HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• • 11 SAND CRAB ktBP POSTBDI 1 y_. ...... .. • 0 x ··--4 .,. __ _ ...._ a..11: ... &Mr .. lies& n I b •wfuut - ' . NEWPORT • • • • '· • .,._ Cll zr Ch \ '111111 1) .......... M '11 A = .. -.. a , •• EMBRACNG.BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST,NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, µpo 151.f.. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, MIRO.A ISl!AND, CORONA. DEL MAR. COSTA •'SA. ., SAM -NSWPOaT B&&<B. CALIFOmn.&., 'f\JDDll lfOiC+resp 11. 1M1 . -ei-·' NU .. •P • VOUJllll mwm • . 'W'RANKSGIVING. In a I Wld -tom with strife, lll:rlkes, upheaval, may the angel of mercy and justice de1cend for a short time and make 1banksgiving a day of cheer and gladness. It is barely possible that the na- tion will lay aside Its cares and hope for a pause in the coal mine dispute, the peace (?) conference or h I g h prices. Would that some so- lution could be worked out on housing, but that seems as far away as ever. The fumbling and bumb)\ng of Washington, more than a year after the war, brings little cause for rejoicing, an~ It must be nice to be presi- dent and hie hither and yon In care-free abandon. While a different political lineup will come in January it still takes time to correct a lot of bum stuff and bring better living conditions to several million homeless. Perhaps be next 'Thanksgiving ... Turkey Prices. W o n d e r why the stores and dealers and producers always wait until a few days before the holiday to set a price on the National Bird? What is the object of stalling? ls the market governed by the number of turks that arrive or does an association fix the charges. Seems like a Jotta damphoolishness to this Crabber. C-for Tbanlnl. Well, there are one or two things the harbor can give thanks about. Both the Orange County Associated Olam- bers ot Commerce and the Orange County Coast asso- clatloo have presidents who live In Newport Bee.ch. Walt Longmoor, who ·Jaws dv!c work In between his cannery procesaes, is presi- dent ot the Associated and tireless Postmaster Herb Kenny ot Balboa is he&d of the Coast group. Both men are doing a bang-up job and have brought more distinc- tion and laurels to these booster organizations than they have enjoyed for the pest several years. Boepttal. Here•s one that could take on a bit of white meat in the fonn of folding money -the Presbyterian hospital drive. There's a chance to get a donation of $100.000 if a little less than · $75,000 is -raised by the county before December 31. Het:'f?'S how: Glenn Martin, fonner noted countian and now head of vast airplane plant, has offered that sum . If the citizens will subscribe $400,000 to bring the total to a hlilf milllon. But the bal- ance must be in by the end of the year. Thus far New- port Beach has put up about $46,000 and Costa Mesa aome $6.300. U the Mesa, which claims as much popu- lation as the beach, would raise its ante to the be&ch's l'lgure, a i;:ood start to the $400,000 goal could be ac- complished. Properly Owners. Tom Henderson is starting a move to fonn a Property Owners' uaoclatlon. Dai;p good idea. Such an organization can be mmt helpful in aiding the dty dadl, the C. of C. and other civic bodies, In a.scer- hiinlng land values, ~ methods to build new bfgb- ways' and streets into the barl>or and doing a batch al ~ (Ill many problems cmfrontlng a , growing com- mamlty like Newport Harbor. Bar•ey Darkee. This youn&' man who grew to 11111nhnod·· here, then became a derlc in one of the L, A. wutb and later selwd his CDUDtry In the last war, has jlllt purcbued a printing plant at•Laguna Bee.ch from Irr. and Mn. Ed. . Eason. Harvey ~ bad the smell al prinm"I< Ink In bis veins from die time bis dad ran tbe aid Newport News, and i. la now happy In his first loft. Inddentally be la the -al Kn. Ida Naylor ot S.lboe • I"end dre9a shop r.me - Arrangements Completed Ge~~:~;11 for USO Fete on Saturday.:~~ Over lOO·Volunteer Workers Who Ably Served ~:' ~:~:r111 or :lOth Untold Numbers of Servicemen During atrttt, Newport Beach, for ~ It w r111rtet ~ ~ ..-tlllM Des SH 6. • o •·•••JW'M, ..... ....... ,.., ·--~ ......... ..,. .. , ..... . alboa Re-puJ .. ven years. Late War Will Be Rewarded at B The prop.rty was purcbued ,_iJof~t .. Al-Mia Helen Jepson. clamoroua ooprano star of ~ Metropolitan Opera company, will make her first .._.......,. u guest ltar .ll' the newt)> organized Ne~ Community Concert aaociation on ception· Paul A. Palmer Is Chairman of t..om Mn. Rachel aauer of a rura1 • ' route on West Fint street, Santa ... -Lao ....... .... ._.of ...... ·6&' 0 Comnuttee Ana, for a consideration a.pd to tloa .. ...,__ ......... , ... ,.,.... ....._.... .• Sr·..-wtz!t Arrangements have been com- pleted for the reception which ia to be given by the Newport Har· bor USO Council to the volunteer workers both the Balboa and Newport Beach USO clubs who were so helpful to the services men here and abroad during the late war period. The workers will be guests of the council at the fete which will be given Saturday night in the Balboa USO club. Paul A. Palmer, who headed the USO con.trol board for the harbor area during the war. is chairman of the com- mittee in charge of the reception. Among those who have played important parts in the activities of the two USO clubs here in the be . around $50.000. Blanche McFarland. George Deve-The sale was negotiated throueh nish, Harry Estus, Gilbert Place, ,the Harbor Investment oompany, R. A. Ormiston, Thomas 0 . Mat· also of Newport Beach, and Had tingly. Robert Herold, F . A. Rem-Ring, member or that firm. ington, and Mr. L. K . Ashbaugh, The petroleum comiJ.ny leased and the Misses Frances Devenish, the property for the past seven Beatrtce Brockman, and J Un e yea.rs and the lease still had three Ormiston yea.rs to run. But when the com- COUNCIL SUPPORTS PAY PLAN pany heard that the property wu tor sale, they dld not hesitate to put In a bid for It. . The property comprises 93 ffft and et present there is the plant and an icing dock located there. . The company recently signed a lease on another piece or property near the Balboa pavilion where they intend to build another ma- rine dock. ' BOON AFTER SUN-UP -Uoat 11 mdeo bGm B•--i.ad. lloo crew of u.e Pancoa were OD teck for a plctare. Lett to rtctit: Art 1Dlbor11, -tant enct-r; Oaptaln ·Peter Stein, B. L llan!ma, 4eckh•nd; °'Cappy" AupnlMucer, thlrd enclneer: Boward;W.UU,r, cledrhaN!; loee f1orea, dfllckhan": "Qocll" Howell, cook: Alphouo Oen'•••, deckhand; Al\llm: Daalell, tln&: 1119te_ and. Alberto Gome&, deelllaand. Not ln the picture are ~ Snyder, chief eqlneier, wllo wu busy wtth bis motors. and Walter Oerbardt who wu on the "llMhlng'' end ol U!ll pboto. -}Jltoto by Wiiier Gerhardt. Voyagers to a Mexican Port Dellled .. ~ f• a II-Friday nicht when she appears for een9e to operate a rm• e • 'ac the inltlal concert in the New, wbeel at 111 ll8la lllteet. a.a ... port Harbor Union High school Doulcl I. ea......, -...... auditorill!" at 8:15 o'clock, Fri- ..,,,._......., of ----day night. to Id IDflll.ben: of t~ lfewpol't Miss Jepson's life story is one -City CoandJ .. _.,. --.. noon that he woald npt r. &M of resourcefulneu and splnt that prtvUere la t.he Superior Court. lead from talent to great fame. FoU°"ia&' up rm ,....._ ti>-_Reared In Akron, 0 .. she graduat- day, the Balboa u:u ..... , ...... edfi • rromtuntildsgh school ldyJNilhthout ~~· ator conferred wttb • Onase oent to s u e muaac County att-Orae,., wbo ..w Ille WM she loved 'io. well. She did the prepared to take ..., ._ te ......t. next ~t thing, !<Old records In In his public statements befote a music shop. the city council Harmon alleged With the savings from her small Roving Reporter Describes Housing Situation that he was a victim of di9crlml-aalary H•len managed to finance nation He argued that t.be dty leaons with 3 director of the past are the following: ...... Bob Callis of 718 Jasmine ave-in Bananza Land, Where Natives Live in council had previoualy slven a Curtlo InsUtute, who advised her nue, Corona de! Mar. will con-Th tched Ad bes Th t Re t f Thr to license to another BalbGa opera-to try for a scholanhlp there. Oyan Hall, supervisor Irvin George Gordon, Mrs. Marian Had- don, H. F . Kenny, A. B. Rouselle, Harry A. Earnshaw, and Harry Welch. Also P . A Palmer. Theodore Robins, Mn. Marian Haddon, S. A. Meyer, Lew H. Wallace, Clyde Ashen, Mn. Arthur Belt and Mn. L. L. Isbell. ~ Ralph K. Rttd. Al Ander· son, John Vogel, Nelson Stafford and Don McCallum. 1 Allo Mn. Arthur L. Belt, Mn. L. L. Isbell, Lew H Wallace, Gor- don B. Findlay, Mn. John F. Baker, 'Mn. Irvin Georse Gordon, G~cory (lorby .~ Mn. Y.· . 0. Wroolle. Allo Mn. Harold Brown, Mn. Mildred Lockhart, Mn. R. Raa- drll, Mn. Mildred Stanley, Mn. DeLano, Mrs. Bea Dyckman, Don Stebbin1, Mn. Weston Jay, Mn. Henry Eggert, Ebell, Mn. F . A. Young, and June Ledford. Also Mesdames Conrad shook, Arthur Gant. Florence Morris, Anne B. Lefler, lrv\n George Gor- don, Frank Rinehart, C. M. Dea· kJns, W. D. Merickle, C W. J ay· red, Alice Barrett, F. A. Young, Burness Rhodes, Francis Shiridan. J ohn F . Baker. ~· R. DeLano, George Michaud, K"'tflt Hitchcock, Eug.ene Fenelon, R. E . Ferguson, BURNETTE BELIEVED SLUGGED The plan to reduce the age ltmit tinue to repr6ent the General • a 0 a n or . ee. tor for the same device. ---·--·· ~er audition won for her three and to Increase the retirement Petroleum company as dlstrtbu-Eight Dollars a Month; Rare Hospitality After City Clerk F\'mlr Rine-scholanhlpo. pay of city employes under the tor In the Newport Harbor area. f M • Lo • p l T Jd 'hart reported that Kr. Harnx.I To raise funds for living ex· state civil aervlce retirement and Representatives of the Harbor 0 usic-vtng eop e 0 had re-applied for a -to -llhe toured the IOUth in pension system met with ln!:tant Investment Company said officials (CCm.Unued OD Pap Bis) cm:npmny with three other woulds approval of the Newport Beach of the petroleum company see a By RABOLD L BARNUM be artiltl, in a second-hand Cad- Oty Council on Monday. eat future in the Newport Har-Newa.-'DmM Staff o ILER s mac. The quartet, known u the Under the plan it ls proposed to bar district. (Part Tlaree) , construction. They too had hU&e 'Tour Miues from Miuiulppi," cut the age limit from 65 to 55, 'Like the hori1011 looked to ~ doors that woold Jay wide the appeared In 68 towns and not only and to raise the benefits from $40 Rotarians Plan eoqly explorers ot the world, never front of their home. To we North raloed the neceuary cull but be- to 1:! lt'a in.~· of $300 woud be I man.a-there {i always matt, American1, holding a key to a I EFEAT came allept at chan&in&: tires. allowed for death benefit to ~ ssoo 000 youth more beyand-when will It stop! heavy planked door such u are During ~ depr8alon yean ' I But when wrllln& about • trip found In thla city, the feeling of .Helen hunted for opportunity 1urvivon of any city employe. Cenfe • ~ , _ _. The plan would affect five fire-r 1n to llulanza town, It Is very m-au..,uorlty ls lnvltinc .. They are SAILO I . -finally pn!S<!Dted ltoelf in men, 14 policemen, and ~ other . , like that, eopedally when draw-aymbols to u.-"the key to the the portly figure of 1'11ul Wblte- 111 ~memory: 'Ibll story, a dty." man. who made her 10loilt • his dty emploYft. 1 ~~,!Ii plansh for a -~ ~'::' t1on, ,. u 1 t _,tlnue. Tb< -iori!Y of...._ Ol"'"hi.d -_. Geltl-Cunza. b:ap,.. ~ )'Otrt cent.r ,_ u~ ,.... 'lb6 ' Ille -for yoll-bu• this Is f ~ d ellin f w aar1o ot ~ Metropolitan ~ fishermen Elect Hagen Assn. Head cussion by the Rotary club and • ., " ... o .. -u room w p o . e or "...-• with ~alls expected to . be ,.... life. · · ·, , brick with veranda or patio in It took the Hwrtlnclma -""'q*'IY, hearing one ·al her leased within the nexti two wee~ So we go on .. · the rear. The verandas were alive Oilers just one quarter al Jan tm•iedcaatl, offered her a contract. • • ln the fina1e of our last inltal· with ferns, flowers, lhrubs. A Helen Jetwnft'• debut ---'te ettort.J ot tM Youth ~Ce>nttt com-lation Ute Par•-had "'••t ar-,_.._1_1 f I ~a1 Id I Friday night's ball pme to alt _...... v.......-mitttt of Newport Beach and . -..,.: ........ -1m· o co or, a ... e ucop c away a victory over the New-Lawrert0e nbbett brought to the Costa Mesa orp.nlzatioo.5 1s to be rived in port where the crew was maze of greeness and bright hues. port Harbor Sailors aa they atruc* Metropolitan a figure that wu toward ___,.iA;--t ~ greeted by many -Of the natives. What a place for a siesta! twice for touchdowns ln ·-.__ the penonification ot yoothful .,. ........... 16 em.IM>fE'Y quar~ HerP wu a small city that · · UJll!:' .l.U"a1. cbarm--bt--..a · h. be tlful ten for the next two years, it was uld"be ched 1 b h. The larger homes were s1rmlar 12 minutes and then held the c-..:u Wit a au decided at the meeting held Mon-co re& . on Y Y s tp or but on a more grand.lose scale. slowing Tars far the remainder volce--and a spontaneous flair far day night at the Balboa USO. plane. No pusen.ger •teamer& Some had large homes, many or the evening winning 13-0 the •ta&e. Among other plaudltt, H. F. Kenny 1 presided at the 00!1le within mlles. there fs no small, but to the Mexican it didn't It was the Ouers· third &a.et ahe wu twice voted "One of the meeting. which was attended by rail tran~~rtaUon lnto the ll<r make too much d.Jfference what league victory againlt no defeats belt ~n dressed · women in Am, 10 delegates, and reported that lated vionity Consequently, the size his home was. If it was his, and two ties and kept them in erlca. By: HUGH McMILLAN the USO would sell the equipment people are protected from tour-it was his, and ~e was happy with the running for the Jeague crown To the concert stage as well. 'Norman Hagen was elected of their Balboa unit but was not ists. would·bestravelers and the it. He has no regrets. in spite of Anaheim's win aver she carries the beauty, the pr~ident of the Sportfishing ~ interested in loaning it. curious. Incidentaly, a house in this the Santa Ana Saint&. The Col~ warmth and the quality of human sooation ~f ~e~rt Harbor, at With the possibility or -renting Bananza town has a population pleasing little ci ty will' rent for onists now have but one gmne ~~y Which distinguish her, the Assoc1at1on s second annual the present USO rooms still unde-of about 5,000 people, with some three to eight dollars per month, to go and have 6ut cme 10 a a. charming the eye even before she dinner meeting at White's Cof-tennined, Vincent <:usumano stat-3.000 others Jiving in the "muni-American money. Of course, if that to Huntington BeN"h,, l-0, conquers the. ear with her treah fee Shop, Balboa Island, Satur-ed he ha'd delegated Co1. J . J . Sail-cl pio··. the farmers and ranchers you would like to rent so111ethlng and if the Oilers can beat the and lovely VOlce. d~y. C. A. Bickhart was elected ors to ask for a building from the of the lowlands and valleys. A~ for ten dollars per month .so you Saints on Wednesday evening, ------- vice president and Jerry Adam!I, Santa Ana Army Air base and had cordin g to the town!people, the will have room for your ten child-Anaheim and Huntington Beach M t treasurer. investigated the chances of obtain-village l! 45 yean old. ren. it can be found. ys ery Elected to the Board of Oirec-ing l~ for a location at the city AbOut four miles from "the cen· About four trailers would fit SUNSET t..EAGUE STANDINGS · tors \\·ere Glen Sode~, Bob Fry, aquatic cent~r. ter of activity is a partly buried into the front room of many an R.unL Beach '9; ~ T2 ~ Oiz· ~ Su Ha.ry Lonsdale, Pepito P e r ez, Other delegates favored the Idea city whose walls have been eroded aver&8! native'1 home in Bananza AnahS&ntaetrpna 's 11 OJ 78C4 ""a .·~ rrounds Carl McCullaJt, and Burt Robert-of placing it on the bowling green and dis.fl~ by centuries of torp town. Trailers COit from $1500 to .... '"" son adjacent to the American Legion rential rams. To experience a $5000. in Celifornia. There'• never ~1r~n ~ = } ~ :,: :~ .. Frank Linnell spake on the pos-hall and Oty Judge Bob Gardner do~pour in these southern dimes been a trailer in th1s city, but it Nwpt. Harb. 1 1 1 14 • .m sibilities or getting the Interna-quipped: "It would certainly be d ~t f~s ~ ':nderat~at han:g ~I is doubtful if they would be in~ Oranpwedneed:;.;cg-!-~== .ooo Se De th tional Fishing Tournament held worth)l9 sacrifice to the youth of 5~ ~bien: B~~ they .:, terested, only curioul. o!nU:!1-°S°;}ewport ~·t:.e-~ a a Woody Burnette, 32, of 1912 in these waters in 1948 and asked the community on the part of the Reli ed from th . . It was a tiled two-room dwel •t Downey. . We• t Ocean Front, Newport for help from the boat operators half-?o7en men who use It, if that of "oJ': ~;:i~.er ve an-=.,~~ ling like I speak' of that belongeci --:.-----------! Beach, wbo was found unconsc-::;atth~~~; ~~:. =~~ thiswe~:=~ed up and educat~ ci~ution; but the ~~ ~ ~t!;e 0 °f = ::!1 '::'thema~ a.doe!: )(ymtery surrounds the death at ioua in the rear of a service •ta-Mr. Linnell alao took up the cause Harold Fink and Vincent CUsu-people of this banana land know Par • n. Hil home h ed the would re '!:':1P. tbe IN ae In Ted Golding, Newport Beach ~ tion in the 500 block of West Cen· of the anglers and their troubles mano told ot the Rotary club plan nothing of lta history. Rainy tea· hilaJ:' This houle too ':2ad 1 CIF pJ•~ ~ erman. Whc.we body wu found' tral avenue. Newport Beach, Fri· with boatmen for the hie recreational youth cen IOM will wuh another pndous · • erea _., l:broaded. in a lite jacket in the day morning, conUnued In a .em!-• ter which Is now under dlscussl &lice from lhooe f"' •landlnc doors, "'1t Instead of open!Dc on In Friday nillhl'a CDJlat;. llolJJ IUrf about nve mileo MMJth oC coma at the Orange County hos4 "If ~ angler hu never landed and it was decided the commi~ walla. Yore seuOm will make the street or sidewalk, they folded the Tan and the 00... atwta! Part Hurnneme, Friday momJnc. pi(al today. ~ marlin before and wants to try tee appainted at the last meeting and take their claiml. In not Joo back on a 1pa.doua balcony that out With plenty of oftew bat tbe In. bod;f wu discovered by a Hooptit.al authorities said Bur-it on a nine-thtta~. line, let him should be retaiMd, to WO<k out de-many ,_.. to come, • forgotten overlooked ~ quiet bay. below. Huntlacton &ad> outfit --U. S. Cout Guard cutter ~ nette has a poaible concusaion of go ahead and try, pleaded Mr. tails of •temporary meelln& place dty will llecome flat clay ground Adjacent lo the balcony wu a to generate a llCOriDs -,,_ .., patrol duty . the brain. niere were lndlcatlonJ Unnell. He pointed out that the On the committee are L. L and the hlltory of the people U..t thatched over abode endOIUre, ~ ~Ir """' «> and -ap -. . tliat the. .vlc:tfm •may have been anirler would probably loae the Westlake dMllnnan· Mn. Edpr lived on Ila Hl't,h 'Will have ells-kitchen. It had a brick stove for flnt """"" early In the baJl -At the time of his death. Gold- WllYlald bJ a fooli*t alun:ed and fish, but, at leut he would be Hill, lift. Hul>bard'. H V1a oolved beneath Ila crust. burninr ch&rcoaJ and oom oobo. with Fullliadt Bal> -.... Ille -........ for mackeftl far dr"""" to the apot. "'here ho wu happy and come back ' and try Cftlt cu.um.no and to';:•.., ie: Then! ue a f""' "'left tNft'" In-A rack attachment oat on top Ila ov ... fnm the' T.,. CIDe. ' tlse ., Oollfanda · Marine -· found. and robbed. .Burnette wu acaJn. pl and renW p<Oblema, Judce dian -ta ourroundlns the flat IUrface for crilJin& m .. t. The Oller drlw --;d '.""P.1C*lkm ol Newport Beecb. said to be an· empJoyoe of a local He deplored the publldty work Gardner and John Abell. harbcr. '!be lnhahltanta ..., ot A round rock mortar and peotle ..,. the ball--..,!ns al --lie ' Wt Loacl Bead> la !hf cafe. of the ~tion, and pointed Aztec docent. I wa told by GUI for llriDd1nc corn for "totllla'" Jay a 29 yard 11tt!a1 -Q I&> a.,.1, a :18-foot,cr.rt. befwe1tbe · · ~ ~!: ~:":, "::::14 ..=.1: ~-Blows, ~uto ~~11i::"':f" :U. !'i'.:' m:.!: a"':-"' ori.z ,;i.;.:,~ ~Caitlaued .., ..., n ::.S *:. ~ ~ ..=.:: LA Woman Seeks public for trlpo on lhllr _,._ Leaps Curb, Rams that _,. ot -..,_ eou1o1 Water wa drawn ..,. fa....i at a Reang Sloop, Icma .to. ?--·11etaucl!11n. New-t ' ~l:nnA fro· m City "It ,... U>&ler doesn't calcb -T --] S'---._nt read --~ -thal! It . (~ OD PM--~ . On CL;: ,. __ ...£ wa;., B • 2 "'•! EZI ~l f<r tlse ao """'"' fllh on one day, he will come back iA>Ca. ~ wu not -n -lho7 re-o;lllOo ~. Jl!e. WWWa'_ Uidclii, Lam! 31 • time and t1me.ap1a ID>W ho-. mffd t1se1 reducallcm mp1 _. Coand1 Backs Lido For Fridq PID p -.--· 1a the ·~ lbe Met<>eclei Hamilton of ~14 Othon will try orice,·and. If they The front ot ~Cottle llJ'O<elY parents before -1be -• • · 'I •1 badF -ci.d la two num. avmue, Lao .Aacein, bu catch no fish, will go away mad, •tore on Central avmue _, 20th popu1aee has been C£"'•lly reduced Penan!IQJa Extenlion, 'ftle "-. IB a · r , ·'a -lite ........ No ..._ 61 1£11 boat filed a clamqe claim for $\5000 and newr come beck," ho de-~ wuM badly damapl at 9:52 by dlls -. ~ ot cbolera. • p-.1:--U S. Okeh 38-foot l'ISdns ...... C -... ._ .._ faund general and $373.60 apec1a1 f ... dared. 0 . onc1ay Disht -•cu oiaallpir and ytilow r..-. een-~.. -• la!•ndied -• ..... ~· • · ~~ ~ city "' Newpcrl Faees speec1 Charge ~= ~~ -.=; ~ ~ ~~ ...= ::::i;;c:; "°;1 'f"..:::::1::--· • ~Gives Lease Tbrouch her CCMmRl. Blodptt, Robert F. Thompon o1 Ooota _,trol and rammed 11 &at · en. '!be"' -II .true ot -t 11 O.mdJ .., Mmc!oy ni11£t wend l'ISdns _. 7 l!lzi "' 'I~ ·St. Pier Monia A Toblu, attooneys ot -wu dted by NtwjU~-. In r"IJU<1inc ~ ~ ~ left the _hzdl•n eleawnt in the ...., .. ot-Paul A. ~ ot the Ne•~ .Bw? h~ ... -.l.41WI . Santa Alia. the plaintiff allepa motor pa-for allepclly de>: pollceQUOted-u&tatlactbat 1-Callfamla. UdoiolebJ ...,138aVla·Ulit, -a &sis? t that ~ defendant;. ~ Qty ol inji l50 in • 35 ~ traffic _,. on be loot ...,tral ot the mad>.... Inddontally, Sen or SWWz Udo Ille. far tl!O ........ ., _i!f Ibo ti. -J • C ... .,_.. ~ ~ ..... S. l'>all fll. GI all! NEWjUt e..c1!. -_._.p .. ~ _,. -otrwt. N"'iK" -~ ftsbl fnllt tire~ and made the-., trip on the Para-pier• II l]w ot the Udo p ·-. __, -jirlll Bl di, .. - for ~ condition ot a bend1 Jo. Bum, Mmc!oy. · Arnzl• -lo the car IMpod ~ Cllli> and ...., -to New ... "! Bmtsar. ms .-111reee-llolo111e-: ~Ran• St• ..._ • 81lt7s .. to -Ibo lldl cated on tho sill wsslk DHr, the set far SallU'day. Into the -~mt. tlaallon -s.n ~ -lie ,.. Ba& Or 7 • * lar U. w=-. fll. -• Balboa pharmacy OD A-20. • -tGld po11ce that be .... -to llidl up a flllzl12C boat aDd •O ___ .... s .... • • n a· ~ On that daw, ~ plaintiff al-Phono-Radio Theft ~ ~ aul••szvtzlle -laddt ntum to 1£11 nalt!!o --Stolen Car FOUDd :;Nc•pwt B * °"' a • -M I •• ,J ... Rowpa t ..... iqin .. that la--and lslata .A combhuzllon pbonosrapb-ndlo J-ot 917 Weot &.,. -. tl>o~•'::"_'.!"-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =... ~ .....,. .. _~O-Cl '#A• ... a• ~ ... °' -C J Glod I* 4 01& the bench tbrew ber to tM wa 1to1m. ttun tbe car ot Kn. Npurt P!ssh to WbmD tbe auto av auww -r«:Mlena a _.,A* ...--m• ....,. d'* -,.... ~ a pw•t • ..... aidewsslk and~ -pelvll, i1e1!1!ee Houston ot Newport ls-;,,,..,.....04. ~--=--and~~ ~.~ ... -:iot_5.17!-"'-__.!e ~-ot ........ _,~ :...---.. 1.Cl~ll C &ID 11•1 1- inttrnaUy and atenzalbr, Heiahta, Tlzunday. Her mad>lae lad< caldII ot 1810 Weot Oc:an ·-1 -P --~ ...._ ~ I • •· ™-· -._ Ii I •I ... dlr a. Qty O>omcll -lfc>Dda7 mer----la fr<ml "'»1 30tb rr-t. NcWjdt B .. 'b, ...... -=: °:"' ':1 a:-:.~=;..~~=---=::, .. .,-.::' r 2 :.. I .. ... I ..... rtf••• red her' claim to the d~a lmur-atreft. Newp:w't Baach.. when: the rklQc wttb Bear DI die 11au.r -.~ .. ·! I • .::!A! N 1-: B ,. -IQ, * W 3 • 125 ' . b .. ._ ....,214..,.. tlseft ~ polk!e -. _...,, lloJmioo. po1a Nil!wllld. ·-.JS rs -~ la ~-tomt• · ..,, . --i ... ' ' . ' - • • l r I ..,._ .GI FT$ llOOQ 'for.a..-. 8'l'ATIOJ.llllBY PAJllll CBOOOIATD Clllll8TKAll ()A- 'Ille Blue Salls .. ..... SL. ••••• 0 MEN .. WOMEN Prostate - - -Pelvis .. .._,,,~ ...... - ':.,... ---ft6 ....., .... .-w1•u. ~. k•'t ,, ... • F1T ......... ...,_. ,.._ ~-,,., ......... - IT'S YOUR GLANDS ._ aalt I t I .. ._. ... ---·--lie ..... --· .... -• • • -AUii •l • z'' ' Famed Harborite's Career Began Wiftl S. D. Stock Co. Cro&M'Atuntry · Cub ScoUf· H di ft Displ Sa .Solitldand 1'1!1-Art lnotltui.. -Run Pl----.JI b an icra ay ~ lllat ··~-exllllllt ot the · uuuial '1 W'ill .Dominat.e po1a-."' 11ex a----.i Amateur AthJelelf Wi · Affenti · f. l ·1 Meet In V°JSUal Arts ::.=~t : ::,...--:,tJ.: The Calitomla Athlellc dim ins on a oca . "Callfomla, and pu11.ly =·dally at the univenltJ (DOii-profit aaoclatlon ot amateur . Southern C&lifornla, Will dominate -============:;: BJ' JC T. ·a Hollywood -r-.,...._ alllletal will hold lb eighth open ·An ooibtandingly line ~ al sided and wu ·-ted In clv!ng tbe _.Id ot the ·v1su.11 arts with-r , Ia •. -c-t Newa powerlJl& at lint. "We 1111 uW -.country .,_t U!rst poat-handicraft marked the .....,tlac advancement awards by Aaist-In the next Ii.., yean," ~ Leatrice Jay, atar ' ot sllent to look lllu! Mary Plcldord In war) at 10 a.m. S......... mom-of CUI> Scout Pack 105, --ant Cu-ter Robert Reed and t n---·• f -thoR days," ahe ad. "You know -~ by Newport Bnc:h Grammar o nea DCalKI... arncMm western !llma, who ~ Ille role of long curls and wide oyes. And In&. Dec. 15, ,1946, over the usual School Paront-Teacber -•--w~ Weiser. artlat.-cner, ot Corona de! Mar. -In the stage procruc_tlon. when I met her, face to face, I 3 l(i-mlle course in Elysian park. lion and held Friday eveoinc at Den 6, with Mn. Na"!' and Mn. a~ the 300 members of the "Y.., l(y Darling Daughter' • at fain ted dead away!" Thia ...... t ls open to all nm-N..._t lleacb school auditorium Ialey as Den Mothers. recel~ p den Art Institute ... __. ... the Owmnr.mity P~ In La-alk and hlk with an attendanoo f 180 au a _.._,. Dy:'Work 0.Y_W_ .. Broadway Cleaners 11 Bla•lwiq ft. B¥ :w 1"111 gun&, lo quite ·at" home beblnd Her first 1ICrftn appecanc:e nen. w ers ers •. any age, o . the handlcraft award; llln. Bri&-'"!be ....,.Id of art bu Ocn.e to the ,_......,to, that lo where wu in "Java Head" at Golcl_wyn of either aex. There will be II" CUbmuter H. 0 . ~Y pre-P '. Den 3 won the lood conduct California artist 1-------------·-~ u S tud!OL Later ahe starred In the entry fee and no stated prizs • award· J11n. Boyvey'1 Den 2 took ttOOCDlze the u ahe lltuted. tear-jeking "Po...rty of W (although oortaln souvenir a-Bid B ~for their skit on the even-the pace-oetter. in contemponry A -slrl with a mother who with Louise LOvOly and ''Man-will be made, acco<dlng. to the g oom ing's theme "CUb Engineering" fteldl. Advertising, ardiltecture, undentood her yen for a career slaughter'' wtli Tilornaa Meighan turnout). However, lnvitatiOlll • and the atiendance award weni clothes style, moving pictures u in movle8. she came from her at Paramount. Others were "'Ibe and instruction aheeta should be to Den 6 Mrs. Melcher was ap. made in Los Angeles and the -In New <Hleana and, hoping Ten Commandment>," and "Sat-obtained in advanoo from Bob Cont·1nues painted Den Mother for Den 4. artist communities of San Diego, the elallorite veil around her )lead un1ay Night," wbich her fanl con-Ancler. 273 Emera14 S t., Loa An-Santa Barbara, Laguna Beach and would make her look lll<e a fem-sldered her best. Jeles 26. Minon muat ir-nt It was announced that the Paasdena draw the e)'S and the me fatale, applied for a job with In ''The Dreumaker of Paris" writt"" penniAloD of pattnt or Chrlstmu pr<Jlr&m would be held tourllb of the world." said Mr. the Strand 1tock company In San cuardian to pu11cipate at the school ailditorium on Wed-Brandt. ·Diep. She got It, but dlrector she appeared wth her hlllhand, , : Approximately $110,097 worth nesday, Dec. 18 with clfb for the Founder of Rex Brandt Aw>- Jobn Grmth Ray waan't long in ;:"dayGUbert, the screen Idol of •-·~e are ;it..=~ ls 1":'!.; or building work wu approved for Cube, refrfthmenb and the sing-elate&, design and color consult-~ her lack of .,._ience. · ._ or er.• ' , the Newport Harbor cllatrlct by Inc of carolo. anb of Corona de! Mar, Brandt Nice thine was, though, that he After her fve yeara at i'ara-llatement of the lpol!IOrS, 'but A. M. N-. chief building In-As Jn the -t. CUbo will bring ap:eed !hat this favorable state Call yow FULLU DIALD for ... ..w ... , •• ,, •• , ._..,Mop,, W • ..d Poli& hr IAmlt •••111l11z>c didn't mind, and ahe developed mount, Mis& Joy •topped maldnir th~ ~t~ ~ "!~ 1pector for tbe City of Newport to the party toYs. which will be ot attain ii the pr<>duct. of edu- •· a. r . -a. O.. l'WI. .., technique under h1a guidance. pictures in order to make a home w . Beach from November 1 to 21. pr.,..nted to the cblldren'a -cati<ln and strong community in-="-"'i~1::"' -. "":: After .....,.al screen tab, which for young •Leatrloo, born of her to rover th•~:::-t~pl.:': Contracton flied plans for the pita! through tbe Red Crooa. On tereat "We muat not for-get thl5 111 lllutplcl -<JD,... <lei lllu R. F. llADIEB I.-... 0 n I I .. ---abe manqed on her da)'I off, ahe marriage to Gilbert, wbo WU be-own power. -an " erection of $75,600 Worth of new the committee 1n charge are Mn. oontlnuing need,.. he aid. 8 ":1 •,;a;~:;.!~,~· & finally "took:' and was eventually clnnini to grow up. While aha necesary for a strong nation. homes and $34,497 'W'Orth of Other Weiser, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Barlow, director of the ~; llubQr lSZO.B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~IP~·~-~~-~~·~~ro~lea~. ~The~~tas~t~e~o~f wu atill n pictures, she recalled types of comtruction. Jack Raub, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ;::::======================== daU&;hter Leatrice while on loca-building department durina the and Mr. and Mrs. Arc~bald. PlirtltY'S ~ one unforgettable evenln& With M·1dgets . Race New permits Issued by the city Reed, Mr. and Mrs: Henry Eggert I VENETIAN BLINDS SAi.AA and SERVICE Pan· Coast Venetian Blind Co. 814 Cout Highway · ''You Must Order Now ._ For the Holldaya" s9~! .. ,...,. ........ """'°"'°" ....... ... • •I Spoh e $taJM • lleMht- e CJecntt. lur•• • Dboolor...._ • ......... • O...tl end Marr.cl Tab• 1..,.. ••• ... ,._, ....._ W• olM .... o-. 1' ... i-' M1rr9r-. 5 Uon in Laguna. week ending November 23 are ln-John Isley WOO.~ the drawing "We were 1tayln& at Sumet I eluded in the $110,097 total to pri7.e of $1 for which CUbll bring- Inn, and lt wU her fourth blrth-1 I date. ing an adult had a chance. day," she mused, ''Leatrice came n naugura These permits were Issued to Awards were, John Eggert, down t he stairs dressed. u lhe the following persons: wolf badge; Victor Wilson, keeper had requested, as a little princess A 0 I 0 Edward Bucko of 703 Ea.st of the buckskin; ·Roger Boyvey, with a wand. Someone struck up t • ty Cen tral avenue, Balboa, for the bear badge, .Denner stripe; Edwin a grand march on the piano, all I I construction of a one-story, four-Hall, BSSistant denners stripe; the men lined up and bowied to room dwelling a t 721 Poinsettia Kenneth Nack, wol! badge and her, and the actors en tertained avenue, Corona del Mar, a t a COit gold arrow; J ohn Isley , wolf badge her rayally. She was completely One of the greatest midget auto ot $5500. and ·.keeper of the buck&kin: Pat bafOed at the way they got into racing fields in an outstanding Wilford S. Hardy of 402 Club-Connell, denner stripe; BALBOA INN CAFE Tiie Widen V""°ty of Steaks, Ch!>ps, S~ Foods and Italian Foods la tlle -· Ale& ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY-BUSSELL 8WEE1'8EB lhlCIDc J0Gr fa ... rtte melodleo OD tlle BA-OND ELEOTBl<l ORGAN Surf & Main St. Balbba Harbor372 the spirit or the thing!" postwar thrill-sport sea.son wU1 hquse avenue, Newport Beach, tor Terry Gibson, bear badge, gold The years have apparently be on hand al the new Huntington the building of a one-story four-arrow, two silver arrows and '========================~ tread lightly by Miss Joy, per-Beach Speedway, on 101 Hiway room house at 703 Goldenrod keeper of the buckskin &tripe; ~11111111~1111111u1u1111n1u1111111111111111111111u1111u11111111111i1111111l11"1111111n1111111u1u1111111n•·11u1111 .1111n1111u11 haps because she ~oUches on them just south ot Huntington Beach, avenue, Corona del Mar, at a Teddy M~lcher, denner s tripe; !!' C E N T R A l N E R i so lightly. The present ls much tor an inaugural 78-lap dedication cost ot $5500. Charles Gill, denner stripe; Don-i T H [ I ! more interesting to her than the program Sunday at 2 p.m. Ralph Wilmot ot Box 81, Bal-ald Ka uffman, assistant denner ~ ~ past. and she radates the hair The pr ml e show of the new-boa Island, tor the er ection of a stripe; Tommy Brown, k eeper of ~ ~ plness of a \Yoman who finds that t Or e Coer t _ •ladi·um one-story dwelling with detached the ·buclWcin; Bob Briggs, bear • = boad , es ange unyra'""" , 507 · b dg Fl d · · ,~ ~ lfe Is good. A r the big y4.wl which was t have been staged garage at Jasmine avenue, a e; oy SWanson, denner with her husband, Arthur ~em last weekend ~nd which was rair.-Corona. ~el Mar, $6800, and for stripe; Rolan~ Beach, bear badge; ~ We5dtf'rmark, she dean 1be a sailor ed. out, Is expected to bring our a thed bwlding o 509 r a one-story house Gb r~~kir":! WBoribghM, Reedkeeper of the .~ on eek or the "la yo the house" capacity crowd of 17 000 racing an garage a t Jasmine avenue, u\,;.IU!j n; te , wolf gold In the cabin, surrounded by her fans and 4 field of 4o topflight same section, $8500. arrow and J ack Raub, bear badge. ~ books and other belongings. The driv s Mlecellaneou. New Cubs accepted. into the ~ two sailed up from Coronado sev-er '. . , . Goods Oil company of 614 pack are J ohn Bruning, Myron ! eral yea.rs ago, and have been con-He!'ding the drivers parade V. lll North Glassel) street, Orange, for Grant, Robert Brownie, S tanley iii tent to anchor at the Newport ~ BlllY. Vucovich of Fresno and the construction ot a metal wall Allen, Brooke Alexander, Richard i Harbor Yacht Oub ever since. Bill Zaring of Los Angel~, who oPt the back portion of their pre19 Dietrick, Thomas Hoon, Teddy ! And she doesn't need the aid are. ?0 w racing on:two. ln the ent building at 500 East Central Melcher, Kenyon Beatty, Harold iii or a Caney veil for "femme fatal-Pacific Coast champions~p tour~. avenue, Balboa, $600. · Holbrook; • __ ,; ity .. now. She does all right as net : GJb Uly of San Die~o, a•d Gordon Hollingshead for the re-Gary Fields, Howard Mitchell, ALL· STEEL PLEASURE CRUISER we saw her , in pedal pushers and all the rest ot the ~edeyils who modeling Of his residence at 119 Teddy Fish, Robert Evans, Paul = with • red bandana on her head. have made the Red Circwt of ",he East Bay Front, Balboa Island. and Curt Schmidt. Gregory Arch· i Built By Central Boat works Midg~t Auto Racing As.sociat .on which was recen tly dama&"ed by bald, J ohn Eggert, Dorrald Kaut-- tops '" the west. fire, $8000. !man, Howard Hall, Victor Wilson ~ Harbor 1580 -Newport Beach -Foot of Slst St. • The new stadium, actually T . A. Fitch ot 403 Fe:rnle&f and Robert Gill. ~11n111•u1n1111u1n1111u111•111u1u1n1111111u1111111111u1n1111111u1n1111u1u1111111tt1111n•n1111lte;11u1u1n1111111•111111111n~ Ftnt Church of Obrist. SdeJIU.t; "scooped" out of one of Tom T al-street, Corona del Mar, for the miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiw Newport Beach bert's favorite carrot fields, b building of a bedroom and the ad-.. rated by driven aa one of the dition ot a storage shed to h1a finest plants in the tar west. garage at that address, $1500. THANKSGIVING SERVIVE THANKSGIVING DINNER Co-Promoter Bob Ware drove / :============::- Aloo •-11.Z 601 &. o.tnl Barbor Sii for 25 yeara ln the big car and Announces a Thanksgtvtng Ser- vice to be given 1n the Udo Thea- tre, Thanksgiving Day. JfOOD G•AJNS mldget auto racing dreult from SOFI' WATER In The Pa Im Ro o m-;1e C o a s t I n n TbUJ'9da,J Nov. Utb at ll:te a.m. coaJt-to-cout and has incorpor- ROYAL TAILI PAD CO.. -···· t -• ot th ......,, d --• ty • OOE&Nll OF ITI '~~~~~~~w.~c~-~·~~l~u~·~,~~~~•~ci~-~-~~~ii~~~~All~are~~co~rdi~all~y~in~vi~t~ed~t~oia;t~te~nd.i a eu many e •~ an -..e features for driven, and comfort Items for the spectators. as. well u the thrill setup for all, into the o AUTOMADVALLYI 118S SouUt coui BIYIL-l'h. 8121 IAg1lllA llMdl • THANKSGIVING ----a ZS ' DINNER ... November 28, 1946 - SALTED ALMONDS-SHRIMP COCKTAIL SUPREME· SAUTERNE OR · BURGUNDY WINE Chef's Spedal Salad, Roque{ort Cheese Dressing -Consomme Royale ' ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY Savory Dressing-Giblet Gravy--Cranberry Sauce ~ Half Fresh Lobster -Drawn Butter Baked Sugar OJred Ham:.... Special Sauce -Candled Yams Broiled Loin Lamb Chops -Vert -Pre. Half Spring Chicken -Saute Sec. Roast Prime Ribs of Steer Beef, au J~ -Y orl<shlre Pudding Planked New .York Cut of Filet Mignon Steaks, en Bordure Mushrobms -Fn!nch Fried Onion Rings Bu1:W'ed Veeeullie Potatoes Hot Rolls Hot Mince Pit with Branlly Sauce -Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream Fruit Cake -Plum Plwldtng, Hard Sauce -Cranberry Sherbet Demi Time Dinner Mints 7 a plans ot the new atadium. I t has recei-plaudit> from all. The re is ample parking for the huce concrete bowl, a c:rash wall all the way around the fifth-mlie oval, a turled infield and any seat "ln the house" la good. The new promoton have an- nounced that midget cars a nd motorcycles will cavor t on a regu- lar achedule a t the new speedway every Sunday afternoon. There's nothing to buy. We install a softener in your home . . . We own It, we service. For fUll intonnation call- 80Fr WATEB llEBVICll: UO lhd 11t. N"'fPOrl Barbor nu YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT .A CALCULATOR • Acc11ral• an-.n a r • lleed.cl Wbotft J Oii Ulecli: l:n'l'OICU. tak• dlMavaC.. fiPN fnllbt c-UI pet ttlDl. rnulr.-11P1. eomput• ._14, t.aae•, an&IJM fl· u nct&l 1t.att.IZlt:nLI aD4 worlt mi.e.uan.u ud t"Wltraelloo. problQd. . IFUU.J AOTOIAnc ii ALL W.COJ.Ano11 , •SIT IDTI FICTDIS UI TllCI Ill IET OIL! r ; ... thil ;..,loJDafical/y mone the caniaQ9 lo polilioll .. ~ ( cJ ..... the diaJa •.. rtarls the calc:uJatiaD ... lblfta the CU• ' ' f lia9e .• complel• the calculation ••• c1aan both b)'-i '1 boards. During the time uTad the opentor la 1'1it!D9, j ~ • • • tn.. Productift hlqh sPMCi \.,. ... MCtraaQao/1'1f-0 #~.tohot..ra~ ,.,c-.. · ..... ,.., .... ~tltJb • .,. 902 NOl1H MMN PHOfim 743 . . • 0 1-COAST BLVD. SOUTH LAGUNA BEACH ROAST PRIME UTAH TURKEY with "All the Trimmings" or BAKED HONEY CURED HAM ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF AU JUS STEAKS :AND LOBSTER Dine in a Delightful Atmosphere by the Waterfalls TllE FINEST WINES AND LIQUOB8 SEBVED FROM. OUB SELECT STOOK Pbooe: LAcm 111 for -natl-~ 1 -10 p. m. 'l'bNJlnclv!Ds Schiaparelli Shocking Siee*1& salut Prince Matchabelli Duchesll ot York Ave Maria Katherine the . Great Stradivari Adrian Saint and Sinner Lanvin -I My Sin Arpese FOR HIM.;. • Weil Cobra -Cassandra ~ofVenua Gr! Gri Zebellne -Nolr F. Millot crepe de Clllne Coty . BUSHARD'S PRESCRIPTIONS -CXJSMETICS 494 Coa:at Boulevard SouUt Laguna Beach Phone 89 Caron '~ i • ,• 1 ~~ond ./ Narcisse Nola ' Ciro New Horizon Reflections Danger Surrender john Frederics Golden Arraw Roger & Gallet Chen Yu Hartnell BrlKbt Star Stolen ·Heawn Go.)' Gil ..... • Lotloos -Colognes and Shaving Seta: Scblaparel1I ••snuff" -Pinto -Man • Carao • Seaforth • Fs Jolln Frederlcs for Men Only, · Dunhm ot London Leather Good&. t =-~~ (CA) Pm A Pmcll Seta • ' ... ' • ' !''"' ps••'..,,IJ!r=llll!.J!lil Man Present.Day Fi f &WN :!~!!!::::::::::::::::::-:"::::::======~==========::;:==::::=:::::::::::~~====~""!!'!::""'~!!!., LAUNDRY E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTS&C'l'Oa CEMENT WORK Flagstone Work • Cement Block Fences Plat Work or ll'-- OALL 11 t 1 -1 POa Dlll'OllllATION 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE Balboa Cleaners 605 East Central Balboa Gra uates of McNal~ School Capt. J, B. lleN.a!J", ._ ot tile Newpeft llaltlor ll(IOrU' '1 C -.&;: mea. a. llllown wltlt eee of tlle .....,. ......U. bf 1 mp.& to ptt from .._ boat.. Tim mart.la wu CMC'lt b7 J olm IL 8erllmer, a t .ep.t, • All• _, 11.t. It-.-111 --... -_., .. nplau-_ _, -... --.. llllrl7 ----~ --Skipper Me.Nally cu look ~ o.er maay ;rean of IWdac from Newport -·· 014 Umen ---lie ~ tile here. It was better known as the "Scotch Navy'' and consisted or such famous boats as the Dundee, Dixie, Daisy and Dandy. It took him several years to get these boats built and ln service. In those early days Mac can remember having to educate not only the° sportfishermen, but the inland sportng goods store opera· ton in getting the right tackle for ocean fuhing. Many filher- men came down with frelh water fishing gear for yellowtall, tuna, albacore, and white sea bus. He gram wi.th a knowing hand. The Balboa Angling Club is 8.ltother pet project of .l'r. B. McNally. Thll Club does a goop job in accurately weighing t h e many swordfish landed here and provides each fisherman with written, proof. positive data as to weight, ti."!le, and tackle used. Bernie McNally, son of J . B., operates the well·kept neet of sail and motorboats trom next to the Pavilion In Balboa. cou1c1n·t tell them they had the We wron&' tackle, because be wanted Are Strong to keep the store operaton as friends, and would let the fisher-By BAJUlY WEICH men use the gear for awhile and We are a strong nation. The then suggeat that they use hb strong can afford to be generous. salt water tackle for better luck. We are also great. Nothing adds Nowad&Y1 sparting gdod storei 'so much to greatness as a gen- are better Informed. erous heart. The truly generous In pioneering and developing are truly wise. So in our wel- Newport Harbor sport!ishing pos-rare program we must be both sbilitles. Capt. McNally prepared generous and wise. a movie made or pictures taken We must be ready and willing from his boats. This film was to give quickly and generously. shown to organizations all over All must aid. not just a few, but Southern California to interest all must help in carrying and them in fishing from Newport sharing the load. Harbor . He showed it as fat' in-Many of our friends and our land as Lancaster and kept on neighbors are working to raise the showing it until it wore out. Community Chest q\iota. It is He prepared bulletin boards and tiring to call at door after door and then mi.55 many who are malled out fishing news to put absent when the caller knocks. up on them in various places YPs, the "Postman Always Rings 1.~:here sportlishennen gathc.re1 Twice," bu't: why don't you help over the southern part of the state. a little by sending in now that Gradually, through this work, donation you have told yourself Newport Harbor developed from you are going to give, so why a lazy Jlttle beach summer re-not mail it in and mail it now sort and small fishing center to and help further . the popular sportfishing comniun-You believe in good works, and tty It is today. · you believe in worthy causes. J . B. McNally, ln r~"ent years, You know the Community Olest helped to organize tha Sportfish-causes are splendid ones, all good, ing Association ot Newport Har-worthy, and well worth yotir full. bar, to turther devel.1p sporUish-est suppart. AUGUST RANSON .. es·--••c a ~-twelft plaak emlledded In titre etarboard propeller ol die Loraa-Pat • bl& ways at tbe foot of 2fst •tree&, Newport.. atpper J . B. "Bert" llUla, a director of u.e SportftM.l•c Aaod•Uoa. or Newport Barbor, la otn1er or the Lorea-ht, ... -----t ...._ It --Im ~ be palled up ou.t or .water to ~ wlla& wu wroa.c. Boat Bullder Bauoa. laddell.&al l,y, le t.dMlac a new MCI Mgcer live belt cbal'ter boat for J, B. MUk. . Newspapers Off er Prizes for Best Lighted Displays In Coast Christmas Fete Th e N(>wport -Balboa News- Times is offering a special trophy for the most unusual lighting fea- ture in the Orange Coast area during the Christmas celebration, from Del!ember 10 to December 25. 0 t her newspapers offering trophies are the Santa Ana Reg- ister , the Long Beach Press-Tele- gram and the South Coast News of Laguna Beach. The Register is offering a spec- ial trophy for the display best illustrating t he "Spirit of ·Christ- mas". port Beach, and Laguna Beach. One award. Class 5 Shrines in all other coast communities. Two awards. Class 6 Best lighted city in di- vision A-Cities of · Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, a nd La- guna Beach. One award. Class 7 Best lighted city or community in all other coast cities and communities. Two awards. Class 8 Best decorated h ig h school on coast. Two awards. Class 10 Best decorated gram- mar school on coast. Two awards. Jng. He serves on its Board of Now wit h a quota of $3500 still Directors and, through years of to raise, won't you do your bit? ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::!~e~xpe~r~le~n~ce~,~h~el~ps~' ~lf\Jt~-~de~1~·ts~p~r~~ Won't you send in right now that check you have put off malling? Won't you r emind your trtend!I and neighbors to tend in their The Press-Telegram Is offering a Sweep-stake trophy for the city or community showing the most cooperation with the Ouistmas L lgh ting program. The South C.oast News is of· fertng a special trophy for the most artistic display in the coast The Christmas lighting com- mittee which is assuming entire responsibility for the success of the rete is headed by L. A. Patch or Sunset Beach, as chairman. F. W. Hickman of the S e a 1 Beach Chamber of Commerce; W . H. Gallienne, manqing secre. tary of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce; J oseph L. Carver of Costa Mesa; Post· master H erbert F . Kenny of Bal- boa. MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE Met 'utM.I llOTOU llDUILT • -.11po • llpe<Ml'7 • Have this 4-Point Check ·--• 'TA.Ll'a ... .....,,. ...... ,........, 1501 WEST PHONE BARBO& AVENUE 2: l ! 5 • Wheell 8tralght-.i • Body Bepalrtng - • Auto Painting $50 ud Up BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths • • • All Work Guaranteed Emmates on . Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD Tee Services -Antique Fbilshlng -Trophies -Jewelry -Candelabra Reflectors -Bathroom F1xtures Baby Shoes Ceramics Marine Plating Badges and Souvmirs ftw: B-5UJ, Da:rm; BM -ISllS-&, Nlglda \ Ul4 R ._..._ C C. -cauacw Wlk'I B COSTA MESA checks too, if they have not al· ready done so? Do this now, also. Do it for the young folks who share largest in the Chest, and do It on a scale worthy of your place In this, our little-world. Send checks to the Community Chest, care of the Ch&mber of Com- merce. Jllanlla f olders a t New1-nme.. area. Over 30 awards altogether will be dilltributed by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce which ill sponsoring the affair In cooperation With the variOU1 other merchant usoclatlons in the New· port Harbor dlstrict Class 1 Best decorated homes. Six awards. All coast areas com- peting. Oass 2 Best decorated business place. Six awards. All coast areas L. H. Norman of Corona del Mar; Hal Arnet of Laguna Beach; Daniel O'F1aherty or $outh La- guna ; H .J . Macart of Dana Point; Dr. Paul H. Esslinger of San Juan Capistrano; Aaron Buchheim of Capistrano Beach and Doheny Park and Forrest Beal of San O emente. l ·N-8-U·R-A·N-O-E ~& -_,&II -F1re A •--· CUualty --ADTyi- Kl:NNETll O. BILL competing. .-----------~ 111 Eu& 1-St. OoolaM- Phone: ee.co. 5080 Ous 3 Best decorated Christ- mas Trees outside. Six awards. All coast areas competing. Class 4 Shrines in Division A- Cities or Huntington Beach, New- T-H-E S-N-A-C-K In Laguna Bea.lb is THE place to go For Intriguing Original Grills B-A-R That Famous French Onion Soup Delicious French Fried Boneless Chicken A Delightful Chinese Luncheon • Yummy Homemade Desserts SMART AFI'ERNOON TEA BY CANDLELIGHT AND SUNDAY BRUNCH -11:00 to 4:30 • Open Every Day But Friday -11:30 to 5:00 • 1492 Coast Blvd. South -in the Art Center For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & 'BUILDERS' i It's the HARDWARE o2 3rd a: C e ntra l Ph. 2800 ., O.LCULLY llonded OertHled TIU Oomallanl Income Tax Llaeued Pabllo Aoooanlant y-h&rooap Appredated e a SPUllOEON BLDG. %08 W. ttb St. Santa Ana OD WW llll:llVICI: ....., Clea1ers 111~ OJ kllm& 1'11.Blallllali'nS 8itJ!Hi& QtJ4Uff CW DRY ~O 5 DAY SBB\IJC* IW Dl!:UVEBY • -AJl'IWUIOONll• I Delidowlly Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE -U Boar Set tl<le + 111 --1'1-. !'-rw* .... For Your Elegaot '.fhanksgiving Table 13 P I ECE LINEN D.Afd.ASK SET Traditional loveliness ... a background of beauty for your finest sih:er, you r most distinctive crystal. Imported Irish double damask, hand hemmed, 72xl08 cloth with twelve 22 2 napkins. From a magnificent collecti n of fi ne pieces ... to be cherished for enerations. I Jnem 'Ibinl Floor Fourth Streee and Sycamore Santa Ana • ' J ........ Happy Jack Lindsley Spends Ufefime : As Artist; Once ·Rode with the Yakimas His Teachers Graded His Euminatidn Papen on Bis Drawings As He ·Would Not Study in School; A Lover of Horseflesh, Be Started Riding Early, Racing the Indians of the Various Washington State Tribes; F.arned $50 a Week When 21 If the thouaands of aketcbm teecben gnocled him onlY oo his i.r.back with the Yaktmo, Top- wblch Happy Jack Unda!ey, ,_,_ aptitude for art. inah, Slwub. Puyallup and other boy artlat, has drawn In the put He waa _,, In Neenah, Wla-tr!bel of Wulllnct<m Ila~ lndl· 57 laced end to end coaoln, on Chrlatmaa Day, 11!82, am. YHR, were P the aoo of Mr. and Mn. Aaron H• comP"ted In all of U...lr they would reach from Seattle A. Undaley of Tacoma. Wuhin&-races which .,... conducted 17 to Miami and from t.c. An&ekS too.. miles eut ot Yakim.8 It wu to Bar Harbor, Maine. m. mother, the former Imo· here that be met Yakima C...uck, Llndaley, who llvea at 315 Eut sme Box, waa on a visit to the Hoot Glboon and Bill H~ silent Central avenue, B a 1 b o a. hu home of her mother, Mn. Wil· screen cowboys. drawn panels of animals and of llam IL Box, In Neenah, when 'Ibey took a kindly lnte<ftt In human beings ever since be wu Jack came into the world. Hil his drawtnp ot anlmall and hu-le'Ven years old He ~ tat-L..-..a ot T ,_..._,_ man belncs and ureed him to ent for artwork even in IChool fatb!r WU .1KaU the ~1eY make It .. ,_ lif•'I -k. Brothen lumber company, with ·---and because he would never pay gene:ral offices in Tacoma, Wash-Encouraged thusly, Undsley attention to other studJea. his i.ngton, and a branch at Nenomee. when 16 yean old began selling • • .I -· ..... .., ...... , ...... WQ ......... ..... -la----WM1 Only ~ t11e CMObair -wi.. l"almR' --.. 117 m caw an -lion al blo -ID -t-·-_.-. t~ the lobby "' tho Gnator -Pit oD al .... -ort trUrdic to Mubt In Ibo SlO block of Clout --no·--far wowal hlc1nn7, NeWJICk-t llNcb, -· yoen that be ,.. t11m1a1 out tbe numben al peCJllle ltoocl In ude PAL -far tho new,._ fer a lla!t<b. . ' After Palmer's cftth, i;;M.,. Art -..arid c:nmlos of tbe ---that be had to carry Oii, boy artlat aay ... bu the -..... tbol>cb tbe pW>H ...... - tatloa of bavlng drawn -.. par-no laoger accept the art -of trolta thon A1Q' other Dvlnc artlat. a man who had -od 011. Some al his -re90l't and po-Unw1lllnc .to let the PU- lltlcal ... mpalen sk•-are me-syndicau die with lta founclor mmto plecles. Some day tbq may YO .!J n I JJndaley communicated ... -plecles. with all the manacln& edlbn of If ,..,.. will die back lnto the tbe papen -_,. carrytnc mcque of t be y.,._ People's the Pol mtcm. and told lhllla ""'P"ne +men Will Danforth that be -.Jc! draw the -- edlU!d It, :IOU will --In the tuture. sketches al animal Ufe done by And that k bow Jack IJndU the cowboy artlat. Danforth paid f!7 him $10 a Wftk for this ut-k. ..,,,. to be known u the trawl. • line Qlldlca~ artlat amoac tho Lindsley recelVed his tint train-newspapen of California. Wub- lng u a travellnc 1)'Ddlca~ artlat ~ and Nevada. 1ficb1aan. at the time. hia studies of life from one saloon Hl8 crandfather, William H to another in Aberdeen nnd H4> Box. retired some yean previous quin. A year later his work won u United States Manhal at him tree-lance work With the Ab-- Crookston. Minneeota. Bcm WM erdeen and Hoquin street railway reputed to be a crack abot and companies. He illustrated aome fer leVer&l years atttt h1I re-. car cards. -he / joined tbe late 8a':'Y He has -... the ..... am-t Palmer, head of tbe syndlclite -Uy for the paat !50 ,_._ that jllstrlbuU!d the Pal sk•td>eo He bell.-that a -bod:J wblcli have &Jllll!ared In many which be bu built up,,-- W<OU!rn ~ that day way back In 111912 - Palmer did not know that Lin-be broke the world's reooo<I for . dsl•y wu a born artiat at the underwator llWizmnlnc, will keep time h• employed the Ttcoma him a step ahead ot the Grim AJ&TIST AND 8UBJJWr: ~ ,_ ,_...,., •--7 arllot, la -m -lobby of tbe boy. Palmer -him out of the Reaper for awhile yet. Grea&er All~.Amedcaa llattd!it OD Cw& JDPway. pa&Uq tM ftnhldnc ~ten 0.\ &be 111DMici111. of Kn. art department · of the Stettle . . ·~ .. ..... . . .. -(.-. •· .. • • > '\ .. ,... . w. c. 'l'lnanioa of IQ Uni .treet, Coeta Jlw, .... o pow (wttb. IMm4le of &"YMiM) DeU'bJ', newspaper because be knew that Bite T .... --.. ... '••' ed -Walter Gerhardt Photo. ...-.---Llndlley wu an yi>ei t oo the CHICAGO -Wiim a C'mmu tirement trom the federal lerYlce Jollll Troape troupe with a cast of 23 persons. he 9eJ"Yed as a gulde on hunting But Undtley soon found that The troupe traveled the mln- expedJ.tiona. art work did not bring a good Ing toWl'll of MJchlcan. playing The name Box wu handed profit, so he took the precarious three and seven night stands. down Utrough a large tract of job of steeple painting in Men<>-Since Lindsley wu the only land which is now named for him mee, Michigan. He was J>Al.nting member who had good ·clothes. in County Baugh, Ireland. the steeple of the Menomee Pres-the troupe manager sent him Although born in Wisconsin, byter1an church when s'Jme people ahead u advance man for the Jack Llndaley spent his infant and called up and aaJd they would company. Among the productions boyhood yean tn the State ol. like him to paint some staae seen-were, "East Lynne," and "Man Washington, where his parenta ery for the local theatre. 1n Black," and "Ten Nights ln maintained a ranch home outaide So in the spring of 1900 when a Barroom". SeatUe. he was only 18 years ol t, a ro--Jn his spare-time, Lindsley was A3 a boy he roamed the ranch bust young man slid down from contlnUing his art studies, spec-- land and rode horseback when his precarious perch atop the edi-ializing in facials and particularly the urge betook him. He loved fice, resigned his job of steeple-in shapes of eyes. the great•outdoors. UtUe wu he jack and took the safer pnsjtion Months of travelling about the to know that one day in the not of a.how scenery painter With the state, eating from one to another _____________ 1oo __ dls_tan_<_f_u_ture __ he_w_aa_to __ r1_de_B_r_o_w_n_•_co_m_e<1y __ com __ pan_y_,_a_ 1 ot hash joints and sleeping trom pillar to post and under various circumstances soon dragged on the ambitious young artist. He decided it wu no llle for a youth who wanted to be a real arti.sL - OVER $100,000 DISTRIBUTED By First National Bank Giving the gifts you want to the people you want is what makes Christmas so enjoyable. No extra expenses either, If you are one or the lucky ones who has been saving for this occasion. Come in now and stare your Oui.stmas Club Sav- ings Account for 1947. You deposit any amount- from 50c a week on up and when next Nov. rolls around you'll get your Christmas check. Join the 1947 Christmas Club Now! ~ ~ Sa n ta Fe ~ ~ SANTA FE TRAINS to Chicago ..... CHllf n.e 6-iD nil trneL This all l'lillman -liae< aaieo Oboenadoa, Cab, 1ow>ge and Diniog Cu Sen- b. l!XTllA fAST-l!XTllA lAJlE.1-lM A•r'--P.. (•.... • .._ ..,.,, ol .... ) -Cll•f Ameria't fa~ta daily U'&DKODUMeW -..U.- U. AD pPllm•o-Obw+uioa, Oab, louoge and Diaiag C.. S1......_ llikArINS-IXl llA fA1JI. LalM....,.,. u:•z,.. a CANrM Thil o1kiWN:ar .......W-. nceo becw-Loo ~ ....i °'""''° ;., i-''~ boan. llX'II<A rAU. Z-lM,A• laht-<•-._ .. ol-) CMIM' .. •=I& A &totitw Cot Scaadard pgn •• o aad a..u Cu ........ 1-nge, J>ining Cu. La lM.....,.,..,,..,.. -.... Dliily am.c_, tnia loo T-UC P..Dm•• uo4 (lloir Cu Tnwl. l..cMmge wl o· 1"1 Car. La lM ~ h1 t- 11 • CMY• • , •= Sen .. me Grand c...r-Dldly !«n+td and T.....-Sluf*S-.._,r wl Diai"I C.. Sonia-Gair Con. La Lar .....,.,. ,. ... - . - , ... ,,.,,, ..... ., .... c. s.. .... .... 11 rl1te..... tl1•'CALL w WWII 0. D. UND8BY, '!'.PA. •1:No. .... 8L,Pl11•1W 8A!n.& ANA, ()AID'. Beat.oil Orab41 Dim Since Aberdeen gave him his first chance to show what be could do with a brush and a few crayons. he took the first train west and northwest. He carried samples of his sketches to the Bob Brown bllllard hall In Aber- deen and his personality alone eot him a job there. He was hired to sketch ball- players who made the hall a habi- tat. Bob Brown wu owner of the Aberdeen ball club. UtUe did Jack know that these ballplayen who readily boucht blo tlnlohod 1ketches were to advertise hi.I work along the Pacific CoasL Kenneth C. Beaton who was the.TI editor of a SeatUe news- p&P"T happened to visit the ball grounds one afternoon when he came upon one of the ballplayen w h o wu showing a Undsley sketch ln the dug-out. Beaton took one glance at the sketch a!'ld then he rushed out the door and balled a cab for the railroad station. "A ticket to Aberdeen," he .told the train of- fldal at the ticket window. That night he wu on his way. The next day Beaton and ;LJnd- aley met and the form.er oteercd the latter $50 a week to itait in the art department of the Se- attle paper. Undsley was atarUed by the.offer since hard times had arrived and anyway he never ex- pectet that an editor ever would offer him that much money to a youth of 21 . But Jack reall%ed lt was the art that counted. So wtth a hole in the seat of his trousers, the young artist went to work for the Seattle pa.per. He learned late.r that he was the highest paid artist on the sheet . The head artist only made S45 a wee"7 And hi> name waa Ren-forced feeding of chickens, copies sha)>in& of an eye Of hairline. walked up to the cuhler desk of fro. of which were sold to ranches. MOit department workers ape-the Belmont Hotel, and ~­ After that one special edition wu dallr.e on one or tw6 th1n&a. Helen Bemaee a note which rMd distributed far and wide through .. pedally If they are dolnc panel "Give me the money or ru shoot,• the west, other companies sought or •trip cartooning or ma.kine u. Mia Bemlee broke out in a lou4 w. ...-vices. lustratlons for the ·ads. Llndaley's Jauch. The would-be bandit fled. In the years ahead, Undsley has many times been in and out of the newspaper business. Ile has occupied numerous jobs. He's been cowpuncher, stevedore, lonpbore-- rnan, life-saver, lumber jack, m.iU- hand, talleyman, salesman. IO&? salesman and even a public re- lations di.rector for a motion pict- ure company. But theae jobs, though helpful, since they brought him in contact wth rnen in varioWI lines of busi- ness and supplied him w i t h sketches of men In every walk of lite. were of short duration. He always seemed to drift back into the newspaper world, and always on the insistence of some one who had teen hb illustrations. He can recall when he wu a $125. a week salesman for the Waukesha, Wisconsin, district. Then there was the time that he wu both advertising and sales manager for the Alexander Kerr Glass Manufacturinx comoany of Portland, Oregon. Since 1915, the cowboy artllt has given lightning crayon and chalk talks to more than 500 serv- ice clubs and wonen's organiza- tions. He was an inspiration to one boy inmate of a reform school, where he gave a aimiUar chalk talk, who Defore his unfortunate death, 1Nr0te his parents that Jack Undsley was his hero. There's one other thing t b a t Lindsley is proud of and that ls the fact that he has never been on the dole. During the depres- sion of the early 30's the coWboy artist drew 100 sketches a day and aold them all at 10 cents apiece!! At one time during a sped.al exhibition for the Emporiwn de- partment store of San Francisco, Lindsley drew 1500 llairline and shouJder sketches and his checks show he made $150 a week for this work alone. Tb t 1 exhibition attracted so much attention that the store DIESEL SERVICE • • • • • W ATOii FOB THE A:NNOU:NCDD!:NT 01' OUR NEW LOCATION. We an eorry to advl9e that we an leavbur oar .,.._..t 1-Uoa at 901 ()out Blglnray, the BMmsp Co~ on Nov. 17th or before. We Wllh tO ttouk .n or the _....,,_ Gl the Boll- man Co. for their .,aendlc! eoopentlcm dmtng oar llfay. Oar meebMJs feel thew ud we .n regret IBY· era.nae or lllldl plumnt ........... . I un lllll'e .n calls wm be referred to BeaOOll ~W unUJ oar new number Is MDOlll'Ced. Lucky Lewis Then there was a day when he received $500. for writing: Illus- trated stories for a booklet on management had to keep two~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' · L_,1 a ba\kv car f you nu-. w\sh\"9 on a star no \ISi ;f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II W\\\ tr0ub\• go aW'-. or c:l of hay w\sh\ng on a \oa ----------------r--------------- 1 • we're through; keyourwish Here's th• p\ac• to wna . _ _. , , ·ust our dish !!-·ng forus is l for n"' r-- f { ' · ... • . • •T"-jiqlea ap 'ab.n. will -l9l QI 1hctild Poot ~te. But that won't make QI mad If _.U mt 111 to llo 7our Ford aervloe -rt. Wfln nalb' sot -'lllDs to ot!er in prompt wrvice at a fair prla. Allcl.., w wnlee b7-"-""" ............ __ I Quick as anything . that's you I ed •th evertth1ng ... I p\eas w1 I I I I I ,, I I I I lUNl .. .._.,.. •• aw• n•m•Wll-. Cll ... ,.,.. .. _.y_ ... ).-.. ~ prompt Service Falrly Priced .... TH 1EODORE ROBINS nuw. o ' ill, Xcs2;•t • + ( .... tlll54 ····••1111'• ..... - • ·11 • ) ( • 114 W. 4th St PASADENA 11ANTA , ANA Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH Z2 N. Euclid Pit. Sy. 2·U98 M8 Plue Ave. flobede BANK OF AMERICA 1947~~~w @J. NOW/ Wtie Bank of America r: OirUtmtu Money Orderi in ip«ial holiday Jokkrt. 15c each al any branch. Payabk an1ywloeq.. '11.0WWlda of Californian11 find their Bank of America Christmas Club savings ac- count the convenient way t.o meet Chriatmas billa, inaurance premiums and tu.ea, or t.o eave for a down payment on a new home, aut.omobile or home appliances. Join the Bank of America Christmas Club now at any branch. Depoeit 50 cents or more each week. It'a the easy way t.o a happier 1947 Christmas. 1Sunk 11£ Amtrim NATIONAL J!~YN'il~ ASSOCIATION WS .... 1:111 "l:Ol:JtAL Dl:l"C••T I N9 UlllAiNCC ca .... DltATI OM ' For an Enioyable trip East- LOS ANGELES LIMITED ENJOY real travel c~mfort and service on your trip East ... go Ul)ion Pacilic. aboard the popular "Los ANCBLES LIMITED." Tramoootinental PuJ!rnan cars direct to New Yorlc and Washington, D. C Alao standard Pullmans to Chicaao, Mimieapolis ·St. Paul and •St. Louil. l'hrouch coach aa •ice to OMaian. Denver, K2'1""' City and St. Louis (all -ta·-Nd). •s1. i...u eo.c11.,,. PtUbrraft ~ P«t of,,.. StT.-lmn, "<..;1TT or Sr. Louis, -c~ "' SL Lovu ,.. rxn-. &1n .. &.o. .h9.,_ _, IOrOO&-. ~ .... iMA..91 ....... 10:2$&&..., UNION rAC!FIC T!CKEf OfflCI -SANTA AHA 305 Nottli Mo;n - Telephon., 1877 Be~l/k-... • UNION PACIFIC • • · Dlltor'a N.U: '!be folJolrins, artlde lint ._m In '1be Olria-~~u: :..~ba":=-::t;r.: ~::.~ some at. tbe extreme JLcuure tactics of. tbe U ted • Work· erg Leaden. • We concur witli n.. Cuistfan Sdmce Monltar in -'<:omlng the opportunity to ._int this penonal bit ·of. bbrtory by one who has known the coal !IOldl !Int band. By NEIL llAXTIN much of my childhood was spent " A man whose early youth was tn towns and cities near the aon-... spent in the soft.-eoal mininc coun. coal fields. In summer we lived try need not be older than mid-in a comfortable old 'house on dle age to remember when miners the Ohio· river and my playmates went about most of the year with-were miners' children. Even in out a dime in their pc>clcets. our own -moderate circumstances, My father and uncle were coal 1 couJd not but feel sorry for ~- operators on a small aca.le, and children who never had a penny _ to spend, who went all swnmer ~ ba,refoot because the one pair of shoes they had was being saved • McLEAN , , for the icy roads they trudged to ., '.school in winter. TRIM SHOP 17th & Main Santa Ana • ETAL WORK I never ceased to feel a vague sense of injustice when I heard each June that the older brother or the father of one of my play- mates had been killed in a mine accident. My first experience with I a fatality in my own family was ! · when my cousin, a young man of 19, pert.bed in a cave-in. My uncle had wanted him to begin at the bottom to learn the business. Against such a background, it is small wonder that I feel always ""'.~, the greatest sympathy with the struggle of the miners to better their situation. Even Johll L . Lewis' belligerency, his egregious vanity, and his cartoonable face and figure do not blind me to the fact that his is the only effective sonal notes. He carried large Ueve that no one but themselveS voice in behalf of the men who store accounts. When he passed knows or really cares much about dig in the bowels of the earth for on, his boob showed many thou· their needs and fears. My father C a living. stands of dollars of unpaid notes and uncle-the kindest men in the Forty years ago, the soft-coal and accounts.. B~t he op~ to world-afmost impoverished them· ONVERTIBLE mines worked probably five or six ~e end 0~ h15 life any uruoruza· selves to help the miners. But 1 months a year. The miners got Uon of mlners. they never conceded them the I an 11verage of $3 a day. They Less than two decades ago, the right and the dignity to organize TOPS XCELLENT WORKMNASHIP UTO PAINTING 0 JOB TOO LARGE or SMALL lived in uniform shacks construct· miners began to feel the power to better their own condition. And ed by the mine operators and paid • of organization for collective bar· certainly they could not have iJn. rent averaging $20 a month. They gaining. Wages were considered agined a fund, not raised from bought their food and calico, coal mai"ificent at $5 a day. Only a paternalistic charity, but 8 fund oil and shoes from company--0wned few years ago, the take-home pay from tonnage royalties, to brighten stores. ran around S40 a week. It now the lives of the families of the During the six months of idle. runs from $57 upward, we ar, men who spend so much of t heir ness, they were h0used and kept told. But it is never enough_ to time and strength digaing in the from starvation because the stores cover more than the basic needs dark places of the earth. carried their accounts. When of a family-rent, food, clothing, work began again, the oper ators medical bills. Always in the For otttce supplies, see 'tht naturally wi thheld from pay en· thought of the miner's family is News.nme.. velopes the amounts of their bills the tear of emer&"ency expense. -:-------------·, and unpaid rent. Twenty~five The demand of John L. Lewis t"-----------t years ago, a few miners· began to for a royalty on tonnage to mains be able to buy their own little tain a permanent wellare fund has Qouses, with loans from operator· the support. of all of us who know controlled banks. the miners' lot. Why should it Mesa 1.JQUOR SHOP My uncle was among the first not be administered by the minen lTM Newport BmL operators to fee1 the injustices themselves? The operators have Plenty of Whiskey imposed upan miners. He retired had years to set up such funds No llmH: to ~ Of from active mine operation and and to administer them for the __. z , 's-tlle opened stores of his own, sup-company good. rve never heard l-:·OOSTA.::!~~MIC!!A,~~~0~"!'~"~·-l plied with goods which undersold that they have done so. Nor hu ~ Bm ra. 6011 the company stores. His busineu the government made any special flourished and he became known provision for the care of the men ----------- in the fields as the miners' friend. in UU. hazardous and essential ln· He often paid off their mortagages dustry. for them and accepted their pers The miners quite naturally be- 24-Hour Radio Service ---~ --· HOME -- -AUTO MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Highway Phone: Beacon 5763 Newport J!Mch • MET -CLAD PRODUCTS by CLARK & BATES Metallizing- Refrigeration Jl'JIEON AJllMONIA ·-·lt-Air Conditioning •-•aotoe Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AD ~ 11114 AD Liq-In Stock Call .•.• r 9 * * I • insurance 'P• Oo pal•el' IMCOl"'Ol~fll a a. a..t. ' ts a Cll ecan11kw 3333 vlo lido. ••wport beach, callf. talephone -port bMch. llarbor ISOO ' On Your Way * * to Santa Ana Or When .... in Costa Mesa Stop \ . . at--- CHUCK'S DRIVE -IJI Barbecued Sandwiche8 -Foontain Service .10Lm.to2p.m. 1818 Newpuri BIN. CVBB llB8VIC& A......, 1llllid Week i-. -.. IOlli) See aad H .. z,,,...'s 4\mml•1 , .. ,..,. Modek. Demo•1lrall1• Cc•ll •• Dwh19 Ellllrc Weelr. fyerpo••'• i..1t11l New Zenith TABLE MODELS With CONSOL TONE Rich TCJMd Wabtlli PIMUc Cabinet Sensational Super -Powered Consoltone • • • F1wJ TUM ::::::;• Oa -Off lndkat.or FURNITURE Zenith Dealer for the Harbor Area 822 Coast Highway Next Door to Gl'r w AJJ.Anwtean Market Open Friday Ew11. till 8 l'boae: Beacon 5164-W Welding-WE .GIVE THANKS -ALL WORK OUABANTIZD - NEWPORT BEACH llOI -Sine& llartlor U4I RENEW YOUR FLOORS Yourself McLEAN TRIM SHOP . 17tla and Mali Santa Ana Phone S. A. 6"9 • Save Two-Tlllrds T1le Cost • It's Smart, It's Easy •• _,o.. Sanders -Polishers • Bayview B•llders '. SllPPIY IU o...&: --ft. •1s II _,- _._ LOSANGt.Ln -..-·--PASillDIMll LESTER & co ·. -llWIS .. -·-SUITA llQMCA ..,, ..... z.... tn.flNJB.s('f .... ~ War Cl!nui, An., NftH&r llmilCB H~a-137.CJ IWdi WIT -10--••••Oii' - For a year of peace and united families for this Thanksgiving. We are grateful to the thous-1 .. "'~~.A.;:;. ands of our Laguna Beach and South Ll '·-·v Coast friends•and customers who~ helped make 1946 most successful year. our In these times of inflationary pricca we will continue to maintain the lowc!st possible prices and the highest quality. cam Lee Childs FAigene Fry Mrs. v. PhUJlps Mrs. H. Bl'Ookll . Sbw ...... ' Jfr .... 11111. L. Bl aallik, OwDetS M auuu. Amt:. llgr. llr. mil Sia. & C. WUJ!anwon )HrtwrdO JU THE POTTERY SHICK ' I· 7 811• - "TRI: POTTERY SHOW PLAC'I: or TB•, PACIFIC COAIT"' • 1:..;..~~~~~~~---:~~~~~~~~~~~~~---J. • • ;z.~i:~.~11o111~~-~--o1~Gooc1~~~~------------~¥~0-J81---,~,~smtoamu.~ .. ~~x1~1e~•1Por~"'"H',:£!:D&:f::'•r·~·~"'::::::::::::::==ii".':~:::::;;;;::~Tiii;ii:~;;;:;::~~· G R E E I H A W ' S co , • -._ u · 1o1is • 1 ~ ..__ -... , Tith Lawyer on --• pm. Pot*7 ,.... -u I lib, -·the pld< ol Ille , . Lice Matte -oontalnen ...... -at ...... 'and In ..... _ "'"-"""" do -1 · nse r D R I V E I N -'boon In kftlllnc with tbe -. .....--· ~-,J)ll~ • ill( -at the Aav ln tJ>io part It I clam plo9R S-, aWr that! (Qm-!tam .... 1) ' _,. operate a~ -at "f"O""B.,,M"'ll;;;;-;;B;;-;,L-,Y..--..8""'A'"""lit"'"b .. "'Y"'""'"'!lr-""'D=•;;-;•-.v=sr-.---..=N lo not nec••Ol'll to boil -ter memorable opbode I thouiht to I bis "''"'"?• adllr-M.-Reed clraWn.from the dt1'1 1111Jll17. ITl)'l'Olf. "Viva la Mexico." "Vlva i -the ,,., "-Ire If he waffles -Dagwood e-..Lwgers -Steaks Alborto'• front room olao --Alberto, ml -.... • l bad aQ)'tblns to add from the Bw . ... • far blo beclloom. ln It wae out-It ~·t haw i-n fifteen prevloua meetlnc. 8n c-i ........... 0. tlile lllrade Mlle lldent chain to 1eat ao v o r al mlnut .. from the limo my -Ha.-repllod that he felt Two Famous Albums i 'Blue Skies' ~ ~ s-ta. two double -· a cot. I C<!'taln Diembon o1 the dty ....... . W.""'h Us Gro-e ..,_ foot cheat. two -and ~ the heavy barn-Uk• c1oon e11 ....., "'--'-•-·11nc aplmt Cbristm'• 88, '============~~~K:~~~~~~·!!.. .. ~l a -1nc _ Sour* crowd-to hla homo cw1th that .... PoUDd· -........-'Mem·e ,.. ed doesn't It ! N~t at an. there > ~ hla friendl bep.n to ' him. M4)'Cll' Reed OP* '11 '~ tbe • G ARDEN AND P AT I 0 WA LL wu Iota ot room. ftlter In. It -. att.moon. t11o1r CJ!>lnlon that there wu no CU.- • Alborto had lnVltod me to 1qy aleata limo, but they all ..,,,. any-::m-~ lbown qalnlt W P MEALEY "'----' Co ~-"--at hll place while in Banana town. way. a cou)Me dozen of them. · • • .....-ueuenu n~...::o.uc I *"'"lltod, p-atofully. Thia had The occulon: Alberto wu homo After a boated argument which .... , lloa --.11 I.a --bHn an Inner doaltt all alon1. to tor -thlnl. and with a frlond ensul~ ~and~~ llH--W OOBTA llSBA stay In a Mexican home. And this from North Alnorica. I had bHn ~,_....,to u ~ ~u.__::'~':'.:d, .. '=:===::::::::====::::::============::'I ,... IL atancling on the poru. watchinl ·~ remark> to ~ ........ -Bet•een my bolt's broktn Eng-them CCll'D! up the street. 'Ibey "You can't threaten me!"' • .............. : !t\!' .......... . ..., .. • • llab and my poor Spanlab, and were oom!ng from ovorywhoro, Hannon laid he wu not throat- with much wavlns of arms. I fin-around oomen, oat of housoa, enlntr anybody. He addod that ho ally caught on. Alberto had con-between buildinp Many of them wu merely trying to imirea wyod to me that hla houao ,.... _,.. "mariachis", with gultan. membors of the dty council that my houao. that I could stay u Vlolinl and other atr!ng lnatru-his permit ahould bo llJ'antod &Ince ~ mmtl. We all g:&tbtted on the others w-e.re operatinc &amN of Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -1- Daltr" DllltWT lier -DM IDTNewpon- 008TA ....... balcony and soon tho vlslttng per-I that type In the area In which the fonnon Jet go with a delightful Balboan ailo has a ~ r acket Councilman Robertson expe: ea- I know of no other music that ed the opinion that all game. will lift the spirits to a Joyful should bo <onflnod to the FUn pitch quicker than Mexican music, Zone. played by our bordering neJgh-Harmon uked, "Where Is the bon and in an atmolphere of zone? Do You have a zone?" friendship. The "amigos" want None of the councilmen re-- YoU to like them, so they pu.t their plied to these questions . Der Bingle Goes on "Record" -·-'It Could Happen to You' heart and soul into every song lfarmon then stated that if the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~1 ;===========~Jand every ryt.hmlcal beat an d City of Newport Beach doesn't 'When You Make Love to Me' thrust of the strinp adds another want any amusements, they SOFT WATER hftppy spark to the emotions. the should close all amuSements. He H A N S E N ' S z100 o.-a Front Confectionery & Lunch NOW OPEN EVENINGS • • • Malts • Sandwiches • Hamburgers Beaudry'• Box Caady • <lat.erblg Ice 0........ • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our lnt.ereetlng Sunple llDd Dlmplay Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, oomprehell&- lve stock cl carpets and linoleum. Rap IJ Oarpetm O.:s·ed, Repaired . LUDLUM Carpet Works lGl--8$. __ .__ llANTAAMA CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Ma1t'JI}. Manaaer Balboa, Ol'llla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAll. SAP DINNERS ... BANQUETS ··--·~· .. ·······'M"'······· ' .... • .V• V6 .,.E.. .~t!JCI Fresh Daily OeJJeiou Sea 'J'ood9 Or, complete equipment wben you want to ca.teb your own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVllNUE. NEWPORT &EACH ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA on.s r ..... 1.1'1 11& P1M1e Co DIM a 0-rp 0.-&J: AU New··· Even the Location .. -One-Halt 1llle Eut ot Old Locattm Oil Coast Hlgbwsy. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbern Crlttomla In the Ses •Illa ol. , -SEAFOODS- •tM YOOB.WellJIW1 D -VJStt OUR &lluu:rt - Sa•'s Sea Food Spa _ and Flab Market _.,...._.,., ~-· •> GIVEll YOU GLEAllING SD..VEB ••• 8PABKLINO OIA88WA.U aDd D18HUJ Ao 1.,., as $2.50 per . month 80111T WA'l'EB llDVIOI: '10 Dad 8t., N-rt -rlUI lmagmatlon. It ii a wonderful then declared that he would take feeling. his case into Super ior Court on The happiness bred between the alleged discriminatory angle. two peoples during such an ava-Members of the city council lanche of mu.sic means more than then turned to City Attorney ~ good-neighbor interests or hands Jand Thompson and sought his ad- across ·the border. M the music vice. The latter remarked that keeps on and one begins to sense he would be willing to defend the the feeling of the Mexican. The city's interests In the matter . ~==========~!blood stirring music might get Following another pro and con i hold of you. If it does-and who set too on the matter, a rollca11 vote is immune--lhe listner begins to was taken, wtth the result that think that everyone in the U.S . the councilmen voted unanimous- is living all wrong, that there is ly to repeat their denial of the {IO place like Bananza town and Harmon applioa.tion for a license. that all Mex:ican's have beautiful singing voices and person alities. How! A note to the people of banana "You can ask one more ques- town: Never during my stay in tion," said the almost exasperated that clean and hospitable village father, "but make it shor t." metropolis did I see anyone de-"Well," r eplied his small son, Je<;ted, di.stressed, helples!S or pes· "when a doctor gets sick and an- slmistic. Compared w i t h our other doctor doctors him, does the country (we North Americans), doctor doing the doctoring have where we dwell among m a n y to doctor the doctor the way ~ sour.faced, screaming, woebegone doctor being doctored wants to be individuals, who force therruielves doctored or does the doctor doing to the vitamin habit and other the doctoring of the doctor doctor hypochondria attachments, It ts in his own way?" 'Sweet Lorraine' 'The Things We Did Last Summer' 'Begin the Beguine' 'September Song' -·- 113 22nd Street Newport Beach TI!ATCHER WARREN .tnl lll lll llflll Ul lll Jll Kl lll Ul lll!ll lll Ht llt llll!l lllllllUllllUt. indeed a pleasure to meet a peo.. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pie who have hold or themselves and not their heads. ' (Continued Next Issue) ffetr'1_@MaSN: Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. Llllll!EB AND llUILDING lllATalAUI TESTED H T ~7Dlata~Yanl ouse ools Stolen .,._ ....... sw Thlo oc:lenllllc ll:ull?ument l•llsuowhat'1wrongwhen ,_ bring your watch ID. and II t.U. you II'• right when you lake It awczy. Fmt•r. more economical Npaln. with priDlad pool Eight saw blades and several fl&, Aft mGBWAY AT :no: ABOllD clamps were taken from a house ;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ under construction at 1208 Rock street. Corona del Mar, the owner Roy Greenleaf of Santa Ana, ,...'. ported to Newport police. , °' CJCCUrC:ICJ'. HOW IS Y O \IR Ted B.-n brings a watch and joweliy repair depart- ment to Coeta Mesa that is the finest. We have the best worlcmon 11.nd equipment for expert repairing of watches. clocks and jowolry repain. INSURA~CE? ..-..... -Pt...,t. eoan..o... eem..e Ted Brown WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD 811 Cout Highway 101 • ..._ ... 1• Ml' ''' • Moortaoud.._a ........ far Basiin fw ... ............ ,.. ... bytlileweM•,...... WINDOW G·LASS (Small Sizes) Auto Gu • · Boat Gu Boat Lettering HARBOR Gl.ASS co~ I FLOWERS · -·for Thanksgiving Norman's flower Shop and Nursery lSlS eo..t Highway Corona del Mu . Phone: Barbor 590 DEii MllllE SERICE ' . • SHELL ·noc1 BALBOA ISLAND ......_-. - .. -.·n A. .. I 0 r r 0 I I •• • 7 It .... ol':tlle .....,. ---01•11s-...... a Pa 1 • Ilea=· C s fJ" mt: ' •"Miracle -of Morgan's Creek" ..... ...,. E 11 *'•• • D nm... Jl'>L, !lat. N ... II, II, • Olall .. .,....., &"'a Orelttlt Owtl•• Pti .. e1'r• .. Nor lllwest --s.-,.. -IMry -; o.,ci -dloli11dlwe Ha._. (Jwil:tlll• cords .,.., .,.... -,..;... dlaiao ...,ty ...... ltoda. a~ compl•t.." . M01111ted POllce" wttll OU7 Ct t;u M·f1fttne ~ ...,... GD:ll .... ~ ... Pi 11 Fiii f I Clyde R. Loucks A: map. l1 -~OP ••M'GA!P 1-N~­'l'll:JllPOaAaY LOOcU'ION 8-.,M---1.·1.I Va la'• n• -,_.. ... At' 1r WU"e-.. &11• ..._ -la 'rt D 7 !tr Smt •• Mon .. Taea.-Deo. li !, S Nlchtl>' at 1:4.G A' t :OI --Oonllaaoaa ~ f>om J:l&- Gary Cooper "Cloak and Dagger" With Ulll Palmer • Robert Ahk Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau AD M-of Tnftl !<> J:arope, llexloo, Ba...at. BomMJ..tla&:Wori4 Trlp9 la tile DMr fldure. • • .• Bee Mn. Roy K-Pb. Harbor S91, SOl him. .U- Roan: 10 a. m. to 8 ,p. m. . While They Last! ' • BI c·y c I es • Tr icycies • S c oo t ers • Ronn i e C ha i rs • S t r o ll er s • Sk ates •J ee ps • Ho t -Rods Th-Items umJted __._ Whlaer Bike MotQn -·- Mesa CYCLE SHOP -Temporary Locatlo- 416 HAMILTON STREET Phone: Beacon 5152-M OOsTA MESA Turn Eu& Ott -· 1111..i. at -& 8talloa W~ WELCOME YOU!) ~ TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT- <• -• -.. DaJr) Maltro'a ~ -to acm. ·--·----0.. Reeb an ,,..,, .... with the lat:9t st:r1e1 ol '.w'W l'IDe -'IPnl. Nsftazz!IJ' AdN4 zt DADY --TO. WJ:&a mARBROf claniii a,ra, naw•1•n.. IWUGU. 81 1 e ...-.: ._ trz I I Illa ... ... A. ........ .. • • ·81DIS ACAi• Robes - - -for Her Coloml~l .. ~.uw, _..,. dm"te wt.tit CU'VM fzs'P • • • P1aaael edpd ... --. You will find In our piece soods ~t .•. Rayons, Cordu- i-oys and some cot- tons for the talent- ed seamstress. ORKIN'S 1191 Newport lllvd. Costa M ... Oilers Triumph (°""""--~ ll back J.eBard to Left Encl 'Oarelll to the Tar 12-yard line. J1.11t tWo minutes later. the 00- en found the!melvea with anotber SCClling -tunlty when BoeeY Horrell made hla -ot tbtte tumbles of the evenlnc and the Oilers recovered on the Tar 27. Three plays later, Huhn coce apln ~ for the Oilers when he rambled from the Tar 12 yard line for the touchdown. Ciarelll converted fnlrn place- ment u the quarter ended. 113-0 In favor of the Huntington Beach eleven. ComJnc right back after the kickoff, the SaUon. oeemincll' un- daun~ by the bttalo qalnat them. started a drive of their own from their 44 yard line after Buz Chambers returned the kickoff from his own 12. I I I I I I I I I , • • • LIDC ISLE I CVS:•Y eoao Wl•H I TO ALL AT TH le THANKaOIVIHO TIMll. • • • )lll •I• l,,o, ••••Otl ll••cll. 4•111. l•l•itl'o•• •••00•1 b-c• . .,.,ll>O, UOO • With Clambers and Lout e Mello carrying the load for the locals. The Tan went to the Hunt- ington Beach 4-yard stripe for a first down and goal to co. On the next play, Mello went over right tackle for the score but a ~~~~~~~~~~~~ penalty (backfield in motion} nul-,: llf1ed the touchdown and brought the ball back to the Oil City nine yard line. Mello then lost four yards and a screen oass at- tempt WB.!1 knocked down. With third down and still goal to go, Mello reeled off five yards to roa INllllaANOll 11m Howard W ; Gerrim U.N .. ,-tBllll ..... NOTICE OF INTENDIID SALE OF OAS SCREW HAPPY LANDINGS 1788 Newport Blvd.. Bt•C<llll 50C8W REPAIRING OUR SPECIALT! CAJlltndlns ~ SuppHeo 9'1ttc . JAMES E. McKEE General Contractor 620 Marguerite Ave. Corona de! Mar WELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures for Young W dinen u Telephone Operato!'B SS.tic EEcellent promotion COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone l!eacon ~R 2a I:. !19th St.. Costa Msa APPLY Southern California ' • Order Now! FRUIT TREES ---Winter Planting Hollister Broe. NURSERY '..-Pnr 19119 Harbor -ea.ta 1lhA DI '.¥Mi DJ0 • IO-tflo . Will Pay Cub. r..r,....fllndtunar_t_ J01L Phone Beac• sea. a.--. Jey P\anltm., 1812 Nwpwt 111-.d., a.ta ..... 41-1111 Auto Batteries _..,. __ a-th -'8.'15 El:. Compounded Motor OD G9l!on, 'IOe - nre Pia.,.. -Kl......,. "'ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iii;ii:ii~l the Oilers eight but then made iiiii no gain on the next play. 008TA MJ:8A .._Ila? .. sm Automobile • Fire Accident • Life NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that v..·. E. Dunn intends to sell the Gu Screw "HAPPY LAND- INGS", official number 246516 of Newport Beach, California.- Please prese nt all bills, liens against 11aid boat, at the office of WINTHROP 0 . GORDON, 10 BANK OF AMERICA BUILD- ING, SANTA ANA, CALIFOR- NIA before the 6th day of Decem· ber, 1946. · Z.tfc Telephone Company WOOD Dellwred H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1'1114 NOwport Bhd. SOS RADIO ELECTRIC & ISIAND RECORD SHOP WE MAKE HOME SERVICE CALLS Limited Supply of Radios Available for Christmas Radios e PIULCO l.mmedlat.e Delivery Now • On Radios • • ADMIRAL VISIT OUR REXX>RD DEPARTMENT FOR CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS • HOFFMAN • PACKARD BELL • GENERAL UECTIUO e WILCOX·OAY BECOBDIO • UNIVEB8AL APPLIANCES For Your Shopllinlr Convenience We will be open untll 9-p. m. every night except Stmday, effective Dec. 2nd APPLIANCE AND RADIO SPECIALISTS -- HENBY W. 11MINitBD IOO lllarllie Aft. llAUIOA l.8LAND llutlor 111 GORDON a~ FINDLAY OON'l'llACTOa AND lllllLlllCI& Of&o: 14.tt ~ 111-..L --us CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINE'l'S AND MILLWORK T. C. JOHNSON, SupL BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wells At Ferry Landing, Balboa ' • Completely Modembed • STEAKS -CHOPS -SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 6 L m. to! L m. Qa1 ell Tae1day Fountain Service Inspection ot Our Kitchen Welcomed THANKSGIVING SPECIALS SfrMard Brud- 8 R A N D Y 11th ,'325 Pia .. ~10 iiffA-lSberrygr-OhrBnmt 175~ .WESTERN BEER --$288 o.ae ···--·---···· ·-----. $360~ ·----------------·--wg ALSO BA VE EA8'lDN BIT!! esan 'l e WILLIAMSON LIQUOR STORE -c-a lllPwv • Fw I) • I Tr'z1'no: Bs1t• ._.,, ROOFS 100 E. Bay A venue, Balboa , _ and C...ll'&Ct 5141' No. lllaln Street, Santa ~ ------------ BcmdsWrl~ An offsides penalty was called on both sides and the Tars were given another chance. A pus from Chambers to· End Bob Thompson was just barely in- complete in the end zone how- ever , and the Oilers took over on ============ W. E. DUNN, Owner. W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-tfc or Call Clio! Operator ~tic PIANO TUNING and repairing. llAU!: llllllCELLANEOUll IO COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVfOE their own eight. Neither team threatened to score in the second half with the Sailor offense concentrating on passes that didn't connect and the Oilers content to play conserv&- tive ball to protect their lead. On the statistic side of the pic- ture, the Oilers garnered nine first downs to the Sailors eight and rolled to 181 yards net from scrimmage to the Tars' 113. Standouts for the Harbor team were Bu2 Chambers who ran for considerable yardage and kicked the Oilen back on their heels several times during t he fracas. And on defense, Bob Robins and Doc Hanson were terrific. YARD STICK BohmaH • ~-8"'--eo-,.011, Pub: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 5, 1946. J. B. Brown. Write Box 633. MAHG. 4 POSTER BED box Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, ·eo.ta springs mattress, twin springs Free Estimates CERTIFICATE 'OF FICTITIOUS NAME Mesa. '18-tlc and Mattresses, drapes, bedding. Kitchen and Wall Wuhlns ice box convertible to. freenng Floor Cean!ng and Waxtnc 1. the underwlped, II. B. Rou of Santa Ana. Call!ornta. do hereby cer- tify that I &m conductlns a marine wl.rtQI' bual.Deu at 128 28th Street. 111 the City ot Newport Be&ch, Coulltr of Oranp, et.ate of CallfomlL under the ttctlllou. name of SHIP SHOR.II ELECTRIC: that I am the 90Je owner of ud the only per'90n Interested In Mid bualneN, and that mp place ol residence I• 1043 ~ Weat l"ltth Street, Santa Ana. Callfornl.a. 0.ted No•ember 1. 1948. K. B. ROSS. STATE OF CA.LD'ORNtA. COUNTY OF ORANG&-.. CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractors Complete Building Service -PHONES-- On lhl• 1th day or No•embel'. lo Harbor 2"7-R · Harboi-1S20-W the year l!H6, before me. the uoder- all(Ded . a Notary Public In and tor 87 ti Mid Count7 and State, perwonall7 ·~ -C D*ftd II. B. ROSS. known to me to • be the penon whoee name ta sub-p A J N T I N. G unit, Oriental rug, nearly new Window Cea.nine CaulJdns toys, games, books.-.Brand new Palntlna out-board motor, 12 ft. boat. Rifle, electric • razors. M a n y other articles. Beacon 5482-R. 90-4tc MODERN FENCES White Picket Solid Board Concrete Block Walls All New Material -Erected or Pre-Fab --Fr~ Estimates-- AU Work Guaranteed Harbor 879.J Al's Holl!e & Window · Cleaning Service 11&-tlc NH Ml CIMI$ _. • ., «rlbed to the ro~~lo.s lna:trumenl, · HB and acknlwledpd to :me that be u:-12 Years Service In New-po.~rt..t r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~""~;-;;;~11~·;;;: ;•;N~n~ I ecuted lhe ame. 'D'---... __ PA UL W. ANDERS Mfr. ant\_ Builder TIRES First downs 8 Yardage running 126 Yardage pasing 26 Yardage lost 37 Net yardage 113 Passes attempted 9 Passes completed 2 Puses had intercepted O Fumbles 3 Own fumbles recovered 1 9 IN WlTNESS WHERroP', I ba._ ~ ~ 163 hereunto eet mJ band ud &ltls:ed m,. Harh,Hall offtd al teat the day a.od )'Mr ln UU. 29 PBOM& TiGi l'I otrtlncate 01'9t abon .WTftten. PAIN'nNG NTRACI'OR 11 F 0 R SI N s ! ' JCA.X HURWITZ. ......,. __ 181 • ( ..... ) !<ota'T" l'ubllc In aad to• -r~ Mid County and stat.. Beacoa 5259-J ·-Beacon 5U3 2 BENE~CT K J' Com.mt.ton ui>ll'llll 274 E. 19th Stiiet K-t:tf 1 -~~ 1 '!be 91p ""~£:';.';F:~~~ ·~~ ':.'~~;;,~~. Sheet Metal Work 0 TA.A.DE NAME 0 Gutten lnlWled .,,d ~ We. \lte UDdeNl~ HA.ROLD WOL- Modern Fences 166 Cecil Place COSTA MESA 91-4tc ONE large bicycle, 3 tricycle9 16 and 2().fnch. Large child's table and chaln, maple finish. Large solid maple crib and lnnenpring mattress. 1611 W. Central. Harbor 1068-W. 92·2tc 20,000 MILES and that'a not all-- WE WILL GM YOU $20.00 e BOAT IEM'ERil'fG ~l.'."l,~~\:.~..ui.-"°~,a:~: Regan Bros., Sheet Metal Drive Carefully-Spare a w .. A. SPfl:IAL'IY . . • wtlns bu.et~ at 2826 Wut Centr&I 3U E 21.at ea.ta M -------------11~==========~ Annue. Newport 8-cb. California. u n----~~M ' ... 8J.tfc FOR SAL£....Q)od looking girl's clothing, slightly used., sizes 12, 14, 16 at 1400 Seavtew, Corona de! Mar. 92-ltp" IF ONE COMES OFF Reprdl-of Speed. NIW mERtllRY See the rww Cl hp. ~Jercury .. RO<"kel " Twin with /till· jnvkd ,..... 4•od ••. roUu bearings. in- 1tcad of the aon:a~ monly·uK<i bro nae buahinp. on wrist piru., cmnkpina a.ad cn.DbbafL ~-l'f:'- -1U are ••esiac. 1be Seaboard Equipment C~a lHG C-t lllP-1 Newport ~ BMOM ™1 Quality Lumller and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. ft. L HOSTETLSft .._.81aro MU putnerw under tbe ftetJUou. ttrm name ~ ...... ~ '10IJO- or "GREENLEAJI' AND WOLDEN· ====--:---.---:---.,.. BERG .. and that •ld nrm t• compo.ed CESSPOOL and aeptlc tank work. or the tollowtns pel"90u. wbOM name• Phone Santa Ana ~R. 90-tfc and addreuee are u tolloW"a: uu•<7"' PUBLIC NOTICES H.A..ROLD W OLDJCNBERG. 1900 WMt. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL Centn.1 A•enue. Ne-n'i~ C&ll-PERSONAL 1• tornta and 1'. ROT G . SR., NOTICE rs HEREBY GIVEN: 2821 Wut Central Anaue. Newport Reduce -Relax-Punruant to the proYl9iona of Sec· BM.ch, C&ltfomlL lion !440 or Cini Code of the St.ate WITNESS O\lr hand9 thl• 12th day Keep Fit ot CaUfornla. that CLA.RENCE ROB-of Septembtil'. lHI.. ERT IDE. doing bwitneM ... Cout JU.ROLD WOLDENBERG "Different From Other Ente rprUe Company, VENDOR. of 1'. ROT GRE'ENLEA.7'. SR. Reducln M th·•·" 39~ Virginia atreet. Lynwood. call· MATE OP' CALIP'ORNU.. COUNT! g e UU.Jt ro~•a. !NTIO.'DS TO SELL to wn:..-OF Rtvl!:RSID,.__. Th Stauff S te LIAM H . HARVEY. VENDEE. of 25 On tlilil Xlth day of September. 1H8. e er YS Jn Beacon Bay, Ne"J)Ort Beach, Callfor· before rne . the underelgned. a Not.ar)' 247 Broadway, Lam••a Beach nl•. all that certain peraonal property Publtc In &nd for Mid Count7 and Stale e.-• con11l•tln1' generally of au atock·ln· t>eDOnallr appeared J", Ro7 Greenleaf. Phone 7412 trade. flxtur-e•. equJpment and irOOd· Sr .. ltnoW?I to me to be the perwon Single Treatments $1 .50 FOR SAI-~lrl'a Victory bi· cycle, good condition, good tires, handlebar basket. See at 416 Hall, Laguna Beach, Phone La- guna Beach 5953. 91-2tp XMAS TREE ST ANDS 12-inch cross type $10.00 per 100 16-lnch cross type $12.00 per 100 Limited Supply-Order Now will of a certain llalt a.nd Sandwich whoee name ill .ubtcrtbed to the fore- Shop known u .. ISLAND PATio·· In ~In~ l1111trument. and aclalowledged to 24 Treatments $26.00 PA lJL W. ANDERS the Clly or Newport Beach, and located me t at he sub.crlbed to the .-.me. Open Three Evenings a Week by .. ~. and Builder at sen Ma.rtne Ave .. Balboa bland. WtTN'ESS my hand ud ottlclal Hal. .l't'1..1,- Califomla.. and that the purch.ue price EDNA L. BROTT. Appaintrnent M d F thereof will be pa.id at 10 o'clock a .m. Notary Public 0 em enCeS on the 9th day of DecemMr. t!M6, at tn ana tor N.Jd Ceuntr -----------92-·_l_tc 166 Ceceil Place CO~A MESA lhe Ne11rport-Balboa Eacro• Co .• 2611 and State. ..., .. w~b~m:~: J:un:~ t:; g1:fn:!. N~~ie I ·~-~la·--~-· --~-te~_ .. : .. _~-~-uCl_,;._!_!8:--.:,--·"-:·.-1.,!"-_, __ ·-A~~-,-~ds·-·~-'-""' _TRA1'!1PO ___ ,,,RT=A,,,Tl=O,,,N=-==---1• ROYAL TYPEWRITER No. :~~~; Dated November 8th. 1946. ..... BICYCLES condition, $50. Harbor 1247..J. CLARENCE ROBERT IDE. SolA Rented or D~·---. 90-2tc Vendor. .1. .,...,...M ~ ·-..--WrLLIAM H . HARVEY. ~ua" OTIVI!: a TIRE8 NI VOGEL'S Vendee. JEEP-S "al b i 1 body lOO ¥.a1D st., Balboa. BOY'S bicycle; Simmons Ro1la- Pub: NoY. 26. 1946. peo u It pane • way cots with mattresses, like NOTICE TO BIDDEBS The Boa.rd of TrustttS of the Newport Harbor Union HI g h School requests bids on the fol- lowing equipment: Two school buses, c.apadty 42 to 70. One suburban paue.nger ve- hicle or sedan. upholstered seats, heater. Ex-208 Karine. Balboa Wand. new. Phone Harbor 2115-M. cellent condition. Spare wheel M-ttt SPrtfc and tire. All tires ex cellent. llE.At1Tr AIDS 11 ------------ good for delivery or contractor. =-===--:-=.,-,==-----Need cash, aacraflce. Balboa MACIUNE and MACHINELESS Motel No. 16. 315 E. Central Permanent Waves Ph. 328 92-ltp Tinting and Man1cmina ---• • ".. . • ' .. -~ Evmlng AppL Ph. Harbor 179-W 11uslNE88 oum1: tt Vi's Bea~oJ!i AL LACHMEYER 1103 eout Hlway, ~~ TIRES Recapping MODERN All Electric Equipment ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete aet ~ Will call for )IOUI' car In the momlnr and tlell...,. ..,,,. day. Abo a $2.00 Moblhtatlc balance Job When we recap your Urea, fer Sl.00. No lead wetc!tts er ""extru." I Costa Mesa Tire Co. In~ at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon ~43 Ask for Al or Hank. Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In OUr Own Pl8Jlt PICKUP AND DELIVER Phone BEACON 5798-J Lido Cleane!'I! 4l!6 Ne.,port Bhd. IV A.ii'llib TO ll11Y 11 ComP!ete description and sped- Ocatlonl muat accompany blda. Bids will be .....,ived at the offlco of the Newport• Harbor Union HlJ:h Sc::bool on or before December 6, 1946. The Board ..... SIGNS MOVED NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR DIPl.c>Yml:NT WAli'IW> • DISTORTION WANTED TO BUY-Good -. room aet. Phone Beacon 529&-W. BEACON 5178-W serws the right to reject any Please Call Before 8 :30 A.M. and all bids. or After 4:30 P.M. A. H. l'l l"ZPATRICK., Cerk. Pub: Nov. 26. Dec. 3. 1946. 1591 East 18th Street COSTA MESA GARDENER -Tall, pononable. 112-1 mlclclle aced. white. Expert on COMPLETE Er IN ONE DAY -----------tp" ~~ill : ~: SECTION WORK • Will Pay Cash. pert propoptor. Good, clean TUBE REPAIRS For )IOUI' furniture or what bava worl<. Rats Sl..25 boUr. Write l'OU-Phone Beacon !18!16 • Box "Y" c/o N ...... nrn... 93,lltp L E S T E R ' S . Crawley Furniture Co. -.u>r.m&NT o•••··-• 0. ~-Rubber Welde!'I! 1812 New~ Blvd.. Costa - 2900 West Oontnl 11').tfc 92-tlc HELP WANTED, JllAIE Loeal NEWPORT BEACH ~ IP'Oll tlAJ.111 II N t1ee II ..__._. ...._ l-----------I er tnrft1lnc In IM•li "• for 92-ltc FOR SALE-' --.,. __ --o . ·-·u, ... rn that ME.T-CLAD PRODUCTS youree!l. No money li!Cjulftd.1----=--,------~--•· .-•-• -~~~~~~~~~~~~!SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Goodlnoome. You are,__ Order Your In.; floor laDtp and -table. TELEPHONE COllPANY, a ..,.._ ~ bmo. Apply' Auit1n StudlO. 5081' Servel All new. Call after 5 p.m., UOO pontlon. bat placed -(1) ~ a.ARK It BATES No. "Main SL, Santa Ana. 87.etc Ca]y SL. NewporL . 9'J-2te -telephone and teJecrapil 11e1an1z1nr Gu Refrigerator FOR SALE--Oll ,__._ - cable ;tn Newport Bay, Oranp • • N~. beeter, ·~. a-~ -y--~t ..;::= County, C&llf-.. Tiie tA!rm1n1 at Weldlns Spedallltl LUBRICATION MAN vw _, ---- the c:ahle .... lclentllled ....... _ !OS 30th St. -Harbor -• at Voge1'11 . 9').1111 u, _... to -~ cbarp ' 100 ~~ -aet on posts In plaln ..i.w Newport Ileadl 85-tfc at oar luhricatlon depart-w St. Hartxr .!,411_ Special Bargain Daily and bear1nc the wordi. "CABLE meat. -v• CROSSING -SOtrmERN CAL RADIO SALES It SEllVICB S l Ki . New and U...S l'mall>ft "'"'Pt IFORNIA TELEPHONE COii· SpedoJblnr In 1epebbc. .,.,.,,._ --ty tor .mJ:: EN~ -llald ... -21_."'SS.1 PANY." Tiie Jocatlm at thla cable a buitler. SHOWER DOORS Harbor Furniture .. de!!crlbecl .. fallowa: I TRONART, INC. HE South . 1982 Bmtlor Illi«. Olilla -o.. the 11e1boa r,i-1n News Radio, ••-. w• s -T ODORE ROBINS ern Counties port lllJr. Oilltcrllla. -the -w •lu -· .... -• I tic. l'ard Doto'-far -Dlltrk:t Sttpplv Co. -~ -~ . •tflo un1m oo 001.,"' Pier, """ a. a .us-11 -, -· a ~ ~ ~--Ad.a~::..__, "97.:... Ada" ' 11"-ba!T d b -(IO 211111 'IV. Omlnil, N-i*t 8116, 22lld -OmlnJ, Nwpat --• .._ •·-WllUIUU w .... tt.> -111=-11 ot tb• ---211 •uc 0.111: on Followblg p.p • • . \ , Olillllaled from prece''·" ~. . ... ~ro•MLll • MONTEREY style bod divan, 2 chain 1 table, 1 large Tbenn<>- cloft 'beater. Complere $100. TRONART, INC. Authorized United Moler Two Units- On Bay Ave., in Balboa-• FurnJalled-- Newport Heights BEAIITIFUL Bun.DING SITE on Broad, 45xl00 ft, lot. Call Harbor Zl67 after 5 '30 Radio Service p.m. 92-lfc $13,500. GAFFERS"' SATI'LER gas range Delco and Motorola - PARTIAL VIEW LOT; good lo- cation. 75xl27% ft. pr,,.war, model table top, $85. Electronics, Sound -Sales and Three-Bedroom Home- New apartment house range. Service-Marine and Momestic Costa Mesa Also table model r adio, $15. 520 Ph. H. 1252-M Orchig SL, Corona. del Mar. 2901 W. Central. Newport Beacb 92-1tp 91-lfc -ao-A"'n=',""'s"'ur=P::-LIEll=:-----;;u ---:Ra:-d""i:-o-::Re:-p-airs..,., --- HEAVY ronunerdal fishing type All makes; tubes, etc. akilf, new bcttom. $100. Cabin Beacon 5763 25 Bayshore Camp, Newport s.;...h. 92-2tp BURT NORTON FOR SAL&-23-fL Otrysler pow· 91!1 Gout Hla)lway, Newport ered commercial fishing bcaL __________ 23-tf_c Priced !or quick aale. Zl6 E. ULTBY " BABBIT8 II 19th SL Costa Mesa. Call after :.PO===-'----;---= 6 week days or all day Sat and ORDERS taken now for roasting Sun. 91-4tc turkeys. Call Harber 4:12 ~ FOR SAL&-12 Continental Com· tween 9 and 11 a.m. 92-ltc mando marine engines, model FOR SAL&-Freahly dressed rab- R-6602, 165 h.p., twin d1lc bits, 28c lb. live weight . Phone clutch; Oliver reduction gear Beacon 5116-R. 153 Cecil Pl., 1 %-1. Complete with beat ex-Costa Meaa. 92-1tc changer. Still in create, $950. Ram Engineering Co., Harbor 11PJ:CIAL ANNOUNOEJD:NTll 111 El Bay Tract. Furnished- $25,000 40-Ft. Business Lot- Center of Balboa- $18,500 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. C..ntral. Balbca Phone Harbor 153 91-ttc 50x140 ft. lot east of Blvd., close to storea. A GOOD BuY in restricted resi- dence district: lot 50x140. Newport Beach 30x100 ft. lot in business district. -USTINGS APPRECIATED- H. M. Lane Real Estate Dwight and Cecille Lane 2006 Court Ave., N~ Phone Har. 343 92-ltc 2fn-J. -·~ ·~s90-4Calltc Carpenters A'vailable RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT 00. FOR SAL&-Snowbu"' ... · Harber 1476. ~lfc f~ ~ ,:'!tenance A. R. Ebrite and Associates J. W. Doak 22-fL cabin cruiser. May be IDOd o. z. &OllEST90N Beacon 5857-W 1936 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa for fishin1 beat, $750. Call after Call Hari>or 83 6 p.m., Harber 1493-J. 83-lfc M-lfc FOR YOUR NEW Hicks' Marine ----=K=-=E=y'"'s;:---- •ngine or parts, see "Jim" Van Fleet, factory distributor, 3311 Kade Wblle You Waft Be ch VOGEL'S Flnley Ave., Newport a . 100 Main St., Balboa Order now for mid-winter de- livery as prices are sure to · JOB ll&rlne, Balboa ~ttc advance. Sl).tfc ----------- Buda . 6-DTMR-317 Marine Diesel Engine with Oliver-Twin Disc 2 -1 Reduction Gear Completely overhauled and in first class condition. PUt new engine perform- ance ln your boat at about a third the coat ef a new enpne. FOB BENT FOR RENT-Office space. 318 Marine boa Island. or store Ave., Bal- 92-ltc FOR RENT-New small house to reliable adults. Phone Harbor 1317-J. 92-2lp LARG~. sunny. attractive roc;>m with bath in private home. With unit heat, quie t surroundinp. For ladies or married couple. 2(XX) Miramar Drive. Baboa Peninsula. 92-2tc FOR RENT-Attractive room, private entrance and bath, reas- onable. Harbor 2289-J. 215 E. 1021 S. E. 16th St., Costa Mesa Bay, Balbca. 92·1tc Phone Beacon 5495 Mon. th.ru Fri. FOR RENT-New Duluxe nxm at other times phone Harvor 569-J and private bath, tile lhower ~ Oilmotors Company 90-4tc atalL 'lWln or double beds. box =ro=Rc-=SA7 1"'.r=-""40::-:::tt.c-:ca:;bin:;:--:cru1aer==: S(ll'inl and intera(ll'inl mattrn- aleepa. al>:; galley, dinetre, bMd, aea. Unt heat. Speclal ratee for larti:• wheel -and cockpit, permanent eueata. ,.oracle Mil• oompletely reconditioned. bow to Motel, 708 Gout Hl&hway, New- atern ; Cheysler marine mstn•. port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. See owner, 133 As are Ave., Bal-751f• bca Island. 67-lfc W ANTJ:D TO BENT U Balboa Canvas Shop w ANT 2 to 3 bedroom house or ·Salli -Boat Coven apartment for three months. Marine Upholater!n& Capt. V. J . Smith, Phone Har- Harbcr 207 -224% Zlat SL bcr 1503-J. 92-2tp Newp:>rt Beach TI-tfc WANT TO RENT-Furnished or PUMPS WORTIUNGTON PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGAL For All Pressure Soden Refrigeration 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim Phone 4652 92-ltc llUSIOAL a RADIO Used Baldwin Piano f or Sale UPRIGHT STYLE Call Harbor 1202 .. unfurnished house, 2 or 3 bed- roms will lease. Phone Harbor 707 81-tfc WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. unfurnished house. Will leue. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 or 13. as..uc HOUSING NEEDED FOR VETERANS List Your Vacancies With AMERICAN LEGION Harbor 452 90-t!c AP1' or SMALL HOUSE wanted ----,-----::-::::-:---92--1-'-tp by man and wife. We do not Electric and Fire drink or amoke, no children or . T ts pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W EqUJpment es or wrtte Box "X'' Newport BaJ. All Qualified Personnel boa New11-Times. 37-tfc C-0-Two, Pyrene & Foam re1lll& CO fbled system and Portablet now available. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN 1000 Gout Highway Pb. Beacon 5407 . 91-tfc RADIO HOUSE CALLS- Now that additional compe- R••1. S91'AD 41 BUY NOW BEFORE building COIU rl.!e. New two-bedroom on %-acre on Costa Mesa's best street. Some furniture. See by appointment. Mr. Vaughan, Beacon 5881-J. SS.Uc tent technicians are available, Graham & Johnson Realty we are able to make service calla on large conaolea. All work & Investment Co. ~~ W. BRAINERD 1864 Newport Blvd Day Pb. Beaccn 5434-W New Owner 5 .0.S. Radio Nlsht Pb. Beacon 5210-J 300 Marine A\'1!. Hari>or 780 81-lfc DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana n!REE-BEDROOM ati>cco near Back Bay. Nicely turnlabed. on balf acre, $10,!!00. ZENITH conoole, 7 tubs, attn<>-MODERN. llw-roam ati>cco home, 11\'1! cablneL Perfect cond. 1-% acre corner. GGMt room. price. 928 W. )(yrtle. Scm< f:nilt. Nice cb1cken - BABY IJ'and. Blah IJ'ode make. and born. Prlca $11. 750. Uad. N-onlY $Cll5. Torn& STEINWAY IJ'and. style B. 'Ibo wwld'a -wanderfu1 piano. HARBOR BLVD. Used. Save cne-thlrd """ fr<m 60x300 ft. -today's price. SPLENDID MOTEL, court ~ GOOD lll<d pnctlce piano. Qn4' bnoln-alt.!. a.-In -.,_ 18!1. Or will rent. town Costa Mesa. Price 5'750. GRAND planoa. Weber Stein-Torma. -.y, Kimball, Ra'll'Ol'tb[ M<blln -many others. PrkJod -• w·~ 11585~ --LISTIN~ ~·~ Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us G. I. Home No down payment required: three-bedroom home: large living-room and dining-room combination. Lot 50x150. Garage. Home is close to Alpha Beta market- Price $7600 -Terms Vacant and Ready One-bedroom home on large lot 60x135 net: has 24 full bearing valencia orange trees. Priced to sell today, $2600 at o,!'IY $850 down and $20.00 month for balance. ( $3150 Full Price Three-room home, furnished; garage; lot 50xl65; east side; fruit; vacant. Move In today. Full Price $4350 One-bedroom with large living-room and kitchen; new roof; new double garage; lot 50x150; fenced ; some furniture; east side, close in; vacant. Move in. Excitingly Different Home Two-bedroom home with studio; bedroom over garage; sunken fireplace with fireside built-in seats; interior of entire home is of Monterey antique pine; den, library or sewing room ; extra large living- room; master bedroom is 20x22 with Calif. gas fire- place. Home has more closets and built-ins than customery. Price $9850-tel{'JIS. Newport Beach Home Nearly new two-bedroom borne; very modem; com- pletely furnished ; four-room Apt. over large double garage. Both homes bein g vacated immediately. Price $15,850-terms. Harvor Blvd. Lot 100x240 ft. a t 1833 Harbor, close to Alpha Beta Mkt., $15,000-tenns. Zoned for wholesale or retail business. Store now under construction. Next lot. RELY ON RELIANCE Half Acre Ranch Near Back Bay; three-bedroom stucco home; com- pletely furnished; recently redecorated; hardwood floors; long living-room with fireplace. Price $9500 terms. Reduced this week from $10,750. On Flower Street New three-bedroom home ot six large rooms; hard- wood floors; completely fumlahed, lndudlng T. T. stove, electric refrigerator, washing machine, rugs, etc.; tile kitchen and bath with shower. Vacant, move In. Price SU.500-terms. Will aell untum- labed. On Broadway 'l'wl>bedroom home, close to Safeway store; large living-room across frmt ot home; recently redecol'- ated In and out; garage; back yard fenced; YllCBDt, mow In. Price $8950 at only me-third down. Open 7 Days Eveey Week, 8 L m. to 6 p. m. BEPOSSESSED aplnot type .m-Open ~ ~-A ~u~Fulln::: · RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. GORGEOUS -styled upholot-Graham & Johnson Realty A. R. n.rtte and .Aww;atm J. w. Doak -piano with mlmr spinet c trPo patent. Wu """"-npd & Invesbnent o. 13e11con 5857-W 1936 Newpcrt Blvd, a.ta Ilea far larp 11'&11<1. WDI aell far 1864 Ne•1Mt BJ¥d. bU. ... IlQ P!J. ---..w DANZ..saDIIDT PIANO 00. Nlabt Pb. Bee U111 52J.O..J 8&-Uc 9Z-1tc 92-ltc • • • a sit! , ... We are proud to otf.er this dlarmln& hi••e In Seashore Colony. The view from the picture window ot the spacious living-room Is truly magnlfioent. The large fireplace really works. Two bedrooms with better than adequate closet space and two baths. Double tiled sinks in kit- chen. SUnny breekfest nook. The Interior paint and enamel job looks as though It were done by a fussy boat owner and bas been kept immaculate. There is an attached garage with extra storage space. . Incidentally, the house is constructed solidly on massive cresoted piling and has double ex- . terior walls with stucco finish. 1be interior is panelled throughout. We believe that the price of $15,000 makes this home a good buy for the couple or small family who want an attractive, comfortable and well built home on the ocean front. ]. M. MILLER EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th and Central, Newport Beach Telephone Harbor 1264 "On Your Way to Balboa" • 92-ltc REAL VALUES HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNTI'IES INSURANCE THIS IS A GOOD BUY '!WO-BEDROOM HOME . . . with business frontage. Lot 70xll7. New floor furnace. Nicely land- scaped. All fenced in. For a good investment ... buy this before it's too late. You'll always regret missing this ... priced for a real quick sale-- $5800 NEW HOUSE '!WO-BEDROOM HOME . . . never lived in. Close to transportation . . . good district. It won't last long for the price they are asking. Full price only- $6250 $900 FOR A GOOD LOT ONE OF COSTA MESA'S BEST UYI'S being sold at a sacrifice. Similar lots selling at $1300. Don't wait. Lots will be very much in demand in the spring, There is no mistake in the above price. Full price only- $900 We Have a Number of Good --See Us Today-- B. A. NE R E S 0 N • Buys REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Bondra Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd: Costa Mesa 92-1tc -BUSINESS BUYS>-- --o--- Business Opportunities DINNER RESTAURANT, three-bedroom major highway. home, on RESTAURANT in Newport, n"'l" beach and pier. RESTAURANT AND TRAILER COURT, beautiful home; lease or sell. BEAUTY PARLOR, new equipment, suitable for part-ners. _ HAMBURGERS, HOT DOG ST ANDS: Two year-around spots. ' CARMEL CORN CANDY, ETC. concession; good beach location. FROZEN FOOD MARKE:r, living quarters; good In- come. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES on hlghway; small Investment. · SMOKED FISH MARKE:!', A-1 hlghway home and halt acre land SMALL RESTAURANT, groceries, living quarters; low price. BOWLING ALLEYS, pool hall, lunch counter; no can- petition. GIF'I' SHOP, novelties; big mmey maker; reeort spot. MOTEL, NEW; 24 units; best hlghway location; Wlll'th money. MOl'EL IN MISSOURI, 16 new units, $46,000; take trade. CONCREl'E BLOCK FACl'ORY, one acre land, bmie and truck. GAS STATION, comer location; room to expand. --0--- When Selling or Beylng a 'fln•h "81, See "Sandy" --Q->- A. "SANDY'' STEINER, Realtor Qwl-1 II Broker -1mlrmce 634 Coast Highway 101 81 I ml 5173 ··,·~ • ..-.•. ·--• BRIGGS' ••• BEST ••• BUYS -WE·HA.VE LOl'S 'IO BE THANKFUL FOR-- Re!ifll!Dtlal LoCs 30x90 Seashore Colony. $ 900 50xl27 Tustin Ave., Newport Helgbb! 1,300 30xl18 Corona del Mar (ocean view)_ _ 1,f-00 88x127 Redlands Ave. (harbor view) _______ 2,15()() 60xl18 Corona del Mar -·----3,000 30x90 near Udo Theater and water____ _ 3,15()() 30x90 ocean front comer, Balboa. ____ , 5,000 36x90 Peninsula Bay Front. .. ____ , ____ ,_,_ 15,000 Potential Income Lots- 50-ft. multiple family on Court Ave ___ 6,000 75-ft. apartment site, .Central Ave. corner_ .. _ 9,000 . 50-ft. business C2 zone "Miracle Mile"·-·--12,500 Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" steiner omoea Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 I WHAT IS YOUR ...!' OFFE U you are tired looking at inflated values, see our Balboa Peninsula Home, one-half block from bay. Here is your chance to buy a house reasonably and decorate It the way you want it. Bay view, large porch, seven rooms, garage, etc. Fumisbed. OOAST PROPERTIES REALTORS co. "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E. Central, Balboa .-Phone Harbor 2658 92-tt A Good Choice in Newport Heights Close to Harbor and Beach facilities. We have several lot locations to choose from, including halt-acre sites near the High School. This area Is getting many new developments. Ample si7.e lots 60x127.5 ft. and larger, priced for GI loans and selling for $1000 and up. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing 92-ltc BE&J, ESTATE WANTJ:D M AUTO SEBVJOS WILL TRADE-Lota on Lido Isle aJao Jo ta on Peninsula on pur-NOW HERE chase of 2 or 3 bedroom ho\lle in Harbol' district. Phone Harbor 707 81-lfc Your authorized Oirya)er- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts KOl!IEY TO LOAN .. LOANS TO BUILD, buy, :mpro .. , modemlse or retlnanoe. Newport Balboa Federal Savtnga and Loan AMocl&ttoa.. Complete Lubrication and 3333 Via Udo Pb. Harbor 1500 Maintenance NEED MONEY? See Us for Quick, Helpful Service on Your Financial Needs -Loans on Furniture -Salary Car or Other Secljlity Phone F irst for Quicker Service Hours: 10 to l and 3 to 5 (Closed Saturdays) Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker Stare olll NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Aft. Phone Harbor 636 AUTOKOTIVIC II TIBU • ._, FOR SALE-1941 Oldsmobile 4- door sedan: radio, <X<><llent coo- ditlon. Call at 515 San Banar- CD. dino, Newport Hei&bta. 91-2tc FOR SALE-'41 Ford atatlcll wagon, under 50,000 mllea. N- beevy duty tires, beater, Clean. $1850. No dealen. Mr. Vo...,..n DON L HUDDLESTON, Skipper B-5881.J. 1111-tte FOR SALE-19'4 0.mbm.en mo-. 1814% Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa tor acooter, aide car -wt-. Beacon 5220 abldd A-1 ---lllOil (Aaca -Alpha Beta Maret) Marcus SL, NewjU't taiqd 92-lfc C-2tp 1·,,...=,.,v=a=1 ------,-11=1roR SALE-191311 DIMlle .._ TR•D ... l'OR JIENT-lllt ---..---.... -... •t, ...... Sl.111 aec1an -• 1a eoruns lll!<lt-31ll3 Marcus S'L, Ne•port Jtl- &M. 9Wlp p11' dQ, We llaata ti. -FOR SALE--1935 Ford DelllD 2 ~ -. I ollw .. lloii, door. Rftl good ~­«r. t'llllANewport-.,c.a · $395.00. 'l'heodan ...,,,.,. 22nd -. .. and Central. C.tfc •AVI09 wa·, WE NEED LATE MODBL CARS and \Vfil Pay. Top Prices IEIJ. '!OllR CAR NOW Wldll Pltc. -...,. ~for ----...... wbo wll mil llld ildt .. :rua r • n .. OP• r ... dllft?w, • = C pdtwanda1az11ddlt• • aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET CX>., Inc. n ca l1& _. O' ,~.~D='~1:_. .. ~1\1~1t ---= 2111,•zs "18 eo •o ,= nee • ... - • omaam D . a.-Tr Jloolr!reeplq ud 'hZ ...... ~ w. Ceat.n.l Pb. 1IDl..J' Nowpori- BOO*. CCPING mm &OOOIDITANTB A.. C. R()JTll&N 'O"'"'Mut u4 l!IOQllM TU. -_...,.,..... -na Nowpori- JOHN T. c.uTLm B.N.~ AOOOIDITlNTB ~c~IINa A~~ Tu: Ccm.IWtaat , .... o. Ps.n. 1ftl Newport BlYd. eo.ta .._ Pbone .8MeoD 1111-.J JUllPOll'lll HSWPORT MT 8JCY lllllBOB One m1le .... °' Calta --. -1ltb .u.t. o.ta .,_ ---'-l'l.T----°'"""'- .t.lft'IQVD BOB 'K DICK ... _ ...... , ....... Poro9la1M, Glaa. BU.w, Luape and """"'"'" IDC\6 W. Otn.tn.I Barbor J770 N"'PQrt s.cb APAATMENTS GOSLING A.PARTM:SNTS . &leetr1c Rern.eniuoa Prtqte Bath# ill S . Ba7 ATenu• Ba.rbor 4'7·R B&lbOo XDNE"8 BUNGALOW COURT IU\.CbU &qulppr9d --w ......... AIJTO DMl.J:R8 JOS NICXlCR.TZ lbidebelE•r 8aM aD4 ......_ O• twe Puta &Dd Ace ._ ca-. la and WI u JOQr: &utomoblle Troubks 11U W. c..tn1 A.ft., Newpt. ._. .I.WO lmP.&111 008TA lmSA. BODY WOJUC8 .Uto Pa&atlltc o.pw • .....,._ ---..lt P•...-Ne Pr1Prio•1,._- Jkwpcw1 811"4. at Walaul: & --· &1J'IO llllPft,Dll ~~ ... ,.,. .uno 8UPPLT ····-llk::rele9 -·· _.,.. -··---....... .-.... CIMf. • • DeB ' nMllPJt• 'melJ!'b rlWefBehw-• hers==! loftM.._ ........ ' • la'= ol a.. llartlor D•il let ..a -plei&'ed Yonu"'r to lllelr a.. V•Ifl::1JZc7Ne la Sa'"* ..a -cts""he,Mllto_,,...for<llftcBedwmmtMll :N'atlm 1 • P THOQ: ftB"'l ' Their Pledge ia Your Aasurance ol Truatworthy Service and Merchandise ll&.&11TJ' 8ALON8 CRA•thl IA B&ltrr!' SHOP 1'*0tt Per ·--t w.... • l!ipldalt:J' .. llat9 mp.way car-w Kar PboOt BM'tKlr J.m BJ(JJ'CLJ:8 B!C'fCLD Sold. Reated. or Res*nd VOG&L 'B 100 Ka.ln St.. Balboa .. ll&rlDe Ba.lbaa blaa4 W. P. MW•t.ft _.,..,_ OONTB&CTOIUI, Jllds. a o-'I OOM1LlD BB00][ O:.u.ctor • Bu:ll4w' o.ao<maa:a AND waw...,;, ~a.~NSWPO!lT 0-1W. l'Uod KarlDlt ~ Mttt ..... V~I• IOIW.~w OJIO(ZllllC8 .&KB 11.&aKm NSWPORT PUBLIC II.Ulm" rr..-J"rv.tt..-V~ Qu&Ut7 OrocerliM Md .... C. r. LOY. Prop. PboDe w 2111 ac.a ftoot . Newport -.c.b BO&T BUJLDJ:llll A BEP&lllll OONTB&CTOllll, -a 0.1 GIS()(]DJJC8 .&KB JIUBIDC'l'8 BtM'ltlta Boat Worka AD~otlloo111W141C ... .._,.. Palntin& 'and llotor Wodl Sub &D4 0001"9 Made to Order Ill Cout Blab,,.,. :s.ooa. ... BO&T BUJLDJ:llll YORK 80.4. T CO. Now bulldlu' a eoatpleta llne of .tock and custom cruiMl"9 ud com- me.rctal boaU 21" to 11·. Barbor BITI!. and Wl~ CO#l& JIM&, TBl!! BOHK.l.N CO. ,.._w.............,.._,.. and llalrttenance '°1 Cout Hwy. Phone Beiaco& 1411 f BOAT DJ!AI.Q8 DOUGLAS BOAT A C4NOID CO. ll&llutacturen ud Dlatrlbuton o1 Skttta. Pad.di• Board.a. Yacht Tudel"ll 28U w. central Att. Ph. Har • ..., "Newport BeM:b. Callt. C&BINET 8BOP GORDAN B. J"tNDLA.Y CABINST SHOP eu.t.om Kade CablMl.a IOtb. 8t. Barbor 2m-J' N"""°" ....... ben.Jl8ZW8 ARP&u:L THI: BOBBY SHOP Bob and 8&117 Bl'OW1l OlllLDBE!'M5 APPAREi. JR. JACK A Jll.L Cbildren"a pd l~l'a Clothll!a Up to 8 tor Bo,.. &nd lt for Glrla 17'1\ii N&wport Bl•d. Co.ta Ke.a OHIBOPMCTOB DR. P. A.. CB.UIBERLAIN Palmer-Car't"er Technique -El&ctn:>tberapy- BOKE CALLS IN HARBOR AR.li 1944 Ne....-port Bl•d. Coeta Kua Bee.con 5ISS CLEANEB8 Tim LIDO CLEANE'.RS A.Jt)u"t Matthe"w9. 091l.u' ~·tJ' Clt&JllftS litn10ll You 0... Trust U• WIUa YODJ' ,,__ .. -Deltnry. 89"1~ "61 Nnrport Bl't'd.. :a.ea. 6111.J' OONTBACTOB. BLDG. A GEN. DUTCH BJU.OOCJ[ General Oontndor aDd. ~ Cabinet. and Sbop Ruta! Squlpmu.t 80t1TB CO.ABT CONST. 00. t.duRrtal A Gemra1 COutnaeUcm v ...... _ Ph. B&Tbor 2M6 100 Ba-1 Drtftl Corona del Ku, caut. OONTB&CTO.-PA.INTINO B. &. llC'DONALD PalaUDl-""'°-Bruab or 8DraJ' W"" ork State lJceUed '1' Old Cowl~Rdii.:.wcon IOIT-Jl CONTB&CTO~O ce.uu.a c. J'IPP8 Pluto<:'!'C, C.-t Ooa-la I.be .tl&rDOI" Area tor D YMl'll SU.ta A.DA -oat-II _ .,..., 100 S..riew CorcGa del Kar. CUll. DICNTlllT DOUOllNUT8 COTrJ-~r&fp.&.ND Donut. and w...m.. a 8pedalt;r Complete :rowita1.a 8e"1Ce I06 llutM .... Balboa 1ele ........... DllUO 8TOBE8 IU.llPTON'S HARBOR DRUG Coroaa del Mar, q.Iltonala KA.C PELLETim\'8 ~RT BllA.CH PEUJtlU.CY LONNU! VTNC'l:NT'8 BALBOA PB.A.JUI.A.CY 111 B. Central • Telephooe 1._ ELEC'l'lllC&L DLBS. A SEBV. . BAY ELECTRIC Rewlndla&" ud Rebulldlns Moton A Generator• Moton ud Genen.ton for Sale ma w. Ot.atrat ....... Har. im-w FISH BAY SIDE nSH 11.A.RKET D&lly O.ltnl'}' of Fr.b Flab Shall neb • Se& J"ood Spec.taltJ• 28fb 8t. A lAte)"ete, Newport Bwc.b _.,. ..... ..._ .. rR.AMt 80 l IORA. Pbooe sai Balboa r.au4 ' Wbo'I:. ~8-:::l n=...llalbt 520 Balboa St.. eo.ta JI.- OONTB&CTOa <X>ll80lf • ~y co. _.,,......... V.-W. 9n1Mhis flor ,. ....... .. Oonl ........ llartMlr' 1611.Jl -- 01 l . .a a.ta .••• - w. OtiG'lll .... N. .... .,. ............. a.tU ..... 21a Place Nft'POft ...._ callf. omcz &UPPLIBll OOlllll:BOLU. PRINTING NEWPORT RUUIOR PUBLISBING COMP.A.NT IOU W . C.tnl A. ..... .,,.__u ruaNITUS& NEKDLD l'U!UUTUll& r.anlt~ ~c cm.7 m. Newport IU'f'4. Ooilla Jlaa -- VJltO'S GABAQW ~ ............ .... TXX•CO PMIDU¢IW -W1'" • ww . .-...i • -.~w Mw.-t-- Tim WAVES GROCBRY -..~.......-.. I LID.. to 7 p.m. Complete LlM of Gl"OCIWSell Plenty of Beer 1 1100 ec...t a..,.. -Battior ms-J BOTEL8 l8L.lND ROOMS AND APAl\TJ<SNT!I E. C. ud Gnce Nub U7 .&.p.te Aft. Belboe. Ial• Barbor Jll-W BOTEL8 PAIJBApJ:S BO'l'mL Rooma a.nd ADU'lmea.1- A. 8c9n1c View O't'erlooldu Hubor A Oce&a. Open All Tear Locate4 at Weatern End of Sea'f'few· A"'-. Corona det Mar B&Tbor lt61 IOI: OOlllPAND:ll RA. Y vtmW ICZ: 00. CV.bee -Blocb ~, .. 1m Nn-port Bl'fd. Be&coD an O....MMo IN8UMNOll: ILLRJlT FRSDERICE D'f8tl'JUNC9 Protect that llortpp W ith luu.nDee l2U ec..t. BIYd., But>or 1"'7..J' Corona del 11.a.r IN!IUMNOE ~UN INSUR.A.NCKI .A.OBNC'T -nn- .Auto-llarlne-Llablllty Compenauon-Bond.a 1711 N~rt Bl'fd. BM.con UM-J. ea.ta K-. Callt. INTERIOR DEOOMTOB8 JASPER V ALll lntertor Dfftp J"unlltuni SelecUon A lla.lntenance Venettan Bllnd......select Wallp&per'll CUetom Kade Dnperlea Tailored Blip.Con" :M-48 Via Oporto Harbor Hl.6 N.-.port BMcb, callL R. ll. ARVIN Dtamonda, Watchu. J.....i.tT Expert Wat.ch a Jewelry Repralr1.q 111 2:211d SL Newport Beadl Pbone 21J'7..J' •&waw:•s Q-RJO BHOPPS Wetcbee BtartlDI_ ~~ of .ui ...... ........ -:--- LIQUOa llTOllll:S JlD.A. LIQUOR BROP W.CUO. ot. ~ u .. aw Wt.wud .... DATJ.41 pAt.MWR 0ww 17M ""·1:,~T4.16u~ ... UllBEB WAJID AND !lAJUIDtVl'Olf Lt1!lllD 00. . ,;,.,._. . ...,, .. ~ SQ 1*trict y.,. ft. --1111 Ill CDut Jll&tl...,., At tM An::llm ...,.....,.,. .... wom Lllltl _. ~ r Ohs Weft 7[ ·-la .....:ta Cl· M 25 ...... Pot..._ r n - BUCH crTr JmRClU.NT P.A.TROL '"°' 0-. rroot No__, .._.. P!aooe BartM>r ld'l-R ID:TAIJ.IZJNQ CLAlUt A BA.Tm lndut.rlal and Decoftt1ftl KetaJ!atac' Wei~ RpwtaU.-.. IOI IOtb 9L Barbor 11C11 Nnrport a.ch MOORING SEBVIOJ: C. R. ST...,. Koortnp lut.alled and Jlepatnd ~ PUD.tad and Lett.and n.con 56-M or Harbor 1--R For P'r'Q:npl Sen1ce MOTEL8 B.il.BOA. MOTEL Reuonable Rat.......cte&n aoOm. Rudy to BualDUS :os.trlct ~ the Year ''Round" Ila m. OentnJ Aft. llart>or m MOVING a 8TOMOll: . 841.poJ. TR.4NU'D. (X), Pocldq--Cro.._._ 1 BOAT MOVING um. w. Oeatral Ph. B. - NUllllEBY 90JIOOL8 BA.L-IBLS NUIUllUt1' 8CllOOL 11'7 llu1De .A.Te. Rartlo!' T'6-R P. O. Doz •• Bl.I* WuMl OPTOJO:TlllllTll ---Sl\NmT T. ~snu~r~t•CR'D·woRTH. o. n. Optomotrlot m' W . C-.tnJ K.-port a..:.b -till P&INTINO & DalOMTING R. &. .A.NDl!R80N OONTIUCTOR PalatJa.c a Waterprooftll.s CALL BliCON ~ Pll:T J.l'OOD & SUPPLIJ:li See O\lr Complete Line of SUppllea !or Tour CATS AND DOGS J:verythtn& tor tbe Pel PET PANTRY UJ Apte B&lboa raland PBOTOOBAPBEBS KENT Bl"l'CBCX>CK ic.tab~ed at N~rt Hartior 1Jat Kuter llartDe Photo~ TM W•t"a nne.t Studio of Ma:rtne &Dd Oommll"dal -T '1'91es>bone -a.nor .., PBOTOOMPllJ:llS RICJURD SSELY PHOTO<lRAPIDIJl _ ............ .. JUr1M .A.... Balboa We ,,......._ PBl810UNS a troaOMNS A. T. Alfl>JISWB. X. D. '110oul---""'-.... -_o.n._,,_..,... PllYlllCl&lfll a 8UJIGSONS .JOBK K. C. CHONG. K. D. PbJ ................. M. T-l :I0.::1-'7~ H rt d'.t S. m. IL a.ea ...._ cam. • .A.. a.. 1111"&* JL D. JJllMccpat ..... 2 - r j' __ .., .-..- DR.. W. T. llOONn xaa.- NbaU. Uld o.tnl N.-.port BMcb. cat.. Call Bar. 41 • PllY!llCLUlll a 8UJIGSONS G. N . Pua. IL U. OoMuJtadOD OS....,... Roura bJ' .4ppotlatmeat 1W hclJk: Dr. Oorom. del Kar llart)or 2111-J PID'SICl&N8 & SUllOll:ON8 GERALD RA.USA.. IL D. PllNG TEACBEB G. V. LINSENBA.RD TeM:be.r or Pl&no a Harmony 1538 Ocean ftoa.t Barbor UU-W Newport BMch PLUMBING & llE&TINQ B. H. HOLBROOK 000 Cout BlTd. Newport Be&cb Pbone Harbor 1{11-W POULTRY PRODUCTS TWIN err!' POULTRY IURlCST Lin Poultry u.4 Rabbtt8 "110 W . Central Aft., N....,...._ Bell. Pbooe Barbor llOI llAlllllTBY ''Bil"'' LONG'S ll.A.BBITRT R.Ubll9 Dn..4 DailJ' -Pw Yov Ordv- Pbone Orduw 4ccilpted. Car. ot 11th ud Tulia. JIMCOD. 1111 MDIO 8.ll.11:8 a SICBVIOJ: lmmedJai. DellftJT .. KarbM Radlotelep1'ooM aAd Recel't'W8 .r. IL BROWN OOllPANT B-.oon Ull-W 1211 Oout Bl·Wq MDIO 8&LE!l a 8EBVIOJ: 8.0.S. ~&LllC'l'R.IC rN..AND RJ:CORD BBOP Popular K&kel Home A Auto Ra4io9 ComplN L1oe or Recorda IOO Marine A.., Harbor TIO Balboa hlud R&DIO 8EBV1<Jl:..-M&BINE 11.A..RINZ RADIO SERVlCC A. )(. HERTS • T&chnl.cJu Rad.to lloDltortnr Benice n-eQvency cb6c:U A C&ltbraUoM -rw.rWay Cab R&dlo &ernoe 174 IC .13th st. Newport llQl.W Coote ..... MDIO 8&LE8 a SEBVIOJ: TBONA.RT 1llc. Rad.l~Bl&elrontce-Soun4 .!:i:: = ~ PIL H. 12S2·X 2tOl W . 0...u.I · Newport a.eh. CalJt. B.Jr:AL l'.STAD P. G. JU..LA.TON R&U.TOR ~~== ,1 -.000 N__. BJ9d. 11.IOO ...... ,,_ Corn.I. atabl• U .000 '°' !h woort Blwd.. Cm&& ... B-.ccn am.-w ••PJ!IC)lt lHfWIWWWI CO. W.ttcn ' "'*14-IW ta a.ngrtP?oer:.u-.... •• Md IOUlolW.Ooldn!._t_ .... llAlttol' 1#-Jm M*LmAD a a LAJl9~ o.:.a ft'cmt I bllr.......Prt ct I eo lilll JllDt. Ill:&. )a&. 'w loc. ... __ ... _ - .-..-... - -.. Ciel Aw.. ., $gp .. • I z ... Mnl.gp B&ALTOJl •s•r. m..t.n WUJJ4K W.i 8A1Q'OBD .......... a.....i r.aruc. OD.TllUDa .L WALDRON .. Xutne A... Bila.. We __ ,, BEFBIOl!!B&TION ~GBRA.TION Bal• A a.ntoe .......... .,..,_,,,., NEWPORT SLl:C. ~ -Rodlo- .. Oout BITd. Ph. IUI Newpoft -CallL ~&UUNTll a O.&n:ll BLtm ROOK Cbal'009I Broiled BteUa. ,,.. root.I Cnckfall• "RUSS" SWEE'I'SCR at tbe 0rsu JOI Palm. Balboa -Barbor m6 THS DOLL BOtJSB of !lolboo ()pa lbe y..,. .A.1"0wl4 w JI:. Central A.Te. ""'"'" 2110 BE8T&UUNTll a O&ll'K8 ICINGS LANDING A CU'll Apecl•Hstnc lD &I.I IDadli ol. _....., Al l1st N~ 8-cb --- LA POSTA DtUdOUll Knie.a l'oo4e .. Newport BITI!. ~ llO Coot& .. _ NCWPORTCAn flDtctaUstq lD ram.tly Tnde. Q09d Old HouM O>ok'a.• UO llerad.411 Pl. Harbor ~w BE8TAUUNTll & C&Fl!:8 NORTON'S BAY SHOR& CA..1'11 17th St. &nd Cout BW'J'. n.,. 1141 Newport BMch. C&IUornJa BE8TAUllANT a CA.Fl: wm 1 & a PA.ltX A. vw C&.1'11 -- LUID a OMVl:L n..~m~111 w R.. W. JIC"Cl.stJ,•K A M>KS ,:.-*~I>:;: ''a!..0.Z:-.- Jlff o.tnl ..... Mcwpcwt ._. llDVIC& ft&TIOIQ .4LLJ:ff 6 M iftO .A.ato ~ ..... PllUa Tb• ...... :Al ... D W. o.ar.J Aft. •• ,... un - • sDVICS 8T.D'IOJIB DILUfD 8Rlt'1 · 81'.A.TION 8HC&T llST.&L SIGNS L. w. PDCRCll "'-""""' la ...... 15 Yean la Orup Ooa;aq. Ltomlled 8t&t9 Coatnctor -l5U<-J ea... - 81GN8 TOK RUNKLa--810N9 --~ 8POBT111'1'MB IA.WYSR SPORT llllOP 11-. and ~· epgrtuuw Complete Una of ........ .., JO'f 11.u"(Qe A't'9. ..U.O.. We -m llTOOK8 & BONDll L88T81' A CO ..... -i... ....... --.. ...,. w. ""'""' .i. •.. >t..---.a&: 'r.1. llU"tler D'M-J' DIU.N W. C4KPWaLL COLIN W. TIU. VD1 .....,om ... ma.--. La9 ··-· 11 - T&OllLE STOBEll T&XI 81:BVIOll: BAI..BOA. CIRCLS TAZJ s.ntnc tlM Newport Bar'bor Ana Joi-Bour Rall.abs. a.mi. 1501 W. Central An. Har. m l'f ewport 8-cb T&XI Phone~ 5IM NEWPORT -COSTA KEA. TA.XI 00. .t.ce.nt Banta r. Tnllwa:r- 609 Cout Blsh....,. UPBOL8TEBINO CLA.UDll .&.. JOBNBON Tallond Upbo......,. Your PeNOM1 Battdvtkm <IU&Rn,_ '87 Newport Bl•d. n.,. W1·W VENJ:TU!I' BLDIDll lllCRJCDlTB"B Vl:NSTUN BLIND 00. ~of 0.-••llt ~---412 -8t. ,.__. - -· PboM Barbor Ill ,.,,.. ll!UJ>ll llBOP , Alli'o .,. ..... Jlltall Wood -£!I t ·w1101 •ls nsa ··~·.--u.. ·-- ..... POHi &&•BOA e· 1 RISE NEWS-TIMES TO REMARK - -• ....., .......... 11 • z·a r~T , _., z MtM yz mww .,_...._~, r-e·c ·'awtriw z z v--..n Here are a few off·the-cutt re- • D fiectlonl on the results al the re- • and Scarcity • They say ... "No -al public -ts ·-,,_., faithful patriotic l 7 ~ ...,.,_ ID A.dv-:~:90 por -ID ~ 0...V cent election and the probable ef. $2-1'5 per -to •Ill -; '3-00 por -to 8111 -feels on the neXt eoocr-. I By~ L w.-. al h--z.._ In Los Angeles Times and efficient service to the cbil· ._. .._ • y...,. er e , ..... -&?11ea .. Everybo4y want.I to know why swer to tbJa: question. dten and people of our nation Ill llADI TI IQ' 0 1'1 ••JAOt., o••-. Dltsed u Seccmd-Qw matter at tbe ~ Jn Nwpart Brei\ am still waiting for c:erta1n in- Callfonda. under lbe Act al llarcb 3, 18'79 formation, before continuing my looda are so scarce. We all rea-A late bullA!tin of the Orange than the teachen employed In the ----------------..,.---------llze that scardty Is the main County Tupayen Organization pu~ schoo!s."-AFL Presldent SAi( D. PORTER PIJIAI_. comments on the campaign ln the 22nd District. cause ot high prices. We Wonder gives ua a pretty good ensw<or. It William Green. fF=======================- F. G. FROST -----Editor W. F. DIXON --• • • • AdwTtll:lnc Manapr Prtnlln& Plant, :IOU W. Central A-Newport Beech, caufamla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A 11'11 r 1aNe LocmJ :r-at&wU• for Otw 11 :r..,. Active Member of Important to Prosperity The people voted agai.nst too much government; against con- trols which were hampering pro- duction, against the poJJdes of an administration which was boot- licking a labor leadenhip which never had the influence it claim- ed to bave; against the infiltra- tion of subversive groups and in- fluences into the agencies and the departments and the ex unells of the go,•ernmenL why a1 oountry with more men quotee from offidaJ Wuhlnctan • • • employ.d than ev.,. before o.hould figures the actual exports In "The ablmlc bomb, the rocket, 1WJ slitter from such a scarcity terms of dollar values for June, the new horrors of bacteriologi· of g~. What 50,000,000 men 1946, the latest available month, cal warfare ha,•e multiplied the have IJeen "producing must be go-oompared With prewar average chances that force will destroy ing somewhere. We know the monthly exports for the same alike both the victim and the stores ,don't have these goods, we items for the years of 1936 1937 aggressor. the just and the un- are aSsured by the ·"·holesa.Iers and 1938. Here are a few ~t the just. .. -Wllliam 0 . Douglas, Asso- that they don't have them and the mo.st interesting items: ciate Justice of the Supreme factor~ say they have shipped Condensed a: Evaporated Court. them. Then why aren't we get· ------------ ting them! We WOUid Uke an an· 1936-.38 June why we have such a hard ti.me Items Mo. Average 1946 finding shirts and now know bad the reorganization comes at Meat ---... $2,182,000 $37,441,000 where the cotton is going aud why the ume time as the change in Soai-, Toilet Prep-woolen suits are so scarce and parties, but it ls of such 1/alue to erations .... 729,000 3,386,000 high. The heavy export of syn· the Congress, and thus to the Cotton Wearing theUc textiles muat tell the wo- people, in the making of better Apparel .... 429,000 3,974,000 men where the nylons have been laws, that I am strongly against Wool Cloth &: going._ Of course, these figures MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Mullfadaren of CJa9tGm Bullt BliDdl Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Dtlmates According to the National IDghway Users conference no Jess than 6,700,000 persons were engaged In full time jolJ6 In the nation's highway transportation business before the war. My comment on <h'e adtninistra- tions attitude towards certain labor leadership remind! me of an annl&al event on the campus when I was in college. Sitting in the room, we would hear what sounded like a fllll band playing outsJde the window. Investlga· tlon proved It to be orJy one man. He had an accordian which he pJayed with his hands; the betls on his hat sounded when he shook his head; the drum on h.is back was played by a cord attached to one heel; a mouth organ, also at- tached to the hat, was fixed so he could play it someho\v, the cymbals were played by a cord from the other heel; and a wind instrument was operated by pres- sing a bag between his bc><b' and his arm. Perhaps there were other devices. That was 36 years ago! any proposal to postpone It, or Dress Gds. 15,000 3,28:>,000 also include our contributions to flJ SO&!! Staee& relepboee to change Its requirements. To Synthetic U.N.R.R.A. Newport llelMlh Barbor S6J. It was pointed out that in peacetime U. S. motor vehicles consumed 89 per cent of all gasoline, 80 per cent of rubber, 73 per cent of plate glass, 73 per cent of leather, 51 per cent of malleable iron, 18 per cent of non-ferrous meW, 15 per cent of steel, and 11 per cent of all cotton produced in this country. add npldly to the contuaion, all TexWes ... .' 782,000 12 444 000 The adminiStralion could ba·1c ~=================,,;,,=====,,,} employees of the Houae and the Automobile ' ' told us that the acal"city has been · Senate, some 500 in all, change Tires .......... 954,000 5500000 caused by these ".XceRive exports. ------------------------- with the control of the Congress. Lard ............ 1,333,000 9:S10:000 The bulletin uplaina this by &a.Y· When this Is over, In perhaps Milk .......... 192,000 5,400,000 ing that "Because of the secrecy a month, will be the time to talk Rice .............. 406,000 4 626 000 of Washington but-eaucrats only plans and problems. The tools Flour ' ' a few figures on actual e:xporta must be made ready first. But (wheat) .... 1,831,000 15,305,000 of particular items have been it is not too early to point out Freight available in the past." This indicates how much the prosperity of America de-- pends on its automotive industry. And this gives added rea- son for the necessity of getting automobile and truck pro- duction into full swing without further delay. the significance of the election 1n Can .......... 154,000 2,516,000 At any rate, no theories on ti- the field of the history of govern-nance or economics can explain Motor vehicles have brought into being thousands of road- side restaurants, motels, service stations and garages. The development of commercial highway transportation for both passengers and freight has given the nation a rapi!l and flex- ible type of transport that has greatly enhanced economic progress. Many thousands of communities have been estab- lished independently of rail service and are served ~ntirely by ments. For 159 years this has In \,'iew of these figure!, why away \he above facts. Wouldn't been the only government to sus-has tht present administration it be fair to conclude t}',at the ad· tain itself without change in fonn. been· talking about importin&' ministration at Washington ts the Other governments have slipped, meat from Argentina, Mexico and principal cause or scarcity and and have never returned. Dicta-Canada? We men can see now high prices! It seems characteristic of the CIO-PAC. The leaders of that organization talk a lot of influ- ence, 'fJDtil you look out vf the window ln an election. This was evidenced by the results in the big cities. tonhips have replaced them. The I ;f=:=::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;~ proverbial man on the white horse has ridden across the stage or re- cent world history until he is much too familiar to us. Only in the United States have we pre- served democracy, under the Re- automotive ~ers. 1 California industry and agriculture depend on commercial trucks to move two-thirds of the entire load of intrastate commerce. It is apparent then that rubber-wheeled conveyances are a viW key in America's reconversion program. As more of them are produced to meet the acute shortage throughout the country It will mean more jobs tor auto mechanics and serv- ice station attendants. more jolJ6 in motels and roadside res- taurants, more jolJ6 in the nation's vast bus and trucking in- dustry. • And more jobs mean more prosperity. Boarding-House Reach A special session of the Con· gress ls being talked about. My crystal ball tells me there will be none. The members elected on November 5th will be sworn intr> office on J anua.ry 3rd, and shortly after that, perhaps the flnt of the followtng week, the president will report to the Congress on "the state of the nation." Per- sonally, I think the state of the nation ls improved; I wonder "'hat Mr. Truman will think officiaUy For a month or more th'ere will be CX>llfuston and uncertainty. The people will want a "program", and the propaganda agencies, already begun as a matter of fact, wiU increase the aubtile •ua:&eation that the new majority party ls A famous minister enjoyed telling this one on a fellow the co111eTVative or the reaction· clergyman: John attended a chicken dinner, and be loved ary party. while the now minority party l5 the progressive party. chicken. He was asked to bless the meal, and began with The recordo do not agree with eloquence. As he approached the conclusion of his prayer be that, but who will review and ana- cautlously opened one eye and, satisfied that all beads were lyze the records? The Cong.-..,s w J 11 be engaged in setting up bowed, silently reached toward the platter of fried chicken. shop: and not yet ready for pro- Hi.s last words were fervent: "Amen-and the gizzard is grams. · '" The Democratic ex-chairmen of mme. Occasl . hi h . di .d al . t f charact at least eighteen major commit-ons m w c an m Vl u lS OU o er US· tees will be engaged ln moving ua.lly amuse us. When a nation steps out of character, it is oot of the offices which are at· never funny. tached to the committee suite!, and the same number of new Re· There is an international counterpart to the above anec· publican chairmen wilt be mov- dote. We hear great nations praying for lasting peace and ing in. In each instance. other solemnly pledging fraternity-while, eying each other war-Congressmen. who want the bet- ily, they reach for the gizzard and drumstick. ter orfices vacated by the rank-ing Republicans. ot by the elec.· 1b.is does not tickle the American funny.bone. A dem~ tion results, will be waiting to racy is built on mutual respect and trust, which exist only so move to the offices they hlU'e se- Jong as men keep faith With each other. The United Nations lected. Like • puzzle, one must move out. before the next in line have pledged their combined might to make this world a may move in. democratic one; but how strong is a pledge \vhose undenvrit· To make matters "·orse at the ers promise equal opportunities for all, then seize the best moment, the Reorp.nization Act reduces the number of House com· for themse]ves; \Vho aVO\V their gocxl will, while they distrust rnittees from 47, not counting and fear each other? !peclal committees, to 18 or 19, We Americans are realistic, yet idealistic. Ours is the so the leadership on both sides leading nation of a world whose only hope is the realistic a~ will work long and late. trying y -to re-!huffle the pre!ent member- plication of our ideals. The United Nations have built an or-ships to make up the new ones, 1 ganization \Vhose cornerstone is the democratic ideal. They sometimes having to combine as t be h km many as six old. and somewhat publican. We ourselves were slipping. Pa- ternalism, centralized govern- ment; the solution of all our prob- lems in Washington; the loss of self-reliance; agencies; executive orders; regulations; these were historically the beginnings of the end. I rise to remark now that there was; no reason to fear for the American people. Baste in our fonn of government is the fact that It is to the Congress the people delegate the authority to make the laws for them. That is as fundamental as is the fact that 1n our form of government, the great middle group of the dti- zen1 has the influence and the pawer. The voters may be patient and lonJ" autfering, but to them that authority and that protec- tion, which rests in the Qmgreu. must not be taken away by any bureau or any agency, existing only on the sandy foundation of some· ''emergency." The election proved that the people know this. It was not es- sentially a Republican victory. It was a victory of and for the peo- ple. It means the preservation of representative government in the United States. DINN&U DAILr h--°"911 ' .. t• .. .. ......,., ..... 1 ... .. mus onest wor en. U the building materials are con-duplicating committees, into one tarninated by mixture with greed and suspicion, the structure ~n~ew~, ~stron~~g~co~mrru~·~tt~ee~.~l~t ~is~t~oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~ will collapse and the workmen will have destroyed them-r selves. Brand New Equipment for Rental '- The Proof By Ian Mack We came trom Irish lakes, from Scottish towns, From vales In Wales, from English hills and downs, From all the patchwork Thlropean lands, With nothing but ambition and our hands. We came, we saw, we conquered with our toil The virgin forest and the stubborn soil, The coe.1, the iron, the copper, and the oil We laid the pattern with a wagon wheel, And caught the country In a net ol steel We lilted towers a thousand feet in he;ght Out of our shining streets into the night, And ha.messed thunderbolts to give them light All this we did-and still they question whether The human race can live and work togNher! • OEllEN'T MIXERS • POWER SAWS • WHt:t:l.BABROWB AIB TOOLS • UIS o.F .M. POBTABU: A1B OOllPPU80B8 PNEUMATIC TIRED TBA~ WE'l'B BUDD AUIO I --------~ OONCBEl'E BiE.ubNo AND SANDBl,ASTING ~VICE Contractors Equi & Supply -N-s:r A-1 -. W _.,1 .... ~. Does Yowr Howse Need Painting? A JW PW' ... P BARBOR 26(5 . Lee c. au •. • TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' Have Now 8-ime a BeguJar Part of Our Menu -Every Monday N"igbt- A "SOUTH-OF-THE-BORDER FEAST" -Tuesday- DELICIOUS CIDCKEN & DUMPUNGS -Thursday- THE FINEST OF CHINESE FOOD Ooolred to Perfedlou •• -Frlday- A DEEP SEA FISH FRY These specialties are ottered In conjunction with out varled menu of choice STEAKS. CHOPS, SEA FOODS, FROG LEGS, etc. Our cold crisp salad bowls Of As- sorted ReHshes and Salads will enhance your every meal Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cannot Serve All the Food on the Coast, So We Senoe Only --the Finest -- PRIVATE BANQUE:!' ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 p.m. -10. Sundays, 4 p.m. -10. Closed Wednesdays THE 8TANToNS, DOC AND ilO Formerly ot the Coast Inn Going to Build nis Year? Yoo probably have .your dream hO!Me all worked oat la your milld -or maybe yoor lll'Chlteet or contractor already 11118 ~ plum OD paper for you_ l!:ledrldty wlD have a large PMt la ..,..... cl.-ol poBtwv ilvlug -Ir-. When yoo go over the plam with yoor bulkier be Al'll to B him about tbe !lll!Wetit develop- -· la hotMehold labor •viag llDd tun... Uo-1 bwrty. Oar l!•r Iii la enirythbig :oleddml w111 be Pd to Wp wltl! la)'OQ& plus Gr pro~h .... o.e "'ll""tloe may-b a lot of dlff- la tbe ~ al ti-* II-. ETS • HOKIN &-GALVAN flN'Oll 4 1 I I I 1•e.•mwa1 ..,,., Jlcr 1 • llM'7 ..... ....... rt w 0 91 D Pt I .... &01 0 El.F£l'RICIANS .. r.&moU~ .:.:...'t!s ... 1 ......... , - ( PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN' (-llH) 111.-A--bL I, 8. WBJ'TIJ ..... TD OOll8ULT.&ft .......... ., Clillt ~ ..... ~ _,, D• t ' .. •• 1 ...... &. wt~ -tu: ....... A119BS .. 118* Ill I Df~ _ ............... --ARCJHliMJT Armand Mon111e1Lr1111 . ABClll'i'l:or 81' W. '!:J_A-, n-g... l'IM t'nl lff !MOCHI A.ft. Lot Alil'.E'! N011 s 1J' l&OI R.LHOLFORD 1-cl9cape J?Mlper DAY liCBOOL Mortimer School IOll Ooral B-&Jam DAY SCHOOL OPENS oar 1 Orodeo: Coll. Prep., Anny 0. A. MorUJ:ner, M. A., Osford Pltnclpel Pboae -· MZ DENTI8T8 Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST -~ w. O.&nl. -, ... !OIWPOBT BEACH DB. GORDON I:. RAPP DENTIST 1111 Wee& ()eio- --UH Newpon OCCIDENTAL LD'IJ IN81JBANCB 00. Ray NieJlll'll Cs .... ,, ...... ---............. .... Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We 0....-lbe-Serw .,,. Ser •Inc Otben - ..... 1111• .. O...._ O=W 2 PLUfO ftAI MC# PHl8IOIANB • 8\JJIGEONS. D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Phy9l<ilaa llDd Swgw --()eio-..... ( ............. ) ......... A. V. Andrewa, M.D. PBIGCllAN · -smlGllON w fJoMI: ... .., • ..,.... -o.-.-- lob K, 0, <lhag. IL D. no••sz ......... 2 -' 7 -8:IO and .,,. appointment B•oon :kJ75 lit s..t 1M bs .. o..e.-.~ Gordoa IL 0nmd7> IL D. PHYSICIAN and SURGB<»f Balboa Inn An:ade Ottlce Hrs.: 10.1.2 a.m.; Up.a. Phooe Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll1wlolM --·-Hours: 2-!i, ~ Appointment ~--584.11 u1-..,. ~- llllton M. Maxwell, ll. D. 1801 o.-l llhr-r 0..-dol - Ottlce Hours: l<>-12 ; 2-!i --·1- S, R. Monaco, M, D. 814 Bay. Ave~ Bal1--. 1m ... II. ll1ll 8&., Loe .&.- Tu.ii-1SU By APPolnm.it T. P. 8-ler, II, D. Wm. L liplvey, IL D. ~ ... ---... ..,..-..., .... _ '**- -,.,_ ()eio- Oflloo: --Rrl'• • llartaor ll'JtsW Raub & BenaeU ... . ., ............ . IW,...Nowpwt--. o.e.._ T'3T I 'p llE AllW lllTW.O 'ill N_,_._ Tri 57 , •n.r Ja I:. T.. 8"11 wwCll, O. D. °'' ..... --D*FftNU Lmf .. DtlftMlA'lm> ._. , I_, •q Ff .................... _.._.. WWIW.,._ Robert A. Crawford ~wt. 1 .,_. 1*-t'°F W Veda Thompaon Teacher d Plano andOrpn -19 _. J1£q a.• * al ..... __ _.._. 3 • ' D R·-A FT ING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates • • WANTED: Industrial •= 'Ille IDdultri.1 ,...,..,. --r::t: bu -W1laed tl!roashoUt tbe -will be -lneolt· United Stateo au-V..J Day 11 able outooc+e _or _c:coc•linued conflict, rapidly wnddns our a&tlonal spondlc ~ --· <a•"lal7 -threatem an era of ed lnllatloil. Fudot Italy, Fal· ~ -dopreulon thot will ..,Pt Spaj,rl. Nu! Germany -..,.., brine c11auter to tbe Wbole Bollh<'vik 1R..Ja an teach the ~ ~)nil! by Its oor>-:J=t ~~tlc...=.u: tinuance. Investon and manqe-and ~ ment are alttady despcnclent &ncl. What !Mn lo the IOlutlon! In i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I In the nation'• desperation, la-my oonsldettd judgment, hued Ui>' may looe both In pr<!Sllce -on nearly 40 years' study o! the power an It hu calned In a ger>-problem o! American IDdultry and eratlon. tabor, it lies in the early abandon-We Are Building Those Hard-to-Get SASH AND DOORS to Order All Types of Boat Repairs Sterling Boat Works 615 Cout lllg!l-y Newport lleolch Phone Beacon 5363 . '''I 'Your Grandma~ asked for PEARL OIL \ --- Gtmdma wilJ tell you diat Pad Oil wu a kmw laador la bcr day-just a it is oow. It cloaft'c p oft omob, 100C ex gases dw migbr -.LI up rooa& It si•• man hat wido brip Rady Same tho.''ll'OCl't a..p up 10 srorch pim, aka And Pearl Oil is J*r•-it all bwm-oo -1 U. lt lo an ,.,... i.m ar.P1"'.,... Clayton Thompson Whot: 17 h DlltrlbatloD. • Anolher 12 montho or •lrlk... ment of an artificial price - sbortag.. -skyrocketing prices wage control> -the .. tabllsh. will complete tbe exhaustion of ment by voluntary agreement of an the nation'• accumulated purchu-lnduat:r1&.l armistice covering the In& power thot mlcbt, It wisely year of 1947. ....i. Insure an era of pros~ty. Such a truce should be accept· Convenely a period of subatan-able to both management and tlally full -uninterrupted pro-labor. wtse capitalists u well u duc.tton will feed and clothe the wise tabor leaders know they are people, relieve the housing short-rapidly reachinc the end of their aa:e and l&r11ely mtore normal rope. They are. however, unwill- price levela. ln.g to 1\ll'ftnder what they con- BEMDIBl!:B TRl8f Of -,_ dn. U 'o -oM -"""7· It coald tell qalte • -It It eoaW talk, ooaldn't ltf u ·o Jal u Pod ted&T u It ,... hfO ._.... ap. Al tl1e --lo fteo. -.., Newport -BDllu..toa _,, Ford -tor. 'ne..,. be1amp U this can be aocompllahed, sldtt their essential rights and pu.rchaaing power will be tncreu-interests. But such a truce as to lllo OOL -up M cMiiian plloto. ed, American labor will enjoy the Is hen proPoS<d does not ln~ve da1 situations, must be worked highest standard of Uvtng the the sacrifice of any l.nclivldual or out, industry by industry. If we world has ever known, and Am-corporate bi.teresta or the auum~ wait for a national aareement em- erlcan industry and agriculture tion of any obligations which can-bracing all industrfeg, we will be wUJ have assured markets for all not be realized during the 12-well on the road to ruin betore they can produce. month period. all groups are brought into line. How can thia be achJeved! Not The terms ot such an armis-While It ls desirable that each by dictatorial legislation. Laws, tlce are clear and simple: industry be covered by a blanket to be speedily effective in this con-1. Artificial wage and price con-armistice agreement, this is not troversial field, must necessarily trols must be removed The huge necessary. Sound progress can be coervive and, in the present and complex machinery ot indus-be made plant by plant, com- temper of the country, full pro-. try cannot be _geared up to full munity by community or state by duction can be attained only by speed lf it I.a hampered by the state. And community leaders tree industry and willing workers. red tape ot bureaucratic controls. should be warned by the recent lt chaOI comes. as a result ot The voluntary agreements here plight ot Pittsburgh to use e\•ery continued industrial striCe , it may proposed should, however, contain effort to put their ov..-n houses in be met by totalitarian measures appropriate arrangements for re-order beCore calamity strikes. that will restore production by adjustments or wages in harmony 11 any group chooses not to go con&catlon of industry and coer-with changes in the cost of living. along \\1th the program, tha t is d on ot the workers. We do not 2. Production must be uninter-Its privilege. But it must take the yet, thank God, face that dread-rupted. It we would live, either consequences both practically and Cul issue, but every captain ot as a nation or as individuah, we in the lig ht of public opinion. who can see both the inevitable tragedy of another year of chaotic strife and the recuperative possi- bilities of a period of unrestricted production. Those who are too blind to read and understand the clear m·essage of the last few months in the light of the history of the totalitarian states are un- w orthy to be trusted with the des- tinies of either labor orgartiza- tions or industrial corporations. Let us, therefore, join in urging the rank and file as \\'ell as the leaders of industry and labor to establish speedily a one-year truce in industrial strife, based upon armistice agreements that will in- sure full production and promote tht' prosperity of all the American peoplf'. SOFT WATER industry and every labor leader must produce. We cannot Jong The armistice propiosed. it consume more than we can pre> should be emphasized, does not WILLEY'~ REFRll'.!ER"TIOO duce and the cost and price of involve either the surrender of U H any commodity are dependent up-any right or the assumption of ERVICE camnnny on the volume of Its production. any obligation that cannot rea-llU-H GIVEI! YOU LUXU&IOUS, LASTING 8tJD8 WltB ONE-THIRD A8 MUCH 80AP Ao Low as $2.:iO per month SOPT WATEB 8EBVJ<JE 410 S!nd St.. Newport Harbor 11'8 Industry must thererore under-sonabl): be performed. Industry Sal• -Eactwftac -8el"flae take to operate througho\JI the perhaps cannot undertake to pro-820 Co.a BIYCI.. Ooroaa del Mar year at ~he full capacity which vlde full employment for an In-Phone Barbor !18' the a vailable supply of raw ma-deCinite period. but for the year Nl.p.t.. Lacuna l l l&'! teriaJs, fuel and labor will per-1947 the existing consumer de----..::::=::...=~=-..::=:._­ m.lt and should thus guarantee, mand will guarantee a market for h------------- ror the one year truce period, every userut commodity that can WE NEED employment ror every willing be produced. --..,_ worker. Labor likewise will not perma-llO lona'er need WAT E R P Arbitration Vital nently abandon its right to strike; -e- R 0 0 F I N G 3. MaruJ.gement and labor alike but the strongest unions in all Pia. l t.S'7 or '708 must agrie that all issues which branches of industry have tra<ft.. For Pick-Up cannot pfomptly be settled by tlonally entered iato contracts for ,_ _____ .....:..::....:.:=...::!::.......J I ...... ,.._._,,, • ..-.:.... rn.w.. OQ.W. •• •tso.. • ..aow rroan& App"= don COM no b,I Coll•fo<- Mortarie. Interlocking Block Co. nee 11arti.r .a ...... c_.. --. c.nt. --- .. ,...,. ,_.,. .... 7 .._ STOIA•·TAll CAPAOTT - conreren~ shall be submitted to a year or more in which it has p.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;0 I arbitratJo~ .... This implies a joint been agreed that the right to undert~ that awarda shall be strike should not be exercised. retroactive to the date of submis-Industry and labor alike may slon and shall be final and bind-be unwtlling to accept compulsory ing tor a~riod of one year. arbltrattcn lmlXJSE'(l by govern· 4. Man gement and labor must ment edicts, and yet both have agree, d · the period of the tn normal times willingly bound arrnlltlce_~ not to attempt to themselves during the contract change tneir respective status u period to accept the arbitration regards Union recoenttton, cloeed of their disputes. Arbitration may shop, mFmbenhip maintenance not yield equal and exact justice and othei; similar issues. at all times-no human lnstitu- 5. Management must undertake tion hu ever done ao-but surely to establish machinery through no one can be seriously damaged which lnClividuaJ grievances may by accepting the awards of arbi· be quickly and' equitably adjusted tration Cor a limited period. and labor must assume the obliga-Real Wacee Would Gain tion of preve.nting or speedily With a full nood of production squelching outlaw strikes and all in which supply will be steadily tonns of slowdowns or other liml-gaining on demand, real waget tations. I will be improved far more than C~'t Afford to W alt in the present illusionary process Soch ahangements, with appro-of seeking by strikes to catch up priate m{>dilications to meet ape-with the latest scarcity-caused ad- vanca in prices. Liquor Store Bo0t9 a.nd Roy Keene Palm and B&y, Bal1- Fbone 11.ubor S91 To those who are hoping that the new congress will magically restore the "goo(! old dayS," I would merely point out that, no matter what bills may be intro- duced, there is no probability of securing the enactment of any legislation that will materially af- Cect the situation until many months ha\'e passed. That may be too late to avoid disaster, The time (or action is now, and those who must act to rescue us and themselves from the ever- deepening slough or despond are those leaders or labor and industry j ATTENTION! Home Owners! 'l'belle Add Mulmom Comfort Uld Good Looks '6 Y oar Home: Slata-0-Wood AWNINGS and CANOPIES ---a.re pel'IDUmt ud otter aaUafacUOD DOI plDed ftom Olly onbotllDllOL • • • ComuJl wttb--ba ... -... We II.ave tbe Ul9Wel' for MM'1 ·-:t.;,• Q::i~ ~:'y OD Quallty Venetian Blinds Wood • • Allum • • Sh!el For Free Estimates Call: ILAtt·D·WDOD AWNING CO. 715 So. J'!lllacWplda 8t. An•tv.Jm I'll. M'JO or 400 No. Drake SL, Fallert.on I'll. las-J. Benne rou Ollpo. . . • ... -.• PRECISION FREQUENCY SERVICE Call-lfubalo i-.i fer RADIO PBONB FllBQUl:NCY ~ wl~:.a.H ..... Clle ... "A Place WM.• 1'illtnwcit Mm" STARCK'S CAFE Beer ' . Mhed Drinks -Short Orders "SPUD Rowz. Man4gn-]ooPHD<B OQumT, Owner 10'7 11.A l'laee Newport B•ela coaa1c1 a111w1a1 L '"I· 1.....,·, ttll«tio& ...i. • lftn.ICI 7)916 , .. compattd -0 % lot ........ !Nktt colon rcil«t proportioaatc-ly ~ light, ttduciaa their dtsir· ability io I weil.aiafltfd home .. 2. (J j . A 60-WOD lamp °"" 40c iD 192), or four tima as much. n does llOday, Md pvc !50% 1 .. lial*. 3. (,) K itchen work re- quim dtc liaht" from a 1 SO- wan lamp. All bu.lbs hive their wmqa nmpcd on them. Be aire you arc usina lamp of IUffidem power. L White is most eff«tioe in reflec1ing light. Among other colo rs used in lamp and wall decorat ion, wh ic h ii the mo$t efficient illu· minacion aid? (•} Gr~en (b) Bl .. (<I G••1 (d) 1 •• ,, 2. A new 60-watt Muda lamp today casts IOc. What did a 60-watt bulb cost in 19H? (•) 10< (b) 20< (<) 30, (d) 40< 3. Foe proper li&hri og io your kircheo rhe· wot· . , tagc of rhe light bulb should be: (•) 60 ... 1111 (b) IOO-t11.,I (<) I JO-tv.tl (d) 200: .. .,; tiflf'1 ~J!:-1 ~-., ............ -.... ..._,., ,. ................................. ... _........,._.. .. ......, ..... , .. ,_ ,....,.. tf ,. .. lte¥e lte. ......... ...... ,.._.... ... _ .. ,_.._ h.-WM_..._ ..... ,,,. -.,. .. 1011 dMdi -Mtted ..., .. d •• 11 ........ t...,_.._....., IOUllll• CAUfOUIA IDllOll COMPAll PLUMBING J. H. ESTUS HARDWARB GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGES e BEFBIGEBATOB8 e WASJD:R8 DISBWA811EB8 • BADI08 Phone ll6 Newport Beach PRESENTATION A VERAGE FAMILIES call b hoc wattt 14'.0 tima •day! It takel fl. a W foe bathi~ shaving. cUshwuhio&. bowmolcf dtaoia6, ...... ~ and ~tta.l frehc-nina •P. Aftd whm re-pc di.at ••· •tic di.tllwubt-r and automatic walbru JOU0YC aoc yow-.,. Oil ••• it will ... a whole lot more! W'rch an &cXqu.atcly sired ucom•tk ps wattr Miattt, you.'ll U... llll -..... I -~c.. ... ... INt art#~ ,.. wJ •. ..,. 7M e-' iL Nevu a wony about nLDa.iq I-------.:-.--_;.-~ *>n. Jr savts you rDOOl'T• too. For a _...., besrer dlal'• ..U, Jarae 1----------_;.-~ t t ... .. t .... .. HUITllGTOI , BEACH ·SPEEDWAY e.ou.P. ..on't bt-.. ovuworbd .. ; wU .auallr a.. ~. Fl&aw-pttfttt ps wa1u taa.ti~ to speedy, JO cltpc:OO~ ii W;> 1------------~ i.clr low ia C'Qll. Ste your ckUct' OI' mc:rcbut plwabct-.UC WR J'OV 1------------~ • .... .. 2 .... .. • • .. ~ is hot-waru-happy. . ... .... 71 "' r.c.illc c... o. •n •d n Plenty of Hot Water with &AS ..the beer with the high J .QJll Q11t11chts!) * ---.......... "'°"" ....... B. R. BRINK BKllOFF ... _.. _.__ % Mile ·N. of Hwy. 101 on BW7 39, Huntington Beach MIGHTY MIDGETS :~~!: g :.: : .r:. G SUIDAY' DEC. 1 . ;o:.. !!.:~~on~~bailtee-Good ·.s.:..• .~.tar. 17.ooe. ...,......., u~ """ wpu -Ye raced. Pip ' c<. .. I 1' ~,' 1 • ' • • ,...!••11t...~~...:·-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J!IEl!!:3llEL.a.~t11t.1!!!11: Newport Harbor Assistance League Bridge Draws 300 ; Surpasses All Previous Af fairs Harbor Feminine Activities Need of Teaching Speech to Deaf Oiildren Told by Mrs. Spencer Tracy at PT A Meeting I t wu ,..,U,, a "auper" party, Ruth Seley, J-0xarart. tbat al Fnday beld at Newport Helm Taff-. ~ ~ Harbor Yacht dub and eWen by oon. Eleonore Holltoln, Mn. Eu! NNport Harl>or l>nmdl of the ~ -· Mrs. Vlctoe ~tt. Mn. lllotanoo l..eqlJe ol Oranp county. Ralph Ma•key. Mn. ~. lllra. 1bore were more people, preoait Yarnell. Mn. La Spada. Mn. WU- (300 Wft'< ... ted In the blc dlnlnC bur Buck. Mn. Gruney, Mn. W. room.> more prizes were awarded H. Best. Mn. D. N. Rumell, Ann "Ded but not dumb" uld lllra. To the SUD -Fram 1M C... Spencer Tracy. _ ... nc al the\ 1ro1oes, lllra. Ralph 0ee-plQ>- childrm to wham: lbe bu lfwa Ins the acompenhnenL + • . B & P Women Hear Travel Talk on Mexico Wjth Motion Pictures by Juli~ Ann Hyde (68 In all) and more money WU Heyman, Mn. Jack z.en.,., Mn. Old M<'Xico, land ot the oldest Sadie Fox were wbmen In the railed than !!'Yer before (nearly Buck. Mn. J ohn Woods, Mn. pynm1c1s and ,,.,.,.., volcanoes. blanket mwlnc. Sixty paid mem- '8!>0 ii Oltlmatedl. Howard Tunmonl, Mary Louise great churches and universities. ben were reported and Polly Por· Fourth District, Congress Parents & Teachers Meets at Newport Harbor Union High School ao much al her time, u &he ap-At the social hour lllra. W. :S. i-ttd before an audience al 3:50 Cole -Mn. Mvp Bl-n. llrlt at the annual "Fatben' Nl&bt" and IO<lOlld srade motben, -....S _,._ of the Newport Beacb punch -cooldM -a .U- G,..mmar School Congress ol Pu-oferlnc waa taken wbldt - Reporting a dedcled drop In ju-half hour of mlllllc by tbe high en ts and Teedten held In the $70 to organization - venll clellquency, Mn. Arthur Sip-ICbool bend. directed by Lee Sa· IChool -tarlum. 1be wide expanse ot white waJls Birt~: sidewalk potters, bathing pooh ter wu welcomed as a new mem- under tl>l> deep blue ceiling were Marian Bowman, Mn. Pooley, filled with gardenias and canals ber with othen to be honored at a perfect backgrouild for the Katie Gardiner, Mrs. Dutton, Mrs. with fl<>Wl!r·laden boats; all that the next meetlnc. Flora Bums. a IP'OUPo of quaint and channing Ricard. Mrs. P . G. Neary, Mn. eoes to malt• the """"""" ol tbe guest, """ the raffle p<Ue ol a carolers, cut out and painted by Henroten, Mrs. Carl Green. Mrs. country to tbe sooth was displayed beautifully arranpd basket1 ol gro. MJ:s;-Salvador Monaco. Silvery tin Powell, Mrs. Penny, Mrs .. ~ack in a series ot colored motion pk:-eerie& donated by Mina H~~'. ani:els with golden curls and bear-Cole. Helen Gould, Mrs. Killifer, tures taken by Mrs.. Julia Ann There were 43 present WI.th lng little red candle! were on each Mrs. Neice Mn. Hamhaw, Mn. Hyde ot Santa Ana who was ruest guests lncluding Mary ~ table f°' the prize, and others in Hendry, Mrs. Cort, Mn. Stanley speaker for the Business and Pro-Sharpley, Marpret Heldenrelcb. various Sizes were sold at a booth Andersoo, Mn. Goodyear, Mn. Es-fessional Women's club at their Kay Crandall. Frances Sberriffl u were Ou'istttw evergi eons. terbrook. Mn. Dean C8mpbell, dinner meetJna Thunday .....ma and Flora Burns. Mrs. Willard Killion was general Jean Dilts, ~anda Moffett. Mrs. at White's Parle Avenue cale. -------- chairman, but everyone helped Hennann Hilmer. Mrs. Nutten, Dorothy SUlherland -ldod P i Phis Hear make the party a success. 'Ibe Mrs. Lake, Mrs.. Roy Harvey, Viv-and the speaker WU ln~ dulirman, Mrs. George Yardley, Ian Bodman and· Mn. Nolder. by Marie Hamilton, procram Convention News presided at the microphone an-Mercantil~ establishments w~ch chairman. Mrs. Hyde, who is head Braving the rain of Wednesday noundng numben ot the winning ~ted ~ were: Blue Sails: of a travel bureau, gave an in-members of Pi Bf.ta Phi found a tickets. stationery, John. AbeU, sweater, teresting talk on travel, from the Mark~t Spot, $5, v.agabon~ Shop, time when one went by train or warm welcome awaiting them at Al Anderson won the $100 cash pekaki shell beads, KeitJ:I s Jew-boat until the present day ot air· the home or the presJdent. Mrs. award and Mn. Sawtell the $50 elery, cheese, server; Virginia Bell line speed and comfort. and told Stanley Chambers ot Udo Isle, award. The Kay Flnch luncheon Bea~ty Shop, compact; Newport about the scenes which were pie-when they arrived for luncheon. set went to · Mrs. Nelson Neice. Pub~c ~et, $10 order; William tu.red during several tripe. A genial fire burned in the fire- Door prizet were drawn in order Omtiston, liquor; Balbo6 Pharm-Welcomed back was Dorothea place, dispelling the gloom of the aamed by Mrs. Allen Harvey, Mn. 8:cy· Tabu perfume; Bob M~rphy, Wilson, junior past president, who day as 20 members gathered Eddie Moore, Mary Ann Brown, liquor; Balboa. Uquor store. liquor; returned last week from Korea round. Wine Chrysanthemums and Mrs. Helen Parke, Mrs. S . W. Q-ruo Shoppe, manicure set: Surf where illness forced her to give up silver-blue candles carried out Blackbeard, Mrs. Winifred Barbre, &: Sand, $10 order; Balboa Mar-her work of installing libraries for Pi Phi colors. Mrs. J . F . Parke Mrs. MacKenzie, Mn. E'Lecta ket, turkey; the Army or Occupation. and J..trs. John Woods were assist- 'lboma.s, Mrs. H . L. J ohnson, Mrs. Island Electric shop, coffee set Clarice Brown and Dorothy ing hostesses and Mrs. L. K. Ells- Joseph cross, Mrs. Ralph Deaver, and set or records ; Udo EJectric Sutherland reported on the work berry poured Mrs. Grundy; shop, electric pe.d ; South Coast being done to secure 8 youth cen· Mn. Nita Carman of Laguna Boat company, double boiler; ter and assisting Mrs. Brown. who Beach gave an intere!ting r ep::irt Ocean Front market, $5; TeWinkJe is the B&.PW delegate ot the coun-of the Pi Phi convention held In hardware, pyrex. bowls; Polly Ap-cU , are Mildred Stanley, Marian June at Swampscott, Mass and pare!, slip ; Davis & Gay, records, ltfcChesney Joan Herrick and also told of the con'fentions of Fitzpatrick's. coasters; Newpon Ruth Hershey. other major sororities and of their White House Cafe Costume Jewelry · Shell and Indian .Jewelry pharmacy, pine bath set and Har-M rs. Harold Steck and Mrs. charities. riet Hubbard A yres bath set, Nina's, $10 money order . ·corona deJ Mar shops were. Ho-CASTAWAYS' CHAI IER By NANCY NEWPORT . ,,_..,._ .. herd of Orance. .,...iclent o f win and the high school chorus Mn. Tracy told her own 1toey Fourth Di<trict, Orone• County directed by Mia Marie Hlebsch, of flndlne her son to be deaf, her Con&ftU, of Parenti and T eachers wu followed by a p.anel discus-work with him leading her later attributed it largely to work done lion on "Home Service and Fam-to establish the clinic where ., In this field by the P·TA when Uy Ufe''. many deaf children and their _. she presided at the district meet-Mrs. Dailey led tn the discus-ents are now being taught to ing held in Newport Harbor Union lion and Uxwe talcinc put were cooper~te in the problem of edu- High school auditorium. Mn. Marvin Schrader of Garden cation. Mn Sipherd called the meet-Grove whose subject was "Charac-~e valuli of speech wu stres- ing to order at 10 a.m. and Shella ter and Spiritual Education; Mn. led by Mn. 'ftacy, for finger and Howe and Loonlta Vincent, Sen-Harry Burdick ot. ,Colt& 111-. sign laneu&r ii valuable only to ior Scouts fn>m the Girl Scout "Con-tion and Thrift"; Mn. thooe ,..,. Wbo can use and under- A1sociltlon of Newport Harbor, J. L. Arnold of Anaheim. "Home stand 1\ and a youngster equipped ied In the 0ac salute. and Family Ufe"; Mn. C. W . with that tRlnlnc alone cannot ' Rev. E. D. Goodell gaw the In-.Plckham of Fullerton. "Reading convone with those Wbo do not vocation and Mrs.. Harry Burdick ahd Ubrary Service;" Mn. Robert underitand tbe method, she stat- of Costa Mna. dlatrict program Roehm of Anaheim, .. Parent Edu-ed. chairman for the day, introduced cation." · Mrs. Edcar H1U JlftS(ded at the Sidney H. Davidson, principal of The meetlnc closed with an In· meetlnc. T . Weston Jay, president the' high school. who welcomed vocation by the Rev. Carl John· of the ICbool board, led in tbe the delecates. C. E. Gillpln, u -son. flag ~ute and. U.aoked S uperln· aistant superintend.ant of Orange Assisting the executive board of tendent H. o: Ensign and mem- County schools, thanked members the high school were Mn. Edgar ben of the bOard for their fine for their help and support in get-Hill, president of Newport Beach work in behalf of the children. ting voters to the polls at the Gramar School Parent -Teacher Announcements were made of recent election and in .working for A.uociation a nd officers, Mrs. the Youth Center meeting at the the propositions 1ponsored by the Haviland Rogers. Mn. Raymond USO rooms, the Fourth District schools. Harvey, Mrs. G. Rapp, Mrs. H . O. meeting of Congress of Parents Mn. Daniel J. Dalley of Loi Boyvey and Mrs. L. Hostetter. and Teachers N?v. 21_ at New- Angeles. state chaym.an of home . port Harbor Uruon High school and family life, w .a s principal Present from Costa Mesa Gram-and of the training course for speaker, emphasl..zfug the lmpor-ma: ~chool Parent-Teacher A5-CUb Scout leaders opening Nov. tance of a formed plan in the soctation were th .e . Mesdames 25 at the Corona del Mar school. rearing of a family, beginning in Gene Wag~ner, William Q-oss, Mn. Ray Harvey, program childhood and giving training in Harry Burdick. Kenneth ~tewart, chairman, presented Mrs. Walter spiritual values. Claude ~derson, Ed ?tfirkovich, Spicer, violini$t, in two numbers, Luncheon was served in the ~oyd S~bury, Arlow Hayward, ------------ school cafeteria where floral ar-Richard _D1tbnar, R-Oy Roush, Ray rangernents in autumn tones had Trautwein, Ernest McClellan, Ar- been arranged by Mrs. Jerrold th': r Anderson, Byro~ Fenley, Spangler. Marie Parker and Speclal guests, At the afternoon program a Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rea. EbeJI Club to Share Xmas Music Program Social Evening for Fire Auxiliary Son Born to , Island Couple Mr. and Mrs. James M. Keeler, 220 Agate avenue, Balboa Island, welcomed their ·rirSt child, a son, born Nov. 5 at St Joseph hospital and weighing. nine pounds, two ounces. He was named James gan's market, $10 order; Hamp. ton's Harbor drugstore. perfume; Nonnan's nursery, plant; Sloan's nursery, plant ; Perry Hardware. spice set; the J ewel shop, salt and pepper set; the Lanai shop, salt and pepper set; Brookings Variety store. doll; Wally's Liquor store, bourbon; the Stork Penthouse, bath set; Gene's, salad oil ; Karen· Margreta, jam-jar. DEAR MISS NEWPORT:-We read your chatter and gi~le. In- cidentally we frequently dine at Castaways and got to wondenng la.st night whY don't you quote a bit or the BACK-STAGE chatter that goes on behind the sacred portals or that door marked nIE GALLEY, NO ADMlTI'ANCE. MAGIC KEITLES & OTHER SE=. What GOES ON there--and what do the nice gals say about us be.hind our Generously sharing with as backs who smile so sweely to our FACF.S ! &. Don! Mrs. D ! Stanley? many friends as possible their fin- (No signature). est program of the year, Ebell club Newport Beach Firemen's Aux-Davis. iliary met with ltlrs. Geneva Day-Mrs. Keller is the former Mar- nard, 211 28th street with the Jon Davis, daughter of Mrs. Helen evening being spent at Court Davis, Corona del Mar and the his H !din paternal grandparents are Mr. w t. 0 g h..igh score wu and Mrs. M . L . Keeler of Balboa Delicious THANKSGIVING DINNERS I ~ VJ "Cap'n" Don s . e~,p elNI. "Moo& UDi• ..,. Al1lotle -. -.. .P!w • u.. weei Orfltlll" ~ -Combination Dinners ~ New aad Unusual Seafood Specialties Fur~ BEACON '5465 l_jALLMARK .,, CARDS for Christmas Others were: Walker's Frozen Food Locker. a pie; Sawyer's Sport shop, men's slippers; She shop.. sweater and Mn. Joseph cro.s of Arcadia. fruit cake. FORRF.sT the ~o~~~B ~~HONF.S in this area is holding their Ouistma.s musical are gonna he ON THE BUM about HALF THE TIME • • • and I'VE program in the Corona de! Mar GOT DINNER ready .•• 1 wish SOMEbody would tell EVERYbody school auditonum at 2:30 p. m. to COME ON UP AN EAT it ---NEVER MIND the doggone ~one! Thursday, Dec. S. The school is Lll.., the SALAD .GAL: ru... NEVER SLEEP A W1NK till the on Carnation avenue, just off Alma Johnson, with June Kiddie Island. low. '::::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:~~==;:;:=:=:=:=:::=;=:=:=:=='. Maxine Connell received t h e 11 ,...,.. :: OOllt-···· lewehj Newport Souvenir and Oift Shop IIOI 0-. Proat We Wrap Gltls Scotch tape, various lizet:, on aale at the Newa-Tlmes . Kurt Bohmans came back up and have dinner on the house! LORD Coast highway. knows we won't BUY ~ but the best -• · bu\ we can't take a The C.a.llfomla Singers, an oc- BITE out o fa good looking steak to make sure it IS! and GEE whiz, tette ot mixed voices, will &tve a they're SUCH nice folks! lbat ONE tough steak WOULD hav~ 1to four-part procram consisting ot happen to TIIEM! "'"'"-1• p1r1~·-•-1ar BOBBY the GALLEY MATE:-(and God·Mother of Sweetheart. ma-..,-. s •~. popu num· the goat-fnascot of the Club) U they dOn't stop cleaning up these hers and the Pel"5ian Garden suite, plates out front ••. SWEETHEART will STARVE to DEATH!_..;,., interspersed with humorous songs. STEWART. Asst. CHEF: Ya know it's FUN to be APPRECIA1..., The president, Mrs. Broe<! Mc- ---I 'D rather work here, during bad weather than go to Palm~· Bride, bas; invited officers of all . -• LETS GET TOGETIIER and keep this place open ALL . ! county clu&s and members of the EDDIE, the POl\TER: I've NEVER cleaned up after such NI Newport Harbor branch ot the PEOPLE! Why they treat this place like It was 'l'HEIR OWN HOME! Asaistan~ League, while all mem· STANLEY, the Daddy of that Herr MULLED WINE (and with SPICES!) What I like best, next to lookin' at those boats on the ba,y bers are urged ~o bring guests. raffle prize and Norma Brisco, who wu absent, received a gift from her seaet pal. At the close of an enjoyable evening the ltos- tess served refreshments. Those present were the Mes- dames Esther J ohnson, A I m a Thom~. J ean McDonald, Max- ine Connell •. J une Ktddie, a pros- pective member I Mona Hayden and the hoste11. The next meeting will be Dec. 17 at the Newport Heichts home of Either Johnson ~, ... A Gorgeous Display of Distinctive, ExcluSive TABLE LAMPS is when those Island-happy folks come up with their ulces -• - I UKE Decon.tions will be in charge of TO SING BARBERshop! the newly organized J'!fllor section I;:;:=:::=::=::=::=:::=::=::=:::=::=:=:;; MARY·UZ WAITRESS: Do WE LOVE our DISHES -• • 18"' and hostesses at tea Will be Mn. ntght a lady Ordered coffee FIRST ---just show her friends the F. A. Young and members of her The most outstanding collection of. table lamps to be found in the Southland. demi-tub ---and sit and LOOK at it! ways a nd means committee. BERNICE, WAITRESS: We LOVE to hear that I.onnie Vincent J :;::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:::=::=::=:::=:=: party laugh ! . , DOTTIE. W A!TRESS : YES •.. and the WOLDENbergs · -· it 's Hairline Accuracy the KIND of laughter ANYbody would love to hear! It FITS OUR lt'IUSIC! There can be no devi&-BETI"l, WAITRESS ' For Gosh sakes Cap'n Don · · • that Dick tion from instructions Richards wants to reserve a table e"·ery Saturday night for the next flllln t SLX WEEKS! In prescription g. JEANNE, WAITRESS' Say. CAP··· I wa nt a part in this deal. That's why our stock I'd LOVE to make the winter costumes for all the girls · -· MAY I? 0 fessen tlal drugs ls DON : I wouldn't take a MILLION BUCKS for the FUN l'M alw ays complete; our having! ~ 1tlit " lit t« ,.i. '"" phannaclsts a re a 1-lt1RS. OON: That grx>S for me too! '9.,.W....,_.....,._ ..c._'-"':7" ME TOO, PLEASE llK ,.w. ..._, O.. ... 0 "';J W &)'"S cauti<>OS-NANCY NEWPORT, your SCRIBBLING SCRIBE: Outside of my ..., s.a.. job ---I 'M having FUN TOO! Let's MAKE that merry crew keep llARMACT the Castaways open all winter ! ln ract I'VE got one of those wild Ted Brown BALBOA p · fl owered skirts I 'LL contribute! And thanks just as much for your HAMPTON BARBOR DRUG nice note and invite to lunch Mister Gerhardt --~ I have l\fUCH more 1&wu.&a NEWPORT PllABMACY fun INCOGNITO. BESIDES --- I DON'T trust your J?romise to se-~~1~10~'~"~--~~0l~, .. ~~c~~'"~·~-~~===================i I crecy. -• you·re MUCH too quick with your trigger-finger on that "Rendezvous al the Marlnen" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAB ............. WONDERFUL NEW SELECTIONS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CASUALS AND DRESSY TYPE DRESSES OF GABARDINE, WOOL OR CREPE IN BRlGHT NEW COLORS ONE-AND '!WO.PIECE STYLES wrn1 ALL THE ADVANCED DETAILING LONGER PUSH·UP SLEEVES LONGER SKIRT TO WEAR NOW AND ALL "nmOUGH SPRING SIZES 9 TO 15 AND 10 TO 20 flashlight camera! BUT -.. I'll be eating Thanksgiving dinner at Castaways ---it r ou say HELLO NANCY to the \VRONG woman ---the Spiced Wine is on YOU · --if NOT, I'LL foot the bill~ 0 . K . ! SO much for the BACK of the House! BACK TO THE FRONT HARVEST MOON · · · TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME ---HONEY BOY Jack Norworth HIMSELF and the sweet ?tin. din· Ing in the Olart Room and laughing with Don about the IDGH COST OF DREAMS. Jack has a Shop _in Laguna featuring nIE WORLD IN MINIATURE and IT IS A MUSEUM · • . I'VE SEEN IT ••. In fact it's SO MUCH a museum that folks will wander pop.eyed. for hours . gazing at his FABULOUS exhibits, and WISH he would charge aclQliss.ion so they could stay longer ---then, as they are about t o leave ask timidly Do you EVER SELL any of theSft wonderful things? That's what I had in MIND. says he, when I signed my lease! F\mny pa.rt IS he was as n1ce to me when l bought a miniature deck ot cards. AND they ARE cute. and I WIN at &in-rummy with 'em --. he was AS NICE as though I had spent twenty or a hundred for a REAL souvenir • --Instead of just my lit tie buck and a half! Another time it seems, a gaJ of his own vintage who KNEW he was one of the country's greatest song-writers wandered in. past his name on the door • • • and said WHAT are all thOR sc>ng1 doitq' aCJ'tliSS that wall • • • Fella named NORWORTH wrol• •em. says Jack. DOES HE COME IN OFTEN? queries the pl! YEP, says Jack ---J Stt tllM EVERY DAY! FOLKS!· -·GO SEE JACK! He's TERRIFIC! -· · u he ALWAYS WAS -· • AIL-J....J....L light ... I DID ... him · line HONEY BOY! YES, Wally· · • l'M THAT OLD! I only HOPE my aplrlt's a.a younc and sparkling as Jack's! F N ...i Shep AND orexa CllAJUIING PZOPLE e ranees 01Lon ,,.;.;_~~~t~i:.=c::::~~b~~~ n.._ __ 77 * £._....... crow.D foe Joe L. Stamp Sr., Tho Guests included Mr. tamp Sr .• 1U1ll1D' WJNJ~ ·-Mr. and Mn. Joe L. Stamp, J r., the Arthur Cannons. V. Dilts, Mn. Marp.ret Long It Mils Elizabeth Long, Mn. mner, and •=I =1~·~·~·=-:•~lw~q Mn., Dell.: Brown. ' -11 ' • --Jllils. (1111••-•' .._, - --'-I saw Jack Lawnnce. tbe J . W. Hemstreets al Leon Nld>ols ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~l trom the Island. Dick Rlchard'1 brotber, R.H., ol Anaheim was enter· ii ii talnlnc. u were the Geom Pftmeys, and the Martt A. Plorees were lntroduclnc the Elton C. Hallett1 to a CUta-.ya dinner. Brick It Mn. Gaines ......e IWOPllinc fantastic animal 1torios with the Dicker' • mana. and the famous H .. dley llHdlcomber family,§· ured ~Uy Expert in mag. and on screen. ....,.. swapping flotsam and with Don. .AND • --J.-8lltl Dick Vopl ....,.. proudb' p<-n the club with a pair al rope-soled canvu sandals mode on Pltcolm by me al Beauticians HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop A N-Bnlldlng New FadllUos Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery • --Installation Free Estimates For Quick 8ervlee <Jail Beacon 5004-J 1012 23rd SL Costa !ti- DELICATESSEN and Food Store • .A.II l!ehde, PNflU"'d Dally, .-.17 for yoar dtw·ertahk ·~-· • • a.w-. TarbJ • lllLr.-...idele Pim . ' • TaNe '•••1 lw aot an•t rz 1a u.e...--.rooc1•1-. • at aars for Milady the de9cotldants ol the Bounty mutinttrs • • --nlERE ii a REAL Castaways curio! They _.. sent to Dlck ---that makes HIM a l'ftl ,member! ...___. llP1'JGlAL UJNCll&ON • I'• ~ .,,._.u, • hrr tit ~ "*.... Bair ~air TlnUnc ---B1 11:L tac. f¥lalL Soft -ttt uoed OX• -• • waa elven Monday by Mn. S. K. -.,. al Santa Ana. oe rather ..... !• .....a. ... tile by her Group 4 al the Woman'• Oty Cub al Long Beach. About thirty be-* a•• or ta eat of CLOTHES !'OR MEN AND BOYS s~ $~SI.op I01 Marlae A"" IW-W.- l'lloao-rl71 Modem and period designs -large and small -incomparable creations of ex· elusive American studios. Distinctive bases with with beauty richly emphasized by their original, custom-made shades and the rare imaginative talent ot their creators. Be sure to see this display now-while stock is so complete. • $6.50 to $105.00 Feel free tO come in and browse around. We are al- ways happy to have you visit our shop which is now replete with exclusive and unusual gifts. Select Your Gilts Now Suggestions: Women's Watches Men's Watches • Rings Cocktail, Birthstones • • • • Pearls Brooches Earrings Diamond Sets Ol'lltmfG 8PIO&L Slher Q•s m For Charm Bnceleta TWO :Z.°:. ONE '42" .. Costume JEWELRY Many ~ Dcdp to CbcKlR Fram diiolftly. !10 WAftl!l'CI au-... Sltllft· members and half a domn auests Wet"e preserst. One ot the-mmmen. • •m• la a. ~ ~~=....~ 0:,t':.t'!i.° !:~..,.;'= ~~ Ara. e T .A. ll I: ADV .A.:N TA 0 I: 0 I' 7 0 UK L.A. Y ·.A.· W .A. Y ~i::~~.;:!::.::~="'=*farba~~ su~~r:niral Van.'_s Jewelry .• 11 •0 PL.AN • - I STILL think Dlcketw Is. LOUSY PIRATE! Last~ be l'llnr ..... •u :ti;;.'l"-ln LAST In°:" S.SA ~ ----be ~IJ;.-----·-------"' .. __ u __ ,_._-_7 _._,_._._._._._._._-____ ._..., ____________ c_>C1_•_•_·_--__ .a;...:..J Newport Blvd. . a--===-· 'I'-~ ""ll:i:: .......... Balboa Inn Beauty Salon _._ ....... • •• I '