HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-24 - Newport Balboa News TimesI THE SAND CRAB ., SAM T1£ TIOS! Up at the old I &.nta Ana Anny Air base a wrecking outfit is dismant- ling 168 buildings and mov- ing them away. In Orange county, acconling to an.Am- erican Legi o n comIDJttee, there are 1700 homeless war veterans. The Air Base job is being dooe under orders from the Federal Public Housing Authority. Part of the structures are going to Van Nuys'fllld some more to Hanson Dam for another veterans' housing project. In both insiances the barracks will be remodelled and made into habitable d w el l i n gs. What bums most of us is whyinell the eager beavers who try to run our govern- ment, did not permit vets. around the county to occupy these places, instead of living in shacks. trailers, tents, etc? And why should they be carted at great expense a hundred or more miles away to another housing project? The ways of Red Tape are truly outstanding. + + + As to Profits. Note the ac- counting department of the government is ben1oaning the huge profits the ship- building firms made during the \Va.r. It aJso says some- thing should be done to check that profit and save the money fo r the taxpay- ers. Wonde r if that de part- ment ever did anything about the vast expenditures made on the Alaska high- way; on the millions of dol- lars in waste chalked up against the army a nd nayy in dumping supplies in the war zones-; in the endless a nd wanton waste of foodstuffs; in the needless and careless rakeoffs by civilian and fed- eral officials. You can at least say this about the ship- builders: they did turn out the ·vessels and they were used, which is m ore than can be said about billions in other U. S. expenditures. + + + OP A.. While on this gov- ernment issue, would like to mention one or two little things the OP A still does. Latest is to cut candy bars In size to save a penny, yet tandy bars are mostly con- llWYled by kids and an idiotic method of saving. Take the case of sleeveless dresses; a ff'!W months ago the stores were selling them with bal- loon sleeves. Now the OPA has orde red them returned to the mfg. and qit down. to save remnants! Or the la- dles' large leather bags now on the market, when fac- tories cannot get enough leather for shoes. Ain't September fogs grand? + + + Claftnce Und. One of the best realtors who lives at Co- rona de! Mar and operates at Laguna Beach. says nobody knows where the realty prices will end. Clarence some years agone bought Jots on the bluffside where ' he lives a t CDM for S400 and $500 and they are now sell- ing for $5000 to S8000 per lot: He has just moved his offices to a new building on the main drag of South La- guna and he modestly claims to have the finest set of real estate offices in the city. + + + Eddie Moore. In Santa Ana yesterda y dropped into The Roaster on Broadway near Third. now run by Ed- die Moore. who used to oper- ate the Hansen Confection- ery nea r the Newport pie r. , Eddie is quite happy after loafing six months and I saw more candy. nuts and good- ies in that place than I have seen In any store in ymrs. Eddie even had some shred- ded eocoanut, which any housewife will tell you is out of this world. but above all he had as nice a line of con- fections that· will be worth any harborite's time to in- spect, let alone a chance to "chf'!W the fat" with a happy guy. William R Hoffman, a Cirde C.bdrlvtt. repocted the loss of his -n wallet and $5 and his l. D. c:ard to pollce Friday. ' KREP POSTEDl 1 y_. •••••. -a Osssti .... Oo& <I C0 ... o1QkY .... o.&.,_ -~...-.. N---,Nwp;ri- • NEWPODT ' BOA Olll7,. •• ~ Wed t,. New1papitr ................ -(If an 'ntl• EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT. SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO JSLE, NEWPOR HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA voLmo: mwm tNt ...... 1 NUJlllS& 1• Army Barracks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~t--~~~~~~ FPHA Orders Removal 0 Balboa Businessman Urges Conversion of S. A. Base Barracks by Service Clubs DISMANTLE BUILDllGS AS VETERANS DISCUSS BASE AS HOME CENTER John F. Vogel, Main Street Store Proprietor and Wartime Patriot, Offers to Hire Car- penters for Remodelling of One of Bar- racks for Home for Veteranll-'-Base Has Facilities for Accommodating 80,000 Accredited Report Is 113 of 168 Buildings Will Be Shipped to San Fernando for Use in Hanson · Dam Veterans' Project -1700 Homeless War Veterans in Orange County Protest Surprise Move While others were discussing over the ~reekend the probabilities in the ca.rrJring out of a declared threat by homeless Orange county war veterans to rend apart or burn 700 structures now under construction and which do not. have authorization ,notices pasted on t hem. J ohn F . Vogel, Balboa business man and wartime patriot, was recommending a Orange county veteran organizations were incensed today over the accredited report that the Federal Public Housing Authority has or- dered the dismantling oC 168 barrack buildings o n the> Santa Ana Anny Airbase. solution benefi cial to the veterans housing problem. "Let federal. state, county and city housing authoritil'i release the Santa Ana Anny Air base, and its accommodations for a housed city Employes of the 7-llSs Construction company of Los Ange les were a t the base this morning dismantling the barrack buildings in accordance with the housing authority's edict. The surprise move by the FPHA caught tht' veterans' organizations unaware as there had not been any previous publicity that the bar- racks were to be taken down and shii>ped elsewhere:? for a veterans housing proje<:t . of 80.000 people to these homeless •~ veterans," said Vo~el. "\Vhy con-Newport Man Hauls In Sixth Big Fish vert it into a site for an educa- tion institution \\"hC'n our own boys net>d homes?·· Santa Ana .-\rmy Airbase has Ralph Larrabee of 1306 West all the necessary faciJities for Bay avenue, Ne\vport Be a c h, housing thf' vt'terans of the coun. caught his £'ig hth big fish on Sat-try. I t has good \Yater and good urday. It "'as a marlin weighing l~SE P.<\R1\_8Lr.:: CO)lR . .\DES In peace and In \\'Sr are th~ t"·o bosom I ends, "J\tike". fl\'e-year- SCY.'age facilitit'S fo r at least five l lO cl: d . ked . old doberman 11in..c-her. K-9 "-'Br hero and maM:Ot or the 1\"e\\·port Harbor 1\ lerlcan Le&'lon post, and years duration. pou~ 5 an it y,·as yan . in LeJCion Si;::t.-al-. .\rni~ \<Ince Cusumano, pO:J>ular S e \\'J)Ort Harbor Police de rtment huma ne officer. h I t has th~ec mo~~n pf i c t u re_ ~r ~t;;u~~~i';;;1~~r af~~rn;s ;i1~~t~~ 1 -~~~~m..;-~~t'~~~l~;e~rn;~:~Y dJ~~lc~~"" attended all Le;.'1o n con,·entlons to w ch ~N~~~~::p~~~~~ m~:~lng·~~wa~~p:r ~o~~n;~ ~hr~es~:. ~r~~g:; =~:~. ~~ Federal Water VETS RAP stale c.c. Off1·c1·a1 also has two fine cafeter1as. The avenue, Los Angeles. ·~ !~eral governr:nent spernt s 0 m e The qiarlin was caught \Vith 24 Meet1"ng Called I Visa~ Harbor C1'ty ,p..Al,000 renovating one o the cafe-heavy tackle Lar bee h ht · I · terias just two months before it six big fish. pre~~usly atn c~~~ SOCIALIZED was closed on orders or the War waters Jam Musatti, Gt"neral ~tana- Department. · S ~\N BERNARDIN?, ~pt. 24· ger of 1he CaliJornia State Cham- Mr. Vogel has a capi tal iCa\for -M em bc>~ of the Cah rorru~ State ber of( Commerce. and William the salvaging of the base. He dis-Quarry on Way c .range \\'Ill meet here Friday to HSG UNITS Sparlin,, Manager of the Southern ciassed the issue with a represen-discuss the proposal or a red.era! Ca.ljforqia Ofrice in Los Angeles, tattve of The News-Times at h is TO Alaska Isle survey of the \\'Ater needs and. re-• drop~ in a t the Newport Harbor beautiful home on Balboa penin-souret>s or the Santa Ana River . -.. Chambfr or Co m mer c e l as t sula, Saturday night. water. basin. The sessio~ will be , . Wedn ay morning enroute to "The service clubs, churc hes and Corporal Eugene Quarry, 18. son held in th: S~urces Junior high-Al though Orange County's es-San D ego, where Mr. Mussatti other organizations of Ora nge of Mr. a nd Mrs. Kenneth Quarry school aud1tor1um, Eighth and S . timated 1700 homeless war veter-adre the convention of the county could help solve this prob-of 1515 Santa Ana avenue, Costa Streets ,a t 2 p. m. ans are opposed to socialized hous-Califor ia League of Cities. lem. Each one of them could take Mesa. e.xpects a cold lime y,'ith the State Grange Master Geo~ge ing as a solution to their own pres-lttr. ussattj a nd Mr . Sparling one barrack and convert it. fur-Army Ground Forces in Adak. Sehlme)'er a nd a representative sing problem. they are favorably in time to meet Senator Har~or City Man Injured In Roof Fall Wesley Ander.;on, 5& 127 34th street, Newport Beach, tell from a ladder and was injured when working on the roof d(_ a home at 928 E. Central avenue, this morn- ing. He was given emergency treat- ment by Dr. W . T . MOCJDe7 and sent to the Orange~ -pitaJ. , W AA Head Offers To Aid Vet.erans nishing it for a homeless veteran Al eutian Islands. this winter . from ~he U. S. Bureau or. Reclam~-1 disposed to the suggestion that the Knowl d before the Sen a t or and his family. It would be a pa-The Costa Mesa boy embarked tio~ \\ill be pr~sent to ~scuss this Santa Ana Army Air Base be started on his trip over Newport trio.tic thing to do." \vith the Task F orce Willamaw all-important issue. which affects! transformed into a temporary Harbor, Both Mr. l\.fu.ssatti and Director A . J . Reed of the War h R K. of the AGF recently. When he every "'ater user in Orange and housing center for their reliel Mr. s;:' ling are much interest·• •--~ dmi · · For insta~ce, t e otary, I-returns home. on rompletion of Riverside count ies. Otto Knudsen Thi . ·sed n.i ~ts a rustration in Los An- "''anis and Lions clubs of Newport the experiments which the AGF or Redlands, a member of the Yu· 1 1 1 sM sednt1mebnt w0as1 expH_resdl in Ne rt H arbor because of the geles called the News-Times at Harbor rould each take one bar-. W N 1 bo d a e on ay Y a e 1n ey, many rww phases of Yacht Harbor noon tcxlay and said that he would rack and convert it to an apart-\\'ill make there, he and his older c~11i be a~e~ company, 0 · ar · Santa Ana businessman and a deveJoJtment which has been ini-be only too glad to aid the 1700 m.nt Or apartments for homeless brother. Kenneth. will have plenty "'1 c airman. 1 war veteran, who is the reputed tiated b,ere. h I Oran ty -~---to discuss about t heir work. For-ome ess ge coun ~- veterans. "Why I have two or nler AMM le Kenneth Quarry was Bl k W'll B •id , cha_irma~ of1 the CVeter~ns Organ~ i in getting housed three carpenters who are working stationed '"at the bleak Alaskan ac I UI l zat1on ous ng omm1ttee, wttic Angelan Catches B1'g 'We want to do the IDC8t good. on some other io· bs for me:· said I is determined to halt the unau-not only for the -t. but isle earlier in the war. Fi "-Off D p • t ·-·--~· Mr. Vogel, "and I would be only Houses in Mesa thorized construction of comm•r-S• ana 01n also for our veterans," said -- too glad to pay them for doing dal structures anyv.:here In Orange \ who admitted in answe-to a qum.. some extra work in the conversion Have You Registered? County. Ed Jl.eed of 940 South Oxford tion that he knew FPHA had ar- of a barrack to a home for home-y ')) B S Jesse Black of 104 r.tain street, Reached at his orrice in Santa Angeles, who is a con-dered dismantling of the'168 build- less veterans. I am sure other OU · e Orry • • .. Balboa. announced todav that he l Ana Monday afternoon, the Santa _isherman in Newport Har-ings on the Santa Ana Ann;r Air philanthropically-minded p e op I e would construct six new homes Ana b.usinessman s~id the veterans bor, red another fine catch on btse. in .Orange County would be willing Only th.ree days remain for re-g. in Costa M.esa, one of which he l organization committee re1_>resents Saturd y, when he hauled aboard ! to do the same." istering for the genaral election in .... ;11 use for his residence. the County American Legion, the the s. iah, a 174% pound marlin. Polley BrOtflers Mr. Vogel suggested that the November . If YOU have not regis-Black. who retired in 1939 as Veterans or Foreign Wars and the Edie Cleland. skipper of Bal-••-- Kiwanis Club might be interested tered this year go immediately to a building contractor and who in Disabled American Vetbans or-boa Is d. who maneuvered the La d B" • I" in establishing 8 house to be called the Ne\\.'POrt Beach City Hall or 1942 accepted a supervisory post I ganizations. Sunfis said the Los Angelan tired n II ar •• the Kiwanis Club house for a to any fire station in the harbor in the construction of the Santai He stat_ed that the commJttee the mat'lin after 8 50-minute bat-Off $ Cl le homeless veteran at the base. Vo--district or in Costa Mesa and Ana army air base, said he will was cogruzant ·of the fact that tie. 'lid! fish was caught with an ~···· gel will be remembered for h1s register NOW. You'll be sorr.)'-er ect the houses on six lots which 1 the Santa Ana Army Airbase has re. gulatlon heavy tackle, he said patriotic gesture during wartimt? If you don't do so. Anyone not ht owns at 19th and Wallace all the necessary facilities required ~- when after a dispute with the OPA registering and voling in the com-I stre<>ts, three blocks west of the I by the vet.erans and their families he opened his Point House apart-ing election ";11 have their names Costa Mesa grade l<.'hool. and th~t 1t "'Ould make an ideal ments, with rent tree, to 11<>1\iiers stricken from the Grea t State Black is associated in business place if . It were converted into and sailors. The veterans have Book and this will .disqualify you with his son -in-law. Mack M cEJ-1 homes, if only on a temporary never forgotten this kindness. as residents in the State of Cali-I roy, Main street photographer, at l basis until private enterprise could "If the authorities do not \vi.Sh fornia. I the 104 ~fain St. address. (Continued on Pa,ge 4) to open the airbase to the home- less veterans of Orange county, {Continued on Page 4l Youth Hurt In Second Car Crash Ste\i.'art Buchanan. 28. of 107~ I Thfrty-second street, Newpor t Beach. sufferOO a compound fTac- ture of the right arm when an autonlObile in which he "'as riding era.shed into a tele phone pole at 28th street and Central avenue, Ne""J)Ort Beach, Saturday night. Buchanan. who is now a patient in the Orange County hospital a t Santa Ana. lost his left eye in a n automobile accident here aOOut a year ago. 'ni.e youth. Newport Beach police reports say, was own- er of the machine that crashed into the pole. • • Vince Cusumano ReP,resents Post At J..egion Meet Vin .1 t Cusumano of Newport Beach ~II represent the Newport Harbor f~ost No. 291 of the Amer- ican ion at t he national con- vention in San Francisco. from Sunday until next Friday. Visit s from American Legion pos ts al over the country are ex- pected 'o number 150,000. Cali- fornia plone will send 70,000 to particiPf!te in the great Legion fOnfer~ce. A hu e Legion parade will take placc o Tuesday. with thousands or Legi na!res particiJ>a:ting. F ield Marsh Sir Henry Maitland Wil- son -~f Great Britain, who was I Allied mmander-ln-chief or the Medite anean during World War ll. will one of the speakers. Ot war leaden in attendance at the~nvention , some of whom will ad ess the delegates. include, Secret of War Robert Patter- son. urJi,... Secretary of the Navy John ~Sullivan. General H. H. Arnold, SAAF IReL). Fleet Ad- miral ter W. NimiU:, General Carl S atz, Army Air Forces Chief. Generals Jooeph Stillwell, Jonathaii M. Wainwrigh t and Omar Bradley, the latter of the Vele ' Administration. Fred and FnrnJc Pblley al Polley Brothers. BaJt.. and Rtmtingtoa Park brewers. landed a 15214 pound marlin off San Omlente. Thursday. The PoOeys caught the ftab In 25 minutes with heavy tackle. It was weighed by Rarbormaster Russel Craig at the Balboa Angl- ing club. The brothers were with Al An- derson. popular Fun Zone amuae- m e n t magnate, at Al.K:bm'age, Alaska. 30 years ago. Al was then associated with his wife, Inez, in the general mercantile businem In that city. Rites Held for Douglas Brown ServM:es were held MondJQ-for Douglas T. Brown, OT, wbo died Aug. 24 in the Philipphw Wflier'e he was stationed wiUt tbe SM Bees. He was t1'te son al Mr. and Mrs. Colin F. Brown al ""'- Island and besides h& -Is survived by one brother. OoUn Bro•m jr.; two sist.en, Jin. Ruih F. Hahn ot Loo "-"'" -Jin. Virginia Hatch al &-. Rooary .,... said at 8 p. m. San- day at the. Brown Oi!onial ..... ..i. Santa Ana. and 1111U11 -at 9:30 a. m. Mtlbday at the cmpel al St. John Vumney, Rafboe ,..._, SORRY, NO SOUP?!! Orange county veteran organi- zations were discussing the anny base site a..;; a JXIS..<;ible solution for the housing of 1700 homeless county war veterans when the con- struction company moved into the federal base and started to tear down sOme of the buildings. From a source close to the FPHA offices it was learned that 113 of the 168 buildings to be dis- mantled will be shipped to the Hanson Dam near San Fernando and remodeled for a veterans' housing project there. The other 155 buildings will be salvaged and the materials will be sold through the war surplus de- partment of the War Assets ad- ministration in Los Angeles. When asked about the pooo!bll- ity that the anny base mi&ht be transformed into a home center for Orange county veterans, the W AA office on Monday aftemoon did not state that the anny build- ings were to be torn down and shipped elsewhere. Harborites Agree Army Base Ideal For Vets Housing SEEK KIDNAPPER Dri,,.ing the machine. the police reported. was Kenneth Evans of 105 Oty Campground. and another occupant oC the vehicle dt the time of the 'crash was Buchanan's brother. Ronnie. Evans. police said. Oed the scene after the smashup. RonnJe was shakni u;> but otherwise was not hW't. hos· pita! attaches oaitl. ~ -A -toriot who kidnapped a Coon Case Found Moni and Pop wo1re. ....... -.. 1n San Diego and 1rom . ton of the 8-lift """---lbe -.ped In Fullerton A brij!fcue bearing the .....,. -t. Bal'-. cJ...r tf>o1r -I ~ of1e-noon ia still belnc • • of the ~~ C4unty A•r-on lut week, penning ti* 47 1 -.Pt by Southern cautornla otfi"" ,.... found In NewjU t Beoch on the doors: pilk!e outl>aritleL The man-Is :::::.i. tua3oed .,_ to the pollco, "OUi: butd>ers -· ._ ---u to oil Police lftCinda It tum cormmmlcai.I with .,,..t.• 10 our cust._.. --lo aill. ' the ••"" oftlce about tbe Inc to eat. We ~ to t1o _. ...-. best Ud tab • -.... -.· P eTwo NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES, e•aaoa U ... 11 PabUMM Every TaeMta.J and~ , 7 M'81oow. v.a-mvm Qoe&a M esa Eddlt:ioD Pub" ' 1 S...,. We611 erta7 Vo'-ae D Subocr1ption Payable in Advanceo---$2:50 per year In Onuiae County $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zone Entered as Second-Class matter at the Pbstoffice bl Newport Beach, California. under the Aet at Moreb 3. 1879 SAM D. PORTER Publisher F . G. FROST Editor W . F. DIXON . -- ---Advertising Manager Printing Plant, 3011 W. Central AVl!Uue, Newport Beach. callfornia Official Paper of the City of ~ewport Beach A Depeedable Local luUta.Uoa far Over S1 l'ean Active Member of CO RRAL D UST Be rich in memories but look forward to golden oppor- tunities. -Jack L indsley. Reputable Profession The importance of prospective home owners transacting bu5i ness with reputable real estate brokers in the Newport Harbor area cannot be over-emphasized. For these brokers are members of a hi ghly respected profession which is di- recUy associated with the National Association of Real Es- tate Boards. No one can join the NAREB or any of its thousands of subdivisions spread out acro5s the nation unless he subscribes to a code of ethics which is binding for all tii::ne. ln the near future we shall present the ethical einter- pretation of this ideal. Meanwhile, we repeat, it is important that you deal with a reputable broker when you want to buy or sell a house. They are thoroughly familiar with all the phases of real est.a te laws and procedure, and when they ad- vLse you. you can be certain that their advice is safe and sound. They Must Have Homes! The ominous threat by homeless war veterans to level by force or fire unat1tl10 1ized construction in Orange county is being taken seriously in both federal and private housing cir- cles. \Vhile the fiery statement made lly Fred Devenney of Santa Ana, \Var veten1n member of the combined veterans organization housing committee of Orange county, before Southern California American Legion, VFW and DAV or- ganizations in Los Angeles last week, bespoke the probable results of the bitter attitudes of h omeless veterans, it did give housing authorities in all their branches warning of what to expect in the near future if the needy veterans are not pro- vided with adequate living quarters. What has happened in London. England, where homeless mobs, mis-led by Com- munists, squatted in vacant h omes and forcibly opposed evic- tion by police, could easily happen anywhere in Orange county. And Communist leaders in this country are confi- dent that this condition can happen here. once th ey get con- trol of any element which will volunteer to make the first move. Homeless veterans anywhere in the country have a right to live decently but they cannot live decenUy, with their wives and children sheltered in one room. These boys fought to make America a safe place in which to live, and they rame back expecting to find an apartment or a house in which to put their brood. They didn't mind waiting a few months for new homes to be built. But since there has been little construction of homes for veterans in Orange cotmty in the past several months, the homeless fam ilies believe tha t now is the time to strike for that home t hat was promised them, and if they cannot have new homes, as undoubtedly F red Devenney meant when he made his alanning statement in Los Angeles, then they will destroy or burn structures which do not caIT)I posted authorization notices. TI)ere is no teUing \vhen the veter· ans will act. but officers of the various veteran groups make no denial of the fact that the homeless veterans are getting out-of-hand. Veteran groups admit that they have discov- ered that there are 700 of the 1700 structures raised in Orange county which have not exhibited permit notices, and one who seems to ha,·e more reliable information states that there are more than that number \vithout authorization no. !ices. There is one certain thing and that is that no one man is to blame for the sorry state of affairs in which the country finds itself in the housing snarl. As a group. private and federal authorities. must share the blame. Selfishness is the prime motive in the att itude of both elements. And it is now time that both priva te and federal agencies and municipal housing dep.•rtments should combine their efforts to provide more homes fo r the \'eterans. To ignore this situation now is only to invite disaster for e\·ery commupnity in Orange county. ACT NO\'.'-TOMORROW i'<lAY BE TOO LATE! Good Appointment It is \vith a great deal of personal pleasure and satisfac- tion that the editor of this newspaper regards the recent a p- pointment by the President of a great democratic American, Averill Harriman of Harriman. Orange county, New York, as Secretary of Commerce. This fine genUeman of a grand old pioneer family of New York state will be a great asset to business in general. A banker and railroad magnate, be has distinguished. himself as ambassador to SO\iet Russia, and all his life he has lived the democratic ideal. Those who know the family, their early beginnings in Orange COWlty, New York, can verify this small testimonial in their behalf. 1t was an excellent choice for the President t o make. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORAJIGE S OWll • ' P."EWPORT a••.eo& nwa · T••n N ,....-------.--------.1Federal Security Act anges WORLD LE'M'ERSTOTHE THE · • · To Aid Some A ed, But Not All ... AT A GLANCE , .___m:_w_s-_TIME __ s__, By ED WARD CLAYTON APPRECIATION B y EDt\'ARD CLA1:'TON Mr. S . A. :'t·leyer. Publishl"r Diploma Ii« Clr<'U8 NC"1>0rt Balboa !\rews· Times In the three-ring int€."rnational Ne\\•port Beach. California circus so many ··acts" are going Dear 1':lr. 1-fc.}TCT : on at l hC' same lime that some Tht' fine cooperation you ha,·e of the most inter£'Sting diplomatic given In recent years to the War tricks escape lhC' eye. One per· ChMt campaigns lf'ads me to hope formance which \Vas deserving ot you \Viii be "';Hing to render simi· more attention than it got from Iar public sPr\;C(" in the forth· thl' v•orld audience "'as the Sul· coming final campaign during Qc. garian demand for Greek terri· tobcr for funds ''ith which to ton·. I t \\'as a rC'markable exhi· finish the job of the United Serv- bition of "nerve". B ulgaria fought ice Organizations. ram i Ii a r l y on the side of the A.'<is . Greece knou'Tl. as thC' USO. was a valiant member of the Al-As you kno'>''. USO has estab-- li~. Yet, Bulgaria. o ne of the llshcd a unique record in sen1ng los rs. had the brass to demand the recreational, morale and spirit~ te ·tory rrom Greece, one of the ual needs or the members or the ners. That's one for the book. armed for ces. Its work through ut maybe the Bulgarians are the Y<'ars or fighting war becaml"' more n('rvous than nervy.nervous a familiar symbol of the spirit of for fear they \\'On't please their Am<'rican communities. Perhaps "ringmaster·· Joe StaJin. \Vith· )'OU do not know why it is neces· out doubt, they made their de-sary for USO to continue this mands on his instructions. Joe work for another year. doesn't lik<' the Greeks because The \Var and l"a\'Y Departments they refust" to jump through the I asked USO to continue indefinite· communist hoop \\'hen lie s naps ly. Th<' national officers or USO the \l"hip. But !f Joe r<'membcrs f<'l t th<' organization could not history hl' knO\\·s the Greeks can't I do this-but they did determine be pushf'd a round. They "have that the job should be continued a \\·ord·· for their attitude-<X>ur·1 fo r one more year, to ser\'e the age. needs of men still in service, men Larct'"~t Statf" In hospitals, and youths who are Talk is reviving Ag<tin about ad-now in training. Instead of operat· mitting both Alrtska and Hawaii ing a t its peak of more than 3000 io the Union and thus rajsing the facilities in the continental United number of stars o n the America n States, howev<'r. USO in 1947 \viii Flag to 50. Almost ('Veryone scC'ms operat<' 425 facilities at home and in favor of th£> id£>a-that is. overseas in addition to its camp everyone except the Texans. You sho\v circuit and its \vork in m ili- S<'e. the people of th<' Lone Star tary hos pitals. In this important state are very proud. 'fh£'y're t ransition period only an agency proud of th(' f"ct that Texas is like USO can do the job. And to the largest slate' in the Union do the job well requires funds-al· from the standpoint of territory, though much less than in previous If Alaska conl<'S in Texas will years. drop to second position. With its You can help, as you ha\·e in 586.400 squarP mint-s Al aska is the past, by cooperating \Vith your more lhnn t"·ic(' lh(' size of T exas local and count y campaign com· \\·hich C'Xtend$ ovf"r a "mere" 267,· mittel's. And. because many pcr- 339 squarC' mil<'S. SC'CrC'tary of the sons in your community may be Int£'rior Julius A. Krug has sug. una"·are of the reasons for con· g<'St<'d that Alaska bc divided in· tinuing USO for anoth<'r year, I to lhrec stal<'S. Texans \\•ill be in hope you "''ill be Y1:illin~ to publish favor or it, but \\·ith a total popll· an editor ial along-th<' lines of Jation of only 72.000 Alaska hardly thl' one enclosed. O ur State head· ratc-s six senators and three rep-. quarters will continue mailing _you resentatives in CongrC'ss. So. it occasional publicity pieces and appears that \\"hen Alaska "joins ' mats '>''hich ,,.e h~pe you ~ill be up" T exas \\'ill have to be satisfied able to use. espec1all~ no"' in a n· with the distinclion of being the ticipation of and during the cam· largest stale south of Canada. paign this F all. Now \\'f' Kn o~· \\lhy The latest Nazi explanation em· anating from the underground as to why Germany lost the war shows that the G<'rmans are as clever In manufacturing alibis as they are in turning out tools of destruction. But even at that , It must have taken a lot of twisted thinking to fi gure out the excuse that Hitler \vas really a Jew and that after plunging Germany into the war he "threw the fight". Alibis such as this sound so ridlcu· lous to us that \\'<' ar e prone to laugh them off and forget them. But they should serve to warn us that in the eyes of many Germans their country wasn't really de· teated. This attitude tends to spur their efforts to rebuild the military power that almost over· ran the world. The Allies beat Germany down in the war but It's going-to take a long time to put her "out" as a potential thN>at to world peace. Human Otu.l"lle As Individual citizens. you and I share with all other Americans the realization that much as we should like to forget the tasks of war a nd get on with the work of peace. we must complete our war· time job-in justice to ourselves and to the boys who wear our nation's uniforms. 1 had this driven home rather forcibly to me during a very inspiring personaJ intervi.eYo' with General Eisen· hower in Washington this swnmer. He speaks of the present per iod as the "residua] phase of the war" a nd I am sure you will agree with this great American in so regard· ing it a.nd recognjzing its impor· tance. My own responsibility, now that the War Chest has been liquidated, is shouldering the chairmanship of the California USO Campaign Committee's public relations divi· sion. I cannot do the job without the fine cooperation the Cali.for· nia Press has always given such worthy endeavors. I hope \Ve can count upon your help. Sincerely, Robert Gross •Robert R. Gross State Public Relations Chairman San Francisco. Sept. 17- RRG:\"S Have YOU Regi~tered? The story from London about the boy found on the Arabian desert li\'ing \\·ith the gazelles sounds utt f'rly fantastic but It apjiarently is true. A photograph ot the lad shows him to be of slight sta1ure with a mop of dark, scrag~ly hair reaching down to hi!S should<"rs. He was captured by an Arabian prince \\•ho dis· covered him running along with the gazelles. ThE'Se animals can mo\"e at a speed of more than t\\•ice that o f the fastest ever rPrnrded for a human being. Yet I th<' gazelle boy \\·as able to keep ! up \Vifh !hem. Efforts so fa r have bt.¥n un!>ucressful to get him to \\'('ar t lothes or slN.'p on a bed. nor has h<' learned ro speak. H e i~ belie\"Ni to be about 15 years of age. Apparently he was aban· donC'd hy hls mother \\'hen quite sn1all. But how \\·as he able to l ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ su.n:i\'e on the dest'rl? II .~Mtf'r ! Fastf'r ! From California to Ne'>'' York in 5%: hours. That's what is on ta9 in the realm of commercial 8\-18· Uon. Pan American World Air· ways is asking the Civil Aerona u. tics Board for permission to oper· ate domestically on long, non·stop flight service bet'Yo·ttn 13 of the Nation's principal cities. These in· elude Los Angeles and San Ftan· cisco. The planes would carry 80 passengers and would be two types -one which v.•ould travel at 430 milt>S per hour a.nd the other at 340 mph .. The schedules proposed by Pan American "'·ouJd be mott than twice as fast as those now ln operation. First thing ~·e know there wiU be a commuter service for people who v.·or k in New York but v.·a.nt to live in California. VET'S Taxi Compaay PHO?\'"£: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOllEBS- (Owned and ()pent«! by V eterans) IOU BROADWAY Oooca- have i rome \\1hich when add<"d to the istance payment meets dividual budgeted needs. Int etation of the budget rules 'f·euld indicate that many on a bud~etary nC"Cd. basis \\'Ould not recei\"f" the total increase of SS. Some ~·ill r eceive an increase in a lesser mount, and others '>'ill r<'· ceive ~o increas(' at all. The Ja\v pro\ides that th<' amount of in· P.A.PALMER ,LIDO 151£ P~ ----·----w 0 . BUCK-l=ance Counselor ~ 1500 f/k-,.,:f~ 3333 VIA LIDO cALIFORNIA Recent amendments to Title I of the Fede ral Security Act as pa5S('d by Congress increases the assistance payments under the California Old Age Security La\\'. This change is effective October l . The federal increase '>''hich will amount to S5 pt-r recipient "'ill total appro...,.imately $9,720.000 per year throughout the State ot Cali· Corn.la. The S5 increaS<' to each recipient o f Old Age Security does not nect>SSarily apply to those aged persons "'hose need is determined on a budget basis or to those who come plus the grant of aid may not e-i~ the recipi<'nt's totali---;------------------------- need. tH a person has need of S65 ~ Navy Post Grad School Requires Housing for 3000 and hf.S S20 income. his grant at ROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ~~~:('fa;Lr:~5~1!:~2:~~~~(' t~: amou t necE"SSary to n1C"et his need._. This individual. therefore. 'voula\ not receive an increase in his assistance payment. Another exam~c \\'ould be a person \vith a n of $65.00 and income of Bookkeepi9g Service COLIN F. BRO\\"'N (Barbor 16") SIS MarlDe Ave., Balboa Isl. Senator John L. McClellan visit· Sl2. ; his prcsC'nt grant "·ould ed. Ney.•port Harbor and Orange be .t.Ji<' statutory maximum of County to investigate the matter sso.uq. O n October 1 he would re· of site for the proposed Post Grad-ceivif,an °increase of $3.00. Thus ua te Naval School. He \\'BS ac-his nt of S53.00 and income of ------------~ compained by Capt. H . A. Spana· $12. \viii m('('t his need of S65.00. r ~-------~---~ gel .. Chairman of the Officer Board 1 Thcfc \\ill be a fe\v r ecipients apotnted by the Navy to survey I \\'hos aid is currently being paid suggested sites. Capt. Spanagcl is on a budget basis and \\'hose Commandant of the present Post I total eed is some,vhere bct\vc>en Graduate School. $50 a d $55. (It£'ms in the budget The party came by pla ne from sch~e are averaged a mounts San Diego and \\'as mC't at on state-,vidl'.' ~Pricings.) If Orange County Airport by John I the n of the recipient currently Phillips, Congressman from this recci ·fig aid on a budget basis is District, and r.1rs. Phillips, \Villis not !fOrc than S55 ~n October 1. H . \Varner. Chairman of the Board the income necessarily has to be of Supervisors, Hubbard C. Howe, dl'.'duqtC'd from SSS because the Chairman of the H arbor Com· la\V Jtovides that the income a nd mittee of thP Newport Harbor the pnt of assistance must equal Chamber of Commerce. and r.m. ~his 'mount ~nless the re is need Howe, Harry Hanson, Secretary"Of in ex~ss of S::>5. :~~~;~~:~I~~:~~ ;;;~ -D--D+-1 .. ,-D--D--'-S ______ _ and r eturned by \vay of the Santa r\na Army Air Base site. In order to save time the party fl ew over the area and inspected both the llarbor and the Air Base site from the air . Senator ~1cCl ellan appearl'.'d to be ,·cry much interest· ed in the Air Base, especially from the standpoint of utilizing build· ings a lready constructed. Facilities at Newport Harbor "'<'re examined and pointed out as readily available. l\1any smaller \var craft. still under goi ng repair in the Harbor area "'ere also noted. The proposed Post 'Graduate Naval School \\fill require housing for about 3,000 students. It Is reported that about half the stu- dents ar e married and this means that added accomodations for the married personnel as well as for the staff of the school are neces· sary. The facilities at t he Air Base School site should be more than adequate for a ny d emands which the Navy might m ake upon IL Following· the visit the party flew to Los Angeles "'her e Sena tor ~1cClellan planned to return to Washington the following day. Calling All WACS! Afove over . Phil Spitalny, with }·our a1l·girl orchestra! • The WAC band, complete from piccolo to big bass drum, is about to be re-activated, Army Recruit· ing headquarters here announced today. for duty at the San Fran· cisco Port of Embarkation. Ex-GI bandswomcn with qua1i· ricd ~1os·s (f\1:ilitary Occupational Specia1tyl, ra nging from reeds, brass and drums to the euphon· ium. should apply at Army Re· cruiting Office. 202;, \V. 3rd St., Santa Ana, Cal. Costa ~~• Community Chor~ S EPTE MBER !1th 1 Expert Radio Service • Phone Beacon 5004-W \ Palmer Radio I AND ELECrRICJ !MB N-rt Blod. ' COSTA lllESA _LIALLMARK 'fl CARDS For Birthdays W,,.tdlng A.nnlvel'!larie8 and Etc. jVases " F1gurine8 Lallips :: Costume Jewelry N~~port Souvenir ~nd Gift Shop ' 1 2102 Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts r 24-Hour Ra~o Service BOl(E, AUTO, HAIUNI: • RADIOS BEPATUD r.... Bu~ R. Norton 913 eo.fr&: lllwlly BM n ITU Newport lle«oll,, Calif. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Olfers l!oa Ille l'lllM& Place to Diiie la Orup ClomltJ: All ~w • • • Even e Location ..• One-Mle Eut at Old Locatkml .on Coast Highway. Bea New Bar -vwr OVB :r~=~~ Sam's Sea FCHkl Spa -a.-_. .:-1 Fl8h ~'!.. -• J. S. WHYTE 1Seoxs Til OON@ULT.&..."'n A.U\borised b,.-lbo tJn.U.td StalM ~ 1lrJ' Depari.a:Minl \o f"el)f'Mlelbt cUenta In conneet.lon wtt ll IDC'Ome Lax mat\en. .A.UDIT8 • 8 l fiaa8 BOOII&ICPINO uavroa --..... llartt. 81-r._, C•ta •-Pll-~~ Armand Monaco ARCHITECT 81A W. Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 1'1%4 !'121 Lakewood Ave. Loo Anoeleo NOnnlUldy MOS CHIROPRACTORS Wagner Drugless lnstftnte Dr. Wllbur C. Wqner Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physto & Colonic Therapy 19!0 Coast Blvd., 8ontlt ~ Beach · Pbooe 20SS DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School SM Cloral --bland DAY SCHOOL OPENS oCI' I Graclm: Coll. Prep., Army O. A. Morttmer, M. A... Orlord Prtnclpal Phone Harbor 152 DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST Hell~ W. OontnL Barbor HBO NEWPORT BEACH DB. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !8S3 w ... Central Phone Barbor Ul ·J Newport INSURANCE Lincoln National Ule Insurance Co. "JI.I Mame l nd.leaW. It.I Clt.&r'tliC'ttt" DON .JERNIGAN Phone Barbor !M·B SOS Marine A ve. Balboa &1. OCCIDENTAL tlFE INSURANCJE 00. Ray Nielsen .... ... Aft:Wfti& Pelk:IN n.o., a ... ~ ~ 115 a. ~ A "t"e.. a.lb. MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin& Others Best" .......,_11810 CJoota -Callforala OPT0Ml!:TIU8'ltl E. T. Butterworth, 0. D. Opllawbid E'l'1!:8 l:XAJONED Lll:NllES DUPLICATED ........... Ml •• au• w. o.... .&-. ft. _._ mu ll&WFCM, aAm Robert A. Crawford Opt., D. OPTOldi''l'dRlllUBT,. Eyes Examined -G1-Fitted 1Ttl Nww,..t ll•*•wf ........ Ml.I o.1'.A..U. Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-·TIMES • PllYSICIA.'1S • S\JRGl:ONS, D.O. Dr. W.1f. Mooney Phywiclan and Swgeoo PllTI!ICIANS a SUBG£QNS, M.ll I A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN • and SUBGEON LU Cout mpway. Barbor 5A Corona del Mar John IL C. Chong, M. D. ~-s ......... 2 -4 7 -8 :30 and by appointment Beo.con 5075 1!0 East 18th Street Oo9ta Meu, CalltomJ.a Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Phone Barbor !at Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGl'!ON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 1()..12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. l'llrwlcfaa and ~ Hours: 2-5, ~y A-lntment Telephone Beecon 58'8 Ul B.-.1,..y 0-- llDton lll.. lluwell, 11. D. 1101 Oout 111....,. Clo-del ... - Office Houn: lC>-12; 2-5 .......,_,_ S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balboa llarllior l TU "3 8. HID 8t., Loe Anp'11 TU.-781.! By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pb.one Barbor IOU !fo a.uwflf": c.il llMatis 6049-& X-Ray Servi«o T. P. REEDER, IL D. and WM. S. ffiETON, lll. D. Ph1"1cfantt and Sarpom -w. Central Telephone Harbor 802 Nlght..._189'-W G. N. PEASE, M. D. Consultation -Dlaposil Hours by Appointment Phone Harbor 2191~ PUBLIC 8TJl!NOGKAPBl:ll M. D. Keesling UIO&·A N-rt BIN. CJoota - 111JBVETOll8 Raub & Bennett 8aatQOn ... _..... lM NwpwUll .... ~- T1tt1t:ra1 1111-. ....... 1111 "· o.tn.I x .. ,.,.., • Tens' •• ......,m PIANO TEACHl':R G. V. LINSENBARD Gra<bite ..,.. ~.I 1'5 11 Ph. HartJor 12152-W 1!ll8 w. 0-.. Front ., • DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associat.es NO PLACE IN TOWN • SERVES Hamburgers Malts Sundaes LIKE THE • Coffee and Donuts Waffles 805 MARINE A VE1"UE BALBOA ISLAND Kenny Nichols -Geory;e S terUnc Open Evenlnp UnW lO o'Clock --009ed on \Vedhflilde.y Lawn Sprinkler Systems on F. H~ A: TERMS No Down Payment-36 Months to Pay SAVES 1'1A..."'lY DOLLARS-LC)\Ver water bills;, a system good for a Wctime, ending rrequent expenditures for sprinkling eqWp- ment; a decrease in ~rdener hire ... all the se savings enable a Concealed Lawn Spnnkling System to pay for itself in a short time. MAKES SPRINKLING EAS1:'-The weary work o( watering by hand is changed to child's play. There is no more bother, fuss or muss! To sprinkle just open the valve and leave the rest to the system. Twenty minutes sprinkling twice a week is us- ually enough. -PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE-,- GOLDEN RULE SPRINKLER CO. 105 w. F1fth Santa Ana Phone 2626 . 14&WPO&I BAT.BOA NS™1JIOI.. }I( Scrimmage Prepares Sailor Gridders for f riday . Opener City Given Permit By State to Place Signs on Highways The State Oi\isions or High- ways, Dept. of Public WOl'k:s. has notifi ed the city or Newport Beach Some tough scrimmages. with! ed. ror dununy game-s. that it has granted it permission emphasis on presenting a clicking Nursing jnjaries last "·eek were to place standard type signs on orfensi,.r. i.s on the slate ror the four m en on \\•horn Pickens will pedestals in lhe center of Pacific Harbor Hi gridden this week as probably be depending for start-Coas! highY.'a)", Road 7, Orange they prepare to .. isit St. Anthony ing duties. Tentative flrst string 60, Newport Beach 8. ot Long Beach on their field this Ends Bogey Horrell and Dick . I~. a~dance with the highway Friday afternoon In the season's Brace and Backs Roy \Van! and diV1.S1ons instructions the s.igns will opener . Buz Olambers were sidelined with be placed ~n the ccnter ot the Coach \Vend)• Pickens still had minor hurts but will probably start ~alks at the follo\\ing loca- his charges con("{'ntratlng on sound the St. Anthony tracas. tio~: Fernleaf street, Heliotrope-~ fundamentctls this WNk hut ls W orking out wtth the ti rs t Mangold_. San Bernardino and counting on the practice t.iff to string this \\•eek and probable f.f arguerate avenues. Corona del round ou t the outfit into a pin.>'· starters \\'ere Ends Brace and Hor-j 1'1.ar. ing u nit. rel!. Tacklt' Bill \Veathe!"'A·ax. The signs "ill be In operation Friday afternoon should ansv.•er Guards Hanson a nd Jl.fonson. and during the daylight hours only several qu~tions in the mind of Backs Hanzal. Ward, HillhoWle and "'ill .be r emoved from the the Tar mentor-mainly concern-and Chambers. s tree1 d uring thf' hours of dark- i n g his inexperienced linemen. Mf"Uo Shines ness. Picke ns is pretty confident of his Five men are battling for one backfield material with eight good tackle and the cr-nter position and Car Wheel Theft. men jockeying among theffiS(.'\\'es "Pick" has indicated that the for starting positions. Practice starting nod v.ill go to the f\\'O this "'eek has indicated. however, making the best impression in the that sr,·eral line positions are still important scrimmages this week. v.'ide OIX'n and only game experl-A second backfield, composed of ence will round out the boys that Mello. Ashen, Peyton and Bro"'?l h ave not played much rootball tx--is right behind t he other quartet Th{'rt of a \\·heel and tire from Maurice H. lddings of 327 Story plaCt>, Alhambra. and his car which v.•as parked ror th<' night near the Seashorl' colony, NeY.'JK>rt Beach, v.·as r eported to the police. fore . and could r ate almost equally. C l.njury Plq11f' None or the backfield candidates ar Stolen The squad was plagued with a have a stran gle-hold on their posi-Car or Robert N . La,,. of Santa batch of early-seAson injuries late tions and there may be changes Ana v.·as stolen from a space near last week which eliminated the before the opening gun Friday. the Lido theater during the Tues- chance ror much scrimmage o r 1 Mello. a 140-lb. scat back. \Vht1 day ni ght show, po!iC(' ,,·ere told. hard v.·orkouts but ~1onday prac-sparklc>d on the Sailor B team last 1\ ,,·ind"·ing o( the machine "'as lice v.·as d C'voted to scrimmage and season. has look<'d especially well broken , th<' thief unlocking the Tuesday and \Vednesday also slat-on running pla:!-'S durinJ:: the past car door tha l y.·ay, he said. re"· practices a nd \\'ill probably t --=-·----PT A Congress Selects be used extensi\"ely in the coming Co!'ta MP!Oa Community c·hurr h game. SEPTEi\tBER 2ith Four for Fellowships -----------·------- Initiatin'? a ne\\' scholarship pro- ject the Calirornia Congrl'S!' or Parr ots and TC'aChC'r~ this '''N'k is announcing thC' tt\\"flrding of four one yrar ~raduafl' F'l'llO\\'Ships In Psychiatr ic Soci:tl \Vork to four Californin rcsidf'nt ~. Thosr rrcei \'in~ the H\Vards and enterini;: the fl!'ld of Psychialric Social \Vork in thc r ealm or ser\'· iCT' to children \• l'fC' selected upon the basis of ability and interest. I 'fhcy "'f're chosen hy the Congress committee arter \·cry careful study of their rrcords and pC'rs onal in- terview. They were: Miss Vi r ginia Jac- obsen, a native of l\.1inc>s0ta and now rcsident of San Diego; Miss Bernice Hanson or Berkeley \\•ho has an AB rrom thC' Uni\"ersity of California, where she held a Ros- enber g scholarship; ~1 rs. Lorna C. Brangv.'in or Ber keley, ~raduate of the University or Or<'gon and Miss Phyllis Ho"·ard of San Fran- cisco. \\'ho graduated from Denison Unive rsity in Ohio, \\'here she majored in Psychology and took annual and departmental honors. American People and U.S. 0. Receive Pope Pius' Blessing l-fo\v Pope Pius Xll J?"a\·c n special blessing lo a USO-Camp Sho,,·s unit "'as revealed today in a m 1..•ssRKr to ClydC' A~hen. Direc- tor of the Balboa USO from l\.1iss J ('an Beauvais, Ne''' York City singer just rf'turnc:od rrom a Camp Shows tour or Italy, France, and Germany. \\"as d oing a finC' job or r nlf'r· Ta.i ning-!ht• occupation troops. He gave a Spc'("ial hlt,ssi n ~ to me and my ,,·ork and to n1y USO unit. I-le a lso remarkC'd that he ,,·as C'S· peeially ro nd of t hC' Aml'.'rican pecple nnd offered a bl<•sing-for them all." Miss Beauvais. who i!lla l>TiC Your friends and mine sopr a no a nd soloist at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul. the Fre nch Church or America in New York City. '"as gi '"<'n a letter by the Reverend Salvatoro Piccirillo or that church to t he Rever end Noel Augustin Arciba!, a rriend or his in Rome and former pastor of Notre Dame in New York City. The letter requested the Reverend Arciba! ro ma ke arra.ngements ror Mjss Beauvais to meet the PoJX' in private audience. Mr. and l\1rs. l\l<'rrilt Goodell and son Va n mO\'f'd to \\1hittier Tuesday, "·here Mr. Goodell is a studC'nt a1 Whittier rollegC'. The fa mily has tx>rn living y,•ith l\·tr. GoodC'll's parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Goodell. 3000 \Wst Ocean Front ever since rctul-ning rrom the east last spring. • (Poli Advertisement) A. . ! YOUR CANDIDATE for OR~NGE COUNTY SHERIFF -·- Vl'ho realizes the :Vital Need for INTELLIGENT ' law enforcement and Adequate Protection in un{ncorporated areas ! -·- Who learned f~IR PLAY 'fl football fields ' l -·- Who gained , -etuHM«; to COST A MESA - "Since I was in my USO uni- rorm," Miss Beauvais said, "it "'as not necessary for me to wear the traditional black. Seeing the Vati- can and speaking with Pope Pius was the realization or a lifelong ambition. I found the Vat ican beautiful beyond all imagination ~frs . John Pfischner, 3018 Coast boulevard, entered St. Vincent's hospital, Los Angeles, Sunday and underwent a major operation the ne xt morning. Mr. Pfischner re- turned Tuesda.>· a nd r eported she "'as making satisfactory progress and v.·ould be home next week. Practical Experience as deputy sheriff ! -·- AMERICA'S FINEST WATCHES Flne watches are here again ... and nationally famous makes for men and women will be available In Costa Mesa on or about October 10, when Ted W. Brown, Jeweler, of Long Beach, opens a modem jewelry store a t 1797 Newport Boulevard. Comparable in ever')· way to the Ted W. Brown store at 418 Amc.>rican Ave., Long Beach. the Co6ta Mesa establishment will feature highest quality mer- chandise . . . budget terms at no extra cost. Long Beach has long recognized the truth of "Buy from Ted Brov.,, and Sa\·e the Difference" ... a truth estab-- lished by square dealing for 16 years in the same loca- tion. Watclr ~-"::'~­-~ Ma5/rl' \Vatches purchased rrom Ted \V. Brown are ac- companied by a chart record ot accuracy made automatically on a scientific "\Vatch Master". e \\'.<\.'TCB llEP AI& 81:.&VICE e No watch is too complicated for the Ted W. Brown master craftsmen ... prices reasonable consistent With quality repain. ACl-l,CAuh tll AvgB1 CAN A \"SNlJE S DOOS8 80UIB OF RAM SOEllV<lK , HAMILTON • ELGIN • WALTIIAM • LONGINE • GRUEN • BULOVA • BENRUS • HELBROS When you &re in Long • -. visit Ted w. -Jeweler. See tor yourselt the hillh type of businn.s soon to be established in Oista Mesa. 0-0-0! PEPPERS!! and the P ope was very kind 'to Six sacks of peppers-not the ipe. Claude type-w er e spilled on the "As I knelt in the room v.·he re highway at Corona d e t Mar the Pope was to r eceive me I was \Vednesda)' morning, police were shaking all over. but "'hen the told. Policemen couldn't eat them. P ope en tered and helped me to so Hodgkinso n called the street my feet his friendly manne r soon de partme nt y.•hich sent a wagon put me at ease. for them. Nut sed. 'The Pope said he thought USO . WORTHINGTO Refrigeration FREON AMMONIA s toa to 10 too Air Conditioning S toa to 60 ton Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AU~ and All IJqulda In Stock Call I HAVE YOU REGISTEBEDf Vote registrars are registering people for the November election on odd numbered days at the fire- house in Newport Beach. However, the city haJJ and other fire sta- tions are registering them daily. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- DallJ' Del.IVUJ"-Beaoon 5245 1827 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA I Who possesses I extensive l<.NOWLEDGE of juvenile problems ' -·- 'who seived his • I country in the U.S. Armed Forces pt World War ll I -·- REGISTER to VOTE I for JAMES A. MUSICK who will seive I his county E.FFICIENTL Y as SHERIFF (~nted b;· friends qt James A. Musjck ) UJILLHY'r REFRIGERnTion ::::=:$' JERVICE CDlllPnnY llaleo + 1 l!lqtaMrlq--Seo'""' no ~ 81..s., eonaa .., -pj,... _,. Z'IM 1'jlcltt, 1-uaa MIDWAY AUTO ~ERVICE ... , ... •oroas llEIHllLT • '1'1-o'Cpo • • Have this 4-Point Check ··-.........,. e TAJ..,._ ... c•p II ....... ·-·- 1501 I WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE BABBOB ZlZ6 • I I . re·r1on Jlhed • Wlleelo 8tnip*-! • • • Body Repeirtllg 4 ' - ; • :Auto Painting ·I sso lil. A • Cocker AKC Puppies . 91 I 8la•ke For Your Convenience We Will Remairi Open Friday and &aturday Until 9 p. m. , and All Day Sunday Balboa Central Market 708 East Centnl, Balboa Ph.: Harbor Z7%9 MEREDITH'S Ve n e ti a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Manufacturers of CuBtom Bnilt Blinds Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates 412 soth Street Newport Bem;cl> Balboa Inn Bid&'.- llAll!OA, CALIF. Telephone Harbor 2001 Barbor 1086 IODY THRILL IN SHIRT COMPORT! Ct~ CA""*"" -- ?It Laa! ~OL\ DAY* A SHIRT FOR THE ACTIVE SPORTSMAN I ~ ~OLtDA.Y"., 1asyGoln11KnltteclSWrt.. TaQw1d a. C:•f<NNa for Collfor.i11111 t .. •W "Ill a •• I I C•1' &•1di• laJ.-.lare-,e.dla ..... .~,,. ,., ••• p ~ ........ w.. ... ~> •$8.95 ~ ... ........ A 808T T•RILL 1• IMllT COMPORll ' - • POCKET PICKED H. C Mayer of 211 Diamond avenue, BaJboa Island. reported to palioe Wednesday the theft of a wallet containing two $100 war bonds and a $20 bill. He said the w allet was filched from his pocket while he was riding a P-E bus near Belmont. Pueuc NoTICE NOTtCE OF SALE Not.Ice ls hereb1 given : Th&.t. Joe B. P1oeaer. Vepder , w ho9e &ddreu l8 314 Dla.mond Avenue. Balboa Island, California. lntendA to ~II to Henry W . BnU.nard. Dorothy W . Brainard, and M er le C. Bralnard. Vendtt!I. wboee ad-dre1111 ta 302 Amethy:st A venue. Balboa Leland, ca.Jlfomia. the tollowlng de•- cribed property: AJI furniture, tlxtu.~11. 11tock. In trade , a.asel.M. name a nd good-will o f laland R ecord Sho p . located at 300 Marine Avenue, Ba\ho& tsilt.nd . California.. The aa.Je will be made and cotu1ldera- Uon petJd al 10 a . m. October 1. 1946. at the office of Wm. Snn!ord, 308 M.arine A venue. &lboa Island, C.11- fornlL. September 23. 1946. J OE B. PLOSSER Vent.let . 24. l9't6. ---- B . .\ZAAR STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders .. SPrF11 Rtl\\f , ;\f1.1nagcr-j osiry111KE 0Qt;IST, Owne:T 107 21st P lace S05 MARINE A VE. Newport Beach The younqer set ~o for ... WEVE GOT 'EM lN' YOUR SJ'ZE .. Good lookinq! Good f ittinq ! Good weQrin<J' BALBOA ISLAND How Does Chistian Science Heal? I F you would like to know more about this scientific religion which heals hu- man ills and so lves_ human problems, come to A FREE LECTURE e:ntitkd "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE". The Way of Complete Salvation" by Earl E. Simms, C. S. of A-Tena Member ol the Board or Lectureship ol The Mother Ciurch. n.e First Oiurch of ollist.. Scientist, in Bogton, Mass. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 8 p. m., in NEWPORT HARBOR UNION . IDGHSCHOOL First Church of Christ, Scientist, Newport Beach, California OcriW1y .... .._ Yoa Vets Frown On Socialized Hsg. Plans \ ' ... !!, .... I Balf>oan Urges Cof1Version of Army Air Base • "ANNOUNCING" A N-·8onlee to the People of u... Bay Ana Your hhltlnc ... DeOoraUq' -hJ l:lrport Palate.... \Ve have a veteran crew of ptlnten and papr.rhangers wa.itin& to do )'OW' Job. All work 11 given • writ ten guarantee. Call us for a fTf'lt H t.Ima.le. BURTON PAINT STORE COlntinued rrom Page 1) "&roice: ls OuT 8un n<u " then ttff.re is one other thing to PHONE BEAOOS 650$-M 16M NEWPORT BLVD. t Cont inued f r-o m Page 11 M."<' its way clear to build more homes for the veterans. "We don't blame private hous- ing agencies for the snarl in the construction fi eld a.~ much as \\'e do the federal government." Hind- IC'y declared. ''If there was a war tornorow, the Santa Ana Army air base vrould be con,·crted for do,'· Vo.el added. "they may work !~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ through: their memberships in the \'arioua service clubs on a plan to pro fte at IE.'ast one unit each wet"k tr, a needed and homeless troops in 90 days." Hindley said the veterans know- ing these conditions cannot under- stand why the federal go\'ern- ment hf'sitates to make facilities availahl<' to the \\'i\r VC'tcrans and their familil"S now when they ser- iously nl'<-d th£'m. "If the U. S. Government can makC' the hasc available for troops j in three months. \vhy can·t ii transform the present barracks into homes for the \\·ar \'eterans I veteran." Voge~ said that Captain Rosen- blum o(i the Army Air Forres. who '''as ho~sing offi cer for the Santa Ana Ai:my Airbase. resided at his home during the \\'ar. and it \Vas he wh~ or igi nated the "one unit" idea aqd put it to suCC't'SSful use here during the ~·ar. He ~·ould go toJ' ach service club meeting \\'eek · ter \.\·C'E.'k and ask for 'just one unft of housing for a ser \'ice- man'. I Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATEJUAUI Bay Dlsbtet Yard ) Pb~ Beacon 5111 618 COAST IDGllWA1" ' AT THE AllCllES C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S 2100 O<ea.n Front Newport NOW OPEN EVENINGS MALTS • SANDWICHES • HAMBURGERS lee Cream to Take Out j or the county in that time?" asked Hindlev. "Do you kno\v v;hy the J govern.ment '''ill not do this?" • There was no a.ns\\·er to either or H ind\ey's qul'Stions \\'hich are .pertinC'nt to thC' issue or housing the country ovC'r as only the powers-tha t-lx-in \V ashington. D. HER:\fOS . .\ BEACH BOYS \\"IS. These are the bo)'5 "·ho snatched the trophies ln the :Sev.·port Harbor Chamber of Conm1erce spon- sored. paddlebosrd ~ here Sunday. -Kent liitchcock photo. "There's no reason '"hY the one- unit plfln can't ,,·ork no'"· if the authorit ies ,,·ill not cooperate in a pl an f to platt the army airbase on an emergency housing basis for Or\nge County's homt>lcss vet- erans.'' Vogel concluded. 1--------~=========~ I puality Lumber C .. kno''' the answrrs. r.-tC'an\vhilC', a source in the mu- nicipal housin~ hurC'au in Sa nta Ana. disclosC'd the information th<tl appar£'ntly ~h£'rC' are 700 vc.t· I <'rans in that cit y \\•ho are still \.\'ithout hon1ct ror thC'ir families. Hermosa Beach Boys Win Paddleboard Races Here ' ' and I Bp ilding Material• I • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ",.\pproximatcly 700 VC'trrans of Fast 1irne for P addlC'boards '''as 1 that ordC'r. All contestants v.·ere R. E. HOSTETLER Santa Ana and \'iCi ni ty applied mad!' O\ r-r a t\\'O mile ocean course from 1-lermosa Bea.ch . Phone Beaoon 6015 DORALEE'S we have now included · Venetian Blinds to our stock. Custom Slip Covers -Draperies 811 Marine Avenue Balboa Island for thl' f;Q availah\e units in t he I The Ocean Paddlcl>0ard Race I old h!'adquartrrs barracks of thC" on Sunday last ,at :'\'l·\\·port 1-lar-bcl\\"('("n the Ne,,·port l·larbor Area ;.._,. _________ _ \\'C'stern 1-~lying Training com-bor. The ra("(' \\as run from the OCf'an piC"rs \\'as a prominl·nt sport-'---------------------------' mand, ,,·hich "'<'re convert.~d ~y Pier al NC\\·port Bea.ch to the ing C\ent before thf' \\';sr and Cement and Flagstone lh<' ci ty t,,.o months ago, said! Pil~r at Balboa \\'Lth John J Ker-nl?ny '''C'll kno,,·n paddlC'l>0ard ex·I ~ Contractor lhC' informant. . . . . 0 -h ll I J>crts participated. FLA'll WORK AND FOO!l.'DATIO~S Santa Ana n1unicipal 0Cf1c1u ls \\In of llC'inlosa '"'-·ac_ I aclng l Tile affair this year . ,,·hile it 8Y E•lim3le said thal thC' housin~ burcau on first, ttrn(' 26 n11nut .... s, J,) s<"conds. did 001 a ttract a lot of outside Harbor 2574-W duly at the iH'ndqunrlC'rs building FollO\\'ing Kt•r\\'in. Leo\\' Leis cnm£', entrants. due to raC'C'S elCS\\'herC', Qu ick~ l>el"rll'fl: we baTe lho cemenl ar(' n1aking: the conv('rtcd uni~s in second ,,·ith R. D. Scol<'S and 1 is th<' opening i.:un of a big raCC' avai_l~hl<' fO th<' '"l't~rans and lhC'tr I D<!Y(' P{'rUnlC'an finishing in third \\"hich \\"ill be singed ~~xi year. __ _. _________ "'!: fan11llf•_s on thr b;is1s of need and I :.H'l"d fourth pl:i.ces. 'fhis cvC'nt . is a .Pac1f1c. Coast I according: t.o thc .nun1bcr of ~e-1 A half-ntilc Novice Ract>, also Championship \\" h 1 ch l"C'\\'port pend('nt childrcn 1n ca~~ family. ;:in ()("('a n ('VC'nt. \\'as \\·on by Ed· Harbor Offi cials plan to sponsor. In Los AngPll'S. a n off1 c1al of the \\'a rd A. Edgar or Hermosa Dench, ThC' pl an in,·itcs each c.oa~t c.1ty rl'al estate d~p~trtme.nt or the .\Var \\'hOSl' tinte for the shorter dist· to arran~C' its O\\'n C'lim1nat1on Ass<'ts Adm1n1strat1 on. a~m1tt('d ance "·as 6 minutcs. 35 seconds, ('\'ents for Paddleboard ex{X'rts. that C'<lucators "'~rC' scek1n~ t.he \\'ilh R. D. Scoles, Dave Perumean Then t~\\'ard the close of thl' sum- army hasc as a s1IC' for a Junior . d 1\-l.chael O'Brie n finishing in m<'r . "''lnnC'rS 10 be selected from co\legl'. I-l e said the FedC'ral Pub-an 1 each City to compete in a final lie Housing Authority has not ask· event for the Coast Champion- C'd it the WAA to turn the base ship over this t\.\'O mile rough over to it for conversion into "'ater course. Two events are sug- homt>S for the veterans. gl"Sted, one for civilians and one Clean Windshield Blindness which drivers exper· lence when traveling on crowd- ed r oads at night is not due en- tirely to poor adjustment or the "other fellow's " headlights, r e- ports National Automobile club. A dirty windshield does much to magnify the ser ious effects of glaring headlights. Have YOU Regiatered? eo.ta Meu Community Church SEPTEMBER !7th CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS SGM~ SpiVli SI.op I 101 MariDe A- Bal-Wud Pbo9e Barl>or 519 Yooii Woald Prepare It BAI.ROA ISLAND GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor ' Ptioae1: ~ 1118 ' "1 Newport ..... -llM4-W 008TA lllSSA exclusively for member! of Life I liB<" Guard crews at Coast Cities. A pcrmanen t trophy to be provided with trophies for individuals also. ENJOY THESE ADV ANTAGESI 1-; Window Awnbags, F . W. Crocker, Chief of Newport Beach Life Guard Service, was in. charge of the r aces Sunday last. Door Rood& Porch II Patio Canopies .... Oat ---up.t ln: e Raia Oat -• -Bi-... ID: • fltlrmNM'Dl • --No 1 "U.-a nowu": • Slht -• -No R&W.ee: • Bannoaloaa D<:elcn - -• I CU.tom Built: ·-tl!:conolAJ'·-· I Lone ute, .;,No~ta. NoW! 511 State mpwa7 ~Venetian Blinds (Either Wood or Metal) --Fdr ::ckr..~"': Call I Reverse Otarges Newport8-b t. ATS·D·tvaaa A..:: Co. of Orange Co. 116 So. Philadelphia SL : Anabelm, Calif. PbGine FULLERTON lsss..J' Just Received ---Now on Display . I -The- New Globe Outboard ' 11).DA Y DELIVOY Runabout The Seaboard Equipment Co. ft: &e.con 6M 1 Newport-.. ' C. R. ST:AAF M 0 0 R I N GJ' S,E RV I C E t t t ! Moorings Installed and Repaired. Buoys Painted and~ ' t £ t I Phone: Harbor 1080 orlHarbor 1698-R ,... Prompl Sui •lee • Freah D ,:Iy ---:i:·~,.~·= Or. oom,.... -7""-to 1""1' - Special B A J J E R J S a I e New War Surplus Batteries 100 and 200 amp. hour Ideal for boats .... Yes. we said new batreries, and we don't just think they are for we have cha rged and filled them for the first time. And the life 0f a battery begins when it is first charged and filled . We also know that our price on these batteries is only a fraction of their real value. See us at once as they will soon be sold . • Your Car • Your Boat • Your _.,_ We WhOlesale and Retail _.,_ . Storey's Battery Service "'etitmlAl•ter Street (between 18th and Magnolia ) Phone: Beacon 5183 Costa Mesa WHY DRIVE back easr? Go rbe easy Greybowid way ... euy on you, on your car, on your puae. · Alrhough orher things cosr more, Greyhound'• dol· ' lac-saving fares ue u low u ever. The cost is •'"'1 kss rhan driving. Remember, too ••• no orber aavel sysrem gives you so many scenic roures ro chOOM from, so many converlicnr, well-timed deputweL See rhe Greyhound agent in your town for com- plete information. • ~ DAILY TBIP8 EAST FBOll L08 ANOEID Oru ,,.,, P•rrs New Ywlr. •••• <IS.» Ql1a11 •.•••• MAI two+' etu •• a.•e M l ••••• u •.. M..65 ····••at, ... lt.J'I .... o.t.... .. MAI "-lJS /.JMJ _. ' PO#ICDOd VENmAN BLINDS HORMEN FISH MARKET C. (). Swatt .. -Cwt Bw,.. B• '*' NII WOOD • sn:o. • AWlllN1JJI .......... _g _ . ·-~-· ..• ,_ ...... _ ... 8li (loMt lllcbtraJ l'iM.e II-11881-1 ON CSNTllAL AYaNUa. N WPOin'. 8EACH G.REYHOUND • • See Our SPECIAL PORTRAIT s1 oo One Carbon Fini sh 5x7 Size (Proofs Shown) PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR • • • • \\''E SPECIALIZE IN \\'EDDING PORTRAJTS Studio -Home - Church Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! 10 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Daily-Other Ttme by Appol.ntment ' NSWPOiiT BALBOA Nm-TDD& If Celebrities Rub Elbows With Home ·folks at Grand Opening of Castaways Club By NA."CV NE\\'PORT Don Dickerman's formal open- ing Thursday night "'as just what \Ve expectt:'d. The re-opening of the old l r\'ine Countr y Club. over- looking .'.'\e'''POrt Bay. attracted many of the I o ca I oldtimen. Others 'vent to Sc<' why t hi s unique presC'ntation h,ad Ix-en call- ed a "Public Asse t ." Gourmets were on hand to sample the new creations in food djshes. "First );ighters" "'ent to see if the at- mosph{'rl' ,,·as a proper set t in~ for champagne-. and ,,·ere· delighted by the harmony of sort music and poppini: corks in rhe Mermaid Room,-\VhilC' the nlore abstemious ,,·ere impressl'd ,,·ith the spaceous a rran~in~ of tables .. ,,.hich ga,·e privacy to individual grouping. Bolh local and Laguna artists, dC'ro ra1ors. 11nd c-.•ran1ic dcsi~n<'rs '''ere a ltractcd by the \Vidl' varie- ty of Dick€'rman's arts and crafts. -murals, "1\quatop" tnbl!'s, a.xe- car\·C'd 1ahlc lt'gs. drift\\·ood dancC'r t:lmpos, thC' charming and oriftina l dishC's, a nd gt'nt'ral decor. all of '"hich has tukcn him over a year to complete. The .. Social Gadabouts•· found ! the friends thC'Y hoped lo S<'l'. and the quiclrr "home-folks" v.·ho ,·en- !urcd in out of cur1osi1y \\'Crc sur- prisl'd and dclit:hted to find the unusual combination of quit't gaie- ty and charming informality in a n imprcs~ivr setting. v.·hl're t h e y could just brin~ thl' family or plan a top-notch party. Last but not lt"ast '''r rr n1a ny o r the leading fil?UT('S of Ralboa Callton1lu's .:\'e west and !\lost l\IOOern l\tote1 1 Miracle Mile Motel 706 COAST IDGH\VAY (Look for the Neon Sign) • 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses PH. BEACON 5~ Pirate Days, \\ithout their beards:, -come to greet "Cap·n Don the retired pirate and his merry mate!: v.·ho had postponed their opening to accept the sudden invitation to join the festivities and lend an authentic touch in judging the contest for the Royal Court. and crowning the Queen. The Club looks do,,·n from the bluff on that m'ost picturesque of I all sailing craf t, the "S v.'if t". Its O\\"Tlcr. Bill Cag-nev and friends. were among the first to arrive. Braden and Kay Finch bearing a n appropria te, and much appreciatt>d or iginal Kay f'~inch .. Mermaid" S<'f. ?\·tel Ford, popular local b:tnd lc>ad- cr of Bob i\lurphy's Bamboo room entC'rtainrd a late party including th(' liollyv•ood slar. Ra~ay AmC'S a leading fi~url' in the Pirate days. \\'ho is "·orking ,,·ith !\le i, Bill Fox a nd Don on a n(•\v dance. ,\-jth ,,·ords and n1usic. c t al called "\\1alking !he Plank." i\larshall of Christian's J-tut, ate the first dinne r s,...r,·ed. on I hC' •·q uartC'r· dC'C k .. \\'i th Cap'n Don Pt.'derscn of Vikingsport, and Tt.lrs. PederSt'n. \\'C'arin~ a \\'ate rmrlon b I o use ''"hich "sla yC'd" the Cap'n. sported f C('ramic bu11er(i)' in hrr hair w hich ,,·a~ SC'nsational. Anolh<'r hair or·1 nament "'as ,,·or n by June \"o~el '''hic h. Don says, has 1nspirc'CI hinl lo drsign ;.i ceramic flying fish for the girt shop ,,·hich he '''ill op<•n soon. :0.lrs . Gail Goodson of Ra\boa had a Sf)('<'ial hair-do £or lhC' oc- cassion. \\"hich Don described as the ":'\lermaid Roll, "·i1h breakrrs on top". \\1ally GC'rhardt rntt~r­ taint"r1 th(' Erskin<' Johnsons, !he J1P:< Brandis. and ~liss Paulin!' Organ. l-larr y Copeland. direc tor of ":0.IPct t hl' i\trs." radio sho'' ('n- 1 Tf'rtained Rosemary LaPl;i nchl', of I "Bc-tty-Co-ed" a nd ;\t1ss ;\nl<'rica 19·tl , :i.tilton Char\('s, top radio o rganist a nd '.\lrs. Ch:irll•s, Leon Schtesini.:;e r. tht' ~r(';i f 1n<1stl'r o f (\.J('rry I\l<·lodi('s. and !'UCh. of N!'\\'- port Jlench, rntrrtained '.\tr. and l\.1rs. Altman of the I .. 1\. Tin1t•s, SE\\. HARBOR HlGH TE . .\CHF.RS. \\"hen student.11 retuined to thrlr cla.~room dutlrs r~ntly at N'ewpoiit Harbor Union High M:hool. tht>y found lie\'tn ne"' men1ben added to the institution's teaching staff. Lt-ft to rl::ht, the ne"' tnsthtctors are-l\11~ i\l•r)' S u!i.lln B ro\\'ll, t:::ni:Ush and Latin: l\llss J . ~l'lores Gah•z. S iau nL .. h; Karl \\•este rn1a.n, English 11.nd g ra.n1n1ar; l"ll 'l"-Nora Robert8, hon>e l"COnoml(.,: :'\111'!1 Jt"a n Klllgro\·e. S1.a.nl!ih; !\U~ Fa.y \\'ood\\•ard, dean o f girl!l.. and Elgtn Hall. agTil'Ultui:e. oto by Gerha rdt. (.' .. \J-T. G. T. CL:\l'SSOX of -1~7 San Bern rdlno a\·enue. :Sr"'J>Ort Height!!> (sho\\'n ahove ) ts the skl1•1)("r of th Curlew, "·hih has jIDJt brou;;-hl Into the harbor Its first cargo of c a nut.s. ___ ------------+-Nt•::il Becknl'r photo ~~!/l~;:n:n~f~;SB~';.'~;i~r ~~~~I Motorsh"1p 'Curle r Arr"1ves o r Lido Isle cntc.•rt a 1ned The Ben 1-lazcltons, the Harry S . Roths-1 ch~~~t~;,d ~i~~~/·;~~YF~~~~ded 11 w·1th f"1rst Cargo Cocoanuts the Hary Cauffmans a nd Comman- der a nd l\·lrs. \VC'stley D. Smith, I · both ardent yachtmen, l\-1iss l\1ar- lene l\1ueller, a nd the \V. c. Pett-, ..BY SEAL BECKNER from th Amer ican Fruit Co. in Native Heads County labor Councillors Advbo< for the Shell Oil ~ pany in Orange County. In 19'2. at the beginning of the war. be \\'as appointed to the position ol advisor to the Wage and Hour Division or the United States [)e. partment of Labor and later aa advisor to management on the National \Var Labor Board. In 1943 he resigned from Na· tional \Var Labor Board and went into business for himself' in Los Angeles as Labor Relations Con· sultant to managemenL For the past thl'l'<' years he has been ad, \i.sor and consultant on labor re-- 1ations matters to the follov.-ing industr ial groups in Los Angeles and vicinity. The seJ.ectjon of Dick S. Heffern of Altadena as E xecutive Secre- tary and Labor Relations Consul· tant to the Orange County Em- ployers Industrial Relations Coun- cil "'as unanimously appr<Ncd at a special meeting of the Board of Directors at Swanson's car•. San· Holkers Have Guests ta Ana. Sa turday evening. i\fr. H effern is a nati\·e son of Banker and l\trs. Herbert Hot- Orange County and a graduate of ker of 1305 \\rest Bay 8'\"t!nue: Fulerton H igh School, S a nta Ana l\'e\''POrt Beach, entertained as Junior College. Occidental Col-t heir guests the past "'eek Mr. lege a nd the Loyola University Holker's brothers. L. R. Holker of La\'' School. Los Angeles and H a rry Holker of F or 10 years, after completlng 1 l\'linneapolis, and their families. his C'ducation. l\1r. Heffern ,,·as I Herbert Holk!'r is manager of the District l\tanager and Personnel Balboa Bank o f America. "Rendl'zvous of the l\.1ariners" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAil.. BAR Corner !\larine &: Park A\·e. Balboa bland "BETWEEN Sept. 20 -29 SMALL BOAT X o Such Prices !\E"nl n ! F\ne ne w skiffs, ro"· boat.§. 8 to 14 ft. OPES smf. P . ~t. SEASONS" S A L E 2 0 °/o 0 FF WATSON BOATS 611 Coa&t IDgb"'&Y Ne"·port Beach WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Phone Beallon Ml4 ¢¢¢ •· Moorinp and ll(IMle avallalM ror Bmll8 ror s.ae • Paddle Bouda ror BMt by the WM!< or month. BRING YOUR RADIO TO US ingills. Warping into the Orange County the Cari hl'an, where s h e was Ther e \\'ere the Ha rold Paytons Dock with a cargo of approximate-carr)·ing bana nas to T ampa, Flor-~==========================~~ of CUiver City, Dr . A. Wallace, ly thirty-three thousand r res h id a from various Cuban ports. She ... ODe Da7 -We'll Be,.U It and You Cu Ila" I& the Nut. r.ctoQ' Part&. WOJ'lr. Guaranteed. Factor)' Trained l!Iperta. URGENT Radio SOS Electric RABOLD L. RAMM '--.,,90 soo Ma.rtne A.,., Balboa lala..i For welfare of 90l&ll 80D must rent apartment or bome. Aooountant with 1.,.-e commercl..al OOf1)0ra-- Uon. Tramferrlnc from In· ......... NOW-'Round the Island Ferry RMpectable. considerate family t :SO A. M. TO 11 P. M. South Bay. Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's, Evans'. Villa Marina. Shields'. Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from any dock or floaL BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HARBOR 82-W Sa11ta :Fe through the colorful Southwest ...... • a r 7 ,........,..,... £··~ ... ....... -oQfliE.A'$ 1~~ c ,-_ ... ....... ..... -.. •· . • PHONE COLLECT 8 :SO to 5 P . M. ANGELUS 11& Extension 32 • \VEEKE.1''DS AND EVENINGS ATLANTl(J 21525 That's rigbr, cbico. 1 And "all the way" in dte 6nes<, modcni ..,. .. _ I and """ oa new and fastu schedules. Foo S.-Fe kels a grac debt ro aatutt for the colorful, romantic land through which ir runs-and a ruJ rosponsibility ., oar ~ IA> ukc them chrough i< ill ~ C..... .,,..,. , anothe r local yachtman entertain-cocoanuts. the trim freighter "Cur-was re ntly overhauled and re- ed, we saw E. P . Nickertz. R . F . I Jew" completed her f irst regular fitted at Long Beach for her Pa- cific Co$t service. VaJlely and l\.1r. and Mrs. Mac\ cargo trip from Mexican waters 1 Sh 11 r B Ibo Reput to be the world's ort. a. o a a Isle. oh yes. 1 Jast Saturday afternoon. and Louis Grandall, The John Am-The "CUrlew" is owned by Mr. smallest lflmercial freighter, the estroys wer e the 2'Uests of Jerry 1 Roy N . Baird of 526 So. Ba)' Front, .. Curlew' is a 98 foot "-'ooclen ship Hughes and Mrs. Hughes of Costa 1 Balboa Island. a nd is the first ship of 110 ns net registered cargo f\1!'sa. We saw Edward D . Neu-· of the projected Baird Ship Lines capacity She is powered by two hoff of Bay Shores, the R. I. Doy-I which v.•ill be operated on a regu-Winton iesel e ngines, and car- ies. the Wm. Bannisters, and Tom-lar cargo r un betv.·een this harbor ries the most modern r adio a nd my Holmes of Balboa Isle, and and Ma nzanilla. Acapulco, Mazat· navigati nal equipment She is Dan and Babs l\1cCarthy of N ew-\ lnn, and other Pacific Coast Mexi-m anned Y a crew of seven, four port 8('ach. Mr. a nd Mrs . E . H . can ports. o f which a re members of the origi- Hill or Lido Isle entertained the\ l\lr. Baird purchased the ship nal Cari bean cr ew. Roswell Whiddens from Pittsburg, The ippcr is Capt. G. T. and we ht"ard Mrs. FranCC'S Gr a-the famous Laguna puppetc.>ers, Clausso of 427 San Bernardino ham of Cor ona del Mar discussing ' and then \\'C' discov<"red l\1n. Ed-St., Ne '])Ort J.feights, \\'ho is a Don's old Ne"' Yor k places \vi.th \vard H. Griffith. or Three Arch ''e~eran of some 35 years as a him. all or which sh<' kne\v veryj Bay and v.•ife of t he ramous Para-· sh1pm~ <'r o n 1he. Great La~<'.s. well. And then th<' Robert Ll'h-mount Director "'ho. se\'eral times Captain Clausson finds a Pac1f1c mans. Beth-Lehman-Dengner and has done the best picture of the Coast " anana run·· \'ery pleasant Art \\'hitc came in and joined the yC'arl ent<"rtaining a large party a nd col r~ul after battling the Cagney part)•. \Ve nlet several of f-loll}'\\'ood notables. ~ogs an icy gales of the great partiC's fron1 Long Beach and thre(' Just as we left, '"e overheard inland s as for so many years. from Pasadl'na, and Richard H . Mrs. Dickerman a rranging \\"ith Pleger. Corona del l\·Iar architect. the Janes L . B. Ralys o( .. She .. There ,,·ere many partit'S rrom dress shop to design hl'r an ap- Laguna. including one hosted by propriate gown for Castaways! Capt. l tho Budd, tht.• Gftirge B. SCANDAL : Something Don v.'ill Brignells or the Brignc>ll Potteries, NOT have designed for the club! 1 he Frank Roots. a nd the B. Z. Phelps. a nd Don a nd l\'y Wilson. B:\ZAAR 'fhe Na \Vhen y But I 'd To be 's okay- u h ave a dr;.ig: rade it all \Vaves dog tag. A J \·our Slttnglh and nrr..,-I• &low P a r It m y be nu~ by di.wd•r of kld-017 f ction th•t permiu pol110noua waste o •c<"11mulai... For truly m•oy pE-Oplt Ml 1\red. _.eak •od mi-enble •htl!I t • ldd11ey1 fail to N!S>O\.'e e.&eo:.1 aci!U a d atbar wuta matter from l b• ~--you ma,y au If er nanin1 bacbcbe, rbev.m le pai11.11, b~ad.acbM, diu inta, rt'f:tlnf! ap o\1:b ui. I~ paiu , ... eUio1:. So .. uh:ieii fr.qu•nt and -.oty 11rh1a· lion wtb •martin.: a11d b\ll'lllnc 11 an· ot her .a_p tbat .on:"thl.n.1 it wrooc witb tba kldj11~ya or ~dd•r. TberW 1hould W no 4oubt tllat pro~pt trMtm!' o.t la w!Mr than nt('lm. u .. Doo•'• p,~. It i. bett.e' to relJ' oe1 a mod;C,' · th•t hu •0 11 cou.o.trywi4• •P-Pl'(l"'al •• 1111.0111atlLln1:1-m fa•or.bly lulOWll 0...-.'r ha•a bl-. trie4 ud t.t• M 7nn. Are at a.II dl'lll' a~ c... •• tocl.,.. .... ,.,,,=:::::?:'=:-· ME¥ -WOMEN TRAILER CANOPIES ~~::;~~ ~ ................. ... ........ ... ..... ,.. ......,. -. .. -.. -S YOUR GLANDS 0. 1•ff a ,...., .. .... -....1 .. "sh ........ .... --lee ~ .. "'!"'•> .. ... _., •.&r ....... c..~MT ~ .......... ..... _._UN,_ -'I'-.. ....... ·--...... , ... .. ... -7 ,. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTB.&OTOB CEMENT WORK Flat Worll or FoundaUom GALL l 5 2 Z -J FOB INFORMATION We Have Now Purchased A NEW BUILDING • We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California • Our New Phone: Hearon 5113 • SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Services • Antique Finishing • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela- bras PLATING • Renectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plating •Badges & Souvenirs Contract Plating by Estimate • Expert Silversmiths All Work Gnannr-1 • BAYSIDE PLATING co~ c. c. 1914 Barbor Blvd. C.R. ''Bob'' Wirth · Costa Mesa ,. l ...... Brekea Lenses Duplicated Ohr!9 AdJmted • Fw BepUred Eyes Enmlned E.T. Butterworth, O. D. SI 1' WNt Oentral Phone Barbor !511 rf!31Jalboa rket M ore 'lban SO Yean of 8ervice to the B&rboT"a tGI MAIN F1Deot Clleatele BALBOA, CALIF. CLARK & BATES---~:~ Metallizing-• lndmtrl&I: Tanks, Keels, Rudders, Shafts, Refrigeration Trays, etc. • Oni&rDent&I: Art Objects, Doors, Signs, Hardware, etc. Welding-· All Types. Specialists in Steel Cast Iron, Aluminum. Brass and Bronze. -ALL NEl\'PORT REACH \\'ORK GUARANTEED- 506 30th Street Barbo!' :?.509 ·---·---· a I ,,1 .. 1k?' Alt ... •lt'Mta ._, .... Does Your House Need Painting? * No waiting •.. Work done Immediately by highly llldlled .Journeymen Painters ~J..the most mod- em equipment and 0.-t mate ~-- Owned and operated by World War D Veterans eeeldng yonr permanent good will and patronage. ~-- For Free .&Umatell- phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman SET YOUR SIGHTS It lakes •'•••i•c 11 ac~ieve I Clll Som" young men know ""het they want and plan for it. Othen are etill looking for their niche. The nC\\' Regular Army can help both. Perhapt you want to go to coll"gc but can't afford it. lf you enlist in the Army, you11 get your chance. Honorably discharged after a t hret"-ye~r enlistment, you are eli~ible (or 48 months of edu- cation at any college. trade. or business school for which you can q ualify. The Go\'t"n1 n1ent \\·ill pay your t uition, laboratory fees, etc .. up to SSOO ~r ordinary schUo.11 ye2r. plus $65 a month livin&: allov;an.:e-S90 a n1onth if you have dep..:i.den ts. If you haven't found your spot, 3 11 ,\rmy enlistment offers you training in a.:ly of 200 trades and skills. You leave the service eligible for further training at the Ix-;;~ ciYilian schools. You ca n as-•ure yourself o f rhe bf'nelit.s 01" the GI B ill of R ii h t!I J 0 / .>·ou er1r~r t he A.rm>· 0 ·1 or beforf' October 5. 1946. Sec your nearnt :\rmy R«ruiting Station for dt·tails. ,.. · HIGHU GHTS OF REGULAR ARMY ENLISTMENT J. Eali•tn,..nt• for 1,..,, 2 or J r··~r•. t 1-~t Pf\IJslm..nt.1 permi tted for _,,now in th• Army ...-ith (I oc inor• month.1 <-•f w rvKe. I 2. Enli1tr1W"n • 11cc-fr. :n I'.> to 34 :r-n 1ac-h,1l1\'• ( 11 w11b p..renlt' content ) ••l'•Pt fot' m•i:i now in Asm.y. wbo m..y r<l'l'Of•~t •t 1AnV ag~ and f.,..nwr WO'K'• men d•p!'nd1nc, Oft 1.nrth of toerTk •. S. A ._,di•tn:oent b.;.nua of $S'O for .-cb ,,_,..of llCtiV• _,.K ii l ifte• l lKh bollu. w.s 1•1t paid, or 111r• l••t -try i11to ..rric•. provi.dlfd reo..nh1t- -t ia Within 3 ~I alt9t' J .. t ~•dikharp. 4. A furlouch fot mt>n whv reenH.t l\ n hin 'l O d1ty,. f"ull de~•1h of 01het furloutth pnv1Ie1"1 can ti. obt•i!Mod from R..-:niilinc Offic""· 5. lo1 "1t,·nn11.--out pay (b......:I upon 1 .... ,1n 01 -tv1;.·e ) IO •II ~ '#bO ar• di..cbargoJ to •nh1t or reenhst. 6. Or~'"" lo retire at h-lf P•1 fOf the relt of your !Lfe after 10 .,..n' lffVice--::tcre111•in1 to t hr-..quanen 1>'1-Y a.ft•r J O year1 Mrv1..,, All pr-• vious 1eti.v• federa.I militafJ' ..,,._ cour.u towud r-etire.rnent. 7. Cboicw of branch of ~ and .,.,.,,_, tbMt.,.. (of tho.. 1till op-.) on 3-Y"fll' llrllistnMot.1.. .W, HllH[I PAY FOi UMJ Ill• -· Hl1tu..wr == t~ IMCOWI AfTD; rw ?tr--.• Jt r~· .. -....... .._ ----Muctr Snp.at ...... s.r..oe. s-,.,..,. .. Add.hi-to Colu=.11 On.• -tM Rictlt : 10<;,. la. _.,. for Sc:noict Over- ...._ lO 'i\ l•cn.1w if Mento lilll'r el Flyl.l'.IJ or Glider Cr•-· S' lnc.ttJIM la Ps, f« &.ell J Y ••rs of SuTKe ...,,. Be Added. or Fine SuENnt 116,.CKl $107.21 $1M.63 T ec:h1:1.ic.U 5ffp.aat JJ'.00 87.n l'I.81 Sta• Sef'IUl\l , , 11,.00 74.7' 129.J.I s...-... . . . . 100.00 6,.00 ll:UO CorponJ . • • • 90.00 ~ 101.n Pri....u First 0.-80.00 '2-00 90.00 Prine. 7}.00 48.7S 84J8 u.t-.. : ..... .,,..,.. ol ,... ... "¥-'t• ., .. '°"_,, .. "~ W• Nell," -" W.Jw '-""-" ,~,_...,. .. ,_ r.dl•. DUST IOW IT YOll llUllDT 1.1.UllJ IUnlTll8 STITIOI 302 City Ball Building, Santa Ana ' N&WN a.a•aoA ?!!W!-11111!!, N-pwt ._... ~ Trt'•;c. sz=-} ff. 1MI The INQUIRING REPORTER · Newport Harbor , · hing News Sportfishing ~:"'~{ lNewport Harbor GORDON a~ FINDLAY Qoet1tions by H. L Barnom Photos by Walter Gerhardt NEWS-TIMES SPECIAIJSTS *1' fro the Ne\\.,art Ocean Pier. The tsme Il had been running Five more marlin have been , d from the N ewport Pier . caught this season than we-re Monday, Sept. 16, a strong i caught up to this time last year, sou'theast wind kept the bait boats r'('ports Nc\\'})Ott Harbor Master fr~ hauling bait and the live 136 marlin and broadbill have b . boats \Vere not able to go CON'rBAOl'OB AND BUILDEB MIO o...R BmL ._ 8-ill CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINl!:l'S AND MUJ.WORK T. C. JOHNSON. Supt. Quf.'Stion: \Vhat is your Pla<'t": Balboa Island gripe? biggest Miss \1lrctnia Priee, Island Rec- ord Shop. Russell Craig. ~ been \\'eighed in up to Sept. 17th. ou ,' for lack of bait. Storm flags J\f arlin on the 17th included a Oet' fo r small boats. 1:.---------------------------..I Sport Fishing Boat Rentals is \V. II. "PlnkY"' Scott. manager, White's Cafe. ~ly pet gripe is something t h a t. wouldn•t jibe with the o pini o ns of some people. But here goes . P ark ave- nue used to be a b ea utiful drive, but its maint e nance h as crumbled. Now that the ~ • • ;'l war is over there is no excuse for not keeping it up. It has become a catch-all for newspapers a nd debris: when a tree dies it is never repl aced. I suggest changing the name Park A venue to Park Alley. This situation is not my problem, but I'm hoping the r esponsible party makes it theirs. Since rve been in the record 95 pounder caught by Harvey thd latest in ways to go ocean busin6s I get Green in -one hour 15 minutes on fisting. Frank and George Mutter, irked at people he avy tackle from the , Dolphin 12 5 Coast High~tay, Ne~1>0rt, tha t ask when I piloted by Eddie Offerle. A 115~ '""·i rent you a 25-foot trolling we a re out of pound marlin by Frank Linnell, boat, equipped with a marine a record. 'Do 26 Bay Shore Dr ., Newport, on di8e1, and you can pilot the boat you have any h('~Yy tackle from the Lynita II, an~ ·1g.o fishing yourself. Then, if idea when it11 skippered by H . L . Newe ndorp. yop don•t catch any fish, just be in ?', or '\Vhy The cre\v on the Lynita ll then bite the skipper, yourself! don't you have' turned around and a 136 % pound it?' Gosh it's marlin was caught by H . L. New-ess Cook: "Did you \\'ant your like eve$hing 1 endorp in 30 minutes on heavy egp turned over?" <i?lse . , . y 0 u tackle '•\'hlle Frank Linnell piloted piow Hound: "Yes, to the mu- ne\'er kno"" And my temprement's the boat. seUm of natural history." good too. Then there are people On. Sept. 16th a 1791h: pound -,-------------~'ho listen to a couple of dozen m~rl~n was caught by Chas. A. 4 1 ave YOU Regi1tered? records for 'music apprf'ciation', ~nff1s, ~4 Upland Road,. Laguna, t hen set them on the counter and in 50 minutes on regulation med-J say' t hanks', a nd without a single 1 ium tac~le from aboard the Phan-l Phone Beacon 58%4 purchase. They'll do it ever)' time!! tom skippered by Norm Begg. ~ N......,,.rt: & Oosta Mtl8& M.r. Gr iffis is manager of the Rod ~ -··r- ~I. C. (Moon ) ~fullJu, Yacht & R<'<I Shop on &lboa Island, j CAB C 0, Evian charters. having recently r et ired as Sec- Oh 'me. ah me ! The shortage of retary of the Sportfishing Associa-24-Bour Service boat dockage tion of Newport Harbor. a n d moorings Sunda)', Sept, 15th. another a lwa ys stumps three-six marlin \\'as brought in :-,.---------------, me. Furth e r· by Bobbie Garcia on his Mihoney. FOR INSURANCE SD )I N . \"irgin la Shlrl~y. St'Cretary. more. 1 d 0 n • t This one, weighing 10314 pounds Howard W . Gem• sh Earl Stanle>y RC'alty. J: like the politi-'''as caught by J . Donald Locke, I hav('n·t any gripes. It just cal set-up here. 277 Argonne. Long Beach. in 4 docsn't pay orf. !I 1 · m surprist"d hours 50 minutes. A 150~ pound Griping w e air s the city govern-marlin \\·as caught on the same inf' out, and· be-( ment hasn't had day by Bruce Dens\o\\', 20310 Ar- sidcs. a\'01ding 1 thC" foresight to minta .St., Canoga P ark, in 3 !hem k('{'p me make reserva -hours 15 minutes on hca,·y t ackle ,.. ~('elinlg "h'ell a ndd t'iOn for local residents. Visitors from the boat Sunfish. skippered h <a .I t Y an I and non~residents usually get the by Eddie Cleland . A 134 1_. pound d app1 Y a •• ~.Jstd· 1 cream of the harbor for mooring marlin ,,·as caught by W . N . <' .... I soun and dockage. Local pc-op\e ,vith Do\.vns, Star Rout<', Santa Ba r- idon k.c, pl~\lyNannwa l bfg boats do a lot to support the bara, in 30 nlinutcs on heavy 0 d · . 0 I harbor here; they should get more tackle from the Alan10. s kippered . . . on t you . f by V.'. R. F o\vle r . A 141 \-'• pound put that in the paper . , . but I'm r('("ogni ion. m arlin \\'as caught by Mar ge Slo- no1 an)"\vay. I've found it's Ix-s t BAZAAR m a n, 600 l-l lX'fner AVC'-., L . A .. in lo kl•ep n1y piece of mind. Let 55 minutes from the J\-liss Bar- somebod.v cls;c do the griping. I'd bara, skippered by I van L. EU- rathcr face things as they come P UBLIC NOTICES more. ... and no gripes. Effective Sept. 16th daily live :'\OTJC'F. O F' SALE R. R. Randall, Captain, Station F our, Fire Department. Al ack Markets! Four or five , dollars a sack ~ · 1 for nine ty cent bait boat trips were discontinuC'd. N('>tlce \!I he~by ~iven ; Thal Harold ----------~---L . Ham and Fernt" T. lta.m . '\'f'nde r11. p N ""·hose addrt"-" 111 300 l\la rine A\·enue. UBLIC OTICE Balb()fi l !!l1tnd. California. Intend tn sell tn He nry W. Brainard. Oorothey W . Bl"llinarrl. and Me rle C. Bl"lllna.rd. Vendet>.!. v.·ho~e address 111 302 Ame· thy11t ATenue. Balboa f11land. Callfor· nla. the following deK rlbed property · All rumiture. r1xtu re11. stock In tradt". ugets. name and good-will or S.O.S. Radio Eleetrlt'. loc•ted at 300 Marine Avenue. Balboa I sland. California. The t'Ale will be made and consider&· lion paid 11.t 10 a. m . October 1. 1916, at . lhe o ttlce or Wm. &lntord. 3!ll M.arl.ne A,·enue, BAiboa Island. CAii· fornla. September 20. 1946. 34 ", '''alnut finish. 2 No. 2761-F ~1yrtle Desk Com- pany, principal's desk, 60" x 34 ". walnut finish. 4 No. 8412 High point and Bend- ing Chair Co., side rotary ch airs, walnut finish. 3 No. 7113 High Point and Bend- ing Chair Co., straight side chairs, walnut finish. 60 No. LB-44 American Seating I 1808 Newport Boulevanf ! ' I COSTA MESA Pb.oae Beacon 5161 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Llcense and Contract Bonds \Vritten Going to You probab!J have yonr dream hOllle all worked out In yoor mind -or maybe yonr architect or contractor already has (irepared plans on paper for you. Electrtclty will have a large part In making dreams of postwar living come troe. When yon go over the plans with yonr bnllder be Slll'e to a.sk him about the newest develop- ments In. household labor saving and fon<>- tional beauty. Oor Experts in everything electrical wlD be glad to help with layoot plans or problems. One suggestion may make a Jot of difference In the '11v&-abWty'' of that home. . ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 ,18 !0 1000 C.-t Hiway· Phone Beacon M07 Aloe la -....--~-·------~ ELECTRICIANS 0-0-Two J.lhe llqnipuwmt fw FAUl'OBY, PL.Ui'r, &TOBE, OF1'10E, FABll, BOllJIJ • plaster is too much. I 'm build- ing a two-story house in Corona del Mar a nd have most 0 r my materi , Is except plaster . I refuse to go black marke t to finish the place even if I have to li ve in it the "·ay it is, and that's Just wha t l 'U do too, before I pay blackrobbt"ry prices. HAROLD L. HAM FER.NE T. HAM Vendel"S. Pub: Sept. 24. 1946. C.Ompany tables, 18" x 24 ", ~--------------------------------------~ Youth Joins Army After Navy Release; Seeks Commission "If nlY brother can earn a com- mission in the Army, so can I !'' said 18 year old James Barnet to- day, switching from the Navy to the ne \\' Rt>gular Army at Recruit- ing Headquar ters he re. The youthful veteran took the oath for a three year enlistment while still garbed in the navy blue. Barnet's brother. Donald. came into the Army a t '27 in 1944. Al- though his formal education con- sisted oJ only two years of high school. he passed the Army IQ tests and won a commission in Officers Candidate School. "Look at it this way," Barnet said to recruiters, "I'll have a re- tirement pension \\'hen I'm 36, and "'ith the education from Army Service Schools, l can go lnto busi- ness for m yself." F or information inquire at Army Rccrui ting S<'rVic<'. 202 1.; \\". 3rd St,, Sanla Ann, Cal. Ration Book Taken J . l\t. Kennedy of the El Bay Court reported to police the theft of a ration book from the g love c:ompnrlnlt'nl of hi.s automobile. Glfls at Community Ch.urt·h Bauar Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1018 °""" mp...., • Old lasbloned malu We -~ thls. NOTICE OF lNTENTTON TO SELL Notlt"oe la he~by riven punuant to t he provisions of S«tlon 3-C•O of the Ctvll Code of the State or C&ll fornJa. that GEORGE O~ERMAN' Vendor. o f El Toro. c au romla Intends to .-ell to L. B. and A.LICE J . LA FORGEY. vendeea or El Toro. ca11rornla, all that «rtain P':MtOna1 property coralstlng or a11 fllock In tnlde. rtatun!a, eq_ulp- ment and ltood •·Ill of a t'erta.l.n Gro-cery bu11lnea known u El Toro Mer- cantile Company. Locsted In the city ot El To ro. CaJifom ta. and that the purcbue p rice tbe~t •tll be paid at 11 o'elock &. m. on th e 30th day of September. 1946. at the ornoe of SMART & FINA._L CO. LTD .. 1060 E. l at Strttt. In the City of Sa.nt.a Ana. County of Orange, State of C..Hrorn(L Dated Sertemt>er 11. t!M6. Pub : Sep . 24. 1946. SMART 4 FINAL CO .. LTD. 1060 E. let ~~t S&nta An&. C&ll t GEORGE OSTER.MA~ Vendor ani<,ofj L .B. La GET ALICE ~. IA FORGET Vendee. Notice lnvtttng Bhh The Board of School Trustees of the Newport Beach School Dis- trict. Ora nge County, \\ill r eceive bids at the school offi ce, 14th a nd Central up to 8 :00 p. m. October 1, 1946 for the followini:? items of school furniture : 96 No. 174-14 " l\fosher Chairs. made or h ardwood sch o o 1- bro,,·n finish. 25 American Universal, panel type tabl<'S. 36" X 72" X 241.t:J" high. "1th 3·compartment book r ack on each ·side of table. to be American Seating Co.'s table or equal. 1 Amt.'rican Uni,•ersal, panel type table, 36" x 72"' "-29" high. ''ithout book rack. 1 American Universal, pa nel type table, 24"' x 48. x 29'" high. "i thout book rack. 3 No. 3742·F ~tyrtlc Desk Com· pa.ny, teacher's desk, 32" x 42", walnut finish. 2 No. 3542·F Myrtle De$k Com· pany, teacher 's desk. 32• ,x 42"', oak finish. 1 No. 3761-F M}Ttle Desk Com- pany, principal's desk, 60" x On Your Way to Santa Ana When in Stop at CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN • Barbecued Sandwiches Fountain Senitt lta.-.tolp.~ (Oorlt I tlw) with brown masonite top, book compartments and p e n c i l grooves. (30 of the above tables to be 23-high). (30 of ·the above tables to be 24" high). All the above furniture delivered F .O.B. school. set up, ready for use within 5 days after award of contrac t to the successful bidder. The Boa.rd of School Trustees of the Newpor t Beach School Dis- trict. Orange County, reserves the right to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid. T. WESTON JAY. Clerk of the Newport Beach School District Pub' Sept. 24, 26, 1946. NOTICE OF SALE AND MORTGAGE Notice is her eby given th a t George Von Gruben and Joseph Poullet . address Route 4. Box 463. Santa Ana, California, Vendors and Mortgagees. intend to sell to Charl("S W . Abernathy and W. B. o ·Neall ., address 181 5 Or ange Ave- nue, Sa nta Ana. California, the follo,,;ng: All house cleaning and repair tools a nd equipm ent. stock on hand. good \\'ill. and Trade Na me of Home Super Service, doing business at 1018 Coast Highv.'ay, Corona del !\1ar. California. And !\·lortgagers intend to mort- gage to i\l ortgagees all tools and implements a nd equipment above mentioned. Sale and mortgage to be made and the considerations passed at 10 A. ~f. October 1, 1946 at office of Grainger H yer , 319 l\it arine Ave- nue. Balboa fsland. California. September 19. 1946. GEORGE VO N GRUBER JOSEPH PAUUOT Vendors and Mortgagees CHAS. W. ABERNATIIY · W. B. 0-NEALL Vendees and Mortgagen STATE OF CALIFORNIA. County of Orange--ss. On this 20th day of Sept.. 1946. before me, F. C. VENN, a Notary Public in and fO!' saJd County and State, penonally appeared Geol'&e Von Gruben. J05eph Pa u I to t, Chari.. W . Abernathy. W. B. O"Neall, known to me to be the penons whose names are sub- aalbed to the within Instrument and oclcnowledJed that they eu- cuted the same,, (s..Jl WITNESS my hai\d and ottidal teal. • F. C. VENN. Notary Publle In and foe &aid county and State. lf exeeuted by a .CorporatiGn the ~le Form of ~leda­ mont must be med. My Commlalon Explreo J an. 21. 1lllfO. l'---------------------'I Pub: Sept. 2'. ~ I J I ( ~ I ' COMING OCTOBER 6 '?k a new claily senrice to CH I CAG 0 via Imperial Valley ANOTHER Southern Pacific transconti· nental service is coming-a daily Los Angeles.Chicago train that will . .. operate through Imperial Valley-and on via Calexico, Mexicali (Mexico), yuma, Phoenix, Tucson and El Paso. ... arrive in Kansas City at a morning hour that pmnita prompt connections ..;th trains for St. Louis, Minneapolis mid other Midwest cities. ... arrive in Olicago in the afternoon (just 52!( hours from Loo~) • ...,_ necting conVenien tly with evening trains for all principal Eastern cities. TNIS TltAIN is the Imperial -the newest service on S. P.'s famous Go1den State Route. It goes into operation October 6. THElmJ>nial is to beano-extra-fare train, offering both standard Pullman sleeping car and coacli service-with lounge car and dining car. It will leave Loo Ange!e9 at 11 a. m. daily, arrive in Chicago at 5:15 p.m. the lleCOnd day following depar- ture. W estbotmd, it will leave Chicago at 11 am., arrive in l.ooAngelee at J:.15 p. m. ·--..,, ............ ,. ........... -... I ....... CJ ... ,...., ..... , n.r.hdtlc.._. - S· P ,,,, ";"''' s..thrl ,.,,,c • (Agenrs name, address and phone) - • • a w: c -• ; -- • l ~-·--c:_~ ..... . t ~ , -. .... - M 1 .,£ ML!Jrrt••, lfcap:w! ••• °'"' s I T:t:ler· .,, • h•i.!!a UM ........ -IUJ(-GtJJDS 11 EMPLOYMENT orr••••• • BOATll. SUPPLIES II IJPE(J'UL .&llfllfOOJli()&li'.&H'IB .. wAHii&I ft) mT • ,..,_ DT.&n ., 1 !·~·~·~·.!!mra~~~~·!.__--;--:-:,,---!!• CALL BEACON 5503-M for tree estimates on your painting. !ler\"- lt"e ls our business. Burton Paint St~.. 74-4tc NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY! BARGAINS! Lawnt prices In furniture Is mJ motto. I bey rlghL I sell rlaht I alto buy rumltun. Needle's Furniture WANTED -Lady for general 2204 Nowport Blvd. Costa M ... house"·ork. 1 or 2 days a week. -----------57-·tf_< Phone Harbor 1244. 74-4tc P leasant Part-time work aa an A\'Of'I Representative here or Costa Mesa. will provide IL Write box 177 Fulerton. 74-2tp FOR SALE-Snlpo good condltJan. KE y s w~ TO RENT----One or two COSTA MESA HOME At Corona del Mar Real bargaln . S2l50. Indud<s -Wldla Toa W&Jt bedniom house. Fu.mbhed or This newly decorated house just Beautiful New Home s&lls, Sand-<lol!y. Apply • 110 VOGEL'S \ unruftushed. Garden Grove 722. outside the Costa Mesa dty limils Grand View Crystal, Balboa Wand. 74-21.c JOO lf&b> BL. ~ DUI 1'!11ect. 73-4tc will make a fine home In the Nicely Fu.mbhed ~ !rrlartne. Balboa la1aDd w~ RENT-2 or 3 bednn. country with all the advantages $30 OOO Balboa Canvas Shop N-tt• · hed 11ouse Will 1.... of the city. Property bas 160' . • Sails -Boat Covers Call am Porter at Harber 1cri frontage on paved road, 150' deep, See nus Sho\\• Place ?ttarine Upholsteril'g FOB BENT u or ~tfc with 2 car garage, outbuJidings, \V. J . HOLCO?.m Harbor 'lf17 -224% 21..st St. and all utilities installed. Land Corona del Mar Glass Shower Doors COUl'l"'TER-GrRL Y.'anted, Harbor . . . made to measure and ln- Service Cleaners. 113 Palm. stalled. Good deliveries. ARE YOU doing your own paint- ing~ Why not get yoW' advice from the people who knoW how. Bring ln your paint troubles to us, we Jove them. Service is -----------.,.-Newport Beach TI-ttc FOR RENT -DeLuxe rooms It KEAL Dil'l'ATE t'7 cou1d be f~ther subdi\.i df'd by ''\Vhere the Flags F1y" FOR SALE--40 rt. cabin cruiser: apts.. Prices range from $5. to ISLE HOME buyer to provide 2 additional fine HarOOr 2766 74-2tc our Bl!l:iness. Burton P a i n t Store on Newport Blvd. 74-4tc WHY WAIT month! for your veni- Uan blind. "'e can give 7 to 10 days delivery, service ls our busi- nEU. Burton Palnt Stort'. Call B 5503-M. 74-4tc TYPING & ACCOUNTING WORK Laura G. Belden P hone Beacon 5186-R. 22172 So. Laguna Ave .. P. 0 . Box 941 . Costa ~lesa. Calif. Will Call For and Deliver. 70-Stp CLARK & BATES Meta llizing \\'clding Specialists 506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 • Ne.,-.rpor t Beach 69-9tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair PhonC' 875-1'-1' 2tf' E.. ?Qlh St.. Coata Mesa 20-ttc SIGN PAINTING Boats. Truck!. Wlndo~ Walls ud Bull~tins. Raised Metal. \\1ood and Plastic Letten AL LACHMEYER 1726 \Vf'st Central Harbor 1243-M 38t!• PAINTING 12 Years Service in Newport Harbor Arf'a Harrv Hall P AINTING CoNTTIA<-J'OR Phone &aeon 5259-J 274 E . 19th !::treet 24-tft' Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating rhone Beacon 5780-J 47-tff fOR A RELIABLE Paint J ob 0 11 your home. call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. 1~tf' FAINTTNG -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E . McDonald il4 Old Conty Rd., Costa M ... Phone Beacon 5013-J fl5..tfc TRANSPORTATION 10 BICYCLES Sold. Rentf'd Ot' Repalftd. VOGEL'S 100 Matn St.. Balboa 208 Mart.ne. Balboa Ialand. N-tf• PA>llT AND FOUND n LOST-On Beach at Balboa, gold frame rimle55 glasses. Reward. Phone Beacon 5360-J . 73-2tp LOST -Ladies Harmon Rose god wrist watch. Two Rubies on each side. Vicinity of Balboa fun Zone. 9-19-46. Phone Beacon 5618-WK. 74-2tc Balboa. 74-ltc Bayview Builders Supply WAITRESS WANTED six days 818 Coast Hi way Ph. Beacon Sod7 week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe, 73-4tc 17th and Coast Highway. 5~tfc Auto Batteries HELP \V A..VI"ED-Woman or girl Rubber Separaten for· general th>usework: good 18-monlh -$6.75 Ex. wages; live In or ouL Harbor Compounded Motor Oil 1992. 56-tlc Gallon, 70c LOCAL or traveling in business tor yourself. No mon•y required. Western Auto Supply Good income. You are }'our own Authortz.ed Dealer boss. Apply 508 No. Main St., 1836 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Santa Ana. 7~ 7tc 41-tfc ------------HELP \\.' ANTED-Ex-na\-y radio VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum technician, \\•ho Y.•ishes to con-steel, wood. Call UI for tree esti- tinue with technical radio work mate. Renovation &:: reftnlshln& .lee~ s•-·, galley, dinette, head, $17.50 per week, or! monthly on corner lot building sites. This will make a FOR SALE--Corona del Mar 6 r-'"" rates a.s per O.P .A. cej ing. 1007 · tine urburb f ·1y ho 'th ' Jarge wheel hOU!e and cockpit, BO up-1 BD down s an amt me. Wl ft. Jot, l block from school, aouth completely reconditioned, bow to E. Central, Balboa. Ph. ~~~ FittplaCt'--Double Garage low taxes, as V.'ell as providing a ot Blvd .. good location for tn- atern; Ou-ysler marine engine. w~ Patio--Barbeale good conservative investment for come. Owner. P h.. H-2139-W. ~--133 A A Bal FOR RENT -Room with private very liveable home I.he future. SS.500. 65-tfc ~ owner , &ate ve., • J .M. f\.filler 15th & Cen tral H-1242 -~--~-~-----boa Island 67-tfc entrance & bath. Phone Har-,000.00 -T~ COSTA MESA DUPLEX Fire Equipment Tests C-0. Two, Pyreno & Foam 1'!tills. COo fixed aystem and Portablot now available. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast lUghV.'a}' Ph. Beacon 5522 73-t!< NEW AND USED Electrical Appliances Of All Klnds bor 2289-J. 74-ltc !Ralph P . Maskey CORONA DEL MAR-Two-story 3411 ~-tral-Ph H bo 402 This offering consists of 2 homes, FOR RENT -ROO?ttS -Double. -......:-n · ar r knotty pine home: 3 bedroomi, 69-tf of 2 and 3 bedrooms respectively, Daily iservice. Adults only. 421 c 1 ~ baths, fireplace. patio. South each wtth garage, on one so· x 176' Harding, Balboa, Calif. tfc B~ PEl\:'"INSULA HOME of high,,·ay; easily converted lot. Property ls situated in the FOR RENT-Building on Ce ntral Ave .• business location. $75 per month. Harbor Investment Co., 30th and Central. Phone ar- bor 1600. t!c This beautitul house on t he into t\\'o units, $l4,500. 1612 Costa Mesa business district and penins a Y.ill sell itself to an)'One 2nd A\'e. 73-2tc front house could readily be re. in the r,arket for a fine home at CHARMING new modern S-room modeled into s tore or office. Thia the beaCh. The house is complete-home, cedar and redwood thru-property should be especially m .. ly furnfshed in the beSt of taste, out. New modern living and din-teresting to anyone "'ishing a com.- a nd jwft as attractive outside u ing room furniture 2 blocks from bination home and business loca- inside. yY'hree bedrooms. two tiled school. $15,500 505 Carnation, tion in this fast groY.'i ng com· baths and tiled kitchen. walled Corona del Mar. Call Harbor munity. $25.000. as civilian occupation. Refer-So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co ... ences r equired. Local resident West 18th and Newpor-t Avt>., N ewport Electric Appliance Co. \Vrite Box-BU. c/o News-Timl'!i. Costa ?tfesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. 2309 Coast Blvd. Ph. Harbor 2138 FOR RENT-Ne"~ house, new furniture. \\'ashing machine, silverware, china linen. For Rent to small family, who would con- sider boarding me. Two blks. from center of Costa Mesa. Phone evt>nings. Beacon 5885, patio. two car garage. and pro-2179-W . 71-4tc J . l\t. l\1iller 15th & Central H-1242 tected Sundeck. U you don't want 73-4tc 38-tf< -----------68-8--'tp to buy ~ home don't let your wife see lhii house. Q\.\'Tler offers f-1- --=~---,_~,......--~ --~-----~---C 00 K \V ANTED-~fan or woman. Fl.re P laC""' and Kindl.Ina: Newpor t Cafe, 110 McF adden W O O D Place. 73-2tc Detivered WAITRESS WANTED S37.50 Per Week and :ft.teal! Good Hours Also FRY COOK ---=-see--· 1t1R. EARLY (mornings only) King Landing Newport Beach 61-t!c SALE ~flSCl':LLANEOUS Steel Kitchens GLr\SS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS H. W . WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived P'reeb Hearing AJ4 BATTERIES Gundereon Drug Co. 3-tlc 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 SG-tft Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tfc WANTED TO BUY SI 74-2tc -Ot tough, light marine plywood. ------------ -Molded hulls or flat-bottom. FOR RENT-Rooms during '''i nter SMALL BOATS -Skiffs, Dinghies, Sailboats. season. outside entrance. 809 Ptf.ARTIN OUTBOARD l\IOTORS Bay Front. Balboa. Phone Har- "FlexJdrive" Shafts for Inboards bor 2669-~1. 744 2tc nancin~ terms and immediate pos- sessio~.J $28.000. J .M . ;..-~Iler 15th & Central H-1242 WATS ON -BOATS "Small Boat Headquart ers" li1 Bayo Tract Hpme on Bay Ave. _u_'AN_rrED ___ TO __ R_E_N_T _____ u 3 Bed ooms, 2 Baths, on Larg Lot 611 Coast Hiway Beacon szn MUSICAL & RADIO HEADACHES? Radios are Too IF They Are Not Performing Right 6~ttc Let us cure your trouble v.ith the la1cst equipment and expert EX-SERVICEr-IAN end wife ,,·ish small house or apartment for perma.nent or winter rental. Ph. H a r bor 201. 73-2tC' WANT TO RENT -2-Bedroom or larger house, fur. \V ilt pay up to $100 per mo. Call l\1r. Fuller . at Harbor 328. 74-2tp I $25,000 Fjurnished Duplex $25,000 ' 2 Bed.rooms, l Bath Down 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Up WANT TO RENT-For 1 year, W. L. JORDAN furnished house, 2 or 3 bedroom. 7f E . Central, Balboa Pay up to $150. J><'r month. Will p one Harbor 153 pay in advance. Phone Beacon 5173. 7-1-ltc --+--------1_2._u_c. Repair l\fen AUTHORIZED PHILCO SHOP We 5pecialize in Philco. Zenith. \Vestinghouse and Majectic R aidos Established local Businessman and Southern Co unties Supply Co. 420 E. 4th Santa Ana Ph. 130 wife "'ant year lease on house: HAVE CASH for good income 73-4tc preferrably furnishC"d. \V. H . property at Newport. Balboa or ------------Knapp, Harbqr 2232. 72-21p. ~wo New Homes Ready for occupancy. Stall sho\ Prs. Glass doors. Rugs. 144 Coast Blvd., N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 73-l tc surrounding area. \Vrite 610 I-nGHEST price pa~d for. your pi-\VANTED TO RENT-Small houst.• • Penn St., El Segundo, Calif. Ph. ano Danz-Schmidt Piano Co.. . Call 1522-J 63-tfc VACANT -MOVE RIGHT IN Owner must sell at once-2-bedroom home-6 yrs. old-Hdwd. Flrs.-Tile-Auto. Fir. Furnace--Mod- em kitchen with lots of built-ins-Venetian blinds. This is reall y a good buy so you better hurry on this one. Priced to sell at - $8,950 WE HAVE HOMES RANGING FR0M $4500 TO $55,000 ... ALSO VERY GOOD BUYS IN INCOME PROPERTY. COME IN AND LET US TALK IT OVER. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU I B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -Salesman John Bondra -Salesman Phone; Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 2 DOORS for single garage. com-\V;.\NTED-Ne"' a nd used electric plete with hinges and locks price motors. Highest prices paid at S10. Phone 1-farbor 2393-J. 320-J. 74-4tp S · A 520 N M · 7o 11 or Apt. by couple; no children. anta na. . a1n. v-c F · f 1· II H bo or 1n orma ion ca ar r SAN !RANCISCO _ 2-bedroom 74-ltc USED Pianos from :SSS. Or .,..,ill 554-\V bet\veen 9 a .m . and 5 p.m. I horn and 2 apartments for ln--------,------------------ rent. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., except Sat. or Sun. 72-4tp com , will sell or trade for BALBOA ISLAND 520 N. Main. Santa Ana. 70-t!c \VANTED TO RENT-By retired NcwJ>ort Harbor property. Har-73_2tc present. Call Harbor 2138. 73-4tc FOR SALE-Upr ight piano. good army major, t"•o-bcdroom house, bor F · 57-trc: FOR SALE-Thirty ft. of 6-Ct. WANT TO BUY-1 o r 2 pair army red"'ood grape stake fence. pinks; 35 waist, 31 length. Ph: condition, $200. Phone Beacon furnished. or unfurnished. For PLUMfING BUSINESS FOR Phone H-1682. 74-2tc Harbor 1146-R . 5712, or call 205 Westminster winter or permanent. Phont' SAL Ave., Nev.>p0rt Heights after Laguna Beach 2084. 72-4tp We aVe today a n excellent op. FOR SALE-Class Show Case 3 -c-AS=H,,-.,,F"O"R,.-,U"°S:-:ED=..,FUR="NITURE=== 5 :30 p. m . ~tfc WANTED TO RENT -Garage portunlty to acquire a complete ft. x 9 ft. Box G. c/o News-PHONE BEACON 5538-J. REP 0 SSE SSE D Mirror Type base for one car . monthly r ate. setup or a plumbing contractor Times. 74-2td 23-tf( Spinet Piano. No\v only S295. Call H arbor Z292-W. 73-2tc wishing to en ter business in this F OR SALE -Restaurant dishes, glasses, etc. 182 Rochester S t., Costa Mesa. Beacon 5412-\V. 74·2tp FOR SALE -Binoculars. Carl Zeiss, with carrying case $100. 131 Opal Ave., Balboa Island. 74-2tp FOR SALE OR TRADE-For fishing tackle, dbl. barrel 12 gauge Fox shotgun like new ; also bed roll. Lot 28. 12th St. Trailer Park, Newport Beach. 73-2tp Venetian Bli nds A very pretty piano. Fine tone. area. lbne of the leading local Will Pay Cash Danz-S<'hmldt Piano, 520 No. WANTED TO RENT-Asst. mgr. plwnbirtg contractors o ffers a For your furniture or what have Main, Santa Ana. 70-Uc Me t. Life, desires lease or r ent packag\! deal on his home, shop, you.. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· untll J an. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom inventc}iy, truck, lease on ware- Jey Furniture, 1812 Newport GOOD Grands. Mehlln, Kurtzman. house. Care guar. Phone S . A. house f nd yard, and good will. Fi4 Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 48-tfc Story & Clark, Chase, Hallet & l428-M. 7l-tfc nancinl can be arranged to pay Davis, Kimball, Weber and oth-APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted off a ood nA rt of the purchase FURNITURS FOB SALZ n ers. Prices start &t $485. T enns. t'"- FOR SALE-12xl5 Twist Broad-Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana. 520 ~a:r ~ok;,t'~~ ~d!.~n n~: ~=r~~y in;~fi~.ke'"::!e~ :n r~~ loom r ug, solid blue pattern . No. Ma.in. 70-tfc pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W tablishhi good paying business and ' Also O'Keefe Merrit stove, 4 RADIO HOUSE CALLS-or write Box "X'' Newport Ba.I-home ilt a minimum cash outlay. burnen • Grill. Exen.ings. Ph. Now that add.Jtlonal competent boa News--1imel. 37-tfc J .M. Miller 15th cl: Central H -1242 591-W. 74-ltc technld ·-" bl ""'are•·~• •.we are Lt'nwood Vick F OR SALE-Beautiful 6 pc. din-able to make service calla on ning room set, one bedroom rug large consoles .. All work guar-Broker4 like new, 9 x 12. Bamboo Patio anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, Balboa Island H r. 548-M furniture, 6 chairs, 3 tables. Rt. S.O.S. Radio. 300 Marine Ave. Immediate possession. 3 room cottage, 2 car gar- age.. On good corner close to East Bay on "Little Island." Price-$10,750 GOOD LOT -CLOSE TO SOUTii BAY EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Price--$6500 CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful new well-built 2-bedroom ·home. South of highway; convenient to school and shopping district. F1oor to ceiling windows overlooking patio in dining room and breakfast nook. Limit height fence enclosing entire rear yard. Must be seen to be appreciated. Immed. possession. Price--$15,000 CHOICE CORNER HOME-SITE IN BEST LOCATION. 150' x 118' P11ice--$13,500 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON William A. Sandford, Realtor 1, Box 12, Garden Grove. Ph. 722. Ph. Harbor 780· 34-tfc BALBOA ISL~ND Steel or aluminum made to meas-74-2tc R d · R ' LOST-In Balboa liut week. Bi-ure and installed. a 10 epa1rs ATI"RACITVE DUP in Focus, black & white shell rim· B · B ·ld S l FOR SALE -Plum colored rug All makes; tubes. etc. nice location. Two ms 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-R med glass-. Reward. No"'y ayview . UI ers UP£:5Y 11'3" i·· "5 oo D' tt t B 5763 Y,: ,. u• 818 Coa p Be 7 x • ~ . . me c se eacon m· fta ch un1·t. Double ·a11 con- 428 Floral P ark T•rra-. c:.-:._ st Hiway h. aeon 5 00 Ph H bo ~"9 R ' Pasadena. ' '74.i',"p 73-4tc Sl · · one ar r ·~ · BURT NORTON struction. Nicely laJ dscaped. alter 1 P· m. 74·4tc 91!> Coast m ghway. Newport Patio. Good income roperty. "Dll'-,,,::W==nu:7"'::::N:--T_W:--ANTE=,,.--,D,,.---!8 t-~~::~;.r.~al~~~n~~~o;~~r:; F OR SALE-Refriger ator. G. E.d: ___________ 23_-tt_c Immediate} possessA i~!1; A real ACCOUTANT and Officc Manag~ discount. H. 141-J. 304 28th St., ~as range; kitchen t able an STEINWAY GRAND. Beautiful A real va ue. g U\. invest - wants position v.;th reliable firm Nc,vport. 72-3tc chairs; dining-room buffet; surf moder n in black and silver . Gor-m e nt. Shown by ap1 pintrnent H . G. Ericson. 400 E. Central Board and n1isc. articles. 217 Ab-geous tone. This is an art piano. only. ~ Ave ., Balboa. Ph. Harbor 30. 1''0 R SALE-Neon Sign Cafe. alona, Balboa Island. 73--4tc Jr you are furnish.ing your home 74-2,p Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117-M. 9xl5 American Oriental (Karas-in "l\foderne" this instrume nt is 74_ltc 70-t!c tan) Kashan design. pract. new. perfect for you. Reasonably ----------------,,--------- $24,500 WILL TAKE care of children ------------'ced D s hmld Pi Co Pre-war, red background. $125. pri · anz· c I ano .. COMPANY evertin~. Must furnish trans· G. E. vacuum cleane~ !1938>; 50-N '! · s An 7n ISLAND REALTY ~_, Call Harbor 2241-\V. 73-4tc 520 o. 1• a1n, anta a . v-tfc portatlon. Phone Beacon 5566-J . pound ice box, white enamel. I Harbor 3TI-W 74-2tc good condition ; new bathlnette. --f OR SALE--D008, CATS It PETS S5 201 Agate. Balboa Island Call Harbor 1797-M. 72-4tc ELECTRIC RANGE l..oVELY Cocker Spaniel, 6 mo. BALBOA ISL l ND l:lllPWYHD1T OFFERED ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS . . . Y>'hen you get a job as a telephone operator . Good pay (rom the star t ... yea, e\·en y.·h.Jle you are learning. Raises at regular lntervals ... and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant sur- roundings . . . friendly fel- low-workers. Paid vacations, benefits, etc.. In many cues, work ln ndghborinc central office near your home. One of these interesting, ""11-peld jot. Is waiting for you, too. SOUTI!ERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY • 100 E. Bay Avo., Balboa 514% No. Main S L, Saota Ana or c..n O>let Operator -- FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal- A t · Th d th b ol d, E'X('('ptionally r easonable -f\ culator, $150. 1840 Harbor ~~.:::~e 0~.:;a ~~'rectr~n:t:"t~:~: Please do not call a fter 3 p. m. 'IWO STORY HOUSE, la~ front room , Blvd.. Costa Mesa. Beacon 117 J ade, llalboa Island. S75. 445 Redlands St. Newport Hgts. tiled kitchen and tiled bath~; ne large bed- 5892-J. 61-t!c 73-t!c 74-ltp room. All very nicely · ed. Down- --~......,.......,,,--......,,..,--..,---.,. -----------stairs small apa rtment. B eked-in patio. FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100. F OR SALE-Fumed Oak furni-\VISl-l TO PLACE nice cat in $ 7311 Seashore Dr .. Newrx>rt ture. ideal for mountain or good home. Phone Harbor 13,750 '. Beach. 65-ttc beach. 18'.l Rochester St.. Costa 2106-J. 74-l tc , Hereafter it \\'e r ecap ;yo.ur TIRES ,<:/ We guarahtee our "Caps" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- IVE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 I F ONE COMES OFF Regard.less of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we wU1 call for your car in the momlng and dellver same day. ~ $2.00 .MobilstaUc ba1a= Job whe n we recap your tires, for $1.00. No lead wejghts or .. ex·tra.s.'' Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. CXJSTA MESA Ph. Beac:co 5743 Aalt tor AI or Hank. . 64-ttc M"""· Beacon 54 l 2·W. 74·21 P _L_rvr:s __ TO_C_K ______ S7 ISLAND REAL TY :=OMPANY FO RSALE _. __ : \\'ashing Machine. FOR SALE-Gentle saddle horse . Phone Harbor 1052. 74-ltc sorrel color, $125. See at 1656 FO R S ALE _ 12 :< 15 t"'isted Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa. 69-tfc broadloom, solid blue pre\var BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 40 rug. Good condition $75. Four burner O"Keefe & rt·teritt table top stove with grid.le. perfect rondi tion S75. Fout pc. ~Iaple bedroom set, complete w i th spring &: mattress. 209 Via Di- jon Udo Isle. Phone Harbor 591-\V, 74-2tc BOATS, SUPPLIES SS Light hauling: Ya.rd cleaned: Lawns put in; Auto polishing; Pick up, deliver : Outdoor repair; Fence5 painted and repaired: Screens v.·eather proofed. --Free Estimates--- CALL HARBOR 1713-W FOR SALE-Newport dpry 16' x 73-2tp 5' n1ahogany & cedar. "'ell far1 ------~-----..:. outboard motor set In board. Business Opportunity ~tut & sail centerboard. $100.00 For Accountant or bookkeeper, Phone Dana Pt. 7314 74-2tp and/or sales person, on part FOR SALE-24-ft. Fishing Boat. time basl!I in going buslneu. 44 h. P-Marloe-Eng:IDe. Phone Must be able to invest $10,000. Harbor 28'7..J . 74-2tc Will pay ~rcentage of profits, Y.'i.th minimum of 7% interest FOR SALE-25 ft. Seabird sloop. guaranteed, plus salary. Write. fully equipped with North Bay giving penonal and finandal mooring and five-man life raft; quallficatlons In own h.andwrit· sJeepg two: very seaworthy, ing. Addresa Box 1882 Santa $15:50. Call C. F . Brown, Har· Ana. i TI-4tp bor 2641. After 7 p.m. call SITAJIAL A.NNOUNOiiiiii"'N'IS a Harbo< 2003-R. 72-4tp F OR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. I~ 4-cyllnder SWT motor, just painted. WW trade for 22 ft. or 24 IL hcule tralltt ar will W<• cuh. 73ll Seubore Dr., N.,.port. Ph. H-1495-J. 71).tfc _ ,. .. ...... . Carpenters A vailab~ for ca-.eral malntrnaDM -repelr O. Z. SOWl'90!l c.n Harbor 83 - 201 Agate, Balboa Island Harbor 3TI-W 74-2tc I RELlA~~;t~EA!;J~!!jVESI~~~ CO. Beacon 5857-W 1936 Newpoft Blvd, Costa Mesa Bring Your Buying and,~ Problems to Us. Costa Mesa l &-Room, 3-bedroom frame home~, pletely ftlnt""1ed 'h acre, garage, chickens , etc. . 5 ACRES Near Back Bay; good soil, all "eoced. water in. . $10,500 . 2ACRERAN 0 &-Room, 2-bedroom home ; gara outbuildings, chick- ens, etc. OU lease crop Jesse. $10,500 GOOD BACK BAY 2-Bedroom home, completely · · ; very near; 'h petty all fenced in. Pri~T Open 7 Days Every Week, 8 ~ DL to 6 p. DL RELIANCE REAL TY & l A. R. Ebrite and Assoda. Beacon 58'57-W 1936 , ·, ESTMENT CO. J. w. Doak Blvd., a.ta Mela 74-2tc -. - ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 3TI-W 1WO STORY UNIT ON REAR OF Wf. LARGE PATIO AND BARBECUE. $13;750-Terms ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY 201 Agate; Balboa Island Phone 3TI-W 74-2tc REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE '8 AUTOMOTIVE a TIRU II WANT Beach or Bay front home in exchange for two bedroom, t\\'O sleeping porch, 8 yr. old, stucco home in La Crec"enta on 1 acre ground. Harola B. J·ep.. sen, 4011 Wilshire Blvd., L. A. 5. Ph. EX-1400. 74.Jtc WILL SELL 1946 F ord, Delux TU- Door Sedan_, a t ceiling. To party who will rent me 2 or 3 bedroom house furnished or unfurnished for 1 year. Phone 234-W. 7.f..2tc Storey's Battery Service W estminister Street TRADE -(Close-in) Duplex at (Between 18th a nd Magnolia) 552 "H " street, San Bernardino, Beacon 51&1 Costa Mesa Calif. 74-ltc 74-ltc 11 CUSHMAN SCOOTER. Pre-war TRAILERS-----FO--R-S_ALE-___ Th_e_bes_t quality. 2% h.p. Gas Economy in trailers for rent and !la.le. engine. Is ln good ishape inside Trailers made to order. Dunlap and out, hal had littJe use and Trailer Rentals, Newport Auto has been well maintained. $1!50 Sales lot, 2600 block on Central cash. Mark Healy, Har. 1416--W. Avenue. 69-8tp ___________ n_-«_tc WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices • SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW WldJe ~ are Hilb- ~ for our eourllloUI buyer who will call and idwM ym nprdbc OPA SPegUla&m. cwQ!rw pdas and ......... dl!tlllll CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. o :AM ad OMw ''r Dll'm u"!! ~t:?illll'llMl,11,-~=purt 8 '"' .. QI 1 ..... , ... 6, ........ --• • , ' ' Round of Guests Legislation on Institute Program At Torrence Home Guests at the home of Mrs. A legislative institute will be Florence TOJTI!nee, 27th street, in-held on October 2, at the Orange eluded, on \Vedrle-sday, Mrs. Flor-Intermediate school. N . Glassell ence Temple and daughter Pene-street, Orange, starting at 4 p. m., lope of Santa Ana; on Thursday so that teachers throughout the Mrs. Rilla Roth of Los Angeles county may attend. according to and Mrs. Roth's aunt, Mrs. Vetta Linton Simmons. superintendent Thomas and the latter's grand-of schools, who announced the daughter : Valerie Ricketts, both meeting at the Fourth District, Df Laguna Beac h. California Congress of Parents ~d Satm-day, Walter Kennicutt and Teachers conference held at lrvtne the ~fisses E\•a and Grace KennJ-park on September 19. cutt and Mr. and !\otrs. Harry The institute will be divided into Vaughn of South Pasadena spent three parts, ABC's ot PTA legisla- the day with Mrs. Torrence and tion; how can we accomplish this Sunday her son-in-Jaw and daugh-program; and how to win fMenm ter, Mr. and Mn. J oe Swnmers 1 and influence votes. All parent- of Los Angeles were guests. teacher units in the county are requested to have at least three White House Cafe delegates in attendance. Dinner will be served at the Orange Wo- men's clubhouse at 6 :30. California Congress officers will be present to participate in the summoning up that will Collow dinner. Special emphasis will be given to the third propos.ition on the ballot to be presented to vot- HOSTESS COATS W 0 0 L J E R S E Y. F U L L L E N G T H . Z i pper fronts. Colors : w inte r whit e. Li m e Blue and m elon. Sizes 12-18 Jersey Neckl i ne Bl ouses Long and s ho--rt s leeves. In whit e only. Si zes 32 -36 ·DEA UV ILLE 7 37 S out h Coast Blvd . L aguna B eac h Deliciously Prepared • • + • NEWPORT CAFE -24 Hour Servi<»- • 110 McFadden Place Newport Beach Individuality foT the "M othC"r·ro·bc · · · lf we do not have it, we ma~C' it, you see! 'Tionna-VWarie Shoppe Illa N . MAID 8L Plloao- presents--- Country Club In line with our policy of delivering the finest merchandise available to you. our valued customers. we present this shirt ... with a touch of a perfectionist in its crisp collar, clean-cut shoulders. Simple-t<>- suds rayon. Immaculate white. Pastels. Sizes 32 to 38 • In COSTA MESA 1584 Newport Blvd. In BALBOA 806 E. Cealnl • • NKWHMT a&UM>A M&wrfiMCW Kw"8ilt y - Feminine Ac · ·vities Sunday School To Reopen at St. James Church Cub Sc<iuting to Get . Under Way I;riday - Phones 13 and 2a! Island Postmaster To Leave Soon for Vacation in East Mrs. Harry E. Rider, Balboa Island postmaster , is leaving Mon- day, Sept . 30 on a vacation whJch will take her East 10 soend two months in N e\\' York City and Jamestown. In New York she v.111 visit the mother or Lt. Comdr. Talcott Bates of Balboa Island. also !'t-lrs. Willard Travel! and l\>lrs. M. Margaret Pardee. • • Phone 1637-R Lefion Post 291 Plans Oct. Dance; Sp~nsors Scouts Ni;rt Harbor American Leg- ion ost 291 assumed sporsorship of y Scout Troop No. 5 at theii{ business meeting Tuesday evenJng. This troop has their own s~ hut on the Legion grounds and is under the leadership of Seo tmaster Harry Lace. Parents or boys of the 9-1().11. With rl-gistration accomplished year age group are asked to attend I.St Sunday, Sunday school clas-the C:Ub Scout organization meet- ses or SL James Episcopal church Ing to be held Friday evening at begin this coming Sunday at 9:45 7 :30 ln the gnmmar school audi- a. m. Some of the teachers are torium. Robert Eastman, Scout still awa,y on vacation and with commissioner, will be present and the staff far too small even when Cubmaster H. 0 . Boyvey urges all all are present , volunteers are C911'lffiittee members to attend. needed. CUb Scout troops are under the IThe Rev. Ardys Dean, who ha.!1 sponsorship or the P arent-Teacher J:>E:en attending the 55th triennial Association of t he Ne''l>Ort Beach cd,nvcntion of the church, held Grammv schools and the first n~t week, '~ ts Gf'orge ~1oi timer. regular -Pack meet will be held c urch orga.nist, \vho is vacation-Friday, Oct. 18. i in the north. ------- pilla Circle ens Season Mt. Carmel Society Meets Tuesday On Long Island Mrs. Rider "·ill ~ th<' ~est or Mrs. Virgin ia \Vil-I Uams, stster of Mrs. Arthur White. and a t Jamestov.'TI, N. Y. she "ill visit her sister-in-la w, Mary Rider, while In Denver she will spend t'l4'o weeks with !\tr. and Mrs. J erry Gervik. The trip is being Fiht fall social affair planned y.·as r a dance for Legionnaires. the~· · wives and friends, to be held at e Legion hall, 15th and Bay apilla Circle or Coron'a del Mar ave e at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Oct. mmunity church, Congregatio- The regular meeting of t he Altar Society of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel '14'ill be held at 2 p.. m. Tuesday. Oct. 2 at the parish rec- tory. made by air. l~ey also issued a challenge n , will open the fall season wit h to ta lttesa post for a soft.ball a meeting to be held Wednesday, S pt. 25 at 2 p. m. at the church g but no date has yet been set. If Costa Mesans are dubious th Mrs. Franklin W arner of fec some of the Newporters have t will be "Friendly Service". abo~t accepting, a tip to the et-aremont as speaker. Her sub- Mrs. Herbert King of Lido Isle ers at the November 5 election BRADEN AND KAY FINCH aM cuest• were ln. atteadance at the not to uched a ball for Cour years conduct the thank offering which would raise teachers' salar-crand ope.nine of tbe Cutaways club, sw&nk;y lliPt club o"·e rloolr.-or ore might be in order. a d everyone is urged to bring !es in the s tate from a minimum lnc Newport Harbor. nae F1.nches preeeated Ca.p"n Don with an I was voted to change the dates eir mite boxes. Mrs. E. E. Bou- of !1000 a year to $2400 a yC'ar. ort-'nal Kay flnc h mermaid. Left to rlsht are: Mn. Rei; Brandt, of kgular meetings. beginning on •• ' 0 23 r ,not, who v.·as scheduled to be The teacher shortage is s till acute Bra.den and Ka)· F1nch. Betk WU.on. Dou Ball (of Beacon Bay Weo:nesday, ct . . Hereto ore _ ____._1 i the soloist. will not be able to in California .... ·ith 7000 emergency Halls) and Rex Brandt ot Corona del Mar ~ eet. meetings have been held on the Costa Mesa Oommanity Cllimcb SEPTEMBER %7t.b. certificated instructol"s being em--Walter Gerhardt Photo. fa and third Tuesdays; from attend and ~trs . A. A. Kemper ployed. UnlC'ss salaries can be y A A d H , S k D tha date on, they will be held onWI ·:·:u:a:p:pe=ar=in=h:e:r:p:la:ce=.================~ raised to m('('I competition, most OUOg CtOfS j am 0 tea inner th second and fourth Wednes-r or California schools will have to Veterans Prog ram Xmas Gifts at WSCS da · revert back to half day sessions . f ' M k ~ Ork \V. fi\lelvin Strong w as the Earn1a_rkrd for the veterans' en-armers ar e t T 1~ckets on Sale spca ~r o thr day, The Orange tertainm<'nt program. the sum of " . " . ~ounc1 I members ""·ere hosts. serv-I SA-:t.?S u•as presented to Stuart T Something for Everyone might FOr Dessert· B ridge 1ng cofft>e and rolls to !he 17 as-Dunlap. \•icc-chajrman of the local \\·ell tx> the sloga.n of th~ fa ll baza-l srmbll'd dt~IL'gales at th(' pot luck R~ C'r boa d b Los C . ar a nd Farmers l\l a rKe t to be 1 · · 1 -. C , .. " oss r y om1ros. . b • p1cn1c un .... ron. onfl."'rl'nC<'S were the ·roup of young thes ians given Y the W.S.C.S . of Costa 'fickets are nO\V on sale for the rondu~tc~ b~· vice pN>:r;:idents of "'hichg C'ach year prl'SC'nts P.rhC, 1\-lf'Sa Community church Friday, be'efit dcssC'rt bridge to be held lht• cf'.stnct 1n the ~(!{•moon . l\l ikado under thC' direction of the Sept. 27 fr.om 3 to 9 p. m . Vlednesday, Oct. 16 at the Ameri-1\f r~. l-larry Burd1C'k a nd l\•1n;:. J L r St ff ... There "·111 be booths u•1th many ca-9 Legion hall. Costa J\1esa, under JC'rrold Span~I C'r rC'pN'~f·nted the ~ . p C'S 1:_. e> ehnse>ns. h b and \'ariC"d articlC"c: for sale 3 th sponsorship of the P arent-N " , .1 H ho H ' h Sc rocC'1.:us C"ac yrar 3\'C' Ct'n F . . ' [ · t:\\po1 ar . r IJ:: hool Pnr-g' ·c 1 111 R C'd C " b t 11 . Rrmf'r s J\1 arkct '-''•lh frl'Sh pro-Te cher Association o Ne\vport r•n l TflaCh{'r a."socintioi1 1"' n ° c ro_s u us duce and from 5-30 to 7·'0 p m H bor Union Hir h school and · y<'ar thC' su.m. largc•st yrt colle<·te>d . . . · .a · · "' --------\\'Ll\ IX" use>d for lunchC's a nd hoat· d1nnC'r \\Il l be SC'r ved llt tablr:. SC't m y be obtaine>d at O tto Spor ts BAZ . .\:\R rides for vct{'rans frorn hospitals under umbrellas on the church G s and Saddlcry a nd at Pink- la\\·n only · I · 1 · le s Drug store in J>asaden;::i and Coronn. '.\lrs. L. h · _ _. a nom1na price >e1ng . Assistance Leag ue Meets Nex t W eek L. Lo\·eland is in char~<' of 1 he c art:1.'U: . . p.11 board m{'nibers are asisting SEE OUR NEW COATS VARIED IN STYLES OF COACHMAN FULL LENGTH LONG WITH DEEP ARMHOLE SHORTIE SPORT AND DRESSY TYPES DRESSY THREE QUARTER WITH BELL SLEEVES ALL NE\V AUTU1\tN COLORS SIZES IO TO 18 crhe Frances Norton Shop C)),.esses * $por!S'Wtt:tr Second & Broad\\·ay 2S6 Second & Broad\\'&Y Bldg. (Second F1oor) -Santa Ana ~1rs. Grorl?e YardlC"y. nf'\\' chair- man or Neutport Harbor branch of Orange County Assistance Lea- gue. and th<' ret iring chairman. ~1rs . Walton Hubbard Jr., "'ill be to-hostesses at the season's open- ing m('('ting. to bC' h{'ld Tuesday, Sept . 24 a t the homC' of l\.1rs. Hub- bard, Lido I sle. On Tuesday of th.is w('('k a board meeting was h('ld at the home of Mrs. Ya rdley. local progran1 which \\'iii be only J Offl'rcng a chotC{'. t he menu will ?.ifs . William Trusty, g {' n e r a I as good as th~ local pt">Ople make f?a.t~e ba k~ ham with all the chhirman and funds fro m the af· it and she may ht' ca\IC'd by hos-f1~1n s or s~,ss steak. and there fa.\i-will go to furnish a recreation tesscs who desire' to arange a u·11J be .hot rolls. cofrce and d.es-roOm which u'ill be part of the pa rty. S<'rl: v.•h1!{' the younger ~C'nerat1·~n ;;t adition to the school. Reser-1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ F or large parties for a day the ma) pref£'r hot dogs. D1nnt>r 'v1ll ons may be made with twlrs . I RM Cross cant{'("n h{'lps \\'it h I be served . rrom 5 :30 to 7 p. m. ty, Beacon 5-117, or the presi- Gifts at Community ChurC'h Bau.ar Have YOU Registered? GILL'S lunch . Olher hostesses may ask and a t prices so r easonabl() that dehl, Mrs. W , R. Fo\vler, Harbor l\\O ve tl'rans as house i;ucsts for t~e whole family may come for 56! the "'eek end. l\lrs. c .A. Neigh-di!"ner . attending the movie \vhich t hors. 1619 East Bay. recently had v.~11 be shown in the auditorillm Glfts at a group of six and those 1A•ho en-a 8 p. m. . . Community Church Baz.&al' tertained for a \veek end included ~ths will offer a selection ot !;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ the MesdamC's J a n e Calkins articles. many desira ble for Christ- George Lind. Ruth Jones. and m~.s or other gifts. There. will be Grainger Hyer. Jo ely handmade plllo'?hps. a p- Members of Los Comicos who rons, pot holders a nd rugs: articles have aided the program so' well. fo~ babies an~ small children, baby are Sally Beiler. James and Donald quilts, flowering plants and buJbs, Steffensen, Harry \Vestover . Bar-f°°ked food and .. hor_nemade cook.: ry Beiler Margaret Diehl Perdita est as well as white elephants Horn Al~n Lewis Bob w'hi te and a nd a fish pond. besides all the Barb~ra Benton. · run. of st.rolling around a "farm- ers market". DELICATESSEN Republicans Plan Party for Howser FAC Book Section Meetli Friday FOOD SHOP • ..._h Apple Sauce • =r Crab Moat • Dre fnp • Plcldee -onv ... • Ch-M""ta • Sardines -Anchovies • Cracken -Blscullll • French Rolls SHOP AT GILL'S For FrMher Vegetables Better Moala . Fancy Groeerles _Ull Fo.....t Ave. LAGUNA BEACH - 114 W.4th St PASADENA Opening his campaign for state's attorney general in Orange county, Dist. Atty. Fred HowM'r of Los Angeles county will be suest of the Republican Central Commit- tee and a rfiliated gr'oups at a series of meetings Oct. 2. it was announced today. Assemblyman Sam L. Collins of Fullerton .next in line for soeake r- ship of the House he has served for so many years, and a well- known attorney at Fullerton-and one-time Orange County district attorney-will be Howser's "host" (or the day. Ho~er·s first billed visit is at the Fullerton Rotary Club, for a noonday luncheon and after-lunch speech on Issues of his campaign. He will lay politics aside when he attends a Fullerton city-spon- sored picnic program at Hillcrest Park in Fullerton. ·and be guest Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH F irst fall meeting of the book section of the Friday Afternoon club will be held Sept. Tl at 2 p. m . in Legion hall when Mrs. John F . Webster, club member, will present a review of current literature. H06tesses for the occasion, Mrs Jack Shearer and Mrs. W. E. Nick- ell, will serve tea at the close of the program. All members and rrie nds are invited to attend. of the aty for that appearance. At 3 p. m .. he will meet the pub- lic at Santa Ana Masonic T emple in an informaJ setting, confening with various city and county of- ficials at the lime and visiting with a11 who arrive for this: affair. "'hich is scheduled to end at 5 p.. m. After a brier r est. Howser, then "ill be guest or honor at a pn> gram arranged for him at Hunt- ing\on Beach's Memor ial Hall, starting v.ith a 7 p. m. dinner and concluding with a full program of e ntertainment arrangl"d by Sec- retary W. H. Gallienne of the 1 beach city's chamber or commerce. e exclusive stauffer ""9- lng melhod ottcw tba -pleasant WaJ' io contour' _. trol -that ---- -vttallt:r. -eood .,.,.UUO. No .in.... -trtclty, steam or u:eztkm. 1'* dim>blng. It'1 pntle -.. I tbon>uih -I~• tun. UTrea-llUI I MTratl.1•tl ..... l'elephone for an Appabatmel STAUFFER SYSTEM Pbone 7CU z.n .,_lwq LAGUNA BEACH ~E WELC+E YOU CH AR G~ 0 :f cAC 0 UN T (30 -60 -901Dayw) Yarbro'• bwtte ""' :. ::;! In and ._, a dlol_rce .\ Our -are canplete whhj u.. latest lltylea d '•'"'"'I Fine Apparel Naf!cwely Advertllled RIM.DY-TO-WEAK mARBRO c/~ Cbra, I m war •TB n . ~-Ha St.on Boan: DdJ IJ.boll•g SUarday 9:30 A. II. to :SO P. 11. Portraiture and Commercial Photography ' Phone Harbor 1033 . BALBOA Palm Ave. 3m CHEN YU JADESTICK ~ Chen Yu proposes thts jcv.·cl of a lipstick 'vith the: beauty of rare jade ... set u pon a golden shaft ... iU: base carved like a miniature Chinese teakwood stand. Jadcstick * is perfection for your lips ... superbly textured, long·ltisting . . . in glorious colo rs. Oriental Sapphire. P ink Sapphire, Frou:n f:ire, Fire F1 y, Flowering Plum, Temple Fin:, Chin""' Red . • Sim ulattd CHEN YU JADESTICK * 200 plus tu 'T oiJctries Street PloOT (