HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-24 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE ' SAND CRAB ., SAM CRimlTMAS! Why should its spirit come only once a year? Or thus radar the· soft-heartedness of mankind? Cannot those who are grim and flinty more often be re- casionally thoughtful and charitable? 'Jever . notice that writers and speakers and rad!~ get wound up In their. own ego and try and tell the world what to do, early and late! 1be little peoples, the common or mill- run folks are universally kind and do not take the same view of the ponderables that the Important (?) lead- ers do. And when you write something that is nice the comp)lments come pouring in from the gentle. home-loving humans much more quickly than when you are slam- ming. To them Christmas Is just another opportnnity to be friendly and help tu!! The last election was proof of this-people were weary of the strife and turn1t>il and wanted things done more or- derly and decently. Criticism of Truman's new order on housing comes because of sorrow over failure to find homes speedily for the vet- erans. The ache Is for the discomfort ca.used so many families and the sympathy of the masses goes out to those unfortunates. That Is why people like kindly Bill Henry at1d pleasant Fulton Lewis jr.; why have they a distaste for the scolds Jik1' Winchell and Ickes. Its mlghy nice to have Christmas, even if it Is only once a year, just for the sentiment It causes one to another, and the yearning for peace and happiness that the coming of Christ gave to the lowly and humble. • • • Yale Co-Operation. It was sure hee.rt-warming to note the united effort of the en- tire harbor district this year In Its holiday decorations, a glorious result that brought top pri7.es from the Coast association committee in its survey of the "Forty Miles of Christmas Smiles." Cor- ona del Mar and Balboa Isl- and were outstanding in their displays. One of the most artistic and lovely scenes was the one jn the Newport Beech pier b\Jildlng depicting a nodding' Santa wllh sur- rounding effects. Best win- dow effort went to Orkins department store at Costa Mesa, which also brought the News-Times cup award. No more thrilling sight is the F1oatlng Christmas tree on the bay with Its appropriate music and singing. • • • Quit.. a Party. Attended the annual party of the News-Times force, presided over by genial Sam Porter. First one In years that re- quired no labor on my part. What impressed me was the attendance. Some 35 work- ers afid their wives, as against the first year of the peper's management with a staff of four. AD that are left of that group stlJl on the peper are Nora and Lloyd Wade. Had to tell a few yams of some of oW-dlfficul t early days, among tftern be Ing the numerous wblica- tions we bought and buried and the decision to not buy · 8'lY more. Latest rumor Is that a peper is going to start at Balboa. Hard work is still the bl!llt -Y to make a paper succeed and age brings friends wbom habit Is a ten- adoua )JOlicy to brmk. Af- qulrinlr .a drculation of 3000 la not adrleYed In a small CIOllllDllllity ~ because-+ + + 8-JloDy; BestXmas i:weaeill-to the Boltby family Is Dave.himself-back from a Jong liege In the hospital wttb '-rt trouble. 'Ibe OYl!f"• waked S. P. station agmt 1.-d to bl! ~ tele- graph operator, frelgh t aaent, m::r deliverer, etc., etc., the system was bnllcm up by a break~ down 11114 a bait &.!l or so -dotm wmk. -nerw of""• s mfGta! ~..:::~~ II ... , 'I a? 'REL ,KEEP POSTED! 1 Y.-••.• : • ._. Ill Oza tr au OS fif Ct•tr •"'°"*"'--~..., ..... N-. r '' Kw,.,. - • • • • .NEWPORT • . . ' ' BALBOA I W. 'l;J Ne11n ...... r ' •• , ,_ .t ... -of a..~ ... , ... EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA VOL1lllll mvm NEWPORT .,_CH, CALJFORNJA, Tfl'ESDAY, DECEllBE& u. 1-~ 1 GEORGIAN SELECTED FOR POST 0. 0. Adams Picked as Centrals New Sales Manager Richmond T . Hobson, general manager, announced today the air paintment of Oxford 0 . Adams, lieutenant commander, U.S.N .R, retired, as general 1ale1 manager df Central Boat Manufacturing corporation, Newport Beach, the ma kers ot the famous Centraliners and Centralfishers. Adams, a native of Georgi.a. saw service with the navy in both World \Vars. serving in World War Il as chief engineer aboard an evacuation hospital tran.tport in the South P acific. Adams., a m arine engineer by profession, has had vast exper· ience as sales manag er for larce eastern concerns, but since his re- tirement from the navy, Novem· ber 1, he has ttSOlved to r emain in Southern Callf~rnia near the ~ea and ships which he so enjoys. Married in 1919 to Mary Lou Jackson, Mr. and Mn. Adams plan to establlsh their home in the Newport Harbor area in the near future. Adams is a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner. He states that in addition to boating, hll chief bo}>.. bies include fishing, solfing and hunting. Announce Christmas Winners Balboa Island and Corona de! Mar resident& with the help of residents of Balboa won for the city of Newport Beach the co- veted sweepstake. prize in the annual Forty Miles of Smiles Christmu p-ogram sponsored by the Orange County Coast aaocia.- tlon. A committee of 25 judges agreed that the enthusiasm of the residen ts of these three towns was responsible for the winning ot the principal trophy. The awards will be made to the recipients at a January meeting of the associa- tion. Sped.al Awards L o n g Beach Press·Telegram Award for City or Community Showing Most -Cooperation with the Christmas Lighting Program. Fine-City of Newport Beach. The judges based t his award largely on t he splendid showing made by Balboa Island and Coro-- na del Mar, in addition to the other features included in the City Area. Second-City of Laguna Beach. Santa Ana Register Trophy for displa y best illustrating the Spirit of Christmas we nt t o the Hunt· ington Beach Grammar School. NewpoTt ·Balboa New3 -Tunes Trophy for the Most Unusual Lighting Feat ure, won by Orkim Department: store, Costa Mesa. South C o ast N ews, Laguna Beach. Trophy for MOit ArtiStic Display. Hundreds Cheer Christmas Tree Se~ ~a:~der, Mlnature Display, Fl , , B Newport-Balboa Preu Award oatmg ID ay for Best Display by a Service Club. Hundreds of felicitatlons have won by N ewport-Balboa Rotary been rece1ved by the Balboa Im-Club, Balboa Island. provement association on account In view of I.he outstanding ex- of it5 h uge Christmas tree float cellence o( the H ome and Office which nightly for t he past week Displays m ade by Dr. Esslinger has been cheering the homes of at San J uan Capistrano and La· hundreds of people all over the guna, the judges rC'COmmend he bay area of Newport Harbor. be B\Varded a Special Trophy. The J erry J ohnson. Balboa restau· Lightin g Committee approved this r ateur to know tha t the beauti· recommenda tion . fully illuminated tree ""·armed the The judges ma de 8Y.'ards as fol· heart ot a dear old lady \.•.:ho lives lows: in a bayfron t home just belo\'' the Class 1. Best Decorll ted Homes jetty. on Coast : ''We under.stand that this lady First -Larry 0'1..ara. Cor ona has been an invalid for some years del Ma r . a nd "'hen we heard that Y.'e had Second-Harold E . Wilson, Co- not gone down far enough far her r ona del Mar. to see the tree we y.•ent there Third-Dr. Stanley Chambers, a nd gave her the , benefit of the Udo Isle. tree and of the car ols which wer e Fourth-Laguna. sung each night thereafter," said F ifth-Car ey House, Corona del Mr. J ohnson. Mar. On Sunday night, ?tir. J ohnson Sixth-John Vogel, Balboa Pe- sa.id, hundreds of homes doused nin~ula. their electric lights and scores of Oass 2. Best Decorated Busi- mototists on the banks of Corona ness Place : del Mar blinked their head.lights First-Farren Beal, San Cle· in salute as the barge wit h the m ente. huge tree came into view. Second -Norma n's Nurs<'ry, Among those who have r igged Corona del Mar. up the tree and kept the barge Third-Po ttery Shack, Laguna in motion for the past week are Beach. J erry J ohnson, Tom Dugan, Jim· Fourth -Nursery School, Bal· my ~·ens and others. boa Island. Fifth-Huntington Beach Flre MESA INFANT DIES Dona Lee Fr8l?M', infant daugh· ter of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel W. Frame, 1814 i,, Laguna street. Costa MHa, died Dec. 1s· in Com- munity hospital. Sh" is survived by her paretits and her lltl"andparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams and Mr. and Mrs S. W . Frame ot Costa Mesa. Private servi~ were held Thun- day a t 1 p..m. in the Harold Grauel chapel witb interment at West· minster Memorial Park. Department. Honorable Mention -Southern Counties Gu Company, Balboa. Class 3, Bes\ Decorated Olrist- mas TrttS Oustide: First Floating Tree, Balboa. S«ond-Huntington Beach Oil Auociates. Third -Frank Unnell, Ba y Shotts. Fourth-<:ity of Laeuna &achl Flft.b-San Oemente Oty. Sixth -Costa Mes.a Commun· (Continued on Pqe 12) mT DBO"PiATKD BUBIN'W ft.AC& Nw_ ta N•w1 • ()ilMit....,..,, ()Mw ... Mar .... 111 '1•1111.,. ... 0-•p ·CIE- 0.-S. 11211'2¥1• Jr•,..• u. •trt• tr 1 ......... ._.. • Wl11 ' ...... -.......... -W121V 81 ..... pbolD.. • ' HARBORITES CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS Port Jury llDIAN MA : Cites five FACE LEGAL . . ...... ' • • ' . -....... ,_ • • ' · :i local Homes r LAID FIGHT ' ~ Five rffldences anc1 t11e float· Interior Dept. Am ,,, "";~ ~=...,. ~ tt; ~ Appeal from Pahn .. a local Judging committee In .the Springs Cast ""'!§\~ Newport Harbor phue al t be { Forty Miles of Smiles Cllri1fl••'M ·j program exhibition. .., 'lbe cxxnmttttt mm.•n•M late Monday that they had ..._ tbe. B a l b o a peninsula raftlri~ ot John Vogel; the Corona de! Mar rffidence of Harold E. Wlloon; the Lido Isle home of Dr. Stanley O'Chambers; the Bal-laland -home of W. W . Santoni. and the home of a resident at El ~ and 10th street, Neyvport Beach, as representative of the best bccnes in each community. BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Dec. 2S. - The Interior Department • recommended to t h e Ju.tlce Deputment that it appeal to the U. S . Supreme c.ourt a lower court decision whJcb cave Lee Arenas, 68, MissiOft ~=~ title to 94. acres of Palm SJ Calif., desert resort land. The Inter ior Dep&1~~ asked for the appl'a.l after' The local judges also decided that a special trophy abould be given to the Balboa Improvement RESIDENTS of Corona del Mar bullt t.hb u.nlqoe nautical Santa Claua ed:lhltlon u lta conbibutlon to association for its floathig Ottiat- tbe barbont'ide CbrU;tmu celebraUon. -Gerhardt Photo. mas tree. The committee termed U. S. Circuit Court of Ai>' ~ia at San Francisco ruled that the Mission Indian had a right to hold valuable Indian land u an Individual. Felix S. Cohen. actin1 90llcl .. tor of the Interior department, said the San Francisco dedlloft WU contrary to decisions in two similar cases from the same "court. He predicl ed it would lead to attempts by lndivi4ual Indians to obtain the best tribal lands in personal title. SkllfuUy modeled by Kay F inch, famed ceramist . assisted by J oan Brandt. Santa Qaus i~ depicted rowing a boat la den with gifts and a yule tree. The body of Santa Ana is com· posed of a barrel of cement, the head of a five-gallon pail and old newspapers. Wally Gerhardt, Corona del Mar photographer , do- nated the barrel, and his father, Otto Gerhardt, noted illustrator , struction, Sid Blackbeflrd con· it outstanding in lightinc. cWol' and in every other attracticm suir painted the face. Pauline Morgan trlbuted the .electrical work, Rich· plemented by music. m ade the hands and Hampton's ard Bean the painting and signs A committee from the Balboa pharmacy stuffed the large fing· by Benedict. Perry's Hardware association including President en .• donated the paint. Jerry Johnson, Theo. McElroy. L . O. Gara company donated Members of the committee who Thos. Dugan, John Wallace, James the oars and ~rge's market the originated the plan were Rex Owens and others, were expected tree. 0 . Z. Robert.Ion, Al Pie-Brandt, Unk Norman, Richard to receive the trophy in the name BY BILL RA.SHAU ger and associates Bob Wire and Pleger and Braden Finch. of the association. PALM SPRINGS, Dec. 23.. Lyle Buttermore did the con--Photo by Gerhardt. Dick Vogel's recordings of SU-This $50--milllon dollar winter ent Night, Little Town cY &tble.. toorlat reso~ will not ~ affected hem, Ava Maria and Jingle Bella. adversely, in any way, by the also came in for speda] ,.,., .. , .. .,.. t u 8 Circui ,.. ____ ot A dation. Vogel and the Balboa a. recen · · · t \.AA!.&-._ ~· sodatlon' committee .,. aboud peals decision giving Lee Arenas' the float all week. ~year-old ailing MlliaiOll Jnd:lan, The judges cited the Steffan-th" right of 94 acres of alloted son youngsters of Corona del Mar reservation land located within for their juvenile presentation d Christmas. the city limits, it was set forth by civic officials and t h e lndiam themselves. Balboa Island was named by tbe judging committee as the town making the best showing fer the A.J!. a matter of fact the court's Christmas festival decision may m a k e it passible For the best b front home now, for the w~ite ~· w~o bu d . . ay Jong cast e yes 1n the direction of ecora t1on 1n the whoJe bay area, ... :~ Indi I d 'thin th 'ty the committee named in order ~lino . an an . W1 e c1 the Harry Carey house at eororu; limits, to d<'al directly w;ith the del Mar, with honorable mention 23_ other ~embers of the tribe who given to the homes of IL E. Ken-will receive l~gal title to thelr dall, Balboa Island; the Harold allotted lands _in-1952, under ~e Knight home at Balboa and same court ruhng handed down m Snodgrass home at Beacon ~ the Arenas case. The judges made awards far Mrs. Arenas spent two years smaller Christmas tree ahowinp studying the .art ot ste nography as follows, first, that at Frank and bookkeeping .at an East~m Linnell's Bay Shore home· secxmd. colege. She m arried Arenas five that at Norma.n's Nunery' Orona years ago. del Mar, and third, that ~t War-'Ibere's another good reason ren's, alao of Corona de} Kar. why Arenas doesn't care to sell The committee also nominated The revenue he derives lrof!1 ~e for entry in th Orange County whlte Winter tourists who Ji ve m Coast a.ssociatio~ contest the fol· cottages and trailers on his land lowing: amounts to approximately $3000 a month. 8-e Cla¥ In addition the busineu and its The White Cross, Miracle Mlle. income b fr'eeO f •all taxation by Coast hJghway. either the city or the federal gov- Honorable mention to Otto Ger-ernmenta, because it la directly hardt, Corona del Mar. operated by him and the wife~ Spirit of Clar!-both lndlana. First, the scene at the Newport Sectioo 14 on which most of the Beach pier. Indians live abut& the very edge Second. I be Balboa Nunery of Palm Springs downtown busi· school, Balboa Island. nea oectlon. It. too. ts dotted MMt Unuaaal Ucllllltc with trailer courts and camps, in Christmas tree on Pleasure er which live the whJU touriltl, Jn.. Cagney Island, w h I c b depicted diam, Mexican, and Negroes. Santa <;:laUB coming by boat, C.O.. U ever a dty bad alums and an rona de! Mar Santa cia .. amine 11&IY spot dimpled of delapitated by boat, Corona del Mar, and tbe build!-and away-roofed trail- dty sing with Chri.tmu tz-. en, full of yapping clop, tbia area west end of Oty of Newp:ct p 11e11a them. &ach. The land owned by tbe Arena Hoot Arl&Uc ~ located in aectJon 26 w!lbln u..; Larry O'Gara, reindeer on --them boundariea ot pa J m Corona del Mar. Sprlnp, Is only aeperated by tbe Beet DloplaJ' by ~ width of. a street from the meet Chrialmas Tree OD &Ji.. lal-beaatlful midentlaJ district in and, apomored by N""'"*'t Bar-tbla winter resort. The value ot bor Rotary Club. tbe land in question bu bee n 8dlool -plwied at between '300.000 and Window feature at ear.... <Id $t00,l>OO-whlch II a lot of wam- Mar Grammar lld>ooL pmn In any lndl•n'a 1-. But Lee Arena. -la llW'-011 Co. Seeks ried to • pretl>' Jndlen Pi al Le , city 32, from the Palo r fl II VW.tJon. ase ..... ' -lie will -..n. • . -• Alter bavin& foucbt t the Damp' ~ lan4 for audl • Jona •· be ~.,_. -~. "I Will not ..U It The California Eq'• -o.., -· I want to u...-tb1a land In Jadge AssesseS "8wpo1t LaadlQl'd· 5138 ~~~~-.:.:; ::tr:.,f!>ei.!":.Z:'"1 """,_. ~-f _._ Im a•~ in F~' -~~ . . from N""part ~ cm » , Bio -. Wife Aid. "1 ta.-~ o u~ moot -t -.rt ~ tbe ~--~~· court Mn. KMpp, owner of the v..,_ Thi oompn>f -.. -';,; po4..., of~ I I+ .. He - actions filed by the Office of r;r: undn' tbe odmlnlatration al Pblllp tory Court at 518 Wat~ -th far tbe !Int -r+ • W-. ... lo 11 Ill •t!F ...,_ porary Controls, fcamerl1, the Flemtnc. -ans to Greg -..,, and the Mar N11P ~ and $15 a ,_,lb -• -ID)' ........ ,. Ille )!lalD OPA. wu tbat "PWt Mn. Jilne wa-. nnt dlt:tct« In clwp! men'a, 11' 22Dd street. .,. fwDd tbe dty -.,.m ~ a ---lie la aalor !be Knopp, N-po<t Beadl·opartmmt ol 0ranp -t:/. Wblle the pllQ> al --OI( 1eVe'1 -· • ....Clfa"""4 ....... ," ........ house owner. ltl whiCh • dedlion: ..-mt al moaty imolwd if m.MU ad .. tined t:nlmjlmn-A.a the Pl • 11 _.. ... •a pa&el =sa•' .,... rmdenll f\'lday In ra-al -U. It -ID effect a _.cw -of $138. ljbe -~ plaoe fdr •11qAas _,. 1 "?' • Jin. ..,_ .-t __ -~~ ~ ':"i: !°7 ;::: "=:r ... ~-= !' ~ .... '!'::': • u..i:-ot = ~.:. ~ -._ Sa ai b' 1 --'• I a•• a •zc,!as • ;.: ~.~ .. -S: ..::.U,, bl;.~ ,I'p:m. • t!~tll.-; dlldfrl \D4;dj m 1 -• .: C i' de ;;• ':.':' ~'= at • 'l'llll--·o1t11e--11 t. __ ,,,, -p'--IZI& ...... ,:.,...., ,.. , t • ' COMPLIMENTS OF U1 AOATI: AV&. BAl.11().t. ISL& from,,, E. C. and Grace Nash Island Rooms and ' Apartments Briglii a IM Sf4n 4nd l10Cd a die .ugor c4ne °" 'JOW OtnsttrwLS uee ,.,. .,,.,. ...uJia ftrr yo" dris holiddy .......... J,. dris "'°" joy{lll suson, 1DC wa.ni to cxporas our smct.e ..W... f o • y0tu hioppmas. •• BE RNADETTES CASUAL WEAR • I '.N<!>E:L I 'The Chant of Christmas 0.Tols Carry o .. , Good Wishes to A ll FoT a Happy, Happy Tuktide Dutch Heacock GENERAL CONTRACTOR •• Christmas is the ooe great event that trameends the bounds of any one country ud embraces the whole world. In much the aamc way there ii no limit or bounds to our good wisba for J08 foe. a Meny Christmaa. •• -JUlllMI: AV&Ntl& • • I' W 0 111 -11 i» I' 7 I ' n ' • • • • ' • I i..111:1m.11:=•~&21!-!I' 111!'11.,;"'!i•==•!lllsr.,o!n t, s • "' iw THE S·EASON FROM YOUR FRIE .NOS ON BAL BOA , Agnes Grace Funk Dies in Newport Opportunity Offered Pro d Deco AOl<O ~ 1'Flmk, TI, died Ray ot Nt'Wpart I Beedl: two Wartime Officers u of r I 8unday evemac at her home, dauabten, iln. M11ide Dlron of In D~•--·--At Dress Shop 123\i:B 29th street. Sbe WU -Nowprt ~ta and Kn. F..... .. __ n.&ll~ The nopenlnc of L<Q.Paul In N .. Yori< and bad reolded In ' · N '"*' Beed1 t 29 belna Smith ot Newport Beech: one Wartlmo oftlcers ot the Army Orlglnolo shop at 445 S. Oout "::...ru,.,.. of ~t =.i. ,_ brother Smith M. StnJQc of J.ro.. Who h&Ve mumed to ehlll&n life boul"""1'd. "Laguna B • a ch. re-a uz • still have an opportunity to ae-vealed. .... adverUsed," an in-- the Sea. llh&ton: five ~ three cure a commlu!on In the RecuJar trlgulne new face on the .. tab: Along with the gifu cu..bling oui of your stoc~ing · ou our lll41t)I good wishes fo. a Merry Chri!P ...., 4..d 4 H4ppy New Tear. Sbe la survived by two --. half,brothen and three half-An>\Y. llahmepJ and the tntrod\lctlon of Glenn Funk of ec.ta Mesa and w.. All....,, -are 1n1eestec11n a unusual a-_ 1"1-Jin F. Brown . Recular Army .,...... a r e re-Dusty . pink walla with robin's '-JU -that the cloolnc date for eu blll<" accents set off the Lola: BOOK b"'""PING SERVICE ~ofllle- White's Balboa Island· Ode AND OOClllTAIL a&& ..... 7 3 c I h."""'vln& applications for RecuJar Paul play clohtee to advant&P, _II\,!:<!!._ Anny Cmnmlaloru! la mldnlcl>t and Swedlah-m>e "woodwork de: SU...,. A-.... I I ... December 3L I algned by Paul out~. pres!: ~===================~ Information about ~ dent. CUTI .. th?oucl> the peu&nt ;; Army Commiaalons may be ob: Inspiration ot ~le outfits, talned at any Anny Poot or Army Worthy or cJme lmpection are ~==========::;:;:=========:IRecrulttna otllce, 202% w. 3rd such thlnp u beautifully flniahed st. Santa Ana or ·write The Ac!-handbap, embroidered 1lasa cues Ju~l General. War Department. snng]a"" and a variety of novel s.mr.s·. ~ with 4 fulln l>O<~ of ' Clnimn4S chee•. • May all that's symbolic of Chrutm<11 b< youn this st:4Son -the happiness , the gaiety, the apirit of good will, th < anticipa· tion of a woode.(1&1 mw year tlhead. VIRGINIA BELL'S Mariska HOUSE -OF BEAUTY ' SM Marine Ave., Balboa &land Phone ll&rbol' 182'7 W~ D C. jewelry. Outerbrldge feelo that · the selection la unique In Laguna •' and hopes to .. .., "Mqnln-mlnd, Purse Lost ID Lobby eel" women a trip to the dty. Of Island Postoff• In the new, tlmpllfled arranp. Ice ment or tbe ahop, attention baa It will be & dlmtaJ Ou"iltmu been given to tletall ln spacious for Pearl Sankey of 811 Eut Cen-dressing rooms and ln the "ladies tral avenue, Balboa, unleu 10me--room." which bouts a garden of one ret\ana the billfoJd oontain-amusing Dowen painted on the Ing the l!50 check and $2 In bills walla. In the lingerie section an to the N~ Harbor po.llce airy look bu been achieved with 1t.ation. dotted swiss curtains and looped She loot the blllfold ln tiie Bal-white rugs. boa Illand pootofflce lobby while J1&1tly proud of their handiwork, &he .... molllng Christmas 1Pttt-Outerbridge and his wlfe Lois att ing cardl ~ on Saturday. eager to show tt to Harborltes. UP oosTA JaSA FAMILY Dugans, Johnsons ~~~ 0~u~ co~=~~~ Away for Yuletide their luncheon _ meet:ina: last Fri-Mr. and Mn. Jerry Johnson of day noon In White's cottee shop Balboa are visiting Mn. Johnson's Balboa. to use In brlnr;ln& Christ'. parents at Taft for Christmas and mas cheer to a Costa Mesa family New Year . which ls in need. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dugan of the Balboa Inn are spending the The members of the dub also Christmas and New year holidays • All good thing• to yoi. and youn. A Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year to All ' • exchanged. a number of Ouistmas .th their respective parents in ;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I gifts and Herbert F. Kenny and ;:;',. An Jes Mrs. Kenny rendered a number geiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ of cheerful Otrlstmu songs. Mrs. Sport s h 0 p ti ' ... ffi£RRY CHRISTITlJIS -QTO onE JJnD JUL~. .... Phone: 118 Agate Ave, Balboa Island Barbor 1728:W •• JOIN WITH US let us toa our -out the ' window. It'• Clwisla...t Jolll witli us in eelebnlift9 the p -holiday. I I A.JW.,.,~· T-0 YOU • •• F ' AND RADIO -SPEaALITS • n, .a.-. •• ,.,,. mLIJID a ta• • Kenny wu at the piano. To everyone in our community, we ex- tend our wishes for a Merry Christmas --- a Happy New Year. Bay District Hardware Balboa Island EVERYTHING In Qaallty REFRIGERATION Air Conditioning F.qulpmmt , 0..-. ()etbft • o.aa-. .,, .................... fKoola Baell: Ban • Bootlla ~lltelluac. -~~==.. ATTENTION! Home Owners _! Dee Add )lfaxtm..., I Oomfori .... Good Loob toYlllJ'.B- ••o.w111 ....... , ... _. •. , •11 _. C, I .... -,,,g • ---·--. ... ........ bs ::u11r....,. w 2 I• 22 A 11 87 ~._hilwu .. , AWNINGS I ... CANOPIES v eneTt:'BHncta Wood ••• - , • ._. hn..IM' •OaD: Slm+Wlll . .&Wl'll1'G ClO. 111 ... nz ,~a • ,, 1111 Chrome Plating National Plating Oo. IA .. Ewell nw e11..a1e T o all our fri<n<J. go our wiShes for a Merry Christmas and a Hap, PY ~ew TeaT . Corson & Ray General Contractors S%5 Coral Ave. Balboa bland 207 Marine Ave. Balboa Island I P~J~ PLAY SCHOOL SOLVES PROBLEMS FOR. BUSY MOTHERS.• • • A FULLY EX;!UIPPED, SUPERVISED, FENCED:IN PLAY YARD AND ROOM FOR YOUR CHILDREN WHILE YOU SHOP, WORK OR PLAY. • • • INDIVIDUAL ATI'ENTION, SPECIAL MORNING SESSION- FOR 2, AND 3:YEAR-OLDS Open Monday Through Saturday 9 a. m, to 5 p. m, • " FuD Day SS.00 Hourly and Weekly Bate• WF.ST END OF PARK AVENUE, BAI.BOA ISLA1'iD For JnformaUon Call Barbor 8S8 PLUMBING J H ESTUS RARDWABB • • GENERAL EI.ECTRIC ' • BANGES • BEPmmtB.•TO:U e WA9PD• DISHWMIDCl!8 e MDIOS Phomi 116 • • • r • • YOUR FR .I ENDS IN BA .LBOA W.1-sH YOU ·A MERRY CHRISTM . ' ClmlSTllA8 L9 A 'nlU lliBM 01.D I.OY.U... llVJ' 8!DQIUIEllED. 1FB 'W' ANT YOU TO KKO'W' BO'W' llUCll 1FB ~TB YOU8 1FB 1'ISll JOll YOU A YUY JOYOUS CllaJSTIUS BOUDAY. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Q-RIO Shoppe 205 lllala S&. Our wishes for you this Christmas art as bright as the star · dusted can· dks that light up your lTt't. •• Cottle's East Newport Market The 508 W. Oentral Balboa BALBOA MOTEL Sends You T o one and a.JI, we wiJh )'OI' &he m~e.st Christ~ mas tvCT with a Happy )\lew 'Y tar to come. Robert Tyler. Mgr, Sl5 E. Central Ave. A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT •• Balboa ·-AU DAYS WHIM WI AU AU. IN A ff HUUT TO MT ·-. POtl THEUS NC OU.CE UICE HOME -lHI CHIJST. 11AS WIMTH JS 5LO-JM nt1 WIHDOW. WE Alli DUI ll8Kf -TO Sii Y OUI unu l'tEC& ...,. OlD IB«AJN. IT JS Tllll. IUT AS WAIM AND HIAllRl.T AS nil FIUT TIM£ WI --rs- MERRY CHRISTMAS •• • v:.:-;;~k4~:.., AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERll Wdl Open . ~~~d~ CAUFORlllA AFFILIATES Income Tax ~:E:::?:!F:U:: WITH WORLD~WIDE A:A.I~ · Office Here· the veteran population of World Wu ll wu 13.148,000 u of the Attlllatlon of t be Automobile laws. and the IO!utlon of throttl· · end of September. and of tbeae Club of Southern Calllomia with Ing traffic congestion and puking Residents of Balboa and vicinity veterans. 6,~i:.2• or 44 per cent, the powerful world-wide ~., problems." will be aHonled an owonuruty to had Wed for unemploy-can Automobile Aaodatlon. wu Laudlnil the auoclatlon ot the Ille tbelr 1946 federal Income tax ment p.llOW&NleL Jn addition. announc:ed will nsult In reciprocal two motorinc organizations; a J . returns locaUy, according to an cl•lm1 for aelf-employment allow-activities that will vutly ..ivance Brunnler. ot San ~ presl-announcement made today by Col· onces bad been Wed by 413,231 the welfare of motorists of South-dent of the Amorlcan Automn!JO• lector ot Internal Revenue, Harry Meny, Merry Christmas. ---to You from Us. ~?~ I veterans, or three per cent. • em Calllomia and of the nation. Aaoclatlon, who la attendlna the C. Westover. Wblle 47 per cent ot all veter-accoodln& to Harr Y J. Bauer. cqn-tlon of the American M-Deputy Collector Doyle Sher-Ba--Bids-Oor. -a -irnm ft. -1 ana bad fUed cl~ the otateo president of the local motorlats' IJOC!atlon of State Hlcbway Of-wood will be stationed In the and territori-IOOw wide Vari&· organization. fldala In Loo AilleJeo, -lted: Ownber of Comrner<e on Janu--'we , I~ IEVI: tlon. In Puerto Rlco 86 per cent "For almoot 50 years the Auto-"Tbe null.. ot motor tfavel ary 8tb from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.1 1~========~===7:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;;:; of the veterans bad filed cl1f1J!!1. mobile Club of Southern Calllcr-bas been extendM ueatly In -Farmers who are required to whlle the hlsbeot atate 1VU Weot nla bas been in-eminent omons cent yean. What on... ..,... local flle crtc1nal eotlmatel of 1946 In· Virslnia with es per cent, fol· Individual motor dubo In t b e motorlnsl problems now are na-come may do 00 on tbla day 1oww by Arbnau a..cf Mld>lcon. United Stateo In imp'ovtnc motor-t1ona1 er International tn .,.,..._ Otben who _.,, ~ · each with 62. Inc oondltlom In tbeo territ«y It and requltt ·the 01M>p<Tatlon -of .,_-~ required to 'Iba -P<lcelltace ftPOI led oerwo;• declared Bauer. all '_..ible mollr clubo fer flle revlaed er amended eotlmateo wu Hawaii With Ila per cent. ''Wblle our organization. w 111 the! r solution. The afflllatlon =.i ~Ir 1~, lut year while W)'Ollllns and Nevada MCb 1-no put of Ito Identity. the unltel more than 2,000,000 Amer!· -..... -estimates bad 21 per cent, and Ne~ attlllatlon will nsult In a uea!ly can motorlats and 700 omce. of ~ aloo ilo IO at tbla tempor&Jll had 2:1 per cent. •trensthelled nationwide pooeram affiliated motor clubo tn ccmmon · While many wlenDI who fer· for hlchway lmprovtment, the 01<· cauaeo for the benefit of th e The dNdllne for both oriclnal merly received unemplo)iment al-t~mlon ot public aatety, the crea· motortnc public and reprdimta and reviRd. e1timate1 for 19'6 re- lowances have been dropped from tlon of unHorm motor veblcle the moot far-reacblnc develop-turns la January 15. Any - the rolla. other veteram have -bad been cir ~ tlon ment In the field of organized who 11 able to ftle his 1946 final cetved payments for many weeks for 20 wee.b • im:i:= th.ii motordom yet achieved. return by .January 15 need not VeterllllO' -Adlnlnlltratlon repor ~ dur!ni the pert:,, of hlaheot peaoe-.. Moreo-the p-eet -tl&e bother with estimated returns. that In mid-October 33 per cent time Industrial production th ot the Automobile Club cit South-Thia temporary ·office will be of the wterano ·then on the rolll country hu ever -... • em Calllornla In Latin America open again on February :IOtb for ::;:::::::::;;;::::::;::::::::::;;;::::::;::::::::::;;;::::::::::::::::::;;;::::::;:::::;;;:; wtll be invaluable ln supplement· additional service to iaxp.yers in ! Ing the development ot latlsfact-ccmtectlon with their final 1946 Season's Greeting To You and Yours Dorothy and Webster Laubensteln DOROTHY'S • 109 Main St. • FORMERLY THE SPORTBAR Balboa . . W e extend to you roery good wish f o T 4 joyow Chn:stm<u •nd • vtty H•p· PY New 'Year . · John T. Castle and B. N. Hafenfeld 1H ()(JEAN FBONT. BALBOA 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE Balboa Cleaners 605 East Central Balboa Sincere Best . Wishes To each and every one of our many customers for a Happy N(:W Year. . Jhe Bobby Shop > 111 Omtral I . Balb!)a • • , ory motorfn& oondltlona In forelen returns and original 19'7 e1t1- countrtes everywhere.'' mates. Eddie and Lydia Firbank f LORENCE BAKERY 305 Main St. Wish You , All a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year WE APPRECIATE YOUR FRIENDSHIP . Give Him a New Fishing R~ Reel For Christmas New Stock .Just ¥eved Spilt Bamboo IUld O&lcutta Bods ••• Deeiped by Geo. Sailer S. D 0 W NIN G 'Fi.shin' Tackle 100 lllala St., Foot of Balboa Pier --In the good old- fashioned sense of the word -may · you have a rollick- ing, gas Christmas ... a joyous New Year. ' DELICATESSEN and Food Store SHOP at am • l'wr.-a.:-h ... ......... '-*••••rt•••* •f d11u ~ .. = t11 .a- 8U •• c-tnl .. ,.,,.. • F•s. •Ill • - \ It's always a pleasure for us to wish everyone of our friends a Christmas and New Year filled to over- flowing with happiness •• Gunderson Drug Balboa GREETINGS1 D D a a D Music and song and happiness everywhere! Lighted windows. green trees brilliant with glowing bulbs, all contnbuting to the grand sum total of Christmas. It's fine to celebrate Christmas again this season of 1946, fine to ha...e fin ished another year in this community of happy • homes and friendly people. To &It mJ AO we Wish • • A VERY MEBBY CHRISTMAS COAST PROP.ER'fOO CO. _, .,,. •········· .. . '• . -; 'if 4'• "Serving Balboa Harbor Area" -···"""= '<:¥Lu .,.. •• = ..... - 703 E. Central -Bal~ -Jiiir~r ·2658 • TGa?IVaaa;p ...... rm 1 , • , • • • • • • • • PW ..._ Mft!Wi !'''?A peWt-IW" P's et I $ 0 t, 'a..J,~l'•'·.Jl~!~l'll1~&111.i!!9~~.;·~-:"---~ .... ~----_;,--..;...,:..:;_~;_----~;_---.!..~- Y OUR . FRI .ENDS 1-N COSTA MESA w·1·sH YO'U A-ME -RRY ·cHRISTMi\·S -. . I I 11 I I I. I 11 1· 1 11 'l'"wAs '"fttE. , .\'I G H"f 8 EfOtlt. May CHRISTMAS Bring You JOY AND GLADNESS DAMIA LOPrIEN, Mgr. Orkin's DEPARTMENT STORE eo.ta M- Sal~te to our frintds ~t l (ttristmas Season's Greetings To You and Yours We take this occasion to thank our many friends and clients of Costa M e~-Tbe Beat Town on Earth, for their loyalty and frien dship. G. N. we 11 s Real Estate Broker AND ASSOCIATES 1790 Newport Blvd. • •• "1 ER.RY CftR.JSTMA~ May countless blessings bnng true joy to you and yours at Christmilifime. •• Mr. and Mrs . Harold K. Grauel Costa Mesa -----....... ~~-·~·~~·-· • t rom the Paragon SAMPSON MACHINE WORKS 189' NelrpOri Blvd. • , 5 .l:lu*tt r•~ta&I Or1l11u.ae1• ~ Av.rage Low Y-Hiib Year 'a..tfey Union · 6M (~) 11121. (3!MO) 825 FUilerton Union 883 ( 42-431 1n9 ( 41Ml> 13S8 Glendale 017 905 ' (3&-37) WJ3 (~) 1213 Lona Beadl Qty ____ .1495 (37-381 UC (il-42) 2826 Lao Angeles Q ty --~ (3&-37) 10178 (42-43) 69115 Muin Union -·-'-·----.s?6 (42-431 1165 !3&-40) 581 Modesto Qty ·----···.865 !36:37) 1604 (40-41) 11'13 -Qty -·-··-··--...391 (42-43) 818 (38-39) . 655 5acnunento Oty _______ .19112 (42-431 3362 (40-41) 2582 San Bemardlno Valley U. 357 (42-431 9861 !3!MOJ 169 San J-Qty __ --13].5 (35-36) 2888 (42-43) 1785 San Mateo Union _____ .lf19 131h'!7) 1603 (3!MOJ 1269 Santa Ana Oty ---689 (42-431 1513 (40-41) 1056 Santa Rooa Union ... -... -. .371 (35-36) 997 (40-41) 700 Yuba County ·-------··-·--190 (35-36) 617 (40-41) 381 , 8PECIAL8 We extend to you and youTs the joys and good .wi.sha of the se4Son' ·~~~ Van's W"JSh. to You - - ---a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year. ---Thanks too, for your appreci- ated patronage. Mr. and Mrs. M. Van Drimlen Van's~!'!'!~ "WHERE GEMS AND GOLD ARE FAIRLY SOLD'' Temporary Location~ In Dennis HDgland Bid&. 1760 Newpori Blvd. . and Texaco S~tlm .•. Watch for Our Signs ••• Your Protection Against Tuberculosis -----~--· ~·~·~~~~· •• 1SINCERE • 'GOOD WISHES Peace and for a delightful Good Will holiday season • Liglmng the waylob.ttw from the store folowtliip ond 900d d that friendship towwdo .. la Clirislu- ThM ff "'"Y be • huly built. 11.ppy Clwimnoa f.,.. -" of Pl la -W<lent wiah. Quality Bakery Stuart H. Price Phone Beaooa 51SI 11138 Newpon Blvd. O LOTRIEB COSTA MESA Men'• aad BoT• Wear 1808 ~ Newport Boolevar4 ~ '!!iilt'!!iilt'I! ..• '!!iilt'!!iiltl9i .. .. . r .. .. . ;QJd ' j oned Yuletide • It isn't elweys stylish to be old feshioned, but th-ere times when it's very genuine and Christma1 is one of them. Y n, folb, -~ ycr.i en old fashioned CMslm.u this 'fNr • • • the beat one of them ell m -WAY GARAGE Z!88:t Na11ut ..... • o.• •• fhs B1111s •1 ' , ' Bay View Ice Co. 1723 Newport Blvd. Oust& Mesa To our many friends we wish to extend our sincere appreciation for your patronage. ' .. Let Us Extend Our Greeting for the Holiday Season •• It gives us great pleass ure during this holy season to extend our best Ouistrnas wishes to all our friends. •• Mesa Malt Shop 1770 Newport Blvd. MR. AND MRS. CLYDE R. LOUCKS ·Loucks' Stationery • Clyde a. Loaclm Temporary Location~ In Dennis Hogland BJda'. 1780 Newport Blvd. and Texaco S tation .•• Watch for Our Signs Are You Planning to Rernooel1 . Let Us Help. We C&lTY a nice stock ot A.rtsona P1aotom for that walk or patio. U you need a small supply ot roclt or sand fOl' that patch job and a .,.._.i ml.Pr to mfi Ii, we la&ve It, too. BEACON llOtl9 USED LUMB-BEAOON - 1 AUIO OONCJm!.TE BRllAJONG :A.ND SANDBIA8'1'1NG Sll:BVKlE Contractors Equipment & Supply -Newpoot A-. 1 ...._ Woot Of Newpol't lltftL 8oaA or IM St., o.ta. .... ~ Btn ~ ... From BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the people of the Harbor Area and wish to thank our customers for past patronage . ................. ,,--.......... "'"" .. SILVER and GOLD PLATING . • ...... ,, . ..,.. ___ ,.., C. C. (Chuck) Wirth C.R. (Bob) ffand l'Jl•IZ Bnn• GUI Da7111 -ra 11118 1'1ti'' · 1914 Harbor Blvd. . • c-. Ilea: • • • . f&ftN!I: •••aoA M8WrftMM llw; •I! p · p Q'M ' Tu 1'1«. lh '• M. D11 . 2 ~ YOUR FRIENDS IN C·OSTA MESA WISH YO .U A MERRY · CHRl ·STM~S \ . . : Have a Merry, Merry Christy , and a Hoty py. Happ y JX<w 'rear . .. ··-. _ ............ We WUl Be Clooed from :December 24 to Jan. 3 ....... _,, ·-· ....... • Gingham Cafe wi th good chee? and may your every dttam come true this happy holiday. It is with great plea.sure tJuu W t' txtt'nd OUT best wishes to all for a happy 'Yuktide. ·-L. H. PIERCE • - Our heartiest good wishes to yot' for a wondeT/ul Christma.s- PHEASANTS. (Dr a ied)· • w < wish "' <:xUnd 0 U T ptTsonaJ greet., ing and co wish o n e and t1H the Merriest Christmas an d happiest ]'{c:w Year roer. .... BURTON Paint Store 1548 Newpon Blvd. Collla ·- HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop A New Bnlldlag New Fadlltim Venetian Blinds Window Shades ftll rlenHBc lmb••mecd telJa aa what'1 WTODg wboa ..... bring }'OUr walcll .... cmd a 11111a rou 11·1 z1g1it whea, JOU take lt QWGf. Fal.t.r, more economiaal awpcdlw. with prmled pool ol, CLCW<LJ. . ... The sweet notes of Christmas <Moll echo owr wishu t.o you this glorious 'ruktide. A Merry Christmas and Happy JX<w 'rear . • ' ...... MR. AND MRS. E. B. SMITH Delivery ••• InstaDatfm Free Estimates HARBOR FURNITURE • • We want to than~ our cwtomen f o r their \.-patronage during the CHABUS Frmch Dinner House 471 NEWPORT Bl.YD. COSTA IDC!IA Ma y you <njoy co dtc t.a-" ~y old Fashiomd Clih4 a ii dw bm wUh -~"""'· Good clua~ 8Jloil ....... co ,.,.. Cllld you rt. • • ' • ' . ' • • 1A. SPECIAL TRIP FOR ST. NICHOLAS Santa is mal.ing a special trip this year, and f.a' s coming direct to your home laden with merry Christmas wishes from us to you. Ship -Shore Electric MARINE WIRING I I I I I I I I I I LIDO ISLE •• I I 1 A Very I Merry Christmas To All . •• .+ p. a. palmer •NCOll,OtAtro realtors llll •I• 1.1110 ~• .. •O" b••c•. <o ld le1011ho•• •• .. DO •I bffefl. .,.,_ IXIO 328 28th Street Newport Beach . • . . . • : . • community. • ne snmcmMlft. wllJ /ad. Ill tM Wf!4daer worm.s, a.nd' WO soon .oe /or1a rJae jays o/ ChrUimcu cuad iu meUowln1 ef/«:e upcm our lives. Ii U OUT holN IAal UtU CltrUunal o/ 1946 wU.l brin1 you many 11 bleuU., U. rio _..... ..a """""' .Mad. Tronart, Inc. Radio -tlectronlcs !901 w. Central NEWPORT <'/I. Bo/,/!114,,, eom.pa>UJ .. CGM& JllPw.., Neaped II-* : . . . . : .O.LCUU,Y INCOllE TAX . Aecoaa&lac GI 8pw1e1a ..... _ .... , .111 ss•• f· R I E N D S 'Th• "<T)' bat of k«Jltlt; happ; ..... unbou...i.d; '""'h pn>•p<rity ... th• v t 1 'J best: wishes we ~"° w this h<ip· py Yuletide WJ· '°"· . A. C. HOFFMAN • IN ............ 2 •• 2 •r ' 7 ;· 3 •r Fl •• l ·:. I •• I •• I .. 10 •• I •• 7 7 ., ~I; We're always happy at this ..-'~~ time of year ta wish · you a - --• ·· 1 MERRY * 1 CHRISTMAS I ·-· i Associated Service I AOCOUNTANT -INCOlllJ: TAX SEBVIOJC ' 2604 Ceatnl A"" NW'(IOr& JWgbta l ~==Sl=ft=Lafq::;::"""=======N=..._i==-===:1"'~~~~401:;:.~==i~ II •• OS ., IS ··-- •• 0 u r gTttti'ng to you is shOTt, sim· pie b u t sincn-e . Merr y Chrisrmas Happy N c w Ttar. Gerald Rausa M. D. !830 CENTRAL NE\\TORT • FRIENDS~tf_* •• * Y t an m11y come and yean tnll' 10 bus Seta Caua ia with u foteTer. Be'• comln1 again thil ,..,, wllh • loll oack. So 1weep out yoar chiamey ud 1et rudJ (or die Jolly Tiaitor, who bu bad 1pec.W orden from, ua to bleat your home with a very Merry Christm.aa. •• E.T. Butterworth 1•t• I rem k • 111:• .. a...1 , ••••• be•rmcmra Harbor "Frmen Food Locken ----Nwwpawt: ._.. --. • S.ftt4 h4S o:pTUStd ouT smtimmts exact· lys . o M<TTY Chris•· ....., o"d o Happy New Y taT IO aU. H. H •. HOLBROOK . PLUMBING and HEATING S%00 COAST BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH I Season's Greetings ROME---A U TO MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED • Burt R. Norton 915 COM& Rlgh-y Pio. lleolma 516S Newport Beacb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I r-----:~------·· ·······-----i NORTON'S BAY SHORE CAFE l ,,_--Merry Christmas J 17th St. and Coast Hiway l .,,~ and l 1 Happy New Year l WILL BE CLOSED December 23 to December 31, Inc. Open January 1, 7 a. m. . ---SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALlr-- from --- A WEALTH OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND · PROSPERITY IS OUR WISH FOR ALL OUR FRIENDS Bay Electric 2818 W. CAlntral Ave. Newport Beach Again this year we wish you ont , we wish you all the joys and pleas .. urts of a happy Christ· mas holiday·sta.son . - DOUGLAS BOAT AND CANOE CO • !819 W. CENTRAL AVE. NEWPORT BEACH ' SE AS 0 N'S ·.GREETINGS Howdy, Folks! wnE INTlllU"1NW nti FBTIVmlS AT YOUI HOMli JUST LON~ ENOUeH lO CAI.I. AND WISH YOU nti l'INIST klND OF A ,_ YIAINfOlOntANIAU a. \'OU l'Ol PJ(Sf FAYOIS. II N&Wl'WI •A(B l l 1 Mobarry -McCartney l l Electrjcians l ~~~~~~=~~ .. I& •• M •• 1 SEASON'S GREETINGS •• • Again this year wt wish you ont, we wish you all tht joys and plt'a.sures of ' a happy Christmas holi· da y• Sta.son . •• Ward & Harington Lumber Co. LUMBER AN DBUILDING MATERIAi.ii Bay DIAtrlct Yard, 518 Ooaat lllchway Chriib• 2 t•··· 1'be glowiDg fw ol frhzd Uld ..,...m.e•rwktt. It PWll -Ille -lllrlll • ot old to wllh all -Hzn'h, Uld&IMieewlloanstmtrl • ---Hz'h, • Vflq • ., Obirtkllli'- Ralph P. Maskey Realtor . . Apiw a. Omaa • lll&y Y. Oo1 r"z • ••t11 • . Mil w. t' ? ..... New; a& ' • . ' • ' • ' • • Dee •• MER RY CHRISTMAS FR 0 M YOUR FRIENDS 'IN Qua CONTINUED EFFORT is to con· tribute to this community's welfare a.nd to Individual f.arn lly ,h1pplnea throqb friendly usl1Unce In tbrik and home financing. NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS """ LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. Palmer, Pr,sidrnt 3333 VIA LICO NEWPORT BEACH, CALH"ORNIA . . . -..... Harbor Feminine Activities ~Pb~~oClll~ll!8~~13!!.:•~nd~3~111!_~~~~~•:.._~~JBy~~Wlal~~Otdllubre + R~ Phclle 1637-R Girl Scouts Give Party For Children Midweek Yuletide Services to Be Featured by Joint Installation Many Churches of the Harbor Area .For Mesa Grange Girl S<outa of Troop 6 hostessed Ouistmas eve will oee sped&) Christmas tree Sunday from 9 to New officen of Ceola Mesa a merry Ouistmas party foe 35 services In some of 1M Harl>or 10 a.m. at ML Carmel church. Grange will be Installed with of. cblldren of local trailer cami;. area churches with others par-Vesper Olriltmu service will ficera of othtt county granges at last week ln the Newport Beach tidpating in rites on Oirbtmu be held at 4 p.m. on Olristmas joint ceremonies to take place Dec. Grammar achool kindergarten. Day and still others having ob-Day at Corona de1 Mar Com-30 at Garden Grove Woman's The 14 Scouts provided presents served them last Sunday. munlty church, Congregational. clubhouse. for each child and aupervised the At St. James Eplsco~ church, Anthems will include While Shep-Headinc the Costa Mesa &'f'OUP playing of games and awarding of Via Udo, where a neai-capadty beards Watched Their F1ocks by for the coming year will be Joseph pri.t.es. Refreshments were served congregation wonhiped on the Night CGrlnpt). and Holy N ight Ra.pier, master; Norma Ankeny, at the des.ks, decorated w 1 t b tint day of s.ervtcn in the new CBrahml-Wllson) with Mrs. Ar-overseer; Fl'ed Brace, lecturer; pretty place mats, nut cups, an-1tructl.JJ"e, a choral servl~ and thur Kemper u soloist ; Carol of Owen Ankney, steward; Mina Mit- gels and cholr boys, and consisted Ouistmas communion will take the Bells (Leontovtch ); No Candle chell, chaplain; Ed Johnson, as-- or Ice cream, cookies, Brownies place Christmas eve &t 11:30 p.m . Was There and No Fire (Gostllng-sistant steward; Bonnie Johnson, and candy. At this time the boys' choir which Lehmann): O Holy Night (Ad-lady usiltant steward; Hilda Small guests were greeted with has been in training since spring anu), solo by Eleanor Young and Bennett, gate keeper: Alice Kyle, Christmas carols u they arrived will sing with the adult choir. Glory to God from Handel's The secretary; Mary Kni~ Ceres; and tor grace, they sang the Ave On Christmas Day at 11 a .m . ~tessiah. Edna Hutchinson, Pomona : Orene Maria. Everyone had a wonderfuJ there Will be another service \Vith Mrs. Lester H . Vierling will sing Michael, Flora. time. the Rev. Ard.)'3 Dean preaching Ave Maria CBach-Gounod) as t he Members of the executive com- Helnz Kaiser brought the child-the sermon and o n Sunday, Dee. offertory solo and there will be rnittee are Frank Parsons, pianist, ren from Bay Shore camp. Aiding 29, the church "ill be dedicated duet and a:'<> numbers by . Mrs. and Clarabelle Parsons. the Scouts were their leader. Mn. by the Bishop of Los Angeles, the John R . Miller, Horace R1tner, Cole, a.ulsted by ~lrs. Fred Wood-Rt. Rev. W. B. Stevens. assisted Oara ·Ellen Spelman and :r.tary worth and Mrs. Leon Fe-rguson. by the Suffragan Bishop, the Rt. Batten Steffensen. Firemen's Auxiliary Dines in Long Beach Rev. Robert B. Gooden. ChUdren of the church held Scouts "'ere Lu Belle Boyce, . their Otrlstmu party Monday Jane Baker, Estelle Ben;y, Joan c ~~ M~iJJCa~ c:~~o~~hc:h from 2 to 4 p.m. and Mrs." New-Newport Beach Firemen's Aux- Thatcher, Evelyn Woodworth, Pat 8 5 . pr e ' Ion's high school class had a lliary held their Otristmas dinner Craft, Helen La Valley. Nan CY Talestrin!; ath 6330 ~·;:'· ~·hen :it;:, party Monday evening in Ply-and exchange of gifts at Ricart's Colt', J oice Long, Aldora Davis. augment c oir smg mouth hall. in Long Beach Wednesday eve- Evelyn Fowler. Jackie Phillips and Amelda Anton at the console. Date tor the annual dinner has ning, going on later to a show. Eleanor Ferguson. ~ m~;;1.; ~ s: ~t 9 al and been changed from Thursday, Jan. Present were the Mesdames a.m. e n cUoD ter 9 to Wednesday Jan 8 Alda Corton, Mary CUsumano. La Son Born to Stephen Karchers ~e la.st ~~ ~a~r Thom: Newport H~bo; . Lutheran Veta Lace, Viola Cornecl, Lor- oonan '-''1 minister at t church will observe a Christmas raine Montgomery, Elizabeth services. Eve Candlelight service at 7:15 Waltze., Mabel Jones, Ruth• Ger- The girts· choir of St. Joseph p.m. in tJte EbeU dubbouse, Bal· rish, Mildred J ohnson and the hospital "'ill sing at the 10 a .m . boa 'th M p M Th 'd t n--La , wt n . . . ompson pr es1 en , ~ ce. , ............ ~~~ ...................... ~ ....... , Welcomed on December 8 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P . Karcher of Wocx1.land y,·a.s Muter Stephen Lawrence Kar· ch er , weighing six pounds and low mass and benedic tion at the directing the singing or carols by The January meeting will be Catholic church ot St. Jogn Vi-the vested choir. ?.irs. M. K. held at the home or Mrs. Mont· anney, Balboa Island, where the Laurie will idve a Christmas read-gomery. minister '\JI.ill be Father Arthur Ing and c hildren of the Sunday ------- seven ounces. Johnson. High mass will be con-school "ill take part in a pro-All kin<ts typeWrlter rlbbona lo •tock at the News-nmet. f To All Our Friends in the • J The Karchers are IA'l"li known ducted et 8 :30 a.m. f Harbor Area . . . J in Newport Beac h. where Mr. Confessions at both churches Karche r was former advertising 1Aill be heard Chrlstmas eve from manager for the News· Times. 3 30 t 6 d 7 30 t 9 30 • ,, .-------------1 ~ Season's Greetings l: · -~ l l f l 'l 'The bells ring out ~ :j ~. • thnr special grttt' r: ' f: 1 ;ng of JOY and hap· l ~ l • f ,, ~ For ever)' s~T in the s~y we l p1ness o r every· : hatie a Chnstrnas wish for · • Ont t h i s holiday l · .· :1 you ... tt'ishts for happiness, l, seas on. ' r: -11 health and prospmty ever• t l N E W P 0 R T C A F E J, '' lastmg . f: :J l 1 Newport Souvenir : o p.m .an : o: p.m . Children of t.he parish had a Christmas Party at Dean Bradford Home Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bradford of Balboa Bay ShoT't'S entertained with cocktails and a Christmas party at their home Friday eve- ning. Emetting the a ffair was Senile ~ailor Harry Blodge tt, neiA' secretary-treasurer of Bal- boa Yacht club (1A•hich does NOT sponsor that peculiar Snowbird organization kno\A:n as the Senile Sailing associationl. There "'er e amusing presents piled around the Christmas tT'ee for whic h g\lests drew numbers from a hat. Enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Blodgett, the Ed Frazers, !\.tr. and Mrs. Bob Boyd Jr .. Burt and Fran Russell. Bart and Janice Henderson and Bobbie and Darby ~tetcalf. l EVELYN WELDON f: ~ and Gitt Shop " 1 110 McFadden Place Newport Beach J, f 2102 o._.. Front l Corona del Mar May gram. + Rt SHOP 411 Coast Highway Corona del Mar ' Phone Harbor 419 Gifts of Distinction -{( TROPICAL IMPORTS Mahogany Bowls Handblocked Prints -{(CERAMICS Lamps Smoke Stuff Salt and Peppers Figurines Cookie Jars, Plates, Bowls -{( BAR and BARBECUE GROUPS Tom and Jerry Sets Bar Boys Wrought Steel Knives --~~~~-~---_._.J ' .. -.:1~ra~~.: .. ~ P~=t !:;r~j:g H~:~~ iiiiii~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~iiiiiiiiiiiitl was instructed by the Newport ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beach City Council on Monday ti afternoon to determine the num- ber ot parking meters to be in- stalled in the tov.rn of Corona de! JOY TO ALL 1 9 .. 6 It is good to know that ChriabnWI ia hare again .• , good to celebrate it, WI in the post, with llO many fine peop\e with whom -me happy to be a11Delat.d. in thD community, and to whom -now 8eDd. !Our Most Hearty CHRISTMAS GREETINGS NEWPORT PUBLIC MARKET C.F.LOY ·lllf 01n· PIS · Newpwi BeMll ' Mar. Until recently there has beeri opposition to the installation or the meters. Now there seems to be a majority ot sentiment in favor of them. according to word received by the councilmen. TO WISH FOil YOU LOADS OF GOOD GHIMI ..... , Ne:pc>~~Q,. ftM 1 UT C]hot1~ · Cfriettd&-· ME~RY .. CHRISf MAS\~ . . •• MAY THE TREASURE OF ACCUMULATED MEMORIES of Chrirtmoses post ond gone glodden your Christmas cele- brotion this yeor. We wish for you ol the good thin9s fc* which Christmas hos olwoys stood. .. . Theodore Robbins YOUR- . . DEALER .... o ............ rt .. 111 New;atB1adt • . . N.E WP ORT The Yuletide Season brings Joyous Greetings to all our customers and an appreciaqon for the considei:.· tions we have enjoyed during the past year. Our-Goow Wishes to you and yours. . ETS • HOKIN & GALVAI _ ............ --......... - EI.ECTRICIANS · C-0-~o Fire !lqnlpment """" ..... , ............... -,,.. for FACTOBY, PLANT, llTOBJ:, Ol'TICI:, FARM. 1101111 from us to you along with our sincere thanks for your patronage th is past year. We extend our best wishes for a Merry Christmas ---a Happy New Year. Newport Builders Supply Co. L. L. Isbell 3104 W . Central Newport H ... "'° n<:r tboac1it of CbriJtmas as a birthday~ . birtliday party that I°"' an cmr 111e , - world at oace? That ii why a.n. mu it 10 joyoa1 I E•ttybody la a • [>Utidpant in this hie. rrand. wodd· wide party. with s.ata a.a. die ~I And here •• &re. OD the E.., of . ' OiriJtmu, ,.,,ding '°" oar _, best wiJbes for a i"10aa time at tliil ."'9t Birthday %. ·CaJifornia Marine · P8t•hc •.. ,., ... ' • • • Ever bright is the star of 613ethlehem. Ever bright is our wish for you; f<Jr the most jay- ous ehristmas. • 114 W. 4th St PASADENA ~A Ph. "88 LONG BEACH • Every Sunclay tit• lolren ol Webw'a llread bring you tlte "All-Star Wealern Tltealre .. w/tlt Foy Wiiiing and ltla "aider• of tlte Purple Sop•.'' ... "A PLicc Wlicr. P"'--M.t" ' . STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orden '°SPUD~. Maiwgn-}<loPH!m ()QUIST, Owner 10'1 %1.sl Place Newpon lleacb • Before You Build or Remodel Semple wl DllplaJ s- Color guides, plan. nlng aids, cunprebem. Ive stock cA carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m -Hain St. UNTA ANA. SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY lmn CHICKEN $150 . NEW YORK CUT STEAK ..................................... -.$2.50 WHOLE BROILED LOBSTER ............................... .$2.50 with drawn butter. BROILED SWORDFISH STEAK ............................. SJ,.50 FRIED COMBINATION SEA FOOD .................. -... $1.50 FRIED SHRIMP ...... $1.50 RAINBOW TROUT.~L75 Hot Mince Pie with Brandy Sauce SoupA • Sal.U • DeMerta Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market Phones: Long Be&cb M0-79. 80%..00 and SU-OS U Ol Cout lll&'hway (Near 8ea1 Bead>) • • • Newport Fishing News • '1 I_,. Sportfishing AIPL of N'-ewonpw ... rt ... Harbor Fishing frvm Newpa t Harlxr pounds. To top the story oft bu trUly taken on the spirit at ho caught -fish on salted Olrlatmu with green and red fish bonito. being caught. The green fish are (Insert by proof rea-Ir Mr. the smelt being caught in the Linnell will bring one of those bay and off tho pien. The red crooJten o'W!r to the News· Times fish are the rock cod being caught office he can exchange it for a off the Valencia m and the beautiful copy ol Pad.fie Game Waterwltch. ~ Is no white Fishing, as soon as the SPortfish· • • • ORAFTlNG SERV~·CE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates Cluistmas to be had here, the ing scribe gets through reading r:;::::::;;;:;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::;=:=:=:=::=:=:=:=::::;::::;=::=; only thing wh.Jte Js the foam from ft, complete with apologies of said - behind the boats and where the proot reader). waves break on the beach. Spotfin croaker and smelt have D . W. King reports that for the been giving bay fishermen plenty put two days the passengen on of excitement. The upper arm or the Valencia m have been Newport Bay is the spot where averagin§ a hundn!d pounds of the good fiJhlng has been going on rock cod apiece. He also said that recently. , the fishennen were catdtlng so A black sea bus weighing ap- many fish they were leaving a Jot proximately 350 p ou nds was behind on the boat. They were brought into Newport Harbor this catching too much to take home. week caught by Jack TayJor and The boats have been fishing a Frank Windle. After the big fish little over an hour and a half was cleaned it weighed 250 from the jetty, off Huntingtoo pounds. These fishermen caueht Beach. Burt Robertson. of the it off Point Conception, u s I n g Waterwttch, reports excellent re--kingfish and smelt for bait. Very sulta. few of these fish are brought in Frank Unnell certainly believes these days. In variety to his fishing. From Boats out of Newport Harbor marlin fo apotfin croaker is quite have been bringing in big catches a step. He was out in the ba.y of mackerel, fishing for them at recently and caught three spot-night. Tons of these fish are be- fin croaker, one weighing 7%. Ing canned daily at Newport. Two Million Boys, Girls Have Jobs NEW YORK. N. Y.-Part-tlme or full ·time jobs are now held by approximately 2.000.000 boys and girls between the ages of 14 and 18. Mrs. Gertrude Folks Zimand, general secretary of the National Child Labor Committee, declared in an address here. In her annual report to the com- mittees' board of trustees she .said the current figure was still Spartfishermen have been leaving these mackerel strictly aJone, for why. is the question. Mackerer are all right. No Ban on Housing Controls WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30 -80 -llO Daya) llu!Jro'a bwlte ,.,. to come In --• cbarse .... ., ... rt .. 0... atecloo are cmip!ete with tho i.teat atylee ol. Llldlea' Fine~ N~ Advertl9ed Rll!ADY-1'0-WEAB mRRBROS c1ania ClNz, 118 WEST 'Ill 8T. PHONE HOS Store Boon: Dally fllcludlng Saturday 9:80 A. H. to 5:80 P. H. about 1.000.000 above the prewar LOS ANGELES. Dec. IS-Con-_..,.., ,,.. ___ ,,.. ___ _ level. A decline of approximately trary to widespread belief, Civil----·· . ·- 1,000,000 has. however, been regis-ian Production Administration Pus4c NOTICES tered since the 'teen-age' employ-controls on non-housing construe· ---.-"----------PueL1c NoT1cE ment peak of 1944-45. she added. tion have not been lifted, LoU.is No. 46915 _ Most of the young workers who M. Dreves, regional director here A L I A S S U M M O N S erly 70.13 feet to the point of beginnlng. have r emained on the jobs are of C. P. A. construction diVision, "'lost to the schools for good," declared. Ill the Superior Court of the State Mrs Zim d d 1 __ , Sh ed of Cal.Uornla In and For the And you are hereby notified that unless you appear and an* swer as above required. the a.aid plaintiff Will take judgement for any money or damage demanded in the complaint, as arisin& upon contract, or will apply to the Court for any other relief de- manded in the complaint. . · an ec ar......-u.. e urg Nor has the priorities system emphasis on a stay-in.school" prcr been abolished. County or Orance gr a m because "back-to-school" "HH r atings are still vli'lid and has become litt le! more than an must be honored by material sup-- empty slogan. ply houses in accordance with ceil- "'With jobs still to be had." Mrs. ingi specified in Priorities Regu- Zimand continued. "the young lation 33," Mr. Dreves reported. people who left sehool for work "Controls under Schedules A and during the war have .not returned. B of this regulation, which deals to school to any noticable degree with housing remain unchanged. and their ranks continue to be and must be ~plied with unless augmented by new school-leavers. otherwise changed by new direct- • ives from Washington, D. C. "Veterans Housing P r o g r a m Order 1 remains in· operation, and will be on the books until further notice. "Building ma teria1 suppliers are cautioned to observe reguJation r egarding sales until new direct· ives are issued by Washington, and until the liberalized housing program is outlined in greater de- tail. "The lid remainj on industrial, commercial, and institutional con· struction , with the present weekly national volume of $35,000,000 re-- maining as the yardstick for ap-- provals. Approvals are expected. to remain at this level until new directives are issued." White House Cafe MEN-WOMEN Prostate -~ -Pelvis n.,... ........... , .... .. -. pot. -... elf ~ Are ,.._ Wilil?, ,.,.,,,., .,,u ••r ... .-lqf OreosUs ......... ,..... U-!'....._., ......... . _.., IT'S YOUR GLANDS Dr. & "· ... D. 0.. ftJ'J.. 19'1' ~-..x..,,.,.._....._ ._._11Mler2'1'' 0 • Yws .. 1, c· I .. ........ •-1 •:aA.IL ...... .. • 0 F" .... nw ••• Radiophone . Prices Going Up! Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, fne.. Jeffenon-Travia I. IL.•-• Co. 1219 C<J8lt Highway &emn 5263-W . • HERBERT L . SHOEMAKER and MARIAN L. SHOEMAKER, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. J . W. PAT- TON, R. 0 . PATI'ON, T. A. PAT· TON, C.P.PATl'ON,C. P.PAT· TON, trustee, J . A. PA'ITON, MAGGIE B. CLIFl'ON, T. M. PA'ITON. MILTON A. T. MIL- LER, WILLIAM L. MILLER, EM· MA E. LAIR, MAGGIE HUM· PHREYS, and also all other per- sons ul\known claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in Plaintiffs' Complaint adverse to Plaintifts' ownership, or any cloud upon Plaintiffs' title thereto, ~ fendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEND GREETINGS: Given under my hand and the seal of the Superior Court of the County or Orange, State ot California, th ls 11th day of De- cember, 1946. B. J . SMITH i:P,erk By H. !Ji. HEAD Deputy aerk Max Horwitz atty. for Platntill 2611 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach, Calir. Pub. Dec. 17, 24. 31 ; Jan. 7, 1947. FOR SALE-USO ASSETS In one lot on ly ; USO furniture, To: J . W. Patton, R . 0 . Patton, furnishings and equipment as T. A. Patton, C. P. P atton. C. P . shown on list along Y.rith condi- Patton, Trustee, J . A. Patton tions of sale at club, 1151,.i Main Maggie B. Clifton, T . M. Patton, St., Balboa, California. Phone Milton A. T. Miller, William L . 2341-J . Call for details before Miller , Emma E. Lair, Maggie Saturday, December 28, 1946. ~~ ~~~~~nc~ ~i~~ ~;!1;rri~~~ I ;;;i:u;;;_ ~:;::;:_Dec;:::::;:'.;;~::;~;;;~_.;;;~;;:;:.~;;~::;::::.·;:. :;;,;;;::;;.:;;. ;:.:;;.., title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint to plaintiffs' owner~ ship, of any cloud U(>On plaintiffs' Want Ads title thereto): ,_ •• ·-·-----.--··- You are hereby directed to ap.. BUSINESS GUIDE 10 pear and answer the complaint FORMED Windahlelda & Hatc:b. on an action entitled as above, ,..__ d •• ~-Alao Pl b ht . t in th S l..A)Yen ma e ..., viu.:.x. ex-roug agatns you . e uper-lglau &: Lud te Sheet. for Mlle. ior Court of the sat.d County of Nu'World Productl: Company, Orange, State of Calilornia, with· 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. in l~ days after serv:ice on you Phone Huntineton Be ch 178. of this alias summons, if served on a ~tt yau within said County; or Within C 30 days, if served elsewhere. This action is brought to de- termine the adverse claims to and clouds upon the title to the real property described in the Com- plaint herein and hereinafter de- scribed by the said plaintiffs who claim that by themselves, or by themselves anfl their predecessors Mechanical Toys Electric and Mechanical Traina, Doll Bugetes, Dolla, Telesrapb Seta, Veloctpedea, Toya, Steel Wqom. ·THE TOY SHOP 208 Marine Balbc>a taland Harbor 2292-W SO.ttc in intereat, have for a long time p A I N T I N G been owners of cer_'\in r eal prop. erty situated In the County of 12 Yeuw Service in Newport Orange, State of California, and Hlrbor Area deoaibed u follows. to wit: Harry Hall That pol-tlon of Lot 63 of New· PAINTING OONTRACI'OR Port HeJghta, u per map there--Phone.- of recorded in Book 4, at page Beacon 5413 83, of nmcellaneoua Mapo, r..,. 27• E. 19th -U.do otda of aald Orange County. de-I----'-'-'-'---.....:;.:..::;; scribed u follows : Beginning at tho moat Southerly comer ot, aaJd Lot 63, and nm- nine thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of aald lot a dlstanc:e at 157.57 feet; thenc:e North-terly parallel with the Southwesterly line of aald Jot a dlatance of 7(1.13 feet; tbence SouthW<ltetJ7 parallel with the Soatheuterly line of aald lot a dlatance of 157.57 feet to the Southwesterly line at aakl lot; thenoo Southeast· Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR-- Winter Planting Hollister .Bros. NURSERY '•nclocaplna l.9598-BoUJevard Costa Mesa s ...... 5200 • SO.lie -INSURANCE- • l'DIE • l'.M:HT "STU" DUNLAP D .-A.ft. -1\'.l I I'll. Bmtiar.-..r (OID_ .. • • ' • • • • Their Pledge is Your Assurance <!_f Trustworthy Service and Merchandiae Ml0()11NTANT OJ:OB.Gll D. B.UDTT Boc>klrMplnc aad Tas 8e:n'ke 2llCD w. C-.tn.I Pb. um.J Nowport ,,_,. BOOKX~INO saavrcm Colla P. B,,,.._ (Barbor 11'4) IU K&rtM A ft.. B&1t:lo9 laI&ad &00011NTANl'll J... C. BOJTlUN AioooWlt&at and Ia.come Tax. ........ am ~·tte Rarbo.r na Nowport 8-h JOHN T. CASTLE B.N.~ &00011NT&NTS ........... -""""'"' BOOKJC:Ell::PINO smtVla Tu. CoMultut Jamu O. Pl•~ 1111 N.-wport BIYd. Collt& JIMa Phone BMcon 6156--.J ~BTS KEWPORT BAT SXT BARBOR ()nt iaUe Weilt Of COit& 1'ua OD 19th .ir.et. eo.t& KU& -ft.T- lml:NctlOD -81.l .. CbM'ter s.me1 &NTIQUEll BOB 'M DtC'.lt .UUqu. Boudlt a.Dd 8oJd PDrce1alne. oi.... 911..,., ~ and """''""' I04'\i W. Central Barbor 2'1'10 ,..,.,,.... - AUTO :aEP A.DI 008TA X&SA. BOOT WORD Auto Pabtiq' Omaplet. BodJ' ~ -At ~ Prtlo--- Newport BJ'fd. &.l w&bnrt a. _ ....... AUTO JtEPAIB SERVICE N&WPORT AUTO WOJlD ~Bour ~ SentCll -a...ral -Earl YJtc.beua. PTOPritllor -PbonM I>&)'. Har. 100: Ni.tit. ..._ ll0-1l 1" tot.b BL. at Caul Bl'f'd. Newpoct a.ch. caut. AUTO S1JPPLIE8 NEWPORT -B.&.I:IK>A. AUTO SOPPLY Bchwt&ul Blcycl• Glaoa W . Coak)e ncs w . eentni PbolM na Newport s.ch. C&llt. Bl:AUTY SALONS CH.U\LOTl'l:8 BK.AUTT SHOP Lot. Ott Pvm.anet ~·.. • Specl&lty IOt 8t&le Wah.-&7 Corona dal Mar Pboat H&rbor lUI BIOYOU:S BICYCLES Bold. ~ted or Rep&l.r-.d VOOEL'I 100 Kain St.. Balboa .. lr&rtm Balboa hl&a4 80.u' B'OJLDD8 a llEPADlll ~ ao.t Wor'D il TnM ol. Boal BUiM'• --PUaths end Motor Waft ..... aDd Doon .... to Order Cll ODMt. ~..,.y --... •·&a~···= --c..t ..,.. ,..._ T rm .. BOAT DMI.QS DOUGLAS BOAT 6 CA.NO• 00. K&m:lfaetwww and Dt.t.nbu.ton ot' Bkltt.t. Paddle llo&rd#, Taebt T-4.en 2811 W . Central A ft. Pb. Bar. JIN Ne-.port Beech. C&llL OABINm SBOP GORDAN 8. FINDLAY ~SHOP C'Ulltma llade Oahlaet. fl:f1 30th st. Barbor 2SIS+J' .. ._.. - OIULDBEN'8 APPAREL TH.II BOBBY 811.0P Bob and Sally Bro~ 711 E. Central Aft. Balboa Harbor 1168-W OBILDBDMI APP••n. m. JACK J: JlLL CbDdren'• and Waal"s Oot.hina Up to 8 for Bon &D4 14 for G!N 17&1~ NeWJ)Ol"t BIYd. eo.ta K- ClDBOPRACTOR DR. P. A. CB•MBERLA.m hlmer-Carnr Tw.bntque -Electrotherapy- BOJ4E CALLS IN HARBOR A.REA 1944 Newport Bl'fd. Coat& Keu Beacon UIS OLEANEBS . THll LIDO CLEANERS Albert K&tthe••· Owner ~lty C!eanlq' lien1cm You CU Tru.t U• With TCNt nAYt Garment.a -Dellftl")' Blnto.-- '58 Newport BJnt. Beacoa 5711-J' OONTRACTOR, BLDG. II OE..'<. DUTCH HEACOCK ~era! Contractor and Sapeniatoa Cabinet and Shop Rent.a.I Equipment Phone ro2 Balboa t.ian.4 s.20 Balboa St., Coat& Kea OONTRACTOR JACK HERNDON G.a. 8uperiJltendan.t-Boat Bu.J.lder JOS CRANI: rn Cbarct; or Coner.le Work D I:. 001..ZllAN Gcel'al Contractor-Boat BQ!lder Ka.l.n omcm Pb.oae BMcoo IU1 Newport A"-A 11th 8t. eo.ta llM9 OONTBAC'l'OB CORSON 6 RAT CO. a.....ral Contnctors V et•ra.na. JNlldl.q' for V etuu.e 126 Coral A"-Jla.rbor If.CT.ft Balboa Ialand OONTRAC'l'ORS, Blq. a 0...1 G.R.EENLE.U' 6 WOLDl!NBSRG Geaent.I Contnctors 2!X W. Centn.l An., Tel. Bar. 251'0 Newport-BeJboe.. caJUernia OONTRACTORS, Blq. II 0..1 W . P. MEALEY Ge.oeral Contractor 2-"&5 Rubor BIT'd. Beacon MD-K Co.ta lleaa OONTBACTORS. Bid&'. a Gea1 OONRAD SHOOK Oontnctor 6 Bulldv OONTRACTOBS, bd.,._ a 0...1 SOUTH COAST OONBl'. 00. Iadu.tr!al A GeDenJ ODutnlcUoll v-.nn s-•etq w il.Tl:R B. JDLLO'M" Ill ec.a BITC!.. 'Butlor nt ""'-... - OOND&CTOU-P&DITING ' R. a. XC"DON.ALI> ~~~ State Lba..d CRAP'• C. nPPS ~ 0 c CWltttd:or m tM ~ Ana .... y..,. ..... ... ---· -----=-wu -· COlll. ~~r:crp~ 0oouu &Dd we.m.. • 9pedalt7 ~ FouD.talJl 8en1crt IOI ~ A.Ye. JWboa i.ie .......,,.,. ELIWl'BIOAL DLB8. II SJ:BV. BAT ZLJCCrRIC RewtndlDS ud Rebulldtns lloton A: General.on Ko<on &D.d Genen.t.on for 8ale :!Its w. ee.ntnI •"-· B.ar. 1m-w FISH BAT SIDI: J'1SH lU.1l JC!:T 0&111 Dellnry of rr.ti rtab Shell J'lab • Sea :rood Specl.al Uu 21th 9t. A lA!e:ret~ Ne.-port Bee.ch Harbor 416 FISH MARB1!:T8 Bu&. Phone 925 rR.A.NK SU'M'OR.A Wboleaale And Relall P'lab K&n.et Beer, Wlne and Llquon 2Ut P1ace N...-port 8-c.b. Calif. omCE SlJPPLIES OOMMERClAL PRINTING ~'"!:WPORT HARBOR PUBLlSRU\"G COKPANT !Clll W. Centnl A•~nue Pbooe Harbor 13 FURNITURE Furniture of Quality A Economy Home 1'urnlAhl o1s DK Ne~n Blvd. Coeta Meu Beacon 5-038 GARAGE II MAOHUO: SHOP VlRG'S GA.RAGE Complete Auto A Boat R.eo&lrtns TEXACO PRODUCTS -Weldi.ns- 2406 W , Centn.J. ll&rWr 1144-W Newport 8-cb ORO<JEB.D:S AND MABKET8 COTrLE"B EAST NZWPORT lURIClOT Complete 7'ood. K&rket 0rooe.r1.._.w: ... ~vcec.abl• 5()1 W . C.atnl Br.JOO. -lll OBOClZRJES AND MABllrl'!I NEWPORT PUBLIC IU.Rla:T J'relh l'rult.-Ve~bl• Quality oroeenea ud K•b C. F . LOY, Prop. Phone llJ 2111 OcMD J"roD.t Newport BMch GROCERIES AND MARKETS TKIC WAVES GROCERY Ope.n Sunda.y--Cl.oeed Tbunday II &.m. to 7 p.m.. Comple-te UJM of Grocerl• Plenty or Beer 1GOO Cout a.,,,.. -Harbor 125.2-J HOTELS ISLAND ROOXS AND .t.l' .utTJ<ENTS ll.. C. ud Gl'&(e NMh m A.cat• ~~ 8-lbo& tale -~• DS-W OU!IE~ 4.L'B H~:moow Oorn,plete BCIU99 O••'ns .....,_ lbdOdlnC" Wlndow"a. ~ JD\chm ~ ,.... ............ ,.... ., The !Ualto Barbor sn-.J N..._. ,,_,. icz OOJCP&NIES BAT VIZW JCS CO. Cubel -Blocb ~, .. 11'12 Newport Blft. B.aaa lln """'" .... ' II I • IL S. AllvtM -~ w...-1"""7 RQert.W. • ,......,., ~ llf 12:ad SL N8Wl)Ol't Bee.ell ,.,,.... :mT-1 .JEWELEllS Q-RlO SHOPPE Watch--Sterll.na SllY$r-Gltta Of All Kln<U 206 K ILln Bal boo Harbor 2261 LIQUOR STORES KESA LIQUOR BBOP SelecUon of Cbotee Llquorw WION &Dd 8een DALLAS PA.I.KER. OwlM!' 17fMI Newport BJ.,.d •• Coft& JtMa Bea.con 6011 LUMBER WARD AND HARRINGTON LUlil'.BltR 00. Lumber J: Bulldlnl lb.te:rl.at.. Bay District Ta.rd Pb. Bqcoc 5111 618 Coaat RJcbway, At the Al"chee MAORDiE SHOPS SAMPSON IUCHIN!: WOR.K:S Ua:bt and Hea.,.y K&cbiDe Work Specl&llatna: In Karl.De • Boat SUpplle. llkM Newport Bl'f'd. Be&oon 6801 MARINE ENGINES su n..usa A clu.nlns M"1ee tor &II aa.Jt W&ter coo19d enctnM. Ren• .. the cooliD.1 atttcle.ncy. Ce.11 for Mtimat.ee. THE Sl!ABOARD EQUIP. CO. 1300 Cou< HI .. .,., Beoeon &Ul Re-pruenuns G"n.y Kartn~nl J(oton Dl..U-Kercury HEBC1lANT PATBOL 8.ERVICZ BEA.CB CITY llCERCBANT PATROL ao:i'At.l .IZJNG ~A &&.TD lndwitrl&J and Decorat1" Met•ll•tnc Weldlns Spectall.tll IOI JDth llt. B&tbot 2509 Newport BMcb. MOORING SERVICE C. R. ST&JT K oort.n.p tut.ailed and ~ Boun Painted and Lettered Beaeon 5148 or R.arboT' 1-..R F or Prompt Serrlee MOVING II STORAGE BALBOA TR..l.NS:J"l:R 00. ~­BOA.T KOVING 1601 W. Central NUBllEBI' SOBOOLS B.4L-I8Lll NUR8&1\T 8CBOOL 117 11.artJN Aft. Barbor '744-R P. 0.. Bo:a •• Be.lbaa lalu4 OPTOID:l'IWIT8 ---ntNW8T T. BO t l&ltWOBTB.. 0 . D. -111t W. C..tnJ Newport B..c:lli Barbor till ' P&DITING a DIXlOILU'llfG R. It. A.NDCR80M OOlfTll.&Cl'OB Paa.ilias A Wat.~ CALL D.i.CON ~ Pn FOOD a ll1JPl'UD a. Ow OMJJ'tfe UM Oil 8upplM ... 1'..,. CATS AlQ) DOG8 ~ -u.e Jlit w -Pft •"'"J3.. - • PBOTOOBAPllESll RlClfARD Bm..T PBOTOOR4PBZR DtatiQct.J" Portra.lture 208 x.rtoe .A.ft. Balboa l8le .......... PRl'SIOI&NS a 8UBOEON8 A. V. ANDREWS. K. D. Ul Ooul Hi.tiiway Harbor GM Coron.a del Ku Nldl.t C&Jt. -H&rbor m&.J PHYSICIANS a SURGEONS J'OKN K. C. CHUNG, IL D. PhnJclan e.nd Surreon J.-4 , 7-l:JO and by Appoint.meat Be.aeon I0'15 lXJ I:. lftb St. eo.ta )(eu., C&l1f.. PHYSIOIANS II SURGEONS A.. G . HUGHr.a. K.. D. 1785 Newport Bl'f'd. lklaooa. 6861 Realdence Beacon 5m Coala K ... PHYSICIANS II SURGEONS DR. W. T. MOONEY X Ray Sen-lea Ninth and Central N•wport Beach. caJ., Call Har. f8 PHYSIClANS 11 SURGEONS G. N . Pli.BE, K.. D . Con.ultatlon Dtacnoat- Houra by Appointment 1'11 Pacific Dr. Corona del Ku H&rbor 2191-.J PHYSIClANS II SUROWNS GERALD RAUSA. JI.. D. 2SM> W. Omtnl A••· N9TJ>Ol't Bcb. Phone Barbor' 1028 PIANO TEACHER G. V. LIN~NB..\RD Tu.cher of Plano It Hannoa.y l6JI OoMn J'l'oat Bvbor' UU-W Newport BMc:h PLUMBING a Rll:ATING H. H. HOLBROOK UOO Cout BITd.. Newport Be.a.ch Pbom Harbor 1'13-W POULTRI' PRODUCTS TWIN CITY POULTRY K.A.RDT Un PoullrJ' and Rabblte ielO W. Oe.ntra.1 An .. Newport Bch. Phoae Harbor llM RAllBJTBI' "'IUP'' LONG'S li.BBITRT Rabbit.a DteeMd Dally -Per Tour Ordel"- Pboa• Orden Aocepled Cor. ot 16th .and TuU.ll. :e..coa. 1111 a&DIO RAl.J'.8 A SEBVIOZ Immed.l..at• Dell...,. oa IWtne R&4tote1.epb0.. and.._. .... I . X.. BROWM COMP.ANT Beaeoo lm-W lJlJ Oout 111-W'Q 11.ADIO BAI ft A SJ:BVIOS &o.a. BA.D~'SL8C'TIUC 1SLAND R9CORD IHOP Popular Kabl HolDI A Aata a.db OompiN U.. Of Bec:oc-d8 IOO K.artnie An... Butler TIO ...._ ....... MDIO urp a mvKm TllOlUaT -•..,o = b .,. I 1 -== t:•::;i,. .... & i..... ...... a-MHI .... ,--. c.m. • •E4 L ESTATE IU.RBO:R INVSS"DIZNT <X>. ...., .... SpeclelW ta Barbor Plvpe:rt!• Bu•0 -and :e.16Utal ..... at w. Oantnl ............ -PbmMI llarbor llOCJ..llO'l REAL l'JSTATI!: H. ll. LANI: RliLTOR Watertront property wilb mooring. 2 BR home In Costa Kesa. Cloee In. Good bids. •lte In Corona del Ku. Property l.n Santa An.a In uchange for Newport or Balboa. tool Court ... ...... &.arbor "' RJl!AJ. ESTATE I J. ll. MUJ.Q REAI.JI'OR 15th and Cent.raJ H.a1'bor UQ Newport s.cb. RY:.AJ. ESTATE WILLI.All W. B.ANrORD Realtor and General I'Dllu.ranoe 1: GERTRUDE A.. W .ALDRON S08 Jl&rlne A't'e. B&lboe. Isle H&rbol' 284-R REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION Sale.a I& Ben1oe Domeet.Jc Commercial NEWPORT Et.EC. APPLI..A.Ncm -Radl<>- 2806 Coe.at Bl•d. Pb. 21.SS Ne"'l>Ort Beach. CaJU. RESTAURANTS 11 OAFES BLUE ROOK Charcoal Broiled Ste.ab, :nne J'ood.ii Cockt.al.1- "RUSS" SWEETSER at the Orp.n B Palm. Balboa -Barbor m4i RESTAURANTS T'HB DOLL HOUBll of Balboa 0J>en the Tear .ol.rouD4 '11 &.. Central ...... Harbor 2110 Rl'JSTAUJLUITS a O~ KINGS L.4.NDING 6 CU'll 8pedaUstn• ta all .K1D4a ol. -J'ood W 1i.t. Newport s.cb. U.......llN LA. POST.A. ' Delidoul Xn:tcan rooct. 2588 Newport B1Td. ~ M'1 Coat.a ·- Rl:STAUJLUITS a CAFEll NEWPORT C0'1ll Bpactal!!dl!S lD. J"&mlly Trad.L Good Old Home Cookin1 UO.Kchdd.a. PL Barbor J.lm..W BJ:llTAUBANTS a OAFES NORTON'S BAT BHORll CU'll 11th St. and Caul Hwy. Be.a. na ....._. -C&Wond& wm t • a P.l.RZ: AVW c.&n •nQMt Roca A.ftllahle ........ .. -- 413 " ls+ 'HO ' -"· c.tnl ..... -Pzn. U11 SJ:BVIOS STATIONS tBL.A.ND SBW.J. 9TA.TIOH n....-Lu.briaatioD-~ w __ ..,,._,.. W'hMtJ. Jlal enoe 221 Karbae. A.,.. Banor 1111--W B&lboo ....... SEIE&'t METAL GZNERAL WWW IOTA.I. WJCB. Sheet !J'\m..-,••i~.:;•de Induslrlal- Guuer and .Down Spoqt:e 2801 Villa w., Newport 8-cb. 1511-.Z SIGNS BENEDICT THE SIGN K.t.N JO Teen In U.. Barbor A.r9. S-1allsin& .. Gold .._, ~ lf&U Lettertna". Wllld.ow IAttarbai 'Pe.rl'.cUon or mi.·· U7 Nan:t..u. Aft. He.rt>u' 11 Corona de.I Kar SIGNS L. W. PIERCE ~ 1n Slpe u y_,. lD. Oran.p Oomlt7 LlOf&med State Coa.tnctor Bea.con 51U-.T eo.ta .... SIGNS TOK RUNKl&-SIGNS ~BoatelAt~ Harbor m2 I07 Palm Ba.Ibo&. Ollltoruta SPORTSWEAR 8.l WYER SPORT SHOP Ken .and BoT• SporUwear Complete UDe of Babadaebry 207 1l&rUle An. Balboa Iele Harbor 678 STOOKS & BONDS LlllBT&R A CO. Member Loa ........ Bt.aelt -.... W. Oantnl i. .... N.,._. :acli. -r.t. ll&rtlol' D1""'3" DEAN W . CA.KPBSLL H...tOOcJ£'.. w.n~= at.. Loe Ancel• ll - TAOllLll 8TOBU NllWPORT TAC1!Cl.a 8'l'OU ........... TAXI SEBVIOS Bil.BOA. CiftCLl:I T.AXl Ben1na the N.-.pon ~ £na 24-Baul' Rell&ble ~ 160J.. w . Ce.atnJ ... ,.... Bar. ao ,...._. - TAXI P'b.Ollill BMooD. il:M NEWPORT -COSTA. 1Dl!l.A. TAXI CO. .t.pnt Banta. ... TnJ.l1"Q8 909 Cout HisbW"a.7 UPBOLSTEBING CLAUDE A. J'OBNBON TalloredU~ Your Penocal Aatt.,_.loD o.wu- ..., Newport BIYd. BeL WT-W TBS lllUD9 8BOP .U:toTWClen Blm4ll Woocl w il"n'- 211 JOOa BL Barber i.n.W .. __._ \'lCKBTIAN llLINDll 8010'IH OOA.8T VDaTLUf BLIND 00. 41na1NL ll:eel Waod Pan ·•• s ;p.n:. ..... Olll 6:lr .,.. .. , ,. w ... ,.... ... ..._.,._ -.,... er.ca -- 0 B.UIDl' AID>I' ... .. ~ 10·--........ , .... .,. ............ ~ ..... . • • ...... RIGHT GUIDE TWe wk+• ................ eftlelal VA a.wt!r9 .. v .... ..., restJm.._t JI•'' s -~·· J.IOIP& G-Hll S.: ~. iM A-solM 111. / • PENSION, •ccordlnc to It> - qe In f.-at law, is-the - i-ld to a ""teran by the so- ment for non-service ~ dilabllldes o.r disease, or t ta• money paid to his qualified - fldarleo after his death, Pension rates for veterans' ~ owa: World War I and Il, $12.CIO per month; Spanish-AmorlciA War, Philippine Instlf"'C'tlon. and Bour Rebellion (must ha"' - married to veteran prior to J- uary 1, 1938> $36.00 per month If unc1er 65 yean of age, M&OO If more than 65, and $60.00 If veter- an'• Wife during his war ~ Additional amoun" for -• • children. COMPENSATION ls the.....,.., paid by the government to a ~ eran for service-connected ~ billty or disease, and to th equaJlo, tied depe'.ndenU or a veteran with a service-connected d Is ab l ll't 1 after his death. Compensation rates for wtdoWI• World Wan I and ll. Spanilb- Amerlcan War, Boxer RebellklD. Philippine Insurrection, $60.00 ,_ month. Peacetime service, US.80. Additional amounts for chlldreft. REGULATIONS regarding _. slons and compensation fer befte. fidartes which apply in all -: 1. Widows and children are not required to prove dependency to obWn compensation or penaicmL. Parents are required to submit such proof. 2. No remarried widow ta en- titled to 'pension or compenaa.Uon regardless of the cause of the veteran's death. Subsequent mar- riages cancel all pension or com-- pensation entitlements except in the case of the widow ot a Spanish-American War veteran. 3. Widows must affirm constant cohabitation with husband.·veteran in order to obtain either compen- sation or pension. Amicable lltP- aratio'ns or separations due to the wilful misconduct of the h1A- band are the only exceptions. 4. Divorced '-'ife ot veteran, tt-- gardlelf ot the circumstancel ot. the divorce, i:s not entiUed to pension or compensation.. 5. Minor children of a veteran. if otherwise eligible, are not af. fected in their compensation Ol' pension entitlements because of the divorce of their parent:a. or remarriage of mother. 6. Pensiorui (not compenaatlon) are subject to income llmJtationl based on the anticipated calendar year income of each eligible bene- ficiary. Incomes in ex:cesa of"Jegal 11mltations one year do not pro- lllblt entitlement the next 7. Income of widow hu no bear- ing on pension entitlements of children. Income limitationl are applied to each beneficiary Indi- vidually. ' 8. Possession at real estate doel not neceuartly prohibit benefld. arles from receiving l"""lon. Qo\7- ernment life insurance ii not con. aldered In estimating L>carod. 9. Dependent parents ot veteran who died from a service CDlllleCted diaablllty or di.seue are entitled to apply for compenaatlOn. 1. Common law rmrriaae may be accepted u balls far penalon or compensation if this marriqe status was in one of the stats ln the United States whlch ac- cepted it u legal. Frost Bites s.u Def-. ST. PAUL -0 Self delenae," ruled the judge. The case before him wu C. J . Kastner's Norwes1&n Elkhound, "Jet," and Kastner's bull terrltt, ''Tiny," had got lnto a a .crap . "Tiny" landed In the dog hospital • Judge John L. Rounda ruled In the deftmdant's favor after wit, nesses testltled that 'f"J1.ny" wu the agressor. M.. Evicta Dae OMAHA, Nebr.-A dog, evi~ from hb: kennel at the rear of a downtown building by a man who left home aft.Jo a famlly q11a?ft1 howled loud and long. • Police came In ...,_ to ccm- plalnta and found the man u1eep In the dochoule. "I "'1lstled, the dog came out and I moved In." the Intruder told the olflcers. Police put the dog back In the kennel and took the man to jail for a nlJht'1 lodaln&. ... ._.._ The -C&\lled by Roger Bab- -·· propooed bomb.haven Utopia Qillege In Ell!'eb. Kan. bun't rolled the blood -..... .;, Edwin T. Wood, edllor·Upbllaber at the weeklY ~·&.raid. In a •tary In thlO -· edltloll Ecl!tor Wood -thlr question: "II Eureka really the aafeat ~ In the C011111l7 or luat the dull· att" ~ Rn11 r--. es,, The dty fellow -......... the &eneral Wild ltate <II _.... -nobod:f PQlns Wjlll • -dent ol a -.n c.p. Coll -. Tbe old -•""--··· ... U-..... ii "Nomr I~ llolll with Ill 11-t -..... r.. -modolt•~to--.-·n. I -llaflS .r-,. ' • ' . . • -- NllWPOllT BA' .,A • e I RJ8JI! NEWS-TIMES TO REMARK - - -• ....., •• , •• u .. 11 BOlf. IOBlf PIDU.IPI ?ADE •• a.ea-..~? ~u,;it7..:r;:,s2 '·1 VelWev=:': When thtl appeen In print. J'D'll' a Coocreaman al!oWd be attt11!nc 9 I 'l";."--In "4•-.-.G:ID -_. In OI-Olml;Jr In Wublnctm. D. C. That uoec1 -,_.. to 'th -; '3.oo -,._ to 8dl W to stand for Wuhlngton, Dlltrlct l:Dte9d u ~ matter at tbe flolt•""'ce ID Newport B•• wot .. ~!~. ·De, nowCon!:_~~ for -.. -tho Act at -a. 1879 ' --..-· UV~ Senator Knowland told me lhll saM D. PORTER P,1bl!"'-momlng, when I pho-1 h Im ~ ~ ~ s s s s • • Editor about a Diltrlct problem, that It pfm • .. '"' , • • '"' .A.dftirtiltnl' Mem::eer was cold In Washington and tine Plant. aOI1 W. Central A_...., Newport BMCb, c.Jl!ornla be sure to bring my red· e . Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach tho~h ~ ·~.:.::;: i!e1~:!: A "I I ble l.oc.l ............... Olw' n y..,. ing considerable heal among the • people. We might try simmering I~&. ~i Active John himself, ove~ a •low nre. The _ -......,. ~ trouble is Washington is a bi& ·-Memb« city. I think It will prove to be 7 f bigger even than Lewia. · 0 We are driving back by way of Crisis in Our Schools New Orleans, for the first time. My som tell me that lf I wa.it until I 1et there, I'll be aure to write a column on the Acadlan Country. Maybe oo, but I'Ve wanted for IOme weeks to write about the oo-called-"Iron curtain". The llJIC'el!dancy of the United States In world affairs bas not been 'accidental. Ours was the first large nation to es- tabllsh a ~tic educational system open to all through the elementary, aeo11dary, and, In some measure, bigber educational Institutions. THE NEW BOA&D OF DIB.ECTOIUI •vi -8porUIMtns ~-vi 1'1-jlort -on ..... In the meantime. Felix Morley, pletmed al tWr tint meeUac at u. Ch•mhs ot Commerce otnce s.n ........,. aJpit. ...._ rfctlt: t;o who served u president ot HaWT-left at.udla.&, are lr:rry Adalm, of tMI Nordta. Nonnaa Hacea, of Kine"• I·eA••c. llarr7 I;: ideJe, ford Collq-e for aeveral ye a r a ot tile Vt.rrtaJ.a ~~&=.!; from ri,pt to left are Pepito Peres. ot • Teuer, Glell So&m. flf during the war, an4 who now UM ~ Bun af tile Wakw"1.kllk, aad Bf* r.y, ol tile P.D.Q. Not ... ._, WM Out By virtue at public educatilln we became a mighty cita- del of economic, oodal, political, and even military sttength. Our rise to world leadership was made easy by the fact that other large nations lagged far behind us In their educational affalnl. write& and publlahea (with Frank I MeCullal!, of McQwllab BrOL l"l!l!l!II B!r(e.. HanJahen) an eztttmely Interest-, · f lU in&: little weekly bulletin called ~ Amencan way o e--a "Human Events," hu written on re~tively Cree economy .ln which the same subject. so I'm golnr to pnvate enterprise has Wlde scope borrow aome of h1a comments. He ror development-I.a In trial be-· · They Say · · callt his bulletin, "A weekly anaiy. fore ~e other nations of the "Because peace is delayed and tis for the American Otiz.en." I world. -Edward A. O'ae&I, presi-obccured we dare not disarm."-Today the situation is being reversed. Soviet Russia, with find 11 valuable. dent, American Farm Bureau Beniard M. Baruch. W1told material and human resources, bas for the first time What started my mind on the _F_ed_er_a_u_o_n_. -------- In its history emerged in our day as one of the lireat powers subject, as well u Felix', was a Kingdom, India and Egyp~ the ''To manage a buslneu succes- through the education of its people. protest by a Russian commenta-total was 48,912 receiving sets, sfully requires aa much courage tor, over the radio, that there 11 and transmitting sets to the value u that pouessed by a soldier who Great Britain \Dltil recently permitted a class educational no "wall of Ignorance and 1uo-of $48,190,688. That 1s y 0 u r goes to war. Business courage considered a sign of intelligence .... that bald men are think.en rather than doers ... Clinical evl~ dence ahow. this isn't so, that the condition results from the activity of the (endocrine) 1Iands ... " - Dr. H e rb e rt Rattner. associate professor, Northern University. structure to hinder lt:S full p~. Under her neweduca-pician" separating RUS1la from money, you know! ls the more natural because all tional Britain has d bled di f ed the rest of the world, as Mr. At-Rusaia is beaming short wave the benefts which the public has ''I want to know all about the program OU expen tures or uca-tJee had just then said. The Mos-broade&Sta to the United States in material wealth comes from marriage law ... and all about the tion. cow government, he s_aid. hu a several hours every day, in both it."--Ollarles F . Abbott. divorce laws, because I never did The United States. with its enormous wealth, spends less very good understanding of at-English and other languages, par· like to get into anything I couldn't fain abroad ticularly Yiddish. Our State De-"It ls the duty of government get out of."-From a letter wrlt- than three billion dollars or about 2 per cent of its income on That ts exactly what Americans partment also broadcasts dally. on to make it d1ffcult for people to ten by a prospective bridegroom education. In the worldwide struggle between democracy shou1d undentand. We talk abou an international circuit. do wrong, euy to do right." -to L. P . Bnx>ks, assistant attor- and communism as ways of life, the outcome will be deter-an "Iron curtain". There ls no But come back to the "glass \\1llam E. Gladstone. ney general of Kansu: • * * • insurance P• •· P•l••r ••c•••o••••• w. .. .,_., 111·--c•• cos 11tar . S333 vlo lido. •nwport beach. collf. tslephoH Hwporf beodJ, llofbot 1500 * * PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Plalll<JLlN8 a IUBGllONS, II.II mined b ed ti t b f th 'ct will be th iron curtain. Marley 1uggesta a curtain." There is nothing new, y uca on, no y orce; e Vl or e gla.u curta.Jn made of that ma-nor unique, ln this one--way street ''There seems to be widespread "Military expenditures in peace-B k k • A. V Andre M D teacher, not the soldier.' terial throuih which an insider Idea. All dictatorial governmenu dlscontenl on the part of workers time are simply premium pay. 00 eeplng ' ~ ' • To say that America is today facing a crisis is a futile un-can look out, while the outsJder take all the knowledge they can with ·o11rages, customers with prices, men ts on insurance on national Ser Vi ee can not look in. get from the outside world, and and investon \\':ith the prospects security."--Oeo C,arl Spaab.. boss all4 de.rstatement. The central and compelling symptom of our RuuJa ha 1 well-staffed em-carefully control the information for the profitable operation of of the Army Air Force. OOLIN F. BBOWN tRJBGmON educational dislntegratiqn Is the status of tee.cbing. bossies, consulates, and thousand& which goes out In return. their properties."-K. T. , Kell•• (Bul>or lN) • W ~ llllPwllF. -• of official and unofficial repr~ Hltle.r dJd tt: Munolini did it; ln •a report to ~ler Corpora-"No matter what form of con-Man. A.e., B&lbM Ill. 0-W llel Illar In the United States today the I~ standards for teach-sentatives workini all <>''er the Stalin does it. It ts a necessary tion stockholders. trot over atomic eriergy we may I!::==========~ ._ __________ _, ing certificates are very low. Only fifteen states and the Dis-world. The Rusllan radios are step for the preservation of the establish, we shall be at the mercy trlct of Columbia require college graduation for a standard powerful and carry on COMtant paternalistic or socjallstic state. "Uncle Sam doesn't allow the of those who exercise the con-J.o,..8 7.u W ~ lolm K. O. Ohmic. IL D. ching certifl te Th th thirty three stat ha propaganda. An informed people are not so old type of hospital angel to exist trol. And the truth which hu .&. ...... br t.M um..:i MWc ~ ~ aad 8maaaa tee. · ca • e 0 er -es ve The United States helped ma-easily lnfluenced by socialistic any more. Hospitals of the future been disclosed is that man is not ~' '° •• , ._. • 2 • 4: 7 -8~ standards even lower, and in some areas high school gradua· teriaJ.ly by fumllhing, throoa:h ideas. w i 11 have to be supported by good enough or wise enough. to .. ~ ~w':m:...-... and by appointment tion is sufficient preparation to meet legal teaching require-lend-lease. 4,ln receiving seta, As Morley 11.ya, "The Soviet smaller contributions.1• -Wllllam be entrusted with such knowledge -=·.....:~= ._ 111 :!:tor:mlltlt.S0?5 ..._. ts and transmitting seta to the value Government, be l n g completely B. Zbluer, president. Lenox Hill and power."-Dr. Samuel Cavert, .._ --.., o.ca ..., Clallfwma men . of $23,140,009. That was to Ruuia socialistic, hu me.rely carried the Hospital, New York. general secretary, Federal Coun-1'-----------~1 ~~---------s1 Despite low legal requirements, there are 108,000 emer-alone. art of getting without giving to cil of Churches of Christ. In ABCBl'lZOT gency ll!ache!'s who cannot meet the lowest standards In To Russia, Canada, the United Its logical extreme." "I have heard that baldness Is America. 1..-----'-------. I their respective states! A full school year has passed since In 1939 the average teacher's salary in the United States • Annand Monaco V-J Day, and we bad 29,000 more emergency teachers In lncuding classroom teachers, principals, and supeivlsors, was Does Your House 81' W~Balboa 1945-46 than we bad a year before. $1408. During the past year the average teacher's salary in Need Pa"int"ing or Cleani"ng?. -nu Men ll!achers have been reduced to only about 15 per-the nation was about $1950. m1 ••k"oo4 A ... cent of the total number. Therefore millions of American But, two things have happened to the teacher's salary. -A ~ ~·· NOl'IDOllllT NOi cblldren go all the way through elementary and high school Whereas most teachers paid little if any income tax before without having a single class ~der a man teacher. Our the war, appf'.Oximately $250 now goes for federal taxation. cblldren should have both men and women teachers at all The Sl 700 he had remaining_,was worth about 75 cents on the levels. dollar as compared with 1939 values. The exodus from the teaching profession In recent years For the year 1945-46 the estimated average teacher's sai- ls probably the most striking vocational migration in our his-ary in the United States was $1950. while the minimum for tory. AA estimated 350,000 tearchers have quit the profes-professional employees In the federal government was $2640 sion entirely since 1939. Approximately 60,000 positions and the average was $4100. have not been filled or have been closed out and the work The teacher's responsibilities to each child have Increased bas been distributed among the remaining teachers. by an expanded curriculum. A teacher must find more time The number of women in teachers colleges dropped one-for study to keep abreast of current national and world de. third from 1941 to 1943. Colleges and universities reported velopments. Record and clericai' work of the teacher has !n- No .UUng ... Work done Immediately by hldilY lkllled .Joomeymen Pslntea 1l9inl: the DI08t Diods em equipment and flDMt matertal& -A Owned and operated by World War D Veteran -king yonr penllWDt good will and ~ -A For Free l!llltlmNee Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Beaa an increase of almost 20 per cent In the nuviber of women creased as-education has become more scientific and profes-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ students from 1941 to 1945. But teachers colleges reported sional. The actual mastery of teaching procedures has Ile- a decline of almost 20 per cent In the number of women come more involved. students. The teacher's professional job Is to direct the learning of For twenty-five years before 1943 approximately 90,000 the child. There Is no more complicated task. ·The teacher women were enrolled each year as full-time students in our Is a professional expert, and his professional authority should tee.cbers colleges. In October of last year 179 teachers col-be just as fully respected as is that of the physician. Fre- leges reporting to the U. S. Office of Education could count quently, however, we find parents and school boards exer- only 51,000 women In their total enrollment. Men students clsing such control aver the work of teachers as to nullify in the tee.chers colleges In October of the first year after V-J their professional skill and discourage their professional Day were only 13,000 as compared with 39,000 In the fall of growth. l!lfl, according to a statement issued by Ralph McDonald. The root causes of our problem are (a) a lack of public executive secretary for the NEA Department of Higher Edu-recognition of the character and importance of teaching, and cation. (b) lack of public demand for good schools. The enrollment Of our colleges and universities Is now uns Great segments of the American people look upon teach- clergoing the greatest increase In history. It is estimated that ing In such a way as to make poor teaching inevitable. college enrollment may reach 2,000,000 next year, but ooly a Do people of the United States want good schools and handful Of the college students are preparing to teach. In good teachers? With a thousand voices they say they do. 1920, twenty-two per cent of all college students enrolled in Their words are In contrast with the hard. cold facts: WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~ t.eaclten colleges; In 1930, sixteen per cent and last year seven Teachers are leaving the profession; college students are ;:,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ per cent. Of the Grs enrolled In college, only a very few and sbuhning teacher preparation; tee.cblng salaries are pitifully In teacher educatiOIL low; we spend $7,000,000,000 annually on liquor as compared A survey made by the North Central Association ol Col-with less than $3,000,000,000 on education; we pay $18,000,- leges and Secondary Schools reveals that the number of col-000,000 for a peacetime army and navy, six times as much as liege students In 14 states completing preparttion to tee.ch In we pay for education ol 25,000,000 cblldren and youths. elementary school dropped In June 1946, from 10,182 in 1941 America needs good tee.chers. To get them the publlc at- to 3757, wblle the number or students completing preparation titude toward tee.cblng must change. We Deed a new phllos- for high school teaching dropped from 9327 in 1941 to 49M. ophy of school support. One major cause ol our present condition ls the teacher's Human resources qe the gree.test asset of. any nation. lllllarY· A recent article in the Reader's Digest was entitled Our country cannot afford to neglect the dewlopment of '"l'eadler's Pay-A National Disgrace." It is that, and worse. tbe9e re90W'ceS. 'The teacher Is the key to their develoixnent. MODERN MARINE SERVICE SHE·LL DOCK Balloa Island ' • E. J. (B•d) Jacki I• ~ CEMEIT WORK FlapCone Work • Cement Block .Fenees noa ~ • •r_,. . ._ .... O.tU 1111-a .._ ....... ,.. • ' • We Are B1lldlng 11lose Hard-to-Get SASH AND DO.ORS . to Order All Types of Boat Repairs . Sterling Boat Works 111101..a~ Nna,.tB • ft•1 Bns•-, • DAY liCBOOL Mortimer School IOI Ooral B.Jboa bland DAY IKJBOOL OPl:NI oar l Qndeo: OolL Pnp.. AnD7 0. ~·Mo-, M. A.. Odon! ~ --- DENTISTS Dr. Obed IAlcas DENTIST not!S w. Control. -1'80 Nl:WPO&T BEA.OB DB. GORDON I:. B4PP DENTIST 1811 Woot OonCnl -Bul>orUl-1 N~ CJ,tn.ton Campbell Jlmmenon Dentist 1801 (lout l_llsll"&7 Barborn%0 Ooroaa del ll&r Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelva the Better Saft "" s. •lnoi OU.. -flriwi Biii!• llll Oailta .._ On"'w• Veda ThODlJlllOD Teadter of Plano . andOrgan l'llllM .._ llDt I Dr. W. T. MGOU,J ft;pA#s•..aLJM ._. ... c 7111 ......... _....... ...... . Dr. Marvin J. Beliz ..., .. , I .. 111 I oaea1j '!" .. w. c 'pel ._.._ ........ Gordon K. GnmdJr, K. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGBCfi Balboe. Inn Arcade omoe Hra.: tl).12 a.m.; S45 p.m. Awne Harber 37 llllton lll. )lanreU. 11. D. HOI OoM& mw., Ool-. dol - Offlce Hours: 10-12; 2·5 --··- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 8lf Bay Ave., Ban.o. llaltlor17U Ml a. 'em 8&.. Li» ....... TUMer ,IU By Appointmant T. P. 8-ler, K. D. Wm. L. Spivey, IL D. PIQ'll:'·m ...S Smaw -w. OonCnl Oftlco: Barbor IOS BMldeace Harbor 11fi&.J llUJIVEYOBI Raub & Bennett ... ,:aoww _.. Drs' .. IM NewpwUll..._ -- '7'11••• ••••• _.. .. 111.TW.O 11 .. Rewpwt._.. S's'11' .,,.._ di IC. T. Mte:wwU.. O. D. Ost nak ... sm n•wuao • 111rv 1 DIJl'l.IO&m .._.l!A-'S 'I &116 ................. _. -·•=:; .... . Robert A. Cftwfclli Op&. JI. wwww• 1 .,_ • ' •~ -G'sarr 1"11 I Ila_. •ward•* al ----·- ltiDmt ·BLAND Colllot -T • F • I •>Jt , • a.uu 18' ' 's at Pt "' ·t k J A-. o. ,, ... - ' • • • WW WWW Dea •• Want Ads DIPLOYWLNT WAiil'.A» • MEii llQICJDJ .•xaoua ... ••t;..... ., ............ WANTED--~ ar child'a BOYS" 26" bicycle, sood ccndltlon J'OR YOUR NEW Blcb' Vorlne WANTED-Baua fer ,,..t. WW AfT ar svi11.1:. HOUSE -FIRST TIME O™ouoe catt by ,.,._ white W'OUWI; $2:5.00. -1.974. 5-ltc ~ ar ~ -·"Jim" Van poy -"• -t In advance. Om by -&D4 wlle. We do -on lot 45xl.18 6 months olcL One G. I. LOOK-Imm•..,. (Continued from Page 8) days only. Write llo:x "M" c/o FOR SAL&--!l boys' blcycla. Flfft. hctory cllotrlbutor. 3311 II"" referenoeL Write Bol: 1, -er -· no dllldnn ar block to ·ocean. spedal featiJrft, Ilion. For ao1e by ...,_, N...s-'nmea. 98-2tp Harl>or :21JC8.W ' gs,~ Finley :ilwe., N-pu<t BMd>. c/o N..,._nmea_ 97~t;p pets. ...._ SU.la Jina 0991-W beautlfUJ garden. S • e at 308 rcoms Just decora181L Om llt1llINW G'OIDll: it · ~ now far mid-win-de-or write Bos-x" l'IM-t Bal--tta Ave. SbowD by ~ on extra --.i OD !5Qs1!!CI =::-====~,....,,=-,_:..; CARPENTER and jobblns ...,,t. FOR SAL&-Partable bar com-llwry u ~ are sure to WANTED--'Ibree-bedroom bouoe boa N-.'I'lm& IT-tfc polntment $18,000. Pl>cae owner Clooe In eut side, a.ta FOR CARPENTER 'IW:hu!:--CaD ed; lmdde ar outside. If you haw pletely ulpped· 3 white kit-odvance. 8&-tfc for winter ental or one yur Tenninal 30213 San Pedro or Very reuooable, aloo - Ill. Brinkman, 523 W-<'entral. materials. :i.-Gel4ux, UT chen ~ Ja4ifa wool cabor leue. Rderencea can be 11v= wger, --...n " write Box 153 Corona de! Mar. Harbor 1243-R. Phone Harbor 1831. 984tc '6th St., Newport lleadL 96-6tp dine ault. 12-H· man'• areY •ul~ 11111110AL • UDIO " cOn. collect, Citrus 33831. 9').lfc 99-2tp PIANO TUNING an<!~ WILL MAKE doll clothes any 38 short. Mak~ otter. 414 Old RADIO HOUSE CALLS-WANT TO RENT-.2 at a-~i!t~~,;::,=.:-r.;,.: ----------~---~------~ :I. B. Brvwn. Write Bo:x 11311, time before Xmas. Bring JOllr C<Junty Road. Costa Mesa. Bea-N-that ..idltlonal _. --. Will i..:: at Blvd., aoo4 1oeallDUf .. IJ>. Rt. 1, 388 ~. Coats own material Also care for am ~-Ill. 98-~ tent tecbnlclana ere avallable. M-. · 78-lfc children. Phone 511$-R. 700 ,...ereabletomakeoerv!cec:alll C.USamParterat-107 «me.Ownor.Ph.H-21»-W. FIREWoon _000 ~ ---Hellotrope Ave .. Corona de! Mer YEN!:I'lAN ~ an Jarp coaaoi... All work or 13. :.lfe 15-ltr .,......,._ ~ r~ 97 ttc -. -cau,. tor --suaranttte1. G S Santa Ana &m-R. 9().lfc -• mato. -•atlon A ,..,. .. ' 'lftc HENRY W. BRAINERD S E A S 0 N ' S G R E E T I N ' CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractors Complete Building Service -PHONES-- ll:llPLOTIDNT OP.-..m> • So. 0>Mt V-llllad 0... N"' Owner S.0.S. Radio BEAUTY SH 0 P MANAGER -Woot IBtb &D4 Ne0>14t A-300 Marine"""' Harber 'l80 Operator wanted. Comm!Dlon a.ta Mela. I'll: 1lHam 5782-W. 11-Ue and ~tee Phone Beacon ....,t Radio Repairs 58J7. 99-2tp WANTED-Woman housecleaner 1 day w .. kly. 4 rooms, kitchen- ette and 2 &bowen; modeTn. 702 Poinsettia Ave. Car. 4th, C.D.M., Harbor 2549-W. 99-3tc nre pt..,_ and Jtlndllag All makn; blboa. - W 0 0 D Beacon 6768 · ~ BURT NORTON ~ B:a~6 915 Caul BllbOPOI. N'.,wn-:u.,- 178« IJlewmt m..i. a.u. /--=-----------/ Harbor ~W WOMAN to do wuhlng for small -----'~-------Electric and Fire Harbor 2447-R tamny. Phone Harbor t~. COMPLETE Equipment Tests BALBOA OFFICE From OFFICE ~ND STAFF of JOHN E. SADLEIR Real El>tate and Insurance ' <X>RONA DEL MAR 'OFFIC!E 1!7-lfc 98-4tc ---------HOUSE CLEANING AU Qualified Penonnel Ross Greeley, Realtor CESS POO~ and WOMAN to work 3 or 4 boon • SERVICE co.,_, PyTen<" Foam rdll1I. John E. Sadlelr, Realtor and Real Emate CEPTIC TANKS Xmas. atternoon. Good pay. 00o n-s -and Portab!.. Insurance Harbo< 1567-M. 98-2tc Free Estimates now aYall&ble. John Wallace, Realtor John E, Sadleir, Re&Jtor and Notary Public Installed Anywhere In Orange C<Junty w ANTED-Ceneul help !or Cor-ETS HOKIN It GALV A1'1 Josephine Wl!bb, Broker ona de! Mar Grammar &hool IOtchm and Wall Wuhln& 1000 COut IDsbway Monte R. Grimes, InsW'8Jlce Stanley Smith, Broker 1505 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar, Calif. Contract Drllllng Sewer Connectiol\, Cafeterja. Phone Harbor 2100. Floor Cleanln& and Wulna Ph. Beacon 5407 , 91-lfc and Notary Public 9&-4tc Window Cleaning C&ulldntr (All Work GWU'anteed) Full Insurance Canied ----=---.,..------/ Palntlns DANZ-SCHMIDT 302 Main St., Balboa, Calif. WANTED--Offlce &SSlstant. male PIANO CO. Phone Harbor 2034 Phone Harbor 741 99-ltc or femaJe. Must write short-All Work Gi.&arantffd J. R. McCORMICK Harbor 379.J 340 Victoria St. Costa Mesa &aeon 5069--J 520 No. Main SL Santa Ana ZENl'n! console, 7 tubes.. attrac- tive cabinet. Perfect cond. Low price. 928 W. Myrtle. ---------------------- 93-lfc hand and be good typi.t and have experience at bookkeeping. Permanent position. &ood salary. Dave Wilson. 902 Main, Hunt- ington Beach. Phone 159. 97-tfc Al's House & Window Cleaning Senrice BABY &Tand. High &Tade make. -. .• --Uled. Now only $485. Terms. ----· -- 86-lfc STEINWAY &Tand. atyle B. Th• ---,,. ,,_ .................... _ RADIO SALES It SERVICE Specializing In repalring. TRONART, INC. WELL PAID JOBS with ----.. --_W_ANTl!:D ___ TO_B_UY _____ n world'• moot wonderful piano. U~ Save one-third DOW from Will Pay Cash new today's price. ' Radio, electron.lea, aound--Salet and ...-vice-marine and dome&tlc. Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, 79-tfc For J011r fumlture or what have GOOD uaed practice piano. Only ~%;~ney ~:Co G~ ~=-ren~eber. Stein-RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT co. for Young Women as · way, Kimball. Raworth. Mehlln A R. EBRITE J w DOAK Real Futures ~~~~~-----. .. MET. CLAD PRODUCTS Telephone Operators _________ n-_tt_c $118:1 up. Clyde B. Doak W : C. Gabbard George Everson -by-FURNITURE Jl'OB SALE n REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr-1936 Newport Blvd. 1435 Coast 1-llway CLARK It BATES --FO~R~S~A~LE ____ B_u_n~k-bed--st-ea-,.d. ror piano. A beauty. Full rich Costa Mesa Corona de! Mar Metalllzln& 111 """'' ccmmunltl .. beglnnmi ,.... Ivory color. $9.00 1320 Cliff Dr. tone. Now only $290. Tenm. Beacon 5857-W Harbor 1271 ce1ve bue pay of 130 fM a ftve Newport Heighu. 99-tfc GORGEOUS new styled upbollt- Weldlntr Spedallst. day week, with extra pay !or over-ored piano with mhToT aplnet S06 30th St. _ Harbor 2509 time or duty at certain houn ot FOR SALE-Refrigerator, 50-lb. type patent. Was exchanged "Newport Beach 94-tfc Ule day. capacity, good condition. $20 00 far large grud Will sell tor Harbor 491-M. 99-2tc bal $288. TAMPA CIGARS-Clear Havana Seven wage lnaeases the first two1----------- pr&netela shape, regular 2 f~ yean--pa.Jd vacations. MONTEREY style bed divan. 2 DANZ.SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 1 "-box of 50, ~.50. Herman chairs. 1 table, 1 large O'Ktt.fe S20 No M-1-Santa Ana 86.tfc a Brelje, 223 ...-W. Chapman Learn this interesting work at & Merritt heater. Complete ---·-~-'-------/ Ave., Orange. Calif. Open 10 good pay 1n your own communJty. SlOO. Call Harbor '1767-J . after DOGS, CATS A PETS 15 a.m. t 3 S h•-• to 10 5'30 p.m. 92-ttc ~~"AUHA U PUPS FOR SALE .m. 0 p.m.; Bluiuay You work wtth friendly people ln \....Z"l..l::n P 96-4tc Rleuant offices. -3010 Coast Blvd., Newport Under New Management Beach. Phone Harbor 2210. AL LACHMEYER ~ 11 1 tl lblll 99-2tc c..Ace en promo on pou ties. Clearance on Living ' S I G N S Room Suites Trucks. Boat!', Walls, Windows, etc. Harbor Furniture 1962 Harlx>r Blvd., Costa Mesa SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS S8 Carpenters Available for eene-ral maintenance Beacon 5178-W 348 E . 18th St., Costa Mesa 9&-tfc HARBOR Plumbing Senrice APPLY Southern California Telephone Company E. B. Smith 95-t!c HARBOR FURNITURE Start the New Year Right and Buy With Us • "!!d repair 0. Z.. ROBERT80N Call Harbo< 83 34-tfc 1768 Newport Blvd .. Beacon 5048W REPAIRlNG OUR SPECIALTY 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa Under New Management E . B. WHITE KEYS Made Whlle You Watt VOGiilJ8 Contracting and Suppll.. 97tft 5141> No. Main Street. Santa AN 1962 Harbor Blvd .. C.OSta Mesa 99tfc 100 Matn SL. Balboa JAMES E . McKEE General Contractor 620 Muguerlte ATe. Corona del Mar or Call Chief Operator J08 Kartne, Balboa 1a1&nd. 11<-tfc -_________ ao._tt_c \ BOATS, 81JPPLDCll II All kinds typewriter r1bbona In 1tock at the News-Times. 8ALE ID90El..LANl'XlU8 • FOR SALE-16 ft. Teak Yacht. For orfice rupplles, see the FOR SALE -Complete concrete Gray F ord. Just overhauled, in· News-Times. 89--tfc mixer %. sack, good condition. eluding new generator, water -P'O--RltNT---------U -----------H-220 for appointment. 98-tfc pwnp, & fuel pump. New heavy _..,.,..,.8 .,..-,=-----...,...---Z Q R I C duty battery. Call between 5 MAN-Front room. pri\•ate en· FOR SALE-White porcelain top & 6 p.m. Harbor 1194-J. 99-4tc trance, use of kitchen , good DRY CLEANING kitchen cabinet. Very good con-Sh bath. Call before 9 a.m. after In Our Own Plant dition. $22.50. Drop leaf table, Balboa Canvas op 6 p.m. 120 35th St. 2nd noor. 3 chairs $10.00. 520 Marigold Sal.15 -Boat Covers 99-ltp PICKUPD..,.... "~ Ave., Corona del Mar. 99-2tc Marine Upholstering CJ.U.,. wn Harbor 2(f1 _ 224 \.i 21.st SL FOR RENT-3 shops fa.st grov.ing Phone 12 O BASS Newport Beach n-tfc community. Prefer spec. food BEACON 5798-J LYRIC ACCORDI.Al'J shop; Beauty parlor. shores, Lido Cleaners 456 Nowport Blvd. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair ~ !!eacon 5280-R 711-tfc Zif E. llllth St. Coats Ms& 2&-tft R 0 0 F S W. J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J ~lfc S 2 2 5 . O 0 children toggel')'. men's access· Modern Houseware NE w orics. 310 El Camino Real (101 1763 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Graymarine Express Hi.) San Cleme nte. Phone 411. 98-2tc 3 3 0 97-Jtp POOL TABLE ~ size. 35· Sin· ,. tx>ek batone, hammered shaft. ~nfEDIATE DELIVERY 1 small desk for boy's room. 1 . black onyx Masonic rlng wtth 810 Coast H1\\'ay 10 · point diamond never been Phont? Beacon 5435 98-4tc worn. Also 2 1 % h.p. outboards, . new. All in very good condition. Call at 413 Edgewater, after 4 p.m. 97-4tc Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties _Supply Co. Dyer "D" Dinghies Colored Ratsey Sails Nine Ft. Dyer Dhows Dyer Dhow Midget -Now Available-- Immediate Delivery F OR RENT-New Deluxe Hotel room and private bath, tile shower stall. 'J'Y.rin or double beds. box spring and innter- spring mattresses. Unit beat. Special rates for permanent guests, as low as S2 per day for 2 people. No kitcheN. Miracle Mile Motel, 706 Coast Highway, Newport Beach, Ph. ~aeon 5229-J. 9&-tfc WANTED TO RENT U HOUSING NEEDED FOR VETERANS STORE CLOSED f'()R A REIJAMJ! Paint Job "" DEC. 25 to JAN. l INCLUSIVE ,._. -caI1 11<"'""' !SS3ll RE-OPEN JAN. 2 SOUTH COAST CO. IJst Your Vacandea With AMERICAN LEGION -t:.IO p.m. ].l).tf• Ph. 5852 Lacuna - n.t.Jal'OllT.&ftO!f 11 548 FOftOt Ave. 991tc • • BICYCLES -.-tedOI'~ '90CDlllll 109 -lit-, .. _ -------mr AIDll u KAalINE and MACHINELESS Permanent :Waves Tlntlag -Manlcarlnc Auto Batteries -Sopanten l&oantb -• 'l5 Ex. Compounded Motor Oil G.llca. 'roe W estem Auto Supply A-o..Jer 183t1 N--t m..i.. Ooata Meu 41-tfc J:•i&dnC .t.ppt. Ph. Harbor l~W ---------- Vi's Beauty Shop Immediate Delivery U0S (lout .ll!wlu'. Corona de! '15-v: Western ' Holly Gu Rangea -.. --··-··-$166.00 IL09r AJID IPOt11'ID II Phllc:o FrffZor LOST-odr navy billfold. Ickn-5 cu. rt. _____ . .$209.SO tUJoallan J. F. Go~. Dlio-Thonn 23rd at Centnl Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Harbor 2600 96-4tc Hartr 4.52 9().lfc WAN!' TO RENT-Furnlabod at unfum!ahed )>ouse. 2 or 3 bed- roms will le-. Phone -7171 81-ttc I ,, .. ,,.UT.Aft t7 ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate Balboa Island Harbor m-w We have clients waiting to buy houses on Balboa Island. If you have any- . thing to sell, let us know. -.rd. C.U ~ Ham-. Oil Hellen ---·-' 79.95 -""" we :i. 911-21;p °"':s. ~·~ta-~ 66.95 MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE KOnli&NT Wlit&D • I ... wAil'r!»--Band 1aOD1n11 to tab Santa Ana Furniture A. H. Pease and Betty Beck a -. Sm1tb IOI! Mtb St. '28 Wost tth Santa Ana ' -115--ttc , • Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us Costa Mesa -Best Buy Two bedrooms-fiv<>-room home---frame, hardwood floors, completely and attractively furnished, new double garage. Home is five years old, very well constructed. This is a home anyone could be proud of. Lot is 54xl50. New double cesspool. Price $8450 • Terms. Quick possession. Newport Heights Home 'I\vo.bedroom home. frame construction: brand new and vacant. Double garage. sewers, dining nook in kitchen. Price. $8450 . Tenns. Corona Del Mar On<>-bedroom home on two lots, 30xll8 each; garage. Price $6930. Tenns. Vacant, move in. Corona Del Mar Special Brand new, vacant, one bedroom, modem, beam ceiling, corner sink, bar In kittjien, floors hd. pine carpeted to wall, knotty pine and plaster interior. Priced $7250 -Tenns. RELY ON RELIANCE Corona Del Mar . 2 homes on comer with dbl. garages. Brand new- vacant. One Is a 2 bedroom home, other is 1 bedroom home. Both partly newly furnished. Very modem. Ready to move into. Fenced and landscaped. Lot 65x120 comer. Price $21,500 -Tenns. Corona Del Mar Lots ··~ Reslclential on Marguerite _-.$1800 Residential on Narcissus . $1750 2 Resklentla.ls on Heliotrope-make ofter Newport Home and Apartment Nearly new two-bedroom hoaie; very modem; CIJID· pletely tumished; tour-room Apt. aver large double garage. Both homes be!ng vacated Immediately. Price $15,850--terms. . ---. . ~ ::mi Business Site -Costa Mesa Lot 100x240 ft. at 1833 Harbor, close to Alpha Beta Mlct., $15,000-terms. Zoned tor whol-le or retail 'business Store now under COllStructlon on next lot. Co'sta Mesa -Half-Acre Ranch Near.Back Bay; three-bedroom s1lJoco home; com- pletely fllmbhed; l'l!a!!ltly redecorated; hardwoocl floors; long living-room with fireplace. Price $8950 or $8500 unturnished. Terms. Open 7 Daya Every Week, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT 00. A. R. EBIUTE J. W. DOAK O)'de a Doak w. c. r•bbard Ga:cae Ewnon 1936 Newport Blvd. 1435 Out Hiway a.ta Ilea Cotma Ciel Mar ' 81_ :on 51157-W Butlar U11 9&-Uc REAL VALUES HO~ -IN<X>ME -BUSINESS OPPOR'roN11tlS' INSURANC!: --Season's Greetingss--- The year 1946 Is just about ready to make way fOI' a new and we hope, a brighter 1947. Since the time our office has been open here we have made many friends out of customers and tliose who be- come our clients. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appredation to those with whom .we came In C011tact. Despite reconversion troubles and general unsettled conditions in the past, we feel optimistic about Uie coming year and hope to win a host of new friends and retain the friendship of the old ones. We take this opportunity to wish everybody: A Merry Xmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year B. A.·NERESON REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Bo11dn Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 99-ltx: QAJ. ESTATE 17 MONEY TO LOAN WILL TRADE-Lota on Udo Ialo also lots on Peninsula on pur- chase of 2 or 3 bedroom house In Harbor district. Phone Harbor 1crr 81-lfc MONEY TO LOAN II LOANS TO BUILD, buy, :mprc>ft. NEED MONEY? ' See Us Yor Quick, Helptul Service on Your F\naod1l Needs -· Loans on Furniture Salary modernize or ret1nance. Car or Other Security Nowport Bal-Il'ederal Br."1up and Loan Amocl&t:IOIL Phone First for Quicker Servtcl 3333 Via Udo Ph. Harbor l!IOO How-s' 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 AUTOMOTIVE Ii TJBE8 Ill 1937-Dodge Coupe, good condi- tion. New rubber. Call Harbor 933 daytime. 99-2tc FOR SALE -International 1 % ton flat bed truck. 115 in. W .B. Duals over load springs. 12ft. bed. Good condition. Harbor 2447-R. 99-2tc 1941 P owell scooter, good condi- CCIO!led Saturda)'S) tion, $100. Harbor 1992. 98-tfc DON I. ffiJDDLESTON, Skipper 1936 Pierce Arrow for sale. Bal~ boa Inn. Harbor 660. gg..tfc FOR SALE-1941 Oldsmobile. Radio, heater, two new ti.res. Good rTtechanical condition. Harbor 1027-R. 973tp Hereafter if we recap yrour TIRES We euarantee our "Caps" to lut 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 • IF ONE COMES OFF Regardlea o! Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we will call for J011r car In the morning and deliver same day. Alto • $2.00 lllobllatatlc balance Job when W< recap )'OUT tlrft, for $1.00. No leed welchtl er ·-· Costa Mesa Tire Co. In a-at 1760 Newport Blvd. OO!n'A MESA Pb. Pei Clea 5743 Aalc far A.I or Hant. • 18141> Newport Blvd, Coat& Ka& Beacon 5220 CAcrosa !rom Alpha a.ta Market) • 99-ltc A1l'r0 llll:BVJ(JJI: ••• ~---------~ NOWHERE Your authorized ~ Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parta Complete Lubric.atiOn and Maintenance Expert Mechanics Kendall and Quaker State oOa NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone~ 636 n•n,pa a '11Ue1LER.!1 ll'OR llENT-Do -...... h•aJ!ns -www"'4 ... -equl;mmt, SUI ID/I .._. -clq. w. r... •• 1119 ..... ~ :era.. ...... '""' ~7111 A Neotptwtlh!, ~ KIT KAMPER aluminum trall<r, bed and bol.t ..-. 8-aln. $514. 201 Apte, Balboa 1JI- --Harl>cr m-w. 118-:ltc __________ M-_U._ I 14' HOUSE TRAILER Butane, IC10 Box, double -lnlctlca. '°""' Ura. E>'«lle!lt COlldltian. Pri-. AB kinds t)pew11ter ribbonl la atodt at tbe N.,..'l'lri>eL vate ..._ .'71111. 01-- Trailer Camp 161JO Newport Blvd., Costa Mete. 9t-,l.QI ••01Ww&am WE NEED LATE MODEL .CARS and Will.Pay Top Prices SF.1.r. YOUR CAR NOW Wiiie Pdcem -Riii' .PllGllit lw °"" ....... b!Qw no wll aiD ... ... ... Jiiii np~ OP4 -......,_;_ 71 .. ..,. -... ,,, ..... -.. ----., ( -• CULBERmr:' .si!~01;!1r oo, Inc. _,._." L'l•usnta ?" •0s ,; 16, ftlt'e . ' • • • sS " $ •• '$ •• 7 •• 77 •• ·~~~da~·:~;;:2~~:::~ *l Year's greetings to one and all, l and we echo those greetings to · you and yours! l ---Happy New Year! : ,.._()l?M.4,....J l ~ Slfl>p--Nut'•''I l Phone: 11.a.rbor 590 l lSlS CoUt Rlgbway • Corona de.I ''a.r A ~~~~~-::"INF~~~ ~ ALL OF OUR FOLKS ARE HOPING TilAT ALL OF YOUR FOLKS WILL HA VE A MIGHTY MERRY CHRISTMAS VI'S BEAUTY SHOP llOS Clout Hiway Corona del Mar by the THOUSAND we sand to all our friends this Yule Season of 1946. May yours be indeed a MERRY CHRISTMAS GEORGE'S Super Market • Corona del Mar •• Stylee change, methods change. but ~ever! Beneath it all is the same old love of man for his follls and his nelghbon. the same old ru-m of the day when peace and good will will enoompus all the earih. So"°" la that changeleM -n of Ch...,tu M we gree& our friends and neipbon, as llO often before, with that tlmewnna IN ge of chffr and good felloWllhip, MERRY CHRISTMAS! •• MERCURY CLEANERS WILll!A WALTER -BOB POWELL lS0'7 OcN;ilt lllway eo ........ .,. .... H erc's my peTsonal wish to )'Ou for a s e aso n of gay TtvtlT)'. MARY N. TIIOMPSON The Candy House 1518 Coast Hiway Corona del Mar • Our htartiest good wish ts to you f o-r a wonderful Chris t· mas-<1 full. Happy N,cw Y ear . f. Jack Sullivan Realtor .JOHN R. SCHICK, Sa,lesman 1218 Coast Highway • Corona del Mar • • I ~!,;,_~?..~~:--· I ~~:d yo:r. ~~«~: I ' I : Chris tmas spirit; f J may your hC'arts be # ·.• ... ~IW~~ .. I ; cheer and may ~ • -~d~ • : I : come t r u c this f CH R I ST M AS should be a time of joy, and we f happy holi da y . :( hope that this Christmas of 1946 will be rich in I : t ' good cheer and true happiness for all who rea-d J ' J f th is me ssage. J It J It * * THE BEST OF EVERYTIDNG FOR YOU * * J p~ HARDWARE APPLJANCES 82S Coast Hiway Corona del Mar ~ ~ "Cap'n" Don s ea41awa"i e~ --Combination Dinners ~ New and UnlPSUlll Seafood Specialties ~ For- BEAOON 5465 Glad thoughts And special wishes Are happily combined To make this Christmas Greeting The warmest kind. H. R. Hoon, D.V.M. Veterinarian Hospital I 006 Coast Hiway Corona del Mar Phone 2452 ' J ' J~=======~=====:=::===:===:===:~ ' ~~ J ' J f HuTl¢! ~¢ll J f 185 Coast Highway, Oorooa del Mar J ' Phone Harbor l27S . J ~A~A~A~Al\l!iiO~l\l!iiO~:·~A~:~:·~·~:·~~·~~~~~~ ~~~~--.... ~~~~~~~~~~~,,..,~ Season's Greetings 1:t Time for us to send you our best wishes for the happiest Holiday Season you have ever known. • Vincent's Balboa Pharmacy • Mac Pelltier's Newport Pharmacy • Hampton's Harbor DflllS, Coroa del Mar BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We Claim to Have All the Silver in California • Expert Silversmiths - - -All Work Guaranteed • SILVER AND GOLD • Tea Senlces -Antique Finishing -Trophies -Jewelry -earv1e1am. • Reflectors -Bathroom F1xtures -Baby Shoes -Ceram1cs Marine F1atlng -Badges and Souvenirs • COSTA MESA ' . • •