HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-03 - Newport Balboa News Times• r-J ~ : ' • J - THE ~· ~-1-> SAND .._., '-I • CRAB ., SAM ~~,:!~~~Ja=: i ($5 word) efforts of war ~rans and those not of that gro<,1p as well, in giv- ing a full day's work to their job. Whether this is the.. smart thing to do or not. feel that when we depart from tbe old and tri<:<I methods in vogue for the last 100 years and which is largely respon- sible for building these Unit- ed States, t hen we are head- ed tbe wrong way. One can understand, in a measure. tbe veteran's spiritless ap- proach to work. brought on by months and years of in- eptitude in tbe army and I)avy. but men you are on the wrong track with the red lig ht against you! Note that General Omar Bradley, ad- ministrator of veterans· af- fairs, deplores the "lazy'" at- titude and the "50-30 club" theory -dra";ng the 20 bucks from the gove rnment · and · attending a ball game rather than laboring, Sure. we all know that you are simply reflecting the at- titude or the times and doing what the other guy has been practicing during the war years, but believe. it or no•, there will come a day of reckoning, when the employ- er will be the choosey -one and not the worker. Just gaze around you and note the few energetic employes who are hitting the ball; then store tha t observation away in your mind for fu- ture reference and you '"ill find that he will be the lead-. er or tomorrow. he will be the employer and the ma n who makes the decisions. The law of averages will ever seek its level, whether you think this old gray head is a has-been or not. • • • Balboa eov.... This feller , Fred Beck. who piles on the words in unhurried phrase. writes feelingly · now and tben about Balboa Coves, a part of which he in tends to live on. His latest epic is about a r1Shing trip with some of our alleged best ci ti- zens. thus: "You really never know a man un til you have been fishing with him. Fishing holds a mirror up t o a man's personality. All t he inner , .hidden facets of his charac- ter come to the surface. You can teU-by the way he han- dles his gear. by bis attitude toward the r!Sh when gaffed and bleeding it is brought over the side. by the way be smears the Kip on his lips. 11A board a chartered con- verted army J-boat. QUI of beautiful Balboa Coves, I 90Ught the marlin a few days back, in the company of a Mr. Henderson. a Mr. Miller and a Mr. Westlake. (Note: Tom H~nderson . of Harbor Investment Co.: J .M. Mille r . realtor: Westlake, in his office: both Henderson and MUler are guilty of starting Balboa Coves. a new subdivision on the highway near the Arches overhead). 11?.Ir. Henderson proved himself a philosopher. a man who can smile and wait 'til the next time. or the time after that, to catch his f1Sh. Th e 'bigger-fis h-in-the -sea- than-has-been-caugh t" type. • + + A Cold Killer. Mr. Miller Is a cold, precise killer. Grim- ly h e fought his fish. De- terminedly he reeled it closer. With a heart of cold steel he brought it aboard, brought it to its death. (It was a skipjack.) Mr. Westlake made per- iodic trips below to a dminis- ter to himself: thiamin chlor- ·Ide, Bl -Complex, Eucpicin Oint 1%. Alka-Zooe. eye salve, Old F orrester, some . unidentifiable caj:Qtles pre- acribed by a Dr. Pheasant who Is presumably a special- ist. Mr. Westlake was hap. py when ooce again, knees a-wobble. be was ashore. He Is the type that Is good only In bis own element. Non- adaptable. '!be fourth man was me. .. KFEP POSTED! 1 Yeu • . • . • • SIM .. 0 v SL'B o.&: ., Oe•f:J' .. ... Oot .. _ -~ ......... New•Tlmwt N...,.n ·._. , .NEWPODT •• • ' • W1e'l;J_N•-paper ....... A.a ... -ol. Cir• I •• EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST. NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPO HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOUJMS mTID NEWPORT BEAOll, CALIPOllNIA, 'DllJBSDA:I', OOl'OllEB S. INC ~ 1 ~ 11 Form Association to Def nd Water Rights LONG SAYS Howser Is Guest-of Honor SHELLEY Dr Coons of Newport Beach V. -c~ HEIL NRA ACT . Of Stanleys in Breakfast SPONSORS Fo mally Inducted as Preiy IS. OFFICER HIT PRESS . Party at Castaways Club PORT PLAN At Occidental College Today OF BIG TEN CNP A Cites Alleged Attempt to License P apers Chest Dr.Ive St~:;bl~;;:i·n~~::.t s~~y '~; Cali~r;:;:ls h:::~vel~~ro~~lh~~~ J·1 my Ashen Ne"'J)Ort Beach ""«.'re hosts to creation of a stale harbor auth- Dist. Atty. Fred N . Howser or orit)• "·ill be considered at hear- LoS ANGELES Oct. 3 --• fore an audience of 4<Dl. including 225 representatiws of colleges and universities t.hroucbout tbr ~ Companies in Three Counties to Protect Their Acreage MemoriC'S of the days when General Hugh S . J ohnson was ad- ministrator of the National Re- covery Act, '-''hich was invoked by the first Roos«.'velt adminis- tration in 1933 were recalled when John Long, general manager of the California Ne"'-•spaper PubliSh· er s' association, addressed mem- bers of the Orange county pub- lishers and of the Rotary club at S anta Ana Tuesday. In format .Ive ~ c~~~~~e~rn~;~t~~: ai:::n~~~: ~~~h:~!:~e ~n:t:x~.:;fa1'v:~~ Sele.cted as ~ncnethr~J.Caatsata~~.•aysk rasclut bpaor,1;ergl1oo·vek~ mittec on harbors. Senator J ohn .. F. Shelley, chairma n or the har-I try, Dr. Art hur Gerdi.ner Coons Formation of_ the Santa Ana or Lido Isle, wu: fcrmally River \Yater association, wh ich made prt>sident of Occidental Coai-will investigate the adequacy of lege, Los Angeles. in ookrfu1 ce:re-water supplies in the light of monies in the campus Hillside r apid industrial and population Theatre. this afternoon. growth in Or a nge, Riverside and F d S ing Balboa Bay Wednesday. bor committe<", announced today. T f w k Un tage Brief remarks were made by She lley's committee, specially a 0 ee ~~; H;~J osCoe~nnAs.1Ja~tBeety. kGo. Serdn0a~ crea ted nt the last session of the • legislature to de termine ways of Richman, ~trs. Lelia Eastman of improving California port facili· Dr . 1Robert ·c .\aetand. sres;ident San Berna rdino counties. was :in- of the board of trust.ees. and fer· nounCed Wednesday by George B. Long stated that the late Presi- dent Roosevelt was one of the in- stigators of the act, a phase of which called for the licensing of newspapers, ~·hich publishers then vie"·ed as a n attempt to muzzle the press. The publisher s association head spoke TuE'sday in de fense. or fur- thering the aims or a press free- to print all the news of the day in a new <'ra of significant changes. Among those present was San1 D. P orter, publisher of the NE'w- port-Balboa News-Times. Press Defender , Dies in Anaheim Orange county observers of na- tional ne,vspaper "'eek, October 1 to 8. werC' shocked today to hear of the sad passing of the veteran Anaheim printer. Charles Kuchel. one of. the founders of the 59-year· old Anaheim Gazette, the oldest defender or press freedom in Or· an~e county. l\·lr. Kuchel, who was 80. died in the Anaheim Lutheran hospita l Judge Kuchel was the son o r Conrad a nd Samantha Kuchel, t"'O of the original pioneers who set- tled in what is now Anaheim in 1856. The pioneers laid out and graded a square mile of land which they made into a vineyard. He was born in 18§6. He be- came a printer and in 1887 he and his brother He nry bought the Anaheim Gazette. oldest news- paper in Orange county. He sold out to Henry in 1890 and taught printing at the \Vhittie.r State si::hool. Mr. Kuchel was e lected justiet.' of the peaet.' 20 years ago and continued to hold the bench un- til his death. He declined to run in the last election and would have vacated his position J anuary 1, 1947. Surviving Judge Kuchel are tWo nephe~. State Controller Thomas H. Kuchel and Ted Kuchel. present publisher of the Anaheim Gazette; and two nieces. Mrs. Fred Backs and l\1iss Winifred F elrose, all of Anaheim. Se rvices "'·ill be at 2 p.m. Friday in Backs, Campbell and Kaulbars mortuary ln Anaheim, Rev. H. G. Schmeltzer officiating. Buril will ~ in Anaheim cemetecy. Orange. chairman of the Rt>pub-ties, will make tours of Southern Plans for a concerted Com· lican County committee, and California harbors at San Pedro. munity Chest drive i n the Ne"'-other< w · · · · 1lrmngton. Ne,vport. San Diego, port H arbor area are under way. In his introductory r('mark.s Ventura and Santa Barbara and War C hest activitic!I of the past Sen_ Collins spoke of Mr. How-hold public hearings J n these few years are now turned over ser 's experience a nd qualifications cities. · to the Community Chest. "'hich for public orficc a nd Mrs. Ea.st· Shelley explained that at present was officially incorporated last man spoke of the latter's ability. California must depend solely on year and now goes into action. She also urged that all citizens the United States Army Engineers As required by state law, a who are rC'gistered vote Novem· qr local communities to make board of directors was appoint· ber 5. n<'eded improvements in harbor Ni a nd now a city-wide general List or guests present Y>'ere: faciliti~. council is being created "'ith rep-A5S<'mbl}man-elect and l\trs. "The state itself has no agency resentation from all civic and l Earl \V. Stanley, Mayor and Mrs. '''hich can stC'p in a nd make CaJi- welfare groups in the area. 0 . B. Reed, l\lr. and l\·lrs. W alter fornia harbors adequate to meet A budget committee has start-Longmoor. ~1r. and l\lrs. Braden new industrial needs," he said. ed compilation of requests for Finch. Mr. and l\trs. I-t a rry Welch, "i\ssis!ing in the development financial cooix-ration from welfare Form('r l\ta.yor. and l\1rs. Cl}·e n of its harbors, giv<'s lhe State of groups in the area a nd from those Hall, l\lrs. Lella Eastman. i\lrs. California an opportunity to en- outside \\.'elf are bodi(>! Y>'hich have Marl ha Ho,ve, . Mrs. ~noie courage ne\v industrit"S and expand been aided in the past. ThC' com-Thomas , l\1rs. Diane Hillman. 1 natural trade advantages that mittee expects to comple te its r e-Ro~and \V~ighl. Hon. J . A. Beek, 1 nave been too long neglected," port by the end of this "'eek Heinz Ka1St'r, Sena tor Collins. s'.<.-nator Shelly d eclarc.>d. and announce its final budge t, Gordon RiC'hman. Dist. Atty. ShC'lly, after holding harbor which w ill probably be between Ho\vser. Ra lph l\1askey, Bob Gei-hearings throughout the state for $12.500 a nd $~1,500. . . vet and Sam D. Porter . the past tY•o months. recommends .All supporting organ1zat1ons j that the state inaugurate a har· \VIII have one . or more. members UHS Li t Fr bor program and a ppropriat(.> on the cam~1 gn rounctl to pass s s ee funds for harbor development. just upon_ budget llems. On the board Navi'gati"on Study as it has already adopted flood of d1rc-ctors for 1946 are P. A. control, highway and beach im- Palmer, A. B. Rousselle, Hubba~d provement plans. Shelley's Com- e. Ho"'e, H. F . ~enny, lr\·in mittee will submit this proposal George Gordon, W . l\-1. L?npnoor. The e\.'ening navigation class at back to the statE' legislature when S . T . Dunlap, Braden Finch and l\'e"1>0rt Harbor Union High it meets in Januar . Earl W . Stanley. school will be-gin its work on !\'ton-Y day, Oct. 7. with Hutx>rt Kidder Long Beach Group P lans Harbor Visit As C. of C. Guests as instructor. This course in navigation is pr('· pared to meet the s pecial needs of the boa ting-minded me mbers of the community. Fishermen, boat operators, yachtsmen \Viii find practical hPlps in the use of char t Twenty-five me mbers of th(' a nd compass. Executive Association of Long Course and dislance problems Beach will visit Newport Harbor a re included in the first part of Tuesday next, October 8. arriving the class "'Or k ; celestia l naviga· at 10:45 for a trip over the area. tion in the second. Field work Headed by Harve y B. Freeman , at jhe beach with a n opportunity executive secretary of the ir asso-to take sextant sights will sup- c.iation. the visitors "'ill inspect plem('nt the celestial navigatio n. the yacht harbor and marine de-This is a free stat£> adult even- velopments here, considered some ing class v.ith students paying of the most advanced installa-only for mater ials such as charts. tions of their kind in t he country. dividers, parallel rules. The executives wiU be guests ot Open to both men and women. the Newport Harbor Chamber of j Class meets on Monday and Commer~ on their tour of the bay. Wednesday evenjngs 7 :30-9:30. A commit tee which Includes sev- Record Bldg. Month 40 Couples Attend First Legion Dance Since War's End American Legion Post 291, 15th a nd Bay Ave., held its first dance sinet.' tht' 14•ar Tuesday night for Legionnaires, the Women's Auxil- iary and their guests. Forty couples, which, along with a few stags and bachE'lors. enjoyed the festivi ties at the most successful gathering since the post's begin- ning. er a l chamber of commerce mem- bers "ill welcome the visitors who \\•ill assemble at the N<"''· port Harbor Yacht club for thelr bay trip. Follo"'ing the ha rbor tour the group will go to Laguna Beach for luncheon. Some of the local Legionnaires attending were Post Commander Earl Coppersmith, Judge Bob Gardner. Theodore Robins. Gordon Findlay, S upervisor Irvin George Gordon. Glenn Croft, Jack Ford, Maurice Laurie and vetera n's counsellor Bill Bannister . Sever al new members were added' to both the Legion a nd the "'omen's aux- Chief Building Inspector A. M . iliary. Nelson reported today that the Music was furnished by Marvin valuation of 69 building per mits ' George and his Motel F ive. Re- issued in Newport Beach during freshments were served throughout On hand to represent local in- t erests will be Sam Porter. Chari~ Cra.,~tford, H. F . Kenny, R. L. P a t- terson, Col. J . J, Sailors and se''· eral others. September reached $271,.350. the eveninc. Memorial Rites Conducted for Mrs. Elizabeth Kendall Bob Smith Joins Harbor Red Cross As Crocker's Aid l\.temor ial services "·ere he ld Saturday in Pasadena for l\.tn Elizabeth M~lland Kendall. ""ife of Dr. ~nd Kendall. professor of mualc a t the Univc r-, sity of l\.tichigan. A full-time director of accid~nt ~1n-Ke ndall, "·ho was the prevention, first a1d and water daughter of Mr. a nd Mrs. Robert salet~ has been added to the staff S. ?.t cClelland of Pasadena and of Southern Orange county chap-204 Sapphire avenue, Balboa IaJ- ter of the Ameriean Red Cross in and died at a Los Anceles hol .. the -of Robert Smith. who plW Jut w~. comes from the University of She wu -n !mown on &!- Idaho and w ho will aid Fltt Clllef boa Island wt.ere she bad 1pont f!ank Crocker in building up first her awnm~ for 20 years. Sht' aid dasses and the water aa!ety was \\'ell known in m usical circles program. and on era duating from Stanford 1be local p ogram ot water safe-uni,,·ersity tn 1936, married l>r t:y is one of the finest in the coun-Kendall. then on the facu)ty of try, according to the new db-ed:or, the university. She traveled with and as thb: is a favored water him ln Europe, then aided him sports area we should have 1pe. in m usical research a t CorMU ciaJ a tten tlon from the Red 0-0... university. Durin& the war yean Mr. Smith wu on the Pacific they ....,.. at Dartmouth cdllege. area staff ot the Red en.. for ll<sides her -m oncl buo- five years u ... u u Red en.. band. Mrs. K.enclall ta aurvlwd field re-ntative during the by two -. Artbur -Peter, ....,., and served -.i _... In and """ mter. llarpnt JleCkl- the navy u athletic speciallat. i-. ' · .JO HN DONllOFF mer teacher of Dr. COOll9,. i..nvtsted Hodgkin, chairman or the Los An- ""SJtin' Jimmy" Ashen, pint-Dr. Coons \\'ilh the respomibilities getes Chamber of Commerce ttgt'i- sized at back on the Ne"1>0rt of his 'OffiC'e, charging him to sate-cultural committee. Harbor! football team \vhich open-guard •the trad.itioris. the principles Hodgkin said the association cd the 1946 SC'ason on the St. and the herita~ of Occidental. represents \\•ater suppliers ot 69,-000 acres of the three count ies Anthon)' grid iron last Friday. w as "If the world and what we like!' chosen as Tar of the Week in to thiok of as our good American t ~~-H~--~ a poll nducted among almost 200 Way of lite are to be sawd. .. _.. county or ganization ever formed Nc\\·po l Harbor spectators of last serted Dr. Cleland. UU:ley will be to make a comprehensive study ot week·s game. saved , by sofTK.'thi.nc furwlamental the water supply and to take oon- Asheh, "·ho sparkled on the of-They will be saved., and saved only certed action for protection of ex- fense fur the Tars as they \vent by the very things o 1 ;.tentat Col-isling water r igh ts. do"·n ¥> dcfea1. 12-0. was voted Iege and its kindred institutions TI>e association's officers are J . the hCWl.Or of being the first Harbor "'ere founded to preserve and ~ J . Prendergast, Redlands, presi- athlete of the '46 season to re-mulgate. , -dent of the Bear Valley Mutual · TOW N ' Water company, president; Vcr-cc1ve t e . . tnl' more mem· "All the tru~ ~ ha~ known ,_ r I h~ T r b II d ·11 •• _.. non c. Heil, Orange County llt"rs o t "" ar oot a squa \VI and 10,·ro and taken for a-nted '--" d · h d _....... Water district, vice president, and <A" narn ,,,.... ur1ng t e season an and considered as pennanent seem all t£>n )"·ill receive r ecognition in now tO be in ~ ........... I do not .John M .. Mylne jr., Riverside, th I I d ·11 h ~u.s Gage Canal company, St'CTctary. h · · d Directors include D. R. Ga rd-t e1r u•tures isplay('d by five believe they will be destnr-t I e oc~ ne,vspapers an '"• ave believe they will fall I do not I I . ·3~ ner, J . C Tuffree a nd Heil. of oca s1n('ss concerns 0 not believe they will be a- ...Tar f th£> \\'eek ballots ""il l be S<'ntially changed. Orange county; Mylne, W. R. cast t t · ed. t I Olawner and R. D. Kelley of . · spec a ors lnlrn ia e Y "'But I do belie~ we who cherish Rivenide county; P. B. H a.sbrouck, follo"''~g home gam('s as the y h t hak ff indif I av he d t d d t em .mus s e o our -Otarles T . Paine and Prendergast e e _ gran s an · a n on f£>rence a nd intttia and __;-i-... of San Bernard games layed a"'ay from the local , d .t . t ' If . ~ ........ d · ino county. field, \.}:>!J's \viii be taken at the 1 1 an t vi ~a '':!· ~ ,-m ... 8 n Association members and t.he following business concerns: mus e.r 0 . t lf' e e a:se.. a creage they serve are: Pink Drugs in Costa Mesa Responding to Dr. Cleland. Dr. Orange county-Anaheim Union Ne\\'J)O t Cleaners in Newpor t Coons delivered his &..~ ad-Water com pany, 9000; S anta Ana Beach, The Donut Shop in Bal· dress, naming scholarship. charac-Valley Irrigation company. 16,124; boa, F rsythe's Camera Supply on ter and servi~ n Occi&:ntal's Yorba Li nda Water company, Balboa Isla nd and Hampto n's chief ~bjectives. 2600; Vernon C. Heil, 8>. Harboq Drug in Coro na del Mar. "Occidental," be deda:red. "ii in Riverside county-Gage Canal Jimrriy Ashe n's picture, as well nobody's pocke t. Its bom'd ot. trus-compa ny, 6400 a nd Temescal as conk-equent Tar of the W eek tees is broaclly repreantative ot W ater company, 4600. selectidns will be displayed in the the vocations and Uw op;••• ol San Bernardino county-Bear Ne"'s-times. modern American democratic .,_ Valley Mutual W ater company, See \bE' Tar play, cast )'our vote ciety. The facuJ ty ia neither re-10,000: Crafton Water company, a nd ~tch for the results. actionary nor radical in educa-140Q;Fontana Union Water com- -. -tional, or political. <r mciaJ. out-pany, 15.000 ; Citizens Land and N look Wa ter company, 4000. a al Reserves ' -·~e are neither • rich ;....,.. Purposes 01 the association are: G 0 • d college nor a college maintained L To make an investigation· and roup rgamze only by subsidized hliliai-1 i-Y-report on the present and proo- 1 pective use of waters from the -m ents. O ur student body' • ~ Santa Ana river watershed and Fron!. 60 to 80 former service-resenta tive both of the ft17 rich I the amount obtainable from it . men a tended the first meeting and powerful and-Of ~ modl!!rate 2. To recommend action to of the •28th division of the newly income and more iocllllift strata d de 1 formedf 2sth Division or the Or-of society--avoi p etion of the supply. ~ , 3. To protect exiJting right.. ganiz Naval Reserves which "Occidental fs a ttDiUihiilitJ of 4. To protect irrigation water was he d Tuesday evening in the learners, of scholan, •ekiic an from pollution by industry or Americ.n ,Legion hall in Santa increase in the cap..:it:ies ~ all leWage disposal. Ana. I of us to adv..a ~ In 5. To make", in addition to the Lt. G. E. Gilpin, USNR, co-worthY, doing. to R'!'W' oar country bulc Santa Ana study, any water ord.inat+r for the second district and all humanlty ~ t.o &larify supply in¥8tigatlons bearing on of whie~ Orange county is a part, God." · the interesta of the members that is commanding officer of the 28th division Third speaker of Ole afternoon may appe81' to be necessary. He o*tlined t!ie program to the was Dr. Robert G . Sproul,, pnsl-Aaoclatlon memben, Hodgkin dent of the l.rnivenltY ~ c.Bfcr-said, will have vote-power in pro-ser-vice en and explained that re-~1 ~tt:E~~~:§ ~ight Shift Ma&"i~ -r~·~::--, Uneup tor Friday's Clash By .IORN DONllOn' at least three weeks. Eager-to disp!my to Harber fans The rest of the squad, with the that last week's defeat at the exception of second string Full- hands of the St. A1llholQ' Salnb back Gibbons, Who is also on was a fluke, and espeda:lly anno.. crutches as the result of a bad " to make thefr home opeutt a vie-sprain received in practice two torious one. the Newpgrt Harbor' weeks ago, ~ out ot the SaJnt High school Sail01"9 take on a Rll-came with nothing but 1uperfid al soned Riverside Boar crid outfit -"'-and pains and should be Friday afternoon on u.e. Newpxt ready to go against the t outed Heigh .. pu111re. Bean. Still smarting fJUD the 12-0 C'.oech: Pick~ m iy do some lickin~ received r._ U. Saint. :!:i~i!'!· :.eu:oo""..~ ~e,;:•~=...!-c:m:;:--°"::. and Ready Bogey" HO<Tell may ' be lhifted from end to haltboclc peeled 1'> be ID -'" ""' met-and "Shiner" Roberts brouch ' tie for the r...... ...... -af Bob Klllefer from conter to me: ~e season aDCf u. .._,, for • up from the 9eCOl'M! •trin&: to ml wm. tho piv'ot -L ~ve 111?•....,. -aw -.i ... ~ Amen. cMem u um ---· -- - j 1 2 1 ..... Tar af ""'w-. Will prab-toward further _, cf tbe ablF -plenty of -In the -tala cf H1 3.. -Tar ~ u a rau!t of tu. tacld!Jic-fadi: of -"""' tbe tine .-mg 1ut ..-u wm Tar -ve ID -- -1--and RO)' wold, boUi Wttk llllCJ aided tho 8 '919 .. -of --pnmioo cl • •tr...U fe lreop -... - -... .... Into tint-elm -• sarlllecL Brtaa Hamal, the I.test man -. . . -· tbe oqaad, will -the -BAD NEWS._.-... • n-andU hocaabe- lho local "'"-- - --the -by -dwJ Buz Ownhis. ... ~ ac I I No+•• ... ffMmJ IM.1 ~ to oa. for •• dK $ 7 a a gw ... be ........ nmaer wbldri the wt.> • ., -• •ml flllllD needl, • an ever-pra: t up Mmrda;y ~•a•t r ..... tlftat. n Buz JXifJfd Mp Ba 7 J.w .. • • • 1-t _.. -IM TBS •ABS, "-RhaiJlde ~~ ....... a .... ,..(0 r ........ ftlw) ' r '• . ' ' . """ ------- ~ ----~----------- I ' more than 16~ Annual returR I I I I I I I I I • rti• oPPOttvnitl' of ..,. ,,_, -ta """ Co.G LopM Motel Olld Apot'hffnts -Jocing tM oc.-OAe blod. qwO!y -100 • l lO ~. si .. frOfth Oft ~ ~ d~ fOf' occ:o~tio,.. assure 1~ ,-or al'oo.nd ~ncy. O\ilolity built -l1••1 reinforced fvl s~ th roof. ..tJrrocti'f'tify kir~ in 9lllOf1 Souftler11 Colik>r1"00 --f"*f COrp919d. Ve•tiola bfifldi. 1 cu ft elec:tpc r~0'1. $U,771 ....... p. a. palmer INCOR PORAT ED real tors 3333 vi o lido, n ew p ort b e och, c o Ii i. Telephone n ew p ort beoch, harbor 1500 ---~--------===---- -------------------- THE SHADE SHOP Announce s Its Opening Agents for AERO Custom built Venetian Blinds Wood or Alumlnwn We will soon be able to take orders also for Quality Shades to fit your windows Fast Service Assured Free Estimates 218 20th St. N~rt P h: Harbor 1570-W Will your new home be Adequately Wired? lt'a the Sixty.four Dollar Question ••• md you11 be roay if the answer is "oo"I Whether you balld a ocw home, or moodd, the electric wiring system ls d>t "par df' whcll it somcs to li>1.bility. If the wirin& is modem, you can mah full me of cvcrr clc<ttlal 1ppliain and 1onlct frx Jftll to a>mo. If the wirin& is imdcquaio, roar bome will be obooi<te U SOOD U it is built ... not a ,,., bee>,• ... a ""ainu was•I Let Ed.Uoo's ElccttK: Home Pl•nnina 0.. panmmc help you with rour wiring p1am. No mu.., ao obli8l'i<n Pbooc roar nca=t EdisOO oBice for """" Jo. ,_.rioo - PLUMBING J H ESTUS HARDWARE • • GENERAL EI.ECTRIC llANOSll e BEPBIGD&TOllll • W MPD"'8 D l&BW A!lllER8 e MJ>I08 .,..,,! 118 Newpuri ...... D060: ..... H&WfiWA ••1 ao& II •• • Pacific Telephone Co. States Vast Expendtiure for Plant fxpansion Program in 1945 • Finest Traditions of Upheld by Home Towt erican ~Press apefis. Editors Pralaing the ~town press aa a champion for the welfare of the communit)• lt serves, E. A. Davis, president of the California Ne'A'3- paper Publishen' association and publisher of the TU.lelake Re- porte r, today called upon publish- ers to take inventory of "'hat their buslnep world and. finally, hi5 death.. .. The finest traditions of the Am- erican ress are being upheld every day t>\'el')' week by the edited' v.'hose first thou&ht is the wel- fare o tiis community, Davis said. "A Place Wh<T< FW."""" Meet" STARCK .'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short . Orders "SPUD RoWI!, Monag<T-}OSE'PHINE OQuiST, Ownn 107 ZIA l'b.oe Newport 8Mdl N. R. Powley. president of the-/ est of r ecord for any year we have newspapers have done tn the way Pacific Telephone and Telegraph ever experienced. of public service during World C.Ompany, in his quarterly state-"Although the great majority of War II and following V-J day as me.nt to shareholders released t~ the v.•aiting applications for aerv-a fitting observance of National day, made a comprehensive state-Ice at the first of the year have Newspaper Week, October t-8. ment concerning volume of busi-now been Oiled, new applications '-rhe newspaper i.s a public ness, the rehabilitation an!i ex-in the first eight months, totalling servant," Davis stated "As such, pa.nsion program. increase in num-mare than 551,000 or 98 per cent it hu ae:rved as 8 "'oice of frec- ber of telephon("S, and earnings, gre~ter than in the oorrespanding dom and 8 guardian of liberty." .. To SttVe the voi& of freedom and gµard.ian ot liberty, however, the p~ must rem&in unshackled and ~.of.hampering restraints," :==============::==========::; he wJ.ned. as follows: period a year ago, have left a "Newspapers realized their re· "Embarking as it did ln the b.acklog o~ m«_>re tha.n 267,000 un-.sponstbW ty during the war, ac- latter mo~ths <?f 1945 on"° its la:&-fdled a_Pplicat1ons as of August 31, ceptlng each challenge which the est r ehab1litat1on and expansion 11946. government placed upon them . program In its history, our com; ''Seriously handicapped by the They collected scrap metal, waste pany has made gross plant add.i· 1 shortages of critical ftlaterials and paper and fats. Newspaper car- He · led out that various ele- of th1s country would, given the o ' rtunity. restrict the power of the press and control it for their ds. responsibility for t his is no more that of the publishers than of th reader and private citizen," he -co1 duded. ti~ns in the fint eight months or the disturbed conditlo~ through-rier boys of the nation sold two Junior College Given this year of more than $70.850,000. out the country affecting manu-billion war stamps. Contributed I averaging more than $8,856,000 facturers' output and our con· lineage to the Seventh War Loan p~ V OC'ati.ODBJ Fund. monthly. struction projects, we have been campaign reached the total of 62 . · I "It Is now estima ted tha t these taking every consistent short cut mllllon lines." Ap~intm.ent of federal a nd additions for the year will aggre-to provide service to all who.want Davis pointed out ttiat the home-state vocational education funds gate $130.000.000. thus exceeding it a nd to improve. the quality an.d town newspaper ie the only vital (Smi h·Hughes and George-Deen ) by $55,000,000, or more than 73 speed of. our servtce. Our task ts history of 8 community and the have been announced by Roy E . per cent, our previous highest a huge one and we shall accom-people therein. He called atten-Simpfan, California Superintend- yearly gross plant additions in plish it through the spirit of serv-tion to the fact that the home-ent de public instruction. for the 1941 aggregating $75,000,000. ice and the will-to-do of our or-town press recorded .. everything year \e nding June 30, 1947. "Our ne t telephone incr ease in ganizatlon. from births to aeaths-with the F~ Fullerton Union H i g h the firs t eight months of this ''Traffic volumes are at record whole history of a man's life in School and Fullerton Junior Col- year totals more than 253,000 levels. Originating calls per day print." lege, !the assignment of funds is telephones a nd since V-J Day the f~r both local and to~l and long "A newspaper is a living chron-as ,f~llows: high school agricul- increase has been more than 324,-distance for the first eight months icle of man's achievement-his ture+s2.237.36; high school trades 000 telephones. of this year aver ag€.'d more than birth, his school days with scholar-and j. dustries-$295.46; junior coJ- "The eight months' increase ex-16,300,00G-an increase of more ships and athletic victories, hi!i lege trades and industries-$2,· ceeds by more than 119,000 tele-than 2.700,000 calls per day, or 20 marriage, his achievement in the 635.l,. phones or 89 per cent, the com-per cent, over the corresponding I ;;;:;;:;::;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;::;j bined increase of the more than period a year ago. I• 134,000 telephones for the years "Toll and long d istance calls 1944 and 1945. in thhl sa.me period increased 16 'The increas<> since V-J Day ex-per cent' over last year although ceeds by more than 137.000 tele-the volume of the longer haul calls phones, or 73 per cent. the increase has been adversely affected by of the more than 187,000 tele-the reduced military and war-re- phones in the year 1943, the h igh-lat~ traffic. In Railroad Car Shortage Believing \A:idespread industrial suitable mechanical unloading shutdowns will result if the short-1 equipment. tMore than 75,000 cars age of railroad freight cars is not are now awaiting or undergoing alleviatf'd, the Los Angeles fham· repairs. That m eans they are out ber or Commerce was embatked of use, aggravating the shortage.) today on a campaign to help edu- cate shippen; on the necessity for insuring maximum use of cBJTters' racilities. ' "6. Load cars in full compli- ance with DDT lPrA, ReVi.sed. is- sued by the Office of Defense TransPortation." Circulars "'ere sent to-approxi-----·------====- mately 10,000 Southern Call!ornla shippers \1.;th th(' rollowing sug- gestioru: for handling of cars with the thought that if followed close- ly they will help to reduce an acute shortage rapidly approach- ing a crisis stage: "l . Make it a rule to unload cars the same day they are spot- ted for unloading, and notify the carrier as soon as the car is emptied and ready to be pulled out. "2. Arrange to unload cars re- ceived on Saturdays, $undays and holidays. "3. KN?p a receiving clerk on hand on Saturdays to re<:f'ive lf'Ss than carload shipments Inform caJTiers serving you that you \Viii rt'ceive LCL shipments on Satur- days. "4. Clt>an debris out or cars aft er unloading so cars "'ill not bf.' dt'layC'd a\,·aitlng cleaning by carrit'r pcorsonnel. "5. A\·otd damaging car floors, walls. and doors by use or un- • <fl.. Bok.a,, ao"'P4'"1 801 ()out mp..., Ptaaae Boo ,_ Mil For Delicious STEAKS BREAKFAST • LUN &H • DINNER -on- Balboa Island ~ Block from Ferry 113Yz A~te ' 't ,,.,, l•••·· , ... , .. ,,. tu• Your . l ' I ' I . ! .··--- ! I I I I I I I I I I I I '.All(! those fall raina are l 1Ding. Ia I your car ready for •en/1 Wheela in line? I Body snug ? W"ldahield safe? PRON& llABBOB 11'1 FOR SIGNS Stewart -Warner Panel nis Available Chrome Now • 1n Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE -Ef*11 9 Z D 1000 Soll8t mway Phone 8-MO'/ Alao 111 llu Francbco-Wllmlllctoa-Stocktoa-~ ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fi.re Equipment Now, while the weather is still gooo, is the time to have brakes adjuated and 11Winter Service" work done. BENEDICT • The Sip Man • BOAT LETTERING A SPD:l<U.TY . . • , I --~---1~-~---,1----~=-~~;;.i , .... ". ~· -DrlY~ .. ls \\ultlJ ·I se~lc• 't. tio•• Special B AT T E R Y Sa I e OWNERS! Al IENTION, BOAT Here's a bargain In BATl'EBIE8 you cannot afford to pass up. Bring In your old battery and we will replace it with a new 200-amp.-hr. $56 WU.JAB» BATl'DI', for $%5. These are not repaired or rebuilt batteries. They are jUst as new as if they were shipped to you from the WILLARD faetory. But the number Is limited -ao DON'T W Al'l'I --• Yov Ou • Yoar 8-t ller)Mleel -- Storey's Battery Service Phone: Beacon 5183 ~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I I -· -..........,, Give J'OW' Ford a -aave 10uneif I Our mechanir.a are trained in Ford a bNUdown. Our ezpert rd Mechanir.a know I ierrice methods • . . uae genuine Ford parta thlt M J.Oll1' Ford car bMt. !And more of these rlibt becauae they're made right. So brinr exl are on the job, now. I your Ford "back home" for lenice. Prompt Service-Fair ~· lrom TH . ODORE ROBINS . • _. .,.-..... 1n .. 11r1111,.•• .??. \ Castaways Club Continues To ·Attract People of Note BJ' NANCY NEWPORT ThrUla and tun! I've been places, boJS and Kiri.I, and seen things AND people, In more,. years than I like to admit-covering spots -dolnp, and hammering out CIDP)l--but my momenta up on the 1Dl1 have given thb old drift- wood bul.Jc of mine new life! cap•n Don is RIGHT, there ARE m«e charming and interesting people and "swell IUYS" in this area than any other spot on Uncle Sam's map, and 1·u bet my Hedda Hopper Hat-the rest of the world! FOR INSTANCE: JACK NORWORTII! Patriarch of goode olde vaudeville days, and daddy of those grand old· Amer- ican classics "Harvest Moon .. and "Take Me Out to the Ball GllDle'' having dinner with Mn. Nor- worth. Has just moved hi.I lhip A masterpiece of magnifi,cence · · nrc skins in all their radiant glory · · · smartly fashioned with extravagant fullness , · · assuring enduring elegance. '69500 to s7 9500 PLUS ~O.,,. TAI It's a matter of pride "";th us. the w.l)' our fun meet all competitive tests. That is why w< wge you to make compari- oons for quality and price before yoo buy. Buy Now on Our Lay Away Plan • • shop from the "Swmet Strip" In I Hollywood to Lquna, and - ..,-Ing that a cork sblp-mocl<I, similar to thole Don had made for Castaways was one of his Pet exhibits, and tbat be bad ~r....i to sell It until be got another. PlllATE DE LUXI: L. RON HUBBARD, ~· club member, 6:·n&\l'Y itrategb:t, yachtsman, adventurer extraor· dinarie, and writer of pi.rate sonp and books, AND direct delcend- ant of old Sir Henry Morcan, the great buccaneer, checking Cap'n Don's full·leneth portrait of that mighty man, and aaytng that the color of the hair 11 cor- rect-a "'avy black wtg covering bright red locks., which Ron de- clared was as red as his own, FUllS ' • • '-~-• .. •«~.ti/~ . . .:# ADDING ~-, ~ MACHINES {f:. . ~:?' .... ,sw.,. __ ,~ • NO DELAY iN DEUVERY- COME IN AND WALK OUT WITH A MACHINE UNDER YOUR ARM. Put One To Work ••• On Your Work • , • TODAY! ,,,_ ___ __, ..... Saft Valuable Man Ho_.. e T ' he O'fn 'tJ ---• .,.,....lb ..... ·--T-...... Y-"S,'m"n e Aiits ,, T ..... • Ol9a ·h··· ( ....... a._,. 0•••• ~) • h Apple Sauce • Fa: cy Crab Meat • Saljld Dressings • Pick.les -Olives •Ch~ • Meals • Safdlnes -Anchovies • Cnicken -Biscuit.. • Ft nch Rolls SHqP AT GILL'S For F.;:her Vegetables Better Meals l(ancy Groceries OCTGla 111111 Mal NOWI =t--::..-. --. ---, arr~- NAIWll ,..NIW.., .....,Tl ' -See Our SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carbon Finish 5x7Size s100 (Proofs Shown) PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR I I . .,-?' WE SPECIAT.TZE IN WEDDING PORTRAITS Studio .,_ Home -Church Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! Compere. Make)'CMU"•1"1J lalof dlrMYiap we promi1e yoa at Safeway. Compare bnnd lo< b<ud .... qu1;,y '-quality. Right down the lini!, ,..11 hd Sdeway prtca rifhl. Yoa'll 11e why folb nuy- where aN saying, .. you gd -.ore for your money at S.few•f·'" °"_ .... _.._,.. -..... _ 1..1. ....... .. _,. 0 'M•.&. ....... .... .. ... ' ' • - Mesa IJQUOR ·SHOP 1-Newpon-. Plenty of Whiskey No 111111.t t.o U1$ el _. I•) •• OOIJTA MIC8A, CAI.Ir. ...._ Beri.m: ltll City Council Session Slated for Next Mon. A regular meeting of the New~ prt a.loch city counc:il will be bd(f nrst Monday afternoon ft'tm 4 to 6 p.m.. Qty Clerk Fr&4k Rine- hart said W ednesday. It will be the first seaion since the city fat:ben returned from the San Diego municipal conference. Deliciously Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE --Z4 a..r Senf- + n•--~ •sss..,rt ._.. • NSWPO&T a••ao& Ji&W&· 16 Join Community Symphony Orchestra At the tint rehearsal of the newly orga.niz.ed community IYJD· phony orchestra 16 • pswpeeUve members reported. according to Lee Sawin, conductor. Reheanals will be held regularly in the Newport Harbor Unlcln High school auditorium on 'J\lesday evenings from 7 until 9 for the rest of the school year. 1be attendance Tuesday repre-. sented not only the Harbor area but also Huntlngron Beach. Seal Beach and Santa Ana. , Partid pa lion in this cul tura.1 Jtl"oject is open to amateurs as well aa to experienced perfonpen with no preliminary auditions or arrangements necessary. Anyone with talent, training and an inslTU· ment t. invited to attend the next re bean.al next Tuesday, Oct. & Otizens Aid . Disabled Veterans The· Community Service \ to Camps and Hospitals program which is proving extreme ly im-. portant according to reparts given by service men who . have been included so far, was discussed at length at the monthly Red Cross board meeting, with Stuart Dunlap presiding in the absence ot <llair· man Ardys Dean. ·~---------------------------------------------~1 supervisorsReject The fact was stressed that It is truly a community program and not alone that of the Red Cross, and that Its success depends on people who are willing to open their homes to these service men of the McCormiclc and, C.orona hospitals. Yoa Would Prepare It BALBOA ISLAND For Your Convenience ..-We Will Remain Open Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday Balboa Central Market J Interest coat d.creaaea u the loan ia paid off. You will lilie our plan. ' - Our home- f inancing plan has economy and safety yo u'll like NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS •11tl . LOAN ASSOCIATION •••• VIA L.100 NEWPORT BEACH, CALlf"DRNlA Local Bank Warrant On Newport School SANTA ANA, Oct. 3 (Special.- The board of supervisors here Tuesday rejected the $50,000 tax antidpation issue submJtted by the Newport Beach elementary school district. Rejection of the lone bid. that or t1'e Ban1c of America. for t he Newport issue was ordered when the supervisors held that the bank's bid "conditional" upon ap- proval of the issue by a Los An- geles law firm. No provision for such approval was included in the bid qtll. The board set October• 15 as the date for receiving othe r bids. In- cluding a new one from t he New. por t Beach school. White House Cafe Pboae S182 ....-lle&eh. O&llf. These boys are physical rehabili- tation cases, some of whom have been in the hospital for a long time and to be able to spend a day or weekend at the beach is a plea.sure long to be r emember- ed. Reports showed SO day parties aod 24 weekend parties had been given and hostesses were th e Mesdames Beth Brown. W . H . Wickett jr .. C A. Herberts, C. A. Neighbors. Geor ge Lind, Murray Roberts. Jurgen Lorentze n, Betty Powell, Jane Calkins, Nona Hyer. Ruth Jones, L. L. Isbell and J . A. Gant. The week-enders are brought down by bus Saturday afternoons and me t at the Red Cross office by drivers who take them to their destinations. They are picked up at 3 p.m. Sundays to be returned to the hospital. They particularly enjoy fishing, sailihg and motor boat rides around the bay and anyone wish- ing to give the use of a boat or arrange for either a day or week- ------------· I end party may call Mrs. Ruth ,..------------,I Jones. chairman of the camp and Why Suffer? -..,11e, Hoadac1-, Pains In Groin and Leg~Lou of Vltal- IQl.-.. AJways Ttred"-Hlcb ancl Low Blood Preullft!I -"'Sll~ pins" -Growt.nc Old before yoar U~Anem•e Skin and IUdoey Aliments reepont quick· ly to our Exclmlve Technique Wltlloot Drup, Pain, Surpry or lnjecttou. --., A.ppeb.._. DR. I':. F. BELL, D .0, l'll.C. 10'1 Hnd S-t Newport -Calll. Phone llai'bor list ae..: llarbor 1181 D-.: •-• n-. 8:99 a. 6:fl2 ~BoU'ltlT~ hospita l committee: Mrs. L. Love- land of Balboa Is land or the Red Cross office. HOLSTEIN CITED Newport Beach police booking record on Tuesday afternoon car- ried tt;le nar.e of one George Hol- stein ID. said to be from Lido Isle, who was cited for speeding 45 miles an hour in a 25-mile zone at 10th street and Central avenue. Newport. • ROSSI'S Liquor Store 100 eo.ot lllati'"'1' Formerly Go-• Dnc SluN ()pa~ Do.T CENTRAL BOAT WORKS DE81GNl':R8 and BUILDr:JIS YACHTS COMMERCIAL Power or S..U: F1shbl&' Boat. or Party Crohers Steel -Ploot.tc ~ T. J . GbJlonl. Naval Architect . ~ 50-TON CRANE SERVICE Ballders of the All-Steel CENTRALINERS Foot of Slat St. Phone: Barbor 1680 Newport Beach On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at---\ CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN ' Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m . 1818 Ntl'll"pOlt Blvd. OUBB SEBVlCE With a New Building and Facilities • VENETIAN BLINDS • • • WINDOW SHADES ... -Quick Service - DELIVERY INSTALLA'DON HANSON'S 1 SHADE LINOLE ·UM SHOP ' AND 181% ISl'll COSTA ~A • Bob Killefer Buys litterest in Realty Agency in Balboa Bob Klll•fer ot 505 J street. Balboa, bu purchued a half in· terest• in the Coast Properties, Inc., agency. He is a former farm and road machinerY manufacturer. He has lived ln Balboa four years. H S. Teachers 1n National Recognition teaching staff Ot Newport D 0 RA LE.E'S -.. "" -bldulled Venetian Blinds to oar stock. Custom Slip Covers -DraPeries BaJbM.'+w' George Weiss, 1750.0cean Blvd., Balboa. who Is • prftident and founder of the firm, which has offices at 705 E . Cmtral avenue, Balboa, r .. 1s that the addition of Killefer to the firm wt.11 be a great asset to the Harbor area. Union High school bu o again received recocnttion ot l'-------------------------.J the educational program of this inst tution by a national publics-fF======================="" So Help Me • • • "Boys;· began the Boss at this week's Pep Meeting at J. M. Mil- ler's house and lot warehouse at 15th and Centr~. 'Tve been going through the mail and the s1tua- tion sounds alarming." '1'hink nothine of it." said Holly, the office boy, in his help- ful way. '1'h.e situation always looks tough around the first of the month at my house when the mail comes in." · ''That isn't--w-hat I mean, Holly," explained the Boss, ·patiently. "Here we are in the real estate business trying to build up a little good will for the firm, and then I get a letter like this." "I agree with you, Boss," said Bid, the assistant janitor, "I'll admit I don't get a chance to read all your letters because I don't tio The May, 1946, number of the lish Journal, a professional m.e~u·ne, has published an article . Roscine Feeley, head of English department of New- Harbor Union Hl&h school. · article describes the free clln,,.._program employed dur· ing he put two years in tbe Eng- lish classes and shows the tremen- do progress made in reading ab· ty as a resu1t of the reading prot;ram, as measured. in stand- at<lil2ed tests. J ·ors and senior reading aver- ag in Harbor High have ex- ed the average for college :re1'1ro<'1n, as shown in re parts of nal standards, and have been above the average for Orange ty as a whole. ases of the program at Ha,r. bor High have previously been gnized in the "Atlantic Jour- nal ' "P opular Science," and "P ular Mechanics." ha"" time to get them all steam-Ill i I rv'i~ REFRIGERnTion ed open before you get here in LLC I I the morning. but some of them Eff"'CE COIDPllRY are so hot they don't need much ll I steaming... -J:actwrtnc -8enke "While we're on that subject, tzO Oout Blvd.. ~ del lfal- Bid. I would thank you not to go PboDe Sanor %18' through the mail." said the Boss Nlcbt. IAcana 1~ with a n expression slightly m eaner -+--=-"--'=---'-'----I than usual. ! - "Oh, don't blame h im J . M ." Cement a.ad .Flagstone · put in Jane. trying to head off Contractor another argument. "He's only T wou AlfD J'OUllD..lTIOlfl trying to help the JX)St office B7 E8ttma"' department live up to their motto: Barbor 2574-W 'In rain or sleet or gloom of cit Ml'Tioe; we ba1'9 tbe _, TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE or Three Arch Bay • ''All-You-Can-Eat Spetials'' Dave Now Become a Begnlar Part of Oar Mena -Every Monday N"ight- A "SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER FEAST" -Tuesday- DELICIOUS CHICKEN & DUMPIJNGS -Thursday- THE FINEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked to Pm-fectioa -Friday- A DEEP SEA FISH FRY These specialtii:s are offered in conJUnctlon with out varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS, FROG LEGS, etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls of As- sorted Relishes and Salads will enhance your every meal Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cannot Serve All the Food on the Coast. So We Serve Only --the Finest -- PRIVATE BANQUE!' ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 1un. • 10. Sundays, 4 p.m .• 10. Closed Wednesdayw THE -STANTONS, DOO AND JO Formerly of the Coast Inn night the U. S. mail must be '-+------------' gone through'." ">========================,di "\\'ell. if that's what the boys --r--.,..----------------------------------- in W ashington want I suppose it's got to be all right with me." sighed the Boss. "But it's tough t o have everybody in the office reading m y mail." ''But everybody doesn't read it Boss." said Bid soothingly. "It's onlv Holly and me. Jane and Russ read the ft1nny papers Instead ." "Then for the benefit of those who ha ven't already read this Jeter I'll read it aloud to show what sort of thing I'm up against in this business." Mr. J . M. Miller, 15th and Central, Newport Beach. Dear Sir: Six months ago you sold me a house . At that time your salesm a n told me it would make a fine home for m e. my husband and our children. Since that time my son has run away to sea, my daughter eloped wi th a barker in a carnival and my husband left four months ago to get a cigar and· I haven't seen him since. Last Thursday the house ~·as hit by lightning and it burn· ed to the ground. Your salesma n v.ras a liar ":hen he told me this would make us a happy home. He probably still is and I want my money back . (S igned) . Mrs. Ali Moha mmed Murphy. P . S .-Ain't you ashamed of yourself? "Boys, you can see for your- selves how disheartening this sort ot thing can be. If we keep get- ting letters like that every day it will only be a matter of ten or fifteen years when we'll have to shut up the office here and all go back to work." A t the mention of tfie word work all hands h8.$tily rushed to the neanst exit and caught a bu.s for na Juana. BALn -~­ Lady Attendant -~- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 I I DAY AND, NIGHT - • I - ' NOW BEING SOLD Indicated acceptance of this property suggests that those interested should act promptly. "The Coast 's Most Distinctive Residential Community" . Here's your first opportunity to purchase on the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mat, where the ocean shore line takes a pie· ruresque bend • • . natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improvements: unduground utilities; sewen -architectural resuictions. Large sires, e.ch with ia individual appeal U you are ocean· minclecl and want 1ometbhi1 -°" tlH ,...,, ..• this ii it. The loag-awaiced opponwiity to pwdwe oae of these large oceao·Yiew bomesires. See th;. property •. , make your selection early. TUCT OFflC£-01 0-HIPWIJ,Hit Slllli II C... Oii lls. , I I ' 1 · ' f , .. --·; -J ~ ··~·•'t.:•' --.~ ·~~1 • - --~~~-::-:-:~:--:::"":'-::::::~::~:::::-:-:::::-~~~~";"'.':::;::-:;:-:::;:-::--!!:·:iiilll'l:::::·~·~·=ao+i:;:: OetiMoer • !!41 ...... TARS TACKJ,E . BEARS _ ..... -••r ---'l'S.&!lllPOSTAOX HMLll: ....._l.ANJIOllll • w TO BUT a ao.us, lltlPPLml II roe DNT a L B. Y .A: RD A GE W ANTED-Rldo to Loa AngelM P U M P S VE'tiiiiJ ....m 4" x 5" or 31' x FOR SALE--40 n. cabin ...W-: FOR RENT-ROoms opts. ,,_. d&l1y 9:00 to 2:30. Phone Beacon WORTillNGTON 41' $peed Grapic with or with-llleepo llx; pllq, dinette, bead, JooWng harbor & OCMn. Pall- ,:1358-W. '16-2tc PRESSURE • CENTRIFUGAL ~.in-Phone Beacon 1arp wbed --cockpit, sades Hotel 1414 See View Aft. (OMS' 11 rr-hp 1) TruJil)o, fullback, ii potentially . dangerooa .. a line-busting i~Tµ~ travel to the Newport IB!D" U pl wM will be used for the an untested unit .o far this sea-beaunger ban carr)'in& duties. BICYCLES For All Preaure .-ai~· '16-2tc ...,.,.,Wtely reconditlonecl. -to . Corona de! Mar. Phone H..- Bold, Rat.od or a.paired. Soden Rl!frigeration tt!,~ ~ for aOOll 1._ atem; O!rysler mariDe enctz>e. 14S6. '16-tte _,, this being their !Int game ot vy the seuon. Reports have it that The local squad ahould re:!!I the Rlvenlde coach, who has six want thi5 game ~· lettennm has been having his as Coach PSckens 18J'I, if they troubles ~ far this fall getting want it bad enough. they'll take ·-• C.. 'm ~ ·-«,,,:,...., ....... r~ VOOEl.'8 623 SO. Loa ~1 .. St., Anaheim at Newport. Bal-or See owner, 133 Agate Ave .. Bal-ROOM FOR RENT-Ocean Front, 100 KalD at.. -Phone 4652 . 77-ltc surr;w>dlnC areL Write 610 00. Island. 67-tfc double room. TWin ,beds, pri- :I08 )(arlne. Balboa loluld. GENUINE RIBSlan Squirrel coaL ~ SL~ El Segundo, Call!. Pll. Fire Enni.,ment Tests vate entrance. Slnele room, pd- --------------Latest style, new. Size 14.. Priv-32Ch.J· 74-4.tp "'l-r vate en~ References. Har- . ..,.,,_.... .._ -~-. ..., -0-.w..-.... ----wttled on an offensive system. It." Starting out practice with the All of which ahould add up to •-r." Coach Bud Langley, who last a first clus encounte:T on tJ;te local )'HJ' WU &t Laguna Beach, gridiron Friday afternoon with APR_.. W9r 3 WrM w BEAUTI' AID8 U ate party. 306 Saphlre, Balboa CASH jFOR USED FURNmraE ~I:.::i ~ 4.!,_oam refllA bar 1848. . '1'5-4tc MACHINE and MACHINELESS Wand. 76-2tc PHCltlE BEACON 5S!S-J. """ a~ Portableo FOR RENT -DeLwte rooma .. Permanent Waves Venetian Blinds I -:ZS.ti• ETS HOKIN • GALVAN •Pts. Prices ranee from $5. to s I ~ 1000 Cout Richway $17.50 per week, or monthl)' Tinting and Manicuring tee and aluminum made to meas-ill Pay Cash Pll. Beacon !5522 · 'lS-tf rates as per 0 .P.A. -m~-. 1007 Evening Appl. Ph. Harhr 179-W ure and installed For fllmlture ~t haw -' ,...._ switched over to the single-. wing kickoff time slated for 3 p.m. IL-----------...) V., B utv SShh, "" E. c.ntn.1, Baloo.. Ph. 2300-M. 1 s ea1_ Co..On.OJ! !jayview Builders Supply ,.,... Beacon craw SMALL· B 0 ATS 74-ttc 1103 Coast Hlway, I Mar 818 Coast Hiway, Ph. Beacon :!o0'7 ley lure, 1812 Newpu<1 --Of tough, light marine plywood. FOR RENT-'-ROOlllS-Double. ___________ '15-_tf_c_ 1 77-tfc · 81" •Costa Mou. 411-tfc -Molded hulls or flat-botUm. Dally """1ce. Adults only. 421 .o8'r AND POUND II FOR SALE-Neon Sien Cafe. nlll.N~""U FOB llALI: 41 -Skiffs, Dinghies, Sailboats. Harding, Balboa_ Call!. Uc L~ ~-bundle of metal lath, Rl!uonable. C.U Beacon 5117-M. ocro ,_ th th f HARTIN Olrt'llOARD MOTORS ...,.;>'-.....in: ... e mon er spe-"'Flexldrive" Shafts '-'In"-----WANTl:D TO KSNT between Isbell's A: 2525 Orange ~Uc =ues in LIVING-ROOM ,_ uuanA U Ave. Write Clyde Hightower, Rt. GI · at McMAHAN'S. Our WATSON -BOATS WANTED-Winter rental, Oct. ts l , Box 343-B, Coota Mesa 76-2fp ass Shower Doors g deparbnent having "Small Boat Headquarten" to May 15 or! Adults, no pets; LO.ST-Hamilton pocket watch, · · · made to measure and in-com.tjed .._the markets for the 611 COast Hiway Bcc=on 5277 furnished garage apt. Or' small formation and will probably use Probable starting llneupo: that against the Tars. Scouu re-Newport Harbor ~..Ide port. however, that the Bean look Kllliler LER Waddlna plenty tough on defense and boast Rorick LTR Carmen two clauy backs in the persons Monson LGR Pllva&llooe of Wally Tate and Wayne Specht. Roberts C -ti halfbacks. Hanson RGL Perclado Specht. an all-round athlete Weatherwax Rn Harring who ia a returning letterman from Brace REL Rowell lut year's Riverside varsity. has Ward Q Burkett been named as a three-v.•ay threat Horrell LHR 'fate • • • Who can klck. run and pass. It Mello RHL Specht bu also been noted that George Hanzal F Trujillo ---= disappeared between Friday A: stalled. Good deliveries. ~~ ptteringa available, are tea-89-tfc house on Balboa Island. T . w. Sunday nights. With Initials "E. Bavview Builders Sup~y ;;t living-room sets, bed lllUllICAL a IL&DIO u Soule, Orange County nt1e. "Rendezvoos ot the lttarinen" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAR Oorner lb.rtne & Park Ave. f lorence Bakery Main Street NOW CLOSED for Several Weeks We take this opportunity to thank our many pa- trons and friends for their liberal patronage. Watch Our Window for Opening Date ' Mr1 and Mrs. Edward Firbank ' Does Your House Need Painting? * No waltlBg •.. Work done Immediately by highly lldlled loameymen Palnten miiBK the most 'lnod- ena equipment and finest materia&. * Owned and operated by World War D Veterans 9fleldng yonr permanent good will and patronage. * For ~ &tlmate&-- Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & .VARNISHES HOUSE & 8UlLDERS' HARDWARE It's the 23rd &: Central Pb. 2600 PUBLIC NOTICES J •.. di sets, rockers and occu-_ Phone Santa Ana 5100. n-3tc Mc. H . TraJn". Will the person 818 Coast Hiway, Ph. Beacon 7 i cha.in, 85 well 81 coffee RADIO HOUSE CALLS-- who picked it up please return 77-ttc tablT and lamp tables, and all Now that additional co'nmpetent VETERAN (Salesman) WI f e NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE to 117 Onyx Ave. Balboa Island. (Teacher) desire fur.nl1bed , Reward ?&4tc othe living.room accessories technicians are available, we are apartment or hou,,e for year, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -------------1 Hereafter lf we recap your for <!>ctober va1ue giving. Free able to make service calls ~D until new home is built. No that Irving ltfanior, "'hose address l:llPLOYJIJ:NT WA.MTED II delivFry and lowest terms. Of large consoles. All work guar children or pets. Bonus given. is 415 Acacia •Street, Box 283, RELIABLE colored help.. Men & course, we still have those 3, anteed. HENRY W~ Call Klmball 2071. eoµ Corona de1 Mar, in the COunty ot women cooks, hotel maids, dish· T I R E S 4 ~,.S.room outfits assembled, ERO, n~w owner S.O. dio, ~~ Orange, State of California, in· wa.shen, janitors, couples, house for ~at savings !or the house-300 Marme Ave. Pho Harbor tp tends to sell to Manoir Cer amics, keepen. Uve in or out. Garage We guarantee our "Cape·'' to Jut hold . Visit us THIS MONTI-I, 780. 76 .tfc. }\'ANTED TO RENT-Garage in I n c . . a California corporation, help "' hour work. Petenon's 20,000 MILE. s WO T YOU? McMahan Fur-HIGHEST price paid for your pl-vicinity of ll5 -29th St. Phone whose address is in the premises Employme..t Age.ney, 1427 Cali-nitill!e Company, Second and ano. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., Harbor 24· 75-3tc Connerly known as "Costa Mesa Corn.la Ave., Long Beach. Phone and that's not all-Broabway, Santa Ana. Calif. Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. 70..tfc WANTED TO TRADE -Rental Women's Club." on Harbor Boule--752-01. 76-4tp 1 77-ltc 2 bedroom house ln Long Beach . USED Pianos from $65. Or will vard, in Costa Mesa, County of EMPLOYMENT OFl"l:B.ED • WE WILL GIVE YOU FOR SjlLE--Wlcker chase lounge, rent. Danz-5chmidt Piano Co., for same in Balboa or vicin.ity. Orange, State of California, the WANTED--Ho .. Mkeeper full or $20.00 dine\n; S<>t, library table, baby 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 71).tfc Call H-2729 or after 6 p. m. foUowing described personal prop-w-=: buggy. two gas heaters. 410 Long Beach 44876. 75-4tp erty, to wit: part time for six weeks. Live IF ONE COMES OFF Acac3a Ave., Corona del Mar FOR SALE-Upright piano, eood WANTED-To rent or lease, 5 or Stock in trade. fixtures and in or out. Phone Harbor 398-R Ph. Harbor 23S4-J •77_21c condition. $200. Phone Beacon equipment, including raw ma-77-ltc Sn.2, or call 205 Westminster 6 room house. By Boat Com· ------------Regardless of Speed. FOR : ALE-Two metal Simmons A N pany executive. Permanent. Ph. teriah, dies and molds used WANTED -Capable &eO""etar}', -ve., ewport Heights after Mr. Hobson, Harbor 158:>. 7fr.4t~ in designing, developing and f' . In h th d . beds one upright stove, one 5:30 p. m. 55-tfc -::-==---::'-:--:---,.--..::..:; pro 1ctent s or an • typmg --1..... -----'~~~------= producing ceramics. ONE TIRE RECAPPED va1..-. ..... , cleaner and odd end = WANT -2 bedroom house or S Id and spelling. Inquire Newport IN 5 HOURS tables. Call Harbor lB6l-J. REP 0 SSE SSE D Mirror Type ~·-'-'ed a personal property is located Harboi' Union High School. . ~ 77-2tc Spinet Piano. Now only $295. apartment, au.i1-UN1 or unfur. at 415 Acacia Street, Corona del 77-llt' tar 8 complete set we will call A very pretty piano. Fine tone. rub·shed. Permanent couple with Mar, in the County of Orange, t FOR lALE-4-pc. Monterey bed-Danz-Schmidt Piano. 520 No. aby. Re!erences. Roy Your-State of California and a sale, WANTED-Laundress to do fine or your car ln the morning roo t Pr t $75 Main S ta An 7().tf stone 128~ No. Maple, Burbank. h d I dr h and deliver same day. Also--a se . e-.war cons ., . , an a. c trans!er and assignment o! the an aun y-my ome or 424 1. tr c d 1 M CaUf. Phone Charlstone 818-45. p H bo 740 $2.00 Mobllatatlc balance job e 10 ope, orona e ar. RADIO HOUSE CAUS- same will be made, and the con-yours. hone ar r . 77·ltc when we recap your tires, tor Pho e Harbor~ 89-W-K. 77-2tc Now that additional competentl-----------75-4-t..:.p sideration therefor will be paid, HELP w ANTED, MALE-Local $100 N 1 d lgh LOCAL DENTIST and wife wish at eleven o'clock a. m., on Friday, · · o ea we ts or FOR $ALE-White bedroom set, technicians are available, we are or traveling in business for "extru." f I · Good bo bl to _,_ to rent furnished house or apart-the eleventh day of Octo•-r, 1946, our pieces. mattress x a e maiu:: service calls on i.n:-. yourself. No money required. _ . ment. No children, no pets. Ph. at the ottice of Cannell & Chattin, . Good incom<'. You are your own sprmlg' (Simmons) $150. Also la.rte consoles. All work cuar· Harbor 421-J . 75-4.tc Inc., 3000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los: new Hollywood single bed $50. anteed. HAROLD L HAMM., Angeles, California. boss. Applyc5081> No. Main St.. Costa Mesa Tire Co. No dealers. 1351> N . Bay Front S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. WANTED TO RENT-Asst. mu. Santa Ana, alif. TI-Ste BailinA 2 Dated, October l, 1946. In Rear at i:: Island. 76--le Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc Met. Ufe, desires leue or rent MANOIR CERAMICS. INC. WANTED -Housekeeper, good 1760 Newport Blvd. FOR SALE-Two livingroom, two GOOD Grands. Mehlin, Kurtzman, until Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom By Kathleen Brownlee permanent home & wages. Will COSTA MESA bed'i:>om· , one dining room, stove1 Story & Clark, Chas'e, Hallet & house. Care guar. Phone S. A. Secretary except someone who has child. Ph. Beacon 5743 and others. 214 Opal Ave., Bal-Davta, Kimball, Weber and; oth-l~M. Tl-tfc PuBLIC NoTICE From this date on I \Viii be respansible for no debts other than those incurred by myself. Signed, STEW ART GIBBS. Sept. 30, 1946. 77-Itc Phone Beacon 5£,60.W. 76-2tc Ask tor Al or Hank. boa Island. 1'6-2tp ers. Prices start at $485. Terms. \VAITRESS WANTED -Cottage Donut & Watne Shop, 305 Ma· • 64-tfc rine Ave., Balboa Island. 76-~ .__-----------FOR SALE-Air compreuer, $100. HELP WANTED -Experienced 7311 Seashore Dr., Newport presser, Ca 11 Harbor 596-J., Beach. 65-tfc evening or mornings before 8 BARGAINS I, A. M. . 76-2tc FOR ALE -Plum colored rug 11'3 x 14' $45.00. Dinette set $15. )0. Phone Harbor 2669-R aft• 1 p. m. 74-4tc BOA "" SUPPLIES II SACRIFICE! Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 70-tfc Radio Repairs All makes; tubes, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wife. We do not drink or smoke, no children or pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W or Write Box "X" Newport Bal· boa News-Tunes. 37-tfc Lowest prices In furniture la mi BU8INE88 GUIDE 11 WANTED-Seamstress experienc-motto. I buy right. I sell right -;--;:===-,..,-------...:.; ed in high grade custom wurk. __ 1 ..i.o buy turniture. 28-ft. commercial fishing boat, · ex~lent for mackerel fishing. . A-1 condition Chrysler marine 915 Coast Highway, N·~ew~po~rtrt 23-tfc WANT TO IU:NT-2 or 3 bedrm. unlurnllhed house. WW Jeaae. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. 35-tfc ARE YOU doing your own paint-Sew in Corona del Mar studio Ing? Why not get your advice or at home. Write. stating ex-Needle's Furniture en e. Must sell immediately, from the people who know how. al t Bo c 2204 N--t Blvd Colla Meu per., s ary exp .. re . x , -·~--· $15 ~-S. M. Atkins, P. 0 . J:\Px Bring in your paint troubles to Newport News. 76-:?tc ___________ 5_7_-tt_c us, we love them. Service is 655 211 E .. Bay Front, Balboa Isla d. 77-4tp our Business. Burton p 8 int WANTED-Housekeeper by day. Store on Newport Blvd. 74-4tc Phone Harbor 2150-J. 75-3tp Auto Batteries Rubber Separaten 1-nth -$6.75 Ex. FOR SALE-14 ft. mahogany spe6d boat; V-8 motor ; excellent LANDSCAPE Desigining. 2 6 6 8 Ne\\-port Blvd. Phone S an ta Ana 115-J. 7S-6tc TYPING & ACCOUNTING WORK Laura G. Belden Phone Beacon 5186-R., 22172 So. Laguna Ave., P. 0 . Box 941, CostB Mesa, Calif. Will Call For and Deliver. 70-Stp CALL BEACON 5503-M for fr., estimates on your painting, serv- ice is our business. Burton Paint Store.. 744tc CLARK & BATEs Metallizlng Welding Speclallata 506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 69-9tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 528).R 211 'i!. lJlltb St.. Costa M,.. :!&-Ve SIGN PAINTING -· Trucb, Wlndowa Walll ud Bulletlna. Rabed Metal, Wood and Platl<:Lottan AL LACH.MEYER l n6 Woo! Centn.1 Harbor 124S-M 38tf1 WHY W AlT monthl fer your venl- tlan blind. "" can liVe 7 to 10 days delivery, reTV!ce II our busi- ness. Burton Paint Store. Call B 5Sro-M. 74-4tc PAINTING · 12 Yea.ra Servicr 1n Ne-wport Horllor Atta Harry Hall PAINTING OON'l'RACl'OR Phone BelOOll 52!5&.,1 274 E. 19th Street 24-U. fOR A RELIABLE Paint Job .. )'OW' borne, call Beacon 53311 after 4:JO p.m. l().tf1 ~AINTING -PAPER HANGING and n.IOORATING e. &. llcDmald 414 Old Omty Rd.. Coota ,..._ TEACHER offered room board, and salary !or relined woman to care tor child & help with light housework. Phone Beacon Compounded Motor Gallon, 'lOc Oil con ition: reasonably priced. Ph< ne ALbany 5005 L. A. 76-2tp FOR ALE-20 ft. Philippine ma-FOR SALE--Oentle saddle horse, A. "SANDY" STEINER 5577 after 6 p. m. 75-tfc Western Auto Supply hogp.ny speed. boat. In water sorrel color, $125. See at 1656 Bwiness Broker, Realtor andl wheel trailer, $1400 takk. Tustin Ave., Costa Mesa 69+tfc Insurance WANTED -Lady for general Authorized Dealer housework, 1 or 2 days a week. 1836 Newport Blvd., C.OSta Meu 350f Marcus Ave. Phone Har-SPECIAL ANNOUNOEMENTS SI 634 Coast Highway Phone Harbor 1244. 74-4.tc ___________ 41_-tf_c bor 12497-W. 76-4tp F OR RENT-16MM Motion pie-· Phone Beacon 5173 77-ltc FOR ALE-25' Lowman commer-ture Projectors-Sound or silent. =:=--==-=--=~-~~--WAITRESS w ANTED six days VENEnA.N BLINDS-Alwnlnum week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe. lteel, wood. Call UI for tree estt. cial boat. Very good condition, y.• i t h or without operators. FOR SALE-Balboa Island, by 17th and Coast Highway. 59+tfc mate. Renovation &: reftnJahln1t So. Coast Venetian Blind Co. !!±gear. Reasonable. Inquire FIL?.1S RENTED _ Your own owner, 2 bedroom home, plus ~· Dock 26th St. 75-tfc picture show at home, features, glass. screen porch and garage. DES~ TO BUY-Gull snowbird sports, musicals. for parties, Furnished, $17.500: unfur., $15.-HELP WANTED-Woman or girl West 18th and Newport Av•. or nguin sail boat in excellent clubs, churches. Harbor 2598-J. 500. Phone Harbor 2041-R. tor general housewor k; good Coeta Mesa. Ph : ~aeon 5762-W. con 'lion, ready tor immcdiate,_-::,----,----,--~.,....,7.:.6-_t.:.fc 76-3tc wages; live ln or out. Harklr 38-tft 1992. 56-tfc ------------Fire Pia<>" and Kindling use. Cash. Phone H arbor 2150-J 1 C te A il I 75-atp arpen rs va ab e Trailer Court and ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS , ... when you get a job u a telephone ape:rator. Good pay from the start ... yes, e-.·en wtdle you are learning. RalRs at resutar lntervala ... and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... attractive, pleaaant sur.. rouncllnp ... !rlendly fel- low-worken.. Paid vacatiom, benefits, etc. In many cues, work In neighboring central ofllce ~ar~home. .!.1'·1 •_. --• ·-••r_,.\ One of these lnterest!ns. -11-pald Jobo la waltin1 for you, too. SOU'niERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY ---~ .... 100 E. Bay A""" Bal- 514 Ii No. Main St., Santa Ana or C.U Oiler Operator 68-tfc • WOOD Delivered H. w . WRlGH.T Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived ..,_.. Heutnc' Aid BATI'ERIES Gm-Drug Oo. ~tfc 117 llaln SL Pll. Harbor 515 9G-tf11 Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator --'-----------' for general .inaintenance FOR !>ALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. and repair long, 4-cylinder Starr motor, jus ....,.;"'-led. Will trade for 22 O. Z. BOBEBT80N ~· Call HArbor 83 ft. qr 24 fL hou.e trailer or will 34-tfc tak_t cash. 7311 Seashore Dr.,1-----::=-::-:::::-::----'-"' NelporL Ph. H-1493-J. 7().tfc KE y S WILU PAY good bonus for boat Kade While You Watt ~~l _Have 40' custom bu i 1 t VOGEL'S ~~~· Write Box "S" c/o 100 Mam St., Belboa NT=Timer. 75-tfc '.I08 llartpe, 11a1boa loloDd FOR SALE -12 ft. sail boat & N-Uc sail good condition. With or BUSINBSS OPPOB'l'U:Nrru:8 '9 wl· out trailer, Reasonable. Ph. FOR SALE-Ball gam• and pitch Ha bor 181 after 6 !>· m . 75-ltc t1ll you win hoop game. Fully ' Residence RIVERSIDE-Two-bedroom house on •llOxJlCl-Coot lot. Equipped for ten trailers and room for more. Spece tor additional building . Price $11,500 Costa Mesa SEE TillS! Two-bedroom turn- lshed, electric refrigerator, washing ma~, table.top sove. lmmedJate poueuion. B lboa Canvas Shop equipped;· a dandy set-up, neon Salls _ Boat Coverr lights. Rl!uon for aelling, too Price $7885 Marine Upholaterlns many to handle. Call at Fun Now · at Vogel's · 100 Main SL Harbor 145 Ra: tx>r 2fl7 _ 224 ~ 2bt St. Zone office in Balboa. Phone , Newport Beach n-tfc Harbor 6. 77-ltp A. L. MATTHEWS ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~!:~~~=~ft roe BDIT 41 Licensed Rl!al Estate Broker ~ FOB SALE n r . ---roa SALE FOR RENT-Nice room for man. 2232 Newport Blvd. On canal front, near 'Udo =:-:-==o--C=:oa-=ta-::-::M,, ... --'~-.:77.:.·.:2tc.:: !18-tf• R-E-A-L V-A b-U-E-S .~· .•• ---Good-'-.. USED FURN TURE ' Twin size Beds from ·----·-. -$2.95 up Full size 5(}.lb. Cotton Ma --.-only .. __________ $7.95 2-Pc. Mont.erey Living Room ;s te, reverst."ble spring- filled cushions and back; desert tan finish, attractive cover. 2 Pieces only ·-·-· ... -... -... -.. ·--·-----...... --.. -.. $37.50 Bridge Lamps, complete with sha le --·-·-·------·---·---.$2.95 Odd Dresser, choice of finishes . ______ _:_ _____ ..... _ .... _$9.75 2-Plece Chase Mohair Liying Set, reversible cush- ions, bl-back chair, 2 pcs. -·--··---_ .. __ ......... -----·---·-$49.50 30-Incb Bookcase, 3 shelves .. _ .... _ ........... _ .......... _.$7.95 Folding Chairs ·----.. --.. -.. --.... ··--·-._ .. _______ .. ______ .... _$3.95 Drop.leaf Solid Oak Dinette Table good fiJrisb _____ $16.75 7.6x9 Congoleum Rug, clean, shape -----------$3.95 Theater. 402 Clubhouse, New-BEAUTY PARLOR, CJorona de! port Beach. 77-ltp Mar; exc:el1ent loeation on high. FOR RENT-Nice apL to old way; well ertabllobed; aulblble couple only, who wtll water and f« partnen. care for yard. s.. owner at A. "SANDY" STEINER 436 · Westmllllter St., Costa r Mesa. Rl!ferences required. BUllness Broker, Rl!altor -77_21P Imurance FOR RENT-Sifttle ,,_,,_ outside 634 Coast Highway entrance, ajoin!Jla bath. c.u ____ Pho __ n_e_Harbor ___ s_1_73;_.:.77_-.:1.:tc Harbor 50; 76-3tc FOR RENT -s1 .. p1ng rooms .. bath, Balboa. Call after 4 :30 P . M. Harbor 1336-R 76-2tc FOR RENT -Beautiful 2 bed- Beautiful Home -at-- Capistrano Beach room completely furnished five Wonder vi•w: throe bedroonil room apt. Including linens. AllO two baths. A real buy-' -$20,000 £ £ £ :t £ £ £ :t £ t Phone Beacon 5013-J IJ&.tf1 ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle, like new, 26-lncjl wheela, $30. 123 40th SL. N""JlOi t Beach. 77-ltp 9x12 All wool face Axmlnister __ ... _ .. ______ ............ ~17.50 4-Drawer Ivory a.est --·--·->---.. --.. ---·-·-"$7.95 Large size drop-side Baby Crib -L-------.... --.. ·-·-·$9.75 1 room kitchenette Apts. Lam- perts Motel 1010 Coast Highway, Ne\opcrt Beach. 76-2tc See This 8-~ FOR RENT-New Du.luxe room ... -_._ .-IUOI • ,. ••• 2 .. K .... ---· -- • - LESTER & Co. ,.._ ... w ,c,.,. s..u. ""'"-•· 2()0.( WllST CINn.u A VL, NEY10aT BuCB ' H..._137'-J . -·--·-.,_ ----TO Miii' tW INVISTOIS' - -. - FOR SALE -Prac:tlcalJy new ac, conlJan. made by Sosnnl. -H.arbor 16!J8.R. '16-tfc FOR SALE-~ matched flllb- lns chain-C.U But.or 241 .. W. 15-ttp . HARBOR FURl ITURE Phone BeeaJn ~-• -1962 Hutlor BIYd. . . -1. . -... - and private bath, ~ abaww W. J. HOLCOMB · stall Twin or double -. box Corolla del Mar spring and in!enprins mattres-"Where •L--. Unt heaL SpedaJ rates for ~~ Flap Fly" pormanmt guests.. -lll1e I -:;-Harbcr-:-,:-:-:-2'786--=--==---78-,.:...2te;;;;; ,:. ~ ... ~~:~:Additional Want Ads 1:1ue ~n Following Pag_e -, -' -. --- ' ' ' : I ' ' i . • • Pl&Wtwwwi •••ao& '' -···mAft '' na1. Ml'A'l'S ,, -··· Mr.An . ., -··· at!.&B •1D•LmAft r J.E. Barnes & Son ~ N-port mvd. Coot& -Ph: -5320 BALBOA FIVE-BDRM. HOME AND APT. on two lot3. Furnished-Excellent Condition. Excep~ Value. New 3'-Bedr oom Home $20,000 On East 19th St. Hardwood noon. c1oub1e garage. Price BALBOA ISLAND cnly-WELL LOCATED two-bedroom $12,500 Terms. Furniahed Four houses, one acre land. eut side; good location. One fi-ve- room and three four-room boules. Income. about $150 per month. Plenty of room for matt houses. FUU price only- home and gara&<0. FurnW>ed.· Can be financed. $15,ftOO CORONA DEL MAR NEW, MODERN five-room home. Immediate Possession. $10,900 Financed. El Bayo Tract Home on Bay Ave. 3 Bed Rooms, 2 Baths. °" Lara Lot $25,000 Furnished Th.lplex $26,000 2 Bedrooma, l Bath Down 2 Bedrooma, l Bath Up W. L JORDAN 700 E. Central. Balboa Phone Harbor 163 72-tfc. · Two New Homes Ready !or occupancy. St.all ahowen. Glau cloon. Rup. Call 1622-J Four Acres NICE SANDY LOAM: ...,u lo- cated; Upp!I' bay -- $10,000 Will sell ac:res separate. Two Acres with five--room house: could be cut into eight lo ts-- $8500 Three-Bedroom Home ' on 18th: furnished; close $10,500 J. C. PAYNE, BROKER 111 E. 18th S t. Costa Mesa 63-rfc Ph. Beacon 5213-M $16,800 EL BA YO TRACT One-half ca.sh. R-2 Lot. $3150 FOR SA.LE--Corona del Mar, 4~ fl. lot. l block from ochooL IOUt h o! Blvd.. good locaUon !or ~ come. Owner. Ph. H-2l~W . R. W. BARTINE Associate Broker Res. Ph. Beacon 527&-J T7-ltc Two-Bedroom House With 2 % acres land. near high IChoot Price only- JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St.. Balboa Phon e Har. 2034 TI-ltc $8500 J . E. Barnes & Son l!ll6 Newport Blvd. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - Furnished cottage on beach front. $1 950. T ake car part pay- ment. Bay Shore Auto Camp. Newport Beach. 76-t!c O.ta Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 77-ltc BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX. 2 Bedrooms. 1 ba th in each unit. Located near South Bay. PRICED FURN. at $24,500 NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN FRONT. Brand new redwood home. offe r- ing quality. space and taste. Complete in every re- spect. Knotty pine living roorri with speci~lly treated glass in large studio window overlooking ocean. Fireplace and furnace heat. 1\vo bedrooms. !"illY tiled shower. Large 20' x 20' garage contaimng storage space and hvin laundry trays. Brick paved yard. OUTSTANDING at $16,500 YACHTSMEN ATTENTION Do you have a Yacht FOR SALE. or would you care to exchange your boat for real property? If so. call Gerry Shirley, manager Earl Stanley's Yacht Brok- erage Dept .. 225 Marine, Balboa Island. Harbor 1776 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR C 0 VER ING GR EA WE R NEW P 0 RT HARB 0 R l!l5 Cout Hll<bway 3113 W. Central 225 Marine Av•. O>rona de! Mar Newport Beach Balboa Islarid. Phone: Harbor 1646 Hari>or 1013 Phone: Harbor 1778 T7-ltc BRIGGS' *** BEST *** BUYS 3-Bedroom house in center of Newport business dis- trict. Easy to convert to $150 month store rental. $2500 will handle. balance easy. 2-Bedroom house. hardwood floors, furn.; single garage and furn. apartment in rear .... in Yacht Club district in East Newport. $4000 down , balance monthly. . ' 3-Bedroom house, Newport Heights with view; hard- wood floors, tile kitchen and bath; service porch; 2 l'ndry trays, 2 garages. $6000.00 down. Fred ... BRIGGS ... Tressa 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" Steiner Offices Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Harbor 2476 77-ltc COAST -PROPERTIES CO. REALTORS 703 E. Central. Balboa A Nice Bay View Investors Home An entire city block on Highway 101 for sale. Improvements in- "nlree bedroo~ bat h a~d a. half, dude 7-unlt motel, service station, comfortable llVtng-room.: ~ning-small grocery store, .a five.room room. A pleasant gl assed in sun house and an unfinished building room on the ~nd ~r ov~r-constructed for a second story. looking the . Be)' l5 fh(P'"" crowning Immediate possession of a11 tm- feature. Price only $18,500 furn-provementa Lots of vacant prop- llhect erty on which to expand-$35.000 -:\Ir. Killefer. cash required. Net annual income ---about $15,000. Neat 2-Bedroom -Mr. Weiss. Cottage U you want a small pla('('. handily locat ed and nea' t he Bay. you Cabin Arrowbear Lake 8bould ~ t his one . It's newly Cozy red\\>·ood mountain cabin. furnJshed too-SlO.COO. Lake 9iew. Large living-room -1-lr. V/eiss. with h and-burned beams. well ---equipped kitchen . two bedrooma. R-2 Bay Front Lot service porch, summer and winter W II I ted and II t . bath.room facilities. Complete!)• ~ oca exce en '\'lew furnished--$5750. ~O.SOO takes It. -Mr. Killefe r . -Mr. Bucko. Balboa Island Ranch Lands Two fully equipped Large ranches Dutch Colonial at root ot Palomar Mountain. Three bedrooms. two baths, beau- Real money maker. utuUy appointed living-room. -¥,r. Bucko. Both dining room and living- ,_, open onto •Pl"'•lin& patio. Fit for a King Truly an outstanding home-Beautiful home on the cliff over- • 65-tfc CORONA DEL MAR 2-Bedroom home-NEW-with large bedrooms- tile kitchen -partly furnished -good location. Priced for quick sale. $10,000 BALBOA 4-Bedroom home on Central Ave. with one & one- h"1f baths, recently remodeled. new roof, real fire- place. broadfelt throughout. enclosed glass porch, brick patio. brick fence, 2 master bedrooms, very clean. A real COMFORTABLE home and priced at onl y- $15,200 LAGUNA BEACH 2-Bedroom home with a beautiful ocean view. Real fireplace. Ni cely landscaped. 5 yrs. old. A steal at- $12,000 COSTA MESA 3-Bed room home on a half acre with very good chicken bu ildings . . . cement fl oors throughout. Good district-good soil. Priced low in today's market. $8,000.00 • • · 1-Bedroom home with a large sleeping porch on * acre. 5 Yrs. old. Outstanding kitchen. This is a real good buy and priced for quick sale. $7,975 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A . N E R E S 0 N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -Salesman J ohn Bondra -Salesman Phone: Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 77-ltc "Duplex in Santa Ana Two bedroom each side. New. Finishing now. Good location, $16,000. TentlS. Orange Grove, Valencias, Capistrano Dist. 22 acres. $3500 per acre. Comparable to other groves at S5000. TentlS. -LISITNGS WANTED-- "DOUG" WHITE Real Estate Broker P. 0 . Box 781, Balboa Phone Harbor 1815 77-ltc BALBOA ISLAND Immediate possession-three-room cottage, two-ar gar- age. On good comer lot close to ~ Bay on "Uttle Island.'' Price -$10,750 GOOD LOT -CLOSE TO SOUTII BAY EXCEP110NAL VALUE Price -$6500 • CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful new well-built two-bedroom home. South of highway; convenient to school and shopping district. F1oor to ceiling windows overlooking PBtio in dinlng- room and breakfast nook. Limit height fence enclosing entire rear yard. Must be seen to be awreciat.ed Immediate possession. Price -$15.000 CHOI~ CORNER HOME-SITE IN BES!' LOCATION -150xll8 ft. Price -$13,500 · Beeutlful two-bedroom home; laJ'ge living-room, break- fast room, tiled kitcbell, bath, rumpus room OYe1' garage, attractive PBtiO, 60-foot lot cloae to ncean. 1211.000. ~-.._ . looking the ocean and Harbor en- -,pu. "vem. trance in Corona del Mar. t..arce' Prlre -$21,000 ---li'in&-room. cozy den with Ott--Balboa Income p1acr, cllninc room. cocktail room. Fine lar&e home and thrtt apart-oll-tlle kitchen and two baths. meats. near Bay. Fully furniah.. maid's quarters; two-car pra.a:e ed. SubotantW lncame tt'.SOO. and bobby room. Many extra& • -Mr. Bucko. -Mr. Klllefer. COA-ST PROPERTIES CO. Re&ltnrs "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 2658 TT-lie L<YI'S-See our selection of choice O>roria del Mar.build- ing sites. Fairly priced ' GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALTOR ~ Marine Ave., Balbo& Island ' ISLAND 'REALTY OOMPANY 201 Agate, Baiboe Island Harbor m-w . BALBOA IS AND Very attractive six-bedroo!ll blxiae on 40-foot lot, near South Bay. U · Immediate pos- sessloo. . $23,750 -T nns D V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S D .1 We Are Canpleting "'l HAYWARD .. HOMES Coosistlng of two bedrooms, living-room, ldtdien, dinette, bath-. WITIIlN60 DAYS $5300 complete.on your lot . , ISLAND REALTY COMPANY G.I. Financing on House & Lot 201 Agate, Balboa Island Harbor m-w 76-2tc HARBOR INVESTME T COMPANY Realto t t t t BUSINESS OPPO TUNITIES Hotter Than a Litt! Red Wagon! TWO OF THE BEST BU IN THE HAR· BOR AREA-R.EX:'ORD OF GS ESTAB- LISHED -BOOKS OPEN. ;t t ;t ;t Food and .Malts-~ Heavy profit makers. Comple style. Established patronage. can be leased by responsible equipment of latest For sale outright or yer. t t ;t t Frozen Food Market- Remarkable earning record. cellent lease. Living quarters or room to expand. }figh grade equipment almost new. Health foods C8ll be run along with this profit-maker.· 1 --SHOWN BY APPO ONLY- ;t ;t ;J; t HARBOR INV STMENT COMPA Y Realtor 30th at Cent I P h. Harbor 1600 & 1061 77-ltc CORONA DE L MAR UNUSUAL HOME, built es~ly ftir a couple who desire privacy. House and ga)"age on the front of three lots. Has three more lo adjoining, all fenced. Concrete retaining walls, larg enclosed patio, bar- becue. over two hundfed a ed fruit and shade trees, vines and shrubs. Ultra odern house---extra large living-room with firepla . large bedroom. All . closets cedar lined. Ample 'tchen with dinette. Guest room, if desired. Lots_ol storage space: You can actually see there is no inf Ja tion. RALPH P. M}\SKEY ' 3411 W. Central Ave. I Phone Harbor 402 I 1&-ttc RELIANCE REAL TY & NVESTMENT CO . A. R. Ebrite J . W. Doak Beacon 5857-W rt Blvd., Costa Mesa Bring Your Buying and ~ Problems to Us. Costa Me$ FIVE-ROO~OME On Virginia Place, near N Blvd Lot 50x150. Back yard. Very private. Pti for Immediate sale. Home is vacant. Some money ib escrow allows you to move in today. I Price $5950 -ent1S ACRE COSTA MES RANCHO Two-bedroom house; double l!llrhe; chicken house, 20x 120; 40 rabbit hutches and chi en pens. Lot Is 135x ~-Close to Newport Blvd. Price $9350 - _ NEW HO Tw<>-liedroom completely -~~ted~ home on half acre; garage, chicken equipment. house off Newport Blvd. Immediate possession. Price $8250 - BUSINESS A HOME Two-bedroom home on Balboa street on lot 135x330, completely fenced in, steel ch · interlocking fence. Very good court site or future et development. Price $10.cpo _ FOR RENT OR LEASE Five-room home, designed for profesSional office and residence combination at 1910 Newport Blvd. See us. Five Ac es NEAR BACK BAY; good soil; all fenced ; water In. Price $10 GOOD BACK 2-Bedromn home, COllUlletellc ; WS'Y near; ~ acre of land; COIT8l am pinfu ; di!•*'-, etc. Pro- perty illl fenced In. Prtlce--$875~ Open 7 D113S EWS"y Week 8 L m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REAL 'rY & NVESTMENT 00. A.. R. E2Jrlte and tes J. w. Doak ... BMcm :5857-W 1936 Blvd., a.ta Ila& "l8-2lc See DENISON & McBROOM 498 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Harbor 2447-R -71-2tc FOR SALE . . . BY . . . OWNER LIDO ISLE -EXCEPTIONAL BUY Improved Comer Water Front Lot -READY TO BUUD ON- Write Box W, C/O News-Times 77-2tc HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors ;J;ttt CANAL FRONT HOME-You can .move right In because it Is fully furnished right down to a half- a-pound of coffee in the larder. Plenty of matches too. Metal refrigerator, stove, complete utensils and dishes. You will have to rig up your own mooring for your boat. Everything in good condi- tion for $7500. ;t t t ;t BEAUTIFUL HARBOR AND OCEAN VIEW HOME -Inspiring panorama both day or night. Charming floor plan. Attractive fireplace. Inter- esting yard and fencing. Two bedrooms. The $10,- 600 price belies condition and value of this home by several thousand dollars. ;t t t t LIDO ISLAND BAYFRONT HOME-Yes, it's true. A lovely 3-bedroom home, completely furnished. Two skiffs, 17'· flattie, 3 surfboards, 3 bikes and an outboard motor .... /\LL for $35 ,000 on a 40' lot and you can move right in. tttt Three-Bedroom HOME. BR.AND NEW -Dandy Heights location on a full 50' lot. Far better than average construction . Nice patio and barbecue with floodlighting and interesting landscapillg. One of the most livable floor plans you've ever seen. With the price at $16,500 and that "new" smell to tempt folks - --well , if you are REALLY interested, better call us pronto. Favorable terms. · t;t;tt ABOlIT $3000 YEARLY INCOME -From four rental units and a small cafe near the Balboa Ferry Landing. Complete furnishings included for only, $21,000, cash or tent1S. ;t;t;tt FLOATING SHIP REPAIR SERVICE-Well built barge equipped with 60 amp. charger, fuel ·and fast bilge pumps, glass bottom hatch; $1500 full price for a business that has averaged $350 a month profit on a part time operation. ttt;t WATERFRONT BOATYARD ON lilGHWAY - Long lease available which wil linclude &ton! si7.ed showroom and equipment; also marine railway. 60 ft. on North channel. 'Ibis is a quickie. Thia is good. This Is cheap. See us promptly. ;t ;t ;t ;t INCOME APARTMENTS-Right now we can offer several interesting income-multiples of all types in a wide range of prices. Yes, we mean 2-unlt dwell- ings, rooming houses, apartments and motels. See them and make your purchase from the best of the selection. ;J; ;J; ;J; ;t !Jfi' HARBOR INVESTMENT 1...._I '\ ~ ! COMPANY ~~ Realtors 5n m ;j 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 6 1601 ~ 77-ltc .. aAVl'Oe WAHi• • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and WUI Pay Top Prices _, !Ell. YOUR CAR NOW Wldle ~ are Hilb. Aaie tor CIQI' Ooaa .... bu)er who wlD mJI ind iidulw )'Oii ~ OPA· ~ oillrw ~=TSON CH~OL~ .ro" Inc. 0 .. 1111..sms '•D'n ---= I ill.Ru s51rt B ' 1 -~-41' 1 &' ._..... - • .- • • New~ llartMlr' 'FISHING NEWS •ell!FTI! • ., SPOK'l'tiSHING ASS'N of NIJWl'OBT BARBO& ------------------Br BUGH MeMJLLAN One hundred seventy-five p.·ord- fiah have been weighed in at New- port Harl>or up to date Sunday, Sept. 29. IDgh boat !or the sea- 8011 up to lhil time wu the Alamo, ski"""""'1 by Wes Fowler. He landed 21 marlin, 10 of which Weft weighed in at ·Newport Har- bor. Other skippers and the number ot. swordfish landed included Eddie OffeTle's Dolphin 9. Hennan Fink's Sport 8, Norman Begg's Phantom 7, GJen Soden's Chinook 7, M. L. DeGruse' Tight Lines 6, Ed Gro- enendyke's Sa1 t Peter 6. Ralph Larrabee's Amiga 6. J imm y Stev- enson's Daisy ll, 5, Eddie Cleland's "' Sunf"ish 5, Ed Erickson's Skipper 5, Edward C. Fruehan's Jig & Reel 4, Bobbie Garcia's Mihftney 4, Mn . Donna Davidson's ltfakaira 3. Harry Lonsdale's Virginia ?wfae ll a. Arthur Taylor's Atec ll 3, J ack Mason's Lure 2, Jerry Norden 2, = C. M. Tucker 's Skip Along 2, Pere ~ Ma,r&Jes Dor othy Elaine III 2. J . = , B. McNally's Bonito 2. = ori Sa turday Wes F owler 's Al-= amo had three marlin to Wf>i~h ·in. Charles H. Preston or South Laguna, caught '"'O or them, one weighing 131 ~ pounds which he la nded in one hour tl"n minutes on heavy tackle and the other. "'eigh· lng 175 pounds. in 37 minutes. George Souther, 10465 Eastborne , L A .. caught the third one "'eigh· ~ ing 140 pound.3 on heaVy lackle in • 35 minutes. Other fish cau~ht the • ~ same day included a 13.S.pound .- m arlin by W . A. Wells. l t 15 West· ! minster A~te., Alhambra. in 22 ~ " minutes on heavy tackle from the = Chinook piloted by Glen Soden. A 150~ pound marlin by J. C. Pit· tenger, 57:::!5 W oodman Ave .. \'an = N uys. on heavy tack\C' in l\li.'O ~ hours 20 minut.es from the Sunfish ~ skippered by Eddie Cleland. R. A. P antages. 6233 HollY"'ood. ~ Blvd .. landed a 131 12 pound marlin ~ In 44 min utes on heavy tackle Fri· day from the Chinook with Glen ~ Soden. WC'dnesday sa\v t wo fish oome in. A 151 pound marlin \vas "' , landed by Vincent Borchard. Rt . :: 4 Box 3. Santa Ana. in one hour ~ 15 m inutes from t he Dolphin \1.'irh Eddie Offerle. A 151 pound ma r· ~ lln was landed b.>• Frank T eter . = 425 N . Cullen. Glendor a. on heavy ~ tack.Je in 55 minutes from the = Siesta with Arnold Muench at t he = • wheel. '" Ed Groenendyke's Salt Pe t e r brought in three marlin on Mon- day. A 139~ pounder was caught by Hal Brown. of Newport, on heavy tackle. A 127% pounder was caught by Mrs. Hal Brown in 40 m inutes o n heavy tackle. and J ane Groenendyke, of Ba Ibo a bland. caught one weighing 97 ~ pounds on heavy tackle in 19 i minutes. On the same d ay a 1T7 i pound marlin was caught on heavy .J•_. tackle by Ray Donald, of Balboa, in 53 minutes from the P .D.Q. t aldppored by Bob Fry. A 150 i pounder was ca ught by Pa t SuUi· i van. 3037 E. 1st St., Long Beach, i•' ln one hour on medium tackle from the Alamo wtth We-s F ow ler. A ! 145 pounder was caught by Gorden i Wevlll, of the Balboa Fun Zone. .I_ in one hour 20 minute-s on heavy tackle from Eddie Blondell's boat ~ Doris, skippettd by Jaty Bishof. f Odette's rock on the Huntington 1 .• :: flats has been producing white .ee bass. barracuda, and halibut for the live bait boat Sport King. Bill Odette, Sport King skipper, even found the rock in the fog 'lbursday which ls hard. On other fGUY days be has found himself 500 yards off when the fog clean .,_ and landmark> can be seen. 1 Fullerton Schools' ; Enrollment Leaps Latelt enrollrne-nt figures for F\Jllerton Junior oolleg• and Fu!- -Union High ochool show a total of 2639 students attendint -lwo ochools. In Fullerton Jwrlor" colleae the aumbe'r of s tuder\:. enrollt'd is 153(). ol whom 1105 are mm and G5 are •·omen. Frnhmen ln the )mlor college number 841 ,,_ and -1 women; aophornorel, 153 men and• 121 wcmen: third year, 28 mm and llO womrn : sprdall (non- hlllt l<hoo1 craduat .. l , !B men and 17 women. ~ T19 wterans enrolled in FWJerton Junior college °"' ree- lstered u follov.'S : Under Public ww 34&---783: under Public 1.Aw 1&-10: wider California Institute -6. In Fullerton Union IDgh lld>ool tho enrollment II 1109, of whom 151511 ""' boys and 551 .,.. girls. Freshmen in the high 8Chool num-- ber 179 boys and 153 cirll: sophc>- """"' 163 boys and 142 girls; junlon. 110 boYs and 15" girls: -10n. -l06 boys and 99 prls. Host to PartY or-nty menben of the Wll- Ulre I.Jons' dub came to N...._t Sund9Y fOI' • filhin& trip. eoln& oot on tho Ccmet m trom Scott·~ LandinS and rotumlnc with plrnty at ~. ballbut and -. Un- olftdal hoot for tho party wu A. Bert Oevlt...... ol -..ty Hills and 4100 sz· bee Drift, --. • • Our Harbor A Beacon or Sea-Lovers- Walter J. Gerhardt Harbor 29'J.. w OUR PHOTOGRAPHER a7 reir--A~ ... - -L. SbOIC) Recording Enct-r Davis & Gay Music Co. i.,-New,_.~ Mrs? Brs l"llT &H Wala.rt M. ---- G. N. Wells Real Estate .......... ,, oa 1111 1-New,..'$~ -Oalll- 0 . C. HARR -• -C. C. O'ITO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Barr's Jewelry Twin Locations 111%1 HARBOR BLVD- Coeta Meea Be. 5805-.J Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (W .. Electric Grill) EATS, DRINKS AND ROMANCE n. Barbor %2U !Ge•Palm -Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Beacon ll783 1111 Coaat mpway-Newport -. Oalll- 0. R. (Pop) Crawley-N. M . (Morrie) Crawley DistinctJve Horne F\lm.ishlnp Crawley's Furniture 181% Newport Blvd.-Ph. BeMloo 6158 Costa 1-tesa-"in the H eart ot Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" 1500 W. Central-Newport-Ph. Barbor 985 AL ANDERSON Fun Zone Balboa G. T. Ev«prson Manager METZGER STORES . . . F1.restone • • • l'fll Newport Blvd., Coeta Meu. Be&ooa CU·W "Home and Auto Supply Stores" BE-ELEOr Jesse L. Elliott · -.lncumltent- SHERJFF TVEllDAY, NOV. 5111 Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 ~-Pia: Ber El'llll Mtl Ooota M-Callfonda A . E. Groty -] . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. rrtddalft aa4 M.qtac Dealer Be•con IW 1 '191 Newport Blod.--Ooota "'-Callf. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance ~Ph.-- -llhlll Street p.Jboa. Callf. F.B.Owen Newport Souv;enir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS Pit. &anor !lU-W 11«1 Oce&n Froe~ewport ...... ()di.. HUBBARD HOWE Prea. Hubbard'• South Coast Company nu w. 0ea---. -- HEINZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1,,. • o.ut lllpl ..... ••• ... Lew H.Wallace Reill Elltate and Insurance Broker ft 7 : C>fllm. ..,.. • ·-...... 19 -w. O..tnl ·~ .... Olm. COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store TM &. C.tnJ: Aw., .. ara. ft. ......... I&,.., -n. ...... Ow a T!J" -0. R. .. I J ..... J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER ... _lid 1M a& OWi al l'f .. jiOlt~ .. "On TOOi' Wiil to -· Bruce R. Johnstone at tho Slsn ol tho -n.YINO llSD ROUI!" JOHNSTONE SERVICE ..... 19"...J C---al Hl .......... .,_, • NewportEngineering A.ieiatel nll:DEIUC J . SINGER, PJ-t M , l W9 ...... ft'gtlJl8 WI oe-1: l!w!f:!"'I= Ber -... Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store •• ,__.. for All tho Famlb' . : 1716 N ....... -.--ONta -~ ••• .,....._w Dr.W.T.~ PHYSICIAN and --°"'*'"' ......... ~·-·•> ... When the salt of the earth • • . ••• becomes a By ROSS GREEL~Y of the sea It's been said that we go too strong on public ty as to yachting, sailing, fishing and water sports. Our answer to t is is: "What else do we have to offer as outstanding?" The world com s to our shores for these pleasures and we are constantly receiving wpr -wide acclaim for these, our natural assets! SHIP AHOY! . HARRY ASHTON {from ptu•lo bJ Gt'rhal'\ll 1 Introducing Harry Ashton, corn.rncdore ot the U. S. Coastguard Aux.ilia · of thl' 11th district .... Harry was born on a Nebraska farm a nd a pond was a big body of water un I he came to California in 1929. The love o f the sea was a birthright for his great·gnlndfa ther and ~· dfather were respectively an English naval officer and a Manx fishennan .... A$ soon as California "ho e to" his family, wife, four boys and a girl, became Balboans and tor the last 12 y ears they have gone all.o t for yacht ing. Now Harry · is training two l{"l"dsonS as sailors. as the old family crew has jumped ship, married and members are now plotting the1.r ~ courses in life . His wife, Lela, Js still first mate of their 38-foot cruiser, Edna Lee. "Sailor" Ashton's college was the University of Nebraska. For 12 years he ~· electrical engineer with large hydro-elect ric COf1)0l"8tions. later returning to college and graduating wi the degree of Bachelor ot Law. After practising he was elected to the legislature, but later resigned and came to Los Angeles where in 1930 he hung out his sheepskin. His practise was pr1ncipa.lly in federal coufts until he opened his oltice at 509 East Central. Balboa last Ma y .... Mr. Attorney was an early membef on this coast of the u. S . PooNer Squadrons a nd served on two national committees; he also has served as auxiliariaJ and personnel officer for Coe.st Guard and Volunteer Port Security regiment in the 11th Nav~ district. He wa'.s discharged as lieutenant.commodore a nd was immediately chosen ccrnm~ore of the auxi 'ary for 1946 .... C~ dore Ashton also served in t hat capacity for the Hollywood Yacht club in 194 . H e is also a delegate to the Southern California Yachting association and is a member of the American P ower Boat association .. , is a Mason and Shriner .... Ancho rs aweigh, mateyl Baroid L Ramm Radio S 0 S Electric M ............_.. ••nA-PIL Barbor 780 . nlloo, G. II:., Rotrn -. A4mlnl, 'l'llor -and Appl!·-llenlee Sped.- 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor l.!11 ea.t .... ..,.--0o ....... llar, Oollf- ... lla.rltor IS Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Tr'r't s B•LlN Mil_. NII -o...& ~ .......... ,, .. o.llf.. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage ... _"' Ill .. '*-1fwwpan Br • <Wit. A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR C. F . Dl:NNUON, ~te .. a... ....,........._ Bs•-5111 B:f.: f:~M;ret (w. B·D Mu' M• t l a DJMsst ra) • ,. .. owtaal-ft. -1'!11 . Thomas F. Norton BA y SHORE CAFE ..... 8111 11U.-1Ta .. OeMa ...., SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. If. "1 ud llm'• MEATS 4 FT :1 ... Wtlll ()Mtle"a -~-· iMw•y AW Balboa Island Sporting Goods "Eftrythlng t.w u.. s_.- m~ •ut-Aw..-Butler *1-PnDt• We MAC PELLETIER Newpo"rt Phannaey n•-rw-,., __ , OL&Dn utn•.n •rdtlru a 11 Beverley Realty ('A)mpany M & ·C , al ft..,..._ liB •·ra ~~fi!!!lNtc;} BORlll:POWJ:I&) ·-'-""= .......... =:= -,.., RQll$ GREELEY ''PIK-UP'' I . Ca..-~n -Ice CNUll ---tDoss-Oo14~ *-r-aoa.· Dr. Robert A. Crawford lftlN .. ~-.~ Paul Lorentzen Balboa S~rtfishing Fleet ............. , ....... Brad~~~h Fine c.eranucs • M-....er ent Store Piece Goodo Wue .... -.. o...- & ·Galvan Dutch Heacock BOllS IRllLDll:ll Ill S. ...,. ft... "'sz11 •±err • -UI •'sa..._. EARL W. STANLEY . -Covering Grrater Nowport Harbor -................. .-... Jnt 111~~ ... NRttaa-..... a~A ... lie..,.,_ w.iter &ppw. .., ... , 'P'I ~City Merchant Patrol AM Delre•we 8entce UN~ ...... t-Newpon-..n_ _, Hll·S Theodore Robins FORD DEALER UHW.Oeatral Pbolle lluttor U Stanley James Barden MASrER MARINER a.I -Brabl'-Yadlt and 81111' -s11 eout m..,--Ph. -m& C. F. Dennison -wtlll A. "SANDY" STEINEB -a.ltor SM Cou~ mp.way-Ph. Barbo" u11 Jack S. Fred V. Raub . & ·Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 Newport Boulevard Phone Beacon 5808· W. Costa Meea JOSEPH L. MARSHALL "Francola", Ma.naaer Christian's Hut Balboa T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue &. Delicatessen 107 Mahl St,-Balboa Hotel A....ie RICHARD. L PA'ITEBSON Civil Encfneers · Patterson & Boyle . Sparrooa Bldg.-Ph. 5915 -Santa Ana Uf Clout Blvd. North-Ph. 51.!Z-1- Capt. B. 1-McNally McNally'o Balboa Boat Livery 105 E. na,. Aft.-Pb.. llal'bor '81 E. C. ''POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Games on Cout Play Ball with Dolls B-B-Bltl• Bal!p -- Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Oollf. Geo. Wrla L. Elaine W- Q>ast ~!rties Co. 7a I:. Oea------.r!L Barbor - W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe 1111& ~Newport Frttz Gooesens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market 111' lllalD SL Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods · NEW SPOT 1111 CoMt IDP•2-Nwpwt •••• a.Mo ALLAN DARTFORD 'l1ae Blue Sails Bsrta, I' Ms J , ~ .&st • zz'rs .................... Robert E. Arvin's law I a ad w.w. h rs 111 Tw a, 8ir· C lbw& xwwe Brr!!!, Odf.. W1D1un MacCurdy w. H. <Skip> c.lldm ~t. ~£!!i1s, Inc. II. I!:. Nledioc:br, Sec. " Trw. 1IU 0sMt mww Ne ........... -BrlBla ... Lee • • -Jll!•X a BOIMAN -• • Boll PAINTING CONTRACTORS ..... JM;: ...... ..........o.rw ..... J.E.~ale (0.-) Balboa Motel and Windaor 111 .. 0 lril • me ........ m 11'1 a 0 I 411 "s° ,. ClllR. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN ....... 118L&lm~Allllltl llTOU HARRY J. FORSYTHE ....,,111.e', Osmera 8apply ·~ Pbotocr'aPhlc" ......... ,_....,....o. raO. au ...... ........ ... . I I I ............ ,..amzr OOX.. •• Oww 'Tm ---1'.!f. ......... -b~···---,. . MocL;aa 1511Ge RepairiJls aam--....... ,_._ - ' ; -r = = = -• = = , , , = , , = , = , , , ' ' , • , , • = • = • ' ••taoA NEWPORT BA• llOA e I RISE NEWS-TIMES TO REMARK --- BON • .JORN PBILLIP8 • 95 ,.1...,T• •• ?,._.-'•rAaw 1 zs. v---.mwm In __ ,_1,_ to.~, __ 1 ~---T'SH1rP 'TO l~W'lh ts v---.a •"4,J x:t.ei.· u .lll: ,.___. ... • • NEWS of die CHURCHES •• om , '"Diii IrmlSIQ)Lr' ClSll'ZaAL .. ;::;;.;.;:-;:Rl; .. ~~.....,,:;::-_~i...:j';=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ...... mni.. "i:::t ~•:IO p. m.. of <l.a-..,...., T:IO o·-. .... DwlP&F T ~ ::;~~~-~. lleetJnc lmlpcraril,y In the Wo-W , T:.0 p. m.. men'I OQb -11 L "'1S 11114 lienDoD. 5~~:'5Ltn. Wonblp oervlc;o.-11:00 L m. "·' WINGSANGBOAT&RRPAIRYARD 811 Cout Hisbway 101 ..._, Beuaa 1511& ~~~~~~~~PllO~~N~za~·~·~A~llB()B~~~Ul~~,~ia~~~~~~~~~I said l wanted tM people to unclerw a•w 1t'6m ~In Adnnce:---2:50 -,_.1n ~ Com¢f atand what the Wallaco contro- '2.11 PJ >"'"' to 4th Z>Obe; i:tCO JIU >"'"' to 8tb m """Y meant ln tenna of the Uo!ted I '------------~ a.au~ .. SeciJDd.Oasa matter at the PmUJtOce m Newport Bwdt, Na tions agrrem~nt. Th•t contro- vounc pe<>l>le'• oerv1co _ 6:30 .,.,.ence ouR LADY oF MT. CARMEL P. m. Lesso* Text 'Unttality' ''' :::= ;:;1 :;,,• •n•'11'1 CaHfon>la. under the Act pt Man:b 3, 1Bl9 veny hu, ln the meantime, been --------------+-----------l oetUed temponuily by the Presl- SAM D. PORTDt F . G. FROST ___ - W. F. DIXON • Prlnt!na Plant , 3011 piJNWwr dent, but the considerations still -- , Editor exist. -· Ad9ertllln&' M•.,..... For certain of this lnformation, W. Central A.venue, Newport Btt±, Cal1fcn1a I am indebted to the dilting\ii&hed Paddle ..... ,_ .... ll;rtM ........ .. • • 1423 w-Central A--.nue Evening evanselllti.c 8el"Vice-The Iden Te1:t or lh• Sunda1 Simday M._: 8 and 10 a.m.. 7 :30 P. m. LMeon rmon on "'U nre&Uty-I• Collfr rom: Saturday. fn'CD Pn.Yer meeting-7 :.U p. m. f'ri. U1 bran • ot Tb.e Mo lb er Cb.urcb. 4 :00 to $:30 and rr..a 7:IO to day, home ot Mrs. Hume. The t Chureb or l:hr11t. Scle.n- S:SO p.m. A cordial welcome to all. Ust. ID oat on wtU be rrnm. 1 John: .. All l• 1n the world. the lual of the n • and the lu•t or the e1es. > Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach junior Senator from California, William F . Knowland. Bill Know- land and I were elected to the State Assembly in Sacramento in 1932. He was a leader then, as he is today. Coming f rom an even- numbered district, he was elected to the State Senate In 1934. and I, ~presenUng an odd-numbered district, was eJected SenatOT in 1936. I . served two years with 8T. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH Balboa 1 .. and FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Z2nd and Elden, Cocta. .... SW>day -9:t5;• monilac wonb.lp, 11; EvangeuatJc leltlce. 7 :30 p. m.; Mid-week p"'3'ft' meet· ID& OD Wedne:eda.y, T:U p. in.: y'OUDI" people'• ev~ Mniee on Friday. 7 :45 ._ m. and the pride of Ute. I• uot of the Father. ut i. or the world." E~ J. (Bud) Jacklin • A Dei;J %Ne LoeaJ 1-U:tullw for °"'81' 11 y...,. Active Member of OORKAL DUST Go on a mending sprtt · • • il\Stead of a spending one! --Jack Lindsley. Importance of the Individual The essence of Christianity is the importance of the indi- vidual. And that doctrine has been the foundation in law of all nations whose material progress has been greatest. The first rea l step forward in individual freedom was the Magna Carta., which has deeply colored the history of the world. Its most perfect expression is found in the Declara- tion of Independence and t he Constitution of the United States which carried the ideal of freedom a vast distance fur- ther. These documents say._ in effect, tha t man as an indi- vidual, as a person, is important and that he has certain fun- damen tal a nd eternal rights which cannot be abrogated by men in the mass as represented by the state. • It is not coincidental that governments based on the theory that the state is all important and the individual un- important have inevitably destroyed or submerged religion and Olristianity. For this kind of government must turn It- self into a fake religion. Its goals are wholly material. Hitle r knew th at whe n he scoffed at Christianity and said tha t the ideal of Nazism was the one true deity for the German people. Lenin knew it, when he said that Christianity was the opium of the people. Our government was based on a spiritual concept, not a material concept. Yet unprecedented material progress has been made here. The reasons are plain. The man who is individually importa nt as a citizen is the man who becomes economically important as a worker. He is the thinking man, the doing man. He is the antithesis of the regimented man. The great lesson of history is tha t all institutions-re- Jigion, industry. the arts and crafts-must remain free or none \Viii remain free. There can be no compromise with op- pression, no matter what form it may take. Government domination of the individual or business is slaver y. The basic idea upon which our free enterprise system rests is the Christian philosophy-the importance of the individual. Too Many Remedies Senator Knowland in that bod.y. He left to acquire valuable and practical ~xperience In the pub- lishing business: was drafted in W"S'd War II and rose from GI to Major by the time the death of the aged and influential Hiram Johnson left the vacancy in the United States Senate to which he was appointed by Governor War- ren. Knowland has made an out- standini: record. both in commit- tee work and on the floor. and in the councils of his party, as evi- dence of "'hich I call atte.ntion to his appointment. as a ver y new man in a very old legislative body, to the joint committee of the Senate and House to con tr o 1 atomic energy. Inciden tially, I not only have served with him. in Sac- r amt>nto and ~ashington. but I ser \ rd in Congress \vi th the ver;' unhappy young man who is Sena- tor Kno\vland's opponent in, the present senate race. I consider this committee o n atomic energy to be unique in its importance to ihis country. II is the dl'Sire of C'\"t'ryonc that the beneficial factors of atomic energy should be made available to every- one, everywhere. Ir it has curative po,,·ers; if it can develo p useful energy, I do not nt'ed tu risl' no"' t o remark that the nature of an American is such that ,,.e "'ould ,,·an t to share it \l.'ith t he \\'Orld. The problem is hO\.\' to control its destructi\·e powers. This is the issuC' completely ignored by thl' bun1bling ~-tr. \Vallacc, \\"hose r~t hav(' .<il \\"8}"S been firmly fixC'd in the clouds : 111" question is nor v.:hetl11'r Russia is invo\\•·d. Ll might be any nation. !iii:; .. ur \lltlC'. ·rhe atom1r llornb 1s a tiny p'1cka~e of destruction. \\"e n1adl· ii possible by h8\"ing the sciC>ntists. son1<· of v.:hon1 ,,·ere drivC'n from th ci r hon1C' rountriC's by the policil•s of H itler nnd ~lusso\i ni : by having the indusrri11I kno\, .. how. and by ha\"i nJ.:" tht' n1on<'y nnd being '\l.•ill- in g 10 spend it . ·r hrre is nothing in k no\\'led,i.:<'. o r industrial acti\"- ity, that any othe r <.'OUntry, given time and t he dt'sirC'. could no t It has been said that the A merican econ omy is sufferin g "'Ork out. Time is thC'refore the more t<Xlay from remedies than from d iseases. factor of safety: lime and the .. strength of the United Nations o r-0Dr.'' OPA and the other Government "medicine men ganization. have been experimenting on the patient for several years. 'rhe plan would be-. under world And thy're \VOrride ---it looks like the patient is going to control of a ton1ic energy, to per- n1i t its use for J')eaceful purposes, reciver in spit e of all they can do. undl'r constant supervision and in- The trouble is that every time the country shows definite spection or the International Com- signs of returning to normal the doctor and his assistants mittt:"e placed in char ge, or under control of the United Nations or-want to prescribe bigger a nd stronger doses o f the potions ganization. Let us presume a case they have been administering all along. in which some nation. a small The "cure" itself is bad enough but the fees for profes· na tion if you want. decided it wa.s · l · · t ~~ Am · has bee · tired of being supervised a n d Siona sel"Vlces ru"e e 1·1u1c. enca n a very patient cht.'cked. You and I get tired of patient but it's.getting tired of p'aying the bill for a cure it being supervised and checked and doesn't need. regulated by Washington agencies. Now all this is just another \yay of saying that it's h igh This small nation could notify all international inspecton that time for us to stop squandering billions annually for rem edies they "''ould have to leave t he to correct our economic ills. What we n eed instead, is to get country. It would have that right. rid of the rem edies. The OPA a nd many other government I t could turn them out on twenty- Sunday ll.U9: 8 :SO LDL CmfMllort•: Saturdayl troru 1:30 to 8:30 p..m.. OORONA DEL MAB COlll- MUNITY OOJSGKEGATIOJSAL CHUllCH Perey Fr-ederick Schrock, Minister 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona de! Mar Sunday, SepL 29, !MG 9:30 L b. Olurch llChool. U :00 a.m. Momin& worahip. Ser- mon by Mr. Schroc.k: "Indepen- dently Religious1'. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRllT, SCIENTIST Lido Th•atw, C4fttral Avenue and Via Lido A hranc~ of The Kot.bu Church. Tb.e Jl'lnt Church at. Cb.rial. Sci. enuat.. ln Boston. V·-cbu.wtt.a. Sunday School at 9 :30 L m. Sv.n· day ServJce at 11 L m . Wednesday Teattmonlal MeeUng at 12 o'cloxk Readlne Room locat..i at 11 1 PB.Im street, Balboa, ts open dally trom 1 p.m. to S p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served. T be publ ic ta cordially lnvit.cl to a\leod t he chur ch eervtc-'"""" 119.! t.be Reading Room. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CH.URCH 515 We•t Central, Balboa (E.bell Clubhouse) Rev. Ardya T. Dean, Vicar 8 :30 L m., Holy Communion. 9 :45 a..m., Sunday School. 11 :00 a. m ., Morning Prayer &ad Sermon. (First Sundays: Hol y Commun.loo.) BALBOA ISL AND CHAPEL 2t8 A.gate Avenue Rev. Ha rry W. White, A•ocla.te Pastor Church School. 9 :30 a. m . Morning Wonhip , 11 L m. F I RST METHODI ST CHURCH G. Edwin Osher, Pastor Euclid at Sta nford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a.m. Cburcb acbool ror aU ages. 11 :00 a.m. MomlnK Worship: Meue.ge: "We Thank Thee." 11 :00 a.m. Nunery tor all chil- dren during service. 6:00 p.m. Method.lat Youth Fel· lowshlp. Y oung· Adult Fellov,.ablp. 1 :00 p.m. Evening Worahlp:- Meuage: "Come Yfll Ll•e." Thus, the world must first \\'O rk out and strens:then the J>O"''ers a nd controls of thC' United Nations be- fore accepting the proposals of Mr. Wallace and his supporters. This is not !or our O"''" safety; it is not selfish: it is !or the safety of the world. That is one reason why Mr. \Vallace's speech \Vas so confusing to 1he 'vorld. and so damaging to the influence. for peace, or our r eprc-sentatives. ln a &r&ble from Lute Jesus ·o men went up lnto the p ra,y ; the one a Pha.rf•ee. ther a publican. The Pbart- and prayed lbt.• with hJm. COSTA MESA CBtJllCll OF GOD Bev. lamee P . M:cOraw, ~ HO c.ltrlllo St., Ceo.. 11- Serviceo Sunday 10 L m., 6 :30 •elf, I tll&n.k thee. tb.&t J am not u oilier Dl"eD are. eitortlonen. un- just. ad teren , or even u th.la pu~ Ucan. J t t tw1ce lo the week, I st•• tit.bee o all that I posae••· And the pubU standtnc afar ott woulrt CEMENT WORK p. m.. and 7:30 p. m. Pia& WorlE er Fa I U1M not. Utt ao much u bis ere11 unto n:&8T .UVllllQUA.U C11U11CB or 008TA llESA T""'IJOl'&'Y lbeatlon. Ammeiln LeiPon Hall . bea•en. ut smote upon ble breast. aayt.ng, be merctrul to mea al n· ner. I te you, tbts man went down to b.Ja u.ae JmUfted rather than OALL I I! I ·l FOK INJIOmMATION the olh ." a.. . ...i Jin. G. wmu.t 8-- hatan M.aey aker Eddy writes ln "Sci- ence an Health w-llh Ker to the Scrtptur s : •· """ro ne\'er need to 11~11o· pair of honest beart; bu t there I& little 1*. for those •'ho come only ap c9!dtcally race to race with their wl lledness &nd then seelif !rt bide Jt." "'A dJsbonest position 111 far fro ChrtaUanly sclentlfl!',"' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ~!9'71 Sunday School 9 :30 a. m. Momin& wonhlp service 10:45. Crusader seMce 6:00 p. m. Berean service 6:30 p. m. Evening evani:ellstlc service at 7:30 o'clock. Tuesday evening prayer oervice at 7 :30 o'clock. SE,'EJSTH DAV ADVEJST18T8 Cor ner Bolsa and Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa Sabbath school, Saturday morn-- ing, 9:30 o'clock. Preaching aen.-ice, 11 a.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Chur"CJ'I and Walnut Streett '-Duane C~nby, Minister. Servtcea: Sunday, 10 L m., Bible Study; 11 L m .• Morolng won:b.Jp. ASSEMBLIES or GOD Henry and Ida Sande, Puton American Legion Hall, 15th and Central Ave. Sunday school, 10 a.m. f\.lorning service, 11 a.m. Evening evangelistic service a t 7:30 p.m. ~lid-week service, Thursday a t 7 :30 p.m. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHURCH Carl B. J ohnson, M inister 124 !:. 20th St. Ph. 2475-R Church achoo!, 9 :45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. TIU: NEWPORT HARBOR L CHUBCH CTo be located on Cliff Drive, ewport Heights ) Bookkeeping Service <JOLIN r . BJWWN (llubor UIU) au 11ar1ne A-. ~ bL "A angeless Christ for a\;-------------1'-, Oiangin World !" J. 8 : WHYTE/ 9 :30 ., church school ; 10:30 nreo .. TAX 00lf911LT~ a.m., di · e worship. Aulhuriaed. bJ' tbe Unl\ed a..-ir,_ 'rvices at Present-W7 Des>art.DMml to wm& CIUeaU; 111 coqDNUori w1lh IDcome ~ ID&Ullr'L Grauel Oiapel, 110 Broadway, AtiD1T8 • 11s1aa11 C.OSta Mesa BOOlltx..EPINO ll&aTICS Rev. erbcrt C. Roth, pastor, ......, &.Mil ._._. BIT&.. c... •-Pa.-9-o NH-.1 324 M "n e Ave., Balboa Island. P hone arbor 2185-J. "Co e C>r.ce-You'll Come Again!" CHRIS , Noe\ t ember . M i<l- nesday; p.m. CHURCH BY THE SEA muntty Methodist Wnt central Avenue E. o. Goodell, Pastor School, 9 :60 a. m. g Worelltp, 11 a. m. Fellowab.lp, 6 p. m. ning \\'Orship during Sep- ek prayer service, Wed· covered dish dinner, 6:30 N WPORT HARBOR L THERAN CHURCH Gra I Chapel, Co•ta Mes.a Re Herbert Roth, Pasto,. Servic : Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Armand Monaco ARCHITECT SU W. Bay Ave-, Balboa Barbor 17%4- 2721 r...kewood Ave. IAO An&'Oleo NOrmalldy MOa CHIROPRACTORS Wagner Drugi-InsutnU. Dr. Wilbur C. Waper Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy 1920 Cout Bll'd., Soutb Lquna Beach Phone 20SS DAV SCHOOL Mortimer School Balboa laland DAV SCHOOL OPENS OCT 1 Gradeo: Coll Pntp., Army O. A. Morttmer, M. A.., Oxford Principal Pbone Barbor 852 UDO ISI£ .P".!W~~~ W. 0. BUCK· hisuran Counselor DENTISTS /Jk-1500 3333 VIA LIDO ~',,,r~ <4LIFOR.NIA NOW-'Round the t:IO A. M-TO 11 South Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, Eut VU1A ldarlna, Shields', Balboa Yacht 1aJand and South Bay: Hall from BALBOA ISLAN sland Ferry • If. , RJchardson's, Evans', , Bee.con Bay, Harbor FERRY Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST 12Gi!1 W. Cea.tnl. llubor U80 NEWPORT BEACH BR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTISI' WS Weot Cea.tnl l'lloDo Barbor 411-l Newport INS URAN Cl!: PBrSJCUNS, 8\JBGSONS. D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Phyalclaa and Sargeoq PBrSICUNS a 81JBGllONS. M .II A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYIUCIAN -SUBGllON lll~ Hieb~.-· Ml ' Corona dol Mar John K. C. Chong, M. D. ~ lllld. Sarpoa 2 -4 7 -8 :30 and by appointJnent Bee.con 5075 UO Eut 18th St.- Voe.ta Meaa. Callforata Laurence R. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & S urgeon 821 Marine Ave-, Balboa h1uid Phone llarbol' 21!1 Gordon M. Grnndy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURG!:ON ,Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.: 3-5 p.m. Phone H arbor 37 H. R~ Han, M. D. Pll.yUclan and 8nrpon Hours: 2-5, ~y Appointment Telephone Bee.con 5848 Ul Broadway eo.ta - llDton M. Mnxwel, M. D. 1eo1 eoui m..., C.Orona del Har Office Hours: l!>-12; 2-5 --·- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 81& Bay ATe,, Bal'- -· l'IU 441 s. mu .,._ Lao Alipl• . ~79U By Appoln-t four hours notice, if it wanted. agencies born of the \var are doing more n o w to retard than-Under t he terms or the United to help America regain normalcy. Nations agreement, what could we But to get rid of them-"aye, there's the rub." The do: or \\'hat could any other nation The poin t is not en tirely, at the moment. \Vhether you agree with Mr. Byrnes or with Mr. \Vallace or with Mr. Truman. One impor- tant factor , in the future of \\"Orld peace, is the attitude and under- standing of each nation with whom we have to deal. Mr. Byrnes is officially the Secretary or State, and represents us at the current confer en.ce. He is suppor ted by Senator Connally and by Senator Vandenberg. The r epresentatives or other nations simply do not understand a situation in which one representative of this nation I 1---------------...;~--------_, Lincoln NaUoaal 'Life Insnrance Co. do? The remedy would be a n im-Washington bureaucrats are not giving up without a struggle. mediate appeal to the United Na- 1bey're having a grarid time trying out their theories, isru-tions, and practically, to the Se- litg directives, looking important and cluttering up the works curi ty Council. Here would come . the situation I "'ant to emphasize; m general. Best of all (for them) they get paid for it. a single VETO, by any of the They're determined to "save" America even if they have larger nations having tha t veto to wreck the country to do it And they \\rill \\"Teek it yet un-JJO''·cr , could e ffectively prevent I any action by the United Nations ess \Ve stop them. to stop "'·hatcver designs the sm all And we had better do it soon. • nation 1 used as an example) might .. Magnificent Muddling The preposterous messes the government gets into by continuing to put its official nose into places where it doesn 't belong was graphically illustrated in the maritime tieup. By refusing to 8ppt'O\'e a wage agreemen t between sea- men and ship owners the go\•errunent's National Wage Sta- bilization boa.rd precipitated the walkout. The board appar- ently believed it was acting to prevent what it considered an Inflationary wage increase. But the maritime strike which resulted from the board:s decision undoubtedly did far more to aid inflation by contri- buting to the' disruption of our national economy and delay- ing progress toward a stable postwar world . have in mind. The League of Nations failed to n1eet the similar issues o! its day, in Ethiopia and in China. because of similar re- strictions. and World War n was the outcome_ presents one policy. and another official, holding responsible posi- tion as a Cabinet member, presents another policy. Confusion results : and ine\·itably a loss of influenC't' for the United States. If we do not like the politics of Mr. Byrnes. our job is to change them here: to argue them here. If v.•e do like the91. our job is to support them here. In either case. so long as he r emains our spokes· ma n, the job of every American is to present a united rront to the worki, so that the influence and power of the United States may be used to bring lasting peace out ot the present confusinon. Yet, after all the damage was done there was nothing for the government to do but to find an excuse to overrule the NWSB. Now that the whole affair has been so effectively dramatized it is not unlikely that the incident will inspire other unions to insist on still more wage increases just as the CIO seamen did. MODERI MARllE SERVICE So, the very_thing the NWSB was supposed to prevent- lnllationary wage increases-may have been precipitated by Its oction. It would be laughable If it \1.-eren'i that this mud- dllng Is making It lncreasingJy hanler for the natioo to get back to some semblance ol normal. . . . SHELL DOCK BALBOA • j AUTO, :lllABINZ B R.Norton •u °""'" .....,. •••na na N"eo!poi<t Bxall,. Qmllf. '. We Lead Southern Callfomla -SEAFOOD AIJK> ~~°'':ii~~~ DON lDJSIGAN l'lloDo llut>or --B ... -... _ Balboa laJ. OCCIDENTAL \ LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen Mi*d'•• ...... ...., ......... .-:.I ... a....,""' .... llOBTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel -We Ourselves the Belt~ Serve by Servtne Others Best" .._.a • .,.5111 ~ -Clolltondli ' OPTOIO:TIUSTS E.-T. Batfawerth, 0. D. Ost 1mtaM fta DAlllMJ:O ~DUPUCATm .._ ...... _.. tQ II 81JC W. 0.... .... ft. ..... IA.I ..... , .... I Jlobert A: Crawford I _()pl.rt:· onow ; ~ Eam'ned, ,,_ j 1'111 Nwpwt ••-••wt .. .,._..._ ... , ~-. Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH l'bo.9 Rvbor I OU lfo ~: cal.I Be~n 6061-& X-Ray Service T. P. Reeder, M. D. Pbyold... and s...- -w. Cea.tnl Teleplaooe Barbor 90! G. N. PEASE, M. D. Co_ .. _ -Dlapotdl Hours by Appointment --%191.J ·81l&Vl!YORS Raub & Bennett ..,,.,..;,.. ud rastzaers 11111!11'-&lllftL. Ooota- '1'1'111••-.??~-__ ,,, r M11 W: Ceetnl JSewpoi& - TNEJ' ._ .. rtcv m PIANO TEACHER G.V.LINS!:NB.lRI) Gnduate ..,..~.·\fl Ph, Hut.or 1252-W Wiii W. ~ n..t I I I • '• ' • • . • -·f'Oa'I --------------------:;A NOTES OF THE BALBOA YACHT CLUB ".ANNOUNCING" .... V<LM• ...... A New Servlee M> Uie People of the Bay Ania y ... Pablllac -DeeonliD&' Dooe b7 Expen .......... We have a vetenm crew ot painters and paperhangers waiting ID do your job. All work Is given a wrlttm guarantee. Call us for a free estimate. ' BURTON·PAINT STORE "Service ls Our Business" l"llONE BEAOON -.111 U8t NEWPOBT BLVD. We Have Now Purchased A NEW BUILDING • We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California • Our New Phone: Beaooa 5118 • SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Services • .(ntlque Flnlshlng • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela· bras PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plating . • Badges & Souvenirs Contract Plating by Estimate , ! , •• • Expert Silversmiths , All Work Guaranteed • • • ; BAYSIDE-PLATING co~ c. c. 1914 Harbor Blvd. C.R. 11Chuck'' ''Bob'' Wirth Costa Mesa Hand Phone ~ 5118, days; Beaooa 5858-R, Nltes ' Wrnr WIND and rtin m•ldnc admittedly out for a aooc:t time. weather conditions ao bad that a Senile Sailing: society has been yachtsmen stated frankly they organized with Burt Russell of would have deserted the race it Beacon Bay as leading spirit. I t not the a.hip, Balboa Yacht club is for all Snowbird owners (or women earned the admiration of borrowers) over 30 years of age the entire membership as well as and f~ men only. Everyone in- P . C. skippers Vl!hen they complet-terested is invited to join. The ed both laps of the P. C. fleet's first race will be held Sunday, Women's Race Sunday. Oct. 6, starting at 10 a.m. at the This was the Inaugural event middle pier at Beacon Bay. of an annual race. Mrs. Fred Spinnaker sails will be used. Smales came in first, to be wearer lunches and r efreshments will be for a year of the Ed Giddings' brought along, and the course will perpetual trophy neddace. Her be around Shark Island. accord· name will be inscribed on the first lng to rumor. Tom Tupman has medalllan and othe.r medallions brought down a bronze cannon will be added as It Is won by to be used u \he firing gun. successive skippe:rettes. Among those lined up awaiting To 13.year-old Mary Hammond the signal will be Ed Frazier. went the honor of second place Tupman. Burt RUS&ell and Dr. and Mrs. Lee Shipley was third. Phil Ba.!!sett. Finishing in order were Irma • • • . Wheeler, Nell Dominis, Diane A CHANGE has been ma.de in Hillman, Bea Wilkinson, while the date of the Inter-team races Kathy McFarland, hitting the ot the P . C.'s at San Diego, and windward marker, did not finish. they 'Will be held on October 20. All expressed deepest appreciation The local fleet is all out for to Craig Doyle, who acted as r bringing back the handsome Ket· chairman and helped by changing tenberg. trophy which they aur- the markers. rendered last year. On October Poking tun at themselves but 'Zl the second race Will be held with San Diego coming here. While Los Angeles Yacht club has a new neet of 13 PCs they feel they are not yet ready to entf!r the contest, but will be included next year. • • • RAY LOOMIS. BYC secretary, sailed Saturday on the Matson1a for a six weeks' business trip in HololuJu . defl':r.,wa:;.~::"~id~~ ~~: Mus·1ck Brothers age been away since last November. With a fishing boat topping their ~J0~:t;:~~1L i~"= Reunion on :_ Grid Field Weymouth, Mass., home which has t"" been occupied by the Louds since The Musick brothers, Orange jackie · on this year's team. the early 1600's. It rained county·s offering to USC gridiron Jim W the first of the family muchly and they were glad to glory, held a reunion recently at to write f>otball history and was i;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ Bovard field. all-Pacifi fullback. from 1929 to Left to right they are : Jim. Bill. 1931. B I came along next and Jackie and Bobbie. football "'\.t USC from 1939 to Outstanding_ ... _ THE PUBLIC SERVICE HOUR HEAR MRS. ELIZABETH LELAND Well known youth worlcer discuss The J uvenile with leading authorities. Tune K. V.O.E:. 1490 k.c. Friday, October 4, 6:15 p. m. P robl~m SHERIFF JESSE L. ELUOn, Moderator lndtpendmt Citizait' Committee Jim Musick. candidate for sher-1941. iff in Orange coun ty thls year During the war Jim and Bill and his three brothers served in served 'th the Marines while army and marine branches of the Bobby a d Jackie were in the armed forces during World War army . D . Bobby ·s just out of the army Jim and Bill ~re stars ?r pa.st and \\'as wounded while serving USC teams, while Bobbte and with 'the 13th Armored Infantry . . division i General P atton's spear- get back to . Cal~ornta. \\'here head att k on Germany. In 1941 they found their prize garden beg-and 1 he was a line-crashing ging attention, and immediately fullback t USC. s tarted canning. · J ackie, youngest member of the football amily, at 21 was last man of the Trojan line, minutes a t tackle. H e received he Oavis-Teschke plaque as most valuable player of the team. e was originally a ball carrier 1· e his olde·r brothers, but \Vas t ra ferred to tackle when he • • • BYC TROPHY presentation din· ner and dance this Saturday eve. ning, one of the year's BIG EVENTS. Plant Opens The P a nd F Light Plant, 1595 came ou of the army in 1944 after N ev.:port Blvd., Costa Mesa. open-being w unded at New Guinea. eel recently under the partnesship This fall he'll play guard. of Pete J . Zecckene, Delco special-Bill also a Purple Heart , • \ - Ill .MORTll.JWN IT. GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor J"llm: !I I : ae.ooa. 58SI Bw MCN-W d'7 Newpon llhlL COSTA MSSA CLARK & BATES Metallizing-• IDd...vt.i: Tanks, Keels. Rudders, Welding-· -ALL NEWPORT BEACH Shafta. Refrigeration Trays, etc. e OrnNDMtal: Art Objects. Doors, Signs. Hardware, etc. All TYJJeo. SpeclalistB in Steel, 0.St Iran. Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. WORK OU~ 508:10tb8--rZGGI Trailer CANOP .IES §. Offer Cool, Pleasant Comfort to Tra.iler Owners /1' McCARTHY'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ist, and H . F . Garner, formerly winner i the war serving through :;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;; with Western Auto Supply Co. the Tar a. Saipan and Okinawa Authorized dealers for U. S. invasion and receiving h is wound 1936 Harbor Boulevard COSTA MESA Phone: Harbor 5625 • \ McCarthy's Offers the People of nis Fast Growing Community * 80 YEARS OF AUTOMOTIVE EXPERIENCE! LEW KELLER * 20 YEARS Repairing and 'servicing all makes of cars and trucks -Buicks a spe- cialty for seven years. Says Lew: "After 22 years I still learn something new about cars every d .. ay. J. R. BREWER * 10 YEARS Buying and selling and appraising new and used cars and trucks. Tex will buy your used car or truck for the high dollar or sell you the best used car available at the price Says Tex: "A man that lies about a used car for sale is only fooling him- self." • JOE McCARTHY • 20YEARS Starting in 1926 as a used car clean-up boy on Mo- del T 's. Did about every- thing fn the dealership but marry the boss' daughter .... Mechanic, sales manager and deal- er. In 1942, enlisted in the Civil Air Patrol to hunt submarines, and got out as soon as they started to hunt him, and when Uncle Sam would Jet him go. Says McCarthy: "We will be here tomorrow to back up the job we did today." TED MILLER * 23 YEARS P,ainting, met a I and body repairing. Perfect- ly capable of rebuilding that car body from bumper to bumper. Says Ted: "There are 99 ways to mix paint or repair a damaged fender or car door, but only one right way. Ex- perience teach es that way." JOE HARTLESS * 5 YEARS Lubrication spec i·a Ii st . Trained by one of the larger oil companies to service cars as the fac- tory wants it to be, and as the car owner expects it to be. Says Joe: "It's dan- gerous to take short cuts in lubrication. Let's do the job right.", • Electrical Plants in the harbor at Saipa . area, they offer service and parts .-==~=======;;:;: for farm and boat light plants Overhaul of carburetor and water pump equipment is included. Taxi Oom~ VET'S PHONE: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OlJB CUSTOMEBS- (Owned and Operated by Veterans) Expert dio Service e Beacon 5004-W RYTHING In Quality IGERATION , r Conditioning F.qolpmeot ~ . Cabl-. ()oaten Wolk:fm . F-&alno . 8- B&n • Bootllo mplete-e, Etc. ......... .. DU~-8 We Have a Complete Line of FRESH AND J SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders KEll.M llDIA • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of · FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION . Newport Tackle . Store 105 MaeFaddea Plaee lOll BROADWAY ~-- Telepboae Barbor 9'7 for I •test Jlhbhig bto,...•tloa Callforala'e N~ UMI ,k .... -...-- Miracle Mile Motel' '106 OOAST WOJIW AY '-* ,_ .......... ........ ~ .. • 40 Units and Baths •Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Maltn?- PB. BEA.OON .. , • MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • e this 4-Point Check e AL ........ 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE P B 0 NE, B A BB 0 B Z 1 Z 5 • • Feaden Flud • Wheell Slnlgfdened •Body~ - • Auto Painting '50 • ... ut • • ' ' Mr. and Mn. . c. Oocar Cleol- dence and ..._, '100 $I bxe drive. have returned to their home at Chapman Woods ror the w!nlft, Wblle Mr. and Kn. Oyde Rex are again OCCUpyinc the SetV-AJft Drive - • , Ebell President Fetes Leaders; Plan Jr. Section Of interest to the younger set was the plan for forming a junior oectlon, -Tuesday when Mrs. Mary McBride, president or Ebell club, entertained her board ot directors and heads ot com- mittees at luncheon at Newport Harbor Yacht club. Decorations for tables were yel- low marigolds with autumn leaves. and were arranged by Mn. C. M. DeaJ<Gis and Mn. L. L. Isbell. I• • • Harbor Pborw 13 and 208 Feminine Ac ti ities • National Convention Delegates to Report At Joint WCTU Meet Stu~ent Di~ssion Orl 'Hot Rods' at High School PT A ' • By Winifred Jlutlre + Reiikljlace Pbane 1637-R A joint ™.ting ol N.,._t TuNdaY night, Oct. 8 at 7:30 ------------.---------·---~----1f--------Beach and Cosbt Mesa W.CT.U. p.m. the N~ H.,_ Hlc:b Misses Gertrude and Louise Montgomery Lutheran Women Plan Local adies Lead will ~held at io:JO Lm. Fri· ~~tfJ::''::~a':: Attend Wedding, UDC Chapter Meetings Afternoon of Fii:st 'ound of :-~ 1~~~ eos°:"': =.c ca~i'i"'t::·. ~~ Spending a recent weekend at Anpl<S, which -organized dur-Christmas Work Bndgf Tournament with Mrs. Margvet Utt or Tus-or "Hotrods". by studen_ts ol H. Santa Monie&, the Misses Gert-lng her presidency. j tin, county chairman of Otizen-Lynn Hughes IOdal. SCleDCe de- rude and Louise Montgomery of In her original installation "'Uteraey in Olristian Utera-The 1Ed bridge tea ot the s hip and Le&fslation speaking on partmenL There MU follow • Balboa attended a wedding of In-ceremony Miss Montgomery pre-ture" wu tbe topic of the even-Rason a Santa Ana Country club the political issues ~f the day. fiV:minute talk by Coach .. Weo- terest. to many Oran&e munty sented each of the officers with ing when members of the Women's \\'ill be 1 Id . ~ednesday. Oct. 9 A covered dish luncheon will d,y' Pickens. . pioneers. a small "bonny blue flag" which Missionary sodety of Newport with Mr;. Pttil Neary and Mn. be· served t d the aft • 1'fusic for the evenfn&' will be Committee chairmen .. outlined their work for the year and of tint prominence on the fall Pro- gram ls the bazaar. '4'hich wUl be held on Nov. 16.. It was re- ported 15 new members had been accepted. The bride was Franklin& Gray she had made. and gave the Harbor ·Lutheran church met PlluJ Hall as boatesses. This is noon sea:i:n :::r;: featured: turnish~ by a •trina ~e of French, granddaughter of the late chapter a large silk flag and Tuesda,y evening. October 1 at the the OIM'."+ date, when members reports from the nationaJ con-~:_.'.11~~.tment wtth Lee Mrrs. W . S. Bartlett of TUstln, standard. In appreciation, the home of Mn . .Ernie Schultz. 315 may~guest& vention at Minneapolis, brought ~"ln ...... ~ .... -'6· • • who was founder and d'\a.rtrr chapter.ipresented her With a land-33rd strttt , Newport Beach. Last ursday was the bridge by Mrs. Flora Beatty of Balboa Memben of the executive board 1 member of the Santa Ana Ebe.ll scape by Mn. Ruth OJpper, ex· Mrs. 1lM!odore H aiber presided tun for membe:n with Mn. and Mrs. Nellie McAdams of Costa will ~ as 00.teaes during .the club and also was i;rominent ln h.lbitlon artist and member of the at the business session when it J. M. . er and Mn. Ollford Mesa. "I't1e public ls cordially in-social hour following the meeting. Los Angeles club circles. chapter. wu decided to hold an afternoon Nolder hostesses. Mrs. Mil-vited to attend both aessiona. All pn>granm fer t:M ~ will '>;; "Cap'n" Don's eadau.ia,a e1.u1. "Mooi Ualqae and .VU.Uc Ea>-ln:c Place OD tile Weat ~ ,/!,, -.. Combination Dinners ,/!,, N6W and Unusual Seafood Specialties ,/!,, For a.e.e.rva.tleu BEACON 54'65 ,/!,, Formerly MOil&'• NIP,t Club, Newport Beech Present were the Mesdames L. L. Isbell, Richard Otluner, H. Baetz, Robert Allen, Willard Kil- lion, C. M. Deakins, 0 . Z. Rob- ertson, Harold Woldenberg, H . Blodgett. Victor Grace, E. E. Bou- dinot, P. J . Wilson, Winifred Young, Wayne Harper. S. Hey- man, Harold Ahrendt, Obed Lu- cas. H . V. Snodgrass, Florence Morris. F . E. Reinhold. Vernon Orr, Sidney Blackbeard. Robert Jayred and the hostess. Girl Scout Association To Meet Tuesday The first fall meeting of the Newport Harbor Girl Scout asso- ciation has been combined with the meeting or the board of di- rectors and will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 1:30 p.m. in the USO rooms. , Balboa. Mn. H erbert Morey will prl'.'Side and all registered adults in Girl Scouting, "'hiCh includes leaders. co-leaders and troop committee '------------• · members, are asked to be present. Expert Beauticians for Milady • Pennanent.t, Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair 'nntlng ---Bleach· Ing, Facials. NO WAJTINU Carmen and Staff ) 0..-~,AU~. .._...,~r ......... U ; .... _ ........ 7 ...,_,, -~ \''- Balboa lnn Beauty Salon • presents Miss French was married at the Another recent installation was ·meeting Wednesday, Oct. 9 at the ler had 1arranaed the decorations be based upon the t.herne ot. tbe that ol the John Reagan chapter home or Mn. D . c Wed•king, of pink I hibiscus in sing!• and M R Ow National Congress of Parents and Presbyterian church to James of Loi Angeles, held at the home 1920 Oiurch street. Memben will double~'eties. High scores were rs: Oss en Teachers, "Understandinc the Moore in the presence or 300 or or Mn. Eunice Briggs. AnOther meet at 12 o'clock ror luncheon , held by Mrs. Lee Metzger, first; Court Wht'st Hostess llighway to • Free World." more guests. She wore her grand· · E ch · will off al(air attended wu. the luncheon bringing a "noeebag" IWlch, with Mrs. ge Everson, second, and a meeting er as mother's wedding gown of satin ak f ..... ,.... ti and real lace. which had been of the Joe Wheeler chapter at the the hostess serving dessert and Mrs. F . . Parke. third. nus was Mrs. Ross Owen entertained ;:: er . a a ... ........,. representa ve made in Paris by Worth. and the Lafayette hotel, Long ·Beach with coffee. The afternoon will be the ~nning of a five-month members of Las Costuras recently m various . depar~enta of the matching veil of real point lace new division officen, state di-spent in working on Christmas bridge \(>urnamen t with prizes to at her home on Coast ·boulevard. school who wtll outline their ~ which took 40 women, working ten rectors and committee chairmen boxes for mJ11ioru in New Guinea. be aw8fded at the close. Court whist was the diversion of ~ams and explain the problems ot years, to complete. present. Present at the meeting were J the evening '411.ith Mrs. Joyce Mc-t eir various department&. At the r eception, held In the Pastor and Mrs. Herbert Roth and PT A President Donald first, Mrs. Billie Fowler IUNGLE FLOWERS patio or the apartment court own· Npt. Heights Circle the Mesdames Betty Bonham, EnteE' ains Board second and Mrs. Irene Morris low. "Orchid Ladies." Two or them ed by the bridegroom and where p G d 11 T Th~ore Haiber, Ernie Schultz, Mrs. Morris was a guest, and we.nt into the •-·pest J'ungles '" they will make their home, Miss Jans 00 Wi OUf Edward Wilcutt, Pauline Culver. Mrs members present v.•eri the Mes-sea.J'Ch or new.~xotlc varieti;;: . . ed ruchard Hubbell, Wayne Rueger, . ar R.-Hill, president of dames Joy-McDona ld, Jean M~ Gertrude Montgomery Just nuss Mrs. Herbert McDonald was M K La . d D C Wed Newpa Beach Parent-Teacher ...... ....-Thie stor y beautifully illustrated catching the bridal bouque t of ki~g. · urle an · · e-a.Ssocia on, recently hostessed 8 Donald, Mary Stanley, Iona in four colors, appears in the Am- white orchids, which was thrown hostess to Newport Heights "brunc 1.. at he r Lido Isle home Trusty, Genevieve Barnes, Betty erican Weekly, the magazine dis- from a balcony. Instead , It was Circle or Christ Church by the Ch R for 24 rd members aqd com-Glass, Lucille r.tullins, Trilby tributed with next Sunday's Los caught by the bride's uncle, who Sea Thursday at her home, 414 apman.. ice mittee airmen, with plans for Ford and the hostess. Angeles Examiner. r efused to part with it. Old County road. Thirteen mem-Engagement Told the ye discussed. Miss ~'1ontgomery. who is junior bers were present. past state president of United Mrs. William Trusty presided in at Form'lll Tea Daughters of the Confederacy, re-the absence of the president, Mrs. cently installed orticers of the F red Woodworth, and Mrs. Ray Bonny Blue Flag chapter of Los Barrett IC!d in devotions. Plans Red Cross Course To Aid Housewives With markt't ing a grov.•ing head· ache for housewives, much interest is being shov.·n in the new nutri- tion course which is being held under t he sponsorship of the Red Cross. This is a course of scientific in· formation on how families can be nourished on foods available. Any- one may register and on com- pletion of the course will receive a certificate. The first class will open \\'cdnC's- day, Oct. 9 at the Ebel! club- house from 9 :30 to 11 :30 a.m. and v.'ill continue on succeeding Mondays, \Vedncsdays and Fri· days during the monlh of October . On October 23 a canteen course will begin. were made for the next meeting, which will be on October 23 in- stead of the regular date, and which will feature a tour of the Goodwill Indus i:ries at Santa Ana. Members will go in the morning and take a sack lunch. After the business session n1em - bers worked on scrap-books and were later served refreshmen ts by the hostess. Pilot Class Has P ot Luck Dinner The Pilot Class or Christ Church by the Sea met Friday evening at the church with 19 present. After the pot luck dinner a business session \Vas held \Vith Harold Glass presiding, and af- terward bunco \\'as played with prizes going to ~fary Stanley, fint, and W illiam McDonald, con· solation. Mr. and ?.frs. C. W. Rice of Davis announced the e ngagement of their daughter Patricia J ean to E dward Thomas Chapman m . son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward T . Chap- m a n or Cor ona del Mar. at a large tea Saturday. Sept. 28 at the home of Afrs. Richard Hamel in Davis. A variety of flowers decor ated the spacious rooms where 200 or more guests were greeted by Mrs. Ri C'C". l\>lrs. Chapman and the brlde- elect. Edward Chapman m was a bombardier with the Army Air Force. He r eceived his discharge last October , then entering the University of California school at Da\'is. \\'here Miss llice was study- ing home economics and agronomy. A1iss ~ice has·made many friends in the arbor area, having been a guest for much of the sum- mer at the Chapman home. Townsend Club Ne v.·port Beach Townsend club will meet Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 7 :30 p.m. at the home o( Mr. and A1rs . A. S . Thompsen, 31Q Santa Ana avenue, Newport Heights. The int \\'as stressed that he P .-T.A ris chiefl y concerned with child welfare "'Ork a nd that while eady to give aid in any emerge cy, concentration would be on is community. They also decided that as many children lose clothin at school, it would be a good i ea to have a special box in whi h articles can be placed, to be ei'ven away at the end of the year ifl not claimed. · The first r egula r P.-T.A. meet- ing \\. I be held Monday, Oct. 21 at he Newport Beach school auditorium. The ~en1bcrsh.ip drive between the rf begins Monday, Oct. 7 and w th 1050 registrations a nd ~1om , op, Grandma and Grand- pa as ell as aunts and uncles eligibl for registration, the mem- bershi list should top the county. Dau The hter Born to . E. M.cCunes • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends in short hairdos. • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also machineless pennanents. • Virginia Bell's MARISKA . ' ' T he G re a ·t es t M 0 N E Y S A V I N G , Birthday Noted With Dinner Party A-Ir. ~d Mrs. Richard E. Mc- Cune, i:aJboa, are parents or a daught r , · who was born Satur- day, S t. 20 at 2:02 a.m. in Santa Ana ommunity hospital. She weighe{I eight pounds, one and a half ouJices, and was named Cath- leen en. Mrs. McBride is the former tllen Jones. House of Beauty 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Jaland Mr. nd Mrs. Dean Campbell week nded at the Isthmus on P h b n e .. H a r b o r ·-1 8 2 7 Event of the Season'' ---- Increased new shipments of stylish clothes make it possible for us to offer them to you at amazing values N 0 W ! Note these low prices on our regular quality merchandise ! ' • WAY UNDER O.P .A. CEILING PRICE IS THIS BEAtn'IFUL COAT .... YOU KNOW THE QUALITY OF OUR MER.. OIANDISE. ... THIS is NO EXCEP- TION. • ... " • BLOUSES Blouses which give you that well- dressed, perky look; regularly $4.95 to $10.95, are reduced for tills event. $1.95 to $4.95. DRESSES Stunning dresses that add allure to your loveliness. Normally $14.95 to $29.95, now only $8.95 to $19.95. JACKETS Jackets that lend enchantment to your costume. Specially priced at $3.95 to $8.95. SLACKS . Slacks that are comfortable and very attractive. Only $3.95 to $5.95. SUITS Remarkable values in suits which help you look your loveliest. And at such savings! Priced at $24.95 to $49.95, but reduced ror this event at $12.95 to $29.95. SHOES 32 pairs of casual shoes NOW only $LOO! SKIRTS Beautiful skirts to give greater vari- ety to your wardrobe. $6.95 to $10.95 values all reduced NOW to $3.95. SWEATERS Cardigan sweaters tor these cooler days, to make you look chic In many ways. $3.95 and $5.95. . .. Slip<M!!' Sweaters, too, spedally priced at $3.95 to you. T-SHIRTS A complete stock of T-~ with val- ues ranging from $1.68 to $2.25. NOW only $1.00. In BALBOA 808 JI!. o..tnl In COSTA MESA 158' Newpwt Bhd. Celebrating her sixteenth birth-board e Vide µI with Mr. and 1·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ day Saturday evening, 1'fiss Elou-Mrs. n Woodington of Hunt- ise Owen was hostess a t a birth-ington Beach and Mr . and 1\.1.rs. day dinner a t her home, 3802 Geor ge Lo\\'e of Balboa Island as Coast boulevard. guests. 9n the y,•ay home they Games followed, with Doris Bil-ran in o a school of swordfish lings and Mary Wamani winning practi ly begging to be caught, first prizes and boobl prize but Ut y had no bait and not an- going to Joan Pauley . other t was in sight. LID 0 TH Sonday, lloaday, Tneoday October 6, 7, 8 ConUnoom Sun.. from 2:15 • II &: Tt-. 6:"5 &: 9:00 IOA LUPINO PAUL HENREID OE VILLANO GREENSTREEl /WO lllilWI ·AllJJUI ~IN·DAll! MA! wmm. YICID fRA/IC!N . Ml!Clll If Clll~ 11-1 --·--·~------·---~ ro• l'OtJa CO!\"TL"IEScg....oua ADVIa.~~~··T 18 NOW r•o."TSD L"'I' 90Tll Ttll!SDA'I' A.."'i'D T11l11l8DA y SD ON8 or 1'11& N'SW .. T008 Sfarf8 Wed., Van lohmon In Y TO WED" A TR Doon ()pea at •:JO • at •:.a & 9:11 Oil DoaMe F-1-Complete u Appnorio .... , l :M "Tiie Bride Wore Boots" . a Qiap. &. "'BOP ffApvQAllr' 8 a .,. -'hlellar: --· "To Eadl His OWll" • • w 7~1 : w??.JE!;:' • " ISt Before Dan" ftlllli: •l"'--Oet •• Ill' 11: lllEUTAla WHAT'LL I WEAR ' TODAY? The answer for girls from 4 to 16 Is at the Wheeler Shop baloony store. Lovely dresses, suits, coats, jackets, hats, gloves and bags are there in the finest quality and selection ever. Come in, look them over. Nationally advertised, they're the kind of clothes every young lady wants. . Yes, the Wheeler Shop balcony has the finest aelec:tion of girls' clothes ever llll8elllbled. You'll love theae aweD datemaker sults,_so perfectly wearable, without getting tired of them You can W"8r the coat with any type skirt, or the skirt with any type blouse, or jacket. OPEN 9:30 TO 5:30 INCLUDING SATURDAYS THE WHEELER SHOP . . . • 415 NORTH SYCAMORE , SANTA 4N4 HARRY and FLORINE TAYLOR, Sole Owner1 ... •