Asphalt raker and tt: ironer ................ 1.-125 9.00 i. Lot Fifteen (15) in Block I New and Repair SIGN PAINTING Boabl, TrUclts. Windon Walls and Bulletlm. Ralaed Metal, Wood aNI • Plutlc Letten AL LACHMEYER 1726 Weot Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 12 Yeara Service in Newport Harbor Atta Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACT'OR Phone Beacon 52S.J 714 E . 19th Street 24-tf< Painting -Decorating R , E . ANDERSON Free Estimating Asphalt spreading ~ I McKnight's Addition, Section machine operator 1.375 11.00 ,!to Laguna Cliffs, as shown on phone Beacon 5780-J Carpenter .................. 1.35 10.80 Map recorded in Book 8, page 31 47-tf< WANTED -HOUlecleanlng, oae clay w.ekly on Peninsula. Pleue call Harbor 772-W. 61-tfc WAITRESS WANTED lilt dQo -.k. Non-'1 Bay Siiano car .. 17th and Cout Highway. !59-tfc Kl'l'CHEN HELP wanted. • Ai11>i7 Oteeyl'1. 322 Marine Aw., Bal· boa Ialand. St-tfc HELP WANTED-Woman tr s1r1 for seneral -k: )lood -; live In or out. Huboo • 199'2. se.ttt HELP WANTED -Experte...ced clerk, preferably a mother. Good worklnc conditions. Regular hours. Permanent employment. Inquire The Bobby Shop, ru E. Central, Balboa. 6'-3tc LOCAL er traveling in .b1Wnea for ycunelf. No money required.. Good income. You are yaur own boa. Apply lollss Bayer, A- Santa Ana. 508\i N. Main St. 63-Gtc HELP WANTED-Beauty oper. ator. experienced, 5 or 6 day week. Salary p1us comm. Furn. apt., reas. rent, for single beauty Cement finishe r 1.35 10.80 or !Miscellaneous Maps, records of Flagman and Orange County, California. f"OR A REUABLE Paint Job 011 operator. 2625 W. c.entral Ave., your home, call Beacon 5330 Newport Beach. Ph. HarOOr 808. watchman 0.875 7.00 I 2. Lot Twenty-seven (27) in He avy duty 1'!•Ct 211, same being a subdivision alter 4:30 p.m. 10.tf• 1-----------63-::.::..2:.t:.:c repairma n ........... 1.50 12.00 ~I the J. A. Day Tract, situated Laborers .................... 0.875 7.00 the Rancho Las Bolas, in the Mason. brick .......... 1.50 12.00 ounty of Oran$e. State of Call- Oiler , power shovels r nia, as shown on a map record- or cranes .............. 1.125 9.00 ~·in Book 13, page 40, of Mlscel- Operator. air laneous Maps, records of Orange Operator. concre te ghts-of·way and oil lease of rec· m ix er .................... 1.25 10.00 rd. (Said property ls referred to ~AlNTlNG -PAPER HANGlNO and DECORATING H. E. McDonald 414 Old Conty Rd., Coota Mesa Phone Beac0n 501J,:J 85-tft r&ANl!PORTATION 11 WANT TRANSPORTATION to Los Angeles five days week. Ph. Beacon 5349-W. 62-4tp compressor .......... 1.25 10.00 f' unty, California. Subject to all Oper ator . motor the following instrument.) AND grader . .. 1.625 10.00 3. Grant and Assignment of Un· BICYCLES Operator of po\ver t:ed Interest in Oil Lease and shovel or other ex-uction, dated March 4, 1922, Sold. Rented or Repaired.. VOGEL'S cavating equipment. executed by Selah J . Evans. a.a shovel type con trols a ntor and AlmEJ L . Ecklenn. as 100 Maln St.. Balboa l less than one antee, assigning and conveyin&: 208 Marine, Balboa laland. cubic ya rd ) .......... 1.625 13.00 An undivided interest to the ex-H-ttt Operator of power ent hereinafter specified in, and lEAUT'I" A.IDS 11 shovel or other ex!' o all the one-eighth right, title .::=::..:..:......:::::::_ _____ _; cavating equipment, d interest which the said Selah COLD and MACHINLESS shovel type controls . Evans had or has subject to the WAVES (one cubic yard or ii lease hereinafter described, or more) ................... 1.75 14.00 ~the may at any time hereafter Operator, pump ...... 1.25 10.00 ;qquire in and to all oil, gas and Operator, roller ...... 1.375 11.00 t her like hydro-ca r bons that shall O(>C'rator, tractor .... 1.50 12.00 t any time be produced upon that 11ntlng and Manicuring ":venlng Appt. Ph. Harbor 1~'°' Vi'g Beautv Shop 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona del Ma1 JS.tft Operat6r. trench ·@rtain real property, located in machine .. 1.625 13.00 lle County of Orange, State ot •.OST AND F.OUND Pipe' layer . 1.25 10.00 1 ifomia, commonly knO\\'n and Truck driver .......... 1.00 8.00 escribed as the Kujawsky r a nch Any classification roperty, part icularly described omitted herein. not that certain oil lease wherein less than ................ 0.875 7.00 ~ Hart is the lessor, and P . M . REW ARD for r eturn or infor- mation leading to recovery of bro"'" billfold of L. R. Alli- son Box 943 Balboa Island. Ph~ne H arbor 1320-W. 64-2tc Provided. that one and one-half ~reenlee et al. are lessees. recorded ( 11h ) times the said prevailing il1 Book 29, page 26. of Leases, rec· LOST -Tuesday, Aug. 13. ring- r ate of wage shall be paid, ex-ords of Orange County, State of yello\\' gold a nd black onyx set cept watchma n, flagman a nd other California; the undivided interest ~'ith small diamond in center . nonmanual workers, for any work· herein conveyed is a proportionate Sentimental value to owner. ing time mor e than eight (8) ibterest to be computed and de-Reward. P olly Porter, Harbor hours during any one (1) c;alendar tjepnined in the ratio that one-2600. 64-ltc day where such work is required fifteenth of an acre bears to that LOST-Wallet, $50.00 reward for in cases of extraordinary emerg-portion of the area of the whole return intact. Tan walle t lost encles caused by fire, flood, or Qt said real property above de-August s. vicinity Bayshore WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good Hours Alto FRY COOK MR. EARLY (mornings King Landing Newport Beach only) YOUNG WOMEN Telephone operating positions are available to yo u in your own community. Starting pay is good, experience is not required Frequent increases. Vacations with pay. Advancement opportunities. Apply 100 E . Bay Ave .. Balboa 514\i N . Main S t., Santa Ana or Ask tM operator for tJw ait..r Operator Southern California Telephone CompaJJy dan ger to life or property and for *1-ibed, which the saJd Selah J . Yacht Anchorage, telephone Bal- time on Sunda~ and the seven ~ans has heretofore owned, or derston Angelus 21123 or Swales 42--ttc (7) legal holidays, to-wit: New " owns, or may hereafter ac-Beacon 5122. 63-4tp -1-AUl--MJSCm.LANEO-------US---- Year's day, Memorial Day, Fourth uire. !II -------------•-of July, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Tenns of Bale ca.ah in lawful EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR SALE-Man's and woman's Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. ney of the United States on TAILOR-Experienced; all kinds bicycles. 120 Abalone Ave., BaI- It shall be mandatory upon the co~ation ·or sale, or part cash repairing, remodeling and re-boa hland.._ 59-tfc contractor to whom the contract a)i~ balance evidenced by note se-lining. Call Beacon 5423. 64-6tp FOR SALE-Monroe electric caJ-ls awarded, and upon any sub-Cur~ by Mortgage or Trust Deed ' Jd. T GIRL with electrical and mechan-culator, $150. 1840 Harbor contractor under him, to pay not on. the property so so en per f b'd t be d It:." teal ex..._.;ence needs permanent Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon less than the said specified rates ~t o amount I o epos cu .,.... • ..°""".J. 61-tfc to all laborers. workmen and me-"1J.h bid work. 119 Bay Ave., Balboa. "°~~ . chanics employed by them in the i lJids or offers to be in writing 63-4tc FOR SALE-Complete ''Kwilt- execution of the contract. and will be received at the afore-Way'' engine rebuilding equip- NO'TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN sa.(d office at any time after the ment. 501 El Modena, Ne-w- Inviting sealed pro1X>S&-ls or bids f~t publication hereof and before s H o E s port H eights. 62-4tp for doing all the work her ein-da~e ot sale. FOR SALE-Man's pre-war b!ey. c:'I before described and ordered in I ~ated this 1st day ot August, cle; just like new. Heavy d:utJ said Rosolution Ordering Work. to 1946. 0 --•--' WhDe You Walt ti 512 28th St N~ ... z ::i " ... .... ., z 0 .. r tJ ::i Q 0 ci: "' z 0 :c "' > ci: " :0 I DANIEL A WHITE ....,,_.~ r... " •-.-• •· be presented to the City Cierk at t • • 52·tft, ~ his office in the Qty H all of said Administrator of the estate of Ra Pag 'U City up to the ho ur of four (4 :00) Alma Ubbey Eckleen, deceased. Y an FOR SALE-Living-room set, new :tl o'clock P .M. of Tuesday, the 3rd EDWARD R MILLIGEN, Attor· 515 East Bay Front electric water heater, tablo-t<>p 2 M lod 0 day of September. 1946. I ney for Administrator, 20 No. electric range, 5 h.p. outboard e ramas <? The proposals or bids offered "'ymond Ave., Pasadena, Cali· Nut -·*" Bay ~ Olde motor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. fornl ...... to • p. ... 61 tf One at 6 shall be accompanied by a check · a. • c DARLIPN· m6. 'U made poyable to the order of said ~Jli~~t·=A~u~g::_.~1::., ~6'..., ~8,~l~3':_, 21~5·~1=946~·~£====:;:;:;:====~ I FOR SALE-Small cletrac tractor of the DAKOTAS -110 p. m.:- TEN NIGHTS ... BAR ROOM Uml~ S..tlnc CApodty Reserved See.ta Available at BLUE SAil.S BOOKSHOP __ .,. 0ri.c-111 Oomhig Ang. 2IO Uma !5: GUY lllADISON la DEAR RUTH .,, City, certified by a responsible lnl8INESS GUIDI! 11 BU8DIEllll GUIDI: 11 $300.00. Call Beacon 5033. Lo-. Bank. or a bond as required by _ i cated at Vlklng'1 Port, 909 0 law for an amount not less than Coast Highway. 63-2tc 0 ten (10~) per cent of the aggri!'- Cl gat. of the pr0pogals. Each bid J N S U R A N C E MEN'S RUBBER hip boob!, sb:ea n abail be made out on a tann to be j 8 and 10. Girls' skirts. sweaten: of obtained at the office of the City and Girl Sa>ut uniform. rue 12. ,. Engineer of oald Oty. • FIRE • AUTOMOBILE · • YAal'l' Harbor 532-J. (B.2tc 0 '!be Oty Council of ""Id City e COMPENSATION FOR SALE-Combination -"' t .._..,... the right to ttject ODY able radio, $25.00. Large cr.n. ,. or all bids and to waive any In· man lie-saw "5.00. Doris Hatdl, - formality In a bid not effected by "STU" DUNLAP 219 Macnolla Ave., Coota llfta. C' law. Beat!Oll 5885. (B.2tc ~ 1~•ted thla 4th day of March, I 206 Marine Ave. Balboe hlaNI Ph. IJarllor ~ = ~ '1 ~ FRANK L. RINEHART, .. t City Cierk of the City of ,. Newport Beach. CallfomU.. Pub.-Aug. 15, 20, 1946. II NOTICE OF INTENDED MORTGAGE tit Uftcler SedlOfl >MO ~vu Code flt tM Stat8 frf C..lltoml• > NOTIC'li 18 RBREBT GTVJ:N: ·WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Bish~ 101 :'} Thal A.. A.. Te-I• and Dorothy Te.ft· ' ala.. Xort.-.or, wboloe addNeS la M5.2 :If VI& Porto tn the City of Newpqirt ~. CtKiaty or <>nnp. State ot C&ll· fora!L late.Ddl tb ~ to Wallace P1ft&IM'e Co llortc&«M. •bolle adcl:rem l• 50&& Whiluer Bl9d: •. Loe AD,ple:t..22. In the City ot Los ~. County o r Loe Anplea. 8t&1e of C&U- fomlL peNOD&l property: All cate &ad coc.ktaJI equl~t. fumi~re. nma:.:: • • ...... ••1• 5'1.t ,,, . :!:';': .... , • _..... r. 1 .. .... .... Bn•lllr--., ......... • ~~~ru~ -.. ot • cut.la ~ ls t·ar lcaoWD 1.W-----------------... ------~ u Club Udo aDd loc&l9d at MU 'V'- WANT A HOllE1 Eutem '- trailer and ce-. butane -nmntns -u. and Iota al dll& Can lleep 6 people. On nice loJ Oii llq_ with lqw rent - round. Priced right for ~ sale. See owner. lot 99, Newpst Beach Trailer Puk. ~tfc Concrete Products Div. of Falter Sand & Gravel Oo. Ph. "'1lerton 283-W 1015 S. Speara Bnfkllns tie, buDcllnc belcb. _. belcb,patlotfletn...icn. --d!opl07. .m:: ----~ -:--"""':" I --' • ... ''· c .· " ... . " • --. .. --. ----~. .. ~- ftWWFC>&18A!AOAha:::~1.."·~~::1a~u:N~•::1~::::::::::::·:::::';'.::::::::·::::::::::::::~-:::::::~~~::~-~~-~; . , -;u~·~·~-~~~~====~~~~~·lems~~~=====~•1 n•r. mAn • ., •••. m£n • ~ I 1 . NEWPORT ~ACH •&•.I: KlllCl:LLANEOUS a BOATS. SUPPLIES a lllt181(;)AL a MlllO . ==-======~~ FOR SAi E 40-ft. cabin O'Ulser, FOR SALE-Uprl&ht piano, good REAL VALUES . Storey's Battery Service sleeps &. Sblp shape eow· to oonclltion. $200. Pbooe Beacon . "n••.m.a.n • stem. Priced for quick sale. See 5712, or call 205 Weatmlmter home with~ W~tmlnster Ave. at Cagney Isle. 63-itp Ave., Newport Heights after Newl t' _.in ~~tri· ct.. Priced lo~ (Betw<en 18th and Magnolia) 5:30 p. m. 55-tfc o .~ -• -Beacon 5183, Costa Mesa MONTEREY type 26-6x8-4; motor .,..,,;,:,;::::;;=-=::=;;;::::;~;:;;:;::;; at ooly-A· l condltion; hull in very good ANOTHER magnificent Steinway. (Refer to display ad. page 2) shape; albacore gear; capacity Medium llze. Beautitul maboc· $4400 HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors BARGAINS I 5000 Ibo. Docked after 6 p.m. any cue. The piano ol the tha old. • foot of 20th St., Nowport. 62-'Up Mutera. Danz-Scbmldt Plano Duplex. only four """' 1-t prkeo in furniture ls mJ 520 N Main. Santa Ana. Hardwood floors throuchoUt. HOME AND INCOME-On . romer Blvd. lot. Stucco house in fine condi~ ' Newly furnished ' throughout, including new ranri. refrigerator and washing machine. Two new Wjater heater.;. Rear cottage with two rental rooms and bath. Double . t t t t garage. Walled patic>-I motto. I buy rl&hL I sell rl&ht SMALL SAILBOAT and trailer Co.. . 55-tfc Near country club. Good district. I oiso buy furniture. foe sale, price $200. Call Ham-!---::;:--=--:::---,--...,--Sandy loam soil One acn. Tbls BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $15,500 CORONA DE J Needle's Furniture llton Lowe, 229 Opal $1., Balboa Radio Repairs ls really the boot _buy ot the 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Meaa Island. Harbor 2590-J. ~tp All mak .. ; IUh<s. etc, year. Income with a home. • BALBOA BEACH MINIATURE GOLF-~bale ' 57-lf< WILL EXCHANGE so ft. allp In Beacon 5763 Priced to sell at only- Wllmington far ...,.. in New-BURT NORTON $6975 ' MAR Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten • J.8.ooath -$6.75 Ex. Compounded Motor Gallon. lOc Oil poet Harbor. Call Erwin ~ 9111 Coast H11btrt17, Newpo.-t at Kimble 5283. !!Z-tfc • 23-tfc FOR SAI.E:--Cabln cru1'er 22 ft. WE AUlO HA VE MANY OTHER GOOD LISTINGS IN HOMES GRAND PIANOS-You will be AND VACANT LOTS. SOIJI'H OF lllGHWAY-'Ibl'Eie bedrooms, l 'f.i baths; tw().Story frame and kii1>ttY pine, built in 1940. Fireplace, patio and <><ffn view- . putting sport course, sandwich stand, F11:11dl tries and fish, cold drinks and Ice cream. . Everything complete-nothing missing' except somi:body who Is willing to put up a l'l!llSIJll8ble swn of cash and start to worry about how to spend the $4000 moothly gross. Terribly low overhead and percmtage lease. See us pronto as this opportunity can't last Jong, 4-cyllnder Starr motor, just painted. Will trade for 22 ft. or 24 fl. house trailer or pay utouncled a tour great bis COME IN stock. Klmbal1. Stmlway, Sob· WE ARE SURE WE CAN SERVE Western Auto Supply ca.sh. 7311 Seashore Dr., New-mer. Hallet and Dovls. Story YOUR PRESENT NEEDS. and Clark. One gorceow Chkk· 64-4tc Authoriaed Dealer t ._ por - -:Newport mvc1.. Costa --1-====-=-=:-:-::-:.,..,-,;-:,:-41.tf• SNOWBffiD SN-330 in good con- dition. May be-seen at foot of ertng and It ls the real Ollck.,._ WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU Inc. too. Many othen lo choooe VBNETlAN BLINDS-Aluminum, Turquoise Ave. on So. Bay n.J. wood Call UI for free est!· Front. Best offer. Write Stan from. Priced to start at '395. Terms.. Or rent. Danz Sclunldt Plano Co., Excl-ly pl•-. Nolhin& else. 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 55-tfc mate. Renovation A: ren_nlabtn1 Knouse. 308 Hopkins Bldg., So. Cout V"1etlan Blbad Co.. Bakersfield, Cal. 64-2tp w .. 1 18th and Newport Ave, c..ta Maa. Ph: Beaa>n 5355-W. FOR SALF--13-fl. cabin cruiser Radio and Electric REPAIRS :JB.tfe and trailer; excellent condition; ready to go. Stt and make ,,,.. Pla<T and Klndlln& offer. See at Coast Blvd and 24-HOUR SERVICE W 0 0 D 101 Highway, Newport Beach. All Makes _ Pick Up A DeUvery Dellvered ----======--64-·_lt_p PERRY HARDWARE H. W. WRIGHT SNOWBIRD 1305 Coast Blvd. Harbor 232 Ph. Beacon 5665 Built by Johnson Boat Work< CORONA DEL MAR 118& Newport mvd. 3-tf• New Finish 54-tfc Just Arrived ca11 Harbor 229().M GOOD used pianc. tor practice. Some u low as $57 and $79 or n.11 Beuin&' Aid 64-llc BA'M'ERIES Cllll4eNoDD-Co. 117 Main SL Ph. Harbor 515 80-tf< Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 MaJn St-Harbor 145 52-tf< H ereafter If we recap -your TIRES \.\'e guaranter our "Caps" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- -ill WE WJLL GIVE YOU $20.00 SMALL SAILBOAT. suitable for rent a piano tar $5 per mo. Let the chlldren learn. Danz-Schmldt children, complete wtth center s board. rudder and sail. ready to Plano Co., S20 N . Main, anta Ana. 55-tfc go. Ideal t or learning to sail. $90.00. 322 A.nade SI., Balboa. WORLD famous Spinet type , 63-3tp mirror piano. Repouessed. Now -..,,-,,=-===::-c--;--:::-;-: reduced to $295. Terms. Superb BOAT FOR S .<\LE-to clMe estate tone. Mahogany ca.se. Designed the only ~enuine teakwood lady for style and long service. Danz-in CalifC'lrnia. Built in Hongkong M Sclunldt Piano Co., 520 N. &in, in 1940. Completely gone over at Santa Ana. 55-tfc great expense a month ago. 226 Via U do Nord. Phone 1194-J. RADIO HOUSE CALLS- 63-4tc Now that additional competent ---::::--:-:-::-;-c::;-;:;----· technlclan1 are available, we are P U M · P S able to make service calls on WORTHINGTON PRF:SSURE -CENTRIFUGAL For All Pressure Snden Refrigeration large consoles. All work guar- anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-lfc 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim 0008, CATS A PZTS 15 P hone 4652 · 64-ltc DOGS-All breeds, stripped, cllp- FOR SALF--24-ft. Truscott apart ped, and bathed by A.K.C. 11- cruiser, 1946 Chrysler Marine oeruied handler. Free pick-up Ace, sleeps 2. Extras. including and delivery service. Send card. fishing chain. mooring. $5650. Russell L. Ketcham. 421 PolJ\... Now In slip, Cabrillo Beach settla Ave. Corona del Mar. • Landing. By o\Yner, 2981 En-52-ttc B. A. NERESON REAL ESTATE Inouraooe and B>*'-Opportunl-1972 Newpoet BIYll., Costa Mesa , Ph. Bee.con 5225 62-ltc Costa Mesa Five-room hou5e with garage on '°' acre. Eut side- $4500 New Home Just completed; modem two-- bedroom home with tile bath and sink. Large living-room, dbl. garage, one Blk. east of Newport Blvd.: 60 ft. lot at excellent location- $8500-Terms LOTS -LOTS Newport Heights-with and all utilities- $1400 Costa Mesa- $1000 EVA F. RHODEN Realtor 470 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa ELTON BARNETT PFRNEL G. BARNETT Brokers Ph. Beacon 5713-R IF ONE COMES OFF Regardl<'SS of Speed. calysptus Ave., Long Beach 6. SPIXJIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 11 63-2tp ----------~ 64-ltc ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN S HOURS. for a complete set we will call for your car In the morning i..nd deliver !'&me day. Also-a $2.00 l\'1obilstatic balance job "'hen we recap your tires. for $1 .00. No !('ad "'eights or "l'xtras." Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. 64-tfc "AX't&l> TO BUY 11 CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tf• WANTED TO BUY Washing ma- chine, need badly due to Illness \n family. Phone Harbor 2031. 6l-4tc ~ft. speed boat. powered with Chrysler Ace Marine engl ne: 3 cockpits; thoroughly overhaul- ed; in water now at Alamitos Bay, $2850 or trade for cabin type boat. CourtC"sy to broken. Write or call Jim Wilson, 35 Santa Ana. Lc:lg Beach. 51~tfc FOR SALE-New Mari'ne Kohle1 Generator , 1500 watts, 32 voll D . C., retail price fOT this powe1 plant is $516. We have 10 left for clearance sale, $374. Yeokel Bros .. 225 So. Vermont. Los An· Carpenters Available ror general maintenance and repair 0. Z. ROBERTSON Call Harbor 83 KEYS Made WhUe You WaJt VOGEL'S 100 Main SL. Balboa 34-tfc '108 Ma.rtne, Balboa Ialand geles. Phone EX 0882. 45-tfe -------,,,,,------::: WANTED TO RENT U ~tic Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Tu·o. Pyrene & Foam refills. \VANT TO RENT-2 or 3 lx>drm. CQo fixed system and Portable• unfurnished house. Wlll lease. now available. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7f17 FTS HOKIN & GALVAN or 13. ;J:;.tfc 1000 Coast Highway WINTER RENT AL wanted by re- Ph. Beacon 5522 73'.-tfe sponsible couple. Local refer· FOR SALE-2 Star boats. No. ences. Ple-ase write Dave Mar· 2069 Siotl~. with one Watts suit tin, c-o News-Times. 63-2tp of sails, a nd one new Murphy WANTED TO RENT-FurnJshed and Nye main sail, 2-wheel hol.L'e for school term for teach· trailer a nd boat cover. fleet er and her mother, would like champion far pact years, $2200: large living room tor piano. Call No. 2433. one suit of sails and Harbor 23. 63-4tc Will Pay Cash 4-wheel trailer rnexlobll rig. WANTED TO LEASE--! or 2 f nl h t have $1800. Davis Hatch, 219 Mag-years. furnished or unfurn. house Foe )'OUJ' ur ture or w a nolia Ave., Costa Mesa. Phone yow. Phone> Beacon 5656. Craw-Beacon 588S. 63-4tc or apt. Any place in Newport ley Furniture, 1812 Newport -----------or C08ta Mesa district . Will fi.~ Blvd, Calta ltfeta. ~ttc ORDER NOW! up at own expense. Pli Santa rtJJlN1TUllE FOR SALE S2 P-14. Snowbir&i and Starboats. Ana 7047. 62-8tp BOA TS, SUPPLIES • Delivery this fall. Constructed APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted 8:-BEDROOl\l sets, one couch. gas of dry boat CC'dar and boat by man and wt.le. We do not range, floor lamps. rugs, 2 reg-spruce. Bronze fittings and fast· drink or smoke, no children or ular sized doors. etc. 123 E. 1ngs, stainlC'ss st('('I riggings. pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-\V Central. 63-2tp Painted to suit. Trailers, boat or write Box "X" Newport Bal- NEWPORT HEIGHTS Modern stucco home with two bedrooms, living-room, dining- room, sitting·room; t\.\'O-Car garage. laundry and cedar- lined closets on a large corner lot with excell e nt \'iew of the • ocean- $8900 JOHN E. SADLErR 302 Main Street Phone Harbor 2034 • 64-ltc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coots Mela Ph: Beacon 5320 SPECIAL! Completely furnished 3-bedroom home on Orange Ave.; han11A'ood floors, \\•ardrobe closets; larce garage with laundry. Very nioe furpiture, including electric re- frigerator, table-top stove, waah· ing machine. A real home tor only- $11,500 • New Home on Broadway Completely furnished: two bed- rooms. hardwood floors, tub and shO\\'er. Double garage- $13,950-Terms SNOWBffiD -New. $500. Call H-1553-J. complete, 61-4tp covers and sails available for boa News-Tlmes. 37-tfc thC'Se OOats only. Davis Hatch . ------------One Acre 219 1\-tagnolia Ave ., Costa •tesa. =R=!C=•='·._Dl=T::.:A_n _______ •_T 1 Close in wt th t1A"O-bedroom house Phone Beacon 5885. 63-2tc FOR SALE--14-ft. clinker built M O T O R B O A T S Two New Homes row boat. Harbor 1971-J. 63-4tc Read}' for occupancy. Stall $11,500 FOR SALE-Dyer sailing dinghy. R E A D Y T 0 G 0 •how•rs. Glass doors. Rugs. 1 month old. 226 Via Lido Nord. Take away-Jvst a few days after Call 1522-J Two-Bedroom Home Phone Harbor 1194-J. 63-2tc you order-• 63-tfc FOR SALE-16-ft. s ·nipe type 1-Your choice of any or our boats FOR SALE-$7950.00. completely boat all mahogany, $285. 405 (8 to 14 ft.), made ot light. furnished five rooms and guest Well built, with two acres of land Double garage, chicken equip- ment, avtary and garden. Priced at- $10,500 E. i.d&ewater , Balboa.. 61-tfc tough, waterproof plywood with house. immediate po.uessjon. Balboa Din....._.., 120 2-An extra effldent 1 ~ h.p. In-202 41st street. Newport Beach.. WANTED---••v · board motor installed and Abalone Ave.. Balboa Island. 3-A patented ''Flextdrlve" next-Ph. Santa Monica. 7•2939· New 3-Bedroom Home 59-tfc ble shaft-propeller unit (pro-6l-4tp "ro=R-:SALE-S:-:-:=-;;ru=pe:-::sa:-;lls;::-; "'ne::;;;,..;;:, poller steers boat. llfls up in FOR SALE-Furnished house. wa· $50. Also new star jib. $50. beaching boat). terfront. dock and private pier. Best location: hantwocd floon; 000l" furnace; double caraae- $12,200 Tenm. $1000 Each J. E. Barnes & Son Phooe Harbor tm-W. 64-ltp ... Complete. "'"cly to shove off. only 5 years old. also Includes FOR S.Al.E-225 h.p. Otrls-Craft at these typical prices: guest hou3e, harltecue. bar. knot- __,_ recondltloned. See Lucky 10 l't. skilf .. ·-······-··-.$262 ty pine interior. atove, electric --·901 <:out HJ hway, New-12 l't. skilf ... --.---··-···$2\4 refri<lerator, rowboat and out-~· 1 &l-4tc • (while our stock luta> board motor. Open for inspection 5 Residence Lots ,..... • Sal. and Sunday. 10 to 5 P. m. On Walnut Street. Beat b<.,-in FOR SALE-National, one deoJgn WATSON -BOA TS No broker please. Price $22,-town al- claa. racing ..Uboat; all ma-"Small Boat Hdqrs." 500.00. 4108 River Ave., New hotlaDY deck and hull. peTfect 611 Coast Hlway Beacon 5277 port Beach. 63-2tp .an.. excellent condition; com , 60-ttc SAN FR.4.NCISCO 2-bedroom plete $'100. Harboe 1974. 64-ltc 111lSJOAL a UDIO M home and 2 apu1men .. far tn- SNOWBIRD-For rml. by week FOR SALE-Zenlth combination corrw, w11l aeU or trade for or inonlh. has own mooring. tn-radio with automatic record Newport Harbor property. Har-1806 Newpm:t Bhd. quitt 3091> Grand Canal oe changer, y,,ar 1942• heautilul bor 1600. • 57-tfc Costa 11... Ph. Beo<IDD 53a .....__ 5525 &ti.moon only. · 30th N t SALE-Lo in F-•-• 64-ltc .---63-21c cabinet. 120 st., • ewpor · FOR I ~voew ==-==:--;:-::----.,,,....,:--:-'.'.'I .,.-..,.--:-~7."=-:---::-::::--:::= 64-ltp H•lghu. 66-ft. lo 3SO ft., $1500. FOR SALE-214 ........ Fontana. 23 ft. fantail boat; head, galley, Call 110 Pearl Ave., Balboa near steel mllL wm ..n $2500 bunk and larce cabin: 1500 lb. BABY GRAND-Repo11esaed. Now JsJ1rvt 63-.ftc or trade for beoacb. Jll'Ol)ft"ty. 233 capacity; plenty of alba6 coee ~! ~~-~~~ 0 1 !!~~~ barCo.-Sell that unwanud ortl& W . Columbia St.. Wilmar, Collf. salQO. Docked after Pm. •-~~ r~ ' · 151-411c ::·ol 20th St., Newpo.-t. 62-4tp Santa Ana. 55-tfc tbrwab New.11na - .. - I?rice $16,800 :d READY TO MOVE IN-One-ory, tw<>-bedroom stucco. Built in 1946. lot, large rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, se.'.1'.J: porch-. Price $13,'tf Nriv STUO'.X>-Two hardwood floors. panel ray beat Shower over tt' . Tw().Cal' garage Price $98~ _ __,.I BALBOA BAYJkoREs , I LEASEHOLD ESI'ATES-Sel.Jdt your new home from the ones now being ~ted. Contact us for details. Sales representati1~ on property Sun- day. I I BALBOA ISLAND '!WO BAY FRONT Ho·~ -1 pletely furnished. Available fur possession. PriCE Jto sell. I WELL LOMATED-Small hor e, furnished for- $10,500 /I Three medrooms-WELL ~SHED HOME. Terms-'I $16,500 I I EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR I I COVERING GREATER NIWPORT. HARBOR 615 Coast Highway 225 Marine Ave. Corona del Mar 3113 W. Cen ' Balboa Wand Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beach1 Phone: Harbor 1778 I 62-ltc ATTENTION, BUSINESS MEN! This is the place to sell your JJusiness or income property . . . We have a~r number of people looking for businesses of all . I --0 I I TODA Y'S BESfi BUY eoast Highway restaurant. Ner' , Good 1ease. Ex- cell ent location. Fine gross. ' Ideal set-up for drive-in. Complete equipment I -D-11 A. "S AND'( STEINER, Realtor and Associatfl 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacof l5173 64-ltc I NOW TRY BALBtj~ ISLAND • • AN OUTSTANDING co~ tor var- iety of homes. . . . We ~y have the list- ing for you. Call Hub Pt era at Harbor 62-W. . I J. A. Beek Office, Ferry Landing Balboa Island i I 63-2-tc FOR: SALF--Beautilul 60 fL lot FOR! SALE BY OWNER-Income near clubhouse on Lido Lsle, $6000. Harbor 2447-R. 64-2tc property on comer near New- JX)rt Harbor Yacht club, 2 w alt'!I, t ;f; ;f; ;f; BEAUTY SALON Good equiimient and nice inventory. Boolcs open for inspection. Seller will work for buye!' on usual deal. Too much wOl'k for one operator. Good reason for aeillng. Good nelghborilood and well established clientele. Low rmt lease runs to 1951. One of the sweetest moneymakers In this area. We'll be glad to drive you over to see this. t t t t MANUFACTURING ZONE BUILDING LOT Exceptional size, 150x93 On fine comer. Heart of Newport Beach lndustrlal area. This is one of the best buys we've seen In quite a while. Act fast t ;f; t ;f; CHARMING WATERFRONT HOME Located in exclusive yacht club section just behind Bay Island. Pier and float on 60 feet of waterfront Exceptional room and sleeping accommodations for more than 14 people. Excellent condition. Well furnished. Immediate possession--$40.000 with tenns if desired. ;f; OWNER ;f; ;f; SAYS ;f; "SELL" !Brand new three-bedroom home on Broadway in Costa Mesa. Dining-room, lots of tilework, fire- place double garage and many other features of a mcxre'm home reflect the genius of a talented de- signer. A charming home in an excellent neighbor- hood. We have the keys right here and will be glad to have you see this fine $12,000 home. Good - tenns. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 a: 1601 · 64-ltc SEA VIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES Large Restricted Building Lots Unobstructed View of Ocean and Harbor Adjacent to Fastest Growing Shopping Center Paved Streets-All Utilities in and Paid For Tenns of Sale--Olsh or 1-3 Down Easy Monthly Payments --0- New Subdivision Selling Fast -Act Now For Choice Location --0- RALPH P. MASKEY, Realtor 3411 W. Central, Opposite Lido Theater (Courtesy to Realtors) 64-ltc John D. Burnham 2001 O~an Blvd. fw:nlshed, 3-car garage. Price .-:::~~:-:::::;:::;:-:-;:=:==--::=~;;::;::=:~======== $2,.000. D-estview 68468 or Har· \VANT A HOME? Eastern house 1'BAJLDL8 ti lx>r 11764--\V. 825 W . Bay Ave. trailer and cabana, bUtane gas, TRAD..ERS FOR RENT-Do )'Om' Phone Harbor 315-Ba.lboa Income property on Peninsula P oint., $19.500 furnished. Down· stain. 2 bedrooms, (living-room, dining-room combined), bath, kitchen: upstaln, 1 bedroom, bath, kitchen, Jarge living.room and aundeck. Garage apt. in rear, 1 large room. kitchenette and bath. good retrtgerator 1n each. 'l\vo-<:ar garage. lt-3 zining. 62-ttc El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue $4750 Large Corner Lot On ~ with view. $5750 Business Lot with two tmall - $10,500 LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W . L. JORDAN 100 E. Oentnl, Bal1- Phone HBJ'bor 163 S.tfe -' - Cofttesy to brokers. 63-2tc running water and lotS of ~xtras. own hauling and movln&-AD ORI Can sleep 6 people. On mce lot -·• t .., _ -~ ""JIO F SALE-Corona del Mar 4().ft. on Bay with low rent ye_ar newda.,.~pmenW fU• ~.~the~ L~~ Jot/ 8.t 310 Larkspur near Sea per y e nll5ll "'~ Vie4', $3950. Phone Santa Ana 'round. Pri~ right for qwck Myrehn · Bros. Service Statkm. 26 7-W. Owner. 425 So. Syca-sale.;;:-~e-~, ~I ;:9· ~~ cor. 17th&NewportBlvd.,Coota m<lr~, Santa Ana. 62-4tp JX>rt ac 81 er ar · Mesa. M-d't INOOME PBOPEBI f rl" a SIX-OOM HOME one block . . AIIU'tANU tram shopping district, Costa FOR SALE-26-ft. cabin crwser, f ,FO=R=--:s"A'"'I'°'.F::--:N,;ew,--::Frcoupeo,==:::- Mesa. Immediate possession. new Gray motor. $2000. Phone aeroncas. Globe Swift, tugbt f.n-. Insr:t today-182 Rochester Santa Ana, 14T1·J. ~ltp atructlon at Skyharbor, one mlle St Phone owner. Torrance MONEY m WAii , I' west on 19th at., Costa Mela. 17 ·R. 64-4tp LOANS TO BUILD._,,""-63-41c rrohn D. Burham ~ni;::; • ..._ T: ~~~Palaoover~= I 2001 Ocean Blvd. -s:;s Loen .A-Uao tlon. Compei..nt a-AM' Jn. Pljone Harbor a~Baiboa 3311 Via uclO Ph. -uoo ltnlctora. . A!oO deaJen tar 2 inew I Cape Cod homes on MO!lln'· WAMl'M» N Aerooca and b neW slabo Oce ~ •L-"Swtfr planes c.me lo N...,_ an •~ton -WANTED--Prl-tate Jou. $10.000. poet Bay Sky Hartltr. -mile Peninsula Secured by-~ -~-....., at Costa -m lltb St. Box 628, Bal1-Ioltmd. 59.tfc S.tfe I I (JOIJO OCEAN FRONT 1~ and a halt, 2-l>edroom ' · arge eoom tlpltaln f~ llvlng room. tnploce, bedroom and bath over ~. wall beaten. j 12004 OCEAN FRONT 1 .. tjry and a halt, 2-bedroom and ~th. large room upoWn far ~ living room. ~. ~n.« ,_.,, kitchen. cooaed ' !era with barbecue, lawn. • --brick -nc.. ' • • fences surrouadlng each. . _...__at -. .. 'Ibe9e hcM8el open dally I, I~ !D-tf~ •, AV!m -~ 11£11!09 W.&W,. • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices S!IJl. YOUR CAR NOW Wldle Prtca -Bllh- Pla. fw our_....._ ~ who wlll cd m4 wlvla you ........ OPA ...-U... t = C ...... and 811 .... ,,,,... aJLBERTSON CH!VROLBT CX>., Inc. 0 Ui&ht .. QI' '? Dz' I ... W•C Lttd.lfsapatP *1. •o::.~=:.11rloS1•r•s• rt . •- \ . l -. . . .. - ' ' ' ' ' • I • I ,, l, I . .. l • I~ -. • • Dining Hause .•. • ' • ' . .,,,.. OPEN 5 P. M. UNTIL CLOSL"l'G TOURNAi.'IEST OF LIGHTS AUGUST 11th PIRATE DAYS. SEPfEM.BER ~. 6, 7 and 8 &.OS AHOILIS HOLlYWOOO LOMG HACH rAIADINA """""' l lVllSIDI ........... LESTER & Co. ftf,mbw Lo1 A•gr/,1 Sto el! Exch••t' 2004 WEST CE."iTBAL A VE., NEWPORT BEAC.H HARBOR 137~-J INVEST MENT SECUl lTlfS TO MEET THf INVESTOIS' NEEDS DO YOU HOLD ONE OF THESE . COUPONS? ...... ....-'_ .. l I ' I < -"-7-BRING THIS AD \ •-t.....,. • ....,. '* you haw an Austin Scudio "Special Adwrtiaing oter• <'Ofttne!-- ic aow and ~itt a smart ·lead.ere~ frame (euel t.di.) FREE ud wido- °"'obligation; in ADDITION 10 the portrait o&r oo the coupoo ...a SUT. 30, 1946. Yow A..;. S,,,., eo.,_. -Nl.#U ..J will._,, w ,_J r-11•"'-oJ •t •• buc from now until next Sepe. 30dl - -ID r our Early Bird Oiristmas cust0men dtis special gift. ,_ brh1 .. .i ud your coupoo co any AldCin .Studio. No appoia-t ;;, '* r -, • . AUSTIN STUDIOS I We -fully eqlllpp•~ to tab potfralts i. Ho•• tw c:•srt&A I 5081/i N. Main St. -· Phone 1463 Santa Ana ' • Pastor Says We Suffer ~ from Surplus of Unchanged Minds ''The wwld II llUIJering from a world Thett ""' many ideas about surplus or unchanged mind&.'' said the cburch. To some it Ls a sort the Rev. Pury F . Schrock In Na of lnSuran<e policy that may come sermon at the Corona del Mar tn handy 1n cue of trouble. To Community church on August 4. some it ls a community institution ''Too many people in the world that ls taken for granted and must are like the modren Arab who has be supported. To some it is a cen· been described as 'migratory V1 ter of cuJture. To many good souls hls movements but is stationary '" it ls source of help and inspiration his opiniom: Saturday night used to the inclivdual. Bu't' ought it not to be bath night-a time for mean that its primacy purpose is cleansing the body and changing to be an instrument for changing the clothing in preparation for the world! I am con~1nced th8.t EltlsCe Calllope wm Play for Liglits Fete The M. Eltllte Co., Orange County International Han-ester dealer announc<d today that the famous Eltiste Calliope shown above will participate in the Tour. nament of Ligh!S this Saturday night at Newport Beach. This calliope adds much gaylety and enjoyment to outstandin& an- nual .public events "'ith its indi- vidual style of music so loved by everyone. Sunday and the church. We need many of us need to change oir l----4------------------------- a sort of spiritual Saturday night minds about the church. I For the first time in history, ex- cept during "'ars, a government oil. and gas agency has been set up -'-ID the department of interior. -a time when we get rid of some John The Bapti!:t and Jesus both p I t• soiled opinions and get some new began their ministries with the opu a ton clean ones. We need to do some same sermon. It was "Repent." fresh thinking and change our ··Repent ye for the Kingdom is at • minds about some of the things hand." and what does repent Ga· . See that are important in the world mean. Nothing more or less thad tn n-· There are three related topics to change one's mind. We need the\ · that we ought to think about and sennon of John and Jesus preach-I about which we need to change ed tcxiay. We need to change our F c ty our minds and get some· new opin-minds and change them along the or OU n ions. Suppose we think abou~ these lines we have been speaking about. questions: Can the teaching of Jesus be practiced in the kind of L d D -~. - a world we have to live in? Have •1 0 odor Tw9 high-ranking memf><rs of we any responsibility for the kind the lf. S. Chamber of Commerce of world we have? Is there any ~ on a few national predic-. important. He pleaded for retention of ••good men, Democrats or Repub- licans," holding that seniority rights built up are more important to the west than the winning of a complete sweep by either political party. The Associated Olambers helped George Arvanitu, manager of Sam'a Sea Food cafe, where the banquet was held. observe his 10th anniversary in business "at the same old stand" Frank Burrill of Brea, treasurer, welcomed the delegates. Drive C&ref'Ully-Spare a Ute. DEA L'S Famous Smoked Fish Alwa:ys FrMla 110 McFadden PL -llton: 101 ~ ·.&·-----reJation between our ideat of the N d LA tions ~d the inside look-in on the church and the kind of world we ame •in Washington scene Tuesday night have'! when ' they were main guests at WUI Durant, in a magazine arti-the Associated Chamber of Com-.--------------------------~ cle some years ago said that Chris-merce meeting at Sunset Beach. tianity would be the sincere ac-Dr. Stanley O. Chambers, 844 Jacob E . Allen, national affairs ceptance of the moral ideals of Lido Nord, Newport Beach, this advisor for the U. S. Chamber, Christ. But he went on to say week was nBJfled to the consulting r evieied the country's Congres- that we cannot expect human be-committee of the Memorial Medi-siona election picture and said Brak en Lenses Duplicated G'-Adjusted • Eyes Enmlned E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. Pboae Barbor !511 i:...atap by Appointment '" lngs in any large number to make cal Center or California-$6.000.-altho gh the Senate numbers only the New Testament the actual rule 000 hospital facility to be con-.96 members as compared to the of their lives. He insisted that we structed in the western section of 435 Congressmen, the Senators must not define Olristianity as the Los Angeles metropo~tan area. "are 1overly fearful" in interpret- the practice of the principles of Dr. Chambers was ~ong 62 ing public opinion because not Ch.rist but rather the acceptance outstanding -physicians 1a nd sur-enough of them are from the rural or those principles. A great many. geons selected to assist the re-or "grass roots'· areas. Congress- people seem to agree with Durant cently appointed nine-man medical men are "more amenable·· grass- that .the teaching of Jesus is beau-advisory conunittee. ' roots' opinion since twc>-thirds of >---------------------------' tiful and ought to be accepted but Announcement or ·the appoint-th~n1 are from rural areas. Allen cannot be practiced. Dr. Fosdick ment \\'BS made by Dr. W. L. said.· admits that many people have re-Marxer of West Los Angeles, Alie~ ll!uded this county's voters ducE'd the ir Christianity to ad-chairman of the medical-advisory for p1ck1ng Congressman John miration of Jesus. But, adds Dr. committee. Phillips of Banning a nd said that Fosdick. Christ is no beautiful sun-With the organizational struc-"if all the voters in all the nation's set concerning \Vhich it is su!fi-turl' or the proposed new center Congressional districts had foll o\v- cient to say 'Ho"'· lovely!· nearing completion, a campaign to ed Orange County's lead, things The teaching of J esus is a \\·ay raise a minimum of $6,o00,000 will would be greatly different in or life to be lived. not a creed to get under way in the near future, \Vastngton." be accepted. If this \\'8Y of life according to Donald M. Nelson. Le ters from constituents to ca.nnot be lived in the kind of a campaign chairman. the ongressmen or Senators as- wor1d "'e have then \Ve need to sist ~hem to better serve the peo- change the kind of \\'orld we have. Country,s Newsreels pie, µie speaker maintained. But we sha11 never change the Sh Allen closed his talk with a pre- world until we change our minds. OW Snowbird Race 4ictibn that Orange County will We need to change our minds have 500,000 persons as residents about what the Gospel of Jesus is. Ne\\'Srecls all over the United by 1955, He urged the na tion as a It is a gospel-good news-for the States are showing pictures of the whole "to restore and preserve the individual person . But it is good Flight of the Snowbirds, accord-traditional form of government news for the world. The purpose of ing to Eyre Powell of the Powell and "to restore and prcser,·e free the gospel is to so change the _Press Service. In a phone call to econqmy." world that it will be the kind of the Newport Harbor Chamber of William G;. Herron, business world in which people can practice Commerce Powell reports that the and 'governmental consultant for the m oral ideals of Jesus. And if f\1'ovietone, News of the Day and the 1¥· S. Chamber, reviewed prc>- the gospel is to be applied to life Universal Newsreels arc all carry-cedures and organization of Con- people must do the applying. Ing pictures of the Snowbird race. gress, relating that all important We are told that there are over The news releases \A:hich include work is done by committees with five hundred · million Christian the Flight of the Snowbird race seniority or the lawmakers all CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marsh~ Mana&er Bal'-, C omla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS ... BANOUEffi people in the world. That is a lot are 1'1ovietone 99. News of the ---------------------------------------- of people. Why is it that we have Day 297 and Universal No. 5Z7. • J the kind of world v.·e have with all According to one authority on ttie that number of Christian people subject these three releases cover ln the "'orld ? I "'onder i( our idea practically every important city in of the church has any bearing on the world. the r ffC'Ctiven ess or ineffectiveness of Christianity u pon the life o f the Use VITA-FOOT For Athlete's Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. IL! W. 9th SL Loo ~·15 North Carolina is the ne,,·est southern sta\c in \\'hich ex-plora- 1 tory drilling for oil is being car- ried o n. [MEN-WOMEN · Prostate ---Pelvis IT'S YOUR GLANDS ~ .... ....._llel ... ...., _, -- ......................... Na ..... -N• .... p--N• 1vnn-N'e a. ,..,_ ~-IL /. ~lL D. 0., n..o., l eT H .. k , N.-,-t ._. P1rloM lluMr llM. ,... ........ ... .. 1--. llMc .......... I• G-..a. H-.n 9 :39 A.. IL M 'Ti.MP. IL • ...,.. ... n _...,. CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMEIT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipqient Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W I Trave J ir ~ with children? The train offers n great many ad- vanta;es to parents traveling witµ ohildren: 1 Safety. Statistics prove that you and your children are safer o n the ·train than in your own home. That's pretty bard to boat. 2 Low cost. Children under 5 ricM FREE when accompanitHI by an •ult, chllclNn fnlM 5 to encl Ind"'- .... 11, holf-. 3 P ullman bertha coat the u.me ....,..._ .-by one or two peope Thuoa --wilha child .... uc1ou- ble up" with the child in • 1-th fm: DO edditicwwJ J'nQmn faa. 401 1 .... -..... - ....CIU ................ ... ....... _ ... __ ,__-.: L 5 Southern Pacific dining can of!',.. a wide variety of food for children aa well as adult& A special Children's menu oft'ers meals af less than adult rost. Ingredients and facilities are provided for the preparation of for- mulas and special diets. 6 On the train, children have plenty of room to move around. They aren't ••cooped up .. as in ao many other f'*1m of tnnsportation. And &bey will pt a friendly reception m-oar tninmen, moot of whom have chil- dren ol their own. 7, ......................... ., •i:••• '°'ch ... , .... they .. 6rllr 1111c•t 11 d 1Wy, • •• ••• ...... l~.._toddocmatmia. Rmwnw ...i-,._ -• child- wt.at ftm It -to tUo. -trip? ., 0,.. ......... p. ... dallJ' _,. 'ti! 8 p. m. Bring T his Ad ~ ........... ...mp.,. ---N .-T. '8-15-43 l 'l'tla 111111 8uta AM Aft. -o.ta ,.._ The fa lendt_y $.9._utht!t!' Pacific E. B. SHARPLEY, District Paseenger Aaent llOS !f ...... k s-ta Am • , • • • ,.;.,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,...,... ........ ~..-~~~~~..-~..-!·~·£W!!l-OWl!!!,t!8!'!1~A01!5~A~M~&!W!! .. t~!! .. !!i'!,Jrcatu!T •• 'h7"2::i:~P ~nl:~::::·:f~·-= ....... ~~!::Ll;~~J9~M~0:-'::'",...:-":'::"".'~..-~'.""""'."",...~~..-~..-..-..-..-..-..-..-~..-..-........ ..-........ ..! .... ~~ .. !:'=zz= P UBLIC N O TICES 70 cla.l'9 after the dfectiVe dote ot em Callfornla; (2) The "811"Pl• forth and described Jn • .-lut!CD by the Board of Supervilon of the line of the County Highway 60 of 8 parcel of land described In 'and aalcl • said ordinance il'ODtlng said pet!-amoont to be so ralaed by such and ot'der establlJhing said pre-County of Orange. State ot CaJi. feet In width, as desaibed 1n' the Deed to the City of N t spodal ·-Will lie LZOAL NOTICE lion, at wltich election the ~-special taXes lhalJ be '668.200; cine!> as election prednctl In tbe fomla, the 8th day ot January, petition for public hlgbw New-Beach said Deed ewpor cooducted and tbe 'VOte -t NOTICE AND PROCLAMA· tion of such annexation of said (3 l The ~umber of years pr8Cfl1>-County ot Orange, Stile of Cali· 1946, and Is set forth In Book 44, port Beach Road. and ...:.:.i..i In In ~ 249 ~ ~ counted, pooled, .-w.s ~ ...,. TION OF TIIE CALLING AND part of said . corporate area to ed for rawng sudt ngregate sum lornla, which said order wu pus-page 473, et seq., of the Super· Book 250, page 73. Records of said Records f • ~County· va...d, and the reoulta therecl HOLDING OF A SPECIAL Coastal Municipal Water District. shall be twenty years, oommenc-ed and adopted by the Board ot visors' Minute Book of said Orange County· thence o N~ 23, 57; • aacertalned, determined and de- ELECrIO subJ<ct to the terms and oondl· Ing with the tiScal year 1947-1948; Supervisors of the County of County. thence nor~l 30. East clued In the manner provided 117 TIIE CO~RA~T ~T g~ tions so fixed by the Board of .Di· (4 l Subatantlally equal annual Orange, State of CaJifornla, the Tbe polling place for this Pre-southerly prolong:~:::::::. ~ °:J ';'~7terly line of law. TIIE CITY OF NEWPORT rectors of "'d Coastll.Munlopal levies wlli be made for the pur· 8th day of January, 1946, and Is cint Is Stanley's Real Estate Of. erly line and the easterly line of 317.sir"eet· an a distance of 8"'tlon80Tbocanna1Deatthe BEAO! Nor NOW INCLUDED Water District ~d subject to the ~ of r-ais.J.nc aald sum over the set forth ln Book 44, page 473. et fice, 617 Coast Hlghwll)', Corona said County Hlghway, and as said thence &uth n . 54• Eas votes cast at said apedal electkm W 1 TH 1 N THE CORPORATE terms and condltionS so fixed by period so prescribed; seq., of the Supervisors' Minute del Mar, California. County Highw.,-ls shown on Tract the norther! lin of . t alo&g wlli be made and conducted 117 the AREA OF COAST AL MUNICI· the Board of Directon of The (d ) That, as prescribed by the Book ot said oounty. Tbe election officers tor this No. 2T Boulevard Addition to ot · Y e said paroel Board of ~ ot Coutal Mu- PAL WATER DISTRICT ON Metropolitan :W•t~r District or Board of Directon of said The The polllnc place for this pre-Precinct and their addresses and Newpor't Heights being part of t~and a dis~ of 290.24 feet; nld.pa) W.f,ttt District at a meet- TUESDAY. niE lOTH DAY OF Sou~em Califorrua, should be Metropolitan Water •District of dnct is the Fire Station at 2817 the offices to be held by eadt are: Lot 169, Block 2,' Irvine Subdivl-nor~n~ C:ntinwng . along the 1111' to be beJd for that ~on SEPTEMBER, 1946, FOR TIIE sub~tted. to the vote _of the elec-Southern California by tts afore--West Central Avenue, Newport Inspector: Fay D . Benedict, 427 sion, as recorded in M1scellaneous lan er y n~ of, said ~ .of Thursday, the 12th day ot Septem- PURPOSE OF SUBMITnNG TO tors .m S8.1d part of sa.ld corporate said resolution and order passed Beach, California. Narcissus, Corona del Mar. Maps. Book 9, page 26, records of ot ~~~ ~ 43 East '°distance ber, 1946. at 8 :30 o'clock P . M. nn; QUAUFIED ELECTORS area, and, and 1idopted the 12th day of July, The election officers for t.hls California. said County to an intersection f ~t to the ncrtheut (but subject to -the provisions ol OF ntAT PART OF THE OOR-WHEREAS. said election was 1946, in the _event Qf. such annexa-prednc.t and their addresses and Judge: Harrie tt C Ruggles, 504 with the ce~ter line of the Old ~:C: S::tb P8:"ceJ of land; Section 'ltk>l ot said Electiobl PORATE AREA OF THE CITY called .an~ o~ed to be held at Uon to said Coastal Municipal the offace to be held _by each are: Goldenrod, Corona del Mar, County Road, as shown on Tract a nd the sou along the east ~ Code) at the office of Couta1. Mv-. OF NEWPORT BEACH NCYf and within S8ld part of the cor-Water District of the corporate Inspector: Mn. Arline C. Jasper. Callfornia. No. 77, Boulevard Addition to th .ther1Y prolongation nidpal Water District, 1n the La· NOW INCLUDED WITHIN THE pora~ ~a of the .a~y ~ N~w-area of the City of Newport Beach 106-24th Street, Nev1>-port aerk: Fr-ances D. Graham, 510 Ne\vport Heights being part of dis~f 0~ ~do ~l of 18:fld a guna Beach County w,ter District CORPORATE AREA OF COA.Sr-~t a not now m u Wlth-not now included within said Beach. C.allfomia. Acacia. Corona del Mar, Cali-Lot 169 Block 2 Irvine Subdi-ce ~. · .1 eet to an mter· Buildtng, in the Qty of Lacuna AL MUNICIPAL \VATER DIS-in ~e. corporate ~ea. of Coastal Coastal l'tfunidpal Water District. Judge: Lucille Deitrich, 519-fornia.. vision. ~ recorded in Miscellan· section Wlth a line~ feet north· Beach. County of Oranae State TRI CT THE PROPOSmON OF Murue1pal Water District on TUes-punuant to said petition tor such 35th Street, Newport Beach, Clerk : Essie D. Kyte, 312 Or-eous ?.laps Book 9 page 26 rec-er~~~ andlkh par~el with L?e at~ of California and if it ,,; deter. ANNEXING SAID PART OF day, the 10~ day of September, annexa~on so ftled on May 2. Calilo~ chid. Corona del Mar, Cali-ords of said Count}.; • sat ead line extending from mined upon ihe canvuatng ol the SAID CORPORATE AREA TO 1946, by Ordinan~ No. 6 ~ 1946, with said Secretary of said Clerk: Elsie G. Newland. 3008-D Iomia. thence North 56• 59' East along U. S. Bulkhead S~U?D No. 151 vote cut at said elect:lon th t the COASTAL MUNICIPAL WATER and adopted by satd Bo:8-':d or Di-Coastal Munidpal \Vater District Coast ~ev8:f11. NeWport The compensation for each elec-the said center line of the Old to U.S. Bulkhead Station No. ~52 ; said proposition so submitt~ at DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE rector:i o~ CoasW Muruopal W a-and subject to the terms and con-Beach, California. tion officer so serving will be the County Road 783 92 feet. t!'ena: d~ east along a line, u.Jd special election to the el TERMS AN·D CONDITIONS FIX-~er Distli~, ~d ther:e wu also ditions fixed by said Board of Di-Clerk: Ruth M. Gerrish. 201 sum of $8.00. thence North 10· 6' E~t 496 06 "'hich line LS 200 feet northerly ton of That Part of the :: ED BY THE BOARD OF DIREC-i~c.luded in SBJ.d Ordinan~ pr~ rectors o~ 5?1d The MetropoU tan 29th Street, Newport Beach. . Section 5 : The sa.id polling feet along the said center line. of of and l>W'.allel with. the aforesaJ.d Area of the Oty of Newport~ TORS OF SAID COASTAL MU· v:is1ons for the ho.lding of sai~ eleo-Water District of Southern Call-California.. places have been established as the Old County Road· ~ulkhead line ~ending from U. S. Not NOW' Included Wt NICIPAL WATER DISTRICT tion._ esta~llshing co~lidated fornia byH.id resolution and order, COASrAL MUNICIPAL WA-the polling places whett the Polls thence North 36• 18',E t 44043 Bulkhead Station No. 151 to U.S. Corporate Area of ~ the AND SUBJECT TO TIIE TERMS elec~on preoncts. desi~n~ting the said The Metropolitan _Water Dis--TER DJSTRlCT -NE\VPORT will _be open on the day of said feet a1ong the center li~ of Ute Bulkhead Station No. 152 a ~ nidpal Water District has ~~ AND CONDITIONS FIXED BY polling places, . appo~?ng the trlct ot Southern California will BEAOI AREA SPECIAL El.EC-elecbon from the hour of 7 :00 Old County Road· lance of 1,287.29 feet t~ a pomt; the affirmative \"Ote of --~ THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~ of Electu~n, f1~g com-provide a feeder pipe line from the TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-o'clock A. M ., on said dAy, to 7;00 thence North 12'.. , thence due north a distance of of ~ votes cas . a .~.....,.., ... t:y OF TilE METROPOUTAN WA-pens~~on of election offtcers and point where the Orange County CINCT NO. 2 sha1J consist of a o'clock P . M. on said day, when feet along the said 3!,~est~21.~ 300 feet to a point ; then the Presi~ ~~~~ TER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN providing for the counting and feeder extension line of said last consolidation of Precincts 3 8 and the polls will be closed except as n er ne 0 thence due east a distance of n ...... ~ CALIFORNIA DESC RIBI NG ~anvassing of ballots and the ta.k-named District crOSStt Newport 11 of the Oty of Newport 'Beach, provided by Section 5734, of the ~ti~ld ~unty Road, to an. inter· 250 feet to a point; ~~e said Board of Directors of nn: CONsciUDATED El.EC-· ing of a_ll steps n~essary to com· Avenue, in the vicinity of Costa as aald Precincts are set forth and Elections Code of the State of Wes~t th Athe centerah line of thence due south a distance of upon ~Munid:1tl Water Dlltricl. TION PRECINCfS AND THE plet e said annexation ; now, there-Mesa in said County of Orange, described in a resolution and order California. f ~ venue, ~ own on 300 feet to a point; t th com e on ° the can· PC)LUNG PLACES THEREIN fore, thence southwesterly to the inter-establishing !a.id Precincts u Section 6: The appropriate name :X,~a~e~ghts rst Addi~!. t.o =-k thence due east a distance of 350 ::; e~ectt:O ~ult 1:fi::niv0: ~ Es TA 8 L 1 s HED FOR SAID NOTICE AND PROCL~-section of said Newport Avenue election precincts in the Cowlty and words of Identification given of Mis ll ' as reco in feet to a point; reel will Y sa EL.EcnON ST AT 1 NG THE TION are hereby made and given with Twenty-third Street in the of Orange State of California said part of saJd cotporate area ce an~us Map 4• page 94, thence easterly in a direct line on, certify that fact to NJU.1ES oF THE MEMBERS OF by tk Board of Directors of vicinity of said Costa Men and which said0 order was passed and by the Board of Directors of re:rds of S8ld C0!1"t:>:; to Stat ion No. 75 of Patent boun· ~Secretary of State and to the nu: BOARDS OF ELECTION Coas~ Municipal W:ater .District saJd The Metropolitan Wale; Dis-adopted by the Board of Super-Coastal l\funicipal Water District the e~~ N;rth :9 ·~wEast a1ong darles of the Rancho San Joaquin, Or unty ~~t°'C:~ ~ty of FOR S UCH POLLJNG PLACES that, In accordance with said Ordi-trlct of Southern California, in the visors of the County of Orange, for the purpose of identifying said Av ce e; ne 0 sat es~nster as per map recorded in Book I, wt:1ge, a e 0 onua. and AND TIIE COMPENSATION OF nances No. 5 an~ No: 6, ~ event of such annexation, will pro-State of California. the 8th day of part of said corporate area for said lnt e n1.1c . ~.OJ . feet to a Potnt. of page 47 of Patent Records of Los promptly do all. acts: and take SAID ELECTION OFFICERS and ~dopted by said Board at said vtde the necessary shut-off .. ·alves, January, 1946, and is set forth in election ls "That Part of the Cor-of er~tion with the center line Angeles County, California: all proceedings required by law to AND STATING THE PROCED-meeting held the 26th day of July, check valve, meter and vaults to Book 44 , page 473, et seq .. of the porate Area of the Qty of New· f Fift~nth s~e;_!· as ~~~~ on thence southeasterly along said com:lete ~uch annexation and to URE F'OR CA.NV ASSING THE l946: enable water to be delivered fron1 Supervisors' liiinute Book of said port Beach Not Now Included ~ or C'sat ~a.p ~ . U'St A iuon to Rancho boundary line to Station ~n ~r suallc annexation fully effec- BALLOTS CAST AT SAllJ Section 1: A special election has said Orange County feeder exten-Count y. Within the Corporate Area of ~wport eig ts, 0 , 78 of said Rancho boundary; said ve or purposes. ELECTION. been called and ordered to be held s.ion line t~ough said feeder pjpe . The polling ~lace for this Pre-Coastal Municipal Water District", f henlcc So~th 49 30 .East 3.2~ Station being South ss• 43' 40• Dated this 26th day of July, and notice and proclamation there-hne to said Coastal l\tunicipal e1nct is the City Hall, Newport and the boundar ies or said part or F~~ a ong t e center lm.e of s~d east 220.55 feet from United States 1946. WHEREAS. certain qualified of hereby are given by the Board Water District at the intersection Beach, California. said corporate area in the CountY 1 ieen.t h St~eet to 8 po~nt .or 1.n· Bulkhead Station No. 104 in the THE BOARD OF DIRECI'ORS ele-ctors residing within that part of Directors of Ola.stal l\.funicipa1 of said Newport A~enue with said The election officers for this of Or ange, State of California. as ~e~u:~ \l.•ath the cen ter line of bulkhead line, as said bulkhead OF COASTAL MUNICIPAL or the corporale area of the City Water District. which special 1\\·enty-third Street. but said The Precinct and their addresses a nd the same are set forth and describ-r~'lne -.:enu~, as sho~':n on afore-line and bulkhead stations are laid WATER DISTRICT. of N('WJ)Ort Beach not now in-election is to be held a t a nd within Metropolitan Wat('r District of the offi ces to be held by each are: cd in said petition praying for said said ma~ of ~1rst Add1t1on to New-out and shown upon the map oI By E . H. BEAVER. eluded within the corporate area that part of Lhe cor porate area of S~uthern California \Viii not pro-Inspector : H anna h M . Gillis. 214 a nnexation and as set forth and po~ He~g~ts, 0 • Newport Bay, California, showing Secretary of Said CoastaJ of Coastal Municipal Water Dis-the City of Newport Beach not v1de pressure--regUlating equip-21st Street, Newport Beach, described in Ordinance No. 5 pass-h en_ce uth ~ 30 W~t along Harbor lines, approved b y the W ar Municipal \Valer District. trict, which said part of said cor-now included within the corporate ment: t hat in the event that said California. ed and a dopted by the Board of t e said center line of Irvine Ave-Department January 18th, 1917; (Seal ) porate ar('a lies whoUy within the area of Coastal ?t.funicipal Wa ter corporate area of said Ci ty of Judge: Irene M . Woods, 207-Directors of Coasta l l\.1unicipal nue. and the southwesterly prol?n-thence South 4.5 .. 45' East 990 Attest : County or Or ange. State of Cali· District. County of Orange, State N~wyort .Beach not no~ included 20t~ S~cet, Nc\vport Beach, \\'ater Di.strict granting the prayer ~~t:io~n of the center line of Irvine feet;' -E . H. BEAVER. fomia, have petitioned Coastal of California, on Tuesday, the 10th W1th1n sa1d Coastal Municipal Wa-Cal1forn1a. of satd petition for a nnexa tion a nd en e 2•495 feet, mo re or less, thence South 29° 00' East ~ Municipal Water District praying day of September, 1946, said part t er District is not so annexed to Cle rk : Julia Mae Egger t . 1608 which also constitute the boun'-to th northeast corner ~f Lo! 'H ', feet; Secretary of Said Coastal for the annexing o! said part of of said corporate ar ea being the .sa.ld Coastal Munjcipal Water Dis-West Ocean Front, Newpor t daries of Tha t Part of the Cor-Tract1919, as recorded in Miscel-thence South 54 0 30' East to an Municipal Water District. said corporate area to Coastal area, the boundaries or which are trtct. pursuant to said petition for Beach, California. porate Area of the O ty of New-l!pleous. l\.la~, Book 29, pages ~l intersection with the southwester-Pub.: Aug. 15· 22· 29 and Sept. 5. ?.tuniclpal \Vater District, under set forth and described in ;aid su~ annexation and subject to Clerk: Libby C. Bolton. 209-port Beach Not Now [ncluded to 34 incl~1ve, ~ecords of said ly prolongation of the norlhwest - the .. Municipal Water District petition for ::irnexation and in 'aid sBJ.d terms and conditions so fixed 20th Street. Newport Beach, Within the Corparate Area of County, which point is also the erly line of Twenty-Seve nth Ave-NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Act of 1911", as an1ended. and Ordina nce f';o. 5 granting .aid b~ said last mentioned Board of Ca.ifornia. Coastal Municipal Watet Di.strict, so~thwest corner of. the 80 foot nue, as Twenty-Seventh Avenue is PROPERTY AT PRJVATE SA.Lil thereby annexing, including and petition for ~:d annexation an l in Dtre<:tors, then said The l\ietro-COASTAL MUNICIPAL \VA· County of Orange, Sta le of Cali· strip of the State Highway right shown on a map of Cor ona del No. 249,582 adding said part of said corporate this Notice and Proclama tio 1. politan \Vater Di.strict of Southern TER DISTRICT -NE\VPORT fornia. are set fort h and described of ~ay. as d<'Cded by deed. record-Mar recorded ·n Miscell IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF area to The l\tetropolitan Water Section 2: At s.:i iC: 3r -:-ial r 'cc-California will not provide a ny BE ACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-as follows;: ed in Deed ~k 506, page 334, Ma ' Book 3 1 41 a~eo~ District of Southern California, rus tion there will be su\Jr.ti.~ d to 1he such feeder pipe line and will not TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-A1J the certain real prGperty records of S8ld County; ~ds of said r~: . an ' THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA provided by the Metropolitan Wa~ qualified elcctor.3 rt:..d. .. " wi hi n provide any such shut-off valves, CJNCT NO. 3 shall ronsist of a situate in the County of Orange . thence along the State Highway thence northeast 7' alon th TN AND FOR THE COUNTY ter "'ptrict Act (Statutes 1927, said part of said corporate a ·ea. ch~ck valve, meter or vaults for consolidat ion of Precincts 4 and 5 State of California and mor~ right of \\'ay as deeded by deed afo 'd 6 uth ter Y1 lg e OF LOS ANGELES. ~~ i d · c h •1 · I de!· · 1 f 'd 0 f h Ci I N Be · · recorded in n...-~ Book 338 res81 o \\'CS er Y pro onga-In the MattPr of the Estate of T. page 694, as amended ). which peti-n accor ance v.,r1tr t e .. " un1c pa_ JVC'r1ng wa er rom sa1 r ange o t e ty o ewport ach, as particularly described as follows . _ ~ • page lion of the nor thw te I i · t L. TALLY. Also known 85 lion \\'as filed with the Secretary \Vater District Act of 1911 ". as County feeder line of said last said Precincts are set forth and to-wit · ' 314, oft1c1al records of said Coun-Tw t Se th A es r Y 1~e J: of Coastal Municipal Water Dis-an1endcd, the proposition whe· her mentio ned District. d{'scribcd in a resolution and order Beginning at the point of inter-ty, southeasterly on the arc of a ~ Y-t v~n r v;n;.:, an e THOMAS L . TALLY, deceased. trict on the 2nd day of l\tlay, l946; that part of the corporate are<1 of S<'Ction 3: The name "Tha t Part establishing said Precincts as section of the northeasterly pro-curve concave to the northeast ~~~h :!'en~ey ~~ei~ t~ty-;e~-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, d the City of Ne\vport Beach not of the Corporate Area of the City ('fection precincts in the County of tongation of the .southeasterly line having a r adius of 906.33 fttt (a -. ·· _nor easer Y that undPr and punuant to the an\ffiEREAS. the SecretarY of now includM. \l.'ithin the cor po ate or Newport Beach Not Now In-Orange, State of California, which of Summit Street . as said street r~dial line_ at the point of begin-p~olong~tion ~a pcnnt where the law in such cases m ade and pro. Coastal ~tunicipal Water District area of Coastal ~t unirip<i.l W. tcr cludC'd Within the Corporate Area said order was passed and adopted is laid out and sho"'n on a-map n1ng beanng North 47° 33' 25" a. oresai nor easterly pro~onga-vftfed. the undershmed Executor completed his examination of said District shall be .inn '; d '>Co 1st-of Coastal Municipal Water Dis· by the Board of Super visors of the of the S eashore Colony Tract, as East) a distance of 504.85 feet ; tio~ of th~ northwester!?' line of wilt sell at priv1t tP ~Ale to the petition a nd attach ed his ccrtifi-al i\lunicipal \-~·atcr vtslrict and trier' has been designated and de-: County of Orange. State of Cali-recorded In l.1 ap Book 7 , page 25. thence continuing along the last 1\\e nty-Seventh Avenue Lnte.rsects hiehest 11nd be1::t bfdder uoon the cate thereto showing said petition ther eby be a nd become a nne .ed. clared by the Board of Directors fornia, the 8th day of January, records of Orange CountY., Cali· mentjoned southerly line of said the northwesterly ~rolongation of terms and conditions hereinafter to be sufficient, a nd said petition add~ to an.d inclu~ed.in The ~~Ct· of Coastal Municipal W ater Dis-1916, and is set forth in Book 44, fornia, "'ilh the north bank of the State Highway right of way, tan· the northeasterly lrne or Corona menttonPrl and ~1Jbifft to con- was duly and regularly SE't Cor l ropohta~ \\.~,er L1~,1·1..:t uf So th· trict to be the appropriate name page 473, et seq., of the Super-Santa Ana River ; gent South 74° 21' 30" East del ~ar. as shown on the above firmA.tion by said Suoerior Court, h earing before the Board of Di· I crn .. Ca11forn1'l, sub.•'::'t . ~ th(' fol-and \\'Ords of identification by visors' Minute Book of said thence easterly and southeast('r-1,252.22 feet; mentioned map ther eof; on the 24 t)l dav of August. 1946, rectors of said Coastal ~lunicipal lo\\1ng terms a nd ~nd1t1ons f '<~ \\'hich said part of said corpora te County. ly along the north bank Or said thence continuing along the last thence southeasterly .along the or thPre~ftt'r. within the time a). \Yater District at its regular place by the Boar~ ~f Director s o.r ~d area proposed to be annexed shall The polling place for this Pre-river 5,400 feet. more or less, to an m£'ntioned right of way line along northwesterly ~rolongation of the lowed hy law, at the offiN> of the of meeting on the 2Sth day of July, Coastal .Municipal \Vatcr Das. :1ct be designated in this NOTICE cinct is the Fire Station at 703 intcnection "ith the fohner south· a curve concave to the north h av-northeasterly line of Corona del Exf'cutor, to wit: 9642 Heather 1946 , at the hour of 8:30 o'clock a~~ subJ~t to the terms and 1·0~-AND PROCLk\1..ATION of the East Bay Avenue, Balboa, Cali-erly line of the California State ing a radius of 1,550 feet, a dis-~ar and along the nor theaste~ly RMd. Los An1telet:. California. all P. M., and said petit ion \l.'as heard d1t1ons fixed ~Y the Board of D1-calling and holding of said spe-fomia_ Highway having 8 wid th of 80 tance of 379.64 feet; hne of Corona ·deJ Mar a nd its right. title. fnte~t. and estate by said Board of Directors at that rectors o.r s~d The l\~etropol '8!1 cial election and upon the ballot The election officers for this fceL Said point of intersection thence continuing along the last southeasterly !>rolongation t o .its of the ahnve nAmed dPN"dent at time and place and said petition \Vat~r D!~tr1ct of So~ hcrn .(a11-used at said special election. There Precinct and their addresses and bears south 5•55,18• east 1,113.01 mentioned right of way line ta n-intersection with the center 11ne the time of hi! death. a nd all r1R'ht. was graJlted as prayed by an or-forrua, whi.ch ter~ a nd cond1t ons also shall be printed upon said the offices t o be held by each are: feet from the north\l.·est com e r of gent South 88" 23' 30• East a dis· of the water course of that certain title. and lntere11t that the estate dinance of said Board of Directors ar~ by said Or.dinance :.-'o. !'-of ballot the following: Inspector: Harold C. Ahrendt, the southeast one-quarter ( 1i4 ) of tance of 201.35 feet to a point in canyon lying immediately south-of ~aid decedent hu aeoulred by then and there passed and adopted said Board of DV"cctors o. Coa'ital p K 0 p 0 8 1 T 1 0 N 2050 Ocean Avenue, Balboa, Sect.ion 29, Township 6 South, the southeasterly line of the parcel easterly of Corona de! Mar, com-ooeratlon of law or otherwise, being Ordinance No. 5 tn the rec~ Municipal Water Distr!ct made the California. Range 10 West, S.B.B. & M.; said of land as deeded to the Q ty of monly kn~wn as' Buck Gully: other than or In Addition to that orcb of said Board of Directors; te~ and ro:nditions upon which S hall THAT PART Judge: John ~i. M. Leonard. 301 point of intersection also being 40 Newport Beach by deed recorded thence tn a general southwest-of RaJ d decPdent Rt the time ·ot. d said annexation can take pl:ice, OF THE COR-Alvarado Place, Balboa, Cali-feet southerly of Engineer"s Sta-in Deed Book 249, page 423 rec-erly direction following along the death. In and to all that certAln an\-iHEREAS, the corporate area namely: PORATE AREA fornla. tion 683 + 40.95 on the center llne ords of said County· ' center line of the ~ .. ater course of real property situated In the Coun- of said Coastal Municipal \\'ater (a) That there shall he le•:ied ~FET~ ;~BO~ Clerk : MoUie Fenelon, 1721 of said hJghway; uJd point also thence South 29° West along the lhe afor~said . Buck Gu~ty to Its tv of OranRe. ~tate of California. District has heretofore been added for t he fiscal year 1947-1948 by BEA.C H N 0 T Miramar Drive, Balboa. Cali· being the westerly terminus of the last m entioned southeasterly line inters~t 1on with the ~rdinary high des<Tibed as folloWI, to wtt: and annexed to and is included in the said Coastal ?.ol unicipal Water NOW INCLUDED tornla. ordinary high tide line of the Pa-and the southwesterly prolonga-tide line of the Pacific Ocean ; Lot Seven f7l and Lot Ei.R:ht and is a part of The Metropolitan District special truces upon the w 1 TH 1 N THE Cler k : Dolly R. Spear. 323 Al-cific Ocean In Newport Bay and lion thereof a distance of 970.81 then.ce South 20°. '-Yest three (3) (~) of the Subdivision of Block W ater District of Southern Call-taxable property within said cor -0 0 Jl p 0 RAT!: varado Place, Balboa, Call· designated "North Une" and north feet to an intersection with a line miles into the Pao~ Ocean to a "C'' of Ncwoort Bay Tract. In fornia and t he inclusion and addi-porate area of the Oty of Newi)()rt AR torn.la. bank of the Santa Ana River, as 350 feet northeasterly of and P.Oint ; the Oty of Newpot"t Beach, tion of that part of the corporate Beach here inafter described and EA OF COA ST -COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-established by a decree in Court parallel with the bulkhead extend-. thence northwe_sterly along a C..ounty of Orange, States of area of the City of Newport \\'hich is not no\\' a part of Coai tal AL MUNICIPAL TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT Case No. 23686 of the Superior ing from U. S. Bulkhead Station li~e parallel to and three (3) miles Callfornta. u tier map thereof Beach not OOY.' included within~ Municipal Water District, in addi-~~Et! .!!s!; YES BEACH AREA SPECIAL El.EC Court in and for Orange County, No. 170 to U.S . Bulkhead Station distant from the ordinary hJgh recorded in Book 4, Page 29 of coTporate area of Coastal Muni-tion to the taxes elsewhere in the TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-California, a certified copy of No. 175, as said bulkhead line tide line of the Pacific Ocean to a Miscellaneous Mai-. Records of Cl .pal \"ate.r District to the cor-"Municipal W ater Distric:: Ac t of to Coutal Mwlld· GJ ClNCT NO. 4 shall consist of a which d...,....._ wu r....__..a---1 c:--n.. and bulkhead stations are laid out point. which point is the most Oran2e County, California. 'T 191 pal "'•ter Obtrlct, ----""' "'"' ~"'ueu ~...-th l porate area of said Coastal Mu-l ". as amended, authorized to iub)eet to the N'O consolidation of Precincts 6, 10 tember 19th, 1928 In Book 20l , and shown upon a map of Newport sou er Y corner of the City of fCorner Front and Bay Street.) nicipal \\.ater District will thereby be levied by Coastal l\{unicipal tennt aad ciood.1-• and 12 of the O ty of Newport page 253, Official ~rds of Bay, California, showing harbor Newport Beach. as the exterior Terms and condltlons of aale: annex and add that part ot said Water District and the aggrei:ate lion• fixed by the Besch, as said Precincts are set Orange County, Calif~~f1: lines, approved by the War De-boundary of the City of Newport Caah In lawful money of the corporate area to The Metropoli-amount to be so r aised by tuch Board of Dlr«.ton f?rth and described in a r esolu-thence along said no~th [bank of partment January 18th, 1917, and Beach is described in Ordinan~ United States on confirmation of tan Water District of Southern special taxes shall lx-SI 1,589.35; of aa!d Dbtriet tion and order estabUshlng said the Santa Ana River ~gh the on file in the office of the U. s. No. 1 adopted by the Qty Council sale by sald S uperior Court, ar California; and. (b\ That, a.s p1"'CSC!'ibed by the and subject to •be Precincts as election precincts in following courses and distances: District Engineer, Los Angeles, of the City· of Newport Beach on part cash and remaining balanoe9 W'HEREAS. the Board of Di-Board of Directors of said The t~rm11o and condl-the County of Orange, State of South so • 19' 50• East ~07 feet. California; the 11th day ot September, 1906; as mav be contrActed for. Tea per rectors of The l\letropolitan \Va-~·t etropolitan~Water District of ttons fixed by r.be California, which said order was South 66• 44' 18"' East 64 feet. thence southeasterly along a t hence northwesterly parallel to cent ClO Cft.) ct the amount bid for ter District of Southern California. Southern Ca · ornia by its afore-Board of Directors passed and adopted by the Board South 58° 28' 28" East 1,08.5.28 line, which line ts 350 feet north-and three (3) miles from the shore si:a.fd property to be deposited with by resolution and ord.er duly pass-said resolutio and orde r passed of The Mell'opoll· of Supervisors of the County of feet. easterly of and parallel with the of the Pacific Ocean to an inter-bid: ed and adopted on July 12, 1946. a nd adopted on the 12th day of taa u •ate:r Dletriet Orange, State of California, the South 74 • 17' 11 • East 8811-83 feet. aforesaid bulkhead line extending section With the southwesterly Bids OT offers . are invited fOf' a certified copy tht'reof having_ July, 1946, such annexation to said of Southen Call-8th day of J anuary, 1946, and ls South 37° 15'.30" Ea.st 215i35 feet. between Bulkhead Stations Nos. prolongation of the southeasterly said real property and must be tn been filed with the Board of Di-Coastal litunicipal Water District rona.la! set forth in Book 44. page 473, et South 73• 34• 20" East r,b99.50 170 and 175, a distance of 1 8)() line of the afroesaid Summit writlnir and wil1 be received at rectors of Coastal Municipal Wa· of said corporate area of said aty seq., of the Supervisors' Minute feet. feet to a point. which bears &uth Street; I 964.2 Heather Road, Los Ange.Jes, ter District prior to the granting of Ne\\1>0rt Beach, described in Section 4: For the purpose of Book of said County. • South 90• 77' East 168.41 feet. 29• )Vest 350 feet from U.S . Bulk-thence northeasterly along the Ca.Ufornla. Cl'ettvlew 5--M72. or by said last mentioned Boa.rd of said petition a nd which is not now holding and conducting said spe-The polUng place for th.is Pre--South ss• 46' 54• Eut 491.03 feet. head Station No. 130, 81 said sta-southwesterly Pr:<>longation of the may be fled with the Oerk of. sa.ld petition for annexation, has included within said CoastaJ Mu-cial election. said part of said cor~ cinct is the Fire Station at m North ss• 54' 01• Eut 546.15 feet, tion is laid out and shown upon southeasterly lirie, the southeast-said S~or Court at any time consented to u.id annexation and niclpal Water District. shall be porate area. to wit. 11itt Part of Marine A"·e nue, Balboa Ialand. to a point in the westerly line of sa.l.d map of Newport Bay showing erly line and th~ northeasterly after the tint pubJJcat:Son of UU. has fixed. declared, set forth and completed. and all necessary cer-the Corporate Area of the Oty of Caillornla.. Central Aven6e, 60 feet in width. harbor lines; . prolongation of the southeasterly notice and before making: aald Ale. determined the terms and condi-ti!icates. affidavits, statemcnta Newport Beach Not Now lnduded The election otncen tor thb which point is North 47• 47• 55"' 1 thence North 75• U ' 44• East line of the aforesaid Summit Street Dated July 25th. 19'6. t1ons upon which that part of the and maps required to be filed to Within the Corpora,. Area of Pn!dnct and their addrssel and West a dlatance ot 3,!509.34 feet l,401.60 feet to a point, Which to the point ot beginning. SEYMOUR TALLY, eot porate-area of the Oty of New-complete such annexation and to Coastal Municipal Water District. the of.fices to be held by each att: from the common corner ot. Sec--bean South ~· 28' 1s· West Section 7: nie Secretary of Executor of the Fatate ol. -t Beach not now Included with· render such annesation !Ully ellec-will be and coost1tute five •pedal Inspector, Hugh B. Sprtngtt, 212 lions 71, 28, 33 and 34, TOWDlblp 144.43 feet from u. s. Bulkhead Coastal Municipal Water Dlotrlct T. L. Tally, aloo -n u in the c.uporate area of Coastal live for all purposes, ahall be filed election precincts, which Aid 1pe.. Pearl Street. Balboa I•Jand, 6 South, Ran&e 10 West, S.B.B. Station No. 135, u said Bulkhead la authorized and directed by the Thomas L Tally, O.Crr11d. Municipal W ater District m.,-be In the respective offices required cial election precincts have been Callfotnla. • & M.; Station la lbown upon a map ..,.. of Directors of CoutaJ Mu-Ralph W . Smith, Att<raey Included In and annexed and added by law, on or before October l, dealJtMted and 'Htablisbed u the Juclceo Bettye A. Fink, 203 Di•· thence North 18• 37' 40· Eut t1tled ''Barbor u-, N..._. Bay nlclpal Water District to mall to 919 OY!att Bn1J41nc. to Coutll Municipal Water 0.-1946; voting precincts In said part of mond Avenue, Balboa llland, aJona the said westerly line of Harbor, CaJifornla", appNJVed by each ~ elector In said 617 South Ollw SlJ'eet, trlct and thettby Included In and (cl That. as prescribed by the said corporate area for th• Pl"-Callfornla. Central Awnue, 278.'lO feet, matt the War Oepartmmt May 2nd. That Part ot the ~te Area Loa Angeles 14, ~ annexed and added to and become Board or Direct<n of-;.u;{/The poae of holding and conducting Oerk: Doris M. Powen. 319 or I-to an lntenectlcn with the 1936, and on file In the offi<e of of the Qty ot New ... t Beach Not Pub.: Aug. 1, II. 8. U. 15, 19M. a part of The M,etropoUtan Water Metropolitan Water ~ of said special annexation election. Diamond Avenue, Balboa westerly prolonr•tion of that,_. the U.S. District ~. Loa Now Included Wltbln the Corpe>-TIDE ya.a1 SS District ot Southern CaU!ornla; Southern CaJifornla by ita afore-Each of said special election pre-Illand. Callfornla. tlln oouno In the United Stites Anrelea. Callfornia; rate Area at Coutal Municipal AD =- and, · said resolution and order pa£Sed cincta ahall be known u Coastal Oe<k: Kate McCarui. '200 _.. Bullthead Line extending from thence South n . 54, East Water Dlatrlct a sample at th< AUOUll'I', - WHEl\EAS, said Board ot Di-and adopted the 12th d.,-of July, Municipal Water District-New· aid A_..ue, BalOO. bland. Statlona U. S. 227 to U. S. 128, u 1,010.00 feet to an anrle point In ballot to be .....i in said spodal S 17 ' 5 :'45 U:U 1:11 recton of Coastal Municipal Wa· 1946o <ll There ahall be levied by port Beach Area Special Election CaJilomia. said Harbor Une la abown upon a the ordinary 'blah t1de line of the electbi and shall enclOle In the 0.8, U Lii ter Diltri<:t, by said OrdlnaDCe the said Tbe Metropolitan Water Consolid.lted PNcinct and lhall be COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA· m.p entitled "Hartxr U-, New-P9c1ftc Ocean In N-Bay .....,lope at each or said sample Su 18 12017 8 022 t• ,,. No. 5. fixed the ten:ns and condl· District of Southern California numbered consecutively from l to TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT port Bay Harbor" appNJVed by the u establiabed by Decree In Court ballota a "'5rd stating tbe Joca. 4.1 1.4 5.0 1.5 tlDnl upon which saJd annexation special taxes upon taxable prop-5, lncluaive, and the name and BEACH AREA SPECIAL El.EC War Ilepvtment M.,-2nd. 1938, Cue No. 24026 ot ·the Superior tion of the precinct po111ng place M 19 1:42 TolO 1111 • t :l'I lNlY occur and declared and or-e<ty within said ODrlX>l'ate area of terrUory coruotitutiog each ot said TION · CONSOLIDATED PRE-and on file In the oUla! of the ec.rt in and for en,.. County ot HCb -·provided, -3.4 1.9 5.1 Ll cltted that an election be called by said Qty of Newport Beach de-precincta shall be u follOW10 CINCT NO. 5 lhalJ ..-lat at a U. S. District ~. Loa An-Osllfomia, a certified al that the failure on the port at.,; T 20 3:46 8 :18 l :U Ii• said Board of Dlrecton and held scribed In said petition and so an-COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA· oomolldaUon at PrecittU T and 13 ~les, CaJifornla; which decree wu .........:r s.p. elector to ft<ft••e IUCh Ample be!· 3.1 2.4 5A U within that part of the -pol'Ote nexed to said Coastal Municipal TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT ot the Qty ot New-t BeKb. u °""""' Soorth 711• 00' Eoot alone tember 19, 1928, In -U8 pace lot Ir cud lbalJ not lzsvalldate aalcl W 21 ~~4! 92,.._7 &:ts -L- atta of the Qty of N.Wpurt Beed> Water District. In addition to the BEACH AREA SPECIAL El.EC said Predncta are 1et forth and the said weotertJ-proionptlon ot 715, 01!1ci.J Records at ~-election or affect In UY'Q7 the ~ SA DOt now Included within the«<-taaes .i-htto In the Metropoll· TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-described In a .-UUon and ardor aa1c1 -Une to an interwc-County Callfomla· --~ lepllty ot 1111Y a-atlon that 11>22 l:llO ·12'°7 ... ll:U pol'Ote ..... of Coutal Municipal tan Water Diltrlct Act (Stata. CINCT NO. 1 lhall -at • eatabllablns said -.. ~ tlon with the ~ llne at -• : may be --U...:.t. Said l.T 0.0 &O 2.8 Water Dlatrlct, beln& that part of 1927, p. 1194, u amended) author-<0030lldatlCD of Pttclncta I, 2 tlon pftdl>Ctl In the County of Central Awnue. aa1c1 point ot m. the"::: 8:. 39 .!!!. Eut aloas Secntar7 ot aald Dltblct 11 a1oo r 11 11:39 5 :12 U•...J• 1&14 _. .... te ..-oet forth and bed to be levied by said The Met· and 9 at the City at New ... t Onnce, State ot c.Jlfonla. wbldl --aJoo belnc ID tile aoutJ>. --=~ .._. tldo -a ~twl and dlroctftl to -&.T U U LT doocrlb<d ID aald petlt!CD, within ropnlltan W ater District of South-Beach, u said precincts are let aalcl onlor wu-ed and e4iplfd erlJ proloa&&-at the ••terlJWl>lds la the -f-to• Point. UTa-11» fit,ir tile....,,.,. --~-·-"":::":': . wmtarl)oomwww • ......_~tht1'•z1e1 ....... '--UC ... .,.,_, • .._ .. • I . . ! .... i!!llL!!l!"!l!!. .................................................. ""'."'1~ ....... e .... ~~.! .. ~:!11~!j!l~le!l.ssJ•~·~:~~~~OLllJ!lllE'~~~";I;o':l~llllllrtL~·~·!~·~~-Q'!!R!!!~!'!~:11:.:::~r~-·~·:·:~~·~~·l~ .. 15!c~!'.!:~!.~.::::::-:~~A~co:C:H.::.:U~N==•T1==~:~ .. .:. ......... __ .............. ·~-..:.~ .. ~------------:. .. ~ N EWs~ -fiM0 E: s By DORIS WELLS WALCK In NE w s C:.rl .. ,.. " .... _ PROFESSIONAL · DIRECTORY l'BOND' lUJlllOll 1J -1J "G 0 0 D BU 81 NI: 8 8 '' tM IL -st. ""' .. .,.,A Of the Omrcb -t :.a ...... p , • 0 sfS"'7 'b11 'IJ" _. ftarl 17 1' ........ , V.._ XX:S:WW Recently l ~amed with uton. that I ~ al9o to bleD people Jlom.tnc W~ 11 o•dock. a.ta._ SI Rt'•• .,...#rd z...,. WI tr ... 'I v.a-e D lshment bow much pc>Wer ~ all on the road and in house:I I passed C H U R C H ES Youth g1oape,, Blatt dool. 11t-~-"-~ In Advance:-$2:50 per ysr In Oruce Ccunl7 hu·e to 1hape or condition the .,., 'Then I began bl ... lng guests u -Achllt, e:JO p. m. $i'"'15 per yeat' to 4th zone : ~00 per year-to 8th .me periences that come to us and thua soon u they came in the door ln· '-------------'I BnD.iltc IJel'Yke. ?:SO o'clodt.. make them more agreeable. stead of waiting for them to ccmt OU" LADY OF MT. CAftMEL K1d4'eek fellowlhlp and pt"IJft. l)oUftd 88 Second-Class matter al the Poototftce In Newport BNcb. I am a desk clerk in a hotel. One to the desk. ,_ woot c.nt .. 1 ,._ W-eaday. 7 :30 p. m. _____ ,:ea=':'':oc::m:ola:::._· :un::der=:_::tbe::,::Act=.:.°'=-.:Marcb_:_:c.:__:3,c..1879 ___ -=--~~-lphase of my work was ror some It wu 1evm weeks ago that 1 Sunday V •ssei : s. and lO Liil. 11 L m .. Prayer and Sermon. SAM D. PORTER Publllher time very distasteful to me: many! began usinc the method. 1be re-Coc1f~oaa : Sat.ul'dQ9 fna F G FROST - -Editor of the male guests -perhaps a suJts! Marvelous. 4:00 to t :SO and from T:30 to &88DOIJn:a OP GOD • · _ _ Advertisinc Manacer third of them-who came to the Now we rarely have a guest who 8:30 p.m. llmrJ' u4 JU s.Me. Put.n ~tin~~~t. 8011 w. Central Avenue, Newport Beed!, callfornla desk to regillter had been drinking. hal been drinking. Indeed "" have -L<ct-Ball. 15tk ::=::::!!:...:-=:::..::::._::_:__:=:=.:=-:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.c..c.._:__. __ c...,=-~:-] Day after day they came; it seem-noticed none in some time. The ST. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH .... OM.tnl Ave. Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach ed that I must look elsewhere for management hu commented on ••Ibo& lll•nd Sunday scbool. 10 o.m. . ,_, •-ti-f Onlr 11 Yean a position. I decided, ho~ever, that thla. Some persons have stood Ill SWlday v. .. : S:SO a...m. MornlDg .ervice, 11 a.m. A l)ep!Pbble ~ &am or instead of leaving the job I would the desk as if waiting for some-Contwlon.: SaturdaJ'I f'roR Evenln& evanaeliltic RrYk:e at Life or Death? Active Member of The seeds of another worldwide armament race among the great powers are IJ<:ing planted now-less than a year after the end of the most destructive war in history. All of the major nations are carrying on extensive experi, mentS with "bigger and better" tools of slaughter. Pilotless airplanes-rockets which are an "improvement " on the h or, rlbly destructive Gennan V,2 type---guns which fire streams of molten lead instead of bullets-electrically guided bombs of unimaginable forre-these are but a few of the hideoos weapons now in the laboratories or the proving grounds. do something to improve it. The· thin1 but not quite sure what it 7 :30 to 1 :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. way that looked best to me was was. One man said : .;I beg your Mid-week service. Thunda)'. at \vhat cou1d well be called the God-pardon. Did you speak!" CORON A DEL MAB COM· 7 :30 p.m. bless-you way. I have asked God to make me XUNlTY OONGRZOATIONAL -------- 1 decided to give a silent God· worthy of this grrat work, to help CBUBOB bless·)"OU to every person who reg-me see and meet the Christ in Perry Frederick Schrock Mini.st istered, and . to see the Christ in each penon. 1be experience ha.I eliotrope Ave eorona' del Mer him. This appealed to me so much · bttn a glorious one--and still is. 611 Helio~ Avenue ar Newport Harbor Fishing News B1lea·t<' b7 Sportfishing Assn. of Newport Harbor The Yell ow tall Are Here! lowed to a1nk way deep in the water. Aa he started up. albacore chued the jigs from down deep, grabbed them and started fighting around on the surface. Skipper J. B. McNal1y says this i5 an old trick that he has used many times when the fish aren't on top. Corona del Mar Sunday, Aug. 18, 194&-9:30 a.rn., chwch school; 11 a.m., morn- ing won hip. Sermon by Mr. Schrock. "A Lamp or a S~ Ung Block." FIRST CHURCH OF ICllENTllT CHRl&T, Lido neata,., Central Avenue artd Vla Lido A branch of '?'be liloUM.r Cburcb, The P'lnt Church al. Cbrtst. Bel· enu.t. la Bo8t.on, Me-cbuaetta Sunday School at 9 :30 L m. Sun- day Service a t 11 a. m. W ednmda)' TutimoDlal Meeting at 12 o'clock PUST P01JJlllQUAlllC Oll1lIICB OF 008T.&. M1';8A To.alporary locatlaa. -LeclaD Hall -· -Jin, G. --·-PllAsn -111'11 SWKlay School 9:30 .. m. ~-p-10 :45. cn.ader -6:00 p. m. Berean -6:30 p. m. ~ evanplJstlc .. n>1ce at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday evenlna -..m ... at 7:30 o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G.. Ei.411wln Osher, Pallof" Euclld at Stanront, Gal"den Grove. O:SO a..m. Cb.urcb acbool tor all ogu. 11:00 a.m. Morntn&" Wonhlp: Meaep : ''We Thank Thee.." 11:00 a.m. Nuraery for all chil- -I, 8. WHYTE Wli~~ ..... INd .., n. w ..... .,..._. ...,. Dil•' I .. .... I ...... ta 91* '*""-tu ........ Al19lft • 61& •I I ... _ ... -------....~-----.. Armand Monaco AROIDT&CT SU W, flay Ave., B•"- llaltlor I'IM 1111 IM1WDDd .... Loe A•ples N«h1 -47 llOI Wapar .Dtaglem r-wate br.'W'llllvO.W- OilropracUc, Dietetics, Physlo & Coloolc Therapy UN°"-*-.. - 1---- Clinical Laboratory <>MN boan:. 3 4 :90 -by ___ , 'l'ELll:l'BONE BABllQ .. 118 ZllSI W . OOlrtnl An. DAY SCHOOL Dr. W. T. Mooney ftJA±· ud Smaw - -Csat..I .... ~_......} ...... A. V. Andrew11, M. D. PllHWIAN -ft11MBCON w °"-*mp...,. -llR On-.~·- 1.-B, Dorcy, II. D. Physician & Surgeon S!l llartDe Ave., --._._,_ Topping them all, of CCA.m>e, is the atom bomb. Acconl, i.ng to authorities, the bombs so far exploded have developed only a microscopic percentage of their potential destructive force. Compared to the bombs of tomorrow, they are like a firecracker beside a stick of TNT. And no scientist believes that atomic bomb construction and development can long remain the secret of one country. No nation has a monopoly on scientific knowledge and intelligence. Fishermen who remember catch- ing yellowtail can now get their tackle out and go after them. The yellowtail have re turned to the local fishing waters. Mr. JimmY Van Dever. KFI sports announcer, 1.1.:as out on the live bait boat Comet, from 19th Street Landing Sunday, caught one weighing about 14 pounds. He said he never saw such fishing as this and. of course, hooked a real big one "·hich unfortunatrly got away. J . H. Mills. Loma Pat, had 6 al- bacore Thursday, and Jess Skeen caught 2 the same day on the Georgia ltt. Ernie Hanson, of thE' commercial swordfish boat. Bette Ann, did an unusual thing Aug. 9th in spearing and landing a 470- pound broadbill swordfish alone. J-fe piloted the boat up to the fish, ran out on the plank, speared the broadbill, fought it 2"' hours, and landed it. all alone. Reading Room located at lll Palm street, Balboa, 11 open dally from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served dren dtlrlng .ervtc~ I ~--------~--~ Gonion M. Grundy, M, D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Im.: 1().12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Here is the greatest of all arguments for international understandings. international tolerancer fair international give and take in th e iJ1terest of a permanent peace. So long as mistrust runs rampant through the world, all the great powers will seek new and even more terrible weapons. And f!!Very anns race in history has ended in war. , The issue is a simple one--we will have life or we will have death. We will build a better world or we will destroy it utterly. We will have peace between nations or we will have no nations at all Today all mankind faces the greatest problem it has f!!Ver .known. Balance the Budget Lost in the welter of news cooceming the A,Bomb, the United Nations Conference, and other items of cosmic im, portance, is a fact which should be known to all the people of .the United States. That fact is; this country, for the first time in many years, can have a balanced federal budget. All the American people should also consider the wonls of President Truman when he said: "For fiscal year 1948 we must plan not only for a balanced budget but for a ... reduc, tion of the national debt ... Sizable debt reduction is nothing short of obligatory." As Time put it, the President's budget policy "might not plee.se practical politicians, but would be applauded by prac, tical fiscal experts." Its principal points are that tax reduc- tions shall not be made a t the present time. and that strict economy prevail in government spending. Just what is going to happen to this policy remains to be seen. It is evident that Congress is about as free with the people·s money as ever. I~ is still voting money for needless waterpower developments, to name one source of gigantic waste, and othe r useless luxuries. This is an election year, and the boys who want the votes are saying it \vith the pub: lic's dollars. We will have economy in government only if the people make it clear to Congress that unbridled spending is the road to political defeat-and not the road to eternal reelection. And if we don't have government economy, we will have \n, flation and eventual economic ruin on a scale unprecedented here. Profligacy can be as destructive to a nation as to an Individual. November Outlook One thing different about the election in California this year is that fm• the fir.it time since he went to the senate sev, era! decades ago Hiram Johnson's name does not appear on the ballot for re:election. Prlor to his death he had announced that he would run again in spite of his advanced years. Whether his preat per· sonaJ popularity could have won for him ov'er this handicap, plus his unpopular stand on United Nations, is questionable. Skipper John Kirk of the Comet picked up t\\'O yellowtail below Dana Point. A total of three v.1ere brought in on the boat. These fish should soon move into the waters around Dana P oi nt. but Sunday Dana had no yellowtail. the boats there catching white sea bass, barracuda. halibut, bass and mack- erel. The \vhite sea bass ar(' aver- aging fourteen to fifteen pounds. Albacore F111hlng Good The albacore fishing continues at a good clip. The Southern Com- fort II from Port Orange. brought In 65 albacore one day this w~k. Harry Stevens' Toots, caught eight albacore Sunday, J ess Skeen, Georgia M 12 a)bacore Friday, Carl Mclntee, of the Don Pat. 16 albacore Friday. Serre! Lindman, of Warner Bros., was out with Eddie Offerle. on the Dolphin Sun- day, and brought in a good catch of albacore. Earl Coleman. of t.he Rocket. sald Sunday that the trolling boats were knocking over the albacore out there, but he was having trou- ble getting them up to ta king Jive bait. It was late in the day before they started taking bait, but his party from the Telco Rod & Reel club or L. A., finally succet"'ded in landing 28 albacore about 12 miJ{'S east of Catalina. Bud Reedy. of the Lancrr. hRd eight fishermen out from the Southwest Angling club and they succeeded in landing 25 albacore Sunday. C. A. Bickhart. of the Tropic had a group out from Welx-r Show Case. Sunday. and brought in six albacor('. Th<' li\'e bait boats \'alencia III And Sport King brought in halibut und ber· ries Sunday. The Patie nce. u 1ith Skippt:>r Chick Rollins. made the grand tour to bring in white sea bass. calico bass. halibut and barT"acuda. First he fished the Huntington Flats, then the 14-mile bank, Dana Point, and then the Laguna kelp beds before returning to Ne"'JXlrt Har- bor. Thl' Norde n. from King's Landing, brought in barndoor halibut. The Marianne, with Skipper Red Willard had 12 albacore Sunday. The Music. from Earl's Landing, caught berries, halibut and bass, which were the same type of fish caught by boats from the Balboa Sport!ishing fl e-e tt. The hallengc>r , 1i'i th Vic La- Mont aboard, bT"ought in 43 barra- cuda, 4 haljbut. 4 white sea bass, and ple nty of mackerel. Sunday. The Recapture had berries, ba.c;.."' and halibut. Front Door Fi&hla« Betit Jimmy Stc>vrnson , Daisy II. look a run over to Catalina one da}' th:s v.·eck after (ish and had to return to our OY.'Tl front yard before he picked up any. He stopped the boat and the fishermen's j.i.gs were al- Pier fishermen have been doing okay. A six-pound barracuda was caught on the Newport pier Sun· day at 10:00 a. m ., by Mr. E . Ver- r c ngia, 1918 E. 84th Place. L. A., a guest of Louis, of the Newport Tackle Store. Other pier fisher- men are catching sea trout, hali- but, mackerel, shovel nose sharks. and an occasional white sea bass. Yellov.•tail croaker are being caught at night. Mrs. Wally Jares, 106 30th St., Newport, caught a 32~-inch cor- bina that Y.'eighed 7 pounds in the surf off 20th street on Aug. 11th. J . R. Gunagle, 3201 Finley Ave., Newport, caught a 7-pound spotfin on the 10th. The barge Retriever. anchored at Whistler's Kelp. is landing bar- racuda. bass, bonita and halibut. Boats run to this barge from the Fun Zone Landing at 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 2, 4. and the last boat in at 5:00 p. m. Cliff Jepson says a lady caught a tig£"r shark from the barge Retriever that was five feet long, plus a mess of barracuda. Sha rode a\\"'1Y from the boat land- ing with the five-foot tiger shark draped over the handle bars of her bicycle and the barracuda over her shoulder. Ch ri;t ian Science Snn<l av T h c rne 'Son i' .. Mr aoul doth niagnify the Lord. and my eplrlt bath reJol<:ed in God my Saviour:· Tl..d s quotation from Luke"s GOJ!.pe.I y,·tll be the Golden Text In Ille Su11Jay Lesson-Sermon on "Sour· In all branches of Tbe l\lotber Chur,·b. The First Church of Christ , Scientist. In Boston. Acrordlng to M:1tthe"lil". "JesUA ... went up Into a mountain, ... And great multitudes ca.me unto blm. having \\·Ith them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others. and cast them down at Je1u1' feet ; and he healed them.·· Mark's Go~pel relatea, ··And t.bey bring unto blm one that was dear. and bad an Impediment ln bl• 11peet"b ; and t.b ey beseech hJm to put bis band upon him .... And 1ookln& up to heaven, be 1lgbed, and 1altb unto blm. Epbpbatba. that 11. Be opened. And straight- way bl1 ears we-re opened. a.nd the string of bis tortg\le wa.s looaed. anti be ir;pake plaJn." In "SC'.lenrf' and Health with Key to the S"rt ptures.. Mary Baker E'1dy "·rites. "Like the great E.i· em11lar. the bea.Jer should speak to dlseaiie a~ one having a ulhortly over It. Jea \·ing Soul to master the raise e\·ltlences or the corporeal !lenses and to assert Ila claims over mortaUty and dlsea.se. The same Principle cures both sin and sick· netia." At any rate, the two me~tor William Knowland and Will Rogers. Jr., who are seeking the senate seat he held llO long were only kids when Johnson first went to Washing, ton. Yet, both are "'-ell seasoned in the field of politics. and both won the nomination of their respective parties quite handily in the primary election. Their contest "';]] be spir· lted. C.mplet.e Fountain Service at HANSEN'S In looking ahead to the November balloting, however. the edge must be conceded to Senator Knowland, who is filling Hiram Johnson's un~ tenn. In the brief year since he retumed from his army assignment in France and entered the senate he has made a more creditable showing, especlally J' for a 1'freshman". · , He has shown a keen ability to grasp the complex prob- lems confronting congress, and on several occasions has at, tracted nationwide attention for the solutions to some of these problems which he has suggested. So while the senatorial race promises to be an interesting one present indications favor Senator Knowland. On the other hand, one must not overlook the fact that Will Rogers. jr., has wide popularity in organized labor circles .n over the state and U<1111lly it is the labor vote which swings electloos foc political candidates. November will tell the tale. No matt.el' how long ycu live, there Isn't time to worry. 1100 o-a Froat NOW OPEN EVENINGS MAl11'8 • SANDWICllJ:8 • BAIHl()IWD8 Ice (Jr I • to Tllb ()Ill MOOElll MAllllE SEnlCE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND Tbe public I.a cordially invited to attend the church eervtcee and uae the Reading Room. ST. JA'4ES EPISCOPAL • CHURCH 515 We.st Cent,.al, Balboa (Ebell Clubhouee) Rev. Ardys T . Dean, Vlca,. 8 :30 a. m ., Holy Communion.. 9:4~ a.m., Sunday School. 11 :00 a. m., Morn.lng Prayer and Sermon. ( Firat Sunday1: Hol)' Communion.) BALBOA I SLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry w. White. 6:00 p.m. Method.1st Youth F91· lowablp. Young-Adult Fellowahlp. T:oo· p.m. Evening Worahlp:- ll•••age: "Come Y111 l.Jve." COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Bev. J&me11 P . McGraw, Putor lff CabrWo St .. Costa Meu Services Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 p . m. and 7 :30 p. m. ''THE FRIENDLY" CENTRAL BIBLE CHURCH of C011ta M esa Rev. D\vlght Kinman, pastor Meeting temporarily in the Wo- men's Club house Mortimer School SO! ()oral Belboa IaltDcl 0..-: Oollep, .._,..,. SUMMER SCHOOL G. A. M..umer, M . A., Oxford PltDol""1 Pllone -· 15% DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HO!Y, W. O...tral. Barbor HllO NEWPORT BEACH Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. l'IQ'ololu .... lklraeola Hours: 2'5, ~y Appoiqtmelll Telephone Bea<On l58'8 Ul Bro.clwa7 AleOCl ate Pa.to,. Church Scbool, 9:SO L m.. Momin& Won.b.1.p, 11 L m. Sunday school-10:00 a. m. Worship servi.ce--11:00 a. m . Young peorle's service -6:30 p. m. I r~~~~-~~~~-~~ Mitton M. M&nrell, M, D. 1801 °"-* m- ~ cw -om.., Hoon: l c>-12; 2,5 ..--rlOI! NE.WPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH GMllluel Chapel, C01t11 Mes. Rev. Herbert Roth, Puto,. Service.: Sunday, 10:80 a.m. SEVE1''"TH DAV ADVENTISTS Corner Bolsa and Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa Sabbath school, Saturday morn- ing, 9 :30 o'clock. Preaching service, 11 a.m . C HRIST CHURCH BY THE SE.A Community Methodist 1420 West Central Avenue Rtv. E . O. Goodell, Pastor CbW'Cb School, 9:50 a. m. Mom.lng Worship, 11 L m. Youth Ft:tlowlb.ip, 6 p. m. Evening Wonb.tp, 7 p . m. Mld-wee.k prayer 11ervlce, Wed- nead&y ; covered dlab dinner, 6 :30 p.m. FU L L GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd and E lden, Co.ta Meaa Sund~ achool, 9 :-t~; morning worab.tp, 11; EvangeU..Uc eervloe, 7:30 p. m .; Mid-week prayer meet- 1.na on Wedne.aay, 7:4~ p. m.; )'OU!OI" people'• evangel.llUc auvlce on Friday, 7 :4~ p . m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Churoch and W alnut St r-eets L Duane Canby, Mlnl1ter. Servtcea: Sunday, 10 L m., Bible Evening evangelistic service- 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting--8:00 p. m . Fri- day, home or Mrs. Hume. A cordial welcome to all. .. THE NEWPORT HARBOR .. LUTHER.AN CHURCH (To be Jocated on Cliff Drive, Newport Heights ) "A Changeless Christ for a Changing World!" 9 :30 a .m ., church 'school ; 10:30 a.m .. divine worship. -Services at Presenl- Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa Rev. Herbert C. Roth, pastor, 324 1\1.arine Ave., ~boa Island. Phone Harbor 218.5-J. ··come Once-You'll Come Again!" Easier '''ere it to hurl the root- ed mountain from its base, than force the yoke of slavery upon men determined to be free.- Southey, Margaret L. Scharte (Member Music Teachers' Assn. at California) Teacher of Piano Organist , Accompanist Studio: 80'7 GoldfJIU'Od Anmoe Corona del Mar PHONE: HARBOR 1046 Study; ll a. m .• Morning worsh.lp. 1------------__J 24-Hour Radio Service BOlllJ'., AUTO, llAIUN1li &ADl08 UPA••n llurt R. Norton 115 o-t llhn7 -111111 Newpoft B•dl, Qllll. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S .SEA FOOD SPA on.in Y• tile n-& 1'l9Cl8 Co DIM la On.p Ooaat,: All New ·--• Even the Location ••• Qne..Half Nile East al Old Location Oii Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern Callfomlll In the Sel'¥in& ot -SEAFOODS- •1s> YOUR .W ol 8Tl!:&K8 -VJBn' OUR ICIIUIEN - Sam's Sea ·Food Spa ' and Fish Market ~--•> DB. GORDON I!:. RAPP DENTIST USS w .. t Central Pboee Barbor Ul-J No....,.,.t INSURANCE Lincoln N aUonal Life lnSlll""'d.nOO Co. ·•1u N1a19 llJdieiitee Ji. Cbarac1.er'0 DON JERNIGAN Phone Barbor 2M-B S08 Marlne Ave. Balboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen ....__ ... .A.eeliea& PllUdel l'"o• ...,._ f"IM..I t ta .. m., An. ..,.._ MORTICIANS Harold K, Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servlna-Othen Belt" l'taom BMoon 5110 ONla Me.a Callforala OPTOMl:Tlll8T8 E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Op1'1metriot EYES ICXAMINED LllNllES DUPLICATED o ...... ~ .... ~ 3 116 W. OMtnil A.-.~ Pb. Sarber t.nl l ?lro"J!WPO&T T&ACB S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814' Bay Ave~ Balboa RtrlM>rl'IU "8 8. Biii St.. Lal ~ TUdlor 18U By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH No 1n1•et": cU1 BM.eon ~• X ,Ray 5emce T. P. REEDER, M, D. and WM-. S. IRETON, M. D. PbyAlclaas and So.rgeom MOii w. Oentral Telephone Barbor 80! Nl1h t11--169.f-\\r PUBLIC 8TENOGBAPBEB P1aono-.....-.w M. D. Keesling 1808:A Newport m..s. Cotta Meea 8UBVEYOR8 Raub & Bennett 8unocyon nod Dl;:1neers 1808 :Se"-port BlvtJ., f"r>Sta )lem Telephone r.e.coa ;ilJOl-W Z811W.Oentral Nowpor&- 'Tolepboae B•-:-bor 1%1 1 .-------------1 --;:-N':~r-::.;~ .. o · :a dependence I'm cnd1n ~ ·.t:s hwnllity, Robert A. Crawford Op<., D. OPTOMETBIST Eyes Examined , Glasses Fitted 1711 Newport; BooleYard "--...... 11611 emf.& •DA 'l°his wormish, soft servility! Fron-:. r. J\V on I am hard and wise. En· lavl·d no more by dusky eyes. No more i::'":al! ~retty martinets Consider me a~10nc their pets. The way they t reat you is a sin- Say! Who's the blonde that just came in? -M.W .G. Newport-Balboa Tourist ilurea a All Modes of Travel to Emope, Mexico, Hawaii Rolmd:~World Trips In the near future. See 111'1. Boy K-. Ph.. Barbor S91. SOl l'l!.lm, R ...... a...; It L ID. le 8 p. I& Ill IORTll.JIAll IT. ·t • • • • ()n'MDll · =~er;~:..:.tg 'I oB1TuAR1ES I Mesan Says Ham an' Eggs ... 0=~u~~~l~o;:";:: a'-v:-~-•. -Mi-~-.~-;-fr:_or_:200---. Pe-ar~.; Cost Six Bucks . in Mexico Bus Driver's Face c f Ass Was ·Red-It Wasn't oas n. Caused by the Sun I u the face or the bus driver y·1ews State ·Oct of. malnWnlng high egg quality 6 a .m . Monday in St. J oseph hos.- on fanm having 1000 to 2000 hens pital 'A'here she had been for 10 by cool.in& and atorin.g eggs be-days with a heart condition. tween dellverles to market the She was in tier seventies and Collea;e of Agriculture Univ~ty bad lived for 18 years on the of Calilornla, has pro~ded plans island, making a host of friends. and apedtlcations tor a mechan-She had travelled all over the lcally retrigerated eg2 cooler. world and made a hobby of col- -:! • lecting antiques and allver, her home being a Smithsonian Insti- tute in miniature and her collec-- tion unequalled. Because a.be loved people about her, she divided her house and rented pa.rt of it as the Island Rooming house. Surviving is one son, Frank Saunders, of South Bay Front. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a..m. in the Baltz chapel, Corona del Mar with the Rev. Ardys Dean, vicar of St. James Episcopal church, oUiciat- lng and interment will be private. Manila folden at Newa-TimeL For · Delicious STEAKS BREAK FAST • LUN CH • DI NNER N -on- Balboa I s land E ¥., Block from Ferry 11 3Yz Agate w R A D NO\V! I From $31.50 Up 0 s By J ORN O. DONB OFF Mexico and Central America are nice places to visit for a abort time'(with emphasis on the short), but unleu YoU're prepared to spend $6 for a ham-and-egg break- fast e"·e:ry morning don't con- template making your length of stay a prolonged one, says Roy Windell. 1902 "1!1erton St.. Coota Mesa, who recently returned from a plane jaunt to those countries. Of course, if you're a bird eater in the morning and can subsist on coffee and toast, you'll find those items easier on the exche-- quer because that infinitesimal mea1 ean be had for $1.50. And, if you are the type that likes to finish the day with a little nightcap at a channing Jittle bistro, you'll find you can get thimble-jigger of Scotch for $&-a chaser of soda or water be- ln1 provided free of charge, of courae. lf beer is suitable to your ple-- bian taste, 80 cent.a wU1 brine you a bottle that sells in 'this country for 20 cents, and a pitcher, whJch holds four gla.s.aa. ls yours for $2.50. The fact that a sign hangs In most ot tht dlspenaarfea proclaiming that bett ls 2!5 cent.a means nothing, because that ts for beer that they don't have. All of which adds up to terrific inflation in the land south of the Rlo Grande-and especially in the big sucker (tourist) centers. \Vindell. who ls master of 11 mechanical trades. presently en- gaged in commercial refrigerator repair and dental laboratory work (no foolinfl!:. h(' has a completely equipjX'd shop for each and doubles in brass a.nd plastics). boarded a Pan-American plane at Burbank on June 13 and returned in the middle of July. Three weeks of his trip "'ere SJX'nt in Mexico City and the oth('r \Vas in Guate- mala City. Likes Avi ation \Vindell has tremendous interest in aviation. an interest that fl!:()('S back to 1917 when hf." learned to fly from the \Vrh~ht Brothers' school in Da.>1on. Ohio. \Vindelfs early history in avia- tion is, in fact, interesting enough to digrl'SS and gtve It a swift re - view before continuing v.'ith our object lessons on the perils or travel. was a little rr'lOf'e sunburned than usual In the Interval b<tween 3:35 p k Pl Ing by Increasing drag and in· p.m. when the pusenger .trans-ar ans creasing 114 as do landing fiapl, port left Balboa plaza and 3 ·40 Windell' a Variable Incidence Angle pJU. when it reached midway. to . . device enabled the whole wing to Newport, there was a Kood reuon. revolve up to eight degrees and In fact, two. A realignment of committees by that method. the landing •peed Flnt there wu the middle-aged for . the Oran,ge County Coast of the plane could be reduced to and swarthy Italian laborer who usociation has been made by H .F . 20 miles per hour flagged the bus to a atop at 18th Kenny, presiden t of that import- Wlth the aid of tome promoters, street. • ant organization. The appoint- the Windell Commercial Aeroplane ''What ttma you got!" ments were approved at a meet- Co. was formed and stock was sold 11'e bus driver courteously tC>Jk ing of the directors held la.st Sat- The origina] plan was to manufac-out his watch. "Eighteen minutes urday at the Newport Harbor ture planes for commudal Ult to four," he aald, meanwhile hold-Yacht club. and also fly pauengen. The ing the door open for the com-At this meeting it was decided ~~~:l!~:m~~ed, =~~ mut er. to make a study of the plans of the "'Eight ml ts t f " "'-~ State Park Commission for im-against it over the Allegheny een noo o our, un:: mounta!na on the Pittsburgh to laborer said, with a turn of hi! proving State Park areas. Also New YO!'k City run. The whole dahead "Maybe I better wait for to urge re-study of the Orange • -An•e" las b"• " county shoreline master plans and trip was too uncertain and fog ....,. · • --· A th tie in the plans of the coast cities and rain kept the fiighU ground-t . e next stop en route, two ed. too orten for commercial sue~ girls, one in bathing trunks With with the county's program for cess. a bandeau na.gged the bus, which areas outside the cities. So. Windell gassed up his old wu plainly marked, "Laguna," to Chairman Kenny reported on Jenny and proceeded westward on a stop. the meeting of the Collyer Com- a transcontinental ntght that was "Does this bus go to Santa mittee on Highways and again to consume 30 thrill-packed days. Ana!" laid the girl tn the bath-point ed out the need of additions The year 1921 "'81 not the time log suit. to the gas tax if im partant high- of plentiful airports, so pastures, "Laguna." sa.ld the perplexed bus way changes and ~ditions are to vegetable gardenl and haystacla driver. • be made, or if freeways are to be were often the landing spot for "Oh. guess we'd better waJt for built. the redoubtable Jenny and her the Santa Ana bua," 1quealed the It was also agreed to hold the just-u-redoubta.bJe pilot. other girl, as the bus driver's face Octaber meeting at San J uan reddened and the bua wen t nunb-Capistrano and the subject will W Onderfu} Time ling along. I>< Education. The program will To make a long story short. \Someone on the bus said some-be in charge of Ray Elliott, chair- Windf'l l arrived ln Calltornia and thing about having the patience man of the education committee. continued tn one capacity or an-of J ob, but the bus driver didn't A membership meeting will also other until the war. Barnstorm-answer. H e"d already 10&t two be held in September at a time ing was hJs favorite pastime and minutes and he was trying to and place to be de termined later. he has clippings describing his figure how he'd be able to make Heads of the Coast Association feats of death·defying maneuvers t up and stiU get a cup of coffee committees are: Chr istmas Lighl- that thrilled crowds at air shows at \he Laguna station. ing. L. A. P atch ; Education, Ra)I and other events. Elliott: Erosion, R . T . Tornquist; Among trades which he prac-The t-mpor tance of petroleum to High\J..ays, C. S. Kimble : Hospital, tlced along v.'ith his flying "'e re the economy of Venezuela is in-Braden Finch; Legislation, L. A. d~ntistry, mar ine engineering. pat-dicated by the fact that her ex-Patch; Neewport: Harbor, George tern \\'Ork for boats and aircraft ports in 1945 were 99 per cent Wheat: P lanniRg. F orest Beal; supply. In 1942 Windell was petroleum by \Veight and 94 per Sanitation, R. W. 6 arline ; Sea] named superintendent of mechani-cent by value. 1 &:>ach Harbor, F. W. H ickman ; cal maintenance at Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. in San Pedro and commuted from his Costa Mesa home . Gettinfl!: back to his trip to }.f("xico. \\1indell says that there ar<' an abundance of items that art' scarce in this country, but . you have to pay a pretty penn)' to get them. Electrical fixtures. motors, auto tires. men's suits. shirts and underv.·car arr plenti- ful but the prices are about double. Hotel accon1modatioru1 that . ..__ State Parks, \V. M.-Lonamoor; j The came ot Freedom iJ ~Yater, Elmer Cra\\1'ord cause of God-Bowles. tbe GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor ft.a•ee: BMeon. 58SI Bw.on NN-W AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE Records _Shop Worn Albums -OCld Sets_ M.laeelJaneous Popular and Claeelc:el Beeonls Radios Used Radios $5.00 Up \,RECORD PLAYERS Small Electrical Appllan-. ~ Ott • S 0 S RADIO ELECTRIC AND ISLAN,O RECORD SHOP PHO.NE HARBOR 780 I 300 Marine A venue, Balooa Island OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS Phono-Combinattons Palmer Radio Service \Vhcn he \Y8S learning to ny in Dayton. Windell re1att'S that the s tudents In those days \vould have to wait as much as two We<'ks for the r ight wind conditions before venturing to t ake off. If the \vind would be termed third. class in the United States are priced at $15-$20 a day-in fact , the whole trip ta kes plenty of dinero, even if you eat only two meals a day. limit yourself to t\vo beers. stay away from the shoe-shine boys and ~ sure to haggle u1ith the taxi cab driver. oa 1U!llftelt ~ 2348 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Beacon 5004.w ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/"'as too strong. the old training i ship \\"ith a SO-horsepower engine I t might be \\·is.e to mention at this point that \Vindell said he ha d a ''"ondcrful time. DRAFTING SERVICE M. \VATKINS Associates ROY and Barbor 718 Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Polishing • Lubrication Can Picked Up and Dellver<d. Phone Harbor 497 -M 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. lli&O Newport Ave. CostaMe1& MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central • Phoae Harbor 2125 • Auto Painting $50 up and Body and Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • • Prices Reasonable No Delay \vould be drifted away from the fiC'ld and \yould be unable to re- turn. No time '''as set for a stud£>nt to solo, \Vind£>\\ r<'calls, and the embryo pilot merely took lessons at $25 per until he thought he could fl y itnd then \\"C'nt out on his own. \Vhen \\1indC'll rigurcd that he kne"' all that he could ]('am at Dayton, he returned to his home at ·Connellsville, Pa., and d£'Cidl'd t o build a plane of his own de - sign in his spare time. He built the plane and it turn- ed out to be quite advanced and modern for its day. Powered by a nine-cylinder wate r-cooled r o- tary engine which developed 110 horsepower, the new ship pion- eer ed a new development that later turned out to be wing fl aps. Instead of using a partion of the wings to reduce speed for land· EVERYTHING In Qnallty REFRIGERATION Air Coodl tlonlng F.quipment C•~s • Cablnet.s . Counten \\'alk·ln§ . Fount.a.Ina . Stoo1a Ba.rk Ban . Boot.hi Complete l\l uketa Cate, Etc. Planntnr "WEBER" DEALERs • ' 1%3 8. Lori Anplea St., An•helm Phone 465! Frank Alt'XJlJldf'r Rul1 Frank Alexander Ruiz, 43, su- perintendent of the Bayside Fish market. died Tuesday morning \\'hile at v.·ork. He was born in Santa Barbara and had been "·ith the market for Si'Ven years, living at 503 34th 11treet. Surviving are the \vidow, Julia: t\\·o sons. Charles and \Villlam; a brother , LaWTence, Los Angeles, and four sisters, Mrs. GertrUde Hays, Mrs. Stella F ox and Mrs. Catherine Fields, all of Los An- geles, and Sister Mary Glenn of San Francisco. Funeral services were held to- day (Thursday al t 1 p.m . in the Harold Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa with the Rev. E. D. Goodell of- ficiatine and Interment was in Grandview Memorial park, Bur- bank. Ledger lhttts at News-nmes. BALil MORTUARY -!- Lady Attendant -!- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT ATTENTION BOAT Owners, TRAILER Owners GEi' THOSE BOAT OOVERS, SAIL OOVEBS, AND TRAU.EB OOVEB8 NOW. • • • Quality Canvas -Quality Workmanship • • • COSTA MESA CANVAS & AWNING CO. 1021 s. E..Roebeder St., C...ta -- Box 101-Phone Beacon 5023-Acrosa from Fire Statlm (( JJ - A severe beer shortage -yes. But when you do get EaStside you'll get the same fine beer as always. N et1er " reduction in &u1side q""1ily. . . "' .· ~--. IOI .u.otLIS a1IW1 ... co.,...,-• &OS AMOl llS • • . ' • • • • •• , .. • p,,z-'ft• I ,, ... 11, INI White Hone Cafe Balboa Islanders Now Settled in Va. Harbor Feminine Activities Dunlap-Norton Rites Saturday', Aug. 1/ In Charleston, W . V. n.. next --al the -Economic oectlon al. the CGota Word has · been received by friends of former Balboa Island residents, Col. and Mn. Paul Mesa Grange · wilt be held 'I'- day, Aue. 20, at the home al. Mn. Esther Belau, 1767 Orange avenue. Pbcme 1181 i.c-8-eh, o.Bt. + RellMenoe Alolie 1637-R A weddfng of much local inter-~----------~­ Schrepel and son. Don. that they -----------------'--------;;;-------------------------- Harbor Women to Attend Nat. Conve_ntion of W.S.C.S. Program Chairman Presents Mother are now permanenUy setUed after some 10,000 miles of ai&-<:rossing the country in the put few months. W .C.T.U. at Minneapqlis in September And Friend in Notable Music Program est is that which will take place SatW'day, Aug. 17, '!I 8 p. m. in the chapel of the Finl Presby- terian church, Otarleston, West Va., when Miss J'oan Lenore Mor- ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl PIMre Bemer-58M Newpud a Ooeta llta CAB CO. The colone.I is assigned to the air finance office, headquarters of Army Air Force in the Pentagon building and his work wU1 consist primarily in re\iewing audits in connection with war contracts. They have purchased a new home at Vienna, Va .. and were to be in Mrs. Nellie McAdams, 23 Mrs. H. N. Osbcrne of Long Franklin Morton of ihat dty will U-Boar Sm dee street, Costa Mesa. who was'a tor-Breakfast Program Kitchen Shower Beach and Mrs. Carol Atwater of beoome the bride of Stewart Tor-'------------· me:r member of the group. wu Doheney Park were pr-eseoted by rey Dunlap jr., son of Mr. and ------------ So Help Me • By BA.cldle Dore7 • by Aug. 15. Only exiled Californians who have bad a Uke experience can quite understand the thrill Mrs. Schrepel had, when she saw a stenographer in an office looking at a late magazine which featured the Flight of the SnoWbirds as a cover. Don. also, had a thrill when, on a trip to the Smithsonian Institute, a pholographer talcing pictures for a Sunday edition or the Washing- ton Star 1napped him pased with one of the airplanes. "Gentlemen", began the Boss dubiously, Io o k i n g around at the assembled ass<r ciates at J.M. Miller's Deed----------- & Escrow Refinery, ''Today.-----------. we are going to give a little Corona del Mar thought to that delightful Malt. Shop new subdivision known as Balboa Coves." 1 •'HO\\>" can we gi.ve out any thoughts when we haven't enough to go around right here?" inquired Russ the er- 10111 OoMt mp ... , e Old fashioned ma!U We mean jult this. rand boy who has been prac-.---- tising mental rela:c:at1on ever since his fourth birthday. ''The work is going right ahead on the improvements", continued the Boss. disre- g a rd i n g the interruption. ''The steam shovels finished their work last week." "Oh, I'm sorry I mis$ed them.' 'exclaimed Jane the of- tlce girl, "I've always won- dered how they could shovel steam by machinery!" . "I'd· like to get an option Let us tell you frankly, on one of those steam shpv-whether your radio can els," broke in Holly the offire be repaired inexpen- boy. "I know a man named sively enough for it to Gus in Southern Rhodesia oe worthwhile! hostess to the Newport Beach For County Forum For Bride-Elect Mrs. James Harris, program chair-Mrs. s. T . Dunlap sr., 219 Sapphire W .C.T.U. Wednesday afternoon. man, in a half hour of original avenue, Balboa. Island . In answer to President Tru-Members of Orange C.Ounty A luncheon honoring ~fiss Pa-so~ and poems at the Thursday Mr. Dunlap sen·ed 30 months in man's request for prayers for con-Speakers Forum were entertained tricia Chapman. Saturday's bride.. ~Ung of th~ W.S.C.S . of Costa the Southwest Pacific as techrUcal tlnued world peace on this first Tuesday by their president, Mrs. to-be, was also the OCC2Sion for l\; esa Comml.\fUty. church. sergeant in the Marine Cori:-and anniversary of the ending of war Robert 'Ross, 1028 West Ocean beach fun when Miss Betaey Rab-Mrs. Osborne is • song _writer is now attending Ohio university in Europe, the meeting was opened Front with breakfast tint thing bitt entertained Tuesday at her and member of the Guild of where his bride-to-be has also been with prayen O';' this sub~t on ~ program, followed by the home, 310 Buena Vista street. ~omen ~posen.. assoda_ted a student. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap Mrs. May U Ren presided and ~try quiz planned by the hostess. Balboa. · Wlth the Music CJulis of Arnenca. sr. will nOt be able to attend the Miss Elsie Newland led in devo-Table decprations were gorgeous Many pretty things for, the tu-w~e Mrs. Atwa~er won the state wedding but will welcome the tions. her subject being '"The CUp tuberous betonias and zinnias from ture kitchen were opened and ad-pnze for Callforrua O\apa.ral Poets young couple at Christmas vaca- or Cold Water." Plans for turning the greenhouse and . garden, and mired. Luncheon was a barbecue ~ years ago. She was aco:>mpa· tion. in annual reports for the yearbook assisting :P.tn. Ross were Mrs. AI· I affair on the beach, with sailing nist, ar_1d Mrs. Os~e sang. The were made, and they are to be in bert Raympnd and Mrs. Charles afterward. latter is Mrs. ,tJa.r;ts mo~.~r. On by Sept. I. Boyer of Anaheim, Mrs. E. H . Thaae present were Miss Olap-the program"~~~. 'Tears, ~eep-S S Children Mrs. Flora Beatty, Loyal Tern-Smith of Orange and Mrs. Uly S . man and her houseguest, Miss Pat ~r of the Gate, Baby .. Toys and . • perance Legion teader. reported Frank ot Fullerton a11 board JUce· Miss Allee Best and house-'The Ange1 of the Lord. Feted Thursday the Legion is having a vacation members. ' (Uesi. Miss Jean Hall of Phoenix; Mrs. T .. Martin B~auti presided this month but that during June Committees were announced by Miss Mary Condon, Miss Beverly at the busmen meeting which fol- and July members met in the the pres:l~nt those named as Brokaw, Miss Betty Thome ot l~ed a salad l~cheon served .by morning for a watne breakfast ~t chairmen being Mn. Frank, pro-Pasadena and the holteu. Circle 5: of w:Wch Mn. Lillian her home. Ml:,s. Beatty and Mrs. gram: Mrs. C. A. Neighbors, hos-Turner 15 president. Mrs. Curry McAdams. the former representing pitaUay: Mrs.' James G. Mc-Eastern Relatives reported on the. Instltut~ of In- the county L. T .L. and the latter Cracken, pr:es, and Mrs. C. W . t~rnatlonal Relat_1ons held m Wh1t- the county W.C.T.U., are to be Austin membership. Are Expected at tier recently, telling of Dr. Palmer, delegates to the national conven-· S. A. Meyer Home former Presbyterian minister who tion at Minneapalis September B d d R is now head of the Institut~ of In- 19-24. ri ge an Ummy temational Relatio~; of Dr. Well- Mrs. Beatty attended the county At E. I. Moore Home Mr. a nd Mrs. Guy A. Miller of ington Koo, Chinese ambassador, executive officers' me<>ting at Or-Earlham, Iowa, will arMve Friday and Dr. Sallman, the German rep- ange county park July 18 and Mrs. E . I. Moore, 1221 West evening to spend several weeks resentative. Miss Keo Fisher re.. bro~ght a 1.e~gthy report of the Central avenue. entertained Tues-with M.r. and Mrs. S . A. Meyer at JX>rted as repT'esentative of the days actiVlt1es. Announcement day "'ith 8 luncheon for ?o.·trs. their ne\v home on Via Mentone, G.S .C.S.. telling of camping at ~·as made or the next county n1ee t· I H ardiman of New York \\'ho is Lido Isle. Osceola.· ' tng Sept. 20 at Ga,rden. Grove.a nd spending the monlh 00 Lido Isle, Mrs. ~tiller is Mrs. Meyer's sis-Five of the ch.urch }'oung people of the nC'Xt local meeting, Sept. 4 \\'here she was 8 Cormer residen t. ter. The eastern visitors will later are giving themselves to lifetime at the home qftMrs. Ella Goeldner, Luncheon ...,·as srrved at the join friends no\\' in Oregon. who service and the \V.S.C.S. will fi- Otildren of the primary depart- ment of the Foursquare church of Costa Mesa, 35 in number, and with their mothers and teachers, were e ntertained Thursday after- n09n in the yard of the parsonage, 256 Broadway, by the Rev. and Mrs. G. Willard Stearns. Such games as ring-around-a- rosy were played, and there was a fish pond with marbles for OOys and toy plastic knives a nd forks for girls. There were cookies, ice cream and lollipops for everyone. and Rev. Stearns took pictures of the CTO\\'d, Teachers present \\'ere ?ttrs. Viola Ne"" ~trs. Lily l\iadison and Mrs. l'\·lyrtle King. 217 33rd strcc '. . daintily a ppointed card tables, ,,·ere here earlier in the summer, nanc:e one of them for training at After the business meeting was 'th b .d d r 11 . and the four "ill return home to-Scarat college in the east. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . l . h h h t WI r1 ~e an rummy o O\V1.ng. g'th'r. , Pl d f b a soc1a hour "'l I t e os css ,1 S A ,1 th .. "' ans "'ere ma e or a azaar · d k. h . rs. . . 1v eyer won e rummy serving homema e . coo 1cs, c ~-prize . ...,·hile l\lrs. Margaret Nie· and farmer's market to be held 01ate sponge pudding and fruit mcyer took first award at bridge Arts and Crafts Meet trom 3 to 9 p. m. on the church punch lawn and in the social hall, With · with Mrs. Heinz Kaiser consoled. At J. P. Cooper Home Townsend Club Ne~·port Beach To'>"'nsend club y.•ill meet Tuesday evC'ning, Aug. 20 y.·ith Mr. and l\.irs. S. E. Foote, Acacia street, Newport Heights. Jt will be a potluck sup(>C'r , served at 6:30 on the lawn with a business and social hour to folio\\.'. Mrs. Hardiman received a guest dinner in the evening. Mrs. Wood.-I l'\trs. J . P. Cooper, 1745 Orange row Cooper is general chairman pr ~~~sts included the Mesdames avenue, Costa l\;fesa, extended her and all circles are working on ar- Fra nk Hardiman, Jay H ardiman, hospitality to members of the Arts tides for Uie bazaar. Meyer , Niemeyer, Fred Catlin. O. and Crafts section of the Friday Afternoon club Tuesday, 20 being ------------M . Campbell, Kaiser. C. B. Rudd, t N E W L I N E P. V. Parkes. Harry \Velch. Sam presen · Kinsrather, A. J . Gant. Harold Mrs. Grace Wilcox presided and Craft Greeting Cards \Voldenberg and Lorale<> Dro\\.'ll. plans \\'ere made for next year's S+•ff~-meetings, among other activities ~;, I who had to give up his work as ·a glass blower on acocunt Newport Electric M;ss Della Robertson or River- he got asthma. Now he's got Appliance Co. side is at her cottage. 112 27th Mrs. j on Allen Bridge Hostess considered being a bazaar. At the Brookings Variety close of the afternoon the hostess .. o.-..,.. o-... ... .. coffee. a big clam digging concession street, with her mother and her on the Zambezi river. Tried !S06 Cout Blvd. sister, Mrs. Myrtle Adams. They • Pb.one ZlS8 digging the clrune with a po-~===========~~wi~·~u~s~t;ay~u;n~ti~l ~s~ch~oo~l ~r;eo;pe;;n•;·~ tato fork but it made bis back ache something awful. I'll bet he'd be Interested in a good late model low mileage steam shovel }"it ha clam sep- arator attachinent." Mn. Jon Brett Allen of the Udo a partments entertained with a bridge luncheon Tuesday uSing roses and dahlias to center the ta- bles and serving a menu of avocado and tuna salad, hot rolls, cake and coffee. :e~rv~ed-~~bo~ys~en~be;rr;y~co~b~b~ler~~an~d~~c~~·~·~· ~·~-~-~..,~··~w~··~-~"'~ The • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends in short hairdos. "How did we ever get on this subject?" mooned the boss. "I'm talking .about Bal- boa Coves. It's the biggest real estate deal since the pur- chase of Alaska!" "Alaska wasn't such a bar- gain," sneered Bid the assist- ant janitor. "No paved streets, no se\\'e~. no utilities. All we got out of it was a few cans of salmon and some kay- Expert ~ea u tic i ans for Milady • Permanents, Cold Wave, lWr Slyline, Hair Tinting ---Bleach· Ing, Facials. NO WAJTJNO Carmen and Staff Balboa Inn aks." Balboa ln1I Arcade • 0oe&a Front at Ule Pier "It was lucky foF me that we had Alaska in 1932·" said -"--NEWPORT HARBOR MOVIE GUIDE -"-Holly. "I was traveling with I w l-1 a balancing act on the Keith ------------------------- Circuit. Got stranded in Medi-Lido Theatre Balboa Theatre cine Hat, Wyommg. Just m time the local lumber com- pany got a big order for Alaska, and we got a 3-year contract out of it." Phone Harbor 2114 Box Office Open at 6 :45 Shows at 7 and 9 :15 l'\iatinee Saturday at 1 :45 Continuous Sunday 2 :15 Phone Harbor 26 Bo:ii: ornoe ()pea ai 8:15 s~ .. Nlptly, 6:SO a 9:SO • "What did the lumber com- pany want with a balancing Ftt.-&t. A.UC". 18-17 Tbun.-Frl.-sa.t. A.o.c. 15-18-17 act?" asked the Boss who Color C3l'toon Festival never takes anything for The Screen's Gre&t.M& Story ot the \\'e.t! ~~ted us to pose for the 8 Color cartoons -In Tedmlco••,._ totem poles they were mak-by Walt Dl91Wly, Tes Avery \\'Ith Joel McCrea -Sonny Tutta and Merrie Melodlea! and Brain Do~'l'---stl• "THE VIRGINIAN" Ing. A long, tiring job. The ..... ea .... y WU.OU'• DOS ALO DUCK C ABTOOS Woodcarvers got ~;d by the I I d" ------------~ "Bikini--Atom s an hour, and did they take their s un. thru. Tl-. Aue. 18 19-!0 time!" --&nd--- The Boss took a deep "Joe Palooka, Champ" breath and started m all over i ----------- again. "This Balboa Coves Sun. thru \'"ed. Aug. 18 -21 &i~~~-~e;~ti!1 ~ !<OTE: ,_.,. at 6 :30 & 9:00 oa bay front and with a slip for thl• ~ °"'y-Monday lh'1I a boat. Every lot has its O\,VIl "..._ · beach. Bathe in your ow11 . il!Olt .--_--,_':',,,__""".'.·.---,. front yard!' ' \ "£ ""'"'" "Not me," said Russ with l)\ll\•' . ':'.,,."'Z~ finality. ...~S(lll ·--"Why not?" snapped the Ill""" Of Slit.M Boss. "\VhatJs wrong with Ut'~al. =:=~ ur -~ "I can't swim." pointed out Russ. '.'That makes no differ- ence,'' said the Boss. "It does to me," said Russ with a worried look. "I don't . . '' can')' any~~· "How about ftre J.llSW'o ance ?" queried the Boss with a meaning look. "U I don't get some cooperation you're all going to need some." Tbo --~ m-.. .._.., -"1'wG Ohia """ .. !lallor" ••• "Two. Sisters from Boston" llMluya G- ,_ ~ • 11a1a<t Dunnle ~ ......... -Laarl ......... "DLU<Y or A CBAlllmMAID" 'l1le Pk:Aue .Z••JfJ m '7 .. ---~! Scroaml0 alY F'unn.1 ! Allyn .Joslyn and Carol I •edit -!&- "It Shouldn't Happen to a Dog" -t~'D BIO FEA71JR.&- ''The Bride Saw Red .. White .. and Blew!" Ro,y Milland • Sonny Tutta OUvta Della\1.llaDd lD- ''The Well Groomed Bride" Wed. ~ Frt. Aue. Zl·H·:U NOTE: -at a:te a t :tt OD ..... UC'I ... -tr? • Esd--~l GLENN MJJJ,ER AND Bl8 OSCMMll&A0 A8 .. dlFf .... -Canie I• , O••a••--....y i..,... But. -~ •• • .... ta Metr!nt ....,!m la "Orchestra Wives" PMJb4 _.. 6'-err -. , ............... lllla! --lllllQtllCllT ~ M .. lyW..U..,·-~ ... ,_ ....... We saw he meant business ., the meeting was quickly adjoumed. U you want to beer more about Balboa Caves drop Into the ottloe at 15th a: Central and we'll talk about It J . M. MlllM' Is the a-• name. If you haven't alreadY got his phooe num- ber It's Harboc 1242. Real ...... deals .-tJy sewed up ·-'~'~11:..:tl:.:l!l~P:.:IC~N~l!l~IC:.:'~'-~~!::~===~~~: wlllle you wait NEEDLEPOINTER • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also machineless permanents. Two tables were in play with Mrs. Paul Palmer, mother ot the hostess, taking first prize and Mrs. Ralph Maskey receiving sec- ond. Others present were the Mes- dames Spalding' Eastman, Robert Po\\•ell, Tom Henderson. Lynn Kepper and Had Ring. •Rug Yam and Canvas • Croobet Tlml&ds .Virinia Bell's The bridge sect ion of th~ Friday Afternoon club is to assemble Aug. 28th at 12 :30 p. m. at the Santa Ana home of 1\frs. G. ~F. Ludlow, 1040 \V. F&urth St. Reservations are to be made \\ith Mrs. Jerrold Spangler or l\irs. A . J . Lupton. Featuring Columbia and Bernat Yarns -Free Knitung Instruction -• MARISKA House of Beauty 118 E. BROADWAY COSTA MESA S04 Marine Ave. Balboa 181and Phone .. H•rbor .... 1827 INVITES YOU TO HER First Annual CLEARANCE Three Days: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, August 16, 17, 18 ' Blouses DFesses Formerly $4.95 to $10.95 Formerly $10.95 to $29.95 Bathing and Play Suits Formerly $4.95 to $12.95 Suits To Clear at Formerly $19.95 to $22.95 Play Shoes Formerly $2.95 to $4.95 158' Newport Boulevard Costa Mesa, California • • All Summer Bags Formerly up to $18.00 Peasant & <A>tton Skirts Formerly $4.95 to $7.95 Slack Su.lfS Formerly $1:95 $1995 $10.95 to $34.95 to Jackets Shorts To Clear I Formerly $8.95 to $14.95 To Clear Formerly $2.95 to $5.95 . + TWO LOCATIONS + 806 Eut Cen9'a) Avenue • .Balboa, California -lhrbor 8.14 ' ' ' ' J