HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-10 - Newport Balboa News Times• ! - Tl SAND CRAB NEW BLOOD! Attended a meeting of the Commun- ity Olest the other day and u:lde from two or three new faces. most of the group romprised civic leaders who have been doing the work for oommwtity bettennent for many years. Toward the end ot the RSSion Hub Howe, under the heading ot good ot the order, suggested that It would be a fine idea If the 80% of the citizens who let the other 20% per- form. take on some or the duties left to a few; that the old wheel horses who donate their services for civic en- terprises, C. of C., Red Cross. etc. etc., persuade any num- ber of true and tried citizens to take up the burden. Later this brought a fe rv- ent a men from AJ. Rousselle, who declared that new blood should take over much of the work .done by a dozen or two citizens, thus blinging more energy and ambition from a younger and more aggres- sive generation. Believe this sour-dough writer suggested the idea some months ago. In a casual. menta l survey of the district can pick at least fifty men and women, able, Intelligent and willing, who could. if they would, assume some of the civic duties no'v devolvi ng on the veterans. Just how this can be accom- plished mig ht be planned by a committee who could com- pile a list and then ascertain If they would serve in Cham- ber of Commerce efforts, or any line of endeavor they prefer. In this manner new blood, new thoughts, new Ideas would come to light in handling our complex pres- ent-day problems. + + + K.,.lh• OPA. While at Oakdale ran Into my old friend, Roy Sawyer, who has been Identified with livestock all his life and who has been president of the Sheep Bre ed er s association for yean. He told how the sub- sidy on sheep worked. OPA paid the fellows who raised the sheep 3 cents a lb. for their stock when they deliv- ered it to the packers. Prior to that the sheep were sold as feeders for say 12 cents on the hoof, then fattened on Valley grass and grain and sold when finished to the packer for 15 cents a lb .. giv- ing the feeder a profit from feeding and the Jamb In- crease. The OPA method re- sulted In much range stock hitting the market. until tt> day not only the feeder, and packer are minus supplies, but the raiser is dissatisfied because he suffers from a lack ol market for his sheep that he can't sell when the range Is dry or the snow and cold ends grazing. Sawyer says we not only get poor meat under OPA system. but after several years of federal rule. the livestock has dwin- dled to the zero point. • • + Clyde Wabion. Ran into my old friend Clyde \Vatson who said that Mrs. Watson is quite sick In a Lo& Angeles hospital and that he has per- mftted his campalgn for state senator to drag. Clyde has been in the Assembly for 10 years. repreientlng the south h8lf ot Orange county, and is one ot the best friends the tanner and the fisher- man ever had at Sacramen- to. Believe he would do equally as good a job oo the other side.of the state house. + • + Fred Stony. Regret to note the passing ot Fn!d Storey. one ot the eerty pub- lic-spirited dtias>s ol Bal- 1-. Fn!d built the 2-story block at Main and Central. the Casino being in the cor- ner. On the Central avenue side Fn!d ran the Bal1- Hardware store which be later sold to Westoo Jay .and thl!D retired to bis nmcb. He bad -been very well but was ever In the forefluit In aldlnir In the de~ of the harbor dlab lcl He will be m' d by Illa many old frielld8 here. • KFEP POSTED! 1 YMr ...... .... ~Cs b _ an o..,c ., • ,.. a.., - ... Cllle* ........ lfeww-D r , lfwr=t ..... • :NEWPODT . o.t.J 0. •r (la mt) W1n'b N•••pa,.r .......... _EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, wEsT NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISi E, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA ~T· __ ,. vounmmtm . . EDUCATORS SEEK ·ARM Application Will Be ~nt WAA Board With Newport Hatbor Union High school now ha ,•ing it.I legal position assured, application will be made within a few days to the War Assets Administra tion ror 900 acres of the Santa Ana Army Air base to be used as a junior college for the costa l area. Sidney H. Davidson, pr infipal of the high school, announced he had received on Wednesda y a let- ter from Roy E. S impson, state superintendent of public instruc- -. - Back from a successful tour of the north, Superior Judge Good· win J . Knight of Los Angeles County, candidate for lieutenant governor, wil visit Orange Cou.,ty on Oct. 15, it was a nnounced to- day. He will be accompained by Mrs. Knight. His first meeting wit be during the morning wtth farmers, farm bur eau officia1s and agricultural experts, and then luncheon: he McMillan·Webb Cites Neew for Two New Reservoirs An il!Yf!ltlcation of the water IUpply at tl>e Oty of N~ Beach made by the engineerin& department under the direction of John McMillan, water superinten- dent. -J. B. Webb, city eng;. -. -tes that certain ~ imjA o;ementl co s t i n g $975,000 should be made in the immedjate !uture. 1be present syste.m will deliver a maximum of 3-rrllllion gallon& dally and the present s torage capacity is a little in excess of ~ million gallons, said a statement isued by the city enginee-r depart- ntt"nt Wednesday afternoon. tion, in 'vhich he stated that on CAPI'. PETt:R STEL....-of eo.ta Mesa. who iA skipper of the buaana Oct. 5 the state board or educa-bo&, the Paragon, now moored here, eoment.ed to have hl9 pk:ture lion had appr oved t h.e petition of taken aboard the vessel just before he take. It on lb JCth trip t.o Ne"1>0rt Har bor Union H i g h Central America. begtnnlnc early l\londay mornlnc. Recently the school, under Section 8812 or the era.It brought '1'000 Aterm of the rrult to our •bores. educational code. for the establ!sh-1------------------=N=ea,,,l'-"Bec=ko:n"e"-r...Jp.,h,,o,_,t,,,_o. meets the press at ,3 p. m. at the Republican Ce n t r a I Committee hea dquar ters, 116 N. Sycamore St., Sa nta Ana, t hen at 3 :30 p. m. he and l'olrs. Knight will be guests at an informal coffee hour at Santa Ana Masoni c Temple. OLLOWING A DISCUSSION OF THE NEW "CENTKALINEB" n to be produoed on an aMembly line of the Central Boat W...U., ~ewport Beach, the company'• execuU\.·et1 are pictured bere. Left ~ tlgbt they are: Ray Jordan, in charge of bnlldJng construction; Bo- k rt .J. Rapp. dealer and distributor; Richmond P. Hobeon, ex:ecatlvo-- fn-cbarge, and Walter Moore, superintendent. The COlllp&Q -- teorpnlwd SepL l. -Walter Gerhardt photo. With this present inadequacy and a certain popula tion incl-ease in mind the following additions to the supply system are recom- mended by the McMillan Webb report: 1. DrilHng 6 new wells on the 93 acres beyond the Santa Ana r iv.er . and in the county district. · mC'nt of junior college classes. Both the local high school a nd tha t of H untington Beach had petitioned t he state board for the establishment of these classes. which give them t he legal standing necessary for askiiig for a junior college. I t is a nticipated the stu- d('nts of the new college would be pr imarily veterans, according to Mr. Davidson. Costa Mesa Boys To Receive Eagle Scout Certificates The district Court of Honor to be held Nov. 1 with all CUbs and Boy Scouts of the Harbor area partici pating, will be something very special for Costa Mesa tor at that time four young Costa Mesa.ns will receive their Eagle Scout certificates. They are Rich- ard Dodd, Stanley Young, Leonard Hall and David Gardner. These are the fint to be award- ed in Costa Mesa for some years and are all the rpore notewor thy in that the four boys are all mem- bers of Tl'oop 6 and have risen from OJbbing to this honored r ank under their present Scoutmaster . Harold Hall. Other applications passed by the committeemen or Troop 6 at their recent board of review were Rob- ert Hancock to Star Scout and Jack Collins to Second Class while Robert Ne ttles and IWger Gor'don received. numerous merit badges. Open Area Chest Campaign With Tentative Goal $14 ,500 Under chairmanship of Ed J . Power or Anaheim, widely-known ranche r , an evening dinner will be arranl;l'd for them at Anaheim Elks Clubhouse c3.fe ; this affair ts at 7 p. m . and will be by r eser- vat ion through advance sa1e or tickets by P ower or any commit- Guidl'd by the experience gai ned ' until the full quota js r aised, an teema n, or a t central committee during the W ar in unified col.lee-aggressive r epresentative commit-headq uarters. , tions. the Newport Harbor Com-tee has been appointed. A to~flight e.n tf.rtainment pro- munity Chest, recently incorpora t-The committee in t urn is call-gram will be provided by Po\ver, ed, wil l ta ke over the activities ing for volunteers and worken who said that the evening will be carried on during t he past four in all parts of the Community. div:lded between the serious busi- years by the Newport Harbor War which extends from Corona del ness of considering campaign Chest Committee. Mar and Shore Cliffs. to the Santa issues and the lighter side of hav- The budget to be adopted by the Ana River. ing good entertainment and fun. Community Chat will be about On thhl campaign commJtttt Suprrior Judse Franklin . G. $14,500 and will lnclude generous are Nelson Stalford, H. F. Kenny, West of Santa Ana will be master support to the following organiza· H . J. Fonythe, Vin Jorgensen, Al of ceremonies for thla event in lions, aJl of which have carried on Anderson, Louis Baltz.· Norman the evening, it was announced. splendid work throughout the Pabst, Charles Crawford, Sam Newport Harbor committeemen Newport Harbor area. They are Porter , Mrs. George Yardley, Mn. for Knight's day lncJude W. H . USO, Boy &outs, Sea $routs. CUb E. E . Boudinot, Mn. Edgar Hill, Hitclunan. Ed Allen, Les L. Isbell, Scouts, Girl Scouts, Ve terans' Serv-Mrs. Irvin George Gordon and Robert Allen, ~ph P . Maskey, ice Commit tee, Catholic Welfare, Mn. Earl W. Stanley. Honorary Mrs. George Andrews, Mrs. Diane Winter Relief, Community Relief m emben of the committee include Hillman, Col. S . H. Franklin and Committee, Disaster Fund, YMCA Rev. E. D. Goodell, Rev. Ardys T. Lloyd Loveland. and YWCA. Dean, Father Thomas Noonan and ------- The success of the campaigns Re v. Perry Schrock. staged during the War yean a.s-A General Council to advise and sures the new Organization a <Continued on Page 7) guarantee of Community-wide sup.. port. The Community Chest cor - poration is opera ting under the guidance of Acting Officers, Pres- ident P. A. Pa1mer, lst Vi ce-Presi- dent S . A. Meyer , 2nd Vice-Presi- dent Nelson Stafford, Treasurer H . F . Kenny and Secretary Harry We1ch. To plan the campaign which will start October 14th and carry on 570 Enroll Proposes S. A. Women's Legion F eeling that with several hun- dred service women in Orange county from the ranks of Waves, Wacs, Spars, Marines and nurses, a seperate American Legion post of their own would give them more adequate representation· on the county council. it has been IUg- gested they get in touch with Eve- $ood Sportsmanship · Trophy ; Presented to the fickers 2. Construction of t~'O 150,- (X)Q gallon reser voirs on the 93 acres. Heights Girl on Others Receive Caps / J. C. Class Board at ~~~b-je'fe acht 3. Cons t ru c tion of 30'' transmission line lines from -the 93 acres to the site of res- ervoirs Nos. 1 and 2, which are located at Bushard and Hamilton streets, county dis- trict. . 4. Construction of 15 Mil- lion gallon reservoir at the· Student e]ections for class offi- rs for the year of 1946-47 have ·n held at Fullerton Junior col- l ge. The resuJts are as folloWB: For. the sophomores-Bob Blur· ton, La Habra, president; Bob tlioyd, Fullerton, vioe president: rliana Margy."arth. Newport Heights, secretary; Barbara Hicks, tjarden Grove, social chairman. For the freshmen-Glen Nich- • Whittier, president: Don Hilt· sther, Fullerton, vice president: ~tty Inman, Placentia, secretary; If°" Olson, Fullerton, treasurer. ~ort Hearing Will Be Held Here, Oct. 23 With code nags making a color-site of reservoirs No. 1 and 2. ful canopy overhead and CaJ' coral 5. Construction of 5-mil.Uon sailboats, each bearing ill owoen gallon reservoir at C.orona del name, parading down the lericth Mu (Fifth and Goldenrod). of the long tables, tbe annual 6.. Construction of 18" pipe trophy presentation dinner held line from 5-mlllion gallon res- at Balboa Yacht dub Satmday ervolr to the highway. evening was tru)y a gala affair. 7. Conatructlon of two bocJ1.. Topping the list or 158 gold and ttt planbl. silver ,Fophies was the twp ~ 8. Acqlaltion of about 10 petual-International Snipe trophy acres of land for reterVoirl which came back to · BYC tar • sites. second consecutive year, althaQch 9. Replacement of existing the winner, Bob DaYi&,, wu a~ 24" wood stave main with 30" at school and not able 1o-.r-tenc1 main from the Arches to res. the dinner. However, hb: father', ervoir No. 1. Ken Davis, who c:nwel b him 10. Replamecent of 11 n e at the International raoes ID New from reM!'rVOir No. 1 to the York, was prewnt. Last year'• Newport arbor high school champs, Bob and Betty WbitAe. · 11. Elevated storage tank did not defend their titR tbla JNr. at the high school. Commodore Don Kemp acted·• 12. Replacement of existing emcee and was asa1sted by Vace 18" wood atave main with 24" Commodore Bob Boyd and Fred mal:a from the Arches to the Brewer, retiring nee cbainnuL upper Bay Bridge. Trophies for power cnl1aie winnen Submarine croaings may have to were presented by Staff O:um& be added to the present distrtbu- (Continued on Pqo 7) tion 1yotem. Anticipate Seasonal Gain lyn Grant, West Sixth street, 'M •t de f Qty' p rt With 570 enrolled in Santa Ana ~~~ =:.-=~lf:"o';w":.! t~w=~:~::::~J~! agn1 u 0 I s 0 :;a:;r ;~::te ~~~~~ co::1~"w;:e;e:i:!u~t ~ ¥1~ ba~~eehe":t ~ !°~! faa·1·11y A • ... z.-VilSl.tOrs In Santa Ana ·Night School that all late registration tor credit been found from experience Utat tgislature here Wednesday, Oct. i RI I ICJ \r"1 has cloeed. after coming a few times they fk'd. A~~"'1 may enrohll i.ter with!-lose intel"OSt whe...,u with a Poll I Senator John F . Shelley, chair· Balls Roll on LA..) E!Pteon delegates to the 100. In County's Water Basin The Directors of the Orange County Water District received ' the final report on the closing of one of the t\\'o ungated outlets of the Prado F1ood Control Reser- voir on the Santa Ana ruv"r at t heir meeting on October 9. out o.;.io;"U.lt n the rug t school o -exclusively for women., they would 'PM of the California State Senate _..,..... annual International coordinated Naval Reserves Seek fices on the second floor of Col· hold offi""· elect delegat .. to the Committee on Harbors, haa called Alleys Next Mondav oonfea""' cf the eucutlY .. u- Ann f Practi lege hall on the North Main stnet rounty council and be assured of iJ,e public bearlne on Newport ----<J --,at Lone Beach visited ory or ce campus. an ln!luentlal place in Legion jlarbor for that date and he hu Opening FaD Se1ecm Newjdt Harbor on· W-y Drills, Equipment $pedal offerings thla year in· ranka. uked the chamber of commerce ~~ • ..,.'" 1! ~~~. Harbor. elude an astronomy class which arrange a place where the leg-Bowllng for mixed de.Mm wlD ~------~!I "f ~~~ The recently-organized Orange features both lecture and observa-G. I. Bi·U Read laton might convene for thla get underway for .,,., ran ••••• '1be ..._teo repn!Sented vuUy County division of the U. S .Naval tion work each week. and a crea-on. in the New-port Harber .._ mst -t.dated dtift ln the east and The closure wu completed on Reserve is now conducting a search ti wrttln& cl hich off aid · September 25, after an extended ror 8 sultable location on which ve us w en On the local group to aid in the week. west and they were IO entln.lled Investigation and negotiation with to erect an armory for their mn., ln crltldsm and marketing to Five hundred veterans at Santll arbor hearing Jn addition to Hub-Al Horvath of the Sp:rtl:md ft. with the appearances of the har- the United States Engineer Of-aCcording to division headquarters prospectlvr writen. Ana Junior collece attended a spe-. ard Howe are J. ·A. Beek, J . S. ports that there wfll be twv -bar aree. that they told Harry fice under whose jurisdiction the in Santa Ana followtnc • well· 1-fachlne lhop classes are still dal aaembly at the Baptilt church tt, Walter s. Spicer, James teams, one on Monday and one Welch, executive secretary ior the Prado Reservoir is operated for attendaA meeting la.st Monday open and the facilities of the high on October 4. It wu designed to ne. W . M. Longmoor, Harbor--on Wednesday, while"™._.. laical ehamber, that they ~ the Federal Government. evenlnr. school and junior college tbops are acqualnt them With the educa-ter Russ Craig, R. L . Patter-will bowl at the....,. cm Wedna .... lwd to ftnd ao magnitk:ient Investigation of thr action of available for uae. tiooal benetita of the G. I .. Bill with representatives of both day. a bntJics' on the west cout. the ungated outlrts of the «Ser-The building, which will house . Included in the '3 cJ.asa otter-Res--~ntatlves of ~ United acht Clubs, Commodore Henry B. Anyone interested JllQ' caD Her-All exp~ which wu t;nlcal voir was itarted. at the request of training equipmmt and facilltiel, lnp are courses in languages. Eng-Stats Employment service and tbe randin of the Newport Harbor vath at Beacon 5801 er Ill'. P1ta-of the a•_,.. ol wntlment WU the Orange County Farm Bureau Including shopo and clwrooms. llsh, mechanics, mathematics, ...,_ Naval R .. er;e wen. amona: the Commodore Don Kemp ot the cenld at Harbor HJ2. -mecJe bJ Himy E Voet ot in 1943 at which time a consider-will ~uire 10.000 9Quar<! feet, It retarlal and olflco traJnlnc. opoUEl'S. -Yacht Oub. Bowlen .are aJoo 1a••·--t -.Jo, Now York; wi.;· laid. .. 1 able amount of water was flowing "'U said, and approximatdy three the American Bowllnc a.er-Mft Deftl' 11tt11 IO IDUl3" beautJ. ~~:fl=,~~~~ ;}f:.~~ .. =:z HWY~ DEPT: REFUSES .. TO UT SPEED g;~g'i~ ~~~~.:::=::~ dowmtHam from the lftttVOir In radar. electronics. radio. ship-LIMIT II BAY BUSll 1 ISTRICT ~ -..!e IJat• ~ = ~~ ~ ~ !::,_ ~,:;: ::: :':"!uf':O 0=..i~:"~ , . . . -UI; Mn. Dorotll7 Mr "'°:i riVtt channel below the dam. that tnc. ' -; CbuW UDdi ..... of only a-t oi.!ltth u mucb water The next ..-tine ot the 28th The State DMolon at HIPWoY9 -to cut the ~ at auto-""-~~ -'• M teo • m...._ J>ollw -Fronk H. Tlnll of ,."OO)d ha~ ~ the °""an dlvtolon of the Naval -will tt<mUy ~ the bolll" H" cl»---J5 to 25 mlJeo .., _.,.._ ...--ta u ,... aloe e ftC . io:lllUWel' -J'r- • be held ............ Oct. 15 ln the ~==~~' In the hlcbway de-lfr. -liln. A. I.. JGlp-of nevertbe1ea. the Dlrocton of the • ....._. • trictaloncCouthlcbWllJ'fromtbe hourcmtbe_..i.thatthe-I> <'•letter to the dcy. Predout llquld pM -·-9 1 IM; Kn. Dq Feller of Olila- Water District decided to proceed 8IJW'POll Sd1ool auditorium. 2lO Arcbeo to Ille dtl' llmlto ODd -IPOed -.Id -the trott1c baz-••••tt 11-beilef," the h'8I>-the ak7 ID the 11-t -· -atr, .Fnd J . ,....,, of with a study to !Ind out what could CUbbon St.. Sula Ana. doa'ftd that a reductloG at the ud to ~ u -U Al to cleportment'a letter read. ID dllplay of the • enl&> • W ' Partllln( -llr. -Mn. ,.,_ be -It MYthlnl to ...,..,., a AD IDt.,...led na..i .. terano an pr<Mnt 35-_..,. II -_... ....,._ tbe tr..itoc beneftto to "that the a1lepd hazard that dOl' Dllbt. Jr.ollp of <>o- m<lft !~--.bl• _;trol at Ille Invited to at-and far fllrtller ranted at lhlil time. --at -In .-la -vat<d .._ ,_., -of 1111! lift -lfr. -~ v-• u_. ~ ,-.. Information, ue -to coo-'l'bat ,... the -...._ b7 that .,... at the ct-. -· ~, .._ N ~~ --. ~·z -.... -tact Lt. Bell. :111'1 P O llldl-... -.., JdD& and thl.t the -Al»-..e•jNitt ~---T =•; llr. -lln. 0.. p 'JV. Followlnc this study, negotia-Santo Ana. " . • the dtl' of Newpcat -ID " 1be .,. •• , ....... _ to ~ -of CDltrollJnc Udo Y9<bta to wlti 111 .. ' Ii• ... _, W: , , ..... n, C; Ill' .... tionl were started with the United In --at Ibo ~ " --iffi!l""4 b> A. E. WM...-IJ7 CQ-• •1 J11lltntlft tuallon -.Id be a.. lmt&lla---beP."1-• --. W' A. J-., Ill. la*· Stat""~ Offl~ to clme -la Lt. Comdr C It. r..op..11"*'-r.-of ll35 ao.t llilbWQ, ~ Jcifui J . Sallon, ---betwwww die srode _. 1!1 *>,..at T ..,_ ' '•. ... -..... ..,. --Mr'. ot !ho two unpted ouU.ta ot the · Nwpat BNcb. -of a art<dthat--•F" *lJtt7 _..,...U.._dll'_ot 1be --,. ... .--4 ....... W-MllC•of ,__ ~ ;,,'*ti.e c:looure by the Who Fired SJiots ;:,.:::.,51d~~:,!"': ',:t tbot ~ dtl' -at !ta DSt -...., -· -a ., I_.._ -•-.,lll9llqtlliil*(> District Encb><« ID Loi AnpJn Pallet -~·-:11th .,. r the dt7 ID u::.O ....... -tbc mlabl talDe Ule ~ :.;-: ;.• .. ~ =-:.... °"= :.;-: .:-. ';': !'ft llrl.' :.. .:.. *~:. = and b7 the C>lef of Docli•as ID dq -..Inc tar the ~ -the_. ... ID thl.t -1 • > -ID --i. • ID -• -:---~_ ... I - -._ 8& .. ,,,_ C' (Q!e-aa ....,. Tl -.-w --laland. n.. pollll on ..... 1119 dQ' •!W .. tbe lllPWct betw r -. -. -. ' Two 1iA.1t113()1t1 1 N'\'UTMIENT c(). ~IEA.LT()lt!S t t t OCEAN VIEW H&MF UDUSUal 2-bedroom floor plan. Attractive f!n!plaoe. Interest- ing yard contour. Splendid value at only $10.600. LIDO NORD BAYFBONT ~ patio with outdoor fireplace. Massive bv- ingroom overlooking bay. Three bed- rooms Complete furnisblngii Include skiffs, fl attie: paddleboards and bikes. Forty-foot lot. All for $36.000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Brand new 3-bed- room home on 51).foo~ lot. Patio and ~­ becue Better than usual construction. F1oocUights and landscaped. $16,500 with terms if desired. FRONTING ON CANAL-Sturdy 3-room home. Completely furnished. MooriJ!g fa- cilities. $7500 with immediate possesslOD. 13 UJI ~ l:J .11:.f FOOD LOCKER PLANT -Good money- maker offers 605 locker units. Complete cutting and hanging facilities. Well estab- lished. Books open. Sensibly priced for cash or terms. FOODS AND MALTS-Heavy profit-mak- ers. Complete equipment of latest tyiie. Established patronage. For· sale outright or can be leased by competent buyer. FROZEN FOOD MARKET -Remarkable earning record. Excellent lease. L1vmg quarters or room to expand.. High grade equipment almost new. Opening for health food stock \\ith this moneymaker. WATERFRON'I' BOATYARD ON , mGH- WAY -Good -lease includes store-si2ed showroom and equipment; also marine rail- way. Sixty feet on water; 75 feet on high- way. Low rent offers fine e>pp0rtunity for a \VOrker. 1 N'\'UTMIENT c(). ~11:.A.LT()lt!S Jf).11 .#•JJr:rr A• Wo Cr .. •JJAL 4.vr:. Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SlZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and C-pool Blodm Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1560 Newport A ••e. Costa•- • - J'ACIUl.NIFED IN MJD..Al&-Tlde iapllt-MOOad camera •ot by Ed.. 8'oedell of Balboa •bow• a strl stunt awlmmer maklac oae of the r--,Jaeklmlfe dive. lnto Ute bay GpP'Ol:lle the Fun Zone. ~J • -Photo by Blondell. Top.Ranking Artists On L.A. Program With an all-star company of 86 top-ranking artists. featuring J ohn Shafer, leading tenor or the New Orleans and San Francisco light opera companies. the popular light opera "Rio Rita" is bein~ brought to the Long Beach Muni- cipal auditorium Cor a special t,hree-day engagement on October 2;8 29 and 30 under the sponsor- ship of the Long Beach Civic Opera association. Playing opposite Shafer in the tiUe role is Vera Bryner, form- erly the featured star of the Rus- sian Opera theatr e In Paris and I now making her sensational Am- erican debut in a leading role Yo-ith IngTid Bergman and Charles Boyer in their new picture "Arch of Triumph," directed by Lewis Milestone. In the supporting feminine lead. is Marie Laumont. top-ranking dancing star of the stage and screen who portrays the ex~tlc role of "Carmen." Miss Laumant is currently featured in the Fox film, "Carnival in Costa Rica." ''Rio Rita" is being staged and produced und<'r the personal di- rection of Valdmir Rosing. one or America's outstanding operatic directors and Conn<'rly producer of th~ American Opera company Daughter, Former Mayor, Pleased With Reception Echoes of the city's 40th Anni- versary Birthday Lurttheon session are noted in a letter to the New- port Harbor Chamber oC Com- merce from Jean Wheaton, daugh- ter oC J . J . Schnitker, senior past mayor of the city, who came from Los Angeles "1.th her father for the meeting. In her letter to the Ne\\-'port Harbor Chamber of Com- merce Mrs. Wheaton writes: "My Cather and I wish to thank you and the Nc'''POrt Harbor Chamber or Commerce for a most enjoyable after- noon. It v.·as such a splendid idea to honor the former -mayors v.•hile cel('brating the 40th anniversary of the City oC Newport Beach. We thought that the program was very interesting and stimulating and we were indeed happy t'o be among old friends in such pleasant and familiar sur- roundings. "Dad and I very much ap- preciate your kindness. in arranging Cor Hugh Mc?.l1llan to call Cor us and for Mr. Ashen to br'ing us home. Visiting with each en route added to the pleasure or the day. "Our very best v.i.shcs to you and Mrs. Welch. "Sin cerely yours. "JEAN WHEATON." Loses Watch OsN ':..:!~= • l9M M · Cond •t ven Reasons a1n . UI y Men Join T I C Be• Resenes Told . e . 0. 1ng ""' reasons most frequently [a.Id ·1n Area ~not .~~ ~~:i~ m:r ::;;.n1;';g:::,~ Naval Reseri;e "·e.re an- -today by Comdr. James B. fy jr., commanding officer The Soathern California Tele-or harbor unit v•hich meets phone company started to work Tll~lays at 8 p.m. at the Tenn- 7 Happy •. •• as a lark because · her clean, smart appearance rates admiring glances. MANDEX Cleaners and Dyers tru5 week on a $150,000 program in Island Receiving station. ;~~~~~~;;;;;;:;;;;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ del1gned to ~route and ~ trio&m and pocket-money telephone cable facilities In the loo the lisL Harflior atta as part ot the prep-'p:'he ClJ'St reason they came aratiOn work In advance qt the ba to the Navy-one night a WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR. YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 cornpWdon of the new Newport k-is the same reuon they Beach telephone office on West up the tint time," Duffy Central avenue. sa1 "But a lot of fellows are This announcement was made in · led-and who isn't these today by C I. McDonal~ district da In the extra $12 to $40 a telephone man.acer. as he told of m0r.lh organized reservists get the company's start of the second for attending one two-.hour meet- Pllw B•-IKlf ''' ph ... Of th. Ou-Ide plant con-a week." -~ .._.._ .. ~ o Moorblp -1(19'» aft struction program. uffy, himself a reservist who I• Boatl.for 8Ue Th.ls program calls for an ex-anded 9e'\'eral ships in the tension or conduit facilities along Pa -c. reported others are en-• Padlle ....,. Im 8-t Central a'\'enue from Island avenue rot ng because of the fine radio by tbe Wlllill or wwA. to 15th street., the placing or an-an1 electrical training offered at ~=======================:; other submarine cable from Palm th weekly meetings, the tw~ avenue over to Balboa Island. and Wt>fks summer cruise to a for- t.he placing of telephone cables in eiqt port with full pay and al- t.he conduit sections now nearing J ce. optio_nal weekend cruises completion on the eastern sec-In odern deitroven. opportunity tion of the Balboa peninsula. to keep their highest wartime Along with the main underground rat and longevity, and to get in E. J. (Bud) Jacklin cable projects, a number of aerial atlonaJ activities with old OONTll.ACl'OB feeder cables into many areas will ates. be placed. e new Naval Reserve pro- The Newport Dredging company gr recognizes we're civilians CEMENT WORK Flat Wortr. or FoGalaUw hAS been awarded the contract Cor ~·" he added, "and anyone .who the laying of the submarine cable, can l continue the organized pro- and the Macco Robertson com-grt can revert to inactive status pany will place the new conduit on an time upoii request." . Central avenue. en are choosing the Seventh Ba talion, the commander said, !___!•-------------------------' be«jluse it is the only unit located ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ in he heart <'f Los Angeles.Long Be4ch Harbor, home port of the Padific Fleet. Qualified veter11.ns of tther services are also eligible, Men in Van Seen to Take Bldg. Material CALL 1 5 Z Z • I FOB INFOBllATJON 'JWo bundles of shingles were taken by men in a green truck rfom the site or a new house un- der construction at 614 Begonia street, Corona del Mar. police \\'ere told by K. C. Kendall, build<>r of the house. For quick results use News- Tunes classlfloo oclwnn> • ~!.. • Before You Build or Remodel he I mphasized. . ~ Culhf-rtMln'a Ad on Page S. Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W Palmer Radio AND ELECl'RIC !MS Newport Blvd. 'COSTA MESA • LUDLUM 18%! South Mala. St. Y ou'a£ among friend s when you shop at Safeway. Brandi you.\·; known [or years are f~tured on every didf. l t'1 an important part of Safnay KrYiOC to bring_ you.~ brands that ha.Ye been made fa mous by advertising on the radio and Jn popular QJagaz1nes and ~· papen.. And it's Safeway policy to bring~ to you at moDt"y·aavmg prices. Come in today and ac:lect your {avor1tea. Sample and Display Bciom9 Color guides, · pJan. ning aids, comprehens- ive stock ot carpets and llnolewn. Rugs& Carpeta Cleaned, Repiilied and also artistic director of COV('nt ~1rs. R. R . TruMdale or Costa Gardens in London, the "Met" of ?'\"lesa reported to police the loss England. J ohn Cathcart, former or her rose gold wrist watch \~:hile staff artist of KHJ and recently she was walking through the Bal- awarded the silv.:?r baton by the boa Fun Zone, recently. ".".~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j U. S. Army for his outstanding .:..:_ __________ _ -work u musical director at Camp Cor years and with the elaborate B"'-(Uf awpa,,, !IOI C.-mato .... PIMme llM -Mil I ~!!.~,!~,~.!~~!ES'~· 23° -~9,~! .. !!!~~~ ·:.~ 11° Roberti during the "'ar, will di-staging and costuming planned rect the musical score. for the Long Beach production, ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~;;;;;w 1be music of "Rio Rita" has this gay and romantic story ot delighted llght opera audiences the Rio Grande already is attract-FPBOORNE llAllBOS I GBNll"/S CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leanard Ma~ ~r llal1-ol'llia DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAJ'. DINNERS •.. BANQUETS Why Suffer? .,. ..... .... . .. DL E. r. lll!l.J" D.C.. l'la.O. 11'1 n.a 8- N-pott -Oallt. ...._. Barbor llH a...: llarllor 1111 -.1--..n--..••••• .... ._.. ., ... t ' MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE. .,.. a.. Me:= t e • ke' "'- llOTOBll llZBCILT • -.v,. • 9'!~ • -:=== 1501 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHONB BA&BO& ZlZ~ -•Body~ • 'Auto Painting . - $50 udUp lng a record·breaking sale of ad- vance reservations. BENEDICT 'nckell may be secwed either in ~.:';h:ysby ~,;'.\~ froC:m= t~~ Long Beach or the Municipal Audi- torium box office, phone 625-42. In cooperation with the public schools, special student r ates have been established., The SJp Man o BOAT LETTERIHG A SPECL\L'IY •.. R d WHAT THESE FOUR I ea EX-CANDIDATES SAY •. HARRY FLOYD BELL-"I -__.iy confeonted with doe Ability, Efficiencr ond Ecoaomy of Sheriff Elli«t.. W. HOW ARD-"I bne olwo,.. loolced upon Slwoiff Blioa • -oi --nc1;,. law .... fonw~ ofr---.• WALTER B. TIPTON-"1 n-d..1 Sheriff Elliott'1 ...-mo. II ioo lhe .,_ ia-of_ °""s• ---·· -·-' R. C'Mouis-"Slwoilf Ellioa'1 record a. .. r .... and oo daa .................. , in wbidi it ""' be .-iecL" ll·ELECT SHElliFF JESSE L EUIOTT 'rUNE IN ~ r••••• ................ ...... LV.o...&. f :ll '""""" rrMQ ¥011 NOY. 51H ............... -------=-=- "KNOWLl!DGlf a EXPiiluENCB line No So ... it•e" , !Mt.... ·•ior oto..P~ht .... ~-1 "le B1ct ,.. Mw Wllo haws ... Jelt" 11 ' OVALTINE Graham Crackers :;: 21" Plain varitty. (Cltocola~Yari~y. 8·oz. jar, 3'k..) ,._.,c;.w..-2 .......... JSc. ! Juice Blend-·= II" MEATS TlllEYS .... T-&:ilo ..... I. T-. ,-nsod.y. CHICl&S .. .. JCe.w y .tr.: ....... fl)'ft'L F--r.At...riR ... ! FOWL .. SJ-_y_.._,.,..__ L.lae.atoMw.CndeA. C09 RLlllS .... ,,.. __ a.m. c..L _ ......... 1111 WlllllH C.O.w14peL"-'7" .. ..... r • ..,.-19-a. .. zz- IDIOCI ... ..... IMici-.U.... .-..,.Try-. ............. .,,. .......... .e::ft?d. -... ----. --·-----___ ...... .... __ .., ...... _ APPLES -...iO'GoW~¥-.-4k. Carnation Milk 2 .=, .. , ..... _,tL Pecmut Butter '-":".:.-= D- 2 .... i-. S'k. Apricots --._.,Go!W ...... --Bouillon Cube9 -'::7. 22" Club Cookies '""":!.. ':: aa- Quiclt Oats "'::::..':: II" ... _...._._._._.,.._,_ Olill ...... ___.. ........ _ ... _._._ ......... .......... ........ -.............. ---. .... ---.~----­........ ...... w .. *a' MIU-. ... "--•l"""h-lwlietttso.a. FRESH CORN .. s- ~'!~....... .. ~· ._ . 14- ,, '"'"",,.... ... ,.d,. ...... .,.., ........ ~.., ., ......... • Chocolate ...... 7. ........ .,. 1llr11'1ti1 • .., ,._.,. ........ I-OZ. CA.Kl: 13c - SAFEW'AV ... Nw;:at .... 0111 .._ ....... o ....... . • .. , , TOWN & COU.NTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay "Laeated 0.. Mlle 8oatb Of -~ Lq:arr--'11£11:.-to n-~a... ''All-You-Can-Eat .Specials'' Have Now Become a Regular Put of Oar Mesa -Every Monday Night- A MS(}UTll-OF-'.DIE-BORDER FEAST" -Tuesday- DELICIOUS CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS -Thursday - THE F1NEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked IA> Perfec:Uoa - -Friday- A DEEP SEA FISH FRY These specialties are offered in conjunction with out varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. FROG LEGS. etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls of As- sorted Relishes and Salads will enhance Your every meal • Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cannot Serve All the Food on the Coast, So We Serve Only -the Finest -- PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 p.m. -10. Sundays, 4 p.m. -10. Closed Wednesdays THE STA.i."TONS. DOC Al''D Formerly of the Coast Inn GARDE N AN D P AT IO WALL • W. P. l\fEALEY-General Contractor Phonea: Beacon. 5838 Beacon -..w 467 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Stewart -Warner • nis Panel Available Chrome Now • 1n Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ETS -HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE ~ 1 8 ! 0 1000 s.-t m ..... y Pboa e Beacoa 540'7 Aloo Ill Saa Fnado<o-Wllmlqtoa-8toclrtoa -Saa Diep-Oakland ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire Eqalpmeat tor FACl'OBY, P LANT, STORE, OFFICE. F AJUI, DOME M&WH8'1' 94180• ON THE •••• Industrial News Review SIDELINES Wl"tR 'ORN DONBOFF fl our Men Addea To City's Payroll '!be Newport Beach Oty Coun- on Monday approv<d requests OU for~ tie-up. The majority of these PACING TJIE OIUD L. w. Covert. street superin- It has been urged that. in the stores sold what goods they bad ~ can oodmansee el Interest of national defense In at legal priC<'S-&nCI when they Harbor ffigh'• Sailors looked ;'."'.."'."'' W • oct>;i· aome future emergency, the gov-couJdn't get new 1upplie1 they about 1000'% better agains1 River-t._ ift!pector. an~ John D. McMil- ernmcnt shou.Jd take over certain found substitutes or le.ft their side last Friday than they did , "8ler supenntendent. for ad- u f. Ids nd .-. shelves bare. against St. Anthony a week pre-~tiooal help. o 1e , a u ... t government. . Covert ted -.. ""-t ot !her than the pr! II In ~-fine r-:ord made by retail-vious · · · 1peda1 mention lhould n!QUes cu,...vymeD ra vate 0 -.. ~ " be made to the Tar forward wall M. Aguilers and Harold duatry, develop oil on public lands. ing, now and in the past. must as they •·en in the main r-espoo-ve1y for the street department; These ideas are often accompanied not be obscured by the unsavory lible for the lg,.() whitewashing of Woodmansee asked for the tem- by the additional suggestion that activities of the few Tacketeen. the visiting Bea.rs ... ends Dick ~ emplo~t ot John Stan- a n enormous q uantity of crude oil Your typical store Isn't out to ex-~ th -•-~-• .......__ I i Brace and Bob Killifer were ter-m e ~ui...;cu. .....-.-..~t. and oil products be stored indef-po t the conswner. rific on defense and were TUSh.ing d McMillan requested the hir- initely in preparation for the pos--Steel aad <Jommodltlee the Riverside pasaer so bard and iqg of Allen Brewer for the wa- sible emergency. The st e e I industry recently so fast that the Bean couldn't t"° department. All requests were This whole plan is In contra-ttached a new high 1XJ1twar mark connect with their aerials until jted. diction to the lessons of history. when production touched 91.5 per late in the second half ... this -------- Emerg:endes are met by aggres-cent of capacity. That fine record Adds R slve and highly developed produc-was made despite llhortages of was Klllifer's first game at end oom ing industries. That was true in essential materials. of which ateel as be was converted from center Martin J . Forrest of 2017 Mir- the la.st two wan. The very cost scrap is paramount. when "Bogey'' Horrell was moved Jnar avenue, Balboa, plans to and mechanics of storage make it Now it remains to be seen if into the backfield · · · Buz Chamb--bUild a room over~ his present unfeasible to keep an adequate steel ""111 be able to rontinue the ers is still on crutches this week g age and build an enclosed porch em er gency supply on hand at all high -level production that is es-and the doctor will keep him on a that address. Cost or the irn- times. And it is not necessary to sentlal t o industrial output in all ·them for at least a week, he re-veme.nts will be $1000. have large supplies on ha nd so long basic fields. ports. He ~ be ready to go a :..t--------·---- as the industry in quesdon LI able The country is still feeling the couple of Fridays from now · · · running in last week's contest, but to immediately step up production effects of the last steel atri.ke-Tar of the ~Veek Louie J.fello really t~t attack isn't functioning with to meet whatever need arises. it cost us vast amounts of the ~~1A·ed drive ~nd speed and in-t~t machine-like precision t h a t Ther e will never be a shortage automobiles and refrigerators and Jcated that he is the man to carry tr¥'kes for a good team. Most of of oil for nationa l defense. The other durable goods eage r con-~he ~all on Co~ch Wendy Picken's the backs aren't going for t~at reserves for that purpose, as one sumers are look ing for in vain to-inge niously-designed plays. e~tra .Yard on. every play an~ its authority put it, "will romprise all day. And other . less publicized WE SAY THAT . . • • t~at kind of drive that makes first--1 · c lass ball clubs. Too m a ny of the the oil o( the entir e nation and labor troub ea are threaterung There is no doubt tha.t Harbor's b 'cks t f ed b II th ·tl ·· Wh I od · F · t I ' are prone o stop a te r one own y a. e Cl zens. en sttt pr uct1on. or ins ance, football team is much better than Id be t kl 1 h d em er gencies come. in other \A.'ords, shipping on the Great Lakes was the squad turned out last season "'"Pu • ac er ays 3 an on t he government takes all that it r ecently tied up. Tha t may not but it also looks tha t every other t~em. eds d h ( So fa r the ground a ttack has nc an w at is le t must sut-mean much t o t he ronsumcr-un-school in the Sunset league ls im· f. r h f d o ershadowed the passing game ICC' or t e rest o us. An to t iJ he learns that the lron ore proved over last season. The Santa •I k · a d it may be tha t some ~xtensive ' o<! -up · or freeze reserves under from Mesabi moves over t he Lakes Ana Saln ts could be a ~·i·b1e ex· ,.,,.,..-. \.\ r k will be done in the next few government ownership or control to the great steel m ills of Illinois ~ption because it would be hard Id d h " ks in diversifying t he Sailor y,·ou en a nger emer gency sup-and PC'nnsylvania. Without t at to improve on the CJF cha mpions plies by hampering the producing iron or<', steel can't be made. of '45. a tack. If some pass plays con- industry, at a time when it wouJd Continuous nr oduction and con-n ct. that \Viii spread the defense ..... Anah<-'im is considered to be the a d make suckers of them fo th othcr"·ise be developing. ronserv-tin uous OO\A.' of goods a re the only r e chief threat (or the Saints' t itle Pickens' quick o~n,·ng l'ne pl ing and exploring old a nd new oil permanent solutions to the short· -~ ays. and Huntington Beach reports that PREDICTION lands and mapping r eserves to age problem. That solution is un-they are loaded from stem to stern I serve coming gene ra tions. realized so long as \\'e have laws · h b' bo Santa Ana wants the Harbor wit 1g ys. Oil consumption during \Vor ld "''hich actually encourage strikes, High powers-t hat-be to consent to \Var Il w as unprecedented-but and ,,·hich make management \'ir-On the face of things , \\'e must ~Rying th(' Sailor -Saint contest 1.1.·e nevl'r lacked for a single bar-tually imJX>tent w hcn it comes to r atc Ne"-port Ha rbor as a ''l'ry '.fs season in the Bowl in Santa re l. Better techniques minimized fair ly arbitra tin~ differ ences. dark horse for t he lcague titll'~ ;'Cna instead of the local gridiron \\'aste and loss. and kept our re· A IJl·lng \Va«e in fact, on present performancc, Where it is schl'duled. T he game serve supplies at adequate levels. In thc "·ords o ( Julius H. Par· there is still a long ways to go ~m; played in the Bowl last :year Should another emergency occur . mclC<>. Director of the Bureau of before the local follO\\'Crs can raise apd the year ~re tha t by mutual lhC' oi l industry, if it is le(t free Rail\\'ay Economics o( the AS5ocia-hopes. I t seems sill y to r a te the af!eement. of government restrictions \A.'hich tion o( American Railroads. "The Tars very high on the basis of \The bowl in Sa nta Ana can hold destroy initiative, will do what-m11jor obligation of th<-' railroads one•good pcrfor m3 nce and Rivcr -a 1 great deal many more people e\'cr job is given to iL I t o the puhlic is to render adf.>Qua te side didn't s ho\v very much in th<-' t tian can the little grandsta nd on Rl'laJJe.rs l's Black Market nnd efficie nt trans!X)r tation serv-'''BY of first-class football. Iiuvidson F ield :ind from a mone- 'l'he h<'ad of a large rc>tail tradt'.' iC'<'s a t reasonable r ates." But those "'ho \\'atched the Tar tf..r)' standpoin t, the Bo"'·I is the associat io n rc-cently \\'l'Ote Paul That obligation has made man-('Je\'en paund out their ~ctory_ on iqC'al place to play t h(' game. Pnrtf'r . th<' prC'scnt OP.\ adminis-datory the application of the ra il-the h~me sod , l~t Friday, JUSt But \\'e predict that if it looks tra lor, pll"dging unqu;1.lified co-roads for higher ratE'S "''hich is ~uldn t. h<-'lp thinking abou~ Coach like Harbor is goi ng to have a OJll'rrtlion in 1..--ontrolling prices. One 00,v berorc the Interstate Com· P.ickcns last.. tcan1 h('re in 1942, cflance against the highly-touted SC'ntencl' in thl' lett('r said : "No\A.' mercc Commission. A "reasonable \\h('n they \\ent to thC' So. Cal Saints after th<' Sailors indulge in that the Congress has spokC'n, the rate" for any commodity or serv· playoffs only to lX' ~a ten by_ a a1 eouple more contests. the game job of all of us is to join in carry-ice is obviously one u •hich \,;11 pr_etty good club from li t tle Bonita will be played on the local grid- in i: out the lnu·." pay ex penses, permit needed im· High, spa.r kcd by one Glenn Davis. iron. If there' is any advant age Thal has been thC' attitud(' of provcments. and return a fair There 15 no ~oub t ~hat Harbor ofl playing on home soil, Coach the \ns.r majoril)' of ~1abt1shcd profit to the o\.\·ners. ~a~ th~ coaching. this year but Ricke ns \\'ill "u,ant that advant· • ISLAND PAT I 0 -> llS NORTH )IAIN ST. For Your Cionvenience We Will Remain Open Saturday Friday and Until 9 p. rn. and All Day Sqnday Balboa Central Market ret;.ult rs, chain a nd independen t. During the "'ar. 1he abnormal 11 is ~till a ques tio~ mark as to o. e for his boys~and ,,.e don't sin('(" price control lx'f.:an. A great increase in traffic enabled the material. Tru~ the line has sho'vn ame him . 708 F.MI. Central, Balboa I man~ ~f thC'S<' retailers diff('r ~\·i_th railroads to absorb higher dperat· remar kable s~ength and grit for NOTHER P REDICTION -· prov1s1ons or !he law o nd (Xllic1es ing expenses. \Vith the termina · 8 b~nch of h t!-le guys, and lit t le' Harbor tQ take Garden Grove Pb.: Barbor Z"Z29 laid do"'" by OP~\. But. once the tion pf the \\'ar, traffic trends Louie ~tello displayed some niC<'1 U ' 13 poin ts. 1 !.---~:_------------------------' la '" goes on the books. they do turnro dou'Owa rd. but wage a nd i'CiixX:iCiaxic~;:~iC:ia:i:~ifx~~~~xcCiixcCiixX:C.:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~iii~~~~~ everything possible to make it material costs continued to rise . C v.·ork. As a result, under present r a te All the talk about black mar kets structures. t h£' r ailroads will fall has tended to cast an unjustified shor t of ea rninh the m inimum net !lhndo\\' ovC'r the retail industry. operating income nC"cded by about l t is !rue> that an enormous vol-5600.000.000 in 1946 alone. uml' of goods movC'd through black O n July 1. s mall rate increases. n~Hrk C't channels-and_ u·ill con· averaging slightly over 6 per cent , t1nt1<' ro so mo \'e until s u Pp l Y \\'ere authorized by the lCC. These catches up \Yit h demand. I t is also increases are clearl)' inadequa te true that . a ver y s~all pcr~ntage To quote Dr. Parmelee again. "To of ~tablished retail stores were enable the r ailroads to make earn· c>ver involvc-d in the black mar ket ings which exper il'nce has sho\\'1'1 a re essen tial to main tain t he strong a nd e fficient transporta- tion arter ies . . . would r equire a n increase in the level of freight ratC"S of approximately 19 per cen t above the r ates preYailing when the war began and also a t t>G'6 the close or the \A.'&r ." By oon- ,,,o1'0 ~ p.t. trast, since 1939 material costs P~~ and wages have each increased ~ttO' .., \ 9 a bout so per cent. ~ I) Oe"' ._ The country must have a pre>--'= \ .._ \II ~·· gressive, efficient railroad indus- Oc'-~·· 1~· 1 try. To have and maintain that ~~"":.-;,-~ kind o[ industry, the rountry must ~ Or ft:O~i, pay it a living wage. SI~ o• Solviac the Health Problem 1~ .~1 0 o~ ,cs The state of Oregon offers an ~ ...... '~._,. ::, ... ~~ e xcellent example of how volun- ~~~. .... tary medical insura nce plans, con- ~:-.. ~ ducted at low cost and free of ARE MAKING A MISTAKE • • ..._ ';:.~ governmental red tape, can solve ;~==========================~~;;-;~;;~-.,~~~~~~~~~~!most of the commonwealth'1 health problems. The Oregon Physicians' Seni ce recently announced that it had extended its activities to 15 of the IS not I being kept 1n GOOD COIDITION! .. PUBLIC INVITED Clem and Lucile Herold Christie ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN ANTIQUE SHOP FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1946 J s ta te's 36 counties. Many of those counties are small in population. and are principally agriculturaJ. The system used ls sponsored by the Oregon S tate Medical Society and fully meets the high 1tandards set by the American Medical M · sociation's council on medical serv- ice. It is planned to extend the service to more counties tn the state as rapidly as local medical erour-approve it. ~ of the Oregoo Phyll- dnu' Service is to offer the pub- lic more and better JTK'dical treat- ment than would be pcu.lble undeT any scheme for ''political medi· dne." AA 95 per cent of all doctorS ln Ore&an cooperate, each cllent m&¥ choooe his physician&. sur- geons and ""'8Ultlng apeciallst>-- something that would not be the C a I e under socialized medicine. Worken covered by the plan may extend aurpcal and boaplW CDVt!r• ace to their entire familK 1be coot is ext1'!mely moderate: $2.00 NEW CAR PRODUCTION IS PRACTICALLY AT A STANDSTILL I I ••• Enjoy your pre5'1rt automobile by keeping it in first class condition GENUINE • Free Estimates I • ••••f--- FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS N DUTY DAILY TO SERVE YOU TS AND ACCESSOR~ FOR YOUR AUTOMOBILE • Budget Terms • Nothing Down • 12 Months to Pay i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I pu month for a spoute, $1.35 tor one child. T.I cents for a - cb1ld and 50 cents for a third cblld. Additional cblJdl'eo receive t b • same care without ~- Culb ~on Chevrolet Co., Inc. ..... .......... LESTER & Co. M..Hr LM ~.U. S10<i b ..... • :z01M 'WEST CINnAL AVL, N....-.oaT BUOi ~137+J TO MID 1Ml .,..n ron·. -. Other ata·ta have Rmltar vol\ID- ~ pl&z-. 'Ibey rep ·-t the IOWdect and lieut nperwfw eolu-3001 Wmt Ceniral q.em,let • Oldlllll()biJe Sales & Satlee I OUo Culberllion e.t... 513, Newport tloa )let --to tbe beoltb \ probitftl Ci:11:11C11C1:1Cll:ICl:S:ll:IJ!::ICl:ICll:IC1:S:iii::i1C11C1:1Cll:ICl:S:ll:llCllCl:ICICllCl:S:ll:llCllCl:ICICllCI ---------- - - - - ------- ' ~. , • • • ........ 1 0 I ftw I J NEWPORT BAI BOA e I RISE ~ wonblp _._ 10:§. --1----------1 they were lhodt..i to !Ind a aur-ber of American famDles bu "-1 N E W S c:r-der .. me. 6:00 p. rn. plus of more than $119 million. by about 2 % million to •PIJrOX-NEWS-TIMES Berean .. ,.Ice 6,31) p. nL WORLD • • • But f°" the aake of tradition this lmately 37% million tut ~ar. War Ellmln& --101V1ce at AT A GLANCE 1 •tate of affairs cannot be allowed marrl4ges were aaid to account TO REMARK --- PBONU1 ••peoe 11 ... 11 of the 7:30 o'doc:k. • • • to continue Jong. Estimates are for the increase. Women now head ,....._.-TWerts7 ... -'s.&r.w r • v---.mwm hould be 'TUe9dm;)' wentna prayer klvloe that by the end of the flscal yea.r more tban 20 per cent ot the o.ta ..;FAdidola r...,strt Swm'7 W trz ... J Yelwe D "FhJs. L suppose. s • CH URCH ES at 7:30 o'clock. next J'une 30, Uncle Sam will ~ families and persons over 65 years ROM. JORN PRILLIPS Columbus Day Jett~. October l2th !....-+----------wallowing in red ink, as per usual, of age bead about 15 per cent ot 9nbocrlption PaJllble In Adoance:-42:l!O -,_..In-~ Oount:t Will be the birthdo,y anniversary of $275 to tth _,. SllJO---to -,,_ that distinguUhed travelltt. He I !..------;_----~ CHURCH OF CHRIST to the extent of $2 bl!lioa or more. the families. Tvo·o-person famllles . per year . ; ls unquestionably the patron saint OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL Churdt and Watnut stneta Well, a t least Government ac-still lead all other combinations. Entered u Second...c..iass mmtter at tbe e.totnc.. in Newpcwt Bwdt, of the Washington agmdet. When 1423 we.t centnl Aven.tN L. Duan. cantay, Mln'8ter. oountants now know that there They make up nearly 30 per cent -----~°'='=1'=°"':.:=Ja::•.:.W><::;:c.tSer::::...:c.the_c_.:..&ct_.:.__al _____ 3.:.'_lB79 ______ 1he started on his longest and molt Bunday Ma !1: 8 and 10 Lm. ServlCH: Sund&;•, 10 a.m., Bible is such a thing: as black Ink. of the total. , &.--.......,. --------SAM 0 . PORTER P.,ahHther famous '\'Oyage, he didn't know Coot~: Saturda.711 rm:n Study; 11 L m... MORlnl' worwb.Jp. F G FROST -• - - - - --Editor where he was going ; he dldn"t •:OO to 6 :~ and fn>m T:le to The United States Cemus Bur-En 1 • p h W. F. DIXON • • -• • • ~ Mam~ know where he "'as, when ~ ar-1 :80 p.m. M e no nation wants war. eau hu come up"With some inter. ;....... C OSml' Ol'C . Prln .. _ Plant, 3011 w. Oentnl _.._ Newport e .. ch, !)llltorma de Utt Allllmt.DB or OOD may pursue Pollcies ..-eslinl figures about the chans<S ........ rived, and he ma the en IT. JOHN VIANNEY C ... URCH Bmry ... Ida 8cn1e, p..-. of action which lead to which have taken plaef!: in the L. C. 'lbompson of. 125 Forty. • p f the 1'16.. of N__,.. Beach trip on 00"'°"'ed money. hlboa loland -Lee'-Ball, Ullo Nations may aeek political American fam1J7 dllfinlr the flrlt oecond street, Newport Beach, la OffjciaJ aper 0 '-''V ~w ..... • ~f Columbu.s Is the patron saint ...i ()ea-A.._ · advantages wblch can-half of the l!MO's. It bu shrunken enclosing his por<:b and ~ A Def1rt1Me 1.-1In:111 1' a..,. 0.--11 I~ . or the bureaucrats , I th.ink Mr. ~~; ~~ froro SUnda.Y IChool, 10 Lm. obtained without war." Tb1s in average size trom 3.·151Df!'l:Qhers a!ment in his garage. A pennlt • Bowles must be 1heir propheL The Momin& oervk:e. ll un. t.Ion, In effect, served not.Ice to . 3.4. The BuNeu tlllnD It will was ialled recently tor that pur-•·mn1~ Active people of Connecticut evidently do T :SO to 8:80 p.m. E\'enlnc OV1IJl&ellat.IC IOIVlce at r Stalin that his pro-decline to 3.1 by 1980. The num-pooe. _ •-...... ~ M....,L-not want him. even for one of the CORONA DEL MA& OOM~ 7:30 p.m. itesire ror peace means little ..,.......,,.-minor prophets, for recently the lllUNlTY OONOlllWA2'10NAL 7.~-aervlce, 'Ibunda7 at uni \he actions of bis govern-PROFESSIONAL DIR£C~ORY of Democrat. or that state refused OBUaCll ~ p.m.. ment contribute toward that end. I. him the norninaUon for either the • tinlled •--'·ten ~ Frederick SCbrock, lllnlater • con u-ce on U.S. Senate or !or the Governor-·~·• domin ~ f the ~-&Cl001lNTANT PBYIDCIAN!l-llllllO--DO. 611 Heliotrope A venue COSTA MUA COMMUNITY auon o v~-l~-----------.. l _,.., · lhip. Orona del Mar CHURCH dane es is one instantt where Cordell Hull Cordell Hull won an enduring place In American history through his sound statesmanship and bis untiring efforts on behalf of world peace. His latest outburst appeared tut Sunday, October 13, 1946 esrt a.. Joh1tia~ M""8tef S~s words and Soviet action.I Tuesday, Secretary of Agriculture 9,30 Lb. Oiurch IChool. l:M L IOth at. Ph. 14~R don't ibe. The unchanced belliger- Andel"50n had just announced that ll :00 a.m. )Jorning wonhip. Ser· Olureb echool. t:~ L DL ency f the part of Gromyko and there is a scarcity of meat. This mon by Mr. Schrock: "Are Preach-MomiDS Wonblp, 11 o'doa. Molo v in their diplomatic deal- announcernent wiU be a surprise en Otizens!" Youth Sl'OUP9. mp IJChool. lo· ings another. Their attitude is Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. llllOWN (R= -llU) Dr. W. T. Moolley l'llJ9lelaa u4 8aapca 'Ibe award to him In 1945 al the Nobel Pl!ace Prize for that year was a fitting recognition of his work: President Roosevelt called him the "father ol the United Nations." That title was by no means Inappropriate for he played a most prominent role in bringing closer cooperation between the na- tions opposing the Axis, and In laying the foundation for the establishment of the United Natioos Itself. to the housewives who have been i.rmedlate, Adult. &:SO p. m. dict~'1 by the Kremlin. So, UD· s tanding in Jjne since OP A put FIR&T CHURCH OF CHRltT, EftnJD« euvice, 1:30 o'clock.. til mler Stalin backs up his the ceiling back on meat, but Mr. ICIENT18T Mld·week. teDOtnb.lp and~. stat ent with deeds, it can only '-------------' '-------------l Anderson makes it o[ficial. Mr. Lido Theater, central A~ue Wedn-1ay, 7:SO p.m. be t-1ten for wha t it appean to ..------------,.,.-: rHi'81CJU1(8A8mulmON&ll.ll Bowles, not to be outdone (at attd Via Lido 11 L m.. Prayer and Sermon. be w,,-tb-nothing. I e 8. w Ry TE I ~------------ least in geeting his name in the A hranc?!i ot nie Motber Church. ...,... Mea~ What'a 'l'llat! llNOll9 Til ommuw.a.n papers )promptly followed, lo say Tbe Plnt Church of Chrl9t. Bel· Al ough the supply of meat re--A•~ b7 U. Oate.t ll&.all9 ...._. over the radio that the meat short· enuat. ta ea.ton. ~t& Christian Science Topic m short, there is an abundance V7 1:' w1Ja '°.:.:J. .U. °"..:t.:: age was a. Republican conspiracy. Swiday Bcbool at t :SO L m. SUD· Declares Disease Unreal of. ccf1lusion about the shortage. .&1791'1 • 1111www Now that is interesting! I t is the day &erylce at 11 a. m. Wednmd.&.J As ~a1 , President Truman is the 900K&lla'D8 _.,..,. first time I knew the steers were TMtlmoiiJif Meettnc at 12 o'doc:k "In the way or rtgbteousneu la center of the confusion. Of late, -~ ~ ._ A. V. Andrews, M. D. l'ID1llCIAlf -911llOIDON W OaM*: .........,.. R PW W Oona& ... - Mr. Hull was never spectacular In his long career In na- tional and international affairs, but while he was lacking in "color'' we was certainly not lacking in the things which really counted -- -vision, commoo sense and courage. registered, although I have sus-Readln& Rooni located at 1ll Ute; &Dd in tbe pathwa1 thereof he ~ms to have developed a re-I!..--....:;=:....:.=;:..;=:..:...--...; peeled in seve ral recent national Bal"-• '· A.11., there la no deatb." Thia •ene bl kn k f It.I t w Palm street, ....-. 1.11 open _......,. trom Pro•ertNI will be tbe Golden mar · e ac 0 pu ng no &acaui.-...a elections that somebody was get-from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun-Tut of the Sunda.y Leu on-Sermon just One foot , but both feet in hislr-----------,1 ..-----------~ ting in a few votes besides the daya and holidays nationally ob-In au brancbn of Tbe Mot ber mou;rwhenever he opens it. At His recent statemeent oo peace made on his 15th birth- day is one which the natiOll8 of the world, and especially their leaders, may well ponder. Said be: "It is perfectly clear to me that all nations must. with whole-hearted devotlOf\. continue to base their relations upon the paramount fact that the primary interests of each of them ·alike lie in the assuring ot its security in a world at peace, and fostering, in such a world, of the econcmic and ~ cial well-being of its people." They Who Are About to Die ~'hen men face death-like the 11 Nazis who await the ·ratal day and hour in the Nuremberg prison-they usually do a good deal of thinking. Undoubt edly this miserable liWe group are doing plenty of thinking right now-thinking of their days of glory when they seemed destined to become the masters of all Europe it not of the whole world; thinking bow close they came to achieving that ambition; how doae they rarne to crushing England ; how close to annihilating Russia ; how close to a break-through to Suez and into the vital Middle East-how close to achieving all this and yet to end up in failure and lg- nominoua death. Maybe they are thinking angrily how lucky their partners in crime were who got off with compllJ'&.tlvely mild sentences or were acquitted. Much of the world thinks angrily about that. too. It's barely possible that some of them are thinking about i\ie enormous crimes they have committed. That they have any sense of remorse can hardly be expected since they have proven themselves moral idiots. But it is not unlikely that they do feel a keen sense of regret-not for their misdeeds-- but for their failure to make certain moves while they were still in power, which they now believe would have either saved Germany from defeat , or, at Jesst, saved their necks. F edera1 employees. IUVed. Cburcb, Tbe Fint Church of Chri•t.. one nt press conference he pre- I always t ho ug ht that You put The pub11c .. cordlall7 ln'f'tt.d to Sctent lat. In Boston. The question diet that the meat situation the steaks on s teers by he rding attmd the church ~ •n.1 ue "'A.re Sin, Dtaeue, and Death Real?'" wouJ4 ease in the near future. the m in feed lots and giving them the Readinc Room. 11 Alh'S:~:~:C~1 account from The Just ~ven days later , after r econ- the right [eed, and ple nty of it, Acta relates tbat u Peter and John versiQ~n Director J ohn R. Steel- al the proper time. I have ne ver ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL entered the temple, a man lame man ad predicted that the mea t in all my life seen as m a ny range CHURCH from bi rth "uked an alma. And short ge would get worse this cattle as I saw comin g across the 11& West Central, B•lbOI P eter, ruteDing hie eyee upon him winter.instead of better , the Presi- Unlled S tates in August, and later (Ebell Clubhouse) 'fll"'lth J ohn, 1ald. Look on ua. And dent · versed himself and agreed in driving up through Central Call-Rev. Arcty1 T. Dean, Vloar he g&Te heed unto them. expec.Una: with Mr. Steelman. This would Comia . and back .O,own the coast. 8:30 L m. .. Holy Communion. t o receive something of them. indic te tha t he was doing some But until the O~ wakes u p to 0 :43 a.m., Sunday Scbool Then Peter aatd, Sliver and gold 'wishthl thinking when he expres- the fact tha t the cat tleman can't 11:00 L m., Morning Prayu and b aTe 1 none: but such u 1 ha"'e give sed :r1 timism over the meat situ-] thee: In tbe name or J esue Cbrtst take a steer and build him up into Sermon. (Fi.rlt Sundaya; llWJ' ot Nuareth rtee up and walk. And atjon Mr. Trwna n will save him- Annand Monaco ABClllTl'AJ'I' 8:U W. lia,. Ave., e.lboa -·•7U · mt Lalrewoocl A.e. r.. ~ NOm ·ety - CIDllOPIL&CJ'l'Ollll Wagner Dn!gluw l»lftute Dr. WUINit V. w....- Chlropractfc, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonlc Therapy slices of rare beef (I prefer mine Communlcm..) he took btm by J:i:e rtgbt band, and self ponsiderable embarrassment well done!) if he ls going to lose Itfted btm up : and tmmed.latelf h.11 and Uie citizens a great deal ot 11!1 Oout: Bl1'd.,, _. money on the process, you won't BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL feet and ankle bones received anno~nce if he Will get the facts t.,.... BMcb PlloM *9 steers in the Democratic party Rev. Harry W. Whtie, a..Dd walked, and entered with t.beJD way, now it's oftJciaJ that mea t DA'i" flCllOOL have meat, and registering the 218 Agate Avenue strength. And be leaping up •tood. strai~t before he speaks. Any· won't help get meat on the table. AleOCl•te Put.or Into the temple, •a.lk fng, and leap-will ntinue to be short. Surprise? Ing, ~d pralelng God." ~----------~ What Mr . Bowles said was that Church School. 9 :30 L m. In .. Science and Health wltb Key Tele on the Republicans were starving the llorntng Wonhip, 11 L m . to the Scriptures" Mary Bake r Reports from the East indicate people. Chester is the best propa-Eddy aay1, ••J na11much u God la that 'ihe much-talked-about post- ganda producer in the cou ntry, and FIRST METHODIST CHURCH good and tbe fount of all bei ng, He war lele \i.sion developments have I would s ay t hat he knew a good G. ~ttwln o.her, Palllor does not produce moral or pbyalca.J a lonp' way to go before t hey'll re- deal aOOut s tarving the people, but Euclld at ata1tford, G•rden Gr;ove. deformity; therefore euch deform· suit i regular televised programs. even he slipped on t ha t one. The 9 :30 Lm. Church achool tor all lty 11 not real, but la lllwilon. the Th f I . I b d ts mlrace ot error." e 905t o te eVIs on roa cas present administration . dominated Al'• is on~ o_f the big drawbacks. Also by men like Mr. Bo":les, Mr. Wal· 11:00 Lm. lilont.lnc Worahip: THE NEWPORT BARBOK" the fr,ct that there are but rew Mortimer School 181 Oonl B'aata lalallll DA'i" SCHOOL OPENll oor 1 Ondeo: COii. .,_.. ~ o. A. ··-., .. A.. ~ Ptkllpa.I ......._ Barbor Ill lace, and late Mr. H illman, have Keuace: '"We 'I'b&nll TbM... LUTllEBAN CHtJBOH receiying sets now tn the han~ had absolute control of the major· 11:00 Lm. Nurary for all d:lil-(To be localed on cutt Drive, of lhf. public which are equipped 1--------------. 11 ity in Congress, and of every dren durin.g •Mee. Newport H eights ) for Sight as weJJ as sound, la Dll:NTlllTll Washington age ncy a nd bureau, 4 :00 p.m. lletbod18't. Youtb hl· "A Oiangeless Quist for a an~r deterrent. Since t he pres- Cor over twelve ye ars. lOWllb.lp. Young Adult l'ellO'R'Sh1p. Clanging World!" e nt a cUence [or television is small, There a re signs that this sit u-7:00 p..m.. Evening WonbJp:-9:30 a.m., church ICbooJ; ·10:30 co er cial sponsors don't want to ation in Washington will end. I t K....-e: .. Come Ye Uve." a.m., divine worship. spen t heir money for such pr~ will end because the long suffering -Services at Present-gr . . But without sponsors there not~ w. 0-tnl. llaa1lor tao patie nce of the American public '-rBE FRIENDLY" O&NTBAL Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, aren 'i likely to be many programs. NEWPORT BM.CB is exhausted, and it wtlJ end be-BIBLE CBUBOB Costa Mesa And ~i t goes. Much will depend '------------'! caUS(' the well-known and charac· of Coeta lleu Rev. Herbert C. Roth, pastor, on hbw soon the public b uys teristic humor of the American ae .... Dwlctit Ktnmaa., putor 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand enou8h television sets to warra nt ------------•I people is increasingly evident. Meetfn& temporarily In the Wo-Phone Harbor 2185--J. sponfi>red broadcasts. Ma ny per · D& OOBDON ll. RAPP A butc her actually wrote the me n's Club house "Come Once-You'll C.Ome sons Fe anxious to have television following le tter to the OPA: "I Sunday school-9:45 a. m. Again!" 50 tflal they can see what it is DENTIST would appreciate r eceiving the list Wonhip servlce--11:00 a. m. tllal )makes t he studio audience of new celling prices on meat. Al· Young people'• service -6 :30 CHRIST CHURCH BY TH£ &EA laug~ at some ot the comedia ns' Ull Wed Ceatnl thoug h I have no meat to sell, I P. rn. Commu1ttty MethcadJR jOkes PlloDe Barbor 01-J will at least have something to EYeillng evangelistic service-1QO Weat Central Avenue Can t Be! NewpOrt read." 7:30 p. m. 11 p o1 L------------' And a businessman had post· Prayer meeting-7:45 p. m. Fri· Rev. E. D. Goode ' s or I t' hard t o believe after all canb printed showing a ragged day, home of Mrs. Hume. Cb= Bc~:M>lla.m. these Years. Eve n after seeing it INSUBANCZ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST lolm IL O. Ol11111g. 11. D. f'll:r*' a _. Sma 1 1 s 2 -• 7 • 8:30 and by appointment Beacon 5075 l.M-~­~--~ ~ U. Dorey, II. D. Physician & Surgeon Gordon K. Grundy, 11. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGBON Balboa Inn Arcade Ottlee Hn.: 1().12 a.m.; 3-11 p.m. Phme Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. Houn: 2-5, lly Appoln- ~ Beaam S8&I lJl a-.,. -- Jlllton M. ~ 11. D. 1111 OoMt mw.., 0o,,,... del - Ottlce Houn: 10-12: 2·S S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., BeO- Barbor lTU -8. Bill llt.. r.. ~ Tt1<*er ms These men who dealt deeth to so many millions of inn<>- cen t people now have a reluctant rendezvous with the Grim Reaper. If they believe In life after dee.th they are probably worried a bout the possibility of meeting some of their vic- tims. 'Ibey should. be worried. individual sitting on a oox car. He A cordial welcome to all. ~outh ~owtlhl:: 8 P~:· ~~a~J c~!"!'v;"~~~e ~s ~~ ,------------: mailed them to his customers. The Se N o evening worship dW"ing p-Ufi.n he is dreaming. But figures L-----------_J caption said, "I did everything the FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Lbtco1n National Life OPA told me ." !2nd and Elden, Coda M.a tember. don't lie-so it is said Anyway, Co By Appolntmmt Let us hope that the results at Nuremberg will serve to impress upon the ambitious militarists of today and tomor- )Od..week. pray.r aervlce, Wed-toge to the point, the U. S. Treas-lllsarance • When I see these things, I know Sunday echool, 8:tG; momlna ___. ----6 ao n..s&y; CO'fg11;fU, d1ah """"'"'"""r, : ury ~parunent has fowid use for tlle end of bureauracy, is in sight. wonhlp, 11; Eva.nge!Lltic eervlce. R· m. blac ink for the first time in alx-COm er golf courses: Ham'n Eggs; 7:SO p. m.; KJ.d·week prayer mfit-t• or the OPA, the American is toler · Ing oo Wedneeaay, 7:'3 p. m.; teen years. Government receipts ant, anO or infinite good humor, 70UDS people's eva.ncei1at1c aervtce NE.WPORT HARBOR for t e flnt"quarter of the current DON lEBNIGAN ---·· --·--1111. Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central A ... NEWPORT BEACH ftoM ...... lOQ Jfo u.ww: e.11 ae.ooa IOM-A . row tha t aggressive warfare and lnhwnan brutality leeds only to the end of the road where awaits-the end of a rope. I! this point has gotten over to them Nuremberg will not have been in vain. but even tually he tires, and with on rriday, T:'5 p. m. LUTHERAN CHURCH r~· year were '9.-450.345,803. the same good humor, he laugha Gl"Sluel Chapel, ea.ta..._ Mon 'paid o ut totaled $9,331,039,·I-------------. them out of existence. 8EVENTB D.&Y .&DVENT18'1'8 Rev. Herbert ROUt., Paltor 544. When Government account· L-------------' Corner Bolu and Old Country Rd., -= llUDday, 10:80 a.m. ants jgot through figuring It out OCCIDENTAL x-~ Senloe Columbus Day Plans Porch O\arles Dennlson of 928 West 'Ibe real significance of Columbus Day-October 12-lies Central avenue. has contracted to not In the fact that It marl<s the anniversary of the dl9cav-build a porch onto his present ery of the New World by that famed explorer. Rather It _bull_dln-=.1· _______ _ Iles in the recognition of the visicn, Olltll1lge and unfllncbing determination which led him to undertake and to succeed In this most daring enterprise. Colwnbus did the civilized world a greet sen:lce by !'eW!81- lng the vast and valuable lands ol the Western Hemisphere. But he did it a much greater service In dispelling the supersti- tion and fear which for centuries bad been linked with the be- lief that the world was flat. Today, four and a half oenturles afte!" his great discovery, Coot& Mesa , LIFE INSuRANCB 00. Sabbath llChoo~ Saturday mom-24-Hour »--N; ... •---ing, 9:30 o'clock. .. t.03 ""'"""' Preaching aervtce, u un. Service ....!"..:.; ,;,,:::- 008TA I0:8A CllUJICll OP GOD iU a .. .&w. ..._ BeT. lamee P. llcOraw, P..._ Ht Ool>rlDo 8C.. Coote ·-Servlceo Sunday 10 L m., 6:30 p. m. and 7 :JO p. m. Harold K. Gnuel Chapel "Wa Oanehw Ibo Better -II)-Benke Othon s.t"' ...... ,?_ ..... --- the figures of Columbus still stands as ooe of the most im!U' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;. tant on the horizon of history. &.T.llutlanOilll,O. D. ~ of the Mar!nen" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND OOCUAJL BA& II P.A.~ LIDO I5lE ncs:cJ& A.w1soo 3333 VU UDO lllAst ...._. •DEii MllllE SERICE SHELL DOCK BAI BOA '$1 AND • - O;t1 tail& sm n••ma:a ~Dm'U(]ATll:D ...... , .... ...,,. GM W, C1i1111911 .&-. ft. ..._ mJ _, ...... WIOWWWW I *"' 1' II ' t 11' • G'• II Pttted' 1• •=,...... 8111 ow• -.... .-r.& ..... Scotdl ,..,. Now on Hand - SupplyL~­ . --at- NEWS-TIMES . - - T. P. Reeder, M. D. ft;)411nud Ima•• -W-0 11!1 'l'r'••· ......... - G. N. PEASE, M. D. OawltUloa -ntev "' PIA.XO TWAll)H«M PIANO TEACHER G.V.LJNSENBARD j:lndl•le ..,... °s• •tll&J• I \ I PIL-J.ZD.W . -w. ~ ...... VedaThoml*'Jl Tettdvr <1 Piao !llld Orpn \ ' ,. • • ' I '" DORALEE'S wellave-i.cmw . Venetian Blinds to oar .todr. Custom ~P Covers -Drape,ries m 11ar1ne .& ... .,....., Balboa ..,..,, \ On Your Way to Santa Ana ·Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at--- CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1818 Newport Blvd. CURB SERVICE CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Builders of All-Steel CENTRALINERS DESIONEB8 and BUILDERS YACHTS COMMERCIAL Power or Sall F'bbbtc Boa .. or PatV Crulaen Steel -Plutlo root of lht st. L; A. I . Oblloal, Nani An:hltect L; 50-TON CBANE SERVlCE Pltone: Harbor~ 1680 Newport BeM:h RALPH E . LARRABEE, aagler (left) and Capt. E. V. Berry, eldp-- per of the Amis-• (rtrbt), •land.Inc aloa.plde tbe 110-.pomMi marl.bl which tile former caucht off Newport-Harbor recently. Tbe ft.a. wu caught with f'ellllatlon heavy tackle a nd wu hauled Into the boat &tter a %.5-mlnute battle. -Kent Hitchcock photo. Streamlined Babies "Str eamlined mothers of stream- lined babies." Hollywood film stars have discovered a simple formula of motherhood that preserves their health and beauty. The story, il- lustrated in four colors, appears in the American Weekly, the maga- zin e distributed with next Sun- day's Los AngE'lcs Examiner. He~s neve_r -"-PPY · 'til he gets· it! ' Too get less Easaidc roday because of Govcrn.mcot rcsuictions. What there is is lllllppcd up in a huny. But remember-when you Jo find it, it's the same fine beer aa always. Thousands of people have learned that Eastside is wonh looking JOr. • Ea,stside • CV'Ae~mild •' . • •Ol...ct(. tw1• COAMM'T• WI ......aa • lNa -So Help Me - - lertcJn J. C. Coach to Advise Student-Veterans .,,_~ Callfornla'• Newest and M!>St Modem Motel iracle Mile Motel __ ....,., "Wiiy tlitl 'eur' let us ... ressman ~ did he tum hia back on i V eteran1 Emeriency Houain1 Prorram ?" "Why did he put a· 'roadblOc:k' opin1t it -by opposini lnuntive payment• for ICIU'Ce . uildinc materiala r· • '7Nb1 WU Oun the only Caljlornia ConJrHSman - Democntl and Republicana inCiuded -to vote apinat V eterw Houainc r' ~ "Why wu be indifferent to the . ~ of the GI Bill -record RAY ADK ·the-job tnininc pro- u: Dot votinJ ?" _.../\ NION .will never d11.,.,· tlte vet1ranf Ray ,,dtDJ_ :_ hlmwH a .. ,... of World War I llDd fatbf' of a World War D ~ -will cut nd tape llDd ~on Veterana ff.,.._ ""· ' beil ~ to ellml- tmjaat ............. fleet RAY A KINION •• c ••• , ••• •'' 'u tr·c ., ----------- . - Delidoasly Prepared .! • + + NE PORT For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' i It's the Studli (J 23rd "' Cen .I Pb. 2600 AFE Id War n Veteran will and patronage. BOR 2645 Bean ARDWARE ea ral ' ., .t Is YOUR Office E~uipment SLOWING UP _. Work? Larpand..n-- be interested. la a.r nip-. Jar IOrvlce.. If 1'Jlll' ter, addln& machine, aJc:alefGI' CW' other OUl« lll&Chln• --I 100" etlldent WWW.. I A.N'S staff of ex· ~ II t JOU.I' eervtce to make -nadjuatmenll and ,.. -la top.DOich operatlq ..... _...lffcl ...... et ft*-•Ne priclL --FllBIC. 743...iour...,... wlll call. ' • I t • • I #&W .... r Ml.804 1' 1 'Andcrson-O'Bryan Archie Horvath H b F • • · A • -• • Ebell Oub Enters New Year With Full ~~:::~~t ~~~~in~i~~day ar 0 r ern1 n Ille c t1 I ties M:.:~:!1!!!a;~ ~r !n::. s::_ by llln. of local lnterat wu made at a lltelldl!llCe ready full enrollment list. a capac-Sidney Blackbeard and JlftSldlna. dinner for memb<n of the imme-1bat -1ftb birthday, which al· l'twmeo 13 and 21!8 + BJ Wlnltnd Builn + Phmle 1637-R 1ty audience greeted the new Ebel! over the 1111..,. coffee and ·tea mm diate families.. held October 1 at .wa,yo....,,. oomethlng rather •Pl'" -1 ------------~------------------+--------president, Mn. Mary McBride, at ...,,,, Mn. Mc:llride and llln. L. L. ~ ~-T=· =..:~ :1u.. W::. ~t:;,:Y~.J ~:: Dramatized Cooking CGDM ChuSrch WAomen CMhapter ABBl,bPEO Balboan thewl:t =~~!: >:;~ker, 11i:n~ ~ti.oat-eom- that dty told of the coming,,_. vath, 329 ~ street, 0 Newporl To Feature FAC Meet . uests at anta na eets at a oa es Birthday Monroe Manning, was still In New riuttee _.., the M""41JW!S E. I. nage ot her daughter, llln. Roaa-Heights on Friday evening when York and not able to be pttSent. Moore Sam Klnsfather, Al Hor- line O'Bryan, to Gey H. Andenon. he invited a large group of friends Capilla Ottle of Corona del Mar The Misses Gertrude and Louise cDonald, young ton ot his place wu very adequately valb, 'F. A. .Young and Albert 10D ot Mn. Florence Andenon. 428 in for games and dancing. ''The Pantry Shelr' is the pro-Community church and members Montgomery, 2117 East .Central Mr. and • Wllllam McDonald. filled by Charles H. Meredith, bead Redden. Marguerite avenue, Ccrooa deJ Ice cream and calce~l fJve of gram topic for the regular meet· or the younger group, the Sunday avenue Balboa entertaJned mem· celebra his sixth btrthday Sat· of the IJttle 'Ibeeter movements -------- Mar ing ol the Costa Mesa Friday Al-School guild, were guests Jut week bers of Oiapt~r AB. PEO, with W"day at his home In Balboa. In Georgia and New Orleans, actor, Ebel! Di"sconti"nues -r.:-,. · f this -thernl were served. h cokes, ternoon club Oct. 18 at 2 p.m. In of the women's organization of a buffet luiicheon Monday. Mn. There ga!JW!S with Skipper and former Instructor at the Uni- the bri~.:~ ~onored with ::'!i~ ~and were the Legion hall. Ludie Martens, Santa Ana Presbyterian church.23 Clarence Nisaen of Santa Ana be-Hillman . prizes at bingo venity ot Michigan. Bridge and Luncheons a .m1scellaneous a~er at the Enjoying the evening were Ar-food publicist, will present a dra-attending from here. lng assisting hostess. and a tbespin pme; Michae1 Mr. Meredith had just arriftd bmne of Mrs. D. E. Monahan. 735 chie'• coua:in. Sandra Dottore. who matized version or meal prepera-Mrs. Perry Schrock. wife or the Phlox and roses decorated the De~ also had a bingo prize from the east and gave an insplr-With so many other b r 1 d I' e Brown<n)ft, Laguna Beach. with ca.me down trom Hollywood· Viv-lion in the modern tempo, culmJn· pastor of the Corona del Mar rooms, and coral dahlias and zin-and Peter .IJe.xaider did the neat· ing talk on the educational aide parties planned this fall, dittcton Mn. Anderson and her dauchter, 1 H th th us · .' J ating with a completely cooked church. introduced Mn. 0 . Z. Rob--niu centered the lace-covered est job of pinning the pipe on ~ or the Uttle Theater. Learning or the Ebell dub have decided to Miss Patr1da Andenon. atundinc' ~ ~ ar;at~~r:n mNa:: glamor meal whisked together in en.son, president or the circle, and table where the pt"etident, Miu ~. Dl the new drama section of ~ hold no monthly bridce partis fnlm here. w.....i. Louella Lester. 'o.arlene 2S mlnut.s. Supplementary com-Mrs. Lowell Newlon. president of Mary Wakeham, pouroc1. Pop Provided am.-t club, he advised that they gwe until after the !Int ot the yeu, Mr. Anderson was a rll'St lieu-~Un. Donna Price Judy ment. wW •treM intelligent buy-the guild, who each told of the Thirty memben were prc1ent u ra and there were cake, ice their attention to worth-while when they will plan a bi& one. tenant i~ . the Air Corps and la Tucker, Barbara TrU5ty, • Peggy lng, clever scheduling or detail. work or her organization. and tbf! afternoon wu given O'Ytt punch, and cancb' in drama. Also, wt th tbe ·,l'Df!lllbenhip now awa.iung his •J>POU:'t:ment u Younc. Janice Allen and Susie short-cut methods, and the nice-Mi. Seaman, Santa Ana at-to a lengthy btmnap lnlion. Mrs. McBride, who will act as grown alnamt beyond the capadty ~pilot ot United Alr Ll.nes. 1be Pleger ties of serving and entertainlng. tomey, gave a very interesting re. Ri s aunt. M.n. c. H. Ws-county song lead:«, Introduced the or the present club house, no wedding will take place thia faJL ~ Ward, Jahn lsley, Bill Mn. Martens.• home economics view of )ll'eWnt-day Negro writers. Gordon Holli"ngshead cott, ;:;i:. tram San Diec<> to help other county officen, Mn. Goorge Juncbeona will be held this yeer Gus1afaon. Bundy Chamberlin, graduate, Iowa State college, ls a · with f;tivttles and other mothers Wheat. county president; Mrs. C. as there is not f'QOm for the neoee-- Hitchman, LeRoy Nunnamaker, •trUetor. Among her activities she Blower Mrs. Ernest Waltz:e. narcotics and county garden chaJr. . 8ee Cal.__ .• "" oa P-a. Steve Sailors. Karl Oqulst. John certified Red ero.. nutrition in-Surprise Arranged Returns to Studio enjoyin~' the fun were Mn. Fay M. Deakins, cllstrlct chairman of sary number of tables. .... ..... ..... ...... ··------Barry Mason. Jerry Blue and the Includes nine years .. cooking At Pre.tty Luncheon Gordon Hollingshead, Warner Small iruests were Carol and man, and Mn. Florence -· -A~ young -L school Instructor for the Southern Brothers' director, returned to the Brenda lower, Unda Waltu. Neil county -chairman. ·n.e 111 L. B. Y ARD A GE Counties Gas Co., and three years Mn. Rou Owen, 3802 Coast studio this week after spending Leithol Garry Porter, Michael county officers and Mn. Mary • • • as Prudence Penny, Los Angeles boulevard, was hostess at a pretty several days at the home of his Denlinc , Skipper Hillman, Peter Batten Steffensen, guest S"loilt, : =:-.,= Wbite HOU5e Examiner. luncheon Friday, honoring Mrs. daughter" Mn .. R. Ring. Both Al , Greg Adams and were presented with gardenia cor· ;;- • o-.. Y.,... Tea will be served at the con-William (Jean) McDonald of Bal-Mr. and Mrs. Hollingshead bave Richie"• brother' Bob. saies while Mrs. Dea)dns and Mrs. -ll · : r:.:....!.. Caf clusion of the program. Hostesses boa. been in St. Joseph'• hospital re-Jayred presented the i:resident • c-w. e for the afternoon will be Mes· Pink rosebuds at each p I ace covering from burns received in PTA s with a corsage or hibiscus. : ~ 1 PIMme ll.8! dames D. C. MacKenzie, Alex 01· bore 8 scroll. telling or an inter-the fire which 4estroyed their . ponsors Prtndpa.1 business or the after· J ,. ' • ..,.,_. .... son, E. A. Spaulding and Grace esting event expected in the spring. Balboa I.a:land horrle three weeks D f B • d noon was the discussion of plans • :":::' o':::" tacm B•ch, Callf. Wilcox. Court whist waa played with ago. essir rl ge ror forming a new junior section • ..,_.. ... 81" Mr .., Mrs. Joyce McDonald w1nnlng first Mrs. Hollingshead is making an for members lS-35 and Mrs. Obed ~. ww •.6.D ?n" • y-~ 'I In -• f Get-Together Club prize, Mn. Betty Glass taking excellent recovery and It is ex-TheqarborHlghSchoo!Parent· Lucas is temporany ~·arxe o • Margaret L. Scharte (Member Music Teachers' Assn. ol Gallfornla) Teacher of Piano Organist • Accompanist -: WI Goldenrod A ... uo Corona del Mar PHONE: HARBOR 1046 • A repertoire just burst· ing with the lat.est trends in short hairdos. -.... • Rlll!ng, Lustron, Helen CUrtis, Cold waves -also machineless pennanents. Virginia Bell's MARISKA House of -Beauty 304 Marine Ave. Bal'-Island Phone _Harbor .-1827 ANTICIPATION SllOPS ........ Dr .. llY'l•T MIU.S •CM M..,... M,.9'1.....U • 12' W. ,,_4 ~~ \OMI IUCM ... ~ ~,. ~fo!lhe ·~r ~ ' .... _ ' \ ...... .,..,. .. ftDW'ft.Y r1wo ·~. • second and Mrs. Alma Knowlton peeled she will be able to retun1 Teacherj' a.ssociation dessert bridge thiJ. · Observes Hallowe' en awarded the booby prize. to her Los Angeles h 0 me I n party viii! be held Octobec 16 at New member.I listed this year Present wete the Mesdames another week, but will be under one o'tlock in the American Le-are Moille Galbta.ith and the Mes· Mrs. Rosemary Smith entertain- ed members of the Get-Together club for a Hallowe'en luncheon Thursday at her home, 1405 Maple street. Santa Ana. Mrs. Mildred Merrill was co-hostess. T able decorations featured black candles and name bougainvillea and afterwards an interesting round-table discussion was held The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dorise Jesko with Mrs. Nina \Vallers as ccrhostess, and at that time plans will be made to go to Los Angeles to at· tend a play. Present were the Mesdames Merrill, Jesko, \Valters. Lela Mc· Millan, Ll'onore Zube, Helen Mir- kovich, Elizabeth Belmont and one guest, Mrs. Belle Sinnott of Bal- l boa, mother of the hostess. ' 1 Mt. Carmel Society Seeks New Members A discus.sion on Christian doct- 1 rine and the teaching of religion in the schools featured the October meeting or the Al tar Society of 1 Mt. Carmel church, held last week at the Balboa U. S. 0. rooms. Mrs. W. J . Neville presided and Father Noonan opened the meet- ing with prayer. Mrs. Anna Dashner was ap- pointed chairman of the Catholic unit or Costa Mesa Community Oiest and appointed as a commit- tee for decorating the altars dur- ing October were Mrs. Virginia Clark and Mrs. May Stein for Newport Beach, ~frs. Catherine Strang for Balboa Island The ladies are asking for the do- nation or flowers. a'.nd anyone hav. ing some to give may leave them at Mt. Carmel church on Satur- day at 10 a . m. A drive is to be made for new members under the direction of Mrs. Neville. The next meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the home of Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 113 Via Quito. H O W IS YO\IR INSURA~CE? ·: I. • r BALn MORTUARY _,.-_ Lady Attendant -t- 410 Coast BMl . Knowlton. Glass, McDonaJd. Mary the care or a nurse. gion ha.'1,.COSta Mesa. It is hoped dames Virginia Cut.le, Jessie Lo- Stanley, Genevieve Barnes, Billie that a ~rd cro~d will attend, well, Bessie Teasley, Kathleen Woodworth, Iona Trusty, Lucille new ation room at the high ManJey Clark, Dorothy Piper John-Fowler, Irene Morris, Gladys Your friends and mine .. allrfrooeeds are to go to the Coleman, J. H . Woods, Jorui l..llng, Mullins, Trilby Ford, Jean Mc.Don-school son, Haviland Rogers, Edgar Hill, ald and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. H . V. Snodgrass A door prize consisting or a bas-Theodore Moffitt, Everett McMil-"Cap'n" ~ Don's Island Circle Notes Birthdays Balboa Island Circle of Christ Church by the Sea met Wednes- day at the chapel with Mrs. Leon- ard Hargrave presiding and Mrs. E. D. Goodell leading in devotions, her subject being "'Fear". Sixteen members were present and a sack lunch was enjoyed at noon. Birthdays were celebrated and presents drawn for Mrs. Irma. Rut- ter, Mrs. Maggie Russell, Mrs. Nina Bartholemew. Mn. Bess Ed- wards and Mrs. Bettye Flnlc. It was decided to hold the fall bazaar on Nov. 15-16 and probably at the Movtas home,• as In the past. The next meeting will be Tues- day. Nov. 1. Brother and Sister Observe Birthdays Miss Dolores Ring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Had Ring. Grand C&nal. observed her seventeenth birthday Tuesday and with Bud Franklin as guest, members of her family feted her with a dinner at the Cutaways' Oub. • On Saturday young BiJJ Ring is nine years old and festivities plan- ned. are the Stanford -UCLA football game and a visit to the Pike at Long Beach on the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Perry, 1565 East Ocean Front. have returned from a trip to Arizona, New Mexico and Florida. They were gone a month. Ledger aheetl: at News-'nmet. Balboa Theatre --u Door ()pea at l :SO Sito• ., •:&a & •:eo On Doable ..... _ lut eomplete ...._ at _.,x1. -.w:r a:ae. Now Sltowlac tlt.nll s.&.: T1JB.Q,IB! 8.PIXJTACLE! "SUSPENSE" 8tarrtar BELITA •. la -of the mo.t tlpBCt:w.•••r lice- alr•H..,.. 11111Dben enr fllmed • -•• wtlll Alllert Delduir, Boalta Graaorllle • llany 8a1U~ ..... ._. , .. oomod)': . "F'ffiED WIFE" Willi I..-ADi..ttt-, Ro- bert Palire and -Bany-_..,._ and ~ ' "Hop llurtpa" S-y, M-.y. Oot. lS, H llollert Y--8Jhla -,. and Alla -.. "Tbe Seuclifag Wbid" ·tsr-- Oare,-wu.o.•. OuM=e*ac --"Bikini" Tllo A-WeM TDeo.. w..a.. n.n.. Oot. 14, ... 11 ---·bet A .........._ ca tets, sw---leed te __ ... .._ LUCIJ...LE Mt.1. GSOllGE llllENT -VEaA ZOlllNA -ta-..._ v-lllldl" wttll l>erlea W' I pr 8-P>Way, Oot. 18: tr nos......_ a.tts llUWf • -..,, .. • of Balboa Island left Monday ket of hlu-d-to--get items will be one Jen, Roscine Cuppett and George morning, driving through to Sac· of th~eatures of the afternoon. A. Gay. ea4Ja,41a1Ji ramento where they will be joined There 11 be individual prizet; for Tea was served at a tablP by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stanley who each ta le, so that guests may play lovely with fall flowers and au- went later In the day by plane, ------------and the four will attend the real-any g e of their choice. eJMJ,. tors' convention. Afterward ?.tn. Mrs. Willard Killion is in charge of arrah~Rents, and ticke ts may Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Snod-be obtlti from r.trs. William grass will start on a three weeks' H . Trui . ways and means chair- trip to Lake Tahoe, Reno, Oregon 54 7 M w d W h. d 'bl man, a accrn J , or rs. . an as 1ngton, an possi Y R. Fo er, l\t Harbor 56. Canada. The MiSSt"S Gertrode and Louise "1ontgomery of Balboa attended Thursday the induction ceremon- ies of their cousin, Dr. Arthur G. Coons, of Lido Isle, who w.u for· mally made president of Occiden- tal College, Los Angeles. and afrer~rerds were guests at the re-- ception in Orr gardens. Sunday they attended the McDowell con- cert and tea at the Santa An1:t Eball club "'ith Mrs. Tarver Mont- gomery of Santa Ana and Mrs. W.inifred Barbre as their guests. ?.1rs. Richard Torrence, 27th street, has been in Los Angeles this w k", staying with her mother, Mrs. JVlla Roth, who has been ill. Today f Mrs. Florence Torrence went i Spend the weekend. Mrs. Adeline Rossi is leaving this w k and will fly to Italy to visit t;er mother, whom she has not se41n in 35 years. "M .. f Ualquo and Arllsllo Eat- ing Placo on tho Weot <lour' .11 Delld- Combination Dinn ere .11 w and Unnsual Se ood Specialties I .11 For Belervadoaa BEACON 5465 .11 Formort,. Mona'• Nlctit <Jhlb, Newport 8-ll Catherine Wagner of Newport Beach and Martha C.ox of Costa Mesa were graduates last week of St. Joseph's School or Nursing at Orange. Commencement exercises were held in the chapel of St. Joseph hospital with Monsignor Dignan, superintendent of Los An· geles Catholic schools, presentin& Mrs.r Ross Owen lunched in Holl~ Thursday with an 016 friend, driving in with Mrs. Trilby Ford. Mrs.fDunn, mother of Mrs. Leon -----------''-------------- Fer~n of Newport Heights, left the dJplomas. Sundar for her home in C.olorado after aving spent the swnmer here. iller Builds J . M. Miller is building a one- story house and garage at 515 Irvine avenue, Newport Heights: Ted Knowlton, son or Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Knowlton, Findley avenue, left Saturday for Smith's Ferry, Pa., his wile h&Ying pre- <eded him by two week3. She WU UJIL '~ REFRl6ERnTion called there by the illness of her mother and the two are prepared ::3:::: ERVICE CDffiPnnY to stay there indefinitely. Married D~•-ti ....... -~. _ •-~­ two years ago, they have been to----.-·~ -·- gether only a few weeks in that 9!0 Odut BlYd-. Corona hi Mar time and since his return in July ~-Barbor !1&1 have been living with his \>arents. ___ f+-'lcb'-t,'-1-.aca..::.._""_1_1_1&'1 __ _ LID 0 TH ATRE Phone Barllir ZlH • Free Partdac NOW 8BOWING thru Sabmlay e '1JGRTLY at 6:46 • 9:00 Van .Johnson • F.sther Wllllab • Locllle BaD -:4, 'EAs v~'N r 0-1· wr.;· ,e;t SUNDAY • MONDAY • TUESDAY Couthaaom Saad.a)' from %:16 -Moa. ~~r lS, I•, 15 -. at 8:'-'I • t:OO •I>atfingl' MA-.6A1l£T BEERY ·OlRIEN •• .... Surprise! Surprise! Women's ''BALBOA BLUES'' Are Here! Heavyweight Denims with Zippers EMMA V. BUGJIE8 --·11• BALBOA Turner's Are Receiving DAILY SHIPMENTS -of- Nationally Known Makes -of- flftE RADIOS RCA-Victor, Philco, G. E. Motorola, Lear, Emerson and others. • Come in and Select Now to insure immediate delivery • • TURI ER'S OORONA DEL VAR Telephone Harbor 4.2 . ____ J ..... ltlldw Boyl lut. ~ "THE CLIMAX" ..U.O: ........ ., • '>"' Frias . J. Cami llAISll .......... Y-1m•1oj0IO"le AAJIP:,i·liln•n•r Dnhr .._UM 205 w. 4th-St. Santa• ur Nd~ Sultl Gay-Y ..... -Conenli ... $29.95 A dldClr (Ihle will bri• I-IO JOUf fxc). ~95 Dllr AND NIGHT I NtlSt Woelt: •ANNA AND ENG OP lllAll" " ..,,. 11'11 - ... -• NUDNWI •••_,. Q,SkJ 2 otii•• 1 tNI . County Sees Gain In Water Basin Plans CDM Home f• k Get Open Area Chest fllPLOnmNT oPRUD· • MLll ....,. .. ,•N10oa V.Clarldgoof104Crescentllay IC ers . Fund Drive; Goal INSURANC w=.i~-;-01;.i ro:O"le~;~~= drive, Laguna Beach. hu tteel•ed Sport T h $14,500 Is Tentative salary. Pleasant Corona dd Mar llO"le Projoctcr with 16 mm .. (Cont. Fl"Om Page ll a _,nit from the N~ Beach rop ~ !Coatlll-from -11 • FIRE e AUTOMOBILE e YACHT Studio, or at home. Write slat· screen. 1103 Kii-Dr. Santa WUhln building department far plans call· • COllPENSA'nON Ing experience, lut aalaey, ref. Ana. Ph. 3178. 97-ltp &ton was subsequently ob-ing for the en!Ction of a one-cooperate with the oommlttttS and · • Box '"C" c/o N ..... ni.-~ltp FOR SALE-• ·-famll tldned and a --.;t was issued fu · I famll •---t 609 ~-of the ~-•···•·-Is -•• Y Pl ~··-story. sing e Y •~ a (<lolil' v~ ~.~~a WANTED-Businea girl for Uaht ranee. two IM!1IS. Electric !:" .. ~~~·~.:..ater District Narcissus avonue, Corona clel Mar. I "-hire I) being created and will Include~ "STU" . DLJNLAP j1\ house services In .-._ f band saw with motor. Beveled ~ Cost is estimated at $4000. dare Ed RlC!'Rft and Convene Wur-fftentatives from every dvic and private room It bath. Rel~. Weber's all-.,.lua ~. S15 Both the study and the various ------------demann, aecn?tary of the Rhodes commettlal l?<JUP In the ..,.._ Pho Harbor 228. • l!tei>o b1" the ne&otiatlons were ear· Flood Control Dl5trict. Cruiser fleet. made the present&· Each General Council member will 205 Marino Aw. Ball-Ialand P1L $arbor JOO..J 00 79-lt< Goldenrod Aw, Corona del tied out in collaboration with the The ungated ouUell of the Prado tions to w1nnen ot the Avalon re<:rult assistance for active cam-I WANTED-Capable man or lady Mar. 'TS-tfc Dlftcton of the Orange County Reservoir. !or which pennlt wu cnn.e and the Labor ~ Serles. palgning t.nm the Organiutlon •VlllND8 OUDlll 11 FREE OOD for the haul-to take crclen for handbags, Carpenter Tools r;;iiiiiiiiiiii!~~~rr I issued to d ose one, have to do Bill and Sue F1cker received the which he rep: es.mts. slippers. dresaes. o:impact:s. etc. . only with the regulation of the coveted" Good Sportamanahlp tro-Tho Community Cheot Commit-MET -Cl.AD PRODUCTS Ing. Beacon 5411. 78-tfc Ezcellent eomlnp. Write Real Braoo and Bit Seta I smaller noods in the Santa Ana phy. Blll wu P-14 champion and tee wbhes to empbulzAt tbat the -by-TBAlfSPOR TION H SUk HOllery Mills 347 Ocean Hammen, Hand Sa..., Etc. River. 1l\e larger floods are con-changing to a Star won Dis tint funds raised ln this campaign are CL.ARK A: BATES . Center Bldg., Lon& Beach. 818 Cout Hiway Ph. Beacon 500'7 trolled by six 7 x 12 foot caterpil· race and with 23 points. nearly the benefit of local Ol'l!aniutlono, Metallizing BIPYCLES 7lh'!tp Bayview Builders SU1>1>IY lar gates. 'These di.o<harge Into nosed Barney Lohman (27) out of presldent Palmer stated. .. It Is pri· Welding Speclallsta Sold. R"!l_tod ~ Rapalred. SECRETARY-Girl with sbcrl· · ~t!c a double barreled reinforced con-the chance t o enter the Inter-martly our Scout Trool8-, U.S.O. !506 30th St. -Harbor 2509 -~OOEL"S hand. typing: and aome book-1-------------- crete conduit each of which Lt nationals in CUba tn November. 1oca1 Veterans' Committee. etc., Newport Beach Tl-tic too, St., Bal'-keeping wanted. Good wqes_ Auto Batteries , 13.5 feet square. · Othen rtteivlng tropbl .. were; who will benefit by your oontri· PIANO TUNING and ttpairlng. J08 "Balboa -. New o!fleo now being opened. i.= s.ii:a:nEx. An analysis of tho expected in· Paul Wllllams and Alan Craig. butlon. One must also hear In J . B. Brown. Write Box 633 -Apply Newport Bay Co., 1151 .... crease In percolation from the Power Boat Raco for BYC opening mind the fact that one qency RL 1, 388 Broadway Coo~ ~lJTJ' Alll8 u E. 17th. Coota Mesa. Beacon Compounded Motor OD downstream river channel with -June 8. ~ Barker. Ben Mc-alone. the U.S .O .. receives tar more Mesa. ' 78-tfc MACHINE:±:; 549f..J. , 78-2tc GtJ.laa. 1'0c one ungated outlet closed shows Gla.ahan, Dick Dwyer, tor SI r funds annually from the National -..u. MACHJNELESS ==-==--'"----- tha t about 60 per cont of it will 'Thomas Upton Trophy race to US.O. Organiutlon, than the total LANDSCAPE Deslllinln& 2 6 6 8 Pennafient Waves ~ llllKlZLL&NE01l .. W elltern Auto Supply be from water that originates on Catallna and return for Power quota the Newpo<t Harbor Ccm· · Tint!ng fnc1 Manicving SA VE MONEY .AutborUod Dea1or the drainagt' downstream from the Boats. This is a mammoth Perpet· munlty a.est is endeavoring to Newport Blvd. Phone S • n ta Evening App~ Ph. Harbor 179-W Santa An Furnit C 1838 Newpo."t Sift.. Coot& llm U'ftlll~toYoo Phone Bea. 5131-J dam an_d 40 per cent will be from uaJ reposing In a glass cue at raise." Ana 115-J. 7Htc Vi's Beautv Sho1> 426 w 4th s1:. ~«;. !_ 41-tfe reservoir diacharge. BYC. The handsome Undsay Per-1103 Coast flllw 6orOfta del M · ln all. an Increase In percola· petual put up In "honor of BYC Will Build Soon COOPERA ay, "fr>.:f See Our 22.ooo sq. Feet VENETlAN BLINDS-~ tion is expected that wUJ average members and Sons and Daughten · TIVE ~ c Furniture Display •teel. ...._ Call \II for free .U. BODY WORKS about 5,000 acre feet per season. of members who fought In World ROOFING CO. .oST AND romm :n Tlltback Bed Davenport 59.SO mate. fttr --A rellnlahlnc or th~ about 3,000 acre feet per War D" was awarded to Dix Smith Harvey E. Bodman of 304 An-Platform Rockers 24.50 So. CDut Venetian Bliad Co. season will come from water origi. for hlgh·point 1core of the PIC ade avenue, Balboa Peninsula. wW New and Repair LOST-Ding • about 12 ft., white UnftniJhed Chests from 7.95 West 18th and Newpcwt A~ aad PAINTING nating downstream from the dam claa for the year. The Healy Per-build a two--story dwelling and 1ap strake. ,Square bow, mahoc· Refleci.or Floor Lamps 16.95 Coat.a Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762--W. and 2,000 acre feet per year from petual for hJgh·point 1 n the detached garage at 203.'5 Seville Phone Beaoon 52fk)..R any aeat::-:J25 reward. Return Broadfelt 9 fL sq_ yd. 1.89 SS.th. reservoir discharge. RHODES class was awarded to street. on the peniN:ula. Colt of 21i E. »th St.., Colta Meu to Oiarlle, Newport Harbor 79--ltc Fire Piao-and Klndllna WbM ......... called in 00 the -of a wreck- fl'a lib ha~surgeoo a& ur ope table! We fts-lr tal"8 I t will not be necessary for up-. C. \Vurdemann for outstanding both will be $ll,SOO. 20-1:ft Yacht Ou~·t 78-Ztc FOR SALE-2 matched all-over W Q ()1) stream areas to allow more water merit in special events. SIGN p AINTING LOST -H~ton pocket .. watch, pattern 9 x 12 rugs. I Oriental Dtilvered to now in to the Prado r eservoir The Dick Fenton Traveling Per-Neiman to Build disappe~ between Friday 6. pattern 9 x 12 rug. Misc. house--H. w. WRiGHT asf a result of the closing or one petual wa• given to Bob a nd Ken Boata, Trucks, Windows SMundayH Trn~·g ~-Wwith111 lnlthtials ''E. hold furnishings, also 6 pairs Pb. Beacon 6665 0 the ungated outlets. Davis tor SNIPE F1eet. BYC pre-. A two--story residence a t b Walll ud Bulletint. c. · · · e penen drapes. Phone Beacon 5649-R. The flood waters that are de. sen'ted t"'o gold cups to Bob and Thirty...Uth street, Newport Rabed. Metal. Wood and who pick It up please return 79-2tp . 1181 Newport Blvd. 3-tte creed to Orange County owners, Ken ln appreciation of th e f r Beach, l5 a plan of Ernest D. Plutlc Letten to 117 On Ave. Balboa Island, FOR SALE-Girl's ski-suit. Call BARGAIN'S! llldllfuJly and economl- ..Uy. however, cannot be used in their achievements. BYC, also, gave a Nunan of that address, the city AL LACHMEYER Reward 1 7Mtc evenings, 123 Crystal Ave., Bal· Lowest prices ln fumlture la rrQ enlthire~to susctain per codlation ind· gold cup to Bill Hamm who crewed building o(fice s ta tes. Nunan 1726 West Central EMPLOY!IEJiT WANTED II boa Island. 70-;?tc motto.. I buy rfahL I aeil rfPt ir.llll'! ESTIMATE CALL ~CON 5Ul.J to e '-'1 ange ounty un ergroun for Bob in the elims here_ The estimated the cost at $5000. -I also buy turnJture. water basin. If it were possible Newport Harbor Chamber of Com-Harbor UU-M 38tfc WOMAN w91 care for baby or FOR SALE-F & E check writer, Needle's Furniture to regulate tht>m so as to get 100 merce Perpetual Trophy was pre. ', .. p A I N T I N G children. d8y or nights. Make never been used. Serit?s ~B. Central Garage and Collision Shop per cent percolation from the r iver See CulH.rlaoll'a Ad on Pace S. appointme~)ts by phone, Hunt· $60; also ten.gal. can of Fuller 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Mea sented to Dick Fenton, hi·polnt in 12 Yean Service ln Newport In Be 6533 all be! Phone Beacon 5038 57-tfc channel , the system would fail Int ernational 14. The Byron Far-H•bor Area gton . c ore permanent blue paint, $25. Ph. from silhng 1"n the channel wh1"ch 10 a. m I, 78-2tp after 6 pm. Harbor 6~J =2tc Order Your well Perpetual went to BUI Ficker . s m tMER SERIES continued, Harry H 11 . ,.,. . f<r reduces its percolating capacity. for the P-14. Brewer 's Founder's PIC, R. Remple, Mittler ·Smlth, · a EXPERIEN~D Practical nurse FOR SALE-Metal cabinet for Servel n In order to prevent this, flushing Per petual to P ete Serrell in P·14. Geo. Holstein. SNIPE, Bob and •·_ p~~~~R desires position in Doctor's of· kitchen sink. Phone Harbor 0 1ws should pass down the chan· The BYC Perpetual for the P. C. Betty White, B. Davis, P hil Greene · 274 E . !9th Street 24-tft fice or Priva te Home. Phone 1146-J. 78-2tc Gas Refrigerator Proprletor-G. B. Iverson Z366 Newport Blvd. ne occasionally that are large race to Catalina was won by D. Deaver. INTERNATIONAL 14, . Beacon 50*5. 79-2tc ------------·I Now enough to pick up the silt de-El'ickson. Fenton, Buzz Tupman, Blair John· f OR A RELIABLE P8.1nt Job on 1'"0R SALE-Neon Sign Cafe. at Vogel's COSTA MESA • posited there and carry it to t he EASTER REGA'l7A -SNOW· stone. P. C. Catalina Race. Erick-your home, call Beacon 533t! y~~~~ ~~~~~~~:h:l ~·~ Reasonable. Call Beacon 51i~:f~ 100 Main St. Harbor 145 ·~~==========~~oce~an'.'.·~---------BIRDS, B. Yardley, B. f\files, ~lary son, Strom. Wilkinson. \VEONES-after 4 :30 p.m. l~t!t boa, Lido Isle or Balboa Island ------------·I 52·tfc Fenton'. PENGU1NS, 8 . Lapworth. DAY SERIES, JULY, BALBOA J'A.INTING -PAPER HANGING home. Givt services in exchange FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100. ----=----=-----= 05Balboa rket R. Israel, Geo. Ruby. SABOT, H. OIN K, M. Gram, D. Deaver, S. and DECORATING for room & board. Some nurses' 7311 Seashore Dr., Newport WAN'J'l:D TO BUT 11 Davis, A. Collins, D. Hun ter Whiting. JULY & AUGUST . F Alr H. E. McDonald aide t rain,ng. Exe. references. Beach. 65-t!c CASH FOR USED FURNITI..TRE. DYERS, S. MacKay, W. Blinn, Roe CON, A. Nowport, K. Morgan, B. 414 Old Conty Rd., Coota Mesa Phone Cri 14().94 evenings or HARBOR PHONE BEACON 5538-J. Lindgren. BALBOA, M. f\1or gan, Younglove, B. Cundiff. SNOW. Phone Beacon 5013-J Et>-tft f\fich. ~ days. Ask for Miss 23--tfel M. Cram, S . Whiting. FALCON, BIRD. Mike, J aeger, S . Beek. H. Pat te~n.1or 'NTite box M o/o PJumbing Service Will p C h Ken Morgan. P. c .• L. Wheeler, Keel. AUGUST BALBOA D!NK, PUBLIC NOTICE News-Times. 79-ltc . ay as Hore Tlla SO Years of 8ervtee to the Barbor'• J . f\1.cFarlane, H. Er ickson, F. M. Gram, S. \Vh.iti ng, D. Deaver. J, 1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon 5048W For your tunrlture or what havs Srr.ales. RHODES, Wurdemnnn, SPECIAL LABOR DAY RHODES. NOTICE OF PUBLIC llEAIUNG WOMAN will care for baby or REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY YCN. Phone Beacon 5656. Qoaw-IOl MAIN f"\neR Clle.ntele BALBOA, CALIF. Bob Allan. F . Lyon. STAR, D. Bob White Sr., C. Millikan, Roe children, d,ay or nighL Make ley Fumttul"e, 1812 N~ by N · tm ts h 6533 Contracting and Supplies 97tfc. ••tt Ha tch, T. Christensen. Wa ter man. Lindgren. RHODES Avalon Cruise The ewport Beach City Plan· appo1n ea my P one ; Blvd, Costa Mesa. ..,... C! -M--ET-----c-----------------·1p1c. Bob Duntley, H. Brown. E. H. Beardslee, Dr. L. Love, Wurde-ning Commission will hold a Pub--call beforei 10 a.m . 78-2tp p u Mp s FUB.NlTUBE FOB SAL& a I LAD PR 0 DU C Ts Smith and Mittler . ALBATROSS, mann. Ed Wllllarns, F . Lyons , R. lie Hearing 'Thursda y, October 17, GRAD-NUjlSE, part time nurs· WORTillNGTON N. Meager , B. Tupman Simpson. Hampton, Dick Mott. 1946, at 7 :30 p. m ., in the Council lng, or rel eve on special cases. PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGAL FOR SALE-Bengal rug llke new, SNIP&.T. Varalyay. A. Andrews, LABOR DAY R E G ATTA Chambers, City Hall. Newport Will take short cases. Phone For All Pressure 13 x ts•· Phone Harbor 1-Ms.M. CLARK & BATES D. Metcalf. NATIONAL1_!:.x_ley, G. RODES, J. Griffith, B. Power Jr., Beach, California. 6533. Address 715 Delaware, Soden Refrigeration 79--2tp Walton. G. Brown. V1K.ING, D. dslee. P. C., Erick.son, Strom, PUBLIC HEARING upan the HuntingtoD, Beach. 7~2tp 623 So Los Angeles St Anaheim OCTOBER is the month tor spe-- Pedenen, A. Gram, J . Ram.say. ler, Dr. Suess. PlC, R. Rem- a pplication ot Herbert C. Roth, WILL k f chlldre b · ., clal values in UVING-ROOM P-14, Ficker, Serrell, Calkins. P e, Holstein, Burt and Fran Rus· put.or, for a conditional permit to th ht.a e 1care o n Y Phone 4652 79-ltc GROUPS at McMAHAN'S . Our -Look for the Bronze Mailbox -MEMORIAL DAY SERIES. PIC sell. ALBATROS, Meager, Wlp. construct a new Newport Harbor e our, Clay or evening. Ph. VENETIAN BLINDS -GLASS purci\aainc department havtng D S I D P FALCON Lutheran Church on a portion of Harbor 201~W · 78-2tc SHOWER DOORS . mlth, Justi Mittler & Ed Smith P er , . earson. . A. . combed ~e markets for the M•tallizing-e INDUSTRIAL Tanks. keels, rudders, deck fit· SNIPE, BALBOA OINK, Drew Newport, K. Morgan Jr., Linda Lot A, Tract 919 as recorded in REUABLE P,Iored help. Men &. CUstom Made and Installed best offerlnp available, are tea· Gram. Stra t Whiting, Marshall Le~. B. Younglove. VIKING, w . records of Orange County, Book women codks:, hotel maids, dish-Floor polishing and sanding equip-turing llvina·room aeta, bed Gram. SPRlNG INVITATIONAL, Campbell, A. Gram, D. Pedersen 29, P ages 31 to 34 inclusive. washers, ~tors, couples, house ment for rent divan set.a, rocken and occu- Welding- -ALL NEWPORT BEACH • oii"rf'~'AL Art objects, doors, signs, store fron t decorations. e ALLTYPES Specialists in steel. cast iron. aJuminum, brass, bronze. WORK GUARANTEED - 506 SOth Street Harbor %508 RHODES, H. Beardslee. W. Joyce, !NTL 14-D. Fenton. P·l4, Ser-By order of the Chairman of keepers. II'-In or out. Garaa:e Bayview Builders Sup1>ly Iona! chalra, u well u cofteo C. Wurdemann. STAR. P . CUn-rell, Kyle-Royce. SNOWBIRD, S. the Newport Beach O ty Plan· help &: bOUr' work. Peterson 1 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon S067 tables and lamp tables, and all ningham, C. Wat erman. 0 . Hatch. Beek , Moni.s Kirk, Bob Halder · ning Com.miuion. !;mpk>ymel.t Aaeney, 1427 Call· 79-tfc other living-room accessories PIC, D. Smith, Burt a nd Fran Rw:-ma n. DYER. B. Beek, J . Munroe, J OHN M. ALLEN. (onla Ave., Lona Beech. Phone for October value giving. Free sell. ALBATROSS, F. Simpson ill, S. MacKay. SNIPE, Deaver, PHILMER J . ELLERBROEK. 'n52-01. I 76-4tp Z O R I C delivery and lowest terms. Of J . Rogers, H. Wippler . p .14, Ser-Greene, D. Gram, Mike Giddings. Secretary. WANI'ED--House work by hour course, we still have those 3, rell, Bob Kyle. P. C., Geo. Strom, C ULI-5, Bi ll Lee. BALBOA, Ron Pub: Oct. 10, 1946. or day, u• out. \Vrlte Box "F" DRY CLEANING 4 and 5-room outfits assembled Wheeler, Hebe Erickson. SUM-Collins, J im Smith, M. Gram. NOTICE Of" OISOLUTION cJ N ~Tunes 'TS-2tp In Our Own Plant for great savings for the house-- MER SERIES, BALBOA DINK, ·Reported by Velma Barber, pub--OF PARTNERSHI P o ~ . holder. Visit us THIS MONTH, M. Norgan, M. Gram, J. Smith. licity director . 81PLO~ OP'FEBZD It PICKUP AND WON'T YOU? ?\fcMahan Fur-Notice 11 hereby given by'U.. under· DELIVER •i&ned that the c:o-.p~ lately W ~tddJe age house-niture Company, ~econd and 11u0Al.stlng between u•. UJMS.-the ttrm ~--per, e"""rlenced only. MWlt Ph Broadway, Santa Ana. Calif. name and •tyle of BEAN and BOLK.AN ~ -;r-· one enc"4t'.ed In the buatneu or paint con· drive car,1$125 month. Harbor BEACON 57gs..J 79·1tc tnctlng In corona del 1C&r, 'Countr of 2130 78-6t Orange. State of Cl\.llfornJa;,!!f on the · P FOR SALE-Misc. furnishings, 30th day of Seplember. •~ by st di h t wl •·•-I mutual !::on..wnt. HELP W Af'ITED, MALE-Local U o COUC es, n ~. amps, The unfinished bwit~ Md ar!&lra or traveling in business tor Lido Cleaners chairs, some rock maple. 126 ot lhe said co-.partnent .ill M at· J Coll"ns Balbo Isl d ~2t tended 10 by L. c. a ~ OMc or the yourself. No money required. 456 Newport Blvd. 1 • a an · 1cr c u ndersigned. a.nd the Mid 4 C. BEAN Good income. You are your own 78--tfc FOR SALE-Kitchen gas stove, I• her.by authorised to collect, recelni boss. ~" ly 5081,i No. Main St., The Bayside 'Plating Co. c.c. "Chuck" W irth OFFERS YOU A DISCOUNT If You Bring nis Ad to Us Within 30 Days We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths All Work Guarant-1 Estimates on Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD • Tea Services •.Antique Finishing • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela- bras • Ceramics PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plating • Badges and SouveniJ's C.R. "Bob" Hand BAYSIDE PLATING CO. Phone: Beacon 5113, Days; Beacon 5358-R, Nlghtll COSTA MESA • 1914 Barbor Blvd. and receipt for all moneya, aooda and Just Arri d hJgh oven. 445 M St., Balboa, propertlea due or a.ccruins to Mid co-Santa , Calif. TT-Ste Ve or phone Harbor 201 "IJ. ~21p partnership. a.nd to dlsch&rae &JI obll-rr.b. Bea.ring Aid. ~ 'er p tlona Of Nld 00--p&rlMrahtp. I.lid to wiii'i>Nd WANTED M-~-YI BOATS. s~ ~-.. perform all It• unexecuted contract._ ~ "'.~~ ....... -BA 'I"l'ERJES ".-.-.........a .Dated at Corona del Ma.r, County ot week. N~ton'1 Bay ShoN Cafe, Orange, State or Callfonda. Ulla tua 17th and 'Coast Highway. ~tfc Oundencm Drue Co. FOR SALE -Outboard motor day or !j'/'~:':~ 1946. HELP W~"""""--117 Main St. P1L HutJcr !11!1 "Neptune" 11> H. P. A.1. Also L. c . BEAN ~,,.. ·_~-: Woman or strl 80-ttc 6 pain window drapes. No. 7 ROBERT T. HOLMAN far ~al hou8ewcrk; Cood Beacon BaY,.. Harbor 316--M. Pub. °''· 10. 1946. ....., II • tn or out. Hano. Poultry Wire JIS:I. :16-tfc 7!).ltp 1 ALL ! OF THESE ADVAN TAGES lvouRS I ..• wbeil ,.... cet a lob u a t~o~:or· Good :rt.nm the •tart ... yes, ev while )'OU are l•arnln&'. • RaJaeo rt rogular lntervala •.. and " chance to advance.- I Good W<fklnc condltlonl ... attracti~. pleasant aur· roundlniJ . . . friondly Id· lqw·"°t"' P aid ~Ilona, --, .•tc. 1n m4J!Y -""""' In ~ C<"DIJ'al ottloo ~~_;:= ~~CALIFORNIA ......... r oNE COMPANY 100 Ej Bay Ave., Balboa 51'~ Na_ llaln St...Santa Am or • Oiief Operat<>r Six Ft. Wide, Two-In. Mesh FOR SALE-Surf Dory, set lines 1.50 Ft. Rolls & equip. Ready to go. 3806 River Bayview Builders Sup1>IY Ave, NewporL Pbono Harbor 818 Coast Hlway Ph. Beacon !5001 2062-R. 79-2tp Hereafter If -recap your 79-tfc MARINE RADIO transmitters, converted eov't SW'plua, com- plete wt th receiver, pawer sup- ply for 6 volt., 2 crystal freq., 3rd optional, $125; 2().watt tranamltten complete. $130. We are goo't -to Install. Aul.stance """' In Iiceiwe •ppU· call-. L-C Radio, 1227 S. llaln St., Santa Ana. Phone 4312. 78-2tp TIRES wo caarantee our "'Capo" to Jut 20,000 MILES -ttiat'1 not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 II' ONE OOllES OFF - ONE'nD~ INS 9DUJIS. ,,,, a complete aet -wflJ call for your cor In the momtng and dollYU same day. Aloo a $2.00 llobllatatlc balanoe job. -"" recap YoU1' !Ira, filr n.oo. No lead .,.qhb or ·-· Costa Mesa Tire Co . , , In -at 1760 Newpc>rt Blvd. COSTA MESA Pb. Boaoon 570 Ark filr Al or. Buie • FOR SAIF ~IL plywood. square enil pw1t. Good condition, llcht and portable. Call Harbor 882. 78-2tc FOR SALE-Star boat, 118110; open )'lldne. cabin viking, cuJl. $475. Vvlklne'a Port, 909 Cout Hlch•ay. Phone Beacon !5033. 78-2tc WANTED TO BUY-ean- dlnchY tn cood condition. PIL Harbor 2669-R after 1 p.m. ~tfc FOR SALE-Cabin auller 22 IL ~. 4-cyllnder Starr mot«. :tuot "P91nted. WID trade for 22 rt. or 24 IL -trailer or will . take cub. 7311 -Dr, JllOW)ICll L Ph. ll-14913-J. 70-t!O FOR s.u.E--20 ft. l'blllppDe ma- bnpny llpeo4 boat. In -I.er and -1 trallor. Sl..., talra 3!!06 )I..,,.. ..... ~ -bor :Nlll·W. ,...... Additional Want Adi on Following Page , t • r_~--~~~~.~...-~~.,..-,-_~ .... ~~ . ...-~~~-~~~-,.-~~';'."" •. -;-.... _i-,_, __ ~~-;-~~~~-~~-"""'!~-111"-~-.':::'""-~':""'~~~~-~.~.•~·-""'!"l~P..~-~------~-~~-~'.~~~'7.::-:'~~ .. """I~~. ·~o,~ .... ·11111~ .. _, .. , ...... l'!'!' .. _ ....... !llll~;,·: ...... __ .~ ... c"" ...................... l!ll, .. .. • I - -. ---- • E~~--:--:~':'"""':'::::::::::"'.:::::::::::::::::--:::;-::::;;-:::;:~;---...-!"!*!*~tcl&~~z ===~~0s;7•f~·~!t~U~•=~-;-:·:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-!!°---.-------·--------------------------------... •1 •rA.L -a-'' _ .... mrAft '' D'l'.&.n Cl •••. mAD ,, •g•r. m.&.1'S C'T W A N T A D S Jlllllll02l8 OPl'OSIUl'lttDB II 1•~&~•~•-~Elll~'l'~A_:!ft! ____ ~·~--~-~~-~~~~----~ -.., __. -l)OIEDIATE POS$£SSION -I Balbo Isl d - Continued ANTIQUE SHOP-Dolnc •-· Furnioh<d cottaee on beed1 I a an from preceding page bullnela. 50t1' w .. t Central • ll'ont.. $1950. Taite car~ PQ'-!WO-BEDROOM HOME; tlre- Pbone Harbor 2'Tl0. 78-4tp ..,...L Bay S"°"' Auto Camp, place, glus pon:b.' garac•-Well BOA'i'll, SUPPLD8 II · 411 . New-t Beach. ~c built and eia:dlent location. Can s Ac RI FI c E ! ::: _ FunUsbed rooms. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. be !lnanoed for one-half- 28-ft: commen:W llohing boat, Delux $1.40 up. opedal weekly A. R. Ebrlte and Associates J . W. Doak El Bayo Tract $15,750.00 excellent far mackem fishing. rat ... M ... Hotel, Ooota Mesa. 1936 N-Blvd., Costa Mesa Home on Bay Ave. A·l condition Ou-ysl<r mariDe Located behind Aepha Be I. Beacon 5857-W --..... • ' --Lo engioe. Must aell Immediately, Market. Phone Beacon 5424-J. 3 Bed-· 2 Balbi, on-• t $1500. S. M. Atkins, P. 0 . Box '!S-ltp ' $25,000 Balboa :;s: ~l E. Bay Front, ~!: FOR RENT-Nice room for man, Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us an · on canal front. near Lido Thea- FOP. SALE-25' Lowman conuner-ter, 402 Clubhouae, Newport. c!a1 boaL Very good COllditlon, 78-2tp all gear. Reasonable. Inquire down- Aao. Dock 26th SL ~tfc FOR RENT-Single "!""'-town Bal.boa. Phone Beacon Balboa Canvas Shop 5435, days. 78-4tp Sallo -Boat Coven FOR RENT-Room, gentlemen Marine Uphobtering only in new borne. Private Harbor 21:11 -2241' 2lot SL bath and entrance. On penin- Newpcwt Beach n-tfc sula. Write Box "N .. c/o News.- Fire Equipment Tests C-0-,....,,_ ~A Foam rdllls. COo find oyotem and Portablet now available. ETS HOKIN A GALVAN 1000 Cout HlghWOJI Pb. Beacon 5522 73-tf< Times. 78-ttc FOR RENT-New Duluxo room and private bath, tile shower stall Twin or double beds, box spring and interspring mattres- ses. Unt beat. Special rates for permanent guests. Miracle Mlle Motel, 706 Coaat HJghway. New- WILL PAY good bonus for boat port Beach. Ph. Beacon ~J. allp. Have 40' custom b u i 1 t 75tfc crulaer. Write Box "S" c/o N nmes 75-tfc FOR RENT-Rooms apta. over- ewa-· looking harbor 8i:: ocean. Pall- FOR SALE-40 ft. cabln cruiser; sades Hotel 1414 Sea View Ave. 1Jeei-siX; galley, dinette, head, Corona del Mar. Phone Harbor large wheel house and cockpit, 1456. 76-tfc completely reconditioned. bow to atern. Chrysler marine engine. FOR RENT -DeLuxe rooms & See o~'l\er 133 Agate Ave., Bal-apts. Prices range from SS. to boa Island, 67-tfc $11'.50 per week, OT monthly · rates as per O.P .A. ceiling. 1007 E . Central, Balboa. Ph. 236().M. 74-tfc -Of tough, light marine plywood. -----===--=c-:-:---Molded hulls or flat-bottom. FOR RENT -ROOMS -Double. S :M ALL BOATS -Skl!f1, Dinghies, Sailboats. Daily service. AdulU only. 421 MARTIN OUTBOARD MafORS Harding, Balboa. Cali!. tfc 'Tlexidrive" Shafts for Inboards FOR RENT-Single room, outside WATSON -BOA TS entrance. adjoin;ng bath. East ''Small Boat Headquarters" Ne"'?Qrt. Call arbor 50 Sunday. 611 Coast Hiway Beacon 52T7 _________ 7_&-_3_tc 69-tfc WANTED TO RENT il MUSICAL & RADIO S4 W ANTF:D TO R ENT-Two-bed· FOR SALE, PIANO-Wurlitzer room house or Apt .. for about six Spinet. Beautiful mahogany months. Lt. Col. Moore. Phone Costa Mesa FIVE-ROOM HOME On V-u-ginia Plare, near Newport Blvd. Lot 50xl50. Back yard. Very private. Priced for Immediate sale. Home is vacant. Some money in escrow allows you to move in today. Price $5950. TemlS. NEW HOME Tw<>-bedroom completely fumisbed home on half aa-e; garage, chicken equlpmen_t. ~ house off Newport Blvd Immediate possession. Price $8250. Terms. BUSINESS ACRE HOME Tw<>-bedroom home on Balboa street on lot 135x330, completely fenced in, steel chain interlocking fence. Very good court site or future market development. See our sign on property. Price $9975. Five Acres NEAR BACK BAY; good soil; all Price $10,500. • fenced; water in. . In come P roperty Corona de! Mar-Seven motel cabins, large cafe and ·seJVice station; room fo r more cabins or other develop- ments. Price $30.000. Terms. El ·Bayo Waterfront Four-bedroom. tw<>-bedroom home. Private beach over- looking Lido Isle. Patio and sun deck. Only water- front home for sale in this tract lately. Stove; elec- tric refrigerator and Bendix washer. Price $47,500. Terms. Eastside Duplex Furnished Dtiplex $25,000 ,I 2 Bedrooml, 1 Bath Down 2 Bedroomo, l Bath Up W. L. JORDAN 100 E. Central, Bal- Phone Harbor 168 72-tfc. Boal.'l ,Supplie&- , ._ ----FRONT HOME, clOlle to bmineu; five bedrooma. two sleeping parcheo. Partly fumilh- ed. Good Income poalbWti- • $20,000.00 Corona del Mar TWO-BEDROOM HOME, furnllb- ed; fireplace, patio, barbecue, guest room adjoining &arace-- $4000 cub will ~ $11,000.00 Jl,.2 Lot in El Bayo Tract $3,150.00 Oirome plated coune correct- ors for yachts. Very fine fn.. 1trumenta. Government surplus. Aomlth drcl.. at comlclerable I reduct.Ion. Brand new. Alao available, double drum wench JOHN E . SADLEffi for marine ways. REAL TOR Sampson Machine Works M&n st.. Balboa. Ph. 2034 1604 Newpor t Blvd h505 C'.oa.st Hiway, CCrona del Mar Ph. Beacon 5801~ Costa Mesa I Phone Harbor 741 78-2tc 79-ltc ---------! J. E. Barnes & Son NEWPORT BEAOt INDUS· l806 N-t Blvd. TRIAL CORNER LOT, M-1 60x -.. ~ 90. $5500. Owner next door. 1 Costa M'CSa Ph: Beaoon 5320 :507 29th St. 7S-4tp I FOR SALE-Three-room bunga-New 3-Bedroom Home low, Costa Mesa, $5750--$2750 bn down. Ask Jim Farquhar. u. c. East 19th St. Hardwood Marshall, 2113 So. htain, Santa floors, double garage. Price Ana 5174-W. 78-2tc only- FOR SALE - 7 unit apartment, $18,000. I> down 10% <liscount for cash. See owner 302 Eaat Ocean Front, BaJboa. 76-4tp FOR SALE-Corona deJ Mar, 45- $12,500 Terms. Furnis hed f t. Jot, 1 block from school, south Four houses, one ~ere land, east of Blvd., good location for in-side; good location. One five- oome. Owner. Ph. H-2139-W. room an'd three four·room 65-tfc houses. Income, about $150 per Owner leaving state, must sacrlflce his completely fumiShed modem two-bedroom home, dose to New- port Blvd. Washing machine, Crosley ref., gas range 'and radio . . . including drapes. curtains and pictures. Move in today . . . must be sold this week. Better hWTY. Full prl~ ' ' $7500 B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -Salesman John BOndra -'Salesman Phone: Beacon 5225 1972 N"'t!W"'"P<>""rt..t Blvd Costa Mesa 79-ltc F1)R SALE . . . BY . . . OWNER LIDO ISLE -EXCEPTIONAL BUY Improved Comer Water Front Lot -READY TO BUILD ON- 0 Wrlte Box W, c ;o News-nmes V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S We Are Completing H 'A Y WARD H 0 MES 79-ltp 0 Consisting of two bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, dinette, bllth- WITlllN 60 DAYS $5300 cqmplete on your lot G.I. Financing on House & Lot Office Hours: 8:30 to 7 :00 See DENISON & McBROOM 498 Newport Blvd. Phone Harbor 2447-R Costa Mesa 79-ttc d t J B Brown Harbor 4601. 79-4tp case, an one. . . , =---,=--:0---:-:-:-:--:-:---:-:--:-Piano Tuner. 338 Broady..·ay, WANTED-Established local busi· Costa Mesa. 78-2tc ness man and \vife \Vant year 's Close to shopping center. Both sides completely furnish- ed. Four rooms ; two bedrooms, maple and waterfall sets, new Kelvinator, new Western Holly range. Three rooms; one bedroom. maple set, electric refrigerator, table-top stove. All beds box spring and innerspring mattresses. Lot 66x135. Price $8500. Terms. -----------' month. Plentyofroomformore i----------------------1 FOR SALE -Balboa Island, b Y ' ho~. Fu.JI price onJy- owner, 2·bedroom home, plus glass screen porch and garage. Furnished, $15,500. Phone Har-1 lDGHEST price paid for your pi-lease on house. Preferably fur- ano. Danz.Schmidt Piano Co., nished. \V. 1-1. Knapp, Harbor Santa Ana. 520 N. Main. 70-Uc 2'232. 78-2tc USED Pianos from $65. Or will \VA NTED-Winter rental, Oct. 15 rent. Danz·Schmidt Piano Co., to ?.·tay 15 or ? Adults. no pets; 520 N. ~1ain. Santa Ana. 70-tfc furnished garage apt. or small --------. ---house on Balboa Island . T. \V. RE~ 0 S s. ES SE D Mirror Type Soule, Orange County Title. Sprnet Piano. .Now o~ly $295. Phone Santa An a 5100. 77-Jtc A very prett}· piano. Fine tone. ===--c,.,.--:-::-7"--:---:=-;- Danz-Schmidt Piano, 520 No. VETERAN {Salesman) WI f e :P..tain, Santa Ana. 70-Uc (Teacher > desire f u.r n is he d apartment or house for year, GOOD Grands. Mehlln, Kurtzman, until new home is built. No Story &: Dark, Chaae, Hallet & children or pets. Bonus given. Davis, K imball, Weber and oth-Call Klmball 2071. Collect. en. Prices start at $485. Terms. 76-4tp Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 ---------...:,,.....:. No. Main. 70-tfc WANTED-To rent or lease, 5 or Radio Repairs All makes: tubes, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 91!5 Cout lDghway, Nl~ew~p<><~rt" 23-tfc STEINWAY GRAND. Beautiful 6 room house. By Boat Com- pany exeCutive. Permanent. Ph. Mr. Hobson, Harbor 1580. 76-4t..:: WANTED TO RENT-Asst. mgr. Met. Life, desires lease or rent unW Jan. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom house. Care guar. Phone S. A. 1428-M. 71-tfc modern in black. and silver. Gor-A.PI' or SMALL HOUSE wanted geoua tone. This b an art.piano. by man and wife. We do not It you are furnishing your home drink or smoke, no chlldttf! Of' tn ''Modeme" this lnstrument ts pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W perfect for you. Reuonably or write Box ''X'' Newport Bal- priced. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., boa News-nm.,.. 37-tfc ~20 No. Main, Santa Ana. 70-tfc WANT TO 'ltENT-2 or 3 bednn. llPZ(JJAL ANNOUNCll:MENTll 18 unfurnished house. WUI leaae. FOR RENT-16MM Motion pie-Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7(17 ture Projectors-Sound or silent, or 13. 35-tfc w 1 th or without operators. ,, FILMS RENTED -Your own ::BZAL==a=•::-'.:.TS:::.... ____ -"' picture show at home, features, sports, musicals, for parties, clubs. churcheo. Harbor 2598-J. Cushman Scooter Repair Work Free Estimates 76-tfc On Service and Repair Lido Isle Beautiful 3 bedroom furnished home on a corner lot 45 x 90. A large walled in patio with Iota of nice flowers and shrubs, a large 2 car garage and only 100 feet from the bay. A place you wouJd like t o live and only $30,000.00 Balboa Island Malloy & Wyckoff 5 rooms 2 bed rooms a nice yard with trees and flowers. The house Rear Balboa Marine Hardware has been recently decorated and 913 Coast Hiway Bea. 5261-W has plenty of nice furniture. There Newport Beach is a 1 car garage and a cement 98-tfc slab for another car. A nice home -----------close to the ferry and only Carpenters Availab~ $17,000.00 for general maintenAnco , and repair Newport Heighl.'l o. z. aoBDTl!OJI Call Harbor 83 Here is an 8 room house wt th 4 bed.rooms, livingroom. dining room. 3'-tfc kitchen, pantry, glassed in back -------,,....,.----1 porch. It is on a corner lot 65 x K E Y S 150 with lawn and nowen. Th<O M&de Wbll• You Watt sidewalks, curbs and streets are VOGEL'S in on two sides. 1bil home ta 100 Kain st., Bal-built liko a bridge and has Jui! toe lllar!De, Bal-1"l&nd had a $600.00 paint job. Better N-ttc take a Jook at lhll one and the llOIDIEllll-----O-PPO-,..,S'ftlNlTDB====-"°"11 price ;,, just B USINESS BUYS-M $l5.000.00 BEAUTY PARLORr-Best shop-Balboa Ocean Front ping spot location.. New equlJ>-A nice 3 bedtuom home on the ment. low rent. lone leue. Ocean Front. Recitntly 1"t'decora.t- HA1tIBURGER. HOT JX)G ICE-ed. a new conaete foundation and CREAM STAND-All ye~ spot.. piers.. There ls a Patio 'ioi con· crete and % sand, new patio ~ RESTAURANT-Near the bay. nitUJ"e. All fumltUl'e and drapes Year round business. Bl& money are new and you can haw it for maker, sultablo for partnon. $l5 OOO OO BOWLING All.EY -Pool Room ' • Hf'l\I! 11 a very aood mminc -. with chance to expand Beverley Realty Co. ' &Tl Eut Central, In Ball1oe Want ~ U.tinc Gia~ Bewrley, Jack C. Ford. A. "SANDY" STEINER Jim Howard. Broker-Bi~~ 8'-' ..... Broker. Reoltor Salesman. 79-ltc lnouran<:r DI Qout BlsbWQ All lr;lndo typewrits -Ill Phone Harbor !1173 '!S-ltc 1todt at tho N..-Tlma Corona de! Mar Tu•<>-bedroom new home, large living-room, fireplace, floors carpeted, awnings on windows. Prire $10,950. Terms. Back Bay View Tw<>-bedroom home, very clean, Y2-acre, all fenced ; barn, corral, chicken house. Quick possession, $7500. Terms. Ocean View Lot Newport Heights, near Cliff Drive on Redlands street, 50x135 feet. See our sign. Price $1950 cash. · RELY ON RELIANCE On Newport Blvd. 149 feet in 1900 block_ __ .. ,, ... _ ............... _,, .... ____ $ 9,500 Several houses, close in ...... ----·--·-· .. -· ..................... $12,500 Lido Isle Swell view of both bays; two bedrooms, two baths, partly furnished, 45-foot lot, fireplace, walled patio and bar- becue pit. Newly redecorated. Very clean. Immediate possession. Price $21,500. -- On Central Street in Newport 100-foot business frontage of which 50 feet shows income of $225, with increasing lee.se to $335 per month. $33,500. Half down. On Harbor Blvd. Close In, 90x150 ......... _,, _______ .$8950 -Half Down Near Back Bay Nice three-bedroom home; large living-room with fire- place at end. Hardwood floors throughout. Very clemi. Newly redecorated. Half aa-e. Price $10,700. Terms. On Broadway, Near Orange Street Nlre tw<>-bedroom home; ~living-room, dinette, kit- chert has plenty of built-in installations, service porch, garage, back yard all fenced in. Immediate possession. HWTY! Price $9850. Only $3000 down. Corona ·de! Mar New home and reramic studio. Two kilns. Plenty of molds, formulas, materials and future orders . _ . per- mit to manufacture "0. K." Owner to retire because of illness. Price $12,000. ·on Mesa Near Harbor High Lot on Irvine street across from tennis court at Harbor High school, near 15th street. Lot 70xl25, paved All utlllties--$1500. Only $300 down, $25 per mooth. See our sign oo property. Half aa-e on Wilson streeL ___________ $1800 Two and ooe-balf acres oo Wilson stieet .. _ $4500 -Both Zoned for Industrl<S-- On Harbor 100x240 feet, 'ftSt side of Blvd, across from Water Co. offire. See our sign on property. Price $1~000. Half down. Open 7 Drlys Every Week, 8 L m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REAL TY & INVESTMENT 00. A. R. Ebrtte Beaccn 5857-W J. W.DoU 1936 Newport Bhd., a.ta Ilea ~ltc _ .. -~ _---.._ . :."' ~--. ·-•• $16,800 bor 2041-J. 79-2tp One-half cash. Two-Bedroom House For Lease-Balboa Isla nd STORE NEAR COMPLETION 223 Marine Ave. For Sale-Balboa With 2~ acres land, near high school. Price only- $8500 1 COMMERCIAL LOT Facing Bay ~ Blk. From Ferry ! 2 COMME RCIAL LOTS I Near Fun Zone Robert A. Eastman Harbor 2621 J. E .-Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. I Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 79-ltc I BRIGGS' *** Bf ST *** BUYS 75x102.5 corner on Central Ave., zoned for multiple family, $9000. l Newport Heights high vieiv lot, 88 ft. on Redlands Ave. Only $2750 full Prfre. COSTA ME.SA-Store bu\lc!ing on Newport boule- varcl, $400 monthly rne--Olll be increased to $550. Down paymen,t '$~[000. Fred ... BRIG1GS ... Tressa 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" S1 ililer Offices Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 HOW IS YOUR IN~,.,., A• r.,,? WE WRITE FIRE • AND JNdEMNrry 79-ltc NEWPOR!!EACH NEW '!WO-BEDROOM STU HOME-- Plastered throughout with li.sima1t tile in each room. Attractive, convenient kitchen with best of fixtures and lots of cupboard spa.o!. Built in wardrobes in bedrooms. Both showef d tub. On concrete paved street-s $8 CORONA DEL MAR HOME AND BUSINESS-l Cross the bridge to this btic redwood cottage, your dream of a little home in the West will come true. COMPLETELY~-Lovely liYing- room, kitchenette, one ~m. Ample rooni for rental apt. underneath~NLY $8400. For only $4200 more you can the complete reramlcs business with a net in e exceeding $400 per month. See this today orj you will be too lote. G. L's interested In buying ~ leasing small business ' frontage, see us about mrhway 101 locations. Homes from WSO to $70,000 BALBOA SLAND ON LITJ1.E ISLAND-- Two-story all year home With large second story beamed ceillng living-. finislied In waxed red- wood, and featuring an~ctive stone fireplace. Bay· view from living-porch and kitchen. Sizable bedroom and ba on second floor. Two bedrooms with bather's d"'8&ing room and bath oo first floor. Two-car ~- Completely Furn shed at $21,000 EARL W. ~TANLEY R&U; 'OR . COVERING GRE.A.TER NEWPORT. B.A.RBOR llll ~ :'C!.. 11.U w. Z15 ........... .a... dll Newport Btaa nn • _,Bubar 1111 Harllor 013 _, Bmtoar lTll ' .,.,lie · CHOOSE YOUR LOT IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ample size lots 60x127.5 feet on 15th street. near Orange avenue. Well planned protective restrictions. Nicely located' for a G. I. loan. Also half-acre estate sites near the High School. CALL HUB POWERS-Harbor 62-W ]. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing 79-ltc BALBOA ISLAND Three-room cottage, two-car garage on good corner close to East Bay on "Little Island."· Immediate possession. Prire -$10,750 CORONA DEL MAR Well built tw<>-bedroom home. large living-room with fireplare, breakfast room , kitchen and seIVire porch. Rumpus room over garage. Beautiful patio with barbecue. Well landscaped. Double lot, close to oceiln. Price -$21,000 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALTOR 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-R. TI-2tc Four Acres NICE SANDY LOAM: w ell l<>- cated; upper bay vtew- $10,000 Will sell acres separate. .NY ANT G. I. llome Site Lot Eut of 15th SL for Cash Call Mr. Wallace, arbor 2034 BALBOA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 79-4te New Five-Room Home llONEY 'l'O LOU • N~t H eights; two bedrooms, -----------Jarge living-room, single garage. LO.A.NB TO RUIJ...D, buy, :mproft. V.acant-Dlfldemlu or reft:nanc.. N-port Bal-hderal II&~ andLmnA-aa-$7600 3333 Via Udo Ph. 11Arbor 15CJO J . c. PAYNE, BROKER TMD-11 .. lll E. 18th SL Costa Mesa 'l'RAILERS FO,R RENT-DD,_ Ph. ~ 5213-M own -l!nS ml!! IOOtloc-.&11 R. W . BARTINE Aaodate Broker -equlpnmt., S2.25 -SUD per c!IQ>. We '4i , , *-. v--a.-Bra.. k tkv 8t••Laa __,........ . Re!. Pb. Beacon 5Z76-J 'IS-ltc CUI'. l'ltb A No\ipwt BltlL, ~ --.. f1AU'ftl8 W.&Mm \VE NEED LATE MODEL CARS · and Will Pay Top Prices SEil, YOUR CAR NOW Wbll9 Pdcm ue mp. Plam for our wwwwa bluw trbo' wll ,.l;;I .,,.. you npn1as OPA •ecimtlaal, -- j&lia ud UIWCW all decalll CULBBRTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. 0 ..... as ST Dsd • ...... , r+e1.11si:,.tn *L •o ,e ,, •r ..... • 11 • • ,·.,. ·-~--..... r.1----.-.. • -AOOOIDiT ANT GEORGE D. B.ASSETI' Boollbeplng &Ad Tu SuTtc-e llOI w. Central AOOOUNTANT BOOKICEE.PI!'llG SERVICE Colla r . Browa f H&rbor 1644 ) Ul~d AOOOUNTA.VTS A. C. JIOJITlllAN Tu ' llOJ I..tayette Harbor 718 Newport Beacb B. N. H.A.FENP"ELD Public AcC'ounl&Dt Ttt IC.. O«lu Front 1-larbor 726 Ba.Ibo&, California AOOOUNTANTS Accounting -Auditing BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Tu; Consultant J ain•• o . Piette 1711 Ne-i>ar'l B l •d. Coata Mesa Phone Beacon 5.lM-J AOOOUNTANT J . S. W lrYTl: lac.ome TLI: Con11ultant-Authorl~ by the U. S. Treasury Dept. to rep- nMtnt cllent11 In conne<:tlon with ID· C!Omoe tax matters. Audit. -Syiotem1 -BuokkH plng Senlc-e Ofrlc:e 184-0 Harbor Bl'fd .. Co.ta K esa AJSPORTS N!l'WPORT BAT SKY HARBOR One m lle wel't of Costa MeM on 19th 1treet. Co1ta Mesa -FLT- l nfltructlon -~l!ll Charter Se"1ce Q Ul:S BOB 'S D ICK . An tiques Bvui;:ht and Sold Poreela.irui, Glu.• s u,•er , La.mp• and J'urnllure l(K\i. W. Centrnl H arbor 2770 Newport Beach APARTMENTS GOSLfNG APARTMENTS Ele<>trlc R.e:rrli eration Private Bat.hi! 4.lJ E . Bay A•enu,. J-larbor f97-R ""' """ ABTKENTS II.RS. A.RLl NE E. J ASPE R Cott&Cff. A p&rtmenta and Room11 t .. Mith Silrttt Harbor 230 Newport Beach, Callr. APAllTMENT8 m."lE'S BUNGALOW COURT Kitchen !:quip~ .......... Harbor Dl-W Balboa 1JT(> DEALERS J OE ~,CKERTZ St\ldebak.er Sa~ lllld Se"ice OeAulne P&rt• and ACC"t'S9Clrle11 Come La and tell u11 your : Automobile Troubles Mll W. CeatnJ A.-e .. Newpt. &!acb AOTO REPAIR a SER\'IGE CA.RRELL'S GARAGE a;,d7 and Fender W ork -Auto PatatlQ,C -NDlor Onrhaultns- ~up and ~neral ~rins -.,._,....._,. Ila l\o·. Cenlral Aff .• Sewp"t BMch Pboae Harbor lf l.J' AtlTO REPAIR COSTA KESA BODY WORKS Auto Paintlns Complete Bod7 Repa.lrlnc --A t Rff.eOnable Prke.- ~.-.pon B).,.d. at Walnu t St. 8-eoa UU.W • . . ,_ Their Pledge IS Your Assurance of Trustworthy Servic and Merchandise • AUTO SUPPLIES - ~'"EWPO RT • BALBOA AUTO SUPPLY Schwinn Blc7clea Glenn W, Conkl41 2108 W. Central P hozie 2U2 Newport ee.c,b. callf. BEAUTY SALONS CHARLOTTES BEAUTY SHOP Lohr Ott P enna.neat Wa'f"ea a Specialty 609 State HJ1hway Corona del llar P b.one Harbor 1526 BJ CYCLES BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repa!Ted V OG EL 'S 100 Kain St .. Balboa 208 Marine Ba.Ibo& h land BOAT BUILDERS a REPAIRS Sterling Boat Worka All T ypel!I or Boat Buildlnl' .Llld Repalrs P~ntl ng and Motor W ork Sa!lh and Doora 11.ade to Order 615 CO&.!lt H ighway Beacon &363 BOAT BUILDERS YORK BOAT CO. Now building a ~omplete line of etock and custom crulaen and com- mercial bo&ll!I 23· to 38'. Hartx>r B\\•d. and W\190n Street Co.t1ta Meu Beacon 5342 BOAT REPAIR I< MAINTEN'CE THE &OHM.A.N CO. Ma rine Way~nera.1 Repa.lni a.nd M.a.lntenance '.)01 CO&J!.t H '«l•y. Phone Beacon M31 BOAT DE.UERS DOUGLAS BOAT A. CANOE CO. M.anufacturerg and Dh1trlbu tora or Sklfta. Paddle Board!!, Yacht T ender11 2819 \V. CentMll A\"e , Ph. Ha.r. 2634 ;r.;"ewport Beach. Calif. BUILDERS CONT RACTOR'S RENTAL EQPT. E verything In Machinery for the Bulldtng Contractor Building and Cabinet Service D\.J1CH H EACOCK Ph. Har bor 500 or Beacon ~-W 17th & 5ant& Ana Ave .. Costa Mell& CABISET SHOP GORDA.N B. FTNDLA Y CABISET SHOP CU8tom M.ade Cabinets -t07 30th St. 1-la rbor 2388-J Ne•port Beach CRILDREN'S APPAREL THE BOBBY SHOP Bob and Sally Brown 71 1 E . Central Ave. Balbo& Harbor 11~-\V CHILDREN'S APPAREL JR. JACK A JILL Chlld.re.n·a and Infant'• Clothl~ Up to 8 tor Boyw and lC for Glrla 17611; Newport Bl'fd . C011la 11.eaa C HIROPRACTOR D R. P . A. CHAJrCBERL.AlN Pa.bner-Cat-Ter TechnJque -Electrolherapy- HOJfE CALLS IN HARBOR A.REA 1$44 Newport BIYd. Coet& lfee& Beacon 6'33 CHIROPRACTOR DR. EJlIL F . BELL. D. C., Pb. C. Speclallalng La Gla.od Dh1o rden--lf.ale and JP'tmale P ro11trate Tl'ou.ble Gut~lntuUnal CondlUoaa H l&b Blood P'rfewJ'e FtM Consultatlona Pbone tor Appl. 10'1 22nd St. HarboJ' 1.114 CLEANERS THE LIDO CLKA}..,;:RS Albert Matthews, Owner Quality ctanina Senlce You Can Trust U• Wlth Tour Jl'1nut Ga.rme.nta -DeUtt.rJ Sien1ce- ~ N••POrt BIYd. Beacon &798-J CONTRACroR CORSON 4 RAT CO. ~neraJ Cont.n.etora Veterans. BWldinC !or Vetera.na !25 Coral .6.ve. H&rbor Uf7-R Balbo9 bland C01''TRACTOllS, Bide. a 0..1 GREl:Nl.lil Ir WOLDENBERG Ger.era! Cq ntractors 2826 W. CentraJ A•e., Tel. Hu. 2570 Newport-Balboa. Callfof'hla CONTRACTORS, Bide. & Gea1 w. p . lf.:EA.LEY Ge.neral Contractor 467 Ne...-port Bl'fd . Beacon 5138 "--..... C01''TRACTORS, Ride. I< 0 .. 1 CONRAD SHOOK. Cont ractor Ir Builder 2U lfartne Ave. Balboli I11le Harbor 103f -1 CONTRACJTORS, JAd ... a Gea1 SOUTH COAST CONM". CO. Industrial & G~ner~ Coll8tructlon Vete ran Hou1'11ng WALTER B. KELLO"M' 615 Cout BITd. Harbor 776 Corona d11J Mar CONTRACTO~PAINTING LEE C. BEAN Painting Contractoni Ph. H arbor 2645 800 Hue l Dl"l ve Corona de! Ku, Calif. CONTRACTOR&-PAINTJNG H . E. 11c ·ooNALD Palntl.na:-Paperba.nglng Brush or sr,ra.y Work State L censed 4tf Old County Rd ., Beacon 5013-1 Coeta Me&a CONTKACTOR-PL.\.STERINO CHARLES C. PIPPS Pluter1ng . Cement Con 1ractor In the Harbor Area for 22 Yea.n Santa Ana -0689-M Beacon 5180-J 600 ~avlew Corona del Illar. Ca.He. DENTIST CL I'N·TON CAJLPBELL EVERSON 1601 Cout IUghwa.y H arbor 2220 Corona dt l Mar DOUGHNUTS COTTAGE DO-NUT AND WAFFLE SHOP Donut.a and Wattle11 a Spec:Wty Complete J'ount.aJn Sentce 306 11.artne ATe. Ba.Ibo& lale H&rbor 2672 DRUG STORES H.AJIPTON'S HARBOR DRUG Corona del 11.ar. C'alUol'Dla II.AC PELLETIER'& ~'"SWPORT BEACH PH.A.RJU.CY LONNIE VINCENT'S BALBOA PHAIUlACT 715 E. Ceotral Telephone 105 ELECTRJCAL DLRS. & SERV. RAT E.LJtCTRtC Rew1ndlns and RebutldiDI' lf.otor'9 Ir Oe.Mraton Moton and Genera.tor'9 tor Sale 2:818 W. Ce ntral An., Bar. 1711-W nsH BAT SIDE FISH MARJC!:'l' Dally DeUtt.ry M J"rtoab Flab Shell P"1ab a SN Food Speda.IUM •b et. 4 IAleyete. Nfl'lrPOl"l Be&ch Barbor 115 nsH lllAllKETS • Bus. Pbone t2S l'RAS'K SUTl'ORA Wb~eale and Retail Ft~ V:a.rbl Beer. WIM ud Llquon 2Ut Place Newport Buch. caw. FUNEllAL D~a B.A.LTZ MORTUARY ""-I ..,. .... - a.nms u.. Barbor-Al'M Lad7 .Att.-dnt at eorc.a did Kar OoirDIM .... ..,. Barllor 41 Furnlturtl ot QuaUty A: Ecaoomy Home l'umbbillp 220t Newport: BJnt. C.:.t& ~ ......,. - LUMBD WARD AND HARRINGTON LUKBER CO. Lumber • Bu.Udtnl' Jlaterta.1. Bay Disl11<'t Ta.rd Ph. Be.con 5111 518 Cout Highway, At the AJ'cbee GAUGE a lllACIDNE !!HOP MACHINE SHOPS VJRG"8 GARAGE Complete Auto 4 Boat Rep&lrln&" TEXACO PRODUCTS -Weld.Jn.s- 2408 W. Centnl Barbor 11'4-W NewPOrt Beach GROCERIES AND MARKETS C01'TLl!l"S EA.ST NEWPORT >LUlKET Complete Food Market On><!er1e9-Meat.-Vegetablu 508 W. Central Balboa Harbor 115 GROCERIES AND MARKETS NEWPORT PUBLIC KARKET Ffffh Frult-ve"t&ble. Quality Orocertee and 11.eaU C. P'. LOT, Prop. Phone llll 2115 Ocean Front Newport Beach GROOERIES AND MARKETS THE WAVES GROCERY Open Sunday-CI08ed Thursday 9 a..m. to 7 p.m. Complete Line of Grocerlee P lenty ot Bur 6600 Cout 1-1 wy. -Harbor 2252-J HOTELS ISLAND ROOMS A.ND APARTMJ!:NT S E. C. and Gl"aee Naah 127 Apte Ave. Balboa r1lt Harbor 2:33· W Hon::LS PA.LtSADES HOTEL Rooms and Apartmenta A Scenic View Q\•erlooklng Harbor & <>«an: Open All Tear Located at Weatern End of SeaYiew Ave.. Corona del Kar Harbor lfM HOUSE CLEA1''ERS A.L'S HOUSE A WINDOW CLEANING Complete H ou-. Cleanln&" Se"lce Including W lndowa, Floors, Kitchen Spray PslntlnK. Roofs, Etc. 300 The Rialto Harbor 37t-J Newport Beal'h ICE COMPANIES BAY VIEW ICE CO. Cub<el!I -Bloclui Cruabed Ice 1732 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5ln C08ta Me&a INSURANCE RARRT FR.EDERICK INSURANCE P rotect that Mortrace W ith tnaura.nce I211 Cout Bl'f"d .. Harbor 1247-J Corona del Kar INSUlLANGE RABUN' INSURANCE AGE..."'fCT _,,_ Auto--11.a.rl ne--Llablll ty CompenMlloo--Bonda 1751 Newport Bl.,.d.. Beacon 5SM--J. Coata lie-. Ca.lit. INTERIOR DEOORATORS JASPER VA.LE Interior Dfflp "1rnlfuN 9electton a. 11.a.f.nte.na.M>e Venetian BIJ.nd&-Select Wallpapera CU.tom Kade Drapertu Tailored Sllp-CoTer'9 Mf3 Via Oporto Harbor Jill Newport Beach, Calif. R . !:. A.RVIN Dlamonda. Watcbea. Jnrdry Eltpart Wafcb A: Je•elry Re:pei.rlns UI lhd SL Ne..-port Be&ch Pho-2127-.J •EWELEllS Q-RIO SHOPPE Wa..tcbo--&ertlns Sllq.r-Qtf\a of All Kindl! ... Kai• -:- LIQUOR 8TOllES K'.ESA. LIQUOR SHOP S.lectloft of Cbolee Uqaon W1-&ad Been D4t t as P41.MKR, 0.W- lTM N~1 c':.~weo.ta .._ . 9..UIPSON MACHINE WORKS US"bt and He&YJ' K&chine Work 8J)eclaJt..l11.1 In Jl(art~ .. Boat Bupplle. 1804 Newport Blvd. MARINE ENGINES SEA FLUSH A cleanJng servl~ tor all alt water cooJed engtnea. Re.new• the 0001111.1 efficiency. call tor uUmatea. Tim SEA.BOARD EQUIP. CO. 1206 Cout Highway Beacon 5841 Repre-.ntlng Gra)" Ka.rtne--GeneraJ 11.otora Dleael-11.ucury MERCHAl'li'T PATROL S ERVICE BEACH CITY MERCHANT PATROL 2304 Ocean F ront Ne"J)(lrt Be&c; Phone Harbor tf.21 -R METALLIZING CLARK .t. BA.TES Ind u11trl&l and Decorative MetaUzlng Welding Speclall11t.a 506 30th St. Harbor 2509 Newport Beach MOORING SERVICE C. R. STAFF 11.oortnga Installed and Rep~red Bouya P&.lntM and Lettered Beacon 6&f6 or Harbor 1618·R F or P rompt Ser•lce MOTELS BALBOA MOTEL Re.uonable Ratel-Clean Roome Handy to Bus lne1111 Dtatrtct O~n the Year "Round" 315 E . Central Ave. Harbor 828 j MOVING a STORAGE BALBOA TRANSFER CO. P 1LClr:lng-Cn.tin1"-5hlpplng BOAT 11.0 VING 1501 W . Central Ph. H . 2125 NURSERY SCHOOLS BAL-ISLE NUR SERY SCHOOL 317 Marine Ave. Harbor 7ff-R P . 0 . Box 689. Balboa Ialand OPTOMETRISTS Eyu E.umlned-Glueea Hepa.Ired ERNEST T. BtJTTERWORTH. 0 . D. Optometrtet !U.f W. Central New-port Beac.b Harbor 2511 PAINTING I< DECORATINO R. E. ANDERSON CONTJUCTOR Pa.l.Dllnl' • Waterproonnc CALL BltACON 578<hJ PET FOOD & SUPPLIES DOOGERZLS Doggerel• too went oa a TaC&Uon But lh• Pet Pantry's 1Ull at tbe -.me locaUoa. On Ba.Ibo& Ialand, one-t.hlrteea Apte S~t. We'll pro•lde your pet 'Witb lmpected meat. PHOTOGRAPHERS ~'"T m l'CBCOCX &ata.blJ.abed at NeWDOrt Harbor 1Qf llaater Martne Pbotocn-pber The W etil'• .,nut StudJo of lf.ar1ne and O:munett:lal PhotQSnpbT Telephone -Barbor 2S7 PHOTOGRAPHERS RICHARD SEEL T PBOTOOR.APHBR ot..Unetl"e Portr&Jtuni q Marlne A •e. Balboa I.ale Rarbor ,. PBYllJCIAN8 & llUJIGa>Nll A. V, A.ND.D'WS. K. D. m eoa... Hlslnra:r Barbor 11i1 """-....... -"""' --....... JOHN C. CHUNG. II. D. Pbylli ian and Surpoa PHYSJC~S & !!U1toEONS 2-4. 7-1:30' and by~rpolntme11.l UO E. 18th Coeta Kesa. CalU. PHYSIC S & SURGEONS 4 A. G. HUGHES . .ll. D. 11'85 Newpo BlYd. om PHYSic14s " SURGl'lONS DR. ~-T. JIOONET x Ray Service Nin b and Central Newport Be 1,cb, C&l., Call Har. .. I ' PJIYSJC~· a SURGEONS G. N! PE.ASE, K. D. l • Conault&Uon Diagnoal.a Houre by App.ointment 1611 Paci fl~ tDr. ·Corona de! ""' lr.bor 2191-J ~llYSJC9 a SURGEONS . GER.ALf RAUSA. M. D. 2830 W. _:.ental A\·e. Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 1028 ' P JANO TEACHER G. LINSENBAR Toacb" o&iano & Humonoy 15.26 <>Cean nt Harbor U52-W Ne rt Beach ' i • R . E HOLBROOK 8~ Coast B vd. Newport Beach Phone !Harbor 1418·W I f.oULTRY' HQ.DUCTS TWIN CITYi POUL'.I'RY Jd.ARKET Lll'e Po ltry and Rabblta 2010 W. Cent rai A\•e., Newport Bch.. Phone Harbor 1.105 W:-:y r NG·s RABBITRY Rab b i Dreaeed Dally -Per!4 Your Order- Phone Orders Accepted. Cor. or 16th md Tuatln. Bucon 5611 - ' I RADIO s~s " SERVICE J t ReceivM [ ~ llodel-19 20 rtt Radiophones J . K. :.r;'WN COMPANY Beacon 5363-"19 Cout Rl-Wa '1 RADIO 8~ & SERVIOE B.O.S. li.o10 !:LECrR.IC ' .um ISLA.11.""P RECORD SHOP Popular .....:.. Home A: Auto Radio. Compl~ Llae or Recorda IOO Kartne '"•e. Harbor 780 lklbo& laland \ RADJO S~VICl!:-MARINJ!: KAR™' RADIO SERVICE A. M. l(ERTS • TechnJclu R.&dlo )lon.Itor1q-SerTtce ~uency ~ A Ca.llbrauowi Tw-o-W& C..b Radio Sentce S74 & .:Utb SL Newport DQJ-W ..... RADIO s"fzs & SERVICE ~NA.RT Ille. Radlo-1Electronlc.--&und SaJM a.Ad Suvlce 11.art.Qe and DmnesUc Ph. IL ud.K 29Cn W . Ceat.ra.1 Ne Beach. Calif. REAi. EST TE P. G. t:ON REALTOR 14. ...... • -$06.000 " A.cN I -Newpor1 Bll'd. _ . 15.IOO 5 Atte. Hoiae Corn.I. l!Ub&e. 15.000 Ma& Ne ~ BlTd., Co.ta lie-. n 11201-W REAL ESTATE HARBOR INVES"r)[E1'."T CO. .......... Sped~j... la H&r'bor Propeniee Businem and ReUde.ntal llOth at W . Central, Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600-1601 REAL ESTATE H. K. LANE REALTOR Income Propertf Net.a SS50 per mo. Home, S..rma. '4 A. land._.$ l.IOO 60 n. 011. <>cu.n f'ronL... Sl0.600 Large Kap or Cit>· For Sale _.$5.00 2006 Court Ave. Harbor St! REAL ESTATE J . K . KILLER REALTOR 15th and Centrll.l Harbor ll4l Newport Be.ch REAi. ESTATE WILLIAK W . SANJl"ORD Re~tor and Genera.I Inl!lura.nce GERTRUDE A. WALDRON SOS lf.a.rtne Ave. Balboa tale Harbor 23f·R • REFRIGERATJON REFRIGERATION E'•lea A: Service Dorneatlc Commercial NEWPORT ELEC. APPLIANCE -Radlo-- 2306 Cout Bll'd. Ph. 21 38 Newpon Beach, Ca.Hf. RESTAURANTS & CAFES BLUE ROOM Charcoal Broiled Stea.lui. Fine Foods Cocktalla "RUSS .. SWEETSER at the Organ 206 Palm, Balboa -Harbor 222C RESTAURANTS THE DOLL HOUSE ot Balboa Open the Year Around fl5 E. Central Ave. Harbor 2110 RESTAURANTS & CAFES KINGS LANDING A: CA.FE Specializing In all Kinde of Sea Food 611 !ll!lt Newport Beach Harbor 193f RESTAURANTS--OAFES LA POSTA De.llcloul!I Mexican Foodl!I 268S Newport Blvd . Bescon 6641 Col!lta Mesa RESTAURANTS a CAFES NEWPORT CAFE Bpeclallzlng In Family Trade. Good Old H ome Cooking • 110 Kchddn Pl. Harbor 1360-W RESTAURANTS a CAFES BpeclaJJ.alnl' in Sea FoocU 4 Bt.ealu NORTON'S BAY SHORE CA.J"E 11th St. and Cout e...,.. Bea. srf.6 Ne...-port Beach, callfornl& llE8TAIJRANT8 WllLCO"" CAl'll Home Cooted. Meal 6 Home Made P1ee-Tbe Be11t in the Cow:itry Two f:rlnte Dlnlnc Rooms !or F&mlly and Club Grou1>11 2560 New-port Bl'f"d. Be&. IUl·R Costa Kea RESTAURANT a CAFE wmTZ·s PARK AV!J CAJl'!j Banquet Room A1"&llable Harbor •68 -:-Balboa tale SEA FOODS PALADINI MA FOOD 00. LARRY .nSSXR • Wllo1wJe Flab ac:JtlL a. lAt.a.,.U. Ph. Bar. ., Newport. 8-ch, caut. ' SZRVIOE 'STA'flONS ' Auto ~ ..... Poliilib Tl"'9 • ,.. ... • _ ... .. w: o.tr.a ... . .... -11n· SERVICE STATIONS BOTDS SERVICE STATION Wuhln&"-Pollt1hin.c--Greaaln& Lubrication New Tlre.-Tub<e9-Batteriea R«appl~~Rentala AC(:q80ri.......can called !or and Dellftred 1500 W CUtnl ATe. Har. 985 SERVICE STATIONS I'SLAND SHELL ST A TION Til"M--Lubr1catk>n-Batterte1 Wa.ab.lna-TlN ~plnl' Wheel Balance 227 llartne Ave. Harbor 2219-W B&l boa Iala.nd SHEET METAL GENERAL SHEET METAL WKS. Sheet Iron-Aqle.--Band• l nduatrtal-BWJdtnc Gutter and Do•n Sp0uta 2807 Villa Way Newport ee.cb., 611..J' SIGNS BENEDICT THE SIGN KAN JO Years In the ll&rbor Are. ~lalq In Gold Le&C Letterinc a.lJ ~tterlnl'. W indow Lettertnc Perfection or l:t•" 421 NarclNU.11 AYe. Harbor 87 Corona de! liar SJGNS L. W. PIERCE E\·erythlnc In Slgna 15 Ye11.n1 In Orange County Ltcenaed State Contractor Beacon 6134-J Coat& Ile.& S IGNS TOK RUNKLE-SIGNS Slgn---.sbocarde-Boe.ta Lette~d Harbor m2 307 Palm Balboa. CaUtom la SPORTSWEAR SA WYER SPORT SHOP Men and Boy'• Sportrwur Comple1e Line of 1-la badaahry 207 lf.a.rlne A•e. Balboa !ale Harbor 676 STOCKS a BONDS ....._LE·STER & C O M41bloer Lol!I Angele.a Stock i!a:cbg. 200f W . Central A,·e .. Ne ... ·port Bcb.. Tel. Harbor 1!7f-J DEAN W. CAMPBELL COLIN W . TRAVERS Head Office , 621 s. Spr1ni SL Loa Anirele11 14 TACKLE STORES NEwPORT TACKLE STORE Kenn R ima 106 McFadden Place Pb. NB. 97 Newport Beach , California TAXI SERVJCE BALBOA c mCLE TAXI Serving the Newport Harbor Al'b. 24-Hour Reliable &ervlce 1601 W . Central Ave. Har, 320 Newport Bea.ch TAXI Phone Beacon W4 NEWPORT -COSTA 1lJCSA. TAXI CO. 24 B oun Sernce 809 eo...t Hll'hway UPHOLSTElllNG CLAUDIC A. JOHNSON T&flored Upboll!lte,.,.. Tour Penona.J 8atl1tac.tlon Guano teed 417 Newport Bl•d. Bea.. 6ll2-W VENmlAN BLINDS MEREDITH'S VENETIAN BLIND CO. lfanutaeturer. ot Custom B u I I t BUnda--Complete RM!p&lr and RebO-TaUD.8 0e"1ce. W IOtb St. Newport :e.cil Tam SIUDI: SHOP Mro VftMtla.D BllaU Wood or .l .. hrmt•um 211 JOtb St. ... ~ li70-W NOWJ>Ori ~ - wa.DllfO IUJll>Y £JmT GOP A. T. JOllN80IC' ............... ...:. i:..I\" ...... a:...,_ • Lecture on .Christian Science by ~, arl-E .. Simms, C. S. Earl & Simms C. S. of Austin, Texas.-a member at the Quistian Science Board o( Leetureshlp de- livued a lecture entitled: "Chris- tian Selence: The Way of Com- plete Salvation", Tuesday evening, October !st, under the auspices or Ftrst Oiurch of Ouist. Scientist, ot Newport Beach. In Newport Harbor Union High School Audi- torium. The lecturer was lntroduO!d by Mn. Lucile Page, Sceond Reader at. the church. A Lecture Oil Christian Science Entitled ., Christian Science: The Way of Complete Calvation by Earl E. Simms, C. S. of Austin, Texas Ill.ember or lbe Boe.rd or L.ectur- ahlp or The Morber Church, The Flnit Chun::h of Christ. Scientlet. 1.n Boaton . Mu.88Chu.tetla tlanity as J esus practlO!d IL Mn. Massachusetts. and tta bt'anches ewr lnJluence you adversely or to becomo at--0ne with It by tuning to an euy one to sell and, need-uality, complete salvation, wbe!'eln boy. The boy, a student In tho Eddy is the revelator of Truth to throughout the world. take away your God-given Intel-In. leas o lay, he had a grateful sa1 .. the sick are healed, demons are Chriltlao Science SUnday Schoal, this age. Christian Science is the CluUUu Sd~ a.ad Holy Writ l.igence, ability, and strength to Lcwe tlNI 'rnMI lllctll.the m&nN:er. This salesman under-cast out. the Jepera are cleansed, decided to rely wholly on God fw C.omforter which Jesus promised ~ nnt tmet of 1be Mother expreu perfection. ·•t..ove for God and man is the s~Truth and Love to be power-and the dead are raised through beaJ.in& Pain and ctilcornlort wen God would send. Church, namely, ''As adherents of The Master himself designated true incentive ln both healing ~ ful d ever present, therefore. the prayers of the righteous. reduced to the minimum and with- From early childhood M 8 r y Truth, we take the Inspired Word Spirit as a synonym for Deity. He teaching," declares Mn. Eddy ap able to tlis business prob-~ in 8 week the foot was stralght-~er showed a most unusual e.t-of the BJble as our sufficient gWde said. ''Cod b a Spirit: and they (ibid •. p. 454 >. A Otristian Scie~ 1 This understanding opened In the Bible it is recorded that ened. The following week be wu titude toward things spiritual. She to eternal Life" (~tanual, p. 15), that v.·orship h.im must worship treatment may be defined as di-up ew avenues of thought and 0 0 e of the disciples implored, back in school with no trace oe Uw sat daily at her saintly mother's mows the position of Holy Writ in him in spirit and in truth." (John vine. Love in action! S~tual at-tod ~e ~ ~ sales manager 'Lord, teach UI to pray." (Luke accident remaining. I can verity icnce and heard of God's love and Olristian Science. 4 :24.) To some, Spirit. more than fecu~n and unders~ding are in ~e business. May I say to 11:1.) \Vhen thus entreated. the this healing bun personal obsef-.. tender care for those ~'ho love a nd The Christian Scientist loves the any other term. indicates the in-hea.lmg angels. operat1~ ins!an-)"OU us1ness men and \\'Omen, that li.laster gave the prayer, the holy vation. -_ obey His gentle commands. Even Bible. He holds its truths to be finity, omniprese~. and eternal-taneously, opening their .pnson our end does not hold a comer petition he himlelf offered. This An 0 th er beallna concemlna: 85 a child she was poetic, passescd practicable today, hence to him it ity of God An understanding of doors for the sick, a.nd binding up on . market! The open fount of is why \\'e call lt the L 0 rd . s whidl I can give firsthand infer. of a deep appreciation for the is not merely fl hard task-master God as Spirit prohibits the raise the broken-hearted. .Whe n a call Lol lS free to all! Prayer! In the most illuming and mation was of a man who w._ aesthetic. the pure, the good. Her saying 'Nith rod in hand. "thou belief that matter. Spirit's oppos-for ~elp comes. the consecrated Ttte o.e Ood spiritually practical treatise on not a Christian Sdenti.sL nm spiritual-mindedness. as well as shalt" and "thou shalt not." He ite, can possibly be substance or pr~cUtloner poun into. hwnan con -not all these synonyms for prayer since the Sermon on the man became desperately ill. He her innate Jove for the Holy Scrip--rinds its law challenging, its his· possess life, truth, or intelligence. soandousTrunessth thande Otheoodheualing~ of Love E1 which we have been discussing Mount, Mrs. Eddy, in Science and was sorely afraid that a 5UJ'tical tures, was the occasion for com-tory informative, its poetrY in-A5 the ~ed material senses ~ should · t to His oneness, His allness, Health, interprets spiritually the operation would be necessary. He ment by her elden and minist!'n comparably beautiful, its examples are incapable ot comprehending be immediate and perm.a.n_ent. His cOmpleteness? They do not Lord's Pra)·er. She includes in this asked for treatment in Ouistiaft of the gospel who were fnquent and proofs assuring, and ill pro-God. infinite Spirit, just IO the This was ~roved conctUSlvely to si~y gods many. They indicate spiritual interpretation these per-Science. When the practitioner \ri.sitors in the Baker home. Her phecies glorious promises of com-real man, the spiritual image of a young businessman who e ntered the one and only God. The Chris-tinent statements, '"The Lord's arrived., the man wu writhing ln father Was a sincerely r eligious fort and joy. So all-important are God, is free from all material fears the public practice of Christian ~8'l Scientist is a monotheist. He Prayer is the prayer of Soul, not pain; his abdomen wu badly swol- fftan and rolJowed closely the doc-Ute Holy Scriptures in Ouistian and limitations. Never forget that Science. Mter about 8 ~·ear ?f ooer closely the First Command-of material sense" (p. 14) I else-len. Olristian Science· treatment J:rines or his church. Science that 1.tn. Eddy was later in your true being you are this reasonably successful ~ractice, ~ me{lt. '"'Thou shalt have no other where she refers to it as "that was begun at eight o'clock in Mrs. Eddy was a trail child and divinely led to ordain the Bible and man! yo~ng ~ fou~d himself with gods before me." prayer which covers· all human evening, and three hours later during young womanhood this the Christian Science textbook as SouJ is another term for God, quite a list of patients. The group ;· the old city of Canton in needs:' (p. 16). pain had ceased and the sv.·elll frailty developed to the point of the sole pastor of her church. employed by Mrs. Eddy. Spelled was composed of those who were So th China. one sees the famous Christian Science teaches that had disappeared. The next morn semi-invalidism. It was following Sptrltu&I Creattoa With a capital letter as are the better. today and worse tomorrow Te pie of F ive Hundred Buddhas. prayer is constant spiritual think-ing this man walked into the pra an injury from a fall on an icy The Scriptures have both literal other six major synonyms, Soul and ~ce versa .. ~e, there were In !hi' enormous .temple there are ing. Effectual prayer comes from titioner's office completely well. street, from which the attending and spiritual meaning. The im-presents God as the very euence ~~ seriou:" complications, but there at ,e_~t five hundred idols. many a heart filled-with an unquench-Was anything real changed · physician reported she would not portant one is the spiritual. In the and substance. the center and cir-ereeJe" comp~ete healings. Con- of iwhich are-nine feet tall. Each able desire f 0 r righteousness, these heatings! No, not anythi recover, that the light of Christ's first chapter or Genesis is pre--cum!erence, af all true life and ce1rnff . overhilhh1s erroneous st~te of these images represents to one purity, and holiness.; It is the that God had vtTOug:ht; but t Christianity, Christian Science. sented the record or spiritual crea-being. Then Soul can never be in ? a _airs w ~ seemed to persist wt-b "'orsh.ips them a differ ent prayer of denial of error as well human mind had been chang came to Mrs. Eddy. \Vi th the ver-tion. Directly following this ac· matter. That which is erroneously In . sp1_te of hlS earnest and con-stje or thought or action. There as affirmation of the truth. It de--and the human body and the hu diet of death hanging over her count of perrect creation, in the called a soul in a physical body sc1enkt1ous prulay~_;s· . the young is laughing Buddha, worshiped clares what God is ,and identifies man experience responded accord she called for her Bible and open('(f second and succeeding chapters of is proved by Science to be no wor. e~ cons. tt."U h.is teacher in I "~n one wishes to share some man as the perfect expr ession of ingly. Science and HeaJth s it to the healing by Jesus of the Genesis, is the story of the so-more than the five physical senses Ch~1st~~~ f&;1ence. The . more e.x-f fortune; while to the crying his creator. The, Lord's Prayer in (p. 162), "The effect of this Sci The lecturer spoke substantially man .. sick of the Palsy." As she called material creation. This rirst which counte rreit . ~nfinite Soul. pc'~1en'-'"'"' r1end '"as qwck to dis-B a one kneels \\.'hen sorrowful its first four statements clearly ence is to stir the hwnan min as follo"'S : r ead, she was healed, arose from account shows God to be the only Through Soul. sp1r1tual sense, CQ' er ~he .. reason for the trouble an desiring sympathy; another constitutes a petition which, to a change of base, on wfiiCh i Jn the fourteenth chapter or the her bed and walked into the ad-cause and creator of the universe, alone, you and I are enabled to 1 and sa1~. ~Do you know ~hat you idd:I with raised finger and severe scientifically understood, affirms ma,y yeild to the harmony or 1 Gospel of St._ John it is recorded_ 'io· ining room where friends were including ma n in His image and see the beauty, grandeur, harmony. 1 arc doing . You arc doing your ~t . ht t h h 1 God . hil th t th divi"ne Mi.nd .. th Ch J d h · hi" d ··al r · . co enance1ssoug ou "'en one v.'a is.~· e enex ree . . a~ as rll!t . ~us an is , sorrowfully awaiting word or her likeness. He declared His creation Godo i.nessd, ~~ sp1r~tu nature o ~ractice "·bork _ JUSt .as you used to n ds a scolding· and yet another parts. scientifically interpreted, Salvation a Demonstrable and disciples we.re s1tt1ng at th_c sup-• passing on. to be very good. Therefore. it is an 1s c~eat1on. . ~ . your us1ness ! · The una.m-th Buddha of c hance, 6 sly poker-are declarations ·0r v.·hat God does Present Fact per table tn commemora uon of Mrs. Eddy pondered her mar-most "·orthy of note that God did As these S)nonyms which are I phf1ed statement v.'as not at that f d "d 1 h Id. 1 .· d f Th f' 1 t t t f Does not all this point out th the Passove r. Thomas asked, ed k ·1 h · · d'se sc ""'Uivalent terms ror God arc re-moment undc-tood. .• . 1 0 0 . i.ng P aJing car s 0~ man.. e ina .s. a eme!1 ~ . . · . . . . velous healing. She conclud that not ma e t:'V I -t at 15• sin. 1 a · .... ~ 1 d . th . f' .. t al Th 1 . ht' •h bl 1n his hand, 1s prayed to before this glorious prayer, For thine 1s path of 1nspu-ed sptr1tual 11v1ng "'Lord, we know not wither thou there must be a scicn<:e, a system, I ,,·ar. or death. Then H e did not \£'a e 1n ell' 1.ne sp1r1 u sense. a nig , um e pray~r was f F T th k' d d th d the way of complete salvau·on• goes : an O\\' can we now e behind the healings performed by make fear. He ma e nothing to cant ;,:ou JUSt . ee your concept ront1n~ an more th~n once iost Occidentals stand in utter the glory, for ever" (Matt. 6:13), The path of salvation is to under l d h k th d · · . · f 1 · ed d aJame o an an. e 1ng om, an e power, an . way?" (John 14 :5.) Thomas had the ~taster and ms disciples. This fear. no an) thing that C"an express of God_ e~pand1ng, an_d your lo~'e, the kind . an~. tender vo.1ce was a azcment·at this Oriental ~uper-may "'el lb<> considered a sum-stand and demonstrate the pow not yet caught the full purpose she St'l out to understand. Sh£> f£>ar. It is upon thl.'Se facts, the apprec1at1on. and gratitude to Him h£>ard saying, You a re doing your t\t. d . 1.ltl · of God as Life Truth and Lo\ of the Christ mision. Jesus' re. f f God d . d . · p,.· · I f ldi g ,. . k · ed s . ion an ignorance, 1 -~ rec-mary. . · describes her research as foliOY.'s: etC'rnal per ection o an man as )our 1v1ne 1nc1p e. un o n f prac ice v.or Just as you us to . . h ch 'd 1 tr . Does God ans'''"r pra>'er•. In-as supreme over all This under Ply, hO\\'CVer, made plain that the . . al f II al . tif. r ? p . . I d . b . " ogp1z1ng O\V mu I o a y as .. . "In the year 1866, I discovered in J.lis likeness, spiritu 'un a ~n, ong s1cten icL•n.~. rinchitphe , 0 1 '0hur us11.inessh. . p cticed daily in the Western deed He does! Scientific prayer standing is a law of dcstructi path of inspired spiritual living the Christ Sci£>nce or divine la~ [M'rfect. and eternal, that all Chris-comes rom a at1n root w c n 1s o ice t c next morning. , Id W d h , h 10 the false c181·ms of sin s"tck 1 I. •~•·en~ 10 h·15 com "f' n1 h · · "f' l beg' · 1 d th . . f h d '' r . e o, owe\ er, av e acknowledges divine la"' as ever , ay n OU\.-ul .. ~ • of Life. Truth. and Love, and tiaP1ldyNlsciFent1 IC h ' ebtap. ys1fcs is n_1ea~sTh irsGod, . inn'.ngl, d ounthae-let youn~ hprtactf.1uoner, r('l res_ e m ny temples with many idols. present, ever oper ative, and su-ness, a nd death. mands; that follo,,'ing this path named my discovery Christian {oun . rom t is as1s o rea-t1.o ~. ~. is rc\t.·ae os a f'~ a ntg. o earnest . ong1ng, I C<'d we do! To mention a few pr('me over all material so.called Your very presence here is suf required thinking, talking, and SCicncc.... sonlng OPl'_rat~ ~he1 prophcdts, the l dif v1neGPr 00 1nc1dple of m an, and ~he1rc-t co.n11nui'dd h 1 1s ('ffho~ts ~o. dis~~ lhhe here are exercise, diet. vitamin law. SJ.!ch prayer lifts us above ficicnt proof t hat you a.re seekin living as he did. J·le said, "I am "For three years after my dis-t\laster his d1sc1p (>S, an our ore an man are cocxis en mist an c ear as v1s1on. ~ e . 1 d .1 . h. d t . material sense tcstimon>',· it de-the truth Oiristian Science is th the way, the truth, and the lif(': th 1 · f Lender' It is on this spiritual and COE'ternal. affirmf'd the ever-presence or di-P1, s: 31 YE weig ti.ng, an m1.a eria law of Tr. uth the \"ord 01 covery, I sought e so ution ° ·. d Tr . h S . 1 .· . 11 . mfd1ca. ''ery 1me one 1ngers livers us into the beatific presence • ·v no man cometh unto the Father , this problem of ~lind-healing. {o~ndation that you a.n I, my uth 1s anot c~ cr1~tur~ \lnl' ~t nte 1gence and tha! m.an r~ Johgingly bcrore a patent medi-of infinite Mind ,,·here good is brought to human consciousn but by me:· tJohn 14 :6.) searched the Scripturl'S and read friends, must srand today. name for God. and 1s so used 1n l fl e<:t:; And expresses this 1ntclh-·J. t ds h. Jr b ·suprenle; it reconciles us to God, AIJ that Christian Science teach J ~us the Christ . 1 little else. kt.•pt aloof from society, The t\.d fto1·Drf'a1n or C r~atlon Christian Science. God is Truth. ~cncc in v.isdom, power, under-cire ~un er 0.r t~en . t imse h Y \\·hereby V.'e become concious of is found in "Science and Heal I t '"as.1he prayers of the right· and d•,·ot•d 11·mc and ••n••gi·es to S · d H Ith says of the I Son1conc has sair1 "Truth is that s tanding and abilitl' the st · 11 \VI)' 0 prescrip ion in ° a P ar-.. .. ~·· cicnce tan d ea d.r f h. h ... Th ' th .t 11 •. f Tr th h' 1ed mllccutical case. he is admitting t.he all-prPSC'nCC of in(inite per-with Key to the Scriptures." eous which opc'ncd the way for d1scovC'ri11i; a positive rule. The story of ~ll.' A, an1-camdol crCR· y,f· iTrc tsh. cn l'~~rt,h t.' ~lpposh1 c ~m,,a . vo1ceh od u lw Jsperh . thltt mattrr has pay,·er arid intcl· fection. True prayer docs not l\trs. Eddy. This book may be ththc Sa~ohutr·s ~mt•hng! C~I so lovroed search v.•as S''·l.'Ct. calm. and buoy-tlon Ip. 5~l ), 'Th~ secon c \apter 0 uJt ' mudst 1"" d •Glod\\ lie ~~ · ~'' ~~cTh 0 you ove t ose li£ncc and that Spirit is not in-reconcile divine Love to seemingly tained at· your nearest Christia ose rig cous. osc \\ 10 pray ant with hope not selfish nor de-nf Ccncs1s contains a statement not esus C"C are to ..,._.. pat1<'nls . ere \\·as the answer,I f .. t d I-[ . Scie ce Reading Room Th Ch. for n better \\·ay of life, that Hc l pressing I kn~''' the Pr1 11C'iple of of this ma1«rl11I vi ew of God and kno,,·able; he said, "Ye shall kno .. v my fril'nds, "l{oY.' n1udi do you I JI < an h~u~rcmthe. e. is aphpar-sick, sinning, or \Var-torn state of ,. nsc· ce Less Sc. e r1 t H . I be tt s · t · I · h I h d 1 h h 11 k 1 · h · .. 1 e y \vors 1p1ng e various c cm-afairs, for God can knO\V only 1an 1en on-rmons a l<'n 1s on y go en on 1n o all harnionious l\1ind-action to be !!l l' univrrsr•, a i:.tatcni,•nt \Vh1c the trut . an tie lrul s a ma c ov(' t osc patients? n other . 11 th h 1 S Himself. Life, Truth. and Love. composed of passages f th the world ... that the v.·orld through God and that cures \\'ere produced is the exact opposite of scientific you free." (J ohn 8:32.) His teach-\\·ords ... Do you yourself reOect icia s .?1n ....._ ~ s edvcs. omeohncth1:1ay be H 11 Th Kin Ja es Ve .0 1 troh mB"bl him · ht be savro" (John 3·L7) 1 • 1 d d,, Th t · d ood t. d d 1 d th . 11 s ', mt:\,Cr o any sue 1ng. cause e is A . £' prophet g m rs1 n o . e t . mig . . ' . . · · I in primitive Christian healing by truth as bt• ore recor t' · 8 ~ngs. un. ers~ . ' erase agnos ic-an .LI:" ers 8~ . ose tmpcrsona I ust drink a little hot water be-declared, "Thou are of purer eyes and correlative passages from Sci r he Chr1suan Scientist ac-holy upliftin~ faith · but 1 must thcs<" l\\O divcr~c nt accounts are 1sn1. '"h1ch ts ignorance or God. quaht1t•s of d1\'ln<' Love, namely. f . . k l'ttl od e ce d f-I Ith Ad .1 t d.y kno"•ledscs Jesus the Christ to kno..;,. tht> Scie nce of. this healing, plart.~ so closely IOi::"('th<'r nt the To the Christian Scientist, Truth spiritual undC'rst a nding, compas-olet re tfrl1ng. or lta e a .i c l~ttla than to behold Cl'il, and canst not tru"·s aLen ssoea !.: •. haes1 y s ~ •t be the S n Of God The ltuman T h · . di · 1 d ful hil · t" d t d \\ er C'r meas, or use a 1 c look on iniquity." (Hab. 1 :13.) n .... n1s sp1r1 u , 0 . · a nd I y,.·on nty· way to absolute outsel in~icates that rut · tm-is VI~<', rea • an po\ver ' "'. e sion: mercy, P~ icnce, an en. er r.. re hrome as first aid." 1.fy Thus it should be plain that scien· food for thought throughout th Judea of the V1rg1n l\'Iary. He tion reason and demonstration.'' by so-called mortal n1ind; and that potent. !\'Ian is the expression of the Chtistianly scientific facts of ~enfs esell bmtay. noth u'· o s i ic prayer 15 not in ·le· mat··,c study at once' If y 5 . J esus was born .1n .Bethlehem of conclusions through divine rt:!vela· mortal tvtJnd. Is at once challenged error 1s temporal. unreal, and llJI-Chr1stly affection? As you af[irm f~ W t be .d 1 t.!. . bl" d bel' f day Why not begin this yst li ed ·th his f -1 · Nazareth · · . 1. d h Hi God . I" . . . be" h h"ld God n.1 c c a . u give cm me. based on trcrii.bling hopes a nd . ou v \\'l · ami Y in · (ScicnCt' and Health, pp. 107, 109.) n1an, the ofrspring 0f. ~ .1" · t e Truth.. s , -given .q.ua ities tn-mans ing as t e c 1 of • t y 11 ~w in your thought. doubts but ·t · th · ·t l do so you will find your days un' hence became known as the Naz-ln the i·ears following her dis· child of God, rev('a!ed 1n light a nd dude 1ntell1g('nce, ab1hty. under-do you understand that th e s c d . 1 b ed d 1 • 1 15 e spiri ua Un· foldi'ng harmon· usl y u .11 M B k Edd th D . · . M r.: y w.se y o serv an derstanding of the infinite, divine, 10 y o wt no arenc. a ry a er y, ~ .1s-covery. l\'lrs. Eddy demonstrated understanding, ,,·ould ap~ar lo bc ~standing, honesty, might, and cour-spiritual qualities arc renectcd by ··-r -,· .b.d 173 174 )· "Th h v 1 t t ' b t · .111. d t" cover er and r~ounder or Christian . _..1 • d nd b hl l d t. t?" Cil!O e 1 1 ., pp. . • e supreme, perfect, and eternal na-a e os 1me, u Wl in i.me . . God's healing JX>Y.'er over prac-countcrre1tru Jn ust a .. rou.g age.. you ~n your pa ien · . idbls civilization are far more ture of the loving Father-Mother strength, and intelligence to do Sc1e.nc.~, say~ of Jesus in .~ h .e tically every kno\\-n disease, ~pe-forth in d~rkncss. myst1r1cat1on, L1!e .and ~vc arc also synon~ .This youn~ mB.? rcahzed forth-fa\:al t health and longevity than who is ever besto,,ing all good that it is necessary for you to Chrisuan Science ~ext~k, Sci-cially those termed incurable by and hypnotism. Hc_nce. \\'e ~e the for .0<:1ty w~Jch mean so much 1n wtth , v.•hat his friend had meant. a.L.. t idols of barbarism. The upon His image and likeness, man. Students of this Science are pr . encc and llealth with Key to the ! the doctors Is not this v.·hat the carnal so-called mind and its off-Chr1st1an Science. Shall \VC con-He "as regarding those who came .d~F1 .. 1. 1. call ,· t cu·o ,·ng ve y d y th t 't •--ha riptures p. . ' e was ~ churches arc striving for, I he sprin, the false concept or ~?n, sider them together? l\lrs.. Y to im 0~ help JUSt as a la~er le s f t.h than Buddhism in a in action. It denies, reverses, r e-its Discoverer says, namely (ibid. Sc · •· ( 52) h "th · · . Edd h . f . 1 ~s o c1 .. 'l 1za ion 1n o a n True prayer is the Word of God e r a a 1 ~ w best nta n that e\er trod t~.c globe. scamll'SS garment or the Christ. hurling ch~llcng~s. a t t_he d1v1nc felt . they could be so c.-o ns1dcred, would a client, a doctor a patient. s re governing intelligence." pud.ia tcs. and casts .out every false p. 162), "Christian Science brin Also she says Ip. 313}, Jesus or 'f'ruth ,,·hich heals sickness as \\'ell Mjnd and its sp1r1tual idea. The for 1n one of her poems she Y.'"rotc or a merchant a customer. Indeed, h . . S . h . t th bod th 1. ht f Tr th Na,.•eth was the m,...,t scientific · God . b. h IP -, "F Lo 1 . h d . d . rt 1an c1encc, owcver. 1n claim thit fear, pain, discord. and o e Y e sun 1g o u ........ """" · ,, as sin? The churches then as no~· r('tention of our -g iv~n. irt -. oe.':"5· p. 1 • or vc a~ne 15 e ":'as .enying an :eversing nose e condems those who are inharmony are real, preseilt, or. y,·hic hlnvigorates an d purifies man that ever . trod _the gl~be. \\·ere conccrned almost exclusively right of freedom a~~ dominion de· 1 L1r~. You recall ~he l\ia~ter s ex· ~rror s c~a1ms and ~eplac1ng them m~lcd by the illusive promises powerful. I t brings to human con· Christian Science acts 85 an al Fur:~her s~e defines hlm \p. 589> with the reformation of the sinner. ptnds upon our spJritu~I alertness pericnce recorded in Luk~ s <?,ospel I in. i:o nsciousness WI°! the tr .0 e a h notic ar uments or belief sciousness man's sonship ~'ilh God. tcrative, neutralizin error wl as The h1ghcst human corporeal leaving the healing of the sick to and constant aJf1rmat1ons or the "'h<'nthe la"iycr asked hun, ~tas-sp1r1tual facts of mans r('al being . f 1 ods bg t .1 t th Truth 11 h tgh ti concrpt of the divine idea rebuk · h 11 1 d . h •t h h .ld f God b t h 1n a g , u re1 era es e It affirms the ever-presence and . c angcs e secre ons . ' d medicine. surgery, or other mat<'r-allnessof God, good-th(' ever·pr£>s· ler, \\'hat s a 0 to in eri ! as 1 c c 1 0 ; u t e unc-F. t mmandment and the need ever-operativeness of God·s spirit· expels humors dissolves tumors' in~ ~d des~roying ~rr~r an ial m eans. all this in spite or Jesus· ence and all-power of infinit(' per-eternal life"?" This man dC:Sired tion of divi~e Love so vitally nee-of o ience to it and thereby ual law of Life, Truth, and l...()ve relaxes rigid ' muscles restore bringing to hght mans immor- 1 teachings and demonstrations fcction ,,.hich Includes man and to know how he could experience esssary for instantaneous and per-th w that J sus h al ds carious bon t ~ .. Th tality." Trul~ he demonstr~tcd ~e wherein he healed sin and sickness the universe; and also depends up-life, here and now, in all its beauty manent healings ~·as lacking in °set easi~: a ll m aeterial cs; ;0~~~ns e:~n ~~o'ru~?;s· and Word of ~ illo l?fun Truth Christ, ~a~ s t~ue 5,0nsh1? wt~ through one and the same spirit-on the rejection. the repudiation. and jo~, spiritual proi!('Ss a nd the ~reatment. . ca led aws and took no stock in Love in action ~~h all , : God. This "'.as his o~f1ce, has bus1-1 ual process. 1-lopefully she offered a nd the reversal of every false prosperity. Jesus had him answer With th.is uncovering of er ror t . I testi b t v -Chrlatian Scleb.ct.1 Treatmmf beh. d •t po ness, the thing he did. He provi'd her great discovery to the y,·orld. argument that God knows and his o\\'n question in that he re-I and the revelation of how to de-; s~ri , ~~ess :r.~~~e u defa~-and He&Unc P~nul 1 ~pr ed It th "F th that the H~ly Ghost o~ Coi:ntortC'r She invited into her classes of in· made' both good. and evil and that quired him to state the law of stroy it, the healer took up work mi . ~ d ' ,1 t 'th o h From what has already been word fe ~~ . k us, or e 11 tht( Christ, the d1vme idea of i struction in Christian Science min-man is material and temporal. con· Love which governs eternal lire. with greater inspiration and con-th y, cli . t~n pof,ethr y,W rdoug I said, two things are apparent, one ful o d h s qu1thc • and power-God which leads into all truth · b' h h I ·~ h I 1 th Lo d f.d I h ·ds t th · a ca ion ° e or 0 is that prayer and treatment Jn • an 8 arper an any two-. , . · ist('rs. professional and business sequenUy subject to 1rt , growt , name y, , '.'ou s at ove e r 1 ence. n t e m1 t o .. e treat-thout the use of m a terial edged sword, piercln even to the Science and Health deti.n.es men and v.•omen, and others . Some age, decay. and death. thy God With all th,y heart, and ment he would declare, I do ex-m a_ns. Indeed the Christ·an Sci-Christian Science are one and the dividing asunde f !uJ d "rft. ··christ" Cp. 583> as, "The divine seed fell on good ground and bore God 19 Knowable and with all thy soul, and ~·ith all thy press dj\rine Love's qualities." The en e "' . ' f dical 1 r same thing ; a nd second, that ~'e d f th jo' ~ 0 ~ an spi d manifestation of God. \•,:hich comes rich fruitage. t.:ndf'rsta.ad&ble strength, and with all thy mind: results were gratifying, in fact on di\; Y is one 0 .~~ h re .~nee have been prafing, that is declar-:n ~· e in an marrow, an to th~. n~ to destroy incarf!ate In the meantime, heal.ings were Is not the question. "'What is and thy neighbour as thyself." amazing, for by the next day at ad Ile ~i:wer, " ic penru no ing. the perfection of God and i~t:nt~~r ~fa!~~. thoughl!i , and er::or. Chrtst expresses the lo,,ng, going on under the Christly ban-God'?" one: that you and I should t Luke 10:Z7.) When the man had noon. exactly one hall of those · man, in this lecture. So ~l e · <.Herb. 4 .12.) 1pritual, and eternal . nature . of ner or this Science. Those healed be able to aMwer for ourselves finished, the Saviour declared, listed as patients reported that Overcoming Sin It must ever be remembered God , ":y· t ends, t• thisdisW°r1 :if Go<l Jesus appeared. in physical could not r eturn to the old doc-and others? Indeed it is! Our an-"Th ou hast answered right: this they were heaJed and the remain· is point, someone may be that God is infinite Spirit, hence 1 g ' P; in ° pradc ice, aJ pe 5 e form that all might understand trines and their former churches, S"'cr, namely, our knowledge of do, and thou shalt live." (Luke der showed good progress.· Does , ~'That is all very good, all substance, al) presence, all ~: 0 ~or a n reve s to you and ~n.ow. h~r~ and now. th~ ~th but longed to be ""ith those who God, rcve~s our ability to demo!1-1?:28.) He did n~t ~.Y. "Th?u s~alt not the_ te~tbook say (p .. 365), "I! t the sin which I see all power, the one and only Law-vatio'::.e e way of complete sal- ot sp1r1tual livm~ .. The Christ, m-thought and lived as they did. A strate HlS ever-presence, H 1 s die and then live. He unpl1ed, the ScJentiSt reaches his patient e very real?" To be sure, giver; and that man is the ex- rorporeal and spiritual, has al~'a)'S Christian Science gr 0 up was power, His love, and His law. Thou shalt live now. through divine Love, the heaUng to be real to those who pression of God's very being, there- been the \Vay, the Truth. and 1:he formed which later became the The Christian 1Science textbook My friends, isn·t this the only work will be accomplished at one in it, like it. and think fore always at-one with God! Thus Ute of those prepared to receive Christian Science church. This says Ip. 465), "God is incorporeal, life that )'OU and I desire to know \"isit, and the disease will vanish fi d pleasure. happiness, and it is seen that being God's image Otrist, Truth, even berore the group called as its pastor . Mary divine. supr('me, infinite mind, anything about'!' I am sure it is! into its native nothingness like fa tion in it. Such persons and likeness is not elective, is no t adv~nt of Jes.us of Nazareth. S~e-Baker Eddy. Spirit. Soul, Principle, Lire, Truth. Then "'hY not live this UJe, here dew before the morning sun-merized by sin's false pro-a matter of choice with you and ly, 1t was ~Umpses .of the Christ. From this seed, planted leu than Love." Ans"·<>ri ng the question as and now, in all its beauty, love, shine .. ? n the other hand. observe me, but is mandatory, compulsory. Truth, "·b1ch 1nsplf'ed and em-sevent)' yea.rs ago, has grown The to "'hclher or not the terms sh!t happiness, and true prosperity, in-A businessman, a student of on who refuses to be a We have no alternative. Too, we powered the prophets. Jesus re-Mother Church. 'Th(" First Church uses interchangeably for God an' stead or "''ailing until some uncer-Christian Science, put his: scien· sin, repudiates it, and see that man is not a medium for ferred to the . ever-present •. ev~r-of Christ: Sc.ientist. in Boston. S)'TlOnymous. M.rs. Eddy says lain future time? \Vhy not recog-ti!ic understanding of Life, Tnlth. to Indulge in it. Is sin God, but is God's very manifesta- opcrative Christ, at·one ..... ,th its I ibid.). ·Tuey are. They re(er to nize death as an enemy to be over-and Love, and their qualities a.s him! So far as he ls con-lion of Himself. He is the ex- divine Principle. God. ~·hen !:J.e de-one absolute God. They are also come, as the Scripture declares, expres,,ed in man, to practicaJ use sin is powerless, it h as pres.sion of Life, Truth, and Love. dared, "Berore Abraham was, I S C I £ N C E \ntendC'd to express the nature, instead of erroneously believing it some years ~o. He accepted a tt action. does not becoM\e a So then God is not in one pJace am" (John 8 :58); and. "1 and my essence. and wholeness of Deity. to be the portal of eternal life and position~ a salesman with a his experience, therefore and you in· another. God and man Father are one:· (John 10:30.) AND The attributes of God are justice, heaven! Christian Science shows I a r g e manufacturing establish~ nts no reality. are not separated, but are o ne, as aC::~ M~~·s=~:i. wi: H E A L T H :~cy, wisdom. goodness. and so ~~:"~e!rth~p~~I1:~)~t~n~~:~~ ~e:.t.on~~ ~isg:~c!n~ 17':a: f 1':. fur~~r ~ th~is~ :n~n:eni:~~~le~~ ~~x~~ rose-above all material con~pts Christian Science reveals God cality, but a divine state of Mind." not easily sold and required some is its own punishment! sion ; Lire and manifestation ; Fa- and limitations, \\thUe the Christ, Wlt.ll Key to to be All-in-all. God being in~ Jesus declared the kingdom of pioneering. The sales manager de--ner, so called, makes him-ther a nd son! ·Christian Science Truth, continued to rem.a.In here the Sc~ finite, the synonyms for limitless God to b4? in you, that is, in your m.anded immediate results In dol-ne with sin ; be belivese holds this perfect unity of God for all men in all times to em-Mind att in.flnite. To magnify Him consciousness of His ever-presence. Ian and cents. However, at the when the tiellef in sin is and man to be unchanging and trace and undentand. '.ll\e Christ by as we must to gain this enlarged God is U!e! He is all Ule, there-outset, this salesman carefully an-the sinner is punished eternal, indestructible and ind.ii- ... he:re now, taking away the sins concept, we must understand and fore He ls the only Life . .&tan. your alyzed the situation accord.lng to in is punished so long as soluble. Though it the lick are ot. the "·orld and healing the sick. MARY BAKER EDDY make extensi"·e use of these holy individual spiritual selthood and Ouiitian Science. He realized et In It persists. Sin or evil healed, the sinning are reformed; ne IMKo•erer aed Foaader names for our dear heavenly mine, ls the manifestation ot Ute. first of all that actually, In truth come, destroyed, and saJ-and poverty, fear, doubt, anxiety, ol Chrbtlaa Srirttce It la die of'tebtal. ,,_M •rd UMI Father-Mother. God la Love! ~fan ~ the refiec-and In fact. God was his -.... iayer, is _gained thl'Oll.gh three hatred, and worry are cast out only Tu.1lliook oa C It r I • t I a a ~u . ...-al d -._.. ..... hout Ouistian hist())')" Does not God u Mind de.note tion of Love! Christia.tr Science that he wu working for tus dear -first of which ii -as unre an untrue. ••uVV-6 8rMioce MIM ks"nc. t. a.e Toi· --r-many have striven to follow the ume Of l ot ,.._.. the omniscience or one divine ln-demonstrates that God a.Ii Love is heavenly Father-Mother; &nd that for wring-doing. 'nle The following incidents prove path of impired spiritual living telUgence which conceiveG man omnlp-esen~ omnipoten~ omni· he v.-ould do all things foe God's step, a hJghly important that this OJ:rist, Truth, heals to- dlarted by our \Vay-shower. Some J"'llNtr'rd la Cllodl aDd Morocco and the wliverse. and revealed Hts scient, and omnlactive. There.fore, glory and honor, and for unselfish retormadoll., •topping the day aa it did nineteen centuries have been more successful than ..._.. ... ud la BnlDe., Gnwle OM numberless spiritual ideu! 'I'hert' in reality Love fills this room. your service to his fellow man. Second. from it to good. The ago. o tbe.n. In this Ion& procession of and • wt, for CM me ol Ule MID4. cannot be minds many became in home, your office, your church. M thought cattfully on the sood tep is •ptt -. communion ·Recently, in a Wednesday even- \ worthy disdpl<S, none has rollow<d TM ~ otller --by reallty there ...., not ~ many. -· may 1ay, ''I want to and benelldal purpooes ot the line plJit. • romplete cleanatng Ing teatimonJa1 meotlng in a Oin.- Alien GI Vets Should A-pply For Citizenship AJfens, who are GI veterans of World War II and who plan dtJ- zenship in this country, must ·~ ply for their papen; by December l , or forfeit their rights of natur-- alization, Bill Bannister, Amerf. can Legion counsellor, revealed this week. In a report distributed by the Naturalization SeMce B o a rd. Il0,000 aliens.. including 13,500 overseas veterans, have been granted citlzenshJp Jn this coon- try during the wartime perlod. ' Scout Apparel Taken Commander B. F . Moler at tb1 Newport Harbor Sea Scout patrol aaked Newport polloe to aid ID the ~ or clotblnc Aid to have been stolen from a tent cm the Scout bale OD Cout bllb....,., Fog Horn Stilled 'mott do6ely or understood more Mn. 1".1N7, ... all otMr .,.....,,.. Man ~Ottts and expres:ses the accept the fact that dlvtne l...o'tt be wu ...,11nc. the Kood his pr<>-of every 90l"t. In thla con-ti.an ScWnce church. a mother e:z .. clearly the spiritual import of the -ClulatlM 8d•-11....._ divine Mind. whme quallties In-is DI)' llfe and is over-preaent. but duct would do for tbe men:hanu , Mn. Eddy has Written in Pl'..-d gratitude for a 01r11t1an Cout guardamen al'-"d a q -ter's teacblnp than M a r Y m&J' lie .-, 1-uow,.. •• par-elude 1p1Jitual wlldom. lntdlig-how do I eo a bout proving It!" and their cuatomon. 'l'hm!. be on-, ''Misa!JlanoOUa Writ-Sdmce hoalinc-She told o( her horn _,,....-the wat jet ... - Baker Eddy. 'Ibe purity, courage, "'s•ed a& ...., autM1aa. lk'r oe e:nor:, u.ndttst&ndin&. aponta.Mity, Let us su.l)l!Ole that a nclio is en deovored to roeallze clearly e'Yttl' I quote (p. 107). ""Three son. a boy or twelve, Who fell took an emotional bftrt .. "at a:m and spiritual conse<:raticn or this Rea'hs -I Ll PUa -orlglnallty, and ability. Tho all-this table. Lot ua also -morning, throulh a diligmt study puinla must be pined be. aome twenty (fft from a tno. Hlo un. Wedne9day, Wbf1e the - brave Now England woman led her ""''-. -'° -,_.., -,. neu of God u divine Mind Pl"'-that there is a beautiful 1ympboay or the OtrlaUan Sdmce t em on-f humanity la r-norated foot wu blodly twlatod and--' wu llhinin& beautifully --. to tliso>Ver. and later to teach and mm U -lo a ,..._ 111·-11 dudes 81\Y false belief that man on the air and that all of ua are Sonnon, that u the perfect cblld alJ\I tlan Sdence is clemorr to be fractu....I. 'Ibla moll1er port ~-· demonstrate, th• exact system and da:rw. l:lt lo 5:11 ,..._ a-is eovomed by a mortal or ma..,._ Interested in he&Jin& IL To do of God be rdlocted all o( God'• 1tr : Ul A pr_,-..,_ of callOd a O!rlatlan Sdenco practl-'------- motbod which J esus emploY"CI '9 s.....,. -_...,., . la! mind which present. fa I 1 e this, we must turn the dial .,..... qualities and ., could al! w It b aln; ( reperrtanoe; (3) the um.r-tioner for help. She uked ·the Bailda Fonndatioa reform the sinner and heal the nJl8T CllUJICll or CRUST claims or limllotlon. tcnorance. fU1ly to tbe broadcutlng alotlon. w-. be cluIL Ho aald that~ ' at eood-" practltlono;r I( the root lhoulil be lllck-JOOUI le(t no such ayatem. KlJENTl8T ' stupidity, and ..,_atltlon. Alwan '!'hon-the beautltul m.uolc CXllMS ~ he W'tnt about doinc businota at Cbriltlao Sci-X-rayed -the fracture roducod 'l'blo r<mained to be revealed in be conodoul that 1""I' true ..U-In. So it la with evtt•pr....,t Love wltb Goc1'a chlldr-. benco be t in which it dl(fon from by a ~ 'Ibo pnctl-,,._ .llrL Eddy's dlocovory. She namtd !Mo -hood II the ott>prtng or Mind; and that -ts .-y human need -found them ._ive. belp(ul, all I rellllam, rosta ID the m1.-ber that God lo -~ berdi:ICOWl'YOlriltianSclenoebe--"I'• are,,.... ''1' .. .,. ... • ftlh: thttdore.know that no falae dnnomtrates e.tanal Llfe. It ii and c:o-opentive. What at tint f t ·lt eutl11 ane to take tent and en do all •Map, but -It II the ~ of ain. ..,. Rn•s -claltm at an ,....,._. mind can heft laotantly ~! We -_..i to be a--· be (--tbe step -llllrit;. ldt tbe -ap tow -tbe • I A. V-at CH Van.,rl .. ar~:.~ie.. lo huM a • -~ ·---at 116 E. nu.1 -. •=•t Bro ' • Newport Meets Garden urove ~!~!.~~m:!:; ~Gridders in Friday Feature 1• Casaba Loop In what a ppears t o be the fea- ture tilt among Sunset-and Orange ... ~ competitors th.ls v.·eek , the up..and-coming Newport Harbor Sanon m eet a p()\A'erlul Garden Grove eleven on Da,i dson F ield Friday afternoon with game time '1ated fer 3 p.m . Both teams are ' fresh from 91k:tories ~t week In what was eoaaidered in most circles as ui:r l\f:b.. The Garden Grove Argo- aauta, champions of the Orange )ftCUe lut year, whipped a favored On.nae Panther team last Friday. and the Sailon took a visiting Riwn.lde Bear outfit 19-0. Friday afternoon's contest will be the 10th meeting of the two 8Cboota on the gridiron and Coach Wendy Pickens' charges will be after H arbor's seven th 'win. ln ·the games to date. Newport has taken six. while losing three. b ut the two elevens have not met llince 1941. ICoach Blanchard Beat ty's Ar- eona uu got off to a bad start at the beJPnning of the season, as did the Sailors, dropping their first fracaa to Huntington ijeach , 32-7. Repiorts ha\'C' it that the Garden Groven were not ready for that pme and a vut improvement w.as mbown in the Orange game and the Argonauts a.re once again be-- 1-· named to successfully defend their title . The Argonauts boast a diversi- fied attack ~appear to be pretty ~·e11 loaded in backfield material Backs Donovan, Bolte and Pirkins accounted for tallies in the Or- ange game and a pau combina- tion from Donovan to Bolte count- ed for yardage consistently against the Panthers. Coach Wendy Pickens seemed pretty well satisfied with his Sail- or eleven this week, but was still working on blocking in scrim- mages. Picke ns indicated that he will probably stick with his start- ing lineup of the Ri verside game to s tart the Argonaut contest. Harbor's forward wall. who turn- ed in a consis tently aggressive game against· Riverside wtU find Brace and K.illilet' at ends, Weath- erwax an d Robins at tackles. Ha n- son and Monson at guards and Roberts at the pivot position. Startin g in the backfield will be Ha nzal. Ward. Horrell and Mello. Louie Mello turned in the best perform ance of the game last Fri- day. setting up two scores with long runs behind good blocking, and was chosen as T arot the \Veek by spectator poll. The T ars, who shoul d have found the fruits of victory pleasant this Th• recenUy Conned Newport Harbol-community basketball league is slated to get under way next Tuesday, Oct. 15, with slx teams signed up and ready-to participate, according to Ralph Reed. high scllool coach in charge ot the night school program. Four Harbor business concerns are backing teams in the com- munity circuit as is the American Legion and one high school team ls en tered. ~teeting Tuesday evening on the high scllool court will be M)'Tehn vs. Casaba Klub: Newport Asso- ciated w . Nina's; American Legion vs. Harbor Plumbers. Long Volleyball Squad Takes Lead in League Long's volleyball team, manned by Long, Coleman, Glass, McDon- ald and Raub, took t he lea d in the Tuesday evening league being con- ducted at the high school by the adult education classes, last Tues.-. day. The standings to date are Long, \\'On 4 and lost O: Messing, 8 and 2; Otto, 1 and 3 ; Cossa.rit, 1 and 3. "'eek, will be "up" for the Argo-A sailor enter ed a tavern with naut game, which ~:i ll be their last hls wile and very small son and practice encounter before opening ordered two beers. their league schedule on October "Hey," demanded the k1d, "ain't 18 at Fullerton.-J.G.D. ma drinking?" SECOND TAB OF THE WEEK, cha.ea by a poh followlal" the Riverside r une lut Friday, ls LouU Mello. another a.cat back on tbe 1948 edl tioa of N e\\']>Ort Harbor'• football 1quad. Mello, \\'t:il"hlD&' a.roWld 140 poonQ. WU spectacular on offense, maktnC" nJce l"alJu that set up N ·o Har- bor scores. -Photo by Gerhardt. 0..-1 19" Mello Named . Tar of Week TAR OF THE WEEK, u cholen by ballot following last Friday's football game betw"een the victorious Harbor High school Sailors and the vi.siting Riverside Bears, lo "LltUe Louie" Mello, hard-runnin& IWlback who q>ear-headed the local running ottack a the Tan defeated the Bears, 19-0. Mello, white not participat- ing in H-llalring, oet up the flrsl Sailor louchclown in the second quarter Jrilh a 24- yard dash lhroligh a ga~ tackle hole lo the Rlwn ldr ai:Jr-yard line. Again in the .third Quarter, LoQie aet up the second Tar ~ by •••"Ptl• Ing from his own 40-yord s tripe to the Bear 31 and on the nat play, brought the leather to ·u.e 14-yard line. Mello, a senior, I. playing his first year of vanity bell th.ls season, haVing starred on tw~ "B" teams In past years. Weighing only 145 pounds, Mello was undecided this year whether he would again play with the lighter boys on the ··B"' team or whether he would get in the "big time." A photograph of Louie has been added to that of J im1"y Ashen, chosen in last week's balloting, in the window d.Js• play of five Newport Harbor business concerns. There wil l be a total of 10 T ars of the Week polled dming the foot- ball season under t he sposor - tboay rame 0 "'U 'lmm.Y ''1::tt.!balfback OD rt -eleven. ID the Sallon from the Ashm. made and sparked ...... ~\·en ill defeat. a1 ... Feathers . for fall ' • New Fall Bags Dotty Dunn's ll4; &sf Uli· St-Suta Ana Bames' Boys Open ship o! the local American Le- gion post. Mesa Photo Studio1'---------' y Gerhardt. Expert , TBl8 IS T HE P LAY that made tint down and Coal to go on the mvenlde Mx-):anl line lut Friday when t he. Sal.Ion took Rll·enlde, l.M. Shown carrylns the ball around the Bear'11 ri1"ht al.de of tbe llDe la Dick Br~ Harbor W g:b'11 stellar end. On the next play , 8rlaa Hanz.al carried the ball over for the flnt Newport score. NmDbrtr 23 18 IUvel'§lde's quartertt.ck coming up fu t to help a team- ..,.te w ho ha~ al ready fo roed Brace out of bounds. .,;;--~ ~. . ' • '""" ~ -Photo by Gerhardt. "lor Jlm•l1 '""' ,., Vote 'YES' onJf' Proposition 3 will rdieve the teacher famine in C..lif- fom.ia by guaranteeing public school teachers a minimum salary of $2400 a year. Local tozn tvilJ ""' be increos<ti by this m'"'"'" Stak '""'Is"'" 1111ailtlb/, for this f"l'f'O#· ' Two hundred California organizations, including the following, urge you to vote "YES" on 3-Republicao and Dcmocr:atic Parties, American Lcgio'!> Veterans of For- eign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, AFL, CIO, N ative Daughters and Native Soru, and P-T A- Anti r<m<mber--whm yo# vol< "Y <I' on J, be rur e t o 1101c uN011 011 11, which 1110,,/.J f#rlhcr ,-educe prnmt inad<quau school approprilllion.s. . CALIFORNIA COll_NOL OF EDUCATION ' DI TOUtlG IUIUllHG. SAN RAMCISCO The Photo-Craft studJo. 1806 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa , open- ed recently bringing to the ever- expanding city a new art-craft ac- tivity specializing in portraits, "'eddings, banquets and commer- cial photography. The establishment is a special- ized photographic studio under the partnership of brothers Ray and Bob Barnes. Camahans Build Mr. and ~1rs. Stanley Carnaha n of m Apolena avenue, Balboa Island, a rc building a one-story house with attached garage, the cost to be Sll,OCXJ. Builds a Home Builds Two Houses Ralph Wilmot of Balboa Island has contracted to build two houses with de tached garages, one at 427 Marigold and the other a t 429 Marigold avenue, Cor ona del Mar, both at a cost of $14,500. Richard C. ~'lower ot 2016 South h1er idan avenue, Alhambra, wu issued a building permJt to build a one-story dwelling and double garage a t 519 J asm ine a venue, Cor- ona del Mar. See Cul~rl&on'• Ad on Pace S. • "A Place Wh...-e FW.mnn Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SrEeo Rowe. Manager-jo.5E"PHINE OQu1sT, Owner 107 2ht Place Newport lleacll FOR Veterans' Welfare Vote "YES'' P • • 2' on ropos1t1on • •The Vete rans of Foreign Wars and the Dis- abled .American Veterans urge you to vote "YES" on 'Proposition 2 on the November ballot- This measure will legalize g reyhound racing in California -under strict sure supervision -and tum over 4 per cent of all track wagers to a Vet- erans' Fund administered by the Seate Deparanent of Veterans Affairs. It will perform a dis tinct serv ice for California veterans. It will guarantee adeqwtte financing of state-sponsored welfare and rehabilitation activ- ities, including support of the Veterans' Home at Younrville. It will relieve the taxpayer of the bur- den of paying for these se rvices ; greyhound racing will pay the bill instead. California vererans ask you to su pport them in this campaign. Let's carry through -Vote 'YES' on 2 • (Ge.nef"al Election. T yeeday, Novtttnber 5) YITllAIS Of "fOlll• WUS lllSAa9 .-CU WllU8 DIPMTMDIT Of CAIJIOINl4 DlrM,._., Of ~ ' Davidson field To Be Lighted For '4 7 Season of Balboa re- day of a girl's cle. I t carried ont , police said. Straight dope from up on New- port Heights this \\'ttk lndicates ,-----+-11+------: that a t long last the Newpor t Hat- bor High school football fiel~ iS EVER ! HING In ~· "1lty going to be ligh ted. 1 According to repor ts, the Edi- son Co. has already made a sur- vey of the field with pla ns to in· stall Ughls and it also has been said that 1947 will see a dditional bleache r space on Davidson Field. REFRI ' ATION Lights on the football field \\'ill be a real boon to Harbor fans, many of whom are unable to at- tend afternoon games and there- fore miss· many of the Sailor con-- tests which they would otherwise see. -:. Newport Harbor is, at present, the only Sunset league institution j without a lighted football field. Restaurant Closed ms. Loo • Coanten -. 8-la • Booths ~'""''" Plann•nr DE4I.ZB8 8&.,An""olm Mr. and Mrs. J erry Johnson of E. Central avenue, Balboa, ha ve closed their restaurant for the summer and fall. They will r e- open it in the spring. I .. <8112 REHABILITATI~ Heu this yital q uestion d iscus9ed by r of distinguished a'.uthoriti.cs on The Public Servic TUNE ICVOE -1•90 ICC -6:ll PRIDAY -OCT-II I I • our SHERIFF JESSE L E~ IOTT Modenl« I • ID<l<p....t-M aim.. c-m; I Beauticians· for Milady • Pennanents, Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair 11nting ---Bleach- in&, Facials. NO WAITINU Carmen and Staff v ----...,.,. ~ Balboa Inn Beauty Salon Balboa Ima Arcade • We Have a Coinplete Line of FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT FISHING INFORMATION • Newport Tackle Store 105 lllaeFaddeD Place Telepllw Harbor 97 for I •tMt J!Wilng lnfonn•tloD ION, BOAT OWl.ERS S Here's a Sale in B A ~GINYOUBO NEW 200 E R I ES you cannot afford to pass ap. BA1'tEBY AND WE WJU. BBPL&<JE IT Wll'll A MP. -HR. WILLARD BAI IERY --for $25- 'l'IMIM are aot ~ • ~ ~ ir.e, are JI-* u •flfll .. .II *7" wwe M ;~to,_ fnm. 619 WILIA&D tadio17. LOTS OP I oa MOU AT 01,PAl,Z PUC&. Bat .. • 'I ...... -90 DO:N"T -~1 • ,-Phone urTEllV ---' SERYICI l " t ..r . I ·-• BEACON Wholemle .... SALE 5183 .... --• • STO BATlERY SERICE . ., ............ IMiee& (lietwwww 1*1a ... '&prl1) • (lOM'A ""84 ,_ • ' • Twc:hre , • • ut Association H~lds Meeting, New Leaders to Training Course fall Jmetinc ol New-be given In. the afternoon. Tram- Hottioc-Girl --pcrtatlob will be arr._.i If -- board "' dlftcton -ed. • BT NANCY l'l&WPO&T .. SWEE'I11EART' the Cap'n'a Nanny Goat wu to blameJ "She brought ,. luck!" pinned the Cap'n, u the PftltY little muoot fallowM him about the aowded cledr. bolns Introduced to all the best poople In Orance COUnt)'. She llnally muul<d up to Mn. Shirley Meserve, where she felt •he was the mmt appreciated. and stayed tbett. -rq~1.ay aftemboft at the O!rll from aeven to nine ao ln- l)>a-., Balboa. With llfn. tc> the I!Nwnle Troopo, In~l'-----------J C1<"Y preoldlnc. late Scouts are from 10.H and ''Luck .. in the restaurant buaine9I ls when you get ••atuck!" In otbu worm you are all ready for a whale of a eoocl nlpt, extra help extra &roceries, extra tablea, etc. etc.,-and YET,-the boa and his .:.Ue and a couple of triendo have to l>itdl In and bus cllshes, drac in a few eu crates for .omebody to alt on. call a 1quad car to handle the trafHc jam, your guests are even hanllnc to your raften and slttilc. oo your ridge pole,-and you STILL can't eet them all ses:ved.. SO, your belt friend is among thole who hav~ stan;ed JD death, SO, you ao outside and SHCXJT yourself. Thats 'Luck' your place la aCl"mS and you have nothin& more to worry about ~pt your SANITY! SO thats how I found It the olhtt nld>t at Cutaways, and It looks like pretty soon the ones who man.age to get their names on the Joe~ ., they can a1wa)'I set tint ttadc at tables on the phone will be the lucky cmtomen, and everybocly wu mlcht)' happy and nobody WU worried but Don,-SO what! . f!::: O>apman'a report Senior Scouta are of hlgb llCbool 'I camp -read by ab. Tralnlnc them to become camp cllalrman, Mn. aqoc! clthens II part of the W<rth- . efer and plans for the "1'1!• program, In addition to the • summer -...,.. uidUl lmowledce which they ac-dlao_,,.._ qUire and hlgb achool teachers ,.... btllinet1. of tbe'meet-p0rt a very noticeable difference the ,_.anldng of Girl In girll which have had the back· Scout troops and P'0<1Dd of the Scout program. 5e\."ttal leaden. co-leaden a n d 1 ~ ~ meeti:nc were the troop '*"'unlttee members are ·y Hubbard -· LonNe needed, ADY mothen wllllnc to Vlna!nt, Robert Klllefer, W!lllam call tbe orpnlzatloa Trusty, Everett Nuaan, H. P . Yar- chairm..ji. Mn. Alfred E. C!baon, oell. Edward Millet, Alfred E. Glb- W. son, Murray Rabbitt, C. W . Dutton, IVY U Th oxpenence:11 -....,.._ Howard Petersen, Dol1s Ra&an, a tralnln& ciourae atarta San Mell«<!," Nettie Williama, , Oct. 10 at 9:30 a. m. Ralph Deaver and Herbert Matty. at the Beach Scout UtUe I HEDDA HOPPE& BATS EVE&YWllE&I!! The God-mother of all amusing and interesting penonallty hats would be in her glory a·t Cutaways! Don's whole family eave up their frazzle-edged beacb-<»mber hats to mllke ahadft for his clrUtwood lami;., and they are a style in themselves! The rest of the 11iaaes, made of "island°' matting, atop the drittwood dancing figures of Bette Davia, Lamour, etc., also comtitute bats ln a wide variety of razgle toggle charm. the leadenhlp of Plans House Carmichael of Her- ch. It will last ab< weeks Hugh E. Watson of 2239 Old pectlve, u well u all s.pta Ana road. baa til<d plans present leaden, co-leaden and .f<>lj the erection of a one--1tory committee members are invited dwjellin& at 415 Riverside avenue, . Those going will .take !l~rt Heights. at a COii! o! lunch as programa will ""'J'A'· ..,., rr11 Ir •• ... , .... •• My favorite 11 one ove.r the door to the galley. which represents a friend of Don's arriving home Yery late at night, "but alW&)'!I in rythm!" HER HAT WAS MADE OF A DRESS DRAGGED OUT OF THE SURF AT Sa nta Barbara, and her hat should be worn by the Queen ot all beach-combers, or presented personally to Hedda Hatter Herself! BEST HAT or the eve ning was worn by Ernst and Jeanne Guier- man ot Laguna,-and costume-prize winhers or last years Ceramic Ball, both wearing what I would call tops in a ppropriate )lats! Bea uti- fully ~.-oven sort Balinesian straws trimmed with tremendous fresh vermilllon hibiscus! "Cluck" Kimble, ex-mayor of Laguna, W8.! entertaining his sister Laura. and exploding with enthusiastic congratulations to Cap'n Don, and promising him one of his prized gourds from his 'famous "Garden of the gourds" which is now the Round Table a nd whJch he almost 10ld to Don three years ago. TBJ8 8JTE laardl7 more tun a hole tn Gae CTOUDd now, will llOOll be the Soutbena Oallfonda Tele- phone <Jompany'• Harbor Exchan.p on Central avenue ln Balboa. Ttie sip on the out.Ide ot tM boud tence at the rtpt Is one you've probably read r..a;:r tlme8 now a..• you drtve by: .. A part. of ou.r eeveaty mlllloa. dollar llMS telephone pJ'OC1'&111"· Soon from here ~111 ttm.anaf.e the .. number, pleue," 11.a.rborttee beer when they pick up their .pllones. Tbe operator probably won't think much about It, even U you uk for a itshtns boat U mile. at 1e& bound tor Ca t..lhla. Thal Is, If the boat Is equipped wttb. rad.lo tele one. -Hugh McMillan photo The Tom Hendersons. Brayden and Kay Finch. and the Erskine Johnsom.-all at whom have apparently become "Regulars". The Wm. R . QI.sons and the Olas. E . Conleys, the A. E. l-li tchners. and the James Rubels. Mrs. Shirley Meserve. and June \Virtmor e, and Gordo n Brown, that ol' man-about-town from Coast Royal. South Laguna. Also there wer e Major and Mrs. Don Hudson, and the Richard Seel)'!!' of Balboa Island, and the C. A. Coles of Har bor Isle. Thon there was the whole J . L. Marshall family (Christian's Hutl from Balboa. Santa Anans Join Npl Harbor Colony Santa Anans are gradually taking a more active Interest in the purchase of lots in the N C\V· port Heights area o( Newport Harbor. Among rccen t purchase-rs of Jots who pJa n to buil d dwellings on them are the Devols, Bert a nd The J . S. Barrets of Ne""-por t Beach were dining with the Ber t Dorothy of 31 31~ Haleswor t h Brewers of Balboa Island, a nd tile Francis Forkers of Newpor t wer e ave nue, and Charles P adrut t of enter taini ng fr iends from Phoenix I also saw the F red Llndemans 211 Sycamore str eet, both of the and Lois Bentley of Balboa and t he John Lindemans of Costa Mesa , Mrs. Edith Vosburg and l\1rs. Arthur Gilman both or Balboa lsle, oh county seat. yes, and the Max B. H arlows. Mrs. Louis G. Arena, Johnny Abell and The Devols a re building a two-- Pat Arena, who was arranging to buy some of Don's Castaways dishes story house, complet~ with apart- which he designed. ment and garage, at 239 Helio-- The August Segelhorst family rrom Corona del Mar we re t here. trope avenue and 1'-fr. P adr utt and Harry Copeland, direct~r ot Meet the l\1is~us Rad~o show,.. was plans to erect a one-stor y dwel· entertaining J ay S tewart. director of Whats Doing Lad ies, v.tho had I . . . Cap'n Don on the I \VAS THERE show, national hook·up last y~ar.-hng with detached garage 1n lot about Don 's get ting a pardon for Capt. Kidd from the Mayor of N.Y.c .13. _block 31. of the Newport Bob and Mary Price were celebrating a combina tion of birt hday and Heights area. anniversary, and had the Ray Henna with them. I saw Chas. Ma.!ters ------- of C.D.M. and T. W. Myers of Costa Mesa, and Dr. F . \V. Lamb of CANUCK S .JOIN RAMBLERS Orange a nd F . w . Dar Jr., ot Balboa Isle. . FOR tl'ri'TERNATIONAL IC!: Mn. Bruce McBr1de, new preside nt of the:.Ebell aub. was askin_g HOCKEY STARTING SOON Don to do some decora tions for her Hawaiian home.-and she 11 • FROM Hawaiia and with her were Harold and Louise Ahrendt of --- Balboa. I also saw She rrif and Mrs. Elliot and the Llggetts of Santa Ana. R lt:rroaring, big league Ice hock· ey with a genuine Canadian flavor comes to Southern California this season with the entry of the Los Angelt>s Ramblers in the oewly· formed Western International Moat colorful touch was a ·aolid row of, very gay "island" prints wom by late party, sitting on the ten different colors of sailcloth at the Mermaid bar, including Marjorie CUmmings, of Samoan royal blood, a Tahitia n cousin of Jon Hall's named Tixier . and Joyzele ot Hollywood. who is part Hawaiian. and who designed and made lovely Balinesian-Tahitian costwnes WOTO by the waib'nsetl. lea gue. The party was hosted by Pere. and Mrs. Maroles, of Vagabond Coached by Ke nny Stewart, House D!'ess Shop and I wu lucky enough to catch a minute of the former Chicago Black Hawks .star, native dancing and singing to the Castaways' island music! the Ramblen open the season at Comedy pay~ff was lady appearing on quarter deck for Don's the spacious Sonja Henle Ice pa.1- approval, wearing one of hb bread-baskets full of Castaways' llllles w twood Vil! n -1 26 and r e raniums! and it was terrific! ace, es . age, ~ . . sure struck it on a busy night and I'm running Out of space The y will face the Smoke Eeat· but I MUST finish up with the big punch ! I found FIVE PAST PRESI: ers from Trail, British Columbia, DENTS ln ONE PARTY,-ot the Womens Auxiliary of the American which has produced pawerhouses Legion, Mrs. Clas. Logan, Mrs. Louis Riehl, and Mrs. Gertrude in Canadian amateur hockey-since Cleary, all of Tustin. and Mrs. F1orence Prunty and Mrs. Benj. Marki 19'26. ~ol~San~~ta~An~·~·===:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~I Rounding out the f8.!t new -: league are two other clubs from British Columbia, the Kimberly Dynamiters and Nelson Maple Leafs. and the Spokane Spartans. The Ramblers, who are now In training at Nelson, will play all tllieir home games at West· wOod Village, and all clubo will fl)' to and !Tom Loo Angeles In a chartered DC3 Skymaster. Games here will be played on Saturdays and Sundays tbroueh next March 1. Stewart and Fred Holpr, cen· eral manager ot. the Les AngeAm club, are now busy 1n Neboa pruning a oquad of ....,. ~ Reisch Chosen Editor 'El Don' Sophomore Richard Rcish, la.st year's sports editor, was appoint- ed editor·in·chief of "El Don ," Sa nta Ana Junior college weekly newsp3per. for the first quarter of the school year, S tanley F . Wil- son, journalis m advisor, announces. Other positions for the quarter are as follows: Dick Smith, asso-- ciate editor: Jean W ilcox . news editor ; ~tarylin Perrin, feature edi- tor : Shir ley Deam, \\.'01:1en's activi- ties. and Jeanne Welty, advertis· ing. Staff positions will rotate fr om quarter to q uarter. and members or the first year journalism class will serve their a pprenticeship as reporters. Bank Wins Honor For the consistent excellence of its newspaper advertistng during the put 12 months, the Bank of America has again recel*ed the noted "Socrates" honorable award. Jonas Manon, member of the na· tlonal board of judges, stated the awa.rd was in recognition of "out· .standing newspaper advertising performance in the bank field." and was "of greater than ordinary significance because it was won in a reconversion year with its many problems of changes and uncertaintities." Canadians to the player·minimum of 16. Trail and Kimberly, which with Nelson wonnerly were in the West Kootenay league, have both won the Canadian Allen · cup and world's hockey championship. The Smoke Eaters won the last world's title at Zurich, Switzerland, in FAC Arts and Crafts Meets at Mesa Members or the ar ts and crafts section of the Costa Mesa Friday Afternoon club meeting in regular session. dC"Cided that the garden section mCC"t wi th the arts group the third Tul'5da y of each month. but th at a potluck luncheon would be optional. l\lrs. Grace \Vilcox, chairman. conducted the business session. Hostesses "'ere I\.1rs. An- dre''' Lupton a nd H . H . Lienau. 'Merry Widow' Plays S. A. Next Tuesday The liltin·g str ains or LeHar's .. The l\ferry \Vldow" will be heard again "'hen J a n Kie pura and 1'-farta Eggert h who head the New York production of this peren. nially popular operetta comes to the Santa Ana High school audi· torium next Tuesday evening. \Vha t adds to the interest in the forthcoming appearance here of '"The Mercy Widow" is that the new version of the operetta wu a sensational succesa a few sea- sons ago when first produced by the New Opera company, running for over a year on Broadway, a record for the revival of the Merry Widow . ~hes Shelley J ohn R. Richards. evecutive vice-president o! H!l!, Ric/lards and Company, investment bankers, who served as the dollar-a·year man In charge of War Bond sales for the United States Treasury department in this r egion, an· nounces that be had accepted a~ polntment as chairman of the Southern California Otizens' com· mittee to elect Senator John F . Shelley iieutenant-governor. 1939. M Amo1111 well-known Canad.Ian esa players certain to make the LIQUOR SHOP Ra.,ibler club are Max Labovitch, Benny ~es. Cllft Hume, Kenny UN N-ri m... Ull7ot. Syd Fenn, stan Taylor Plenty of Whiskey and Richard Guinan. n--~ ~"--~ , _ ·•-·-•-No -• to 11117 of .oic:I"~ .-~..-. .&A.11111 ™..,m oe WWW t _.,. atf.Ome7, II prftldmt o! the new j_~008T~~A=-U:U.~=~O~A~r~ir[._j club, -Bill Koenig II ......,.. 1 ._ Br -1111 tary·trM•Aet. • ... ' Look At These Prices: Buy N • I ExperiencJ 1x, .......... bu• .......... will rell you the:re's a lor more: ro Grr1ho1111J service than jusr a wa)' .ro go places. You ger •on conven· ien1 depanure:s ro choose from ... •on scenic roure:s ... ••rt complete service than any other highway 1ravel system. You can Jeave when it suits you best ... go one way and return ano1her on ooe round trip ricket. And ir coses .,,,,a Jess than driving! Let the Gttyhound agenr io 7ouz community help plan yow nexr trip. C. C. SW AFFORD 608 Coast Highway 1limlt. of lmrrinl · .. no.u.a. mn.n .-.:»~ -..... -.. --·-__ , ....... --· Lew C.1t Trewll from Newport!Beach O•• w.~F•rn Walla Walla W,....... 11.11 l-wUle, .... «M "'"''' aty, .. n:1• Cbleap, m ........... IUI . ..... .. I ••• a.46 GREYHO ND ) ALL SUM1\1ER DRESSES regularly priced from S .95toS1_9.95 ALL SUMMER BLOUSES regularly priced from S .95 to S10.i95 Now ·Only Now Onlt each each SLACK SUITS • • These Are Only a Few Samples - ReeuJar1y priced at $29.95 ___ .Now Only ~ 6 9S each In BALBOA 806 E. Central • . ... ''W~ -Come in - - You'll SLACKS • • Glad You Didl ~-prieed at '8-915 to S14j95 N°"' Only $595 and In~A~ 1584 N~ Blvd. -·-• • ,, - I • • • -· ' t •