HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-21 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAID RAB ., SAM ~ON.'Sfunny ~-~-businesS has sudden· Jy hit back to normal and merchants are beginning to chant the old refrain of a lllackening up of trade; the quickening increase of cut- ~ sales. despite the ap- proach of the holJdaYs, RmlS to indicate something or other-too high prices, re- fmal -of people to buy, too much inferior war goods, and perhaps a slowing down ol the prosperity pece1 Any- "11¥ _that old, shaggy bear '8lled Competition is lickiJ1g Ida chops and that ~ eailed supply and demand IS again heard throllghout the land. The store keeper who -. polite and decent during h war years is still doing a nloe businesS and while some of us might say "goody!" yet the hour of retribution will IOOD appear on the horizon. Just for the sake of doing pnething took a ~ around the harbor area this week and the foregoing is a summing up of talks with • bollses, clerks, trucksters, workers and sich. No ques- tion but that the shouting is (M!I", despite the difficulty in aecurlng some Jines of mer- chandise, but most of the comment is that we are com- ing down to earth and that it's going to be a battle of ~e .urvival of the fittest. 'Ibis means that stores stocking honest Jines of wares, with prices in proper proportion and who know how to adver- tlae what they hsve to sell,· will be able to continue to erve customers earnestly and politely. + + + Bal Ellate. While realty market Is ~ paOIP9dll point to activity after the tint of the year. One thing tliat Is noted and sbould znean much to local dtmus, Is that land values are ·bold- Ing firm at pn:amt prices. One pl'llllli?!llt realtor stated that while SoDle people are willing to sell their property, none will cut their prices for the sake of the sale. + + + Tua&ion. Protests are al- znost universal over the big jump in county taxes, in llOl11e cases 40 and 50 per- oeilt. Many owners are pay- ing under protest. JWlt why the county should make a IP"ftlter increase than the dty, Is an odd commlttment -in a county noted for its strict economy and almost parsimonious methods of do- ing business. Certainly sal- aries and expenses hsve not climbed to t h a t extent, at leest Its personnel lsn 't aettlng the boost. + • • • -A1.a't Radio Gnad! Won- der whst all the announcers and spielers will do. when the listener can !lee the ''lovely," giorgeous, beautiful, wonderful ( !) singer or ac- tor and he or she tum out to be a dud, will the radio yaps pipe down on their flowery ettusioos! Every singer, with or without a cracked voice, la famous; every actor or comedian Is a star, whether yoor education has been ne- lllected In --baving lieanl ot them or not. You'll tblDk tbe llpOll80l"S cooldn't all be DH.wllJI. when they hear the fatuous bo\Jquets, :!rtha';'Wi!r of~~ whether thme who tune In are the drll>ea!. + + + Trame Slow-DIAL Can't undeistand the woridnes ol. the·mlnda ot the state 1ntllc depertmmt. 'lbe a t re t c h from Tbe Mc:flea eut 11118 been ~ at 35 m!I.., lalt the lltretcb throUgb S!Det Bead! Is only 25 miles. BuiJdbqpi and ,., ol both aildes ot the stieet are twice more than In the district to- ward Se9I Beed! 'Just why one la pennltted at 25 miles an hour and the other at 35 ml1M la an 1nacti,,,..1wn our I It I em Id traftlc chiefs .,... espleln - KllBP POSTBDI 1 'l'.-r ...... .. • c x a• oat"' rs .... oat,,, --~ ...... .. .... , ........ ... • - .NEWPORT - • .,_.,. 91 Os a, > Wal '1 !fe .. pa,.r • '.!IP' ........ . ' . -.. Cir 7 .,. - EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA MESA ~' voi.mmmtw ·• • NSWPOJIT WBMJR. Cl£LD"OSXIA. i&lJMD&'I', •o"tl!MB#* Dt lW Chamber Endorses Robertson Beach Plan Commodore Beek Leaves On Scientific Expedition Southland Pioneer Seeks Species of Shark Whose Livers Contain Precioirs Vitamin. Crew of Converted Subchuer Composed of Former Army and Navy Transport Men, Under the command of ComO-1 c dore J . A. Beek. the trim 110 foot motonhip "Calpan.ia" and her • C. Asks Phillips' Aid On Jr. Coll. crew of 10 Je!t Newport Har- Sunday night for Panamanian waters in search of certain species of shark whose liven contain preciolll vitamin "A": The expe- dition ts operating under a 1pecial dispensation from the Govern- ment of Panama, sinc;ie regular commercial fishing i.9 prohibited In these waters. Congressman John Phllllpo will be asked within the next few C.O~ore Beek ls one of the days to reassert his . lntluence in early pi;oneers and deve~open or Washin_gton t 0 obtain federal the Newport.Balboa are~. and has sanction of Santa Ana Anny Air lived on BaJboa Island smce 1917, Base as a site for both the pr~ at which tim.e the now famous poRd west cout naval academy Island was little more than a and the Orange Coast Junior Col- large sand bar. Mr. Beek ls bet-lege ter known u being one of the The Newport Har~ Clamber chief promoters of the annual of Commerce which originally re- Newport Harbor Tournament of quested the 'congressman to uae Uchtl, and ls al>o llOCl't!W°y of his Influence in IOCllring the base the State Senate. lit f th al de Th hi "Calpanla" is 110 as a e or e nav aca my, e • P a found itaelf in a peculiar situation foot Navy Sul>-Oluer built In Wednesday when Sidney Davld- 19'5 and recently purchued from Ion principal of the Newport Navy Surplus. Mr. Beek and hla H.,'.bor Unlon hlch IChool, ul<ed modateo have spont the Jut !ti board of dlrecton to uk Pbll- i-DDltha ainwrttnc tbe lhlp llpo to uae h1a Influence to - for -of this ._.iit1on. cure acttq:e on the bue far the Over $10.000.00 hu --t coll-. Ao It 00 happens th<tt (Oonttaued cm Pap 4 > la ouf!lcient room far both a naval academy and a colJeae bul!c!!nc on the 1500-aae lite. Devldooa expl•lried to tbe - that the Loi ~1.. and San Franc!aco dlatrlct off!-of the War Aaetl Admlnlatratlon have approved the plan al the IChool authoritls, whJch ii to use some ' • Directors Back Coun(ilman On Park . Fund Tax lilereMe -Board at MonthJ,y Se rsm Unanimoua)y Agrees to Recommencf Comra del Mar Official's Propoeed Seven-Cent Tu Rile to Provide More Funds fot Beach Park lrnprovement Me 1~onef-.._.fll. .. 111s~-Newpart..,....a,s0> ..... Oowroe -1P1tr n " ..... •a• IA!ISJll • nu !EIS u-. _.. "7 Os n o.. s. • l 1 ... Q*7 'Ila rv •· .&. Gaat -olt)' -'< -._ b I to tn,111, '11le tlleaton ..-.. .. ...S a Jeam • memben of ._ New- pori -O«J Co .. ? .. -~ .. ..U a ip"dal - OD. a telea I M ..ntac a., • .t It eme. per $1IO ~ tlon on property in order to pro- vide the necessary funds. Murphine .Appointed . Ch~ Deputy 'lbe park fund, which la now confronted with a situation, where It may be in the red, unleu more moDey la raised for cleaning beaches, la derived now from a three cent tax on eveiy $100 worth of property valuation. Both Mr. RoberfAOn and Mr. Gant appeared at the board meet· Inc to uk their auppert tor the plan. Robertoon, supported by figures Lieut. Tom Murplllae ol La· produced by Gant, discloaed that ~ Beach and Cl'llef OhadMI there m not aufficient money in Deputy Steve DaHst f11 Sula the parll: fUnd to carry on all of Ana and a former '*'"'-it al the work needed to be ·done on I the -and in the -k &reL San Juan Caplltrmo, wBF be the "In order for ua w ralle man new chief executlfts to Jim Jiu. ..,.,...,. ao we can do the job each lick of Santa Ana, -be .. ,_,a aalcl Councl1man Robert- sumea the poat of -m .., 1._ oan, "It wlJI be necessary to raise 1 the park fUnd. I've had the street ary · and park auperinWlclantl make Murphine will be ddof cl<plty (~ cm "-J'lftl and DuHart will be --...1---.,,l ___ ...;;... __ _ rlf. Both men _ 7"" r ud Stare' F·i1es hold the _. ol -poqile tbroughout Oranp a..., z. cauae of their f.-., ID• ti-A · .. ::1:-!o _. ... -th•; ction in Capt. Tom McGaff wtll nmala See Harbor Area as CG Sub-Station 318 acres u a lite fa< the new BNBOUTI: TO PANAJIA WA.on?! -...... -tm Col_.., 11..,..t --p -bJ Orange Coast Junior College. ...,,. --..--. BM' -...... D 'dso said th t th WAA Commodore I . A. lleelr et Beaia !eh ... -WQ' tlD Pe•ema fQr . -.-TOID .--- u chief of the -·"·a·-·and Park Case record bureau and Cilpl. n..o. Lacy Jr. will remain • Jailer. avi n a e ......, left to rtpt, 11an7 9Mfo.., 11.rM .mow; c.m....,..re •· A. Beek, .artpper, .-: w. B. &Itel _., ~ ::'!'';,~ i;::na~~~:i::t s-4°'4-0'0 .. '"'"M-4, -!!Ip'• BeOUJl!lllerR-t r'ot,dwboBeare -f ... !!lllp.D =pl!of<I ..,. --r. Crocker w ams i..:~~!t ~v~~on F.:;."c;; Newport Harbor may become ~::::nthe int1!i"=~~· f~ ~~ ust a·1se ore r·1ve Christmas Fires state'• attDrney ceneral'• ottloe, ~~b~~or the Unlted States !~:Salw~ ti;!:;;,<;•:!~ ~I~ • Are Dangerous =!:Ml~or onJ~~ tion ~~~ b~· c';.~f~ ·~o~~: ;i.:· ,;~tt~~pt':t f~~~::., ":!;;~ For Commun·1ty Chest Can Be Closed Watch out for Chr!sma :nr.s :"Dugan ..:.us·~~;;.~ NC:: Carty, USN, <Ret. l, of Balboa, of the base. It wu learned from is the urgent advice of Fire Qdef part Beach until Decem~ 9· to other members of the board the high school principal's talk. _ Crocker. Every year tllroaebuut llr. and Mn. 'n\omas DUg:an of or directors of the Newport Har-David.son gave an elaborate out-. . the nation many lives are lost. Balboa are attempting to prevent bor Chamber of Commerce, meet-line o! the work done by Dr. El-"George w Allen Welch Urges 100 Hold Sem"ces much property clestro)ed, and tbe city of Newport Beach from Ing at the Newport Harbor Yacht liott and himself in trying to in-• , • homes burned down becallle ~ tramferrlng city-owned beach club, Wednesday. terest one federal agency after .... Heart Vi1etim Pct. Support ID Soon 1"n Church carelessness or ·-Wllh piopet ty to the state for a state McCarty told the board that a another in their plan for the col-~ Christmas decoratims ftc.. 8IQ'9 pmrk at Corona del Mar. The Du- 50-foot craft of the Coa_st Gua...-d lege building. 1946 Campaign -the fire chief. pm own property in the area may be stationed her:. it. a p~a~ Harry Welch, executive secre-George W. Allen, 69, father of With the interior woodwork Much of this danga-can be where the state park is P'O~· of the Southern Califorrua dtVl-tary of the chamber of commerce John M. Allen chairman of the completed and the altar and pews eliminated if care and caution are Rep eeent:lng them 85 counsel is -sion he~dquarte~ meets with ap-explained to Mr. Davidson th~ city planning ' commiuion and "We're going to continue the installed, the new St. James Epis-exercised. and a few simple meth-termer Santa Ana City Atty. proval ut Washington, n C. An position of the commerce Of'gani-Community Otest drive unW we copal church on Via Lido will ods are followed, CJdef Qocbr Otto A. Jaoobs. unnamed . officer ol the Long zatlon after having telegraphed proprietor of the Balboa Island get the remaining $4400 that is aoon be completed and permission gives here a few •uesl:kaa, FDinc' the action for the state's Beach office of the Coast Guard Congressman Phillips to use his pharmacy, died Tuesday night nff'ded to put the 1946 campaign hu been obtained to bold let'V· which if properly follolftd. wlll attrxney office was Wnlter s. is d.i~ing the proposal in influence on the nava1 academy from a heart ailment at the home over the top!" Ices in the building as IOOD as pas-help a great deal. Here are a few Rountree, deputy attorney gen- Washtngton today. plan. of his daughter, Mrs. Margaret So declared Harry Welch, ex-sible, which will be within the holiday safety reii •••••*ndatiaaL eraJ.. Some time ago the state's Assemblyman Will Be Kiwanis Guest However, he suggested that McMlchael Compton. ecutlve secretary for the Newport next few weeks. · Clean up all papen. tnlb. etc. attorney general'• otfil"e r~eued maybe the congres3man could be • Harbor Chamber of Commerce. in Dedication services will be held immediately foll-..C ...,. kind 1111 o(llnlon by State's Atty. Gen. asked to use his influence in ob-Mr. Allen was born in Wesley, a talk before the meetin& of the on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 29, it of celebration. ICmn7 contending that a city liea taining federal approval of a plan Pa. and had lived in California bou'd of ·directors of the Clam· wu announced this week by the Screen carefully all ._, nn,. the lesaJ rtghf tO tranafer Ito. for uae of the base for educatl<>-for 36 years. Retiring from the ber of Commerce Wednesday vicar, the Rev. Ardys Dean. It places and gu fires. Prulec:t m-popetty for state park purposes. . nal purpooea, in which caae It oil industry 15 yean ago he. came afternoon. la expected the Rt. Rev. W. Ber-tel llCelllc effectL Plalntlfb in the preocr.t action nedAnf int~~g -~am 11tinplanf-could be uaed for both a naval to Balboa Z.land w~ he re-Welch paid a 111-.ia tribute trand Stevens. presiding bishop of Be sure >""'!' aw1o11 - ---that the attorney-gen- or unu~·-~ g 0 academy and a junior college. IAI the tarp committee al worker-the Loi Angeles Dloceoe. will be wllinc la in llafe --Tldle lftl'1 Olllnlon ls in confilct with the Newport Harbor Kiwanls club This suggestion met with in-aided for lO yean. &fter rhe aollciton who have been respon· present u will Bishop Robert B. no chances with cldectlft t•r+r---clallaft in the state 1tatu- Frlday. stant ap!Jroval of the directors death of his wife two years ~ lible for the colkctlnc ot '998'.) Gooden. auffragan bishop and ary wiring. H..-. wbhc -' • ..., wblch declare It Ulegal to "-• unlque feature l'<>ltmuter and the sectttary wu authorized his health failed and he went to of the needed $14,390 quota IAI many friends of the church. It in doubt. ~er city-owned Jandl for this Herbert F . Kenny will usume the to write such a letter to the con· Clancha. in the High SI01Ta1. Be-elate. On Jan. 5 a winter conflrma· Uoe metal -. flab +4 1 Pl*-· role of • newspaper ~ter and greuman. Imploring him fAI do aides h1I 10D and daughter, he la "We Intend IAI bend nery et-t1on cJua _of more than 20 adulll too, and powdered -far -Cty Atty. Roland tbompoon of Interview Aaemblyman Earl W. his beat in the matter. aurvlved by four grandchldren. fort to ... to It that the $4400 and young people will be present-effectl. Don't ._ ,,..-ad -Ille dty ol Newport Bead! filed Stanley. who will be -nt u Friends moy pay their respect.I Ill collected and -hope -wbo ed IAI Bbhop Stevens for conflr-ton. a &uu 1a In the action We.i--hoi~1.:=..,_ ,.__ ~" be Merchants Bureau at the Bala chapel, C«cna clel have not made a contrlbutio!l w matton, a cJua equa1 in numba' Awld '°'" operated wilh -6-F-~· ~~... w~ • • Mar. on s~. Funeral aervl.,.. tbe -wtll do ., now." to that of early IUllDller. On Jan. mable 1lquida. --- held In tbe Whites coffee Shop W arna Soliators Be will be In • the lJttl• Olurch of Commualty a-t beadquartea 12 there will be a apedaI decll-JUlold '°'" burn wtlh awjW' , s "----d I Mar , i in Balboa. Pr.II .. Jn---"-ted tbe now.ri, Forest Lawn ceme--ta tlla:t up to noon Salurday cation aervlc:e far the l!ipe arpn ferocity. -~ e . .a· ........., .._.._. tery, at 2 p.m. on M~ with lat, a total ol 9,980 bad -with Gemse A. llorttnier. choir-If IUJ)'(lae'a c1olbbls 1sw11-na ~ Ov II' Newport Will Not ~ • .• <ntomllment In Forest IA-Mr. -leaYlnc. be•-ot·llbout -and orpnlat, u . '-"'"""him at ..... la a l'UI Cir.~., rua1. er .1.0P. Be Re-nted jJ\ &-• "aalll -II• --~on WU a 32nd desroe -Sf,400 ~ to be colJedm IAI radl r-t. . b!~nbf. , .-~• --ol -ll"N~ --the M~c Jodp al~ tbe Oftld.ol Quota. . • Electric ca!!CllllJ -Ir -Ille Oonnmm!t)< a-t Rose T r c ... - -IAln wl11 be . d>arae of rt~ On _._t the a•um!tflo!t .. Engineer Group Will :rou ._ ardb\my , • ·= 111 -• 4•lp 11 not ,,et flnllhed, eo. ournament a. ..... • -----&pin llltlnc tbe --I-M t • Santa 'lnjl, be ...,. -..rus -.. --dol -II ...-nc1)' )llou4 0ue to the he p!•s·... Loucks, Drimlen which so to ma1rr up the 1oca1 ee. m Ana w keep them _ -_, , o1. 111e r-1t -..t -_. 111e &orl' Jo build a Olmmunlty 0-t Budpt. Tllq or other -tap ., Ha quota wt-tbe ftnt ~ ..... t the ci ,11 iitToa --"' Open Two Stores ore: A regular monthly -11nc al -... ex!!..-... l I I 10. _,., ..... c11r111 to the -- -avy coat nece.-.......... de<ent float to w ........ Be a ch. the N ,k"'H -lie -tbe Refrl&oretloll. En&inHrl Sc>-al -ter ~. ID ._ fll ---Dr, G. N. l'eme. Clamber ot ~ -llaw • DI art, Clyde R. Loucln and SiL Van (1) =::.. ~ ~ clety will be Held at 7:30 o'cloc:k CALL THE FIRE DBP.Allr-Nomb f!fa7 bulh • ...,._ In ty of New~ ewpcat Barbar 0-. •• -.. •tlt1rts I cided not to <nt t, • an ...i -Drimlen . , and SN SoJuta lllOl?OOO tonllht (~) In tbe -llEN'r :AT~ . --Id -wtJll'!ll)' and Toumammt of tbe ---. ~ ~_.inc thelr ._ <2> Girl Scoots Jiiiiioo audltorum ID the 200-block a1 _.__ ID the ,..... m ..,.blct er the national •111151 •• -•!Pua-re eopil 11dl den& next JllJIUU)' -...... z at.a-~· and ~ -s.nke .• .N<lrtll llaln ~ s.nta Alie, r..-....... D. ..... • .......... the -• Giit¥• Docloionwumade --•.tll•• _ .. ~ .. 1.'!f"'~~~tJ~ ::: ~=War 1 ~dll Merle -ji( the Soden Re--P.91 .... Olli; "c tbebo• 11 ... blcla . OM by the board al diftcton at • ~ ~-~~ -~ .. ,._,ol ~ ...... ..__.. --. u..,.welwl!,-. Bait ---In the u• •-- -=-~be there UDtf1 (Sl ~-~elf I ,= -••rd Iha hope that'..•~· 12111 ~ & C '• -11n. G. I. AD: thftr inonthl)' --banquet.-_..,. ,_ ol the Newpx1-~ -· •rr •5 " ._.. new ---. next to tbe lll"e don .,.,, 1en at tllalilt a a•r4 ::;;-~ ~ f ..... ~•tt•bC tile ~ dub c:m WedM.,.._ ... Gincham cafe ii completed. (I) Qal@t;;w lte:Uet' U0.00 In tlU ..... tD the Newpwt llDIET, No!r!°n:-..r-il ~ tlilllit _,,._, ... ~ ..... ' 7 Harllar y-UIS .... )'- Christian Science Broadcast Sunday ... - <Spodab--OI! LOS ANGEi.ES Sund&)' montnc CN-.lMl the ColqmbU Cliurdl ot tho Air ........ the_ -be ... -... pl.-of the Cla 0 , ....... ,. .... Blilllm P•I'' •t .. . Xewf'Wi D .... Q -llr. Van Drtmlm WU EMDdat-l1) = illlAQ Giiit:.J. Bubar-clilbkt would -*8 fir Jin.. 8 1• d a-J 8 lmd, ·-w •• ._ · c e<1 wflll'Cllfford E. Loucb ID lhO w CO.......ttee ' :ioooo -1o the -01 .,.. ~ ...,._ . ; 0 -•• ...... t' >, ..... lattft"'1 jeweby -for ~ (8) DICA-YWCA 1'iiloo -ttus. ~ -~ -,.g ........ "i.B. -.,;, ~ w ..... 'i:: --n. I • (9) Eams1-~ a·-·-. al 'J1io p Md ..._ -A lo • Ci.•11.-• atl11t ... , ... '&.._...._..,, PiA'C the ,--..-/&.,._ ,.iuvw D--_. ~-D...I be cw •rt1I at .. II& II ---. "' • -He II cu• """ a ~ (10) t':n ·cried 1100.C1D ~•-.. .,...._ lllWq -~ at 2 •'" 'Dao ·~ 1111~11 c. B. •!0"1 II 11ttn .. la plete 11!;. al -tcbm,'~':;,;I Ill) IWtoce and Print-- -Lquna, Prifit Shop :::. ID!!s"Tw~ Dli-z, 1--D.a;;: G. N, fer $&$1111 wMdll ... di.mi.. -Eq==-500.00 u-c Dm N IQ' I ..... Wi -... "' .. ta em. ........ --- "-'-L~L-~---tt ~..., ?me al-<wNI >WJ I I •-w • c1l1~: • • ~ a11'Jhfh;k :;;;:a'.ift~ ·... -S'«MOOD:.. ~:82': ::-v::~~ :..:;;:.= 15 .~ .. _.. &&:=·::~ 1:'~ .. n c.a • ..._ 1ar1, ud ot1amlim. fe9;hQ 1na «rcn+ 1.-t ,_. the •11111& IMP • I • 0.... as a , ,.. 811dt. Dis. a wtll .. & .D 1: llllt1&. Ou l'i •'' '11 ol 0 • .. U..wldt --lloJa1 H11911 .., b llalfttlJw "-· T&!la -... -Illa ' "1 la .. --·Re FF D. --. Ubi -........... La, .. pottr1. <C M I• .... t> dl;r., •• • . ... !'_' ~ .rlli!"' W T · ~ _ .... -of 0 M,J' ft ICI ...,_, A lot ol --,,, -El79" .. -_.. ••a I 0 • I • • • ' ' .,. 5-·School I Tops • 1n Women's Attire Pre • Holiday Stock Reduction Dresses Off Coats Off Suits Off • • • • 1be thlrd aeat from the left reporb that tn the near tuture the teams will be wearing new and colorful lhlrta and the second seat disclmes that the A..B.C. Natio- nal II roinc to be held In Loo An- a;eles this seuon. Could be that Balboa may die up a team or two to represent the area. Let's hope • • • • 1be line up for Monday pits the Balboa Inn Cate again.It Keene'• Korner, Logan's Egp against Starck'• ca.re and Ricky's venus NOW YOU CAN FLY For $3.50 an Houri $25.00 enrolla you for a ONE YEAR membership In our !lyinc club. Thia entitles you to fly at our SPECIAL WW RATES. UmiUd membenhlp ... Enroll today! MANN AVIATION OMNOml 001lNTY AllU/OaT PBONE UJ.1 Slack Suits 20°/o 10°/o 10°/o '100/o Off Narmco. Come watch the fun. -============== -Bob Man Holiday Merchandise Arriving Daily ; ' I I I . : I I I I I Chenille & Rayons Slips Robes, Wools, Gowns Panties Novelty Belts Hand Bags Costume jewelry Sweaters Skirts Slacks Purses CHOOSE THE MOST PRACTICAL THE MOST ACCEPT ABLE GIFT OF ALL . CLOTHING or ACCESSORIES, AL90 IN J>0¥0NA, 362 WES!' m:x>ND " SEE OUR LARGE SI'OCK -l!l•l•A~U.l•IA MAGI 387 Coast Blvd, South LAGUNA BEACH I . I ; I 1. I I .. ,.,, .. , .............. -"' .. ,.. .... ""."' ...... 1 \ ' \01es It \I 'ast • • • are 90\19 -I ,.., su•11• c lfoi ••'• ..... r+11 jell..., ii.. - Dcspift ~ abonaga of aweria1s, -line odded tde- pbmm ot ~ reoocd e-<'" .... ,...., So fu, -Ihm 129,000 """gem ..... .....,.., . Scill, ~ is o 11<11....!ous job to do before wo' ~ eotch up with Southern Califomio'• spocto<ulat !!""'ch ond pro- .No ..mo. fO< _.,.,... who ....... it, Millions of dollan worth of odditioool equipment -be mmufuruml oad imalled to tab care Of the ordm • bond oad onr opp& auiom wbicb coaci-ID pom ia nay day. · )boa -r be l:.n.s.. that --doiag ~ --ID barry me.,. -...... ,_ tlOlcfl-ID 7"'1- TMU ,._ or,_ Jwti•-m ~,,.-;,,,, , •• I . · {luaranieeJ .A/,eat' •-o1a..wbrt•-'-flw n •• b 11.1.1 ... .nu ,... ,..._ ............... ....._ ...... ,_ ....... , .. s.1wa,. All beol ..W • S.-, io U. S. Cooa ' podal. aee.. ..... ,, m. ... ,, fiMlt .. ,. ... ---~ s.i.-, ...,..... ~------....... .., .. ,.._. 1'\ili -...... ......,. r- .. from Saf1n••J will ro.-eaac:tlJ riPt ... .;11 iit1her f.11 ~ ,-., •re al ,_.. W>k. V'a9il s.1ew., .... ,. ....... JO'lf .... -Ollf "" .... ,..,...,.. ,,..... pn.g ..me,.. y .. cu pick it., ... 4-1 Won die MIW.J. IJMI SllOUlDll .................... SHOITm5 ... _ ..... ...,._ WMllEAST ..... r..... • ..-........ A- ........ ,... ...... ... ....... I 11lr••rr rt f ,.,,,.. ... ,... ... LSJ . ~ -· ~ ' •: -. PIPPll APPLES C.•" .............................. .. .. IUPRUR .................. ,, ........ .. 111111 ·c••t CO..lllolo ...... _............... .. -.... ·""--Tooo .. ~ .. It~ SWEET POTATOES O.Y_ ... _ .. .....,_....,_ -.. !!'!~ .... ,,. ... --·-' .... ,. I f'yog ~ Invited-- to~ our pn!SCrlp- tion department. To see our library of precious Ingredients . . . our registered pharmacists at WOfk out modem equipment to insure accuracy and speed BAUIOA P84 P"MJ'I' llAllPTON JU.llllOa DAUO N'EWPOn~ • 1n· Second Artiele, Roving Reporter Deecribes Flying Fish That Leap Aboard Ship. to Provide Food for Crew En Rou~ V ut Relloarces of Lower C3Hf ornia BJ HAROLD L BABNtlll ' .N.-n-Btatt , 9 1 tac ft11a, ....._.. et ......., ta one if Ge ,to,.. of a er-. ,IDie tW.,. lfwe4 t .. of *-e 91e* ...,_ blollfl!d met«JFsh, potPl !I, ,..,. ,_ fer ..U.. ~ are a C4M'W"• lllcllL Mod of *-117'11c _..., _____ _...,t for...,......,_ -... t...,,u -,_ -........ -M&IQ" "' .... -.-. Clllpdla f---. -we ate. '111ey an> oarpoblacly rood -..c. 1t--11etter_llall_o•--U...,y,..... a commercial fish they would sure-- ly be In the fish nurkeL No ous place to live, but the OOnel doubt our cooks added to their of many are still found on the navor. endlesa plains that extend from More about Magdalena Bay: its beaches. Sand dunes, cactus 'lbere la not the room, nor apace and desert wasteland make the in t.hil paper to do j111tlce to the land worthless even to the per- exdtlng trip of the Paragon. Only petually h1111gey voyote. -~ and Even the thlnty dog finds the '::::===========:' 1 • novel could offer its ww-u. extensive land too lara:e for him description. But Magdalenu Bay to make a livtng. BALn MORTUARY -~­ Lady Attendant must be mentioned; little has been Drinking water bu always been written about Its beauty, itl the problem. 'Ibere is none. Yet, magnitude, iU poalbllltles. '!be to view the beauty of the land harbor of San Dieco could eully from a mile distant, It it Utopia, sink in one of its taa:oon:s· a land of plenty. But it ts still NEWBPAPl:aa OOllE:$Y ;_ a hdfte cwt ,,...... pert.. ..... Se~Paal, 0o ..... deil It is little known. vialted by and nolhlnJt seems alive. IU hio-Mar ......... -te w for *-4~ ..-. -• --wi.c _. coald lie fMM. J'lo. few, and even the Mexican people tory haa: to do with pirates, land taref ue w et tM ~ peeed for 111' • ...._ 'l'M9 ......._ port .. MW tM 811.bjeat of oeem to be little acquainted with grants, whalen and numeroua al· a -of ..-bz BaroN L. 11uaam of 'l1le Ne ... 'l'lilM& Matt. .....poto •r Oe....,.t. such a cre•t auet. Nor la much t~mpts to colonize the land. country, gave tt to the Mexican tver. Pink flares beamed through Bi"bJe Jnstitute more known about the expan1ive Even during World \Var II •-cl .... f mil I Low Ca!ifornl •overnment. Or ao they .... v . the «1Ct'Y ouua or es co or-tenitory or er a there was only a small Mexican • ~ •"'--Off' ' J t T Jk th f turl .. ago b Alt-1••s there we-ye·-of ing the water. Aa Un:' sun rose ICia 0 a than ere wu our cen garrison attending the a Y. ~~ os d. s"all ~ban·ds the entire sea before us became ' LAUNDRY ONS lfW 8&8VKlE Br0adwar. Clea1en m ....... ., c.., ._ PIL. B•-sm Bilitt&& QUAlftY OI' DllY <ll&ANIHO a DAY WYJOir w DBUVISY ·-~-NB• • • I • • Announcing the :-N~w Vibrapae I Building Units ALL 8":+8 BtllLJMN'G -UND'B Brlek ... Oc pdBla .. Nawla~ -£-:- 410 Coast Blvd. 'f . CORONA DEL MAR when the Spanish were vainly though it wu known that Jtt.p unrest in the tan m a pink m&S&---a nondescript spec-Jn M Ch h trying to prosper from its vut re-subs found shelter in its w:iten led by filibuster leaden o!ten tacle. "This iJ for painten " I esa Utt aouroea. previous to Pearl Harbor clashed with our . Mexican neigh-! thought as the splendor of 'the )' Co Prod ts Co. Some day, perhaps, but not yet. l-lowever, the bay WU soon un-bo~. Guerilla fighting stop~ heavens unfolded be.fore me. 'not Dr. Paul R. Bauman, Vi.ce--presi-Walter K •ne ncrete UC Had the United States such a dcr vigilance; net only by Mexl-enltrely after 1911. for writers.' dent of the Bible Institute of Los I i;..;; Ne=___. Aftt. · OCiiia .... speculative land of plenty, it can militia, but under strict con-Cabo San Lucas, the very tip Soon the sun rose above the puv ..... ..-. ?.-. ..... -........... ..,.. . Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGH!' uld II d •· "t · 1't 15· f u s N Angeles, will speak at the Cen-~~~':::::::::::::::::= wo n a way. .,_ I 15• CC"rn and action (I t.he . .. . avy of Lower California, was the last clouds and the heat began pour- little populated. .\t the present ttme, tf-.ere ts of that lonely land to be seen. A Lng down as we steamed into the tral Bible church of Costa Mesa t Thousands of men have tried to a small naval station SUIJt"'rted silent reminder to ships at sea entrance of the bay where we Sunday, Nov. 24• appearing at OWN & COUNTRY make the territory around Magda-by tt;e Mexican Government Jo-is Caho Falso light, the lighthouse would drop anchor for several three services, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. lenas Bay a suitable and prosper-ca!ed .on an L"1and or ttic bay. flashing its warning. Its message days. This was our destinat ion-for the young people's and Junior ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Their principle duty is providing -San Lucas -rugged shores, Bananza land. The harbor was Christian Endeavors and at T:30 custorr. officers for vessels, !ish-steer clear, guide your sh Ip 20 miles long and 15 miles wide, HOUSE ing and pleasure, that visit the through the night but don't v~n-earmarked by broken bturrs. san-p.m . for the evangelistic service. · gigantic harbor. ture too close. especially during dy beaches, mountain peaks and Dr. Bawnan is a nationally . Fish are plentiful. And as fu high winds-watch for the "chu-jungle lowlands. known conference speaker and is I TUR K·E Y S -----. '"' .. ,, .. _ • BBOADBBEASTED of Three Arch Bay -····· •• ol"+.-. Liv~, Dressed and. Drawn Weight 17~~ A. Chrisb!n Bea!!':5M1J as I know, sportfishermen are basco." As we drew nearer lo the Ba-Widely known on the West Coast welr.ome. Yacht owners -Ahoy! The "chubasco" is a freakish nanza town it reminded me ot eri.-through radio talks with Dr. Tal- t.Ower California is alone, storm often raging during July, chanted cities, gems of the ocean, bot, president of Bible Institute. asleep and burdened with resour-August, September or October , a dream after a Travelogue or At the morning service he will ces. Thus many Am('ricans are off the western shores of Lower I t he Mexican interpretation of speak on "The Biggest Uttle always complaining about waste California or the Gulf of Lower Shangrila. It was spread on a hill-Book in the Bible"; at the Youth of such rich land, and how \Ve, California. Many a ship in peril s.ide basking in the sun a.a though service he will present a colored the vtgoro\is and invincible, routd has literally been blown to the asleep. High deep green peaks film on recent missionary work do with it it we had it. bottom during a "chubasco" fury. rose abruptly within a mile of the in both the home and foreign mls- But we did have Lower Cali-The freakish storm strikes shoreline forming a picturesque slonary fields and at the evening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~;'.'.'~~~! fomia. without warning, and with vio-backdrop for the little city. service will give "Bible Prophe-- -' "''" , , '' • '""'''''''''"'' In 1°•1 the American Oag stay-Jenee. Mount•'nous wav .. are the Tile roofs shown in semi-drcu-des" ill"•trated w ,. th 001--• ...... lllil9\llUIU1n1111n1111111n1ut1.llllllll!IUll~lllllllllll1Lllllllll\lllll!ll lllllll llll!tlll H II II ! J • O't . ..... -va-,:u ~ i ed. over the peninlula anti in 18-18 result and a sky of rain comes Jar fuhion u one of the main alleles. ! H D p I R B ~ an order wu issued from Wash-down. Many vessels are ripped a-•?"eets stretched tor blocks hug-c.entral Bible church is meet- • i=.-ear r. au . auman . ~:--_ ington to turn the courtry back part during the "chubuco" and g1ng the b.\y. Thatched hut. dot-ing temporarily at the old build- to Mexico. And at that time, the are washed to the bottom. Some ted the lowlands of the Jun~le, in& of the Friday Afternoon club, i Vice Patnllaat., Ute BIW.1-tltate of Loe Aa.pliee ~ Mexicans didn't much care whe-are engulfed in a huge wave and the brown palm roofs dull acauwt Calta Mesa, until Jan. 1 when ! i ther they owned the land or not. never rise again. Others are the verdure. they will meet temporarily at the i.-. Sunda~ Morning "The Bi....,.est Little i= The transfer of ownership ha• blown from their courses and bat-Mexicans appeared upon th• Seventh Day Adventlot church. ea never been explained. tered. against 8 menacincr shore. beach u they lighted us and : Book in the Bible" ~ There is a doubtful •tory about line with a vengence. • when we dropped anchor about A I s ndal o'E(Jlock I "B1"blical i the transfer ol ownership that IS The Paragon haa a nervy repu-~ rarc1s from ~':et ~y ,ti~'::! Mesa VFW ux. " U ay ven ng -good for a laugh. It ia uld that tation, making its trips durt.itg OU ln swarms. U O Bazaar Frid i Pr h . '' ;,· let out In canoes to greet us on ay • op ec1es an American· was sent to survey any kind of weather, during any th th Ca ... _ f th. i ai 1:SO o'Cloell ~ the penintula. season. Faring a nasty storm has among em e PLCLUi 0 e I -Beautifully Illustrated by Color Slides i Discouraged with the rough go-a lot to do with good seamanship. Port, Heal~ Officer, CU.toms, The Colla Mesa pJSt VFW aux- '•a DB. BAUMAN is a nationally known conference speaker and is j ing-and at that time the travel And that is where Captain St~ln :~~re cr~:pn~~~d. a::i~t ~i=~<t:! lliary is holding a bazaar in i known widely on the west Coast through radio talks with Dr. ~ must have been rugged-he W(nt comes in. He has made 16 trips made durin revioU. tri aT the Louck'a stationery store between Loeate4 o..e --el -i.ca---to __ ..,. ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' !JI"~ Now 8-ee a aegfi.r Pan of Om Mena ', .. 1 -Every ~y Nlgbt- A "SOll'l'B-OP-~IWD nA8'1"' -'1'1111 llay - DELICIOUS cmCKEN' & DUMPLINGS • ~ 'I'hurmay - THE FINEST OF CHINESE FOOD ()o."'e!J to PwfeeUae. -Friday- A D~E-E~P SEA FISH FRY These specialties are oftered In oonjunctlon with out varied menu ol cbokie STEAKS. CHOPS, SEA FOQl)S, FROG I .ioc;s, etc. Our cold crllp salad bowls of A. sorted ~and Salads will enbanee your t!Yel'Y JJl!!8l I Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer· ~ Talbot, President ot the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. ! on a drunken spree. to the southern shores and has re-P 1 P Pl the Gingham cafe and liquor store • W ' Cl bh C ta M !!! During his frolic he m~t two turned each time-and with his arAagt tohn. t f th . . al on Newport boulevard, Costa We ~--~ Serve A.ii the Food on the Coast, So We Serve Only i Otnen s u ouse, OS esa ~ friendly Mexicans and the de-boat. Says he: "I pick my boat. e momen ° eir arriv Mesa, Friday of this week. Cook-~~ --Finest -I AFTEB 'AN lat Sunday services will be heJd temporarily at the ~ bauch~~y co~tin~ed. After ~av~g .Thshiat'~ why ~.~all her "the good ~~~. !e~~:!cal tia!!:.~•!:: ed food, novelties and beautiful PRIVATE BANQUE'I' ROOMS TELEPHONE 9'58 i a--tll O.y AdYeaU.t Church. corner of Old County Road and ~-more irewa er an sense, 50 e P aragon · · "led ti ~-11 d hand-made clothes for children as Hours: 5 p.m. _ 10. e.mc1avv: 4 ....... _ 10. OOled Wednelda)'a • ._ ... _ story goes, the surveyor traded Most ot our trip across the Gult shpU'i . conThisve~a on, -.a.i11.1eslly anth well as some rummage arti~les ., ..,..,. a--~-• BolM Ave., Costa Mesa. ~-.= C 1·1 i f b ti I f Lo Cal I . d . appmess. was actua e -ft•_,_,.N• ~ ·-lO Lower a 1 orn a or a ~t e o o wer i orrua wu ma e ood. 1 hbo 11 1 ph i w1ll be for sale under the direc-........ a." av ~ ---.. .m.4'1u .;·= Central s·1ble Church MfesaCosta •• ==.:"-= tequila. during darkn .. s but In the morn-g neg r Po cy n em .. s. tion of Wanna Roberts and Louise Ftnmetl) "' the Clout Inn , His Mexican friends, not know-lng we were greeted, at daybreak :;;r ~i ~xt few days we were l ,M;;cCl'~a:;c~k;;en;.;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;~;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;~ ing what to do with 1uch a vast with the most beaUtiful sunrise Ha r · t f ood . I;;.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: I ere wu a own o g size ii DR. DWIGIIT KINMAN. ~astor. ! in Mexico that was unspailed by i ~ _ --U. S. tourisl!I and travelers. This • i A C 0 R D I A L W E L C 0 M E T 0 A L L i was the place where the school· ~1uai;1111111td11nin1111n11111111111111r1n1u1r.11111111111M1J1111U1p1u11llllll!•111111111.11il111111111111au1111Ht1t1ll1n1uew teacher always dreamed of going, ' , Riii OR SHllE ITS UY ' IT TIES UI WHEN IT RAINS a cheerful open fire greet.a you in our cozy dinin1 room. WHEN IT SHIRES 70u'll love the bricht patio. .ALWAYS Delicio111, old-fubiontd home cooked food. Allee Ge•+I•'• / ' CAFE TIE.I-Ill 1748 South Coat BmL ~-m We Clo11 Weclm21!111 Fresh • Delicious • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS I'll ... Oa,.M Fresh Fish an4 Seafood ~81•• WHOI.ES~ and RE'l'AIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET 111118&. ... ~ N&WWWW ft:R· ._CU * * • • • insurance ~ ........ r IWCOIPOIATI• ........... __ __ 1333 •Pe l.!do, •-port •••ell. coll tel1plta1e newpott Ned,. •lrllOf ltOO i • ·* • but never arrived after she pur- chased her ticket. The crew of the Paragon were the city's only North American \.isltors, and with few exceptions are the only people from the nor- thern. states to come to it.a shores. There is no railroad. The only way to get to Bananza Land ta by ship or plane. It la a city aaide and apart from the rest 'of Mexico; its lnhablt&nU enjoy the freedom of beln& lndlvlduall and though isolated u they are, It la a modern and rich city. (Continued Next Week) "'Ironic Quest For Youth.'' Moot of ~ who prof-to have found the oecret ot Jonaevtty haw 'died before their time. llonil Flabheln, editor ol the journal of '!be American Medical -·-!Ion, ....._ the .. -.. the Amer1cu WMkly, tile -su1ne cliltrlbuted Willa JWSt Sundq1 Loa Anleiee En-. EVERYTHING laQ ... RBFIUGERA'110N .~~ 12112s .. \ s a? • --· -- • • - , • • • . - -• • Newporten Observe • First Anniversary .. ~'"!oo ~!!1!.. ~--.-,-rt__;,_-.... 18eek Leaves 1S:!~ 't:nt, S4400 WiU A.':?.~¥r:~ -!!!~4!L On Expedition ~bs::!: Be . Raised ~~~~I llOPI' W*'"'Z --Broadway Cleanel1I hold W...._,ay at F ..... t Lawn -_._ t the ,.;.... "* 11. ,_ ... • I -(Can--I'.-11 Wler7 for J'uonlta Hunter (0.--~ 1) '-~"':e.~ Mn. Al ~ ue -.:a.., 11,. 5cwpwt· In the lmtalla-ol ... i-iaw w-. 55 wbo died 5unc1ay-at :rear the Sliva-Arf1>¥ ~-:.. 329 A1loo ~-Newpartl ~~~~~~~~~~~========= -liold and c:ompiete re--tane, 144 Nortb ~ va..., • • ----------I frlpra-IDOChinerY for the Plaee, Loo Ansel.._ eel SllOO and In oddllklll, &loo PK' HefablL ~ ol the ibarlc llwn. Der-Sbe ,,.. prominent In dub -m!e!m -to include a mail aan-------,,---..---- IL I D o- ".... nan.. P'd., lie&. NiPllJ' e& l:le .a t :U , ...... •stts1111 a.&., 1 ;41 Walt Disney's "~ake Mi11e MllSic" ~hi ht 1l11r--- 9t111'-. MOK. TtJS&, WED. ·O 7 I C7ir-l:U --. -. "* '"' .a .... rldm and w-.. haw been odd-oodel7 circles ol Souu-n Ca}!. i-la:n In the Sprinc. The 00-••••• eel for the bandllb& o1 the huce fcmla and wu one ol the piO-ten o1 the a-t dedded they flab. • ...... ..,..,.._ reolclmb ol ~ could all -0--quarters haw been made JMnc at 1813 Eut Bay fil);L · not. In jmtlce to ._..,.. and cunfor-tahle and pro-The faml)y aok<4 that no orzanbatlons, &IJlll'Oft two drl- .-,_ for 5000 pl. ol fuel flowuo be went but that frlendo for one P'lfP* or "" &IJlllOla- and 3000 pl of wa~. aw well u w1ob!ac to do IO wend contrlbu-lion In the Comm\111117 Cbeot ""tonolw beivy fllhln& tadtle. tl<W>i to Newport Harbor branch Drive, and, for the aame arpnb:a- a-Dc:al laboratory equipment Ii ol Orance County Alilitanoe Jew-tloa. &loo a-a turti-cam- aloo --for the on-the spot cue. to be llven to the eounv i-la:n by mall So the --~ or the vitamin content canctt cl.lnJc. Army wtu.ir-. at the ibarlc liver oil. Mn. w-,... a native ol The total budeet for the drift The crew-of the ••Calpania•• are Belllftlbam, W a• ht n II t O·ll llDd •till remebw at $14,380.00. An all veter.no .of eliher the U. s . came to Loo Anseleo In 1902. Sbe Item for ~ ~ "· Ii Navy or the u . s . Army Tra»-Ii fU"lwd by her husband. o..r-taldnc the plAce ol the Sain.lion part Service and haw all ween lea D. Waper, i*lo!<tt petrokum1_Arm¥_.:.·-------- oervlce In the South PaclBc. Har--; t .. 0 dallehtero. ..~--~ ... ""' I LIDO I.LE • • • CDANSR el'T& 7D'X8•' ,,.T ee7•D. T&AMe. • • • ry Seaford ls oeoond In command Mn. Diane m0man ol Balboa and • C.--'oe ......... • to Commodore_Bttk, and will be Mn."J'uoalta Shatter; two mi.n.. l-Ollnr ~ In ~ of operatlono when llr. IMn. Marsfttta Oieiter Hunter •DUTH 9AY P'llONT •ITS MCAil CLUeHDUeC. "God's Coun'--" Beek retuma to the State Lesia-and Mn. Katblem "->p, and five w.3 lature In J'uuary. w. H. mtd!-panddilldruL ~ Oatdooro 1a man. a1oo or Balj>oo. i. "doubllns ----- __ •_0o__,rs:... .. _-_Oo1or __ 1 _____________ 1 up" u both 1hlp'1 carpenter, and Easterner ·Plans -------------------1~.:U.,,..~ or the crew Return to California NEWPOaT • a.uaoA •c11•www1& ASS DllKJOVKmNG 'Dl.U' THE SNACK BAR b Lacaa -Ii DPS.._ Iii Go! DELIGHTFUU.Y DIFFERENT LUNCHD:>NS Smart Aftlil'DOOll TM by Oeeclleftgld, S:llO fe 5 "" ...,. .. -1• Iii ' 09 OlllGJNAL Dave Hoover, clllef enelneer; Mro. Helen· Siana or Phlladel· J-i>b Helmi, oeoond engineer; phla left Sunday by plane for Edward M. Tremper, navlcator; home after vliltlnc her oousln, Al Sequist, clllef electrician and Harold Barnum and Mro. Barnum, radio operator; Peter O'Connor, lot 25th street. Durlnc her otay quartermaster; D . A. Stafford, her bolts showed her the beauties fiahlng muter; Barney Burnett, of the Harbor area, dined at Don dUef ateward and cook and "Gil" Dickerman'• Cutaways c 1 u b, Gilbert. mea boy. vilited her lilter In Beverly Hills ---of course, all hands "turn and Mr. Barnum's mother, Mn. · to" when - -and if -• the fiahin& F . W. Krinard of Laguna Bench. e1•,eaa. ••• LAAeS WAT&ll P'llltONT LOT - 78' DN WAHA AT eaa,oao. lllJ •I• lld•. ~•"'ill"'" •••ell. c•Hf. 1,1,,•o•• ••••O•I beock, "'"°' UOO Fn:adl Fried B~& of ~ z..,_,. -J' -11-.,. (Clao'ce CMTOM .._ Z....,. W1h lei ..S ~) Opem W-n.,. 11:19 le I (~ ...-,., gets good. Mr. Barnum plans on going east ., ._•_an_oo_AS_T_B_L_VD_._so_. --·---Df-DD:--AKT--mNDll----=I D It Ga t • e a mmas o within the year and ru. oousin "<=-.~-.,,._l}I... __ --.. will rrlurn with him to make her · ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;=., I Aid County Blind home In California. ----------,----------. Temporary Location Loucks' Stationery Van's Jewelry 1760 Newport Blvd. Corner Rochester • • • Oppoelte Fire SlaUoa o..lallea . 'M. Van Drimlen Oyde R. Louck.s Orange County Alumnae asao- clatlon of Delta Gamma met Tues .. day evening with Mrs ... Hal Will SmJth, Balboa y,.1 .. n" M-Oem Christle acting as coholtess. Mn. Mel Trickey preolded. and •PPointed as a project committee White Hoase Cafe the Mesdames Eugene Conser, I'----------' Walter Spicer, Harold Harvey, ========== Laurence Reynolds and Olarles :.,~Sc=~oral:::ga~~ ~WATERPROOFING group will aaJst blind penona of lAc .. ...i ,_;cellar lplD9t ....._ Orange county with either per-.i... aonal a.Id or tunds. ...,..... pnw /-t WU decided to award a prize wk.-•Ille ........ 1 t at each meeting; members were aclen1.1r1c ••rrec• ~ urged to attend the Pan-Hellenic cmdnc-~ dance to be held at the Orange ~ Sarah Porter or Balboa llland • Women'• club December 28. Miss ~ WU accepted U & member. a ~.,.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Present were Mia Porter and =-" It's NIW1 -the Mesdamei Harold Harvey, -, , • The Home of Good F' ..... t--------. GREEN HAW'S .,__.,.,.DRIVE -IN~~- ll'oa•EaLY SANDY'S DRIVE -IN Waffles -Dagwood Hamburgers ~ ~tnks Ihm -n- m CoMt Blghway Oa Ute lllrade 1111e Olivia N. Paine, Laurence Reyn-• WOllClll oiclo. Walter Spicer, J'amft Ray, . r . Eugene Conser, Charleo Eeton, hr .a ,...... ...._,,_ Clem Christle, Hal Wm Smith. E. L. Wllllama, Helm Nowotny, Helen Douslas, Charlotte Lee, Mel Trickey and H. M. Walllncfonl. 1-N-8-U-... A-N-O-Z -& -BMl&ai -.,.., Aatoanolllle -On••'Q' --All 'l)poi PD!NNmll 0. BILL _., ......... tllld9 •• ..,... or...._ ST09M. A.fJM ndon -r='n•' c.a .......... ,, Mortane. Interlocking Block to. -----~c..---.c.m. --- "Rmdenl:alaolthell.irlnen" White's Balboa Island Cafe · AND OO<JKTAIL BAB ............ GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor Pirre rs: Brr eoe 1111 B•DOZ llM-W PEl'HY'S &e1N_pwt __ COSTA llSSA BAIJJOA INN . CAFE no-v-,.or Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods and Italian Foods l:N'rDTAl!OISN'r molft'LY~tJIUll3"· aww shclrs 7'MI' faftllte mr'afles-. De RA-ONJ) SUlC'l'lllC OllOAN Surf & Main St. Balboa Harbor372 WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 COMt Highway 101 Arzt _B•:• llUt 1---------Watch Us Grow • 111 -1-II&. Ooolli .._ P'Mae: ll•DOZ Mii Balboa 1'11eatre ''' \ • aye 1305 NORTH MAIN -NEAR WASBINGTON -SANTA ANA NOVEMBER , Friday -Noyember 22 SALE --DR ES -SES--, WONDERFUL LARGE ·SELECrION 9 to 17 -10 to 20 and Half Sizes . - • VELVETS • CREPES • SATINS • WOOLS OFF • • GABARDINES • .....--)) RE s·s.E s_~---­ ONE GROUP --B-LOUSES·---__,_ . -COTTON . ~a~ and ., o-~ ~6~ ~~u~::---~-~1 ~ . . . ALL SALES FINAL - • NO alARG!S NO REFUNa; NO EXCBANC&S -J::9 c::=:-..:,, eiae • ::--·~.!!.lee aft•lrlt -e&t:&ll -.... i.ra.a.-- P'd., lie&. Nn. It, II e Plliil1le Jlw<J59 fer lleat Be1t70nllle----..,. ............ "PIN:UPGiRL". ~;;;::~~~;;;;;;;~~~~~~ ~ Tee'leiLcolw!- --Com_'oe_ - Dome Clutt -laalo hip _']'_ .. "Her Kind of Man" .a Oloop. 10 -"BOP BAJUllGAN" 'rlle w-ot No+-. u a • ---Deatre ,..... -moaa& Pie-ID oelollnUnc twr MUt ,._.. of pletare =ek'q! HANSEN'S z100 o-a ll'?uat .• Confectionery & Luneh NOW OPEN EVENING8 • • Malts • Sandwiches • Hamburgers lleaudry'a Box Candy • Caterbtg lee ~ Darllll' - -,,_ wlD find """ ou-...mc ""-* .. releuet for 1"I' -.tertalmneB.t! Saa.,Moe. N .... l&,111\~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Mas. r r's ' -. Color Cartooa ......... 1 "Mr. Bag Goes to Towa" sis• "Ille Bisc1it Eater" lllii7 ol a ..,. --J>os! a .. 1t 1r IL:sd fJ 1b" Ja: ~of · Morgin'•·· Creek" · wta~9sll S'P1 • 5 -. ...... ,,,,;. ... '*'! s;t; • OooEa ~~ at It 1 0 ,, II Pa) 5 ..... ast: 1 . Ma11ted Polee" -~Opm . MzS't a ... .:. ::c; _. aa....u--..•• 2 ~ ... MllllE SEIVICE SHELl ooCI -· -... BALBOA • I . WllDO-W GLASS ' (S~ Si7.ea) Auto Glw e· BOat .:GJant . •"" "' .... 'f •V -BOai b!ttering > • . . . \! : - HIBOll -USS· co~- 7 e J!llr ) f· !llmr ... ,.· - • CBRISTIAN's -HUT OltdOrable I.EATHER SPOR'raWEAR ' . JU.ND ILU>S • JU.ND TOOlal Sond-11 -Wedslef -Puns -Belli • Watch Stropo -Walleta OIU>-NOW l'OS oimuftlA8 SID'S SHOE SHOP Lie·- . BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Wells At Fenj Landing, Balboa • CompWely Modenlbecl • STEAKS -CHOPS -SEA FOOD "'JUMBO SHRIMPS I 6 .. m. io % .. m.--ac-r)T;.-.,. Fountain Service · Inspection ot Our Kitchen Welcomed 24-Hour Radi .o Service • • HOME··· AUTO MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED · Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Highway N-"-' . ~•-1111 RENEW YOUR FLOORS YOllrself • Save Two-Thirds • , . ' The Cost • It's Smart, It's Easy •• -&Oar Sanders -Polishers • Bayview Builders Supply a11 <mot m ... ,. Pll. -lle0'7 ---- • • , • ----• -. I MlliiWWW fiCJWWW l~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=:;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;=;;i1Cimber B•cks Residents -Pia R anti ti4EE()E ·~Ml:!lliJ" (A,. Robe: lio• Pin n etq..1100 ..liC)MMI I G1JID9I Al l:.achmeyer SIGNS BOUSE WORK -b7 tbe -. -, 2fll7..J. ' tiVMl:.I SMAIL DOWN PAYMENT -MOVE .JN TOMORROW-Brand new 3-bedroom bcilili on Broadway In best plrl: of Costa M•n Hardwood noon, fireplace, dlningroom, UJe.. work, double garage and many other 1ea· tmes. $12,000 prioe for quick action. YACHTSMAN'S HOME ON CANAL--Om· plete fum1shlnp as well as pier, Doat and skiff. Excellent condition. Latest }Ire-war quality COIJStruction thruout. 2 bedrooms and den ammged to sleep 10 or more. · 'ftM! - $20,000 price reflects no Blue Sky In value. Liberal terms It you wish. See this today. GRAND CANAL ON LI'lTLE BALBOA . ISLAND -Well furnished 2-:}>edroom home on property planned for f1iftlre expansion. This probably Is the one you have been look· Ing for In your plans for the years to come. Cash or terms, $24,000 complete. Shown anytime. A BErl'ER BUY ON LIDO ISLAND - Quick possession of this well located 2-bed- room home. Urrusual room and extra space thruout. Good condition. Your early In- spection will tell you that the $22.500 price Is most conservative. (3U.11~1:.1.lt:.I NEIGHOORHOOD STORE - A good living for you and your wife by running this neat Grocery, Sandwich and News store. Long lease Includes living quarters. $4,000 for in- ventory, equipment and all. WOMEN'S READY -TO -WEAR -Your choice of two favorably known shops. In- ventories adjustable at cost. Modem equip. ment. Quick possession secures Holiday profits i! you act promptly. MULTIPLE STORE UNIT ON BAU!OA, ISLAND -Good building in good coadltlon with good tennants. Set up to earn beUer than 1 % monthly on your $40,000 Invest- ment. Shown by appointment. INDUSTRIAL BUILDING -Newly com· pleted. Adequate utilities now Installed. Ex- cellent truss-beam construction provides bet· ter than 4000 feet of Wlobstructed floor area. Offices and locke!" rooms. Low tam In manufacturing area. Call us for appoint- ment to Inspect. t t ' ' ti411113()11 lllilllVIUTMl:lllilT £(). ~l:ALT()l1§ :i~ .. IT11r.r.T A.T w. Cr.NTllA.L 4.~ CT.I.pk>,.. dlo..&o. 16oo 16o1 ~-·of!=-~~ To USO Volunteers Nov. 29 It will take to --tbe ........ ::: ::;: !..""!. ':"~ -1n Local Workers Who Gave V aJued Time With- --aid that If the vot-oat Comperuiation to Cheer Members of en had app<>ftd of the pork I Armed Forces Here and Abroad, wm Be . bond -some ,.... aco. the c1ty wou1d not now be ccnfrontec1 Rewarded f0r Th'eir War Services with the 111...,.t-'< flmd lihort-Tbe wluntee -lua• of the,.__. --·---------1 -· In the p.t --haft Newport Harber ll1ft tllat .._ and lo help USO honor the Volun- .had to ... both stnet oncl pork 10 inotrummtal In belplnc attain teer Worken of both the N..._, deputmetlt -lo CUT)' oa, the "Home Ayqy Fr<lln Home" oncl Balboa Clubs. and ~t plattd m In the red me aplrit and the woodettul nocrd year. of ~ .. to Oft!' a bll.lkx:a mem- Rol>et-. aid that he felt tMt hen of our Armed Forces In tbla Tlill'9 a 11'- lt ahculdn't be -uy for the -ty-ancl tan1p -will be "Dees the stratt• set a ~ pork «11•11•kirl to a.pend .._ -at a nwetlnc to be held throe! If he seto -t feet!" • ' AT NEW LOCATION Beacon 5178-W 6mce'Calls Before s:aO A. M. - or After 4:30 P. M. 1591 East 18th Street CXJSTAMESA I 90-2tc GIRL -mil:-oncl b'IUI: -Job. -Har-ber :HST..J. ~ vrn:RAN-..llzrt -typist ... ..,_.,. A-to learn and 111-. car, -:is. eau Jlubor1632. "90-21p ...u>rw:urr O»i• •m • MO'nlER'S HELPER to .-t 1n pleu1nt -with """°""""' -two ---Hu-ber 1572-J. . 91~ WANTED-Woman,~ fer -do7. ~ In "'¥ home. s:;.n Bzq;w• !l67l... 90-2tp HELP WANTED. MAJ,F Loc:aJ 91-Uc er lnlwlllls In t.wt·• for funds which ore a1oo neeiled by 00 Sa~ Nowmber 30, 19t6, "Yro; but not unW the next the 1tnet ·deputmetlt. When at the~ USO bullcllna. ,...k. .. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 ,.,...it. No -requlnd. Goad IMone. You are 1'0UI' awn -. APPb' ._ s~ 50816 . No. x.tn St.; 8aata Ana. 8T-8tc -q-the council-Cerda ' beUtnc the volunteer'• ----------- man "" whether mon1ro cculd mme and number of houri ,of not be taken from the cenenl ''Volunteer ~ r en de r e d fUnd to tide .,..... the puk fUnd aJona with USO -t•lnln& a In a lituatlon like this, Mr. Roi>-"star" f Hdl --.,.,_ explained that ~ WU er ard<d. not a IUfficlent amount there for houri of ler"Ylce, will be aw . the (JUrlc'OOe Tbe vohmteen lnclucle - ·aty Tre~ur... Gant produced who llUVed u HooU. oncl ,Jwikrl and Sen!« Holt-. Hpopltal flgureo which revealed that In Pre am cbllrman. Beach I party 1941-1942 flacal.¥ear, the park ~ Heme Holpltallty fund ccllectlona were, $4'155.~. chairman. Slghlleelng Cr u 11 e while the dlabunemenb were. chairman Service Wl'{l!I Clubo $4937.39; In 1942-l!M:I. collections chairman• and various ether ca- we re $4787.87, dlsbunemenb, cit! 'through USO erganlzed $4521.38; ln 1943-44.. ccllectlons pactlvl:';. and will apply to vol· we r • $4798.31. d!Sburaements, a teen ~f both the Newport "and $4805.45; In 1944-45, collec:tlom :i-USO Clubo. were $5238.67, di.abursementa. $6189.30, and ln 1945-1946, the The meeting !JI scheduled to ccllectlons were $6603.63 aga1mt start promptly at 8 p.m., the THI NIW dlsbursemenu of $5594.79. awarda will be made by the mem-m1· RtitlRY ben cf the Newport Harbor USO The city treasurer asserted that Council oonalsting cf Paul Palmer . en June 30th la;it. the balance In chairman, Harry Welch secretary, the park fund stood at $10J7.57, Herbert J. Kenny treasurer. Irvin ... while lnccme to November Gee Gordon Clyan Hall Lew fvll-je-lecl pow9r head amounting to $781 .06, brought the Wallace, ~. L. L. bbell, Sam total balance to $1818.63. Meyer, Hubbard Howe, A B. Beach and park expendllu1'!S Rouaaeile and Clyde Ashen. for the next five months is ex-An interesting program for the pected to put the park fund. in the occasslon q now being arranged red. by th~ time the 1947 fiscal and will be announced later, penod begins. through the columns of this paper . A member of the board uk:ed AU of the citizens of the New· Mr. Gant wheather the State al· port Harbor Area are con:Ually located any funds to the city for invited to attend fhe ceremonies beach and park purposes to which ;::::=========::;;;: the city treasurer replied, "No, we must raise the money from the three cent tax allowed us." SOFT WATER QIVJlll YOU QIZAllJNQ • a.a. .......... 1oolood "' Ille ..... -.174111111 ._ ...... i ... -.not ..... cnalipiM ud ,.. Ille cnabW\molabouillp. n.e ,.ult ii ,, ......... .. lcal .fflclHcr, ._, ...,...., .............. , ........ .-w-lceW.,-·.-. COMI I .. ud .. tM ..... ert.W7 • lip. "Jlocbt" Twio. ....,. luck¥ folb a1nody ... tWr .... 11 ... curya. )(()ft .,.. -tM ..,. OWll A MllClllT ••• MafcM111 IM O•taOAI• IACILLIMCI During a discussion period, BILVl:lt ••• 8PAllXJJ'N'G Councilman Robertacn aa1d that oLA1111WAJ1111 _ DQ!ea The Seaboard It would be much better for the entire city 1f the 1treet deput-Aa Jew u '2.!50 per month --INSURAN:CE- • 'l'ACR!' WELL·PAID JOBS with --"STU" DUNLAP Real Futures JAMES E. McKEE General Contractor 620 Marguerite Ave. Corona cleJ Mar 89-tfc MET-CLAD PRODUCl'S ~- CLARK &..BATES MetalJlz:lnc Weldin& Speclallls 506 30th St. -Harbor 2509 Newport Beach 85-ttc RADIO SALES & SERVICE Speda1tz:lnc tn repalrinc. FIREWOOD DELIVERED-Ph. far Young Women as Telephone Operators Santa Ana 6079-R. •ttc FORMED W'NW!!elcls " B&tdl In mmt communltlet b.ctnnen ,.... Coftn made lo crder. Aloo Pin-ce1w -pay of l30 for a flw. lilul " Lucita si-ta for aale. o1o7 ~ with eztra JlQ' fer.,_. Nu-Werk! Pr<>ducta ~n:r, time er dirty at orrtaJn. boun at 303 Third St., !luntlnlton BNd>. the day. Phooe Huntlnlton -118. llG-tfc ~-the !Int two -=ro=R-A.,....,,R"'E!=J°"•m=.E=-="81n,..,....,.t...,J'°'ob,....... )'eOn--pald vacations. J'O'ZI' fdne. call Bn X>11 538G1 Learn thla lntenmtla&' wtrk .. at otter ''If p..m. ID-If< loud pay In your own communlcy. HARBOR ' Y-OOI ~k with friendly people In Plumbing Service pleuant olflceo . 1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon 506llW Exce!fnt REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY I Contracting and Supp11 .. ' 97tfe ' ·• promotion TRONART, INC. Mech .cal Toys Radio, electronlcs, ~.. am and service-marine and -tic. Electric and Medw!lcal Traina, APPLY Ph. H. 1252-M Doll Buaiea, Dolio,_ Teiecrapb 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, Seta. Veloclpedro. Toys, Steel 79-tfc Wagona. --------THE TOY SHOP Southern California Telephone Company 21.i ~bor '1292-8:-= 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balbca ~---------- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICJZ TO MA1UND8 COOPERATIVE 51416 No. Main Street. Santa Ana ment were divorced fro mthe park son WA'l'IS aavuz Equipment Co department. '1t -M., N-rt • Notice !JI hereby given that "I believe the ebach and park Bai-. u.. UN c.ot Jllcllwa:r SOUl'HERN CA LI F 0 R NI A ROOFING CO. or can Chief 0pzra1or llG-tfc uld l bet Newport Bwll Beaooa W1 TELEPHONE COMPANY, a oor. areas wo rece ve ter ca.re I:~;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;~~~~~~~~~~~~ I paratton. hu placed one (1) ~ Phone ISeacm . 529).R if they were placed under the and tel pb supervision of 'the park depart· , aQ11e<>1111 telephone ecra :at II:. -St., Costa .._ m-t," the -Wlcilman declared. cable In Newpcrl Bay, Oranse -~, New and Repair. LUBRICATION MAN lo take CO!llplete charge of our lubrication depart- ment. ... '" "A Place Wl.n-,f~ Men" . County, Callfomla. The tarm1nl cf -----------·~ Ralph Mukey, Jll<Sldent cf the the cable are Identified by lisn- Newpcrt Harbor Real Eat ate s TAR c K 7 s c A FE boardl aet on -bl In plain view Board, aald that he waa In fa-· and bnrlnc the 'IVOldl, "CABLE cf the 10 cent tax plan for the CROSSING -SOUTHERN CAL lmprovoment of beachel and IFORNIA TELEPHONE C 0 M - puks. He added that Councilman . B e e r PANY." The location al this cable Robertaon and the Park Supertn. !JI dzocrlbed u follows: tendant Campbell lhouJd .,.....,.,t .... :_ed n..L.1--_ SL!..rt Orders 0n the Balboa bland 1n New- • breakdown 1howlng needed Im-!UU. Ul"UlaB UV pert Bay, Callfomla, nev the provements ln the areL "SPuo Row.. M.m.ogn--JoqPHINll OQuisr, o..._ Union Oil O>mpany Pier, ap. Also taking ac active lntereat proximately ninety feet (90 ln the dlscualon wu Braden 10'7 :IW l'IMle Neal"*& ll•ell ft.l -ly of the Finch, J. Gordon Findlay and nortbw9terly llne of Opol John Abel, other members of the Avenue, and a1lo on the penm.. boan1. suJa cf Newpc<t Beach on Palm Street -. ap- R-OOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J Excellent OJllJClriw>lty for a hustler. THEODORE ROBINS 8:1-tfc Ford Dealer for Harbor Dlatrict i ·PliN--0-TUNJN ___ G_ancl __ .._irms ___ . 22nd and Central, Newport Beach J . B. Brown: Write Bax Al, Phone Harbor :is· -89-tfc Rt. I. 388 ~. Costa ~ ._.i,aJQQq • -'18-tfc FOR SALE-Glrl'1 Victory bi- CORSON & RAY CO. H..- "b It true that lt cest $100 to have :10\ll" family tree looked upT" "Well, not exactly. I paid '5 proximately 6 feet D 0 r t b -General Contractors westerly of the aoutheaaterb< cycle. 1oocl ccndl tlon, loud tires, handlebar bultet. See at '18 Hall, Laguna Beach, -La- guna Beach 5953. 91-2tp 11ne al aaid Palm Street. Bal· Complete Building . . XMAS TREE STANDS L~====:::=============:::::..J to have it looked up, and $9S to have it hushed up.'' boa. two monumenta, n•mel,y 12-ineh crou type $10.00 per 100 li11>boardl In plain view and Service 16-lnch crou type $12.00 per 100 bearing the words, "CABLE Umlted Sl!I>ply--Onler Now ;==================i Contractors' Rental Equipment Evuythlac ta Mac:ld•erJ for i.e BaJld••c C..tncter BUILDING aad c~ SERVICE DUTCH HEACOCK Ph. HARBOR l502 or BEACON ~w 11tll oad SANTA ANA AVE., OOSTA IOl:8A • ME ..the beer widi the , high J.QJl'Q•,.'"'.., 'J ~~-·,···~-- B. R. BlUNKBRJl()IT _ ....... --- • c..n r-FULUA DEALll lot ... -w ,_ a--, ......_, M-Woa ...i Polllh. Fer IUD it1•11l11 'C . R. .... •A1111~ ..,~ -0.-... _ ._, __ _ MEN-W-OMEN ProBtate ---Petril .. ,.. .... , 1 'fftllll~ =-.:.t;:~.et.t-:r = . ,,, ......... ,.. _, •s•4' .... • • • ....... -:: ..... trS Y.OUR GLANDS ..... ~_ ..... __ ................. -a--• --7 ~ ........ -. --~-~ii;, .. ...... .. : ,, ' 68 Bases Daily from NEWPORT BEACH ·Greyhound's tr.quent, conveniently· timed departures make it easy for you to p14" your trips to suit yourself, com- ing and going as you please. Whether you uavel on business, shopping, or pleas11tt, ' G;qhound's "tailor-made" ttavCI service saves you bodi time and money oa "UT trip. See your local Greyhound agent for • full information. c. 0. 8WAftl'Om) - -<W Jlw7 •••• -1&11 ~~-1~~ -PHONES-PAUL W. ANDERS COMPANY," which aald ligna Harbor 2447-R ' Harbor ~w Mfr. and Builder mark the landing places on ·the 87-ttc Modern Fences aald -111 Newport Bay of 166 eec.u Place COST A MESA one (1) aubaquecua te1epbone p A I N T I N G 91-4tc and telecrapb cable, approx!-12 Yean Service In Newport FOR SALE-Two twin beds and mately 1370 feet In length Horl>or Area which c:rouea aald Newport aprlnp, painted turquolae; alac Bay In a i:eneral northeuterly Harry Hall foor evening dreaea, about new, and aoutbwesterly c11rect1oo PAINl'ING OON'ItlACTOR llze 14. Phone Harbor 1521..J. between the tarm1nl above P'1ona 91-ltp dewcribed. Be.ccn !5259--.1 Beacon ~ FOR SALE -Fan type elec. Thia notice la publilhed for the 77' E. l9tb Stteet :M-tf< Heater 220 volt, Theanadoo $50. IJUrP»O of lnfcnnlng all navlp.ton Sheet Metal Work Phone Beaoon 5149-M. 90-2tc cf the clelcriptlon and purJQe of the monumento aforroald and of Gutters lnltalled· oncl Repaired ROYAL TYPEWRITER No. 5, A-1 the general course, landlnp, and Re ccndltlon, $50. Harbor 1247..J. tonn1n1 of the ca1>1 .. a!oreaakL gan Bros., Sheet MeW oo.21c llOUl'HERN CALIFORNIA Ml E. 21at, Costa ·Maa BOY'S bicycle; S1mmona Rolla· TELEPHONE COMPANY Beacon 5608-K 81-Uc yqy ccts with mattrn1eo, like :-~~:;;: Cun-SPEED GRAPmC CU1ERA. 2._ new. Phone Harbor :rus.::t1c --Plant EnP-ll3 ... --· -.. -1--:----------nerlns N..,,, ,._ uaed. '121 Eatwood , Pub. N.,.,. 5, 7: 12. l'-19, 21, 21, Aw., Santa Ana. Calif. 8Mtp TIRES 211, 19& CESSPOOL oncl aeptlc tank wort<. Phone Sula Ana llOl9'-R. 9G-Uc Recapping ~ II MODERN .1a....,,. ·~ t, :..:;-.;! WANTED -I;k·-llrhw to All Electric F.quipment ..,,. • .!:"-, ~ • -bolp lbore ....... In """"' ~':, ;..:.=c.Ei'.'~J; trip to New Yark. 1-wlllc Dec. NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR ot o.ou.. .... 0< -10 to Dee. 15. G. Harwy·518 W. D-ON U.. -Wal lllDP IP!lml aen-· a.Jboa. Calif. ·-1 _ -•VAU ~·u.tJ-U.90le~ ..... ...,._. . ::..-.,,.·""'!J'""::: ~: Alo:r~8p.m. ,lllM!P CXlKPLETZ llET"lN ONE DAY b#:~:~~Jll:iJL:• ;w-.,.., BlCYlJLF.S..... ~ ncnox~wORK ...... Noo -f, JM. -llalcl, --.... ,, • ... ' ----·-D ' .. & -YO 'II · av~ ---~ er•n or c.u..IJ'C>lllU4 oou--"* or oa.ueaa-.. 100 .... a., RIA• Oll"'*9 'ftla ::Z,,.,. '""°"'""•••••,. la -M tr· Blaaa 'tied ft~ ...::-r:-~ . . - C"'::. ~~ i::.~ -llft'. -II ..CW t); ... , .. Im! rt. MA(>iiNJ!:'·-MACfilNOPll( LESTER'S .0. K. Rubber Welders • :lllOO w.n Clntnl IUWJIORT ••CH .. .............. -~ ... ~ Pl ·~ ...... w ..._. .. ~ • -Wi111uciu. ~ .,.°' !'l:Zl:.:f':r.;n!..-TMloc-Mn' a11W OrderYoar -fl"L .,,. - -pm' a. ,::; Ills • a ..._, I'll. -111-1' a-,-J 91·1tc :::, .. =:n ""jg"pptt)-.. _ ~.11ea1'&.8lF£. ~ Gu ,,~=.__.- . .... 0 b .. ...... ..._.. .... -__.. ~·WllollUll"" :, ~ ... , • ,, w _ ,... .now ..._-. M. IL 9 : Doo. I.-. ._........... • . C V~I - Ulft'.:Ja a.w .. ... -..... .. • .... Ml ,... .._ ss• -.. =... "! .r .:_ coe= A"" .... 11 .. 1-.;_ .. :::.,~ :;;,;·;,,,,:: .._ B 7 SI • Ill -llC IM> <l wlmt null Oii Pq; ' - -• • • ..lllll.ll~~~--~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~'~5lt~JUll~~~!~t~;'~"l~11.a:;,._~-inw~~-~~!W~ .. ~zr~~~e;~·~·?~~T~,~7~·~7;'Jll;;:~~-~::s~.=1!t~-~111!1 ~J;•~e,~1!9~~~~~:::~~~~~~~==::~::::~~;;'.!!!~!!:::::::::·,::~!!_ Want Ads u•• ••• ,.,..... • auuca• ••• .., ·-·· _... -• . ?' • er a.,. :._:.-lo . '. =·· ...... . --: • .. £2 ·-· • FOR su • n '' oot -.. 25 -llO Watt ' Nme' Aa.. and Hol.e Balboa Island-· •ts. Be1CDD 57115-J. 91-2k FOR SALE-Tw<>--oo11 p1pe. Harvey Wells SlnalJ -doctrte --TWO-UNl'l' INOOllE: Near neath bv: ~ THIS ONE STANDS OUT Q•6-I m llllth st.. otter 5 p.m. 91-ltp • Radio Telephones ~ _. N...,,..-t B1Y4--room ~ In front; one bedrwn unit over garage. ,._ ...... pqe -r Only $10,000 . Rumpqi room and ~ .. tlo. Eady Amerialh • ::."=*":..::..ft:..O:..:_:..::.. __ ...:..._•_•_••-----I For •••u1>edl•te Dtllwry .. __,.lnhhM-· •• , .... , .. ....,.. &Ul"I.1--.,.· JliBG, 4 POS'l'El< BED -Special Bargain Daily •li4» -~ tw1u •bco New 11DC1 u...i Furniture Boucbt and Matb Ell M, drapee, beddinc. and Sold .•• Phone Bnccm 5538-J TRONART, INC. Authorized United Motor ..,. --... 111>1e to r.eez1ns Harbor :Furniture Radio Service ::;!:' =.w ~ ,= ::: 1962 Harber Blvd.. o.ta ....., Delco and Motorola out.-motor, 12 ft. boat. IB-tfc IUfJe. electric ruon. M a D y BO&n, ll1lPftBill II El<ctronla. Sound -Sal.. and other ortldes. Beocon 54112-R. FOR S~..!J~l Chrysler pow-S<t'vice-Marine and Momestlc !ICMtc ered fWllng boat. Ph, H. 1252-M Good House on 19th Cl<Jle In. Excdlent Jocatlcn- $10,000 Half J»wn J, C. PAYNE, Broker 111 1. 18th St. Costa Mela Ph. Bea""'1 5213-M ... ,m..,_EO_DO_RE_·_Ha_vlland ____ Llmotl __ .. Priced for quick uale. 276 E. 2901 W. Ceniral. Newport Beach 12-pi.ce -oet, $200. 213 19th SL Costa Mna. Call after 91-tfc R. w: BARTINE E. ~ Ave., Balboa. !l().2tc 6 week days OT all day Sat and RADIO HOUSE CALLS-Aaodate Broker MODERN FENCF,S White Picket Solid Board Concrete Block Walls Sun. , 91-ttc Now that additional compe-Res. Ph. Beacon !1276-J CHRIS-CRAFT, 130 h.p. marine tent technldans att avallablo, I 91-ltc engine. Three hone cuoUne we are able ta make service c:all1 ..,.me, brlllld new. Ught lklff, on larse oomoles. All work B Fro t Lo anch<r, etc. Phone Beacon cuuantttd. ay n t- 5847-W. !l().2tp HENRY W. BRAINERD in El Ba)'O Tract- AIJ N.,. Jlatalal -Erected or FOR SALE-12 C®tlnental Com-New Owner S.O.S. Radio Pft-Fab mando marine enclneo. model 300 Marine AYO. Harber 180 $13;500 -Free Estlmat·~ .. ~-~. 1615 h.p., twin dlac 81-tfc PAUL W. ANDERS clutch; 011-r<duc:tlon par U'llOIAL AlfNOV.mmDITll A Two Unit.e-- MMtrod.ean.irn FBuile.nduces !!! .. ~~eteiD "!!:.!:."~~ CarpenterB Available . On~ Balboa 18S Cedl Pl-COST A MESA Ram Enstneuin& Co., Harber for 1e1'""'1 maln1-• 91-ttc 7.lfl-J. !l().4tc -repelr s13,5oo. -----------1 FOR SALE-Smwblrd, $215. Call o. z. aom1110lf Harber 1476. 1111-tfc Call Harbor a Order Now! :Motte Three-Bedroom Home- Furnished, Price $28,500 SomeTerms ~ Corona del Mar- PRE-WAR STUCXX>: Built of the finest In 1939. On 70xl18 tt lot. Five rooms; two bedrooms, 1 'h baths. Fenced yard Sprinkler system. Beau- tifully landscaped. Glassed-in patio-- i22,500 with i:enns ---G- We have a good choice of residential --and business property. See us today. . Ir:~-....-"" ----G-~ Newport Beach- ' OCEAN FRONT <XYl"l'AGE: 1be hard-to-ftnd kind A low priced 1-cb home, tumlsl)ed. Will sleep eight people- $5250 ($2500 Cash) ..- ~ • All the charm a well planned modem home in Corona del Mar can offer. Just seYen years old. Two bedrooms, sun room-<len, 1'h baths. Ocean view from living room. 70-foot·frootage. Fruit trees. DWble garage. $22,500 -Partly Furnished COAS'J'., PROPERTIES REALTORS co. "Serving Newport Harbor Are&" 703 €, Qentral, Balboa Pbohe Harbor 2658 91-tf FRUIT TREF.S MOORING for aal• for 30 ft. ..U K E Y S boat, DOD raidence. 12IH E. Cmtna Ave., Balboo • !l().2tc -W1111e ''"' Wal& Winter Planting FOR SALE-Small Brla:o <l VOGICL'B Stratton --'-. S... at Corona lOO IJlalD It.. Bolboa El Bai Tract. Fumlsbe4- $26,000 BRIGGS' ••• BEST ••• BUYS COVERING GREA~~EWPORT. HARBOit 2 B. R. house; hdw. fioors, fireplace, f\lr., elec. refrig., T. T. 1111 eo.t maw.r 31U w. O..tral Zl5 -.... stow, batch, apt. in rear, gar. o'head door, in E. Newport, EARL W. STANLEY Hollister Bros. NURSERY ......-'°' .,_, B&Jboa 1"land 40-Ft. Business Lot-del Mar Gift Pottay, 600 Cout H ·tto an-do! liar Newport -Ba-,.,_ near Yacht aub, $4000 dn. Apt. income will handle .-Y· -: Harbor HM Harbor 1013 -: Harbor lTll ments. Blvd. Phone Harbor 2370. !l().2tc -----------Center of Balboa- FOR SALE-38 ft. Matthews llU8JNSSll OPPOBTONITIEB '9 $18,500 . 91-ltc Full acre; 2 B. R. house, gar., large out bldg. set up for home -------------..,.(-----and boat bldg. on Wilson St., $8000. I•-P'ns Ul!8 Harbor - Ooota -Bo&Olll 5200 ~tfc Will Pay Caso Par ,...,. flJmlture or what haw 1'0L Phone Beaocn 5QS6, Craw. J.,. FUmlture, 1812 Nowpc:wt Blvd., Costa ra-. 411-tf• Auto Batteries Rubber Sopualal ~tb -'8.75 EL Compounded Motor Glallcm. 'lOc Oil Western Auto Supply A-l>Nler Im Newport Blvd., Ooota Mna Cl-tf• ¥DIETIAN BLINDS-Aluminum, .-. --Call .. for ftee nti· ----............... llo. Caalt v-Blbod Co. Wort 18th llDd Newpa't A..._ 0oota 11-. Ph: -sia.w. .. tt. nn. -and ID""'''* WOOD Doll....i H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 6666 1716 Nowpu<t Blvd. ~tf< • COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free F&imates !Dtchen and Wall Wuhlni: Floor Oeanlnc and WaxlnS W-.. O•!.Dlnc Caulklas Palntlnc SportfW>er, completely equip- ped. Hu excellent fllhlns ttCOTd. J\!chardson Yacht An· chorage. Phone Harbor 369. !l().2tc BOAT MANUFACTURER W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa 22-tt. cabin cruiser. MAY be uaecl Mal<lng utandard line of cru11en. Phone Harbor 153 for filhin& boat, $160. Call after Will entertain additional capital __________ 91_·_tfc 6 p.m.. Harbor 1493-J. 83-tlc for large expansion program, FOR YOUR NEW Hicks' Marine with large potential profitable engine or parts, see "Jim" Van program for 1947. Active or ln-F. JACK SULLIVAN Fleet, factory distributor, 3311 active parties considered Box Finley Ave., Newport Beach. C B, c/o News.T\mes. Real Estate Order now for mid-winter de--90-2tc IN CORONA DEL MAR livery u prices are sure to FOR RENT 41 advance. 89-tfc ------,-,,.,,.,--,,...,.,..-FURNISHED ROOM in Balboa; . ·small House Buda 6-DTMR-317 home privileges to one or two On rear of 60' lot, single car ga- congenial girls. Beacon 5435, rage. Plenty room for nice home Marine Diesel Engine with Oliver-Twin Disc 2 - 1 Reduction Gear Completely overhauled and in first cla.u condl tlon. Put new enetne perform- ance in your boat at about a third tbe cost of a new engine. days. !l().2tp on front. Fine di.ltrict- $7800 FURNISHED room in modem home with employed couple. Kitchen privUeges, private en· trance. Pttfer one or two Between Hiway & Ocean ladies., Beacon 5426-R. 90-2tc Two small houses near school; NEAT, sunny tumlahed rooru, pr!-good location. Mal<e offer. vate home. Centrally located.. Local references. Harbor 622, Newport Beach. !l().2tp New House FOR RENT-New Duluxe roam Nearly flnlshed, between highwoy and private bath, tile -and ocean. N~ a little work stall 1'lrln or double -. -and money- Oilmotors Company ~nf"-~te;'= :=-:;:; Full Price $6500 1021 S. E. 16th SL, Costa Mna permanent sueou. Miracle Mlle Phone Beacon 5495 Mon. thru Fri. Motel, 7lle Cout HlahwaY, New-Plenty of Lots at other times phone Harvor 569-J port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. both 90-4tc '15tte $1400 and up in all 1ocatlom, 1-----------above and below high~ . FOR SALE-CO ft. cabin c:ruller; WANTED TO KENT 41 11 .. 111 m; p11eir. dinette, head. B B · T larae wheel houH and coclqllt, EX-MARINE and wife need llllall est uy JD own --•ete•u ttc:ondlH__. bow to furnished house OT apartment, Tw ho be hi h .__........ v ~ . dre p o new mes tween g way •tern; Olr)raler marine enatne. Wno .ch1 ilBo n .. Y'or, pec/t.s.N:::::'n~· and ocean. One in rear, amall See owner 133 Agate Ave Bal· n e x 0 .......... -·~....... A t Fron h " h boa Island . ·in-ttc !l().2tp ::;:::... ~rine-roo:.. :" ~ WANT TO RENT-Furnished or '::':/ kitchen, dinette. All Balboa Canvas Shop unfurnllhed house, 2 or 3 bed· f and 1_..,.pec1. Aok Salli -Boat Coven rom. will Jeue. Phone Harbor about this one--a good deal at A Good Choice in Newport Heights aose to Harbor and Beach facilities. We have several lot locations to choose from, including half-acre sites near the High &hool. nus area is getting many new developments. Ample size lots 60xl27.5 ft. and larger, priced for GI loans and selling for $1000 and up. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing 91-1tc ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island r Phone m-w Balboa Island Vacant beach cottage on rear ot lot, 30x85 feet, fur. ~ • $9000 20x73-foot store building for rent fixtures in living quarters. Lesse could buy Corona del Mar Lot south of highway on Acacia- $1650 ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Five acres, houSe and barn, on Santa Ana near 15th, $10,500. Two homes on Lido, near Oubhouse; one a 2 B. R. at $20,000, the other a 3-B. R. at $22,500. Like most Udo houses, these are exquisite. . Fred -BR-I GG S -,Tressa . 634 Coast HighWllY A "Sandy'' Steiner otfkes Phone Beaeoo 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 . CHARMING SEA FRONT HOME We are proud to offer this charming home in Seashore Colony. The view from the picture window of the spacious living-room is truly magnificent The large fireplace really. works. Two bedrooms with better than adequate closet space and two baths. Double tiled sinks in kit- chen. Sunny breakfast nook. The interior paint and enamel job looks Ill\ though it were done by a fussy boat ~ and has been kept immaculate. There is an attached garage with extra storage space. Incidentally, the house is constructed solidly on massive ~ted piling and has double ex- terior walls with stucco finish. The Interior Is panelled tltroughoUl We believe that th!! price of $15,000 makes this home a good buy for the couple or small family who want an attractive, comfortable and well built home on the ocean fronl J ~ M. MILLER EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th and Central, Newport Beach Telephone Harbor 1264 "On Your Way to Balboa ... 91-2tc 91-ltc All Work Guaranteed Marine Upholaterlng 7(11 81-tfc Harbor 'Im -224\!i 2bt SL .. $18,500 201 Agate, Balboa W•Qd Harbor m-w •11:•1, ESTATE WANTED 114 MONH TO LOAN • Harbor 379..J Al's 1louse & Window Cleaning Service 116-tfc B8atter If we recap )'OUI' TIRES We _....ttt our "Capo" to lut 20,000 MILF.S -that'• -all- WB WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 D' ONE CollES on' --·-of Spoe4. lor a ,_ oot --c5ll tar,_.-1at11ew•rc ...... -·· .... .. "c'6brtle w • ,.. ----~ ... 11J10. Mo -w;,...la • ....,. 7. , - Colla Ka Tin Co. la ... at 1'780 New~ BmL ocn'A Mnt .... ••~!.: • sra A*tar.t.l•-- Newport Beach n-ttc WANT TO JI.ENT~ er 3 bedrm. unturnllhed houoe. WW 1-. 91-2tc rn TRADE-Lou on Udo hie LO~B TO BUILD, buy, -- P U M P S Call Sam Porter at u..-m ----------------------ai.o lotl ,on Peninsula on pur-IDOdernlu °" nflnaao-.. chue of 2 OT 3 bedroom houoe Nowp'ort Balboa Podenl aa.ircw WORTHINGTON PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGAL For All Pressure Soden Refrigeration 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim Phone 4652 91·1tc llOBJOAL a LU>IO Electric and Fire Equipment Tests All Qualified Personnel C-0-Two, Pynne a Foam NllJJ& ex> -l1Stem --now anU.bM E'nl HOKIN <l GALV .A.N 1000 Oout Hllh1la7 Ph. Beacon 5407 91-tfc Radio Repairs All -a.; tuboo. etc. Beacon 6768 BURT NORTON Ill o..t JIWl•4'. M'.,ownpwt-- or 13. ~tfc HOUSING NEEDED FOR F. JACK SULLIVAN VETERANS JOHN R. SCHICK, Salesman llit Your Vacancies With 1213 Cout Highway AMERICAN LEGION CORONA DEL MAR Harbor 352 !l().tfc Ph. Harbor 1247-J 91-ltc VETERAN and wife desire houoe or apartment. Furniabed or un- furnlabed. PennanenL Phone Balboa Beacon 5'719-M. !l().2tp Comfortable house; five bedrooms, RESPONSIBI .E COUPl.E tram Montana clol1re neat, attractive fumilhed -from Jan. 15 to Mar. 15. No cblldren. 111B ea. lino Rd., Loo Ancel<e :M, Ariz. 39849. !l().2tp fireplace. Completely furnlah- ed. Terms can be arrang~ $12,000 Corona del Mar A.Pr ar SM•IJ, HOUSE wanted Attractive small pre-war home Oii by -and -W1 do aot -lot. Hardwood floon. V· drtU: ar • Meo no ddldren ar bllNh., tile, ftttplaoe, ~ peta. -Santa Alla 01181-W aarace. SultablO for ApL above er wrtta Bax "'T" Ncwpwt ~ -N_,_, IT-tfe DANZ-SCHMIDT an, lllPIW'·•noos 11 $10,960 U.000 DOWN PIANO CO. FOR RENT-Cat _..wttb n... Newport Heights Sil No. -St. Santa Alla yum canyall Call at :lOS Ocie St., Ooota 11aL Ralph ne-. Modem tbr<e-bedl-.i home; ZICNrnl ... -. 7 ~ a-!l().2tp diDiDc -_.,,.... --=-~ w~~ --1--• ··-• 111.000 BABr .,-. Hiib sn111o -YOONG 1ias1e man. ID 1'L aid, -BUSINESS BUYS---- ~ Business Opportunities , DINNER RESTAURANT, three-bedroom home, oo major highway. RESTAURANT in Newport, !l5r 1-ch and pier. I RESTAURANT AND 'J!RAILER COURT, 1-utltul home; lease or sell. BEAUTY PARLOR. new equipment, suitable tor part- ners. HAMBURGERS, HOT DOG STANDS: Two year-around spots. CARMEL OORN CANDY, El'C. CODCell8ioo; good 1-ch location. FROZEN FOOD MARKEi', living quarters; good In-come. SMOKED FISH ~. A-1 highway home and bait acre land. SMALL R&WAURANT, pocedts, living quarters; looJr price. . BOWLING ALLEYS, pciol ball, lunob counter; no com-petltian. r Ulel1 -Oill:t MIS. 'l'!i-wutl ,_ or ,_ ~ -Costa M-Bl'EINWAY ...-. atrlo B. n. ta 0oota u.a. ~~Small_.,, home on bolt acn GDT SHOP, lllllleltiea; bir moinry ma'!!pr; 1-.t apot. !'~Ill'!--•.~!:fW p...-!!!!:ts. $7876 ll00'!1, NEW; 2C unlta; best 'ld&bwllY ~; wcaill ..._.. ...,_ now ,,, MrAft a man...,- -tot:lll'msJ"l'll• prb. FOR SA' E a,. owner, well buD:t • ., _::ii: .,..;..., -J· 0000 -Pl-P... Ool1 ---·--'Ort· GOODBUYSINBUSlNEssAND ifut'El..JNMISSOlJRI, 16aetrlllllU,$46,000;talretnlde. In Harbor district. Phone Harbor aad J...mn _a...., 1(fl 81-tfc 3333 Via Udo Ph. Huber 1l!OO &tJTOMOTIVE a TDlll:8 A AtJTO llSllVJO. 1939 Cadillac lledan, model 60: gooc1 condition. J. c. Kirk, 1913 NOW HERE W.Central,NewportBeaCh. !l().2tp FOR SALE-'39 ~ymouth 4-door led.an. New-pilnt. radio and Your authorized Clu )T!t heater. Inquire F •. A. Slater, Plymouth Dealer. 315 Fernando, Balboa. • !l().2tc Authorized parts HEAVY DUTY one-ton trailer truck tire!, good tirft. 1lU C<Jlnplet• Lubrication and "-8te Aw. Balboa Ialand. ~tenance . 87-ttc Export ~ .. .&tlTOllOTlva a TDlll:8 18 K<ndAn and Quaker Stata clllll McrroR S(lOOTER. new Brigp .t , Straton lnOtor, "5. 917 E. Cen- tral )~ -flat, until 2 p.m. After 2 call at Vaux' Kitchen, Balboa. 91-ltp FOR SAL&-lMl OV•11d)lle 4- door -.; ndlo, esoeDent con- NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS dition. Call at 515 San Bernar-:1818 W. Ol!lltral A ... di6o, Newpat HelPta. 91-:.ltc PbmM Bu1lar .. • POa 1 u r_nno 7Jl0a:l.5 __ - -~ 'Nomi)>'-. -lalah• at Nc•»Wt ....... n•• s a CG;2112~~NC111!"'t nUUiiifOi ......... Bt.O 91-ltc: -2 I .......... : M . l'OR iir• Ill J'ard '1tat1an -I ( 3uc:. -----llO,DQOllll& N .. ~'~W· Wit._ PO ....... -.,. ...,. ~ a1121r,-. .,._ a.. • ks ~ siao. No 'ssJzm Mr. v .. ..,..n w. IM6Rsz el....._Clllll BMC• ( 11-.J. -..... ' • -... M I i •"iiiiii liiiiii ... --• -Or wlD rat. allb'-,..;;;;:__ INCXlllE -~-I •;.._.,_,.....,. ------~~--"-'".._tlo GRAND pl-W-. -Piao km .. , i•atetr. Call ·~-·..... .....,.~ .... ID'XX FACl'ORY, -_.. luld, bmi4 ZORIC -..-·1,~>«.t1n --atns-11t.. -andtruclt. . r 0 \ YJ! ~l!D .LATE MODEL CARS . , · and wm ~Y Top Pr(cea I DRY a.E.umtQ - --. --Noapuo>t Ho!Pta. 91-tep Unimproved Lota ·· GAS STA'l'tON, w locaUoa; two-bedroom h"e; _ ~ ~ .._. -""' roa •••• .01w dll _., 6 $1600 and...,. .-to ezpawl, -~ ~ ~-aD'Cl •ss;o ~ tno -ft.llt,lUI'*-,. ',-y" PlaaJI' .&JID rw ..... A bUOltJ. l'all rldl of JI..&, .... loc-tar 1B-,;,.. IllU9D --Oill:t '8li. Ta -. Ouuw. ft. Sl'•w. -· oowacius -oe:rw ,., +t--JOHN. B, SADIBJR ·a+«M lal 1 .... pluo -mloiw ..... BUY NOW BUall: ..._,,. RSA.I.TOR trPt ~ Wa ••?22211 --. -I , ·-DlllllD ....... - Lidq Clel!M)q •l"·•' ' .... tar·-..»&, wm .a tar •-•OootaMo;;.;_ -..;;w .. ...._-. ' -. -.tla-w. S-bJ lllllla..t-q,O.-u.t11- DAVllCPMWI' PIANO (ll).. .. •tr 1 t. Mr. V...,..., -...... 7'1 --0-- wi-&l"w ar lllollc a JIBilgpj'm-.. a. .......,. --0-- A. "SANDr Sl'EINER, Realtor a I Ba ' ._,·~ lie ' • I -- ............... Ala aClt b Mlml-1. ... 11.ltl .. QnJt 8W hi\J 101 • I& 7173 . IWtl: . . •J·=.C&aRDW' a -· w ; ·~-} -zu• ... 11112 r k;a ........ _. I' "9 -.=. ,. S •• ........ a a •• ~· 24 I IP I a • F• ~•• I II aJl$8itTSON amvROl.l!T 00., 1"' • 0 'i .. 0'7q ilf1D1t;. ---~ s 4• ;r•,_!~-St •a _: r I' --=., • - • cmoBom D. •••mt .. w. o-tn1 B()()ll**PINO mm --- • • .. ... 1.._.. Ta: ..... w J'OBN T , CdTI..11 B.N.~ A0001!NT.&NT8 -~-.......... BCX>••*' mo mvic. Tu Ccmmltaat JUDM 0 . PMlftle 1711 N~ BlYd. ONta ..._ P'faione Jle&ooD 11&.J' ~-riEWIORT BA.T tdCJ' HAP.OR On. ..n. ... ot co.ta ---.. .ane. o:..&a -- -Jl'LT-·---a.rw ....... AlftlQ'Dm BOB "If DICIC ...., ___ _ Ji'IDrl ..... Qlw.. 111 .......... ud ..... ._ D.\6> W. 0-tnl But:ic.' JT70 """'°"- • AmKENTll OOllLtl"O AP.un:IDNTS llectrlc Retrlpn.Uoa. Pri--ma. Sq Aftlllll BarbO:r fl'f·R Balboa .. ...- OTO Dz•r,pa 10ll m·rCJ<&R,......,ft• ................ -..... Os tLM Puta and A I I lw o...~a;,~ 1111 w. c.t:rU ...... 1'nrJIL ... AVl'O l&D'.&DI COl'l'.A._llSl4 .x>T 1'°8° c .·~A-n ,_ ~ .,, Ne ... -.wpwt ..... 9l W.a.ct & __ .,. , -.~ • • Their Pledge ii .Your Anurance ol T rustWortliy Se~ice and Merclaandiae .., < 1'8Wl'ORT • ••t..Bi\l. .&.UTO SllPPLY .......... .....,.. G&ema w. c.we tl.OI w. OIDtn) n.o. J1l2i Newport a.ch. Qal1f. aAtlft ULON!I CRARLOl lliS BU.UTT BB.OP Lol8 Ott Pen ·net Wa"9 a lpeclaltJ' ...... ~,,..,. Carom. del Kar l'llolio-1111 llWI'OLJCll BICYCLSll -----voo•L'I 100 J(&lD. ... ..... -Jl&rtDe ...... lllud. llOA.T B'lllLDm • l&D'.&11111 Bterlltl&' Boat WorU AD ~ot~ BW14Jaa Pal.DU.,. and Kot.or Weft Bub and Doon Kade to drder 111 eout m.h••J' a.coa ua llOA.T ll'lllLDE118 YORK BOAT CO. Now bull~ -U.. ot .tock Ud aw... a:od cca- IDU"dal ~ to ... ll&l'bor BtTd.. ..a Wit.on atr.t ea.ta ... • •• Oii INJ llOA.T l&D'A.DI .. IUllfTEN'(lS TBZ BOIDLlN CO. -w..-- BOAT DUI.w:Jl8 DOUGLAS llQ&.T A CA.NOS CO. Kamlfaetw'W9 ud 1>19tttbuton ol Din.. PM.di• Bo&rda. Yacht T9DMn Jilt W . Catnl Aft. Pb. Bar. mt Newport a.ch. CalU. ClA.llINl:T mop · GORD.AN a. nNDLA.T CAJlINllT 8BOP cu.t.om llade CaN-Mll tOT .. ltL Barbor 119..J' N ........ _,, (lRll.DaJ:Inl APPA•'l!J. TBll BOBB!' BllOP Bob l&Dd. S&l17 arow. ru S . C.tnl Aft. Balboa Bart>or 1111-W • JR. J.lCJ[ • JU.L Ch.lldl'UI'• and lnful'• aowa. Up to 1: t': G~ aad 17'1Mi Newport m.d. ea.ta ._ OllDl()PILA.CTOB DR.. P • .&..."cff4wpsp1,•m ~Tocluolqm -Zlectn>tJMrap7- ROIO CAI.IA IN llilUIOR ~ lMt Newport BIN. ea.ta ... a.cca .. -OONTBA.CTOJI. 111.DG ... oml- DUTCll BU.COCK OeMrU ODalnldor ul II C tW. CoblDft --~ Wrp'r'ttt ...... .. Baibm lllall4 DO Balboa st., ea.ta .._ > • -OOBaOM 6 liY CO. _....._ T.e.w, ... w ..... y ... __. ... Oonl \':i-r..:::r-...,_. .. w. o..tnl ....... T9l. Bar .... Htiwpwt-~ CllllM1da OONT&.&Cl'Ollll, JINs ... o..'I W . P. XS•I.ft "1 Newport BIYd. --""""' - OONTIL&Cl'OJlll, Bids· .. 0.'I OON&U> llllOOJ< 0.tnctor • BaJldar OONTIL&Cl'Ollll, ""'1m. .. 0.'I 80tJTB C<M.ft CONBT. CO. Iad11M:J1&1 • OeMra1 .eo..tnac:Uoa Vet.ut Jlaowt•s W.U.Tlm a. lmLLOrT W ea..t B1T4. Ba1'lclr TN 0..0.. del. llar OONT&.&Cl'OBll PA.DITJNO LDC. nAK Pabltbl&' Ocmu.cton OONTIL&Cl'Ollll-PA.DITJNG H. a llC'DON.A.LD =~ a.te Llcmicd ilC Old ~!'4-W:OOP IOIT-• OONT&.&Cl'Oll-PL.t.llTDING CR••I• c. nPPB ~ 0....t Coatnctor bl UM .,_ for II Tean ....... _ ..... -111"'1 IOO ... ...., C4nma ... llar, Calif. DDll8'r DOUGBN\JH OOTT .. GS IX>-NtJT .um W £.rJ'Lll &BOP Donut. ud w..m.. a Spedalt)' ec.ptete rountata a.rn. .. KarlDt ...... Balboa i.i. &nor..,. DBUG llTOBl:ll B.UIPTON'S B.UtllOR DRUG cm-del ..... o.ut.onla MAC PllLLftDIR'I Nna,,.wnro.:OaT BU.CB pa4ftx•cr J:Lll(lT8IOAL DI.Bii. .. 8DV. u.x. s:r..acnuc ---l&okni • 01·1-•r1 Moten ... 0 SM0 ........ 2111 W. O..tral ATll., Jiu'. l'Tll-W B4Y SIDS rum. ••BKWI' ~DIU .. Jof~.,_ Dell .............. ,.,, ... IMllll&A~Ntw .... ..... -m ftBll M+• ....... .__ ......... .._. nuJQr::: llUllOBA W'.110'1 ,,. ... w ,,.. 1larW --· ....... Lilllll. 11.t Plw tt.c,....n: ..._ c.111. ()Olfil8 *C)lll. l'UMliiffit . ......... ~ ~--.., m& Newport Bl..S. c.ta ._ -- A•••o • •••••w. 8BOP TillG'9 CIAJWDI 0 •••.&mo .............. ~co PN>DUCl'8 _.,....._ M01 W. c..tnl llartlcm' Ufl.W Mawpcwt ~ QPOCl'Bm8 AJ(J) ........... OOTTLrl .!l'U.rl'IJIWPOllT ~.,,_~-r.:=- IOI W . C-C,. 1U 11~ AN'D ••••e19 NSWl'ORT PUm.IC x.a.wswr ..,_.. rna.t~VtlPf;eW. Qu&IJ.ty Orocert. and ... C. r , LOT, Prop. PboM 111 2111 Oo.-:rroa.t N""'°" a.ch oaoomua. AND MAR.Kft8 THI: WA. VB8 OROCJIRT """" ~ .,.,,.....,. • .... to 7 p.111.. OolQpkt• LIM. of Ol"OOtl'M9 l'l9t7 of ... .. CoMt Rwy. -~ ms-J ' ISLAND ROOllB A.ND U..itTKmNTS &. C. ud OrM:i9 Nub 1JT ~ Aft. Balboa ~· --w • Ban:Lll pAI.l84DBS ROTE. • ~ ... aad......_~BartMw A ac.a. o;:a~.:,.' Loa.Mid at w• ... SD4 ot e.nnr ....... Corona cW llar -uu oun: OLllA.Nall ..i.•1 B~:n"'°"' ~-llcue CLtt•lq ......... -= =::: =-~ 100 Tbe Rialto Rartlol' ~ N ........ _,, ICE OOllPA.ND:ll UT VDW 10 00. ' Cuti. -B1oeb ~"" 1712: N9WPOl't JUt'd.. -llTI """"' - IUllRT nlEI>mtJCK INIJUR.UCCS Protect tbat )fo1'tpp W ith bmnacli llU Cout BITd .• Barbor 1Jt7-.1 Ool'ou. del liar •awa- ~BIO 8BOPPA W~•Olfla -.... -........... 1111 ... "I' ..... - -rrm 911 WAJU>~ lcmMr • ..... ......_ BQ' DMtrtct Tard ft. ,_._ 1111 II.I oa.t ........,., At Ge .... &UIP80N KtJ:HIQ JrQm 1.1a1iit aa4 B-.97 ,...,. Work _.., ..... ta llanDltA .-C •sos.._ ... ~ .... --- • HACH CITY ~ PATROL -Oceon l'Poot , N ........ -P!loDe Harbor ldl·R llE'l'Al.l.IZJNO CLilUC. &&Ta IDdutrlal and Decoratt .. -Weldlnc apecteUIU IOI IOtb 8t. Barbor -Newport B4&cll. •OOBING 8EBVJCE C. R. STAJ'J' JIQ9rtap JW•lled ad IMpUN4 lloQ9 PU.at..s ... ~ a.COD l5MI OT Barbor' lm-1\ ror Prom.pt .. , .... llO'D:Lll RAIJM)4 llOISL ......... le .... a.a Rocw Budy to .. ''' Dlltnc:t ~ tlaeT9U' • .._.... Ill .. Omtnl .... Kutlior .. llOVING .. llTOBACDI ~T KOVIMO 1IGl w. Oll1ltnl Plo.B.- :N1lBllmn' IOBOOLll 117 KartM .A.ft. ..,._. T~R P. 0. a. -· ..,-. 1.-.s OPTOlolitiiiLl8'i'll ---.,,.,.,.,,.,.,...,. T. BO i lliRWO:ilTB. 0 . D. -rue w. o-tr.i N~ ._. -1111 PA.DITnl'G .. DalOBATINO CALL BUOON "'°'"1 Pft POOD .. llUPl'LDB a.. ov Complete Um ot BuppU.. for Tour CATI AND D008 liTllrythl.n& r.r the Pet PST P.u<TRY 111 q&te a.Ibo& ....... EJllO'IOO!PAri 3 IUCHlll>-.T ~ IIM'-OW ...... .......... .....1111 ---- emwm•n a m-.a A. ............. JI. aia..m••• 'n•• Qw ... ... llllMClmo-· ... ~ PBWD'JIAllQI • -.01'8 lOIDf IL C. CROM). K. D. Pb.,.... ..... ,_ ,... , .. ,. -"7.M""'"'" • Pirc• .A. G. ll'UUW .. D. 1111 Newport Blwd... -oc-. -._.a--.am ....... _ DR. W. T. KOONn' -..... ~ ••WW)P IHfWlllaft CO. ...... ... , ......... 7 .... a 'I .... ~~iii!:-~ 1.:M~'#lft.l'I.- n.u.mT.&DI .... LA1C9 B&U.m& <>ic.a J'toet-1-bdr.-Priced to Bill N»t. Jlta. lot-ft• toe. ll7IO · N'»'-Bta. lot '6a1IO SlTIO """"' -lot -... ... CollPt ...... ..... .. l. K. Mil·'.l!R RMLTOB PRDICIAN8 a fRJBO.:ONB •s•r. m.&n 0 . N. P&&.D. K. D. WUJJAM W. &UO'OBD Conoultatlon "'--tor ---BOW11 b7' .&ppotntmeat CDlllTll'OD• .&.. W.ALDRON lW Paclftc Dr. Corona de1 Kar' a J1artne Aft. Balboa Ille Harbor 1111-.1 Bartxlr ..... PRY810llN8 .. 8UllGlllON!I 2llO W. C..tnl .A.ft. Newpcwt Belt. --um PIA.NO Tll.&Cllll:B G. V. LINSENBARD Te&cher of Pl&Ao A HarmoQT 1UI <>ce.a rro.t Harbor IJD.W H........ _,, PL1JlllllNG .. 1111:.t.TINO B. B. BOLBltOOE POULTRY PBODUO'l'll TWIN ClTT POULTllT M.UtEmT u .. Poaltry &Del ........ JOlO W . Ollltnl .A.ft., N.,,,..-t Bc1L --llOI "'H.4P'' LONG'S •aaar 1'BT RUbtlll ~ 1*111' -hr T... Qnler.- Pbw Orden • ,.,t.s Oor. oC HUI &D4 'IWlia. -MU B.u>IO 11.U.SS .. 8DVJCS lnnr•'"•t• DellTWJ" • Jlartae Radlotelepboan ----3, It. BROWN OOKPA.KT 8-coa. ..... W 1211 Clout Bl-Wq a&DIO llli&¥ICS M•wwm JU.IUJm RAMO WYJCM .&.. .. WJe -hh 1+,e __ ...... r.oeq r aey .-..... A c.Jfbntlw -rw.wv Cab Jta4lo lll'ftcl9 · .,. • .UG c:.. ~ ... MDlo •••• a mm r --Petta = 'HMIP la ' , .......... ... ....... ... Dmr , ... ... B. tm-• -. w. Cimini .lluwPGll ~ CIUt. IUl:llTA.UBANT8 .. O.u'D BLUll BOOK Cb&ftOIJ. Brolled Bt..a, ..... l"ood8 l))drtel!e "RUBS'" awmm .i tM Or.- • Palm. a.lboa -Harbor ... TBll DOLL BOVD otllol- ()pee. tM T-.r l.rouc1 w .. 0.traJ ..... Barbor tl1D Bl:llT.&UIL&NTll • o.um JaNG8 LAHDING • c.ft Bpec1e1tsta1 le Ul mDl1ll ol. _.._ Ill 11& NewPOlt .... -- .... POllT .. DeUdoua llaloul l"ood8 -N.wport BlYd. --.i, """"' - IUl:llT.&1•0- NliWFORT C4ftl 8pechlts1... .. .r..tly TNil1a. Good Old Bame Ov+'c 110 ........... PI. NOR'l'Ol'f'll B.A.T moU CA.ft 17th Ill. u4 Oout BWT· a.. B• Newport ~ cautorela ' WBliS • P~ ,A.TII CU'W -- ... ftJii. -·· 0'14e4 .... z 111 ... ·r -•• llTATI01'11 m..&lQ) pw.r. ft4'ftOlf Tl:iw tot:P :·m Balla .. Wl~'nrt ._.... ........... . .,.__.t.L r•':-e.rW...,.W 8ION8 L. w. PDmCll _ .. _ lfk-:. "·~=.:.l7 """"' - 8101'1!1 TOii Jt'l!NKLa-lllQlq -= •acu+---..w Lstt...a , -&l'WYllR BPOllT lllOP ._ and Jlor• 9PD1"'.aseu o-·• u.. ot ••tr' o 1 .,,. ...... .=._ .,.. ......... ll'l'C>Omi8 • llOJIDll Llt8Tlt& •CO =->wt.••'• ........... .. w. o..trU I ..... __ • ....-----u: --DOW' . DllAN~·~· s.acse.,:... Tr-.. NWWPOltT TACXUI ~ ....... _ 1GI-~ Plo.D.>r N ........ -~ •AI.RQI, CDtCLll T.A..XI -llooN ........ _..._ J6..Boar Bellable ...,..._ um. w. Oeatnl ...... ..... -.. ...,...._ Pboeo--NliWPORT -COIT.A. 11184 T.4Xl 00 • .A.pnt auta r. TnDwan aeo..t- UPBOLllTSBINO CLA.tm• .&.. lOBNllOl'f ~­Toar Ptil--.1 •tt.....,_ -WI N ........ Blwd. ' a.. mT-11' ' ... Tim .. ,,,. _. ..., ........ ..... .......... , m-a. --• .. __ -·- , ....... ....... ---.... ~-. .,. -.. _. ,. ~ a# s c ··'llA-·~ ' - -.arL..:--===· ::-~~1.=::::::;:=::::::=~~; -a WWFORI M• ..0... lr,--...,,_-----'---.11. J JUBIC N E W S - T I M ES .Lltrl'BRS TO TH8 TO RBNARK • • • l'80!'"r ••e .. JI ml II ~ "'8'UDCf ---·--, -J.,DnD".&.LIDm 80•· r~ OUll LADY Of' llT. -·L. °' -• ,7, ·::~ , _.-. 4a y ..... mtm , '-----A ~ --w 1 • 0., • , ___;: W' • , -y.-e D • • Ky •1••••wats cm tbe mare ..,_ MIS ._ W " I ... 11111 -~ 0Jb Palma .,__ • • -~, A tion did dde at cwmpeipins, lw1;11n 8 , kJ1 Ms 11: i -4 10 a.a • d • , ,.,_ .... 1M. I a ..,..... PV& ID Adlw,__.:llO p,r.,.. ID OI • ~ pprecl& 1ut ....ic. will haw to be post-°""'"~ w: llatal'dQ8 ~ -0oc111111 .&-Sl.'ll por~to4tllm;a.cJOpor.,..to•m _.i, ... _r11y_ •:00 to a:ao ....i _,,.,to ,.....,whri.lDa.m. .:.::;-n•!-;i-~.~ s1oo.t;,t:;r .. '!'r:...- To -Editor N nmea S·IO p.m. ---w•tw. 11 a.m. -~ -~-,-, n11"Cd.,~-u.·11a.Pc..,....,.1DNewpG1tBni'\ ' ..,.. -·"': I wa away briefly....., tbe ,· -.is~ w<b at--:----------,---~-----.:.· ____ _ -, 'Qlfm..ia. under Ille Mt al -a, Ja'lll _ May I taU tbla wne to eqaw weeit......S. then had to pinch-bit ocmGIU. um. .._ ?:30 p.m. ,a.iw_. to the editors and the newspapeT-at a Legion makfaat .-ting oo OOMMmfftT Mid--w •Ice. 'nNrodq at &AK D. POR'nCR" • Pl --• ... ~ .. ,_, Arm1s11<e Day, and loft 1mmec1-~~ 00-n11-•T10-·· 7.--r. G. J'ROST - --• ------tor men ~ """"'n.,. ~~ma. my I t ly f Saa Franci.oo. W&&W--~ -~-:.... p.m. W. F.'-DIXON • • -• • -.&dNtmbc,!'!3£L -~appreciation of the aplm, alet or ---J_,__.ble~ -I Perry Freclerlck llcbrock.---------Pllntllc Plut, 3011 w. Cmtnl A-N.,...wt •• ,, ... -----did -~es1 ... --~~ waa an...,.,,... ·=P. at-m Heliotrope A-CHlllST CHUllCH BY TH• ••A """---. ~ • es ~~Y a.~ me tended a dinner gjom, by the Corona clel Mar c:-muaay M-lot In my travel& ~ the State u dairy lnd1atry In honor of Con-Sunday, November0 2', l!K6 14m WOil -• A-ua Offidar Paper of the City of Newport Beach AD; t'tlr i..aa U' ,,, •c>wrn Iwe Active Member of Christmas Spending Although a good many Items are still scarce there Is plenty of merchandise in stores to attract the dollars of. CU9- tomers, and indications are that this year's Christmas spend- ing will break all records. The cost of Christmas-the gifts and the oelebration-ln- variably make father thankful that it comes only once a year. But with prices at their present level he'll undoubtedly be wishing it were;i biennial holiday. a candidate for Ueutenant Gov· creaman 0arence Lea. the dean 9:30 Lb. Church ICbool a... "a. o.. GG0.d1U, p-.,- ernor. of the deleptlon, who la comr!et-11:00 a.m. lllornlnc """"1p.-Sel-a.z.eb -. t:IJO L m; in& thlrt;y yean of ~ moo by Mr. Sc:hroclt: "Suppcao .,_,,. __ _,,_ That I received the testl!l!CJC!la! service for CallfonWI: theq I had We Now Try Goel." --n--.., 11 L m. vote. that I did can be attributed luncbeon with the qrlcultural Toulll NJowmlp, 1 ~ m. Evening Wonblp 7:30 p. m. In Iarse measure to the fair and oommlttee of the San Franciooo , .... T CHUllCH Of" CHlllST, ---••loo, w• unNued attitude on my campalsn Oiamber, and had a m.-to &ellENTleT ~· OOHIM --· •:at taken by the -In ceneral. tallt to other Concr•-:nen. Udo n.a-. c:.tral A-p. ... 'l'hll la very beartmlng u ao There la ao obvl<>111 r..,11ng of -Via Udo example of our ""1•"<r&tlc way quiet ~nt on the part A lnncll ol 1"be Mot...,. amrc-. WWW to0811Q11Amm CBU** of life. '!be people have spoken of both Republ.lcam and Demo-Tl>o ftlt Clluroll al Clllllt, 811-01' OOllTA -· and I accept their verdict, with crab. I do not know bow the mtlllt. ta ac.ton. ¥·-=be 1t1& ~ ka..._ ADmtma a lllncere determination to do my ardent N-Dealen feel about -1' 8dlool 119:30 L m.. -1.,.pan BaD share In carrying out the --It. .-,. Bontoo 1111 Lm. w_..., -· --Q, -II ·-led will of the majority, The New Deal l}'ltem is a little ~· KMt:iDc al 12 o'clock Pl:zltca Sincerely youn. like the Rualan aystem. You put R ..... Dll -locsi.d at W -1171 John F. Shelley down what you hope to do, then him ltnel. Balboa. 19 -doll1 Sunclq ~ 1:30 L m. State Senator, you take CQ!dlt' for "having done fr<m 1-p.m. to 5 p.m. acept Sun-lllornlnc wcnblp w<b 10:'5. San Frandsro. it. . cl&)'W and hallda)'O nattonally ob-~ w :Ice 1:00 p. m. When I WU In MOIOOW in 1935, id oecl. l!ereoD ~ 1:30 P. ID. To Editor. News.Times: The American Legion wishes to take this opportunity to-expttll its sincere thanks for your do.- nation, which has helped to en- able us to purchase the amphib- ious jeep, pictures ot which you have already seen in our local newspapen. Since you may also wish to have-a picture for your own collection, we have enclosed one, which we hope you will ac- cept as a token of our apprecia- tion. I d ln the -·•de book d Tiie public la coudl&llJ' -to JCwnlnc ennpllotlc --at rea . •"" a e--attend tba churcb. 9l!l"Yloea MMI. _. T:30 o'clock. :!~au=~ ~ ':;.e....,~ Ille Reodtnc RomL 'l'Ueeday evmlnc -""'""' only trouble wu that tt was not at 1:30 o'clock. yet built, and haan't bren built ST. JA'4E8 EPISCOPAL -------- to thla Clay, The ua!De wu true CHUllCH of mo1t statistics. 515 Weet Central, Balboa (EbOll Cl-) Rev. Ardyt, T. Dean. V'car 8:30 L m., Holy Commnnlm 1 :'6 a.m.., Sunday 8cbool 11:00 L m., Komlq ~ an4 Sermon. (Flnt llwld&ya: ~ COmmunlcn.) BALBOA llLANO CHAPE.L 211 Ag•te Avenue ' -Christian Science Theme 'Soni and Body' "Soul and Body" w!ll bo Ibo sub- j ect or the Sunday Leuon·Sermon in all bran.ch• o( Tbe Mother Church. The Ftnt Church ot Christ. Sclentlst. l.n Bot.ton:. The Golden Text ta from Romans: "l beseech 1ou therefore, brethren, by the mercies ot God. that ye Pte•ent 7our . ' ·MEREDITH'S -. -1 Venef ian B~ind Co ·. Now Open .............. of_ o.t-BIEllt Blledl Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Dtlmates • Tdepllme Barllor S61 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY • ' It's pllSSible, of course, for father, or anyone else, to "beat the rap" or at least to soften the blow-financially speaking- by spreading the Christmas expense over the entire year. This can be done by saving a small amount out of each pay check and putting it in the bank. Christmas club accounts are designed especially for this purpose, and this year no less than 125,000 Californians made use of this type ot account with the state's largest bank alone. -In December they'll "harvest" more than $12 million as a direct result of their "cultivated" saving habit. Christmas club -enrollments for 1947 begin the middle of this month. We wish to assure you that this jeep will be used on all public occasiom to further the publidty ot and interest in the Newport Harbor area. It has already ap- peared In San Francisc'O at the American Legion National Con- vention, and will again appear in the Armistice Day Parade, arid all such future gatherings. The USSR put down what it hoped to produce, ln agriculture or indtlltry, u if it were t.he actual production. The New Deal· ers, for yean, have not only been putting down their hopes as if they were accomplishments, but they have been taking cret.lit for every progressive and hum .. itar. tan thought and idea. The people were quite obvtoU$lY tired of that program. We return to a Congress of Republicans and Democrats. We also r t:iturn to Rev. Harry W. White. A8IOClate Putor Church Scbool, 9:30 L m. KomlJi& Wonhlp, 11 L m. bod.lea a ltvtng aacrlflce, holy, ac> ceptabte unto God, wbJch la 7our reaaonable se"lce.'' nqum.uni -1\JllOEONS. D.o. One of the -best features of putting money aside for Christmas Is that it gets a person into the swing of saving regularly and this method Is then likely to be applied to other purposes such as saving for travel, for a home or for the children's education. It's a comfortable feeling to have some extra money for the Christmas season or any other season including, spring, summer, fall and winter. Vacation Travel Figures released by the National Park service leave no doubt that !Mr. and Mrs. America and the children really "went places" in their first peacetime vacatioo year since 1941. Virtually all national perks showed a big increase not only over the war years but over 1941 as well. Yosemite had more than 641,000 visitors, Sequoia 312,000, and Lassen 96,- 000. The greatest attraction of all however, was Boulder dam which drew 1,171,136 tourists. Boulder really isn't a national park but that doesn't lessen its popularity. Vacation travel Is expected to be heavy again next year. Does Your House Need Painting? ~ No waiting. _ Wodt &me h+e+!!ately by hl&hlY lldJW ,_,_ l'Uli:.::t. the moet Diod- ena equipment and n-t ~ ...... - Owned and operated 111 World w ... D Veteran .Ming yoar pa11-& &ood wlD and~· ~ ..... l'ree Ni I PW Phone HARBOR 2 64 5 Lee C. Beaa For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' ' It's the • • • HARDWARE S°""'-eoaa e<J 23rd a: Centr1.l Ph. 2800 Again we wish to tender our deepest appreciation and au\cere thanks for your generous dona- tion. Sincerely, Newport Harbor Pmt No. 291, Inc. E . T , BUTI"ERWORTH, Secretary. the making of laws by men who FIRIT METHODIST CHURCH believe in resulta, tn industry, in G. Sdwln o.Mr, Putor qrlculture, and Is leglalatures. Euolld at atanfont, Gardon G...,,., I do not think the new Con-9:80 LID. Cburch 8Cbool fJr all gress will view with favor a pol-..._ icy which ae"nt $315 millons of 11:00 LID. Morning Wonhip: American goods to Yugoslovi.a, K.....-: •'We ThaalE Tbee. .. which r eciprocated by shooting 11:00 a.m. Nunery for 1111 chll- Amerlcan boys. In normal times dNn durma-•mce. that country would ba:J from us 6:00 p.m.. lllotbodiat Youth Jrol- about $2 mlllona. I would like to low&1p. Younc Adult l'allow1111p. know a little more about the thip-T:OO p..m. lCnntns Wonbtp:- menta to Ruuia, $290 mlllons of ll p : "'Olme Y• 1'ft." Editor American goods, since V-J day. Newport-Balboa News.nines: Since the end ot the war we ~ D&Y ADVDTISTB We wish to grate[ully acknow-have promi>ed to pay out ~bout Corner !lo1aa and Old Country Rd.. ledge the generous publicity you $20 bUli t h I r--' Colta MM& ona o e p u• ~gn coun-S bbath uchoo' ~-h-'••• gave to the Newport Community trtes. That ii roughly $500 per a , .., ,;>a" ..... ...., mcrn- Concert Association prior to and American family. OK, if we know ·tnc. 9:30 ° clock. during lta membership drive laat what we att getting for tt. ~ 8el"Yice, 11 am. ~~ w . _ e aent Ruasla 7% percent of OOBTA llOillA <Jll1Jll£lll 01' GOD The NEWS-TIMES played an all the tract.on made in t h l a Rn 1 P llcGn: ...._ important part in the success of country this caJendar year. 160' o=. "si. ~~ ._ the plan to bring four great musl-UNRRA gave the USSR a wall- cal attractions to the community board plant value $1042 ooo· a Services Sunday 10 L m., 6:30 within the next few months. gypsum ~ plant, v'.ai~ S20J.-p. m. and 7:30 P. m. Sincerely, 000; a concrete block plant. value Executive CommJttee $212,000, and we gave White Rus- Newix>rt Community sia a wallboard plant and more Concert Assoc. than three dozen electrlc genera· !.=============;I tor plants. Altogether we'd given that favored ally more than $10 SELECT HOLIDAY GIFTS BOOKS for.a..-. STATIONERY PARIS <JBOOOLA'l'Ell CBJlPSTMAS CARDS The Blue Sails -M&IDSt..- Waterproofed Tarpaulins BILLIONS Including n~ war material, and what did we get in return! Lend·1eue, you know! We got $2 MILLIONS 1 credited to that account. . I think there may be some con· 1 nection between the above and the 'rollowing statement by Con· gres.ama n Mundt of South Dakota, a member of the committee inves· tlgatlng thla subject: "There are now 2,000 com- munists, of one degree or a,no. ther, who have wormed their way onto our Federal pay- roll." I rise to remark that I do not believe the people generally will acree with Mr. Paul H. Appleby, in a letter written to a Congr8a-. Llfi'HC••M .<J111Jl1£111 (To be located on Cltf Drive. Newport Helsbm > ••A Ctancelea Christ for a C1an&ln& World!" 9:30 un., churdl lchool; 10:30 a.m., divine ~p. --Services at Present- Grauel Capel, 110 l!rcedwoy, Coata -Rev. Herbert C. Roth, putor, 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. Phone . Harbor 2185-J. "Come Once-You'll Como Aaaln!" FULL GOIPEL CHURCH l2nd •nd Elden. eo.ta .... Sunday ocboo~ 9:'6; momlnS wwablp, 11; .......,._ -.. T :SO p. m.; Kid· week prayer meet· ID& cm WedllMl!llJ, 1:61 p. m.; ,_ pooplo'o eJanpllotlc ...-.Ice on rr!da;J, 7 :46 p.. m. -ID ~ Owa raetary tromNewAA-- Mete-tal man. ln which he said: "'l'JIJ: PIUJ:NDLY" CENftAL "A man in the employ of · BIBI.& V111mCJB the government haa just aa o1 c.m - Specl•ally Priced much rl&ht to be a member . lleY. Dwtpt •I-=•· pMtor of the Conununlat party u he lleetlnc temprarlly In the Wo- 5x'L. p N 10xl2--'1J.M haa to be • member of the men'a Cub - 7"9 .. -.. .... 10xl2. .. -lUI Democratic or Republican S.-Y od>ool 8:'5 L m. lxlO_ I.II Hx16.__ llM party.• Wonblp -wie-11:00 L m. 9x9.-8.lt Uix2f_ za.ta Mr. Appleby la Aulstant DI· y_,. -1e'a oen1ce _ 6:30 Jn a Leeaon·Sermon cttatJon Lute I------------- relates that Jesus "entered into 81· mon's bouae. And ~lmon'a wl!e'a mother wu taken with a creat fever ; and they besought hlm for her. And be atood over her. and ~ buked the fever; and tt left her:' and Immediately abe arose and min· tatered unto t!em. Now when. the aun wu 1etUng, all they that bad any etct. with dlYen diaeal• brought them u.nto him: and. h• laid Bookkeeping Service OOLIN r. 11710WN (-1-) IU-A--laL hla hands on eve17 one ot them. and w 8 W B y T • healed tbem. • • • ' .. IWW US ~ Mary Baker Eddy 1an tn .. Set· • ..., .. w o. ~ ...._ ~ ence and Health with Key to the ._ D• u : • .. am , ._.. • Scriptures:'' .. Like the great E:J:em. wta. ....... tu --. plar, the healer sbonld speak to di• 8ty-!'9 -~IA n&. eue a.a ~ne baTinc authority oYer ' Dr. ·w. T. Mooney ~and8aeg.- ; 1 --~ .... ('Moar......., ---.. Af V.1::= M.D. -111710molf U1 Ooaal,... • .,. 71_,_,_ .... - 0--W-Jt, lea.vine Soul to muter the falae --:.:-:=.. ~ ._. evidences of the corporeal aensn I:_ __ .;;;;=....;;;==="'------' I~-----------__. and to. u1ert lta claims oYer mor- ta1Jt7 &o.d dlseue ... CHURCH OF CHR:llT Church and Walnut a~tta L. Du•ne Canby, Mlnlater. Servicea: Sund&J', JO a. m., BUM Study; 11 L m... Morning wOl'llb.Jp. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Colta M._ Rov. HtrM<t llotll, Paator Serrtoao: Sunday, 10:80 a.m. coaTA MUA COMMUNITY CHURC+t Cart a. Johneon, Mlnllilet' 124 IL llOth at. Ph. 247&-ll Cburch echool, 9:44 L m. Morning Wanblp, 11 o'clock. Youtb poupo, Hisb ocllool, In· tennadi&te, Adult, 6 :30 p. m. llMnJac .. ,..,.., 7 :30 o 'clock. llDd-weelt fellowoblp and ~r, Wodn-y, 7:30 p.m. 11 L m., Prayer and Sermon. ST. JOHN VIANNl!Y CHURCH .. ,boa lal.Ad Sunday Mau: 8 :30 a.m. Cc:mleeetan•: Saturdayw frolU 7 :SO to 8:80 p.m. •wc•r•wor Armand . Monaco AR(llftM71' BU W. Bay A-, 8&Rloa -I'IM mt •••ood Aft. Loi Aacs' NOt• sr'7 UOI R. L. HOLFORD ,_.......])Mlper OoAa ·---.&a& ms DAY IKlllOOL G05'doa )(. Graad7> M. D. -PHYSIClAN and SURGBC.-i I Balboa Inn Arcade omce Hn.: 1().12 a.m.; 3-11 p.m. Pllbne Harbor 1fr H. R. Hall, M. D. M . Sch I Haun: M. 1oy Appola-t ortimer oo T111.--eeau111 5841 -Oenl ............ • DAY llCBOOL OPZNB oar 1 II ~_01 _________ 0oota __ -_ _, _, ""'1-......... A""J' O. A.. Mortbw, M. A., Odord ........ --- DENTlllTS lllHoD IL llannll, M. D. -1•1 ~-.,­ ~ ... - ~'Probably every new and eager--------------, Office Haun: 10-12; 2-5 1Y expected eannent ever put on since clothhtg came in, fell a trille abort of the wearer's expecta- tions."--Charles Dickens. O.LCULLY B ' ' I Oat ... Tu 01• '1 I lncotae Tax _ Dr. Obed Lucas DJ!lNT18'1' !i&WHMI ™"8 D&. GOllDON IL UPP DICNl'Wt --··- 20x30 --I 71 II rector of the Budget. Thia Bur-p. m. Sulla Alla eau la directly reaponolble to the EvenlJ>& evanpllatlc --II s P 1 "e .., ' •& & President of the Unit.eel States 7:30 p. m. y._, .... P A;; 111 ... --0 '* .._.-rWm.., IT. P. Bullew, M. D. Teat Awal1g and .. i. ~ .c1m1n1atrau ... polio Pruer moeunc-?:e p. m. ~ m ll'tJll801'I' ~ () ciOI oo money matt..-.. cllQo, -al Kn. Hmie. -W. -It. --.a-..... Wm. L. Spl""1, IL D. .... ·c _.I asr -w. Ooallai -· B:J Mr. l , Edcv liooffr, of the ,;A~Wl~ola;;l~ .. ~~lc;";••~to~alL~;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J 1-... -M. ft. -F.B.l., In bla ___.,at the·-~-' --..... ~j ~J. ,,,,._, ..... -can Lepm cxm.vention, bolds • DfllUaAJfm I • , , •• -?'Ml 11,...w .I ,...._.:--',-:!.,.n.m deddedlT ,_..nc view to that 1.-----....... ------.1._..., _________ _, =;;~~~~;;°';;Mr;;·;;Appleby~.=-=-We Are B•lldhlc OCCIDENTAL I •DfiDOD ... l.cDll Dmlla&Nm oo. . I 1'°se Hard·lo·Get RqNlelrin Raab & Bi •neU SASH AND D 0 0 RS ---..;:"'" ...: .:;,=·.::..-:..:... DIESEL SERVICE • • • • , W.DUI J'Oll 'l'JIS Al!INOON~ <W 008 NJnr UICl.HION. We -: 9 .... w' I a.& -------•ill 111-'k-• 9'111 OrmlllfPw'"T, .. .._ Co.,• N..,.11tll • .,._ - We ..... to'z•·....... 1'' ....... -Ve. fw ... •'rnN e771e1 •w dat!, .. .,. , O...w*zdslella...w ... _ .. nip•- • sre.,-*1'1 sssta 'a I • __ .. _..,.. ... las .. •B1111a-.w ---'Hit FF PHI- I toOnler AD Types I Of _ Boat Repaiis . Boat Wtns oimt=p., -.. --; -' , a' • " n12 • 11\R'J,·.O_p I 1.-.:-i:f"* --·u•n Baroid K. Gnael . Chapel -' r• T. Bdl•wwa. O. D. -W.Ow ... •tllrtBIUll'i.... G;t &a• ... •lie oa.. a.r ..... .,. • :n ,., .. • •• ~ L~o~1t~·~~--~atn~~r~z~lll . - -..,..., j ................... ... Laeky Lewis ,~,----------------------...... Jlcss;11t• • • " s BED 18-Pl I ..... I ' ••• - • • • • PRECISION FREQUENCY Call ...... J.M7-J ,_ SERVICE • KADIO PBONJ: nsqlJDrCY U•AJP'*CN'IB ... Pacwtap JlcJ I I ·-Oil 7b Delicioaaly Prepared + + + + ·NEWP·ORT CA:FE -M a.-!lwtioe + n•--lfewpart..- • AWl'W811-V ·eteat American Ra11roads (Fhit of. Sales). lJnion Padftc By E. c. sc:mm>T 'lbe hlot«y al the Unlm P..ttlc No•-· 1905. be oded u lo one al the moot ~ In the tra-ta-at Green iu-, w,..., annala al American --and the ~ ,_ -to IO lo the life story al Wlllillm ~. Calo., OD the ...... job. Jetfen, 1111 Jll'-t. -In ad-Be mumed to Green -In dltlon to bil rail""'4 dutleo -wed 1907 u -t Mljid'IDtmdent. M national rubber ---In 1909 be beQme ~ In -,ear oompleted the -tmdent ol the W:r-lnc dl•- sram for oyntbetlc rubber jll'Ol.eC-wi-the U!rrltcirJ' extendlnc tlon ol the United Stat& fr<lm 0..,-, w,..., 'to Osden. . Joffen, alten referred to • the Utah wu _..,.led Into a oin- modem Horatio AJcer, --·d 1le -In 1911. he ._._ 1111 m:m ca11 boy 1n 1890 to Jll'-t ....--t. al the rallro.d system In 19137, Joffen -311 JHR old when '-"me a nat!mally-"-n ftsure be waa calli!d to Omaha, Neb .. • 1:0----------------------""ll I In railroad c:lrdeo for bla cantri-beadquar\en of the Union -bu-to the induatry 1 and IOOIJ ll)'>tem. Wbott be WU named Ill!>' after hlo appoin-t by Prell-erlntondent ol the Nebruka dl- Going to Build Dis Year? You probably have yOUJ' dream h-all wortoed out In yOUJ' mind -or maybe yOUJ' atthlteet or confnetor already ha preput>d plana Oil paper for you. Doelridty will have o. large put In nwldnr; m-m. of poetwv lhlnJ. come true. When you go over the plana wHh your ballder be """' to uk him about the ........ develop- -· In bomebold l&bor l&vlnr; and fan& tloul be&uiy. Oar Zxperta In everythlnr; electrical will be glad to help wHh l&yoot p1ana or problem!. One aur;psUon may imke & lot of dlff- ln the "llv&4bllity'' ot that home. dmt Jlomneit In September, 1JM2, villon. 'lbe Mme year he WU j~~~;~~~~~~~~~=~::~~;;~~ he WU prailed throushc>ut the promoted to se-al IUperinlet>- nation for bil efforlll to keep the clmt. with 1upehlliol Y autWty nation on rubber. .,_all the di-ol the nil· William Martin Jeffen wu road. born at North Platte, Neb., Jan-It wu 1-than a y.v later, uary 2, 1876, one of nine c:hlldrel June S, 1916, when be became of William J. Jetfer1, empo,e of se..,.al manapr and on July 1, the Union Pacific llhopo there. 1917 he senM u both pneral He was bom into a bumble home, m a n • I' e r and vice-president. Officials of Two Precincts Will Be ACC Dinner GuestB Air Reserve Exams Open where family Ute and re1Jglon Shortly att..rward. World War 1 Katella No. 1 pftdnct tumed In centered and the val111tlon of the wu declared and durln1 that per-the larsest pereenlale of votes at olmple pleuures and comforll ol lod and the crucial railroad ...,. the N<>Yember 5 election, and San life were esteemed. construction that followed the re-Oemente No. 1 turned oUt the 'Ibe Air Reserve Trainin& De- When "Bill" Jeffen wu only turn of railroads to the hands of moat voten---.nd oftlcla1a of. both tachment at the Long Beach Mu· 14' yean old, he left 1Choo1 ln private ownen, Jeffers HrYed u election ~ will be feted by nicipal Airport ls now aut.hor12ed order to contribute to the aup-ceneral manager. the Associated Chamben of Ccm-to conduct examinations for aenr part of the family. It wu but October 1, 1928 he wu elected meiu of Orange county at din-nautical ratlop !or rnerve o!fi- natural for h 1 m to become a vlce-ptteldent in cha.ra:e of opera-ner at Anaheim Elles clubhouse, cen and enlisted: personnel on ln- Union Pacific railroad man, hla tlona of the entire UnJon Pad.tic Novernbf>r 26, when au five super-active atatu.. A board of officers father having been a life time isystem. He wu then in author-vison are bille:i u spettken to db-has been formed for this purpo1e employe of the sywtem. On June lty over all seperate "unit.I" or cuu county affain. ln order to screen and test •I' 1, 1890, Jefen, u call boy, began ''properties" of the system. which The turnout of Katella No. 1 pllcanta for their eligibility. his career with the ra1lroad. Dur-lnct'uded the Union Pacific rail-was 85·123 per cent of the regis-Former servicemen. who are tng h1I ftnt four yeara of rail-road (from Ogden to Omaha and =te=e~des 2:, ~ 242 DO\V members of the Air Reserve. roadlng he wu succeulvely pro-to Kansas) the Loa Angeles A: ·propriate ·certificates ewlll ~· ap-who held an aeronautical rating moted to clerk in the maintenance Salt Lake railroad. the Oregon sented to th otftcials in pre-during their army career and lost of way department, time-keeper Short Une, the Oregon-Wuhing-niti ese recog-it at time of separation and re- and then u extra foreman of the ton railroad & Navigation com-on of the turnout or eleeton. I RrVe penonnel who have not ...,. ateel gang. pany and the St. J01eph & Grand newed their rating are authorized During these yean he studied Island railway. ''Hunches of the Horse Players." to make application. As this ls t~legraphy durlni bis free time. nie oeperate Identity of the1e Many rallblnk have cleaned up-the first opportunity offered to tn 1894 he became telegrapher units wu dilcarded and each ll and loat their shirt.a-betting on these personnel, it ls anticipated and after serving" in this capadty an intecral part of the Union dream horses. Dan Parker offers many will apply. for two yean he wu promoted to Padflc company, with approxi-some clau1c example. 1n t ~ e In order to qualify for these train dispatcher and in 1900 to mately 10,000 miles of track ex· American Weekly, the. magazme ratings of Command Pilot. Senior chief diapatcher. In June of that tending from Omaha and Kansas diatributed -h next Sunday'• Pilot, Pilot, Lla!Jon Pilot, Air- year he married Lena A. Schatz Oty on the east. to Loi Angeles Los Angeles Examiner. craft Observer and Technical Ob- of North Platte, daughter ot a and Portland on the Pad.fie coast. tlib t th first to become server, the applicant must sub- Union Padllc employe. For the man who drank hill u e to e man mlt a record of his nytng time, A succeuion of transfen and coffee with the labor ganp and president of the UnJon Pacific take a physical examination for promotions then came to Jeffers. hoisted cap with the lowest rank-who has had no 0tlw;r employer. flying and a fllght test. The flJght SO.FT WATER WILLIAM ~ .JroN, M. D • Announce$ 'lbe Removal of His Offices for the Practice of 1006 Coast Blvd. South DlllERIABE nvma. •O* MONTEREY EARLY CAIJrolUIIA ! BROWN-EYED SUSAN *-0--* I CALIFORNIA RUSI'IC PATIO WARE i *-0--* i I DEVILED EGG~~ --1 LI SOLlll POTIERY SHOP 954 South Co¥t Blvd. Laguna Beach ' ETS · HOlll & GALVAN • OCEANll or ITI e AUTOJllATICALLYI ing employe-wbo came through On hil first anruvenary u test consists of the execution of the ranks step by step-It otter-president, Jeffen lllued a state-all normal flying maneuven pro- ed the opportunity of applying ment that the loyal support given tlclenUy and a professional exami- all the practical railroad know-hUn by officers and employes had nation in such subjects as theory ledge accumulated throuah 38 retuJted In: of night, air navigation, airplane years of service. . 1. Pladn& the Union Pad.flc In and regulations and other allied -=============::c:========= Jet!en' home town. Nor t b the forefront of all Amerl-engines, meteorology, air rules r- llllfCE 4 1 I I I 1000 8w& llhray .._ B•t• M0'7 Almo.la 9u ..... ..,.. ...... eta• ••*I •·.,........e±'zzt EI.ECTRICIANS ~ C-0-Two Fire l!'.qalpa •t 1w rAOl'OaY, PLANT, 11TO-. orncs. r..-. 1101D1 • FOR THE MODERN OFFICE -ALL METAL-• Hang-A-File for Fast, Easy Filing N•w •t:J'le mtnc folhr. lteclu'* ftl-fftS time. Jrwtant "19lble ...r ... n~. rold•n b&n&" In tU.-.llmln.at• mott mt.fill~. Recomm'en494 for count.le• UH•: eorn•pondenc., •l'lfpplns ord.,., •hop ttckeu, blli., or4•ra. lnTOlCN. et.e. All J1Mtal n l•. cut•!' equip~. fln l•bed In ollY• Sf'H:n enamel. Width 11'4 In., deptb 10 In., h•tcbt 1114 tn. CGmplete w ith U HANO-A·F'ILE bolden and lnH rt.. CHROME SETTEES AND CHAIRS IDEAL FOR- HOMIS • OfflCIS UCIPT10N ROOMS ltUMPUS ltOOMS ·=--......... ec ,........ rra.-.,. ol talnlW ~ •teel. c:&NfQlJ7 d....... wJt.b sW"'DI' We&l'-1919tJN: tlnl.8._ 'WuU,})'9 ._tber- «t. tut .... -~--...u aa4 llMb tMt .. noa«k:klqt-wtD mot eoU dothlfts. V.rr ...tot'table ... ...,. .. ,...... PISTUIE cum Red'uces Fatigue * Coll Sprinc Seat O••loN * Well Padded -ts and -* .,,,_.np -· Adi-• * Tll1"1lar -ComtNctloll * Hard, Dunble F1Dlai ·*-!bl-~ -.&nMIHe a. Qr-. -..... o., • ..,_ P110tc743 • • Platte, puaed a formal reaolutlon can rallroado. subjects. which chanced the name of the 2. Improvement of relations . Thoee former airmen who are otreet on which itood hlo birth-with Jl9trolll and the public Interested In qualifying .,.., urged place from .. Locust" to "Jett~' in CeneraL to contact the Director of ReterVe 1treet. 'lbe little home ..... ~ 3. Maint.alnln1 l&tls r a c t 0 r y Training, Long Beach Air Reoerve There'• nothln1 to buy. We lnotall a 9oftener In your home • . . We own It. we oervlce. For fllll Information call- cenUy restored and moved to a workibJ condittona_for em-Detachment, Long Beach MunJd- dty park where It will eventually ployes and at the 1atne time pal Airport, Lone Beach, Cali- become a mUleW?L uourlng holden of C<Jm-fornla. llOft WA'l'Za llBJlVJCS DI -II&. Newpon -uu 'lbe board or directors or the pany leCllrltles u equitable ------- Union Pacific created a new poeJ-return upon their invest-Drift ear.tnlq-Bpue a Lita. tlon, that of "executive vl~pral-ment Mesa LIQUOR SHOP dent" and appointed Jetfera to 4. Suotalned loyalty, team- that pool on AUIUll 11. 1932. Thll work, ok111 and effldency of promotion wu Indicative of Jet-Union Padffc penonnel . fen' appointment u prealdent of The great 1tnu railroado Jay the Union Pacific, October 1 1937 on oafety developed greatly under at which time he u.ld it .;,..0 ~ Jeffers' leadership. The Union greater thrill "to become preal-Pacific ii a trequent winner of dent of the Union Pacific than to the E. H. Harriman memorial PBOD ••--. IT FOR SIGNS BENEDICT HN Nw'""'*-. be elected prelldent of the United award given . by the American • FJOn:T ~-a Plenty of Whisk States". Museum of Safety and the Natio--.. ...... ~ ... ey To honor him on that occasion, nal Safety Council'& annual award I ~~~A~SP=ll=::I=A~l~.'l':;r:. :·;·~d N.:.r 8::nt;,,:,..t 7.500 Union Pad.fie employes and in competition with other Class j'. 008T.& MDA. earn. members of their families from 1 roada. Even when the Union .._ 9 11 -8011 the e1even states it serves gather-Pacific la lnell&ible to win (since ~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;ed~~at~a~dln~ner;;~ln~Om~~ah~a;;~;d~pai~·d no railroad is etven the award CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Builders of All-Steel CENTRALINERS DJElllGNEU -llUIUllCll8 YACHTS COMMERCIAL in successive yean) it frequently scores the best actual record. Safety first did not mean slow- er speeds, for the Union Pacific Jllarmll'. w.,. pioneered in building America'• OENZILU. BICP..UU first streamlined train. Today, the road is famous for its fleet M.&IN'TSNANOS of streamlinen, powered by loco- motives that are unsurpaued. · (To Be Continued) • ~- 8ok.011 f1o"'f'M'"'1 +WESTERI BEER+ Oz.-(cueof.24)-12 Quarts -(cue of 12)- - Buy Now Before Prices Rise Fall Lm of Imported and Domestic Liquors I Newport Beverage Co. . OU>lm' LIQUOR ~RE IN NEWPORT BEA.CJ{ 2112 Oeeen Front Newport Beach • • • -·--------------- • --LOI ANllllll _._ ....... ._ , ... .,,., -'WlllSIOI -·-......,. .. MOMU ........ • • • • ·--- • E. Ja (Bud): Jacklin CEMEi'"if wo11 Flagstone Work • Cement Block Fences . -- l'IU wom: • ra 11•r• O.lLL 1 •••• ii 1l'Oa Dlr08KA2'10lf ·- . INVUTMllll' -TO MllTTM' INVISTOIS' - .... ' ....... • W Fiii ..... , ,, . .._. .. ,, .. -•A• P.bl'C ... ' I ...,, . • • • 3 , • ..,,,_ $ £,"11•7 .. !5!=11111'~,llillllll~P,~pe~~""":~~~_;,,;...,_.';";::";;:;::~~::'.:"ji:;''.::'.:" .... ';':::::::::::::::: Dtstincttve Flower Arrangements · H " b' 'D · • • A • • • CDM Guild Plans == °==-~~tofF::y~~,=~u:a., .. ~ _ ar · or ~ em1n1ne · ct1v1t1es &~:~~:::; 11tw,111 .. ~ -a-. -ml ..._ • Delicioaa -"" tmpcrtant ~ 1n --Kn.!;, B.the~_.111, pr •l'?f-Jlh•pz 11 ... D + By Wl&btid 81r1n + R _ '.,,.,I'-ta'l,~ ~, &!,~11 Sd>ool ~ ... -"" durtac the holiday eeaacn. wu conclDl-t.u ,_ sss 1rn -.--_---. ar __..... v • lldll!l11ly demoi•t>ated by 11n. She a-......i 111e appc1n-of Bah I E lained· Newport Harbor Ass1'stance League Fn'ends Honor c:11un:11 met ....... 111' w1t1i 11n. ~ .t. Mirc:!l"IVING Martha B>whnell, outltanding ·U-Mn. P. V •. Pal ..... Jin. -a Sm Xp , Norman Gamble. al. F..,,_ ,&1..USJ.'11~ -t of the ~art of 0ower oay, ....._ Gma Grable -11n. H . Birthd Plans Forming a Junior Auxiliary Mrs. Qlff Varner a ........ with 20 mmih<n preaut. DINNERS _......,t. when she appeattd Calla Viele. u port a1 a CXllD-on or . ay . 11n. I--n Newioll pnolcled. s.. vecl ·at the resWar moettnc of the Fri-mlttee to brina be!cre tbe dub Of Founder . N-pioj<ct of Ne•pcrl Har-Eatman. Mrs. Cll!f v........ Wootmlnster A ....._... -to be held Two , lo , Tm clo,y ~ d~ November 15-var1oos piano for nlllnc the · bcr bnnd> of the _.._ Clthen Jll"'l"Dt -.. the ]l(a. · .d 11 Februuy 14 --and -. Mn. Bushnell introduced by necu1ory funds for spobl<ll'ina: the 1-of ~ County Is the clameo Victor Grace, Waltl!r aftlluo, wu 1--=~ jllam ,,,_ far a joint Chriatmaa ~ r ' llra. Robert Sien.., progrpm a.ta Mesa Boys' club. ~C !onvard to a ''wld !ermine al a junior a1Dllllarj and' Spioor, WUllam White. Rowland cloy evening at a ·Al 8-meellng ,with Capilla Orcle., A ~ held her audience en-Host .... ......., Mrs. J. O. Tall-onler' when pemw><nt -wUI pianl for this formed much of Hcdlkl-. James Rocen. 000-~ akithe =a~ N~ report -~'by the ~; tranced ·One arnngement espe-man, Mn. Helen Kttler l:. J. be eotablilbed and bonorinc tbe the -when the league aid llcCallum, Stanley Chamben va 'Morris Mn. Olive' Sleeper. on .....tpls dall1 drew admiring commer.ts Bright and Miu Alice Pl..,;,.... 1n' birth of the founder of lb( prln-met Tuelday after-. with Dick Whibon. s. R. Monaco, J'. Helgbtl, with Mn. Bert . u of the cuiJd _Jnim their share In from dub members and guestl chariie of the dellcloul tea were dpleo, a group of 20 ~ _,. Mn. Georp Holstein jr. of Lido Addt_, Gurley, Ewtttt M.ma, cobcotea ve a the l'ftmt lwtaar. . -In Legion ball. :ex-Mn. ~ Lupton, cbalrman, guestl recently •t a -et IUJ>CI>. We. ~tine Mn. Holstein u Walter Franz. E. E. Boudinot, Ivy and ~Hob holly ca Alter the ..... """' -M.a. qulslte In every detail It consised Ulistecl by Mn . .A. a .Small and eon at '1he borne of Mn. 0 . T. -,.,..., Mn. • Polly Marpret Nlelneytt, F. E. Rein-""~ note tn -i:= with Ray Harwy led In devotloN, of slivered palm fronds, a Ma-Mrs. Boyd Robf"'· Johmon, :ll•t ltreet. · • Walker and Jin. Everett M-i.. hold, George Holstotn Jr .. 'Dixon Court whist wu vlng ftrlt reacllnc -1 of a oennon by Dr. danna ficurine white blouoms and · Tolllnc of the "lplrltual 111111' Mn. William White proslded In Smith Everett GardlMr P .A. Mn. Earl Stanley ~Love the Harr Y -Foodld< 0 n anceJs. • N d R d' S whlc:b God..-to enilCbt.en the the --of the c:bairm&D. Kn. ~ Edcar Hill. C; Ji. ri..J,_ P"R and Mn. Chor "Rlchi2«•-Flnt". Mn. HeJeio Another clilpi.y of Interest em-Ote a 10 tar world ~ °'l""•nd -~ Georp Yardley, who ..... lil. An-Ins, wllant Kllllcn. Robert Pow-conoolotloo awvd. Preaentotl= Dudley revie.a. tbe c:bopter cm pllali2ed an all-brown motif w1th To A~ar at •-1old of the.birth 1n Tobe-""'""-'" -.. -that e11. -"'""'"" and Polly ~~~piled.,,:' :i,,_~ --the -~ <hlld !rcJm °"' a brown corrugated background, F' 11 Ba r .... Perala. • NG¥. ~ 1817 ftl. Cbrb<•11•'-~"'be CID la!<! Walker . ue • eame lltudF "'*' "-n.·Ollld From Five eold-llJlH>"d pa1m fronds centl!r-1ve ar nquet tWP.entm ~""'""•a_., by Mn. Robei't ~ and her , · tile ..-. -laftl7 ..-tc Ten" ad 11ra. ~q-cav~ o4 CID miniature choir boys and u'llalt" meaninc "lbe Glory al. onmlttee Otter December 1 and -E . belnt receivM by tile --· • report •• tlw dowloplnc mind Yule U-0. One dominant color Tho annual Five Dollar llanquet Gall"; wlll! )• the flJIM -f al that • -. -~ be Police Aux. n}oys Attswud ":!:: .:" lal4 = al a. dli?d, .fti!m the -"lbe, -and 11ne lbould prevail, the wblc:b "' the cutltondinc ooctal 14t,.,heta a1 an 1a1tbl-.S -held ·Marc:11 · 20 21 and 22 with Social Evening --"".::' -~ one tc Fm". _...,.. pointed out, with all other event of Christ Churdl by the dates all rellgiona In their )riml-Mrs. E. E. Boucimot u -tc :: = =tloo. ee .,.,-. -------- celon and -auboervlent to the Sea, wll1 be held at the churdt live puritJ. the committee. · Plans for their Chriatmaa Pi'C>' Attending ..._ the -· Court Whist Amuses prindpal ldM. -'lbunda7 eveulnc. Nov. 21 at 7 Deocriblnc this plan for a world Mn. 1-ll. Mn. Ewtttt Gord-t-o!-1-11 dinner and Kenned1 Ralph QoandalJ. S ' 'aJ c · Additional Yuletide etractl .,._ p.m. . : Super-<1tote with •line!• oode of d ~-r-H ,,,_,, ~"!~-°"-~ f ~~-17 WDJlam H..._1 'stanl J-" at ~ •J;;\f.entng A turkey dinner wttb all .. the international law and a world ner an DU-.. ~~.e o .. i.eu1 Will ~~ ...-y or ~~ • l;dward ......a. . ey, ~ ... ~ ... ~ / ,"'. . prealnc the ,,.....truty of the trtmmmp" will 'be tduaw.d by a parliament com_.i of elected ha"" a booth for Chriatmaa peens ._... completed when members of llcCbemey, H.....,. Lodd>art, Mr -llra. 1-Fersi- artlst lnduded a conventional program which will feature "Ill-representotl... of the people, at the A.atltance" Leapue deuert Newport Beach police awdllary John Upaon. Mary Stanley, Ken-and Mr. -'lift. Harold Glm Chrlatmaa tree cut from mesh randY' that well-"-n radio were Mn Stelnhauoer Mn. Ven bridee Friday of this week at met Tue.day ewnlng at the borne neth I Gorton, Chor!.. Attridge, were 1-ta al. ttiO• nenlnc when wire with candl .. and' o.jJPiOj414t •tar, .:i.i Illa Georgia Belle Wal-Scott Jo~ Quinn of Eacondldo. Ne.._t :88">"' Yacht club and of Mn. Viola Corned, 135 West John Gillis, I.AM!, ~ Kaller, the Pilot elm .met recently at omamentl wide. Again wu found ton of Santo Ana, vlollnlot. For the musical program there orders will be taken by Mrs. Central •-ue. John Sallorl, Mia "-Blom-Christ Cliurch by the Sea with oomethlng different In a fine wire Proceeds will apply on tax .. of wer piano and violin numbers by Powell o!terward by calJJng her at Bee Lace presided and ofter the qulat and the suest of honor. 26 praz t. . cone covered with atripo of pop-e Harbot 517. cllocuaion on the party Oklahoma Sending gi!tl "1t unable to at-N - COm and •-ands of benieo cen-vacant loto belonglnc to the Mr. and Mn. Harold Ahrendt. .,_ F-'~-d ~-n-~ ,,...., with t, M-•--Spalclln Harold .GI---aver a w churdl and the fund, au•. ~-u an -•· ~er rummy WU p..,~ a gw!S tend were the ~ g ohort bllll a km aft which terlng a bcwl which wu flanked sponsored by 0 ':i,. .,,;;~an of Or11nge were special cuesto and Elate Marino, takin& first prize; Eastman, Anton Henbey, Jack the ~ .:... liven ":;v.,. tc by topon artsln& from lblny red k . Leading Qub Women brought with them IOIDe of the Bee Lace. second. and Audrey Cot-Kennedy and .rohn Tu-. court whist. !-.: hlch"""""" apples. of Southern District articles to be oold at their bazaar tie -ed. . were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burno Suggestive of the harvest oea-Forum Spea er on December 6. EnJoYIJlg the everung were the Balboans Return with :Mrs Mauson and Herbert 1<>n. Mn. Bualmell wove the For F A C Book Sec Meet at Riverside New members we1c:omed at the Mesdames Alda Gorton. LaVeto McDonald. low. 'lbanksclvtng theme In an urn • · -• m .. ttna were the Mesdames Eu-Lace, Pearl Watttlue, Mory OJIJu.. From Long Trip Next meeting of the clua will ~g vart-huecl peppera and Mrs. George Wheat of Newport gene Conser, Raymond Harvey, mano, Mildred Johnlon, Mabel be the Chrlatmu party tc be beld magnolia leaves. Other grac:loua ~· H. D. Newkirk: ot Ana-Island. president of Orange Coun-Harrison Mower, Joseph Beek. Jon~, Elizabeth Waltze, Ruth Mr .. and Mrs. Roy Keene of at the h«ne of Rev. and Mrs. "'E. "Cap'n" 11 , (!:;,4~ip ' ifllvl . "::'r":'.2Z•'=~~ £ ••• 1 - Combination Dinnen ~ New aad UwiP' •1 Seafood Specialties . I>. ..... . .. , .. BJCAOON 5465 appolntmenta demonstrated for heun, ~her of Orange County ty Federation of Women'• clubl, Lonnie Vmcent, Hubbard Howe, Gerrish, Bee Lace, Audrey Cot· Balboa are back at their ahop, D. Goodell with Deoember 13 u. the great American feast day Speakers fonun will stimulate will be one of the five official Ed Groenendyke and Spaldtns Ue, Ellie Marino and the hostess. Keene'• Korner, after a two-the tentative date. were a combination of Joquata and new Interest in reading when she hostesses at Southern District month vacation. Starting out in 1-;::==~========~===~=======: srapes in a slender vase, and a presents one of her Ulumlnating convention beine held at the Mis-CASTAWAYe!' CHA I I t.R their new Cadillac they went to H tray of pomegranates and apples. reviews at a meeti_ng of the book slon Inn, Riverside, Wedne9day, ~ Seattle, where they visited Mr. Mn. Buahnell showed a num-section of the Fri.day Afternoon Thursday and Friday of this week. Keene's re1at1ves and 22 young ber of beautiful floral dt.lplays club November .23 at 2 p.m. In Orange county day b< Friday, By N"!'._':~RT couples who had lived In ~ which could be proudly utilized by Costa Mesa l..egJon hall when Mrs. Wheat wUJ preolde NEPTUNl:'8 CJIJJ.DUN GET TOOltlBE& Court during cadet days. every ""'"'an throughout the year. Mrs. Jooeph Hamblet, aectlon with Mrs. A. J . Kiefer of River-TALL and BEAUTIFUL SPARS, SALT SPRAY, and SUN SPARK-Yello-one Park, Niagara Arnone these were a dull pink chairman, will conduct the busl-side, district president, and will LING on WHITE CAPS! Thooe who love the-. and the little -ti Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec bcwl filled with pink seaweed and neu section and tea will be served give a ten-minute talk on the con-that Cart')' them av..r it and CLOSE to It all find a perfect .. tttnc for and New Brunswick were vilited. a yellow bcwl enhanced by yel-at the dooe of the o!ternocn. ventlon theme, "Building the their best momenta ashore at the cutaW&ys! AND that Includes the then tc Booten and New York tc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: World Ahead." Mn. E. H. Smith, 1Jri8ht-eyed land-lubbers who WOULD love a -t 11 they had one, or aee friends; on down the eut coast Orange county vice president and the time to uae It, who content themselves by absorbing the glamour tc Florlda with a day spent In program chairman, will preoent and ro~ from thole who HAVE. like ME for lnltance! Wlllhlngton, o . C;, and then the program. Father Neptune, and the py little clrlfh<ood charactttl aboUt the takin& the Clipper a 11.oy In · walls lmlle warmly on his a!!ectlonate family and their cheery dlat-. . • Expert PERMA,LIFT BRASSIERES So ,l,uch depends on your bra- thaifa why it'• 00 1-tont to choose carefully. Your ''Penna-lift"• bra will give. you that young, firm =-b ~ oo Important for today's fuhlcms Tho '""""" cuohion -at the base of each bra _cup ....,t1y suj)pOl't your bust from below-cive you undreamed of comfort. DEAUVILLE '-'-.... ,_ ..... ...., .... •••••••••• Pwwwwlflth. C... Officers wUJ be elected for the ter as they teer Into a com-batter --food grill, or concrecate befO<e Havana with all pomto of Interest next two years. Orance county that big old crackllnc loc-f.ire In the dub-roorn--aiddllne that wt lnduded. Lqlma - wtll name the treuurer, the nom-extra round of Java In those big old DEMI-TIJBS! Back tbroucb MlalaiPDI andi~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!~ Beauticians 739 So. Cout Blvd. for Milady !nee betnc Mn. E. W. ~ of Tllltr'LL MCI: A.NY 8BIP THAT '""" the oouthern 1tates, a vb<lt to I I Seal Beach. San Diego county b< LEE LEFIS. db<cowrinll that ricl>t at the next toble lit Mr. and Carlsbad Caverns and Gnm P1'<9eDtlnc aeveral candldat,. for Mn Wfttennarl<, (Leatrice Joy) wno T&Oed their be&utlflll red ~ Canyon. and the Keenes were the presidency. Leatrlce" aga1n1t his romantic lJIC black ocbcJoner "Idalia" 1*:lr. from home, hav!Jur covered 38 •totes • Before VOii B•Hcf. or Remodel e Pw"*..;,tm. (Wd W&ft. Bair ltrlPlco Bdr n.doc,, -mn..._ __ .. lfO W.Aft'DIG (]w = ... ...,, Club and county presldento Catalina. And THAT man can reoJ)y SAU, bHmed Lee. U It's a and relJOl'tlnE 30 minutes of rain V were honored at the banquet THRILLING J:'&Ce, WHO cares WHO WINS T In Flcrlda and 30 minutes lllOW -W-ay evenin& and honored Lee 1-to SAJL.-(periocl). 'nlAT'S wilY he bU this beautl!IJI In N.., Mexico u the only devla- ¥lzft Oir .......... 11°-1p1•i. ..a Dlnahr ••i.z-• --"\. _. Thunday evenlnc .,.. the itot.! -t for charter and -to 1&11 her ANY~ IsthmUa. n,. tlon !rcJm perfect ....,ather C hit! or Acapulco AND-It YoU lftlly want to FEEL the FREEDOM . Oaiar ....... J;Jlan: •• president, Mn. llenjamln F. War-OF THE s£VEN SEAS-he'll c;<>!1l!! ro!llnc Into port haJ1lfln& out cut- .,,.. and •h• district put pres!-w-to stick 1n your belt and hQllt the p1rat ... Jolly 11ocor to the Real Life Story for Balboa Inn Be ty Sal dents.. masthead! · . Ch hp 8U OD A large delegation b< expected There'1 a certain peam In the eye and sparlcle of llJirlt I catc:b In UrC rogram .. oZ•lll••a - -• --"* • l'llr from Drane• county. Deleptft the --ouln' guys an' p.ls that's better'n CHAMPAGNE fer MY and Jlnolmwn from the Ebell dub of Newport ~I like tc LIS'l'D! to 'em, or just FEEL their SPIRlT t.z:ouncl An ·aboorbtnc 1tory b< that of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Beach will tndude the pttlldent, the SAME ROOM! That• why I am bavlnc MY 1banlr.s&ivlng dinner Alcohollcl .l.norcymoul, Whlc:b wUJ jji Mn. Bruce McBride; Mn. Robert th~' 0 9/by Tm 1tayin& tull time to EAT It too-lrom TWO tc be presented by Mr. Golden Sun· J•~ed. Mn. L. L. llbell and Mn. TEN P. M.. clo,y ~ at Christ Church by ..... Oupet. aes·ea. llepalrecl K. Petty f!Jl/,eJu-__ INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS, CRIMlNATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. 429 Glenneyie St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours , 10to5 on '!Ues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 3604 On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa at--- Stop \ -CHUCK'S DRIVE -II ' Barbecued Sandwichee • Fountain Sa tiee 10Lm.to2p.m. 1818 NMpwi Bl'flL OOU SDVIC& A Special Christmas A Spec.la! Person A Special Gift SPECL\LLY MADE • ~· COLD WZATm FAllBION8 the Se under the spomonb1 f C. M. Deakins. Mrs. H. B. Mc-• --REALLY FIT a shore front ren~wlth my J11n-tull ol II al the Ch ,, p o M•-, -1•-t of ~A,_, ,._ -rfn OD 0 urcb. ~tereottnc --, ~--~ •• ...., ~ sunshine and salt, and the appetltl! that only a day on the b Y can t th 1 t word Is ... , tory tornoon dub of Costa Mesa. and give-my dinner -· ..... •r and 1 whirled up on the bluff for a Har 0 • u ~ 1 d will be ,,.. u-SEA FOOD ROIL of real life experlenceo accordlnc another elegate Jll"'l"ftL Muu.ED WINE. ABALONE aIOWDER and a -to thooe who have heard him be-We had on blue wool slacka . ...eaten and pea-Jad<etl and felt JUST ·LUDLUM Carpet Works 1----__ ..__ ~ ... Dr. White Speaks at Church Anniversary as properly dressed as the dinner &owns and smart suits at the next fore and anyone interested la cor· toble!-AND THEY felt properly dressed TOO! ~d~la~ll;y~ln;vl~t~ed~tc;;a~tten<L~~;;;;;;;;;~======================~ l'r8 TBlt NJ:ATEllT TILICJI. OF TBlt l'E&B r ---this DRESSY-INFORMALITY which ?:!i:'n Don has attained, Dr. H•""1 White, na•tor of Bal-and it puzzles me but it's THERE. It's like tin& a melody of in· -·, ~ tangibl~lp. decorations. spirit of the jlloce, etc., etc.-<UJd boa Island chapel of Olrlat Church it comes out a pretty tune. lF you are in HARMONY with this tune by the Sea, recently attended the -it's lnunaterial HOW you're dressed. sixtieth anniversary of the found-rn bet my typewriter that's why he managed to open up AFTER ing of South Pasadena Methodist the season, NO road signs to speak or. primitive setting on a WIND- church, which he attended while swept hill. and STlll.. keepine those gay and haPeY crowds! t d t In n-In 1899 It's not JUST the eagerness to give us good food, a..rtiatic presenta-a 1 u en couo::.e • tion, et al-I THINK it's that fecling the whole place &ives out of In preachln& the anniversary hosoitality, welcome and comfortable relaxation, where we can throw" sermon Dr. White used u his a REALLY lovely dinner party, with either a champagne backcround. topJc "The Formula of Growth." or a back-drop for py zipper jacket and corduroys and lea.ve your mit· Following the sermon Dr. and tens on lf You feel like ft! Mrs. White attended the reception POB INS'l'ANOI: for old-tlmen, where experiences I saw the Jack Lane family In rosy cheeks and yummy ranch top, of the put. smne humaroua, acme representing to me the NEXT best bet to the life of a yacbtanan-in aacl, were related. short, ANY of that rosy ruJm!d outdoor life and dlannlnt< DESIGN FOR UVING that we haV<O ONLY in California and ESPECIALLY In nus part OF It! BABBLING VOICES MAKE PRE'ITY MUSIC when In THAT MOOD! and WHAT hal' Members of the executive board many with that hand,(>icked oolt romantic music on the P .A l)'Stem! I N Be G ---there WU MARSHALL, just sprHding his terrific personality, not PT A Board Meets o ewport ach r •mm • r only tn bis own Oiriltian'1 Hut. but wbettYer he eoea entertaininc School Parent-Teacher Aaooda· his fomlly and In betw.en ,,.,....... DOdnl: up and down and telllntl OClll tlon met recmtly at the borne of about the time be shot a 4llO lb. bear With a toy btt·bee cun? Mn. H. G. Rocerw, Lido lale, with N<IW LISTEN, Manba11. I beard JOID' friend Don once end< tha Mn. Edcar Hill presldlnc and the Doll·Houae and the mrr wett two ol hll ~te p!acw, but 20 members pieoent. DON"l' try to OUT·FIB that cld bucaneer-beachcombOr! Just ult him It .... voted tc giw four mem-about the time be WU preamtN with not only ONE but nvo red benb1po In the Community coo-neckties far tho -flsb-Slor) ol ---by the Rod and R.eel dub cert anlzatlon to Lee Sawin tc In Miami Beach, na. - be !'!i by otudmto -be ID' Liift-BOX feels wlD .-Ive -t benefit DEAR NEIJJE: (she's my pal). I DIDN'T-tlon .sac you and !rcJm the -:::::.1::":o ~.: ~~ t:i.-=:':iiU::. °:y ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•;;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim-1 people I ... I WISH I Ir.new-I HOPE I WIIJ --!Jut II I om, rn STILL haw clam Uttle ._. IN ID' FLtr SO I obaloe r:-up In my bat and -'em tru I fill the puqraph tbe7w •e 1 · · TODAY ft' a that o1• Senile Sallar' Cnnumdlft Bmt Rm1 !U and tho Mra.. be&mlnc ..,._ the bal>l>r ~ -tboY -...,..: prloed -Pr-t with, ""1lc Bili!' Pr-t -Is 11u-1ac tbe ..,, Ille aloo -· • i:iert. by IUck, I &et :ANO'n!ER s.nlle -· Hilton Tui>I"'-· --and -ullilnc -Nl!ft Dlokew about lnOt -dar'S _..,I-tho S.-bb11 ra<e fer ladlos. In whlc:b Mn. T., llra. D., and ll&!7 Jlloda«t Ailed .-for tho tint time In their U-. Mn. D. ~111d the start thfte time& hecdhw U.. ~-~Kn. T. oc:nnl!'ed CID a •""'m jibe -WU ....,....rby -· --aolllaJlr Clol~tbeeounel -1blit -the do,y, I hear, that Dan, wllo arriftd late, cheated !do --the -lao. ~ ..._ tbet nobcdy -him otart-llut STILL .._ ID LAST. He <la't l'ALL OVEllbcerd. ti.o-. -to be blo bablt-blrt ms WllUZr DID-WHAT a PIJU.D:! ..-ZllznFLtr ---tho B. R. -er.i.,._ .... -Mn. nod P. Ga l1<b, tbe Wen- dell a ---WIDc!Y. -Fred o.Uodl. an rt ... n.o.. -Mr. -Jin. Lewll 11.itz bcott.. a putJ rt °'"'"""'-the Gcrlbaldh -mtl!rtolnlnc. -I _... H. fl'. lloJftJ ol Newport Bnch. G7orla Bal?l- cla7 rt Boll1-. and Mr. -MrL &alb< ! ........ "" ,. --"""' Emln Py?e). -THERE wu my .......... flQ W-Odettie ~ a.a.. 1 saw llr. elld Kn. Nado Hlllt Browa al Udo r+ ?""' Iba a-.1 al ... ._ ll?e -·and 11US I om..tadll- I ·-BAYSIDE PLATING CO. . We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silvenmiths • • • All Work Guaranteed Estboates on Wholesale Lots of Ceramia . -SILVER .AND GOLD Ta Sa.. , .:\Atlqae *"•'f h .. -, ~ , 11 .... , , Omllole'- Reflec:bw , Batb&oam ftdlaci , BnbJ ._ , Ceramks · Kutm Piii''• , , .Jlwlpe 11111 Sauwidn • • ftm1: Bnr7z 1111, llmfn; C. C. "OiUOll• WJ&l& •= 111 ..... Jll&JI II: OOsTA Du m•=,*•..._ c; JL .. 4··· &• MWHWf .. &••<JY CUtawQs la •ttlcthc Htmdr JIUNDllEllll ., ,..... to_. &Ir pan -_fv ---sJ>.. 8.4.. H.B.. L.B.. LA..,~ Piii ' I ~ eod -llJ'.I -'•io-~-~-~~~!"'9---~--------1!9--"""'--'""!'-"""'~ • -....,,.!""'--. .-~ -• (