HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-26 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB .,. SAM NO FOOD. At this glad- some, festive Yuletide it is not amiss to see how the other half exists, namely, the war-tom world. Henry Ken- dall, retired, amiable Balboa Island open-handed execu- tive, brings in a letter from au old friend, just returned from :&trope. Herbert Rob- lnsOn, New York merchant, writes: Dear friends: The situation In Europe, especially England, is very bad. Many a night the young man who accompanied me and I went to bed hungry, as all eating places were only lll!owed to give one person 5 shillings worth of food, which amounts to $1.00. At the Savoy where we stopped, they charged an extra cover charge of 6 shillings besides the price of the meal and all we got to eat was a small cup of soup, which was either cabbage or spinach, a small piece of meat, or a small piece of fish, or a dish of ma- caroni or spaghetti. There was plenty of .potatoes and cabbage, and a small piece of sponge cake. Coffee which was made out of chic- ory was extra. However, we managed to exist. After five days stay we had to obtain ration cards and had to wait seven hours at the ration of- fice to obtain same. • • + In Paris, the situation was different. You could get what you wanted if you had the price to pay for it. They had almost everything. The meals cost from $6.00 per person up, according to what you ate, and for about $9.00 you could get enough to be satisfied. This did not in- clude any wine if a person wanted same. They do not give you any bill of fare, just tell you what they have and do not quote any prices. When you are finished with the meal they hand you a small piece of paper with the amount on same. The prices Jn the stores are about the same In proportion to the restaurants. The foreigners who come t o Paris can get their francs cheaper and eat in these restaurants. but the .Paris- ians cannot afford same and the poor devils are having a very hard time. + + + In Belgium, I found about the same situation as in France regarding the eating, but the country is coming back quicker than any coun- try that has been in the war. People are working and want to work and it seems they have more raw materials than any of the other coun- tries. + + • In Holland, to give you an Illustration-we were in a hotel In Amsterdam and had soup. duck. strawberries, and •one glass of wine each, and the bill was $24.00. How- ever Holland is In poor shape as they have no raw mater- ials to work with and no do!· Iar exchange to pay for same If they were to obtain ma- terials. · + + + In Swtberland, we found the country the same as be- fore the war. only that prices were naturally much higher. They had made an immense lot of money during the war and also from the soldiers who bad come to visit Swit- zerland and left a lot of Am- erican and English ·money there. It was the only coun- try where we found Swiss francs was worth more than American currency. I ex- dla.nged $200 in Swiss mon- -ey In one cl the big banks and then asked them far $200 and they told me not to Ille my letter of credit but to buy same In Swiss francs which I had just bought. For the $200 ,worth of Swiss francs they gave me $230. It Is the same with the Eng- lish pound In Sw112erland. The English pound Is worth · $4.04, but If you use Swiss francs you could have bought -for $2.70, at tbe ~I wu allfif there, which mal<M a ••!htmce al. about 30". kll'P:P POSTED! l YMr ...... .... .. oz 3 SL1S om ol I It a:ee om"" -___ ..., __ New• Daawwt 1' .. ,,_. ._. I. VOLUMI: m~w Western Air Plane Search Is Continued LONG BEACH. Dec. 26.-U. S. Coast Guard operations bue here reported at noon today that they were still searching for the miss~ ing Western AJr Unes with 12 persons aboard which ls believed to have dropped !IOmeWhere over the rugged Laguna mountains, about 60 miles east ot San Diego. The missing two engined D-C3 was flying Western Air'• triangu- lar Imperial Valley route from Los Angeles to El Centro to San Diego and return when it was lost to radio contact 24 minutes after leaving the El Centro airpmt at Holtville on a hop that should have reached San Diego at 7:30 p. m. 3-Cent Gas -For the third time in its history the 3 cents per gallon California gasoline tax has produced more than $7,000,000 in a single month. WOJ. G. Bonelli, Fourth District Member of the State Board of Equalization. made this revelation Balboa Marine Selected for Judge's Award here today with the announce-Three alleged coast area book- ment that, upon the basis of dis-makers were released in S500 bail tribution of 233,423.963 a:allons of in Santa Ana justice court for a motor vehicle fuej, the tax collec-preliminary hearing in the same tions for October has been $7 ,002,-court January 9 on felony charges 719. of bookmaking. . "These taxable distributions," The three, "'ho were arrested I Bonelli observed, "exceed those for in a surprise raid by special op- the same month of 1945 by 24.99 eratives of the Orange County per cent. despite the fact that district attorney's offi ce. la 1 t there was no rationing in October Thursday afternoon. are. Libby De last year. This contrasts wtth a Longpre. 28, of Long Beach and gain of only 12.9 per cent regis-Harrison Albert Ovlatte, 56. of tered in September over the same 1922~ 0 c ea n Front, Newport month a year ago, and ls indica-Beach, and Clifford Irving Bir- tive of a strong upward sweep in meiC'r, 39. of 211 lh Coast boule- thc tax yield. vard. Newport Beach. "Some do"'TI"'ard seasonal flue-The arresting officers w ere, tuation may be expectE'd in No-Chief Investigator Earl Moore of VC'mber and December, but the the district attorney's office and gasoline tax ha! already produced Deputy Sh<"riff 1\1. D. Williams. S65.511 ,797 during the first ten The arresting\ ofriccrs said Ovi· months of 1946. There is every I attc hi:i.d a day room at the New- rC'ason to believe that the' annual I port Beach. hotel, y,rhc~e persons total "'i ll be at IC"ast $78.000.000, could come to oost thetr bets. A markin£" a gain of $15.000,000 or radio, alleged to have be<>n used to almost 25 IX'r cent, over the tax recrive report! of the races at for 1941. the highest previously Tropical Park a nd the Fair- recorded. Under the pressure of grounds in Florida. wall: taken rationi n~ the 1943 yield dropped along \vith other alleged book- to a IO\\' of $48,893,758." making paraphernalia. ne Inquiring Photographer By Walter Gerhardt ''\\'HAT DO YOU TIDNK BALBOA ISLASD NEEDS MOSTT" L. A. DONNELLY, Harbor I .ab. 215~ Marine Ave., Balboa Isl- and : "\V hi 1 e a comparative n e\.\'- comer. I think we could stand a little more , pol1ce protec- tion and better proportional represe.ntat Ion by th~ chamber of commerce. I notice that the sign at the en- "-trance to the Harbor area reads, "Turn Right for Newport." I feel that is should also read, "Continue 1 t r a ii h t ahee.d for Balboa Wand and Co- r ona del Mar." AL PAINE. Bay District Hard- "''a.re. Balboa Island: "rd like to see the alleys on the island pav- ed. This has ~~ ',. .. ' • .. •• , .r· b e e n hanging fire for several years and should be at~ tended to im- mediately. The dralnqe isVf!f'Y poor in the raJ.ny season &nd In the dry mont.M the dust is very bad 'These unpaved alleys mar the eeneral beauty of the is.land. .. Loses $200 Mayor Reed Says CDM Will Not Get Auto Park Meters Parking meters ma.y be in- stalled on Park ave.nue and at .some other cornen on Balboa Isl- and, r-tayor O. B. Reed said ur day alter den}'ing that meten v..•ere to be installed in Corona del Mar. "Corona deJ Mar," t.be JlUl)'OI" said, "does not need them.. .. The Newport Beodl Oty Coun· cil oft Monday dlr<!cted Ollef ol Police R. R. Hodeklnson to de- termine the number of. parking meters needed on Balboa I.a1and before they are installed. The city now hu 252 mrten in operation in Balboa and Newport Beach, Hodekimon aald. SHORT OP BREAD Lou of a canvas Federal Re-LONDON <AP>-Brltlsh bread M'l'Ve b a & rontalnina: $200 in rationlng item: checks &nd silver was roport<d to The Wonhiplul Company of tbe Newport Harbor police on Baken. which dateo bad< to the O>r1atmu clay. Po11ce ~ rdp of Henry U , ....,...11y ,bad a tbe i-r wu William H. Harwy banquet at London'• v,_ ot ll:I -= &oy. Howe. ' • .NEWPODT .. 111181<1 A.ND CRAPMPfG YOUNG .............. a .... .._. at -JiilcVl1 ~an - pa1s ol tM......, Is , & fll •~rw& • •• 01 r_,.....-•• ·.,.!'--~-~---..-• autMmM mn1 ,...,_ ,_ -act 11 . ---_ . .. • • o.17 OnaP-0:: " Weeld,y NeW11Pa .. I' ---AwW Jiii. nu of a.a PI• 2 Persons Almost Fall Into Hole Bert Messing Dies In Mesa Bertrand Delman Messing, 80, died Dec. 25 at his home, 1998 Santa Ana avenue, Costa Mesa. He was born in Smithfield, Pa. and had lived in Costa Mesa for 26 years where he "'·as a rancher . He ia survived by his wife, Mjn- nie; two sons, Charles Warren of Balboa and Raymond Bertrand ol Costa Mesa. also three grand- children. Funeral services "i.ll be held Saturday, Dec. 28 at 11 a.m. in the Harold Grauel chapel. Costa Mesa. with interment in Fair~ haven cemetery. , CPA Approves Construction · ~ At Beacon Bay .Pioneers Take to Air LOS ANGELES. Dec. 23. - During the ...,.k eodlng Decembet , 12. the Ovillan Production admln- MONTREA~da boo ft>. lstratloo construction d I v I 1 I o n Ported the flnrt "plone<!'ing'° b7 here approved 104 non·houl!n& air. projects valued at $2,110.947 In Off a Trans-Canada Air Une 10 Southern California countleo. plane from Engl&nd n•c""'t17 at Louis M. Dreves, chairman of Its Montnal stePP<d the Ala H--d-adYloory committee, ...,. ley fa m 11 y of Kent. EDclA1XI. ~ today. whom T. C. A. l>elleo9s la the 4moag tbe •IJl'l'OVall wett a first known family f~ to photo studio for Donald lL Hall ot emlgraU. to the ~ by-air. l!e...,.. &oy, .a war ve-The Mr. Ht1ntle7, a 4S~..-...S ~..., the •lrllc:tlft la t80li5. farmer. his -e, .m ~ ...,.,._ AJ&ila-to make better ,_ ot ten now are inspecllne farm lits bao;ttal _.,. &ncl lnll*V.emmt In Eutem Ganada with Omoda ot __ , to --bUi<s at St. N atlonal Railways agrlmltural ot-.Jmopb boopl.taJ. Oran1e, the coot fldall. Later the HmrtieJ'll will lo bo Pl,000. go to British Cblambia to .......... · pou!brnt1es t11ere m t11e -I.sland Alleys Being gardening, tra11 11-1nc. a• d n......_ _ __. 'for Pa..;..g mixed &ncl dairy fauJlilC -. en::_..,.. •m tr:le:t. Ol1' DICl"rrr I . S. Webb aa'4 .Landslide Reported lodl7 that .. deiiartmmt la -IQlac: the "'nbole1 and the water ... _ u. _,.1oey to t11e G. PonbaD ot 0.-Oel Jfar ...-.C -Pl<rllc ot oll .U.,. tel<,.._.. police, Wc' I c 1111Pt • .._ ..._, Tbe ..., llJI. that theft-•' , __ JOI. !or' ·-ot ~ ... - a bait mile '!Wot di,_ B + ... --6lr doinc \M .. e' I wbldtWMA••atl"""' .. J111L • u • ~oltf»M1......,.... White's Balboa Island Cafe . AND <JO<lKrAIL B4B ..... JllaM. ' Jll•=f • ....... Onm. 0 -& 'l'lla • ..,, J)M; t II' ... UM Orange Co. Sady of Proposed J•llior College Santa Anita District in Ora1ge Co. Coast Area Oties Get Revmue =T.: co<mty de-;00)~~ {~ ·~o:~ In Readiness "A l'Li<c wi..,.. ,..,,_ Mmft STARCK 'S CAFE . Beer EARll/RfiS.: PAID ABC Ch k :~ ,~edco:ty hl:llol> ~ ="= :peri3'1.quna ~ For Open·1ng ec dl>trlcts not a part ot any junior $17,000,000.) Thll amount ls wdl rollege dl>trlct to pay lthe coot over the minimum ol $35,000,00J Mixed Drinks -Short Orden "SPW> Rowz. Muiog.,._}ouPHlN1! OQUJST, 0- td~-­~of "' 4 ••• pr 3 -liOt:OIMMtt. ~ .. .--i to_...M'i"ll•b. 301 . • lo I/· or .xe op#flS yorir a=unt I ot education for studeri.ts from reoommended by the State De-Santa Anita Park gates open Orange county and the cities ln' iuch areas. It ls obvious that u pertment ot Education as a base at 10:30 a.m. Saturday with the l 107 %1st l'!Me Newpa1 B~i* the county received $37,676 troal fer tbe ,.....anization ol. a junior fint r ace at 1 p.m. to uaher in the the state-collected alcoholJc bev-more districts become • part of -• tenth anniversary meeting that -------------------------• erage control tax during calendar junior rolleg• districts there will rolleae district will extend through March 8. Los ------------------------- 1945, Calitomia Taxpayers' a.st&-be a decreasing amount of revenue An tmpc:rtant ftrure 1n estlmat-Angeles Turf Club, Inc., has ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ctatlon said today, making public trom this SOUl"C:e. inc tM finand•l ability of a dis· everything in readineu for an I i the tint sect.ion of its study of TabJe V shows that during the trict ls the useued valuation per opening day crowd that may run the stiare ln state--collected taxes eight-year period reported some as high as the record 48,000 of that local governments receive. junior colleges received . 52 per unJt of •vera&e dally attendance. last season. SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAV I N GS 411 J L O AN AS SO C IA T IO N Oties of the county recelved cent of . their income from rou.nty I t ii one of the moat reliabie' in-A top-ranking field of 18 cali- $30,062 and the county received funds while others received only dlOes of the-ability of a district to fomia t~ro-year-old t 0 8 1 5 is in $7614 the assodatlon found. 3 per cent, and the average was 1u~ a junior college without prospect to gross around $72 000 . . 22 per eent. ln the case of the tmPodng undue hardship on the · h rd S ' ' Total payments to the cttes and district und ide:r ti . it taxpeyera. In l944-l9'45 the u-r1c est on reco for tate horses, counties of the state from the al-be e:-~ th 8 on. and will be the first of the out· rohol beverage control fund for ~Y expect ~ a wille bereven1ue seued valuation per unit of av· standing turf features that are I calendar 1945 amounted to $3,-i1vm coun Y ~ re a-erage daily attendance varied in unprecedented in world racing. Roast TURKEY lumCHICKEN P. A. Palmer, Pr<Sidmt 3.533 VIA LIDO HA1t eo11 1aoo 1378 892 .th .. ,, ..,...,.,, 242 1 to tlvely small 11nce ~t ot the sur-the junior college dlatriCU from The s7 ?;oo Monrovia Cup race is NEWPORT BEACH , CAL.I FOR,..IA .., ............ .. ._ ........... .. • • Wl .;u..&~. go n& roundlna territnrv lS a part ot $111000 (Fullerton) to -ooo ' · the cities and $1,169.650 golng to J 1 ... 11 :;,~_, ... In th • ••0 •· strong supporting feature. . th . ti f d un or co ege Ul.3u .c.... e fLos Angeles). Table VI-presents, . the counties. e a.uoc:la on oun · Ugh' of these various factors it over a ten.year period, 1935-1945, Lows B . Mayer's stepfather. $150 If you have a building problem ..• Ntms'-.C tw. One-half of the receipts from would be wise t o estimate that the range and average assessed Walter G. McCarty's Shim Ma- annual Ucense fees of twenty·elght not more than ten per cent of the valuation per unlt of A.D.A. for lone and Rex C. Ellsworth's U· varieties imposed on alcoholic bev· total budget, or $15,000, wouJd be fifteen junior college dlstrlcts. It Time are in fa~oritism over the erage production or saJes opera~ avaiJabJe from both county and is important to note the average other stakes-v,r1nners that are tions ln California are apportioned federal sources. (See Table VJ . ~ all of the districts during this lining up for the Champion to the cities and counties in pro-It has been estimated, then, peMod-$126,000. CSee Table VI.) Stakes. portion to the collection from that $57,500 will be received from Assuming that the estimate of There will be no racing at Santa (>ach . State law requires local sources outside the district. The 450 A.D.A. for a district com-Anita, following the opening, un- euthoritjes to enforce the provis--new district should be prepared posed of Huntington Beach and til New Year·s Dey when the ions of the alcoholic beverage con-to assume an obligation of about Newport Harbor is correct, it is 1 $50,000 S&n Carlos Handicap will trol ec't. $100,000 a year as an Investment ~vident that the $60,000,000 as-be presented. Thereafter the regu- NEW YORK CUT STEAK ----------------------------$2.50 WHOLE BBOll,ED LOBSTER -----------------· .$%Ji0 with drawn butter. BROll.FlD SWORDFISH STEAK ............. ______ .$1.50 FRIED COMBINATION SEA FOOD .................. .....$1.50 !JUED SHRIMP ----$1.50 RAINBOW TROUT-$L'75 Hot Mince Pie with Brandy Sauce .· T otal collections of license fees In the education of the young peo-sessed valuation will result in an lar schedule of racing Tuesdays for production or sales of alcoholic pie In the area. assessed value per unit of A.D.A. through Saturdays will be fol-Soup1 • s•••a • ne.en. beverages in California amounted The H~tington Beach and of $133.000 whlch compares very Jowed. to $6,342,131 for 1945, the asso--Newport Harbor districts include favorably with that of other dis-Santa Anita has attracted its ciation found. For the first nine 74 square miles of residential. tricu. lf Capistrano and Laguna greatest array of leading horses, months of 1946 they reached $9,-business and industrial property. Beach should join the new dis-jockeys and racing stables this 050,130. Capistrano and Laguna Beach trict this figure would be in-winter. It will give the meeting Sam's ~a Food Spa and Fish Market .. CUrrently considerable atten-comprise an additional 't85 square creased to $149,000. an international navor with the tlon is being given to the distrl-mlles, much of which is unim-During 1944-1945, tax rates in horses haVing been Oown and im-e C.n be ased for aa implement tbed, Tebicle tbalter, rep.ir shop, enim•I ahelrer, lc>11diaC doek 1111d doMD• of otlMr fum ad commerci•l 1pplic1tioa1. Dunble. &r .. reti11t11t IUld w•tbwpr~ the 'j Ouon1et 24" is eveilehle now. Call or wri&a m todq. bution ot this fund between the proved land. the various junior college districts ported fTom all parts of the world. state and the local governmen~" The assessed value of the Hunt-varied from 2c (Fullerton) to 34c A beautiful infield design of the association said. lngton Beach and Newport Har-(Yuba county). three double stars will make a Shepherd Booth Supply Corp. UO Weot 51h SL ' S&nta Ana Pllooe 625 QU0 N'i£T5 ~Rf Pl<G'i oJ[T, er ,';R[AT A~!· ·,·!· o1~G"1,,,f1Q N We Are Building ' Those Hard ·to· Get SASH AND DOORS to Order All Types of Boat Repairs Sterling Boat Works 615 Cout Highway Newport lle&cll Phone Beacon 5S6S MEN-WOMEN Prostate - -• Pelvis De,..._.. t s' et..._ bl ................ ......, .... ,.. Wt l •I, ~. b i ll \h ... .....,, a...tais .. ..,_ ,_ U..f -·~ Haft ....... __ , IT'S YOUR GLANDS Ow ............... ... ~ ........... 11 ...... -N• .... IC• em-1 If• • )tot' Dr. &. ,, ana. D-C.. PLC.. l.,. ....... lC ........... ..._ ....... l lN ,_ ... D I • - 'l"W9 .. e r .... QIMltn.. 11-.1 •:• ...... ·-.... Mm 'r ... n.._,. What preparations have been made at Santa Anita (or its 10th Anniversary? lo obsunn« of ch• 10th annivasary meeting at S.012 _Anir> Puk, ch• Los Angoles Twf Oub bas awl• plans for ch• most brillianr sea.son in ia. histQJ'f. This 10th annivcnaiy m..U.g, wbicb bogins D<comba: 2$tb 111d concludes Match Sch, will f~ ch• Wp suites and purses """' ol£0tt<i in Thoroughbred ncing. Th<tt will be rwo $100,000 races- ch<! S.Ota Anica Handicap on Match ls<, ond che ~ca Anica Derby on Match sch-and ..., other major tud ..,ma, oach wtch $_)0,000 added, to amaa the outstanding horses 0£ the world for the Winter seascn. To add ovm giunt color to the &dd of bones competing in major evam, win..oers of ouaanding in1erm.tiom.I races ~ being ftown to S&nD Anita. • Vuirors will Stt the greatest numba: of bigb-,,.nking for<i~ 'ones. American suite-winners and &unous joclcoys ..u <ruered 10 majot tud "''"' in th• )00-odd ,..... of world iaang history. s.-Anita's &med gstd<m, nottd u ono of th< ~ tourist at· :raaioos of Soutli<m Cal1fomia, this yar will be.• blazo of Soni beauq mott thril1in.( than ncr bcfutt. With che maj..Oc and oft· times soow-ropped Siem Madtt Mountains u • bock-drop, the sc<· ri"I is auly o( Ouural gruidew. A&ain this ...,..,,,,, Sonia Anica will be • major l<lWn of tb< mtt '"""ucs demed &om Tborou&hbred ncing. Thtst funds support th• agicu!tual attd livestock indusay of tb< mt< through the. 70-_odd sme, COWllJ and disaia fain, and tb< scbools and colleges m.unt11Ded by the Dtt for the eduarion of our future &nnon and ranchers. LOS ANGELES TURF CLUB, l•c. ~ .................. a...t..H: ......... .,._ .... "!: ......... , 0-,,.. ..,....G..,.J,....,.Jn-- ~..... a..LO..-~JC.I' r 1 .. T-......... w Nmrt-S.lllndfar.Jr, ~miwo-r T.c..ln a ~,,.... cm-.r.P t P l ,, .... T ABLE V-Percentace, DtstrtbuUon of Curnmt Receipt.a From State, Oounty and District. 19S6-J94S St.ate County District o/'f' 7,. "" brilliant mid-winter floral display d; that will vie with the horses in attracting the interest of visitors Chaffey Union ........................................................ 35.6 16.l 39.S All kinds typewriter ribbons In Full(>rton Union ................................................... 34.9 41 .5 16.4 stock at the Newa-11mes. Glendale City ...................................................... 36.8 U .1 45.6 1;::==========::; Long Beach City .............................................. 38.2 4.6 52.9 {}!zatf M~ t~ Los Angeles Oty .................................................... 39.9 3.8 51.1 Marlon Union ........................................................ 28.9 17.0 47.5 Modesto City ............. ·-········-······-························ 39.2 32.8 21.0 RJversjde City ..................................................... 43.4 12.6 45.5 I Sacramento Oty .................................................. 38.1 23.3 24.0 San Bernardino Valley Union ............ _ ............. 37.4 15.1 41 .9 Se.n Jooe City ..................................... _ ............. 41.0 52.5 6.4 San Mateo Union................................................ 31.6 20.1 46.0 Santa Ana City ...................................................... 36.2 23.8 35.8 Santa ROM. Un.ion .................................................. 27.9 24.7 36.6 Yuba County .. -...................................................... 26.7 29.1 43.2 Average for all schools ...................................... 35.7 22.0 36.9 Range ........................................................................ 26.7-43.4 3.8-52.5 6.4-51 .5 TABLE Vl-AwMed Valuation Per Unit of A.DA., J9S6-19.t.6 (In Dollars) Range Otalfey Unloo .. ... .. . .. .... .... ...... ~ l/ili~ FuUerton Union .......................................... 17.874 121.642 r;,endale City ............... .............................. 57.489 253.142 ng Beach City ........................................ 112.334 431.741 Los Angeles City .......................................... 298.175 787 157 Marin Union ................................................ 57.70'2 414:604 Modesto City ............................. _............... 16.414 161 714 RJverside City ··-·-······-········-········ .. ···-·····-··· 53,967 444.009 Sacramento Oty ........................................ 29,116 150 950 San Bernardino Valley Union.................. 57.810 300:086 San Jose City................ ............................. 46.515 166 2lf1 San Mateo Union........................................ 58,340 3T7:773 ~ta Ana otr............................................ 34,981 165.408 ta Rosa Un1on........................................ 41,651 200,587 Yuba County ................................................ 43.386 240,111 • Before You Build or Remodel VlsH Oar lllten.tlng Sample &Del Dl8play Booms Color gtddes, plan- ning aids, canprebens. Ive stock ot aupets and llnoleum. Rapa Oarpetii Cleaned, Repaired LUDLUM Carpet Works 1---BL ._-ta.&.. SIOI SANT.A .&HA ASK FOR ~ • • • ' LAGER BEER ............... t.F THE lNtm STA'JD lllt£WING coRP • 1181& Radiophone Prices Going Up! Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, Inc. Jefferson -Travis J. K. Brown Cq. 1219 eoas. Highway Beacon 5263-W Sales and Service • ' . 2Srd & Central Pb . 2600 -·-LOS AHGILfS HOLLYWOOD LOHO SI ACH PASADI NA LESTER & C:D. '°"""' l lVllSIDI ...., ..... SANTA MONICA Mnnber Los 11..ngeks Sloci EJtcO.,,g, 2004 WEST CENTRAL A VE., N EWPORT BEACH HAIIBOR 1374J INVISTMENT SKUllTIES TO MEET THI INVEST OH' NEEDS ·---..... .. .... _,._ . '",,___ ................................. -..... .... New Year's Eve HI-JINKS, ' Dancing • Entertainment • Favors Nine 'Till One ' frank Saputo 16-Piece N.B.C. Orchestra Rendedous BallrOQm Ad I I= fl.00 per pMWI• Plua tax. ' .., ............... . -·· ··-•• • • 4 • Spcoored by NewJMWt·•tia .&mc!ikzp ,,.._ l'.clll .... . -. . ... . .,. • • • • • I MSWPOn •••.BOA KSW'&"HllM ·--.,s. Ont? I nu •s, p1mn•• .. 1!!! -........ Automobile tires In color to match the decor of -the automo- bile are promlaed for "the car of t.otut:e row." Mayor Reed Says 32d St. Frost· Bites The Week in History World Record Fish Chart Is. Available The 1946 offldol dlart ot the and tblrtY-nlne - World Record Marine Game Fisboo lllformatkln ~ the ....,. has just been made avai1oble by ~ ol the chart. whk:b - tbe Intemadooal _Game Flab A> ot deep lnterwt to-.--ery anaJer, soc:latloo. which plans to -.... be oblalned by Writing ~. tt>... Charts annually and at ap-""""" I.A.Manto, Secretary, Inte- proxlmately the same time Ndl nationaFGame Fish Aaodatlclll, )'Hl'. the American Museum of Natural Carr's Feed store Hay and Grain QuaJlty Feeds -f- ~ Deih'll'J--8SVC &td 1JD'I Newport Bhd. 008TA MJl8A How's Your Timin ? g. --0-- Is Included in Plan for Widening Coast Boulevard Thirty-second street. from the Ocean Front to Coast boulevard. is to be included in the proposed widening or Coast boulevard. Mayor O. B. Reed said Monday night. The mayor was asked about the-sale ot some properties on the street, since a sign \\ith h is name appeared on one of the properties. However, the mayor e xplained that this particular property is not for sale. "The property you have ref- erence to,·· sai1 the mayor, "be- longs to C. H . Deane ot Redla nds, a friend of mine. He wants to sell the furniture, not the house, and he has asked me to be the agent." Recently another city de part- ment employe negotiated for the sale of a piece of property on the street and when a reporter on Monday saw the Deane house with a for sale sign on it there imme- dlately was speculation u to the reason why men connected with the city departments Y.'ere selling their homes. Mayor Reed explained the Deane situation thusly, "Mr. Deane has furniture in his Redlands home and he wants to bring It down he re. The furniture that is now in the Newport Beach house is for sale." Asked about the report that 32nd street wu to be included in the widening of Coast boule- vard, the mayor !laid t hat the report v.ras true. ··Hov.:ever. we cannot go ahead with this job until the Pacific Electric Railway company agrees to move its sub-station from its site on West Centrai avenue and the bay front,·· the mayor added. It is planned. the mayor added, to widen 32nd street to 50 feet rather than the 25-root width as originally proposed. -rrust not the heart of that man for whom old clothes are nof vene:rable.''-Thomu CUlyle. • • • ·BY DR. GLENN S. DUMKE and DR. OSGOOD HARDY Ocddental College "Every Communist Is a poten-OUTSIDE no: AMElllOAB' as if labor 15 determined to kill Forty species or sulMpecles ~ History, New York 24, New Yar!I. tial enemy or the United States Americans who have fallen into the goose just when it is about to listed ln the reccwds. which ln- and only the bat-blind can fall to the habit of aitlc:Ulng our two-resume laying. :e ~'g1~ ~~ To Sell Hitler Stone be aware of the Communistic ift.. party system would do well lo In Brazil ex-dictator Vargas classifications:' all tadde. three-STOCKliOLM (AP) _ Granite va.sion of our country. "-Francis observe the problem& of France. strengthened his return-to-power thread, six-thread, nine-thread. blocks hewn for Hitler's planned Cardinal Spellman. During the last three-quarters of campaign by using time-honored fifteen-thread. twenty-four thread. victory monument have been put • • • a century-that ls, dw"ing the life osculatory methodology. In Chile I--------------· ·I on auction by thE' Refugee Capital "A atrike is freedom in action. of the Third Republic-France has Roberto Wacholtz. a finance min-Bureau. but It should never be used in been afflicted with a multi-party tster who was once turned out of Coal for Fires of A.ia Germany paid almcot $2JIOOOOO defiance of the courts or the pub-.system that has rendered her gov-office for being a reactionary is Ma:-srow <Reuters)-R.ich coal ior the granjte. ~fits of Ute ~UC-­ lie health and safety.''--Governor ernment highly unstable. now back on the job with a man-deposits recently found in the cen-Uon wlll be regarded u German of P~n.nsylva~ia •~ward Martin. Up to the be&inninl: of World date to bring about deflation. tral Asian Republic of JGrghiz a.ets in Sweden '"There is no doubt that man· kind is on the move. The very founda tions have been shaken and loosened. ... The tents have been struck, and the great caravan of humanity is once more on the march ."--Jan Olristlan Smuts, ln 1918. Fie ld Manhal Smuts is now Prime Minister, Union of South Africa. • • • \Var n. over a seventy-y>?ar (Chile's 1946 price average is will provide .enough c::ooldng coal · period, France had more than over 300 per cent as compared to feed the entire industry of cen-. Sell that unwanted arddt one hundred ministries, averagmg with that of 1939.) tral Asia. it was replrl.ed here. throuib News-Times adl. less than a year in tenure. In Argentina C.ol. ?eron pick- Today, Prentier Leon Blum is ed. to run his Five-Year guns-for- faced with the same difficulty-butter program one Jose Figuer- that of constructing a cabinet ola, a wartime Axis agent. I from a half-dozen parties, none President Peron still has vts-, of which has a clear ma.jorlty ln ions of grandeur as regards Ar- t.he Chamber of Deputies. gentina's international position ln America, lt is a simple ques-and by way of emphasis se.nt to tion of the ins and the outs. A the inauguration ceremonies of coalition cabinet is built only President Aleman a delegation of when crisis or war makes it neces-some 70 persons, including five sary. senators, nine deputies, and 10 laborites. In France, however, it is utterly In Mexico, President Aleman Is awl lollte 07MJmtd y our car may need this four-point checlt: Grand Theft Case Set for._Friday JOKES-that is - And So to Bed! "Democracy is not so much a tonn-even were we to find it- or a pollcy~ven were we to make It-as it is abiding faith in m an's indivisible Mght to l\imself as himself."-Frank µoyd Wright, oul.!tanding American architect of whom Alexander Woollrott once remarked " ... the only liv- ing American I could call impossible to have anything but a coalition cabinet. off to a good start. He is prob- ably better equipped for his job Every minister presides over a than any president Me xico ever group of disrutants, who come to-had, for he has first-hand knowl - luis • Motor Checkup • V &Ives and Ca.rbon • Bl'akes Cbecl<ed • Ignition Service -<>-- MOTORS REBUILT Midway Auto Service 1501 W. Central Ave. Planning to visit l.ondon '? Then ne~man Hal BoYle's tip on find- Superior Court Justice Kenneth ing a hotel room in t he cro''"ded E. l\1orrison has continued the city should help you no end_ He case of Catherine Myler Jean of says: Santa Ana. who is charged with ··rr you get caught in London grand theft of Sl 100 worth ot I after dark. with no place to stay, valuables from her employers, ~tr. I just v.•alk to the nearest hotel and l\.1rs. James B. Rogers of New-lobby, take off your shoes. lie port Beach, until Friday. do.,.,·n on the floor~in view of the Thief Enters Fisher Home on Central Ave. desk clerk-and liegi n to cry. "He \\·on't do an}'thing (or you, but everybody feels better after a good cry. And your feet wi.11 be rC'Slcd for the \Va lk to Hyde Park. "-'here you can bench \\'ith the squirrC'ls." • genlus:· a gether perhaps only on a single edge of ~very region a nd industry issue. When other problems in Mexico and has surrounded ~ ~ The ftf>lort P"rsonal "I see villainy in your face, sir," said the judge scoy,·!ing down at the prisoner. '·May it please your Honor ," said the latter, "that is a personal reflection.·· Finnish convc>rsation can some- times boil do\\"n to something like this one: Father: Kokoo kokoon koko koko~ arise. the cabine t collapses. This himself with the best technical o.I o.I situation was largely responsible aides the country can provide. for the weakness of the French In keeping with labor's efforts go\'ernment in 1939 and 1940, to give the United States a gloomy lfvi e which made German conquest so Oiristmas Dame Nature went on easy. a rampage and from east to \\'est Both America a nd England have the country was ravaged by storms inherited a tradition of politioe.l of every description. One good conser vatism which frowns upon thing, though-Senator Bilbo is H A N S £ N f S 2100 Ocean a muJti-party system such as worried. France possesses. DR. OSGOOD HARDY, FOUNTAIN LUNCH Front' • Newport BeMlt It third party groups arise-i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~O.~p~a~r~tm~e~n~t~o~f.;:H~ls~t~o~r~yi;. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and they often do-they have a habit eitber of dying quickly. or Phone Barbor 2060 for Trouble A s neak thief entered the home of James E, Fisler at 815 West Cen tr al avenue. Newport Beach, some time over the "'eekend and stole a carton or cigarettes and a wallet containing SlO, he reported to police. Tout' h e A SP}' at Little Brov.'ll reports that one of their hoity-toitiest English authoresses had just s'vept out onto &aeon Street \\·hen a bemused p e des t r I a n bumped into her squarely amid- ships. He apologized proCusely. bur she froze him v•ith a took and muttered: "Ho'v gauche!·· Son: Kokoko koko? F'ather: Koko koko. Which only means: F'.: GathC'r the entire of absorbing one of the old parties, so that the t\110-party set·UP is heap to-maintained. Such was t he case in \\'hich the Labor party, rising to po\\'er since the turn of the I century in England, absorbed. for all practical purposes the old At Santa Ana Building Loan Association hat ··simply fi ne. lady." answered the pedl"'Slrian. "How gauche it \Vith you'.'"-Bennett Cerf in l\tag- azine Digest. get her! S.: The en tire heap? F .: The entire heap. Silly. isn't it? I Liberal faction. A Ff"\V Expressions Both Ame rica a nd Britain can ''He pries up the sun with a count themselves fortunate in crowbar··-said of a man who having auch a situation. gets up very early in the morn-Political instability we have-- ing. but not the namboyant. corrupt- "The "·ind bley,• straight up and ing type which keeps t he French down"-a gals. government constantly a t it.5 wit's •'Looking for salt pork and sun-end. do\\rn··-\\'hen a hi red man shirks. Another subject which deserves "Sk>\\'er than a hop toad in hot r E'petition this week is the con- tar ." tinuing sucress of the United Na- "Fasler than a cat lapping tions Assembly in approaching the tq au1z This and That -11"1 d U,...} J Figures. d.on't lie but liars fi g-chain lightning." proble m of disarmament. F or the T 1'V'( I-LJ/J.. urr: Stat1st1 cs say that more peo- ple die in bed than in planes but that d()('sn't mean it's safest to "Safe as in God's pocket." first time since v.J Day, lnterna- tionttl affairs look reasonably e The H<lme of Good FQ<ld GREENHAW'S DRIVE-IN FORMERLY SANhY'S DRIVE -IN Waffles -Dagwood Hamburgers. Steaks ••• (lout Ham Blg)lway Bacon On the Mlncle Mlle Watch Us Grow • YOU'D need a pair of strong arms to carry our load of New Year wishes for you. Every conceivable wish for your well-being and hap- piness is included in the assort- ment. with grateful acknowledge- ments for your kindness to us dur· ing l!M6. Bayside Plating Co. -Silver and Gold Plating- (). (). (Chae*) Wlrtb 191( Harbor Blvd. c. B. (Bob) Bud Costa Mesa ., , ............ --""" ··------.. _, .... _ ride in a plane than to lie in a bed. "Seamen prepare to move ship'· \\7c \\ish them luck in their new occupation. -Philadelphia Bul- lf'tln. Appropriate Proximity The perfect hostess will see to it that the works of male and female authors be properly sepa- rated on her bookshelces. This proximity, unlc>ss they happen to be married. should not be toler- ated. Godey's Lady Book c. 1853 ThC' Bur(''1U or Labor Statistics says Sl today \\'ill buv what 69-Bo th Good l\tcn cents bought in 19-11 . -It ncg!C'cts . Joel Stcvrns and Deacon Epha- ho\\'cver, to mC'ntion the fact that 1 rium Tenney \,·ere the backbone \\'hat 69-cents bought in 19-11 is or their little Ne\\' England town. no'v temporarily out of supply.-I but they didn't always get along St. LouJi1 Pos t·Dhipatf'h. 1 The Deacon \\'as hot·tempered, , kno\vn to be a sharp trader and MC'd1cal science ha s offered inclin<'.'d to strt'tch the truth: J oel proor positive that it is possible wasn·~ one to get "haired-up .. over to bleed to death without suf. anything. fC'ring pain. It is ho()('d that this At one select men 's meeting an information will provide a crumb argument came up aod Epharium of comfort for the poor taxpayer. made a statement grossly unfair and untrue. which Joel conVinc- ingi}' refuted. Epharium, instead of recognizing that anyone could be r ight except himself. demand- ed, "Joel. do you mean to call me a liar?" To "''hich J oel replied in his slow dra wl. "No, Deacon, I don't. But ain't ye?" It used to be that minorities got kicked around.-No\v it's just the unorganized minorities. Your friends and mine Ne\\' residents of Balboa Island at 200 Sapphire avenue are 1\tr. and Mrs. Richard Malone, who came here from Laguna Beach. Mrs. Peggy J ohnson. v.;re of former Mayor 1\1 . J . Johnson, is confined to St. Joseph's hospital. seriously ill. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. , F ox Family Captured Clayton Bare, a farmer of Pty. mouth. Ind .. captured 10 foxes in his strawberry patch -mama, papa, a nd eight little ones. Just another case of a big Bare catch- ing the poor little foxes. bright. DR. GLENN S. DUMKE, Department of Hhtory. • • • nh; WEEK IN TUE ARMERICAS: Life is just one thtng after an- other! The coal situation was improved last "'eek, but further pessimism had ample justification v.ith the news t hat (1) a huge number of suits are in the offing as a result of the portal-to-portal pay feature of the 1938 \Vages and Hours Act. and (2) the CIO is o~ning its "second round" wage drive for pay rises of as much as 25 per cent. The latter is based on the re- port of CIO economist ( '?) Robert Nathan to the effect that indus- try could afford. to boost wages as much as 25 per cent and still keep profits at near-wartime peaks without raising prices. In reply, liberal-minded Walter B. Weisenburg, executive vlce- presiden t of NAM, states that Na- than's "thecry that wages can be increased while prices are held at present levels or lower ls just u false now as it wu when first promulgated a year ago." It looks White House Cafe 1"'-SW Mrs. Bruce McBride of Balboa president of the Ebel! club, is t~ l\1ontcr ey \\"here she will spend the. Christmas holiday with a sis- "We are looking for a blond ~ BMeh, o.nr. with a rose tattooed on her tht&h" l'.::::============='.1 1 blared the police radio. Need any ter. help? fF11alboa rket WORTHINGTON ·•· = -~ Refrigeration .-_,NAMKONI& ·-.. 1 ..... Air Conditioning ........... PNieuze PumJ18 Centrifugal PumPI .W a Plaamw _. All''ats a-.. ~ .... ma. i.. * d ks .. ~'llm•RllR'• -- Earn More On Your Savings ·with Safety { 3% Plus _Federally lns•ed Safety * An nnbrokn ftlCOrd of ea.ming pay- ments -ie every lllx moaU. lllDCe orpalatioD la 1923. -t;: Onr ra.te hM never been .._ &baa S3 per aaaum. -t;: Fedenlly lmured ealety on .a ao- coaafa from $1.00 to $5,000.00. -t;: All --18 received before 5&1l al wlb Illa.rt ea.rnlng from Ia al.••• -t;: ta:ral..--bers....,fllill«om ..,.. ... -ient .... fadllties. -t;: We k"'9 1' eed more lbM 5%1 Or· ... eJ f.J veterw la ....... llnc p Q. L loam Start Today -Invest Now for llighw Return With SANTA A~A BLDG. & LOM ASSI •. 601 N. Main St. • PIJ. 2'l02 • SANTA ANA · AD lac 2 • 11_ ...... .,. P1t1n1 •st.ca-mll!Wlill--•Olrltio"' ?'a' ;.D..Cl. • • • • -INSURANCE- • FIRE • Atn'OMOBILE • YACRJ' ' COMPENSATION "STU" DUNLAP COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates 5211 No. Main St. Santa Ana ZENITH -ie, 7 tubes. attne- tlw cabinet. hrfect cm4. Low llrioe. 928 W. ~ Klt.cti... ud Wall WMb.... BABY sr-nd, . Bish IJ'ade mab. nocr o...wic ud Wutns Uled. N-only "$4115. T..-. Window Offntns Caulklna STEINWAY snnd. style B. 'Ibo Palntlnr world'• moot wondor1ul piano. =FIREW===oo=~--~=·=oo=----d.=--=-=-;-;:~;;;;;LO:;;;YJ;;;JU:dr;;;rlTr.w;UTJ<DAN;;;;n--;;;. AD Work Guarai>teed Uled. Save ...... third DOW -.........,._ new toclaJf• prloe. Santa Ana 6079-R. 91).tfc CARPENTER and Jobbing wut-Harbor 379-.T GOOD Ul<d practtoo piano. Only ed; lnltde or outside, If~ have 169. Or will rent. GREETINGS m.atttlals. Jacob Gel~ ?;17 Al's House 6' Window GRAND pluvw. Wobtt, Ste!n-Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR-- Winter Planting 46th st .. Newport B .. ~. ~1p Cleaning Service _,., Klmhall, Rawortb. Mehlln WILL MAKE doll c:lotbes any and many others. Priced from time before Xmu. Brin& yoor ' 11&-trc $58S up. MAY YOU ENJOY THE YULETIDE SPIRIT TO THE FULLEST FRA..'lii'K LINNiu... member of the t.eun from the Soutaern Call- fornJa Twta Club that won the I.nten.atlonal Fbhlnl' at Acapulco, '.\t exlco, ls here ahow. &alldn« to the m embe.n of tbe SportflshillC As~on of Newport Harbor. Mr. Llnnell 11poke to t.h e boatmen from the ancle.r•s vtewpol.at at the AAM>dation'• annual diluter on Balboa lalan4 recenUy. From left to rl(bl are Pepito Perm. aldpper of the swordfb.h boat T eaaer, Harry Welch. or t he Chamber of ("ommer~. J . B. McNally .. deao of Newport Harbor Boatmen, Mr. U nnell, a.ad D. W . Kln&, old time Uve bait boat o~rator. CI09e to 70 ~portO•b.J.n1 boat.a are reprHe.Dted. by thill orranlz.atJoo at New- r t Harbor. Hollister Bros. NURSERY Landlcapln& 1959 Harbor Boulevanl Beacon 5200 8().tfc PIANO ':1JNING and repalrln&. J. B. Brown. Write llOl< 633, Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, ea.ta Mesa. 78-tfc CORSON & RAY CO. General Co ntractors Co mplete Building Service -PHONES--- own material. Abo care f o r ---,---,,.---,....,,,,.-=--·I REPOSSESSED apinet type mir- eh 11 d r e n. Phone 589-R. 700 Fire pi."" and Klnc!!!nc nr piano. A beauty. Full rldi Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar W 0 0 D tone. N-only $295. Terms. 97-trc Doll-GORGEOUS ,,.... atyled upholat- ------------H. W. WRIGHI' "Peace on earth, good will towards all man kind" DIPLOYlll~I<T olTDEI> • Ph. Beacon 6666 ...e.i piano with mirror spinet __ 11P! patent. Wu exchanged W BEAUTY s H 0 p MANAGER -1784 N ... port Blvd. ~tr. for large crand. WW ..u for My best wishes to all for a prosperous New Year Operator wanted. ConunlM1on ~"'=-.=-="""ro=-=a::o=y=------::0= baL $288. to come and thank you for your patronage and and guarantee. Phone Beacon ----·-·----------frlendship during the past. 99-Ztp DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 5817. Will Pay Cash 520 N ..,_,_ San --0- WANTED-woman h005ecleaner o. "......, ta Ana 116-trc For yoor furniture or what have 1 day weekly. 4 rooms, kitchen-yau. P hone Beacon 5656. 0008, CATS • Pll'JT8 Ill A. "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor et te and 2 showers; modern. 102 Poinsettia Ave. Cor. 4th, Crawley Furniture Co. CHIHAUHAU PUPS FOR SALE Business Broke'!' -Insurance C.D.M .. Harbor 254.~W. 99-3tc 1812 Newport Blvd., Colla Meaa -30lO Coaat Blvd., Newport 634 "-~ Hlghn~y 101-Beacon 5173 nn Beach. Phone Harbor 2270. 'l...A.JltU)1. ..,..""' • r --" , :r.6-tfC WOMAN to do washing OT 1u1.uu.J 99-2tc family. Phone Harbor 1095. l"tJBNnVRE FOR SALE U 8PIXJlAL ANNOUNCEMENTS SI l00-1w 98-4tc ---------,---,---0-·IFOR SALE -Vacuum cleaner , C WANTED-General help for Cor-Hoover type. Almost 11ew, A-1 arpenters Available ona del Mar Grammar School condition. 406 E. Bay Ave., Bal-far general maintenance Cafeteria. Phone Harbor 2100. boa. Phone Harbor 314. 100-ltc and repair 96-4tc FOR SALE - Bunk bed stead. O. Z. BOBERT90N WANTED--Office asslJtant, male Ivory color. $9.00 1320 Cliff Dr. Call Harbor 83 1000 Children Feted by Santa In Laguna Beach Harbor 2447-R Harbor 15~W or female. Must write short-Newport Heights. 99-ttc 34-trc THE WORLD •.. ... AT A GLANCE By EDWARD CLAYTON Roya.I wt.ma.nee LAGUNA BEACH, Dec. 26. Al" proximately l()(X} youngsters were guests of Santa Claus at the Play- house on Ocean Ave. 'Monday when the open-house community Christmas party brought young and old to festivities. Under the management of Mrs. F . Lytle Rankin. the party began with a puppet show by Don and Ivy Wilson and continued with Santa distributing over 1100 gifts donated by individuals and or gan- 87-ttc CESS POOLS and CEPTIC TANKS Installed Anywhere ln Orange County Con tract Drllllng Sewer Connection (All Work Guaranteed) Full I nsurance Carried J. R. McCORMICK 340 Victoria St. Costa Mesa Beacon 5069-J 93-trc izations of this city. Girl Scouts RADIO SALES &: SERVICE were hostesses, serving coffee and Specializing Jn repairing. doughnuts to adults and B oy Scouts officiated as police patrol. The evening celebration was highlighted with the Christmas lighting a\\•ards of the chamber o( commerce and the local Lions Club at which Raymond Christ~ pher as King Java I presided. First prize or $50 each in mer- chandise credit, sponsored by the chamber of conunerce. were given to Macres Patio, S . Coast Blvd.; Hotel Laguna. and Hathaway Ga- rage, 1190 S. Coast Blvd., respec- tively. TRONART, INC. Rad.Jo, electronics, sound-Sales and service--marine and domestic. Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newpor t Beach, 79-tfc MET -CLAD PRODUCI'S -by- CLARK & BA TES Metallizing Weld.In g Speciall1ts 506 30th S t -Harbor 2:509 Second prizes of $25 each in merchandise credit \\'ent to Stuart Newport Beach 94-t!c Avis Store, 360 S. Coast Blvd.; --AL--LA--C-H_M_E_YE--R-- Laguna Heights Apt.-Hotel, 1316 S. Coast Blvd., and Coast Garage, S I G N S 412 N. Coast Blvd. J udge! w ere Ttu·'-Boa•· Wall WI •--tc. t.:Al!I, ...,, s, nuuw:t, e H ar 0 Id c. Coward. chairman; Beacon 6178-W Lloyd J. Seilset and C. Leland 'ltAa E. lBth St , Costa Mesa Freema n. .,,..., hand a nd be good typlJt and :F"'o"'R:-oS:cA:-:l:-:.E:-:::Re-:r:-rt:-g-er-a7lo-r-. ""'50-:::-:l::-b. K E Y S have experience at bookkeeping. capacity, good cond.Jtion . $20.00 Made Wblle You Watt Permanent position, good salary. Harbor 49l -M. 99-2t c VOGJIL'S Dave WUS:on, 902 Main, H unt-' Balboa lngton Beach. Phone 159. 97-t!c MONTEREY style bed divan, 2 lOO K&ln Bt., chairs, 1 table, 1 large O'Keefe J06 14.ar!n-. Balboa Ialand WELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures for Young Women as Telephone Operators In most communities beginners re- ceive bue pay of SSO (or a five day week, wJ th extra pay for over- time or duty a t certain houn of the day. Seven wage increases the first 1two year.-paid vacations. & Merritt heater. Complete 9'-ttc $1 00. Call Harbor 2767..J. after All kinds typewriter rlbboM In 1 5:30 p.m. 92-tfc atock at the News-nmes. For office supplies, aee the Under New Management _N_e_wz-_nm_ea_. ______ _ Clearance on Living Room Su.ites Harbor Furniture 1962 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mes.a E. B. Smith 95-trc HARBOR FURNITURE Start the New Year Right and Buy W ith Us Und er New Management E. B. WHITE 1962 Harbor Blvd., Costa ?tfesa 99tfc FOB RENT il You woT"k with friendly people In YEAR END SALE! McMAHAN'S WANTED TO RE.NT pleasant offices. have close-out prices on many, Excellent promotion posslbllltles. APPLY • Southern California Telephone Company many items to clear befor e end of year and invite you to shop for any household items y ou may need. You will save on these odd a nd one of a kind close-o uts. Lo"·est Terms al ways:. HOUSING NEEDED FOR VETERANS List Your Vacancies W ith AMERICAN LEGION Harbor 452 90-tfc McMahan F urniture Co mpany, WANT TO RENT-Furnished or Second and Broadway, Santa unfurnished house. 2 or 3 bed.- Ana . 100-ltc roms will lease. Phone Harbor '10'7 81-trc FOR SALE-16 ft. Teak Yacht, WANTED TO RENT U --... HA~PY NEW YEAR Largest Newport Harbor Development in 1947 Will be CLIFF HAVEN --0-- EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVERING GREA'l'ER NEWPORT. HARBOR Sll5 Coast HIJ<hway 3113 W. Central 225 Marine An. Corona de! Mar Newport Bead> Balboa laland Phone: Harbo<' 1646 Harbor 1013 Phone: HaJt>or lrnl 100-t.4 *· BRIGGS' BEST BUY - --·· Resolved: Newport Harbor Real Estate in Your Safest 1947 Investment. HAPPY NEW YEAR ---·-... Reports from London regarding the rumored roYal romance be- tween Princess Elizabeth. who is next in line for th e British throne, and Prince Philip of Greece are of interest not on1y because ot Eliza- beth's royal position but because these reports reveal the involved process she mwit go through to get a husband. In other words, un- like the average young lady she isn't rree to make up her own mind as to "''horn she will marry, or even if she makes up her mlnd and the man in quesn on feels '"that way" too, it doesn't me an that they can make plans for their "'edding. If Elizabeth wan ts to get married she has to follow the la"' under the Royal Marriage Act. This requ.ires the consent of her father, King George VI, and the approval of t he Prime Min- ister and privy councillors. You can be sure that none of these gi\'e their consent or a pproval \\'ithout an exhaustive inquiry in to the "desirability" of the m arriage. And desirability includes poli- tical considerations and many other factors aside from the man himself. P("l"sontl'tly he may r ate 100 per cent but factors over 9.:hich he has no control may rule him out. Makes it tough on Elizabeth but that's one of the penalties of being a royal princess. First and second prizes in homes! ___________ 96-_tt_c_ 1 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa decoration of a $25 bond and $10 HARBOR 514 1> No. Main Sir.et. Santa AN Gray F ord. Just overhauled, in------------- eluding new gener a tor , water pwnp, &: fuel pump. N ew heavy duty battery. Call between 5 & 6 p.m. Harbor 1194-J. 99-4tc WANTED-House for ~~t. Will pay year's rent in advance. Can give refer ences. Write Box l , c/o News.Times. 97-6tp Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa Licensed Real Estate Brokers Make 1 t S tide Plumbing Service or c.n auer Operator Phone Office: Beacon 5173 Res.: Harbor 2476 The 80th Congress is going to face quite a test within itself. The new congressional reorganization bill becomes effective in January. That reorganization has been \.\'i.dely hailed as one of the most progressive steps taken by Con- cash, respectively, tor outside ef- fects. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Ben t, 496 N. Coast Blvd .. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R Thom - back, 475 Jasmine St. Inside ef- fecU, Mr. and Mn:. Charles Diggs, 494 Holly St.. and Mrs. Violet Plavan, 585 Legion St. 1768 Newport Blvd., Beacon 5048W 8().tfc REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY ------------1 Balboa CanV'llS Shop Salla -Boat 'Coven Marine Upholsterin& Harbor 2a7 -2241> 21st St WANTED-Three-bedroom house for wiJtter enW or one year lease. References can be given. Call, collect, atrus 33831. 95-tfc 634 Coast Highway 100-ltc AUTOllOTIVll .a TIRES 118 AUTOMOTIVE .a TIRES A Contracting and Suppllea 97tf< =8_,ALE.,,,......,,.MJl!CELLAlnl0,..,..,----..,.--0-8 ___ • FOR SALE -Complete concrete mixer % sack, good condition. H-220 for apJ>Ointmen t. 98-tfc 1937-Dodge Coupe, good oe>ndl· tlon. New rubber. C8ll Harbor 933 daytime. 9S-2tc gress in half a century to stream------------- line Its operations. The catch is ernment a.nd is therefor , no longer however. that the number o( com-in a position to embarrass the J AMES E. McKEE General Contractor 620 Marguer ite Ave. Corona del Mar ~ttc • mlttces has been so drastically re. administration through his W- duced in both houses that there advised speeches and commen ts.. aren't enough chairmanships to But he has not lost the knack of satisfy all the rl"presentatives and put ting his foot into his mouth ----;Z:;--0;:::---;:R:-:;I:-;:C;----- senators ,,.ho frel they are en-whenever he opens it. M the titled to such an honor. The re--new Nitor of the New Republlc DRY CLEANING suit may be thC'refore. that con-he has already aroused the ire In Our Own P lant siderabll" pressure will be exer -of Barnard Baruch for saying that PICKUP AND cised by rhos~ who "'ould have Baruch had a hand in the govern-DE1.IV£R headed rommittt't"S under the old ment·s fight against John L. setup to Increase the number of Le\1 is. The elder statesman In P hone committees again. This pressure challcnJ?;ing that statement vtrtu-BEACON 5798-J must be erfecti\'ely resisted. Some a lly called Mr. \Vallace a deliber- slight modifications in the reor-ate liar. Ir He nr}' runs true to ganization program may be neces-Corm this will not be t he last time sary but if Congress begins to that some prominent person will maJc:e major concessions tOY>'ard j h~ve occasion to direct a blast at 78-tfc rt>turnlng to the old order, its him. But Henry has grown so ac-1------------- progress in improvin& operations customed to having people mad at COOPERATIVE Lido Cl eaners 4S6 Newport Blvd. ~ill be reversed and i t may soon him that m aybe he couldn't feel ROOFING CO find itself doing bus,neos again un-happy any other way. People-- der Its ancient and cumbersome and Mr. Wallare-are tunny. New and R.epair methods. That must not be al-Price Tb.a"· , Joy,·(>(f to happen. On the food market spring ii Phone ~aeon 52.80-R It is ~·eU that the United Na-coming very early-prices are be-2H E. aDth St.. Colta MeA tiom Security Council hU decided ginning to tha~· out. A drop ln 20-tft to send an investigating commit-hog prices at the Chicago stock· tee to study the situation in yards over a period of 10 stra.i&ht Northttn Gl'E'('('e. The Athens gov-days indicates that r etail fliuret: ernmrnt has charged that the con-for pork wUl soon begin to de- nict has be-en instigated by armed scend from the stratosphere-. band'i from across the border. Butter prlet'S are also weak~ This Bttusation has found ready Yes, it is about time. accep lanct' \\'i.th most Alnericans , .... •· --w--........ -- since the border nations are un-BUSTh'"ESS GUIDE der the domination of Russia and p A I N"" I N G Russia has been most unbiend)y l toward·~reK'l'. But t'\\."O American U Yeara Se!rvice In Newport nE"'\' speper correspandents who H arbor Area visited the embattled area repart Harry Hall that the real struggle lies betv.·een P AINTING CoNTR.AcroR Greek guerrilla fON..'Cs and the -Phones- Athens regime. The guerrillas Beacon 5413 claim they art> figh ting again!t 274 E. 19th Lttet>t 2'-tft R 0 0 F S W. J_ BENJJOW Phone Harbor 1012 J 82-tfc BICYCLES llo&4, Rented or Repelftd. VOGEL'S 100 M&ln St.. Balboa 208 Marlne. Balbo& Ial&D.d. -· the t:)TanDY of the government. FORMED \Vindshi~lds & Hatcb 'I'hE-y also d(."Clare lh11.t almost ~rs made to order. Al9o Plex-~11JCA=="1l'IT==--AID-;-;;;;:S;;-------;;;1a none ol the relief supplies sent lo Greece have b<on dlatribUted !glass & Lucite SheelJ for aale. MACHINE and MACHINELESS to the peopl In h Nu-World Product. ComJl'lll)', e l • northenl see-303 Third St .. Huntington Beach. ' Permanent waves tlon. If these claims are t:rUe they put a dillerent light on the affair. Phone-Huntington Beach 178. Tinting and Manlcurlnl n.. UN must &et the whole ltOTY -;:;;:;;;-r-~;;;o:::;;;=:-';:-::;:=:-8(>.-::::11-:c,1 EvenJnc AppL Ph. Harber 119-W and then take action to cle&D UP FOR CARPENTER \vORK-Call Vi's Beauty Shop the situation. M. Brinkman. 523 w ... l'a>tnl. 1103 Coast mw.y, Corona tkl Mar Henry Wallace ii out of the So"· P hone Harbor Ul31. !l!Htc '15-tfc FOR SALE-White porcelaJn top kitchen cabinet. Very good con- dition. $22.50. Drop leaf ~ 3 chairs $10.00. 520 Marigold Ave., Corona del Mar. 99-2tc POOL TABLE ~ Aize. 36" Sin- l'OC.k: batone, hammerM shaft, 1 small desk for boy's room, 1 black onyx Masonic ring with 10 paint diamond never been worn. Also 2 1 % h.p. outboards. new. All in very good condition. Call at 413 Edge"'ater, after 4 p.m. 97-4tc Auto Batteries Rubbtt Separa tera lS.mont/I -$6. 75 Ex. Compounded Motor Gallon, 70c Oil Western Auto Supply Authorlz:ed Dealer 1836 Newpurl Blvd., Coat& Mesa il-trc TIRES Recapping MODERN All Electric F,quipment NO SlDEWALL HEAT OR DISTORTION COMPLETE SET IN ONE DAY SECl'ION WORK TUBE REPAIRS LESTER'S 0 . K . Rubber Welders Newport Beach 71-tfc NEW Graymarine Express 330 Th!MEDIATE DELIVERY 810 Coast Hiway Phone Beacon 5435 98-4tc P U MPS WORTHINGTON PRESSURE -CENTRIBUGAL For All Pressure Soden Refriger ation WANT TO RENT-2 ar 3 bednn. unfUrnlshed house. Will 1-. Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7Cf1 or 13. ~tfc WANTED-Apartment or house. Teacher a nd mother will v.acate at end of school year. Harbor 458-R after 6 p.m . 100-4tp APT or SMALL HOUSE wanted by man and wife. We do not drink or smoke, no children or pell. Phone Sant& Ana 0991-W or write Box "X .. Newport Ba1· boa N..,.-Tlmes. 37-trc RlltAL EST ATE " 623 So. Los Angeles SL, Anaheim FOR SAJ..E--.Corona del Mar, ~ Phone 4652 100-1 tc tt. lot, 1 b1ock from 9Choo1. 80Uth BOATS, SUPPLIES A of Blvd., &QOd location far !J>o come. Owner. Pb. H-~W. FOR YOUR NEW HlCkS' Marine 65-tf• engine or part&, see .. Jim" Van FIRST TIME OFFERED-House F1eet. factory distributor, 3311 on lot 45x118 6 m onths old. One Finley Ave., Newport Beach. bl~k to ocean, special features, Order now for mid-winter di>-beaut!tw ganlen. s e e at 308 livery u prices are •ure lo POOuietta Ave. Shown by ap. advance. 89-ttc paintment $18,000. Phone owner Hereafter lt we recap )'our TI R.E S We guarantee our "Ca.pg" to last 20,000 MILES and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardless o! Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a oomplete &et we wUl call for .}'Ollr car In the morning and deliver ame day. Ai.a a $2.00 Moblilt&t!c balance job when we recap your tires. for 0$1.00. No lead weJal>ta or "'atru." MUSICAL a RADIO u Terminal 30213 San Pedro or ,..._u_ Mesa Tire Co. 1941 Powell scooter, good tion, $100. Harbor 1992. condl- 98-trc AUTO SERVICJC NOWHERE Your authorized Olryaler+ Plymouth Dealer. Authorized part.s Com plete L ubrication and Mainte nance Expert Mechanics KendaJJ and Quaker State olla NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central An. Phone Harbor 1536 • • RADIO HOUSE CALLS-write llOl< 153 Corona de! Mar. ..,._.. In Rear at Now that additional compe-99-2tp TBAILEIUI a tent .-ntdans are avaDabJe, WILL TRADE-Lota on Udo lale 1760 Newport Blvd. ..., are able to make servtce calla aho Iota on Ponlnaula on pur-~!.,.,..~!a TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do Tf1'1r on larse comoleo. AU warl< diaae of 2 ar 3 bedroom hauoe Aak tar Al or Hanlt. ~ baulln& and -..S. .Al ruuar>teed. In Harbor dlatrlct. Phone Harbor ...,. equipment. S2.2S and l2JO HENRY W. BRAINERD '10'7 81-trc per d!Q'. We fQmlall Ibo bltdL Now Owner S.0.S. Radio M-tfc Myrelm Bros. Sa riot Sta-. 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 780 lf01f1CY TO U>Aif .. -1936 ___ Pl_e_rce __ MT<Nl __ ~f-or-aale--. _Bal ___ , c:or. 17th A Newport Bhd..-=- 81-trc LO.A.NB TO BUILD, l••I''. -boa Inn. Harbor 660. 98-trc W-. ----=,..---::-:--=--..,..-----or -Radio Repairs NMiport B&Jbaa -11&1'1zlp .&1l'nl9 WAliiW •AtlT08 WAlC'Dll> • All makes; tubet.. etc. and Lou AMOC'k"oa Beacon 6763 3333 Via Ucio Pb. Harbor 1500 BURT NORTON AUTOMOTIVE .. TJBl2I 1111 91l5 Coast ~. Newjltk't 23-tfc WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices ~~ ~~ Electric and Fire AD kinds 1Yoew1 lter rlbbom In atodt: at the News-Times. SD.I, YOUR CAR NOW While Prlcell are Blgb. • 100-ltc Equipment Tests VENETIAN BLINDS-Aluminwn AD Qualified Penoanel 11ttl, wood. Call 111 for rr... eltlo C-0-TWo, Pyr>me & Foam reftllo. FOR SALE -lntemalloMI 1 'A mate. Renovation A re~ ex> tbled systen and Portable -flat bed trucl<. 115 In. W.B. So. Cout Venetian Bllnd Co. DOW a..nable. Duala over load apr1np.. 12ft. Weat 18th and Newjltk't Ave.. ETS HOKIN A GAJ>V AN lied. Good .... !Ion. Harber· Coat&..,..._ Ph: Beacon 578Z-W. 1000 ec-t BIP1ft1' 2447-R. 99-2tc •tt• Ph. BeaMn !W0'1 ' 91-trc Phone for our ~ blzyer IVho will call and lldtllw you reprdlns OPA ~ aeQhw pdl& and anup all debdls a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. ,.. II-· Cit' t•D OR ;~::o;·:•:::·:::~~:::-::::~::::-::..1111 .... • ~ ao n r , • o --Cl ''tl,1'1a"!'t z 1 I • ti! • • ' CASTAWAYS' CHATlER By NANcr NEWPORT KERRY cmmmuB ~mi>Y--and a WHOLE I.Or at KERRY CHRISTMASSES from "Oop'n" Don and NeYa ])lckeman -AND TBE WHOLE CASrAWAYS CREW and-THAT I HAD to REA!J.y put In CAPS or rd lole DU' job! AND, MAY I add-It~ NEVER ...., 1Ucb a GRAND am.tmu spirit ANY-a time u I 1ee ALL tNf!r the WHOLE area!!!! --·-.a.a ' 110011AY JPOS OJIS1llTllAlll BOOSAY POK ..,.._.,..-. • . . SAYS ME, WITH ALL KY HEART! rve bee<1 ENTRANABSOc::&: FASCINATED and 'nUlll.LED BEYOND WO~ ING the CHARMING spirit at old OU'ls Kringle that ~ In every .,.., I -and f!Vtty Klft~ I bear these ~! I get1 i~Y- wb---the rtree~ the sbop&-EVERYWHERE · .lmY JOllNSON AND BIS GANO Santy causes DE LUXE--rldlng into t-.. on that Cl"at truck Ot 'tfte. they gut THE HARD way! Ya know-I'll bet my hat lhl\I If the WHOLE BALBOA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION wasn t just REEKING with that litUe old thing called SPIRIT-in a BIG way-tllat their prkeleu president. JOVIAL JERRY and his eager CXJborU, Tom J:>ugpn, Jaty Bishop, Eddie McNiel, Mike ~!:fdartin with their dty trud<--<U>d EVEN Fire Ollet CROCKER-w~ not have IO'le oft and up tnto our local ALPS on any such ffi-ALTI- DUDINOUS and HIGHLY HEROIC Froun Toe and Nooe Deel! They td:I IT ON THE LEVEL, that DUGGAN SPRUNG THEM FROM nlElli BUNKS AT 3 A. M. TO START CHOPPIN._G.~''8lr:&E TINSEL T.BEE8 AND MJJ:BB Y MUSIC EVEBY~Ht:U::! . . . GRAND GREEnNG with terrltic trees. ente:nn& N~rt ... _ Santy Tableau Bt.rr GOOD on Newport Pier-btg tree at er~. a BEAtrrY at the Balboa Inn, the GAS CO. window, Larldn's Cate !" the FUn Zone, that silver trft on Cagney Island. the HURLEY BELL S lovely one--the Rotary Cub's beauty on Balboa Isle, t.ho9! STORE fronts in Costa, Santy in a row-boat coming into Corona D. ?if .! AND THAT FORTY-FOOT TREE . . . AND ITS 400 LIGHTS ON THE CHRISTMAS BARGE wi,tn speak.en by Dick Vogel spreading music ALL over the Bay area .. · . . . when THAT appears in the bay the Castaways turn off their music and open the doors while all the guests go OOOOOH and AAAAAH! But I CAN'T forget Jerry a nd his GRAND GANG of Froun Toe Enthusiasts, who with the Harbor M_aster's boat are out there dragging it around all those hours. woTT}'lng about ~watt ceneraton. fog, wind, ETC.! AND all the O'.I"HER sw~ll guys and gals Who have been climbing poles and draping all this 01.ristmas cheer! • VETERAN 8WORDnSHERMEN Eddie Offerle, Nipper ol the Dolp h.la out of Newport Hubor b pfctwecl here witb one ol the fine marlin cau.-bt from bis s~·ordlhb.laa-boat thb Kaae>n. It'• a 175 poond marlln caucht la one hour SO m.l.nut8 by Bea Van Treas. 537 South Griffith Puk Drive. Burbank, on recuJaUon heavy tackle. Thia picture WU taken at the Harbor Maater dock where Barbor BELIEVE IT "t~ N~ ~~ ":;.~! sweet wife. Evelyn-MuUr RllHf'll Craig and the otb~r employees of the Ha.rbor Dept. ALsO found time to do the TERRIFIC window ot their JOHNSON h•ve hMJ • bu.ty time lveJchlnc in the mulln cau(ht thb seuoa.. CAFE! AND I love the BIG WHITE CROSS on the MIRACLE MDX -"A:..•::ipeclal==-='coea=tur=•...:beol==:d,, .. =...:t,,b,,elr,,_,,man=,,l...:•,,,th=er,_,rqul&r-""="-'d"'u"'tl"' .. =· ---- -AND the Reindeer and Sleigh leaping from ground to window In Corona D . M .-OON'T YOU? And Art White has ~t ALL over the place-SNOW MAN and Icicles--LOVEL Y tree and little snoo.v scenes and MARSHALL'S tree at CHRISTIAN'S HUT-and PARTIES EVERYwhere! PABTIES--PARTIES-PARTIES?!! HOLIDAY MATCHED COUPLES celebrating ANNIVER.Saries! nie Eddie McNieb having their Seventh in the Driftwood room at CASTAWAYS' with Hazel and Jaty Bishop-the lten.ry Vaughns of the Costa Trailer Court making gay with their TIN-TENTH! AND-- HAPPY HOLIDAY BIRTHDAYS? LEWIS BALTZ being tendered birthday banquet by Dr. and Mn:. Lester H. Vetrllng, guests were Mrs. Baltz, Mrs. Beulah Prince and Ce.pt. H. Fricker, U. s . Marine Corps retired. Miss Cannen Brooks was celebrating her's with Harry Brooks Md Mr. and Ms. Wm. Stewart Emery. WELCOME HOME P ARTY . . . by Dr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wickett of Balboa Isle for Capt. and Mrs. Wm. H. Wickett jr., and Col. and Mrs. George Corbett, other guests were Penelope Wickett, OJ,arles Wickett and Geo. Wickett jr. Another welcome home party of eleven by Col. and Mrs. Hagen ot Laguna_ REALLY BIG PARTIES . . . the Hany C . Burd.icks or Costa were hosting their bridge club ot twenty in the Driftwood nxxn. the Santa Ana l\'lotor Parts Co. of thirty were being given their Christmas party on the Boat Deck, and about FIFTY ot the woRLD·s BEST PO"ITERS we re giving a TER- RIFIC party for those darlings -. . . KAY A.ND BRADEN FINCH . . . and presenting them with a DE LUXE ELECTRIC ROASTER -and a present tor the firm-partner Mr. Albert Shultz and Mrs. Shultz -with very appropriately named Stanley SKEE playing Santa Claus. and Marion Johnson singin~ solos and leading big harmony sing b)' all hands, and Marilyn Hill doLng King Cole rendition of Chrlstmas song, and Jackie Sanson, who is setting sail on Matrimonial Sea doing Kay Hepburn imitations! WHAT fun! and what PRETTY POTI'ERS and DELIGHTFUL NEIGHBORS! CBRISTMAS STAR FROM HOLLYWOOD . . . JEAN CRAIN, star of Margie, recently-at our LIDO, dining with husband Paul Brinkman, the beautiful Eleanor Boyer and Norman Manv;.31Je::11 of Hollywood. We ALL thought Jean was EVEN LO OFF SCREEN! MORE FESTIVE FOLKS . . . THAN I CAN SQUEEZE IN-HERE'S A FEW: the darling Don Pedersens hosting Tommy Regan and Anne Lorrimore in the Clubroom, all briltht eyed over crackle-fire and Xmas. tree! The Senile Sailor Ha.ny BIOOgett with lovely wife Mary. Pere and Inna Marples t.alking Utoplan Dreams with Don and Neva D., Onema writer Bob and Mn. Catherwood promoting same, concerning the beautiful Cap. istrano Beach Club. those nice Neats. Dr. and Mrs., with more and more ot their grand big family from Balboa We, the racing sailing Ronald Barlows with p.'.)rty of six, Dick Richards roaring with "Cap'n" Don over my mistake about Jimmy Rhine-who is NOT the Postmaster ot S. A.-but TOASTmaster or PASTrnaster or something of the JUBll.EE LODGE-HOW'S.a poor GAL like ME gonna know! MOU BALBOA ISLANDERS! . . , Mr. and Mrs. George L. Guthrie, Fred and May Simpson, the Robt. Williams, Mn. B. Love, Dave Gentry, Helen Dale Vanderburg, W. J . Callis and Gertrude F . Hamilton. From Costa Mesa I saw Dr. and Mrs. Robt. Andrews, the M . J . Hostellers, the Arden E. Laogs, the Homer E. Mellotts. the John Websters. the Leo Olapmans, Shirley Munteen, Ca.nie Rogers, Frank Earl White and OODLES of folks from Newport Beach, Balboa. C. D. M.-Laguna--Santa Ana-F'Ullerton- Orange and Anaheim. Long Beach and Huntington Beach are crowd- ing up on the blurt, TOO--SO- WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO! . . . come SPRINGTIME! you better hustle up there NOW and Jet yoor ~on that NON-DUES MEMBERSHIP CLUB-LIST. "Cap n" Don will have your favorite table for you on those BUSY NIGHTS if you DO! SAYS HE-TiflS Is a club for the GRANDEST FOLKS IN THE WORLD-our FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. HERE a nd ROUNDABOUT! and HERE'S TO them-ONE and ALL! A MERRY CHRISTMAS! GAR D E N A ND P A TIO W A L L W. P. MEALEY-General Contractor • !285 Harbor Blvd. COSTA Jfll!:SA Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. LUMBER AND B UILDING MATERIAi.A lla7 D labiet Yan! --6111 1111 COAST MORWAY AT THE ARCllll!:S Fresh Daily Dellctouai a.a ~ Or, C<11Dplete equJpmeiit wben yoo want to catc.b 10UJ' ...... HORMEN FISH MARKET OH C£NTftA l A VENUE. NEWPORT BEA CH HANS E·N 'S z100 o.-n rront • • • Confectionery & Lunch NOW OPEN EVENINGS Malta • Sandwiches • Hamburgers • Frankie Saputo' s Orchestra To Play for Hi Jinks Ball The Newport Harbor post of the/ recent county peace officers' ball. American Le&ion will again spons-There will be dancing from 9 or the High Jinks program at p.m . until 1 a.m. New Year's day. the Rendezvous ballroom in Bal-The committee in charge ot boa on New Year·s eve. arrangements includes Earl Cop. Music for dancing will be furn-persm.lth, J ohn Stutz. Bob Boyle, ished by Frankie Saputo and his John Daniell, Sam Sheridan, nationally known NBC radio or-Frank Crocker. Dr. Butterworth, chestra, which played here for the Leonard P ernini and L Sanders. Good Fishing Can Be Expected Off Piers, Says Game Warden By l . CHARLES DAVIS. %nd (In "Bullets and Hooks" Ocean angling now swings in· to the slack season for most fish- erme n ,,·ith live bait boats few and rar between and th0&e oper- ating going largely for the so- called rock cod which are not cod at all but rockfish. However, this is no reason for the active angler to put his tackle away again5t the start of the spring season. Actually ther e is UJIUEY'r REFRIGERllTIDR JERVICE CDIIlPnnY --~-!lenloe l2G ~ Bl't'\L, OonJllA del - ._llarbor l'IN Nlcttt. 1-U M! LIDO ISLE Season 's Greetings To All. .. .. .+ p. a. palmer •NCOt"i"'"" .... I tors J))) •••I <Ii: ~•••0" "••<A <•I•/ r ...... o•• ••·•o" "-ti\ ""'"0' UCIO still plenty of sport to be had and J anuary and F ebruary are good months to do a little explor- ing and get acquainted with the sport to be had in the bays and sloughs, from the piers and jet- ties so numer ous along our coast. We in Sout hern California are fortunate in that we have all year fishing 'A'ith no enforced Jay-off because of snow a nd ice Jocking our tishable ""'aters. Rock codding is not to be de- spised. Far from it. I t may not be your Idea of sport because the fish are not game fi ghters and it involves a certain amount of work. But lt does provide a day in the open away from the cares and '''Orries of the city with its smog and noise. It likewise provides plenty ot good eating fish and you need no special tackle. Long lines, heavy sinkers and a gang:lon ot hooks are provided by the opera- tors and included in your fare. You just go aboard and go fish- ing and it is a better than 100 to 1 shot that you'll take back all the fish you and the neighbors can eat. Rock cod boats are operating from Balboa, Long Beach, Ca- brillo Beach (San Pedro) and Malibu and several operators PHONE llABBOR l'I F OR SIGNS BENEDICT The SJan Man • BOAT LETTERING A SPlX:tAL TY • . . OPEN 9 A. M . TO 8 P. M. • SIZZLING STr:AKB • DoUdoas llambwpn • Homo &Iced PIM -SHEP'S 2ou COAST mo-&r NEWPORT "fte llomo ol Good _.. CLOSED ON M ONDAY VENETIAN BLINDS SALES and SERVICE Pan-Coast Venetian Blind Co. nf Oou&. ll!Pwar -. 118111...i Season's Greetings HOME---AUT O MAR I NE RAD I OS REPAIRE D Burt R. Norton 915 Cout Highway .n. Be•w. 5'111 Newpw& ._... • , ...... News of fhe Churches • IT. JA•Ka KPl8COPAL CHUllCM ' ' Ui'D1& D£r £DWWWWW& em--and Old a..117 B4. o.la-~lll octioal, Batmdq ..... Ins. t:IO o'clocl<. ~ W t lce. 11 UL ..... WWW -IQU£a ,.,,.. °' ........... Te •••t.="'J:nJ''"m•dd••• -.w ............ -...... OUll LADY Of' MT. CAllMlfl,. 14&1--I A- Btmday 'M1 '7 11: .... 10 ..... °Mii M ia.: 8&tm"'" ffte. 4:00 to O:JO &o4 rr-T:llO to l :IO p.m. Vie u.i. FULL -L c:HUllCM •-'Q 8<"'d t:IO L .. llov. A"'ro T,-. ---~ -- -... ~ Wtloe UI ... -Ml a:a a.a.. Bd7 Ownn11111... • ..... ,_ aooi. 9:46; ....... OumdB' ••b •:eo p. m. t :tll LID., -, .. Mal. -lldp, U ; S....-wt... -wtloe 8:ll0 p. m. ------- OOJIONA -. llAa U:OO IL IL. llilonlllS ~ ond T:JO p. m.; W.='lt ----etulplloClo -Ill -. C1"nt lluDdo,Jo: Bol1 .., ca w~. T:ta p. a: 7:ll0 o'clocl<. CllVJl(]H, ~~::ATIONAL Pen-y FNder1ck ScbrocS. Mlnbt..- 611 Hellotn>pe Avenue 0-m•mlm.J ,_ poqile'1 -..i-NtlN ~ mmlllc -WtlDi ca IMOo,7, T:tll JI. a. at 7:30 o'dodt. Corona de! Mar Sunday, De<emba 22, llM6 9:30 Lb. 0.urcb ldlooL 11 a.m., morning worsblp. Ser- mon by Mr. Schn>ck: ''Pil¢ma. Past and Present." F0IJl8T CHURCH OF CHRl8T, SCIENTIST Lido T?tNter, Centra4 AYellue and Vlo Lide A. -"'Tbe ~ Cburcb. The !!'Int Cburcb ol ~ Sci· ents.t,. bi Bo9ton, Ve-cbuetta. Sun.l!ay Scbool at 9 :30 L m.. Bun· da.y Service at 11 L m. Wedne.daJ T-.,,onl&l Meeting o.t 12 o'clock Readlnc Room located •t lll Palm 1treet. Balboa, 11 oi>en dalcy from 1 pm.. to 5 p.m.. except Sun-. days and holi~ nationally ol>- """'ed. The public t. cord.I.ally tnvlted to attend the church eervtc-"""' UR the Reading Room. BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. Harry W-W hite, A..aclate Paet.or Cbarcb School. 8 :30 L m. Momin& Wonh.J.p, 11 L m. Costa Mesa A Christmas wreath fashioned by Mrs. M a r th a Bushnell of Orange Ave . adorns the Gover- nor's Mansion in Sacramento. Christian Science Text on · Atomic Force Tb• questma .... tbe Ull11'ert' t ncladJn& If~ ETotYed br Atomla Fol'Cfl!°" will be tbe Sunct.y JAuo• Sermon •ubject ID all branch• ol Tbe Koth.e r Ch urch, The nr.t Cbutth or Chrtet, Scte11U1t. ta. Bo. ton. The Golden Tut t. ftom Deute- ronomJ': "'Debold.. t.be be&Ten , &nd U&e be&Yen ot be&Yetu ta tbe LOrd'• lhJ God. th• earth alto, wtlb an that therein la." In e. selectlon from ll&rk'• Golpel Jesus "con1tre.lned lthl dl1clplea to set lllto the ab.Ip, and to eo to th• other aide ... And when eYen wu come, tbe ahip wu 1n the mid.at ot the aea, and be alone on the land. And he aaw them tollJng 1n rowlll.g; tor tbe wind was contrary unto them: &nd a.bout the fourth wa.tcb ot the night he cometh unto them, walk- ing upon the aea.. ... But ..• ther aupoosed It be.d been a spirit, and cried out: ... and were troubled. And Lmmedle.telJ be talked •Ith them, and 1e.1th unto them. Be of good cheer: it la I ; be not atrtJd. And be went up unto them into the 1blp: and the wind ceued." Mary Baker Eddy wrttea In .. Set. ence and Health wtlh KeJ to the Scrlpture1:" "'The re.a.I Jurtadtctloo of the world 11 In Mind. cootrolltng e•ery et:tect and recogul.c.Lng-all cauaa.Uon u YU.led In dlYin• Mtnd. .. COSTA MESA CHURCB OF GOD Bev. lamee P. McGraw, Put.or HO Collrlllo St.. Cloeta •- Services Sunday 10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Bushnell, teacher and lee-THE NEWl'UKT HARBQB turer on the art of flower arrang-LUTHERAN CllUROB ment, appeared at a program in (To be located on Clltt Drive. Sacramento in honor ot Mn. Earl Newport Heights ) Warren, wife of the governor, and "A 01.angeless Ouiat tar a presented the state's First Lady Otanging World !" with the wreath. 9:30 a .m., church school; 10:30 The W . Wilson St. home of Mrs. Doris Taylor was setting for a meeting of Circle 5 of the Com- munity Church W . S . C. S . The gift exchange disclosed identities of "mystery pals." Mn. Florence Davey conducted th e business session. Miss Evelyn Taylor, daughter of the hostess, assisted in serving refreshments. Next meeting wilJ be Jan. 28 with 1'trs. Myrtle Wag- goner, 2573 Elden Ave. Wedding rites tor Bessie Zam- ara. 1845 Orange Ave., a nd 0 . L. (Jack) CaJdy,•elJ have been sched- uled for Friday at 8 p .m. in the Broad.,.,•ay Wedding Chapel, Santa Ana. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Rice Holt of Bay St. "Mystery pals" were disclosed at the gilt exchange held at the Christma.! party of Crcle No. 1 of the Community Church W.S . C.S . at the some of Mrs. Lucille \Veathel'Wax ot 18th St. Assisting hostesses were Mn. Alice East- man. Mn. Beth Reed and Mrs. Betty Kirby. Mrs. Elva KJpp, retiring chair- man, turned the business meeting over to the incoming chairman, Mrs. Coyle Munson. Royal'Train lnapected BIRMINGHAM, England (Reu- a..m., divine worahlp. -Services at Present- Grauel Olapel, 110 Broadway, Coota Mesa Rev. Herbert C. Roth, putor, 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 218S-J. "Come Once-You'll Come Again!" • F IRST METHODIST CHURCH G. Edwin 09hel", Pa .tor Euclld at Stanford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 LID. Olurch .chool for all ag ... 11 :00 a.m. Morntnar Worehlp: Keuage: ''We Thank 'lbee. .. 11 :OO Lm.. Nunery for all chll· <inn dumg oervtee. 8 :0() p.m. M:ethodilit Youth ~­ lOWllblp. Youn~ Adult FellOW11hlp. T:OO p.m. Il:venlng Wonhlp:- Veu·ge: "Come Y • U Ye. .. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTMERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Cotta M ... Rev. Herbert Roth, Paster Servt.c:ie.: Sunday, 10:30 a..m. 0. L CULLY Boacled Oortlfte4 Tu Oonoallant Income Tax Uoeued PDb11c Aoeoaatant Yom Patronage A.pilndoted US SPUJWEON BLDG. %08 W. itll St. Bonta Ano ters)-Klng George and Queen !~;~;;;~;;;;;~~ Elizabeth, who visited here re- cently with the two princesses, spent over two houri inspecting the royal train, finished outside in cream and gold with gold leot- tering. whlch they will use on their tour of South Africa next February. Each coach ol the train-built here -is air conditioned and equipped Y..i.th radio. Lighting is on the modern nourescent system, and curtalns are In the Queen's favorite shade of light blue. promise to resume live bait boat operation around January 15. In the bays and sloughs you'll find a variety ot fish. Halibut, turbot. some . ~ and plenty of perch includJna: the very sporty opaleye. aams. mussell, salted anchovies, rock worms and a ape-- dal mos.s may be had from the bait and tackle stands or you can gather your ovm bait. ~tullet are another fish furnish- ing a lot of spart, especially on a fresh ~·ater fly rod. I was amused recently to read that mullet can- not be taken on book and. line and must be netted --...,.----••C*IN.D8 OP GOD CtlllllT CHUllCH •Y TtlE 111A Blm7 Mil Im: S ••• Pm••• eem..i.unlty ~ •--....... Boll, 11111 14IO WMt -· A-... O.tnl A.TL lllw. L D. Gaa•••t. Putw -;J ldlool, 10 a.m. ~ ~ 9:IO &.IL Kmulnc Wtlce, U &.m. ll ..... -P, U IL llL EW11i11g ~ -W. at . Youttl r.tlotnmlp. I p. m. 7:30 p.m. Evmlng Wonhlp 7:30 p..m. ----..lee. TbmadQ' .. --pn.yw .....-w.s. 7:30 p.m. n~; covered dloll ~. •• p. m. COSTA MUA COMMUNITY CHURCH Cart L J-..CA .. Mlnlater 124 L -11t. I'll. 247&-R Cburcll -. 9:411 IL ... llornblc Wonlllp. U o'cloclt. Youtll. poupe, Hlgll ecbool. ID· -, Adult, e:ao p. m. ~ IOlVlce, 7 :30 o·c1-. Kid--feU-m!p 0"'1 pro;JV, Wedneedo,y, 7:30 p. m. 11 L m.., Prayer and 8ermoA.. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church and Walnut av.ta L. Du.an• canby, Mlnlatar. Sentcee: Sunday, 10 L m., Bible Btud;J; 11 IL m.. llon>lng tronblp. "THE P'IUENDLY" CENTBAL BIBI.It CB1JBOB of Co.ta 11 .. Bev. Dwi&'Jlt Klnmu, put.or Meeting tempararly in the Sev- enth Day Adventist church, corner of Old County road and Bolsa Ave., Costa Mesa. Sunday achool-9 :45 L m. Worship servtce-11:00 a. m. · Young people's service-6 p.m. Evenin& evangelistic lel'Vice- 7 o'cJock. -l ·N-8-U-&sA-N.().a A.t 'Ce•t .. ._,. • 1'1N Al<~---~ . -• All TJpll KENNrrH 0. mu. I ll -llA !It. ~­~= -- Bo/,1Hatf. • IOt OoMe -..... -..._.P••••All Prayer meeting -7 :45 p. m. Wednesday, 2008 Anaheim Ave. ;:::==========:::::; A cordial welcome to all. IT. JOHN V IANNEY CHURCH Balboa lllaAd BALTZ MORTUARY . Sundoy JI.I-: 8 :30 a.m. Cmt-ou: Saturdayo °""' 7:30 to 8:30 p.m_ Chrome Plating . National Plating Oo. -.t - Lady Attendant -.t - 410 Coast BlW. <X>RONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT fi41:113()1:1 l"-'Vll:JTMll:~T £(). I) rALT()l:1S :J()Tt< IT1>rrT •T W. C r .. T1>AL 4-. 'J.t.pt.o ... dla,.tc,, 16oo 16o1 ~ ~ ~ Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau All H oclf.s of Traftl to Europe. Muloo, Hawaii.. BoancJ..~World Trtpm In tlle near future. • • • 8ee lllrs. Boy Keene. Ph. Harbor S91, SOl Palm, IWb B oan: 10 L m. to 8 p. m. GORDON B~ FINDLAY CONTBAcroR AND BUIU>D Ofllco: NlO c-t Bl""-!""'--411 CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINEl'S AND MUJ.WOBK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt_ WllOlll- BOB WARE ud RABOLD MATHEWSON PBlliENT: AUTO• Races 29, 1 :30 p. ' llL (Races Every Sunday) Sunday, Dec. • HUNTINGTON BEACH • SPEEDWAY -e Located-on Highway 39 . * mile N. o( lllghwa;r l OJ.. at Ballagtaa •iaell lhdh g for 1 '1.000 Popd , PJtel9 Ample Panlag • ' • ( NrNPORT BA• 804 NEWS-TIMES IBOMDs ••--o-1S _. U W 0 7 Id ~ ?' ... -'7Afllwa1 1 V91wm:YW Ollla._:r+ •'n ·0 l~W I Is v.-o • 1 ~ J"afllble "' Adwance:-12 :SO per ,.... "' ()rap °"1ld7 SLW is ,,_..to f,lh :mae: '3.00 per ,,_.. to 8111 _,. •taed M 8ec1•wl.Qaa matter at tbe Ptwtomm ta Neapxt Bwd:, . O!lltanila, -the Act ot -3, 1879 • SAM D. PORTER PDbH.._ I '. G. FROST • Edltot W. F . DIXON -• . - -• -Adftrtldn& Ma-P>intlns Plant, lall W. Central A-Newport Beed!, caMmnia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach ·A O.,ss d·Ne Local J:WIHldSca tor Ofer 11 y _.. fta 19j Jh«p t N !Ip lMI !ligE!_~ I -~~F ~~~~-J~l!~~ etw ottldal VA answers to Tbe Invention of a welded l'1lil morning In a big city--ti>e plop Harbor m Juat before :- veterans' ttodjustment prob-lot railroad trades Is almost un-ploy of a horse's boot& on oobble-vacation _,... Paula Cast! Sarah lem11. Send questlona to: doubtedly an excellent tblng, but stones. Tbe IOWlds of America Best. Dixie Lee Smith. °B.verly Right Gulde. 100 S. Broad-still there Is sour to be taken diminishing into silence, all. We Grace and Judy Chapman. This way, Loi Angeles l!I, callf. along with the sweet. the ~ ~ must get along With US. and the wu the seoond formal initiation Before the Veterans Admlnls-Ing that the clackety-daek of the old lowd sounds go Into the and was held ID the school library tration can authorize payment tar wheels going over the Jomt:s will silence of things put. with Miss Adams as advisor. any claim made by a veteran or be eliminated along with the It will be worth while progress Home from Berieley for the hi5 dependent the identity and joints. when the last clackety-clack has holidays is Barbara Packard, eligibility of the claimant must be The clackety-clack of a railroad sounded on the rails. But how blbhed This . ··•--• prl 40'l8 Olannel Place. Miss Pack· esta . · ts reqw.n::u -train is 8 very fine sound It are )-Oungsters to know that a r • SHAW'S UPHOLSTERING A C.Omplete l)pholstering service Pbw B• lllllll 6096 811 ()out lllghway We speci,alize In marine tq>- bolstery, canvas b r e akfas t nooks and bar booths. Free estimates pick up and delJvecy service. marily to protect the veteran and dese be ti ed . · railroad train used to talk, ex-ard is attending the California his family from those no t entitled rves to _men on . m the citing talk. that its clackety+clack, Cbllege of Art at Oakland. ._ _______________________ _. Active to receive these benefits. same breath with the high con-clack, clackety. clackety, clack, Hugh Dunlap, who is at Stan--------------------------Member Oaims of beneficiaries (wido\VS, tented piping of the popcorn clack became words, and sent-·ford U., is home for the Christmas Of children and dependent parents:) wagon's whistle. It is comparable ences over and over, to make a vacation, visiting his parents. Mr. are given priority at all VA of-to the most enthralling sound that boy wonder and dream, and at and Mrs. Stuart Dunlap of Bal-_-------------------_:~~~~-1 fices. Everything is done to ex-last to become a song and sing boa Island pedite their claims. Immediately him to , sleep!-8t. Louh POii~ Dick Powell and his wile. June upon notification of a vetttan's The Sa Dhpatch. Allison, are planning to build a death a specially trained contact y y • • • • • • new home at BaJboa Bay Shores representative is sent to the home "Lite bsOJ'aDce Galm" where Powell lived for several New York World·Telegram to give as much assistance, in " ... When a family acquires years. every way, as possible, particu-"You members of 4-H say, life insurance, or adds to the in-At the L. L. Isbell home the Let's try to look at the lAbor-management scene from a Iarly in the matter of filing a~ 'make the best better.' I can't surance it already possesses, it children. Donald and Dolores El- longer view than appears in each of these recurrent crises. plications tor a uthorized pensions think of any betttt statement of makes a decided advance toward der, are home from U.S.C. for the What is the essential and ultimate aim of unionism? It is, and compen..ation. the American falth, whether that a more secure life. The proceeds holidays. we believe, not merely economic, but spiritual. It involves IN MANY CASES, HOWEVER, falth is expressed in agriculture, of insurance policies help tarn-------- • . , BENEFICIARTES MUST w AIT in industry, or in other fields of Uies over the hard places that Ari Peak the uruversal desire for human dignity. It !Sil t dollars alone, FOR THEffi PENSION OR COM· endeavor ." ff•lll"J' Ford, n. speak-come to many when the money zona or bread alone. It is pa.rt and parcel of the long crusade PENSATION CHECKS BECAUSE ing at a reeent 4-H Club conven-earner of a family is taken away. The highest point in Arizona is which dethrolled the tyrant kings and created democracy. THE REQUIRED EVIDENCE IS lion session. They help to educate children, to Humphreys Peak, an extinct vol· NOT COMPLETE Th d I train people to do the work the cano in the San Fra ncisco moun- Another Viewpoint Told * * • insurance p.a. palmer lllCOIPOIATI• , · W. 0. btM:t. l"MJ mot COURlllQI 3333 vla Udo, Aewport beach, callf. telephone newport b.ach, harbor 1500 * * Through unionization the industrial worker has achieved can be avoided by. chec~ng e~~ world wants done, to improve the ta.ins in the northern part of the "Men don't wear beards today, d -------------------------economic improvement. But spiritually-in many, possibly the VA as to just what, evidence and that. gentlemen. is the rea-homes, an make life more com-state, which rises to a height of most unions-be has achieved little or nothing. He has is required AND COLLECTING son you have lost your authority fortable.-Woburn, M..._, Times. 12·611 feet. changed bosses. But has he gained the self-respect to which THAT EVIDENCE NOW. over your wives." -B. Sayers, The rules are not complicated. Croydon, England, librarian. he aspires~ He has merely substituted the union boss for the There are but two requiremtnts: factory boss. He is still subservient to his new master as he 1. EVIDENCE OF THE VET- was to his old-in many cases more so. ERAN'S SERVICE , Photostat In union meetings he is slapped down, as he was before copy of discharge is recommended, Stanford Clinches Coast Sailing Title In Sunday's Race although the original is accept-by the factory boss in the days when there were no unions. able. There a re some federal If he raises his voire against the union "leaders" he is booed benefits suc.h as. farm. home and The intercollegiate 'team sailing and browbeaten. Though he may have gained economically, business loans which require the championship of the Pacific coast original discharge certificate for was won here Sunday by the San- he still can't be himself, spiritually. applications. There may be ru-ford university undergraduates In this struggle, though he suspects that he has been ture entitlements requiring the or-team. cheated of his fundamental desire, though he realizes in-iginal therefore the use of pho-Finishing in second place "'as 1 th h ded t f th h · tostat is recommended. Loyola of Los Angeles. while the creasing Y at e has tra one mas er or ano er, e ts If a veteran has ril-..1 his d lS" . h •:-u defending champion. California not yet ready to withdra\V his loyalties from a cause whic charge certificate with a county Institute of Technology finished g promised to achieve his need for both economic progress and recorder a certified copy ot this poor seventh. record may be used. human dignity. z. EVIDENCE OF RELATION-Stanford, represented by Malin New union legislation, to be sound, should not seek to curb SHIP TO VETERAN. Burnham, Bob Davis and Max King, scored 67~ points, and with unionism, but to support it and to purge it of the autocrats <al WIDOW. Proof or legal Loyola charged With 105'11 points. marriage. If no ·previous mar-who have perverted its aims. r iages on the part of the veteran Other finishers: UCLA 105%, To this end, democratic principles must be applied; these-or his widow, the only require ment Pomona 123. Santa Ana JC 136, cret ballot must be substituted for the "throw~him~out" type is a ~rtified copy or the public Fullerton JC 175, University of tin th d ti. · ht f f Am · t records ot the marriage. Legal California 203, Santa Barbara 205, of union mee g; e emocra c ng o a ree encan o proof of tennination {certiMed ·use 21 1. give or withdraw his support for an organization.. as he copies .of public records) by di· ------------ chooses: the democratic right, even the obligation, to vote vorce or death of any, or all, pre-minor children of veterans of any · · · vtous marriages war, and peacetime service, are and participate actively in the affairs of his organization so (b) CHILDREN. Birth cer-entitled to apply for monthly in- long as he gives it his allegiance; the democratic right to have tificate of each child. come from the government (com· his part in controlling his union affairs and to stand the equal Cc) DEPENDENT PAR. pensationl if veterans died from of any man, whether he be the head of the factory or the ENTS. Birth cer tificate of service-connected disability or veteran to sho\v relationship disease. In such cases there are head of the tmion. to parents, or certificate of no income limitations. The right of a free American to be treated as such must adoption. or affidavits prov· Wido¥.'S and minor children of be established once and for all. If this is not done our ing "In Loco Parentis" status. veterans of World War I and Th will Proof of marriage of parents. Spanish-American War may apply vaunted production system is finished. ese men not ACfldavit showing {itemized) for pensions even though veterans forever work in lx>ndage, either the bondage of the factory all income and expenses. had no service connected disa- boss or the union bot ;, SECONDARY EVIDENCE IN bility or disease. There is an CASE OF LOST DOCUMENTS. income limitation. M • 'nki Substitute proof ma.y "le accepted Widows and minor children of OVle Dr1 ng in cas(' of any lost or d('stroyed veter ans of World War II may ap-. CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard ~ Mlllla&er Balboa, ornla • DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAil.. BAJ> DINNERS ... BANOUEI'S Does Your House Need Painting or ~ Cleaning? No waiting ... Work done Immediately by highly skilled Journeymen Palnteai aslng th' most mod· em equipment and finest materials. ~ ~-- Owned and operated by World War D Veteran -king your permanent good wW and patronage. -A For Free Elltlmateo>- Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Bean The movie industry should not ignore the recent reqttest document. For instance, there are ply for pensions if veterans re· at least 16 different \\·ays rcla-Ct>ivcd, or \\'ere entitled to receive of the Federal Grand Jury in Chicago to take action in tionship of children may be provro compensation at time or death . al- ''eliminating or reducing to a great extent the drinking even though birth certificates are lhough death came as result of scenes" in motion pictures. lost. Ho\\'ever, it \vould be well other causes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I to consult your nearest VA of-Dependent parents may apply -:: In fact the movie industry should have done this ong ago. fice to learn just what substi-for compensation only if veteran's In its investigations into juvenile delinquency the Grand tute evidence may be used. death came as result of service· Jury found many cases attributable to liquor. This, of IN SUMl\<LARY. Wido~ and connected disabiltty or .disease. course. is not directly the fault of the movies. But the Grand ;::::====================== Jury recognizes that motion pictures have a great influence on youngsters, and that in too many pictures drinking is presented in such a way as to give young people the impres- sion that it is the "smart" thing to do. Contractors' Rental Equipment Everythl.n1 In M.achtnt!ry tor the Bnlld.lnc Contractor BUILDING and OABINET SERVICE We're well aware that in producing "The Lost Week-C end" Hollywood turned out a powerful argument against ex-DUT H HEACOCK 'd bl ff t Ph. HARBOR 502 or BEACON ~508-W cessive drinking, but this good effort is cons• era Y o se nth and SANTA ANA AV&, COSTA !IU:8A by too many other productions in which the principal char-"::=====================~ acters spend half the time gulping highballs. ;:. The members of the Chicago Federal Grand Jury can hardly be accused of being "Long Hairs." Such groups are always made up of representative citizens. As indi- viduals they undoubtedly do not feel that no one should drink, but they obviously do feel that drinking should not be pre- sented to 'teen agers in such a way as to encourage them to drink. We agree. Social Leg islation It will be interesting to observe what kind of reception E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTBA<JTOB Flagstone Work • Cement Block Fenwes . \.._ W1at Worll: or P\t , U- some of the highly socialistic and highly com..ly proposals, '"'u~u~1~, .. ~,,,~,,,~,,,~, .. ~,,,~,,,~,,,~,,,~,,.~,,.~,~,,,~,,,~,,,~,,,~,,,~.,.~,,~,,,~,,,~,,,~.,.~,,,~,,,~.,.~,,~,,,~ .. ~,.,~,.,~,..~ •• ~,.,~,.,~ ... ~, .. -.. ,~,.,~ ... ~,~, .. -.,,-,.-,,....:,,,I!! such as national compulsory health insurance, will get fl'Olll r i the c::" ~~tlutt they'll find the Washington atmos-~--,~=-@@ 0 -~··'_~: phere unusually chilly even for January. Why? Well, the ; : vote in November indicated very definitely that the people are anxious to get away from Government interference and i ~ CXGtrol in their daily lives. They've had too much of that I T H E c E N T R A L I N E R I already. i • What's more, they're anxious to see the Federal budget ; ' ; ba)aneed. And that won't be achieved if Congress launches ~ ~ the country into a new colossal spending ~ree. : I =~-i I ~ . i ~ . MODERN . MARINE SERVICE I ALL. ST•••· PI.E•~"""·CR~ I Balboa Island i Built By Central Boat Works ! =---·--------------------=11.L .... ~.:-::::,=:.:-~~SW s:-j SHELL DOCK WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes ) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~ !'hone Harbor 866 Fresh • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS I\ • <>up* Fresh Fish and Seafood ' WHOI.ESALE 'and RETAIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET lllCll 8t. _. ,...,alle Jl&WW ft: ..... Ill ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service OOLIN F . BROWN r (Bart.>r 1144) I l l Marine A>e., Bal-loL Armand Monaco ARClllTEOT 814 W. Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor ITU !TZI IMtewood Ave. Loo A,..-NO,.,....q MOS DAY llCHOOL Mortimer School llOZ Clora! Balboe bland DAY SCHOOL OPENS OCT 1 Gradeo: Oo!L Prep., Army G. A. Mortimer, M. A., Osford PrlDclpal Pllone -· m DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST noz~ w. 0entn1. -1'80 NEWPORT BEACH DB. GORDON I:. BAPP DENTIST 1811 weoi Oentnl l'laolle -'211-1 Newpori Clinton Campbell Emmenon Dentist UIOl Clout lllcbway Barbor nzo Dorona del Mar MOtn'ICIANll Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Quraelves the Better Sene by s...vJng Otben -.._.B•e•lllt Ooaa-()MM ..... Veda Thompeon Teadler ot Plano and Organ !'heme llw ll5zo.J Dr. W. T. MOODef. . ....... ·-... ~-· •· ...... o 'wl ............ ~ ...... Dr. Marvin J. Reitz .., ... _. .......... . ~ -w. Omtnl ................ --- PB·l'81CIAN8 a 8UBGEONS. IUI- A. V. Andrews, M.D. PllYSWlAN -SUBGEON ill Clout mp...,.~ ... Oorona del Mar John IL 0. Obnng. M. D. ~---2 -' 1 -s:ir and by awolntment Beacon lli075 uo -l8lll 8-~ -Oallt•"* Gordon M. Gnmd,.. II. D. PHYSICIAN and SURG9Cfi ~Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.: :>-5 p..m. Phone Harbor YT H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll1wl....., -s.._ Hours:<!-5, ~y Appointment Telepbcme BeaCllll -U l Broadway Ooeta ._ Hilton M. llaswell, M. D. i eo1 eo.oo m..., ~ clel Mar otnce Houri: 10-12: 2-5 Pllioae Barbor 1oa S. R. Monaco, M. D. 8lt Bay An., IWll• _,;u Ml .. Tew+ .... W,A•p'F• By~t T. P. Reeder, M. D. Wm. L. Spivey, 11. D. ~-11ou ..... - -w. Oenlnl omoe: -·-Betl.S.oe Harbor 11'ta-.I Raub & BellDeti& ............ , lM ···-llh&. --"I' '1;l 1a1 8111 1& 1111 w lll'JW.c , ~ Jfcwput9ss4 '' £ 0 I I Pa?"MI - OPl'OWU&i& 1:.2'.~0.D. Ost 10 w ..._ a•MJMau Lll:llW DWUCAm .._SJ CA .. •• 21 ..... -.. ....... --... ... ma:111..._ Robert A. Crawfd °"'" D. CJPNl+pa I -.zw ' sl ·CPsrra F I .. lla ... Jfca511t•1lla I -----VIOLOJr.-Oll:U.O 'IWAI w JUDITH BLAND Celllot -.,._.. . ... ,:1--·-·. Ms Ell It s ta 8' ·1 UI B Mrtr 111 ~ c ....... • • • • Their Pledge • 13 &OOOIDITANT OJ:ORGS D. SAMZTT 'k>Mkeep~ Pd Tu. s.rnoe .:a w. Celltral Ph. 1806-J N.,....,. ....... &()(J()UNTANTS J.... C. BOJ'rliUN £ccountut and I.aoome Tu -nm L&tay9tte Barbor ru N'•.-port 8-dl JOHN T . .c.a.sn.m B. N. B..U'B'.NFllLD -AOOOUNTANTS AocoonUns -AudJt:tn.1 BOOKXEEP'INO BRVICJ: Tu Comultaa.t Jame. o. Pieri:. 11'11 Newport Bl•d. C:O.ta Ilea ~oe Beacon 51M--J AOOOUNTANT __ _ . J, 8. WB! Iii i.ac.n. Tu CoMUltant-A.utboriSed b7 the u . Ii. Treuury DepL to np- r9981lt client. ln connecUon wtt.b 111-eome tu matters. Audit. -Sy•telNI -Bookkeeplq .. ,...,,. omoe 1"0 B arbor BITd.., ea.ta Ku. JJ]U'OBTS JtSWPORT BAT SKY BARBOR OM mile wut of eo.ta 11-. on ltt.b stnlet. ea.ta K-.. -n.r- lnstr'gctloo -e..J.• """""' - ~QUU BOB 'N t>ICJC Alltiqu. Boubt and Sold ~GI.a.-, Bllftt', ~ &b4 """1tun IOt\ii W . CUtnl JlartM>t' mo N...._._ AUTO REPAIR 008TA lBSA. BODY WORD Auto Palotlq ComplateBod)'- -At Rauonable Pl'to9--- Kewport BIYd. &t Walrnat 8L _ ...... w &tJTO ltl:PAIB SERVICE NZWPORT AUTO WORD ~Bour Tow s.n1oe -o...r.I Earl ll}t~P'loprietor -:Ptw>rss 0.1. Har. lGO; Nllht. .._ 116-K l:SC IOtb St. . at Cout 81911. Newport BMch. Calli. AtJTO SUPPLIE8 NWWPORT • &\LB<U AUTO BUPPLT Sc.b.tna B!cycle9 -o._.w.~ 11(9 w. CenlnJ Pbam 1112 Newport BMcb. caw. 17Tr llALONS ~ BSAtJTT SHOP Lolo Ott , ~ W•"'9 • ep.dalty • -m.,.,.... ""'-<el "°' ~-- TOO•L •a 100 ........ ------ S17Jl.DDll • llll:PADlll • ''W BDet Worb .All "":.i"':a::Zn _ .......... ___ ,,_.. ..... Dliol'9 .... to ~ .. CMll ___ .,. -1111 ... ..-••co. .... WteJ T T 1 = 3 'g -- BO&T DEAI.£88 DOUGLAS BOAT A CANOE 00. Manuf&cturen and Di.trtb\lton ot Sk1tta. Paddle Board.a. Yacht T.ndera 2811 W. Central A ... Pb. Bar. JIM Newport Beach, CalIL OA.BJNET SHOP GORDAN B. FINDLA. Y CA.Bna:T SHOP cu.tom Ma.de Cablnet.11 '°'7 80t.h St. Harbor :Jl8l..J Newport 86&ch THE BOBBY SHOP Bob and Sall7 Brown n1 E. Central A.,... Balboa Harbor U68-W ORILDBEN'S APPAREL JR. JACK 6 J1LL Children'• and lntaet'• Clothlea Up to 8 tor Bon and 14 ror Gtri. 17611,2 Newport Bl't'd. eo.ta X.... CIDBOPRACTOR DR. P. A.. CB.UlBERLA.IN Palmer-Cat'Tflr T9chnlqu. -Electrolberapy- HOHE CALLS IN HARBOR .A.R..E.l 1&44 Newport Bl•d. Co.ta Mea& Bea.con MA OLEANEB8 THE LIDO CL&ANERS Albert Matthew•. Owner ~lty cteantec 8ervtce You Can Truat U• Wlth Your rsneat O.rment. -Dellvery Bervt~ f.M Newport Blvd. Beacoll 5'198-J' CoNTRAcrOR. BLDO. & GEN. DUTCH HE.A.COCK General Contnctor and Buperrtalon C&blnet and Shop Rental Equipment Phone 502 B..ibo& lAlan4 520 Balboa St., Collta Mea OONTRACTOR 1 ACK HERNDON Gen.. Bupertatendent-Boat BWlder JO!l CRANE tn CbuJ:e of Concnt.11 Wort D. E . COLZllAN Genen.t Contraclol'-Boe.t Bullder llaln Ottlce Phone Beacoti 5111 Nnrport An. A 17t.b St. c.o.t& Mam CONTRACTOR CORSON A RAT CO. Genera.I Coetncton Veteran.a, BuUdlD.c tor Vetenu IWi Coral A•e. Harbor 3"7-R Balboa Wand OONTB.AcrOBS, B1dc. & Gea1 GR.ltENLEA.J' A WOLDENBERO Gei:ienl Contractors 2836 W. CentnJ A•e.. T.t. Har. JS10 Newport-Balbo&. ca.llfernia OONTRACTOBS, B1ds. & Gea1 W. P. VJC•I ET ~enJ Contractor OONTJlAOTOBS, BJds. a Gea1 OON'DLAOTOU, --. a o.'I 80UTB COUT oomtr. 00. ~·a.owai~ v ..... pc.we. WA.LTD B. KSU.arr Ill o:...t. 819'. Butiior "' enr-....... OO!fBAOl'OD PAINHNO R. & lllC'DC»UU> ~=~ Maui l..lcelirill , Qt ()Iii~ ............ af4' 0 CW'AMM Q. ftPn "A: 1::-.a..1'::, If ... • _...__~ .... -~"'ti-~ • - Your Assurance ol Trustworthy Service and Merchandise DOUGllN1lTll COTTAGJ:i DO-NUT AND W 4'1"J..E SHOP DonuU UNI wam.. a Spedalt:r Compl.t. J'ounta.ln ~ -Marl.JM .... a..Jboa la1e Barbor om DRUG 8TOBE8 Hil(P"T()N'S HARBOR DRUG Oorooa del Kar, Calltor.ia "=>U=: C P!!LLETIJCR'S NliWF'()RT BE&CB PIU.RKAC"f LONNIJ: VINCEMT'8 BA I B()A. PlU.lUUCY ru II. CeatnJ TeJepbon. 10& ELEOTRJOA.L DLBS. A SEllV. BAY SLllCI'RIC Rewtndln• and Rebulldlus Motors A Gener.tors Kotor-. ud Ge.Deraton ror Sale 2111 W . Central "-"-• B&r. 1781 -W FISH BAY SIDE FISH MARKET n.u,. Deltnry of 1'rMh rtah Shell ll"tah It Sea rood Sp<Ktalu .. 28th 8l. A t.reyete, Newport Jk&ch ,,.,,,.. ... FISH MARKETS R-. Phou 219 rRANK 8U'rl'ORA Wbol-1• a.nd Ret.all !"tab II.ark.et Beery WI.De Mid. Llquon 21.st Ptao. Newport s.da. C&l.Lf. OFFICE SUPPLIES OOIKMEROIAL PRINTINO l'JEWPORT BARBOR PUBLISHING COMPANY SOil W . CentnJ A•eeue Pbone Barbor lJ FIJBNITURE NEEDLES J'URNITURE Ture.lture of Quality A Economy Home P'un.lahJap 2'04. Newport BlTd. Co.ta Keea Beacon 5m8 GAB.AGE & MAOBila SHOP vrno·s GARA.GE Complete Auto A Boe.t Repr..lrt.n.a TEX.A.CO PRODUCTS -Weldlnc- 1'-06 W . Ce.atral Harbor 1164-W Newport Beach CO'n'LE'S EA.ST NllWPORT lliRXrr Complete Food Ka.rket Qrocerlu--Keat..--Veptabl .. 508 W. Central Balboa Harbor ll5 GROOl'JBIES AND MARKETS NEWPORT PUBLIC KARXET J're•h J'rut~Veretablee Qu.a!Jty G~rlN a.nd MNta C. r. LOT, Prop. Pbon• 11S %1.lS Ocea.n Front Newport Buch OBOCERU:.S AND MABJD:1'8 THE WA. VES GROCZRY ()peb 8unday--Ckl9ed Tbunda.y 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Complete Une ot GrocutM Plenty or BMr 1100 Cout Rwy. -Barbor nu.J HOTEUI ISLA.ND ROOKS AND il'iln<mm! &. C. ud Or909 Nub 1J7 A.cata "'"' B&lboa !We --w Cll OOllPANIDI ILA.T VDl'ff ICll CO. BAaUM .t...GUJl.AJltC:9 &a&it."'I ....._ ···= ·r:r • R. E. l.Rvnf Dtamcnda. w...-,....,,.. l!l:pft1: Watch A Je1".lry Rapalrtq UI 22lld St. NftrlXU'( Beadl Pbobe 21J7-J' IEWEIXBS •Q-RIO SBOPJ>E Watche9-SterUn~ 81lftr--Gl.n. or All Kmda n Ka.I.a LIQUOR STOBES J0:SA LIQUOR SHOP 8alecUoe of CbotCll Llquon Wln .. &lld lJeen D•I,I ,AS P•I.KJ!!R. 0ww 1794 Newport Bl•d.:.t...eo.ta Kam Beocon "'u LVMBER WARD AND H.A.RRINGTON LUJCBZR 00. Lumber A BuJldin. Kaurl&1a Bay Di.u:lct T&rd Ph. n.con 51.U W Cout BJsbwa,.. 4.t the .A.rcbt» MAOHINE SHOPS SAMPSON !U.CHTh'E WORD Usbt and Bury ll&chh:ae Wort Spec:tallalnc Le Karine It Boat SuppUee 1.:>4 NfJWPQrt BlTd. 8-oon UfD. MARINE ENGINES SEA rLU8B A cleantns 11en1ce for a.II a&.lt water cooled u&Uu•. R.Mewe the ooolbl& e.rtlcteacy. call for Mflmat .. THE SE.A.BOARD EQUIP. CO. U06 Cout ru..,,.., Beocon 118'1 Reprueettes O'"n.y llar1n~ Moton Dteeel-Kucury MEIWllANT PATROL SJ:BVICll BEl.ACH CITY K:ERCH.A.NT PATROL 230& Oeee.n !'Pont Newport 8-c) Pboee Harbor ltn·R ME'l'A'·'·'ZING CLA.RK A BATES leduatrial and Deeor&t.ITe K etal!stq Weldlnc Speclalbt.11 &QI IOt.b ~ H&rbor t&C» Newport Be&c.b MOOBING SERVICE C. R. BT .il'T Koor1np Iulalled and ~ Bou.ya Pala.led and Lett8Nd Be&con 5641 or Harbor i-.a J'or Prompt SerriC9 MOVING .a 8TOBAOJC Bil.BO.A. TRA.ND'ml oo. ~u.a--<!hl ...... BOAT KOVINO 1IQ1 w. Cmtnl ""-R. WI "uau:ar 8CTllOOLS 111 llaltM ...... ButMlr , ..... P . 0. Bcm -Mlloa Wiuil o~ ... Pn-1 'Q m, -~·o.D. "4' btll au w. ~ :ii•••••JW-~t - PAIHfiHQ a lmOO&Aftlf41 .. & ~ OOlftlt.ADrOa PsJ , ........ ...... Pnll'OOD•~ .. ow c 1' •• u. or ·au·• ._ r ... I CA.ft .AJll) DOOi •••JCS I 1111' a. 7"" ft'l'P~ JD--- PHOTOGBAPHEB8 RICRAll.D BESLT PBOTOCJJl.U'BZR Dt..Uaet.1.-. Portnltun -11.artDe ...... Balboa LIJ• -... PBY8IOIAN8 a SURGEONS A.. V. 4NDR.C'W8., K. D. ru Oout R!.lhwa,. HaJ'bol' ue Corona del Kar Nlp_t c.ll.9 -Barbor mJ..J PRYSIOIANS & SURGEONS JOHN JC. C. CHUNO, K. D. Phyaician and Burpon 2-4. 7-3 :10a::o:y~lntmu.t 12> E. 18tb et. Costa K.-. c.ut. PRYSIOIANS & SURGEONS A.. G. HUOB:r.8, K. D. 1785 Newport BlTd. 8e&ooD AA Realdence BMcoa. ism """'" .... PRYSIOIANS .a SURGEONS DR. W. T. MOONEY X Ra,. Sernce Nlnth 11.Dd Qantr.J Newport 8-cb. Cal_, Call Bar. '8 PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS G. N. PEASE. K.. D . Conaull&tioa Dle.snosU BOW"ll b y Appoint.meat llll P&c.J.nc Dr. Col"Olla del Kar H&rbor 2191...J PRTSIOIANS A SUBOIJONS GERALD RA.USA. K. D. 21131) W. OealJ'aJ A,.... Ne,.-port Bch. PboH Barbor lml PIANO TEAOJD:B G. V. LIN8ENBARD Teacher of Piano A Bannon,. 1UI OClll&D J'ronl BarlJor lJU.-W Newport Be&cl:I PLUHBING .a REATINO B. H.. HOLBROOK UOO Cout Blvd. Newport :a.ch Phone Bubot' lUS-W POULTRY PBODUOTS TWIN CITY POULTRY JURJCWI' u .. POQlt1'7 and Rabbit. 3010 W. Oentnl An., N~ Bch. PboM ll&rt>or UOG "11.A.P'' LONG'S PABJSITRY Ral:lblb Dre.Id o.n,y -hr Your~ PboMOrd .. ·~ Oor. 0( ~ ...,, ,......,._ -Ml1 UDIO a•1 P a mvim I 1''•*• :0.UN> - Jl&rtM P •dWli 1t ...S B1115uws ~. 1L BJLOWM OD .. ~ --lr mt Oacoc JD.lrq a&DIO •••a a mVI0m s.o.a. ~-..cnic WdWD8&"•n_. Po; o'v #::1'/J::" J ~ -~...... ......... .. -- &ADIOWYIOlf M•MIMJI ••VWWP*"'O WtiC5 A. .. mta-rs'a ..... r ._ .. ,._ r.-A..4 -&f"U'L .t: '" .... cfi.. l:»=t ... RJJ:&L ESTATE B.A.RBOR INV&8TIONT 00. ,...,,,... $peclaUM; I.II Bartior Prwe.rti• 811.tr.. and a.td .. tal llOth at W. Oontnl. Newport -Pbone Barbor ll00-10 ft:u1. ESTATE " B. K. LA.NII REALTOR WaterCront property with mooriq. 2 BR borne ln Colla Kesa. Cloee In. Good bids. alt• ln Corona deJ. Kar. Property ln Santa A.ca te escbu,p tor Newport or Dalbo&. 2JOI Oowt An. 11.&rbor NI REAL ESTATE ' REA,I. ESTATE WUJ.IAM w. B.A.NroRD Realtor llD4 O.DUal ~ GERTRUDE A.. WALDRON IOB Karine Ave.. Balboa hl• Harbor 254-R REFRIGERATION REFRIGERA.TION Sa!M I: 8en1ce Dom..Uc Coaunerclal NEWPORT ELEC. APPLU.NCll -Rad!~ ~ eo..t Bl.cl. Pb.. 21188 Newport Beach, c.JJf. RESTAURANTS & OAFES BLUll R OOK Chareoa1 Broll41d Ste&ka, l'tu :rood.I Cocktail• "RUSS" SWEETSER al the Orpn 308 Palm, Dalbo& -Hubor mt THE DOLL BOUSll or Balboa Open the Te&r .&.rowl4 m E. Qenu.t ...... RESTAURANTS a OAFS& ICINGS LANDING • C&J'll Bpec••Usfac tn alJ K1nds ot _.._ Ill li.t Nft'p9rt :a.ch -- LA. POST.A Dallcl.~ Kes!caD :r'ooda 2581 Newport Bl't'd, Beacon 11'1 en.ta .... RESTAURANTS & OAFJCl!I I NZWPORT CAn Sped•ltstnc 1n hm.117 Trade. Qoo4 Old Rome CoMtnc 110 Kcradda Pl. -.-w BICllTAUBANTS a OAFJCl!I NORTON'I B.lT IBOU CA.ft 11th It. Md COMt RQ. ._, lrM N ...... -.~ wm1wa •.a.as .A.ft c:AJW . ................ • tt '?"Ml .. -- ••.p , .. ._ - • -Dll SERVICE STATIONS ISLAND SRJ!:TJ. 8TA.TION ~Lubl'kation-:eattene. W_,nc_.,,,.._p ... WbMl 'Belenet 221 KuiDe A,._ Barbor J:b.t..W ...,_,...... sec•:r JBTAL SIGNS BJDNm>ICT TB!: SIGN 1UN JO Y-.... In the B&rbor Ana -........ Gold "-' ~ W..U lAtt.ertu, Wl.D.dow ~ 'Pvfec:lJon or J:lee" 427 NarclMua Aft. Barbor' Ir "°'°"" ... - SJONS L. W. PDZRCm _,,,.. ... - 11 y_,.. la Clranc• Oouat;r UOU9ed. Stat. Co11tnetor -... IUW en.ta ..._ SIGNS TOK RUNXLJD--slon ~Bot.t9 Lett.end SPORTSWEAR BA. WYER SPORT BB.OP Ken and Bo)''• 9porUwear Complete Line of llal>aduhJ7 '1Y1 KarlD.• Ave. BalQ Ila. Harbor 1571 , STOOKS a BONDS LEST&R I: CO. ,. ...... Loa .t.ucl• -....... JOOf. W. Central J.va., Newport 8cfi.. Tel. Barbol' mw DmA.N W. CA.KPBELL OOLIN W. TIU. VD.8 HMd OUS09, at B. 8wtu 8t. Lim .t..nael8I lt - TAOKLE STORES NIWPO!t.T TACXLll BTOU Kann ...... TAXI SJ:BVIOE 11.4.LBOA CIRCLS TAXI 8er't'f..q the Newport Barbor .U.. M-Hour Reliable ~ 1.l5Q1 w. outrat An. Bar. ao l<ewport - TAXI Pbone BM.con l5Df NEWPORT • COSTA I018A T.AXI 00. A.a'ent B&nt& ... Trail~ •eo..t- UPllOL8TICBINO CLA.UDll A.. JOHNBGM TOllorcd Upllo1o'"'7 Your~mctJcm 411 Newport BlYI!. -.. lll7·W ... TB:9 IB+DW D0P -imo1a cour -..-... m.1111> 00. Al . 3 ......... •• J 35 • • 0 2 2 '• a.a .... ft9e .. , 0 .:.:::-1tt..t IOcWjWt~-,L. IDllM--~,. ... V PS•. A 7 S '9 ¢ ....... ~ ..... I Irvine Plans Subdivision SANTA ANA, Dec. :111.-A • lot subdivDion fer QJota .,_ - approved by the or-Oouatr Planning oommlsaloo lut Frillll1 afternoon. and ~tiol) flf piano for another, thla oner far 461 Iota for Costa M-- continued foe a week pendbC filing or additional pi... n.. Irvine Co., headed by J.- Irvine, WU listed U owner flf both properties. The 53 lots will be carwcl <Mil of 14.9 acres at northerly lide of Mesa Dr. between "1llrdl St.. and Cypress St., north Costa Mesa area. and l\1.lJ be fot -.,.,.. family dwellings, accordinl to plans. The Warfield Co. will be subdivider of this enterprise. The 461-lot subdi\ision is plut-- ned to be car"ed frorq 120 acrea at the southeast corner of. Irvine Ave. and 15th St .. Costa Meu. and will be subdivided and IOld. by Earl W . Stanley of NeWpcrt Harbor and his associates. Plans call for 390 lota for one-- family d\\•e11ings. 43 lots foe du· plexes, 28 lots for multiple-faml11 dwellings, or a total of 461 Jot&. Details of the subdivision pianl show that the 53-lot development will have properties measurln& from 72 to 8) feet in wtdUJ;; with majority of lhe lots not more than 105 feet deep. The 461-lot d evelopment calls for lots ol. minimum depth of l JO feet with maximum depth of 230 feet, with frontage ranging from 60 to 70 feet in width. State Needs Livestock Inspectors SACRAMENTO. Decem~~­ Meat livestock inspectors w l th training in veterinary medicine may start "'ork immediately In the State Department of Agricul· ture and take the civil service ex· amination January 25, announced the State Personnel Board today. The salary range for Veterinary Livestock Inspector and Veteri· nary Meat Inspector ia $28) to $340 a month and California resf. dence is not required for tbe Meat Inspectors. Other State examination& sche-- duled in January include: January 21: X-Ray Technician, $200 a month; and BacterioloeiJ-t, ~10. January 23: Poultry Aulstant (upper San Joaquin Valley), $150; Medical Consultant, Department of Correction (residence waived), $575; and Commissary Manager, Gradel,$~. January 25: Assistant Construc- tion Safely Engineer, $310 ; Super. vising Construction Safety Engl. neer, $385; Duplicattna: Machine Operator (residence waived), $140; Assistant Cashier-Oerk. $1 6 0 ; Senior Cashier-Clerk. $200; and Weighing and Measuring Equip- ment Inspector, $220. All applicants must be United States citizens and must have been residents of California for at least one year immed.lately prior to. the date or the examination. Applications should be filed 'With the Board's office in 'Sacramento, Los Angeles, or San Fra.ndsoo ap- proximately three w eeks before the date of the test • • , • • • • ·-.... ...... Tr It• '• 51!!! Miss Dorothy Wilson Weds Orange Man In-Culmination of Overseas Romance ~ta were received eicht official pho~ In this week of the marrlqe on Sat-Korea and wu In ~ al the Harbor Hundreds Attend Sunday Open House of F • • A t • • t • S Lido Isle Community Association emI Il Ille C I VI le o!~.:::.:-:: .. ::~ i: -ev:t ~:1i:: ~ tJrday, Doc. 14 of Mia Dorothea photo laboratory. Pbcww 13 Uld 208 ~~ ~~"= ~ .::-:: ~.,,:i,.1non 5::; Mrs. John Wilcox, Nat. President of U.D.C. )I. D. Sbeel7 of Orange Parle same day, ahe by bolpltal plane To Be Guest of Miss Gertrude Montgomery 1S3'1' R !""10Clll and evening with bet.ween wu the huge sblp'a 1'heel of the By Wlllit£iid 8ubre + R..,._ Pbone • ab: and eia!>t hundred euesta old u.s.s. Georgia, dismantled In Marjorie Mason and Douglas Broughton ;;:,..~ :"~baswhli!:; ~!1'2o ~ w; ~ ':; • /;as. and tar a atoy In the hoopltal at The ceremony W&I performed at San Fl-andaco. he by boat. They For nearly two "f""ks in the middle ot Jan::'{r, Mr&. J't"' ,::S 2 p.m.. ln the Flnt Presbyterian arrived in Balboa within a few Wilcox of Houston, Texas. ~tlonaJ president off ~iss ~~~3e tont- church, Orange, by Dr. Robert days of each other, and the bride-of the Confederacy, will be m Balboa as guest 0 Mu. Louise Moot· Bums McAulay ln the presence of elect spent much of her time at gomery, 2117 East Central avenue, and her sister, members of the immediate family. the Sheely home. Alter January gomery. is junior past pres.l~l of the C.ali- 1be bride wore a suit of dusty 1 she will resume her duties 81 !tl~s Ge~~ ~~t~~ recently returned from the national pink with a fJovver hat of bloe librarian. ~!ntl~cheld ln · J&ckson, Miss., at the Robert E.. Lee hotel. Both delplnium Mld black acc::euories. Mrs. Sheely is junior past presi-siJten attended the con- Her conage was of violets and dent of the Business and Profes-. d 1 tes from b •-H n1 d t• vent1on as e ega baby rose uua_· er o Y atten -sional Women·s club and b ac .1ve ant.' Mrs. W . M. Davenport, wore in Girl Scout work. She ls '"a Emma Sanson chapter. a pearl gray suit wtth black ac-1 graduate of Occidental college and Santa Ana and gave de- cessorles. of Riverside Library school Her tailed repiorts at a re-- Immediately after the eeremony I husband ts a graduate of the Or-cent chapter meeting. the new Mr. and Mn. Se.:-ley left ange schools and will continue his Leaving here some time for a honeymoon which included education, specializing in photo-before the convention, stops at Carlsbad. by the Sea, graphy. They are now at home they visited in New <?r- Jdyllwild and Palm Springs. at 207 East Bay avenue. leans for a week ta.kl!1& 'The new Mn. Sheely bas been all the slght-oeeing tripe employed at the Newport Beach and dining at most of the Public library •Ince 1940. She .re-Capilla Circle Has famous places. Including signed 1a11 •l>ring to go to Japan Christmas ProgNm Antoine·• in the 01d and Korea, and lt was in Seoul, French quarter. , Korea, in the 24th Corpe library, Lovely and irnpreulve Wu the Arriving at Jackson that she met her future husband program arranged by Mrs. Arthur they went on a trip to whom she had known before in A. Kemper for the Christmas Vicksburg and Natchez, Orange. party of Capilla Circle, held at where ladies of the U.D.C. Mrs. Sheely wu central librar-Pilgrim Hall with Mrs. O. Z. opened their famous old tan of Korea and her work con-Robertson presiding. homes and entertained, listed of organiz:l:ng Army librar-A big Christmas tree centered dressed in costumes of les. Her husband Was one of the the stage with lighted candela-the past. o,i.e o! the fa- News-Times Staff Feted at Dinner bra at each side glowing against mous homes was Bontura, a background of greenery. Gowned owned by Mr. and Mrs. in vestments, three ladles gave Hugh Evans of Holly- the Christmas story, Mrs. Frances wood, the host8" having Cox reading the scriptures while flown there to open Jt. 1be Neww.-Timet sWf has lone-Mrs Kemper sang carols at ap-After the convention outgrown the days when their an-pro~ate places. Mn. E. A. K they went on a 200-mile __ MI==88=-0==ER.:.:.:TBc:::.UD __ E_M_o_N_·_T_OO_MEB __ Y_ nual Ou1stmu party could ~ Hackett accompained on the piano trip to Biloxi, on the bdd in a private home and this and th1I part of the program gulf, and to North Fork and Holly senting of many Crosses o! Service year when . Mr. and Mrs. Sam ended with Cantique de Noel Springs. On this trip they went to veterans of World War ll. Porter and Mrs. Nora Wade e~-(Adami). to Beauvoir, the former home of After the convention the sisters tertained the group at White 5 Mrs. Cox also read some of Jefferson Davis, now a museum. visited relatives in Greenville, Park avenue ca.le, 28 staff mem-Ed ar Guest's Christmas poems Miss Montgomery, when state Miss., and made a trip to the ben and thelr respective husbands anl there was community singing president, had located the chair plantation or 7000 acres to whJch and wives sat down to dinner, 1 carols which Jefferson Davis had occu-their grandfather moved after his even thoUgh several were absent- 0 Mrs George Lewis and Mrs. pied in the U. S. Senate and had Nashville house burned. They Sam Meyer, former editor and p rry · Schrock paured at the presented it to the museum. She said the old plantation mansion publisher, whose "Sand Crab" i:autitully arranged tea tab I e with several hundred other guests was still standing. but that it had column la sun a popular feature where fruit cake and hot spiced was entertained at luncheon at never been restored. Other rela- of the paper, amused the groupd cidar were served by the host-the museum and later at one of tives were visited in Dallas, Texas, with stories of the early days an esses, Mrs. o. M. Campbell, Mrs. the yacht c.Aubs. and Highland Park before they re- afterwards games were played Wendell Hoyt and Mrs. Frank turned home. with tint prize going to M:s. Bales At the convention Miss Mont-During the national president's Gladys Wright and Olet Ewing · gomery gave the tribute to Con· stay here there will be many af- w'lth Betty Patch and Editor Fred federate veterans at the Memo-fairs in her honor throughout Frmr consoled. Four Booked on rial hours, an honor which usually Southern California, including a Those present were the Messrs. goes to a national officer. luncheon January 18 at the Los and Mesdames Sam Porttt, Lloyd Drunk Driving, One of the features of the ses-Angeles chapter of U.D.C. and Wade, Sam Meyer, Woodrow Dtx-sion was a pageant "A Day in one on January 20 at Carey's on on, FTed Frost, Jack Wright, One Fined $100 th Whit House .. ~th perform-North M&i n street. Santa Ana, for H&r0ld Barnum, John Donhoft. er: cost~ed in ~riod dresses and I members of Emma Sanson chap- CJeve Dunham. Arthur Kitts, Oiet F our persons were booked by also on the program was the pre-ter. Ewing, John Parkinson: Mrs. Win-the Newport Harbor District po-.'.'..'.':'._'.'.'.'.__:.:_:~:_::~::::.::_:::_..=::_::.:..:. __ -:::---~-:;:--;---;:;~--- lfred Barbre, Mias Betty Patch, uce on charges of drunk driving Christmas Theme for Sped Past Stop Mn. Ruth Preston and Ced.I over the weekend. L h Clarence Sibley, 68. of Seattle, Starnes. They were. Earl Leslie Bente. Bridge unc eon was tapped by police for dolng 53 I P t 36 of Bayshore Camp, Newport Mrs. Wesley Fo"''ler of Balboa miles an hour in the 25-mjle zone Fami y arty a ae'ach; William H . Brill, 31, of .81 1 entertained with a Christmas at Main street and Eut Central Tuffree Home via Li~o Soud, Lido Isle: WUliam bridge luncheon reCt'ntly at her avenue, Balboa. Friday. He was Wh Ch les TUffree son of E . Caidwell, 26, a n El Toro ma-Ocean Front home. Mrs. Douglu told to appear in city court this Mr end M arS James Thftree of rine. and Donald W. Wilmoth, 55• Ward took first prize and second Friday. Police aJso said he passed . an rs. . G d G , Balboa who i. attending the Uni-of ar en ro\e. went to Mrs. Otis Weatherwax. a atop l1gn. ·cy' t Southern Calllornia. Bente entered 8 plea of not Mrs. Raymond J ames r eceived the v~i .k 0 t the hospital last guilty and was released ln s250 honor prize and 1'·trs. Clyde Ashen E . M. Stoneback of Balboa has ~~ ta en lo with an aliment bail for trial on the charge on was conS-Oled. I reported to Newport Harbor dis-h.chay n.11~rn :!ss1tate an opera-Januar}· 11 . Police saJd he was Pr~•nt we re the Mesdames trict police the theft of five gal-w 1 WI n ted at 15th street and Cen-'""" tion. it at fint seemed as if the arrfs James Ward, Ashen. Weather-Ions of Oat white pa.int from near family ctrtle would be broken on tr~ ·~~·e7~e.pleaded not guilty and I wax. Qyde Otto. J . A. Harris. his new house now under ron- Christmas Day. . ri al 0 5ed in s250 bond for :\1 arvin Bro'''n, Charles Andrev.:s struc11on at 2032 Miramar ave-H . d' · .. --mlng easier ''as re ea h U" Balboa LS con 1t1on ~..., · 1 a pearance in city court. a nd tht'.' ostess. n ... · J\.1r. TuffrPe was allowed to come patl~r p id he IA'as arrested at h r th k to return for o ice sa ome or . e wee • af-16th street and Central avenue. Wed in St. Mary's Church, Springfield, Ore. one of the moot beautiful club-given by Paul Palmer. The hoocl roqons,ln.lhe county with all the one! the two big sblp's lanten>l Before the altar of SL Mary's plighted their tzoth before Father diarm of dear, lovely color, cozy were given by David Ha>m•O>d, Episcopal ch u r ch , Springfield, Bartlam, rector of the church. comfort and amusements designed Mr. and Mrs. Naclo Herb llrowl\ Oregon. at 1:30 p.m: on Saturday, The bride is ~~ daughter of to appeal to both young and old. gave the trophy case a.nd the fiMi Dec-21, Miu Marjorie Eliz.a.beth Mr. and MN. W1ll1am F . M~n At 2 Jim. Mrs. Edgar Hill, presi-Ml-rigged model of the Sovereip Muon and Douglas Broughton of 3014 West Ocean Front a.pd dent of J..Jdo Isle association and of the Seas was J)r'eSented by Mr. the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Norman A. Pabst. secretary, be-and Mrs.. Edgar Hill. Negro 'Tenor to Sing at Church Sunday Evening W. E. Moore or Springfield. gan to receive guests and it was In front of the fireplace. daven. Gowned if!.. Venetian point lace t0:30 p.m. before the last enthu-ports in .solid gray and in red and with a matching veil, the lovely siutlc member and friend had white patterned co\ton, together brunette bride made a charming left. ~ith small tables and lamps make picture. The dress, which had O!ierry red curtains at the tall a . we.U-ba.lanced con\•ersationa! been the wedding gown of her French doors contrasted with the unit. At one end of the room ii aunt, Mrs. Ray Townsend of Long walls of blue.gray and the blue--a table for pool and st the othel Beach. had a quaint high neck-green rug. On the west wall a a game table with chairs cu.\b. line, leg o' mutton sleeves under beautiful mural of a buccaneer foned in the same red and white I van Harold Browning, noted Negro lyric tenor, "'ill be pre-- sented by Men of the Church ln a special musical program Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock· at Christ Olurch by the Sea. The first part ol the program will include Let Us Break Bread T0gether (&ITanged. by Francis Reckling). Hear My Cry 0 Lord (Alfred Wooler), Sweet Little Jesus Boy (Robert McGimsey, Little David Play on Your Harp (arranged by Maurine Browning l, Go Dov.-"Jl Moses (ananged by Harry Burlei&h), and Get on Board Llttle Otlllun (arranged by Maurine Brown.incl. a broad, Wired berth& and a full on Ille deck of his ahip caught the cotton. . . skirt gathered under a sa·tin gtr.. cobalt blue of the oeflin&· and The patio, which was paved two dJe. combined. it with all the other years q:o, will this summer havt; The matching veil hung from a hW!ll ot the room ln one splash umbrella.s and tables for IOcltl three-point coronet and w a 1 ot rhythmic color. 'Ibe mural ia afternoons and evenings. caught with a band of oran&e the work of Al Dupont. Laguna Many· members aided the com. blossoms at the back. White or-Beach arti&t,, and was the gift of mittee, RavUand Rogen and Mr, chiefs centered the shower bouquet Ford pjerson and Les Wonn. Brown. to cet the project under and for the touch of blue were way and completed and it waa the aatin garteni with silver lace, one New York Play latter's expert knowledge of color and decoration which achieved th4 of her shower gifts. To Be Reviewed happy resu!L Mtu Aileen FTank of Fullerton, Pttsidin& over the punch bowt, former Newport Beach girl, was Mn. Larry Johns, who is one and receiving congratulations were maid of honor. She was gowned of the most popular speakers to ( On the second part of the pro- gram are Thank God the Drums Are Silent (Turner Layton), Swtng Low Sweet Chariot <Harry Bur- t appear before Southern C&llfor-Mrs. Brown, Mn. Rogers an in pale pink taffeta With swee -nia clubwomen. will for the third Mrs. Pabst. heart neckline and bustle back. time be featured on an Ebell club Members of the board wh.lcll Her pink net cap h ad velvet ~atn.. She is i·ust home from decided on the project are the 1 leigh), and My Good Lord Done Been Here (arranged by Hall Johnson). •~am-and she carried an old ..... "6 " M · J h M n-••--""""" '"''" New York and her first appear-essrs. o n oore .n.uu ... -... fashioned bouquet of blue flowers. a.nee wUl be at the Ebell club Ml Stanley O. Chamben, Geora• The ChrUtma.s service was held Sunday evening with a concert and anthems by the choir. includ· ing the Hallelujah Chorus from The Messiah and with solos by the Mesdames A. J . Rutter, Willis M. Fields, Edward Burns and Delevan Freitag. Best man was David Castle-Holstein, HavUand Rogers. Nado berry a.nd us.hers were Al Bar-Jan. 2· th ul . f this Herb Brown, Viv Sayer and Mn. tholemew, H•-rrv Grainger and Because of e pop anty o , --.r review of New York pla)'S, the Hill, prH.Jdent.. George Campbell, all of Spring· meeting will be held In the audi-I;::============; field torlum of the Corona de! Mar W hi t e chrysanthemums dee-Grammar school at 2 p.m. Thurs- orated the altar and white flowers day. There Will be a musical pro. and maJdenhair fern entwined the gram and Mrs. Johns will give ~l can~~labr~; Lee Huls san~ 8 complete reading of "Dream Because and I Love You TliJly Girl" as well as review all other "1th Jo ~n Whitson playing the popular New York plays. accompanunent and the wedd.l ng i ~~==========~ marches. B & P . W. Enjoy Christmas Party A reception for the 75 guests With a Christmas tree in the was held at the church where the corner, a glowing fire beneath the Misses Helen McFetridge and Lee mantle where stocings hung be-Huls, Sigma Kappa sorority sis- neath lighted candles and w i th ters of the bride, helped serve. Santa arriving with not one pack The honeymoon includes a trip up of gifts but three. it was a gay the McKenzie river for which the Christmas party which Virginia bride chose a light gray suit with Shirley supervised at Ba 1 boa ~chsia hat and gloves and black Yacht club for members of the accessories. On their return they Business and Professional will be at home at 280 Garden Women's club. Way, Springfield, Ore. There were games In w hi ch The bride attended Newport everyone took part and prizes for Harbor Union High school for two the winners. years and graduated from Chad- Carols were sung by a vested wick Seaside school at Rolling choir. members of which were Hills. After attending Santa Ana Clarice Brown, Ruth Hershey, Junior college she went to Ward Alda Gorton, Ruth Gerrish, Meta Belmont Women's co 11 e g e at Bachman, Betty Barstad and Nashville, Tenn. and then went Edith Llppencott, who directed. to the University ot Oregon. Evalyn Rider accompained at the Mr. Broughton is doing special piano and also played for those graduate work at the University who needed music with th e Jr of Oregon and will e nter l aw "stunts." school next September. He has Natalie Michaud was the mas-been prominent in school actlv- terful Santa "'ho made each one ities, being vice-president of his do an act before gi\'ing out pres· class in his junior year, was vice- ents and Betty H a ndy had plan· president of Yeomen and president ned t he games. Mrs. Cathryn of the Y .M.C.A. 0-aft, a recent bride, was pre-Mr. and Mrs. Mason returned sented with a gift. The announce-this "''eek, having left with their mcnt of the recent marriage of daughter several "'eeks ago for Dor othea \Vilson, junior past pres-the northern city. Mrs. Ray ident, "·as made to members. Townsend and son Bud were pres- Presidcnt Dor othy Sutherland ent as was the bride's brother and gave a Christmas message and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- THI!: SN ACK BAR In Lacuna Beach WW be Closed thn>up Friday, Dec. !'7 •.• Open .._Usual Sat-- wday, Dec. Z8. 1<92 Clout Blvd. So. Art Center \ / Purity, Accuracy, Dependability Tb.eee a.re oo.r watchword. ln ftlllng prmcrtptlom! And w b l le every preec.rtpUon lln't a matter or life or death. we nu It as thoqb It were. We use only the ptll'- eat and floest quality drup -anid ee111.pound with precis- ion acc:iu.racy. Our reputa- Uon ._ been built on yean of expert rellable compound- ing. BAIBOA PHARMACY HAMPTON HARBOR DRUG NEWPORT PHARMACY llJuu,! !! ~...,... ">;; "Cap'n" Don s eada,ua,a (JIM/,. "Moot ua1q,.. -A11lollo Sa$-lllc Plaoe OD .. Woot ~ .t:. Delld09 Combination Dinners .t:. New and Unusual Seafood Specialties .t:. For BMervattom BEACON 5465 OPEN !!EVEN NIGHTS 5 to 12 the op€'rat1on later. Tuesd~j0 ·ee l Caldwell pleaded guilty in city ternoon h.trs. ~nard l~e court Monday morning a nd was Tuffreel Doyle arrived by p j r· d $100 and his dri\'er's lic- from P alo Alto and that same e~~~ \\'as suspended 30 days. Po- afternoon the grandparents, Mr. r said he "'as arrested at 31st and Mrs. ~t. H . Peelor of. Pia-~~~t and Central avenue. centia came down for the holidays. s the club manager served refresh-lili~am;M~aso~n~o~f~Cr~e~sce~n~t~C~i~t~y:::·::;;:~::;::;::;;::;::;::;:::;::;::;::;::;:~~::;::;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::~ mt'nts. 4 Palm Springs Candy Co. 0 St • B lb Pacific Saga Pens Ore In a Oa SU\'A. Fiji Islands (AP)-John ~a~';;;'.~oo~h:~~~:;a:;,ar;~n:.1~:~ BAYSIDE PLATING CO. d R be By NEAL BECKNER I airman's typical Wsregard for cently arrived here in a local Cub Scouts. Receive A war S, emem r The fact that Harborifes have jinx .. and hoodoos and can be trading vessel after surviving a . Other Children at Christmas Party a large and we11 developed ··sweet attributed direcuy to Leonard hurricane. sailing 36 days with a tooth" is proved by the large am·' Harris, \.\•ho "'as only lately set:>" jury r ig, and flnaJJy smashing his Largin thE.' ~-tagician, with five l, good conduct and Den 4, at-ount of business enjoyed by the arated from the U. S . Army Air craft on a reef. people as.!isting him, entertain~ tendance. badg newly opened Oest>rt Sweet Shop corps "1 th the rank . o_f ?Jlonel. Mr. Caldwell ran into a hurri.- CUb Scouts of Pack lo.'5 at their Scout awards were. wol! e, at 813 East Centr al in Balboa. Most of Col. Harris five ye~ cane between the Marquesas and ChrUtrnas party held in the New-to Ronald J ohnson. Edwin Hall. Thia attractive store is o"'•ned in the air corps "'as spent as chief Samoa. H is schooner was dam· port Beach school auditorium. The Robert Evans. Stanley Allen, and operated by Leonard and resident officer at the_ North Am-aged heavily, and he had to pro-~·p is· sporaored by the New-Howard Halt. Bobby Browning. Dorothe Harris. Mrs. Hal'Tis being erican A\'latlon plant in charge of ceed under a jury rig. •~"-p Brooke Alexander, John Bruning, tr d t f t port Beach Grammar school ar-Ro~•t Gill. Kenyon Beatty and the daughter of W. H. Copeland test 1ghts an accep ance o a -After beaching the schooner he ent-Teacher Association. ~· who owns the original Dt:'sert tack bombers. M~. Dorothe Kar-was rescued by Fijians, who took CUbs sang carols and Larry Ronald Moore. Sweet Shop in Palm Springs. ris, of course, being !\'Ir. Cope-him by canoe to a copra boat. Wolf gold arrow, John Eggert. d' d h h '---a '"Candy Buck, dressed as Santa, gave 8 . J h W Wolf Mr. Copeland, v.•hose family has Jan s aug ter. as '."'"-"n 'Mr. Caldwell . a.n American, gift to each Cub while the Pack ~obert Gill a;d 0 "Hill e~.klpper been In the candy business for Kid·' mO!it ~r her hfe. served with the Australian Air gave H. O. Boyvey, who ha.a been silver arrow, ommy 1.sl · Be over two gen~rations . has ralUed The Harnsses stated to your Force and married an Australian. their leader for three ~. eda Hitchcock and John ey .. Be: 'round to assist the Harrisses in I reporter that they are most grati-He ls en route to rejoin his wtte. sport shirt. They also present gold arrow, ~er Bo~ey · d the opening weeks of their nl'w fied at the way their new venture &iJU to Charles Hand and J . A. silver arrow. ~1chael H1 lman an enterprise. His experience is r e-has been received in the Harbor BJO FAMU..Y ' Bodm Fr~dy Nesbitt. GUI · fl eeted in the excellence of the area-they like the business-they Mrs. Sarah Stoltzfus 102 of ~n· The~~· was also a fine display Llon gold arrow, Char~ h candies offered all of which are like the town-<1nd they plan to caster. Pr., died last week, leavmg of gifts "-'hich were ta.ken to the assistant denner's stripe. =~t rnadE' right on 'the premiJes. either buy or build a home here ' 140 direct descendants. She is sur- chlldrl'n's hospital by Red O'oU Nack; new cubs receiving Do Id The grand opening of the Desert 1.n the very near future. ! vived by five children, 26 arand- workers. l\1rs. Smith and Mia pins were Luthur Crock:.. Do~:id Sweet Shop was last Friday, the Qood luck and happy holidays 1 chllctren and 109 great-grandchJJ.~ Dorcthy Smith. after Den Mathen Crocker, Tommy Webst d D vtd 13th-no less! Th.ls shows an to the Desert Sweet Shop! dren-• had met Monday to wrap them. Beaty, David Stearns an a -...1 ..... 1 ..... Butler. Starting a new plan. ._. ..... ._.. Mr. Weiser. the assistant Cub- on Friday , Jan. 10 at 1 p.rrl-~ master was chairman of the party en will meet at the Boy t and aid.inc b1m were Mn. Weiser. hut with the CUbs and will take Mr and Mn. Henry Euert, Mr. materials for budding blrd ~ and Mrs. Robert Reed. Mr. and and stmilar work. This will Mrs. Jack Raub and Mr. and Mn. the place of one Den meet:ina once Archbald a month and directl:C tbe ::;:. The next meetinc will be at cram are W&JTen \Veiaer and the auditorium on Jan. 17 and the ert Reed. will be ·-rr~t1on or A•·ards to Dens wett, Den 3. ~~ture. .. -aldt; Den 2, handkraft; Den = Expert Beauticians for MDadr • -.-11, Cbld V.a..e. Bair 8tJllD& lWr ~ •"" • B'sz=h.. Ille. Fodala. !loft .,._ t-i a-cliidftl.y. MO W.unJIQ ~-Siall • 2 'li!! .... :: .... · ' ( ...... T Balboa Inn Beauty . Salon ...... .._ . -~··ll't.J • ' We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths -• -All Work Guarant.eed SILVER AND GOLD . Tea Servlaea • Antique FloWdng • Trophies • Jewelry. • C.Me!ehra Rel'Jectors • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Ceramics . Marine Plating Badaes Uld Souwnlrs .. 1'1lame: a-,. 51U, .,.; B0 lla 1161 .. ~ m'-••lhl. .COftA MB8A I • ..