HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-17 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ., SA II • ·~=-ofA~ meeting the other day after a long abaenoe and found that they ~ working over the same tn11ghles as always. After a long CQrtfab over alowing ttattlc between the Arches and the bay bridge, with a oommlttee getthig It In Its lap, came the queltlcn of moortnp and the ltate- ment that the bay was near- ly tllled with boats and no place tn go to nst. Cbalr-man Jim Barrett voiced an objection to a mooring of a ;~t off Port Orange without ilhore connection · and be- r . lleved the practice was not the best thing in the world. Walter Spicer of the Harbor commission said that the mooring problem was one of the most difficult confront- ing the board and had many complications. 'lbat there are more craft 8eeklng anchorage than places for them to occupy was what caused Louie Briggs tn broach the subject aJ\d see if dty frontage could not be utilized. Gordon Find- lay, Lew Wallace and others bad varying Ideas that some plan ought lo be worked out; that should more attention be given tn the larger than the smaller craft and which- ever were entitled to the ll'ICl8t consideration. All of which connotes the fact that the harbor is growing, grow- ing ... + + + Oamblhig! Shall Tango re- turn? That is the question that will be presented the dty council next Monday. That body has a petition signed by practically every merchant in the section to permit such a game or at least something like Tango. Does that mean, If the coun- CIJ grants the request, that other sections will at once aeek to have the games again! There are two schools of thought on the proposal and if .both groups care to d iscuss It, the battleground will be the dty coondl cham- bers next Monday at 4 p. m. + + + After 15 y..,,._ One by one the old timers join· the ranks 'Of the Don't-Have-t<>- Works and this time it is Jim Brown, who has run a gr<>- cery store on Balboa Island just beyond the ferry on the -bay front for some 15 years. Jim used to dabble in poli- tics, in a sorta way, when be was appointed to fiU the unexpired term of the late Councilman Garfield in 1936. Then Jlm was elected in '38 and served four years. He 80ld out to Guy Matics of Santa Ana and says now he Is going to take a long rest You've earned it .r1rn, and It's mlgbty nice to 108! awhile. + + + !'hat Half Mllllon. Mayor • 'Reed said today that our / mutual friend, Johnny V<>- gel, had not offered the city a half million for its water •plant, at least via the mayor, and he wanted to refute the statement just to keep the · record straight The mayor did say that he was hopeful the P11blic would study the estimate of $975.000 for bet- ter water facilities; that it will be necessary to virtually rebullld the munidpal plant, apeclally the pipe line to the booster Pllffips. which much be revamped and moved; that it will take two new ftBl!rvuirs in addition to more wells and that the tax- payers should go into the sit- uatkln carefully because a lll!riooJs conditl<Xl confronts the munidpallty on its short doniestic water supply. + + + Ta.i. Belore won. 'Then ·ttiere•s the giri who told her ~ employer that she couldn't ~ to worl< l.D'ltil 10 a. m. becaU91!. she had to take her tennis lesson! Thls caused lier perplexed bo6s to ask ~t is this tennis stuff?" Bo she explained It to him ud the upshot was that he dedMd to practice tennis tao. N-Qeither one ol tbem lhow up at the omce mil 10 or alter. Nloe going. K E EP POSTED! l Ymr ...... .. Ill 0 ~ ... ,. °'"' .. 0 -.... °'"' .. _ -~hJMato Ncwa1' 01, N'wpwt ._. • rouna:mwm Applicants File Plans For Building Permits callln& for the construc- tion or $158,650 worth of bulldlnc work were iaued by the city build· Ing Inspector' 1 office the p a 1 t week. Prospective buJJders rtled plans for $48.500 worth of dwellings ; $.5250 ¥>•orth of additions: $1500 for a new foundation ; $12(K) worth of. new garages; $1150 worth or alterations; $950 for a new com- mercial structure and $100 for a ne\V roof. . Filing plans and receivtng per- mits were the following persons: Edmond and Helen Krause of the DuBarry Hotel, Los Angeles, a one story dwelling at 4510 Ocean Front, Ne\A'J)Orl Beach, $4500. Robert Sturges of 211 North Sycamore street, Santa Ana, one- story dweUing, playroom attached a.nd detached garage at 512 Smelt- zer . Ne"-l)Orl Heights, $10,000. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robert& of 3l5 Poinsetta avenue, Corona del ~tar, one-story dwelling at 432 Dahlia avenue, Cor ona de l Mar, $5,000. A. A. Hillgren of 318 Grand Ca- nal, Balboa Island, one-story dwel- ling in Tract 742, Newport Beach, $3000. William Cannon of 1092 Ogden avenue, Los Angeles, one-story a nd de tached garage at 1205 West Bay avenue, Newport Beach, $10,- 000. M. C. Mull,ins of 204 Apolena avenue, Corona del Mar, one-story cement block dwelling and de- tached garage at 318 Iris avenue, Corona del Mar, $80(X). Warren W. Hamilton of 11338 Islet.a street, Los Angeles, one- (Colltinued on Page Six.) G.O.P. Candida te Asks Labor Union Bar Red Elemen ts ANAHEIM, Oct. 16-Labor un- rest hampering business and in- dustrial recovery can be laid to New Deal "political formulas de- signed to get votes" and to "those in labor unions who do not want indWltrial peace," Superior Judge Goodwin J . Knight challenged last night. Speaker at a dinner at Anaheim Elks Clubhouse climaxing his day in the county, the candidate for lieutenant governor called upon labor unions to "to exclude all Red influen<."es as the leading labor union is now doing." He described the C I 0 -P A. C alignmqit as "shot with foreign ideologies.'' Collective bargaining for labor was championed by Knight who de manded fair play and "no en- croachme nt on employers." He called for labor "to set its house in order and end these ser ies of jurisdictional strikes which are hampering recovery." Introduced by Superior Judge FTanklin G. West of this county's bench. who started university wtth him 31 years ago, Judge Knfcht was on a program arn.nged by Rancher Edward J. Power of Ana- heim . In his opening remarks, Knig ht paid high tribute to the county's Republican Central Committee and its chairman, Mn. Lelia Eastman, first woman chairman of a politi- cal party in California. He had spoken earlier in the afternoon at Santa Ana Masonic Temple, to pledge cooperation in broadening water studiets if e.lect- ed. Dodge, Kanagy Return From Judiciary Meet Held in Santa Monica ' -.NEWPODT BOA ._ On•1• Oll&ty W1 P '1 Ne_pa,.r "'1 ........ HElGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND· ---. -- -., CllJ p ·- MAR, CQSTA_NESA 'I )l~Miaiaw 11 cr:::a~& Costa Mesa s:!~~':~!f .. e Ready · ~~=s Pl~~~!!~.!~:°~ Bldg. Work s~:::.i::=. F r Raiders Re~~n:.~~'=:: Gt ·ffi fi c7 ;, 1 I ~ o. s- . Sl 000 Spurs Chest Drive ror: Orange County's ArmlsUC<! Day L A . Oct. 16-Acxonllng to figllrft re-t s A Bo I copy pub!icizin&: Newpa.'t - oboervance, lcheduJed for New-eaps gain !Hoed by n--a Kuchel. state W u the ftlhermen'• -& o1 a.e port Bitach under auspicee of the Controller, the total aw 111 d value PadDc ia bein& obt.ine4 tllraasb- Newport Horbor Poat No. 2!11. or a11 property 1n Calif-. sub-• • , ~t the stat• by the Spear 'I c American Lqion, and set ulde to ject to loeal taxation lncreued 4._...tloo of Newpca t e.tior " honor Gold Star Mothen and to Coata Meoa apln took the .leed $559,651.4915 wllUe the total lndebt-'1 Fiyine Marines will and their new ~ 'Ildrt7-two MP •a:taU-or benefit the Presbyterian Hoapital In county buJldinll work tut~ edness or the 58 counties decreased ·'nc1ayl.9M home football --retary, Bual> McM!Da• of SH LID-nearl)r u maay l!'wt·=, clVlc, fUnd. with 5158.268 worth at permits $5,065.397 dllrln• the part year. '°" s.., afternoon (Oct. 20) do avenue, Balboa. cllwdl. and -....--. Commander Earl Coppenmith I.slued. This rapidly growing <'Om-The total ~ value or S9 _ at the ta Ana Mllnicipol -McMillan ·who rebdsia amo. forming the N-pa I ~ Oom- of the Newport Legion .,,__ munity had twice u m""1 coo-100,823.858, u of September :i, agalns the USS Speny "Raiden" spaoe In The N...,._n-buRdlnc immll;J a.eat GenoraJ Council. met appatntm@ont of ~faurie Stanley to structk>n planned u all the rest 1946, amounti: to $983.87 per cap. from Dieeo. ~ii set ls constantly wirmlnc merite d W~ noon for luncheon at be general chainnan of arrange-of the unincorpora ted portions of tta. This shows an lncreue of for 2: space in outsldeo newsqapaa and the Newport Harbor Yacht OUb. men ts, and the foUowing for spec-West Orange county. 84.91 ~ over the valuations of 25 _'?>a<!!ed by F1rst Lt. Jack maga7ines. His pictures al~ Nelmoo Stalford, Vice President ia.t events: John Daniels, dance: There were 29 J)f!rmlts In al) ~ars ago, but the per cap It 8 (Whit l Lee, former Carnegie tous catches of rll:h and al the 1111!!11. of the ~unity C'belt, S:Xesided Vincent CUsamano. par-ade : Bryan lssued, 20 of them to the N"'J>Of't values have declined from $1.327.78 Tech d Pit~rgh ~teel~rs full-_ who make them turw appeti~ In the absence of President .P. A. Marshall. football carnival; Wll-Bay Co. to ~uild 18 15:1140 homes durinc this same period. Corre .. back, ~ Toro s st~ly 200 line ~ far north os San Franciaoo Palmer. Mr. Palmer did, 00-Y<'I', Uam Bannister . memorial service: between 1741 and 1971 18th St. ponding to tbe reduction in asses-averag approxuna e pou as far south as Sm Oieco. get the drive off to an excelle-nt and Principal Sidney Davidson and and ·two valued at S:S.210 each at sed vaJuation per capita during the and th, backfield about 185. Each week the Callfornia start when his letter was read. rt"- Coach Reed of the hjgh school, de-Magnolia Ave. Garden Grove had past 25 yean, t he county debt has AJth<f:lih the Raiders cannot & Game News wit.ft a dttula · gret:lng inability to att('nd and en- tails of the gridiron classic. the lion's share ot the balance. decreased from $26.56 to $13.98 per match t"e. Marines in weight, they of 7900 has ~n printinc pictures closing a check for $1,000 from the Donations to the hospital fund with $49,765 in pennits issued. -person. The total indebtedness of are ~rted to have a fut club and fishing news releaaed' by tbe Griffith ComP'\llY. The Council will be solicited by Legionnaires Westrniruiter had $5760: Cypress, the 58 counties is $129,343,823 of "'rhich features a flashy aerial at~ association. motioned a vote of thanks to the a nd other participating veterans $5276; Talbert, S6000: Stanton, whJch 92.05% consists of funded tack.. ~ey are coached by Lt. Remember seeing-the girl in the Griffith Company for the splen- fr om various organizations all $4600. and Buena Park, $4000, for debt and the remainder represenU Comclr.IR_obert S . <Hap) Day, for-t\.\>·o-piece bathing suit posing with did example they set by having over the county. These and other a total of $75,401 . The W es t the floating debt. mer ~TB.! acade~y grid star. . an albacore? Y.ou couldn't have their gtonerotLc; contribution the proceeds will go to the ne \v hos-Orange Coun ty unincorporated Kuchel pointed out that the A sptctaJ haJftune fea.ture ~ll failed to see it, as the Aaociatlon number onr donation in the 1.CMS pita! fund. of which Dr. O. Scott arc-as total for the \\'eek \\'as $233,-value of Jand in California as es-be the Earance of the ?6-piece sent it out to 100 newspapers. dri McFarla nd. pastor of Santa Ana 669. tablished by County Assessors Mari~e 8'-: band from San Diego. Here are a few of the papers ve. First Pre!lbyterian Church, l5 gen-Permits issued to Individuals totaled S3,535,S76,147. and that im· Adm1s.s n ts 50 cents and there this picture appeared in: Riverside Nelson Stafford, Acting Ol.Blr- 1 h · · r --M k l l051 2l t St are no rved seats. (ContJ·,,u-• 0 0 Pag~ ~-) man, explained the need of the era c airman . were ......_vrge er e . s ., provements on land were assessed cu ~ The Newport program calls for S1728: Grorge Thompson, 1382 at $4,001,075,187. Personal proi:r C. la C. Refuses v . I T lk ~Lt~ H~ai~!::in :J:: ;::;= a memorial service at 10 :30 a.m. Esther S t .. addition, $1500: Charles erty and money was listed at $1,-O, to honor Gold Star l\1other!I , the Smith. 2112'2 Elden St., .... 6000: 896,671,858. T ~ k S"d oge a s ~~~":'· ~:b0·s::ta~etsi football classic with 12 high school Charles T. Smith, 2661 Bayshores Property exempt from taxat ion 0 a e I es·on teams participating at the New-Dr .. $13.500: Rico Products. two jumped 42.82% over 1945 to reach · Scouts, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. and port H ar bor Union-High School at j a t 194TI and 19461. Banana St., !1 t ot.al of $332,499,334. Approxi-Pr osition No. 3 Of M·11· :~~th:;g~~~~~~~n~=guru~! 2 p.m .. a torchlight parade at 6:30 south of Baker St., $3500 each. and mately % o f the Increase was due I ion p.m .. and a grand ball at 9 p.m. 0 . R. Yost. 19251 Banana St., to exemptions granted non-profit • Veterans Service. \\'hich depend on to climax the day. $1820, and Donald Shelden, 2112'2 religious hospitals and charitable Despi~reports to the contrary our citizens generosity through the AJI veterans' organizations of Orange Ave., $5000. organizations as pro\'ided for in the Ne rt Harbor Clamber of D II oo· Community Chest, for their su-p- the county are participating in a Constitutional Am e ndm e n t C~akomm:.:.e,. · e last Monday refused to . 0 ar er port. h d I es on ProJX)Sition No. 3. He reparted that th• dr1·,,e ;. t e ay-ong program. first since J• R It adopted on November 7, 1944. Vet-d "'--.. · .... Im OOseve ha un-n received from scheduled to run thirty d,a~. Some end of the "'ar, and many of the ('r ans claiming the $1.000 property th · ed Ch be C ,. n e at am rs of om-4000 letters of ap......,al to local oats to be seen in a parade In Will Offi'ci'ate tax exemption, to which Veterans h fl h 1 th bod •-Sant An th · t e e ect t 8 e Y Afte.r coafe--'-wta. ,_._.. citize!"s are being mailed this week n a at mornJng, arranged whose assets total less than $5.000 a "no" vote on No. 3 1 • • .._ by Santa Ana Vetrrans of Foreign At Demo. Rally are entitled, accounted for the re-Auhta.nt City P!aghzer ,,. ... K. IO that recipents of the letters Wars. \\'ill be in the Newport malnder of the increase. embe a proposal-~ th! e Ncho-Slf!C"ll u to the appnft?d ..a--may mail in donations. v r ot to pay ~100 tea -ti f tb N For the real ho"·~ to house --. torchlight parade. · on o · e tM')Klrt ~ d.tJ' ......, . ....._., Foust Will Renovate Club Lido Emil W. Foust, owner of the Cockade, popular Corona de! Mar cafe, has purchased the Oub Lldo for an undisclosed consideration, according to Hubba rd Richter of the Harboi-Jnve!!tment comeany, which negotiated the sale. F oust purchased Rossi's restau- rant about a year ago and has operated It since. Extensive a lteration under the direction of Rex Brandt Associates is under way. Brandt will create a background atmosphere of a Brit~h Inn reminiscent of Lon- don's long famed Cheshire Cheese so often as.sociated With the writ- ings of Samuel Johnson. Complete new furnishings will be Installed prior to the proposed December 1st opening date. The property has been operated by A. A. Tennis and his wife who is known as Dorothy Dillon, an organist formerly associated with Wurlitzer as an instructor. Miss Dillon will resume her professional appearances. Tennis. a former ma.- Tine, has recently purchased a merchandising business. They are completing the purchase of a home Four prominent Democrats for public office will speak at the Orangl' County ~mocratic rally to be held in the Santa Ana high school auditorium at 8 p.m. to- night. They are, Will Rogen Jr., candi- date for the United States sen- ate: Ray Atkinson, candidate for congress, 22nd district; John Shel- ley, candidate for Lt. Governor, and Edmund G. Brown, candidate for state attorney general. Highlighting the attractive pro- gram will be the first personal a ppearance to Orange County of James Roosevelt of Los Angeles, a son of the late President. Mr. Roosevelt will be master of cere- monies. A fund raising dinner for the cand idacy of Atkinson Will pre- cede the rally in the Masonic Hall, Santa Ana. Mrs. Belle Dies at Fink Laguna Mrs. Belle H . Fink, ~. died Wednesday in Laguna Beach and funeral services will be heJd Mon- day at 2 p. m. in the Laguna FUn- e ra.1 parlors. She was the mother of Harold FlnJ<, 203 Diamond ave- nue, and had lived on Balboa Isl- and for 14 )-ears. 1 Surviving are three sons. IJar.. old. Balboa Island; Otto W . o( LaVerne and Edward F. o( Grant's Pass. Ore.; one daughter, Mrs. Wanda F. Trickey of Lacuna Beach. in the Harbor' area. Fi h Fry Food Fed &veral months ago, Foust en-. S ' g1lged Hubbard Richter to oecure Famished Firemen more adequate quarters for Foust's rapidly expanding business. After inspection of several properties in the South Coast area, Fowit and Richter concluded that the Club Udo property offered the most workable solution to the problem of suitable quarters for Faust's restaurant. Richter stated that the Harbor Investment Company was not au- thorized to announce the consid- eration involved. First to be held stnce the men returned fl"Om. service, a fish fry was given by the F1shermen's dub ot Newport Beach at the Ameri- c8:'1 1,-egion hall Tuesday evening WJ.th 25 present, including firemen, their wives and families. Swordlish provided by M. M. Culver, 1Z7 East S.,, Fron~ Bal- boa Island, was on the menu and !..any Hartwig ot Lany's Panby acted as chef. Alter dinner the evening WU lpent in dancing. ers a IJlinimum annual wage of t •• W-• -pa1-, the Harbor •-.a h ... been C Cert Program $2400 I ~·a er oyo~m 011 18F• &-~" Th~ )~al chamber discussed lhe F . Vogel, Main Street, •• ....._, divided into fifteen areas, each anged f or High matter d decided to table the mel'cluult and ··-· .. _. besded by a drive captain. 0ona-School Auditorium Associa 's resolution. bis prevtom ssoo.--,_ -tloos received by mall will be Ogportunity to hear several of the porld's greatest musical art- ist& lecally will be afforded the Harbor area for the tint time this winter through the Community Concert Series of Columbia Con- certs lAC. All who enjoy music and recognize It invllluable con- tribution to their lives and to the education of their children, will welcome the advent of this series which represents the finest In mualc. Conce-rts will be held in . the Newport Harbor Union Ht g h School Auditorium and tickets will go on sale on or about November 1st. David Ferguson, Pacific Coast Manager for Columbia Concerts is Inaugurating the series here and an rxecutive committee is now engaged in making arrangements. The committee Includes Mrs. Geo. Yardley, executive president; Mrs. J . Leslie Steffe:nsor\, vice-pretsi- dent ; Mrs. Stanley Chambers, gen- eral chairman, Mn. Clinton Sawin, secretary, Mn. Roscine Feeley, d Inner chairman, Mn. Walter Spi c er, appointment chairman, Mrs. Dixon Smith, transportation chairman, with Mr. Clinton Sawin in charge of concert arrangement.a, Mrs. Hill, Newport Beach water properUes ~ q z' s W. credited to the quota set for eallh PTA p ident, said today that it ante to $1-mllDoa toda:r'-(Continued on Page 7) is vitall important for the schools Voeet declvecl lo • JO:WS- of the . ct, to approve No. 3 TIMES reporter u.& lie wlll ._. in orde to secure a sufficient staff up his cuh offer fw tae .,..tem of tea rs to train our boys and w1th a 10 ~rceilt depolflt a& ~ girls, use today many educa-If the City ef .N""'))Ort a..e. w!D Boy Scout Outing To S. A. Canyon Is Huge Success tors deserting the schools for ~u tbe water praper1le9 te ...._ other more lucratlvP employ-Siegel set a valua~oe • S. ..i. Sexton Opens n Foods Shop One f the most modern i.:ulsine PStablis e nts will be -opened in Balboa n FrJday. It is called "The Galley'' and is located ati 509 East Central avenue, which i.! the site ot Gia Beverly's new building. PropEtor of .. 'The Galley'' ts Anita t Sexton, member of the Ne rt arbor · P,amber of Comme ce and former\y the owner and pl'ietor oHf the Balboa Meat d Delicatessan store. The alley will specialize ln the selling of trozen food delicacies and dJ ng services will be ·pro- vided f those who prefer to have their 1als on the premises. Two Two di ng rooms will be available. Mrs. exton will have as her as- lstant, rs. Rose Lugo, who was for 11 an manager of the gram- ~o.irtlei at P.MO.-. V.pl Over 70 Boy Scouts of the Har- The Balboa merchant made his bor district participated in a cam-poral at Sycamore Grove, Santa second offer only after he bml Ana canYQn, over the week end, read a story in 1be News.-Thnes this being the first of it.a kind to to the effect !hat ..,>«me at the be held by local Scput leaders. Monday meeting at the Newport The outing wu a huge success Harbor Chambet:" of Cmmoe:aee bad and along with many fine lnstnJc.. asked who would want to buy Ille tion P'OJecti:. the camp was high- wate~ systef!?. lighted b the dventure and ex- This question swtmmJng Jn the river of the board o tishJng and ~ was uked by cme y a dtement of f dlnctan "' the chamber after pfire programs. ~~t F. Kenny thrill of Scout moonlight hikes, -Her-traditional cam announced tbat a CJ t1zen had aske wards to Winnen t? the board t pauea, given by Adding to the d hiJD to wcceat contest.a were a b ... the dtJ ..... sider the id~a of Shop of Balboa properties at this rs of the Harbor or ten fine com Rllinc the -tor the local Melody time.. "If the city's w Round Table are worn out that the th results of the llland. Membe UB'S}'lltem is., Diltr1ct Scouten ---· be taxed to pay already planning p 1 a t e d $975.000 then why doesn system to .me! .. enthmlutic wt for the amtm>-campural and are bopuvwwwta. 't the city aeD tbe V-1 a1Rd The merchant also laid I-. Wllllt- e .. UlTl mly the •lllllrszfrm can aft the next. Dlatrlct Eutman and COnunissloner Robert Dlltrlct Commltte- cock lnlpected the satisfaction. Aid- Sue<ess of the project eman -Dutcb Hea """'P with much Ing In the mar cafeteria. ed. to make it cl 21tate railroad o the rates for water to «> ¥ PAL Many Residents · Face L~s Voting Ra Treat Offered Vi is if ors ......, Nelghborh Sid Young and ood Commiasioner Assistant Soou\., Belau. George Dodd. and Da"" Rights 1n County • • tio~rw:~":n ~~1:"~d~~tr~1 To Marine Station on Oct. 26 Orange county unless they vote at n ex t month's general election, for the observance of tors with cars. County Oerk B. J . Smith's records at El Toro Marine Air The places to re\·ealed today. Although these station were underway endless, With mcb local citizem were registered prior this with the appointment places as, the sw to May 1, they failed to vote In by Bri Gen. Ivan W. Miller of bles, operations the June pri.mary election. the N Day coounittee. Maj. training unit, il1I A total of 76,934 Orange county Brent Myking. executive offi. unit, F4Z --- residents wore qualified by ttgJs-""" of -152 Is the chairman. last but not lees tration to vote at the primary being · ted by Maj. Joe L War-tre. visit -"' be lW!AS WU t!q &111••inc poa1.. .._ -· ooGiid ttwt trslnlac ..-.....-t the ...... am.. Uon wlD be~ masters Wally S pink. Richard Gardner. Outstanding patrol of the cam- ta Mesa's lndlan muny Klmbrough u Oti\erwile, t be bout evenly divided pwal .... Cos pstrol with J' pstrol leader; awardl were a •mane the troopo. Attend!nc W<r1! with Scoutmaster land; three Coata . 15 with Soout- Tnlop No. 17 Bl'owu. Balboa Is -tnlopa, No mut.erLouia Dlnger; Troop No. 20 tmaster ·Frank Hu1man with SCoutmuter with Soou ad TrOlJp No. 6 Baroid HalL F. P. C• Only 39,123 voted. Out or 4.lll.608 ren as . pnbllcity chairman. MaJ. Bus tramporta Call!ornians registered before the W lives at 2016 S. Broaclway, vldod t<t aD paints The Justice and Constable....,,. c ty p rty v I primary, 2087.BM--Or 5075 per Jn san Ana; Maj. Frank P. st~ .- ciation met In convention on Cle-oun rope a ues cent of the •state's qualified YOtea ilarl<er o( 529 Occident_al. Santa o( any -all --chooee the nominees the Callfor-Ana, 11 station seomty offlcer menL tober 10. 11 and 12 in the Mira-nJa State Clamber of Commerce and is the security angles . Movies will be mar hotel, Santa Monica. Calif. R h Ov $2 44 M reported.. for observance. nus com-llOll thea.fre. of lntaoo(I;·- liar I :w tJcn -equip. -lalk- Is niaglla• rt Vlctl• Hea. Fraal< P. In attendance w""' Judge D. J . eac er ·11· r .... _:_,_. e1~-mittee .rounded oo.t by Maj. Ro-This theatre la Dodge and Shelby L. Kanagy, con-I ion ~~·~I ~~ laW11 can-bert R. the executive -modem and equlpped stable of Newport Beach township. eel a -.r's ~ation it he or ot . 13. Major Reed lives 111 camp In tbe l1nlted Many important matters were she faila to vote eithe'r at the Pli· 291 street, La 1 un 8 contract coat ._ disctmed and it was conaideftd to Ora.nee rounty's arand total amount ot money. .,, 1 id by mary cs statewide aeneraJ eltt-BMch. . ••'*•o•4ac pool to be the 1811test delegation ever value ot -rty subject to tax-OOUllty oWcial1 Is $21,713,385 tlon. Since Navy Dey, Oct. 77, falls -.the -In assembled by this .-datlon. ation amounts to. $2M 1157 665 the while the value ot .,......i ~ ReclstOftd voters who will be on a this year, it will be to be raled _,. Wives and dauehten or deie-state ccntrollers ~ ~ perty and amount ot mie,. -• .....,. from home November 5 can on this station Saturday, It coat '93.800. gates wett In att.--and they Wedneoclay. ......i by tbe state board ot mw cat abaentee ballotU. the Oct. 26 'It wu announced by Maj. 1ey Is to be tbe '"""' entertained by a lp<Clal com-The total equalization Is 18.614.910. oounl;J derk'1 om.:;, points out. Warttn ,Ille pubUdty d>alnnaa. oounty to ._ Ille mittee. The oon...,.tion -.nd up sub to a i::;''f.x uu '~..! Orance oounty topped Rlwnide AZJY reclattft!I wt.or wbo will be Open will be held bere on rrw$lne It is with a banquet In the oommtloo tbari ol6oe. is $277 -.ate, n; county's total pc_.t;y nJuatloD .. .....,. from hc!<ne eleetlon day -that , from 0800' to 1800. -U. tll& - room. and 111 • att.--..,... total state rwemaa'.nt .... bject to for 1916 by Mll.067.381. Orance •Pl>IY by 1etttr er In_, to the An ted !ODO.,.._ from st& many dignitaries from the state local tax nte Is $1T 488,97D. was topped. -·-· by San County Clerlt'1 ottlce In Santa Alla the oommunltles vi. There will be ~tal as well as Loa Anlelea and The val ot C · •--• Dleco county by '95.l503.705. San fer an .-.tee ballot. on or be-lted El '!bro last :rear on. Noy ot an typoo at Santa Monica. ue 0 u n t Y ~ Dieco oount;r'• total ,._. l;J n,1. rare October 3L Dey, a 1upr ..-is .,._ Mam-Wflldl Spedalent.ertalnmentwus!wn :::"""''"to :22,1:~~ . .U:,.ot uationls$3t0.361,310forthls,.... The •ppllcation. It written,-"" -_... "Cond"', TlF by a vaudeville troupe. Jttey Ca-""""""'"' on ~ to ---.id Ind•• the _. • ._ will be condut:ted i-. --Iaww Jonna -his ~ "On the 4111,435. . Dr. and Kn. W. V. ~ ..,.._ -. It pamible, hla _. ot 1:1 by oftlcoeu wbo will de-the C-411 J1f111 C41 Roed to Mandola7," wltb --Tbtal .. red val"" ot -• and thoir twin clrto. ll8 11ar1ne dDct ...-. 'Die Jetter -Killie-ol In--,,,_. pla--- Kmny u acoompan1at, after wllldl credits Is Sl2.274,91S. a-. ..__hind, are~ aloe> stlpalate -the .-. wm· p1m17 of llUldms -r' ww ,,_ - he entertala<d with bill wlL Value ot pet'....i pcope<ty and to O>l!lna aw bellot le-to be --cm the lllaUon fw ..i. -·-tie -• besrt .... altlle-m ime at bis Jn . Wil ke Bl.)' Frant. "" --Ila -bomla a --. 'Die ---....... ii.,. ~,...... .,.,4, ----... ~":'7 !" ~ 1-Stm~ Ii. -lie--•n • 8uawhllc are ..... I ----·-__ ,,, .. mo ...... ----= ... _; • lli 0 7 act • of •ii .... ....., -•*«. ailratdt -11Jo fll Ottawa, ...._. '""''••nu Sat lew .... r a r-. -.......... a ·b a t :n .... -.-- __ ._ ._, ....... ,,, ·.-"' .. .. 7 . ,. ·--__ .. +••as 11117-• • • • Six B .. B. f earm Begin Race In Community Conference-, Six !<>ams aterted the N..,port Nina ll>e flnllhed the 11.,;,. ~ Community Basketball league .m only three men-the rest having ill way with a bang Tuesday night fouled out. I and began their battle toward the lncllvldual ICOring honon for the mythical championlhlp aWllr<I that ~ ...,,.., apllt -by Opra of w!U come at the end of the king Nina'• ar.d Attriclee of ll!yrelul'1, aeuon next •iring. , both with 18 pOtnlS. · Mytthn Brothen, Newport Auo-IJneupoo datro and The Outla,.. ....,.,ired Newpoll .._ (U) !flaa'1 (U~ Ylctorloul In the oonf.......,. opoo-ManbaJJ (lG) F Hamon (6) en with Myrehn taking the Cu-aa.._ (8) F L. Ogara 118) aba Klub 39-16. New-t Mao-Kamel (3) C Harvey C91 dated trlmrning !'llna'1 ln a thrill-Roolnoon (10) G Ogara Ing overtime game 41-33. and the Harveoon 12) G Broughton Outlaws subduing tM American Soorine subs: Newport Assoc.- Legion !Ive In another thriller, Frietag C2l. 21-19. -~ -(19) C.-0. IL (11) Nlna"1 put up a game 1truggle Myrehn (4) F Neuman (4) ln th" feature match and the game A~ (18) F Dickey went ia to two overtimes. The Spink (12) C Pollock (2) Shefe!' C Talat:ra Boiw(2) G Salkn Scoring subs: Myrehn Bros.- Muon (5). Heaston (5). o.11a ... (%1) Am . ....-(It) Engstrom (3) F Coppenmlth (3) Stanley (5) F Farnsworth Durkee (2) C Foa ''Rebirth for a Lifer." 'lbe ooD- vict demonstrates his taJent W'ltb the brush and wins a new ch.a.nee rrom the parole board. The lit- spiring atory appears in 'lbe Am- erican Weekly, the magazine dl!t- trlbuted with next Sunday'• Loo Angeles Examiner.-Adv. Moffitt 121 G Bunney GE'ITING OFF A LONG ONE II Rima (8) G Statz "Bogey'" Horrell who does moat Sell that unwanted &rticde Scoring subs: American Legion of the kicking ror the Sailor grid· through Newa-'nmes ads. -Cottle (6), Butterworth (1). den. Horrell. who was converted to a backfield man from the line, IL I D 0 Now Showing Tbru Saturday has been a standout on punting and line plunging -Gerbanlt photo . White House Cafe Ph-Sl82 Lacuna Beach, o.m. N""'l*'t Harbor'• "B" • q u a d went on a acorln& spree I as t Thunday a(temooo at Gudon Grove, rwmina the Argonaut Jun- lon racged to the tune of 39-.&. . eo.cb Noiana charges IDdicat«I that they ...., the teem to bc>at In ~acue .,u.y again thh year u tbey pUed up " touchdown in tbe flnt quarter. two h\ the lleCllld, and two f;t the fourth. Pollock. Tar end made thrtt of the touchdowns and Vanderburg and Smith were atandouta in the backfield. On the same afternoon, the Tar is "'Doc'' Hanson, stalwart guard "C" squad under Coach Miller on the Newprt Harbor Sailor made it two wins in a row by eleven. who, with Dick Braoe, was clowning the 'nny Argonauta. 20-0. named Tan of the Week foUowing Ward and Watts conbibuted the the Garden Grove 1ame last Fri· scores and were standouts in ~ day. H&n100 and Brace will be backfield. starters against Fullerton Friday night -Gerhardt photo Dons Meet Strong T l• Santa Mo~ wo 1nemen Eleven Fnday Ch A wil~f~~ Ant~: ~~~s~1!~a~: osen s their unbeaten season this Fri· day in Santa Ana Municipal bowl T f w k al 8 p.m. when they face unde--ars 0 ee teated Santa Monica Junior col- lege. Santa Monica stacks up u a strong opponent, having whipped Glendale 12-0, the identical score by which Santa Ana turned the trick. Unbeaten Santa Monica met and ga lhered a scoreless tie with a powerful Los Angeles Oty college squad this Monday for their only non-winni:1g start this year. Coach Bill Cook's DonJ "111 be> near full strength with the excep-- tlon of Carl Oberto. ace r\cbt aid. TM•o Un~men Oii the New- port Ha.rbor Sailor football team moved lnto r eoocn.ltloe drcle today aa a result of tbe voHnl' for Tar of tbe Week f ollowlnl( tbe Ga.rdea. Gr M"e c ame last Fr-lday. Hoaored as Tan of t b e Week "·ere D ick Br ace and "Doc" RanMrG, WhOSfJ pictures \\'ere lhl•· \\'eek displayed In ftve partldpatfn« Harbor buat- neas coa~raa. On Your Way The two Tar•, both .enlors. "·ere o utstaadinc In t he Ar- gonaut came "'hlch the Sallora nabbed l l-0. B rac:e, r l&'ht end on the Tar ele"en, a.eoounted for both touchdo\\'nS--One on a pan from Roy \\'ard w bJch \\'M (ood for four yards and the other ln a 1pecta.cular end- around play that accounted for '19 yards and the M!COad toucb- do\\'D.. Sunday, Monday, Tue<iday October 20, 21, 22 Coa.UDuous Sunday f rom .%:15 • M OD. A TDeA. at 8:45 6 9:10 Wed. Only, Oct. 2S-"WIFE OF MONTE CRISTO". Allo Ella Rains, Wm. Bendix -"WHITE TIE AND TAIU!" to Santa Ana Or When . in Costa Mesa Stop at---\ CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10a.m.to2p.m. 1818 N-iiort Blvd. CURB SERVICE Oe*t .. ~"s .. _ \ STOIAll·TAll W&an -- - ......,.__ I Iii 1 1wS • l ·-· -s swa -s ·-· • • a • ·-· ·-· n ............. a... .. Pl-nty of Hot ·Water with • • • • Brace, \\'ho l.1 the sluhlng- type end, has b@en a defeo51ve .1tandout In all thr~ of the SalJor contest.I to date and ls counted on for first-line dutlea throuchout the aeuon. He lt one of the four ret urulnc Jet.-- termen on t he '41 aquad. H a II a O D, bani Charline pard and terrific line backer, la playtnr his first year of vu- afity ball and bu alr eady lD- dlcated that he la headibl' for top honors lo t.be leacue. JJcht for a Uneman (180) Doc la m:tremely fut, (former CIF ne cham~ M a C) aad d ur- able. Belo« ·fut and a hu'd ctaarcu, Hanson 11 u 1 e d to lead lDlttference on 111 a n y plays a.ad oa defeaae 11 med u a Uae backer. T ht.e '-"'o men Join Louie MeUo ~ and .llmmy A 1 he n, cb~ .. Tari of the Week oa pl'e\iom ballot.a for t he ftrst h\•o l'ante9. BOB KILLIFER. END, 11 lhown in the pivot spot where he started the season against St. Anthon.)' but later was moved to the Wini 1poL Killlfer is a starter against the Fullerton Indiahs tonJght in the Tan learue opener. For Hanest, lfllclant Protlreulve Govern-Id In Collfonilo FRED HOWSER ATl'ORNEY GENERAL IRS MEET. FILlERTOI AS FIRST LEAGUE FO ' . rocky rood aJoric the Leacue from the lino to live thee !~~ begins at F\lllertoa tonight backs creater reeerve ab · Balboa D.eabe ---· --oii-~ .. ,. -fl-••• o...11a 11 II rr 1"M&el' ....... ..,.., -Tg' • ..,. .. doy) for the ~-t Harbor "Bocey", who likes the rciugb IChool &lion OI ~ invade Ing, bu been Used, to 11DHh land of the IndiU111 for the and, when he· I°""" hll· Jlelld · t lea.gue game of the 11euon. starts to bull hD way acn.a led as the "dark hone" of ICl'lmmqe line, he II a bani "!'HE CUMAX" ta G11&ie•1 T!-t '?*hr! ..... loque thll yev, N..._t to atoj>. Fllllerton hl&h "" the crest Surpioe star of the Rlwntcle two-came winning •treak over and Garden GrOve camee w a lice -ti and rftdy for Richard Brown. substitu te h a I te<mlnoa onsl•ueht agalnot back wtio can. block. cany the ball f-that trampled them and II a cleecU1i tackler .. I t year. Brown'• downfield block t h a far thll -Fullerton hu paved the way for Dick Brace" one game and 1 .. t two but touchdown ""' that lalted te indicated potential defen· Arsonaut contest. He'll Me a lo •trencth and an off..-that of action Fridoy night. t C!lq>locle at any time during The game, whlcb II llated t game. '!be Indlanl opened begin at 7:30, II oxpocted to practice encounten in lm-a ding-dong battle and a lot ve fashion llckJng RedJanda Harbor fane are abo expected but bowed to two good Ct-1 make the trek to the net&hborin Belt teams, Otaffey a nd Pe>-I d!Y. na, 12-0 and 18-0 respectively. Tentative starting lineups: -nm :aeru&N w aus11• -Teil --AMI-, -..... Die! a ca.p. _...,.. ,..,, __ -Oo&. ill, 11, "1% llfal~ DUNN llEX llASlllON LINDA DAJINELL "Anna and the King of Siam" w .... -. Sulutft ..,._. t wlap? JOAN BENNET!' CBAJU..E8 OOB1111N WILUAll &ITBli e Fullerton line has proved Newport Harbor Fullerto to be the standout in all three Killifer LER Hatcher g and both Chaffey and P<r Rorick. LTR Burgess "CoL Effingham's Raid" -A.19o: -c::a.rne C...." ~ "llRADOW8 OVER CHINA.TOWN" had to take to the air to Monson LGR Froelich hion their wins. Roberts C G. Tanner Left Halfback Boaz. the Ind-Hanson . RGL Johnson have an offensive weapon that Weatherv.•aY. an.. Welch kicks and passes and with Brace REL Moore · ht Halfback Osborne. teams Hanzal Q Ot!pman to make a one-two punch that Mello LHR Osborne go for a score at any time. wal-d RHL Boaz unteracting the Fullerton Horrell F Nielsen ch, Coach \Vendy Picken1 hu tty good backfield combina- ti of his own with "Little Louie" E ppJying the running raz- e and Roy Ward and Brian the aerial attack. Hanzal pl yed in the Riverside game t he can carry the Jeather, es- C-t and F!eptoae Contractor PUT WOU 4llD ~tnrn.l'ft0Jf9 11r -... .. Barbor 257(.. W Fri., Sat. 0.t. !5, H Amo -.... Dmlllo M.,.._ ..... _,_ canon, ..... w,... me· la: "One More Tomorrow" Alloo Georp M-y la ''The Man Who .Dared" a Chap. e. "Bop llarripa• Nexto Q111c1t 9STioe; ....... u.. ~ ally on end sweeps, but was !'============:'..:===========~ tty well bottled up in the Gar- d . Grove game. "'CENTENNIAL SlJMlOCB" e Newport line has proved it-.--------------------------, in the three games to date can be counted upon Cor first- e most improved backfield SAND-Y'S DRIVE-IN Yes! We Have HAM • BACON • BEEF e ·PORK • Dagw,ood Hamburgers cl s work. Bill \Veatherwax at ta kle and "Doc" Hanson at guard h ·e been towers of defensive s ngth and "Shiner" Roberts has de eloped into a putent 1 in e - ba ker. Offensively, the Tar for· w wall has opened gaping holes in the lines of heavier teams and fr~"" counced ~n for the Indian m . on the Sailor aggregation is '-------------------------' " ey" HO?Tell. "'ho was brought I ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREYHOUND • .._./ WI••• pu cw .. think ef It, cbe &ieodly coolidence people hne ID Gnyhouad oerrice is flChtt ID utnordiauy rbing. . ~ )(-aperieaced cra..elen line come to look on Gteybowid u mada . -dwa J-1nocber bua line. '""7 bow it as a warm, ...-, lmman, wry American tramponuion Nnleo m.de up al....,, -doings chat make a big clil'ereoce to dne &Dow doing doe tra•ellag. The faa is t1w people lib Gnyboaad 6 no•-G,.,. •"" liMs /#/le The _., beart o( Gft1hoaad -·Ice ii doe dleafinl. "'" _, i.nccrett Gte)'i-ad folb coke i.n cbeir pwe ........ Gft1hoaad remembea thra11 drat ia Job la co any people ••. DO( mall, DO< &e!P., but /#/le That'1 wh1 careful comidetadoa few I tine welfare o(""" pameogu Is the buU "'GreybOaacl pollq • Toda)', a mocber ud child, aa elderlr peno11,or people wbo i.n.- cnveled before can eater a Grerlaouad depoc and be _. ol pnilng sdeJr, plewndy to dielr du in•rio111 ... "'-foJ/1 _.,,for , JJ 1't fllfl1 ,,, w.,i 5 l'T' f• tllYIOllt ,._a'r• • PllSO•. •• ••II••• ••••t•t•r. _r PAelflC eatYMO•Ma LI.Mii ' • .. • . ,., NWWW Don't Blame Fuel Knowland' s Battle for . Vets Seen in Bldg. Material Flow ~~~~:;~ 1enoral -......._ of Na-.. ln ordering aurpl1m bnlldlns Knowland. pointed out toc!&Y. tlonaJ Autmnobile dub. "Don't "Another paolino wllli,,.,t affect For Your Convenience We· Will Remain / .... Open .. materiala rde-for the veter-''Lut yev while thoo•ando of -the fUel unW ott-_. .,.. 11ou11n1 _..,., the War Loa Anceles fttenm wett ooelt-slble ca .... have been cbedlecl." Aaets Admlnlstntlon bu 'at Ions Ing "'"""nc materiala for bames ' . ' I .I ,' ' .I I l Friday and Saturday lut c1ooe what U. S. Senator WU-In vain, the Ovlllu ProdUction Knowland ~tedly pointed ouL Uam F. Knowland 111'1"<1 lut De-Admlnlotntlon, a New D e al "Senator Knowland -.....-. cember and January," R<>bert E . ._, permitted the exportation sful ln p tttnc the .-t of ex- Tlahuler, chairman of the Soutllern of 427,000,000 board feet of lumber port r<duc<d, and he ,... a1ao ....,. California Veterana' Coounlt ttt for to forelcn lands," Alshul.,. lald. .-fu1 In p ttfns certain trk>o 1-----------1 ''This WU clone despite the pro-items c:hanpa, 00 that buildlnc Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday Balboa Central Ma~t teat at Senator Knowland that .,.... not retarded ao croatly by tlt1o lumber WU needed hS-e In .-tqea of vvloua _,tiaJa." America for homes. And the <x-Among the veter-iralslnc portalloa continued ln 1946. Senator Knowland'1 work to 1top ''It II also interesting to ncte the exportation of lumber a n d that the Admlnlltratlon. through otherwlle aid the veterana' !JOus. another New Deal qeney, the Ing procram wu Locan Wllohlre, A.P A, permitted tbooe exportlnc editor of the Cal-Vet, a veterans• lumber to charge,$7.50 per tbou1-publication. Wllahlre, the...,.. at and board feet mo~ than they Gaylord Wilshire, founder of the w.,.. permitted to chari:e for !um-Wilahitt dlatrlct, helped to set the ber IOld to the domestic markeL recent national convention of the ''Thil trade difftttntial induced American Legion to create a spec-. the shipping Of lumber outside of ial housinc committee. Thia o:xn· the United States, although it was mittee is composed entirely of needed for homes here, as Senator World War Il veterans. Buffums' The Suit Dress Wonderful wool orepe two piece suit that fits in 10 per- fectly Qll any occasion. Fit- ted j a c k e t studded with \ noilheods, push -up Melon , lime , aqua , blue; 12 t o 20. sleeves. powder $16.95 aucSpt 1>111111 • SeeoDd FlooJ' Kotlou e ltnet noor "" Home Protectio11 With Transparent, Plastic SEAL SAC A. Roomy garment bogs , protection against · . dust, moist ~re and moths . Of durable, transpar- ent plastic . film. Requ ire .only a •.moll ~toroge space. 16 zipper, non.-tilt frame. 54 $5.06 66" len9+h, $6.50 · • 42" length, $4.95 34" length , $4~5 Koroseol food oovers ·for the modern kitchen. They're water and dust-proof, non-tox ic , acid and stain resistant. I. 7-piece bowl cover 1.t S 1.IO 4-pieee bowl set SI 3-piece bowl set $1 C. Poocl bo9, SJ.JI D. Bread Bog, $1.71 - • LONG BEACH ~, I , .. ,.:"-• t '(._ . I -~- I r • ,. ~.\. r Chintz Housecoats Designed and · sized for tlie lunior f19ure. Colorful floral print on blue and pink baeli· ground. Permanent flnl11i chintz fobrle. liize1 9, 11', 13, and II • ....,.,,,_ $6.tl ........ ....... ._ IDlfO••m L j 1 TRIS NEU' LIVE BAIT BOAT wu added recet1Uy to the fleet op- erati from Newport Harboi-... The Sea U on, pictured above. wu bu.lit Seacratt Yach t Rep&l.n.. 825 Cout mctawa.J·. The M-n. bGM: ho by Da,·e Coleman. Stanley R. Ball. and William Sorwlll. It from the 19th Street Lan.ding with Ray K.Jmbalra ,...._. Tbe Sea Uoo wu formerly an aircr aft u.lvage boat; for tt.e W belnc rebuilt u a live bait boat. Galley 9M"Vlce wDI be avall le, there wt.II be two beach, tw~ Uve bait tanks, crew quar- t.en f r six. and two holds of 10 and etgllt tons eacb. WldJe &he boat ~ aooommodat.e SO ftahennen, ~ UmJt will be kept at SI, w hJcb Will ve them more room In which to fish. -McMillan to. Ca -Nevada Kiwanis Endorse Vo untary Health Care Plans O AND. Oct. 16.-f\.fore than 2000 mbers of the California- plans are in di rect resistance to thf'Se objectives. The resolution praised family ens 7 .......... -··--Miracle Mile Motel ,.. OOA8'1' mmnrAY .......... ._ ... ...... 7 I .. • 40 Units and Baths • 'Unit Heat • Box Sprlnp • Innaspdac Matb:- PB. BEAOON Dllt 1 DINN'SU DA.ILY ""--0.-' .. i• .. .. .. ~ ............. .. • EVERYTHING In Qu&Uty R-EF-'RIGERATION Air Colldltlonlng Equipment Caw . Oabl-• (loan .... Walk-Im • F-lalm • 8toola -Ban • Bootl>I <Jomplete M&rkelo Cate. E tc. Pla.nnlns "'WEBER" DEALEBS Ne\·act. Kiwanis International by unanim us adoption of a resolution comme dC'd voluntary medical care plans ut scored proposed com- pulsor. health insurance legisla- tion a t their 26th annual district doctors "who are maintaining SUC--DI &. LM Aap1ee St., Amt 411 cessfully the highest medical di! conven ion nere. \\'ith district governor Dr. Ben- jamin . Pratt, Lemoore, presid- ing, th Kiwanis endorsed. all vol.: untary ealth plans operating with the a roval of the state insur- ance mmission, and said: . -"Vol ntary health insurance progra symbolize the American system of tree enterprise "''hich allows the individual to person- ally SL' t his own form of health insura ce. "\\'e believe the furtherance of their rinciples to be a aolution to pr a id medical care protec- standards in the world." !......--~Pboae=""-==-----' tion." Ill llORTll.JIAIN IT. ,....--.. At e same time, the Kiwanis -=================~ -=== rap state or federal compulsory _-~ health irulurance on the grounds that s ch programs would provide "an e terin&: wedge for complete state 'alization." pulsory pl8.lll would in- crease the tax burdens and bring about the 90cializatJon and regi- menta ·on of the medical profes- sion d all related enterprises," the K WaniB declared. No g that their organization is ted to the support of in- divid enterprise and oppar- Deliciously Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE -It Boar llervb- + llt ...-.PlaN Kwpa& ._. tuni the Kiwanis pointed out that pulsory health insurance I ~=====================~ • Announcing Opening Island Refrigeration Senice Household Refrigerators Repaired Pli 5 1 • • .. 0.0. ~-· .. --Area. 329 Marine Ave. T. E. Rischard Balboa ...... .._. llutlor 111 .. w • announcing . . .__ . a change in ownenldp MERCURY CLEANERS 1844 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -Expert Workmanship- -Pickup and Delivery- -3-Day Sei rice • New Ownen:-"BILL" BROWN & "RUDY" FISCHER PHONE" BEAOQN 5S13.1 ' ' I • • • NEWPORI Ml BOA NEWS-TIMES PBO.Nal• ••*Nl9 II ... 11 r111r 0 ·•S"l'9f'7~•w_.r ,,.,_ v ..... mvm NEWS of the CHURCHES C08rA llJl8A Cll1lB(J8 OF OOD a-. 1.-P. llcGraw, ..._ lM Callollle St.. Ooota - • Letters To The News-Times OllQ.._.WH:IMPWt•t ·~·· 2 T; Y.._D Subacrlptlon Parable In -;-C:IO per ,_.. la ~ Ooullt7 '2.75 per yar to 4111-; ... ,..,.... to 8lll --!"------------' Servl<leo Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 To Editor, N...,...n ..... p. m. and 1:30 p. m. • The OPA bu been IO thorougbly Entered .. ~ -ner at .. -In N_ ... , B ± OUll LADY OF MT. CAllMEL Califomla, -the Act ol Mar± 3, 111'79 ' 1421 Waat control A-UI ---.... ~u· __ critldud that nothln& I could say !lunda7 II••-: I &Del 10 a..& ·~• •v-_.. ~ Cll1lllCB would add to Ito nputatlon for OF 008TA IRll& aalnlnlty but maybe )'OU can ahed I "'" seen are not worth $20.00 T""'PJIUll 1-tlan, Amerleu a little llcht 00 the Inequities of in Uvabllity. lf the OPA-S polley1r-;;-:-;:::-==-=-::--.,,==,..-...---------===::: SAM D. PORTER • • • P.•-~: ~ f'l"" F. G. FROST • • • • -• :00 to G:JO a.ad -T:IO to W. F. DIXON · • Adli•tlllna· Kanapr &·so pm. Prtntinc Plant. 3011 W. Central At&&, Ncap:11t Brcb, Cdtand9 . . ______ _ Lesion Ball rentals In thla area. Even· where la o be more lenient with land-II GAR · · ..... -.... O. -Bt11-I go I hear of people who have who apply for ce!Unp at this DEN AND PA TIO WALL Official Papet of the City of N~wt I rt BeUlt A DIJ ........... Ir 12' r .. 0.. n ...... Adlve Member of 9T. JOHN VIANNaY CHUllCH .. 1-lllOlld ll.lltola just -Into modem apart· • th.ey should permit landlords • ..._ 1111 menta ex-houles, complct~ with have done their part to tol\;e W P MEALEY-Ge. eraJ Co tracto -y -: S:IO a.m. ec..t_, llatunlo.yo Sunclay Sdlool 9:30 ~ Dl. electric refri&erators, table top )o ..... ~ dur\ns'_ the • 0 D D r front Monlina ~ ~ 10:'5. ranges, etc .• ete, which rent fOI' to lna"11•1 their renta. &INiy l_:..,~:1•:•:.= Jlle;;•~DOm~ISD .., Newpo.rt lllN. crusader ~ 6:00 P. m. such modest sums u $35.00 per be better to ha'fe po rent '-====:•:""='::;,.~~=w=========c=o=SIT:A:::•:ll:=ll=A= ~8 ~.~~ :..vi~ at month. often on a year·rolllld ""511. 1ro1 thu tbe pr-I aet-lq> _ oo.ao>IA DJ!L lllAK 7:30~·----But when I go forth In '"'arch ol of and unequal lt!ntal -· COMXUNITY o '°""' such paradiae, I' find two )'OU -ol alli' ol ti- 00.N'OUOATIONAL CBUIWB ~ ewninc prayer iettlce room shacks with no convenlences hOUle9 at low ftri.tala that Pen')' FHclerlck Schrocll, Mlnlater at 7:30 oclook. and with an OPA celling rental of al....,. '-rlna about too till Heliotrope Avemie an outrageous Sll().00 a week or , please tell them about me! Corona del Mar CHURCH OF CHRllT thereabouto. In meanu-. I'm living but l ·PIDBIOIAN9 ·8\JllGllOlfll, D.O. SUnday, October 13, l!Ml! Cl>urdt and Walnut -At present I am living In a fakly 't afford It. , l;-----------,lr--===-====:.:= 7:IO to l :IO p.m.. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 9:30a.b. O.un:bachOol. L. Du .... Conly, Mln11tar. nl -.. for which I poy onlv Pat Sharpe Bookkeeping Dr w TM A middle-aged widow recently aniwd In California from 11:00 a.m. M~ ~p. Ser-Servtcea: Bw.day, JO a. m .• Blblo h,.'i'; of my weekly wage. This (Mrs.) Elinor Sharpe 8 • • • • OODey theeasl She had sold her heme and was carrying all of her ;!Yh~Ot~"'Belng ~ Stwly; U a."'-Momma wor8blp. leaveo me with almoot enough to !105 E. Central Ave., Balbot. erVICe ~ lllMl !lm&- A voidable Tragedies money-several thousands ol dollar&-ln her purse. While buy groceries for myaelf and three ff CO~ ~=fN ·ting In a train terminal she fell ""........ When she awoke F1RaT CHURCH OF cHRoaT, AJISl:MN.IU or OOD dauchten. Such luxuries .. jry t 0 That Pole! .--O.tnl what . . ~t' SCIENTleT Beary_. !~s.-le.. hwdon cle~ or I.hoe rep&1rin& or a 111 M*&s A.-, ... ,,. M ..._ .......,.~ ..._ M er money was gooe. Lido Theater, Central A.,...ue Amer1cu. -..·• Ball, 1.Stlt. movie are beyond tn)' reach. Work· To Editor, News·Times: A man with $1600 in his wallet was held up and robbed -Via Lido ucl C..lnl Ave. ing four .hours a day for th• land· enty..,ight of the leading pub-lr-----------~1 PBnlCIANsas~n on the street. He had intended to use the money to "pey A hnu>clt of Tbe --auueb, S\Dlda,y IChool, lO a.m. lord and four hours a day for my-lie utilities in Southern eaurorni• --lll>NS. M.D Momin& service, 11 a.m. self la no fun! Yet I mucJ1 prefer I· 8 • W BY T II: The nm Ourcb of Cbl18t. lci· -r-en1n ~••_.,_ ar now on record through their DfeO .. iru cmnRJLTAft A. V. Andrews, M. D. some bills.'' The $2000 life savings of an elderly man were lost to him when he was attacked by hoodlums. who snatched it from his pock el . Incidents like these are a common part of the news of the day. One cannot help feeling sorry for such unfortunate vlc- tinu:. but at the same time one wonders why they carry large sums of money with them. The woman mentioned could have stepped Into a bank be- fore leaving on her journey and bought a cashier's check which would have completely protected her from loss. The man who was robbed of the $1600 could have saved himself a lot of trouble.-.and money-if he had made a practice of pay· Ing his bills by check. And the life savings of the third indi- vidual would still be safe if he had placed his cash in U . S. Savings bonds or a bank savings aCCOllllt. In spite of the fact that the average man and woman of today thinks no more· of dealing with a bank than of trading at the corner grocery store, there apparently are still some persons who are timid about doing business with banks. Why, we don't know, but we do know there would be many fewer tragic financial losses if the timid ones would be less brave about carrying their live savings with them. Oil in Your Daily living Most of us think or oil in coonectlon with its most direct use-such as gasoline and lubricants for the family car. But. as an entertaining little article in a house organ points out. petroleum products enter into our living picture on prsc- tically an hour-by-hour basis. When the housewife awakens she turns on a furnace, which may burn oU or gas. She applies C0&11Jetics which have an oil base. She squee'ZA!S or slices breakfast oranges coated with wax from petroleum., and eggs which have been treated with a..§Pecial oil to prevent evaporation and spoilage. 7 She W,llllh~ the dishes with a soap that may contain pe- troleum cqemicals. She removes spots from the children's clothes wliri an oil-based cleaner, and wraps their lunches in wax paper. Our homemaker then gives the floors the once-over with wax made from a petroleum solvent, and rubs up the furni. ture with a polish that has an oil base. She liquidates mar- auding flies with spray containing oil derivatives. She does her shopping in a gasoline-burning, oil-lubricated car which rides on synthetic rubber tires largely made from petroleum chemicals. And she probably rides over streets surfaced "'ith petroleum asphal,t. Finally, she may buy mineral oil. hair tonic, soothing ointments and kindred commodities made from petroleum. This list could be extended almost endlessly. The contri-. bution of the oil industry to the ordinary, daily living of the 140,000,000 American people is far beyond the general under- standing. And it Is constantly increasing. Don't Let Them Down Since the end of the war some of the boys in the armed focces report that the general public is not so ready and will- ing tQ give them a lift when they're hitchhiking as it was when the fighting was going oo. Apparently the public has "reconverted". The boys however, still desetve a lift instead of a "let down''. The same idea applies to housing for servicemen stationed out here, and for returning veterans. They and their families need a llfi They need decent living quarters. Many of them have come to the conclusion that there's no such thing. The public is again being ·reminded that its cooperation Is __ .. _. la n--"'•••·b-T 30 .1:.o• I' evanc~uc ae:rvtoe at my ~nt quarters to t he hovel! ....... ~ ~ ------,.. --Jo t Pole Committee a:; definitely ••~ W u.. Utdted e..... n... Sunday Scbool at 9 :SO L m. Bun· :Mldp.m._._ --""-1 have teen at the same price. And op to the practice of .iorne .,. Dll'-1• -• '° •• t ...._ lD -w~ mc:1 vi.I,%', Thursday at obviously we must live some place. .., 1 •U. wttJa ..._ tu ........ day Se"lee at 11 L m. Wedne.day 7.30 p.m. c didates for public office placing .a.t18ITll • a1w1m · Bucking the housing shot• .. -ls TMffmonl•I MeeUn1 at U o'clodl .._... th lr campaign placards on poles. llOOllL&&WIMO _..._ Re&dfna Room located at 111 nothinc new to me. 1 have •pent uch placard! are a hazartl to -... ....._ .. ...._ ..... ._ Palm itreet.. Balboa. ia l>pen dally COSTA MESA COMMUNITY houn, daya, weeks, trying to ftnd th safety of the linemen \\'ho '----"'-'="....;.-....:.••..:...:..:1'.;;.1:..11;,_ _ _.! PIUlllCIAN -ll'DllOlll>N w Ooeat ~---Conaa del Mar fnlm 1 p..m. to 5 p.m. except Sun-"'·rt CHURCH a place ti live. Idrhave be~n forced climb the poles. Nails and other dayl and holidays nationally ~ ._ B. John10n, Mlnlater to board my chil en out, not t>e-.. rntlterials covered by the placards, r----A&CllftWCT-------~ r------------ ltrY'ed. 124 ~-IOth at. Ph. 247S--R cause of their need.in?. suC'h care ~ the nails or staplC'S used tn The public la cordially lnvltad to Olurcb ocbool, 9:4l! a. m. but because they had to have a t erung placards to the pole" Armand Monaco lolm IL 0. Ohmig. M. D. attmtt the churcb eervtr-._. 1.1911 Momin& Worab.lp, 11 o'clock. root over their heada. I have ad· ha e been a direct cause of SC'rious ABClllTECT Plq411• ..., ama I& the IU&dlnl Room. Youth ,...,..pa, HIP l<'tiool, In· vertised at various times, even a 'dents to these workmen. SIA W. Bay A-D-"--2 • 4 7 • 8 :30 termedl&te, Adult, l :IO p. m.. News--Times, but have never re-ese placards likc"Aise create .. ~ DIYUU9 and by appointment ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH Eftnln6 ~ T:a& o'rk>ck. ceivedareply. unsightly condition along the t'1!1~.!:'A.._ Beacon 50'1S Kk1-weell: fellow9b..lp and prayer, Maybe I am just unlucky. But s ts and highways. ue Eaat lltli &tree& 519 West Central, Balboa (Ebelt Clubhou•) Wedneeday, T:SO p. m. alter four years I should think my uch posting is a misdemeanor Lm A..aplel NOt•• zd3r l&OI Oaeta llw. Olllfonda 11 L m .• Prayer and Sermon. luck would change! Last night I un er state laws and local ordin-'-------------l .._ __________ _J Rev. Atdy1 T. Dean, Vtoar 8:30 L m., Holy Comm.unkm. 9:f.5 a.m., Sunday Scbool. 11 :00 a.. m., M ornlng Praya and Sermon. (Ftnt Sund&Y1: Holy OommunlOll.) BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 211 Agate Avenue Rev. H~rry W. Wh~e. Al90Clltt Palltor Cburcb School, 9 :SO L oi. MornJ.na Worahip, 11 a. m. Christian Sc· e nce Tf'xt 'Doctrine of Atonemeut' Tbll Tene from ll Corinthians will be the Golden T ert or the Sun· dar Lesson-Semon on "Ooc;tr1ne ot Atonement .. In all branche1 of The Mother Church. T he First Churcb of Ch rist. Sclentl1t, In Boston : "All tblng1 are of God, who bath recon· clled ua to hlml!elf by Jesus Christ. and bath given to ua the mlnlallT of reconclltatlon ... Jt 11 recorded In J ohn'• Gospel FIRST METHODIST CHURCH that Jeau. said, "Father .... glorl· G. Edwin Oaher, Paator fy thy Son, that thy Son a.lso may Euclld at 8tanford, Gardin Gf'OV&. glorlty thee: ... I have flntabed the 9:SO a.m. Cburcb ec.bool tor all work whlcb thou gaveat me to do. ..,._ ••• 1 h&Ye manifested thy name 11:00 a.m. Momtnc Wonhip: unto the men whtcb thou ga.veat me Keuage: "We Thank Tb.ee... o ut ot the "orld: ... l pray not for ll 'OO a. N tor all hll the world, but for them which thou · m. unery c • hut gt.-eo me; for the1 are thine. dreo durm.1 •rvioe. ... Neither pray I for tbese alone, 6:00 p.m. liletbodl.t Youth Fel· but tor them also which 1ball t>. lowllblp. Youn&' Adult P"ellmnbip. lle•e on me tbron1h their word: 7:00 p.m. Even1n1 Wbnh.Jp:-That tbe1 all m117 be one; ... that Mz11 ge: "Come Y• U•e." the world ma7 belle•• that thou bast sent me." "THE FBU:NDLY" CENTBAL BIBLE CHURCH of eo.ta Meu Rev. Dwlc'bt Kinman, putor Meeting temPorarlly in the Wo- men's Club house Sunday achool-9:45 a. m. Worship service--11 :00 a. m. Young people's sen.1_ce -6:30 p. m. Evening evangelistic service-- 1:30 p. m. Prayer meetlng-7:45 p. m. Fri· day. home of Mrs. Hume. A cordial welcome to all. 8J!VEN'l'R DAY ADVENTISTS Corner Bolaa and Old Countcy Rd., C.oeta Mesa Sabbath school, Saturday mom- in&. 9:30 o'clock. Preaching lel'Vice. 11 a.m. FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Und and Elden, Costa M"' SUDday ocbool, 9 :'6; lllOrlllnS wonb.Jp, 11; EvMgeli.tJc .enlce., Macy Baker Eddy writes In .. Sci· ence &nd Health wttb Ke7 to the Scriptures:·• "The Science JeeUI tAught and lived mus t trlumpb o•er all m&tertat beliefs about Ute. 1ub- 1tance, and lotelllgence. and the multltudlnoua erron 1TOtrlng from 1ucb beller11." .. He overcame the world. the n esb, and all error. tbUI 1>rovlng their nothlngneaa. Re wrought a full aalvaUon from 1ln, 1lclr.nea1, and death." TRI! NJ!WPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHUBCll (To be located on Cliff Drive, Newport Heights ) "A Otangeless Olrilt for a Oianatng World!" 9:30 a.m., church llCbool; 10:30 a.m., dlvlne wonhlp. -Servieft at Present- Grauel O.apel, 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa Rev. Herbert C. Roth, Pl'ltor, 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Phone Harbor 2185-.J. "Q)me Once-You'll Come Acain!" CE heard of a nice little apartment which rented for $40.00 a month. H. G. Biescar R. L. HOLFORD Laar,,.aee B. Dorcy, M. D . and had not even been vacatPd. Secretary, Joint Pole Cornrnit-An Immediate trip to caU on the • _ An Lan""'--"""'--r Physician &: Surgeon l ell rd uJ ed tee, -geles, ..,._,.., ~'f;~ than othe rles t in findlng out Oct. 14. 2668 NEWPORT BLVD. 3%1 lllarfn• A-at pace was already taken. .._, The people who seem to be find· Ooeta Meta Balboa lalaDCl ing such spots are those who could -;+;v;;e;;~;;;;;;;;;y;;-s;;;p;;are;;;;;";;Uf~-•;;·; Phone Saata ADa 161'5 n.o.e Barbor NII afford to pay the high rent of my 1 l'------------...!I L-----------...l house easier than l . All my friends 1. ClBIBOl'BAOTOBI have been asked to report any ILLEY r REFRIGERnnon I ..--------.1 CHRl&T CHURCH •Y THE SEA JERVICE comPnnv Wagner Drugi.-lmtAtute Community MethMllt Dr. Wllbar 0. w...- 1420 Waat Central Avenue -En~ --Oilroprsctic, Dietetics. Rev. I!. D. Goodall, Paotor Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Phyalo & Colonic Therapy Cburch School, 9:60 a.. m. 1-0 Morning Wonhlp, 11 L m. •-" Oou& Bhd.. 9outll Toutb FelloWllb.lp, 6 p. m. Lecana Beecli. PIMmre IOU No •evening wonhip during Sep- tember. IUd-week prayer -.rvloe. Wed- needay; cot"ered d.19h dln.Der, 9:11 p.m. DAY llCBOOL Mortimer School SM Coral eo.. Ict1an1 DAY SCHOOL OPENS oar 1 a.-, eolL r--. .&rmy Gordon M. Grundy, Ill. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hn.: 1().12 a.m.; ~ p.m. Phone Harbor 37 ff. R. Hall, M. D. ~-llaa·­Houn: 2-ll, loy Appointment Tolepbone --58U lSt Br 1 lw4 Ooata - NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHUllCH QniueA Ch.Apel, Coeta M-. Rav. Hetioort Roth. Paator 8erTtcell: SUnday, 10:30 a.m. G. A. Kerllmor, M. A.. Odoftl llr----------- P>ildpal ~ -Ill Does Your House Need Painting? * No walthic· .. Work d Immediately by highly skilled loarne,_., Pain ~£..the most mod· en equipment 111111 mat.. -ti~ For World War D Veteran will and palroDBge. Pho· HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Bean 24-Hour ·o Service D1CN'l'Ill'l'8 Dr. Obed Lucas 'DENTIST nn% W. Colitral. 11.orbor H80 NEWPORT BEACH DB. GORDON E. RAPP .DENTIST 1111Welt0-tnl --rUl-1 N-rt IN81JJIA.NCll: lJaeola Natloul Life ........... Oo. "n. lf-1eM ttt I .. at .. el .... DOK naNICl.A!I' ---· ...................... . OCCIDENTAL lB'l:•IN8tJBANOB 00. Ray Nielsfti __ _. .. '( ....... j ---.. ......... ..... llllton M. Muw..U, II. D. 1101 o..at m.., 0o ...... del - Office Houn: 10-12; 2-5 ~-··- ·Gerald Ra11.8a, M. D.• 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH ~.--..1ou Wo ........ : c.D -..0.. ~• X=Ray s..w. T. P. Reeder, M. D. ..W.O.tnl Tele~ ...,_. - G. N. PEASE, M. D. Oor1al....._ -Dhp • essential if these people are to be properly hOU!led. An extra l.---------------------.1 room not in use would be a welcome haven for a single peISOD KOB'l'ICIANB IC&f&IG&B ONCE A A1N SAM'S SEA OOD SPA Harold K. Grauel Raub & Benn_.. ~r a couple. ·Of course. apartments, flats, and houses are also in great demand. Any living space now standing idle should be made avail- able. If it requires fixing up to make it livable, and you haven't the ready cash to pay for it see your local banker. 'There isn't any place in the countcy where you can borrow more easily or on better temlS than In California, and banlrers are particularly anxious to help out with the housing prob. lems. The rent you receive will pey off the loan and provide •Ell MllllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND an Income besides. · Helping to house the semcemen and veterans may not be --------------------.: classed as a patriotic duty now that the shooting has stopped but It's still the fair and decent thing to do. They still de- serve our help. Let us see that they get it. Mother; "l hope your roommate at the training school Is a nice boy, Robert." Robert: "Judge for yourself, Mom. 1be other night be barked his shins on a chair In the dark. and I beard him llllY. 'Oh, the pen't!t'Sity d. Inanimate objects!' .. • Oii .. Y• .. ftaoat ftlee • .. fkswp °"' •&7: .New··· Chapel CH -We Omwelves tM Better...... I N$WU _. 'i; TU .. Servtna: Othen a.t-.................. em.-- ........... _ T's?11811J lllW llltW.Oat&a? "•--"' ... -·-.di,, .= ,, .. -lllL~0~1~•~11~s~s1~--~""~nr~1~-~··'.J l l --·- the Location oftoKBftlftll . Halt llDe !lMt at Old llr--------- on Ooest ~-II:. T. Bslluw ... 111, o. D. 1 lr-;PIAN:;;;;7,:;0:-;;T:;;E;A;-;,.;;H::::E=-K New -ojil .. .,. , v __ _ nm a•""'m c. v. LINSDfBARD Bar .._.. umuc&n:u Gndllate • 1 ... ---9 a, ...... 1 « ..,...01&&1 •• "''' •'1 a w ........ aw. .._ ....., _. Pit. JlartJor' J.ZD..W --·-·...... ·-"---·W. ~ l'raGC' Rollei1 A. Crawford ...... mt\--4 I ~ ..... '; 1-= ... ••s•& ••< Jal ,_ __ ..-a-n m1 •• 1• 11111 ' • • • -at. the llarlnen" White's Dalbo& Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAS "s°II ...... 11 .. IJIB()IJ 1 ... ~UTMIENT c(). ~lfALT()IJS t t t • 'Guard Your Mrs. 1J1Han Deal Sumunbs at 58 Fu~on Jaysee· ps Vet WaterRights' ~:?~~ss:E~ To Get Educaff n-Housing Atk• Santa Ana by Mn. GertruoSe L. -1nson Wbllmcft with lnt..,._l after-With veterans and their fun!llos _...,, -wteralll' .tvlom; ward In w .. -... Memorial c:a.tltutlnc about -.h.if of the Harry . W\neroth, high school pariL . nalion'a populatlm and with the qricultWe; Robert G. Stranp • . Mn. DHJ died Saturday. Slie Veterans' Administration having high IOdal. IJCienca Orans• county may i-part wu a native of Kamat, bad 11\oed about.14.000,000 ·potential cuatom-A1oo Yin& In the honslnc pro. of Ila blrthricht-wat......-a In Newport Beach llw ~ Slie ers. Fllllertcn Junior co1lep la do-ject are our momben at. lhe foot- carelUI leslalatlve eye ii kept on Is """"'" by lhrft --. Fornot Inc Ila lhatt to help aolve lhe ball 9Q Including lhe team'• olh<r atalel which _.id c11-1 R. Deal at. Newport Beech, FnO-problems of oducatloo and ""'•inc "''"'-....,....,... Onldt e.u, !rem tbla ""'" unmemely valUable eridc R. l)eal of C.O.ta W-. and for veterans. mmnt pres;dent and a mom- volumeo of -ier. Ray Ac!!dnson, Cllarln J . DHI at. Ida., La. "Ibe houslnc --for ber of football team, U.. In candidate for OOICI-fmn the ""terano at F . J . C. are beinc eK· one of unlta. 22nd cllotrict. wal'Md today. "Bewol'e of 'nlooe Nine Marital ponded. '!'her.. are now :o!5 com-School spirit In lhe project la .._ ,-la at. this dla-Riaka." A mart1ap counae11ng pleted unlta, .. ch houoln& one hlcfL ii active -' of trict -any other -... Ibey aervlce tella you bow to aV<Jid Ibo funily. Twooncy-«x additional unlla junior es• actlviliea. lndudlnc CHRISTIAN'S HUT should ~ -·~ ..... ; __ at. matt mmmon of lhe matrimmlal will be ltnlahed durlnc Novenber. enth lntereat In athletlcl. • _ nl ~ ~- -•-~" L---~~~~~~ ... -pltfalla. RHd lhe n..,. In The Arnone the wtenna' fllll1illea Ccnslatb, t with Ibo 1tudloua na-A444• Ma-. • -----W&U UIC u-...&WUlK'U -bowed in •• I.. ~ I laraed. • Adltlmon uld In lelllnc American Weeldy. lhe mapzlne ."°"' lhe collece project lure of fbe project's populatloo. of threatened dlvenlon of Colo-distributed with next Sunday's Loo thett are 1~ bablea undtt lour llfe In tlje Wlila durlnc the eve-DELICIOUS FOOD. ••• COCKTAll.. ~ OCUN VIEW Jl()llg-UmJsuaJ 2-bedroom floor plan. A~ fireplacl!. Interest- ing yard contour. Splendid value at only $10,600. rado r!Vtt water to Arizona. Angelea Examlner.-Adv. yean of -· The lint baby to nlnp Is ~UleL Olten two wlVft DINNDtS ••• BANOUETS ''l look upon an new nam bt born to any family l.lvift& ln the will cet tpgether to visit and chat r-----------------------deslgned to divert ri_ .::::.. to hardship on countleas veteraoa, project 11 Denn1a MeF:>rland. who In one ljoUse, alter they've put LIDO NORD BAYPBONT -Cbarmlng patio with outdoor fireplace. Massive llv- ingroom overlooking bay. Three bed- rooms. Complete furnishings Include skiffs, flattie, paddleboards and bikes. Forty•foot lot. AD for SSS,000. NEWPORT HEIGB'l'S -Brand new 3-bed- i;oom home on 50-foot lot. Patio and bar- becue. Better than usual construction. F1oodlights and landscaped $16,500 with tentlS if desired. FRONTING ON CANAL-Sturdy 3-room home. Completely furnished. Mooring fa- cilities. $1500 with immediate possession. 13UJl~~JJ~J FOOD LOCKER PLANT -Good money- maker, offers 605 locker units. Complete cutting and hanging facilities. Well estab- lished. Books open. Sensibly priced for cash or tentlS. FOODS AND MALTS-Heavy profit-mak- ers. Complete equipment of latest type. Established patronage. For sale outright or can be leased by competent buyer. FROZEN FOOD MARKET -Remarkable earning record. Excellent lease. Living quarters or room to expand. High grade equipment almost new. Opening for health food stock with this moneymaker. other areas aa an lnfringe t must be C'OrTeCted in the fint days arrived Tueeday, Oct. 8. at 2 a.m. their ~ into the other u . h men of tM next con.,...._ In he Fullerton General hospital, house to rtudy. u= = l~~H~~~ .. •A liability ''M3I'ketJ for our farm ~ He wei$hed 6 pounds, 13 ounces, 1'be f~t IOCia.I "get-together" said adding that 8 hard fl ~ ucts," he added, ><must be pro-and he broucbt the pcpulation of of"'the ~tjerana' community will be be begun lmmediatel to ~ee m';' t~ted at home and evpanded the project to 68 men, WO'Tlen and the H~'en party to be pven this rapidly-growin: area Pi: abroard. Water and oher farm chil~. on Oct 26. The purpose of the water to which it is entitled problems can be solved only by An tncreue in the population of party · be to get evenrone In . · zealous, day-by-day representation the present colony ii being look-the P'O acquainted, in the . His pro~al to fight for thil for this district in Washington," ed forward to. Four more babies spirit of one, bi& happy family." di.strict s rights wu only one of The widely-known public official are expected. within the next few It will a costume party, non- the stands taken by. the fonner also 5tressed that the government's months. school-a red. Orange county supenntendent of fisc1t.l policy must command public . Side~alk and street construction A gene fll atmosphere of friend- schools for t h4: good ?f the entire confidence. ''The budget must be ts nearmg completion. La.ndscap-ship and eighborliness already ex.- 22nd Congressional district. balanced and the public debt re-ing bids also have been award-ists in th project. but plans call "I believe in keeping faith with duccd," he said.. "Our tax struc-ed and work will begin as soon as for even closer knitting of com- our veterans," he said. ''The GI ture must be based on the premise contracts have been signed. munlty t;es among the veterans' Bill of rughts must become a re-that taxes cannot be collected Regular services such as milk families. J ~ Christmas party · will alit y. Injustices in the on-the-job without the realization of net and ice deliveries, cleaning serv-be a seco d social .. get-together .. training program, already working profit." ices. and other accommodations t o and ther will be a communily TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' Have Now Become a Begula.r Part of Oar Menn -Every Monday Night- A "SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER FEAST'' -Tuesday- the families have been instituted. Chriltm Nearly all of the homes are n(Jw ---+-------- complete• v.1th respect to curtains. r---+-------~ furniture and other hoU5ehold de- tails. Four high school and junior L'Ol- lege faculty members have taken up residence in the project. Three are veterans and one is a veteran student's mother -in-law. These are Mrs. Esther K. Shelton, cosme- tology; Dick Spaulding, former a thlelic instructor and Hornet line Mary Jane Wynn Dies; Was 60 Suffer? Baek~ Beed'ldMMI, Palna In Grotft ~ Lep-LoM of Vltal- 1-"~yo Tmd"-lllP and Low Bl Preuure -"SUP"" pin«" Growing Old befo"' your ~Anemia Sid.a and 1Udne7 ~ta rmpont qalek~ iJ' to o~Exdml.., Teclmlqao wt&bout Dftll'89 Pala, Sarpry or IDjec u. q.-.11at.1o ..... f'F App-el , n$ Mary Jane Wynn, 60 died Mon-DR. E. 1"· BP:tJ,. D.O... Pb..().. day at her home, 123 Flower street It"' !!Dd Street Co&ta Mesa. She had lived here Newport lleaeb, Callt. for two years and in California Phdoe Barbor llU for 20 years. *: Barbor 1191 She ~ survived by her husband. •-: •• • n--., •:M .. 8191 OM.. ...... ,.....,.....__ MARLIN ,SEASOI ASHAWAY-ZANE GREY 24 & 39 Thread LINEN LINE KERM RIMA Tycoon . Rods Zane Grey Teasers Swordfish Leaders Swordfish Harnesses MACKEREL EQUIPMENT Nets -Lights Scoops -Strikers Nepwort Tackle Store 105 llel'llddm Fta.... Tekplw"o Barbor 97 . . "IF WE HAVEN'T GOI' IT-WE'LL GET IT" WATERFRONT BOATYARD ON WGH- W A Y -Good lease includes store-si7.ed showroom and equipment; also marine rail- way. Sixty feet on water; 75 feet on high- way. Low rent offers fine opportunity for a worker. DEIJCIOUS cmCKEN & DUMPLINGS -Thursday- THE F1NEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked lo Perfection Carlyle, of the home address; by I her mothe r , Mrs. Margaret Cam-'---+-------.J •----------------------..: t1A.IJl3()1J 1 N~l:.ITMIEfllijT c(). i:21fALT()IJS -Friday- A DEEP SEA FISH FRY These specialties are offered in conjunction with out varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. FROG LEGS, etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls ot I.Sr sorted Relishes and Salads will enhance your every meal Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer • We Cannot Serve All the Food on the Coe.st. So We Serve Only -the Finest - PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS TELEPHONE 9'58 Hours: 5 p.m. -10. Sundays, 4 p.m. -10. Cooed Wedneadays THE 8TANTON8, DOV AND JO Formerly of the Coast Inn The Bayside Plating Co. c.c. "Chuck" Wirth OFFERS YOU A DISCOUNT If You Bring Tllis Ad to Us Within 30 Days We Claim to Have All the Silver in C8lifornia Expert Silversmiths All Work Gaaruat-1 Estimates on Wholesale Lots of Cieramics SILVER AND GOLD •Tea • Reflectors Services • Bathroom • Anti~e Fixtures Finis ing • Baby Shoes • Trophies • jewelry • Marine Plating • Candela-. bras PLATING •Badges and • Ceramics Souvenir& , C.R. "Bob" Ji and BAYSIDE PLATING CO, Phone: Beacon 5113, l>Qa; Beacon 5358-R, Nishta 191.( Barbar BmL , COSTA MEA eron, Takilma. Ore.; two brothers, Seymour Young, Kllmore, Ore. and Jerry E. Young of Ventura. Funera1 services will be held · at 2 p, m. Wednesday in Ventura with. interment in Ivy Lawn ceme- tery, Harold K. Grauel in charge. Dwy:ier Rites Set For 2 p.m. Friday Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa, for Frederick C. Dwyier, 88, who died Tuesday at his home, 202 Sixteenth_ Place, Costa Mesa. He had been a resi- dent of Co.ta Mesa for three and a half years and of CalifornJa for 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Nancy, of Costa Mesa; three daughters, Mn. Jessie Cole of Costa Mesa, Mrs. Malinda Jonet of Compton and Mrs. Lydia Mauer- man of North Lona Beach; five grandc:h.ildren and two great- grandchlldrm. The Rev. J . P . McGraw of the C.O.ta Meaa O\urch of Gj>d will offidate and interment will 1>e in Westmimter Memorial Puk.. u 'Diii ...,, 1• to y.,.. Phone Bea. 5131-J BODY WORKS .... P~G 1 ................... .. .,. 7 ti a w1«ll ..... r:•--•£1• at: •J tit'rl •. ~ __,,, .. _ ~ ........ I ~. ............ CAu. ••oow 1111 ... - Central Gar&1e and-Comlioa SJaop PaylRalo....Q. B. fm I -..... , .... OCJ81A "Wt RED APPLES , ............ ,,... ... ............... ..., Till. hU u--~~z•c:f tit. .... tlf•I ............. lt.til~ -::::-.... --......,.. ...... t ... .... .....,. .......... ,,... ......... .. --.. ..... ..,. ...... ,.,.h 9'iait 9,. '-'"'"· TM,•'• M aeclrll .....,. ,.. ce9 ........ tti ... ,.,.,.. .......... et...,,...i.AMJM Clm -~ .... ...,, ............ . ... ,_ .... ,... h ...... •t tti. w...,. .... ,... ...... Juicy, pxl-eeti .. Nord.em J•edw• nriety. .. 12%~. RED GRAPES 15° Red Emperor Yariety. £..rp. m.p_. ..._ .. CARROTS 5c r...i.1, polled. --11...i.. T.,...,;.a. .. PaSIAI MB.OIS 5~ Ripe,,..liow--ee18', ......... Try.w.....,. .. FRESH 11115. !0::35c Now""l'f_,.h,.i......i_n.p.-._ IBL PEPP•S ac w.n . ......i,m.i.•.n.,..-.. ...._ .. IAIAll SQUISH 30 (iilicf· · s-w-L .. .. 4c Solid ...... _ ..... _ ..... _ ...... .. A .. II priw 'J ... # 5 ..... W -I . ., ., .......... •n111 c 1112 <> etWIDe --.. . -.. ,..... .... ....._.~- • 1 •Wine--,.. ................ -4 ...... _____ __ a· zwm.I .. .... ==.-:e: ....... - .,.. wLrpt)i NI.II ..... ...... .., .............. n al• _ .. ................ -.....-. .... 2 •• ~ •---~ IS.,._ - .. • • I ·~ • I SUIT4BLE fDr --.. and country clan 11 UUa trim tnaPW·weathu IUit. ~ootabla and atrllllh unckr a coaL SPECIAL THOUGHT AND CONSIDERATION FOR THOSE WEARING SIZES 161/2 to 241/2 _ Don't Forget MEADOWBROOK and CATALlNA HATS (WI!! have the love}J' ostrich feather models) GLEE GRAY GU \\ ,'i :i AND SPORTSWEAR 1·1.1.t 0 SVU J ,\ Cl>t.ST BLVD .. IN TH!: ART CENTER LAGUNA BEACH . ACROSS FROM COAST INN ...... . ~= =-8:':: ... ~ (Cont. From Page 1) (Qmttn11ed from Pac• 1 1 story -llJJlg at 415 M.arlgold •'-Enln'prioe. dn:ulatlon 6,390; Hun- nuo, Corona del Mar, $8000. Ungton Park Bulletin. circulation 0 . Z. ROOeruon of 439 HelJc>. 25,000; 0..ange Dally News, dr<:u· trope av~ue. Corona del Mar. lation 3,345; Venice Vanguard; La· plans to add a bedroom ond bath Verne Leader, circulation 763; CW· apartment to his garage, a second ver Oty Star News, clrculatlon floor affect to cost $5000. 1,496: Culver Oty Otlzen, circula.· Fred C. Welkin of the Seashore tion 2,962; Oceanside Blade Tri· colony, Newport Beach, plans to bune. circulation 2.015; Newport add a porch to his present home, Balboa Press; Santa Ana Register. $250. drculation 20,195; Anaheim Bui· Robert V. Brose of 1307 Court letin; Huntington Beach Ne-A'S; boulevard, Corona de1 Mar, re--Placentia Courier; Costa Meaa ceived a permit to build a one Globe; Long Beach Press Te.le-- story store building oo Court bou-gram. levard to cost $950. A few weeks ago, the Associa· J. E. Ragsdale of Glendale plans tJon sent out a picture of a boy to build a SlSOO foundation at 917 with a tuna to 100 newspapers E. Ct"ntral avenue, BaJboa. over Southern California. It ap.- Lewis Stein plans the erection peared. in such papen as the f>1> of a garage at 122 Top,u avenue, mona Progress Bulletin, cirrula· Balboa Island and Albert R. Mar· lion 9,890; Venice Vanguard; Ar· sac plaps one at 700 Carnation ave-. cadia Tribune; Santa Monica, ci.r· nue, Corona del Mar. Each will culation 8,381; Alhambra Post Ad-- cost $600. vocate. circulation 8.381 : San Ga~ Daniel McCarthy of 29 Beacon riel Valley Independent. circulation Bay and W. J . R. Simi ot One SOO; plus the other local papers. Bay. lsla.nJ, plan alterations and The Association has just releas· repeurs to their properties at costs ed another picture to 100 news· ot $400 each. papers of a cute little girl holding Millard F~ter plans to chan~e an albacore. Watch for it to bring a bedroom into a kitchen for his the message of N~n H bo house al 306 South Bay Front, . -··.,... ar r the t ~.,~ d H 0 Coddin fishing to thousands of readers. ~ .....,.....,, an · · &· They'll be remembering Newport tOn will place a new shingle roof Harbor as the place to com fl h- on his property at 108--llth street ing e s Newport Beach, the same to cost · $100. Regularly, right along, week after· week. Sportfishlng A.ssocia- All kinds typewriter ribbona: m tion of Newport Harbor fishing stock at the News-nmes. news is appearing in such fishing news columns aJ The Spinner. Her· aid Express, circulation 353.621; Ezpert Radio Service Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIC IN8 Newport 81..S. OOSTA ID:8A Ike Walton Jr., Daily News. circu· lation. 262.207; Bob Hoenig, Holly- wocKi Citizen News. circulation 30.000: Bill Froelich, Los Angeles Examiner , circulation 748.964 : Jim March, L. A. Times. If you want to see how much. just trot down to the Newport H arbor Chamber of Commerce office in Balboa and ask them to sho'v you the clippings from Allen's Press Clipping ser.ice. -• • • ELLIS. BROS • NURSERY W i 11 Be 0 p e 11 N-o v. 1 ·s • Landscaping • • • Flowers and Shrubs uq&.Doll OQ68T mGBWAY -vd.oIU Im. •AR I a.,. "'h ~ a-t. 11-.c1t. ""-,,.. r& ft.. .,,.._ ™ LAUNDRY ONE WEEK SERVICE Broadway Cleaners 1%1 Broadway Costa..... Pb. ._. lm3 BEfi'ER QUALITY -OF DBY CLEANING DONALD C. BRENT, 15. ot Balboa, Is llntald--·-· .......... hul--ne to take Mm to • lloepltal f .. ..., .... iNJCleivla.r tlile arrhal Of U1. U. .. acclcle•t Sat:a.rday. Into &be peth of -oa- 5 DAY SERVICE-FREE DELIVEBY 'n.e lad wu lllr'O,... from a motoJ' ..,.. oomlq car Dear tM Ard!IM. WSCS Enjoys Varied Program Newport Beach WSCS met at Oirist Olurch By the Sea with 26 present in the morning for the study doss led by Mrs. J . H. Red· stone. The discussion was con- tinued on the book "India at the Threshold'' and was supplemented py readings from the diary kept by hlrs. J . K Elliott during the time she travelled in India. A round table discussion followed, and it proved a most interesting session. At noon a 25-cent luncheon was served by the Balboa Island circle with 1.1.rs. Leonard Hargraves, Mrs. A. J. Rutter and Mrs. Jean Rica.rd in charge. Mrs. D. W. Holtby presi ded at the afternoon session at which preliminary plans were made for the $5 banquet and for the Thank Offering, dates of which are to be announced later. o by Kent Hitd1cock. ne Teller for . Bazaar to attractions offered at bazaar or Capilla Circle ot Coron del Mar Community church The ''Centraliner'' A Ne..y Steel Cruiser by Central Boat Works Harbor 1580 11 be held at the social hall ;t. 25, is a fortune teller who l reveal your deepest sec- rets . have answers for your un- spoke)\\'ishes. I '-------------------------'C-_! Besi es the various booths de-i=======================~ voted o many kinds or articles ~g~• aa"1c:.,;~..;~e .~~~.':i ':t"': • Before You Build or Remodel very asonable price and cooked foods tp be taken home. Remember Vlllt Our Interesting Semple aad Dlaplay Rocmw the daJe, Friday, Oct. 25. i Color gWdes, plan- Mr. 1and Mrs. N . M. Crawley, nlng aids com......J.._...._ 178 F10wer street, Costa Mesa, are ' ""=~ receivtP.g congra tulations on the ive stock of carpets birth of a daughter. born Oct. 15 and linoleum. in St. ~oseph hospital. She tipped the scales at seven pounds even . Rugs& C&rpeta Cleaned, ~··AUSTIN STUDIOS·.~ . . $1000°0 in PRIZES * : Other papers that are printing Association fi~hing ne'-'"S are Car- pinteria Herald, Cypress Enter· prise, ci rcuJation 230; El Monte Herald : High1and Park N ev."S-Her- ald. circulation 17.500; An gelus Mesa News. circulation 18.500: Colton Courier, circuJation 1,620. Mrs. John Pfischner led in de- votions, her subject being "Effec- tive Pr&)·er''. Mrs. Edward Burns gave a n interesting account of a recent visit to the David and Mar- garet home for children, at La Verne. lt1rs. Fred Woodworth read, and The Sportfishing' Association's led in discussion on an article. Secretary • photographer snapped "Can the Schools Bring Democ· a picture of Lord a nd Lady Sta· racy to Japan··. Mrs. Fred Geld- bolgi stepping from the Chinook ers read two letters which she had transl~ted from the Holland ~lan­ guage, \which had been writte by her b ther in that COWttry to rl'lem ~ of the Newport Circle thanki g them for clothing and food nt. He t old of conditions in th country and there were also ct ures of his r amily en- \ Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works 11%2 South Main St. Pbolltl l!allta Ana ZllOI SANTA ANA closed. ~~~~~~~~~~"""'.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " .-c, • I •• AND A CHANCE FOR FAME 11S A S~EEN GUILD CHILD GIVEN AWAY TO tll/1011111'1 'ElllJllll/TY tN/lllEll/ MST PlltD •••••• ...,... ................ 1nhfpa. .... a-Cl9UllllN'S GU1U11 S1CONO l'tiD ••• $100.00 - THllD PllZI ..... $SO 00 - ,.....,,. .... , .. H1•1 ••It M1 ..... Awanft; n. c.'CllWll. wry ~·:II..,. ... ,_. dMld ...... ...,. RD. .... ,..~- to-' owa dtioim-&am pt006 at dw 5mdio.. Mll+ies • buy ••• oo 1MrJ '-••• at.ol1111tly aochiag ., do f:sttp( bri8c JIOU' dw.l io .... &er portn.it -... Ymr~ld'1 eocryial:ht«mesisa.ap&em w'-llttiaa d ..-. • h, .,.·,.OOl~btk-w bre 'flildaiW-... wu.10ioddw~ 1Ud cl c.aliklmia! YOll'W DOl:hiJll IO km-~ co p.ia.. U pcmr licde dar~ bu penoaalitJ Mor.-_,. ..ar. t:M widt .-,._ pn.G. • IXIO.GD bood, • Sa-era Oildtta"s GWW a 0 •1 -• OfPOtNnity D c.-., IHI,,,_.,_ ' • EftrJ'di.iid)mmlbsdwoq.hl yeanis~ • iw Hicry. plilblta.Uaa. n.r ;..s..· ........ will be Ual. la cw of tin d.plU. priw will be .wvded. . • Pboeognplu (f'R[[) ID!m bf' ...,.. bJ dw AUSTIN STIJDJOS. (No appolirm nn wa. ...,.., • AU ~npbt bttw the j:wupary ol tW AUSTIN STllDIOS.. 10 bt pd fix ~ « PHOTOSwiU .. jodpl..tYINNUS........, b,.: PHIWP McQ..A Y • Prw Sa-.n .Childreo'• Guild ; STD1JNG DAcY. s..' Pro4.mr, C.0. 1.-bia .....,. .... Ompe-,; 'ION K£WY. N•tiona.IJJ Kaowe ...... ..,. All Studios Open 9 a. m. to 8 p . m. Daily Sundays 12 to 6 p. m. 5081/z N. Main St. Pl!one 1463 SANTAANA N. T . 10-17-te • The ext meeting will be at the - chu on Nov. 13. after their swordfishing trip last -;;=;;:;============~;;:;=======;;,, week. The next day it came out r on the front page of the Santa Ana Register . Do you remember seeing it? "Let's Go Fishing" the headline said! That's quite a few dollars worth of publicity for ju.st the cost of the film. k j A letter wu received thll from the Southern California Edi- tor ot Pacific Motor Boat Maga- zine asking him to furnish marlin fishing data to the Club de Leones de Mazatlan. This was done. A letter from \Vestern Outdoor "A Place Wh<Te Fish rn Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SPERO ROWE, Manager-]OSEP 101' 21st Place 11'\E 0QU1ST, 0wnt1' Newport Beach Sports Guide. do"'" San Diego :~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;~~~;;;;;;~ way, says thanks for the news r e- leucs and photographs. and they plan to use several of theeei in forthcoming issues. ''They thank us. why, we thank them! We are only too Interested In seeing that their readers look at pictures or fish caught Jfrom off Newport Har· bor," says McMillan. Police Cite 10 Drivers on Highway101 T en motorists "'ho allegedly US<'d 101 highwa.y near lris ave· nue. Corona del Mar, as a speed· way over the week-end were hand· ed traffic citations by the New- port Beach police. \VING SANG BOAT & 811 Coast High 101 Phone Beaeoa 4 • Moorlngll and •pacJ> avallabk !or Boat& !or Sale • Paddle Boardo for t by the -k or mo th. • Hap y ••• as a lark because her clean sm~ appearance rates admiring glances. . .nu.~ DEX Cleaners I and Dyers Newpol't Blvd. a pa•••dee BoMI Ne · Door to Matu, Ud. l!allta .ha They "'ere accused of racing their motors more than 30 but less than 60 miles an hour in the 35 zone and were ordered to ap.- pear before Oty Judge Bob Gard-~~~~~~~====~~§§i§§§§§§§§~~I ner at tuture dates. Accused are, RQy Gaynor But· terfield, 17, of San Diego, and Roland Gale Medlcott, '¥1 of La- Jolla: Robert Dean Hand>,. 24, Richard William Hubner, 29, and Matt Sh<Olby, 30, all of Long Beach; Verne Paul Pennoyer, 24, of Los Angeles. and Frank: )oe Vernacf, 21. of North Hollywood; Jooeph N. Stanford, 33, ot Santa Monica: Howard Evan KlmbaD, 17, ol San Marino and Robert NeW14n F aJreo, 28, of Santa Ana. Costa Mesan Dies -Look for the Bro Metallizing-~~~rudders, deck .flt. Welding-- e 0 AL Art ),jects, <loon, signs, store front decontlons. e AU s in steeL cast Iron, um, braa, --ALL WOIUl GU 1'EWPOaT Bll!AOB - - WDIJam George Semrow, 66 Nineteenth and Manzanita s~ died this moming at his homo, Costa Mesa. He was a native of ~""""" and hod been • painting contractor In Santa Ana for many years. cominc to this locality a Y"I' and a bait ago. '--------------4---------!1 Be ls survived by,tm wife, Kate; two daughters, Mis. J-Winds ol Long Beach and Mn. UJlian Edman ot Coot.a Mesa and two grandchildren. Sel"Yict!s will be beld at the Grauel chapel but ar• rangm>ents are not ~ oampleted. Receiving all the •ttontlon ol the David Martins ol 324 Conl awnue, Balboa J.sl•nd, are tbelr tw1n c1aug11ten, .,.,,. m -old. 1be7' ~ born in Loi ADC '• DllflfERWARE BY VERNON •-<>-• MONTEREY EARLY CALIFORNIA BROWN-EYED SUSAN •-<>-• CALIFORNIA RUSTIC PATIO WARE / DEVILED EGG PLATES LA SOLANA POTTERY SHOP 954 South Coast Blvd . Laguna Beach . - • •. \ • ' • ..:::::=======~Gr-:;;.lffi::i'"fh~Cw~hec·www~k~·~~..,.. Float Plan NoTicE P~aL1c NOT1ca ' Blossom on Elliott . 'P.uau -~~-!-~~~~-~~ . Is Again Studied Yoo · Will Enjoy &ting at F Yul Pro Spurs Drive , En'::lv• pl~ for !:: ' Farm Radio Hour . ALICE GENTLE'S Tr 'es Ga i Cafe Where Real • Old Fashioned • Meals ••• Are Setved • Luncheon 12 . 2 :30 • Dinner 5 :30 • 8:30 M our space is limited for the winter months, we suggest our patrons make reservations for either 5:30, 6:30 or 7 :30. --PHONE 6321- 17 45 Coast Boulevard South LAGUNA BEACH -CLOSED WEDNESDAY- Ugbtlng, includlna a repeat of the (O-•_. -hp ll famous floating Christmas Tree, Rtta. 'The ~a captains. assisted are being studied by several Dis.- by a staff of workers -Aili canvass trict Committees in the Newport their rnpective areas. It ls ex-Harbor Atta. peded that thls mall and In-Called to outline a Qty-Wide t>Cf'IOnal contact drive w\Jl brine proeram a group met reoent.b' at ihe compalgn to a highly .. -. Balboa and agreed to Undertake s!ul conclusion. four weeks hence. a number of novel an4 attractive Rev. E. D. Goodell and Rev. features. ... Father 1bomas Noonan. who were Attending the le9Skm wett John both ....,..,r.ted at the meeting ..... Wallace, ttptesenting C. F . John· sured the Council ot the complete son President of the Balboa Im- support of Harbor Churcll Groups. pro~emcnt Association, L. H. Nor- The areas and their captains man, speaking tor the Corona del were lilted at the meeting and Mar area. 1'1rs. Stephen Weetherford, 322 some worken for the various db--H . J . Forsythe will head a group Alvarado street. Balboa., entered tricts were appointed. for Balboa Island, Herman Han-a hospital at Santa Ana Wednes- Tbe areas and their captains by, son will form a Committee to day for observation and a possible districu, are as follows: · work on features for the Newport operation. Balboa Peninsula to A street, area. Ne1son Stafford is to act tor 1------------- Sandy MacKay; Balboa. A str .. t the Miracle Mlle and Newport PUBLIC NOTICE to Alvarado street, H . F . Kenny; Heights sections. H. F. Kenny will East Newport. Alvarado street to ~present the N"''POf'l H arbor 15th street, Dr. Geo. Stricker; Chamber of Commerce, and Super- Newport Beach. 15th to 30th St. visor Irvin George Gonion will co- and Central to Ocean avenue, Ir-operate in planning Shrine fea- vin Geo Gordon; tures West Newport, 30th street to · Santa Ana River, Central to Coast • Several new memben were add- HighwaY. Rev. E . D. Goodell; ed to the Christmas Lighting Com- Schools and unlisted, Horace En-mittee and more wU1 be brought sign: Industrial Section and Uiiions in to hel~ in a compreh~ve including. ?ttirade Mile, Hubbard series of Christmas displays. These Howe; Newport Heights, The 0 new members are Mason Siler, Robi115: Lido Isle, Mrs. Edgar Hill; George W. Bassett, J. H. (Bert) Harbor Island, Mark Pierce; Bea-Mills of Newport Beach. Vin J or- con Bay and Bay Shores, Sue gen.sen, Dick Pleger and Louis Hitchman and Beth Emison; Baltz of Corona del l\.1ar. From Balboa Island, Collins Ave. "'est, Balboa Is1and, Tony fienhey and NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE UDder Section 3440 of the Ovit Code or the State of callfornia. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That DORCYnIY C. DILLON and A. A. TENNIS, Vendors, whose ad- dress is 3452 via Oporto, in the Oty of Newport Beach, County of Orange, State of CalifornJa, in- tend to sell to EMIL W. FOUST, Vendee. whose address is 1611 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. California. the following described personal property: Balboa Island, Collins ave. to ca-John C. Abell were added to the .--------------------------~! nal. Balboa I~land, Channel Island Committee. and Corona dcl Mar, H. J. For-The group. will meet again on The food and di-Ink business known as "Club Lido" located at 3452 Via Oporto. Newport Beach, California, including all equipment together with good- will. name "Oub Lido", and all other assets either physical or not, excepting the furnish- ings in the second floor dwel- fi ng apartment snd a H am- mond Electric Organ and Speaker, as well as a ny inven· tory of food or drink and a ny tax receipts or licenses used in connection with the busi- ness. Stewart -Warner sythe and Dr. G. N. P ease. Tuesday, October 22 to compare notes and make definite decisions • Panel nis Available Chrome Now • ID Flexible Shafts Epgine Drive Joints Jr. College Faculties Will Attend Meeting At L. A. on Saturday The fall meeting of all . junior college facult ies will be held a t Los Angeles aty college on Sat- urday, Oct . 19. Director J ohn H. McCoy announced at Santa Ana jaysee today. The Santa Ana Ju1lior college faculty will a ttend the meeting. -- Harry P . Jackson, Miss Dorothy Decker and Miss Ga ii Smith of the commercial instruction depart- ! ment at Santa Ana Junior college attended a meeting of the Orange ~---·---·~~-- For Honest, Efficient Progressive Government In Collfomla ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 ~ ~: 0 1000 s.-t Hlway Pbo11<> Beacon M-07 Aleo .la Su. F'rant'•-oo-Wtl.mJqtoo.-8tocktoa--8an Dlep--Oaklaad EI.ECTRICIANS FRED HOWSER C-Q.. Two Fire Equipment ""'FAOTOBY, PIANT, STORE, omCE, FARM, ROJO: ATTORNEY GENERAL • STEAKS Fully Aged -Juicy -Tender T-Bone -New York -Filet Mignon Top Sirloin and Deluxe Planked I PRITEY'S Balboa Inn Cafe DAN TOKIO'S Italian Kitchen Specialties OW$e-or --.! CMdlihlre • ....i -8ophll Loll8ter J!'ra DmJo • Sp.ghetU • ltawloll DellpUnJ, r.ty 8c>«!p9 wl Sehda · Fish and Sea Food Cocktails on the ft>atures to be carried out. Those present at the organization m{'('ting were John Wallace. L. H . Norman, H. J . Forsythe. Herma n Hanson. Jr., Ne lson Stafford and H .F . Kenny. County Commercial Teachers' as· sociation on October 15 a t the Anaheim Union High school. At the business meeting, Dr. \Villiam R. Blackler, assistant chief of the Bureau of Business Education of California, spoke on a udjo-visuaJ met.hods of business education. Films were sho\vn to illustrate the talk. The business meeting at 4 :30 and that a sale, t ra nsfer a nd as- signment of the same will be made and the consideration therefor paid at 10 :00 o'clock A. M. on the 30th day of October, 1946, at the offices of the Newport-Balboa Escrow Company, at 2611 West Central Avenue, in the City of was followed by a dinner and dis-.------------~I cussion at 6:30. • A meeting will be held o n the Santa Ana Junior college campus on October 17 for he purpose of answering students' questions about the Marine Corps Air Re- serve. A representative of the Air Reserve Y.'111 be in attendance in Building C·3 to explain the pur· poses and requirements of the or- ganization. " BALn MORTUARY . ' -.t- Lady Attendant -.t- ----- Mr. and Mrs. f\farls Newland and family of Newport Heights left Sunday for Eastern Kansas where they will spend two weeks visiting with Mr. Newland's par- en ts and other relatives. During their absence an aunt and uncle, Mr. and 1\.1.rs. P . L. Higgins of Los Angeles will be at the Ne wland 410 Coast Blvd. OORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND N!GHT home. ·~-~-~-------- • • ............... ! PLUS ••• 1·2·3 I ICOIOMICAL Why do --........... .,.__ ')'Olil CCM lllllplvy eJ.periMc:,.d ~oftl't llllild fQ,11. ~ 01 -low -.Hy *-' ~ iii to-. -... ~ .... -. ._. ofbet ._ __. COii. So.... r---' ...,., .,. .. IU,_ ,_ CMd W.-ryl 2 IJTllMHY WY...,..,.,.._,_ poW --. ........ ....., -"' ............ .,. _, co.ti......., topee. a o ,...poid, odJ-• •11';p1, pMM. it 9-... -a. -.:I ...... •• R I 1" ._ .. ...._ 3 HUllTlll ico-.. .._.. _ .-';,,, .................. , ................ ....... --of , .... o(, Sfete. -°" • *i ............ for ~ .. -···· ,... ............... ,..w for .. , ... ~ ...... -....... CALL OUll HEAllEST OFFICE "••11 ME -011DAY" •OOKKllPI•• llUl • • lft •1111 IAJl M1 .. ell Orange County Accounting Service !Ge N. II~ -ta"- ' @Balboa rket E. J. (Bud) Jacklin · CEMENT WOR .K n.& w.-: • IP ..... 'Olllilolm• QA.LL 1111-1 ......... ~·· ..... cb, County ol Orange, omla. ober 16, llM6. ROTHY C. DILLON, A A. TENNIS • Vendon. of tbe SUpericr Oaurt of tbe County of Orang<o, State of Qdl. fornla. this 11th day ol Octqbor, 1946. B. J . SMITH, County Qerk and Qerk of the S~or Court of the State of Catifornia, in and for the County of Orange. By L. W. WALLACE, WELL PAID JOBS Re With Futures for Yo g Women 118 Teleph ne Operators DepUty. ' (~ s~· 'Court. ~i...: In moot ~Ullltles bee1nnen tt-~.l , · •< --of $30 for a lift CYI'ICE day ....,I<. w1 extra pay for <M!I"· APPEARANCE: "A defendant time or chi at certalu hours of appeq in an action when he the daoy. an.swets. demurs, or gives the plaintiff written notice of his ap. S...... W.C• ~ tbe first two pearance, or when an attorney years-paid vacations. gives notice of appearance for Learn thls Interesting work at him." <Sec. 1014. c.c.P.J gooc1 pay 1n yoor own community. Answers or demurrers must be in writing, and filed with the Qerk. Pub. Oct. 17, 24, 31, 1946. FREE FIREWOOD far the haul· Ing. Phone Beacon 5411. "18-tfc llVSJND18 GUIDI: · • lt RADIO SALES & SERVICE Specializing in repairing. Tronart, Inc. Radio, electronics, sound-Sales and service-marine. and domes Uc. Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, Calif. 79-tf c FORMED Windshields &: Hatch Covers made to order. Also Pl ex· You work with friendly people In pleasant otfica. Ex<ellent promotion poulbllltis. APPLY Southern California Telephone Company 100 E . Bay A venue, Balboa 514 * No. Main S!rttt, Santa Ana or Call au.et Operator 80-tfc Dept. 2.1 No. 47009 iglass &: Lucite Sheet! tor saJe. ·SUMMONS Nu-World Products Company.BALE ----MlllCJtLIANEO------tJB----.. 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. -------------Action b ught in the Superior Phone Huntington Beach 178. Court o the County of Orange, 80-tfc and Co plaint filed in the Of--~MET=~.-CLAD---P=R-O_D_U~C-l~"S-- fice of th Clerk of the Superior -by- Court o said County. CLARK & BATES ln the Su rlor .Court o.f the State of Ca ornJa I• and for \be County f Orance. Munici Sixth vs. Plaintiff, -Metallizing Welding Speciali.!ltJ 506 30th St. -Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 77-tlc PIANO TUNING and repairing. J. B. Brown. Write Box 633, Rt. l , 388 Broadway, Costa Mesa. 78-tfc LANDSCAPE Desiginin&. 2 6 6 8 FOR SALE-Two baby beds With mattresses; ~'O small heaters. 189 East Santa Isabel, Costa Mesa. 81-ltc FOR SALE-Approx. 10,000 ft. lumber. See Joe, 2242 Cllannel Rd .• Balboa. 81-tfc Mechanical Toys Electric and Mechanical Trains, Doll Buggies. Dolls. Telegraph Sets. Velocipedes, Toys, Steel Wagons. THE TOY SHOP 208 Ma rine Balboa Island ONS INTERESTED IN TI!E M TTER o~· TI!E GR.\D· ING .ND PAVING. C01'- STRUqrION OF SIDE.\\'ALK AND CXURBS. SEWER CON- NECTibNS, WATER MAI'.'IS. WATEl!-CONNECTIOl\S, FIRE HYDMNTS AND APPURTEN· ANT fc'VORK, IN CERTAIN Newport Blvd. Ana 115-J. Phone Harbor 2292-W 80-ttc sa n t 8 -----'----'------FOR SALE-1 tile bath tub, 1 75-6tc front door 3' x 6'8". Several win-- dow frames & sash complete. Call Harbor 2447·R. 80-2tc Sheet Metal Work . STRE ' AND ALLEYS AND APPR CHES THEJl.EOF 11' SECTIC!>NS 1 TO 5, INCLU· S!VE. P F BALBOA ISLANO AND . ACT NO. 742. ALL lN THE !TY OF NEWPORT BEA , ORANGE COUNTY. CALIF RNIA, Defendants. The Peo11.1e ot the State of CalJ· fornia tend Greetings to: All persons interested in t he matter of the grading and paving, construc~on of sidewalk and cw-1.:s. sewer cunnections, water mains , water nections, fire hydranti and app tenant work, in certain streets a d alleys and approaches thereof n Sections 1 to 5, In- clusive, o Balboa Island. and Tract No. 742, all in the Oty of New· Gutters Insta lled and Repaired Regan Bros., Sheet Metal 341 E. 21st, Costa Mesa Beacon 5608--M 81-tfc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone Beacon 5280-R 'l1l' E. :>Qtb St., Coota M ... . 20-t:ft SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucks, Windows Walls aad Bulletins. Raised Metal, Wood and Plutle Lettera AL LACHMEYER im w .. t c.ntn1 Harbor 1243-M port Be h. Orange County. Cali· p A I N T I N G fornia, fendants. 12 Years Service ln Newport The a tion her ein brought is Harbor Area brought, pursuant to the provis-H 11 ions or hapter 10, Division 7 of Harry a the Str ts and Highways Code of PAINTING CONTRAcroR the Stat of CaUfornia, to detcnn· Phone &aeon 5259-J ine the ., Iidity of the proceedings 274 E . 19th ntreet 24-tft heretofo take n by the City of f'oR A RELIABLE Paint Job on Newport Beach in the matter of your home, call Beacon 5330 the gra ng a nd paving, construe-after 4 :30 p.m . 10-tfc tion of 'dewalk and curb, sewer FAINTING _ PAPER HANGINO connecti ns, water ,mains, water and DECORATING connecti , fire hydrants and air purten work in certain streets 414 Old "Co!ty ~~ta Mesa and alle and approaches thereof Ph Be 5013-J 85-tf in Secti ns 1 to 5 inclusive of one aeon • Balboa land and Tract No. 742 TBA!fSPOBTATION 18 tn said 'ty of Newport Beach, Orange uitty, California. and to detenni the validity of any con- tract to be entered pursuant to said p . The ndaries of the assess- BICYCLES Bold. Rented or Repaired. VOGEL'S 100 Kain st., Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa Wand. N-ttc ment d.i.Jtrict are u. follows: All i.hat certain real pr~ BEAUTY AIDS 18 ert.y eluded within the ex-MA --CHINE-------MA--CHINELESS----- terior boundaries of Balboa Island in the City of Newport Permanent waves Beach Orange County, Call· Tinting and lllanlcurlng fomla as particularly shown Evenln& Appt. Ph. Harbor l"IS-W and ineated upon a plat of Vi's Beauty Shop said c$str1ct. being plat No. 1103 Coast ruway, Corona de! Mar 410 af>proved by the Oty 75-t!c Coon 'of said City on the 2nd of July, 1945, and on l:llPLOTIO:MT WANH:D II mile · the office of the City CALIFORNIA Registered Nune Oerk MJd Oty. wiabel employment in Harbor An '· tnterested may, at any Area. Write Box "C' c/o New. time the expiration of teJ> Timel. 80-2tc . clays the full pUbllcatloo of POSmON WANTED-Young ex- 1946 Cushman Scooter $175.00. Call H arbor 1247-J . 80-2tc FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100 . 7311 Seuhore Dr., Newport Beach. 65-tic HARBOR Plumbing Service ,1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon 5048W REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY Contracting and Supplies 97Uc VENETIAN BLINDS -GLASS SHOWER DOORS Custom Made and Installed Floor polishing and sanding equip. ment for r ent Bayview Builders Supply 818 Coast.Hiway Ph. Beacon !So0'1 79-tfc Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In Our Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER Phone BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners 456 Newport Blvd. . Just Arrived Freab Hearing Ald BATTERIES Gundel'90Jl Drug Co. 18-tfc ··117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51.5 90-tft Hereafter if we recap YoUr TIRES We auarantee our .. Cai-" to lut 20,000 MILES and tb&rs not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. thla • appear and by perle-.1 stenographer, refer. proper p contest the ences. 'fyping shorthand. office tor a complete oet we wm caI1 validity r the proceedings men· management. 'a11o sales. Mn. tor your car In the nxrnlna tioned I the Olmplalnt herein on Whyte, Harbor ll65. 8().2tp ...i dell...,. same day. Aloo • file and the contract to be given S2.00 MobU.tatlc balance job In co:ton thereMth, or to up-EllPLOTlllDT Ol'TZll.ED • when we recap yow tlree, far hold validity of said ptoceed· WANTED-Middle age house-SLOO. No load welcbi. or ._. keepor. ~only. Muat "atru." You directed to appear in an drive car, $125 month. Harber ........_ action ht against you by the 2130. 'llMitp abov.. plaintiff In the Su- perior of the Stat• of CaJI. HELP WANTED, MALE--Loc:ol fomla and for the County of or traveU,,. In --for Onnie and to anower the com-younel!. No ..-ey required Jaint ' 1 within < ~ Good income. You are your own ~ter ":~ on you en of this -· Apply 518~ No. Main St., summo • if sen•ed Within the Santa Ana. Calif. 77.atc County Orange, or within thirty W A1'I1IESS W ~ lllx clays ~ If •eel elsewbett, and you _... Norton'• Bay Shott Cale. Costa Mesa Tire Co. · In Rev at 1760 Ne\vport Blvd. COSTA MESA Pb. Bewxlll 5743 Aak far Al or Hank. that unless you IO 17th ...i Cout lllgtrwajr. 15-U< FOR SALE-19'5 JeePelte 5 b.p. answer u above tt-W AN'l'ED--Oerl< Sten& In New motor ocooter, In eood oondltloa. plalntlff will take :iudc· port Beecll CI t y Ei,~ , On c11op1ay Bo I boa Ial...i Spart· any money "" da-De 81}.2t 1n1 Goodo 222111 -Aft, ~:~~ in the Complit'"t. • pt. C e.1boa W~nd 80-ftc ; ._, OD11tnct. ar will WANT -~ toal -die tho Oaurt for any --· Salary -.,..cmtace nllet In the _..,ialnt. al. pral.li. or ~illdp; Pbone GIWD -~ bud -INI --2151-11. 80-ltp : Additional Want Ada on Following Page ·-·~ P· ' .. • -. Oc'al • 11 y. ANT ADS .-..n. 81JlftBB ~ • ••"••.AIOfomec•••••••••••,mu.n ., •u.m.a.n ''•••.mun . . ., ..__.._..... FOR s~ su s-t. n , KEYS roa ~"' ........ -FOR~ do! Mar,~ Bl""-fr<>ntace, soo .................. h.p. at 2800 ILP.M., $2:50. PboDe -~ Yoa Walt • --w . n+i•as>. Five ft. lot.1 bloclt --. -bloo,.. Jlt feet. $1C).500. Will from J:ll-llng page Horbor 72. • 81-_tc V<VW!... ,,_tho old. -,_.., al Bhd.. aood locatloo fer ID-&ell '" er part or trade fer - ___ .. __ .. __ .--• -·"'-FO -,~ v •• -~ •-~ 100 Kala a. -tile ldl<:ben. bath.~ car--. Owner. Ph. H-21J&.W. ~ lbia .,..._ PboDe Beacon ur.s IQllCP•,•111W1111 11 R SALE-~ ....., ..... ~-~ '°' -. ..._ 1"lud ~tlnc. -bl-. Jaod. e.tte -' •. 81-ltp frame. Water tank 3,:500 Gel. It -oc:aped, $14,:!00. 425 Haliotrope, Poultry Wire tower, good heavy timber a. C<>r<lNI clel Mu. S0.2tp FOR SALE-Lot on Centraf .&.-.... Six Ft. Wide, 'I'oro-In. Meob Small al!alfa plnder. White FOR RENT-16MM MotloD pie--Point. Zone a.~-] ot on West Bluff 150 Ft. Rolla enamel cuollne ranee $25.00. ture Pro~ or oilmt. El Bayo Tra-" Private right. Call Harbor 3l5. • Ezcellent View . S ] l'llolM! Garden Grove 5967, Rt. w It b or without _.ton. .,. Ott1ce of John D. BumbaD.. :I001 $lS50 Bayview Builders up~ · 1 Box 506 Garden Grove-S0.2tc FILMS RENTED -Your own Home on Bay Ave. 0cean Blvd. BaJbo&. so.uc 818 C-t mway Ph. Beacoo 79-ttc FOR SALE-Commerdal lllblnc = ":::""...!\.~ '":: a Bod-. 2 Bathl, DD W. Lot FOR SALE-nu--bedroom ...,_ • boat, bolds 114. tons lllaCbr-el-clubo, c1nn-dis. Hart>or 2!!118-J. .$25,000 !urni&hed home on PmlriluJa On of the ~e Homes Includlnc newly iDstaJJed _._ 76-tfc . Pulot-La...-llvloe-.--n with of C 1ta Mesa. a-In. Lot Order Now! FRUIT TREES $12,750 log. Prive $1000. e B. Joi»-Furnished Duplex flr<pi-. kitchen. bath A patio. 65.~_::: Corner Plattntla A Wilson. Don't mJu thla ~17.SOO. Costa -. so.21p Cushman Scooter $26, 000 Office "' Joho D. Burnham. 2001 -FOR.- Winter Planting R<palr Work , 2 Bedl1lOIDO, 1 Bath Down · Ocean Blvd.. Balbo&. 81-ttc P U M P S Free Eatlmateo 2 Bedr-1 Bath Up FOR SALE-nu--bedroam home J. C. PAYNE, Broker Hollister Bros. NURSERY WORTHINGTON On Service and R<palr -with ocean view iD ~ cleJ 111 18th St. Costa -PRESS~ All ;:ruGAL -W. L JORDAN :::· i!t,::._ ~~I Ph. Beacon 5213-M · Soden RefriceratJca al 100 E. 0mtra1. ea-Bath and ball. flreplace, pat1o i R. W. BARTINE I•ndscapinc 623 So. Loo .&.ns•I .. st.. Antbe!m M Joy & Wyckoff Phone Harbor 163 aoc1 ,.._. Owner nnat ae11.: Aaodate Broker 19119 Harbor BoulA:vard Phone 4652 !11-ltc RHr Balboa Marine Hantwue 12-tfc. . Wiil llf.Crlflce at $1300. Terma.j -Ph. BOacan 5276-J Costa Mesa Beacon 5200 FOR ~ft. l.946 fut sport 913 Cout in...,. Bea. 5261-Wl------------'-Call Harbor 1247.J !11-lt.c 81-ltc 80-tfc flshlns. live bait chu-ter boat; Newport Beach J. E. Barnee & Son ~ --c=---.,..te--=T=--=-1s--Clirysler Crown marlin c:balr. !IS-tfc 1806 Newport BIYd. arpen r 00 Now maclc....,J flablDg. Excep-Costa -Ph: Beoeon !5U> Beautiful three-bedroom home the finest dlstrlct Braor and Bit Seti tlonal bargain for quid< sale. 11111mo:1111 OPPOK101UH&8 .. ol Costa Mesa-Hwde. -nle, ~garage, 50xl50 Ha...._., Hand s. .... Etc. Phone Long Beach 657519. 81).2tp ANTIQUE SHOP-Doing good tt. lot" Easy tenns. Only $4 down. balance at 818 C-t mway Pb. Beacon 5007 FOR SALE-2G' Commttclal boat bo_.E_ sot I!. w .. t Central New 3-Bedroom Home $4_9 a month at 4 per cent in Full price only Bayview Builders sllff ~ New Graymarlne •r>Pne. 2 ton Pbooe Harbor :mo. 7Mtp On East 19th St. Hardwood ~ 12 500 capacity. Ready to go. Phone ro• ll&NT u ooora. double garage. Price ~ • I Auto Batteries RubberSeporaten 111-mooth -'6-75 Ex. Huntington Beach 6263, after OD!)<-· 4:30. ~tp FOR RENT-Nice outside room Compounded Motor Gallon. 70c with private bath and outside FOR SALE-Outboard Motor new entrance. 423 Goldenrod Ave., Oil Evinrude. never uncrated. 9.7 Corona del Mar. 81-ltp H.P . 4 cylinder. Reversible extra FOR RENT 2 rooms with bath out length shaft, three 12 inch P~ side entrance 323 Coronada BaJ- W estem Auto Supply pellar blades. weighs 145 pounds. boa Ph 159--1 K !IJ.2t $12,000 Terms. FURNISHED Two-Bedroom Home Authorlzed Dealer $275.00. Phone Covina 399-31 · · · (! 1136 Newport Blvd, Coeta Mea SO.Uc FOR RENT-Rooms and one Large lot. Refrigerator , table-top 41-ttcw --ANTE--D--TO ___ B_UY __ Bal_boa_ apartment; adults only. 421 stove, fireplace and patio--$3000 -----------Harding. Balboa. 80-tfc will handle. VENETIAN BLlNDS-Aluminum, dinghy iD good condition. Ph. Fire Pia<>" and Klndllnc It.eel. wood. Call us for free eati· Harbor 2669-R after 1 p.m. FOR RENT-Nice room for man mate. Renovation &: refin1shln& 78-tfc on canal front , near Udo Thea-So. Coast Venetian BliAd Co.. _________ _:_:_.;:..:I ter. 402 Clubhouse, Newport 18th FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 ft. Beach. 8Cl-2tp Weet and Newport · Ave.. long, 4-cy1inder Starr motor, F OR RE · ea.ta Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. Just painted. Will trade for 22 NT-Single room, down- 38-tt'c ft. or 24 ft. house trailer or will town Balboa. Phone Beacon take cash. 7311 Seashor e Dr., 5435• days. 78-4tp Two-Bedroom House With 21Ai acres land, near high school. Price only- $8500 WOOD Delivered Newport. Ph. H-1493-J. 7G-tfc FOR RENT-Room, gentlemen J. E. Barnes ,_ Son only In new home. Private °" H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 6665 1784 Newport Blvd. 3-tft BARGAINS! Lowest prices ln furniture ls mJ motto. I buy right. I sell right I aJ.o buy furniture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5038 57-tfc Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tf• FOR SALE-25' Lowman commer- ba th and entrance. On penin-1806 Newport Blvd. cial boat. Very good condition, suJ a. Write Box "N" c/o News-Costa Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 all gear. Reasonable. Inquire Times. 78-tfc 81-l tc Asso. Dock 26th St. 75-tfc =-=--==-----== -----------FOR RENT-New Duluxe room Balboa Canvas Shop and private bath. tile shower Sails -Boa t Covers stall. Twin or double beds, bol': Marine Upholstering spring and interspring mattrea- Harbor 207 -224%: 21st St. ses. Unt heat. Special rates for Newport Beach TI-tic permanent guests. Miracle Mile Motel. 706 Coast Highway, New- port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299--J _ Fire Equipment Tests CO.Two, Pyrene &: Foam refilla. 75tfc CO. liJ<ed system and Portableo FOR RENT -DeLuxe room> & now available. apts. Prices range from $5. to ETS HOK.IN&: GALVAN $17.50 per week, or monthly 1000 Coast Highway rates as per O.P .A. ceiling. 1007 Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc E . Central, Balboa. Ph. 2360-M. WILL PAY good bonus tor boat _________ _:.74--'.tf.::c~I BALBOA slip. Have 40' custom bu 11 t w ANTED TO RENT u cruiser. Write Box "S" c/o ==:-::=--==--=,----~-ll'ANTED TO BUY 11 News-Times. 75-tfc WANT TO RENT-Furnished or w~ to 800 .,,, fl store--unfurrushed house, 2 or 3 bed- COMMERCIAL LOT .., FOR SAI.E 40 ft. cabin c:rui.ser; roms will lease. Phone Harbor Faces Bay Near Fun Zone room space. To store testaurant aleep1 six; galley, dinette, head, 707 81-tfc equipment. John Dory, Box 896. large wheel house and cockpit, Priced For Quick Sale Balboa laland. 8>-3tp completely reconditioned., bow to W ~~ TO RENT-Garage in vi- .B. A. NER SON , REAL ESTATE BROKER --ASSOCIATES Phil D . Soloman -SALES . _ -Jolm Bondra Phone Beacon 0225 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 80-ltc THIS ONE ST Al OS OUT • I ~' BALBO!\ Three bedrooms, large livingr.fc' breakfast room, roomy kitchen. Neat, clean, construction; con- crete foundation , shingle r:oof, · garages. See it! I $16,000· COAST PROPER "JES CO. Realrors "Serving Newport Ha bor Area" 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 2658 ·~~. -. ' . . . - ISLAND REALTY CX>MPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island . CX>RON~ DEL MAR 'Ibree tmlts, furnished, south ol highway OD 40-foot lot with fruit trees and garden apace. ~ ol , ~ a~ dose ol escrow, It clllllm. '. $7100 Cash Down Income more than makes payments on balance al $21,900, Gross Price ISLAND REALTY CX>MPANY 201 Agate, 8-lboa Jsland ' CX>RONA DEL MAR . UNOBSTRUCTAm .E VIEW-Furnished or unfurn- ished. Immediate possession. Eight rooms; three bedrooms, 2~ baths. Air conditioning, furnace, water softener. Hardwood floors thrcMJghout. Large garage with workShop or aervant's q\iarters. This house could not be built today for this prlce--- Unfurnished at $47,500 with Terms ---See This Today- ·BEAUI'IFUL HOME ON 70xl18 FT. wr.---Oose to business district and school. In perfect condition This is a home that you would be proud to own: Has two bedrooms, glass enclosed patio. Many other features. Call us about this toclay- $22,500 One-25 ft. business lot. .... ·----·---·---.... $5000 Bargain for Limited Tlme-k' -. 40xl 18 ft. ioned R3 ....... _____ .......... $3750 Adjoini!Jg 70 Ft, Available _ BALBOA ISLAND TWO-ROOM COTIAGE on rear of lot. Excellent location- $10,500 CANAL FRONT-NEWPORT TWO-STORY FRAME HOME-Attractive two-bed- room wtit upstairs. Lower can readily be remodeled into income. U you are looking for a water front property with added income or an investment, see this property-· · $14,000 -•Half Cash EARL W. STANLEY CA.SH FOR USED FURN1TURE atem; Cllrysler marine engine. c1n1ty of East Newport, for one PHONE BEACON ~. See owner, 133 Agate Ave., Bal-car. Permanent. Phone Harbor 81-ltc . REALTOR -------------+----------COVERING GREATER . NEWPORT. HARBOR :13-tf< boa Island. 67-tfc 674. 81-2tp ---w=il~l-P_a_y_C_as_h__ s M ALL B 0 AT s si:,,~~~r~,:0~:; Far your turnlture or what haw -Of tough, light marine plywood. a t Corona del Mar, or Bay dis- you. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw--Molded hulls or fiat-bottom. trict until June 1. Business BALBOA ISLAND ley Furniture, 1812 Nt:Wport -Skiffs, Dinghies, Sailboats. man, former 1st Lt. Infantry. Blvd.. Costa Mesa. 48-tfc MARTIN OUTBOARD MOI"ORS Care guar. Phone Santa Ana STORE FOR LEASE rtJaNrrUU "°K l!IALIC IS "'Flexidrlve" Shats for Inboards 1428-M 8'.>-tfc 223 Marine Ave. FOR SALE-Sturdy barbecue WATSON -BOATS WANTED TO RENT-Two-bed- benches and tables, seats 12. "Small Boat Headquarters" room house or Apt., for about six Settee with pads. good condition. 611 Coast Hiway Beacon Szn months. Lt. Col. Moore. Phone Reasonable. 215 E. Bay. Phone 69--tt'c Santa Ana 4601. 79-4tp Harbor 2289-J. !11-ltc lllUllICAL a BADIO M A.Pr or SMALL HOUSE wanted FOR SALE-Large wickered doll RADIO HOUSE CALLS-by man and wife. We do not ROBERT A. EASTMAN buggy, A-1 condition. Baby's Now that additional compe-drink or mioke, no chlldren or bed. several 12 and 14 size tent technicians are available, peta. Phone ~~ Ana Ol9l-W dreues, hat and coat. Harbor we are able to make service calls er write Box ')(' Newport Bal- l224--W. 81-2tc on large consoles. All work boe News-'11mea. 3'7·tfc FOR SALE-Elec. Refrlg .. stove. guaranteed. WANT TO fiENT~ or 3 bedrm. bttaldut table. round dinning HENRY W. BRAlNERD untumlsbed ho<lle. Wiil leue. table. buffet. chair. book case. New Owner S.O.S. Radio Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7Cfl kidney dressing table, chintz 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 7(:K) er ta. 35-tfc: drapoo. 6 ft. hinged chest 217 81-tfc DAL SBl'.&.Tll ., Abalone Balboa Isl. H. s:-__:~ FOR SALE $90 phonograph NEWPORT BEACH INDUS. with $20 album of late model TRIAL CORNER LOT, M-1 60x FOR SALE-Double bed. springs. records. 3008 ~t .!"lvd. New-90, $5500. Owner oext door. mattteu. chest & rocker. $20. port Beach, Apt. C. 8Cl-2tc 507 29th St. 73-4tp 315 Montero, Balboa. SCl-tfc IIlGHEST price psld for your pi-3 BEDROOM ~ome iD beautiful ----------- FOR SALE-Complete bedroom ano. Denz-Schmldt Plano Co., Bay Shores. Barbecue patio Balb set. New Simmons box spring Santa Ana, 520 N. Maio. 7().tfc etc. Call Harbor 1247.j_ 80-2t~ oa & mattress. $ISO. Phone Har-USED Pl&nOll from $Q1 Or will TWO-bedroom home, furolshed. re- bor 299-M. 81).2tc rent. Danz-5chmldt Piano Co. MY NICE NEW lot iD Corona del decorated. nowly landacapod-- FOR SALE-Davenport and two 520 N'.Main. Santa Ana. 7().tf~ ~~.J.or Sale. Call Ha~;t~ $12,760 HARBOR 2627 80-2tc chairs. cabinet radio: also bl-RE p OS SES SE D Mirror "'-===:--::--,-------,= cycle : reasonable. 165 23.-d St. .,.,. WANTED-To buy or rent 500 or Phone Bea<on 5208-J, Costa Spinet Plano. Now ooly $295. to 1000 feet light manufacturing Balboa Island 111-. 8Cl-2tc A very pretty piano. Fine """'· space. Phone Harbor 2151-M. Danz.schmldt PlaDo, 520 No. ~tp DUPLEX -Furnished. Excellent FOR SALE-Large family gas Main. Santa Ana. 7().tfc location, near Bay- range. lix-burnen. two ovens. GOOD Grands. Mehlln. Kurtzman. Balboa Income $16 500 '40. 315 Goldenrod Ave .. Corona Story A Oark, a.-, Hallet A g units that shows a 20% "'turn ' de! Mar. SCl-tfc Davia. Kimball Weber and oth-then there la an apartment for OCTOBER la the month for ape-en. Prices start at $485. Terma. the manager. Built iD tubo and Newport Heights c:laJ values iD UVING-ROOM Daoz-8cbmldt. Santa Ana. 520 showers. Concttte !oundatlono GROUPS at McMAHAN'S. Our No. Malo. 70-tfc and on a corner lot. Betttt look NEW, attractive, modem home; purchulns department havln& Rad" Re • thla one aver. two bedroom.- combed the market. for the IO pall'8 $11,560 -ottmno avallable, are lea-All mam; tw.. etc. Balboa Island turtnc llvloe-room oets. bed Beacon 6763 U you want a choice ploqo , of c11van oeta. roctc ... and occu-BURT NORTON property w1th a beaut1tu1 v1ew Corona de! Mar ~ .. ~:P ~-u-~aDff 9UI Cout ~. N-part of the "->' and apartment to TWO-BEDROOM HOME-Fllro-~ ~ ---. ~ ZH!c rent here It i.-Lawn. II~ .._. Hr-eplace patio, borbtcue ~ ~~:= ... ~. ~STEINW ____ .&._Y_GRAND _____ Dea....;;;11""111111;;..; -pleo2 ty of room and ~ 11\l<Ot i-.-i adJownc cv__.'. ·~ ~~ •u-••• ._ .. ~ vac;y. a car l&l'&C"· patio uu $4000 cub will hand*- dellvery and J.owst termL Of -., ID hllldt and -· Goo--all the extras you would need. eoune. "" atlll have u-3, _. tme. nm Is ao u-t piaM. You can have It either !umlsbed $11,000 t and 5-.--n outfits mrmbl<d U ""' are fllndlblnc JOUr -or un!umiohed and the prico ill for &tt&I aannp for the -. ID "Modeme" tbla ~t ill rlcbt. SEE US for tncome 111--. bolder. Visit ua nus MONTH. perfect for J'O'L Pt1ZC11abl:y Ba Fr )oh home&. Two dll..ceo to WON'T TOUT McMahan '"""" prkM. IlaDz.Scbmldt -eo.. y ont ~ niture O:mpaay, • s.ccnc1 and 5al No. Malo. Santa AM. 70-tfc We have a boy front lot cl.-ID ....,., you. -*f· Santa Ana. Calif. liiiiJii!. &lllfOOlfmmlNTB • for SlO.S00.00. --___,..=-===---81--l~tc Carpenters Availablt Be I JOHNE: "sAbLEIR 8oa.n, lltJPPLD8 II fer -al _...... !507 ;::; ~~alz!Y~ REALTOR -npdr Glacbs -!ey. Jadt C. Ford. 802 Malo St.. Balboo. Pb....- Realton 1505 Coast Hlway, ~ clel Mu o. s. soe••reox Call-· Jim 11-.rd. llrobr Bill Llowl)on PboDe Harbor TU ... .,. SalmDel 81-ltc 81-ltc ' BRIGGS' *** BEST *** BUYS Brand new two-bedroom house, ear proposed L. A. Freeway ............. -····--·······-----· -------····--·-----··---$6500 Good building lot, near Lido Thea er and near the water front ·-·-·-···--··-------···---········-----~--·--···-----___:_$3500 Ocean front five-bedroom house . L11d garage apartment, furnished, in the Yacht Oub · . :ct, really priced fair ~ down, balance on able ternJS. · Scheduled monthly income $725 o. six wtits and owners' Apt. All new, modem fumitwje, garage, lndry. room, Servel refg., tile showers, on !j'o main thoroughfares, near Lldo--$20,00Q will hand! , balance terms. ·WANT - - -ONE-story, 1 ·or 2-bedroom house on Lido lsle Fred -BRIGG~ -Tressa 634 Coost • ay A "Sandy'' Steiner Offices Phone Beacon 5173 or I es. Har. 2476 How Is Your Insurance? We Wr te Fire and Indemnity !11-lt.c BUSINESS flUYS BEAIJI'Y PARLOR.-Best shoppJ.g spot location. New equipment, low rent, long leiil . HAMBURGER. Har DOG, ICE . CREAM STAND-All year spot. ' GROCERIES----On highway, with ving quarters plus two apartments. Income of $75_ 0 a month---$14,500, ternJS. I BOWLING ALLEY-POOL ROOK-Here Is a very good comJng business, with chance io expand. ---D--- A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor 815 Coast High...,. 3113 W. Central 225 Marine Aw. Corona cleJ Mar Newport Beach . Balboa Island Phooe: Harbor 1646 Harbor 1013 Phone: Harbor lTl'll 0 V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S We Are Completing HAYWARD HOMES 81-ltc 0 Consisting of two bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, dinette, bath- WITiilN60DAYS $5300 complete on your lot G.I. Financing on House & Lot ' Office Hours: 8:30 to 7:00 See DENISON & McBROOM 498 Newport Blvd Phone Harbor 2447-R Costa Mesa ~tfc &J!lAI, ICllTA.Tll WANTED M TBA.lLl!ll8 11 WILL TRADE-Lots on Lido Isle 1946 Continental house trailer, 27 al.lo lots on Peninsula on pur· tt. Electric brakes on· aD chase of 2 or 3 bedroom houae 4 wheels. CUrtatns and venetian iD Harbor district. Phone Harbor blinds, butane, loner spring mat. 7111 !11-tfc tres1e1, birch and mahogany. All WANT G. L Home Site Lot East ot 15th SL For Cash Call Mr. Wallace, Harbor :2034 BALBOA IMPROVEMENT A·1 condition. Save )'OU srxne money. Shadel, Lot 38, Mtmld· pal Trailer Park, Newport Beach. 81-lt.c FOR SAI.E 24 ft. Eutem Trailer ASSOCIATION ~t.c !urnlahed. Large Caban& room. electric refrll'!"alor. SJeepo 8 or 8. Beacon 5450. Box 43. New- port Beach. Mr. Donovan. 80-2tp 11 TRAJLJ!lRS FOR RENT-Do -• Business Broker -· J!l~rana 634 Coost Highway 101-Beacoo 173 !--'----------own """Hnc aad -tac. &II 81-ltc LOA.JC8 TO BUILD. lllQ', --•01lt1l1-t. ~ ---------------.!---------·_,_or _o.._ por dlJ'. We f'lli-1119 ....... CHOOSE YOUR LO" IN NEWPC RT HEIGHTS Ample slae lots 60xl27.5 feet pn 15th sbeet, near · Orange awnue. I Well planned pr'Otectlve ~ Nicely located for a G. L JOan. and priced at ~-· Also half-acre estate sites ~ the High School CALL HUB POWERS -Harbor 62-W J. A. BEEK C FFICE Balboa Feny 14Jldlag • L. Nwpwt ._-.a BA-· ~ a.... I rflet ........ -1-A.a ··-..... l'llb" Newport Blwol. Colla 1111 Vlo uiio Pia. Iilutlor uoo ...... ...... AVlm WAiim· ' \VE NEED LATE MODEL CARS · and WW Pay top Prices lll'JI, YOlJR cAR NOW W...Plkm-Hllh ...... far Olll' ---blow wbO wlll call md adtM you ':':f OPA 1;ai*'km. .,.._ --~ ........... - a.JLBEJlWN CHEVROLljT CO., Inc. • 0 ii.l .. 01' !AtD 2 p ...... , a-t.••i•"'• "'ao .. e r • -.. •• • ~ __ .~~·~ r. EE __. ·• .. ···----.•.. . -··· . 1 ·~. • .-'< . Jf' ";I·.· I ~-.. ..._ -• -. .r'".: • ---.. -- • • MXJOUNTANT GEORGE D. JUSSBT1' Bookkeeptns a.ad Tu. Sef'Tice mm w . Ce.ntJ'&l BOOKKEEPING IKJtVTCE Colin J'. Bro .... \Harbor lf.M) 113 K&r1ne Ave. Bal boa lal&n4 ACCOUNTANTS A. C. HOf'J"IUN Accountant and Income Tu "'"'"' 1102 Lala7etle Harbor 718 N41Wl>Ort Beacb B. N. HA1'ENFELD P\.lbllc Account&At 114 E . Ocean Jl'ront Harbor 72& Ba.Ibo&, C&lltorula AOOOUNTAl'ITS Accountlnc -Auditing BOOKXEEPJNO SERVICE Tu: Consultant James O. Pierce 17&1 Ne•·port Bl-.d. Costa Kua Phone Bea.con 5356-J A.OOOU!'li"'TAl\"T J . S. WHYTE l.Dcome Tu: Con11ull&nt-Authorlsed bJ the U. S. Treaaury Dept. to rep- 1'88ent cllent11 l.n ooone<:Uon with LD- oorne tu m&tters. Audlta -Sy11terrui • Bookkeeping Serr Ice otnee. 1840 llart>or Bl•d., C<Mita Me .. AIRPORTS )';EWPORT BAY SKY HARBOR One mile •eat of Costa Me• on 19th 1treet, Coal.a Mesa -FLY- Instruction -Salee Charter Se"1c. ANTIQUES BOB 'N DICK AnUquee Bought and Sold P1;>rcelains, GialMll, Sll•er, L&mpm r.nd Furniture ICM\i W. Central Harbor mo Newport BMc.b GOSLrNG A.PA.RTlaNTS Electric Refr1ceraUon Private Bal.hi fU E. Ba1 .\Yenue Ela.rbor 491'-R Balboa APARTMEN;nl MRS. ARLINE E. JASPER Cotl&l'Q. Aputmenta and ROOID8 lOI 24th StrMt Harber JIO Newport 8-cb, Calif. AP AJLTMEN"TS .llL"'&'S BUNGALOW C'OURT Kite.Mn Squ]ppeid Harbor J».W Balboa A'llTO DEALEllll JOENICDRT'& Stud• br&ker S&lu and Sentee GuluiM Parts and A.ocUllOrte. a-. la and tell U11 J'O(lr: Utomobll• Troubles MU W. Ouilral Aft.. Newpt. a.ch AUTO REPADI a llDVKJE CABJU:LL·s GA.RA.Gil a.b and h.Ddv Worir: -.lato PUaUn1 -Motor OTlll'hau.llal--,....._up and General RepaJ.rlq - W!Mit.l.a Ba1aa.ced -W. Ce.ntral AT&.. Newp't Beach PboM HatbX' 1411.J AUTO JU:PAIB COST.A. KESA BOOT WORJC8 A uto Pai•llnC Complete Bod7 Rep&1riq -.A.t Rew.tile Prie• Nswpon Bin!. at WalDUt SL .&Mcoo MU-W • • - Their Pledge ia Your Aasurance of Trustworthy Servi and Merclaanclise • AUTO llUPPLIES N:CWPORT -•at.JI()& AUTO SUPPLY • Sc.bwi.DA Bkyclu Glenn W . Collkle UC8 W . Central Phom 1112 Newport 8-ch, Calif. BEAUTY SALONS CllARLOTTES BJU.UTY SHOP Loll Ott Permanent W&YM & Specialty 80t St&.te Hll'h•ay Corona del Kar Phone Harbor 153 BICYCLES BJCTCL!!S ' Sold, Rented or Rep&lr-.d VOGEL'S 100 lbln St., Balti.o. 208 Karine Balboa bland BOAT BUILDERS a BEPAIBS Stttllll.I' Boat Worb All Typu of Bo&t BuUdJ.q and Repaln P&inUn& and Motor Work Sub and Opora Kade to Order 615 Cout Highway Bea.con 6363 BOAT BUll.DERS YORK BOAT CO. Now bulldln.g a complete line of stock a.nd cu9tom crulMn a.ad com· merclaZ boat• 2!' to 88 •. Ha.rbor Blvd. and Wiison Street Co.ta Meu Beacoa Mfl2 BOAT REPAJR & MAINTE!<'CE TIU BORllAN CO. Karine Way--0.ner&l Rep&.ln and KaJ.ntenance 'Ill Coul Hwy. Phone Be.con 54!1 CONTBACTOS CORSON A RAT 00. a...n.i Cootncton Veteran.. Bulldtna for Veterua IZ Con.I .A.ff.. Harbor lfl4'T·R B&lboa lalud CONTll.ACTOBS, lllds. a 0..1 GRlCJ:NLEAJ' 6: WOLDENBZRO General Contractors 2b5 W. Central .A.•e., Tel. Bar, M70 NeWpOrt·Balbo&. Cal1fon1& CONTBACl'OBS, llJd&'. a O.n1 W . P. KEAL&T ~lleral Contractor 487 Newport Bl•d. Be&co8 1111 .,__,,_ CONTll.ACYrORS, BWc· a 0•1 CONRAD SHOOS: Contrsctor A BuJJder 2U Karine An. Ba.lbOA tale Harbor 1034-J CONTILA<7rOBS, IDdao. • 0 ... 1 SOUTH COAST CON9l'. CO. lndwitrl&J A General Cot1.11trucUon Veteran Houalnc WALTER B. KELLOTr 515 Co&at Blvd. Harbor 771 Corona del Kar CONTll.ACTORS-PAINTING LEE C, BEAN Patntlnc Contractors Ph. Harbor 2&16 300 llue.I Drive Coron.a del Mar. C&llf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--... .,.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOAT DEALERS CONTRACTORS-PAINTING DOUGLAS BOAT A CANOE CO. H. E . MC'OONALD Jd.&nutacturera &!Id Distributors of PalnUng-Ptperba.nlrl~ Skirt•. Paddle Boanla, Bruah or sr,n.y Worli. Ya.cht Tender• State L cenaed 2819 W. Central Ave. Ph. Har. Wt 414 Old Cou~t:diie!':acon 6037-M Newport Beach. C&llt. BUILDERS CONTRACTOR'S RENTAL EQPT. Everything In Kachlnery for the Building Centnctor Building a.nd Cabinet SerTt«1 DUTCH HEACOCK Pb. Harbor 602 or Be.con M08-W 17th 6: SU.ta AD& Ave., Co8ta Meaa CABL'fET SHOP GORDAN B. l"DJDLA Y CABINET SHOP CU.tom Made Cabinets 407 30th St. Harbor 2388-J Newport Bea.ch CHll.DREN'S APPAREL THE BOBBY SHOP Bob and Sally Brown nt S. Centnl A ... e. Balboa H&tbor UM.-W CHILDREN'S APPAREL JR. JACK. A J1LL ChUdren'• and lnlaat'a ClotlaJ.q Up to 8 for Bo)'tl and 141 for Girt. 1761S-Newport Bin!. Coat.a llle.a CHIBOPKAcrOB DR. P. A. CHAJIB.mRL&IN Palmer-Can-er TechD.lque -El..._,,_ BOIUJ CALLS IN BARBOR AREA lMfl Newport BIYd.. CQ9ta M:.... S..COn SUS CJllDWPJIA.C'IOS DR. ElOL •. BELL. D. C., Pb.. C. Gland ~~!f. ~ hm&le Pn»t.rate Trou.ble Quibo-lntat!MJ Coad!Uou Hl&;b Blood PremuN ..,_ Couult&UOU Phone for .A.ppL 1rn J2Dd St. Harbor 1llfl OLEANEJl8 TH!l LIDO CLUNKRll AJbfft Matthew' .. OwHr QQa.Uty ClM.alnc Semee Tau Ca.n Trmt U• Wlth Tour 11Deat G&rmeab -DeUttry 811~ W Newport BITd. 8-con 671&-J CONTRAC7rOR-PLASTEBING CHAR.LES C. FIPPS Plaaterlnc l Ceme.nt Contractor t.n the Haroor Area for Z2 Tear. Santa A.na -0689-K Beuon 5180--J 600 9'lavlew Corona del Kar, C&Ut. DENTIST CLl~TON CAMPBELL EKERSON 1601 Coast lllgbway Barbor 2230 Corona del Kar DOUGHNUTS COTTAGE DO-NUT A.ND W AFJl"'L:E SHOP Donuta a.nd Watne. a 8peeJalt7 Complete Jl'ou.ntajn Se.nice I06 M.ar1ae Av•. Balbm. lale -·- DRUG STORES HAllPTON'S HARBOR DRUG Con>u del Jla.r', C.Won.la MAC PELJ..BTIEJl'B NEWPORT BEACH PB.AlUUCT LONNIE VINCENT'!' BALBOA PHARJU.CT 715 E. Ce.ntn.J TelepbO .. lOI ELECTRICAL DLR& a SUV. BAT ELJ)CTR.IC a.wtndl~ aad Rabulldlna Kot.on A GeM.raton K oton &Dd Geauator» tor W. 2111 W. Outn.I Aft •• Har. 1711-W ll'ISB R.lT SIDE nse lU.lUa'T Daily Dellftf"J' (If Pr'tlllb rtllb 8.bell 11-.b A S. l"ood Spedal.U. Zft.b SL A LalQtte. ?'fewpm1 8-cb -... ................ ,._,,__ l'R.A.N1C 801 IOllA. Wbol.-le and Retail Flab 11.arbt Beer. Wine ud U...,,. 21.tit Pl.ace Ne~ a.th. Caltf. l"UNEllAL DmBC'IOS BAI.TS M:OltTOA.RT °'"""' .,. ...... , 9en1ac u. Jlal'Mf' ~ LAd.J' A.U..,._t '1 C-0-. W liar eo.... ... .... .,..... ti Furniture ot QualllT A F.conomy Home l"u.rnhb.la,p 2JIH Ne.port Blvd. eo.ta X- 8-c:on. 5088 Ga..AGE a llAClllNE SHOP VIRG'B G..A..RAGa Complat• Auto A ao.t Rept.l.rlq TZXACO PRODtJCrB -WelcllDs- 2'0I W. 0-tr.J. Barbor UU-W Newport Bea.ch GBOOEBIEI! AND MAlllUl:T!I CO'i'TLE'8 &ABT NEWPORT IL\RKET . Compl~t• J'Ood llarltet Groeerle...-Mu.t.-Veptabl• IOI W. Central Bal.boa JU.r¥r 115 GllOCEBIES AND MABl<ET8 N:E'WPORT PUBLIC IL\.RK:l:T P"rMh P'rut1--Veptab1M Quality Gn>ctrlea a.nd Keat. C. F. LOT. Prop, Phone 111 2118 Ocea..n l'ront N•wport se.cb GRO<JEJlIES AND MAillUl:T!I TJIE WAVES GROCPJRY ()pen Sunday.-Cl,oeed Tburaday 9 a.m. to T p.m. Complete Line or Gl"OCflr!U Plenty of Beer 8600 Co&at H•T. -Harbor 2262-J HOTELS ISLAND ROOMS A.'-:D ..A.PART MEN TS E. C. and Gract1 Naab 127 Apte Ave. Balboa Isle Harbor lS3· W HOTELS PALISADES HOTEL R OOD'UI and Apartmenta A &:enlc View 0...erlooklDI Harbor A Ocean. Open All Tea.r Locafk! at Wealern End ot Sea't1ew AYe., Con>na del Mar Harbor 1466 HOUSE CLEANERS AL'S l10USE A WINDOW CLEANING Complete Hou. Cleulnc Se"1~ Jncludlng Windows. Floo". Kltcben Spray PalnUng , RooC11. Etc. 300 The RlaJto Harbor m-J Newport Be•cb ICE COMPANlES BAY VIEW ICE CO. Cubu -Block• Cn.iahf!d I~ 17!13 Ne•port Blvd. Bea.con !;177 Co.ta Jle111a rNSURANCE HARRY FREDERICK INSURANCE Protect that Mortga,p: With IAaur&Dee 1211 Coe.at Blvd .. Ha.rbor Ut7..J Corona del Kar RABUN INSUR..\.NCE AGENCY _,.,,...._ Auto-1'&.rtne-Ll&blllty Compen-.tto ..... Borids 1711 Ne~rt Blvd. Beacon 5365.J, Costa Ilea. C-Uf. INTEBIOS DECORATOB8 JASPE.R VALE Interior Deetp J"un.ltu" Selection A llalnten&nee VenoetJan Blllld.....aelect Wall"'*'9 cu.tom Made I>rapert• Ta.Jlored sup-eo..,.. lt.fll Via Oporto Harttor MU Newport BMc:b. CallL R. E. ARVIN Dt.t.monda. Watcbea. J.,,...,,. Espert Walcb A Jewtlr)' Repa1rtq. U8 22ad SL Newport -..cb Phone Z1J7.J .IEWA·E•S Q-RIO SHOP'PS Watch........ste.rllq SU~ of All Kln49 ""' lll&i• -:· -- LUllllEll WARD .A.ND HARRINGTON LUJIBE.R 00. Lwnber A Butldln& llatertai. Bay Dlatrlct Tard Pb. Be&oon 51ll 518 Cout Hll'b•ay, At the Arcbee llACBINE SHOPS BAllPSON MACHINE WORD Lla:bt "tnd Re&YJ' Machine Woe-Ir. B~lalq In llarlne A Boat Supplies ltot Ne1rp0rt BIYd. Beacon 6801 !llERCHANT PATROL SERVICE BE.AqJ CITY JO:RCHANT PATROL METALLIZING CLARK A BATES lnduatrl&J and ~oratlfl! .Metallzlnc Welding Speclallata 50I 80tb St. R&rbor 2.509 NeWpOrt Beach MOORING SERVICE C. R. STAFF Koortnga Irurtalled and Repaired. Bouy. Painted and Lettered Bea.con SM& or Harbor 1698-R For Prompt Service· MOTELS BALBOA MOTEL Rauonable RatN--CJ ... n Room. Handy to B\dlneu Dlatrtct Open the Tear "Round" 314 E. Central A'Ye. Harbor 128 MOVING a STORAGE BALBOA TRANSFER CO. Paeldng-CraU.~-Shlpptng BOAT MOVING 1501 w. Central Ph. R. 2W NUBSERF SCHOOLS BAL-lSLE NURSERY SCHOOL 317 Marine Ave. Harbor T'"-R P. 0. Box 889, Balboa Island OPTOHETRISTS Eye.a ~ned-GI-.-Rllp&Jred ERNEST T . BU'M'ERWORTH, 0 . D. Optometrtat: 11141 w. ea~ :r?"'rt B6acb PAINTING a DEOOKA'l'llfO R. ll. ANDERSON CONTB.l.Cl'OR Palatblc A Wate11»rootlq CA.LL BEACON 57!0-J' • RlCHAJU> KD:LT PBOTOORAPBER ~ Portnftu:re JOI llarllM ......... a.Jbcm 1a&c -- LIQUOS 8TOU21 Ml&\. lJQUOR SHOP _ .. .,..,...'-................ PRrillC1AXll • 81111CmO!fll .L v. .4NDRSWB. .. .o. ill """"' ........ --D•IJ.41 pAI.MKR 0.-- ...._ ... _ lTlt N4i•'1;"l,~°'* ... -a.Mo-·-~ PBY81~8 a 8UBGltON8 JOHN K. .C. CHUNG, lll. D. .daa a.ad 8wpoa l-4. T-8 30 Ud by A.DDob:ltmnt -· -· UAL ESTATE IURfloR INVB!mOCNT 00. Rooli.n lpeclaJMt la llartior ProDu1:1ell su.me.. and Remde.lital uo 1:. l eo.ta •-. cattf. IOth at W . Central, Newport Beacb. PboM: Harbor l..,._llOl S a llUBOEONS •W:•l .ESTATE 1785 Ne BITd. :ee.oon UN R. lll.. l..A.NE R&ALTOR Income Propert~etll Sl6Ct per mo. Home. S-rma. A. tan.4=--' 5.~ IO rt. oa OeM.ll nt _,_.$10 MIU Resllence BMllOll 1777 Ooeta Me• PHYSIC S a SUBGEONS D W. T . MOONEY X Ray SUT!ce lnth and ~ntn.I Newport ~b. Cal., can Har. 48 1611 Sa SUBGEONS N. (PE.A.SJ:. K.. D . t&Uon Dtagnoell Hr by Appolnt.mea.t c Dr. Corona del Mar • Ha.rbor 2111-J ' PHYSICrs • SUIWEONS ' GE~LD RAUSA. M. D . 2830 W . Jentr&J Ave. Newport Bch. one Harbor 1028 PIANO~CHER G V. LINSENBAR Teach of Pia.no 6: RarmoM17 1526 OcYfl Front Barbor 1252-W !Ne1Vp(lrt Bet.ch I P LUMB,G a llEATINO 1 H. HOLBROOK 32>0 ~ BIYd. Newport B-.ch Pbl ne Harbor ltl.8-W 1 POULTR" PRODUCTS I TWIN CJ?l'Y POULTRY llARXET Ltve JPouJtry and Rabbit. 2010 W. Oentn.l A•e .. Newport Bch. ryio ne Harbor 1106 1 I W Brrfi i "HAP"~ LONG'S R.ABBlTRY RabblUI Dreued Daily 1, er Your Order- Ph ne Ord.ere Accepted Cor. of 1 1 &nd Tuatln.. Beacon 5611 RADI O s:IU.ES a SERVICE Ju.t ReoetTed 1.::.-.-:,: llodel-19 20 f~ Radiophones J . Kj 'BRoWN OOllPANT Beacon q;s.w 1211 Cout m.w .. ,. ' RADI O 81<'1.Ell a SERVICE s.o.il. RAD~l:LlrlCTIUc imlm> RJ:CORD SHOP ~ llakes Home A Auto Radtoe Camp~ L1lMI of RecorU Im Jbrt4 Aft. Harbor ,. j llalboa~ _ .... _ Kli1M and DccaWk Ph. B. a..... '""' .... Ooatnl N Beach, C..W:. Lup Kap ot City For Sal• _::a:oo 200I Court A. ve. Harbor NI REAL ESTATE J . K . KILLER REALTOR 16th and Oe.ntnl Harbor 1242 Newport BeM:b REAL ESTATE Wil,I.IAK W . 8.:A.NroRD R.Kltor and General Iuuranee GBRTRlfDE A. WALDRON 808 Xarlne Ave. Balboa lal• Harbor 234-R REFRIGERATION RS.P'RIGERA. TION &lea A Se"1ce Domeatlc Commercial NEWPORT ELEC. APPLJANCJa -Radlo,- 2906 Cout Blvd. Pb. 2138 Newport ~b. Ca!Jt. RESTAURANTS & CAFES BLUE R9QK Charoo&l Brol1ed Ste.ab, 1'1De Food.I Oocktaila "RUSS" SWEETSER at the Orp.n 208 Palm, Balboa -Harbor 2224 RESTAURANTS THE DOLL HOUSE of Balboa Open the Year A.round , 4115 E . Central Ave. Harbor 2110 RESTi'URANTS & CAFES KINGS LANDlNG A CA.FE Specialising In all KJndll of s.a Food 811 8lllf. Ne-.vport Bea.cb Ha.rbor 19341 BESTAUR.u.'TS-CAFES LA POSTA Dellclou• KeXiean Food. ~ Newport Blvd. Beacon 6&(1 Coot& ..... RESTAURAl'ITS & CAFES NEWPORT CAFE Bpeclall..ing In Fam.IJ7 Trade. Good Old' Home Coolr.1.ns 110 M.cFaddD Pl. Harbor 1311)..W llERTAUBANTS a CAFES Rpeckllafn.a: ln Sea F'ooda A Steiab NORTON•& B.l Y SHORB C.4711: 17th St. and Cout. HWJ". B-... 5745 Newport Beach, Calltorn.LI. WHII&& P.l.RJC AVB ~ --..... ,,..,. __ .., -:-Balboa tale -VJ(JS llTAftO!fll ~a.• 'NG -~ ............. Tisa PMl .ke •r ... .... c , .. ...., . .... ..... 1111 SDVICE STATIONS l!lL.A.ND SfD!JJ. STATION • Ttr..-Lubrk&Uon-Battarl• Wuhlna-Ttre Recappln1 Wheel ........ 217 lla.rla6 A .e. Barbor mt-w Balboa Iow.d SHUT METAL GENJmAL SHllET IOTAL WO. Sheet lron-Au1ee-B&lKb lndWllrtal-AuUdtas Gutter and l>o•n Spouta SIGNS 28i7 Villa Wa7 1'ewport :ee.ch, 581-J B!:NEDICT THlC SIGN 1U.N JO y_,.. 1D the Harbor 4'J"M Soedaltaiq In Gold Leaf Lettertna W'aJI Letteriq, Window Lettertq 'PtlrtecUon or l:J.a'• m Narciuwi An. Barbor 87 SIGNS Corona. del liar L . W . P IERCE EYeryth.lnc In Bi~ 16 Yean In Oranc-e County Llcerued State Contractor Beacon 613f~J SIGNS· TOK RUNKLE-SIGNS BJ~Boata Lettered. Harbor 2222 I07 Palm Bal boa., Calllorn.ls SPORTSWEAR SA WYER SPORT SHOP lien and Bo1'• ~rtsw'eu' Complete Line of H&btda.ahry 207 Kar1ne Ave. Balboa i.ie Harbor 576 STOCKS & BONDS LESTER• CO. Nember Los Angeles Stock Ea.chg. 2004 W. Centr&l Ave., Ne'#J)Ort Bch. Tel. Harbor 137•-J DEAN W. CAKPBELL ~ COLIN W. TRAVERS • Bead Oftloe, 621 S. Sfrln& St. ~Ancel• l TACKLE STORES QWPORT TACKLE STORE! Kum Rima I ' lOCii 1'cNden Place Pb. NB. 97 Newport Bea.ch, C&J.U'ornta TAXI SERVICE BALBOA CIRCLE TAXI Serving the Newport Harbor Area 2t-Hour Reliable E'enicci 1501 W. Central A•e. Hu. 830 Newport ·Beach TAXI P!iou Bea.con SIM NEWPORT -COST& J0:8A TAXI CO. Acent SLnt& Fe Tratlwa,. 609 Cout B.IP.a7 UPHOLSTDING CLA.UD& A. JOHNBON 'r.llored Upbolft.ery Your Personal S&tb!acUon Guanu>teed "7 Newport BlYd. VDn'IAlf llLl!fDll llillREDITJl's' ·• . .• VEN1:TIAN BldND 00, llarifactunn of CUkim B 11 f I t au........,_,1ete -""" -ftU..11.s Benu... • 4ll IOtb St. N.-...port .,_. TIO m.A.D» BBOP A.No Venetian B11DU Wood or ANmiaam. JU JOth St. Barbor 157'0--W ,. ........... BA1'D'I' '.&JIDI' 8BOP A. T. Jmucecw .......... .._ . .... 111..-.·~ ..... • - New;art llut.Kw' FISHING NEWS St'I Ill .,. 8l'Oln'Pl8BING A88'N .... NZWP0Kr BAKBOB -----------------One bundftcl ninety-two marlin and broadblll swordfish Is the total of tbne flsb weighed In so for this RUOn at the Newport Bubar Muter' d o c k . L a I t Wednesday a 245 pound broadbW wu landed by H. S. Graham, from aboerd bis boat Trade Wind, out of Port Or8nge. Five hours and 45 minutes were required by him to land the fish on heavy tackle, "'1ille Elaine Graham skippered tile boaL 'lbe live bait bbat Waterwitch dlaoontinued service yesterday, but on November 15th the Waterwitch wUl start it's winter rock cod fish- ing leaving at 7:30 a.m from the Fun Zone Landing in Balboa. All rock cod fLShermen can look for- ward to action starting November 15th. Barracuda. white sea bao;~. and halibut are being caught fr<Jm the Uve bait boat Sport King that leaves at 7 :00 a.m. daily (r'>m King's Landing. Trolljng boats are Oying aaba-~ core flags whE'n entering NeWJJOrt '° arbor ·these days. Harry Lons-~ dale's Virginia J\.tay brought in = two albacore Sunday, Bob Fry's = PDQ two on Thursday, Bert Mil l's = Lorna P at had a 34 pounder on ~ Wednesday. Other boats with al-= bacore flags flying came in Sun-,,,, day and one tuna flag \\.'as spotted. Frank Linnell had his Lynita D out Friday w+m: George Clark, of Long Beach. and ye scribe. Frank was after his 87th marlin, but had no luck. George Clark, after an albacore with light tackle, had his line tangle into a whale, but it got away. The wha1e almost came up under the little Lynita II. Surf fi shermen are continuing to " pick up yellowfin croaker. Smelt ,,, and mackerel fishing is good on " the Newport and Balboa piers. ·~ marks the beginning of ~ the end for another saJt\\'ater fish- ing season," "''Tiles many .. sports- writers thC'se days. Such state- ments are a little in error. Salt ~ water fishing goes on year around. Of course, there aren't as many fishermen, or fish\ as during the summer months. Sure, most of the ~ big fish leave, but ocean fishing "' continues. Even deep in the winter ~ months, Jive bait boats out of New-! port Harbor bring in good catches ~ of rock cod. Such fish as smelt don't show up until the water cools a Little. Mackerel fishing is only getting good now, aho. So. just remember, salt water fishing does go on year around. The number of fishermen offers you proof positive! De Leones, Mejico, Offer Marlin Contest; Want Harbor Data ""' Club de Leones de Mazatlan. In other words, Lions Club of . Mazatlan. Thi5 organization is interested In holding an annuaJ competition for the best catch of marlin and sail ftsh off the coast of Mazatlan and has contacted the Sportfishing Association of Ne..-.'POrt Harbor for lnfonnation. The cout city of Mazatlan, M@'xtm. hu long been the secret sporUbhing spot for those in the know, a beauty spot rightly nemed the Pt>arl of the Pacific, claims Cub de Leones de Mazatlan. A eolid silver cup trophy is what they plan to present to the -winner by the Governor of the state of Slnola. ~ Sportfishing Association of Newport Harbor has forwarded literatuPt< and intormatlon. par- tJcularly on the activities of the Balboa Angling Cub in promoting the marlin fishing off Newport Harbor. Now that the marlin sea· IOl1 Ls drawing to a close here. all marlin fishermen are now offered the opportunity to take off for Mazatlan, Sinaloa. ~texiro. and take a crack at that solid silver <Up trophy. Navy Day Luncheon Planned by Chamber Navy Day, October Z1. will be ~In Nowport Harbor with a luncheon at a place yet to be named by the Nev..-port Harbcx' Cllamber of Commerce. Sped.al committee includes Capt. C. V. McCarthy, U.S .N . (Ret.), J~ Robert Gardner. Harry H. W1l.liamlon, Hubbard C. Howe, W. M. Loncmoor and B)'TOn Marshall. Lost Dog Claimed A c:oclttt sponiel wbicb WU found by Jo Anne 11w-aes ol N-- port Beach Saturday was turned OYel' to HtnNM Of1icer Vince CU· --"' the paUce deputtnent. Latft' a pbysidan ITon1 the S.. Llwl --ts, ~. dalmed tbe anbnaJ -------It Is poalble for a full)' m- -bnke to oqueak, announcod National Agt<Jmobile club. A - -Is likely to press WWYenjy .., the clrwD. thus .. ttina up a mattet Inc dfect-u heavt ... p~ OD the brake ~ tmdl to atop the aciwaklnc. it la • ..... tut tbe -la -· , • • • odern Living Demand Modern FoodS O. C. HARR -- -C. C. OTl'O Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Barr's Jewelry TW!n L<>ca-1111 llAIUIOll BLVD. 0.-. •••• lie......, Arthur Sliver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room urs, ~ ~llANOB ......... --- BurtR.Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN ..._. ll'ecroa 57tl ll11 ~ Jllclrwa:J'-N-rt _.. (lalll. O. R. (Po1>l Crawley-ff. M. (Morrie) Crawlq Dlstlnctlve Home FWnlshJnp Crawley's Furniture I.SUN-rt BmL-l'IL Beacon MM Colt& Mesa-'"ln tile Heort of '!Wn" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd'' 1500 W. Oentral-Newport-Pll. Barbor 115 AL ANDERSON Fun Zone Balboa Lee Fabian Manager METZGER STORES . . . n.restone . • • ' 1111 Newport Blvd., C.0.ta Meu., Beacoa UU•W "Home and Auto Supply Stores .. • RE-ELECr Jesse L. Elliott -Incumbent- SHERJFF TUESDAY, NOV. 51.b Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Pb. Beacon 5810 Costa Mesa. CallfornJa A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. P'r1c'4alre and Maytac Dealer-Beacon 55ea: 1791 Newport BJ..i.-co.ta M-Calif. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance otnce Ph. Barbor ZOU IOI Mata S-~boa, Calif. F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI"S .OF ALL KINDS Ph. Harbor 2143-W llOI Ocean Froa.t-Newpo"' Beacb, OalU. HUB8ARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Coast Company H12 W. Central-Ph.. Barbor ZIOO HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing n~ a Oout mpy-Pboae -MllO Lew H. Wallace Real Estate and Insurance Broker ~ s r: Ottlce. Barbor S-Kee. llarttor lW De W. Oentn.I Ave.-Newpon Bsnci\, OalU. COY E. WATTS . Balboa Liquor Store -IL Ooatnl A-, Balboa. Pb. -· M~ --"' Oo.-iltz" -G. B. -· llp. I J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER I'll. ll&rtlor tut 11~ at Ooatr»-N-rt -'"On Your Way to Balboa'' Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "FLYING ltED BOBS&" JOHNSTONE SERVICE ll&l'IMw 11'72-J • (lout --•t 101 lllPw"7 Newport Engineering Associatet FREDERIC J. SINGER, Prosldent -..iactann a -J:llct-U16 OMld ~ Bem"9 MU Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store - •• Footwear for All tile Family •• 1'1111 N-,.n ~ --~--w Walter J. Gerhardt Harbor :192-W OUR PHOTOGRAPHER ., .. !tt' .&W--0.W ....... Robert L St.arc; Recudlnc hctnerr Davis & Gay Music Co. • JM Nw .......... 4'r1ta llrn 81 m1• 1'11'1 ua WaJm& a • r a• BwAi G. N. Wells Real Estate ..._.,. ralUl t• 1'ewpw& •st.O t --. a.a. Food, Basic Fundamental of Living, Can Also Be Raised to a High Art BJ WJNlll'U:D BARBRE With other _..-z'ts of the ~ &wed to a at. •-Bred _ • ...,,. , llvblg, former a.ibocll ol. food preparailolt wbidl ~ltoara ol. tbe ..._tWH ... e U-co loDgw h·dt\e, ••• To wwer lbe reed, 9dectle baa developed tr.• foodl, prder-~~•:rd qaldi to prepare. .•• .llaldRlt aD wigebblu ud -•· acd evm pre-eoopecl food, a1 at aD .... oz1 ••• Wblle fOf' fii<Me l*w of dining oat, talmted chefs prepare cllllbe8 ereat bl Oavar for psla.- tory erjo,._nt azd lmpln.tlon. Maitresse de Cuisine ANi lfA FLYNT SEXTON Anita Flynt Sexton, who is opening Balboa's newest palais des meStibles, "'The Galley'', this week, was born in Duluth, Minn., on March 17, 1894. . .. Wh the baby was two years old Mr. Flynt. who was a mining engineer, took his family to Mexi .... At the age of 16 she was sent to the National Park Girls' school at Washington, 0 . C. hile there she met and married James Bernard Sexton of Stillwater, Minn .... Mrs. Sexton became a buyer of ready- t~wear, working for the Broadway Department store and Bullocks' for years, and later going into the apartment house business. Coming to Balboa ih June of 1 5 for a vacation, she liked the locality so well she bought the Balboa Meat and Delicatessen, ing it for nearly a year. ... Recently Mrs. Sexton took a lease on Gladys Beverly's new buijding at 509 East Central avenue and this week is opening "The Galley", a frozen food shop and delicatessen, which has the added attraction of having two rooms for "custom dining" .... !fach room will be available for parties of from two to 28, by reservation only, and dinners will according to order, ·:you name it and we'll serve it" .... Mrs. Sexton will have as her assistan Mrs. Rose Lugo, who was for 11 years manager of the grammar school cafeteria and it is I! to enlarge the staff in the near future so that orders can be taken for catering .... Mrs. xton is a member of the Hotel Greeters of America Auxiliary, the Apartment House Ass ·ation, Business Won.en's Council and Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Henry W. Brainerd Radio S 0 S Electric 900 ~ 11.laDd-r.. Barbor '71D PlllJoo, o. E.. Hofhnan, Admiral, Tbor --Appl1aDce 8emoe Speclalloto 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor 1111 (lout ~--... Illar, c.ur. ..... Barbor as Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Teleplaft ... Btt noa 5'11 ud 54'1 111 (lout ~-rt -Calif. ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold · Storage ft. ekbor "8 &!I IOtll BL-Newport Be•c>, Callf'. A. "Sandy" Steiner REALTOR ...,_and T.-Brtns. -IN CJwi ID"'7-l"laone Ben'Dll 5171 "Ou•ck" Smith A Homer Smith. Proprielon Balboa ~ntral Market (WM II•--~·-a --) ,_ IL Ooa~ Barbor 1729 Thomas F_ Norton Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ..._ Bw rs .,ta-1,.. • OliMt ..., SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. Al azd ,... .. MEATS •n1d1,.. Wta OoUWw -c-~­ lobc;y AW Balboa hl1nd Sporting Goods "EWrytbln& fer tbe Spo<Wnan" -~ ......... ...,_.....,._ WI. ....... MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannaey n•o...r.2 1 ...... , • Louis lV erwey, Prop. Casino Caf & Cocktail Lounge IOS lbbl 8---I'll. -· '1'19-M b Callis Dlotri- OENEBAL ~*-(FLYING BOllBl:POWll:ll) m-s~Nowpo~-.m R GREELEY '' IK-UP'' Carmel p ...... -""' cr- Maltod llllD Bot Dop -Cold Qaalfa lot llla.lll -Bal ..... Dr. Ro rt A. Crawford MEI'RIST l'l'ft N B~ -Oollf. PaT-i;;:;~n Balbo;'_lp~rtfishing Fleet Pb. -. ISi-Baiboa Pa.-Bra~en L. Finch Gen Mer. · h Ceramics 'AlllllA! WPltEN, Mua&er eoartment Store ire.di Too. Piece ci-ls H'"'libold Wore .. _.,Ooota_ dJ.Hannon BALBO HORSE RACES -~~~er; ~~;;E~'too :tsPe»t 1111 •••• II I ft. NJ:UlON 8T RD • GERALD IJlllatf'I .. -....... - Ets-H kin & Galvan -IL Mary's Beaab' Shoppe --~-a............ . • "Dutch Heacock . EARL W. STANLEY -Cooerln& Grater Newport Hutlar -...... -.... We·• ,,..,._ .,,. ma.-a~ ... ··-n la ..... 11U~A-.-.Newpwt- WAIW&:cl.Ctt;. \ 1 Merchant Patrol .&alll Detecllte ... ,._ --FNM-N.._t ft. -Ull-a Theodore Robins FORD DEALER 1111 w. Ooatnl Plloee llutlor II C. F. Dennison -.w wt~ A. "8AND'F" STEINER -RM!tor Ill ()out lllcbW07-Pll. Bartlor 16'11 Jack S. Fred V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 N-rt Boale'VOl'd Plloae Beuoa. 5808·W. Vo.ta II- JOSEPH L. MARSHALL christi~-:;Jiut T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen lO'I Main St. Balboa Hotel A.- BICBABD L PATTERSON Civil l'ln&'ln<>en Patterson & Boyle -Bldir.-PIL 5915 -Saata Alla W Ciiut BJord. Nort.b-Pb. 51H--1- Capt. B. J. McNally HcN.UJ"'a Balboa Boat Livery 1811 E. Bay A..,.--PIL Bartlor toe E. C. ''POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Nwnber Dart Games on c..t Play Ball with Dolls B. B. Rifle Rance -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Callf. Geo. Webs L. Elaine W- Coast Properties Co. Realtors 108 IL Ooatnl Bal-Pb. -. - W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe llR Place-Newpw1: Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market IH Mata St. Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEW lll'O'l' 1111 ~ 111Pw"7-N-rt llooell, (lalll. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails -s~. Oordo, Art •Sam.,,_ __ IOI llaln Bt.---Ballto• ft. Banor 111 Robert E. Arvin's Jewelere and Watch-ken 111 Tw9t,-Sec...i ·-Newpor& Btte", Odf. WIDlam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Oilldm MacCurdv & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCH1TECl'S M. E. Nl<dedrer, Sec. A TlMa. U1I Cwt lllw__, ·Newport BciL-BwNZ Ml.I J.E. Ragsdale (-) Balboa Motel and Wind90I' ma.~ • n11Lc 1111 _.,,........ ..,.o.m. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN 9•1a04 ~~MDII new HARRY J. FORSYTHE .... ,,,...,. c a a,..., "Ewi1tlllrc ~ • rs ••• ..... ..., oa • <liJnl) hi r & Aw., ·r· n ·'rs\ • z-.. W-W - • ' ·-r • • • . ;:::.=A=N=N=N=o=u=N=c=1=N=c=w,iUHi:as:&ty:UH"i.~:··~7!!.' ~s 1!:!»;;0E~L~i.!:N.!:E:s ~Kni::Sta:;:.,:t ~.p the Opening of the 0 pens ·, n wam JORN DONllO.IT In Housing Crisis bo• GI c PAYING O.IT Superior Jud&• Goodwin J. Har r ass 0 Having -peld oft our bet. Knight, candidate for lieutenant-_ 28ll Lafayette . Pb-llarbor .866 Los Angeles on the World Serles, this deport· governor. asserted In a radio llCJ. ment can COl19Gle it.ell with the dress this week that .. the state fact that It picked the Nowptrl· must do everything in its power Garden Grove crSd same right on to make more tupplies available to Automobile Glass • Boat Glass the ,_, 1ut ..-having -· 11ome builders." llDd Boa& Le_._._ •"The Hasty Heart." which opena .-Ucated that the loc:als WOl~d Go\'t'rn<Jt' Warren, he aald. .. bu ' n ·--.. at the BlltmCll'e theatre, Loa An-take the ~ by lS pclnta. already taken stepa to uaist the ge:Je1 on October 21.st. for three "'My Boy ot the Week. Dick Brace veterans in obtaining housing, and ~~~±~~~~~!__~~~ ' ~---•-•-~ bli I I --~ ~-•-·~•-·-· ddi ak In """"'-e 1:1 M •• weeks only, has ~n auaaul.:u o g ng y ~ "-o \.UUU.uu-n• a ·uon.al st:ei;. will be t en -.-_ -"!' -• .,. by aitJcs from coast to oout. This and Louie Mello, even m<lft obUg-the tuture. (Politkal Advertisement) FACTS FOR THE AREAS OF THE COUNTY WHICH HAVE PROTESTED LACK OF PROTECTION BY THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE *** Yoor t&xe8 ani being spent for proteclioll. You SHOULD have It. - - -You CAN have it. u •s'lierely a matter of pl'Oper organization. ---You CAN have it. It needs no mon> men or money. It DOES need attention. -- -You CAN have it. ' JAMES A~ MUSICK Veteran of W\)rld War D Candidate for delightful comedy wu named ''The ingly kicked' the extra point after ''In this, as In other matters, I best orlgjnal play of the year" by the second score to bring the i;cur-propose to cooperate with Gov- Burns Mantle, dean of New York ing total to 1& emor Warren in every pcmible critics, and received praise from The week before, we Pcked Har· way so that hb progressive poU- every reviewer during It.I year's bor to beat Riverside by two touch-des may be canied out." run on Broadway. downs but the Sailon, t>vidently Judge Knight also ea.Jled for the The play comes to Los Angeles not wishing us to take them too elimination of bureaucratic con- after six weeks' engagement ln lightly, made three touchdowns trots. asserting that '"I disagree San Franciaco, where the aitlc::s ror good measure. heartily with the idea that our were again unanimous ln lauding WZEK people a.re &a helpless and so John Patrick's absorbing comedy PREDICl'ION OF THE ignorant-so completely µnable to drama. Newport Harbor to take Fuller-solve their problems for them- Although the acUon or the play ton Indians by Six. Won't give selves-that bureaucrats are need- takes place ln the convalescent any odds but can't see the Indians ed to lead them around by the ward of a British General Hospital, taking the Tars Who are on the hand." it ls by no means a war story. The upgrade with ev~ game a n d J udge Kiltght warned that the story centers m"Ound a dour young should be the most improved squad governor's program ror California Scotsman, played by Whitner Bis-in the circuit. . expansion during the next four sell, whose manner ln respansible Saw the Indians take a beattna years might be jeopardized by the tor much ot the play'• comedy. from Pomona lut Friday night election of men who are hostile to Erin O'Brien Moore appears 81 but the Indians don't have to be the governor's Policies. a nurse while the third star ot ashamed of gettlne: beaten b>: a Str<'SSing his own 15-year record ''11le HASTY HEART' ls Dean team that will undoubtedly wind ot friendship and support tor the Harens, who deserted his aky-up in the CJ_F playoffs again this governor. J udge Knight pointed rocketing career in motion picturn year. out that his own opponent 11ad to appear as a hard bitten young .Fullerton wound. up the_ contest campaigned ror the dereat of the American. Othen featured ln the With a total net g8.ln ot mmus one governor in the elections ot ~ cast include: Robert McCutchin, yard but made the Red Devils ~ 9 nd 1946. Gilbert Frye, Charles Waldron. Jr. to the air for their tallies. Thell' "I submit to you," he deciared, Martae Tiny McClure and Vernon Steele. line is big and tough and NewpJ-:t "that no man who campaigned tn G During the limited run of "The will really have to move to get the spring as a member of the lllA.J:Ntj:NANClll: Hasty Heart'' performances wtll through the forward wt:'-U ?r. like 'Package Deal' has a right to be presented nighUy except Sun-Pomona, take to the 9.11' lines to profess friendship for Governor days. Matinees will be presented make yardage. Wan-en now." on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Coach Wendy Pickens la not t~e Judge Knight emphasized that Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1194. N-rt iltnl. Plenty of Whiskey one to stand idly by. and let his J public interest in good government well-scouted Ta.rs go into the Ful-transcends partisan li nl's. He lerton encounter "ithout a few painted out that in the primary tricks up their jerseys, So WRtch elc>ction, nearly half a million for something new when the Tars Democratic voters cast their bal- go on the offense. Jots for Republican candidates for lieutenant-govf'rnor. and that he DID YOU NOTICE··· · ··• --··· ···· personally recc-ived more than a That Huntington Beach beat St. quart€'r of a million Democratic • • eOMfJO'"I 901 ec-t mp..,. PIMme ltm ! JG Nil SHERIFF No Umlt to a.ny of our meJ"Ch•n41ee COSTA MESA, OALJP. Anthon~ last week by the score of votes. 14-12? Newport meets the Oilers Judge Knight led all ca ndidates -;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; later in the season and were beaten in the primary race for Ueutenant-~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 by the St. Anthony Saints in their governor, \vith a total ot 684,096 Phone 8-oon 5011 ONE HARBOR 81 lOS ""4GlllS HOlll'WOOO LONG llACH 'ASAO:KA POMONA l lVltSIOl SANTA ANA LESTER & Co. INYISTMlNT SlCUllTllS TO MffT THI INYISTOIS" NllOS first game of the season. 12-0. votes. That Santa Ana had an easy -•••••• liijiijiiil time beating Riverside last wec-k as did Newport on the week pre- i\l,mhn-U,1 Ang1/11 S1ock &ch11"I' 2004 WEST CENTRAL A V'E.., NEWPORT B EACli HARBOR 1374-J vious? That Roy Ward is turnin" In a terrific game for the Tars, calling signals, acting as team captain, performing :sterling blocking duties and standing out on defense? MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE R USHING THE SEASON No sooner get baseball out of the.way so we~ concentrate un football when buketball rean 11' ugly head and begins way ahead oC time on local courts. The com- munity basketball league has al- ready gotten underway and will continue from now on. Six teams are entered and there are a lot of stan and ex-stars cavorting on the hlgh school boards. They play on Tuesday nights and the fint game is scheduJed for 7 p.m. lle«+•nlcal Worll MOTORS UBUJLT • ~Upo • 8pedalty • Have this 4-Point Check e llO'TOa e lllU.&.s CH&('&-lTP CHSC&Q e •AL\'E8 .... e lOS"ITION" CA.a.DOS 8E& VICS 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PHONE HABBOB 21211 • Fmclen Fb:ed • Wheels Stralgbt.ened • Body Repairing • Auto Painting $50 and Up Phone Beaeon li8U Newport ~ Coeta Mesa CAB CO. 24-HoW' Service (Political Advertisement) <Political Advertisement) **** "1 am ... shocJced by the growing indifference and apathy toward oa.r .returning vete.rana •.. " -GENERAL OMAR BRADLEY, Cldel. United Stalae Vet.ram A~ , • Don't take a chance on burni .We'll repair the leaks quickl11 whole coolin11 system a 1afet71 R SIGNS EN EDICT The Sign Man AT LETI'ERING SPECIALTY •.• ~ • up your engine. and give the rst check. 'i ·t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • • Dollar Lid,_,. la Oran,. County AsricuJtan. Learn how it ia Procected. Lia-to dwo PUBLIC SERVICE HOUR Friday, Oc:.ol>.. 18, 6: I' P. M .' .;, ' IC. V.O.H. 1490 k.c. oa your dial IHBIFP JESSEL EWOn, Mad•1111or Indepen.i...t Ctircna' Commiou. "Who is 'our' Congress•an voting for?" -Hffe voted a~inat the Veterans EmerrencY Houaiq Program • • • e only California Coni:reuman tl> oppoae thia program." "He voted against "international cooperation and expand· Ing foRi(n marketl for our agricultural producta ••• by oppoaing' UNRRA, the loan to Britain, and extension of the Reciprocal ~de Aireementl." Hffe voted G':ainEt the Atomic Enerp-Control Bill, ad~ cated by en. isenhower and other national leaders." RAY ADKINSON 1tands for a positive program Ray Adkinson will fight lo speed up the Veterans Houa- ing Program -correct injustices in the ''on-the-job· training''. program. He will support measures designed to strengthen our nation and to promote a lasting peace. He will work for the inter· ests of the entire 22nd Con· gressional District-for the wellare of the many. Elect RAY ADKINSON to Congress f•""ers / •, StrecakY• Let ua remove the dings and dents, the streaka of the other fellow's paint. Your car will look yean younge~. -------------------------------~ . I Vote '1U' 011 J!' Proposirioo 3 will reline the tucber famine in California by guaranttting public tchool te>chen a minimum salary ol. $2400 a year. i...«-ol 14.Xes MO •OI k i~i by tAis ~&nltt. Stll# /M•ds ~ •IHliLJH~ for tAi~ /H'TP'W· "'T wo hundred California organizations, incl· ·· ,g the fellowing. urge you to vote 1a·· aa S -Republican and DmK:icratic Parties, American !.qrion, Veterans oi Foreign Wan, Disalilcd Am.nan Vctuaru, AF L, CI 0, Native Daugbocn lDd Nari''< So..., and P-T A. A.J ,yn1~mbn-111An1 )ICM rou wye~ n J. k att IO t10le •No• oa t J* w!U<lt IVOll/J /11r1Aa rdwe ~ ;..J~lfM* dpt# •f'propri•lioru. (91•1~ E.lectl-, T.......,,, NOV....ber I) OAUrORNIA COUNCIL ·0.r EDUCATION DI YOIM ............ SAl4 l'IMICISCO Bererl Cellfornlar1 Answer to Jlpalb7, Generali California has the answer ro apathy, Gener.a.I! Proposition 2 will give the veteranS of this State an assisunce program second ro none, supported NOT from legislative appropriations, NOT from new caxes, bur from A GUARANTEED PER· CENrAGE OF TilE PROCEEDS OF STATJ!. SUPERVISED GREYHOUND RACING. .J That makes sense ro us, Genenl, as veterans and as uxpayers. California wterans want to see Number 2 win. They know California is DO( going ro let her vet· ams down. THIS STATE'S ANSWE8 TO APATHY IS llTIUllS ....... .. ~Of~ ..... a ICAll--1 -~ Of CA&#Om.M • • ' ~:9: A 119J1Wne Ford lubrlcation,j ann~ IOtmd effect&. It d and the pleaaure luta. ·nu w.·o · ... •a; & ..... will remove the 't take long - • • I I I ! I I I I I I . ' r I I I I I . I I BRING YOUR , "BACK · HOME" FOR PROMPT , LOW C.OST -SERVICE , . ...... 1Jlls4 p a lfi •• .- -- , .. Marine Beauty Salon- "' Mar!De Balboa bland PboD& Barbor 151 • Girls' League Meets In Executive Session ~ .,_,,11v. committee of the G!rlo' Leoaue of Nowprt BHdl Grammar ldlool, aimlatlnc of the .. la elected to olflce at the meet- , • , J ....... Harbor Feminine Act· + + • \ , __ .......... - LB. YARDAGE ~';t ws:r::::::. c!_ :'°t!:;:: Assistance League Dessert Bridge Date Mrs. Rossi Honored rt Beach G.S. C.P.T. Executive Board plans for the year. June Keen Set for Nov. 22 at N. H. Yacht Club Before heaving for First M.,ecting; Discuss_ Problems ='l' _ ~=clodded that by d!vldln& FrldoT. Nov. 22 ,. .... tu the at the home of Mn. George Hol-Home In Italy of community lnt.nst p.m. at t11e Ntiaport --u Into mWier .......,., _,,could be date for the big fall cleloert bri• stem. Lido Ille, with Mn. Robert ......, by ex.:c..t:m board audl!Grha. tr. w. -Vin StronC, Ml II. nllt t.c B11+ accomplished. A surpr!ae -of Newport Harbor bnncll of the Walker and Mn. Ewtttt MorTls Mn. Adelina -of Cc<Ma of the Ne~ 8Hch rOO'ffllcm cllnct« of the Hunt-'---------•'--_, u well as a Hallowe'en procram Orona• County ~tance leque, u cchooi-. clel Mar --ed with a llll'--~ of Par-Incton --district and WU planned for tbe next meet-..,,,.,.-dlna to piano eompleted at Pldt1>t ...... the M...iam.. prlR handken:blof -Thun-eats Tncben -they met --1""th orpniar, w111 lr----.!..o-------. Inc. to be held W. week. ~ the meet!nc held TU<oday at the Yardley, Hodldmon. Kay Finch, day ewnlng at the bame ol Mis. w mominc at the bome be the qieabr. ,4~ / enthusiasm of tbe girls wu con-home of Mr.. Robert Powell, 916 Paul Palmtt, H. S. MacKay, Wll-Ed Mlrkmldl. 144 Rochester lltft<t of Mn H. O. Bo~. 1139 West ~ the Rlglita of / / taglous and promised an event Ocean Front with Mn. E. E. Bou-Ham White, Diane Hillman, Grace, Coot& M ... , with Mn. Lola Mc-Centr •""""" with 19 preoent. Youth." whic:h Is the CPT theme • • • of apedal Importance. dlnot and Mn. Victor Grace u J . Addison Gurley, Everett Gard-Millan aa uslltina -tea-ty at tbe atreet oornera for October, Ww be Dr. Stronc'a Pr<aent wue June Keene, Suale uliatlnc boat-. Iner, Robert Powell, Dixon Smith. Mn. -IA!ft Sunday !ram arislnc through chllclren waltlnc subject. ;t' . • Pleger. vl~president; Diane Good-The affair will be held at N ... -Vircln!a Cutle, Don M<Callum, Burbank alrport and will arrive for buaes waa -and On N_,ber 1 Room Mothen Jf. year, oectttar_Y; Sally ~ ~ Harbor Yacht club with Mn. Walter Sple<r, Arthur Best, Bou-W-•Y In Milan, IWy, "" h<r ronal atlon given to plapo which of both N<'Wpcrt and O:i!'ori& clel treawrer, J11111Ce Lon&. editor, An-Willard Kl11lon of th• ways and dlnot, Stanley O>amben. Walter !int vial! home In lnOllY yoan. will worked out In IOlutlon of Mar ocboola will attend a morntnc drea Cribben._ aergeant-at:anna; meana committee u pno.-al cbalr--Franz, Holstein, Walt<>n Hubbard When ahe Jett abe ~ pinned the lmi. "katreelrJUd!-" Newport -then Shirley Franklin. aodal choirman; man ncketa are altt9dy., aale Jr .. Killion, E. M. Harw:y, c. M. to her navy blue ~ta loVelY cor-Pl ,..... allo made for the will .-at the bome ot Mn. Gwynne Gloege, acholanhip chair-on&,. the aupervlslon of Mn. Raw-l>oaklno. Edpr Hill, Henry Nel-aage ol varlpted camatlona, pre-CPT meeting which will Drake. ., l'oland awn.,., BalboO:; man; Carol Andenon -Donna land Hodgkinson and Mrs. Victor meyor and S. R. Monaco. -ted to I:ior at the abow<r. be hel Monday, Oct. 21 at 2:30 and ~ del Mar IDOlbora will Price, ._a chairmen; Tovalane G Mrs Wllllam White II In Hung from the celling was an meet with Mn. Wllllams, 50!5 N. Duncan, decoration and arr~ ch~-· and Mn. S R. M G Wh t airplane with atreamen of crepe Bay Fr<>nt, Balboa Ialand. menu chairman, Janice Allen. arce of pr1zn • rs. eorge ea paper. at th• •ads ot wblcb were Co ti R rts After • discusalon on vartoua health chairman and their adva-Monaco of decorat!ona. Hostess to the gift-wrapped handkerd>lefa. n en on epo • laaues concerning schools, whlch on, Mill Robinson and Mila Oara Mn. Boudinot won th• acclaim County Club Leaders Other decorations were lighted Leg lation Study, will be on the ballot at the oom1ng Spelman. of the group for her ..._t on candl .. and fall flowers. At CTU Meet electlon, the bOard decided to have affairs of the Thrift Shop, which Games were played with prizes a member present at the Monday CORRECTION! has now been d.lacontinued. and Mn. Geor ge Wheat of Newport going to Mn. Roal, Mn. Kathy CPT meeting to expJain the issue Inadvertently the name ol Mar-1M presented Mrs. Grace, treu-Island, president of Orange Coun-Hall Mrs. Mary Oberto and Mrs. Mrs Estelle Harper of to parents attending. . ian Gartler of Newport Heights urer of the league, with a check ty Federation of Women's clubs, Jean' McMillan. Others on the Grove, county president Tea hostesses for the coming was listed among students ot for $300 to be used toward the entertained all county presidents list were the Mesdames M a r y omens' Christian Temper-session will be the kindergarten Santa Ana Junior rollege. ltliss county cancer clinic which is a at a 10 o·clock breakfast Friday l\fcDona1d Stella GaJnes · Harman on presiding, a joint meet· mothen. Gartler is in her senior year at major project for the county or· at the Huntington Inn, the dining P ause of Santa Ana· Fr~k Rein- : the University or California, Los ganizatlon. Mrs. George Yardley r oom having been turned into 8 hart, Elizabeth Bel~nt, D 0 r a ing of the Costa l\.fesa and New--------- . Ange~es campus and the J C stu-presidM over the business session. bower of dahlias for the occasion. Vilelle. Dorcas Shepherd. J l m port ach unions was held Fri-Grammar Schoo] ' ' ~ '¥; "Cap'n" Don's ea4tawa,p et.J. )dent is her mother, Barbara Gare-The next meeting wi!l be held SP<Ci•I guests were Mrs. August Brown, Basil Smith, June warren day at e social hall of the Costa Needs Extra Teacher L------------' ler. Schumacher of Anaheim, chair-an d.from Anaheim Landing, Mrs. Mesa Jll.munity church. ,. _______________________ ""!!Lutheran Women ma n of progra?n service and 1\-irs. Tony Shackles. eV. Carl Johnson, pastor "Moo&U,..._ .... ..-11:a~ tac~ -Ille WM~ LJ.. • Alfred HaJJeck of Orange, county of the church, was in charge of Have Work Day parumentarian. J ob's Daughters the w rship program and took A round table discussion featur-as his ublect "Causes and Reme- ed quostions and suggestions per-Initia te Tonight dies". r _~ Expert......_ Beauticians Mrs. Ellen Borchsenius has vol- unteered her services in answer to the need of local grammar schools for more teachers, and will teach the afternoon session of the first grade at the Corona del Mar school. J)e1Lr'1• Combination Dinners for Milady • Permanents, Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair Tlntlnc ---Bleach· Ing, Faclala. NO WAITING Carmen and Smlf at VAN DEU~S ' • 'Now is an ideal time to make your selection tor Ouistmas, and our lay-away plan will prove most convenient. - Rolling bandages and preparing Christmas packages for New Guinea featured the "work day" meeting of women of the Newport Harbor Lutheran church, who met rec('ntly \\ifh Mrs. D. C. Wede- king, 1920 Church street, Costa Afesa. . Members brought their own sandwiches with the hoste~ serv- ing dessert and coffee at noon. Present were the Mesdames H . Faccou, Herbert Roth, Pauline Culver, Richard Hubbell, Edward Wilcutt, C. Seebers, Enlle Schultz, Wayne Reiger and Kenneth Quarry jr. We Can Create a Diamond Ring . . . Just for You! c.ome in and choose from our large display of loose dia- monds, the particular stone whose size, btilliance and beauty meet all your requirements. Then have It set in one of our elegant and originally designed mountings of }"Ollr own selection. In this way you may become the pos- sessor of an individually styled diainond. ring ... at a cost pre-determined by you. c7. VAn DEU&Ens 508 NO. MAlN ST. SANTA ANA DRESSES -SUITS FORMAL . GOWNS --COATS FUR COATS Sizes 9 to 48 Half Sizes 141 to 26! SPECIAL A ITENTION GIVEN TO THE LARGER WOMAN Jerome ljOung" Dl/TINCTM · UlDl[.f ~P!lnll · 999 E. Colorado, Pasadena 1037 So. Coast Blvd., Laguna talning to club work. l\-frs. Wheat Mrs. Mara:aret Utt of Tustin, gave a report on the state board First initiation ceremonies of the county chairman of legislation and meeting held at San Fi-ancisco in newly instituted bethel of Job's citize ip, reviewed and discus-Septem•-th 17 IL" · With 115 first graders register-. ~1 • Daughters will be held this eve-sed propos 1ons appearing An f · I · b 11 ed at the schools last year and 156 announcement o spec:ia 1m-ning at Costa 1\--tesa with guests on the ovember a ot. portance was the Orang county now attending, classes are so large e . · from bethels of Santa Ana, Hunt-Afte the pot luck luncheon "play day'' whe II co t I bs two teachers can no longer mve n a un Y c u ington Beach and other cities. served at noon, Mrs. Florence ie.· ·11 · · · · I t t s · the pupils the individual attention W1 JOIO in a soc1a even a anta Honored Queen Joy Jane Robinson Beatty f Balboa and Mrs. Nellie A Ebell I b Th. · hed led necessary to teach them to read. na cu · is is sc u will preside and ten or more candi-McAda of Costa Mesa brought r Tu d Oct 29 A teacher is still needed for the or es ay, · · dates are to be presentec;i. reportsr of the national convention Local I b th 23 I afternoon session at the Newport c u women among e held atl 1\-1.inneapolis in September. Present WC M B M B ·d 1 Beach.school and_it is hol"M><'I local LJ.. NewandUnmnal Seafood Specialties LJ.. For-...- BEACON 5465 re rs. ruce c n e, Chpt"JJa Ct'rcJe A r<!po~t of the county convention """u Pr ... d t r Ebel! 1 b Mr Rob-" residents Will respond to the plea. 1 en o c u ; s. held i Garden Grove was given ~~;;;;;;..;;;.;;;;;;;;.;;;.;;..;;:.;iiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmi'. ert Ross, president of Orange • Mr H C S Capilla Circle of Corona del Mar by · arper. B~~~~:;;.~~~~~~~~ ~~:S~~ Community church meets Wednes-The tale convention is now in day Afternoon club, and the hos-day, Oct. 23 at 2 p.m. in the social session at Riverside at the First t hall. l\-1rs. Allen will lead in de-Baptis church and among those ess. votions and Miss Lois Ott will be plann1~to attend are Miss Con-Costa Mesa Girl guest soloist. The program will be ant, . Beatty, Mrs. Harper, symposium on Jnclia in four parts, Mrs. c'\\dams and Mrs. Ma Y Honored at USC by members of the group. U'Ren.f Dashing home Tuesday to ceJ.e.. brate her birthday, Miss La.Noma Grauel told her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold K Grauel of C<lota Mesa that she had been elec,Wd president of Elizabeth von Klein- Smid hall at the University ot Sou- thern California campus. Miss Grauel plays In the school band and is a menber of Siema Alpha Epsilon sorority. Her visJt home was a short one for she re- turned that evening to attend a sorority barbecue. Men of Church Sponsor Programs The organization known as Men of the Oiurch. is sponsoring Sun- day evening services for the next three months at Christ Church By the See.. There will be programs featuring vocal talent, instrumen- tal music, motion pictures and speakers of national renown. Last Sunday Miss Georgia Belle Waldron, violinist and Mrs. Dell Hamilton, pianist, both of Santa Ana, were guest artists. Pilot Class Guests At Laguna Beach Members of the Pilot class of Christ Church By the Sea went to Laguna Beach recently where they were breakfast guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phillips. Among those present were tbe Mesdames Edward Hart. !\RY Bar- rett, William Trusty, Ledn Fer- guson, Herbert McDonald, Fm! Woodworth, Cyrus Miller, E. D. Goodell. George Goeldner, A. J . Rutter, Wesley Fowler and Miss Elsie Newland. CASTAWAYS' C. Al IER By NANCY N -· ...... I GIVE UP! I've got the WRITER'S ! The News-nmes can't spare that much space and I'm all . t of elbow grease ---I can't catch all the nice names and ch!f g faOM I see up on the bluff ---and ~des. I'm not always the - -- I Co tlshlng too, and get stalled here liiftJ. there, nor is it~ylong . news that..sQ_many love~ guys and gals have found this gay little old dden eatery W!iich ~ t even have an address! Seems to me mos EVERYBODY has e1_ther been there-is there or has called up and spoken for a table-SO if yo wanna know if the 'doors of this newest lOcal attraction are st~ying open, or if your friends the so-and-so's ha e been in yet-the answer Is MOST probabl,l' YES. . Anyway, Im having too much tun tching th!!' way everyone enters into the spirit of the place, whenev I happen in, to make any further futile attempts to call the roll. From behind my fan, NO rm not a. darjcer, not even a walln?wer, r just peek her.e and there and have . _So I see ~ara Denlinger dinin~ with triend husband Clyde and we nng the biggest and mo5t beautiful begonia ·1 ever saw. Castaways~le, in . her hair. ·"<;ap'n" Don, who is a Ferdinand the Bull for ~ow is ravmg, _so she pves it to Mrs. Don who wears it and passes it to a dear littJe lady from Hollywood. ~o enjoys it and then sticks it behind the ear o~ her wajt- ress, so Clara who raises 'em promises ~two dozen seedlings. FAREWELL, S ABT! . In comes Sweetheart the pet Nanny t and mascot and e&;ts SlX geraniums out of a driftwood cornucopia, ocks over· a turquois ~t while nibbling the rubberplant therein, an 'is inyited to share a lady's salad! Don WAS worried then ---guess that will have to.be her fare- well appearance said he sadly, planting tJle rubber tree tn the salad bowl and leading Sweetheart outside the ~ portals. Not EVERY- ONE loves goats n-tAT much sez he, not ~en ME! She ~ eat <!UT ooWers and bust up the olace-but she C!N'T share the dishes Wlth our paying guests. GOOf>BYE. S\ T ! . At the next table sat the lovely IS ROSE _which Don Peder· sen manied and named a boat after, of rse with a red hibtSCUS back ot each ear and slacks to match -• ~ iin fact. gee. he BUil..T l:he boat ju.st for her-and painted it che~ to match her tavonte jac~~ SPEAKING OF NEW BOATS --~you should see Gay Roger, the beautiM baby cruiser launched last turday by Roger Watson. He was celebrating that evening with his wife and daughter in the chart room at castaways' and cap·n Don d Mrs. Don who had been at the launching were telling him that it as the Dl06t and prettiest 22 feet of boat they'd ever seen. rv~:;nJt too, and I agree. A SIUBT The WORLIYS GAYEST SHIRT 2 worn by Don that nlg)lt. 'Ille night before, this orange vennillion de was being worn as a dress by Mn. Howard Bear at a Luau on Island! NO SCANpAL- Mrs. Don was not only a witness to Mrs. Jl.aker's nobl~ sacrlfice, but provided the dressmaker who rebuilt this ~tic bit ol coJor into the Shin he wore on deck the very next night. SENIORS AND 0118 He who laughs last has foWld a The Hadd Rings were-entertaining th daughters Donna and Do- do;uble meaning which the censor lores, and son Bill. Also. I aaw the R. Hills of Udo ,Isle who has mlued. were entertaining their neighbon the and the bnght~ed 0 A repertoire jlist burst· Ing with the latest trends In short hairdos. • Rilling, Lustron, Helm CUrtls, Cold waves -ai.o machlneless permanents. Virginia Be/l's House of Beauty SO& Marine An. &n... Jrhad Phone _Barb or _ l 817 ANTICIPATION SHOPS ~~~~· ~~!!!! little Hank Hill and Tommy Hill. who 't eet their dinner tlll Don _!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::::::::. .. i GILL' s· ;';" membe.tlllu;, t~~~-~~allo-:.w~~~~ WDEPLACJ!J IDlOO TION• All thooe cracklina cheerful I-In the club-room fireplace needed to make the perfect lhzvest Moon ""'"~·~ four colo<ful mem-bers who Unnred there with ~ii.it;r "demi-tubs" of bot PUBLIC INVITED Clem and Lucile Herold Christie ANNOVNCI: nu: on:NING. 011' A1l ANTIQUE SHOP AT ~ llAJllNI: AVZNUI: BAIAlfl.t. 1111..t.ND C1..()8C1• Olf :moNDAY • DELICATESSEN =.!~l'\~"""tha~;!f:comi werr.~~~ FOOD SHOP and capt. Bill Smart was cuddled up 1n rec1 llhirt that defied the • Pi... .t.llllle l!tlaee •PMey~~ •Wllr Ip • ft•w. a..· • C.a!N ... ll•te ......... • Amdlom • v........ -•• " .... •l'lz•c* ... entitt a~ winter seuoo! His e Dobbie had on Just u bri&bt ana tbrillbii< a shade of ........ . Willi • mel1-aold deco< that blended with the PY Inf , al the place, yet loolied. for ...,..., like it came froom no -place Ille world than Iler'l'l~,_.,.,do<"'rf"· c-m.n. I aot a kldt out al ~ ~ way ~ lntancibk - bW are blended In the opli'tt al ca.ta •. •-·'"'-" . Dr. and llrs. L<dwood of Pll....... en~--.. • P8l17 wb2b h!puented a wide ....._ Mr. and Gecrce Hoec. al San Marino; and the Gecqe Grut Boeo II. -Rll!a; the G. S. McGowana ol Lone e..cb; Mr. ancf Mn. Duclley fllne al BurtJenk. and the C. K McKelllpo ol l'boonls. Artz. Ml.BOA lllLS .&MD tWM• we Balboa '"'nden .. «)omlnated. were-tbe .... c. l'xn&!I, Dick -llq -Dr. and Kn. R.. -... -Frmll:lln. SHOP AT GILL '5 n.."""l~-a.=~~~~ N~i: Ado-and llUtha Frands, the W II. W. Jedi: Olio, 11'w 11'1 11' p ~. 's"n s.ttT O*~, Doe Hiii. llrs. W. II. . , Dr. -Mn. K C. 1. u... -Lou l'ftster, Ille Karl . e-. -_..,.,, -• .... ••• eut.meoD. the J. A. -.. Art the Pen: ~ Hany l'wy ,&Neal• ~ ~~t ,"s:: .= DlA8::':-."';,:"'f:, ,, --i-. -to~ al the out«· • ,_ tbes' -~ Ill l'w I A-•• :d~~ . But di OOUitSE. ... 'nlill nl&bt It . be • -""•" di • L&OmfA ••m a-.. , · w. , s ,.. at t1w _. nu .. , •. , 11r. -Jin. .... C7Brle! • -- • • -- ,. .... J _THAf.lfAU.YflfSI ·-.....,..,_ bfenl~ llll •sd--.y-1" ' I U1°".'.., .... --~ .,,.._11111@1•" ··--· • -• 5 ..