HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-05 - Newport Balboa News Times. • I 11 SAND CRAB - KI CP P08TBDI 1 T-...... ... ~ Os fl .... .,..,0 \ ..,.._.,_ -~ ... ·· .. ...... r ?'· lfwp;at .... - BALBOA .NEWPORT • .,.,, 0-zp 01 \ Wtd,,. 11.-.... .. ">• ... ... ... el Cir@ I "pp ~ EMBRACING BALBOA ·PENINSULA, WEST NEWPOR , SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE. NEWPORT .HEIGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA .DEL MAR, COSTA r.tESA SAM ro1.m mtm $11111-' Financial Response to Childre n's Wing Phase of Hospital Campaign Encourages Harbor Drive Leaders OP4 Tells How Fam 'ly Can Get Sug r Tabs Now Tom Halliwell Chosen President Hats Off to Navy Harbor Lawn Bowlers Association; For Aiding Stork Macintosh Offers Trophy as Prize Delivery of Baby Harborir Aided By House Fa11 · THE W ANDEBEK. That I model of retired gentility, the regular Sand Crabber, refuses to come home and go to work, seemingly believing that earning a few million bucks entitles one to a rest. In the spirit of public in- formation for which this col- umn is noted, we wish to in- form regular readers that our Mr. M. is now in Oakdale, California, on another one of his visits that are liable to be anything from one to six m onths. His intentions were to be gone for one week, but we'll believe it when we see him. Meanwhile, we shall con- tinue to dispense choice bits of information, helpful hints on h usbandry and priceless pieces of pot-pourri. + • • Radio. For our relaxing millions who enjoy their en- tertainment in arm-chair comfort, radio has been a gift more precious than the soap powder on which it lives. With but a twist of a wrist, a not-too-choosy , lis- tener can hear a couple get- With another $1000 pledge gar- nered overnight to make their total to date $51,234.39, the New- port Harbor district's volunteer campaign committee renewed its efforts to reach its quota of S75.· 000 in the Orange County Pres- byterian Hospital fund drive to- day. Appeals are being made for pledges and subscriptions f r om out ot town people, summer resi- dents and boat owners, who de- rive much pleasure by their activ- ities in the harbor districts the year around or during the sum- mer months. The Newport Harbor committee has adopted a unique slogan for the renewed drive. It ls, "Give a Christmas Present to Your City and to Your FamiJy by Giving to the Presbyterian HO!pital No"''·" The desperate need for a hos- pital build.int in the Newport Har- bor district was more pointedly brought to the fore by the recent crash of two railway traJns at Cypress, the committee states. Hospitals all over the county which were oper ating to 100 per- (Contlnued on Page Six) ting married, a myster y B lb w II thriller, history in the mak-a oan ·1 Ing, a cacaphonous orchestra or a foghorn gently hinting Gas Station Mari Robbed James Scanlon, attendant at the Arches service station, The Arches and Coast hlgh"•ay, New- port Beach. was held up and rob- bed or $78 by a hi ghwayman Tues- day, accorcUng to a report to the Newport police. Scanlon told police that the man held his hand in his pocket as if holding a revolver and de- manded his money. The service station man said the holdup man wore dunga'rees and "'as about 22 years old. Theft of Firewood T\\.·o armloads of firewood were stolen from the Cook home at TIS Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle. Monday night, a police report said. The rire\Yood was stored in a storage box. City Kiwanians Join in Laguna Charter Event ~th:oo~~~ty of under-Erect House To our slightly twisted Some 300 persons attended the way of thinking, the two best O he M charter night program given for shows on today's version Of n t esa the New Laguna Beach Kiwanis Marconi's Miracle are Henry club by Orange County Kiwaninas \V I t the closing of OPA'I boards t,-iroughout Southern Cali- fornia aj new procedure for ob- taining "gar rationing forms and applicatipns was announced today by Jackson Carle, newly appointed director I or the Southland O PA sugar r8i'tioning branch office. Application forms for period.Jc allotmenl.s to industriaJ and ina:ti- tutional lusers will be mailed di- rectly from the regional issuance un1t in San Francisco. All other forms for both con- sumer a?d commercial users will be avait..,ble at the branch office located a,t 1206 Santee Street, Los Angeles. Thes<? may be obtained either by a personal call or by mail, witfl officals asking that re- quests bt:J made by mail. Sugar \\'holesalers and retailers wiJJ be mailed supplies of gummed sheets flor mounting ration stamps, Additional gummed sheets may be obtained upon "Titten applica- tion to tbe regional office at 1267 Mission street, San Francisco. Limited supplies will be available at the Southland branch office, Carle said. Bandit Robs Tustin Store Orange county police were ask- ~ to be on the lookout Tuesday night tor a 26-year-old holdup man who robbed $50 from the ca.sh register of the Tustin Var.iety store in B. street, Tustin. The holdup man is described as being slim with dark brown hair about five feet, seven inches in heighth. He weighed about 120 to 130 pounds. He was seen to drive away in a cream colored a utomobile. Cafe Robbed of Cash King's Landing cafe at 611 Thirty-first street, Newport Beach. was burglarized out of S58 sometime Tuesda:r morning by a night proWl<'r. The money was kept in a .cigar box, police were told. On the evening of Saturday, No- vember 23rd. the Newport Har- bor Lawn Bowling club held Its annual meeting at the home of Colonel and Mrs. J . C. Baqer, 1419 West Bay av~nue ,Newport Beach. Among those present were Tom Halliwell, president :Herbert & Wheeler, vice-president; A. B. Rousselle. Capt. C. V . McCarty. Richard Macintosh. Mark Taylor, Percy Williamson and Col. Bauer. Following the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, the president expresse<J his regret at the absence or William Jones, the secretary-treasurer of the club, and announced that Mr. J ones had signified his intentions to re- sign as secretary-treasurer, and wished to be relieved ot his duties forthwith. It was then moved and seconded that a vote of thanks be tendered to ~tr. Jones for his past faithful services over the rvany years he had filled the post Of secretary. The president spoke of.the kind- ness of Mr. Macintosh in present- ing the club with a silver cup to be played for annually by the (Continued on Page Six) ~ PEN~,B~~~~N!.~~o~~~~,,L1T1Es Co. Medical -·. .• Unit Elects New Board Morgan and Fred Allen, both in the Huntington Beach Memor- of which feature the lam-lal Hall on Monday night. New officers of the Orange ...-....;........ of the industry Jesse A. Black, well known Feature of the event was the JA-ll-1.16 County Medical associations in-which feeds them. Main street, Balboa, photographic presentation of a charter by Bcn- H stalled at a meeting held in Santa To some people, this is un... stud1o proprietor, was among Jamin . Pratt, district governor , , Ana this week will serve for one tefu). T •t is good those who received perm.Its from which was accepted by Howard .; gra 0 me 1 the county building de"-·-· ..... ent on G'W)'n, president .of the Laguna year. entertainment and in gratl-~ _,. 1 They are, Dr. Russell I. John· tude I faithfully _,_.... •• ~ Wednesday to build In Costa club. son of Ml~·ay Qty, pres1·dent·. · tAU~ M AS SPonson of the new group ~... J uw the products that sponsor ':~ck. who was a building con-the Newport Harbor KJwanls club ...... l Dr. Milo Tedstrom of Santa Ana. my favorite comics. I use tractor for several years prior presented gifts. In the formal • .~ .... ·• vice president; Dr. L. E . Wilson Schick T .. w....t... blades of Anaheim, secretary and treas-~"'r razor to entering the photographic pro-ceremony vice prNldent Dr. Ger--. 1 1 urer; Dr. C. C. Violett of Garden to sharpen my pend.ls and teuion. owns three dwellings and aid Winkler accepted them fr:om Grove, librarian and Dr. A. H. elve Tend« Leaf tell bags, some land In the Mesa area. Fay Blower, praldent of the New-• ! Lagun dl9gul9ed u al"ODUlth:-sa.-'The building departinent issued port Harbor club. ~~.. ,~ Wightman of a Beach, coun- cbets to my friends at Xmas. him a permit for the con1tructJon Another phase of the .program ;, dl~. L. F. Whittaker of Hunt-....__ wha is wonde f d u· -"th attached gar was the installation of Lt. Gov.-J.iust's t IO r.. 0 a we tng .,.., · -ington Beach was elected editor n th north .' .de of 19th Elect Joe Davis by Dr. NOrman ful about radio. All that en-age 0 e of the Bulletin, offJcial organ of tt-rtainment free with the street, 400 feet east or Placentia Abbott, newJy elected district gov-,, the association and Dr. Edward dded rlvil of h · street tO cost S3500. ernor. J. Lee Russell, the county health ot-a P ege eanng Other permits for the erection Entertainment "'as furnished by about a choice product that of properties in Costa Mesa were the La Harbra and Whittler clubs fleer, was elected associate editor. b th ·r Dr. Johnson succeeds Dr. John sweetens your rea , re-issued to the following : and by Willard Bassett and Art moves moles from your ln· B. c . Olson of 1008 w . Camille Cannon of Laguna. J . Montanw: of Tustin, county ' surgeon. who was president of step and smells under water St., Santa Ana, for three garages the association until the recent A stork becomes a befudled bird when things go wrong, especially when t h e prospectively happy couple are doing their damdst to get the old buggy-wagon t:o make time on the way to the A lhock. occukmed b7 a fllll hospital. from lier bed lo -117 1*1- When the automobile · of Mr . .adaaa 1io bawe 4 1M1pe&el Ill put and Mrs. Jack LeFebvre' of 110 a lllood clot ....... ..,. (49" tf Pearl avenue Balboa Island. act· lln.. t Jniu McEwea, 15.. wife .r ed up stubbo~y and just wuuldn•t William F. Mc.Ewen. OWllN ef go farther than midway between ---Ooarta, -"' - Costa Mesa and the old arrny -et Ml 1'.91\t Centnl •--base, things began to look 'Vft'Y for die put two-and • •ett~~ blue for the trusting bird. Jin. McEwen, who .._ .._ ...,._, w!Ul --~ Fortunately the Navy was close •• ..__ tllat 1 _..._od, --.. behind. Two sailors, who offered --. 0 111' r"" • mo mechanical aid immediately took ,_., tide la IGCJI: • ..,.....,r e&rt7' . WedMtday mornlna' tbat ebe fell in the arcums":"~· Jent a h~d from her bed and struck her head to t h e perspmng prmpective on the floor before her husband father and mother, and ere long could catch her and forestall the got ~trs. LeFebvre to St. Joseph's fall. hospital. th I · -~· "Th t N ber 21,. After e nJury, Mr. M ......... en, a was ove~ • re-who has patiently cared for her ported t he Stork a little late with throughout her sickness tele- the neYo'S, "the date that the Navy J,honed for pn ambulance i°utd the and I 1~rought a new boy into the nurse, Mrs. Laura Murray ot world. . . Santa Ana, and the injured ~ The tiny bundle tipped the man was taken to Community he.· scales at five pounds and 13% pital. ounces. Following a consultation of phy- Costa Mesa Kin Returns Woman To Community sicians it was agn>ed that the shock of the fall may have broken the clcit or moved it to a different location from the pressure point, since Mrs. McEwen showed signs ot recognition of peopJe around her for the first time since she was made a victim of paralysis. • Though she still cannot utter a LAGUNA, Dec. 5-A call issued word of normal speech due to the by Reno police for assistance in conditions which confined her to identifying a woman In a halpi-her bed over two years ago, I.be ta1 in that city brought result. does give some indication by the over the weekend, when the sher-reflection ot her eyes and eye.lids iffs office of Orange county J!S-that she can hear what is beina- tablished her name u Mrs. LeRoy saJd and knowa now what is ~ Clink, who before her recent mar-pening around her, Mr. McEwen riage ln Texas wu Anne Henko-said witz of Laguna. Hoopltal attaches and a physl- Mn. Clipk, at flnt thought to clan told [McE:wm that h1I wife be a victim of amneSla, later re-SllStalned a fracture of the rteht vealed her Identity. The llberift'a !es ln the fall. but otherwise suf- ofice got In touch wttft her afa:ter-t ered no m effects. They said the In-law, a Mn. Manntnc ot Coot.a Balboa woman would be confined Mesa, who went to Reno Saturdq to the ~ta! for 10 days, after on learning of her whereabouts which ahe can ~ taken home. and returned with her to Calta Mesa. Several Laguna resident. l'l!C'- ognized the picture of the distres- sed woman when it was publiahed in Saturday's Long Beadt Press Telegram. W. T . Ericaon of this paper informed Police Chief Paul Johnson. that she wu the former owner of Annette's Dress S hop on Broadway. Midgets Race At .Oil City tor two years without chang. on the north side of Hamilton St., Islanders election. Ing the needle. 300 feet "'est ot Harbor Blvd., -------A d• • • • s2600 each. H Addr State ! U 1ence Third time may be the charm Industry. All Of which To Harry V. Bandee of Costa ' OWe esseS for Bob Ware and Harold Mathew- brings us to the simple Mesa fo r a residence on the north Plan Yule i Chamber Thursday oon and their new Huntington In Inaugural things In life-local affairs. side of 20th St.. 300 feet eoast opf To~~ • A I • Beach Speedway. an all-purpose J In didn't Orange Ave., SSOOO: to · · ...., H bb d H . .d t (( aims cl t di I ted ust case you Featherstone of Costa Mesa for a ""< u ar owe, vice-pres1 en auto ra ng s a um. oca on know it, our 'neighboring resfdence an the south side of 16th F t• •t• I' of the South Coast company, will . Highway 39, one-quarter mi I e ~~t ~:i:ri~Be~~ ~~feet east of Orange Ave.. es IVI 1es . \ ~~::. :.:~e:~a?i,~~d;y~e~a~~ Voca1·1st :t::1un°Jn:!~~w::ac~~l just south the vulgar acquaintanceship To Stanley K. Burbank of Costa •. __ * _ address the State Chamber of Rained out on two previous at-ot a million dollar m. ..i.-+-. Mesa for a dwelling on the north-Commerce on the subject of small tempts to embark on regular A Sporting goods CO'"';;~ west side of Acacia St., 415 feet Balboa Island Will glow With fes~ L ELAINE WEISS harbor needs. weekly speed competition, the pair with th Ilk I cogn men Of' northeast of Mesa Dr., $5000. tive colored lights and gay decora-• Howe ls chairman of the small BY CLINTON LD SAWIN have billed a colorful 78-lap In-e e Y 0 tive effects beginning next Tues-Realtor harbors committee of the state .augura] championship midget auto Sportsmen. Ltd., has bid a day when the entire Orange coast chamber. He will be gone three Close to 8CkJ people attended racing show for this coming Sun- staggering sum for a certain c M area begins its Otrlstmas ce1ebra-L. Elaine Welu Js truly • naUve dauc'tter for she wu born ta days. the inaugural event of the newly day afternoon. The field of more th theast Sl.de t a u· Cotta M-..._ but u her ste~father wu a belMt. d riller with '&be UnJon formed Newport Har~ ~-th 40 dri will b k acreage on e sou OS a es on. Oii Co., ~t; lam.Uy moved about to acUve oll ftelds. Elaloe went ~ \,,.A,QU-an vers . em ar on propose to build a large fac-ations were formulated Wednesday (l'Mluated u valedlctortan of ber clw, &Dd t.ck t.o Norwalk for was presented at the Newport and will be squared off for the. of the dty on which they Plans tor the island-Wide decor-tb.rouch j~he alxth era.de In Norwalk. then to K1nc Ctty where llbe Autos Co11·1de, munity Concert association which qualifying trials at 12:30 p.m .. tory for the manufacture of night at a meeting of 34 members hlch IChftOI. Harbor Union High school audi-firlt race at 2 p.m. rtaJn · oods As s t E • of the BaJboa Island Businessmen's She •tudJed for secretarial work which claimed her attention onUJ torium on Friday even!ng, Ne>-The new stadium, built to spec- oe sporting g . cou s nJOY association "''hich was held in lD 1940 ilbe marrled Georce B. Wet.. aulstant to the dl9trict frelP,t p 1· A vember 29. ifications designed and ordered by we understand it, the pn>-White's Coffee Shop on the Island. agent ot ithe Southern Pad.ft~ railroad.. i ln .June of t hat yeu he waa 0 1c· e ccuse The !election r:A Mllr. Helen Ware himself who raced tor more perty in question is owned by Harry Forsythe was chairman trana!erftd from El Centro to Los Anples u chief .ollcltation ace.at. Jepson as the first attr;.actim was th4n 25 ye~ in big car competl-the city and of course the I of the meet.ing. He told the .. ., .. ...._ The n;' uple took ertenllon cluaet In real estate at U. c. and Jn a happy Ttus Ameri -~•-t city f th cil S · F • · · th ~ 1944 sol their home tn Glendale., bou.pt a home tn Balboa and one. can a.a ~ tlon at Indianapolis and other provincials are wont to call had put at the disposal ot the mer-ed. uatll Mr. Wela lleCUJ'ed his releue from tbe railroad. Tboy u,.., as the premier-performer on this the pioneer drivers in the mjdget a ers, or COlUl as v,.·e now ro IC c1at1on at Hon. Joseph A. Beek opened t Office at 703 Eat Central a\renue wb&ch Elaine operat-w·11mar or·1ver adequately t.illed he"r engagement I speedwa,ys and who was one of them, are responsible to the chants alJ the lighting equipment handled '1pwa.rd of M00,000 ln buslDeMe&, motel.I.. mansions. oottacM, current series. auto field boasts many ot the· township's residents for its that was used in lhe Tournament lots and lacreace and are acenta fd'r all t;ypes or lnauraaoe. Miss J epson sings W'fth a wealth finest 1~ and "afety features disposal. The acreage is on of Llghts. They are tbe parenta of one ton, and Mn.. W~ wbo ea.Joya ot interpretive power and drama· of leading tracks in the United Coast Highway across from He said that the streets of the her l-ery1 modern borne. bu two bobble&. tryioc new cookln&' recl.pee Edwin G. Simington, 33, a chaUf-tic ability. Her voioe., although Stat.ea. Thirty-nine scouts and leaders town would be decorated and that and readln, C book9 wb.Jcla are on tbe deep and heavy side. !eur of 508 West Manhall street, ·bl f the •-th · ·pal trail r ground poss1 Y not o greatest. w as 'lbe stadium was ''scooped" out . e murua e of Boy Scout troop six or Costa colottd bulbs Y.111 replace the Wilmar, was booked at the New-11 aJ and and I be •t we tr ned polished u .. &DY of one of Tom Talbert's carrot 8-0' . remem r l • diretil_>l'e' Mesa. said to be the largest. numh. Wrute lights now in use during the Scor.nl,S of Bands, Floats Readied port Harbor district police Sia· concert •tar In the musical ..... Id. patcNs, and Is on a site near the sen.ts m its present con on, bt"r from any single group in t e yuletide celebration. t:: tion on a charge of drunk driv-H · . a perfect breeding ground county e\'er,to \'isit the Boy Scout Some of the merchants have aJ. ~ p d Ro T t ing on Monday night. er repetoire is extensive. ranc-Orance County Speedway of le'\f.-or asa ena se Oumamen ing from the popular ballad to era! decodes ago. It will enoom-f~ mosquitoes, sea urchins camp at Ro-ki-li In San Bernar-ready strung a series of eoiored Simington, poliee records dla-cl · !cal · and her "" M au ana, IM GCl artr pass an eventual outlay of $200-Bnd mud suckers. dino county, left Costa esa at lights in the form ot a cross at in-closed, was examined by 8 local ing is on the whole quite fortun-OOO, seating 17 . 000 fans comt~. The industry guarantees a da,,..rn last Friday. for a three-day te~tions ot the main arteries Betw150 and 60 floats, nearly dreds ot individual riders who are physician who reported that he t 1 large rmrum. . um. ltll. ·tial out-sno"· frolic at the mountain rt'-into the town. These are banked 20 mare ing bands and approxi-already preparing their silver was unfit to operate the machine a ~ . hard! . tab Y· There's ample parJcin& wtth-t t Wl.th hed "ch dd mately equestrians will fonn equipment for New Year's day. t f ~·-dltlo · wnter Y agrees with 1n ·a •tone's throw. put, a large local payroll and rea . cypress ges W1u . a . to on accoun o ·~ con . n. ' opening a concert wi•i.. the 90IDe-'Ibe track ia a fifth-mile -·al ··-_,, f The outing proved to be the the effect. the 58th annual Tournament of It is not uncommon for silver Police said a car driven by ""'' ..... an agreable tenw.~ o most successful or any conducted Cllrl Reed, chairman of the de-Roses pa11ade on New Year's day, equipment for one mount to be the Wilmar man collided With one what ted.io45 Infelice of Jllendels. and has a crash wall all the way which add up to untold bene. there in the three years camping corations committee. also gave a 1947, accbrding to an announce-valued in excess ot tour thousand driven by Odis Elton Revtea, also IOhn.. around, with a sa.fet.Y band inalde fits to the city of Huntington program. Eighteen inches of snow repon. on plans for the celebration. ment ma~e by President William dollars. Leon Kinpley, equestrian a chauffeur of 135 E. 17th street, However, after th.is rather weak the wall to further insure pro- Beach, the harbor area and pro\ided perfect skiing and to-He appealed to all p~nt to de-P. Welshj chairman. has received word from Costa Mesa. at 23rd street and ~a:~· ~voi!e: :;-~ tectioo of driven and fans. county of Greater Orange. bogganing "·hich was participated vote as much or their time as pos-F ifty·t"''o no8ts have been en-Contra Costa county, Long Beach Central avenue. of her program was reached in Glendale .t. -ks City One local business man (in in by all. .sibJe outside of ~iness to make te~ In the parade so far this ?tfounted Polioe and the Los An-Simington wu driving an autcr the delightful Manon Gavotte, AB Newport Beach) of our ac-One patrol, El"'ood Depontees, stthan• ding~lan~~~tribution an out-year and it is anticipated that six ge1es iherifrs passes that they mbbile which was registered to which preceded the Jnter11etwLnn. Pier for Motorboat quaintance even "'ellt so far Flying Eagle. even constnleted an Reed ;;-th t th Edison or eight Jmore Will enter befOl"e will be inattendance on January Lucille HeJptnp Martens of 1314 The Wdience w.. ~ . , as tcrsay thbleat the whole plan h"igloo" _of sbono"' ~S icell thgruatb.~andd compan)• would f~ ~e power the para e entries close. latf the entries received IO far ~~'fa~an:'~ !~~ ~ in its aoclaim of this mtger mm... r Harbormaater Ruaell Cr a i S was desira for everyone ous_e .rune )'S-. we for lighting the incan~t ef-Elmer Wilson, chairman of the 28 represent cities, states or coun-car. Riding With Rivlea Police ly, perhaps, became eada of her wU be ukec1 for an opinion wt.thin and added that ''what this tradiu.onaJ camp flre rallies com-fects. The wiring has been gra-music commi.ttee, announced that µes; nine represent commercial said,. Mn.. Betty Reviea • ol SL words was undetatm d·~ and a few ck)'a on the su=O( city. and even the county, pleted the program. ciously loan<'d by the Southern approximately 20 outstanding or business organlz.atiom, and 15 George's ~ Balboa. beca\lle of her.Poiae and •ll'MlmL wbetber t1M!ft la a pier e&e needs is more large conceniS Scout ~Iuter Harold Hall. as-C8.lifomla Telephone compan)•, he bands will take part ln the parade. either patriotic or ciVic ~ able ease of prea:utaticn. for tbe 40-foot, dieiel. with their inevitable large slstan!S. Richard Dodd, Dav Id added. Selected Crom hundreds of appli· lions. • n,._ Rou•-Pro-.Jer Stevenaon llarTett, the _, .. ~t 0( ~ G~ branc:b payroll distribution." Gardner. Robert Nettles. commls· The s.o.s. Radio company will cations, the bands come 11:""' all &1'15 .., "-panist ahOWll pnim1a cm '* -. al the Intema&nal Cvlllan Club. This would probably cause sioner Sid Young and SC<>Uten furnish a public address system ror parts of the state and Ws year T ---en instrument. . He la • ~ a City Clerk Frank Rinehart .... Robert Lingo. Olarles Smith, the O.ristmas carols which will the Camas Higb lchool band of .l..ARl<:B Coat . A female dog and her litter of much better ...,.-~... . -aatl-by the Newpwt Bncb a great stir among the large O.arles Zimmerly and Mn. Zlm-be broadcast throughout the island Camas. Wash.. will participate. pupo wu belie\-ed to ha"" been aolo artist. Howewr, Mr. -~ Cll)< Ooomdl-. .._,, llllbt to - residential elements of our merly. Mr. and Mn. R. Taylor and during 1he length of the program. Selection of. bands Is based on Mn. C. S. Bell of Fallbrook re-too much for the prow1<r who showed an undent-••c far tbe re-Udo --to the har""""- falr county and would prof>. Cllarles Depontee. Tribute was also paid by Mr. musical ability, uniforms and ported to N..,_,. Harbor dis-broke Into a -on the JJnll>-type ot mllllc boot --• tor after the """"'°"--•ed ably occasion a ·great num-Staff memben who also sup-Reed to Dutch Heacock. N"'-' marehing ability. trict police the 1-of a white erty ot Fred I.ambert at 1106 French modem. ~ h•w far a a -trma Stanlq w. B ui 01 ber of our citl:zens to turn ported the project were, St an Hartior contractor. and to tus em-At 1eut three l&r&e equestrian I coat from her automobile u -Cout hl&hwaJ', Newpwt Bn :L, Dead _Spanlob Pfb• !is' a-. al ... Nawpat _..... ._ lalat OYel' arudOOSly on their Younc, David Chambers. RD&a-ployes. v.1>0 have !Pven tlielr time r;roupo or poaes will tab part drove aJona 101 hleflway _,. ~ Dlebt. Nc<••c -re-.,. ~ ID 111;J19 al .. -1 lllw. ' •c ,,.. -a yachts. JGD Gordon and Leonard Hall. <Cbntinued on Pace TI In the ewnt. ln additlan to -. Newport Beach on W""'-Y. IDO\'e4 '•mliert told pollm.. • -... plioat. • • --I ' -- WOT11 OOMPHl.ES ll;ei-Clting Slip your foot into Orient-Inspired Oomphi ... and feel like a daughter ot the Manchus! Rayon satin stitched with wonderful Otlnese embroidery like a ceremonlal robe. Comfortable as only tha.t Oomjflies cushioned platform can be. Old gold, Parrot blue, with multlc-<>lored embroidery. ' un am I -THU COULD JIAPPEN TO YOU lf :rea ...... a lt• p__. toott.11 p&a,er ... tried t. eany tM WI .........-• -•• .. _-=a .. ....--cridden. mu. utue a..-11e11o o1 ..,. N-n Barhor Tan.._ jlllt f TM anow polata to I.be Ml.I clatclaecl d!1,1ra1elJ' "7' Mello• two Ollet:it pMp him •ot too pat17~ ~ .eek. Sallor 88J Brcninlle II ....... II ... -... la mt·11ry a& -loft at -._.,., of wi.at -bl&'. bowl --ta aro -to Ida ._ ••te. 'nle OUon. -defeated Ille localo 1w· a couple of -aco. -• Lo1'11a mp la Ille CIF -ftga!• -Y mpt. -photo by Dennis Name Three Tars of Week ~·o outataadlac aenlor per- formers. Bu Chambt. wd Bob Roblns, were named tan ot the W Hk follo\\ial' la.at week'• football wlnd-up acallllt Or- ure. C hambers, extTeme ly capable tall-back and fullback, wu out of uniform for the llnt part of the ~ "1th a torn hip carttlace, but wound up hi• playlnc days at Harbor la a blaze of c lory. In addition to h1a n.e runnlnc. pualos and k.lckl.nc, Chambers called the sipals on offense aad played a deadly deleoslve came from hJa Wety man spot. Robins, a tackJe, proved to be the mo.t Improved lla.emaa on tbe llMI .quad that uw the development of several f l n e playen. Startlns on the te00nd strtnc at the be(lnnla&' of the HUOll, Roblos., who wu playlnc 1ll9 nnt HUOll of vanity ball, worked his way up to a sta.rtlns berth and wu often the out- 1tandln.-lineman on the Oeld. H e wu al\\'ay1 counted Oil for a s.ie.d7 and dependable brand of ON THE •••• SIDELINES WITH JOHN DONROFF Now ls as gOod a time as any to come up with an all-Sunset league team and after much thought, many phone calls and fre- quent conferences with an ouija board, we respectfully submit the following as the best choice ot this year's local football crop: Gas five Holds Lead In BB Loop With but two weeks remaining ln the first round, the Newport Ftnt Team Associated quintet still rules the End-Kellogg, Anaheim roost of the Newport Harbor Com· End-Navarette. Santa Ana munity basketball race with seven Tackle-Martinson, Anaheim wins and one loss as a result of Tackle-Miles, Hunt. Beach an abbreviated game held on the Guard-Bates Anaheim high school hardwoods Tuesday Guard Hanso0n Newp't Harbor night when the leaders strength-Cente~-Tann~. Fullerton ened their hold wi th a 16-10 win Back-Fouch Santa Ana over the fourth place Outlaws. Back-Mello.' Newport Harbor Second place holders, Nina'~, Back-Carmichael, Anaheim won on forfelt from Myrehn s Back-Stecklein Downey when the latter team was unable ' to field a complete team and the Second Team loss dropped Myrehn's to third End-Moxley, Downey place, while Nina's swept into End-Brace. Newport Harbor second spot with six wins and two Tackle-Lasaiter, Santa Ana losses. Tackle-Robins, Newp't Harbor In the only complete game of Guard-Penhall, Hunt. Beach the evening the Kuaba Klub kept Guard--Johnson, F\ll.Jerton out of the cellar and forced the Center-P ace. Santa Ana American Legion five in that pos>- Back-McKee, Orange don by trimming.the Legion 36-l<l Back-O'Brien . Anaheim U.eape Back-Wise, Hunt. Beach Kuobu (lie) Leeton (1') Back-Huhn, Hunt. Beach Hill (9) F Statz (2) ball. These selections, of courae. Spicer (6) F Coppersmith (5) Hope C Fou (3) Roy Ward, blocklac back .. d leave off the names of many tine sb:ty-mlnute man la many ball players, ones which many pmM thb HUOD, WU -.ned people will think should be in- Tar of the Week followtq tbe eluded The amazing part of the Huatlnctoa Be.eh coatMt • tabulation is that Anaheim. which Ward (10) G Cottle, F . Roberts (73 G Cottle, H . (4 ) Scorinti" subs: Kasa.bas, Gillette (2); Willis (2). l t11" Ir UM From BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the people· of the Harbor Area and wish to thank our customers for past patronage. ···--···-SILVER and GOLD PLATING ·-·-SS " ---·· .. C. C. (Chuck) Wirth C.R. (Bob) Hand Phoae: Jleaooa 5113 Days; Jleaooa 5358-R Nlghta 1914 Harbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa PRESENT A TI ON • HUNTINGTON BEACH SPEEDWAY ~ Mile N. of Hwy. 101 on Hwy 39, Huntington Beach MIGH MIDGETS :i~a~,:~o!!: g : ~:I N G SUNDAY' DEC. 8 ;o:i. 78 Thrill laps on a track built es-Good Seats for 17,000. pecially by men who have raced. POpalar Prices • Ample Parldltc couple of weeks aco. ended the league race in second Drift caretully-8pan a Lite. spot behind Huntington Beach, i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ "Heavy women command more places four men on the first team attention than thin ones and us-while the Oilers, league champs, FINE FOOTWEAR LAGlJNA 81!.&CB _, In llacftls Pa&lo 490 Ca.& lbdenrcl ually have more friends. They're placed only one man on the first not so apt to be preoccupied wtth eleven. clothes. Women who think of The reason may lie in the fact nothing but clothes bore men be-that the Oilers didn't field a team cause they haven't Ume to be nice of Individual star performen but ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~to;;th;•;m;.';' ;;El;aa~M&<W;.;;;oll~. iliiiq rather a well-coordinated ieam that won the title on spirit and team effort. ( far THAT _MAN! Choose From Our Large Selection of SPORT SHIRTS e All Wool Plaids e Solid Color Wools e Rayons and Cottons • Priced From 3.95 TO 18.50 LAGUNA BEACH • POMONA STORE FOR MEN 387 Coast Boulevard South LAGUNA BEACH ......... ,....,..,..,.-t ................. [?::J~ ...................... ......... • • • Locally, the two Newport boys, Mello and Hanson, landed on many of the league teanu' all- opponenu list and wtll receive much backing throughout the loop. Th.e line of the first eleven ii 1 fairly hefty and extremely fut while the backfield has the ac. cent on speed. Newport Harbor men on the honorable mention list should be "Shiner" Roberts. Buz Chambera and Roy Ward. MAULING -MAPLES MONDAY EVENING LEAGUE . Standings as of 12-24-'46: Won Lost Keene's Korner ............ 14 7 Balboa Inn Cafe .............. 13 8 :"iannco ............................ 12 9 Ricky's Men's Shop ........ 11 10 Starck Cafe .................... 7 14 Logan's Good Eggs........ 6 15 Where is that doctor ? After Monday night's bout at Sport- land we really need one. Keene's Korner stood Ricky's Me n Shop on their heads and dribbled. them down the alleys for three wins. Balboa Inn Cafe oiled up their m.ixmaster and whipped Logans" Good Eggs until they stood up like the head on a P. X. beer. And Narmco bundled Starks' Cate into a ball and rolled them down the alley for a complete victory. I guess that we will have to blame it on the weather in general and the fog in particular. It wasn't really foggy up there, but the pin sette;n made us put fog horns on the bolla. • • • Spcll"u.nd'o 15.00 high score JrU:e wu won tut week by Gail Humphry again with a 245, and June Voge' won for the ladies with a 211. Who la)'I the crime doesn't pay! The menu for Monday night. 12-~·46 wU1 be rather 1plcy when Keenra Korner will try to make • Spanish omelet out of Locan'• Good EcP-The Balboa Inn cat• will try to make an UpUde down cake out of Narmco and Ricky's Mon'• Shop ii ~ttlne a .. ._ grinder to W<rtc 001 Stud<'i Cafe, We hope to -)IOU up there. Tllo -"ly 15.00 priR ii -to ever)"ODe, -808 IUU . • HERE'S WjSHING YOU y ' TOYS at COST FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES ' South Coast's FREE Complete Stock of Toys Moved to ne Bobby Shop's . GIFT Avoid the City Crowds Traffic Jams Dented Fenders In Over-Crowded City Parking Lots New Toy Store Formerly Van de Kam p's Bake Shop Next Door to WRAPPING 4'. "(J_~_'j, • ne Bobby Shop 711 East Central In Balboa BUY FOR LESS WITH LEISUR.E IN BALBOA Plenty of Free Parking Space 711 ~ 713 East Central Phone Barbor 1158-W~ Balboa . - • • ' • --·Y-oll 111 K.ADI n ?,. a s n ..................... a••N>A. CJAl.tr. , e The Home of Good F'eocli--------, & R E E ·1 H A W ' S --.• D R I V ·E • I N ••-• FORMERLY SANDY 'S DRIVE ·.-IN Waffles. Dagwood Hamburgers -Steaks Ham -._ m eo..t lllgh-r 0n the lllnde MDe ' Watch Us Grow • oyagers to a ~xicon Port In Co~ Jn•lhMnt 9f ~Barnum Says Barianza Town Residents Conven- iently Do Without Bathtubs; Prefer Gal- vanized Tanks for Baj;bing and Bring Their Own Seats to th~ Theater, Where Hollywood Productions Are ~hown By HAROLD L BABNull N_..n-Stan Wrllor (Last of Seri .. ) Returning to Bananza town, to inclUde and digest all of the this is the fifth of • series in-luxurious friendship ot thole crac- stallment.s, and-the last, describ-lous people. It is my guess that ing the wonderful people in that any U. S. vlsiton would be •<" partially inacceuable port. where corded the aame happy greetings and ••-same "good---'-•bor" the Paragon ventures from New-UM;: ~ port Harbor, and returns, com-fraternization that I was. FAMED ACl'llm. 'Dlla ..oll& wt: ,._.. el '•a.toe ~' New- pleting its mission with a load of A bathtub in Bananza town ii port-n.aia f!lllent: _. ..... ..,, ..... Jtier ....... tile loc ''* rather a l•rY'lt?V. Many of the OD. t:lle qurter llmdt of tlle c-t.~ dab. • ._ • t ... A. X. bananaJ. __ , w..-left, -~Dall-....... ..... --.mct7 • • ;:;;-THI ale •IWI --· ·-:;. IN OUllOMD MOTORS-- lt'a tM ... .I .... ' ' 24 1 " ' ' 1 ..._ ,_ ., ... . ,, I -.. I -,_...,,_....._ ....... , .. _ .... Yoaeu't1zs' ...... M it..._ .. _. ................. ,, ...... ... ......... iw...,., .• ....,. .......... . •Come bi w:l_ ... _Mcus•• ......... ,...._ ~ ..._ ... -· .... ....... 1&1.C11DJa...__.,. t ;;.. C.-.i....i-.-,_. ... a i.1ac1aw ••• ~afclle11 •• 01w1oaa1 1ac1u1•u 11le Seaboard Eq.ipnaent Co. 1205 Cout ~ Newport B•elt ftne k nliMl rDo"."""y1111111o"urn1111n1C11•::=::~S~h"''"o"p""p•:1Um' ""g'""a""t'"'H"'"'o'":_:·n."~!.-.~ m=•= in~u~~ '::~ ~tkr~ :~: ~=~ =~ ~~~ _ .... ::.:.-'ne=_w.:.:..;_"'-"'_. ____ • -'""-""•""t.""_"r..l __ F'-~---'-' _1a _____ ._e11 ___ _ ~ 11£.IBUllaD ary of a tourist, traveler, or Jover containers tn which to bathe; and plans are afoot to breed the and vegetables plus bananu were ~=======================~ • ~ ! of exquisite beauty, and one who then there are thole that find "tajones." The female of the tossed to the crew of The WU-_ I Select your Gifts Now ! 1s interested in finding a friendly the nearby river meet convenient. species only breed.I twice • year mar and the Paragon crew were --association with the 11n1polled In the local theater there are and is capable only of giving birth on the receiving end of tuna and . ! Our Lay Away Plan Will ~ Mexican and the mysterious In-no seat.I. When a "coloaal" pro-to one or two otfsprinp. 'The life lobsters. Everyone was happy t Save Yoo Time ! dian natives. duction comes to the movte hQµse rspan of the "tajone" is only about with the exchange and the two ~ Bay Now ~ Oar -h ~"' • Unfortunately, few North Am-the townspeople are seen Une<f up live years, so it Is very doubtful boats Ported. The Wilmar back to I i ericans have been to UU. "uto~ at the show's entrance with bench if the breeding program will pro-fish In the Magdelenu, the Para· I R I N G S ; ian" empire. There Is only one or box in hand. They all bring gress ~ prolific progeny. gon to the north and to Newport, ! ~ way to reach the people of th1a their own. The four names of the test Harbor. " t, ecldl .. -~ fascinating city-by plane or prt. Many Hollywood productions are cases in this "battle of the honey. We arrived about noon at thi' · I er.. ~D W: ~ ! vate boat-unless the voyager ls shown, some as old as the "si-bear sexes" are Pepito, Sicorro, Orange County Dock. Bananas ~ 8hlpiLt wheel PreciomJ and ;; lucky enough to st!Cure passage tents." Spanish is either "dub-Gordo and Cerrafin. were loaded on trucks. The cus- i Semi-pndoas i on a merchant vessel, whereby he bed in" tor the English speaking The Paragon pulled anchor in toms checked us out. A won-1. Signet --Birthstones - -Novelties + 1. will likely be subjected to work voices, or screen titles explain the the early morning and all was derful trip-well done. as a crew member. situation. Donald Duck and smooth sailing and clear weather I want to thank Senores Flores, • • -tte ii The town is very similar to Mickey Mouse are always Spanish across the Gulf of Lower Cali-Chavarin and Casillas for their .-:_~= Costume Jewelry ClgueIJghters ! .. , other cities in the ports of speaking characters when shown fornia. friendship while sailing on the Southern Mexico. The beautiful in Mexico. We were cutting a good clip up Paragon; Senor Gomez for his -edifice, the Catholic church, is the Thus, there are things in Ban-the Lower California coast when hospitality while in Bananza i ...... Many ~ city's milestone; there are cob-anza town that to us are incon-our communication radio blurted, to\vn, and Senores Gus Sanchez ·-~-Charming, =-~-bled streets, thatched huts, houses veniences, but we North Amer-"Station L-I·L .. Station W-1-L, and Dr. Rudolpho Rendon for with balconies, tiled roofs and icans ,who are usually in search The Wilmar, calling the Paragon, much of the information obtained ~ New Designs ; green and multi-colored flowered of variety, and something a little the ParagOn. This was not the in this article. To Captain Stein ii ii verandas. Then there are the different ,will find in that land usual thing, especially when there of the Paragon, l tal<e my hat off, ~ WATCHES : siesta hours from 1 to 4 p.m. when "the joy of living." was no ship in sight, and as far and to Alvin Daniels, first mate- ! • the stores are closed, and the Incidentally, before we return-as we knew, no one knew our a real paJ. And to H. F . Sarni; !_ Pen Se& •Pendl Men _!!rWomen ~-~ Mexican rests in sleep or does ed. to the Paragon for our trip position, nor no ships at sea had son, owner of the Paragon, I want auu what he pleases. back to Newport Harbor, four known that we had left our Mex. to thank for the privilege of ; NatlonaU7 ·Advertilled ~ It is the people of this Ban-"tajones" that had been captured ican port. The Wilmar, a San making the trip to that memor-~ Mabe ~ anza land that are different. in the jungles by natives and were Diego fishing boat had taken the able Bananza Land ~_ •• ~.: Men's Leather Goods • .• ~ .•.. _· They represent ''Mexico for the taken aboard. chance of 1ocatln'g us and had The photos accompanying these Mexicans," an over-used phrase, The "tajone" is a Mexican term reached the Paragon with ac-articles were furnished by Walter but so true. A town of people for a honey-bear. He is a mem-curacy. Gerhardt. who made the trip with ~ • inscruitable, not prejudiced, indi-her of the coon family and is very Captain Peter Stein answered the crew to that southern port. i Open Eveninp ! vidual and not bothered too much similar to the South American the Wilmar with, 'This is Station TIIE END. ii .. ii by its country's politics. No in-honey-bear, the kinkajon. A very K-M-G-R, The Paragon, the 'good ~ A • ' J I ~ truders, alone and apart from the peculiar but amusing animal, the ship Paragon' calling Station I rv1 n s· ewe ry ~ rest of the world, it.a populace "tajone" has a very extended nose w.J.L, The Wilmar, come in ... " I~-! typifies the romantic example of which goes around a corner in a The Wilmar's skipper reported a the "friendly forever" in captJvat· curve, and on first sight appears promptly with, "Have you any 116 • 22nd Street i ing hospitality performed in satia-to be an anteater, though he has bananas and vegetables, any ; fied glory. paws like a monkey, a body sim-meat? We'll trade you, an4 give i Newport Beach ~ Three complete days · in ~ ilar to a squirrel, and a tail that you tuna and lobster." Captain I · !! anza town was hardly time enough would put the average animal to Stein returned with a yes, and an ,..Nl lll l!fllf!ll l!l1tf!!"!ll11"11ll lll llll!I J!llll tll !!IUI UI Ul llf lll!ll !fllll111•1llll!!l lll 11l 11l 11l '!lhl!!I HfUfll .. lllll Hll!llilfllhi ·.:..;;:::;;:;;:;;:;;:;::=:;===::====================::::::::::::;1 shame. okey and requested The Wilmar's For a delicacy the "little bear" position. Auto lnluries Fatal to Mesan Joseph H. Moores, 48, of 321 P owell street, Costa Mesa, was fatally injured when struck by an automobile as he was walking along the highway near Long Beach last Thursday, according to word received here. Mr. Moores was a brother of '\. Now Awilable f()t" · Immediate Delivery ~ Cash ftgister COMBINATIONS Modern, Efficient Cash Control for Small Businesses ••• • Special keyboard "uuld11 ftr ..... rat ion et aal•• iftto •11• ••-dulred deoartmenta, w cm11 ... -.a u clerk keye. · • Cash Dr•-r .,.... •nd llen Np wl'lan fland~ '-pulled, • ComPl1te ~ CaaJt lhgister. "" ...,..tell efflc!intly ae an Midi ... ...,...i_ witll ""·tr'·" caioacibr d eM .. d•J'· e D~tail -~II" NwlnD a~lca.llJ'. • Printed Tobi• en o.tall .. ... • Maxim~ Ring-up ... . • Adding · ~·chine , May ... •• • d Ill b&lanclnO detal .. and ....,. R 1 R'7 bf"Ok W~~k et 1'"\ ef tie• ' 902 NORTH MAIN ADDllG IACHllES Aho Available for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE 743 SAFEWAY BUYS ONLY TOP U.S. GRADES OF STEER BEEF likes eggs best, but bananas are After an hour of maneuvering his favorite fruit. He peels a in the dark, we sighted The WU- banana as though it had a zipper mar, lighted like a Christmas tree, attachment, taking his claws and near the entrance of Magdalena.s neatly laying the skins wide, leav. Bay. She seemed to h ave spot- ing the fruit skinned and trim-ted us too, she was coming toward Virgil Moores, proprietor of the -=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Virge's Machine and Service shop Ii at 2406 West Central avenue, ~ ., .... -·Ill& ' • C9111UTIOll IY U.S. &OYllll Bl llft10IS YOUI 6UWITH Of 11111 CIUAlllY ••• Ya,. ftl0'1 ptece of S&feway beef is U. S. Co.oem. --eop.gndecl. nu. -that }'OCll' fal'Orite cat of beef at Safeway QHDel lrom gn.in-fanenecl canle. It ii p1...,, 1.U.....ded. .;!h j ........ right ....... of lat .. impart j.ici-ew and wbot..De la?Or. And it eoob to a deliglchl ae.ie.T , , IOo. Safeway'• ooatrolled aging ..i...i-.. .... 11eca-.. boy oaly !he top u. s. c-n....m gndeo o1 beol ...... k to the peo1t .r .. w.. goodneu ••• W CD ooCltialllCI to piedp Jo. grand uting me.l _., dmo ,... boy ot Soleway. 7',/• 1•!(/1! /',,,,/,,~I l•ROAST .... ..... n...._, ..... CIOSS m ROAST ... ....,....... .. .. - !!;'!»_!!!I .. 519 ·-. ...,. ... _ • • • med, no strings attached. us at a fast rate .• These animated creatures are When she pulled alongside, and now residents ot the Harbor area as the ships rocked together, meat Do Your Christmas Shopping Ehlen's Tradin' Post 2100 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa at ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, OLD LAMPS, CHINA EARLY AMERICAN GLASS Also: USED FURNITURE, STOVES and Marine Salvage, Bicycles, etc., bought and sold CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Builders of All-Steel CENTRALINERS DESIONEBll and BUILDERS YACHTS COMMERCIAL Powv or 8Ul Jl"WdD&' Boata or P&rtJ <JnlZ11n 8--Plude ,L;. A. l . Oblloal, Nani Arolll-. ~ llO-TON CRANE !IEBVICl!l Foot of Ii.& 8L -: -· lll80 N_.t - .. --~· ~" ~ ·Fresh Fish and Seafood la Sessa · WHOimALS and RETAU. • . B YSIDE FISH MARKET · !i&Wtuir I'll: P a• cd -.. • • Newport Beach. Con't Truat Hlnnelf TOPEKA, Kans-S. D. F1ora. federal metorologist, for Kansas, confessed today that he always has an umbrella in his office. He told a Topeka club that the safe- guard was "just in case my pre- diction of fair weather goes wrong." The forecaster said he got the idea on a visit to the chief of the Weather Bureau in Washington. "He also keeps an umbrella on hand" Mr. Flora added. ~DAILY ...... T '3 o,,_ f, ...... .. ......._u_ ...... .. we•••. moAJU • "1.1. • • 8J,.w.,, .... -i,.... .... --..... -··-· ......... FOR SIGNS BENEDICT . ........... e BOAT L&i s MD«1 ~"*'''" .... ' ' * -. ; .. PM DELIGHTED! ITS~ FROM STEDMAN'S! PRECIOUS fJ/JiCtmon,~ IUKET TEIMS QF COUISI 1 yours with complete con&dence. · We~nlee diamond. In quality; In atyle. In v.J : • • ... • ~ . . '- E. J. (B•ll) Jackll• QMI H'fi* • C E"M·E l :T W ·o R I Flagstone Work -Caiwnt Bio& Feneee • 1'18 ·--...... , ... ]'- 24-Hour Radio Service HOME - - -AUTO MARINE RADIOS REP AIRED Burt R. Nortoa 915 Coast Highway Newped- While 'Ibey Last! • Bicycles • Tricycles • Scooters • Ronnie Chairs • Strollers • Skates • Jeeps • Hot, Rods ,,,_ ..... Umlted • • 7 . !lhoreJlne ~ Amodatlon Warren T. Hannum. and Col ot CaJl{pmla will bold ito llth an-Robert R. Hunter and Richard 0 . nual meett,,. In Lons .Beocb Fri-Eaton ot !be U. E. ~ day and Sa~ with man than Plano for small 1-t harboh 150 delqates, Including atate will be -jointly by O>u. legislatan, expected to --at A. W'-. chairman of -th- the dvlc audltorlUm and Hllton em California'• Marine Para hotel a.odatlon. -~ l. Fisher, On tap will be a broad pro-Commoclol'e of !be Southern Call- g<am of plannlng for California'• fornla Yachtt,,. auoclalion. 1100-mlle abordlne Including ouch Frank Durl<ee, attorney for !be projocta a acqulsltlon and _.. State Deputment ot Public vation ot beach1and u a reaea~ Works. and Frank M. Stead. chief t1ona1 as.et· beach pollution flood ot the State Divialon of Environ- control and1 eroUon. / ~ mental Sanitation will a1-> be on Due to the tremenclouo lm-t-the agenda. ance of two projects, much time ------- will be "'""'' c11acuu1nc the .. -Dense F-Hits llahment of a chain of small boat -a harbors and. coutwlde network Balboa Toarlsts of major and acaa hlcbwayo to eliminate current bottlmedc:I ~ Contlnuanoe at the deue foe IUIU,,. from the use of present which bu alowed all types ot tboroughfueo by pleuure -ken tr.,_portatlon throughout the and comrnerdal vehicles. Southern California coutal area According to Nell Cllnnlnsham. bu also put a crimp in the ex- pnoldent of the association, pected and UIUal winter tourist 1peakftl and dllculslon leaden trade for beach reoorts. will Include Senator Clarence C. Among !be resort oenten bit la Ward of Santa Barbara county; Balboa, which hu for some time Aaoemblyman Don Fields; County put accommodated numerous peo- LOV}:J.Y LADY. ~ '9 Geml~ noted. plan• el P.·ot?s•, Supervisors Raymond V. Darby ple ttom up-state and ellewhere will at•• a redial for --t of 1Co..,.. ._. Mar C..C-and Leonard Roach; City Enctneer outside the state durln& the fall lloul cllmdl at -Corou del Mu ram-r -• baUdlac la Lloyd Aldrich; Attorney General-and winter months. One hotel laa1111r7 elect Fred N. Howser; State DI-reported 35 vacancies, but there · rector of Natural Retourceo Gen. were no taken. /#. NOTES OF THE BALBOA YACHT CLUB 1n ":'tie ow;e'~ ~~ "'°J:i!\: BYC'• "TURKEY TROT'' turn-WhJ.ler came in fin! and fol-Associates Buy &aid two tourllto from up-atate ed out 10 be a g<and party with 1owif.1 were Olive Butler, Freet Harbor Radio CO. ~ter c:.l:!ce '::""~~ .!i":; an appropriate finale In the mid-Smalet, Ed Giddings, Hebe. Erick-that another family had vacated night turkey buffet. BUI Wllle-&0n, George Strom, Roeer Ament, A. B. Clark reported today that a house In Balboa beca,_ of the fOT'd'a six-piece orchestra cave Bob Henley and Sid Willdnson. he hu .a1d tu. interest.I 1n the incess.an.Uy heavy ml.st. forth with sweet twin& and will 'l\fO new 14-foot Internationals Harbor Radio 6: Appliance com.- • • J STARCl'S , C·AFE . ' Beer Mixed Drinka -Short Orders "SPE!D RawE. M.m.tg-. }oeEPwm ()QUIST, Ownn 10'1 !1.& l'lllce ,. Newport JleMill • CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Maraball. Kanair.er ...... Clllfwma DELICIOUS FOOD ••• COCKTAIL BAJl DINNERS •.. BANQUETS be m~g a return appearance went launched at BYC on the pany, 26Crl West Central avenue, Correct&-. tor the New Year's ball. previous weekend. Sally Short'• Newport Beach, to his UIOciates, During a grammar leaon one .-----------------------, Vice Commodore Bob Boyd S&l'~ Gal and the Bucket, awned Charles T . Roten and W . F. Kim-day the teacher wrote on the Mesa CYCLE SHOP -Temporary~ 418 ILUllL'l'ON 8TRllll1' Phoae: Belleon 51D-ll OOSTA Mn\A Tani -Ott -lllft. emceed at the drawing of door joint;ly by Ed Frazier and Darby mel. blackboard: "I didn't have no fun prizes with lucky numbers held Mett&lf. Bob Kyle hu one on Kimmel has bttn associated at the aeuide." -by the Mesdames Jim-Small, order and this will bring the fleet With the firm lllnce Ito in<'eptlon. Then lhe turned to her puplla George Scott, Frank Nelson. up tD 15 The new owners are ctocldng and aald to one: .. Donald, how George Lowe. Llndy Henderson, · • • • up with Oiristmas merchandise, lhould I correct that!" the Rex Goodcells, Bob Sattler, ~ DARBY METCALFS some of which is already on dis-"Get a boy friend," he amwer- Mr. and Mn. Earl Young, the brought their new son Lester play. ed. vice commodore himself and Mrs. Georlge, who is almost two month!l!i======================9~1 Boyd. old, to the club recently to inl-• . . tlate him into the mysteries of COMING OUT in the perfect sailing {Q_r wu it to show him weather of Sunday. Nov. 24. the off?l PC's raced in the harbor. Mary Barbara Metcalf, Darby's sister, ~~~~ .. ~-~~-i~s~-~~~~~~~~~~~f I Service Clubs Will Compete for Press Christmas Trophy and daughter of Mrs. L. G. Met- calf 1of South Pasadena. was mar- ried at 4 p.m.. Saturday in One- onta Congregational church, South Pasadena, to Richard ti4~13()~ li-1-vUTMll:fllilT C(). ~ll:A.LT()~S J()T11 JT~rrT AT W. Cr .. Tl>AL Avr. ':J.t.ptw ... c}l..,J,,,. 16oo 16o1 "You Must Order Now L. For the Holidays" ~.·r I 59~! .. ~ ...-... lntv""'-P"•"*"" Spott • Stalrw • 1'-'hhM e OptNfflll .,,"' • Dl•colorattolt • k ct lwa • Det1ts -.cl MCIFNCI Tcible 10fl!L .,_ ... 11 •• hr.--.We•IM.-.O-.T.,...i~ Al#ll-.i WOOD GJlAJNI llOl I:. <lelltnl llOTAL TAIU PAD Co,. _ ,_ . ------·- Cocktails B'DOMES -FEATURING- ASlllTOI - ..~ Fine Drinks Hot Corned Beef Sandwiches T,BONES FILET MIGNON BY 'l'OP SIRLOINS "DEE" ROBINSON, <lief of the Kitchen Newport Beach Ocean Front "SALLY" REES, Prqirietor Service clubs aong the coast will com:pete for a special Ouist- mas Ughting trophy offered by the NewpOrt·Balboa Pr<ss, through Ben Reddick, editor. nus is another addition to the already long list of a wards to be given by representative ne"NSp&.- pers in the area. Already there are awards for homes, business places, Qui.st.mu trees an d shrines. All lighting displays are to be ready by December 10th, with lo- cal judging in each community on the night of the 18th. The coast judges will visit all coast cities and comrnunJUes on the night of the 19th and all awards for the C085t contest will be presented at the January meet- In&' of the Coast assoclatlon. _,_ LOI AMGIUJ -·-1.0NGllACM LESTER & ·Co. fNYUTMlNT 'saaimfs 10 MIOTMI INYISTOU' Pd*OI• -......... ....,._ ....... ~ • Mftl6• LoJ Altpk$ S1«A Ex~"'-6• 2004 WIST cmn..u. AVE., NEWPOaT BEAOf· HAuoa 137~} NUl>S MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE -c.. JI&$ s t ·- WUILT • e 1Jla • .. ..... • 1501 WEST CENmAL A VENUE PHONE BARBOR %080 •r I,......_ . ..._. 81; ..... • • ....., ••• 11 s -- • Auto Paintii.c S50 .. u, • • Hampton Daniels of Corona. The crown city will claim her for the future, but we can predict it will be only f~r a share of her time, SA)'ll Velma Barber, publicity dl-1 ~;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;~~~~~~ rector. ·~ ~tired Rancher Dies at Mesa Funeral services were held Monday, Nov. 25 at 2 p.m . in the Har~ld Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa, who died November 22 at Orange County hospital. Hf was a native of Downey, Ill., a nd had lived in California tor \4o years, 20 in Costa Mesa. He ts survived by his Wife, Jessie and \ one sister, Grace Lee of Heniet. Brand New fAtuipment for Rental . . 7 ODIJ:NT ••*t:BS • POWZB uws • w•cc1a•nowa AIB TOOLS -105 o.F.M. PORTABLE AIB OOllPSl:llllOB8 PNEUMATIO TIRED TM01'0B8 Wild BI.ADEii I AUi() OONCRETE BBJMJUNG AND SANJ)M.ASTING SEBVIClE I Contractors Equipment & Supply UISS N-rt A-, l BBL Weot of Newport 111...t. _ .. of llUl 8L, eoaa Jl-. ---Tl'e Rev. Carl J ohnson of Coota Mesa Community church was in ~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;~;; chdge of services and interment • was! in Fairhaven ~metery. White House Cafe Ph.-am UC-Bead!, Oallf. ,, !ADACHI IS SUCH A BIG tJftU'tMIN• ' SHAW'S UPHOLS I ERING A Complete Upholstering Service We specialize In marine up- holstery, canvas breakfast nooks and bar booths .. Free estimates pick up and delivery· service. I ASK FOR • ;. .•. LAGER BEER • ......... Bald•• lop 11IE ucrm STA'IES BaEWJlllC CORP. Doo't w a stE rEnt-monEy any \on~Er ... 1t wi\\ hE l p buw 3 homE .. 0 ~ your own • Our home loan plan makes it as easy as possible for you to carry your loan to completion NEWPORT BALBOA. FEDERAL $AVINGS """ LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A . Palmer, Presidmt NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF'ORNIA ' . C. C. Swllff_. • C1utlltvd. - • ' NOW AVAILABLE Kirsten Photo-Electric Pilot Automatic Steering for Commercial and Pleasure Craft -ALL VOLTAGES- • ' ALSO I Sol-E-Naud Reverse Gear Control • '. ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 1920 1000 Cout mway P hone Beacon M0'1 Abo bi S-FralicUco-Wllmiqtoa-8_..,n-S-~ ELECTRICIANS CJ-0, Two Pin F.qhlpment rw l!'Aaro&Y, PLANT, 8TOJU:, Ol!'ll'IOS. l!'Alllf. BOID I 445 SOUTH COAST BLVD. Laguna Hotel Building LAGUNA BEACH ' M&WIWI D I '• 1 'illa-"v-...-.._ .._. tht -adatlm WM ..., .. .. ..., la Ba-, -.... "'tun Five New Homes in Fint forty M·iles ·of Merchants r-'t "I>ecember Week P~rmit Valaatioes . . Find Sait8hle Lot BuDc!!nc .... -fir' sa.llllO ~ N ... pcrt-. for ....... Sm.ties to Bn··ghfen Coast For Vet's H0me ---· worth ot wm-.... -:a:dwelllnc at that IOIDe Id-, ,_ O>lef Build!,,. •~-lL K. "'°°°· Sni4<11 ~ wu--. • v1 -......-.-'Ibo buildlnc '""'"''-fl. Im ale a t, Ille --• ' Noloon durlnc Ille --dQI for m'-'1•._. con-Ott St rti T d Balboa Imiro•emeut "!'~~lw~IL~•~1::• =-==...:.::===.:.... __ :~==~:~~~:::E.~: 1 es a _ng ues ay ~~~2=.7:.?E -am-···~ In tile number of p&milll lllilled. .-.~ double 1:......., with Th $1 'lllO or lea, tt;J:'; pallp•ie Mlocellan<ous OOllltructions total-la and store room. $1500. e ForQ> Mil.. of Oranp Coast Assoc:lation Oiriltmaa 1111 plana to erect a -far a ed $3850. -County CoasUlne will break all P arty In Memorial hall, Hunttn&-Plans for new homes were filed H. D. Young of 822 Beacon out in "Ouiltmaa Smiles" next ton Beach, will signal the ll(ht-homeless war veteran tldl ,._.~ by· streel, Newport Height., for the week when tile Oiriltmas Li&ht-ing all along tile coast. Juclg-John Vogel. ~ fl. tloe GIFTS Mn. A. S. Thomas of the Olive bulldiilg of an addition to be Jo. Ing progyam ge~ Into full swln&. ing of the Coast Auodatlon usoclatlon building " IUme_ View Sanitarium Olive View for catedl to a ~ be.,,...n a This feature has been 1poNOred awanls will be completed on De-aald today that a fedoral -- a one-and-a -half ~tory dwe1ll.n& at gar~ and a dwelllng at that ad-by the Orange COunty Coast user cemt>er 19. · • told him that the _u. S. aovu n- 7008 Ocean Front. Seu.bore Col-dreu.j $1200. dation for several yean except F'or the Oty of Newport Beaeh ~ent will not permit an .....-.U ony, $6000. Paul A. Palmer of the Lido for the interruption of ihe war, the Newport Harbor Chamber 0 [ or 8 house to be built CJll a lot llOOQ fwall- llTAll'IONEal' PAlllll CllOCOL.UM CBBDTM•a c•- M. H. Holmer of 319 West Isle Properties, 3333 Via Udo according to H. F. Kenny and L. Commerce will award a trophy in cos6ng more than $1150. 10th street, Santa Ana, for a one-Nord. Lido Isle, for the changing H. Norman, representing the each of the seven districts in the ''We then reali.!IP!d that~ CDUld. story dwelling with garage at 615 of a 'h..throom location and the Coast A.uod.ation ChriJtmu city for the Best Decorated Home not buy the S2SOO Jot wblcb ._ T1le Bl11e Salls .............. $8500., reside~ce at 126 Abalone avenue, Beach. the district making the Best Jasmine avenue, Corona del Mar, addition of cabinet work to his Lighting committee ln Newport in that district, also an award for ro~ff~ered~~us~';;y~a~sftidai:~~~t;;fl.~~tbe~~~~~~~~~~~~~i Mary A. CUmmings of 3975 Lido ~le, $950. Each of the six districts desig-Showing as a Community, alse an Shiro avenue, Los Ancelet, for G. V'I· Arey of 308 35th street, nated along the coast will receive award for the Best Bay Front a one-story dwelling at 201 Sap-Newpc)rt Beach, for the building awards for (a ) Best Decorated Home Decoration, and two awards phire avenue, Balboa hland, of a one-story tool shed at 306 Home <outside appearance), (b) for Best Christmas Tree Decora- $6000. 36th ~t. Newport Beach, $200. Best Decorated Business Place, and tions in each district. JL H . Robinson of 101 15th (c) Best Decorated Christmas Winners of local awards will be Wpl man Oted Tr: ~:u:d~ be made for Best ~~~~ brn ~e I~~== Shrine in the cities of Hunting-tion competition. ton Beach, Newport Beach or La-F P • guna aeach. Two awaros w1u be Army Truck Rams or ass1ng ~~~~ ~~~~::,!itt:~.y 0 ' the Car, Damage Slight We Aren't S An award for Best.LJghted City h I Bus will be competed for by the three A U.· S. army truck operated by C 00 cities listed above. Two awards Domenico ~tatarese of Los An- will be given for Best Lighted geles did slight damage when it Physicians We're flattered when some of our customers ask us to suggest mecll- clne or procedure when they don't feel right. Thanks for your confi- dence -but aee your doctor. We ·are speclal- lsta only In fine pbar: macy. BALBOA paap•ACY ILUIPTON BARI!()• DRUG NEWPORT PHARMACY Dorothy Ellen Schmidt, 53, of Route ' 2, Box 257, Costa •Mesa, was asked to appear in the Ne\\'• JX>rt Beach City Court next Sat~ urday tmorning to answer a police citation for passing a stopped school bus. Police reported that a motor officer jcited the woman whose car was o~r8ting at 25 miles per hour. Und~ section 533 of the state motor vehicle code, a motorist must pon meeting a stopped school bus operating in either di- rectio1, bring their a utomobile to a halt before passing the bus and thereafter must proceed past the bus at a speed not greater than 10 milts an hour. • • • THE REOPENING OF THEIR REDECORAT- ED AND RESTOCKED STORE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TIL HERE THE DISCRIMINATING SHOPPER Wil.L WIND AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LAGUNA lllGH-SI'YLED PLAY CLOTiiES IN THE TRUE CALIFORN IA MANNER DISPLAYED BY THE MOST EX- CLUSIVE SPECIALTY SHOPS. FROM F'IF"IH AVENUE, NEW YORK AND PALM BEACH, FLORlAD, TO WILSHIRE BOULEVARD IN LOS ANGE! .ES P"'4 THE LA1'ES'I' IN SMART ACCES: SORIES: BAGS, cosnJME JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES; SPECIALLY DESIGNED FOR US PLAY SHOES, BOUDOIR AND BEACH SLIPPERS AS WELL AS <YI'HER SMART NOVELTIES TO INTRIGUE YOUR FANCY. ONLY THE ULTIMATE lN QlJALITY. INFORMAL MODELING BY GLAMOROUS ~UINS ~ MONDAY THE 12IH City or Community in all other rammed the rear end of a· car coast areas. driven by Manley Marks of 3538 Two overall awards will be Wilshire boulevard, Los Angeles, given for each of the following a t Fernleaf avenue an d Coast features (a) Best Decorated Serv-high\.\'8)', Corona del Mar, Sunday ice Station on Coast, (b ) Best afternoon. Decorated High School on Coast, -------- and (c) Best Decorated Gram-REPORTS DOG HIT mar School on coast. As usual, the Long Beach Press- TeJegram will give a sweepstake trophy for the city or community showing the most cooperation with the Christmas Lighting Program. Special awards by the Santa Ana Register, Newport-Balboa News-Times. SoUth Coast News, Newpor t.Balboa Press and the Costa Mesa Globe-Herald will be given for Best Illumination of the Spirit of Christmas, Most Unusual Lighting Feature, Most Artistic Display, Best Service Club show- ing and other special features. Zero hour has been set for 8 p.m. Tue&day evening, Dec. 10, at which time the pulling of a large lever at the Orange County H. L . Johnson of 1111 North Bay Front, Balboa Island. r eport- ed to police Tuesday night that a stray dog ran in front of his automObile at 17t h street and 101 highway and was hit. The animal could not be found by police. MODERI MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND 4-st rand m a t c h e d L a Tansea s 14.95* I at VAN DEUSl!N'S JUST A REM INDER }>l<4T<T 'fhan T °" 'fhin.\ • It's none too early to select that watch. diamond or other jewelry gifts and let us LAY IT AWAY UNTIL WANTED Dally s~ Hams 9:311 .1..11, to 5':30 P.11. the perfect ·gift si••lated pearls The fufmitable ..,li1111wtng beauty of precious- looking matd!ed pearls by La Tausca ... returns for the bol!day and winter ~ In keeping with a new period of. feminine elegance. The per- fect gift f<r her "taoijer the Xmas tree" jewel box. Registered qmllt;y La Ta•!9CB orientals are guar- antl!l!d 1D be free fnm original defects. . , ' &WI ftA>Oll CWIWWW ll:Wll:l.&Y • - ' • 7.95• ................ ... •••• " •• , +. ' ' I . . .... Friends Mr. and Mn. Cllffcrd E. Loqdm ot Laguna lleo<h attaided a r- lly Thanksgiving dlnntt at the home of Mr. I..oucU' father, Al· trod Loucks, C..ta Mesa. The Phil Smiths of Balboa Ila)' Shotts are on a five weeks' trip to MeXico, drivin& thei?' own car. Recuperating from recent ap- pendectomies are Mill Lorna Mills, 19th stn!et, and Mrs. Ralph Irwin, Newport boulevard, Colt.a Mesa, who occupied nelghborin• rooms at Community hoopital, Santa Ana. Mr. and Mn. Robert El>om of Los Angeles apent Thanksg\vtng "1.th her parents Mr. and Mn. Ed Walker, 27th streeL -- . Information .Regarding Xmu. Mailins 2tle .... Oftlee Dref&. i9Ql I ..... .,.,.. ............ "" -lll'J' f[ 6 1lllz1ell7 ~ tlle ClutltmM MOT• .. r.Wate I ..... -: ,... ........ . ..... ,. 'De lell •be• fw..., 11'' . .,. Of all -ran: J. .._ poo&op hill,. .. all ---· J. A6bw aD -Uer phhl.Jr ..a. Cl 1'1l~ IN INll, stYbta a&reet .... _or a.-... nanl .... .. ......... -1.'M dell~ -...,.. t ... -.....,_. ~ ._.,....... l?rtsJtt-retm-a mN -be,..... ... IMI UPPza LEPT COllN&& l •• Landlords Requested ·To Register • -u.e •«llrw...,,_ . a. .._ -k-...-ii,. bl ._, dOll'llllle -taJwoa. Wrap All landlords ope.-atlnc a hotel. -,_ ... Ue wtllt ""-.. ni. Do •t ..i ......,. -..-nlng or boardJnc house, motor 0ie7 11ear ~ prtated ..toe _.'-re· .. ••:. '"'Oollteate.. lle:ttll&D-court, tourist court or space rent- •ae Poefme•t;er: Tldl pucel may be ope·ed for ,...... lmpeo-ed in a.n auto or trailer camp ln .._ti •ce 121'7". Sealed puaela aot .o ••aim! Ol' eMoned are Southern CalifOrnia are requittd .-ject to poatap al &M Jetter .rate. ne aame a.ad .,...,_., of to tile supplemental regjatratioa tlle •r ler may be baachnittml or '1'Pewrlti. -ta.re a..a.l. stateme. na for their establish~ '-Per.tnb·He matt.er moat be declared aad ta.e paftlel ..tor9ed _____ 1 _ _. -ments, lt was announced today by ___ ,., II. Parcols ma,-ao& exceed 100 IDcboo leQCllt u4 prta. -· Ben Koepke, Southland OPA rent Tbe 11.mtt: Of welcbt on Parcel Pod matter 19 11 powMb for all director. Balboa Theatre -.. the u. 8. Tiie ...... wmct>• Uml& ......... nm dw Landlords may obtain the nee- -u4 lo Air M.U. euaey fonn& by calllng at 217 W . Plliooe Barbor M a. Puoeh may be IDAliu!d ea ta.a oatalde WJ>ro aot open aw Bos omee 0pou u.o,-, e:a . ~. Wrl.._ sreoUDp. -io aa "Merry CluWmoo", 2nd street. Santa Ana. "Jlaon N-Y..,.., ~1 .. --·. may be ""'1.-IN· Koepk• .~ that this ttg· So• Slwwtnc thnl Saturda7: smz, bot _,. oilier ""1ttea acldl8ou, uoept for tile 9eDCler• Wtratlon •11 being conducted WAUACE BU:BY ......., u4 -oubject the parcel to Ille letter rate. Com-throughout the county to comply O'Briell bl ma•'c-Hoe• pftpUd al tbe letter rate may be neat wttll Ute par--With --..1.1 f the Pri Con Marcaret eel by neearely attachlnc u.e u..-elope aontalalnc tbe ietten to . · &it'"'"'" .. on ° ce .. "Bad Bascomb" tbo .. -. Tiie ...... -tbo _ .. muot ... oepo.ratel,. od· trol l!:li:tension Act of 1946 which cb'!L ed. directs1 OPA. to classify separately a n.e Bowel'J" Boya ta 1. ClutetmM seah sbouJd not be placed on t11e ......,.. Ude. transient hotels, residential Qr "Bowery 8. 8peclal ...... ._ oocb .. 8PECIAJ. DELIVEBY, 8PEC1AL apartment hotels, rooming houses . HANDLING, AND INSURANCE.. may be had apoa reque.t. and tourist courts. B bshell" Fem for the above are la addlUon to tbe replar poHap. "It 1..5 vita.I that all landlords om 9. M&U earlJ' to lnsare deJJTery before CluUtmu. aff ed i t tl d f 'l • 1nyMiss Honored On Second Birthday ' ~ tho )'OUD&St -t Kn. llerTlll Pbelpb -Merlme, to be entertalnod at N-t Kn. B•n Olarlton -Jayce HU:-Y•cbt club, MID Cyiiiletll Kn. J..-ey Olarlton -~ Farnsworth, dauchtp> of Mr. -Mn. John Quist. ~ Al•nmb Mrs. Keneth Famswortb. was -Sandra; and Cyndy's snmc!-::;...i recently with a blrtllda,-motbors, Mrs. T. H. Rountrtt and eyi;c1y was Just two and ublo Kn. Orville Farnsworth and her decorations """" planned to ap-creat-crandmother, Mrs. Bertha peal to this vory )'OWll gen<Ta· Fraae, all of Riven!de. tion. A miniatutre lailboet center- ~v:: 1~~e :::.._th-:::U': Your Friends & Mine and toy anlmals. The birthday cake and refreshments were serv- ed after the young honoree open· ed her many lovely gift&. Young &Ul'Sts and their mothers included Mrs. Bruce Handy, Louise an4 Denny; Mrs. Marie Hamilton, ~ohn and Kathleen HUff, Newport Beach; Mn. Wal. ter F1ower and Ricley, Santa Ana; Mn. Kenneth Crist, Roeer and 'Stanley, La Verne and Mrs. Hutt and Tommy, North Hollywood; Mrs. Henry Koenen and Kathie, Mrs. Dan Pla"" of Corona clel Mar visited her small nephew, Paul Bruce Smith of Long Beach, 'tho was taken to ~tagnolia hos- pital Sunday evening with acute appendicitis, an operation being performed immediately. Dick and Leona Torrence and small daughter Maurine, who have just moved to their MW home at 19th and TUltin avenues, C-Osta Mesa, spent Thanksgiving day with Mn. Torrence's mother, Mrs. Rilla Roth, Los Angeles. ~~ ,.~~-,_YOUR..._ 10. For fW'lber Information. contact your local Poat Oftlce. • ect regs er promp y an le 11 C1l&p. ti, .. BOP RABBIGAN" WM. a ADAMS. Podm••t.et the reJistration form in duplicate Newport ae.cta. Calif. so that their establishments may 8and&J', Moaday-Deeember & 9 : '--------------------------!be classified properly on the basis nai:~::'tw!i!:"a:.. Allbaugh-White F.A.C. Bridge Section ~dthe dato submitted", Koepke -Vows Repeated Enjoys Afternoon "Landlords in the area who rent B.ECIPBOCITY. Often Mlpe at .ea are called upon via wlreleM to help oDe anotller and thl6 lB one of U.oee occu&ona. It a.bow. • sea .. w abou'd Ule PMaron pu.lllc a ~ of twa••u to a .....,..." aboard the Wilmar aa the two boat.9 stand by. The Wilmar seaman pve eome lobllten and. tuaa ln excbaap for the edible food. Bar- num tell• about the meettnr in his ftna1 a.rUcle. Gerhardt photo ~~ How to .......... out of ,.... break.bt rowtft ••• ~::: '"""" to .... 'f'JAll kJtdwn "hofnW'" ••• ..._ color .. ~ • for your u.eno room ••• n.. an ta.t o .._ Of the Wr1; -. ... k»QI ,_..,.,_. daif'r" .. ""' w....-. .... "' TMI ClfllmAN XllMCI MONITOI. ftw. helpful idliaa .. "'plw 't'Olue'"° In thll doily.N•lS: ~~· t. the home thot 91'-~ wtd .... W.pr....S. to ..... tMpor:t on yw and )ICU' ._..ly. ------------------, "A Stolen Life" only houses and apartment. under la On Thanksgiving Eve in Corona Forming a charming hostess the housing regulation need not Court of Award For. G. S. Troop Six Abo Bes llarrboSp: "t" del Mar Community church Mary trio, Mesdames P. V. Parkes, Boyd file this additional registration "Blithe lfl Robert. and E. J . Wright had and are not affe<:ted. la Tecludcolor! Alice White, daughter of Mr. and charge of the regular meeting of "'Those required to register will Girl Scouts of Troop 6 held a Mrs. Everett A. White, Santa the bridge section of the Friday find registration easy. They are Court of Award recently at the Taeeday, Wedneeday-Dec. 10, 11: Ana, and Oliver Ralph Allbaugh, Afternoon club. A dessert course required only to fill out a single· home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Boice, LUM and ABNER la aon ot Mr. and Mrs. M. E . All· preceded the afternoon of cards. page form ln duplJcate and send 824 West Bay avenue, Balboa, "partners l"n Capturing prizes were Mesdames or bring both copies to this office. with their parents as honored baugh of Thurston, Neb. were P. A. Chamberlain, high; D. C. "After the forms have be:e~ guests. Mothers were presented married with the Rev. Perry Sch-M cl< · d J D S od ch ked th d li t will 'th d f th 'th Ti_...,, a enzie. secon ; . . n . ec . e up ca e copy WJ corsages an a ers WI Hlnii rock reading the service. grass, travel, and Earl Stanley, be returned to the landlord filing boutonnieres. ' Alto z.aae GreT'n w h 1 t e chrysanthemllml and consolation. it with the classification of the Miss Eleanor Ferguson. presi· "Wanderer Of pink gladiolus made a lovely floral Among those in attendance establishment shown in the upper dent of the troop, introduced sev· were Mesdames Heinz Kaiser, H . right hand corner." eral of \he girls who described ne W tel . d " setting, with the light of altar E . Twitchell, J . D. Snodgra.u, f . their activities toward earning as an $ · candl .. , 11nd the organ program Mary Stanley, Earl Stanley, Char· Y OUr nend8 and mine awards and Mn. W. E. Cole, -------------and wedding marches were played les F . Hand, J . C. Payne, Ruth Mr. and Mrs. Paul Farmer and troop leader, presented award nan.. Frt.. Sat..-Dee. U, IS. t•: by Miss Margaret Scharte. Call, Grover Snyder, Jerrold Span· Glenn Nelson ot Los Angeles and badges and ouWned plans for the 'l'IMJ MARX aaos. 1n The bride wore a dressmaker gler, Fred L . Hauck, D. C. Mac-Mn. Farme r's mother, Mrs. Flor· coming year. "A N" ht • suit in gray with a sequin·trim· Kenzie ,Bertha Tillotson, Roee C. ence Torrence, Z7th street, enjoy· Miss Joan Thatcher, program lg IR med hat to match. and her cor· Katterhenry. Ruth Reid, Eugene ed. Thanksgiving dinner at the chairman, presented a program Casablanca " sage was of orchids. She was Fenelon and Miss Frances Da· Castaways club, while on Sunday which included a game. a skit and attended by her sister, Mrs. Har-moth. Mrs. Torrence entertained Mr. and songs, alter which refreshments l&IDIJe OacneJ' _ Amt 8beridaa. ry Flesher or San Diego, who wore Mrs. A. J . Lupton was named Mn. Joe Sumers of Los Angeles were served. "City f a suit of cocoa brown with match· chairman of the food sale which at her home. Honored by receiving five.year Or ing accessories and carried chry-will be a feature o( the Dec. 14 Mr. and Mrs. Yves LeBorgue, pina were Aldora Davis, Nancy C t " santhemums in gold and rust bazaar and Mrs. Isabelle Boud-106 27th street, returned I as t Co 1 e and Eleanor Ferguson; onques tones. Mr. Flesher served as best reau WU given charge ot the week from a honeymoon in north-others r eceiving awards were Lu 411: Chap. ll, .. BOP BABB.lOAN" man. plant booth when memben of the em California, Washington and Belle Boice, Jane Baker, E stelle ---'---------------~------arts and crafts section o! the Oregon. Mrs .. LeBorgne is the Berry, Pat Craft. Helen LaValley, \LI D 0 club convened in Legion hall. Mrs. former Betty Francis, daughter of J.anice Long, Eileen Lyons, Lor· Del W hite and Mrs. J. P. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. J . E . Van Wig of raine Stillings, Joan Thatcher and were hostesses. Balboa. " Evelyn Woodworth. NIGHTLY Uaru 8ATUBDAY ai 8:'5 u4 t:OO: Darryl F. Zanuck's "MY DARLING CLEMENTINE" Sall., Mon., Tga,-Dec. & 9, 1&-Nlcbtly at 8:45 II 9:00 -Coatln.uoua Sunday from 2:15- THI GlllAT ~ OF OUll TIMISI \:. • ... ~ an111111111 nmm - Claudette ~ Colbert • Welles Geolge Brent in TOMORROW ISfOREVER . • Q a #{tQOJ ~.!'.~~~Ji:!~-~ .. ._. _. ~ ..._....,... _., itf CWP l7ISfOW •Saw."""., WIOllf CXlfn:t • .._ ., Ul STDIO -lfTO&tn:llUIL ~ ........ ., ., UOIJ r.:NIO. .... Next: Jeanne Crain in "MARGIE" ROUSE TO Bil llESTOBED. Oo-e.........-. ....mmown mo- tion p&cture prodUOflr, recently took out a dty permlt to have hla home (plcturftd above) restorecl. The buUdlnc w .. sutt.ed. by ft.re early In tbe fall ~r photo 507 Something Elegant Something Distinct"ive Something Luxurious HER CHRISTMAS FOR BALn MORTUARY -;t;- Lady Attendant -;t;- 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT Central J.HE GALLEY Balboa . Our New Dining Roo.m Will Be Open Tuesday Lunch thru Sunday Dinner (Special Menu Each Day) ' Always Fresh Vegetables -k *·*Home Made Pies and Cakes Luncheons 11 a.m. to I :30 p.m. Dinner 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday Dinner, 2:30 to 7:30 PHONE BARllO& 11*-R • I I I I LIDO ISLE I . . • I W'S D,.,.& .. AN I I I I I l:XC&""IDN.ALLY ATTRACTIVI: THACC eco .. oaM HOML • • • ,. U •NA CC HEAT. Cl .. CULAT1H0 H O'T WAT&•. TWO aATHa. LOVllLY ~ATID . LA"llC LAH.At. e11•T CDN•T .. UC'T10N. ~11-nCT c a N D ,. TlDN. ~•1c1: •••·•aa ...J... ••• p. 0. p ··-INC""OIATID ,.....,. ))],) •I• 114 ............ ,, .... ,, C•lil., ,_......_ ._ .... ..._._....., .. Parents present were the Mes· d.amH L. R. Thatcher, F. B. Stil- lings, H. Long, Ann Davis and Glenn Craft; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ferguson. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Boice, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodworth. You hawe ln J'OUI' mind a li.t of people ln your community who ue Nady to ..,.. you in •ariom c.· _. .... -tha doctor, tha d.ntist, tho banlo.r, tha i....,..., tha cl019Y"\0Zl, eoch ln his own field . Add .. thlo llot tha llfo in· surance -v-nt, who im Mpee· lally qiselifiecf to adriee you .... ....unv )'OW' linandal ,....bloma. With hlo help J'OU ean plan IOI' the educa· tion of your chllm,.,., the ~t.ction of your family, tha -ty of ,....... -· n-. your own flnuwMl ~. Tho -Ulo.-~tatlft ln JOW..r' oom.· mualty le •t yo•• ...i.o. Itwlll_,._ to-1thlm. SUN LIFE· OF CANADA SAM C. HUJ, Supervioor Geone F. Hill 888 Soutll O>ut BM!. uomi.& u•ca DIST!UCT OFtiCE PHONE 90 BllTUBN FBOM TBIP Mr. and Mrs. D . C. MacKenzie of Costa Mesa returned recently from a two-months' trip in the east, during which they visited their son at Roanoke Rapids, N . C. GIFJ' SETS Elizabeth Arden Black Magic Revel on Cara-Nome Evening in Paris Cotys .JEWELRY Pins Rings Compacts Earrings Brooches Bracelets Lockets Bubble Bath Bath Powders . Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets Nylon Bristle Brushes in All Sets ...... _ ,_Owlolb> ___ _ ,_ ,.. """' I en.. ~ StN.t. ec.ton 1s, t'cacl....tt. ~·='; I The~=.:~~-=-\'"f:·~ I .. ___ ·-I IU.L-1 "1...1---------------ar• °"' ------_____ ..;.. ... ~-------··_:._ ____ _I Eversharp CA Pens Parker 51 Shaeffer Pens and Sets STATIONERY Finest Selection All New COLOGNES Lenth~ric Lucian-Lelong de Heriot Faberge PERFUMES Ta bu 1 Tweed Golliwog New Horizons 20 Caret GIFJ' SOAPS Wrisleys Lucian-Le long Roger & Gallet GREETING CARDS Tyes Wrapping Paper Seals, Etc. CANDY Whitman's Miss Saylor's Gales , ~ Wilkinson Sword Razors $15 Limited Quantities ' Badger Hair Shaving Brushes $7.50 to $25.00 MEN'S GIFJ' SETS Courtley's Sportsmen's His Stag Yaniley's Seaforth Cigarette Lighters Humidors Pipe Racks Pipes Tobacco Pouches Bill Folds Amity and Buxton Bill Fol~ Sets Sult Cases Overnight Bags Fitted and Unfitted Travel Sets FOR THE KIDDIES FOR THE HOME 8TVIFED TOYS Oiubby Teddy Bears Pand85 Dogies Cap Guns Dishes, Pbts and Pan Sets WashJns Machines BABY DOLLS Famous Honman and Patsy Dolls GAMES Wlde Selection Cash Reg!iten Te•.....,_es ~"M.achine. Dictionaries Ash Tray Sets Radloo Picnic Jup Nylon Brushes Bibles Silex Play!ns Card Sets RADIO llEOOBD COllBINATION8 LUCITE DISll A880BTIDlNTl!I RADIOS , These items are only a few of the many appro- priate articles we have. VISIT THESE STORES FOR YOUR GIFTS -Vtnca•t•• Balboa Pbar••1acy •Ac Pelleder•ii Newport Pl1~r••1acy • 8'mpton9S HarbOr_ Dr11p • OO.ON.& .... ... WATERPROOFING Welches Get Tanned On De8ert Vacation i.. .... ,..._,....._ ......... , .. .,.,. _ .. _ ·Managing secretary Harr Y Welch of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Conuuerce and Mn. Welch are spenclina their vaca- tion at Bateman. Arizona. In a pootcard to the c:twnMr office ln Balboa. Welch states \hat they are having a wonderful time and that he ls getting quite a tan on the desert. Have You Seen It? 1'• aA ~ e·rM'7 ~ ............... . abow -Wow P"Qnd. AppMK•_ ........ eau.,._. .... Have you seen a pair of red, white and blue trunks with a Mexican eagle and bull deltgn on them'! Mortane. Interlocking Block Co. ................ c.... .... o.ur. --· If )"OU have, you might tell the Newport Beach police where they were seen last. They may be a sample pair which James Simp- son salesman for a bathing suit ~psny, lost while selling his products In' Balboa, last Satur- day afternoon. NOTICE ·The Union Meat Markets Will Operate · on a 5 ,;. Day Week From Tuesday Through Saturday Beginning Dec. 1 O, 1946 , * We trust that the good housewife will cooperate with the Meat Cutters in making her purchases on Saurday with provisions for Monday. FRANK KRASNESKY-Presldent BUTCHERS UNION Local No. 551 TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three Arch Bay ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' Have Now Become a Begular Part of Our Henu -Every Monday Nlght- A "SOU'l'R-OF-TBE-BOKDER FEAST' -Tuesday- DELICIOUS cmCKEN & DUMPLINGS -Thuniday- THE FINEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked to Perfection -Fl'iday- A DEEP SEA FISH FRY 1bese specialties are offered in conjunction with out varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS, FROG LEGS, etc. Our rold crisp salad bowls ot As- sorted Relishes and Salads will enhance your every meal Mary Sullivan Rites Thursday Requlem mass was said at 9 a.m. Thursday in Mt. Carmel Catholic church for Min Mary A Sullivan, 319 Anade street, Bal- boa, who died Monday in Orange County hospital. She was a native of lspeming, Mich., and had lived in California for 15 years. Surviving are three sisten. Mrs. Josephine Feeley and Miss Nora Sullivan, Balboa. and Mrs. Abbie Costello, San Fran- cisco. • Interment wu made Jn H oly Sepulcher cemetery w i th Grauel chapel in charge. Islanders Christmas Program (Olnti.nued from. Pas• 1 ) gratis to the merchants in erectlni the street lighting effects. Reed also Wormed the gather- ing that the Oiristmas committee has received pledges of $1000 to sustain the association's yuletide program. Bobf'rt Leroy Byrna Al! a service to their many i:-- Funeral services for eight-year-trons, Mr. Forsythe said that BaJ. old Robert IAtoy Byrns, son of boa Island stQreS will remain open Mr: and Mrs. Robert Byrns, n1 evenings during the celebration Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, were from December 10 through Decem· held at 11 a.m. Tuesday in Grauel ber, 24th, Chrisbnas Eve. chapel, Costa Mesa. The youth Association members chose W"tl· died Saturday in St. Joseph h~-llam W . Sanford as chairman of pita!. He is survived by his par-the by-laws committee to assist ents and hl.s Krandmothen, Mrs. Bob Eastman in organ.izing proced- Stella Grace Lomax of Bell and ure for the association wh.ich is Mrs. Ortha P eterson of Loe An· still in a fonnatlve stage. geles. Burial was in Rose Hill It will be their duty to ascertain Memorial park, Whittler. how many officers and how many members of the board of directors Mannie (&tel) Slmberf Will be needed for the business Word was received this week of group. the death in San Diego of Mannie It was announ'Ced before the (Red)· Sim berg, 75, resident of close of the meeting that the next Newport Beach for many years get-together would be held on and former assistant electrical in-Thursday, January 9, at 6:30 p. m., spector for the city. He dJed also in White's Coffee Shop on the Monday, Nov. 25 and funeral Island. services were held at 4 p.m. the ------- following Friday. He cametlere in 1912 from Cata- lina Island. where he had been proprietor of a photograph gal- lery and opened a similar one on the Ocean Front. Later, he was in the electrical business with "Curley" Tripp. In 1930 he went to his ranch in Mariposa county and from there to San Diego. .Jo~ph H . Moore. Senices v.•ere held Monday at 2 p.m. in Grauel chapel for Jos- eph H . Moores, 48. 32 Powell street, Costa Mesa, the Rev. M. C. Cronic as officiant. Interment was in Westm inster Memorial ceme-- tery. Mesan Will Open Shop to Salvage Office Desks, Etc. A salvage shop far the dis- posal ot secondhand printing ma- chinery and office furniture \vUI be opened in the near future at 1645 Nev.-port boule\•ard, Costa Mesa. Roy Davis, who recently cJosed his secondhand store at HRmilton avenue and Harbor boulevard. Costa Mesa, announced that he will operate the new shop. "We expect to stock it with all kinds of second-hand furni- ture. We already have some desks that were purchased at cost from real estate offices," Davis said. ·We're espt"Cially interestect in stock from bankrupt establish- ments." TIDE TABLES ' • • Cash R8$110•se Is Enco•raging (0.8 I -..... , ' • ... .... u -INSURANCE- • FIRE • AUTOlfOBU.S • YACJIT • <X*PENSATlON oent capadly, when they abould only be ·operatlnc at 70 pen:ent capacity, ~ to 14.,., found them&elves in a severe predicta- ment to provide extra beds for the 38 accident victlms. "STU" DUNLAP Tom Holliwell Heads Bowlers !Contlnued rrom Poae ll members of the club. I t was moved by Mr. Rousselle that a standing vote of thanks be n.. victims _,,, carried from one hospital to another until ade- quate places wen found for theaL It wu n!aclily pointed out that FORMED Wlndlhlelclo a Hatch If the propooed Presbyterian Hoo-eov.r. miide to order. AJoo Plex- ptfal building were then built on lclul a Lucita Sheela for ule. Newport Heights, patients from Nu.World Proiducu Oxnpany. the South Coast area who ""' 303 Thin! St., Hlint!nKtaa Beach. now located ln the Santa Ana and Phone Hunttnston Beacb 118. Orange boopitals. could have been llG-Uc adequately cared for here. This I======_,,...,.,,.,..-_,.....,,,__ Wou1d have relieved the JX"etsure FIREW<X>D-$18.00 cord Phone on every o~ hospital ln the Santa Ana 6079-R. 9()..tfc northern tier of the county. CESS POOLS and The comrnlttee•s chairman, Bra-CE den Finch, reported today that the PTIC TANKS special committee for the e:hild- ren's wing of the propc>&ed new hospital building, is recovering cood returns already from the 400 letters it mailed this 'feek to prospective contributors to the fund. Several letters have been re- ceived and attached to them are contn'butlons ranging from one dollar to $50. Mrs. E . E. Boudi- not, chairman of the special com- mittee. states that 167 letters have been received, each with a contribution, and one of them was a donation of $50. Installed Anywhere In Orange County Contract Drilling Sewer Connection (All Work Guaranteed) Full lnaurance Carried J. R. McCORMICK 340 Victoria St. Coota Mesa Beacon 5069-J 93-Uc f'OR A REl.IABt.E Paint Job oe 10\lr home, call Beacon 5S3CI after 4 :ao p.m. 10-u1 given to Mr. Macintosh for his Your fn'ends and mine kindly deed This was seconded AL LACHMEYER SIGNS MOVED BEACON 5178-W and carried with acclamation. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brigp, 1660 In replying Mr. Macintosh spoke Orange avenue, recently returned of the rea1 pleasure it had afford-from a month trip to Northern eel him in presenting the cup, ex-Califomja and Oregon, where Mr. pressing the hope that it would Briggs got in some good duck help somewhat Jn supJX>rtlng the _h_un_u_·n_g_a_t _TuJ_e_La_k_e_. ___ _ good sportsmanship that exists among the members of the club. He also hoped that the pleasure in competing for the cup would equal his in the privilege of pte· senting it. Expression of regret for not be- ing able to be present were re- ceived from John Martell, Fred Crozier . Charley Holt, Charley Way, Mansel Davis and Bill Guth- rie. The president spoke of, the ill- ness of Mr. Harry Hammond, a long time member. expressing the hope that his reco\•ery will be speedy and complete, which was endorsed by all those present. 'Phe next business on the agen1 da was the election II officers for the coming year of 1947. The following v.rere elected in order to fill the various posts: President-Tom Halltwell; vice- presjdent -Richard Macintosh : secretary-treasurer -Herbert E . Wheeler. Please Call Before 8 :30 or After 4 :30 P .M. A.M. 1591 East 18th Street . COSTA MESA 92-tfc MET-CLAD PRODUCTS --by- CLARK It BATES Metallli:lnc Welding SpecWla9 S06 30th St. -Harbor 2S09 • Newport Beach 94-tfc RADIO SALES It SERVICE Speciallzlnc In repalrinc. TRON'ART, INC. Radio, eleetronlcs, IOUlld.-Saleo and BerV!ce-marine and domestic. Ph. H. 12:52-M 2901W.Centtal,Newportlleach. 79-tfc PUBLIC NOTICES K EEPING HOUSE, helplnc take care of thei f&milJ'-fOU woalcl ....U.. that booU-. cu-lo an not the only on• who ao~ ttm. cwt Headocbe and Tind :A.chine Kuc.lea. W • home Kirt. -work jaot u hard and a. .. joot .. D>""7' H•d.cbeo, Jmt .. m&DJ' Stomach :U~ta and set where said sale is to be made and fast u Tind. the consideration or price for such :Al>cm • 1"lr qo, I -mod sale ls to be pald are on De- ALKA•SEL1ZER cember 20, 1946. at 11 :00 o'clock A. M.. at the office of Fred A. Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In OUr °"" Plat PICKUP AND DELIVER ~. BEACON 5"l9S.J Lido Cleanera '543 Newport Bl'fd. _ :.,.tte HARBOR Plumbing Service 1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon llOtllW REPAIRING OUR SPECIALT!' Contracting and Suppll.. 97tfe Mechanical Toys Electric and Mech..,Jcal TralDI, Doll Baggiel. ·oon., Telecrapb Seta, ·Velocipedes, Toys. Steel Wqona. THE TOY SHOP B Marine Balbea hl•ncf , Harbor 2292-W llG-tte JAMES E. McKEE General Contractor f?20 Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mar COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone l!eac:on 528:)-R 89-Uc 2a IE. -St.. Coot& Km& llll-lfc ROOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-tfc PIANO ':'UNING and repairing. J . B. Brown. Wrlto Bax 633, Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, Coota Meaa. 78-Uc CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractors Complete Building Service ~reens committee, .Mark Taylor chairman; Bill Gutltti.e, Otarley Way, Games committee, Percy Williamson, chairman. Capt. C. V. ?tfcCarty, Charles Holt. Member- ship committee, Col. J. C. Bauer, chairman , Richard, Richard Mac- intosh, A. B. Rousselle. Executive committee. Capt. C. V. McCarty, chairman. John Martell, Richard Macintosh. Auditors, A. B . Rous- selle, Mark Taylor. Delegate, Mansel Davis. I 8nd tllat It -m7 As Wilbur. 509 First National Bank -PHONES-- H...t. tabo the ltlnko out of Building, Fourth and Main Harbor 2447-R Harbor 1S2G-W Acblq K-and briDp Streets, Santa Ana, California. :wbm l ~ Add Indlc9tloa. Dated: Nov.Imber 22, 1946. After the meeting had been ordered closed by the president the members were served a buf- fet supper by their gracious hos- tes.s. Mrs. Bauer ,and many thanks \.\'ere due both she and the Colo- nel for their interest and kind- ness. Mr. A. B. Rousselle added very much to the pleasure of the even- ing by giving an interesting and instructive talk on the history and developement of Newport Harbor. The Bookworm ' 'nle '-fl7 •711 I am e )of JOE NICHOLAS, -· to lift with oinea I havo WULKAN G. MARKSITY, Pnn> .-AJb.Seltser. . MILAN POW\TI!ilA, Heft_,... tried ALB:A·SELT• Intended Vendon. mr If DOt, wh7 don't 700 cot Pub. Dec. 5. 1946. - • pectqo ~ z..r,. pech .. 1::-:==:-====:-===-tot. 1maU IOf, a1oo b7 LUMBER REPORTED TAKEN ,i.o po. U Soda oaataia1. T FROM HOLLINGSHEAD HOME PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE OF OAS SCREW HAPPY LANDIN OS Theft of some lumber from the premises ot Gordon Hollinshead, the motion picture producer, at 121 East Bay F'ront, Balboa Isl- and, was reported to police on Monday. 87-Uc PAINTING 12 Yous lerllce In Newport Harbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING 6'.>NTRACTOR -Piion-- Beacon 5413 274 E. 19th Slreot :14-U. Sheet Metal Work Gutters Imtalled and Repaired Regan Bros., Sheet Metal 341 E. 21ot, Costa Mesa Beacon 5608-M 81-tfc CESSPOOL and septic tank work. Domestic & Imported Win es -Beer He hnd lived in Callfornia for 26 Y<'ars. a ll of them in Costa Mesa. Sur\'L Ving are his wife, Annie: one daughter. Mary Jose- phine And four sons, George, Vic- tor , Charles and Robert, all of the home: his fa ther, William and one sistPr, \fary r-foody, of San Luis Obi.e;po; three brothers, Virgil, Cos1a ?vlesa : Eldredgt"'. La Cres- centa and \\7C$ley. San ta Ana. ~! 18 6:06 · 8:0.S 12;19 Television, for felJows like me, 5.1 4." 1.3 Has li ttle chances of succeeding . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that \\-. E. Dunn intends to sell the Gas Screw ''HAPPY LAND- INGS", official number 246516 of Newport Beach, CaUfurnia. Witnesses said that two men were seen to pick up the pieces and drive off in a grey coupe, at- tached to which ·was a trailer. One of the men wore a yachting cap. Phone Santa Ana 6079-R. 90-ttc • We Cannot Serve All the Food on the Coast. So We Seive Only --the Finest -- PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Houn: 5 p.m. -10. Sundays, 4 p.m. -10. Oooed Wednesday> THE 8TA..vr<>NS. DOO AN1> 10 Formerly ot the O>est Inn l\larlna Conttt"ru l\·larina Co11tre r as, 6~. died Nov. 28 at hE'r home, 17th and Mon- rovia streets. Costa :'\1esa. She "'as born in l\1£'xico an(f had lived in California for 40 yl"ars, all of the period in Costa l\tesa. T 19 6 :35 12:07 8:M 1:02 I like to turn the radio on, 5.4 0.6 4.3 0.7 And continue \vith my reading. w 20 7:01 12 :40 7:58 1:39 ------------ 5.7 0 .9 4.2 0.2 Th 21 7 :25 1 :II 8:21 !:14 5.8 1.2 4.1 ---0.l ' 22 7 :50 1 :35 9 :00 ,,., Sur'i ,·i11g are three sons. Al- -------------------------I frl'd George. Santa Ana; M01 nuel, Los Angel{'s and Valentino. Costa .t l\lcsa : a stepdaughter. ~1argu1'rita Arabel; t ,,.o daughters, Frances Higcra and Eleanora Saragosa. both of Costa Mesa. and 13 grand· children. 5.9 1.5 3.9 ---0.3 S 23 8 :13 2 :01 9 :~ S:l9 5.9 1.8 3.8 ---0.4 i · ' {}Jtatf A1 alUne t~ Sales and Service :ZSrd a Oeatral Pia. 2800 '_, Requiem 1'1ass v.·a.s said Nov. 30 at Our Lady of Guadalupe church, Sa nta Ana and interment \\'&S In Holy Sepulcher ce.nletery with t he Grauel chapel in charge. Su 24 8:38 2:26 10:!1 3:51 5.9 2.1 3.6 ---0.4 M 25 9:03 2:49 ll:H 4:%8 5.7 2.4 3.5 ---0.3 T 26 9:28 3:13 ......... 5:08 5.5 2.7 ---0.1 W 'II U~ 3:38 9:58 G:GZ 3.3 2.9 5.3 0.0 !'1119 .... ~ .. ord« o6 ~ ucat nPr-.... : ...,_ a.ai-p. • DIESEL SE~·VICE New 225 H.P. Diesels on Hand RecondlUoaed DifMl8 .,;;-~ with choice of redodlon uaHal • WE AU WBITJNO OllDEllll ON UGBT-AND LEPT- HAND aoTADON DIESEI.8 FO. T\\'IN INSTAt.1,4- TIONIL CHOICE OF BJ:DVCTIOJ" U!'o"ITS. On e1ec1: 166 IL P. General Moto,.,._New. See us tor intormatibn on Venn Severin Die' *'r-is: Dleeel a-raw Seta of Al .K.lnds lP1lANA B. LEWll 11-1-to 0.--Hullpr Watch for the Aa ncemewt of O•r New L~tion Please present all bills, liens against said boat, at the office of WINTHROP 0 . GORDON. 10 BANK Of" AMERICA BUILD- ING. SANTA ANA. CALIFOR- NIA before the 6th day of Decem- ber, 1946. - W. E. DUNN, Owner. Pub: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 5, 1946. NOTICE OF SALE IN BtlLll; CERTIFICATE OF FICTITIOUS NAME r. the undersigned. M. B. Rou of Santa Ana. CaHfOrnla. d o hereby cer- 1 ti.ty that J am conducting a m&rtne wiring" bu•ineu al S28 28th Street. In the City or Newport Beach. County of Orange, State oJ Cal1foml&. under the flctltlO\U name' or SHIP SHORll ELECTRIC; that I am the .ale O'Wber or and the only pereon lnteruted In aajd bualneu, and that my pl&oe of realde.nce i.. 104!1,i Wut nnh Street. Santa Ana. C&lltornla. Dated November 7, 1946. II. B. ROSS. STATS OF CALIFORNIA.. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: COUNTY 011" ORANGE-.. Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR-• Winter Planting Hollister Bros. NURSERY Landscaplnc 1959 Harbor Boulevard CootaMesa N,-..CE IS HEREBY G"FT:"tt.T On tbl.9 7Lh d&T of NoYernber, in v 11 .1. "l:..l.'4 • the year 1946, before me. the unde,... TB&lf8POBTATION punuant to the provisions of Sec-alped, a Notary Public In and tor lion 3440 of the California Civil aajd County and State. pe:nonally ap-1 peared II. B. ROSS. known to me to Code, that Joe Nicholas, whme be the pencm wtto.e name 't. wb- addreu ii 320% West 14th Street, 11er1bed to the forego.lq-lnatrument. and adul!•ledpd to me that be es-San P~. California, Wulkan G. ecuted the same. Markslty, whose address ls 2438 be~un~ ~~~~"; BICYCLES Sold. Rented ar Roepalnd_ VOGEL'S 100 Kain St., ~ .. Heliotrope Drive, Santa Ana, otnclal -1. the ,day ud ,_,. I.II um California, and Milan PolOYina, certlflcate Ont abo"' written. i..--... .-.1 __ • llAX HURWITZ, ••a~ .,...._ la W11u11e -..u.i-~ ll 320~ West 13th (Seal.) Notary Public 1n and for,.-==~=··=~--:-o=-===== Street San Pedro California in-..sd County and State. ' '-• ... CHINE --• MA~ ~ • • , :ar,. Oomrai..ton uptn. JnA ai::u t...n..L.I."'~ tond to M!ll to Thomas K. Quirk, Juoe 7. 19150. n t W ,,,,,_ addreu 1s 2868 Terry Road ..... N ... u. 21. ,., Dec. •· ,..,. cermanen aves Lacuna Beach, Calltornia. all of NOTIU OF l~ION TO ULL ~~ andPh. "="19-W the personal properly described NOTtCI: IS HEREBY GIVEN ..... v·· ppt.Be Sh generally as follows . N&nt to tbe PTOYislou of Section 1 8 autv Shop All of the •tock ~ trade, sup. !r° eafi~o::t.. ~~ ~l ~ S:: 1103 C.out Hhray, 6rOna cle1 Mar plies, furniture ftxtUres equI~ R. W. Baittm Veador, of 11» llalD. 'J5.Cfc • ' • r St.rMt. Balboa, C&Ufonla bateada ment, installations, tool!, utensils -.11 to w. &. Leuben-..tn &Del Dorotby DIPU>Tli&NI' WUWWW • and wares (except the cottee Leubenateln Vendee. or tot •at n -.11...__ maJdna u1 t. ... ~. bo -.._. Bal-cauromio. ol1 that WILL CARE for ~ In 1117 • eq pmen ,_ x, com-eert.&l• perooaal .,_., co--..,..._ end wm clo trcn-operated amusement devices and pnen.11,. or ..u lltcd: ln tr'&d6. tts-.._,,.. nut vendin• --~•--) located In """° -• aad I004 will of • Ins-Phone aan-10'.la-J. • "™-oartai• WiM apfiu'el tbOD .,...... 9S-2tc and about the cafe known u now. u ''llac.tm'... ta U.. Ctt1 or "Sea Shell Cal•:· wblch 1o 1ocetec1 l::!l'.."""...-.--=:. ~~ =I GARDCiAmiiENER!:Nim"'.-=-1TaD.i'iiii~per;;;.,;;;.mi-iii;. at th• addr .. -aa 601 Eut that u.a -..,.. -will mlddle apd. Wblte. Elqst cm Central A.venue, Balboa, <>ranee t,.~1:.:..;:~ :t ~ = la1rn. Gawen. trw, lbrubl, County, Callfomla, t.osetbor with -of .._ K T • 8 A la u.a pwnhoowo, lath -1114 .,._ tho On-Sale General I-bold "''' a< .::.:>:r .,,~;,. °""""' ot pert -tor. Good, ~ by the ldlen In COnnectica with "'= D1 ~_\.Ir." --Rat. SU5 boar. Write &aid blw'nzsr, tbe sood wfll ol ~ &. YrP'.llQT Bcm: WV"' c/o NMt.Tlma. ltp Aid ---tbe _....eel ·-::r "' tba ....... - -... _ ... i••mcc ... ,,,. ... -... Ille --...... ..:"fl:i: . • Additfom,I Want Ada on . Followlne Paae ,, ,, ,, '" ,, ... -·--.,, .· ... -. ' ... .-f . -' • I D&!!ll!. -• UM t • . w!..---A-d--s---, 'IA-U:--!\ITIICE--Ll.A:--,..->EO-llll---.. -... --n..--ac-~w-·-iw--• E --tl .... _ n -.,. :·~s~·~·~·~-~~r~&~n:~~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~!!~~'rz~;u~~~~=====·!:~~··~·~-~~·m!t:::::::;. ant • 'FOR SUE Late DOYeled m--FOR-SAI.i:--16-ft. O!Mw Ilaa7, JIDIT-4 .._ -.,__ 2 ADULTS -1-P'l iP I 1a-boob, $1.l50 -. Mall)' •--.Maire otter. 120 15th St., )llll •o•••-IJ'. Prefer .....,_ wut lo nm flil•-er -F. JACK SUILIV AN , Book al X...tb dub edl-. New'"*t l'•dl. Harbor U:O.R. rmt "'--UIJ' perlar, -. nlohod -. Will sift -Real Mate ',._,!~~Q~~M~l!~.19!•;1!~~--1 Pbone Beaa>o•. l52115-W, mon>-~2tc cldlclren tuc&t<y, men'a --Write Box "B" c/o I flam JllNN'•c pip 1--9'-ltc l'OR YOUR NEW Bldl:I' -no El C.mlno RM1 1101 .-,;,,... llSJ.tc A , •• n ......... , SS •• ,-..... • • LADTS 'GRIP. brand new. $16. flllCfne (Jr puts, -""Jim .. Van I ) San Clemente. Pbene ~ -·· -... • • WPl.Onu:KT W.&l'itiiD II Harbor J.922.R. 9'-2tc Fleet, fllctGl'J' -· 3311 -l-----,,--=....,...-'-"-:.;:: ===---....,,---:-.....,.= Finley Aw N-jUt BMdl. FOR RENT-Now Da11D1M! ,_ FOR ~ dal -· e. • WAN'l'ED-llendlnc and cblld-1945 Winer motcr bike, ldcl'a Qr*r now fer JDld..wbtter de-and prtfale balll, tile .._ •a ft. lot.J blodt --.-...,., aewtnc. Will call for -1CX10ter, ml8ll -...UC bicycle. u_,. u prica .. aure lo at.II. Twin er *"Ible -. -al -.. .---far • tr -. Write Box "O'' clo 1585 Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 9'-2tc octnnee. 8&-trc •be and 1n-.mc --°"!-· Ph. B-21»-W. Nice Small Home News-nm... 9'-2tp GIRL'S bicycle, """"8mt condl· -Unt beat. Speclol rats fer l&-tfc OOLLEGE GRADUATE wanta to t1on. Harbor -. 93-2tc Balboa Canvas Shop -t ..-1&. llllrade 1111e FOR SAL&--By owner fUmlabed Slnele praee, .., 60 ft. lot. Very do l'ftellJ'Cb for writer. ~ FOR SALE---One CIJ'l'a and one s.Da -Boat Ccmn !AoCol 108' Oout Blcliw.y, New-~ home ' F1ftplace fine locotlon-~ ahorthand Write Box 'W-boy's regular size bicycles, both . Karine Upholaterlna part Be..t.. Pb. Bu '"' 5299-J. fJID>ace, reftl&waior. C P: Full Price $6850 ·r c/o Newa Times. 9'-ltc like new. Call Harbor 276S-W. Harbor 2t11 -22416 21at St. '15trc ranp. Open for 1nspec:t1on un- EXP. white women wanu ironing, 9'-2tc N-jUt BNcb n-trc Retervatlona now for your W Monday. TI3 Broad St., housework or child care by the lltJlll<JAL a a&DIO M bollA·~ mwta. DebDC ,._,,,,_ New-t Helghta. 9'-ltp VENE"1'lAN BLINDS-AlumlD--·-· day. Leave name and phone No. steel. wood. Call U8 tor tree estl· FOR SA.LE-Steinway piano, 54-Home like atmosphere. Rates In Box "'&' clo N..,.-nmes. mate. ReMntlm A reflnllh!DC in., perfect concl. $400. See at 11-50 to $3.00 C<>tta Mesa Hotel. 9*-Itp So. Oout Venetian BUM Co.. 1205 Cypress Ave .. Santa Ana Pbone Beacon 5424-J. 93-3tp -----------West 18th and Newport Ave.. or phone Beacon 5712. 94-tfc WAJnZD TO UNT u lllllPLOTIIENT Ornu:D • C<>tta l4eaa. Pb: Bco<:on 5182-W. FOR SAL&--Uprlght piano, re-If ANTED TO RENT-'nll June 1 210 22nd St., Co&ta Meaa WOMAN rar housework full or 5.ttt conditioned. $100. ca.sh. Beacon .I or lancer-, one or two bedroom BEAa:>N 5275--M p.rt t1me .. Live in or out. Good nre ~ -KindltDll 56T1. 2001 Orange Ave., C<>tta tilrnlahod i-er apartment. LISTINGS NEEDED wages. Harbor 1992. 93-tfc W 0 0 D Mesa. 9'-ltc Urgently needed by Vet and ~ ~ WANTED, MALE-Local Dell~ RADIO HOUSE ru r "--wife. No children er pell. Box ,_ ~ H. W. WRI-GHT L-"B" cl N--~-9'-2tp Phone them m. Have buyer for or travelln& In biiwlnea for Now that additional compe. 0 "" ..... .-" m . half acre in good neighborhood. }'OUnelt. No money requlred. Ph. Beacon 6666 tent technldana are avallable, • ANTED TO RENT Two-bed- Good income. You are your own l1'8' Newpcrt ems. ~ttc we an able to make aervtce calla room fumlshed or unfurnished -. Apply AuatlD Studio, l!OBl!o on J.arse conaoles. All W'Cl'lc houae or apartment, wW vacate $5500 No. Mein St., Sant& Ana. 87.Stc Auto Batteries cuaranteed. by June. Urgently needed by 1 Bedroom houae on small lot. EDNA ROUSH -BROKER BELOW HIWAY Small Home Close to school. Takes a little money and W'Or'k to complete • -this ls a good buy at- $4000 Two Very Fine Lot.a 30x ll8 at $1350 Each Both in a good location. Act quick. 120 ft. From Ocean DISHWASHER WANTED, DAYS Rubber 8-atera HENRY W. BRAINERD Vet and family. Cllt Joyce, Some furniture. Garage. lmmed. -75c per hour, two meala. J.8.mcnth -'6.75 Ex. New Owner S.O.S. Radio Harbor 2517-W. 9'-2tp Pouesa!on. .Five 45 ft.' view Iota on beat Cout-HI Cale, 504 Cout Hlgb-Compounded Motor Oil 300 M&r!ne Ave. Harbor ": trc 1ANT TO RENT~ or 3 be&UL street in town- way, Corona de! Mar. 92-4tp Gallon, 70c -unfumlahed houle. Will i-$6000 $4500 DANZ-SCHMIDT Call Sam Perter at Harbor 707 1 1 bedroo H part! WELL PAID JOBS Western Auto Supply PIANO CO. or u. ~trc ;.::;.heel. Chl:f:~ns 0= eqw:. In Beautiful Bay Shore with Real Futures for Young Women as Telephone Operators J.836 N~~c1.~C:t& .11.. 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana JIPT or SMALL HOUSE wanted included in this price. TH IS A fine three-bedroom home · fire-~ by man and wife. We do not MIGHT BE WHAT YOU ARE · ' -_________ u_-_uc ZENITH console. 7 tubes, attrac-drtak ar mnoke, no cblldra. ar LOOJONG FOR place, patio, ~arbecue,_ extra COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates tlve cabinet. Perfect cond. Low pets. Pnone Santa Ana 0991.w . large garage wit.i;i servJ.ce and price. 928 W. MyrUe. or write Box "X" Newport Bal· stall shower. This. home must BABY grand HJgb grade make. boa News·Timea. 37-tfc OTHERS from S2950 and up, be seen to 'be appreoated- ll'aed. Now only $485. Terms. which I will be glad to show $16,000 STEINWAY grand, atyle B. The HOUSING NEEDED FOR you. 9*-ltp world's most wonderful piano. Uaed. Save one-third now from VET E'RANS LISTINGS APPRECIATED In most communities be&lnnen re-Kltcben and Wall Wuhing new today's price. LI.st Your Vacancies With Beverley Realty Co. -We Need Listings-celve bue pay of $30 for a fl"!' Floor Oeanlng and Waxlnfl GOOD used practice piano. Only AMERICAN LEGION clay week, with extra pay for over-Window Oeanlng Caulkins $69. Or will rent. Harbor 452 90-tfc Unimproved Lots $1500 and up time or d•ty at oerta.ln hours of Painting GRAND pianos. Weber, Stein-I ' ANT 2 to 3 bedroom house or the day. way, Kimball, Raworth. Mehlin apartment . for three months. WE NEED UDO NORD PROPERTY WITH PIER Seven waae·lnaeues the nnt two y.eu.-pald vacations. Learn this lntereatlng WCl'k at IOod pay In your own CODUDUD!ty. All Work Guaranteed and many others. Priced from Capt. v . J . Smith, Phone Har-~ up. bor 1503-J. 92-2tp REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr-Gladys Beverley, Jack C. Ford, & W. d ror piano. A beauty. Full rich ' ANT TO RENT-Furnlshed or Realtors Al's House In OW tone. Now only $295. TernlS. unfurnished houae, 2 or 3 bed-Jamea Howard Bill Lewellyn JOHN R. SCHICK, Saleaman Harbor 379..J .Beverly Realty Co. F. JACK SuLLIVAN Cleaning Servic:e GORGEOUS new 1tyled upholat-roma will lease. Phone Harbor Broker Saleaman 1213 Cout Hlgbway You work with friendly people In end piano with mirror aplnet 707 81-trc 507 E. Central Harbor 1788 CORONA DEL MAR pleuant omceo. __________ 86-_trc type potent. Wu exchan&ed •r••. mAn: ., Balboa 9*-ltc Ph. Harbor 1247-J 9*-ltc IV ANTED TO 1111'1' 11 for large grand. Will aell fer . Excellent pnimotlon pomlbll!Ua. ==~~:---;:-;-:-----=--. ba1.. $288. • Balboa TRADE -Hu bicycle excellent -BUSINESS BUYS">-- APPLY Southern California Telephone Company condition, large basket. Whaf DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO 00. F ve--bedroom home, completely have you? Can use turniture, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana a.Uc furnished. Good location. Im- appllance, etc. HarboJ: ~. Electric and Fire mediate poaseuion- 93-2tc ~12,000 ---------r Equipment Tests "' -0- Will Pay Cash All Qualified -...i ierma For your fUrnlture or What have C-0-'l'ofo, l'ynme A Foom nflll& SMALL MALT SHOP ideal f I Barg . Phon n-~~ B lb Isl d ' or coupe. am. you. e ~acm -co. --and Partablol a oa an :• RESTAURANTS, several to choose from.,$3,200 up. HAMBURGHER STANDS, year around spots. Crawley Furniture Co. -aftllable. 1 \lplex, furnished. Excellent lo-GIFr SHOP, novelties, resort spot, big money maker. loo E. "•-A-ue "-~--1812 N-BI·~. ~---~--ETS ROKIN A GAI:.VAN I Ba ...., ·~· ' -·-.-• ·~ ~-~ 1000 Oout lllCbW07 cot on. Near Y-GAS STATION, comer location, 2-bednn. home, 3 lots. 51416 No. Main Street. Sant& Am ----------Ph. Beacon 5407 91·tfc $16,500 TRAILER COURT, 2 acres site partJy developed. :,.F,:,UBN,,......,l,..,T°':-U.,;,IUl:.:..,.,l'O=-B-::8:-Ao-::1:-"'.,...-.,..-D Radio Repairs T>\VO BEDROOMS -BALBOA ISLAND Let ua look at the f!gui-es ol prem:it hriJdlng costs. U you can use $8.00 per foot, we find a beach cottqe ol 850 9q11are feet runs to $68)() plus cost of a praae and $7000. For a Balboa Island lot, and plua Jn. numerable diftlcultles. . We have a modest twt>-bedroom house fUmlabed and priced at $15,000-that will satisfy and can be had unfurnished, if so preferred Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing 94-ltc DO YOU WANT TO SELL? • All right-we have serious buyers for the ~ollowing: 1. Lido Isle, south Bay Front home; three or four bedrooms. Must have pier. WW pay up to $50,000. · 2. Peninsula lot, Miramar or north. About $26()() cash. . I , _ 3. Modem duplex up to seven yeers old. Price to $20,000. Balboa. Balboa Island, El,Bj(yo or Corona del Mar locations desired. -~:· 4. Lot on Central between 15th and M'-"1 ; zoned for multiple dwelling. Price, $3000. 1 • --Courtesy to Brokers COAST PROPERTIES CO. "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E.-Central -Balboa -Harbor 2658 ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 94-ltc 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 3TI-W BALBOA ISLAND Beach cottage on full.sized lot, fumlshed -Immediate poHessloo •.. $9,000 ISLAND. REALTY COMPANY ·201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone m.w 114-ltc FOR SALE CHEAP-Twin Iron All _._: tubes. etc. Corona de) Mar , MOTELS, new, several good income properties. ~tfc beds .and sprlnga; perfect cor>-Be 763 -r 1 ,A~U'l'O~:;!K::OTIVS~~~·=-;TIB~=llill=.......,._;•= as••, DTAft W.&l'irm -----------dltion. Phone Harbor 1666-R. aeon 6 A tractive, modem two-bedroom -0-I• .. BURT NORTON I Fir I ti<>-FOR SAL&--1941 Winibcr Chrya-WILL TRADE-Lota OD Lido Iale ~ !IQWlSllANSC)'lla 9*-ltc me. ep ace, po When Selling or Buying a Business, See "Sandy'' !er four-door lledan; excellent a1ao Iota cm PH>h•Jla OD pur- FOR SAL&--1/3 H.P. elect. motor, MONTEREY style bed divan, 2 915 Oout ~. NIW,,alt $11, 750 . condition, low milea1e. Harbor chUe of 2 or 3 bedrocm -double ahaft; 1 H.P. gu engine ; chain, 1 table, 1 large O'Keefe za.tfc -0-1992. 9*-tfc In Harbor dllltrlct. Phone Harbor larle table model G. E . radio; &: Merritt heater. Complete l!IPmOIAL ANNOUN~ a V ry nice tw.o-bedroom home; 7U7 _ ll·Uc electric table model n!COrd play-1100. Call Harbor 2767-J. after • !replace, pouo, dining room-A . "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor FOR SAL&--'33 Plymouth coupe : ----------- er. 2100 w. Central Ave ., New-5,30 p.m. 92-Uc Carpenters Availabte "10,500 n...iness Broker _ Insurance good motor and tires, $275. 216 llOl!IU TO m&K 11 9*-1 "' ..,.__ 33rd st., Newport Beach. 9'l-2tp l.-,===-==::-=-=-= port Beach . tp THEODORE · Haviland· Limoges far _...i maintenance 634CoastHighway101-Beael!115173 1937 PACKARD condition like LO!'!!~-~ 111.JlL[), bu;J, -p U M P S 12-piace dinner set, $200. 213 and repair Costa Mesa 94-ltc $950 ' _...._ or -....,.._ E B A t do o. z. llOllBRT!ION new .00. 409 29th St. New-Nowpaot Balboa -.i lla.--WORTHINGTON · ay ve., rear ap -wn-Call Harbor 83 /Tiree-bedroom home ; new, attrac-, -----------------------! port Beach. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ... ... A, __ -·--. ......,., .. ....., PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGAL stairs, Balboa. 94-ltp " l else ped f ced frui '. --· ---F-All Preuure -----===-=---M-_tr_• I ~ve, an a ' en , t -...--,---=---=-93-_2_;.tp 3331 Via Lido Pb. liUrlJcr 1500 •• FOR SALE-Large pl<ture 36x42 THIS ONE ST ANDS OUT = Soden Refrigeration In.; floor lamp and end table. KEYS FOR SALE-32 coupe '37 V-8 623 So. Loci Angel .. St., Anaheim All new. Call Harbor 176. Kade Wblle y.., Walt $13,500 motor and tranamlsaion. Good AUTO llEBVl<Jm • Phone 4652 94--ltc 94-ltp VOGJ:l:S condition. 518 Fernlea"f, Corona -----------o"""'VE=RS~"°71=cU:=F:=F'E"'D~ch:-a.,-lr-g-ood--:--co....::n· 100 Kain St., Balboa JOHN E. SADLEm de! Mar. 93-2tp NOW HERE MODERN FENCES White Picket Solid Board Concrete Block Walls All New Matmal -Erected or clition, reasonable. 407 E. 19th '°' Kartne, Balboa Imland REAL TOR M-tf• Costa Mesa. Beacon 5603 93-2tp 302 Main St., Balboa DOUBLE BEDSTEAD, mattreu, FOB BENT U Phone Harbor 2034 springs $35.00 314 PoiNetta, FOR RENT-Single room with 1~ 5 Gout Hiway, Corona de! Mar Corona del Mar. 93-2tc ajoinlng bath, private entrance. Phone Harbor 741 311 Ialand Ave., Balboa. ~2tc 9*-ltc Pre-Fab FOR SALE-5 Iron drapery rods, -Free Estimates long, rings, and holders. Barrell REAL ESTATE ,, .,U aTA.ft PAUL W ANDERS bar. Evenings or Saturday 220 · Agate, in rear, Balboa Wand. I Mfr. and Builder • 9.l-2tc Modem Fences . Newport Heights-166 Cecil Place COSTA MESA FOR SAL&--Double bed with 91-4tc mattreas and springs. Phone Modem, comfortable stu~home on Santa Ana -----,.-------Beacon 5618-R. 217 Broadway, avenue; seven rooms-bedrooms, fireplace. ' Coata Mesa. 9.l-2tc Double garage. Priced to seD- XMAS TREE ST ANDS FOR SAL&--Four-burner high f 12-lnch croa type 110.® per 100 oven stove. two double beds, $11,500 -enns l~inch croa ~ $12.<I:> per 100 springs and mattresses; one IJmited Supply-Order Now double decker bed. misc. tables, =I PAUL W. ANDERS chain, lamps, etc. 311 Apolena , Ba./lboa Bayshores-Mfr. and Builder Balboa Island. 94-2tc Modern Fences Special Bargain Daily =.~.-H~q~ In ,:~'!:r =~ 166 Cecell Place COSTA MES91 •tAc New and Uaed ~·-•ture "-••ht ·-.., -• wru -... kitchen. Patio, barbecue; also playroom in garage. -----------and Sold ... Phone Beacon 5538-J Terms-will consider one ~r two lots in Corona del TIRES Recapping MODERN All Electric Equipment NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR DISTORTION COMPLETE SET IN ONE DAT SECI'ION WORK TUBE REPAIRS LESTER'S 0 . K. Rubber Welders 2900 Weal Central NEWPORT BEACH 9*-ltc Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator · Now at Voge!'s JAIO Kain St. _,.,.. I• 153-U. .. -'·_ ~ . . -.. Harbor Furniture Mar, Balboa Island, or Lido, as part payment. 1962 Harbor IDvd., ec.ta M... -0- 89-tfc _ao_A_n._s_u_•..,,n_.u:s _____ u Corona de! Mar- FOR SALE-Frame of 26' round bottom hull. Ready ror plank- ing. 22361 So. Anaheim, Costa Mesa. 9'l-2tp 30' SLIP for rent in Newport Bay. L. A. phones. Pl. 14028, MU. 8425. 93-4tc FOR SALE-New E\.1nrude out- board motor.1 2% H.P. Never uaed. Phone Beacon 5618-R. m Broadway. Costa Mesa 93-2"tc FOR SALE--23-ft. Olryaler pow- ered commercial llahln& boat. Priced for qJlick aale. 276 E. 19th St. Costa Mesa. Call after 6 -.!< daya er all day Sat and Sun. 91-4tc FOR SAL&---40 ft. cabin crulaer; aleei:e !llx; p!Jey. dinette, i-. J.arse --and cocltplt, oampletel7 reconditioned, -to stem; Ou-JUer mutne mslne See -. m Aaate Ave.. Bal- .._ Jslencl 17-tfc FOUR ROOMS; two . and bath. 60-ft. lot. Only three yeers old. Lo~ ot flowers and shrubs. Nice patio. A small dOWJ payment and this heme Is yours. Come, see I~ too jY· Vacant Lots- Newport Beach .. :;eJ ._ ... ____ J'rom $ 1.350 East Newport, Cenlral A. -r comer .... _____ 5,000 Canal Frontage, 30 fL::-;-1--.. ----·--5,500 Lido Isle, 30 ft. with buJkmied __ 15,000 Ocean Front, 60 ft. comer J_ _ 5,300 -a+ EARL W. S1'ANLEY COVERING .GREA~~WPORT. HARBOR 111!1 ao.t ~"1 3113 W. Zll .._ A..._ a.ma c1tJ Mar N .. pwt ..... I '--d -: Bad>crlMll Baltlcr lOU -: 8-1119 -~111: , --- -' --. ~ ~ --. . -· ----... ·-. 94 ~r-:s:i Finest section of Costa Mesa, built m l 1, In excellent condition. Two-bedroom furn.. !shed home. Large single car garage with extra bedroom or den in rear. All hard- wood floors. Electric refrigerator, range and water heater. Fumlture valued at $2000. Finest quality. $12,950 -Liberal Terms --Courtesy to Brokers COAST PROPERTIES CO. "Serving Balboa Harbor Area" 703 E. Cenlral -Balbca -Harbor 2658 BRIGGS' ••• BEST ••• BUYS 94:-ltc Hereafter If we recap your TIRES We cuarantee our "Cape" to Jut 20,000 MILES and thU'• -all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Reprdl-of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete let ,... will call fer your car In the mornJnc and dell-...... day. Alao • '2.00 llMl!atatlc balance Job When we recap your tins, fer Sl.00. No lead welibta er •eztra." Your authorized ClnJ '-. Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mecbanlca Kendall and Quaker State oOI NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 261& W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 63& TKAQ'R• • FOR SALE -American Euum made tra\ler, 1946 model 22 ft. long. Hot water, lhower, .,.. Ing many built In featurs. Pri- Costa Mesa Tire Co. ;:!e =.l 208 Amethya~8;;_; In RMr at 1760 Newport Blvd. 'nlAIIZRS FOR RENT---Dg ,_ Six room house, 3 B. R:, partly tumished, tiled COSTA MESA """' ""':""' ~="11.!co .U shower, cor lot, near ~" In Newport ---SS.SOO .,_ -"1'14••-t, --~ ~...., uvwu Pb. BeCIClOll !1743 por 4-T. We ~ Ille 11111o1L Lovely little home, ---with S1°de drive, lot 65x180 on -Aalc for AI -.Banlc. "'7relm Brc& lla•k» II••._, .. -.... ~ ccr.-lTihAN_po;t __ O.. Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa _ .. ____ .....$4,5()() down M-trc -. -.cn l-;~~Uit-MIJe;·~w;;;;·.~-,;-;.~,:-----~.=-;;;.i11'18;;;;;:=-::~=··~-===:----=~ Heme with income in Corona de! Mar, 2 houses In fine --___ ...., • condition on one lot, 1 fumlshed, near grammar school and not far from Bay, immediate poss"SSlon $8,900, full price Six l'l!!ltals and owner's quarters, bllllld new, modem fur. nlture, tile showers, hdw. floors, laundry and garage, splendid location, income on six units $21.00 a day; Devi!!' any vacancies. It will pay lt8elf out In 5 years. Fred -BRIGGS..,..-Tressa 634 Coast HlibwaY A "Saiidy" Steiner omea Phone Beacon 5173 or Rea. Har. 24'16 ' WE WRITE FIRE AND AtrrO INSURANCE ~ltc .. .Jt' __ .. _, -----·~ ~ -' WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices snz. YOtJR CAR NOW WbDe Pltlw &1'9 Bllh ~tor our _ ...... bu)'er who wlll c:all llld w!t .. Jal 'ecza::f OPA nplattmw, •elD•c; &Wkwandarl£& ,,... aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET 00 Inc.. 0 iiullit .S W ?• 0..' I I ., -WtltC: P"'l1'e•i1Wt-rt\, ao1 4" M • D rt . . . .. .I .,-. ' , I ., ' • ' • . . H NSEN'S 1108 Oenz rr.t ••• NOW OPD"BVmmfG8 • Sandwiches • Hambmsel'• I......,.. •x 0i-v . --+--~---~-~·~--~----~· • A.....,.. ...... type of Mll*l•ls-county--dlotrict can be f-. Ion will bit 1W•wnmended for a ed. Rawn ~ oounty-wlck llallltatlon dlltrlct If He aald that tile survey'a re- '' la fcnned. ond the llallltarT ~ .., induotrlal wute diap&ol flldll\jea wblcb wwld ·be anlls problem will be flniahod by Jan. able woold be cm a .._.. bolila 1 "or ooon tllettafter" and he only, Chief Encinftr A. W. Rawn aald that the papulatlon •~Y. of tile ccunty'a aewt<op auney anoU-phase ot tile report, will aald In an oddr-ID Anaheim. be ready about a month later. He and Oiarlea G. lf1de, .,._ The whole report la due July oU---ot the baud ot 1, he said • . -"Rm 11pwww ol & Kar' ... White's Balboa · Island Cafe AND ooosrAIL .BA& l!I:••• rs n Anno~r the New Vibrapac Building Units AIL sn+s BmLDINO UNDB Brfdl and 01 ; DOI Bla:a N-.. f'loolwr4i1• LMll fw ---NewjiGll't ........... - ~a~-:_!:: ~:Id andor !~f Ollar guides, plen- nlnlr aids. c:omprebem- lve lltocll: ot carpm ----ting the ...... Hyde, In bta talk. dedued that wy In thia ccunty, dacribed their larce -ce treatment planta 1*05feD to 6o llMS!" -i»ed haft been fOWld matt ec:onomlcal at Anaheim EUii dubhome for to operate Ud. ••easier to operate'' dinner with the aanltatlon oom-giving conttete hint that the wr- mlttee of the ~ted O..mb. vey will ~ a unltled en of Commerce. sn affair ~ plant- which W. L. F....-of Ganim Prof. Hyde's talk dwelt larae]y ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;; Grove . p<..ided u committee on genenlltlea with few procnoa-• I and llnoleum. ..... <mJI* Ocnarit. ~ ~A 17IAN1> AT JllD-Dil~ chairman. tlcatlons thrown In. trer.., tallim ..-u,, fop TM ~,, rs W..._, D"F rt sz Rawn sa.td that aD dt:See and He said that the population -.. - _ -..._. .. la -N.,..,._ ,..... communltlea could be<oone mem-of the ccunty Is eatlmated now at filled c • with Mexican mual-ben of the clounty-wide d1ltrlct between 175,000 and 200,000 per-Hyde Travel Bur. clana • their romantic the enctneerlDI: ~ w!1I' recom-IOnl, but that the ·~ will Yul guitars.. Tl)e visit at Xochlmlloo mend be formed to put IDto _..,.. seek In accurate delA!rminatlan u Announces e Is acbeduled for Docember 26th. tlan the survey'• ftndinp. to present population. Then It T f M • 1n addltt'1o to aeveral days In A ClOllUDisakn>-type of control will make a few _..aoticatlana our 0 eXICO Mexico Cltif ltaelf. the i)arty will with repeaentatl-_elected !rom u to wbat the papulatlon will be -LUDLUM Carpet Works Announcement wu made today journey to iUruapan !rom which the several d1ltrlcta, would p;oYern each decade throuah which a unl- by the Julia Ann Hyde Traftl a llhort mol4!1' ride tal<ea"the croup It. Only dtlft and C<lllllllUllltlft fled aanltatlon aystem would Service In Santa Ana that aooom-to Volacancl Parcutln; oU-trips needing sanitation aervlcea would serve. odatlana are available now fa< a Include the! Shrine of Guadalupe join, none belnc forced to mem-He reW!wed formation and op- Owmed Ulll opdlw.te4 bf Waiki Wiii' D V.,_ • •t' '• ,_ ,.. sz•& pod wlll and palrmzp. It .._..._.,,du Phone HARBOR 2645 few additional people on the apee-and the ~da of the Sun and berahlp. oration of the Loa Angelea_ "------------------..11 11a1 Chriatmaa Party tour tbroUCh Moon. and to Fortin where tile Acrlcultural attaa having no County Sanitation district, which old Mexico, leaving Burbank De-party may In the gardenia need ror sanitation ~ would Ra""" heada u chief engineer, and ,...-------------------, cember 14th and ...,turning De-filled pool. be excluded, but provision for In-held this to be a ''model" of efflc- cember 31. The f.,,. ~mg r9<TYatiana clusion In caaea of future develop-1ency 1rom wbich this county 1---... ----~ ..... P£i'l'Ei'8 This tbrilllnl way of apendln1 ahould be aPllll<df(; Immediately, ment would be iri'lded. might pattem, by having lta aev- the Chriatmaa holidays Includes the Tra~l Service lncllcated. ao Supervlaon will, with opening . Lee C.. Beaa BAI.BOA INN CAFE 18 Fiesta filled dayw tn Mexloo u to a place on thla splen-of the atate lecialature next month eral cities and oommunitie1 in a Oty. Taxco, CUernavaca and Par-dldl~d~touriiii.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~-~kiil~estsla~~tlon~~b~yiiwblcb~~~the~alncle~iii"ys~t~ernii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ 'Ille 'Wll1at • .,..,. ot Stnb, Cbopa, Sea Foods and Italian Foods ·--Ana &MI T•DIWt JIJGlll'L"J"-11119111:1..L PGI .... ,... .. , ..... I .... JU-OND su:cnllO OllGAN acutln. Chriatmaa Eve will !Incl i the party In exdtlnc Tuoo at the dellshtful Hotel Rancho Telva which overlooks both the quaint villqe, with lt'a 17th century cathedral. and the aurroundinc valley. It Is at Christmas Eve that the people of Taxco have their an- nual Pou.da. a pageant and ~ '-------------------ceuion celebra~ the birth ~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Chrbt. Members of the party may either join ln the festivities at remain apectaton. Balboa . Harbor372 Surf & Main St. , BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Wells At Ferry Landing, Balboa Christmas Day flnda the -ty at CUemavaca, where a villt ii made to the beautitul and famom Borda Gardens, and where the beautiful Cathedral Is located. Orchid fanciers and loven of flowers will find the Floating at Xochlmllco an amazing sight as they ride through the nower • • Completely Jllodenlbecl • STEAKS -CHOPS -SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 6 .. m. to 2 .. m.-Ooeed TaMday Fountain Service Inspection of OUr Kitchen Welcomed Dy:'Work O.Y_.__ BroadwB;r Cleaners 11 B~ ft. lle•DOll ITll WHEN YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF BARGAINS IN CHOICE FOODS .•• THAT ARE NOW PLENTIFUL, such"" New Spring Peas, Com, Tom&- t.-, Fruits, el<l. ••. that have ";;Of.eked at the very best and ClllUled for year around freshness ... IT'S IFtY to get your stock of CANNED FOODS ... WHILE PRICES ARE WW AT- NICKLES MARKET 1794 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA • YOUR ONLY lndependeaUy ewaed and operated marllet Opea. Every Day • • • la the Week ud Sunclaya BUTIQiERr 89c DRESSING1arp .ise PowoE1 26c sA'iM(;NJI,~ 47c 52c TllNA nllll, llllO&Tlll\'ING, OU. •M ,_.,--r I-for nL A SAT. 8PIXJIAL OU& l"BO!\'E !<1IMllEJl 18 B&AOO!\' 53U • Now Open Duncans , Meat Market HARRY R. DUNCAN, Prop. l1S& Newport llml. Located In Jl,'JCKLES MARKET - LEGS &5c An4 Many Other LAMB _CHOPS 79c . CH:~~!_MS Roast ot Beet -42c , P-= !.~ ~t!88: Ni K CHOPS 74c ' . __ F_..:_ES_.ii_tiA __ ... _TS _ _, • • • --• NO MEAT ON MONDAYS? • -San Pedro Union Leader Demands Orange County Meat Markets Close On Mondays. Frank Kresnesky, President of the San Pedro But.cher Union controlling Orange County but.ch-' ers, is demanding that we stop selling you meat on Mondays. In your interest, responsible retail meat market operators are refusing this dictatorial De- mand. ' Market operators will not conspire with on ion leaders to deprive you of meat counter service on Mondays. We do not believe these unions have the right to dictate which days of the week you may bay meat or which days market operators may sell you meat. The meat market operators who have received this union demand for Monday closing have offered their butcher employees the same increased wages and the shorter work week without Mon- day closing which have been accepted by six other Southern California but.cher unions. Frank Kres- nesky is a hold-out. He insists upon closing markets from 6:00 P. M. Saturday until 9:00 A. M. Tues- day. · Wages and hours are proper subject for union 11egotiations. The days a store remains open to serve customers is · not a proper subject for union negotiation. .. This advertisement is published so the public may be advised ;of this unreasonable dictatorial demand which is against the public interest. • L YOUR MEAT MARKET OPERATOR represented by Food Industries Employers Labor Relations 1 Council, Inc. • Meat Dealers Association of Southern California Employer• Have Offered A 5-Day Work Week With Increased Pay During the past year, journeymen butchers have been paid $60 for a 48 hour work week ($1.25 per hour )-an 80°A, increase over _hourly rates paid in 1941. -. . • • In a sincere effort to negotiate a pew, work- able contract,. market operators have offered $66 pay for a 5 day, 40.bour work week ($1.65 per hours) with time md a half ($2.47~ per hoar) for all hOU1"8 worked over 40. This is Ul ,inaeue of 32% over wage rates in the expiring contract. • • • :!:. • IF YOU DON'T WANT All MEAT ·~·~EISS CLOSED ON MONDAYS~ •• . . . --IEILYOURBUICHilt! -. • • . - • • ·-.. -_ • .,.,., ..... , •• , •• '52 mu1111111i.a1 ; • • • I RIRB . News . f .... SUUlii.P c6•···· N E~ Ti' ME s TO RiiiURK • .• : 0 -::.:.-:.::.· !~~~~~~·i·~-~-~·!·i·~jai•~·~~ju~~~~~~~I BOW ._.. l'lllU.D'9 .,_ m... Dw...., m . •? 1 • .. ¥1 ,._ ••wa•Dw ta ttae W• • IT 7 ,.....,.,!'. ••• ,~,. ~..:r I ... ,, .m•-; TW -ts, -"'-.... OUlt LAlr( OfJ llT. CA•••L ................. __ 04. -....... '"'•-'-•• _ .. am ....... Ollila._....._ •• • ·--. -a ftlled Uw PQll'S. and the other Ma Wtlll OJ;:Lel Aw '-AU"WD ~ ... -&' r-._..,. • .._1 1!'15 ._ m. a a ·~ ftrl' Ne a ~· rn,_.:m ... ,_. ID Ol r Ca a ~ one ot Which bu been mariDc • *"'7 Mn 11 : a ..s 10 ua.. God, the only C.a1e •;,-:--••ks n:oo L w r0.'11 ps -to 411l --ps -.. 1111 W quiotq, wt.-publlclV, -tD O'=' d-: •I .,. Ima "Lard, -ait -. --0'1 ~·· Wtlct , l:IO ~tuad' 18 soo14Jlee -II• at a. l\P-:,ai:;xpat Bss+, :"wt>a"'r!:' U:,:: c!ll~:".!:: t:ot 'lo a:IO u.s -T:lo "' =:-.,:S""~U:, = :.;4~.: ":ta,. :ftU!Pllatic wtlct <>nr,oala, -ti. :kt al llxr+ .., lean ~ ol life.• l :IO p.& docl&ra--TM .ut. wlD .,. l:IO P. m. -·~ D PORTER , • , _,.... The tint Is the coal •trll<e. -------u.. -Tut"' u.. Budu 1-p,._. mee'lns-7:45 p. .... J'ri.. PG'. FilosT • ' ' -I am not go1n& to ~ the OCJmOl!fA Dl:L JIM -.a.-.., "Ood U.. Old1 ea-4-T, -,ol ..... 11-. vi. F. DIXON • • --... -Ad+w~ Mensa• merita o( the Lewis demands. OOIOl17lOl'I' u4 Cre&lM'" ta all brucb• ol Tbe A cmdla1 ,..L> ... w to all Prlndnll Plant, 3011 W. Oeatnl A-Newport Bu ell, ~ I said, a few days ago in River-am-. OOl!f-AftOl!fAL :~::ia=~ 1n11:.1!:l!rdl , -..-... ""-of N~_. n--t.. lide, that I wu born within liiht PeQ' Fnm<ldt Schrodt, Klnlam Job'• Goo!* -.. t11at \ll•re •DAill rov..,.o&a mm.. Offidal Paper of the v•y "'"I"'"" uaKll ot a oolJJery; worked In the coal m ~ •-wuanoblemuwbo.._,.p\J .. ua. ·• CW OOllTA -A AD ' .... ._I ••"• .. -., ·-mines during the summer of 1906; S•-'s~ ..... ~ ~ J ~. -~.: f'!ul! e: !:i:e ~ ":: "•"7..!:":d .-Jou that DlY father wu a coal m1nlnc ~ "' ~ -. ~ d"lll. ... l•uo "'th unto .,_ Oo ,...._, • ..&:,. engineer, and that my crandfatbor 9:30 Lb. Cbun:b ICbool. --...... -· --0. ·-II ... • _,.,,> Ill IOlT•JWM IT. '/ - I j .tU::uTe had come to thiJ: country from ll:OO Lm. u-.'--w-Ser-tby ...,.; thy 90D Jtyetll. ••• D4 ...... . M her ~.._.. ---..... U .be WU DOW IOIDC dOW1L. 1lla Mr-...... !-----------------------, eDl Cornwall with bis YGUni: wife, mon by Mr. Schrock: ·~ ..., .. met blm, and told 1!1m,..,.. l9T1 ~ of both poo<, and had died respected We Now Try God." I Ins. Tiiiy aoa Until .... y-8'pwlq 8c '"'d 9:111 L m. and well--. for bis cloy, and . at the -tit bOUI' the rnw left _....,. --WWW-JO:«I. the °"""" of coal P'opet ty. lllm. Bo the r&tber mew tllat It wu ~ W tlct 1:00 p. m. 1 rise to remark. u an uide, Fl"IT Cl1URCH OF CHRl•T, at the l&llle hoar, la tb.e ftlcb ..._ •wb l:JO p. m. that only in this country, and KtKNTlaT Jeauaaalduntohlm.nreo•tt"Mll: i. Su .,. ~ wulw i.t Rediscovering Americanism under the Republic, oould that Lide '"'---v:-r= A-::0.. ~ll :..uend. and II.lo wllol• T:IO o'dodt. have ~ -bie Tt•ht ftmlDI .-'1• .... ~ ...-. · A -al 'n!e -<Jallrd!, ll&l'J' BalteT llddJ wrttea ID "Scl-"A politician thlnko of the next election; So with that ba~ I n. ftwt aiarcia ~ Olrlot, -eace and !Iealth "1th Key to the at T:IO_o"_dodt. _____ , a .ta'-", of ~e next 1eneratlon." think that many of the ·~·,--~ Ill -v • ti Scriptures:" -wtoad or Ood -dz ~...-... m . ~ --. .-·-za1ua -James Freeman Oarke. John Lewis wanta for his m1nen ._.,. ac;;o; at l :IO a. a ea. tng 1lct:neu and d.alh. Re deetrof• "" familiar theme "-""'ty from the cradle to the arety Just: comporandab!".,.:"'&&eobe, uf. d&.J a.ftce at 11 L m. W~ tb"6!"d brlnp todUgbri.i~ .11J.e , ~,.,.,..... e srocrama \M::.'Yicet, tter TW1znonte• Meettac at 11 o"eloak lt:J. nlpotent an In e n grave" cropped up again recently, and In not so strange a social and working conditions. For R-• Roam laeai.1 at l1l =~: d~ ~ ~~:d,:~ ~: pla In a London broadcast article Dya Ehrenburgh, those thlngs he would have the Palm ltnet, Bo~ la _. A,_ aubnquently correct them. Ood ce. ' support of public opinion. _..,,,.. .. ,_ ... Russian journalist recently departed from our shOn!S, Is Whae ·that support ends 11 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. ~ SU. =~ ::\.cad:!~ man to ...., to - quoted by the AP as saying that America needs to raise the where John Lewis begtno to ~ Ud bollda)>a ,,...._4' ol>- spirltual level ot her average citi2en "to the technical civil!-he II bigger than the governmenL '!be PJ>l>Uc II <ordlall7 -to zation which accompanies him from the maternity home to th:"~-7~r~e ~;.,.~:,'1: :-;:i.::,:=.,-•k .. -- the creD'l8.toriwn.'' the Government, in any way, then f, h also there is only one thing to do, and Evidently Ehn!nburgh Is a very young man, or e that is to cut him clown to size attributed the spiritual cultural development of _ the United and quickly. states to one Franklin D. Roosevelt, Indicating that he too The poin t Is that this Is exactly d what the people of the United -like so many of our own Yotmg men an women-om Stat .. do, in such cases, and with· only remember the days when, under the New Deal, the out any arranged program. It is "planners" sought to take care of everything and the nation the natural outcome, tn this coun· had only to follow the "plan" to gain forever "Freedom from try. Want and Fear ·, Freedom of Speech and ReJimon." When Mr. Whitney of the Rall-o· way Ttainmen. a union which has Today we see the results of a generation ralsed with the highest •tandlng in the Con, others thinking' for them. The head and planners are gone greu, aod among the people, be-gan to thlnk that he indlvfdually and many Americans are afraid ot the future. Thel'. nm was bigger than. the government, around shouting "all ls lost" because they are afraid to the President came to the Con· "--" pon their own JU. dgment and.ability to regulate their gr.,.. and a..ked for power to meet ~ U · the iu ue. In less than forty min - CO~TA MESA COMMUNITY CHUllCH Cart .. John11n, Mlnllllilf 124 L IOIJI aL ""-M~lt SY. JA'41!8 l!Pl&COPj<L CbW'Ch-. t :<D L Ill. CHUllCH llomlllg Wonblp, 11 o'clocL 515 Wool Control, Ballloo ToutZI ll'OUl'S. HJall -ool, Ins (Ebell Club-..J tormodlate, Adult, e :ao p.m. llev. A...,,. T. Dean, Vicar £nDI!!&' aen1ee, T:ao o•-. a:ao L m., Holy CommWlloL Kld·•eelc reUotnlblp Uld prayer, 9:'6 a.m., 8unday 8cboo1. W-eoclay, T:ao p. m. 11 :00 L m., MornJ..ns Pra)'W and 11 a. m., Prayer and Sermon. Sermon. (nr.t SUOda)'W: Boi1 Communion.) ,,, BALBOA llLAND CHAPaL 218 Ata19 A-ue llev. Har.y w. White, Amocl•te P..tor CbW'Ch School. e :ao L m. ilonWlg Wonlltp, 11 L m. CH UltCH OF CHRIST Ch"""' -Walnut lttwb L Duane Canby, Mlntetar. Sentc•: ~. 10 L m., Blble Study; 11 L 11L. llomlng wonblp. own lives. utes, the Congress gave him, by Millions of 3().year-0lds, the very men and women who an almost unanimous vote, the FllllT METHODIST CHUllCH · . . h had powers he a..ked tor. G. ll..,.n °"""'• P.- NEWPORT HAllBOR LUTMIERAN CHURCH Grau.I Chapel, COllb M .. Rn. Heri>ert Roth, P.- -: Bunday, 10:80 LlD. must now carry on m thls great COWltry, ave never ru admit frankly that the pow. Euclid at atanf-Go-o....., to think for themselves. At home their parents provided en he uked for went farther than t :ao LlD. (Ja9fth -tar aD •T. JOHN VIANNl!Y CHUllCH st:: mna 01' GOD .... ... , ts.Put•• ·=---.......... ua. -o.tnl·-&mclq -. 10 LIB. =·=~~ .. T:!O p.m. ---· "nNnday at 7:30 p.m. CHRl&T CHURCH BY THE SIA Communlly -lat 1411) Wool Contnl A-ue Rw. IL D. Goodell, Putor Cbarch -i t :IO L 1111. llemla&' Wonlllp, 11 L m. TOllth ll'ellOltlhlp, I p. m. Evenin& Worship 7:30 p. m. Mld--* praya-MrY1<:e, Weds n-y; covered dlah -· l:M p.m. C..D yow FULLU ~LU for .... -w JG.ow ·-· llruslola, Mop., Woa OMI Polisll. Fw WU •11111h1 'S for them. under the New Deal the government protected the House liked, but that wu not ~ 00 Ballloo lelaOd them rro:n ha"'-to think· then the Army took over and the issue. and that detail oould 111 ' .. ,. 9:.;;. ~~: Sunday Kw: 1:80 a.m. B. F. lfATB!!JB vu."6 • . have been cottected in the Senate. · ~· Satu:rd&yw fronl 111 Martpld -"-'-.. .llu * * • insurance P• •· P•l••r 11tco1rotAT1• ... Q. a.ct.. ' I Fl DI cau IJllH 3 3 3 3 via U~o. ••wport beach, collf. "' telephona -port beach, harbor I~ * * PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service OOLll!f r. lllllOWl!f , .. ,_ 18") 111 Mp&s .&-., e.• ~I Ill. A. V. Andrews, M. D. P&IlllCl.AN -IR1SOllOl!f m o-.t Za'w.,.. &r'MI • 0.---now, faalng a bright new world where free enterpnse once The 1s1ue was whether the i ov-~:oo a.m. NunRJ' tar aD cl!ll-T:ao to l:IO p.m. .._, -~• more looms on the horizon, they are afraid of the unknown errunent wu to be •UPPorted. U '"Jl:i-. ~ Youlll ..... !~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-r;1 ,,_ _________ --: ·-'---to them because it was "planned that way."" the JIOVernment do<a not have the ,_;.,}";-·~-~ _,,__ 8 -ay•• 1--,-.,..--IL-O-.-..... --_--... -D.---....~•v• ... • support it requirea ; If one man, _,,.... OUllll -• ---.. ONCE AGAIN I. • " •., ..,,._ Pray God that we may develop more statesmen and or any minority group of men, Is .,!;:.:':"'--o::::! J:.."'.:""1P', SAM'S SEA FOO I SPA a..!1 ,m .. -: ..=:::.--l'to ·1 r -I aa rw fewer politicians in the yeEll'S to come, for ooly the fore-to be allowed to defy eovernment, -·-------. D••• wt~•..:;:. .:.-=-=: ': 2 • 4 T • l:JO sightedness of our founding fathers has given us the heritage :?;,~ yt,:':~u~ar:'Tt'. no matter UVEN'nl DAY AD\f&N'l'liml ...S by _.._t ot freedom we have to draw upon today. Thia, without conscious action, Comer Bo1aa UM! Olcl CounlrJ' Rd. on... Yw ... l'I t l'laee lit ::t""U.!O'ISai• Conquering a Contagious Disease Is exactly wha t the people think, Ceola M-OoM .._ n·ess I and becauoe they do. and becauoe Sabbath !Chool, SatU1'da7 man>-to DIM la Omip OcwtJi they react that way, this Is a Ins. 9 :30 o'clodt. All New • • • strong government. PrHchinc eervice, 11 a.m. Health ls a priceless possession for an Individual. Free-The other inciden t. also lnvolv· Everi the Location dom from COlltaglous _., ___ ls one o• the ~test assets Ing a reaction by the people, Is OOSTA 111:11& OllUJWB or OOD ,.,,_Halt Mlle Eut ,. Old """"""' " .,... the pn!!lent demonstration of the --.r-•· lllcGnw, -• • ' ~ .. a community can possess. A disease which ls spread from wor king of what Is called the Law ue Oabrtl!o 8t.. Ooota -Locatlcn Oil Coast Hlgbway. person to person becomes a matter of public concern be-or Supply and Demand. Some of Servlceo Sunday 10 L m., 6:30 Beautiful New cause even one case ls a potential =t to the entire com· us have been aay!ng this w a s p. m. and 7:30 P. m. Cocktail· Bar exactly what wouJd ha ppen, if we munlty. One person with a contagi disease may give it could get rid or the Wuhtngton THI: NEWl'UBT H•lll!Oa to one, two or more other persons who, in tum, may pass bureaus. This column has said LUTllEaAN CB1JBOB it on to still others until scores may fall victim to the disease. It, over and over. The people (To be located on Olft Drive. can be trusted. Newport He!ibtl J Thls Is the reason that communities Insist that cases of The people are not MJahtng to "A Cbanielea Cbrilt for a contagious diseases be reported to the health authorities. buy, when ~ey thlnk the price. Cbani1ne World!" The greatest •'d to health authon'ties '" preventing the are too high. In the meantime, 9:30 a.m., church lchool; 10:30 We Lead SoQtbem Callfomla In the ServinK d. -SEAFOODS- AI..SO YOUR kind or sn:AK8 -VISIT OUR KlTCHEN -Q..I u • · production is slowly growing, as divin Won.hi spread of contagious disease ls its early recognition. u the control• .,.. released. Th• black a.m.. ~-at ~t-Sam's Sea Food Spa disease ls dlScovered immediately, precautions can be taken to mark•.• era of . the United Statea Grauel Clapel, no Broadway, and '1:'1-b Mar.ket . t thers from com ;nu In contact with the patient and Is ending. It will soon be a mem· Costa Meaa r 119 AWMllWJI Armand Monaco R.LHOLFORD IAD!WapeJ)Mlgner OOota---ADa m& DAY IClBOOL preven O ~~~oe. ory. Yet for a few months it was Rev. Herbert C. Roth, putor, 1111 OoM& lll&llWa7 (K~ a.& ._.) thus possibly catching the disease. dangerously widespread. 324 Marine Ave., Balboa laland. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--•II Mortimer School There is one contagious disease which, unfortunately, Is Today, In some Items, merch, Phone Harbor 21Jl5..J. • Oona .. _ ._ seld001 recognized in its early stage. It is tuberculosis. This :;::e r~~h r:::.:: :::,~ :C~~ ~~ "C.orne On..:ain~~'ll Ccme DAY l()llOOL OPZN9 00T 1 disease, which kills more young people between 15 and 35 scarcity, but because the buying Clndm: OolL ftep., ,&,,_ than any other disease, frequently reaches an advanced stage in-Ice makes the retail price too FULL GOaPEL CHIJllCH w I N D 0 w G L A. s s 0. .... ·-· IL .&.. Odord before unmistakable symptoms appear. Meanwhile, how· ~~~:11th~ cus~~.';!b:.':t t::: 12nd and El-, eo.u M-.,._t!prl .._ -- ever, the disease may be caught by others. Meanwhile, too, begun. Sunday achool. t :'6; momiq D&NTIDll the Individual may be losing his health, for the chances of .AU this came ~aturally, aod ~:":i"";P;.._~~~ .. -::!:: (Small Sizes) fro tubercul . test hen th disease ls with incre8Slng ra(>ldity when we • '5 recovery m OSIS, are grea w e got rid of the handicap. 1mpooec1 Ins on w~-1• 7 ' P. m.; Auto Glass e Boat Glass found early. by the slide-rule boys and girls of ~peopl;.:~evangellotlc aerrice Even tuberculosis. however, can be found early enough the ,"'!enctes: We have !leen the ~~----.. ~· _,: ... P;.~_, ___ q Boat Lettenn" g . · peopes patience end before, in ~ -••~-,... through means of chest X-rays. U every adult had penodic every sort of thing, from pet>-wee suffering. They have b e en chest X-rays every new case of the disease woUld be found golf COIJrs6, on the street oornen brought up to accept and apect early before the individual had lost his own health and be-In California. to a curious idea great lengths In the Ireedom of f he' had d th _., ____ to th Beca of the known u ''Ham 'n Ens" which speech, preu, radio. campaigns, ore sprea e ~dM:' O ers. . use . &'Ot a million votes one year and assembly, and ,Wha t have you. But danger which tuberculosis presents to the lndiVJdual and to was almost forgotten the next. when the time comes that they the community an organization was fanned here thirty-five The American people belleV. 'In feel they bave bad enoul(h, th<tt ' d ,_, ti bout the dise d h our form of JIOYemment, which Is no CON.doua "movement;" you years ago to sprea uuorma on a ase an ow m e an s control by themselvea. Just notice one day that the co1>- 1t can be controlled. They are good natured and km&-ditlon no longer exists. HARBOR GLASS · co~ Dr. Obed Lucas DENTJST I -Ii w. OlstnL -·- lf&Wl'OltT naca ' DB.!OOBQo'N J:. RAPP DENTlll'l' -Ww&Ooadral ........ ..-. ., GordoB K. Gftmd7> K. D. PHYSICIAN -SUJtGll(»f Bo-InnA.- Ottlce Hn.: 10.U a.m.; 3-11 p.a. Phone Harbor 3T H. R. Hall, M. D. PIQ' ...... -· • Houra: :Hi, ily Awdn- 'NJ(IOW BMClllll :1818 Ul~ ._-- 1111toa IL 1lluwell, K. D. 1111 0..-mw-r Ooo..a--Ottke Houra: 10-U; 2-5 __ ,1_ S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A-, Balhoa -1-"" a. BID M., IM •es '11 ~TIU By Appointmont T. -P. 8-ler, K. D. Wm. L.' Sphey, K. D. Pli)lk's= ... ~I •• -w. o.tnl -·--The Orange County Tuberculosis and Health association jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii does not build hospitals. That ls the function ol government. It does not hand out relief to the victims of tuberculosis. u that beccmes necessary, It ls the function ol community agencies established for the purpose ol granting relief to needy residents. The tasks ol the a.....tation are to find -d. tuberculosis, to find them In that early, most easily ~ stage; to disseminate Information about the nature ot the df 5? Me and what steps can be taken to prewnt its ... ea.i; to den!OOStntte the need for establishing and main: utnlne adequate facilities for the detection of tuberculo8ls .... nee llarMr 11~ L ___ .:.N:•:: ... :::":_ ___ J, IL,., _________ _,, . .5 and for caring for its victims. Such tasks may be undramatic. But they are necessary, u tuberruloBls ii to be brought under CXllllplete cantrol ln our cmimunlty, the work ol this wltmtary •saodatillll must be cantlnued. It will be continued if all the people ol the com- munity buy and Ullt! am.tmaa SeU, sole lllllPOl't d. the OraQge County Tuberculclia and Health •saodat:lon. GARD'BN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor ft I '81111a ·-· •I W:W --......... O_OITA K•IA 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE ,, *** Balboa Cleaners 605 East CeQtral Ba .. We Are a,.lldl11g Dose Haid ·to· Get ' . - SASH AND ·DOORS • a; •• all: - to Order • OlntEJ 24 F•: • • "- - - ··-• • Harold .K. Grauel Qtapel "We owwini ti. •u• 8lrw • 81 •Ire ca.. Birt'" ft ..... o..--.. czs 7 ft&l!rO .,._ . , . '•i ...... J -~ .• Raub & B1 n•1tt I 1.4 ....... 11 ............. a.. .... Ts up I 81s11• Ill. 91'1W.C , A ••s12IR 0 ~, n -1 • I WICM*R & .. T. ......... o. .. • O;i&! RIM = -·····-' ......__ ....... , 2 lml IQ II -·.--.... --M'Q .am....-. ... ., a r;&ao.l'-'-----------1. ~. W •. T~ ll• 4 ~Id _.,:it• . -..-o, n ............. --. ••a&A.~awtwd __ , .. -· 2 ··-= ,. II!" ,. f 3 --- • / O.L.CULLY INCOlliZ TAX .Aee o aatl•& UI Sp &ceca Jlldc. -&II 4- I l·N"6-11 .... A-N4S .. ~II ' -......... .... AatamrMk -Ca ---·All TJ.- JlENNJ:'l'll 0. lllU. 111 -1M llt. <Ma-..... : llw -,_ Gilt Suggestions ) 9'M ' r s I, D ••• ., 1Mt ..-----The-Cl_am_Ba_ke-----1Sadleir's New Real Estate eonduded by the e1am Digger Offices in Corona del Mar _ .. N ....... -· WIMDel-'lbe yachtsman"• luncbeoal 'are The PC race held lut Sunday now beln& held ~ the Newport ended rather uncermonloualy for Harbor Yacht dub each Tuooday lade or wind, oo will ha~ to be and all y~tamon are cordially res&il<d at a ruture elate. The Invited to attend u theft are ho{S4! liniment wu mod rather Welcomes Public Saturday The new branch ottlcea or John many irot>lems that these eet-freely to RnOOth the tired m\llClel E. SadJeir, realtOr and insurance togethera can help to aolve. worn out from paddling bad< to man will be open to public lnlpec- 'Ibo !armlni of a e-root All· their rapectlve berths. Uon Saturday between 4 and 10 ma a.aodatlon for this harbor -The International 14-!ooten are acaln brou&ht up and the chair-beglnnlnc to Inf eat the Harbor p.m. at his new location In C<>rona man. Walter Elliott, aald that at with the arrival or four new boats de! Mar. 1505 Coast Hl&hway. the present time a committee WU brin&in& the total to ei&ht. con!errlna with the t5"a at LAYC Dick Fenton muat .. be trylnc to and that they would have a con-comer the Oeet u he now OWDI o-ete plan to present to the local two of them. These are wonder· meetings soon. and ~" This Is cerwnly a step In the !ul little ahlpo. they w~ out· and a nearby _.ion or our rocky coast cover the walls. Sadleir's main office ls at 302 Main. Balboa, where be expanded from a one-man·bualnea In a few years to a suppartlng atatf of realton and insurance men. During tbe war the realtor ,.... •-lnted unit field director for the ~ er-, aervlnc at Camp Young, Terminal ll1Uld and the Prealdlo. -. Friends in ME.SA Your COSTA YOU John Wish SUCCESS Ea Sadlelr In · Your New CbR'ON A DEL Location MAR ,1 1 Greetings ' . ; from "J Diamond Rings A Good Selediolll Sterling Silver Sagar ..... Creamer right direction for wUh the fine perform anythina or their a!ze. fleet of 1ma1J cruising boats aJ. There is nearly seventy years ready in thiJ harbor and such new of tntenslve development behind ones bein& added as Les Wonn·1 them and a U.t of naval ardll- MANATEE, a 40 ft. Caiey yawl; tects that have had ·• hand in Ed Fraur'1 p AMLIN, an Aldeil their procreaa looks like a WHO'S Stanley A. Smith. who wu re- cen_uy released from an adm1nis- tratlve branch or the air force, will be asaoc:iate broker at the new Corona del Mar buslnea. BAYS,IDE PLATING S~J L VER SMITHS co . Pin and Earring ' Sets Beaatihal SelectlOD. Gold Fiiied Ol\ Sterling llfea's II W01Mn's KINGSTON WATCHES 17-Jewel, 14-k Gold Also with Diamonds Comb. Brush and Mirror Set, Sterling Silver, Gold Filled, Enamel Dinner Rings Topu. Amethyat. Aqua Marine . and other stones "°""!wise crulaer. and A. IL Ped· WHO or the pro!eaaion. , The ceneral contractor of the attractive building was O. Z. Rob- inson, Corona del Mar. 0. 0. (Obacli:) Wirth and C, B, ()Job) ReM 1914 BARBOR BLVD. 008TA. MJIJSA era' BUTCHER BOY n. a 36 rt. There are cases on ~l1"lDr""'",iil Lord designed cutter-we find a (Yachting, April, 1943) when these need for an auoctitton to pro-litUe ships have beaten Six Met· mote racing and cruising actlvt· en and R boats in strong winds Ues among this group.. when a lltUe boat is not expected Perce Marples of Balboa Island to keep up with the big ones. showed hh motion pictures of life Their sharp. almost V-sect.ions in Tahiti at the luncheon held foreward, really take them to Tuesday, Nov. 26. These are some windward, and with their long fiat of the best pictures seen here in run aft they reach planeing speeds some time as they are not only when off the wind. It 19 'really in color but they are well plan-a thrill to sail one of the 14'1 ned and well edited. when they come up out of the Mrs. Mollie Hawkins, 74, 2814 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wiest Central avenue, died Tues- day at Orange County hospital. She had resided In Ne~t Beach for 13 months and in Cali- fornia for 36 yean. lWrs. Mollie Hawkinio JOHN T. SADLEIB Also shown were some pictures water and begin to plane as they ot the Honolulu race which start-attain speeds that are expected which is across the street from ed from Santa Monica in 1936. ot powet-boats. the fork of the road leading to These pictures were ta.ken aboard California made a good show-Santa Ana. During those hours the BRILUANT, a 50 ft. yawl ing in 'the Star Internationals the public is invited and refresh- fonnerly owned by Walter Franz. held the last week ot Novem-men bl will be . served. She leaves oile sister, Mrs. Lily Hamilton of Richmond. Ind Pri- vate services were held Wednes- day in the Grauel chapel, Costa Mesa, with interment in Long Beach cemetery. These movies brought back her In Cuba. Geo. F1eltz ol The building Is of modern con-C J Co fond memories to the Sons of Nep-LA YC took first with a command-struction, the rooms spacious, the Offi p Cte Urse tune, who had already made the ing leadl and Bob White ot San furnishings u n I q u e; everything race and gave the neophytes some-Francisco finished second. has been done in such good taste Certificates were received last thing to look forward to. Barney Lehman finished in only that it ls not only one of the finest week by those completing the six- BEST WISHES -to - John E. Sadleir Norman's Flower Shop & Nursery 131.8 0.-t Hlway Corona del Mar 1...lsbtn.l.n.c Sb'oke two ra~ and this combined with realty buildings in the Harbor weeks nutrition course given by ·Neptune's favorite stork swoop-three •oose eggs . gave him area, but a showplace as well. Southern Orange County chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ed low over Newport Harbor and thirteenth in the series. Adjacent to a freshly land.scap.. of the Red Croq under the direc· ~ a new racing class was delivered The ~a~ . were . sailed under ed. garden fronting the establish-tlon of Mrs. Harold Sprenger and to this area. severe 90nd1t1ons WJ.th the winds ment is a paved parking lot for taught by Evelyn Gose, national The LIGHTNING, a 19 rt. cent-averagi1lg 20 to 25 throughout the visitors. A full front glass win-instructolj. erboard sloop desfgned by Spark-series apd a tremendous sea nm-dow faces the highway. Immed· Receiving certilicates fr 0 m man and Stephens, has at last ning moat ot the time. lately up o n entering the cua-Newport Beach were Miu Grace struck Newport Harbor and from This coupled with a few bad tamer's office one is conscious of Key and the Mesdames w. E. the jolt that It gave local yachts-breaks kept Barney f_rom being up the beauty of the place. Fu 11 Melcher, E . G. Doane, Wanda F . men it bid! well to be one ot the in the top n.lght in the final stand-length photographic reproductions Dietz, R. F . CUnningham and Rob- most popular classes ever intro-lngs, ~011 they say that w~en Bar-of Yosemite Falls, the Red.woods j ert CUlbertson. duced here. ney did have the boat go1ng that i=========================:; The new baby which weJghl ln he wu ..I. almost ~nbeatab1e. The at approximately 700 pounds ls Intema'tonals will be held at doing quite nicely in the form ot LAYC qE'xt year and there is a ONE W&l:A 0'9'DVI,..., an order for ten boats to be built very goOd chance that the local E:1aAD ..,.,.r,, LAUNDRY Best Wishes to Our New Neighbor John E. Sadlelr Realtor *** by the Shamrock Boat Works of dubs wjll be asked to help play Broadway Cleaners Costa Mesa host to I the invaders insofar as Nine of ihe ten boats will be the entertainment. ls concerned. 1%1 Brolldway Costa llMa Pb. BMcon 6123 raced here locally and the tenth It Uckles me pink to hear the BE'1"l'EB QUALITY OP DRY CLEANING will ho shipped to Milton Holst In ~ .Al>Felea sports writers cry 5 DAY ""'°VI,..., ...,..,.. D.,. ... ,.....,Y Honolulu tn the early spimg or majp[ r league sports to be ooa \J.r-Jl' a.&ar.i --... "'~ This class enjoYI the ~ique brought. to ~is area. We in South· • OPEN llATUIU>A.Y AJl"l'SaNOONll • distinctJon or being the fastest em Califorrue have enjoyed majorl f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Q-Rio Shoppe Hampton Harbor Pharmocy 619 0.-t lllway Corou. del Mar growing in the world league fachting for more years Only seven years old one of than I I can remember and the the tut to be introduced' bef sports ;-Mten almost completely ore l&nore It. the war, It now numbers nearly ' 2500.boets dlatributed. throughout The ~lxth district tor the Stan, 205 Main St. Balboa Best of Luck • • • the world with about 200 appllca-which ~eludes San Diego, New· dons per month for new nwnbers port, ~ Angeles Harbor and San and plans. Francis<fO. has won eleven of the last nineteen tnternatfonal.5 plUJ The boats have had no pronler far mo~ than our share of aec- tJonal work whatever ln lhlJ: area onda anfj th.lrds. Our Six-Meter but in spite ot thll 10 of them fleet callnot be matched anywhere have been ordered without any of in the ~untry and the croup of the proepectlve ownen having ocean r8clng boats now assembled sailed them. So when they flnt out heffiwtll stand up to any In hit the water and their perform· the wo d. Could it be that the JOHN E. SADLEIR Realtor ance can really be obeerved the L. A. s ibe! are 50 bus in the class should grow by leaJJI and field! at they cannot ~ 'W:hat bounds. is hap ning Jn their own back At least three of them will be yarcf59 In Your New Corona del Mar Building completed in time to race in the ---· +.---------- Christmas regatta and probably eight of them will be sailing in the mid-winter. Bob Boyd, who receives t he first one. expects to be sailing in the next 10 days to two weeks and the rest will fol· low at about one we-ek intervals -so duck boys, for that next streak wiU be a new LIGHTNING hitting the water. Boots and Roy Keene Keene's Korner Liquors Store Balboa The new owners are Bob Boyd, Joe Bosio, Barbara Metcalf Dan· iels, Grace Gr eene, Al Gordon, Wallace \Veirick, Earl Young and Lionel Evans, all ot the Balboa Yacht club, and K. B. Cochrane or Los Angeles, yacht dub attllla· tions unknown. -· ~he (!)peMMff Of My Corona del Mar Office 1505 Coast Highway SATURDAY· DECEMBER 7th Open House From 4 p. m. to 10 p. m. I hope all my friends and clients will tlnd time to drop In for my house warming JOHN ·E. SADLEIR, Realtor STANLEY A. SMITH, Associate Broker Real Estate and General JmQl'Ulce Phone Harbor 741 M N-WOMEN Pr state - - -Pelvis De .. .,.. ts h tat P.a. ta -... Feta -... "' ..., .&JO. F99 ~ i-n •........... ~o......._..,,..,_~ ~ ... ..., ........... IT'S YOUR GLANDS Ow ~·· ....... -... ... ,_,. __ •....--x ..... , •• ... I'. ... D. 0.. ... .,.. 19' .. IC .......... ~ llN ,_ ... 0 1 1 • Ill ,.,a .. ...._ •-..: •:•&.M. .. ·~• ... ....... ... ft ••• I frigeration naW N AMMONL\ ·-··1·-Conditioning ·-.... - l>.reiumPe Pumpe ~~Pum ' Pl hr All Pa fW ... .&a JI d ' ..... ..___ I -c.n .... ., ... ;..·.·~I 0 2 C ongr~tulations • I j • • John E. Sadleir, Realtor On your beautiful new off ic.e building In Corona de I Mar We the following contractors and Sub. Contractors of your new building wish for your continued success : Sid. W. Blackbeard 0 . Z. .RoberfBon H ank Thygeaen Deebltal C.anetGr a-nil lkdJdln& Coatnetor , PIMterlag CGatnetor L S. Blakeslee R. W.McCle~ &Sons Bri'* ud 8'it s e Wort< Euavailm& ud Gn'I I Ward & Harrington Otto Dodd Lew Stephens Lumber Co. c.-t ..... Pl8ilkabll( ......... c-tndGr Um'- -• • • • ' ,. ...... NRWAMI 11AJ.lln. Nk4•&&W-. Jrwaawt: ...... C'1lillrz la ftwe Costa Mesa P. T :_'\. Hears Program by Oiildren, Supt. Everett Rea Tells· of School Plans 'nlat permdal story "' the Illa day -In the llalo -Harbor • • . em1n1ne Activities Mexico Entrances In B®k Review Christmas Program For High School P-T A WW81rtn -wolf wbo mode ouch a -aadlt«lum. for .._it that It wu ha-. Mn. Mlldnd Flober, ldndorpr-_ _ll'll!:!!!~!!! .. ~-~13!:!_~•!!!nd~~!O!l8~-----l_:+~----' down to the p ..... t day, WU told ten teecher, led In the flac aa!UIA! + PzdOmw Pbone 11537-R Second Book Section Closes Memberships 1!peUIJlc with the vivid out-December 10th, at 7:30 p.m. II> look ot a ...,..,t trip to Mexico, the hlP .a-I audl~ Ibo Mn. Diana N...,kirk ol Anaheim llnal meettna ot the Newpat't s.... pve a notable book review on bar Hieb Scbool Parmt TMcber books ~ to ~t country Aaoclatlon will be beld to mom1>en ot Com -Gram-and directed the chlldren 1n the Church. Banquet mar lll:hool Parent-Teadler M-plaY. Susan Brock ·.....ie • charm-E j d b M 90dat1on 1n • p1ay by the ldnder-inc Red Jlld•nchood • n d Jf!ttY n oye y any prten at the mtttlng held Tues-Bento was convlndJJ& u the wolf; Carol Pfeiffer wu Red Riding-An appreciative audience en--::::=:=:=:=:=:======~l hood's mother, '9Jhile the part of joyed radio's celebrated .. Mir. the grandmother was played by anda" who spoke on international Sherrill Edick. Uttle Dene Smith events and world peace at the was cute as the little rabbit. seventeenth annual Five Dollar llluuf!! I • "Cap'n" ~ ~ Dons e~,i (JIM/,. -Combination Dinners .11 NewudUnmual Seafood Specialties .11 For--BEACON 5465 OPEN SEVEN ?oo'IGBTS 5 to 12 Expert A group of Flower Children banquet ot Otrist 01.~ch by the sang the Song of the Woodcut-Sea. While here Miranda was ten and the Son& of the Old I guest of a persona.1 friend, Ruth w If · Reed of 302 East Bay avenue. 0 · . Miss Elsie Newland of the fi- Mrs. K~eth Stewart presided nance committee reported 16 6 at the busmen meeting and ap-tickets sold proceoeds going to pay pointed Mrs. Ernest McClellan as taxes on church property. chairman of a committee to pur· Mrs. William Trusty and her chase volleyballs, basketballs and dining room committee had &r· footballs for the third grade and ranged the tables with decorations for the Main school. of holly, patted plants and green Mrs. Ed. Mirkovich, chairman of candles while Mrs. Raymond Hill the ways and means committee, directed other helpers in serving announced the sum of $96.26 as a wonderful turkey dihner. being received Crom the recent The choir was In charge of the rummage sale. I program, and presented for the Superintendent Everett Rea an-musical numbers, Georgia Belle nounced that preliminary plans Waldron of Santa Ana, violinist. and specifications for the new George Russell orlgi.nated the schoolrooms had been approved banquets and this was the first by the state department and by time in all the seventeen years the county and that as fast a.s that he and Mrs. Russell were not working drawings were complet· able to attend. ed they would be sent to these ------- bodies for approval. It is hoped that the school can advertise for bids fTom contractors by F ebru· ary. It is a healthy sign, ~1r. Rea stated, that Garden Grove, which is to advertise for bids by the middle of the month. has given out plans to eight contractors. At Costa l\.1esa the new constructoin will consist of six rooms to be added to the Lindberg school and four to the main school, in addi- tion to a two-car bus gar~ge. It was announced that Christ- mas vacation would be from Dec. 20 to Jan. 6 and that no P-T.A. meeting would be held in January, Local Coup\e Ann.ounce Marriage At home to their friends at 3208 Coast boulevard are Mr. and Mrs. John H. Summers, whose marriage took place recently in Riverside. l\1rs. Summers is the former Annette Gosling, owner of the Gosling apartments ,H ardi n g street. Balboa , while Mr. Swn- mers is a \"e teran member of t he Newport Beach police depart· ment. the next being the Founders' Day program in February. 'Rain Check' Radio Mr. Mn. Dan Place ot Co- rona l Mar invited Norm a Young. who has the home econi- mJa am over KHJ, to help them at their Thanksgiving tur- key. Rad! programs still having to e air rega.rdlesa of holi- . Young wu forced to declin but told over the radio that s e hoped to be able to come down · the swruner for a visit. Tho pson Family Ho! s Reun ion ng t.ocether for the first 38 )'ears Mr. and Mrs. Johnston-Wilhelm Wedding Takes Place At CDM Church Membership Jn the second book . teetlon ot the 0'Ebell club will be Mamage vows were repeated cl.med with the meeting of. Wed- on Sunday evening, Nov. 24 _In nesday Dec. 11 wliich will be C o r o n a del Mar Commwpty • church by Gloria Wilhelm daugh-held at the home of Mn. 0 . T. ter ot Mr. and Mrs.. C. A. Wuhe.lm Johnso_n. 219 21st itreef. . r Balboa w d d p ul Johns-It Will be a 1 l'-J?l. luncheon With 0 an an a the Mesdames Campbell. Perew, ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John-Wood and Parmenter as assist- ston of ~ewport Heights, the cere-ing hostesses and members are mony being performed by the Rev. reminded they Will be expected Perry Schrock. Th b id h gi In unless they tell the hostess other· ~ r e. w o was Ven wise. Mrs. J ohnson's number is mamage by her father, wore a Harbor 35l-W dress of whi~ crepe with small · sequin cap and shoulder length Futur_e_R_es_1_d_e_n-ts-veu. Her bnuquet was of yellow =~~: :;:.e g=~ ... by ~ Wed at CDM Chapel maid of honor, Miss Myrtle Kam-In a candlelight ceremony at 4 hi~e~ntrasting with her frock of p.m. Saturday, •Nov. 23, Olita at the recent meet.in& Of the Fri· 'lbe nae salute wUl be ctftll day Afternoon club. by members ot Troop 3 of the Girl Books reviewed Included Roses Scouts ot America. The Revermd of Mexico (Ethel Cook Elliott), Ardys Dean will offer the lnvoca- Our Son Pablo (Alvin and Darley tlon. Gordon) and Dust on My Heart A five minute discussion of the (Neill James) from which she grading of pupils will be given quoted .. When once the dust of by members or the faculty, to be Mexico has settled on your heart, follovred by a brief period of ~ you cannot then find peace in any munity singing of Christmas C&r· other land". ols. At the conclusion of the meet· Under the direction of Ml 1 s ing a delightful tea was serv.ed by Marie Hiebsch, the girl's sextette Miss Lyda Conant and Mrs. 'Edith will offer a program of holiday Cooper. music. The next meeting Wil be held The meettna will close "1th on the fourth Friday in January. the presentation of the we 11 Mrs. Albert Launer of Fullerton known play "Dust of the Road''. will present. the book reviews and directed by Mr. Karl Westerman Mrs. Rueben Day and Mrs. Joseph I of the drama de~tment. Refreshments 'Will be eerved Hamblet Will be hostesses. Any-during the social hour in the caf· one who ii interested in books is eteria. very cordially invited to attend P. M. Thompson of 354 Avocado street, Costa Mesa, joined Mr. Thom 's four brothers and two sisters In a family picnic and re-- union at EI)rsian Park, Loe An· The bridesmaids, the Misses Jones and Henry Greene of Holly-V~ and Jan Fisher, wore pink wood were married in the Chapel these flne meetings. Ledger lheeta at New.'nmee. and carried white sweet peas, tied by the Sea. Corona del Mar, the ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gelea, ecently. with blue ribbon. Larry John-ceremony being performed by the I'. ~ ston, brother of the bridegroom, Rev. Perry Schrock, pastor of was best man. Corona del Mar Congregational CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Fift -three relatives attended, rep nting four generations in- cludin Clyde and NeWe Thomp-son o~Pasadena. the only living uncle and aunt of the family, which includes Lewis W . Thomp- son, ange; Sarah P. Manny, Canoga Park; Ray H. Thampson, G1orielta. N. M .; Phoebe A. Kret- zner, ~orth Hollywood: Edward W. ~ompson, Beaumont a n d Prent~-M . Thompson, Cos t a Mesa. A I ter gathering was held at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Thom n. \\'here those present were~. W. and Lotta Thompson, Orang ; Ray a nd Edith Thomp- son. t. Vernon. Iowa: L. A. a nd Winni , Thompson. Glorietta. N. M.; lr· C. and Sue Thompson, Miss Margaret Scharte, church church. organist, pla.yed the marches and Formerly from Hoopston. Ill, accompained Miss Lillian Young, the couple are old friends of Mr. "'ho sang "Because". and Mrs. C. Lewis Baltz, who acted as attendants. After the ceremony the hun· dred or more guests stayed for Chapel decorations of chrysan- the reception, held in the church themums and gladiolas in white sOcial hall. The new Mr. and accented the attire Qf the bride, Mrs. Johnston afterv.'ard left ror a suit in \\'inter white with bla~k a honeymoon at Big Bear and on accessories. She wore an orchid their return will live at The corsage for con~ras~. Mrs. ~tz Arches Wore a gray swt With harmon1z· · ling corsage of Cecil Bruner ro.ses. Twenty-five guests attended the Anderson-O'Bryan ceremony, many ot them remain- Rl.tes Solemni"zed ing tor the wedding dinner served afterv.·ards at Victor Hugo's La- A Ch I b h gun8. Beach. t ape y t e Sea After a honeymoon at Lake A:r- Santa \ Fe. N. M .: Mr. and Mrs. A·larriage \'ows were repeated L. A . [I?ompson Jr. and children. Sunday, Nov. 24 in the Chapel by Bob ard Stephen. Gallup, N .M.; the Sea. Corona del Mar, by Miss Mr. aiid Mrs. J . D. Davis and Rosaline E. O'Bryan, da ughter of childr~n. Jimmie and Meredith ; Mrs. John Hodgkinson of Laguna ro\\·head the new Mr. and Mrs. Greene will be a~ home at Holly- wood but plan in the future to build a new home -on their New- port Beach property. FOR MO'l1-IER AND DAUGHTER A PRETTY B LOUSE A NEW SUIT OR COAT A DRESSY OR CASUAL DRESS AN EVENING SKIRT OR FORMAL ALL IN 1947 STYLING. ANY ONE OF THESE FROM OUR SELECl'IONS WILL MAKE A WELCOME GIIT. LEI' US HELP YOU. crhe Frdnces Norton Shop ~.~ Seaoad A: BrOM!wa.y "8 -a Broadway Bl~. (Second Floor) -Baala AM DEFINITELY Beauticians After the meeting tea w as serv- ed at a table gay with Christmas poinsettias and candles, hostes- ses being the Mesdames Ivan Bell, Malcolm Reid, Steve Brock and Harold Steck. Lt. G~nn Q. Thompson and Afr. Beach and Major W . E . Goode of G A C B and Mrs. P . M. Thompson. Costa Santa Barbara, and Guy H. An-. . • azaar IN LA.GUNA BEACH Mesa. I derson, son of Mrs. Florence An-Slated for Dec. 14 • THE 1 THE SNACK BAR for Milady • -... Cold w ..... Bair lltrlbc. Bair '11ntlns • • • Bln±-lng, Flldala. Soft watet' .-ex- clUllve!y. JfOW.&llDl'G Quomm .... 8aft !: ........... • 2 -,,_ __ _ ' r ..._a;· v -~~ I '--"' Balboa Inn Beauty Salon ft'Rl -~ . ____ .. FOR A MERRIER CHRISTMAS FOR THE CHILD.REN ALBUMS PETER AND THE WOLF Decca Symphony Oreb. TREASURE ISLAND Thomas Mitchell MR . PICKWICK'S CHRISTMAS Charles Laughton SONGS FOR LITTLE FOLKS Music of Famous Composers UNCLE DON 'S SONG SHOP TICK TOC TALE • -·- Phone Harbor 1071 ud have 1111 lay ulde your order llS 2%lld Street NEWPORT BEACH THATCHER WARREN 4.04 4.00 2.95 4.62 2.34 2.34 Prej'ious to this evening the derson, 428 Marguerite avenu e, IS p ace to go P . M~rfhompsons had entertained Corona del Mar. The ceremony Of interest to holiday shoppers FOR nIAT FAMOUS rnENCH ONION SOUP a gro P of seven house guests on was read by the Rev. Charles is the bazaar sponsored by the FOR TI-IOSE INTRIGUING ORIGINAL GRIU.S 8 trip to Catalina ls1and, which Hand of Costa ?.'lesa. arts and crafts section of the Fri-FOR DELICIOUS FRENCH FRIED BONE~ ClilCKEN Job's Daughters To Receive Charter was eetly enjoyed by those from The bride wore a dress of aqua day Afternoon club to be staged -FOR A DELIGHTFUL CHINESE LUNCHEON other states. with h f fl Dec FOR YUMMY HOMEMADE DF.sSERTS . With five girls received into crepe a at o owers and . 14 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. c 0 5 ta Mesa Bethel 01 Job's Ad I pink sati n ribbon, and carried a in Legion hall. FOR RESTFUL AFTERNOON TEA ~Y candlellcht Daughters du r Ing November, ve ntist Leaders white orchid on a prayer book . Among features Will be cooked AND FOR SUNDAY BRUNCH, 11 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. there are now 38 charter memb-S l k, H She wa:' attended by her sister, foods, garden display and sale, Opell, week da,y9 ll:SO to $:OO 8andaya ll:OO to ':II ers with an aditional four or six pea ere Mrs. Victor E. Rowland of La-white elephant table. handmade · CLOSED FRIDAYS to come in on the evening of Dec. guna Beach, who wore gold crepe Chri1tmu gifts and hard to get 5 and carried an arm bouquet of ltema. Mn. J. c. Payn• Is general lftZ OO~T BLVD. SOUTH IN TIU: ABT CENTE11 . Two prominent church men bronze chrysanthemum.a tied with ch · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bethel has now been in ex-were speakers at the Sevepth Day goJd rlbbo all'm.An. istence 90 days and the charter Ad vent Is t church, Newport) Edwin ~· And id ~ hll ------- will be roceived Thunday even-Heigh!s. H. H. Hicks, presideiil brother ... best ~"':in se; he Leaving for Korea YOUNG and . ROMANTIC 1ng with appropriate . eeremoniH. of the Southeastern CalJforn.ia were Paul Echabar~e ~ c':i'ar1: Accepted at the meeting of Nov. conference of Seventh Day Adven-1 Edwards f Los An 1 d N Dr. George H . Rue of Monte-d Ii h.th ful · d 21 were Lonita Joyce Vincent, ti&ts (iving the Sabbath sermon man Nich~lson gees an or· hello has been a recent guest at an 'g earted with grace seqwned esign. Balboa; Sheila Diane Howe, Coro-on Nov. 30 and John H Hancock Th ti of Santa Monica. the Ba1boa Island home of Dr. na del Mar; Janice Lee Allen and Missionary Volunteer ~etary oi bomee 0~~~ °: ;'85 hel~~t~e John Wahlen, vacationing . prior Inspired Simplicity · Elinore Lucile Ragan of _Balboa the conference, speaking on Mas-Hodgkinson ~ ~O:~sn ~ after~ to leaving for Korea where he will Mayo designs you a negligee of grace and charm Isla nd. On Nov. 7 Patricia Ann ter Comrade work for young peo-ward the youn 1 1 ft f be in charge of the new Seveitth for enchantment in your leisure hours. · Paxton of Balboa Island became pie at the Friday evening meet· honeymoon In ~~~p iar~a~ro: Day Adventist hospital. IN RAYON MOSS CREPE -Fi.JCHSIA, TEAROSE, BLUE a member. Ing. their return they will make their Sizes 12 to 20 home at Cypress avenue, Laguna The Altar Society of Mt. Car· K. Petty (!J"""4-__ INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIMINATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. 429 Glenneyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours 10 to 5 on 'fues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 3604 n . ch mel Catholic church wi.11 meet =• . The bride is a native of Texas Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 2 p.m . with and attended Laguna Beach high Mrs. C. M. Harris, 1816 Fullerton school and Santa Ana Junior col-avenue, Costa Mesa. Exclusive at DEAUVIIJ.E SHOPPE ' 739 So. CoMt Blvd. Laaua& Beadl lege. Mr. Anderson graduated from Newport Harbor Union High school and Santa Ana JunJor col- lege. later seeing service in the South Pacific as a combat pilot with the rank of' first lieutenant U. S. Army Air Force. He 11 no~ awaiting assigi\ment as a pilot with the United Air Lines." BAYSIDE PLATING CO. Craft-Brewer Vows Repeated at Home Ceremony On Wednesday evenmg Miss Cathryn Louise Benver, 2810 West We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silvermtlths • • • All Work Guaranteed 11..:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:~I Pcean Front. was married to Art-..: hur Craft. son of Mr. and Mn. ''CHERRYTONE'' I (Red Glazed) KITCHEN WARE Will Be in This Week -·- XMAS G ~FTS MANY ODDS AND ENDS AT GREATI..Y REDUCED PRICES. ... -·- "VERNONW~ Laip Stock~ ~1 LA sot••• POTIERY SHOP 964 South Laguna B • Walter Craft of Orange, the cere- mony taking place at the CelTO Villa Heights home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mn. Harold T. Brewer. Dr. Robert Bums McAuJa)I, pas· tor of the First Presbyterian church of Orange, read the cere- mony before the fiower-banked fireplace and in a setting of can- dlelight and flowers in bridal white. Only members of the im· mediate families were present. 'lbe bride wore a suit ot green wool with a white orchid corsage. She was attended by he.r sister. Mm Betty Brewer, who was gowned ln gray With red rooebuds. Raymond Cntt, brother of the bridogroom. served as best man. Bolh bride and bridegroom are graduates of Orange Union high school and Santa Ana Junior college. The new Mrs. Craft was for a number of years secretary at lntennedjate sc.hooJ .and more recently bu been in ~ account- ant offices of Harvey Leichtfuss. The bridegttX)tt1 is a tanner lieutenant~der in the U. S. Navy where he served five years. He was awarded the Silver Star medal for conspicious gallantry •t Okinawa. He Was released from service a year ago.. A buffet supper !"85 served foll~ the cere- mony. On their retum from a hmey-"'°"" trip to Palm Springs the newlyweds will establish their l>ome at Newport Beach. AB lllndo troewtlter rt-In ltDdr at the New.nu-. • SILVER AND GOLD Tea Services -Antique Fmlshlng -Trophies -Jewelry -Candelabra Reflectors -Bathroom Fixtures Baby Shoes -Ceramics •Marine Plating Badges and Souvenirs • -COSTA MESA . . . " . I ~ • • • ·--· •