HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-15 - Newport Balboa News Times.. • -- THE ~~ SAND .... ' , CRAB ~ ...,._.,("' ., ,q • SAM ,t 'V.)i ...... POSTED! • KFEP 1 y.., • :. .••. 11.51 .. 0 " tl.71 clod ol Comb ..... Oil ., -• -~~­N~•-rwt- NEWPODT EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WES.T NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, LIDO ISLE, NEWPO voi.mo:mwm BOA_ o.l.J Oi 17 Caaaty W1dlJ Newspaper • hr ....... • HEIGHTS, 841-BOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA -SJV'I-" ~N=O=ME=AT!=Imagjne=. =tbadit,' Harborltes While Washington fid- Suggestion Made That Newport Sell Its Water System PENCIL' m PERSONALITIES Bv ]NX LINosLtn, Cowboy Am" M ay Offers First Lo in BIA Program To · ance GI Home Rendezvous Will Be Scene Rotary Hallowe'en Party Report~ dles us country yokels burn O N -with indignation. This pen ew poor fish is able to get • Suggestion that the City of Newport &ach sell its present water system to a privat(> water company and allow the latter to cle\>el<>p the ln<ttaoed needs .){ the munldpality was made through the board al. dlncton of the Newport _, boa Improvement US<>o ciation has received several otters The annual Halknoe'm ~ ol the N•wpt Hubor ~ dab this year will be at-i. tbe - of a carnlvaJ for o +r ....ooi children and will tab --Ill the Rendezvous ba1lroom --ol at . On Tropics ·Expedition around to many meat mar-Subdi ~ts.:.:: -<nldl~ r~ :! . IViSiOn waiting their tums at the of II of land for the site of the veterans home It plans flnan<:e In Balboa. Tbe building ammittee an- counters only to find little food. One thing the big po- liticos seem to forget is the temper of the American pul>- lic. You can write columns about the affairs with Rus- Sia and the troubles of Eu- rope and the people cluck their cheeks with sympathy or disgust or anger, as the case may be; but when you tamper with their eating and living-watch out! Lack of soap, of canned stuffs, of toi- let paper, gelatine and doz- ens of other items. brings the harrassed consumer down to the old slogan of the nineties when 1\veed \Vas in p<>\ver a nd the New York Times printed, "Throw the Rascals out!" to what will happen next November when the voter will do likewise with the administration incompe- tents. One old chap, a rugged farmer in overalls. a blue shirt and lots of hair on his chest. was laying down the law to a federal official on the Mesa the other day, in this wise: "We have fought for 150 years to get where we are in these United StatN, yet we must start in and feed the people of Eur- ope who have been trying for 1000 years to learn how not to starve. Why must we continue to penn.it our ~ called leaders to send tons of foodstuffs, etc. to the Old World, on the theory that Americans favor such a pro- cess. The Slavs, the Russ, the Germans and the rest know how to wage war, but they seem helpless in their efforts to wage peace and as long as the U. S. keeps them going they'll continue to lean on our country. Bah!'1 + + + Left Wingers. Note the Gallup poll gave Secretary of State Byrne's firm policy a 5-t<>-1 lead over Wallace's appeasement way of life. This seems to be about the ratio or strength of the left-handed group, so me 20% of the public, while the other 80% are satisfied with the United States. Main trouble is that the left wing- ers are more vociferous and yell more. thus creating the Impression that they are stronger than they really are, while the vast majority is quiet al)d goes about its business of earning a living. But one supposes that is the penalty of living in a free country with a shortage of houses and meat and sich. • • • Back to Life. Well. here's one of my many "bulls" I'm glad to correct. Last week I got the impression that Fred Storey. formerly of Balboa, had passed on. Con, sider my surprise \\'hen Fred phoned and said he hated to disagree. but he was still live and kicking, that he was still a realtor and was especially interested in Yucca Village on the 29 Palms highway. Fred modestly asserted that the first unit of lots had all been sold and a second was under way; that the tract comprised 3000 acres with a town.site building and busi- ness was good. In fact. he stated, many local people had bought lots and were planning on winter homes. + + + $000,000 Offlll'. Johnny Ver gel told a News-Times re- porter that he had a group of water system operators who would pay a half million dollars for the Newport Beach plant and that he had made the offer to Mayor Reed. That could save the taxpayers $975,000 for wells and betterments, provided Johnny's friends would give Ulll!t'S some . assurance oo monthly rateS. A group of Harborites an- nounced over the Wttkend the opening of their new ~acre subdivision at Yucca Valley, mid- way betweien Palm Springs and 29 Palms .• The project comprises a newly developed village ot mountain and desert type. homes and there is a redwood-built hunting lodge, res- taurant and cocktail lounge and a well equipped fire engine and post office building to boot. Thomas E. Bouchey, former harbormaste.r at Balboa, has open- ed the inn and is in charge. Guy G. Richards of Santa Ana and Fred A. Storey of Balboa are the exclusive agents for the vil- lage. The village tract is O\vneci by the fo llowing business people of Newport Beach and Balboa: Flora E. McCann, City Atty. Roland Thompson, Guy C. Richards. Fred A . Storey, Al Anderson, John F . Vogel, Oliver M. Campbell and Guy B. Tamplis. The area under development is 100 acres larger than the City of Newport Beach, and it has its own water system. The tract sold already comprises another 160 acres and th is is no'v replete "';th business and home buildings. The village has a school building and within reach ther e are two newspapers and one magazine. Npt. Heights Girl, Print Shop Worker Injuret;f in Mishap Betty Patch, 21 , of 427 El Mo- dena avenue. Newport HeightS, a bookbinder's apprentice for The Newport Harbor Publishing com- pany, was painfully injlD'ed last Thursday night when a car ca- reened off Newport boulevanl and struck a tree, west ot Monte Vista avenue. Miss Patch, v.·ho \\'as a passen· ger in her car which was driven, California High\\•ay patrol offic- ers said, by Louis Autcrson, 20 of 2278 College avenue. Costa 1\lesa. was able to be out today but is still under medical treatment as a result of her injuries. 1\1inor injuries were also suf- fered. police said, by Beverly Au- terson. 19, sister of Louis Auter- son. Miss Auterson was the third passenger in the machine. The mishap occurred when a defective steer ing machanism came off in the driver's hands, the police said. CMmber of ComrneT'Oe Monday. • "°'"""" today tha t the first offer ved from Sandy F . Mac-the grade school bulldhc • fmm-Two enterpislng memben of r...tmaster Herbert F. Kenny • reported to the members of the board that a dtllcn :suggested the idea and also 3uggested that it be broached to th~ directors of the chamber fer thc-ir con!.lderation. TI4. East Central avenue, MacKay offered one of he owns in Miramar asaociation will call a shortl>' for the purpose of erly. the odltarlal ltaff of The New- 'Ibe.._, Jtendezvous beJlroam.. .... port.Balboa News-'J'1mes leave for donat<d' by Bob MUIJlllY far tbe °"l'tral America Wedneoday. <>eaWon, which is 'l1turoday nl&lit. They _,.. uoigned to sign on Oct. 31, and. Bob Allen, c:ounc:ll-u -n aboard the banana boat, man, ~nd chamnan of the geiiH&l Ow Paragon. lldppered by P eter co~nnutttt, ~ates that many ~-Stein of Costa Me.sa. and to do prises ~ tn store for the dill-a series of potently pictorial dren .thts year. articles on the rovinp_ of their Only consensus ot ~ntiment among the directors was:, "Who wou1d want to buy 1t !" . Upper Bay Plans Will Be Divulged Report of the Upper Bay de- velopment plans will be made at the hearing to be held by th·~ senate interim committee headed by State Senator John F. Shelley at the Newport Harbor Yacht club here. Oct. 23. This announcement was nlade by Walter Spicer of the county harbor commission at th~ meeting of the board of directors of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce at \Vhite's C-Offee Shop Monday afternoon. U .. S. Geologist Will Pre8ent Water Facts At Huntington Meet • • ' • · ng the SE."veral lots pro- d then one wiU be chosen site. nt lniured · Road Mishap It. undetermined today Prt~es will be aw~ to the mates aboard shJp . one Judged as WPanng he best A.ssicned as ro\ing reporters costum('. _ were Walter Gerhardt of Corona . The commi~tre headed by Allen del Mar, News-Times photo- 1ncludes !\far1on C. Dcdd, Braden ph d H Id L Barnum of C F. h o z Robe gra .er, an aro . · tnc , . -rtson, Jack Newport Beach, advertising and Cole and Tony Hershey. news writer for the newspaper. • • • wheth r Donald C. Brent. 15, of Balbo sustained internal injuries in the three-"1ay crash which oc-Chamber Directors Barnum and Gerhardt ..,ere ex- curred at The Arches Saturday Ask Protection for peeled to make themselves useful aftern n. alioard ship while on the journey Br1e t , \vho is a patient in St. Local Pedestrians down the southern route. Some-- Josep s hospital, Orange. was ser-thing was said about peeling spuds iously injured, police said. when The dangerous condition of --a nautical term for potatOl"S. throu• from the back of a motor Coast highway from the Arches to Barnum .said before he left he scootet and into the path of an the city limits was diSCl.IS'!led at was ready for anyth ing. oncoming automobile. the meeting of the board of di-Gerhardt admitted he wasn't Calitornia Highway patrol re-rectors of the .Newport Harbor sure what the quartermaster port~. that the scooter "'as oper-Chamber of Commeroe 00 Monday. wou1d put him to doing aboard ated Glen Johnson, 30. of the Various improvements along the the craft. "I don't think rd make Bal motel. thoroughfare wf!'re suggested as'a ·a good cook," he said. "although scooter was said to have means of protecting pedestrians I hear t hey had that in mind for t by a car driven by Richard especially who cannot 0"08S the me." nett. 24. of Wilmington. road in safety d~ to the speed- The impact is said to have ing automobiles. BAR.NU'M"Wks a publicity writer •• • • Fred V. Bennett ·Engjneer toss Brent into the air and Among the su~11 made for the Met~a.Goldwyn-Mayer cor - "'hen he landed. police said, an was one that rrnderground pas-poration in Hollywood when he onco 'ng car driven by J ackson sageways be installed, and another entered the navy as a third mate Cherr; 36, of Los Angeles. could was that the city fathers should in February, 1944. He trained for not s p in , time to avoid hitting study a plan of placing pedestrian a ~10-therapist. the I · crossings at the various danger he w as transferred to the points. hospi 8.1 corps, with the rank of PiJ S "I ' U • Harry Welch, execut:Ne secre-pharmacist-mate, second class, and Fred v. Benaett. the !leCO ... IQelllber iof Raub and Bennett. sur-' at ors n1on tary, said that the local chamber was appointed associate editor of ~~;;~:.i':.r..~ ~:!,,. ~~r~~~::;8 .~~~ S ing to Howser, of commer ce, rognizant of the the Dry Dock, offi cial publication 8'eC"'! &bout tlle tint of May of tlds yeat. Mr. S&ecel found It expe-S hazards on the road. had. fonnu-for "the U . S. Naval hospital at The regular October meeting of L the Orange County Coast associa- tion will be a joint meeting of the Coast As.sociation. Associated Chambe-rs ·of Commerce and t he water users of Orange county as represen ted through the Orange County W ater district, the Orange County Flood Control district , the water compa.nies and the water committee of the Orange County Farm Bure-au. cBeo& &o .... out .............. care of his orange and lomon grove& upporters Claim lated a request to the highway San Diego. &ad la gt.vtnc modi. ttme to ldl sUbdJvl'-'on "'ork. de-partment, asking it to inltall He is a son or Dr. K. R. Bar- The meeting will be held at 6 :30 p.m., Tuesday. October 22. 1946. at Memorial hall in Hunti.ngton Beach. At this time, Joseph F. Poland, Ground Water Division, United States Geological Survey, wiU pre· sent the most vital results of seven years Work by himself and staff in•the investigation of the coastal barrier. This project has been sponsored and paid for jointly by the Or· ange County Flood Control dis· trict, the Orange County Water district, Los Angeles County Flood Control district, and the Board of Water commissioners of the Qty of Long Beach in cooperation y.•ith the United States Geological Sur- vey. Dinner will be served and erva tions will be necessary. res- Fred Bennett nn&: •• ta.e ...,.l&Pt lo MUW&U.ee, 11'1e., M far Im 25-mile signs from the Upper Bay num, noted surgeon at Thorton baclc: u 1909, a'Mt throup rn..t • and hlrlt ICboola there and on rtant new labor E'nriors~-bridge to the Arches. and Minor hospital in Ka nsas City, to U. Unlvenlty of W18eollllla. Leavtnc hlcher eclucat:aon for a time ments have been received by Fred -one of the largest hospitals spe- tn 19ZI he made a tl'lp al'08DCI tM world.. touclalnc (',a,nada, Hawaii, Ho r, candidate for attorney ''Th M " Ope cializing in abdominal surgery. la.pan, China. the Pblltpptnea. t.be Malay pen1neula, Ind.la, Arabia, gener . it was announced tOOay hy e 38 to 0 Since bis discharge from the Eppt., Italy and mace. Comlnc back to the U.S.A. be atart.ed eerf. Bern Brennan, campaign di-Satu d M navy, Barnum has been a member oataly to school. nnhldnl' hie recto of Southern California for r ay on esa 1Cholutle trahainc ln tbe South active just now with their many Hows r. · of the advertising a nd n('WS writ- Dakota Institute of Teclmolo(Y, projects including the Presbyter-ing staff of The News-Times. paclb&Un~ ln 1"3 with honors. H Y Lundebe!"g, presidcn! of Two well known a.ta Mesa On the night before the shii! Then his life work began and ian ho!pital, the Irvine interests the S 'lors' Union of the P ac!fic .. business men have joined forces was to sail for Central America., his first job \Vas as rodman in a a nd over 20 subdivisions and major has in ormed Anthony L. Norriega. and will open a new men's doth-Barnum disc::losed to the editor of surveying gang fn CUster State Improveme nt jobs. past eside nt of the Federation of in g store Saturday on the Mesa The News-Times that a widely c:i.r- park of the Black Hills of South Bennett moved to Orange county Labor and chairman of Ho"-ser's t be k cul ed N in 1940 and built his O\\'O home in N th o nown as -rhe II.an." ac-at ew York magazine has Dakota. This is the largest state or rn California Labor oon1· cording to the twu ,,__ .. Mor-corruni.uioned. him to WT'ite the park in the United States, 160,000 SVanl 1'at Anda wh.her,e he tanpdd hishwift. e mitt that he endorses HoWS('r , rie" Crawley and G.-T.~"Ev~ 1 unusual angles of his present sea- l' d f o e an lS wo s e aug ers Brenn' an ced L d be acres a un er one e nce. Virginia and Laurella reside. j noun . un e r g The new store will cater t.o the going trip. , Presid~n( Calvin Coolidge used I He was emPloyed by the u. s. said t Norriega : needs of the well dressed male, ac-• • • to vacation there and Fred several e ngineers in 1940 in Santa Ana as "Frtd Howser is not hooked up cording to the duo, and will supply GERHARDT was a n experienced years later rode the Preside t's with tiose PAC Commies and I'll a need of t he ever ---c-Mesa news photographer before and . . n a junior engineer. soon rising to do all I can to see that Howser -~·• favorite mount, l\11stletoe and has assistant district regional engineer business section. Featured wll.l be during the late \\'ar . lie was one slept many· times .in the bed that in the Fifth district. This job is el ted to the job he ,;e~k.s." nationally advertised brands of of the leading photographers on was used by Coohd2e. embraced the preliminary survey· Lun eberg pointed out tr.at be-men's clothing.. the sWf of The New Orleans Be f odm cause the by-laY.'S of his 01·'.'>·ani. Everson is fonner l'l'UITl•<n>r of Times-Picayune, one of the deep nnett rose rom r an to ing of the San Antonio dam above zatior\ prevent political endorse· ·---- Tars Take Shaky Ball Game from Garden Grovers, 13-0 cnginet>r and on to camp superin· 1 Pomona. In November he was the Metzger store and Crawley is South's greatest newspapers. He tendent in charge of 300 men in 1 transferred from the district en-mnts, he "'BS making the an· associated with his father in the also was the official photographer nounjment as an individual. Crawley F"-'t·-~ · for th M d' G I b · dam construction. Later he be· gineer's office to the Santa Ana _ .............. "' "" ... NW. e ar 1 ras ce e rations CaJJl(' chief engineer for this same Army Air base and J une, 1943 ---r------------------------in New Orleans for severa l yea.rs. park. An interesting sidelight on I found him appointed general sup-R d feat her fund or·1ve Both men will collaborate on the great park project is that the erintendent of the post engineers. the series of articles which will Black Hills streams and rivers This department cared for all appear in future issues of The never had fish in them until our maintenance. repair and new oon-Ne ws-Times a nd both newspap€'r government planted rainbow trouL struction work for the SAAAB, 0 H Wed d men said they would be on the Today we find great fishing there. Orange county air field and for pen"s ere· . nes · ay alert for any important piece of Ne'''JXlrt Harbor "''on a nother .,_ _______ ------ ball game Friday afternoon. 13-0, but they almost lost their mole· skins in fright before subduing a (ighting Argonaut e leven from ; Ga.rden Grove who did everything but outscore the home squad. Huddlestons Return; Don Opens Personal Finance Office Here Under ·protection are herds of the headquarters of the Western news which may develop in their bison. deer. elk and many other Flying Training command. path during the voyage d0wn and specimens of wild life. Fred tells Bennett is a 32nd degiee Mason, Th back. They expect to bt_:> gone two of the beauties of this colorful spot a member of the Eastern Star, opening gun of the New-~-~-----------1 weeks. and says "The most interesting an Elk and of the famed .. Tri-arbor Community Drive to--County Gives Slim ------- scene I have ever viewed is the angle". an engineering fraternity. a goal of '$14,390 will be Geo B R }} granite rock formation known as He is also a member of Sigma ednesday noon, at the New-Sum to Chamber for -rge . usse Th I al d t I. ht . ~e Needles"' T h 11 f t 't port arlx>r Yacht Club, by P . S ff S e oc s ma e wo 1g n1ng-Mr. and Mrs. Don Huddleston . 1n . au, onorary co ege ra erru y. Arm" • U t k . k . hr . h Th f ' f Ra b & Be tt I H' h bb . l WORK A. p lmer, during a Luncheon 1stice 0....--ers f0 e qu1c sror1ng t usts, once in t e \\ith their small daughter Mar· e irm o u nne s ts o y is ust . .a .avg&AU.I d h h · h I t Mee · g of the Board of Directors J first an t e ot er tn t e as garet Lee. recently moved to Bal· quart('T, and ,,·ere then content to boa Island from Oskaloosa K an-K I d Sa H and ommunity Chest General spend t_he rest of the afternoon in .... where they had been );.,king now an -. ys e w·111 Coun u .. The General Council is f ed ff t th com sed of r epresentatives of all a renz1 .. e ort to s op e pass-after business interests during the h t h th t ed. all civic, business, and service organ- ty -of Th• Orange c.oun Supervisors has vo appropriation of ted to make an S250 for the . . Day arranging of an Armistioe celebration in Newport Be-a~t~;,~1 t~rsex~l;se r:~~: f~ces 1 :.~~ ~:ys::~i: ::,t:e ~:~~ A k E d f All C I i.z.ati in the area. of Coach \Vendy Pickens warnors .. Island since 1937 which was sold t Mr Palmer will request each S n 0 On ro S of th representatives to pick their Mem~ of the board The Sailors were outgain~. both last year. not knowing that cir-co ittee of workers and he is ors Qf the Ne~ o n the ground and in the 8.ir, but cumstances would permit them to ex ed to inform the auernbly ber of Cor1uuero:- of direct- Harbor Clam- and Ellr1 W. top-notch defensi"·e \\'ork inside return. 'l of tht benefits of the Community Sf:Mley, th~ Armistice their own »-yard line e nabled the Although intending to stay here Declaring that he believes the enterprise system it is not possible Ches It is felt that by uru'tlng uuttee chatnnan, Tars to stave otf the determined only for the winter they were so Stimeteshas comche whenbethe United with equity to control prices of aU r u-•b for donau·ons to ........ $1500 be donated. touchdown efforts ot the Ot-ange impressed with the growth and ta must oose tween con-consumer goods unless there is to .... \4 ~ ... -H Secretm'y league champs of last year. develonnv.nt of the Harbor' Dis.-tinued regimentation and a tree. be a contf'OI of all factors that lief "1ld welfare agencies every-W 1~Wl"'Vf;·th .....__ ,.... •. _ uncontrolled economy, U. S. Sena-go to make up the -t of •L.-,_...,_ one benefits, especially those who thee J-~' e ~ • • • trict, including r.-.. M-·. that . ...._ UJC ,....... ··-"·· ""'41 ch-"'Jber'-~ -=--tor William F. Knowland has duct. act~ need and receive Com-. ... Right end Dick Brace account-they 500n decided to stay and Mr. pledged himleU to advocate the "Of necessity this would indude mu;;· Olest Suppart. Will try to raise anotb!r ed for both Sailor touchdowns and Huddleston is establishing a per. ending of price conll'ob on con-th 1 t unJ ted match tbe county mm turned in the outstanding run of sonal finance business in the area. control of wages, raw material, g e a e, a.men war bratioo here sumer goods and aoicultural ~ -~·-·-• ti · f the ail years, the War Olest Drive ~ -the day \Arhen he raced 79 yards on Announcement of the opening: and .,..ua•'-4, .. .,. ra orung o av -~ ~- fUrth de .... will be --•-bout ducta, next January when Coo-ab!• limJ•~ -·-•~of ---~'"-vided for. civic welfare woric: Look M • an end-around play for the-final · er tll:UUI •• ...__ a ... u:u .... ...,....,, \.U.11u.1......u uca. CftU ......,-. I do t I Ded and tiler local relief •-ctes. ,._....._ tally in the fourth quarter. Thia November lit. no avor • cootro eoono----· -a--"' wu the """" that -e the bocla Mr. Huddl .. ton Is a fcnner ban-Knowland pointed to the lad< al. ~-· Now t the War Cbest bu ceu-' Carry IJ*rfJar J of the Argonautt and salted the ker and escrow company executive meat, the thomands al. unfinished ProclalmJne his f.Uth In the ed to fuoctlon, it is the duty ol _..,{,_ g"'"" for the locals who held an of South Gate and Walnut Park homes, clooed Industrial planta and American SY$lom u the one of-the wlity Chest to carry on. Repr....,t<ttfwS ol m.erure lead of 6--0 from earty in and could readily aee the need for labor violence u evidence that the fering the moot improved living The group will be informed of zine, Including two the first quarter. a finance company here. nation's economy is 11-_t ~.de-standard for all .~land said: the ~ ge task and the need for vlltted Newpuot - Six minutes after the opening dared he did not believe our "When the Eightieth c.o..,_ U . co-opention and IUppOl"t 8nd took • rldle u whistle, the Tan took the bail on Welch Is Honored ~ system ot free enter-._ .. on January 3 ol next,...., the goal of $14,390. Some Several pldwa"""' the G&Mlen Grove JO.yard line, as pnoe and the n.t>t ol free ool-It must clecldo the ro.d "" wm agencies which are "'ell It wu said That ~ a result of a fumble which was lectiw borpinlng betw<en labor foUow. As a -ot the Sen-kno"'ii and doinc a realty worth them in ono pboa scooped up by ldt End Bob Kil-Harry Welch. executive _,..... and management could survive ID ate I lhall ~ adYocate Whlle and need !lnanciai sup-an artlde entfQolf lifer, and Mello made nine yards taryoftheNe.._,Hari>orO!am-"a controlled economy atmos -the te'mlnatloa ol 0.P.A. oontrol -1 the U.S.O, Tbe 801 Tourist Cin Dom to the Argonaut 21. Halfbeck beT of Commerce will r<p mrt pbere." over __. and durUJe coodo Sc:ou S,. Sc:outa, CUb Scau1a. Cout. • Brian Hamal then faded bolclt and the local or&anlzation at the ..,.._ "It Is time that -!ac:od ....i-and acri<ultunl produeto. I am V Senlce Bure&u, Oiurcb Tbe llr1fcle wnr tired a pus to Brace. who ran vention ot the state chamber 1n itin." Knowland awrted. ""Tiie convinoed that such a P'OCIUD WW and are 90Cleties. places· from S!.W. to the four and on the next play San Frandoco, Doamber 4 and 5. wv bu hoe> owr for more -be -able to &l>e -~ ·~ 0 . B. -will rep-at Harry Weldl,. di • Roy Ward sbot -wiaJ into Welch wu appointed cleltpte a )'Mr. Wbon c:oacr-n •at -ol N--1 _,; A. 8. tolcl IDOlllben f11 a. the ricllt flat, wbore -put on Jlloaclay by the boud ol dbec1<11'1 imeta, I lhall IUlllJOl'l the ._i what they -at a --the Realty Bovd; P. A. rectGn ol die -<Om-.. ~ n..1 here. ' of war poweu .... Under mr tree. priee." <Qm--• np .nn1 .,,....., "r''ll'" . DQ ....... ... 111•......S u..rp ... _,,_ al ., •••••• u: SZll to -·- Will Pidri Ia.k•p. plM•.,,a °' -,:.c~ ,,_ .. _ fll a-lllr --t --· n , _...__ --Jll·~ aw IEEJ. ..... fll .. fll--. ' George E. Russell, f!I, of 305 nue, Balboa Island, i.'J in da sanitariwn following Saturday which left his paraUzed. He is an old- dent of the island, where ormerJy a contractor and and is the fa ther of Mrs. hook. Ruby ave Loma Lin a sfroke left 'llde tlJDf/ resi beW..i builder, Oonnad s In spi te of his advanced age Rtmell had been well and act: u particularly interested work, beina: a member 0.urch by the Sea. Mr. Ive -w incllurch of 01rist Coron a Service Men Beach Under Cross Program Enjoy Red -. tnl -Aadi Kim. 1208 EUt a.:.,_ .._...., en-10 boys Orona Naval boopital and s Wedi~, aJdlnc the four dalva -a-prqpwm ot prvridbig ... ___ p!z Kare f< Bonde --llcN&lly fumlsbed _ .. cndoiQc .-i the bay en. Canteen -tcers. ---. Wlnlfftd y--Mrs. M lprft ~--- ~ •-GPWW Gmt-.... , . a • r • I iC&WfGW& M'"OA .ft c. .... n NEWPORT ..... BOA. • I RISE Student c . - - -THE WORLD r•. BOX. IORN PllJLLIP8 ••• AT A GLANCE I As T her Su •,,tit~*" , 7 ... -n a MW ftt mtm · c.ta --l;ddlt;tee .,...,, t I I ...,. • a 0 a v.._. D It is. 1lgnil1c.ant thing that coo-87 EDW'ill> CLAYTON eac cress. for the first tlmo alnce •••r!ption Parabll! In Adv..-:-43:111 -,_.. ID Onnae Oount;r 1938. ahould have adjourned In the '------------ $2. 15 per year to 4tb ..-; sa.GO por ,_.. to 8th ,,_ middle of a calendar year. This wi... .._ttt" eoa... Sa p N iEn:;;t;1er;;ec1d';u~Second;;;;;;;;t.acii1;; .. ;-;;ma;;;.ttle!';;~.~ttiitbe;;-Pml~mt--dil;;l1nDiN~ew;;jpartpmtlBlMd±~.I Is the way it ahould be. ,,,. In one ol 1"' """'nt samplings ys rop. Califomla, under the At:t at -3, 1879 senators by having six-year t..-ms of public opinion the Gallup Poll - Mounts ly Drops, 3 Backers Mopls Disass local Moori11g5 Memben of the N""'pcrl 8..- -=l!aion and of the Newport Beach dty council ~ trying to reecb a unanimous decision on a plan to incl"ease mool'in& facilltt .. in Newport Harbor, Walter Spicer. a member of the aimmlsaion, told are au~ to l?'tvide tt1e con: ca.me up with the lnlonnation that SAK D. PORTER Pub"el'"' tlnulty of legislative thought and !M -iority of tM American peo. With ~-"' . , bll --•-• I hist· ~"'ornl , tM chamber of commerce here F . G. rROST Edtttr action. while the repre.entallvee pie ~ expecting another deprer.-....-.....uonua 1 pu. c M.a-.n er1 ory, ...-u.i. a 1 popu-Monday W. F . DIXON . • • --... .AdYertlslnc M•upr &re suppoeed, under our form of ston within about five years. This system confronted "'ith a rapidly latJon has ~umped more ~ 2.· ~ ~ber of the board sua- Prlntlnc Plant, :ion W . Central A-New part Beolch, c.llfonUa government, to come back every doesnardl·t soundurprlsingvery. pie~_ but It ~tin• g da~,.f1y a~~~~ 000 ~unng °"' put ·~ yean gested that the Qcy ol N.,._i Is h • 1 .. ~ eco-~ ·~----·~.. 15 •till increasing_ · During th_e Beach should be mo-~~d ~th Official Paper Of the City of Newport Beach '"'" years and ..-t with the peo. • ' · . •--~ supply, educational leaden Ix od. th Cali " ..... -· --• norruc barometer of the nation has ~~~ 1 -year pen • • -"atlons _ _., __ tbe d·_...__ pie and run t~ office a.uu find ol the ~-"-rton Junior colloae and ••~•-be~ 1000000. "'•~ ''•-~.. --.-.. " D-_ .. _ • -• .,._.,.i,,,.. .. ._ ---y.... ' ' been -'·'--and falling since the r uuoi:: -.. a ~ u.,. nurn °""'. •. • of pollution into the ..... ----w-----•·• ""' ---•• out what the gras1 root.I are · • .......... Union H igh achoo! distri~t and the t in Califorma's ele--"-3 thinking and talk.in& abo\lt. "memory of man runneth not to ls al . h ~-younger mem~ of the the contrary." When it's up pe'€r. elementary schoo ong Wit tary schools, al.ready sharply .1 1"=' · ~•• tJd drop and other educators throughout the e i.sed. will be doubled within congress in point of .ttt'Vitt have pie an pate a " vice st•te have formed committees to th t ight it ii __......,. - Active Member of 1ald ~uentl)'. and l hav~ said versa. What Mr. Gallup did not work for the passage of Proposi-ed. :: :.iere >:u~~eed rob; .. ~ in this colwnn. that we would have ~II ~ is W:::i the ~ple are ~ don No.. 3 on the November bal-d ling in the number of teach-t\ad better lea:islation in the put g, an ng, prepatt or lot. en to meet the increase. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY few yean. U SOlllt of the older this.depression which they are pre-Thia initiative constitutional ith thousands of service men members had been able to get dieting. Winter comes ffVttY year, amendment establishes a minim.wn ret ing to resume their educa-1.------"'_ooom_.,... __ .. _IT_AXT ___ ...,..._,lr-------------. home and hear what the folks but by getting ready for It little --• t ~-f Cali The Hard Way It is difficult to Imagine gova rnuent agencies using ''lw>- roic measures" to cut down their eipemltures. But the com- mittee for Economic Developne11t SllYll that unless they do \Ille heroic measures . to reduce their awls, and nless other Federal outlays are sharply curtailed so that thee budget can not only be balanced but show a !MBvy annual surplus for debt red_!lction, this country is going to be in the dog house of serious inflation. Steps recommended by the CED to be taken by individ- ual citizens, management and labor, as well as government. Include the following : Increase industrial productivity; pre- vent further rises in prices, wages and salaries; defer unne- cessary expenditures (both individual and govemment); pre- vent as much as possible the further expansion of surplus funds in hands of public; citizen& should buy and hold more U. S. Savings bonds; reduce federal expenditures drastically. The CED also proposes tax increases ii necessary to bal- anre the budget. For political reasons, however. congress is not likely to take such action. In summing up, the CED declares: "U there are simple, pleasant and certain ways to avoid serious inflation, we have not found them. Cutting and post- poning expenditures is not easy. Raising taxes is not pleas- ant. But if we wish to live in a dynamic free society, we must accept the responsib°ilities of free dfuets. This is one of the post-war tests of the ablity of a free society to keep Its house in order; we cannot afford failure.'' Political ''Weather" October is usually a cool month. But this year in Califor- nia the political "weather" should become increasingly warm- er as the election campaigns near the November climax. Al- though the governorship race is aln!8dy over the other con- tests are arousing unusual voter In~ The Knight-Shelley battle for the post of Lieutenant Gov- ernor; the Howser-Brown tussle for the Attorney General's office ; and the Knowiand-Rogers race for senatorial honors are holding the spoUight. The last-mentioned contest Is probably attracting the most attention at this time as both candidates wheel out their heavy artillery. The Knowland cause was givm quite a boost when Wayne Morse, Oregon's famous senator and labor arbitrator, re- cently declared, 'Those of us who are fighting a sound, mid- dle-of-the-road course of liberalism in the United States sen- ate need Bill Know land very much because we consider him one of us .... His fine senate record speaks for itself. He is a man who has demonstrated he can and will exercise an in- dependence of judgment based upon the merit of a given is.rue without dictation from any pressure group." Knowland is bein gfurther helped by the serious split in the ranks of California Democrats resulting from the Wal- lace-Truman fiasco. Ellis Patterson, who sought the Dem~ cratlc nomination for senator last June, and who is openly backing Wallace .. is demanding that Will Rogers, jr., declare his position on the intra-party fracas. By the end of October it should be virtually all over but the voting. But while this month lasts we should see more -political fireworks than ever enliva>ed an old fashioned Fourth of July celebration. Fonnula for Labor Peace The Industrial serife which continues to plague the na- tion Is lmpelllng the American public to realize that some basic fonnula for settlement of ditterenoes between em- ployers and anployes must be found. The methods now in use are obvtopsly Inadequate. And the nation simply can't afford to go on losing millions ol man hours and hundreds of millions ol dollars almost every month because of industrial tie-ups. • A Department ot Labor board whlcb has studied the slt- uatloo recommends the continuatlllll ol the fact-finding pro- cedure which, they believe, "bolds much promise for ftlllng the vacwrn" caused by the absaice ol other machinery for settling labor troubles. The fad-finding method has worked in a number of disputes but It has failed in many ., ___ , t •-1---..1 ._.,_ ..a1&ry o _.._..., a year or -tio , and the problem in high Wett talking about. I am quite ~Vl.iuor .. exper ic:uu:u. "•.wt fornia teachers. It provides that ls, adult education classes, sure we would h&\'e had those ex-same k:lea abou1d be applied to de-the lecialature lb.all appropriate to junior colleges is equally tra few votes, to cOrrect the ln-press.ions. When times are g~. the state IChool tund not less than a equities of the Washington a.gen-u they are now. every spare dime ~ f ch pi) t te. des, like the OPA. J should be laid aside ln bank sav-t---'=~ yebllar -~~-~la Fpu ach-lngs or u S Savinp Bonds to ar1.u..ug pu c M,;JK.JU. rom su <fAJ..lJ•U.RNIA's population in There have ~ good examples, provtde the financial "warmth" fund each public school district was 6,907,378. By 1945 it ln the past weeks. The distin-that ma.y be needed when the shall receive not less than $90 increased to 8,917,000, and guished majority leader. Mr. Mc-economic "¥.'eat.her" turns cold. annually. 1946 the estimate is 9,250,<XX>. Cormack. ta an eloquent defender Every pay day we should save The amendment also authorizes the addition of 1,000,000 of administration policies. When some part of our income and build local authorities to determine the bir in the state during the war argument gets tlght ?" the Door, up 8 reserve. It's juat plain com-amou.nt of money to be raised by ye rs, California is now the second he dashes ~wn. if Its price con-mon seiue. We haven't found 8 school district taxes, and prohibits biggest state in the union. trol. to lnsJst that only by keep.. way to stop depressions yet, any-the transfer of any school or col-la estimated that it will be lng the OPA can the consumer be more than we can stop winter from tege to any authority not under Y to furnish not Jen than supplJed with food. Then congress coming, but we can make depres-the public school system. additional teachers in Cali- • • • Bookkeeping Service I. 8. WHYTE DNOID T..U: COJllR7Lt'Aft ··~.., u. thlt ........ ~ U7 ~ ......... , \o ·-I ...... .. -'ioa wt~ .__ SU ..aw.. A.11Wlft • • ...... w ••• PiJ40 mYllJ9 ...... _._. .......... ._ ---adjourned and !\fr. M<'.Cormack sions a Jot less RVt>re by being Educational leaders point out ·a each year for the next eight went back and talked to his peo-prepared for them. that last spring more than 600,000 to take care of increasing AR«!HIJ&OI' Dr. W. T. Mooney npma..ie..11• --o-tnl ......... ......., a.a. .. A. V. Andren, M.D. PBflll(XAJlf -111mOSON wo...e~.-­Oo.-.,,_ pie. Now, as you saw In the Too Maay "RepM.ten.. California citizens, conscious of the s I enrollments. However, with ~---~~~~~---~ papers, he is frantically wiring crisls threate ning the public school allowance made for teacher losses I ~------------.. d h d k lt is certainly no secret that the t~ h · ti tir Arm · d M lolm IL 0 (Ja.-.. K. D an p oning t he Prest ent to ta e S""'tem of the state, 5;gned a petl-Ug resign& On, r e ement, or an 088CO • -..,.. • Veterans Administration is becom· ~.. d h ed the controls off meat. and with lion to place upon the November e t , ucational leaders predict a 'D~ ~ ...... & I I• 11an nets o a DUlli on po .1t1 an, ballot a pro"""""AA constitutional a or '*V, new ea\.oli=~r 8" W. Bay A---IL-2.' T .. 8:30 ~ k 1 n-t 1 .. d lng increasingly worried over the ~ f •o 00 t -•--_ ~ ..... ..., .. ak h ff if I I growing number of ex-sendcemen .....,.......... f th lgh .l.!lt "~ ouuua __ _. t.u-.......... t to t e t em o , on y untl amendment now offidally desig-a year or e next e t ... _-.. 1-.. · a.nu UJ ....,..._.tJneo. f h I I who come back: onto the unem-~ •-a ter t e e ect on. nated as Proposition No. 3. This yefn. lttl LAbwood An. Bee.con S175 -f d ployment rolls after having left 'n this basis, it is pointed out ue IMt lM ...... 1 11e great de en er of bureau-them. Nor b the VA any happier is the largest number of names i.. U.-. NO......,.. MDI I th th j · 1 _ _. th t there must be an incentive OoAa Meu, ~ cracy n e senate was e un1 or over the Increase of veterans r e-ever s gn ... "\,l to an initiative meas-~-----------~ •------------"'-' t f Fl Id th · th •• f c if fo~young people to enter the -sena or rom or a, e same maining on the roll! for 20 weeks ure 1n e 1ustory o al" ornia. man who came out to th'-.a:._ Both th De u· d R te hing profession in California. i.a ~ or longer. In r-PO"ard to t he "r~ e mocra c an e--trict I 1942 d tr·~ t t II · ·• bli u · th · 1 1 Th ' number of young men and n an ln.1 ° e you peaters,'' more than 11,i million PU ·can par es In eU' s a e con-whom t I t t th fr ti · I d ed wo en now training for teaching o e cc o e congress om have come back for unemployment ven · ons unanimous y en ors . her. In th ••• n.t. 'Mr Pepper ~posit1· N 3 d ed h t C:HIW>rs in California is at an all-. · · benefits after working for a while, r-n...o on o. , an warn t a ~r- d. 1"ded hi t · ~t tu· dded t t t t •-d ~ low, only one-third as many JV 5 imc ..,.... ween se ing or being off the r olls for some a 5 a e suppor mus LI\!' ma e world problems. with special em-other reason. Altogether more available to the schools if a break-as n pre-\\.•ar years. ph •-th t f R d I ed · · ~-1940 there were 6315 studen ts 8Sl.3 on e apJ>"asemen o US· than 7 million unemp1oymen t O'-''TI n ucat1on 1s to uc averted. .la and urgl·ng ~ice trol I t · · ted th II ~n · educational courses in public · ,,.. con 5· claims have been made by the vets 1S poin out at. swo en -~ h t t h Tod b h · · an private universities and col-~1 1en e oo wt'n ome. ay ot the Jast war. The charge has y t e gr_eatest m1grat1on in Am-he is for the rt'moval Of all con· le in California. At the gradu· CHIBOPBA.CTOBll Wagner Dn1glc• IMUtule Dr. WUIMu' 0. w..- Chlropractlc, l)!etetlcs, Physlo & Colonic Therapy UIZO Cout Blv«., - 1-a---been made that some of the ex-· · tTols. not only meat. and he at-G l pone is collecting heavily ;n Chi-at n exerctses at the University o•y ~ooL I's are not at empting to find of California at Berkeley in June a --- tempts to provide h.jmself \\1th a work but are w aiting until their cago through a gambling syndicate. of this: year, graduates about to ~-----------~1 mattre5s to fall on, in his logic. by 52 "'eeks of benefits expire. These Apparently the Capone "mob'' was t COnt. dlng th. • · · "larlt en er various professions were n r 15 a suni Y undoubtedly are In the minority active in muscling in on Ragen's ed between proh ibition and the OPA. b sporu·ng ne··-service as far back as to stand. When the gradu-ut it would be most unfortunate '"''3 ~ The argument is a little too deep as 1934 when Al was su·ii at Al-at s going into education wer e If the veterans' cause as a whole Jed for me. unless we say, jokingly, jeopardized ••-h th . catraz. The remarkable thing is c upon, only 15 s tood up. Re-that they were both wet. were u u vug etr ac-QU sts for 2600 teachers came to tions. that Capone and his "business" uh-r A in 1946_ The June class at New Draft Plan have been able to survive for so '+'LI. Mortimer School IOI Oonl DAY SCHOOL OPl:N8 OCf 1 Gradeo: Ooll. Pnp.. Army 0. &. lforthner, M. A., Oztord ~ PbDMBart>orlGI I am enjoytng my summer im- mensely. I am bRck on the meat loaf and mashed potato circuit, whlch I enjoy because It means the rural groups and the men and women in whose hands the future of the country rests, instead of the partially cooked turkey . and frozen peas circuit of Washington, or the sea gull they serve at the Statler, for formal Wash.jngton dinners. I can talk to the people again and they to me. I am re- fre9hed and I am encouraged. The plan for universal training many years in a field where the ~ university graduated only 30. agreed upon by the War and Navy competition is really "killing." 0 1 d '--------------'! ur petro eum an othe.r supply Departmenu would have a far-How Poteat! 1. 1 • DENT18'1'8 One thing I am trying to say to all the groups. When blstory Jooks back on the period we are now going through, she "''ill say m any things about those of us who lived in it. I am glad I shall not be present to hear some of the things that are said about our ex- periments on economic and social J>8,t.hs, things \Vhlch previous gen- erations in the history of the world had already proved would not work, and about our expenditures. But gene rally the comments VI.ill be mellowed by time. This I am sure hlstory wtll say: tha t three sessions or the con- gress will have been the turning point In our national hjstory, the 78th, the 79th and the 80th. The 78th congress wrote the end to the-.Plar. It provided the money, usually in blank checks to be filled In by the executive, or by the army or the navy. or by industry. lt felt that the oisis was so great that only by trans- ferring ltl own powers, under the Constitution, to the execuUve and to the agencies, couJd we wln the war. W e won it. The 79th con- gress had the difficult job of re- converting the country, of turning an industrial machine, runnin& full speed forward, Into the side paths of peace!ul Industry. 'lbls Is da ngerous to try with your car, and it is dangerous to try with your country. I am not surprised that there should have been con- fusion, stoppages, upsets and troubles. I would be terribly con- cerned, If they should continue be-- yond !M present. 'lbe 80th congress "4ill be the _....,. wltich will detennlne whether we continue to ha\·e ~ re.entative go\•ernment in the mes in the war with Germany e11:-r eaching effect on the youth of ln the disagreement between t Yded 4 000 America. Whether or not there Premier Stalin and General Eisen-e' some • miles; in the ..-------------,I P ific they lengthened to l ·l,000 Dr Obed L wUI be sufUdent support of It to hower as to IM potency of tM • Uca& put it ove?' during peace time re-atomic bomb m01t of us would be :::Jt:es=. ======·-----mains to be ~n. It will un-inclined to string along with "Ike" DENTIST doubtedly be a very hot ilaue when for several reasom. For one, un- it reaches the floor of congress Jess RUJS.ian scientists have made at the next session In 1S47. 'nte more progresa along atomic lines plan would require 18-year-olds to than we realize, Eisenhower knows take at least a full year's training. a good deal mott about the weap.. The first six months would be on than does Stalin. Another r ea- devoted to basic training. After son is t hat Stalin was undoubtedly that the trainee would have the minimizing the importance of the opportunity to switch into one of bomb for political reasons. But the various branches of the mill-that doesn't make it any less pow .. tary sen-ice or military reserves erful. for a period dJffering according to !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-;;;;;ii;i;ii;i;ii;i;ii;i;ii;i;ii;i;ii;i;iiii!~ the branch he selected. Or he could elect to go to college for special scientific training or enter West Point or Annapolis if quali- fied. The annual "trainee pool" "'ill amount to one million men, according to estimates. Vapoae Comeback Reports from Chicago reveal that Al Capone. who dominated the underworld in the Windy City in the "roaring twenties" until he was put in "cold storage" for some years on Cot all things) an in- come tax evasion charge, is now very much back in the picture. D.RAFTING ERVICE ROY M. W TKINS and ates Barbor 111 Affidavits found in the sale deposit 1 r-------.,--------lr------------, box o( James M. Rag en sr ., racing news czar, recently the Victim of gangland guns, declared that Ca- United States. There \\ill be no vote on a bill t o determine this. It will ~ settled by the acticna of the next congress on wt-,..•her to declare the emergency ended; m wbotber to take back inw•~ given the executive arm for \\'ar purposes: on whether to spend lea urtR.Norton or more than our income; on plans 't.11 ~......,. 81111• ._ in general for handling the na-·• lfewpaft 2119' Clllllr. tJol\8.I debt: on taxes: on a pf"C>-l ___ .:::::=:::.....;._~~:_-~f-----------gram for the peaceful settlement ot labor·management disputes; on lts il\Slstence that on1y uninter- rupted production CM. meet the threat ot inflation and save thiJ nation as a republic. These prob- lems, and more like them , wUl be bef""' the 80th congreu. It will be a historic a:.eulon. ONCE AIN SAM'S SEA ~. 000 SPA DB. GORDON J!J. RAPP DENTIST uss wen ce.1n1 PbDMBarl>orOl-J Newport INS URAN VI: Llneoln National Ufe ...........,., Co. "'l\11 I' ... IoMcaa. It. ~· DON olEBNIGAN --r!U-B tell -"--I.ii. OCCIDENTAL LIFE IN81JBANCB 00. RayNiellen cs ... " 'I o .... ---.. .......... ._ ..... llOBTICJ.&Nll Harold K. Grauel Chapel '"W• Owwlves the Bette!' - by Serrin& Otben -"'-Bssa-1111 a.ca... Cell ..... Ill. T. BaUenrortb. o: D. ~·••&ttllt -l:X.UllNJ:D Lll:KW D'Cl'UCAn:D -l&ureaee B. Dorey, II. D.j Physician & Surgeoa 5%1 Marine Ave., Jla----- Gordoa M. Gnmdy, IL D. PHYSICIAN and SURGllON Balboa bin Arcade O!flce Hn.: 1().12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. , Phone 8..-:rt ,H. R. Hall, M. D. ...,...._ ... 8aa11n Haun: 2-5, ~ AA>oln-t Telepbone B11eon 5811 u1 a-.,. ~ - lillltoa H. Mu-a, II. D. 1111 ~.._ Oo-del- Ottlce Hoon: 10-12; 2-5 --- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., ~ llutlorl'IU S.· BID St.. Loe • .. s'rr TU-. 7tU By Appolnlmont Gerald Raua, M. D. 2830 Weat Central AYW. NEWPORT BEACH Pllo99 ...... l~ If• ........ : .n ~ ......... X-RllY Service T. P. Reeder, M. D. ~--·­-..... o..tnl T1l e1 t na 1 .. 7'el - G. N. PEASE, M. D. Houn by Appointment --JUl.J avava:1ou Rub & Bennett .. .., ..... -. ...... i.-... _. ...... ~- 'I' ct ••• •• -..w more. own choosing and bind themselves to accept the decision of .__ "•t._. ... 4U, I UK w. o.er.I. ..... a. ..._ eau ...... , ...... m1w.~ Newpwt-r' SP El •rtcr .. nie one sure remedy can be realized only as both labor that board. and management are willing, in cass where they can't agree, The only alternative to this remedy will be for coogress to submit their differences to a boa.rd ol arbitration ol their to pass legislation establishing compulsory arbitration. ' Neither labor nor ~t wants this, nor does the pul>- llc, but it will be the lesser of two evils unless workers and Robert A. Crawford Op&., D. orroxa:• .. •w-•• PIANO TEACHER - employers put their joint house In order. · Let's hope they~~ !IOOl1. P.APALMER LIOO ISbB nL CJ& ----· W. 0 BUCX-Insurance Counodar 331farvJ~ j!;y:iJl. • ~ EDmlned .. GJ1 I !I Fltted 1191 lfwpat: •••:_.. ..__ ... cmrA-.& Scotcll Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES G.V.LINSENBARD G!wluate ..,.a C• ;atcs7, I .... Pb. Hut>or 1252-W 152S w. Oceen ~ Veda Thompaon • Teacher al Plano and Orpn ftrzz1 Bu na 1111111 • • • • • Judge Dodge Get.a Sammons to c.oart -Newport Harbor •als I .,. Sportfiahing Assn. of NIMrl...rt News Harbor Lord and Lady Stabolgi llU to N. N A..._, Monterey Park, In fish. 'lbat'1 why tbe IHdlnc Labor one 45 mlnut .. on medium Peer ot Britain's H.,._ ot L«dl tackle tbe Jada 1kil>P<ftd . . • Say fellows, especially you mellow ooes . • . do you know. there's a place where you can get the exact kind of slacks, sport shirts, ties, and all the other ultra-smart sportswear you raD:7 wu*-rlght in Balboa-at the foot of the pier, in the Balboa Inn building comer ... It's the Piper Johnson Men's Sportswear shop. You're Invited to come in and Ill!<! what we mean-our stuff is really super . Almoot paradoxical In its pet- l<rn, J .. tlce ot the Peace Domald J . Dodge of Colta Mesa. who ptt- llldos over the Newport Beach I township court. wu summoned for service In the county'1 llUperioc court by Presiding Superior Jude< Kenneth E . Mcnilon to appear Monday at 9:30 a.m. In Dept. 3, Santa Ana. Jude< ~ H. Thompson's court. far ualgnment and hil wife, In Southern Califlll'-by J W. Cooper and a 155* nla for a few days commuted from pound " Un by Dr. A. E. Saun-~=========:=:=::§§§§§~=====:=':" tbe lleYerly Hilll hotel to Newport den, Beadt, In one hour en Zsft••---· o~ mEn'I I DRTSWEllR -.1- BAUM>A, CALIF. • H ours: 10-6. Evenings: Mon .. Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 9 to duty. Judge Dodge, who hu el.lftl-. mon~ a k>t of Jurors in his day. WU included With Prlndple ~­ mond M. Elliott of Huntington Beach Union High school and the following: Colla M ... -0oaa1c1 J . Dodge, Luther W. Johnston, Mn. Cara B. Marsh and Murdock Matheson. Balboa Island-Mrs. Bernice W. Drandall, Mrs. Bessie M. King and Mrs. Phyllis K. Unitt. Corona del Mar-WUl!am Dey- hie and George Edson. Camp Receipts Told Rtceipts from the municipal camp grounds for September am- ounted t o $2491 .24, City Treas- urer J . A. Gant told the city coun- cil Monday afternoon. Earl Etlck· ~=======================~! ler, camp custodian, made the first : report. CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th ud Suata Alla Ave. -Co8ta 11- l!!xperl Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W Pahner Radio AND ELECTRIO 23'8 Na..,..rt lllod. COl!TA HE8A I IALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays • Wedding Annlvenar!M and Etc. v-" Ji'lgurineB 1-P" :: Cloetwne Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Oman Front We Wrap Gifts LLOYD SCOTT Twel\'&-year~ld lJoyd Scott of 11~9 Enate"·ood aveooc. Len- nox, California. takee mat pride In prnentlnc the 40-lb. hallbut which he causht off the McCallah B rothers IMMi at the end of Newport pier. The boy 111 a 110n or Vll'l'IJ Scott of the MOM Chemical Co-. Sootb Gate. -\Va.Iler G<>rhardt Photo. Harbor. heavy e from the Tl&h t Uneo Thunday Loni and Lady Sta-1ki b:r M. J;.. ~- lgl bad no luck flllllng for mar-J s~ piloted hil lilj from Glen Soden'1 O.i-*, Dally all IUINDOI' loac and chartered out of Port Orange from .... t ancJen • brin& mar I In George Cole. Friday Lard Sta-. SUnday, Oct. 1th, he bolli wu' out on the CUnook went t with Wife Mabel at the •Cain with Brilllb Conlulate Gen-wheel landed a marlin for era! Eric Carvell. Apln, no mar-hlrmelt SO minutes that welched lln ~ caugltt, lltbouch Glen 186 and jumped all .,,,.,. Soden did hia belL ""1taps tbe tbe ooeen before being catted. On marlin wero In no mood few a good tbe do,)" a 180 pound marlin will ceo~. but two days ,... all was In one hour ten mln- the time U.e Lord could devote to utes heavy tackle by William . marlin. Weber: Via Orvieto, Udo ~. Sunday, Oct. 7th, the Chinook from Gee Geel II skippered by entered Newport Harbor 1"ou<Uy T. $ .. s ley. Oying two marlin Cap. A 151* Pepi !'em has bad Leo Spitz, poundtt wu c.ught on heavy Univffi StudiOI producer. fish- tackle in 31 minutes by E. & .. er, ing f the Haloahoa various 655 Gage Ave. El Monte; and a 120 times or three y-ears and hu pounder was caught on l)eavy caught albacorr and tuna, but tackle in 44 mJnutes by w. A. never marlin . One day r ecentJy Wells, 1739 Euclid Ave .• San Gab-Pepito l ad to go into Hollywood riel. This runs the total up to 191 to wor on the -new movie Golden marlin weighed in. Earrin · which features Marlene On Thursday a 157% pound mar-Dietri and Ray Milland. On this lin was caught by E . C. Van Dame, day 1 Spitz was out aboard the 1354 So. White, Pomona, from the HaloahE with D. Dunning at the ~rgia bf. skippered by Jess \\'heel d brought in a nice mar- Skeen. On Friday a 163 % paund lin. Pe ito still can't figure it out. marlin \\'as caught by Roy c. Cro er fishermen in Ne'''J>Ort Francis. 885 W. 5th St., Pomona. Bay tinue having fair luck on from Wes Fo\\•Jer's AJamo. and a spatfin Both Ne°"•port Harbor 113 % paund m arlin was caught fishing ges have been taken in LOIG IEICR bVIC UKill ISSOCIITJ.O• ... JOHN SHAFER aDd -VER.A BRYNER· AUDITllllUM OCT. Z8·Z9 30 For R<tl'"111ti•rt1 Call or 1Pn·1, AODITOllIOll 62S-4Z HOMPHRm llUSIC 110 Pine 717-19 Pttw1 ll11erntsu .. 11a SZ.41 SIM1 .... Mw. s1.H1St•••m He Pageantry of Peru Lecture Scheduled For Fullerton J.C. by J . W. btiller in one hour fice for the winter. but live bait boats minutes on light tackle from the and ch ter boats continue to run. Mlhoney skippered by Bobbie Gor-S\\'Or shing should hold up good cia. O n Saturday a 138~ pound for another two weeks at least. marlin was landed by Buck Coe, Pier 1' hermen are beginning to 4018 Channel Place, Newport, in enjoy heir "'inter run of srilelt 20 minutes on heavy· tackle from and cker el are also b e i n g the BC'rt-0-PauJ skippered by P . caught R . McCoy. A I at the record shows that l"-----------------------, Sept. 30th saw Ed e roenen-the la~est marlin caug ht this sea-I dyke's Salt Peter Too bring in son so far was a m pounder by two marlin a 1231,i pounder by Bill Ed Le senba rd in one hour from Pond, Balboa Island, in 29 minutes the L skippered by Jack Mason. An a.II-color ed movie describing on heavy tackle and a 139 pounder SurpriEg enough this fish was the pageantry of Peru will be by the skipper himself in 35 min-caught on medium tackle, with 15 given in conjunction with a lecture utes on heavy tackle. A 103 %, thread line, and not heavy tackle. by Clifford J. Kamen, color photo-pound marlin also came in the The bi' est marlin caught on six- grapher and lecturer, in the school same day caught by A. Koslow, thread~ine, 3/6 tackle, was a 134 auditorium of the Fullerton Junior 217 So. Holliston Ave., Pasadena pound by Bill Pigg from the college next Thursday evening. from H . S. Graham's Trade Wind Mihon with Bobbie Garcia at Major I van Lebedoff. diplomat,! out of Port Orange. Sept. 28th the w~' I. &old.ier an~ lect~re~. \\ill giv~ a mai;Iin was a 150"' pounder land-This , as really been a nice mar- lecture on 'Rus.!ua and the United ed in two hours 20 minutes by H. !in ye . States" at the college, the follow-C. Pittenger , 5725 Woodman Ave .. --+--------- ing Thursday, Oct. 24 . Van Nuys, from Eddie Cleland·s There will not be a lecture on Sunfish. October 31, due to the fact that Oct. 1st saw the Salt P eter Too it is Hallowe'en. bring in three marlin. A 1221,i O n November 7. James R . pounder by Hal Brown, 995 N. LOOK at the RECORD! 27 YEA..lllS OF EFACIENCY I ECONOMY 11 ABILITY 111 "Know/1df1 t and Exptt·'n1ct H a'V t No Substitults" • Young. noted foreign corr~po~d-Mission, L. A. in 29 minutes, a 154 ent, author and lecturer. will give pound m arlin by Dr. Donaugh, San '------------------------~ ~-------------'I his "Report of the Far East." t.-Iarino. In o ne hour five minutes on heavy tackJe and a 129 pounder by Cedric Tarr, San Francisco in 35 minutes on heavy tackle. ' R e,,,e/ect SHERIFF TUNE IN · "Tloe Publlo -Boar" The Bayside Plating Co. OFFERS YOU A DISCOUNT MORE MARLIN On Oct. 2, a 122 pound marlin was landed by Dale Cooper, 722 Has Jobs Open For 15 Veterans • DDQ,;"'JEU D.&JLY --.,..., ... 1 ... .. u .......... .. • K.Y.O.E. JESSEL Al l:UI P. IL ICftl'J' ~ ELLI On YOTI NOY. I . _, . _, "R1-Ef1ct tlt1 M• 'IJ'io Knows th1 Job" If You Bring Dis Ad to Us Within 30 Days We Claim to Have All the Silver in California A \'eteran's council established by the American Leg1on Post 291, opened up more than 20 jobs for i~~~;;~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~ those who applied last week and are continuing their job-finding bureau. .. W flrfw .. .r 1-L. lllttott tor Merit t) <Thi • IM!Y • ., • c.c. "Chuck" Wirth Expert Silversmiths All Work Guarani-I Estimates on Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD • Tea Services. • Antique Finish ing • Troph ies • Jewelry • Candela- bras • Ceramics PLATING • Reflectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plati ng • Badges and Souvenirs C.R. "Bob" Hand t ouncellor Bill Bannister reports many additional jobs at hand. Ap- plicant.a intttested shouJd call the American Legion office at Harbor 452 before noon tomorrow for con- sideration or further information. The jobs open are: Ordinance man, ordinance helper, cable slicer , telephone communJcatlons man, auto mechanic, electricians, paint- ers,_ instrument makrrs, plumbers, cabinet makers, machinistl, 1heet metal layout men, gu welders (alum.Jnwn only), and clerk-typist. Veterans may also find neces- sary Information on their GI ln- •unnee, loem, furlough pay er school lnformaUon at the Arner- lc-an Legion houu, located at 15th and Central, Newporl Beach. • WELCOME HOME? Newport lluflor P.a •1 AMr.IQOAN LIXDON r... .. " ... Ms • ...., y ... _ ............. , ...... ... -·....,, s.ta .. ....._, .. .. -Qtality Lumber BAYSIDE PLATING CO. ud Buildiq Material. • Phone: Beacon 5113, Days; ee.c@n 5358-R, Night.a COSTA MERA EVER 1914 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ll. L Ha.TllTLllll --... llDD:DIAn DlllVDIY ON RADIOS-RECORD PLAYERS &' COMBINATIOSN ' WE RENT PHONOGRAPHS WITH RnnRnS See 'l'BA'"'l()'"":BD-• WA••BN a& 1U l2ad 8L, Newpwt ._... "" z BS '' tm • . • r STEAKS Fully Aged -Juicy -Tender T-Bone -N.ew York -Filet Mignon Top Sirloin and Deluxe Planked PETl'EY'S • Bal boa Inn Cafe DANTOHIO's Italian Kitchen Specialtiea Chleketa or veal _.....,.,... -..,.. • n" j' I Lolider Fra DIV1llo • Spp Ill -Rn-... Dellgbltnl, Tu&y s...,.. .......... Fish and Sea Food Gatails PINND 118HING llJl!ANW 0~ • IWDAl'R NONO-RADIOS , .· • • ., :......t;.._-...,4 'lllDlllAND8 °' lJSEl> ~ • • • - STARCl'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SPEED RowE, M ..... gn-}oa:PHD<B OQuisT, Ownn 107 Zlat l'laee .Newpod ~ • • oe11a •• • mun1sm on Howser ' Happy ••• as a lark because her clean, smart appearance rates admiring glances. . . A distinct wvning ..... .,...,~>---'-!-------MANDEX Clean ..... 1ast niabt by Philip Bancroft. pro-I , ~astwil" le Lights -P ~· aari<Ultunst anc1 tormtt ~ ~ and Dy ..... candidate ror the u. s. Senate, o Usher in Yule · ~0 who &daJ"ed that Communists Newpoft Blft. a pan dee Road. early lhla >"'°' planned to pin Season On Dec. 10 Nert Door to Matti, Lid. control· of all high publi<: offices -AM in the State. Repudiated1by voten Orange County Coast ~ "':~~~~~~====~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~:'.. who ~ Governor Warren back on ls continuing its plans for into office by a huge majority in 'de and community alrist· the primary of June 3, the C.1.0.· m ·celebrations. it was announced Ir------------------------. WILLlAM P. MEALEY GENERAL 00.N'lll.&C'l'OB Residentiai and Coonr.e dal Bulldlng .,,_., __ Beacoa 58M--W -P .AC: Communistsbacked commit-by , ostmaster Herbert F. K~nny, tees are puabing their endorsed vi preside nt of the association carvJldates in hopes of a Novem-Mo day. her 5' vl<toey. S aking before the board of di· Announcing Opening • Island Refrigeration. Service. ISLAND PAT I 0 PROUDEST BOY ON BALBOA ISLAND wu Chart .. A. Ortttls, former secreta.ry of tbe Sportnshlnir Association of Newport Barbor •. u Yoa Would Prepare It , when he snagged this 179\1: pound marlin In 50 minutes from tbe BAI.BOA ISLAND I l'lluto~, .tdppered by 0-i>t-Norm Ben· ', M<MHlan Photo. L....;;;;..;.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;.;;.;.;;;;. ___ .;;;;;;;;;;;;.-..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;..-1 Associated Chambers Cabinet Officer May Banc:roft, appearin& on the same rec of the Newport Harbor Mutu.J.,Doa Lee broadcut with ~ber of Commerce, Mr. Kenny Fred BoWler, candidate for at-hat the Christmas observance torney aoeral. whom he endorses, be opened at a meeting in told of the peril of Soviet control uq tngton Beach on Tuesday, in labor and politics. Dec~ 10, when all Christmas light- '.Tor' Heaven'1 18.ke, why not ing illong the coast will be lighted. telJ1 our people the truth! demand-~ eel Bancroft. "With both our wan Mr;s. Heacock's Kin won we are planning this coming , fll<aJ year to spend on the main-Di S in New Orlearts lenance of our armed forces the · ' enormous sum of fifteen billion rd has been received by Mrs. dollars, and to keep a million and ·Dul Heacock. Balboa Island, or a half Americans JUlder arms. the eath Sunday in New Orleans Whom are we protecting ourselves of ' er brother, Capt. J ack R. against at this great cost? R ussia Seel holm_ H e \\'as the son of the and her CoQUDuni!:t-controlled al-late E. T . Sederholm, Pomona lies. oran e grov.•er a nd entered the "Every Communist in this state U. Navy in 1918. who goes to the polls next month er he joined the Merchant will vote against Fred Howser and Mar· e and was skipper for 20 for his opponent. Do you want yea _, being with the Gulf-Pacific the endorsement of the Commun-line. ' .. Household Refrigerators Repaired Pl_.t -Calla Aeywhere In tile -· """' 329 Marine Ave. T. E. Rischard --hlaad I'll.-Barbor 88'1·W . ANNNOUNCING the Opening of the Harbor Glass Co. 2811 Lafayette Phone Harbor 866 Automobile Glass • Boat ·Glass and Boat Lettering · MET I CLAD PRODUCTS by CLARK & BATES Reject Teacher Plan Be Newport's Guest M embers _of the board of direct-Naval repr esentatives from the ors of the Newport Harbor Cham-I 11th Naval District will be guests ber of Commer ce voted Monday or the Newport Harbor Clla mber to table the recent recommenda-of Commerce· at a luncheon to be tions of the Associated Chambers giv<'n in White's Coffee S hop, Bal- o{ Orange county. boa, on Th<'sday, Oct. 29. in observ· isl-controlled P. A. C. to be re- garded as a political asset from now on? I am confident that Howser will be elected, but patrio- tic voters mu.st make a special effort to go to the polls Nov. 5, and s how the whole United States t ha t the endorsement of the in- famous P.A.C. is the kiss of death." Main St. Pays M n street, Balboa business ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ men ave paid the City of New-I -Look for the Bronze Mailbox - Metallizing- Welding- e INDUSTRIAL Tanks, keels, rudders, deck fit-. tings, hardware. e ORNAMENTAL Art objects. doors, sjgns, store front decorations. e ALLTYPES Specialists in steel. cast iron, aluminum, brass, bronze. -ALL NEWPORT BEACH WORK OUABANTEED - 606 SOtlt 8treiM Harbor %609 WE NOW CARRY MEN'S SHOES Priced at $10.95 One of the recommenda tions ance of 9'Javy Day here. made by the coun ty organization The committee hC'aded by C.apt. was opposition to the state refer-McCarty expects to have Secr etary endum to pay school teacher s a n of the Navy Forrestal presen t as annua l minimum salar y of $2400. the honored guest as the navy offi- LOCAL CANNERIES OPEN SOON; RF.APPEARANCE OF SQUIRT CAUSED S l roTDOWN Reappearance o f th<' 11ea squirt, a mild form or marine life. which resembles a Jong tube of phos- phorus. has caused a shutdown of the entire Pacific Coast fi shing industry. The squirt occurs once a year. · The squirt has no effect on the edibility of the fish, but the pres- ence of the marine life in contain- ers of mackeral i-eady for the market is opposed by state fish inspectors. · Local canneries are expected to open again in a few days and mem~ bers of the fishermen's union who I were tempora rily laid orr during the shutdown are expected back on the job. 1 -~~~~~~~~ cial will be in Los Angeles about that time. Education Assembly Plans S. A. Meeting Vice Chairman Julian Beck of th(' state assembly on public edu- cation announced a mf"eting will takC' place at Santa Ana. Oct. 22 at 2:30 p.m. in the Lincoln school at 1415 French street. All school trustees and administrators of the Orange county school system are requested to attend. Discussions will be confined to r e ports on need for housing a nd' the financial ability of county dis- tricts to provide schools within the audits of state school funds re- ceived by local districts. Skiing Planned An elaborate program of water skiing is plan ned for· Lake Elsi- nor e Sunday, Oct . 20, according to V. H. Richey, cha irman . aquatic commit tee of the Elsinore Cham- ber of Commerce. The schf'dule of events includes Men's Slalom, Men"s Jumping, con-=======:-, I test or Trick Skiing a nd Optional Riding, a nd similar events for v.•omen. A de tailed copy of t1'e progran1 is on file at the office of por tf:ach $45 for extra lighting for eir thoroughfare, according to a ' ""item included in the city treas' er's report for September. DEAN HARENS, Whitner Blnell, E ' O'Brien-Moore ln the . New York •tace comedy bit, ''The Raaty H rt .. , coming to the· Biltmore, Lo9 Angeles on Oct. %1. , Steel Arch Construction as advertised in Esquire the Newport Harbor Chamber of 1---------------.+---------- Commerce. Anyone inter('Sted is • S05 MARINE A VE. • Sold Exclusively in the Harbor Area by BAI.BOA JSLA.NJ). announcing. • • • a change in owne.rship MERCURY CLE ·ANER ·s 1844 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa • -Expert Workmanship- -Pickup and Delivery- -3-Day Servi ... ce:.-- New Owners: -"BILL" BROWN & "RUDY" FISCHER PHONE BEACON 56li.J " • urged to look it over. White House Cafe ~sm i..c-~ Calif. ktwww Tr '• .. iiilb ~ ~.w.I. ~. L1M W.. M-. ----···· izsfz t --. W-811 &~----la-llb6-,--.... J::t--1•MM•1 jSFU-W ... WWWW ad '1lf --..... -... ~ ................ ,.,, ... I rsRd .. -p UN. I Jr .e iii W -Jlr. ll!W .. ----...-· -• ,_ ati;:; a -1a ''a II _.,.,... Tablea - ~...,a RF-his to ---........._i.t-lrlll: llOli'T 'I01J TllT IT t ,;.•, 'l"'hv 1ne· -. ..._ ..... 75<, . ............. _ - -..., -dlnotod. • A New Steel C iser by Central Boat Works Harbor 1580 THEAfRE LID 0 r UH • Fne --.r Wednesday thru Saturday • Nightly at 6:45 &: 9:10 I Oft°'°' olfd .• , 8XI -. . WALTER PIDBEOI -JO E ITURBI. ROBBY l1DOWALL • JAi .,DWELL . ILOlj MASSEY • XAVI fiiiBAT .... ...,., ..... ._, . a.....,= ..:..:.. .. d ,.,OIOIGISIMIY•-..ft••~ PAStWWc ·~·. • • \ . Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. LUMBER AND BUILDING MA.TERIAI.S Bay Dlstrlet Yant Phone Beaoon Glll Glll OOAST HIGHWAY AT THE ARCHES ''R~ndezvous of the Mariners'.' White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAB Comer Marine &I: Park Ave. -Balboa hlADd . More Tban SO Yean of 8enloe to the Barbor'• SOl MAIN Flnel!lt Cllentele BALBOA, ()ALIJI'. • Before You Build or Remodel Vhlt Our Interesting Sample and Dlaplay Rooms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock ot carpets and linoleum. Bogs& Carpets Cleaited, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works llZJ Soatll Main St. PboDe S..ta Ana !SOI SANTA ANA E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTKAC'J'08 CEMENT WORK Flat Work or .,oandaUom CALL. l G % % • J FOR INP'OaMATION (Political Advertisement) Hear Robert Gard.er Prominent Attom~y and World War II Veteran Speak THURS., OCT. 17th 8:30 p. m. RadloKVOE on Behalf of JAMES A: MUSICK --,, ' ·-· . --~ - • • ' , • ,,__E_L_L_IS____;_B_R_O~S-.-N-U_R_S~E-R-Y~1 TarsGi::~~o • A . (ConUn•.S tnm Pap 1) •• Lan.:1--• • Jlallnc oct. butt-the looU-UMCIPing • • • """ the double ~er for the Flowers and Shrubs =y'wi~· == ~~~ • a Nothing daunted. the Ganlen • Groven came back strong ond, Clay ElliL...l'bolle 81111 ........ llM<lb t8M featuring a well coanllnat<d poa- ing attack from Donovan to Bolte. loe EDIB.--~ Bar!Mw 15!5-I· held onto the ball, with a few L..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-""lminor internrptions. well lnto the second quarter, but boaed dawn Deliciously Prepared • • • • NEWPORT CAFE -%4 Boar Senk&-' • uo......-.,_ Newport- MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open llanllfacturen of Custom Built Blinds Complete Repair and. Renovating Service Free Estimates W soth Street Newport Belich Telepbme Barbor 2001 on the Sailol' ten.:yard stripe wi\h-• out scoring. Again in the third quarter the visitors took the 6aJJ ond, Inter-! spersing'pa.saes with nice running pla.)13 took the ball to the Sailor six-yard line. From the six, Dono- van went over for a score, but tumbled in the end zone and the bounding leather was smothered by "Bogey" Horrell and the tally was nullified. . Brace's final score came in the - fourth quarter and that was the ball game. ' Outstanding performances for the Sailors were turned in by defensive standouts and ''Doc" Hanson, Dick Brown, "Shiner" Roberts and Horrell did the 5lerl- ing work of turning the Arg<r nauts back time and time again. • • • Mention must also go to Dick Brown, substit ute halfback, for outstanding dowofield blocking, especially on Brace's long run. There was one man who stood a chance of getting Brace before the end had gone five yards, but Brown came out ot nowhere and mowed the would-be tackler down and Brace was on his way. 1 PRIZE "'STINGAREE" CATCH OF THE ~Bruce Browa. Henry Hiii abd e' Rendenon, 80mt of prominent barborttes.. show tlMl big •ting-ray they hauled out of the Upper Bay l"eCf!mtly. Henry hu u.e Ion fork lsed juat la cw Lbe !Ung-ray lbows. life again. -K nt Hitchcock oto. Red feather Campaign on Sees Calif. Nearly I Equaling New York , State Population ' Re-affirming his philosophy that a United Stales Senator should r epr esent "all o f the people of the <Cont. From P age 11 entire state an d not pressure CL THES POR EN AND The Argonauts had much the better of it in statistics, account- ing for 12 tint dOWN to the Sailors' four and rolled up a net galn total of Z70 yards to New- port's 158. ~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~I Running plays netted the Garden Grovers 125 yards and they made 131 through the air while Newport gained 780 yards on the ground, Palmer. the Chamber of Com-groups." U. S. Senat9r William F . 1 mt:'r ce: H erma n H a nsen. the New-Knowland this "-'eek pointE'd out 1 port Beach Business Mens As-tha t policies adopted at the com- sociation: Al And~rson. the Bal-ing 80th session of Congress will boa Business l\·len'j Association; have a far-reaching effect on Cal- John Wallace. the Balboa Improve-ifornia's future. OYS ' • I On Your Way to Santa Ana thanks mainly to Brace's long nm, and only 22 yards by passing. The Sailors w er e also detected in in- rractions or the rules for three 15-yard pena lt.les. Or When in Costa Stop at· - - \ Mesa The Sailors open their league schedule next Friday at Fullerton when they take on the Indians in a night game scheduled for 7:30. CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN New Roosevelt Dimes Appear in Port Area F irst Franklin Delano Roosevelt ten-cent pieces appeared ln Balboa l\1onday. They were r eceived trom the east by R ussell Dietrich, editor of the Beachcomber magazine. The new dimes carry the profile of the late Presi~ent. Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10a.m.to2p.m. 1818 Newport Blvd. CURB SERVICE ''<lits ·Man'' A Complete Store for Men and Young Men ---Opens Saturday, Oct. 19th -. Do You Need? * Slacks * Suits r * Sweaters * Sport Shirts * Sport Coats * Underwear Featuring . • • • • Nationally Advertised Lines IN DOWNTOWN (l08'l'A Mn!&, .•• Next to ......... 5 -10 -~ 8Cen. ment Association ; Irvin G. Gordon, Knowland dl"Clared that Califor- the American Legion. Hubbard C. nia now has a population of 9.000.- H owe, the Boatbuilders Associa-COO a nd can be expcctrd to be lion: Father Thomas Noonan, the second to New York Statt> in popu- Catholic ·Church. and J . Leslie lation by 1950. as he "'a r n e d Steffensen, the Scout Committee. against allowing federal bureauc-J !01 M&rtne AY&. Also Rev. E . D. Goodell, the r acy in Washing ton to manage the Community Church ; Mrs. l\1cBride, complex businE"Ss of the state by '---~+-------· the Ebel! Club; Mrs. Hill, the r emote control. Grammar School P . T. A .; Mrs. "As a member of the Senate." \V. C. Fo\\'ler. the High School he said , "I belie ve our econ omy P. T . A .; Dr. Pease, the Rotary and our political structure is too Club: Theodore Robins, the Lions complex to be effectively and ef- Club; F. S . Blo-A•er , the Kiwanis f idently oper ated by any bureauc- Club; Helen Randel. the Legion racy In \Vashington in peace-time." Auxilia ry; S . A. Meyer, the 'Con-Warning that the American gregational Church : Mrs. Hitch-people are at the cross-roads, man and Mrs. Franklin, the Epi.s-Knowland said : ''They must de- copal Church : Mrs. J ane Calkins cide on a tree economy or a con- and Mrs. Hendrickson, the Red trolled economy. A controlled Cross: Mrs. Hod&kinson, the Aa--economy or necessity m eans not sistance League: Mn. Carol Den· only the control of prices but also ton, The Business and Professional the control of all r aw materials, W omens Oub. wages and profits, together with Diaries l\1cLaughlin. the Fisher· the allocation of labor where labor mans Union ; H. J. Forsythe, the 1s needed and a rationing of avail- Balboa Island Business Mens As--able suppUes .... Such a control- sociation ; Braden Finch, the Coro-led economy means a termination na del Mar Ovic Association; of tree enterprise." Clyde Ashen, the U. S. O.; Kate McCann. the Balboa Island Im-Sell that unwanted article • H SON'S S ade and Lin leum Shop A ew BulJdlng N Facilities. Ven ti Blinds Win o Shades Delive F ---Installation timates Qulllk Service t1e•n 5004-I Costa Mesa provement Association ; Norman through News.-Times ads. '----+-!if-----~ Pabst, the Udo Isle Community -=================!=!:=====:::; Association. and Mr. Jackson, the ,... N. H . Yacht Club. The compe.i.gn commit tee expects to a nnounce some one to represent the Balboa Yacht Club by \Vcdnes- day. Report Sewer Fees Supt. John D. McMillan, sewer Dept.. city; reported to the city treasurer that during September the city received SZ70 for sewer connections. Plans Addition William CrisJI of 223 Jasmine avenue, Corona de.I Mar. is making an addition to his d'welling. I ¥/REPAIRED U 'l'blll ~ to Yon Phone Bea. 5131-J BODY WORKS aad PAINTING PWUJIM4ft CALL MMJQ!f Dat-l • Central Garage and .Collision Shop ~a.:r....­z:a lfewpuri llhd. <lOnA ..... . • - For Your Conveni j n e We Will Rem · i Open Until 9 p. m. . and All Day Sun Balboa Central rket ' GORDOI a~ Fl OONTaAOl'Oa AND IR1~1$ -· l&lt~ .... CABim:l' SHOP S OAB1NnB AND llllUlll.t;:l.tfftUI T. C. lOBNllON, Supt. .., ...... -FreJa Daily .. Der-"• ... hoc19 Or .......... -....... ----to-,__ 'HORMEN FISH M LAY • ON UHTllAL AvaNU .. NlftrPO>ln! •KACH - .. • • -. • ' \ ·- SAIDY'S DRIVE· II Yea! We Ba-. • HAM • BACON • REE"' e PORK • Dlgwoocl B•-+ugen Does Yoar-'11oase Need Painting? -. 4tl .. -... .. l!fo .,_.. ~ Won clcme"lw•rl' tel)' lly hlPlY:. ddPod lowae.r-Peln'::t~ Ille...& iiio6- -~~n-.& . ~r-- Owned aad operated by World War D Veteru - •r' ••g yuar pe1 ·na& aood will ud ,,-.. -A Fc9r ,-ree l!'a'''' 7 tm Phone HARBOR 2 64 5 . . Lee C. Beaa. Stays silent ••• ·lasts IO!li!f ' ' I GAS REFRIGER~TQ_ll .Jj Authorized Dealer for Harbor District and Costa Mesa Place Your Order NOW for 1947 Models VOGEL'S 100 Main St. Balboa Going to Build 11ds Year? Yon pnlJnbly ban yum cb: ?= .._ .a wafted Old la yoar mbld -• -ybe yuar U'C!l!lteei -.-inetor allwlJ .... (lfttlUe4 _,p's• •· p!plll' far yon. • • • • cawty wlB baw • lup JIU" llR "'RI dr• •• el. ........... llTIDg -tr-. Wbea ,... p -tile plllnl wHb yam .....,.. lie are to Ml< l!lm ~. tbe MWlll deftiap- E' tr m boauhold lnllar ••In& ud f9o. lkeel lleu!ty. Orr s,...1n In e-11111n& • "zlail •lie ~lo 11e1p wtaa la7°"' plllnl • pnb'1 s One~ -1 a b a lotJil •n. · • Ill ... ,,. al•&7" el a.a&., a. ""' -.m-HOKll & GALVAI -' .... • • 3 . . ~2'w t ... -;::· z•11rwfi#n.an.B\l _6'iF n-.• W 3 • ' • ( ' I I I I I I I I ' I I I . I • f NO PLACE IN • • • Hamburgers Malts Sundaes 8Jl:BVE8 Llllll T Bil ·- T.OWN • • Coffee and Donuts Waffles • r· Farm Leader. Backs Knight Election Bid Phlllp llon<nJtt, promlMnl Coll· fornla farm lnder, yest~ an- ~ his -...nent al s ... penor Judre Goodwin J . Knlpt for the lleulftWtt eovernonhiP. Bancroft Mid: ·~ -. this olflee will probebl7 beeome rovernor ot c.Jlfomla within the next four yeps. flO tt behOOves all ot ... who att --In the • welfare ot °""' llat. tO Wot!< for Juclce Goodwin J. Kmlcbt. AllfOLSa WU.1.IU( B. 800'IT .&M:D WWW»W ......... 'lW.1'-are '" s.,.... a.e _....,. ""'* 1MU _.. el a lllM .. mullll ell Pf&wpeft BarMr ...,.&17, It ... • allw P •'7 _...., wtt111. &M , . ..,..,. -~ ,,. • s-. Mii .. -............... tlle ..... It-* la tt. 11 • • -Kent Hitchcock photo. Talks on Prevention s Feed Store y and Grain Quanty Feeds -1- D•••> B mss 11&1 , \ >· .oal!UtJUHCSU:S Howard W. Gerriab 1• 'xw,.... ... , .. ,_,. OOllTA-... .......... 6151 ' Automobile • Fire D& del ...... Oranp Coun11. Collf<lima : aJoo Including -Ferd 8 Sedan cldlveey tnldt, enstne No. 209999, Callfomla 1lH6 Rec. No. 806012, and one Ferd 8 Ii ton panel tnldt, Encl .. No. '54-447404. Califor- nia llM6 Rec. No. 32N29L 'lbe clato when and tho ~ where llald -ii to be made. the oonalderatlon oc price for such aale Is to be paid. said dlattel mortrar• ii to be oncuted and the consideration thettfor Is to be paid on October 19, 1946, at ll :00 o'clock A. M., at 1018 Cout Hlch- way, Ccrona dol Mar, Oranp Coonl1. California. Dated: October 11, 19". CHAS. W. ABERNA'IHY WAYNE B. O~ lntondod v-.. and Int..-O>attle Mortg_. Pub: Oct. Ill. 1946. FREE FIREWOOD for tlie baul- lng. Phone Beacon 5411. 18-trc B1lllllo:llll OtJJD& ll "Goodwin Xaicht'• -rec.u<I hu amply demoftltrated his fitw for this Important offloe. Hla hon- es11. his courqe and his faith In Am<ricaniorn .. apinat all forolgn Isms, ha•• been proved throughout tho ye.n., "1be issue is clearly drawn. Goodwin Knlght bu boen .S.- noundng cmnmWllsm and the Do You Know Accid-t • Life u...--Cmtl'Kt -Wrlttm 8Uttalleer& ~ Newpwt m... Get Acquainted Day !..---l-COllT-•_-... __ __, I'--------" I ''Get Acquainted Day," an at-; ~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RADIO SALES a, SERVICE Specializing In repairing. Tronart, Inc. SALES and SERVICE Pan· Coast Venetian Blind Co. . 814 Coast IDghway Beacon 5881-J Communist-controlled Polltieal Ac-Thet every minute of the day tion committee: Crom one end ol and night somebody's home or the it.ate to the .other, while hll place of business in the United opponent is the undisputed candl-States is destroyed by fire! date of the PAC and-although I That careless smoking and clis- not a Communist ~lf-is being I posaJ of matches call.§eS more than s uppcrted ~y every Communist in one.fourth of our dwelling fires? California. That many people who are killed Ask Truman Change Mind on Port Economy by fi re have no burns on their bodies, but die from inhaling fire gases? That fluids labeled "non-explo- sive" · are not necessarily "non- inflammable''? That about a third of the fires put out )Jy municipal fire depart- ments a!e put out with hand ex- tempt to f01ter new friendshipi; ftlllO"C the students. will be inaug- urated Friday, Oct. 11 at Santa j Ana Junior college, it was an- nounced by Vernon Ashby, Bucca· neer president today. The new e.vent will be sponsored by the Buccaneers, a campus club, and will coincide with the Dons' first league football game. The event ""'ill be highlighted by an assembly and a pep rally; a dance is also being planned. Invin Perry and David Hearle of the Buccaneers are in charge of the event. The Newpor t Harbor Chamber of Commerce will appeal to Presi - dent Truman to change his mind on curtailing appropriations for r ivers and harbors improvement aa a n economic measure at this lime. tinguishe_rs? . . . Ask Federal Gov't That 1f Americas farm fire f losses could be r educed by so per Assume Full Cost 0 cent, nso u... would be saved Port Development each year? . . ENTION! Owners I Add Mulmum ort and Good Looks Your Home: Other chambers of commerce and harbor commissions are also sending telegrams to the Whit e House, suggesting reconsidera tion .. -----------------------·I of his proposed action. Tha t any chimney too warm to The Newpor t Harbor comm1SSlon · -· and the Newport Harbor Chamber hold the hand against \v1 th com-f Co -11 Iii b' ed MARLIN SEASON N~ J,,. ~ull. SUJiwt ASHAWAY-ZANE GREY 24 & 39 Thread LINEN LINE Tycoon Rods Zane Grey Teasers Swordfish Leaders Swordfish Harnesses •MACKEREL EQUIPMENT Nets Lights Scoops -Strikers Nepwort Tackle Store 105 McFadclea l'1ace Telephone Harbor 97 "IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT-WE'LL GET IT'' Get All 7 Features -Yoa Pay No More Sell that unwanted through Newo-Tlmes ads fort is a fire hazard ? o mme.rce Wl . . e a com i.n article That relia ble fire extinguishers :equest with t he~r r epresenta tives are easily identifiable by the Un-in .congress .askin g . them to use derwriten ' or F actory f.1ut ual their efforts in convincing the fed- Laboratories approval labels they eral government t hat it should pay be ? the full cost of the proposed $550,-~~t about 40 fires 8 day are million development of the harbor started because electric irons are area. left in circuit? The United S tates government That every year about 300 peo-originally a greed to appropriate pie are killed and 1000 injured in half the cost. and Neli'-1>0rt Beach home fires and explosions due to was to match their share. the use of flammable cleaning The move to combine the new fluids? requC"St ""'as made at the meeting Balboa Civic Groups Make Arrangements For Christmas Fete of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce board of di rectors here Monday. ~~-==~&=•-~lw='"'==lb~•=t 1:1:t:M~o-=~"·:~;: The Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and the Balboa lm- pro\•e ment association announced plans for community-wide observ-Calltorn1&•1 Newett and Moot M-.,, Motel Miracle Mile Motel '106 OOAS'I' filGHWAY LMlt ,_ .. }Ill ... llp wturi .. ~ .. • 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattiesees PB. BEAOON 5Z99 l • ance of ChriJ:tmu this year. For the past 10 days Bob Brown, Balboa Bobby Shop proprietor "and member of the Balboa Improve-- ment group, has discussed the plan with people all over the city area. Meanwhile a committee from the chamber of commerce was appoint- ed to consider Christmas lighting and decor a lions. They are C. R. Johnson, L. H. Norman, H. J. For· sythe, Herman Hanson, Irvin George Gordon, Nelson Sta!fOr'd and H . F. Kenny, Camera, Rifle Taken Articles, including a camera and a 22 c.a.libre rifle were stolen from an automobile parked by Margaret Utton of 1316 North Parton street, Santa Ana, in the rear of 2906 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, Sat- urday night, police were told f rigeration Pil-N AMMONIA ·atontolOtoe. Conditioning I 1-to llO toll Piiel!SUl'e Pumps Ce trifugal Pumps AD Pitel wee and Uq-la8- -============;! Llttle M.iSI Billie Dillon, of News r port Beach, la really exdted at Why Suffer? lledrMIM. Rvtl 2 ?; P.a.. lD o...a. -Lep-1-or Vllal-1'1-"AI._ ~·-mp ... Low llJood. Pl'es1are --sup-. plal" -Growbitr Old belo"' J'OGI' Up1 1 .......... Rb mad Kltr7 A•lrn-tit rc11.t'8*-171o __ _...... WI-Drap, Pala, !1arpry or IaJectao-. 0 It ....... .,. qlf? I oa. E. r. az1.i,. n.o.. Pll.c. H'l lbd -Newpwt Ba1ell, Olllf. --uu -:-.utt -.! ................. .. ..... ..... ••• 0 0 getting her picture taken with an albacor e. The fish waa caught from a Newport Harbor live bait charter boat on day recently. To help with the meat shortage, many of thew boata are now h8uling in A··· I tons of mackerel. I' ·--.i.----------' WING SANG BOAT & AIR YARD 811 Coat Highw · y 101 PhwBw• • ''' ....... Md ............. for Beli• for 8lile • PIM! ....... ,.. .., ......... _ .... WILLEY'r REFRIGERITTIDD JERVICE comPnnY --~---~ llhd., ~ del .... Pbone Barbor !18' Ntpt, Lapa& 1.lla Cement and Flagst4ae Contractor :rt.AT WOllX ~ FOtnmJ.TIONS B1 Eiil!ma\e Barbor 2574-W Quick lll:lr"rice: ,..., ba.-e \be ~· PueL1c NoncE NOTICE 'INVITING BIDS The Board of School Trustees of the Newport Beach School Dis- trict, Orange County y.ri ll receive bids at the school office, 14th and Central up to 8:00 p.m~ Novem- ber 5, 1946 for the purchase or one used Ford Transit School Bus Radio, electronics, IOUnd-Sales d servicea-marine and domestic. Ph. H ._1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beech, Calif. I 79-.tfc F ORMED Windshields a, Hatch Covers made to order. Also Plex· iglass & Lucite Sheets for sale. Nu-World Products Company, 303 Third St.. Huntington Beach. P hone Huntington Beach 178. 80-tfc MET -CLAD PRODUCT'S -by- CLARK & BATES Metallizing \Velding Specialist.. 506 30th St.. -Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 'Tl-tfc PIANO TUNING and repairing. J, B. Brown. Write Box 6331 Rt. l, 388 Broadway, Calta Mesa. 78-tfc LANDSCAPE Desiginlng. 2 6 6 8 Newport Blvd. Phone S ant a Ana 115-J. Th-Ste ot fifty-five to sixty elementary ---C-0~0-P"'E=R-A,_,T..,IV=E=--­ passengers capacity. Said bus t o meet all requirements of the State ROOFING CO. Board of Education a nd the De-- partment of Motor Vehicles. New and Repair The above bus to be delivered to the school ready for use with-Phone Beacon 5280-R in five days after award of con-U 1:.. 3eth St.. Calta Mesa tract t o the successful bidder. 20-Vt The Board of School TrUstees SIGN p AINTING of the Newport Beach School Dis- trict, Orange Count y, reserves the r ight to reject any or all bids or waive any informality in a bid. T. WESTON JAY. Oerk of the Newport Beach School Di<lrlct. Pub. Oct. 8, 15, 22. 1946. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE OF STOCK IN TRADE NOTICE IS HE REBY GIVEN that DAVID M. ROBERTS, resid- ing at 1662 Newport Avenue, Costa Mesa, Orange County, Cal- if omia, intends to mortgage to AL FORGIT, residing a t 2881 Santa Ana Blvd., Costa ?i.tesa, Orange County, California , the following described property, to-wit: All furniture, furnishings, fix- t,u res , equipment, installations tools and ute nsils, including fluor- escent lights and gu water heater, but excepting mechanical r efriger- ators and mechanical refrigerating units, of the cafe known as "IN AND OUT CAFE" located at 109 McFadden Place, Newport Beach, Orange County, California. Terms and conditions of mort- gage are as follows : The chattle mortgage is given lloata, Trucks, Wlntlowa Walla Md Bulletin&. Ralaed M•tal. Wood and Plutlc Lotten AL LACHMEYER 1729 w .. t Conlrtll Harbor 1243-M 88tfc BICYCLES 8old. Ratted Olt Repalnd. VOGEL'S 100 Kain St., Bal- 20I -. Bal-lalaDd. -to secure a note in the principal ------------11,., sum of $2,000 on the personal =B.:IEA:..:,.:U.,;T;,:W'=AID8-~":":-:-::==== property above-mentioned Sa I d MACHINE and MACHINELESS mortgage note will be delivered to Permanent Waves the mortgagee at the law offices 1lnting and Manicart.nc of Roland Thompson, Suite 208 Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W Spurgeon Bldg., Sant a An a, Vi's Beaut8:, Sho:J! Orange County, California, on Wednesday, October 16, 1946, at 1103 Coast Hlway, rona l Mar Th-tfc the hour of ten o'clock A. M . of said day. •.on AND romm n ~ ~ notice is give.n ,pursuant to 'LOST-Black purse in Corona del ~on 3440 of the C1v1l Code. M on Poppy with ration books I Dated and signed this 8th day an~ etc. Mn.' Ernest Crain. Re- o' October, 1946. = ward. Phone Beacon 5811-W. I DAVID M. ROBERTS 80-ltp Intended 1tlortgagor AL FORGIT -Intended Mortgagee Pub. Oct. 15, 1946. lfOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL AND TO MOllTOAOZ CHATl'l!!LS IN BULll II WANTED-Howe work by hour or clay, Uve out. Wrlto Box ''F'' c/o N.,.._ nn-. 79-2tp I 2 3 Faeme' ~~,, to meW 01' -CMuDC wttlri. w ............ 0--ed. &MrmAI --lo ctn ,..,.. ~ dM: 1kal re4e&loa to • ..,,, 11.- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CALIFORNIA Registered Nuno wbheo ..,,p1oyment In Hart.r AnL Wrlto Box "C' c/o N.,..._ nm... 8().2tc ':;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;$;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ~ pursuant to the provisiom of~ POSrnON WANTED-Young ex:· tlon 3440 of tho California Ovtl P<ri•noed atmographer, rder--u.. .---. 4 '1'Mn:m1 COii.troiied. otm 'MkMI me! Pft19 ....... ae ...,... ., cq1 1 .._.,, 5 8p11 w •••-....,._, tr11nt a -... om • allt.re ..,_wwww laetal .... Memel Oh"e. tlctat-ptppbos, ._ ........ - 6 Eftll')' ear Mad MEf 1111 ud nbflred. to Sift 7""•-·~-7 •e 1k1•._ _,......_ .. w~ st.-.-a ........... I I .. W!&ftl t .......... 4 ............... Note• rr.w.r •·zzt' .II _,._ U 7W • --· .... •-.IKJ, .... ,.., Clar ........ ..,., wlllle 9*°* It _.p.h'e ·--···- MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • -u,. • ' , .... • i501 PBONB BAK AVENUE OB 1115 • IJl'alden l'lwl - • Avto Paintiq S50 Code, that George Von Gruben and .,,..., T)'plnc, abortband. otfloe Joseph Pouliot, whooe --ii -t, aloo aales. Mn. Routo 4. Box 463, Santa Ana, c.Jl. 'Wi>7te, Hart.r ll65. 8G-2tp fornla, and Wa-B. CYNull. SMPLOUllUlr OlllTltllm) • -adclreoa Is Routo 3, Box . l&:IA Santa Ana Californla, all W ANTED-llkldle age - or the jJenonal j...operty 1-eln-lrHpor, --onlJ. Muot after clesO'ibed, and the said Chu. clrlve car, Sl25 month. ~ w. Abernathy and WaYM B. o·-2130. ~ Neall Intend to mortgage to the HELP W.un'ED, llATJ" Local Mid Georce Von Gruben and Jo-or trawtbw In ,__,,!95 t.,.. Rplt Pouliot aD ot llald penonal ,_..ir. No WJ~ nqululd. P"-11. whlcb penonal 1*-11 ~-"''"· Youue,.,..._ 1s clescrlbed generally u r~: -. Alll1Qr !!OS!i No. 11a1a St.. All ct the IUlJl!lleo, furniture, -Am. c.m. 77.alc trade lixtur<S, .....iiin-t and WAJ'mDI WANTED Ills *'9 -locat.od In and obout the --·Sq ..... ~ -deinlftc and -.tioa tA r 7 lwawa • "H ome tTtll 811 eo.t J:Dabw131 ..... ._-s..m.. C..." -.._ lll:U'"WANID>-W-_or pt I c.raer 21111.-Sya&IOl'e i SnataAa ·= ... ... Plla1160361:...--..... -------------------------;----------- • ... u, SUper Set tki," wtdch ta loclt· I.cir aiawll hJ a a u .k: .... od at the .-... -., • -: ... Ill • -. -10l8 CoMt Hlcllwa><. ID ~ um. ..... • •I ' • I • . ~ .• . ,., " ) ' I -• • -:,_-· -..... --·' '_•,'--_--;;.. . ' L I • • . -I I ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~.....;;;;;;;..:;::;::=:=-~~~-0-tt_.,.:: •. ~~,·~·;·~~!:::::::::::;~~~~-~~::::.,.::::::~~~;;;~~c:::::~::::~ -~-o ... •••• • • .,.. ••. AJOfOON•*. ••o.,·a UAL-·-,, -·• -.-.-............ ---· -.........: · an••. mAm a•••·• .,. . • WANTED-Clerk Stene. in New-SA VE MONEY FOR SAL&-Dauble bed, ~ FOR RENT-lDOl --. jiO. · • llOATS, llm7Um ~ Beach City Engineering mattreD, cbnt a --121>. tunProJecton &vMarlilent, EJ Bayo Tract G~~· L Johnson Realty FOR SALE--Cmma do! II.or, 6 FOR SALE_;-Ill""'\ bir n---~ n~-Maple ..14150 ~· .. __ ,_ n-•~ -tf .. 1th ... w1·~~ -t-H .'! ft.lat,lblodclnm-.--· 2.-oom home, pluo Dept. 1 8G-2tc -~ ~ ·-··----~ ~~~ ~ ""' c -... n~ Y~our-.=: ome on Bay Ave. a:· v""stment Co. at Bhd., ~location tar 111--•-..,._,-""'and .U--. 3 f>C-Maple Bedroom Suite-.119.50 FOR SALE-lY K yak barclwood ·~ ~,,~ ---SBed "'--WANTED-Experienced boatman 5 pc Ma~ Dinetle-----·-·--48.85 frame. Water ~ ~ Gal • picture -at -. f .. a...... Rooms. 2 Batbo, ... I.ms Lot l&N .• Blvd ---0..-. Pb. B-2139-W. l'llndabed, ps,soo. Pbone Bar- to refinish tear hulla. Some cu-Chrome Dinettes fr<lllL ......... --SUO tower, good heavy t 1 m be r L aprta. m•~•-, foe putle9, $25 000 Day Pli. MM-W e&-tk bor :IOU..J'. ~2tp :;'try experience destr.d. mgh Santa Ana Furniture Co. S..U alfalfa . pincler. W h It e c1ui.. c:bun:ba. Harbor ~~ ' Night :Pl -BellCOD 521().J' -~ to rlJ<ht man. APC>IY In ·~ w 4 .. SL San • __ •ruunt!I caaoline r._ $25.00. Furnished Duplex • -~-Psclfic Martne Assoc.. 'SMQ • u:1 ta IUI& Phone Garden Grove 5967 RL 814 Coest Rlghway 8().ttc S.. Our 22.000 llQ. F .. t 1 Box 506 Garden Gl'Ove e0-2tc Cushman Scooter $25,000 ;;;-==--=':::___:_·~-~-I FurnltureDiaplay . 2 -· 1 Bath Down TiiREE-BED OOM BEAUTY on Dve acn!S; "1~ baths, heater, e1ec. ranee four acres f......S. fruit trees, barn and chicken equl-t; 125 monthly lnocllno from Oil h lue for two ye..-. This Is a r'al buy for $17,000. Torma. WANT -Expert tool and die FOR SALE-Cornmerdal llshlnc a.p.tr Work ~· Salary 1tnd percentage boat. holds 1 \.ii tons mackerel. · 2 Bedrouua. 1 Bath Up ot proftts or partnership. Phone Hereafter it we recap Y.O'lr Including newly ln.ttalled moor--Free Eatimatee - • Barbor 2151-M. 8G-4tp Ing. Prive $1000. C. B. Johnaon, On Sn-vice aDil Ropalr W. L, JORDAN WAN'TED-caoebl• man .,.. lady T I R E S Comer Placentia a W 11 s on. -· 700 E. Central, ...._ to. take on1ers for · hondbap. Coot• Mesa. 8().2tp Mall Phone Harbor 163 •lll!Ptn. cir-. ccm))llcU. etc. We guarant .. our "'Capo"' to lut FOR SALE--30-ft. sport !lshlng oy & Wyckoff "n-tfc. b&nent earnlnn. Write Real cruiser. New O!rys}er crown. Jtear ~ 11.uine HardWare Silk Hool"'Y Milli. 347 Ocoan 20,000 MILES lcle&I ror private use or chartera. 9U Cooot lltn7 Bea. 5281.-W NEwPoRT BEACH INDUS-HALF A Four-room -· Center ffidg.. Long Beach. Phone Harbor 861. 8G-4tp 11UAL CORNER LOT, M·l 6()x """* Iron Cogney eotate, abo 78-3tp and tha~1 not all-FOR SALE-32-ft. 1946 fast sport l'lew-t llH<b 90, ~-0..-noxt door nev new i"O"P'W lite over- WE WILL GIVE YOU fishing, live bait charter boat; 98-tfc 507 29th St. 711-4tP !:',!'!"!.::;" :..~ ;::!;: G= WELL PAID JOBS $20.00 Chrysler crown marlin chair. Carpenters Available FOR SALE-1.<Jvely i--. ts • r..i ~ IY at '88"/5. Now maclterel fiohlng. Exces>-!or s...-.J main-home south of hfchway. nve , . IF ONE COMES OFF Regard!._ of Speed. Uonal bargain for qulclt tale. """' _,_ months old. Hardwood floan ~= Phone Long Besch 657519. 8G-2tp •• ,.... tile kltche bath. "--'·-• '~BED OOM stuoco near 0. Z, 'IO"Dl'llON' . . D, . 6 ... '"i-"-"'=• cal'· Beck Bay. Nicely f'Umlabed., FOR SALE-26' Commerclal boat ean ~ as pe11ng, vmeuan bllndt, land· on half ac e. $10.50. ~ with . Real Futures New Graymarloe engino, 2 ton M-tte se&ped. SH,SOO. 425 Hallotrope, ~~::__ capacity. Roady to go. Phone Coton& clel Mar. 8G-2tp • for Y Oun!! Women as ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. Huntington Besch 6263 after Bl7lmlW Ol'POSI0111'fili8 .. 3 BEDROO -LISTIN ;s WANTED--4 • • M home in beautiful :30. 8G-4tp AN'nQUE SHOP-Dolnc ~ Bay Shon!S. Barbecue, patio, ()po 5unda.ys · Telephone Operators for a complete set we will call for your car in the morn1n1 sncl dellvor same day. Aisc>-a $2.00 Mob!lstatlc belAnce Job When we recap your tires, for $1.00. No lead wefghta or FOR SALE-Outboard Motor new --. 50C~ West Central. etc. Call Harbor 1247..J'. 8G-2tc Evlnrude, never uncratod 9.7 Phme Harbor 2Tl0. 78-4tp ---..:....;==...::::.:.;.:.;.::::..;:: In most communltlet beJzinners re· cetve base pay of $30 for a five day week! wtth exh'a PRY for over· time or dt11.ty at certain hours of the day. H.P . 4 cylinder. Roverslble extra roa mT '1 MY NICE NEW lot In Corona def Graham &'. ohnson Realty length shaft, three 12 inch pro-Mar For Sale. Call H a r b o r pellar blades, welgh.s 145 pounds. FOR RENT-Attractive room, pr!-1247-J. 8G-2tc & Inv stment Co. $275.00. Phone Covina 399-31 vale-entrance & bath. Reason-W .... ~ ' 1664 tt Blvd "'e.xtru.'' · able. Harbor 2289-.J. 8().ltc ~,,~~To buy OI' rent 500 =::-:==--=-----8G-:.:...:tf:.;c to 1000 feet light manufacturing Day Ph. con 5434-W &ven wa~e Increases the first two ~paid vacations. FOR SALE-Surf Dory ... t llneo FOR RENT-Rooms and one spaco. Phone Harbor 2151-M. Night Pb Beacon 521().J' a equip. Roady to go. 3806 River apartmont ; adults only. 421 8G-4tp 8().ltc Avo. Newpqrt. Phone Harbor Hardlnir, Balboa. 8().tfc ----------.:...-----+-----.:..:.._:..:: Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at Learn this interesting work at aood pay Jn your own community. 1760 Newport Blvd. 2062-R. 79-2tp FOR RENT-Nice room for man WANTED TO BUY-Balboa on canal front, near Lido Thea- You work wtth friendly ~ple in pkuant ofllcn. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. dinghy in good condition. Ph. ter. 400 Oubhouse, Newport Harbor 2669-R after 1 p.m. Beach. 8().2tp RELIANCE REA 73-tfc FOR RENT-Single room, clown-L TY & INVE~ TMENT CO. Exoenent promotion possibilities. M-tfc ~F"'o"'R-SALE--Ca ___ b_in_crulser ___ 22__:_ft. town Balboa. Phone Beacon __________ .:..;.=. long, 4-cylinder Starr motor. 54~. daya. '11>4tp APPLY Southern California Telephone Company 100 E. Bay Avenue, Ba1boa 514~ No. Main Street, Santa Ana or Call Olief 0 J)l'rator 8Q..tf c FOR SALE--!945 Jeepette 5 h.p. Just palntod WU! trade for 22 FOR RENT-Room, gentlemen motor scooter, in good condition. tt. or 24 ft. house trailer or will only in new home. Private On display Balboa Island Sport-. Goods 222 ,, M take cash. 7311 Seashore Dr., bath and entrance. On pentn- ing · 72 arine Ave., Newport. Ph. H-1493-J. 70-tfc sula. Write Box "N'' r:/o N--~ Balboa Island. 80-4tc ., .... .,... S A C R I F I C E ! Times. ~ttc Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR- Winter Planting 28--tt . commercial fish.Ing boat FOR RENT-New Duluxe room excellent for mackerel fishing° and private bath, We shower A·l condition Oirysler marin~ atall. Twin or double beds, box engine. Must sell immediately spring and intersprlng mattres- $1500. s . M. Atkins, p 0 ~ ses. Unt heat. Special rates ror 655; 211 E. Bay Front: &iboa permanent guests. Miracle Mile Island T1""4t Motel, 706 Coast Highway, New· Hollister Bros. P port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. FOR SALE-25' Lowman commer· 75tfc N U R S E R Y cial boat. Very good condition. Landscaping all gear. Reasonable. Inquire FOR RENT -De.Luxe rooms &: 8&L..:l MISCELLANEOUS SO 1959 Harbor Boulevard Ass<>. Dock 26th St. 75--tfc apt.s. Prices range from $5. to $17.50 per week, or monthly Mechanical Toys Costa Mesa Beacon 5200 Balboa Canvas Shop rates as per O.P.A. colling. 1007 1'«tric and i\[echaoJcal Trains 80-tfc Salls: -Bo&( Coven E. Central, Balboa.. Ph. ~M. Doll Buggies, Dolls, Telegraph C Marine Upholstering 74-ttc Sets. Veloclpedeo. Machanlcal arpenter Tools Harbor 2{11 -224* 21.st SL WANTED TO BENT u Toys, Steel Wagons. Brace and Bit Sets Newport Beach n·Uc ;-;-;~~;.,..:==~=----,.--= THE TOY SHOP Hammen, Hand Saws, Etc. $100 REWARD-For rent for un- :IOS Marine Balboa Isl d 818 Coast mway Ph. Beacon 5007 Fire Equipment Tests furnished 2 or 3-bedroom house H bor 2293-W an B · B 'Id S l C..Q..Tw ~ AF relU1a. at Corona del Mar, or Bay dia-ar 8G-tfc ayview Ul ers UDP y CO. fbt,'.;j • ,. ... e oam trict unW June 1. Buslneu Steel Kitchens '19-tfc now avalla~f.~em and Portablft man, former 1st LL Infantry. GLASS ENCLOSURES Auto Batteries ETS HOKIN. GALVAN Care guar. Phone Santa Ana SHOWER D<XlRS Rubber Separaten 1000 Coast H!ih~ l428-M 8().tfc Southern Counties 13-oonth -$6. 75 Ex. Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tf< 3 or 4 Room Apt. or House tor S11pply Co. Compounded Motor Oil WILL PAY good bonus for boat Vet .. Wife and Baby, in New- 144 Coast Blvd., N. Gallon. 70c slip. Have 40' custom bu 11 t port. Urgent. Permanent. Mrs. Pb. 5852 Laguna Beach -cruiser. Write Box "S" r:/o E. B. Neff. 318Y.o 32nd St. 80-ltp ' 8G-ltc Western Auto Supply News-Tlmel. 75-tfc WANTED TO RENT-Two-bed- FOR, SALE-1 tile bath tub, 1 Authorized Dealer FOR SALE-40 ft. cabin cruiser; room home or Apt., for about aix front door 3• x 6'8''. Several win· 1836 Newport Blvd, Coeta M~ sleeps six ; galley, dinette, head, months. Lt. Col. Moore. Phone dow frames & sa."h complete. 4.l·tft large wheel house and cockpit, Harbor 4601 · 79-4.tp CaJl Harbor 2447·R. E0-2tc VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminwn completely reconcliUoned, bow to APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted 19'6 CUstunan Scooter $l7S.OO. steel. wood. Call us for free estl· stern ; Chrysler marine engine. by man and wife. We do not ~'I H mate. Renovation A reftnlt.hinr See owner , 133 Agate Ave., Bal· drink or smoke, no children or ~ arbor 1247-J. 8().2tc bo So. Coast Venetian Blind eo.. a Island. 67-trc pets. Phono Santa Ana 0991-W Jl'OR SALE-2 matched all-over w .. t 18th and Newport A'Vf', S M A L L B O A T S or write Box "X "' Newport Bal· pettttn 9 x 12 nip. I Oriental Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon !5762-W boa News·Ttmes. 3'7·tfc pattern 9 x 12 rug. Misc. house-. !8--ttc -Of tough, light marine plywood WANT TO Jl.ENT-2 or 3 bedrm.. bold furnishings. also 6 pairs Fltt Pl&<Y and j{lndllna -Molded hulls or flat-bottom. unfUrnlahed house. wm lease. drapes. Phon< Beacon 5649-R. W O O D -Skiffs, Dinghies, Sailboats. Call Sam Portor at Harbor 7ffl =-~=------79-_2tp_: MARTIN OlITBOARD MOTORS or U. :i:>-ttc FOR SAI.E-Girl's skJ-suit. Call H. ~U=HT "Flexidrive" Shafts for Inboard& ~~23 Crystal Ave7~~ Ph. Beacon 6665 WATSON -BO:ATS UAL===a:.:irr::~:.:n::=... ____ ....:':..:'1 1784 Newport BlYd 3-tfc "Small Boat Headquarters" l"OR SALE-Neon Sign Cale. 611 Coast Hiway Beacon szn __,able. Call Beacon 5117-M. BARGAINS! 69-trc ----------70-..:....:tf:.:c 1 Lowest prices In furniture 11 lllJ HUSICAL a 11.ADIO M FOR SAL&-Alr compr-eaer $100. motto. I buy rlghL I ..U rtalit i ---------- A. R. Ebrlte and Associates J. W. Doak Beacon 5857-W 1936 Newport Bh ., Olsta Mesa • Bring Your Buying and Selling Pro !ems tQ Us Costa Mesa • FIVE-ROOM HOME On Virginia Place, near Newport Blvd Lot 50x150. Back yard. Very private. Priced forf' edlate sale. Home is vacant. Some money in escro allows you to move in today'. Price $5950. Tern1S. NEW HOME I Tw<>-bedroom completely furnished horn!' on half acre; garage; chicken equipment. First h~ off Newport Blvd Immediate possession. Price $8f50· Terms. • BUSINESS ACRE HOM ~ Tw<>-bedroom home on Balboa street 1 n lot 135x330, completely fenced in, steel chain inte locking fence. Very good court site or future ~ development. See our sign on property: Price $:r.11 . El Bayo Waterfroh · Four·bedroo!J\. two-bedroom home. Prii !lte beach over- looking Lido Isle. Patio and sun dee# Only .water- front home for sale in this tract latel . StoYe, elec- tric refrigerator and Bendix washer. Price $47,500. Terms. Eastside Duplex Q09e to shopping center. Both sides COi pletely furnish- ed. Four rooms; two bedrooms, mapl and waterfall sets, new Kelvlnator, new Western Holl range. Three rooms; one bedroom, maple set, eleci · c reftigerator, table-top stove. All beds box spring µid innerspring mattresses. Lot 66xl35. Price $8500 Terms. Corona del Mar Tw<>-bedroom new home, large living-ljoom, fireplace, floors carpeted, awnings on windows. Price. $10,950. Terms. Back Bay View Two-bedroom home, very clean, ¥,-acre, ill fenced; bam, corral, chicken house. Quick possession $7500. Terms. Ocean View Lot A REAL VALUE ~=-:= on N~yof =ti!dMeaaw::. nr:: out. Just llsted . . . a reel bergaln at- $9850 B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL ESl'ATE BROKER AND ASSOClATES Phil D. Soloman -Salelmiln John Bondra -Saleanan Phone: Beacco 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 80-ltc 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone m.w CORONA DEL MAR Three units, furnished, south of highWllY OD ~foot lot with fruit trees and ganlen space. ~ ot . two-bedroom apartment close of escrow, If desired. $7100 Cash Down Income more than makes payments on $21,900, Gross Price balance of • ISLAND REALTY 201 Agate, Balboa Island COMPANY Harbor:rrt-W 80-2tc BALBOA ISLAND Three RD<lm Beach Cottage In Business Zone .... $ 9,750 Canal Front Beach Home, furnished ··--------·-· 14,000 Apt. over double garage--room to build ·······-· 14,900 Three unit rental prop. Duplex and rear apt. 15,000 Three bedroom Beach Home, furn.; poss. -·--16,000 Lge. 2-Bdrm. Home on 40' Jot. Furn. $5000 dn. 18,000 2-Story duplex apt. house near Bay FronL__ 18,500 3-RD<>m House on South Bay Front ·····-····-··--20,000 Little Island 2-Bdrm. Beach Home furn.; poss. 21,500 Artist's home with apt. furn., near Bay Front 22,500 Canal Front 2-Bdrm. Beach Home, 60' lot. Room to build -·--··-·-···--·-···-···-·····--···--·--···-· 26,500 Balboa Island's F'mest Bay Front Home, pier and folat .. _ ............. _ .. _________________ .. ·-------·-·-·--· 40,000 Comer lot near Post Office .... --.·········------····· 7,000 Lot on Diamond Ave., near· Bay Front.. ____ ._ 7,500 Bay Front Lot with tw<>-car garage __________________ 15,000 LINWOOD VICK 312 Marine Ave. Broker Phone Harbor 548-M BALBOA ISLAND 80-ltc 0 V • E -.T - E - R -A -N -S 0 We Are Completing HAYWARD HOMES Consisting of two bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, dinette, bath- WITHIN 60 DAYS \ $5300 complete ?n your lot "1311 s.~ Dr. N~ I also buy furniture. FOR SALE-$90 phonograph JIHch. . 6!>-tfc Needle's FUrniture with $20 album or late model 2204 N•wport Blvd Coota Mea records. 3008 Coast Blvd.. New- Newport Heights, near Oiff Drive OD _tE!dlands street, 50x135 feet. See our sign. Price $19li0 cash. G. I. F i n a n c i n g o n H o u s e & L o t HARBOR Plumbing Service Phone Beacon 5038 ·57·tfc Port Beach, Apt. "C." ~2tc Order your !IlGHEST price paid for your p1. Servel ano. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., 1188 N..._i Blvd.. Beacon 5048W Santa Ana, 520 N. Main. 70-tfc REPAJRING OUR SPECTALTY Gas Refrigerator usED P1anoa l'T<lln S65. 0r wm Oll!tractlng and Supplies 97tfc Now renL Danz-Schmidt Plano Co., VENETIAN BLINDS -GLASS at Vogel's 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 71).tfc SHOWER D<XlRS 100 Main SL Harbor lei R E P 0 S S E SS E D Mirror Type CU.tom Made and Installed !111-tft Spinot Plano. Now only $2911. P1oar polishing and sanding equip-A very p-etty piano. Fine tone. BALBOA COMMERCIAL LOT Facea Bay N•ar Fun 7.oole rnent for rent WANTED TO Bt7Y 11 Danz.SchmJdt Piano, 520 No. Bayview Builders Supply w ANTED--$0 to !KlO llQ. ft. .•t<>tt-Main, Santa Ana. 70-ttc Priced For Quick Sale 1111 Coast Hlway . Ph.. Beacon 5007 room spaoe. To store restaurant GOOD Grandi. Meblln., Kur12:maD. 79-tfc equlpnent. John Dory. Box 896. Stoey A Clark. a.a.. Hallet A -----------'...;:.: Balboa Island. 8G-3tp Davia. JClmMll. Weber and otb-...._ Pria9 start at $485. Tenm. CASH FOR USED FURNI'n1lll: Danz-Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 PHONE BEACON --..J. No. Main. 70-tk --==,-,,--=---2S._ttt Radio Repairs Will Pay Cash All -•: ,__ etc. Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING BALBOA ISLAND RELY ON RELIANCE Lido Isle Swell view ol both be.ys; two bedrooms, , Vo be.tbs, partly fumlsbed, 45-foot Jot, fi?eplaoe, walled patio and bar- becue pit. Newly redecorated Very cl an. Immediate ~on. Price $21,500. · On Central Street in Ne ~port 100-foot h!81nea frootage of which 50 fe ~ ahows Income ol $225, with Increasing lease to $3 5 per month. $33,500. Half down. On Harbor Blvd. Oose In, 90x150________ -Half Down -Office Hours: 8:30 to 7:00 See DENISON & McBROOM 498 Newport Blvd. Phone Harbor 2447-R 79-tfc • Client Wants LOANS TO BVllll>. bar._.,..., Sev-1 Resldentlal Building Lots. modenllN or ....... _ Balboa or Newport Newpwt ~ 1"odlnl lla""- Ocean Front Preferred aa4 I.Gu. •"Odat!m "DClUGH" WHITE 3333 Via Udo I Ph. ~ 1llOO P. 0 . Box 781 Balboa DA.DAI Cl Phone Harbor 181.5 8().ltc FOR s~ ft. Eutern Trailer WANT furnished. Lars• Cabana room, • •lectric rofrlgeralot. $IHpl 6 G. 1 Home Site Lot ors. Beacon 5Ci0. Box 43, N.,.- Eul ol 15th St. port Beac!L Mr. Donovan. 81).:ltp For Cash TRAJLERS FOR RDIT-Do ,_ I • 1n Our Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER For ,.,.... tumlture oc wti.at haw Beacon 5763 J'O'l. Phone Be•C'.:On 58156. Craw. l•y Furniture. 1812 NowPo<1 BURT NORTON STORE FOR TEASE On Broadway, Near Oran: e Street · .Nlce two-bedroom home; large living-dinette, kit- CaD Mr. Wallace, Harbor 2034 °""' baullnc -........ .Ill BALBOA IMPROVEMENT -eq11l111 .... S2.21 """' p,9 I I I BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners 456 !'{...._. Blvd Blvd.. Calta Mesa. 43-ttc 915 eo.t ~. Newport 23-tfe P1lJtNITOJI& FOa SAUi a STEINWAY GRAND. Beautlfld FFOORR:-°SsiAALE--O>mii~;;;;;;;;:;p1i;;ett;e:-';;bedr;;;;;;;oo;.;m modem ID -and ldlwr. Gar<- aeL New Simmons box spring -,,,__ Thlo 111 an art piano. 73-tfc & mattress. $150. Phone Har-U 10'1 are lllrnlsblna: JUllr -.. ----,J'"ust--Arri--.ved----boor 299-M. 8G-2tc in _. tbla .....,_, 11 -Heums ~ FOR SALE-Davenport and two =: .!.'!..£::;.ddt ~ BATTERIES chain. cablnot radio: also bi-520 No. Mall>, S...ta Ana. '!G-tto -rocm Drus Co. cyclo; reasonable. 165 23rd SL 111 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 or Phone Beacon 520lhl, Coot& 8PmlClAL AlOIOON~ • •tto Mesa. 8().2tc K E Y S FOR SALE-L&rge famtly &U Ka.i. Wldle y'"' Walt Poultry Wire ranee. six--.. t"" o........ VOOliL'B !l!s Ft. Wldo, Two-In_ Mab $f0. 315 Goldenrod Ave .. Orona 100 ¥alD St.. ·- 150 Fl. Rolls def Mar. 8().ttc JOB llarlDO, ._ llilud Bavview Builders Supply roR SALE-BenpJ rug lllte new. -iil-ci..t 81""7 Pl>. 1IHom 500'! U" 15'. Pboi>o Harbor l-340-ll. For quick rsulta -N.,.... ~tfe ~:itp ~ d ..._, ocvllll•-• ...... ' -• ROBERT A. EASTMAN - chen has plenty of built-In lnstaila senlce porch, garage, back yard all fenced In. te pci u esslon Huny! Price $9850. Only $3000 Half acre OD Wilson street._---·-·--·--------$1800 Two and one-half acres on Wilson _ __ ___$450() -Both Zoned for Open 7 Days Every Week, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REAL TY & INVE )TMENT 00. A. R. lllrlle Beacon 5857-W -• and Aslloclates J. w. Doak 1936 Newport -~. OJB1a 11e11a 801-tc ASSOCIA. TION 79-Ct<: per d117. We tw ' ' Ille 1111*. )()ftlm Brm. Satb ....... , ...-. l'llbANewport-.~ --. .,.,.. ...... •Atn'CM warm • , WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS _/ and Will Pay Top Prices !El.I. YOUR CAR NOW WbDI Pis.. -SWr. . Pllane far our cw ..U bQs wbo will mil and iidwlw you ftllllkdllic OPA •fll•tl!•w, cwQlnc piloes &Q!I av II~ · CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. • 0 •••t_,W ,, ::s'~m:..,.. --C I '-• -.,,~ •O = '"• • " _AZ& 4---.-.. • • • .,... r" -· .... - . . ' • • • -. '' • • • • . . L .. ..... St. James Auxiliary Plans Dessert Bridge; H b Hears Rev. Dean Report on Convention a:)'9 or '!be Women'• Auxiliary ol SL ~ suat. the Arch-.l:'. . . .r ...... ~1 church beld tbelr bishop ot Canterbury. ex the _ • flnt fall meetina 1bundoy at the J>•h -before the ccnvmtlm, the Phone! 13 and 208 bmne of Mn. George Yardley, Bal-speaker &toted the pr-4 pion • ---------- boo 111and, wtth Mn. ci-se of un1ttni: the ~.,. and n· H Devenllh presiding and' the Rev. EJ!ll<opoJ churches bad -inner onors Ardys o.an. v1car of the murcb. tabled. Mid-W estem ·Guests as speaker. Alao of interest wu the fact At the busin .. sellion the bud-that at the convention churdt rulea Mr. and Mn. Robert sldl .. of set wu adopted and plans di...-. regarding the remarTlage of di-Coota Meaa were 00.ta T\aeoday to ed for the benefit card party which voreed penona bad been modified a group of frlendo which met In la to be held October 31 at 1 p.m. and It is now allowed under <a· a fattWell party honorinc Mr. and at Balboa Yacht club. the Hal-lain conditions. Mn. Bryan Hedcn of Excelsior •-'en· theme to be featured. Mn. Harry Welch and Mn. S-'-M ho ha L--•--c D -~ H ld -<•-• -u ,_mp, O., W Ye ~ m Mn. Walter Hitchman is gen· ~-~ ero ..-~Ult."U OVf!r u.n.iee California for the put six weeks. era1 cha1rman. In charge of tick-and tea urns at a lace-covered visiting in Newport Beach and eta, which are now on sale, are table decorated with fall trulta Laguna Beach. Mn. S. K Franklin and Mn. F. and blue and iueen tapen. <>then E Finl Mn. R. Donald Hall usistlnc Mn. Yardley m booau Mr. Hedces is_,,_ manqer ;; In ~. of door prizes, Mn. duties w.,.. Mn. Dixon Smith, Mn. of M~ Olnlc and boopital c. L. Thom In charge of tables. Phllmer Ellerbroek and Mn. at Excelsior Sprinp. Wblle i-e. -~· . _,., Borchtenius Mr. and Mn. Hedges were guest. Mn. H-Borcllwnu . .a _..,. 1u~ · for a week ol Mr. and Mn.. D. K. :::::. the serving of the dessert Between D-Day and V..J Day In mue, Ne~t HeJcbts. Europe, daily deliveries of pe~ Twenty guest.I sat down to a Rev. Dean to1d of the t:riennial leum products to our armed forces delidoua rour..eoune dinntt Which conwntion of the EpQcopal church there averaged 8.000,000 1allons, wu followed by &ames ot bin&o at Philadelphia. opened by a most or enough to till 1,000 tank can. and pinochle. To close the very Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phooe Harbor 1033 BALBOA Palm Ave. 307 WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (80. 60. 90 Dayw) Marbro'1 bwtte 1'0'I: to came hi and open a ~ a<=unL Our atocb °"' cmiplele with the letftt styles ol Ladies' Fine A_.-el Neftone!ly Advertlled READY-TO-WEAK mRRBR05 c/a~ (2,ra-• IU. WEST 4TB !IT. PRONJC 14«1 SM>re 8011111: Dally Incladlng Saturday 9:30 A. M. Ml 5:30 P. M. delightful evening Mr. and Mn. Skiles gave an impromptu musical program of violin and piano num- ben at the request of their guesu. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Hedges and their son Robert, who had arrived by plane from Ex- celsior Springs that day; Mrs. Gra~ Raisler and daughter. En- sign Grace Raisle r ot Fargo, N . D.; Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Blue and son Jerry: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lam- bert of Irvine; Mr. and Mrs. Gay- lord Blue. A:'lr. and Alts. Herschel FunJc and daughten Verna and Leola. Costa Mesa. AJI the guests signed a guest book which v.•as presented to lttr. and Mn. Hedges, who have pur- chased a r esidence at Palm Springs and who expect to be frequent visiton to California from now on. Cub Scout Pack 105 To Meet Friday Eve All nev.: CUb Scouts of Pack 105, whether they have attended a de n meeting or not , are asked to at- tend the first pack meeting which will be held Friday, Oct. 18 at 7:30 p.m.(in the aurutorium of the New- part Beach Grammar school. They are to bring their parents and friends and there are to be impromptu skits by the various dens, as well as a handicraft dis· play end awards. PT A Executive Board Meets Wednesday The executive board of Newport Beach Grammar school Parent- Teac hcr Association wiU me e t Wednesday , Oct. 15 at 9 a .m. at the home of Mrs. H. 0 . &yvey, 1139 West Central avenue, wtth Mrs. Edgar-..._Hill presiding. Mrs. L. S. Hostetler and Mrs. Allee Drake will serve doughnuts and coffee. Collect from Fleet The city collected $91.59 from the Newport Beach fishing fleet during September, based on the five per cent ~ receipts al- lowed, a statement filed by Oty Treasurer J . A. Gant stated. PUBLIC INVITED Clem and Lucile Herold Christie ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF AN ANTIQUE SHOP AT S18~ lllARINE AVENUE BAIB()A ISLAND CLOSED ON MONDAY INTRODUCING ONAR andAnnoUMmgOurNewName f}w;/eed, Formerly Doralee's Fe1ninine A t • t • H .S. P.T .A. Opens ~ = ='°'1 ~,,;., ~ C VI les Membersnip-Orive ..,. ~,..... _,. .• Mn. -· ~. and Kr.I==::::=======. • , MKS. \\'1.LLlAM \.\'. GREGORY, the for mer Barbera Lee Hedger, daughter or M.r. &nd Mn. Harold Hedrer or Glendale and Balboa. bland, whose weddJng wu a recent eveat al Bossmoyne Chrlstlaa church. -photo by Loomis Studios Music and Social Science Students Provide Excellent Program for H . S. P.T.A. fttiillllll-P1aa 1GT-R «-.rt Dunlap eo-cba1rmon tar 'i'b. Newport ~ Union ·Hip Sdlool. Parmt-TH<h« Assodation membenbip. en"OUDOfd thal the annual drift ii now UDllls' •a.>', 'and exp-d the hope that ,all l)Ottnta will Ii"" lt their complete aoo1cs Enjoyed AC Book Section Wlien members ol the C o a t a and wholehearted support. · Friday Afternoon club book Enftlopos will be brought bom<' ieci* auembled far the lnltlal by atudenta far the plrP* ol ob· tlftl they beard an unus-taininC -. , '!be high school inU!restinc review ol current faculty u a body has a lOO'llo '!<"iftu"' iw-nted by Kra John membonhlp. , 'I1le record ot ihe the books mentioned were '"The Ea and I," "Brlttaftla M ". '-rhe Hucklten.," "-n.e ~=~.!'ann." and "'!be ~t • Jooeph Homblet. -du""l'oan,, pl'ftkled. H 0 I t e. I e I W. E. NldWI and Mn. Shearer, uslsted by Mn. Dytt. <><&anlzation hU been an enviable one, and hai 9evid u a bu1a for a better unclentandlnc between parent&; -ta and - Tu: Fees Told ~ fGr unatta<bed pc-1 pt ope b' taxee for s.pt-nM ar. ountea to $2819.33. a~ a.n Frul< -..rt ..._ted to the dty -· J. A. Gent. . Co ta Mesa P.T.A. Opens New Year With Pr ~m of Speakers and Entertainment · '-"""' Mesa Parent-Teacher u- held their lint meeting year in the Main school au- um with Mrs. Kenneth St:ew- iding and 200 members t. Hlnis Sntith led the Ila& salu1" and Mn. Roy Rousch gave the A prayer. . Baker, executive director e Girl Scouts, Santa Ana, on "What Our Money to P,mmunity Oiest Does for Scouts." Principal Everett ked on needs of the school, 1ally for more room and more • and introduced the teach- o were presented with cor- M . Rea also spoke on the pro-- posi ·oos 3, 7, 8, 9 on the No- ballot, telling of the great for more teachers in Cali· for a ~ sale will be held later. Reporta on the legislative inatl- tut<> at Orange ol Oct. 2 were broupt by Mrs. Uoyd Salisbury, othe!', delegates beln1r Mrs. Paul Norman and Mrs. Jooepb Hamblet. Announcement wu made ol the next meeting on Nov. 5 when Miss Paul of the county health office will talk on treatment for poli~ myelitis and show pictures on th• subject. At the clOle of. the meetirig tea was served by the hostess commit- tee, Mesdames Oiarlea McCurry. Milton Steller, John Miller, How- ard Balmer, and Sammy Cordiero. The firs t meeting or the Ne\v- 1 to pru·~ct an.v player who may re-t ~oo~d ~!e8!~~= port Harbor High School Parent ceive an injury. and also a doctor would benefit teachers. Surprise! . ~ "Cap'D" Don'• (Ja~~aKJ'li el.' ..... v...--..-..... ___ ........ ~ ~ Del'ct -Combination Dinners · ~ NewUldUa-i Seafood Specialties ~ ..... _""_ BEACON 5465 Surprise! Teacher Associa tion was ca lled to at nl\ li mes in attendance during . order the ·evening of October 8th, play. mbers of the ~ sc;?ool by Mrs. W. R. F owler, president. Mr. Sidney Davidson introduced §a c!~ gave a skit, ~e wi t h a record crowd in attendance. members of the faculty, and.. pre-S ger' with p&rt.s taken by Jun The nag sa lu te was led by the sentl>d the president v.rith a check St fensen. J~an Wood. and Patsy color gu a rd. Troop Six of the Boy r epresenting a 100'7' membership . · Musical numbers were Scouts of America. Richard Dodd, of the teachers in the P.T .A. . giv n by Howard Cutler, accor- -women's David Chambers. Leonard Hall, The program was concluded with clio ist. Sta nle y Young and Roge r Gordon a student panel discussion of "Hot-troduced were Mrs. A. C. An· participated in the ceremony. rods". Members of the panel wer e n. who will be welfare chair· The budget for the yeiµ' •. pre-Selim FTankJin, Roy Ward, Gun· in place ol Mrs. Raymond sented by Mrs. O. z .. Robertson, ning Butle r, Russell Gilbert, and e, who resiin.ed; Mrs. Ver- chairman, "'as unanimously ac-Mr. J ohn Turton, veter an State .n Matthews: replacing Mrs. R<>- cepted. Highway patrolman, as guest par-be Tarnowski as m agazine chair· ticipant. with Mr. H. Lynn Hughes : Miss Idella Orseman, new An important ·r eview of pending l~islation was given by Mn. Gun- ning Butler, who stressed th.e fact that both the Republican and pem- ocratic State Conventions ..Jere in complete accord making possible the slogan, "Both parties agree- vote YES on 3." acting as head or the panel The · c teacher and music chair- discussion lasted ror well over 45 minutes with members of the aud· ience interposing questions. ~a. Ed Mirkovich, ways and ~ chainnan, announced a rag dri:fe for Oct. 21 and al&o stated me hers should not at this time giv any good and usable things Doughnuts and coffee were serv- ed with members of the executive board acting as hostesses. She also made clear that the California Teachers Association Individuality for the "Mot CT·to·bc • • • lf we do nor have it , we 'Donna,ctl([a 1 · Shoppe l\'e Are Happy to Sen-e" Yf>° ln Z Loc&Uom 6 16 N. Main SL . Arcare Bide. ~ta Ana Pb.one S808 45%0 Whittier Blvd., Loa Anplel Recommend! YES on Propo1itJons 3--''The better schools measure" for California; 7-Provides election rather than appointment of County Board of Education members in charter counties; 8--EstabU.hes qualifica tions for County Superin- te ndents of Schools, and 9-Calls for appointment of one new De~ I uty SUperintendent of Public ln- struotion and three new Associate Superinte ndents, by State Board of Education; NO on Prop:>Sitlon 13--Would freeze present sta te of """.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ alloca tions for support of public schools in California, throwing the ~-------------t-----------, burden of increasing school ex-R Y penses 'On taxpayers in local school district.. • EB:vI,CE Mrs. Jerrold Spangler followed with a brief but comprehensive re- port of the California Congress or Parents and Teachers convention. A string ensemble of the music department under the direction of Mr. Lee Sawin played March in 0 . (Bach). Aria from Rinaldo (Handel), A German Folk Song, and a Dance by Fischel. Members of the ensemble included 1st vio- lin, Lauanna Alton: 2nd violin, Barbara Peittet; 3rd violin, Ruth Grimm: basses Phyllis Lake, and Nancy WaJter; piano. Dixie Ann Smith. Coach "Wendy'' Pickens cave a five-minute informative talk i.n which he brought out the fact that the N ewport Harbor High School stresses character building first in football, and winning: second The team now has an insurance fund Broadway 121 Broadway Costa Ill BE'ITER QUALITY OF 5 DAY SERVICE-FR Pb. lleaooa 5723 RY CLEANING DELIVERY ~'BALBOA BLUES'' v Are Here! Heavyweight Denims with Zippers 701 JI:. Central EMMA V. HUGHES Pt.one Barbor 188 BAUSOA s1,er ·~tes ... Hal<! iti--,oa're net ckamia&-.,,,_ ..,U, . ire the -lmtth push-up tlena .. -tJ. • pm'• .....,. .-r -.. L111ci•"il I ...... I fO< sdiool or data ... i-.tifa11J hoqd-f ... . iaaed .. 100% <rirgin ....... • • • _., fal I IO feel ...i war. White, bbfk. ~ wint. • • • Interiors Custom Slipovers Draperies • Lamps .,,........ ,.,, J-ha. -.w. .._ ,_ I ivb,, '--Jlllow, ...... ' • Venetian Blinds • Cornkes 311 MARINE A VE. BALBOA ISLAND -- 114 W. 4111 St. uxt PASADENA 11 JI( ... 111 .... .,. ...... .... 6888 SWEATER 7.95 CARDIGAN 8.95