HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-24 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB_ Low W.llTA It doesn't help anything or anybody to say "I told you so" in ref- erence to the report of the U. 's. Geological Survey oo the critical scarcity of water In the coastal wells as re- vealed at the Tuesday night meeting at Huntington Beach. The swvey, started In 1940. showed an average withdrawal of 140.000 acre feet annually and lowering the water level of from 40 to • 70 feet in some years. Yearly overdraft is estimated at 12,· 000 acre feet while the re- port also disclooed an alarm- ing rate of salt infiltration of coastal wells. principally in Santa Ana Gap. Method of c o n t r o 1 recommended bringing in MWD. regulated draft and construction of im· pervious subsurface dikes. This soothsaying purveyor cir comment was ch ided re- cently for still insisting that MWD water should come in , even though a majority vot- ed against. Yet the major· ity was in only one section of the city.and only about 15 per cent of the voters cast their ballots. I would still insist on MWD water even if 75 per cent of the people turned it down. because I feel the city need' that ";ater if it intends to progress. no mat· te r what the cost. The re- pOrt of gove rnment experts. as indicated above. should prove the c11 tical conditions confronting Orange coun· ty's harbor c:1nd \v hat \vill happen when th e w a t e r shortage hits us. Why Omit It! Annexa tion of the land adjoining the city's north bay shore prop- erty belonging to Jas. Irvine, by the council was a fin e thing, onl y the board did not go far enough. According to reports today only two members favored the project while the third member. only three being present, voted "no". Councilman Allen's ''no'' vote \vas predicated on the fact tha t some 2000 feet of shore line was omitted, the reason given by the Ir- vine Company was because the taxes would be too high. Wate r frontage in B a y Shores. the subdivision in question. is highly valuable and its omission could easily lose at least $10.000 in taxes annually to the city. \Vhy leave eut the best part of the annexed tract? Theater's 7th Year. Sun- day will observe t he 7th an· nlversary of the building of the Lido Theater. a project that was started by the late H. J . Siler under many diffi. culties. He had the inspira- tion that such a theater as The Lido would attract peo- ple from all parts of the county a nd his faith has been justified by the attendance. While Griffith Co. took a leading part in its construc- tion and furnished the capi- tal. etc. it was Mr. Siler's knowledge of the amusement •business that produced a movie house that thus far stands without a peer in the county. O...'i See It. This water problem still bothers me and here Is an editorial by C. J. Marks In the Farm Bureau News, that needs reprintin!Jf "The other day the New- port Beach area. by election, rejected annexation to the Coastal \Valer Di s t r i c t. which would have meant be- ing a part of the Metropoli· tan Water District \\ith rights to water from that llOlJl'Ce. Probably, for the 18.ke of selling land and building sites and other pro- motional programs, we have been too prone to soft-pedal the water situation in this county. We were criticized aovere)y years ago for even mentioning the fact that wells serving the ewport Beech area had to be aban- doned due to the infiltration ~ salt water from the sea- Yet that Is a fact and will -tlnue to occur if outside or new sources are not tapped for use of the grow-q population and business enterpr.lses ol Orange oount,y''. KFF.P POSTED! 1 Year •••••• am "" eo..t,. SS.Tl OU of Ot•t.f Sl:OO Od of - -~--­N~N--- NEWPODT ~Onzp 0.-'7 Wrz' t;io Newepaper •nhr AalR a.. naa--::-af QI@ I ••• EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SfiORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT EIGHTS. BALBOA: ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA voLOM"' mwm NZWA:IBT BEACH. CALIFOllLNIA, THV&SDAY, OCTOm:a u, !au ~ ' ROTARIANS BACK PROPP 30NBALLOT Beek Commands Subchaser Now At Beacon Bay PATRIOTIC GROUPS ANNOUN~E ARMISTICE, NAVY DA PLANS Lido Isle Leader Boosts Principle Of Chest Giving ADVOCATE CALIF. PORT QTHORITY Since her arlval at the Harbor more than a week ago, U. S. Navy subchaser 994 at present tied up at Beacon Bay, bu caused con· siderable interest and comment. The Newport Harbor Rotary Stripped of her betU.. array. O ub at their resuJar weekly mttl· she now has a white huJJ with Ing on Tuesday night unanimoully light teak super strUcture. Ciews supported Proposition No. 3 the of painters. riggers and shiprights measure which would set $24-00 as are outfitting her for specialized the minimum annual salary for fishing, working night and day to school teachers, if carried at the get her ready for a scientific ex· November electJon. pedition In southern waters which The Rotary club endorsed the is scheduled to get underway near -. Marines Plan Aerial Salute To Navy Day measure on which the voters of the the end of the month. For the obser\'ance of Navy Day state will be asked to vote alter The subchaser was acquired by at the Marine Corps Air Station. they heard a defense of the prop-Capt. J . A. Beek f-rom Navy sur-Saturday, Oct., 26, there will be osition by Paul Demaree, super in-plus sales at San Diego. Capt. an aeria.1 review and s imula ted tendent of the Anaheim high Bttk. '-''ho during the war served attack on the station from the air school. '-''ho was the programmed as commodor e of USAT convoys in by pilots and planes from MCAS, sp<>aker for the weekl}' meeting. the Pacific, will be in command El Toro. taking place on that DE'marE'e also "-'On the support of the vessel. Beside Capt. Beek, date at 11 :30. of the Rota ry Club '"hen he asked officer personnel will include Capt. Also featurt'd "''ill be a stu.nt for de'fcat at the polls in Novem-Harry B. Seaford USAT {ret); teanl, flying "Corsairs ... and dis· tx>r of Proposition No. 13, which Da,·id Hoover USN (ret.) chief pla)'ing their talents just prior to is said destined to counteract any engineer; A. Sequist USN (ret.) the slmulatrd attack. favorablr voting action on Prop-: first assistant engineer . Th!'rc will be a ground d isplay osition No. 3. Th£' subchaser has been rechrist-of all types or aircraft usrd by In his stirring address. Demcp-ttr.ncd CALPANIA. the l\larinc>s. These planes include. declared that education in the the F4U "Corsair", F6F "Hellcat". stat(' fa ces the most serious crisis s w 1 TBM torpedo dive bomber, and in its history. ees ater those \\'f'll knO\\o'll transports, th£' f-f<' said the public schools. des-C-46 and C-47's. l\lost of these pite a critical shortage of teach-plan<'s on display \\i ll ha\'l' plat- ;~:c~~n~1~:o~~;~~~~fr~~~c;e~~!~ Shortage In ~;,:n n~~~n~;.~~·7~,:~~m. h~"::k~ numbt'r or chlldr<'n California has The Llnk Train£'r, no ted for it's cvrr knO\\'ll. sirnulation of instrftment rlying He cited statistics v.·hich report 0 c conditions while actually on the that the greatest mi gration in his-range 0 ground. \\'ill be on display for this tory has ~kyrockcted the popu-• ob~E"rVknc.'f' I n c I u d e d in the , <;',apt. H. F. Agnew W,ill Spe8k Here On Navy Program ' . C.pla.ln H. F . Agnew of the Navy will ~ the featured speaker at the Navy Day Luncheon Tues- day. October 29th. according to a letter received from the 11th Na- val District Headquarters in San Diego. Captain Agnew has been assJgned to this important meet· ing and ",11 give some interesting ' lation or th<• stale more than t\\'O ground train.Ing deviCE>S, used b)' n1ill tlln in the past six years. and the Navy and i\1arines. 1s the Cut-1 Ca(it. H . F. Arnew that there seems to be no letup. A critical ground ,v.·ater shortage A'''aY Unit . "'hic h ha s a complete inside information r£'garding the "A million babies have been t hrou~hout Orange County is a n mock-up of an F4U. sho,ving thl' orx-rat ions in thC' South Pacific. born in California in the past six imminf'nt and SC'riow: threat to the opc>ratin~ parts, sections of the in \\'hlch hf' had an important part . years. and lhe birth rate is still 1120.()(X) population and to the $110.· outside ha,·e bt'en cut·away to 1 r np1 . A;.';Ot'\\' \\'as graduated soaring," he said in part. ''And 000,0CKI worth of property whfch 1 show hO\\' thC'se parts function. I from tht' Na\'al AcadC'my "'ith the to meet this a\'alanche of youth compris('S the county itself. said Also featured "'ill be an aircraft ('lass of 19'13. He scrvC'd four and heading for our schools ""e must J . F'. Poland. a geologist of the fire-fighting exhibition put on . by one-half yf'ars in destroyers. brised find 40,000 new teachers in the United States Geological Sur\'ey, the station fire department, using in San Oic>go. Tour of duty in next eight years." in a n address before 275 coastal the latest fire ('QUipment . submarines in Asiatic Station. In-Pro1'?5itio~ No: ~ is designed to repr<''iC'ntatiVC's at 1-iunt in r. to n El Toro. "'ith A-larine Air West structor at Naval Academy. Duty cope with this cr1s1s, to safeg':1ard 8<>;1,...~• nn Tursrlay nis.?:ht . Coast coming aboard \\'iii be the on board battleship TEXAS be- t~e. edu~atlonal futur.e of Cahfor-'fhe srssion \Vas arrang('d by the ?\·larines \Vest"Coast Aviation Cen.-fore ooming to the Navttl Training n1 a s children, he said. Associalcd Chambers or CQmmerce ter. Center . San Diego. ror two years "Proposition 3 seeks to assure of Orange County, the OrRnge duty, 1936-1938. an adequate supply of teachers County Wat<'r District. Orange Mi"racle Mi"le He served four years in cruisers; and !O enable the schools to m~t County Flood Con1rol District and "''as navigator, USS CHESTER the increased costs or expanding the \Vater Committee of th£' As f med when the \var started. and served facilities to handle the tremend· Orange County Farm Bureau. s'n Of through the first l\.1arsha.ll raid and ous gro~h." Poland's report. the result of a Coral Sea Battles. He spent t\\'O It ~rov1des. he e.dded. th~t ever!' sur\'C'Y which \\'8S started in 19-10 years in ?.mphibious rorces. in- ful1·!1me school ~cache~ .1n Cali· sh0 ,,-ed avrrRge ,,•ithdra\\·als or The f\1iracle i\'l ile Bu~iness 1'·Ien's eluding orig-i nal occupational la nd-f~)rn1a shall be paid a ffiln1mum or ground water in the area under association. composed of mer ch· ings Southern Kyushu. a nd opera- $2400 a yC'ar. and a_lso that State study reachjng an C'Stima te of ants \\•ho have C'stablis hmcnts on tions in connection "'ith the occu· support of the pubhc school shall 140.000 acre fN't annually and of Coast high\\•ay, from The Arches pation of Japan until Mid-January be at the rate of not IC'SS .th~ ,0,,·rring v;ater le,·eJs of from 40 to the bridge, in Ne\\lX>rt Beach, 1946. In District avilian Per- S1 2Q a yt:'ar for evC'ry pupil 1n 1 to iO feet in some years. He es-"''as formally organized at a meet-sonn£'1 Office since June 1946_ ~,·eragP daily :11 tcndance in the timat£1d a n annual overdraft at ing held in \Vhite's care on Bal-Invitations 10 the luncheon have public schools, including kinder-pr!'!'=_£'nt of 12.000. acr~ fe<>.t, . I boa . Island, \Vcdnesday night. bef.>n extc ndt'd to the public gen· gartC'n. l·l1s report. '''h1ch is printed in Fifteen merchants present ap-erally and reservations are now full on the C'd1torial pn$:e of 1<>-1 poin~ed Nelson "Doc" Stafford, being made at the offi ce of the l Rese rves Given day's Ne\\·s-Times, disclosed an president of the Newport Harbor Ne\\'(>Ort Harbor Chamber of Com- Fine Buys Fl t Stub For Nov.11 Newport Harbor ,_ the Com- munity Olest today, --ever. SAid Norman A. Pa .. t. -.. ag<r of the Udo Ul• Con-1ty Association, on a villlt ~ ,a.st headquarters in the Ow••' !t ~ Represmtatlves of 0 ran&: e Commerce office in Balboa, O:M.mty coastal cities and mrm.btts Wednesday. of the state senate interim com- Mr. Pabst explained .hla mllllilon, mittee on harbors saw eye to e)'e' wh.lch was to not only make oon-Wednesday Ol'I the importance ot tribution ·lo the preaent drive, havin& a state coordinating author~ but also to enliSt as a worker in ity for the development of recrea· the campaign to rabe $14.SOO. tional harbors in California. . I "'hich is the Newport llarbol' eoaI Some 30 persons attended th~ \Vith all proceeds pledged to and quota. · hearing conducted by the sta.c the new hospital fund for the With the campaign one week senate interim committee a t the harbor aree., the Newport Harbor underway. only 14 percent of the Newport Harbor Yacht c I u b , American Legion post today opens quota has been m et , the Olest where representatives from New- sale of "dc!mations" in connection campaign committee to Id Mr. port Harbor espoused the cause with its Sponsorship of Orange P abst. for the development of the upper County's istice Day qbse.rv-Newport Bay as an extension of anC'E' Nov. l. s h I the present recreational harbor The $1 ' nations being solicited c 00 me· n by Legio aires of every par-~:·was E-Sti matcd that the de- ticipating t in the county \\.ill velopmcnt of the upper bay \\'ould Pntitle the holder to a number on Up Stu.mp cost about S3·million. and it was a new aut obile to be presented the hope of the Ne,\'port represen· by the Legton--tatives that the ft'deral govem- Buver Of the first ticke{ "'as ment could see its way clear to J3rad~n FiJ.:ch. harbor d is t r i c t A H • t t pay the fuJl cost of it. , chairman r the hospilal fund-earing It was C'xplainC'd in a Je ngthy "'ho ruled imsclf out of the run-. r eport rl'ad by Harry \Vclch. ex- ning foi; lhf car . evutive secretary of the Ne"''por t All procffds of the Armistice Harbor Chamlwr of CommerC<', Day CC'lebttion '''ill be given the Ora nge County sctioolmaslers t hat Ne\\'J)Ort BeAeh a nd the hospital f nd. GenC'rAI Chairma n ,,·ho attended the state legisla-County of Orange have in the 1'1aurie St nley announced. tive interim committee on public past contributl'd millions of dol- l\lean,vhi'le. StanlC'y announced education in the Santa Ana Board Jars for the development of the that parti('ipation in the obs£>rV· of Education building Tuesday ad: tower bay. This \\'as prior to the ance. firsstl since before the "''ar. mitted under q uestioning by-As· e ntrance of the f('df"'ral govf"'rn- \,;11 come from e\'ery city and s£'mblyn1an Julian Beck and his m ent into any local harbor phase. communit in the county. comn1ittee that they were up a Newport Harbor has contributed The mo ning pro~ram includes stump as to the solution of their ovt'r one million doll ars of Its o\vn a mC'mor i service honoring Gold perplexed problems. funds as "'ell as sharing in the Star l\1ot~ers. the afternoon is The three-man assembly com-contribution gf $1.200.000 made by highlighted by a football carni\'al m ittce heard testimony on three the County of Orange to h arbor a l the r ·por t Harbor Union points at issue: betterment. The various stage!! H igh Sch I with 12 hig h school 1. Posible state a.id tor school of payme nt for this \vork wer e teams par icipating, and the even-houses in impoverished districts. o utlined in the progress .report. ing progra ineludes a torch-light 2. Uniform a uditing of school Speakers. including Hu6ard C. parade tot climaxed by a grand district funds. Howe. chairman of the Newport ball. 3. Auditing of aver age daily at-Harbor Chamber of Commer ce's Over si natures of Commander tendance records on the basis of har bor affairs committee, and Ray John A. Oa\'iS of the Veterans of which the state appropriations ap-N . Edwards, chairman of the Foreign \: ars, having an obser v-propriates money to school dis--Orange County Harbor Commis- ance in S nta Ana. and Cornman-tricts. sion. spoke favor f!Ply of a plan for der Earl ppcrsm.ith of the New-School superintendents Cr o rn a state harbor aUlhority to which port . Legi n. the public \\'as in· various districts, including Costa communities coa&tal communities \'ited to a tend either or both the Mesa. cited their needs. I might submit their problems. cei('bratio . Although funds are available Among those supporting the idra The Jett r noted that there will througtl recent ly a pproved bond of a ccntra1 port author ity was be a n exc ange of floats from the isSUC's. schoolmen admitted that Kenneth Marshall of Los Angeles, VF\V's m rning parade in Santa the cost of constructing necessary an examiner for the state yacht Ana to th Ne\\'port parade that buildings has risen to such an ex-brokerage division. He was t>S· evening_. a d was keynoted by the tent tha t the funds available now pecially commended by State Sen- suggest1on1 that 1f the public can't \vill not CO\'er the cost of coo-at.or Shelley after he said that it attend on affair, the other is struction. is a waste of time to try to lobby open. I Some superintendents affirmed. for legislation benefitting yacht I but others expressed_ doubt, when oommunities at Sacramento. Many J Veterans' an assemblyman aske\11 would the Most legislatocs got the Idea that truste£1s accept the obligation if whe none appears at the state A"d b L • the state loaned the district suf-capitol in the inter est of Some I y eg1on ficient funds to build at present phase of 1eg1s1ation that he is thl're C! ..!-y1"ce Off1"ce inflationar)' prices. seeking funds. Of times that is not ~ The consensus was that all the case. However. there is a cer-alarming rate of saline infiltrB-1 Harbor Rotary Club and ro--m an-merce. use of Build.ings fion nf roast al \\'Cits. principally in ager ?' th~ Ets-Hokin & Gal_van Presiding at the luncheon session I .. the Santa Ana gap. H untington electrical firm of 1000 Coast high-"'ill be Capt. c . v. 1-tcCarty, chair-I \Villtam . Bannister of N ewport school authorities would have dif-lain frigidity o n account of t hat. ficulty getting building suplies in Manhall said he felt that if any case. there was a state port authority At Navy Station Beach l\1esa and minor areas on way, as temporary chairman and man or the Naval Affairs Com· Beach. s 'ce officer for the Landing Hill a nd Al amitos Gap. ~y Brown or the Balboa l\'lar-m~ttee of the local group. NeWJ.>?rt arbor P ost No. 291, Three possibilities for the con-ine Hard\,·are company of 911 Others a re cooperating with Amencan 'on, said today that Six buildings at the U.S . Navy's trol of th£' situation were out· Coast highway. as temporary McCart y, in planning the affair 125 serv ceme n M:!'Ceived aid Light('r-than-Air station on the lined by Poland. se("retary. are Harry Williamson, Judge Rob--through e service office in the outskirts of Santa Ana have been First. he suggested th£> main-l\'1 er ch ants are enthusiastic ert Gardner , 8j-TOn Marshall, Hub-23ff _ days ce Oct. 1, when that allocated by Secretary of the Navy tenance of fresh water heads abovt"> about the possibilities of a busj-bard c. Howe and w . M . Long-o ice was established. Forrestal for the use of the newly sea level inland from the saline ness me n's group to represent the moor. Mr. · ter said these former formed 28th Division of the Or-front, either by regulate« dra.ft Miracle l\1ile district, Stafford said war vete s were given housing, ganized Naval Reserves, it was dis-or by artificial replendent, or both. today. Another meeting will be H ) Co ) medica1 ai , finance and infonna- closed today. Secondly, de-\1:atl'ring through held next \\'eek, date and place Offie eSS Up e tion .. o~ va ·ous problems. One ot Whe n the legislative committee that ~tal communities could ap- suggested a countywide tax lo sup-ply to it and it in turn could pre-- port all school districts in the sent the facts to the sta te Jegisla· county, several sch00lmasten sug." tors who have been dHigna ted by gested that the we althy districts the state legislature •o handle would not want to pay the bills harbor matters pertaining to need· of the poorer ones. ed legislation. Services Are Held For Elijah L. Small The Shelley committee went from ti.ere to San Diego, where they will oonduct a similar hear- ing. ... ~femben of the r esen.'(' or gani-"·ells near but coastv.'ard from thl' to be announced later. S .1 f H •• the b1gg t drawbacks in the za1ian "ill hold their next meet-saline front. or thirdly. the con-a1 or a wan I placement of families is the home Funeral services were held at inK Monday, at the station. and struction of imper,·ious subsur· City Judge Sends or prope owners' aversion to the Grauel chapel, Costa Mes&s 1 plans are now undcr"·ay for the face dikes. Unable to obtain a house in children, e servi ce officer said. Monday at l0:30 a. m. tor Elijah Boom Patterson ' For County P8st 11 lh na\'al district to thoroughly Poland sald tht" principal source S d t J iJ "'ruch lo live in the Newport Beach "Howev ', Mr. Bann is t e r Lewis Small, 78. who died Friday equip the six buildings with mod-of imported water would be the pee er 0 a area. !\·Ir . and 1.-frs. John Rose-added, ' thout the cooperation at h.is home, 530 San Bernardino ern arnlamen\. necessary for train-Metropolitan Water District. brook of Oakland, rC'packed their of then papers and various oth-avenue. He was the f ather of Mn. ing th~ r £1&erves. . _ At the conclusion of !he mCC"I· · 31 -foot sloop with pro,;sions dur-ers wh~ h ve helped we could not J . Lloyd Wade, co-owner d the Fonner Oty Enginer Richard Enhstments are averag1n~ 1:> a ine'. the 275 pC'rsons agreed to City Judge Bob Gardner on Ing the past '''eek and on Tuesday have at the 125 war veterans. News-nmes. L. Patterson of Balboa wu recom· \\:~k. and _th£' full strength of the I ask the Orange County Board of Tuesday sent Richard Clark Ruck-they headed out to sea on a 230().. W e owe ese people ~great debt Mr. Small was a native of. Ala-mended to t.Ae Orange County div~sion \\'Ill be 200 men and 15 1 Supen•isors to underwrite a con-er, 22 of Los Angeles and Ne .. :-mile journey to Hav.•aii. fboor)'S~. e rk they did for these bama and had ~·v in Newport Boe.rd of Supervisors at their officers port Beach, to the city jail for · tinuation of the study of water While In Ne,vport Beach. the Heights for two e He is aur-weekly meeting Tuesday as can· ,.\JI \'C lerans. \\•ether from the conditions the survey to be di t· fi\'e days. couple WE're moored at Dick's vi.ved. by his wife. Minnie,· three didate No. 1 A>r the post of con-Na\')' Coast Guard Army Soa • rec Rucker was found tn•iJty of driv.· c· I w·u 1 ·, ' • '" ed by the Orange Count \V t ..... dock. 801 Coast highway. \Vith lrCUS OWD 1 daughters, Mrs. Earl A. Robert.a suiting engineer for the Orange Bees or l\larines. are eligible and I District. Y 8 er ing a n automobile 85 miles per them on their jaunt to the tropl-G a,vd Mrs. Eu.la Mca.aDaban d County harbor district. me~ who an accepted ~t 0.ne Tht> meeting \\'aS arranged by hour at Central a\•enue and Palm cal Isle of sunshine and plenteous ree Children at F'"anningt.on, N. M.. and Mn.. Pattenon WU mentioned for days pay for each meE>t1ng at street, a 25-mile zone. police rec-, . . . . -\Villiam Gallienne. secretary-man-ords di9".:losed. housing i5 Steve Johnson. son of H U ' C • a) Wade; two sons,. Frank StnaU al the position because he is an ex- tended. ~IS 13 ~_training J!rogram ager of the Huntington Beach Irving J ohnson. skipper of the a I e en arn1v Newport Beach and Leslie Small pert on beach erOlion matters 'lf\d !0 r ~tain ~pectfied teehnicat ~at· Chamber of Commerce; Hatt>• Yankee. famed schooner v.·hich has ol Tucson; 11 ~ and a1ao because he has done wimilar ings includi':'g. motor mact:tni~ts / \Velch, e":'Ceculive secretary of the Property Exchanged circled the globe once and is now The ann~al HallOYlo'e'en party for nine great-gra.ndcbildrm. work along that line for the coun- mates, machinists i:nates. ship f-it-Ne1A·port Harbor Chamber of Com-ready for a second trip. school c · dren, which has beer\ Mr. E . J . McKim wu dfidant ty In the pa.st. tcrs .. radarnle~ .. radiomen and elec-merce; Herbert F. Kenn>• of New~ The C.oast Properties Co. of Bal-Johnson is acting as navigator sponsored ach year at the h.igh at the services and iDtenmn1 was U Patterson is chosen for the tronics techrucians. . por t Beach. \ice president of the boa. through George Weiss r eport-for the Rosebrooks on their trip school by e Rotary club. is go.. in Westminster Memcria1 Putt. Poat. he would receive a salary C:omplete shop ~wpment for all O range County Coast association. ed the exchange of the James Elli· tc> Hawaii. lng to e d this year into a real d. $200 a month, effective Nov. ratings to be tr_ained .has already f a nd Dion L. Gardner of Santa son bay front property at 1132 party to held Thursday eve--Dinner for Barkley, L The supervisors decided lo take been allocated. including guns up Ana secretary o{ the 0 range \\'est Bay AV('. to Mr. and Mrs. Scores of Property ning, Oct. 31, in the Rendezvous N . the matter under serious comid- to S.inc_h in size, ~lectn>nic and Co~ty \Vater district. Sydney Yates of Santa Monica. ballroom. f 7 to 10 p. m. ODUDee&, is Sell-Oat, en.tioo and will make a decision eleetroruc test eqwpment. Th e Mr. and Mn. Yates wbo are citrus Owners Join Drive .1' is to t,ol;low the carnival idea A...,,,.rding to Report ~at their next weekly meet-Naval Reserve will be kept at four with a -•llcihcus ~ · ttend '"""v: times the strength of the regular r.~ 0 B . Saf r growen In the Maheim dlstrict, Against Controls --:I pc.n m a • i.ng. Navy and wo<d has just been re-If 0Y$ e J! plan to make lhJs their permanent SCo f home and -=~':.f...rous ~ ~ A sell--OUt of rwwwta-ftr '1be -1ne:er baa been In the ved h Coas ards:me will ; "' home. res 0 ... ~ ~ ~ .............. the dinner booorinc tJoir..:1 S&a,t WWW tJce ot. Newport Beach for 21 cei t at tgu n !ilr. and 14.n. !Hilson acqulred owners or Newport Beach and ~ich ~ can be secured. ~ )'em'I and ii often called upon by be re-enlisted in the resen :e at the News· Times' seafaring phot<>-a large piece· of urum~...-San•· vicinity a re being signed up as ~ Ht cooperatioo of Balboa Senator Alben Barkley. 4ese•-aat. iild I olficta.b to define • Y will be grapher Walter ""'"'"ha rdt and ro"'= Monica busfnea propttty in ~ -a..• ha Democratic .;_,,m,,. t~ -.K..-. ~~ relatin& to harbor rat ing held at time of discharge. ,,__ _ ..... ~ .... members or the National Home bullneSS~en amusement 'ma-of Kentucky chief spr±w and .,.. -pa ' oer ounger men given • lng reporter Harold L. Barnum transaction. Cash consideration and Property ()IA."Ders Foundation.. uU.nes been loaned. and Ulere -.. -..---. _, ... ~u ... chance to replace the older mm a.s have arrived at lheir port of call IA'U ROI announced. One of the principles of the 1llVilJ be other pmes under lice, to be given in tbe Neap:at time goes ~ in Central Amt>rica., acoordin.g to natiooal orpnizatioo. which has its the su~·on of John Abel Harbor Yacht dub tgnipt ('Dlila»- wonl r'ec<'ived by Mn. H. L. Ber-h<!adquarW-s at 1731 K. str«l, N . Theno be candy and Ice day) wu Pftdlcte4 ~-Plan Forum Talk Hansens to Reopen num of Newport Beach, Wedn8-Faces Charge w .. Washlncton. D. c . is to aafe-cream. t T __ 'Iben tMre "'111 be 'Ibe aenau. ~Ill' Jr L - day. cuard the rl&bt to own proporty. lbe main "l""t, the sran<I march. ~ubto be,.=. o'!.: ... _, O.ftdooa, prlndpol ol Hansen's ronfectlonary and R<parter Barnum report.> a Police booking records .......i The Ol'l'anizatlon la,_ ..,..,..i whett a ~P of Jud&<s "'111 de-at -Ille NcwjMt Barbor .Union bla:h lunch establishment at 2100 Ocean aafe journey, with plenty of fish that Homer W . Packard of Bal-In a last-ditch f'iat>t to lirce lbe dde on tie best cootum5, for an.._ when a tea wlD .. ..,,.. .,._"' trill -!Ct a~ - Front, Newport Beach, Will reopen cauaht by Ge!'hAnlt and hirmelf 1-wu died f.w ._.,....,. In ,.,_..,,,,.,.t throua:h irol«tlft which ~ will be a"'1l!ded. ed there. 4 11!QQC Ille --. • .; ,.._ on Prcpool-3, Sunday Qct_ 27. after beJna c:lmed on the way ... At the momenL • city court next Saturday for al· leClalatlon to abandon all controls on lbe &•-al c:ca-da ... Included In tlle ' _ .. Ille -._ -nfrr- for rmw>elelling the -t ,_th. Barnum told his wife, 'Tm writ-lqedly driving 45 mils an bout which they fed are hlndorin& lbe mlttee Bob Allel. Marian croup Is Ray aA! l4 D I at tlte-..C of the ?Ww- and Mn. H H Inc the atory of our trip for the In a 25 mile llOlle at Ninth atreet fftedoai of tbe IMmle or .._ l;jt Dodd, 0 . Z. RoberUon, Bradon cratic ••1 -la lar 0 C = fl.-,_. --..,. Club, JWZt Mr. · __ ..... ~•rwen. NpWS-nmes." and Central avenue. · owner-at tbe,prwnt time. Flnclt and ToQy Heslbe)r. the 22nd dkl•W Tu 's au '11 propneton. ~ .,....,. . . • 11EAlfHFUL . _ -.-... Fresh • Delicious • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS Fresh Caught Fresh Fish and Seafood ba 84: ATOil WHOLESAl.S and. RETAIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET 28th St. and Lafayette Nl!:Wl'ORT Ph: Harbor 615 Split Bamb 00 Poles 9-Ft. Fly Rods, 5--0z.. • 9-FL Fly Rods, Extra Tip KERM RIMA MACKEREL EQUIPMENT Nets -Lights Scoops -Strikers s ...... Casting Rods .Jointed Trolling Rods "S-6" Bait-Casting Rods Telescope Rods Automatic Fly Rods Tycoon 9-oz.. and 12-oz. Swordfish Rods Newport Tackle Store 105 McFsdden Place Telephone Harbor 97 "IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT-WE'LL GET IT" • •••aoa . ... this won. estimated to coct 000. (April, 1943!. Of this t. local interests have been Shelley Committee Told Contribution To Development of Newport Bay asktd lo provide $25:>,000. Local A int~ts, boWe\'er. have urged in rea ti~ of ~e heavy contribu~ons made by city, county and pnvate int ts previous to the entry of (l"Atltor'a Note: Followlnr la tM pammary °" tbe Pl'OC"ew of Ole dntopme.t of Newport Bay aH of -propoood -.._. of 11_. N-rt BaJ', ......... ,. .. ..._-by Boy N. U........ - of ti.e Orutp County Banor COllllailmloa. a.d 11.abbant C. Bowe. dlall'man ol the Newport Harbor Cll&mber of ColDIDM"Ce taubor attain C»m.mlttee a.lld pre11eatect bJ Bany Weldl. execuU\.-e aecretary of tile Newport lb.rltor Chamber of Commerce., to Sen.. John F . Shelley, et..trman. and llllfllllben. of Ills tea.ate latierlm eoam»ttee on bal'bon, a& u.e be&rtng coDdocted ID tlae Newport II.art.or l'adlt club. Wed-.y.) NEWPORT BAY Orange County, California A Brief Summary of the Situation as of October, 1946: Newport Harbor, also refe?Ted to as the Orange County Harbor, includes two areu, (1) the present developed Lower Section of New- port Bay, and r2l the, u yet. un- touched area of the Upper Bay. Newport Bay ¥.'as once the mouth of the Santa Ana river. This important river drain! a great area extending inland from the coast to the peaks of the San Bernardino mountains. This drain- age basin exte nds over about 1200 square miles. Newport Bay came into exist- ence by deposits or silt and other materials carried by flood waters or the river. When river now reached the ocean water , it was not entirely halted. The flow was slowed and diverted south and east in · a ridge parallel to the coast. Slowing the flow of water allowed solids to be deposited a short distance from the mainland and a new river channel was created between the s hore bluffs and the new land. This required many years, some marked by great flooc:h . The river continued to carry silt and other solids. and the peninsula grew to the presen t size. This was Nc\vport Bay in 1865. mouth, were made un til 1887, when travel proved too uncertain and unprofitable. It wu decided that Rowboats estimated in Har- bor. not registered................ 531 a pier into t he ocean at Newport Total vesseh .......................... 4067 y,rould serve better. The first pier The majority of these boats are was s·tarted in 1887. a.nd finished recreational and pleasure craft, in 1888. A railroad to Santa Ana· but included in the tota1 are over "'as finished in 1892. 500 commercial fishing boats. The first official ma p of New-There are also located here over port Bay is the United Stat~ 100 live-bait, charter. or other Coast and Geodetic Survey m ade type of sport fishing craft. Many In 1875. sport fishing boats are used com- The first Federal Survey of mercially during the winter sea· Newport Bey was in 1888. Other son . surveys were made in too? and Comm~rclal FbhinC 1912. HarOOr lines were estab-There are three canneries lo- Jished in 1914. cated here. They pack mackerel. The first money for harbor im-There are about 500 fishermeO"T.en- provemen t was spent by the City gaged in the industry. - of Newpor t Beach in 1916. To The commercial a nd canning date the city has spent $1 .082.-see.son is from September to 700.00. February and the pa)Toll for can- The first money spent by Or. nery workers is about S250.000 an. enge county was in 1919. At this nually. time the Santa Ana river was di-The value of the fishing In· verted by means of a short new dustry Is clearly indicated from channel direct into the ocean. O r-the following figures for 1945: ange county spent S&OS.800 on her-T otal canning fish. New- bor 1i'rorks up to 1923. oort HarOOr-18.725.299 Harbor works carried out by lbs. . ................................. $476.500 private citizens In 1933 required T ota l mackerel fish. New· a n expenditure of S611 ,000. port Harbor -1.179,858 This brings us up to the situa-lb!! ...... ······-···· ................. 354.401 tion in 1933 "'hen appeals to ~e Total fish Newport H ar- Fcder al Government resulted tn bor 1945-19.905.157 lbs. 830.901 Feder al epp~opri atlons totaling Number cases canned. 162.- $1.200.000, which were granted on ed. condition Orange county would R92-vatue of cann vote $640.000 matching funds and fi~h . . -789.460 also providP rights-of-way and Tn Octolx>r . 19"i1 . a he;irin~. \\•as areas ror dcJX>S it of dredged ma-held befor(' the District E neineer terial. etc. at \vhlc.h time furthl'r improve- the Federal Government in 193> '36, that the full cost of the .work be ntributed by the Federal Go rnment. I is pointed out that this small unity has contributed over million dollars of its own , as well as sharing: in the ibutions of Sl.200,000 ma ange county to Harbor be~· ent. I is noted that all improve- me ts to date are in the Lower B region. No improvements haV been made in the Upper Bay. e area of this Upper Bay is abo t 700 acres. It is believed wh Oevelopment plans are final- ly tpproved for this Upper Bay the will remain about 500 acres of a ter area. ~ t ake full advantage of the sp did possibilities in the Up.. per Bay area, a high level bridge is ip"Oposed. Preliminary studies lnditate a high level bridge is: eco-no~cally {K>SSible. Pf.haps it '-''Ould be v.ise to be- gin n engineering study at once, and decide the location ror such a bljidge, or determine wha t other me~ is to be provided for hand- li~J. the large volume of traffic whit;h travels High~ray 101-A. Ajlot.her step which must be taken in planning a program for the µpper Bay area, is adjustment of \and title subsequent to de- velo~ment. All of the land area surrounding the Upper Bay to- gether \vith islands in the bay a.re i the property of the Irvine inte~ests. with the, exception of a · I (Continued on P age 3) the thlnp you DO IOOC"J' need -·-Pb. 1"3'7 or 108 For Pick-Up The sand spit. or peninsula, ex- tending parallel to the bluffs about a mile distan t. In betw('('n the sand spit and the bluffs, an un- cer tain channel. r eached only through a dangerous entrance, found its way to the base of the bluffs a nd to a point then known as Ne\vport Landing. This F <.'de ral approval was give n ment~ in thr Ln\\'er Bev were suiz:- in the belief that improvement of ePSt('d. These irnorovem ents \\•ere Newport H arbor would provide (al "'id"niniz: of fhf' main chan- accommodations for a large num-nrl to 350 fef't. <It is now only --+----------,- her of smaller a nd recreational 200 f('f't wid(') <b) drcd1Zin~ a 1 ~­ craft. then located at Los An. foot channei 200 f<"et wide from geles-Long Beach harbors and en-the anchorae:e area. near the courage increased recreational use Newport H arhor Yacht club. to the of the Newport Harbor area. Rhinr Channel. "'here a ~eat deal In 1865 a 1()0..foot ·stern-wheel steamer came into Newport Bay from San Diego. For several years it made trips carr}1ng supplies ror ranches and taking back hides and farm crops. Trips through the bay, or river Orange county voted t he neces-of shin building And repair was sary bonds and the work was carried on for the Nav:-• during done. The job started in J anuary. the Y.•a r . And (cl , (d) dredgin11: 1935, and Y.'as completed in ~fay, anchornge ar eas to thf' nor th and 1936. The project included dredg-the south of the main channel. ing the entire Lower Bay area Th('se improvements are outlined to a depth of 10 feet at lower )ow in detail in the U. S. Senate Docu- water with anchorage areas 15 ment No. 138. A copy of which feet deep. a turning basin 20 feet is here\1lith. deep and 1000 feet in \Vidth . The congress has seen fi t to ap- Dredging the main chan nel to 20 --~==~;;;ij;~r~i~~~l~~=~:~--feet. The e ntrance channel is 25 feet deep and 500 fee t in width. Breakwaters were rebuilt a nd extended. Some idea of the intense use of the Lower Bay area is indi- cated by the report of the Har- bor Master of Ne"·port Harbor. H is la test official record shows there are registered at his of- fice: OJstomhouse numbc>rrd ves- j lOS ANGllfS NOlll'WOOO LONG llA04 PASAOf NA PO•OC>HA •IVtHIOf UNTA A.NA LESTER & C::o. INVISTMENT SECUalTIES TO MEn THE INVESTOIS' NEEDS sels ................. . ................. 14 29 Documented vessels .......... 196 Miscellaneous sailboats, no motor. and county registra. • • • I Mftllher LoJ Ansrf,J Stock Exch.nige 2<Xl4 W EST CL"li'TllAL A VE., NEWPORT BEACH H ARBOR 1374-J '~ _-..y-. ''---7 . r • ALSO IN POMONA. 362 WES!' SECOND tion <MS numbf:>rs} ............. 904 RO\\'boats registered '"ilh Har- bor Dept. ··-···--···-· .. . ......... 1007 311 llORTH)tll!N iT. • you'll like fine KANMAK GABARDINf slacks • Fashioned in luxurious virgin wool fabrics that stay fresh and crisp ... ·retain shape as fine woolens always do. Full deep pleatb sturdy seams ... fine pocketing. A J swell selection of blues, tans or browns .. ., s~s.so I 387 Coast Bouleva ~d South LAGUNA BEACH I Sportswear Resort Wear Street Wear UNDUPLICATED EISEWRERE You Will Enjoy Eating at ALICE GENTLE'S Tr 'es Ga i Cafe Where Real - Old Fashioned Meals ---Are Served • Luncheon 12 - 2 :30 • Dinner 5 :30 - 8 :30 As our space is limited for the winter months, we suggest our patrons make reservations for either 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30. -PHONE 8821- 1745 Coast Boulevard South LAGUNA BEACH -CLOSED WEDNESDAY- ;; •• rt 160 cu. ft. 1-comp:lrtaHld ..••llr·Jn .. mo4tl. fO cv. ft. qw'c.t ll'H&• comJ)artmtnt 111d 100 •"-It. stot a•• sp•C•. See our display of BEALL FOOD FREEZERS The Beall brings you two very essential features in a freezing unit-quick freezing -and ample storage apace. The separate built-in freezing compartment at sero or below-freezes faster insuring better flavor and longer keeping quality. The spacious storage compartment gives you all the storage space you need. Other features are aluminum construction, inside and out, thermostatic temperature controls, sectional con· atruction which permits enlarging the capacity of the unit and 6 inches of approved insulation. Beall is America's Finest and Largest Line of Frozen Food Units I I I' I _\ • .ff cubic leot '9tl4Jit .moil•I wit.II n. quid: Inn. .... "'"' at 10• HJ-to. SPECIALTIES CO. 'f ENGINEERS (c' "' "' -4.ffE'tM -C." -... i.. • 1z'zr .. -•s a n.. •mt' _. On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa $top \ at--- CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbeeued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1818 Newport Blvd CUBB SERVICE IL·I D 0 NIGHTLY THRU SATURDAY-at 6 :30 and 9:30 THIS PROGRAM IS IDGHLY B.ECOMMENDl':D FOR Tll1': KIDDll':S ON OUR SATUB.DAY IUNIOR MATINEE AT I :'5 SUNDAY, Oct. 27th Opens Our Greater Movie Season! The LIDO'S 7th ANNIVERSARY '39 -'46 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, October 21, 28, 29 Contlnuou§ Sun. from 2 :15 • l\fon. &: Tues.. at. 6:<&.S &: 9 :00 ( Thl~ is a ith ANNIVERSARY PRESENTATION! fw W ._... ... a au W "'' '" aantn ..• ~ SllUOOl£l OI Dl:AT11! 1or1Mr1STANWYCK · u .. ~.,~ SCOTT , •• HAL WALLIS' •••tacw 'From lhe Prodnrf'r or Suc.h Ol'1llngt1bohed Flln11' u "('a;,;11.h lanca" and ''Lo\·e r..e tters .. WEDNESDAY -One Day Only -October 30: A LIDO itb ANNIVERSARY PRESENTATION LAUG HS :\~D KJSSF.S t"'RO.\t '.\IETRO-GOLD\\'1.'N" 1\1.-\.YER "A LE 11 ER FOR EVIE" Starring '.\IARSH .. \ H UXT (She plays pos t-office and hf"a\'Pn help the n1ales!) and JA'.\l.ES CR ,,.JG NL'\."T: "THREE LITI'L.E GIRLS IN BLUE,. 'lhndyr C>etebet' !!, IMa "'e ,"""- ON THE •• •• Shelle Committee Told SIDELINES flying So. &llforn1a dtamPo---but =====================~ the more~ thin.k about the game the mor:e .,k th~ that the T~ can pull a ~Ul'J""R. TOWN · & COUNTRY ontributions to Harbor WITH JOHN OONHOFF U the Saints oome to the game \\'ith the i~a that they are o~ posing a ~ver-they will get STARTLING STATISTICS a rude shQck. Especially if they HOUSE ' of Three Arch Bay (Continued from Poge 2) small area known u Coney 1a1and which belongs to other interests. The '"tidelands" in the Uppet Bay area were gr-anted to the O>unty of Orange by the State Legislature several yeUJ ago. At the same time it ii inW<!Sting to note that the ''tidelands" 1n the Lower Bay area wett cranted by the St ate Legislature to the Qty of Nev.opor t Beach RVe:ral yean ago. The area included In N~rt Bay is partly within the O ty or Newport Beach and part is out- side the present city limits. The whole area ls within the County of Orana:e. Improvements have been carried on by the city, the county and tht. Federal Government. The work done by the City of Newport Beach has been done under ci ty bond issues votl'd by the citizens. Ha rbor work has been done by Orange county under the 1915 Act, AB 1523, Chapter 740, Approved June 11 , 1915. Later work by Orange county was done und<'r an Act approved April 20. 1927, which is now part of the Harbor Code ot the State. This Act provided for the crea- Marlnt1 WQW GENERAL REP AlR8 MAINTENANCE • What team could have a two bea t Fullef ton tomorrow night- tion of Harbor Districts. Orange "''eek record that goes 90mething and they ciught to be able to do county voted to create such a like this! that with t~fir eyf'S shut. Newport district in December, 1933. -1'1akes only four tint dowm was two touchdowns better than The la.st work done was under to the opposition's 12 and yet winl tM Indians even if the score did this Act and District. All Harbor the ball game 13-0. · turn out ;:1 ifferently and Santa Acts are now part of. and lnclud--The next week makes 11 fint Ana ahou.l rate even higher than ed in, the Harbor and Navigation downs to the opponent's two and thaL Code. 1939 a.nd Ame ndments there-then loses the fracas 6-0. If, after . cing Fullerton, the to. That's what the Newport Har-Saints suffif a let-down for the The Orange County Harbor com-bor Sailors did against Garden Sailor gam the following Friday, mission operates under the Har-Grove and Fullerton. we think at Newport can knock lx>rs and Navigation Code of Cali-In the G .G. game the Tara look-them off. fornia 1939. Part 2, Section 5800. ed mighty impotent against a pus-Newport has a funn)' team. Page 172. The cornmiuion also ing bunch of Argonauta yet beat None of e players are of out- functions under an Ordinance them by two touchdowns. standing bility-ther e are no which was passed by tM Board At Fullerton Friday night, the standout st and ye t. whe n the of Supen•isors of Orange County, Tars completely outclassed the team plays together they rate a under Paragraph 5902 of the Har-very weak Fullerton Indians. pi.I-chance of success because they bonl and Navigation Code. ing up 211 yards trom scrimmage are being m hied, week after week, On June 12, 1946, the United to the Indian's 32 and yet dropped into a ma ne. Credit for their States District enginffr called a the contest 6-0. showi.ng so!far, and for a chance hearing at Long Beach. when re-TRl''IA to beat Santa Ana, must go of ports on further developments of Incide ntally, did you see what course to t tfir Coach Vt'endy Pick- Small H arbors on the Pacific Coast happened to Garden Grove against ens. w•re presented. At that time the Laguna in their league opener last We 'r e no putting the Tars out Orange County Harbor commission Friday in the Santa Ana Bowl ? on a lim3 a nd saying ¥.i thout presenttd a statement which in-The Argonauts evidently pulled qualificatio that they are going eluded some details regarding the another "Newport" by dropping to beat th Saints or that they Upper Bay region. the nod 14..6 although they out-should. Evfn if y.•e wer e crazier A copy of this statement Is in-gained the fighting Artista. La-than we art. we couldn't make a eluded herewith. It leads to the guna~· nov.· given the favorite's prediction iik 1 e that. opinion that the de\'elopment of role i the Orange League r ace. l -----if-------- Upper Newix>r t Bay is nov.1 justi-TARS SE H~~SON Ce HJ( d Flags~ fiable, economically sound. and Th ars didn't emerge from the m _Tu:°tractor v.·ould a dd an asset of high value Indian game unscratched. as far FLAT woh AlfD POUM>.A.TJON!I to California and to the nation. as injuries go. "Doc" Hanson was i RJ" r..uia.au. \Ve believe the time h;1s now r emoved from the game in the 118rbor 2574-W arrived v.•hen rhe state should sC'cond half with a badly b ruised take rognizanC'C.' of this \'&luablc anklC' and it is not ye t definitely Quick -Joe: •e ti. .. lbe ee_,t Ono - -~ 8'oetlo l.ap __ ...... ,_ to -~~ ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' Dave N-Beci>ne a Beczhl" Part ol Oar Keau -~ lfmdey Nlgbt- A "SOUTll-011'-~D Jl'P!AST" -.Tl•# ty- DELICIOUS CWCKEN & DUMPLINGS -'l'hunday- THE FINEgf OF CHINESE FOOD <la 0 bt to l'Wfdcia -Friday- A D~F.~E~P SEA FISH FRY • These specialties are dfered In conjunction with out varied menu of choice Sl'EAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. FROG LmS, etc. Our cold crl8p salad bowls of As- sorted Relishes and Salads will enhance your """f"Y meal Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cannot Se.ve All tbe Food cm the Coast. So We Sene Only -the Fbieat - PRNATE BANQUE."r ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 p.m. -10. SUndays, 4 p.m. • 10. Closed W@dnesdays TJD: STANTONS. DOC AND JO Formerly ol the Coast Inn ~~=~~~~==~~===~=~==~===<' asset and that state a nd fed<'ral I kno\•;n how long the scrappy guard '----...__ _______ _, aid and direction, togeth<'r with v.·ilJ he out of action. Incid<'ntally. ;;;;;;;;;;;+;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ help in planning a nd financing the little replacement for "Doc .. suc h dc\'Plopment is fully war-"·ho ,,·en t in the Indian contest r anted for the follo\.l.·ing rC'asons: a nd turned in a \\·hale of a dt'· ( l l No\,·here else does the de-fensi\'e game for the rest of the \'elopmcnt problem present Jess i e\'ening, is Jim Corbin-probably f'n ~i n('('ring difficulties. the s n1all est man on the squad as (2) Nowhere else can usable far as height is concerned. \\'ater fron 1age be de,·elop<.'d at as Halfback Dick Bro,,·n turned up [O\\· a cost per uniL for practicc l\·1ondny afternoon I (31 No"·here else will the cost \\·ith his right hand in a cast. l·le per bollt accommodatC'd be as fractured his "Tist but "'ill con· 1 low. [ tinuc to get in the lineup. Vi'ith j 4 I No"·her<' else is the evidence 1hat cast on his arm thC> opposition of past success :i.s definit(']y clear. !I ,,·ill probably be after him for car- \\'c beliC've thnt this project ls rying a concealed \\'eapon . thC' onl' outsta ndjng undc\·<'ioped 'Ctl.>\'.\IRERS BAC K recreational ha rbor possibility in Good ncv.·s for the Tars sho\.l.'cd MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE f1nt Class Mechanical \Vork MOTORS Rl':BUD.T • Tone-Up! 1501 WEST PHONE CENTRAL AVENUE HARBOR 2125 • Fenders Fbed • Wheels Straightened • Body Repairing Southf"r n California. up in the person of Buz Chambers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ \ ORANGE COUNTY 1-IARBOR l\·londay af ter 8 thrc-e 'veek layoff CO~ll\1'1 SSJON. on crulches. Chambers \\·ill be used FPHOGRNE HARBS I GORN8'1S By Roy N. Edwacds, at tailback a nd fullback and will • wo-rpa • allAUS • Auto Painting $50 . Chairman. ~robably De rC'ady for the Santa cu~S·UP CH.£CU:U BENEDICT NE\\'PORT 1-IARBOR CHAM-Ana "crooshial" a we<>k from Fri-• ~:r _. • ':°£~'J:g: BER O F CO!\'li\•IERCE day. His return wil.l bolster the \~===~============~==~==================~ 1-IARBO!t AFFA1RS COM-Tar passing at tack considC'rably ;tITIEF~. -a nd, if the leg \Viii \tand up, he By H ubbard C. HO\\'(', c<in be counted on for some first· Chairman. class ball carrying duties in the -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-' ba ri::: aj n. The Sign Man • BOAT IEITER.INr. A SPECIALTY ... and Up T.>\RS l 'S SAINTS '---------------------------'\;., ___________ ....: IUILLEY'~ REFRIGER"TIOR The Santa Ana-NC"-'port game H should be a honey a nd in this hum-ERVICE comPnnY ble Sideliners opinion, the locals 1 have a good chance of knocking ' They're Here J for Immediate Delivery~.-:, HeN'1 rreat IMWt for you! A 1hipment of PYREX FLAM EWA.RE rEllCOLATORS ha1 iu1t arrived! We admit -didn't receive,. Many 11 we would like. and we know that you've been waitin1 for a lonr. Ion, lime! So come in early! Purchase your Pyrex percolator Immediately, MfoN tlie quantity is exh•usted! COME NOWI 6-CUP Tea or eoff~ t11sle bett•r and retain •II their Nt- ural flavor when brewed in this sparklinl Pyre111 F I • mew 1 re pe~olator. And you can watch It o:>r'N to Just the ritht st,..ngth for servin1. Use it directly owr the flame. This P y r e x Flame.ware percolator ma k es deli - cious coffee e\fery time. Attracti"e, economl e •I _ Doubles as asp.tragus or corn-on-the-cob cooker. Smooth. clear. non-por- ous Pyrex washes sweet and clean as the day It was bou1ht, Q z < = z 0 0 ~ Salm -Enctneerlne -Sentoe off the favored Saints. It seems 9!0 Cout Blvd.., Ooroa.a del Mar like a bad case of wish.Cul think· PboQfl Harbor !18' Nlcbt, Lacuna UM2 ing to ima gine that the Harbors· can even get close to the high- Hansen's CONFECTIONERY & LUNCH WILL RE-OPEN Sunday, October 27th Alter Being Closed Four Weeks for Remodeling Featuring a Fresh Line of: BEAUDRY'S BOX · CANDY COMMERCIAL ICE CREAM CATERING ICE CREAM Sandwiches * Hamburgers * Salads 2100 OCEAN FRONT NEWPORT Need Your Cabin Rebuilt? · · ·or Altered? Sides or bottom painted? "'" Do tbe Job for You the Flwi Workmanship "'" Sterling Boat Works 615 CGllll& Blgbway Newport 8-cb . I I MEAT l'ltltEI Tbe pricel lilt.ed below an typical ol Uie onm you'U find at &r-•Y· Hut the bat ..,.y to '8arn about our va1IMll ii to make a 30 -cby test. Buy all your food 1t S.Ceway for the nut month. Com{lllN the total coat •ith that for 1 JRVK>I» month. We are cert.a.in you11 dilamr worthwhile •viap. Today'a high meat prices worry u, loo. We know ... -e can tell more meat when pr icel att low. Furthermore, we bt:lie\'e meal prices will go down IOOn ead we11 probably have lo take some inventory lo11ea when lbey do. But whatever the price, we fed we have sn obliptM>n to have 111ppliet 1vailable ind to Id cmtomen deer.de whether they •&DI to buy. We pledge ,_. thet our pi-ioes at all times will be u low a• we c.an pot- ololy .w. -i.....i .. ._. IO • ..a earning only 1 lair I Mii "11•1 NllU 0rtmqe Juice ~:..ere: zr ...... _ .... U---0..-.~-... llt:llUU , .... ,.. 1.,,..._ ............... _. .... u..;cio.....w...;., .... :u..-.i-..-. !Cibhied Dog Food ':;:" 17" :.-=p;a..... ....... '4 .... ,lc.. llal7JFood8 = 2_1 .. a.."t. o_.. -..... I -,..._ F Drndnq :;;:. 2Z" ...-.v.....,..Dm. ....... IUrU •Ml# Pickl• --:-a.:: ... ppedOliv•,-": I• 1ha1:'!-;.;,,'"f: ~Pndc!lnq~ I ewlmdMa~~,. I . r-,-------., I .. w•1111 --; I "'-°:' "' -at ,_ J I •c..a~._......_ I :;i;;;;,."""-.._ ... "-~ I : . ..._,.. ......... 0.-..'n.R ._.._ ....... o.,&..a...-.n-. -.a. ... .-. NJ11•1Hm1 111111.-,-ad ... r Brand ·~ .. no "-...... -. Sldppf Brand ·~ .... c:a... .. -...... 5'IW .. ----...... ' • d '""' ... , 2 .....,_ l"'f·•· IUPIS .. • • A CIGAREmS -1.45 ....... ~·"•-•'? ~ P1t•"1=10' ::i:: .. ii." ,::-.. tn· 1':"1-·"' .. , b --e. -~-.. i'. . ............ ·=-:.. .,.-·-. . ~ ............ a '·"--.__ ...... I 1,,,. ..---. . • • • • Girl Scouts Week 5 CllfF -MA& IS HfJIE! mOURSMAKT It's time again to s.ay "Happy Girl Scout W eek" to Gftl Scouts of Newport Harbor who are next week J9ining with more than a million other Girl Scouts in observ- Mt MAIL STATICNRY ' ANTICIPATION SHOPS .IO M. .... Dr .. llYlllT MIUI • «W N. ...._. M.aDIDMI • 12' W. W St., LOMll IUCM • • MAIL OROERS PROMPTLY Jlll£0 - A k>vely drt>ss for the Holidays._ ahead. 1003 pure si lk. Paillette-nail heads will bring interest lo your face.Candle l1~ht c1.1 lors ., •.... S24.95 THE BANK. OF AMERICA branch in your n eighborhood is staffed by men and women from your own community, every ~ne of whom is a part-owner of the instit u· tion. They welcome you as a neigh· bor and friend, ready to help you get every possible benefit from the use of t he Ba nk's complete fac ilities. ISunk of America NATIONAL i~~~T,.·.n ASSOCIATION •l•lll rlOll4~ Dt,Ol lT , •• , ••• ,, co•,O••UO" .,., .. Your Kind of Candidate OutspokeR. forthrigh t. pled&ed to back Gov. War- ren's administration and work tof. continued sound go\"e-rnment. GOODWIN J . KNIGHT ls trUly the peopJe•s choice for Lieutenant Governor. CALIFORNIA NEEDS MEN IN GOVERNMENT \VHO CAN PULL TOGETHER TO BUaD A. GR.EATER CALIFORNIA, F REE OF FEUDS AND FAC'TIONALISJ\.1'. FOR FREEDO?-.l FROM POLITICAL PRESSURE CROUPS AND HAR.1'-10NV TN STATE GOVERN- MENT- Let's Make It a TEAM ! VOTE FOR GOODWIN J . KNIGHT FOii UIEUTINANT GOVllNOll -~~ .... -Ora p 0-tJ' Ou ''•• ,_ G11Jwla 6 ~ w .• __ .. _J ' n 'To a..bw. M&WIWI' 84180& ance of National Girl Scout Week, Oct. 27-Nov. 2. Sunday is "ChUJ'ch-going Day" with all the Scouts a ttending church in their uniforms and each succeeding day of the w eek has its special phase. Membership Drive Begun by Newport Concert Associates a $ o.llfwtlla. City of Newpon -~ 0 . B. a-i. 11h7or. PROCIAJIATION lNI eightened Hope for Alcobol· 1 America's chronic drunkards, The recently organized Newport Community Concert Association Christian Science I will hotd its membership campaign WAE•S, ~ Pott Office .._._. •• w..i.i.c-lo apomoriac N atlou.I Air Kall \\'eek from October %1 to No- vember !, IMC &IMl. o shunned as social outcasts, arej being redeemed by new. hu- "?4fe treatmen t that restores ~ to health and respectability. Read the story in the American W 'kly, the magazine d.IStributed, your copy of next Sunday's I 1 -+-Angeles Examiner . I di during the week of November 4, Lecture on Ra o I it was announced today by t he Residents of th.is vicinity may hear a lecture on the subject "Olristian Science: a Religion o f Answ er ed Prayer'' w hich will be radiocast over station KFWB (980kcl, Friday evening, October 25, at 8 p .m.. from Ninth Church or Christ, Scientist. Los Angeles. The lecturer . Arthur C. Whitney of Chicago, is a member of The Ol.Mstian Science Board or Lec- tureship. "True Blue." It was at the buffet in a smoky London railway station that t he sergeant first looked Into the bluest eyes. The y t urned out to be the truest. too. This inspiring love story appean 'in the American Weekly, the magazine distributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. Balboa neatre Phone Barbor !8 Bo11: o rnoe Opens Dally, l :SO S how at 8:45 &: 9 :00 ·president . Mrs. George H_ Yard- ley. Jr. I n this one week. Mrs. Yardley explained, everyone in the Harbor ar ea "''ho wishes to attend the series or at lea.st three concer ts by outstanding artists to be pre- sented by the association this .,..,;n- ter must enroll a.s a member. She emphasized that after the close of the campaign no one may obtain a mem bership un til the following year, a nd that only mem- bers wit be admitted to the con- certs. This is in accordance with the "organized audience'' plan that as- sures a n ample artist budget be-- fore the performers are engaged, l\1rs. Yardley poin ted out. In approximately 50 cities and towns in the United States and Canada ranging in size from sev- er al thousand to sever al hundred thousand, she said, such audiences are already hearing the world's leading artists ever y year with no local financing risk. Among California cities who, along \\'1th Neurport H arbor. are inaugurating the Community Con- Wlll!llEAS, the dev~opmeat of air mall la aad hM hea of peat lmportaace to the bml- nese OOllttn.S &ad tbe people of th.la d ty, ud \VHEBEAS, I belle \·e the cltl- ._. ot Newpon: Beach •hoald take aa active latereet la ttae future developmeat of air mall, NOW, THEREFORE, l. O. B. Bffd, Mayor of the City of ?'i.•eft-port Beach do bel'eby dM- lpate Ute w eek of October 21- No\'embtt ! u All' Mall Week for all the Harbor area aad do call upoa oor people to make proptt obeervaace of um wflflll by llbenll7 p.troa.J.zlar tbe air mall and otherwt.e evldmclq tbe!r appreclatloa of tile efforts of tbe P oet Office Department of provldbac ttat. a ecc·••-y · service for our dty. Done at t.be City of N ewport Beach. lhl• U rd day of October in the year of our Lord one thouaand niae hundred and forty -ab: and ln the one hundred and se\·en ty-ftnt year of our Amer ican lndepea.dea ce. 0 . A. REED, (Seal.) Mayor. \ OaWorma'• N-aa4 M•t Modern Motel iracle Mile Motel 706 OOAST ffiGllWAY LMla: tw lb. Neoa 8'ca • •ltb Ut.e 6"last-s aeu ' 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat FrL-Sat. Oct. 25, 26 ANN S HERIDAN -DEN- N IS MORGAN -ALEXIS SMITH-JMik Canon, Jane W yman & Reginald Gard- ine r : cert Series this year are Monrovia, '-----------• Box Springs ; Innerspring Ma ttresses "ONE MORE TOMORROW" Al80 Georce Macready lo "THE MAN WHO DARED" &nd Chap. 6 .. Hop Horigan" Sun. -~Ion. -Tun . Oct. 21, %8. 29 JER OME K ER N'S Santa Paula, Fullerton and Azusa. In following the plan furt her, she added, no single tickets will be available for any of the in- dividual concerts. ~trs. Stanley Chambers. chair- man of the campaign, is organiz- ing teams of vol unteer \\'Or kers who will enroll the association members during the week of the campaign. Launching the campaign will be a dinner on the opening even- ing of November 4, \Yhen \\'Orkers will meet David Ferguson. organi· zation director of Community Con- certs Service of Ne\Y York. fl~ Soc ial Club Formed By Younger Group . ' H. BEAOON 529!hJ Young married couples of New-=;;~:;;;;;;;;i;;:i~~!!;~ por t Harbor Lutheran church have ; organized a club, for both social activity and the good of the church The first meeting was held S un- day evening at the home or Mr. and l\.otrs. Ernie Schultz, 315 33rd stfeet, Ne"rport Beach. Meetings ""ill be held once a month. Officers . elected "·ere Kenneth Quarry Jr., president; Ernie Sch· ultz. \'ice-president; Mrs. D. C. Wedeking, secretary and Mrs. Richard Haber, treasurer. I ~-~ "CENTENNIAL SU MMER" Yo'ill remain in town throughou\ ------------- the week to assist officials in , r/ REPAIRED ___...n Technlcolor-wttb Cor- nel Wiide, Jeanne CraJn, Wiiliam Eythe, Unda Da r- n ell, W alte r B rennan & Con- stance Bennett Wednesday October SO Chills and Tbrllls for your "s;i'd~;"W'o~0;~ Strikes Back" Gale Sondergaard K.lrby Grant & Brenda Joyce -Ai~Tom Conway ln- "Truth About Murder" with Bonlta Granville S tarta Thunday, October 31 KATHR YN GRAY SON JUNE ALLYSON ___...n- "TwO Sis ters from Boston" -&180- "Wild Beauty" With Don P orter & LolA Col- lier and '\\"lld Beauty', K.lng of t he Stalllo ns! & Chap. 7, "Hop Har rigan" campaign details . Arrangements for the dinner are in the hands of l\.·lrs. John Feeley who is planning an attractive set· ting for the inaugurat ion of New- port Harbor's latest civic enter· prise. nner -&us 1/11-ll&wport ltlv d, ~OIT• "-"llA DINNEU DAILY S...ee11• Ta_.., O~a 6 M 10 p. 111. 8 o:aP.r l Z -M le p. -. • WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Phone BMeon Ml4 ¢¢¢ • Moorlnp and spue avallabk for 806111 for &le • Paddle Boardo for Bent by the WMk or lllOllth. MET I CLAD PRODUCTS by CLARK & BATES -Look for the Bronze Mailbox - Metallizing- Welding- e INDUSTRIAL Tanks. k .. 15, rudders, deck flt- ti~p. hardware. e ORNAMENTAL Art objects, doors, signs, store front decorations. e ALI.TYPES S pecialists in steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, bronze. -ALL WORK OUARANTl:ED - NEWPORT BEACH . ll09 SOt.b !ltroe& llMbor %608 THE PUBLIC SERVICE HOUR Presents Sheriff Eugene W. Biscailuz One ol America's Ou.tltand.ing Peace O fficcn in an in.fonnative clilcuuion of law enforcemenc, with SHERIFF JESSE L ELLIOTT • T ... KVOE (1490 kc) Oct. 25, 6:15 p. m. •. lacl1p1•d111t Cltiuns Committee tl This Happens to Yoo ·~hone Bea. 5131-J .ODY WORKS and PAINTING \ en "'8're called ln op the l14ene of a "·re~k_.jt'a like ~\'lng a surgeon a t an oper- aµi.g t a ble ! ... \Ve -repair . w,ecked can skillfully a.nd MOROmlcally, ~IATOR &°GAS TANK 1 RE PAIRING FREE ESTIMATE C ALL BEACON 51Sl.J Mesa LIQUOR SHOP I entral Garage d Collision Shop 17114 Newport Blvd. Plenty of Whiskey roprlelor--G. B. Iverson 2866 Newport Blvd. No llmJt to any of OW' mercband.lae COSTA MESA. CALIF. COSTA MESA Pbone ee.oon 5011 j I When in LAGUNA BEACH Come to THE SNAC IK BAR "WHERE A SNACK IS AS GIJOD AS A MEAL" For REAL FRENCH ~NION SOUP ORIGINAL GRILLS YUMMY HOME-MADE DE&'>ERTS Open Dal.ly ( e11:cept Frlda.:vh 11 :30 to 5 :00 Sunday, ln addition to a ~~arte, we serve a Special Bruncb-tO;oo to 4 :00 1492 Coast Blvd. Sonth Phone 5271 • Before You 0 Buil or Remodel Vlolt Our lnt.erestlag Sam_ple I and Display Booms .... ~or guides, plan.- ~g· atds;--romprehm&- Order Your G for Spring ud Avoid Dloappoln Ive stock ot carpets . linoleum_ ~ y Now livery t Next Seuon Gray Marine Motors The Seaboard Eq ·pment Co. 1205COMt~y Newport Beach, Calif. I 8-580. Ge.enJ. Moton lMMel. ~s ... nee BP o.._,. MuiDe Enpnr· ~D • l" BP . ....,..,,-...... Globe llo•ta I. t, II BP Engine~g I CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~J Mana&er llalbool, ..,....onala • DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAll.. BAJ> DINNERS ... BANQUETS Announcing the Opening of a New Service for the Bay Area Contractors Equipment & Supply UU2 Newport A\'C.. I Blk. W est of Newport. Bl'"'d. South of 16th St., Costa Meta. Phone Beacono5099 We Have Brand New Equipment For Rental ' CEMENT MIXERS • POWER SAWS 10.S C.F.1'1. PORT.-UILE AIR !COMP RESSORS AIR TOOLS e \\'HEELBA RRO\VS P1'"Emt ATIC TIRE D TRACTO.S \\:ITU BLADES ALSO CONCRETE BREAKING AND SANDBLASTING I SERVICE -I Announcing OJ>ening Island Refrigeration Service Household RefrigeratQrs Repa~ed • Prompt Servtoe Calla ..\l;""•he re In the Harbor Area 329 Marine Ave. T. E. Rischard BaJboa Island <P olitical Advertisement) No Compromise with Communism • Arbit ration of Strikes • Ftwer la\l'S and les1 de, pendency upon legislation • PreKrvation c;f a free press • Neithn organized I ab or nor organized capital, but Mr. and Mn. U . S. Citizen • ~.'£"~,. d~:!,~ JIM f ARQUHAR Co.ntrolled by No Gro~~ or Clique • E~E~~~~. ~Cj>!:_ 5 POLITICAL ADIV. I 1 \ We KNOW K~owland Has Ability and ~xperience *,Be Sure To VOJENov.5 EVERYBODY KNOWS Whfl'e Senator W~ F. Knowland stands :on all ~ of the pre. aent campaign. He has made hie position clear at all times. He has not evaded a single lmue. ... HE IADE GOOD tF YOV WANT sl.x m'ore yeara of the jaJ.ut, vigorous and cob- structJ~e service which Senator Wllllam F . Know land has &1ven Cal!.fona.Ia and the nation, thm 7ou will cut your vote to-- I RETAIN HIM I I I + l . , ........ 'I ••'•.llO.A . ~ • , ' Ttwi •• r;;;;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;:;;;:;~ Harbor Cees Win jLeague Opener; Indians Beat Bees Why Suffer? -INS URAN flALli ~119 • uu ~ • ~~~~~~~~~ E--ti4~13()~ INvlUTMl'NT c(). Vr:ALT()~S ~ ~ ~ ti()Ml:.f CLOSE TO OCEAN -Clever 2-bedroom home with glassed-in sunroom. Built for the beach, but very comfortable and in good condition. $6,995 on temlS. Good value. BRAND NEW -An interesting blend of rancho and modern style. Will appeal. to buyers who appreciate fine construction detail. Otarming slab fireplace in beam- ceiling living room. Near Corona del Mar school. Sewer connected. Two bedrooms and a dandy kitchen. 510,900 with terms. CANAL FRONT WITH PIER It FLOA'l'- Everything i nthis modem home is in excel- lent condition. Concrete bulkhead, charm- ing patio with a view; living room and den make a huge room; 2 large bedrooms with unusual closet space; a dream of a kitchen ,vith scads of tile. mahogany woodwork everywhere plus a garage quickly converti- ble to a bunkroom with an extra bath out there, fenced; comer location and what else can you think of. Complete furnishings in- clude a Norge refrigerator. $20,000 and te tms if you want them. LIDO ISLAND BARGA.IN -Two bed- room, bath and a half home with double gar- age well located on Lido Isle. Stove and re- frigerator included. A roomy house on a roomy lot. Today's best buy on Lido a t $22,500 with temlS and quick possession. 13u.fl~1:.1.fl:.f MIRACLE MILE BOATWORKS -Com- plete equipment, marine wa ys, wharfage, stiff leg included in a profitable operation. Books open. Equipment and lease at $3000 -close to inventory. FOODS AND MAL~Heavy profit-mak- ers. Complete equipment of latest type. Established patronage. F or sale outright or can be leased by competent buyer. FROZEN FOOD MARKET -Remarka ble earning record. Excellent lease. Living quarters or room to expand. High grade equipment almost new. °""ning for health food stock with this moneymaker. l\'A'l'ERFRONT BOATYARD ON IOGH- WAY -Good lease includes store-siz.ed showroom and equipment; also marine rail- way. Sixty feet on water; 75 feet on high- way. Low rent offers fine opportunity for a worker. tiA.~13()1:> 1 NVl'ITMl'"11T c(). Vr:A.LT()I:>§ • Laguna Beach Community Players LAGUNA BUCH Prwe&t ''The Silver Cord'' Directed by West Dinsmore Oct. 23, 24, 25 and 26 BESE.RVED SEATS Sl.80 aDd $1.%0 Pbo• Lacmaa Beacll 191 to r BNervatlon (POLITICAL ADVER't'IS .. : IEt-~·r J HIS RECORD IS RIGHT! ...... ____ .... ~ RETAIN JOHN PHILLIPS in 'CONGRESS ,,._,. or 14 years. in Stale and Na tional legisJatl,·e bodies. Congres&mnr. John Phillip$ has supported and spon.sored sound J€!gisla tJo ri. Coogres&man John Phll.Upa bu made S'Uc:h o. outstanding rerord 1:- Wa.shlnaton tha t he ls one of the most influential men1~rs of t t'f' H OUR>, with S~'l'IORITY AND EXPERIENCE gainl'd from t' cnadble ol actl\•e, honorable K'n·i~- I JOHN PHILLIPS llEl'tlaENTATtn: IN OONG&ESll + o..a-c ...... '' • o..cnr 0-.,..... 11re.r.1ia= 0 ~ N""'i>Ort Harbor ffigh 11Choo1'1 mighty C team. which has swept decisively over three oppone.nts so far th.is season, opened their league schedule last Thunday afternoon with an impressive 39-. 7 win over the Orange llghties on the losers' field. Bobby Watts and Gent> ?.fillen combined for the Cees in the lint half wtth two touchdowns each and at half time the aoore was 26--0 in favor of the Tars. Orange pushed over their lone score ln the final mJnutes of the game after Mears and Richardson added two more touchdowns to 87 .... I I •• DR. E. P. 9u.1,. D.~ ft..C. 19'1 ftM s- Newi-rt Pe·• cant. noae ll&rtlor llM ..._: Buf)or 1111 S--1 ·--ft-. ..... ·-0.... .... » ..... I tr t • FIRE • At.rI'OMOBILE • YAClll' • COMPENSA.TIO "STU " DUNLAP 205 Marine A..,. Balboa Island ~-Hubor 20()..J FREE FIREWOOD ror the baul· DIPW~ WANTED Ing. Phone Bucon 54ll 73-tfc BU8JNE88 OUJDI: lf RESPOlfSIBLE young lady will take ~plete care of new born, RADIO SALES & SERVICE up to 1one year old babies. By Specializing ln repairing. week bl' month, $45 per week. TRONART, INC. ;:!' s t:..bor l408-J betw~~~ Radio. electronie1, ~ .. ~w= o~--_ TIRE S Recapping MODERN All Electric Equipment NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR DISTORTION COMPLETE SET. IN ONE DAY SECTION WORK TUBE REPAIRS LE S TER 'S 0. K. Rubber Welders 2900 West Central NE\VPORT BEACH Order Now ! FRUIT TREES -FOR-- Winter Planting Hollister Bros. N URSERY ~ 1959 HarbOr Boulevard Collta Mesa Be"'°" ~ 80-tfc Carpenter Tools Brace and Bit Seto Hammen, Hand SaWI. Etc. 818 Coast Hlwa.y Ph. Beacon 500'7 the Sailors' final tally. ~============~ The Harbor B team also ape.n· ed their league schedule last Thursday, but dropped a tightly· contested game to the Fullerton and servtce--marine and domestic.1 .~:::..:.-.:,:..";:.· -lllE'IT~;:_-'="=-• -..,.,,...,-__,- Ph. IL 1252-M CERAMlS CLASSES-10 days' of 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, tree~' · gin ceramic and pot· M h · al T 79-tr ec ante oys C tery asses, begin 4th of Nov. Electric and Mechanical Traina., 83.-l tc Bayview Builders Suff !lc Auto Batteries Rubber S<poraten 1.8-tDonth -16. 75 Ex. B's 25-12. • ' Half time sco"' wu all tied up at 12·12 but the l:ndJans came back strong in the second half and notched the ir victory with t~:o touc hdowns in the fina l quarter. Bottled drinkin g water, -popular In many cities, would cost about the same as an equlvaJent amount or ge.solinc--if the same taxes were imposed. PUBLIC NOTICE Dept. 2. No. 47009 SUMMONS Action broug ht in the Superior Court of the County of Or ange, and Complaint filed in the Of- fice of t he Clerk of the Super ior Court of said County. EVERYTHING In Quality REFRIGERATION Air Colldltionlng F.qoiP'• - Cw , ~ . Oomiten Walk-Im • FoantalDI • 8tooll Bock Ban . Bootlil Complete Mukela Cate. Etc. Plann•nc "WEBEB" DEALEBS 8": 8. Loe A.Dplee SL, An•W:rr, ~-! In the-S uPf'rlor Cour t or the State ~-----'-':::::..=::::..-----' of Callfornla In and for t h11 PUBLIC NOTICES County of Orange. CITY OF NEV/PORT BEACH, a Municipal Cor poration of the Sixth Class. Pla int iff, vs. tioned in the C.Omplaint her ein on file and the rontract to be given in connection the re\\ri th, or to up- hold the validity of said proceed· iogs. • H · W Id. Sh Enroll; now, ages between 18 and Doll B\Ja!es, Dolli, Telegraph am s e mg op 35. Harbor 2370. Gift pottery, Se Co b ta, Velocipedes, Toys, Steel m inatlon Portable Welding Coron,. del Mar, across from Wagons. and General R<>palr Work _:P_"'c:..:.' ,,io/L,,!i.:.ce:... __ ...,._____ - 1101 Bay' View Court REAL ESTATE salesman or sales-THE TOY SHOP 208 Marine Balboa Island PAUL D. HARRIS. Owner / wom8..!' to manage branch office Harbor 2292.w 8()...tfc 82-2tc t in Newport. Excellent oppor. ---~:::..::.:.:...::;::.:_: __ =..::: _F_O_R1'_1E_D_W_in_ds_hl_e_l_ds __ &_H_atch-l tunity for right party. Write Covers made to order Also PJex-Patterson Realty, c/o News- iglass & Lucite Shee.ts for sale. : Times! Box "R~" 83-2tp HARBOR Plumbing Service Nu-World Products Company, 1\VANTED-Lady to do house""•ork. 1768.Ne"ix>rt Blvd., Beacon 5048W 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. eight hours; either Thursday or REP AIRING OUR SPECIALTY Phone Huntington Beach 178. Fridaf every week, $1 .00 per Contracting and Supplies 97tfc ___________ .:.80-.:..:tr::.;~<I hour. 1 Balboa Island. Phone1,,,=----------- Harlx\T 548-M. 82-4tc VENETIAN BLINDS -GLASS WANTED-Lady to help with SHOWER DOORS · _ childrf n & housework, board & CUstom Made and Installed room. 1 $100 per month. Phone F1oor polishing and sanding equip-Bea~ 5757. 82-2tc ment for rent RO O F S W. J . BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J HELP WANTED MALE-Local Bayview Builders Supply 82·tfc or traveling i~ business for 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon Ml M~ CL.AD PRODUCl'S -by- Cl.ARK & BATES Metallizing Welding Specialisa 506 30th St. -Harbor 2500 Newport Beach 77-ttc Sheet Me tal Work Gutters Installed and Repaired Regan Bros., Sheet Metal 341 E. 21st, Costa Mesa Beacon 5608-Itl 81-tfc yoursrlf. No mone y required. 79-tfc Good ncome. You are your own boss. IApply 508 1> No. Main St., Z 0 R I C Santai Ana, Calif. TI-8tc WANT -Expert tool and die maker. Salary and percentage of profits or partnership. Phone Harbor 2151-M. 8(}.4tp WELL P AID JOBS with I ij Real Futures DRY CLEANING In Our Own P lant PICKUP AND DELIVER Phone -BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleaners 456 Newpor t Blvd. 711-tfc FOR SALE-1945 J cepette 5 h.p . Compounded Motor Gallon, 70c Oil ·Western Auto Supply Authorized Deeler · 1836 Newpcx t Blvd, Coot& M- '1-tfc ..rPUMP S WORTHINGTON PRESSURE • CENTRIFUGAL For All Pressure Soden Refrigeration 623 So. Los Angeles St .. Anaheim Phone 4652 83-ltc VENETIAN BLINDS:zAJuinlnum, 1teel, wood. Call \II for tree .. tt- mate. Renovation & ttftnish1nc, So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co, w .. t 18th and Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762--W. 38-tft Fire Pla<r and KindJina~ WOOD Dellvered IL W . WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 6666 1784 Newport Blvd. BARGAINS! ~tf• Lowest prices in furn1 ture Ls mJ motto. I buy right. I sell riaht I also buy furniture. · Needl e's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5038 57-t!c . COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE for Young W omen as Telephone Operators motor scooter, in good condJtion. 0 d y On display Balboa Island Sport-r er our Free Estimates Kitche n a nd Wall \Vashing Floor Cleaning and Waxing lng Goods, =io Marine Ave.. Servel Balboa Island. 80-4tc Gas Refrigerato,r • Poultry Wir~ ' Now I / Six Ft. Wide. Tw<>-In. Mesh at Vogel's 150 Ft. Rol~s 100 Main St. Harbor 14!1 ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE MATTER O~' TifE GR \D- I NG AND PAVING. CON- STRUCTION OF SIDF.WALK AND CURBS, SEWER CON- NECTIONS. WATER MAf'.'IS, WATER CONNE CTIOKS, FIRE HYDRANTS AND APPURTEN- ANT W ORK. IN CERTAIN STREETS AND ALL EYS AND APPROACHES THEREOF IN S ECTIONS l ·TO 5, INCL U· SIVE. OF BALBOA ISLAND AND TRACT NO. 742, ALL I N THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, You arc directed to appear in an action brou11:ht against you by the above·named plaintiff in the Su· perior Court of the State of Cali- fornia, in and for the County of Orange, and to ans'-''er the rom- plaint therein '"ithin te n da )'1 after the serviqe on )'OU of this S ummons. if served \Vi thin the County of Orange. or within thirty days if ser ved elsewher e, and you are notified that unless you so appear and ans'"er as above re- quired . the plaintiff will take judg· ment for any mon('y or dam a ges demanded in the Complaint, as a r ising upon contract, or will a pply t o the c ourt for any other relief demanded in the complaint. Window Cleaning Cau1king In most communities beginners r e· ceive b.ase pay of $30 for a five day week. with extra pay for over· time or, d"tY at certain hours of the day. Bayview Builders Supply _________ 152_-tf-'c 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 WANTED TO BUY 11 79-trc WANTED TO BUY-Kneebole Defendants. The People of the St ate of Cali- fornia Send Greetings to: All persons interested in the mat ter of the grading and paving, cons truction o r sidewalk a nd curl.is sewer connections. Y.1atcr m ains. \Va ter connections. fi r e hydran t~ and appurtenant "'Ork. in cer tain streets and alleys and approachC's thereof In Sections 1 to 5, in· elusive, of Balboa Island and Tract No. 7·i2, all in the City of New- port Beach, Orange County. Cali- fornia. Dt>fendants. Given under my ha nd and sea] of the Super ior Court of the ' County of Orange. State of Cali- fornia, this 11th day of October . 1946. B. J . SMITH, P ainting All \V ork Guara nteed Harbor 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service Seven ~age increases the first two years-Paid vacations. , I Learn thJs interesting work at good pay in your own community. You work with friendly people in County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Orange_ PIANO TUNING and repairing. pleasant offices. By L. W. WALLACE, Deputy. (SC'al Superior Court, Orang(' County.) J . B. Brown. Write Box 633, Excelle nt promotion possibilities. Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, Costa 1 Mesa. 78-tfc ' COOPERATIVE I ROOFING CO. APPLY Just Arrived Freeh Hearing Aid BATTERIES Gundereo.n Drug Co. 117 Main St. Pb. Harbor 515 60-tt• Hereatt~r if we recap your TIRES We guarantee our "Caps" to last desk. Phone Harbor 2639-W . 8'2·2tc CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. ,. PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tre Will Pay Cash For yaur furniture or what have you. Pha.ne Beacon 5656. Craw~ ley Furniture, 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mes&. 48-tfe F'.URNITURE FOR SALE ft The action herein brought is New and Repair brought, pursuant to the provis-appears in a n action "'."hen he NOTICE AP PEA RANCE: '"A defendant Southern Cali fornia TeJephone Company I 20,000 MILES FOR SALE-Elec. Refri g., stove, breakfast table, l'Ound dinning table, buffet. chair, book case , kidney dressing t a ble, chintz drapes, 6 ft. hinged chest 217 ions or Chapter 10, Oi\'iSion 7 or ansY.•crs, demurs. or gives the Phone Beacon 52SO.R th<' Streets a nd H ighways Code of \ plaintiff "'ritten notice of his a p.-'216 £. 3Qth St., COlta Mesa the S tate of California, to dctC'r m· pearancc. or "·hen an attorney ~tt' inc the validity of the pr ocff'dings I g~'"e~. notice of appearance for ___ S_I_G_'_N_P_AIN __ T_IN_G __ _ heretofore t a ken by the City of him. CSec. lOf.4 . C.C.P.) 100 1E. Ba y Avenue, Balboa 514 % o. Ma.in Street, Santa Ana ot Call Chief Operator 80-trc Ne"·port B<>ach in the m atter of Answers or d"emurrcr s m ust be thC' grading and paving, construe· in ''Titing, and fi led \vith the tion of side"·alk and curb, sewer Clerk. connC'C tions. wa ter mains, water Pub. Oct . 17, 24. 31, 1946. connections, fire hydran ts and ap.-CERTIFIC ATE OF BUS INESS purtenant y.•ork in certa in streets Fictitious Firm Name and alleys and approaches thereof T H'E UNDERSIGNE D do hereby cer- in Sections 1 to 5 inclusive of tll y that they are conducting a gen-eral glazlel'"9 and 11ign palnleni bualneu Balboa Island and Tract No. 742 at 2811 Lafayette Street. City of New· l·n s 'd Cit of N wpo t n~ ch port Beach. County or Orange. State a1 Y e r .IX.'.& • of California. under the flctit lowi firm Orange County, California, and to name of d "HARBOR GLASS COMPANY .. etermine the validity of any con· and that aald rtnn ll'I compoeed of tract to be entered pursuant to the tolJowlng per90n•. wboae na.me11 said proceedings. 11.nd •ddre.Qe'll are ... rollowa, to wlt : Dforald T. V.'•kerteld. tU North The boundaries Of the 8SSeSS• Flo•·er Strttt, Santa Ana. Call · ment di!trict are as follows: fom la , Jerry \V. Brown. 112 North Tlo1"!1r All that certain l'eal prop-Street. Santa Ana . C.a.ll tomla. erty included within the ex· WlTNESS our hand1 this 14th day of October , 1946. terio r boundaries of Balboa JERRY w . BROWN. I sland in the City of Newport DER.ALO T. WAKEFIELD. STATE OF CALIFORNIA , Beach, Orange County, Call· COUNTY OF ORA.VG&-... fornia, as particularly shown On th!-' 14th day or October. A. D. 1946. be.lore me NORA S. KARG-and de lineated upon a plat of \VARTH. • Notary Public In and tor said district. being pla t No. •aid County and Sf,Jte. re•ldlng there· Boa ts, Trucks, Windowa Wall! ud Bulletins . Raised Metal, Wood and Plude Letters AL LACHMEYER 17~ West Central Harbor 1243-M PAINTING 38tf< 12 Years Service tn Newport Hwbor Area W ANIED-Midd.le age ho~ kee~r. experienced only. Must drive car, $125 month. Harbor 2130, 78-Stp • WAITRESS WANTED six days week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe, l7th!and Coast ffighwa y. 59-tfc I W i AU'T O MEC HANIC Harry Hall P AINTING CONTRACl'OR -Phone.--n -525 Experienced Ford mechanic pre- DC;:'acon 9--J Beacon 5413 ft'f'l'Jci, but will consider gener al 274 E. 19th Street :U.ttt mecllanic and givi; Ford trainin&. i'OR A RELIABLE P aint J ob oa Goocl pay and the best of work- your home, call Beac:on 5S3G ing conditions. Apply at once as after 4:30 p.m. 10-tft we Deed more men immediately. and DECORATnlG ff. E . KcDc::IGald Ford aler for Harbor District and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OF F ll<>gardless of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. tor a complete set we will call for yaur car in the morning and deliver same day. Aho--& S2.00 Mobllstatlc balance job when we recap your tires, for $1.00. No lead welghta or "extru." Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear a t 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Pb. Beacon 5743 Alk for Al ar Hank. Abalone Balboa Isl. H . 558-\V. 814tc FOR SALE-Six-burner two-oven broiler gas stove; t~·in % beds with inners pring mattresses, etc. 2295 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Phone Beacon 5624-W . 8'2-2tc OCfOBER is the month for spe. cial values In LIVING-ROOM GROUPS at McMAHAN'S. Our purchasing department having combe4 the markets for the best offerings available, are fea~ turing living.room sets, bed divan sets, rockers and occas- ional chairs, as well as coffee tables and lamp tables, and all other living-room acces&0rie1 for October value giving. Free deliver y and low~t terms. Of course, we still have those 3, 4 and S-room outfits assembled !or great savingi for the hoUle- holder. V!si! us THIS MONTH, WON'T YOU? McMahan Fur· niture Company, Second and Broadway, Santa Ana, Cali!. 83-ltc ln duly commissioned a.nd 1worn. per--41 0 approved by the Ci ty $1'.>n&lly a.ppearff DeraJd T. Wa.te:Celd Council of said O ty on Ute and Jerry W. Bro1••n, known to me PAINTING -PAPER BANGINO TH~ODORE ROBINS 414 Old CoDty Rd.. Coot& Mesa 22nd d Central, Newport Beach ------------------------- 8'-tfc 2n to be the P"1"90h8 wboee na.me..1 an d day of Ju1y, 194.5, and on 1ubscrlbed to the within lnat.Nment. mile in the office of the City and acknowlednd to me that they executed the &&me. Clerk of said City. IN WITNESS WH!:REOF. I have Anyane interested may, at any he reunto !et my band and a.ftl.s:ed my time before the expira~on or ten official seal the day and year Jn thll .., certificate Clnit a.bove written. days after the full publication of NORA s . HARGWARTH. this Summons, a p~ar and by ="'otary Public In and for Mid ...-. County and State. K y cornmls-proper proceedjngs contest the •Inn expires J1.n . 28. 1950. validity of the proceed.Jn.gs men· (Notarial Se-1.) ------Pu-'~·c..:c<><::.:.t. 17. 24. 31 ; Nov. 7. 1941.. Have That Glass Installed BEFORE RAINY SEASON HARBOR GLASS co~ 2811 LafayeUe Auto Glass • PhOM Harbor 886 Boat Glass Phone Beacoa 5013-J 85--tft I Phone Harbor 28 TRA?<SPOBTA1'ION 11 l---i---------82--2_tc BICYCLES Sold. Rmt~ or Repaired VOGEL'S 100 Main St.. - !lAL&! J08CBLIANEOQ IO FOR §ALE--4x8 Brunswick pool table:, good con di tiOn. Phone arbclr 1551-W. 83-ltp 208 Karine, --l.llaDd . 9'-tt• FOR $ALE-Piano; just been re- conditioned and tuned.. Phone BEAUTY AIDS 11 Beajxm son. 83-ltc MACHINE and MACHINELESS FOR SAl.E-Wread o\lerhead steel· P ermanent Waves rradie garage door. perfect con- ·nntlng and Manicuring di~; 14 !L 5 in. by 7 !L, $50. Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W Av able ~wo to three \••eeks. Vi's Beauty Shop 415 Begorua Ave .. Corona def 1103 Coast HJway, Corona de1 Mar M .• ~ carpenter. 82-4tc 75-Uc FOR SALE-Gas range, be<I frame. ----~---w-.------2:1 bie>fle. electric train. Any or an. EMPLO•~a. ,.....,.....-.... pri~ to sell. 508 Westminster wn.L CARE tor children after Ave!., or call Beacon 5380-W. sctiool and evenings. Call at 5:iO I 82-2tp Victoria St., Costa Mesa. 83-2tp EXPERIENCED man ....,.ta Jani· Pb<>n<0 Harbor tor "'·ork or general ho\me clean--:::+:::.:.... ____ .:_ _ _:112-=::_2tc:::; ing. Call FullertDn l.l.!>-W. 82-2tp ~rakes Specialists I General Overhaui _. .. ~ ~.. Home Service Garage ~ c;ei-amn and Starten • Ucht Haullnti: ~-Otar ,. _.. w. Wlloon, Coota -Pbo..0 Beecoa 511&5 R , C-3tc R-E -A-L V-A-L-U-E-S -Good- USED FURNITURE Twin si7.e Beds trom ---.$2.95 up Full si7.e 50-lb. Cotton Mattresses, Oni Y---·-····-·.$7.95 2-Pc. Monterey Living Room Suite, reversible spring• filled cushions and back; desert tan finish, attractive cover. 2 Pieces only ----···------···------·-·.$37.50 Bridge Lamps, complete with shade ----·--······-$2.95 Odd Dresser, choice of.finisb.es.___ _ _____ $9.75 Z.Piece Chase Mohair Llvlng'ROOm Set, reversible CtJSh, Jons, hi-back chair, 2 pcs. ···--·-··-·-···--··-··-..$49.50 30-Inch Bookcase, 3 shelves -------··---------S'7.95 Folding Chairs ---·--·----·--·------·---·----$3.95 Drop.leaf Solid Oak Dinette Table, good tlnlsh _$16.75 7.6x9 Congoleum Rug, clean, good shape .$3.95 9xl2 All wool face Axminlster ---·-···--·--·----. .$17.50 4-Drawer Ivory Olest ----···--... $7.915 Large me ~ Baby Crib ·-------~ $9.75 HARBOR FURNITURE Phone Beacm 5538-J 1962 Harbor BM!. • . . -, .. . , -., --,,' -, ,,.. -• • . .,~--·· • • . .. hAWPCak c.m , ~-. • WANT ADS ,, ..... mAS SPECIAL ANNOUNOEllDTll II MAI. Dr~ '' ~-~tl~L~Ell~T~il'S~~-----~11 e••r. ~ 11 spar. m.AB a ner mAn '11 lved FOR SALE-1'..ot 55x165 IL,~ N~rt Beach w~· ONT ~---and --• M10 N C WEST, have disso blocks trom business district, At Corona del Mar .... --llVUBC • .__ .. partnership in said firm, Harbor WATER FRONT HOME • dock and pier. only five Plwnblng SeTvtce. 1768 Newport Ca!ta Mesa. Clear. by owner. Beautiful Lots and gue!!t house, ti.-e .years old. yeu? ~cl. Completely fUmlah- ·ni-&N ______ r_r-ii_a_i:_""_ro_·-a-··-w.z-·----·-·----·-·n-·1 Blvd., Ca!ta Mesa, and will not John L. Larson. 1409 W. Bay completely !umished. Pitt and ed. Mr. Colcomb, Beacon 5299-J. FOR SAL&--Electric i~ box. f>611 Sea View Drive, Saturday after- noons or Sunday only. 83-ltc be responsible for any acts or Ave .. N....,-porL Harbor ll46-R. $1350 & $1450 dock, new cabin cruiser. Mr. J 82-2tc debts of said company as of Oc-WW take any reasonable oiler Colomb. Beacon 5299-J. ~83-3tc ---!-. --------- tober 22. Signed: Amon c or trade. 8J...4tc w. J. HOLCOMB W~To buy or rent 500 WesL 83-2tc HOME FOR-LARGE. ..,...filY Corona del Mar MY NICE VIEW lot ln Corona del to 1000 feet light manufacturing ONE prewar Ficks-Reed 9 rt. rataan semi-circular davenport, inner-spring cushions, $200; one cover wagon patio lounge with oprlng and pad. $40; two metal kitchen chain, chrome, S15; one Carpenters Available tor gmer-al main~ 'Al\' Mar For Sale. Call Harbor spa,. Phone Harbor 2151-M. S bedroom. 312 baths, beautiful ''Where the flags fly'' 1247-J . 82-2tc ~tp landscaped, center of town . Harbor 7766 8Z-2tc ----c,:------------+--------- -~ dra pes & CarpeL $1 5,000. $5000. ------------ down. FOR SALE-Two-bedroom beach O. Z. llOJU:Jrr!ION Call Harbor &'I lamp, $15. 23 Harbor Island. 34-tt• • BZ-21<: ------------ 80.&n, troPPLDC8 .. 22-ft. cabin cruiser. May be used tor flohin& boat. $750. Call alt.er 6 p.m., Harbor 1493-J. 83-tfc Cushman Scooter Repair Work Free E<tlmateo On SeTvlce and Repair Brand New 3 bedroom home close In $12.000. Terms. 2 Acres and beautiful hoi:ne on blvd, $18,000. ARNOLD TUMMEL 2015 Anaheim, Costa t.tesa Be. 5427-W 83-ltc FOR SALE--3G-fL S-1 fishing c:ruioer. New Olrysler crown. Ideal for private use or chart.en. Phone Harbor 861. 80-4tp Malloy & Wyckoff El Bayo Tract Rear Balboa Marine Hardw...,, Home on Bay Ave. FOR SALE-Gray Sea Scout, 31 h.p. at 2.800 R.P.M., $250. Phone Harbor 72. 81-.tc 913 Coast Hlwe,y BeL 5261-W 3 Bed Rooms, 2 Baths. on La,. Lot Newport Beach $25,000 FOR SALE-26' Commerdal boat 98-tlc New Graymarine engine, 2 ton ~F"O~R,.-RENT==,.-1"s"'MM=-=-M'"o-u""o_n_pl,....c- capadty. Ready to go. Phone ture Project.OB-Sound or silent. Huntington Beach 6263, after wt th or without operators. 4 :30. 8>-4tp FILMS RENTED -Your own FOR SALE-Snowbird No. 302; picture show at home, features, Furnished Duplex $25,000 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Down 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Up mahogany deck ; fast sailer ; sports, musicals, for parties, $200. 314 Coral Ave., Balboa clubs, churche!. Harbor 2598-J. W. ·L. JORDAN Isla nd. Phone Harbor 2639-W. --76-ttc 700 E. Central, Balboa 82-2tc ------------Ph b ----------FOR RENT "1 one Har or 153 FO R SALE-Fishing boat. holds _F_O_R __ R_E_NT--Lar--g.-.-.-,-fr-a_c_t;-ve 72-tfc. l 'h: tons mackerel, $1000 with ------------newly instal!OO mooring; S800 room. private bath. Daily or F OR SALE-Corona del Mar, 45- without mooring. 802 Wilson weekly rates. Winter rates for ft. lot, 1 block trom school. south St., Costa Mesa. 82-2tp permanent guest. Stage ~lotel of Blvd., good location for tn- at Greyhound Bus Station. 83-4tc come. Owner . Ph. H-2139-W. F OR SA.LE-Tu'o-month-old 44 ft. ~tic apart fishing boat. licensed. 38 ROO~l FOR RENT-Business nlan fast popular . Via Oporto. 82-tfc preferred. 1860 Ne\\"J.>Ort Blvd., S2-t!c Costa :'>lesa. 83-_tfc WANTED TO BUY-Balboa ding hy in good con di lion. Ph. H arbor 2669-R after 1 p.m. 7S-tfc Balboa Canvas Shop Sails -Boat Covers b1a rine Upholstering FOR SALE-'fhrec-b<>droom home '4"ith ocean vie"' in Corona dcl 1\'1 ar. Living room. dining room :ind kitchen. partly furnished. Bath and half, fireplace, patio and garage. Q\\'ner must S('JI, \\.ill sacrifice at $13,000. Tf'rn1s. Call 1-larbor 1247-J . 82-2tc Harbor 207 -224 1·~ 21st St. FOR RENT-Large sunny room Newport Beach 71-tfc with bath in private hon1c . Lady Fire Equipment Tests or ma rried couple. 200 l\1iramar Dr., on Peninsula. 83-2tc C-0-Two, Pyrene & Foam re/ills. C()t fixed system and Portable1 F OR RENT -FurniShed roorn on now available. Bay Front, private entrance. ETS HOKIN & G ALVAN Phone 1-larbor 2669-M. BJ..l tp 1000 Coast Highway NEW housekeeping cabin, Bay- Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tf< shore Camp. Ask l\trs. Reyn- Wll.L PAY good bonus for boat olds, SIO per wl"C'k. 82-2tp slip. Have 40' custom b u ilt FOR RENT-Room to employed -·'-•r . Wr1'te Box "S '. c/o ...... .......... gentleman or a couple; outside NeW1-Times. 75-tfc entrance. Phone Ha rbor 684-R . EDNA RO USH . Real Estate Broker 210 22nd St .. Costa Mesa Beacon 5274-M Cl ose to Newp ort Blvd. F OUR· BEDROOl\1 modern; double garagr. A good buy at today's prices $1 0.500 T\\'0-BEDROOM ; some furni· ture: lot 103x-t00 ; largC' sht.•d in rear. Could be used {or light fac tory or boat build· ing .. ... _ .-. $11 ,200 83-ltp Balboa Income F OR SALE--40 ft. cabin cruiser ; 82-3tc 8 units that sho"'s a 20 7'-return aJeeps six; galley, dinette, head, FOR RENT-Rooms a nd one then there is an apartment for large wheel house and cockpit, apartmen t : adults only 421 t he manager . Built in tubs and completely r econditioned, bow to Harding, Balboa. · M-tfc showers. ConC"rcte founda tions stern; Chrysler marine engine. ------------and on a corner lot. Better look See owner, 133 Agate Ave., Bal-FOR RENT-Room, gentlemen this one over . boa Island. 67-tfc only in new home. Priva te ba th and entrance. On penin- lfU81CAL A RADIO 14 sula. \Vrite Box "N" c/o News-If RADIO SENDING, receiving tele- graph S('t ; br1ttery a nd 11 0 AC. Price optional 1650 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. 83-ltp RADIO HOUSE CALLS-- Times. 7S..ttc FOR RENT-New Duluxe room and private ba th, tile shower stall. Twin or double beds, box spring and interspring mattret- ses. Unt heat. Special rates for permanent guests. Miracle Mile Motel , 706 Coast Highway, New- port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J . Balboa Island you want a choice piece of propt:'rty "'ith a beautiful \;ew of the bay and apartment to r£'nt ht'r l.' it is-La'WTI , flo14•ers, trees, plenty of room and pri- '\"acy, a 2 car garage, patio a nd all the extras you would n('('d. You can have it either furnished or unfurn ished and the price is right. Now that additional com pe- ten t t<'Chn icians arc available, ¥te are ablC' 10 make serviCt'.' calls on large consoles. All work guaran tttd. HE NRY W . BRAINERD New ~ner S.O.S. Radio 75tlc l Beverley Realty Co. "'ANTED TO RENT U 507 Eas·t Central I n Balboa WANTED TO RENT-Two-~. Gladys Beverley, Jack C. Ford,, home. near new bay develop- ment, $55(X). Call Harbor 1723-J. 82-2tp WANTED TO RENT-Two or three-bedroom house until June. Reliable former major A: family. Good care guaranteed. Phone Harbor 1536-J. 82-4tc Acres Upper Bay View; Sandy Loam $2500 A Look to the Future 10 Acres West Side Small House $10,500 Lot on West Bluff 59x359--Excellent View $1650 One of the Fine Homes of Costa Mesa. 65xl20- Close in. Lot $12,750 J . C. PAYNE, Broker 111 1. 18th S t. c!,sta Mesa Ph. Beacon 5213-~1 R. W. BARTINE Associate Broker Res. Ph. Beacon 5Z7&-J 83-ltc J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Bl,•d. Costa lo1ese Ph: Beacon 5320 One-Bedroom House Double garage; good locatit>n : east side of to"n . Price reduced to $4500 New 3-Bedroom Home On East 19th St. Hard-w·ood floors, double garage. Price only- $12,000 T erms. FURNISHED Two-Bedroom Home Large lot. Refr igerator , t able-top stove, firepl ace and patio--S.3000 will h andle. Two-Bedroom House With 2 ~ acres land, near high school. Price only- $8500 J. E. Barnes &. Son !~Newport IDvd. 300 !\iarine Ave. Harbor 780 81-t!c HIGHEST price paid for your pi- ano. Danz-Sc hmidt Piano Co., apar tment or house for 2. 3 . . Realtors months. \\.rite or phone Ne~-s-Jim Howard, Broker -Bill Llewlyn Colta Mesa l n. Beacon 5320 Times, Box •·D." 82-2tp Salesman. ___ BJ-_1_1_c ___________ BJ-__ 1tc Santa Ana, 520 N. ~fain. 7~tfc WANT TO RENT-Garage for speed boat, anywher e in ha rbor USED Plane. from $65. Or will a rea. Phone Harbor 2115-R. renL Danz-Schmjdt Piano Co.. 82-2tp 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 7()..tfc _.,---~-------_;, FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! DO YOU WANT TO HEAR THESE GAMES PLAY BY PLAY! w._ll. ,.oo •on't Ir your radio won't let )'O'l.I. Bnng your bus'ly, fu.ny ur wbal ban JOU radio to u• and we •Ill .. to It t.hat you hear lh"" &am"' clearlJ . .Al-OIORIZED PllILCO SHOP Knox Hardware Co. 420 E. 4th, Santa Ana Ph. 130 82-3tc R EP 0 SSE S SE D Mirror Type Spine t Piano. Now only $295. A very pretty piano. F ine tone. OanJ.-Sc tunidt Piano, 520 No. Main, Santa Ana.. 7~t!c GOOD Grands. l\lehli n, Kurtzman, Story & Oark, O\a.se, Hallet A: Davis. Kimball. Weber and oth· en. Prices start at $485. Terms. O&nz....sclunidt, Santa Ana, 520 No. Main. 7~ttc \VANT TO RENT-Furnished or • unfurnished house, 2 or 3 bcd- r oms will lease. Phone Harbor 707 81-ttc $1 00 RE\V ARD-F or r ent for un- furnished 2 or 3-bedroom house a t Corona del Mar. or Bay dis- trict until June l . Businns man, former 1st Lt. Infantry. Care guar. Phone Sant a Ana 1428-M 80-tl c AP!' or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wlte. We do not drink or smoke, no children or pets. Phone · Santa Ana 0991-W or write Box "X'' Newport Bal- boa News-nmes. 37-tfc WANT TO ll.ENT-2 or 3 bednn. unfurnished house. WW leue. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. ~tic RLt,(. ESTATE t1 F OR SALE-Lot o n Central Ave., P e ninsula Point, Zone 3. 35x97. Private right. Call Ha r bor 315. Office of John D. Burnham. 2001 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 80-tfc REAL VALUES HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE -TALK ABOlIT BUYS-- .We've Really Got 'Em This Week! Completely Furnished A new tw~bedroom home . . . 90 per cent com· pleted near the country club. Very good furniture. This is the buy of the week at only- $6200 . . . Easy Terms Newport Heights A new tw~bedroom house inl Newport Heights . . . good stucco construction. Plastered throughout on a nice level lot. Garage 12x20. Better see this one at once ... you'll be crazy about it. Move right in at- $8500 ... With Good Terms • BROSE ; I REALTY I ··~ ~ ~ Corona del Mar ~roperties ~ ~ ~ I Phone Harbotj 2048 ~ ~ J Corona de! ~ar I I l BALBOA ISLIAND 83-ltc FOUR BEDROOMS, 1WO BATHiHOM&-Large living· room with fireplace, bricked 'patio, tw~car garage. A ve ry livable home. close td shops and bay- . Only $25,tO CORONA DE U MAR I SOUTH OF THE 1-IlGHW A Y~Two bedrooms, nice living-room. service porch. kitchen and dinette. Tw~car garage, covered pa io. Recently redecor· ated and landscaped. Nice istrict . close to school and shopping-I $10,000 with 1~rms SEE US FOR NE ~ HOMES We Have Several to ~hoose From Re sidential lot s from __ ----····-· .. ··· ... $1500 One 25-ft. business lot. ····-·-··· .. ·····-··$5000 Bargain 40x I I 8 zoned F-3 ............. -$3750 (Adjoining 70-ft. available) I BEACH COTTAGE ON iW ATERFRONT --Better Come and See Thi1·s-- ' Total Price-$J650 I . VACANT L ~TS . ' Balboa Peninsula, three lots. m~rket value $11 ,000- Price ............................. ··-· +··········· .... -........ _.$8200 Seashore Drive, two lots; 60-ft. fOmer ... _ ............. $5250 Canal Frontage. 30xl00: comer.t ..... ·-········-···-···· .... $6000 Newport Beach , R-2 Zone .... ·-····-·· +-· ......................... $1350 I ----- EARL W. STANLEY • REALTOR l- COVERING GREATER NE !'." PORT. HARBOR 111!1 Coast Highway 3113 W. Cen~ 225 Marine Ave. Corona del l.!ar Newport Beodl Bal-Illand Phone: Hortior 1646 Harbor 1013 Phone: Harbor 11'16 I 83-uc 1 .. -BUSINESS BUYS>--. . 1 . --0-1 RESTAURANTS-Several to cht from in all sections of Newport area. BEAUTY PARLOR on 101 Highwllocation next to big market.. suitable for partners. CONCREI'E BRICK PLANT. one of land. home. Has good cement quota. Good inoome investment-$4500 down payment. •, ALSO SEVERAL FOOD STANDS, 1 concessions, pool room, bowling alley. grocery, etc. -a-, \Vhen Selling or Buying a BuSiness, See "Sandy" --a-1 A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor Business Broker -Insurance ' t ISLAND RE~TY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa IslaDd Phooe m-w CORONA DEL MAR Three units, furnWted, south of highway on 40-foot lot with fruit trees and garden space. Possession of. two-~m apartment1close of escrow, If desired. $7100 Cash Down Income more than makes payments on · $12,900, Gross Price balance of ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Harbor:rrt-W 82-2tc THIS ONE ST ANDS OUT BALBOA Three bedrooms, large living-room. breakfast room, roomy kitchen. Neat, clean, good construction; con- crete foundation, shingle roof, six garages. See it ! . . $16,000 COAST PROPERTIES CO. Realtors "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 2658 82-ttc CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN Newp ort Hei ghts Area Ample size lots 60xl27.5 feet on 15th street near Orange avenue. Well pl anned protective restric· tions. Nicely located for a G. I. loan and priced at $1250. We have several other good locations to choose from , including half-acre estate sites near the High School. CALL HUB POWERS -HarQ<>r 62-W J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing 83-ltc ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 377-W Beautiful Bay Front Lot On With Private Beach Exclusive Harbor Island $18,000 ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 377-W 82-2tc ~B~E~A~I::_• ~ES~T~A~TE~~W~ANTE~~D:'.__114~ AUTO llEKVIOS WILL TRADE-Lots on Lido Isle also lots on Peninsula on pur- chase of 2 or 3 bedroom house in H arbor district. Phone Harbor 707 81 -tfc MONU TO LO.AN M LOANS TO Bun.D, buy, .;m.prove modemtse or reftnanc.. Newport B&lbo& ll'odenl SaVlng• &D.d 1JDaD AMociAUOIL 333.1 Via Lido Ph. liarbor 1:!00 nun.gas 11 TRAILERS FOR RDIT-Do JOW own ha11Hns· and movln&-A! _,,, equlpnmt. $2.21 and S2~ per d17. We -tbe ldtch Myt'Olm llroL Se flee Statlca car. 17tb It NewjXH Blvd.. o.t. -- NOWHERE Your authorized Ch.r)'sler- P lymouth Dealer. Authorized parts CQmplete Lubrication and Mainte nance Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker State oils NEWPORT ' HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W _ Central Ave. • Radio Repairs All makes; tubn, etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON F OR SALE-Three-bed.room un· turn.ished home on Peninsula P oint. Large living-room with fireplace. kitchen, bath &: patio. Don't miss this oneo---$17.500. Office of J ohn D. Burnham. 2001 Ocean Bl,•d., Balboa. 81-tfc Costa Mesa A new three master bedroom home with approxi- mately 1300 square feet. Hardwood floors through- out . . . wardrobe closets . . . large lot in good district. 'Ibis is really one of the best buys of the year with no exaggeration. Priced for a very quick 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 83-ltc All klndl cypewtlt.er rlbbonl In ---~-...,-.,...,,-----,,-=,.,---1-1 i ----,,-,-,-,,,.---I 'tock at the News-11me&. Phone Harbor 636 915 Cout Hlsh°"V. Newport 23-ttc Beautiful Beach Lots NOT CORONA DEL MAR Pice $690 STEINWAY GRAND. Beautiful modern In bloc k and sllv..-. G<ir- geous tone. This Is an art piano. U you ore fumllhlng Yo<U horM In ''Moderne" this Instrument la SEE perrert for YoU-ne ....... bly W. J . HOLCOMB prked. Dani~Schmldt Plano Co.. Corona del Mar 5ll) No. Main. Santa AnL ~tic ''Where The Flage ny• ' ~ ANNOCNOEllENT8 D Harbor 2766 8Z-2tc KE y s CONTEMPORARY house, com- 11..s. ~ Toa wan. bi.nation outdocr·lndoor livine VOGEL'S areas. completely landscaped. 2 100 Kahl at.. JlaJboa bedrooms. Open for lmpection. ,. -· Balboa llland 160' Second A .. , Corona del -MM. lm4tc ~ sale-~ $8750 ... Terms B. A. NERESON REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -~ -John Bondra Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa 83-ltc BRIGGS' *** BES1i *** BUYS · EB-ttc OOSTA MESA TRAILER SITE OORNER with 144 ft. Blvd.1-.&_Utile __ w_D_-_IAl ______ ._.&_llrtlll_...:_w;,;.M;,:;,;.-=IAI=---__;•:: frontage; two slabs. building with toilet, elect. and water already in. Only $800 req\iired, be.I. easy. Don't pro- crastinate ! i EL BA YO snJ<XX>. threebdrm. h~e and income apt. All tum .. elect. refng .. two-car :l $21,500 cash; $10,000 T.D.bal. NEWPORT HEIGHTS S'ru<XX> 1 ~ yr. old, good view, large L. R. and D. R., fireplace, re· kitchen, two bedmis., garage, lot 50x129. $12.960. Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa 634 Coast -Y A "Sandy'' Steiner •' Phone Beacon 5173 or ~ Har. 2476 We Write F1re and Imurance 83-ltc . -... WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SJP!l.T. YOUR CAR NOW While Priem are mlb. Pbane for our caur11111m 111zyer who wm can an4 ~vlw )'Ollnonllic OPA Jlf!IUlatialll, oe!llnc ..,... and amsice alJ d8talll aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. O.t1cM -nu .,. "ss' • aam .... , tr.a. Ncwpwt n ""' .. 0 • a n •rw ..... " •• ----- -~ . ""' . ' , • I LETl'ERS TO Tf!E . NEWS-TIME.~ October 15. 1946 EDITOR. Newport-Balboa News-11mes: Organized gamblers. who make an easy livtng and grow fat off the credulity of their victims, des-- crlbe themselves as ••sportsmen." They are anything but sports- men. It has been well sa.\d of the organized professionals ot hone- race gambling that their touch - has made the spoTt of kings the racket of knaves_ ProfHsional gamblers discredit and wr ec k q>OrU. . ln Texas. for example, professio- nal gamblers have moved i n to school-boy football. The T exas In- tencholastic League announces. that the gamblers have h i red .. players to throw the game or to bold the score down to make cer- tain gamblers safe." Dr. Forrest G. Allen, head basketball coach of the University of Kan.us. charged recently that gamblers had become a threat to college athletics; that professional gambl('rs had caused lads "to - throw'" college basketball games. A smea r campaign was started against Dr. Alle n. llis e ffort to clear basketball of the gamblers' touch seemed doomed to failure, when, fi ve members of the Brook- lyn College basketball teaai con-= fessed that gamblers had bribed them. price $3000. "to throw," tht' -= game against Akron College. 0 In the boxing field a v.Titer in Life magazine, for June 17 last ~ charges that one-third or mor e of = this country's professional fighters -= are owned by crookrd m a nagers :!!! who fix Cight!I in the interest or gamblers. 0 In our own !llate. Governor War-= ren took unprecedented action re- cently by t:ol n~ before the State Athletic Commis!lion to state that he was disturbed by numerous re- ports of fixed and phony boxing bouts: blamed the • professional garnblPrs; dcmi:tnded a clean-up. Even our national game has not been free from gambler corruption. The briber}' by which professional = &;amblers caused the White Sox = to toss the series to the Cincinnati "' Reds is the blackest page of base-:a ball history. And no-A' come the dog-race people with measure Number 2 on the Novrmlx>r ballot. under which ~ they admit the volume of pari mu-= tuel gnmbling In California would ~ be increased at least $50,000,000 a year. It -A'ould appear sensible policy to reduce the State's op- portunities for big gambling ; not increase them. Santa Oara, Oct. 15- f'RANKLIN ffiCHBORN frost· Bites NO K.IDDV'G A recent classified ad in the Worthington (!\{inn.) Globe read: "Come to the big circus for kids -by kid!. Tr8ined dogs, fortune read.injts, sideshows. Across from Momignside Grocery. Mon., Tues., Wed." A classifil"d ad in the same pa- per the next day: "Attention! Big circus for kids-by kids. Postpon- ed. by the kids' mothers." BEDTIM.E STORY Leo H. Clase of tht' Chautauqua Uterary and Sci€'ntific Circle, after IC'Cturing in lndianapolis, "'8.S the gu('St of honor at a dinner there. 8"idc him sat a pretty girl, \\'ho began to talk to him about clairvoyance. the psychology ot dre-ams and such subjects. "Do }'OU ever talk in y o u r sleep!" she asked him. "No," he a"""•ered, "but I often talk in other J>l"Ople's. I'm a O\au· taQua lecturer." A LOT OF BULL Residents of Cleaford, England, after searching two dayt: for a missing three-quarter-ton bull, fi. nally found him atop a 60-14f>t to\\·er orl<yme Castle. The animal had walked up a narrow stairway 0 0 • and couldn't turn around to de-- ..,._..,d. Farmen nnally moved the bull into revene by taps on the nose ~ith a persuader. -F. F . JOKES-that is - Too Late The station a~nt from the small weste.m tov.-n V.'U making his first trip to New York Oty. He was interested in seelng the aals 1n Central Park and the sky- line. but the' grear mome.nt of the visit "'as to be his appointment with the lAV.'}"t"r fOl" hi5 railroad whose offiet"S "'ere in the Empire Su.te BuiJd..ing_ 1be la"-ye.r v.•u a big man and a busy one and be could not help bf>ing a little sw-prised when the a&ent did Mt arrive for the inter- view. It wu not until M&rly two houn later that a faint knock was beard on the door, and the little q:l""nt Umptd In. "\Vhat a climb," he gasped as be collapoed Into a chair. "Eighty flights ol stain." .. Good hea,·ens, man," exclamied the lawyer, ''Why didn't )'mU take the elevator! .. "Well. I planned to," aalcl the qmt, "but It pWlod out just u I &ot tbero." ('I'nidd, C. 9' O. Ry.) , • \ Farm -and -Country chool Boy Arthur SUV.. -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (W•~Gdll) ZA'1'8, DRINKS AND ROMANCE ... -·-IOll'om BurtR.Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Pllone BeM!oa 6711 1111 COM& Rl~-Newport lleaelt,, CWlf.. 0 . R. (Pl>pl Cra-y-N. M. (Monie) Crawley Dbtlnctlve Home Fum1shlnp Crawley's Furniture 1l1J Newport 81..t-ft. Ilea >oe 1811 Costa Mesa-"in the Heart ol. Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" UOI W. Ceatral-Newport--PIL -r 8U AL ANDERSON Fun ~ne Balboa Lee Fabian Manager METZGER STORES • • • F\reatone ••• 1'181 Newport Bl\>d, Ooota M-e-a GUl·W "Home and Auto Supply Stores'' RI:· ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -htcumbent-- SHERJFF TUESDAY, NOV. 5tll t Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Ph. Beacon 5110 Costa Mesa. Calllomla A. E. Groty -J . A. Groty Groty Appliance Co. FrlcldalN and Maytac Dealer-BM.coll Mel 1'1111 Newport Blvd.--Coota M-Oollt. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance SOZ Main 8-t.-Balboa, CalJl, otnce Ph. Harbor %054 1506 Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. llwbor 141 F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS . Ph. Barbor 21'8--W %10! Ocean Front-Newport BM'c:!a, Oallf. HUBBARD HOWE Pros. Hubbard's South Coast Company HU W. Centnl-Pll. Barbor HOO HElNZ KAISER. Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 11th A Cout W!•Y-Pboae 8-ootl M50 Lew H. Wallace Real Esta le and Insurance Broker PltonM: Office. Barbor S-RM. Harbor 1681 ISO! W. Central Ave..-Newport Beacb, Callt, ' COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 704 E. Oentral Ave .. Balboa. Ph. Barbor %479-1 -i'be Dome of CordJall!f" -G. R Brader, lfcr. .l. M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Pb. Harbor 1.%42 15tll at Central-Newport Beeelli "On Your Way to Balboa" Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign ot the "FLYING 1\ED BOB81:" JOHNSTONE SERVICE Barbor 1m-.1 Clout Bhd. at 101 mp..., NewportEngineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER. President -~·--Ull COMt !lhnz-Pll. -. 50Cll Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store _ . Footwear tor All the Family . . l'IM Newport Blvd.-Coota 11-· Ptloae BE.aeon 68S9-W Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nbrtll ..... O..lnl .... llatbol" (%4-b.r. W"rioe) " Walter J. Gerhardt Harbor 292-W OUR PHOTOGRAPHER U'I ..,._, Aveeoe--Oorcma del Mar Robert L Shorey-~ Et!ift>eer Davis & Gay Music Co. 1llT Newport Bml.-()oata Mtt• II•~ Im U• Wala•t SL ,,_..._._ BNdt G. N. Wells Real Estate ftw lier: roa 5Ul 1• Newport Bh'd..----o.ta MW. c.at. 0 . C. HARR • • • C. C. OTro Otto's Sporting Goode and Saddlery Harr's Jewelry TWln Locations Ulll BAIUIOB BLVD. Oosla ••• h AW-.1 • To Name One of the Many Ex~Farm Lads in ~ur District, We Portray Today a Man Who Says: "To Be Sure, Insure" . By VOLNEY HAY Jack Lindsley is not a human slave-trader but does eal in humans - their physiognomy and biography and he tells me it is a delightful job for he finds they are the real commoclity of any co, ity. INSURANCE • t· I l L . ' ' I I I t 1 I I j +1~-l JAMES E. RAGSDALE As I write stories of people, I find the greatest percentage of then;t me from our fanns and ranches, are educated in the little red schoolhouse. James E. Rag ale, our subject for today. was born on a farm in Southern lliinois. He walked five mil~ school until his sev· enth grade, when it became his duty to support his mother and lilt! ther and sister. At the age of 15 he took over the job of milking 30 cows twice ad iY ' As he grew older, he decided to put himself through a trade school and selected automotive ectrical work. After graduating, he brought the little family to Corona, Calif., where he · e an orchardist. Later he opened an electrical automotive repair shop in Pasadena • e was detennined to be tops in his business and entered a scholarship contest which earn $750 cash, a life- time scholarship, a trip to Chicago with six m onths' free instruction i the Coyne Electrical Engineering school. Because of his previous training the school secured him a night j stalling equipment and training men at large electrical establishmen After graduating from school he returned to Pasadena to take ove shop and started in a big way, manufacturing automobile batteries. In 1941 he joined the . S. Anny Air Corps as a civilian instructor in aeronautical electrical equipment and while le hing during the day, sold life insurance evenings. · July of 1944 sees him opening his own insurance office at Glend le where he is general agent for Western Life Insurance Co. of Montana and insurance b~k r in all lines. His or· ganization is known as James E. Ragsdale and Associates. His slogan is "Insurance for Everything Against Anything." He is not only a business man of Gl\m ale, but also a citizen and business man of Balboa for he is proprietor of the Balboa Motel the Windsor apart- ments. His hobby is breeding palomino horses and he Is the proud . of Silver Rae, a su- perb palomino at stud. He.has lately purchased one of Silver Rae's bf spring, Sally Tucker, a $5000 filly now under harness training at Pomona. His pet ridin omino, Pal. is his mount when he rides as a member of Sheriff Eugene Biscailuz' moun posse. Henry W. Brainerd Radio S 0 S Electric IOO ~Bal~ bland-Pit.. Harbor '180 Plallco, G. £.. Bott.man, Ad..m.l.nJ, Tbor a.dlo aad Appllanoe Service Spocol•IW. 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor Ull COMt .... way--Oorona de! liar, o.IU. I'll.-· 8S ROBERT H. REED Harbor Cold Storage Pll.. Buttor M3 de -8"-N-rt -· Oallf. A. "Sandy'' Steiner REALTOR Fred ... Tl'w &tna. Alaoc1•tea a.t OD-* Blway~ Ileana &111 "Oiudc" Smith 4 Homer Smith, Proprletan Balboa ~ntral Market CW• ll.rboalleat llarbt • DelLmt!JI!•) 1111 z. <Jmtn1-n. -... nn Thomas F. Norton • Prop. BAY SHORE CAFE ..._ lleacoa &1'6--tn. a CoM& m.., SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P . M. Al and Jim'• MEATS -WHllODttle'• -°""---.... Joluuiy Abell Balboa Island Sporting Goods ~fartheSporUmUJ" m~ ~A---. t&ll~ - MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy 11• -rn.&-ft. -• . Paul Balboa Sp Pll.-r rent7.en fishing Fleet ==-.... - llEVEBLEY Beverley 1alty Company llO'T E. Oelllnl..:::f -l '1111 - Louis · ey, Prop. Casino Cafe· ., Cocktail Lounge •t-;:!!ij!!~~ llarllor n.-M • YING BOllBEPOWD) ·1*!1l!!!rt-ft.!::'! -m R /GREELEY ''P~·UP'' 0..-n-bO- llaltedMllb tDop-Oold~ ---Dr. Robe • 1 'FIJ Newport DAML\ Orkin's D A. Crawford ~-~ '••DOii uu , MepaP'I' artment Store ReadY-to"••eor, Top, Piece Goods ln!ants' Household Ware --6'I tM -., Cloota - Donal l J. Harmon BALBOA ORSE RACES w-.w-. .... Slaeet •••• HERSHEY :ts'Pot Ill Bta1a..._. EARL W. STANLEY Jlealtor C<M!ring Greater Newport HutJor m llutne-Balbo& ......_a.,._ tnt m o-t Blvd.--Oorvaa 11o1 ............_ 1t11 llll O..tnl A...,_N_.. - WollerB::h'Ci~ Merchant Patrol AJMI Deteottw f)enloe --l"IQR~New_.t ft. -.1t1J.·a Theodore Robins FORD DEALER 1111 w. O..lnl --18 Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER ---B...U-Y ... t -lllolp Br I Ill Clout m""T-PIL -MH C. F. Dennison -'-ted wltll A. "SANDY" 8TIWIEll -BMltor 1U Cout lllcl>wa:r-PIL -. !1171 Jack S. Fred V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 Newport Boulevvd Pllione Beacon 5808-W. Costa M- JOSEPH L. MARSHALL christi~ntliut Balboa T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen un Main St.-llalboa Hotel Areode BICllABD L PATl'ERSON . Cl\'11 1:q1n .... Patterson & Boyle ~ Blq.-Pll. 11915 -Santa Alla SH oOut Blvd. North-I'll. 5UZ-1- Ca pt. B. J . McNally McNally'o Balboa Boat Livery 705 E. Bay A ve.-Pb.. Harbor .oe E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Games on Coe.st Play Ball with Dolls. B. B. Rltle Rane -Balboa Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Calif. Geo. wei.s L. Elaine w- Coast Properties Co. Realtors 70S I!. Oeatral-B&lboa-Ph. Barbor !ml W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Hot Pl--Newport Frltz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market SOl Mola SL Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEWID'O'r l.W Clout lllcl>wa7-N-rt Beaeb, Oollf. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails -· 8taliOMrJ', cara. Art ~ W llala 8t.-Balboa Pb.. Barbor I'll Robert E. Arvin's 1-elers and Wakbmekers 111Twmtr_8_ Newport ...._ Oallt. • WID1am MacCurdy W. H . (Skip) Oilklm MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHlTECl'S M. E . Nledecker, Soc . .l Treu. llU o-t Jllway-·N-rt ---B-MU Lee - --BEAN a HOLMAN ---Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS ---~ ... - J.E. Ragsdale (Owner) Balboa Motel and Windsor IU IL Ooatnl e '1111:. Olataol asa11n.BuMrm 'Bsa1 .. CJ11m. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN BA111()A ~";Arm ~ ' HARRY J. FORS~YT-BE~ l'onylho'a ,,_,,,.. 8apiJly "Everything ~pblc" ~,.,........,°' 11••0. lU,....._ .&..., B•Daa W.M, ......._ -..w Dutch Heacock . --·lJDDD lJI a. .... W"aMt " 1 Drtn --DI • ..... IF I L = = = • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 • ~~~~9M!l!l!.------------------------------..!:'"!!•E*!!!!$!!!:2!!!.!•1•!'l;!ftl.!j~A~ll!llE!*!!•t::!'l'.!E!!•!!"!li.!•!s pn ae • 0nm , ~ p atat • H. " NEws · :::E.E Geologist Forecast$ Water • NEWPORT BALllOA NEWS-TIMES l'll()!lfg,. BARii(>& 1S ... 11 o.a ._ •••• .. ,, .,, ...,. wt s , ~ • .-a ~ Papble in Advance:-$2:lf0 -,.... In ~ OouldF '2.15 por ,.... to 4th ~; "100 per ,.... to 1111> - Enund u Secand.Qw matter at the Post.offtc:e In Newport Bnt'b. c.JlfcnM. under the Act al M&n:b 3, l8'i9 SAM D. PCRTER ~ F. G. "'°5'I' Editor W.T .DIXOM - - -~M·-Prkadcc· Plat. 3011 W. Central AYl!Due. Newpm-t Be·±, cautmnla Offieial Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Dep ! '•ble Loc:al Jm:U"41uu tor °"" 11 Yean Active Member of Black Market Hits Children And now the black market has hit the bubble gum field. According to 8-year-old Tommy Lindsay of Long Beach, who wrote in reply to his cousin's inquiry about the bubble gum situation in Long Beach, bubble gum is very hard to get t here, but if there is any to be found in the city, he'll get it, even though the price has gone up from one cent a stick to 25 cents a stick. 1t seems bubble gum now has more winning power for the favor of the yO\Dlger female set than sodas, candy or bracelet cha rms. And here is a problem for the statisticians: How much in- flation or rise in the cost of living is there in an advance of price from one cent t o 25 cents on an article, namely bubble • • gum . Also, the older people might well take a lesson from the incident as children copy their elders. their good deeds, and their mistakes. Certainly the black market has reached the lowest fonn or level whe n it attacks or affects the bubble gum trade, and thus starts young intelligent minds to work- ing in the wrong grooves. Backstop Against Inflation Passage of Proposition No. 1 at the Nov. 5 election not only will help provide veterans with much-needed fanns and homes. but a lso will act as a backstop against inflation. At least part of the current infla tionary tendency has been taken out of the real estate market for veterans obtaining state farm and home loans through reduction of the inter- est rate on such loans to three per cent. A California veteran purehasing a $7500 house under the state farm and home purchase act pays only $39.52 a month on the 3 pct. rate, while that amount per month would have bought only a $6300 house under the 5 pct. rate prevailing before the war. That does not mean that a $6300 house can be obtained for as little as $7500 in the present market , but it is believed that the saving on the monthly payment resulting from the reduction in interest rate will make a considerable difference to a veteran who must pay off his contract over 20 oing years. Savings over this period under the new plan would total more than $1800. The rann and home loans are now being made under a $30,000.000 self-liquidating bond issue overwhelmingly ap- proved by the voters in 1943. This fund, however, is almost exhausted, which is the reasorf for Proposition,No. 1, a new $100.000,000 bond issue to meet the needs of the thousands of additional California veterans. Since the fann and home purchase program was first established in 1921 for World War 1 veterans. bonds totaling $110,000.000 have been is- sued at no C06t whatever to the taxpayers. Funds to retire the bonds and also to pay the entire C06t of a dministration are obtained from repayment of the veterans' contracts. The state holds title to the property as security during repay- ment Of a loan. Already endorsed by an imposing number of groups, societies and individuals. including both the Republi- can and Democratic state parties, the American Legion and other veterans organizations, the A.F.L. and · other labor groups, the State Chamber of Commerce and Gov. Warren, Proposition No. 1 also is actively backed by the Veterans' Homes & Farms committee. More than 4000 workers are carrying the. drive for a "yes" vote on Proposition No. 1 into every precinct of the state. MODERI MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Y oa tbe l.lbwt Plaee to Diiie la 0...,. Ooaaty! All New - - - Even the Location ' ' • One-Halt Mlle East ot Old Location oo Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar . We Lead Soutbem Callfomla In the Serv1ni: ot -SEAFOODS- 41.!!0 YOU& ldmd 1111 sn:AKS -vmrr OtJR Ktrt:!HEH - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market IMl o...&-..zzq (Jlwt ... a ., , cu~~~ u Es in:::::~·c~u : Shortage in Oratjge County 12nd and £Iden. Colta •Mesa &mday echool, 9 :4.5 ; momlng wonhlp, 11; !!vaageliaic ~nice, 1 :80 p. m.; Kid·week prayer meet- lna oo Wedne9aay. 7:~ p. m., :JOUDI people'• eva.o.ceusuc •ervtee on Friday, 7 :46 p. m. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL 1423 Weet Centr•t Avenue 8m:Jd&y )if ..... : 8 and 10 L.m.. Ooctt!lillom: Saturdays tfND 4:00 to G:30 and from '7 :M to 8:80 p.m. aT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH 8afboa fllarwl Sw>day ¥au: l :IO a.m. Conf-on.t; Saturdaye "'°"' 7:30 to 8 :30 p.m. CORONA DEL MAB COllDl1lN1T'f CHlJRCB, CONGREGATIONAL Perry Frederick Schrock. Mlnbter 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona del Ma:f Sunday, Oct ober Zl, 1946 9 :30 a.b. Church school. 11 :00 a.m. Morning wonhip_ Ser- mon by Mr. Schrock : "Personal Adequacy''. FIRST CHU RCH OF CHRlaT, &CI ENTlaT Lido Theater, Cent ral A'\'e nue and Via Lido A bra.DC!l of The Kotber Church, The Fll'lt CbW'Ch of Cb.rill. Sc:l· e.nttat, ta Bolton.. Me•-.rhuaett.a. Sunday SCbool at 8:30 a. m. Sun- day Servi~ at 11 a. m. Wednead.ay Teatimonlal Meeting at 12 o'clock Reading Room located at 111 Palm street, Balboa, ls open daily from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. except Sun- days and holidays nationally ob- served COSTA MESA CUUllCH OF GOD &ev. 1.-P. McGraw, Pastor lM cawtllo St., c.ta -Services Sunday 10 L m., 6:30 p. m. and 7;30 p. m. l"lll8T FOllllllQtJ....a OlltJ1ICll OF COSTA M&BA TdDpCll'&l'y location, Amer1can Lqtoa Hall .... -)ln.o.--... ....... -Mn SUnday School 9 :30 L m. Momin& wonblp oenlce 10:'5. Crusader service 6:00 p. m. Berean service 6:30 p. m. Evenln11 evanll"IJltic service at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday ewntng prayer service at 7:30 o'clock. CH URCH OF CHRIST Church and W alnut Street.a '-Duane Canby, Mlnlater. Services : Sunday, 10 L m ., Blble Study; ll a. tn... Mor otng worship. ASS:EMJJLIES OF GOD Jlen.ry a.nd Ida Sande, Puton American Leeton Hall, 15th and Oeotra.1 Ave. By J, F . POLA..~ Geolocl.t, U. S. G,eolQCk:&l &in"e)' From 1940 into 1946 the United fttt a year. States Geological S\U"Vey hu been 01.iefly as a result of the lower- making a study of groUI'ld-water ing water levels. saline contami- features in the southern part of nation has developed extensively 1 ,......,,,....,....,,,_.,,.._,,,~._-------------------~ the costal plain in Orange and in Santa Ana Gap, and on Hunting· GAR DE N AND p A T J O W A L L Los Angeles Counties, with special ton Beach Mesa_ also in minor reference to saline contamination areas on Landing ill and in Alami-• and the elfecti•eness of the ""' too Ga p. W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor called coutal "barrier" to re-In Santa Ana Gap, saJt water strain inland advance of ocean began mo'\i.ng inland in the mid- water. This investigation hu been die twenties. By 1931, it under- carried on in cooperation with the lay 1,900 acres along the coast and Orange County Flood Control Dis-by 1944 2,400 acres, an increase of trict, the Orange County Water 500 aa-es in 13 years.. As of 1944. ...... : B "JM• 5811 .,.,,_.._w ' _Ill_ .. Bhd. COSTA HS8A PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PBISl'(]IANS -8UllOEON8, D.O • District, the Loi Angeles County the contamination ••front" -was County F1ood C.OOtrol District, and about a.Jong Atla.Pta Avenue ; in the city of Long Beach. and has the lJ..year period it had moved been financed equally by Federal inland west of caMery Avenue and local funds. as much, as .3.5 mile and between The following paragraphs pre-c annery Avenue and Bushard Bookkeeping Dr. W. T. Mooney sent a summary of the findings Street a, much as o.7 mile. The Service for the part of the project area source ol the salt-wa ter contami-~ and Smgeoa in Orange County_ nant in Sa nta Ana Gap is connate COLIN F. BBOWN The water-bearing deposits tap-saline ~ter and ocean water. (illlJtliol> 19") Nlatll ... O.tnl ped by wells are of Recent and The master fault of the New-111 llarlne Aft., BallM» Ill. .._ (M-llr. _......> ...._ .. Pleistoncene age. The Recent de-port-IngJewooct uplift crosses San-'--------------' ~--·-·-· ---------' posits are about 175 feet in maxi-ta Ana· jGap about 1 % miles in-\ PHnllCIANll D 81JKGEON8. M.D mum thickness. Their upper half land fro\n the coast. In the up-..----"------------, is largely non-water-bearing silt faulted :block to the north, for! 1. 8 . WHYTE r-------------, and fine s;nd:d the lo~e~ hal~t~ about al mile inland beyond the •u~ .. bJ' T~ u=:!.&:NT~ A. 1/. Andrews, 1\1. l>. coarse san an grave · epost master' rault. the Talbert \\'ater-V7 I>ev.nmea' '° 1•1 ml ctimt. ta PID'SICIA.N chiefly in two tongues extending be 1 -Uoa wt\b ~ iu .......... from \Vhittier NarrO\\'S through aring !zone r ests directly on im-.&UDIT9 -w1nm • aad. penneable rocks and land\\•ard ad-~IMO 8a'fJ09 stJBGEON Dominguez Gap and from Santa vance qr salt water can occurr -IM9 lllll'Mr stri.. e... .._ Ul Oolut ..._. Ana Canyon lhroug h Sa nta Ana only \\'if3'1in the T albert zone. Cur-~ ....__ ......, 0o=:.:r-:r 651 Gap. The lattC'r tongue, which is rently~e contamination fTont at a principal aquifer (water bearing its far est advance has extended zone) of Orange County, has been only a ut .2 mile across this lip. The public la cordially lnvtted to attend the churcb aervh·-•rvt WM the Reading Room. Sunday school, 10 a.m. Mornin& service, 11 am. Evening evangeli!tlc service named the Talbert ,\ .. ater-bearing If the salt water should pass in-Armand Monaco 1obn K. (). Chong. II. D. at zone. Its average thickness is land befond this lip. to a critical ft7dd.aa ud Smpoa about 70 feet and its width ranges point (6), however. it could invade ~ •• 3':.. 2 • 4 7 -8:30 7:30 p.m. Mid-week service, Thursday 7:30 p.m. at from 1 to 6 miles. the deeper "'ater-bearing zones of 8U_W. Bay Ave., IS&HJ09j. and by appointment The Pleistocene deposits under-the costal plain. • Barbor 1724 Beacon 5075 ST-JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 51~ West Central, Balboa (Ebe II Clubhou•e) J Ch ris tian Sci<'nce Topic 'P robation ~fl~r Death' Rev. A rdy1 T. Ou n, Vlc.ar 8 :SO L m ., Holy Commun100. 9:'46 a..m., Sunday School 11 :00 L m., Morni.Dg Pray"r &nd Sermon. (Ftnt Sunday1: Holy Communion.) BALBOA ISLAN D CH APEL 218 Agat e Avenue Rev. Har"ry w. Whtte, A..oclate Paator Cburcb School, 9 :30 a. m. Morning Wonb\p, 11 a. m. F I RST MET HODIST CHURCH G. Edwin Oaher, Pastor Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 Ltn. Cburch school far all agea. 11;00 Lm. Morntnc Wonhlp: M euage: ''We Thank Tbee." 11:00 a.m. Nunery for all chil- dren during eervtce.. 6 :00 p.m. Methodiat Youth Fel- lowebip. ·Young Adult F'ellowahlp. 7~ p.m. EvenJng WorahJp:- ¥e9age: "'C.Ome Yfll lJYe." "THE FlllENDL Y" CENTRAL BmLE CHURCH or C:O.ta Mtta R4'v. Dwt1h t Kinman, paator Meeting temporarily in the Wo- men"s Club house Sunday school-9:45 a. m. Worship service-11 :00 a. m. Young people's service -6:30 p. Ill. Evening evangelistic servlce- 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting-7 :45 p. m Fri- day, home of Mrs. Hume. A cord.Jal welcome to all. "Probation aftf"r Death" will be the Sunday Le.sson·Sermon !IUbJcct In a ll branchPs or The '-' o t be r Church. The f'l ?-st Churc-h ot t:br!At, S cientist. tn Boston. The Golden Text from James rearlq, "Blei:1sed ls tbe man that en<lureth temptation: for ·•rhe n be Is trl"r1. he shall re- <'el\'e the cro,,·n or lire. 'vh!··b the l..ord hath pron1lse..t to t hem that. lo ve him." A eelet·tlon from ~fnrk's GO~flPI rel.'.\tea tb:i.t "whf'n J r.iU 9 "'u rlsPn t'!\rly the r1rst day or the "·eek. he a1>peared flnt to &.t ary ~lagdalene. out of "·bom be h :-td ca"t se,·en de,·ll s." John adds th::..t "the same d a1· at e'"enlng .... \\'hen the doors -were shut ""here the disciples "''ere usembled for fear of the J e,,.,·s, came Jesus and stood In tbe midst.. and sait h unto them. Peace be unlo you. And v.·ben he b ad so said, be 11he,\·ed unto them his bands a nd ti's Fide .••• After these things .l ''IU!' rhewed himself again to the d.~r:plrs Rt these& of Tlberla.s." In "Science and Hea lt h with Ker ti) the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy says. "J esus' unchanged phys- ical ronr11tlon after v.·bat seemed to be death v.·ns followed by b.ls ex· altatlon abo\·e all material condi- tions : and this e:raltatlon explained h is ascenf!.lon. and revealed unmlf!I· t:l.kJ.bly a probatlonary and prog· resstve state 1>eyond tbe gra\'@.. J e:nts w11.s 'the 'vay:' that Is, be mar1'.ed the way for all men:• COSTA ME.SA COMMUNITY CHURCH Cart B. John.on, M In later 124 E. lOth St. Ph . 2475-R C'burcb echoot. 9 :45 L m. Mom1n.g Worahip, 11 o'clock. Youlb groupt, Hl(b acbool, lo· :· 2'-Hour Radio Service BOlllS, A11l'O, MAlllNS ltAD108 KPAtu;D .Burt R. Norton tu ~ mw.,. B-na New...,.t P•'*. Otat. P.APALMER UDO ISi£ PWPEmEs ·----w. 0 . BUCK-Insurance Counselor ~JSOO ~~ 3333 VI.A. LIDO CALIFORNIA Does Your Hoase Need Painting? * ~ Uld operated by Wortd Ww D Veter. -ldnc yoar I*" sn•t good wlD Uld ~ * l'or bee .,,, d• Phone HARBOR 264·5 I Lee C. Beaa lie the entire costal plain, and con-1 27%1 l.akewood Ave. J.SO EMt lltb Street siSt of intcrfingered beds of sand. Beneath Huntington Beach Mesa Loe Angekia N Ormand.y MOS Oolta Me.a. CaW'ornla gravel. silt and clay. They range saline ~ntamination began befor e ~-----------~ '--------------' in thickness from about 20 to 90 1925. Br 1931 saline water undi:-r- feet along the Nev.i:x>rt~ngle'''ood lay about 1,500 acres and by 194.2 uplift froastal •·barrier'') an d about Z l OO acres. I t no"' occurs reach ma.ximum thickness of about beneath· the southeastern and cen- 3.000 feet bet\\'een Santa Ana a nd tr a l paJ1s of the mesa in the upper Buena Park. and mil:ld.le water -bearing zones. The ;.Je\\·port-lnglewood uplift. The lbwer and main water-bear- R. L. HOLFORD Landscape Designer 2668 NEWPORT BLVD. O..ta Mesa Phone Sarita Ana 1575 ·Laurence B. Dorcy, Ill. D. · Physician & Surgeon S21 Marine Ave., -blud Pbonellubor !Gi \\'hich has surface expression at ing zonf! probably is still uncon- Landing Hill, Balsa Chica l\1esa, taminatfd. Within the centra l part and Huntington Beach Mesa, is an of the [besa the contamina nt is on. I'-------------' r-------------. a.riticlinal ridge ruptured by fault· field bfine, which has ~n dis-CBIBOPBAC'rOB8 ing. The faults have cut through chargl. at or near land surface the" Pleistocene deposits but not a nd h s percolated downward. the water-bearing zones of Re-Near t e coast the contaminant cent age. Cementation along these is prob bly sea \Valer but may be fault zones has developed the prin-oil fi eld brine in part. cipal "barrier" features of the BecAtlse the lower water bear- uplife. -ing zoqe beneath , the mesa con- Recha rge to the ground-water tains ~ la;ge res~rve supply of basin in Orange County occurs fresh water it should be protected chleny in the intake area east or from ~ntamination by discon tinu- Ana heim. by infiltration from the ing discharge of oil-field brines at Santa Ana River. from rainfall , land sdrface, by repair of active and from irrigation return \Yater. wells, apd by plugging of abandon- This recharge first enters the Tai-ed wells. bert water-bearing zone and in On Landing Hill in Seal Beach. part passes into the Pleistocene saline contamination has crossed deposits beneath. t he barrier fault and invaded one Wagner DrugleM lmtftote Dr. WU-C. W- Chiropractlc, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19!0 ()out Bl..t., -tit r..ac--lleacb Pbone ZOSS DAY 8CllOOL Mortimer School IOl Oonl Balbotl Wana DAY S()JIOOL OPENS <>Cr 1 Gr..ieo: eon . .._., Anny O. A. Morttmer, M. A., Ozford PrlDolpal Pboae llubor 152 Gordon M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p..m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pb,Jldaa and 8- Hours: 2-5, II)' Appointment '1-.iepboae Beacon 58'8 lJl -T Ooota - Use of ground water began well a · few hundred feet from the about 1870 and increased irregul-munici~l wells supplying the City arty into the late twenties. Since of 'Seal Beach. Jn Alamitos Gapl'--------------' 1931 the average withdrawal of also. about at the County line, sa- ground "'ater in Orange County line water has croS&ed the barrier has been about 140.000 acre-feet fauJt and has invaded a well used Hilton M. Maxwell, II. D. 1001 0out m..., Ooroaa del Mar a year; or this about 30,000 acre-for industrial supply. feet a year is taken from the Tai-Wlthift the Pleistocene depo°sits, bert \\'Ster-bearing zone and the the cezrent.ed fault barriers are remainder from the Pleistocene subsequtntly watertight a I 0 n g deposits. ?.tax.imum pumpage was most o~ the rt!ach from Alamitos in 1936 a nd about 180,000 acre· Gap tOj and beyond Balsa Gap. feet. Even ~thin this r each, howevC'r, Wells of longest record near two leaks have developed under Anaheim show that the water differ en;tial levels of 15 feet or levels have declined in two steps. less. ~neath H untington Beach From•the 1880's io 1900 the 1"1els Mesa ttie faults have developed near Anaheim declined about 40 o nly a partial barrier . Elsewhere. feet, were about static in 1918, the faults do not cut the deposits declined about 70 feet from 1918 of Re~nt age and so afford no to 1936, and r ecovered about 17 barrier F hatsoever to water move- feet to 1945. The. two periods of ment 1<$.ndward through the Tal- decline \\'ere periods of deficient bert w~ter-bearing zone of Santa rain(all. Lowering of water level Ana Ga p, a thinner gravel in Bolsa near· the coast was not so large Gap si~ilar but Jess permeable but followed the same pattern. deposit in Ala mitos Gap. In the historic low level of auturn. U nder native conditions of 1936, water levels were below sea ground a te r circula tion across level beneath 155 square miles of the co•stal plain the hydraulic Orange County. inland about to barrier ! to landward enroachment Garde n _Grove ai:td _Buena Park. was a~olute. With the increas- The California D1~'is1on of Water ing defelopment of the ground Resources has estimated recent~y water supplies, recurrent decline that the present overdraft 1n has deVeloped in two periods f DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'11ST Office Hours : 10-12; 2-5 Phone Barbor lM! -~ w. oeatn1.-. ulM> · S. R. Monaco, M. D. NEWPO.T BUCH 814 Bay Ave., BeJhoa Barbor 11U Ml 8. WU St.. Lot ....,._ TtJoku '1111 DB. GORDON E. RAPP By Appolntmmt DENTIST itlSI Weat Centnl Pbone Barbor Ul·I Ne\ivport IN81JBANCE "l\.I JIW J~tee l'-Clt.arat!Mr" DON .n:BNJOAN ....,_.Bubor!U-B HS -A-Balbotl bl. Gerald Rauaa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT REACH PboDe Rarbor 1018 Jfo .......,.: can lll!M'Oe 6049-& X -Ray Service T. P. 8-ier, M. D . Wm. L. Spivey, M. D. Phyalclana and Surgeons M09 W. Central O ffice: Harbor 80% Cesidence Harbor 117&-\\' Or ange County is 12,000 acre-j subnonitaJ rainfall a nd has tower~ I ~-------------' termedla.te, Adult, 6:30 p. m. ·-water lfvel to and below sea level '--------------' Evening Mrvlce. 7:30 o'clock. along 'he inland n ank of the OCCIDENTAL . · Mld·week r.n.,..·s111p and prayer, , str uctutal zone. Because the bar- Wedneada y. 7 :30 p. m. rier feattures of that zone are not LIFE INSUB&NCE 00. 11 L m .. Prayer and Sermon. water\i;-1 ht, substantiaJ additional Ray NieJSen e nroac ent of slH.ine wate r can •. ....&. ....... ..... THE NEWPORT BARBOR be antiqipated during the next dry ~ ...... ......, LtJTllBRAN CRU&CR cycle unless protective measures •u a. ..,. A.., ..._ (To be located on Cliff Drive are tak~n. '------------~ N"-'POl't Heights ) MethOds to protect the invalu- .. A Ch~eu Chrilt for a able ~und-water supplies must Changing World!" be tw<?"fold in nature. First, long- 9 :30 a.m., church school; 10:30 term bfsin-wide balance of draft a.m., divine worship. and re lenishment must be at- -8ervices a t Present-tained r the saline enroachment Grauel ~apel. 110 Broadway, cannot , be restrained. Secondly. Rev. H erbert <;. Roth, pastor , in dry riods local control doubt- 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Iess-wil be necessary,proxime\te to C.OSta Mesa even~that balance is achieved. Phone Harbor 21SS..J. the ·er features. There appear "Come Once-You'll axr. to 4 onJy three possibilities for MO&TICllNS Harold K. Grauel Chapel 'We OUnelves the Better Serve by Se<Vlnc Othen --....... ;Nm Ml.I ~-c.Btonda OPTOlmTIUlll'll Apin!" such l~al control: Cl) u\e main- CHR IST CHURCH BY THE SEA tenancelof fresh-water head above · C-munlty Methedlot sea lev~I inland , from the saline l'l T; Ba&tu wwlb, 0. D. 14*> Wllllt Central Awnue front; 11ther by regulated draft ~· ltllllt Rev. R. D. Goodell. Put.Ot' or by artificial replenishment or STS8 UAlllNED anm:h-. 9:.0 a. m . · both: 12> dewatering through L&l!IU:S D1lPLICArm Mwntng WOl'l!ltrip, 11 L m. wells near but coastward from the ..._ • I ._. _. Ml 1 1 T uth . Ll_ UH W • ....._. .A-. ft. _._ 911 o Feilowlb!p. 6 P-m. saline n:ont ; or (3) the construe-•••••• mam G. N. PEASE, M. D. Co---~ Houn by Appointment Pbeae Barbor %191...J 8178VEYOM Raub & Bennett ...... ..,.,. aad .En&tz •• UM N-rtllhd-, Coota- TtlzpL._ lie· I *I SM9--W Ml1W.o.tnl N_,.n_ Tel 11 •• llarllor 111 PIANO TEACBEB PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Graduate lloJal ~. '"'a '' Ph. Harbor 1252-W L526 w. Ocean Front No evening worship d.tuing Sep.. tion o impervious subsurface I'--------------' tember. . d~es. '-----------~ Kld-....it pr&)'W -· Wed-Condi ons within the Santa Ana!;------------,lir------------. nMday: CO"lered d1lh dlnner , 6:at Gap are the most critical. In that P-m. gap, in ~cular, and along the struetur'l zone in general, the NEWP.ORT HARBOR ma.interi&nce of fresh-water head LUTMaRAN CHURCH above sea level appears to be Gr11uel Chap91, Coda ~ the tnoa 'feasible method and the Rw. -1111111, P-coos · of INb surface <b'kn Robert A. Crawford . Opt.. D. OPl'OllZ"'LW,.._1 £yea £vmhwd -GJ•101s ntted 1'111 lfMPWl 8 A11a• ..__ .... C.U.llm.& ·v eda Thompson Teacher ot Plano and Organ nn.a a-MI0-.1 -: -,Y, lO:IO Lm. the leu f-bl<o l'------------'"._----------J • • ' • ••wm Deliciously Prepared + + + + NE·WPORT CAFE SA.ILORS EIJOY BYE; PREPARE FOR SAllTS Stewart - -U Boar &Nia> + uo....-...- Newpor& - Warner Now • With nothing more exciting to look forward to th1a weekend than to sit back and wa.idl the rest of the Sunset league schools scrap among themselves, the Newport Harbor Sailors indulged in heavy sc:rimmage sessions throughout the week on Davidson Field in prep- a.ratlon for the "titanic" coming up next Friday with the Santa . \na Saints. Seeming!}' not discouraged. too greatly at the unforseen lO&S to the weak Fullerton Indians Jut Friday night, the Tars bounced back by mld·week to previous hl&"h spirits and are now pointing for the biggest upset of the Sun- set circle-a win over the mighty Sa.in ts. Coach \.Vendy Pickens, with no team overconfidence to fight, has thrown his whole squad against one another in hot and steamy scrimmages with especial emphul5 on the ball-handling of his backs. The Tars fumbled six times against the Indians last FTiday and lost possession of the ball five times at crucial moments when they were on their way toward pay dirt. ' A welcome addition to backfield strength this week wu the return of Bw: Chamben. who bas been out since he pulled a hip liga- ment in the St. Anthony game. Buz suited up dwing the week but has been sidelined during the scrimmages. From all indications, Pickens will use the hard running back if he can during the Santa Ana game. but it is a matter of conjecture as to whether the leg will stand up under the strain of a ball game. Pickens was pleased with the fine job turned In by substitute Jlm Corbin, who replaced "Doc" Hanson in the Indian game whe n Hanson had his ankle twisted. Hanson was not suited u p in prac- time this week and is a doubtful itarter against the Saints. but in C.orbin, the Tan have ... an able replacement. The feature contest in the Sun- set circuit. as the Tars sit this one out v.'ith a bye, is the Santa Ana·Fullerton traditional "big game" with the Saints heavily favored to take their second league e ncounter. Fullerton. in sp ite of winning from Newport Harbor, has shown nothing this year on offense and the Saints should rate at least a three touchdO'-''Tl margin over the Indians. This Panel Available Chrome 1n Nina's, Associated, Outlaws Win Community B.B. Fracases Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints Ne"1>0rt Associated and The Outlaw fiv es continued their win· ning ways Tuesday evening in the community basketball conference now under way on the high school gymnasium hardwoods and are r oosting on top of the league standings "·ith two wins and no defeats. ETS · HOKIN & GALVAN The ~ociated outfit, which up- set a strong Nina five last week, scored a mild upset by beating Myrehn's 22 to 19 and the Out· laws knocked O\'er the CasabQ. Kl ub 27-22. SINCE 4 I 9 2 0 1000 SOlll!t mway Phone Beacon 540"/ .Alto lD San Fhncleoo--Wllmlogton-Stockton·San Dtep--OaklNMI ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire F.qnipment tor FACTORY, PLANT, STORE, OFFICE. FARM. HOME (Political Advertisement) In t he other game of the eve- njng. Nina's had little trouble in pasting the American Legion squad 37.9 and, with their lineup of Phone Beacon 5824 Newport & Costa Mesa CAB CO. :U-Boar Service Why I Am a ·~ Candidate For SHERIFF 1 My experience In law enfo...,.,ment and criminal inv ... tigaUon qualifies me for the office. I was five yearo In the sherifrs office, criminal division; five yearo In the coDDty probation department, handling both adnlt and juvenll delinquenfB; I had law enforcement duties with the (). S. Marine corps In World War d before going out to the Paclfte wrtn the 5th Marine division. Long experience does not guarantee efficiency. which depends more on judgment and deterum.tlon tA> me esperience competently, and wllllngn-tA> apply It honestly tA> law enfol'<lelllflllt. 2 Unincorporated areas of the county which have raised protest against lack of protection agalm!t night depredations should ha\•e that protection. The explan- ation given them Is that more deputies are n-ied, reqoirlng a larger budget. I do not agree. It Is well known at the courtbo use that deputy sheriffs congregate during the day. Capable execuUve management wonld tarn that wa11t.e of manpower lntA> night protection, without add!Uonal cost. 3 The sherifrs budget has soared 78 penient In the last four year.i, from $15S,- S15.14 In 1942-lS, Sli0,07S.91 In 1948-44, $192.788.08 In 1944-45, $219.981 .78 In 1114.>46 -AND NOW A .. ~ ESTIMATED $278,242.00 FOR 794647. I can see that the budget might increase as oosts rise and county . growth expands ,...l)OD!li. billtles, but $120,000 In four years is jnmping tlte oost pretty fast. and SSS.000 fn one year is out of reason. We can't s tand Iha t \;riy long. It seems to me the voter should IL'ik himself this question: "Are the present sherifrs services worth that much to me! Can l afford him~" 4 There Is another \"ery important reason for my candidacy. l like children. I want them to get. the be6t possible break in their contacts outside the safety of their, home influen<e. Not merely because l like lhPru. but """8use it is ~ital tA> the rommunity of tomorrow. They are not now getting a good break. 1'ere are Interests and ii!Ouen<'t'S. ht'ing tolerated In this county that prey uponl;our youth, at huge profit to themselves. but at great harm to the community. U I am elected sheriff, these inten'Sts \\ill not operare in Orange CoDDty. They know this, and are opposing me with all their power . That Is anothe r question the \'Oler must IL'ik hl,,_lf: "Shall they stay or shall they go?K • Veteran of World War II ex-college stars, look like the class of the league in spite of their first round defeat by the ~ ciated quintet. Les Ogara of Nina's paced his squad with 13 points and was high point man of the eveni ng . Lineups : As.soclate-d (22) M)'l'eh.n't (19) Robinson ( 12) F Attridge (1) Kennel F Boise (4 ) McMillan C Spink (8) Freitag G Wallace (2) Dunlap G ?.1yrehn (2) Scoring subs: Associated-Mar· shall (4 ), Barnes (51, Harveson (10). Myrehn's-Smith C2l. Outla"'!I ('!1) Cau.ba Klub (22) Woody (51 F Neuman (61 Rima F Ward (4) Hess 18) C Mason l\·loffitt (21 C SaiJors (2) Sh('fiin (2) G Talstra (2) Scoring ~; Outla"'s-Eng- strom (6). Stanley (3). Casaba Klub--Heaston (2), Pollock (4), Dickey (2), !\'l.na'!I (37) Amer. Legion (9) Harvey (9l F Coppersmith Hanson (JO) F Statz (2) Ogara (13) C Kelly (4) Ogara <2l G Cottle Stege (5) G Cottle Scoring subs: Legion-Ashen !l ). Bro,,-n (2). For Honest, Efficient Progressive Government In Callfomla FRED HOWSER ATTOIL~EY GENERAL fretl MowMr is ,.,.....,... f• elec:ti•• •.s •tt•r-1 G••-•I •f Calif•r111ia liiy ... ••ti --- •f .._si-i.s, ••• •Ml th ~ f•ui.-ilte<a11i1M Ito Will: '"ted the weNere ""•II c.itj.. u•i. re1--4le,• 9f rece, <Netl.,.. , ..... , C.tttlvct t"'• .. c• •s • .... pelitic•I •A4 M~IM• 4e. p•r1 .... t •f e•••roMa .. ; Co•fi1t-1tatewW. 9diYit1 .. ..... ,..._.. , .......... iaiti9•• _ .. ff , .......... ,_ ...... 1~ .... ii• 4-li~•HCyJ l•s.it.t .___._.... ....... er.I ,;._r, -.iMel•i .. rit"h ··-••'119411 ..... ,.. .......... .. ...,. •• c..stitvt ... , Aul .. ••tww ..... I ... .......... ..,,.~----titW ............. _..,. ............. , s-.. .. , ............ ........ ...,, ...,. ............. ..,.. TAR OF nIE WEEK and stand- out on the Newport Harbor Sailor eleven in the four Tar games to date is Bill "Shiner'' Rober ts. cen- ter and line backer par excellence . "Shiner" was honored as TOW folleyring last week's Fuller ton garoe in which he was outstanding on defense and partly responsible for the Indians low net gain from scrimmage on running plays. Rob- erts. who thrives on contact and is an aggressive pla3ter both on defense and offense is a senior at Newport Harbor High and is playing his first year of varsity football but is also a letterman on the varsity baseball team. ~Photo by Gerhardt Speed Boat.s Vie for U.S. Recognition The first annual great western racing circuit for outboard and in- lMI RESULTS SUNSET LEAGUE GR SCHOOL GAMES A.Ba t1--0raace I heavily-favored &lints per. • • SAIDY'S DRIVE-·II Yes! We Have ' HAM • BACON • BEEF' e PORK • Dagwood Rambwgen °"--- fo according to the dope book and tlioroughly trounced the Plln- theis ln their first league start eved without the services of sev~ era!/ key playen. Johnny Fouch sawj the contest from the bench as '1id co-coptaln John MacFal-'--------------------------J lan'I-.. Hw.t:¥actoa Beach 0-Dowa.ey 0 This was a mild upset as the OilS-S. '-'·ho have been convincing in ~actioe games to date, were favored to h a\'e little trouble with the \invaders. The Oilers did score onejtouchdown but it was nullified by a holding penalty and they at· terrl>ted two field goals. Fullerton ~Newport Barbor 0 ~ use harping about this one again-it was tabbed as the uir set )>f -'the week. Harbor has a bye th:iS week but meets Santa Ana next Friday. -~-1...,.St. AllthOQY 1 This was a non-league fracas an~ both teams scored in the first halt but V11cre_. unable to turn the trick again in the finale. It was a Pretty even contest with ·St. An(hony making 12 first downs and the Colonists gathering 11. article @Balboa rket More ftaD. II 'l'ean ot 8enke t. • ~ 801 MAIN nwt Cllmtele B&IN)A. (lAID0 The ''Centraliner'' A New Steel Cruiser by Central Boat Works Harbor 1580 board hydroplanes and runabouts ~ll that unwanted gets under way this weekend at thrdtwh Lake 1\1ead with races scheduled -~~f·~;N::;e;owa-::;nme.;;;~;;a;o~::;;;;~;;;::;~~;;;::;~~~;;;~;;;::;;;;;;:;;;;::;;;;;;:;~;;;~~~~~~i on succeeding weekends at Long -J Beach and Salton Sea, according to J KC'nt Hitchcock of Lido Isle, who I left Wednesday for Boulder City to perform in his official capacity of race committee chairman. Other Newport Harbor power boat enthusiasts making the cir- cuit to the three racing site! are Peggy Hitchcock, official r egistrar; Al Clapper. official photographer, and B . Collins. pit manager. Among the many contestants vying for national honors at the regattas ar e two Newport Har- bor e ntries, David Spies has en- tered his boat, the "Lido Kid" In the C1ass F racing runabout di- vision and riding mechanic for Spies will be \Va rren Atherton. Frank Malloy of Newport Beach has entered the ''Dam-Fi-No" in the Class C racing hydroplanes. The Lake Mead and the Long Beach· events are "firsts'' in the "'estern circu.it, but the Salton Sea regatta will be thC' sixth an- nual affair and the speedway is considered the "fastest marine speE'd"'ay on the face of the earth." The western racing circuit \\·as offered this fall after many lead- ing racing men throughout the na- tion had asked for a fall circuit that \\.'ould offer more races on the annual trip to the famous speedway at Sa.lton Sea. They wanted the opportunity to race on other famous western courses and to see more of the Southland and a chance to make the trip profit- able. · Rcspanding with the "first an- nual Great Western racing cir- cuit," each regatta will offer to the nation's best drivers different type raC('S in differe nt surround- ings and \Viii offer a grand total of $5300 in cash a\vards, $750 in merc ha ndise. 54 placing trophies and 12 perpetuals. SelJ that unwanted through News-Times ads. article -.- I cAf.oef's DANA (jaffeon 'Room POINT HOTEL Serving Luncheon_.:.._ 11 to 2 Dinner - 5 to 9 SPECIAL CATERING TO DINNER PARTIES CLUBS AND BRII:X;E LUNCHEONS ENCLOSED PATIO OR ROOMS AVAILABLE IDR BRII:X;E FOll.OWING LUNCHEON For Reservations Phone Dana Point 791 Closes "\V ednesday ' oVoef 's (}alleon 1?..oom DANA POINT HOTEL -DANA POINT BAYS i DE PLATING CO. We Clfim to Have All the Silver in California pert Silversmiths • • • All Work Guaranteed Tea Services Reflectors on Wholesale Lots of SILVER AND GOLD -l ntique Finishing Trophies Ceramics B ~hroom Fixtures Baby Shoes ·Jewelry Ceramics Plating Badg s and Souven irs. Candelabra Marine Phone: Beacon 511 Days; Beacon 5358-R, Nights 11914 Harbor Blvd. C. C. "CHUCH" WIRTH COSTA ~A C. R. "BOB" HAND , , . l --• I .... '!'la MIWfl4tl ~iTl~MD:=:=·~·~'~·J°"~~·~a't·~!!!,~~u .. ~ .. ~~:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----... Costa Mesa FAC Women Vote to Sponsor 1 Mrs. Lew Wallace Hostess at NHYC Bridg e Luncheon Bo:~~u~::;e;u~0~:h~gan ~ation Harbor Feminine Activities whett local lads will be able to Mrs. R<>a, explaining the project I \ -AJuu,111 find a wholesome outlet for their to the women's club, 1trftled the Phones 13 and 208 • By W1altnd 8al1lft + Relddt!l>ee Phone 1637-R ~will be spollSOn!d by the Importance of maintaining a boya' -------------------------.-------------·---+'----------Mn. Lew Wallace of Balboa en· Costa M... Friday Afternoon organlutlon In Ccoa M-. She club, it was voted at the regular stated that the fmandal requlre- meeUng October 18 in Legion halL menu of the Friday Aftemooo f'!ew po rt Beach Cub Scouts Receive First Awa rds, Give Im prom ptu Program Founded a number of years ago club would be approximately $3000 by Mn. Robert E. R<>os Md Carl for the first year. Afttt thal period The first Den meeting of Pack stripes. aro.n Den 5. Michael Hlll-~pencer, under the auspices of the the boys' club would be self-105, C\Jb Scouts, was held Friday man received Denner's stripes and Aalstance League, the boys' club supporting, she believes. evening at Newport Beach Gram-Freddy Nesbitt had Keeper of the acttvttles were suspended during It was suggested that a board mar ~hool auditorium with CUb-Buckskin stripes. the war. The $30,00 clubhouse, of Friday Afternoon club mem-master H. O. Boyvey presiding, Ten new Cibs \\'ere accepted at located on the COttltt ot Balboa hers be named to serve with the helped by Assistant CUbmuttt the meeting, and parents are re- and Anabeirlt.41treet.1, la completely preeent board or the boys' club WeisaeT in giving out awards. mindied that it is part or the duty free of indebtedness, and among which includes ¥n. Roa, presi-The daplay of handicraft ar~ ot OJbs to bring them to meetings. the facilities att a work shop and dent; Sidney Davidson. vice presi-ranged by Den 2. of which Mrs. Next mttting will be Nov. 15 dent; Everett Rea, secretary-Boyvey is Den Mother, brought and skits will be prepared on the treasurer; Judge D. J . Dodge, them the handicraft award while subje(!t "CUb Scout E'ngineen". .. °"" ....... ~ __ .__ L.B. Y ~RDA GE --....... y._,. ....... T ..... e O.... T ...... • Ta' a a ·-·-==-·---·---·-·--are ... w ... .. .,. ..... •.C.O P"'? - Harold K.. Grauel, Olarles Te-Den 6, with Mn. Nack u Den Winkle, Carl Spencer, Ralph Reed Mother and Mn. Isley as assistant, and C. B. Budd, directorr.--.. received the 'attendance award. It was ~toted that Mn. H. B, Skill were impromptu and Mrs. McMurtry, president, appoint a Dol<>1 Briggs' Den 3 wu judged committee of five to consider ways the one putting on the best; the and means of raising the money good conduct award went to Den and report at the next meeting. 5, Mrs. Nesbitt and Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Alex Olson led the pledge Den Mothers. Other Dens taking o( allegiance. Mrs. W. E . Nickell, part were Den 4, the new Den chairman of California history and Mothers being Mn. Melcher and landmarks, spoke. An appeal for Mrs. Sterns: Den 1 of Udo Isle Girls' League E njoys Hallowe 'en Program %45 z.. Fifth Long Beada donations for the arts and crafts and Mrs. Raab's Den 7. section bazaar December 14 was .Larry Seale of Den 6 received made by Mrs. J . C. Payne, chair-his wolf Gold ArTow. From Den The second meeting of the Glr!s' League of the N~rt Beach Grammar schoo1 was held in the kindergarten on Wednesday, Oct. 16 at 1 :45 p.m. The room was colorluJ with Hallowe'en decora- tions and a touch of humor wu added by the occasional appear- ance of three false faces which popped up from behind the piano. Margaret L. Scharle CM.enber Music Teachers' Assn. ot Calif ornla l Teacher of P iano ().-garust -Accompanlst Studio: S01 Goldenrod Aveaoe Corona del Mu PHONE: HARBOR 1046 man. 2. Timothy Tunnell received his The program was quite informal, and provided a n opportunity for every girl in the seventh and eighth grad" to perform. Each of the six classes. three seven t h grades a nd three eighth gra des, had been given an en velope con- taining "sealed orders": and each of these groups of girls had pre- N£"Vo.' members. including Mes-Denner's stripes and Ronald John~ dames lverson, Hansen and Wede-son the Keeper of the Buckskin king were introduced by Mrs. Ray- mond James. hospitality chairman. Luelle !'lla rtens, home economist, lecturer and columnist, intToduced by Mrs. Robert Skiles. program chairman, presented the after- noon's program. Her enthusiasm for cooking was r eflected in her original suggestions "'hich met "ith the hearty a pprova l of h(>r audience. l-1rs. Harriet Bandy assisted Mn. l\1artens in preparing a dinner in 30 minutes. The var- ious courses were awarded club members to take home. Hostesses were Mesdames Alex pared a short dramatization of a Olson. 0. D, King and J .. M. familiar nursery rhyme. The ros- Shearer. . Col o~ful decorati~ns I tumes and properties used sho\11-'''er~ carried out 1n the J-lallowe en ! ed originality and a sense of motif. humor. "TOMMY GOWNS" The numbers v.·ere as follO'-''S: "There \\'as An Old \\roman," girls from the 7B class: "Humpty. Dumpt)'," girls from the 8S class ; Mesa Bo y Scouts Plant Park T rees As R oosevelt Mt:morial Costa Mesa Boy Scout troops No&. 6. 15 and 20 observed Theo- dore Roose\'e)t•s birthday Satur- day at 3 :30 p.m. with commemora· tlve exer"d..les that included the planting of several beautitul trees in the city park. Assistant Scoutmaster W a 11 y Beleau reviewed the life of the famous p-esident. with Bugler Mel- vin Smalley sounding T&Jl! at the end or the talk, The boys wne reminded that In planting the trees they were leaving a lasting record ol a good service to their community. Scoutmasters Louis Dinger and Harold Hall advised the Scouts that It was only the first of many civic projects planned by the troops. Mrs. E. I. Moore Luncheon Hostess tertalned with a delightful bridge Newport Beach CPT luncheon at Newport Harbor Yacht H I h L d club Wedneoday, tables being par-e~rs Yout ea er I ticularly beautiful in autmn colon of cheysantbemums, arranged tor w1 J. Dr. w . Melvin Strong as the hmrtess by Mrs. C. ¥-Deak- speakf' and Balboa lslan<I Girl Ins. Scoui, giving the musical pro-A t bridge Mrs. Henry Eggert gram I.the first Congress of Par-~n tint prize with second prize ents and Teachers was held at the going to. Mrs. Eugene Fenelon and Newport Beach Grammar acbool consolation to Mrs. Bob Allen. l1.trs. auditqriwn Monday afternoon. Deakins .. received the award at Mrs. p!gar Hill pn!Sided and the rummy .. Scouts led in the flag salute. E:njo)'lng the afternoon \Yett Dr. Strong, who la directoc. of the Mesdames Fenelon, L. L. Is- recrea,\ion for H untington Beach bell. Mabel .Aforrow, Victor Grace, lclloola talked on the nationol C. M. Deakirui, Sy Heyman, Harry 1111'me! ;,i the CPr. Understanding Welch, J . A. Gant, Ralph Mukey, th'@ Rjl!hb of Youth. He su-ed Sam Klnsfather, R. B. Mesalng, the i>qtnt that r,ecreational advan-Robert Hendry, Warren Meaing. tages reieue normal activities for E. I. Moore, ."E'.rnest WheatO"Oft; harmdnious development. E . E. Boudinot, Henry Eggert, "A ' normal person O:lllDOt be Ft-ed Snedecor of C«ona, Ray- overJveloped. in either a physical, mond Henns, ~t Jayred, Bob spiritUal or intellectual sense" Allen, Bro~ McBride, Harold Wo1- said pr. Strong, "therefore o~ denbeT&", Heinz K11.~r. Howard und;;tanding must include devel-Searer, Herman Hilmer. eai:w opme t of all of these in our chil-Watta of Los Angeles. Fred C.atl1n, dren' • Sam Meyer: Grorge Roetner and M.tj. Roscine Feeley, member of Grace Crosier. the rfe"llOl't Harbor Union High --------schl raculty, talked on pr9posi-FAC Book Section Mrs. E . l . Moore, \Vest Central lion o. 3 on the November ballot, avenue, was hostess at a party as · Dr. Strong and Principal 1uncheon Friday, honoring former H. o~ Ensign. The book section of the Fri- employees at the confectionary Cit1 Scout Troop 7 or Balboa day afternoon club will meeJ. Fri- shop. Island gave three songs, which day, Oct. 25 at 2 p.m.' at the Amer- ~ "llF; "Cap'n" Don s e"tawa't (JIM/, "MeSl&U,,.... __ __ tmcnw-u.w•o _r L:. Combination Dinners L:. New and Uansual Seafood Specialties L:. For ~ B E A C O N 5465 A1:5· Howard Gerrish was a are f part of their Scout work, ican Legion hall \vith l\lrs. Joseph special guest and others present accorhpained b;y their leader, Mrs. H amblet presiding. l\1rs. Martha v.'ere the ~l£'Sdames Mabel Ulve.1 Ra l ~ h Deaver. Mrs. Den ton's Raymond of Ana heim ''"ill give the Thelma Hea th. Phyllis Fields and fourtp grade "·on the attendance book r eview. '------------....J Della Gates . prize r ---:------------------------, Afjer the meeting tea v.·as serv-v • f B t s h Guests En1· oy ed a t.he social hour. those pour-I s ea u y 0 p mg pe1ng l\irs. G. ?wt. Fox and Turkey Dinner at Mrs., H. Cornswoet fo r Newport Heinz Kaiser Home Beach and Mrs. Warren Prescott 1103 Coast ffiway Corona del Mar COZV. W ARM i'•IADE OF POPULAR Fourth District CPT H olds Sessions at D!J heny Park "Old 1\tothcr l-lubbard," girls from ~tr. and Mrs. l·IC'inz Kaiser cn-the Th·f class: .. Th('rc \.Vas a O-ook- and t1rs. Burton Russell or Corona ~cl ¥fil'· Over 200 mcn1bers V.'ere 1n a tel1dance. Announcing ... Balbriggan Cotton Knit Fabric TEAROSE AND BLUE SIZES 32-40 DEAUV I LLE 7 39 South Coast Boulev a rd L agu n a Beach Expert Beauticians for Milady • ~rmanents. Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair T!nllng ---Bleach- Init. Facials. NO WAJTINU Carmen and Staff ~~.AD l,..-. -.-. .. Al>Hhit.e. .. r. rw ·-•1 Pb-8-"-9l'T • THE GALLEY 507 E. Central Ave. In Balboa Phone Barbor 1788 MEAlS A New Delicatessen Food Shop Serving the E11tire Harbor Area Hot and Cold Foods To Take Out . , ____ .......... .. Featuring Amoag Geod Thingll to Ea& Riliera Ice Cream (Sold E>:cllllively by the Galley) ·cold Meats • Barbecued Chickflll • Baked Ham • ir.c-t Beef • X..St Turkey Antipastoes • Saaclwlch8 and Salads ... made to order. • A.Morted Cb- • Most modem and up to date frozen food store in the Harbor llreQ catering to residents of the community who seek tantalizing value in quality items made ready for your dinner table. ANITA SEXTON, Proprietor At Doheny Park, Octobt~r l7. F'ourth District of the Orange County California Congress of ParC'nts a nd Teachf'rs met. with ~1 rs. Arthur Sipherd. president, prC'siding. At this time thC' group \Vas in- formed by ~1rs. SiphPrd that eighteen acres in Ininc Park may be usro by any youth group apply- ing to Yo uth Authority Officer Harold T ('{'l. a t the city hall in Santa Ana. ~~Vh~:~·i0tt~r~::nze· ~~dee~~~; !;~~~~~:~ ~\;it~hr~r t~;~('>~o:~n~~ girls rrom the ~R class. and "PetC'r Costa rttcsa. guests being their en1-p ployees at Ba)' Shore camp. etcr , Pumpkin Ea\t'.'r," Girls' Th · 1 d-" Jh M Lea . b. t ose prC'sC'nt inc u t.'U e es· Thgue c.a ine · srs. and ~f('sdames J ohn Africa, e prlZC' for !he best perform· 1\I 1 l\"'ll Ed d Tr Ott a nce i th r f . h I ' ere 1 11 er. \\'ar a.pp, o . n <' orm o a giant c OC'· Knode a nd Ne,,·burn· ~ .. trs Ycar-olate bar. \\·as ay.•arded to the . · . · · -. 5 rom r c ass. Buster Pinkley. Cap.ilia Bazaar RElnindcr • • • Friday of this y.·ee ll is the day of Capilla Orclc ' bazaar . \\'hen you can get a good lunctieon a t noon and select ~·ar­ ious items for Christmas gifts as \Veil ! as for yourself. girl r th SR I I gin. CrorgC' \\1ash1ngton S mith and _____________ _.__ ________ _ ~:~~n~f~rhts CASTAWAYS' CHATTER C.M. Girl Scouts By NANCY NE\\'PORT .-•" • • "• I Remodeling of her beauty shop wit h booths which give you more privacy. NEW \VATER SOFl'ENER SYSTEM FOR MORE BEAUTIFUL HAIR • • H.ak Styling • Hair Cutting • Tinting • Manicuring • Permanent Waves of all Types KITTY BUSBY, formerly or Chicago and BaJbc>a ~ill be asslstt~g VI In Milady's BeauttrlcaUoo FOR APPOINTI\IENTS -PH01'"'E HARBOR 1 '79-W , "Rendezvous of the Mariners" White's Balboa · Island Cafe l\1iss Mildred \Vhnrton, on lht" nationa l staff of Parents and T C'achers. outlined seven objC'C- tiv('"s, \vhich she and l\1rs . 1\1'ark J ones. California Confl!'rf>!'OS chair- ma n. are preS<'nting t hroughout t hL~ state'. Both spoke at super. int{'ndl"n ts of schools meeting in Coronado a nd explained the course in parC'nt-tcachcr understanding they are giving in colleges. An rxci!ed group of 25 girls or Costa rt-1<'sa Scout Troop No. 82, and their leader . Mrs. Harold Hall. enjoyed an outing over the "'eek end which \vill always be remem- bered for they \\'ere guests or rtfrs. Herbert Rankin who maintains a r e trea t for Scouts at her ranch on SURPRISE! and DOUBLE surprise! Lady with bandage around eyes being led careful!)' and quietly to ~able on boat deck . Everyone is concerned and sympathetic. Gent leman whips off the scarf and there are t\\10 very beautiful and perfectly good eyes, but double wide with AND COCKTAIL BAR surprise and delight! l l was L. D. Lawrence or Corona dcl l\.1ar giv-• ing birthday surprise party for Mrs. Lawrence -· -she'd been blind·· Comer Mari.De &: Park Ave. A practical school demons trati on \Vas givC'n by the sixth. seventh and eighth grades of thP Serra El£'m('ntary school, "'it h Principal Curlis ~II reading the com- mentary. Two-minute reports were given by the local association pr('sidents. Luncheon was served at the San Jua n Capistrano High school, and was followed by a tour-of the mission. rttrs. Jerrold Spangler and Mrs. Ha rry Burdick rt'.'presentcd the Newport Harbor Union High School Parent· T eacher association, while Mrs. Edgar Hill, Mrs. Wil- bur Buck, Mrs. Dutch Heacock. l\'lrs. C. E. Rapp, Mrs. H. G. Rogers and Mrs. Raymond 1-larvcy repre-- sented the Newport Beach Gram- mar School P.-T. A. White House Cafe Ph,_ Sl 8Z Laguna ee.dl. Callt. Lemon Heights. "\ Camp cooking, hiking. hill climb. ing and a thrilling campfire pro- gram \\'e1 f only a few of many ex- citing events of the outing. The retreat includC'd a beautiful cabin but some of the girls preferred to sleep outside under the stars. Miss J erry Miller. assisting Mrs. Hall. organized several e xplora- tion hikes for merit badge work. Assisting IA:ith transportation were J . Marvin Campbell and Mr. Hall. Drive Carefully-Spa.re a LUe. EKpert Radio Service Phone Beiocon 5004-W Palmer Radio AND EI_.ECl'BIO U48 Newport llhd. 008TA 11D:8A LAUNDRY ONE WEEK SERVICE Broadway Cleaners 12i Broadway C.Sta M-Ph. 8eaeoR 5728 BIITtER QUALITY OF DRY CLEANINO 5 DAY SEKVICE-FREE DELIVERY • OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS • ELLIS BROS. NURSERY W i 11 Be 0 pen Nov. 1 5 Landscaping • . • Flowers and Shrubs • 1206-1208 OOAST m GBWAY -OORONA DEL MAR a.,. nu· PIL e -&. 11w1t '8N. Joe mt.-PIL aanor 14%5-.1 ' Outdorable I.EATHER SPOR'IBWEAR BAND KADE e RAND TOOLED Sandals -w..ie;es -Purses -Belts -Watch Stnp -Wallets Oltl>Elt NOW roa C1Dl8TllA8 SID'S SHOE ·sHOP folded all the y..·ay from home. Other merry guests we re Mr. and Mrs.1 ~-------------------B=al::boa=..:'::"::'and=:.___J Andrew H. Strand of Santa Ana. Aftert sev.eral hours was still wide- eyed. said couldn't take it a ll in one vis~t ! SOTlll..~G SO GAY AS A CASTA\VAY! Conunodore l\.1arc Healy, and Mrs. Healy wearing SUCH a gay shade or ~n with white a nd vennillion striped angel fish all over it, accomparued by son ,,·ho wore an equaHy gay shirt of wonderlul ver- m.illion peeking out of his beach-comber jacke t . 'rhe Lynn Keppers v.:ere introducing a friend to Don who wanted to Y.Tite the place up and color-photograph it for a big-time mag. Mrs. K. an equally bright grl'en deal in slackS and jacket with the v·ennil- lion and white sweater a nd sandals to match. Don was observing the hair ornament and pin lo match of c!Ustered gold berries, the kind that always make a pirate·s eyes glisten! ~f rs. George R. Bentley was wearing an island print in about six delicious colors that just took you away for a six-weeks vacation.- then in comes the Pere Ma11>les, both wearing rainbow deals and pre- sen t "Car" Don with a shirt that is literally REEKING with the ro- mance o the se\'en seas and ALL the ~south sea islands! BeautifuJ island girls v.rit h baskets of fruit in ALL; those flavors! Don had only seen that pattern once before--a jack~he had found for Mrs. Don -she rushed upstairs and came doY.'ll a ring it to match. SMALL WORLD EPT. f\.·t rs. Albert Soiland of Balboa wa:s· ntertaining Harold & Helen Guldstrand or L. A. "·ho called Don ov to lheir table. Said Helen, the last time I saw you was on your th~· teenth birthday and you had a ne"' cutlass in your sash. Gid and Elea or Hawkins and I v..·ere your prisoners. you had all our legs chained t ether and your chum Borner Munn had to cul us apart with a hack-w so we could go home to dinner! That was in l\.i.o ntclair, New Je e\·-no WONDER Don loves a business the keeps old friends in touch 'th each other THAT many )-ears! SURE he's that old, and doesn' worry him a bit-savs I'M SEVEN GRANDFATHERS! • GLISTENING ST DUST Judge and Mrs. John Perry Wood. e ertaining Beulah Bondi who knew Don in Greenwich Village and w saying this was the tops of all his places and she'd seen 'em all! same party were Florence Vidor Heiriu and Dick Drake of Bal Island. Dick 's hobby is col- lecting data on certain Ca11fomJa wines which are out of this world. Don was eagerly making memo on W te Brothers. Fountaingrove and such. !\tr. and. rtirs. Jack Norworth of La na were there, and Harry Copeland. director of Meet the Mrs. was mancing with beauty-queeri Hollywood star Rosemary LaPlanche at the Hearts & F1o"'ers table. They are both ardent ~boa sailors. y Ames. lady pirate-Holly- wood star of Balboa Pirate Days v.'as ning Y.'ith handsome George of the film-stage Morgan family. SALTY ST • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends in sh ort hain:los. • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, crold waves -also rnachineless pennanents. • Virginia Bells M.tllU8KA House of Beauty S04 MuUie Ave. 8alboa Island Pho• e .. Harbo r __ 1 8 2 7 Cappy and Mrs. Callahan who sail .the Swift west and dealt it to the Cagney family were plotting with n to run some such equally /!~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ picturesque saillilg craft back and forth o the !Sn-IMUS. and talking old-ti~~ about l\taine when; the Call an family had been building and sailing boats for generations and had played WILD MAN in the STATE FAIR and fooled the other showmen. They thought he was an AJ?EN<;)ID APE says Don! Ca py is a four-striper last war and was nght 1n the middle of the hot acific spots . ln comiderably UgJ:iter vein was salt SENILE SAILOR of SUN- D~Y SNOWBIRD racing, HarTy Blodge t, verifying the fact to Neva Dickerman that he had seen it With hi own eyes. YeS it was last S~day that Don in his wet bare feet hjtd slipped on th~ deck of his bird and landed so far under t~ere w~ater in his left ear. but was ~t of that stuff a n<:f back in his boat so ast that neithe r his wallet or hts dgare~tes were ~mp .. He had awarded two J?Oints for this bu~ penaliz.ed for . taking rive s teps on e bottom while rounding a pornt to save making an eni:a tack! Mf.!Y Blodgett is to be crew for Don next Sunday, and promises to bea{.her husband and win a point for Don who will ~ in Florida that }'. No scandal, girls, if she DOES beat Harry Jt will be a point f Harry-that's the crazy way these S. S. racers make score. Harry ould be helping Don who has to mak~ -tush business trip east by I ding wife. so gets the pOOtt scored no matter what happens . FLO&IDA Vl:Jl8U8 C RN1A Don's rush flying trip is explained usly: He LOVES Florida. and has a South Sea Island ViUage ways' club there-but has come to LO~ CALIFORNIA. es right here, SO MUCH MORE that he is gomg to sell out and ship Fiorida stuff back here and run all winter! Doesn't even want to s thetie for a swim! He and Mrs. Don are nying both ways, just to fficia.Uy say hello and IOOCI· bye. Close friends and chwru: ol Pirate , Jerry and Mrs. Johnson ot Bal-will be on deck for Don & N D. these next few days - Balboa Central Market 708 E. Central, Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 Again We Have CHOICE MEATS Reasonably Priced (Cut to YOW' Special Order. S.tlefedsoa Gwteed) Garden Fresh Vegetables Bird's Eye FROZEN FOODS P AY-OFF OF WIZA , I~ a~~~ifk~~:· !~~~~~·~ Fancy g:Bcc~~ASENND Items! lW Rutherford. a chef In his own t, who helped Castaways -N-0oest ..._ ~ -Oief Fcln'elt Guion on busy Saturdays In and purcbasina: two F0a YOV. OOHVENIENCS 1n: -&Qf OPSN J"alDA:I' a • ______________________ _, ol -Dicltermans' lnvmUOIU-the famous shell-fish rolls to UtiJ-AY SVENIN'QS "nLL •••• AMD ALL Dil ll1lNDU 'laU'-forhllwlfo's blrthday! _ c · l•-------------------"----....1