HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-08 - Newport Balboa News Times-Tl SAND CRAB llJ SAM REl'BIBV'l'ION . Next Oc- tober 16 some 12 Nazi chiefs, headed by brutal Her- man Goering, will go tD the gallows. 1be savage truth -and it is said reluctantly of those who oore laid claim tn superiority as humam-is that those who heard hang- ing prescribed tor their crimes, had become more animal than man. Perhaps this was inevitable, but it is hardly possible to conduct systematic and bestial war against the basic dignity of man without undergoing the metamorphosis which, in re- verse, once elevated man above beast. The murder of a million Jews, to such as Hans Frank. differed only quantitatively from the mur- der of one J ew. The lesson to be drawn from Nuemberg is that the Hitler order,, with its infin- ite record of the beast-and- prey relationship that exist- ed between the Nazis and the exponents of decency, missed by the narrowest margin being the world or- der today. Reverse El Ala- mein and project the Dun- querque debacle across the English channel. and you_ have to grant a 1946 in which most 0f the world would have come under the lash of those 12 apostles of butchery. and their departed master. The comfort of the Nuemberg example of the enactment there of the kind of justice we had · hoped \\'ould pre\•ail in a \vorld in which free men had tri- umphed. It would have been easier simply to steal a page -from the book of the man who killed Jews b<$ause they were Jews, and to have killed the Nazis because they were Nazis. + + + ResisUd Impulse. Having resisted that human impulse, the Judges at Nuemberg placed an unbridgeable chasm between Democracy and Nazism and left it there for all future generations to see. This is. the kind of jus- tice that befits the symbol of Justice we have conceived -blind to those distractions that make for prejudice, but alert t o the principle of fair- ness. But it is also. no doubt, the kind of justice those millions of wronged peoples, dead in the ir com- mon ditches. would approve. They would have agreed with the Judges that the roots of the system that pro- duced these blood-lust crea- tures. that denied the exist- ence of human di g nity. would be turned up and burned. But they also would have agreed that the Great Effort should be · toward a durable new order. built on the l}roed highway of hu- manity, of justice ·tempered with mercy. God 1villing. there can be no other. • • • C. D. M. Revival. They have a new system, or rather a revival of the old. with the mail at Corona del Mar. Some patrons. not imbued with the free spirit of enter- prise. object to the reading of post cards or the inspec- tion of photos and other m~ mentoes sent to them. You see there are periods of idle- ness and clerks must find something to do in their spare time -what better than to peruse the mail and stay abreast of the wishes and aspirations of their many friends? Then too, what is better than to keep tab of the hoy friend and pass the girls the lnf onna- tion in that happy comra- derie so prevalent in our lib- erty-loving small towns! + + • TraveDtnc. By a uto up the coast, and what better pas:- ;· time slogan than to study odd signs. A new line on the billboard slogan: "Next time try the train," adds this --- "Faster Now". A service station at Ventura labels ·11s retiring room thus: "Rest- inghouse" and on each en- trance: 11 Beauty''· and "Beast". CUte, don't )'Q<l think? • KEEP POSTED! l YMr •••••• SI.II Ill Cs tr ... ,. Olll -~ ..... Olll .. _ .... caeek" ....... .. N .. • 'I' rs, Nwwwpiil't ._. NEWPORT . . ~ Orup Comity Weekly N e•1pape r 11-ber Aadlt Bo- .._. ot QmdaUoo _EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NE RT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA voLm mvw NEWn>.KT lll!ACR, CALIPO~ TVE8DAY, OCl'O ~ 1 1''lJMllER TA CDM Residents Win 1st Round Beach Tilt ~ PENCILLED PERSONALITIES By ]NX l.mosLE>, Cowi>oJ Arria • • t Curt W. Bohman Busin ess E ngineer Cun \\'. Bohman of BaJboa Wand ls one of Newport Harbor's most enterprblnc younc men. At S2 he L' O\\'Der or the Bohman Co., 901 Cont IDc hway, Newport Beach, and u such Is enpced ln the apeclaU- lzed bualneu of repalrtng and malntalnln« all kinds or boat.a, powet or sa.U, bl1 or lltUe. Born in !\1.innenpolis. 1\-linn., in 1914. the year of the outbreak of the European \.\'ar, Curt Bohman was educated in the city's public schools and attended the Univer- sity of Minnesota. J.le \\'as so pl eased with his (irst visit to California in 1934 that he decided to '-isit it again t"A•o years later \\·h('n he dt'Cided once a nd for all it \.\'as to be his adopted state. His first step after entering the state was to enroll for a business engineering course at U CL A , which outfitted him fo r his next step into the California business world. His love of boats led hin1 into the business of the Peyton his O\.\'ll name hC're in Ne"1Xlrt Harbor. He has 30 employes and a pay· roll of $75,000 a year. That ls w methlng wonderful in the way of an achievement for a youngster of 32 yean who came to California 12 years ago. Boh.man's yaCht brokl'r is JeMe Hinsley, who is a!Sistcd by h.is son. Douglas, who is in charge of the recondition- ing end of the busineu. Bohmfln is 11 music enthusiast ; he plays both the organ a nd the piano. havi ng played with orches- tras and with vaudeville troupes. Golf. fishing and fast cars are his pleasures. But he is a ·gTeat family man. and his wile, ?tfarian, and Company. which he purchased in son, Gary. are the loves of his 1944, a nd has since operated unde'f life. SAILORS BEAT BEARS; GIRD FOR GARDEN GROVE SIDEWALK COST WILL BE HALVED Bldg. Valuation Nearly Triples ~45 Dollar Mark Horror Drama Will Be Played On Laguna Stage Land Action Set Valuat•on of building permits "Ladies in Retirement." the suc- is~ In Newport Beach during F F •d cessful horror drama by Reginald the past-nine months ending in or r1 ay Denham and Edward Percy, ia the S..ptembcr wu $3,597,094 or $2.-; second play in the fall-winter 389,865 more than that reached series to be presented by the IEWPOIT REVOIES . . PERMIT during the same period in 1945 Community Players at the La- By an a~ment r eached here Chief By.ilding Inspector A. M ive members of the Nc\vport guna Beach playhouse. Gran t e d t 0 Ere c t ~1onday the Southern Californi.a: Nelson said today. St> ch Oty Council and t\l.'O Santa The production will open House on Beach Lot Te-lepOone company and the city Approximately Sl.207,229 wa s An title companies "·ert" named Wednesd8y and Y.ill also be given of Newp>rt Beach will share in recorded for the same period end-de ndants in a civil act1c.n fill'.'d on the three fotlo"A'ing nights, Pending Probe the expense of improving the south ing St>ptember 1945. in the Superior court at Santa October JO. 11 and 12. The cast , side of Central avenue and th• I A breakdown or the two periods An Friday. is composed of competent and Fully 111 protesting residents east side of Palm street, Balboa. I ment ioned by the city building in· escribing then i~el\·es a!' inter-experienced actors, directed b y of Corona del Mar led by Mrs. G. According to the agreement. the spector follo\\'S: . est citizens of NC\\'por1 Hcach l\'larjorie Williamson. h Andrews of 31 5 Jasmine av<'- telC'phonc company agrees to pay MONTH 1946 1945 a d t~payers1 Mr. and ?.t.rs. Tickets may be purchased al nue, Corona del l\1ar. who ap- S935 or one-halfl the $1870 cost Jan. . . $ 519.085 $ 55,3Z2 Th mas Dugan of the Ba!b')a Jnn. th~ Rubaiyat Book shop in La-peared at the municipal meeting for the installation of curbing and Feb. . 289.930 72.946 ch llenged the vaJidity or th C' city's: guna Beach 191 . Curtain rises in person to CllITY on the fight, ne"'· sidewalks on tht>Se two thor-l\tar. 907.883 92.650 tr sfer of Corona dl"l !'.ta1 b...•ach 8 30 won a temporary victory Monday oughfares. The old curbing and Apr. ..... 300,718 115,375 fr tagC' 10 .the state in f'Onn C"clion at : p.m . afterhoon y,·hen they convinced thC' sidewalks \.\·ere dislocated by the ~1 ay 435.997 97.526 \.\'i h plans to create a state beach Ci H Newport Beach City Council it Installation of ronduit lines Cor June 261,170 155.745 pa k. re s •ts would be .. to th<' mu.nicipality's in - the new teJephon<' building which July 322,785 159,550 · "arned as defendants in th .0 _ I U I -terest to issue a cease-ord1•r ~he Sou.ther.n California company Auji::. 279.1~6 191.350 ju ction action the Dugans ~il1ed against the erection of a house on 1.s erecting 1n Balboa. . Sept. m.350 266,765 y,· e 1\ta:ror O. B. Reed. ('ot:ncil-Sa A the beach strip near China Co\'<' . . In the . agreement, \\'!'-1ch the m Lester L. Isbell. l\1ason Siler. nta na 1t1rs. Andrc\\'S. \\•ho is on<' or ?tY council approved at. its meet-Totals ....... $3,597,094 Sl.207,229 R rt Allen and O. z. Rohcrston. several Corona de! 1'1ar residents 1ng here ~1onday, the city agrees Al 0 nanled AS defenda nts ,,·erC" the who \\'ant most of the main beach to pay S935 or hair of the total M"ll d w· R ianCC' Title Co. a nd the Secur-at Corona del Mar held. if pos- cost as its sh~re of the improve-I an ins it Title Co. of Santa .<\na. On ('\'Cry Newport Harb 0 r >ible. for th~ '!me ":hen the Stat(' . ment. Approximately 3500 square h 1 youngstC'r's lips today there was Park Co"'1fllss1on \\'111 develop the feet or sidl'\\'alk and 600 linl'.'al 1 TC'<' parce s of proper ty are · · . area for a state mcn1orial park - f<'<'t of curbing is involved. w Id H in olved all of it waterfront land l.0 "e provoking quC'st.ion, 'I won-dedi ted to th f • 1 ct· · ·ct 1 ds de r if Daddy '"ill take me to the ca e memory o ser\'· j I t is estima ted that the side-or onor cx u ing t1 e an -. circus?" iceme n \,\"ho died in the last con-walk impro\'ement will cost $1120. oposed transfer of the title fiict and SC'Veral othC'-rorona d,.J : while the curbing cost is estimated of this property from th<' city to 1 • Yes, t he Cole Bros. Combined Mar' residents pcrson('111;, besiC'gPrl nt $750. a city enginl""E.'r's rC'p<>rt on th State "Park Commission, in c1r~us has rented l~ts at South the council chanibcrs a nd urgC'd the matter stated. Ray Milland of Lido Isle. film rc urn for purchases of additional i Main street ~nd Delhi road. Santa the councilmen to conden1n thl• Reddick Extols Printer in Free Press Address The full meaning of the phrase "freedom of the prl'Ss" was forcib- ly brought home to the minds of the people of Nev.tport Beach and its environs in the remarks made by &n Reddick, co-publishC'r of the Newport.Balboa Press at the dinner-meeting of the Newport Ki\.\•anis C'lub in the Welcome cale in Costa ~lesa. Friday. Reddick. the speaker of the evening for the ladies' night pro- gram given by the Ki\.\'anians, told in unmistakable terms that free- dom of the press m<>ans more than just the right to print all the n<'ws that is fit to print "lt means that you have thr right to disagree with the opin· ions expr~ in the editorial columns of your newspaper," Red - $Uck declared. "You can write your opinion and we will print it. That's one phase of freedom of the press." The publisher t>xplained other phases of t he printing business, during which he paid a glowing (Coatlnuea on r-age IMVf') CPA Denies Jaysee Construction Permit Executive orden from the Oci· lJan Production Adminiatratlon in Washington, D. C .• 1tilJed the con- star. \\·as a'''arded the grand inter-pr J)C'rties at Corona del l\1ar l An~. and . Wlll have 1.ts tents set land sought for a d\\'Pll ing. nationa l prizC' at Cannes, FranCC'. s and for the beach park develop.! up in r:_ead1nC'SS for their two shows It was brought out during lhC' on Sunday, for his portrayal or the rn nt "'ere hit 'by the Dugans in at 2 :lo and 8 p. m. _Wedn~ay. (Continued on Page Five) alcoholic in "The Lost WC'<'kend," th ir action. clairnin.s: that lhe The Cole Bros. circus ts one of __________ _ judged 10 be the best malt> acting ci is not JX'rrnitted to n1ake such the largest te nt sho\vS in America. F R in any motion picture exhibited at tr~srers. It has all the familiar paterns o( our unnersup the Cannes 1946 film fC'S\i\'al. £'}' addC'd that the use of the pageantry usually atta ched to big In Sher1"ff Race p perty \vould be restricted bv shows . Th<'re arc 300 performers, l\1ichele l\·torgan "''as named the s h a transfe r . e\'en if for beach hundreds of animals, and a band E best actress for her JX'rfonnance Support ll1"ott in the 1-~rench film, "Symphonie u . because local control of the and a calliops. Pastorale." The a\\•ard for the P perty \vould be dissipated and ------- best film went to the French for r ulations established by the Boatsman's Claim "La Bataille du Rail." st te \.\'ould control its use. Siler Says Section Balboa Walks Bad Councilman ~tason Siler told members of the city council Mon· day that sidewalks on Central a venue, between the 700 and 800 block, were about the worst in that section of Balboa and he thought something should be done about improving same. The mat· ter was defl'rred to the next meetin«i, Oct. 2t. Le Valleys Market Loses $450 Cash Cash amounting to $450 was robbed from the LeVaJley market, 112 McFadden place, Newport Beach, some time Saturday night, according to a repart made to police headquarters Monday. Silver amounting to $20 was not touch- ed, Polle.? were informed. Villa Way Folk nde r a State L<'gislature bill. For Damages Sent ~ ,000 has bc<-n set aside for I To Insurance Agent p rchase of properties at Corona d Mar for the state beact} park; . in return. the city agreed to trans-. A claim for dama~es amount. fe title to most of its publicly-u:ig to $104.56 submitted to the ed beach frontage rather than Cit )" o_f Newport Beach by Ernest tribute a ny matching funds. E. Wilson of P. 0 . Box 143, Sun- e Dugans arc represented by ~ s~t Beach .. was re!~ . ~ f:he A torneys Otto A. Jacobs of the city council to their liability 1n- fiF of Head. Wellington and Jae-suran~ compa..n~. _ . oqs in Santa Ana and George Pen-.In his co~un1cat1on. Wilson re- n y, prominent Los Angeles bar-m1.n~ed lhe city that his tMlat, the ri ter. W1n1ta, was rammed on Sun~y, hearing in the case will be ~u~st 18, .at 10:30 a. m. by m- h Id at 2 p . m. this Friday in t.he visible floating wreckage, P~­ S nta Ana courthouse. ably from .the old schooner Min. Local citiz.ens recaJled today danao, . which ~as burned here some time preVJously. 'rbe Sun- ·rj..utlleon May 20. Mr. P e nney, as set Beach boatsman held the city l., I for the Bluff and ?~ds neglectful and liable for the dam- operty. 0 w n er s assoc1at1on age incurred by his vessel w ed members of the city coun-· ci that they could expect legal o position to any transfer of real e ate land to the state fw park p tl. B. Jeweler Will pen Store in Costa Mesa About Oct. 18 Builds Here L. V. Green of 720 N_ Eucalyptus avenue, Inglewood. bu contracted to build a one--story duplex home at 1547 Miramar drive, Ba.Jboa, the cost to be $8500. "Never, until no\,.. in the 44 • years that I hnv<' livC'd in this county, 40 of \\'hich ha\'C' lx'l'n spent as a law £'nforc£'ment or-...! ficer, have I ever sffn an incum- bent supported by all of the other primary candidates for an elec- tive office." This was the statement madr this week by Sam Jernigan. when commenting upon Sheriff Elllot1's endorseme nts for re-election by thl' candidates-Harry Bell, Floyd W. Howard, Walter E. Tipton and R I. Morris-whose statements, in par, are as r ol\o\.\'S: Harry Bell: . "I was constantly confron ted with the ability. effic- iency and economy of Sheriff El · liotl" Floyd W. Howard: "I have al- ways looked upon Sheriff Elliott as one of our outstanding Ja\V enforcement officer s." Walter E. Tipton: "I knoy,· that Sherift Elliott's re-election is in the best interest of Orange coun· ty.'' R L Morria : "Sherif! Elliott's reo:rd ii so fi ne and so clean that there ia no way in which it can be attacked." struction of nonhousing projects ed w B B" 'ORN DONROFF I The second score came ln the . rown, Long Beach J throughout the nation today_ 1 ·11 Harbor lligh's victory-starved third ~uarter. as a climax of 8 Among those in the Orange City Oerk Frank Rinehan was e er, wt open a modern jew- Cite Bad Street Observes First Birthday ~ . • rans Were -ated to a •"'ntJ"l-Tar drive which took them from Co h . store in O:>sta Mesa at 1797 ~a'C" -... unty area to feel the brunt ot aut onzed by the Newport Beach wport Blvd. on or about Oc- lating brand of football antics last their own 28 to pay dirt. Ashen the new cease order were school City Council on ¥onday to com-r 18. A definite opening date Friday afternoon on Davidson ran It for 12 yards to the Tar 40 authorities who were plannJng the municate with darence McCuJ· be announced as soon as an Field. when the Sailon from New-and Louie Mello, o~ that ~ building of the new Santa Ana loch, a building contractor of ate estimate ot building port trounced a visiting Ri\'er-reverse play used in the fll"St Junior College, 17th and Bristol 2*17 Villa Way, this city, regard-novation and merchandise place- side Bear outfit. 19--0. quarter so effeetively, galloped strttts. Santa Ana, at a COSI of ing hJs request that the city pave nt can be made, Mr. BfO'i\'ll Sparked by hard running backs 29 ?'ards to the &>ar 31 . 1\-tello $950.000. the Way, from 28th to 29th street. 'd Louie Mello and Brian Han2el. again took the leather on thr to thus eliminate th: bumps and ;~ the jewelry business since the Tan rolled up and down the same play for another 16 yards to Fishing Banned Near chuck~holes. The et!}' wants to 11 I , Mr. Brown h .. operated the fi<>ld "·irh long end S"'eeps and the 14·yard line. There .the Sailor know ii McCulloch and other rest-W Brown Credit J 1 quick-opening line plays and offensive was momcntanly stalled San Clemente Isl dents will share the cost or said i the ·same J~tion in ew~ers clicked for three scoN?S in the for three dowm. but With the Says U nion Official improvement. ach, 418 American avenue. f~~ second third and fourth cantos. ball on rhe Bear 15 and 11 yards: e put 16 years. The 0 game was featured by sev-needed for • fil'llt down. signal-~--• Waverly Apt8. Sold '"The Coota Mesa st0re Will not eral long nms by Mello Hanzel caller Roy Ward came up \\1th a \,.,.n.&nes McLa.uchlan. business merely a branch business, but and "Bogey" Hol"f'ell, w°ho inci· honey and Dick Brace made 11 agenN 36t for!F Newport Harbor Local To Santa Ana Man up.-to-the-minute. metropolitan dentally, was playing ln the baek· ?'ards o~ an end around play and o. • A WA fishermen's union. bllshment that will be a field for the first time in his grid it was flf"St doWn and r~ yards :::;:~C=-t ?t6:.:::t .::= :f;.~ 11\e Waverly Apartments, 324 't to any community. We carttr, and by hard. smashing line needed to t~hdown tem.tory. ing is banned in the waten sur-Marine Avenue, Balboa Island, a l~ handle the same high quality, play by the entire Sailor forward Ward camed the baU Into the rounding San Oemente Island. six unit. siX garage construction, tiooally-knowo merchandise, and -...u. line for three yards and then was sold to Karl D. Rt-id by WU- ln ,._ f'1rst q"·-er. H ___ ,, called on blg_ .. Bogey" HOJTell. Navy firing will commence off Uain W. Sanford. realt.or and as-rate on the~ paliey of bud- .... """ ~ L Ul"~ ho b lied h t h the i.sland. beginning Wednesda.y t terms at no extra cost in , made two nice gains ot 13 and 28 w u I.I way acroa e and continue through Friday, Mc--soda.le of Gertrude Waldron, real ta Mesa as we do In Long IORN ALLEN B.Aft'LE. ar ..... ..._ .. a JIU'l1' ef ,...._ at W. yards, but the. plays were nulli· line for the second tally. Lauchlan states.. He has asked estate, Balboa" laland, for a re.. ch," Mr. Brown announced. flnt ll&rtllda:r PMV ..... •· .._ @a.i.it""Jir tied by penalties. The third score ea.me ln the last the News..'nmes to broedcut this Ported price of $40,000. 1be pro-. • tlile -et llr .... 11n. &. .&. •ccs1,.;. lulq, llept.. !t. him But the Tan came rolling back quarter with Coach Pickens using lnformatton u be sakl one 1111-= ~:i n::i N~w'!"n: A. Woman Seeks In thecroupot -.. 1a -a dolllht<r ot Mr. and Mrs. ""-e and the flnt ooore came early his sec<lbd and tblnf atring play-founded rumor aeut a lolioter trap n~• D abcwe, lnmt ,_, left to rfsllt. -R. ..,..... -"'= ..._ ... In the second quarter wltb Hanzal en and Hallback Dick Brown !lsht!rman to that vicinity early ~ II planntnc ~ fm. &Mages from City Sue Ann Monroo .1Ghn Allen ~~---.... -....... I.,...;.. ·~ ""-~•-a-the carrying the porkhlde from the M--'·... --"'·•·-·· -· not ~ts and furnlshlnp. The ' -•--fteymoad L. Patchen is --~ u~ ..,_.,. ~-15-·-~ k nd ___, ·~ ·-~·~ --former°""""' ol the .....-rty ,... tie, Jr., fhmt). -Katt'rm the -ol Mr and Mn R. L double marker from the six-yard r~u mar er • lall)'in& • ....., that "'·••--wu "'-1 ~ A clsim b"'-·""t •-;••t the city Hobel. Pa·~ Bal.....:. · · · stand!•• u ·--.. -Gua G. J....,, of Santa Ana. • .._.. --~ ~ stripe. The touchdown came after ·-P· u.en,, be said Newport &.ch by Harry J. In the back .-, left lo rfPt. ' . Newport took the ball tlfteo a Harbor fans _.. treated Fri· -------Gant D-___._ City er, Loo AnpJes attorney. for are, Barbar8 ~ L lflm J-t Hobel la the dalllhter .-i Rlvenide punt on the s..... day to • -ll-pl~ ball iame Buy Lo'-for,.,_..,. aM:JIU!r"' cllont. Mrs.~ Purdlinc ot Pat-m. Jmet ~ ••d "' Edwonl L. Hobel Mr. and 46 and HO<ft!l ma.de four yards and u..-a f!&htlnc Harbor team .., ....._ Rece• •a .....__a_ 9 North Fairfax "'''"''" Loo F.ddle w-. lln. E<hrard L. Hobel throu&h the cienter. Mello nMlde thot ..... fired up for the _,,...t Boulevard Wideniq Ip..., .....,_...,.,I ~=~ wu referTed by the city Mlsa Sue Ana -... Is tbe "-Eddie W-ia the oon two and then Speedy Hanza1 and -1ngly determined to bring R<al I • on Monday to their liabll-daushtd ot Mr. -.lln. -ol llr. -Mn. Georp B. w.m, sldr1ed Illa own ·right end for 12 homo th<! flnt ~ victory Plirchaoe by tho dty ot N..,. ~ ~ =~ :':.. .i::: I Insurance campel>Y. R. Monroo, llelboa. •a1 for first clown on the Rlwnide -19". This wu tho flnt port &.ch ot two Jots from Jin. ported by Oty n-....r J. A. °"•-I for the ........,, awrts Mut<r Jai>n Allen 'Batlle. Ir. 'l1oo ddlchs! ,..... w....i dellc- 28. Hanzal acaln ......,. tbl'ee and Vanity Jlrid win for Harbor In Matllcla Griep, ot 4461 'ndrt:J'-Gant ,... the dty ot Ne t t --~ ... the --.. the -ot Mr .... lln. ... -• .. .. by the -- then Mello on a nloely .,._,tod 12 -sixth s1ft<t. Son Dleso. tor tha -~ Soptmibor. *J:t and doci< a t the l9tb -A.Um Batu., Sr., ..._ a ...---~ by all. band-olf ~--19 vital yards The ... ~ Tar line --widmlnc ot Coat ....._, --.... ftport to the clQ> --c0 1aui'.,tldat11adQ> ... -~ !Illa. Sbe -Katlllfta -.. lli• "-,_ .. -......... ,_ to the Bear six-yard tltrlpo wbeft Cftdlt for ~ up h--_.,. .. by the l'!twpcxt -at Ito _,,.._ ,. ~ -. ~ and t bor rip! ,_ -dalllhle' ol lfr. --. =; a• -ID 11111 -l*tbdo)o at Hanzal -It ..-. IOlll-cm Piao ,,..,.) Oty .......0 on ........,., -. required -1-t.. L. ~. Ba-. · - -bo <wla to be i..c t-lflm lloo"""a A a 11 .. lo 1111 11tt1o frtn • -a ~ - • -- • N&W ... t •••AOA NEWPORT M• BOA The Press Is Your. Friend N .EWS-TI MES PBOMa' ••·--II ... I.I Aa Worlal 'lbomas Jefferson once said: "1 would nthtt live in a country P l_'' l...,.T r '97 ... D 'JM¥ I V ..... mtW with newspeptta and wtthout CCM!n\ll'M!t\t. than in a country ~with a Ollila ~ St Mt._ p.ay D I .,_,. WI I I' J Vea-D government but without newspepen." In this chaotk era that ii WO<"th MPeatiftg and .-.... ~· Panble In ~,_.,:SI per _.. In OnllP C<lunt7 , 'The alogan t"" the wventh annual National N"l"."!'"-Week is: , R'lli 'per >""l" to 4111 -: llUIO por _..to &lb -"A ·FREE PRESS-VOICE OF FREEDOM. GUAJUAN OF LIB- llilltend u Second-Clam -u.er et 1M _. ....... in Newport Bzuh, ERTY,'' and the theme la "The Newspe-u a Public Servant." ~'" ·-~ tbe Act of -3 lBl9 One has only to look over this wv-Wfft)' -'<! to realize that _____ ..,.... __ °'_'_' .. _•c_~ __ . ________ • _______ ,onfy a few natiON are blessed with a Free Press. Moat intelligent LUI D. PORTER • ·-J>oiNWift people will agree that the Freedocn of the Press is the capatono ot fJ.°r.'='N · . · . · . · _ · _ -_ -Adnrtlolns ~ ~"':ii':t:ir ~ ~t once you~-this Freedom of the P ID~ --<Wn1 ,,___, A N • Be di C&llfornla However, Freedom of tM Presa, u we u...-::1~tand It, has become i4*1& .-.-~t, ....,.u. W. '-CU~ ftllllt. ;ewpon• ' such a common part of our American Way of lJfe that we sirnl)ly Offlc:ial Paper of the City of Newport Beach :~~.,.~'i~T!":..': ~ = that uu. oonclltion does not •Xfst A D1,1 t·Me....,... • 177 P ._ 0..11 YMn Such freedom of the p-eq ii essential in our form of Democracy. • • 1be flnt step of any dictator is to. clisa'edit or seek control of Active Member of C-0-0perate and Produce Henry Ford II recently stated that steady employment for American 'l'llOri<ers can be atbllned only through ~ration between labor and management In reducing production oosts and in boosting industrial output. Mr. Ford's ~ration-production formula for the we!- the prea. Dictatorial gownunental ottlcials ..-nt ne~ that do not agree with them. OUr form of goVftn!J>ent is u-pon a check and balance system between three major branches-the execu- tive, legislative and judicial. The newspapers aa a "Fourth F.atate" wu recognized yean ago becaUBe or its power to serve u a watchdog of the people's rilhta: to kttp the people Informed and united tor their best 1n1 ..... ts. For the &ood ot the public It la a healtny lhln& for our newspapers to have the right to criticize public officials bec&UR It la IO easy tor our IUgh ottida!JI to be<orne so IWT'Ounded by "y""" men that they looe their penpectlve and assume the dlv!fte.rilht theory that they can do no wrong. An alert Press helpo keep our poliUcal leaders' feet on the ground &She-. FAREWELL e PUBIJC SERVCIE Announooment made (oday ol the annual meeting in Chicago on October 17-18 of the Audit Bureau erton Offers eteran Training • • ._. n.. M Yeu. el 8 , ..... a. •F'"..w's ' •1 JI.UN TI 1 Q'g '!'I ~···->a. OAID', DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH OIWlll ,,,,, • PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service OOUX r. llaOWN (pc kc JIM) 111"'&&.&w... .......... r&f8M)IAlfll .. ~·D.Q. Dr. W. T. Moo•eJ ..,.... ........ --0 ... .._ (9il.llr. ............. • fare "OI American labor in particular and the Nation's econ- omy In general, is not a new ooe. It has often been voiced before. But in view of existing labor ronditions it can hardly be said that it is being practised. During the war the newspapers of the United States met all chal~ lences and helped unite the people on every procram euentlal to the winning of the war. The newspapen wholeheartedly gave their su~ port to civilian mobilization, selective service~ war bond drives, Red Cross, U.S.O .• O.P.A., rationing, war production; and the development of a united front. Millions of dollars worth ol space were contributed to every worthy program. Without fanfare the newspapers have roobilized to win the peace. During this National Newspaper Week we urge YoU to take time out, to rediscover what your newspaper means to you and your com- munity. lf you don't think that it is a very close part of your life, try this simple experiment: When YoW' paper comes, just set it aside and see how long you can refrain from reading it. of Orculatiom calls attention to orably discharged veterans:,..-------------.1 an o-aUon of sell-regulation In the services are now eligible I B l'lllfllll'D•rw:.a:aiq a KB•OKa. ... industry that is an outstanding ·~po.le In the Marine Air • • lfBYTIC I t th Am . t R~.-ve tralnl ~ Dll I-TU < J&a.&llT examp e o e encan way o n& program, a ... "U,,N.-u-&alMttmd .,. u. lhlllilll ...._. 'lft9. life in business. The membershJp to the announcement of LI> 97' Dz1 .-c ' 1e •• 1 .... • of this thirty-two year old as-W. Wheatley, veterans' coun-.._ wt.Ill ..._ sa:ii: ......, sociation, with which thia: news-at Fullerton Junior college. 1~ a..•••-... A. V. Andren, M. D. -iroa:o.mr .f paper is affiliated, comprises 2900 training program bl being - - -...._ - - publishen, advertisers and adver-ucted at the Naval Air St•·i----;~-----------"' Using agendes in the Uni t e d , Los Alamlt.oa, California. ARC!BllM11' wo...& . ....,.n*••- o.-- Some strikes. little publici2led but highly important, have been going 0n for months. New ones keep popping up. Who is to blame? Probably both labor and management are re- sponsible in varying degrees. It bas become apparent how- ever, that some labor leaders seem to feel that they can go on indefinitely "kicking the ball around," so to speal<, without causing serious, and possibly permanent il\jury to their own cause and to the welfare of the rountry as a whole. California Planning Dates Back to Early Spain Era States and Canada. Working to-terans who become members gether and without outside inter-of , group may partidpate with Ir-------------. ,..------------, ference, these sellers and buyers a Marine fighting squadron twice . Armand Monaco of advertising space have volun-~nth, one-hall day a t a time ABCllD'DJr tarlly set up rules and standards on Saturday or Sunday. They 8U W. II& .. A-, Be)lw,. for use ln measuring and evaluat-Ive pay for each half day at au'-I'll& ing the circulation of published a _ t wage scale, depending on l'Dl , .... ood A.._ For over a year we have been wading knee deep--some- times neck deep-in labor strife. Our pwg1e;s out of the in- dustrial mire has not been enroOraging. U labor now comes up with new demands for further general wage increases the outlook will be further darkened. Higher wages would 900ll be reflected in still higher prices. Thus, labor would gain no reel advantage in getting more dollars with less purchasing power, while the national economy would suffer further from the Inflationary effects of the situation. With the announcement in the ideas for city improvement, only media. . the rank held at the time of ·dis- East that a universa1 building llrn1ted -u1•-w-obt•'-ed h I.-A,..' Mr 1111 ""''3 "" ..... co.u• • The Audit Bureau, better known c ge. code which may be applied to Thil deficle:ney was ~ as A.B.C., maintains a large staff e work consists of radio, or· every community in the United by the state legislature of 1915 of experenced circulation auditors din ce and maintenance engineer- States will soon be released for when it enacted legislation pro-who examlne and audit the circu-ing training in class and labora-1.-------------.1 use brings to mind that from the vidlng that the legislative body lat.Jon records of all publisher to . standpaint of planning, CalifornJa of any incorporated city might members at r egular intervals. The -1----------- has advanced far since the first er te pl · · lo ti t th B ' ea a anrung comnu.ss n, pre-results of these audits are issued in o o newspapers e ureau s cities in the sate were planned scribing the organization and A.B.C. reports which. are available puibisher membership inc l udes by royal edit of the King of Spain. functions of such commissions. to advertisers and publishers for moft of the leading magazines, In 1573, exactly 373 years ago, The Qty of San Bruno in San use in the buying and selling of buaJness papers and farm publica- the ftrSt decree proViding for the Mateo county wu the first city advertising space. These reparts tiorls in the United S tates and laying out of California cities in the state to take advantage of tell how much net n.nid circula-C~da. was issued by the theri Sn.o. ... ;~h re-·~1• t or -b tU ~ h th f ABC _....... uWI gran · power Y se ng tion a publication hu, how it was oug e use 0 · · · re- Wapw Dri:gl-~le Dr. wmw o. wacw Chiropractic, Dietetics, Phylllo &: Colonic Therapy . , ... ~ lllod., -.__ -- DAY -OOL As Mr. Ford points out, some labor spokesmen have dem- onstrated their power to force concessioos from manage- ment. but in so doing "they have stifled production" -and this means eventually labor's earning power. gime. It set forth standard regu-up a city planning commission in obtained, the price or prices at po advertisers can select media latioru: which were to be follow-1915 on the baslS. o! tac•-obt&1.ned ------------, -which it was sold, how and where ~ 1 ed precisely in establishing towns By 1922 there were l 5 such distributed and many other facts thr ugh actual audits. lt iB prob-- Without genuine ~ration between employers and em- ployes we cannot attain the producticn vohnne necessary to lift the Nation out of its economic woes. But with it we can repee.t the industrial miracles which have made our nation the won<ler of the world both In war and in peace. · Worth .Trying It is said that Arturo Tosainini, who is perhaps the greatest orchestra conductor of modem times, refused to try to become a composer in spite of the urging of his early teachers because, as he put It. "I know that whatever I might compose would fall far below the standard I set for myself.'' The music world can be mighty glad that he did not apply this philosophy to his work. as a ronductor. And the world In general can be tlianktuJ that the many talented men in various walks Of life whose efforts may have fallen far below the standards they set for themselves nevertheless had the courage to try, and to benefit mankind in spite of their "fail- ures." We Who Get Stuck When It comes to observing etiquette in foreign affairs we Americans are sticklers. That's why we so often get stuck. A cru;i: in point is that of Marshal Tito, the Belgrade bWJy. On Instruction from Moorow, Tito's airmen shot down two unanned American transport planes which "violated" the air over Yugoslavia. Five of our filers were killed. We got tough about it--0n paper. Tito backed down somewhat but showed no remorse for the murders. in the new world. bl th t ·th t th t U commissions. Six years later the essential to the sound investment a a Wl ou e pro ec on Business was ordered to face a total reached 74 and by 1939 there of advertising money. Thus, With for advertising made possible by central plaza. Streets were or-were 150 commlssions ln the state. the aid of A.B.C. re~rts, adver-the use of A.B.C. reparts, adver- lented wtth relation to a single The rll'St otfidal county plan-tisers can select the· media best ' would not have appropriated isolated district. ning commission In the United adapted to their needs, invest their the Iargt sums for advertising Some city streets in Los An-States was established tn Califor-money on the basis of facts and whi now characterize American geles bear the stamp of planning nla in 1922 when Los Angeles know just what they get tor their eco omy. The Audit Bureau there- done by the ruler of Imperi&J County Board of Supervisors rec-advertising dollars. This ia a far fo by its participation in the Spain. ognized the need for end detira-cry from the conditions that exiat· dev Jopment of adverili:ing and the During gold rush days emphasis billty of a planning program. ed prior to 1914, the year A.B.C. we are of the press is an lntergral wu on growth rather than on de-Widespread interest in-the ac-was established, when advertisers par in the public service per- velopment, says a well-known tlvttles and program of the Los had no unilorm standards for the to by the newspapen of writer of a state building manual. Angeles Regional Planning com-comparison and evaluation of Am rlca. In some areas in California the mJ.aion resulted in the State media and when publishers were --j-----------· 1 pattern of a community growth Planning Act of 1927, which al-unable" to get full credit for their was determined by the burro or towed counties to appoint plan-circulation claims. pack-train which followed the ning commissions and generally Today ninety-four per cent of same, course taken by the last outlined their functions. Santa the total circulation of all daily burro or pack-train. Barbara wu the first county to newspapers in the United States Other communities grew because take advantage of Uie act, which and ninety-eight per cent in Cana- two roads crossed and a trading was later amended with the clause da by A.B.C. Many weekly news- center was established. that It was mandatory to create papers have joined the Bureau in After the t urn of the century, such commission ln each county. recent years and the movement of CalifornJa communities pridefully Orange and Riverside counties verified circulation in the weekly led to the revival of interest in were included in the 18 other coun-field is growing rapidly. In addi- oommunity planhing. The associa-ties which immediately complied 1 i";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;+o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;iii;iiiii;;i;;i~ tlon for the improvement and with the new law. Other coun-11 adornment of San Francisco In ties have since organized planning 1903 began thf:" ball r olling when commissions which have proven they aPJX>inted Daniel H. Burn-themselves to be valuable assets ham to prepare a plan for that to all growing communities within dty. their jurisdictions. Four. years later Los Angf:"Jes. Formation of state planning not to be outdone by a neighbor commissions came several years big city to the north of it, hired afterwards. In fact it ~·as the Charles M. Robinson to lay out NationaJ Resources Planning a plan for a greater Los Angeles. board of 1933 which took the So fruiUul were his efforts in initiative to ask ·cooperation of L. A. that Robinson was asked a each state in the establishment year later to do the same thing of planning agencies for the pur- for Sacramento. pase of expediting the then pend- DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. Wi\TKINS and tes -118 Reparts of the improvements ing program of public works. being done in the three leading Governor John Rolph ot San r--------,-------t-----------, Then came the demand from many Americans that we dties soon reached the ears of Francisco appointed the first state really show him that we meant IJotSlness by blocking further public spirited men of San Diego. planning board in 1934, and a U.NllR.A. shipments to Yugoslavia. But In spite of the fact and they decided to go th• others year later the state legislature that we pay 70 per cent of the U.N.R.RA. C(l&ts the state de-one step farther by hiring an established the tlrsi state plan- eastemer named John Nolen lo nin& board. It was made a part partment said It would be improper for US to attempt to halt make a plan for their dty. of the department of finance. these shipments. Technically, the State Department was Other dt!es made similar ges-From that · Ume down to the right. but it is on technicalities such as these that we are so lures. but the writer of the state present cities, counUes and state 2'-Hour dio Service manual explains that since there planning boards have cooperated often Played for suckers. was no offidal sou= through as unlb tor the growth and Im· What Is more, when we even go so far as to send more which could be channeled their provement of Ca!Uornla. than 8000 tons of steel rails to nto-ralls originally intended ----------'-'----~------ for Otlna, but which are also badly needed here at home-- It &hows what chumps ~ really are. Isn't it about time for us to get wlae ! • II P.A.PALMBR LIDO JSlZ P™IES W. O. BUCK-Insurance Co..nselor A..t 1500 tJJ--t. .&,.( 3333 VIA LIOO cALi'"FORmA . . J .... For Your C-Onvenience We Will Remain Open Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday Balboa Central Market • R. Norton Ill~ •• ., 81111•.,.. r-......... QallL Mortimer School Ill O:tnl ···-lllud. DAY 8CROOL OPl:Nll OO'r 1 or..i..: Oo1L Prep.. .&rmy a. £... ..... e•, II. A.., Odor« •• ,,.... ..... llarMr - DJ::NTlllT!I Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST -% w. 00.tnl. -1- NEWl'Oft Bl:ACB DB. GORDON I!:. HAPP DENTIST IAS WootOO.tnl Pboae Barl>or Ul-J Newport lN8UBANCIC Lincoln NaUonal Ufe lnllurance· Oo. "1'9 If-.. lad:l.e&C.81 l\a ~· DON n:BNIOAN ..._Buloor!M-& --A--W. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSUKANCB 00. RayNielBen "' ....... ..... -----SU........ ...._ llOLTWIAN8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OUnelY8 tho Better Serw by SerYlnc Othon Best" ...... Nm •• Ooolla-~ I!:. T. Butte: wwU., 0. D. Ostsbdta:llt SYD U•MJWD> LCNlllB DUPUCATl:D ...._ S1t .. _,oWI 'I AM W. o.i..a .1.-ft...._ ..U ···•~wm: Robert A. Crawford o,&.. D. Onow:t- r.:,.. Enndnecl • G"u111 11tted I . 1'191 Xwpwt ~,.,..,. ..._ ___ C191'A .... Scotda. Tape Now p n Hand Supply Limited ---at- NEWS· TlllES lollll IL O. a._,. M. D. .., 't • ... aua •• 2 -4 7. 1:90 and by appaln-t Bee.cm 5C11S IJI ..... 11111 ..... ao.ca--.e>w-s 1-B. Doro,J, .. D. Pby&lclan &: &Jr.- Ml llartM A-, .... ...,..\ --- Gordon 11. ~. 11. D. PHYSICIAN and SUJIGllON Balboa Inn Areoode Oft!ce Hrs.: 1~12 a.m.; S4 pm. Phone Harbor '81 • H. R. Hall, M. D. ~~ ........ Hours: 2~. lly Aw<>!n-t 'll!lepbm» --5INI 181 ·~ Ooola - lllltc. II. lluwel, II. D. 1•1~-., Oor-.dol- Ottlce Hours: 10-12:1 2~ --1- S. R. Monaco, ~ D. 8lt Bay ATe., •'ha a.no, ITU Ul&BIDM.LM*••' TU-7GJ By Appoln-t Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 West Cmlnll A ... NEWPORT BEACH ............. 1 ... Mo....,..:.O.._.. ....... X-Ray Sen>toe T~ P. Reeder, M. D. ~-llGl·­-W.o..tni T1Jpt-.....__ G. N. PEASE, M. D. Raub & Bennett .... ., ...... -. ..... ~ K-... ~m.c.. Ooola-~1SJa·,•1 Bssz I ffll W lll'JW.~ x .. pul'lais• T'el r 1Psdrsw• PIANO TEACHER c;.v.im~ GrUata ..,.. "--.I.--. • ,. '• ~· . Ph. Harbor l.Zl'l-W 1528 w. °'*" l"rorat Veda '11lotiiPIOD TMcbe.r ~ Pluo and °'Pit ... ...... HLlllilll I ' • . ' • 1 ISLAND PAT I 0 WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTBACTOR Residential and Camnerclal Building ft1z 11: It•~ 1818 Jle·.-IM6-W MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Manllfacturen of Custom Bollt Blinds • Complete Repair and Renovating Service 412 SOth Street Newport Beach Free Estimates TelephOllf! Harbor 2001 CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W , 1'1Ui and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa Mma Going to Build Dis Year? Yoa prollablj have yonr drum ho,_ all worluid oat In yonr_ mind -or maybe your udtlted or -tndor nln!edy bu prepared plans OD pRpel' for you. nedlldty wlD have a large part In making drn-ol poetww Uwlmg -true. WhM yoa Co over &be plans wlU. yonr balJder be llllle to Mk him about the ........ c1e...;:: -1a In boaBebold labor •vlng ud ,_. ........ i-.ty. Oar 1:.,.1a la everjUtlag ~ wlD be pd to bolp wttll layout plans or prolllelm. Oae waMtlom -1ms>-alotol41ft&- .. tile ~ ol tllll& bama. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAI • 4 " 1111 1900 <Jan& Jllway Plow.,__ M0'7 .u-111 -• .,..,, _.,, _, ·1Wft1•·111a~·•r,.1111oo·1111•eiT .. •IDID1o•11•o-<OnM111111oo•· • Neidecker, Calkins Boat Yard Equipped for Big Business By ff. L BARNUM Thrtt t im6-a.nd a charm. At least that appears to be what has happened to "The Yard" on the Mjracle Mlle. ''The Yard" ls the third tjtle tacked upon the boat works since 1944. O rficially known as MacCurdy and Calk.Ins. Inc., and in 1944, the Channel Boat Co.. the outfit has made great strides in Improvement sincr- a new partnership \vas set up last June. Marsha ll Neidecke r, for· me>r L. A. m anufacturer 's repre- sentative, bought out Bill Mac- Curdy's share to act as partner with \Vendell "Skip'" Calkins. The new partnership has in· s talled multiple "·ays, and "The Yard" is now able ·to accommo- date se\•en boats up to 55 feet inst.ead of one. The ways were stressed by Bill 1.1acCurdy, for· mer partne r, who was one of the head navy architects for Gibson Cox. New York City. The Cox company designed about 75 per cent of the navy's destroyers and cruise rs. MaCCurdy was also as- sociated with Western Pipe and Steel. At 35, a decided a nd am- bitious ma n, he has returned to his Michigan State alma mater to obtain a doctor's degree in naval architeetu.re a nd engineering. even though he is now recognized as one of the foremost stress analysis experts in the country. seven years on the Dollar Une followed by two years with the Matson Steamship Co. Around~ the.world was a common occur· rence with him. Calkins received his diploma in naval engineering a t the Massa· chuset ts Institute of Technology. After an apprenticeship at the old Bath Iron Works. Bath, Maine, he specialized in small OOata and yachts. '"Skip" designed the well- known P-14 a nd the T\-1a rine Sales power and rental boats operating in Ne\vport Harbor. The newly converted "Yard" is a one·step convenience for boat oWl]en. in that craftsmen are available for painting. engine over- ha ul and carpentry. Owners are invited to do their O\\'TI \Vork "on board," the participants settling o nl y for haul out a nd la)' days. Relative advantages are round on properties sub4eascd by the yard. One lessee, the Seaboard Equipment Co .. marine engine and Mercury outboard agents. have SJ,><'nt $10,000 on a building and other improvements. Another, the J. K . Brown l\farine Radio Co., S7000, to house marine and electrical equipment. They arc distributors for Karr Radio ma nu· fac turers. Niedecker is "plenty salty" as ' L~~~;;1\,.~~ the saying goes. Boat experience l' began for him as a purser for Cement and Flagstone Contractor P'LAT WORK AND FOOND4nozr;s B7 Eltlmate Barbor 257i-W QuJclr; w.nlee: •• baTI the t'!MDetlt GILL'S DIJo/~'EIMI DAl.L"l' 1!:11:-.., T9elii&T 01*' 4. to 10 p. m. 8u'"'-¥ 11 -Mi 1e P. a. OMJs: , Balboa lmprov t· Group Will ·Build Vet an' s Home 1be Balboa Improvement as.so--sus · at the conclusicxt of the cia lion 11 the first dvic crganiz:a· bull · prouam, the improve- tlon in Newport Harbor to an-ment association v.ill conduct a nounce that it will finance the and make up for the loa construction ot a house for a home-in tha m.anner. lea war veteran and his family will be no other type In this section or the city. ~ unW the veterans Members of the board of di· problem is eliminated. an rectors of the organization have oftlci of the BIA building com- appointed a building oommittee mitt""! added. '"and we might just of merchants who will make ar-as weNmake a start now to build rangements: for competitive bid-thole homes. .. ding for the contract to build The type of house v.•hich the the GI house. Balboa Impro\....,ent assoc:iatkln After the house is built on a plans o ftnance ii limilar in tte. 1ot yet to be purchased by the sign the t-.~btdloom home at organlz.ation, the structutt will be 2112 boulevard. Balboa, turned over to Newport Poot No. which built by Deputy State's 291 of the American Legion foe A -<;enmol Frank W . Rich· disposal to a homeless war vet· uds f the Balboa Inn for hi.I eran of Orange county. GI ~ Frank W. Richards jr. The buildin& committee is now ' type of house," the BlA looking for someone who will sell ofti · n.Id, "is known as the them a lot on a competitive basl!. Palos JVerdes model. It meets an The plan calls foT' placing the lot in the r1gld requirements approved esaow, the same to be paJd for for process-financing." out of a GI loan. The Balboa Lmprovement USO-- However, if there is any loes ciati does not expect to make any fit out of the building or sale t the GI house.. "It after the s cture is built and it does not t loan approval, we will stand the Joss." the official said. e- • Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone HartJor 1033 \ Pabn Ave. 3tf1 On Your Way to Sallta Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at---• CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN October Permits Valued at $7 4, 725 Issued by Nelson eos of the house is expected Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain se...nce to under $8500. a .,. • Twenty·six permits calling for construction with a total valua· tion of $74,725 were issued in Newport Beach in the first week of October, according to a report made today by Chief Building In· S(X'Ctor A . M. Nelson. Home plans were filed by the following: Rolx>rt L . Wyre of 600~ Avo- cado aven ue, Corona del Mar. a l\\'o-story dwelling and detached garagr a t 419 Fernleaf avenue, CDM. SlO,MX>. a nd Ri chard Ste\\'· art of 106 Abalone avenue, Bal· boa Island. two-story addition, SI0.000. C. S. RasmUSS<'n of 3715 El Serano avenue, Los Angeles. a one--and·8·half story dwelling and detached garage at 1()().5 Beacon W ay. Newport Heights. SSOOO. and Ernest E. Sieger of 214 Thirty- ~econd street, Newport Beach, a one.story cement block dwelling at 630 Coast highway, Ne"1JOrt Beach, $7000. Robert L. and Bethune M. Reed of 3202 Coast boulevard, Ne1A1>0rt Beach. one.story dwel· ling and detached garage at 441 Fernleaf avenue, Corona del ?tiar. $7800. and A. H. Timpkins of 4280 Ninth street, Riverside, one- stor y dwelling at 115 Twenty. sixth s treet. Newport Beach, $5000. William L. Shields of 615 Poppy street, Corona del Mar one-story d\\'elling and det.ached~arage at the same address, 500, and Agnes and Martha Lo joy of 120 North Richmond avenu , Fullerton, one.story dwelling at 219 Thirty. second street, Newport Beach, $4300. J . H. Gordon of 700% Coast highway, Newport, apartment over garage, same address. $3500. Th Balboa Improvement asso-. 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. ciatio is comprised of • group 1818 Newport Blvd. CURB SERVICE Costa Mesa of ;rchants whose enterprises !::::=========::::============== are I . ated in the Balboa sN:tion of -\\'port Harbor. Clyde R . John n. proprietor of Johnson's resta rant, Balboa, is president of the ssociation. I Elvi.nf ?\-1. Parsons of 1201 South Flo"'' r street, Burbank. garage at 304 hirty-sixth street, Newport Beac , $750: Innis 1-faclnt}Te or 1316 Jiff drive. Ne\vport Heights, $650, and Walter L . Wiley of 216 Aba] e avenue. Balboa Island. $400. CENTRA BOAT WORKS Builders of All-Steel CENTRALINERS DESIGNEU ...i lltJIU>EB8 YACHTS COMMERCIAL Power or s..o. n )' ..... OJ' Party Crallen ---1>. -~ L ow_., Nani ArdUtect I>. . GO-TON caANlC llEBvtCE Pia s for miscellaneous build- ing 'Ork \vere filed by H. L . Newport BeMllt Gib of 423 Goldenrod avenue, I ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::= ~:-1-Foot of Sl•t SL Coro a del Mar. a frame a ddition ii to h home, S2000; A. B. Kel· leher\of 2008 Ocean Front, New- port Beach, conversion of garage into bedroom and bath and build· ing rlew garage, $1500. DORA LEE'S -........ -Included Venetian Blinds to oar dork. Custom Slip Covers -Draperies . Pa4l Rogers of 209 Via Dijon, Lid~sle. alterations. SSOO: L. M. Irvin of 800 W . Bay avenue Ne rt, addition to present struc ure. S400: Gertrude A. Wal· dron{ 117 Jade avenue, Balboa l!.lan , alterations at 108 Topa7 even . Balboa Island. $200 ; Dr. Balboa Island Arth Neal, 121 Turquoise ave-~::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; nue, lboa Island. change in in· r terior ~ partitions, S200, an~ .Mrs. C. Fu'llk of 817 W. Central avenue, East Ne\\1>0rt, roof over present building. i100. A pl>rmit to erect a neon sign overi' building was granted Glad Beverly of 507 E. Central avenu , Ba1boa, construction cost is S2\J\'. ;-,------- Drlve Cantully-Spare a LUe. I Does Your Ho•se Need Painting? -tt- No waldllg. . .'Wed; cl-.. lmawllaU.ly by hidllY skilled lowae1www l'llllltaa Dllbll: the most iiiod- ern eqnlpmmt ud n..t materla&. * Owned aad opora&ed ,by World War D Vetersns DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP 1 ,2~~=~~~~~~~~; I Garage pla ns were filed by. Earle B. Winship of 315 Thirty. fourth street, Newport Beach, -king ,_ iW* ••t good wlD and patronage. * C~s Feed Store ~ay and Grain , Quality Feeds P1ll' l!'ree JM!mateo • Fresh ~ Sance : :;1J' Drud.:':seat • Plcl<les -OUves •Ch_,, -Meal& • Sardines -Anchovies • Crackers • Blscnll& • French Rolls SHOP AT GILL'S For Fresher V egetal>IM Betttt . Meal& Fancy Grooerleo U5Fo...tA""' LAGUNA BEA.CB ()al.Uom.la'• Neweet and Mot1t Modern Motel Miracle Mile Motel 706 OOAST filGBWAY LoM: t• ._IC_. ... ' wfdto U.. ~WI o 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses PB. BEAOON 5299-1 R d WHAT THF.SE FOUR I ea EX-CANDIDATES SA y. ~----- HARRY BELL-"I wu comtantly con!rontcd with the Ability, EffiOeocy and &onomy of Sberilf · Ellion.,. FLOYD W. HOW ARD-"! have al ... yo loo!<..! upon Sheriff Ellion as one of our outstanding law m · fon:cmcnt officm." WALTER E. TIPTON-"! bow that Sbttiff Ellion'a ...,.e1e.:.;on ia In d.e bat interat of Oranp County.~ I. I, MORRIS-"Sbalff Elliott's rrc....d ia oo fme and '° cl.a that then ia DO .... , in which it CUI be •l'JIMW." II-ELECT SHERIFF TUNEIN .,.... ..... . JESSE L ELLIOTI -• • • ~· ...... K.'t'.O.&. ___ v_o_11_N_o_v_._STH _____ .,. ~OWUll>Gll It l!XPliRIENCB Ha.. No s, .. ;.,,,e" I ftli .. [ ..... of~O..! a 1 ... _, 'le B1ct n. ... Wlio haws ... ,,... garage with attached upstairs room, $2500: Geor~e H . Conway of 319 Poinsettia ?venue, Corona del Mar, garage i¥ear and change present garage, $2000, and W il· liam M. Shields of 617 Poppy avenue, Corona del Mar, cemE>nt block garage, $1200. Earl E . Bellew of 512 Thirty- fifth street, Newport Beach, ~: , ; -§- n.py DeHYV7-lleaooa 5Ull 18%7 Newport 111..t. COSTA MESA Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE ....... 11P . "' ......... -:, ... MOTORS llEll1JILT • ~u .. • llpoolalt)' • eMtKW CiDICSml .e IGMtTIOM ........ 1501 wmI' CENTRAL A VENUE PHONIC BARBOR 2125 • ll'Mden llhed • w....... Sfnlgbteaed • Body BepalrtDg • Auto Painting $50 udUp ••• a New .Building and Facilities V E N ET I A N B L 1-N D S -··WINDOW SHADES I -Quick Serriee- nlZ E&ti•ATM • HAISOl'S _HADE AND LllOLEll SHOP OOSTA IDJIA " I 8111 U •&I • • • •-ce P'oar Tank Installation Granted '(exas Ce. ' 'Ille Newport Beach Oty c.oun. cil on :l\·1onday approved a request by the Te~ Oil Company of 9'29 South Broad¥.·ay, Lo& Angeles, to install a 50()0.gallon underground storagt> tank on its leased propei:tY 11ear the Marin<' service station here. Beach :Qty Will Stage Ice Show Agent J . N. Goode or the Te~ Brand new ice extravaganza company said that the new tank tiUed "Hollywood on Ice" f\as will be used for storing and ru... just gone into production under pensing of gasoline, while its two the guiding gei:uus of Bori! Pet· present }()()().gallon tanks will be 1 roff. Petroff will introd.uce ~y conv<"rted to dicsal fuel. Some of new and novel production tricks its customers, commercial fisher· 1 in Uris novel ice revue. men, must ha\'C diesa1 fuel for With Audffy Miller, Canadian motors of that type. Gold Medalist, as his skating di· rector; Marco Montodoro, his art dt- ;=acxXiCix:Ccx:CCixcqjl rector; and a well selected cast 1111 I of great young skaters headed by Jeanne Sook, formerly an Ice Fol· ties featured skater; Petroff will launch "'Hollywood on lee" at the Long Beach Municipal Auditorium, Saturday October 12 continuing for eight days. Drive C&refu.lly-SrAr~ a 1.lfe ij THIS WEEK FLUO&ESCENT DRAFTL.""'0 LAMPS The show is booked for the next 40 weeks at auditoriums up and down the Pacific Coast which in· ~~1~1 1 cludea a long run is San Francisco O!.:;:.:..l~iil:i;i,:,;.;o..,_aQ I and a six week run at the Los An· geJes Shrine Auditorium. Tw'o por- table ice stages are nearing com- pletion and will turn each audi. torium into ice theaters fbr the presentation. Newport~ Repair Se"""' Uomebold Appllaneea Sea ta ·are now on sale at the Long Beach Auditorium . .phone phone 625-42 a n d Humphreys Music Store, 130 Pine Avenue, Long Beach . 737 .89_ Ceurt Collects $4446 in Fines City Judge Robert Gardner re- ported to the city council on Mon- day that his orfice collected $4446.50 in general fines in Sep. tember. Traffic fines alone tcr tailed S2622. the jurist said. Watch the Classllted columns. FJNEST TASTING SIZZLING BAMBUBGEBS STEAKS (wbenever be pt. -); DOME BAKED YUMMY BEBBY A N D APPLE PIES ROSSI'S \ Liquor Store \ SHEP'S 100 Cuaat m,;hway Formerly Gordon's Dnac Store Open Evel'J Day 1015 OOAST W GDWAY NEWPORT --rile Home or Oooct Eata" NEW OPERATORS IN TRAINING. Whea. a •• te!epbone operator la tbe Newport ne..111 telepboae offlee at 100 & Bay a'·eaue., Ba.I~ ts belnl' tnJ.JMld for her job, the ftnt spenda many boun at a tn.ln.lnc switchboard u pictured. above. It ts not a real swttcllboanl became .....a: of It I• of "'dumm,y' construction. Here an dtbere a .. jack" on tbe pan el .. reaL Vlrcf.n.la MeBaln, at rfcht. la .. tune In the control operator'• potlltlon a.ad abe act.a u the •Ub8crlber, placing calls to the two student operaton to her left. Vl'l(ie DuBois, standln& ln the rev, I• the lnstl"Uctor who Usteu ln. Tbe .. 11tudenta", wM fUled In for ~ieture, from left: Beverly Cl&lre, .Jeanne FWqb=u=m=------------- Ask Health Dept. I Legion Counsellor To Approve Cafe Places Veterans Balboa Photographer On Jr. College Staff Bert Schlnidl of 181 3 E. Cen- tral avenue, Balboa. must get the approval of the health department bcrore he can open a delicatessen at that address. the Newport Beach City Council stated l\fon· day. This is th(' usual approval procedure ror such places. Getchel Must Get Health O.K. for Cafe The Ne,,·port Beach Clty Coon· cil reasoned on f\.'londay that lf the health d e p art me n t approves, George L. Ge th<'il of P. 0 . Box 205. Balboa, may conduct a cafe to be called the Sportland cafe in Main street, Balboa. Gethell's BP"" plication noted that he had taken up the lease !onnerly held by Paul Lorentzl'n. Handicapped Veteran Subject of Meeting In S. A. Wednesday I H ho J b The first two issues of the n ar r 0 S ' Weekly Torch of Fullerton Junior A veteran's council. recently es· tablished by American Legion Post 291, Newport Beach. came into the limelight when it took over duties similar to an employment bureau last week. Ma ny veterans rounct suitahl(' and steady jobs through the place- ment center with_ wages ranging from Sl.00 to Sl.38 per hour. Builders, contractors and boats· men are finding the legion hall a good place to call \vhen they ntt'd a man ,y.·ho y.•ill "put in a full day's "·ork." Ve terans who are out of work m ay apply at the post located at 15th and Bay Ave. "There are more jobs to be had," according to Bill Bannister. veteran's coun· sellor, "-'ho in addition to his job filling program, helps ve terans with their G I insurance, loans. and furnishes schooling intorma· tion. Several score of veterans were assisted last "'eek. College are ROW oft the press and regular weekly publication is es· tablishC'd. Staff members are: Marilou Neja, Anah<'im, editor·in· chief: BilJie Jenson. Fullerton. ne"•s edilor ; Jeanne Wilson, Ana· heim. fealure l'ditor: Hal Yates. Anaheim. sports editor; Marilyn ~tcGuire, Fullerton. advertising a nd circulation manager; Jack Haddon. Balboa, photographer . Thieves Grab $1330 From Orange Bank All police precincts \\'ere alerted following the theft of $1330 from the Orange bank. The thieves snatched the cash in the 14-minute interva l between 2 p.m. and 2 :15 p.m. Southland police were told that the bundle contained six SIOO bills. the remainder was in S20's, $10's and five.dollar bills. Th• cegular monthly meeting of I . Harborites Will Alter the orange County Veterans' Ad-Monrov1an Has Plans Properties They Own VlSO:t Council wtll be held at the orfi s of the United States Un· William Krutzkamp of 920 West Several H~bori~es are making emp oyment &>rvlce. 501 w . Fifth Olive street, Monrovia. plans to plans for t he altering or property street. Santa Ana at 7:30 p. m. build a One-and·hal! ~ory, single they own. on Wednesday, October 9 with 1 fanlily dwelling with garage be--Among these are ~rge ~· .Ely Guy Warner, Ve terans Employ-lo\v a t 601 Cliff drive. Newport. or 6611 Seashore drive. Wtiham ment representative. U.S.E .S .. as Beach. Hi5 cost '''ill be $17,000. Lei~ of 3208 Ocean Front. and chairman. Lyle R Pope of 2602 West Cen· The program will be devoted to tral avenue, all of Newport "The 1-la ndicapped Veteran" in Beach. observance of "National Employ A. Nordstrom of 411 San Ber· lhe Physically Ha ndicapp<'d "-'eek ". nardino avenue. Ne"•port Heights; SpeakeM-"lilt be F. William Dohr, And Your Strength and Arthur Netch of 440 Heliotrope, ..:~~~;:;::;:=::::;~=~~~=============~I coordina tor, slate bureau of re· Corona del ~lar, and C. F·. Kerr En~~ Is Below P•.r f 809 L 'd S d L'd Isl habilitation : Hennan Shefrield of It ... ,. be raued b,. di110nMr ol W -0 1 o ou . 1 o e. NO • Happy ... as a lark because her clean, smart appearance rates admiring g lances. MANDEX Cleaners and Dyers s e,vport Bl,'11. • Pa.li..tet Ro.ct Ne~t Door lo MUftl, Ltd. Santa Ana PLACE IN TOWN SERVES • Doa'l be laie for eYening dates. Let us keep your clothes clean and pressed ree.dy to slip into as soon as the dishes are done. Newport Cleaners lhe Orange County Vet erans Se rv· n.,. hmctlon that po1rmita po>.onou• · C I bou wuta to aceumlliate. For tn1l7 man)' ICC ente r : Da le W nter m e. peop!a ln l tired. ,..ra\: and rnietn.hl• counselor. Uni tl'd States Employ· •bl"ll th• \:idn.,-a lail 10 ,...mo..-a •a~ TIDE TABLES ac1d9 and ~ •ul.-9 11dtkt lrom Ui. I ment st-r.;ce. a nd others. blo<"d. \\' 9 RC'p~n!Rtivt'~ of wcial agcn· You i»aJ' 9\lftet n.ani11c backacM, OCTOBr:&, l.Ne s,cw 1,51 8:01 5.4 0.0 5.6 s,30 2,19 9,5, ?beum.atlc palne, headacbM, dlulnNI, ciC's and S<'l-ViCC organizations, in· pttin11 up nia:bu. tq pelna. 1•.Ui11.1. Th 10 eluding &•n Liebennan of the Or· S<Jm•timeoi h•quent and aant7 urina-tion •ith om1•rti11 c and blll'llll'll I.I an-ange County Veternnt'I Service other 1ip that ..,methlnr I.I .-ron1 wiU F' 11 crn ter and Jame!' l\·fl'llOn of the t!M lr.idn•)'• or bladdef. 5.7 0.2 5.4 a ,57 2,4a 9,J16 6.0 0.5 5.0 There t hou Id be no doubt tb•t p rompt Vet('rans administration will be treatnH•nt 11 •lll'r than 11.,.i-c.. U• S 12 P'""'"nl DH,.·, PiU.. It ill bet.Wt to raly oa a 9 :31 3:19 10 :%8 ''-""'-• m.dicilHI that hu •e>a eou11UT••d• •!>" The meeting is open to the pub-ptoTal than Oii M1m.atblil1 "-fa ..-o ... bl:r Su Jic and employers a re especially kno•n. DH•'• h••• Men triad .acr u.t· N many 7ea,... Aft at all dru.1 1t-urged to attend as the importa.nce 1,.;,, v-... tod.1,1. M 6.2 0.9 4.5 13 J0,16 3,51 11 ,23 6.2 1.4 4.0 14 10o47 4 ,25 .... 6.0 2.0 Z:el 0.6 2:46 0.1 S:2T -0.2 ":14 0.4 5,07 -0.3 6 :10 -0.l of providing training and suitable work opport unities for the physi· ca l1y limited but vocationaJly cap- able veteran is to be stressed . Md .. e.N pl&ced ln uro~r of uccllft'tll(:. l J.l(b,1 n.-.~ .. "'·; darll ri.ur-p. 1111 -'HEADACHE 18 SUCH A BIG .,rnu111• ... AILS LARK'S I rREMARK Joltn j S. Barrome, chairman of the J Angeles County Repub- lican Central committee, has sharpl~J attacked U. S. Attorney Gener~ Tom Oark's oiticism of CaliforJrla officials in the case of the galnbling ship Lux. He also raised fh.e question of Clark's pur- pose th electioneering for Fred Howser·s opponent for attorney generajl ·of California, pointing out that €lark wu prosecuting the suit of. federal government for se~ of tideland properties ~~th 1 hundreds of millions of dollars. Barcome's statement was Labor Official' Endorses Howser Olarles Real, pttl!dent of the State Federation of Labor today endorsed Fred H01l'S<!I' for at- tontey general or California. The recently elected Jlll't'$ident of the A.FL organiaztion Issued the fol· lowing statement in behalf of Howser: "Fred a ........ ·• record With labor ls ~t. "He has not been a 'rubber stamp' for labor. but neither baa he been a 'rubber stamp' for &Icy' other interest, and that, ln my opinion, ls the moot any respon- sible labor group can expect of a public official." White House Cafe "'-1181 ....,_.....,,Callt Radio Service Phw Be9ecJll llOCM-W . Palmer Radio AND ELIXmUC IHI Newport-. OOllTA ..... .. IN1910THE AVERAGE DAY'S WAGE WOULD BUY 22 . QUARTS OF MILK! l~THEAYER· AGE DAY'S WAGE WILL IUY 41 QUARTS OF MILK! as .. i~~t::ktates Attorney General Tom ark has come to Call· fornja at .this late ' date to ralae questi ns regarding the gambling ship ~ and to electioneer on the side. ~· Clark should know that the ffderal government's refusal to listen t o repeated requests of Calif nla authorities has cost the -'-------------- 'I1ta"t' stt DO higher staad· ards aoywbttc 1,1ad« which milk iJ produced a.ad di,. uibutt'd thaa d>oM ol tbc s.. .. o( Califomia. t en of California thousands and ousands of dollars in court costs Our state a.nd local otnp cials were on the job and the ent was not. Mr. Oark refus to acknowledge the facts wh.ic every well informed Calif or · nlan knows." Pu lishers to View Southland's Vines M'i"'bers of the California Ne~paper Publishers association from Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Rive ide, Orange, San Diego and Im ial counties will m ake an all·dfY tour of the Southland's fam~ grape and wine producing d~"str ct on Friday. October 18. M re than 100 publishers are e ted to be guests or San Ber rdino county winegrowers and Cornelius DeBakcsy, president of t~e State Agricultural District No .. P8 on the tour. l event will climax a ser ies of Jebrations and festivities whi have been scheduled thru· out ~he United States in observ· anci of National Wine Week, Oc· tobe 13-19. Fi e New Houses Planned for CDM s of new construction clear- ow the way Corona del Mar is o\\·ing these days. A ong those planning to build hom1 in that section are R . A. Herqhlebridge of 3434 Lemon strel't . Riverside, who '";11 build a ick house ~t 512 Dahlia str t ; Lloyd G. Wood of 510 Hazel driv~CDM. \Vho will erect a house at 10 Poins~ttia street, CDM, and Charles Fipps or 600 Seaview ave e. CDM. who "-'ill erect three new ouses. one eRch at 606 and 608. and the other at 610 Nar- ciss s avenue, CDM. • I . · :City Sells Grader C~y Council Monday voted to &CCC' t a bid or $200 from the R. \V. cClelland & Son contracting com a ny or 2617 West Central avr riue. Ne"rport Beach, for a surp'Jus m otor grader. UJ LEY'r REFRIGER~Tmn JERVICE comPARY !!al -EDslneorlnc -Service 920 Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone llartM.r !TIM Nip&, i:..cu-JU. Pm li:lllliiATS OALL BEAOON IUl-.1 ntral Garage d Collision Shop ~lllW-....C. B. I.,,,_ Z..NewpuKlhd. 008l'A llllM Why Suffer? This be:r milk is far mon economical than tbat of grsadm•'• dar. ............ Beodlleboo, Palm ID Gr<lln aa4 Lep-IAM or Vltal- 1ty-·~ Tlrod"-BIP aa4 Low Blood ........... -"llllp- plnc" -Growtnc Oki befo"' :rour Ume-An@nl· SHn and Kldaey Allrrwmte !'tllpODt qaldl.· ly to oar Exclaalve Teclmlque Wlllloat Dnip, Pain, SUJ'l"l'Y At TWICE lbt PRICE -•illl w••IJ still bt yourBESTfHll BUY! or lnjecUoaa. · Oo..-.Itiatloa FILE& a,. Appolatmen DR. E . F . BELL, D.O, Pb.O. 101 Had 8-t Newport Beach, Calli. Phone Barbor 115' Reo.: Harbor 1191 89'U'I: Mea. Gr Titan.. 8:M to O:el ~ Boan b,. ADpob*--t ----- W·E WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (90 -60 -90 Da;fS) Ma.rbro's trwite you to come In and open a cbarp account. Our stecka Ott complete with the latest Btyl.. of Ladles' Fine Apparel Nationally AdverUeed READY-TO-WEAR mARBROS cJ anfa Q,na,, 118 WEST 'TB ST. PRONE 1'411 Store BoW'I: Dally Including Saturday 9:SO A. M. t.o 5:SO P. M. Ward & Harrington Lumber Ce. LUMBER AND BUD.DING MATEIUAL8 Bay Dbtrlct Yord . ~ BNOOll 6111 IUI OOAST WOBWAY AT THE AllCllE8 CLARK & BATES ---=.rw.= Metallizing-• llldm1>llll : Tanks, Keela, Rudden, Shafta, Refri&ontlon Tnyo, etc. • ~tal: Art Objecta, Doon, ~ Hardware, etc . Welding-All ~ spedauata In SIMI, Ollt Iran, Alainlnum, -end -· -ALL nwl'OaT UAOll 'll'OIUl OVA.lU11TaD- llll - --- GORDON a~ FllDLA Y Ollloo: l&lt ~ -.......... '11 CABJ:Nfi SHOP SERVICE OABINm'B AND wni:woa T. C. 10HN80N, lqit. WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout lllPway 101 ......... Mlt • .. 2'£_. I• --JI-.. .... • .,, .. 2 • .. ,. •11 .... .... .,, ........ n I • CHRISTMAS. • • It's Wonderful! Espetially for the Children DON'T BREAK THEIR LITTLE HEARTS AT CHRISTMAS TIME BY YOUR DELAY TODAY .. Replacements are scarce, but we have Southern California's largest stock of O.ristmas things for children. .. Play Safe • • • Buy Now f For -Tiny Tots I Blocks Wagons Rattles Toy Animals ·.Story Books ·Rocking Horses For Children Up to 14 Trains Scooters Footballs Tricycles Table Tennis Chemistry Sets The · WHEELE~ SHOP HARRY AND FLORINE TAYLOR, Sole Owners • See Our Hours: 9:80 to 5:80 INCLUDING SATURDAYS 415 North Syc~ore SANTA ANX SPECIAL PORT .RAil One Carbon Finish $100 5x7 Size (Proofs Shown) PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR .. ' • ' ' • , ;-... ' ' WE SPECIAUzE IN WEDDING PORTRAITS Studio • Home • Church , Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! • I" 19 A. K. .. , .. P. IL n.ar-00tts n.. •*SJ •tr t • • .............. Od••• .... -, Tiie Paragon un1oac1s (iru ·issues 7000 Bananas on 1_1 J PROCLAMATION wac•s•s. nra ..s mDftt Fir. wtnlk.4. f!lftr7 7W' -a er-& WI ol We -Pt .... b; -INQUIRING REPORTER. ~i~~t~. C Order WJll'•EA,S. tf.e M!tlf• W..te o( Ille ... wet& o( tM Na-11aa rMeM4 ~17 cra•e pr-; -• WHC*EAS. bMll:t ...... aloee UM1 .. llOOP8'atl• ma a.eomt- plWt w.ll to redw lids btsWiid.OOS mual Fire lw:--._. Qverfu•• by H. L &n.m l'hot.oa by Walter Gerhardi ground ... -ells and heavy rahlB. tbe O . B .1di Paragon returned again. Its 13th UI 1ng trip to Central America, !ts 13th return-this Ume with 7,000 stems of bananas. WUDW:AS, Rury S. ......_, -..t of the Ulllted Statea, ... oftlelal'7 doolpated Uae wed< ol Oclolltt I to U aa Pin ..._ .. _ Wed< ""-Choat the Nation. NEWS-TIMES SPECIALISTS Converted l'r'Oln a yacht the ba· (CoAtlnt"d bun Pa«e l l NOW, TllllBllFOBll, I. 0. II. RllllD, ~ el '°" Cttz .. N--· do wtly arp ·--.._,. Ct-tllat t11o7 tab all ,._ihle ,._.. ..... to aafepanl u .... --ty front .............. ftri, -,... wltll CloarchM, --. Chio o._. aa4 tlae 1'1w, Badlo ud. otller aceadM t.11.roaPoat tlae C!OUalrJ' QU8tl09: Whal do J'09 tblak I• the beet metlaod to .um.ate the howdnr shortage for tlMi bomrileee veteran! Place: Costa Mesa. A. R. Ebrite, Reliance Realty Co., 1936 Newport Blvd., Coota M..._ My opinkll1 of a long one. To make It short, I'm for private industry Throw Wilson Wyatt, the _i housing lexpedi- government, out of office. Now! The sooner the bet- ter. Let private enterpriz.e take care of housing problems. We'd get production and get going. Wyatt has wasted too much time . MORRIE CRAWLEY, Crawley Furniture Co., Costa Mesa. You can take my opinion for what it's worth, but I believe that t h e gov- ernment shouJd release ab an - d o n e d base housing for temporary pro- jects. Two or three family ~ Oats of army / ' design, central· ly located. are muc h better than living quart('rs offered by city parks or trailer camps. The limit- ing of building to veterans does not improve the situation at all. Back records prove that such limi- tation would shut down a lot of industry. The government should act during an emer gency . Reddick Extols Printer in Talk (Con t . From Page l ) tribute to Bill Maxwell, .. one of the best typesett('rs in the pub- lishing game." and incidentally an cmployc or the Press . "Bill Ma~·el1 is an inspiration to most m<'n. He's a Republican . God bless him," Reddick said at one point. "H e's the freedom of the press. and t might add that he Is the backbone of the Newport- Balboa Press. He built it of solid stone." F ollowing his talk the lGwan- ians and their women guests were given a performance in ledger- dermain by F. W. Largew, Balboa ca!e owner, and Jack Ford Ford also gave an impressive character picture of an Italian who had Jost his wife, Rosie. Miss Baryl Haley, daughter of Mr. and Mn. William Haley of Balboa. was assistant to Mr. Largen In his magic act. nana boat canied a crew ~ 14 oe long ~n that ensued that through with the mess and look· the trip. Its a 2QO.ton, 140-f , ·P. Mr. and l!lrs. R. N. IDckson of ing for a place to live or trying flush riveted JOO or 800 hono-Loo Aneelea[purchued the lot and to obtain the materials to build. power owned by H. F. Sampoon ·~,!'~· an ardlitect, WU ot the Sampson Machine Works. to draw the plana to ---the objfettv .. "' ..,... ~11-w-he n.llJ -.... Da~ at Newport Beeell Uale ll'd da.Y of October, lM&. o. a. •no~ MISS RENA SMALL. 215 ot animaJa; but tbe Paragon ts have been t oo piling set Into Ssfkrks street. C.O.ta Mesa. bound to tie his record in paaert· the water. A.tt.t: ....,_., CM7 of Newport BmM Noah ma.de one trip with a lot far the~, pert of -would J•m for letting the vets nlO'\'e ger numbers after a few more When a Atty. Roland Thom~ FBANK RINICllAltT, caen Into government ,,.,,._..t least In taJones, Noah's ado I that a pert or the ----------'--------------- hcNolng and far-bene\'Olen• gift 10 tbe world -·t structure . would be bull• "" pil-Two Homes Planned mer ll1'DlY and include any four-~ oddities ing In the ,,...ter, he almolt ex-Two ooe-family, one-story navy bues IDllil M tbe taJone '-_,.; bls ~ ploded. "I ~d tho dty building huooes with detached garages wtll such a time was not in C.Utral America. The inspector "'*'to iaue any permits aoon be erected at 500 and 502\i that it wW be f'arap> returns with two ~ mote far ~ a part of which Goldenrod avenue, Corona del worth their ~ the pets each trip. 'l'heo tajone had to be bYflt in the water," said Mar. The owner is Mrs. Aena while to app)J> looks like a short-haired aqul!T!!L the coumellor. G. Fox of 1459 West 5lst place, for a GI loan. or a weasel, with a sweeter dis-It was · ~ this point alone, Los Angeles. They are sti-position, but he more resembles arcued la~by tbe dty attorney, rnied now be-the honey.bear in mlniatUtt. He's that the dents of Corona del ,,. cauae they can't that cute. A brown..,yed beauty, Mar won Ir case, if only tern· Add Apartments ~ get materials for a home. More the animal ts one or the fondest porarUy. pointed out by Atty. Stanley C. and DorothyMcCul· should be done to crack down of attention, but ls not too accus-'J'homl*Jrll, t would be hazardous lock of 2114 W. 84th street,:Los on black mar~ets too. .The. prices tomed to American ways, His for tbe city ~o permit the erection Angeles, have contracted to build on some building matenals ts way floor habits seem WlCODQUel1lble. of any structure, a part of which a second story frame apartment out or reach for the average vet. ~ membe.rs find natives ol the has to be bUut 01\ Ooodtide. over their present house at 6100 We've got the stuff-why not let tenitory wU.llng to release their On the g of the dty at-Ocean Front, Newport Beach, at a them have it! They've earned it pets. It's the South American tomey, the city coundl voted to 1oos;;~t;o~f~$2()()()~~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~0,~-:;;;;;•~;•;:';'"';;;;;W!;;;;•;•;;ll~=·~· the hard way. way. tem(K)ra.rilY revoke the building!: The skipper of the Paragon ls permit, pen · an investigation, G. T. EVERSON, 339 Del Mar, Peter Steinie; the tint mate, Al-which is to he made by City Engl-"A Place Whee Pishcnnm Meet" Costa Mesa. During the war I was located at Richmond, Wash., where 7500 houses were construct- ed for workers at an atomic vi.n Daniels, the chief engineer, neer J . w . Plebb within the next ~~l's:~~=: few ;---<e~:---Plan s TA R·C K's c A FE of Costa Mesa, reports tbe boat will lay over for about a week be-B e e r fore returning to southern climes. Lillian doo of Balboa will 4 build a on; story, single family bomb project. Plans Garage dwelling •1 1552 Ocean boule-Mixed Drinks -Short Orders vard, Balbofl peninsula, at a eo1t These h 0 u 5 e 5 E. M. Smith, Udo Isle, has made wen prefabri-of $7200. I . "SPEED ROWE, Managtr-JOSE:PHINE OQUJST, Owntr cated and were plans to build a frame garage at 14021£ E. Central avenue. Bal-Sailor: "Can I take you home:· 107 21st Pla.oe Newport n..cll sed t up inT htwo boa. Girf: "Sure~where do. you live?" a y s. e y -==================-~======::, could be taken down in the same r ,---------~-----------------. length of time and moved to any part or the country where there is a housing shor tage. Hundreds of housing projects r emain unoccu- pied all over the country. Break red tape and' let the vets have a place to live. Sailboat Theft SANDY'S DRllE-IN Ye8! We Have HAM • BACON • B e PORK • Dagwood lhmbur]~ 6S% Coat mp.way Lon&ine'• Watch. 17 jewels. Dome cry•- tal, ,old·Cllled. $90.00 On the Miracle Mlle It's Just the Gift ELLIS BROS. NURSERY • Landscaping • . . Flowers and Shrubs • <Jlay Elllsm.Phone Huntington Beach 48M .Joe F.llls __________________ .. .Phone Harbor 1525:J BWova "Princeton " n jewels, diatlncti~e eold·tilled cau . $52.50 ' \ Sailors Beat I Bears, 19-0 Elcin Watch. 1 T jewei., t~K rolled ,old plate cue. $45.00 The ENRlJS 21 jewela! An "Ex- cell~y· O r o u p" Bulova Watch ... $62.59 • (0-.tla •• bom .... l) through which the backs o,mbled all afternoon and they were whAles on defense. Brace and }Cllllfer at ends were outstanding u were Weather'\\·ax. Hanson and RoberfS. Local followers will have an- other opportunity to view Wendy Pickens' charges this Friday af- ternoon on the local greensward when the-Tan meet Garden Grove at 3 p.m . Starting lineupg: Newport Harbor Killlfrr LER Robins LTR Monson LGR Roberts c Hanson RGL \Veatherwu RTL Brace REL Hanzal Q Mello LH Ward RH H°""'U F Riv......., Wadding Karman Padodo Barnett Tavlglione Herring Eaabnan Birkett Tate Drake TnlJlllo -..---N ..... ~ d· Flied t1"0>1i•-• • PRICES INC1UDE FEDERAL TAX ' Bennla. Watch of dllt1ncti.>n.. Lo•e!T -euL $71.50 Reyco, 1t ,........ ,. K Gold ca.M! Kepi elepnce. $57.50 Embrace bk WATCH It's the, 17 Jewel Wrist-Crat of Watches Buclaet Pa1ym- No &tn 59.50 -JeweJer• Reyco 17 -jewel beauty. With deli- cate liAk bracelet. $47.50 Grua Verl-Thbl f« a maa... With Ex pauion llr'acd.t! $39.75 ASIC US ABOUT OUR XM ... LAY-AWAY PLAN MAIN AT~ 8.UITA .urA I • t I \l ID 0 • Odober 9, 10, 11, u NlgtlUy at 6:45 ll 9:00 • ESTHER WILLIAMS -• . -~-, .•. , *lUCIUI BALL -..... ~la·­...... ,. IEEIAll WYll,j.. ' Deliciously Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE -24 Boor Servi-- + PHENOMENA OF THE SEA-Aac1er Gonloa Adptt (left) n.Md tlm 186 pound marlila out Of the Paclf\c and WU atanied to flDd that a shark had irorred the swonlflab aa lie WM hullns the bq rkh to the boat which wu &kippered by Capt. Earl D. Hunt (ript). -Kent Hitchcock photo. Four Departments in Fullerton College, High School, Disclose 1946 Profits An a udit of th£' r ecords of t he student body funds, the lx>okstore. the cafeteria And 't he agriculture depart n1l~n 1 or Fullerton Junior College a nd Fullerton Union High School for 1945-46 has been com- pleted by V"i\C', Henley & Roberts of Fuller ton , and the rirn1 reports that the audit "disclosed no evi- dence of irregu]arities and the records were all well kept." The bookstore made a ne t profit of $4581 for the current year as the junior college student body association of S6233. Oc \\' h i c h 6148 was in vested in United States bonds. The Hig h Sc hool St udent Body association showed a net adition to operating surplus of $1189 after the purchase of capital assets ag- grega ting S793. Cash on han d amounted to S5483 and United Sla tes Bonds to $7220. • • l r-~~~~~~~~~+-~.....;.~~~~---J Puauc NoncE W'mter Mail ule DAILY 8CREPVU: TO- I.-.&.c•'tt euz;!_.8~=~· Bllolllltlo,79.., 11oMa71: aa•-·-Antftla tt.le from 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:50 p.m. 5:40 a.m. 12:56 p.m. 4:47 p.m. Cooing time for AIR MAIL-ame u aboYe fOl' Los Angeles. Santa Ana 7:451 l.n\. 5:45 LID. 1--N=OT1=cz=-11'fVJ'DN=--=--o-lllJl8---LOST • -12 ft., White IAp . Squore -. maboc· n.e Board of School 'I'rum!ft any t~ rewanl. Return of the Newpcwt Beac:b Sc:bool Dis-to lie, Newprl Harbor trlc:t, Orange eoUmy will reoeM y-. Club. . '18-2tc bids ·at the school office, 14th and LOST :f Hamilton pocket -tell, C...tra! up to 8:00 p.m. N<M!m-nlored be-Fri.i.y A ..... 5, 1946. fm: the purcbue ,of s nlshtL With initiah "'E. one U9ed Ford Transit School Bus. Mc. T>-aln". Will the per- ot ~-five to llxty e1..,_ who ed It up pleue return paaengers capacity. Said bus to !?11J. On,yx Ave. Balboa Ialand, meet all requirements of the Stale ~ 76-ftc Board of Education and the IJ<.. EKP•.n'fMSNT WAN'l'SD a l 10:40 a.m. Costa Meoa 7: a.m. 12:30~ p.m. 2 :45 p.m. pa.rtment of Motor Vehicles. -i; · 'Ibe above bWI to be delivered WILL :p6 lalll\d?y W<Jrlt at own to the ldlool ready for uae with-"°""i· Prefelr&ble just wash-· In five days af¥r awvd of con-ln&._J A~ from hich ldlool 12: • p.m. 2 :45 p.m. 5 : a.m. 8:05 a.m. • 2:3Q p.m. 4:45 p.m. 'Ibe Board of Sd>ool Trustees woy. '18-ltp ~Island Corona del Mar Laguna Beech 5 :3Q a.m.. 8:05 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12 :55 p.m tract to the shaafuJ bidder. on~ Ave. Sip In dri- · of the Newport Beach Sd>ool Dis-WO~ will cue for baby or trict, Orange County, ......-ves the childi'en day or nlsht. Make 2:3() p.m. ~ 12:3Q p.m. 2:30 p.m. Hunllngton Beech ll J. a.m. llArUal>AY (...,.) llClll:D~ Lao Angel.. . . . 8 . a.m. 11:31) a.m. 2:41i p.m. Ala JlAD IM•1t.ct. W M aboJe. 8aata •·· ··me-.. dall7 eebedal6. I Costa Mesa Balboa Island Corona del Mar 7:45 a.m. 12 :~ p.m. I ' 5::Jl a.m. 10:30 a.m. lApna -· -.. dally~ Balboa 12do p.m. Hwattqtoa. Beacb-N o aervkie on Ltunlays. SUNDAY-No Servtoe. l ' 8:45 p.m . 3:00 p.m. 5:40 a.m. 12:56 p.m. NOiie 8:05 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 8 :45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. HOLIDAY~La; Angeles 9 :00 a.m. 8:57 ILm. 8CHEDULES--A.bject to claaace .J...thout notioe. Send important mail Spec. DefiverY or Spec. Delivery-Air Mall New AJr Mail Rate-----5 centf per ounce or fraction. Effective Oct~r 1st, 1946 ' ' C. Mcintee, Richard W . McKee, Lpuise Wagner, Celia Wakefield, Louis M. MacMillan; Roderick H. ~Y \Vallace, Fred Watso~. ~1:acMillan. George S . Markel. ell P. Warren, Frank P. Wells, Joann E. Martin, John H. Mar-orma Wilson, Barbara Wood anCI tin, Louis J . Meyer, Cyrus c. ijleanor S. Young . j Miller jr., Don S . Miyada. John - E. Mosteller and June M. Mozley. ~ .. 'ORTHING_TO J ames J . Nelson, Roger E . Neth, _YV Richard F . Nickeson, Carl N. Ob- richt to reject any or all bids appajn-ts D1¥ phone 6533; or 1"1ve any lnfarmality In a bid. call fore 10 a.m. '18-2tp T. WES'roN JAY, Clerk of the Newport Beach Scbool District. Pub. Oct. s. 1s. 22. r LANDSCAPE · Desili!ilng. Newport Blvd. Phone Ana 11~. 2668 Sant a 75-6tc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. N.ew and Repair Phone Beacon S~R 21& ~ :llltb St., Coota M ... 2<}.U< SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, Window. Walls aJ1d B~tkls. Ra;sed Metal, Wood and Plastic Letters AL LACHMEYER 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 3811< NURSE, part time nun- relieve .on lpocia1 .,._ take abort -. Phone Addr-71!5 Dela-..., Oil Beadl. '18-2tp . WANTED-Woman or cir! general housework; goo4 ; live 1n or out. Harltol 56-tfc LL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS .--------------------------;I compared v.•ith 2172 !or the previ- erto, J eralee Olson, Robert B. 89 · Harbor Students 1 Orchard, J ack H. Osgood, Fred Enrolled in Jaysee Paulsen, Katherine M. Phoenix. 12 Year.a Service in Newport lilrbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACl'OR Phone Beacon 5259-J . . when you get a J6b as a telr phone. operator. ~ ~nrn:~e ~:t ~~ "Rendezvous of the Mariners" White'SB~a Island Cafe AND COC&l'AIL BAR Corner Marine & Park A \'e-Balboa hland ous year. The gain was due pri- mar ily to an increase in sales of about 5 per cent. Expanded en- r ollment ma de necessary an in- crease of S5385 in inventor y. Although there was a loss of $1046 on meals served-the loss r-------------------------; I being at tributed to increaS('d labor costs-the cafeteria showed a pro- fit of S1013 for the year when the candy store and fountain Of>l'ra · lions were included. This ia com- pared \Vith a loss of $384 for the combined operations during the previous period. E .. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTRACfOB c·EMENT WORK Flat Work or FoandaUooa . O&LL 1 5 Z ! -I FOR INPORMA TION The Junior College Student Body association had a net addi- tion to operating surplus or $1513 aftl'.'r lhe expenditure of $790 f or capital assets. Income from athletics was more than four times that of the 1944- 45 season, and shO\\ted a profit of S2205. At the end of the period there v.·as an operating surplus In 3000 Vet-Students The following a rc t h£> na m es of the students going to jay~ and living in the Nev.1>0rt Harbor area at t he present time: J ane Alexa nder. Paul Alexander , John G. Aidoock. Arnold A. Att- r idge, El m~r D. Bald'A'i.n. Patricia A. Barnhous, Robert E. Beardsley, Glynn Boies, Robert E. Boudi· not, Aavis 0 . Burket and Donald E. Burns. Donald C. Pridham and Char· la tte C. Priest. Dent T . Robinson, Van Norman Riley, Thomas A. Sanson jr., Harold H. Shellin, William H . Shefl in, Edward C . Shulu jr., La\.\-Tence G. Sickler, Anson B. Smith m . George w. Sping and Charles H . Storing. Clarence E: Taylor, Robert F . Temple, Loyde H. Therkelsen, Earle Thomas, Donald A . Tripp, James M. Carrillo, Harold G. ;-----------~ Cass, H£>1en Collins, J ohn R. Connell, Leonard A. Deboard, Henry N . DeOliver . Robert M . Dickey, Richard A. Dimmin. John A. Droege,• Wm. Elerick, Robert E. Fevehson and Sally F oraker. Ralph S. Ft-eitag, Barbara E . Cartier, Wm. Gibbons, Rober Haley, Frans R. Hanson, Richard K. Harper, Robert M. Henley, Maseru R. Hirata. David F . I Hughes, Alier L. Innerst. Edythe C. J a cob.sen and Lawrence B . FOB IN8UllANOE llEIC Howard W. Gerriab UlaeN_rt_ I Refrigeration FREON AMMONIA s ton to 10 - Air Conditioning StoatolOtOD Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Fresh Daily Dellci0\19 Sea rooci. 008TA lllES& ..... BtS'De 1151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Ucenae and Contract Bonds Writmi Attend College Meet 'Johnston. j Shelby L. Kana~. Ardelle Ken-·------------' 1 US 8. Loe Anplee St., A••helm I ......., '11!6 Or, coa:i.plete equipment when you want to e&tcb your own. Superintendent T. Stanley \Var-nell, ~ra~ R Kidder, Rose Ko--;------------ burton, Director w. T . Boyce, and Lew. Vtrgmia M. McBa.ln, Georce I HORMEN FISH MARKET Dean Denver Garner. all of Fui-Report to people waltlnt for teleDhone ••rvlce lerton Junior College, attended the ea.stem conference meeting of the Junior College federation at San Bernardino Valley College on Sep- tem ber 24. ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH VENETAIN BLINDS Enroll,ment figures of t he varl· ous junior colleges represented at the meeting were given out, as follows : Chaffee, 1100 C600 veter- ans); atrus, 225 <80 vet erans}; Fullerton 1530 (800 veterans); Mt. San Antonio 650 (380 veterans); Riverside 932 ( 480 \teterans ) ; San Bernardino, 1.200 (750 veterans); Santa Ana. 900. Ada Meseur Erecting New Home on Heights SAI..}11; and SERVICE Among the new homes under construction on Newport Heights Is one for Ada L. C. ~feseur of 11 5 Hickory avenue, Newport Heights. The new house is being erected at 418 Redlands avenue, Newport Heights. Pan· Coast 814 Cout Highway Venetian Blind Co. 8-115881-J All kinds typewriter ribbons ln stock at the News-nmes. PUBLIC INVITED Clem and Lucile Herold Christie ANNOUNCE '1'111: OPENING OF AN ANTIQUE SHOP AT S18* 111AB1NE A VICNUS BAI.BOA ISLAND FRIDAY, OCTOBER ll, 1946 • - Quality Lumber and Buildina Materiat. • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. A. E. HOSTETLER Plaw lleecoa Alli ATTENTION! Home Owners! 'l'bele Add MuimQlll Comfort 1111d Good Looks to Your R.-: Si.ta 0-Woocl AWNINGS and CANOPIES •••an ..--ZEE t ...... ------Uy • tHu·-. . . 0. ., wtta----··· We ..... tM • au tor ftW'7 ··a..~~= • ~ 111) V eneti:'Blind.s Wood.· ... .._ •• Steel ..... Free Elltlmates c.n: Sun+ttlDI AWNING 00. TU k MS f ·'t'' IL Amt a ft. .. ,. .. ,... .......... . ft. JR( .. ••WW 2911 m •• --Cl•JFllJ Tiii~~ ·r'Mc 1-6&1 . ~(4,... .. ~,,, .::.;w .. /Ir.:'' • Z74 E . 19th Street 24--tf<' fOR A RELIABLE Paint Job oa your home, call Beacon 533<! after 4:30 p.m. 10-Ut FAINTING -PAPER HANGJNQ and DECORATING IL E , McDonald 414 Old Couty Rd., Coota Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-Ut TRANSPORTATION 18 BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired.. VOGEL'S 100 l<ain St., Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa lala.o.d. 11<-tf• BEAUTY AIDS 18 MACHINE and MACHINELESS Permanent Waves Tinting and Manicuring Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W Vi's Beauty Shop 1103 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar 75-tfc . - lea'rnlng. I Raises at regular lnU!rvala ... and a chance to ad9ance. 1 Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant sur- roundlnga . . . friendly fol· lOW·WOrkera. PaJd vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, work 1n neighboring central office near your home. \ One of these Interesting, well-paid jobo ii Wallin& far you. too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514 !i No. 1IUln St., Santa Ana ar Call Chief Operator 68-tfc We Have Now Purchased A NEW BU .ILDllG • We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California •• • SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Services • Antique F1nlshlng • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela- bras PLATING ' .' • Reflectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plating • Badges 4 SouVenln Contract Plating by &timate • Expert Silvenmitha AB Won o.u..teell • BAYSIDE PlATil8 co~ c. c. 1914 Baria BITIL c. R. -0-•A" '-cJ. •.•• "Ball" . Wit& ....., I "·z1 Bu •• 1111,~ ••11z 2 a.a - . -' ,.. . -. :~" ' -. -' • • • -==~;::;:;"'::::::::--::'.';::';":°:==7:::::::=--::::-:::-::--::::~IC:W~W~EW!!!i'!l:_•!!•~r ..... ~~Jl~W~ft~&~·~ti!!!!Mft Jiau,.,, • t Odf .... !=!aJ. ~ a, .... m..s.oTK&N'I' OWYl:&KD • SALE MIJMJa'.1.ANm()IJll • BOA-DWTWW.. • -· --......... L -• .., v~••-•v wa --•Aft 4•asu. WAN'l'ED-Capab!e man or l&dy Auto Batteries WILL PAY good '-1la fer bolat FOR RENT-Single -.,.,_ to take orden for hanclbap, . JIAJbber Seporaten 1Up. Hiive 40' CUiiom bu 11 t entrance, .iolnlnc bath. c.D allppen. drew.., compectl, etc. 13-month _ $6. 75 Ex. cruller. Write Box "S" c/o Harbor 50. 76-3tc J ... .... • ............ ""'l·mAB .; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -roa SALE-T unit ~ Furnllbed cottap oa, bellCb Slll.000.. 1' -lK ~t front. Sl.91511. Take car-port P87-for cuh. See owner 3lll Eut ~~ ~. ~~~~ Compounded Motor 'Oil N.,.._Tlmel. ~ttc FOR RENT-Rooml apa. rwer-,1 . Center' Bldg .. Long Bea~tp Gene... 'lOc ~i:_~~. =tte~ =~~~4 ~~ ~~ RELIANCE REAL TY & INVl STMENT co. ====------~= Western Auto Suppl tarce wheel -and codqiit. Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor A. R Ebrite and •--'ates J w Doak 8ECRETARY~lrl with' shd\'.t· Authorlzm Dealer Y completely reoondltlaned. bow to 1456. 7&-Uc ~ • · • rnent. &)' Shoft Auto Camp. Ocean Front. Balboa. '16-4tp Newport BNch. 78-tfc FOR SAi F Balboo laland, lJ7 , El Bayo Tract ......... 2 -bomo, plill hand, typing and -.ie book-1836 Newport mvd., Coot& Meu item; Chrysler -mglno. ROOM roR RENT-Ocean f'nlnt. Beacon 5857-W l!J:!6 Newport E lld., Costa Mesa keeping wanted. Good wages. fl·tf• See owner,~ Agate Ave., Bol· double .._., Twin -, prl-· ' • New office now being opened. bola laland. 67-tfc vale entrance. S'-'e room. prl- Apply Newport Bay Co., 1151 VENETIAN BLINDS-Alnmtnum, • .., E . 17th, Costa Mesa. Beacon •tee!. wood. c.D us fcr free aotJ. S M A L L B 0 A T S vale entrance. Referencea. Rar- 5494-J. 78-2tc mate. Renovation • ~ -Of IOOP. lllht nwine pfywood. bor 1848. ~tc • W /cNTEO-Middle age houae-So. Cout Venetian Blbld Co:. -Molcled hulla or flat-botU>m. FOR RENT -O.Luu rooms A Eastside Duplex aose to shopping center. Both sides ooh,p1ete1y furnish. ed. Four rooms; two bedrooms, ma!ile e.nd waterfall sets. new KelVinator, new West.em Ho!Jy range. Three rooms; one bedroom, maple set, elecliic refrigerator, table-top stove. All beds box spring and Innerspring mattresses. Lot 66xl35. """-· experienced only. Must w .. 1 18th and Nowpo<t Ave., -Skltfl. Dlnghlea, Sallbolata. ap<s. Prlees range !rem $5. to . drive car, Sl.25 month. Harbor Costa Meaa. Pb: Beacon ~W. KARTIN OUTBOARD MCJl'ORS Sl.7.50 I'"" -It,~ ..-thly 2130. 78-6tp 38-tft "Floxldrlve" Shafto for Inboardl rateo u per O.P .A. cetllnc-1007 HELP WANTED, MALE-Local F1tt PWT and Ktndnna WATSON· BOATS E. Central. Balboa. Ph.~~ or traveUnc In business for W 0 0 D "Small Boat Reaclquarten" :iounell. No money requittd. Dellwred 611.. Cout !Ilway Beacon 5277 FOR RENT-ROOMS -Double. Good Income. You are your own H. W. WRIGHT ~ttc Dally aervlce. Adultl only. 421 ,-. Apply~~ No. Main St.. Ph. Beacon 5666 Hardina:. Balboa. Colll. Uc Santa Ana. Collf. T7-8tc l'IM N,ewport mvd. ll-tf< lllUBICAL • MDJO " .. "=.t.JIJ-:='r=-=--'l'O=-JmNT-:-:.,...,."""",--.,....,_..:;u FOR SALE. PIANO-Wurlitzer,, TEACHER ottered room boanl. BARGAINS! Spinet. BeautlfW mahogany W~Eltablilhed local buai and aalary for rdined woman Lowell prtcea In turnlbft II m:J cue, and tone. J . B. Brown, nea man and wife want year's • to care for child A help with motto. 1 bey rialit. 1 aell r:llht Plano Tuner. 338 Broadway, l~ue on houoe. Preferably fur llcht bouoework. Phone Beacob I a1ao bey turnlbft. Costa Mesa. 78-2tc rushed. W. H. Knapp, Harbor 5577 aftet 6 P. m. Th-ttc Needle's Furniture mGHEST prtce paid fer your p1. 2232· 78-2tc &11,a IOll<Jl:LLAN1COU8 • 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Meu ano. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., W ~WlnteT rental, Oct. 15 FOR S ., ~ ~powe• Japan~• Phone Beacon 5038 57-ttc Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. 70-tfc to • ......, 15 or! Ad¥1tl, no peta; ~~"'" ~ -=-~ fumilihed garage apt. or ama1J blnoculan, S500. Seaboatd Order Your USED Planoa !rem 165. Or will houae on Bolboa Ialancl'. T. w. Equip, Co .. 1205 Cout Highway, Servel rent. Dam-Schmidt Plano Co., Soule, Orange County Title. Newport Beach. 78-ltc 520 N. Maln, Santa AnL 70-tfc Phone Santa Ana 5100. T7-3tc FO Gas Refrigerator FOR s • • ~u.-.n• R SALE-Small building 8xl4. ~ ,.. • .,.t piano, good VETERAN (Salesman) w If e trailer me. Four windows and Now condition, ·$200. Phone Be...., (Teacher) desire furn 11 he d door. almost new. Call Bearon at Vogel's 5712, or call 20I! Weatmlnalet apartment or houae for year, 5188-W. 78-ltc 100 Main St. Harbor 145 Ave., Newport Relchtl after until new home II built. No FOR SALE-Larse family I"" :sa-ttc 5:30 p. m. 55-tfc children or peta. Bonus given. range, two oven1. Electric REP 0 SSE SSE D Mirror Type Call Kimball 2071. Collect. band oaw with motor. Beveled WANTED TO 111.llY U Spinet Plano. Now only $295. 7&-ftp Weber' a all-glus showcaae. 315 W ANTEI>-Second hand doll A very pretty piano. Fine tone. WANTED ro TR.ADE -Rental Goldenrod Ave.. Corona del buggy, Wicker preferred. 416 Danz-8chmldt Plano, 520 No. 2 bedroom house in Long Beach Ku. 78-ttc FernJeaf. Corona del Mar. Ph. Main, Santa Ana. 70-tfc for aame ln Balboa or vicinity. FOR SALE-F & E check writer. ~bor 89-WK. 78-ltp RADIO ROUSE CALI3--Call H-2729 or after 6 p. m. -been used. Series 800-B. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE Now that additional competent Long ,Beach 44876. ~tp S60; a1ao ten-gal. can of Fuller PHONE BEACON !5:138-J. technldana are available, we .,.. permanent blue palnt. $25. Ph. 23-tfc able to make letVlce cal1I on after 6 p.m. Harbor 679-J. 78-2tc tars< oomolea. AD work IUll'- Will Pay Cash WANTED-To rent or lease, 5 or 6 room house. By Boat Corn· pany executive. Permanent. Ph. Mr. Hobson, Harbor 1580. 7S-4to FOR SALE-Metal cabinet for kitchen alnk. Phone Harbcir 114&-J. 78-2tc anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM. S.O.S. Radio, aoo Marine Ave. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc WANT -2 bedroom house or apartment, furniahed or unfur. FOR SALE -Practically new ac· ~ corcllan, made by Sopranl. Phone ·~ Harbor 1698-R. 76-tfc For )'OW' turnlture Or what haw you. P\>On• Beacon 56156. craw- Jey Furnlbft. 1812 Newprt Blvd., Costa Meaa. 48-tte GOOD Grands. Mehlin, Kurtzman, nlshed. Permanent couple with Story A Clark, Chae, Hallet A baby. References. Roy Your- Davis, Kimball, Weber and oth-atone 128\.1 No. MapJe, Burbank, en. Prices start at $485. Terms. Calif. Phone Otarlstone 818-45. • FOR SALE-T\vo,. matched fish- ing dlaln. Call Harbor 2414-W. 75-4tp Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. 144 Cout Blvd., N. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 78-ltc Venetian Blinds Steel and aluminum made to meas- ure and installed Bayview Builders Supply 818 Coast Hiway, Ph. Beacon 5o67 TI-tfc FOR SALE-Misc. furnishings, studio couches, twin beds, lamps, chairs, some rock maple. 126 Collins, Balboi Island. 78-2tc Fl.JRNITURE FOR SALE-Stove, refrigerator, washer, dining- room set, two bedroom sets, some living-room. Call between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., Wed and Thurs. 527 Redlands Ave., Npt. Heights. 78-ltc Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 75-4tp No. Main. 70-Ucl-----------....::f LOCAL DENTIST and wife wish Radio Repairs to rent lurnllhed houae or apart- All makes; tubes, etc. ment. No children, no pets. Ph. Beacon 5763 Harbor 421-J . 75-4tc BURT NORTON WANTED ro RENT-ANt. mgr. 915 Coast mpway, Newport Met. Ufe, desires leue or rent 23-ttc until Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom house. Care guar. Phone S. A. STEINWAY GRAND. BeautlfW l'~M modern In blAck and .Uvet. Gar· ~ . n-uc geous tone. Thll II an art piano. A.PT or SMALL HOUSE WllDted FOR SALE-Kitchen gas stove, u you are tumlshing yo\U' home by man and wife. We do not high oven. 445 M St., Balboa, 1n "Modeme" this instrument 11 drink or 1moke, no children or or phone Harbor 2013-J. 78-2tp perfect for you. Reaaonably peta. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W FOR SALE-Wicker ch..., lounge, priced. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., or Write Box "X" Newport Bol- dinette set, library table, bal1y 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 70-tfc boa News-Tunes. . 37·tfc buggy, two gas heaters. 410 SPZC!AL ANNOUN..,...__ WANT TO tiENT-2 or 3 bedrm.. Acacia Ave., Corona del Mar. ~.ao_!I unfurniabed house. WUl teue. Ph. Harbor 2394-J T7-2tc FOR RENT-16MM Motion pie· Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7!11 FOR SALE-Neon Sign cat .. FOR SALE-Two metal Simmons ture Projecton---Sound or silent, or 13. ~tfc Realooable. Call Beacon 5U7-M. beds, one upright stove, one w l th or without operaton. BENT, KISCELL&NEOtJS &I 'fO..tfc vacuum cleaner and odd end ~S RENTED -Your own 1 , '""roa"=-s"'ALE-"'=--:Alrc--co-m-preaet---. $::::1:-::oo-=-. tables. Call Harbol' 1861-J. picture show at home, features, WANTED-Business or . profes. mi Seashore Dr., Newport 77.2tc sports, musicals, for parties, &lonal woman to ahare new du· I Bettcf'L ~tfc clubs, churches. Harbor 25ge...J. pln: apartment, Costa Mesa. BOATS. SUPPLll'.8 u ~--------_:7.:.6-..:tt:..:c Phone business hours, Beacon Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In Our OWn Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER Phone BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners 456 Nev.rport Blvd. --==~--------5841. 78-ltc MARINE RA.DIO transmitters, converted gov't surplus, com- plete with receiver, power sup- ply for 6 volt., 2 crystal freq., 3rd optional, $125; 2()..watt transmitters complete. $130. We are goV't licensed to insta ll. Assistance given in license appli- Cushman Scooter Repair Work Free Estimates On Service and Repair cations. L-C Radio, 1227 s . Mallow & Wyckoff Majn St., Santa Ana. Phone . 4312. 78-2tp Rear Balboa Marine Hardware 913 Coast Hiway Bea. 5261 W FOR SALE-$-lt. plywood, square - end punt. Good condition, light Newport Beach 98-tfc UAL ICllTATS fT Graham & Johnson Realty & Investment Co. 1664 Newport Blvd. Da.y Ph. &eacon 5434-W Night Ph. Beacon 521~J 78-t!c and portable. Call Hatbor 682. 1------------78-2tc --,---------- Glass Shower Doors FOR SALE-Star boat. $850; Carpenters Available THREE-BEDROOM BEAUTY on five acres; l ~ baths, heater, elec. range; four acres fenced, fruit trees. barn and chicken equipment; $25 monthly income from oil lease for two years. Th1J b a real buy for $17,000. TemlS. . . made to measure and in· open viking, cabin viking, gull. for general maintenance 19tia11<<1. Good deliveries. $475. Vviking's Port, 909 Coast and rep&lr lA,n,.n,:ew Builders Supply Highway. Phone Beacon 5033. o. z. llOBEKTSON Coast Hiway, Ph. Beacon 5ocY1 • 78-2tc Call Harbor 83 ONE-ACRE RANCH-TWo houses and guest house. Nicely Ian(!. acaped ·and nice clean homes Inside and out. Oticken and rabbit equipment. Partly fen«d, horse COTrals, two blocks from downtown Coata Mesa. Price, 34-tfc T7-ttc WANTED TO BUY-Balboa ----=-==c=-----l----oJ:-tJSt"""'7'-Arri"".-"';'.ved--;----dinghy in good condition. Ph. K E Y S l'rMh BK11ng A1d Harbor 2669.R after 1 p.m. Made Wblle Toa Watt 78-tfc VOGEL'S ~E~t_ S A C RI FI C E ! '!08'':.!=. :n,:1~ $10.500. Tenna. • 111 Ma1n St. Ph. Harbor 515 28-ft. commercial fishing OOat. SK-tie 80-tf< excellent for mackerel fishing. ----------- A·l condition Chrysler marine BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIE8 to HALF ACRE-Four-room house, BAnatter lf we re&p your TIRES W• cuaranttt our .. Caps" to lut ~ 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF R.eprdlesa of Speed. • ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. tar a complete set we will call flDr )'OtD' car In the morning _. de1lwr aame day. ~ 9l.CJO Mobllstatlc balAnce job -we """'P your tlrel, for SUJO. No lead welchtl or -.:ta:&" engine. Must sell immediately, ANTIQUE SHOP-Doing good across from Cagney estate, also $1500. S . 1-1. Atkins. P. 0 . Box business. 5041.it West Central. near -new hospital site over- 655 ; 211 E. Bay Front, Balboa Phone Harbor 2710. 78-4tp looking ocean and harbor. Guest Islaod. 77-4tp room and double garage. Thia FOR S~20 ft. Philippine ma-FOB BENT '1 is a real buy at $8875. hogany speed boat. In water FOR RENT-Nice room for man, and wheel trailer, $1400 taJres. on Canal front. near Udo Thea- 3504 Marcus A .. ·e. Phone Har· ter. 402 Oubhouse, Newport. bo< 249'7-W. 76-4tp ==-==-:,--~-:--78--,,C2tp FOR SALE-2S' Lowman commer· FOR RENT-Furnished room with ci.al boat. Very good condition. pri,•ate entrance and bath. 423 all gear. Reasonable. Inquire Goldenrod Ave., Corona deJ Mar. Asso. Dock 26th St. 75-ttc 78-ltp ="'o-=-===--o,,.-,,----,-:c...:....: 11> ACRE RANCH beauti!Ully located. Four·room house, gar· age apt., another unall Income unit. Thll property will make a nice ind.me. Plenty of room for further development. For a real buy see this at $8950. FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. FOR REl'i-1 -Single room, down- long, 4-cylinder Starr motor. town Balboa. P hone Beacon INCOME Just painted. W-tll trade for 22 5435, days. 'l8-4tp BUSINESS BUILDING on two ft. or 24 ft. house trallA!r or will FOR RENT Roo · t4k cash 7311 Seashore Dr -m . ~ntl~men lots, also t'Yi·o-story income. N e t. ·Ph. H-l'493-J· 'fO..tl., only ln new home. Private room for other developments. ewpor · c bath abd entrance. 'On penin-Close In C.OS-ta Mesa. Price, FOR SALE--12 ft. sail boat & sula.. Write Box "N " c/o News. $10,.500. Terms. sail, good condition. \Vith or Times. 78-tfc without trailer, Reasonable. Ph. FOR RENT-Nice apt. to old THREE~BEDROOM stucco near Harbor 181 after 6 P. m. ~tc couple only, who will wat.,. and Back Bay. Nicety furnished, Balboa Canvas Shop care foe yard. See owner at on half acre. Sl0,50. Salls-_ Boal Co"'" 4'M; Westminster St.. Costa Marine Upbolsterin& . Mesa. Refe"'nces required. -1...ISTINGS WANTED-- Harbor 207 -224\i 21st St. 77·2tp Open Sundays Price $8500 -Terms Corona de! Mar Two bedrooms. new home, large livln -room, fireplace e.nd kitchen. Beauti!ul. Price $10,950 -Term Back Bay View Two-bedroom home, very clean, ';6-acre, an fenced; ham, corral. chicken house. Quick possessi1 $7500 -Terms Ocean View Lot 1 I Newport Heights, near Cliff Drive on Redlands street, 00tl35f~t ' Price $1950 -Cash ' I Re I y On Reli nee On Newport BlvdL 149 f~t in 1900 block ................... _ ...... _ ................ $ 9,500 Several houses, close in. .. ·-............................... _,, ... $12,500 ' • ' Lido Isle ' Swell view of both bays; two bedrooms, jwo baths, partly furnished, 45-foot lot, fireplace, walle<! patio and bar- becue ~t Newly redecorated. Very clf'an: Immediate possession. I Price $21 ,500 On Central Street in Ne wport 100..foot·business frontage of which 00 f et shows income of $225, with increasing lease to $335 per month. $33,500 -Half Down On Harbor Blvd . Close in, 90xl00 ....... -........................ $l ~ -Half Down ., Near Back Bay Nice three-bedroom home; large living-room with fire- place at end. Hardwood floors througl oot Very clean. Newly redecorated.· Half acre. Price $10,700 On Broadway, Near Oran ~e Street Nice two-bedroom home; large living-r Kllll, dinette. kit- chen has plenty of built-in instaUatl01 s, service porch, garage, back yard all fenced in. Imm• diate possession. Hurry! • Price $3000 Down Corona de! Mai I Llke new. Home and pottery making~-Two kilns. Plenty of molds, formulas, materials """ future orders ... permit to manufacture "0 .K ." ~-to retire be- cause ot Illness. j Price $12,000 -Tem'.IS · On Mesa Near Hatbo1 High Lot on Irvine street aaoss fror:ri ~ court at Harbol' Hlgb llCbooi, near 15th street. J..ot 70XlZ, paved All utlllties-$1500. Only $300 down, $25 per month. See our sign on property. Halt acre on W-llsoo sl:n!eL.._ .. ______ _$180() Two e.nd one-half acres ob Wllaon sbeeL-........$4500 -Both z.ooed for~ I On Harbor • 100x240 feet, west side. of Blvd., ac:iu.i from Wa!tt Co. olllce. See our sign on pl1Jpetty. Price $15,000 -Terms - ()pm 7 Days Ewry Week, 8 a. I .. to 6 p. m. .. r , . Newport Beach TI·tfC FOR RENT-New Duluxit rocm:. .o•~- and priV11te bath, tile .-er · Costa Mesa Tire Co. RELIANCE REAL TY ~ Ir.iv STMENT ro. ' In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA KESA Pb. Bea ,., 5743 .AM for Al er Hank. .. - Fire Equipment Testa C-0-~ PY...,.ltFMm ..an.. CO ll>led syotem and Portahl<t ,_ avallable. ETS HOICIN 6 GAbVAN 1000 CloMt BIP'"¥ Pb. Bii ~WI 5522 • .,,.tfc stall Twin .. double-. box Graham & Johnson Realty apring and lntetsprlnc mattrs-& In ,,..._ t Co .,._ Unt beat. Special rate& for · V~w.ue.n : . permanent gueata. Mracle Mlle 1664 New ... ~ Blvd. Kot.el. '106 ~ Hlgbway, New-n.,, Pb. Bmoca MM-W port --Ph. -529114. Nleht Ph. --™ -•Uc " )< .I . . -,_ •• L • < ~ A. R. E2lrlte J. w. DoU: 1936 Newport...._~, a.ta Ilea 78-ltc • ----.--.... . c1-........ parch and urace- Home on Bay Ave. Fumlahed. $17.500; UD!Ui'!; SlS.· 3 Bed Rooma. 2 Bathl; "" Lare Lot 500. Phone IIarbcr 2041-R. . $25,000 'Ill-Ste Furnished Duplex $25,000 . Trailer Court and Residence , ' ' 2 -. 1 Bath Down 2 lledromm, l Bath Up RIVERSJD&-'IWo-bedroom boUle W. L. JORDAN 100 E. Central. Balboa Phone Hll'bor 153 oo UOX31().foot lot. Equipped for ten trallen and rom:n for more. Spece fer adclltlooal bullcllng. Price $11,500 72-tfc. Costa Maa Boats for Sale- Chrome plated coune correct- ""' foe yachtl. Very fine In- strument.a.. Government surplua. Amllth circles at com.tderable reduction. Brand new. A1lo avaifable, double drum wench tor marine ways. SEE THIS! ,_,--., fllm. llhed. electric refl'l&'<rat<Jr, wuhlng madllne, tabl.,.top ..,.._ Immediate pa11 1lon Price $7885 Sampson Machine Works 1604 Newport Blvd. A. L. MATTHEWS Ucemed Real Eat.ate - 2232 Newport mvd. Costa M-T7-2tc· Ph. Beacon 5801, Costa Mesa 78-2tc NEWPORT BEACH INDUS- TRIAL CORNER LCYI', M-1 60x 90. $5500. Owner next door. Two New Homes Ready fcr occuponcy. Stall lhowa1. Glm doers. Rup.. Call 1522-J 507 29th St. ~tp l -----------llS-:.:...;tt;;c FOR SALE-'lbree-room bunga-FOR SAI.E-Cmona del Mar, '5- low, Costa Mesa, $5750-$2'l50 ft. lot. l block !rem IChoo1. ..utb down. Ask Jim Farquhar. U. C-of IDvd., good locatlm fer ln- Marahall, 2113 So. Main, Santa come. Owner. Ph. H-215-W. Ana 5174-W. 78-2tc · 6S-tfe BALBOA ISLAND Three-room cottage, two-car garage on good corner close to East Bay on "Little Island." Immediate possession. Prlce-$10,700 CORONA DEL MAR , Well built two-bedroom homo:. large living-room with fireplace, breakfast room, kitchen and service porch. Rumpus room over garage. Beauti!ul patio with barbecue. Well landscaped. Double lot, close to ocean. ' Price -$21,000 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALTOR 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-R. ' • BALBOA ISLAND This Week's special value! Owner will accept lenient terms. Near Bay Front on 40 ft. lot. IJving- room 16x23 ft., fireplace, two large bedrooms, wall bed; double garage, outside shower, row boat, canoe and buoy, bar-b-que. Furnished. Immediate possession. $18,000 LINWOOD VICK Broker Balboa Island Harbor 548-M ISLAND REALTY COMPANY TI-2!.c 78-ltc 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone m.w BALBOA ISLAND Very attractive six-bedroom home on 40-foot lot, near South Bay. Unfurnished. Immediate po&- session. Can be made Into two units. Attractive furniture and draperies may be purchased If buyer desires. _ $23,750 -Terms ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Harbor-:rr7-W '73-ltc DAI, DTATI: JEXOllANOIJ: 411 lq)!IU TO J;OA!f U TR.ADE-2 bedroom borne In re-U>ANB TO BVILD, llQr, - ltricted dlltrlct In Pasadena. -or --For home In N-port. R. L. Mc-l'lffport -trodoo9I lla- Cartney, 621 W. Montan& St. &Dd Lmn •-am Puaden& Phone 7-1854 '15-4tp 3333 Via Lido Ph. Jlarbor 1llOO • TLf.D--11 AU'l'OKOftVIJ: • YIU* .. TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do - roR SALE-19t2 Super Deluxe °"" hanHna -~-,.QI Plymouth c:oovertible and 50 . ..... .....i-t, '"5 -S2JD five-cent v-ng' machlnel on per c1a7. We -U.. -. location. See Dick, Herbert Jfyrebn Broa. Senlce lJ!edm. Ap)s., Room 17, 815 E. Central, -. 17tbltNowport-._o.ta Bolboa TI-Zip -. - •.&vroe. WANtilD ·\VE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices Bl, YOUR clR NOW Wblle Prba &re HJab. Pia. fer our CCIUlilom bao• no wtll c.u ud wtn. ~ Nll!ldlll& OP.A 111!S111at1am. •••c .. .... and *¥' "' .. cletalll . • CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. . . 0 s:•t .. 0'2 SF D I I IDliw.tcc ...... 11aspu;t•1 •-aot -s r a • * • --- • .. -- . " .. B. & P . Women, C i ty Council Members, Hear Walter Longmoor Speak o n.Industry . "All city and county govern-"Help your public officials, don't menta are away behind in educ.at-knock. A community is no better 1ng people about local problems, than tbe people in It, and It ls a«'Ol'dinl' to reports presented at what they make it. Famlliari.z:e the San Diego conference of the yourself witb its problems and do League of California attes," said what you can to help". Waltei Longmoor, president of Using a map and quoting figures the Associated Clambers of Com-the speaker gave a comprehensive merw of Orange county, speaking resume of the nadonal situation on •·New F acton in the Selection in regard to population and loca- ot. Industrial Locations" to mem-tion of r aw materials. and the ben. fff· the Btisiness and Profes-vl!lue of decetttrlllzaUon al in- aional Women's club at a dinner dustry. Wlth raw materials most- meeting held Thursday evening at Jy In the west. which ls unde- Whlte's Park avenue cafe with 60 veloped and under-populated., the present. trend is naturally toward the coast Mayor O. B. Reed and memht;n where we ~ have oil and . gas of tJ» city council were speoal for fuel, eliminating the PoUibillty guestS for the evening· and ap. of the recent bombshell of rail· p-ec:iated the speaker's plea to r oad, coal and tra.nsit strikes ii;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~ I which disrupted lndUlltry 1n the \ _, The exclusive Stauffer reduc- ing method offers the easy, pleasant way to contour con- trol -that protects health, boosts vitality. e ncourages good posture. No drugs, elec- tricity, steam or exertion. No disrobing. It's gentle -it's thorough -it's fun. 12 Treatmenta $$15.00 !4 Treatmente $%6.00 Telephone for an Appointment Open S E "·enlnp a Week By Appointment STAUFFER SYSTEM Phone '14U 2-1 7 Qroadway LAGUNA BEM:H East. It will be necessary for Orange oounty to do some caretul plan- ning. Mr. Longmoor stated. for indus\f'Y wW come. and the thing to dolts to adopt a land-use plan, picking those lnduatries which will bring with them high clau em- ployees. Costa Mesa, in particu- lar, must plan carefully, be aaid, for it can either be ruined or made into one of the most attractive areas in the county. The speaker was introduced by CJarice Brown, chairman of the public affairs committee, and also introduced were Mayor R e e d , Councilmen O. Z. Robertson, Bob Allen, Mason Siler and L. L. Is- bt>ll, as well as Harry Welch. presi- dent of Newport H arbor Chamber of Commerce. Other guests were introduced by members. Gertrude Collver presided, and announced the club would enter- tain the county council on Nov. 15. The treasurer gave a reminder that some of the members had not paid their dues, and Elaine \Veiss stated that four b1ankets would be drawn at the next meeting. Harry \Velsh was winner of the prize. Other g uests were Opal West. Alice Louck! and Louise Vaughn, Costa Mesa; Genevieve Sylvester, Bernice Phillips, Minette Van \Vi e- men, Ercyl Pick, Irene Morris (past president of the club), H elen Plumer, Virginia Bachmann. Mari- lynn Wheeler, Polly Porter, Kay Nesbitt and Sarah Newlin. Mrs. Lucille Stewart of Seaside. Ore. is a guest at the home Or her aunt, Mrs. Emil Bell, 30th street, I for an indefinite period. CO L ORFUL NEW DRESSES CASUAL STYLES ... COWRFUL PLAIDS TWO-TONE EFFECT'S ... SOLID PASTELS IN WOOLS, GABARDINES AND RAYONS DESIGNED WITII NEW DETAILS FOR FALL SIZES 9 TO 15 -10 TO 18 crhe Frances Norton Shop ~ * $portrwear Second a B roadway ZM 8eooDd a Broad..., Bid&°. (l!eeond Floor) -Sonta Ana ... -- Toiletries Street F1oor Never to be without your favorite fragrance ... entrust it to Mary Dun- hlll's 11SCENTINEL'' . . . the minia- ture perfume flask ... wary guardian that lets no precious drop escape. Glass stoppered bottle in gleaming metal container. • • ........... ..,,.._., ...... _._ • 250 • Barbor Luau at Isthmus Draws Voyagers Sixteen boats flying the burgee of' the Voyagers' Yacht club 'rode at anchor in the cove at the east end ot the Iathmua at Catalina hland for a recent week end perty. The high spot of the affair was the luau where the food wu cooked in a pit in typical native style. Following the luau every- one gathered around the compfire for a pleasant evening ot. singing and entertatnment. ,, There Wett 65 memben and guests at the luau. on board the following yachts; Commodore Van Degrift's Teton. Bob Crooby's Zephyr D. Dan Stevenson's Sibo- ney, Walter E. Cole's Salty, Arlie Toulouse's Stardust. Ray Purdy's Quest, Fred Hunle's Indifferent, Dr. Clarke's Ne Ne Moosha, Roy Riley's Lady Pat, Dr. Oem's Chris-Craft. Mrs. De Lapp's Sea Shell , Fred Blethem's Vinnette, J ohn Magnet's Whisper, Hardwich Va n [)egt'ift's Tamara, J a ck Helm's Ranger, W. W . Mason's ,Roja and Gordon Molson's Hey Day. Senile Sailor s H o ld Fir s t Race The Snowbirds Senile Sailing Association came out for its first race Sunday. sailing around Shark Island as had been announced, and Tom Tupman, who came in 2C minutes behind everyone else, was conceded the race. That Pirate Castaway, Do n Dickerman, CTc\ved for Burt Rus- sell, organizer of the affair. Others racing were Don Pedersen, Harry Blodgett and Ed Frazer, Men over 30 are invited to join, races to be held every Sunday. ThC' PC fleet raced Sunday for the Bi ll Bangs trophy, the glori- fiNl. garboon", which goes to the winner, Fred Smales, for six weeks. Wheeler came in second and Wilkinson was third. as r e- ported by Velma Barber. BYC pub- licity director. D en Mothers H old Organi zatio n Meet Den MothC'rs of Cub Pack 105 met Thursday at the home of Mrs. H . 0 . Boyv<'y to discuss the year's plans and to arrangC' for the first Den mtttings which were to be held today <Tuesday) at the var- ious homes. Boys \Vho do not know what Den they belong, may call Mrs. Boyvey for information. It was also decid<->d that instead of the boys bringing refreshments as in the past, they would bring ten • ....... . Femiriirie ~ .. -Ac ivities New Home Inspires Gracious Hospitality Mesa Family Moves To Colo. This Week ~ completed their new Mr. and Mn. Walter HOJ1'1'cutt + PT A Institute Stresses Voting + home at ;!058 Anaheim aven~. have oold their home on HarlJor l!eddeDie Phoae 1637-R Calta Mesa. J oe and Betty <Croc-boulevard, Calta Mesa, and-with ker) De Temple, Inviting a groop their twin IOllS. Dick and Don, St. James Auxiliary sta Mesa Matron of friends for an.open 11ouse.1eern-are 1eav1ng the 1ut of the week To Hear Reports_ of · onored at · ed that Mr. and Mn. Hobart Loud for Olathe, Colo.. where they will At the Orange Intermediate party for them. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Inman National Convention t ork Shower had a1 .. ac1y p1annec1 a · surprbe make their tuture home. -~-1 ~-'-th s are new owners o1. the property. M;UUU ' au-....... ur _ipherd. Preli-Plans for a benefit dessert Held at the home of Mrs. How-Therefore Mr. and Mrs. ~ Mr. Honeycutt bas been custodian dent of the 4th District of the brldg will be made at the rint Genis• 118 -· took QVer as h<lots for ~ of the Calta Mesa park and ls ifornla_ ~ .. of Parents and fall .:.etlng ot the Women's Aux· ~ at '' ~u• street Thurs-and a buttet supper. Pink. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ~eacherl pn."IP\M!U over a Legisla-tttary ol St. J ames Eplscopa1 ternoon, a pretty s t or k blue asters decorated the I1vmg Walker 2'7th atttet Ne\\-port tiYr Institute l\eld October 2ncL church. whkh Will be -held Thurs-owtt honored Mrs. Gaylord Blue ::""butt"':: i';~~ ...=i:.~ .. ~~~. Beach. ' ' ' Speakers fOt' the occasion were day. Oct. 10 at 2 p. m. at ttw ~ ~F1ower street, Costa Mesa, as--------- Mr•· James Daley, Otlzenshlp of Mn. George Yardley, 201 Aba-· g h<lotessea beJne Mn. Elsie rellahes devilled .,_, ice cream· chairman of the C.CP.T ... and Mra. lone avenue, Balboa hland. with · ells and Mn. Mabel i.nve. and cake""""' aerved. -A~ 11 George -enon, Leclslation chair-Mn. Philmer Ellerbroek and Mn. . Gifts Included needed garden I man. P lans were outlined at thla Borchsenaiua u assisting hostel-Floral deeorations Wett P i nk tools, towels and 908P for the new .. • • time .for a campelgn to get voten --Un and white baby chryMnt-bathroom, a handsome cookie jar to the poles November 5th, the 1be Rev. A.rdys Dean will tell ~mums but center of interest was for_ the kitchen, and many 1'ft!'ltt .w-t State Board havtng taken a stand of the r ecen t general convention u;· large south window where things, .,.. to support Propoc!Uon No. 3, and of the Episcopal church, held In r .. nk and blue stttame<s fell to Enjoying the evening Were Mrs. ~ -No. 13. It wu bro<oght out Philadelphia and with the Arch-li ttle blue bassinet In which wu De Temple's parents, Mr. and Mn. · - that the P .T .A-ls a non-partisan bishop ot Canterbury u its most baby doll. Standing guard were Frank Crocker ot Balboa, with group, but definitely political distinguished guest, present for the pair of tranquil storks. 'l1>e . whom the De Temples have been where issues concerning child wel-second time in history. tork motif also a dorned the • 1 residing Uritll the houle was com- fare are involved. and that the The benefit bridge will be held ulded. ice cream Which was pleted; Mr. and ·Mrs. Oiauncey organization has lobbyist in Sac. Thursday, Oct. 31 at Balboa Yacht rved with coffee after games Campbell of Houston. Penn., par- ramento at all times to protect club with Mft.. W. H. Hitchman as ere played and gifts opened. ent:a of Mr. De Temple, who have such issues. general, chairman. Those present were the Mes-been visiting here since August; Vocal music was supplied by ames Cla ud Adams and Wilson Mr. and Mn. Edward Zube, Mrs. Mn. CUrtls of the Laguna Beach Alpha Gamma Sigma arbrough, Irvine; William Blue, Douglas Bray, Mrs. Homer Bartlis School Music department. • untington Beach; Mary Blue, of Anaheim, Mrs. Harry Schick. Seventy eight representatives Calls 'Friday M~ting egon ; William Palmer, Orpha and the Messrs. and Mesdames ~-- from units thru' out the county tue, Cayton Bailey, J . Reed, Paul Sidney Blackbeard, 0. Z. Robert--r were !erved a turkey dinner at Alpha Gamma Sigma, junior col-qrman, Cassie Blue, F r a nk son, L. L. Bennett, Nels Olsen, Her "Cap'n" Don's the Orange Woman's Club House. lege honor society, has elected Of-limes, Keith Gerrish and c. N. hart Loud, Frank Beard, Eugene '" Mrs. Gunning Butler , legislation ficers for the year at Fullerton lue, Costa Mesa. La P erle Jr. and son. e t f. chairman: Mn: Harry Burdick Junior College. President is Phyl-Sending gifts but unable to at-A ,,.I r 11"! ..l~•lfll"! 'I' ':I and Mrs. Jerrold Spangler repre-!is Ruby of Fullerton: vice-presi----(II tend were the f\1esd.ames Robert School Parent Teacher Assoc:ia-secretary-treasurer is l\ol ax in e , James Nelson and G 1 e n c.uua sented the NPWport Harbor High dent ls Charles Ruby of Fullerton; e·· Newton Swnmers, Hershel +I ALL MARK ,,, I tion. RunnE"lls, also of Fullerton. , Costa Mesa; John McMil-"MOIR Ulllftae and ~Uc Eat.. Charles Ruby was chosen to )an and Dan McMillan, Newpor t C ARDS lnl' Place oa the West Oout" Manuscrl'pt C lub head the general social committee R. H I ,,. r · d M' Le Re ach; D. J . ems, Long Beach ; LI. A d W b o the soetety, an .iss na Y-ilbur Lambert, Irvine, and Char-F Birthd Delldoao war S o n y nolds, commerce instructor in the een Pique, Santa Ana. Or ayS Co b • • Local Com poser junior ooUege, has been appointed Wedding Annlveniarles in mation adviser for the group. Mr. and Mrs. Janys E. Caywood and EfAl. Dinners Members of the Fullerton chair pave returned to Los Angeles after ter of Alpha Gamma Sigma and ~pending two weeks as house Vues :ri: F1gurinM ~ Mrs. Daniel Ingraham. Io ca I music tE'acher, compaser a nd poet, was the recepient of high awards when she attended the first fall meeting of Mary Carr Moore Manuscript Club. Los Angeles. ~1onday e\·cning, September 30th. Ille members of the California ~uests of Mrs. Ca)'Wood's sister, New and Unusual Scholastic Federation will meet on Mrs. H. E. Ruggles of Corona de! lamps :: Oostnme .Jewelry Seafood Specialties Friday October 4, for a discussion 1il.. " Mrs. Ingraham who writes under name of CraCT' Shattuck Baj! or Grace Bail won the first prizC' for educational music on a piano suite named, .. Play Suite". This suite was chosen unanimously by all judges and was granted the Geor ge Blum permttnent award of a beau- tiful oil painting. "Sy ca Thor e P ath." \ Second pr ize on her soprano solo. "Only A Dream" and second prize in the choral section for her womens' chorus, "First Bird O' Spring," were also won by Mrs. Ingraham. Helen Shaffer ot Los Angeles won first prize in the vocal solo contest. All winning numbers will be programmed at a public concvt at a later date. Dr. Mary Carr Moore, famous educator and composer founded the Mary Carr Moore Manuscript Club many years ago. Dr. l\ioore's American opera. "Cost of Empire" was last presented at the Philhar- monic, March '45. of the purposes and ideals of the I il_ .. ar_. -----------N S • ~ honor society. ewport !)UVeDIJ' , For -nallom E bell B o ok Sec t ions M e e t Th is Week Book Section II of the Ebell club will meet Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 1 p. m. at the home of Mrs. S. H. Heyman. 307 Montero street, Balboa. Assisting hostess for the desert course will be Mrs. Roger Wood a nd Mrs. Margaret Dearborn will give the book re\'iew on "Spoon- handle ... • ·BEACON and Gift Shop \ 5 4 6 5 ~ 2102 Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts Formerly Moa.a'• Nlpt N -rtlleocll Individ uality for the .. Mothtr·to·bt · · · If Wt do not have it. wt. ma~t it, you ltt! CVonna--e5na.rie Shoppe We A.re Happy to Serve l'oa In % Locatlom Club, Book Section I will meet Thurs- day, Oct. 10 at 1 p. m . at the home of Mrs. Wayne Harper, 116 Abalone avenue, BaJOOa Island, with Mrs. Merle VerBerg and Mn. Conrad Shook as cohostesses. Mrs. Harold Woldenberg will give the book review. 315 N. Main St. Me&re Bid&°. Sonta Ana Pllone S808 4620 Whittler Blvd., Eaat Los ~ cents a week. half of which is -------------p> (~~'~ regular dues and the balance to be used to furnish refreshments. Pr('Sen t for thE' meeting wffl 1.1rs. Dora Hill, president of the Newport Beach Grammar school ParE'nt-Teacher Association. which is sponsoring o rganization ; Mrs. Viola Perkins, coordinator; Mrs. E. R Sterns, Mrs. Gilbert Seal, Mrs ... Blanche Rogers, treasurer : Mrs. l... E. Nack, Mrs. Jack Roub, !\1rs. Helen Gill and Mrs. Boyvey. Mrs. Marie Sorensen of Lido Isle entertained membt>rs of Grace Parlor. Native Daughters of the Golden West, tor a covered dish lunch<'on served in the patio, the day being spent in sewing for the fall bazaar. Mn. Erna Watts and Mrs. Christine Dunham auisted their mother in serving the Placen- tia guests. CLOTHES !'OR MEN AND BOYS S""'~ S(M"li SI.op m-•-..._i.1 ..... .-Barbor 519 114 W. 4tll St. llAlftA -Pk. 6688 PASADENA LONG BEACH II If. D ,, ft. llJ. It• .. -A-.._ a. •1 n ' • • . - v ,' Sryk o. 718 Two P iece I Black and White, ~ ~ White ~67~~ • Sryk )l(o. 7 1~ Two Piece Lumber jack Style DYTHE. DAVIDSON'S · m l!ki&iJI n:r• mn 1t11 .. '• • '