HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-12 - Newport Balboa News Times111 SAND CRAB ., SAM WATER WOE. Defeat of MWD water by only a f"' votes came as a shock and a blow to the progres- sive leaders of Newport Beach; it brings Costa Mesa, which voted for annexation, Into sharp competition as a contender for becoming the largest city in the harbor area with a . positive dividing line between Uie two com-mltuies. Dick Patterson, former city engineer, said to- day that the city would be compelled to raise its water rates immediately and that It faces a bond election for more wells and better facili- ties which must be installed before next summer; that the cost could easily run Into hundreds ot thousands of dollars. Thus, almost over- night Newport Beach tax- payers will be obligated for practically all o tthe e-pense of joining the MWD set-up. Costa Mesa learned its les- son a year or two ago when its citizens by a majority vote negatived joining the coastal district', but the votes of Laguna Beach pulled the Mesa in despite the object- ors. That the Mesa since has seen the elTOr of its ways was attested by the vote Tuesday when it voted by a vast majority to annex. Chas. TeWinkle. an irriga- tion director for many years, stated that MWD water could be made available at · once, due to the fact that his district is already connected up and could thus readily supply water to the other ir- rigation districts on the Mesa. Fairview Farms Tues- day voted to join, which now puts all three districts in the Colorado·river setup. It was believed in some quarters that it would be several years before Newport Beach would try to vote on the Wa.- ter issue. And did 618 vot- ers take the first backward step In Newport Beach's 40 years of history? + + • Smelly. 'Jever drive along the Coast Hiway from The Arches toward Corona del Mar and when the wind is right, get a whiff of unpleas- antness? The odor is from sewer gas belching from the several outlets from sewer lines installed by the city and left unprotected. This mist or vapor can be burned or destroyed by proper de- vices in the outlets and our city da<ls should be per- suaded to get the engineer- ing depal'.(ment to go to suf- ficient expense to do away with the odiferous smell, thus permitting the motor- ists' sight of the bay to be unhampered by a fragrance that is not a rose. + + + Top Priees. J ust learned that what is believed to be the highest price ever paid for a eompa.rable inside lot baS gone into escrow. It comprises 35 feet or frontage on Abalone avenue, Balboa Island and the amount was $11,000, or nearly $350 per front foot. Another high rate for a waterfront lot cmpe to light the other day when James Rubel sold a 45- ft. site on Lida bay short near the eastern tip of the island for $19.500. Can any realtor or lot owner beat these? + + + Nifty Sips. Best looking direction signs installed in this area for some years are tholle of P. A. Palmer and Udo Isle. Vivid reds and yellows artistically designed adorn the streets and en- trance to the Isle, the job being done under the super- vision ol Olet Crank, Los Angeles adV'ertlsillg man and · fOI mer preside!lt ot Lido Isle Ocmmunity association. + + • .....,_Battoa l'arala1. Note that Russell Reed, for- mer Harborite, DOW With the Univ. of Wisconsin, claims that farming ol the future will tie by push-buttoo and is In charge ol experimefltal tarms near Mad!soo to furn- ish a 4-yr. course on electri- dt;y and cleener methods. KEEP POSTEDl 1 y .......... .... la OLE fr .. ,. a.a .. Cl •lit .. ,.. a.a .. - -~ .......... N.......,_,,New .. l..._. • , , NEWRODT . { o.1J On 11 OI cc; ,......., N'ewa,.,.r ........ ... cl ai I 111 _EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE; NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLma: mwm NEWPO&T BU.OB. CALIFOllNJ.A, TllU&SDAY. 8&11'CllJIQ '1. lMI ... ' NO•··· "1 63 VOTES BEAT CITY MWD PLAN The referendum proposing an· nexation of the corporate area of Newport Beach-Balboa-Balboa Isl- and and Corona del Mar to the Metropolitan Water District and the Coa.sta1 Municipal Water Dis- trict was defeated by a margin of 63 votes at the special election Tuesday. Two other areas, Brea and Fairview Farms, voted in favor of annexation. A majority of ballots cast in Balboa and Corona del Mar were decidedly against the , annexation proposal and the favorable vote of the three other Newport Harbor election precincts. two· in Newport Beach and one on Balboa Island. was insufficient to carry the measure. The unofficial tabulation of the vote in the Newport Harbor city area showed that the referendum was defeated 617 to 554. A total of 1171 out of 4755 registered vot- ers voted at the special election. There was only one disqualified ballot, and this was cast out be- cause it was a bad one~ The "yes" and "no" vote by election precincts follows: Yee No Newport No. l ...... 138 112 Newport No. 2 ...... 110 84 Balboa No. 3 .......... 70 211 Balboa Island ....... 150 108 Corona del Mar .... 86 102 Total ................ 554 617 Mrca- 26 26 141 42 16 Brea voted 745 yes to 25 noes and Fairview Farms, the unincor- porated area of Costa Mesa. voted ·220 yes and 33 no votes.· Annex- ation will cost Brea an assessment of $99,<X>O, its proportionate share of the district expenditure. and Fairview Farms will be assessed $30,600 to pay for its share in the water district system . The vote will be canvassed by the board of trustees of the La- guna Beach water district tonight <Thursday )when the official an- nouncement will be made. Hitchcock Plans Speedboat Race Resumption Soon B y JOHN DONHOFF · Sports F.dltor BALBOA, THE .&LL-YEAR-'BOUND PLAYGROUND OF li()UTHERN CAUFORNIA, PRES~ HEREWITH ITS OWN GROUP OF BEAU- TIFUL YOUNG WOMEN WHO MAKE NEWPORT 11.&RBO. CITY A Pl.EAS.&NT PLACE IN CH TO LIVE AND GROW YOUNGER. THE BEVY OF BEAUTIES PICTURED HERE TOOK PART IN THE PIRATE DAYS CEl.EBRATI N, AN ANNUAL FESTIVITY. ,...,......,, _, Charming Balboa Princess C. OF C. VET Fo~er City Engineer Sees Has Excellent Bac~ground BOARD HAS S~ A. River as Water Source By FREDERIC FROST . -. "M EE TI NG A sune-tton tb:at tlle city of Newport BMdl employ Ore wwlew Dolorea Manha.II, u.e cltarmfnc 11ryea.r-old daupter Of Mr. aDd . , or • boafd of tbPee reeoplr.ed IQ'draullc en'.ctnMn ......... plmlo Mn. J, L. Manhall of SSO Undo avenue, Balboa, who w .. crowned for t.be development of a water upply from the Santa Ana rher ....., Queen of the Pirates at tbe CoronaUoa Ball held In Balboa. bu an with an adequate Mpply for a minimum of !5 years, ....... made t.o11Q lllu.ttrleus t&mlly backcn>u.nd daUnc back to ~ent days of blatoric Meeting of the Veterans Serv-by R. L J htt.enon, former city encfneer, tn a statement t....s to Kings and Queens. ice committee was he1d Wednes-tbe Nen-nmm. mTHLAll EXPANSION OIAGENDA ' Plans of foresighted public otft .. cials of the atate who bave IP'fff faith in the future expansion. ol the commonwealth and ~ larly of Southern California Will attend the state convention of the League of CaJifomja Oties which will be held in San Diego fer four days, beginning Sunday. One of the important issues to be discuaed by municipal officMls from every community in Cali- fornia will be the propased tn.Qa- continental highway linking South- ern California through San Diego with the great new continental highway being financed by the States of New York and Pennsyl- vania from New York city to Buffalo and from there to Oew-- land. Highway officials throughout the nation see in the development of the new continental motorways a reducing of the ffiilcage space be- tween states in the eastern and western seaboards: The plans which were in the initiative stage before Pearl Harbor \.\'ere shelved when it was imminent that the United States was to be drawn into World War ll, but now the plans have been dusted. off and something is being done to put them in the creative deveJqpment phase, The States of New York and Pennsylvania have already appro- priated huge hums for the con- struction of their phases of the continental highway& linking part of the east with the west at Cleveland. Out here the" aty of i.<lO Angeles and the State of CaJi. fornia ls contributing a part in the building of the Loa Angeles freeway, which will do much toward carrying the heavy traffic to its destination. • • • ·MIM Manball, who ts a 11tudent of I.he Newport Harbor Union day, September llth, at White's Mr. ftattenon. who resides at 200C. Court a\-enue, Newport Beecll, High 11ehool and plaDA to enter dramatics throu(h tbe Pua.kn• play-Coffee Shop. Balboa, with the fol-and ls a nsuJttng enctneer wfth the ftnn of Pattenon & BoJ1e, dcllaC ORANGE COUNTY CITIES will hou1e alter gnduatton from the hlcb school, la proud of ber color-10"";ng present: S. T. Dunlap, Ro-business in Laguna, New p 0 r· t tie heavily represented at the state tul ancestral stnln. but •he does not let It turn her head. Actually land A. \Vrjght, J . R. C.Onnell, A Beach and Santa Ana.. advanced convention. Each city is sending she is a very modest young lady, Irvin George Gordon, Don Du-n ounce this suggestion only after he was upwards of 10 or more offictala.. somewhat shy at first,mttting. Ice Fo11·1es rant, Earl Coppersmith, Gordon asked what the city should do Beach cities haYe already sent When the writer was introduced Findlay and Harry Welch. about its future water source now delegations to San Diego. to the Que<'n of the Pirates at Chairman Dunlap stated that K I d that the MWD referendwn was Newport Harbor will be repre- her home in Balboa, the young the committee \•.ras organized a ow an defeated at the polls. aented by a delegation from the lady was attired in her autht>ntic 0 0 L A year ago, at the suggestion of the Discussing the recent election Oty of Newport Beach headed by 17th century regalia a nd she was pen 1n Nev.·port Harbor Chamber of Com-vote, Mr. Patterson said. '"There Mayor 0 . B. Reed a nd including worried lt>ss a moment spent Y.ith merce and recommended that It• probably will be a lot of post mor-members of the city council, Qty a reportt>r would make her late for • • Capt. C. V. f\1"cCarty and C.ol. T. P. 1nerary terns on the result of Tllesday's Attorney Roland Thompson, aty the rehearsal of the ceremonies to 0 s t 19 Atkinson be elected h 0 n 0 r a r y election on the future 't'lt'11.ler sup-Administrator J . J . Sailors, Oty she said to her mother, Mrs. Claire • resignation of Mr. Andrew Hay-. ~ "The fact that the majority de-gineer J. B. Webb, City Treasurer the Coronation Ball. '"] was told," n ep ID('mber of tht> "committee and the I .. ! ply of Newport Beach. -<::_lerk: Frank. Rinehart, City ED- Elaine Whit ney Marshall. "that I man be accepted. He suggested An ac tion-packed day of ! cided against securing a suppte... J. A. Gantt and City Judge Bob Negotiations are under way this must r('port to the USO club for there be added to the committee speeches, receptions and inspec-mented suppJy of Colorado River Gardner. week for tht> resumption of the a rehearsal this afternoon and I Bigger and better than ever. the Robert Gardner, Robert Powell, lions was outlined today for U. water is a mandate to the City Huntington Beach will be repre-- Pacific Coast Speed Boat Champ-want to be there on time." famed Shipstads and Johnson Ice Commander Earl Coppersmith and S. Senator William Knowland, to Council to take immediate •tes-sented. by· Mayor Ted Bartlett, ionships in Newport Harbor, ac-It thus became the duty of her Follies of 1947 Y.ill make its world Past-Commander Don Durant of visit the county on September IS to rectify the deplorable condition City Councilman F. D. Grablt>, Oty cording to Kent Hitchcock, local mother to reveal the genealogical premiere at the Pan-Pacific, 7600 the Legion. for the first time since his recent of the present insufficient fadli· Judge C. P . Pa.tton, Pol ice Chief photographer a nd commodore in facts about the young lad_. .. '-''ho Beverly Blvd .. Los Angeles. Thurs-Mr. Dunlap was elected chair· appointment by Gov. Warren to ties for water production in order D. M. Blossom, Oty Oerk Charles cha rge of many of the greatest was chosen Queen of the Balboa day evening, Sep\. 19. man, Mr. Coppersmith, vice--chair-succeed the late Hiram Johnson. to provide for immMiate need&." R. Furr, Oty Attorney Ray Over- races in the 11 Western states. Pirates over a competitive field Hundreds of movie stars will man, Mr. ConnelJ, second vice-Detail~ of the program were de· Mr. Patterson then made his •~er. Oty Engineer Harry Over- Hitchcock. who would like to of some 50 other beautiful young mingle with sports champions, not chairman. Mr. Wright, treasurer, veloped last night as Publisher L. suggestion that the city employ myer and Secretary-MaJtager W. see the race brought back to New-women of Orange county last and Harry Welch was elected sec-H. Louqon of An8heim Bulletin three recognized hydraulic engine-!I. Gallienne of Huntington Beach port as it was in the years before week during the Pirate Days cele-retary and an honorary member opened his home to the Knowland ers to pl a n a new water. <level~ Chamber of Commerce. the war . has had a series of meet-bration. Their family history of the committee. The five offic-committee, who conferred regard-ment for this area. "The city ings with Harbormaster Russell dates back to Charlemagne, the ers of the committee were author· Ing the "Know Kno..\rland" day's should not continue on a hlt·and· Craig and pov.'er boat officials and feudft.l emperor, as well as to tht:' ized to constitute an executive schcduJe.1 miss policy that has been in effect it is indicated that the chances of ancient kings of England, Scotland I comnu'ttee to act t'n any emer· H ' f ' for the past 10 '""ars." the o·vin having tht" race staged locally are and Italy. is irst program wlll be at 9 engineer said. J~ 11 favorable. • • • gency. a.m. at a breakfast at Hotel La-.. 1 '·li Mr. Coppersmith then deta1'Jed guna · La n . h h h u.: eve," he added. ":'that this A -mm1'ttee has •--n canvas-HER FATHER, J . L Marshall, in guna DC""ac • w ere e LA. Woman Dies In Truck Here; Probe Underway '" ~~ I plans for establishing a Veterans will informally d ' t ' al 1 suggestion should be carried out Sing the fir...,., located on the Coast who is general manager of Christ-tscuss na ion a -·1h f """ Service Center at the Legion Hut fairs at th 1 · wt out urther delay and that Highway a nd the north s1·d-of ian's Hut in Balboa. has an in-· e ear Y-morning recep-Mrs. Lucille Newton, 47, 1104 "'" and stated that Bill Johns would tion. any reasonable plan rra:immended the Lido channel to ascertain thelr ternational background. HE' was be in charge. He outlined the plan H . should be adopted by the people South Main street, Los Angeles. f--'t'ngs about hav1·ng the race 1'n born in England, the son of Wil-is next tour is up the coast f f was found dead at 1:45 p. m. ~.... in some detail and pointed. out to the county harbo t N or a ter a ll an adequat.e Water the north channel. Dur1'ng the Ham Blazek Marshall. an Eng· · r a ewport I · Wednesday in the back end of a the need for financial help. It Beach wher h d h ' ty supp Y is more important to any "'a.r, it would have •-n 1·m-•1'ble lishman, and of Pauline Dvorska • e e an is par truck parked in the city parking ~ .....,.....,. was decided to allow from th-wi'll board boat f t f h community than mere pencmaiit· to hold the extravaganza in the ?-farshall. who Y.'as a member of a "' a or a our 0 t e t'es." lot at McFadden Place, Newport, present fund $100.00 a month for bay and 1'n•~; f ·ts · all by'"· channel ....,,__awie of traffic but 1't fine Polish family. _ ....... on ° 1 inst a-Mr u.e driver of the truck. Charles ~ six months for the operation of 11·008 He 'II nf th 'th · Patterson concluded bis D H is hoped that it will now be feas-Marsha ll's father was a civil · wt co er ere wt • ollinpworth, 1125 M a p 1 e the Service center on the plan. city a nd county 1 d .. -:-statement with the assett:iccl that -t, ible. enginttr . He was a member of I ea ers rega..ouuig 1't 15· the r~nst'bili._ __ .. ...__ Su"Cll; Le. Angeles. t was moved to ......,uest the Com-further harbo · t d ~-,...,... .. , ... ~ uw. .. , The race v.'ill be for inboard the party of four structural engi-• ~.. · r unprovemen an of tho N-Beach Oty -~---The two came to .Balboa. at 5:30 munity Chest to include an 1'tem the p--ts f I ti th 1 ... ~· • ~ boats only and the rrn.bable dates neen that v.·ere selected by the ...... _... 0 oca ng e nava ct'! to take ·immediate ~ 1nj p.m. Tuesday, parking tn the cJtv .... .., of Sl200.00 for the Veter• .. • Serv-academy I th' t -I -.. are either between Sept. 29 and British government to assist the -n "' coun y. the water --t•·r. ot at Balboa and staying all night,' lee committee in this '-'ear's cam-Th-group will -~ t th .,_ ~ •--"-Oct. 'l1 or betv>-een Oct. 'Z1 and late Czar of Rua.sia in surveying .,. "'"" ... ,ve a e ........._ ........ to Joca.J police . .,...._. paig:n. Other matters -.1:... Newport H--•-y cht cl b 10 ··~, Nov. 12. the great Trans·Siberian railway -~"' ~ cuvvr 8 u at Ret H breakfasted at a Newport cate The committ~ "ishes to know in 1885. rossed_ lnformally. -o'clock, Where they will be greet-fill ome after which the woman ·returned what the people in the atta de-William Marshall later became Pl ed by 1Cf3'1 officials and citizens. Mr. and Mrs. Ray N'ielmn and to the truck. Hollingsworth re-- sire. lf they want to stage a a Russian citizen in order to ob-&y8 at RendezvOQS At 10130 they will IU!rt OD a their two cltildren ol 215 E. Sq twotd at ll a.m. and found her championship race that could well tain a highly respected pos1tion Woody Herman and his nation-t:'P ~ the bay. During the Ave., Balboa, returned bame 19-"'rep. He returned at 1:45 p.m.. develop into an annual affair, they with the Russian government in ally famous Ol"Chettra will play at nde local Harbor problems will be terday after a two-month ..cation lllld belnc unable to . arome her can have one, Hitchcock indicated, the ptt--revolutionary war era. Ellterptie Evel;p Ote.._, the Rendezvous Ballroom, Balboa. discussed with the visitors. on the east coat. )(r. N1eJmn called tbe PoUoe. ' because they have all the facW-He was sent to Siberia as a poli· crut *-*s •tar of ~ lee Saturday from 9 to 1 a. m. Les To wtlcorne the visiton · the is with the Occldmcal -~e ~ Jin. M!wton wu taken to the ties and experienced persons to tical priloner in 1903, but after Polllm of 1M'1. •lllldl ... •• Brown's Orcbfttra wUJ. be fea-Ne~Harbor Otamber of Com-. sur..ance C.o. l!lnel'IEOCY hospital w be re Dr handle IL the Rtlmanoff regime, he WU ,.._ world pnm1ae at ...., ha-turned the following Friday """"" t appointed a commlttff .._ -her dead and Jeued from prilOn and glV"1 nn-Podllc, ftanda7, s..._ It. · 'OPftid! udes Hubbard C. Hawe, Di-FisJ.:--Good exp Id the opnion lllle Md -Oh Bo I M • I ployment with the International COUECl'JON IN ADVT Walter · Sploor, Earl W. Stanley, • -..-•uaag Ina ., .,. ...... ot ~ ta!>- ' Y • OVle&. Har.·ester Co. in Russia. to mention soda! and dvlc leaden By mlstake the Ad on the w~ter i_ ~:t~ !;. ";-~ "--~.!i la~~.: I!:; -leis. llrSbe lo -•IWd by her _. Motion pictU?ft ot the Grand His wite, Pauline, mot hirri while u the gigantic ice extravapma matter in lut week'a iDue in-1be , air will be inranna1 and Dleco county by N-Aato--_ ...., ·..!!'~ Tilomu Smith Cen)'OI> and Carllbad Cavern will she was on a vlait to En&land returns Tor the ninth year to the clt>tled the name ot R. s. Briqa. local d-are inYlted to be on mobUo dub. lfoftno, -Iii tlle LeRod., ---. llof and U....,, be the procrom far Friday's lunch-from her natlve land It wu low Southland. Instead it should ba"" ttod F. W. band atl 10 o'clodt at the New-"best lie!" for boa d .. I --.! .,"JI ~ . ..,r....'" A--. • .,Fii-. .. __ ol Ki . ub at tint s!cht and they """"' mar-n... apeetacular new odltion ot Brlgp and Mn. Briep. R. s ~ Hai1>or y Lake H-'-la ··----po • 1C eon meew,.. the ·warus cl ried. It was some time aftenovdl the Ice Follies -all pttV· lives in Coota MeM. • ~ • edit club to med ..... ~ -· 11t the Omli dMpel, Caotl;ifaL at White's Coffee Shoppe in Bal-that he wu commiAiooed by the ious editlons in productkln, calibre the dil . vlllton. . . . . . boa. -British government to aid the of artists, brilliancy ot oootumo,..... lll:POllT ON TAXF.11 f Thm will Co to Santa Ana v entara Troul AdiYe DIRECTO_ RS ™1• Russian Czar in the construction iginlllity or mllllc, """""•nablp Unattached pet...U 'propert;y or 1 at a oombined meet-Ar .... nice a1zet1 tza.t .... D&D£1. WARNING! !I of the gr<!at Russian railway IY9-and splendor of lllhtlnc. acc<J<dlna taxes for A-_,. '554118, Ing ol Jl.otarr, Kiw.nll and takm In the Seapo llolaw ': W'ml Boerd tem. Mn. Manball was shot dur-to ~ who ba"" _,, the -F . L. ,,....._ __ --or -·--•~ Uona d at Santa AM M._ie Fork, dedarea N-a • . ot Ab.to.I ol tlle N--·--~ • ·~~· t~ at 2 p.m. he and Mn. bile ~ -"• + pri &..-~ am - -·-ing the Russian revolt and died in ttheanaJ. at the dty council ~ Tut,r ~ will be -ol ._. bib";"~ It_fa_ •.!,~Bl.!::'--:.....:'!'' m-...,, at 7:.0 M Ille (Continued from Page 51 (Cllntlnufd ... hp •> day. ( tmued ... --., --W-• ::.r--ot PW rs I -r .... • ...-: . '"' fllha wa 0 , -~ -ft.; • 111 .,., a au. -. --.. """" ... _ ............ , -I • • N&WW BAI.BOA Nsw.•T~U.~llClll.-1'f Kennit Rima and his mother have moved into their new home at 510 Santa Ana avenue. 1bey have been Jiving at Channel Place, Newport Island. Rites Are Held H bo A D ·bed For Mrs. Boots ar r rea escr1 Mn. Laura Waterman Boots died Wednesday night, Sept. 4, at the home o( her daughter, l\iln. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;~ j Caroline Turek. 1935 Harbor Blvd., Ccata Mesa. at the age of 96.. L. &•••• a\ Costa Mesa Com- mua.lty Church. Experl Radio Service Ph.-lleac<Ja 500l-W Palmer Radio AND l:LEC'l'BIC UUN~Blft. 008T A lllE8A. Born in Racine, Wis., Mn. Boots was a member of the Oiristian Sdence church or Newport Beach and wu a residen t of Costa Mesa for three and a half years. She is survived by one son, D. R. Boou of Oakland and one daughter, Atrs. Caroline Turek of Colt.a Mesa. Private services were held Sat- urday afternoon at the Grauel chapel in Costa Mesa and inter- ment was made in the family plot at Gttat Falh, Mont. 03ilalboa rlf et As Great Qty ·of Charm BJ LU: SHIPPEY lloWA B••••<IT . (In the Los Angeles Times) Russ Craig, harbor master at Newport Beach, wants to cha). Long ago, scientists say, the lenge Catalina or any other pl.a~ Santa Ana river took a noUon for the marlin championship. I to pU5h back the ocean. It galh· I "'as in hls office when the 98th marlin of the season was brought ered sand a nd silt all along its in and "''eia:hed officially and in coune and carried them down to the offing two more or lhe blue the .sea. l t dl~·~ say oothln' flags which proclaim the catch but Just kept rollin along Ull tt of a marlin were vi.sible bringing had thrust a thrN-mile thumb the total up to 100. That was out in_to the. Pacific. with enough on Labor Day and the total doubt· matenal left O\'et' to scatter is-less ~ v.·eU above that now. lands between that . protective Maay a Slip t~urnb and the mainland. In T'htte's many a slip tv.1st the tune the course of the river was top and the tip of Newport Har- changed but the thumb and the bor. but there's a boat in nearly islands ~t protttts remain to every one ot them. There's even tonn the most perfectly arranged a boatel, and a charter-boat place plea.sure area I C\'Cr saw. Newpor t where you may rent boats f« as Beach. little as $1 an hour or a.s high The re are eight gnen, flowery u $1000 a day. It is inexperl- islands between that extended enced yatchsmen-for-a-day, hovo·· thumb-Balboa Peninsula -and ever, who give headaches to the More Than so Yean of Sell nee &o u.e Barbor'• the mainland, which reaches harbor master. They get care-- Sil MAIN F1.wt CUtmtele BAla()A, CALIP. around like a curved forefinger less and their boats turn over, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I to almost make a lake of the har-and rescue CTaft have to speed to r bor, and islands always have in-them. However, land i.s in easy spired imagination. The harbor reach eVer)"A'here in the harbor, is big enough for hundreds of and so many other boats are in vesels stanch enough to sail easy reach that mortal accidents around the world yet smaU are rare. e nouih for safety. as nearly every Ro\V We Shrlak corner of it can be watched from The building of plea.sure cr&rt the harbor muter'• tower and long has been a major industry rescue craft can be rushed to any at Newport Beach and during the point where they are needed. war 2000 men were employed in • . ' eoJe For Delicious STEAKS That la why 4000 vesSets-Ofaii building lighter navy craft there. types are registered there, and The familie$ of many Santa Ana ·why the 1-1e"' from the veranda Air base officers lived there, too. of the Newix>rt Beach Yacht club and pc-ssimists sighed that as soon is one of such color and interest as war ended the population would that m'(mory photographs it for fall back to, perhaps 5000. In 1945 a t~ou.sa'nd future flashbacks. Blue it was 9500 and now it is estl- sky above, flecked with cloud mated at 12,000, with hundreds of galleons. Blue sea belO\V flecked persons eager to build more homes with white and colored sails. as soon as they can get material Green h1les """ith lOYely homes Property is in such demand that peeping through their tre-es and one sale of island r esidence prop- nowers. Thousands of happy erty is reported at $1000 a front Pf'Ople, sailing, swimming, fishjng. foot. TOP SCENE abow. Duke Dukette, boa apartment home owner, ie.tttnr the 'M'Orka from Proeecutor erbert KenRy (at the mike), Just before Plrat.e Court. ludp .JeMe lack (at. hi.. lert), 9e.Dtenced Dukette to be thrown lato tbe bay I aot being in pirate C09tu.me BREAKFAST • LUNCH • -on- Balboa Island 14 Block from Ferry 1131/z Agate DINNER racing or just sunning themselves Not T oo Sophl11tlcated and r elaxing. Though many famo~ and and ror not ha\1.nc a beard. f$otCom . clbcloees Dukette splash· lnl' around ln the bay SO minutes la r. COAtumed pi.rates ln both group!!> are CIUf Pett)", Art B~ , Clarence Ore, Jewee Black , Kerut.>'. Harold ~hen, Gordon "eevtl and l\lel Ford. -Ed Blondell photo. Sheriff Elliott Plans Public Service Hour C ildren Win Prizes t Pirate Carnival But you have to get out on "'ealthy folks have homes at New- the wa1c>r to enjoy Nc>,.vport Beach, port Beach it still ts more a chil- for the inland part or it lags far drc>n's paradise than anything else. behind the shore lines in charm \Vhen I met Commodore Henry ~~===:;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;~~an~d~co~lo~r~ .• ;;;;===;;:;;:;=;;;-Grandin at the Yactit ch.lb his hands "'er e full of rope. He was helping t\\'O children prepare for a sno"'bird race. Then I met Mrs. Harry Carr, there to see her grandchildren race. The youngest entrant In that snov.•bird race ""as a girl ot 7 but she could handle her boat all right. And doubtless if the boat had capsized she would have been right at home in the water. It i.s a.s naturaJ for-chil- dren reared there to swim and handle boats as it is for birds to A seri('S or radio programs de- voted t opublic sc.>rvicc has been sC'hc>duled for Friday nights on K\'OE. Sa nta Ana. \vith Shc.>rift Jesse I~. F.lliott as host to a panel of offi cials and civic figures. ompetition '''as stc>ep for the ki ies at 3 p .m . S a turday when a p roximately 200 youthful '"Pi- ra es"" arrived at lh£> ocean pier ju ges platform for revie\v. Ob- vi ly the children had been into th fanlily trunk or had snipped th tOJl from mothrr"s dress to add to or complete their piratical a p.. pe ance. I' NOW BEING SOLD ·Indicated acceptance of this property suggests that those interested should act promptly. "The Coast's Most Distmctiit• Residential Community" Here's your first opportunity to purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mar, where the ocean shore line cakes a pic- nuesque bend -•. natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improvements: underground utilirie$, sewers -archicecrural restrictions. Large sites, each with its individual appeal. U you ire ocean- minded and want sometbi,.g -Oll the <OllSI . . . this is it. The long-a waited opportUDity to purchase one of these large ocean-view homesites. See this property ... make your selection early. by Deitel-Opers of Sonia Allila Olliu ~ymon~A.~rn Co. evelorers 340 E.Green St. u r-. '1ca11t0\'Q Z· 51QI . ~ •• ~ •••. c.ur.. ~ ~164- fly. . News Photographer Recovers Motorbike Stolen(?) in Balboa The Independent Otlzens com- mit tee announced the public serv- ice hour \\"ill start next Friday at 6 :15 p.m . Rights of citizens. traf- fic control. criminal investigation, the juvc>niule problem . rural polic- ing and farm protection are in- CludCd in the subjects to be dis- cussed, with the panel guests to include business men, farms, at~ torneys, peace officers and repre- sentatives of "·omen's groups. Ringed Winner Ringing in the winner. Some Good Horses h ave run in place of bad ones, but stewards aren't so easily fooled any more. Read Dan Parker's title in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed v.ith next Sunday's Los Angeles Examjner. adv. \Valter Gerhardt, News-Times photographer. who lives in Corona del Mar, wa1ked home from the Coronation Ball in Balboa Sun- day nfght. Sorheone had stolen his motor scooter. Later in the evening the scooter was found ln a Balboa street, none the worse for wear. though minus some gas. Mr. and Mrs. George Hiner, 27th street. le ft yesterday by auto for a three ¥reeks' vacation in North-Want County Air Map ern Calirom;a, Orogon and W ash- ington. Friends from Los Angeles rare in charge of the bait conccs- A stud~ of Orange county from sion a t th\' pier during their ab· the sky 1s the plan of the Or- ange County Planning conUnission. sence. if it C'an get the navy lighter-than-F ire Inspector Philip Hayden and Mrs. Hayden, 316 Alvarado strcet. Balboa. welcomed a son, born Sept. 3 a t St. Joseph hospital. He 1.~•eigh<.'d seven pounds. 15 air command in Santa Ana to arrangl' it. All kinds typewrl ter ribbons lo stock at the News·Times. ounces. CLARK & BATES ---Look for tile Copper Door MetaJlizing-• Ind ustrlal : Tanks, Keels, Rudders, Shafts. Refrigeration Trays, etc. Ornamenta.I: Welding-· • Art Objects. Doon;, S;gns, Hardware. etc. All Types. Spe<:ia lists in Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. -AU. WORK GUARANTEED- 1':"°!:\\"PORT BEACH 506 soth Street Barbor %609 SILVER PLATING e children "'ere divided into th ee divisions: The King a nd Queen. three )'ears of age and un- dt.f; Intermediate Class, the four t~~lne year group. and the J unior: Df-ision "'hich included those nine years of age and over. A girl and ~ was 9elected as the pirate win· n~ from each group. King and Queen av.•ards went to little Mickey Lefebvre and pe.. ti e Marie \VoU: Jimmy Moran a Shirley Ann Hourigan shared h ors ani.ong the intermediates. a d June K.eene and John Larnard w re picked for the junior group. following the special awards "-'f.re the costume awards. Among tHe boys \Vere Bobby McElroy, filst ; Jimmy Moran, second, and D~vid Smith, third. The girls "'ere 4lita Kennedy, Carrol Ann Mon- a~an a nd June King, respectively. 2'-"·ards "'ere made in cash: first pQze $5. second prize $3, and third p~izes received Sl. 1Select00 for judges of the event wt-re l\1rs . R. S. Do'''Tling. Bill Bf ill and Ed Roh1 . I VE~:~E: !!!: j BEACC)N 5659-W We are partial . only to The People t -OUR CUSTOMERS- (Owned and Operated by Veterans) 1011 BROADWAY eo.ta Meu •• -. Fonner MaI~rs Will Be t'ity' s Guests at Feast Celebrating the fortieth anni- v~rsary of the incorporation of the Cicy of Newport Beach In - 1906, a birthday luncheon to form· er mayors a{ the city is planned for Wednesday, Sept. 25. Those now living who have serv- ed as mayor of the city include J . J . Schnitker, now of Los An- geles; George P . Wilson. wt.th the Bank of America at Balboa; Dr. Conrad Richter of Costa Mesa. Mark Johnson, Irvin George Gordon. Oyan H . Hall. all still residenu of the city. The present mayor is 0 . B. Reed Some indications of the size of the community when incorpora- tion was voted is shown by the number voting. Forty-two citizens voted for incorporation "'hile only 12 were against·creating a city. Those who have served the city in the distinguished office of may- or from the foundin~ of the city up to date are John King, 1906- 1908 ; C. A. Barten, 19CJS.1910; A. N. Smith, 1910-1912; Albert Her- mes, 1912-1914; W. K. Parkinson, 1914-1916; S. J . Jumber, 191&-1917 : H. A. Robinson. 1917-1918; J . P. Greeley, 1918-1922; J . J . Schnitker, 1922-1924 ; George P . Wilson, 1924- 1926; Conrad Ricker, 1926-1928; Mark Johnson, 1928-1932: Herman Hilmer, 1932-1936; Irvin George Gordon, 1936-1942; Clyan H . Hall, 1942-1946; 0 . B. Reed, '1946. The birthday luncheon was or- iginally planned for Se ptember 18, CBARLD: MOLi.ARD Employe of Cbrittiaa'• Hut, Bal· boa., "'" put behind ban "M"hN b e sbo,,·ed up ln PUa1'! Court bl full recalla. but wltb • •hlnf' Oil hi• shoea. He wu \\'araed by Pi.rate lud«e ,,.,..,, Black that in the oldm clays pl.rates a cver sboee their aboea amt 9Qeih \\1ll aot be cotllltea&aoed today. Im· prlM>DmmC "'M all la fun dur· tac Pl.rate Days fMUva.I. -Mack's photo, Balbc'>a. but because or the state conven- tion of city officials at San Diego, the luncheon has been postponed for one week. Deliciously Prepared • • • • NEWPORT CAFE -24 Bour Servilll>- + 110 McFadden Plaoe Newport~ St'.ewart -Warner This Panel Available Chrome Now • ID Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN ' SINCE 4 l 9 2 0 1000 Soast Blway Phone Be&oon 5407 ELECTRICIANS CJ-0.Two Fire Equipment for FACTORY, PLANT, STORE, OFFICE. FABM. HOME 11 !!Ill II llllll llt <I II I II Rll!IHl\lllll lll H 11 n \llUI H Ul ll " nt ' " I. ll~I" n "'"111111111 "'"''""'= BALBOA'S • TRACT OFFICE-DI 0-HlfbQJ,JllSt Sodl ti C... Dtl .... We Claim to Have AU of the Silver in California!!! • For the first U-alnce the war, you caa have yonr kees-kes Uld fine tea lerviaM l'flllil. vered with- RENDEZVOUS ' . PURE 1003 FINE SILVER OOIOIEBCIAL, TRIPLE OB QUADRUPLE Pl.AD • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS ALL WOIUl GUAll.ANTEZD • • Rm.._.t •eaeeton. AD saw.. (Oa M*dal l'latre) ·I .. ~~~Co.I~ I Phone Beacon 5358-R . BALLROOM Friday, Sept. 20th LES BROWN 'THE BAND OF RENOWN'' WOODY HERMAI -. And His Orchestra Satllnlay, Sept. 14th Dandns from 9:00 to 1:00 • • Competitive Test for Marine Legislators Cadets Will Be Held Nov .-6 Call Hearing ~ next, competitive test for appointments in the United States Merchant Marine Cadet corps will be held on NovembeT 6. 1946, in Los Angeles. it wu announced to-- day by Commander E. G. McOon· aJd, USMS. district supervisor, 1000 Geary street. San Francisco. Calif. The United States l\lcrchant Cadet corps offers a ppointments to young Americans 161-2 to 21 years of age and honorably discharged veterans of the armed forces to United States Naval reserve. Dea1l- line 4ate by which applications must be in has been extended to October 10. 1946. the age of 24 "'ho are interested 1 w . G. l\1cKendry. 125 39th street, in becoming ships" orficers in the si?r geant in the l\1 arine Corps, re· U. S. :\ierchant Marine. ceived his discharge this "·eek and Cade t-midshipmen rC'C("iYe a col· I' plans to enter California PoJy. lege education \vi th pay during the technic school at San Dimas "'here four.year course. one year of he will take up studies pertaining which is spent in merchant ships to the citrus industry. He la"' engaged in foreign trade. Gradu· sen·ice in the Pacific and for some ates of the U. S. 1'.le rchant Marine time past hM been at San Diego. academy, Kings Point, r-.:. Y., ~lrs. McKendry has been living qualify for a license as a deck or here at the home of he r parents. engin('('r officer in the United States Ma rine service and the Watch the Cla.wtied columns. W. 0 . BUCK -Insurance Qiunselor /Jk 1500 tJk,,p,,.I .f-,,{ 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Balb<>a Inn Bldg. Barbor 1095 BALBOA, C,\LIF. A 10 DY THRILL IN SHIRT COMFORT I A SHIRT FOR THE ACTIVE SPORTSMAN I ~ •\ ,I ft.I. • v,,--) -1'\o~'""'Y EotyGoing Knitted Shirts, Tallo.-.d lft Callfomla for Californians • Amazing fabric resilien.:e, I.nit tc bre.:lth~ Ni th yovr body! •Wothablel A I 0 DY T II I I LL, I II COMfOITI Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZDI BmLDING 1JNl'I'8 Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1JllO Newpud A"'- On Airport Battery Service for: • Your Car • Your Boat • Your Mechanical Equipment U you can't come In, step to the neat'Mt t.e.lepbone and call :- -·-STOREY'S Battery Service Westmimter SI-., (botw-18th & Mapolla) COSTA MESA • 518S EVERYTHING In Quality REF'RIGERATION Air Condltiolllng Equlp:-1 cw . ~-. Ooaaten Walk-• F-lalM . Stools Bldl: Ban • Ba1U. OoaqllMe- cate, Ete. l"-wMc "WJ:Jl&lt" · DEA' r•a DI 9. IM •·19111 SL, •m• ' .__ *NEWPORT H • .\RBOR MOVIE GUIDE* Lido Theatre Balboa Tbeatr~ Phone Harbor !114 Doon Open at 6:SO Shows at 8:45 and 9:00 l'latloer Salw'd&ys at I :-15 Continuous Sundaya at I :4:1 Phone Barbor !8 Doon1 Open at 8 :SO Shows at 8 :45 & 9:00 On Double Features Lut Complete Show at Appro:t.. 8:30 PHONE TIIEATERS FOR FEATURE STARTING TIMES PLEASE Now S ho"ing thnl Saturday: They'\'e got men on thei r minds and fun in their hearts~ Gall RUMell -Diana L)'llll "Our Hearts Were Growing Up" Brl•n Don.le'')' -\\"m. Demal'est ~ho-Pete Smith Specialty Color Ca.rtoon a ~e"._ Event• San. thna Tl:e&.-8ept. 15 -ll: S ow Sho"1fll" thru Saturday: E.~clush·e Harbor Showings! 1\ double comedy program guarantN'd to tickle t he funny-bone! • Joan Davis -Jack Oakle Mischa Auer in "She Wrote the Book" --COmpanion Comedy Hlt- "The Runaround" Lob Colllel' a: Jen Barker la wttb Ella RaJnee and "Girl on . the Spof' Rod eamen>a __,_ S-ODii M ..... y-&!pt. 17, 18: "A Night in Paradise" Cha& Boyr1 ~eDlllfer ,,_ Merle ObenNa .. ~lie)' "CLUNY BROWN" WMr Cay a.n. ~ ss •• , ....... ...,u· ia. t' 11, tt: 'Die rr-&w& celelJI>•"-... ecr-~enr-! .JEBOllE D:BN'S "CENTENNIAL SUMMER" _... TIN .. •Loolor!- -ftoanda7 8opt. It: Staniag Cone! Wilde '""° Cnl9 • WUllaa ~ Ul4da ~ -Welter & • rtl Blac Crosby-Fred Mvllanay ---------, "Sing You Sinners" Nen Week: -w1t:BOVT •rp:g.. ...... VATION", "OF ll11JIAN BOND-I f.--001.0B CABTOONS-4 AGE", "A 1''1GBT IN CASA--~ l_ el_ .. 111.ANOA". "BOP JIAIUllOAN" C1 hr. "'NIGB"I' A DAY-, -OEVOTION-. "'BO:LIDU DC' mlOO"" ' .,. pi. lMI .. ? ... a Wade Trial Will Be Held On Saturday DORALEE'S --"'-... 'wleol V~aetiaa Blinds Custom Slip Covers -Draperies APPLES .. California Bellfkun.. Al>P~ES Banana nriety. ;CELERY .. Tender. Utah·type. Sll Marine Avm.., Balboa l•h"" SPORTLAND BOWLING ALLEYS Will Be Closed From Sepl 16th to Sepl 23rd For Re-Surfacing Alleys To Be Sanctioned by The American Bowling Congress ,------Winter League Teams---- Now BEING FORMED For Information Call Harbor 891 Effective Sept. 2Srd SOc per Line The Erlra %e GoM to the Boys ffl iUl Mil"'' fflllU Chocolate Pudding:;-I" --ApricotNectar""'1.'.!.1: IC• PruneJuice '-:1~=-­ TumipGreena °""';':'~:: 11" llMUllll ,.,,flt,, Elbo Macaroni ~ ... "':: Ir Lona Spaghelli ';" ... ";:;'. 11" r .. -'-.Jk. Spaghetti """""7."-'":: 1 .. -·-·-· UllllU HflTllll.11 Sauerkraut -";;'"' __ a.: I .. Green Beans '°"~:;: rt• Green Seana '"-:".:..":: Ir ,_ ....... .i;.-. Spn· ach ,_..,_ 11" ,.._ __ n.-.-.11c. MELONS Swert, ydlo""meated Penians. .. ~,.......,.. .......... _._ • .....,.,.w. ..... BREAD 11· 1-ftt . .... '· --....... ·----c-i.""-· ··--· lh. PEANUT IUT1Bt , .... 25• ;.. ...................... _ .... ,_.... ~---1 ... ,...ttc. CUSTAID tll .,. t 'h ..... ... -PUlB -18' ? T-IOIE STEAKS AlooP-.,o.i.-GaoloJ.. SIRLOllc...i..1.. DelicKMu b""1..l-pu-fried. .. GIOUIDBFEF p..i...i;.v--. .. ~C!'lc!~ .... ~-.. zz- ~-.. zz-••••ROASJ .._ -·--c..1o.a. ..... -um-.ut ,. .. ._,..., ............ FAllCY fOWl .. _y........ .. n-•-~._!!lilS ..... et~~. '¥1-.. L ... .:z ___ .... Sc . • Hilarious Story hfore power to women. Sure it's the woman who pa.ys.-&be Spends 85 pet'cent of the budget- and the man ·who picks his mm clothes is on his way out. Read the hilarious details in The Ameri- can Weekly, the magazine m. tributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. adv. S. Homemade Cookies f o r Brotller. All kinds typewriter rlbbonl bl stock at the News-'nmes.. Ice Follies Begin Sept. 19 ( Cootinued rrom Page 1 ) Patrons are urged by Pan-Pacific officials to order ticke ts by mail as a convenient way ot securing good sea ts as well as saving time, tires and gasoline. Send check or money orders to the Pan-Pa<."lflc. stating date. number and price ot tickets desired. Heading the brilliant cast of ice champions is the great Roy Shlpstad. world·s smoothest skate r. Others on the 1947 roster includes Evelyn Chandler , Harris Legg, Ruby and Bobby Maxson, Betty SchaJow. Marshall Bea rd, Barry Green, Hazel Franklin. Bobby Blake, Ullian Maguire , Bill Cam- eron, Russ Tuckey, Dick Rasmus- ae:n, Ole Ericson. Jim Hutchinson, Les Hamilton. Dick Salter, J ohnny Kinney, Shirley Halsted, Ginger Cayton, Tufty and GU McKellen, Mae Ross, the Miltons and Frick, the zany Swiss funny man. N&WPO&I a•rao.& SOCIETY Newport Hostess Honors Old Friend A group oC Orange county women who had been schoolmates together -.·ere entertained by Mn. G. V. Unaenbanl. 1526 West Orean Front, who has known them a ll for 40 years or more. It was a surprise birthday luncheon, served in the patio and honoring Mrs. Josephine Whistler. Gifts were a shower of pretty handkerchiefs presented with birthday wishes from the Mes- dames Annie Ahern, Emma Wright. Perry Salter , Alice Eng- lish and the hostess. Pioneer Balboan Observes Birthday Mrs. Millie Crosier, 311 Island avenue, celebrated a happy birth- day anniversary at her home Tues- day with members ot her family lunching with her. She is 87 yean old. Present were her two daughters. the Misses Mildred and Florence • • • «!!•~··~~~-~~_l""~'~""!P!_&~~~!.'__:~~-~-·la~f~o~lden~~~·:t~N~e"'~--~nmes~~I Crosier of Los Angeles: her son II:; 4"o ~u 'f Mr d M ed and his Wl e. . an rs. Fr f CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Mar'J!U!!IJ Mruia&er Balbo&, uamomla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL B.AP DINNERS ... BANQUETS For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & J. Crosier or Balboa, and th e grandchildren a n d great-grand- children. Mt. Carmel Society Meets at USO Room s Postponed from Sept. 4, t h e meeting of the Alter Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel wu held Sept. 11 at the USO rooms, Bal· boa. At t he ~usiness meeting, pre- sidC'd over by Mrs. W . J. Neville, Mrs. Arthur T aylor \\'BS a ppointed publicity chairman. Fathe r Noo- na n was prC'sent at . the meeting, a nd afterward a social hour was hC'ld. Car Hits Bike Moe Gro_nsky. 13. escaped in- jury \\'hen •his bicycle \\'as s truck by an automobile driven by an elderly man in Balboa peninsula s treet. Police gave Gronsky's ad- [ dress as 2134 l\liramar drive, Bal- l boa. I CDM Car Stolen I Theft of a dark blue coupe \\'aS r£'port€'d to police Wednesday by Paul A. l\1yran of 435 Goldenrod I avenue. Corona del l\1a r. I Recovers Scooter I I G. A. Padfield of Balboa has re- l cover~ his scooter, stole n Wednes- da y from near the Blue Room, I police ~:;t Nine More • • .. -· ' S HARON ENDSLEY and h er friends t hJU"'e the limelight In this pic- ture or a marlin caught Saturday, Aug. 24th. by .J . Lee Gregr In -10 minutes u.odnr regulation he&V}' ta.c~le from &board the Pago Pago &kippered by Floyd E. Benell. nae fish "'elKhed one hundred 8l-.:t;y- one pounds and "'lLS "'e.lghed ln at ha.rbor ma11te r's dock in Balboa. ________ _:. ____ _::P:::h.:.ot:::o:....:by Hugh McMillan BUILDERS ' HARDWARE Exactly nine more childre n en- rolled in the Newport B e a c h grammar school this year than . last year. Enrollment on Tuesday I "'as 599. while enrolme nt at the 1 last day of sc hool last year "A'&S 590. ~ It's the 23rd & Ph. Central 2600 r GENERAL'S MOTlfER DIES ABILENE (Kan.), S e p t. 11 ( UP J -l\1rs. Ida Stover Eisen- hower , 84, mother of Ge n. Dwight 0 . E ise nhower , di('(f early today. DUCKS MISSING Ten of the 150 wooden ducks buried by the pirates in the sandy Balboa beac.h early Sunday are s till missing, Chairman J . T . Bish- op of t he Treasure Hunt commit- tee said today. The ducks bore ;t numbers dC"S ignating prizes to the ip;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; finders. Ho"'ever . they are now null a nd void. Have We FRESH a Complete Line of ...... AND SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reel.II • Lines • Leaders &DIA • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FlSHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store t• ......... n.e.. !!II 1' szt llu1lar IJ'1 r... '•0 rt ftoNz1 lidw t11z SANTA ANAN DUNKED-Paul \\(al.lace, member of the State Board of Equalh.atlon from Santa Ai$a. wu to.eed lnt.o Balboa Bay Satunla7 after Pl.rate Judge Jesse fack ro::hblm r;ullty of not appeartnr ln co.tume or weartnc a ant In a Balboa cate. Paul I• at the microphone. telllng the cro d bow the Bonelli board IA. -Ed Blondell photo. Missionary at Central Bible Church The Rev. Richard (Dick) Hillis, who has recently returned alter eight years as a missiona ry in China, "'ill bring an eyewitness account of the present situation and missionary needs in that coun- try \VhC'n he spea ks at the 11 a. m. worship hour Sunday, Sept. 15 at the Central Bible church, Costa Mesa. Ever yone is invited to hear him. For quick results use News· nmes classified o:;tunirl> Mono Fishing few nice fis h have been taken fr 1m Gr ant lake, Trumbel lake a the a djacent Virginia lake ar a, wi th some fair catches of s aller fi sh being taken, states N tional Au tomobile club in its re rt on "fono county fishing. EADL111irii"'E FOR GI LOANS )(OU know tha t a soldier :n th ew Regular Army can request h e and bus iness Joans ? Thal ts, he1 can if he enlists before the GI Bitl or Rights expires on midnight, 04tt. 5. Inquire at U. S . Army re- crUiting Service, 20211! 'W . 3rd s eel, Santa Ana. I l'Oa 1N11JaANm as Howard W. Gerriab U. :Newpwt Bllllss.,. .._ •••www an Autoa.bile • Fire Accid..t • Life l..lrftwi. -Oanln<t -Wrl- ' . . . ' I I ' .... Laakershl• Rites To Be Heldf'riday Episcopal ...-vi~ will be held at 10 a .m. Friday in the White le: Callanan mortuary In Los Angeleo for John l . Lankershim. 64. of Balboa. who died Wedneoday fol- lowing a brief lllnea in the HoUy- "''OOd hospital. Intennent will be in lngle¥i'OOd Park ·cemetery. Mr. Lankenhlm was a son ot. the late Col. James B. Lankershim, co-developer with the late I. N. Van NU)'I of the San Fernando Valley and much metropolitan property. He leaves his wife, F1orence Lankershim of Balboa. where the couple resided ln recent yean; a sister, Miss Dora C. Lankershim. and three COU1i.ns., Benton Van Nuys, Mn. Rlchard Schweppe and Mn. James R. "-· Mr. Lankershim wu educated at Harvard unlvenity and -eel his father In the manqement of their extenalve properties. ~ After Col. Lankershim'a dOath In 1931, the llOll became presi- dent of Lankershlm Estates, fann- ed to consolidate the famllY• huslness activities. Know land (0.. __ ,,_1) ~ at a public reception and tea at the Yorba St., Tustin, h<lme of Mrs. Florence Stevens, chairman of the county'• Pro-America. A private dinner will lftCede the Anaheim proa1 am. which la scheduled at 8 p.m. at the oPftl'- air bowl in the spacious city park. Leo Carrillo, noted motion picture star, will be muter of ceremonies. with the Jose Arias orchestra sup- plying music and entertainment. Mrs. Lelia Eastman, chairman of the county's Republican Central committee, and Publlaher Ranald Fairbairn of Or'"ge Daily News said that Congressman John Phil- lips of this district will be with Knowland for the day. Small Mouth Bass Small mouth bass fishing is re-- ported by National Automobile club to be good in Feather river, Butt<' county. BE 1. GOOD CltlZENI REGISTER Sil.VER RAE. full blooded Palomino staJUon and one of the few five-gaited honies of Its breed in the country toda;r. is a t10ft cream color "1th an almost whlt.e ma ne and taJI, "'bite blued race, and "'hlte stockings. or ankles .... He is O"'lled by .James E . Ragsdale, Insurance man a.nd o"'ller of the Balboa ~fotel and \\'l ndsor apart- ments, Balboa.. ... 'lbe purebred Palominos are as old a.s tbe early 1et.tJements of the "·est. at which time they were med as saddle- borsM by Mexican ranchers a.nd lD Old Callfornla were tralned u racebones.. They descended from the Saracenlc honee brought ln by the Spanish CoDQu.l&t&dors.. ... The finest palominos such aa SU - ver Rae carry three or four top croues or Arabian or thoroughbred blood:. Note Silver Rae above and hl1 re9ielllblance to the Anh s train: The head tu.LI of character and. lntelllgenoe, the broad fore- be&d, the promtneot eyes and no.bi.ls. and the beauty of hb strength and endurance. -.. Mr. Ra.ctdale recenUy purcbaeed a two-year-old IUly sired by Sliver Rae named Sallle Tucker, now being trained at the Pomona falJ'l'l'OUDde race track for hameu raclnc. · -sketched by Jack Undsley. VOTE • General Eleclloll NOVDIJIEll S • HELP •• • Surf Fishing Poor Some fair catches of corbina, spot fin croaker, king fish. halibut and mackerel have been coming off Belmont to Newport piers. reports the National Automobile club. Surf fishing in the area is rather poor. CITES ROAD DANGER -Lafaye tte street in Newport Beach is a very dangerous thor- oughfare, Police Chief R R .. Hodg- WCATEGIRLS Two Huntington Beach runaway girls got as far as Newport Beach Wednesday. Police who took them home learned they were hitch- hiking to Mex.ico. BUX YOUB. QOVEIJQCElftl HELP ••• MAJE i>EICOCV.CT WOUI • REGISTER TODAYlll GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor kinson to.Id members of the city Phones: Besoon 58S8 council Tuesday. Th,e police chief Bea.con 5804--W '87 Newport Blft. said that the r emedy would be ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;C:;;O;;S:;;T;;A:;;;;M;;E:;;S~A~~ curbs and sidewalks. The council decided to take the matter under consideration. INSURE l''UT URE NOW Gilt-edged gift certifica tes! For college or trade school tuition and Uving expense&, e nlist in the new Regular Army before Oct . 5. In- quire at U. S . Army Recruiting Service, 202~ W. 3rd street. Santa Ana. OC?OBER 6th DEADLINE Act now! The GI Bill or R ights expires Oct. 5. Send yourself to college or trade school by e nlist · ing in the new Regular Army. Full Information at U. S . Army Re~ cruiting Service, 2021,i W . 3rd street, Santa Ana. Citizens Affention! WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW, AND WHAT PROTECTION IS BEING GIVEN YOU? • • • These and many other timely questiona a115wertd on: • The Public Service Hour TUNE ST A TI ON K.V.O.E., 1190 on you• dial, Fri· day, September 13, at 6:1) p. m., and EVERY FRIDAY ••• The Indepc~dcnt Citi%cns Committee presents a Round- Table discussion featuring outstandi•g Peace Officers and Leading CitiuDJ of Orana:c County, with Sheriff Jesse L. Elliott u Host. Salmon Report Fair Satmon fishing is Teported to ~====~====================­be only "fair'' on· the IOamath river by the National Automobile club. Commercial fishermen re- port big schoolJ: of large salmon are just off the mouth of the Kla.Qlatb. Steelhead Catches are being made the lencth of the stream at present.. u. u IJll _._ .---,,.,. I l' NM .. .. ·--·- ' LEBTEll & Co. ..... r... .1 .. ,,., ~ a.•-.. 2004 WllT 'CltnLutAw., Nawwar BaOCH e • ._ 1374-J .,. .. , ••n -TO -'1111 .. ..., - \ • < • ~ TAllTINO uzunro aA-'llllODl8 ft'!••• (-+n •• • p4ll a-); ROME BAKED YUllllY BICBBY AN D APPi.& PllC8 SHEP'S Illa OOA8T WORWAY NEWPORT -rlle Rome of Good Eat.'" WWHI Charming Balboa Princess Has Excellent Background CContlnued from P a&e ll from her wounds six months after- wards. During the revolutionary period, J. L. Marshall. father of Dolores Marshall, who is popularly known to scores of people all over the world a.s Francois, because of his own personal charm and cuis1ne abilities, was also a victim of the revolution, although he 1urvtved It. He was taken prisoner at the age of 17, but he escaped into Aus- tria, travelled from Vienna to Saxonx to Berlin to Hanover to Denmark. from whence he sailed for America. • • • golden cinqUt'foll, whose leaves are indented in the form of a five- armed cross. in the cen ter of which is a black, two-headed Ro- man eagle. The cinquefoil is sus- pended by a dark green ribbon from an imperial crown attached to the cinquefoil or r0&e. • • • LIKE HER MOTIIlIB, Mn. Claire Elaine Whitney Manhall, the Lindo avenue debutante ts re- lated to the historic colonial tam~ ilies of Beall, Brooke, F onter, Goodwyn, Hedges, Rodgers and Whitney in America, England and France. Among other kinships she is AFTER SERVING for several related to Sir Thomas Forster , a years as steward on steamship chief justice of the Hunsden Court lines, which enabled him to visit in the County of Hereford. Eng- every port of call in the world land, who is 8 direct descendant of and enriched his education as a Charlemagne I Charles the Great), world traveler, Mr. Manhall pur-King of the Franks and Emperor chased the J\.tidnight Frolics cafe of the Romans and of Alfred the in Chicago in 1931 and continued Great. Charlemagne ruled France it prosperously until 1933 when unti.I his d eath in 814. Through it was destroyed by fire. her great grandfather,, Decatur Some time afterw~d, the father 1 Hedges of HedgesviUe, near Mar- of Dolores Marshall became chJef tinsburg. W. Va., and great grand- steward with a steamship corpora-mother, l\.trs. Mary Hugh Beall tion and as a result he traveled Hedges, she descends from that 11- widely, particularly in the Or-lustrious line. • ROYAL FA.MD..Y O N PlllATI: RENDEZVOUS. Dolol'M ftf a.nba.11, Royal Q ueea o ttbe PtratM (center) Is alaown with ber pe.rea ta, J . I. Manha.IJ (left) and Mn. Marshall (rlpt)t ln a happy mood -- -O. L BILL EXPIBllS House of Tudor, whcee foffilean desce.-from Sir 0-n Tudor of Wales, whd married Catherine of France, the widow of Henry V. The TUdon ruled from the time of King Henry· VII to and through the reign of Elizabeth. She is also kin to the Rodgen, another Il- lustrious colonial name. Young mm of college a&e should take advantage. of the GI Bill Of Righta before ita expiration date, midnllh t Oct. 5. College tui !Ion and living expenses pre-paid for enlistment now. Inquire at U. S. Army' Recruiting Service, 202\i W. 3rd street, Canta Ana. BALTZ MORTUARY Miss Marshall is a member of many historic and patriotic so-P· •auc NOTICES cieties. Among these are the Im-u perial Military Order of the Yel--~,----------­ low Rose; the Daughters of the NOTIC€ OF P UBLI C H~RI NG -~­ Lady Attendant Am . Re I ti Da ht TM Newport Beach City Plan.alq encan VO U on; ug en Comml•loa wtll bo1d a , public bearins ~ .t -of the Founders and Patriots of Tbund&J'. September 19, 1946, at 7 :30 l America·. Colonial. Dames of Am-p. m .. In the Coww:U Cbarnbere. City 410 ,... __ ~ ..,,._, Hall. Newport :ee.cb, Ca.llfonlla. ~L .DI.YU. erica In the S tate of Virginia: the PUBLIC HJ:ARING upon the appll· ,......RONA D~ .. a.., U. s. Danobters of 1812·, the cation of E. I. Wb.Jte, for a nn,. (50) "-"" Ql&4 .m.A.n -r!rcent Mt.back front yard T&ria.nce United Daughters of the Confect-Ntr Lot 20. B1ock iss. Lake Tract. •racy. 'ls';"": ... ~· .\i:'"~ ., ... Telephone Harbor 42 Also of the American Oan Ott-Nf:n B.!-ch Clt.7 Plannins Com· DllY AND NIGHT gor society; the Descendants of m n.JOHN 11. ALLEN. "-------------Colonial Governors society; the PHILKER J . ELLERBROEK. I Scions• of Colonial Cavallen; the ---~Sectt;:;;.:c'""';:;;c:· __________ ....,. _______ _ Huguenot Society of America; the ... -------------------------· Huenot Society of South Carolina; Military Society of the Frontier; First Families of Virginia; Am- ericans of Armorial Ancestry; the Colonial Lords of Manon in Am~ erica: Knights of the Go1den Horseshoe; Order of La.Fayette; the Star S pangled Banner uaocia- tlons; the Sona and Daughters of the Pilgrims; the Daughters of the Barons of R unnemede; Daughters of Holland Dames a nd the Heredi- tary Order of Descendant.a of Col- onial Governors. 4.. Myat"ry Packaees for Sister. Sell that unwanted throueh News·Tunes ads. artlczle AT LAS·T GRAND OPENING -of- "Cap'n" Don Dickerman's ient. He has an expert's know). Through her great grandfather edge of Oriental customs and is she is of kinship to General 'Thos. well versed in Oriental arts. Some-B rook e of Beau. Montgomery time in the near future The News-county, Maryland and of Col. Times will publish another article Samuel Beall jr., of Washington on this definitely colorful char· county, Maryla nd. The line goes acter who settled in Balboa in back to Governor Robert Brooke 1937. of l\.1aryland and thence through builders and !ltatesmen, "'hich en- 1 1 lady is also descendant from the titles Mi.!S l\.tarshall to admission ancient l(ings of England, Scot· Bolt. in any hE'reditary society an Y· land and Italy. Her grandfather.1 ~A..,&JJI where on the globe. \\'as Judge \V illiam Samuel Good-[ ~ ea4/atua'li elM/J. I t is through this definitely pie-Sir Thomas Forster of Engla nd turesque Balboa couple that Do-to King Cha rles the Great a nd lores Marshall inherits much of Alfred the Great of France. • • • 1 wyn of ~Emporia, \'a. l\1r:. Good~ THROUGH the Carlovingian \\")'n was founde r and r<>gent or I M rtne dynasty, her lineage can be traced j the Joseph I-ledges chapter . D. A. • W aJ'9 her natural c harm, color and his-Throug h her great grandmother , to the Trojan heroes and kings n. and of t11c-F irst Vir~i nia Chap-GE1''"E&AL R EPAIRS (Old Irvine Country Club Overlooking Bay ) 5£A.'1l<E World's Series On the Air Soon torical background. Mary Heugh Beall of Cumberland, The young lady is a member of Mr., she is a lineal descendant of the Imperial Military Order of the four of its , provincial governors Yello\v Rose. an order of chivalry a nd to many of its illustrious back to 1264 B. C. tC'r of ti. S . Daughtl'rS of 1812, MAINTSN'ANCI: Let UA repair your radio so you will get the best recep- Uon. "'hich was formed by descendants of royal descent in America be-' fore 1805. H C'adquartC'rs a re lo-1 cated in Washington. D. C. Newport E lectric Appliance l'o. The obj('{'t of the organization was to unite the desC<"ndants of I all thOSE' of royal desC<'nt, male and female, into a body or Order 1 2se Coast Bl\•d. I or Chivalry, and it is not strictly confined to residents of America I only, but to all persons of royal li"eage in Europe, America and Phone %1S8 I else\'.'hl'r e. The insig nia ·of the order is a TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay Located One MJle South of South Laguna-En trance to Tb:tte Arch Bay All -You -Can -Eat CHICKEN & DUMPLING Dinners Every Tuesday I I 11 I I Thursday E vening We Offer a New Innovatlo~ A COMPLETE • During the past several [ "'reeks We have been busy ob- taining the special cooking 1 utensils. seasonings and sources of the frt>Sh ingredien ts essen-Chinese Dinner tial to the cococting of the finest of Chinese foods. We are now ready to offer you this type of menu cooked to perfection. This is another of our All-You-Can-Eat specialties. Friday Fish Fries • Yo ur overv.•helming and kindly rect'J> tion last Friday has placed it on our regu- lar program . . . Our specialties are offered in conjunction "':ith our varied Are to Be a menu of Choice Stealu. Chops. Sea Fooda. BEOULA.R EVENT! Fr-op' Lep. Etc. Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cahnot Serve All the Food on the Coast, So We Serve Only --the Finest -- PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS . TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 p.m . -12 Satu.rday, 5 p.m . -2 a.m. Sundays, 4 p.m. • 10 Closed Wednesday THE ST A.'iTOSS, DOC AND JO Fonne rly of tht• Coast Inn We Have a W ide Selection of Trailer Canopies (Free .... , •te Oii &IQ" ,., AUi() Awnings Made to Order •==•·He ........ 'fllrough her grandmother. l\lrs. both located in Emporia. \'a. Dora Lee Hedges Good,vyn of near 1'hrough the \Vhitncy an~stral 1-ledgesville. W. Va.. the young' line, she is d€'Sc0ndcd front the NECKL"l'G (aa pictured here), la just a.notber form o f 11>pOrt indulged In by the Pirate Glrl11 of Balboa t-hJs week. The hand90me face and neck nJclced or necked by the pl~ k that of Police Chief IL R. Hod1k.ln.M>n, who slipped lato Balboa for a.n Inspection tour and made t.he ntlstake of not wearing • beard. He didn't even brinr alo"&' the faked whJJOt kertno be usually keepA for such oocu.lons. 80--0-<H>, he r;ot necked. Nbe doln', pis! -Bernard ot H oll)wood photo. CLANG-CLANO-CLANO -t ~ lloll -IM rs,..., 11-·r w..-• oo tt relied .. --po.tnl aveatlfl ... arouM tM r. Z... area ...,._u,.. a -"* of ~ el 6ie pirate COllle. nm .-. ..._ eao-. It a t 0'8t alttt It .......... all Ila prta1a.-. l• ~•a lr·"c' ,_.. ..... Of Ge ms N w -: :, ..... tile -Sdaker" are Plrate Pw ............ 0... Wenll ... llanM A·t1a C...... ' at r ......... to W atttn' ·c all '•• of ~ Plrate o-rt ""'*' _.. 1a· a&.._..._ .... f11iDo. """ ... -...... ---Eel Blondoll plloto ROO F S APPLIED oa &&P•IWED Free Eatimate A lnlipe:doo W.1.lle-"- leo:l ll&r'CUI Ph. Hbr. 1012-J WlLLEYr REFRIGERllTIDR JERVICE COJllPIUlY s.a. -•npn 11 rt.c -81 .tee -~-....cw-6olllar .......... ,,.. NJsM, '-Ula °' •t --... ph.11 ec.tndGr ft.AT WO&& £llD ~ ., ...,. ·a Q9Jd: ....i.: ......... _ • Specializing <'/I.. in Bolu,,a,, e°"'fM'H#/ New and Seafood Unusual Delicacies 901 Clout Blch'""' PbODe BMcoa 6'11 P H ONE BAB.BOB In FOR SIGNS • Noon to Midnight • BENEDICT The Sien Man •BOAT LE"ITERING , A: SPECIAL TY . . ., Phone Beacon 5465 for Reservations . ATTENTION! BOAT OWNERS ~ ~ ~ Pleasure and Co .mmercial 1£ ~ Now Is the Time for Your Fall Work on the Ways or . in Our Slips ~ ~ ~ DO YOUR OWN WORK IF YOU WISH or HA VE OUR EXPERTS DO IT FOR YOU at a Nominal Cost • • • • • ~ ~ ~ SAFE HEAVY THOUGHTFUL REAL YACHT DUTY EQUIPMENT HANDLING PAINTERS EXPERIENCED SHIPWRIGHTS EXPERT MECHANICS ~ ~ ~ Low Haal Out Rates ·and Lay Days • • - ''THE -YARD''- (fwwwwb llaeCmdf ud (lolldM, be.) 1215 Coast Highway Newport Beaeh PHONE BEACON 5615. - Available for Boats for Sale I • • • Olief ot RJwn and Harbors ~ of the Army Eneineen" office in Washington, J. D. Bur- ..,-, paid h1a first visit to New- port Harbor on Thursday last. Atttt a tour of the Harbor with Mrs. Burger in the harbor master's "boat, he summed up his enthu- sium for what he had seen in two words, 'Truly remarkable.'' ?ttr. Burger was escorted to Newport Harbor by Kenneth Peel. head or &he Riven and Harbors di\isiOn o( the Los Angeles Engi- neers office. who is a lso an enthu· siutJc advocate or the Ne\\'J>OTT I Harbor ar ea. ) 11-tr. Burger's \;sit "'as ncces- sariJy brief as the program map- ped for him calls for a stop at all Paci!ic Coast harbors. Corona del Mar Matt Shop 101.a ~ lllsfrw-7 • Old fashioned malts We mean Just this. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -!- Dally Dellvery-Beaeoa 5244 Ulrl Newport Blvd. COSTA~A $393 FUths. Plus Tux 'T-HREE FEATHERS ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 Clout mway Formerly Gordon'• Drue Store LT. FE..'ll\TOS W . EAR..'ll\SJL\W and Cb1neAe agent. Inside .lap Unes ln China. 'J'1)ey "·ere all sm.I Ung, but tbe .lap& were a l.I around them when t.hla photo "' .. llboL Balboa Man Wins Highest Chinese Government Honor Theron Radford. t3. oruy ""' of Hrs. Fl0ttnce Radford of Hunt- ington Beach. a part-time nurse at St. J-pli"s '-Pita! at Santa Ana. c!led in that hospital Mooday night ot tralflc injuries suffered on 101 highway near Helen's Nut House In Newport Beach. The boy was riding ha bicycle wh«.>n '' suddenly swerved over the CC'nter line of 101 highway into the path or a n automobile driven, police s.aJd.. by Mayo Preston or 428 NOTth Pacific avenue. Ocean- side. The latter "·as exonerated or any blame for the misha p. Radford. who "'as to have en- tered the eighth grade at the 1 luntington Beach Elementary school Tut'.'Sday, is the third mem- ber of his immcd1a1e family to be crushed by automobile-s. His ra- ther and sister "·ere killed in a cr ash six years ago. In the fatal crash here .~1on­ day evening, yo;.ing Radfor d suf- fered a skull fracture from wh.ich he failed to rally despite efforts of t'-''O physicians. • 5. A S"'"" Supprr for Father. ................... .....,. """"" tbal =r~ eondudiq & bO&t bullcf-lna: at 8aK 6"." root of l1lt street.. Nnrport BeM:b. State of Call-fOl"'Dia. under the Uctlt:loua rum nam. of Caatral Boal W oriul and that aSd Orm ta coatPQMCI of the tollowlnc per- 90a&. whole ~ and addnuH an: u follow•. to-wit: • Richmond P. Kobmn. 4Qlf. Channe.1 Place. Newpor1 Beach.. CalJlorniL W . Moore. 4014 Cbannel Pl&«. New · port Beach. CaJJtoml.a.. R. ll. J ordan, 4014 Cbaunel P1~. NewPOrt. !kac:b CallfornlL Wlt.nua our hand.a lhi.a f th day ot Sef-ltmber. 1""-RlClUION'D P. HOBSON, W . MOORE, R.. E. JORDAN. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. C00i."TY OF ORA.~G&-a.. On lhla 4th d&y of Septemberl A. D ., 19-li. before· me. H. Y. Ho ker. • ?-"otar)' Public In and for laid County uni State; pe.nonally appea.red Rich- mond P. H obeon. W . Moore, and R.. E . J o:rdan. kno•·n to me to be the pe.r"'- 90!U wboae n&me.s are •ub.cribed to the with.In ln11trumeat, and at:kDo•l- edJed to me that they esecuted the _ .. In wit:neu whe~f. l have here-unto Mt my band an &!fixed lllY orncl&l aNl the da,y -.d yeu In lh.iA certlric.at. rim abo:Ve written. H. M. llOLKER. NotaJ")' Public In and for aaJd County &nd State. K y oom- ml .. loa uptru K&rt:b '-· l.i4.9. Pub. Sept. 5. 12. 19, 26, l!H6.. NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS Lieut. Fen ton \V. Earnshaw. f quarters. and reported to Admiral J USNR, ..-.·ho recently re turned to ~I . E. {"~fary") Miles, USN, who I Pursuant to instructions or the Ba lboa, and is no\v a t his parents' assigned him as s taff operations 1 City Council of the Oty or New- home. 1600 East Central Avenue. officer for all sabotage und guer-port Beach. California, notice is has just !x>en awarded the rare rilla activities conducted by the hereby given inviting sealed pro- "Dc-coration of Yun Hui of China". U. S. Navy and l\'larine Corps per-I posals or bids for purchase of 8 by special direction of GenC'ral- 1 sonnel in Oiina. 1 building only, formerly used as a issimo Chiang Kai-Shek. The Admiral l\1 iles, who had senrNI public restroom, loca ted a t 115 medal, the translated name of many yC'.'a~ in the Far Eao:.t prior 22nd Street, Newport Beach. \1thich is "Cloud Banner", \Vas to the "·ar. rf'tumC"d to China in Bids "·iU be for the pnrchase of conferrC'd for "distingu ished scrv-1941 to set up a secret base in-the bui\djng onl y and will not in- ice ""i th Chinf'se ~U<'rrillas in ac-~idc that country. as well as in elude thC' lot "·here the building is tion against the enemy." 1 Si8:ffi. Burma an.d French lndo-no"' located. Successful bidder Joining the navy immediate!)' Ouna, from \\"h1c.h \\'eathe r re-must renlo\'C this building from after Pearl Harbor. Lieutenant ports could be gathered and broad-its present location within thirty Eamsha"' servC'd rirst in naval in-ca"t 10 the flCC'ts operating off t30l days after the bid is a\\'arded. tellli;ence. then was given special I lhf' J ap-hf'ld coasts. Each bid shall be accompanied training in the east ..-.·hich included This original project "'·~· ho\v-by a certified or cashier's check C$p ionage and commando mC'thod"• C'Ver. soon grratly amplified by for te n percent (10<7,-) or the Following thi~. he was sent to thr original and daring Admiral amount of the bid. made payable Chung king by wa.r of Aus tralia, Miles. With th£> cooperation of to the order o{ the Ci ty of New- Bombay a nd Calcutta, and then Chiang Kai-Shck a nd of the Gen-d h 11 be aled Proceeded by airplane over tht' eralissin\o's all-po"·t'rful friend part Beach. Bi s s a se a nd filed "'i0i the City Clerk at treacherous Himalayan ''Hump" and lieutenant. General Tai Li-the City Hall in Newport Beach, route. arriving in Oiina only to "·ho was head of China's secret California, on or before September find one intended landing field a l-police-14 major bases were set ~ ... k M · "d h J r 23rd, 1946. at 4 :00 o'cloc P . ., ready occupied. by the Japs. up 1ns1 e t e ap 1nes. TllE M:EDAL and "';11 be opened and publicly COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO . New and Repair 'Phone 87S-M 216 L 3Qth St., Coota SI{JN PAINTING Boats, Trucks. WindoWll Walls Md Bulletins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plutlc Letters AL · LACHMEYER 1726 West Central }{arbor 1243-M PAINTING 381f< 12 Years Service in Newport H•bor Area Harry Hall P AINTING CONTRACl'OR Phone Beacon 5259-J 274 E. 19th &'treet 24-tl< Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating Phone Beacon 5780-J 47-tlc i'OR A RELIABLE Paint Job on yonr ho me, call Beacon 5S3(l after 4 :30 p.m. 10-tfc ~AlNTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING fl. E. McDonald. 414 Old Conly Rd., Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tft ntANSPORTATIGN U \YANT RIDERS to L. A. fr om Bal- boa. 6.15 a.m., leave L . A. 5 p.m P h. Harbor 838 after. 7 p.m . 7I-Itc BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa laland. Eventually Earnshaw reached The entire vast project was car-· · · read aloud a t or about 4 :00 o'clock Chiang Kai-Shek 's guerrilla head-ried. on so secretly that few even t1ves, 141 ships and nver craft, P .M. of that day in the Council r..-nw~NT w·~o •• among the top brass hats in Wash-and 97 warehouses full of Jap ~ a.iqi,, ~ ... .E.o .- ington knew about it. General I supplies, in addition to killing 23,-Chambers in the City Hall, Nev..·-"--------~---''----" M-ttc SEnEMB~ 1946 Tai Li-dubbed "China's Myste,...., 540 J aps. part Beach, Ca1i!ornia. SITUATION WANTED -Exper-,' I Th bo ti"o ed ch-k shall ie nced cashier and restaurant l\fan," "'orked untiringly for the In . early. su~er of las~ year ea ve men n ,,,,_ operation. The movement. origi-I Admiral Miles dispatched Lieuten-be given as a guarantee that the manager, 6 yrs. In lost position. H igh Low High Low nally called merely "Friendship" ant Earnshaw. guarded by a bidder will enter into the contract Would consider night clerk in "f "·-~ed t h1"m and will be de-motel or hotel. Excellent r ef-F 13 10:12 3:58 10:~7 4:%1 by the Chinese, was elaborated stf?'lgly.armed detachment of l a o.i u o • 5.4 0.4 5.0 0.7 lnto an official project known· as Olinese, pe~y to transport clared forfeited i( the successful erences. Call Long Beach ~126 b"dd f t t-Int .. ,d .. before 11 a.m. 7n 2tc s 14 10:45 4:29 11:19 6:14 Sino-American Cooperative Or-the masses of data, papers; charts, 1 er re uses o en -=~ o ..... v- 5.5 0.8 4.4 0.7 ganization. or SACO. A total of m&Jl6, etc., which had been ac-contract after being r equested to EMPLOYMENT OFFEIU:D n Su is 11 :24 ·:i.01 ......... 8·18 1800 navy, marine and coast guard cumulated by SACO and which do so by the City Council of the TWO MAIDS for hotel work, Ba.l- 5.s 1.4 0.1 per.sonnel were brought into china werelnowt. urge! .ntly !'eededl forThthe a~eof~eywpoCo~~c~~~hthe City of boa Inn. Harbor 660. 67-ttc 16 12 ._26 ultlmatel)•. T ens of thousands of comp e Jon o 1.nvas1on pans. e ~i 5:38 12:1 1 ..... 7:'1 Olinese guerrillas and regular group traveled over and through Newport Beach reser ves the right WAI'IRE.SS WANTED •ix days 3.7 2.0 5.4 0.8 troops were equipped and trained enemy territory, and managed fin-to r eject any or all bids and to -week. Norton's Bay Shore cate, T 17 2:11 6 :Z7 l:11 9:%3 by the . Americans. In a ddition. ally, after a circuitous and thrill-waive any informality in a bid not 17th and Coast Highway. 59-Uc 3.2 2.6 5.2 0.6 hundreds hr secret agents were ing trip by airplanes, to catch up effected by law. Tid• U9 placed ta Ol'Cler ac OCCUlftDOl maintained throughout Jap-held with the flagship, the huge new Dated this 12th day Of Septem-HELP WANTED-Woman or clrl TIDE TABLES u p 1 nsur-a. 10.: ~ .. _,_ •· 111 territory. battle cruiser USS Guam. at Oki-ber, 1946. ~for general housework; good ---FRANK L RINEHART wages; live In or out Harbor -;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, Lieut en a nt Earnsha w, disguised nawa. · • ~ as a Chinese cooliC', reJX'atedly Lieutenant Earnshaw was ap-Oty Clerk of the Ci ty of 1992. ~tfc WINTER MAINTENANCE -FOR- YOUR BOAT Kept thoroughly clean; e.nl'lne. tuned a.nd. ready to co at any time. COMPLETE ~t.A.ISTE..~.i\NCE Ai~D REPAIR Pbone e.e.oon 5747-l't between 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. ~ --:-A_DR_IG_o ___ s~-~-A-~-R-~:-~-~-.c-:_I_s_:-~-. --~-__ .,, Marine and Dpmestic Repair Work Our Specialty 2901 West Central Harbor 1252-M Newport Beach WALLIE'S Balboa Island -Corona del Mar Northern California Wines Concannon Beringer Bros Christian Bros. penetrated the enemy lines to pointed to the staff or Rear Adm. .Newport Beach, California WANTED -Comptometer oper a- gather intelligence and direct the F . S . Lo"'· USN. as special intelli-Pub.-Sept. 12, 1946. tors, adding on tax rolls. Apply work of SACO agents. Finally. gencc and assistant operations or--8-u-8-INES--8-0-UlD--E------1-1 C.Ounty Auditor's office, Hall of an invasion or China by our navnJ ricer. The Guam survived re--Records. Santa Ana . 70-2tc forces being under prepa'ration, pealed kamikase attacks and led TYPING&, ACCOUNTING WORK •-· k r · ·k WANTED-\Vaitress over 21; good numerous expeditions. traveling b)' a 14-0:. orce in severaJ s tn es · th J Earnsha Laura G Beld en hours, good wages. San-'··'s plane. jeep, sampan a nd on foot, against e aps \\'hile w · u..r ~-~ k th aI! Drive-In, 632 Coast Highway "'ere ordered to sunrey all of ..-.-as aUVU,J u "'or ing "'1 th est Phone Beacon 5186-R. 22172 So. lOl). 7o-2tc South 01.i na . in preparing invasion plans. H e Laguna Ave., P. O. Box 941, Costa The entire coast from Shanghai was on board when Japan sud-Mesa, Calif. HELP WANTED -Wom an for to Hong Kong "'as charted, and denly sul"T'endered. \Vill Call F or and Deliver. 70-Stp cleaning, Mon., Wed. and Friday, the disposition of enemy fon:csJ Before joining the navy, Lieu-CLARK & B ATES from 9 to 1. Apply Palisades and defe nS('s no ted to the smallest l tenant Earnshaw was a well Apartments, 1414 Sea View Ave .. detail. Simultaneous!)'. sabotage I ~n_O'-''Tl writer. ~nd a nation~ pub· Metallizing Corona del ~iar. 69-4tc of Jap military movements "'as hs1 ng concern 1s about to include Welding Specialists carried on ceaselessly. A certain o ne of his short stories in an an-506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 Sell that unwanted artlcl!: bridge. for example. necessary to t hology of t he world's best stories. Newport Beach 69-9tc throuCh News-1lmn ada movl'ment of enemy tra ffic, was Until his discharge very recently, blown up 12 different times b.)' de-Earnshaw has been in Washington tachments under Earnsha""·'s com-on the s taff of Admiral Miles, mand. aicling in the compilation ol the In the fin al 13 months of the naV)-'s history of the famous war SACO. in cooperation ""'ith SACO operarion. General T ai Li's gueni.Jlas. de- t stl"O)'t"d 209 bridges, 84 locomo- K EEPING HOUSE, belpinr take care of the family-you would realiz.e that businesa &iJ"b are not the onfy "bt1e. who some- tim• set Bead•che and Tired .A ehinc .Musclee.. We home rirla often work just as hard and have just a.a many Beadachee, just as many Stomacll Upoets and II"• ju.at .. Tired. :&boot a ,_ -· I lint uaecl ALKA-SEL lZER I hd that It .,._ m y A~h­BtilMi. takes tbe kinb out of • A~ K-and brin ... Ledger sheets a t N"""5-1'mes. -'HEADACHE . IS SUCH A BIG IJTfLl 1MlNG ...... -INSURANCE- • F1RE e AUTOMOBILE • YAClIT e COMPENSATION "STU" DUNLAP 200 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Ph. Harl>or 200-J WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD < 811 Coast Highway 101 • • Phone Beamn Ml4 tti lloorlnp UICI llpMlB ava!lahlr for Boala for Sale l'llddJe Boudl for 11\mi by tbe ............ Does ·Y011r House Net!d Painting? * • PU.MPS WOR'IHINGTON L0cAL or traveling in buslnesa PRESSURE -CENTIUFiJGAL for yourself. No money required. Far All Pressure GQod income. You are your own Soden Refrigeration boos. Apply 508 No. Main St., 623 So. Loo! Angeles St., Anahehn Santa Ana. 70-7tc Pllone 46i521 TI-ltc WANTED-Restaurant help, cooks l---B=A:';R~G,-,AIN~=-;!S=-=-! __:.:..:,:: and waitresses for drive-in; good Lowest prices in turniture is nu wages and good· "Working con-tt 1 buy r1 c!ltions. Apply 632 Coast Hiway. mo 0 · ght. 1 sell ricl>t I also buy tumirur.,. Mr. Bingaman. 7C>-2tc Needle's Furniture APARTMENT, board & "°·age to 2204 Newport. Bl\"d.. Costa Mesa congenial 1A'Oman in exchange 57-tfc for light housework for one lady. ---:A:-u-to:---::B:-a""'t_t_e_n'""·es-..::.:._;;: Phone Har. 610-J. 22'2 Collins. Balboa Island. 71-ltc Rubber Sepe.raters 18-r.xmth -$&.75 Ex. PIN BOYS WANTED-Compounded l'vlotor 12c per Line · Gallon, 10c Oil HighC'St pay in California. Sportlarld Bo\\·ling Alleys Balboa 71-ltc Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer LA POST A specializing in ~iexican Foods \\'ants \\'aitress over 21, 5 hrs. per evening, 6 days a week . See Mrs. Reynolds, 2588 New. port. Bl\.·d., Costa l\1esa. Beacon 5&11. 71-ltc 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 41 -tle VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, steel, wood. Call us fOI' ~ esti. mate. Renovation &: ref'tnishin&. So. Coast Venetian BLlnd C.O, West 18th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. Experienced Clerk - Preferably a mother . Good <A1Jrk- ing conditions. Regular hours. P ermanent employment. The Bobby Shop, 711 E . Central, Balboa. Harbor 1158-W. 71-tfc 38-tle Fire P la<Y" and J.<lndllni WOOD Delivered l3ookkeeper and General Office Worker H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tla Advancement opvcrrtunities, pleas- ant surroundings, offices in Ne"rport, good starting salary. Apply 1840 Harbor Blvd., Costa l\-lesa. l\'lr. \\thyte. Phone Beacon 5892-J. 68-tlc Just Arrived Froob Heartng Ald BATTERIES Gundereon D rug Co. I17 Main Sl. Ph. Harbor 515 WAITRESS WANTED . $37.50 P er Week and Meals Good Hours Also FRY COOK MR. --S~­ EARL Y (mornings King Landing Newport Beach • only) 61-tlc ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... when you get a job as a telephone operator. Good pay from the start ... yes, even while you are learning. Raises at regular intervals ... and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant sur- r oundings ... friendly fel- low-workers. Paid vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, 'W·ork in neighboring central office near )'OUT home. One or these inter esting, well-paid jobs is waiting for you, too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 514 % No. Main St., Santa Ana or Call Chie( Operator 68-Uc 8ALE MISCELLANEOUS 1-"0R SALE-Neon Sign Cafe. Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117-M. 70-tfc FOR SALE-Small chicken house 5x6 with sun pen attached. Ph. Harbor 589-W. 70-2tp FOR SALE-Double barrel 20 gauge shotgun. Phone Harbor 589-W. 7C>-2tp FOR SALE -Washing machine and high Oven Gas Range $75. 1807 W . Central. 71-1 le . FOR SALE-Set of Ste\\•art-War- ner heavy aluminum kitchen utensils. $10. Harbor 2289-J. 71-ltc FOR SALE-Monrof! electric c&l- culator, $150. 1840 Harbor Blvd.; Costa Mesa. Beacon 5892-J. 61-tl c FOR SALE-UVing-room set. new electric water heater, table-top electric range, 5 h.p. outboard motor, et.c. Phone Hearon 5743. 61-tfc -&O-ttc Order Your Servel Gas Refrygerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor I45 52-tlt - Hereafter if we recap )"Ollr' TIRES I We guarantee our "Caps" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardlesa of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. tor a complete set we will call for your car in the morning and deliver same day. Also-a. $2.00 Mobilstatic balance job when we recap your tires, for $1.00. No lead weights or "extras.'' Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. WANTED TO BUY n WANT TO BUY-1 OT' 2 pair army pinks : 35 Y.:aist, 31 length. Ph: Harbor 1146-R. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tl• Will Pay Cash For your furniture or what have yow. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw .. ley Furniture, 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 48-tfe FURNlTURE FOR !!ALE 11 FOR S ALE -3 iron beds, box springs a nd mattress. excellent condition. H arbor 398-~1. 71-2tc FOR4 SALE-4-ft. O'Keefe & Mer- ritt Refg., ~; also down-fiUed chair, 35. 29 Beacon Bay, New- (X>rt Beach. 70-2tp FOR SALE-Be<h-. suite. walnut, S25; bed daven(X>rt, maple matching chairs, SJ(); dinette. table, 4 chalrs, $15. 122 Topaz Ave., Balboa Island. 7C>-2tp DINI NG ROOM SET. Walnut table, buffet, 4 chairs. Nice con- dition. $60.00. 519 S an Bemu- dino, Newport Beach. 7G-2tp FOR SALE-Upright stove, $10; tricycle, $10; small doll buggy, $5; rocking horse. $5; Royal vacuum cleaner, SlS. Call Har- bor 1861-J .• 7 to 9 p.m. 7()-2tc FOR S~Ice refrigerator in good condition, holds-about 250 pounds. Price, $50. Appl¥ 8Cl& Jest Ocean Front, Balboa. Ph. FOR SALE-Girl's 24-lnch bicycle, ~aeon 96-J. 7()-.4tp good ooncliti<>n; 6tl"a set tireo, FOR SAIL-Dillin& table and 8 $25. Call at ~ 36th St., New-chairs. oak library table, ellelt Imported "34" and "37" Vintage whel> l ban Add lndicffUon. OwDbd ud operated by World War D Veler • lrz' hAC JOGI' jNdM M wt euod wlll 111111 ~ port. 68-4tp ol drawera. Tan-Duff rue. 111!!'!2, VENETIAN BLINDS -Steel or etc. ll8 Apolene, Ba!booi ..._. Champagne from France -On Ice at All T imes-s -• 1 The family up I am a 1oti euMr t.o li•• witla since l han ""°"11 about Alb-Seiber. Han "'° tried AILA-SELT- ZBII? U not. why don't yoo. cot a pecbire -yf Luce pack• .. .... Small pechire set. a1oo b7 Iha ca-at Soda Foant&im. T • ~ . - .... Pree ••hrit. Photle HARBOR 2 64 5. Beall and Holaaa• ! alwnlurm made to-= and 9-4te lmtalled: ~ Bullden Sup-FOR SAIE-New i11'00 11J111m ply, 118 Cout ~-Pbano woad vudl)'. )(q ba --Beaaii 5001--..Ctc a.It. .AD or part. Kca14 _. ... 0 .. .... om,., 816 Uu ............. _. ca.-de! ..... 811 ... Gt.A88 SHOWER DOORS mode to ,,_.., --Good dollft!ll&. --BnMon ....,., 118 Cout BJcb•q . ..._ B«w•aa SOOT. -..cte 4 1711 7 ....... Pp.·- Jf 4f New Books Added To Library Shelves gerie Bonner; Mad With M- H•art. by G<nJd Butlor; v.ncer· ous Legacy, by Georc• Humon Coxe ; Desperate Clltt, by Ruth Fenison&; The Affili of The Corpae Escort. by Clifford Knight; Puzzle Fer Fiends, by Patrick Quentin; Deadly Intent. by Anne Rov.·e. Tiie Announced by tho llbnrlan, Mn. Marian M~ney, are some of the ttadabJe new books added to ahelYft of the public library during the put month. On the lilt of popular fiction are: INQUIRING REPORTER Woman On Her Way, by FaJth Baldwtn; Six CUrtains F or Na· tasha, by Carl Brahms and S. J . Simon; 'nlere Wrre Two Pirates, by James Cabell: Janes Jeems, by Bemlce Harris: The Seven Oties ot Gold, b y Virginia He=h; The Cameleph.amoose. Donald Hough: 'Ibe Salem Frigate. by John Jen- ninp; Independent People. by Halldor Laxness; Please Send Me. Ablolutely Free . . ., by Arcady Leokum; Yellow Tapers For Paris, by Bruce Marshall; Chloe ~larr. Non·fictkm books are: The Great Globe. Itself. by William Bullitt; O . Henry Memorial Award Prize S tories of 1946: Rhubarb. by H. Allen Smith: Listen, Bright Angel, by Edwin Corle: Driftwood Valley, by Sta.nwell-F1etcher; My Countr/-ln-Law, by Mary Mian: ~byRL~am l'ho&o8 by Walter Gerllarclt NEWS-TIMES SPECIALISTS Que9otloa: Do yoa. fa•or a mer- l"er of tll.6 P09t ~ la tbe Harbor ana ! M1a Viola earp..ie,, City U- brary, Newport Beach: I write and receive a num- ber ot air mall letters an d if the centraliza- tion of the mails wUJ improve air mall service to our city. then rm all in favor of the proposed merger. A 1 so, the supervision In The First Watch, by William McFee. OFFER TRAFFIC PLAN I by Alan Milne; Iron Land, by Dorothy Ogley and M. Goodwin Cleland; All The King's Men, by A plea by Richard Hogen of Lido Isle for more protection for people who must run the gauntlet or fast traffic to get to the Udo theater to see performances brought a response trom the city council Tuesday that the city e n- gineer's o ffice is now working on a plan for a traffic island there. Robert Penn Wan-en: The Dark Wood. by Christine Weston. Exdting myster ies include: The Last Twist o( The Knife, by M ar- • ,_ NOW-'Round the ·Island Ferry t:M .A. IL TO 11 P. IL South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Rlchardlon'I, Evans', VD1a Martna, Shield&', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beeccn Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hall from any clock or floaL BALBOA ISLAND FERRY BARBO& a-w • Before -You Build or Remodel Sample IUld Dloplay Boorm Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1111 -lllala 8L P1M>ee llaata Ana !IOI SANTA ANA F. C. v.,... t Lt. Col. USA, Re- tired), Realtor, Corona del Mar: (After much laughter) Some people are be- n e v o 1 en t In thinking t h a t such a merger would Increase postal efficiency and improve de- livery service. The Postal In· spee:tor of Santa Ana and Long Beach say it won't-not tor ~ rona del Mar. We'r e in favor of keeping our individuality. As soon a.s the po'pulation of thb com- munity reaches 4,000, we'll get carrier delivery, and we'll have that as soon as building material becomes available. Remember too. in case ot such a merger, everyone would need legal matter changed, letterheads. stationery and other similar items. • • • c. c. s~·alford, 311 Santa Ana avenue. Newport Heights: I 'm for it! I've battled for · ever ything that I thought would benefit Newport Beach. W e are no longer a little village but are developing to ci ry propartiorui and I reel that we must prOg- ress with it. The merger will be necessary in the future anyway. The increased now of .mail through one central post office should step up deliveries. • • • MIM Marcarrt CuJW"er, 1210 S . Bay Front, Balboa Island: of the mail under one postal head should promote better relations between the branch offices . • • • Bob Brown, Bobby Shop, Balboa: Thal'• kind a( a big meat ball to take all al o nce. I'm ~ posed to such a merger at the present ti me. T h e consolida- tion should bf-;.,. withheld until ' the name of the city is settled. That is. whether we are to be called Balboa, Balboa Harbor. Newport Harbor. or what. That question can't be raised again until 1950. I suggest the postal merger wait. SP's Imperial Goes Into Operation Soon 1'farking another advance in post-war travel service. a new fast transcontinental passenger train, the Imperial, will be placed in operation by Southern P acific be-- tween Los Angeles and Chicago on Sunday, Oct. 6, it was announced here today by E. B. Sharpley. dis- trict passenger agent. The new train wiU run through the Imperial Valley and will give passengen a glimpse of Mexico by traveling 52 miles through Lo"'er California between lt1:exicali and Algodones. It will have a sched- ule of 52 hours, 15 minutes east· bound and 52 hours, 45 minutes west-bound. CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Oh my, every- thing happens to me ! It would be q u i t e alright with me for l only live a half block from the Post Office. I 've often wondered why t h e corn-. munities around here didn't get together a nd Mesan Denied Permit have one main Post Office instead of all of them functioning sep.. arately. It is my understanding that if the mails were delivered to one Post O ffice, the increased bulk would create more deliveries from main branches such as Los The Orange County Planning commission has rej~ted an appli- cation by Francia R. Vaughn to operate a Venetlan blind plant in Costa Mesa, on the grounds that the property concerned ls located In a residential area. Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Angeles. If that is so, then so it .--------------, • Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 11th IUld Sula Ana Ave. -Costa Meea should be. MEN-WOMEN Prostate -- -Pelvis .. ,. ...... ,,,, ....... ---·-"= ... ,_ ..... :.l:; 0. kt ... ... ,, ........ ,.. ::.,•s'ct ...... "' .. IT'S YOUR GLANDS Ou ...... • ..... .,..,. ... -· -----• ' _ .... lf• .... -We *"'* N• wwwwaw lie t. I I' M •• K. •• .... D. c.. ...c.. 197 .......... ,,.....,. .... .._ ...,._ Ila& f• •II ' tr 1 • ... ..,. ... ,w..._t.~ .... ~._ .... ,,. .... • ....,. ... n. aw At Tiernans NOl¥.1 • Safeguard Check Writers s,... E111 If .,,.... Pr'1111H11 Pw M 1-.n &u'l'JGU.&aD a.ell Wrtten ._.,.. .._. DC &s • ...W-.W. repotatio9 --........... : * All operallng fHtures cl~ 9'afble. * One stroke imprints the amount in larp IDdelJbJe .ft&'w'es and abo protects the payeea aame. * GravltJ' Check feed. Automatic ke)"board d earaace and olher conven.lent fM.tur-.. * Ma,)' be eqWpped with a nststered number )llate,~ aonallztn& )IOW' cbeckl and providlnc addllkm.il proiec. tlOD apinst tors=. RIGHT NOW All META.'-- WASTE BASIETS for the Home or Office -flNIST QUALITY- 1lAKl!D ENAMl'!f, l'INJBll IN OUZN O& llllOWN llOCND • 8QCAllE - ..---TYP£WRITER---. STANDS .......,..~ ft1U itiW 8'l'AND Durable, .usale.nt and economiml. PNicU~ ti.1tt wwa rln•t QU&llt7 materl&l8 ua4 workman.hip. Twi.._ vJar at.Ml ha.-. bard te.IQJ)el"ed .-onlt.e top. Two drop le&Y•· Top ~me.nt 1, .. .,,... o•.....U (ope_n). WOOD llTAND WnB llAllONl'D TOP St\lrdl17 OONU'VCted. Bu Ollo9 droP le&L Lip .,qutppe4 w ith cuten. Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perlected by an athletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. . At your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. l ll w. -8t. Lao Aacel .. u ENJOY ~E ADVANTAG~! b: Wlaclow A_.,.p, Door Roodl Pardi a PaUo 0.110filee • -a.. .. -LIPt i.: e .... Oat • • • Bl BSB ta: e Pw EBE&··· No '1JpeA Do...-; • ilJDmt. • .. -No .. ..._: ........... Dm'cr··· c.to.. a.at; • u._.. l:c••wo .. -.. '-Life, No a.,·s::n la. Now! Qaalli7 V-4ke BMedo (Either Wood or llet&IJ ..... illol'-.... ftee ..... , .. Qt.II RevenoO>arps Surs+;vaaa Aw • 1 0.. fll Omep (lo. T1I ... "S 11! t' M. , D' .. ' -~a-., ' ' ' -i . C. R. S .T AAF MOORING SERVICE t t t Moortnp Installed end RA!peired. Buoys Painted end Lettered. t t t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for rr-pt Saoloe E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CEMENT WORK Fla&: Wortt er h•dsllom ()ALL l s 11 ·I roa INFOllllATION TBl8 II-POUND BLUEFIN TUNA-·-with aa 111-lb - "-b7 C. A. Fromm of Vaa N-Cllldldlnc flslal .-rd Ille "Be- --· lldpporod by Bob Lewis of Port Udo off N-rt Harbor. On Your Way to Santa Ana Conditions Important Speed should be governed by driving condltlons, states National Automobile Club. Speed of the automobile should be adjusted to condition of the vehicle and tires. location and road, traffic and weather conditions. Driven: on highways with little or no traffic will be safer if they keep their speed below the point of tenseness at the wheel a nd apprehension of pasle'ngers. Manila folders at N.,.... Times. • , • • • ', Slow Down! Stop at "Don't cut back to the main road surface sharply after running off the road shoulder." cautions Bert Ste,vart jr., Public Safety Director of National Automobile Club. "It is the instinctive thing to <!<?_ but the wheel striking the road""eoge at a good speed is like- ly tc;) twist the steering wheel out of the driver's hands. Pull back on the surface only after slowing down a nd be safe." CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches-Fountain Service lOa.m.tolp.m. 1818 N-pwt Blvd. (<Jarll 8enlool Drtve Caref'Ully-Spe.re a Llte. COURlll The drastic curtailment of grains means less Eastside -much less. We could add water, use inferior sub- stitutes,sell more beer-and make more money. That • would mean breaking faith with our many friends. You can know that the Eastside label is your sure: guaranu:c: of everything that is good in beer. Ea,stside fffM~~:SEElt . , .. . ' • .. e I RISE TO REMARK NEWPORT BA• BOA ••• --rot:ml!Q11Aa ~ OP 008T..& MM4 ~JocU!nn,- a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY NEWS-TIMES PllOND> BA-U -U BOX. 10111f peu.r.11'8 THE WORLD ••• •.•• AT A GLANCE I NEWS of the CHURCHES ,.., BaD .MlOOVlftANT • 'S, '~T '7 7 ... T' 2 rAnwaa r Volw1X1tW Cai-ol. QtacW: -· -.... 0. --,..-----------! • Pl It a OMla--··-f'l+l'ts•.....,. w b I I J v.e-e D 'We are lending our aid to the rehabilitation of vetet'ans, the U.· ~ PQable In Adnnce :-i:l~ per_.. In Oran&e Oount;T r h" h u·ca11 _,..~ SZ,'15 .-year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th ZIODe tent o w 1c . prac · y tA ~uui:m ~;;;;;;t;;;~;;~;;;;;;.:n;;;;;-;;;;;;:;;-;;--.;-;;-;i;;rt,;ffl:;;-b;""N,;;;;;t,i;;;;;:b: I all other considerations, except ln· Entered M 9eoond-C1ua matter at the Postolfice in Newport Beada, sofar as a bottleneck item may re-. callfomla. under the Act al March 3, 1879 late to minimum rate of operation, when tully substantiated." j'u:st a SAM 0. PORTER Publlsber sentence out of a leiter from the B7 l!DWAm> CL&Y'ION l'"OllWAm> STEP When l'rftldent Truman n>-OUR LAOY OF MT. CARMEL cen tly signed a measure hildng the 1423 We.t Central AY91M.11 ularles ot' top diplomats and ~ SUnday y:._: 8 and 10 Lm- voding for other important Oonfeuiliom: Saturdays fn"CD -11"11 SnNl11:y School 9:30 L m. ~ wanblp -10:45. en---6:00 p. m. Bettan service 6 :30 p. m. Evt!nlne ~ ..,me.. at 7 :30 o'clock. Bookkeeping Service OOLIN I'". BROWN (-HU) 111-A-....,_hl. Dr. W. T. Moo1aey l't!Jllelu ud .,.aw --Ola-.... { ..... -"-'> ....... F. G. n\Ofii'T F.ditor h i RI id w. F. DIXON Advertisins MAMger CPA, to a mere ant n vers . e Prtntln&: Plant, JOU w. Central Avenue, Newport Bea.ch, ClllJfomia county. I offer it to the teacher! changes in the State Department, 4:00 to 5:30 and from T:SO to a long-<>ve:rdue step was taken to 8 :30 p.m. Tuosday evenJnc prayer .. rv1ce at 7:30 o'clock. 1-------------PBY!IICIAN8 A llUBGEON8, 1U1 Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dell! r dable Local JmUmtloll for Over S1 y.,. Active Member of If money is ihe root of oll etnl, ~e mine redwood r OO[S. 'Thty'r< big. -],CK L11<DSLEY Explanation for "Must You Buy a House?" An editorial headed, "Must You Buy a House?", which ap- peared in Tuesday's edition, seems to have upset local bysi- ness "people who are engaged in the buying and selling of dwellings. The editorial in question advised only prospec- tive home buyers who are not able to pay <:ash for a house to wait until present inflated values reached the nonnel level before they buy. It was good advice. For example, a recent private lending institution official stated that a person who could not afford a Sl0,000 to $15,000 house wanted to bor- row sufficient money for tha t purpose. The prospective buyer had a job that paid a sma ll salary and was one whose position would not be secure should the greater depression occur. of business English in our schools, as a model. • • • "'USDA studies show Cali- fornia farm v.·orkers recei,•e the highest wages of any state ln the nation, v.'ith exception of \Vuhing- ton. and outstrip that state on a monthly wage, including board. Cali!ornia·s daily !arm wage, with- out board, is S8.10. compared to Washington's $9, and a national average o f $4.84." From the Pa- cific Rural Press. • • • "A thousand years scarce ser'\'e to form a state; an hour may lay , it in the dist." Byron wrote it, and I found it in the April issue of Washington News Digest. • • • "Economic Limitation." This is a new phrase the slide-rule boys are fond o! at the moment. We have it now on cotton. wheat, Irish potatoes, fluid milk. The Southern Congressmen also fixed themselves up an "economic limitation" on exporting tobacco seed. which is in effect an embar go. • • • ''The Russians unders tand t\\'O \\'Ords in English, 'yes' and 'no.' Our ·maybe' policy is beyond their powers of comprehension." Quoted from ··surplus Foods Re- port." a little mcmo·report put out in \Vashington by Mrs. Alice P epix-rs. wh.ich constantly calls the turn o n government surplus food policies. bring our foreign service more -.1 ------- nearly in line v.;ith the needs of ST. JOHN VIANNl!Y CHURCH today."Hereto!ore. the $10,000 sal-aalboa leland ary limit has made it impossible Sunday Mau: 8 :SO a..m.. for capable men to accept ambas--Cont'euiona: Saturda.ye frora. sadorial posts unless they had a 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. large independent income. The new figure of $25,000 is l.Jy tM> means over-generous in view of the heavy expenses connected v.;ith high foreign posts, but at least, will help considerably. Other pro- visions under the new bill \vill set up a Foreign Service institute to tr!l.in diplomats; will eliminate much of the "dead wood" in the State Department through retire- ments ; and will keep our attaches in closer touch with conditions at home by having them r~lurn to America at least once every two years. The need for able handling of our rof.eign affairs \\·as never greater than It is today and will be tomorrow. A-ROM.B'S BULL-EVE CORONA DEL MAB COM- MUNITY CONGREGATIONAL CUUlWll Perry Frederick SC.hrod<, Mlnlster eliotrope Ave., Corona del ltfar 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona del Mar Sunday, Sept. 15, 1946 9:30 a .b. Church school. 11 :00 a.m. Morning "·orship. Ser - mon by Mr. Schrock : "Joyous Re- ligion.'' FIRST CHURCH OF CHRl&T, 8CIENTllT Lido Theater, central Avenue and Via Lido A branch of Tb.e Mother Church, The Ftnlt Church of Chrlat. Sci· enU.t. in Beaton, M••P1Chuaelt& Sunday School at 9 :30 a. m.. Sun- day Service at 11 a. rn. Wednesday TeaUmonia.l Meeting at 12 o'clock Reading Room located at lll Palm street, Balboa. Is open dalfy from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. except Sun· days and holidays nationally ob- served. The public la cordially lnvlted to st.tend the church eervlcea and uae the Reading Room. ST-JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 51~ West Central, Balboa (Ebell Clubhouse) COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Bev. ilame1 P . McGraw , Putor lfO CabrlDo St.. Costa Mee.a Services. Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. ,"THE FBIENDL v-cv;TRAJ, BIBLE CHURCH of Colta Mesa Rev. Dwi&itt Kinman, putor Meeting temporarily In the Wo- men's Qub house Sunday school-10:00 a. m. Worship service---11:00 a. m . Young people's service -6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic senrice- 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting~:()() p. m. Fri- day, home of Mrs. Hume. A cordial welcome to all THE NEWPORT BARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH (To be located on Cliff Drive, Newport Heights ) "A Changeless Christ for a Changing World!" 9:30 a.m., church school; 10:30 a .m., divine worship. -Services at Present- Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, Costa ?.iesa Re v. H erbert C. Roth, pastor, 324 ?.1arine Ave., Balboa Island. Phone Harbor 2185-J. "Come Once--You'll Come Again!" Armand Monaco AKClllTIJCr 81' W. Bay Ave., Baa- Barbor lTM 1711 Lollewoocl .t. .... I.Go ~ NOrmalldy - • CBillOPRACTOllll Waper Drugltm Iutltute I Dr. WD-C. w..- Cblropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy lml Coaa& llhd.. - ~ -l'lloDe !OU DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School llOZ Coral --hlud DAY SCHOOL OPENS OCT l Grad"": "Coll. Prep.. Army 0 . A. Mortimer, M. A., Oxford Prlncli-1 Phone Barbor 11% DENTISTS lolm K. C. Chug, M. D. ftrlrl•• a.a Bwpua 2 • ' 7 -8 :30 and by appointment Beeoon !50'75 1JO -· 111111 8- 0oola ·-Collfomk laarence H. Dorcy, 11. D. Physician & Surgeon S21 Marble Ave., ---Phone Buttor 119 Gonion M. Gntndy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn An:ade Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m.. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. As the lending institution official explained, the small salaried man would have had to give up the $10.000 to $1 5,· 0000 house. and the lending institution would have had · to take it back, with a subsequent loss of considerable money. Repairs would have had to be made and that money would have to come out of the vault of the lending institution. Any banking house or other financial institution can support_this factual account with other sound facts. The editorial did not advise people of means who can afford to buy a Sl0.000 to $15,000 house at today's inflated prices not to buy homes. THEY CAN AFFORD TO PAY CASH and they will continue to buy $10.000 to $15.000 homes at present market prices, fo r they know they can pay for them and keep them clear and free when the next depression hits us. • • • Speaking of Russia. the real name of t hat country is of course, ''Union of Soviet Socialistic Re- publics'· or USSR. \Vhen the boys and girls, now in government jobs. who arc \\'Orking so assiduously to renovate th is country along the same lines. are successful, our name \\'ill probably be "Union of American Socialistic States," a nd R UBICON. a little di gest m aga- zine , comments that this will be appropriate. You will observe that the initia1s are UASS. It is interesting to note that the old battleship Nevada which was the bull's·eye for the first atomic bomb at Bikini not only came t hrough that test with color-; flying but also survived the much mor e potent effects of the second blast in the und{'r water experi- ment. One r eason why the ancient man-o'f-\\•ar is "alive" today is tha t the bomb dropped on July 1 drift- ed away from the center of the target on its six-mile descent from the clouds and exploded several thousand reet a way. Now the Ne-· vada is &\\'aiting the final test scheduled for next s pring at Bikini. This will be the deep-underwater experiment. If she comes througr that one all right she will un- doubtedly be retired since the Navy hRd her listed that way last November. The Nevada was the one ship t hat seemed least likely to survive at Bikini. But there's many a slip 'twixt the plane and the ship. Rev. At"dya T. Dean, Vicar 8:30 a. m., Holy Communion. 9:4G a.m., Sunday Scbool FULL GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd and Elden, Costa Meaa Sunday acbool, 9 :4.5; morning worabJp, 11; Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m..; Mld-week prayer meet-I;--------------, Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Pbyllol&a llDd 8urpoa Houn: 2-5, lly Appointment T91ephone Beacon 5848 111 B~ Ooota - The editorial. "Must You Buy a House?" was a contribu- tion from a reliable state editorial association, which is sup- portro by various basic California industries which recognize --. that business prosperity is inseparably bound up with the progress of our· state as a whole, and that this progress, in turn, largely depends upon a sound comprehension by all citi- zens of the vital problems which confront California . -The Editor. A Matter of Cooperation -A century ago three out of every four persons in America lived on fam1S, produced their own food and, for the most part, were economically self-sufficient. By 1940 the situation had been reversed with only one person in four living on fanns. Today it is still less. Yet. as we know, agricultural production in this country is vastly greater now than it was in the nineteenth century. The reason for this is not mysterious. The introduction of farm machinery and the constant improvement of farm me- thods has made greater production possible with less effort and in less time. But farmers, like men in other lines of business in this modem day. can no longer, "live unto themselves." They must depend on outside sources for cooperation in various ways. Paul S. Annstrong. general manager of the California Fruit Growers Exchange. recently stressed one phase of this cooperation-that between farmers and bankers-when he declared, '"The bankers have played an important part in turning agriculture into a manufacturing business, operating "~th the efficiency and streamlined production methods which ha ve made America the envy of all nations. Banks have provided the financing necessary for the purchase of modem equipment and for the introduction of scientific methods in the improvement of plant and animal breeding.'" This statement bdngs out the fact tha t the American economy has been developed not only through competition but through a large measure of cooperation. This coopera- tion is one of the big reasons why America today can feed not only iL...,lf but mu ch of the world as well. "Ideal" Marriages Experts on marital affairs are putting greater emphasis on the fact tha t newlyweds shouldn't expect marriage to be "ideal". This "ideal" marriage complex has Little flexibil ity. and when frictions develop in the home the romantic bubble bursts and divorce frequently follows. Marriage. as is often said, is a give and take proposition. " It requires a good deal of adjustment by both partners if it is to be successiuf. Marriage can be only as perfect as human beings are perfect-and human beings aren't. But that • • • There are 29 government agencies lending mo ney; 3 insur- ing deposits : 34 buying land; 16 preserving wildlife; 10 engaged in construction work; 12 planning hom es and communities; 28 active in welfare work: 14 engaged in forestry; 9 in credit and finance ; 4 examining banks, and 65 gather- ing statistics. Quoted, in abbre- viated form. from the testimony of Lindsay Warren, Comptrol1er- General of the United States, be- fore a Senate Committee. He over- looked the 65,ooO men and women putting out news releases and radio items. and e ngaged in va- rious propaganda activities, much of which is deliberately inaccur11te. • • • "Some of us are frightened men. frightened almost to the vergE-of panic, but being fright- E'ned is not enough to save us from the catastrophe "'hose gigantic shadow seems crceping over to- morrow. Ame rica must "'ake up.'' Dr. Alber t J . McCartney. formerly pastor of the Covenant-First Pres- byterian Church of \V ashington, now director of thC' Chicago Sun- day Evening Club. • • • The chairman or the com- mittee on agriculture \\'as asked to explain the diffe re nce between ··tanning" and "agriculture." He said, "Agriculture is just about the sa me as farming, only in farming you really do it :' JOKES-that is - P t>rhaps! The first Chin('Si' nBval squad- r on ever to visit the Panama Canal. tr3nsited that historic water\\·ay recently. A local resi· d£1nt. reading about the arrival of th{' Chinf'Se ships, hastened to the docks to have a look at them. \\1len she arri,·ed at the pi('r area. and S3\\" the squadron, she ,,.as \'isibly di~appointed. "\Vhy," she exclaimed , "lht'Y look just like our Americon nt1Val ships.'' A lieutC'nant standing nearby heard this and in an amused "'\•oice ask<'d. "'''hat did you expect . ma'am? Paper sails and eyes pa.inted on th£" bo"'-s ?" Thf' Handy .lingle Pat. \\.'ho had but lately arrived from the old coun tr)', was experi· encing consider able d ifficulty mas- t ering corTE'Ct English. His oousin. who had spent several years in America a nd had gained a good '~:orking knowledge o f grammar, a 1 tcmptrd to instruct him. "NOV.'. Pat.," he said, "don•t say, 1t is me.' Say 'I t la I ; and re- member that by saying to your- selt 'It is I said the spider to the Oy'."' A few days later Pat came to WllEllE IT GOES Government in the United States -Federal, state and loca1-is cost- ing American taxpayers a cool $18 billion annually in wages and sal- aries alone. That figure, of course, includes Ormy and Navy pay as well as that of regular civilian employees of the Government. Th.ls $18 billion paycheck equals more than one-fifth of all wages and salaries paid out by all private industry in the United States. Now you know (as if you didn't al- r eady) where a lot of your hard- earned tax money goes. IT HAS BEEN SAID , •. Airplanes can be made '\irtually foolproof but not damfoolproo~. AS KS LOCAL PICK UP A request r11.ad e by William H . S malley, cab opera tor of 10 11 Broad\\'ay, Costa Mesa, for a per- mit to pick up passengers \vithin the corporate city limits "'as re- ferred by the city council Tues- day to the police committee and Chief of Police R. R . Hodgkinson for investigation and report. his instructor and said. "Shure O'im getting along foine. Oi just r t'member that 'It is me, said the spider to the flea' and Oi get it rleht • ....,. time."" doesn't stop millions of married couples from being genuinely :;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. happy. Probably the greate;t factor in a suett'SSful marriage is common sense. There is reason to believe that as many homes are broken up through petty disagreements which are allowed to get out of bounds as there are by re8J.ly serious differences. 'f'he e.xen:ise of common sense would prevent these little frictions from assuming major proportions. U those individuals who are planning to ""take the leap"" will be less "ideal'" in their concept of marriage and more practical. they're likely to be much more successful In that Jmportant undertaking. MODERI MIRllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND • 11 :00 L m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. ( i'int Sundays: Holy Communion.) BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Ag•te Avenue Rev. Harry W. White, AlllOCl•te Putor Church School. 9 :30 L m. Mornlng Worahlp, 11 L m. NEWPORT HAR80flt LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Coeta M ... Rev. Herbert Roth, Paet.or Servlcee: Sw>d&y. 10:80 Lm. Ing on Wednesday, 7:45 p. m.; young people'• evangell8tlc aet'Vtce on Friday, 7:45 p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Chu rch and Walnut Street• L Duane Canby, M lnlat.er. Services : Sunday, 10 a. m ., Bible Study; 11 L m .. Morning wonlrlp. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH Carl B. Johnson, Mlnieter 124 E. 20th 8t. Ph. 2475-R Church .tebool, 9 : 4G a. m.. 14ominl' Wonhlp, 11 o'clock. Youth group11 Hlgb echool, In· termedl&te, Adult, 6 :30 p. m.. Evening eervice, 7 :30 o'clock. noz IS w. Contn.l Barbor HllO ~llT BEACH DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST USS Wen Conb-al Pbone Barbor Ul-J Newport INllUBANCE llllltoa M. Haswell, II. D. 1901 Oood ~ OoroDa del ll&r Ottlce Houn: 10-12; :HI Pbone B&rbor t• S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A•e., Baa- -· 1714 "8 8. BID IL. 1-~ ~, ... By Appoin-t SEVENTH DAY ADVENTJllTll Corner Bolsa and Old Country Rd, Costa Mesa Mid-week tellowllhlp and prayer, 1 r-------------, Ir------------, Wedne9d&y, 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school, Saturday morn- ing, 9:30 o'clock. Preaching aervtce, 11 a.m. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Communrty Methodist 11 a. m., Prayer and Sermon. ASSEMBLIES OF GOD B eary ad Ida Saade. Paaton America.n Leeton Hall, 15th and Central Ave. Uncoln NaUonal Ufe Insurance Co. Hl&.9 lfMDe 1Dd1eMel lie <.."banlderH • DON n:JINIGAN ri.c-Barbor rl4·1l 14111 H&rlDe A"' Bal-bl. Gerald RaU88, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH Phcmll Barbot' 1 OM Mo .-wer: ~ ~ &069-8 X·Ray Savlce 1420 Wnt Central Avenue Rev. I!. D. Goodell, Pastor Church School, 9 :50 L m_ Moming Worablp, 11 a. m. Youth Fellowllhlp, 6 p. m.. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Morning service, 11 a .m . Evening evangelistic service at ~----_:-------1 T. P. REEDER, If. D. and 7:30 p.m . No evening v.;•orsh.ip during Sep- tember. Mid-week sen1ce, Thunday .at 7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer RrYlce, Wed· ne.tay; covered dlth din.Der, e:so p.m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Osher, Pa.tor Eucli d at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a.m. Church ac.hool for all ..... 11:00 a.m. Mornlnc-Wonhlp: Meaa.ge: ·we Thank Thee ... 11 :00 a..m. Nunery for all chil- dreo dlll'Wlg aervlce. 6 :00 p.m. Methodist Youth F el- lowship. Young Adult FellowahJp. 7 :00 p.m. Evening Worab.lp:- Meua.ge: "Come Ye Live." 24-Hour Radio Service -Yl8it OUR KH'CBEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fllb Market -- 91 o.-a "•' 24 (llw' ....... , OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen • t ... A.eeWNI& ....... Pllt>M~~ tl5 &. ~ ""' ..,.._ )IORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Ser\'ing Others Best" l'lloDe Beacon MIO Coeta Mesa Calltornla OPTOMETBISTll E. T. Bntterwortb, 0. D. Optomotrh& EYES EXAMINED LENSES DUPLICATED G~ ............ .,_... llllf. W. 0-w.J. A"' ft_ Barbor Mil NEWPORT 81UCH WM. S. ffiETON, M. D. Pbyllclaao llDd llnrs- uoe w. Conb-al Telephone Barbor 80! Nlght.8-1694-W PUBUO llTENOOllAPBEa M. D. Keesling 180&-A Newport Bl"fd. Co.ta Me&a SUBVEYOll8 Raub & Bennett Surni1on and Enrt-eere 1808 Newport Br.d., Coota - Telep..one Beaeo• 5808-W %817 W. Ceab-al Newport - Telepbosae Barbor I.ZS C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S '!100 Ocean Front Newport NOW OPllN ~08 MALTS • ' SANDWICHl8 • BAMBUBGEBS I lee Cre m to Tab Out \ I FOR SALE-Gladiron. 1941 mndel, permanent stand. Phone Harbor 2481. 2CYl Abalone Ave. TI-ltc lfcaput • a U•t.mA,nl FOR SALE-Star boaL Call w ANT home for pertl&l invalid Tw N H Whlttier 412560 or write Box g<!ntleman. Phone Beaooo 5568. 0 eW Omes 2 67 , . 7G-2tc Re·•--fat ~---Stall 248, RL , Puente. ~tp ....,. ---~, WANTED TO RENT-House or ohowen. Glass doon. Rup. M~~~;~ ~~ S M A L _L B 0 A T S ApL for family of 4 for winter. Call 1522..J tlD41·mAD HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors • tT U••·IBTA'l'E " Corona del Mar- You COULDN'T BUILD IT NOW of growth through value giving --Of tough, ligh t marine plywood. Up to $80. Box "T" c/o N.,.._ 63-tfc and fair dealing. You will find -Molded hulls ~r fl at:b<>ttom. Times. 7Q..2tp _FO_R_S_A_J._F~--room--pe-b_b_le-d&sb_,...-_1 worth+while saving!: in all de--Skiffs, Dinghies, Sailboats. WANTED TO RENT-AssL mgr. ed stucco; 2.-car garage. ptra ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; On a comer. only two blocks from the heart of sboi>- ping district of Corona de! Mar, this snow-white stucco was designed for graceful living. Built in 1939 for an owner who believed "there is no ma- terial too goo<! to go into my home." 'lbe result: \Vaterproof stucco outside, waterproof plaster in- side, copper water and gR$ pipes. Briggs' beauty plwnbing fixtures, wood burning fireplace and cop. per chain spark screen. Tennite and rodent-prool construction. Beautiful tile in kitchen and bath. Built-in breakfast nook. Dining room. Large living- room and bedrooms. More electric Ollt)ets than you have gadgets to plug in. Southerly exposure and ocean view from glass enclosed patio. Large fenced yard 70xl 18 feet. Exotic tropical fl owers and fruit trees and beautiful lawns with complete sprinkling system finished the picture of the home you have partments· living.room groups in MARTIN OUTBOARD ?tlOI'ORS Met. Ufe, des.ires lease or rent rooms: 1 acre and small rental. harmoniou's ensembles, 8 wide ''Flexidrive .. Shafts for Inboards 2 000 55 N until Jan. 1 of 1 or bedroom $16, . Owner, Rt. 3. Box . oele<:tion In our bedroom depart-WATSON -BOATS home. Care guar. Phone S. A. Placentia Ave., Anaheim. Phone ment. dining-room and dinette ''Small Boat Headquarters" 1428-M. TI·tfc 4788. 69-=4.tc sets-while in limited selection 611 Coast HJway Beacon 5Z77 --are priced to save you dollars. S9-tfc WANTED TO RENT from Oct. 1 LIDO ISLE HOME You can furnish one room or an -----------to June 1. small house, ocean on comer lot entire household during this MUSICAL 11 RADIO M front. Couple, no children. no 2 BD UP-1 BD down BIRTHDAY SALE and pocket HIGHEST price paid for your pl-pets, good care of your things. Fireplace-Double Garage the savings. Lowest Terms--ano. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., References. Richard Carver 2821 Walled Patio-Barbecue Free Delivery. McMahan Fur-Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. 70-tfc Holly, Arcadia. 70.2tp A very liveable home nltutt Company, Second and -----------WANTED TO RENT -Balboa $25,000.00 -Terms Broadway, Santa Ana. 68-4tc FOR SALE-Full set trap drum!, business man and wife want fur~ Ralph P. f.taskey good condition. 615 Coast Hlgh· nished house or apartment. N'o 3411 \V. Central-Ph. Harbor 40'2 BOATS. SUP~ SI w ay, phone Beacon 5833. 70-4tp pets. No children. Harbor Z729. _____ * _____ 6_9-_tfc FGR SALE-Set or new Snipe USED Pianos from $GS. Or will ~tp saih. sso.oo. Ph. Harbor 1871. rent. Danz,Schntidt Plano Co., _W_ANTED ____ TO--LEAS--E---1-or-2 J . E. B es & Son 71-ltp 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. 70-tfc years, turnlshed or unturn. house 1806 -NT; mvd. condition. Complete with trailer . condidon, $200. Phone Beacon or Costa Mesa district. W ill fix SNOWBIRD FOR SALE-Perfect FOR SALE-Upright pl.ano, good or apt. Any place ln Newport C<lsta ~Furnia £'hedaam 5320 113 Jade, Balboa Island. 71-ltp 5TI2, or call 205 Wstml.nster up at own expense. Pfi. Santa . F OR SALE-FOR SALE-Snipe, Ave.,' Newport Heights after Ana 7048. 66-Stp S300; sails, sand dolly and trailer S:30· p. m. 55-tfc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. included. Phone H·ll60. 70-2tc REPOSSESSED Mirror Type untum1shed hOUle. Wlll Ieue. FOR SAL&-Snipe sailboat. Ma-Spine t Piano. Now only $295. Call Sam P orter at Harbor 707 hogany hull. Sand dolly. New A very pretty piano. Fine tone. M 13. 35-tfc paint job. $275.00. 110 Cr~tal, Da~z-Sehmidt Piano, 520 No. A.Pr or SMALL HOUSE wanted Balboa Island. 71:1tp Ma1n, Santa Ana. 70...t:fc by man and wife. W e do not WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In GOOD Grands. Mehlin, Kurtzman, drink or t.moke, no chllclren or Wllmlngton for same ln New-Story & Clark, Chase, Hallet & pet.a. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W port Harbor. Call Erwin Pierson Davis, Kimball. Weber and oth-or write Box "'X" Newport Bal- at Klmble 5283. 52-tfc ers. Prices start at $485. Terms. boa Newa.'nmes. 37-tfc FOR SALE-A Dyer sailing clink, one month old. 2'26 Via Lido Nord Phone Harbor 1194-J. 68-tfc BARGAIN-Going east, must sac- rilice SLIP and ont"year-old 18 ft. sailboat "Gilly,' only $195. Slip No. 5. Ask Mrs. Pollins a t Villa Marina, Balboa. 70-4tp Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana. 520 No. Main. 70..ttc RADIO REPAIRING Experienced workme n who know how to repair your set as it wa.S when it left the factory-author- ized Philco service. Phone Santa Ana 130. Knox Hardware, 420 E. 4th St., Santa Ana. 70-4tc RADIO HOUSE CALLS-- Now that additional competent technicians are available, we are WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3-bed- -rm. house. Will furnish immed- ia~ priority on new Chevrolet as bonus. Phone Laguna Beach 4422. 69-4tp WANTED TO RENT ~ Veteran, combat camera.man, wife & one child, wants small apt . or house- keeping rooms, for few months. Property owner. trying to build a home. Corona.de) Mar. Phone Harbor 470..J. 71-2tp .FOR SALE-ARMY HARBOR BOAT ; NEW JN MAY: 18 IT. 6 IN. WITH EQUIP. MOTOR 52 H.P. GRAY. 1409 E BAY AVE ., BALBOA. PHONE HAR- able to rnak~ service calls on WANTED TO RENT-H-E-L--P- large consoles. All work guar-Mother and son 2 .and 4-mo. old BOR 1900. 70..2tc anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, English bull pup. Winter or FOR SA.LE--Cabin cruiser 22 ft. ~~·~ar'i:,~7so~ Marine 34~;;~ year's lease. Mother drinks and Jong, '.1-cylindl'r Starr motor, -----------smokes. pup chews, son pounds just painted. Will trade for 22 Radio Repairs and hammers. Mother will PoSt ft . or 24 ft. house trailer or will All makes: tubes. etc. bond for any and alJ damages take cash. 7311 Seashore Dr.. Beacon 5763 committed by the three of us. Will consider disposing of pup Newport. Ph. H-1493-J. 70-tfc BURT NORTON but would prefor to keep son. Balboa Canvas Shop 915 Coast Highway, Newport CP.S. we·re mad at the OPA Sails -Boat Covers 23-tfc too.) Phone Beacon 5295-R. r--Iarine Upholstering STEJN\VAY GRAND. Beautiful ==--==-----7_1_-l_tc Harbor 207 -2241h 21st St. modern in black and silver. Gor-REAL ESTA.TIC •' Ne\\'port Beach 71-lfc geous tone. This is an art piano. ----------- NE\V SPEED BOAT VENTNOR, If you are Curnishing your home 1946. PERFECT CONDITION. in "Moderne" this instrument is FULLY EQUIPPED. CANVAS perfect for you. Reasonably COVERS. ETC., PRICE S2.250. priced. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., PHONE HARBOR 520. 69-4tc 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 70-tfc ALBATROSS DOGS, CATS Ir PETS la Class sailboat. excellent condition. $2500.00 : also Watson Sailing FOR SALE-Cocker puppies, rea- Dinghy, $150.00. 708 Via Lido sonable. H . J . Shaffer . 2004 Nord. Ha rbor 1107-M. 69-4tc Mey~rs Road, between 19th & -------~-~---Hanulton, Costa Mesa. 69-4tp MOVING-Must •ell 22 ft. cabin boat, 7 ft. 8 in. beam. 6 cylinder _LIVES __ roc __ K ______ _;,,.51 converted motor, reverse gear. FOR SALE-Gentle saddle hone, Needs work. Sacrifice $350 or SOJ'T'el color, $125. See at 1656 trade small sloop or? 1813 West Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa. 69-tfc Central Ave., Newport Beach. SPEOIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS 38 Har. 1068-J 69-4tc _ BOAT FORr S ALE-Only genuine teakwood )ady in Calif. Built in Hongkong in 1940. Completely gone over at great expense a month ago. 226 Via Lido Nord. Phone Harbor 1194-J. 68-tfc Carpenters Available tor general maintenance and repair O. Z. ROBEBT!!ON Call Harbor 83 KEYS Made White You Wa..lt VOGEL'S 100 ldalo St., Balboa. 34-tfc El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay Avenue $4750 Large Corner Lot On Penlnsula, with view. $5750 Business Lot with two small houses $10,500 Several good Bay Front Lota LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 58-tfc Four houses. one acre land, ea.st side; good location. One five- room and three rour·room houses. Income, about $150 per month. Plenty of room for more houses. Full price only- $16,8 00 One-half cash. One-Bedroom Home Partly furnished; one acre ot land, near Country club. Lots of fruit v-ees. garage. Priced at only- $6250 Cash 3 -Bdrm. Home, Furnished One acre of land, near country club. Large living-room· with fireplace. Furniture includes electric refrigerator, console radio and washing machine. Chicken equipment and laying hens. Priced to seU at- $13,500-Terms J . E . Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 71-Itc Balboa Five-bedroom home ; fireplaC<! and completely furnished; near to shopping center and library. Im.mediate possession- $12, 000 Balboa I sland Utra modern Hawaiian redwood home, % block from south bay on two lots; five bedrooms, living-room 14x35 Ct.: built less than year. Balboa Peninsula 60 foot frontage on bay. Pier righ ts- $31,500 JOHN E . S ADLEffi 302 Main St., Balboa Phone Har. 2034 70..ltc FOR SALE-40 ft. cabin cruiser: sleeps six: galley, dinette, head, large wheel house and cockpit, completely rccondjtioned, bow to stern; Chryslr r marine engine. See o"',-ier. 133 Agate Ave., Bal- boa Island. 67-tfc D ocking f acilities 108 Marine, Balboa Island 94·ttc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ~O FOR SALE-Cleaning a nd press shop. Priced for quick sale. Ph. Laguna 8033. 69-3tp GOOD LOCATION-A GOOD BUY NEAR THE ARCHES for Charter Schooner. Call H arbor 1729-W 71-2tp Fire Equipment Tests C-0-Two, Pyrene & Foam refills. ·co fixed system and Portables now a\•allable. ~ HOKJN & GALVAN 1000 Coast Highway Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tlc NEW AND USED Electrical Appliances Of All Kinds Ne,\-port Electric Appliance Co. Bus iness Opportunity For Accountant or bookkeeper. and'or saJt's person. on part tim<' basis in going business. 1'Iust be able to invest $10,000. \Vill pay perC'f'n tage of profits, \.\ith minimum or 7 ~'(. interest guar anteed. plus salary. \Vrite, gi\·ing personal and Cinancial qualifications in O\\'Tl hand""Tit· ing. Address Box 1882 Santa Ana. 71-4tp FOR RE..''T 41 23()9...Coast Bl\'d. Ph. Harbor ~38 FOR RENT-Room for man, near ~tp Lido Theater . 402 Clubhouse 32-FT. CABI1'' CRUISER, launch-A\'e., Ne\vport Beach. 7()..2tp ed. ?tfa)' 1945. Ne\\' Chrysler FOR RENT-Room. pri\'ate en-er-c;..,.'n engine. Rigged for char-trance and private bath at 423 ter, live bait tank, ice box, 14-Goldenrod. Corona del r.tar. toot skiff (ne\\'), complete alba-71-ltp core and mackerel gear, $5525.1----------...:....:..:.: Inquire 202-B 20th St., NewporL FOR RENT-Nicely furnlshed 69-ttc room. close to bath. ~len only. MOTOR READY BOATS T 0 G 0 Reasonable rent. 516 36th St., Ne'A'port Beach. 70..2tc FOR RENT-Furnished 2-bedroom house until June 1, $75.00 month. Take away-just a few days after 3413 Finl~)'. Newport Beach. 1\v<>-bedroom frame house on good con crete founda- tion, unfurnished, one-car garage, nice yard area- Price S8350-Terms--S3500 Do"'-n -For This Listing-- Call HUB POWERS at Harbor 62-W or 794-R Evenings ]. A. Beek Office, Balboa Island Ferry Landing 69-lt.c ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY 201 .Agate, Balboa Island Harbor 377-W South Bay Front Hom e Large furnished home with pier . . . immediate possession- $42,000 ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY you order-• 69-41p 1-Your choice ot any of our boats 201 .Aga Balboa Isl d Harbor 371 W (8 to 14 !L l. made of light, FOR RENT-Garage and storage te, an - tough. watei '*oor plywood with room, with 400 sq. ft. New build-71-ltc ll--An extra efficient 114 h.p. in-Ing, at 29th aful Lafayette Sts., ----------------------- boo.rd motor Installed and · $25.00 ' per month. Zoned for 3--A petented "Flexidrlve" field· business. Phone Harbor 1600. ble lhaft-propeiler unit (pro-__________ 69-_tfc pen.r oteero boat. llf1o up in :w::AN::::'"=·""==ro==llENT=========u= beaching boat). •.. Oxnplete, ready to ahoVe off, WANT TO RENT-Reliable tenant &t ti.-typical prices: wants furnished or untunmhed 10 (L lldtL--·-$262 hoUse or swte in N""'-port Beach 12 rt. aldtt ...• --.--flM or Costa Mesa by Nov. 1. Bea- (wlill• our stock IMta) COii ~-70..tfc WATSON -BOATS WANTTORENT-Ex-servhleman "Smoll Boat Hdqn." and wife wiah small house or SU Cout Jllway Bee.con 5'ZTI' apL for permanent or winter (l().lfc rental. Ph. Harbor 201. 71-ltp Two Lots at ATTRACTIVE LOCATION Well planned protective restrictions as to occupancy and architectural plans. Ample size lots 60x:l27.5 ft. on 15th street, Newport Heights. Price $1250 ea. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W ]. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing - SMALL BOAT SALES AND BUILDING-Now building dinks, skiffs, Pllddleb!Jftrds, etc. Fine show- room in excellent location for sales. Complete equipment plus good inventory. Favorable lease and terms on purchase price. ;f; ;f; ;f; ;f; BALBOA ISLAND OONFECI10NERY -Imme- diate possession on a good monejllnaker for a man and wife. Good year-'round trade. Tenn lease in- cludes living quarters. Present owner will start you out. Should go fast at $5000. We have P&L state- ment in our office showing last 12 months operation. ;f; ;f; ;f; t OTilER MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES in Appliance and Radio, Antiques. Beauty Saloos, ill- come Apartments, Boat and Wood Shops, Ca!es, Gitt Shops. Grocery and others. Money to be made in all ;f; t t ;f; BUILDING LCYI'S -Residential, Commercial, or Manufacturing. Any zoning you require. Zone M-1 Newport Beach lot 150x93. Nice Newport Beach residential lot. well located', $11.00 foc quick sale. Waterfront lots including M-1 available. t ;f; ;f; ;f; CANAL FRONT HOME-Neat as a pin. Compact and very livable. Nicely furnished and only $7500. Interesting development possibilities for cautious buyers. ;f; t ;f; ;f; BALBOA BAYSHORE HOME-Magazine "picture homes" are often only far-away dreams; ;you know "Some day-somewhere-maybe-but, golly, we could never afford one!" You can stop your wish- ful dreaming now. because just such a tw<>-bedroom home is available at a price most can afford. Newly decorated inside and out. new drapes, new floor coverings, new slip covers--all in excellent taste-- create liveable and practical charm. Of course there is a patio and a fireplace a nd a double garage and a beach shower and just about anything else you want and you'd better act quickly, because this $14,500 dream won't last forever! FOR TRADE-Beautiful home in WESTWOOD, near UCLA campus for bayfront home with pier, or Lido Isle. ;f; ;f; t ;f; BALBOA COVES Pre-announcement selections now available. HARBOR INVESTMENT f 11 COMPANY : ;'I ~ • Realtors , 30th at Central A)_. Hartior 1600 <It 1601 '-. 69-ltc BALBOA ISLAND 11LITfLE ISLAND'' Well-built all redwood three-bedroom home; two baths. Beautiful living-room, tw<>-car garage. Excellent loca- tion. Good bay view. lnunediate possession- $21.000 Furnished (Terms) NEAR SOUTH BAY Attractive three-bedroom, completely furnished; patio and garage. Priced to sell. lnunediate possession-$16,500. North Bay Lot; good tw<>-car garage·---······-······.$15,000 Corner Lot on North Bay ............. ·-·············-····-'···$15,500 Other good lots from ...................... ·-·······--·····--····--··$7,000 CORONA DEL -MAR Beautifully furnished modem home close to ocean on 45 ft. lot. Excellent view. 1\vo bedrooms, two baths, large living-room, dining-room, patio, lighted badmin- t on court. Inunedia te possession- Price $29,500 New tw<>-bedroom. large living-room, well designed on comer lot in good location. Inunediate possession- $11.500 LOTS-See our selection of chqice Corona de! Mar building sites. Fairly priced. GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND . WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALTORS 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-W ' 69-3t.c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . -RESI'AURANT IN NEWPORT BEACH-;\uditor's re- port shows it will pay for its.!lf in less than eight months--$9000. Suita ble for, partners. FRUIT, VEGETABLES AND GROCERIES-1\v<>-year lease. highway and neighborhood trade--$1650. NEW THREE-BEDROOM HOME-Extra large Uving- room, carpeted floors, tile, two-car garage. Imme- diate possession. 2'h acres view land .. ·-···--------···--·-·-··· ...... ·······-···$4000 • --0- ----0pening for Good Salesman or Broker- --0- A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacori 5173 71-ltc always longed to have. · You'll have to hurry or someone will beat you to it. Price ···--····--·--·--····-··-······------···--·-···············----·$24,500 Balboa lsland- AF'I'ER YOUR SWIM-WHAT? The four walls of a room or an enclosed patio where you may relax in comfirt in sunshine or shade. If you like the patio you will like the house that goes with it-the cozy living-room with fireplace-the dining space \vith room for family and guests-the convenience of three bedrooms-the kitchen with its large storage pantry-the bather's shower and extra toilet. The Balboa Island location, near the South Bay is excellent. The price for the patio, the house and furniture is only $16,500. Better come early so we will not have to tell you it's sold. Newport Beach- OCEAN FRONT CO'ITAGE Three rooms, furnished. Only $2500 down- Price ·-·······-····---··········--····--·-·····························$5250 FOR QUICK SALE $1000 cash will buy two-bedroom home. close to ocean. Price ·····················-----·········-----·-·······$6500 Monterey stucco home-seven rooms-three bed- rooms, completely furnished on 50-foot comer. Im- mediate possession. $16,000-Tenns. - EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NEWPORT HARBOR 615 Coast lilghway 225 Marine Ave. Corona de! Mar 3113 W. Central Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beach Phone: Harbor 1776 71-lt.c SEAVIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES Large Restricted Building Lots Unobstructed Vlew of Ocean and Harbor Adjacent to Fastest Growing Shopping Center Paved Streets-Al! Utilities in and Paid For Terms of Sale--Cish ·or 1-3 Down Easy Monthly Payments --0- New Subdivision Selling Fast -Act Now For Oloice Location --a- RALPH P. MASKEY, Realtor 3411 W. Central, Opposite Lido 'Theater C Courtesy to Realtors) 69-tfc ISLAND REALTY CO.--Corner FOR SALE-Corona del Mar, 4~ Bay Front lot, larger than usual ft. Jot, 1 block from school, south size; could buy half interest in of Blvd .. good location for in· pier, S15,500. Island Realty Co., come. Owner. Ph. H-2139-W. 201 Agate. Balboa Island. Ph. 65-tfc HarDor 377-W. 70..2tc ------------AUTOMOTIVE Ir TIREil 118 FOR SALE-Two-bedrm. home. _____ _.:.._.:...:c....c..::._ _ _.:.._ exceptionally well built: stucco: CUSHI\fAN SCOOTER. Pre-\var nicely furn .. gas stove, refrig-quality. 2%: h.p. Gas Economy erator; doub. gar. Lot and half engine. Is in 12;ood shape inside is room for expansion, one blk. and out. has had little use and from Lldo theater and. new busi-has been well maintained. $150 ness dis trict. Call 2148-J Fri-cash. Mark H ealy, Har. 1416-W. day, Sept. 13 for appointment. 71-4tc Newport Hotel. 70-2tc TRAILER8 ct FOR SALE-One-bedrm. home, ocean view: call for appoint- ment Harbor 1808-J between 6 and 8 p.m. 70-2tc SAN FRANCISCO -2-bedroorn home and 2 apartments tor In- come, will sell or trade for Newport Harbor property. Har- bor 1600. 57-tfc REAL ICSTATE EXCHANGE 48 MOUNTAIN CABIN at Lake Ar· rowhead ; exchange for beach cottage. Phone Fullerton 1159-J. 68-4tp KOJllEF TO 1:0.IJf P LOANB 2'0 BUILD. bu:J, :m....,.. -or-N.wpcwt Balboa ll'od..rol 8&"'- and Loan ~·tson. . 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 =-::-::-=-=:--~~~--FOR SALE-House trailer . sleeps 2. F ul l price_ $650. Newport Auto Sales lot, 2600 block on Central A\•e. 71-2tp FOR SALE-18 ft. trailer house, r easonable. M & M Trailer, 7220 Coast Highway. Ask for P aul Sitton. 70..2tp TRAILERS FOR SALE-The best -in trailers for rent and sale. Trailers made to order. Dunlap Trailer Rentals, Newport Auto Sales lot, 2600 block on Central Avenue. 69-Stp llAVIOB W.&h ID • • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices • SEfJ, YOUR CAR NOW Wblle Prices are High. Phone for ciur CXIUllltoia buyer who will mil Uld mv• you rerdlnK OPA l'l!llldatlam, cetll'll prlcea Uld .. ,.... all cll!talla aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. 0 oadlt -Of? M JJ>oe='~m:..., .... 111111 W• ~C-trt.81,"1 .."'Wj&t B s ¢.1. a <IJ1 s , F " at IBll!illit• ... .- ' • • - , I I, l.._:llllJllllll.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~--:~~~~~~~~:•&@iS@ii a••19t paw .. l'W9i--!R!::~f±=il:'!.!!.!!il•fa..:~!!fi-!!!il!li...!Tt!=~'!:illr•·Jl!!l!~'!!l!i!'~•~!1'.!i.~U~ll!!.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~-.~~~~--,-. J•M --· -- Red Cross Officials and Chairmen Inspect F • · • A • • • Lois Strunk Marries Fullerton Man \ i::::=.~!.0!::vi:.t~.J-Harbor .em1n1ne ct1v1t1es 1~:.~ta!e:?:m:::;.h~r:u. -de! Mar ond a group of ladln Red Clma; lira. ~ Wolfe, SUD11a7 at S:Ci I'= In Coata Y ... V<nlty ot Redlanda. wb<tt ht la -have been -tnc tar the Jonlcr Red ci-chairman ot Pbooe113 end :.ilCl8 + By Wlnifred,Jllutlre + Rnl'mae ~ 1637-R Cammunltydlun:h by Lois Strunk, atuclyi1111 far tht m1n11try. Jonlcr Red ci-this summer Santa Ana ad>oola; Mn. c;noyce -----------,---------------------·----,....-----------former Newpoct girl and dauchter ~ boncred ••• tea hootewd Sevier, prlndpal of Conlna ·-~ Adventist Leaders Costa Mesa Bethel of Job's Daughters, Balboan Makes Hobby of Mr. and lira. N. W. Strunk of Capilla Circle 117 the Junior Red a--chairman, Mar ac:hool; Mra. Uoyd ~~ F" Coata M-. and Don Cooke, aon lln. Gtttha Tu-at her home and Mra. Jane Ca1ldm ot the local Return From Camp First Masonic Affiliate, Instituted Thursday Of Floriculture of Mr. and Mn. A G. Cooke ot Plans Fall Bazaar 00 Balboa Island. Red Q-ou, Fullerton. The ceremony was per-' On display were large dolls and Ladies of the sewing group were Pastor Glen L Gottar and aullt· Grand otficen ot Job's Dauah-' gol•n crowns of their offices Whether classed u work or rorrrw:d at 8:45 p . m. by the Rev. Ch.airmen of all committees for dawns which will go to the chil-Mrs. Richardson, Mn. Marpret ant pastors Weldon MattilOn and ters. officers of chapters of the were placed on their heads and play\ or SOITT?thlng of both. at Carl John9on..' the fall bazaar ot. Capilla Orde dren 1n Orange county hospitals, Wright. Mn. Louise Scovfield. Charles Martin of the Seventh-Order of Eastern Star and Ma-the ro)'aJ velvet capes thrown least there is nothing lndete rm-W h i t e chrysanthemums a nd met recently at the home of tbe bean bags with cute embroidered Mrs. Agnes Stranahan, Mn. Myra Day Adventist church have return· IOJllc lodges of Orange and neigh-about their shoulders, before they inate about results of the hobby lighted tapers "A'e?'e at the altar president, ?t1rs. o. z. Robertlon. faces, knitted wash cloths and Cox and ?t1n. J . S. Whyte. ed from a four-day miniaten' con-boring counties and local mem-1 took their places on the thrones. of Arthur H. Newton of Balboa, and there were dahlias throughout to make plans for the hen•r little dolls made of yarn, which vent.ion at their Jdylwild camp. bcrs of the ~rganiz.aUom ~ Other elective officers were Vir· whose dispJay of tuberous be-the church. which will be held October 25 tn wW ~packed in Christmas boxll'S Lutheran ·WMS Over fifty ministe.rs and their ed lhc American Legion hall at ginia Holker, guide, and Carolee gonias has been both the pride The ~ride wore ':''hit~ satin~-the social hall of the Congrep.· which the Junior Red Crou sends: families ~'ere present from South-Costa Mesa Thursday evening for Burdick, marshal. Appointive or-and envy of the entire neighbor-med with lace, With .fitted bodi~ tiopal church. each year to European children. Meets at Mesa ern California. the institution _or Costa ~tesa 1 ficcrs wt're Jackie Benedict, senior hood. t and s~~eart . neckline. Her veil Chairmen and members of var-. 'Ibis year 1200 boxes will be sent September 14 was set as t he bet~el, International Ord~ ot [ custodian ; Mildred Gurley, junior Mr. Newton retired last year was . in finger.tip l~ngth and ~he us committees are: Aprons, Mn. from the county. Mrs. M. K. Laurie. 169 23rd date for another oveneas rehabill-Jobs Daughters. and the mstal-cu~todian ; J ean Clark, Inner from the Southern California Tele-carried a whit; Bible 0~1 which H. K. Allen, ?ttrs.. Frank Baiet.. 'Ibe ladies meet Wednesday at-street. Costa f!.1esa, was hostess talon offering. lation of t.he guardian council and j guard; Anita Louise Coane, outer phone Co. of Los Angeles. wheu were s~ays 0. orange ossoms Mrs. N. Haugness; gifts, 1.trs. John ternoons to se~· and will be glad! to memben; of the Women's ?t1is-~in . Nettie Ponting of 'ZJ06 bethel officers. guard; Gloria lttatson, recorder; he \}·as in charge of toll di\risigri and "'1_1ite saun streamers. F~r Sadleir, lt1rs. E . A. K. Hackett. of contributions of half-yard sionary Society of Newport Har-Newport Blvd. is Dorcas leader lttrs. Ruth E . Harper . of Los.I 1t1ary Gurley, treasurer; Nancy revenue accounting. Selling th~ir something old. sh~ wore a n heir-Mrs. Ronald Bernasconi: food. sale, lengths of material, tiny bells, se-bor Lutheran church. of the local church. She reports ~ng.el~. past ~and guardian, w~I \\'ilson. chaplain ; Betty McCub-San Gabriel home, he and Mi's.I loom garnet n~kline belonging t~ Mn. Sidney Blackbeard and Mrs. qulnl, bright butt~ns and bits of Mrs. Theodore Haber presided that many cartons of clothing and 1nst1UJt1ng officer and Mrs. Fodie \ bins.· musician: Barbra Stovall, Ii-Newton cRrne to Balboa. They 1 the brtd~~m s_ mother. He~ veil I John Meador; bab)' booth. Mrs. lac.es and trimmings. The Junior and Mrs. Richard Haber led in food are sent out by this group Voigts of l\tills Valley, grand guar-brarian; Pat Glass, first messen-had once spent a summet at the was ~e something.borrowed and R. L. Callis and Mrs. H. Lynn Red Cross is composed of children de\•otions. At the business meet-each month. Several very inter-dian, was mistress of ceremonies. ger ; La Nelle Gay, second mes-cottage which is a part of The her little h.anderchief was blue. Hughes; luncheon, ~Irs.. Frank ot the schools and teacher spons· ing it was decided to hold the esting letters of app\-eciation have Other grand officers were Mrs. senger; Arlene Ragan, third mes-Windmill, 2000 Miramar drive, and Lavon Lion~ger ~as m_atron Po'-''ers, Mrs.. Lowell Newlin and on are Joan Herrick for the first annual picnic of the church been received from families in Helen Bacon, Mrs. Sally Johnson, senger; Charlotte Phinney, fourth finding the property for sale, had of ho~or, wearmg pmk wi~h a Mrs. Gordon Kopp: p)ants. Mrs. main school and Bonnie Lang at Sunday afternoon, Sept. 22 at Holland by her recently. rtln;. Bertha Inman and Mrs. messenger ; Peggy Trine, fifth purehas'ed \\ithin the space of half gardenlR corsage and the brides· H . Cardoza Sloan and Mrs. L. A. Corona del Mar. Irvine Park. There will be a pot Mr. H. H . Hicks. local confer-Zelma ?t1cCauley. all of Los An-messenger; members of the bethel an hour maids, Clara Fukuda and l\tary Norman. Red Cross officials and chairmen luck dinner, games for all ages ence president: C. J . Nagele, treas-geles. choir, Joanne Davis, Joanne Ho-Since . then Mrs. Newton has Mil~ing, wore blue ai:'d similar gar-Fish pond, Mrs. Coop and Mrs. present were Mrs. Laura Warren, and all friends a nd members of urer: the conference architect, Installed as bethel , guardian gan and Elouise Owen. busied herself redecorating the denta corsages. Ketth Humphrey Gustave Grupe; white elephants. executive secretary of Southern the church are invited. contractor and others were here council were ?.trs. Nellie Skiles. Installing officen for the. bethel main house, doing the work her-of Fullerton was best man and Mrs. Harry Stauch and Mn. Orange county ch.ipter of the Red recently to look over the new Ad-g~ardlan ; . E . I . Moore, a.uo-were Avis Marte Tallon, Santa self, as she tells with pride. and ushers were Bud· Cooke and Har-George Lewis; tickets for quilt. Crou: Mrs. Thomas McLeod, coun-Easterner Returns ventist church and lay plans for aate guardian; Mn. Mabel James, Ana, honored queen; Shirley Ann with results which are original in old Crocker. Mn. A. A. Kemper; Mrs. Sidney ty coordinator of Jun~r-Red Its completion in the near future. secretary ; Kenneth J ohn5?n. treas-Moore, Huntington Beach, guide; conception and professional in air t\ixie Gene Root of Orange sang Blackbeard is general chairman. Crou; Mn. Grace Freeman, cha~ Miu Reba Townsend. dietitian Mr. Gott~ reports that sev~ral \ urer; Mesdam~ Edna NickeU. di-Peggy Adams, Fullerton, manhal; pearance. Our Waftz, I Love You Truly, Ave assisted by Mrs. Robertson. Any· trr chairman, and ?ttrs. Don Mos-at Wellesley college, Wellesley, local business men tAve given rector . of music; Esther_ Jo~n, Gloria Temple, Anaheim, recorder; The grounds and patio are Mr. Maria and Still as the Night, ac-one wishing to make donations Mass., who has been a guest for quite liberally toward the erection custodian of paraphernalia: Lo~ Florence Staumbaugh, Corona, Newton's field of operation and companied by Max Miller of Ful-may call the chairman of that three weeks at the home of her of this new church, although sev-Jian:iblet. promotei' fin.an~.: Essie chaplain : Sally Marie Steiner, having installed a windbreak at lerton who played the wedding particular booth jt is stated. sister, Mn. Donald C. Wedek1ng, eral tho~and must still be raised Rob1i:'son, promotor SOClability, an~ Pomona, junior custodian; Peggy the West end, he has turned the marches and during the ceremo ny • White Hoase Cafe 1920 Church street, Costa Mesa, Landscaping of the grounds ls now Do~ris Ragan, promotor hospi-Johnson, Long Beach, SE-nior cua-space into a bower of beauty with softly played Because. Al\\'ayl a nd 1. \\'hen! Sept. Zl. eo.ta 11_. left Sept. 9 to return to her work. in progress. taltty. . . . r todian ; lttrs. McCauley, musician; his collection of begonias, both The Lord's Prayer. Community Clalln'h. It was the first time the sisters But 1t . was th~ installation o Audrey Porter, Santa Ana, usher; Rex and tuberous, ferns and vari-The reception was held in the had seen each other in four years. bet_hel officers which eve~yone was Phyllis Leue, Huntington Beach, ous plants. There are over 40 church social hall. Afterward the Pbcme sm ....-BMcb, c.nt. 6. Where'! Farmer's Market Baz•ar. Brak en Lenses Duplicated ' • Eumlned E.T. Butterworth, 0. D. • A repertoire just Wrst- ing with the latest trends in short hairdos. • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also machineless pennanents. Virginia Bell's MAJUSKA House of Beauty SM Marine Ave. Bait..., JshM Pbone .. Barbor _.1827 Hampton' 1 Harbor Dru& Corona del Mar Balboa Pharmacy M.a.ln and CelltraJ Newport Pharmacy !IOI Oocaa Front The Bobby Shop .. ' ..... ' ' .. :-.. -• • :t • -· . . --. • • "BOBBY' Bob and Sally Brown ' Cost CLEARANCE SALE Infants' and Children's APPAREL I wwtlng for. Gr~d off1~rs and usher. specimens of the t uberous be-bride changed to her travel suit the guardian council were in even-gonias of all types, carnations. of black and white check with · dr d I th Program numbers between the 1ng ess, an so a so were e camelia and rose flowered. some white accessories and t he young ed d h ed various cere.monies included a honor queens a n past onor of them having as many as 35 couple left !or an unannounced queen" of other bethe ls. who acted vocal solo, Ave lt1aria, by J eanne blossoms on a single plant and destination. · 11· 11· I h Ann Gerrish : piano solo, In Aut-... as 1nsta 1ng o · 1cers. n s arp some eight inches in diamet~ The bdde 1·5 a ~aduate or New-h 1 · al h"t umn by Mrs. Floy Bruster and ~· contrast were t e c ass1c w 1 e d b The begonias make a co orful port Harbor Union High school robes d dal f th ff. vocal solo The Lor 's Prayer y an san s o e o zcers l\>lrs. Corene Boet tcher . show in the summer , to be follow-and is entering the University of of the new bethel, and the climax ed in the fall by a display of Redlands. M.r. Cooke is a gradu- Drive C:aretully-Spare a ur... NMrpOrt Ii Oosta M- C AB CO. of the evening's ceremo nies came After the beautiful a nd impres-many varieties of chrysanthe-ate of Fullerton High school and when the honored queen, Joy J a ne sive closing ceremony of the bethel mums, grown in pots as exhibitiQn I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=i Robinson, the se nior princess, the 300-odd guests were served specimens and also in the ground. l.1 Jeanne Lou Grund a nd lhe junior refreshments by the hostesses. princess. Dorothy Wright, knelt mothers of the new bethel offi-~ NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Club before the altar and the jev•eled, cers. Division Meeting Ki wanis Clubs Held at Wh ittier •• Calif. Federation To Meet at Orange Mrs. Leste r G. Metcalf of Al- hambra and Corona del Mar is announcing the engagement of her daughter. Barbara ~1etcalf, to Southern District meeting of ruchard H. Daniels, son of Mr. l\1onday evening the meeting or the California-Nevada division No. 4 of Kiwanis International was held at Hugheston Meadows, near Whitter . under the sponsor- ship of the Whittier Kiwanis club and with 300 delegates present from Anaheim, Buena Park, Ful- lerton. La Habra. Newport Har- bor, Santa Ana and Whittier dubs. California Federation of Women's and lt1rs. Alfred E . Daniels of clubs will be held Wednesday, Corona. Miss Metcalf is a giadu- St>pt. 18 at the Orange ~omen's ate of Pasadena Junior college and former stude nt at Occidental club, 121 South Center street, R u s s e I I Bartine of Ne wport Heights president u lieutenant governor of District No. 4. Nomi· nation of•lleutenant governor for the coming year was held with Joe Davis of the Whittier Neww. and past president of Whittier Kiwanis, named for the position. He will be elected at the conven- tion at Oakland Oct. 10-11-12. GeraJdine Larson, magician and ventriloquist, WM the entertainer. her subject being "Fashion and Fantuy". Music was by Willard Bassett, vocalist and Art Cannon, pianist, both of Santa Ana. Present from the harbor district were. the Messrs. and Mesdames R. W. Bartlne, Fred Dudley, Her- bert Kenny, Art Randel. F a y Blower a nd Bob Reed. Costa Mesa PT A Board Members Plan Year Board ·members of the Co&ta Mesa grammar school Parent- Teacher Association met recen tly at the home of the president, lttrs. Kenneth Stewart. to plan the bud- get and outline the program for the coming year. The first P-T. A. meeting has I been postponed until Oct. 8 for at the time of the regular meet- ! Ing date Superintendent Ever e tt Rea will be attending the annual convennon of school superinten- dents. Present at the mttting were tvlr . Rea and the Mesdames Joseph Hamblet, Ray Warne, Paul Nor- man, Ernest McCle llan, Ed ?ttir- k o vi ch. Lloyd Salisbury and Claude Anderson. CAMP MO>fEY IN Camp CUstodian Earl ton Sickler announced receipts from camp grounds. last month totaled $24al.Ol. The report was given to city council . Tunday nil<ht. college. She a n d her brother Orange with Mrs. George Wheat, Darby, who is Snipe champion, Orange county president, giving are members of BYC. the welcome at the 10 a .m . ses-Mr. DanlelJ is a graduate or sion. County presidents will be Riverside Junior college and at- Introduced and Mrs. Al~rt Lau-tended the University of Hawaii. ner will lead state chatrmen in He served in the Pacific with the answering questions o( the aud-u. s. Naval Reserve for 42 m onths ience. ' and has now received his dis- Mrs. L . L. Douglas, W. Collins, charge. No date has been set for Rt. 4 Anaheim, ~s in ch~e ?f the wedding. , luncheon r eservations. Music will The handsome silver perpetual 1 ~ _by Mrs. E~a Har~ Hill, trophy given last year by Dr. and I. VlOlist, accompa1ned by MlSS Le-Mrs. Harry Lindsay has been as- nore Tompkins. Phillip LeRoss signed by the race committee to will give the afternoon address on the PIC fleet according to the Twentieth Century Americanism.. r eport of Vel~a Barber, publicity director. Fiction Writers Institu.te a Class Harbor residents who are In- terested in writing fiction are in- \·ited to attend the first meeting of a group which will study with Bert Mitchell Anderson, literary consultant or Long Beach. The meeting will be h e 1 d TueSday, Sept. 17 at 7:30 p.m . at 214 Onyx avenue, Balboa Island. Mrs. Della G. Smith. grand- mother of Mrs. Warren Thal of Lido Isle, died last week at her home in Santa Cruz. She was the \\i dow of the late Judge Lucas Smith and was one of the famous 'hostesses of Northern California. entertaining after the southern traditions of her native Nev.• Or· leans. Mr. Anderson h a s conducted classes in Long Beach, Laguna Beach and Santa Ana. Ard i a Locke Langley, author of A Lion is in the Streets, is one of Mr. Anderson's pupils, as is Earl Schenck. author of Lean With the Wind University Students Enjoy Reunion :t The Misses Anna Kurata and (.; Hannah Shirata of the University < of Utah and Mr. Walter Wada l" of Michigan university have been C:C r ece.nt guests of their former school mates. the Misses Grace < Goto, Helen and Yuriko Hirata. :z. at the Spencer home, Costa Mesa. o M.iss Yuriko Hirata will enter the Cl Uni\"ers.ity of Idaho this fall for -< a coune in pharmacy and Miss ..J Goto v.1.11 return to New York city to continue her studies . u: :z: All kinda typewriter rlbbona In 0 stock at the Nm-Tlmes. ..... fc (J 8-rved Sealll $2.40 Ii $1.80 Tax Incl. Gryphon Productlons ·;:."_~· PLAY~OUS[ NOW PLAYING Thru Sept. 15th SIGNE BASSO ID 'GEORGE' ;:i an oripwl play by :0 1 :0 o • 0 ~ ~ n .j ... 0 z .. NEEDLEPOINTER i:i o .lob lleredyth 1-· ro rr: with .JOHN NEWLAND ~ A. and DON BAOODltf c: •BasYUll .... Ouftll •lbz- • S 7 'P!TJ" Featuring Columbia and Bernat Yams Fr.. Kall'' I ...,....,... - 118 E. BROADWAY COSTA~A z 0 = "' >o rr: 0 ' Reaerved Seats ' BLUE SAil.S 'BOOKSHOP __ .,. °"•·a m z I> .. " I> 0 :c Expert Beauticians for Milady • P ennanents, Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair Tinting -. -Bleach- ing, Facials. NO WAITINU Carmen and S.aff --~.£11~. ....... ........ .. ,_ .. _ .. , .............. 1 .. • See Our SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish s1 oo 5x7.Size (Proofs Shown) PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR ('f"l. " . .. ' . • •;;; .,. f:.-;;:.,:-) -:"'''::'::& .·'"' . "--.;-' -. ' • • ' WE SPECIAUZI!: IN WEDDING PORTRAl'l'8 Studio -Dome -Chard! Be Sure to· Inquire About Copyin& Old Portraits! I