HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-19 - Newport Balboa News TimesTlf SAND CRAB . 97 SAM M EETINGS. It has been in- creasingly evident for some yew's that Newport Harbor needed a meeting place of sufficient capacity to accommodate four or five hundred dinner guests. Three or four times a year occasion arrises for such a hall and this was brought to the fore the other day at the C. of C. directors session when Harry Welch told of restricted quarters to hold the annual gathering of the organiza- tion. Yacht club has been the place for the last few years but he said many had to be turned down for lack of room. In looking about the district there seems to be few places and was wondering if Bob Murphy could be per- suaded to cut off one end of his Rendezvous, install a kitchen and thus provide fa- cilities that could easily be expended to serve I~ groups of people. + + + Central Avenue. Most dis- cussed problem at the meet- ing was that of Central ave- nue from 19th street to Bal- boo, a divided street that has been kicked around for the last half dozen yee.rs. Claim was made that the reason for delay was due to trying to work out the bottleneck at 19th street and to tie the thoroughfare in w i t h t h e proposed highway from the coast route. There are many plans but no solution thus far, and whether the state highway department could be induced to regard that ar- tery as a major road, thus doing the work, is still up in the air. 'Tis said the state Is willing to put up $200,000 if the city would do the rest, which may mean a halt mil- lion or more. + + + C.D.M. Santa. Hats off to one of, the most clever Santas in the district, and, perhaps, in the entire county coast line. A colorful Santa sits in a Balboo Dinghy and is rowing along. Mr. Claus is located on the highway between Larkspur and Mar- guerite and among these tak- ing part in its creation are Kay and Braden Finch, Lin- coln Norman, 0. Z. Robert- son , Dick Pleger. Rex. Brandt, Sign Man Benedict, Photographer Gerhardt, Sid Blackbeard and others. A huge streamer in red and white invites you to a Merry Christmas. + + • To Old Love. Bump ed Into Prof. Geo. McGinitle the other day and was pleasantly surprised to learn that he is back at his old stamping grounds as head of the Calif. Institute of Technology Ma - rine Lab. on the shores of Corona de! Mar. Mac gave four years in the service dur- ing the war, and while he did his stuff in his usual com- petent manner, feels his work on marine life is of more value to everyone. His proudest feeling is that his tall 19-year-old son .is now a sophomore in Cal-Tech, and doing good work to such an extent that hf might be fol- lowing in the footsteps of his noted Dad. + + + ''Quotottra.>her". Mighty nice ot the Santa Ana Reg- ister to emulate the work of the News-Tunes in adopting a similar colwnn· of phote>- comment that has been run- ning weeks ahead of the county seat dally. That ex- cellent newspaper knows a good feature when it sees one. + + + 1'1oettag Tree. This is pretty good. During the hee.v)' fog of a tew days ago the lcM!ly floetlng Ouistmas tree, wa/being brought to Its base via truck, but before it coold reach the bay was forced to hide out for the night Oil the hlgbway. Fin- ally got to the shore and It's one ol the nloest tloa.ts at tbla Yuletide to be seen any. whb-e •. DEP POSTED! 1 Ye.r ....... Slw6I .. 01 Q .,_,. °"' .. ~ .. ,.. °"' .. --~~· N_._ N-port - .NEWPODT o.17 Orup Ocw*fr W-*17 New.paper MzrW . .ltadlt Biia -ol. areniau. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOUJ'llE mwm NEWPOBT llZACH, CALIFO&.'llA, 1'HUBSDAY. or.cm.EB 18. I.MC ...... " !\"'UM)lga • Chamber Directors Discuss ' Plan for Coast Guard Base City Coordinator Reports Long Beach Station Commander Sees Advantage in Servicing Southern Water Route From Here; Welch Urges Officials Provide Mooring Place 'Ibo United 'fllatA>o c-ot Guard ill doltnltdy lnte-tod In Jooattnc a sub bue tor lta cutters la Ute Newport ll&rbor dlatrict waten-OoL lohn 1. 8&llon, city MfmlnistraUve otncer, told members of the board ot dJrecton of tile Newport: Banor Chambtt of Commeree on Monday. Mr. 8allon ta14 that. Ille had dbcuMect the matter wtt.b the com- mander of the reacoe bue &t Lone Beach and learned that they were .. anDous u ever to have a moorinl' place hen! slnce It would Ud them in their work. co•" Guard headquar1en· op-M"idgefS Stage erations office have a w i d e coastal a re a to cover reaching from San Die~o to north ot San x s Pedro and were a sub base now s weeps located in the harbor district ma her e the rescue ships would b< • first .Intercollegiate Race 'In · 4· Years Draws Big Field Helmsmen of 12 California Colleges Will Vie for 'froJ>hy and Special Awards Offered by Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce; Interest Is High Ameng Sportsmen Pacl.ftc eo..t: JW NI'*& -r !wit Uo&ller l"WIC' oo lta la46er 411 deeUn7 OD Newport -.,., 8 1 7• 8oooee9 or tile •• ' ze•lted w..aen. b~te uotwc champ&onshlpe, a1reed7 I rea b7 •tzT~of tm. ~ f.eams frw u many tastltutlom, wUl w reaocm.Uon ot ..Uboat raclJlc u aa "PP"'ftd IDIDor -~la -lolte •will be·-br tM -ftlo WM ,,,_ ~ 1>7 Dlreetor Bob Allee (81aalo,. alumni), u underp'lld *'& J ! a pNpU'ed: for -6'fmt••tloa w FrNaif , and Saturday to complete the tea Yule Play :=-~n S:i~~erte~}u~e= rowed from obliging ya.chtsmea.. They will compete in five ra-. Applauded ~~t ·~~. otr Newport Harbor The Sunday classic 'A'ill be the ftrst since 1941 , \\'hen Caltech able to more a dequately service AT H B h the southern coastal route as well eac as the nor thern waterway. • THIS IS THE NEW REAL ESTATE offlce of lohn ·E. Sadleh' on Coast hilh\vay, Corona deJ At the presen t time Coast mar. Showa Jen to right are: l\lonte &-Grimes, Kou Greeley, Jolua E. Sadlelr, Stanley A. Slldth, Joee--At Laguna "",: :~'!~al t:~~ am special awanls have been posted by the With the Cormnunity l!lQe:s" Newport Harbor Chamber of com- production of .. Cricke-t on th e merce. Guard sh.i~ from the Long Beach phlne B. Webb and Job.D A. Wallace, all oouected wttb tbe SadJetr real e&tate tlrm.. Gerhardt photo. Southern California's only m id- rescue base are expected to an-get auto ractng show, a 78-lap ·uPSON SOLVES THEFT OF PIPE swer ca1ls from both . wide areas Christmas Sweepstakes, will be and when distress calls come at the same time from d ifferent staged at the new Huntington Beach Speed"•ay Sunday. start- Hearth" which opened Wcdras 'Im:titutions entered (tem of day nJght, the spirit of Olriatmas three skippers to be comple ted via moved into the Laguna Be a c b eliminations): . Playhouse complete with C8l"OJ. Caltech (defending) -Aleck points or the compass it is diffi-ing at 2 p.m. Qualifying trial• FROM HEIGHTS HOUSING TRACT cult to do justice to both areas. for a standout field of more than Harry Welch. executive &ecre-40 driven will begin at 12:30 p.m . . tary of the chamber. said lt was The show promises to draw aJI urgent now that the harbor com-of the best pilots In the area. com- mittee set to w ork to find a moor· bined drivers of the Red and Blue lng for the Coast Guard vessels. circuit ot the midget baby autos, .. It ls to our advantage that we since there's no other competi· by the Lae:una Beach Cloral Oub. Holser, captain. Adapted by Gllmor Brown fnlm Stanford -Bob Davis, Marlln t h e novel by Owies Dlckena. Burnham. Davis won 1946 Inter- "The Cricket " hu be'.en the fea· national Sn t P e charnpionahipj aid this project now," he said. tion in the Pacific Southwest this M&rlna Eveat weekend. P01tmastu Herbert F . Kenny. Promoters Bob Ware and Har- w ho ii vice president of the old Mathewson have assurances Orange County Coast auociatlon, from such favorites ot the racing reported Interest belnc shown in syndicate as Billy and Ell Vuco- the marina show which is to be vich of Fresno; Bill Zaring of San held In New York City on Janu· Diego: Dan Farmer of El Monte; ary 15. Bill Brere ton of San Diego; Russ H ubbard Howe, vice president F ield of Long Beach and a host of the South Coast boat-building of others. company, will r epresent the cham-Last week's se nsational formal ber of commerce, at the Mirina opening show was rated highly exhibition. successful. \Vith Stan Searle victor Mr. Kenny said that r..-1r. Howe in a hub-to-hub duel against Bob expects to get considerable data Pankra tz. and with the additio- on the organization of such a show na l tale nl assured for t his week's and plans to present the plan to card overno"'· crowd of more than (Continued on Page Sue ) 117.000 is anticipated. H 0 d g kins 0 n Lauds -.----tured Christmas ploy at -Pua· Burnham, 1945 Star Boat champ- Brother of Queen Det.ective Work Seeks Damages ~~a ~1~~":"0/~ ~~ ~CI.A -~y Harder. Normu Norma Is Chosen . I by Policeman For Auto Death ~~:~~.!""an-= M~:na -Phil Greene, Steve King of T .l110'Una So•~· ... t .John Upoon Of th. Of Mesa Dr1·ver tainment !IO suitable and~ Titus, Larry Mertz. ~ Newport Harbor district police de. for the entire family. CalUornia -Bob White, Bill LAGUNA BEACH, Dec. 19. -pvtgJe nt received credit from. In Dickens' characterizatiom. ncker. Que<n Norma may reign In Pua-~:f Police & B. HodeldJuon SANTA ANA, Dec. 19.-A jUTy there ill no middle ground • . . Fullerton Junior College -BW dena but her brother . Kin• n .... _ tar -•1 .. -...._......,,..,._1_ ot six women and six men have • -wb«ta Ja~-"cKi••-• •-r -----. all heroes and berolneo are aio-~. ~ •• ~·· m ond. or as he is roi·ally known ~ ••• .... •-vdl"'•• tho .... . been asked to matt a decision ln . t 1 ood d i-~~• and ' --a Je~ Madig•• Bob ..,..,,. -.. ·--. u.i.a-sis ent y g an VYaut:e. ~ru -• •J _.., here, Klng Java I , relgt11 here. IPPr&ra.DQe of llOO feet of steel a damage suit for $20,469 for the all villains are just plain mean ..• cnun. In other words, Norma Otris-t>lplng from a boua1nc project 00 death of Delmar Stein of Costa in fact, born that way. Santa Barbara State -Dale topher's brother. Raymond. has Harbor Helibta., ov~rlooklnl' t he Mesa in an auto accident Jast The large cast which incluclea Eckrote. captain. Eckrote won been chosen King Java the First Al"cbes entrance to N e ~· p 0 rt February 4. P eggy Hakes , Irene Scott, Glenn 19461nternational F1attie champ.- of the Cotree Bowl festival spon-Beach. _ . Mrsth. Flt ora A. 1 St 1 ein 1 is dem 1 ahnd-WeJls, and Leslie Kimmel, entered ionshlp. sored by a newly organized Caffee ~ ·plttlng, which wu in eJcht 1ng a arnoun or oss o er into the play with 8 zestful _spirit. Santa Ana J~or College--Fred club here. inch section.a and had fitttnP at-husband in a collision between his and the director Wes Densmore Sche nck, captain; Earl 1bomu, Ki.ng Java and his knight~ 'o\.'ill l tM'ht"d to thf"m, "".88 the property car and one driven by Army Lt. utilized their enthusiasm to mak~ Dick McKee. preside at a round of festivities., of the Harbor Investment com-Elden Jones at Bushard and the most of this charming Christ· USC -team to be picked via lasting until New Year's Day. Tu'e J pany of SOS W est s.Dtb atl"eet, Adams St. mas play. {Continued on Page 6) Coffee Club has decided to make N e''lH>rt Beach and had lain on. Through Attys. J. B. Tucker ------------'--------------- the event annual. Christopher was thf'lr housing projt'Ct. 00 t h e and A . .M . Rutan, she charged born in Ou•ight, Illinois, a nd came H eight" sJnC"e last July undls-Jones With negligence. The de- pl S S d to Laguna in 1941 to open a serv-turbf"d uatll discovered missing by fendent, represente~ by Fred an ervl·ces on un ay icve_ ~ration. He is a navy South an official of the e<>mpany OD Fo~gy. countered \\'1.th the alle· Pac1f1t war veter a.n . I Tu sd D 10 getion that Mr. Stein had been In New St. James Church Shoreline 1 §f~~~I~~·i~1 Ma~kcl;s Costa Mesa· Harbor Area In Gay Mood for Holidays Christmas Day of 1945 saw~-----------­ Pioneer Balboa Real mcmbcrs of St. James Episcopal church breaking ground for their new edifice on Via Lido near the Estate Man ~uccumbs· Lido Isle bridge and this coming R't S t f !" Fr'd ' Sunday services will be held !or I es e Or I ay t he first time in the ne-y.·Jy com· 1 pleted building. Eugf'ne Elliott. 64. pioneer Bal· boa real C'state man. di£'d Wednes- Beginning with Christmas Eve, day morning at hi~ home, 308 a series of special services will be Montero s treet. Balboa. Re was held. including the dedication on born in Illinois and had Jived in Sunday afternoon. Dec. 29. The Balboa for 30 y('ars. Ht v.·u a Chr istmas Eve st>rvice at 11 :30 member of the Catalina Tona club p.m. will be a choml ser.,.ice and and the Los Angeles Rod and midnight celebration of Ho I Y Reel club. Communion. • . 1 He is survived by his v.'ife. George Mortimer WJ.11 be at the Daisy M. of Balboa · one son console or the pipe organ, one of, Eugene R. and a daughter ~·lrs' the finest. in the county .and ~or Audrey May Chase. both 0 f Bal~ the first time .~e boy. choir "'hlch boa, also two grandchildren ; tv.•o has been trairung since ear 1 Y step-children. Her bert M. King Spring under the direction of htrs. I of San Pedro and Mrs Gr ace William Oltton Hall \I.ill sing with A1i1ls of Los Angeles. · the adult choir. Funeral serviC't'S will be held On Dec .. 29. at 3:30 p.m. the Friday. Dec. 20 at 2 p.m. In the formal dedication will take place Harold Grauel Chapel Costa M eu with the Bishop of_ Los Angeles, with the mv. E. D. Goocfeu, pas: ~he Rt. ~-. ~ill1am Bertrand tor of Ou-ist Church by the Sea. btevens offroa~. asalsted by officiating and interment to fol· the Suffragan Bishdp. the R t. Rev. low tn Westminster Memorial / Robert Burton Gooden. Also tak· Park. ing part will be the Dean of the Convocation of Long Beach, tile' Bandit Gets Man's Cash Rev. Perry G. M. Austin, re<:t\>I' ot St. Luke's church and the sen- ior chaplain from the U. S . Naval hospi.t&l at Corona. the Rev. Ke n- neth D . Perk.ins, canonica.lly con- nected Y.'ith the Diocese ot Hono- lulu. Among special guests will be C. E . McFarland of Newport 10 Episcopalian clernmen from Beach was held up by a lone Dei&hborina: towns as well as pas-bandit on Coast bouJevard near ton of local churches. The service Will ronsist ot 36th street, Newport, shortly a!ter Oloral £venc.v.o "1th the vicar, 10 o'clock. last F'rJ<1ay n ight, ac- ·-cordlng to a report made to the ~ Rev. Ardya T. Dean offidat-harbor district Police de partment l~ assisted b! the dean, ~tr. ~us-Tuesday. The holdup man g 0 t Un, and the Chaplan. Mr. Perkins, $63.al fallowing wrucb the bi.lbop will . ------- coodUct the service of dedicatlcm Beach Plan ~~~ ~:~;o~:~:;,~~~!.~ Request·1ng u ra, e&C'b time plckinC' up telltale f s Endorsed ~~~:~~bf~~~~:::: Arb"1trat·1on F our Orange County men wer e the key to the mlnlnc oorutruc-- elected to serve as members of don mat~rtal lay In an Inland com· {Special to Nc"'5-Tlmes) th Sh 1· RI . munlty of Los Anrelee coonty, the LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19. e ore ine ann1ng Associa-Ne"•port Harbor p 0 11 c e m a 0 lion of California, Inc. at the an-bt-Mled for th.at pla.ce. He vUlted ?ttarket operators at their meet- nual meeting held in Long Beach. the yard of the accused conau-oo. ing in Long Beach Wednesd ay The men selected were. H . F . t:loo company and there found the morning voted to offer to arbi- Kenny pres1'de nt of O r a n g e trate t h e re maining issues in-. mluinl' steel plplnc, the poUce de-County Coast AssociatiQn , Balboa; partmcnt head dbclosed. volved in the strike of butcher Dan Patch, Sunset Beach; L. r..t. \Vhen confronted with the evi-shops in the Orange county, Long Strang, Mayor of San Clemente dence. a truck driver employed by Beach and Harbor areas. and \Vm. Gallienne, .secretary of the construction company denied Dick Heffern. PhiJip R. Melnick the Huntington Beach Chamber implication in the alleged thefL and 0. G. Lawton, spokesmen for of Commerce and Associated Ho~'ever. "'hen Sergeant Upson the employers, explained the Chambers of Commerce of Orange remarked that the employe would action: County, Inc. These gentlemen will have to spend the night in the '-rbe employers have mad e represent Orange County in all Los Angeles county JaiJ, the truck- what we consider to be a fair planning of the entire S horeline driver is said to have admitted his offer. W e are willing to submit of California. role in the affair. to arbitration. If the union will A $ beach improve-Upson reported that the trUck-accept arbitration t he markets ment progrnm is to be developed driver winced at the mention of can reopen immediately and the under a bill signed by Governor the word 'jail' and then c:liaclosed fin.al decision on the terms of the Earl Warren at the last legtsla-that his boss WU with him when contract will be Jett to an impar· ture. All counties have been asked the steel piping was taken from tlal arbiter." to develop new muter bea c h the Harbor Investment oompany's In 50 communities marke ts have plam .so as to create priorities tn bouslng traet. "My boa told me been closed for 10 days. La.st Sat - each County for Beach acqulsi-to lake it." ~ truckdriver re-urday night the union voted to tion and <Wvelopment. plied rdin drop it.I Monday closing demand ; One of the important factors porL' acco . g to the police r~ the president then came up with during the coming legislature is No arrests were ma.de, Police a request for time and a hall on to see that the oil re\·enue coming Chief Hodgkinson aald. u n.oaiu: Mondays and a weekly wage of from HUil~ Beach, Sunland W. Henderson, attorney and pres!-$70. • and other tideland pools are not dent of. the Harbor lnW:ltment used fer any other purpose but company, did not wtah to a:lgn a developing and planning of the complaint against the aOCUled beaches of California to include a men. Balboan Resigns · Civic Association Mrs. Esther Jordan Succumbs at Age 91 In Dennison Home A w ealth!of color<'d lights hang- ing from the hranch«'S ol Christ- mas trees gay with cheerful tin· ael and peering o u t into t he streets from windows of ftomes and stores all over the harbor dis- Mrs. Esther Sowerby J"ordan, trlct was proof today that Costa 91, died at 10:30 p.m.. Tuesday Mesa and Newport Harbor famt. evening at the home of her son-lies and shopkeep('rs planned to in.Jaw , Charles F. Demmolt. 928 make this Ou-istmastide one to West Central aveoue having sur-be rem embered by ol d and young vived her daughter by only six alike. ' weeks. Elsewhere in the district there She -w&s ~born tn Omada and appeared picturesque .sett i n g a ha d lived in Newport Beach for symbolic of the yuletide season. 15 years. She is survived by her A strildng feature of the occulon son-in-law, Mr. Dennison: a 'grand-was the illuminated crou atop daughter, Mrs.. Dorothy Brinn of Newport H eights which at dusk Hollywood; a grandson, T. C Den-can be seen for mi les~ off •hore- nison of the home add!ess: a and ls revered by seamen on thetr- great·grandson, Oiarles a Pier-VoYBgeS homev•ard. son of Santa Ana; two mtera and Another outstanding display ls o ne brother of Puwtena the Corona del Mar exhlbitloc Funeral services will be held &hawing St. Nicholu rowing home Monday. Dec. 23 •t 2:30 p.m. in fer more Otristmas toys for good. Ives an d Warftn chapel, 100 littte girls and boys. 'nl.e letter- North Hill Ave-. P & 1• Ing of the Merry ChristmU peet ... Beach City Firm Is Named in Suit in.g which aro:>rnpanlea h1m la ex- oelJenL SWl another exceptional ~ ot work ill the Santa Cata eldlJ, bltlon In the alcove at a bulJd. F Car Inj • Ing facing the plaza near the N.,.. or ones i-t Beach City Hall. s. n t . -very gay u he bobo hla SANTA ANA.. Dec. 18. -An be9d to and fro to tho delicht of action to obtain sa.sm In clam-other cblldren. ages from the Soorth eo.t C--Equally tucinattna la tho hlll<! structton compao;y ba been Ouistmas tJ'ee wbJch float started in Superior Court here. around the bay, attracttne atter! Also named • a ..,_ lo tlon from scores of out-of-town Walter B. Mellott ol Hcwpuat matmtata who have beU'd about Beach. It -have oome clotni w -It The action Is bra &'t bJ' aewn In operation. Ita ka~ 50% allottment to the redwood Forests of California. The Board convenes quarterly to take up matten Of importanoe. HOW ABOUT YOU? 'l'We'a a-~ tne "* polloe ......... edJo: -t to tM NMjlilft - 0*7 Rall. ll'o -fw a .- ncr-, t. mieer .. -..,.. ... ..... _....,._ .. _ persons, . includillc ,_ ~ manifestation of colored l!ahta bl who claim they were llclwal In aometbing \o rave about. ' Donald Harmon of 111 Main an auto acddent Noe #w 30 lalaat a.,- atreet, Balboa. announced h1a re-on Newport -...._ a llmlf mile U-t.dly the most beautl- tirement from the board of di-west of S . Main -......,.;. ful Ciristmal cliaplay la to be rectors of the Balboa Improve-tioD. fOIDI m Balboa Isl•NI, - ment uaodation U>day. Ralph ~ -S1lllll frr ~ts and ...__ alllre Neil CUnnlngham at San Fran- cisco is president, Richard Loynes of Long Beach ill vk:e-pttSident and Geo. Lanen of Loo AnceJes ill secretary. dq I and lftacb the sermon. Speeder Tagged The vested boy choir will aln& Arthur F. o..y Jr. ot 223 East Alley Paving Told With the adult c:boiT and tho a.o-l3ay Front, Balboa JsW>d, WU SUiiy Martin, -tractor - U_pt __ _ .............. ,... .... * ..... HUI Jetter of realllJUltlon WU Jnjurief and ~ frr dao I} to -joined baJldo W mab - sent IA> Jorry Johnson .reatauran· his car; his wife Km7 -7Ule pr-am the tall< ot tbe - teur and ~t of the. •aoda-$2500; RI~ qafuw -6r --ot per ..... Who ..... tk.a.. $3500; hil wife Joi .. ''* wb 91111 the tOlnl In p:y .....,. U7 Hunat wu ooe ot tho ortil-$2000. Ralph A&Dl>te -de-tllet It lo eoen better -the no! lnotlp.ton of tho uaodatlcm DWICla $2000 frr 7-7W'W --Ana r..u..e """' - and ... an IDISefatipble --Marie q.dtre and S1lllll 6r U. It --to -;,r-w. Be-them musk wu written by the ctted by N..._t Harbor district ~ $M7.'9 to tho dQ< tz-_ arp.niat and· cbolr ditt&lr, Mr. P>Uce fOC' clolftc 50 In a a:>-mn.. urer u NoHmber ••"'"•cm pmr-(~ cm hp Illa) zooe over the ~ Inc die alle1s en J!albna t.!Md ...... M-zt1 I ....... It ---Jtwll! ... .... ........ W' ,~ ..... ..,. _, il> Its beNlf. Be will ....-a l'ftNlld J-siiu-Jlllls. ...i.,.. w , ed•••1i.. lo fll .-JI~ a,_ ot tbat bolr. -..a Irr SWllL (OWU S • I) · • ' • • ' ' • ~=~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~~Sw~d~.bi:J0:m~rr-=M~=·:...~·~~uru=:&~i:7!~~~r~::~·~-.. ·=&=ro ~t ;;;;;::;;:;;;;;::;:::;;;;;;;;~=B=A=Y==v=1=Ew==.c=A==FE:::;::. W..,, Tltlo 8tad7 W• -. Todloy th<ft att IOEDe 50 junior The eoverning boanll ot • nn> coll-1n California and 19 ot union h I & b achoo! districts In them are organjiod u _.te Orange County. Huntinct<>n llHd> junior college districts. Two ot and Newport Harbor, have re-these districts have been fcnned quested authortzatlon from the during the put year. Fifteen cl State Board of Education for per-the other disttlcts maintain t-. miulon to bold an election for th• year junior colleges and will be purpose of forming a junior col-used in thb report u a basla ot Jege district. comparioon In detenniDing t h • Diamohd Rings A Good SeleeUon • Sterling Silver Sugar and Creamer KINGSTON WATCHES 17-J ewel, 14-k Gold • ' Also with Diamonds Pin and Earring Sets 8-autal SelecUo• Gold Ftlled on S terling Comb. Brush and Mirror Sets Sterllng Silver, Gold Filled. Enamel Dinner Rings ~~ Aqua Marine and other stones Q-Rio Shoppe 205 Main St. Balboa Open Friday, Saturday, Monday and iu-lay Evenings Something D!Herent for Your Chrislmas Dinner PHEASANTS S'76 E. 18th St. Costa Mesa Call: Beaeoa H5! ' (DnMed) Telephone Beacon 5S60-.J ~; Associated -··-·~·-Station at 1986 llal'bor Blvd. Featurlnl" • Expert lubrication • Best quality gas and oil • Washing and polishing • Batteries and accessories __.,_ Pickup and Del.Ivery ---J. F. THOMPSON 1936 Barbor Bl.,d. COSTA MESA The State Depar\:ment of Edu-wbdom of fonnina; a new district. cation ls required to survey a pro-hrpoM: of CoUecee pooed junior college district for The orllh>&J __., of junior the purpose of making a recom-coll~es ln CalifomJa was to pro-- mendation to UM! State Board of vide two years of college tra.fn. Education (Education Code, tee'-lng for students. who were tmable lion 4234). U an election 11 au-to attend a university or recu.Jar thorized. the people of the pro-college. The propam <?f the jun- pooed district will decide by • ior collqe duplfcated. u cJooely majority vote whether or not a es pmsible, the program of the junior college district shall be unlvenity. ~•ted (Education Code, section Th.11 still rema.lna one ot the 42471. Important functions of the junior This repart, then, ls designed to college, but increasing recogni- aulst the State Deparbnent of tlon hu been given to the value Education, the State Board ot. Ecf'. of continued education for the ucation, the Governing Boards of youna: penon who does not expect the high school districts in the to continue h1I training in a four- FD18T SPADIEPUL of ..U la -llftm by tluo a.-r. Hori>ert 8otll t• Ute nns aat& of ~ chape land panonace ol tbe New-port Harbor .,.,_..... Lo-.. cluudL Groomd brMklac -.. ,_ ~ 1aA !iaDdaJ' .. Newport Hspta. -Dennis Photo. be lttVed. , tion, pilotihg:. rigging and steve-. Under Same Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wiii At Ferry Landing; Balboa • eompw.q llocJenmed • STEAKS • CHOPS • SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 6 LIL to% LIL Q11911d ~f Foutain Service Inspecti<lll of Our Kitchen Welcomed "A Place Wltne PW..,.,,..,. Mut" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders ~SPEED ~. Man4gn'-]OSl!PIUNZ ()QUIST, o..,.... I ' 10'7 21.st Place Newport BeMll proposed area, and the electon year collegiate institution. Such a ln the proposed district in deter-"terminal" type program includes mining whether or not a new jun-eeneral education, vocational and ior college district in the coaat prevocational training, social edu- section of Orange County should catio~ etc. be formed.. · • It ls now generally agreed that A tentative ata.tement of the doring, commercial fishing, can- instructional program of the ~ nery operation, ceramics, petro- poeed Coast J unior College Dis· leum industry, machine shop, auto trict would Lnclude the need tor a mechanics, personal service oc- ceneral core curriculwn organized cupations, cosmetology, ~usiness around the biolog1cal and physical education, plutics, aviation, air sciences, English, social studies, conditioning and refrigeration, heaJth and physical education; an and hotel and resort management. academic, or precollege, curricu-It is evident that the proposed l ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;~~~;;;;~~~~~~~;;~~ lum; and vocatfonal or prevoca-junior college should plan to pro-Ii tional curricula organized around vide a co~plete ~d a diverse pro-J Olllor CoUere. Devrlopmea& a junior college should offer both The present day junior college "academic" and "terminal" type program actually began in Call-cun1cu.la ln order to meet the fomia in 1907 when the 1erisla-needs ot all ycuth in the area to . . gram of instruction. agriculture, boat bwlding, boat During the last ten years the EARRIRfiS.~::,: PAID ture gave governing boards of high school districts the authority to conduct postgraduate courses operation and maintenance, sea-size of Junior colleges has been manship and sa.ilmaking. naviga-subject to extreme variation. Peak at:~ww.tal ~of TABLE I Av~nce Dally D &lly A ttendance--1936-\143 in high schools. T h e geography of Cali!omla made Inevitable the development of such courses since the resources or the University of Callfomla, !late colleges. and private colleges and universities were not readily accessible to many persons who desired training beyond h I K h Range Average school graduation. Fresno organized the first post· graduate course In 1910 and In the next two years similar pro- gr81Tl3 were inaugurated at Los Angeles, Santa Barbara. Fuller- ton, and Kem County (Bakers- field). By 1916-1917 sixteen high schools we re maintaining post- graduate courses with a combined. enrollment of 1259. In 1917 the state legiJllature authorized the establishment of junior college departments of high schools. H lg h school districts were stimulated to provide college training for their graduates. But World War I abruptly suspended t h e educational plans of older youth, Low (year) High C year) Ota!fey Union 571 (44-451 1062 (~l l Fullerton Union 426 (44-45) 1...aJ (J9...40) Glendale City 465 (43-441 1099 (38-391 Long Beach City 569 (43-44) 1880 (3!401 Los Angeles City 2414 (44-451 5702 !3!401 Marin Union 335 (~) 1048 (44-451 Modesto City 596 (43-441 1658 (~1) Riverside aty 290 (43-44) 534 (39-4-0) Sacramento Oty li3o '44-4.5) 3323 {40-41) San Bernardino Valley Union 439 (43-44) 875 (39-40) San Jooe City 541 (43-«l 1273 (3~0) San Mateo Union 435 (43-44) 1181 (39-40) Santa Ana Oty 280 (44-45) 812 C4Q.41) Santa Rosa Union 264 (44-45) 741 (40-41) Yuba County 125 (43-441 458 (4()-41) Chrome Plating National Plating Co. Le ... 8Ntll Pbw ell-318 • In 1921 the legislature author· ized the formation of junior col- lege districts. The desirability, at ~~==~===~==::~~ this level, of thorough and more costly types ot Instruction was recognized through provision for larger apportiorunentJ per unit of average daily attendance. Provision was also made for jun1or college districts w h I ch would include more than one high school district in order that the college might perform services for older youth and adults through- out a more extensive area than a single high school district. WATERPROOFING STORE :.~ =:: =.:. I l------.. --~-~~~~===~-.~1 -•bo.,.. or bolLow rroon4. Applkadcm COM. nocaJQAL Call .. for ..um.a ... MortarleM Interlocking Block Co. .......... ah-&.. 0.. II-. o.au. --· - Every branch of Bank of America seHsthese convenient MONEY ORDERS They cost 154 for °'"f amount) and they're • now available, without extra cost, in attraclift _c:ommemoratiYe envelopes for ewl')' gift~ .... ...... ......... -"""" TM< .... 15.00 ..,,.,. -"""" --....,_ - 812 1005 823 1288 4147 604 1072 512 2134 7'.2() 884 899 621 493 275 atte,ndance records V.'ere made usually in 1939-1940 or 1940-1941. With the advent of \Vorld Wu a many of the persons who v.·ould normally h a v e at tended junior colleges served in t h e armed forces or worked in war indus- tries. i11¥flllll•l'll HCOUftft. E•r11i1191 •r• tdo.d to ""'11191 KCOlilfth. • I/· or more Df"'IS your occour.f I • Even though the junior colleges played an eminent part in the war through t h e i r training of workers, t he units of average daily attendance compiled suf- fered a severe drop. It was not unusual for the 1944-45 A.D.A. to be only one-tenth of that of the peak years. <See Table I). NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. Palmer, PresidC'tlt 33~3 "IA LIDO HAR•OR 15QD (Continued Next Issue) EXQUISITE GIFT SETS FILLED WITH OISTURBING BEWITCHING 1 1/M11J+ SHE'LL WEAR THIS MAGNETIC FRAGRANCE AS A MEMENTO fROM YOUR HEART NEWPORT BEACH . CALIFORNIA • -15.00 ..... --• - l 1 • • • the articles which we present for sale have been very carefully selected I \ l l . -. • we feel certain that we please many, but our goal Is to please ~ MnOlllAL :,,: MlllOCIATICm llmllD rnnM. llJIOIJf .... MllCI CUNIAna• _ .. _....,_ Vi1ce1rs Balboa • "lac Pelletle"s Newport I H8lllptol's Haibw Dtcs, Coro11 del ~- , l,_ • • • GARDEN AND PATIO WALL • W. P. MEALEY-General Ciontrad« ft ···-·-· •• ,..~w ----OOST.& M&S.& • . . aaww DI I 'II News of the Churches Need Sla11ed Technicians 8UDda7 Vp Fl•: .... 10 .... lea e Ip-Ta11q A4Dlt h1Jow11dp. OUll LAOY Of' MT. CAllll•L -.... -T p t ·p 1· Effects ,. Wllll c. ""'"-•:GO ...... -Toulll I'll-o· reven o io CODIE ,,_, 8aturdQW -f:GO p.m. -. Wa.wblp:-\ 7 -!::=======================~l t:OO to 6:80 U4 -f:80 to M 111p: "Omae T• Uva.• "To be n!ady kw oerlouo tuwre are planned to be uoed to tnln I a:ao,..... · epldemla of infantile ~ graduate nunes u Kenny tecbnlc-I -------008TA JQ8A Cll1JJl(JB OP OOD llmlJar to the one experienced Jut IOJll, to help eatahllah a penna-! oo=g:.:r~ .... 1-P. -· ,_ 1111Tl!JWP, we must ha~ adequate nent Kenny Olnlc here, and to ! CllUllCll. OONG•l)QATIONAL ue Ce ..... St., Ooota -numbers of skilled Kenny -. add to the loco! Kenny pool of • A.rry Fnderlcl< Schrock. lllnlator Servlcn SUDC1a7 10 L m.. 6:30 nldans to p...vent the orlppllng Pollo fighting equipment for loan ~ 61.l Heliotrope Avenue P. m. and 7:30 P. m. effects of polio tn our chlldren." to local hospitals in times of emer~ i Orona 'del Mar Tha wu the plea of Jerry Gies-gency. ~ Sunday December :l2 19'6 Tm1: Jn:W.ruJCT HAIUIOB ler, chairman of the s'outhem Cal· 1n addition, he said, half will go ~ 9:30 a.b 'Church ICl!ooi. LVrHE•AN ~ lfontia committee for the l!MS to help finance additional reseatth i 11:00...;. Momin& worship. Ser-(To be located ... Clff Dr!V<:, Fund Appeal of Ethe sister Kenney and training activities at the ~ mon by Mr: Scbrock: "Rellcion N..._i Hellhta l Foundauon to citizens throughout K~nny lnstttute In Minneapolis: i • • , . . Do Yaar <Jir'_z' 11 Sit Wiis at Home SELECT YOUR Git IS NOW Our Lay-A'ft7 Plan WID. Sa~ You Time BUY NOW WHllJI: 0087 ~ 18 ClOllPLl:'m • R l·N GS hppil 7 1feddl c Prea-tllld8 ......... Signet· -Birthstoms -• Nl1Vt!l1ies .• CA>stmoe Jewelry Aooordlng to Chrlatmaa. "A Oianceleu Olliat for a the harbor area. 'In supporting the Kenny ap: ~ 4:00 p.M: Vesper Musical Serv· O>an&lnc World!" Contributions and off en of vol· peal. We .,.. · b~.t preparing for 0 ice. · Mary Batten Steffensen, 9:30 a..m.. church ac:bool; 10:30 unteer assistance are being ac-what may come, he aa.id ! ~ Many ---=--• CHRISTIAN'S BUT Let)DJ!~'&1l}~aaer DELICIOUS FOOD .•. COCKTAIL BAJ> DINNERS ... BANOlEl'S Oiolr director: un., ~-~~eoeut.-:!~!!,~ ~~ ~ All kinds typow,.iu.r rlbbom In i FIRST CHURCH OF CHllllT, Grauel O>apel, 110 ~. evard, Los Angeles 5. •tock at the N-.'l'lmea. I SCllltNTllT Rev. Her~~.. -•tor, "We must support this appeal ii Lido The•wr. c.ntrat Avenue 324 Marine Ave Balb; W.rv1 tor; the sake of our children. :P.>. and Vla Ude Phone Harbor :zias.J Uo s cause hu not yet been dJa.. A brazi<h ~ T!>e Motbor Clnucll, "Come Once-Youii Como ooven!d and u a result llttle can ~ Finl Cburcll ~ Cbrlot, lid· •~-•-•• • be done to prevent tutw-e out· emi.t. la Bolton. V·-=bv.tta. -.au1. breaks ot the disease. J3U114ay 8cbool at t :ao a. m. 8uD-"But, through the ettorta of day Semco at 11 a. m. W-.s&y FULL GOIPEL ct4UllCH Sister Elizabeth Kenny and her TMtlm.ODlal Keettnc at 12 o'clocll Und and Elden, ea.ta M... new coneoept far the treatment Re&cllnc ·Room located at w 8uDda7 ochool, 9 :t0; mornonc of polio much can be and ls belnc • ·• Charming, New Designs WATCDm far -tllldw- lf,.s -AAl\atkal ¥=' Men'& Leather Goods ~ attend the church~ •ftl\ UM aT. JOHN ••ANNl!Y CHURCH ' ' Closing Out •BOX SPRINGS t' the ::~:: .. ::Pl8COPAL '!~~;;,:.~ =... 11 •• BWMl&y ~"°;" ~:"!.m. ~-·How's Your i, 116 N-~::l.· Street CHJJ.OBEN'S ITEMS aDd lnnersprlngs . CHURCH -w _ ... &II, -1 :~"":!;::-p: .m. 8aturda7a ~· Timin n = --.-• Mafh:.!•809 ud Ceatnl Ave. gr !i I ..,. • ' 51& West Central, Balboa Sund.ay ac:hool, lO a.m.. • ·.111111tt11111111tlll111t111f1111111111111•11 a 1 ~ •••• 11111 11w1111111111111111nattMtn1111 8COOTER8 '64INI • (Ebell ClubhO<IM) Momin& oervice, 11 &.111: Flll8T F01JBllQUAK& OlltlBCB ---'4 75 Set ............ · Rev. A.rdya T. Dun, Vlcar Evenlna evangl!lisdc lef"Vioe at OP COSTA. MESA ~ " II-PIECE l @:so a. m., Holy Communloll. 7:30 p.m. T.-nporary locaticm, Amer1<mi Your car may need this 1 TRICYCLES Ch · f: 9 "5 a.m.. Sunday 8choo1. Mid-week service Tbunday at Legion Hall , " '1095 and '1895 rome l 11 :00 a.m., Morn111&' Prayer and 7:30 p.m. ' lle'r. &Dd Kn. G. Willard 11teuu four-point check: 1 Dinette Sets r: Sermon. (Flnt sundayo: Ho11 Puton I Table ~6c:;a Seta , 6400 • •. Commun!OG.) COSTA MESA COMMUNITY Sunday:::::: 9':,1 L m. : ~~~: ':.i~bon ,, BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL CHURCH Mornlnc worship service 10:'5. l car-1 B. Johnaon. Minister B-" Check-~ " Pla.tf$o1rm2Rock50 er · : 218 Agote A .. nu. 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 24711-R Cnaader service 6:00 p. m. • ,_.., .,... 1 Bunk Beds f4>QINI R•v: Horry w. White, Onucb ocbool, 9:t!I a. m. ~an .. rv1ce 6:30 P. m. • Ignition Service • a.n ,...,, .._..."' ~ J, A8HCl•te Pait.or' M:o ..... i" .. Wonhlp, 11 o'clock. Evening evangellst1c service at · MAPLE ROCKERS Cblll'Cb School, 9 ::!0 L m. ··-... 7:30 o'cloclc: -o- termedlate, Adu!~ 8 ::!0 P: m. at 7 :30 o'clock. MOTO'"' REBUILT • oa... T9'0 • hol Ennin& service., 7 :30 o'clock. Qlo::J 1. s400. Tables •7es 1'. Momonc Woroblp, 11 .. "'· Youth Sl'01'1". H~ ocbool, I n· Tuesday evening prayer - DOLL BUGGIES • CollN • '-• BEVENTB D.(Y ADVENTJST8 Corn Bola d Old Country Rd., MJd:Wfflt tellowohlp &od pn.yer, CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA -0-$495 l er a an W-·-'-~ 7"' Ch '11 R Costa Mesa _,, :~ P· m. C-munlty Methodlot em e ugs : Sabbath llcllool, Saturday morn-11 L m z. Prayer and Sermon. 1420 Wllll Central A_.. Midway Auto • '' ' M ..._. ..._,,.. 6x9 TTTTTTTT-r•-7$14.00 I Ing, 9:30 o'clock. Rev. L D. G-11, Pastor Se • CO 9xl2 ~ CHURCH OF CHftl&T ---L. rv•-FLO()B VERINGS 7---7•-·08 . Pn!achlnc service, 11 Lill: Churcll and Wolnut """"' ~-8dlool. 9:IO a. m. .....,. Square Ya.rd ___ _$8.IO l L Duane Canby, Mlnl.te,.. M9"ltllc WO!'llhip, 11 L m. IRONING BOARDS AND PADS .zz:-------:'4-25 r, Christian Science Text Sen1ceo: Sunday. 10 L mz, Bible T;:!~:fj, ~:::i ~ m. c ~a Mesa F rn"ture Co l on Atomic Force Btudy; 11 L"'-Momlnc wonblpr M1d--........... Wed-o U I • ~ The QoemtJon "'l• th• UD1.,-ene. nead&y~ cove:::':. dtnnu. &=• UiOl W. Cqtral Ave. Phone Harbor 2060 for Trouble 1'7tll ewport Bt\'CL ()oeta lleea BMcoa MIS I lncludJQC Ma.n. E'Yol.-ed bf Atomic NEWPORT HAftBOR p. m. Force !" will be the Sund.,-,Lesion· LUTMEftAN CHURCH ~~~~~~~~~~!!! '!!-...,,.-~..,,....~,,_;.SE .,,._,.,,_.,,..,,, .. ,.11 "!!llF Sermon •ubject tn all brancbe• or Grauel Cf'lapel, COila M4*a. a The Mother Church, The Flnt Rw. Herbert Roth, Putor SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY inmCHICKEN NEW YORK CUT STEAK 777-77::777-zz•r--Trr•T?zz:?-TOT-$2.50 WHOLE BROD.ED LOBSTER TTT-T?TT-TTT?THT-TT--TT.$2.50 with drawn butter. Church of Cbrl1l. ScleoU1t. In Bott-BerYice9: Sunday, 10:50 a.m. ' ton.. The Golden Tert 11 from Deut• ronom1: '"Behold, the beaYen and the heaYeD or beayen. I• the Lord'• thy God. the earth at.o, w1tb an that thereto ta." In a ae lecUon from Mark'• Go1pel Jeaua .. coa.t.nJned hJ• dl1ctple1 to get into the ahtp, and to so to the other side , .. And "ben eYeD wu come, the •hip wu Jn the mtdat of the sea. and be alone on the lanls. And be saw them tolling ln rowing; for the wl.nd ,.wu contrarr unto them: and about the fourth watch or the night be cometh unto them, walk· Jog upon the 11ea .... But ... the7 AUPPOaed It bad been • aplrlt. and crted out: ... and were troubled. And Immediately he talked with them, and 1&Jth unto them, Be of good cheer : tt 111 I; be not a.rratd. And be went up unto them Into the abtp: a.nd the w1nd ceued." ReT, lhrtcbt Klaman, putor Meeting temporarly in the Sev- enth Day Adventist church, cornet of Old CoWlty road and Bolsa Ave., Costa Mesa. Sunday schooJ-9:45 a. m. Worship service-11 :00 a. m. Young people's servt~ p.m. Evening evangelistic servtce- 7 o'clock . Prayer meeting -7:45 p. m. Wednesday, 2008 Anahelm Ave. A cordial welcome to all. R. s. Give Hirn a New Fishing R~ Reel For Christmas New Stock .Jost Recleved Spilt Bamboo a.nd Calcntta Rods ••• Designed by Geo. Sailer . DOWNING Fis1'in' Tackle 100 Main St., Foot of Balboa Pier • -... Keep Fim-of-the-year Records Neat and Ord~rly in the new ''Pronto'' Economy TRANSFER FILES LEllER OR LEGAL SIZE WIDTHS A ruggedly Built Slarage File, Bu lit To Stand A Life- time of Abuse. Yet Coats No MtNe Than Ordin ary Fiberboard Boxes. llTIJJIDY OON!l'nlUCftDlf lullt out Of m lb. www1wwwte11 board, Nlnforcecf wttft ....... alloll and on tow wws 9't draworo. llAVEl!l l"LOOR !IPA.CIC Condnictff ao ttlat you caft ll'ltertock thent Into "lid untt:a. .t.acll: lMM Oa hltll aa )'Ml tiff IN. IOOATE BIXX>W s•m.y No-nead of Jucrellno • lot ., heavy carton• h• ordw ta ... Ot old NCOrda.. . BEAlllVtJL A.PP&A&\NfJI: ,.ln•hed In attractive ollvt •""" 8"odo, motchlnt you r ,..uler octlvo offloe fU••· U.. PRONTO flea r.r Adlw 11-..k en well as ~ .. - T. . ...... -~ PHONE743 ' ' BROD.ED SWORDFISH STEAK TTTTTEm?TTT-T-T-TT77-7$1.50 FRIED COMBINATION SEA FOOD 77_7 ____ :77-$1.50 FRIED SHRD1P __ $1.50 RAINBOW TROUT __ 7$1.75 lfary Baker Eddy '"1tes In "'Sci· ence and Health with Ke1 to the Sertpture1 :" '"The real Ju.rtsdtcUon of the world la ID Mind. controlling eYel"J' eUect and reeoguJsing all cauaaUon u .,._ted tu dJT'lDe Ktnd. .. H•nti.,8fo., AU Roads Lead t.o Bot Mince Pl<> with Brandy Saoce Soupe • Salads • DeMerta Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market FIRST METHODIST CHURCfl G. Edwin a.her, Putor Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grov,_ 9 ::IO &.111: Clwn:b ocbool toe all -Pltonm: Loni' Beech N0-19, 80!_. and 8U-o5 11:00 Lm. Korntnc W°."'1"1p: ll-: "We Thank ni...• !4411 Coad mp....,. (Near 8""I -) • I 11 :00 Lm. Nu..nery for all chil- \ Home Appliance Loans -- No need to ~ buying those lqed.tor - appliances. Just cmne In and discover the quick, coovenleot. low-aist way cl floandng the pur. chase of.them with a baok loan. . Po•!(. Hynes -- Walker's Long Beaeh ' -- • l1m•11•1 lra11 .... ~ ....... • • r p •• • • • • \ !' .._ • MWW!W! !*'ft WIXk't*• 1'ca&! I , ........ .1 .... _,.,_~._ ... ,,~ .. i 1 ... 1'""••.•·1~ Oldest 811<e Ri~ in Nati6n Established in 1914 I Trouped With Lilfian Russell· #, llY nED PBOST her to continue with tl>em. How· .. SANTA ANA. Dec. 19. -Mn. ""~· Dr. Miiier, wbo, by then. #. Rooe Hendricks 'lb\ll'rllltt, TI, ot had llOU&ht to euid• her, decided .. this dty, Is belleYed to be one that Ille should remain in SJXing· I of the oldest bicycle riden in the field and take mon lllnglng les- • country. IODa. A tor mer metropolitan New In the intttvening yea.rs that • : York theatrical pertonner, Mn. followed from nine to 15. Rooe Thurnaer. who is the widow of the Hendriclca: learned also to out- ' late Edward D. w. Thurnae:r. <JOe'-o roller akate and out-ice aka t e Ume manager of the late James every other individual her age. f J . Corbett and the late Alexander She accompained her aunt to the Great. magician: has been rid-St. Louis, where she became a Ing a bicycle for more than 60 bookkeeper for the Oaks candy #,. years. store. Meantime, she continued •• Mrs. Thurnaer, who has been her preparation for a stage career. f a resident of Santa Ana for more When she reached 16 her guud- than 30 years since her retirement ians decided that since nothing .... which she uses for shopping lour-the youngster they would help her f from the stage, and her bicycle, elae would u.tisty the yearning ol neys about the city, are well-punue a stage career. #.. Newport Bead! Store #.. known fixtures in the passing So. accompalned again by her •. 2120 Ocean Front-Harbor 185 l' parade. better knt>wn ~~·~:; ~k Hc":i~~h~:: ...,,,_..,,,_.,.,,_~,_.,.,,_.,,,_-.;.•-·•.. .::.aw.::-_,_.,,,_ She Is probably . 1 S ~~~~..,,....,~~"""!•'"!!I Jf·~~~~ because of. her age and aptitude was given a roe in Al uther---------------------------1 to ride a bicycle than any other land'a "Rag Baby" show. From • • The Home of Good F·eoc:r-------, penon in this city. there she continued the circuit Though rather modest in nar-from one company to another, al- ratlng her st age career, Mrs. ways to her advantage. IREEIHAW'S D R r V E -I N ~•-• F 0 B II E B LY S A N b Y 'S D B I VE -I N Waffles· Dagwood Hamburgers· Steaks Dam ._ 632 ec..& lllgbwy Oa the Miracle Mlle . >---------Watch Us Grow e ~~-"'--·IL-. ................ -. .. -. 7 ..!.0~4.4i0?.'4i4.ZL4.•~~:Wll~~·--~•' Santa Hangs His Hat on Our Peg .•. Announcing the RE-OPENING under NEW MANAGEMENT Thurnaer makes no large boast She played in the same troupe oveT the fact that she first began with Katie Emmet. who starred in "Kil. ·Jamey;" in the s, ame troupe riding a bicycle in New York City a Uttle over 60 years ago. ~t~. George Mo~. V.:.ho starred She was born in Springfield, in My Aunt. Bridget and s~e Illinois and she modestly admits modestly admits that she was in OLDEST BICYCLE RIDER-Mn. Roae R eadricks Thumaer of that the family homestead stlU.. the original Ullian Russell ·com-Santa Alla b s&id t.o be the -oldest bteycle rider In the oowity. S be stands not far from the original pany when it pl_ayed the old T?ny ls '2"1 yea.rs old and bu ridden a wheel for over 80 yean. A veteran Llncoln monwnent in that city. Pastor theatre m New York city. of the Ne\\' York theatrical 1tace, sbe played tn same troupe "'Ith She also shly admits that it was She ~ as modestly admits tbe f1mou5 beauty, Ullian Ruuell. --Johnson Photo. her grandfather who rented an that she ~as a trouper in the old ago when it was struck by an Wbat'a in a Name? office above hls store to Abe Lin-Floradora Sextette which wu the automobile, but she was not ser- coln when the latter was just hl~ o~ the footlights in the gay iously hurt . starting out to practice law in Nineties. The former New York stage Springfield When the famous world beauty actress believes &he made her Her parents, the late William joined Ziegfield's Follies, youna:; great mistake 30 years ago when, H Hendricks an artist and hi1 Rose Hendricks went along, too. after the death of her husband, wire, Katy s: Hendrlcb, Spring-It was while playing with the Fol-she took the advice of her mother field soclety belle, frowned on the lies that she met and later wed not to accept a position in Holly- thought of 8 theattlcal career for her husband, the late Ed. Thur-wood their daughter. Rose. naer, who was then head of a "M~ther was afraid that social Yet it wu ln the child's bloOO New York agency for handling Uf .,,,, H 11 ood t op professionals and theatrical e m o yw One Denver girl is in for a bad case of writer's cramp if she ever has to write her name in full. She has 24 Christian nmnes. Paul A. Henning, father of a 16-year-old daughter, was impres- sed by a Seattle man who had 17 given names. He gave his daugh- ter 24 names and he said she will select still another when she in confirmed. to make use of the talents which AI h arr!. h h would keep me away from home had •-lnh ited d sh ter er m age to er us-~n er • an e re. band Mn Th id he a great deal, and that meant Mr. Henning's daugh!er was cetved encouragement only from d 'ted h · h ~:1"d' 5 a 5 loneliness for mother and she per-baptized Mary Ann Bernadette her uncle the Rev George L. a ap er usucu.1 s name as . S An ' . · her theatrical name thereafter suaded me to stay tn anta a, Helen Therese Juanita Oliva Alice Miller ol Sprlngf1eld, who urged . ' which I did " Mn Thurner said· Lo · H her to make turther use of them. appearing on the stage as Rose • · .d pl . wse arriet Lucille Henrietta Thurner Her husband she said However, she :i8J pea e Jn Celeste Corolla Constance Cecile . ' , . , ,. ... 'DIM. .. Y.U. el 9 Olea ti. -....._,. -KAIN -Olm-BAUIOA. CAI.qr, fMUI ~ 2-Piece LiVing Room Suite Coclrt:aU. Tablea, End Tables to Mateh In na tuJ"&I finish. ' . Beautiful Floor Lamps China Bue Table Lampe Boudoir Lamps HEADQUARTERS FOR UNFINISHED F'tJRNJTUBE One Table of Small Gift Item. SPECIAL-Good, used, small Saxophone · Ideal Giit for MualcaJ Child A ill<>"' Full ol AU Kl-ol • • • Whatever l'ou Wlsll ATFENTION! BOUSE TRAILER OR HOUSEBOAT OWNERS: S-Bumer, t..o.Oven, Coleman Gu Raace A·l Shape, SM.95 ' So at the age ?f nine when she used an ·extra "a" in ~ ch.ris~ Hollywood of that era knew her Margaret Rose Eugene Yvonne had an opporturuty to ling, Role . . and her husband well and ex-F1 · ·~ ~--bo e1~ HARBOR FURNITURE of the ISLAND PATIO Hendricks joined the chorus of name. changing it to read.. -ntur-. th •h uld orent1ne Lolita Grace Isabelle ~"' .:ia.r r ¥.a. naer " plained to her at s e wo Henning. , the traveling COftlp&ny wh.lch was H~ husband d Jed about 30 never want for anything during -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiii~ producing Arthur C McKnight's . h 1·r · 'f h w uld but go r .. .. years ago she said and since er .1 et1me 1 s e o famoll! operetta, NaJd Queen , . ' ' there. __ ,_ ... -... -----......... TUESDAY, DEC. 17 7 a. m. to IO p. m. FOOD SERVED TIIE WAY YOU LIKE IT S07 Jllari8e Ave. Bal.boa Island New Ownet11: Bill Harvey, Dean Bower « .')~ {j!Jatf A1~ t~ Sates and Service isr4 A Oeatral ' Pia. !8 l>'t ;t in the old Chatterton Opera House that time she has cared for a "I don·t regret taking care of ln Springfield. widowed mother and a~t,. both mother and later my aunt, who She made such a distinct hit ol whom paned away m Santa lived to be 98, but I do regret not with the chorus that they urged ~na a few years ago .. since that having gone to Hollywood. I've Ume, Mrs. Thurner Sa.J.d she has ' While They Last! •BICYCLES •TRICYCLES •SCOOTER S •Bonnie Chairs •STROLLERS •"Skates •leeps •Rot-Bods TbMe •te:ms Um1W -·- WhlDer Bike Molon , MESA CYCLE Sltop - 1929 Harbor Bhd. Pb.: BMooa 518-M Oo8talle9 been Jiving here on 1l small pen-been very lonely here, not having 1ion granted her by the state, as any relatives left. The only thing ahe no longer owna a home and I have left now is my bicycle and has no other means of support. I hope nobody takes that fr om Her one cherished possession is me," she said in conclusion or the th e bicycle which ah e rides interview. through Santa Ana dally to visit ------- ft'iends she has known here for Who Eat.a Chalk! many years. She bas been in- volved In two accidents here in the last eight years. She was thrown from her bike two years Chalk L! made up largely ot the &hells of protoza, microscopic ani- mals, according to the Encyclo- paedia Britannica. •Household Appliances •Heating Lamps •Radios •Washing Machines • Broilmasters • O'Keefe and • Plugmasters Merritt Stoves -·- ISLAND APPLIANCE SHOP Located ai Cox and Keeler Union Station -·- hrk & Marine Ave. Phone Harbor 2032 or 1S9I BALBOA ISLAND ASK FOR ' . LE!nE<R & C 0. ~ -f0-1111 ...,, ........ ·~ THE UCIU> ST-ATD 1111EW1NG ooaP. • 1.1.-4--sa.cil•' ..... . ' . 2004 ...... OilmllJ. Aft. N'•w>CMJ BllKB MdlOll' C I ---&Ill t\. "•--137.(J -e«- PHDl•an• ,. • ' • ,, ~ -. From the , .... ·ot santa's pack he's ure worked -!'"" hard t~ !Wini yO.. many things Etectrical -·for tfie $kipper for the H0t11e .... : ..... SeudiJlghta • ~· ~ • Kirsten Pho~Electric Pilot New Lighting Fixtures' BeU..W •Moten•~ Jllre FlpHwg Eqalpe eU o.o-11wo nu !lllJ#W'I : . • . • PbDco Radio • Deetrie R•sps Geheral Electric Radio Iiot Water Beaten ' . lloalellold ElfetatmJ l'bdm .. Elol!Cllwl Wttaw&aa I • I • • • • THll: TWK.NTlrTH CDN811'.CUTIVll: Dl~Dll:HD AT THC llt4TC 0,. TH•U P'Klll CCNT tat.J .. ER ANNUM ..-0111 THIE 811Ml .. NNUAL P'll:ltlO D &NDINCI OCCCM•c• Jl1aT ....... HA• •&CN DC· CLAJlllD 9Y THC DllllCCT011te 0,.-THI• AeaOCIATION AND WILL •IE P'A.10 Oll:CCMa&fl S1aT, 194a. A8aOLUTlt 8AP'"rTY ,.-QR Y O UR P'UNDa CA.OH ACCOUNT IN'"'URCD Ufl' T O I S,000 TOTAL 11t.11aou111c11:.a IN ucc•• or es,ooa. ooo E W POR T B A LBOA FED E R AL SAV I NGS and LOAN ASS O C I AT I O . P. A . Palmer , Prtsidntt aaa11 VIA LfOO HA1tao111 11500 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORN IA OIAt:CTOJta of, A. •••K •· A. MllYIE" W. It. MllllAM8 ... A. "ALMll.111 WA LTll:llt ...... c c• C . W. TICWINKLC W. A.. WILllUe H A N S E N ' S 2100 0ceu Front • Confectionery & Lunch • Malts • NOW OPEN EVENINGS Sandwiches • Hamburgers Beaudry'• Bos Oandy • Oateriag Ille 0....... • .The Clam Bake Conducted by the Clam Digger That Is undoubtedly a &oocl boys if he enters bis new Lonl- D ie h !r Courtesy Is Essential Part Of Police Department Work tiAEIE()E 1 N"'UT"'r:"1T c(). [?~LT()~ .:J()n!· ITsir.n 4T W. £r.NTS>4 l. .4"Vr.. 'J.ty.t.a-di..~ 76oo 16o1 rnaneuver In awanllnc the 0-al& designed cutter BIJll'CHER BOY Explaining that their badgos Then there wu the caller "'With tropby to the ISLAND CLIP· ll In the Honolulu race next 1um· wtll lhlne Just as brightly In publlc nothlnc to sa,y and lWI> boon· to PERS, but the old Cam Dtuer mer. estimation if used with a little say it in'' while the rest of the feels that 10methin& is bein&: He will be no novice in this clam c:nurtesy, Oliet ot Police R. R.. desk sergeant'• switchboard clat· taken away from the M and N for be won the big race ln 1923 ~ of the Newport Beach tered and buzzed with an unholy class. It Is true that the boats with bis · 60 ft.. Herreshoff de-police del>llrtment told Orange clamor. ' ' ' of this clua nave been dormant li&ned schooner. County Peace Officers at their The :'perfect" caller-as illus-..J(J during and since the war, but Mr. Pedder then the comzno. association meeting ln Santa Ana trated by Hodgkinson, gave name. j _:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::'.~=========~ there Is no reuon to prohibit d°"" ot the ~ta Barbara Yacht on Monday that '"no cop ever address and then ~ with -R-.# .. #&I· "-• .,_,-.. -..•... -._ .. them from making a comeback.-club, was Instrumental in the re-. made an enemy by sa,yin,g a terse account ol why an officer F~~ •• 41 ··• .. 4l !.44.tl!.IQ .. 41~ ENDYMION (which ii really in vival of the race that year for it was needed, meanwhile answering 'thanks'.'' f the "L'1 da.u, but raced with the was he who iuued the ~enge Since Hodgkinson. a police chief any of the desk sergeant's queries : M's and N's), PATOLITA. AV-to all comen: to race him in his for the last 20 years, said an estf-u to the location and type of the ' Cocktails ATAR (now PURSUIT), SOU-yawl VIVA to tbe tropical para-mated 60 per cent ol all police trouble. • : LOQUY, WESTWARD and dise. work ls done via telephone, he "Since few of us are lawyers, BRANTA used to put on some The challenge was met with called ~veral volunteers to the how can we expect our callen to #. dini-don& batUes. It wu really several am:wers and the competi-front of the room for "trial" con-be?" Hodgkinson asked. •• a thrill to be aboard one of these tlon loOkf'd like it might be veraations of various types. However, he said. there are ' B'DOMES -FEA'IURING- big single-stickers or to even pretty lotJih, so Mr. Pedder in There was the "crank" caller tnany times when an officer'• : Hot Corned Beef watch trom tbe shore u they an effort to better his chances who insists that someone "do brief, polite explanation of the would round the L. A. HarbQ:r bought and brought to this coast something about the .neigt{bon" general legal tag ends of a situa-:#. Sandwiches · m.n lllGNON TOP SIB.LOINS Lighthouse and go stamplng off a tchooner which he named and their noisy partying into the don-particularly where com-•. T·BONES for the west end of the Wand into DIABLO. His choice wu obvious-wee small hours. plaints must be filed later by the • BY "DEE" ROBINSON, OJe! Ot the Klt.cben Newport Beach Ocean Front the teoelh of an afternoon west-ly a good one tor when all of caller-will ~ring a sudden re- erly. No one who hu ever seen the boats were in and accounted hll •ailing on her with the doctor venal of the decision to "call the them will ever for1et them. for it waa found that the DIABLO on his botanical trip throughout cops." The possible entry of the "M'a" had been second to finish and the South Pacific. "It isn't a matter of ducking and "N's" in the Honolulu race had won the race on corrected It iJ; Ted's opinion. after com-work," Hodgkinson explained, "it's next s ummer leads one to con-time. pletely drcllng the globe, that the a matter of knowing what yau can : jecture on how they will fare. I ncide ntally, thla wu the race South Pacific espedally around and can't do as an officer-then ''SALLY" REFS, Proprietor With their loty rigs and their big In which MARINER, a 107 ft. the Philippines ls the finest taklni it and your own judgment #. · ~~~--~~~t-~o1&-desi·gn,set~=j~~-~g~~~~~d~1~nith~eiw~o~r~~~~~~~m~~th~~~:~·~~~~~~~~~~··~·~·~-~·~~~-~··~·~-~·~~~-~-r~·~;l~,~·~·i'~~i~~~·~·~~··~~·~·~~ -• ...... "?."! "?."W'l!i "'·-"!!fi"!!W'!!'F .• ones down there, but it would the still ex:i&ting elapsed time . seem almost impossible foe them • ..atrd from the mainland to ~-... .... -...-...~-...-...-...tJ!!iil-...ft ...... tJ!!iil ........ W..flW..ifl#_ii:lLiflW..iilW..iill!!iiJIL!iilW..iil ., to win tor they are out and out Honolulu or 11 days, 14 houn and I ' racing boats and do not rate too 46 minutes tor an average of more #.: favorably under the Crusing Club than 180 miles 8 day. •. rule. The course from Santa Barbara ' The STARS and SACRED to the islands is shorter than the '·: ~1111>1111•1l•1HflJ1u1"•u•>••"" "''" •• 11•1uau1 '' • ,, •• • "''"'11101.11a11<1n•• • ''"'"'"'"' ,,, • ''"" •11•>:! SrxES may have sometimes stolen one starting from San Pedro. The ~ ~ the show for excitement, but the record for the latter course is :'-: : . . Fill It Up Wit ' J Famous Names I • /. • "M's" and "N's" always furnished held by Don Lee's big schooner •• ·=.i::._-_ '" t"-'e'l/l!/iei @e@ =::;_:_ the class for there is something INVADER to the tune of 12 days, ' • about a big sloop that is hard to 2 hours and 48 minutes. ' ·: match. INV ADER and ENCHANT4 • • • RESS are the two biggest boats #.: ~ • Thinking of the big single-to eYer sail in tis classic both 9· ~ • stickers bring to mind the TAL-measuring 136 ft. overaJl: EN4 #.. ; TH E CENT RA l I N ER · AYHA, a 102 ft. Marcom cutter CHA NTRESS howev•r enjoyed 1J: i ! designed a nd built by Herreshoff the advantage of five more feet ' And owned by Lazard Lippman. on the water-line, 100 ft. to IN-: ·: I TALAYHA was the first and the VADERS 95 ft. i largest single-sticker ever to be . COM 1 MON 1 SEdNSE. a one-de-:#;, • entered in the Honolulu race. sign c ass s oop es.igned by ~'latt 9· •:_~ She was cer tainly a sight to Walsh, holds the honor of being behold when she had all of her the smallest ship ever raced to #; ~ rags set and was laced down to ~onolu.lu . She was only 27 ft. 5 I " ~ windward and but for a bit of bad in. overall and 23 ft. on the water-#; ~ luck she might well have set the line. 1· ~ J' • record to Honolulu for she had the This small boat With only t hree ' .i ( ; speed to do it. men aboard lost her stick while ' ·: ,,.. ...,, ~-= _,.:... _:, .... • •~ .. =·.~-~: In 1928 she was dogged moat still several days from Diamond ! . · ~ ~ -:-_ --=-... ! of the way by light airs and In Head and wu forced to finish #.: ~ ! 1930 she pulled the headboard out under a jury rig. Even under this ,. i ALL STEEL PLEASURE CRUISER • of her mainsail. allowing EN-hth&ndlcaboap lhe ~at two of the #... ~ • ~ CHANTRESS to romp by her to 0 e r ts to the line which I ' ~ Built By Central Boat Works : :,:~ .'f:.';.;~ceun':~ both oorrected ~~ for the tenacity or her 'I: i Barbor lll80 -Newport Beach -Foot of Slit St. ~ • • • Before somebody starts crack-I' "' ; Looks as If A. R. Pedder will Ing the old Clam Digger's shell, I ?.r..itutn• "11••11111n•"'"'""''"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'',''""'"'"'1''"'"'1""'"'"'""''"''1'"'"'"'"'"'"'H'"'""11n2 be the dean of the ocean radn& let It here be said that smaller • : boats than the COMMON SENSE have made the passage to the ·: A LIS'I' . OF HEAlTllJQl CHRllTJWI~ ne Most Convenien Meat Market in the Harbor Area WE ARE OPEN!! And Witll a Fill S1pply of MEATS Stop Here for Your Xmas: Bargains DUNCAN'S MEAT MARKET 1734 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5557-R Ha~aiian l.sllU'lds, but not under racC1hng 1condlBotiodns. #.: ar es r en made the pas. •• •a&e in 1940 in the CONF UCIUS. one or the 17 rt. TEAK LADIES #:_ built by the A. King yards in •• Chk ina. This is to the best of my ;I; nowledge the smallat boat ever 9· to be sailed from this coast to ' Honolulu. The trip was made in : ·: 46 days. • • • #.. We hate to keep plugging one 9: class, of boats so much, but when ' a class ls as active as the PC's it · ·: deserves a lot of plugs. Last Sunday at the Balboa '#, Yacht club the PC's held 8 class •. ',,~vleses m,,eetidlng Wlf 't h representa-., ... a en ng rom San Diego and L. A. Harbors. lt waa voted th~t the new rig be adopted as #; un1ver-sa1 and that the old rig •. andd Ge1 nou be outlawed at the .,., en o a year and a half. This means that after June of ' 1948 only the new working jib, · ·: designed by Kenny Watts, and the new rig. eliminating the dia-·f: mond and the runnlng back stays will be In order. · ' New rig changes also mean · ·: moving the jib stays: forward on the deck thereby increasing the #.'; J linP twelve Inches and raising I ' the stay about three feet on the ' rriast. increasing the area of the • ·: fore-triangle and improving the speed and quality ot the boat. #: The new workJng job is about •. haldfway between the old worker .,. a.n the genny for size. Th.is new u.il hu proved to be Just as fast as the tapper-and ls much easier #;_ for the crew to handle, ,. . . . f Fndclle Schenck hu piclted the • : best name yet for his new IN- TERNATIONAL If.foot .... He Is #, taggina his new little lhlp BABY •. GRAND for it Is .. ttinr him bock #... just a tbouaand budcs and these •• llttl• boats with their maboc&llY ' veneer are the clOlftt thine to a : Stein...,. that then!-Is afloat. • • • #. Ted Kilkenny wu the cuest ot • honor at the yachtsmen's I~ ' held at the N~ Harbor Yacht • : club Tuesday" Ted told the voop of bis o;. #, perlences In the buildinir; ot the •• 70 IL S-kman o1*I SUpbena ' designed ochoonor SO FONG and : of saline on her from her blrth.. place In a.ma to the United #, States. • .. On this trip the SO FONG. trav. ' ened the westerly route throuch : the lndlan oc.an, Gulf of Adm and the 11..i S.a; then up tbna #, the Suez canal and th• illedife'. •• ranean and • .,._ the Atlantic f to New-Ycrk. : Just Arrived NEW EVERSHARP o. A. Retractable! 14-Karat Gold Filled $25.00 CHEN YU £V£RSHARP Eversharp CA Pens Parker "51" Shaeffer Pens and Sets Lentheric Gift Sets Bubble Bath Bath Powders Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets Nylon Bristle Brushes In all sets Wrist Watches Good Selection CIR 0 FOR THE KIDDIES STUFFED TOYS BABYDOLI.8 Famous Horsman and Cap Guns Patsy Dolls GAMES Wide le!! tU.. LUCIEN LELONG ' (J Everythi ng f or th e S mo ke r! Remington FoUlllOme Razors MEN'S GIFI' SETS Courtley's Sportsmen's His Stag Yardleys Seaforth Billfolds Amity and Buxton Bill Fold Sets SUit Cases Ovemlgbt Bags Fitted and Unfitted Travel Sets FOR THE HOME Radlas Picnic Jup w11r1 • r a A880Sl'ID2f'l5 These Items are Only a Few of the Many Appropriate Articles We Have VISIT THK'ilE STOR~ FOR YOUR GIFm Vmcent'• Balboa Pl•ar•••ac) Mac Pelletier'• Newport Hampton's Harbor Dr11p,. ' Ted also IPoke ol his -1 lo bulldfnc the no tt. .,...,. JOlnc I · Junk few Doctor FairchDd and ol ri1P '~fl'"il'\"il\"il'\.jl'lfil\"jf .. jf\"il\"jl\"jp\-6'1 -.. -. • • ' : : . . : J , . • ... _ . Definitely THE SNACK BAR ::C Jane._ .. o. PW~ latric ts Oris' a' Odle; Jl"w • ExoUe <>' r11 •nrtrsa; rwe «7 • +wm.1111ta.17 ....... -Directors Discuss Coast Gu&rd Base ' :::S*o~ 11:81 .. I 11 I ;p, 11 .. 1:11 IDYt,.. 9elllla Qa I' ~ • Footballs • Besketballs • Volleyballs • Soccer Balls • Baseballs • Tennls Balls • Golf Balls For the Family • Swis • Ice Skates • Baseball Gloves • Tennis and Badminton Rackets • Boxing Gloves • Fishing Rods and Reels • Ping Pong Equipment • Games for All • Athletic Exercisers • Punching Bags • Sweaters • Ski Jackets • Windbreakers • Ski Caps • Htmting Supplies • Archery • Sport Shirts •Toques • Sweat Socks Shirts and Pants llbay Other lnle,..ltnc ArUcloo for ciuutmaa Glfta TALK to JOHNNY at Balboa Island Sporting Goods 222~ Marine Balboa bland Pb. Harbor 2641 OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL CIIBl8TMAS • Before You Build or Remodel vwt Our lnWMUng Sample and Dlaplay ~ Color guides, plan- nlng aids, romprehens- lve stock ot auiiets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works tm-llalaBL SANTA ANA OUR (Cttltlnued &am "-1) tbe C'allfomla State Ownber ot Commertt. .. lf the plan seems feaaible," Mr. Kenny said. '"It is poalble that the state chamber may inaugurate ~ f or Ca!Uornia boat bullden and boatsmen In g""""11.1 ... Trwportatkle DIM!m1ed ~ Mr. Welch announced receipt ot a letter from the CalHomta Rail- road CommiS'lion e..king the board for expressions trom members of the chamber of commerce on the kinds of services the Pad.tic Elec- tric bus and railway company ls rendering the communities of the harbor district. The transportation commit tee wu authorized to make a IUI'Vey of the membershlp and to report the poll to the commission. Avenue Plaa Brlef remarks were made on the subjects of the proposed aanita- tion district for Orange County and on plans for the widening of Coast boulevard and Central ave-- nue. from Ne'WpOrt Beach to Bal- boa. Important in the discussion of the sanitation district plan was the expenditure which would be neceuary for such a project, while the Pacific Electric company was said to be delaying Initiation of plan! for the widening project. Stewart Dunlap o. Balboa Isl- and aeree<f with Louis W. Brigp, Balboa real estate man, that the widening of Central avenue, from Mcfadden street to 19th street. wu delayed entirely too long and that 50Dlething should be done about it. Both said that if the city be- lieved that an assessment district wu necessary to improve the ave- nue, they thought the property owners of the street would agree to the Jdea. Big Field Entered In Sunday Race (Ooatbnlojl '"'m hce I ) eliminations Saturday. <Sixty con- tenders). University of Oregon -entry uncertain. U. S . Naval Academy -entry uncertain. Commit tee chairmen -B o b Allen (Stanford alumni. advisory, commodore) ; Sandy MacKay (Cal- ifornia), Carleton Carver (Dart- mouth), Jack Palmer (Calt~h), Bob Brokaw (University of Ore- gon), Henry Grandin (Annapolis), Joh n Daniel (Pomona alwnni, 11a.ison. Newport Harbor Cham- ber of Commerce). TALE ... tens a story of warmth and comfort and the sport- ing good style fellows go for. Guaranteed to get a gleam of appreciation from eYery big or little guy on your list. WE'VE WATCH your list ... WE'VE WATCHED HIM GAZING LONGINGLY AT TiiEM as he goes about his Ouistmas shopping. ;;;;:; !.: ~----""----· ~ -,.. ......... ~--~--.-.. ~- STO~ ,FOR MEN Brllloda ()out ..... ~ .... P'iJIWF 7 - THEY BATE. 'beee Newport BU'bor dllt:riet Sea Scout. were choeen aa tbe apeclal crew of ab.Ip !10 or tbe 8. S. Raqer Patrol to go on • llollday cruise aboard the yacbt. Evtan. 'beclnn1Dc Deoember !8. Left to rtcbt •re. BUI Bodenhoffer • .Jack Croft, H. H esterly, Wayne Corbin, r..dcUe~ WUcox, Bill Kohl- meyer and Don Otto. Bevtewlnc the Scou.ta are. Commander B. F. Moler and Fred Can.man. es:ecuttve otr•eer of .entor .eoutt.nr tn the llubor area. Harbor District Uniform Regulation of Offshore In Festive Mood Fishing Is Proposed in State !Continued from Page One) One ot the important pieces of and there is a gayness of the var.i legislation to be asked of the egated lights that have been used California State Legislature when to set oft the bell·like decorations. it meets in January will be the Meaa Aclo\\' establishment of uniform regula- Be)'l>nd the Arches is the pros-lions of offshore fishing in Pacific perous and thriving town of Costa Coast "-'&ters. Mesa. where homeowners and Similar legislation will be askl!d merchants likewise have co-of the state legislatures in Oregon operated to make their exhibition and Washington. Promoting the or Christmas festivity one to be legislative program is the fisher- JU3tly proud or by all who shop ies committee o! the We!tern Re- in town. gion or the Council or State Gov- shore waters, types o! fishing gear, limits on tuna, sarcline9. crab, and salmon. and stocking of coastal waters. On the fisheries committee o! the Council of State Governments were: Warren Hannum, director of natural resources; State Sen- ator Harrison B. Call, both of California; George Aiken, director of the budget; Smith Troy. attor- ney general: Harold A. Pebbles, assistant attorney general: and State Senatcir H . N . Jackson, all of Washington. Motorisl! who use the highway ernm~nl!. They are working "'i.th going through the Mesa ha v e the Pacific Marine Fisheries com- brought word that there are num-mission in formulating the prcr bers of stores which are prettily gram. trimmC'd for the occasion and one The . three states -California, Euy Does It in particular is the Orkins depart-Washington and Oregon--a.greed Father: I am so excited. Quick, ment store. to ask their respective legislatures quick! Tell me, nurse, is it a boy Homes all over the Mesa carried to set up a single three.man com-or '8 girl? wreaths of green, tied IA'ith red mission to ad\'ise the state legis-Nurse: Well, Mr. Brown the bo1A·s. on windows or doors. wm. latures o~ ~uch matt.ers as the 1 one in the middle is a boy. d o "' s displayed gaily-trimmed 1 days of fishing operat1ons in off--Good Things trtts. Some illuminated trees ap- peared on laWns. Christmas chimes and carols "i ll be renewed every evening un- til the close of the holiday sea.son all over the Costa Mesa-Newport Harbor district. Services Sunday In New Church (Continued trom Page 11 Mortimer. especially for the oc- casion. Other coming events will include the confirmation service ot Jan. 5 and dedication of the organ on Jan. 12. The new church is the culmina- tion of years of intermittent activ- ity but it wu not until November of 1944 when Mr. Dean came here from Honolulu that the church was organized and received into union with the diocese. The brick and stucco structure in Early California style has a seating capacity of 170 with pro- viJlon made for an additional 30. It was designed by Phllmer Eller- broek and when entirely com· pleted will consist of the church proper, the vicarage and a parUh hall. The EmbellishilCll BLACK BEAUTY 91'1:1'1.. C:~I-• MAUl'IP\A..lY CC... "'C.tt-OlUCMQO • Ml9LI--'"' llielol ~· /-D ~ -ft • .....nQUIJ U'ne'T. DL.U• .c&.' 1 a"' a .,. nM11 IU.OtO. Q.OCC. f'l•M 9aW\.o ~ --TO ft-.: •...U. acTWQM 'l'WIN ~ • ~ A ~ 9CD • .. IT'CtCM TA&.& • -·TI-OPlll: o . .-ructlO ~ --OP ~ or/ ~ .... ~ -""'. '--"'°"""° .. INA&.. ••-. IM -9&1Unl'\A •}495 Newport Electric Appliance -c-<111..t -..usa BALTZ MORTUARY -t- Lady Attendant -t- 410 Cout Blvd. OORONA Dia. KAR Telephone Harbor 4.2 ~ AND 1'1Jllltr ' FOR • I Ward & Harrington Lumber <At. Lmam:a AND Btl'IU>INO • .......,.,. ~,_,, .. _ ..... ,,_1111 Ill OOAllT MGllWAY ~ TBS AWRp D. Piper Open Dally 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. Open Evenlnp UnW- Chrhtmaa • Ties He Will Appreciate· Unusual Patterns Fine Silks " Handpainted Ties Quality rayons, silks and wools in conserv- ative or splashy pat- terns. $1 ~o and up ~~ Ned John.son • m1n'I II llTIWDlll Balboa Inn Bolldlug Corner Main. and Ocean Front Phone Barbor 1096 BETTER __ C:QRISTMAS GIFT.Sf . • •• AMERICA'S MOST WANTED WATCHES Know tho loy of bringing supremo gladnou when you give an El9ln. This Christmas -return to ' our ,.,..war custom of offorlne you an oxcltlne soloctlon of th••• most doslrocl Elgin• ••• ...._ ''Timed to tho stars.'' • J ., ' . NORTON'S BAY SHORE CAFE 17th St. and C,oast Hiway WILL BE CLOSED December 23 to December 31, Inc. Open January 1, 7 a.m. --SEASON'S GREE'l'.INGS TO A.._J.._J~- Wt;J!a!. END SPECIALS Fticlay: Pork Chops or Fish Filets Saturday: Enchiladas Sunday: Turkey Kansas City Steaks Always TO ALL THE GOOD FRIENDS OF OUR "LITTLE GALLEY" 'The happy voices of children lifted up in Chri.stmas carols sing out the good wishe s in our hearts f or you this glorious Christ· mas. • Closed Monday, Dec. 23 thru Ftiday, Dec. 27. • Open Saturday, Dec. 28. THE GALLEY 50'7 Central Avenue Balboa Phone Harbor 1240-B Early Reserva.tlons Requested XMAS SALE . . -·-POTTERY , Cigarette Sets ...... _ .. _ ....... _5.00 Animals ............................ .25 5-lnch Roses _ ......... _ ...... __ 2.00 Cookie Jars --.. --------...... _._3.00 GLASSWARE PERFUMED CANDLES RED "CHERRYTONE" KITCHENWARE DINNERWARE •--O-• LA SOLANA POTTERY SHOP . 954 South Coast Blvd. Laguna· Beach NEWPORT BEVERAGE CO. a, A. O..W.ton, Prop. UU 0-.. Froat n-Ball>or 5111 Newport Beech. Callfornl& No Better Selection Anywhere at Anytime • :::-.. $7571~ .. $8341~~ sgoo 11•-L W. 8ootdl !P ..,,.. -..,,.. . n:Q1JDA Dart!; or IJPt -CDono 51•s1W1NDWARD RUK511s mec. UM Bee· U.K IDIB ffi'IB • M&WJIGWI •••_,. ;:M!:A::=U:L=1=N~~!:"~"·~~~=::=iaii:lna:i:1pe::-Air-;;:~::lin:-e-H;-;;-_O-spl-:.::-ta~l=-=f~un-dr· "7.:':::f:::':-:::~=-~=0:-=.=-....:ar, 0n display . at the Woman'• ben ot tbe ~ Art lnotl-.. MAPLES From Counb' Port N G l5c, 1-ot 50. $2.SO. ~=; club In LagUna Beach durlns thi. tute. be _, "'========-J I H. Bftlje 223 w 1 Noted Artist Exhibits at Laguna Beach ; Plans Summer Art Class at Corona del Mar • It lln't often that.~ 0. B. ears oa· A ' · month are l2 pictures by Rn: "The ...,..Id ol art hu oomo to MONDAY BVJ:l'IUfO L&AOW Reed goes up In the air, and >e., Orvlgoe, Calif Open Bnndt of Oorooa cld Mar who rea>en1"' the California artllt u <Starxling u of 12-16-16) When he -., it'• a ---' .,,_ of a.m. to 3 p.m.; Sa~ to . · the -tter In cont<mporary Wen Loot •-..--_.,!p.m.~=--------~~~ bu ai.o had a· crouP on exhlbl-!leldl. Advertising. arcbl~. Keene's Korner 19 8 .news. Only three letters came In fat tlon at the University of Red-clothft atyle, moving plc:tura u Balboa Inn Cafe 18 He went up In cne of the cabin the Pnsb)'!erlan hospital tund on AL LACHMEYER lanm. made In Loo An&eles and the Narmco 14 9 planes operating 0 u t of t be Tueoday With Newport's oontrl S Arnone the pic!Ul'es to be seen artllt communities of San Diogo, Ricky's Mens Shop !3 ~: Orange County ~ Tu<sday button t~ date approximately $61 -I G N S are "Bridge at· Nigger Slough," Santa Barbara, Laguna Beach and Stark's Cafe 10 17 aftemoon and made the trip to 500, acoording to Braden Ftncb: Truclcs, Boata, Walls, Wlndowl, eCll, ''Montlng at Julian," "Low nc1e at Puadena draww the eyes and the Logan's Good Egp 7 20 Loo Angeles. local chairman, it II necessary Beacon 6178-W Mlaslon Beach," "~-~--at B·--tolll'tats of the WOtld." FOID'. other city otfldala ao-that the people-who ha"" taken · 348 E 18th St ~ta ~ .--.i-"""" -companied the mayor. It was a · • -...., ...... - llngton." "Sunday on the Reef," Mr. Br-andt hu had .....ral Ed Wlllcut of Keen'• Ketner publicity stunt to announce the out dozens of pledge cards flll 96-tf't: .. Mesa Grande," ·-remesca.1 Mou.a--shows ln the Lquna Beach, gal-came thru with a 229 for the launching of a Santa Ana to Loe them in fOI'. as generous amount talns,'' "Song of the Open Road" tery. 'lbll summer be plana to high game of the evening and Angeles airline as PoUible if the city II to reach HARBOR amon& others and all show that conduct a nmuner art class with that heavy odor thats n.;..ttng · hepr !quota old $75,~. Plumbinn-Service ''Rex Brandt is a mast..-ot the Phil Dike In Corona del Mar and, around Sportland was caused by S Sold ans an specifications ha"" " medium and handles It with su-u he 11 nationally prominent as YOID'S truly ot Ricky's Mens Shop · Rare tamp been completed for the hospital 1'11i8 Ne~ Blvd., Beacon 50C8W perb Insight," u one artist-critic an outstanding member of the with a lousy 78. (anybody know LONDON (Reuten) ~ A rare by Hunt and Clambers, archi-REPAIRING OUR SPECIAL'JT puts It. group of younger California paint-where I can find a knitting in-Nov a Scotia one--shilllng (20 tects, and the land has been 1ur-Contract:inc and S pU 9'7tfe The no\ed artist firmly believes en, many artists will atted. His structor?) cents) stamp brought £90 ($360) veyed.. Everything is in readiness up es that Southern 'Calilcrnia wUJ ln wUe, Joan Irving, ii a00 a ~ at a dealers auction here. so 1!1•t contracts can be let im- the near future domi.a.ate the tinguiahed painter and has a New Sporttand•s weekly hl&h score The stamp, printed in 1851, ln· mediately and work will start at world ot '1sUaJ arts and ii en-York Metropolita.n musuem pur· prize was won lut week by Marie corporated the British royal once, proVided the last few thous- thuaiastlc In Newport Harbor u chase prize to her credit. These Burton for the tadiee with 204. CJ"O'Wn and heraldic flowers of the ands o( dollars are subscribed. JAMES E. MclCEE General Contractor 620 Marguerite Ave. a nucJeus of a comlng artist young artists live with their two And Lammerman won 'for the I United Kingdom. colony. children in Corona del Mar where men with 245. MONTANANS VISIT 1111:0 Spealdng recently to 300 mem-the head of Rex Brandt' AsS<>-Conei Wu Armor Mn. A. Patterson of 1,07 Cor-89-tfe Corona del Mar dates is doing architectural de-Sp o r t 1 and ts contemplating The word corselet. which now onado street, Balboa, is entertain-----;;:-:::-:::-:::---=;;,.,;;;; sign and color consultant work sponsoring a team to compete in ~enas a tight undergarment, orig-lng Mr. and Mrs. R. T . George Z 0 R I C IUILLEY'r REFRIGERnTJon JERVICE comPnnY both exterior and interior with the World Otampionahlp tourna-1nally referred to a case of armor. of Whitefish, Mont. They were gratifying results in this add.i-ment in L.A. this year. It all de-Corselet.s were worn by infantry former residents of the Harbor tional professional activity. pends on the reaction of the during the 17th century. aiea. DRY CLEANING In Dill' Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER bowlers arowid here as to whether l .. .;;_.;::_ .. ;:,,;;:,;:: ... ;;:.;::_;:.,..;;:_.;:.;;:.;::.;:,;;:._;:.J;;:,_;::,;:. ;;:, ::;; ... =.-... they do or not, so lets have your WORTH I NG TON llaleo -Enataeerfnc -llenloe no o...i 81..i., Corou del ar... Piaoae Harbor !'781 l"li'lrht. Lacuna 11 ~ WUROWNUJ:E AT SIXTY .-1f YOU PROVIDE J:OR IT Mesa, Heights c8rs Collide; No Injuries Cars operated by Harold Steck ~ Box 692. Co8ta Mesa, and Lola ?\tay Isley of 542 Aliso avenue, Newport Hehthts. co 1 11 ct e d at Santa Ana avenue 8.l'ld 16th street. Newport Beach, Tuesday after· noon, a California Highway Patrol report disclosed. Car Stolen Here, Left in Huntington A car reported as stoJen Friday morning from a parking lot in Newport Beach was found aband· oned ""Ith a flat tire Friday night In Huntington Beach. The machine was claimed by ita O'-''l!er, Paul Huffman of 2318 Santa Ana avenue. Costa Mesa, Newport police said. Defense Maps views on the matter. There should be some real up.- sets In the league next Monday and we hope to see you up there. -Bob Man ''Travel while you're young and you'll keep young."--.lamea A. f'1t&patrlck. Metro · Goldwyn Mayer travel-film maker. MEN-WOMEN Prostate ---Pelvis IM ,... a.... h t. b?f 1".aa fa ..... pola • ... .t '-'T' AN 7" _._,, ~ .......... ... --........ ,.., U..'f ....... , ........ wp ....... , IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0... ....... -.:11 .. "'7 .... ..,. ----.......... ,.wltit. M'• ,.a. -If• ~K• WWWi*»---l'f• ~ -Dr. a. r . ..a. n. o... ~c.. teT ....... " .............. ~ ......_ llM t• ....... .-.... • ,. ..... ~ .. oa..... B~t •;• ._If. t. a~ P. IL • ....,. .... ft.....,. Refrigeration FBEON AJOIONU s ton to 100 to• Air Conditio:ting •-tol50- Prllssure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps ForAD~­ All Uqaldsbl 8- cau .... •nebetm hfELBOURNE <Reuters) British Bomber Command radar equipment and technique are to be used in a pho tographic survey ot Australia. planned next year ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for preparation of New defense Ii SAMC.HILL Supervisor George F. Hill 888 South Coast Blvd. L.\.GNA BEACH DISTRJCT OFFICE PHONE 90 maps. ' Officers of the Royal Australian Air Force and Australian Army ( are leaving for London in January to study latest develo pments. Radiophone Prices Going Up! Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, Inc. Jefferson -Travis J. K. Brown Co. 1219 Coast Highway Beacon 5263-W NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAYINGS 11•tl LOAN ASSOCIATION P. i\. P•lmn, Prui<knt aaaa VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH, CALIP"DFINIA t·t~.~13()~ 1 P'lll~IEsT~IEP'lllT c(). [?IE4LT()~I ~()W! ••• ,,_,()U CA~ UUIL() Select Your Home Site in ••tiAl.213()1.2 ti I: I f3 ti T .t•• ' New subdivision· overlooking Ocean and across from site of new hospitaL Large Lots ---All Utilities to Be Installed. Prices $2500 to $3750 Terms Want Ads -. . . . . BUSINESS GUIDE 10 FOR CARPENTER "-ORK-Call Phone BEACON 5798-J M. Brinkman. 523 W~t rentral. 'lS-ttc Phone Harbor 1831. 98-4tc ----:-----_..;.~ PIANO 7UNING snd ...,pa1r1n1t. COOPERATIVE Lido Cleaners 456 Newport Blvd. J. B. Brown. Write Box 633, ROOFING CO. Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, C<Jota Mesa. 78-ttc New and Repair CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractors Complete Building Service -PHONES- • Harbor 2447-R Harbor 1520-W 87-tfc FORMED Windshields & Hatch Coven made to order. Also Plex· lglu.s &: Lucite Sheets far sale. Nu.World Products Company, 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. Phone Huntington Beacll 178. 80-tfc Phone J!eacon 528).R 21ll E. liQth St., C<Jota M- 1&-trc ROOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 112-tfe f'OR A REUABLE Paint Job .. your home, call Beaoon 5.9 after 4 ,JO p .m. 1().tf< TRANSPORTATION 11 BICYCLES Bold. Rented "" Repalnd. VOGEL'S 100 M&bl St.. Bal- 208 Marine, l)albo& Iolancl. FIREW00~18.00 cord. Phone __________ N-_Ull_ Santa Ana 6079-R. 90-tfc BEAUTY AIDS u MACHINE and MACHINELESS Mechanical ToyTrs -·--Permanent Waves Electric and Mechanical ~w Doll Buggies, Dollll, Tele&raph Tinting and Monicurlna Sets, Velocipedes, Toys, Steel Evenln~ Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W Wagons. Vi's Beantv. Shop THE TOY SHOP 1103 Coast mway, Corona c1e1 Mor 208 Marine · Balboa Ialand 75-tfc Harbor 2292-W 80-tfc LOST AND POUND n PAINTING 12 Yean Service-in Newport Harl>or Area Harry Hall PAINTING CoNTRACl"OR -Phon- Beacon 5413 274 E. 19th Street Order Now! FRUIT TREES LOST-Black navy billfold. Iden-' tlflcation J . F. Goldsworthy. R<>ward. Call Fred Harrltoa, Santa Ana 2899-J. 98-2tp DIPLOTME!n WANIW • WANTED-Ironing or chllcPa care by young white woman; days only, Write Box "M" c/o Neww-nm... 98-2tp CARPENTER and jobbing want. ed; inside or outside, if YoU h&'ft -FOR-materials. Jacob Geidux, UT 46th St., Newport Beach. 9&:6tp Winter Planting WILL MAKE doll clothes any Hollister Bros. time before Xmas. Bring ,.,.... own material. Also care for NURSERY children. Phone 589-R. 700 Landscaping Heliotrope Ave., Corona deJ Mar 1959 Harbor Boulevard 97-tfc Colt.a Mesa Beacon 5200 WANTED-Hand ironing to take In. Mrs. Smith 305 34th St. 80-tfc 96-1~ CESS PO 0 LS and ~J7AP:::-ANES~=E,--,-AMER=-=""'. r""c'"AN,__wis..::..hed:: CEPTIC TANKS housework by the hour. Call after 7 p.m. Huntlngton Beach 5542, Mary. 97-2tp Installed Anywhere In Orange County . Contract Drilling Sewer Connection (A.II Work Guaranteed) Full Insurance Carried J_ :R. McCORMICK 340 Victoria St Coota Mesa WOULD LIKE to do fiat Ironing only. at home. Please call Bea- con 5566-J. 97-2tc GARDENER Tall, Pononable, middle aged, white. Expert '*' lawn, nowers, trees, lhrubo, greenhouse, lath holne and ex-, pert propagator. Goocl, clean work. Rates Sl.25 hour. Wr1te 93-tfc ,Box '"V" c/o N...,._TJmos. !l:UtJ ----------'-~:I DIPLO~ O#W•WDJ ti RADIO SALES & SERVICE WOMA Beacon~ Spedallzlng In ~. N to do WUhlntr for mid family. Phone Harbor 109!!. TRONART, INC. ~ 98.4'e anc1~='!·~ w~ ~~3 ~- Ph. H. 1212-M Harbor 1567-M. st:,; 2901 W. Central, Newpett Beech, WANTED-CeneraJ be! _________ ....:;'19-::_::tfc ona de! Mor ~~ DEEP 8J'11IN08 . '"II"'" =· $1~ 8~$685~$4~111!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 11 MET-CLAD PRODUCTS Cafeteria. Phone Harbor 2IOO. Plflll . .. ..-' .. ..-I.. ._ ..... 1 ow.!!:""_:_ .__.... SHAW'S UPHOLSTERING ~ $1951,, ,._$1)051~=~ $448 A Complete Upholstering Service Pd-._,. • t F·I -1)f ~ '1• ........ t ..... -5195 Manhattan Cocktail .... - BONH& '$42611 11 t1I $425l•'nilf WMHIJIY --IJ" • ... .. ,....... . Ill.~ @IB fta ~ wa ***Mt& Tml ....... TO 1.IM'ft Mt• • We spedallze In marine up- bobtes J, canvu breakfast noob and bar -Free -ts p6cl< up and dellwry kiilce. • tf41Dll()ID l11111v1UTMl:l'lllT £(). ~~LT()IDS :l()ni luort.CI' 41' W. Crt......_L A"ft.. 9.1.f.'-dla.Jo.. 16oo 16ot • -by S-4tc --~~ _ -WANTED--Ofl'ice ....... ...---•-CLARK Ir BATES or female. Moot-.::..~~~ llletail&l'iir--hand and be tiiiii/f-~--v Welding s~ have experl....;.-a(~\"· and SQ6 30th St. _ Bubar 2l<l9 Permanent JIOlltlall. lllOd lli>ine- 0."" WU-. 902 ... L aoJar7• Newpett Beach 9'-tfc ·me-Beach. --~-Hat-e....,., lS9, '7-tfC -INSURANCE- • :rmz • Y.&Qrr "STU" DUNL~ D ....... A ......... W, .......... _, • < - • •• !llle~:::J~j·~i:~~~~~~~~~~~::::!~~~~~~'.!;~j·~+~w~~FCWl~:r~•~*~!~"""~~";'~*~,.~1P!!it~~~~~·~=i.-~=~~~·~~9.~9'~•~1~-~'l'::::·:,~·:9::~;-1~t~u;;:1't!u~~·~·!!;~:::::::::;:ri!!!;~!!!!!!!~~·:::::::::;;~~1~~~~~::::::::~ W II ··-·· -·---··--- - -.... ~ -... ,. _... • Ads uq ••• , .... .,.. • romnft1U roa MY arouo•!· • ••o.o "I --~ ,.._ ------~· ---· -. ant son. PIPE--4 In. and 2 In. 512 FOR SALE -Vocuum --·FOR suE-s1e1nw.,-plono, 51-BRIGGS' ••• BEST .... BUYS F. JACK SULLIVAN ":.!'!~"f.i.....°":::.~...: 35th St.. ofttt 5 p.m. 9S-ltp 8-type. Almoot DOW, A-1 In., perfect cond. $400. See at • - condition. 40tl E. Bay A ..... Bal-1205 CflftU Ave .. Santa Alla NEWJ'ORT HEIGHI'S HOME, one year old, pre-war ma-Real F.state . ct Bhd.. aood ll!catlen far 1Do Ow9nw.1 trun Pl•wlrc pqe BINOCULARS-7 x 50 Bau•ch -. Phone Harbor SH. 9S-ltc or phone Beacon rn 94-tfc terial, garage and laUlldry, two bedrooms, large living-room, aime. 0.-. Pb. s-n•W.· and Lomb, ""'led 1em. Ex<eJ. DANZ-SCHMIDT all hardwood floors, tumate, tile bath, We ldtdel, large In Corona del Mar 41>1'1" . . . ZMPLODO:!c"t OftUED ii :! ~:".:' .. -=. ~~ Under New Managemllilt PIANO CO Magic Olef ninge, new Frigidaire, wiring connections for $1l(lOO cu11 anc1 wut a •!Kme 1a. --==-==-=:;.::...=~......,,.:...,~ . · gas refli&'., or elect. range, perfect practical ~ce in Just being completed. fine thtte Costa M-or Newport Beodt WELL PAID JOBS with CAMERA -Amc:o v .. t Pocket Clearance on Uvin& :l2ll No. Main St. Santa Ana living-room with gas connectlan, $2500 worth ol. fine f\Jmi. bed • room home, hard wood What have '°"' C. R. W..... Speedex, 21' • x 31' • Lem F6.3 Room Suites ture, rugs and drapes, 22x44 patio brick laid <JO cement, grill noon, 1arse . fiftplace in llvin& -Ellndo Tr&iler, Coota abutter 1-300. Hooka new. Lea-ZENITH console, 7 tubew, attnc-lined with fire brick, high 50x127.5 lot landscaped, good room, n ice kitchen, service Mesa. • 97~ !her cue. U.t S4& Sell $25 de-1962 J!~rBIFurnivd, ,.'!1Jreta M.... Ii~ cabineLWPerfect cond. Low healthy lawn, cement walks, cement curb and gutter to city potth oonneclinc house. Large G. L LOOK Immediate _,., Real Fu'1-es llwred. Box "A" c/o News-~~ ~ pnc:o. 928 . Myrtle. grade. It gives us a sense of.pride to show this lovely home 26 x 26 go.rage. WW be enclooed &ion. For sale by owner, four Times 98-ltp E. B. Smith 9:>-tfc BABY grand. Hlgh gnide make. at $13 600 with wall and fence. Buyer can rooms just -ated. can put POOL TABLE * st.ze. 36" SU.. CHRISTMAS GIFT HEAD-Used. Now only $485. Tenns. ' . . make any minor changes now on extra bedroom on 50x150 lot. ~ batone, ~ &haft. QUARTERS! McMAHAN'S in-STEINWAY grand. style B. The SUPER LOT for a SUPER HOME, 88 ft. front, high, level, if a deal is made. A beautiful aose in east Bide Colla Mesa. for Young Women as Telephone Operators 1 amall desk for boy's room. 1 vlte you to shop for your dfU world's most wonderful piano. unobstructed view of Bay and Ocean, $2500. home on a 45 foot lot, see it Very reasonable, .i.o terms. Pb. blacl< onyx Muoolc ring with here and suggewt ca.rd tables, Used. Save one-third now from Fred _ BRIGGS _ Tressa , today, a bargain at Harbor 1243-R. 9S-2tc 10 point diamond never been bridge sets, table and floor new today's price. 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" Steiner Offices $15, 750 AtrroJIOTIVS a TIJll:8 • worn. Also 2 11' b.p. outl>oarda. lamps, mlrn>n. pictures. hamp-GOOD wied prartlce piano. Only Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Har 2476 In moot Clllllmunltieo be&lnnen ,.... celve bue pay ar $30 for • live day Wffk. wltb extra pay for <N«- dme or dllty at oerta1n hours ar the clq. new. All in very &ood condition. en, bed wpreads, pillows ,hM-$69. Or will rent. • 19U Powell scooter, &ood condl· Call at 413 Edgewater, after 4 •i<ks. rockers, _, chain, GRAND pl--. Weber, Stein-WE WRITE FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE ON BALBOA ISLAND · tion. $100. Harbor 1992. 98-tfc p.m. 9'1-41< chaise Ioncues. bookc:ues, living way, Kimball. Raworth. Mehlln I 98-ltc Two berroom house tn front with 1934 Master Oievrolet Coupe iood P U M P S room tablew and many other and many othen. Priced from condlliO. n. 109 East "·0 Ave., items uaetul and appreciated at ,. an apartment over garage in ~ 91J..ltp WORTHINGTON Yuletide. McMahan Furniture $585 up. ' rear. 1 bedroom downstaln in Balboa. · PRESSURE • CENTRIBUGAL Co ~---d and Broad REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr· go.rage. These two uni'" h~ve 1o= Pi-Arrow for we. Bal·· " ~ way, A be Full rich ·a1 f ,.,., -" For All Preslw'e Santa Ana. 98-ltc ror piano. auty. a potenti income o 17% net. boa Inn. Harbor 660. 98-tfc Soden Refrigeration· tone. Now only $295. Terms. \·) Both places completely fur- 623 So. Loi Angeles SL, Anaheim llOA1'11, 8UPPLD:ll II GORGEOUS ,,_ styled upbolst· /J Dish~ and In the best of oon-1941 Cadllllc ,for Ale. Radio, Learn this lntaatins worit at Phone 4652 9S-ltc BRAND NEW 12 ft. plywood boat, ered piano with mlmlr spinet '--" ~ dllion. Can be purchased on heated; excellent coodltioo; like cood 11&¥ In your own community. ___ __:...::.:.:.:.:........:.:.:.:.._....:.:....:.:.: 3 h.p. motor. Bea<oo 5482-R. type patent. Wu exdlanaed · tenns and the rear houae will new. Inquire 345 Marine, Bal· 98-ltc for l8J11e IV&Jld. WW . ..U for ~ ' take care of the payments. See boa Island, Apt. No. 5. 97-2tp You -wttb fl'l<ndly -•· In T I R E S ------------bal $2!111. this at once won't last long at FOR SALE-l9U Ol-l!e. pl --,_,.... 30 IL FeUOW> & Stewart apart $28 500 ' e...,,~ '""""" Recapping fisher auiser for aale. Radio, DANZ-SCHl>UDT PIANO CO. , • ·Radio, beater, two new tires. • ( Good mechanical ccndlt!on. bait tank: aleeps four. WW take 520 No. Main, Santa Ana 11&-tfc \. • ~-~-l027-R. 973tp· MODERN All Electric Equipment property in trade. Inquire 345 I have several small homes that I --~----------" Marine, Balboa laland. Apt. No. DOGS-VATS a Pm 11 ~ need some work and money to FOR SALE-Motor scooter, cheep. APPLY NO SIDEWAU. HEAT OR 5. 97-2tp THOROBRED black cocker pup-finish, prices .range from $3500 Excellent condition. New motor. FOR SALE-l? tt. ikitt, new pies, six weeka old. Females, and up, one is a comer lot in Harbor 2289-.J 9?-ltc· DISTORTION ·~ males •~ ·-E. Bay a good location wtuch can be · cedar bottom, $95. Inquire Wm. .,_,; boa. -w· ~d ~--bo had for Southern California Telephone Company Hanawalt, Cabin 25, Bay Shore Front, Bal an . = r FOR SALE-1939 Mer<W')' cluJ>. COMPLET!: SET IN ONE DAY __ cam:.:..:...:~-------9'l-·_2t_< I 4502· 97•2t< $4000. coupe. Radio beater, I 0 0 d . A VERY MJ;RRY shape. $1200. Can be uen at FOR SALFr-Boat moorinc a<· FOR SALE-BeautifuJ pure bred "llL-1206 Eut Central or Pho D t SECTION WORK TUBE REPAIRS oomodate 45 ft. boat. Excellent German Shepheard puppies. CHRISTMAS I have numerous lots in Corona Harbor l39$.R. 95-4tp. condition, South side Udo Isl-Ima~e being able to give as a del Mar in prices from $1350 ------------" 100 E . Bay A veaue~ Balboa and. Owner Loi Angeles OL. ~tmas K"l!t a ~ o~ al tee-up. I have residenta.l lots in all · L E S T E R ' S 6878 95-4tc uon. oomparuonship and life-long TO ALL localities and 50 feet of busi- 514% No. Mam Street. Santa Alli · · loyalty ! 11119 W. Maple, Or-ness frontage in the heart of 0. K. Rubber Welders BARGAIN -2 ·cycle, 2;cyllnder ange, Calif. Phone Orange 680-J. the business district. Hereafter if we recap your EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NEWPORT. HARBOR 111.5 Coast Hlabway 3113 W. Central 2ZI Marine Aft. Corm& de! Mar Newport -llaJboa Illand Phone: Hart>or 1646 Harbor 1013 Phone: HarlxJr l'T711 or can Odef Operator 2900 West Central Callie, like new, $195. 3311 Fin-9'1·2tp -[}--- 8).tfc NEWPORT BEACH ley Ave., Newport Beach. 95-tfc SPECIAL ANNOUNOEMENTS SI -llALE--l!U.80ELLANEO=-----CJ-8......::.:...;11:::1 _________ ~96-:..=lt< FOR YOUR NEW Hicks' Marine C A ail bl engine or parU, see "Jim" Van arpenters V a e ONE \io·h.p .. 3-phase, 220 motor, 50 Bicycles for Sale Fleet, factory distributor, 3311 for general maintenance 720 r .p.m. Newport Electric Ap-Finley Ave., Newport Beach. and repair pliance, 2305 Coast Blvd. Ph. from England, France and Amer-Order now tor mid-winter de-O. z. ROBERTSON 2138, Newport Beach. 98-ltc ica -New and Used. livery as prices are sure to Call Jltarbor 83 FOR SAL&-2 boys' bicycles. VOGEL'S, 100 Main St .. Balboa advance. • 89-tfc 34-tfc If you are in the market to buy or sell come in and lets talk it over. We will get results now. F. JACK SULLIVAN JOHN R. SCHICK. Salesman 1213 Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR TIRES We guarantee our "Cap1" to lut 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU Harbor. 20Q9..W. ~2tc • Phone Harbor 145 95-4tc WASHING MACH~. Split bamboo !ah pole. 109 East Bay Ave., Balboa. 98-ltp Balboa Canvas Shop Salli -Boat Coven Marine Uphoatertng Harbor 207 -224 * 21st St. KEYS 98-ltc Ph. Harbor 1247-J 98-ltc $20.00 FULL LENGTII black skunk coat, all matched ikinl; custom made; beoautilully lined with skinner KENT COFFEE BREWER. PRESENTATION SETS $9.60 to $16.60 ••tin. antolope •trapping 1>e-MODERN HOMEWARE tween peltw; good style and 1763 Newport Blvd. shows no wear. Call at 403 E. ro-M Calif ~ 97 2t 19th St .. Coota Mesa. 9'1·2tp ~ta ""!· · · c Newport Beach TI-tfc NEW Graymarine Express 330 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FOR SALE--Se\nl OOD>Ole gas stove, cheap; allo coll 1prinp and two rolll new chicken wtre. Call at 1llZS Central Ave., Apt. 4, N~ Beach. 97·2tp MACHINE ~ 'YloP TOOLS-- Lathes, shapers, welders, hand tools, etc. Bargain. Phone 810 Coast Hiway Harbor 343. 97-2tc Phone Beacon 5435 98-4tc CHEL'SEA -8" Ships Bell Strlk· ins Clock, heavy brass case, wllvered dial like new. U.t $148. Sell $95 cWlvered. Chelsea 6" non-striking clock $45. Box "A" News--Times. 98-1 tp BEAUTIFUL Chinese mandarin 1hlrt, soft rose color: will make handlome hostess gown or alrge table scarf. Very old. exquisite embroJdery. 321 Apolena, Bal- boa Island. 98-ltp Auto Batteries Rubber Seporaten llknonth -$6.1:1 Ez. Compounded Motor Gallon, 70c Oil Western Auto Supply AUthoriz2cl Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd, Colla M... , U-tfc Immediate Delivery QUE 1890 the trical posters. Western Holly ANTI • 1 dr Gas Ranges .. -.............. $166.00 Orcus minstrel, me. °'"" ama, Philco Freezer Dyer "D" Dinirhies Colored Rat.sey Sails Nine Ft. Dyer Dhows Dyer Dhow Midget -Now Available-- Immediate Delivery SOUTH COAST CO. 23rd at Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH gay, ·colorful, cortiny . ..1!'~e t~-5 cu. fL .......................... $209.50 pus room and pa o ~a 1ons. Duo-Therm . Genuine old. Veryboal'1!lasol n~ble. Oil Heaters .................. $ 79.95 ----------- Harbor 2600 321 Apolena, Bal s ~itp Chrome Dinette Sets _ THREE Made While You Walt VOOBUS I 100 Kain BL, Bal- . 'l08 Marine, Balboa 1"l&nd 9t-ttc All kinds typewriter ribbons In stock at the Newa--Ttmel. For office suppllesi, see the Neww-nme.. roa RSNT ROOM FOR RENT with pMvate entrance and bath. Reasonable. Harbor 2289-J. 98-ltc PROFF.sSIONAL offices for rent. 345 Marine St., Balboa Island, Apt. No. 5. 9'1·2tp FOR RENT-Storage space 18 ft. by 32 ft. in Newport. Suitable for boat, equipment, ~tc. WMte Box 896, Balboa Wand. 97-2tp STORE SPACE for rent-345 Ma- rine. Balboa Island, Apt. No. 5. Ideal for drug, paint store up- holstering. 97-2tp J FOR RE.NT-3 shops fast growing community. Prefer spec. food shop ; Beauty parlor, shores, children togger y, men's access- ories. 310 El Camino Real ( 101 Hi.) San Clemente. Phone 411 . 97·3tp FOR RENT-New Deluxe Hotel room and private bath, tile ~~--~~------~-·--------- DO YOU WANT TO SELL? All right-we have serious buyers for the following: 1. Udo Isie, south Bay Front home; three or four bedrooms. Must have pier. WHl pay up to $50,000. 2. Peninsula lot, Miramar or north. About $2600 cash. 3. Modem duplex up to seven years old. Price to $20,000. Balboa. Balboa Island, El Bayo or Corona de! Mar locations desired. 4. Lot on Central between 15th and Main; zoned for multiple dwelling. Price, $3000. ---Courtesy to Brokers COAST PROPERTIES co. "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E . Central -Balboa -Harbor 2658 ----------....,--I Red, Blue , Tan ............ $ 66·95 Of Those Remarkable KlTOiEN sink units, Jncludes Porcelain or stainless steel tops Santa Ana Furniture and( wall carpets. Immediate 426 West 4th Santa Ana delivery. Also separate stinless 95-4tc M A R T I N "60" 7.2 Horsepower shower stall. Twin or double 98-ltc beds. box spring and innter.·1------------------------ sprlng mattresses. Unit heat. steel and pottelaln sink tops.VENETIAN -----BLIND&------A1-u-~"'1n:..um..:..:. various sizes. Minkler Furniture 1teel, wood. can ua far tree esti· Co., 1211 So. Main, Santa Ana. mate. RenovaUon & ~ 98-ltc So. Cout Venetian Bllad Co. Weet 18th and Newpurt Ave .. Colla Mesa. Ph: Beaoon 5762-W. 311-tft FOR SALE-Portable bar, com- plete equipment; 3 white kit- then chairs, lady's wool gabar- dine suit. 12--14; man's grey suit, Fire P1&0" and JClndltna' 38 shirt. Make offer. 414 Old W 0 0 D County Road, O.ta Mesa. Bea-Dlllvered con 5031 -1'.t. 98-2tc H. w. WRIGHT THERMADOR electric griddles Ph: Beacon 5665 with 3 s peeds; can deli~er 'or 1784 Newport Bhd. 3-tfc Xnuu. Min kler Furnl!Utt, 1211 .....:.:.::;:....:..:....=::.::.:...::..... ____ _ So. Main, Santa Ana. 98--ltc Ol'lE 16 mm Bell & Howell pro- Jector v.1t..h automatic rewind, screen and cases. A pttf ect Xnuu. insent. $150. 606* W. Central. Phone 2598-J. 98-1 tp COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates Kltdien and Wall WaahJn& GARBAGE DISPOSAL. pl fired, noor Cleanlnc and Waxing IUltabl• for placement In kit· Window Cleanine Caullllna chens, service pott:b. bafernent Pain.tin&: or garage. Min.kW FUrniture, 12U So. Main, Santa Ana. 9S-ltc UPIUGHT home r.-. GI- We can deliver one ot these !Int horn eloc:ken for Xmu. Mlllkltt Furnltutt Co.. 1211 So. Main. Santa Ana. DllfEnIATE DELIVERY WF.sTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE $166 All Work Guaran- Harbor 379-J Al's House & Wmdow Cleaning Service 115-tfc ==:-::::-=::----"'-:.-WAli"l&D TO BUT SI Will Pay Cash OUTBOARD MOTORS -Weight only 42 lbs. -Sensational Features -Durable, Trouble-free Arrived here just in Time TOI Make Somebody A MERR 'l CHRISTMAS! WATSON -BOATS Special rates for permanent guests, as low as $2 per daY for 2 people. No kitchens. Miracle Mile Motel, 706 Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Ph. Beacon 5229-J. 96-t!c WANTED TO RENT U WILL EXCHANGE single apt. in Long Beach for apt. or small house in Newport. Write Box "G" N~-nmes. 98-ltp WANTE~House for :.~nt. WW pay year's rent in advance. Can give references. Write Box 1, c/o N~-n.mes. ~tp RF.SPONSIBLE executive desires furnished home or apartment "Small Boat HdQrs." until June 1. Rent no object. 0. L. Richard, La Jolla Beach 611 Coast Highway and Tennis Oub, La Jolla. Calif. 98-ltc Phone Glencove 5--4.557. 95-4tp WANTED-Three-bedroom hou.e 1111810.&L a RADIO N for winter ental or one year ------------1 lease. Re.ferences can be given. RADIO HOUSE CALL&-Call. collect. Otrua 33831. 9:>-tk Now that additional oompe---"----'-------tent tecllnldanl are available, WANT TO RENT-3 or 3 bednn. ..., are able to make IU9lce cal1I unturnlabed house. WW 1eue. on Iara< comoles. All work can Sam Porter at Harbor 7(11 suaranteed. or U. 35-ttc HENRY W. BRAINERD APT or SY.ALL HOUSE wanted New· Owner S.OS. Radio by man and wife. We do not 300 Marine Ave. HarlxJr 780 -or -· no dllJdren or 81-tfe petL Pbme Santa Ana 0991-W ---Ra-di-.-0-Re-twl-~-llll'!I-.. ---or -te Bolt "X" Newport Bal- boa N-nz.-. 37-tfc All-= etc. Beacon 5768 BURT NORTON HOUSING NEEDED FOR For your fllrnitur< or what ha.,. you. Phone Beacon 56156. Santa Ana Furniture Crawley Furniture Co. fJ.5 o-t llllbw&1, Nw~ GI West ttb Santa Ana 1812 N.,.port Blvd, Coota Mm& ~·~ 0-~--~·-.- VETERANS U.t Your Vacancies With AMERICAN LEGION '7:2tc S'l-tfc ~I ~·~-porta-, ...,. ---:-~-----.:..:...=1 ' 210 Narciaua Ave, Corona de! Harbor 452 !11).tfc MAN'S ~· diamond rmr. S7 JC.. PmUC1Tt1U FOa 8ALS II Mar. 97·2tc WANT TO RENT-Furnlli.ed ... 1' ~n "'°""ting. $2115. can't FOR SALE-100 lb. icO retrtsua· Eleclric and Fire --. 2 or a bed. be led u n d e r MOO In t.cr In iood condition. $85.00. ,,_ wtll 1-Phone Harbor -. ~ 220 Apto In ~ sunset Road. eo.1a M-. Equipment Tests '1117 • m tt ...... Jlalboo llland. '7:2tc Betwetn 17tb and 18th off ---All Qualified ~-·me! . < 12 0 BASS rovlL 95-4tc C().,_, P)tW 6 F...., nftlla. ll&AL ll:ll'IAft •1 LYRIC ~RDIAN MONTEJiEY style bed divan. 2 ex> 11-s QOtem and -WILL mAD~ GD Udo Ia1e $ 2 2 5 . o o c11a1n. 1 table, 1 Jarse O'KA!efe .,... ... n-alao loU cm f\eoh•da GD _. J(odern 'll.ou.seware It Merritt heater. Ccmplete ETS BC* IN It GALVAN -., 2 or a -.-. - 1• l!icApmt A... Coota -$100. call Harbor 2767.J. aft.er 1IJOO o-t ~ ID Harbor ... tzlct. -Harbor ~ S:30 p.m. 92-tfc Ph. Bo•-MOT 91-tfc '1111 81-ttc BALBOA ISLAND · . . A choice of good listings for ~ your home by the sea Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W ~ ,';~~!•Z~J ]. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing 98-ltc -BUSINESS BUYS'>-- --o- REAL ESTATE OFFICE, HOME-Excellent business lot on highway. RANCH TYPE HOME, 2 ~ acres; Ideal for dinner rest. SMALL MANUF ACI'URING PLANT, equipped, in Newpod . OON~ BR:ICK PLANT-Take partner or sell TRAILER OOURT, RESTAURANT AND HOME. RESTAURANTS-Several good spots, $3200 up. GIFT SHOP, NOVEL'llES, RESORT SPOT-Big money maker. HAMBURGER STANDS (2)-Yeer around spots. MOTELS AND INOOME tJNrrS...-Good intlatloll hedge. --0- W!Jm•Se!Hng or Buying a Bnll1 •,See "Sandy"' --0- A. "SANDY" SI'ElNER. Realtor ' Bne4r z• Brobr _ llllUr8IJOe 634 alli.t HJP.way 191 Bwui 51'13 • BALBOA Three-bedroom home, furnished. plus one-bedroom Apt. Adja- cent to the Bay and fine swim· ming beach. Possession close of escrow- $15,750 BEACON BAY Choice Location M-rn home: 3 bedrooml, l* bat.hi, ahower, breakfast nook, kitchen, living-room, fireplace, patio, guest aparbnent over three-car garage. Use of pier and beach. CORONA DEL MAR IF ONE COMES OFF Reganlleu of Speed. , ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. tor a ccmplete aet we wU1 call for your car In the momln& and deliver aame day. Aho • $2.00 · Mobtlsta•c balance job when ""' recap your tire., tor $1.00. No leAd weta:hta or "extra&." • Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. CDSrA MESA Ph. Beacon 57'3 " Aak for Al or Hank. Brand new, modern twcrbedroom M-tte home, fireplace. Ready for oc-MONZY 'l'O LOAN 11 cupancy. Two-car garage-====-=..:::;.=;.:_ ___ _::;: WAN8 TO BUILD, buy, =pron, $11,500 modernbe OT rotlnaaeo. Newport --J!'od....i 11&..._ TWO CHOICE LOTS 3333 ~ ;t::' A~ 1'°° . . . in Cl zone. Balboa busi· .&1JTO SEBVJOS ness center-.. $15,000 JOHN E. SADLEffi REALTOR 302 Main St.. Balboa Phone Harbor 2034 1505 Coast Hi way, corona del Mar Phone Harbor 741 96-ltc 30 ................. . FOR SALE -Complete concrete mixer % sack, good condition. H-220 for appaintment. 9S-tfc EDNA ROUSH BROKER 210 22nd St.. Costa Mesa Bea. 5275-M WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS $3000 NOWHERE Your authorized 01ryaler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parU Completo Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker Su.to oll9 --. NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 636 83-tfc n $1000 down, $30 m0r1th. 3 room TRAILEllS FOR RENT-tlo,.,... house. No bath. Small lot. $4,950. Half acre 1 bedroom house, 90rDe fur. and Chickens. Adjolnfng h.alf acre available. · EAST SIDF} 2 bdrm. Ni.,e lot. garage. $6,350. 2 bdrm. on half acre. Double gar- age. 1..ora of fruit. lfouse com- pletoly tum. $7,350. 9S-ltp &11!09 WOOD """ ha1dtn& and ......tna. AD new eipdpnmt., 12.25 ...a IUD 'per day. We i'llmloh tbe blt4. ~ Broo. Senlco ltatba, cur. lTthltNewpadllmt,0- Kaa. -H ft. trailer holue; butane Ice box: double construction; iood tlreo, O'XCeDent oonditlan, $7115. Private owner. Ollon MeU Trailer Camp, 1650 NewjA)lt Blvd., Colta Mesa. 98-ltp KIT KAMPER al\llD!nwn tralla', bed and boat rad:. Bar&aln. $514. 201 A&at., Balboa. Ial- aqd. Harbor ;m. w. gs.a., • YE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Wm Pay Top Prlcea • l'1laDe tor ----bco• wbo wtD eaQ ad '*Iii YCX1 1 I '11· OPA ·I••Q!..... •I ..... and ... _., ......,. . aJLBERTSON QIEVRO.LET 00., inc. 0 s•I _. T, 311 D 'In . _Wlaat,, u•*••t•Ja mo ••• r• • • '. • I ' . . . • ' Port s ..--« Ir n: t 7 JI !Ml I ~ . -Angeles <Antmercial Fish Tennmal Giten CoastWide Boost ...... Fresh • Delicious • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS Fl'MbC...gbt Fresh Fish and .Seafood In St'IOll WHOLEsALS and RETAIL ' The Port ot Port ~ -• mrthout<rlrwlnd or one tmn c:ommttc1a1 11111 tamlrwl, -the IOUtheut blows up and Edlz Hook. the --• natural Jreak. :!00' by 1.200' ancllorace and 3,000 waur, falls to bttok the full force of Ooat and 14' ot _..,,. on mlnm ot the storm enough to entittly tides. is DOW In oP<nltioll. pretect smaJ1 <raft, although large The terminal. Jn the -ol shlpo may rlcle safely at anchor the lndustrlal district ot the Oty in any storm. of Port Anceles, Wash.. was COD· To ·give perfect protection to structod under Cl!otract fer the small -craft during any storm wu port with money turnlshed by a the primary --of the new $175.000 bond Issue voled by the terminal. A15o needed was lnduo- people of the port district. Says trial space Where tlshJng and al· the Pacific Flshlne News. llod lndWltrlea mlgM locate acija- The material dredged from the cent ts> a safe harbor. new harbor wu used to build a The Port Angeles Otamber of 500· rock·re-=forced breakwater Commerce cooperating with the on the north side ·ot the moortne Port of Port ~geles in promoting basin and for creating a six·acre and constructing the ~ terml- industrlal area that will be leased nal, has .had many inquiries from to fishing and allied industries. ~aJ fishermen who de1lre to deliver cargoes here, to 1<eep Some leases have already been their boats here and to make executed at a nomina1 ren~ for their home in the city. It was for space in the newly created idus--these men the new terminal wu trial area, but there ls still.' much constructed. space available and inQuirih are Except for Ne ah Bay, Port An- welcomed by Hem-y W. Davies, geles harbor ts the rint one in the manager of the Port of Port. An~ StraJt of Juan de Fuca after leav- geles. . ing cape F1attery and the deep • . ' a.ACK EAST fOR CHRISTMAS I Old Santa him- !!elf couldn't be merrier than the spirit you ll find among the !olks Unioll Pacific. bound !or a gala holiday. Arrive resred and relreshed. tor the Holidays. BAYSIDE FISH MARKET 28th St. and Lafayette NEWPORT Ph: Harbor 615 WAR VETERANS LOVE BABIES-A• is •hO\\'n above, vela~~ of World War IP who are patient• 1n t.he U. S. Naval Hosplt.al at Looi' Beach are S@ntlmental when It eqmee to the little one•. The chlld being held by a wounded \rete ran ls a &oo of a promlnf"nt Ne\\'• ~=======================~~~po~•~l~H~u~bo~'='~eol~deo~L~==~ -ARC Photo. Port Angeles harbor, on the sea fishing grounds. Strait of Juan de PUca, is about The terminal itself is directly 80 miles from the Pacific ocean. on a main highway arterial that In ordinary weather, the harbor is a city street. Railroad traclcl is perfect shelter but occasionally border the terminal and there are * 11UAMUNa '"OTY Of LOI ......... _39~ bour8 to Chic.ago. Extra Fine. Extra Fast. Extra Fare. Standard Stream- liner Sleeping cars ano Reserved Coach Seats. From BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the people of the Harbor Area and wish to thank our customers for past patronage. . _.. ... __ ------·----· SIL VER and GOLD PLATING --····-·· .... C. C. (Chuck) Wirth C.R. (Bob) Hand Phone: Beacon 511S Days; Beacon 5858-R NlgbfB 1914 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Low coach fares are good on our fastest trains_! by train in a .. •. '\ir travel dollar when you go !asteSt 1'0U get the moot for your available now• too. even on ~ coach-Seats are if!DerallY lea al bow little it coots ID car or . Here are a few examP tastesl train& and most popular trainL le chair can and eoacheson ourVerJ from trY the train in comfortab Angeles. There maJ be a alight dilfennCe Fares quoted are from Loo Southern Pacific Agent. -otber point& Qm!Ult your -• ., _. - • • • • • $.63A5 $7981.50.50 • • • • • • • • • 60.64 oYcaoO .. • • • • • • • • • • 70 •• --'-. . . . . . . . --~ .... Yoni. • • • • • • • " • , • ,.7 59.15 u-Or\eaftl • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • 33.55 ..---.. " • • • • • -IL .ii 51.65 l(aftila• City • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~.V"t _.. 85 ... • • • • '9.69 ,..,. Da ~ ..... •• • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • A\.lS 71.50 111\efnt"'-• • • • • • ' • . ----·i11-.. o1.11.1o • • • • • • • • • .. ... lt1M :• r~ · · • ·,;,,1_.,,,,...,....,_.. tor~ . __ .. ed f« :po11.-1 _....,,._:'fflr!, tralma a .at It iwww• ,~--~-~~::·~·~:~:~:'Ille:oar~o:oot::~~m=::•=~-lt_.., __ ~_lol_m_~ __ loW __ . ________ ....,.._.--.-..-~ ' CASTAWAYS' CHAI IER By NANCY NEWPORT ---..· MERRY WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! HAPPY HOLIDAY HOUSE! SPARKLING CHRISTMAS TR EE AND CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!!! SOME places are just MADE for Christmas,-you can just HE;AR those jingle·bells and reindeer hoofs on the roofs! You can just SEE those bright stars in the sky (even through the fog!) and SANTA'S rosy red appl~ cheeks! YULE-logs,-bl~ng mei:rUY in the big fire-place and mantel~shelf all set for bulging stockings and candy canes the NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS!! ... THATS the feeling you get at the Castaways' Club,-an OLD F ASlllONED Christmas spirit after my own heart! POP-OORN PlRATIC DON,-tetering atop a table arranging tree-lights on angel~' wings! -draping more and more tinsel and gay gadgets,-a.nd glowing over the new BUBBLE-light.a that make a tree fairly DANCE in ALL colors of the rainbov.·! He·s talking lighting effects with Mrs. Lynne Hughes of the new C.D.M. Lamp Ught Shop, (where I suspect he went for tea at the opening!) and out of the other side of his mouth he ts giving out about a blood and thunder pirate TREASURE hunt- ing expedition to Cocos Island! $80,000,000. JACK POT is all the boys are figuring on-and Don-who has BEEN there-and FALLEN IN TH'HOLE where he THINKS it IS -is gonna TELL these eager beavers where he thinks it IS-St NO PERCENTAGE.-just to GIVE THE POOR FELLAS A HAND.- WHAT a pirate! He says "his angles" pay off In FUN! Well, maybe he's right.-he'lJ probably be the ONLY one of the bunch who doesn't get hl.s THROAT cut before they are throu&h! SEA~FARING GENTRY NAVIGATING CARS BY COMPASS brighten up foggy n.ight on the bluf[ DESPITE the weather,-the Johnny Abels having after- dinner demi-tubs in front of that crackling fire, hot~mulled wine being praised in l\.'Iermaid Room by Ed RJchardson. Introducin g place to ult.Fa beautiful sister-in-Jaw,-Dean Mastan risking his freedom at the Hearts and Flowers table with ANOTHER ultra gorgeous.- Lois Torrey.-other Balboa Islanders, the Warren Detricks. deucing it for dinner in the clubroom.-the Colin Browns, Mr. a nd Mrs. Doyle L. Hatch of Balboa, a nd the Stanley Bent Jrs .. of N .B .. Mr. and Mn. Don Goss of Balboa Island. THE ISLANDERS. Mr. and Mrs. H . E. Christler, Tom Weirick, Muriel and Charlie Slau51:hter. also of the Isle Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Nall. and the J . Gordon Smiths ot C.D.M. Mr. and' Mrs. Louis Arena of Harbor Island were dining in the clubroom with lovely daughter Pat. OALES OF OAfETY -AS USUAL from the Driftwood room, AND- THE MERRY MARKET MAN -Dick Richards. who, "1th Mrs. were entertaining our genial Joe Hamblet, asst. principal or Harbor Hi and Mn. S. A. Postmaster Jim R}\ine, and Mrs., and, Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Hughes of C..D.M., Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bartholomae \vith the delightful and well-behaved Small Fr)\-f also saw Monte Grimes of Balboa, Bob Sattler, Betty Jean Patch. and Ruth Hen.hey. all of the Isle, and. Bob and Marion Atkinson, of Newport Heights.-and Castaw8)'3' Neighbors Jane and Betty Norton, or Norton's Bay Shore Cafe. 1''"EWCOMER BEACHCOMERS ALSO BRA VTNG FOG, and giggling over driftwood characters. were the J. J . WALLEYS. of Balboa, Mr. and Mn. Gomer L. James and Roger Lee James of Emerald Bay and Dr. and Mrs. Berryman Green. who cut fog all the way from Coast Rcyal, South Laguna. I also saw Burton Clark Baldwin of Costa. the D . R . Munsons of Newport Beach, Mimi Sawtelle and the B. B. Brinks or Coast Inn, Laguna. Gail Goodson dropped in from her winter home In W estwood.- as did many others from rar parts, over the week-end, Including THREE parties from ruverside, fog or NO fog!-and about FIFTEEN parties trom Laguna! Srrn:R SERVICE And POPULAR with KIDS is ~lrs. McClure. Castawavs' Book- keeper. \\.·ho ans"·ers the phone daytimes,-MOM and POP who want to eat on t·he bluff can arrange special rate and have oreference with this REALLY RELIA_BLE LADY,-and if she's booked she'll STILL try to help you. Solid Sitters "ith Good References might do well to get their names on her book! DREAM VILLAGE GOSSIP I HEAR.-NOT only about the plans or Don and Neva D. for a STUDIO Village in the hills of Laguna.-but also one HERE,-and ALSO a BEACHcombcr Village here,-BUT ARTISTIC and CHARM- ING! Ir it has the spirit and appeal or Castaways,-may I please speak for one small HUMBLE HUT or HAPPY HOVEL! FISH NIGHT REGULARS -Who try ALL the Sea Food Specials always include Dr. and Mn. Arthur Neal of Pasadena and BalbQa Isle,--and daughter and son -in.Jaw The William Burks of H untihgton Parle. Seems they'd drive a LONG WAY just far that MAGIC TOUCH.-SO WOULD I! Charlie (Kid McCoy, ex-champ) Furlong is another, all the way from Laguna.-altho he DOES park his GORGEOUS riding horses at C.D.M. MORE DREAM STUFF TAKING SHAPE.--0ld chum Ed Turner (and wife J>euy) chatting with Don and Neva about the tremendous yacht hait>Or, club house, and yacht garage he drel\ffied up and Is building at Malibu. MIU.IONS are involved and olans look even better than that. Ed ls the pioneer who built the Quarterback Club out ln the °"""" at Miami. Fla .. --ON STILT.S.-and It STOOD UP .THROUGH the 35 HURRICANE! Malibu deal will have same name.-lt w1ll be for yachtsmen who want to SAD.. down here,-inltead of DRIVE down.-Ed SaJ"I Cutaway1 is to be MalU>u Qu.art.erdeck Cub objective here. Also says wishes SOME'body would arranae to have Don repeat !OlllethJn&" along the line ot his former sensational and colorful pres. entaUon at TiiE LSTHMUS, to make a W'e'll-balanced Tl:IJ\EE OOJt.. NER DEAL. Haw about M.'-Vamplng It Into the l<rl of PIRATE VILLAGE he WO<lld dttam up! Or CASTAWAYS" CLUB! Or a Sooth Ses Island VD!ag-: like his Cutowayo' Oub at Melbourne, Florida! Oh BOY! I LOvE TO SEE these dreama that UVE!! ... CHalll'l'KA8 PA&TIES OALOlll: -MOST ewey_ night this coming week.-the FINCH PO'l"l'EkY CREW,-hootin& Kay and Braden u the guests of bonor,--<llsa a VoUP ot thirty from Santa Ana.-and another thirty,-4JIG another ~ty from hettby and nearl>)'. Norman Manning Is ~ Jean C.aln and handoome ~ daWn. Also expectlnJ[ Bo!hno pirate days RAMSAY AMES and her GEORGE MORGAN. THE DUAM TO DD ALL D•••MR f.acili ties far handling ocean-home J'commerce at the P ort of Port An~ geles terminal adjacent tp the fishing terminal. Port Angeles ls a city of about 11 .000 population situated in the heart of the Olympic peninsula country. It is the pulp and paper capita] ot the northwest and also the site of a large plyw-ood mill. There Is dally rail, freight, bus and steamer transportation out of Seattle, about four hours away. "We confidently expect that the new Port Angeles commercial fish terminal will be the home of many fishing craft and that the land adjacent will be built up with numerous allied industries. Float space will be expanded as business warrants, and what the Port of Port Angeles wants is a share of the fishing business," Davies said. Cat Mining From Rome Mrs. H. W. Gatewood of 4028 Channel Place, Newport Beach, has reported the loss of a white cat, with grey between the ears. Hwnane Officer Vincent Cusu. mano is out looking for the reline. * "'LOI AHO'" UMl'lm-.. Pi.111"'!:8" can direct to New York, W asbington, Chicago. Mlnneapolis.St. Paul. and St. Loui& Modern roach .service to Oiicago, Denver. Kansas City and St. Louis (all'seats nserved). * atA&• m•& Savings in rail M and berth charges ..• reasonably priced di.Ding car meals. Exclusive coach for women and cbildttn. No teervatioos needed on coaches. * PONT llilUIL Pullman &rs to Chicago. Butte. Denver and K•Dsas City. Modem roaches to Salt Lake, Denver and KaoSM City. UNION PACIFIC .TICICIET OfflCl -SAM>~ ANA 305 No.th Main Street Telephone, 1877 tfe~-44i' UNION PACIFIC Give Your Car ; A Beauty Treatment lor Christmas Everything from a Facial to a Permanent! Wash and Polish Wax and Complete Paint 5 -Factory Skilled Mechanics Everything from a Spark Plug ' to a C.Omplete Motor • I .... ,. -5 Nothing Down • Budget Terms • 12 Month8 to Pay WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS • ' . . . . • • . . ; ., J J J J J J J J J J ; . . . . ; . • . . ; • • • S·P "' ,,, • ., ',__ . Stlfl .. flldllC -WITH CHART.-YOU lbould SEE lt.-'96.000 aoeo ot DREAM ISLAND UFE,-Tbe Plantation Oub In CUBA! RI--. waterfalli, mow1talns, farfttll, ahlPY&rdl. plantations, beeches, hul>aur where COLUMBUS FIRST Dll.OPPED ANCHOR.-A GARDEN at EDEN and NO SNAKES! A chumJng and terrtfl.c pioneer J. Marquette PhJlllpo is ~ with old c:bum Don about the CUtaWl\)'S being the West Cout B&sE ANCHORAGE. Seomo It -·t take TOO much money, but )'VU &Otta. be the WORLD'S NICEST -GRANDEST Wrt ot tolb,-to belons-Marq Is the -wbo TAKES YOU APART to SEE IF YOU !Tr. . . CULBERT• CHEVROLET co~ •• c I• E. B. 5'1rplej,Dlsb let Ap1t ..... ,AM --&.-'!ya -opm4 the 1-t at ,.,.... ballll7 ~ mllJlons ol ~ .._ &NI benanu an' ~ya at8K BEHAVING lllGH'ti PllETl'Y,-RlGHT NOW! eo.---.&1 1r un' o• nm ••os · -Of COl .. •'*'11,.wrii;-ji ..... ~ I'll CONN.I. 1WL A ~BOAT OIT TO THAT JllLUIDl!l!l ., ... etc., ~a pl -AIL1"i!Ri1 ,,. ·-tllat .. •g•t.f ... . . ' ' ChenoW • OIM•while Salel & Senice ._ iiih Wei& Catnl' OUo Ca1bert1at ' • .Jla ... IU, ·Newpwt • • - • • • • -, '' D1 '• !!, ..... NSWP0111 ..... 90A 1Lqana11ay Sime frost Bites· Gifts ,. Chilchen'• N E W S -TI MES THE WORI.D... · 1n OU Well Profitll Chritd•u hlV Plan ..,_ ••zsae 11 -11 • AT A GI 'NCE Of ',....,_ .. Co Of T ---Art ,.,_...__ I' as a •• • • • ·"' .aJU£KU mpany .--.-..,._....,. - --1£>,....T Ru ... -?3M;:a • mtW -·---·BeacbCountv DtsoU..te._ ,...._, --, •ITS a-·· •1 ·-D •~ .-.--' .._ LAuunA_,4,...~'0 •· -• -" " " •· 117 EDWAJID <llAY'ION Water District ..._,. profit u tbe SHEFFIELD, D>cland '_ 1"o ~ ....., ~ ~r F ' \Illa ...,._ ID Ado ,.,;.-"2:!!0 Pl!' -la Oi I' 0mot7 ...Wt of a 1-entett« Into with dop which for fl>e ckye •teed--·"' llrillillllll .., ........... '2.11 Pl!',_. to Ull m; Sa.GO per,_. to 11th m -DtaU.-the AJdrlcb Land Compsny, Wider r.,t1y ,.wded four llbeep oo '• lift um, Jftl', -ot tbe srt -114 .. Second.a.. It seems that California can't the terms of which the district narrow Jq., below the top of a :="'~ ~ve = .:!'.:' to California, ,:r~~ :-'~a.ID:a:iwpurt Bm-b, help setting ....,..<Is all over the Is to .-Ive ball the profits com-clilt....., ......cl~ alonl nual ~ ~ 1lllllcb 1o ": p1aoe, 80 to 1peak-en 1'!p'lla. it 1ng to Aldrich when they link with their chuseL be held Saturday SAM D, POR'l'ER PuNW-would rather not have, A COUDt additional oil welh on the iroP' 'Ibo llbeep fell off the clilt lut 21. at J: art plJery ~· Dec. ~ ~ ~ • • • • • • • • , • Editor of Federal emplo) .... , for i... erty where two prodUCIDg weUo Wttk and landecl on a ledge many 'Ibo proeram will start· at 8 ioa.i.... IXON • • • • • · Adftrtllbc llana&er stance shows that our State ooa-are now In operation. r... bolow. Taught to stay al-p.m., with the sin"'•" ol Cllrist- PI .... Plant, aou w. Cmtnl•A-Nowpart Bmdl,.cautcmia tinues' to top all others In Ibis The property is located OD the "'llYS with tbelr flock. the two Is, Chris ........ -. Offj • J p f th Ci f N Beach respect, But at least the number water district's land tn the basin <lop Jumped after them. :"pl~ ~&:~will ' • ,, , I J • I I I . ' N ~ 0 e ty 0 ewport is going down. At the wartime bolow Tolbert and northeast of Alter five days of continued served and theft ..:: will :: £ D11 .s ... I...a ...._.....tor 0..11 y..,. peak about a year ago then: were Huntington Beach. The \J..20 acre effort. rescuera reached the aru-dandng Osv.-el.l J dmon. presl &li&:htly IDOfO than 317,000 per· tract Wal putthased~e ago at mals with ropes and hauled them dent of U,. associa~ said today. R~h14)11i.I. R~I Active sons on Uncle Sam'• psyroll in a coot of about S70,000 It bu up to safety, . The 6gts will be donated ,to ~ Ill MOUl,J&AUI IT •. ' ~ ,,. • _ _ ~-Callfornla. That was oonsid'erably -n a good producer f water · Christmas party Wblcb Is t be Member more than a five fold iocttase sin.,.. and now may Pl'Y ck the llbd AllTII &I..,.. at tbe Community ~lay ---------------------~-- • • I Of over the peMelime figure. Now ori&inaJ coot, with. P &till A Cllllt<>rMr at James Kroo)ar's house for the cbildren of this cl.; Christmas Theme Christmas Is a spirit. And If man allowed the spirit of Chrlstma&-the spirit of the Prince of Peace-to guide them in their d,aDy lives most of the cares of this old world would vanish very quickly. The Man of Galilee-the man whose birth we celebrate at this ~ve to the world the key to happiness and suc- cess In his simple, but profound admonitions on human con- duct. the tide ot Government workers retained by the district. Oticago tavern donated a live owl on Monday December 23. bu receded to 247,000 aooordin&: The water board's finances have to give a little life to the collec-• · to latest available reparta. F'w"· been in excellent shape for some tion of stuffed birds which adorn brother, Arlow, a ~ navy ther cuts are certainly in order, time and now with the expected the walls, Kromar placed the bird pilot, has baaed ~7 <oyoteo to but there seems litUe _.;billt;y profits from the new lease they on top of the cash recJoter where date this year, and now is be&in· of cettlng the number down to the will be even more satllfactory, it oat motion! ... arDOllJI the spec1. nlng to complain tha~ the bunting pre-war fi~ The W.er Army mens of the taxidermist's art, is cettioc toucher beca-al a and N av Y Depsrtments to be R• · It A • I But when the owl he&:m to oborta&e of taraeta. matntatnecl for IOIDO time to eome 1ng gain blink and hobt IODle of tbe pat-The Swallow. also ._ alrttaft and the continued crowth of the rons decided they had one too -low--ered cub-type plan .. Veterans Administration will keep , • ma.nf and left ., Kromar was Jn benlina and drivinc hones, it hJ&her . The important thlna .. One of our favorite stories wu forced to tum the bird owtr to countins and ·•arc:hinc far cattle that the Government try to bold retold the other da.y by Bruce the AntirCruelty Society. and sheep and In checking wild it down. nie taxpa.ye:r will ap-Barton. It concerns a member of game privately and in coajunctloo predate it. our profession, an advertising A Sussex jewel theft revealed with fish and game a;perta. Tua la Trmd. man, who was in the employ of a just u the Duke and Duchess ot · The inaea.se in aavin&: account circus. Windsor aached the United Attea.tioa Mr. LMrla • insurance P• a.; pal Mer 1Mco1ro1•Tn• w. o. IMd. • wot ca 'cw 3333 via Udo, aewport beoch, callf. t•lephoa• n-pon beoch. harbor l.SOO */ * * "Love thy neighbor as thyself." "AB ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." interest rate from 1 to 1%. per It was hi9 tunction to precede States, shows that there was noth-From ~anaimo, B. C., comes a ------------------------ The observance of Christmas should include the contem- platioo of the!le great utterances and of his other teachings, Certalnly this season should include something more than the social whirl of parties and the frenzied rush of gift giving and gift~. . This is not to say that the symbols of Christmas should be eliminated, Far from it! What would this season be without the goodfellawship which usually attends it, without the cent eUective January 1, ·recently the circus into various 'communl-tng personal in the earlier and report of a coal strike that bu announced by Bank of America, ties, distribute tickets to the edi-much more widely advertised luted for 93 years wtth the men the world's largest bank, does not tor, put up on the bars pictures theft. still out. . seem like much at first glance but of the bearded lady and the man-Henry Cutillou, of Vancouver it ls important for at least two eating snakes, and finally to get "An employee of an amusement told the Nanaimo Pionee.n' So- reasons : 1. It is one of the lint in touch with the proprietor of concession has been taking u ciety about it. Indian m1nera went reversals in the long downward some store and persuade him to tickets on a merr . o--round fo~ on strike in 1853 and no native trend in interest rates, and 2. It purchase the space on either side 26 years... He h~ g been goin has worked in the mines there will result ~ ~e ~nl of .more of the. elephant for his advertise-around a long time without get~ since. than $5 ~o~ addiuona_J mter-ment ':° the parade. ting anywhere-and how about est to the savings deposllors of Corrung one day to a crossroads you? 8ome Loot that bank. The increase does not town, our friend found that the re Burglars deprived John Karides Christmas trees and the bright lights that adorn them, with· apply to balances in excess of $10,-was only one store. The proprie-Ranchers U.e Air "Tony" of a portion of his status as a out the equally brightly-lighted eyes of youngsters as they ooo but this will make litUe dif, t?r did not receive him enthusias-Geor e N Swall w S . V _ privileged American when they ----------------------- wait the . al th f bu! Id ti 'th th ference since more than 99 per tically. g · 0 • pnng al entered the basement of his Chi-PR F£SSIONA RECTO a am.v of a~ a . 01.lS o gen ~.an WI ,e cent of the 2,300,000 savings ac-''Why should I advertise'?" he ley, Nevada, rancher ~d sports-cago home and took : Q L DI RY snowy beard and the dashing remdeer? Well, it just wouldn t counts in this statewide institu-demanded. ''1 have been here for ~· hast t~en to the aJ.I' to k~ 50 boxes of soap flakes be Cb.fistJnas. tion are less than that figure. The 20 years. There isn't a man, eek 0 his stock, inspect hi& :IWo cases of bar IOaP · . · · th · •t f Christ additional $5 million in intereat woman or child around these ranges, shoot predatory coyotes-Fifty pounds of sugar But the pomt we MSh to make lS that . e spin 0 • will th t t the individu-parts that doesn't know where 1 and have a lot of fun doing it. T en rolls of toilet tissue mas should not be lost in its symbols. als i:othe ~:;e;in:ncial brackets am and what I sell." ""Mr=.::S::w::al=lo::w::,::fl::Yl1l::·::g=wi=th=h::i::s=::P::.::S::.::K::an=·d::es=is::a~gr::ocer~::·==. Let us not only celebrate Christmas but let's live it-let its where it is moot needed. Mr. L, Th~ advertllillg man ims:ered. r spirit govern our lives, In so doing we shall help to establish M. Giannini, president of the pointing a"."°"" the street, What · . bank, expressed the hope that fur-1s that building over there!" greater tolerance and understanding among men and give to ther increases in the Interest rate ''That is the Methodist Episco- the world those imperishable gifts of peace and happiness. could be made "as conditions war, pal Church." Theo the ery of ''Merry Christmas!'' will have a deeper, rant." Undoubtedly 2,300,000 Cal-"How long ~as if been there'?" . itornians join in that hope. "Oh, I don t know; 75 years ncher ~ to men than ever before, Beao Rates probably,'' The proposal by Nevada's State "And yet," exclaimed the ad- ' Treasurer to hike the fee for tak-vertising man, "they ring the 24-Hour Radio Service HOME - --AUTO MARINE RADIOS REP AIRED Truce -But Not Peace iDg a mate or breaking with one church bell every Sunda.y morn, will hardly deter the average Ne-ing l" 'The miners are back In the pits, the steel mills are swing-vada "Immigrant" who acquires a 1 'v1_d_e_s_pa_ce-for_25_,_ooo_caro __ tn_th_e Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Highway husband or wife (usually some--downtown area. This wUl require Ing into hlgh gear, railroad schedules have returned to nor-body's "ex"l or who unties the the oonstniction of a score of .,_, 11•-sra ma!, and the whole industrial body of the nation breathes marital knot via the rapid Reno large garages tn addition to laJ<,J~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: 11 that th h fingers f John L Lewis have method, The suggested $5.00 fee Ing over about a dozen garages once more now e eavy 0 · on divorces and the doubling of and parking lots now ln private been removed from Its windpipe. the marriage license coot from hands. The project will coot about 'The battle between the government and the mine leader $2.00 to $4.00 wouldn't mean much $36 million but It is eotimated that a,_._..., to haw been a complete victory for the government, to those who are anxious to wdaed a $21> million profit w I II be I",,_....... . or shed. During 1946 the Neva earned annually on the parkinc But however much satisfaction the average Amen~ ~vorce factory has been work-operations. ~Whether tt will actu- may have gotten out or seeing John L. Lewis set down, this mg over~e to ~uce the quan-ally earn that much. or ·whether Is no time for gloating. 'The basic problem back of the dis-tity of fr<!edom demanded. At it will earn ~ything, if the plan . the same time the marriage mill lJ put tnto action remains to be pute remains· misolved. Unless ~ can devi.se laws to has almost been forced to adopt seen. Ovic ventures into the busi- cope with crtpPllng walkouts, or unless: more sanity is sh.own ~mbly-Une methods to keep up ness field too often get snarled · labo otlations we may be right back in the same mess with the rush for wedded bliss in political red tape. At any rate, m r neg . sought by Americans from all other major cities will w a t ch next April. 'The mme contract expires March 31. over the country. But the Nevada "Operation Pittsburg" with great Surveys by the Gallup poll show that the American people Treasury needs more money and interest. want strike control legislation put first on the agenda of the the marriage-divorce "Industry" That'• That . . . seems the best source from which The UN's selection of New York new congress. There ts ~Ienty of room for unprovernent m ~o obtain at least a good ~t of for a permanent home is welcome existing labor laws, but it should be remembered that al-1t. So. indications are that 1t may even to San Franciscans-it's a tho h __ -..11,.w.written measures can help, legislation alone soon cost more to get one or let relief to cet the suspense over Does Your House Need Painting? fl . ' No WlllUng. _Work II.-bnmed'litety by hlP1Y o!dJWI .loumeymen Palntea llllnR the mon mod- ern equlpmeu& and ftneet materlaJs. tl-- Owned 1111d operated by World War D ,Veteraq aee!clng your permanent good will and peRomp. fl.--- For Free Ellthrmt111 Phone HARBOR 2645 . ug UU"Q.UMJ one go in Nevada. with. Californians will always feel will not cure the labor-management crisis. Pt~urg Parldllc that the Qty by the Golden Gate , The real answer lies in developing cooperation between Reports from Pittsb.urg, Penn, was the spot where the perma-I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lee C. Bean employers an demployes. The hope of achieving this may ~lyvarua say that .the ctty. LS gom&: nent home should have been but , . . But --·--' b-t.nto the automobile parking busi-in the final analysis, the im}>Ort- seem naive in view' of current conditions. an tu.VU!:l'CU pu nesa ln an effort to solve the ant thing 13 not the location but lie opinion is powerful enough to bring it about, And every problem whlch is vexing it and the effectiveness of the UN. c1ay public opinion grows more alert to the national dangers ~very other metropolitan center And there are many tndications lnvol . ~·'""--'-~·_._.al disa ts, 10 the country. If the Smoky that it's really going to be effec, ved. lil ;:j~UJ,1UU.1.•.1. uru~u• greemen Oty'a plans work out it will pro-tive The people have been long suffering but even their PB· · tieoce has it'l !imlts. Hotheads on both sides or the industrial fence had better take notice--and act accordingly. "Big Train" -Last Stop Baseball lost one of its most colorful figures of all time when \Valter Jotinson. the immortal "Big Train" who played with the Washlngtml Senators for 21 years, passed away at the age of 59. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTBAOTO& CEMENT WORK Flagstone Work -C.einent Block Fences Pia& Worll: w l"s f '"1• OA1L 1 111 ·I PO& llOOP"ATl()X WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~ IDs performance on the mound broke almost every pitch- ing record in the book and many of those records still s1and. It was Johnson's hard luck to be with a second-OivisiOll jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig j1 ~:;::;::;::;:~~~~;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;; team during the greetel'-and better-part of his career. But 11 be was never a man to give anything less than his best no llllltter how far down his team was in the league standing. Walter Johnson was held In high esteem not only because cf his pitching ability but also because of his gentlemanly COD· duet both ... and oft the diamond. The people of America mourn his passing Af!·qml --la -u ·--..-t?le l!IP -_.._ • OiAllll tM Mn'=m •w '-a tlonowbc w of w-"•ta_s _____ .. _ hw I s'IC .....,_t-n.-l'b.Jw. N"' Oris m IODEll MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE *** Balboa Cleaners • 605 East Central " Balboa • We Are B1lldlng Those Hard· to-Get SASH AND DOORS ' to Order ' All Types ? of Boat Repairs J Bookkeeping Service OOLIN F. llBOWN (Balt>or 1M4) IU_A __ bl. .I. 8. WBTTE DllO-T.&S ~ .. ~ ... thltW~~ UT ~\toiM ......... .......... wttll --._ ........ .._..,... . ••n-Miil +**HHe _,,_ -------.._._.....,_ Armand Monaco AR(11il1i'ecJr BU W. Ba7 A-, Balbo& Barbor l'fl.& l'ltl~A- i.o. ........ NOt• n=dJr tiMI DAY l<JBOOL Mortimer School IOZ Ooml llal--4 DAY llCJIOOL OPENS oar 1 o..-: OolL PNp.. ~. a . .&, llo-. II. A., Qsfold ...-pai P1>oDo-. m Dr. Obed IAlcas DENTIST -Ii w. OlatmL -1-NEWPOU n•m DB. OOBDON S. RAPP Dl:NTIST _,,,_~ --Ul-1 Newpwt Olllltoll OunpMll JiJmel'loo De1diR lltl Clout Jllch'"'1 Barbor mo Corona del Mar llO&Tl(ll.&NS - Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We OUnelYOI the BetUr Serft by llenlns Othen -W...Bw:1amt 0...-~ ()ell'• .. l'IA.NO ftlAUllS& • • 7 vecla:Th~~~n ·· . . ~fllPlano . and Organ ...... _ ...... 1m•••n-~D4 Dr. W. T. Mooaey n;, .. 1, ....... 1. --D Po? • ----.. Dr. Manin J. Reitz .., .. , _.,., ia . 0 I .I a& -w. o lul • ........ , . . ....... -- A. V. Andrews, M.D. PBt8JCLUI -111l&O!JON w ~ JllclnnlT. --0o .... del-. .John JL 0. Obung. M. D. ..,...., ..... a..a1ca 2 -4 7 -8:30 and by lppOID-t BeoCCXl liO'lll ue-u.-~-nar' I Gordon IL GnmclJ', M. D, PHYSICIAN and SURGllC»f Balboa Inn Arl*le Office Hn.: 10,12 a.m.: u p.a. Phone Harbor '/f1 llllton IL llaxwell, IL D. 1191 ~ lllwaT ~del..., Ottloe Houn: 10.12; H ....... _rHG T. P. 8-ler, 11.. D. Wm. L. SplveJ, 11. D, ·ftowH I Md .... IK -w. 0-Ral ~· -· 11111 Residence Hvbor 1'7""'1 aoat:a:toa Raub & Bennett 8mff)ON ... "wC1'7111a JIM lfcapwt:-..., Oltilla.._, ~. 7 JO zas ••11a All W NHW,,,,.._ .Nwpwt-,, I I II .,""'-19 OI IOM&twwwt& IL Tc B:ll&Wwlll. 0, D. ' , OJI kill& ··· --V*lft'ND UIRW DllnMlA-.._. , ...... ,, ............................. WWWl•t..._ Robs t A. Crawford °"' .. WIOWW•i bi --'>•5d14'J. o 11 J J1tW Jla.eRsa»=t8111is I -----YIOr.O.N:CEU.O mDITHBLAND .Oolllot -T-1 I I • ~ t ..,.._ 0 SA Ut1 Tl es , , IC , =1 "« k .a._ .. -Dw • .., .. • ' • • Co•tractors' Relltal Eqlliplnent • ..... ,,,, S Im M+J' ) I• iM ......... C.1:redim' BUILDING Md CABINET 81'.BVICZ • DUTCH.HEACOCK Ph. HARBOR ~·or BEACON ;;oe:w 1'11111 Ud BANTA ANA Aft'., 008TA ....... • *Here's Wishing You a Merry Christmas! .... . s For Children of All .Ages at Cost Complete Stock to Choose From ~~] *** Avoid: Free v City Crowds GIFT v Traffic J ams v Dented Fenders In Over-Crowded Wrappin g City Paridng Lota *** Plenty of Free Parking Tbe Bobby Shop's New Toy Store '711 Central Ave. Formerly Van de Kamp's Bake Shop BUY FOR LESS WITH LEIS URE IN !IALBOA : .. ~. ~~ l'' -~ ..... . _. -~ ~ '-..O:"lo'!'!-' •• -~ -d ... ,.. SNOW SCULPTORS OF THE EAST WHO CASUALLY ROLL UP A FRONT lawn Banta Clam arouad • broom handle would scarcely recocntu Callfornla Clonfrerea ln thb poup of noted artlata. They a.re. left t6. rl~ht, Braden Finch. Mn. lom lrvlnr Brandt, Kay Floch and Rex Brandt. and that conclome ration of packlnc materials an4 •100• la detttned to be Corona del Ma.r's unique Christmas dbplay. Wben completed It •bowa Sa J.ta rowing •.boat to brlnr bh fully laden pack to realdea.U of tbe harbor area. ---Gerhardt Photo. Women Report Purse Losses Frost -Bites Seaman Taken Sick on Boat Los! of purses were reported by The Lucky Star, fishing boat, two women to the Newport Har-came in t o harbor here Sunday bot district police station on Mon-· Dlsable9 Ve ta lobs with an ill man aboard. He was day. The United States Emplo~ent Nick Bellino of San Pedro, who Edith Elvrum of 2407 Budlong Service reported . from Washing· \\.'&s treated fo~ stomach trouble street Los Angeles reported the ton that 12,253 disabled war vet-and then pernutted to return to tou 0 f her purse ~hich is valued erans were placed In jobs in Oc· his ship which was on the way at $32. In it, sh~ said, wu $1.50 tober. The total was 65 per cent to the hom.e port from a Mexican and a bill from a New York de-above September. waters crwse. partment store: ------- Mn. Thelma Baxter of El Nido Penalty flt.a Crim• Kiwani s Plan court, Costa Mesa, reported the Chicago Judge FTancis Borrelli loss of a pune containing $20 in sentenced John Sable, 26. w h 0 Party on Friday Balboa. stole 60 cents from a newsboy to a day in jail for each penny. Members of the Newport Har- Pink Steel Found Stops Dental Deicay LONDON <Reuters) -.A large Tablets containing fluorine com- scale production of a pink col~ pounds to be melted in the mouth ored steel, said to have great use in ord~r to ward off dental decay, ln the constr~ctlon of monuments will be available soon on prescrlp-h as begun 1n the Ural metal ti plants. Radio Moscow reported. on. LIDO ISLE bor Kiwanis club are having a Chri$.lmas party at White's cafe, Main street and east Central ave- nue. Friday noon. Each member has been asked to bring a gift for the occasion. " Open 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. : . . : . . . - • BOB WARE and HAROLD MATIIEWSON PRESENT: Midget AUTO• Races Sunday, Dec. 22, 1 :30 p. (Races Every Sunday) m. HUNTINGTON BEACH • SPEEDWAY • • Pints • • • ,.DA A •MALL ,.AMILY •EEKINCl CHARM. COMl"OAT ANO Ol•TINCTIDN IN A HOME. WE HAVE A VERITA•LE OEM ON A LAAllE •ITE .32.500 ••• EXCELLENT WATEJl,.RONT HOME, COM .. LETCLY ,.UANl•HEO. NEW MOOEfltN. ALL·YIEAR CON•TflUCTION. ,.UANACE HLAT. ll'IER ANO ,.LOAT. ea7,SOO ••• 50' 81TE ON WI DE •TAEIET N&Aft CLU•HDU•E . ••?50 ~ ... p . a . palmer 1NC0«,0tA1£0 real tors Schenley's Bi.ck Label Three Feathers Discount 00 Case Lots Wines -Cordials Brandies -Liquors CoCktails -Mixes -BEER BY THE CASE;- Merry Cllrist•as to A 11 .. •• •• .. .. • --ODmpe·Me .._...__ PAT O'BBD:N, Il"ZN' DUW ADOLPllB JDNI01l a 'Man Alive' • Sea Scouts Commended for Work • ~"'ti»--..- White's Balboa Island Cafe AND ClOO&TAIL BAS o.w-..,._a ru11: .a..... ' ........... Are You Planning to Remodel? Let u. lllllp. Fiv~ Coeta Mesa and two New- port Beach boys have been se-- lected .. • •pedal crew by the command of the Newpqrt Harbor district Sea Scout patrol. We carry a nice stock o( ~ ~ tor that walk· er l"ltio. U you need a small aul>PlY cl roCk or sand for -t patdl Job and a wat: ..aw to mii Ji. we bft tt. too.. BEAOON -'DIDlD L UJIBKB ll&&OON - ALSO OONCRE'l'E BUAUNG AND SANDBIAS'DNG 81'.BVIQll: t The seven youncsters who were rated for the crew for a special cruise leaving the harbor shortly are, Bill Bodenhoffer, Jack Croft. H. Hesterly. Wayne Corbin. Eddie Wilcox, BW Kuhlmeyer and Don 0 '.;;;. cruise will be taken during Contractors Eqmipnient & SllPlilJ Ouiatmas week, starting Satur--Newpori A-. 1 -. Weot Of N llhd. day. December 28, Commodott B. -Of 11111 Si., ~ ._ -- F . Moler, inspection officer, and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F'r'ed Canman. executive officer, reported. The trip will be made in the yacht Evian, owned by Moon Mul- lins, prominent local yachtsman, who ts interested in the work of the Sea Scouts. • ~"· IJok,,.,,,,. (J°"'f'Ml"'I 801 ~ ~ ....... .,.... 14.11 PBONJ: llABllOS IJ7 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT ~ME .M1111 1011 dri11l deep of //te f P/I Pf £ivi11g .. °[ftll l is 011r . Wislt for 11011 11/ t/(is Jlolid1111 Se11so11. * ...... ia ............ ACMI llfW"'IG CQ ·~ :-it:. R. Brinkerhoff E. Third BL Banta Ana, <Jal. from the Paragon SA'MPSON MACHIN ·f WORKS , 160& N BmL · Calla lls1n : . . • ' • • 0 • ' Wateh Repairins . Christmas Luncheon ' . -Ibo ~ meeUnc at Fer 11>e clMlnc boUr there wu the WmMD'• Sodel7 o1 ariatlan an exchanse o( gifts u membera M~oftbe~de!Jlar _2~~-~00~W~!U~a!~~~~~!~----~~·~---!~~~~~~~~·~~~~7 __ !•~--~~R~1!1~k~·~~~~~-~·~~l!g~7~~~-1~ot~~bytbep-~tbe0iristmas~~~~~- ne!ghborhood Starbright club . SM. beld at ¥ar 'Cua with 60 ttte and there wu alto a llloW<r J-;::::=========::::; were cuata recently at• delight-Balboa Girl Significant Blue Gift Exchan~e Special Services at _...... p:aent.. . or 11t" fer the 5-lsh-American ............... t Wl'li'* WatdMs a Speddfl' lOBN B. SCBl(JI[ fuJ Oirlstmas brl4e luncheon F CD M ild C D M Ch•n•ch Tbe Rev. E. o. GoodeD oon-institute at Garded. At the so-.i-tased by Mn. Arth1D' A. Joins Husband Chosen for or · · U · " • '" ducted u.e 1nsta11at1oo _ cial bo1D' Mn. Mamie Foote. for- Kemper, 900 Ocean boulevard. O S · Shower Gifts Mn. Jane Thom-. :ioo Iris At Conioa de! Mar Ownmunltl' and taking office were Mn. Jobn mer eu1todlan of Mar Casa. _. Candles and -~· were lovely n a I pan -be A--of K. Elli tt. --"'-t. Mia Elsie sided .. hos-imistod by Mn. ---avenue, Corona de! Mar, wu church Sunday will a ...., 0 .--· •. • .,_ A. J , Rutter aad Mn. Steve on tbe buffet and a large tavern Mn. Juanita Lugo Stafford of Honoring her sister-In-law, Mn. hoot.U at tbe O>rlstmas party of special ewnta beslnnlnc with the ewland. vice ~~· ·~~-Smith. . candle surrounded with angela Balboa will be In Salpan by De-Emil Horvath. Mn. Al Horvath ll 'th Leon Ferguson. ·~~"' ll<!C!'e- centered the large table. The cember 23 to spend Christmas with wu bostH3 at a 1tork 1hower the Sunday School Guild of C.or· ChriJtmas service at a.m. Wl tary; Mrs. Flora Harris, corres---,---- two-CO<Jne luncheon was sel'Vl!d at her husband, 'Lt. Comdr. N. M. Monday evening at ber home, 329 ona de! Mar Coonnunlty church OuisbnaS music and sermon. ponding secretary; Mn 1 Cyrus Many Guests at bridge tables centered with bright· Stafford. according to her mother Aliso avenue, Newport Helghta. on a recent evening. At 4 p.m. the choir will pre-Miller. tttasurer. Country Club Tea colored Olriat:ma ornaments. In Mrs. Rose Lugo, 209 Washington Yuletide decorations gT"aced the Mn. Helen Dudley presided in sent tta first vesper Rr'Yice or Chairmen for the new year are GIVE BOOKS • FOB ALL .&OD e Tbe Most Complete Sel«tlon In Orange County the living-room bronze ' chrysan-street, who returned last week mantle and there was a Otrtst-the absenCe of the president. The Christmas music, to be held by Mrs. John Pfischner, spiritual Pretty petitpoint handkerchiefs themums were used. from San FrancW:o, where she mas tree &BY with tinsel. A blue program and all businfts candlelight and with everyane In· life; Mrs. J . H. Redstone, mis· were u-i for prizes at the tables 805 No. Mali. Pb. lllU The singing of carols and ex-saw her daughter off on the S. S. and white ba.sk_et wu fllled with ~. ned except for 8 short vited. At 7 :30 p.m.. th~ high siona.ry ; Mrs. R..H. mu and Mrs. ot bridge last week at the Coun· SANTA ANA change of gifts broligh.t everyone General BuUer. gifts, all stressing the COIOT blue ~o~ of the aprina: rum-school group under the direction s . H. Heyman. Joca.l activities and try club brid&e tea at which host· ~==========~ Estrellita's into the spirit of the occasion and Mrs. Stafford went by ship to tor a tiny brother i.9 delln1tely ex· ma e sale which will be held 00 of their teacher, Mrs. Newlorf, Will social; Mrs. J . H. Bodman. aup-~ were Mrs. Ralph Mas.key ;: afterward the tJ.me waa ·given Guam and trom there expected to pected and awaited by two small F ~ 1._ have a Oiristmu party to which plies; Mrs. A. J . Rutter and Mrs. and Mrs. Grattan Owen. cooperat- over to bridae-• f)y tO Salpon. Commander Stat-slsten. . e all young people of junior and Louise Hansen. mUlle: Mia Elsie Ing with the chairman of the Present were the Mesdames ford was present at the BJkini Bingo was played with the guest Alter the ~~ gift~-senior hi&h school age are invited. Newland. publicity. /£ ..; month, Mn. J . L. McFadden. F1orence Andenon, Frank Baetz. atom bomb testa In July. of honor ta1dng first prize, Mn. chan1e and ...,.. our · Monday Dec. 24 from l to 4 • ..., opened was oerved b the new Bessie Benedict, Sidney Black· Perry Herbert capturing second Thompson ~ her coh:;tesa, ~-p.m. chil~n of the chun:h school -~ed ar:on conclucted by Mn. : and Mn. L. J! hbelJ and = ~"; ~":~~.:Os~ Book Section ~'!:i ~:.!.~~er ~1~~ =thwt~ .:J~ cre":n:'re: will hold b~ Ouistmu party at ~0 and afterward Mn. Rut· Mn. Don HardWO?d polln!d. Red nerbe<Ty, Beu MacG\nnltie, Chaa. Entertained by w-11~ cake d~ated In t_he and coffee. The ne;t ';'~ ~ ~'! speclal dates are the SUn· ~':!,In ;::':!: ~e~ ~~t!u~:,. ~·:;~~ Kyte, Harold Wilson, Jim Ser· Mrs O T J h siKDif!cant blue wu served with be on the seam on day of Jan. 5 when ll<!W memben Donk ast the piano Mn Rut-tlonL man, J . D. McDonald and the • • • 0 nson ice cream and cake. January. will be received. into the church er a solo. ~s a ' hostess. Mrs. O. T. Johnlon wu hostess Present were the Mesdames and the annual meeting and din-ter al~ sang a • 'Ibe usual luncheon for mem- l!Sl'Klr HOLIDAY -:::===========:; J to memben of the second book Gilbert Place, John Gillis Jr .. Lio-PTA Xmas Party ner of the chun:h, to be held Song in the Air. W S ben only was advanced a week ·• Alk Jl>h Mn Redstone and Mn and was held today with Mn. section of the Ebell club at her nel Charle, James en, n Frt'day Even1'ng Thursday, Jan. 9. . d . rlgln. ai Frank Elliott and Mn. J . A. Stel>- GIFTS home on 23rd street, cohoctesses Gillis sr., Perry Herbert, Francis Hunsaker each rea o at the delightful luncheon bein& Horvath, the guest ot honor and pc>ems appropriate to the season, bins as bocteues.. the Mesdames Graoe Campbell, the hostess. Sending lPfta but un-R oo m Mothers oT Newport Melinda Carey u dld Mn. Rooe Katterhenry llOOU for all - llTATIONESY PAJll& CJIO()C)LATll8 Oll1ll91DU8 OAllN 'Ille Blae Sails IMllallolH.,m.a- Perry Parmenter and F"rank able to attend were the Mesdames Beach Grammar School Parent-and Mrs. ]luth Reed gave two Pere~. Ann Bentley, Earl Ross, Marjorie Teacher Association have been Faces Cameras hwnoroua readings by request. A OuisbnaS tree and red ber· Jackson and Ed Herbk• ... man. busy this wttk preparing for th• Eor First Time At the morning study class Mn. ries was featured in the pretty Chrbtmas party fOT the school Redstone led in ~e study on decorations and 37 members were J J R ' which wUl be on Friday, the last Fint test pictures of a Po&-"The Youth of India Looks to present. Mrs. Robert Klllifer re-ones -ones 1tes day before vacation. at 7,30 p.m. sible future cinema star were the Future" with a round table viewed • book on Lily Dache. Repeated at Church in th• Newport Beach school audl-.taken last week when the Harry discussion afterward. . Christmas carols were sung with torium. . Carey juniors had photographers Mrs. O. W. Holtby, retiring Mn:. Johnson pl.aytnc the vtolln Married recently ln Costa Mesa They have taken Christmu in for "shots" of Melinda, their president, presided at the buai- accompaniment and Mn. Coleman Community church were Wlnlfnod trees to the various rooms and new daughter, who was born Dec. ness session when presidents of at the piano. C. Jones., daughter of Mrs. Jo-fille-d colbred boxes with popcorn 9 weighing seven and a half the various circles gave reports. WILL BE CWSED ~=========================; sepltine Macres of Santa Ana and balls ao that each room can have pounds. Mrs. Leonard Hargraves of Bal-;:. RJchard Jones, son or Afr. and Mrs. a treat. The Careys who have been boa Island circle stated they had John H. Jones, 2015 Orange ave-In the evening there 'vill be a coming to Ne~rt Harbor for the cleared $440' from .their fal1 l\JUa.&1' nue. proi?'am of music by the school past 20 years, live in the former and told of cash gifts to the David The Rev. Carl Johnson per-children under the direction of Rudolph Valentino home with and Margaret home ~d to ~e Jan. thru Feb. for Alterations formed the ceremony and Mn. Margaret Heidenrich. Mrs. Edgar their small son Steven, who cele-Spanish-American lnsutute, while 1 Veda Thompson played the wed-Hill will preside and ail school brated his birthday last week. Newport circle reported a shower Re-Open March st ding music. children. parents. members of the While the family dispooed of for the Institute. Azaleas Cyclamens Poinsettias Corsages Cut Flowers Christmas Decorations -·-The bride, who wa.!I given in P-T .A. and the general public are their Corona del Mar home and Mrs. Fred Woodworth of New-marri~ by her father, Robert L invited to attend. purchased a ranch in San Diego port Heights circle reported. two Season's Greetings Jones of San Diego, wore a gny county, they still visit here. Harry comforters sent to the lnsUtute Gifts 0 f suit with black accessories and Ebell Art Group jr . is following In his father's and a box of gifts to the Border -·-carried a whJte Bible on which was footsteps as an actor and p:is-Settlement at Calexico. _Mrs. J. a n d -' Quality ffl Sh an orchid with a shower ot bou-Invites Members sessing a tine baritone voice, is K. Elliott told or purchasmg two Cottage Do-Nut & Wa e op vanlia. taking singing parts. pabru/ and a potted plant ror the The maJd of honor, Miss Joyce Much interest was shown tn the church. ~iii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiiiB~AUIO~~Aiii:iilSiii:iiLAND~iii:iiiii:iiiii:ii~iii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:ii~~ Ann Jones, also wore a gray suit. organi.z.ation meeting of the EbelJ Plans were made for serving Ben H. Page served as best man Art group held Tuesday at the St. James S.S. Plans the dlnner for Methodist ministers Phone: 1'arbor 590 and Francis Albers was usher. Mn club house with 12 i.Ji attendance of , the county, with Mrs. Hill in ISIS ~ Highway Distinction ORDEB EABLY ~ 'II'; "Cap'n" Dons ea41awa,i ew,. "Moel Ualqao ODii A--. -tnc Plw oa tbe w.a 01swr .G -Combination Dinners · .G New ud Unmml Seafood Specialties ' .G .... _ BEACON 5465 Espert Beauticians Macres assisted at the reception, although many were not able to Saturday Party charge of the kitchen and Mrs. Corona del Mar held afterward in the John Jones attend at thi.s holiday season. Trusty supervising the dining ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ home from which the young cou-TI.me of the class has been A Christmas party wUJ be held room. fi pie left for a hon~oon in Big chanaed and will in the future be Saturday afternooQ, Dec. 21 at After the morning session a Bear. from 9 :30 to 12 :30 although mem-3:30 p.m . at the Ebell club for sack lunch was served in the OPEN BVJCN NIOBTll 5 to 12 for Mi1ad7 . -11-ta, Cold v.-. Hair Sb'u.. Hair Tlatq ..... ms·±· lnC. ~ Soft -ier .-..,.. elusively. 1'0 "AlTl!l'Cl ~udllaln ---.&.-• -Say- "Merry Christmas" with a potted plant from Cardoza Gardens . •• Azaleas Cyclamen Heather Lady Mac Begonias Saint Paulias Ferns Crotnes CARDO·ZA GARDENS 508 Coast Blvd Corona. del Mar Harbor 47 ~ ' . ·• ,., ......... ROSE QUF.ST OF BEAUTY ANNOUNOES • • • That Jlr, Bal, fMmeriy nf Antoine !Won, San Fnaeioao aDd N-York bu joi-i our staff Mr. Rall tp• ±'Iv-Ill CutUng. 8'ylblg ud Pen• ·a at Wa'Wbag. Marlob,.. !rly ol Balboa &hw' .. i.m with .. • llelp )'<JU wHll your beaat7 ~ 537 South Coast Blvd. IAGUNA BEAOB . ' . • Central Bible Church ben may bring sandwiches and the 80 children and young people dining room with the Balboa Isl- continue painting all day if they of the Sunday school of St. James and circle f\lmishing coffee. so desire. EPiscopal church. A telegram was read tram an Announces P rogram The class is not for Ebel! mem· The Cllristmas story rm be absent member, Mn. Harper, who Visit • • • The LAMP LIGHT Shop bers only but for anyone-~ ~o)d and tbere wilt be· a ~am The Central Bible church of to attend.• No meetinr 'WlU ~ by Mrs. Robert Horn's kinder- Colta Mesa. whJch ii now meet-held during the holidays, the next garten dtlldren. There will be Ing at the Seventh Day Adventist one being on Jan. 7 and c:ontinu-gifts tor each child, a Christmas church. corner of Bolsa and Old ing each we-ek thereafter. tree, carols and games. County road, will hold their Mrs. S. H . Franklin Ls general Christmas program on Sunday Newfoundlers ~. chairman and will serve refresh· evening, Dec. 22 at 7 p.m. ments. Keith Benton will be In charge Visit in Newport -----------and children and young people of the Sunday school will give a pageant portraying the birth and life of Christ. There will be a Christ:ma.s tree and treats ror all. and everyone is invited to attend. New Resident Mr. a.nd Mrs. F . H . Gloc~ner. No. 9 Bay Shore drive, are an- nouncing the arrival in their home or Lois Jeanette. born December 11 in St. Jos'eph hospital. She weighed eight pounds, ten and a half ounces and is now receiving callers at the home address. GJor '?5har-- L ast vrlinute Xmas Gifr-- Famous Albums Paul Whltanan .......... $6.10 Rhapsody in Blue An Anterlcan in Paris and others HoOywood Coocerto .... SS.35 Alexander Laszlo Raahmanlnoff ....... -...$6.14 Piano Concerto No. 2- C Minor Los Angeles Philharmonic, featuring Eucene Ust Tannballll!ll' ___:_ __ ,$2.49 Complete Opera ~· "Paibetie" '6.15 Symphony No. 6 N""' York Phllbarmanlc • • Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gillis, 214 21st street, have been entertain· ing for the pa.st week old friends from Newfoundland, Mr. and Mrs. William Spurrell. Mr. Spurrell is a hotel man from the northern island. In Halifax he purchased a car in which he and his '*''ife are touring the country. Mr. and Mrs. Gillis and the Spurrells spent some time this \\'eek in San Diego and Tijuana,. returning Tuesday night. HARBORITES lt1iss Jacqueline Parke, a student at Stephens College for Women in Columbia. Mo., will spend t h e Chrisunas holidays at heT home vi5iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F . J. Parke, 104 Via Yella. New- port Beach, Calif. The vacation at Stephens started on December 18 and will end January 8. The Roderick Bumhams ol Lido Isle are vacationing at Hotel Last Frontier, Las Vegu, Nev. Duane Deakins of Balboa ls home from U.S.C medical school and during his vacation is plan- ning several days at Yosemite for skline. Mr. and Mrs. -E. G. Wedekind it Was learned today, have jw.i .sold their two-story home on Udo Nord, Udo lsJe, and will go to Florida.. Mrs. Walton Hubbanl Jr.. of Udo Isle returned Saturday after spending a month or more visJt- ln.& in the-mJddle west, and on the east coast in Washlniton., D. C. and New York Cty. In Corona del Mar Mk B. Z. McKinney hostessed two delight- ful bridge luncheons last week and Mrs. C. Louis Balu entenalned a llmAll gniup at Knott'1 Bony Flr It. .. _...-._..._..._..._.... . ...,, ... ...,,......,, ... ...,, ... ...,, ... ...,, ... May countless blessings hn'ng t~ joy to you and yours at Christmash'me. •• Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Grauel Costa Mesa ····----·-~·­¥..414. ~ '.. ~ .. • A Merry. Merry Chrimnas 4...1 loads of goocl cite., 1hrough""' U.. rommg :1<4" et•n9'' Mesa 2350 Newport Bl\Jd. Upholstery Castalfsa • Custom-made lamps and shades made from your own treasured objects. Or, choose from our large selection of an· tique bases and "planted" lamps. Antiques Now ls the time to Choose your Xmas gift to the discriminating col· lector of antique Sliver, china, glass, and fumi. ture .... You will find our stock large and varied Afternoon Tea Daily 2 - 4 1507 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar BAYSIDE · PLATING CO. , We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silvermtlths - -• All Work Guaranteed • SILVER AND GOLD Tea ~ • Antique '1..W.lne • 'I\i>phles • J'ewelry • CancWetn Reftecton • Bathroom 'Fixtures • Baby Sboea • Oenunlc:s Marine Plating • Badgea and Souwnln ' •