HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-14 - Newport Balboa News Times• 11 - SAID CRAB ., SA. M \ I are& are some peq:ie, or ao my elden tell me, who are actually able to delve Into the financial page ol their-daily newspaper with the same deep 1&tisfJ1ctlOO and bouDdleal Interest" with which I am able to devote ID my favorite comic page. Tbe9e gitted creatures, without ewn lllOl/lrlc their lips, are able to 8Cllll tboae c:OOmms ol tine print with their uunerical lielnlclYPb- ks ol fradiom and mhnJS tlcm. and reed from them a story ot falling fortunes or llcyrocketlng protlt.1. Suell human modelS ol erudition can perwe and un- derstand stock market ~ tatlans with the same relish u une ol our leis 1eamed lndMduala translate football ; llbttlstlcs and bueball box ICOles. All this I have learned from the bl& boys who oc- occulonally have taken time out frool their fonn-cbarts to explain to their youthful awnpenion the financial as- pects of llfe. To them, this oi-rwr Is truly grateful be- cause be bas learned many things. + + + Aa It· Iha been 'explained to me, there are a bunch of boys lh the big cities divided up Into two teams, one of whlcb Is labeled the Bears and the other the Bulls. The place where they do battle rs called the Exchange and the object of their gJeetul play Is called the Market. All this I bave been able to UDderstand because I have been following various ath- letic squads with slmJlar cog- nomens for several years but these N-Yori< Bears and Wall Street Bulls are new ones on me. l }bave been as- .ured. however, tbat they are strictly big time and ar. no small potatoes as I tint Imagined. 'lbe way I set It, the Bulls have had the bell for a long time anil have been picking up the pw1ll!S with regular- ity during the war _ years when the sugar was heavy and the competition was p<etty well thinned out by ' aome world unpleasan~ With the end of hostilities, howevff, the Bulls found themselves up against a tougher team, bolstered by aomething called govern- mental restrictions on trade, and were slowed down to a standstill by the Bears and shaky underfooting. 'lbe experts predicted an early end to the Bulls' reign and some ol the people, read- ing the handwriting on their bookies' wall, bopped off the slow-moving freight + + + Then a couple of months ago, It bappeoed. The Bulls fumbled and the Bears re- covered deep In scoring terri- tory. The sale of aspirin and pelp-klller went up bu( the smart ones said that it couldn't last long because lbe abort-ender Bears were still on the outside looking In as far as offense goes and be- sides, the Bulls were )ooklng for a new set ol plays from their new coaches In Wub- mcton. 'lbe Beers still have the bell, they tell Ull'. In spite of n!Cl!llt electionl, and there Is still great walling and gnUh- lil& ol teeth by tboae wbo can dedpber the financial sheet. + + • lly l"I knr tell me that the contest Is very ldmple and that you need wrr Uttle -than tblrd-cndlt .. tutiemM and post-graduate n .. ...,..to~te. 'lbe trick In the whole ~ ~. they tell -· Is to p1w a mociest wage wblle the Bears have the baD but DUii • fut nritcb and get out from under them wbm the Bulla have It but look !Ure they're going ID fumble, U my trlendll can only fig- ure out wbm the fumble Is going to oocur, I'D plmy. Vw1wblle I'D aep my 50 aats OD UCLA to.,.,... JGD • • -NEWPORT K*' P POSTBDI l w ....... j, .. ._GI I 01 ta W DTJj S.4• .. • ........ • G 3 .· =4:." .. ~ ;~ . -«a..••*" Xcaur ••z s ·~ rouJ11Smtm -., -as n arm 11.U. COSTA. ••A ltlJO• • ' Councilmen Disapprove Concession City netennines I Shatk to Sta_y_ On Balboa Pier 's _Annistice Parade City Drops Tram Car Proposition The umtabtl)' -that - yonder pier a -from the Main ltreet, BaJlw. plaza, will mnaln there at -another two ~ ....,... --If tbt dty --auu ipor• oa .... Donald J . ~ ol BaJlw., for Ill removal. who has far olcht _.. -The dty fatl+n clodlNd to a radn& UlllJI mwnt <IMK 'on at accept a stipulated •a from a w Kain .-1, tbat MCtlGn ol dtbm ~. ,,,. dtlzen of- tbe dty, --PE! m!eq fend to """"-a bulldlnc m by the NewjGt ~ Oil Cloun-22lld atreet, which he -. for di to replace It - a -. tho olol lbadc He even offered clloing -l to -tbo BaRw. otructure at CGundlmanlc action In bl& cue bl& own .__ -live - ..... a complete ft99U1 ol a 411-cub to boot. dllon amdo bo a -a· cue 1+n Said the dtlaen. "I -~ 5th. ....... the dty --tat tba pecl!llt ol --ell pu.ted Bob BIOWI\, Balboa 1111e to -the libadc for a buo mercbant, a -to -te depot. Well, the bulldlns I haw aucha*'-llnll+~ltnet .. llUtdler, -It -.Id, - """' 1<m _,., eoald. -ao ·a buo depot. rd Harmon cq1na11y -bl& ,... like to tnde mine for It. I -111 q18t to the nwmben of the New-make -of the old lihad<. Ill port Beedt dty cmuncll aJao OD timber." Aucuat 5th. at which time 1111 But Counc!Jman L L. &bell appllcatlon wu ref<nM to the aald the dty had on undentand- polke committee bested by Police Inc not to tranafer the unalchtly auer R. R. Hodcl<iJ>lon. abad< eacept oulllde the dty, Far .....ral meetlnp the dty -......,..,..,, tl+re ..,.. nothlnc council tabled the matter until ~ that the council could do Tueaday when a linal ~ and about It. dedolon wu made. City Clerk Except to approve a motion by Frank Rinehart reported a com-COUncllmon Robert Allen and Ma· munlcatlon from the pollee com-am SU.... to deny the dtlzen'a mlttee stating that It did not ap-propooltlon. prove the iMuanoe of• permit to ------- :ron for the wheel propoal-Ne·w Serv·1ce In hJa plea for reconolderatlon ~~~:.::'1~~,=: Offered ·to bu been a looln1 prvpooltlon since the cloee of the war and he be- lieved that he could recaln aome of Ilia loaes if ... were allowed Boat Owners to replace it with a merchandla-- ing wheel. With uan 1n hll .,..., Humon then told tho counclb.-that If Ibey refuaed to permit him to op-Initiation or a new aervl"" for orate the wheel, be would be fore-boat ownen of tho Harbor area ed Into bankruptcy. waa announced this week by John Arter a lengthy -by R. Sdsk:k, 1213 Cout Hl&hway, membera or the munldpal body, Corona dol Mar, who bu eotab-durln& __ time. Cound1n+n 1llhed a Prodalon Froqueney Ser-- Muon SUen, 0 . z. Robettaa and vice at that Mic Sa L .L &bell c:ommon\e<i: favwably With precision lftcauency. telt- on _,. ph-. of the Harmon Inc equlpintnt that -t tie du. P*-1 the matter wu broucht pllcated anywhere in the -.ntry, to a ~ ~ Councilman !lob-Mr. Schick, '" olhorinc to ........,.. ert Allen called for a motion to or r-.lio equipment, frequency deny the application. . measurement. perattttfee modul ... Councilman Robertson Mid that t!on cbeck or lftlEl'al ai111al anal- since he wu a party to the or1g1. )'Sia in accordance with eovern· na1 motion on the matter he ment regulation&. would .eoonc:1 Allen'• motion. Then '"To promote rellabWty ln radio Mayor o . B. Reed called for a communicatlona and insure con- rollcall vote formity with the terms of your In the voting Coundlmen Allen radio license," Mr. Shick tells IabOn lmd Sil.;.. voted to deny ownens, ·~t It •ugested that a the application, while Mayor Reed Khedule be arranged for accurate and Coundlman Robertson voted meuuremenu at regular inter- agalnat denial. , vals to comply with "'1J)atlons." Aliked at the conclusion of the With thia service, boat owners meeting why he called the motion will be able to call Harbor 1247-J to deny the replacement license and receive frequency check& etc. to Harmon, Coundlman Allen from a quallfled expert. 1 • said that he had done so simply t>ecauoe the Police committee had Balboa Islander Jttsulb ot the ..... baa ..... -- palp ol the Newpwt 0 ·11 Concert ·--liild jlln -• I ft 0 .... ~--•;,•: ... ~a. ~~ O'ngM ~ ..... •; -----~ -Pa ·•n1111t lq, pr ,,._L .. P ._. in the bart>or district ~-900 Unlit -ID t11o ~-~ -~ a_ -~ lldpo were -dmllc --..,.. I;---;." .. •p ~ -the dty coundl -to .._ .... porkld, ~ ~ -t4 llil' die IM!eY)' -al !.!~~~-the !!"'a--the --~ t .. ..,.,. ... ., die,.. -.... ' a ___ .., ~ "" -..,..., for a '""7 attaiii41l(tl':t!I ' "-""'¥ -~ - fn>nt bet•-Nt'Wpwt Boch ----al._\;. at&.. ~x:: ·-~~~"!I?' 11111-. The artllll tlo be ........... ---·--t The l'Olmcll ...-Ill cledllaa HIP School A-1-"*lie :: '::: '=--~ == anl7 -Coundlmen Allen -the ......... ~ -........ 'De drlM*c -ter Wtddl - _. paired OD a motlml to ..,_ by the ollloen ud -If .. -I g la -..... la tile root =.a 1<eport ol an lnVftllptlml ~thol O::S ~ h• ... ---wr seal -11 in tile -• ,__by Police Chief R. R. lfods·&I-....ile el w ..... L -The latter Mid the -o-t _ ... Ool ... -' '*1e -.Id Interfere with pec1eo.o The artists _.,_ -. lf!lal11t lllt dm1as the -. trlw. Helen J--..... _ ----........ de-A woman ln the aUdience a-make her ARWWW-=;e ~-I'd-::aL b;:-= *':.:W = i.-the1 I nl her d!Npoln-t -cla)'J-ewnina' ...... ":., •~-~ -· ' ib II& --aut. One de- coundl'I -"It --~· ~ ---· -• I I 7 -It ----to have been llUdl a help to me,'' ~-th concert ":'-• $ ~ -tile -ter -of 1111 -lbe remarked.. ,..., an exb w -I .... -d dlb t '' Robert Hoyt ol Lone ilNdl oomtant ----IL m.e la, A !1:,:-ol nln-ter -..bo -~'-" for the -&lao aloo, one of the -* I "°' -a., n--~ ~ men on stap --~ _. ~-.a:'\MUY' aw- i.--.sted a petition 1ipod by 30 Moriey and· Goarbm1, • Pr -aato Clout blpway -not residents or llolboa and Newport llll, -__ .._ -i. ID anlJ' ID-with IJlOtor tnmc Beedt who favored the plan. January. They bean jalllt ca-llat --1ouoly lnoomlml Md reen a atuclmts at Fw• , !iw •ffK9'1 to tbe new Greater--AD A Own Conservatory. 'lbelr --..,. -mariiet. Ome er COii has -ID A ks Phljlllelun ol ......_ a- Where they' haw starred •I t 'lll ldlllllns boat and yacht equl-t Fnd Waring's "Pemall•an!a_.. aloo eomplalned ol the ""'*-, M C ~ for two consecutive a-=a. · w al. which came fnxn the-ree.r ' U-st omp -!Jn!!nQ. ............. --ilooded their --be heard in Man:h. He ..... -Only .... not reportlns any oulltandlnc auccea this ~ --lnooa_.._ wu llolboo. Ialancl. Wiifh Code IOll with conductor 0t1o ....,..p. P'nlm eway other suburb in the ...... J dty came reports of n..-111• . ~ Svell<wa. ..-, fur - -intenectlonl and inun- thrtt aucceaalve IOWWW h ... da-. --. -or the Metl\ipoB-Opera Seoual -amplalned ..... R. White of 33rd atrfft, New-In New York, will be the nnal at-~ thet lack of~ lilreet port Beach, wu aclvt.d by the traction in April. Siie ll:1mo -.._ a comen -·~ anlde- Clty coundJ Tueaday to make her an ememble lndwllns a -. deep water could not be seen ofter aome chanCH in a bulldlnc be oua Splnlsh .,..._.._ duk. bu erected on the atrfft, !hrtt In oddltka to --at-~ ~ a ..,.... ol other per- doon from Cout boulevard. tractlona, all holden of ,_ --receiving medical atten- . White autlMrW!d hll contrao-lil!IP cardo are entitled ID -tlml fur coldo caused by -1 r ... t. tor to build a five foot vorlance w1-. furtlllor rt ... * lnllo 1"----d I Mar -an etcht foot IOtbado: Oil the 1ortQn concert &Oller -.. '-AICVIUI e ""'"an -o•al wilkll ... c1.-C&rroU Glow,( .. n . t. ~-' n..,.:_ dafmsd Won cound1 c.me Iron\ Ii ~: w m a a,.. '-:Jl~D8 ~l..l'e tfli'i.• buUdlns ..._ tnwt. planlat, In Fellnmy; n.. 8-JO A -----• ·~ Nill tile ... -t1on Ensemble in Mardi; --AltlleBBDleDt Dist. ;;.. liven by an ....poye or the Sayao, .__ la .&i:mtL bulldlns ~t dUrtnc a time The datea "' .-laaal ' "t v_, ol tho dty coundl will be printed .. - -~ -Oilef Bulld!nc .lnlpector A. all membenhlp -- --cm ~ uked to .. 1 up M. N-.00 wu on vacation. When will be malled to ••e• 2 8 t 'n an -ih!'llt c119trict in O::rana the latter returned to duty -the lnltlll ~ lfra. cr h• t1'1 Jlar. made some inapectloCll he noticed Sawin ssea"Otary ol the N t Kn. G. L Andrcwa or 31!5 Ju- that the White structure ~a 1 ~tion enpo1tncecl. ...ewpca mine *Ive, Corona del llbr, ptt- -overhanglna in violation or the eentecl a petition alcned by 180 law. • • re11Weat. and non-resident prop.. Nellon aa1d ... told White that Mesa Bird Farm av ---who, 111e aa1c1. raver ~·~ti:,~"":'~:: Sold for $.10,000 tbe-~~ pleaded with -- code and that If oy employe or -to protect tho pr_.i park the bu!ld!nc departJr\ent h'id au-Sale of the Co.ta -Bird lanll -in oacrow aaaJnat &'\)' thorized conatruction of the; varl-Fann on COut higl1w111 lo a.ta further propet ty enO"O&Chment. ance he had done IO in ~: ~ . Mesa for the sum at. $30.000 w Memben of the dty couDcu rt-announced Wec1ne9da¥. . nally acreed that apparently a Buyers G. C. Gideon -C. L mbundentandinc existed between Gideon of Santa Ana. ~ the unnamed building de~t announced that the site will be eem,iia V, Miller Dies in "Costa Meila disapproved issuance of another • u""nse to the BoJboa concea1on-Will Erect Plant &Ire .• city aerk Frank Rinehart aa1a In Costa Mesa !Continued on Paa• 41 Top oceae by Pl:olopaplser CUrleo F. -clopleta Newport llar- bOf' Poet !91 Lfclon jeep wttla Cot111 nder Earl W. Ooppermdtlli ... .....,..-.-... ()eater -117 Deanlo -color.-, a.t-tom .w by Neal J!leclmer ~ Omar 0..s 1 o+s of 115 ......._,..._ Coota Ill--of~-fAstoo .. -. -... bar ... wltli cw..-"Wllltey" Craft. Sula Aaa, wlaaor ol tlie C..S--Constructlon valued at $17,226 aloeal Medal of Roaor. Mn. Claa.oa and Poet P'••noe Offtoer Gift e~ploye and Mr. White. Ho)Vever, Improved with ahrubbuy -be 1lfn_ Georgia Vlllery Miller, 57 they alao acreed that the iWhite uaed u a aite for 78 trailer htm •• cBed Thunday at her home, 381 structure Varian"" wu in , viola· A shrubbed patio will be -ol Sq street, Costa MH&. She WU tlon or the building ooc1ei and the unusual feature&. born In Donnelllon, m. -had should be COITected. The former owner Kn. Fkr-lived in California for 30 1'!&n, . ' tlw in Costa Meaa. White aald hJa contractor would en"" J. Eighmey or co.ta -. She leaves her b .. band, Fnd abide by the"code and-make the bu not made known bo!r futme llliler: thrtt aona. Carlton, ol Meeti-Called is planned for Coata Mesa. ac· ---'ero='"-'-"'ook=-"'•n.=-----------------''111 cording to permits Issued during auggeated change. _ plans. OaklaM; Fnd F. of OalclaM - To OatliH Plans the put week by the county y fh c f o· d For Yule Lights ::~;~~r:~~~o~~: OU en er 1scusse GOT A COLD? Lino....._ "--'-.John ol Coata Meaa; two daush-~ !'"" v~·--ten, ..... _ Elva ~ or Coata Writes I.alt "30" --Barbara, who llv01 at -· . for a manufactwing bulldln& on .. We used to go aver to To outline the plUll for Christ· the west aide of Newport Blvd.. . the Boys' mu Ughtln& tn the Newpcrt H~ 150 feet southwest of Costa Mesa. dub (at Costa Mesa) eve bor area a General Meeting bu $5000; to Doylll Denbow, Rt. 2, rleht after school -we been called for Thunday e.,..unc Box 2li0, Coata Meta, for a dwell-we had a iood time" ~ l':fovember 21.lt at 8 o clock ln& on the north aide of Ba.y St., Ward. one of the commi ry day ""' ...... said Roy ttee from at the a.Jboo. USO. 120 feet weat of Thurln St., $4000-1 n H!1h Wednea· ACC<>i'ding to H . F . Kenny, who To W. H. M!lllgsn of 468 New-Newport Hart.or U n Io has iaued the call u OWrman port Blvd., Coate Meso,. for a achool who attended the or the General Olrlltmaa U&ht-dwd1lng on the eut aide of WU· I day evening meetlnc or young Ing Committee for the aree. all oon St., 200 feet weot or Old pie and adults lntereated dvlc -related sroupo are ur1IECI Santa An.a Rd., $3726: John J.;.,._.i Youth Center ~ in tho at the have a &«:p: euet\l.tatlw Pl Neat Bonara cA. ea.ta Mesa for a resl· USO. -offer --ckoncie on tho eut aide or Victoria Coat& Mesa yoonc people are u "-°"° bit talk ot the orpnlu--Ave., 800 feet out or Thurln St., inte!'ested In forming a Youth uona In the Harbor Dtatrict II to -. Center u are -of Newport ...,... the intettst ol lndMcluall -Balboa and feel that this l"'"'D fn. in deecratlnc and llCbtlnc llP their Mr& g__.. "'---.Id join them In a ca~ --!wale -pl...._ r-:·-· .aa-.3 terest. Ward stated. Ahuciy a 1ot.o1 •-'" 1n Will Diaeuu Work With t1me ror aec:ur1ng -ol -on the part of tho dio-Am-Deaf y ~L-tho USO equl-t abort trtct tmpio•--.O-n.. Ong OUuut mlttee wu formed ot repr • a c:cm- -ta-s.-tn.pro•uomt ·~-ti-or various orpnlzaliona --tereated. Pl iil<lddiig.., IOHtal plam -Kn. Spenoer Tracy'" to apt!olc mt and -othen in -a rto.tlnc ~ Tree. Oft -W<lrk ' in tralnlns dear -...... and In Ceata )If BaJboe Iai.nd -•-.. chlklren -lhe •ppeus at the be ulced to ..._ their -.w111 tlml bu In -a tne -1tnet Father's N!Pt i.-op-ol -ta-1epewu- -.ta. wltb ail.. ,__ port -Gr.--... UpMep ol die~ .. At Oar.a Del MR a -'" ent-Teed+r ~-. ~ Sl50 per -th. ...,.. -dine planne\ ala CW$•• ol l'onnll an4 l;l1de Ashen but lhJa rtsure to could ·-a The bml'T en sroup an llllr.cle Tuchen. Monda)' ""'*'I. N«w. be towt1ed aw.........., llll1e p&U. a -t m..ntnatecl 111. at 8 p. m. in the Newpu<t -est letup -- Cr-. Ullo hie a.r•ts .. deco-Beedt ---E¥U'J'-ben, apolr s•n far the n-will ..,. "* ---•-la ~Ins Kn. ClpllllDitta, oald that--tlieT ol die Ollb lfome. At NewjGt Tlw:r, - - -ot the _... wllJlaos to do """7thlng a.m-.,_ .. -,,.._ -.. a1 plam .... Jll'OJleted. .... at the iilatoe. ----.. -to belp the i.-v ject The a--.J -tine for '11wn-invited to a-~ the polidng --jlllltm -daT ,, hg Mat, will -attm-Kn. Tracy ..... -per---be -..,. the -cm aD phna ol tbo upt1ng -1 --bod! wltls lier peat* tN:s 1r..... oa.. l'l•w ----toe the own - -la 7-dlak:;-. Va)' aa--ren1 the •• I wrlum locaJ effort. Into a ,.,_.. cblldr9 ...ct thllr .--a mea2•ac1o k:numc u. --lltr oust rt oral d~ wide p1an. wark IGptber, tbt ddld-... •sn11. )fr, x.....,, -a..,..... ID-lie to --the --ol '"111e ""lltooi Jnljlluu-'11-to an w11o are...., aw : --Ill" --chtlml wm do - --d' I to Roada and trffll in N-l"uaenl -.._ held at d the Rotary club sent a ·-.-.. [',Luther F. Letllen, llnuC;>.., the Grauel chapel at 11 un. Mon- would help in any way_ Beach were •WI water-loaed u _.&tor for t b"., i... As+ ... da3' with the Rev. Carl Johnloo of it" an word they finite report aa to whether a ~~oofthethe thrtt day r .. n. Tllml, d 1 e d .... ...,. &nlay ol Coata llesa Community church Node . fact that the dty'a afternoon at hJa home. 1G8 Wat otndatlng. Mn. Ccrme lloet- ding could be secured WU clrainage aystmt II aWI .too inacle-Bay avenue. Newpaot _.., He tcber -two or Kn. -· y L. a Westlake of Co-quate to take care ot the wubout waa 44 -" old -":': ,_,, r.-tte byma. Interment wu In. the bull Mar, but he stated the occuloned by lnceaaant nfu. the In Oilcqo l>ul' -a , • I ol water backwaahed into the atreeu N-t ll'each lor 21' _ Fa_lrlwuen ~. was considering aeveral and do ot ___._ -·· ....---- n . zena ...-.:w-~ He leo.ves his -· .J< a pl++ CIL-F'-UL Dn..:.. tbroUgh a!reama, _,. .,._ -two lnlllon, -ol IAm DllUW UUI r UIU , -U~~~~ behis~~in ~a~·' ~ Anpll!I -,,.,,, ... e of ,Me• At Church Soncfa..- brought b """' de! owner other offe Clyde -aid ·--m •UJ.I ·~ ._ .--u.t number'I were re--Yark. FuRraI, mra•c • me J perv1a1on o1 the donnltory unit portJng co1c1a --of -reet. pendlns st t1e -d ,.. . A -film. •ntltled, 'Van at will renalll open tbrouch All dty otflda1I cou1cl ~ WU -l'altb", w1J be si'fen In ~ SU ----;:i=:"~~ ~ IS THERE ONE? :: : ~---·1ce"' "" "the boaf'I of amtrol t11roup the -in b!p ~ by the Sea at the•' Named Vopl llolboo. •--boo · T:IO -. 8111....,;.. '1be lllm _. , -~~ 11. Come flood or -.t, A wteran of W-War II,, fl -11 ...,,_~ ._ ~ -of -.tlon; ~t Qasu-they _.. the only ..,.. pi_...t ~-a--far 11 T -t11e -· .,. ~, - chairman ot the boys' ...,;. fur It. f • . hJa family In the N<:wpal --'Jbe ...... lfr. E. D. ..._ Flfth A-. -I atta. recelw4 tb1i ""' • •-: wm. i.--a w • .. • clay: - ....... John meat • -mltta ol Le:Paa: • Kn. OrvOJe a-a. -. "-unty Po':--"I ...., a s -_. ... Prof911knal Wcnm· \Al llce ~ Wilbur Bliek. N ... pu<t-: ·orri--•:.. 1 ::-.....:. -.! :... "°-.r: ~ NO !!!!!-PERS ~, 13..-·~oll!• ~D W ---.:..-.... c---·.a-._ 1 w • \]Sk_. Mtw , I 7 a 7 a .. . ....... ....._ ~ HlD, --, ....._ Attend Sebool -_'Jbe_-:i:.. ~ "=-=:::. ::i "'..--::-:: ;;-~ ,.:.,: --Mn. Gr-1111nar l.Jllaci•ttoa Kn. -HIP uru;;::.::::: Police""""'" ot 0.--t). = ::""' ....;:e Hoeito. .. C!P! di Otr C . ell mt11 tbof' :, ll<mte Gnw, -~~a __ ..... a~-,..... . -·--... SC: Giid ..... ., tba union etenm ol Far'= Wan· ---7Jll.: _,."!'. ~ a. -ti 2 .. oGlaa _. llF tba -_., ' ...... 1 at tbe oiol ~.&Jr Qqo --•r -M --,JI £ --' : sarclaticm -v. c:f s!:."'; Ne...;:;: n-.,., ta, tt-I _.a,...,, .. ~ "r ai:,•.,.' '• ..._ 9', "'en. 1190; PVit 'Wter tMI .... ta0W I ... -5 __!_ -W di _,51,, ........_.._of.... ,,,. -. -of..m...._,~~; a. wCil" ... • "' % :C-,. ._. • _, -Ousii'ben,llllb-"'"4edbyoblor--.-ft9l ar••1?' llr Ilk_.._., 1• r "Ille a... ......, -oOil. J . .J. Saa. port -pollao 6:""-.. (Id-Mn. .J. s. p_ •• ,, • 2 -.. 4 & Ill .._ -.. ~--CT .eaof ____ ..__1 .. llk ... T ,..., • -.,, -----~ 'JC.:...,:.",,..!! ~F·!-Pw .rs' ...... I V j :a:...::·-:= !Ital wlll wet nat ~..... - -......... _ ... _ .... ., .... ll:rCI I gattlloU.Otio ---If a,... eftlm, ........... ... ·-..... "'\ 11 ; Kn. e.. -°"'" A HerbertK --• ........ t -.<ft7. 'l'.llse -... W-' .... tio be pr a 1 -all., Ille..,. tb& popw ._ ' " I 'b 1ttlllp tb& .--" slld -IDrtOtalD..., __ \'GllL-IDJ61iilcr.r ....... " " -.. -0. .Ja.' lllWfWl ...... Ollof las. A,""' • 'f IJI aa. -1 - Pl IDS« Ill die&.&. R1'JI 1a -= W .... -.,: p .: .. 9$1!1 tJllfl e -~~ -11r. r ;. aa t al' • ..-. r 1~ . 1tt11...__.:::;'; 'a.,. liim.', p ., • .... -r - .J<9 f[l1'Jo«. .. _, ,,,,._ • • , • ' • • -I • • -.. ,..,. ........ , ~========~cmt~ofm'bior Mm'·Has '· OUR N'EW HOU .RS . · · Acted in Other Plays, Too 7a.m.to ll05 JIABINll AVENllB MIJ!OA. J81A!1D • 1 ....__.a_,,.,, as ., IDP NIOOI. Tbntri<ol experienoe -to Nlcht'• nr.m. The Good Eortb. be jftnlnt In a .,...t dMl or -n.. M '' Widow. Far. Ille the cut or Barta BICI>'• -JalU!r, 11r. Dope ..... the Acoa. to be ...., "Junior 11111." emy Award. Mn. Hope 11 noW OUr talented -.......-an ocxulonol sketch utlot at director, Karl W•tennan. bu Metro-Ooldwyn.M._ atudlca, the done an .........,t Job In ....i.1na ume ploce of '"•'-.. ol Mr. --·ocmn. 1bJa II bla Dope. • aim In the drama dejmtuelt and Tanya SeelJ', a talented member all -that be bu fulfUkd tbll of .. Junkr _.. -t, Ml been Job well. In many llCbool ~. She Fttddle Hope, • 1-S In the baa porfonMd In Ill ~ lppear-• cut. bu. hlmwlf, been In """I""" ...... and tbll lbould --om frftbman and ~ edly be her lucky tblrteerith. NOT nar IBM& mr .....,.. ..... NI ..,.. ... ,..... ICbool pla)ol• but bla pannta bf,-ve ~ her ~tin&:!' arm---I I' st II) ~ - - -palaW -~ had the ~ movie and dNlna anca of the put blah ~ ..... tdrst1 wllll -ra ... er T1:1,ll'" • u.e P' 1111o.r.. la experience to 11aie 1n the Hope -~. er•--: ':;":'!!.. 1-~.~·:::a::;~~·~.· :':"; fUnlly. d...-and -tic and duce -~ --...... .......,. - -----Hll father, the late Mr. Hope, talL All ,tbll lbould maka _._=._;:._ ____ _;__...:.. _____ :__ _ _;.L.:='- .. a 2 aat••rt .- ·White's Balboa. Isl•nd Cafe A1'D fXVWTAD. Ma • ........... -art dlrect<r for auch out.-Tan.Ya well .,.,.,,...._ In ap. w Ma f R k atandlq ru-u · Romeo and peulzls before the foot!lcbta, and • ' t -------------~---------J_W1et. _ _;_w_1n_1.er __ Se_;t._Mldl\lmmer ___ ~.!-~~e ..! arn · nners o oc e ..---------------------. ~~.~~~ .firing Off SOuthern Coast known to JnaJQ' U H••ffll OmJ~ I ' mlnp nelrt Friday ........ Rl>ckel llrin& will be canduct..t with black vertical 1ttipe, - ' la truly an lciDr, for be baa ap. between 8 and 6 p.m. Wed•~. OOwn. Glorletll Bat ~ t peU'Od In 1udl theattical perform-1bunclay and Friday, Nov. 13, 14 Front Licht. white tr1ansu1ar -u the role ot ~ In and 15 from Camp Pmdleton. llatted daymark with bladt ver- .. Klaa and Tell,• Santa Ana Com-with a maximum ranp or 10 tlcal attipe, vertex up. 'Glorletll munlty Playtn; crammar achool miles aeaward. la)'I the Notice to Sq Rana• 4 Rear Ught, White platlell and otben. He, , Marinen, Novmlber 12. laued by ttiancular alatted claymark with al\OUld add much to our comtns the U. S . Cout Guard. black vertical 1ttipe, vertex down. production. Navy, flrinll will be conducted Loo Angeles entrance lighted '!be aet of "Junior Mia.. bu between 10 a.m. ·and 4:38 p.m. bell buoy 1 b operatin& on re. We take great pioeelllre In announcing, effective this dat.e, been oonatructed under the di-Wednelclay, Thursday and Friday, duced candlepower. Will be re- rectloo of Mr. Wllllam Frink. Nov. t;I. 14 and 15, in an ano stored to advertlaed candlepower Harbor'• bea4 cuatocllan. A are•t encompuaec! by a circle of 30 u soon u practicable. Loo An· deal of '"*'k hu been done by miles radius centered on Beall eeles Harbor middle breakwater many to build a aet that will equal !lDCk. northwest qt San Nicholl eut end light ta reported extln- the performance. ' Ialand, and that area encompassed gul1hed. It will be .relighted u the appointment at the 'Balboa Marine Hardware, 911 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, as the sole and excl '!be one. aettln& o( thil plaj betwttn two taneenta from tbll 100n u practicable. - ta a llvlnc-room. and 1 r;rttt deal drcle to the -point of ftrlnc at f ,::=====;;;.... _ __;=;;..., of Kelvin White Nautical Instruments In the Harbor of work baa.. ~n done to oom· Point MUCU, near Port Hue--. plete this ..,.,., with the furnl. the notice adds. Thia danger ture and other prvpa tiel nece. area resembles a teardrop 84 SOFT WATER GIVES YOU LUXURIOUS. LASTING 81JDll WltB A8o:;~Ai> CORRICT AMIWIRI aary. miles l<>Di and 60 miles wide ex- With the talent and aettin& that tending aouthweatward from Port ta to be dlaplayed on November Hueneme. • 15 "Junior Mia .. lhould give to Gun !Iring and bombing will be the audience an outatandlnc OJI· conducted In the v!dnlty of San sorr WATER SEaVICE As Low as $2.50 per month KELVIN AND WILFREo 0. WlllTE 00. ample of both humor and comedy Clemente Island durln& daylight and leave with them the !eelin& hours Wednesday and Thursday, UO lhd SL, N-rt that they have attended a produc-Nov. 13 and 14, from 9 a.m. to ~~~~~-~;r~ll!U~::~ 90 State St., Baston, Massachusetts lion W1'll performed. 5 p.m. The Special Bombln& • IN SPORT S.HIRTS ••• you'll like the Stralivari Plaid - • TANS • GREENS • GREYS • - This famous custom Sport Shirt is now fJtJailable in a colorful new patter_n design . . . Beautifully tailored to the last quality detail .•. with piped seams .•• hand selected buttons . . . meticulous needle~ork , the plaid Stradivari is truly "as fine as skilled hands can Inake." '1250 • Ats> IN POllONA. 362 WISl' SECOND 317 Coast Boal1Yard So1lk LAGUNA BEACH - • ' Target, located five files, 81 de-- grees true from San Nlcholu Ialand Eut End Ucht. wu .. tab- llshed by the U. S. Navy inslffd ot the U. S . Army as prevloualy advertisk.. the notice adds. The daymarks recently estab- U.hed on G!orfetta Bat Rance 3 Fron0t and Rear Ughll and Glor- letta Sq Range C Front and Rear Ughta are u follows: Glorletll Bay Range 3 Front Ught. White triangular alatted daymark wl black vertical stripe. vertex up. Glorletll Bat Range 3 Rear Ll8ht. -trfangular alatted daymark Selestine Vasquez, 90, Dies in Mesa Mn. Selestlne Vuquez died Friday at her home, 15th and Monrovia streets, Colla Mesa. She DOl1'11W D&IL'I' --.... t. ........ .....,. J.I -.. 1• ,. .. It ........................ -. . ...., ....... _,,, 1 • .,.dn1 .,.. tllht.J9tltill1 4iii1h .. a.... ........ ..... ,_.__ ... ___ ............ _ .. p•;•rtr....t ............. ,_._.,.,.,.. IOUllll .. CAUPOUIA IDllOll COlll' wu 90 years old and a native -------.~--­ of San Di"l'o county. She had ~----------e J. H. ESTUS RARDWAU GENERAL EI.ECTRIC made her home ln Costa Meu for 19 years. Mesa , LIQUOR SHOP Survlvtng are four sons, Jake of La Habra; John of Plac:entJa; Charles of Lomita, and Frank of UM N-pud llmL Compton: one clauchter, Rita HI-Plenty of ~ey MNCD:8 e .u:rarGl!l!H'OU e WADl:RS Dl8BW•eprp9 e &&1>108 guera of Costa Meu; 35 crand-No -t to -ol children, 90 great-grandchlldren, om =srnh...._ and ll1x great-great-grandchildren. 008TA IQ',l!A, oAur. Rosary was read at the home Plticme BttCIOll MU Newpod lleedl ~116 Monday at 7:30 P-m. and mass / ~;;;;;;~iii:i;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ was said in Our Lady or Guada-11 tupe cemetery with Grauel chapel directing. OU fields ot the world actually are graveyards of animals and plants which have been subjected to millions of yean of heat and pressure beneath the earth's sur~ face. O.LCULLY !loafed Vetll6&4 Tu ow , .... Income Tax Uzan11I...., .A.a fl a••* y_. Patrwp Ats a, tel as llP1lmOSON BU>O. -W.-11&. --- • NOTICE TO · HOUSEWIVES I Butchers' Union Local 551 Presents the Following ·So tlle Public May Know: I . . . We -yoar "'4'P0ri ud coopen;lloa la. ibe eftori of the Meat Cutter to l..,.t• ha fhe.4ay wwl< week. A wwk weel< ~by .-..t '"Mf eraft at wwl< today. ......._ •• 1Jlllaa Loall Ne. 1161 ._ m-MOllllay • tbe daJ of iwt. ni. Ill elloan• •the ..-i day by 1121• tMt hw•owhw •Y lu•z wtila i11e wtd '1 tOi!tlM'""" Mil ,..... It ..... kft.cmr -a wtlee. • f'Nd!I •••I·' 1r ... ~a 11+&4Jar ~ weel< fer a a Ii. o1.,_. .-i •mtlJ tlle time,.-.. hen, la Ille fllCle of ulat' tell .,, .. .,,,.., tmt Ille .._. o.tW, •,.rt of Ille iu wits a.ft, • 1 ., .. ...,to~alleelay,.....w11k. 'lllllpes.._8 ktwtlleiay •.::.~'81spilw•zp41•w• I\ MllfnrhywtMdayof~ud ·--........ _,, ............ I' 0 ., en .. lo ...... tec1ay ......... , ... ..._. ..... . --.J 3ss:: ::e..-r.. ~..:: :.:~"!.:? I :: r :.&:' p -- -1 i..lllre.lllnlsaltl ,.... ti s••zl•~t' II I :.t:::;,..-:"1~·· '1t1ll•s11tlw•tM; 'lei. .... • .. . -. • r - nLUm D•PPJ'i 11 , .. 0 " . . _; ···~u.r.r....Jre.m. • I . . , " ' • JfJlk;, ... ·--"""' ..........,._oledal1,_wloo .... ... -......... ploy ..... .... -... •-'e-b.il•..t It .. . -..i~.O.-o1t1ao• ..... •berah wl --~ •ett•••11 i• lt•ildaaa ....,.,, _..,.bodles,Mpplyao•n-•• •1111,aadde .. •kTf•U..• lo• ••d steady ••lftL Oa , .. 1••m•1.wecwc:M.....,..W.,. JllLlt, ..,. •I -IH pl ... _,,..,_..,,.,,_,.,,,., ... ~n. Buy these Now No '1JXliting! Immediate Delivery Buy any of thfte ~nd.K>le, high quality items now! ~r• Is no waltln1 ! They w ilt also be w ry appropr~te for Christmas 1ifts! Shop early and ....old disappointment l 6-Cup Pyrex Flameware Percolator $245 This Pyrex Fl«new1re percolator makes de .. flcQa coffee t v • r y time. And you can . witch It O>me to just the rieht strength #IX servin1. Use It direct- ly over the flame. AttrKtive, economical. Doubles as aspairaaus or cam-on-the-cob cooker. Smooth, clear, non- porous Pyrex wuhes SWHt ard cle .. as the day It was bouP,t. , ' I 4-PIECE P·YREX Colored BOWL SET $250 n. 4.p1eco -· Set Includes cr.e of •act-: 4-Qt. -2 1/4-Qt. I Y•·Qt. -Ii-Qt. WEAR-EYER The Aristocrat of PRESSURE COOKERS 4-Qt. Size $}495 You'll sine the praises of )'O!.lr new Wear-Ever tenure Cooker. For i t cuts ttdious me•l-1ettint hours to minutn -preserves the garden-fresh color ind flaVOf' of vegetables -SIVeS money In fuel • well as the way Inexpensive cuts ot meat are made delici<>us and tender. Includes featu res found In no other cooker. Wear-Ever Aluminum "SNAP · TITE" COVlR -P.1t..-ited. Can't be r9mOWd wl'lil• Pfflsut• Is on. Simole to lae. 0 n ... h • n d q:i.,atlon. Cool ~elite lwldl.1. TEMPERA TVRE C 0 N- Tit.Ol -llat" wt.ti · = temoer•fUr• • Simpi. .1 n d S Mr .. No~ Not~ _to aclJwt· 7 STlAM vtNT~ot one but ....,... openinp throuth whict. ., .... ftows to t.moef•ture ~ ..... WEAR-EVER QUALIT'r -btr• thidt tiottom a;nadt ..... , ~­ fUrd, thKk w-t •lu-mif'U'll tor cbllbility. L ltht to lift, Y'9f ........ VETERANS BIGHT THROUGH THE ' MIDDLE of tbe aprtpta (OM Mollo'a ooavenlo• ldck follo...._. oae of u.e Sallon' toDCINlowJ:la tut Frtda7 ~a. wlaell tM Tan defeated. I.be no .. , VIJdnp, !1-11. l& wu tbe Mlcceld'bl trte..lor tM extra point. tlaa& wo. U. h9ll pme for die Tan u botll llclea bit paJ 41.rt; three u,,.,, bat tM VlklDp were able t.o hit oaty oae ooovenloa. and thaa wu U.. ..a pma. RESULTS =j!hoto by Harlan Hoyt the Panthers were aided conalder- ably by the return of two Injured backs Jnto the lineup. Newport must yet play both of these oquads. N owport Harbor ti, llowlo07 H This. waa a high-scoring, wicSe.. AnaWm !I.. F1aDertoa. t open. affair that saw the Tars de-.. The of:feme-lea Indians were feat the Vikings. their first defeat unable to co anywbett agalnlt the in five yean of independent play. Colonists, Who were fired up for Louie Meµo and Brian Hanzal the game. Halfback Morry Car- were the main cop In the Sailor mlchael wu the big cun for the win with aeveraJ long ga!na and Colonists, ooorlna two touchdowm a touchdown apiece to their credit. and t.oulng a pus for another. Roser Hillboule contributed the Fullerton never got c:lo9er to p.y- olher ..,.,... and Mello kicked three dirt than the Anaheim 25-yvd conversions. line. ' H•u.at--18, Orus• lt This acoro waa ·lllJl'lll'lllnl cloae and fndjcatea that Orance has improved greaUy Iran tbelr early -form. The Ollen, who have Y'!t to be defeated. al- 1'-sh tled by Downe7. 8C<lftd on power and Jons .-, wtille Exjw$ Dye :Work 11 Bl 1 lw., ft. •a I I 1"111 SOFT -WATEll • OCK41f9" cw ftl • .&.Ol1W•D().l•.1.yJ • We can build you a complete two-bedroom home in 60 days. I $2.50 en:~ I ... .. ...... m, -We have all materials---We arrange for your priority and maximum fmancing on both home and lot. e THIS HOME IS DESIGNED AND BUR.T STRICTLY FOR YOU e Costs complete, nnge from 55300, plus cost of lot you desire. ' DBNISON McBllOOM, Sain (&tdl zll i D ' •• '-llQwvd B z n) ' 4l8Nea;1rt..._ Oak._. 'l'here'9 ....,.,C to ~-We ftwt•D a dtm1r In 70UI" -... Weowntt.-• tloe. 1W f\111 lrdanwtlon caB- llOFr W---'1•-.. . . ~ ., HMITH"a Pecmul Butter ---, ...... ..- l ..... """- Peanut Butter ,'::..';SI• Pecmut Butter --;::: U< 1 ... i-.-. ~.,,, Tomato Soup I "!_-ZI" n -.-.1k. Veqetable Soupl "!_-11 • Aapar' qua Soup Z ":!.-I• Mushroom Soup "~-1• Chicken Soup ··~-II' 1#11 .,,., Nl#I Apple Juice '.t:.= I• Apricot PraH~ _ .... -.. ~ . PeadJ Pr_.... -.. ••· ..... _. ' Jr. CheaUs ...- 1 ._-;::: II' Grobam Crackels ·~ .. -I ,.. Com Starch -::::.-:: •• ,,,,,,.. Flour , I:;:-ZI" ....................... ........ ; _ .. .......................... ••>;:h ............... ,._ ... -' TOllATOIS White House Cafe PEIFEa-'11116 MEAT EVERY TIME (:,S:~cxf at SIFEWlt ~ ---_____ .... , . .................. __... ........... ~!!! .11-u.-.. .. cmPClllAA ----c;...,·--cwa.r · • llY-·-_ .... _ .. . "'. ·~~·._ .... , ,,., ..... ............. . -. ... • .. • • .. . . • ' PR&llOLIDAY SAVINGS ' W 1W o 77 7 ut- LA:MN '&ii ft 1 111 pz•z ~V.-. .. ·~ _.:__ '3" :.T-_____ , .... Cast Choseri for c I College, lflgh SchOOl 'Play -at ~ -Col-be?lo; o!ll -. el-tins. Tbe muo1c -dr-"""9ft·1111nl. -Slallloy, _..._ lln'AL --•• , ~11• =....-:.~......f"!::i.~1 ~-=~=;:.:. W L.&111'11 . A -· ----eDIS to pr-Dt a 0.11-piaT, David MooclJ, FlllJorton; ooidler, l'Sll'..:ft&Y •1•" 'Pa . . •s· "Wl!Y the OU-Rane," by Ell>,CMI ~ Whit-: kine, um-m L.&111'11 _ ·-a•™. -,. abetb ~ McF....,_ Bob w-..ir, -; -.... • JERRY ..... ' -~ Newpurt .Elecbk . Applnce C& --~-.......... 1111 man 'IOMIW '3" -•.• ,, '24 .. -n;. play wll1 be pr-led ID Barbara mcu. FuJlert<m. ' !l'w 4 , 11o f&.11 WL ••-~ ihree porfonnanoa n.e 11nt wm ~ ocbool .-ta ID l!>e cut . _,.,;.. ~ -T -'ISM,. be on Dooem'-10 for blsb edlilal ~-~splay ~ ... !~falter l'ICTllSS DlllCJ-n; ' ' '" 1 ·ts -" ... :.:;:-==~ B AV v I E. w c AF E .--_... .tudenta. the 9tCDDd. a matinee OD ras--; teen. n......,.;u 't COUI'· bed-·· ......... _. .... • •I' r a& .. radlliJ · S1• ow nMs· -ftA'IS ---Deem1beJ 11 for ~ Clllle;e tier, Robert Gunn f -sir!. ='I 11-a&-llH Co;,aR ..... ~. !l'ewpot't Baa& -. WJBQ IPSODDI ·1-VOUl&llO '3.. •tudenla, -the tblnl, to wblch Mary~~; llbl~. · ~J · . llM t • ••• -v BO'I' ft.A'l'W ---:er,,..~.::= :u ~ =· Pyatt; q_,,, rtta ~~ .:!:i!~Z n::'!.!' ~* ai':,., .. ~ :. Under Same VaMg>!!ldit ••• Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Wells Al? or,.-~ .mm::..--45• ._ 12. -11ne 111<1Sum .,.,,.-t..,. bU',planwblchbe"-wllli/temtbe At .Fa1y Landing, BaibOa .Aftl.IA!fCIC oowVil' .. " I __:.;a .. o· lklo doll the tn>leum Indus 'lblo Cirlltmu play II ..,. o/. a . an; pe , I' rlllna divorce trend. -~ """ • (l(q' MIJ' ........,. • eyde at annual pr-t&-by K':ll ove try lnV8ted DlCltt than S'r.!0,000.-storylin Tbe -w~. the Newport Elecbic ~nee Co. :;., ="°!~ "!1:. ~ I.JU · ~ :!Llhll .,,. the ""'"""nent =": ~~ :!l"m1:' STEAKS • CHOPS • SEA FOOD .. _-__ ~ __ -.""·----~--_ .. _" ____ -__ ._-_-_-_,_UI_ ~.:-colJep .-.. In oncAttion, . JUMBO SHRIMPS the cut lhll year ""' u follow.: "»I 8 a, 111.-*» :1 a, m: <>nil TIM sv -. ,,. '"' ~ = ~~~ at . J U R I(· E ~ J S ~id.ii , . . Fountain Service • the pouc.. eommlttee Include _,, ____ , -,--· Inspection ol. Our ·.~ Welcouied ' The Balboa Marine Hanlware Co. Is very proud to annoonce to Its clients and friends !ta appointment as sole and exclualve agents In the Harbor area at the K2lvln and WUfred 0 . Whl!A> Co. of Bolton, Massa· chwoetts. We wllb to usure our clientele that their primary require- ments and eervicing at. tills Internationally famous line ot nautical instruments will beamc part of the courlEoul policy which we have heretofore striven to render our customers and friends. BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE (X)MPANY 91-1 Coast Highway ''VIN" JORGENSEN "LARRY" BROWN • Coupdhn.an Allen. 011nMlmen &- bell and Police OUd Hodcklnlon. Com1cUman IlbeU oaid Wedness c1ay mcht that olthou&h he per, eooally did not care one way or another whether Harmon or any- one else operated a wheel or any other type of device, the crux of Live, Dressed and Drawn Weight 17~~ A. Christen Beaco~5047J the whole matter la that the dty ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ hu been trying to set ulde the Fun z.one area u the one and / only conoeuion zone in the dty. At the pttsent time the dty has two conceuion zones, the one on Ma.in street and the one on Bay Front on the other side of Central avenue. "We're hav1ng a difficult time trying to satisfy everybody,'' h- beU sala. speaking for the dty council. "Have you ever tried satisfying everybody'!" -The councilman reiterated that the police committee felt that Harmon should continue to op- erate hia racing conceuion. He also aa.id the committee had no coniplaint to make of Harmon or the manner In which he operat- ed the horse race game. "It'• just that we are still trying to put all concessions into one zone," he concluded. Ne~ Radios Table Models ···········-············:····$24.15 up Radio-Phone. Comb ................... $82.95 up Portables ........................... -......... $56.10 AT OLD O.P .A. PBICES lmmedlat.. Delivery or Will Hold for ChrlltmM Palmer Radio & Electric "Wiid Womea of the WMt." Out 1 -;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I where men were men the w~n l I were pretty rugged. too. This is the fint ot a series ot stirring B lb c t I M k t ~~ra"Lec1l.~~~hsbea;~ a oa en ra ar e the magazine distributed with next 708 E. Central, Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. Again We Have · CHOICE MEATS JAC·K PRICE Reasonably Priced (Cut to Yoar 8pedal Order, SaUdaeUoa Gwe-1) Garden Fresh ·Bird's Eye STORE FOR MEN Vegetables FROZEN FOODS Pre-Christmas Sale fancy GRocERv AND Items DELICATESSEN Beginning Friday, November 15th 2 0 °/0 DISCOUNT -ON- QUALITY MEN'S APPAREL - . Sport Shirts ....... I •••••••••• I • I I • I I I '• I I I I • 20°10 OFF Slacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20010 0 FF Sport Coats ....... I ••••• I •• I ••••• I • I • I ••• I •• 20°10 OFF Leisure Jackets . , , ............ , ...... , , .. , , , 20°/o OFF · Suede Jackets , ......... , ....... , ... , ... , .. , 20°/o OFF Sweaters ............... , .. , .... , , . , , ... , , .. 20% OFF Tee-Shirts ...... , ................... , , , ..... 20% OFF Auto Robes ....................... , ... , .. , , 20o!o OFF fltted ~ ................................ 20% OFF House Robes ....... , . , , ... , .. : ... , , ........ 200/o OFF (OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO SAVE 20% O~ CHRISTMAS MENTION) SHOPPING STORE; FOR MEN 490 Cout Boalenrd Soatb • • . - FOB YOUR OONVENIENCE WE B1:MA1N OPl:N FRIDAY a SATURDAY EVl:NING!l 'TILL 9 n n n AND ALL DAY SUNDAY RAii OR SHllE ITS CAY ' AT TIES CAI WHEN IT RAIHS a cheerful open fire greets you in our cozy dining room. • WHEN IT SHINfS you'll love the bright patio. , ALWAYS Delicioua, old-faahioned cooked food. bom1 Allee Ge•tle 7 S / ' CAFE T;IES Ill 1748 South Cout Blvd. ~=-- We CJme Wm•d,,,. , DEMURE anct DIS'l1NCTIVE • .. .... t ' '• ... .,_ wt• II• -lon4< llw ... Julen ,,, ... For tM ~ .. , tz •• -psfeo& . ~ J'OO'll '""'t ---am-.. :roar......., Vo..-In PJ' ---.. Wack! GLEE GRAY GOWNS ·AND SPORTSWEAR lDt BOUTR COAST BLVD,' IN DU: AJlT 1JENTEa How 9 ,000 new iobs were born To !lf'CIW with the West ... to build and maintain the .6.dest Possible telephone service for you ••• a good sized army of men and womea is already at work, aad more~ are pitching in every day. In the last five yesrs, we have added more than 9,000 new employ.......,.., total force is now ~re than 24,000. M a":w' fratla1 .. rs••••• •th•.,•,_ _., I 'kd-"'~ ... -·lt\' IMF 1 !!MC ,., ... ,.., $2 ........... , ..... ,..,. .... ., , • .,,,. ......... ,,__, ..... Is I•,.,, S1a&11sC Wa l1•h1lc11 c.-' n DIM o>Pz• ~I z' " lu M.AI , • . ' • • • • • . ONCB AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Olllaa Y• eM " rt ..._ .. Dime .. °' .. (l &J• All New--· Even the Location .• -. Que.Halt Mlle EllUt at Old Locatim Oil Ccad ~- Beautiful New Cocktail Bar w. Lad Soutbem-Oallfomla In tbe Settbc at -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOO llW el ID'SAD -vmr a.m k11UlliN - Sam's Sea Food Spa ud Flab Market -~.#FF.. cw----, Think rA it-roller bearing:a, instead rA the commooly-uoed bro-buahinp, .on wrilt pina, crukpins and for crank· lbaft main bearing:a, The greater efliciency of roller bear- IJJCI and their low oil requiremeall ...Wtin ... e A:cle• 1rnr11 ...... ............... eP"'9ds 4a11to......_ ........ .,._ ... __ nlllo9-4 ..... , ····~·· ... -~ ....... ~ ........ ~ N... """""""'· UpeMabilitv-IM , ,...IM tal"' i11 oulboanl AilforJ. e-le ud -the new Mer- elll'J' "llocbt" Twin. The demand -...u the supply at praenl, but prvductioa U. catching up. Mo"' Mercwy1..., on the•&¥· Oae mq be youn. 1be Seaboard Equipment . Co. 1205 Cout Highway Newport Beach You are cordially invited to attend our I LIDO 18LI: • • • A~A~llNT erra:- 9.AY P'"ONT •D< AT e 1e .ooa-n9IMa. • • • ae• CORN&• .. 11:.IDtNCS L.DT a.t.Y VIEW •••ao. • • • •DUTH MY P'"ONT a1nr. •CJt AT e,aa,aoa -T&llNL - Glen '-"em sa C · • AIMl'ice Miiiie Motion Picture at · Puatc:. Nome• · ut .:.rncs 1'1---•-~ .._Writer Metho41st Oiun:h ... I .. WW, •• a a ... Solv Hali• N IJ~ "'Pr UoblemlB ~ rq. Sund~ Evening .. .W:::...~1~ e afi'e . er.a-"' a ---~ ........ tbe -'nll.EPRIOIUI: cmll'An ---be<uii'" a bunk "-" u "lien of tbe CIUFdl" W. IC._ ~WRBHCS · , Inc -for --. will ... ....,t a motkm '*tuft. ..._,, I t of 0.. Glen Lullma, fonaer art In-B.itl liar ••aal -In tbe Inc to R_. S 'n• prot_. "Men of Faith" at tbe 7:30 -·--l'lmlt Bllsl- -at ~ J-Ool-15lilnc to -tbe iwoJeet of ~ • alllp bour at a.nat O.urdl by tbe --. 1ece md...,,. an in--'17· teed>I• oenunlco to tbe tadwn. of mualc "." tbe lleridey .,.,,_ S.., -fffture of a Ible< -th Pub. New. 5, 7•12. 14• U. 21, 31. -., ~ hU )lit mum-Wbo ..., alrNdy ~ ,,. <Ml their ol tho Umvenity ol Callfomla. oer1e9 ~ by tho -__ .. _:·c..JMl.-------- ed to tbe United State -a "'-ledce to tbe people. , Americu muoic, Prof_. Se-which plan& to brine --CIUITl,.tCATt OP' ,.tc:TITIOUS ,... ol work In Malt!, Wllott be -belle¥9. la &impl)· mlllic _.icen, muak:iana and other _. • - taupt oaamlcs to !Ill --M · written by AmorlcanL Ito char· clal feetures ~ tbla time. 1 . .,.. ~ M. •· ._ ot 1eadlon. 1n Haiti 11e ~t .,... erry Group of Girls acteriatlci ..., QU&li-resu111ns ~~ 0.urdl ...et or... :l!; .. ..!:"i -, '""'i.t ~ am1ca =.:.aa art~ but Help Celebrate from the muo1ca1 1mp1._ of tbe ._.with 1;t ..=..!"':'~ ~ .:. IS.~c.=.,~ .. S.:,...., c1t -!':-.;. ..,.t 1n Nata~ Anniversary -· not -.i oantonnlty and s. s. 1. Freitae P'•ldl•. "' ~-~ .,. llBlP m"=. . to prestahJWwd atandardL ~. u.t I w tM _.. _._.. Haiti al nm the most •u1u1011 p N °' ... *'~__.__.ta artlda, natlvea have been unable In celebration of her tenth Such cbaracteriat:lal u mark UBUC OTICE ::,,t;,-:-=.:rrfNh -#::t Wttl':x'f. to bqy -for ewryday -: birtbday annlwnary, Kary Har-Americu mlllic, -Prof-or NOl'Kl& TO Jl(ASl"'W -. -.._ Olll-. 'Ibey ba>e -utlllzl .. _. w y, daupter of Kr. and Kn. s ... 1ono, caanot be created art!-llolad --•• ~ .. - and unalutd eatlas u-•. IQ.ymond K. ~ ,1406 Sea· ftclally or .-be taugbt but cu N-to berebi ct-t l>a t m,.o:;l~ . which breed -and attract view aVUluo, Cmma del llolar, en-only be noted u they e>dst In SOtrrHERN CALIFORNIA !:'!! -,.. -o1 N°' "or, 1a 1mecta. Several --have tertalned a -ol her llftb tlnlahed-. TELEPHONE COMPANY a..,,..~ --. -.... - been tncecl to tbe -"' -l'ode -from t to 8 p.m. Prot-s ·--la a pontlan, .... placed -ill -::.1.1-....:....~..::.-.. ~--=:: primitive ul'"'°* by the na~ Saturday. • ' well--.i American .,.,.,,_. -teJei>hme and telesrapb ~ w. ... -. -to ,.. to .+ p. .. p ···-""'""""""" ,....._. Oeramlcl to ..,. way o1 belt' I .npt on"'the -am wu a with IUCh -u Symphony cable In Newpmt 1197, ~ ::,.:::r ~ =..--" ':':: ins !Olve the p.'Oblem, ~ -bake on tbe be9dl. after No. 1 In E Minor and C;noerto Olunty, California. The tamlnl at ud "'*"'•-od to -,_ M a- to ,.,., i...-. ·'lbe •*"" be which Ibey returMd to tbe Har-fer Violin and Orchestra to hli the cable are Identified "1 ...,._ "'T::"w'r;,.;>;°'WBDaOr t M .. lnitructl will In tum -tbe vey home wber:e the many Jlfttl;J ~t. boards oet on P<!Oli In plaln -="' ,.::r :: =:;" ..::' ~ ,;',! people -to -the 11>Cft lifto ....... opened and -pl'Q'-and beuins ~ ,_.io, "CA.Ml!: -iuii ..... :.=_ ..m1.ary ut....us. • He feeli tJ>at ec1. To llnlah the •YUlhlc cake Balb H 0 ed CROSSING -SOUTHERN CAL KAX BURwrrs. lee<:blns the peop1e of exploited and Ice cream were terWd at a oan on ~ on IFORNIA TELEPHONE co11-<ao1.1 N':fl = ':.. ... ...C:: ll" ••• U•o, •• ,.,,.,. llo••cll. collf. 1elo .. o•o ... w.0<1 '-<'-.... Mt UDO Haiti to belp ....._1 .... will ao table llcbtec1 wtth cant11 .. an<1 Natal Celebration PANY." 'lbe 1ocat1on of tbla cable .,, °""""-- tar toward f11rtberinc the loland cenleftd with lovely 11-0ey-book la deocrlbod • followa: Plab. NOT. u.'tr."~, ~ 11. ..... culture. dolla. J . E . Van WIJi, 'JJ1f Etlpwater, On the Balboa Jsland In New· Mr. LuteM plam to return to Helping Jlary enJoy tbe day , Balboa, wu hon<lftd with a our-~ Bay. CaJlforala, near tbe ;;,n;;;;;;•;;.eo;;.N;..,.;AL;;;.., _____ ,.;;..1& lii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j, were Judy Barstad, Judy Blum, pn.e blrth4-y party Monday af. Union Oil Ovnpaey Pier, ap- J S111an Daniell. Jananne Dulworlh, ternoon -membe~ of hli proxlmalely ninety feet (9Q NEED MONEY? WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Cout Hfshway 101 fin•• •• ,. 5'14 • ~--4 ........ "" for far Ila.le .......... Buw ... fora.t .., ...... _ .... • Before Y oa Balld or Remodel 8ample 111111 l*pla:r ~ Color guldee. plan-' nlng aids. comprebem- lve stock of carpets and llnoleum. Bapa <Jupela Cleaned, Bepalretl LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m-11a1aa ---- In the Coast's "Fastest Growing Community" Sharon Yarnell, ~ Bortlman, family and other relatiws ptber-tl.l nortb-terly ti f~ t be Pal Dresden, Kenna Johnson and et! to wlab him many happy re--"'"'"terly line o1 Opal See U1 f"' Quid<. Helpful Service on Your Financial Need& -Loans on Denna D&ITCJU&h. turns of the day. Avenue, and a1oo on tbe ponln- After Mr. Van Wig had opened •ula of N..._t Beach Oil ACCUSED his many useful and lovely gifts, Palm Slttet ~ . &p- a buffet luncheon of chldcen and proximately 6 feet n or th • .Furniture -Salary Car or Other Security dumplings, , Ice cream and cake westerly of the aoutbeuterly Reid N. · 22 Loo •·-I was served. line of aald Palm Stttet, Bal· 1U0n, • '"""" .. ~ ea, boa two monuments namely was blamed for the accidental Thooe present IJ\Cluded the M.,.. sl~boards In plain ~ew and Phone Flnt for.Qulclcer Service Houri: 10 lo 1 and S to 5 (COied Saturdaya). death of Lloyd G. Lindsay, 28, dames Norine Bean, Elsie Starck, bearing the words.· ''CABLE Newport Heights, who wu fatal-Elmer Patterson , Jo se Ph l n e CROSSING _ SOtrnlER.N ly burned In a three-ear crash on Oquist, Newport Beach; Mr. and CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE Cout hla:hway, Ju t Friday. The Mn. Ray Craig ·and oon Eddie COMPANY," which aald llam HARBOR FINANCE CO . 1814\j, Newport Blvd., Coot& Meaa Seacon 5220 verdict was rendered by a jury at of Puente ; Mr. and Mrs. J . E. mark the landift& places on the the N!QUest at Baltz mortuary, Van Wig and daug~ter Marjorie oa!d llhores In Newport Bay ot Corona de) Mar, Tuesday. and grandson Wayne Francis. one (1) subaqueous telephone (Aaou from Alpha Beta Marlret) 88-tfc CLOSE ro OCEAN -Clever 2-bedroom home with glassed-in sunroom. Built for the beach, but very comfortable and in good condition. $6,995 on tenns. Good value. BRAND NEW -An Interesting blend ot rancho and modem style. Will appeal to buyers who appreciate fine construction detail. Oumnlng slab fireplace In beam· ceiling Jiving room. Near Corona de! Mar school. Sewer connected. Two bedrooms and a dandy kitchen. $10,900 with terms. and telegraph cable, approxi- mately 1370 feet In lena:tb .TaAlftlPOftATIOlf which croaes .aald l'!_ewport Bay In a general nortbeuterly and southwesterly direction between the terrninl above 11 described. This notice la publlahed fqr the purpooe of Informing all navlgaton of u.e description and purpi.e of the menuments aforesaid and of BUllDIDlll GUIDI: JAMES E. McKEE General Contractor 620 Marguerite Ave. 11 WANTED -Ucenied driver to help sh..., expenses In rolllld trip to New York. Leaving Dec. 10 to Dec. 15. G. Harvey 516 W. Central, Balboa Calif. A~. T Any woning after s p.m. 88-ttt> BICYCLES Bold, R41lted or ~ voam:a 100 llolalD Rt., - :IOI ·---l!laad. -.. MACHINE and MACHINELESS Corona del Mar ~tr Permanent Waves o~ C "nnting and 1lanlc:winc , "'RAD="'10,,..,,s"'A"'1'=,c;'="".i.,..,s=ER=VI=CE=-Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 119-W Specializing In repairing. Vi's Beautv Shop TRONART, INC. 1103 eout Hhny, 6i.Uia c1e1 llolar Radio, eleclronlco, 10W1d-Saleo 75-tfc and aervtce-martne and dtmmtic. DIPLOnmNT ow»• • m • Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, WANTED-Maintenance man for 19-tfc 4 or 5 ,...1a, two -· otnOt!I, --=----------1 two -ohopo, two churd1", FORMED Wlntlahleldo & Haldi aloo three private bomeo. Con- Coven made lo order. Also Pia· tact Harvey, Beach Home 516 l&lasa & Lucite Sheets fer ule. w. Central, Apt.Ir evenlnp after Nu-World Producta Company, s p.m. Balboa. · 88-ttp 303 Third St., HISl1tington Beub. --'-----------"' Phone Huntlna:tm Bead! 178. HELP WANTED, MALE-Local ~tfc or traveling In bullnea !or --:ME:-::=.=r--CLAD=-=...,PRO='"o'"u""c=,,,.=-1 younelf. No money ~ -by-Good Income. You ..., your own CLARK ,i. BA'IES 'boa. Apply Austin Studio, 508~ Metallizing No. Main St., Santa Ana. 87.atc Saturday, November 16th CANAL FRONT Wfi'B ftER a FLOAT- Everytblng I ntbls modem home Is In excel· Jent condition. Concrete bulkhead, charm· Ing patio with a view; Jiving room and den make a huge room; 2 large bedrooms with unusual closet space; a dream of a kitchen , with scads of tile, mahogany woodwork everywhere plus a garage quickly converti- ble to a bunkroom with an extra be.th out there, fenced; comer location and what else can you .think of. Complete furnishings In· clude a Norge refrigerator. $20,000 and tenns If you want them. we1c11na: spec1a11a1o Auto Batteries 506 30th St. -Harbor ;509 Rubber Separatero Newport Beach 85-tfc 18-month -$8.75 Ex. • , Guaranteed Radio -and Appliance Repairing • "Bay Area's Finest Hardware" Tele .. aaz Butlar m App61nce8 ' I LIDO ISLAND BARGAIN -Two bed· .room, bath and a half home with double gar- age well located on Lido Isle. Stove and re- frigerator Included. A roomy house on a roomy lot. Today's best buy on Lido at $22,500 with tenns and quick possession. 13UJI ~r:J Jl:J FOODS AND MALTS-Heavy proftt·mak· ers. Complete equipment of latest type. Esta blished patronage. For sale outright er can be laased by cootpetent buyer. FBOZl!lN FOOD MABKIJ'l' -Remarkable earning record. Ex~t ieue. Uvlng quarters or room to expand High grade equipment almost new. Opening tor maJth food ~ with this moneymaker. QAFZ, GROODY 111111 NEW88TAND - with living quart.en. LoW rent on a good leue. Open 6 days a week on a l<Mlour day. Complete equipment. dove, pill. cub ftf• Isler, etc. A good living for ·-couple, wlJllng to bM!8t just OVl!l' $4000. . ··--.. ' ' ' l141)m()~ I lllllVIUTMll:PlllT C().· i:21ULT()!Ds . , :Jt>n. i.DU.'I ... w. ~ ~-- R 0 0 F S Compounded Motor Oil Gallon, 70c W. J. BENBOW ' Western Auto Supply Phone Harbor 1012 J 1836 N.!~vd.~ u- ~u n-u. ~·-------'--------------'--~ PIANO TUNING and repairing. J . B. Brown. Write Box 633, Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, Coot.a Meaa. nJ.tfc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone &aeon 5211>-R ii. 1:. llllth St.. Coot& -:l&-tf• CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractor& Complete Building Service WELL PAID JOBS with Real , Futures for Young Women aa Telephone Operator& In mast oen°anltt. t-ea•11 .... re- ---at Pf) for a ftft --.---""'--ar dlEty at ---. ol the --Snen .... lDa' ! ••• tbe tint two ywa paid 'llCatkm.. - i.... tbla ----at pod ,.,. la ,..,.. own a•14111edtJ. --PHONES-TOG --Momll:J ..... la Barbar 2M'faJt Harbor ~W piss mt dft.'W BT-Uc ~t &*'*'.,...... ..........._ n· ........ P~A~l~N~T,....,...l~N~G=-- 12 Yan Sea flea la Jlewport ~ ...... Bany Hall PAJJITDfG OolmlAcToR Southern CaJiforni& plw F •n MM mt,J · IPC?" MU Telep'---"'-- -274 g ~ •wt P-·-~, -•••• • """" vvauz-w.r Sheet ](eta) work . ~ i ~ . . J. .. ' iOUtlari 1-'W _. R1plNI S.• Pwu ~ n.... Sb . )[ l SIAl6 Mo. 111111! lb 171. 1r1a Ma ._... --., -•et AOL Oii ~ • Ml & 2l9t, C11ta 1fw • .._ Oil I - 'J.I.>'••• .Jlc,.iv ..,_ ;.,, Btser -• . .;,J • • .~==========:=::::::::::==~~ ":.f ::..™!:::-a a.; AdditiOiili Want Mi ' .-t:m-.. .. oa Maw ... PqJa • / , • ~ ··• . mt Ads tat s•rr ......, _·SU EL .. -.•• , I a!:::~;:·~--=~-:!·r~~'l~~~·~·~-~=·-~·=·=~·!:!1!·~·~!!!!!::::,r:.::-~ ·-mr ,...,-..,. ' 1M181' a-~-B • · l:Plf, 11' KW, II -l'ltll .. -I-!.. CfJlfe Ys•t BaJbo9 (tlC!)llle ' ' S180. -BPI 9'-W. ..... -, ...., BIMOll l'fl8 i.. 11-..-twe b111w O.i$•wd ---------"'-""·I BURT NORTON l8rlll Jot. -111 -tr•• ~ Pi ... IC Plllt ' P.Oll au L.()no _.,..,. w. .. ~ "1' =, ""•-•°" 000 . 4 ;; 44 44 Zf PPP Al JDet. 100 ft. ..... * ..... ....,_., -·· .... .... ~t •••• MMM#,4•-• teloJll>ol-. -----... J u .. 6TT T F.R -aatet7-. asi. Daamlm DANZ.SCHMIDT : ... lllll"• HARBOR ~ iu: =: PIANO co. REAL ESTATE BROKER Plumbing Service llT-4q, 53) No. 11s1n SL San1a .t.na i5th ..:--()mtral,aut;r-= 8-b l'lllNcwlN*IBlvd..Bea •01l!OMIW VENETIAN BLINDS -QJ,48!1 ZENITH -7 tube&. attn<>-"On Your Wq to - JIBP.ilRING OUR SPECL\LT'f SHOWER DOORS tlw -L Pe.feet coa4. 1-88-ltc Om>tractlnc -Suppl• .. 9'1tfc Fkt«a.u-polilh~---=-eqmp. prt<e. !l'MI w. ~-Balboa Lot . • BABY ll'&D4 Hlch ....... malre. Mecham~ Toys . mmt ~or rmt U...S. Now onl7 Mm. Terma. Well 1ocated- ll:ltelric ....i Yechonieal Tralnl, Bayview Builders Supnlv STEINWAY .,-. 1171e e. n.e Dall 'flualea, ·Dolli, TeJosrapb 818 c-t BlwO¥ Ph. Bea -~ world'• most wObllorlul piano. $3000 Sea, Velodpedeo, T.,,., Steel c Uled. Save one-third -frUD J ~ Mil J ER w-. Z 0 RIC ,,_ todaT• llrice. • ""· __ ,_,__ . THE TOY SHOP . GOOD -pnctlco piano. Onl¥ REAL ESTATE BROKER 2)8 f1kr1ne Balbea I!!lond DRY a.EANING 1119, Or w111 renL l5th ~~-= 8-h Hubar 2292-W SO.lfl: In 0Ur °"" Plant QR.\ND piaia Weber. Stdn-"On Your Wq to BaJboo" · PICKUP AND wq, JQmholl, Ra-U.. llebUn 89-ltc LUBRICATION MAN to take complete chuc• al our lubrication dep&rt- mmL Excellent _.nm!ty for abultl<r. THEODORE ROBINS Ford Dealft for Harbor Dlotrict 22nd and Central, Newport Beach Pbone Harbor 28 89-tfc GIJIL'S bicycle; two Simmons Rollaway cots With mattttaes, like new. Phone Harbor 2115-M. SS.tic SPEED GRAPIIlC CAMERA, 214 DELIVER and 11111DY othen. Priced frUD -----------~ "585 up. ' Beverley Realty Co. -• REPOSSESSED spinet QllO mu. BEACON ~·-rar piano. A -.17. Full rid> Need I • • _ -· Now oni7 .-. Terma. -Wedsbng&- .Lido Cleanera GORGEOUS -IQoled .... •t-HAVE i-cllenta W'lllU. for .....S piano with m1m1r spinet liq Front -Muot haw e8 Newport Bhd. 18-lfl: 17Pe palA!llL Wu ercb0 1 ~ a pier. tor 1arge ...-s. wm ..u for Be I Realty Co TIRES Recapping MODERN All Electric Equipment NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR DISTOR'nON t>.L 12111. very . DAN7-SCHMIDT PIA.NO CO. G1ad)oo Bewrley, Jack C. Ford, 531 No. Main, llanta Ana 116-tfc Reallorl RADIO HOUSE cu.LS-J&DlfS Howard Bill ~ Now that additional oompt--Broker Salem.en tent technidan& are av•ll•bM:, 507 & Central Harbor 1788 -are able to make servloe calll Balboa SS.ltc on large comola. AU work IUAl'Ollteed. x314, Ektor leme, acceaories. COMPLETE SET IN ONE DAY New, never used. 721 Eastwood HENRY W. BRAINERD New Owner S.o.s. Radio 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 780 Acres Upper Bay View; S&ndy Loam $2500 . Ave., Sant a Ana, Calif. 88-4tp SECTION WORK CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON ~. 23-tfc TUBE REPAIRS LESTER'S 0 . K. Rubber Welders 2900 West Central NEWPORT BEACH 89-ltc "'.ANTED TO BUY 81-tfc llPECIAL ANNOUNCEll&NTll 11 Carpenters Available for general maintenance and .._ir o. Z. ROBERT80N Call Harbor 83 Six-Room Home On commercial acre; double gar- age, feed house, chicken equlp- ment. chickens, rabbits, fruit trees: Only- $11,500 Business Buildings Balboa Island- ' Only $25,000 Corona del Mar- GOOD ·v .ALUES rnQMin_ ___ ...;$6750 to $65,000 LCYl'S -·· ___ .$1250 up EARL W. STANLEY RULTOR COVSltING GRS.t.Tll:R NEWPORT. B.t.RBOR 115 o..t BIDwq Sl1J W. Ollltnl 2Z1 .._ A-. 0.-dol liar Newpwt -...._ -_,___ 8*1t>arl013 -:-1711 • 89-ltc A GOOD CHOICE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ample sl7.e lots 60x1Z7 .5 feet at 15th street near Orange avenue. Well planned protective restrictions. Nicely located for a G. I. loan, and Prl...ced at $1000 to $1250. Also half-acre estate sites near the High School. CALL HUB POWERS -Harbor 62-W .. J. A. BEEK OFFICE Balboa Ferry Landing -. 89-ltc BRIGGS' ••• BEST ••• BUYS · VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, FOR SALE-Trailer all-st.eel Jug-Cushman Scooter GOOD LOCATION. Nice boule- llteel. wood Call "" for free eatl· gage carrier, heavy duty tires, Repair Work vard frontage. See ua. Two good building lots, 30xll8, side by side on Jasmine, mate. Renovation "' refinishing. tall light, arched water-proof Free Estimates • Corona del Mar. Each.---··-······--··------.$1500 t~ 11:._v~~E=ur~~: g>:~tra?.''ki~seen at 13:1~ . On Service and Repair Ji· 1 cis!~?IB· !~~::.. ~o~-~-~~'. .. ~~-~'.-."'.1 ~ A~e., ~-.$1750 3S-tfc FURNITURE FOB SALE n . Ph Be 5213-M Brand new 3-B.R. modem architecture designed for perfect ---------=.;:.;I·----------,.-Mal!oy & Wyckoff · aeon convenience, 2 full baths each wiUt outside entrance, sun Fire Pia..-and Klndllns FOR SAIL-Sewing machine, -R. W. BARTINE deck, overhead door garage. Shown by apPOintment W 0 0 D Rotary White. Good condition. Rear Balboa Marine Hardware JUsociate Broker Just completed, 2-B. R. stucco, flagstone front, 2-car garage, Delivered 120 30th SL, NewporL 89-ltp i...913 Coast Hlwa.y Bea. 5261-W Res. Ph. Beacon 5276-J room for work bench, overhead doors, lot 50x127.5, In H. W . WRIGHT FOR SALE -Two stoves, one Newport Beach SS.Ile Newport Heights. This is a honey .. ____ ...$12,500 Ph. Beacon 5665 ship's butane, one house gas, 98-tfc ---------'-~ ~ d BR I G G S T l'IM Newport Blvd. l'rtfc both four-burner, oven, broiler, ____ K_E_Y_S----1 Two Units-rre --ressa Order your good condition. 120 30'!!., sltL, Kade 'jVlllle Toa Watt On Bay Ave., In Balboa. Fur-634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" Steiner Offices Servel Newport. ~ P VOGSL'8 nilhed-Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 Order Now! FRUIT TREES Gas Refrigerator Special Bargain Daily 100 Kt1D BL. Bal-$13,500 Now New and Uaed Furnltuil. Bou&J>t 108 Karine, Bal-~tto _ . at Vogel's and Sold ... Phone Beacon 5538-J Three-Bedroom Home- 100 Main st. Harbor 145 Harbor Fumitilre FOB RENT &1 . El Ba.y TraCL F\Jrnlshed- __________ llll-_lf• 1962 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa OFFICE BUILDING in Co a I a $25,000 1----------89--'-tf-c Mesa available inquire 509 3bt - DOGS. CATS .a PETt! II Newport Beach 89-:ltp Small Home- FOR SALE-Corona del Mar, 4~ IL Jot, 1 block -lchool, IOUth of Blvd.. good location for In- come. Owner. Ph. H-2111!-W. 65-tfc SS.lie FOR SALE-By owner, 4-room. 2 lots, garage in Newport Heights. Immediate po1$e1Sion. Terms. Inquire 140 Cabrillo SL ,Costa Mesa. .. 87-4tc -FOR-- FOR SALE-Canary singer and FOR RENT-Small house, BaJ. On Ocean Front a l Sea Shore new case, $16.50. Phone Har-boa Island. Weekly rental. Colony-BUY NOW BEFORE building FOR SALE-Lot on Central Ave., bor 115$-J . 1 89-2tc 920 Coast Highway. SS.ltc coal> rise. New two-bedroom Peninsula Point, Z.One 3, 35x97. Winter Planting Hollister Bros. NURSERY Lanclacaplng 1959 Harbor Boulevard BOATS, SUPPLIES U MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY rese<· $5250 -on % -acre on Costa Mesa's best Priced right. Call Harbor 315. -=---c:.:...'-'--------1 vations for beautiful Bay Front - FOR SALE-Snowbird, S215. Call rentals. P hone Pleasant 6712. Ocean Front Lot-Harbor 1476. 89-tfc 89-2tc 22-fL cabin cruiser . M•v be uaed Sea Shore Colony-~ FOR RENT-New Duluxe room $ for !lshln& boat, $750. Call aftec and private bath, tile lhower 3150 street. Some furniture. See by Office of John D. Burnham, 2001 appointment. Mr. Vaughan, Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 80-tfc Beacon 5881-J . 89-tfc FO R SALE-Three-bedroom un- furnished home on Peninsula PoinL Large living-room With LOT IN COSTA MESA -BUS~ESS BUYS .... - ' -0-- -0-- DINNER RESTAURANI': ·Does $100.00 dally In three hours; three-bedroom home, stonae bldJdlnc. lot 50xll4 OD major blghway. Priced to sell -0-- JUSI'AURANT IN NEWPORT BEACH: Prun1nent locatioo next to pier and bach. Big money maker. $9000.00 -half cash. -0--. TRAILER CXXJRT AND RESTAURANT: On A-1 blgh- wa)o. Beeutlful ~ ·11ome, five.year leue with optioo to buy p:-operty. Price Is right --0--- ~ HOT DOG srAND&: ·--a- When SeDtn& cr Bll1lns a Buo!1 r u, See "Sand;p" --0- A. "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor Buol" • Brobr .,.-halrance 635 Coast Highway 101 Beacm 5173 89-ltlc ' THIS ONE ST ANDS OUT All the charm a well planned modem home In Corona del..Mar can offer. Just seven years pld. Two bedrooms, sun room, den, l ~ baths. Ocean view from living room. 70-foot frontage. Fruit trees. Double garage. $22,500 -Partly Furnished COAST PROPERTIES REALTORS co_ "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 PRE -BILT HOMES COMPANY HOUSES PLUMBING GARAGES PLASTER 89-tfc Beacon 5540-W 2258 Newport Blvd. OootaMeoa fireplace, kitchen. bath a. patio. _ •tp Don't mlu this one-$17,500. ~ Office ol John D. Burnham. 2001 ---------------------....:: 6 p.m., Harbor 1493-J. 83-tfc stall Twin or double bedl. box - Beacon 5200 COMl\IERCIAL flsbe would spring and lntenprlng mattres-40 Ft B • Lot- M-tfc like to lease Con ~ boat aes. Unt heat. Special rates for -• usmess . To Trade for Good Car / Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 81-tfc .&UTOllOTIVE & TDUCll -----------suitable for off shore fishing. permanent cueau. Miracle Mlle Center of Balboa- COMPLETE Call or write J . L. Castello, llotel, 706 Coast Hl&)>wa.y, New-$18,500 Phone Beacon 5898-R II .&OTO Bll:RVICE • • HOUSE CLEANING H.,... No. 8, Victory Couru. W. port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. FOR SALE-New home. modern FOR SALE-'35 Old'• 4-door Central Ave., Balboa. SS.2tp '15tfc -Wll.L CONSIDER two-bedroom outdoor, Indoor living areu. aedan, '37 motor; good tires and SS.2tp COMPLETE STOCK OF BATTERIES .i\ND EQUIPMEN,1' SERVICE FOR YOUR NEW Hlcka' Marine W. L. JORDAN house up to $10,000 In Balboa, Built In featureo. 2 bedroo.ns, palnL Call Harbor 491-W. 701 engine or parts. see "Jim" van Desk Space for Rent 700 E. Central, Balboa Newport1 or Costa iMesadid u1• part ~":....~ool ..!.,, Ba.y2nd. ~~ w .. t Bay, Balboa. 89-2tp Free Estimates Kitchen and Wall Wuhlns Floor Cleaning and Waxlnc Window Cleaning Caulkins Painting All Work Guaranteed Harbor 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Servic:e &g.tfc TIRES We.suannlff our "Capo" to IMt 20,000 MilnJ -that"• -.n- WE W1LL GIVE YOU $20.00 D' ONE COMES OfT ~alSpood ONE TillE RECAPPZD IN 5 HOURS. lar a O•hl"Ke oet -wlll call flor :rwr car In tba _....,. ----· ucc a II.GO ---'Joi> -... nmp -llr-. l'mr SLOG. No t..d " 'cl•ta ar ·aba• cOeta Mesa Tire Co; In Rev at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA. MDA ft. Ben>•• 570 "* l'mr .tJ or Baal<. F1 t t ct ry distributor 3311 paymen on my sp en ..-acre ~-on, .1..uv. .n.ve., UC"' ee • • 0 ' WHITE REAL ESTATE OFFICE Phone Harbor 153 ranch at FOK]eu Hill, Valley tween Begonia .i. Accacla, Co-FOR SAl..&-'41 Ford 1tatlon Finley Ave., Newport Beach Order now for mid-winter de-Balboa Inn Arcade Phone Harbor 153 Centec, $27,500. Hu nine acres rona de! Mar. Phone Harbor wagon, under 50,000 mUeo. New livery as prices are sure to Phone Harbor 2202 Sf..tfc of lemons. best in the valley. 1.Q.M.. 86-4tc heavy duty tires, heater, clean. d ~tf ~2t ---------.=:..= Own water, two-bedroom house, $1850. No dealero. Mr. Vaughan. 8 vance. o;r c ----------~-c garage and equip. for 400 t ur-BEAL SSTAD EX.CB.A.NO• '8 Beacon 5881-J. 89-tte P U M P S W.&Nn:D TO aurr u Balboa keys. Altitude 1200 IL, very HOUSE to be moved; oell or ----------- WORTHINGTON FIVE-BEDROOM HO~: Fire-beneficial for linlJI and arth· trade for good. oerviceable car, AUTO llDVJCS • P RESSURE • CENTRIFUGAL WANTED-Retittd elderly couple place, completely furnished. Im· rills. N. R. Calley, La~ '37 or·later. Comee 17th and For Al! i'r<sslln! desperately In need of a part-medlate occupancy-Beach. 89-2tc Whittler, Wes~ Costa M,:a- 1 tp NOW HERE Soden Refrigeration men t or house. Very quiet. ~ 623 So. Los Ange?es St., Anaheim Phone S..coa 5398-W. 89-ltc $12,000 F. JACK SULLIVAN Phone 4652 89-ltc ENGINEER, Major Oil company, Tenm Real Estate FOR SALE--40 IL cabin mdoer; Wknll lhrff or two-bedJoom, WILL TRADE-Lota on Lido hie Your authoriJed Chryoler- lleeps lix; galley, dinette, hoad. turnt.hed house. Lons Bead! Balboa IN CORONA DEL MAR a1oo loll on Peninsula on pur-l'l1mouth Dealer. Jar&• wheel boule and ooclq:llt, 81l5L SS.2tc cbw ot 2 or 3 bedroom ...,._ completely r'!COlldltloaecl. -to w ANT TO RENT~ or OCEAN FRONT HOME: Carner In Barbar dlotrlct. Phone Hubar Authorized part> oteu; C>ryoJtt marine ..,.,,,.., \lllflJmlshed boule, :l-or 3 bed-Jot.~ to bllllnea. Five bed· Beautiful New Home 7rt1 81-lfc °'">lllete Lubricatloii - See --· 133 Ap.te An., Bal-r<llDll will leue. P11one HariJor roomo. •-sleeping porc:hos. On the ocean frcot with a fine -&'I 'l'O LO.AK II Ktln....,_ boa bland ~-Uc 7rt1 111-lfc Good ineome P*ibllltl.,.._ apattment o..,. the sarage. .AU ==;.;;.,;===----~ •-• ' • • APT or Siu.LL 110U8S •'Ut.cl $20 000 IAndocsped and 1-. The ~· TO BUILD. ""1. -. ll:l&wt .._.....,, N -Heavy Duty- DELCO'S and WILLARD Call Beacon 5183 ~ ftAQPPe •• Fire Equipment Teata _. mu --we do -T.;,,.. llnf9t piece al -?;t Jett 1n --.,. -""'" JCendaD and Quaker Stata a111 CO-Two, Pyi-lt r..m Niii& -or ........ DO --m' • Corona de! Mar. N~ =•~ ..:°""'P . FOR SALE-Home trallor, 31 ft. ~ :40.::--Pia-peta --....,. Oln-w Corona del Mar Lot "" "-lhll to 100 11 100 -Via Lido Pb......._ boo Glider, ~ IDllr. Al8o ..... or ~ Bm< "X" Newpwl ~ .,.....t the -boq In -. ll:TI B0KIN It GALVAN boa_,_, 17-* ONJl.BEDROOM HOME· ~~ •om W&MHID .. wit!\ drop --J1l<bt,..... '2100. Newpwt Auto W ...... Hubar lUO. • ·-NEWPORT 1000 <lDMt Hlltr•at . --Ph BttCM 5407 '13-tfc WANT TO RDl'r-:1"' a.... .nnr- . __. ---$7950 Balboa Canvas Shop 0111 a-Plata at -'1'111 T"""" Salls --0.-. or la. •* ,, llarlne u~ llOOll • -·-• • ,.,.,..._ M Hubar '1:fl -231111 21st St. ---""""" esa N-port Beacb n -tfc YOUNG slll&le man. IO Jn. aid. ONE-BEDROOll HOME· On lot want. rocm. ar rocm mid bomd • =M::O::*="'= .. =':.• ::.•;.;!l&J=&=llMO=:......-' __ ~ll~I In 0oota lllMa. Pllone ·~ 56s!25 IL Furnilbed. l'c 11 u. . •If . -- HARBOR MOTORS 1"'"DlllJ'O&ain-n.- Landlcape<1 -'""""" bet•-B p A T 31111 w. 0mtra1 A-= ~ .~;":; ..2 b1111w117 and ......, -wtth "'° MANUFACTURER ~, ~~ • "°' •-we IW • ' a....._ -live _.. old c.m-r-~ Jrr.-- ,. -• n pletel)' --. berptn ai · I . --· l'llll6Noapw\ ..... Cllll $15,000 Ma'dns ota""erd line al a :I n . :W-. . ._ Wlll entertain-~ c:qttal ~~~~~~~===~~~~~~'.!!!:==~j! for 1m'P _...., piocram. -Wt a • -•& w • $6500 with Imp potential prdltable 25 and 50 Watt "'' -., -am for lMT. ActlW or ID- Harvey Wells Tenm 121 IL -ocean °" ~ act1Ye part1eo ,,...._ Bolt WE NEED 'LATli MODEL CARS Radio Telephones Lido Isle . Quid< action will blO' It fer-c B,-c/o 1(-1-. . and wm P.a, y Top Pricea Balb<ia Peninsula Lot $4.500 •:ne For -•te Dell'87 S..utlflll--..... 1->e. fllr-. --• 0 ----=.. a -.i: .... ..,. ,.,, .. -nllbed cmnpWW ~ $2760 -A05C&Dtit& a "*" ...,_. ~vun ~ ~.,., TRONART, . INC. patio. QUkl[ Pc . I I ---• LmI'INGS APPRECIATED w ., Pllml-Hiib A-$29,500 _. -. 8 '= ::_r .,:"":"... ~ n, tar ~·a4.llOW...,,. ..-~ Gl!I • UDlted -Radio Senlcl JOHN E. SADI.EIR Apte Aft., l!oJI>"' Je!n4 ...... ,au ·FI I CPA , ...... ...., ( .-. J. M: Jilll.IER RE.t.LTOR F. JACK SULLIVAN ..,_ . prln ...aa;a1r•1 ....... , 1 Radio, -. ~let . ....i-.Kar1ne....in..n.t1c REAL DTATE llllOKEll •Kain SL,._. JOHN a. sanes.•· •0 • ' CULBERTSoN ·CHEVROLET 00., Inc. r~ --••--,__,, N t-•-~.-. ~c1e1~--""" ..._ ---· -Ii t-1 I-·· 80,ft. Lot 45-ft. Lot • _ H. ·-~ Plia!ie Bu1>or UG -Harbor 20M 121J Cout Hlltr•at . e---•II•~•. -~ ,... Ill ~ OI* ·~i::i:. ... ~. w -M-.. NpCK -~™--·~ -OOllONA DSL MAR -'rla"i . --" . •• • t• .... -··· -·· 2901 w. 0mtn1. N-... 1-. "On Y-Wq to-·· ---741 Ph -un..J ._ec . -.n.zv: r 11z o 1• n • ••'• .... llT-•11c •11c . . -- ' , • • I • , • • a.DJtamD.~ ...... , ...... Tu ..... ..... o.tnl *>O••••PJNO m.m a ••1eet ud t. 11 I Ta& -am IAfll;r9tte •·r'Mr m ..__ JOHN T. c..uTU a. N." ILU'mN'rm..D AOCOUNTAl'IT!l- a&~ A.#l.~ Tu Ccuullut J ..... Q. PMroe 11UN--'Bl-nl. ~-PhODlt B1econ 1111-1 IUJIPOllTll NllW POllT BA. T 8JCT JUJUIOR One mlle w.n ol eo.t.a Kea oa lttb .cnet. eo.ta .... AJCTIQlll:S BOB "H Dlc:K ..,, ___ _ ~ Glam. 8UYW, IAmP9 .Dd ........... '°'"' w. Outral Buttor l'rTO . NewportBMcll .APAJITXENTll GOSLING AJ'il'DdNTS · JlectJ1c Betrtpn.Uon ......... - ill Jr:. Bar A.ftll• H&rbor tl'T-R -- Atr'IO DEA••• J'OSfttemft stndMe):•r a.i. aa4 .. tkie (Jem!... Part9 -4 Al:. I I ... ca.. .......... :POU'! btQ•btU. 'boubM 1111 w. o.tnl ................ a.dl ca•am.1:a OAPAG8 =..a ..... wa:-...-.. -Jlotor 0•&1 n'tne .. _.... 'lllil-.......... •• e -w . .,....... ....... ,...,, .. ---Kl~ A1lr0 -AD OOllT ... -90DT ---... _ .... _ 0 ., ... a.l:F ~:·=·=-~-£ --a ........... , ....................... ..... ..... • - ' • Their .Pledge ia raur Aasarance al Truatworthy Service and Merchandiae . . A"ll'l"O !ltJl'PLUll NSWPOllT -BALBOA A.UTO IZOPPLT ------. CoUlo noe w. o-tn1. ...._ am Newport a..c!l. ClllL UAtJTY llALONll CR••xn11• ™UT'I' lll!llOI' """' Ott .. a,,, ...... • IPecWt.:r .. -..=~"""!'a°" - ~- 111CTCL88 8ol4. a.teia or ~ VOOSL 'I 100 llala ... a.a. -llU'tM ... boa Illlua4 llOAT BUJLDZllS a llD'ADS etwlias Bo.t WOJ'b £D TJ'I* at ~ J'dtdlaa . --Pafnttaa uw.t 11.otar won Bub. Uld noo ... ...,. ta Orda' Ill Oout BJ.Pw&J' a.cm ... llOAT llUILDllllll TOR)[ BO.&.T 00. = !'.\'A'~...! :::=-..1f':,.:' llMl'daJ ~ to ... ~ ........ W!Jr::-""J:1, Tu. BOBll4N 00. • ........ ........,_....._... BOAT -.,1.su DOUGUS BOA.T 6 CAN08 CO. M&nutact.uren &.4 D&.trlibuton of 81l1f'ta. Paddle Board9, Yacht Tcden 1811 W . Cen.tnl A.n. Pb. ll&r. MN N--·Colli. . BUILDl!:Jl8 OONTR4CTOR'8 RENTAL llQPT. ~ ·bl ..... .,. .., ... """ .... .,,. ...... . ""114loa -......... -DUTCH H&A.c:xx::J[ ..... -...... --... 17tb 6 Sula AM &n.. eo.ta X.-. CAlllNET SHOP GORD.AN B. FtNDL&T CABINET SHOP ca.tern Kade cablaeta .,, IOtb. st. Barbor lm.J' Newport 8-cb CIRJl.DBDf'S A.PPA•l!J. THJ: BOBBY SHOP Bob and a.llJ' Brow. C1BJLDBEN'98 APPAllSJ. .JR. J&CX 6 1n.t. Children'• and Intu.t'• Clotll1a.- Up to I for Bon Yd. lt fot QkW I 170~ Newport mrct. eo.ta .._ DR. P • .A.. CRAXBUt·ATN ,.._..,.,..,_ -&lectrot!Mn,p-,-. .BOJD: c4tJ.., IN RABW()Jl ~ 1Mt MewDOrt Bhd.. eo.taw-....__ • or••HW ..... LIDO Cl.a&JCm ~ ........ 0...- ~a .... ... T• ~o:• w;-y- ~ .. eks • *"'iOll .... P ms .,._,, OOlft&AOIOll 00.880.H a Ju.T 00. -a.a.- V...._, adJdlMS b T.U.W , .. Oonl .. .:a.. w!';f"°' --·· .. w. o.tnl ...... 'hL ... 1111 Niwport ........ ~ W. P. XK•t.ft -Coe- 41'7 N ..... 81J«. it 1 -Cool&- NTMorollll, ads· a Om't OONJLU> SHOOK °"""""""" • - OONTMCrollll, ...S... a Oea, llOU'nl 00.uT C01'ft. 00, .Ia4u.trtal • a.a....i ~ v-... Jkm.11•• WALTSKB.. ~ 111 0out BlTd.. Barbor m ""'-........ OONTAAOTOllll-PAINTINO LDC._..,, hln .... -- CONTB.&0!'0¥-PAINTINO a. .. llC'-.u.I> ~EF 4lt014~ ..... --... co 0 cw+••• C. ftPN ~bcrC.:.t ~~bl S..ta ~ -Olll-11 -· l5U<>-1 100 S.Ylft' Corona del liar, caut. Dll:NTJllT DOUGllNtJT!I COTTAGI: DO-NUT A.ND W.uTLB SHOP Donut. &Dd W&ttl• a lhtedaJty Cc:mlplete J'ountaln. semoe 105 llattD8 &n. Balboa Iale -·-• DRUG 8TORIC8 B.illPTON'S BARBOR DBDO Corou del Kar, caHtontJa If.AC PELI..r?'ID.'8 N~z-w~PO"'RT BSA.CB Pll&JtllA.CT LONNI& vtNCmn'"B rum.~~~- ICLIXJl'IUCAL DI.II& a U:SV. BAT -...cTlUC ~.~~ )(otore ud a..rat.on: for a.le Jlll W. o..tnl A"-. Bir. 1111.·W Jl.6.T ams nm ••RZWT Dol1F DoU.-7 ....... .,. &on .,. ..... """"' -...... a~N-­-121 ..... •···•·• ------l"RAJUt' 8D t i<*A. -sr:: ...... --:= ll;,:0- n.-,...,. \ *•'*"' .... cam. ~ #VRHITOKP ~~~., .111)1 Newpoft med. er.ta .... ----• VIaO'• G.Ap•cp ... ,..,..... 4ldO ......... ... T'WKACO P1lOOOC!'I ----,.. w. c..tn1 Bu1M11-n"'"'w ....._._ O~ AND••••Cifi GllOOZllD:!I AND MABKWn THI: WA.VS& GllOCllRY "-llun4u-<:!oood Tb-• Liia. to 7 p.m. OJmpJete lJoe al Gl"OCIVi.- Pleaty of Beer flOO Cout HY7. -Barbor mJ-J OTl:l.8 ISLAND R.00118 MfD Al'ARTlll:NT8 z. c. llad Gnce N'ult. UT .&pte ..... Balbol. i.J.e --· BOl'l:L!I p4t.WD-BOT& ..... ;~-~~ Located at W..tena ~ L ... ,..., ·"··J!C,i:.a1~ . &L'I ROOBa 6 WINDOW CL&.t.NING Oompletli Hou.Mi Cle&a.tas s.r-.tct lDcl~ Wlndows, noon, KltcbeD Bpn.J' .P&intlq. RooC., Etc. 100 Tbe Blalto ~ l7f..J Newport BeKb ICE OOMPANIES ' BAT VtmW ICE CO. Cub.--Bloc.kl eru.bod '"" 17'12 N•~ B1'11l. S.COD nn Coot& 11- IL\lUlT rRED&RICK tNSUR.t.Ncm Protect that 11ortpp With ,..,,...,. Ull Cout Bl•d., Harbor 1"7..J' Corou del llar IN8UBANOll ' RJ.BUN INSDRANOI &G&NC'r -nr.- Auto-11.arlne--LlabUlty OompenaUO.,_Bonds 1191 Newvort Bl-nl. Beaeoa P66-J'. ea.ta .... Callt. ·- It. L .un'llJ -·-'= .-., w..-a h'wlrl ~ Ul-lt. ,. __ -IDf..J ····- ~-Gifts ---:· -•n?"'Mr ml WAJU> ~1g;_UfOTOlf •n=t.-• .....-..-........ llaJ' Dlmiet: Tani P1L. -re U11 Ill """"' -· ...... - <Jlll1q llllOWll 84KP90.N IU.CB:IJQ WORD Llsht aa4 lle&TJ' ..,,.,. Worll --.. -·--.. 1-lhwpwt BIYd.. Pano• - PATllOL lllaVIOJ: ·-.t,JJJZJNO CL&RX6BA.Tm ladu.tria.1 and. DeioorMift llotal ..... Weldlna Bped•ll.IU lot IOt.b 8t. Barbor .. Newport lleadt. llOOB.ING ll&BVIOJ: C. 1t. BTArJ" ~ 1""lalJo4 '"'4 -Boan PaiDted aa4 IAttan4 Beacon IMI or Buttor 1-.a ............. - • BATJ'OI. )(OTmL Reuonabl• Rat---claea Room9 Jlud7 to ...... DLltrtct ()pa th• T-.r "Round" 116 II. Omtral &Te. llartlor IZI MOVING a BTOBAGm um. w. C..tnl NUBSElll' 8CROOL!I 117 Karlne An. Barbor Tt.1-R P . 0 . Boz -· Balboa laland OPTOllETIU8'1'8 ----llllNl:llT T. BU'l'TSllWORTH. 0. D. -Jll.t W. Oe:Dtnl N'1'J)Ort Beub -JIU P .\JNTING a . DllCOBATl!fG R. &. ANDJm.lfON OONTRA.C'l"OR PNatiq A: Waterproortq . CA.LL BEACON .,.._, PllO'l'OOllAl'llal mT' srrcRcoac --.. ....------'ft9W•'•~ .... 4 lladae ad 0 ... Pbatnc t11' ,... ...... =snor ., DIM ........ ,. --_..._ Ol!:;;.;Kl&;;;;;;-;iiW';;;;;;;.:;:. ;;_;;----"1 ·Gi1DC•"innmil•iiil ___ I ''tiuiiiiaJ1AJ111iiiUiitiia"iaiiiiii1iiiuiii1ii••:.1 OfJ¥ill' *!l'•t. CT 1NIGG HaWPOar 1111::· l'UM !M • :AWf' 1111 •• Cllllnil ... .._ ............ .&. T. ARWWWW&. K. D. at o...e .... •• a ,,, -Ow .. _. ...... Clllll - • 1M ~ . J'OJDI' IC. C. CHUNG. K. D. .Plq91d• ......... •&181.:llAKl!I • -- ~ a. BtJOima. .. D. lTll 1res;;wt Bhd. _.,. -..,.,.:, --'"' l~- DR. W. T. llOONWT Xll&r- lftlltb ... OsD.tnl """"'*"_ ............ cal.. Call Bar ... PID'8ICIAXll a llUBOlllONll G. M. PU.a. IL D. , Oouult&Uos ~ -.....,. ........ _ 1mPadfteDr. o.r....dollll..--IW..J PB1'81CJ.UfS a llUBOlllON!I 0. •. LtNm:NB.il\ ~ of Piano A: JlanaoM7 1UI Oe1an rroat 11.art»or im.w N--- PLUKBINO a BiA'.l'JNO • R. B. HOLBROOK POULTRY PRODUC'l'll TWIN CITT POULTRY •&•D"r Lin Poula.,. aad Rabbit. JOlO W . Otntnl An., Newport Bell. --llOI BAIIJIJTB'I' "llA.P"' LONG'S Jll.BBITRT Rabbit. ~ DaU:r -Per Tour Ol'del"- Pbono ""'-......... Oor. et 11th ind 'l\wtba. Beacon. 1111 RADIO llAIJ:!! 6' U:SVIVJ: \ 1. X. BROWN OOllPANT ~ lm-W 1111 Oout 111-WQ' RADIO 8ALU A U:SVIOE a.o.s. IU.Dro m..mcnuc ....,, DLA.ND a.:x>RI> SHOP ---· ...... -Oompi.te LIM ot Recor61 IOO llartDe' An. Barbon' 710 -- llADIOUIKVI~ 1IARIN9 RADIO Dllvtem A. K. BDTB -T1$ ... ___ , rr.., ·M7 ebeeb a ~ TW!>-W"q cu ........... IN • .11111 8L I<--W .__ UDJO e•1 n a mm ftlORAaT -........:'' b • lo O ... ...... llarlDa ..a D Cle ft. B. -·· -w. -Kawpat --. CIUf. u•r.m.n RA9POJt Iii fWl"IUlft CO. - I 1 ... MUI.ft WL'l'DB p 4 1. SIT.ATS ._ WU.tJ&M W. &UUOBD 3-ltor Ud a-.nl ~ ODTRUDS .A.. WALDJIOK .. llutne ...... ........ r.M --· &l:llTAUBAln'!I a C~ BLlll2 BOOK a..m.i """'~ .,.. ...... •'Jluar' aw• www at u. <>rwui -Palm. Balbm. -Harbor .. Tm DOLL BOtJD ot Balboa 0pui tbe T Mr .t.rouD4 w a o.ntnJ •"" Barbor mo &UTAUUN'l'8 a ClAFD KINGS L4NDINO 6 c.J'W llll•d·1tste1 la all KlD4e ol .... ll'ood W l1at N~ a.ell -- LA POST ... DnlldOQ& lln.,.n rood8 .. Newport 'BlYd. Benac. IMl Couta- N:CWPOBT Cil"ll Bped•l!atq bl ramll7 'l'nde. Good 014 11.ome Cookfns 110 Kcrad.d.n Pl. Barbor 1.llO-W NORTON'S BAY SHOD c.a.n 17th St. llDd Cout HW'J". Bea. rTM Newport a..cll. OsJJJorala wmN e P.Ame &ft e&n ---- uri. ia&n:L -,,,_ ::-&..llf"':'"&w LW.~6-. T ~ . •I ~!.!!!!! . .i-£Pw'.; ;ci£f i1£1. '--:-----------' .... -....... ·-- ~ "•L mun ·ilu.acmer ..... ll&Uftllf ..almlll 1=:11:· . --. ·-~ JUDO PAT;fJJIWt ..... ~ OI). ·~ .. ,,. ... r..&m•·----2 2 --·-i=--...cra-..... .. 2 11 ....-.--. .... t .... a.ar. . .......... .. - • • ft~ l&iAJa) spmi. lll'ATIOlf TEctMJS='" ., .............. -.,..-.,.,, -- GmC'DAL WWWI JlftAL WD. =:·~"C.:·'= ----,..:::.."'I!:. ...... 81011111 L. w. rm __ .. _ lf.!,,"":.:i ~ ~- oxa · TOil lttnfia " llOHI •pc .,..,... .... Llttwat IPOllT!ltn:.t.11 &A.WT& SPORT llBOP ·-aad lloT• ~ 0a9P&ete u.. o1 Bttntrtrr I07 Ku1M An. ..,.._ Isle _..,. a BONDll L81TSR A CO . --Loe--~-· IDO& w. O.tnl .1..... rt ... Tel. Ba.rber 117 D&A.N' W . C411PBm..L COLIN W ............. 8-dom.,mL_ .. Loe-ll - TAU lllaVICml BAl.BC>A CDtCLa TAXI -tlleNewpoltllubor..,_ st-Bout RelJ&ble 8aniee 1I01 w. Oull'al ...... Bar. -.. __ TAU ...... __ Nl:WPORT -COftA 11118-" T&XI 00. ..... ......... ~ •eo..t- J)WllOLlft'ElllNO - CLA.t1DS A. JOH.tf90M ....-- Toar Pw ..... e.ttC¥t ... --WI Newport 95-nl. -. lll'f·W -.........,.~ ...... ,-..... Woad.,,, . --.. ----... pelt ... -·•llll' 811 co.: c.11 ........ .,, 7 I .---.,,··-~ • ----~~-. ., •. ·-·'Le . "· ~·-.....,. . • - ' • • ' 2 ' . aaaw 1••eet 1149zt p rt • 1 .. • e ~RISE News , ~ the -OP CHlllST a R--A~nr . .._ Q o ............ , s ...,_ I.AA • • • , &.. D t G 'St •ts' • ....... ftlll&ll9 111••••=. 7 ............ ·.'.'1 · OllR LADY Of' MT. CA••L ooer.&PM' •MJ .. CWGCm ...._~ ll a.-.,. 2 I all~-la~ daJ_.!I!: ..... rblp ,_ Wlill Oestbllt AYWM .... IE• ri •• MAG ....... r N--T HAii- _,. ewW-te bu bem • ..,... I : 8 -JO UL HI Q:' •1 .. 0.--· · at beedquarUn. or at tile Court O F r-: a.• _,. ,.;., S&•lea g.-!' 10 L m.. l:30 l.UTMUAN CHU- ...,_ WWPONJ U1 ~ NEWS-TIMES IWMI •• ca a ... II • EE E r:-:z= , a_., E E •a YE WWW ' Howe. or at home (tblo ._ wa •:OD lo l:IO --7:.llO lo P. m. and 7:30 P. m. _., GllOllll, -- -.-.i-aa-_._at ti....,,.,._ Ill Noapao.,.B1 1' ~!_ .. llatslnc to tile ndio, or 1:ao p.m. · .. --,...,,, l!l'MH ' cam-. -the .kt ot -S. 1879 wa~.._ the jreClnct •ttturm W rGIJWIU .... WWW ~t?:n: ~. JO:llt Lm. Cllllllllo._ ~ rE·n1.._,.w, Es 1'E a • ,_,,~ ~ ID .Adt-~!ID --Ill OI llo ts Sl.'111 --to ttll -: -..00 --1D llll - oome In, and !lnaJly be bu -ST • .KIHN VIANNaY CHUllCH fW CJOlll'A ... . J"tt ~ , , • . P.= to bed wmed at victory, or fear ..,_ ,_ Twnp•r-loao-..--., .._ nDNDLr ™ W F DIXON , , • , • -~ Kttz ful of clefeat, or under the t""2 ~ Kw: 8:80 LID. r.,..... Jfd BJN& Clll1lWlll IP!··~ ... '!ltins~~Plan~~t.:_· ~aou~_:w~. _!:O~;en~tr~'ll!!~"'~-~~N~ .... ~pal~~rt~B~-~ ... ~-~~a.~11~ .. ~-·~·~1 lllon -~-~ty ~~ acsot ~: llatmdl,Jw fron -· --0. -., ·-"'0.--:. coma:--_,.• ~ races. ~·.11111:' T:IO to 1 :80 p.m. .. t a Ile.. Dw_.. •M , flldm Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach the races are not "'ttled until -.n Meetlns ~ ID the Wo-i ' A lk t"o 1-i IE Pl•"m m 0-ft JI'-the ""'1ntlng of the aboentee b411, OOl?ONA DJ:L -..&& !bll"llll' Sdloo? 9:30 L m. S·-'-~'-?'I' ,,.,_ , ~ lotz, oomKUNDT ll<lnllDc _. -10.4 ........, ........, e:e L m. · The next morning, when the ...,, mm.ce. OONlll!J',OATIONAL ~ w•loo l:GO p. m.' Wanblp ~ll:OO L m. • Ill laal'AJIAlll IT. , Active Member of IUlts are favorable, the ptiooe Perry Frelerlck Scbrodr. lillnllter ---1:30 p. m. YOUllS l'OOP•• www•lte -6:301i~=====================;;. rings, and keeps on ringing; and 6ll Hellotrope Avenue 1:-. ~-•Ice at P. m. the telegrams begin to arrive. eor...a deJ Mar 7:30 o'-. EvaPnc ~tic ~ ~le who haven't bean! the Sunday, November 17, l9t6 'J'Ue9do!' ewmlbc pr.,,.. wtloo 7 :30 P. m. Ona! rezulla, and people who have. 9:30 Lb. Cbun:b a<hoOl at 7:30 o'clock. ~ meetlnc-?<e P. m. Fri- Congratulatlons. good 1fW>es, .,., ll!OO a.m. Momin& ......i11p. s..-, -,, home ol_llrz. Hume, ultatlom; the clellght of precinct moo by Mr. Scbrodt: "Suppooe , A osdlal --to oil. Lefs Work Together :.:":ri.e0~ ..:;"!,. ~ w. Try J~ Also." Christian Scienc:e Topie eo&TA •UA co••UNPTY . relax for the tint time ?n weeks. F'lllST CHURCH OF' CHlllaT, 'Mortals arid Immortals' CHURCH Now that the shouting has died (and the pouting too, we There la a feeling of conflclence SCIENTIST Till• declarztloa ot Pau? to tho Carl L J-ll' M?n- hope) it's possible to look over the state and national polltl, among the members of both Jln!•t L!clo ~. CenUal A-uo G&lauana will be the Golden Ten 1M L -et. Phn M.,.11 cal landscape with a calmer e= and observe just what the polltlcal partlez that we are start, aod Via L!clo ol the Bund&J Leaaon·Sel"lllOl1 on CJ>un:b OC-. t:.a a. m. ,_ . Ing a return to repreaentatlve A -at 'nae_._ CJ>urdl, "Mort&la and Immortala" la all _,.,,... W~ 11 o'clock. full results of the great ballot whirlwind are and what they government, and away from bur, TU J'lrd Cbun:b at ~ Bel, brancbea o! Tho Mother Cburcll. TOil~ Hip IJDlloo?, I> a.re likeG to mean in the next two years. eaus and regulations. The candl-enu.t. ta BoPon, v--C'buMtt• The Tint Church ot C.b.riat. Sclen-~ Adult. e:ao p. m. d t alizes h frl da Bunda 8cbool Ult. in Bolton: '"Thou art 110 more ~ ~ T:SO o'dock. Quite obviously we have reached the virtual end of one a e re ow many en 1 at 8:80 L m. B1m-• •e"aa~ but a aoa: aad If a aoa, ~· . he has, and how they have stood day a.mce at 11 L m.. Wedll-'•• then an h t t God th b -.--week teDOWlll:dp t.Dd prqw, political cycle and have started on another. And unless the wtth him. These are the rewards T-thnontai KeeUns at u 0~ Accord!~~ 0 to Mat::e'!·. c~;.~ Weda•ar. T:IO p. m.. tradition of many decades is broken in 1948 the Republicans of public office. Reedlnc Room located at lll "«"'•t multitude• came unto" Jeaus 11 L m,, l'ra19r "'d 11enDoD. appear certain to follow \Jp their coog:resslooal victory b'f take There la the other side ol the Palm ztreet, Balboa, ,. -dall)I "ba'ring with them those thot we..: picture. It ii not a nice side. It from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except &,m.. lame. b1lnd, dwnb, maimed. and ""ing over the White House too. keeps good men out of public da)'a and bolldQll natlm.tlly QI>. man1 olhen, and cut them down How President Truman and the GOP-dominated congress life. Every candidate expects per, -at Je .. •' feet: and be healed them." ~ nal d f Mark re1atee, .. And the1 bring unto will get along remains to be seen, But in the interests of the 90 • an ° ten libelous attacks. Tho public Pa cordlally bmt.d to him one that wu deaf, and bad an , In this campaign of Jeft-wtng des-attend tbe clnucb 11e1"Vio--""' U9I tm .. ....11.m t J bl b national welfare both congress and th~ pres1dent should seek peration, they were worse than the ReaAtns Room. -be~ i~m nto ~:r;:. ~~d !!:~ to work together. To do this Mr. Truman may be called ever before. rm accustomed to him. ... And looking up to heaven, .._ W- upon to accept--0r at least, not to vet~e legislation hear that I'm physlcal?y incapable aT. JA .. Ea EPISCOPAL he olgbed, and oalth unto him, Epb-Oll:NUAL lllP:PAlllB ' . . ot doing· the work required in the CHURCH phatba. that ta, Be opened. And Jl.&INTD'ANCJS which he does not personally favor. Since the Republicans, office tor which I am campaign, 515 war Contrao, Bal-•tr&tghtwa1 hi• ea.ro ... .,,, opened, hl"'llDJ'ever, have just received a mandate from the people he ing, and I've outlived the three and lbe •ll1nc or hi• toque wu ..,.....,. (I.bell ClubhouM) loosed. and he spake plaln." should be willing to go along with them, at least to a reascm,. most active spreaders of this Rev. Ardy1 T , Dean, Vicar MUJ Ba.ker Eddy wrttes tn "Sct-bl ~~ rumor. I've heard that my several 1 :30 &. m .. Holy QJmmunlon. ence and Health wlt.b Key to the I. e uq;a;~. , trips abroad have been pa.id for 9:'6 a.m., Sunday &cbool Scripture•: .. "Sight. be&rtnc. all the At the same time, Republicans should recognize that their by anyone _trom one of the major 11 :00 L m., Momin&" Prayer and eplrttual 1en11e1 of man. are eternal. • Brand New Equipment for Rental • <lDlm!!lT atxm • POm u.wa • w•ce•••PSOWll AIB TOOLS • 1111 0-F .IL l'OBTABJ& AIB 0011P11S1180B8 PNBt1ll&'l'IC I fiDD . 'l'&&Ol'OU WiiB BJ.ADD Al.llO I OONCBl:TE BB:&\Ul'fG AND 8ANDBLA8'11NG SZBVKZ ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contractors Equipment & Supply -1'--A-I Ba. W.t ol Newpon 1111"9 Boetll. el .1• M., a.ta.-. .....•• , •... PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service OOLIN F. llBOWN ,(-llM) 111..,_A--lzL • #&f8M)l'AN9 • 91.m090N& D.0. Dr. W. T. Mooaey l'ln1zlclllla .... 8wgw ~ ... Osattal ..... , ..... _...) ........ triumph at the polls was primarily a protest against the party oil comparu .. to Mrs. Nellie Cof, Sermon. (Flrzt Suad&yw: a.,i., They cannot be lo•l Their rea1117 ~/ _ In I • to th t f --' 'th d fman of Palm Springs. I would Communion ) and immortality a.re ln Splrlt and -,,.. 1.--------~---. I PHISIOIAlf8 a BUBOalONll, ~ power. ts now up em o co~e . ?rwru.u. Wl a SOW1 have been honored. had the latter · understanding, not In matter, -Ji p<OgrllDl and to justify the resporunbility which has been been the cast, but I'm •till able BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL bence their perm&nence." Bolu,,-e-f'O"'I ~~ ;..,.W...,..?J'~ A. V. Andrews, M. D. placed on their shoulders. to pay my own way, thank you. 211 Agata Avenu. no: NEWt"OK'l ' HARBOR Aa~ Wu. thil\ed ,..._ ~ As for c.alifomia the voters have shown that the heavy I've heard that 1 went to Sacra~ Rev. Harry W. Whtte, LUTllE&AN OllUROB 901 0-. ....., .,.. ~~ '°..::. ~ ~ PBIWQIAN -ll1JJIGmGN' , • . b ch mento poor and came back well· A..aclate Paator (To be located on Cllff Drive Pboae B·· ._ Mil 6.tJDlll'I, • 11&1m Democratic registration means little. The margins Y whi off. Fortunately, the llrst 1tat0n Cl:11m:1> Scbool, 9:SO L m. Newport Heights l _ ... _., mnoa they elected GOP candidates to all the top offices left no ment is not c:o~t nor, un!or, Momtng Wonhlp , 11 L m. "A Change!eu Oirlat for a ::;;;;;;~~~~~~~~;;;• J ' -""::.:"'::.. ...._.-=-- doubt that they were fully in accord with the national trend. lunately, the latter. Any think, Changing World!" I PHONE llAJIBOB - Ul 0...-lll&lowat. -aR '"'·"' Clo.-dol lfar . i • _ , • Ing person realizes that men tn FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 9 30 °' With the results of the voting now clearly deternuned all public Hie today, particularly in G. Edwin Oollor, p.-: a.m., church ochool; l0:30 F 0 R SIGNS 1 a.m., divine worship. citizens, regardless of party, should join together who e-the Legislature. can not serve Euclid at Stanford, Gardon Grove. -Servicez at Present- beartedly to achieve what is best for the state and for the there without drawing on their 8 :SO LID. Churel> zcbool for all Grauel Chapel, no Broadway, BEN EDICT own incomes or their own re-..-.. C.O.ta Mesa nation. , . sources. These rumors ,and worse U :OO Lm.. Momtns Worabip: Re Let us not forget that we are Amencans first. Party are like gnats around the head K-: ''Wo -·-~ _,_" v. Herbert C. Roth, pastor, .. ~ .. ~ 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Wand. The at-Man membership is decidedly of secondary importance. o! a candidate. and the tu.torl, 11:00 Lm. NW90ry for all cbll, Phone Harbor 2l~J. 0 BOAT ~G cal result ls to arouse the can-dnm. durlinc eervlce. "Come Once-You'll Come Armand Monaco ABqlllDOT SU W. Bay Ave., Ball.- _HK 1711 t••.-OCNS A""' t.. ~·Es NOm ·Q MM, Consistency, Please didate's friends to action. In 1942, 8:00 p.m. Met.bodlat Youth .r.i .. ---:;:::=~A=g~ain~. ~!"~=~=~~=~A~SPECLU;~~~T!'~~·~·~· ~~ two workers Qu.it my then-oppo-t.ow.bip. Young Adult P'el.low61p.. nent's campaign, refusing to cir-T:OO p..m. Even.in• WonhJ.p:-Ir------------. R. L HOLFORD IADdt!eape Dezlper AlthoUgb Francisco Franco, the Spanish dictator, Is thoroiigbly disliked by almost all members of the United Nations-and this is as it should be-the efforts to make his government a complete outcast in international rela, tlons has some rather absurd aspects. One in particular is the fact that Argentina, which did much to aid the Axis during the war, and even now is said to be harboring many thousands of Nazis, is a member in good standing of the United Nations. In other words, the UN Is aiming to blackball Franco because of his support of Hitler and Mussolini and because Spain is a ''threat to world peace," but et the same time the UN does nothing al>out one of its own members which also gave support to the Axis "twins", and is much more of a real threat to peace than Franco i'.s ever likely to be. There will be few tears shed if the UN "quarantines" Spain. But the world organization should be consistent and apply the same treatment to any other countries which de- serve it. Reds in "Red" U Hollywood has been worried about possible competi, tlon from Riws!an films it would appear that such WOtTY can cease forthwith. Reports from Moscow indicate that the Reds are getting pretty deep in the "red" Oil their movie making. Ooe 1'1!82 &Oil for this is that Soviet movies are made to support the propaganda line which the Kremlin puts out But the ''line" changes so often that by the time a film is rea.dy for release it Is frequently out of date. Pictures mating more than $2~ million made this year were not shown for that reason. Well, at lee.st the Jb1S"iBl!S are leamiog the Hollywood technique ol kicking a few m!Illon away here and there. "Business" as Usual . Regardless of seasons, rega.rdJess ot econoinlc cycles there Is ooe "bwiness" whlcb every year "earns'' mlllkxw of dol- lars. Better 1:111shiess Bureaus througbout the country are very much interested in it, pertkuJarty In finding ways to put It out of business. This "business" has many persoDI ~ In It and it a~ in many different fonns and under many dltfermt guises. It's the hist" sa ot reJlevlng the unwary ot their mcney through trlckery ot ooe kind or another. Sometimes these tricks are tedmkally within the law. Aa an example, a recent report from New York states that accls dent insurance policies are being sold which loOk like reel bar-- pins. 'Ibey COit little and apparently promi8I! much. But when the insured attempts to collect he finds that In the fine print ot the policy ao many restrictklm and provtaimm bave been aet up that In a grmt many instances he can't collect at UL . '11-pollde8, let us hasten to say, are NOT be1nc IDld by by reputable inlluraDce cxmpan!es. ' It'• a good. idea to go Blowly, wbeD you're otrerttd a "bar- pin" In llDY ... _ deaL u you ba~ llDY ,.. ... to be ... pldolw check up Oil the pe18tlll or perm -imw the otfei.. YCllll' .-rmt Better Dwti 111 Bureau will &ladly es!st )'OU. YCllll' local t.nJrer will mo be bappy to.help )'OU. , ' culate similar statements. Vsnsce: "Come Ye U•e." This canipalgn in the 22nd Dis- trict broke all records. The same sort of campaign was carried on in other Districts. For that rea- son on ly, I am thinking of setting down the details, documenting them with facts, and wlth names, ln this column. I want the' good 8EVENTll DAY ADVllNTJSTS Comer Bolaa and Old Country lid., Costa Mesa Sabbath school, Satunlay morDs Ing, 9 :30 o'clock. Preaching ...-vice, 11 Lm. people of Orange and Riverside FULL GOSPEL CHURCH and Imperial counties to recog-22nd and Elden, Coda Me.. nize and to condemn what we all Sunday .chool, 9 :44; mora111& now call the "CI().PACtype" of <ninhlp, 11; ~ _., campaign. This is the campaign T:ao p. m..; Kid-week prayer meet- based on the propaganda theory iDc oa Wedneea&.y 7:60 p. m..· that a small lie (like the ones youns peopl•'• ~ aervtc; that Phillips, or Gearhart, or on P'riday, T:'6 p.. m. whomever it mJght be, had voted against the veterans) lf constant-AMJ:MJUJZ8 or OOD ly repeated, would eventually ins 11_,.,. ud 14a 8..a.,. PM._. nuence votes. It wR•ked from • .... -·tfteaa Lest• llaU, lltlt that to the outright and admitted aac1 Ce.traa Aft. libel that, in my cue, I had '°""" Sunday IChoo?, 10 Lm. time or other spaken favorably Mornlq: aervtc:e u of the HlUer system. I spent the Even?na ~tic~ at better part of two years trytnc 7:a::> p.m.. to warn the people of California Mid-week aervtoe 'l'bunday I of what I 1aw in Germany and T;30 p.m. • a Russia in 1935 and 1937. The radio and the .,.,..papen finally r~ CHlllaT CHUllCH BY THE •EA fuled m,y opponent'• advert.i&lnc, eommunlt)' Mtthed• unless It were accompalned by a 14ao war ConMI "- bond. set In aeveraJ cues at $50,· Rev. a. o. GoodMf, Putor 000, to Pl'l)tect the paper from Cblln>I> lld>ool, l :to L m. libel sulL I can uaure them they X..,.. Wonlllp, 11 L m, would have had one! Even the Youth~ e p.°m.. patience and good,bumor of an EwnPna Worzblp 7:30 p. m. experlencod candidate la not !ft, Mid-.-Pl'7>1W ~ woci. exhaustible. nema,i oo••ed dlllb. dbmer, 1:11 So I lhall count ten, and llDl'ftr p. m. my mall, and catdl up on the =---------- cletalll ot the Job ol belnc a eon.. ed on the platform that the 80tb sr-nw>. I thank all tllOle who Sealon of the ~ will be voted for me, and partlcular!y one of the moat PmPortant ?n the t.ha.e who WOl'ked ao 11nwl0ab'Jy hiltory of the United Statea I for what I bellew to be the cauae rPae to remark that evidently ii,. of good sovmunenL I campalcn, people of the Un!ted Stata aaree. I P.APALMER LIDO JSm PiL UU:W w. Q BlXX-~eo..-n- ~-ni~ t:ir~ .. II MAii• SERICE • SHELL ·aa ' BALBOA 151 AND For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' HARDWARE • It's the . 23rd .I: Central Ph ,· 2800 ' Does Yoaa Hoase Need Pallillllg? A No=.L=-Wn.._' .m ·= ... .... ..J ... &1 ... =. A Owwd ..... II .... llf Wldl W11r D Vd•M II II S,_11 SF , ........... -• It I • J'w lhw .,, 0 2 .,.._BARBOR Z64& Lee c. -- • ' Ooola MeM ---"-1175 OIDBOPBAC'l'OBS wii'·z Dncl • h tltate n..·.w-o.w- OllrOpract1c, Dietetics, Phyislo a: Cololllc Therapy llM °"°"* Jlhd,, -Le·--- DAY ?IOllOOL Mortimer School •. Oonl •·•·· ...... DAI ?IOllOOL ol'll!f8 C>0:r 1 -: (loll, ..... MmJ O. A._, IL A., O>lf<d .. , .... ..._ ........ Dr •. Obed Lucu DllNDft lt&WEOWI ••m DB. OOBDON &. aAl'P Dl!N'nln' . --Olidlol ......... -.. !I',.,.. . ENTAL csoo. wwwo•n Harold K: Gnuel Chapel ..,.aw..,.a..s.u..._ tor I ltlioe Qllton--· -.OzlFa -CkF ' ft.&lfO""*M . v eda 'l'lmpoa ••••• 11111 .John IL 0. Chang. IL D. ..,.,. .......... ,. 2 2 4 7-8:30 and by appointment Beaooa 50'15 1JO -lltli ·--..... Ooota -<loSSf<lnda Lamaee B. Dorey, IL D. Physician & Surgeon Ul lllartna Ave., ............ --- Gordon IL Gnmc!J, IL D. PHYSICIAN and SURGl!ION Balboa Inn Arcade Ofllce Hrz.: 10..12 Lm.; M p.m. Phone Hart.or lr1 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pio*'• ......... Haurw: :HS,.i.y Appoln-t · Tt..-Be· '"' Mal U1 ·--Ooota - IQltoe IL lluftD, IL D. 11F1 °"°"* --011 ....... <>moo -: 10-12; H --1- , T. P. Be&dW', IL D • Wm. L. lpheJ, IL D • .., ,, ... kas • IMI w. Csstrsil om.t -----•'d'saes .. .-. 11,._W IV&tfita• Raub & Ben•eU I ;4wa ... b1tz1 I ...... -.-- TE J2 • R11 llllW ., •• o ......... ..... TEsEa • .... . CMl'QMWI N'IW &r.Bztllli:ww ... O.D.. O;I s• .. .... -·-··-mw IRlftM:lA--... mu a 1m1 ·m rs ..... -..-... ....... ..a - BebatA.CDwfGl'd .ar ... -. ···= ---··· -~- ; - . GARDEN AND ·PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Coninder ft '?:. ! • -• • •. J ..... .,.. . .... COSTA ...... LAUNDRY - ONE WW llDVl<JIC Broadway Cleailen Ul nro.dway 0--. Kem ft. B• cm 5721 BltlTEB QUAlll'Y 01' DBY CLMNINO 5 DAY SEBVl~FRD.: DELIVllKY e On:N MrmU>&Y .&rn:IUllOON8 e Your pass to Carefr• Motorl19 ...,...__.. ... t .•. wbaa O:se1wNmonal Credit Card U ll004 ac all s.·+«d ln±es, Jae.. wl Clanroa G"u Sndms Jo die W• ••• wl 611 lesdina pa aatioas iD m. nsc of m. Uohed Scams aod Caned. l(a a NU,...., canfrw mocoriq,. .. · ' I • ,_ al clo1lllht ............ u... ·----..;;... ~ pilsued dty ud ocwt:t pewned qr llOld by Webb ud bis police ID <:lrollp, -ud ~. San -..., -.Otleo ID 1be How .. ..,., Ibey --_ 1be re- put ynr wue beUeftd necr .,. w;aed. mat.ertal,• wmtb .... 111 Ju-...... tbe --with !be -·ncl --'lbe jewtiry tn- arreot.of. • Costa -mall """' eludes Sold railroad ---Ill IRlcl to have walked Into the rinp, -i.. rare ooim ancl oth« llberiff'a -laat Saturday to It.ma. admit bla ollepd -!----------- Deputy Sberifb M. D . Wll1lana MEN w OM EN ancl Herman Stahl aald Ibo unst • of. the Costa M-man ancl . ~ . -..tuaDy bla RCC<llllpilee ii f!X· Prostate ••• Petris pect<d to clear up the other burs---Among the reoooaed Items are abotcuns, ndioa, an alnnft re- coivlng .. t, watchs, a movie .......... clofhM. two Jan tilled with jewelry -old -cub, • ~Jlk,...-. • stamp album. piltola, a mbanutA!r, • aet of silverware, a vacuum cleaner and six canaries. ......... , ... , ...... .......... M*.,=:619 .._ ••w. ..... Jae ... CR 'if ...... -......... ,.._ _.,-,,-. .. ... _..,M122 4 - IT'S YOUR GLANDS Saputo· Orchestra to . Play for Peace Officers' Ball The llllverware bas been Identi- fied by a Norwallt resident ancl the •lamp album ii tboucht to bekx>s to Ronni A. 1bcm._ Red Hill rood, Tllltln. The officen aald at leut 30!~==========~ 0ran.., county 11urs1ar1es wm be I, cleared up by the unst Of Webb. 'lboy aald they believed much o! ----------Featurlnc a pJaxy or •tan ... $2.!50 per <X>Uple, lncludlnc tax. F . . hooded by ~ Lynn, v.-1-Tickets are available at all law Orted Migration lot, Frankie Saputo and bla or-enforcement headquarter& S b·. t f Book chestra wW again otter the music tbroqhout the county or trom U Je<: O for the annual benefit bOll of the committee members comprlaed of __ Oran&e County Peace Of!lcen R. L. Morris, Call!omla Hi&l>W&Y BERKELEY _ Sociologl.c&i ef· Aan. at Rendezvous Ball Rocm, Patrol, IUchanl Bradley, Sant.:> feet.I of the forced wartime eva<1l· Balboa, Friday, Nov. 22. at 8 p.m. Ana police dept., Huey Lace, ation and detention of more than Staged annually !or the benefit Newport Beach police dept., Roe-100,000 person1 of Japaneae an- ot member law enforcement er Sherman, Anaheim police dept., cestry from the West Cout are groups throughout the county, and Herman Pause, State Board considered in books being pub- General Chairman Jack L. Cuey• o! Equalizatlo"'. Saota Ana. Ushed by the University of !;ell· Santa Ana police dept., umted Departing this year t'rom pre-!ornia Press . by George Pletta., central comm. Yious custom. oommlttee memben Dr norolm-Swaine Thomas chairman, of Laguna Beach pulire wll 1tage the benefit without the poof.;...,. o! rural IOdolOBY ln th~ dept., promiael to exoee<I all pre-aid of outside agencies. Proceeds Uni..,ralty CoUe.., of Auiculture vious efforts in an evenin1 of dJ. ot the ball are devoted to lick· wu in charge -of the studies which venllied entertainment. ncket1 oea and death benefits of auocla· were financed by the Rockfe\ler tb.ll year are priced at Sl.25 each tton members. and the Columbia foundations. SOFT WATER The !Int book o! the series ln· terprets three and a hall years EVERYTHING .. Qmllty REFRIG~TION AlrCuw11 ....... of study in varloys camps set up m a. i.. ~ ..., •=t , by 'the government agencies, willi Pll.-e MD .. • • • • NOW AVAILABLE Klrste• Photo-Elechic Pilot Automatic Steering for·Commerctal and Pleasure Craft -ALL VOLTAMY • Sol ... £. Namd . Reverse Gear Control • ' ; ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 1920 1000 CoMt lllway 1'bcme ·-llGn • El.ECTRICIANS C-0-:l'Wo l'lre Bqalpu •* fw l!'&Ol'OKY, l'LUIT, llTOlll:, Ol'l!'KlS, 11'.&aM, BOIG - OIVE8 YOU QIMAIQNQ 8.JLVER ••• SPARKl.INO OLA118WAU -Dl!QDll Ao low u $2.50 per month Good Roads Lead To Joshua Tree, Bemadino Co. particular reference to the 18,000 '------'==-==----..: evacuees who were segregated 1tl ~:;::;::;::;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;:;;:;~:;;:;~~:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Tule Lake. r llOl'T W&TEll 8ESVJOZ '11 a.. tH., N-rt A STA t>ARD OF CALIFORNIA SERVICE -•llU MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE .,... a.- llect·eleel Work 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PRON.I!: R.A.BBOB %1%5 ·~ e T.U.Ym ... oe IX JIOTOIUI Sl:Bt11LT • T.-11po • .........,. • Next time, try S•P's low-cost chair car service to Chicago • ,,.., . ·""""""· .. _, .. enjor all tbne °" yoar Dal trlp Kut. Go Tia modenl, .. '.~t chaircu lnoneol. ti-dally Loo~ traim °" Soutbem Plci1lc:'1 famed Goldm State RoGte: IOlMll STAH U•ITD_. -.. ID Chicaa<>; the f.wt, noatra-fare Loo ~traininbiotmy-witball -DUlllbtnld and ·-•eel in..._ Loa-Loi Aniides 11:15 L m. daily; •• ,, .. Oricaao l:JO p.m. eecond Ur !ollowina. - • Auto Painting S50 udUp 1lm E M--Tbenewtr•-oontinrntal tnla oporatilljJ throqb -· hiollarie Imperial Valier. a ,_,t addltloe ID oar Golden !lallt Roota ••lco-lllld juat SM-.. 1Dcmc...,I la-1.a•AnaeJee ilm L m. daQn aaita K17777 Qty l.:to L m., Qricqo S:l.5 p.s ... •""1 c11;r followlDs. . Cbaln:ar ...................... a1oo ..... able0Gtbe"4;11i-,Joa'linal.ol,.,... lmat8p.m. DilbtlJ, witb lhroasb-•icA ID O>ica&O, Meaiphia aDd Fort Worth. n.-••• , ....... ._.'-. 1 1111 .. 01 a ... ..,,, ...... ............................. , ... .. S•P · ••• f 1l1alll1 S•••••r• hclllc E. B. Sharpley, Dis&rid Agent _._ ~ ..... - t • Co.authored by Dorothy S. A bright 1pot on the Call!or-Thomas and Richard s . Nlshl- nla tourist """'' Is the Joshua moto the book will be bUshed Tree Nadonal monument and lov-' pu , en of scenic beauty should note in Nov~ber under the title, -nie it as a .. must see" on their sight· Spoilage. aeelng agenda. ------ -·-LOS ANGfllJ -.YWOOO ·---.......... '°""""' IJYIHIOI ....., ..... SANTA MONICA LESTER & Co. M-'-Lot A.,.u, Stodt Ex.,,_p I 2004 WEST CzNnAI. AVE., NnvPO&T BEACH liAaBOR.1374} INVISTMIHt SICUllTIIS TO Mm THI IHYIUOIS' NllDS Thi. recent addition ·to our Na· All kinds typewriter rtbbona ts tlonal Park system b located m 1toooc~d<~a:t~tbe~~N~e~w~•~n~m~'"~·--~~====~=:==:==:==:;;:==:==:=~:=:==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~ San Bernardino county and oon-- silts of almoet a million acres of aome ot the OlOlt beautif'ul desert and mountain country to be found anywhere. There are good road& through- out the area and thooe who enjoy hiking may clJmb mountains, ocale rocks the size o! of!lce bull~ or explore numerou1 caves and in- triguing byways. Equestrians will find miles of lnvltlng trail· ways for riding parties and cam~ Ing expeditions off the beaten paths o! the motor highways . ~ area is rich ln the quallty and the variety o! vegel&tloo ancl many of the species found are extremely rare. Freakish ancl fantutic rock formations provide unusual subject material for the artist or camera enthuslut. The town of Joobua Tree la lo- cated at the northwestern en- trance to the monumen.t and here · you may obtain excellent meat. and accommodations for a health- ful and pleasant stay of days or weeks. The climate is mild ~out the year with warm, SWlny ttays and cool, ref:reshln& nights. The Joshua Tree National Monument is located 130 miles east of Los Angeles Via Routes 60, 70 and 99 to a polnl 15 miles east of Banning, thence north- eut on the 29 Palms highway to the town of Joshua Tree and the park entrance. Sewage Survey Will Be Reported At Anaheim Meet Fint progress report to be m.. sued to the public by the county's new sewerage survey wW be pre- sented Nov. 29 at a dinner meet- ing at Anaheim Elb 0""'"1'-. ca!e. To be invited wW be the mayors of all Oranae County dtlea. reprtRUtatfvn trcm: var- ious chambers o! cortunefCO, di- rectors ot the Oranae Counl'f Water District, board or .IUJIO" vi-.. Oran&• County outfall _... system. county health ci.- partmient and the erct11ras. I ·BALn . MORTUARY -t- Lady Attendant -t-_.. Real.et that lmpul.ae to look • where you're not going. 'Ca111e It takes only a split MCOnd to eplit a fender But if It should happen to you, don't be downhearted. Unwrinklin&' sheet metal ill one· of our talents • Alllllliwl ' •I'• Wtlee •n•,.. Pt tile •ti• of m'oha•lee no._.._ Fd fib. bool<: ti.at .......... .,. tralllld la .... •!6odl, -..... " .......... .. ..... _.,.. ,. ...... ~"'· . . . ' . So for -klll4 . .,, ••lee • JIDlll' -, ... wlllk ·w •a CMP!eal, lllllls )'OW .... "Bick ._,,•We -&a '"'Gi!f wlllk wtll Ill ._ llf ;1lr D4 d a fair..- -11 --•••= IUE•-1111!11·• CllWMI ~T-... t.M. For prompt S•ivfw, Falrlr Priced • ~ -' • • THEODORE ROBINS ..... o .... : .... • • ....... ., a pzzs 12 • , ' • < ' I I ' I • • • • I • • • • • • •pat B·eauticians fer MJleds e hi II ODld .. _ 8llr ._,L ..... n.... ...... ·ssm. ---"Fie • JfO W.&nllfQ Cnaw u4 8aft v _ _,-,.'V' .-·"""' ... -· • a a ,:c:: ...:...-an~---, ' \ Balboa lnn Beauty Salon ...... ~ • _ ............ . Olltdorable I.EA'tBER SPORTSWEAR BAND IUDS • &.um 'IOOLlllD SaNlal• s w~ . l'llrw • Bella • Watch Strapo s WalJeola om>-NOW 1'0• ClillDftUI SID'S SHOE SHOP Virginia Bells \ •.•... Ho•se ·of Bea•ty .................... h .. Pbo•e Barbor . 1817 • ScoutPa 110 Meets Friday Local Girl Oil Board l)isbesaed Airliner Dad I ID 119 -af Ille i.c -· 11 at Ille Ncwpat -~~ -• ..., -· ~ • II • hi 0 • ~ ~ -~ ~ -WI --· N ~ •• ~ _. _ lled-n • •ed br tM a.II Qr +r •ehool ~ ---mn • « - - , -• -.. .. .... um::a -aiaum. ..... mq ..._, .-.... .._.......__. ua _.-. -• -ID.119 -a.tw.., -t11e -al ~ te1tte af Ille art af Duaa 111 • '!'11.Mmt 8' 10 ua.-. -P*'* •rt• IP'ddlT --llfn. wu...r E. 'Cale af um i-----------'.i af 11fn. -L. J~ • 1, wm id Ille .., al IWllOa 080 -1llil ... at T:IO pa Ill tllo --<loft 1.o_,. rtlUrmd h · ./lluu,! I I · Doan C.-at 10 a.m. and lands arr ~ '* .... '21 S -fll him Jtablli Ge-of tlle !tcwpca:t-Bled. 01"•;1••:!"-, ome wUJ be w ed'at noon, the --w at Ille r.w--·-mtt. --.. -taaT ol -. -ol the I Ian ID ~ ewnlac wllll a ltGr7 af .• '1\<; "Cap'n" Don • e~,i (JI,,' -::"'.:.!'::: =--~ I>. Combination Dinnen I>. :NewudU. •I Seafood Spedaltiea feaba'lal .;_,. pie, turtmy ..-. af tho Cloola JI-FlldQ -. Ncwpwt -Girl -~ 119 .....,z 1u11c.• ..,_lure to tell. -. eolo liaW, 1 Hirt -ca(. -duj> t0119 -~. -· ~~" E:.di,Cllb who la --In -wllll ber ll'Ul!Par-fee. 'l!IO crud nme pdllO la a 15 at 2 p.DL ID IAlkm MIL -rrnon af the GiWllw baud by 1111 _, will hlw a ...._ en11, Mr. and Mrl R. 1 Cole o1 _., award o1 S100 -ott.r '--'-tkmwl and --. wlB hl>e a ~ IDHliwl al 1:30, lo crab far a prillO In the 'crab ~--~-· · -· . pcc«cC91 the tnlnla& -· bmt. Al lhla meeting aw-~-~~. ahe had been --=-:1 1~~':1 ~ llfn. S..iuwD'1 --._an AD Girl a-it lnkn, both -ment wW be made or Ille Olrill-Ille G. A. Ooleo In~- Tlcbll will be llOld by Mn. H. ·--o1-and ---pr.-.1, .. -.. "'--~. Retllrnlnc ....... __ w .. M. Welab. for -•tine the -f« the llw leekn -. <»ltt' a are Plw ar the~~ made i.m Alrllner Ibey tried lo - 'Ibo ...,. Ebell art pvup wblcb ~ bollda7 -. Un-..-lo ·--• ••• -at a ,_tine or Den Mothen, beld at Loo An&ei..-~ but wee la In proc:ea or orcanhalion wW "'1lotlC lo any -lni-ted In the -" Tbunii.y at _the home ot Mn. H. _,_ away. hive a fine collection ot ort.rtnaJ US\W ~ wrap will be -.nec1. O. Boyvey, aDd at tllil time .nnr Goins to BuI:bank. the p0ot olll and water colon by local O!rlo-~ u -0 u Den Molhen ~ lnltructecl In tried tb brine Ille )>le plane -., artlllr-to sell, and this ~? new and ln'-tlnl --Women's LOfiion Post their -Mn. Comer WU but hit a power line, -·"• ment 1a 1n c:harse ot Mn. Ruth tr1mm1ic the Yule lift will To Install ficers :::J.u~ told the,.,~P or the owr pales. He manap1 1o 111oop Reinbold. den•Nbated. -v ooncer: t ........... the plane in the air but had dlf .. Mn. E. E. 80' ... MI will have TN -will be -Onnce ooulltJ'• -w-·· . . !lculey Pltinc altitude -..... a miniature Thrift SbOp with a J .C. Tallman, Helen Keeler, E. J. paot ot the Amerloan felon will ~~the evenJna WU tho eel around 00 low thll l'W"" 'CqtO oou.ctlon or. deolrable "wblte ele-Wrich I and M18 A11C1e Pl,_. lnltall otlleen ~ .,......... ol · Whl ,Swift Seon. putor could """ wt-ield wtpen -'<· phanll" for aale; Mrl.J Victor . -Nov. 18 at NewjMWI BMdl -., c:bairdi. '.:.....!,,,""'Ille Me-be oo .,.,.. -· and .,_. Gnee w111 ae11 -i-. F rth District PTA 1eu1 1c1on ball, hlvlnc -..s. 1n -~ who caw .., tho)' -... ..rel)' -u..e too. fruit calces -plum .. -... OU -by department.i ottk:ers In ~ -OD "Panbands 11nwlJ)' the plw la-• at wblcb .... .., --_.Meets Here Nov. 21 San~ that --~i:=.:"' :n.~1eoc:w u Loni:-. ID baur and a - and Mn. Frank Pftew take will be -ted by the niecutlve York c1~ ,..___ er In New late, mudl lo Ille ~ ol all ,,..,u1.ne sublcrlptlom. Memben ot the Fourth Dt9-baud In Jan.-y. =;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;,....;;;;; ... ;;;;;;;tho;;;;;;depr;;-;;;'on.;;;;aboud.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;.• 'lbs-e w!ll be • I for trict, California Consr-ol Par-Mn. EWlyn Hatoo Grant, who :- cooked food, In c:harse or Mn. enll ud TNc:llen, w111 be aDs orpnDed Ille paot and will be Ila Slddey Blackbeard and C. daJ. a-ta ol the Newpirt Harbor tint cilmmander, wile-. Ille M. Dealdna wUI hive planll and ., Union Rich Scl>ool 1'9reils Na&na! Lesion COii-iion In floweol. Mn. S. H. Heyman wlll Teec:hor 1-0lion CID Tbunda)', San Franc:laoo. She WU a mem- sell hand ....-ortlclea and Nov. 21 at tho bilh -audl-ber or Ille Marine --at there w111 be • opec1a1 table o1 tartum. 111.-.t 1a dlahtet chairman or 11a;ww • uraoA •rillmfta i THE Alll: -..-o "'U' SNACK BAR stfll, pnalded ...... by Mn. JUdt. Aalatln& -orpnlaatlom ...__ of ...... -for the .. I.. I -II nm -.. 0.1 ard GtJuner. Mn. Harriet Under-w!ll be Newparl Beach Grammu-Lesion. Dl!:UGlrl7ULLY DIFFERENT WNCllllONS wood wlll aell lovel)' fancy -Sc1>oo1 P.-T. A. and Coote M-O)ber 9ftlea• lo be inltalled llmart Aftel-. Ta lly Oez•s ...... l:IO .. II and Mn. Robert Allen wUI have Grammar Scl>ool P.-T. A. Rep. ore lftht vice cwnmander, Merna I t:r • + It .. '-. -for • dllpi.y or Jewtiry. tratlon w!ll be at 9:30 Lm. with ~; """""" --· Not rorsettlnc the )'OWICEr sen-tho praldent calling tho meetinc Edith Pub: adjutant, Martha Opoa W-.,_,. 11.-• I (01 11 nu ~) oration, Mn. K. V. Dllll w!ll hive 1o order at 10 un. Ow!ey, and chaplain, Louise Un-1~ OOAllT lit.VD. 110. e ·IN nm An "'WWW-•- •UDel and t0)'9 for sale. Tbett Mn. Daniel J n...•1-. state ooht. jlb~(;"r;'';•~=;• ;•~1M;·;111;•;•~1~•;;n ;•~·~·;·~•;;•;;•:•;>:::~ wUJ be ~ for canny lboppel's · ~,, and bi drawln& attraction wlll chairman of home and fllftlly life, f H bo Jj h 1 Bll:AOO N !'" .. he c (nJOEry ,!'°"th where ~.!:.i ~ ~ ·-=·.si!: ' ar r g ts » I L 1 · I 0 I 5 ~ 6 5 'w>clersthe-oounter lteml wlll be Ilion 00 thlt lul>ject by memben ~ . T H E A T R' E l:==================="" j • sold at recular pri<ft , pineapple or the district. Mulllc w!ll be BT llOLLY IUCDllOND ~ '=----------'I c:ocoonut and all thooe thlnp IO furnished by the hlah ICbool band Vietor)' V-ty -.. _ 111& • ,.._ .......... CHRISTIAN'S BUT 1-rd Manball. 11""811!1' ......... OtillfGnlla Balboa ...__atre bani to find. under the direction of LH Sawin, With a near 1core of 19-21 Har· "------=..------------'-' I ._ Lui, but not leu_t, by special with selectlom by the achool bor acatn outplayocl their op-N,..117 tluv _,, M 1:11 a 1 ;15 request there will be a fortune chorus, dlrected by Mia Marie panent, Downey, tn an un111ually • lmtor Ila-_.....,. ai hU • teller to reveal your put, present Hleblcli exciting 1ame. Louie Mello u lolumy Wd11moller la ''TARZAN ·6 THE LllOP~ --· --~ Dail1. ,,.. NiwDowlws_..,.~ ANN 80TlllllBN an~ru~ll club wlll be open '!be th.me for the day will be -.al, added an excellent pert.;..,,. WOMAN" -alllo -.Perry Oomo la "D'·l'll Wdkr' 'lbunday and Friday to receive ''Understancllng True Val,__ ~atnlng more than hall the GEO. ll1JllPJIY la "Up Goes Maisie" -()14 ,,, •• ~ WU.I.JAM POWE.LL mm wu.1.1Aw11 • "Hoocll11111 Saint" donaUons and anyone not able to Moral and _Spiritual." The de-"T . f th W k" Rl brln& their contributions may call pertinent featured will be home ard ~ :mo eel goes to ch- any of the chairmen who will ..,... service undtt the dlrectlon of Mn. brok •• :... -·.1!er1ngayec1 deapttddie· a t · ckln th Hany Burdick en .__._, ZJw.1 an a -r ange or Pl I em up. An 85-cent iuncheon will be tional broken .um in thil enooulit- ....--1 ln the high achool care-.... which wlll probabty/ keep Dick 0 . C. Delta Gamma terla at 12,30 p.m. Rnervatlons out or the game for the ...,.t of Meets Tuesday Eve· , .abould be made wt th Mn. Wesley this seaaon. He w111 be greatly Fowler at Harbor 56, not later miaed. a ~ t, "BOP JIAJllllGAN" Oran&e County Delta Gamma than November 18. ._ WMn a hlr of .Jl.V.D.'1 --TMa. N ... 11, 11, 19 Alumnae UJOCiotloo will meet A pep usembly pre<eded the WALTll:ll PIDOlllON Tuesday •venlnc. Nov. 19 ats7:30 • afternoon 1ame with band mem- IOlllli JTtJSBI • JANS POWELL p.m. at the home of Mn. JUI Balboa Circle ben, ~ leaden and 'sonpten fkmda7, .._,9;7, ~ No; '11 1'7~'. Ootttlaw _..,.from 1:16-llo&. a TMe. at 1:'5 a litt "··-r TIDIU,1-PAOJaCD OUl'DOOR naemooLOa llPIXJTACLllll ..-r.icaltlt -·-·· .......... ---... ----... -...... w..&llllf llODDY lleDOWELL la Will Smtih, 108 0n)'X avenue. Blif. Meetinc date of the Bllboa Qr.. glvine tbelr all. Hl&hlllhtinc tho "H Ilda I boa hlond. It la open to all Della de o( Cllriat O>un:h By tho Sea show WU Verna (try to be cllfs BaP Bnwy Color a.no-~ "AOioBA1TY ;BUNNY" 0 J n Gammu accordlna to Mn. Mel has~ chanpd from W-..clay ferent) Nlell0n'1 renclltion or ''On ~ ., M ic " Trickey,' l)r<SlclrnL " of.pat -.k to n-iay, Nov. 19. a fDlltop." 'Ibo only fly 1n lhe WeOz!r!ley: "llA•!C JUNE •vMO" a "6od's <JOalri ex O· otntm,nt wu '1enio'• ror.,.111n1 . DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL a.P DINNERS .•. BANQUE:l'S 1----------to c11ange her 1001 pink bloom· The f Good F w .... ~ • No•. te. 11 "A PLici Wlina ~~ M,.." · .. for blue tlshla! Qulti a cute e Home 0 nn.t---------. ~~;. STARCK'S CAFE ;;-~~~; G,R EE l ·H AW' S Mary Thompson Formerly of Riverside, Announces the Opening of ---• ,_ Oarnll B e e r ~ ..... n-w1: s'::~ru= •· D R I V E • I N .... r..-. ---"A letter for and Dick Balch with Joan Dodd; POBKllBLY S-ANDY'8 DBIVll Ilit E..L.." .,..._ed n-:-L-_ Short Ord ind this I'll chll'en wu the making w..:· ™ u.-uaaa en ~the !Int ntcht c1an<e or tho Waffles '· Dagwood Hamburgers. St.eaka r.t..---s.&.-----N-.. -. ,..--,. '°SPQD RoM, M!MgCT'=jouPHINll OQuin, ()..,,... 8-! Ham • ._ _,. OMBL& • 11..-aAYlll 10111.d P1M1e Newpail Rezdl To all oea--mermaldll Ins 8U Owl Blgbwa7 Oil Qae llllnele ... "Pl U Gi I" terested -In • lllck, lllm, lutex . n-. p r bathing iuit. Just tak• a peek at Watch Us Grow e ·The Ca ·ndy House 1513 Coast Highway =IN 'HlOHNlOOLO&-the SHE and take y0 pick. • eo .... <1e1 .... ....o.n_ ... ___ November 18, 1946 • O.WO C1uk s I-hip z.ct·-,. Soot& la s FEATURING "Her Kind of Man" a Cllap. H, "BOP llAIUUOAN" -a.rbu8 Pe,-ton DA!fCS ITVDIO CANDIES DATES DOLLS NEW WOMEN'S SUITS 100% Wool Gabardine in Assorted Colors and Sir.es Buy Oil Our ~t 30 -60 • 90 -Day Budget Plan! .. ····· 806 E. Central . ~ la Culn • u · .. 1584 Newpuri Blvd. , "Women's Wear for Everywhere" ;;~ ~ / 1 CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Builders of All·Steel CENTRALINERS DJ:BIONlllPll ... BUILDllllll YACHTS COMMERCIAL ..._or-. L"Mt ol 11"$ IL lfwpwt- On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at--. CHUCK'S DRIVE -II· Barbecaec1 Sanchrichee -Fountain Serrice 10Lm.tD2p.m. WllD ·OW , GLA·ss · (Small Sizes) . Auto Glass • Boat GJaas . Boat Lette • ' nng HAR• GLASS co~ 1111 I•hJ. ft . .... BAYSIDE PLATING CO. ' We Claim to Have All the Silver iit California Expert SilvemnithS - - -All Work Guaranteed . - .· FAtimat.es on Wholesale Lots of SILVER AND GOLD Tm Sat~ • •·~"Im ft M•'nc .. Tn:tl' ... Je•el&J· .. CW.1 'ska Rt&c..-. -Bet111w l'lxtaaw .. ~ ._ .. Oa+m&m llnrt\-'Jit.11ic • I 9ed1111 ... Swtadaa . • ft•n "•n CC:. '15bJCS• WWW& ••11• ., .. MW t . . OOST• MBAA . uu· ....... c. Jt. -aum ~