HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-12 - Newport Balboa News Times. • • • • • 11 SAND ..... CRAB ~ SAM • • • 8olM Day Newport Beach and Costa Mesa will unite; in fact. the time will come, as bas been stated several years ago by those who have made a study of such things, when all of Orange county and all of Los Angeles county will join In one enonnous city, largest In all the world. That will not come In our time, perhaps; but we should nev-ertheless reall:ze that we are now at the beginning of what wlllJ>e, some day and sooner than we realize, a city of n!8l lmportance_and the better we plan now, the better that future city will be. • • • "Do It Rlcbt" should be the watchword from now on, whether It Is bullcllng the mnallest cottage and making It an attract!Ye addftloll to the neighborhood, on through our bWri • and dvlc dewlopaeut, our ~ vldlng ct adequate llCbools and abow aD ct aeairtne that adequate water aqiply without which little ct our :=-i~:~~ W6 or whether we uk for M tnl;dltan water. ft'UY d"+• 1bould take ...._ to rs• hll1w If famlller with .. NU tlal:b • pr-ied ~·-....... ... 111111hietlD ..... ... aL• WJL KRw POBTBDI l 'l'..w •....... .. Cle lg .. • .a.a .. 1'21•• ... _ .. _ ..... ~ ... " .. •••TI -•=srt .... • • I • ·:NEWPORT . .. . . • • • , -. . .... Qi t Os ~ ' • '" ........ §' • " '" .. .. -" Cl I 8 §1 l: . . EMBRACING BAI.ROA PF.HIJllSULA. .WEST NiwPoRT. SEA SHORE'COLONY, UDO ISi E, NEWPORT HEIGHTS; RA• l"A ISLAND, cORONA DEL MAR. COSTA IESA rm..mmmwaa en U. IMI ~".· • • • • • • • .. • • ., IPs•zU""':I~-=---------------"'!'~---;=====::::=~~~~~·:.=; !.!' .!. :: 1 : '.!:, "!:!: .: ; ? "7':"" ...... :•;u~r;•;2 :; ... ;, }1o~_,~111w; .. ;:: .. ;-;~.ij-r:~=::======~=======:;;::;~:::; N&WPOlll .... 90A News ReYleW. lo -----"' --"""'Pl1li far...: -"--· •. I ..... _ .. __ NEWS-TJMES -.... -· ... ____ ,., --.-.Ga---· ..... It • -· •• -19 -U U.. ID a ---Ille _,, nlat!Wb' ,,....,. it '1D - --. f1I wwwoe, ID Ille -think .r~. A _.., ..:1 • -., '--w aOC&Wit ,;;;., Ulllr:m_ wlme' tbe atatlt cmb'olll •••• ·-· I ... , ,... TS WV• ~ ---·--'.'":"'-=I-~ .• .•• ·----· h ·_ Tb • .. ..... at .. pb0mbt••1 tbat aw. butta 4..,. wwwwWJJr COU)tllllc;. AlldU.••dkt.r...•· -~ ·--·-•• Ibo --.. -~t ........ w---.--pmta---lla-a-... ,,.11oz ... Ne ID .t.towww=--:511 lllOI' :,.r ... Oi r 0 Ii tllu tit! otate, lo 3cq: OM .... ffte imr1oet '-•the. .-·!n -detml lo tbat 11. '2. 'Iii pir -;.r to tlll -; aao p!I' -t!> n -YOO 'Ir.US '1'1111 11AP 11dl lo tbe 111 -ol Cllrt!tlanlty, 'Ibo cu••-•ndc•mwilt f1I ...._ ra_. tbua aid!, Ille -ii;i;;;f;;i~~ii;;-;;~~;ij~"?<~~~~!.M;;iit'B-iitiii; Do JOU talre electric _.,. ....,,. It II tbl!. and aothlnc -. far )Wlee ...,11o3 · wooJd naturall;, r. ot better poll?le bealtlL 'l'bt -·•t• .. a Seumc'4"1n •••• 11t a. l'l>!loftlot"' Ncwpwt -0 loo tor p-uted1 Do JOU feel that wbldl tbe peope ot Ullo ooun1r7 !Ult ID a period ot _.. .... i.. -a -...t, a tml ot the r ca11r-., --Act"' -II. llml !'llftl )'OU RU!b a i.utt-... turn are wWJnc to !tab tbolr u-. dlftleult ~t. 'lber-e _ .. _t. \'Ibo rtsbt of the pa- llAll D. POK'IUt • • • po· rw a !Witch 1'IU will at ....,. be st-It. lo Ullo Olriltlan pbllo!opbJ wooJd be tempcn17 --. tlmt tb -a doCtm lie do-- F G. J1IOST • • • • • • • • • lld?tor all tbe juice )'OU want for uur ot'tbe lndlVldaal tint that ..., -buoWdpi and .,.,.,,._, But !Ira ll]elthor ahropted Cl!' atrtns-W. F. DIXON - --- --.tdoatllflc ";:. £.... !!"'-! and feel ID tbe dNn momtns air t11ey wooJd be nothloe oompared to ently llml.ted. The -hand f1I Pillatllla PlllDt, JOU w. Cmtral ·-NewjM't B"±o <> "'™ nu.t ~. of eoaurw ... ID evrry noolc and craney ol tbe the -u---t Ile politics .. felt .....-ywbore. So. Jurtltled practlcall)' ev~ In United Stai.. u mlll!cww ol .. .-.i If priee ...,trol II mntinued. lnevttabl,v, tbe quality, f1I mec!lc:mJ Offidal Paper of the City of New purl Beach tbls oountry. No lndu!try bu clone -our way to Wllrk and play. Ewry day the eoounlrJ' operats prac:tlce dec1lneo, i.-e• -In- £ D , Mc 1.-11 l't J'r• .. o.w-17 Tw. more than the power uUlltin in It penradee every ha1-e91 enter-on an artlftclal bula Will make divkJual. ftleU"Ch are dt.:oaraaed. 1 betterin1J ...-vice and at the ....,., priR blc and little. It lo the the time of t'Yft>tual rec?u••nc and the n-sult lo tbe "-~ Adive Member of time cheaJIOllfnc It. But tbere are !ounclatkln of our 1<J<Ci •uncut. «ID foolllfW'. patlenta and tbe tnemdent, dloln- -anu where pawer ~ SUnday the beUa ot -of Joa for prlceo......, a cblld can tensted docton" of wblc:b Dr. II ...-y much a blt-and-ml!I attalr. cburd>e! peal a rlnclnc afflrma-IDlllentancl that they can't be Scoltm writes. One ol ~ areu U.. .aloq the tlon. No men clUIJl!Y WDi'dl can bold at 19'1 or 1943 lewis whJJe n.e Wacner-MIJl'HY-Dlnpll bill ~ "'*'l. where -)'CUI cle!<rlbe thl! ~ of Amer-hm'---carry 1916 labor, would l'O wbole 'boc In ltlbjectlnc aao. a Peopk'1 Utility dlltrlct lea. but It II there tor all lo enjoy tax and material coiti. The on4' doctors, alone with hoo]lltala ·and !PUD) put out ot i:-a1,_ the pr!--and It II worth IDOi'< than Hfe IOIUtlcn la to restcre the ffte c?lnlcs, to the -ot the M.· , • vat.. pawer company IOlll operated lt!elf. ' mubt, stimulate production and 00.000,QOO.a-Jftl' IMlreaucr-It Knowland for President"' u a tnJ(cally exoellent, !tat..-• • • ccmpotltloo, and let prld!o !Incl would eotabllib, Good u the mo-• ftCUl.ated utility. The rftult WU no: NtJ••c:• I am.m wlui.tewr )ewla ii In accard. With tives behind lt may be: lt .. the It 1ftll be to the advantage at the Rep11bllains to be aome-a dl!craceful deterioration In aerv-In an editorial on Fire Pre....,_ totaY'1 cmclltlcna. wont -Ible way to ati..ck. what- what ~utious In their <XJUgiess!ooal activities during the loo.Here, for ln!tance, II a "plea" !:;y=~~'ii:.~~ "INDFJc....:..r: D:SINTZU:ST-=..public health, problem ..., next two yean;. II they use the proper discretion toward re--this PUD tteenUy lent lo Ila ..... IOnian lald: "One wonden that ll:D DOC'l'Ollll" organization as well ·as in their DeW aUack Oil the problema !omen with their llllJt : "We uk people haven't yet cot ...-y imart The Ouiltlan Science Monltorl;r--------,,.---, In J and thenceforth •'-•will your Indulgence and aulotance ... about preventing fins, tbouch tteenUy publl!hed a letter from C'twt Uld l'h.,t1a1 that will confront them anuary !"""-' For the next 60 days power out-there bu been areat p1<>greu ID Dr. Odrlan H. Scolm>, a dlatln-Coll&ndor · be In an opportune position In 1948 to elect the man al their •ea will beco~ more frequent fireproofing and flre!igbtlng. Since cuJabed phyolclan ot PorUand, Me .. choice to the presidency. · If 81\Y of "" fad to ob!erve and 1900, about 22.000,000 fires In tbe In oppoaltkln to th• propooed the wllJ need _...__when they aelect put Into practice the foliowlng : United Statei have destroyed $15,-Wqnor-Murray-Dlncell oomll'll-However, Y more .-~~ L u .. the minimum amount of 000,000,000 worth of propetfy and IOl'Y public health bill In It be the top men for the ticket. mare foresight than they have eJectridty between the houn of burned to death 450,000 _,.... made this te!Unc ~atlon : •:Un-\.__-_____ ,_ .. _..,. __ ... ____ , 1 seen fit to use in the years behind U'l. 'Ibey must not be led I to 6 p.m. almoot twice the nwnber ot Am-der the propooecl iovenimerit-fl-\ -----------. """"tlon of plddng old guard Republlcans 2. Dlaconnect your water beater ericans killed In lb• last war , .. nanet!d medldlle plan many lhou-!nto the Indiscreet ...-during the hours of 4 to 8 p.m. 'There are about 6&1,000 fires ID iancl! of bureaucrata ~ to be aclcl- like Bricker or Til.tt. II they do repeet these mlstakl!!I. they 3. In cue of "°""" outacei. bulldlnp every year. and 285,000 ed to the needleu mau we already will surely find themselves In an unspringable trap from pleue turn off all ligbb and eleo-of them are In dwelllnp. What haw. Moot of them wlU be non-I which the t trlcal appliances ... U the outaae are you doing 'to safeguard YQUr· medical men but In control of y canno escape. · ocafrs In the evening, leave Ol1ly !elf and your family! medical attah-. These men will There Is no need for getting one Into such a corner so one light on '° that you wlU know "It ls the nwnllf?r I rule of fire not make medi~ care a bit more that the Democrats can capitalize on Republican mistakes. that the power bu been restored." prevention that a clean "°"";: satisfactory, but will give to Am- ,,..___ .thin st , throw f state gove.mor's seat Anyone should know what would store or factory seldom burns . . . erica dlaafufied pat:lentl and in-""'"' are WI a one S O any . happen If a private· uWlty de-That rule should be kept con-effldent, dlatlnterested docton." potential candidates who ran roll up the desired majority for ocended to this level of.power serv-stanUy In mind. A "clean house" Tb&t la a .., Indictment but 'election to the vlce~-esldency or presidency on the Re-ice. The cus~mers would go to In this cue has little to do with the leaom of 'h'i:':ory fully j~tlfy publi ti·•· t. F there are ex-service men, and the 1tate public service commls-dust on varnished tables. It means It. Ccmpulaory, government-dom- ............ nose -.~Hft-to-Cet SASH AND DOORS to Order AU Types . of ~t -Repairs Sterling_ Boat Works Wc-&mpway · l!fewpuri Bwlt · l'llw ..__ 118111 Bookkeepins Service OOLIN F. llllOWlf (Ba-19") Ill ...._ • ..., Bears Ill. Dr. W. T. Moolle)' ...,.... .......... .-----------.\PIDllllJl•"9• RJmGlDONB, II.II I. 8 •. WBYTIC Dlll •~AS~ £11-'wtl'9'Gev..I ..... ~ ..,.~1s1&11rl••= , ....... .. I 1*• ,wtOl ---M.z ......_ AID"Mft .. •tWIWWW • .......... _ ... -.................... ._ ----- A. V. Andrews, M.D. P&INCWAN -llllllOllO!f Ul~ ..... wq.-- V.-..dol-can l,,;A_e ' s.lon, ·and the utility would get Its a house fre<e of those useless lit--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I this Is a decade where the veteran majority must be served. facilities In order-« else! But ten which seem to be an Am· ,. As for World War U vetenins who are powerful expres-thlnp are very different when erican lnitltuUon-old clothes stuf-1 ... -----------, ,,;.._, of this decad there Is the newly elected Senator politics la In the saddle. Then the led In clooeb, attics loaded with ' aru1.m new e, public Is helpleu-and consumers turniture and boxes and odds-and-WJlllam F. Knowland of Oakland. He's a strong defense man and taxpayen take the rap. So-end.> which will never be used, and and surely we need a president who Is as keen and as sensi-claJlsm comes high whether It be basements jammed with abondoned AJW&iNt•lilOr~ lolm IL C; Chang. K. D. ..,._,= ... -.ii; IS 2-4 T -8:30 ti h Is -·--'-and International cooperation. local or national. new.papen and magazines. And ve as e on prei---1;l..U~ • .. • It also means a house where reu- Sen. Owen Brewster of Maine possesses the qualifications for PHILOSOPHY OF AMERIOA onable care Is taken of such Po- aecond man on the ticket. No better, no SOllllder choice could Doctor Harold C. Urey, who par-tentlal fire-breeders as beating be made-unless It be MacArthur and Knowland In any tldpated In the development of planb, electrical appliances and . the atomic bomb, warns that either fn!lammab1e liquids and paints. case, Knowland should be given topmost consuleration when the United States must IM!CUtt ade-How about "cleaning" :your place the time comes to select the st8ndard bearers. quate international control of the now! · -Frederic Frost. bomb or begin preparaUom for the • • • third world war. Without tu.. or PRIVE CONTROL AND CHA.OS San Francisco Bay Bridge furor, military authorities are do-In an article on price control 1n ii\& jtllt that-preparing for the Newsweek, Henry Hazlitt writes: next war. It will be the war of ''The government cannot monkey the a.tom bomb. with the price mechanism ..• The huge structure of steel and ,concrete which strides With such horror threatening without courting disaster. Only aCl'06S San Francisco Bay-the world-famous San Franclsro-them, the American people should one thing will do now . . , the th N take stock of themselves. Just definite termination of all price Oakland bridge-celebrates Its ten anniversary on ovem-what ls It that compeia them to control . • . Between price con- ber 12. ch009e death if need be rather trols and priorities, production has In the psst decade-traffic on the bridge has really "grown than face a future under the JJOS· been thrown Into more chaoo than up••. Here are the figures that t.:all the story: 1fble dominance of another nation? we have ever seen in peace ttmea:." ""'? • The popular slogan of "saving the The meat tiaaco, rel'ardless of In 1936 the dally average number of velucles using It was world !or democracy" la not what ls done by the governmnt approximately 25,000. In 1946 that figure has almost tripled enough. In fact, no match phrases, In the future, brought the whole 70 000 And that Isn't far from the estimated maximum lncludlne tear-jerking sermons on subject of continued price control -' · · · the four freedoms, are of suffl-to a head. And to thoughtful ob-cape.dty, or saturation point, of 80,000 to 85,000 vehicles per dent spiritual magnitude to cauie servers the real Issues 1.o far be- day. . an individual to step forth willing:ly yond whether or not some par- Last Easter Sunday slighly more than 70 000 machines to die. Yet sometlllng '° power· tlcular commodity or food ls In ' ful pervades this land that the peo-''1ong" or "short" supply. This p8.llSed through the toll gates-by far the greatest volume pie wlU unhesitatingly choooe de-country hu the finest production ever handled by any bridge in a 24-hour period 1truction rather than "appeue" machine In the world, and that In 10 years of operation approximately 167 mJlllon can, those who would have us live other goes for both agriculture and . u , than according to our political manufactured goods. It has the buses and trucks have traveled this reqiarkable skyway' · ideal!. flne!t dlatrlbutlve machine as weli, The daily average for the entire period exceeds 45,000 ve-The challenge of the atom bomb con!lstlng of the tens of thou- hlcles. , and a strange silence falls. For that moment the pollticos As may be guessed, the great 8~ ~asn t had ~:! have their ears open and their mouths slmt. For that m<>- troubles. A~t $28 ~on of the original $73 mllllon ment John Q. has the floor. And In that moment many a P<>- has already been repaid. . · litical life ceases and many a new one Is bom. This year the The only unfavorable factor a~t the bndge Is that It death and birth rates were exceptionally heavy wasn't built twice as big. In 1936 It was thought to be Now that the eleCtlon Is over John reswn~ his obscure large enough to meet traffic needs for several decades. Yet, existence. But already the men who must account to him In now it Is handling a far greater volume every day than was 1948 are wondering-<Uld worrying. II his mood at the polls ~ Intended fo~ It ~ a ~ schedule. But In spite of all, on Tuesday Is a hint at what's likely to hal>Pl!!l in the next na- lt has done and ~ domg a mighty fine job. tlonal electlon, they have cause to worry. ' On this anruversary the San FranclsaH)akJan Bridge During the next two yea.rs John Q. may be out ot sight, merits a "Well done!" for Its decade of unbroken service. but he will certalnly not be out of rnind--Of the pollticlans. John Q. ---Man of the Hour , 'lbe.man of the hour-H not the man of the year-la John Q. Otlzen. This week he has spoken and the political earth has trembled. It has trembled so violently In fact that many a king-standing political house has come tumbling down around the ea.rs of Its occupant. · ' John Q. Is a quiet llttle man whoee sott wl.ce IS eeJdom '-rd above the babble In our nation~ capital. But once every two years the W811hlngtm babble cee1e1 IDCllDelltarily \ Brand New Equipment for Rental OEllZNTJDXm • POwa.a&ws • w•c•:1••eaowa Ala TOOLS -1111 CU'.11. POirr••U• Ala OOllPllWOU PMrCllA'l'IO TIU:•• ft&C'l'OU WHB 81.ADD AL80 OONCB&i'.'i!i JPlllJAUNG AND 8.UIDBIA8nNG 81CBVIC:s I Coldractors Eq11paeilt & ~ -Ncwpwt .A-, l-. -., lfwpwt -- ... -... 1 .. -.---· ··- • l!fo we I· _W.tr ._ ' •• It~= SP.hi -.. fy .... ,1 A ' '' I Ow 1' _. 11111•• llJ W.111 Ww D '¥daa 11sU IJWI s ............. p • A ' .,_..._.I' I • Phew BARBOR 2 641 Lee c. - NOW AVAILABLE Kirsten Photo-Electric Pilot Automatic Steering for Commercial and Pleasure Craft -ALL VOLTA~ • Sol-E-Naud Reverse Gear Control • ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 1920 1000 COMt llhray EI.ECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire Eqalpn mt f• FACl'OaY, PLANT, llTOllE, O~ FASM, BOID _ CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT ' • Jaeger-COmpressors • Comet Saws Cement Mixers ' - Yood Working Eguipment Bt.er1 thins for tbe Balldbw CoittndDr Dutch Heacock 0 Tel1pliia e: lbrhor I02 _. B~llOS-W -t• ... I I aaA.--01° -a • • • • ' Armand Monaco ABClllTIXl'l' au w. Bay Ave., BeR1cia .-nu mi~A- .t.. Allple1 NOi 7 ""7 Mel R.LHOLFORD w....,.. Dnglw lmtftaU Dr. WLbat 0. w..- Chlropractic, Dietetics, Phyido & Colonic Therapy ·t-~lllTd.. -Lac·--- DAI' 8<lllOOL Mortimer School Ill ODnl Bd• l8laad DAI' llCHOOL OPIC!f8 oar 1 Ondea: OolL Pnp.. MID7 O. A. M-. M. A., -Pt• \•I ...._a..... Dll:lfTlllTll Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST nte!i w. OontNI. -1- NltWPOBT BW:4 CB ·I DB. GORDON J:. &&PP llDITillT -W ... o.tnl --Ul-J x .. ,.. OCCIDENTAL un: INIRJB.&l!fCll ClO. Wllltl•D Baiold K. Grauel ChaPel ' -· Oww?tw -llotls .... ...... oa....-........ --oner ftAJrOTWA4Mff • PIANO TEACHICR 0. v. UN&a:ifll•JU> -..0 . I" , •, --.-s~q 1'11.•P•UD-W' imw.o-,.._, Veda 'l'laoiil,_ \ Tin hr d Piao ai!Orpm ftn1 •1111• •11 • • and b7 a&lllOintment BeaCJAJ 5075 ut ..... ~ ..... eo.ea .... 'WMol 'p l..uueaa. B. Dorey, IL D. Physician "' &JrReQD S!l l?lartM Ave., P.DI& h's a --- Gordoa K. .G1'11Di17> K. D. PHl'SICIAN and SURGl!ION ""-Inn Arcade omc:e Rn.: 10.12 a.m.: a.s p:a Pbcne Harbor ll7 H. R. Hall, M. D. ft;;r4t'li ...... ill& Hours: 2'5, lly Appoln-t 1Wepbone B:s Mi Sia U1 ---- llllton IL l?lu1"lll, K. D. 1181 ~ ..... OaleMW- Ottlce Houn: 11>-ll; 2-5 --•I• \ S. R. Monaco, M. D. 81t Bay &q., ..... -111& "'a. am I&. i. •••'•s ~"11 B7 Aw•·-wtt Gerald Raua, M. D. 2830 Wwt Omtnl Aft. NEWPORT ••CH ......... 1 .. ...... :·---...... X,Rq l•tb ·T. P. Berh, IL D. Wm. L ... ,.,., IL D. .., 2 I I ....... I -W.O I&! om.in._• P 'fart 9 zt II ll•W WftiW , - Ranb & "Ba=eu I scua.eaet sa .... 22 ........ a.. ... T 3 5' 7 • 7 TJl W •tf;~t' A.:::o•.:; Ill: mJLW*A ii Rol:i&t A. QWwfGid ..... .... _, I ._. "1t·G IJPI ---•a see* t -----·-- • • I Stop \ at···. CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain"Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. \ • 1318 Newport Blvd. CURB SEBVIOE C<leta MMa - Ill llORTll.JWI IT. 0313alboa rlr et ,...._,,.. .. us .-..•-•W .... .., .... --...~__,.., ..... .... 1111ri_ ...... ,.... ............. .... !!-'!"":Y ...... a-, ................ -W f.-S a C--.. -.......... " ... .... N.W. Dyson wu 12. but only In beorU wltb-Jo7 -c'•1D-And )'HTS. not in her vl&<rOUS spirit. When tra&<dY enter<d !Mr frlencl"1 She ..U a deep )hlnker and phll-1-apln It "!"U, Neille wt>o ooopber too. Thoe who did not came . to their ........, with her know Neille. cor:Wdered her u spiritual support. makiq them an odd la~. But nothing wu odd thlnlc of llvtng. arowlnc thlnp. about Nelllt. with the exception ~ And 111\e did other slmllar count. _..ing a beautiful IOUI, tender less tblnp lo make ,. human be- heart and quid< responslvenea to lnp happy. Her good -were peop1e In dlltrt.'U; ahe could not many and time!)' too. , comprehend why the modern peo-She came here when N·~ew~pat~rt., pie 1trlved ao bard to build \lie wu only a anall tllhlng vlllqe high walls of .. tranl'!D'.IOOL Why and bea.uoe ahe kM!d ll'OwlnC must they 1epan.te tbenlelvea tblnp, many of our •treets are from each other with the alpo of now shaded by -. which llhe "Private! No lrelpuling! Keep planted. out!" Her own eate wu ~wayw This fall Nellie harvested her open! She pondered why all peo-usUll crop of voaetableo, pampered pie w~ afraid of each other and by her throucb the dry llUiruDer wanted them to be u they were ln months and stored tt away. Then the ~ of long a~ neigh-llhe save men atteitlon to her bon, ""al Americans. flower garden, raklns. trlmmlnc As much u llh~ wu swamped and -ping her fl.,,...._bonlerod with ber own work. llhe always walks. When llhe started to paint found time to live--!' helpinc hand her graying picket fence w hite, to a nel&hbor to move their rah-that waa where lhe slumped for · bit hutclia or their chicken pens, eternal rest-amldat the glory of to tend their livestock or catt for ber cherillhed f all bloomln1 flow· their nowen while they were ill en. or gone on their vacations. to cie.1 N ow people say Nellie lo dead, liver vea:etablea or flowen of espe-but for me Nellie w:w never die. dal beauty to a dllt&nt friend. to Alwoys I will remember her care. organize nel&hbon and lurprioe worn. but ientle face above the lonely aouio on their birthdays with coldeq-brown marigolds. In \bl! a cake and a aone: "Happy birth-snow-white Cowering 'bush of day dear neighbor! Happy birth-bridal ....,ath • tnnopianted bY' her day to you!" Th111 fillln& their aoU-wom hand. Into myprden on Noted Chi-..a -my birthday. I will oee her face ..... ._.. in the wlop of pualn& cloud over B"ochemi t O the glorious Newport ounoets that I s n she IOV<d .. dearly. Uc Med. Staff Neille wu an odd lady! Well. I think that the world would he better off with more odd people / : SAN FRANCISCO.-Dr. P~ter Uke Neille Dyson. Real American ' w~youmaybe- il you'lle in Calil>rnia, the cbancee are you're wr a Bank of America branclL For penk of America's unique ayatem of 1tatewide operation baa· "" brought romplete hanking eervice to almost ev11ey c:ity and town in the state. 1Juuk of .A.mtrica NATIONAi. nwm ASSOCIATION ' ..._. "•tu\ ''"•" ................... ... ,. ,,., ..... •ac.ns ... .. . -. PenTieh Sah, noted Olinese bio-and fine neighbor too. • chemlot. hu been appointed lo a 1--· --.....:.--'-----------------------------lectureship for the current aca~ . demlc year ln the division of phar- • macology and the college of phar- mancy of the University of Cali- fornia. Dr. Sah was educated in Otlna, ~ the United States, and Germany, .:: and ls a member of honorary ICi- entiflc socletlea in all those coun-• .... tries. He is in the United States ..:~=====::::=============::'.'.'.~.:..~ under the auspices of the Aca-demla Slnlca. Nanklng, the Chi· County Board Plans More ~-=de~~~~.~~~· National Phone a..-li8U Pay for Constables, Judges Ne·~~ ~-M- More pay tor townshJp Justices granted 1ast week to the elec- ol. the peace and constables loom-tive heads of county depattmenta U.Boar Service General' Building Cmtractor • Phone Harbor 83 ·-. ed u a pooslblllty today aa the and to County Counsel Joel Ogle. "_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_"'.., _____ ...::._ _____ -' board of supervisors studied re-The wage increases allowed the ------------------------ 11le Anny Ground forces ollers you A NEW LIFE OUT THERE Look toward Kotta and Japan! A thrilling new job and a new lifirwitb intere&ting work, sports, entertainment and tra..! opportnnitieo--un be had for the aolrinc by qualilied JOU.lll men who wluntetr for the lat Ca•alrf, 11th A.irbome. 6ch, 7111. 24ch or 25th lnfantrr Dimio111. What an opportunjty ... what a job! Train.in& in one of tbme crack unitl will stand you in good stead wherever you so. Study a foreign languqe. Learn the fucinating details of Military Co1'ernmenl-10 vital to future peace and proaperity. Japan'• .. laJct of Pines" are but a sample of the attrao- tlom of an Anny caJ"eer in the Far East. The Army bu reopened comJortable hotels. theaten. swimming pools,, tennil doh.. golf COW'le&., b4.ll parks. These -familiar haont1 of pro-war touri1ti -and many new det"elopmentl-proTide a broad choice of recreation. Not eTeryoae can measure up to this job. Only 3-year enliateea who meet ptteeribed physical and mental atandard1 ccn enjoy the benefits of 1ucll: a job. High oversea• par, aood food and lodging and a 1enerou.s retirement plan make . your future in the A.Imy Ground Forces too 1ood to miul See your nearut Army Recnilting Officer for lull details. • u.t. h : "'-'I W ,'' "W.,..,.. .t ,.,_., .. '-Y•• -4 ,._ A,...,,•• .. ,.,_., ......... • lle#w',...... ••• , ..... -.......... -r's WHAT YOU GAIN ON OVIUIAS SlllVICI * • n.un• IASl•PAT ---....... • AOOmOll -s---.. u. s. o. ..... • Pires.....-• • ,,..,..., ,,_ IO l'OClll, Toch•a S.-• • "''"' 162. ... CCf'.U. s..• S-.--· . 11-'JMI ua.oo • • • ao,_ S-a mr • . • • 100.00 J:IOJ)C) eo.pa..J . . . • • -JOLOO ....... ANO Pai•• y_.a.. • • -96.00 -CAif Pri .... . . • • • ,.,,00 -Ouu ............ _...,.,_, ' ,. '•'•' .., ......................... ... • ports of bq.siness operations of the department heads, however, will various coufta. not be effective as soon as orig- Otijectlve, Chairman Willis H . tnally planned for reason that the Warner of the board said, ls to adjustment! tn salaries for town- make salaries of the townsh.lp of-ahJp officers will be included in firers more nearly COJTespond the same ordinance. with the work done. Raises will County Auditor Les Eckel said be based ~on volume of activities that, after passage of the aalary of the two township officers. he ordtna.nce by the supervtaors, 30 said. · dayw must elapse before it can be \Varner said the board intends made effective. Increased payrolls, to make the adjustments alon&' therefore, will not be available with the Sl~per-month increases until February 1 for work perform· Quality Lumber and Buildiq Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. L HOSTEtLalt ...... I .. • ed. ln January. .. More than a year ago con- 1tables and Justices were given small pay adjustment!, Chairman Warner said, but since that time pay increases went to other county employes and none to the town- 1hlp officers. GILL'S DELICATESSEN FOOD SHOP SHOP AT GILL'S l'ar l'i Jtw V•al Mn Batie¥_.. l'll!leT a-.'rl Ml I'm···-L&CHJl'l'A ••m MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE 8oknan . .,...~ •• t I ,. --- *'*UPlP • r v,. • .. 'Mr 8 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENuE PB 0 NB BA 8 B 0 8 -11 t I •rfal!Md . .... !Mntp' zl •ltoi7•1 ·s1 - c ........ ......... Am ... • I 8w..:,..,. ~, • ., -----. v _ "••• - •111' ' "~ II ''11 • . ,.,, 1.M-•••~ ,.,_ ,WS ftWl.-MIM ' 1, DAI> GllOwu duoaah •aild·Wlllr Dft be·•• die~-apall die llat -. • . • • • s • . ' ... ii ....ma, ..... -J.>Olll>O" .... balb ••• daio •.II! •• ...i, "' ,... i \bu Cllll 11a ... aD die bot -""' -...... ""' -ic ...... *••ic .. ....,. ...._cl die n,tir u.. No nmaina ......_No Jl'lfple ... ..,.. n.. .... ,._, b ""f med. Plemy m ~nm b die w ·••••ric dilllu d•n -i .. •ric ....ma, pwt,U-.... -IO ..:la. • __ ....,.._ .. _ AM•• •-wacm w --":..-li111 ' ··-· • lbu11 --chaA oempm""" .-. -lbu11-_,. ftlr, ..... .,.,. .... &II odequo.i,.a.d -lie pa Wlllr heaier, ic -·· he Ot•-'acl; wi!l ..... l!J ... W.,... Far ... ....,.~ ••. a a dip•iloble 11ff11 cl ... "'* ..... _ -~ ~m pa-ho'ell ltJOllf cleUr"I« llllldiw pt:rftr'lt· • • •• •• ~ • • •• • • ·-· • • •• • . l - IOl lNllM CO•Mrt r• •Al COM PA"' ~ I , • ·-· ••• ,. 7 ., \ • , • • l ' • • W::l"--,;,.. ___ ..;; ____ , ___________________ z ZHU.'''"' f§ii§·-95 $ • $ • I Engineer· Mello Toe· · s::z=. Stark Simplicity Matts · · ·Praised Wins Game ~~~ · Armistice Day Program • I LIDO ••LE • I ••• I f •DUTH •AY PWDMT I • •Tiil H EA.It ~0~ .... dl~ta· ...... :;-to~.:-For Sailors :!' :-.: :"t1on~!:! rou!::th •• ': :2.. al ~ ~tbethe~ -- Durlnc World Warn he -opnlon by the Ddcaco Sun and "lfy Buddy". He wu ocmrnpe•ned In the Jeld -New...-t Har-I~~=========~~~~~~~~====~ I CLU•HDU81E a croup In clluge ot the eredlon (C...L From ~ l ) Atlanta Ccnatltutlon. •tau n c b by Mn. Flcin•--of eo. bor Poat 291 L<slom'• Jeep, the ~ , of large military ba... both here able to CO!'! with t1!e othtt'a acor-Domocratlc chll ... , that Prealdent rona de! Mar at the piano. colorful Je<p contributed by the I aM.eoo I I I and owneu and waa among the in& plays. • Truman abould -1cn. The N..,.. A lone ... cuJJ wafted Ila W"7 blw•n•• ente< .. lses ol Newpcwt oomultanta In char&• of encl_... The Nanemen drew fin! blood 'l'lmol -.gb! local anawaa to the ai>Dw !loo held of the linler u Harbor. The Je<p wu cloeorated in& feato embocly!na the lnVUU.. In the fin! quart.,. when Right same queatlon today. I the laat atralna of the piano came ao u to ,..,.......,t the aravea of of France through to Germany'• Halfback Reinke, Downey : fleet Said Harry Fony!he, ~ to a c1-. the ·deputed --n.- HaiZl''8 BALBOA INN C • • • I P'IVlll VlllltY I ATTllACTIVS aumender. footed individual •tar, ran 47 ,,.rds tor ol the Foraythe Camera 5up-Followbol tbls, the lleYerend white ""'*"" ......, vividly In evl- ln the South Pacific Mackenzie al'OWld left end to !be Sailor three ply company, Balboa 1a1+ci: Father Thomu B. Noonan, -tor dence. fte 1'11119' VarteeT ol •steaks, Chops, Sea Foods and Italian Foods I HDMC• IN A WIDC: I .... cc ttAN•L I •••,ooo TD ------Area . wu In cbar&e of training 15 dlf· yud line, where the Vlking:i push-I think so ·· · ·One of tNe great-of OUr Lady ·of Mount Carmel A Iara'• automobile completely ferent engl..-tng oonatructlom eel ovf!r In three plunges. The eon-eot tblnp that ever hit the cc;iuntry church: ottf!red ....,.,.. "for the enc1-d In a abroucl of poppieo battallona and engineertng aeneraI vas1on attempt wu blocked by ... ~ with force Is tbls victory. brave men who died that others rode clc.Jy behind the jeep. 'Iben D'J'lla'l'AJNlllaNT NIOll'l'LT-4(*«•.r. llWW I a100,ooo. I "'UD•INll •Y WHAT I Wiil ..iu•T ,.AI D P'Dlt I A •MALL aervlce regiments. Doc Hamon and· the Downey. led Its u good u c1...inc up the mlcbt live". . came a i.,.... ~Imp IW! float ...... ,-r la-nz'•-·• tloe Mackenzie hu bO<n the lnatlp-6-0. OPA-The prl .. t referred. to t 11 e Ir iieartn& tba ""'6tr caption, the ' , ••-ONO ELIDCTlllO «WGAN I .. LA.TIERING "'D•, I THlllalll AllC 11000 auva tor lien; In cuJding building con-'Ibat .... all tba acoring In the Aa far .. Pr-ealdent Tnunan .... mothen u aymbolil of unity, brave Lesion U&bta the Way. a..;:..f &~-. . St. -Balboa e-..Lc.-372 •tructloo to coincide with Lacuna'• fint quarter but late In the canto It 'lftlWd be better::.:lnat to re-at home and brave outside durlna: Fullerton l'llst. American L<slom ..,... ~ mam ---an:hltectunl charactf!rlstlca and Mello rambled over guard lur a algn. . tbe conflict, and be added the r~ with an old-fuhioned cu i..:.;.,...:__.;;:,,_-'.._ _________________ , I I I ellmlnatln& obnoxious bulldinp. 38-yard Cain to the Downey 30 A atalanate In , t pro-I hope that Ille country would al-of the vln~of '16, "1\11:11 car-.;.,--"-----------------.,..-.----~-----------, 1 and early In the aeconc1 quarter cedure would hamPf!r Pl--and -n <JQst, with unity of the peo-rled a lara'e white umbrella over-,_,;., __ ,__ ______________ ,;.,_.._ __ ....., ••• ~ p. a. palmer KOOOtAW realton llll wi• l•<fO, ••w•O•I b•oc .. colll. 1•1•••••• ~·"'•o" b-dl. llco•bo• 1.500 O.LCULLY ()ertlftM Tu~· Income Tax Uman1ed' PabUc Aoooaataat r-..-_ A--led W llPUllGJIJON BLDG. IOI W. 'Ill SL !laata .ba Costume Jewelry 8llell and Jndlan lewelry -H ALLMARK CARDS for Christmas v-x J11gwl&& r-.. :1 Oostwne lewehj .Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop noz OcMn ·ir.-t We Wrap Gltts ~ Hlllhouae plun&ed over~ Invite confusion. He'd bO beltio< pie uppennme. He clooecl with bead. -• the one yard line for the SAiior out. the tbougltll that the Author ot Then the N t HarbOr L A U N P R Y tally. Mello'• place kick wu Cood Said Wallace C-Ma owner all tblnp mich! aive ua peace. Rotary :;::'i:;,"rloat,""':ch played · - and the ;an led. 7-6. • of Mattooo'a ,8hoe S Costa J eanne Anne G<nish, da11&hter such an important part In the , 1 ONB W&llill 11&\'J(S It didn t take long for the '\i jk-Mesa: • of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Geni9h recent Tournament of L.i h ta B oa... Clea••rs . lnp to come right back and a.cld Well, peraonally, tbls election of Costa Meoa, then sang the. beau-parade on the bay. The big ~heel f away another TD to their total with looks alright to me. I u aur ... tilul Ave Maria. l)'m.bollzlng · bo · If U1 -...:.-.a· .....__.__ ...._ ...... • .... Reinke going over the double prlaed David Walsh of ~achu-Retala Ara. rigged on a ="';i~:';~ tru ~ iR'!*'W&J' ..__ -,..,.pl!lll• ••- marker from the Tar 13 yard line setts wu defeated. He'• been In In the principle address, Lt. Moot impresalve float wu ~t &el'l'iiB QUALDT OP DRY <K&AND88 after four playw following the kick-the Senate for 19 years and hu an Col. Rivers J . Morrell, USMC, ata-enterell by Orange. It ahowed the II DAY SZBvl<lB-FBlz DBIDZRY olf. Quarterback Uranga,convert-exce~ent record. } tioned at the Los AlmitOI naval stark reality of the battle of lwo • OPKN UTl1llDAI' A»IWMOO~ ed and the Vikings finished out Hes the only Democrat that air station, pleaded for retention .Jima 1dIJ. with th Amerl I :;:=================~~====~ the ftnt hall, leading 13-7. . wu not elected that I think should of the nation'• defense program struggling' to place :iie Ame~ In the second half and after 8 have been: and. for a world peace hued on .nag at the topmost part. ~ Downey punt, the Tars took the Truman will be hand.i~pped fellowship, tolerance and goodwill. float was followed by a car C&ITy· ball on the 50-yard stripe and with such overwhelming .iha#ity By the introduction of modern Ing the mothers of Orange service-- rambled to pay ~t In just aix of Republicans in .the House, like end scientific methods into the lnen. plays. Mello, on his favorite o.rr. Hoover was during hiJ term. armed forces, the country can keep ; Next came an army truck which guard play, 8,COO~ed fTom the Vik-I Ho~ever, according to the Con-abreast and ahead of its defense IA'U hauling a cannon, which bore . lng ~yard line mto the end zone , stitution, the man should stay in program, he said as he emphasized. the lnscription "Rosie from lwo standing up and then converted unW his term has ended. I suggest the need for a better world which l.lima" and displayed a feminine from placement. he stick it out and work with the would be a fitting memorial to figure in caricature. HANSEN'S z100 o-a ...._. Confectionery · & Lunch NOW OPEN EVENINGS • • • After a Downey drive fizzled out new setup. those who have died for world -;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;; j on the Tar 27, the Sailors traveled Said A. "Sandy" Steiner, New-pellce 1 almost the length of the gridiron port Beach reaJtor: At ·the stroke of 11 o'clock • • Hamburgers Sandwiches Malts Newport-Balboa RMldenta • • • Are Discovering that - THE SNACK BAR In Laguna Beach Is the Place to Go DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT LUNCHEONS Smart Alt.emoon Tea by Candlelight, S:SO -5 Sunday Brunch 10 to 4. OUB ORIGINAL French Fried Breast of Chicken Every Sun. & Mon. 010ice Chinese Dishes Every Wed. & Sat. Open W-Dayo ll:SO to 5 (cloaed FrldoJ'o) 1492 Coast Blvd So. In the Art Center .,... .... _ .. • • ,, rt ' .. ... • ; t n .. . ...., .. ,_ I for their next tally. ~e drive The election was the result of everyone /aced the west in sUeni was featured by 10me ruce gains an orderly manifestation of the tribute to the departed and then by both Mello and Brian Hanzal, will of the American people. taps were 10unded by Bill Smalley the latter going over center on a Now it is our patroitic duty to Costa Mesa taxicab o~ator, wh~ spinner for 13 yards and the tally. back the men elected so that they is a veteran of World w II Mello converted ~nd the score at may have the chance to fulfill the As the taps were being ~ded the end of the third quarter stood wishes of the majority. a cortege of marine fliers .f rnll.o at 21-13 in favor of the Tars. President Truman could, in my a grey cross flew over tf:e ros~ The Vikings drove back early in opinion, do the country more serv-trum as an unforgettable tribute the f?Urth frame after taking to ice by turning the rein! over to to their dead. the air and tallied on a pass from a strong man whose party is in . . Uranga to Moxley, who made a control of the House and Senate. Adt .~e bebegir nrung oft~ ser:'1ce circus catch in the end zone. That I think Governor Harold Stas-an . Just ore the manne rue~ was .a11 the scoring but not the sen is 8 sincerely liberal and cap-arrt~ed. three sea gulls swept end of the thrills as Downey again able ·man to take over that high ;;:thu; rea~ ;;.f ~he rostrum and threatened late in the game. The po1t. en onn e own cross, one final gun ended hostilities how-. Allan Dartford, proprietor ot headed wes~. one headed east and ever, before a Downey drive could the Blue Sails book shop, Balboa, ~e other wrnged southward, cross- generate and the Tars were in pos-said: mg bet~een the other two. ~twas seuJOn of the league win. I look at an election like a ball an oddity th~t nobod9 antiopated.. In addition to Mello, there was game. · Th! benedictio~ was offered by lt1AUHIE STANLEY .,._I Tl-< EANl W. STANLEY I Beaudry'• Box Candy PHOTO MAILERS ALL SIZES Just what you need to send your pictures away. ' Blondell ··camera Supply some fine work turned in by Brian I like to-see one side get the Rabbi Joseph LeVIne of Santa Ana, Hanzal, who used his speed to ball, then the other bat it a.round "'ho chose the thought of a world good advantage on several lengthy for awhile. of peace and sheltered brother- j:ains, and Buz Chambers, who And interest is lacking when one hood for the. wellare _of mankind . once again turned in a dependable team wins too many times in a In the everu~g, the line of march -performance in signal calling. 5tretch. We need a change; we for the torchhght parade formed Phone Stastics for the encounter prov-have needed a change, but I don't outside the American Legion Hut Harbor 1033 • ,,\. 'M1T ' BALBOA ed that the teams were pretty well know whether it would be wise for on 15 th street. ~~~~~~~~2~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ evenly matched and the Tars rol-the president to resign at this At 6 :30 p.m. the marchers pro- 1ed to 13 first downs and the Vik-time. ceeded along 15th street to Cen- ingS collected 1. HarbOr rolled to I'm a firm believer in the old tral avenue and thence down East Palm Ave. a total yardage pin through pass· adage: "Don't swap horses in the Central avenue •. ~ .. red flares shone ing, rushJng and penalties of 363 m.Iddle ot a stream." I think he all ~e way to G street and the yards while the Vikings ramble for should stay ln until 1948, even fl ternun~tlon point. 300. Harbor's net gain was 334 ·we have to hold his stirnrps above Leading the procession wa s yards and the Downeyltes netted the water. • • • Truman needs Carence B. "Whitey" 0-aft of 276. our support at this 'tlme. It ts the Santa Ana, Orange County".A only -============; j American way. Congressional Med(ll of Honor RECORDS · ,... winner for World War n . who was ---------------'-----------~! Expel't grand marshall for the parade. Dye Work He waa followed by the colored ne Ideal Christmas Gift for the Kiddies Our Vacation Is Over We Are Back oa the lob lllld Doing Budn-u u-i NO OALL OK DIELIVJIJBY .81'JRVJOJIJ Anyone soliciting business at your door is not authorized by us. Mesa Cleaners lllM Newport BJ..S. ft.~11116 GORDON -a~ FINDLAY OONDAOl'OK .&MD Bt!IU>D m•~-.--m. CABINET SHOP SERVICE (JABINEl'S AND . Mll,1,WOBI( T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. ......... .-... , ........... .,. 36 ·Foot CENTRALINER Foot of 318t Street • Central Boat Worb JluW18 WJNG SANG BOAT & REPAQl YABD 811 CoMt lllshwa;y 101 ' • .,.,., ... .. ~ "' . ::;,, :::r ....• ............ tr••1 l•r • • 7 • , • 7 • OD . Broadway Cleaners FOK INll11BANOI: 11D Howud W. Gerriah ·-Newport Blwle•u.I OOllTAMAA ......... 1111 Automobile • Fire Accid•t • Ufe Llceme and a.lb- BcmdaWrl~ lie.Ip Them Cle:t.n.&e the Blood o r Harmful Body Wute Yow kld.'ley. are coa•t.utlf Blterit.S waste 11Utt.:it fl'Oftl Lii• blood lltr'Nm. Eut kld.aeyw .omc-tim" lq in t~ ,..,rk=i>o not att u Natl&J'9 t.a1anded-lall tlt re-move lmpu.riti• that, lf retll.lraed, may poW a lb• •TSt•ia -d v.pMt tbe •bol• body machiauy. Syiaptoms nu1 be u tttnc baebeii.•. persi8te.nt be.dacbe, atuCbol dinine$., c•t~:ac up raicbu. •••llinc, p1ui..ne.o1 oanc.ier tbe ey--. feelio: of Dervo..a •a•ietJ •nd loa of pep ud ft tl!n:th Ot!wr aii;n9 of kldile7 or bladder dl.. ord~r u. .ometlm• i>IU'D.lo&. -ty 0t ..... fl"eClaf'lll IU'lil..~~- Tllllre *uld be uodoubt Lb.at pro:iipt tna~t Iii w1Mr tban 11iraloci. Up DOV11°• Pil!•. Don"• ha•• been wlnnillc 11•• I.rt.Ad: !:. sorto tW fctt:' y..,.._ I T!ley b•• • ••tloa.-Wfde reputatioe.. Are ~-dtod by .,. ... ,~ ;.opl• tlle f.G1lal.17 over. Aat JOl'f r.rirllllorl FreJa Daily WI l 'DOW . iQLA-SS . - (Small ~izt'.8) I Auto Glass e Boat Glass ~ Boat Lettering -HARBOR . GLASS co~ mi•.,, .. Fr· lclli guard bearing the flags of the veteran's organizations; then came _ an honored guard, with rifles; then the 40 and 8 ; the latter were followed by a delegation from the VFW post of Huntington Beach. 'nlree official U. S. Army re. auiting service cars followed closely in formation and they were followed by a detachment of .re- crui ters who rode a jeep. Following this entourage waa a K-9 hero, rnucot of the Newport Harbor Pust 291, American Legioo. It!I bead WU bowed, ... if in a canine'• humble homage to thoR ' • BUY NOW While Our Stock Is Complete! •-For the 2-4 Age Group Uncle Dolt'• Laad o• 8oll.p-br.laiel Z8 Nunery~ .. Song ... -........ Po&-Wee Ille Plooolo ·····-·-···--··-I.a \Vitim tile Ra•r"4 Kept J10111e ... -.lie Sl•llac Qa-91 "LoDdon Brldp" ........._. 1a tae Dell" -------ac ne .,._ BOl7 OoaU °"" -----..., ne-..--Ptc-w Up lllDlll &''IC ·------: W fte U_...,.. n.t ~..::.....LIS IDIBUAL\llLI: JlllOOllD8 llloDler 0.... 8oact 11 .... -0.. U.-.. •111 .. ---I.le l!faaw1 Mr» 2 J It • ..,Im•,•• • . 0.. ~ -·-----Ill• . -N''' ..... ,., n. ~ .. .... ,,, n.--n z •u • ~ 'V ~:.c':.:n.~:e~- n. n.. •·· • 1.11 ~--·lk-Lii ma-a.a JPN 8 1· -. -.ul """" .. -I.II n. ..._. ???: I 111 "7&& _ i>t·laDu.,. "W ?!!!.,. ~ .._;w .. Jf ___ ._...,, 'Ble ..... ti, C I sra 01'1 \_..,._..,.._1,11 ...... _._, -••••.,.re a • •-For the 6 -8 Age Group The Happy PrtDc..-a,. lllllg Crool>)' and Onon w.u.. ............. ,., ... Soap of llatety By Fruk Lolllor ···-·-····--·-··· I.le "Dam!>o" )Wolt ~·-·-··I.II l&lp v-Wllllde By Wolter -·------·--s.a Nooll and Ille Arll IAt'a WUe ······-····-·-···-···-···--· Lii le ,,....._ .... tile Uoa .. _. ....... _. __ Lii e-For the 8-U Age Group • , ------a.-a Oo. ____ _..., .... _ -•s ,,_.GNW. , 7 0.--Oo. ... • • an·_.. •=-<'••sh",. P1 ) D M """' J.M .. , -, ... _. ... ...__w -~--····.. .... ~ -. °' 'll•~--.o ·s &.11 D I •• wwww"I t;; I ••• ... I I 18 .. w o,, i4•111 et ... • I ,; ' ••• I I Ta • I c I -· C?a1 W r'c ,__.._..,L-Ul ...... I •CD ·q .. • ••.•nm• 'I'-r .. PlllS.11111111·•111 D I EE ... _ ft I 11'11 I • .. HANSON'S Shade ud Linoleam Shop ANewB T C I . N-hdlllla Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery ---lnst•Datllm Free Estimates ll"llr Qlll'* 8ra .... Olll --ll09' l IOU !lrd 8&. v.la .._ ffe~lle MaStwli TESTED - • • -..a-W~.a~-' ~21~: ... :·~:=-art~ ... _.:.;;,;.-... ~Cl~ll~'l~~~.~;...(j~~en~IS~~~;.:.le_'~ Wla.L Hiits $49 737 (Ooatl J d -..... u . ' Deli • D ... L~ ... or Ca\ · , :.. ~ n;;.: r:.~!4,•~ . catessen 1n · UCIUUCJ belt -to -ca-. Upwarcla of Mll.000 -or at eoo PowJ otnet, o.-di! far -fh;IJlni· l'nnlt 1-• -porm11a --....s 11ar. far Fnnli: ,._ or 1'187 1.a-eauaht _.__!lob 1n -do7 -~ at ..-.. --ClouatJ' Nttls•-... ,, • .., . by Odol ll>dldlns 1--A. llL cr.sta ti-. !>:rd u, '4000. Goorp Ciud: -.Pt abL Mn. ""'"'" to bottled bo!nins. Gel--New to tlle 9 'C:'e - N-here durlnC tbe lint ·a1ne Enclaee tiW pl'eoent ...u. at a Fnm1t 1-eausht e!Pt ..u-men •IJIW ~ and other aild .,._ .-will be reoetw4 ~ or Nooomber. '1 bulldlnc at 2811 West Central a~ flab.. w-·1 teum will be GI'-meelJ and u! .... att.., dhplay In cour-..,. and will be she • Included In tbe pormltJ .U a nue, Newpu<t -. IUOQ, -pnblod In J.9C'7 fer fbblnc. the 111>-to-date -.-... ~ (ll'Glllpt ~.•If they..,.. old plan for tbe ettetioD at a frame enclole tbe II' .. ,mt bUildlnl at 200 The Balboa Al>lllns Q ub; of opened by Curt Schmidt at -113 aaldutrL ' -for Ille N..,port Harbor Via San Remo, Lido bk, $381>, Balboa, Callf., will 1Winc Into tbe Eut Central a"""""· ~ . · Luthenn church at 324 Marine both for Goorp C Plckerinc, the campalp to help the Soutbenl . A41atiW of~-York, · . aYellue. Balboa 'Wand Jl>elldtns contractor. Cilltomia Tun. Oub brine thla home-city of lbe Dodon, Schmidt AD -"l;tl"IPl-•"dlw-r11111-· .. coot to eotlmlltm at $10,000. Enci-a porch at the -of International toumameot to tbe to a aon-fn.law at Mu: "Pop" Wolff atodt a.!, tbe _,,_, Alao Included ....n piano fer tbe Eunice Corttt of 1025 West Oen-U. S. for 19t8. The flab here haw P<GPrielar of the Balboa 8'JOy Beel ;::======-====:=; l>oJl,Jdln& of tour --. two tnJ avenue, Newport 8-cb, $250. mott fi&bL None can be -Cite, -the delicateaen aloft at tbem cootln& upward of $10,000. Goorp w. Holmotrom of n65 on thfte-tbtted ·line like the aoft ll'upiietor wu employed far tbe AppllcantJ fOI'. -.iJin& pennllJ o.t..ware road. Rlwnlde, la hav-lllb In tuU-wum _,them ,,.ten. put thrft montbL _..,, Ing tormlte C011troi 'lllUrk -at lla!boa marlin have l'ftlly "been CUrt'1 wife wu Allee Wolff be- Wllllam w .. t of .ut Gamet '!--bis borne; 203'1 M1runar drlw. bot thll ..._. aJ!d put up a bi& f..., her a.rriap .. nue, Balboa Ialand, who will 1J!111c1 Balboa -'-1a. $115. flcht •ber.e•a -ed. Schmidt .baa lnatalled a modern a ..,. 1tory home with attached 6ther work belnc -lo thla -· ,_ <ablnet ancl -- Pl'"&" at 337 Lido -. Lido dty locluclel: Marks 0 _...l•es -....... tbe -•tore. 1n -!ale, to coot $12,!IOO. An adltlon rer a prage owned •u -~ fl'eab foocla are kept -...a Karl H. Smith at 461 Mountain by• c A. Herbert of 1116 w .. t f Polle · reedy fer the table. rOad. La&w>a. who will erect a one Bay avenue, Newpor,1 lleacb, $1!JOO. arntef'.S J The clell<atwn •tore a11o .,..._ atmy 11ou1e and aarqe at 1433 A ~ roor for tbe Rendezvous ft.. lrrl-tlon r1e1 a full line of' arooeiie. and Fernleat avenue, Corona deJ Mar, ballroom, 600 to 614 East Ooean VII a-cf.>ned goodo. · tbe sune. to coot $10,!IOO. Front, Balboa, Bob Murphy, owner. " Larae bouquets or ~. &lftO C F. Irwin of 1W4 Cerrltoo Thls job will coot $1600. A farm bureeu comm! of frlenda, were aent to Mr. and 1treet, Lone Beach, who will con--'l'wo new llgna will be erected Speaking for the lniption ·r~ Mrs. Scbmlclt for the openioa of 1truct a one story .houae .at 530 by L. W. Harris of 811 Eut Cen-of the 11 western states bu their ·~ on Saturda.y. Smeltzer avenue, Newport Helchts tral avenue, Balboa, $350, and by sounded: the wami.nl' that urlcat· Arnone those who sent flatfeh to coet $4000. the Union OU Company at 504-ed acreqes abould be expanded and w1abed them~ccem were .. Hany Llbrow of 2435 Gatewood !506 South Bay Front. Balboa only when and where req\dred by Mom and Pop W Jack Sadlelr 1treet. Loo An&elH, who wUI ptlt bland, $51. the ne<ds of the county for food U111 -Greeley, · and Al up a one 1tory houae at 225 Canal and fibre. Weatphal, Ralph V · DeURD and . l'OR MEN. AND . BOYS .......... __ ..,. •ireet, Newport Beach, the l8lfte School Survey' Such a policy announced c. J. Boyd Lewis, and tlie Oranae ..._ ________ __, to coot $3000. Marlts, "'°"'tary of the Oranae Under the clusiflcation of mis-eomnn·ttee Named Coonty Farm Bureeu, la an 1ore-1 r-------------------- cellaneooa building wwk, these &'1'81 part of the eight-point -R I v I E R A I c E c RE A M piano were Wed: (ConL From Pll&'e ll cram just devoloped by spOkes- A ~t floor and lnltallation men for Fann Bureau Federations of bathroom facilities in the l'W'OC-Simmons, County Superintendent in all the western states actinc un- r---or Schools. ent building at 208 Amethyst ave. These appointments complete der the auspices ot an Irrlp.tlm nue, Balboa Island, for Guy W . Farmers committee, headed by Holmes of 3405 Blair drive Holly-the organiza.tion for studJes rec-C. 0 . Hoober, of Imperial county, wood, $500. • omrnended in the Strayer Report. Vice-president" of the California Repair or a building already The Jut legislature made provls-Fann Bureeu Federation. A..Uallle la &lie -,&,. omq M The Galley llO'I E. Oentnl A-, ta - l'llone Bartle!r 1188 ANITA llEXTON, l'rGp. Thia tc:len!IBc lmirument teU. ua what'a lftOilg when you bring your watch U.. cmd It ten. you It'• right when you take It away. Fcate.r, more economicaJ Npain, "'1th printed piooJ of accuracy, Play Production . Entails erected and addition of a garage ion for the studies. A state Com-Research by the coounittee dJ .. -------------I mission on School Districts waa rects attention to the unfarmed PUBLIC NOTICE appointed by Governor Warren acreaJl'!S in established lnigated last January. Regional Comrnis-areas, and suggests that these NOTICE OF°'PUBU<J REARING sions were appointed in September. acreages be used for placement of IL I Do-Ted Brown brings a watch and jewelry repalr depart- ment to Collta ltfesa that .ls -tbe finest. We have the best workmen and equipment for expert rep&lring of watches, clocks and jewelry repairs. Pdoee are Reuonable l'r.....,.;_.(Jeerteoae 8enlce Ted Brown 119'1 N-rtBl..i. Coota ·- . Work of Five Departments I Actua1 studies will be started soon veterans before any extensive de-- The Newport Beach Oty Plan-at a meeting of the local survey velopment of new acreage Is at .. ning Commission will hold a Pu}).. committee with the Regional Sur-tempeted lie Hearing Thursday, November vey Director, Dr. Cecil D. Hard-As a guide ror determinloc the The produclog of a play such appears berore the fooWghtJ . 21· 1946• at 7:30 P· m., in the Coun-esty. . . nation's food and fiber require- as .Jualor Miu must seem to molt Because ol the work !Dvolved. cll ~rs. Oty Hall. Newport The immediate objective ot the ments the committee has t people not too difficult. But few a very complex organization must BeaPUBch.LICa!Cif~n~•G study is simplification ot the pre!· ed the American Farm ~ues - realize that in the casting or such be formed; ln which-each depart-~.. upon the ent complicated school district or-Federation to furnish int .. ~au a production there ii more than mnt hu its own seperate Job to application of S. R. Monaco, M. D ., ganization ln the state. The State on the need for addftlon:i~ ~ meets the eye. be fulfilled. tor re-zoning from R..J to Cl ot Commission on School Districts ing acreage 50 that the dev:f11 Wh th . Lots 8 and 9, Tract 884, Oty of has. indoned the unified school dis--ment of irn'gatloo projects can"!':: Al an example, in producing en e ~ting ot .Juaior MIM Newport Beach, California, for the trict th t I Id al l u.;: Harbor High school's first major began, three ditterent departments ni.irnnico. of e-~oo ~ ottl-for as e mos near Y e Pan furthered on an intelligent and t ed Th t th ... -_..... i~u . ..... ... ~ for school district organization. factual basis. production ot the current season, were 0!"111 · ose 0 e cast-practicing of medicine 'and sur-Considera tion will be given in the "Our ~-i .Jdlllor Ml-. th~ are at least two lng; busmess; and tickets and pro-gery. study however to any other tonn . . ....._1u1uttee was set up by people, who have tun time work gram committees. Undoubtedly By order ot the Ola.irman ot the of ~rganJzati~n that may appear off1CJals ot ll ""."estern s~ate Farm ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~u~s~ta~g~e~cre~w;, ~fo;r;•;v;e;ry~act~or~th~a;t the most publicized of the three Newport Beach acy Planning destr bl i g1 i ti Bureau Federations to give the fr. is the castjng department. which · a e n a ven 1 tua . on. rigation farmer the representation Is formed by the director. Besides Commission. The recommendations ot the lo-he needs," said Hoober. th actual cast tfsel!, the director JOHN M . ALLEN, I cal survey committee are submit-"Seldom has th viewpoint f ir muat also appoint an auiatant PHILMER J . EU..ERBROEK, j ted to the Region~l and then .to rigation farmers ebeen thorc:ghl - director and a prompter .. The . Secretary. I ther State Commlss1on tor consid-crystaliz:ed or clearly voiced in di. three pol.itions, director, assistant Pub. Nov, 12, 1946. eration. It approved, they are re-11berations involving water prob. P'MDe BM COil 1111 director, and prompter, at Harbor NOTICE OF PlJBLIO BEARING turned to the dJstrlct concerned lems of the west. Yet the irrl· High'• play are tilled by Karl where they must be approved by gated farm enterprise is one of tJte-1118 OOAllT mo.WAY Ar Tll1C ARCJID:S Westerman. Peggy Trine, and Dor· The Newport Beach Oty Plan· a vote ~f the. people before being chief foundation stones of our ,.-------------------------.! othy Wright, npectively. ning Conunissioo will bold a Pub-placed mto efrect. western economy." The advertising, ticket, and pro-lie Hearing Thursday, November By order ol the Chainnan ot the WILLIAM P . MEALEY -. GJ!JNJ!:RAL OON'l'BACTOB Residential and Commerdal Building n I :81a~NAll B•DM Wl-W gram committees are under the 21, 1946, at 7:30 p. m., In the Coun· directloft or Mr. ThomP10n, who di' Chambers, Oty Hall, Newport Newport Beach Oty Planning haa done a splendid job with the Beach, California. Commissjoa., ~ery helpful assistance or Tanya PUBLIC HEARING upon the JOHN M. ALLEN, Seely, Barbara Hale, James Stet-application ot Harry H. Cornelison PHlLMER J. ELLERBROEK, tensen Lee K.nJght and Virginia for a 50 per cent setback variance Secretary. ,Crane.' Posten dra~ by Harbor's tor Lot 7, Block C, Newport Bay Pub: N_o_v_. _12_,_1_946_. ____ _ -----------------------·.--'!Art Dpartment have been dig-Tract, Newport Beach, California. NOTICE OF PtJBLIO BEARING Will Conduct Inquest Today Into Car Death --./ An inquest into the accidental WEDNESDAY, NOV. U e --at l:IO & 8:11 DOUBLE Technicolor REVIVAL Program .lobn w-Betty Field "SHE}>HERD of the Hll,f..S" THVltS. -FRI. -SAT. NfPUy at 8:18 • 8:10 e DOlkTIBI' LAMOUB llOllEllT PBUTON "Typhoon" N.,., H -15 • 11 .lllldor Ma-!lat., 1:46 •1J-.11a~· VIYIAll IUPllE • PERRY COMO HARRY JAMES • CAlllEll llRAllDA • • • • 2o.c1NTUIY0 POX.. • -COMPANION FEATURE - ~BLAMOUR~ QUEEN< of lllt KILW:.'°ClllTV ' --Bfl!lll ·--flll· 1mnlllllll .. 1M11m1 Producld bJo SOC. LESSER•......._,......,__. DINdlir 1tUirT wiw•• • .,... .... .,. .... ._. .. --.u._. ___________ _ ,.----------------------'---,! played throughout the school. ~:-il~es co':...='..~~~ llllLLEY'~ REFRIGERlmDR Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau The Newport &'ach ·city Plan- ning Commission will hold a Pub- lic Hearing Thursday, November 21st. 1946, at 7 :30 p. m .• in the Council OJ.ambers, Oty Hall, New- death of Lloyd Undslay, 28, of t:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;; 300 £l Modena avenue, Newport • Heights, will be conducted at Baltz mortuary, Corona del .Mar, at 3 AD ·-of Tram lD Earope, Mess.., Ba...U. ......_tla&-World Trl119 In tlae near tutme. • • • See Mn. Roy Keene.. Pb. Harbor 891, SOI Palm, llal1- Boan:, 10 a. m... to 8 ~ m. E. J. (Bad) Jacklin OOND.&oroa CEMEN 'T WOR ,K Flaptone Work • Cement Block Fences l"lat WMIE .... r ... o-blallM•••• OALL 111 I ·I POa INPOSMAnON have already been printed and a ER\llCE COffiPRDY box office has been set up to If I handle advanced sales, which, by a.Jee -n.pr ••lac -8en1ce the way, are going very welL 9!0 OoM& ~ w Jiu At the lallle time that these ._ Mi.or ,_ other heretofore mentioned com-N ... t. '--nm mittees were being organized. the in-;~~~~~~i:i CQl'Tlmlttee for handling bock stage work was also assembled It Is headed by a stage manager-Kip Nicol, and under him and chair- men at Ma.ke.u~Marie La Perle; Cootwnea-Mary Milllog; Prop- arUes-Dlxie Ann Smith; and Lightln&-Don Ward. Everyone'. that has been men- tioned plus many more will make thla show the succea It llbould be; for amoot.hneu and effectiveneu ot any play depends upon the co- operation ot everyone and anyone who bu anythina: to do with a Llquor Store ---lloy-t him .... Bay, llalt.c. ~--,__ ___________________ _., Jll'OCllM:tlon of thla kind. ~~~~~~~~~=~ -----------------------------, • YOU .BET! OUR HAND50Ml!LY MADI! HSGH QUALITY SHDml AIU! SURI! 10 SATISPY TH I! ~ DJSCIUMINATING . • • • • w. "-• ""414 Mleaiota of SOLIDS ....t S'l'JUPl!S. Shirts to PleaSe Evecy · ~t ; •• • .... • , ... ·.r--h • ..J ~ .,-.. • • • 'Whites "$.1.50 tO $5.9? . ..- • Solids $.1.95 t.o $4.75 I • Stri $4 . . ' • ~ pes $4.50 to . .ti-.. ,.;: .. ···-. • • ' .,c.. ..... ••• s • gli -llWA -• • port Beach, cautomla. • PUBLIC HEARING upon the application of Dick Bartlett for a 50 per cent setback variance for Lot 8, Block C, Newport . Bay n-act, Newport Beach, California. p.m. tcxlay' . Lindsley was burned to death in a three-car mishap on 101 high- way near the Seashore colony here early Friday morning a.a his wife and children looked helplessly on. "A Plac< Wh<T< Plshmnm M<<t" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders By ordep of the Olairman <>(.,the Newport Beach acy Planning Commiss.ion. Three other persons suffered severe burns and one of them wu hospitalized u a result of the ..., n --· crash.. The Injured are, Mr. and .,pJ!!!D -""W.z,, M.,...g.,.-JOSEPHINE OQmn, Oumn JOHN M. ALLEN, PHii.MER J . ELLERBROEK, Secretary. Pub' Nov. 12, 19'6. Mrs. John Stolarek ot 533 Irvine 10'1 ~ht Place N ewport Beed! street, Newport Heights, and Leon!;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N!asen, 22, of Los Angelea. Nia- sen wu taken to tl)e Ora.n&e C.Ounty hospital; the others were treated by a local physidan. Acoording to local police, Unda- lay's · car In Which Mrs. Undalay _and their boby aon were paaen- iien. ltalled on Cout HWy. and _Llndllay flaaed down S\olarek'a vehicle ror ullatance. ·UndsJay wu ltandlog bealcle Stolatek'1 auto at Ille time an auto driven by . Leon ~ 22, or Loo Anl<!la. l plowed Into the rear of Stolarek'a """""""· The fllel tank at tbe Slolarek auto bunt Into ~ ..,.a Inc Undalay wltll boimlDC ~lno -lnlurlng Jlr. -Kn. ...,..... ·' ~· \ . WILLIAMS. IRETON, M. D. Announces The Removal of His Offices . . " for the Practice ·of .. l:ftla IJ of G. L. BaD of lJ35 E. Seqmif. ~t., LOiis 81 I +, to extm.. .-• 1be nu-of ._.,., Medicin~ & ~eey • • ~ .... c-tDe-.--·~ ielt -.lid:""" •11s1•11J. w • dlhlng.,, at tbe - - -Ille 8C'Cld-t. Be pa ..... n · $ 'M -bcarlo4 to tbe -. I :::'-----.......::... -,,., .. &4 ... -.., ??¢ -la -dQI """'" -... a• 111 ID .... -a 111tw1> w11D 11_.,&Elu& G !"'1 • tlll I l _. .... ,_. .. , S '11 • t11111 '** ___ ... ' ~ ~ ' ' · ·'fO I.aguna Belch .. • i l . . . 1006 Coast Blvd. South . . . .DRAFTING SERVI.Cf • • J ROY M. WABINS ... A 11111111 •o.p-' J -' .......... t • , • ,. • • -• • • .__ __ ,;;;,..;o;..;;;.~.;.;..;.------------~"'"""""~-- So. -Pacific • ..... ? •• I ,,81erans D.;,. .. L From War · ee.m o~iD·~··!•!!'ll~• ···-oe wac a Delidolllly Pftpared •••••• NEWPO·RT CAJ'E · -IC Boar 8w viae + n•--l!f_,_._ ·f t11 Dall\ Vote to Join MWD E • Serv. Serv' F I Su Qlep -... Dn'&Hlaolas nglneers · ice e on acu ty :: .. :.-=~-=;a: ~ ...... --·-~ Dlltlxt o1 Soutbern c.utorn1a by I L~~~.!!~~~~~~---....:.· ..;·!-~·~·~a~·~'~'!__I Vi · · p a .-of 119.lSl to 15854, aocood-1 .p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ew ort ~~-:i~~.e:~ =-.J': ;:"=: =k~ -~ ~~=-~nl... Balboa. C tr I M rk t ·era1 new ones u well u oeveral muter'a depee In Dunins at the ,u the San Die&<>· Clouoty Water . , en .a a e . former faculty memben returolnC UnlWnlty of Soutbm Callfomla. authority,· and Include San Dleso. An Intimate acquaintance with from war oervlce. · A former sraduate ct Fullerton ~. National Oty and ., .. lie-· .,, .... ~el .. Mal' a· # • White's Balbo& IsLmd Cafe AND (JOOlTAD. DA& the 'be..q, and borbor conditlono of AWO¥ !tom the college for the Junior college who baa ...,,. bad< a.u1a Vlata, the ~-Public 708 E. Central, Balboa Ph,: Harbor 2729 L---------------------1 Oranie County wlllch will aerve put three and one-bait yean on ' In a teacbln& caP9c1ty la Mn. Utlllty dlatrlct, Lil Meaa, Lemon a military leave of aboe>ce, Dr. MartheJla McSeYpey, -tea-Grow and Sprioir Valley lrTip· .-------.,----------------,I .. a lflllde ror tut11tt work 1ttte s . a eortez baa retumec1 to hla or c1ramat1ca anc1 Ena:•lah. After ~ c11atr1ct. the Lakmde Irriga-Again We Have ., ,... pined by Col. Francis Falk-physics and engineering daues. In beloir p-aduated from Huntlnirton tioD dlatrict. The territory baa a c H 0 I c E . M E A T s 24-Hoar Radio Senice Burt R. Norton ner and Maj. R. Eaton, U. S . A., the oervlce Doctor Cortez ,... an Beach High tcbonl and FwJlerton combined uaeaed valuation of , both of the San Francisco office officer In charge of a naval train-Junior college, Mn. Mc:Sevney more than $260,000,000 and a popu- of South Pacific Division, U. S. Ing school In Philadelphia. completed her B.A. dramatics latlon of over 500,000, local offi· Arrey Engineers, on an lnlpection V. Jack Olapman la a new major at u.s.C. She ....... to FuJ. dais 1tated. I p r I c· e d tour, accoi-dlng to Harry Welch, teacher of French and Spanish at Jerton after a ~ of teaching oecretary of the Clamber of Com· Fullerton Junior colleiie.1 He i. dramatics at Newport Beach High :AD ldncla ~!er -In merce a native of Salt Lake city and achool. •tfclt at the New.11mes. · It wu Col. Falkner's tint of-a graduate of the University of Robert C. Rockwell. a new mem- fldal lnapectlon of this area lince Utah. where he received hla B.A. ber of the English faculty, cornea WE NEED becoming cblef engineer of the and M.A. dep-eea In language. He from 5anta BarbarL He received , ........ -Garden .Fresh Bird's Eye South Pacific Dlvllion. He· lndl· spent 18 montha with naval Intel-hla BS. degree from Harvard, 'and • 1-<lt -tu Olell& ••IO Bss •• ftll cated considerable enthustum in Ugence durlna: the' wv, and the ls doinc craduate work at U.S.C ............ l!fewpwt B11•, -. the work alreody carried out at remainder of the time uoW hla dio-During the war he aerved In the ft. lU'I • "' Vegetables FROZEN FOODS L __ ...:::::=::::,,,-~~-----------Newport Harbor. congratulating I charge In January, 19'6, In the medical oorpo u an enllated man WW 1'11*·17p ' theJocal offldall on the clean and ' southwest Pad.tic area. before eaminc h18 commiuion. He ~::::::::::::::::~~::::: ,;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; generally smart apeearance of Another new teacher ta Miu waa dilcharged u a captain. the entire harbor. Veva E. WU.On, who ia teaching After three years' abaence, Mn. Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain QuaJlty Feeds MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Kaallfadmen of CaltcJm Ballt llUDdl Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates ~l The vlliton were met at the commercial subjecta. Miao Wll· Ruby Wlirnall returns to resume yacht d~b by Walter Spicer, aon received her B. A. dep-ee at her d utlea In F. JC. physical edu· member of the Orange County San Jooe State college and baa cation. Mra. Wignall wu &radU- Harbor Commlaalon; R. L. Patter· done graduate work at Milla col-ated from Pomona and did p-adu- son, Engineer Noble, Hubbard C lege and University of Southern ate work at O.aremont colleae, .,...,. o...z; 9 11 t i IMI soa YOtJa OON VDl&NCS WI: RgMAJN OPDf ftlD&Y a Howe, head of the State Clamber California. Durln& the war 111» Stanford and Colwnbla. dl7 N..,..n ...._ SATUUA'I' EVllJ!fil!fOS "l'ILl. I - -• AND AU DAY 9111!1DA'I' . -I- of Commerce Council on 1ma11 gave 1natruct1on to ama11 groupo New physician 1n both tbe hl&b 1 ~~~~~~~~~~ii~;;:~i2;;i~~i~r Harbor Attain, and Secretary and Individual convaleocent sold· lchool and the junior collece 1a OOll".!A MM• Welch. len at De Witt Army hoopltal Pauline Lehman, M.D., a p-aclu-'------------' A tour of the bay and entrance In the life ldence deparbnent. ate of the University of Nebruka. I jetties WU made in the harbor G. Fletcher Palmer hu joined the She took her internship at the Loa BALn maa·ter'1 boat. The en&tneen also faculty as successor to H. H. An&:eles County holpital. Lut year lnlpected the cout line trom Sun· Tracy. His background lndudett Doctor Lehman wu with the Long set Beach to Newport Beach, in stud! at Chaffey and at the UnJ-Beach High school, where ~ re- company with Patterson, to look Ver&Jty of California at Berkele~. sumes her work a&ain thia year MORTUARY over the erosion situation. C. Earl Narramore, F . JC. a along wtth her autte1 at Fullerton. Maj. Ea~on is talk:lng over au-new vocal instructor, comes from Logan Wheatley bu been teach-. "You Must Order Now l. For the Holidays" pervialon of the erosion section Monrovia High achoo\, where he Jng iur\reytng an enlf.neerin&' at of the division engineer'• office in ~aught from 1939 to 194L He wu Fullerton Junior college since 1931, Sa.n Frandaco. m the mWtary service during the but during the war served u a ----------war. He studied at the State Col-commander of navigational train-~===================::'. lege at Tempe in Rriwna and did lng. He was graduated from the • White. ff OUS8 post-graduate work at Claremont University or Southern cantornla -;t- Lady Attendant ~····• s99s ., ..•. I .~ ... P~/datd PLAY SCHOOL SOLVES PROBLEMS FOR BUSY MOI1IERS. • I I A FULLY EQUIPPED, SUPERVISED, FENCED-IN • PLAY YARD AND ROOM FOR ! YOUR CHll.DREN WHILE YOU SHOP, WORK OR PLAY. I I • INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION. SPECIAL MORNING SESSION FOR 2-AND 3-YEAR-OLDS Ope n Mond a y Through Saturday 9 L m. to IS p. m. • • • Full Day '3.00 Bo a rl 7 a aa Wee kl7 Ba tee WEST END OF PARK AVENUE, BALBOA ISLAND :ror lafonm:tloll OaD Barbor m OU.. Yoa Ille" 1t l'IMe to Diiie .. Orup 0.-ty: All New· • • Even ~e Location .•• One-Halt MDe Eut d Old Location <n Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Leed Soutbem Callfomla In tbe Senlna d -SEAFOODS - ALSO YOtJR ilW al i.mt:AV -VJSl!!' OIJB K11UIEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa .and Flab Market -Oalll ..... ., WE WELCOME YOU CHARGE ACCOUNT <•·•,•n.o.> ............ __ _ Ill ..a -• ·"':·:.:~: o..-. .... i/)I ......... .......... 1.e1 - 1 11 NL Jl1C ., tha•1i "1111'·'10-W&t.a aa wa1.a n. • - •••Bww>9>b'P1lnl..., .............. • and U.S.C. with an M.A. degree, and ta11&ht at Cafe After service as a navy nurse, Downey High school before com1ng -;t- Miss HeJen Walker comes to Ful-t Fullerton 410 CoUt Blvd Jerton Junior college to be the 0 · • school nurse. Miss Walker ill a After service In the. United CORONA DEL MAR graduate of Long Beach Poly-States navy, Coach Arthur L. _Alto lleatllal ::=========::'..!~t-~n1~c~H~ig~h~seh~oo~12an~d2o~r~the Nunn baa returned to lnatruct In Telephone Harbor 42 WOOD GllAINll 501 Er Central Barbor S8 JE.RRY Formerly with Orange Co. Refrigeration .•• Now in Our Commercial Refrigeration department. • • • Loeal eervkle avall.aMe, ,..._ JOU Deed It. UFRIGEBATION: COMMEBCJAL • MAJUNE • DOllESTIC 11AL1:8 SERVICE -Newport Electric ·Appliance Co. • Before You. Build or Remodel Vlllt Oar lnten.tlng !!ample and Dlaplay &ow Color guides, plan- nlng aids, romprebem. Ive stock ot ca!lll!ls and linoleum. Rapa Carpete Oleaned, kepalnld LUDLUM Carpet Works lDI -Mala II&. ""----llAl!fTA ANA • MET 1CLAD PRODUCTS ~y CLARK & BATES ._Look for the Bronze Mailbox -. Metallizing- ·Wekllag- DIESEL S.ERVICE e WMUI .cJR Tim~ OW 008 l'iliiW LOQ&DON • • ·-::a .... rL1 ._. __ lea1;1 w ....-.1 -a&lll()ri.t ..... w..,,•a ? c...-~:l'ltll•'1 f- • • ........... t .. ftl ... :1111 •., ... ..... -·a.. fw..... ••• N •• , tlllli +h I. 9S\' .,, - • Onrw1 #1n'w .... tllewai-.al'lp11&- "•• 91 .... I ' 7 d I •tt I e •--·~··••1 .. te D1111nRll W ---..... ,,, ... • • • physical education and to coach DAY AND NIGHT_ 1 the baseball team at Fullerton ROYAL TAILI PAD CO., . . Junior college. He taught at F. :.,:::::::::::::::::::::::...~'.:·~-~·~~~·~·~Cn&~-~·~·~·~z'~•~'~'.":"'~"'~a~.,~~~~~ JC. !rom 1922 to 1942~ when he - entered the navy. From 1942 to 1946. Mr. Nunn served as officer in charge of de- liveries of I..STa from 1hipyardl on the Ohia and Mississippi riven -to" the docks at New Orleana.. WORTHINGTO Refrigeration PllEON AKKONU. ltoaloll toa Air Conditioning •-tolOtoa Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AD Pis&CMe ... All u.i-ta 8- Call .•• ' ATTENTION! Home Owners! 'I."-Add Mayhn- Ocmfori ud Goed Looa toYoarB-: • •• • 1 h I ••• 91v1n. t. .~ peop • goocl transpo.ltation ••• at low cost ••• ancl lots of it I • ,,_ puppJh11d, Gttyboaad grew Oil -good idea: ID .buBd a MW, "A-~b•-~ IMM·~ far THI! PJIOPUI. Net -a.·· -fiript. ··Ml P.9<>ft,B. The rhiag GttJhoUod koowa beat ia Hw ID ger i-pk to cbe pt..- cbey ~ ID go ••• 11! rhe .. cbey WUIC ID go I. : at pr;-_ cbey 'GIA aBO&d. . Aad GftJhowul does dUa for -dti;-? row..., Yilbgel .:ad cn- dwa ury odaer mmpor111ina »JW ill. die Welt. Wlm'1 more, GftJboaDcl-kes cbia ".Ac1rannlt)'le" uawel ldmdlr. . ' ,a __ wy, caa ........... llDppiag ia dae 6• r1 OE big ciciet ••• at die -.-. ._. -&om cbe cily hall •• -or lit Pae J--' -"• if m.t'1 wlw)e ._ ....-cogerolf, • . : I Why do.,., lilut Gftyhoaad? 'l'bete'• JODr -··· pM llll- poc1.U... U I. ,_ -U I wl ,.. ~ i&. ,_ • 0. 0. 8W.UIOW> -•01•·-.. ... IPL • 11 a 1111 • I • • • • "Y't4 F'''IP'~'l"*:ld± ... "lllll!:~·~·~~c~s~r~-~;~~T~~'~·f!~=,=·~'~·~U.~P9~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~;!!!'.~::Cr~~z~~'""~~ Pu8UC NC71"1C99 .. ••wnm••ww ••••••••a,..,... • ........... ..,.,.4 • ._..,,AIOI01D.ff*"" &a ,, •••-. ... • •• ••• ------. Pu.uc Nonat WANTED -JJ.orrucl -to w:m:nAN m -m •SI FOR' RENT-1--pio. ------------1 · c.:llT~~.:, =:.-bolp -. .. ,.,.,, 1n ...-SHOWER DOORS COMPLETB '-Projodp ' -•.IBiat. End of Rent' Con1n>l -Why ~mble? - • ll'ODOll OP ut& OP l!'l'OClK nmmn>DSIGldD .. __ trtptol'lewYaft.1-lasDtt.. o.11a-an4Jaot111W HOUSE CLEANING •ltb er'-!-_.... llf am.a -...., ...,. .,. _,.,.a -10 1o ~ 15. o. a...,. m w. f1oor p+1c1ne ud.• .... ~ FtLMS u:mm> -y..., -CORONA D!L ~Two bous•, Uro bedaWilii mdl, eril ••u••n -*" -<:mini; ._ Calif. APt. r -1 t11r rml SERVICE picture olaoW at -· t.tma, . tumlshed. One rented at $35.00; ~owner occu- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: .. ~.!::.'".~~ C:lt7 ~ = Atl'Yewninsattar8p.m. llMrt> Ba'""ew Buildeta Sup1nlv -a. -la, t1lr ....... ...... -....... .,.__, ......._ ~oooo Good-1111. Thia Notice al lnft11tion to CleJI :rl..ll-.... a;;;:"'" ~ .,_ BICYCLES · m&t HJwo;y i,.. Bn .. , ~ Free Estimates dllbo. cbwclw. Hartiar li!'.!: ,_,... · •'""....... '""";' .--. .,. • · - • atoclt ol soodl tn bulk. ~~R GLU!IB OOllPJ.ICT• 19-tfc •..-u.11; WI-that bOtlce lo benb)' -tw -""" ,. <•• ""'' °' -. Rm1*1 • .....-_ Klldlen alld Wall Wuhhic LIS11NGS W~ p..... tbat lbe und<nlped AR-=. = :::-:;o;...."":':: ... -:Ir' VC-IC!;'B z 0 R I c Floor' Oeanlnc ud Wulril l"OPI ·-&l \ ~-L.. ·WHENCE Int.ends lo -T ................ UJ ....... 100 Kala Ill..,...... ~ .......... M_ Ca,...._ FOR D~ ~--·-•nun ~ ---~ ..... ·-Coll w ---.... "'= ,..... DRY CLEANING -~-~·~ ~-._ CleJI to WUJJAll r.. DAVIS aDd ~ ~ ---------M-u., In Our Own Plan Palntllts aDd privilte blotb, tile 11w au · • "DOUG" WHITE LESn:R CATE all that Ol!rtaln ,.,,.., w.-.... 1U N...,, ,.,..,.. ______ ..__ _____ , I t ±tall. ~er..,.,.,..-. bait •tock ot ---tine ~"'::~:=a.~ -llUVIT .&mll g PICKUP AND All Wark Guaranteed oprlns ud lntenoabc --Balboa Inn-Arcade, Balboa Phone Barbor 2202 :.inc.;,,~": i:n ~ :t" ~~:: of °4:M~. BRO-. . . llACHlNE aDd llACHINELESS DELIVER Harbor 379-J --:: .. ~:.~~ ~-~ -----;-~U~ceo~·~e~d~Real~~~Ellt~Ul~te~Brc~~ok~er~:.._ ___ ~88-~l~tc ±hip known u OCEAN FRONT ..... n ~.i.;~· Permanent Waves Pl>one Motel. 10ll Cout llll!nn7. N--' CAFE alld conmtlnc al ARTHUR 00~ ~:i,0~"o:a ..... D. 'nntlnc ud llanlcwtnc BEACON Sl9S.J Al's Holll!e & Window pri-.. Pb. Bn:m 5298-.J. i:.. LAWRENCE WILLIAM i:.. ..... .._ -NoRA a. JUJU>. E¥elDs Appt. Pb. Barber 119-W -Cleaning Service 1lllte DAVIS a11<1 uSn:R CATE,'lbe :..~.; ~""":!'.!l'.;""~ Vi's Beautv Shop Lido Cleanen __.iup aaets conoiatins aeD-1n du!• _. •• .-... -....1!!4 uoa Coat 111waY.6irQD& cleJ 11ar ~ttc .,..._" .. S f era11y al Rood will. •tock 1n trade, ::7''1~s=•.i;...! .. .,, _ ' 'JS.tfc ell Newport Blvd. .ut:ml pace or Rent turnlohlnp, llxturet and Interest ID be u.. r.r= •--.,. LOllT ARD POtlND D 111-ttc ll0.&'1'8, BUPPUJli8 U WHITE REAL ESTATE OFFICE In beer llceme, belonclna to uld ::.,~. ';!,"",:. '~ vech •cal T NEW Luden 16-26 n. rac:lns aloop. ila!boe Imc ..,_ ARTHUR L. LAWRENCE ond ........., "'° w. LOST--Cm>hlnatlon dlamcn4 ond .Ill alU Oy& N)11oa' Alli. Jobnoon outboard located at 2114 Ocean Front. Now-~1 ~";g ~~~,. ruby -tcb bracelet on beecb Electric ond Mechank'AI Tralnl, ond well, compua, etc. Phone Phone Harbor 2202 port Beach. Oranse County. Call-ollldal -' u.. 4ay -....= 18 ~ -o! Balboe Imc 1ut Mon-Dall "''"'"· Dollo, ~ 2393-J. 88-ltc _ llf>.2tc fornla, ond that a tran±fer and .. rlUI .... J'~ "t""..,.o~~TH. clay evenJnc, Nov. '· Reward. Seto. Voloclpedes. TO)'O, Stftl wuwww TO llDlr .. -snment of the aame will be NOWY Public In ... fo< ·-... Mn. l!,yde!-Wood, Balboe Inn, w-. :JO n. llffl boet, late±t deolp, ==..,A...,=..,...---.------ mado, and the putthue price ~~~ ~· ... "t...."""ml.. Balboe: Harbor seo. 87-2tp THE TOY SHOP new c!Mo; modem -In-ENGINEER, Major Oil-· thereof will be paid. on Thunday !Notarial .) -An-=1 w·=...... !I08 Marine Ba!bea ....... clucled. New mat and Alli. wanto three er two-bedroom, Large Ocean Front Home Near School FOR SOLID COMFORT I the 21at clay of November, l!H6. Pub. Oct-11· :14. 11 ' NOT. 7· ,.... ~--· ~ • Barber 2292-W ~UC MIMI tee to all!Jftdate. Newr turnlahed -· Lone Beach at the offices ot Powell and Ban-GOOD LAUNDRESS WANTS-• been In -ter. Priced below ll1l5l. 88-2tc Spadolll ~ ..A. Beat 0-truction . ..A. Immacnlatll av81Nm ovm• 11 ---·-·-kl Auto Batten-H x JUd, 220 Second and Broadway ••~~ or ~~ •~• """ 1· w a.t. ST15. Harbor lS5!hl 87-2tc ROOM WANTED Sinai Bldg., Santa Ana. Oranse County, RADIO SALES & SERVICE Will ~e lroc!ln& out and deliver. Rubber Seporat<n :iz.n. cabin cruloer. Mq be lllOd employee al Neww-Tlmeo.•= 4 B. R.'a, 2~ baths, Jaree Uv. Rm., party ll:re Cail!omla. at 9:30 dclock a.m. Speclalb:ln& In ~. Phone Harbor 1973-M. 88-ltc llHnonth -'6.T!I Ex. 01·1 fer fllhlnc boat, S7ll0. Call after Harbor 13. 87-tt dlnlnlr-room, kitchen and lll!l'Yioe porch planned for That the addrfta of wd vendor lo TRONART, INC. BUILDING le Repair work wanted Compounded Motor 6 p.m., Harbor 1493.J. 83-ttc WANT TO RENT ~-~·~ use •. Outside laundry room. Fine apartment over 2114 Ocean Front, Newport Beach, Newpoc t area. Phone Oranae , Cellon, 'IOc . -· --er big dbuble garage. $5000 In fl.lmllhlnp. Other · Onnae County, California, and the and~· :::S"'!..-S.::. 1345-W. after 1 p.m. ~tp -FOR SALE--40 n. cabin crw-: lllllurnlobOd -· 2 er 3 bed-features." · .-of said vendee 1o 2114 W_.-m Auto Supnly -1-atx; p)Jey, dinette, bead. rams llVill leue. Pboae a.n-. ~ Front N~ B h Ph. R. 1252-M WANTED --k by the .,....., >' 7f11 81 tf p an • ·-.-·· eac • 2901 w. Central, Newprt Beach. hour Sl.oo. Phone Harbor ns. Auu-md o..Jor larse wheel ""'-and cockpit. -c rice Quoted After Inspection ~~:~N~. :r <.;:'~~ 79-ttc -tc 1838 NewjXrt BIW., Coota ~--ttc ccmpletely rooondl-. bow' to AYr or SMALL HOUSE wanted ~ stem: Oiryaler marine engine. by man and wile. We do bOt ARTIIUR L. i.AWRENCE ron~ un-~"'-'da le Ha•~ DIPLOno:NT Ol'Tl:llED n See OWllOr, 133 Aaate Ave., Bal· drlAk or omoke, bO children or Vendor ~u "u-ug ~ GIRL'S bicycle; two Simmons boe Ialand. 87-ttc Phone San LESTER CATE Coven made to onler. Alao Pia· WANTED-Maintenance man for Rollaway cots with mattreuea petJt. ~ Ana 0991-W WILLIAM L. DAVIS lglasa le Lucite Sheets fer aale. 4 or 5 weeks. two buss. otflces, like new. Phone Harbor 2115-M'. Fir E • T or write Box "X" NOWpolt Bal-Vendees Nu· World Product± Compaey, two dreu· ahopo, two churches, 88-tlc · e QWpment est8 boe N.,..Tl.Deo. 37-tfc Pub: Nov. 12 !946. · 303 'Iblnl St., Hantlngton Beach. also three private homeo. Con-C-0-Two, Pyttne le Foem ttfllll. WANT TO RENT~ er 3 tJe&m. • _Phone Huntln&ton Beach l78. tact Harvey, Beach Houae 516 FOR SALE-Six-loot bar, two COi !llled syatem and Pnrtabl• untornlshed home. Will 1- !JO..Uc w. Central, Apt. 7 evenings after chrome bar stools; IS.foot pad-now available. · Call Sam Porter at Harbor 107 NOTICE. OF INTENTION TO EN-_________ __;__;:..: 8 p.m. BaJboa. 88-4tp dleboard. Phone Harbor 1498-R. ETS HOKIN A GALVAN er •• -~. CAGE IN THIE SALE OF ALCO-88-lt 1000 ~---HJ h --~ HOLIS BEVERAQES MET-CLAD PRODUCl'S C .......,..t & w-.y HELP WANTED, MALE-Local Pb_ Beacon !5522 73-ttc RENT, lllilKJELLANEOUS Cl ------------ TO wuox tT ~~~194• CLARK TaAn:s or traveling In business for Steel Kitchens · ro=R=-''=RENT==---e-=--.;;.c.,.::_,._..o.; No<Jco ,. .,,.., .... " tb&t nn... 111 •-"'~--yourself. No money required. GLASS ENCLOSURES Balboa Canvas Shop arage, llth and 1 1n~~·'~·..!•!!n!?~"'!:!l'll::!_ _____ .!!" RIONmrTO llOU COAST PROPERTIES CO. Real ton "Serving Newport Harbor Area." 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 2668 • da.711 after UM date po.ted. the uad11r-e~.. Good income. You are your 01"1 SHOWER DOORS Salli: -Boat Coven Bay, Newport Beach. Phonel• :i.:.::':•."'=" .~:.!.~~=~··:; 506 =dlngst. ~~~boru'" -~ .boss. Apply AWttln studio, 5081> Southern Counties Marine Upholot...ing Harbor 1472-M. 8T-2tc NEWPORT BEACH water tront LOANS TO BOIU>, ...,., -- folio ~ ~ No. Main St., Santa Ana. 87-8tc Supply Co. . Harbor 207 _ 2241> n.t St. UAL llBIATS ., home and guest house, complete--or Nftnan.._ 2114 ~an FrttnL, Newport Beae:b, Newport Beach 85-tfc Newport Be ch n tfc ly fumlahed, five years old. Pier, Nwpult Bil.be-. r.dll'al Baftnp ~:',!...~\~; ouch tntenUon. the • AUTO MECHANIC Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach a -FOR SALE-Lot on Central Ave., dock and cabin cruiaer. Full -i-·-·- •nd•nl.-Is applyt•fc to the State R 0 0 F S 144 Coast Blvd., N. 881tc lllUlllOAL a llADIO u Peninsula Point, z.one 3, 35"97. price $25,000, one-hall cub. Mr. 333S Via IJc1o Ph. Hutior lllOO =:e:~r~~!:'t!!Yk t!~~~ Experienced Ford mecha.nJc pre-. Priced right. Call Harbor 315. Colcom.b, Beacon 5m:J. Sf>rltc ---------·--- fo• .._ pNOml"' ., ton""" W J BENBOW !erred, but will CONlder senora! PHONOGRAPH and extension 25 and 50 Watt Office of John D. Burnlwn. 2001 . AUTOllOTIVJ: a TDIEll • ON SALE BEER LICENSE. • • mechanic and .nve F~ tr·•-•-. loud speaker. In excellent con-Ocean Blvd Balboa. °"'tt · Anyone de.Inns to protest the t..u-•· \.Bu ~. H W JI • u..r c FOR SALE-2 new all modern 2 ------------anco ot ............ ,,.., n•• a ... 111.. I'hone Harbor 1012 J Good pay and the best of work-dltlon. Reasonable price. In-arvey e s bedroom homeo. Fire place, ""'''" .,,,. the Sta•• """"' ot Equal-•-" condltlons. Apply at once aa quire 225!> Marine, Balboa Isl-Rad1·0 Telephones FOR SALE-<:orona de! Mar, '5-doubl . ted, til HEAVY DUTY one-ton trailer talion ~t Sat:nm.nto. California, .tat-..... d · ft. lot.1 block from school th e earage, carpe e. truck tires ood tires. 1 °'.a tac srouada for denial u proTlded bf lil2-tfc we need more men immediately. an · 88-2tc ' 90U Newport Heights, owner. Har-' I' ....-la•. n. premt.N a.re now llC4!D.'9d O SPEED G For Immediate Delivery of Blvd, good locatioo f<r I& bor 1522 J Agate Ave., Balboa I.a1an4. for lbo _,, of alcoholic .,.,......,. -----------THE DORE ROBINS x3u RAPillC CAMERA, 214 come. Owner. Ph. H-2139-W. -· · 85-4tc 87-'lc ~~'1.~fvis ~O TUNING and .._irins. Fare! Dealer for Harbor Dlltrlct N ~. Ektor ~nsen:":"'°n.ooc1· 5· TRONART, INC. ==c-::-==-=-----'65-;:...;;tt:.;c FOR SALE---•-•--un-1------------Pub: NoT. 12. 194.t. . B. Brown. Write Bax 833 ew, never us . astw FOR ··~~~YUUJ Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, c,,.~ 22nd and Central, Newport Beach Ave., Santa Ana, callf. 88-4tp Authorized SALE--Clean 4 room 1 bed-lurnlal!ed home on Penlmula Fer a«lce tuppllea, -Ille M-. 78-ttc Phone Harbor 28 86-tfc CASH FOR USED ~-·~-~ Unlted Motor Radio Service room home, Newly ffilecorated. Point. Large living-room with News-TlmeL CERTIFICATE OF FICTITIOUS TAADE NAME W11. the undenil~ HAROLD WOlr D'CNBl:RG a.nd F . R.OT GR.EENLl'lAr, Sil.. hereby certify 'that we an tran--.etlns bt.l•tne. at .,. wen Ceatnl COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. HOUSEKEEPER or High School s!rl for mother's helper, to uslot in home. Three children under 6. Hall or tun day, Uve In or out. Top ulary. Mn. R. B. Harp 307 Saphlre St., Balboa Illland. Box 541. Phone Harbor 359. 85-4tc 'u~u • u~ 1.2641 WU.On. near old Santa fireplace, kitchen, bath le patlo. PHONE BEACON 5538-.J. Radio, ElectrOnlco, Sound-Sal.. Ana Poad. C..ta Mesa. $6,000. Don't miu tbi1 one-$17,500. ------------ 23-ttc and Service-Marine and Domettlc 1 __________ -:.;_;:.;.;tc Ottlce al John D. Bumbam, 2001 .&tlTO D:BVJ«m • Ph. H. J..252..M Ocean B!Vd., Balboa. 81-tfc For Income or Homes NOW HERE FOR SALE-By owner, 4-room, 2 .A.ftnue, N"'POrt Beach, Calltornta. u · ..,..,.,. under u.. Oclltlouo Ono ...... New and Repair Will Pay Cash Far ,..a lumlture or what haw 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach Ol .. GREENL&AJ" AND WOLDmN- JIBRG" and that -.Id nrm I• compOMd Phone •-a-•-R of the foUowl q J)tr90M. wboM nalDIN . oc ~ ouau- and addreNN an u toll<nN: 11.f 1!. aAth St., Coeta Ms.a HA.ROLD WOLDSNBERG. 1800 WMl ""' 660 C.atral Aftnue. Ne~~ ~1· ·---------..:-:.:....:•:.; ton.la and P'. ROT G . SR. .,. Wut Central A•enue. Newport ~b. C&llfoml&. yw. Phcme Beacon ~. era... ·· 87-4tc NICELY FURNISHED lour·bed- ley Furniture, 1812 Newport I ----------.:..:...:..:: room home on W. Central on two Blvd., C..ta Neta. 48-tt• Radio Repain lou, each 30xl02; 1 Ii baths, out- All makes; tubes, etc. door furnace and fenced play4 Hereafter U we recap ~ Beacon 5763 ground. Large Apt. 1n rear . lots, garage In Newport Helgbta. Immediate poaaeuion. Terms. Inquire 140 Cabrillo St. ,C..ta Mesa. 87-'tc Your authorlzod Cbryaler- Pl)'mouth Dealer. Authorized part± WITNZSS our ban4h UlJJI 12th day of 8eptftnber. tMI. HAROLD WOLDJ:NBERG r . ROT OR.Em'N~ .l.-SR. CORSON & RAY CO. WELL PAID JOBS with TIRES BURT NORTON $150 per month plus-owner's Apt 915 OJut HJOtway, Newport $20,000 23-tfc FOR SALE-New borne, modern outdoor, . Indoor living areu. Complete Lubrlcatloo and Built In features. 2 bedroom±, Maintenance MATE OJI' CALIPORNU., \NUNT'f or Rtv-£RSm--.. On lh19 nh day ot September. 1941. betoN me. th• aadenlped. a Notary Pv.bllc la and tOT aid COunty a.nd State -''T .,,_....., r . ,.., a.....,. •.. kaowa · fo me to M UM peno11 w~ name la .ubecrtbed to the tor. llOlas la..truftlent. and acknowledpd to iDe that he su~bed. to the -.me. General Contractors Complete Buil~ing Real Futures We ruarantee our "Cape" to lut DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. Canal Section near school le Bay. Inunedlate Expert Wechanlct poaeulon, 1604 2nd Ave., be- for Young Women as Telephone Op;erators 20,000 MILES 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana FURNISHED four-bedroon: house, water front; 1 i,t baths, sun deck, garage, boat landing rights, $15 per month plus owner's Apt. tween Begonia le Accacla, Co-Kt!ndaU and Quaker Stai. alll rona del Mar. Phone Harbor wtTN'CSS my band and official Mt.I. ZD?fA L. 'DRO'M', Not.ary Public Ill a.od tor -14 County and State. Pub. NOT. i , 12. 11, X, 194&. Service and that's not all- ZENTI'H oonsole, 7 tubes, attrac- WE WILL GIVE YOU tlvt! cabinet. Perfect cond. Low Harbor 5~ $20 OO price. 928 W. Myrtle. 1 W In moot conununltles beclnnen ~ · BABY grand. High grade make. ST-tic celve bue pay of $30 for a ftve IF ONE COMES OFF Used. Now only $485. Term±. ------------day week, with extra pay for over-STEINWAY grand, style B. The $19,000 -PHONES- Harbor 2447-R LIST1NGS APPRECIATED NOTICE TO MA1UNERS PAINTINO p • ~ RANOlNC iline or d!lty at certain hours of Reaardlesa of Speed. Id' -~-wor s moat wonderful piano. H. M·. Lane Real Estate and DllXlORATINO the day. -Uoed. Save one-third now from Notlce lo hereby &1ven that R. II:. KcDooalcl Seven waae lncreueo the lint two ONE TIRE RECAPPED new today's price. Dwight and Cecilla Lane SOtm!ERN CALIFO RNIA 414 Old C:O..ty Rd., Coota Maa yean-pald vacatlou. IN 5 HOUH6. GOOD uaed practice piano. Only 206 Court Ave. Newport Beach TELEPHONE COMPANY, a car-Phone Beacon 5013-J 111-tf< $69. Or will rent. Phone HA :lA..l tl h pl ced (1) • Learn this Int """ k t for a oomplete set we wm -n -a on, u a one au~ p A I N T I N G em~,.. wor a ~ GRAND pl8llOI. Weber, Stein- -telophone and telegraph llOOd pay In your own community. for ,..a car In the marnln& w KJmba.11 Ra th. Mehlln G h C8ble In Newport Bay, Orange 12 Yean Servlee ID Newport and deliver same day. AJoo a .;J• riiany oti.en.w':nced !tom ra am & Johnson Realty County, callfomla. The termini 01 Harlocr A?a You work with friendly people 1n $2.00 Mobllstatlc balance Job $585 up. & Investment Co. the cabU. are ldentllled by llgn-Harry Hall pleuant offtces. when we recap your tll8, fer REPOSSESSED spinet ..._ mlr-1664 N-Blvd. --tel on pools In plain view PAIN'IING OONTRACI'OR $1.00. No lead Welchta er ..,...,. --.-· • and bearing the words. "CABLE -Phon-Excellent promotlon poalbllltleo. "extru." ror piano. A beauty. Full rich Day Ph. Beacon 5434-W atOSSING -SOUTIIERN CAL Beacon 5259-.1 Beacon 5'13 -tone. Now only $2911. Tenm. Night Ph. Beacon 521().J' JFORNIA TELEPHONE C 0 M -274 E. 19Ui Street :K-U. GORGEOUS new •~led upbolllt- PANY." The locatlon of tblo cable APPLY Costa· Mesa Tire Co. ered piano with mlmr spinet lo deocribed u follows: Sheet Metal Work In Rev at eype patent. Wu exducnaed THREE-BEDROOM BEAUTY "" On the Balboe Island 1n New-1760 Newport Blvd-fer 1arp grand. Will tell for !Ive a<ft±; 11' batho, beater, part Bay, callfornia, near the Gutters Installed and Repalftcl Southern California O'.>STA MESA ba1. $2118. elec. ranse: foor aaes fellCled, ln.M. 86-4tc ALISO LOT near 15th St. 50x127. Phone Beacon 545S.R, after 6 p.m. ~tp Two Unit&- 0n Bay Ave., in Balboa. Fur- nllhed-- $13,500 ' . Three-Bedroom Home-- El Bay Tract. Furnlshed- $25,000 Small Home,,- On Ocean Front at Sea Sbch Colony- $5250 Ocean Front Lot-Union 00 Company Pier, op-Regan Bros., Sheet Metal Pb. --. 5743 DANU!CHll!IDT PIANO co. fruit trfto, baht and chicken pro>dnwtely nlnoty feet (90 Telephone Company AU fer Al ~ Hank. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana 86-ttc equliment: $25 monthly Income Sea Share Co)ony- ft.) ~-tttly of the Ml E. 21at. Coota ._ ~ from oil 1-for two .Jean. -terly line <IL Opal Beacon S6Qll.M 81-tfc RADIO HOUSE CALIS-'lblo la a na1 bu)' !er $17,000. $3150 A-. and a1oo on the pen1n-100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboe 'iji:iQ~iiifiii:iimi=Aii~";;iu..i; N-that addlflanal _,.,... Termo. · _ ~ als::1"'"-.=. :;. ro;,: =:.,."'!: ~~ob~ 5141' No. 11a1n street, Santa Ana ~~Alli::;.": !:'~ W::"!a;:.are~= 40-Ft. Buaine&B Lot- )rOldmately 8 feet north-attar 4:ao p.m. 10-tll _ ... --• nftatt'-c OD 1arp -All -THREE-BEDROOM -..... een_ter.,,, Balboa-or Call a.w Operator So. 0out v-Bbd eo. suanntiied. Bock •Bay. Nleely -. =i:~ ~ ~ _..-x ___ AL__;_ ______ ..:..:1' SO.tfc W• l8lb -NiWJUl ·-HENilY w. BRAINERD OD ball acre, $10,500. $18,500 boa. two monumontt, namel1 NEED MONEY? "'u""1"'&,...liiii"'11••1.tMmoW • eo.ta-. Pb: Be_, Sll:l-W. aooN~-~~_!<?,~-1111 . S p E C I A,L ~ ... plain -and ..... ---·-~--.... the -. "CABLE See Us fer ~ Helptul FOR SAl.F--$llsbtly lllOd Kobler n.. ~ -........ 11-tfc' BEA · ~~.1~ =.c-_°';,.,!,.wron Financial ~~~~~~ ~ wa.x•r,AJflfomnlii +n• rl&llv:=-the~lleot~ COJIPANY.~ -·-cd&m S3llO. Phone Beacon llllll4-W. H. w. WIUGBT Carpenten A~ In Bolboa, $17,500. Terma. W. L. JORDAN . 'JOO E. Omtnl.·._ Phone Harbor 'u;a A.-Hartiar m · -" tho 1_.... pi... CWl the Furniture -Salary 86-2tc .,... Beacon 1<aar t1lr .wwwa1 -• 1 --IDNtaJN&tlla1al • cu ----vvuu a.tfc NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 636 COMPLETE STOCK ·OF BATTERIES AND EQUIPMENT -Heavy Duty- DELCO'S and WILLARD Call Beacon 5183 • .... I • C 0th Security FOR SALE-One-·-......__ ~· 1-- --... -,.._ MODERN n-,_ .--. •-----------'---'-' -n> ~ w ~ ar or. er -·· -·-·-........ ..,.. --. 1-tfil u ' ..,.a-met. 100 ft. Marw air bme, _;;...:.;...:._:.,..~:.:._::;;.;.;:_.:..__:;.:= 0. K. llOMP I... 0 79 acre Clal'DW-Gu.t roam. "'1· mrABI WAlllW 11 ft+D-ftJa imMT--DaJlfllS ::':= ;:::--... leWth Phone Flnt fer Qulcbr'Sonk:e -~. -....... tor-· • Order Your Call -• Some !ndt. Nb ---I r ... l"!:S' a ;::_:;.,-:::,'::::::: '"':".,;.::.~~· E-i:'~ :!! Gu=..,;... ---_.,,,.. =-~~-= i~'.:: '="t "'ii ~ ~ ... ·~ ~~•ec-tloD HARBOR FINANCE CO. BT-'tp Now Cushman ·ScooM!r HARBO~ BLVl>. !:,..Jlal'!ar-1et.Pm.&doar L -: 1MA•a,_i91111, ~ ~ -.....-18141> Newport Blod.. eo.ta -1 ----------~1 at Vogel's ~ w--·tt. "" ~ 11-tre -. · · 'lblo nodce lap-tar tba Boao .. 5220 HARBOR 100 libla St. ~:Stea "-•-• ~m -~ ~-= ............ . .· •b .... • ' i ,.._al lnf<rmlac all •'llplian <A~ from Aljlba Beta -...ii Plumbllijr Sezvice a. s.-ar1 11.epdr -. ~ ~-~ __, ~ • _ • • "' the dnerlptlon ud ... -., as.tfc ....... -~ -·--a.._,. afanoald u11 a1 17911 Ni•prt11tt11..Bn:i••-Order Nowt . --. WE NBBD LATE-.MOOBL ,.•-no Ibo -..i caune. ,....,._, -Reduce -Relax-RBPAJllING OUR SPE0'.41,,,. • · · ~- •-., the --11a1c1 K~-. eon-.11n1 -Sajl(lllol ll7lfR FKUIT TREES Jlalloy. Ii Wyckoff . _ .• ..___ · and YOl Pay T. op Pat.:u--~~ ~·• ~-• r l~ --.-----..,_11 .__..LnUD WANJUJ . . ~·~· -~·-"Dlffennt Other ~ ----.,. ••• 11, TOOR ...... "'w TELEPH0t0: CCMPANY ..,_.,..._ ~~ w· 911 Qol9t BlwQ -DllW ,___ •• ''* ,-_, .._ ._ w. 1:. LAWRENCE ·----Now on Hana inter Planting --"' -.. ,,. 1\1• •,.. · 8-&ID-t .,,, Con-The Stauffer · System Sc .._... lk•»art 8 :Ii -' , R · l!r =::--Plant_.. xr llroed.::,:;;. ~ -ou:zz Tape Hollititer Broe. -·--------=•=-=* GrahamtlJolmlonBealtJ" -JJ; .,,.-::--••ap"'l• ...... ,.. l'lb. -· 11. T, u. "· u. 21. -. •• Tna-1a suo --at-Nu, ~ 8 ~RY _ K.-B i:.! _ ,& Invir'r•t Co. Fl ?liill •a a J •, a -' 2 • 1111. ,. "'-$31.00 NEWS n•ES ~n I • -. . ,..._..,-.. • ·--~ •"" • '"' ,. • ..-"8a11rt .,., -n a-. ~7BIV -,.,.. . .__ ()pa nir. BM I J a W-bJ' ~ ..__. NI oa -1111a .. p FI& 1J1r ft. 8 W.W """~™'& G\R'll ~ 11' ft.uaA;& W., ..U. ...... =·lei ..... , •• 1 • ••rt!Mlli?wl ..., .. _t ll-...!Su~21~-!l.!Li~!·~tt~ec~il!_JJ Oala-T Iii.. -'S I • 3 T zp I --••• ....., a IP 11 mas SS n I . •111c ._..,_ .. _... ---0 I T,W a•· 'tWO 1· 7 7 • Z ...... .._ •He F W ,,,.. .. ,. • -• ... • .. • • • • ' Radio Star :fo Appear . · At Church Banquet Jam Pat:rida Dn-.1 ot Bez 1 •r Mltanda of. rdo fmne wUl be n.,. ecp•aled the waad.•a Coif ._ ilpeU• at the -""' :OOU. -. md at ·8anta ADii Country clul> quot at. Oirlot O>urdl by tbe S... ldleduled .Jar 'l'hundq ewnlnl. 'lalt ""'° with • score of 81, --Nov. 21 at the Cbardl. . Ille a llClOft al. 44 &<>Inc out md 3T Aloo on the IK-UD Win be mmln1 In. Georsla Bell Waldraa. "frl .talent· Another Newport.er, Mn. Jack ed ~ Tldleta att bebls IOld -of Lido Iole la._ the by members of the choir, wbldl • ' board i will pt a certain Pft""dlap at. the ~ three on the ""'"' or proceem. 1 brldce p~. the otl>en bein& lfra. Joe og!e and Mn. Blanche Andrews. Wednesday la the brlciie ·tea Mesa PT A to Hold Rummage Sale with Mrs. Warren Flet~ and Coota ~ Conereu of Parents ..... Lolita Geohellan lharinJI hoe-• . tea dutl .. , while for the bridge Ud Teacben,. to hold •.l'lllDIM&e -· for memb<irs onl7 which Ale Friday and Saturday al. this bu been advanced a week ~ Will week at. 19th ltnet md Harbor -.rd. with clothlnc -""'"' be held on Nov. 21, hoeteues ue fer men, ~ md cblldren, .. Mn. Harvey Ganlner of Santa Ana md Mn. Sidney Biad<beUd well u other artldea. on Ale. ol Corona del Mar. Mrs. Ed Mirkovich, -of National BOO){ WEEK November 10-16 We have many new books for cblldren Estrellita's 605 N. Main Ph. 5SU SUtaADa the WllJ'9 and meana ecnmdtttt., is In ~ and --Stlnll ber ltt Mn. Gene w--. Mn. Blanche WWlams, Mn. Paul Tr•u- tweln. Mrs. Harry Parker, )In. Cbarlee McGavren, Mn. Taylor md Mrs. Lucy Moore •. At each P-T .A. meetlnll Mrs. Mirkovich and her committee have bad a table with cooked food for sale. which hu been a popular feature and adds to th·e committee fund. Any member wlshlDJI to do- nate food for theae aales may call Mrs. Mirkovich. • Club Members -----. Honor Hostesses Mrs. Thomas Jesko and Mn. Ed Walters joined in entertain- ing members of the Get-Together club at luncheon Thanday at the Jesko home on Monrovia street. Autum leaves and fiowers pro- vided the decorative noj,e and luncheon followed the Thanksgl\1- ing theme. Mrs. Jesko was cle- bratlng her birthday and l\!ts. Walters observed her wedding an- niversary, so the two hostesses were presented w i th gifts. Another gift was raffled off to add to club funds, this going to Mn. Mlldred Merrill. ' • r s I.,, Harbor Feminine I + ?s•• p d' Jane Robinson To Attend . California C.Ouncil ' • • I Local Qubwomeo Attend <Aunty Board Meeting Tbe bDmd me rttrc ol. o.._. Oowb Fedetatian at. w-.. J --beld Frlc!q at tile Can-oy _ _, chlll'da, Brr-1'arl<, lln. C_!!IECW W. Whee.tat Newpcat -..i 1KzD!tns .• Jin. Frlmoat II.one. It ate Mia Joy Jone RobllllOll, Honor'-Obalnnan at. radio, -one at. the ed Queen al. Coote -bethel of. _..... at the IDCll'l>ins I 'on Job'1 Dellllf!ten, will lift the tri-md 111ra. Jean Hannon, 1 tat e bute to the nae at the --at. art. pve a -ad-openlDJI ol the 22nd annual _. -. • lion.of Grand Guordlan oound1 of ............_ ~~ t the~--Califarnia, International Onler ol ~--·~a .._ Job'• paUJlhten, to be held at the ~ w-~ <;lllb houae. the Hollywood Roooevelt hotel Nov. aner-I "ID opened with a 1•15 ·-~-mlclil pr-un by Mn. A.. E . -~-~ . ..,.,._ plaalot. Addi-at. the The Coote..,_ bethel will l!aft ~ -by Mn. Amanda =-= at: di ~tins = u..aA pr rt't •t o6 Lao ~ ... ;ar..,.... m .. .., :noclwi' -. ber 5. 'lbunday O'VDlns Partricla Pu· 4' 11,l d•• :on.. Nall<m'i - --accepted --.. ~ ... !.-to the Fllture" .. mg •t the previom meetina were • Velma Jean Pridham Marcllle •rmramce1wt wu made ,ot the Ellen Nickell Anne~ Victoria Sou-.. District .,..,..,,.tlan to1>e Shirley NancY Caln! Ward, Bon--.at -Nov. lJG.22 ln- nle Je~ Findlay, Mary Katheryn -. . lln. ~t. Mn. Bruce Milllnc Dorothy A n n Eowler McB:rtdif. pr:eD»nt ot the local Alyce 'Ione KJ•'""""'n Bar...,..; Ebell j dub, md lllra. Collltaace Joan Hardiman and ~ Freeman. JaynCI w1U attend the full -on -...... L. L. Isbell and Mn. Glrll of from 12 to 20 who ue Harold Ahrendt will atl2nd Nov. ellJlibl<! will be accepted. and with 2L ,,. llfw,111 "Cap'n" • fJa4l<U41Gfi el.I . _u,,,, __ _ --.,-:-°'- •• 'tL Qamblnatlon Dlimen £ N __ ... u.. I Seafood .Specialtiee £ BALBOA YAClllT CLtJBts 'TaM•11plr1• Sllde" ... a p r anatr ... dN•m• ........... u.e ~ON&•' - were o.a Bradford., coy u Granl Oertle; Bolt Boyd ~ .. taie W_.,.M)l9er; Dr. tAzfss:r, lifelike • this first unit o1 the Muonic order Local club women ireoent at well eotabllabed, leaden are hop-the bciard meetlnJI Included Mn. Ing that it Will be PoUlble to form McBride, Mn. c. M. Deakin&, Mn. a De llJoley for younc, men of the o. T. Jolmaon. Mn. Ahrendt. Mn. dlatri~ S. Heyman, Mn. Reed, Mn. Fklr- Ebell Book Sections Meet This Week ence Morris and Mn. Vernon Orr, arts md crafta chairman, who had on dlaJilay examplea ol the work ..... I; U . ·Bl!: AO ON Sir --.......... --Ficker, --.. Q-• -Mn. -Bo7d ,,, -Mn. DMa Bndford 1"1.re claum:lac ID two aatlleade Dutdli °"*1lmea,, wtdle Mr. ud. Mn. Lio De Loe Blea were la Hawaiian coetumea. -photo by Arsene. 5465 done by her leCtlon. '--------------' Noted Lecturer Draws Record Attendance at Catholic Women The llOCOnd book ledion of the Ebell club will meet Wedneoday of :---------------__;,--------~ Ebell Club ; New Members Listed Hear Book Review thi9 week at the home of Mrs. H. V. Snodgrau, 305 Sapphire ave- nue, Mrs. Colin Brown being the With Kent Roberta, traveller, lecturer and authority of palltical issues, appearing on the Ebell i.:lub program Thursday it was a capac-- ity audience who heard him speak on "Washington Faces the World". Introduced by the program chairman, Mn. L. L. Isbell, the former navy man and journalist gave an unbiased story of the social and political life of Wash- ington. both during the war and present. Mrs. Brude McBride presided at W. Peck, Geor&e Penney, Sam• Porter and Spencer W. Richardaon. At the cl~of the meeting hot spiced cider and f:rolted doughnyts were served by ?ttrs. K. V. Qllts and members of her hostess com- mittee. The next Ebell program wi!l Oe their Christmas musical event 11nd will be held at the Newport Beech Grammar schopl auditorium 1.Vith the public invited to attend. Father Thomas Noonan w a 1 co-hostess. speaker at the meeting ot the Doroth)r Miller of The Illander Altar Society of Our Lady of Mt. h will bri Carmel Catholic church; which 1 op ·ng 8 selection of books met Wednesday at the home of sUi~ble f 0 r Christmas givln,g. Mrs. Arthur Taylor, 113 Via Quito, Members are reminded they Will be expected at the meeting un1ess LidO Isle. they telephone their hostesses )trs. W. J . Neville piesided and otherwise. Numbers are Mrs. Father Noonan opened the meet-Snodgrass, 1344-R and Mrs. Brown, ing with prayer. In observance of 2003-R. national book week, he told of · Flnt Secttoa the need for selecting books, judg-A change of meeting place has ACCENTS ON THE SHOULDERS OF OUR NEW D,RESSES OF RICH FAD.IE CREPE OR VIRGIN WOOL IN ONE AND TWO-PIECE STYLES MAKE NEWS FOR FALL SEE OUR SELECTIONS IN BEAUTIFUL OOLORS -OR BLACK WITH GLtl'I'ER TRIM SIZES 10 to 20 -14 % to 22% The next meeting will be at Balboans to Attend Nat. C.Onvention UDC the home of Mrs. Ed Mirkovich. the meeting, when new members, This will be the Christmas party many of them to enter the new with an exchange of gifts and the 'junior section, were accepted; on revallng of secret pals. the list were the Mesdames Kay hf is s Gertrude Montgomery, ing them by the author's theme, been made for the first book sec- and advising particularly the read-tion, which will be held Thursday, ing of biographies. Nov. 14 at the usual time at the F or the second part of the prcr home of Mi-s. Andy Kirk, 1208 gram Mrs. West reviewed "The East Central avenue. qhe Frdnces Norton Shop ~.~ -·-....,, --• _....,,Bldg. (lleo-Ploor) ---.... e The Home of Good F'onrr--------, GREEN HAW'S __ ........,.,. D R I V E • I N .-.... -• Sanson, T. Hord Seeley. J . Gordon junior past presfdent of United Smith, Jerrold Spangler, Alva M . Daughters of the Confederacy. and Twichell, Ferris Wall Caroline S. her sister , Miss Loulse Montgom- Willlams. Fred A. Wilson. Malcom ery, left yesterday (or Jackson, Archibald, Mildred Banders, L. B. Miss. where they will attend the Browering, Della Brown; national convention of the org":°'1- J . W. Cammack, Holt E. Con-zation. don. Robert Gardner, ,J. P. Guerin, Last year when attending fhe Adele E. Haigh, Robert Holden, national convention, Miu Moht- J . T . McChesney, Marriet Martin. gomery, then state president, gave Fred Munson, Horace Parker, C. a tribute at the memOrial hour to Hucksters" by Frederick Wake-Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson will review man. "Eagles Fly West" by Ed A ins-/~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mrs. Frank Windle, Mrs. IJ.llian worth and Mrs. Otarles Gill will Ii Undsay And Mrs. P. O'Kelly were have as her selectiOn ''From the appointed to arrange flowers for Top of~e S " by GretchP.n the altar and are asking anyone Findletter. having flowers to give to bring Assis · Mrs. Kirk as cxrhostes- them to the sacriaty by tb a.m. ses will , Mn. H. E. Freeman and Saturdays. Mrs. George Roetner. A pretty crocheted apron which Mrs. Nick Suttora had donated the 'r-.,-----------. K. Petty l!JffeM.- • INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED FORMERLY SANDY'S DRIVE -IN Waffles -Dagwood Hamburgers • Steaks Bain 11aooa Ebell Club's ~ew her frlend, the national radio chairman; and this year s h e was asked to give the tribute to Confederate veterans, an honor which usualJy goee to only a natio- nal officer or chairman. society was raffled off, Mrs. Burke j '-r·~r" being Winner. The Assiatlng Mrs. Taylor in setving refreshments at the close of the Barbara Peyton MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIMINATINC WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. 632 c.-t lllgli-y On the Miracle Mlle Junior Section meeting wer Mn. Clark and ?\frs. D A N' C B I •----------Watch Us Grow e To Organize Cunningham. I House of Dolls 110 So. Broadway Santa Ana Dolls of All Kinds Elvan & Joyce Holmwood 1 i,4 Wa 4tll St. ~ PIL 6688 PASADENA . LONGBRACB •.. .. ,, .......... . ---......... Episcopal Women A very enthusiastic response has been made to the fonnlng of a new jw1ior section of the Ebell club and the organization meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 19 at the home of Mrs. Roland Vallely, 508 South Bay Front, Balboa Island. at 1:30 p.m. In Jackson there will be two tours, through Natchez and Vicks- burg where historical old homes will be opened for luncheons and teas and where a visit will be paid to Beauvoir, the Jefferson Davis home. Plan Two Events 429 Glenneyre St. Hours 10to!5 The Women's Auxiliary of St. LAGUNA BEACH Tues. 'lb Sat. James Episcopal church will meet ~h 0 0 ' e W'S.3 5' 0 • Thursday at the home of Mn. ~.!1U:~~ at. ... L • Five days will be spent in New Orleans and after the cohvention the sisters will visit relatives in Greenville, with four or five days at Dallas, Texas, on the way home. Dixon Smith, 127 Abalone avenue, 1 ~u_a_m<_•_•_u_ca_-'-~-~--' '\! Balboa Island, the prpgram featur-:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~===;;:=:;;;;;~ Mrs. Robert Gardner and Mrs. L. B. Browering will be cohost- eases. Mrs. ~ Luca.s hu been instrumental in forming the sec- tion and repart.1 20 or more mem- bers already enrolled. TIDE TABLES Th 14 2:42 6:29 ll:Sll 8:ft 3. 7 3.1 5.2 --0.3 F 15 4:03 8 :34 !06 9:41 4.0 3.1 4.7 --0.1 S 16 4:55 10:21 S:S9 lO:U 4.4 2.6 4.5 0.1 Su 17 5 :33 11:30 4:58 11:!9 4.8 2.0 4.4 0.3 no. .... placil4 lD Clf'der "' ~ Nei.o lruh l,i""" Pock"t Pr,tfie• ing Mrs. James McO-acken of Gar-: den Grove in a review of Gretchen Findletter's "From the Top of the Stairs." CASTAWAYS' CHAI IER By NANCY NEWPORT ,,.._.,, Tlll8 18 one time wheri food is not uppennost in my mind (as I was told quite flatly the other day it usually is) and what I simply have to get out of my head is Minnie the Mennoose. U C&p'n Don had not succeeded in %turing her, it would have been a great loss to the world and to the taways club in particular. IT HAPPENED away back in the days when Terpgichore daoced on the shores of the blue Aegean Sea and a little moose watched with envious eyes from the shadow of the fol"elt. Day after day Minnie watched the lovdy l!Oddess u lhe swayed and whirled in lissome grace. INTO HER t.rucic little bead came the idea SHE was just as good. just as lovelY and gniceful as Terpsichore, and what Terooichore could do, she could do too! So Minnie the Moose started dancing. She plunged about on her 191'l&:. stilt legs. stubbed her bi& toes and fell aown on her fat nose. It wasn'~so . ' Then, Jl:lst by accident, she took an extra Ion&" jump. leapin rl t over the clJtf onto a steep but short slide, down which she aid with all the swift rush ol flying, and landed with a splash In tbf sand¥ little cove at the bottom. IT WAS GRAND! It was even better than what that stuck-up goddess. Terpsichore. <Ould do, ODd Minnie spent all her days perfect- fng her new accomplishment. ~it made no diffttence to Mlnriie that when she landed in the water it was often on top ot some lovely aea anemone, star fish or other gentle creat~ d the deep. UNO NEPTUNE wa\ched all these &<>inP oo with clbcuat md mountlns wrath. flnally be <ailed oa JOYe to do .....,tbinl< about It. N OW IOVJI: didn't ~ It ether, -thttw a thunderbcilt at Min· Jlle that knocked her ~t """'•petrified, In hervery-clandnzDOOI· tkln (which )'OU ~y ~to iee) onto ~~It .atar&h In the .....,, and there she stayed. tin11 endleaI_y the centuries until llhe 1ancled clear acna world and Don her up and bfOUlllrt .her to be the Danclnc M..-at. the room, an l?Yftlutlni< example ol what ba_. to )'OU""-)'OU th1nlc )'OU can dance ancf can't? • IOllNNIS Al[Z[.t, sportlnc Jloods kin&' of ~ lal•nd, wtio.hod 1<> much fun at the HaIIOwe'en Rotary .utY for younpten,_,bad to &et o11 to a quiet pac,. to recuperate and ...... co-hoet1ng a amner, with Jack Hartfield. cuesta beinJI E11at Hartfield, Mn. Ann Arma alid 1>or Jowq daulll>t« Pat at. Harf>or llland. Looking about, I saw Mr. mc1· Mn. Harold Knott of Huntlnston Beech -their ..-t, Mrs. C. H. Wlloon at. J-., Mla. · CW:•'9P"TINO their 27th weddinc ~ the A. L. Stricken at. La&tma llMch (-what a kwdy ) md with them ....... their -md bis wife, Marie. The R. A. · ..,.... there (be'a the man that ltttoo your typeWriter nmning) md In their parQ' were Mr. -Mn. N•&ori 1'1ece, Mn. Jane -r-.. md Dr. md Mn. Hoonrd l..oaenlulat. all havins u _,. -the Herl>ert Jobmms at. Balbqia IsliDCI; -dalllbter ii ~ mcnt channlng crea- tuft ... the -u. ClllllplL BAM .... T -there md hia --HaJ. "the Gist Qllder • .s--e,• -.-U at. a.at Royal ; flom Lqtma-... Mr. and Mn. -Goldman and Mr. -Mn. l'nncla -; Orona de! Mariana Arthur md Edythe K_. Wl?ft sueata at. --Butlre;' -a1oo from COM _,,, Mr. Westlake aaifhla dau&bten Diane -Jom; Mr. • md 11.!:"-~af.~-~,. at. die~~ rsta•~ 1-Bndl, "' ..... -... --·---w ---~r: 0 ,. a -lfwl-lrialt inctoD BNch-... thew. s. at. the"S.111 111-... ......i. -• • bl l U----loft to -at the CMtawa1S la lllat ... IE 5'I, Walt MudlMJof •1111 .. O••lil f lanF Redama. wbo lmed to 'l~" Oii the b<w•d"t-· --••• , ... al -..-.. -bepa pret17 .-to .u . He-. baa --to Mj le'' ao _. [1e111r __ , ...... He and~ Re•11•11 I.--Ill-0.-P-. - .. ........ _._.,1 ..... welDleltwhm..-M utl ..... 'lllEllttd tto-•ap,_._ • -~ . • ··-... o6 tbe bllll;: . . • - BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We Claim to Have "All the Silver in Calif omia • Expert Silvenmiths , -• All Work Guaranteed ~tes ~n · Wholesale -Lo~ ol Ceramia , SILVER .AND GOLD Tea Savka - Reflectors • n I .... -'IWli''" -...... .,. "' (>nM ... ftdm• • au, . ._. · oar t 'er ·• Pie••• -............ l't.w1:· 1~'81.,11111•••'Slll, ~ Brr •• SIU 8, 1'W I -: QO{rrA RA ·atP 'ns •s& Cl a. 'WIS •g J C Cl 1fiUCW• WIRDi