HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-01 - Newport Balboa News Times' THE SAND CRAB a, SAM roRWARD! Newport Har-r -bor is settling down to a quiet but forward growth, after a rather busy summer, that augun; well for its con- tinued progress. There are many factors that must en- ter into that growth to keep it on an even keel. not like a water bug just skating on the surface. Business men are asking what is the next step to take in the water sit- uation, whether it is wiser to vote $400,000 in bonds to im- prove ·our present facilities and wells. or work out an MWD plan. Without an ade- quate SU(lply that must be assured over a period of years, it is foolish to specu- late in terms of real expan- sion. Water must always be in the back of the minds of leaders and committees hav- ing to do with a growth pro- gram, and it is hoped that our city dads and C. of C. di- rctors are '''restling \\•ith the proble m and striving toward a solution. That Newport Harbor has ad\ranced in great strides in the 13.st f e\V years is evi- denced by a casual sulvey of the district-the many new houses that have been built and tha t are still under con- struction: the vast number o[ Oe\V business enterprises and store building that has been done; the tremendous increase in yachts, anchor- age. fishing and bay traffic; the impetus given small fac- tories with the resultant gain in population-all these re- veal an amazing trend to- ward a greater city with its demands for better facilities. uWities. etc. You. Mr. and Mrs. Reader, know that do- mestic water must be sup- plied in ever higher volume -\\'here is it coming from? + • • Let's Help 'em. Disabled veterans hospitalized at the old Norronian club near Co- rona and McCormich hospi- tal, ( (old Vista hotel) Pasa- dena, are hungry for a sight of the ocean and a day on the sands. Local Red Cross has been doing a nice Job bringing the boys in groups of from 6 to 12 to the beach on week ends. But the RC's difficulty is lack of homes and places in which to place the lads. as they must be ac- commodated in pr iv a t e homes. It would be mighty nice for folks along the shores of this lovely strand to offer lodging and meals and boat rides to these war- battered youngsters. We hardly give a thought to the fact that a b/ly or ocean is at our doors, yet these uncom- plaining patients yearn for a day or two at the seashore. . Let us be hospitable and ex- tend a welcome to them. Please phone Harbor 1865 and make a boy happy! + + • First Raln. It's many a year since Newport Harbor had as soaking a rain as vis- ited it last Sunday. Really quite a downpour t h a t seemed to come almost out of a clear s ky. The thought arises \\·hether the rains coming so early in the sea- son means the f orenmner of a lot of rainfa ll this coming winter. Could be. This would go a long way toward replenishing the underground now and would put a con- siderable volume of water in the wells. which would be a splendid thing. but should not deter ci\ric leaders from working out a program for M\VD use. + + + On their \\'ay. Two hard· working people. Mr. and . Mrs. Fred W . Briggs. have decided to do more of their real.e;tating for themselves. and to this end have severed their two-year connection with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Lane. to take offices at 634 Coast Highway. They will be connected "ith Sandy Steiner's office, the three of them working and helping each other. Tressa M. Briggs who is a licensed broker with her hubby Fred. was a Waac for a year during the ... 'llr. The best of luck. KEEP POSTED! 1 Year ...••. $2-50 •Caz b II.,. °"' .. 0-0'1 ..... °"' .. --~PQU!elo N~N-- • .NEWPODT • BOA I ~O....Cs 'J Wcdly Ne-paper ._._Audi& a. -of are 'EU. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPOR HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA . VOLUMI: mvm ""EWl'OaT BEACH. CALIFO.RNIA, TUEsDAY, OCl'Olll:R ' ltM ~ , !================================!===================='· L.A. Woman Rescued Fro Drowning in Bay City Dept. Issues Permits ~ PENc•~~~~N!.~'!~~~~L•nEs At· 1mic -Subjects Feature VICTIM IS pening Teachers Meeting WIFE, VAi for $130,200 Construction As U.S. Halts 40 Erections F C . N ho w~~~~~a~::.::1 ~~~~o;~: LINE HEAD Orier eWS Y sion at the Orange County Teach- The Ne""'J)Ort Beach city build- ing department issued permits calling for '$130,200 worth of con- struction \\'Ork in th<' Newport Harbor area from Sept. 1 to Se pt. 20. ReceivC'rs of these permits must have federal a uthorizations for the constructions. otherwise anyone handling the erC'clions \Viii be in direct \"iolation Y.'ith •the federal la'" prohibiting unauthori zed building "·ork. the Civil ian Pro- duction administra tion states. Forty Ne\\'port llarbor estab- lishniE"nls which 'Vere in process of conslr uclion \\"ilhout rroeral per- mits \~·c·r<> order('d s l.opfX'd imme- dialr·ly hy the CPA last Saturd01y. J ohn Ha nd y, ('nforcem('nt chief of the Los Ang<'ll's offi ce-of thC' CPA. \varns !hat othC'r kno\\'TI contraC'tors \\'ho are no,,· engagt.'CI in unauthorizPd hui lding ,,·ork ,,·ill tX' subject to criminal prosc-cution, if th£'y con tinuf" \vork. Island Girl Elected Student Body Head At Arcadia School Diseases Drop Off In Orange County During the last t\\"O "'eeks only 42 cases of communicable diseases have bC'Cn reported to the county health departn1ent. Dr. Ed\\'ard Le£' Russell, count)' health officer. said today. This is said to be a r('markably lo\\" record. Camp Callan May Be Site Navy School Camp Callan in San Di('go coun- ty ntay be the site of the ne,,· naval training academy of the \\'est. U. S. SC'nator John L. l\1 cClellan fD .. Ark.), chairman of !he senat(' Ne Cl.ty Judge en· institute Monday where hun· • dreds of school personages and ,. teachers attended at the S anta ANA IM. Oct. 1.-John Shea. Ana High school, headed by Roy 34. of llflower. who ~·as a E. Simpson, state superintendent ne...,•spa[ter route carrier in 1923, of schools. A school holiday was "'as swdrn in as city judge of Ana-ordered b)' Linton T . Simmons, heim tofilay. Shea \\"as graduated superintendent of schools. Orange fron1 ttf Fullerton Junior college county. and t±University o f Southern Tht' session ''·as open<'<f in the Califor ia. auditorium• \.\'ilh the singing of ' -"The Star Spangled Banner" fol-·ve s Must Pa Taxes Ab ve $1000 \\'orl \Var II ve terans "·ho hold equitab e O\\"llership in properties bought by the State Veterans" rommlsiion under pro\"isions of t.he \'e t era~s· Act n1ust pay taxes above the $100 exemption permit- ted by! the la''" according to a ruling ~andC'd out by State's Atty. lo,ved by a \\"C'lC0111e delivered by l Lynn\\'. Cra,,iord .. superintendent. Sant<b Ana city scfiools. Prominent S(X'akers highlighted the progrant. Dr. Richard E . Vol- l lure>, researC'h professor in ph}11:ics at USC, a nationally known figure for his scientific articles and lec- tures, spoke on "The ,Future With Atomic EnC'r~)·." He was closely connected ,,;1h atomic research during the '''ar. Dr. Wilbert L. Hindman. USC <Continued on Page 4 ) Costa Mesa Gunners Bag Three Deer in Leevining Woods ARCA DIA . Oct. 1.-Ne"'IY elect-naval affairs subcommittee study- ed officers at Anoakia school in-ing ,.vest coast sites for the pro- clude Miss Natalie Lo,ve, the posed pclSt-graduate school. told daughter of ~Ir. a nd J\1rs. George San Diego authorities .he is ''very Lowe, 310 Coral avenue, Balboa much impressed'" \\"ith Camp Cal· Island. who has been elected Stu-tan. •~11:\r<ll Gerald (Te~) Liberty Gen. RPbert Kenny. As a esult of this ruling Orange county assessor's office revealed 1,tiotoJ that i is forced ,,·i th the pros- pect o revising their tax rolls toward the veterans. Gera.ld (Tex) Libert)•, co-manager with ''Doc'' Stafford, The uling is in conformity with Three deer. remote customers of the harbor cities, lie in their processed beds at the Harbor C.old Storage, after being the prey of hunters camped a t Leevining-, north of Yosemite. The mountain animals were de- li vered to storage by H. E . Bender of Long Beach. He reports the deer averaged 150 pounds each and that M. G. Brown and G . E. LeatherWiX>d \Vere responsible for two of the prizes. The deer were shot near the 9000-foot level. dent Body president for the I City !\.'t a nager Fr<'d A. Rhodes comjng year. J\1iss Lowe, who is of San Diego said use of Callan a senior at Anoakia, will act as would result in the building ur: senior resident at "'Hilltop Houit<'" of a community of 10,(X)(), includ- this year. Last year Miss Lowe ing students, their f&milies and served as vice-president of the the staff. l of Ets-Hokin and G&l\'an, electricians, \l'&S bom in Warren, a poli laid do"'" by the board of su rvisors of Orange county Pa..., but his education was broken as his father, being an oil in l9 . "'hen Orange County expert, mo\'ed about a. great deal to \'arious oil fields. So Counsel Joel Ogle first refused to 0 Tex'' had his flf"St schooling bl the grammar grades in El-p<>rmit j exemptions on properties dorado, Kan., then the family moved to Tu.lso, Okla., for two handl':? by the State. Veterans' more. years. He finished his fifth vade in San Angelo, commifsion. This agency would Texas. the n he entered San Ant.onio M.Ilitary Academy where accept deed for a veteran's proP- he finished his grammar grades. His h igh school years were erty, t en enter into contract for spent at Texas Military Institute, also la Sao Antonio. Then resale to the veteran and then came h\'o :years of colloge at Wentworth Military Acadetn)' ask ca cellation of ta.xes on theory at Lexington Mo. a famous 'e . . that o ership was held by a state Anokia Student body. The federal government o'vns Anoakia school. 701 West Foot-the land and the army has aband- hill boul C'\"a rd, Arl.'adia, opened the oned it as a site for camp pur- ne"' school year on Sept('mhl.'r 16 poses. The Costa Mesa men stayed on "-'ith their hunting and more deer are expected to follow. They are out to replace the meat Sb'>rt- age "-'it h venison. with the largest enrollment in the history of the school, including five students from foreign countries, and representatives from stal£'S ranging from New York to Wash-I ington and froin the l-Iawaiian 1 1 Islands. Kiwanis Pledges Aid to Sea Troop DC'i-laring that the Sea Scout troop of Ne\\'port Harbor was responsible for the graduation or many you.ng mrn into the navy's ranks during the last "'ar. Fay Blo"·er, president of the Kiwanis club. said F'riday, that his organi- zation '''ould continue to cooperate \\'ith the sea patrol. After hearing some remarks from Fred Cadman. fie ld repre· sentative for the sea scouts. Presi- dent ~lo\\'('r appointed a com- mittre to confer \\'ith the sea scout patrol on J\itonday nights. when the scouts havE" their train- ing meetings. Howser Will Be Guest At Castaways Lunch Would Aid Amputees school ' ' I Hok1n and Galvan JUSt one day agenc Under this plan , no ta.xes '"f .•. 1 ·ed d 11 the before his partner, "Doc" Stafford at all ouJd be collected until the h ej'c b P ~~ d ru~ in a d 1 started. Therefore the younger proper y obligation was finally sc oo 8i:i s an or estras an man automatically became the paid o r, perhaps in 20 years. aftehr lea,·ingb Wdsentworhfh travheled senior partner! I-I.is hobbies are Ogllsheld that such a maneu-\\'lt name an sue as t ose f f-L< J H b' K d , boating, and he and his wife., Mar-ver w subterfuge and that the 0 h arrr h~mes, r er \('. ~y an k ' ian, spend many pleasant week-vetera was en tiled only to the ot ehrs. nl ts ear 1~r music wor. ends in their 25-foot Chris-Craft 1 $1(X)() hormal exemption. and was U. S. Senator \Villi am F . Know-h~ as Ph ayed beside hmadnl~ must-cruiser with their usual destina-1 eligiblf to pay levies on equitable Death Takes Fred Storey land announcrs that he \\'Ould seek c1ans w o are no'v ea 1ners. . . . 1 · Le · h · 1 f. Id h tJon being Catalina lsla.nd. 1ntere ts above that amount. an early change in the la,v, pro-a,·1ng t e musica 1e e His position and that of the Fred LestC'r Storey. 50. died sud- viding automobiles for World War opened an eleclrical business in He dabblC's in photography and t '. h d .__ t dcnly on Sunday at his home, fl amputC'es. si.nce the present 18,v Big Springs, TC'xas but he never is a membC'r of the Balboa Yacht I coukn s superv~sors, ba h'-"'"cn 3 -Magnolia and \Vestm1nster Ave., arv.uired the nru11e "·Tex" until he11 club, Ki\\·anis, Elks, and Orange ta~ ~ mbanty times Y 1 kt e c~mt· discriminates against California '"'I • • . missio , u never a en 1n 0 Costa Mesa.-He was a native of and other .'vest co8:st . amputees. c~me t~ Cahfo~n1a . He stayed in I County Builders Exchange. His I cour t. Morris county, Mo.~ and came to Deft'Cts 1n th(' ex1st1ng law \Vere , Bi_g Springs se'er:1 ye8:rs an? then wife is a past matron of the Order No , Kenny's ruling strength-Costa Mesa a year ago from Lan- brought to Senator Kno\\'land's at-I m.Jgr~t e~ to California ~o!ng t.o of the Eastern Star and they re-enin~the local position is made sing, Mich., operating a battery dit~ntbionedrecently when he visited j !~:Ct~i~~~~a~.S~hools to finish his side at 209 Broadway, Costa Mesa to ap y to 20,000 land purchases Store at his home address- . sa I veterans at . the Birm-r in ng. • by f rld War I veterans and A veteran of World War I , he 1ngham General hospital. tocal<>d He later went to \\ork for Ets-O\\'ning their O\vn home. 5'()0 b World War ll-V.e terans. served two years with the 35th near Van Nuys. The regulation t Division in the Argonne district. ~~~\~h:or:~:: r;,nt~hlp';::~~t1~;::;<;~ FEDERALS OFFER TO AID Dr~· er Unhurt ~g:·~o· ~er;;~~~~c the West Coast. It fixPs SlfiOO I W C u t and of Costa Mesa Community as the CT'iling for the cars, which n ar pse s church. tho V•te.rans c~n. pur~hase with i HOMELESS COUNTY VETS Che~ter Ewing of 1212 South Suniving are his wile, Hazel, Veteran!t A~~1n1stra11on funds,· Flow~ street. Santa Ana, a com-and son James. both of Costa and also spec1f1t:'S that a ~eteran posito~ with The Ne\\·s-Times. nar-Mesa; three sisters, llrL Stella cannot put up any of his own rowly escaped serious injuries at Piatt, Forest Grove, Ore_ Mrs. money, even if the rost of the car Federal govenunent housing of· Ana that some building contract-7 :23 O'clock this morning when Clara Scott of Vallejo and Miss <;onscquently, Kno~'IAn~ ex-Orange County \'eterans organiza-had taken authorization papers and pave nt and upset near the two brothers, William of Junction excef'Cls $1600. ficials assured members of the ors in Southern Orange county his a~' omobile skidded on the \\•et Mary Storey of Portland. Ore.; plains. a Southern Calirorrua vet-tion committee today that they purchase orders from war veterans Santa Ana Army airbase. City, Kansas and Robert of Port- Frrd N. l-Io"''Ser. Los Angeles eran a~putee. can buy only lo\• \\'ill do everything within their "''ithout justification. Ewi g suffered a bruise above land. Oregon. county dis trict attorney. \\·ho is a or m~1um._pr1ced c?rs-not as po"'er to aid thC'm in obtaining John Handy of Los Angeles. vet-the ~ght knee, but othen\'ise Funeral sentices will be held candidn te for statC'·s attorney, "'ill v.:ell suit('d, in m~ny 1nst~nCC's. t~ shelter for the estimati:<1 1700 er an detective and chief of the esca _injury. Incidentally, his Wednesday at 11 am. at the be !ht· honored gttt"St at a lunchron his n~ as a hi_ghC'r ~rtC'ed hy homeless "''a.r veterans said to be CPA enforcement agency in rhe •.vatch stopped at exactly 7:23 a.m., Harold Grauel chapel with the to IX' izi,·cn in the C'asta"''a)"S club, drama tic automobile which h .. ~ r.o living_ in s.ingle rooms or with in· Southern California area, express· the tir-e of the mishap. The mo-Rev. Carl Johnson in charge. In- overlooking Balboa Bay on Wed-clutch-because of a $172 frei&ht f la\\"s in the county. ed vital interest in one case, that torist'f car "'as to\\'ed. to a Santa terment ,,_,..ill be in Westminst.er nesday. char~e 10 Southern California. After d.isrussing the situation as of a Laguna Beach war veteran, Ana garage for repairs. MemoriaJ park. Sees Oraanized Minorities : ~~~~~~:~~~;~fr~ ;:~~~r§ £'.:~~~;~i;~~~~l~:~;"t: Ta ~·Grids Show Strength Wilson W. \Vyatt, Federal Housing THE LAG UNA BEACH veteran, As Menace to Good Gov 't expediter from Washington. D . c.. identified by name a Costa Mesa But Drop Opener, 12-0 I said a full ~port of the condi-builder who is alleged to have de- tions \\i ll be sent to national mandf'd the former's authoriza- headquarters. tion paper and IDI priority rating Mrs. F. A. Daugherty Revives After Fair Night in Hospital Mrs. Frank A. Daugherty, 40, wife ot the first viCt" president of the Pacific Fl"eight Lines., Inc .• Los Angeles, narrowly escaped death by dro"'ning 1'1onday night '4"hen a sudd<'n lurch of the boat in ~·hich she '''as a passenger hurled her into Balboa Bay. The \\'Oman and her husband was one or a party of six Los Angeles men and '''on1E"n "'ho were- returning froni a day's outing to Catalina Island \\'hen the mishap occurred in the bay aboutSOO yards from the serond n1arker near Tor- quoise avenue, Balboa Island, in the main channel. official reports stated. J\irs. Daugherty, ,,·ho was \\'ear- ing leather-sol('d shoes at the time, slipped on the varr\ished deck of the Chinook. r('portedly a Malibu yacht charter boat, as she was trying to \\'alk by hand-rail from the cockpit on the topside to reach her husband. Frank A. Daugherty, who \VSS \\'aiting for her on the lower deck . She was flung into the '~:ater and was not missed until several minutes later v"h<>n one or the party saw a figure floundering in the ba)' some distance behind the boat. Unable to fine his Wife aboard. Daugherty immediately called for help and a friend in the part)', whose name was not obtainable, swam to the v.·oman's rescue. Meanwhile the Chinook was turn- ed about by the skipper and it r aced to the spot where the woman was then floating, face upward In the bay. She was lifted into the boat with the aid of tow-rope. The woman was rushed by boat to Balboa Pavilion, where she was lifted to the pier and there George Warren of Huntington Beach and Ray Chapma n of Bal- boa, who were fishing off the pier, gave artificial respiration. After 15 minutes of this aid the woman began breathing a nd Dr. Mooney, Newport Beach physician, called an ambulance a nd sh<> was taken to the Community hospital in Santa Ana, where she lay in a coma. George Clark of Balboa was credited in the official report as skJpper of the boat. Mrs. Glen Soden or 121 Opal avenue, Balboa Island, said today that her husband, Glen Soden, is skipper of a smaller fishing boat, which also is named the Chinook . Up to press time today the Malibu Yacht Charters telephone was reparted to be "busy" so that~ it was impossible to gC't a state- ment from the Newport Beach office of that company. REPORT FISHER SUNK AT SEA Reports were CUJT(>nt in the harbor area at noon today to the effect that a fishing boat which had sunk below the surface at sea was recovered and was being towed into the harbor. The identity of the vessel which canied 10 tons of fish and was tOW\:!d in by a landing craft was not available to the harbonnas- t.er's office at that time. 1-lon. Joseph Alan Bttk of Bal-He d('SC!'ibed the types of meas-. .__~f ~teanwhil e operatives from the as a reqwrement ~ ore starting boa Island. "·ho "''as seaetary of ures \\'hich fall into five classes. enforcement division of the Ovi.I· the building ot a GI home for the th<> California State Senate for 33 b 11.s t first those kno"-'Tl as i , then ian Production administration in ve eran. years. ga\"e an inteTeSting talk th k I · h Th tr d ose nown as reso uuons, t en Los Angeles continued to report e ron actor was recommen -on the procedure of that body be-ed t he b Yo4fmight not be able to tell it from e score of Jast Friday's foot l opener again.st St. An- thony~ut Newport Harbor Sailors are g · g to win some ball games this f I. Both Western Canners and West Coast Packing companies in La· fayette avenue, Newport Beach, atDJUnted for their boats, and no Saints t-..i -with 12 information coold be obtained points in a very r apid manner. from the California Marine. pack- A pus play from a rubsdtut.e back. Ing company at press time Maise, to right end Mulbrin was · those kno\\oTI u conCWTent reso-on unauthorized commercial con-o t veteran y a reputable for the Newport Harbor Ki'o''anis .... _ th kno 1o· S ta An I din I · lutlons, un.'!n ose wn u mt structions which ha\•e been start-an a en g nslitution, to club Friday. resolutions, then those known as ed in Ora.nae rounty in the ns.•t which he had gone for advice, he 'Ille .,...nial 1....w•1ati,,e officer in-'-~··--1 · d ti • ~ t td Mr H d .,.~ "'""""' 'IVUM:' reso ut1ons an cons tu-fe"' "·eeks. o ~ . an y. terspersed his serious ~marks tional resolutions. • • • "No contractor has a right to with "T)' humor which "'as en-Durin., the course of hi! talk, FORTY establishments said to either the authruii.ation or the JO. i·ed by his audience. He told e. t.n.~ • • t tin .. th avili· l\tr. Beek criticised the activities have bttn started in the N--nn pnon Y ra . g, e an anecdotes of some of the mem-....... t"". ~ Prod. -• ... _:_,_ • nf of o-anized minorities and lobby· Harbor area without proper auth-U11,:uon 8W"1UIU3tl'"&tion e orce-bers of the state senate which • e. me t di·"-' ch. t In ists who renroc:0nt them. ••n-.an-orization from the CPA were at a n Tuion Je vestigator occasioned chuckles-..--..... "''" --1d ''Th t •-the t • ized minoritif'S.'0 Beek aven-ed. standstill today. They were cited -..... · a 1a ,.e eran s proJ>-OutJ.ining the procedure neces-erty," • • • sary 10 get 8 bill introduced in "are groups who identity them-for violations and told to oeue the state lco-is)aiure, the speaker selves ''ith militant factions for operations immediately pending e.· n1~ of influencing Joo1cJation further lnves•; ... ations. ALL ntE VETERAN has to cited the fact that the phrase, r-----~e.-~ ··--· the -buil•-of in favor of some s......,.;:aJ class or CPA · also In-~Al"" pros.,...._ .... ve ...,,. "The people oC the State of Cali-.,..........p." ---operati\'el were his borne ls the .teriaJ number of fornia do enact as follows.," is ---vcstigating complaints which were the priority oertificate. Handy the most important factor in any These minorities. he added. a~ made last Thursday evening at a added. The lnW!ltigator Aid he mt!'a$Utt and he said a bill is a threat to democracy and a mus mttting of war wterane In WOUid seek an interview with the null and void without It. men•ce to good government. the American L<slon hall •t Santa <Cai-on Poet C) Th Tars lost their first game of season to the Long Beach Sain in Lakewood. 12-0, but in so do g they displayed good de- fensiv strength, wonderful line play d nashes of olfensi\•e form that l}ould be good tor scores later the season- On moment· of carelessness ori pass tense cost the Tars the game_ After three quarters of hol~ the favored Saints to a comp te standsWl. the score was 0-0. . th every indication that the final e was going to be more ol ume. - ilqt In the fourth quarter. the good for 2U ya:rds ...i tho lint score o( the fracas. The Saint end made a nice ortcll but he shouldn't have gotten it. The Tar Upwards of 80,000 Persons Registered defensive left halfbatt -riglit Upwanls of 80 000 at the reeeiver's handlr, tat C!Cllft.. • •, • penonJ are pletely missed the llall UICI -believed to have registered for the wu the baD ,,,__ Nmember election In Orange coun- •--· tJ', llCCOl'Cllng to an unotfidal .. tt- l i!-e tana..1 score came Ip: tbe mate made Monday by County c!~g -tes of tbo r.11 Pl!'" <:lertc B. J . Smith at the Santa when MeDo, Sailor ~ ""'*. -Ana """"""'-· a punt blodcecl -lr7loc ta Smith Ald that the number ol kick O<!t from his IC""l lllle. W rEClotratlms were still be!nir full,,.ck. Ozlewsld, who ---led llDd ibot the <><act num-ouul tandl~. man on. u.r -for ~ w111 .,...., been .oent to the the oppaoltioft. """"' lluuucb --., cl ,the M<ntuy ol state bloclotd tile kldt and Ills 'ftdle tiy ~ 1. n.. June pn_, Cl>e•tham pfd:ed lip ""' ..-nslotntloa -tee! to lll(llatl3' (Ow0 •'"' • JO-. t) - -77,ooiJ ...... . •• l, I , NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PBONU• 11.&DOa IS -U P n"1t!CZ...,.Tw·t'Q'_.n-«•7'Aner-..-. voawmvm c.&a ._ WtlHi P.M·'1I S.W, W"5e1da7 Velw D 9ubecripdon Panble in Adom:-42:l!O -year In Oranp CWncy 112.15 -year to 4th -; $3.00 -year to 8tb - SAM D. PORTER . Publlsber F.G.FROST Editor W. F. DIXON • AdYertlsins M•nal"" Printing Plant. 3011 W. C-tral A...,ue, Newport BeadJ. caJlfornla Official Paper of the-City of Newport Beach A Delie•1hhle Loeal luUW••• fOT °"" n Y-.n Pays to AdvertiSe! Active Member of The luxuries of yesterday have become the necessities of today. Why? ... Advertising. Advertising has been a slow invention: the discovery of its power resulting in the most effective aid to selling, Geared to advertising, modem business has found that it is a neces- sity for moving goods. Advertising is promotion. Future business is dependent upon promotion. Without it. demand suffers: necessity wav- ers. Advertising keeps the ball rolling. Business-be it real estate or the country store-has proven that wise advertising increases volume and reduces the cost of operation. lncreased demand resnlting in a greater turnover and more production, with a noticeable de- c~se in cost, benefits the buyer or consumer in that in- creased sales lo\.ver costs. Today, people are used to advertising: they depend on it. They invite suggestion as to where to go, what to buy. and where to buy it. It's desired information! It's bargain day! Well over t,,·o-billion dollars '''as spent in one )'ear for advertising in the United States. Of this figure. S555.000.000 \Vas spent in ne,,·spaper advertising, or more than t'vice as much as \vas spent in a ny othei-ad\·ertising medium. such as magazines, radio .etc. F or the busines.s man-or is he a business man-\vho says, "I don't need to advertise," there will be a day when his word-of-mouth ctL5tomers (once upon a time) will occasion- ally 1-.,mark. "Remember when ... " Such defeat may not apply to all "dealers in stuff", but man)· suCC"C'SSful men, anCt advertisers. remember the pro- verbial words of J ohn \V;inamaker who once said, "I would as soon think of doing business without clerks as without advertising." Magnif icient Lender In spite of the fact that Uncle Sam is already in the hole , to the ext~nt of approximately S270 billion this doesn't stop him in any way from being the world's most generous lender. Foreign c"'"1tries have not found him hard to "touch" for substantial su:ns. Nor have some of his own "family" had any diffiet·l•y getting a few billion here and there. As a matter of fact. h is loans through government agencies to var- ious organizations in America had reached the sizeable (even for him) sum of $19 billion in June, 1945. These organizations which are the beneficiaries of Uncle Sam's gener<l"ity include both agricultural and non-agricul- tural associations as well as privately organized cooperatives. The government network of credit agencies has become very extensive indeed. In agricultural credit there~~~ than 500 production credit associations maintaini full or part time offices: over 1700 national farm loan associa- tions which make land bank loans: 12 land banks, and 12 Farm Crt.><!it administration district offices and their branches making emergency crop and feed loans. Then there is the Fa rm Security administra tion ha ving 12 regional and n<>arly 2000 c'OWlty offices. Of course. by le nding this money the gove rnment gains a great deal more po\ver to L-ontrol and to dictate to the bor- rowers. The irony of it all is that private enterprise, into whose fi eld of activity the government is cutting deeper ruid deeper. has to he lp prO\~de the fonds through ta xes to finance the government's competition against it. It is estimated that it costs the ta xpayers $126.500.000 an- nually to finanC<' Uncle Sam's lending activities. And that's a prett)· penny f'\1e n i.n this land of billions. "Rt•ndezvous or tht• l\larincrs·· White's Balboa Island Cafe A.VD COCKTAIL BAR Comer 1'larine .t Park A \·e. for YOUR hoMe How to fake .._ ruts out of your tireok.falt tCMttM • , • ways to tneM l'(ll.a" klkhwl "honwy"" ••. what cotor to d*- b YOOM ll'f1no roonrt , •• n... en ~ o ,_ or rt. •••ta Me ,.. idem ~ dolly on tN •-'1 ..... ot TMI C"alSTIAM KllNCI MOMIToa n.. t.lpflA lderol en .. pll.ll votW'' In thlt daily "'"""°'* tor h home thot orv.. yw world ,..... 1nt .. P1.,9d to ._. ,. ~ °" yo.I cww:t )OJ" forllll';'. ------------------.. ,.. .._.. 1 n. 0wn;10ori Sc-.c. f"WI'~ Sodety 1 ._ ,.._ 11'1· I an.. ~ sn..t, Bodon IS. ~-I CIA&. lwh ••-P*-9 entw o spedol lrl~ tl.lbKription te ~·=~ I The o...1sttan sc-.c. Monitor-s .-... 1)0 iuula1 .., 11 I •---,..... I IU. S. "-tlJ ~f Sn.et ______________ _ 11A,TI City -I __ .... ~. -----------_______ J • •••.eo& ••w•- They Say··· Southland flower Show e I RISE TO REMARK ••• I BOW. 10RN PBILLJP8 When I wu young, I was taught that honesty ii the belt policy; that there is no substitute for the truth; that shifting around is a poor &UUantee of ultimate suc- cess Ln busineu; that I ahould have pride in my family and my name and similar old-fuhioned precepts. 1 have been thinking this morn~ lng. u you hav~. if you've read the papers, of a man who has been arrested nine times ln hil life; who wu deported seven times; who left the country five times, as we'd say in the rural districts, "just ahead of the sherifr'; who escaped six time! from the custody of the law; who has been married three times, and who has ....d;anged his name four times. \/ 1 I have a list beCore me or Z7 serlous.ly made contracts, signed between 1939 and 1945. I observe certain omissioru, even in this list. Every one of these solC'mn con tracts has Ix-e n broken. Yet, In the troubled and some- what strange world ~e live in today, he seems to have done pretty well. He has a good job, whic h apparently he can keep as long as h.e v.·ants to keep it. He undo ubtedly has a good Income; certainly he can get easily any- thing he "'ants. Hr has rank. and medals. a nd honors. He influe nces tv.·o great countr- iC's. The largC'r of the t\YO he managC's di rectly. The other he influcn('('S indirC'Ctly through a grC'at labor union ; through his traVeling salC"Smen; through emO- tional and short sii::hteq sycoph- l!nts. a nd becaUSf' of the \\·cakness of oth<'r men, \\'horn the citizens elcct .. •d in th<' belief they would have the coura~c to jtOVern the country thems('i\"C'S. His name. nO\\", is Josf'ph Stalin. The ''contracts" arc the 2 7 treatie1S signed. on behalf of the USSR, bctv.·('{'n ~'larch 18. 1939 And August 14. 1945. '"ls.y Americaa .. Signing the national stockpiling bill. ""hich permits the Nation to build stores of war-vital materials, Pttsident Truman made a cogent objection to one secti<>n of the measure. He disliked, he said. the "buy American'" clause, which wouJd prevent purchases of mater· ials from otheT' nations. The objection to the clause are euily seen. Preventing shopping in a free and competitive market, it will a.lmoSt certainly increase costs to the Government. It will force further inroa~ into na t k>naJ resources already seriously stri~ ped by war dernands. Reafflnnlng red -~·bite -and blue "buy Americanism," we e n· danger our industrial and commer- cial health. We give n at ions abroad good cause to distrust pro- testations of international co-op- e ration as so many empty words. Congress had best reverse itself on the policy at the first oppor- tunity.-St. LoUis Star-Times. "The \\'orld O"''es U8---" This agC' seems plagued with lhe fallacy that "the Y.1orld owes us a living.'' But if y,·e all sat down a nd adopted that attitude it y,•ould be a very skin1py llving. It could rightfully be said "the world O\YCS us the right to ('arn o ur living.'' Today the fate of "the right to C'arn our living" lies in produc tion. If production. Y.'hich is the cure for inflation. doesn't go up--the cost of living Y.111. Prosperity, in the form of better \\'agt>S and shorter \Vorking hours for all. doesn't mcan a thing when ovt'rshado\\1ed by high living costs. In other "'ords, prosperity must ~ paid for by the increascd pro- duc tion of every individual. ThC're are many cases today v.•herc the ('fforts of individuals a:re being frustrated by Jack of direction and lradership. but an honest effort by each or us to \vork to thC' best of our ability \\"ill f."\"('ntually "pay off' in prosprr it)'.-Elkhorn !Man· itoba) Mf'rcury. I rise to rC'mark that \Ao·c should face this situation. All this \•le<'k, the pa~rs and th(• radio have brought us th<-asto unding nev.·s that thC' Srcrciary of Commerce. No Cat~~ust ('onlrC)I 1\·tr. \Vallacf', is SJX'akin(: for a "Prince Ed\vard Island is Can- forciJ!:~icy \"f•ry different fron1 ada's most blessed pro\·incc. lt has the fo ign policy presented by no unemployment a nd very little our pr r spokesman. Secretary 1>ovt•rty. Though it permits di· of Stat )Tnf'S. I nstead of de-vorce and has a divorce cour t pro- manding is imn1cdiatt' rt'.'Signa-cided for, tht' court has never hC'ld lion. the PrcsidC'nt "confers" with a session, and only one divorce "'as Wallace for mot1..~ than an hour, granted in 60 years. It is rf'ported and announces thal the SC'cretary that sinC(' 1937 in the y,·hole pro- of Commer ce "·ill not SpC'ak again \.ince there has not Ix-en a single on foreign a!fairs until after the case of assault on wife. indecPnt Paris confercncC' is ended. Wa llace assault. desertion of famil y, neglect waves to the rC'porters, and the of chil~n. or contr ibuting to the President w i r C's to Byrnes, to delinquency of a child. thank him for not r eplying to the "There are no highwa)·men, no \Vallace attack. gangsters. no commercialized vice. Am I awake, or am I dreaming? no real crime problem and no Is this the United States of Amert-JX'nitentiary, There are only . 13 ca ? Almost irreparable harm has poliC('men for its 90.000 peoptd., been done to the prestige and in-a nd it hasn't had an execution lft fluence of this country. at a mo-40 years. Per square mile the isl- ment when Republicans and Demo-a nd has t\\ice as many people. crats, and e\·cn New Dealers. are four times as many cattle, and trying hard to sho'v a unitC'd front eight times as much poultry as to the world. In fo reign affairs. any othe:r province in Canada. Its Senator Connally the Democratic per capita savings is greater than chairman of the Foreign Relations in any other Canadian province: Commi1t ce, and Senator Vanden- a nd, for its size, It has more rail· berg, the r a nkin g Republican \Vays. more post offices, more tele. member. have accompai ned Secrc· graph lines. and more churches tary Byrnes to the Paris confer-than any other province. ence. to indicate thnt united front. "It is estimated that there a re If you had an employee, who 10,000 motor cars on the island. y,·as rather f('('blc mindC'd an)"\''ay, a nd the roads arc very winding and \\•ho persisted in smoking in and dangerous. \et in some years the room \\"here you kept the gaso-therr are as lO\\' as t\\'O motor-car lin<'. \Vould you tell him not to do accidents. it again, llntil after the elections, "Is Prince Edv.:ard Island Hea- or \\"ould )·ou, for your O\\'TI safet)' \'en:' There must be some catch and the safety nf the neighbors. in all this. tC'll him to get 11 joh some\\·here "No. It is simply that islanders C'lse. and quickly '." adopted prohibition many years I \\·ant you to kno\,. just \\'hat ago (19001, believe in and practice this \\rnlla('(' speech means 10 prac-it, and ha\·e let it work out its tical terms of the Unitt:'d Nations O\\'n ronsequences."-The Christ- agrC<'mcnt. and in terms nf future ian Union Herald, P. E. I. '-''orld peace. 1 \\"ill have to ,,·rite that a nother timC'. Drlve Caretully-Spare a Ute. DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE rs OWN For Your Convenience .... We Will Remain Open Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday .... Balboa Central Market Will Be Held 1 Pasadena show tan ed. the an.ager. 1bousands of dol- cuh prizes will be award- . will be the first time w has run four days, a ·elated by the spring show which t new attendance records. lndi ating the magnitude of the event, there are 111 classes of com "lion for private growers '. alone a nd an additional 80 for --------------------------- ! The Southern California Fall Flower show, annually the south- land's largest unW war forced lts postponement in 1941, vi.ill return to the Fannie E . l'tlol'Tison Horti- cultural center ln Pasadena'• Brookside park. October 31 to No- vembe< 3, Lathrop K. Leishman, president or the sponsoring Pasa- dena Flower Show usodation, an- nounced. today. arnat Professional nunery-} Group entries must be in the association's hands by October 19 and those of individuals by Oc- tober 28. it was simultaneously announced bf G. Wyman Hope, men, e garden clubs and flower arran ement contestants will swell he displays still further. Fo large buildings ana the spaci grounds of the horticul- tural center will be required to PallCOad VENmAN BLINDS WOOD • S'fiiZL • ALVJllNtlJ( ..,...T--.-awww , ,_......,._ -"'---- f r·1ends Boost . ~~us· '~:.:;,:;~~ w~c~"~ .. ot'~: ~~o ·s~~~~~~~~ most import-1'"--------------------------' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY letterj defending former Secretary of cqmmercr Henry A. \Vallace,, ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN (Barbor 16") SlS Marine Ave., Balboa hi. PBYSJVIANS -StJBGEONll, DA Dr. W. T. Mooney Pbysldan and Swc- Nballl -O..lnl ..... (k-U ......... ) ........ A nati\·e of his district no\V seeking to represent that same dis- trict in Congress. That's the \\'BY his friends arid supporters describe Ray Adkinson, candidate for that offi ce in the Nov. 5 geni?:ral elec- tion. \\ill ·'lso send us his address. we '-------------' will CfE! only too glad to 9rint the .-------------, 1PID"8IOI.A.N8 a SuaGmc>N& JUI letter !'<Ir . Adkinson \Vas born Nov. 18. 1893 in the mounta ins \\.'hich ;Jcp- arnte Orange and Riverside coun- ties. \'irtually all his adult life has been spent in the san1e dis- trict. ''•here he has become kno\\'Tl as an authority on the problems of the district and its people. He ,,.as educated in Orange county schools, then at1cndcd Pomona college. \,l;•herC' he bccAme a track star, setting a number of records for the quarter, half. and mile raCC'S. He still holds the Pomona colle~e m ile record. F ollowing his graduation from Expert Radio Service +one Beacon 5004-W ~ almer Radio AND ELECTRIC !348 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA I. S. WHYTE INeoJD Tll COlfBVL'l'.&JiT .A.ulborlsed by tbe U nited 8\alel Tr-... Ul7 Departmecit Lo repreee,nt cllenS. la CGIU!rMUOD with lnrcome t&J: maU8'L .A.UDIT8 -lthm BOO&&B&PINO MaVJ<m .,_ u.. ._._. alri.. t:..ta ._ .... _ ~ Mn-.1 Armand Monaco ABCllITECT 81.A W. Bay Ave., lSalboa Harbor l'JU 2721 ,Lakewood Ave. LcMt An«'llel NOrmandy MOS A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN -8URG!:ON lll Coaat Blchway. ~ 1159 Corona del Mar .John K. C. Chong, M. D. l'llyoicl&a and S- 2 -4 7 -8:30 and by appaintment Beacon 5075 1%0 !:aat 18th S- eo.ta Mea, Calltornla Pomona hC' entered the army in ~=~=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::'.'. July, 191 8, and \Vas a ttending 0f-~------------,------------- ficers' Training school '"hen r<'- 1eased shortJy after the end of the \\'ar . He then b<>camc track and class B football coach at Santa Ana High school, pro\'ing t:.'tceP- tionally succc-ssful \Vi.th his track t<'11ms. Y.'hich \\'On a number ol chanipionships. Adkinson also '-'·as tC'achiiig his- .tory, economics and civ1cs \•Jhen named vice-principal of the school. He served in that positio n !or only t\'vo )·cars "·hen C'lected county superintende nt of schools. taking office in January, 1931. He fi l!ed that post continuously until he r esigned in July. 1945. The candidate is 111arricd and ~::::±=====-="-::,,c:.--:-c...:.... has three sons. Ho\\•ard, 25: Bruce, 23, and Don Ray, 19. Bruce is a veteran of World War II and holds the Purple Heart and f\\"O Silver Stars for bravery. Adkinson is a r esident ot La- guna Beach , resid.ing M-t 35-1 N. Coast Blvd. in that bC':tch city. For office supplies, aee the NP"'S-Tlmes. NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9 :SO A. M. TO 1 P. M. Sooth Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's. Elnlns', Villa Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht t3'.':".in, Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hail from L~ dock or float. BALBOA a!!~~l~ FERRY We Lead Southern Cam ..:.... SEA AlS> 24-Hour ; dio Service In the Sa vile Of DS- • YOO& ldllll al fl'l'&'U -YWt O\JJl '°! >ll!>f - Sam's Sea FPod Spa and F1lh et ~-· .. , CHIROPRACTORS Wagner Drugless Institute Dr. Wiibur c. Wacner Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 11120 OoMt 819d., 8outlJ Lacuna 8-h Pbone :oas DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School SO! Conl DAY SCHOOL OPENS oar 1 Gradeo: Coll. l'nlp, Anny G. A. HorUmer,' H. A., <nfonl Prlllcl..-J Pboae Barbor en D!:NTlllT8 Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HO:~ W. Central. Barbor 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH DR. GORDON E. .RAPP DENTIST USS West Cenlnl Phone Barbor ill-' Newport INSURANCE Lincoln National Ufe Insurance Co. ''It. Name lndicat.M It. C'barac1er'' DON .JERNIGAN Phone Harbor !M·B SIB lllarlne Ave. Balboa bl. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen ft' _,.Ae.t•-*,...._ PlaoM--...... ua s. a., a..._ ......_ HORTIClANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Serve by Senlnc Otb•n Belt" .._.llWMimMU ~ -Collfonla OPTO~ I:. T. Batterworill, O. D. Op' ..... Em DAMQlltiJ L&l'IW DllPUCA'l'llD .._ ·1 ,,.. _. 'M, I UM w. a..e.rl .a.-. ft. ..._ 9R.J •••••twm Robert A. Crawford Opt. D. OPl'OWllUft i:,.. J:e u•wt .. Glo"·-• 1'1tte4 tm••.-t••••_. ,... --CllftA .... Laurence R. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon SZl Marine Ave., Balboa bland Plloae Barbor 18%8 Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs. : 1()-12 a.m.: J.ll p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-"­ Hours: 2-!I, ~y Appointment Toleph-8ee""'1 58411 Ul Bl'Olldway Coote - Hilton M. H&rweU, lll. D. 1101 c-tmw.,. Corona del Mar Office Hours: 1()-12; 2-5 Pbooe Barbor lOSI S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 'l 7U WI S. Hill !It.. Loo ~ TUcker 78U By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pboae Barbor l OU . Mo MMJWer: c.n Be.ooa 0069-a X ·Ray Service T. P. Reeder, M. D. Physician and SurS'f'JOD -w. 0..lnl Telephone Barbor - G. N. PEASE, M. D. Couulta&toa-~ Houn by Appointment Pboee Barbor IUl-J 81JKVJ:YOllll Raub & Bennett kz•&J•• ........ ,,. U. Ho:epwt-., ~- Tr' $2 Al PX 1111 W 1117W.Q taill Jrwww;awt•1 ¢ 'I' I ,, -.,Pk Ill PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINSENIWU) . ~ ..,.., 01 Iii ¢ f t I • '1 a Ph. Haft>ar 121111-W J.Sll w. o..a .n..t l ') • • Order Now for Xmas Delivery gu.n -Snowbird -P-14 -~-:-Dm_ghlM Orders filled for Xmas-free storage tnttil spnng p 8al)I llo9&: c.ottn -TrsDen ---all • ...,_,. rt&WIOST 9 41ao& Newport Harbor Fishing News ae11· 11 '7 Sportruhing Assn. of Newport Harbor By' HtJGH McMILLAN See Our SPECIAL PORTRAIT ~ .:;!~ cons~ed of the finest dried -~ <edar and 008t spruce. Bronze fastenings, stainless steel nggmgs, bronze and plastie fittings. . Open Saturday, Sunday and everungs Mesa Boat Co. w Newport Blvd. eo.ta Mma Phone &e.oon 5187-1 One hundred sixty-one marlin a nd broadbill have bffn weighed In so far this season at the New- pon Harbor Master Dock. With the fishing in full swing. veteran skippers are working hard for the honor of being high boat at thf' s. Hill St.. L. A. in 31 minutes on h1'avy tackle from the Dolphin skippered by Eddie Offerle.• Not being satisfied with one. they turn· ed around and caught another marlin weighing 163% pounds on heavy tacfcle in 32 minutes. A t12'1i pound marlin v.·as caught on he&'-'Y tackle in one hour 3.5 min- utes by R . A. Pantages, 6233 Holly- "''ood Blvd .. Holl}~·ood. from the Chinook, skippered by Glen Soden. s1 oo · One Carbon Finish .5x7Size oavta s. Batcb~ Sales Manacer (Proofs Shown) end of the run. Saturday and Sun· ;=--------------~"'.'"--'."'-""'.:"--ii j day's fish included a 110 pound PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR be Co marlin on heavy tackle in 25 Ward & Harrington Lum r . minu••• caught by Ralph Larr•- TEKIAL8 bee. 1306 W. Bay, Newport, from LUMBER A..'"D BUILDING MA . ' the Amiga, skippered by Ernest A 148 pound marlin was caught on heavy tackle in two hours 50 mJnutes by Irvin B. Ga}·er. 993. 3rd St., San Bernardino. from the Skipper piloted by Ed Erickson. Bay Dtsbiet Yanl Pbone 1leacoD 6111 Berry. . ' ' ..... ' 518 COAST MGll\l'AY -AT THE ABCllES A 114 pound marlin on heavy • ,.. GORDON a~ FINDLAY CO!'o"TKACI'OK A.ND BUILDl!Z om..., HJO OoMt BIYd. ~ Barl>or tU CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINE'l'S AND MJIJ,WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. Fresh Daily DeliclOUll Sea Food.I Or, complete equipment when you want to catch your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL A VENUE, NEWPORT BEACH CONTRACTORS'· RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors· • Comet Saws Cement Mixers • Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor \ Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa M .... Going to Build nis Year? Yoo probably have your dream home all worked out In your mind -or maybe your ardlitect or contnctor already bas prepared pl.ans on paper for yon. Electrlclty will have a large part In making c!Nlams of postwar living come true. When you go over the plans with your builder be ..,,.., to ask him about the newest develop- menta In homehold labor aavlng and fmlo- tlOBlll 1-aty. Our Ezperta In everything Mectrlcml ..W be glad to help with layout plaM or problems. One lliiggStloll may make a lot of dlff•- la .. ·~ ol that~ ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 1911 1000 ec-t Hlway Phone Beacon 5407 .&Ille • -r.r..-eia.m,. WUmbcl1• lt••-·e.rIMiece Ot>lee1 EI.ECTRICIANS ().().Two J!'lre Bq111pomat 1w FA<7l'OKI, PL&NT, 8TOSE, OFFICE, PA&M, BO- tackle in one hour by John Peirick 940 S. Oxford. L. 1A .. from the Sun- fish skippered by Edie Cleland. A 174% Pound marlin on heavy tac kle in 50 minul(>! by Ed Read. 94-0 S. Oxford, I. A . .from the Sun- fish. skippered by Eddie Cleland- two fish . one day. Seven marlin were brought in Thursday. A 122% pounder was caught on medium tackle in 45 minutes by Buster Sauein, 3929 Halcon. Long Beach. Calif .. from the Alamo. skippered by Wes Fow- ler. A 171 pound marlin was caught on heavy tackle in 20 min- utes by Ted Von der Ahe, 1162 N. \Vetherly Or., Los Angeles. There's a Warm ~ in Balboa's Heart for Mel Fo d and His Band ~ l .. •. '' • ' . '· .. A 93 ~ pound marlin on heavy tackle in 17 minutes by Hany Kronman, 8851 Encino A v c. , Northridge, Calif .. from the Chi- nook, skippered by Glen Soden. A 161 Y.i: pound marlin on h e a v y tackle in 45 minutes by Stewart Phillips, Riverside," from the' Eia. from the Tight Lines skippered by By IACK FROST · F d jr.. who is 14 and vi.•ho is st dying piano. Some day, his fa er hopes the lad will make a bi hit in the music world. And M mmy Ford says amen to that. M. L. DeGrasse. Mel Ford. maestro of the Bamboo A 129 pounder was caught on Room orchestra in the Bamboo heavy tackle in 45 minutes by Lee Room, Balboa. will shortly say Pratt, Rt. 1 Box 606, La 1'1C'sa. adios to his many hundred of from the Jig An Re-el piloted by I friends in the Newport Harbor skippered by H . P. Younglove. A 1553'. pound marlin on heavy tackle in one hour, 55 minutes by \Vill Barry, 7252 Willoughy Ave., Holl)"A'ood, from the boat Tarnbor. skippered by Lave rne HunL A 165 pound marlin on heavy tackle in one hour b)' Gordon Adgett. 1234 So. \Voods Ave .. L. A .. from the boat Ear l H. skipper("d by Earl H. Hurst. A 1 23~., pound marlin on heavy tackle in 45 minutes by Leo Spitz. 515 Loma \'ista, Beverly Hills, from t he Hoaloha. piloted by D. Dunning. A 2241;\! pound marlin on heavy tackle in one hour 25 minutes by Fra ncis \V~inberg, 551 ¥.i No. Al- fred St .. L. A. from the Sunfish. "·ith Eddie Cleland .. A 129 pound marlin on heavy tackle in l\VO I hours 25 minutes, by C. C. Shaver. Corona de! :\1ar, from the Chcro-- kec, s kippered hy \Vhyte \Vomack. Friday's fish includC'd a 11 l ~ ... JX>Und marlin by Dick Heller, 629 Carr's Fe.ed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- O&lly DellTery-Beacon,5%45 1821 Newport Blvd. OOSTA MESA •l_IALLMARK , CARDS For Birthdays Wedding Anlllvel'!l&ries and Etc. Vaees " .F1gurines Lamps :: Cc&tume Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 o.-n Front We Wrap Gifts EdwarQ C. Frueha n. ' A 152 ~ pound marlin on hen\')' tackle in 25 minutes b:r Fred Pol- le)'. 601 W. 3rd, Do\'-"fley. fro!n thf" Skipper piloted by Ed Erickson. A 135~ pound marlin on heavy tackle in onc hour by B. J . \Vest- land. 4285 Country 'Club Or .• Long Beach. rrom the AtC'C II. piloted by Arthur Taylor. A 175 pound marlin on hcaV)' tackle in It, hours by Ben Van Tress. 537 So. Griffith Park Dri\.·e. Burbank. from the Dolphin \\ith Eddi<' OffC'rlc at the '-"'heel. A 148 1.., pound marlin on he a\" Y t3cklc in one hour 10 minutes by 1\·tax Schultz. 866 So. \Vestern. L. A. frqm !he Skip Along. piloted by C. 1\1 . Tucker. Four marlin came in on Wednes- day. A 123 pounder on heavy tackle in 21 minutes by W. E . Pruessing. 211 N . Oakhurst Dr .. &>\'erly Hills, from the Skip Along. ,,·ith C. 1\·I. TuckC'r piloting. A 1601ii pounder on hea\.":y tackh.' in 3 hours 5 minutes b)• !\ta.~ Hauschild. ft47 No. 1\1)-Ttle Ave .. Pomona from the 1\faurine B. III. skippcrC'd by Alan P . C. Craig. A 130' ... pound marlin on r egula· tion Jig'"ht tackle in one hour 15 minutes by C. F . S1ancliff, 411 1-fel- itropc Corona de! J\1ar, from the Phantom. skippcrC'd by Norman Begg. A 146 pounder on heavy tackle in 45 minutes by Ivan Elhnore, 70~ S. L. A. St .. Anaheim. from the Miss Barbara skippered by Tommy Service. All boats from King's L"tnding loaded up with barr aroda Sunday. Mackerel fishing has been good from the NC'\.\·port P ier. J\.1cCull ah Bros. Barge off Ne\,tpOrt reports mackerf'I, halibut and t-a rracuda being caught. NC'''·port Bay fisher- men have been landing Sp"ltfin croaker on incoming tidC'S 11sing razor clams ror bait. IUILLEY'r REFRIGERnnon JERVICE comPnnY Sal.. -Enctn .. rfllc -8enkle 920 Cout BIYd., Corona del Mu Phone Barbor %'78' Nich~ Ucuna u• "A Place WheTe f ishennrn Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer • Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SPEED Ro~1 E, Manager-JosE"PHINE OQu1sT. OwncT I07 21st Place Newport Beach Special BA TT E R Y S a I e Al IENTION, BOAT OWNERS! Here·s a bargain in BA'ITERIES you cannot. afford to pass up. Bring in your old battery and we will replace it with a new 200-amp.-hr. $56 WILLARD_ BAT~Y. for $25. These are not repaired or rebuilt battenes. They are just as new as if they were shipped to you from the WIILARD factory. But the number is limited -SO DON'T WAIT! • Y0ttr Car •You Boat Modlaale.al J!:Qalrpi•-• • -- We WboleaJe Uid BeCall -- Storey's Battery Senice w .. 1m1..i.ters- <ootween 18th and Magnollal Phone: Beacon 5183 Costa Mesa t's going to be difficult not s ing Mel Ford and his orches- area. tr , around the Bamboo Room li.1el is taking a month's vaca· af er October 6 (next Sunday), for tion and will spend part of it at h and they are s"'·ell guys. Mel P alm Springs. The Bamboo Room saEhe ">ill be back next sum. orchestra expects to be located at m r a nd that is some consolation. a swanky night s~t in t.o:' An· luck, maestro. and best gelC's at th<:' conclusion of his \'a· ..., · hes to the boys! C'ation. ~ The boys vi.•ho make up his or-• • 1 chestra. Car roll Roberts. bass;' y nr Friends and Mu1e Dave Chody, pianist : Roy Holden. £ vibraphone a nd drums, and l\I~l lrs. J . C. Ltonbar ger or Costa F ord. thC'ir leader. have recived M sa, who r ecently under'-\·cnl ::i. se,·eral off<'rs. none of '"'hich they m, jor operation at Sf'asidc hos· ha"'<' accepted. pi 1 • Long Beach, is '"'C'll on the • • • 'v to recovery and is Rpccted AS MEL SAYS .... Ille sy,·ankier (ho e Tuesday. place tops them all and we're g iv-daughl<'r. ''-'ho has been nan1 - in~ it first consideration." ed Charlene An n. \Vas bor n rt•· ThC' BRmboo Room orchestra is ce t\y to 1\ir. and 1\1rs. Charlrs the firs! band formC'd by Ford St rtz of Pon1ona. li.1rs. Stortz is 1 since the "·ar. 1-le tried several th form£>r Arlene Ta ngeman. methods. fi rs! a three-man-orches. da ghtf"r of !\·tr. and 1\·trs. Ra lph tra and then a \5.man·orchestra I Ta geman of 11 3 27th stre('t, NC'\'-"· a nd finally he decided that an or· I po t, and Pomona. chestra likC' lhe present one was 1arriage licenses were issued the most advantagrous a nd dance las \\"ffk to Ralph \Vilson \Vads. fa ns and music lovers think so, Sa ta Ana. and J ulia A. \Villa rrl 100. 1\1el. of ~iesa: to Donovan South- "Just th<' four of us." says ?wfel wol-th and 111ar\•ene Larie Lundy, as though he "'ere t alking of a Baiboa: to Donald Ra ndolph Kit· family and kids. chij\i..., and Emma Jean F itzv.'ater . , \VE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PORTRAITS Studio -·Home -Church Be S~ to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! Ford tried unsuccessfully to Coflllt Mesa. and to H.a rvey J ames enlist in a military service during an4 Dolores Irf'ne BalJo,ve, Bal- the last "'ar a nd was turned 004. down ; he decided that he could ltfr. and Mrs. John S.celsa Jr.. 10 A. M. to 7 :00 P. M. Dall)'--Ot:her 11me by Appointment best ser''(' his count ry by enter-21d Knox street. Costa MC'sa. ar ~ --------------------------- ing a defense plant. He "'as em-pa ents of a son. born St:pt. 19 at. ;----~---------------------, ployed by lhe Swed.low .Aero St. Joseph hospital and weighin¥ company at Glendale. and while se" n pounds, 14 ounces. ther e he gave 12 pints of blood son was born Sept. 20 in St for servicemen. Jo ph hospital to li'lr. and Mrs . ~ • • • Me ry P em berton. 222 3.1rd .;trect. get overseas," l'v1el says. "but I 'm po . four ounces. Cocker AKC Puppies -8tud Servloo- PllONE BEACON 5808-J' "I MAY NOT have been able to Ne~rt Beach. He \.\'CighPd seven almost sure the plasma I gave r. end Mrs. Richard McCune.I L----""----------------------~ bcnefitted some v.·oundc-d fighter." 1~~ 1h East Centr al avenue, Bal- '.?5'?8 Newi)ort Blvd. C.0.ta Meaa It did. l\1el. the Red Cross can . "'elcomed a daugh!er, born assure you or that . Se t . 20 at S a nta Ana Con:muni1 \' Before organizing his O\.\'n or-ho ital and \vcighing eight pounds chestra. ~tel Ford played l'ith on and a half ounce's. other bands. such as Freddy Slack. was a daughter for Mr. end Eddic !\tiller and Harry O"·ens for l\1 . J. F . Plaski, 545 West Hamil· periods of from nine months to to street, Costa Mesa, born Sept. t\.\'O seasons. 19 ·n Sa nta Ana Community hos· The Mocambo. the T'rocader o. pit and weighing six pot:n::!s, 14 the Ambassador and the Grove o ces. '-"'ere some of the Southern Cali· ------- fot-nia night spots and the St. tch tape, various sizes, on Francis in San Francisco and the sal at the News-1lmes . El Cortez hote l in San Diego were -=+===========::; a few of the swanky places where i he played with these orchestras. li.1 e l "·as born in Russell, Kansas. • • • H E IS ~·1ARRIEO-his wife WU Lillian Arnett, who was a saxo- phonis t with an all·girl orchestra "'·hich "''as playing the Fanchon· Marco circuit in the west "''hen Mel came along and said, "Honey, you're th€' one for me." The F ords have one son, Mel FOR INSURANCE !ID Howard W . Gerriab Plloae &e.oon 6161 Automobile ° Fire Accident • Life License and Contract Bonds Written DORALEE'S we have now lnclnded Venetian Blinds to onr stock. Custom Sl~p Covers -Draperies 311 Marine Avenue Balboa Island NO PLACE IN TOWN • Hamburger!; Malts Sundaes SERVES LIKE THE • Coffee and Donuts Waffles Quality Lumber and Building Materials • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. DOllUTc&w'AFFLE SHOP R. E. HOSTETLER Pllone B• ooa 5015 S05 MARINE A VENUE BAI.BOA ISLAND "-~ -Oewae -U.C I Open Evadap u.w .. ~ ~ -w ... -.. MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE f1nt a.. Mee• elceJ Woll< llOTOll8 REB'llJLT • -.u ... • llP"'Dlt7 • 1501 WEST CEN'.J'RAL A VENUE PHONE BARBOR %125 ·- Have this 4-Point Check • Auto Painting $50 ......... ' """Cll<-<JP e TAl.'YW ... ,, ...... ~-·m ···=·-e I01'iiiWWW -nca ..ttJp ' I \ .. • \ .. Interest cost decreases as the loan is paid oJJ. You will lilce our plaA. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL S A V INGS and LOAN ASSO C1ATIO N :J3 3 3 VIA L I DO PHONE HARBOR 1500 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF'ORNIA as You Would Prepare it BALBOA ISLAND On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at - - - CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1818 N-iiort Blvd. CURB SERVICE Costa Mesa Under New Management sos Radio-Electric Island Record Effective October 1st The Modern Store With Modern Merchandise . • PW:LCO Shop • GENER.-\L ELECTRIC e ADMlR.:\L • uot-,;~tAs e 'PAC KARD BELL • ""ILCOX G :\ \' RECOROIO Complete LlnP of P opular Brand Records Radio and Appliance Service Specialists Cu stomers Now on Mercha ndi se \Xfai tin g Lis t Will Reta in Th eir Prior it y Henry W. Brainerd New Owner Manager Harbor 780 Balboa Island 300 Marine • ~o 0 0 \\"N P,\\'XENT LAWN SPRINKLER • "" MONTHS SYSTEMS TO PAY on FHA Terms • Lasts a Lifetime • Makes Sprinkling'Easy • Lowers Water Bills • Pays for Itself -PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE-~ Golde• hie Sprinkler Co. 105 w. l'Vtll -I Federals Offer Assist Veterans Drop ~ner Nel!J>Orl f!arbor Feels Legionna~ Will Beach Gndders First Rain of Season Dance This Evening · . A dance will be held tonlght at u.,111 fNm. Pap: l ) Fnt rains of the season fell American Legion Post 291, NeoN· ent over for the second six on ,Newport H~ Sunday and port Beach. for Legionnaires., their • (Cont. From P age 1 ) Mesa contractor to learn why the veteran's papers were taken in the first place and why they have not been returned to him . • 'Ille greatest drawback in speed- ing up action on vetttan1' build- ing is the fact t hat purchase ord- ers for building tnaterial are made out improperly. "Purchase orders m ust be accurate in order to be rated a nd valid to the vendor of material," Handy expl&ined. If not properly filled out by the "'·ar veteran, the vendor can Ignore the order and the federal gover'nment has no basis on \\'hich to interfere. A T·T ENT I 0 N ! Home O\vners! Th...., Add ~taximum Comfort. and Good Looks to Your Home: Slats-0-Wood AWNINGS and CANOPIES -•l"fl permanent and offer utl9fa.ction not f(&lned from any sub8tltutJon. • •• ConMllt wttb thOM!I that ha\'e them •••• We ha\·e the answe r for e ve ry awnlug or canopy _problem. Also: Quick Delivery on Quality Venetian Blinds Wood - -Allum --Steel For Free Estimates Call : 1L.ATS·U·7NDDD AWNING CO. 110 So. l'bllodelpllla St. Anahelm Ph. M 70 or 800 No.. Drake St., F'Ullerton Ph. less-.1. Re\-e.ne Toll Chgea. \'l'terans or~aniz:at ion f:roup. in- jl'Ctl"d the rC'n1ark th~t his com- n1it tC'C implor<'d cvciry city council in !he county and cvt·n t he ho:ird or supcr\isors not to sanction the issuance of permjts ror builcU ng ,,·ork in their conlmunitics unt il a ll applicants ha\'C author:izations from eithC'r the CP.t\ or the F'C'd- l'ral Hous in~ adn1in1s tration. Sc,·cral ''·ar \'l"tera ns complained t hat contr actors "·ere ( 1) absent- ing then1sclvcs rron1 building GI homes to devote thei r time to erecting commercial buildings; C.?J one contractor \\·as allt'gcdly seen to carry 3\Va}' Iumb<>r intended for a GI house and use the same to build a cocktail bar in Santa Ana. Benson Slain in Duel With FBI in Dakotas The name of John FGrcder ick Benson, rugitive from justice, w as scratched orf the list at N ewport Beach police station Wednesday, when news was received that Ben- son was killed in a gun duel with FBI agents in Sanish, N. D. last Saturday. Benson ~:as wanted for the shooting of an F BI agent at Kackley. Kansas. He was 31 years old. "ANNOUNCING" A New Service to the People of t he Bay Area Your PWUng and Decorating Done by Expert Palnten. \Ve have a \•eteran crew of painters and paperhangers waiting ., to do your job. All work is given a written guarantee. Call us for a free estimate. BURTON PAINT STORE "Service Is Our 8l'5iness" PHONE BEACON MOS-M 1684 NE\\TORT BLVD. Durin~ thC' a rtC'rnoon. !<.1arston E. Jon<'s. Lucin l .. l 1pp and ).1 . A. Gau('r headed disC'ussions on the thcn1<': "Ho'"'' n1us1 the educational pro~ram IX' adjusted to mC"Ct the problems of lhC' atomic age?" ,\rthur F'. Corr>y. S{'('rC'tary, ~outh­ l'rn sl'ction, lnlifornia TeachC'rs' as.,(l('iri iion. addrC'~sed thf' C'IC'men- (ary di\'ision. Helen HC'ffernan. chief of elemC'ntary education for th<' stttl<', nnd Or. Frederic P . \\'OC'lln r r . 11rofl'ssor of C'ducation. UCLA, conc\Udl~d thl" elenlen tary pr o(:"rAm. e Ne\\"POrt Harbor Kiwanis ~old Ladies' Night "The Atomic Ag('" \Vas the topic clu will hold a ladies· night pro- for I he> secondary divi&ion. C. E. gr~ -.!1_t the \Ve I come cafe in Gilpin. education departmC'nt, Or-Costh..,Mesa Wednesday. ang(' county, presided. The speak-;:::::+=========== department of political science. Sell Your C'rS \\'l're Dr. Algcrda.s N. Cheledl•n . 1 . and Dr. Paul Sheats, associate prorcssor or education, both of UCLA. A panel discussion and Automobile to group confer<'nce fo llowed. The topks timely, the necessity OE NICKERTZ or the meeting imminent, in that the population of California has increased over two million in the past six years and is now increas- ing at the r ate or over one hun- dred thousand per month. The teacher shortage is acute and California will need forty thousand additional teachers in the next eight years, according to county educational supt>rintendcnt Sim- mons. \'ETERAN FORD DEALER Rl.lLO!i' BODY S HOP BLDG . IS COSTA M_ESA AREA tudebaker Deale~ I will pay you top legal ceiling price. If you have a spare or a second car , trade it nmv for ·a- 947 STUDEBAKER Delivery a t a future date OE NICKERTZ .. • .3415 W. Central Ave . Newport Beach F'ord dealer Theodore Robins told reJXlrlers last \\'eek he \~·ill begin cons~ruction imm<'di ately on a nl'''' building in Costa Mesa, housi ng a romplC'te body a nd paint shop for all makes and types of automobiles. Ground '''as leased ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from Charles Te-V.l inklc on the ~ "'cst sldC' of the 1700 block on -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [ N e,,·por t boulevard r or 1 he rs ta b-l lishmcnt. Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA MEREDITH'S Palm Ave. 307 Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Maallfadurms of Omtom Built Blinds Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates I The veteran F ord d ist ributor \\'aS thP fi rst nutomobilf' dealer in the llarhor a rea a nd Huntini,:ton Beach. l·fis £>xpansion progra m had been pla nned for several Y"ars but lhC' rl'Ct'nt ,,·a r had intcrferred. A Ford shOY.TOOnl and used car lot \\·ill hr addC'd to the body and paint ~hop ~s soon as the move is possiblt'. Stanley Is Host A..<iscmblyman -elect Ear I W . Stanley ""'iU bl' host to a party in- cluding Los An geles County Di~­ tri ct At tomev Frederick Houser at breakfast in the Castaways club \ Wednesday. Houser is the Repub- lican cand.ldate for state attorney. Pueuc NOTICES NOT ICE OF INTENDED SALE Under ~<'tlon 3••0 of t be Ci"'ll Code Qt eau ronil.I.: • NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN: That J lU"k Aylinc and Donald V. Muncy . \'endora. 'lll'h~ &ddreq U care of RAM F.NGJ!\'EER.ING co .. at the foot of 28th Stl"fft and The Rhine Channel. Poa1 Office Bo:r N o. 433. Ne•- poM Be.M b . Callfornl&. In tend to .ell to C. R. Rustenb&cb. Ve.ndff. whoee addreM I• the eame u th&t of Vend.-on . the rollowln,; ducrtbed pet'90oal property : All or the fixturn. equipmen t . machine~· a.ad aawt.I and r ood-•111 of RAM ENGI:\"l:ERJSG CO .. located at the root of 28th Slf'eet and '!be Rhine Channel. In t he City Of Ne"W"PC.>M Be&cb. County or Orange, State of C&lllorn.J a. 11.Dd that a a&le. tr&A&fer and Ulign· meat of all the rlsbt. title and -ln-ternt of Vendon In aatd bwilnea .... u1 bt: made and the conalderaUon the.re- for paid at 10:00 o·tJoclt a.m. on cbe 8tb day of October. 1'4$ at the olflff• of HARBOR ~ OOKPA...1'i T . at SOth a.ad ·w-Omtrsl .AftDUN. lft t.be CitJ' ol N~rt 8Mch.. CallfonU&. Dated: SepL 2"7 . lM&. 011 Stat.. IDglnny -ll50ll Newport Beocb hy Suffer? E. P . BALL, D.C., PILC. 1nn.d8- Nowpon -Calif: ...._._llM . -.:-1111 : --. -n.-... ·-..... .....-..,. ..,,., 0 JOHN AYLING. 001f:4LD v. KUNCT, . v...ion.11....--l~~~~~~~~~-' ============================================~Pub.Oct.I ..... Monday. TIM! r~all of Sunday wives and guests . lasted but_ 10 mmut? and was Preceding the dance Post Com· ~ea'"Y, while Monday s rain was mander Earl Coppenmith •111 light and lasted an hour. open a meeting of the members of the post at 8 p.m. 1be dance will folio"'· with refreshments. Cement and l'1apioDe Coatrador 11..AT WOU AlfD JOUJQ),t.'ftOJfl • r.c•-·· P & F LIGHT PLANT 8ALl:S AND SERVICE Service Uld l'MC& for Fann Uld Boat Lip.t Pluta 8taDdard Batteriee WaUer P p+ 1585 N-rt Bini. Coot& - <f!13alboa rlf et More Tllan SO Yeus of Sen1ee to the llarbol"1 SOI MAIN Fl.nest Cllftltele BALBOA, CAI.IF. THE SHADE SHOP Announces Its Opening • -..J Agents for AERO Custom built Venetian Blinds !\Vood or Aluminum \Ve will soon be able to take orders also for Qua lity S hades to fit your windows Fast Service Assured Free Estimates Zl3 20th St. Newport Ph. Harbor 1570-\V SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 ljoast Highway 101 Pbooeae.-MJ.t • • ttt Moortnp and oi-e a,,.n.h!t for Boats for SAie Paddle Bouda for Beat by the WMk or -th. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTBAcrOB CEMENT WORK F1at Work or Foundations CALL l 0 2 2 -I FOR INFORMATION Florence Bakery Main Street Balboa NOW CLOSED for Several Weeks We take this opportunity to thank our many pa- trons and friends for their liberal patronage. Watch Our Window for Ope~g Date Mr. and Mrs. Edward Flrb8nk - ' . • ' Ebell Club Spruced Up for Fall Opening, New Committee Members Announced EbeU club members. coming for the flnt fall meeting on Thuf"S"' day. will find the familiar tan building covered with a ne\.v coat of paint in fresh and attractive White. It was applied l\1onday, and last ~·eek the kitchen alS\1 re- ceived a decorative coat in prep- aration for the fall ch1b seascn. Kaiser and Mrs. Sam Klnsfather. Reservations. Mn. Alrra K. Harbor Phones 13 and 208 Newport Members Hostesses to FAC Bridge Section Se\'en tables ~·ere in play fol· lo1A•ing a delicious dessert luncheon when the br idge section of the Fri- day Aftr .. noon C'!ub \Vas entertain- ed recently in the Newport Beach home of Mn. G. V. Un...<>E-nba.rd. M rs. Henn· Eggert was joint hr.is- tess. • - Feminine Oet.olter I lNI Ac ti ities • Phone 1637-R Costa_ }viesa PT A ,- Will '1c:et Tuesday Costa r;t*:sa Gtammar School Parent-Teacher association will hold the· first m eeting of the year Tues y, Oct . 8 at 2:30 p.m. in the in school auditorium with the introduction or nev.• teact1ers d a talk by Superin- tendent erett R ef\. The change Cub Pack 110 Committee to Meet Wednesday CUb Scouting will get under way for Pack 110 of Corona del Mar- Balboa ls.land \\'ith a committee meeting to be held Wednesday evening at 7:30 at. the home of Mr. and l\!rs. Jack l\fason, 119 Crystal avenue. Balboa Island, when it is expected a CUbmaster will be ~lected and plans made for the fi~t pa.ck meeting. Commissioner Robert Eastman will be present and committee members are Bob C.ook, Jack Ma- son , Harold Holtz. George L. Guthrie and Harry Blodgett. • "Cap'n" Don's l\!onroe Manning is the sched- uled speaker for OJ>('ning day on ,••tt Happened in the Theater ," and the r.ew president. i\.1rs. Bruce Me-- Bride, announces that Mrs. J . Lc3- lie Steffensen, director or th'! Cecilian Singers of Santa Ana anfl resident of Corona del ~1ar, '~:il1 be guest soloist; also rha< ~·rrs. Sidney Blackbeard will be in charge of the tea table Committe<'S announc~.:d by ~lrs . McBridt" include: Program, ~trs L . L. Isbell, chairman. :o"lrs. Harold Woldenberg. ~t1·s Obed Lucas and ~frs. \Vayne I-larpcr; \o\'ays and means, :\lrs. F A. \'oung, chairman, J\fr!';. Albert Redden, Mrs. George \\'altC'rs, Mrc;. ;\) !-lor- vath, J\lrs. Roh<>rt \\'a\l;t·r, l'-lrs. George II Strick1·r. ~lrs f!C'inz Blodgett, chairman, Miss ?.farcia Coombs; holl§e, Mrs. S. Heyman, chairman. Mrs. Roger Wood; mem- bership. J\1Mi. P . J . W ilson ; wellare. M.rS. E . E. Boudinot ; arts a nd crafts, Mrs. Vernon Orr. chair- man. Mrs. A1bert Redden. Mrs. C. L. Thom; book sectio n 1. Mrs. Obed Lucas. leader : book sect:on 2. Mrs. H . V: Snodgrass. leader ; bridge section (~·h ich mef'U the third Thursday a t the clubhouse I. l\.1rs. S. W . Blackbeard, chairman, and ri-trs. H . M. Webh, co-chai.r- man; reception. Mrs. Wayne H&r- per, chairman. Mrs. H. E. Free- man, ?.-trs. H . 1\1. \Vetch; publicity, Mrs. L. L. Isbell: Fede ration, Mr~. Robert Ja)-Ted ; courtesy, ri.trs. O. Z. Rober tson. Mrs. H arold \Voldenber~ is di- r ector or music with Mrs. Harold Ahrendt as accompanist. and Mrs. Robert L. Jayred is chairman of the fall bazaar. ~·tiich is to te held Novemberr 16. Included a mong the brid~e en- thusiasts attending the &!fair were Mesdames Charles a.tcAJarv, Josi.ith Kirby, Cornelius Plas, ·William Kredel. G . F . Ludlow, H. H. Lie- nau. Heinz Kaiser, Frank Tu'it· chell. E. I. ~oore. Jerrold Spang- ler. W. E. Nick£'11. G. H . RidJ£')', Florenct" Shearer. Edith Cooper, EugE>nC' Fenr lon. Boyd Roberts. E, J . \\'right. Geor~e Gay, C. G. Hus-' ton, Charles Andrews. C. F. Hand. Fred 1-lauck. T . V. Parkes, l\1isse!! Alice Plumer ::ind Lyda Cona nt. !n mtttinf d ate from the first Tuesday ""faS caused by the legis- lative instJtUte held at Orange on that day. I All modi~ are in\'ited to at- tend &ndamall Children \Vi}I be taken car or on the playground. or if the Welilther is bad. in a schoolroo . Oen Mothers will meet at the Mason home at 9:30 8.m. Friday morning for coffee and doughnuts. and to reorganize and discuss plans for the year. Volunteers ~;n be needed as many Den Mothers have left th£' communit:,• ot have had Cubs advanced to Scouting. e~,i • Drive Carefully-S pare a J...lfe WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A . CHARGE ACCOUNT (90 -60 -90 Days) Marbro's Invite )'DY to come in and open a dlarge account. Our stocks are complete with the Ja tes'l styles of Ladies' Fine Apparel. Nationally Advertised READY -TO -\VEAR mRRBROS c/ania an.a- !18 WEST 4.TR ST. PHONE 1402 Store Uours: Daily Including Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P . 111. Indnriduahty for t'1e '"M other·to·be ' • • If w e do !10t have 1t, we 1na.~e it, yo u see! 'Donna-vrcarie Shoppe Ila N. Mala St. Arcade Blq. Phone 8808 Blanket Club We Have Received Another Shipment of S!. Mary's a'nd Chatham Blankets ' Pay for Them on Our Club Plan at 50c Per Week Ideal Xmas Gifts You don"t need to worry about stora ge space ... we will store them for you. Orkin's Department Store 1198 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Bal-llm lllda:· Rarf>or lOllll llALBOA. CALIP'. • Hours: 10-6. Evenings: Mon., \Ved .. Fri .. Sat .. 7 to 9 Gabardine Slacks Hand Picked Excellent Tailoring. Good Variety of Colors , --·· Water Repellent Zipper Jackets Woven of "Qui> House Fabrics". Does not have to be reprocessed after cleaning. Colors: Tan. Blue, & B1'0\\'ll The fi t board m('('ting was hcld last }ruesday in thl.' kinder- garten \\>it~ Mrs. Kenneth Stewart presiding. I Mrs. Lloyd Salisbury, Mrs. PauJf·orn1an and Mrs. Joseph Hamblet ·ere appointed as dell'· i:::at£'s to tend the IC'giSJativ.-in- stitute. (J~ "Moot Unique and Artlstlo Eat-00 f Club Meets Ing-l'tMle on tbo Weot Cout" At Island Home o.;; .... Mrs. Walte r Nollar or Newport Combination Island \vas hostess Friday evening . Di"nners to the D.D.F . club. When bridge . ~cores \\'ere rounted at the close ~ of the e\·e'.ning Mrs. Harr)· Baker Ne\\' and Unusual N Q ht held high a nd Mrs. Ray Craig held Seafood Spect"altt"es ew aug er at 80 honoL A midnight supper com-· Doug l1s Pries t Home pl('tCd a delightful e\'ening. LJ.. Cub Pack 105 ) Organi zes for Year ) r\ttendf'd by 60 par<>nrs. Scout t Members present included the> For Reaen·atlons orriCt'rs and commit teemf'n, <in o r-l\IR. AXD !\IRS. Ll'!'\-~ KEPPER or Corona d~I ~l ar a~ sho"·n In a ~<i nizar ion · mC'eline: of CUh Pack pen!Uve n1ood n.,i thf'y have dinne r in the pretentious. ('a.'>IA""•.'"'' r lub · · l\1esdames Sheldon Smith. Roy BE AC ON Mr. and -!rs. Douglas Priest. 920 Coast higj"'ay, ar c parents of a P age, Le\\is Cox. Ray Craig. Roger 5 4 6 5 daughter, born SPpt. 27 in St. Barro\\", Harry Bake r and the hos- less. i\lrs. Nollar. The next meet-f ill Joseph hof·taJ. Sh£' \\'C"ighed seven in~ \,·ill be October 11 at the home Formerly Mona's Nlpt Club, O\'erlooklnit Balboa Rily , ~ote the bashful E,·a TanKUa:-i· IRn1 1, on 1f)5 ,,·as h<>ld Friday C'\'£'nin~ at t he t.able. Both lan11» and t able "·f're hanll-fa'>hionf"d b.v thf' lnlnilt - l lhe :\"e\\l)OT'I Beach Grammar• able Don Olckt>rmll!!.-__f"a.;;ta "·a)'S sklpixr. -Krnt i·litchcock photo. srh<l'll auditorium \\ith Cubmaster C 'JJ pounds a nine ounces. and has Newport Beach lx><>n nam Katherine l\1argaret. of l\1rs. Josephine Oquist, NC'\\'-1,_ ____________ _, Grand par t s of the bab)' are !\1 r .r-o ·;;;;r;;t ;;H;;;;e;;ig;;h;;ts;;;;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,. a nd ?i.1rs. harles Priest. ,: 11. n . Boyvcy in charge ap1 a Circle Hea rs Claremont Speaker ParC'nts of n£'\\' Cubs ~ol ac-T J l f D p A d d b F quoinl<'d wi1h Cuhhing. hoys ""''e e 0 is trict rojeCtS i e y und I T'l'J{JSf('r('d, thC're was a g"C'neral T Herbe ta Johnson di1;cussiQn of problrms and the hrt't' c1•nts fl day SPf'n1s a ..:m::ill a1tend for \':lC'<111ons. as \\'ell ai::. rroc:-rAn1 for thr :'7'f'ar \\·as outlined. s.um ind(·f'd. hut tht· c::()O{f it ran young P""; i .... of thf' churchf's. Honor d.; at Redlands I do \\'a.s i.,::rHphil·nlly r l'h11 rd hy ~1rs . l\lrs. 0 Z. llolx'rlson presidC'd , :-..·am£'c ac; aids to 1\fr. l3o)".'£'Y F-1· \" ( d I ,1,·ss I' rb"rta Johnson. dau•h-rank 1n yarnpr o Clar('mont. ;in \\'e comf'd ri J.:1rge group of -. ~ ,,.. I \\'C'r(' (\\'O nssislant CubmaslC'rS. k c ~ l"r or 'Ir ~nd l\1rs. 11 ... r .... ~rt John-\\"nrrc·n \\'ri~C'r and RobC'rl RC'ed . ~pra C'r 11 1 !hf' f_irst s~asonal m~Ct· •10th old and n 0 t'\\' n1cn1hcr~. l\lrs. • •• N B ,Fw Bal 'fh p t 'r h . ·r 1ni.:: of !ht~ C:.1pllla C1rclf' of Cor-F£'ri,:uson IC'd tn dC'''ol i"n" !\1rs son. 1111 t Orth a,y ront, • r t\ 0 1 ... ;~~",n · ,•aflc · ''rhasGsocia ion ona df'I :\T ar ch11reh. h1•ld in l h£'ll E. 1\ K. l·laC"kf'tl \\"i!S ;1 pnf.1i~T('.ci I boa ls\a;;:i. J nd gradual(' this year c1 l' :,.,., "f)()r e11c r<1111mar · . · ' ( N' · H bo U · H . h ' I · r 1 Cul k socud hall \\ rdnesdav. hosf('ss chairma n fnr th(' )<'ar to o e" rt ar r n1on 1g Sf' 100 s IS !ipnn.;;or 0 t le l pac s I . . -. . " h I tP'; . d I h r b d M \ .. I p k" d" ~Ir" \\':lrn1•r and her •1u -1i·~nd replace' 7\trs. J . 11 1;,:!111•h .c oo . r ,\e t 1c onor O e-an 1 rs. 10 a rr ins, coor 1-• · • • " " •• ~ · . 1 · h , f h f h n·11o f p k 10-• 'l J k ''l'rt· :-n1s<:i11n·1rif's in I nd1·1 a 11d o n£' ~lri::.. ll<'rhC'rt King or Lido Isle ing c osen secrelar) o t e res • , r or nc .1 anu iv rs. ac · ·" · -' ' T R di d · . _. !\Jason, coordinalor for P ack 110 of !ht• p!'oji'c1c; for ,,·h1C'h this i::a1n.-. :1 T«'f'Ort on tht' thank of-man cla51 at ~ Ian sd un_1\('fri-1\ty, D . . ' thnnk offL·ring of th,."" '"'"its a f{·rtng. An in\·ita11on ,,·ns e'IC'nrt-,,·here sho matr1cu ate this al. '''£'r(' present as ,,·as 1str1ct Com-d I 1 S · -j>-·-· ------1nission,...r Rnh('r[ Eastman and lhC' day ~ocs. 1:-1 th1· '''Ork of IJr. f.11:u-e l~· t 1£' nn1 .1 Anfl t:rnup to l , pack treasurC'r, 1\.trs. RogC'r~ hnC'k in f(•achin.:: th(' illtt .. r11\'" of mC'ct_ \\'1th lhC'nl on l!ctol ,t•r ~,~ NOff ES of the l\fC'mbrrs of th(' pack rommittl't'l !hat coun1ry to rrad. fhl.' organiza-a nd it ,,·ns \'Olf'd to ace(•pt :\'r s. B lb Y ht Cl b ,,."r" J :ick Rauh. \\"illiam C'ovl"'rt .I tion suppl) int: Christian litt•raturt· Ji. C'arrlo7a Sloan announcN.I the a . Oa ac U Robert RC'('d , Tom 1-l<'ndr rson and i to lhC'n1 aft1•r they ha\'(• hl't'O ml' n1usic ('(lmn1irtt't' is sponsorinc: a I \\larrcn \\"<>iscr. I prnficiC'n t . lx>ncfit program for the .~l'~<ln The nelv Lightning Cl'lSS, ram- Thursctay of this \\'C'ek at 10 This pa.st yf'n r thf' ,,omen of fund. It '''ill br hrld thr second ous on t~e East Coast1 is to be ,,.c<'k in '.\'o\"'nll>"r. w1"\h ,\0 a11°rt" or ganizect1 at BYC and <:pursors rt .m . a l)(>n l\lothC'rs' mC'eting '''JIJ tht• Southrrn CaJ1 furn ;a-~ou1h'''''SI ~ " ' ,. ' · · · n~ G~J 0n as gU"S\ art 1"··1 ar£' \'iCT'wmn1odore Bob Boi•d. J-be h<'1d <1.t thi." Boyvey home, 1139 dist ril'.'t raisC'd S1S:fl90 through the ~ ..... "' '· '"' · "" \\'<>st C'Pntral avenue ,,·ith all Ot•n ofrcrini;.: Three prQjects arc un-An intC'r£'sting progran1 to '':hich r>Qsio, Ba l;arfl ~1ctcalf. Bart l l"n· the public is cordial!) in\'itcd is drrson, oncl Evans. F:arl Young ;\fothcrs and others interestcd dertakt•n each yt.·11 r. one a\,\'ays be-h~ 1 d r F-d and La , \\"h-l"r. The 19-foot k-..1 sc •:uU C' or ri ay C\'f'ning-. Ort. ..,, '-' 11s L"-1 to att£'nd. A Den l\lother ing nC'\t'. 'rhe SC'COnd one is 1-iome 11 h ~I d •1 sloops ca1v. a parachuto..' spinnaker is nC'C'dC'd for the section near 36th l\1issions. to £'Stablish church£'~ in · \\' en · r . an 1' rs. \VarnC'r \\'ill show colored pic tures of I ndia at and they ill t>e built at the Sham-srrrC't. Mrs. Boyvey reports. this rountry and the third is thC' the church social hall. rock Boa \\'orks. Costa Mesa. I '.he rirst pack m~etin1<: will be Congregational church summer In the . c. cre\\.'S' raC'e 6 f Sept. , a . . a : p.m . in camp a I gr inl tnC's. w er... 15 Fred chenck in No. tO \\·as F'rid· y Oct JR t 7 30 · t p ·1 · p · h ,., The next regular meeting of the l lh" •rammn • hoo\ aud·t · r s h Jd ·th circle \\ill be held o n \Vedncsway, ... .. , r "c 1 or1um sun1mer con C'r l'ncC' are C' \VI first. B. acobs \Vi th No. 30 \Vas "th r · h r· r \ d U d · Oct. 23. a nd thC' bazaar '"ill be \\'l a program o impromptu t e 1ncst o c-a t'rs. n erpr1v-second a d 1-lelmer :Jickc y, skip- stunts . ileJ,:ed young people are aided to Friday. Oct. 25. Mrs . Robl'rtson is pering NO. 29, v.•as third .. general chai.rman ror the bazaar. The p l C. Association held a assisted by l\.'lrs. Sidn<>y Black-l Vacation-Bound Corona del Mar Matrons beard. Lunch will be served at meetin~ recently and ~ecide1 to ' hold theil' annual dinner a nd elec-H on ored at Pretty Desse rt Br1·dge noon at • mocterato •rec and a ny· uon somi time in 0ctober. when one having fcxx1 to donate tc.. th~ _.. · fcxx1 booth may call Harbor the \vintt program of racing \\i ll No surprise par1y is quit£' as Orleans and in Florid a . During be made~ut I n October they \viii much fun as one that turns out : their abs<'nce Bill Kemper will re-l008-W. also hold th~i r third annual inter- to he-a double surprise. as \\.'as n1ain at !hf' hon1c. l\1r. Rnd ?t1rs . In charge of various booths are: team r a with San Diego Y~ch t thf' l'asc "·hen J\1rs. John Sad.leir Meador l<'B\'£' Octohc-r 6 and will Gifts. 1--lrs. J ohn Sadlcir, l\.1rs. E. 1 b h p c f Los , 1 cu . t e i . .s rom -"'nge es and l\'lrs. Sidney Blac-kbl'ard t·n· I spend a month .in l\-t issouri. \\'hi\e A. K. Hackett and 1\.-trs. Ronald Yacht cl b joining in for the first !£'rlainC'd Fridlly "'ith a d£'SS£'T't l\.frs. Blackbeard is 1£'aving Oc-Ek>rnasconi; aprons, l\.·frs. H. K. time. bridg<> at the Blackbeard home.I tober i to spend t'''O "'eeks \\'ith A11£'n, J\lrs. Grorge Bates and Mrs. N mbc ece tl c tcd NI.ck Hau•n°ss .· plants and b•\bs, (>\\' ~ rs r n Y a ccp 216 Orchid avt•nue, Corona del I her mother in ()h10. ., ... .. t BYC iwere S J Alde n E s l\'lrs. H. Cardoza Sloan and • .• !rs. a 1 · · · -· · !\>tar. For th<' dl'SSl'rt course ice cream Poirier Td Fred B. Smr.ies. Thl' part) \\'as given in honor 1 '''as mould(·d in the forn1s or var-L. A. Norman ; cooked rooct. !\Irs. _ l\'Ir~. J ohn :\1 C'ador. both of \\'horn thl'lll(' of the floral d£'corations. Kjng and Mrs. Hoyt ; fish pond, of ::\1rs. Arthur t\. !\:<'rnPt'r nnd ious rall flo"·ers, repeating the Sidney Blackht:>ard, ri-trs. HC'i-bcrt I ~ art' 1£'aving thi~ \\'l'l•k on \t&C:ttions.I Find \\"as ~£'r\·('d ''Ith t'''O big l\1rs. Coop and Mrs. Gus: ave They \\'t•rr shO\\'£'r1 •tl '''ith prf'lt~ 1.:u('uanu t t'akC's . \.rupr : '''hite C'lrphants. Mrs. handkerchif'fS, and after all h{ld flridt· pri 7•'S \\'L'rr handker-l-{ar~y Stauch and Mrs. George hi'Pn £'Xan1inC'd and nrln1i rC'd , lht'' ('hl•'rs. :i.nd \\(•flt to ~lrs. l\·1ary1 Lt:''V.lS: bahy booth. l\!lrs. Rot>f'rt L. £'Xfr"1 ~urprisC' c.;mp \\"ht~n :\!rs { '"'\''l'll. ,, ho ht•ld high "l'Of'l•: ~lrs. Callis a nd 1'·1rs. JI. Lynn I-I uglies; I R\;u.:kht--ard, \\'hl1 is also )('avin2: I.\ \'. Jldls. st•('(lnd. and :\1rs. GC'r-luncheon comn1i11ee. l\trs. Fran!< ttus "''f•k for lhl' t•;i ..-:1 . (nund hC'r-.1111 f11t ('htl". IO\\ ;\lrs. !!arr) PO\\·ers, l\·trs. Lo\\'C'll Ne\vlon and srlf H Th ird h1)nOl'f't' as \\'('II as \\t'IC'h ol'{,."t'l\'ed 1h1• 1r:i.\1 l 1n~ prize, 1\.1rs. Gordoo Kopp; tickets ror the h<1~t rc;" and ~lso r1·\'1·i\'1'd a shO\\'t•r l 111 1i.1 .., prt·Srnl ''f'r(' thf• \lt•.;:dan1cs tx:<1ut1ful hand-made quilt \\'llich of prelty nf'ct>SSiti('s, l ' J.1\\1S Uall 7. Jlaru1d \\'o ldC'n-1\\'ill t.x-a'''ardf'd. ri·trs. J . S 1n\"C'rs. :\Ir. and :\lrs. Kt 1np1'r lt•rt ·ruc·s-1 t .. r..:. Conrad :-:h0t1\.:. n z . ~l e-1 'fhe musical program of the af-da~· a nd. \Viii I)('. .i.:onc-_ ~ n1on1h .f 1'111n1'.'· !ht• h(lll1)1'11• :ind tht• hos-I l~rnoon w~s b:' l\.Irs. A~thur A. \·1s111n~ 1n l..i.1u1s,·111e. Ky .. 1n Ne"' (t'SSt: . Kemper. \\ho sang Thanks Be to ----------'--------------------!God ISt.anl<'y Dickson>. :1~d 'fh.:i.t S,,.~t Story or Old (J ohn \\"est). Tea \\'as served by thf' hostC'SS committ£'(', J\·lrs. H. K. Allen, :\trs. Ronald Bernasconi and l\.1rs. Gus- tave Grupe. Delicio I sly Prepared 114 W.4th St PA&ADENA II N.-ft.~.1- I Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH ........ _ ............. "..,,. . . . : ~ I .... PORT AFE -24 ,O~. Servi~ 110 ~ l'tMle . rt- LIDO THEATR Ph.: Barbor 2114 FrM Parking WEDNESDAY thro SATURDAY • • • at 6:45 It 9:15 ICOLO~J~!!. . .-..e Toiletries, Street F1oor New easier 1vay to renwve caked make-up LIQU ID CLEANSER T o get your skin sc rupulously clean "''ithout scrubbing and mauling it, use TE:'\·O-srx. This liquid cleanser ~oo after every bit or stubborn, caked make-up ... remove5 grime 50 thoroughly. After'A·ards, skin reels tingly-fresh, look..! radiant! Peffect for oily or normal skin. Apply TEN-0-StX nightly and al'A·ays before ma.king up ... then watch for compliments on your pretty complexion! Fourth and Sycamore Santa Ana Regular 6.50 495 NOW ~ H. Rod.o Dr~ UVl.lti.T MIW •AOC H. lralld Mvd. OUNDW • 129 W. W $1., LONO NACN <t6'6it!tea foi lite ea;jteck11il 'IJW(he-~ 129-• ,,., ·~ HOHOI ro HAtff A I. " . } : ·~ I ..... M&WW •••aoA MAW.,, .... lfwpw! •••• o.mw TM ' f, Oct•• !, lf!! \ ". , . ' ' " .-----------------,,Driver Fined $100; I • • • • Puauc NoTicE LOST-Rftl lilk -pnr.ted scarf 35 In. aquore on Balboa Island. Return to 2ll Emenlcl, WILLIAM P. MEALEY OENZB.&L OONTBAC'l'OR Residential and Commercial Bnlldlng Piiia• e1: •• c ... 5111 Ilea a. 51M-W We Have Now Purchased A NEW BUILDING • We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California • Our New Phone: Beaoon 5118 • SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Seivices • Antique Finishing • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela- bras PLATING • Reflect.ors • Bathroom Fixtures • Babr Shoes • Marine Plating • Badges & Souvenirs Contract Plating by Estimate •• • Expert Silversmiths All Work Guaranteed • BAYSIDE PLATING CO: c. c. 1914 Harbor Blvd. C.R. ''Chuck" j'Bob'' Wirth Costa Mesa Hand Phooe Beacon 5118, days; Beacon 5358-R, NIU8 • 'I ·~ '"1w to etJ()K 1111N111/ wJ1m""" 11M61 HM .;;,,,m,,..· Reserve a spot In your kitchen for an Automatic Gas Range Food of leisure ? Who isn ·c! Lice to sptod less time in the kitchen &Gd still rice a.s a wonderful cook ? Who 11.·ouldn't! Then it's high rim<" you loolt:td ahc-ad ro 1he ei:tra frttdom you '11 g~ ••ith an automatic ps ransc built to CP standards. Slip dinner into d'lir oven. Shop, visit, pick up the "~lister" at a.i,ht. 1'hc-automatic conttol will rUrn the oven Mand •ff 11 juR tM riaht timc-h.avc 1hc mn.l rndy, piping hoc and done ro a rurn when you gn home. And, if lhcrc's \ - aof last-m ioutc fi:x ing to do thoK ~ •PHd)'. giant top bu.rners will have ir -1,.~~:;::5:;.I~ our o( lht war in no fim e. No hLUde, ao bust.le-bO wasting time on afternoon waKbiQ&. lc's a.oorhtt n:amplc Of C1rtiJiM Pw/flr'M#N.t -look for the a ~ on •nJ range you buy' Ille• •• a whi11le -roomy, built"-in griddle cau rurn out a brcakf.ut in no iirn c. The n ·en ~I insures C""t'O!)·..Jont pancakes, ham, eggs. N eon. C..I •• • CM .. "' ... ' -scicn· ti.be iniuJ.i;1on of CP O\"CUS holds ~t iJCJ:.-/1 wf>c.re ir be- longs. S.vn fuel consumpioo -pr~ou ovcr·heu.iQ.8 the h"tc:be"D.. N••t •• • pl• -.smokelns broi.krs. imundr adjur..a.ble top bu.tntt1, SlJft:Dlincd de-- si,gn---nci ymin.g about a CP Ga:s boJe is en.g:i.ottttd co make dnniog nritt-f.slH, ud /wt d>< ki<ehco dcuxt. ....... KOllOMIC.•L. GAS R.t.-PBFIC1' Liceruie Suspended CE:RTIFICATE. OF BUSINESS nctiUoQll P\nD NUM 'Ihe not guilty plea or Thomas C. Dennison, 6600 Coast hi1thway. arrested September 22 in Viola ti on of the 502 act, turned labln in Judge Bob Gardner's court Sattlr· day morning. Tbe .,.,.__. do -<0rtlb' Bal. I.sJ. or phone Harbor 863-W. that they are CODductlns • cata ana ~1 &mu.me.at enterprt.e ~ at nl4 1 ll;P'" tc Prosecuting \\i tnesses ronfirmed the defendant had driven through an area of broken glass on Ne\'!· port boulevard near 30th str('('t, the result of an accident. 'fhe scattered g1ass, which was spotted. by a red 1ight of the ci ty depart· ment, was being swept to the curb by Jesse Blackstock or NPwpor t and R. L. MacGinitie. CoronA del Mar. They. along ""'ith Officer L. V. Phebus. "'ho "'as patrolling the street, "'ere for(.'('(! quickly aside \\'ith the oncomin2 of Denni· son's car. they said. Phebus i;:lV(' chase. The defendant was stoppt.·d a~ Newport boulevard and l\1cF'adrlr n place and was taken to the JX)lice station and booked on swpicion or drunk driving. He vi.'as fined $100 and his li- cense Y.'as suspended for 30 days. An armored bat talion requires 17,000 gal of gasoline to move 100 miles under ideal Conditions. Calllornla's Newest and Moet Modern Motel Miracle Mile Motel 706 COAST uitmv A y Look I• 1he Xt"'n 81cn with thf' Swlnl'I~ Bell • 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Ma !tresses PH. BEACON 5299-J CAPT. PETER STt:IN'S PARA.GOS and CAPT. G. T. Cl.AUSSO?\ ... S are Abowa moored at f.lae Oranp Coaaty docb preparatory t.o aaloedbl I' banan.u and eoooanbt• for dUtriboUon to the Sou.· them Ca.Wonda mark.eta. I -Neal Beckner photo Castaways ' Membersh·1p !i1'~~eNL.R~s~~rl~~.~·~ns:ih Larn:;,I~~! ot~e~~ Not: Wcll- program Proves Po.pular ~:;:~n~oc;::~ ~==rd:uu:;~s~~~ . bri)shing aside the steak-knives,- "These filets are so tender I wf1dn't insult thl'm ror the By N :\NCV NE\l'PORT I If Mrs. Don has not had time W RLD!" S · , ,.,h • N d ., to cover the deck . don't feel slight· urprise. "' at · ~ ~es . ed. for the big pages in the "log- Flooded by persona l apphcat1ons, book" d r dr'lt ood ul Briggs Joins Steiner bo h • .ma eo 1w pp-1 phone calls and letters. a ut t e . th C . s Cab' h 1 t f 1 new "club.. idea. ..Cap'n'" Don in e ap n in ave o s o Briggs. local rea estate laughingly admitted that he \\'as room to: your. name and address. o rator, has terminated his as- a "very poor pirate." and might J us.t Y.T1te ~1a1nly, ~ he can also iation Y.ith the H. ?.f . Lane be burying more gold by selling mail you hh1s s~h1al athnnoucnasce.. 1 . of ice. where he has been for the mt'mbc.'rships than b"-' defying the ments. ~uc as "_en e • t two )'Cars and will now be J aY.'8YS \\'Jl\ comply \.\'Ith those many es blis hed y,•ith the A Sandy problems of the .cu~rcnt .f ood m~r-1 r equests to open for luncheon, or S iner office a t 634 Coast high-7~· but th~t his id~a I IS pro\'ing that thE' first shipments of those Y.'f.Y · per C<'n success u · tremendous and ramous San Fran-ifi.1rs. Tressa M . Briggs will also lfl're it is , and \\'e like it ! He's cisco soft shell cr abs h ave arrived ! ~in business wi th her husband, lx-f'n in the business for 30 years two begi'nn,·ng at their new le>-The Parrot Squa\\'k!' and a\\vays ''·as looking for a "Per-c ion \Vednesday. They will th t h h Id \VAS \VALLY'S FACE red? manen omc-por . "' C're e cou hi.le real estate sall'S, listings really want to drop his a nchor"-"\\'here's yer cam('ra. \Vally?" renta ls. as "-'£'11 as insurance. a nd has found it . His plac('s in piped the Capn·s parrot. S\\.'inging I Ne\v York. \\lashington. D. C .. I excitedly about in his cage abovt.• ilJis E. Hunt of Newport Ocee..n Jl"ront, Newport 8-c:h. .CaJl· I -:-==--:=::--:--;;---;--:-7';-:,~ fornla.. under tbe Octttioua tlrm. name LOST-One bundle of metal lath. of OCEAN FROST CAJl'E, utd that be--Isbell' L 2525 ,.__ __ said. firm ia ~ of Ute follow· ~?O'~n a « "-'•~-.;c Ing pe1'11Clnt. wboae nunu &Dd ad· Ave. Write Clyde Hightower, Rt. dreue.a are u follo,..a, to-wtt: 1, Box 343-B, Costa Mesa 76-.,_ ARTHUR L. LA WRE..'JCE ·. ..~., 2ll4 Ocean Front N~rt Beacb, California LOST -Hamilton pocket watch. ~~ ~ T~nt disappeared between Friday A N~n Beach. Califo"'f• Sunday nights. \Vith in,itials ''E. ~ Ocein ~!f5 Mc. H. Train... Will the perS<:n Newport Beach. eaurornla \\'ho picked it up please return Wltneaa our hand.a this Srd day ot to 117 On>rx Ave. a .. 1hn. .. IsJ.ancL St!ptember, 19"6. ~ ARTHUR L. LA WRE..,..CE. Rew&rd • 76--ftc W~ L. DAVIS, LESTER CA TE. 'i_ E1oT ATE 01'"' CA.LIFOR..~IA. COUNTY OF O RANG&-u. On 1hls 3rd day ot SeptemM.r, A. D. 19-46, before me, ROBERT B. POWELL, a Notary PubUc lll &nd for said County and Slate. peraoWly ap- peared ARTHUR L. LA WREN CE , LESTER CA TE and WrLLIAll L . DA VIS, known to me lo be the per- aona wh0o9e names are 11ub11ertbe4 to the w ithin Instn.unent. and aclrno"Wl· edged to me that tbey e.s:ecuted tbe Mme. In wltneaa wbereot. I ban hereunto eet my band and &ttl:s.ed my otncl&I aeal the day &nd year In this ce.r-tlflcate first above written. ROBERT B. POWELL. Notary Public In and for said County and State. My com-mlsalon expil"ff 1950. Pub. ~pt. 10. 17, 24 ; Oct. 1, 1948. Pursuant to instructions of t he Qty Council of the City of New- port Beach, California, notice is hereby giv~n inviting sealed pro- posals or bids for printing of all City Ordinances in book form in accordance y,•ith copy and specifi· cation on file at the City Hall . Bids shall be sealed and filed with the City CJerk at the City Hall in Ne"l)()rt Beach, Califor- nia, on or before October 7th., 19-i6, a t 4:00 o'clock P. M .. and vi.ill be opened a nd publicly read aloud at or about 4 :00 o'clock P . M. of that day in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, Newport Beach, California. The City Council or the City of Newport Beach reserves the r ight to r eject any or all bids and to Y.'aive any inforinality in a bid not effected by law. EMPLOYMD.'T WANTED II CAN TAKE care of children even .. ing & Vli"ttk ends. Mrs. L. Ped,i .. go. 320 Alarado, Balboa. 75-2tc RELIABLE col<>ttd help. Men & \\'omen cooks. hotel maicb. dish- \\•ashers. janitors. couples, house keepers. Ll\'e in or out. Garage help & hour work. Peterson's Employment Agency, 1427 Cali· fornia A\'e., Long Beach. Phone 752-01. 76-4tp • DESERT RANCH btwn. Indio and Palm Spgs .. wants couple w ith own trailer. Sleep only, board at ranch. Salary. Hus~·. handy m an outside \\.'Ork. \\roman cook . housekeep for two. ~L t<J May 1. Give ref., record, ph .• addr., age, exper. Doyle, ph. 3034. La- guna or write Bx. 15, 1000 Palms. Cal. 76-ltc WANTED -Housekeeper. good permanent home & "'ages. \Vill except somrone who has child. Phone Beacon 5660-W. 76-2tc WAITRESS WANTED -Cottage Donut & \Vafne Shop. 305 ?ofa- rine Ave .. Balboa Island. 76-2tc HELP \VANTED -Experienced pr("Sser, Ca 11 Harbor 596-J., e\'ening or mornings befOl'e 8 A. M. 7~2tc I Florida and i-lolly\\'ood have all the '_'Quart('rdl'~~.'' ."Shu t up )'OU ~ach reJ)C?rted to police the theft bc-<'n popular a nd s uccessful. but stupid buzzard. ''"hipspcred J?on. Sat urday night of his a utomobile. H ERE. says he. live the largest "can't a poor guy ha,·£' a night It""·as later recovered by the pcrcentagl' or "grand folks .. and off?" "\V inifred. Barbre y,·ould "S Y.'£'11 guys" he has ('\"C'r ml't . Dur· have lo\'£'d tha t picture." sass~0 .-+--•-r·-----------; ing the past year. ""hi\e ss,,·ing:· the pa rrot . a nd so. unmolested . 1.n in!! his pai nt-brush 1 and axe), his \\"alk.l'd \\'all_y and. his friends. many guests on the hill top hav<' Gloria and Bill White. Tom Brad- rC'pt'atcd\y \\'arncd him that the ford of Birmingham .. Ala .. their time \\'Ould come "-'hen the uniqul' house guest, Beth Emison of Bea· attractions and lh<' charm of t he ron Bay and ?.frs. Peggy Seeley of location of his cl ub \\·ould bring Balboa Island. Dated this 26th day or Septem- ber. 1946. Fra nk L. Rinehart CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT .BEACH, CALIF. LOCAL or traveling In busineu for yourself. No money required.. Good income. You are your own boss. Apply 508 No. ?.fain St .. Santa Ana. 7()... 7tc HELP \V ANTED-Ex-navy radio technician, "'ho wishes to con· tinue "ith technical radio work as civilian occupation. Refer· ences r equired. Local resident. Write Box BU, c/o Ne\\'S-'J'imer... WELCOME HOME! Newport Hsrbor Post 291 AMERICAN LEGION laYl1" all Ronol"&tll1 D~ VH-eraa• le VlaU .... Iola. l/Mb 9L. •M 8aJ' ""•-lu • SFlll ~. 8 p . IQ. mor e custom<'rs than he could JM Ma.rlln; a Promise K Ppt. handle, SO he made up his mind Just then the phone rang. It thl'r e MUST be a way to save most \\'as Gordon \\1evill who had help- \or all I of his best tables and cd crO\\.'n the Pirate Queen, Do- best cuts ror the local residents. lor<'S Marshall. and the very night fril'nds and neighbors. before had threaten('() to catch Don S O. don't be aJarmr d when the a good enough marlin to mount gracious Mrs. Don appears at as a contribution to the nautical your table with her little pad atmosphere. Don had said, "Oh and pencil. . She is not selling you yea h ? Pretty sure of yoUrself, eh. photographs by Gerhardt or Doyle, pirate?" So. this next morning, or a set of Castaways' dishes-Gordon had hooked him a 135 that you would have to ASK for. pounder and had it on ice! How It is just that you are about to about THAT for a Cis h story--but become a member or the club! true! The BIM'k Spot Small Dorld, Eh'!' And next to my table sat the Selznick contract \\Titer Bob Catherv.•ood, Y..ith Y.•ife and daugh- ter. just off his yacht "Lively Lady" "·as reminiscing "rith Don about Don's mother, who ma naged. his Blue Horse for him in Green- ROSSI'S Liquor Store 700 Cout Hl1tbwa1 Yes. it 's just that simple-and then all you have to do is to re- main the "s"•ell guy" that Don is s ure you are. and not order one too many, or throw your dishes through the \\;ndow. If you do, he will "tip you the Black Spot .. and then you'd just have an AWFULLY tough time getting ANYthing to eat, or reserving your pet table over thE' phone? wich Village t1.venty years ago. :t============ She had patted Bob on the back O T TO Formerly Gordon'• Dra.c Store Open Every Day 68 Thrifty, c011 ,.111 • ,. • ••11t s11v1c1 to lei1h•ori119 Cities Departures Daily from NEWPORT BEACH Junction P lan your trips to suit yourself. Grey- hound's frequent, conveniently-rimed de- partures make it euy to come ~ go u you please ... for business, shopping or pleasure. This "tailor-made" travel service for you and your neigh boring communities saves you borh time and money on "er'f trip. Your local Greyhound agent will give you full information. C. C. SWAFFORD 608 CGMt Highway Pb. Beaooa M%2 and said, "You're the only col-R HI NG legiate who comes in here regu- larly \Vho gives me nothing to worry a bout ?" The E . H. Frazers of Balboa Island were "on deck" too. the Lee H. Woods of Santa Ana. and the A. M . Depevi.'s of Riverside. Chief Wel ls of Costa Mesa, Lee Shipley of Corona del Mar, the VET'S Taxi eom.,...1 PHONE: BEACON 5659-W We are ·partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- (Owned and Operated by Veterans) lOll BROADWAY c...ta M ... I Refrigeration FREON AMMONIA s ton to 10 ton Air Conditioning S ton to 60 ton Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All Pn.ores and All Liquids In Stock Call " .. ~~ 3 S. Loo Ancel .. St" Anaheim Pbone 48'!5 CLARK & BA1j£S ---~:~ Metallizing-• '*'Keels, Rudden. • i:~~on51:~· etc. , etc. Welding-• AD ~ pec1a1ists In Steel, Cast Iron, AJumin ' Brass and Bronze. ~•IJ. A&ANTEEl>-- NJ:WPO&T Bll:AQll --- CENTRAL B AT WORKS DESIO NEU 'llUILDDll YACHTS -COMMERCIAL BUSINESS GUIDE 11 73-4tc ARE YOU doing your owo paint- ing? Why not get your advice from the people who know hovi.•. Bring in your paint troubles to ------------- us. we Jove them. Service is our Business. Burton P a i n t Store on Ne\\.'J)Ort Blvd. 74-4tc LANDSCAPE Desigining . Newport Blvd. P hOne Ana 115-J. 2668 Santa 75-6tc TYPING & ACCOUNTING WORK Laura G. Belden Phone Beacon 5186-R, 22172 So. Laguna A\•e., P . 0 . Box 941, Costa Mesa, Calif. Will Call F:or and Deliver. 70-.Stp CALL BEACON 5503-M for free estimates on your painting, serv- ice is our business. Burton Paint Store.. 74-4tc CLARK & BA TES Metallizing Welding Specialists 506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 69-9tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M 216 E. :l}tb St., Coota SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, WindoWI Walls aad Bull<tiaa. Raised Metal. Wood and Plutlc Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M 38tlt WHY WAIT months for your veni· tian blind, Wt! can give 7 to 10 days delivery, service is our bus!· ness. Burton P aint Store. Call B 5503-M. 74-4tc PAINTING 12 Years Service in Newport Hwbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Beacon 5259-J Z74 E . 19th Street 24-t1< fUR A RELIABLE Paint Job oa your home, call Beacon 533C. alter 4:30 p.m.. 10-tft ~.AINTING -PAPER HANGINO and DECORATING H. E . McDooald 414 Old CoDty Rd., Coo'4 M- Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-ttt TRANSPORTATION 11 WANTED-Ride to Los Angeles daily 9:00 to 2:30. Phone Beacon 5358-W. 7&.2tc BICYCLES Sold. R<nt.ed or Repo.lftd. VOGEL'S 100 Ka1n st., Batoo. 20ll ~ Balboa J.lland. H-tt< BZAUTl' AIDS II MACIIlNE and MACIIlNELESS Permanent Waves Tinting and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor l~W WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 P er Week and MeaI. Good Hours Also FRY COOK MR. -.see--. EARLY (mornings King Landing Newport Beach only) 61-tlc \V ANTED-Part time assistant bookk('('per. Castaways pub. Phone Beacon 546.5. 76-ltc WANTED-Seamstress experienc· ed in high grade custom wur~ .. Sew in Corona del Mar studio or at home. Write . stating ex- per., salary exp., ref. Box C, Newport News. 76-:?tc WANTED-Housekeeper by da y. Phone Harbor 2~50-J . 75-3tp TEACHER offered room board. and salary for refined woman to care for child & help with light housework. Phone Beacon 5577 after 6 p. m. 75-tfc WANTED -Lady for general housework, 1 or 2 days a week. Phone Harbor 1244. 74-4tc WAITRESS WANTED alx ~ week. Norton's Bay Shore Cate. 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tlc HELP W.ANTED--Woman or clrl tor general housework; good wag~; live In or out. Ha:rltol' 1992. 56-tfa ALL OF THESE ADVANTAOES YOURS ... when you get a job as a telephone operator. _, Good pay from the start ... yes, even while you are learning. • Raises a t regular . intervals ... and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant aur· roundinp . . . friendly fel- Jow~workers. Paid vacations, aldmeu benefits, etc. In many cues, work ln nelghborlng central ottloe near your home. One of these Interesting, well-pald ,lollo ls waltinc fer you, too. SOU"IllERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY \ 100 E. &y Ave" Balboa 514% No. Main ~t., Santa Ana <r Call Oilef Operator Vi's Beauty Shop . Foot fl( l:i-& St. Nwpu.'t -1103 Coast Hiway, Corona clel Mu =------------------+-----------------£ '15-ttc ' • • • 1 p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~R!&~W~POlt~!!T~B.f!!a1~ao!!i~A~M!&~W~ .. !:!tlMW9 1'ew,..,,B1r ... O.Dt• '~1-T::!:f::,::=:~1~0delltt;:;,::=:.,:h~l:Mt::.~+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,..~l:.l~=:llS W A N T A D S J w.&.vn:o ro BUY 11 .us~AL a UDIO .. WANTZD ro mT u ll&AL ~ na&AL m.a.n . 11 •••. m•• ., ... ,, _.. • Ccntinued Will Pay Cash GOOD Grands. lleblln. Kuraman, WANTED-To ,..,tor le-. 5 or . from preceding page For ,,.,.... lurnlture or ...ii.t bav• Story A Clark, Chue, Hall•I & 6 room house. By Boat Olm· BALBOA ISL .ND ----~--...;:;...;.....;: ___ I yw. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· Davis, Klmba.D., W eber and otlt-pany executive. Pe:rm.anent. Ph. -· 84•.& llUICEl.LAN&OUS • ley Furniture, 1812 Newpcrt en. Prices start at $485. Terms. Mr. Hobson, Harbor 1580. 70..t~ Immediate possessioo-three-room cottage, ~ gar- Blvd., Coota Mou. CS.t!c Danz·Schmldt. Santa Ana, 520 WANT _ 2 •-•~-house or •~. On good comer lot close to East Ba.y on "Uttle FOR SALE -H<>UEtraller, noa· N M-'-70-t! ~" ._, o. =· C a-~-nt, f·-·--~ or unfur· Island." .anable. Price $425. Phone Bea· -........ w-iWM"n:v """ S156-M. 761 .,, =P11BN1TUB&=-,==-_,ro,.,....,•,...,..SALE...,......,.....,..._a Radio Repairs ru.hed. Permanent couple With Price -$10,~ FOR SALE-Metal bed &: coil All malt .... --baby. ReJerences. Roy Your· FOR S ALE -Practically new ac-springs. AJso Ice r'efrigerator. · e1 ; "~· etc. stone 128i,9 No. Maple, Burbank. oordlan. made by Soprani. Phone 312 Alvarado St. Call, a It e r Beacon 5763 Calif. Phone Charlstone 8111-45. GOOD LOT -CLOSE TO SOUTII BAY EXCEPrIONAL V U.UE Harbor 1698--a 1s.ttc Tuesday. 1s.1u: BURT NORTON 7S--4tp GENUINE Russian Squirrel coat. ~ro=R:--::S:--:ALE-=::-::Whi:::-:.:-te--:-bedroo--:--m--se-t, 915 Coast ID:ghway, Newport LOCAL DENTIST and wife wish Latest st:yle, new. S ize 14. Priv-four pieces. Good mattress box, ___________ :za._tt~c to rent furnished house or apar-t- Price -$Ei5{)() ate part y. 306 Sa phire, Balboa spring (Simmons) $150. Also STEINWAY GRAND. Beautiful ment. No children. no pets. P h. bland. 76-2tc ne'o\· Hollywood single bed $50. modem in black and silver. Gor-H arbor' 421-J. 75-4tc CORONA DEL MAR FOR SALE-Two matched W h-No dealers. 135 ~ N. Bay Fron t geowi tone. This Ls an art piano. WANTED TO RENT-AUL mgr. mg cllaln . Call Harbor 2414-W. Balboa Island. 76-2tc U you are furnishing YoUI" home Met. Life, ~ires lease or rent Beautiful new v.-ell-built two-~ home. South of highway; convenient t o schoe>! llJl.d shopping district. F1oor to ceiling windows overlooli:ing patio In dining- room and breakfast nook. Limit eight fence enclosing entire rear yard. Must be seen to be appreciated. 75-41 =-=-=-~:--:::---,,-,.----In "Modeme" th.LI instrument ls P F OR SALE-Two livingroom, two perfect for you. Reasonably until Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS S o uthern Counties ·Supply Co. 144 Coast Blvd.., N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 76--1 tc Venetian B linds S teel or alwninum made to meas- ure and installed. ' Bayview Builders S upply 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 73-4 tc F OR SALE-Neon Sign Cale. Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117-M. 70-tfc Hereat ter if ""·e recap your TIR ES We guara.nttt our "Caps" to last 2 0 ,000 h-UL ES and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU r $20.00 rF ONE COMES OFF Regardless of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we \\'iJl call tor your car in the morning and deliver same day. Also-a $2.00 Mobilstatic balance job w hen we recap your tires, for $1.00. No le ad weights or "extras.•· Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 17 60 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Alk for Al or Ha nk. 64-tfc FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100. 7311 Seashore Dr.. Newport Buch. 65-tfc BARGAINS! Lowest prices in turnJture is m1 motto. I buy r ight. I sell right I also buy turniture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa MeN 57-t!c G lass Shower D oors . . . made to measure and in- s talled. Good deliveries. bedroom, on~ dining room , stove, --'___. 0 Schmld ~--Co house. Care guar. Phone S. A. d the 214 Opal , .,. '"= anz. t r~10 ., l428-M. n .tfc an o · rs. Ave., Bal-520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 70-tfc • boa Island. 76-2tp FOR SALE -Plum colored rug 11'3" x 14' $ll5.00. Dine tte set SlS.00. P hone Harbor 2669-R after 1 p. m.. \ 74-4tc LIVESTOCK n FOR SALE-Gentle saddle hone, sorrel color , $125. See at 1656 Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa. 69-tfc FOR SALE-Refriger a tor , G. E.; SPECIAL A.JIJNOUNCl!MENTB 18 gas range; kitchen table and FOR RENT-16r.fM ~lotion plc- chairs; dining-room buffet ; surf ture Projectors-sound or silent, Board and misc. articles. 217 Ab-w i th or without oper ator.a. a.Iona, Balb9a Island. 73-4 tc Flu.ts RE?\'TED -Your own 9x15 American Oriental (Karas- picture show at home, features, tan) Kashan design, pract. new, spor ts. musicals, for parties, pre-war. red background, $125. clubs, churches. Harbor 2598-J. Call Harbor _2247-W . 73-4tc 76-t!c / ------------ BOATS, SUPPLIES FOR SALE-14 fL mahogany speed boat: V-8 motor : excellent condition; reasonably priced. Carpente rs Available for general maintenance and r epa.lr O. Z. ROBERTl!ON Call Harbor 83 Phone ALbany 5005 L. A. 76-2tp 34-tfc FOR S ALE-20 ft. Philippine ma-1------------- hogan)' spel'd boat. In \\'ater K E Y S a nd y,·heel trailer, ~1400 takes. Made While You Wa.Jt 3504 1\Iarcus Ave. PhonE' Har-VOGEL'S bor 2497-\\'. 70...Jtp -100-M"a.ln St.. Ba.lboa FOR SALE:-25' Lowman commer-'?08 M&rlne, Balboa laland 114-tfc cial boat. Very good condition, ------------all gear. Reasonable. Inquire Asso. Dock 26th St. 75-tfc BU81l>'ESS OPPO RTUNlTIES 40 FOR SALE -ConC<'Ssions fully ('(1uippcd. ready to go. A dandy set-up for man a nd \\'ife. Sec E. C. f Popl L Ud\\'ig, Sa turday APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wife. We do not drink or smoke. no chlldren or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W or writ e Box "X" N~ Bal· boa News-TI.mes.' 37·t1C WA!'o.'TED TO RENn"-One or t~:o bedroom house. · Furnished or unfurnished. Garden Grove 722. Call collect. 73--4tc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. untumlshed house. W ill lease. Call Sam Por ter at Harbor 707 or 13. 35-tfc El Bayo T ra ct H om e on Bay A ve. 3 Bed Rooms, 2 Baths, on Larg: Lot $25,000 Furnishe d Dup lex $25,000 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Do\\'J"l 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Up W. L . JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Phon e H ar bor 153 72-tfc. DESffiE TO BUY-Gull sno,,·bird or {>('nguin sail boat in excellent condition. ready for immediate use. Cash. Phone J.£arbor :ll50-J 75-Jtp br Sunday afternoon at Fu n 1------------- Zono. Balboa. T wo New H om es 75·2·1P I FO R RE...."lT Ready for occupancy. Stall sho\vers. Glass doors. Rugs. Immediate possession. i Price -$15.~ ----1· CHOICE CORNER HOME-~ITE IN BEST LOCATION -150 18 ft. Price-$13, Beautiful two-bedroom home; la.rgJ! living-room, break- fast room, tiled kitchen, bath, rumJ!us room over garage, attractive patio. 60-foot lot close ,,.J:' ocean. Price -s 21,:vr LOTS-See our selection of choice ~orona de! Mar build· Ing sites. Fairly priced. GERTRUDE A. W !\LDRON AND WILLIAM W. SP NFORD REALTOR 308 Ma rine Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 234· W 7S.2tc ___ A_p_a_r_t_m-en_t_H_o_u_s_e_, _B_Jl ... b_o_a_I_sl_a_n_d __ ~~~~".°me: ~O lllonth: ~ix ji~'.. ~~~~~rms Orange Grove , Val enci as, ~api strano Dist. 22 acres. S3500 per acre. Corpw rable to other groves at $5000. Terms. I "DOU G" WHITE FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. long, 4-cylindcr Starr motor . just painted. \-Vill trade for 22 Ct. or 24 ft. house trailer or \vill take cash. 73 11 Seashore D r., Ne\\·port. P h. Il·l,193-J. 70-tfc Ca ll 1522-J girts. Balboa Island. \Vrite P . ==-=-.,,..,,,-----,--...,....-~ 76--ltc O. Box 835. Balboa. 76-ltp FOR SALE-Cor ona de l Mar. 4S..1 ----------------t--------- FOR RENT-Apartm<nl for two 63--tfc P. 0. Box 781. Balboa ,hone Harbor 1815 \"J LL P \\' ""~I bonus for boat ft. lot. l block from school, sou th 1· ' ' -'"' FOR RENT-Single room. outside CORONA DEL i·MAR slip. J-lavc> ·10' custon1 bu i It c>ntrRnct', ajoining bath. Call of Blv . good location for in- cruisC'r . \\Trltl' Box "S" c/o J-larbor SO. ?6-Jtc come. Owner. Ph. H-2139-\V. ~ Ncws-'fimC's. 75--tfc 65-t!c =-----------·I f'OR RENT -Sleoping rooms ,1< ===-~:--:=----..,,...,..-...,..--UNUSUAL HOME. built especi for a couple who FOR SALE -12 ft. sail boat & bath, Balboa. Call after 4 :30 FOR"SALE----By o\vncr. 2 bedroom desire p1ivacy . H ouse a n d gara e on the front o f sail. good condition. \Vi th or home. plus glass screen por ch. I three I n · · · all f ced \\ithout trailer. Reasonable. Ph. P. M. Harbor 1J36..R. i6-2tc Furnisht'd., $17.500. Phan(' Har-three ots. Has m ore ots a r JOlfltng, en . Harbor 181 after 6 o. m. 75-4tc FOR REJ\l'T--Single room, do,\·n bor 2041-R. 7:i-~tc: C o n crete retaining \Va lls. la rge €fl.closed patio, bar- to,,·n Balboa. Call Beacon 543:::,, ------------becue. over two hundred asoorted fruit and shade Ba lboa Canv as Shop days. 7&-ltc FOR SAL E -7 unit apartment. trees. vines and shrubs. Ultra mfiem h~xtra Sails -Boat Covers FOR RENT _ At tractive r oom $18,000. 1~ do\1.'n l O?'o discount large living-room \Vith fireplace, I rge bedroom . All Marine Upholster ing with private entrance & bath. fo r cash. SCC' owner 302 E ast closets cedar lined. Ample k:i~hen with dinette. H arbor 207 -224 ~ 21.st S t. 215 E. Bay, BaJboa. 76_1tc Ocean Front. Balboa. 76-4tp G uest room , if desired. Lots o f orage space. You Ne\''JXlrt Beach 71-tlc FOR SALE-Balboa Isla nd. by can ac tually see the re is n o inf1 ion . F OR RENT -Rooms apts. over- sleeps six; galley, dinette, head, sades Hotel 1414 Sea View Avf!. glass screen porch. F urnished RA PH P. · . FOR SALE---40 lt. cabin cruiser ; looking harbor & ocean. Pali-owner , 2 tx-droom home, plus L MA F EY large wheel house and L'OC.kplt, Corona de! Mar. phone Harbor & Garage, $17.500. Phone Har-3411 W. Central Ave. one Harbor 402 completely reconditioned, bow to 1456. 16--tlc bor 2041-R. 76--3tc , 7ct.fc stern ; Chrysler marine engine. u- See owner, 133 Agate Ave .. Bal-FOR RENT -Beautiful 2 ~-If\.P.tfEDIATE POSSESSION - boa,lsland. 67-tfc room completely furnished five Furnished cottage on beach RELIANCE REAL TY & I.I' VESTMENT CO. room a pt. Including linens. Also front, $1950. Take car part pay- Fire Equip m ent Tests C-0-~·o. Pyrene & F oam refills. CCP fixed system a nd P ortables now available. £TS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Coast 1-ligh\\11Y Ph. Beaoon 552'2 73-tfc 1 room kitchenette Apts. 1..am-ment. Bay Shore Auto Ca mp. perts Mo!cl 1010 Coast Hi~h\\'d.;.t, Newport Beach. 76--tfc NcY<'por t B<'ach. 7>1-:?!c ------------ Beautiful H o m e -at- A. R. Ebrite Beacon 5857 · \V and Associate! J . W. Doak 1936 Newpo I.Blvd .. Costa Me!<a Bring Your Buying and Sellin~. Problems to Us. Costa Me sa • B ayview Builders Supply 818 Coast H iway Ph. Beacon So07 ------------ 73-ltc S M A L L B 0 A T S ROO~l FOR RENT-Ocean Front, double room. Tu;n beds. pri- vatC' entrance. S ingle r oom, pri· vate entra.nce. Referen~. Har- bor 1848. 75-4tc Ca p istra no Beach FIVE-ROOM H01-IE Auto Batteries Rubbc:r Se para ten •IS.month -$6.75 Ex. Compounded Mot or Gallon. 70c Oil W estern Auto Supply Authortzf'd Dealer 1836 Newpor t Blvd .• Costa l\1 esa 41-tfc VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum. ateel, wood. Call us for free esti· mate. Renovation & refinishing. So. Coast Venetian BU.nd Co., Wm 18 th and N('\l,wrt Avto .. Coeta ?t1l'Sa. Ph: Beacon 5762-\V. 38-tft Fino P laor and Klndlln& WOOD Deli\'ered H. W . WRIGHT Ph: Beacon 5665 178' Newport Blvd. Just Arrived FN!ob Hearing Ald BATTERIES Gundereon Drug Co. 3-tf< 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 &O-itt FOR RENT-NC'w Ouluxc• room --Of tough, light marinl' plywood. and privntf' bath, tile shower -l\lolded hulls or flat-bottom. stall. "£\\'in or doublC' hf!d..1;. box \\' ondC'r \'ie\\'; t hrC<' b('(lrooms. l\\'O baths. A rE>al buy- -Skiffs, Dinghies. Sailboats. sprint:" and inter spring nlat tres- MARTIN OUTBOARD l\IOTORS sC's. Unt heat. Sp<•cittl rate~ fnr $20.000 "Flexidrive" Shafts for Inboards pc-rmilncnt f.:UC'sts. ll.·1rac!C' l\1ile WATSON -BOATS Motl'I, 706 CORst Hi<hway, Now- Set" This Sho\\' Pln<:e / \V, J. 1·£01~C'0!\1B Corona dt.'i :\tar "\Vhl'rc the 1-~lags FJ,y" "Small Boat Headquar ters" porl Bt•ach. Ph. BPacon 5299-J. 611 Coast Hi\\·ay Beacon sm 75tfc 69-t!C =F"'o"'R-,,R~E~N~T--=De-L-u.,-e-roo-ms-~& l larbor 2766 76-2tc MUSICAL &: RADIO RADIO HOUSE CALLS- No\\' that additional conn1petrnt t echnicians are nvaila,blc, \\"C' are abl£' to makf' service calls rn lar~e consoles. r\11 ,,·ork i;uar- anlC't'd. HENRY \\'. BRAIN- ERD. nl'\V O\\·ner S.O.S. Radio. 300 i\larine ~\\"(' PhonE' Harbor 180. 76·tfc HEADACHES? Radios are Too IF They Are Not P('rforming Right Let us cure your trouble \\'ith the latest l'QUipmC'nt and expert Repair ~ten AtrITIORlZED P HlLCO SHOP \Ve specialize in Philco. Zenith. apts. PriC'C's range from $5. to ------------ Sl 1.50 J)('r week, or monthly rat<'! as per 0 .P .A. CC'ilin~. 1007 E. Cen traJ. Balboa. Ph . 2360-!i-1. 7.i.1rc FOR RENT -ROO MS -Doublo. Daily sen.;C(> .. Adults only. 421 S torey's Batte1}' Serv ice Westminster Street fBet \VN'n 1~th a nd l\·t agnolia) Re<1con 5183 Costa r.1esa 76-1 tc Hardin•. Balboa. Calif. tfc ------::B,.-a-:l-:-b-o_a ____ _ u ExC<'lent \'a1Ue 4 rental units & ==co-=--=-----=""" 3 car garage; 3 bdr. Apt. on close \'r.J'E RA~ tSalt'Sman I \Vi f e of CSCTO\'\'. Can be l in anced. tTcach('r) desire furnished $l S,OOO apartmC'nt or house for year. until nc\v horn(' ls built. No 2 story -5 Bdr . & F ireplace. Com- childrt:'n or p('ts. Bonus i.?iven . pletely fumisht"d "';th income pos~ Call Klmba\J 2071 . ColJC'Ct . sible. 764tp \\·ru~D TO RENT-Garage In \'icinity of 11 5 -29th St. Phone Harbor 24. 75-3tc $12,000 P eninsula Lots From $2 750.00 u p \Vestinghouse and ~fajcctic Raidos \\'AA'TED TO TRADE -Rental 0 d Y 420 E. 4th Santa Ana Ph. 130 2 bedroom hous(' in Long Bead\ r er our 73-4tc for same ln Balboa or vicinity. JOHN E . SADLEIR 302 Maio S t., Balboa Servel Call · H -2729 or after 6 p. m. G as Refrigerator ~UGHEST price paid for your pi· Long Beach 44876. 75-4tp 75-ltc Phone Har. 2034 On Virginia Place, near Newport; IB!vd. Lot 50xl 50. Back yard. Very priva te . Pri~or immediate sale. Home is vacant. Some money in row allows you to move in tcxlay . · Price $5950 -Terms ACRE COSTA MESA k CHO Two-bedroom house: double garag'i: chicken house, 20x 120; 40 rabbit hutches and chick• 1 pens. Lot is 135x 330. Close to Newport Blvd. Price S9350 -T .. _ NEW HOME 1\vo-bedroom comple tely fumishe< home on half acre; garage. chicken equipment. Firs house oft Newport Blvd. Immedia te possession . Price S8250 -Tenns I BUSINESS ACRE .OME 1\vo-bedroom home on Balboa t on lot 135x330, completely fenced in, steel chain interlocking fence. Very good court site or future m irket development . Price $10.000 FOR RENT OR T Five-room home, designed for pr >fessional office and residence combination at 1910 ~rt Blvd. See us. Five Acre E-X-C-L-U-S-1-V-E ¥.. Ar:re, 66' frontage on Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa.. Modem 2-bedrooms a: den. Hdwd.; ·moc1em kitchen ... service porch. Two-room house In ,the rear. Two-car garage. This Is at present a Kennel Busl-. ness with 24 dog stalls ... but it Is suitable f<ir most any kind of bnsioess. Good buildings In ree.r ol lot. If you want a home and business location Yllll can't beat this one. Shown by appointment ooly. $15,000 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -Salesman John Boodra -Salesman Phone: Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. c.osta Mesa 76-ltc LINWOOD VICK Broker Ba lboa Island Harbor 543-M BALBOA ISLAND ATrRACTIVE DUPLEX in nice location. Two bedrooms in each uni t. Double wall construction. Nicely Jandsca Pa tio. Good income propert y. mmedia tc pos- session . A rea ue. A good in- \'estment. \\'Tl b)' appointment only. ~24 .500 ISLAND REAL TY 201 Agate, Balboa Island COMPANY Harbor 377-W BALBOA ISLAND Very attractive six-bedroom home on 4()..foot lot, near South Bay. Unfurnished. Immediate pos- session. $23,750 -Term s ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Harbor 377-W -7S.2tc ( - USED -GOOD - APPLIANCES Buffet model Roper Stove. All porcelain; oven control; per· feet condition : onl y .. $29.95 Hot:point Electric . Iron: o. le .................. $2.45 Coleman Ga.solin<> Lantern ................ :::_$4.95 Coleman gasoline Radiant Heater .. · .. $6.95 Bissels Carpet Sweeper .. $2.95 9-Tube Silvertone Radio; Y.ra lnut cabinet ; like new, onl y ............. ~ .. $37.50 Magic Ma id Mixer: good condition ... -....... $8.75 Gaffers & Sattler all-white Hi Oven Gas Range, clean ......... -...... -....... $13.95 Large size Wardrobe Trunk ...... $16.75 New Perfection Oil Heater; all porcelain enamel.. .. $6.95 Oliver Typewriter, as is .. $5.95 4-Bumer low oven Bungalow ~:u!3"~: .:tll .. '. .. $19.-ci HARBOR FURNITURE Phone Beacon 5538-J 1962 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa ---~~--~~~~~-c:,...-~...,....~~--~~---· KEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 48 TRAILERS II TRADE-2 bedroom home in re- stricted district in P asadena. For home ln Ne~rport . R. L. Mc- Cartney, 621 W . Montana St. Pasadena . Phone 7-1854 15-4tp WANT Beach or Bay fron t ho me in exchange for two bedroom, two sleeping porch, 8 yr. o]d, stucco home in La Crecenta on 1 acre ground. Harofcl B. Jep- sen. 4011 Wilshire Bt .. ·d., L A. F OR SALE-18 ft. trailer house. cabana n oor . Excellen t condi- tion. best location, $1450. Sea- side Trailer P ark. close to Bal- boa Island. Mrs. Teiford. 76-ltp TRAILERS FOR SALE-The best in trailers for r en t and sa1e. Trailers made to order. Dunlap Trailer Rental!. Newport Auto Sales lot, 2600 block on Central A venue. 69-8tp 5. Ph. EX-1400. 74-~ 'l'RAILERS FOR RENT~Do 1"'11' • """ hauling and moving. All 11 new equipment. $2.25 and S2.50 LJi:iNi'°i;o'iUriUi'.b;;;'"";;;;;;;;;; -. day. We tllmlda the blt4. LOANS TO BUILD. tq., :mprvn. Myn!!m Broo. Senlce-Station, -... -Newport -P'ed<nl ea.mp ~7th<lNewporl!IML,= ,and Lou A_,,...."m. 3333 Via Udo Ph. lilarbar 1500 MOUNTAIN PROPERTY IS ano. Danz-SChmldt Piano Co., -------------------------1 Now Santa Ana. 520 N. Maio. 7().t1c at Vogel's USED Pianos 1rorn SGS. 0r will NEAR BACK BAY; good soil ; a . fenced; water in. ~ $10,500 Income Prop1 rty 'A1l'l'OllOTIVE a '11W .. LAKE ARROWHEAD -For aaie. six lots (separately or alto- 100 Main St. Harbor 145 nont. Danz.sdunld t Plano Co .. 52-ttc 520 N. ltfain. Santa Ana. 70-tfc ~-------~1 WANTl!D TO BUY n FOR SALE-Upright piano, good D VETERAN needs 4" x 5" or 314 x condition, $200. Phone Beacon 5712, or call 200 \Vestminster 4 %. Spttd Graptc With or wtth-Ave., Newport Heietits after out accessories. Phone Beacon 535S-W. 7S.2tc 5:30 P. m. 55-ttc ~·VE CASH I _.... looome R E P OSSES S EDMlrrorType ~ or &vuu ·Spmet Piano. Now only $295. PN1J6 t:y at Newp'll't. Balboa or A very pretty piano. Fine tone. mrrounding &reL Write 610 Danz-5dlmid t Piano. ~ No. PmD St., £1 Segundo, Calif. I'll. Main, Santa Ana. 7().tfc S20-1. 74-4tp G I --=::--:::----,:----:-....,..-'."'I RADIO HOUSE CALLS-' • WANTED-New and used electric Now that odclltlonal comJ)<tent V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S See For Yourselves HAYWARD HOMES Being Completed •60 DAYS Financing on House i n & D Lot Corona de! Mar-Seven motel Cl "'ins, large cafe and service station; room for more cal IDS or other develop. men ts. . Price $28,500 -• 1erms GOOD BACK BAY~ 2-Bedroom home, completely _ ; very near; ¥.. acre ol land; corral and pinto ho!'1 e; chickens, etc. Pro- perty all fenced In. Price--S8750-T• nns Open 7 Days Every Week. 8 1-m. to 6 p. m. motors. Hlgh<lt prices peld at technldam are avallable, ._ are S. W . Corner pr-I. Call Harbor 2138. able to malao ...-Me calla on 15th and 73--4tc 1use """"'*" All -cuat-1 =-C..::C':-'-=~ e&SR FOR tJSED FURNrruRE antem. HAROLD L. HA>OI, Santa Ana Av. See .DENNISON & McBROOM RELIANCE REAL TY & I! VESTMENT CO. 498 ~Blvd. A.. R. Ellrite and A9110da•-; ~. J. W. Doak PRONE BEAa>N -.J. s.os. Radio, 300 u.rtne Aw. Newpwt Hgts. 2&-dt Al. -'1111. Jt..Uc \ .,., ., ~ Beacon 51157-W 1936 • Blvd, a.ta .Ilsa • ..-..-..; ~ 76-2tc " FOR SALE-1932 Plymouth sedan. gether). Near lake and year- Excellent tires, good rubning 'round hiway, be~vt:ly wooded. condition. $250. Harbor 1297-W. Owner, R. L. Power, 7frl ~ 7S.2tc Jar S t., Loa Angeles 12. 7S-2tc . WE NEED LA TE MODEL CARS - and Will Pay Top Prices SF:l'J, YOUR CAR NOW . Wble PrbB are Blgh. ~ tor our c:mtEcu buyer who wlD call and iidvlw J11U niaan1ac OPA Rgldatka, ...... i*k& and mnice all cletaDI aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. 0 ca11 _.a, :· '>n'n llla'w.1:•7 s 11.••aat·sso, •o 11 4P r J .... •• / ' • • • • Mexlca• Border Ton la Tllroes of Ille Week ~ PJ1_0 s Call • Paslled For 17 Boat Slips Of $25-Millloll Co1sbactlo1 Job ~nt harbor visiton to n- jua.na if?port that the race track dty of Mexico is in the throes of a big building boom. For instance. the big cement structure on the left side of the hiehway on the way to Agua Cali- ente race track. which stood for many years roofless and window- less. now has a roof and windows. The building has been complete- ly finished, with a huge jai alai court running the l('ngth and ha.If the breadth of it. Seats have been installed for the accommO- dations of 300. Bars and shops will run around t he sports center when it opens Nov. 15. emben of Ille boon! of --M-than d feet of -ter IX-ity. d Ille Newpurl Harbor Ki-tronta&e is belnc prepared for the It is .. timated by one official wani"is clilb will make • decision C<llWtnJction of 17 ..... llips. -- that there will be about 125--~:irtllY on the plan to sponsor a en and other convenlenoea for million \\-'Orth of new construction ·~ of the Week" program in bOatmen. in Newport Harbor. ~ in tM dty before the end or the N wport Harbor. boat site was boueht recently by year. ·gmator of the idea, Harry Wade Miller, dlstnl>utor foc a new en of the USO club, suggested tyPe of watercraft. Plant Waste Studies t the Kiwanis c1ub father the n.e ava11ab1e slips .,.., being Continued m• County p aa an inspiration to mem· doubled in size to meet a visioned . rs of the Newport Harbor increase in business, especially Studies of "''asles from citrus plants. canne ries and industrial establishments in Orange county are still being continued by Health Officer Dr. Ed"'·ard Lee Russell and Sanitation Inspector E . E. Frisby. a health department re.. port Monday cijsclosed. Nick Misses Tire ibn High school football team. d uring the future summer IJlOllths. Part of \he plan calls for nev.'s-Don Watts, cOnstruction man- per promotion by publishing ager of the building, and general n es of gridiron men chosen as fnana&er of the slips plans a mar- ~e "Tar of the Week" as "'ell ine railway, to be built along with af pbot tos of them. The photo-sail lockers, and six garages for aphs would~ shown also in the the convenience of out-of-town ·ndows of local stores. boat owners. Cars Collide New House Underway • CGrona del Mar '-i Malt Sbop 1911 0.... .... .., I ·~~ha CLOTHES FOR MEN ..... ..:· -:;.. ·-""" xn.-.: MEN HAVE GUIDED NEWPORT OBOWTH-Trtllate to U.. laltla of U.. -,,_ pktan>d Mft aDd otben wbo have IKrded tlile Cllty"a pvernmeni chuiac the .. yean .aw tM btoOrpo"'::: of Jllewport Beach wu e.sprewed &t a cbamber of commerce luncbeon. Le.R to rlctst. -w. are rce P . wu.on. Dr. c.nd. Rldlter, M.aril ilobmoa.. 1. 1. ScbnJt.ller; 11tand.1Dc: R B. wuu.am.on. Irvtnc Qeorp Gnloa, O. B. Reed. CIJ!!!!! R Ball ODd R C. C. S'-- Other construction in the border town indudes a six-room hotel on the main street; a two-story con- crete structure on the site or the old F oreign club, between Sf.cond and Third streets: on the main avenue. and a dozen othE'n are being built in the central part of the city. It just couldn't happen, Nick thought. But it did. When Nick Suttora. Newport Beach employe of the-city street departm('nt, picked up his pushcart at 7 a.m . Monday, he found someone had stolen a tire from It. Cars driven by C. W. Murphy o P omona and A. f". Adair of r{ewport Beach collided at Si~th sf,rt'et and Central avenue. Nc\li.'- pPrt, Sunday afternoon. Police slid both drivers took care of their ~ damages u they were in- s ed. Mrs. Anton H ershey of 201 Marine avenue, Balboa Island, has made arrangements to build a two-story, seven-room house and a two-car garage at 207 Onyx Ave., Balboa Ave. The buil~ will ............ __ ,,. State C. C. Otters Awards For Highest Percent Voters The California incorporated com-"The state chamber's awards are munity whose official vote in No-being made on the eve of an elf><'- vember s hows the highest percent-tion that is of utmost importance a ge of registered voters going to to every citizen of the nation. the polls "'ill be honored "'ith a ''With the majorit y's opinion ex- apecial -award, J ames Mussatti. pressed a t the polls, the world a eneral ma nager of the California will know how An1erica stands. State Chamber of Commerce, an-a nd those elected to office "'·ill nounct>d today. know they have the backing of A similar trophy will be a\vard-the majority and not bC' misled by ed by the s ta te cha mber to the the efforts of minority pressure county "'hose official returns show gr?ups, in~is ting upon their O\\-"O the h ig hest percen ta~e of ballot· point o( \'lCW . Ing by register ed vott•rs. A\\"a_rds l "Stal£' and national policies : will be based upon offi cial canvass initiati\'e and r e>ferendum m<'aS· of pt>rcen ta ~e or r<'gist<'rcd voters ures ; proposals a ffecting \\·orking and the , actual balloting. Ever)' a nd <'C'Onomic conditions and tax county and every community-rates citizens must p.-iy-these are regardless of popula tion-has a decided at elections. California chanC'l' to "'in this rccoS?nition. elects a U. S . senator. congrC'Ss- "Thc st a te chamber d rcided 10 man. state officials and members award aga in this yE'ar the trophy of ~he l_egis la turc i.n Nove".1ber. to the incorporated community California voters will pass JUdg- best fulfilling its duty at the ment on seventeen ballot me~­ polls," ~lussa t ti said. "HO\'-·ever. ures. We, the IX'?~I~ .. must l~v_e this gives no recognition to the up to our respons1 b1h t u~s as c1t1- aplend.id effor ts in the rural areas, 1 zens and ~o to the ix>lls on No- eo a simila r tr ophy "·as added, to I \·ember 5. go to the California county poll-------- inc the highest percentage. of its During 1944 the U. S. produced registration. Official election sta-1 as much oil as the "'hole "·orld did tiatics will decide the winner. in 193.5. Trailer CANOPIES a /{I ~\ ! Offer Cool, Pleasant Comfort to Trailer Owners ' = v b, ' • \Vant nnarc-looking roofs with Jong-lasting prottction again.sc all kinds of wothe:r? Prtparf'd·paper and mt"ta.l roof.s rta.111 slick up when you raint them with Scandard Asbesros Roof Coating. Its 6-rc-ttsisting quality i.s in.its large pcrcmtagt of long asbest95 6be:n and mica: and these allow llU<tchiog aod bending without aacking. Jt-. tops. 100, for coeliog imid<: of fruit-.Wpburing sbedJ. Veterans Comprise Major Enrollment in S. A. Junior College Total encollm('nt has reached 1326 students at the Santa Ana J un1or college it was announced today by Director John H . McCoy. or these, 884 are in the day school, while 442 have registered thus far for the evening sessions. Registration for full time stu- dents in the day school is closed. but the night school. with a total of 40 courses 10 choose from. will conti nue to accept enrollC'CS until further notice. Veterans at Santa Ana, as e lse- "'her!' in the na tion's collC'g~. con- stitute a 1a rgc percent age of the stud!'nt body. An estima tc<l two- thi.rds a re rormer serviceme n. Be· cause of the influx of vet s. th!' av!'rage a he of the male s tud!'nt popula tion 0 0\\0 hovc>rs a t aboul 23 y!'ars. \\'hile the girls remain l:lt their pre-,var a verage of 18. Althoug h haml)('red by crowded facilities . Santa Ana. in contrast to many schools in Calirornia. was not forc!'d to re fuse admi!'sion to any qualiried. prospective stud!'nts. Until the completion of the new 17th stre!'t campus. however, Santa Ana will still remain among the sma ller junior colleges in thE' Southland. With better and larger facilities, th!' junior college would be among the lead!'rs in tota l enrollme nt. Fullerton Coll . Renews Aqua Progam After a war-time suspension for four years, water sports are be- ing renewed at Fullerton Junior college under the leaderShjp o: Jimml: Smith, veteran aquatic coach . "''ho is returning to the junio r colleg!' after three yE'aN' sen.ice as a command!'r in the navy. l\'o meet schedule has yet bt.ACn mapped out for the season, but Coach Smith said that Compton . Caltech. U.S.C. varsity and frosh. and U.C.L.A. varsity and frosh teams probably will be scheduled. Coach Smith had been with the Hornets for 11 yt-ars hefore he entered the United States navy. F or both water polo and swim- tearns, his squads have an excel· lent reeord in the Southern Cali- fornia Junior College league The Fullerton Junior college "''ater polo tea ms "'ere S.C.J .C. champions for the last six years before t he war. whereas the col- lege's s.,.,.imming teams held the championship for the last seven years before the war. In 1940, ~ch Smith's s"'immers "''ent on to win the championship of the Southern Pacific Amate ur Athletic union. Men reporting for swimming practice regularly include Don Bradford, MRFVin Burns. Buster Bruce, Jim Davis, Al Oo"'•den, Jim Gehdrenoux. Bud Householder. Bob Hamilton, Ed Illsley. Bill Knipp, Mort Prizer. Wes Prisbey, Frank P ouchE'r. Roland Shutt and Ho"''ard Chipman. Side of Central Tom Up for Bldg. Work Motorists were forced to park elsewher e than in the four blocks from near the St. George's apart- ment houses to the end of Main street on East Central avenue. Monday, duE' to the reconstrnclion work going on there. Part of the work is being done to lay new lines to connect up with the n('W Balboa. exchange buildin& or the Southern Cali- fornia T elephone company. "The telephone company gladly dela~ this work earlier ln tbe midsum- mer in deferen~ to Balboa busi- ness and i.s now continuing from where they left oU at that time. Wbite Hone Cafe ftmo sm .... w....,<Allf.. Merchants and citizens are look- ing forward to a period of great •• ~o~· ,, -. ' . I''\' \ \ \ \ \ \ coot $16.000. ''------------' ' YOU CAN ENJOY So t ·Water 1N vou.R HOME I ON A SERVICE BASIS 'j' •••• dlat1e ~-~ wit ~ '°4 at/ 'f"Wl- , .. -.~ l;,1 -. ~. Think of ill Plenty of silky-s i ooth soft water ... ..,..,.,...,..,,,..., · 1 all you wont, al a turn of the faucet ... without ~ny investmen~, any bother, any work, any depreciation. ~ Water, adually softer than rain water, for laundering, bathing, ~hampooing, cook- ~\\\ I l . ing ... for only a few cenh a dayl '~-".: A. ,NEW SERVICE- W e Install a aoftener in your porch or utility m. We own it and we service it. It provides 100% SOFT WATE al a faucet without any attention from anyone i~ the house- · =-~ ! hold. n. Ji TRY SOFT WATER THE CULLIGAN WAY for thirty days and convince yourself. Don't delay. cJn 111 today. W~ are as near as your telephone. havty parlon, ................. rotlauralllr, ... ~ ONLY oportri...t houses irrrettigat. the economy and .... . --111.,_ ••a..., c.8 ... Soll w_ s......_ '250 f.ALL YOUR son WAm lmVICI Mt.NI BEACH HOMES . r----------------1 I t-~ 4 ~'G,, ""tic gojt ~ I I 1. CUT~ SOAP COSTS IN HALF I I Over one--hoH of the soap yOAJ use in hord water is con-..med in I I O'fetc:o1ning hardness. Yau tGVe from one-half to three-quarters I of yoUr toap .•. and .get things cleaner .... when yOAJ wath with I IOft water. 1 I 2. LENGTHENS LIFE OF WASHABLES I I Soap curds, fonMd by hord water, cannot be rinsed out of fabrics 1 . and cause rotting and destruction of doth. Soft water eliminates I this condition and reduces clothing and linen expenditures.. 1 I 3. CUTS WATER HEATING BILLS I I The elimination of scale in the water heoting coils, through the us.e I of soft water, makes the l'teater more effk;ient ••• hea&tg the I water qukker ~ leu,fuel c:omumption. I I 4. CUTS PLUMBING REPAIR BILLS I I Much of the pMnbing ·-1n the I homo is caused by -lo fonnod In p ipes I by hard water. 100% Soft Watsr olim~ I I --1o and -pblibing bills. I I I 1MI SAVINGS All RIA'SIR 1, THAN THI COIT I I L-------------~ so WATER SERVICE 410 32nd St. NEWPORT BEACH .P h o n e rH A R B 0 ·R 11 4 9 •