HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-31 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SANO CRAB .,. SAM ~! Next Tuesday is 1J -el~on day. What are YOU going to do about it, Mr. and Mrs. Voter? Are you going to say: "O, heck, rm pretty busy this momlng, so rn wait until afternoon be- fore I go to the polls." 1ben about 4 p.m. Dolly, or Neille or Bill will phone and ask you to go somewhere-and away you go, forgetting all about that vote. Now, don't do thal Two negatives make a positive and if you are firm enough you'll mark it down In that date book or on the slip you keep on the window- sill tor groceries. and remem- ber to vote next Tuesday. It's no use to preach how im- portant it is; you know that by now, so VOTE! + + + Candidates. Been listen- ing to the importuning of the candidates on the air and reading the public prints. and m ost what one gets out of it is how rotten the other fel- low is. Wonder why some of the men asking suffrage don't tell us what they will do for the common people. Be calm about it and talk as lf you were listening to some other man. That's all most of us want to know: just what have you to offer in this country of strife and turmoil for the· little man- for the guy who is being pushed around all the time by the unions, by the pick- ets, by the big politicians, by big business, by food goug- ers. hy minority groups! All 90 per cent of us want is a chance to make an honest living, a place to sleep--yeh ! -a chance to bring up the kids properly, etc. + + + Minlde ~ A few w~ ago a group ot busi- ness men on the h ighway strip from the Arches to Bay Shore Camp, formed the Miracle Mile association. If you'll go back a few years you'll remember that it was W . T. Jefferson who first bought a lotta frontage on that strip and erected a sign pointing out that that was Mi racle Mile. At the time we c •· thought It was just another polite fancy by a man who had spent most of his life in the advertising business. be- cause the land side of High- way 101 was nothing but a stretch of sand. Today the entire section is built with business blocks. just another evidence that it takes men of vision to bring growth. + + + Rt-Ian Technique. The Soviets have been advising ( !) the American public how to vote next Tuesday, re- commending C!O-PAC can- didates. That is a sure vote- getter for the other side, be- cause anything with a Rus- sian taint gets the X mark by most of the U. S. people. Nee.rly every \var veteran llates the Russians and feel they must be whipped be- fore real peace comes. + • • New J eweler. Ted Brown, well known Long Beach jew- eler, has taken over the store operated so successfully by C. E. Loucks a t Costa Mesa for several years. Brown plans his opening at 1797 Newport avenue this Satur- day and from a preview sur- vey, will present a full line ol handsome up-t<>-the-mln- ute. nationally advertised mdse. l\lr. Brown operates the Ted W. Brown Credit Jewelers in the Queen Qty but his local ston. will in no sense be a branch of that well known institution. + • • "'Die 11aa w. Adjoining Ille Brown store 11; that of "'The Man". which had Its opening lat Saturday and enter- tained a large crowd. It is operated by Monie Crawley, a pioneer Mesan, and G. T. Deraon, former manager ot the Met:z&er store. Both are up and roming young busi- -men and tlie stuff I saw In their emporlwn was nifty, ~ bilh quality and well ,.,.. lected. In fact just the stuff the· •Wft&'! mall! likes to -· KEEP POSTED? 1 Year •••••• _. -~ 9S.1Soatel~ p:ee on.,_ -~..,..... Nl•--o_,'11,,,_L, Newpwt ._. .NEWPODT· { ' ' .. 0. • Ot•t1 Wt P !) Na-.. per Y 'tW A ·1 ... -., au n 'tt• ... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOAtlSLAl'ID.-OORONA DI!, MAR. COSTA MESA ---.-voLmmmvm ~~ MOMQS•ll . Marine Radio System M y Be Revampeil P. B. Evans Wi~s Purple Heart Award The Purple Heart was awarded today to First Lt. P. B. Evans of 1520 East Surf drive, Balboa. ac· cording to an announcement made by the Air TransJX)t't .Command. West Coast Wing, Pacific division, of the 150<1th AAF base unit at Fairfieid-Suisun army air base, California. On September 8, 1944. while at- tempting to return to England after suffering heavy damage at the hanch of enemy fig hters and anti-aircraft fire over the target. the B-17 "Eight Yanks and a J E'rk", piloted by Lt. Evans, him- self wounded and three members of his crew already dead, caught fire in one of the remaining two engines, necessitating a 'forced landing in the North Sea. Aft('r successfully ditching the crippled airplane the crew were subjected · to immersion In the icy ...... aters. wilhin sight of the German occupiC'd Dutch coast. ror twclt'e hours. The crficient R.A.F . Air Sea Rescue Service in their high speed Rescue Boats, under cover of dark- ness rescued the crew and returned the m 10 England. During the trip Lt. Evans noted that the boat was a Lend Lease product manu- factured by the South Coast Boat building Co. Piloting the Anny Air Transport Command's rour engine C-54 Sky~ masters on t he Trans·Paclftc routes consequently holds no fears for the amphibious Lt. Evam who fre41.uenOy vi.sits his mother·in-law, Mrs. Clester W. Brown, formerly of Balboa and now of Honolulu, T.H. County Oerk B. J. Smith an- nounced today the selection of Costa Mesa and Newport Beach voting precincts for the Nov. 5th <'lection. COSTA MESA Precinct 1: American Hall, West 18 street. Precinct 2 : Jens Hamen resi- dence. southeast corner or 16th street and Orange avenue. Precinct 3 : Fire Hall, rtochester street, between Newport boulevard and Or ange street. Precinct 4: Dudeck's garage, 179 Broadway. Precinct 5 : George ~ferrell's residen(e, 2123 Orange avenue. Precinct 6 : Lamberton's garage, 21351 Santa Ana road, corner Vic- toria. Precinct 7 : Grammar 19th strttt. Precinct 8 : Lindbergh 23rd and Orange strttts. Precinct 9 : Gill's garage, Orange avenue. mwPQRT BEACH I Ets-Hok.in Firm. Annoumes re.- Branch Mai.INet , Milt SchU& of Los Angeles. ~ er-al manager for the Ets Hokin- GaJvan electrlcal encfneering: com- pany, announced today the ap- JX>intment of J . B. \Voods of Bell- nower as the new manager of the Newport Beach branch. Woods succeeds Gerald L. L~ erty of 209 Broadway, Costa Mesa, and Nelson Stafford of 424 Santa Ana avenue, Newport Heights, who were co-managers of the firm un· til they agreeably decided recently to dissolve their partnerlhip and go intd' other businesses. \Voods has been with the electri- cal company since 1944 when he joined the Southern California main branc h at Wilmington. He \Vas firsl n journeyman electrician and then for eman at the company's location at the Naval Drydock In Wilmington. f-fc \\'as la te r transferred to the Nc\1.'port Bt>ach branch as an es- timator a nd job supervisor and shortly \vas made marine superin- tend;i n t here. By: HUOR McMILLAN • r • ' • ' - •THI "CAUFCHUaA llA•ER"••• • • OF r1ncr **What Spire Shirts Glwe You.Finest form- fittin g tailoring, and California's exclusive Spire Roll Coll or (t he points really stay down) with its new laundry folding guide. •What Prince Oxford Is. A perfect, cool, a bsorbent Oxford Cloth made only by the fomous Dan River Mills. It is Sanforized against shri nkage, easy to wash, and the soft, •marl pastel colors definitely will not fade. 54..75 When in LAGUNA BEACH Corne to THE SNACK BAR "WHERE A SNACK lS AS GOOD AS A MEAL" For REAL FRENCH ONION SOUP < ORIGINAL GRil.I.S YUMMY HOME-MADE DESSERTS Open Dally 11 :SO to 5 (Cloaed Frldan) Sunday \Ve Serve a Special BRUNCH 10 to 4 1492 Coast 81\·d. Soutb-Pbone 5271 IN TI-lE ART CENTER IL I D 0 • NIGHTLY THRU SATURDA\'_.t 8:19 -·-Mat. Sat. l :t4 June Ha,•er • George Montgomery • Vivian Blaine Celeste Hobn • Vera-Ellfln • Frank Latimore "Three Little Girls in Blue" A DelJPttul. Mmlcal-Cowd.J' Im T-hJcoior! 1'1111: Ezceptional March of 'llme-MATOIOC POWER" 8U11f'DAY ·MONDAY -TUESDAY-NOftlllaber S • 4 • 5 CollUnuoaa Sun.. fl"om t:IG e M-.. a or.-., at 8:44 a 1:!4 Ml CM1m • IJ.Ml Nl'WIU ...., ...., . n• c:ua.IJM ...., ........ , ' .... MMGAUT O'IRllN llDllll UB!Wm llWIS STONE --AlllOU> -IS llrOtEll ., Wed: "Qeed'a a IMvkl" 1 l!r IJfre•p TJtupt • o.llfac .r Oet••• TARS SET FOR SAllTS SATURDAY Ar , istice Day Gn Carnival Pa ings Made MELLOW FELLOW SAYS··· Tack1e BUI Weatt.erwax .. oae of Ute malll ,... .. tut oppot;I· Uon sTWaters bave bad trouble maklnc any •ubetantia.I r;alo.a tbrouch the SaJlor forward wall thb teMOD. BIU, a junior ••b o ls destined for Sun.et reoopl- tlon before his play\nc daya are over at Sewport, welKbs 130 pound.a, Is fut for a lineman and bu been a 8tandout on both defense and offense.. -Gerhardt photo lla lfback Roy \Vard 111 rt•Mly to go t.J:"&ln11t the Santa A na Salot!I Saturd.ay n.lcht In hh1 r oll" of Algnat calll"r , locklnit back a n d CK'C'&Slonal ball l'arrler and pas· 11er. Tbf'rf' ha,·e bt"f'n t lmf'• w hen R oy has bet>n C'it.lll"d upon to kick too, so thit.t makf'~ thh~ talentf!d m eml>f'r of the Sallor t>lrven a quadruple threat." ---{;erhardt photo This has been known as the ~oek ot the Big Try'' up on Newport Height.I for the pa.st few days because this is the week that the Harbor Sailors from David· son's Emporium meet tbe mighty Santa Ana Saints in the feature SUnset League game Satunlay night at the Municipal Bowl. Tus- sle time is &lated fOf' 7 :30. Coach Wendy Pickens' charges go into the fray with an even-up record for the sea.son of two wins and ditto losses while the county seat eleven members wiggle into ~ their moleskins on the a-est of a tour game winning streak as well I as being defending Sunset League champs for the third straight ,year and So. California CIF top dog lut season. Th.is encounte.r , which was changed to the Bowl Monday after being originally scheduled for the Newport pasture, will be the sec- ond league fracas for both squads. Newport having lost a heart- breaker to the Fullerton Redskins and the Saints ha ... i ng subdued the same Indians 12-6 in a hard-fought match. All of which a dds up to the fact that Bill Cole's Saints are heavily favored over the local lads who have shown plenty or punch be- tw('en the 20 yard stripes but have had some trouble generating in the touchdown department. It is well expected. that the six to eight thousand fans viewing the game "'ill see a "titanic" because the Tars can never be classed as a pushover and they a re pointing for this game like they never pointed before. The Pickens' ag- gregation \lo'OUld like nothing bet- ter than to knock over the touted champs and set the Victor y Bell i n the school tower pealing joyously once again. The Saints have shO\\'ll plenty of po"'er in racking up their four \\'ins this Fall and the sparkplug of the t('am has proved to be a ha rd running. accurate throwing quarterback. Johnny Fouch. Fouch has scored four touchdowns so far this season but more than that, has been the main dog In the Sain t offf'nse and responsible for many long gains. He is definite ly the man to be feared both for his run- ning a nd his passing. In games to date, whenever the Saint ground attack h as bogged down. F ouch has taken to the air \vi.th devastat· ing effect. Another Saint threat in the backfield for Santa Ana is Full- back Chuck Baker \\,'ho has scor ed five touchdo""'llS and is a line plun- ger counted on for needed yard- age. H alfbacks Lloyd Thomas and Doug Wagner are both good block- ers a nd ball carriers and round out the starting backfield for the champs. In the line, v.·hich is plently beefy, Les Bolton, 220 pound tackle and his brother Bill, 195 pound Newport Associated Takes Lead in Basketball League Nlna'a (26) F H anson (2) F Harvey(ll l C Ogara (9) G Stege (3) G Ogarag With the help of the l\1yrehn I Myr ehn (28) Bros. quintet, the Newpor t Asso-Attridge (5) ciatcd baskclball team is now sit-1 Attridge f l Ol ting on top of the lea~uc stand-. Spink (12) ings with three "'ins and no losses Wallace following Tuesday evening·s com-1 l\·lyrehn munity basketball conference con-Scoring subs-Myrehn: Shafer tests. (1). The Associated ·five came up Associated (2S) Outlav.·s (I S) with a 23 to 13 win over the Robinson (1) F Stanley (1) previously unbeaten Outlaws while Marshall (5) F Rima (2) Myrehn upset the dope bucket Kennell (7) C H ess (2) with a close 28 to 25 victory over Freitag G Woody (4 ) the favored Nina's squad. Harbeson G Engstrom The other con test of the even-Scoring su~.Assoc'd : Barnes ing between the American Le-(10). Outlaws: Moffitt (4 ). glon buketeers, who are atiU Cua.ha (U ) Leeton (!!) lookina' for their first win, and Hill fll) F Coppersmith (4) the hJch school Casaba club, went Spicer <12) F Fosa (4 ) to the latter outfit in a hard-Hope C Cottle (2) fought 34-22 battle. The Legion Talatl'a (5) G Kelly led by four points with four Welles (6 ) G Statz 12) minutes to go, but folded in the waning minutes and the Klub fin- ished strongly for their ""·in. George Spink of Myrehn's, Statz of the Legion and Spicer of Cu- aba. all led the scorin& parade for the evening with 12 paints. Tar Cees Defeat Downey, 12-6, for Fourth Straight Coach Ralph Reed has an- nounced that an all-star quinte t , chosen from the conference mem-While their big brothers were hers, will meet the famous profK-enjoying the relative ease of a sional colored outfit trom New Sunset League bye last week, the York the Broadway Oown.s on Ne"1>0rt Harbor Cee team manag- Tuesday .January 7. ' ed to run orr their fourth straight ' victory at the expense of a fight- ing Downey lightweight outfit, Mesa LIQUOR SHOP l'IM Newi>O'* 81..S. Plenty of Whiskey No Umlt to ...,. of --008TA MDA. CA•.D'. nio.e llw 1111 12-6. Ward ,and Watts were once again the scorers fOT the local li&hties with Watts scoring on a sweeping reverse play and Ward lugging the lea ther through the middle .. Fumbles and penalties marred the Tar offensive and held them to the lowest score that they have racked up .a far this season. BEAT the SAINTS DOD D'S MALT SHOP BILL "Slllntr" ROBERTS. Center ........... Par~· gs for the big football car- nival t be held on Armistice Day at Da 'dson Field under the &us- pices the Newport Harbor post of the !American Legion, were an- nounafS this week as plans for the alte~n of gridiron antics v.·ere rompl~ted. A t9tat of 12 teams will meet on thq Newport Heights fielrl and each Will play one quarter of 20 minutfs duration which Will pit six tet; from the North against slx fr the South. TvJde Bob Boblu, who oper-The ' feature game of the first ala at Ute other end of the J.lJle ha1f fill be between Nitwport from BW Weathe n\'U., ls aaoth-Harbor and Garden Grove, while er sta.ndout ln the Tar Uaeup, the mf-io attraction of the second M·bo althou&'b Lnjured lut v.·eck half r.·i1 find the Santa Ana ln M!rlmmace. v.-•IU probably tee Saints going against Fullerton. a Jot of acdoa a.ca.hist tbe Saints. The ur contestants have rnet Bob will ha'·e the •tltches tak.en each other before with Newport out of a cut tn hhl knee today holding a 13-0 victory over the Ultra Smart SPORT SHIRTS The kind you MUST have if y ou really want to make an impression on you know who! BALBOA :t;NN BLDG .. at Foot of Balboa Pier. Ph. 1095 and v.itb the aid of IJandace and Grovers and Santa Ana ha\"ing a .. tape wru take hl• plact> ln the 13-6 Win over the Indians. • Hours: 10-6: Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 7 to 9 lilleup SatuJ"day nJcht. The l carnival is scheduled to '--------------------------.i -Gerhardt photo be(\n at 2 p.m. with Brea 1neet-•----------------------------------------ing C&pistrano, followed by Or- guard, have been standouts as ange versus Laguna at 2:20 and has Tony Snow, pass snagging Net!t against Garden G rove a t \Vingman. 2:40. On the other side of the pic ture. In e second half a t 3 p.m ., the Tars should be in pretty good Anaheim \\'ill meet Huntington shape following their ty,·o-wcek Beach follov.·ed by Valencia lay-off since the Fullerton game. agains ~,the Santa Ana Junior• Both "Doc" H anson and Bob Rob-versit ·and then the Fullerton- ins, Y.1ho have been nursing some Santa !Ana fracas. pajnful injurk>s. should be ready Six portable bleachers trom to go for at least part of the strug-Ca.mp ,Callan have been erc-ctcd gle and Buz Chambers Y.ill make or \\·i ~ be erected before the his first appearance with the locals game pate o n the Newpor~ H ar- since the St. Anthony game when bor High field and plen tiful seat- hc tore several ligaments loose ing haf. been assured by th~ local from his hip. The return of Cham-post. r: r ecord-break ing crnwd is bers, \Vho is a hard running a nd expeclfd from all over Or ar.ge s hifty tailback as \Yell as the No. countyt a nd the prOCN'ds of the 1 passer. can be counted on to day's festivities go to the Pro- considerably strengthen the tricky posed ~ esbyterian hospital to ~ Sailor offensive. erect in Ne\\'J)Ort Beach. \Vi th his duo of scat backs. Louie ~tello and Jimmy Ashen. the plunging of "Bogey" Horrell. the SJX'ed of Brian HanzaJ, the block- ing of Roy \Vard and Cha mbers, Pickens has a good line up of talent to threw against the Saints. All in all, it looks like q uite a Fresh • Delicious • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS Fresh Caught - Fresh Fish and Seafood in Season WHOLESALS and RETAIL battle and, as has been said be-~ rare. ii looks like the "W eek or IUIL y'~ REFRIGERnTIDn the Big Try". More than half of the e•bm»ted ERVICE comPnnY 100 million automobile \vheels no\\' Salm ~ Enctneertn&' -Service rolling on American streets a nd 920 cOut Blvd., Oorona del Mar BAYSIDE FISH MARKET high""•ays are doing so on synthetic I ~-Barbor 2'78' 28th St. and Lafayette NEWPORT Ph: llarbbr 615 rubber. 'ipt, Lacuaa Ula • I •• :1 I I I I I - • 1 ~~ I I I I Halloween uahers in th "scary" seaaon. I Drive in at this sign of first aid for Fords. We mean it's a good itea to look ahead and ·I Motor tune-up, steering and brake adjW!tn\enta, lie sensibly afraid of bad;:ir;i:er drivllJa' I defective glass or windshield wiper replacement add , •. and do 10me-r about it. I up to a mighty ounce of accident prevention. --------------+-------------~~ ~ UallJa' gen~ Ford parbi, our factory-trained mecbanicf care for your oar by factory-approved methods. Fpr rood Ford treatment "there'1 DO piace(1ae home." I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I 5t0r•· \I I' ,,,,, \ \\' ~· ~-- Peop~ won't believe their 97ei ••• 70ur Ford will be 10 peppy. And your driviq will be IO much safer, :roa'll fell a lot eaaier in 1our mind. 1' ' !_!!lm!f!!!~io!!fe Seivice and Fair Prices lrom ' •-a... p 271'1 ... I • • • • Balboa Central Market 708 E. f.entral, . Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 'The Fever Bark Tree' Telk Fasci~ating-Story of Quinine Again We Have CHOIC ·E MEATS Reasonably_. Priced (Cut to Yoar 8peNI Order. l!aiWadloll 6-tem) Garden Fresh Vegetables Fancy GROCERY AND Items DELICATESSEN roa YOUR. OONVJ:ND:N(JI: WI: a&llAIN OPEN nm>AY ... 8AT111U>AY EVENINGS 'TILL t · ··AND ALL Bil 8l1NDAY See The ''CENTRALINER'' Boh1Ho11, 46-ft. All-Steel Fisherman CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Barbor 1580 ., Have That Glass Installed BEFORE R-AINY SE-ASON HARBOR GLASS co~ 2811 _Lafayette Pboae Harbor 866 Auto Glass e Boat Glass and Boat Letterlag PHONE llAllllO& ll'I FOR SIGNS BENEDICT APPllsr ~~. 1'l11nt.if 11I aga;,. llf ._,. .:t_ .... -. .. ~..,. "'c.. -~-...,---··•hwtiw .. ... ~~ .. u•• """.u Spinach ..._':-":I .. n-.-1111. Diced Carrots -.::::: lZ. DicedBeets ~--11• -.. Sboeatrinq s-_., ll' c--. Cut Green Beam '': l .. ~-·-~ CutGreenlleam '': l• ---lllltfU//lllHI Doq Food -.._"':: rl" t-• ...... t "k. CiqarettM -I.II O •olw P ... 0..-, fll I *• .-._ ~ ,...._ --T_.... °"' G.lr*t, --.-..... ...... -.~ _ .... WmgsCiqarett""-1.- ,..._. IZMoc. Tomato Soup a "!.-29' '-'-Velveeta .-o-s1• ~~­Z.-.~1 11. Juice Blend-·~ 17" -.O"eo.. --< ... 4.k. Radiant Fruit Mix •:;: 35" LIMB ROAST 4-$ rill ........ "' ..... "-'" ..... - LAMBBRWT T"*'r.--.i.e.a.-.. tnieit•NM.. COD FILLEIS .....,. * ... ,_ Del~ .... SrrwW..,.., .. 45c .. 25c: .. 45c IUIOCI .. FIBIS .. a-y_,. .......... iOe¥lit. .. M..Y .... llffliL~A. OYSIW ,.,,.,,. !!!!!!. .. SJ-~-11,.·.i-. FOWi. gs n1ms a-,._ """ ..,.. ,..,. .. ____ .. --·- ...... ,., '" ""•• ""' ......... . ........ -....... -.. .. ,.....~ ..... ~ .. ,,.. .. _-.... __ ...,, !i'",.. ""' -, ........ .:;; __ .......... '"'·.:::; s..;;....:,,.. ... , ... ~ • UllUIHIT Apn'oots --_. -----ApplM<IUce • !-."':• . ll/llNR/111 Hltl Grapefruit Juice Z '!:' 21' T ___ .....__llC_ Grapefruit Juice,,__ I .. ,._ _____ llL ..... .Nw;1 .....,., ,, ............. ....,.19_ .. ie .... HANSEN'S z100 o.-a Froat • Confectionery & Lunch • NOW OPEN EVENINGS Malts • Sandwiches • Hambwgers hndry'a Roi: Caady • CaWlng Ice Cream DlllERWABE BY VJ:llNON ~ MONTEREY EARLY CALIFORNIA BROWN-EYED SUSAN ~ CALIFORNIA RUSI'IC PATIO WARE ~ DEVILED .mG PLA'n:S *"-0-• • LI SO.Liii POTIEIY SIOP 954 South Coast Blvd. 1.-guna Beach • • • . -~ . . -, ~-~:[ .. ......... .....-... ,. ''-"'"'~­--~:-.• ...... ..... J. .. ................ ........ .. .. ,,.._ ... _ .. ... ., ....... _ ........ ,: ... ~,,.~ _ ... ,, .. J :\,....-... ,, ..~ ........ ~ -----•.r _ ... _ . .:;:,. ·"' $-: . ,. • ·-. Annou~ci·ng ... The ApjJOintment of J. B~ WOODS As Newport Brandt ·Manager • We,Are Now in a Position to Take Care of Year Eledrical ProblemB c~""' Exide Batteries Floodlights • Searchlights with K•ow •• How! CO Two Fire Eqpt. Anchor Winches .Kohler Light Plants Kirsten Photoelectric Pilots Lighting Fixtures, Fittings announces the OPENING of .Pot£, q,,.,,. fl'!"'>-~ St.lio Your lnspectjon lnvlb!d ten to eight TUES., NOV. 5th 300-A Marine Entrance on BaJbm Aft. BALBOA ISLAND P~one Harbor2241-J *** :he beutaMt .ed ••-. chonicol 2IClilGta '1 • •.,.._. Soti0tt.'' h isn 't necsst• t ...... client lo diorob. lat • - -t(o .. of..._...,t" is equal to ....... '• .... -}. Many doctmi _, "-~itols -lhe \l;;~~: • -illustrated ........ . •• + : in9 it helps to incrw. ri I. tion ond il•proffl •elali mb im Jocolizecf Clf'9CI?. So.. • a • • cloi• that il ha& and ._ tinut trowbl .. p As YOU c.., .... ....-..,1 w: .._ r1:n~._~ .... ... i• -:y, ..ra ............ ::l' 7 !::i':a'::,1:'.. ":., ~; ';"...,.so.fvl:i -....... . , -flirst ,,_ Be °"., «' ...... ................... ~ .. body, ..... ----O•Y! .. Wo .......... .,._ ~ Mir ...... ~;=1• .... --·.,_ .... ------bodc .•• o..-# ..._ 3-TI.it , •••• , dol. .... -.......,_..._.Sf ... ...... ,. .. ._..... .. . 4-'Blt -....... ._ • ... ~ ........ , ......... .. -.• w. ... ). . S-Y-z'C' , .......... ___ .,_ ._A ____ ,._ ........... -1-n.. .... .,.,.. __ _.,.... ..... _ I-Ams..... ,_. ..... ...,.. __ ...... . ._.... __ .. , .. .. ......... ,._, • n .1 ..... ____ H-J.--....... .. ,....," . '· ..... ~ •. , .... .. ---~ ...... -1 ....... ~ ... Ii.iii'_ ,, } ...., ... -.. . ' • • ·- -c -, • - • --v.&a : I • ~..! .... ~=..l·~==~-~:::::::::::--:::-::::::--~~~~~~~i:::::::::::::::::::::":·::e:!i!!:7i~'i;·;·~·;ao;;A::M;•;;;:·;--;;···e: ... rt. !+«>TP 2 NIEWPOllT ..... BOA -~~ I N~~. ~.:J.'JA-E .. s NE w s T--=i~~...:-.. Letters To The N~ws-Times Is-~·~~·llP=•t ~.::.. ·-"!"l"-thant-- v-mtm of the .... -.... a. w • -DlllA>r, News nm..: .:i..,;.J" mu. him tbelis. -COii-Apt ... .. I -.... Cle )'Olli' name and Ah11 Z • V-D C H U R C H E S .:;;:1.=n You pi:"" to put Into JUUi' col-suldnt but ""Ibeir llepreomtatlve ~ = C:-1n• b~ remombor la my will." . -.1 iptloD PQ9hle In Adu ,,_.,. ,_ ,_ In On,. OoaDl7 SUndq s; d 9:30 L m. = out ty~ pep~~~ ~f:i:S u.elif:.n ~.:~ 0 . after an air raid and ulr:od His lmPKUDJoua deli.....,. &eod S2.'15 -,_,.to 4tb w ; S3JIO per,_ lo 8111 -IZanllllr ----l0:411. PORT BALBOA NEWS-TIXES" ~1 ·~---~et ~th -cha~ut~ -ther be bad been _,,..... clur-down at him .!or a mcment. and ~ rot 1:00 -~-•• • In& tl>e attad<. then rep1lecl, Ah, cuv'no<, Ah'!n J:B-u Se<ond-Qw --at'tbt ,...,,_ In Newport Buch, OUR LADY 0,. MT. CARMEL --P. m. -and 1"U should call your column feur 110 be -.Id keep bio valu-"No llr,'' ~ aokller _,,~ no dosarvlng o' lllld! &11 ..,.__ 9nda7 M=sr11: 8 ad 10 LIL E¥enlal' ~ .rw:e at Rin&tt"" NOW!-Why!f -on ac--"""'""-.,. cru;y ''I w u cool u a cucumber.. ,1-.. r-cu me ......... a Callfornla, under die .6d cl -S. 18'19 1411 w"" -I A---·1"" l:JO P. m. '"Ibo E;ye Opener" or "'Ibe Bell ab~· · olf _ .... ,_the -_,......_ 81.ippme ~ •-t t otr ~ &All D. PORTER PublWls Oont•1Jlou: 8&turda.P rna T:IO ddodL count o( a few M'W' cornen in Bal-As "o the mbJin .. Swen:• the C. 0 . smiled. "I lh1lllna rlcht now!" F.G.FROST Utar •:OO to G:ao and from 7=-> to ~ _... _ -•k» boe Island and ccnina de! Mar 2 N ga lillNSW'eNo. wu afraJd )'OU might have been ,.,., ____ .1,• _____ _ W. F. DIXOO -, -- --Adft:1lolne v._ 1 80 at 7:30 o'dodt. · owmber bellot-tl>e dos· a little bit rattled hen called" l'!lntlna Plant, JOll W. Central A-Newport Brcti, c.ntanlia : p.m. votod down the moot beallhy thine rae&-l-Repuhllc al Panama bad It. In there w )'OU • Newport Harbor needs --rh e ~I i ve seen the crazy track .• were Zl,000 hcm>hen ~-·-· Paper of the Ci ... of N-.....rt Beach IT. JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH CHURCH o_,. CHRllT Water"--reel drinking water, and ) and bad to quit lt-wfly• coming ID at 18 ft."-The Point«. V .. J.ft:W •J -~ .!"" Bal-illand Chu-.... W ·-)'Oii come out aJ>d. A)':. "I would .T spend their nickels ..'., . A Dll•hhle 1.-1 las UI l'tn ._ 0.. ST y..,.. SundaJ Kw: 1:30 a.m. l.. OuMit ~~.,. ••nMter. still lnllsi on •'MWI)"' water even the and had -..1.; .... to eat-~ Bini. la tlliie 8-11. Oonf .. _, Batmdayw """' -: "'-·JO L ..... -If 15'll> al the people turned It Why not promote·~ Lottery The water-loqed Scot lay- PVW Aetfve 7:IO to 1:19 p.m. ~. 1l L 1L llcftl:lg wonblp. down etc''.-The lnfiJU.tlon of f<>< . benefit al the needy and Ing on the -· He bad just l'LA.T W0U .A.Im »W•ihABDW ., .... b o-k*;~: ......... _ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Member A•1111rwv ,.. OF GOD salt water from the sea--wtll yw Y the O.P .A. and save tl>e bet!n resaied from drowning and ODllOKA DICL 11.&a - -pleue tell the people what else That's all Sam.I Wish yw --------_::_...:.::::..-=~----------- ~ OOIOl1Df1Tr llw7 ... Wa ••tr, r..... ~ 1M water is made ot and can-health. and another 15 yean --------------------__:~~~~-! CIR1ac&. 00lfoa&OATI01'AL ..Anene- 1 ....-BaD. 1... taina and the-cure necessary to with knowing )"OU.. Let's Build Together Pwry e?i~~:m"m SUnday ~~ != make It fit for domestic use.-sincerely, -...-. Well, thats that.-Frank F . Kolarik. ccnina de! -llomlns -· 11 Liil. Boom Patterson for O>w!ty re-tired M.M .l Eng AOOOIJ!IT.QIT ;rBl~~-~rw~•~NB~:,-~IRJJIGBONll,~~~~~D~P,~ Sunday, November 3, 1946 Evenlnc evaneellstlc -ar Post--&;--Shelley Committee Told rt Beach. Oct. ~ · I:------------- 9:30 a.b. °'"""' IChool 1:30 p.m. eonmbut1on to Development or B k k i 11 :00 a.m. Morning worship. Ser-Mld·week rrervice. 'Thuraolay at Newport Bay Area!-0 0 e e p DI' The shootin' war's over-but the job is far from aver for mon by Mr. Schrock: "'The n and 7:30 p.m. My Dear Sam-Pat does n o t Ser V f Ce World War II veterans, take it from Ronald Button, Now." need any BOOM-for with his AMVETS commander, Department of California. Instead FIRIT CHURCH OF CHA:aT, Chris tian Srience T ext foresight and engineering ability HE has practically saved from of bullets, they must use ballots; instead ol advancing on SCIENTIST . ·Everlastin~ P11nishn1ent' destruction, the S<>-Called "Bay General von Runsted or Admiral Yamashita. they must rout Lido Theat•r. Central A.venue 'fhe Golden TPs t or tl;le s undaJ Window" of Newport Harbor, Gen 'ra1 A th f trol f American ci · aff-i-..... and "1"' L•do Let1l'On·Sermon on ··i.~verlU llng Pun· worth millio ns of dollars, from e pa y rom con o VIC ""~r A b-nc• of -. Mother Cl>"-b, &• J '.1.1 ~.. labmenr · In au t>ranl'hea of r be erosion. and as to the Shelley the fighting has no t been successful. • The F1nt Chu.rcb of Christ, Sci· Mother Chureb, 'rbe First Cburcll Committee-Pat ts the only one 11Ame rican Veterans o f World War n fmaily believe that enu.t, ta Boston, Maepchueett& or Ch rist. Sclentlwt. In Boston. la whose advice should be followed. Sunday Sc•-1 at 9·SO a. m. Sun rron1 the P1'almi; :\nd reads : "The d if had ything · the returning veterans still have a big job to do for their ~ · · an I an to say m day Sen-tee at 11 L m . Wedneeday Lord 18 k nown by the Judgment his favor-the Newport Beach and country-a job which did not end with V-J Day''. Button ~ TMUmonial Meeting a.t u o'clock wblrh be ei ecutetb : the wicked I• the 0ran~. eoun•v -··tal cl"es I •Dared lD lbe 1''0rk of bla oWO · • ~ ~ '-' cliired. "We believe that a greater job lies ahead than the Reading Room located at 111 bandi." 1--:::==========~==::::::;;;~~ one behind and that the veterans of this war have today the Palm street. Balboa, 11 open dally A Scriptural •election from Mal· • · b'orrl 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun· tbrw'• Goapel rel:ltes lbat "as Jef!Ua greatest challenge of their liva We have pledged our-da.p and holidays nationally otr ••t at m eR.t In thl" bouse. bl"hold. selves to continue the fight for the American way of living een·ed. man1 publlcana a.nd sl nn .. r,. came d · di "duall d llecti el · ol · d The pubUc le cordially invited to &lid Aat dO\VD with him and his di• an to m V1 Y an CO y, Y grve our tiJne an en-attend tbe chur ch eervl~ •-' u9'8 clplea. And wben the Pbarlaeea aaw ergy to the reconstruction of our civilian economy. the Re:&dlng Room. It. the7 •aid unto blfl d laclpl ea. WbJ ea t eth your Ma.ater with publlc·ana "We are pledged to fight all ISMS ex<Ept AMERICAN-and fl lnnere! But when Jealll! beard ISM. We are pledged to g ood government by making g ood BT. JAMES EPISCOPAL that. hA aaJd unto them. T hey that CHURCH be whole need not a pb1slctan, but government and becoming part of it. We have pledged our-515 West Central, Balboa thP.J that are sl('k. Out go ye aod 111 ll:ut.e A .... a.N' IL W. J , 8 , WHYTE Df8Qllm 'l'il OeJISCILT.&Jn' ••ttnted br ii.e u ..... s .... ~ 97' D111r ' '° :wcwa& cin.u la ~w1 .... -...&u~ &llMft • llWIW MM8 C8 PiMO mnaa -............ -...._ ---•ac1J1•1zcr Armand Monaco ARClllTIJCT 81' w, Bay A.Ye~ Balboa llartlor 1'7U l'l!t ~ood A"" Loo Aqel.. N0nnand7 - Dr. W, T. Mooney ..,...au118ugc• f'ln'l5IOIAN8 a 8UllGBON8, 11,11 A. V. Andrews, M. D, ; . ·-.. PBY!llCLUf -IRJJIOBON U1 OIMt JllPwaT ... _..... .. Oo-.dol- .Jolm IL C, Cblllllo K. D, ..,..... ....... & •• 2 I 4 7 • 8:311 and by appointment Beacon !5015 "' l!:ut l!ltll 8-0..la II-~ selves to fight for the p~rvation of the beliefs that made (Ebell Clubhou•) learn what that mPaneth. I w-111 ha,·e ~!::============:::==========~ ho k de Rev. ArdYI T. Oean, Vicar mercy, and not garrlf\ce : tor I am ~ 1.-------------lr------------ US as a nation great, and to fight all thoee W see to un r-8 •• H 1 Co Ion not r ome to call 111 e righteous. but D y H pledged di :-.. &. m.. 0 y mmun . i oes our ouse R. L. HOLFORD ~ H, Dorey, II, D. mine those beliefs. lo mvets have themselves in , 1 • nnecs 10 cepen1a nce:· . .,,,..... :46 a..m., Sunday School. Mary Bak@r Eddy wrtlel!J In -.. Sci· .... vidually and collectively to be good citizens and fJght foe the 11 :00 L m .. Morning Pray"r and en('f! and Health with Key lO the Need Painting? rights of the majority against special privileges of minority Sermon. (Finl Sundaya: Ho11 Srrintu"" .... H•olin • tbe •ick a no • Communloo.) reror mlnp: the sinner are onP antJ >.-- the 1aml" thing 1n t:hrlatla.n Scl eoce. lo( pressure groups. "Amvets, an organization exclusively World War II vet- erans, is not and will not become a political organlzatioo In any sense of the word. We nevertheless feel that Individually we must perform one of the first obligations of good citl7.en- ship by voting at the polls In all local, state and national elec- tions, and seeln gto it that others do likewise. "On behalf of the American Veterans of World War II and all veterans, whether of this war or the first, we urge every veteran to vote at the coming elections. "\Ve fought together-now let's h1ild together for a bet- ter and stronger America." . . . And Vote Together! All Americans took part In national affairs during the war-and now, we must become active In world affairs, if the peace is to be won, Mrs. Ryer Nixoo, state president of the American Women's Voluntary Servioes of California, de- clares. She sees no letup In the obligations of all citizens, and Is spurring the members of the A WVS to work for a fuJJ vote as they worked with the armed forces and in scores of other fields during wartime. "November 1946 gives each of us a chance to enter the arena of ·world affairs and to influence the trend of these crucial times. No matter how humble our part In world af- fairs seems to us, through the power of the vote we have a chance to ma ke the scales tip either towards confusion and chaos or towards sanity and lasting peace," she states. ''Tills year a full house of representatives and one-third of the senate are to be elected. What do you know ot the background and thinking of the men and women presenting themselves as candidates for these high ottlces? If they are ·truly. to represent ~ majority of Ull. they must not be elected by a rubber stamp vote but by the ooosldered choice of an intelligent electorate. "It Is equally 1-1portant to study candidates for election to state positions. Half ot the California State Senate and the fUll Assembly must be cboeen this year. "Discuss the fitness of the candidates with your friends, neighbors and the club group to which you belong, but do not shift your individual responsibility to others. It is your Indi- vidual duty and privilege to exercm.. your vote. "Make sure you vote and see to It that your family and friends vote also. '"!'be peoples of the world look to the United States for Jeedersblp. We, the voters, must provide the leaders." E P.A.PALMER UDO;:;=...:'::;;$!::;;• •PllWJ li!5 W. 0. BUCK-Ins..rame Ca.noelor ~ 1500 IJJ-.id-4-' 3333 VIA. LIDO ~ ' , MODEll MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BA•llOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate A venue Rev, Harry W. Whitt, A-.oclate Patt.or Ql.urc.b School, 9 :30 L m. Morning Wonblp, 11 L m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cl. Edwin Osher, Paato,. Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9:30 Lm. Chun:h achool toe an -11:00 &.m. Momtnr Wonb.lp: J Muage: "We Thank Tb. ..... 11:00 Lm.. Nuntery for all chll-1 dren dwtic arvlce. 4 :00 p.m. Methodist Youth .J'el- lawmhlp. Young Adult Fell~p. 7:00 p .m. Evening Wonhlp:- K-ce: "Come Te Ll•e." SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Comtt Bolsa and Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa Sabbath school, Saturday mom- In&. 9:30 o'clock. Preaching service, 11 a.1IL FULL ,G08PEL CHURCH !:2nd and Elden, Costa M ... Sunday acbool, 9:4.5 : mornlng wonhtp, 11; EvangellsUc eervice, 7:30 p. m.; Mid-week prayer meet- 1.ng on Wednuaay, 7:46 p. m.: young people'• evanceJllUc ffTVlce on Friday, 7 :46 •· m. COSTA MESA OHUBOH OP' GOD ae.. lanM!19 P. McGraw, Putor l .. OabrlDo St., Ooota 111- Sttvlces Sunday 10 a. m.. 6 :30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Doth curea requlrP the same method a nti a rP ln"Pt>Mrable In Truth. HalrP<1 . l"rlVJ, dl,.honei>ty. f ear , and .-o fort h. n1ake a man 1lck. a nd nel· t ber material medicine nor J\l lnd <'Dll help btm pe rma nently. e\'en 1n body. unlefla It makea him bettf'r mentally, and 10 dPllvera him f rom hi• <!ei1tro1era." CHRIST CHURCH BY THE BEA COmmunfty Methedlst 1420 w• Central Awnue -re:z FBIENI>Ll"' CENTaAL Rev. L O. Goodell, Putor BIBLE 0111JB011 . Cl>ltrCh Bcboo~ 9:50 L m. of Coeta 11-. \ K91'1lJDC W~p. 11 &. 1IL an. o.rtp.t Kl••••, put. , Youth r.DOW'lb.ip. e p. m. Meeting tem-arlly In the Wo-No evenlnJi worship durin& Seps men'• Club hOUle ternba. Sunday achool-9:4.5 L m. ...!':;~kV=~-=..~~ Won.hip servlce--11:00 a. m. p m.. ' ' • Young peGl>le'a service -6:30 . ji. m. EvenJnc evaneellstlc rrervioe--Cupboard Raided 7:30 p. m. Pra,yer meetlng-7:45 p. m. Fri- day, home of Mn. Hume. Huner>' thieves made a raid on Mn. Margaret Storing'• cupboar<I on the back porch of her home, 106~ Twenty-ninth •treet. New--t Beach, early Sunday, she 41s, closed to Newport Beach pallce. Examination showed the thievet had lootod the cupboar<I of canned fruit jUJceo, tuna and salmon. A cordial welcome to all. NllWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH °"'""' Chapel, Coota M- ""· Hwbert "et8'.. PU1Cw ... floN: Sunday, 10:80 Lm. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA l I • on.. J'• ... n ...... tD 0.. " (bzp 0.-tJ: All New--- Even the Location ' ' I One-Half Mlle F.ast ol Old Location m Coast Hlebway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar .--... No waiting. _Work clonfl lnu!Hdlately by h!ply skilled .Jollnleymea Pain U!I~ the mod mod, em equipment and finest le ~..-- Owned and operated by World War D Veteran -king your penmnent will aad patronage. "T~a1k you ... -.ig~bors ... " "I cloo't kaow wbo !ba.ces J.., petty liac ..... • ••• bat .., bot':,,::t;.~: for mm tboupf"'-wl . ' . NM-Jly, we trJ ID iDlb fc P.'"11!"' tbml. COO. . • ADd die ..,.&1 Well, .,j,,•re all priag doe --o1-~ J.r.x.e m... t-''* --. .. c1aysr- . 1lit GIN• I• ftr parlJ U. 11itfihn • s.,...,...,caUo-..io1 ......... --_....,........ • Talk emir • ..... mu • • -=ii ca1L • 11-c:aWoc-· ,..,.. _ ... _ _,.dW_.,.._,.._ladoar. • A* J01U ,.-.5 1 n .,.. --•a l9ie dlll ....,..._ • Am,. ... -.. "'l'io<e .&n. r••·'-1. a11. r ....... c.ia.r.i. 1 .......... c •• , .. , ..... C 1m lMI ' • • ... -- Ooota M ... Pbone Santa Ana U1G W:oper Dnct-Instftute Dr. wu .... c, ,..._ Cblrop!'ftctlc, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy ... ~-111 .... ..u. i.c----- DAY llCBOOL DAY SOBOOL OPENll oor 1 o...-: OolL Pnp., ~ 0. A. MorUmer, K. A., ~ PrbMllpol --- Dr; DENTISTS " o~ IAlcas DEN'DST DB. GORDON IJ, BAPP DENTIST -Wed Olat!ol --UJsJ ' Newport: '?em Nathzd Life ._.,,.,., Oo, "D9 --•• '1• • a. .... .,.. -HUllGAlf ..... .. ...,,.... _...._A.._ •••11111. OCCIDENTAL un: IN8IJBANCll 00. RayNiellen .... es, ..... ---.. ........ &-. .... Harold K. Gnuel Chapel .... aw.iv. the--"' Senbc Othen _.. ....... Ill.I ~---om1• oli:1rmrm1• · &. 'I'. Belt&*'* ... 0. D, Opt1• t M nm a•llll4• IL&llllD DtlnMWIWD ~··,••·ssr ................... --.-1 ····=*--- RohatA. enwta .. .=.r A .... I •·A ..... lla-a11511t81& &I ----- Physician & Surgeon 321 lllarlne Ave,, . Bal--~-- Gordon II, Gnmdy, 11, D, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboe Inn Arcade Of!lce Rn.: 10,12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. PhonoBari>or:rl H. R. Hall, M. D. ...,..... ......... Hnun: 2'5, ~y Appointment T9lepbone --w ....... .,. llllton II, lluwell, II, D, 1111.0ou& --Oo_ dol _ Office Hounr: 1!>-12; 2·5 --·- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814' Bay Aft., Be•1a -· 1'114 Ml & BID St. Loo .&..-~'NU By Appain-t Gerald Ra1U8, M. D. 2830 West Central A.._ NEWPORT R&ACH ..... ...... ... ........ : ....... ........ X·Rq !!enioe . T. P. BeeW, ._ D. Wm, L Splwy, II, D, ~"''•= -11•--~ -& I -w. 00.U. G. N. PEASE, M. D. 0£ ...... -... 3 -I ......... I' IJ.ll..r 8U&i&IW Raab & Bennett ............... Im ..... * ...... a.aa. ... T' et•: 3 RllW -':·,~, !.i:a.i:c.::=i;: • Pl&JfO••tMn ~OTEACHER G.V.LIMUNBARD . <bdilale ..,.. 0 I fl J, I '" ' I'll. Butlar JZD.W - 111111 w. 0.0. ft.- , • • • • • M&WWWI' a&L98A ran ov. ' 1797 NEWPORT ' BOULEVARD • COSTA MESA Special Grand Nationally Known WATCHES Hamilton • Elgin Waltham • Longine Gruen-Bulova Benrus • Helbros Watch Repair Department A complete. .....,.,. repair de- putment under expert .uper- vtaion. Every watda I• checked OD Ule ldeattnc WW ATCB MASTER" to 1mu:re abllolut.e .... ....,,,. Alarm Clocks ELECTRIC CLOCKS Chime Clockl! Table Model RADIOS Emenon GILFILLAN Halton Silverware Nationally Adverti8ed PEN SETS Engraving Opening Hours ' -9 A. M. to 9 P. M. (These Hours Effective Saturday, November 2nd Only) We Believe Future the • 1n of • COSTA MESA • • • and In the fnrther development of this entire area • • · coast, harbor and beantltul mesa lands. We want to be a part of this com- munity · • • to grow with it. The same reputable quality merchandise and Interested service which ha\'e been the founda- tion of the Ted W. Brown buslne98 In Long Beach for so many year.i, will be basic guiding priB· clples of the new Costa Mesa store. PLEASE ACCEPT THIS INVITATION TO VISIT US SATURDAY, OR AT YOUR EARLIEST OPPORTUNITY . . . Every Diamond • carries a Written Guarantee to be exactly as represented All ualm1M"9CbMle record for ....,__ llelty &Dd latecrity -to ... - ftrm'• .~ repu.taUoll .. di ........ merchant&. Let m advlee you In tlala moe.t Important. parchue when yoa --..--........ * Quality Stones * Modern Settings * . True Values When noWa.c •ort of perfection wt1l do .•• come for your dtamond and odaer Je-.Y to tbe Jo-with wbom PEil· FECTION la a tradl.Uoa! TED W_ BROWN, Owner J, C HUMPHRIES, Manager New Store-New Merchandise Just in Time for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING -·-We Invite You to Use Onr Oonvenlent LAY-AWAY PLAN -·-BUDGET TERMS At no extra cost 111~ ID -.\"l\10 IBIR()\\AV~ 1797 Newport Boulevard COSTA MESA • ~ Sl lHI . . ' THE TEAK LADY. · ·o.e of roar .,......, io ecM111tr7 9iblae tM elld or u.e war la .a.o ... t. u. .......,. ot Site Padftc 11artne AMOd•tM or Cout BJcltway. Newport Be··la mt•"hl.re eraaer, wllldl -.1o "'CsM --Gt -~· of ,,... ,,._ and a :ral<al keel. -made la Cbbaa la A. l<l"C 8llpwa)'S of Hoact<oac and b-ctit to w. coaat.y ...,._ . Tiie Udy, of wllldl tbere are S% on &lae Padfte VMA a\ Udt tt bu aa overall of 11 feet lb. lacbee &Dd baa a .tx foot bMm. ... preved ~ a.mo boat eatlta:ll&ata. --Gerhardt oto. Citizens Asked to upport United Service Or anization Red.uctlon of draft calls and t~e 1 of maint~ing world peace," he 1 Army s announcement that vir-continued. f"America needs a citi- 1 tually all of its personnel will be zen Army "'hich can still com- madc up of volunteers in no way mand tha respect of its fellow-redu~s the need ~or USO serv-citizens. ~SO is the agency ices tn. 1947, according to a state-through wt}ich citizens can express ment issued today by \Valtcr D. that res~t and understanding" Heller. California USO chairman, The teen·agers-the ''Kid Broth- ":,1th headquarters In San Fran-l'r Army" e in equally great cisco. need of the services of USO Heller • Dr. Lester H .. 'frerling Will Open Dental Surgery Office Announcement ol tbe or · c from t11e UnlY<!n!ty ot l'ennlyl· of a clenW surgery oftice at 411 vanla and Thomu Evans Mu· Cout hlchwaY. em-dd -· llOllll\ and Dental Institute. beslnnlnc FridlQ'. -.-II>-He lo a member of I'll Omega day by Lester R. Vlerlbc. D.D.S.. dental fraternlt7, tbo Eta S1pna of Corona del Mar. • ~ undersraduate dental Dr. Vlerllna -boea a 1 I ... •t llOdet¥ and of the Omicron Kappa of Corona del Mar 1iD<e 19M. He Upolllon International honorary .. married and ---dental fntemlty. During the late .... be ... at· In. tu. tenior )'Ml' he wu in- tached to the U. S. Nll9J' ~tal terne at the UnlY<!nlty of Peut- corpo and wu • lend to -.,mn1a Settlement Houoe. He Marilie Air station at El "nln. -editor and chief ot t11e Y•ar- He received bis <x•••• ' Lm in book and Dental Record and asaist- the navy in 1942.. Eh-inc ~ tu. ent editor of the Pennsylvania dental i:ractlce in H• ' ;. N. Dental Journal. J _ He Is llcenoed in New Jer------- sey, Pennsylvania and c.utm'llla. EUqaette Prolll.ea. He wu called to -duty I ,.._ t.n them how ·rn vote in 19'3 and a year later be ..,.. UnW I leave their fi•t. married ln Genna. N . Y . When the hoot.Ula Republican Dr. Vierling .... &r-ted And the hoot • Democrat. "You Must Order N- .. For the Holiday•" s9'.! ... ,. ,• Famous a1b.1tos hnulo"-pt"e....,.. Spoh • StaiM • ........... •. CigaNtt. lkirns • Di1caL: fl:'lft • Suokl- • O."h ar>d Mmnd Tabl9 Tops. hvenlbl. for g~m•s. We obo _.. G-. tepe .... Min'Oft. ......... IHWU.ttON ---! Al.o Br•utilal WOOD GRAINS 501 E. Central Harbor S8 "ln fact.''. said Heller, "the vol-said. "Th e boys, \\'ho i~ their un.t~r sold1ers not only need the , off-duty h have more freedom sp1r1tual. morale and welfare facil-than they ever kno,,·n, need the ities of USO, but in every sense guidance a d the frie ndly help o f ROYAL TARI PAD CO., d~~erve the he~p . of their fellow-civilians. a 1 d USO is proud to be I I~~;;;;;;--;-~-·~·~ :_c~ .. ~-~·2-~;:~~~~~~11o~n~oo~~;;;;;;~ cttizens. For this 1s an Army made able to gi\;e them just that." up largely of re-enlisted veter ans I USO, H~ler pointed out, will -mC'n '''flo have. alr~a~y demon-1 continue o the job through 1~7, !ltrated once their w1Ihngness to with funds contributed to the cur - put. their country's needs above rent $19, .000 national drive. the1 ro\\·~-and of teen-agers who Californias 1are being asked to con- ~ave enlisted because they real-tribute 51.P.OJ.160 as their share 1zed. they must sooner or later of the funds nN'ded for USO to put 1n ther service." ··see Them Through." The re-i!nlisted veterans are ~ara:ely men who, during the shoot-"Are ~Y Bad Fairy Talcs'?" mg war •. had come to feel they Some •f ~he old versions. \\'ith were entitled to and actually had witches d ogres, might be; the respect and the sympathetic others, ho ever. a.re not so bad. un.de~~anding of ci~·iliaM, Heller Read this story, beautifully illus- s8ld. For the all-1mportant job trated in dur colors. in the Am- erican \Vetkly, the magazine dis~ Oaklanders Now tribute<! ~th next Sunday's Los In Newport Home Angeles E aminer. Among new residents in town ALn are Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Rapp, formerly of the LaFayette hotel. Oakland, who are established at the home, 4015 Channel place, MORTUARY Newpor t Island. which they pur- ~:!"'!,!as~.~~~0:hlle visiting the 1 They liked the locality so well t- they decided to make it their per-.:t -' ~anent home when Mr. Rapp re- tired from the hotel business, and Lac\y Attendant to keep up with their future com-4 munity had the News-Times sent t ;!; to them in the northern city. - Mr. Rapp is having a 3&-foot all-4! Coast Blvd. steel cruiser built at the Central CORONA DEL MAR Boat Works and when it is conl~ · h pleted expecu to spend an his ttme Telep one Harbor 42 fishing, or so he said when he dropped ln to see us the next day DlY AND NIGHT after arriving in town. ·----11-------- ' 72 Departures da ly from NEWPORT B CH Day and night Greyhoun buses roll along the highways .linking f.ou to your ' neighbor communities. Num rous, well- timed schedules make lt ~ for you to go where and whea you like . J. providing convenieat, low -cost uavel, I unequalled by any other form of traaspqrutioa. For me ltot ia bus tuvice .•• you can ...,,,, .. GttJlH-1. rv r C. C. SWAl'l'OIU> -1118 ea.&~ -ft. 8•-Mn • You Will Enjoy Eating at ALICE GENTLE'S Tr 'es Ga i Cafe Where Real • Old Fashioned Meals ••• Are Served • LWicheon 12 • 2:30 • Dinner 5:30 • 8:30 As our space is limited for the winter months, we suggest our patrons make resetvations for either 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30. -PHONE 6S!l - 1745 Coast Boulevard South IAOIJNA BEACH -(CJ:::LC.(&:IJlSE:D WEDNESDAY- * TOP RANKING~l • I ABLE! r. llie S--1 1--.1 Moot lmpo;tant Ollloa WWclo Calls for TOP Abllityl . -··~.·~ FAIR! Fred N. HOWSER far ATTORNEY GENERAL . Jtaf911 • .... • ........ prt>f '°' J'led N. ~ It-..--.... -._ a-1. m.rPOL•• • 'ti , wnotedtllroqlatocd the .... -k' &s nciard u Dllbid Attcn.17 :J.,Los.,!•c n c r: ' a , mc1a omee 1a .._ ;;..:::e•0 ' _lill_tM_lordll ................. ,. -s. ·a. -"Z's&slaGP I L -ftli&&a: a ... , JS C \ &as a a . @£ ' • , I ... I I ' I For Fast, Acgrate FIG,ORiNG ,b,_ __ .. ••• t .... enw-. m&l7 ! Ne tnlallls • c '7 -lpeed -.. .....,.. 81.m-pllft.,. bJl oaN fer ~ ........... • TOTALING CAPACITY I COW- • DIRECT SUITllACTION • QUICK SUS-TOTAlS • RAPI> MUL Tll'l.ICA T10N • AU TOMA TIC TOT AlS • CIEOIT BALANCE, Ideal far Grocery Counter U. An actual demotlit.ratlon of your own figure-work will prove ll!I speed -and almpli~lty! \Ve will be &lad to de-rnonstrnte it to you wtthout obUgatloo. ( POLITlC.<\L ADVERTISE!'-1ENT) ELECTED in the primary . but still in the running! (,\'eroporl Harbor Reol1or) YOUR ASSEMBLYMAN-ELECT • APPRECIATE$ the overwhelming vote of confidence expressed at the primary elec.- tion. e PLEDGES his constant effort in behalf of the people of the 7 4th Assembly of the State of California. Oistrid and ·- STANLEY FOR ASSEMBLY OOMMIT'l'EE BRADEN FINCH. CllalrmaA f !'OLm CAl. A T)VERTISE~ 'r!\"rl • • * Let's Make, It A TEAM • AS RUN!./ING ~TATE ror Gov. Earl Warren, Call- fom il'l.n s nttd a man "'ho has pledged to l'iUpport our Chit>! Exec-u t i,-e In Sacramento, who has backted Gov. \\'arren's progr3ms consistently and ably- "·ho hasn't just paid lli:>sen·I~ at el~tlon time. Coodv .. ln J . Kn ls;ht hn.s demonstr:i ted his ability to weld together the progres~i ,·e elements of thls stalt>-!or a Crea t~r California... * Let's Do!l't Experiir.~;it SECOl\'D IN 11-.TPORTANCE on the administrative side of the stnte government, the li eutenant gov. ernor must te a man who has proven himself to be c-~:pable a..s a n organiur and exet'Utive. Superior J ..11.!:;e Good\\•in J. Knight has t hese qualifications t • a mn.r kl"d de ree: his record is known, his abllltles un 11.:c tioned. Ll:.TS END FEUDS AND FACTION· ALIS.'.1! ELECT SUPERIOR JUDGE Goodwin J. KNIGHT A1 Our Lieutenant Governor Oran&• Coant7 C1 ¢11• P'or C.1odwhl ~. a..,.. AelUlf'llll • •..t1a7, a.trw . -. Harbor High Wiii Present Jr. Miss • s, OtW-.4 , 'D i+ Oct1ll• '+ 1N1 Ma1ibar It Rams Salta.na ¥~FJ~~~tF~d':;ds . • • • Co~rt of Honor !ConL From Pag• 1) I • DelicioUB)y Prepared + + + + ~;,. ":,~t~~ ~~~ Bogart Shows He's Cn~rf will"f ~':.~ ::e ~~are,; th~ar~~an u • sen:. of • -'fJ\I ~to~~ ~~bo~~io~ve= • short stories, by Sally Bensen, ap-When the MalJbar 0 accident·! But the spectators were also ~l auditorium a_t 7 :30 p.~ N·EWPORT CAFE peartng in the N ... Yorker mqa-ally rammed the Saltana moored t I that "'-art la t •••u hig~1ght of the •••rung being the :rine. Later it. wu collected lnto · 0 e~ ~ no ~ Hi Court ceremony for the four 8 book. and from this time lt be--outsidr the Newport Harbor Yacht I a great guy, but also ls a great! e Scouts of Costa Mesa Troop gan its road to came. For 'It WU club over the weekend. .other sportsman. 6, nard Hall, Richard Dodd, -U Boar S..wi..e + lH-P!Me N..,...._ not long before thla book wu y~chtsmen looked hopefully in the When G~er went lnto the Da·k.1 Gardner and Stanle Yo . dr u.~ by ~-•----d direction of the clubr oom. club to expi8ln to Bogart how Th'~ Seo Y_culungl '----'-----------------------' ama~ '-"uuuaivv an th cdd all h e uts are parti ar y i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Fields; made into a movie star-When the great Humphrey Bo-e a ent re Y appe~ed, the grateful to Dr. P. A. Olamberlin ring Peggy Ann Garner; and later gi.rt. portrayer of filmland gang, latter shoo_k the formers hand of ~ta Mesa who coached them became the basis of a radto pro--busters. failed to appear to pro--and told hlm to forget it. . on P1eir tint aid merit badge re- gram. test the ramming of his yacht,\ Gardn~ said that he was easing quitements. .,_.OI' M1M, which is definitely everYone raised their eyebrows in the Maltbar ll toward the yacht '¥1 citizens are invited to at- • comedy is in three acts and has wonderment club floats when he suddenly saw te • d gl th t 'ty • . , . . . the Saltana He said he . ddy n?' an are ven e oppor uru but one setting, that of a living Surely the big, blustery he,man thre his boa . qw to ¥e some of the results of Scout· Announcing · the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL 8H .. 8 BUILDING tJNn8 ~!lad Ourpool BloMa Now la Prochletlom IAK for !!Ip oa N-n - room. Howev~r, .in this scene a~ was expected to rome out and at at l:ast he th~U:.~0 itre~ ingJand to participate in this mo1t pears aome hilar1ou.a comedy, and least µtter One admonishing cuu backwRrd-onty .t ke t . g sucfesstul of all charact.er--build· acme ~ drama: all of which word to Archie Gardner of Duily f ard 1 P gomc lngl prognims for )'OUth. ~Scout combines lmlor Ml• into a per-Tavern fame, whose Malibar n ~abl~ to halt the boat G leaeers Urge the suppart !or this formance wblchshould well satisfy wouldn't obey the turn of his 'd h uld nl 1' k~-Co-irt of Honor u a means or en-W~r Kli·ne '"-.... rete. Products "-. the playgoers of thi.5 -~unlty. hand. I wiln~rd saiin I e co t ho .!,too Mall~ codraging future vounll. Scouts to --\.A.Jan.. \JU er g y on as e "..,. on • .. t th job;; --11 ch And then it dawned on the spec, bar ll bore down on the sturdy 1 Y. on e • • .an to ree. 1560 ~Ava. ea.ta lhla Marine Radio System tators that the big film figure sel-· Saltana. There wu an Instant th final toal. the Eagle award. '=====·========·=======~====~ May Be Revamped dom. jf ever . cusses on thf' Sat>--crash as the big vessel tore off J .... _ h ta N ~--_ bath. And it was Sunday! 'a barrail of the other craft. ~er a ee at e:ws--... ~ (Continued from Page 11 (Political Advertisement) peace of mind. With most boats equipped with radio telephone, "'hen in trouble, Dr. Pease Pleased with Drive HE LB Y L. it's quite simple for a boatman to Dr. G. N. Pease is a very happy cal.I the telephone company coastal person these days. The good doc, harbor radiotelephone station KOU I t<_>r. ~apt~in of the Coron~ del Mar and ask for the Oper ations and d1stnct in the Community Olest Rescue Control Center of the drive, is pleased ove r the progress Coast Guard. Times Bldg., Long his committee is making. Beach. l f not in too serious dif· "One of my able workers res ficulty, howevf'r , the Coast Guard ported tha t she rang 14 successive suggests you seek help rrom any doorbells and received as many passing boat. They do have their dona tions. She received no dona, hands full. lion at number 15 because no one The tuna clipper fishermen of was home. I've no doubt at all .San Diego are attempting to .get tha t when she returns to that a U. S. Coas t Guard base estab--home and finds the occupant in. Ii.shed a t Balboa,J C. z .. and lights she will get a donation.'' said the on the Galapagos Islands, no\v I doctor . , dark. With more vessels from Corona del Mar 1s a good place N ewport Harbor venturing into to live. Th_e citizens a pPreciate those southern "'aters this pro-that fact and so when 1t comes gram is to be encouraged. time to he lp those less fort.unate t han they, !or example now m the Community Chest drive, they are Mesa Boy Scouts View Ghost Town I most generous. · "We in this district," concluded the doctor, "feel it is no t onl}' a A!!. a part of the troop program duty. but a privilege to help. By ''To Know Our S tate." the Honor contributing to the Community Patrol or Boy Scout Troop 6 of Chest . we help a ll 12 organizations Costa t.1esa explored the famous who do so much good in the New- Ghost T o"'ll at Knott's Berrypo __ n __ H_a_rbo_r_D_is_t_n_·c_t._" ____ _ Farm last weekend. It \ras a new and thrilling experience for the Scouts as they saw in re- production scenes of the old West. A full day of excitement and fun was completed '''ith a chicke n dinner that was r ated "tops" by the hungry boys. The October Honor Patrol in, eluded Elwood Depontee, patrol leader of the Flying Eagle pa, trol, and the me mben, Bob Han· cock, Charles Depontee, Roland Taylor , Dick Mobley, Jack. Woods, Robert McCracken and Marvin Johnson. Scoutmaster Harold Hall and Troop Staff Member Leonard Hall were guests of the patrol. White House Cafe Phone Sl82 t.agm. Beach, Calif. (Political Advertisement> • Hospital Drive Goes Into ''Final Fifth"; $87,000 More Needed Gaining new impetus rrom the meeting held at First Presbyterian church. Santa Ana last evening: the Newpor t H arbor Presbyterian hospital fund drive en tered its "Final Fifth .. with support gr0s mised by all t he Presbyterian churches of the coun ty, where $Ub- scriptions will be taken for the next two Sundays. Only 60 days remain in "'hich to Secure the S87.000 necessary to meet t he amount of $400,000 res quired by Glenn Martin before we will receive his gift of $100,000. The fund must be secured in order to r eceive the quarter of a million allocation from the Federa l ~os, pital Buildi ng fund, through the HiJl,Benton bill recently passed by Congress. Attending the meeting were Di, rector Braden Finch and Mrs. Finch : Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welch and Mrs. G. L . Andrews, who heard reparts that people are act, ually dying in the county because of the lack of hospit al beds and that the situation is grow'lng worse every day. Community Olest headquarters reports that this encouragement from Corona del Mar is acting as a stimulant to the other 14 dis, tricts in the Harbor area. The many workers who are cans vassing each distMct are to be commended for their generous do. nations of time as well as money. \Vith t he wonderful spirit shown by donors and workers alike, it is certain that this drive to raise S14.580 will be a success . Mesa Sport Shop Purchased by Mrs. Barrington l\.1rs. Ada Barrington or 43 Bea· con Bay, formerl~ employed at the Balboa Island post office, has purchased th<' Sport S hop at 1813 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. a nd will cha nge the name to Ada's, she announced this week. ?.·Ir. and Mrs. Barrington have resided in the Harbor area for the past five years and Mr. Bar. rington S<'r ved in the signal corps during the "·ar and participated in the in vasion of France and Ger, many. He is a former pla}'\\Tight at Warner Bros. Studio In H olly, wood. Services on Friday For Mesa Woman Funeral services for Mn. Capt. tola Agnes Colby, 89, will be held at 3 p.m. F riday at the Grauel chapel, Costa MC'Sa. Mrs. Colby died October 25 at her home, 14th and Monrovia streets Costa Mesa. She was a native or F ort Dodge, Iowa, and had made her home in California for the past nine years. She is survived by a daughter , Mrs. FlorenC<' Hayden of Costa rt-tesa and a si stC'r, Mrs. Nellie Mus. gat of Iowa. Interment "'ill be in Long Beach cemetery. Adkinson Pledges Support GI Bills ' A NAGY NSTABLE 'ewport Beach Towmhlp EEKJNG RE-ELECTION . . on my record of courteoUA J and etnclent !llenice ' ~ General Election, NO\'. 5, 1946 l Political Advertisemen t '• . A Personal Word fro• RAY DKINSON Candidate for CONGRESS QUALIFIED Making a last.minute appeal to all persons who have the welfare of war vetera ns at heart, Ray Ad, kinson, candidate for Congress -------------1 from this district, today \U'led that Want Ads ever y registered voter visit the to DO the JOB: • CLYDE A. WATSON FOR STATE SENATE LIKE NEW-Large davenport & chair to '1latch. Small table &: standard lamp with magazine rack. Also new trunk. Phone Harbor 1274 85-ltc GAS RANGE F OR SALE-{.'heap 407 Short street, C05ta Mesa. 85-2tp When Your Back Hurts - polls on November 5. ''1t has become increasingly evi- dent," Adkinson said, "that some legislators have adopted an ind.it· ferent attitude toward the wel- fare of our former fighting men. "I have made myseU a promise. ~ •I would like to use Should the voters elect to send '11• space tor a per- me to Washington as their repre-'o'nal word of thanks se ntatlve, I am going to ~t noth- ing stand ln my way to get for io -.Y many friends -- our veterans everything to which J>oth Democrats and Re- they are e ntitled. I am not going publicans--•ho are so to be at>.ent when important mat, itarnestly working tor ten come to a vote. c election. "I am not going to shrug off •Their active aid legislation which would provide rves to offset what homes for our ve terans wtth some Se lack in funds. As remark conCeming my own pollti-J....ou know, ours is the cal incllnitlona. U it ever comes T to a paint wbete I mlAt decide be-j:ampaign ot small ooa- tween a political btillet ~ the }ributors. ~are or tho voterana, I am I'>-• •10 SPECIAL IJTXR- 1111 to be 100 (>el'«'nt on u.. -JST GROuPS HAVE SUP- or the latter. • PORTXD 11Y CAJDIDACY • "In conclusion," Adkinson said, OR COll'RIBUTXD A PlllllY "people should remember on elec-10 Jlt CAJIPAIGR. tion day that I haft a full know-I ledge or local problem1. I have •But electioil.9 are been a life-time resident of th.ii wonnot by•oneyalone. district. I have served more than ~ the will ot the ma- 14 years ii! public office as Oranae .ority ot the people County Superintendent of Schools. s the t1Del decision I am goina to work and fight and de. !hat ta ~ livf! for my district lf )'OU see flt rican Way.• to nanw me~ Ofi7n penonaJ re~ t:::4 _ l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,....,;;;n~t;•~tl~,.,,~r~fii~w~ .. ~hlng~'~ton.~·~;;;;;;. --,. ... oere ., .,ours,-~ : .{I . (signed) TEN YEARS OF LECISLA, TIVE EXPERIENCE h a a ntted Clyde A. Watson to be our State Senator. Du r In I thoee 10 ye-an he has p.lned a worktna latowledp whkl l\U pu.t hl.m. on the Agrtcu.t .. wn. Govemmental EUideacy a.ad Economy, Public UUU- t:lea. Municipal and County Govemmeni, and Ways and Means. and F\sh and Game committees. HIS INFLUENCE M theae a.nd other LmPortant commit- teem hu bttn to Y OU R BENEFIT. Outdorable LEATHER SPOR'IBWEAR . jf ~~: ':"::~: ( . ........ RAND lllADE • HAND TOO.LED GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor ftrsv: ~ US8 --w (Political Advertlaement) Jesse U: Elliott Is The Best -Sheriff Orange County Ever Had t He is recogn iz:e:d as an able sheriff, not o nly by bis own men, the police: de?artments of the various Orange county cities with which there has been splendid cooperation, bur he: is also reco g- nized as a capable:, honest and l_; tireless law enforcement official 'J by peace: officers throughout the: • state. That wa.s C:ll:emplified when in 1944 the California S tate Sher. iff's Association elected Elliott president. That was a d is tinction of the • highest character because he was chosen a.s leader by men who can best apprc:c i.atc: the worth of a sheriff. These men were the sheriffs o f all the: counties of the state. To be singled out for such an office, by such a group, is an enviable recognition. Sheriff Elliott Honored by Governor Earl Warren An c 1.h c:r high ttii:ure to Sheriff Elliott's integrity and public service: \\'3s his selection, by Governor Earl \X'arren. a.s .(.ice chair, ·man of the California Law Enforcement Adviso ry Committee. This group, he.:.~ed by the: Chief of Police of the C ity of San Francisco, is compcsed of the outstanding peace officers of the state, charged by the Governor with the task of raising the stand ards of la¥>· en· iorcement throus;hout California. Elliott was chosen for the post by the Governor for the out· standinp, efficiency of the O ra n~c Co unty Sheriff's o ffice d uring the peric.d that Elliott has been Sheriff. Respected in His Home Community In his own community. Elliott is respected because: he is dili· gent, tireless, and in the dc:voti cn to the duties of his office, he gives unstintingly of his tin1e. T oday, in the hCat of a campaign to tlnseat him, he g ives little: time to politics. A large group of Joya.I and determined friends, peo ple from every wallc of life, arc actively in. the field to re.elect the BEST SHERIFF ORANGE COUNTY EVER HAD. These friends say that the Sheriff adheres to the az.iom th.at: "A ma.n who knows and follows his chosen profession never find.a time to ·criticise his competitors or to quarrel with h is neigh.ban." They rec.all that in 1942 the grand jury, after a. complete 1ur· YCf and anal)'lis of the Sheriff's office, forwarded this commcn.- daci.on ro Elliott: "We .h.iahly commend you for the manner i.a which your assist· &Dee is aiVCD, and for the way in wb.ich you and your men arc put, ring in cztra hours, nigbt and day, whenever necessary, for tbe ba..efit and protection of the citiuns of Orange County." The commendation was aiped for the grand jury by N . M. Launer, ica foreman. Cil11w Wave Held in Check Official stati.sties show that Orange County has had the: low· Cit proportionate rise in aimc of any county in the state. Thcs.e 11ati1tia alao a.how that our Sheriff'1 office hu done by far the moat effective work ill apprehending criminal.a, in solving crimes •cl tafc-guard.ing life and property. These 1tatistia a1ao show dac lowest rate of juvenile delinquency for Orange County. THE RECORD PROVES THAT ELLIO'IT IS THE BEST SHERIFF ORANGE COUNTY EVER HAD. IT WOULD BE FOLLY FOR A BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF A LARGE BUSINESS CORPO- RATION TO DISMISS ONE OF ITS GENERAL MANAGERS WHO HAD PROYEN HIS 11'0.,RTH, EFFICIENCY AND ABSOLUTE LOY- AL'l'Y, SO THAT A. MAN, INEXPERIENCED AND UNTRIED, POSSESSING ONLY A DE- SIRE FOR THE JOB, MIGHT REPLACE HIM. OMNGE COUNTY IS A J;ORPORATION OF WHICH THE PEOPLE ARE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS! They JCNOW d.at it would 0. folly to TRADE EXPERl- ENCE FOR EXPERIMENT. FOR THAT REASON they will "'-dcct Sheriff J eue L. Elion. DO TOUISllf Sandals -Wedgies -Punes • Be!U -Watch Strapa -Wallets A PAVOI -OIU>Ea NOW POa CllaJllTllA8 --LOS ANGl.UI NOUTWOOO --rMMIMI LESTER & Co. ---SIOlllTllS KEEP WATSON ON THE JOBI • SID'S SHOE SHOP --llWRI• -·-UNIA alOMCA iv.al• Im,,,,..,., s-~ ~ 2004 WDT Cl!Hn.il Ava., NawHMr BaAdl .HA•-137'J TOMBY-..,..,OIS' - • This YMr. the N.wpott Harbor Past No. 291, AMwlc• Loeion, wlll be hos! to Orange County for Hs traditio"" al Armlstlai Day -a tradition la lately Interrupted by a avel World War. Now thot Vtctory it won, and peoc. Js onn DQoin oun, It It f'rtting thOt we should pay tribute to the fallen comradH of this last and tlte great conflict which p,.. ceded ft by only a generation. Sa, -of the Newport Harbor ~osl No. 291 , American legloft, take thrt opportvnjfy of inviting you -and you -to be our guests for the doy. '• Our program wiR be d~ply lmQressive and hapt:tfly corefrH -a .,.rosram blended into one of reverence for our fallen comradM and thaw they left behind, and one of joy and gaiety to mark the dawning of a new era of peace w~ all so earnestly crave. Our mom· Ins program will be In honor of the Gold Star Moth. •~. or-d a q1Jt.•ty reverent t'""-·-":'ny ._ill serve to •n· shrine forever the memory of the sons they lost. Our afte rnoon pro":-~m w ill feature a u.,i~ue "footb12 ll carnival" Jn which 12 .. ~ ... h !CL"'ols of c ur co unty will send their gridiron teC:IT''\ to .. • .. v a ~: ... •kin cl~,s:c nt Newport Harbor Union ~-: ... h Sc ~··I f: .... ld. A torchli1:1ht parade -with flo a•s and de<e"·ate:I c:-~'\ t-~"1 r:i:1tching units -and with the poma and color of m"'lrtial MUtic, will be for the early ever.:·-., houn. T .. ~n, In g rand cli· mox, a boll at Balboa will be sto3ed to end the day. Thts observance Is for you. It is Or~~-,, County's Ar"";.. tice Day Ob'$erv ance, and you o r& i nvlt~-::1. We want you to be present, so please accept; make it a date w ith us. Newport Horbor Post ~.::>. 291, Am~rica'n Legion In Flandera Field lhe Popple. Crate ,.f l -Brown Opens /V!~~~~~r ~-~at tbe IWtnen" · White's Balboa Island Cafe AND VOCUAIL BAB mand<S' of the Newport Harbor .l'Ollt :!pl of the American Legion annouactod today that effective immeciiately hours for the veter-~~=· ~0~>0=ilw==-==~&~Puti~~Ai-~~~~iijiijii~·:·:•:•:•::••:~: .. =~j ans' ~ce and consultation center· a t the Legion post hill. 15th ~t and Central avenilt, Newport Beach, will be from 9r!l0 a.m. 11 a.rn. and from 2'lo Ted W. Brown A~ Ted W. Bl-own je¥.relry store opens at, 1797 Ne"'J)Ort boule-- vard in Costa Mesa Saturday. J . C. Humphries has been named manager. l\tr. Humphries has been asso-- ciated with the Ted Brown firm in Long Beach for five years. He was recen tJy discharged as a lieu· tenant in the Army Air Corpg. Ted Brown. owner or the new Warns Of Arms Lag <Continued n-om Pq:e l l tired, program chairman, who is ill Among those present were: Capt. Henry F . Agnew. U.S .N.; store, has been in the jewelry business since 1921 and has been in his present location, 418 Arner· ican avenue in Long Beach for the past 17 yea.rs. His confidence in the future ot Costa l\fesa and the Newpor t· Balboa area prompted the estab- lishing of this ne\v store. I t is his hope and that or Mr. Hum~ phries, that they become working n1embcrs or the community, assist· ing In its growth and development. Mesans Back Vaughn for Constable Congressman J ohn Phillips and An increasing number of Costa ~lrs. Phillips; Mrs. Lelia East· Mesa business and professional man, ~fayor 0. B. Reed, Harry people. as well as the average H. \Villiamson and Mrs. William· homeo"''Tler of the Newport Beach son, A. C. Hoffman, G. B. Hoff-to\~"nship. have endorsed the can· man and H . F. Kenny. didacy of Frank Vaughn for Con· A. B. Rousselle, G. W . Bassett s table, said J. B. Green ot the a nd l\1.rs. Bassett. Walter J . Sherry Vaughn for Cons table committee and l'tfrs. Sherry, Jack Wallace. today. Suzanne Madsen and Carl Leh· Vaughn. "''ho has served as a man. former constable and has also been Braden F inch. Charles Crawford, a high\lo•ay patrol officer w i t h F·red Frost and Mrs. Frost, A . many years in law enforcement, M. Nelson, R. R. Hodgkinson, Bill has announced a full-time program Covert. J . 8. Webb and RusselJ ot law enforcement in the Newport E. Craig. Beach township and further states LONG BEACH. Oct. 3G-Coo-~ d 4:30 p.m., except sin. tending that pla.dn:& ot hlghwayw 1----t--- on both sides of the Loa Angeles river wouJd be detriment.t to its transcontinental line by way ol Fullerton and Riverside and to San Dieg~ the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe· railroad company t oday viaorously protested revival ot the propu&ed Loa Angeles River freeway s)'ltem... The r aUway company made its view known to the Los Angeles county board of supervisors at their meeting here. Even if the fl"ottway were to crou over the Santa Fe tracks by way of a viaduct, the abut· ments and foundation suppor ts of the viaduct wouJ<a. cause the r e-- duction or the number or sv.·itch· ing and yard tracks along the river, it was claimed. There ar e no strong suppor ters on the Board of Supervisors for I the $100,000,000 freeway which in Long Beach is to be known as the Pico Ave. treev.•ay. While there is no objection by supervisors to-- ward extending the !rl"eway up as far as Lynwood, no proposa l is under way to go into the heavy financing required to obtain rights of way north of Lyn¥.•ood through the long-established central manu- facturing district. Los Angeles junction terminal r allroad which serves the centra l manufacturing district exclusively. previously had objected to the supervisors about the proposed / treeway, indicating -that larg€' damages \vould be involved by cutting through its right or way along the r iver . A meeting is scheduled in Long Beach Friday in the city manager 's I office regarding the r evival of the free\\•ay idea. I l.~I REPAIRED H ~ Rapi-to You Phnne Bea. 5131-J s4,nvwoRKS I and PAINTING ' I -Wbet1 w·e're called ln on the scene of • ~Teek-tt'a llke ha~ a surgeon at an oper~ attq table! .. _ We repe.lr WJ'eeked can Akillfully and eoontmlcally_ I RAD,TOR & GAS TANK REPAIRl~'G · f ESTlMATE C B~N 6131-J Ce,ntral Garage and Collision Shop Prokietor~. B. Iverson 2366 Newport Blvd. l COSTA MF.SA l ELLIS BROS. NURSERY F orrest B. Owen, Margaret Ege, that he '-'rill serve the people of • \V. ~t. Longmoor, Harry \Velch. the township ,,·ithout added ex-Landscaping ·. . . W i 11 B e 0 p e n N o v. 1 S T . \V. Henderson and J ohn M. pense to the taxpayen: Wld will be Miller. on cau day •nd night." Flowers and Shrubs Gordon B. Findlay, S. T. Dun· Although the Newport Beach lap, Sam Porter , Vincent Healy township embraces the City of 1206-1208 COAST IOGBWAY-CORONA DEL MAR and Mrs. Healy, S . H. Franklin, Nc"''J)Ort Beach and its surround-1 D W T M 0 · · · h ~--M 01aJo EW.-Pb. Hant. lleaeh "80-I. Joe F.IU.-Ph. B&Jbor 15~6-J r. . . ooncy, W. . Buck. 1ng area, 1t ts t e ~ta esa area T ' I You Want the Best -I I Tfie voters have ~ rtgbt to know the man who leeks to serve them in e.n elective oU!ce. A man ahould ha\·e something to otttt belldn a sudden interest in political -.. The voten know Clyde A. W atson ha.s &en-ed honorably and well in the State l..eris- lature for 10 }·eers. The \'oten know Clyde A Watson has sen ·ed his O\\·a district tor 25 yean with ability and \\·ith unquestioned lntegrity, The \'oters know he is thf Jogical ma n f.r the State Senate. P resenting the candidacy ot Clyde A. \'\'at.son tor election as State Senator ls like presenting an old friend. He Is no stranger to political affairs, r.o stranger to the needs c · the count··. He KNOWS t he county as no other man ln public sen•ice. \\'E Ni.:ED 1'1EN OF ms CALIBER AND ABILITY IN P u r-·.rc s ER- \.!CE! A-.emblyman~lect Ear:1 W. 8taD· ley, Beacon Bay; Joe Beek. Bal· boa bland; Braden F1acll. Coroaa tlel Mu. I CLYDE A. WATSON I OUR PROCEEDS TO NEW HOSPITAL FUND Samuel F . Sheridan and Ra.lph that is particularly effected by ~-------------..,•---------' -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p':_·:._M:.'.as::'.:k:'.:ey~.---------I t he constable off ice and it is thf.'re------------------'---------- C Political Adv<?rtisement ) fore note,vorthy that Vaughn is supparted by so m any in the grow· .. , VOTE FOR Frank Vaughn A Constable Who Will Serve You Former Constable and Highway Patrol Officer FOR CONSTABLE He Will Serve the People oi Newport Beach Township. Without Added Expense to the Taxpayers and Will Be on Call Day and Night. A VOTE FOR VAUGHN IS A VOTE FOR Economy, Efficiency, Ability This Ad Pai!! for by Frien,ds of Frank Vaughn ing Mesa area. Vaughn has pledged the full· time devotion to his office v.·hen elected a nd his many friends are saying that a "vote for Vaughn is a vote for l'ronomy, efficiency and ability. More ftaa 80 Yean ot Sen1« to tbt Harbor'• IOI MAIN Flaeet CUeotele BALBOA. CALIF. ~trs. Georg<' Conklin. 600 \Vest I r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;,;~;;;;~;;;.,;;;;;;;;~ Ocean Front. a m ember of the REPORT TO TH,..i Ebel! club for many years. has I: PEOPLE! just r ("C('ivOO an invitation to a t-----1 tend the fiftieth anniversary of her old club in Ne\lo' York. She is one of two charter mf'mbers still liv- ing. Let's Make Ii a TEAM! I , t --... ~-:"""') .. -1· I . - ' j ELECT JUDGE GOODWIN J. KNIGHT LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR California needs mca in ~ !nCQ1 who = ,.0 to~ in harness, to buila a better California, &tt oi f.cud. and bctionafum. For £rccdom from political pr:cssurc groups and haf'. many in State govcrnmco1.- Vote for Knight! Don't mias the p,rogram vital to 1 ~our intttata in Ora.nge County. H4r the PUBLIC SERVIC~. HOUR JESSE L SHERIFF ELLIOTT~ ! of Orange County reports to the pcof>le on this popular in - formative p rogram heard FRI DAY E\(ENING, N ovember 1, on KVOE (!•90 kc.) 6:tt 5 p. m. ·- I Independent Citizen's Committee I Whatever the evening's program-t fnrndly ,g:achering, • ~ ol bridge. the newcs.r: oovel-~ sure to include tood /1ght1"g lOI gttat£r enjoyment! For a ""ell -lighted ho~ IS a chttrful horrK .. 1 gracious home ... an invicing home. A well-lighted borne is also a homc fret from cycsuain .. a bomt secutt againS< night·t~ flCtickntJ cawni by poor lighcin3. Jc's a plact whcrt.aft~.Qrk living is truly Lived at ics entorabk: ~ For lhn•'J r•.Jl1 7IO pLu• W t hotM whni il'1 w1/l ltgb1eJ.1 I , . ~ '2 ltllP ... 5')P~ ~ tS ()ti ti"~ ) Y, Of uGl:IT WL IOUTHIRll UU PUJIOllNG RIN'LACI DIM auL•I __ ... , ....... _ _...you -tlll -"""" -......... plam dim, 1nidonllod bulloo with brightor -·Try a 150--bulb Hi your roadlng lamp aod ""' l..i the pl9C11int diff••w. it mW:•I Or we a ftoor or toW. klMp th.t ~ bin•• 1~20Q.30G.watt ll9htin9 · in a olngle bulb for roadlag, - lne. ancl 9enerol illumination. A hw .. ., a,_,..· In dihf•lf siw ls the con, • ._ wvy to Uep yew ....... a1w.,. -lighlod: NIA IDllOll COMPANY •• J H ESTUS BABDWABB • • • GENERAL El.ECTRIC U!fCIS8 ....... 'IW ••••••• IWW'** I• •• ,,,,. "'•• lll ......... ' t1A~ll()~ 1 fllj'VUTMl:flljT c(): [2r:ALT()~§ t t t CLOSE TO. OCEAN -ch.ver 2-bedroom lpne with glassed-in sunroom. Built for the beach, but very comfortable and in good condition. $6,995 on terms. Good value. BRAND NEW -An interesting blend ot rancho and modem style. Will appeal to blJyers who appreciate fine construction detail. Olarming slab fireplace in beam- celling living room. Near Corona de! Mar school. Sewer connected. Two bedrooms and a dandy kitchen. $10,900 with terms. CANAL FRONT WITH PIER II FLOAT- Everything i nthis modem home is in excel-[..... lent condition. Concrete bulkhead, charm- ing patio with a view; living room and den make a huge room; 2 large bedrooms with unusual closet space; a dream of a kitchen with sca'ds of tile, mahogany woodwork everywhere plus a garage quickly converti- ble to a bunkroom 'With an extra bath out there fenced; comer location and what else can you think of. Complete furnishings in- clude a Norge refrigerator. $20,000 and tenns if you want them. LIDO ISLAND BARGAIN -Two bed- room, bath arid a half home with double gar- age well located on Lido Isle. Stove and re- frigerator incl uded. A roomy house on a roomy lot. Today's best buy on Lido at $22,500 with tenns and quick possession. MIRACLE MILE BOATWORKS -Com- plete equipment, marine ways, wharfage, stiff leg included in a profitable operation. ' Books open. Equipment and lease a t $3000 -close t o inventory. FOODS AND MALTS-Heayy profit-mak- ers. Complete equipment of latest type. Established patronage. For sale outright or can be leased by competent buyer. FROZEN FOOD MARKET -Remarkable earning reconi. Excellent lease. Living quarters or room to expand. High grade equipment almost new. OP""ing for health food stock with this moneymaker. OAFE, GROCERY and NEWSSTAND with living quarters. Low rent on a good lease. Open 6 days a week on a 10-hour day. Complete equipment, stove, grill. cash reg- ister, etc. A good living for some couple willing to invest just over $4000. MANUFACTURING PLANT-4220 square feet of new building. Offi~ installed; 3- pha.$e power lines. Well located. Quick pos- session. Tenns available. If you are look- ing for good factory space, act fast on this -it is the only one we have had for quite a while. tiA~IE()~ ..... 'Vl:JTMl:""T £(). [211:.4.LT()~§ J()Tt< JT ~rrT A.T W. Cr .. T~A.L 4~r- 9J.p!.onz. c:Ha..&o, 1600 16o1 TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay Located One Mlle 8outb of South ~tnaee to . n-Arell a.,. ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' Ba"" Now Become a BeguJar Part of Oar Menu -Every Monday Night- A "SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER FEAST" -Tuesday- DELICIOUS CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS -Thursday- THE F1NEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked to Perfection -Friday- A DEEP S&.\ FISH FRY 'Ibe&e specialties are offered In conjunction with. out varied menu of choice Sl'EAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. FROG LEG.5, etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls ot Aa- aortl!d Relllhes and Salads will enhance your ewlY --1 IX>mestic & Imported Wines -Beer ' Kw tit 8 ¢ O' • ._ ' 1'lle:da;fi 0et1• • " lNI Shark Chill!nel ~ng y O ~ ~ ~ ~ L F Award Given N .wport Co. A . SANTA ·ANA, Oct. 30.-The some of the material on Shark SQUARE DEAL Orange County Board of Super-Island the "'mainder on VOTE vUc>n on Tueoday authorized Heinz '• Bay Shott camp dredging operations ln Shark bMcb. ''YES'' ON 5! OWmel In the upper Newport Shark ' Island was partly filled Bay area. Lowest bidder for the in a$h flood last year· whJch contract was the Newport Dred&-swept on Kaiser's place and ing company. denu much of the beach he 1be concern bid 35 oenta a Cubic had for his carnp tenants. Since yarn of material ~ cuar-then, a <!ralnage procram hu been anteeing to dil: out IB)() cubic perfect~ to prevent such erosion yards to '1deal depth" and 2200 in ~ !of heavy !'UDOH and any cubic yards more to "allowable dredgirig done now wUJ be perm- TO CUATE A People's Court of Tax Appeals overdepth." anent irDprovement, Noble aaid Thia will mean, the board ex--===~· ==· ======::; plained, that the majer part of the r The small ta:rpaycr needs a court dedicated, in part a( least, to hls own tax problems! n.: California State Chamber of Comm<=' and the Califor· nia Farm Bureau Federation cnc1one No. 51 ' ch..,...i wlll be deepened to &lx feet. the rest to 10 and 12 feet. Shellmaker, Inc., also of New- port Beach, bid 53 centa a cubic yard for the work. Dredging operations, to be su- pervised by Engineer H . Morgan Noble of the Orange County Har- bor disbict, call for deposit of OT ICE BELL'S OFFICES C1-I Temporarily ·account of·death in the family. County VFW Seeks 'fatch papers for Barracks as Homes I re-opening. For War Veterans '--~,__ _____ _J If Y ou'r• a Taxpayer Vole "YES" on 51 (Q.neral Electlon, November 5) CALIFORNIA COMMITTEE FOlt PROPOSITION 5 6'0 Market St., Sati Frncisat FOUR HUNDRED AND nvE POUNDS of ft ... caucllt ID two ltoun nve mhlul.eA or anclln« are here dbplayed oa ttae Newport Q.ubor Muter dock at Balbott.. Skipper Ed Groenendyke, at the lef t. ac- counted tor tt.e.e three marlin from tu. awordf19hlnc boat Salt Peter J ·=~==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;i;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Too. The n 11h "'·ere caught by Southern CallfornJa a.nrten Ced.rte SANTA ANA, Oct. 30.-The • Tan, Dr. Dougl&M Donouch and Bal Brown. Tbe numb"' of tbese Orange County Board of Super-_J.._G SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD fl11b weighed la ao far tills 1euon at Newport Barbor total• 192. v~ors at their meeting Tuesday W lN h • • Sc• L Art were asked by John Thompson of 1 811 ,... __ _,, Big. b.;;a~ 101 c fJStJ3fl Jenee aguna Costa Mesa to set up an emergency \.ANll!ll ....,,y Le R d• Cl B • \housing authority. l'bolle Bell-Mlf cture on a IO asses eg1n Thompson, who represented the • county Veterans of Foreign Wars, ;t£,£ A ne\\' series of radio programs e ntitled "Proof That Christian Mid-November urged the supervtso ... to .. t up t he emergency hpus1ng. office for I • Moort.p ud ll(lllCll aftllahle for Baam for !We Science Heals" \\'ill be released Under the auspices of the La- over the a.1utual Broadcasting net-guna Beach Art association . fall \\'Ork. tx-gining Saturday, Novem-and \\'inter art classes will com- ber 2. at 5 :15 p.m. The broadcasts mcnce in the Laguna Beach gal- may be heard locally over Stations IC'ry r..·tonday evening, Nov. 18. KHJ and KVOE. with Marian Curtis instructing. It The progra ms, "·hich a re pre-is planned to give class instruc- pared under the direction of Th(' tion in portrait, fi gure or ana t- Christian Science Board of Direc-omy, with each student choosing tors in Boston, "'ill be conducted his O\vn mcdium--dra\ving, "'a ter- by Harry C. Browne. assisted by color. oil. o r pastel. Robert Hall Collins. soloist. andj Miss Curtis is \veil qualified Ruth Barrett Arno, or ganist. both as an artist and as a teacher. She has an enviable reputation "Truth About Painless Child· not only in California, but thruout birth." Medical science is still 1 the United States. looking for the perfect means of Her oils and \\"atercolors have achieving this goal. G . B. Lal. bc<'n sho"·n in Nc\\" York, Chicago. science ec:Utor, tells of the latest Philadelphia and half a doze n studies in the ;\merican Weekly, otht'r eastern cities. as well as the magazine distributed "'ith in such California galleries as the next Sunday's Los Angeles Ex- 1 Sa n Francisco Palace of Arts. the aminer . Legion of Honor, the San Fra n- CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~J Mana&er Bal'-, UUllOrnia DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAil.. 8;\I> DINNERS ... BANOUEI'S (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT> Actions Speak Louder than Words! • Just Al they Always Didi You KNOW whtre Congraa.- man John Phillips stands on \'itttil Issues. You KNOW he DOES NOT . MAKE GLIB PROMISES he can't fulfill . You KNOW that C.Ongress- man John Phllllpg ls a man of aetJon, that be has supported and authOHd IOllnd tecUJatlon for ALL of t(l• lt yMn be bu de\-oted to state and national lqWatlve bodiH. You KNOW that he baa Al- W A Y S OPPOOED umolll>d Jql&laUoa -and ~· pou119 ot all kinda ana btteda. Y°" KNOW be hM _..... f o u I b t U-e COMlruNIBT· IUldN CIO-PAC wllld ._ .,._ doned bll opfl)ftmt. And YOU KNoW THAT ilJll OPPOl(E)l'.l' BAS NOT -11& PUDIATED THAT ENDORS&- llllMr! CONORE88M•N John Phillips St.oulcl .. YOUR CHOICE the purpose of acquiring and re- modelling some ot the barracks lt the Santa Ana Arm.y Air base for veterans. The board authorized Its chair- man. Willis H . Warner. to investi- '~ 1 • Paddle Boardll for Beat by &be weell.., moath. gate the possibilities suggested by ~-+----------------------, the VF\V offi cial. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR cisco Museum of Art, the San Diego Museum of Fine Arts. and, of course, the Laguna Beach Gal- lery. Miss Curtis, whose studio is in Bluebird Canyon near Laguna Beach. taught classes in portrait and landscape during the recent summer months. Prospective stu- dents should phone her at Laguna Beach 2464 as soon as possible. C 1 E M E N T , ·w 0 R-K Ftr,gstone Work -Cement Block Fences ' Flat Wortl: or Foand&Uom CALL 1 5 ! ! -I FOR INFORMATION Th~y Say··· FOB ) \\'e Want It, Too New York state has started con- struction of a dream highway which we hope will not be con- fined within its borders but will be only the first segment of a great superthoroughfare from New York city to Chicago-by way of Cleveland. ETERANS' I Tentatively known u the New York Thruway, the project within five years will become a ~mile express highway from Manhattan to Buffalo. The six-lane traffic artery will go up the Hudson to a point near Albany then swing westward across central New York state. just bypassing Utica, Syra- cuse, Rochester and connecting with federal routes to the west south of Buffalo. Separate Janes will handle commercial and pleu. ure traffic, there Will be not a grade crossing or traffic light the full length of the highway, and a continuous wide shoulder will al- low for withdrawal of diu.bled: cars from the high-speed traffic now. WELFARE The desirability of extending such an express route through to Chicago, llnking New York with such other cities u Erie, Cleve- land, Akron, Toledo and South Bend. aeems so obvious that it should not be necessary to suggest that federal and .. tate highwat officials begin now to plan for it. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. 'FO'l'B ' ' • ON PBOPOIJl'J'ION All kinds ~ter ribbons LI stock at the News-'nmeL Statc-supcn:iscd Greyhound Racing -I • (Chneral Electlon, Tudday, November S) AllS OF FOIEIGll WAIS DISAIUD Am!CAll VITllAIS AITMEHT Of CALIFORNIA O~E-MINUTE 10U1% FOR VOTERS ' TIST YOUlt AMlltlCANISM I NO VIS 1. Should you be forced, unCfer threat of fine or Imprisonment, lo worlt fO< ony porticulor ~mployer? ( . .) ( .. ) 2. Should you be deprived, ~ state low, of your con1titutlonol• right of trio! by Jury? ( .. ) ( .. ) 3. Should loorcfs of Education be compelled to hire teache!'s for our children w ithout Inquiry Into the oppltcontt' Americanism?. ( .. ) 4. Should we authorize cnOtion of another unneceuary bureau <'Dstinq toxpoyen' ot •-•I $250,000 o year? 5. Should o CommisslOft, 'f."°lnt.d by the Gov-(wllhout '-gisfotfve opprovoO be g iven powers wfotlch put its deda5on• beyond the aut'-lty af the St-Su,,...,,,. Court? I r .1 .-' 7 ( .. ) ( .. ) ( l ( .. ) Jf ,.,... ...._..ore 100" "No",_ b a11 EXPERT -I And If'°" aN on -.&.....-, JOU wOl sx••mt tbe ~bove b,. ~ ~ cm Plopcwl\ion. No 11, tbe ~ "'Fair Emplo1me11-t Pnctk:9 kt.• at t.ba"c.11t ~t I E>nllpi COaat7 c-ltteo for T ......... • ~OBI PHILUPS tried to •k• .. ''WAR ORPHANS'' ,, ••• VETEIUS! • He Should ~Defeated! John Phillipa, tl:te Incumbent. wu THE ONLY CALIFORNIA CONGRESSMA.~ -Rtpubli<'an or Democrat -to FIGHT AGAINST Routing for •etersns! Every tin1e Congress voted to keep faith with the veterans on Housing, John Phillips \l.'as re- corded as voting-":-\0." In de- serting the veterans, he stood strangely alone among all the Con- grcssn1en fron1 Cali fornia. He opposed the Veterans Emer- (ency Housing Program! Re op• posed the necessary subsidy paJ· nents to spted up production ot ~s rce building materials! Phi1Jips voted {'\'t•n to {>revcnt \NY ACTION BEIXG TAKEN by Congress fo r Veterans Housing; he ~ried to recommit the Bill so it \\"Ould be shelved I PHILLIPS NOT VOTING And whtn Congress was amead• in1 the GI on-the-job Traiainc Bill -(it.I proTisions work great hard· ship on the •eter:ins and were bit- terly dtnounced by the Americaa Lqion)-where was John Phil .. lips? Wu he standinl' by the 1'eterans of the 22nd Districtf • On the contrary I Once again he l et the \•ctcrans down. JOHN PHILLIPS WAS SO UNCON- CERNED, HE DIDN'T EVEN VOTE! MORE ON PHILLIPS' BAD RECORD John Phillips wu eq•aJJ7 4t.. latereeted ia meuu.rea •eal&nM to build world cooperation u• promote world peace. Phillips voted to deny fu.1ds tor America's share in UNRRA- whlch fed and clothed milllom of starving, destitute peopte-vic- tims of our comn1on enemyl HE OPPOSED EXTENSION OF THB RECIPROCAL TRADB AGREEMENTS -althoqh lli07 h&T• already proTed •acc-euhl la ei:pandiDI' foreip trade for ••r far• product.II PHILLIPS REFUSED THE AD- VICE OF GEN. EISENHOWER AND OTHER NATIONAL LEAD- ERS. They advocated approval of the Atomic Energy Control Bill. Congress overwhelmingly agreed. and voted for iL BUT NOT JOHN PHILLIPS. He was registered u 1'0tin1 against any action befog taktn on Atomic Energy-and asaio1t the Bill itself I . HAVEN'T YOU, TOO, HAD ENOUGH OF JOHN PHIWl'S? Elect RAY ADKINSON TO CONGRESS IAT ADKINION-·...._., e Worhl Wor I Veteren •H fell&1r of a Wortd W• U v ... ----·-... ·-· 1 .... wlll -fw, -····i; ... .._ ... _., ... Ee 22-1C1B91111l1all .... lclt TINCJ:lft' BOLB8, CUiraa V:ll RP fe Jled .. 7 'AIM• M-ww... -. ' ' • • -· ... . -• ' • . "' . • , --. . ' -·_,.,--. -~-. .' _,, ;;:;;-;;;;;;;;;;-;:::"":;·~h·;;;::;:;:;;:;-;;;;;:;;--;:-;~-;;;;::;::;iM!&W;HWI!!!;~ .!l!l!i:..!U!!!~~~:::~~~1 ~~~====~:;;~~;::::::~:; -•• •···--··~ •1rvuntJl&toa ... UJ.S a lllJllMlaa••mo · MW mw1 • •••. .....,. _ n-••••n ., l'kEE FIREW'OOD fer the haul· Elll'LOlll&NT v-•·-> -~_._,.., .. ~:..:· 5'll. 78-': ~cu~~·~~ ~2*0.~;:" == RAD~~~ ~:i!!J o••...-_ 1!i crFv~...: --BUSINESS BUYS~-- WELL PAID JOBS ..o 1ar """'°· -·-. •ta;2--:-•oicbaln: tent ......,"!ck,. -~· woridll&. -...rt ----0-- LUllo SAIJ!:S. SERVICE Newport EIKtrlc AW'·--1 ..... - --: ..... ---to--·--~oparbiwtcromoll-·~A'RT.INC. with 21Q5 Cout --.. 2te ::c.~: =·~ ~ ~"' -:.~~--;..•;:ta .. = 5l:. ZI•= ~~ to cbooee from In all iedkn 11..no. d«!IR>illco,-....-Real Futures Ord N I vate 'lole. -~ ~ ~~Y W . .......,._ ~and wlfo, no cblJdron or --'1oo ....mo --er: ow !or ~ 8f..Stc N ..... OWnor s.o.s. _-~ want -Apt. or CX>NCREI'E BRICK PLANT,.one acre ti i.nd and,.._ Ph. H. 1Z2-M for Young Women u FRUIT TREES OCl'OBER • u.e -th !er -300 Marino Avo. ~ 'lllO i.q.... Sie.dJ' om~: aood 4-wbeeMlrlve truck Included in reduced price. ~ 2901 w. Central, Nowpu.'t Bttcb, -FOR.-dal ft!-In UVJNG-ROOM 81-tlc "'--Call s..a AM i-. large monthly cemmt quota. El<ceptioll I~! -~tic T 1 h 0 •-GJIOUPS at JlcMAHAN'S. OUr SPINET PIANOS. Naw -. ] a:Mtc down. l'On~ w·-~·-·~ L Hat~ e ep one pera"':"D wm· ter p•--HRw _.....__..._ "--bnent ha-DoUVOftd at -· -vory w .. >n.m. TO n--By ·--· ~ -~ -rn ...,,.....,. ..-~-.....-, • ...., -:.·c-~··· ~ Al.SOSEVERALFOODgi"ANDS,oanc•nlme,piolroom. ea..rw mado to ordoi. Also Plox-WI-tho tmrlleta for tho roucnably. Standonl ,...... pljmmadlt, two-bo<lruom home and bowling alley, jpV(l!iy, etc. .__ • Ludte Shoebl !or 11o1e. Hollister Broe. bat~ avallable, ""' 1... Gorgeous .,,_, l)am.Scbmldt iJ. ...,biwt, -or WI· N11-World Prodllcta Campany. In moot Oll!llnunltleo boclnnon tt-N U R S E R y turtns livllls·nxm oota. bod Plano Co., 520 No. Main, Santa ~ Call Allon'• Pbar----0-- 303 Tblnl st., Huntlnct<m-. edvo -i-7 ol AO for a II~ divan aota. roc:bn -...,.._ Ana. 115-tlc ..pey, Harbor 111-W or 1696-W. When Selling or B.lylng a Business. See "Sandy'' -Hun~ -1711. clllY-. with -pay !or oYe'-Ianolraplios lcnal chain ... well .. eon.. Radio n • .,.;.. I -tp ---0-- 8().tlc tlmo or chity at cortaln fii>un ol l9e9 Harbo!' --aM 1-tabla, &n4 allj nc,..---Ceata llaa llHoln DlO OU-Uvlnl:·..._, llOCellCJriel AD mak .. ; bd8; otc. $1.l_lll REWAR&-For ront for un-A "S EJN cal -,,.,y=e:=-r--,CLAD~,,.....,,PRO=D~U""c=1s=--1 tho day. 8().tlc lar Octobor valuo slw.c. Ffft Beacon 6763 ~ 2 or 3---. ANDY ST ER, R tor -by-Sown wago ~ the !Int two dolho1y --terma. Of BURT NORTON eor.::i ~:·i.or ::i.:.; Bust-7 Broker -Insurance CI.ARK. BATES ~ .... -. Auto BaUeriee -· -atlD ba"" -3, 91!1Cout111"""'7 Nww,.n I •·t Lt. In! ·6M~:...'.:Coa~ast~~Hlgbway~ 101-Beacon 5173 Metalllzlnc -SopMaun 4 and s...._. outllta --' 21-t!c "l"'-armor -antry. - WoldlDc Spoclalla19 Lown thlo lnt.,..tlnc wmk at 1JI. th ..,_'IS EL for lf'ffl aaol!lp !or tbo -. <:are l'W'· -Sanl& Ana 506 30th St. -Harbor 25(11 &ood i-7 In your own. oommunlty. ,_ --· Vllllt .. nm! JIONI'H. SPINET PIANO. -but can't 1t.su 8().tlc Nowporl Beach 85-tlc You -or~ ~th~-~--·-In Compounded Motor Oil WON"!' YOU! --Far-be told !rem.-. Wo won't ad-.......... SMALL HOUSE waatod Close to Business District in Newport Heights _ • w• u•~....., ...,,,... a.Daa. 'Ille nltun Campa117, Somnd and vortlao tho prico on account of -~ ....,. --Wo do not Sheet Metal Work pi.-olllces. • --.y, S..ta AM. Calli. othor doalen. It Is • grand .....,k or-· no dllldron or Ample size lots 60x1ZT.5 feet t 15th bqot RopalHd W estem Auto Supply 85-ltc bargain far """""""'· Denz--i;;:-Plicao Santa Ana 0991 w a 8 e near Gatten Inotollod -Exoellent promotion -™11t1... Auttaabe<I DMJor --=--====----.,,, Schmidt Santa Ana. 115-tlc ~ wri Boz "X" N rt &i Orange avenue. Nicely located for a G. L loan and Regan Bros., Sheet Metal 18311 N-port Bl9d.. Ooota -llO&n. lltJnUllll • GOOD ~ .. piano& for $611.00. ~ N!:...nn-. oWJl<'-ST-tf~ priced $1000 to $1250. Terms If desired. 341 E. 211t, Colta Mesa Cl-ti< FOR SALE-U*<I 12 volt ...,...a. hn't It ridlculoos to be without W .. N'T' TO IU:NT-:l or 3 bodnn. .. aeon 5608-1111 81-tlc APPLY tor with 'Ao H.P. La,,_ Pl a piano for tho ldcldlos. Danz· ~ houae WIU 1 • Tarpaulin and motor as unit or ,.part •. A11o &hmldt Piano Co., Santa Ana. ~ Sam Porter at Harbor~ We have aeveral -other good locations to choose .ROOFS W. J . BENBOW Southern California Telephone Company Waterproof Covers ~h~~ •Stratton. it:; Or will rent. 85-tlc ·~13. M-tlc from, Including half-acre estate sites near the High MATHUSHEK giand piano. Thew~ TO RENT Two or School Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-tlc COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE New Material AA Grade Wattt-FOR SALE-15' Kayak hardwood pride of the South Used but . bedr bou3e -til J proffed. Duck Made in our Factory frame. Water tank 3500 gal. A f'me tone and actl.on. Do you Rellabtef:. ~ tar:'& ' 20 30 •so OO tower, good heavy timbers. want or nttd a grand piano? Gbod catt guM'allteed. Phone X .................... ., • Small alfalfa grinder. White Then this Is for >'OU. And think! Harbo 1536-J 82-4tc 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa 16x24 -····-.............. $38.40 enamel gasoline range. $25.00. Only $395. Look around. go to -+-r ___ . ------ 14x16 <P22 40 Phone Garden Grove 5967, RL 1, the city and find a hi&h gradol u; , IJSTA'S'S " S1411t No. Main Street, Santa Ana ···················· '4> ' Box 506, Garden Grove. 8.'>-2tc standard make near the price . .;..+:...::===--..,..---:--- • 12x14 ...... --............ cr16.80 y 't D ~-'-'dt Piano / Balboa Island Cali Chi f Ope to ., FOR SAi E 42 ft. diesel boat, ou can · anz~um or • ra ' 10xl2 : .. __ .,, ........... $12.00 built In 1946. Good for chaJten Co., 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Choice residential lot- ----------8().-tlc 8x10 ......... -... ······-$ 8 .00 or commercial fishing. Phone Our pianos aJe always priced $7500 llAUl MI8CE.LJ,.ANEOU!I IO 9x 9 ............... -·-·-$ 8 .10 Beacon 5034-R. 84-4tp lowtt. Or will nnt. 85->fc Free Estimates FOR SALE _ 3 ~ ~•akeet 7x 9 ................... -$ 6.30 22·ft. cabin cruiser. May be used BLOf ND bPllANnd O.hWhy leave hobme ·~ J. M. MJI.I.ER ...... ~ 5 7 $ 3 50 for fishing boat, $750. Cali aftor or a 0 w en you can uy ..,.AL ESTATE BROKER Kitchen and Wall Washing birds $3.00 each. Car CO\'er 13x X ············-----··· · 6 p.m., Harbor l4.93-J. 83-tfc thia little bungalow blond pjano Phone Harbor 1242 Floor Cleaning and Waxing 21 $14.00. Phone Harbor 494. 85--2tc S ta A T t & A , g for such a low price. Danz-15tJi 'and Central, Newport Beach Window Oeaning 'Caulking CAMERA-Kodak Medalist, per· an na en wn1n FOR SALE-40 It. cabin cruiser: Schmidt Piano Co., 520 No. Main, '!On Your Way to Balboa" Painting feet condition $250. Call Beacon 1626 So. Main Phone 9fk> ~:1;' !1:~r~ ~tt~ Santa Ana. 8.5-tfc 85-ltc 5494-J . 115117th St., Costa Mesa Santa Ana 115-2tc complotely reconditioned. bow to STEINWAY. Another beauty. FO SALE-Corona dol Mar, 45- ----------85-_l-"tp VENETIAN BLINDS-AlumlnUJl\ stem; 01.rysler marine engine. Large SJ7.e. Style 8 · )Mahogany • t Jot, 1 block frcm school, south All Work Guaranteed CALL HUB POWERS -Harbor 62-W ' j. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing 85-ltc FOR SOLID COMFORT Harbor 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service FOR SALE-Wread overhead steel atttl, wood can ua for tree esU. See owner, 133 Agate Ave., Ba1· cue. Tone of 8 magnificent pipe o~Blvd, good location for tn- lrarne garage door, perfect con-ma•'"'. Renovation a. reftntahi.... boa Island. 67-tfc organ. Perfect action. Will sell Own Ph H 2l~W ~ • ·-one-third off of present new e . er. · -O):r • -, dltlon; 1~ ft. 5 in. by 7 ft., $:50. So. Coaat Venetian Blind Co. WfLL PAY ood bo us for boat I 65-tlc Available two to three weeks. Weet 18th and Newport -Avt-.. g n price. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., 415 Begonia Ave .• Corona de! ~-ta M-· Ph·. Beacon ~62:--._ alip. Have 40' custom bu i It 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 85-tlc Foi SALE-Oean 4 room 1 bed-L 0 F t H N S h l ~ <-"' "" cruiser. Write Box "S" c/o · --'-home, Newly redecorated. arge Cean . ron Offie ear C 00 Mar, see carpenter. 82-4tc 38-tf< N Tlrn 75-tf SPECIAL ANNOUNCJEllEN'TS 18 ''i"''' PIANO TUNING and repairing. ewo-es. c 1~1 Wilson, neaJ old Santa Spadous Rooms ..A.. Best Construction ..>... Immaculate J. B. Brown. Write Box 633, Carpenter Tools Fire Placr and Kindling LADY who left lamp at Lilliam Alla Road, Colta Mesa. $6,000. ' x x RL 1, 388 Broadway, Colta Brace and Bit Sebl W 0 0 D MODEL 6 D'l'MR-317 Henry's please call 6305 Sea-I 8$-ltc 4 B R ' baths I LI Dol!VO!'Od · h Drive N L 85-ltp 1 • • s, 2'h • . arge v. Rm., party size M.... 78-tlc Hammen, Hand SaW11, Etc. H. w. WRIGJIT BUDA MARINE DIESEL 1 ore • ewpor Inc!ome Property-Real Baragln dining-room kitchen and service porch planned for COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. 818 Coast Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 I SEE REV. BARGER, psychic. for Ne'foort Beach-Five room house use. Outsid'e laundry room. Fine a~-t over B B 'Id S I Ph. Beacon 5665 With Oliver-Twin Disc 2-t<>-1 re-din 908 w s aria f t t units a .-. ~~· ayview Ul ers Uf;f:fc l784 Newport Blvd 3-tfc verse and reduction gear. Com-r;::~eAr:. p~~e 4406·:: 8~ :ls. =~~;n~~lness.' ~~ bf$ double garage. $SOCK) In tumishings. Other ----'-------pletely rebuilt and In first class polntment. 85-2tp fdr additional units: $200.00 features. condition. mOnthly income, immediate pos-p • New and Repair Mechanical Toy~ Electric and MechanJcal Trains, Doll Bugglos, Dolls, Teleeraph Sets. Velodpodeo, Toys, Steel Wagons. TIRES On.MOTORS OOMPANY KEYS session of house. Owner 1944 rice Quoted After Inspection Phone !Seacon 528)..R 2lJ E. :IOth St.. Colta Mesa 20-f.ff SIGN PAINTING Boata, 'l'n!ckl. Wlndowo Wallo ud Builotlna. Ralaod Metal, Wood and THE TOY SHOP 208 Marine Balboa IJland Harbor 2292· W 8().tlc Recapping • MODERN All Electric Equipment NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR DISTORTION OOMPLETE SET IN ONE DAY Made WMle You Wall Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. VOGEL'S I SS.2tc 100 MalD !It., Bal-ta::; Mfrs. ol OILMOTORS DIESEL ENGINES ios Marino, --Jal&nd ~ewport Heights NOURSE MARINE PRonucts __________ N-_tlc_ 1 Praftically new two-bedroom hyme; hardwood floors, carpet- ing, fireplace, playroom with "' bf th over two-car garage-Cushman Scooter 1921 S. E. 16th St. Colta Mesa Phone Beacon 5495 COAST PROPERTIES CO. Realtors "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 2658 ' ,_ · Plut1c Letten HARBOR Plumbing Service M.. LACHMEYER 1768 Nev.'J)Ort Blvd., Beacon 5048\V 38tl< REP AIRING OUR SPECIAL TY 17211 Wost Central Harbor 1243-M SEcnON WORK TUBE REPAIRS Business hours 7:30 - 4, Mon. thru Frt. At other times phone Har- bor 569-J. 84-2tc Repair Work Free Eatlmatea On Servlco and Repair ~ced at $13,500--Terms I J.M. MIIJ.ER --------,------------84--tfc lEAL ESTATE BROKER Fire Equipment Tests · Phone Harbor 1242 C-0-Two. PyTene & Foam ttlllla. Malloy & Wyckoff 151 and Central, Newport Beach CO n-systom and Portable1 Rear Balboa Marine Hardware On Your Way to Balboa" PAINTING 12 Yearo Servico In Newport VENETIAN BLfNDS -GLASS Contracting and Supplies 97tfc LESTER'S now avallab1e. 913 Coast Hiway Ilea. !5261-W -+-----·-..,,-.,---85-C...:..:.ltc E'IS HOKIN & GALVAN ' Newport Beach ~ Newport Beach SHOWER DOORS a.bor Atta CU.Stom Made and Imtalled 2900 \Vest Central Harry Hall Floor polishing and sanding equip-NEWPORT BEACH 0. K. Rubber Welders 1000 Coaat Hlgb""l' ~tic WATER FRONT HOME Ph. Beacon 5522 7~tf< _________ _;.:.....:;;, an guest house, five years old, PAINTING CONTRAcrc>R ment for rent ~ltc Beacon 5'Z5~thones-Beacon 5413 Bayview Builders Supply ---=B,..A'"'R=-=G,...A"'IN=s""1-. -- 27, E. l9th Strool 24-tl< 818 Coast Hlway Ph. Beacon :!007 79-tlc fOR A REUABLE Paint Job oa ----------- your home, call Beaoon 5330 alteI 4:30 p.m. lG-tlt ~AlNT!NO -PAPER HANOlNO and DlllCORA TINO B. E. McDonald 414 Old Coaty Rd, Ooota M- Pbone Beacon 5013-J' 815--tf• Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANfNG In Our Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER P U M P S FOR RENT-16MM Motion plo-pletely furnished. PieJ and ture Projecton-Sound or allent. ddck, new cabin cruiser. Mr. Lowest prices in tumlture 11 m1 WORTHINGTON w i th or without operators. COlomb, Beacon 5299-J. 83-3tc motto. I buy right. I 11eU ri&hl PRESSURE · CENTRIFUGAL FILMS RENTED -Your own =,,,,...,......:..,.,-.,---..,,.-...,..:....:..;.; I also buy tumlture. For All Pressure picture show at home, teaturee, FO~..SALE-2 new all modern 2 Needle's Furniture Soden Refrigeration apons, muolcala, for pert109, Jxo!lroom homes. Fire PI ace, 2204 Newport Blvd. Colta 1111... 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim cluba, churches. Harbor -J. dOOble gaiage, carpeted, We. , Phone Beacon 5038 57-ttc Phone 4652 85-ltc T6-tfc NtwJ>ort Heights, owner. Hu-=.,.....---------------------! "'*' 1522-J. ~tc Order Your FOR SALE-TWo-month-old 44 tt. Carpenters Available sport fishing boat. licensed. 38 OO~RARY bouao. com- Servel fut popular. Via Oporto. 82-tlc for 1.......i -·-a-blUtion outdoor-.-livllll Gu Refrigerator 82-tlc -r..-lr arba. completely landacaped. 2 DAl'SPOKTATFON N ------------1 o. z. --If belrOooia. Open !or lnapectlon. BICYCLES -ow Balboa Canvas Shop Call Harbor es I!!>' Second Avo., C..:-a dol Phone BEAOON 5791hJ Bold. ~~.:-i---Lido Cleanel'!I 100 M~~~ ogeI:!-145 s:"ar1ne ;= 9M-ti. iw. 8214 tc lot -.. !IL. &'• 45' Newport.-Bh:4 58-tl< Harbor m -2241' 21st st. roa UNT 41 ~~~ -K&rlN. .-1,.... -------· _,<;'.._. ,,,/ __ ia._tfc "ANTl:D 'l'O BUY II N-port Boacb U-tl< FURNISHED room. clcoo to bull-~t. Larp llvlnc·room with M.U. Just Arri>....> noa centor. 540 W. 19th. Colta flzjoplace ldtchetl. bath A padb. ..... 1l'IT AD>!I 11 MACHINE and MACRINELESS Permanent. Waves 'nntinc -11.-ins Eftnlna Appt. Pb. Harbor 179-W Vi's Beautv Shop UOS Coat Hlwoy, 6nna dol Mar 75-tlc Y"'1 CASH FOR USED FUKNmJRE llU!llCAL A a•mo M Meaa. 115-ltc Doln't nda thlo Oil! $17,500. • ..,_BA,::::-cR.,.:;,d PHONE BEACON :ilil!l-l. •ti< FOR SALE-Acccldio.i. CaU Har· FC>R RENT-Larae. attractnoo ~at Jobn D. Burnham. 2001 .L .L <> U>O ---==,.-,,.---,--:-:JS.--I bor 258f>.M. 85-lte room. private bath. Dall)-or ' Blvd., Balboa. 81-tlc Om' rm Drue Oo. Will Pay Cash -.lily ratOL Wlntor ratos !or C d l 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 51.5 ZENrnl oonsolo, 1 tubes. attno-~·-t ~-t. s•·-Motel orona e Mar For your furntture or what haw tive cabinet. Pmed oond. Low r--~· •---.~ __________ •_tt_•, 1 YOOl. Pbono B<"1;cln 51!158. Craw• pric:el 928 w. Myrtle. at GttYhound Bua Station. 83-4tc A ~utiful and wry moc1om Joy P'Umlturo, 1812 Nowpor! BABY gianc1. High gr..io make. FOR RENT-Now ~ ..._, h< !"" •bout one yoar old; two emt.. Colta Moaa. 4&-tlt Uaed. Now only $485. Terma. and private bath, tila ... wa two batha, ~. • atall. Twin or doo!No bodl, -and evoeythlnc that -~ roa MUI STEINWAY srand. •'11ie B. The __.__and In'--'--U here a roa1 plouuro. Tho RNITURE FOR SALE world'• moat wonderfal piano. ........ _..,... ..... ma FU Uaed. Sa"" one-third now from -Unt boat. Spoclal raw lar GOOD uaed furniture. Bedroom new ma.y1 prico. permanent &llOllL Mlrado Mu, oeta. ovontuffed chain, couchoo. GOOD used ctlco piano On! llllotol. 106 Coat HJsbwaY, New- H""'alteI II wo recap your TIRES Wo .,..ranteo our "Capo" to Lut BALBOA ISLAND NEWLY. DECORATED-'I\yc>bedroom home near North Bay: Floor furnace .,nd lots ot cl06et space make It ideal for year-arountt living. PARTIALLY FURNISHED-l I $16,0QO • RESTAURANT I On Central avenue In Newport. A money maker. Lots of good equipment and, rea81Dlble root Nets $300 per week. CORONA DEL MAR YOU MUST SEE IT! Built to last forever-this five-room, two-bedroom · home Is built ·completely ol Interlocking concrete block. On a comer, close to stores. In choice district. Most of turnlshlngs are Included- For $14,000 lit •I, SEE US FOR'. NEW HOMES --Several to Choose From1-- Lal'S! Business, Oceen Frontage, Multiple Resl· dellce-we have lt--OOOJe and -us today. EARL W. STANLEY 1-.u>TW&MI WAMIW • BUILDING A Repair work wantod , Newport area. Phone Orance 1345-W. aftor 6 !'-ID-8S-4tp 20,000 MILES -t11ar1 not a11- WE WILL GIVE YOU unall tables A: brick-a-brae. Nov. $69 Or =rent · Y port Be.ch. Pb. Br1 Nii 5299-J'. 2-3, between 2 A 5 p.m. 1018 . . '75tlc ESTATE BROKER REALTOll E. Central Balboa. 115-ltp G~ ~Ra::::~:::; 'w.urm> 'l'O 7IS!CT u Phone Harbor 1242 .covsal:N G GBEA t'EB NEWP 0. T BAKBOB WANTED -Housework by tho boUr $1.00. Pt.one Harbor TIS. 8S-4tc -.rLOTWIJ'ifT Oil&*• • HOUSEJCEEPER or lDgb School sJrl !or mothor'a belpor. to - In hcmr. n.... chUdttn undor a. BaJf 0t Ml day, Uve in or out. Top aalary. Mn. R. B. Harp 3117 Saplilre St., Balboa Jaland. Boz 541. Pbono Harbor ~-- $20.00 rr ONE (X>IQ!5 OEF ~-ol~ ONE TIJIE RECAPPED JN S HOURS. FOR SALE -NewlY upholsteftd and many olllon. Pr!cod !rem QUIET COUPLE c1os1rea ooe bed-15tl ~nd Central. Nowport Boacb 115 'oa.ot BldnroO ll1l3 W. 0111tra1 2ZI .._ A ... studio couch, bod and mattroll $585 up. ..._, apartmont !or 2 or 3 •.,., Your Woy to _.. Colma tlol llu Now part -&-1 ' 1 and othor furniture 509 3lat REPOSSESSED splnot type mlr· · ,mcntha on1y, Startin& about · _ 85-ltc -: -18411 -1ll18 -: -lftl Newport Beach 84-2tc nr piano. A beauty. Full rich mlddlo ol Novorober. No children , --: •• AND ONE-HALF ACRES, 85-ltc FOR SALE Da-1 $30.00 .,,_, N<10i only $295. Tenno. or pola. BeaOOD 5Tl9-W. 115-2tc h Colta 1111oo4 nur -aubdl-----'------------------- 1'falchlng chair $15.00. 9x12 lu<-GORGEOUS new atyled upbolat· WANTED TO RENT-lbrlno Lt. DanclY lor ranch or aub- mlniatOJ rug $15.00, IOlld oak ored piano with m1mr spinet Col. and lamllJf -3 or 4 ~ Prloo $2000. per aero. dlnilll table and 6 chain $40.00. type pateoL Wu exchaneed -oom houoo, fllrniahed or un-I - Ice -$15.00 1631 E. Central for large gianc1." Will aeU !er fUrnlabed. Pooperoto.. Pbonol ~ABLISHED REAL ESTATE Ave., Balboa ~2tp baJ. $288. Be•*1 5896-R. 85--ltp . tor sale ln ea.ta Mesa. FOR SALE-White modorn bad· DANZ.SOIMIDT PIANO 00. WANTED-Small -or praao ... .., In two ,...kl. • ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY :m Agate, Balboa Island PboDI! m,w . SECRETARY WANTED-Short· band. typlns, bookkoepin& tt- quired. Now omco, sood w-. Nowpart Bay Co., ll!il E. 17th, a.ta Mesa. Beacon 5'94-.J. !er a ....,Poto aot -wtD call !or ,..... car In ~ marnlns ... deUwr lame dQ'. '"° • 82.00 -tic ba"'-job room aot, fivo ploc<s: now Sbr>-520 No. Main, Santa Ana. 85-tlc apartmont loo oouplo and ..,. , L. MATnlENS OWNER mom -aprlJIC!I and mattroa. nlco pot. Boot at ...r ........... Very Attractive Thr~Bedroom Home . .. Bt-2tc Now on Hand ScotdlTape ..... t- NEWS-TIMES Sa· • Llnllted ------!er n.oo. No 1Md ......,.. or ..... ti-." Coeta Mesa Tire Co. In_. at 1760 Ne~ Blvd, CXll!rtA MESA ft. B1 I[*• 51'CI - A*lcrAlarllulL $125. Phone Barbor 29&-M. PIANO. One of tho -atylod Cali Boecon 541111 Bt-2tc 509 31at. Newpu.'t -.. 84-2tc upbolsterod pi•-Vrry -. . ; • ~:ite . I ~·iil'"iAJ:i~r.;;di;;;;idi;;t"'iet oratlvo. ~-cl. but jult WANTED TO RENr~. 'ri-FOR SAJ.F Uaed -aot. .. orisli>ol. Sell for boola-ol dnlty at --°""" Fr<>nt. ~El Bayo "Duplex" a1x chairs: o11 hHte-, bed. '281. Seo thla and be·-Call~ :Mll7-JK. 114-2tc 8 J,11fuUY -and 1n t11o ........ and ma-.....n od. We aJwQO aoll !or -. MARINE captain. -wtlo -... bin .... !Ian Mako -pay- n>Cker. 3131' lllariao Aw .. Bal-Danz-5cbmidt. 520 No. Main. I'm•---..,.. t t --In. boa Io1ancl. Bt-2tc Santa Ana. 115-tlc s:-uteod. i-er rmt. FOR SALE--00 hoate' with cam-STEINWAY GRAND. Small -· -ta Ana 4801, Eat. 11111. c.pt. J. :M. MILLER Adequately tunlW>ed and rwty for lmmedblte nrc::upeney. On GRAND GANAL with pier lllld boat . '$20,000 ·---- ISLAND REALTY COMPANY plete lmtallal!an ...,._t. Modon doolp Ills -ta! .J-. ~ J:: ESl'ATZ BllOKEll -Harbor 1311. !ll-2tp -. Tblo la a oho Ins Jn. WANT TO SIElfT--1¢11 ar --UC • , ...... m.w .......... ",._ FOR ~ -1-ter, llllwt. Prlco re-IJmD. Ida I I I -. 2 er I --Om1n1, lfewpot -I =:::::~===:~~=::;::::::~z==~:::::::::===:::;::~l~&~llle~ »pl.. 1!5. ---Shmidt Plano 0... IDc.. SID ,_ wm-. ---'Ca T-Wq lo BeDJ" r . ""* Aw .• 0oota-. ._ No. --. -AM. • "°' . -. 115-Ue Additional Yant Ada on Following ~ • • I ' ' ' ' ·, I _, WANT ADS Cmtlnued from precedlng page ... .,,..,_ ........ -.. ,, ... _.,, -· PPtJ.mAft I Two Unit&- 0n B&y Ave, in Balboa. Fur- Dllhed-- $13,600 Three-Bedroom Hom~ El B&y TracL Furnlah<d--- $26,000 . -. Small Hom~ On Ocean Front at Sea Shore 'Colony- $6260 Ocean Front Lot- s.a Shore ColDny- $3160 40-Ft. Business Lot- Ceoter of Balboa- $18,600 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 Phone Harbor 153 84-tlc Bay Front Lot Balboa Peninsula $12,500 ' wawwaa•..,..N i 'U~~··~-_!-~~D~-----.!!&1 UAL JllllTAD 41 llO!fST 'IO~ M FOR SALE-Lot on central Ave. 1.0.Ufll TO euu.D, -: ,_..,. ". E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Bl..S. Costa Mesa Ph: Bea D" 5SJC> One-Bedroom House Double aarage; good location; eut lllde ot iown. Price re.i...m to $4600 Large Residence Lot Near Newport Blvd Good loca.· tloo. Price only- $1260 FURNISHED Two-Bedroom Home PoDlmula P oint. Zone 3. 35x97. ....,.,.,.,.,_ or -q .. Priced rigbL Call Harboo-315. Newpcllt --al l!la ..... Office of John D. Burnham.~ aad i..a-. .A.a 'lil'kK Ocean Blvd., ~ 8().tfc 3333 Via Lido Ph. lllm1xr 1~ Beverley Realty Co. We Need I .istings- Have 2 cllt'hts waitinc for Bay AtJ'l'OMcrtiflt a nm ~ .. FOR SALE -1937 Chev. pone) truck. See Mr. Sanden at Leg- ion HUL 85-3tc front homes-Must have a pier. At1TO llDVJCS Beverley Realty Co. NOW HERE Gladys Beverley Jack C. Ford Realtors James Howard Broker Bill Lewellyn Sa1->an -Authorized parts 'lllf1 E. Central Harbor I ·~ Balboa 85-ltc Complete Lubrication and Lari:• loL Refriaerator, tabl~top MAintenan<e stove, littplace and patio $3000 _ Balboa Expert Mechanics will bandle. 5 Bedroom Home. Fireplace, Com- pletely Furnished. lfnm<dl•t< Kendall and Quaker State on. Occupency. Two-Bedroom House With 2~ .,.... land. near hllh ICbool. Price only- $8600 J . E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Coot& M-P b. Beacoa 5320 85-ltc Acres Upper Bay View; Sandy Loam $2600 60-Foot Lot Two-bedroom house; nice lion- $12,000.00 Terms Corona de! Mar 2 H owes-1 Furnished $9,000.00 Owner will consider trade ror lot of improved property in Bay Atta. Newport Heights New, Attractive, Modern 2 Bedroom Home $11,550.00 NE WPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Ceotral Ave: Phone Harbor 636 ~~~ jj 300 Newport Harbor Girls per day. We tumlsll the bitch Ob s t p s~th~r: ... =:lvd~~ serve cou rogram J ohn E. Sadleir, Realton I FOR SALE-By owner 1945 Pan O\·er Over 300 Girl Scouts of each! or these days Girl Scout.I Balboa Peninsula Lot $2,675.00 302 ~1ain Street 1505 Coast Hwy. American 'Zr trailer, like new. the Newport llarbor area are tak-make a special effort to show their REAL ESTATE BROKER $6950 Balboa Corona del Mar Leaving town must stcrifice. can ing part In the national Girl Scout f::::s es, friends and community 15th PdhoCne trHar 1 boNr 1242 Be h Ph. H. 2034 Ph. H. 741 1be6501ttNn at M1 esaBI dTrailer 84eo2urttp W27eekwithwthhlech begun11 d Sund1ayh·~~ whha they . are1 doing dsandf what J.M. MILLER ' Need Your .Cabin Rebuilt? • ···or Altered? Sides or bottom painted? 1-44 We Ola Do . the loll for Yoa 9Wtee tile l'laaat WW\H zwltip t.M Sterling Boat Works 615 Clout JOpway NewpoK Belldt Anno~ing the Opening New Service for the Bay Area Contractors Equipment & Supply UU2 Newport A-. 1 BllL West or Newport mft. -or 11t1a st..~•-~-- We Have Brand New F.quipment For Rental CEMENT MIXERS e POWER 8AW8 104 C.F'.M. PORTABLE AIR OOlllPBE880BS an en a , ewport ac 60 F L SS..ltc ewpor v . · , ir a en ance a c \Uw1 t CU" organizat on stan or. "On Your Way to Balboa" ~ OOt ot -,-,..,.,,-==-..,,:-==,..,.,---dressed In their green uniforms. Thfre are many m ore girls tn 85--ltc On Costa ~1esa street, "A'ell lo-RML ESTATE WANTED M AIRPLAN£8 n 'nle theme of the 7-day program ' our ~mrnunity who would like to AIR TOOLS • WHP:EJBA&ROWS _F_O_R_S_A--l.E--Lo-t _55_x_J_,;s_ft_.,_th_r_oe l cated-WILL m.ADE-Lots on Lido Isle FOR SALE-Must sacrflice BT·lJ... highlighting Girl Scout activities be Gfrl Scouts but there are not P NEUMATIC TIRED TRACTORS WITH BLADES blocks from bus.iP-ss district, Only $11 00 also Jots on Peninsula on pur· A excellent condition low time and idealsit"OtizenshipinAction enoua:~ troops to take care of Costa Me!a. C1ea.r . by owner, , chue or 2 or 3 bedroom house engine, Mcemed. N. 'c. 57221. Around the World'', selected be--the~ ore leaders a.re needed and AJ..80 John L. Larson, 1409 W . B&y in Harbor district. Phone Harbor Call Harbor 2370 or write Box cause it typifies the widespread ther ,are other ways of helping. CONCRETE BREAKING AND Ave., Newpot"t. Harbor 1146-R. J . C. PAYNE, Broker 707 81-Uc 210, Corona del Mar. 85-ltc Interest and elfort of Girl SClouts CaU the GU"l Scout Association W U! lake any reasonable offer Ill I. 18th St. Costa Mesa In behalf of world friendship and pres1 cnt. Mn. Herbert Morey, SANDBLASTING SERVICE or trade. 83-4tc: Ph. Beacon 521J..M .&OTOe WAN'l'm MAVT08 WANTICD • understanding. Har r 2524-W and do your part ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Girl Scout week Is always that in he P.ing young girls J:>e<:ome bet· '2100-Bay front cabin; electric R .. W. BARTINE week "'hich includes Oct. Jl, lhe ter tize'?s through helping them refrigerator ; sleeps lour. Cabin Associate Broker WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS bee<> e Girl Scout 25, William Hanawalt, Bay Res. Ph. Beiicon 5276-J anniversary or the birth of Juliette Shore Camp. 84-2tc and Wil l Pay Top Pr1"ces Low, founder of Girl Scouting in 85-ltc the United States and this date Co Cert J1eaders AUSO LOT near 15th St. 50xl27. ---N-,,.---rt-..,B,---h---SEfJ. YOUR CAR NOW was orlgtnally observed as Found· Phone Beacon 5459-R, after 6 ewpo eac While Prices are High. er's day. After. Mn. Low"•' de_••h n Office for p.m. 85-4tp Well located. close to transpor· in 1927 the trad1t1on was establish· •ation and in walking distance Phone tor our cour1e0us buyer who wlB ca11 an11 ed or commemorating the day .. Member Drive East Newport Five bedrooms, 2%-baths. nlshed- or stores. Completely redecor· advllle you reaardlng OPA lleglllationa, celllng the rocal point of a special week. Fur-ated and ready to move into. prices and arrange all details Theo "seven service days'" <"! Girl H dquarters for the member· Priced at only-Scout Wttk are ea.ch devoted to CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO I 10me ipecial phase of Scouti!l&. ship campaign of the Newport $12,600 $6600-$2300 Down " nc . With Sunday church going day, Co un}ty Concert usociation J M MILLER °'*"olet and Q\ .. ,.obllo Doalen Monday u Homemaking Day; Wlll open at the office of J . J.M. MILLER · · 3001 Wat Q!ntnl. Newport Beem, 302 C>ceM., l'luntinct.1 &em 'I'u(sday. Otizenship Day; Wednes· A. . k, which is at the Ferry REAL ESTATE BROKER -day Health and Safety Day; Thun-Lan4ing on Balboa TJland all next Phone Harbor 1242. Phone Harbor 1242 -p--------------------~-:_ I day, International Friendship Day; week! from Monday, Nov. 4 to 15th and Central, Newport Beach 15th and Central, Newport Beach :__;;U_B:_L:_l_c_N:....:.o.:...;T_IC~E:___ PUBLIC NoTJCES Friday, Arts and Crafts Day and Satuj-day, Nov. 9, Mn. J. Leslie "On Your Way to Balboa" "On Your Way to Balboa" Saturday. OUt--0!-doon Day. On Steft'fnso~, vice president of the REAL ESTATE BROKER 85-ltc 85-ltc Dept. 2. No. 41009 Is1and in the Oty of Newport ------------orga ,ization, reported today. ---:o---~-.,.----------------SUMMONS Beach, Orange County, Call· ry day a staff of volunteers BRIGGS ' ••• BEST *** BUYS (ornla, u particularly shown on hand at the headquart- Action brought In the Superior and delineated upon a plat of HANSON'S o receive reports from the A good 5-rm. house for residence and a good 4-rm. house for Income; garage and storage room, on a choice lot near Lido 'Theater and near water front Imm. poss., $7500 cash, balance monthly. Two-year-old house of 1250 sq. ft., 2 B. R., dbl. gar., $1000 worth cement work, 75 ft. real close in, on Harbor Blvd. $5500 will handle. Beautiful 5-yr.-old ocean front peninsula home, 5 bdrms., 2 baths, 3-0lr gar., $31 ,500, T. D. on part at 41"?% Int Unfinished house, cess pool, toilet, sh~~r on I L a~ f31:;Q, v--.,., ~~. Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa 634 Co&st Highway A "Sandy" Steiner Offtces Phone Bee.con 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 How Is Your Insurance? We Write Fire and Indemnity · B:>-ltc Court of the County of Oran&e, said district, being plat No. cor of volunteer workers being and Complaint filed in the Qf.. 410 approved by the Oty org ized by Mrs. Stanley Cham}).. flee of the Clerk of t he Superior Council of said City on ~ Shade and en, ~airman of the campaign, to Court of said County. 2nd day of July, 1945, and on Lin J Sh enrob members in the usoctatlon. b tu s~or c-t o1 tu State of Cattforala a. aDd f or tM: Oouat)' of Or.,.e. mile In the office of th• City 0 eum op es received from members of Oerk of Mid Oty. A N Balldln association, Mrs. Clinton Anyone Interested may. at any ew e ' secretary, said will be time before the expiration of ten New FadlHiM at the close of the campaign dB.)'I: altu the full publication of. on turday, Nov .. 9 for the pur· CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH, • lhJs Swnmona, appear and by venetian Blinds pose of engaging artbts for the Municipal Corporatlon ot th• proper proceedings contest the Window Shades bril t all-star series ot concerts Sixth Cius, validity of the proceedings men-to presented by the orga.niza- Pl&inUif, tiorwd in the Can.plaint hettln on tlon during the coming months. VI. file and the contract to be given Delivery • • .. Installation Mfs. Sawin atreaed that the ALL PERSONS INTERESTED L'I in <oru>eetlon therewith. OT to up-Free Estimates menibershlp b open to every l'fti. THE MATTER OF THE GRAD-hold the validity ol said proceed-den of the Harbor area. She add· ING AND PAVING, CON· lnp:. For Qalek. 8&wlce ed. 1however, that applications STRUcnON OF SIDE.WALK You are dlttcted to appear In an o.D ~ ~ mus! be made on a seasonal bub AND CURBS. SEWER CON-action 'bnl<lght acalnlt you by the :i.011 ZSrd 8t. ea.ta --durlpg the campaign week, either NEcnONS, WATER MAINS, above-named plal:nutt in the Su· thro}ll'h one of the mem bership WATER CONNECrlONS, FIRE perior COurt al the State of Call· ~-----------' cotninlttee or at headquarters. HYDRANTS AND APPURTEN· fomla. In and fat the County of -----------Tile dinner to launch the cam- For MARINE • HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE It's the 23rd &: Central Pb . 2600 ANT WORK. IN CERTAIN Orange. and to answer the com------------paig\i will be held next Monday ~ STREETS AND ALLEYS AND plaint •rein wilh!n teo days E V E R Y T H I N G ever\lng at the Laguna hotel at 7 i ."",-__;,• ..:,t _ __;t _ __:t:__;t::__::t _ _:t:___:t:___:t~-t! APPROACHES THEREOF IN alter the -on you of lhll 11 SEcnONS 1 TO 5, INCLU-·summons. If served wilh!n the .. QaalHy REAL~VALUES , HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSURANCE ' -TALK ABOUT BUYS-- We've Really Got 'Em Thi s Week i One bedroom home on east side with a new double garage . . . redwood . . . a reel buy at- $4750 One bedroom home in good district. Approximately three-quarter acre. Furnished at- $6000 Cx:>MPLETELY FURNISHED two-bedroom home with good furniture. Lot 80x223. Nicely land- -~ $7400 Three-bedroom home In very good district oo half acre. aeen Inside and out.- $9500 8 . A. NERESON REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Fbll D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Bondra PbOne Beacon 5225 19'72 Newpcd Blvdio SIVE, OF BALBOA ISLAND County ot Orange. °" wtlh!n thirty REFRIGERATION AND TRACT NO. 742. ALL IN days If served elsewhere, and you THE CITY OF NEWPORT are notified that unless you so Air CGZldlU..btg • BEACH, ORANGE couNTY, appear ano answer as above ~ l!'.qal,•• .-ck Know)and by CLARK & BAJ. ES CALIFORNIA, quired. the plaintiff will take Jud&· Defendants. ment for any money or damq:es OW • Ol'*1eta • Ooaaten demanded In the Complaint, as w•-. ..._...._ . -ww1:.:i;,c1o;:.,~::,do~yui3 8g!'~: . ' 'The People ot the Stat< of Cali· arialng u-contract. "" will -a.n · 1100• Jandl Look for th B M ilbo fomia Send Greetinp to: apply to the Court for any other Cl ,.. ......... • his l dty mayon, WU made public -' e ronze a x - Ali' person1 Interested in the reUe! demanded in the compla!DL -w°if:a~ :::ui'3a U:iso w;:i'n ~ lnduded.!ththe namea M tallizl matter of the grading and paving, Given under. my hand and aeal 0 · · ·~ mayor 0 •· ty 8 ng- oonttruclion ot sidewalk and CW"tis of the Supenor Court of the of~wport Beach. e INDUSTRIAL Tanks. kttll, rudden, tied< ftt- tlngs, hardware. sewer connections, water malN: County ol Oran&e. State of cal.I~ new group of mayors sup-f mi um 11th day f ,..._.,_ ... _ por r Sen. Know1and's candidacy water connttUons. fire hydraht'S 0 a. 0 \,,!'\;~. for e--election on the ha.st& that e ORNAMENTAL ·.• - Art oblects. doors, ll1ci>o. ...... front decorations. and appurtenant '\\'ork, ln certain l946.. as made good Md sf\Ould be stttets and alleys and approaches B . J . SMITH. th job thereof in Sectlom 1 to 5,. In-County Oerk and Clerk of the on 0~ all ~~=~~on for Welding-• AIL TtPES elusive, ot Balboa Wand and Tract Superior Court of the State 13 mayoni added their sup-~~:=. ~~= Iron. .No. 742. all in the Oty of NeW· . of Calitornia, ln and for the par / to 34 Loe AngeJes county -ALL WORK OtJA&AJrfl'IZD _: • port Beach. Orange County, C&li-County of Orange. who recenUy announced NEWPOaT BEAOB IM - -&no. - fornla, · Ddend&nts. By L. W. W AU.ACE. thPi~ cndo-•ment of the seoa•-. '-----------------------' 'Ibe action herein brought la Drputy. ma. Loi •sp's st.•=' ' ---,. ·--""" brought. punuant to the provts-<Seal Su.,..U,.-Court. Orange ,,_ - Ions ot Olapter 10, Division 7 of County. l the Stttets and Hicbways Code of NOTICE p N the State ot Callfarnla. to determ-APPEARANCE: .. A defencl&nt UBUC OTICE !De the validity ol the pn>c:eedlnp appears In ao action When be btretotore taken by the Qty ot answen. demurs, or c:tws the =:-Stl'ftt. Santa Ana. C.U- N--+ 'D----tn the matt.er ot plaintiff Written notice al. b.19 ap-Jerrs w. BrowL iu North "'°'"" ~-..-.. ~ _.__ BtrMt-&aata A.a&. caJ.ttonUa. the Kntllnc and pavlna, ooootruc-pe..-.-, . °" ~~ ao attorney WTTNZSS -...... uu. ut11 .., tlon ot aideWaJk and curb -ctves notice ot appearance rw ot Octollor. ...._ connectloas. water mat ... .' water him.'• <Sec. 101(. C.CP.) ~wT.~~. connect1oas fire b)odrants aod "I>' Answers °" tlemlln'ml must be '""" n: or C&LDORNU. purtenant ~ tn cn1ain strata In Writing. and fDed with the 00~ ~~0~. 4. D . and all.,. and-~ ~ Pub.Clerk.Oct. 17 •• ~~ .. =-~:.~ 'f,. ~ In Sectlom 1 to 5 -"' . ... 31, l !IM. .... Oow>tJ' ... .. ...... - Balboa J.ala.nd Md Tract No. 7'2 bl. dal1' • '•"WI uJl!I ~~ -117 -,,..... T. Wr~·--.. in said Oty ol. Newport BMcb. CERTIFICATE o~ 9USINW &Dd J9"7 w. lltow9, Dowa to - Oranp Oou:Dty, Califorola., and to ncti\kNs l'trm Kw ~ ~.:::: ,i:-~ determine tbt valldi.ty cl. a.ny COD--•• ze!..¥NP~C:NC::C.::.=• ..-.. wt Kbo•'edpd to -..,,=u1:; tr ct to ~ ·~ --••Rt to u~.r ..._ _, .,.. & pa. --.=..-tM W. a ~ en\.11:111~ ,_..__. tra1~.ta.aJenaadt1ppataten: m WJTMm wmmr t Mn said Iii_.._. ~ ~.!;.''."~~ OftO.:' -.......... --... °""'"" •7 The bounduis al the amem ·:t~....,. u.. ~=:.:Un~ ::,.w1..,J:. 1.a lb1a mmt d1atrlct are u followo: -°' NOil& a. JLUIOW&Jn'B. All that -rMl -... ·-:.::~ ~-OOJaAJ<Y" -,,_ ,_ -tor _.. l!l't7 tncb.W within the u~ u. to11111ms pw ,, ...:;. •:.:.= ~ ~8!r ~ .. -W - ~~~ ol n-•-... •I*' J d an • ......... wit.: Of.,.. 81111.) ~-DIU 0-.W T. W•' ,,,.. JU ,..... .... Oet. rt .... a.: ..... ; '· .... -. MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE •s t s I KOl'Ollll mowr • • :ve thia 4-Point Check ··-:-:•: C!! ..... .......... -N I l l • . 1501 ~T CENTRAL AVENUE PBONB BARBOR tlt6 • • l'I! t 1 n l'lud ~ ·~ ............ • llOtt;r ......-c - •Auto Pain~ ,$60 ....... • • • .....~~~~~~~~~~~' J That's whar Chevron Supreme Gasoline brings to your '. cu, folh-•kyway performance adap<ed ro the highway. ' War-~!o im_provem~t:s in ftying . fuels paved the Wl1. for chis pra:wum ga.soline--:a guolioe thac is tailor·made for your car's requircmtno. Chevron Supreme means quicker .StafU, extra powe-r-smoothet performance iD traffic and on the ope.a road. TI}' il ! Clayton nompson Whoksale DlstribaUon Phone 155 Res. Phone 1094 Retain His • e ABILITY AND e EXPERIENCE A• California'• U. S. Senator Wm. F. Knowland • Knows His Job • Is Able, Experienced • Is Sound on All Issues FOR RETUR.'< TO THE U.S. SL'<ATE Wm. F. KNOWLAND j + j !<NOWLAND FOB U.S. !IEN'ATE OOIDDTTEE Ranald Fal.rbalrn. Cbalnnaa How to Vot1 for 811111 Selloo/1 !Clip Tbis S.//ot •nd T•i• II to t/te Po/Ii Witb YwJ PRO POSITION 3-'"The Better Schools Meuure.• Provides a fair minimum living •&&e-Si400 ui- nually-for California school teachers. VOTE YEii PROPOSmON 7-Providcs for election rathu than appolntmeot of County Boa.rd of Education mem· hers in chuter counties... VOTE YESI PROPOSm ON 8-Establishcs qua.lificatioos for county JUp<rin<endeo<s of schools. VOTE YESI PROPOSmON 9--Provid" for a.ppointm.cnt of ooe ne•· deputy superintendent of public instruction .and three associate superintendents by State Boud of Educ><ion. VOTE YESI PROPOSITION 13-lt will be ao nnlucky day for Calilornia's system of public cducatioa if Proposi- tion 13 ~s. Proposition 13 would JtarTc Ca.li- fomia"s !Cbools, in<eosify the teachu shortage._ and throw the increasing burden of school e:z:- ,...penscs on tupayers in loal school d.istrid:L VOTE llOI PROPOSm ON 3 is the key measure 00 which the future of our >ehools depends. Above all, vote "YES" oo ~ CAUFOIJllA COUNCIL OF EDUCA~ DE YOUNG IUILDt~ SAM FIAHCISO, CALlfOIHIA . ' • NSWPOllT ••• ,.,,. • •••• ....... O.C-. 11 IMI LAUNDRY ONIJ WW SDVICE Broadway Cleaners Supervisors Grant Wage · Hikes to County Officers SANTA ANA, Oct. JO.--Oran&e amendments to the Alary sch<d- county elective officers will re-ules for the department bead:I ceive lncreues in their salaries of who are elective and appointlce. $100 per month as a result ot The board did not say when the action taken by the board of super-raises would be made effective, visors at their meeting Tuesday. but since the next meeting is Nov. 1M Broadway ec.ta ·-Pia. BeaOOll 5'1ZS H1TEB QUAUTY OF DRY QLE&NING 5 DAT SEBVICl:-FBl!:E DELIVDT •e OPEN SATUllDAY AFl'ESNOONll e At the same time the board 6, the increases apparently will said it had no objection to. and not become effective until on the would support a plan to ask for Dec. 1 pay checks. • Before Y oa Build or "emoclel Dist. Atty. James L. Davis and Coroner .Earl R. Abbey beaded AuditOT Les Eckel, both of whose a delegation to the board to ask salaries are fuced by the state the increases. He was followed legislature. by Tax Collector Don Mozley and The pay raises will be made Auditor Eckel in outlining rea- effective as soon as County Coun-sons why the increases should be set Joel Ogle prepares necessary allowed. E:mp1oyes generally have papers. resolutions calling for been given pay increases regu- VWt Our lnt...ut!q Se-pie and Display ....... Color giddel, plan- ning aids, axnpn>ben&. ive stock ol carpets and llnolemru • larly, With department heads re-'Ask the Professor' ceiving no<hiog more •• any time. excepting more than a year ago By U. F. NOA.ll.E. Dear Professor: Am simply nuts atx>ut ball games, but it's been my bad luck to get hit twice by slTay fouls. Where·~ the safest place to sit? Arui : Rlght ~hind a good knot hole. Dear Professor : Have a few bucks left after paying last in- come tax installment. Would like to buy some good stock. Can't you give me a confidential tip? Ans: 1 consider American Bank Vault a safe investment. Dear Professor : Why is the game of bridge so popular? Ans: Because undoubtedly it0s the one place folks can be dum- mies and not feel humiliated. Dear Professor : Want to buy a feather bed. but can't afford fancy prices. May I inquire if all of them are expensive? Ans: Understand they are, but perhaps one can be bought by just mak ing a d O\\'ll payment. Dear Professor : \Vhich type of money do you prefer to carry. Paper or silver? Ans : F avor folding money. On opening I always find it lncre~l'S. Dear Prof: \Vrote a wonderful story, sent it to a m agazine, and Bingo!, right off the ba t came a r ejection slip. Pretty dis~raging Did you ever r eceive one? Ans: Sister, you should see my living room. I t's papered with them. Dear Professor: \Vhat becomes of all the floaters who flock to Southern California? Ans: It's been observed that scads of 'em wind up in the ocean. Dear Prof: Kindly advise how much of a part clothes play \\'hen one applies fo r a job? Ans : Two schools of thought . "Q othes make the man", a n d "Don't judge a ma n by his clothes". take your pi ck. Dt'ar Professor : In your opinion. '~'ould there be a market for "wild oats"? Ans: Undoubtedly, provided you first found a way to tame them. • Dear Pror: Unders tand every ship entering an American port has to pay for the priviledge. l s this true? Ans: Absolutely, Bud. Every last boat coming into port is docked. Dear Prof : Do you subscribe to the Da.rwtnian theory? Ans : Rumor has it some of my ancestors were credited with some remarkable tales. Dear Prof: What adviae can you gi.ve a young man about to em- bark upon the sea of matrimony? Ans: Only this ... don't aban- don ship when the going geU a bit rough, and It will. ' Dear Prof : Please advtae what the French words Sans Soucl mean. Ans: That, my friend, is juat plain "I should worry." Dear Prof: Pa says nobody ever got anywhere looking for trouble. Comment on this please. Ans: Ask Pop if he ever tangled 'lo'ith an automobile mechaNc. Dear Prof : Who, among all the freaks in a side &how usually rates the greatest interest? Ans: With me the fat lady al- "'8.)'1 carried the most weight. Dear Prof : Do you happen to know of a book called "Who's Who," and it's author! Ans: Know a book titled "'who's "'ho and how much has he got.'.' by RC Dun. Dear Prof: \Vhen a fighter ii knocked down the referee always counts ten Why ten! Ans: They tried 14 once in Oticago. but it proved very un- popular. Manila folden at News-nmt& Phone ..,_ 58U Newpon a ea.la .._ CAB CO. U-Boar8&vb when their pay was boosted to $400 monthly. Pay incre~ for the district at- torney and auditor would have to be recommended by the next grand jury to the state legislature. Davis Was deJega ted to make such a recommendation. n A. P . Trawtck, Santa Ana -.. ---Santa Ana ic;;;;;;..;11111ty Clleot, bad to reacb. El Cea.tro quickly to be a t bedside of allln.s" mother, travel by .._,. tax 1aved. the day. Be became nm r of laaucural tupt: of Don m11man'1 travel eenice alr taxl to LoDC Beach, wbere be made on-tbe-ad.aut.e oonnecUon with r. Mhe A.rd1a Watte, w bo 90Jd blm the ticket. .eeA hJm off on rst flicbL · ( olitical Advertisement) Thousands of GI Vets Say:,- Re-elect Sher'iff Jesse L. Elliott ''He Is the Man. Who Knows the Job'' R etu rne d Service- and Women who know, say "HE IS THE BEST SHERIFF ORANGE COUNTY EVER HAD." . men • ,,_.._ . ·. . f R. !DICK) HA STER, well-known Gor den Grove rancher, veteran of Worlc w .,r I. long prominent in Veter<'Jn affairs. ~ays: "I have known Jesse Eliott I S yea~. I know him to be e sober, eonscienlious and trustworthy public servant, we need his efficiency and experience." • READ WHAT FEW OF THEM SAY! • • t • ~-'Iii~ . . ' .. ~ ' • ' • . , < . . ~· ·~ ~ . .tESS~ L. E:LLIOT,.. (INCUMBENT) They also say: "PER- FORMANCE, Not Pro.mises! It isn't what he says he will do, or promises to do ••• but WHAT HE MAS llONE." • . \,,.---· 'ODIE HERNANDEZ, populor Lo · :)Una bu ~i nessm<'Jn, served in Eu ro· pean and Pacific the<'Jfers as Boot- ;;wains M<"Jte, U. S. N., soys: ''As a former Peace Officer I can appre- ciate the fine job that Sheriff Elliott did during the war years. He de- serves the su pport of all ex-service- men and women in Orange County." IVY L BELOTE J r., Costa Me,. Busin....,.n, winner of Distinguished Aying Cross with Oel:: Leef Cluster end the Air Medel with six clutters, saY': "Sheriff Elliott will qet my YOte bee.o- h. is • 'Wotl:ing Sheriff' with tfte lnlwesls of Orang e County and ih citizens peremount et an times:· llU STEEL of U. Hobro flew o B-29 on mony attocb 119ainst Jopen. ·stoles: ''l'I YOte few si-ifl Eliott bee.UM M helped kHp Oro. County • 'White Spot' during !lie wor. lt'1 "r. to • now to help him kee p this county de.n.. • DAL HASH owm hil business • Buena Par\:, """9d ..;th llMo 88• (Blue Dev;ij Division, 362 d.ys o• lront line duty lo his credit, 19)'$: ··11 ..... c:omfott lo ....... thet ti.. socurity of -·• "-..d Nonilr w•s in such cep.1W. Minds al SlierfA El"tOtt's. ••• I belie•• in W. •:111ff, "bil;ty onc1 .....,n,.· DAN NUGE~, veteran of 21 years es an -- listed man e n commissioned Warrant Officer in the Morin Corps, said : 111 was irnpreaed !'Y llMo co-o~::.:i-by She<iff Eliott ond his staff lo brooches of tt.. _,,;c. Md lo otW !.w rrt ~ He is ovt- stonding. KHp him on llMo job." UNINT W A m~M .__ lO IHW.. IUJOTT SA 31 2 Nl PO-ORANGEf 21 SHERIFF JESSEL ElllOTT-19460CT 21 PM II Oil SHERIFFS OFFICE A HiA ~ THAl«S FOil YOUR FINE L.ETTBl Of INTROOUCTION. COMING FROM ORANGE COUNTY'S ING AND IN:5T CAPABLE I.AW EHFalla- MENT OFFICER THE IS'VAl.UED VERY HIGHLY. YOU MAY USE MY NAME IN OJNJ~ION WITH FOltlllCOMING CMIPAIGN M ::>NE OF YOUR~ N'6J ARDENT BOOSTERS. CXlRDIAU.Y. . , DR.J05El'H SA YUN I CVot. Worid W-I • II., Oil. Med. Cari&. U.S. A.I HJ.llY 191, HOWAID, WALTR l•foN ... L L (QIU) MCiaill ............... _ s i. - clars .. a ... el ..lea•e L. lllletL ROBERT L JONES ...wet in two .,,.,. tbNiwa. Hi& outfit, the 861+. 8teci Hawlc DMsion. fought tt.. Bet< tie of the Bulge and later moved lo llMo Pacific for the fi nel onslau~~ljff ~ Bob says: "!At's kMp .... lo afflce. w .............. ..... la.tvd in '. 'r0¥9ft f..r.n..,. -· .... ....,. ProntJ111'.· ,.,. Ad ............ ,,, ... sjiirwt.-.. ..,, W•••• fll OI 9s C1112f)o -· I ' ) l\nalreim Reviewer - Oiamts FAC Section Praenting het"1 revie'W'S in a manner both dramatic and insplr- Police Auxiliary Enjoys Evening at Isbell Home M emben of the P olice Awdllary Harbor Pbone8 13 and 208 •' 0nma e Fe1ninine + Ac ti ities + • Mesa "PT*1'>rogram Will Feature Coul)ty Specialist ' • • I Capilla Circle Sfudies India Capilla Orcle of Corona del Mar ' me and with altllled ability, Mn. llartha Raymond of Anaheim de- iiCJ,ted members of the-Friday Af- ttrnoon club book section with a delf&httul program at the Am- erican Legion hall Friday after - noon. were guests Tuesday evening: at ------------- Relljmim Pbane 1637-R Miss P aull, county physio-Community church met last week 'El b h F (Be therapbt ' from Dr. R ussell's of-with Mn. o. z. Roberbon presld- Mrs. Raymond is a former in- structor of E nglish, drama and public 1peakplg and now a mem- ber.c--°f Oranee County Speakers' f.:rurp. She charmed her audi- ence with thumb-nail sketches of three booka of fiction and 14 non- fiction books followed by a de-taiAd review of "Skinny Angel", a delighttul a tory of. the wife and family of a college professor. A t the conclusion of the pro- srem 1'otrs. J . P. Cooper and Mn. 0. D. King 9eM'ed tea aDd Hal- -.O'en cakes. the home of Mrs. Helen Isbell, 1305 East Central avenue, where Hallowe'en decorations added to the festive spirit. New to the guests was the game ot Oklahoma rummy which ~ vided tun for the evening. When scores were disclosed. Viola Cor- ned received first prize with Mabel Jones ta.king second. . ~ went to Mildred Johnson and R uth Gerrish wu consoled. At a short buslness meeting it was voted to make donations to the Community Chests of Cost.a Mesa. and Ne'NpOl't Beach, and plans were discussed for the an- nual Christmas party. At the close of the meetlq pumpkin pie and coffee were served, table decorations featur- ing the hOliday the me. Others present wer e the Mes- dames Audrey Cottle, Lorraine Mon tgomery, Alda Gorton, Mary CUswnano and Bee Lace. The next session of the group wUl be held November' 22 when Kn. Newkirk of Anaheim will be the speaker . Mn. Newkirk is well known In Orange county as an unusually Cine reviewer. All mem- bers and friends of the Friday Afternoon club are urged to attend these meet ina:s. The programs are exceedingly worth while as well as entertaining and friendly social hours contribute to the pleasure. Mr. at'ld Mrs. G. N. Wells and Mrs. Mabel Ulve or Costa .r.lesa have returned from a week's \isit to San Francisco, Bay Mead· ows and Santa Cruz. During their stay they were guests of l\trs. Bess Wells of the latter city. ' SANDY'S DRIVE·. IN y.,.1 We Have HAM • BACON • BEEF e PORK • Dagwood Hamburgers 6S2 Oout m g hway On the Mlncle Mlle Expert B e·a u tic i ans for Milady • Pumanenu, ~d V. ave, lWr Styllna. lWr T!ntlq - --Bl .. ch· Inc, Fadall. NO WAJTIN'O Oarmea and 8ulff v -""\~ .,_..._..,,AD..._. •: hJ ... tr' .. ,_ ........ _ .. ,,, r--. ..,__. 111 ~ Balboa Inn Beauty Salon --&.-• ''Proof that Christian Science Heals'' is the title of a new series ' • of programs which can be heard over ALL MUTUAL STATIONS I Including KHJ -KVOE Every Saturday at 5:15 p. m. Under the dlrecUon of The CllrloUan ~ Board of ~rs In Bost.in L.A.VlSHLY FURRED COATS Magnificent Silver Fox, Blue Fox, Lab- rador Dyed Fox co liars on both fit- ted and box style coats. From $1 10.00 U1e our coownient JO/flO/IO da,y accounts Jerome ljOung" Dll..TIN<TM · L~DI{ t ~P!lnU · · -E. Colorado Blvd. PASADENA lllST South Coast Bhd LAGUNA BUCH ,, ' I iza et rancis tty Van Wig) Weds r-Newton Rites flee, ,will bel program speaker at ing and Mn. RDnald Bernasccnl S t A M · p tty H C S I . the meetjng of Costa Mesa Parent· cting in the an a na an m re ome eremony o e n1zed Recently ~ ... <het &SSOdatJon , to be held at a as secretary aboeoce .I.' or Mn. J ohn Sadleir. a pretty wedding was held at the tiered wedding cake, to pped with auc\itotf• ~ ~be main schooli M i s s Lois Ott of Olarlotte'a Sunday afternoon at 2 :10 o'clock n!latlves and friends. 'The t=-At Si' nta Ana 2 '30 p.m. Tu .. day. Nov. 5 in the Mn. Allen led in de"otions and home ·or the bride's paren ts, Mr. lovebirds, was cut by the bride and At ceremony held ln St. IIU16'ating _her 'Ject µre o_n pol~o. Beau ty shop, gave the musical pro. and .?t1n . J . E . Van W ig, 2t17 groom. P eter's Lutheran church Santa Miss Paull ~JI show rn?tion pie-gram, sin~ ~r Pe r f e ct Edgewater, Balboa, when Ellie-The new Mn.. Le Borgne has . ' tures1 relat6:1 w~the sub)eCt. F ea-(Stinson ) and Desert Song (Rom- belh Edwina Fra.nd.t (Betty Van Ana anH wtlh the Rev. H erbert tured for the musical part ot the resided at 106 Z7th street, New-n-th Ifs ber g). She v.·as accompained by \Vig) became the bride of Yves nu , · tor of Newpor t Harbor program will be Ointon Sawin and ,._ H . Cardo•• Sloan .. port Beach for some lime, coming J '~-a. -. Louia Le Borgne jr., 90n of Mr. from Puente, the fonner home of Lulher ap church oft1cia ting, E laine his •tr1nc ensemble from the high For t he program, memben held and Mrs. Yves Louis Le Borgne her parents. ~tr. Le Bor gne wu L. New.ti on, daughter of Mr. and school. 8 symposium on India. Mrs. Wll- of Santa Ana. . employed In shipbuilding and fish-Mn. HJ S . Graham of 3304 Mar-As -is election day, membens son gave the geography, products Vows were exchanged m front ing during the war. After a honey-I becam the b .d f who 1'0tle·tn that precinc t will cast and statistics on this country • of the f"ireplace, lovely with moon in ,.,_,.00 and Wu~on cus av~ue, e ri e 0 their ballots ai the 9Choo1 which ---.• C4I&= t W alke<, IOI> of ~-and _ ' large as all Europe, minus Russia. chrysanthemums In autumn ahades they wU1 il'lalle thefi. !llline . Mn. J . E. ·wa)Ur of La H-· Is a voting jllft, and att uried where nearly 200 languages are with potted palms and candelabra 1 · ' -e ,to attend the meeting and tea ....... i.. b •• . peopl Kent Kobe.rt.a,, fordp eo~ pcmdent and. lecturer, wt.o wlD talk OD Amerlca's place ln die poUUcal "'o rld at tbft Eltell club meeting of Nov. ;. Noted Speaker Sch eduled for Ebell O ub Meet a t each side . The Rev. George E. _Th~~'"l'!te-•, gray IUlt to be held arierwarda. 'They are .,.,..en Y uoe vanowi es. Root, pastor of the First Meth<>-Bazaar Nets $450 with . . ~.hat; gray ~ ,agalll ~ of the -9f Mn. Geo,i:e Lewa talked on. th• c1i.t church of Orange, perlormed F Ca .11 c· I ...,.. . ~e "?"-of votinlJ -f~ on '*~-1n._t:tnc penonaces. espec:lali, the double ring ceremony and the Or pl a IrC e T•li-ro1:0-:81ewu.&tfm ln 3, ~-· !W-_tlle sc:hoola of Mn. Nartlul, the greates1 bli.de v.'as given in marriage by ~by her &ther':•·Mn.. C. _... tat.e.ffa: . .,. . woman palltician.ln India and who her father. With the noon luncheon attract-er ,.... matron of honor At tllit recent board meetinc bas done ao much to teCUre tbeit She wore ror the occasion a suit ing many customers and featuring ix>wder blue suit wu set Mn Ed Mirkovich ways and right.a. iirL Wendell Hoyt ex. of brown a nd white with brown a choice of baked beans or a de-off wi±Jblack acceuories. ~ ~ reP:n-teci a very plained their m1 uslc and arts! while accessories and a corsage of yet-licious tamale pie on the menu. Robe l Baldwin of La H a bra wu suooeaful rag tdrive wtth $119 Mrs. Campbell talked on thetr ~U· low chrysanthemums. Her sister, Capilla Orcle's fall bazaar proved best and ushers wer e Uhl-in resultinc proceeds and more cation and religions. Wig Rath) of Puente was matron $450 netted. Late-comers found C. L. · chner of N orth H olly-mage sale later in the season to the Mesdames E. F . Coop, E.A.K of honor, wearing a dress of aqua plenty of attractive thinis but wood. bring in a4d1tlorial funds. Hackett and H . King . Mrs. Ray S. Craig (Alma Van an enormous success with over man 1:1 na ldson of La Habra and expected. She also plans a nun-H ostesses for the a fternoon were blue and black with black acces-heard reports of things sold earlier A ption follo\\-·ed tbe wed--;;;;;;=:· ============;;;=========;;;;; \V ith our country taking the sories and a corsage of chrys-which made them determine to be ding. tj'iose assisting being the I most important place in the anthemumsMin fulchLesia Bored. Best! ~~x~a~!.::;ty in the day for the Mesd81pes R. Sturdevant, E. "A Pkiu Wh.,., Fishennen Me<t" world today and the American pco-man was arce rgne 0 Shackl,tte, A. Johnson, E. Schultz HubbArd. Ariz.. brother of the ~trs. Edgar Hill was winner of and AJ Scott ; Miss Ann Walker plc racing issues more comple x bridegroom . the pretty quilt while the lovely and Mt Delores Bell. than ever befor e, authentic In-~tusic for the ceremony includ-etching went to Mrs. Sidney Black-A!te the honeymoon, spent in formation on world affairs is o r ed Because, A Perfect Love and beard. Ensen a, Mexico, the young utmost im por tance. !\iembers or the traditional wedding marches, l\1rs. Robertson '-''as general couple jwill be at home at 3302 the Ebel! club '-''111 h n op... J and just before the ceremony c hairman; in charge of various Marcus avenue. ave a Avon,Straiter, niece of the bride-b<x>ths were Mrs. Bernasconi and ---· t---------- portunity Novemtx>r. 7 at 2 P:m. groom , lit the tall white tapers l\1rs. Hackett, gifts; l\lrs. Hughes to hC'ar an outstand1n~ authority, 1·n the candelabra. _,.,Oln '"8 aa .. ar.... ......__ and l\1rs. Callis. ba by articles; l.1rs. Kent Rotx>rts, speak on the sub-A rC'ttption foUO'-''ed for the 50 Sloan and Mrs. Norman. plants; I.,. B y ARD AGE jcct "W ashington Faces the guests. who included immediate l\lrs. 1..e"';s and Mrs. Stauch, white • \Vorld." elephants; Mrs. Coop and Mrs. • w.J.,. Y~ Mr. Roberts grcfriuated from l\1r. a nd l\trs. Ha rry M. Paine Grupe, fish-pond. Presiding in the : ~1$': YY-=::;. Stanford univC'rsity in 19.'.Yi' and jr. and Mary Lo"'e Coon of Pasa-kitchen were Mrs. Newlon, Mrs. • Tl"t m ... \\-'ent to Europe as a free la nce de na. also l\lelvin Kaiser and Copp, Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Mc-• ~ - foreign correspondent. inte rview-Elizabeth Elliott or Santa Ana Donald. SelHng the many pretty : :,~f ing such personalitiC>S as Neville "°·ere overnight guests of Velma a prons were Mrs. Allen and Mrs. : nr • •..- Chamberlin, Benito Mussolini and Barber. BYC publicity director, Bates. All, both m<'mbers and • !':: 0~~ Adolph Hitl<'r. On the lighter the group attending the BYC guests. voted it a most successful • ,.,.,. .. _. 8tmplJeltJ" _, side he relates personal exper-dance Saturday evening, affair. <l~'• •-•eC.U ......... iences with the Duke and Duchess 1 or Windsor and the royal family CASTAWAYS' CHATTER 245 IE. Fifth Long Beacla of Spain. whom he grew to know well. On AmC'rica's entry into the war Mr. Roberts was called to Washlngton to administer a gov- ernment project designed to for ce the Axis powers out of South Am- erica. Later he entered the navy and was assigned to the office of the Under Secretary and later the Secre tary of the Navy, where he rose to the rank of lieutenant commander. For almost a year after the war l\1r. Roberts was in Wash- ington working with many of the top foreign and American govern- ment officials and is well qualifltilMI to s peak on his subject. Balboans Hear Noted Perso nage By NANCY NEWPORT ... -........ THAT LEAD on last week's column of "Sucyrise and Double Surprise" was au weu ana good but uus week we have JUSt &ot to go Houywood. -not oecau.se mere were !iO many ttouywooo guests at .&Jons aeluxe dlnner w.spensary oecause that was on1y natW<Ll-t>Ut because uus 1-ea.uy was s wi>1u.e Ulat cowa uruy oe laDt!Je<J .Slupendous ana COlOS.Sal. l t s almost a :.name to tell toe slory on J e11:y J<JrulSOn, our gooo 1r1en<1 1rom tswooa, wno LS paCUlg tne aecK tne.se aays Whli(' uon ana .NlrS. 1.1. w:e on a 11.)'-away tnp to tnetr CiUO m i'wr1aa. lt .st..--cnis Ul8l-it. nappent.'G wnen z ranx .ruch, Officer of the Deck, was ou::.y m another J"'t.lutn and Jerr)', greeung IUlC1 seaung Uus at.trai.:- tive young 1auy swatneu m gra)I 1ox. 1w·s, a~temptca to nc1p her La.Y iiS.lde Ule wrap. .tus ye1p Oi sw'Pf~ ruL iO rugn a noLe It was maudJ.011:.~ tuKe t.nose suenl aog wrusues1 wnen lhe w ri.p sqwrmro m tus &l'l:LSp, rea.rea 1LS bcuu ail.a gla.re<1 at tmJ1 w1tn t>aJ.e1u.l eyes. J e1·ry never C11d lUlCl out. wnewer 1t was a ~oose or one of those dellgnuUJ l ·1 J WJOnes trom ;:,ouUl Ame11ca Ulat ul'e appew·in& in the hon1t-s 01 son1e 01 our ~st tamwea a.no Ula\ w-e &uarw:1leea to eat JO oarumas a aay. An.>'way, ior some ume m t.ne 1uture he lS ~omg to be ve1y skltusn about ietWlg rus &entu:~manly UlSuncu rise lO u1e sur- 1act' '-'"nen u. pre 1ty 1aa_y 1t:Jl1oves be1· iws. Don'• A.way Ot coune you all knov.· Don ai'idi\1ri:'" f>OA' are back at their old haunLS m r J01 1da, having dee.iced to lorsa.Ke Ulem pernlW1enUy w 1a- vor 01 uieu 1ookoul pom~ on we bJUlt aoove Ule naioor a.no as 1ong as C.'1. VVlm1I .= ... ..:~E.:-........_.,.. .... ....... .... .,,.. 5at-.:.;::; =:;!!:·i!:.'li:. _,, __ -~~ 98~ DLD WAVE.~. IAOl IOI a CD9Un ne is gone Jl s 1-..ancy s cn.u1ce to i.et al i.easL a ulue 011 sup aoout a •i>nlLID<.JA PHARMACY story snt:.· v.•a.s suppot>l'(l lO Keep •tr1cuy unaer her straw na.L ll was , Ule rugnl ~1ore u1ey 1e1 t, ana wnen 1Jon came over lO say hello to °'era •'J.eycr l wno na:i. aoout Ule pcetuesL 01ue eyes we have c"er seenJ, llAM:f'1"0N HARBOR DRUG wrucn 1\ila JUSL ¥Ot wruvvea up tnat day. J.l was reauy a ~Y io oeno1u, s·TA RC K'S CAFE \. Beer Drinks -Short Orders "SPEED R OWE, Manag«-]OSl!PHINE ()QUIST, Own.,. IM 21st Place Newport Beach Virginia Bell's MARISKA House of BeautJ 804 Marine Ave, Balboa bland Phone Harbor . 1S27 .Vi's Bea .uty Shop llOS Coast mway Corona del Mar Announcing... . Remodeling of her beauty shop with boC)t~s which give you more privacy. NEW WATER SOFTENER SYSTEM FOR MORE BEAUTIFUL HAIR • Hair Styling • Hair Cutting • Tinting • Manicuring • Permanent Waves of all Types KITTY BUSBY, formerly of Cb1caro and Balbea will be uslalinc VI In Mllady'o Beauttn...Uoa FOB APPOINTMENTS -PRONE BABBOB 119-W The Misses ~rtrude and Louise Mo ntgomery of Balboa recently attended the luncheon program of Eute r p(' opera reading club held in the Biltmor c theater bowl with FTiedclind \Vagner , granddaughter of Richard \V agner. as speaker. The two also attended a tea honoring the 33rd birthday of ..\.1- hambra chapter , United Daughters of the Confederacy. Miss Mont- gomery is junior state president and among those present was Mrs. Henry Heynemann of Chats- worth, former state treasurer and one of the founder-s of the chapter. und sne. 10vmg au vz·etly uungs, was enrap1urea w1tn Lion's ue w arurt NE,rPOKT PllABMACY au cuvc1ea w1 u1 lhe D1"est P.IJlk ana Olue hJD.lSCUS or c.i.lJKWOOCl 0100-j;;;;;;;;~====================================;; som.s 01· somcuung SJ.mu,ur, my 1101u1qgy not beUlg wbat I\ ml&ht oe, ano she wan Led. to Know wnert!ver he gut. 11. t ke J.1.K.es 1t so weu it went Balboa Theatre Pt.one Barbor !9 Box Of.nee Opem Dally. l :SO Sllow. at 1 :'6 and 9:00 Now Slaowbac ftl'U Sat-: M GM 's M.lracle Mmkal 'Two Sisters From Boston' Starrtnc: Katluya. GraJMll, lune Allyson -ALSO- The Am•••nc: Story of a Ho no 'Wild Beauty' Don Po rter. Lot9 Collier and Chapte r No. '1 "'HOP 11.AJUUGAN'' Ban.-Mon., Sov. S. ': \\'\llard. Parker , EvelJll K eyf!ll 'RENEGADES' Ill Go11t1• T«h• .. iOlor Cl• 117 • CUtooa. -Newaniel T'aiM.-Wed .• Nov. 5., I : BetuDed! ()De Of Kftleil'S most rll>-tickllaC bite or ta.e ..... ! MAE WEST In 'Klondike Annie' with. Vietor 111.i..p.. -ALSO- 'DEVOTI 0 N' wlU. OU.ta de Bavllaad, Ida Lllp&no. Paul - 8-'l'luln., Nn. 1: &..........,. llocwt. '---.. 'The Big Sleep' ~-­AlesesfeT 0-' 'The Wife of Monte Cristo' .,.... IAifer, ' ea 1 re Asllist _. a=r._ No. I -BOP •A•VOAN"" to i''1or1aa with nun so be can Show ·em, bad< Ulere1 WeJJ, he said ne wasn t auowea to Leu, out he would whisper .in her ear, ana so up speax.s Sam 1\oi. w1lh tus news-hunun~ UlSWlCl sUil wo1KUtg, so L>on comes ri.gnt out ana sa,ys 1t was a ccrtam 1aa_y·s sieep- IDK ia1ment out sne CO\.Uan·l stana Ule aralJ&llt,y bare mJw·u1 eil e<.:l ana ne cow<1 have the peS!<y UUng, ana oy remmw.ng ner &t>o\.lt 11 e¥ery w~k 1or tJve wee.iu.. ne unauy got It, a.no ww ne ever .Pl.O. JOY ears bac.k wnen he gets nome, tor twu1ai:;! And what UUlt gaJ. will ao to my auown tuur u ever sne sets eyes on me, 1 wow<10·1 .know ! however, Uley say s.ne sure lOVes sea r00<1 so 1 am prepared to soothe her rump1ed IeeJUl.i:S w1lh ooe ot Don't very ipecial amners 1J she ever catches up w1lh me. 8apor o_. .&.nd there'• someWac to say about the subject of food, as long as we lre on 1t, tor the ouier N&ftt an eiaerty laey and a YOUD& man, ap- parently her son, were <11nm¥ toe:etner and he was beara to remark the 1000 at .Dons \\-'as comparable to that at Antome's m New Ur1eans, Wh06e estabUShment he vwled a .lltt.le over a year a&o, ana it isn't Ule tll"St ume we nave hea.ra woras to that elfect.. either. Keep 11 up Don, you're doln&: a sweu JOO. Ana &bOUl those fro& ieca. il you go 1or the toolJlsome morsel.S. you worft tmQ them on tne· nteou out u you ask tor them they au1b1o be prod.uce<l. T alk •bout IC>Lka we see up lhere, v.·e·re a:e t ti.ng them now from Oucago an<l 'l''renton, N. J ., and trom Acapwco comes Lewis Riley, wrwe trom Mexico City there were some wsUD,£Ws.hed visitors. Co.1.· one.I. and r.·.trs. t'. ,k; . .Kohner, n ew owners of the l:otit.a ft'J.e:sa. Mot.el were there. Whe n he got out of lh4t service he bOU&ht an auto court at Morro Bay out he really tell in Jove 'lilt"llil Newport Harbor and had to come closer. · H ere's "'ho Then there were the Bruce Warrens of Malibu Beach, the P . J. Cloi- maeks of CresUine, the H. C. Ric.bardsoos ot Emerald Bay and the Nonnan .l\1iliers lrom Oakland. 'commander Mc<.:ann of sa.nta Ana hosted a party of SlX.. There were a lot ot Pasadena people, ineluding W illlam l-'on<l, Walter Haskell and the Charles Lambs ana ob, dear, we just want to teil about lots more OI our triends near home ... ho come m for dinner and who always say hello to Stin&:er Stan, the Tap'n Bottle mate, who is proud ot the new stock ol delicious beverages just arrived, both east and west coast items and some imports. But we've got to end right here. Bye-bye, be seein" you. K. Petty f!Jj/tva-__ INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIMINATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. 429 Glenneyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours 10to5 Oii T\Jes., 'Ibun., Sat. Pb o 'n e 3 6 0 t ~A YSIDE -PLATING CO. • • ' • . I "' • ' -. Claim to Have A1I the Silver in California Expert Silvenmiths - - -All Work Guaranteed • '" •• . . ,_' • '· • • .. , Estimates on Wholesale Lot.s of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD • Tes Services -Antique Fbdah!ng -TrQPbies -Jewelry -Candelabra Reftect.ors -Bathroom Fixtures · Baby Shoes Ceramics Marine Aat!qg Badges and Souve!1lrs •-: B• "Dll 51U, Daya; Bee nm 5558-B, NJp1a 191t BarllGr Bhd. c. 'UIUCK'' WDml OOSTA MESA c. a. '1ICB IWm •