HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-31 - Newport Balboa News Times• Tl SAND CRAB ., SAM NEW FAITH. Every old year leaves something to give the New. In the Har- bor district a resurgence of faith in God dedicates many new edifices to religious freedom. Strangely enough the new do not have the fin- andal stniggJes that wonied the f1rst denominations. Per- haps that may haw been due to the sparse poi>ulatlon, but Jet most of the God-fearing comlort themae1ves In the belJef that the war brought a Welll'Y, spend-thrift world to a better \Dlderstanding of what Cbrlst stood-and died -tor. More people to Chris- tianity, to rtghteousness, to brotherhood. When the Pil- grims came to Atlanti c shores In 1620 they set up worship 'and a code of laws that ushered in freedom and democracy. a democracy that can be easily lost in the Y'!'lnl ahead U we do not cherish and safeguard what the Pilgrims fought so hard to maintain. Standing In the doorway of a beautiful bu 11 ding packed with people and gaz- ing down a long alsle toward a chancel and lovely altar decked with shining cross and candles. the thought came that religion had come into Its own In Newport Har- bor. Here In a spiritual at- mosphere that exemplUied the Godly simplicity of the structure. the first Episcopal church of Newport Beach was dedicated Sunday after- ~-'Jbe early and at times disheartening struggles of the little band of faithful ad- herents, were utterly forgot- ten in the radiant future ahead. It gave one a choked feeling in comparing the dis- appointments of the past to the pure joy of the presl?n t. Building, eqoipment and site total close to $40,000 with a dl!bt of only $10,000 remain- ing. • • + The New Year. Can you visllalize what the New Year is ushering in for this com- munity? Do you realize that even up to I 0 years ago churches were having a hard time of It here? Attendance was s ma 11, contributions were slow, finances low . Col- lection plates contained pen- nies, nickles, dimes-seemed like that was all religion was worth. Today your collection plates come back heaped with currency, due, perhaps. to prosperity. but it could also mean a higher. nobler thought or living -a desire to help along the good work and aid the clergy in feeling that while God would always find a way, humans could make the way more shining. and faster. And more houses of worship are nearing com- pletion in this area. a thought that 194 7 is being ushered in with courage and hope here. + + • .Jim Macklin. For more than 30 years Jim Macklin came and went In the coastal district ot Orange county- he was In the oil business at Huntington Beach, was a clever pOliticlan and a kindly, lntelllgmt citizen. Last week at 68 Jlm passed on. He was Spanish-American war vet. a Mason and a Shriner and for the last few years lived In Los Afu!eles where he was In the re8I estate business. Tboae who bad the honor to know him will miss a fine citizen and 8 grat guy. + • • -°""""°-For soml! bait .,...., )'Mn Bill Obow- ell bas just been &king It -.y. Bill used to be active around old Newport until be IOld out. He baa Just come back from W z· DUri oo a visit to relattws there and In Iowa. and ~ bis gtfttat tun -""'-they -try. -to ~ bis age. Rl.w· pd, belltlly and ••oiere, ~ declu'ed be -56, and be clc z •I look a day older. But BID bu Just turned 72, II ftlll ol vtaor and u lldttllh u a call al 25. Soow ol \II wm't be bin wbm be bits the liJO.m&rtt. • • KFEP POSTED! 1 y.,. ...... .. .. 0 2 ... 2 I awo..ro 1; ___ .. _ -~..-­MM• n • Jlfwpwt ._. . ' . ... ' • • • NEWPOAT • • • •• 1' ':»' If••• ..... "rt• A E ~ a--·~··~ _.,,=. EMBRACING BALBOA. PENINSULA. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NE~T HEiGHTS. BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA ~ VOLVllll ll:DYDE ._.' Morr• Rancher Gives 50,000 to . Ne·w • • r1~~e . ..... + + + • • • • + + • • • • • + + + + + + + + + 8000 Witness C ristmas ..----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EAST WllD Presbyterian Hospital Drive ~~'U:I:r~:~ Kiwanians Will lnstalt · New mPITA~ . HELPS 60 SKIPPERS Ends; $80,000 Raised Here ·!~~~~!~ Off B lb Frda Rnollor,_...._.,_Tm• icers at a oa i y ~f.a ~.r :·:: · will be t•m-arily dlsoootlnued The Newport Harbor district ol Newport Harbor diatr1ct.-W.. at the office ot the ~nt of campaien committee, Braden lauded the work of the various tlotor Vehides. 405 S. Main St., Finch, chainna.D, announced t~ civic an dservice: groups In ma.kln& C)-ange and Jnstead wtU be etven day that tt had ralJed S80.()(X)...... the local campaJirn a slJCCeSI. d the Santa Ana Community .-addlU-to ... --Newly e I•• t • d offioen ondDunlap, Earl CoPl*>smltb. Dr. W. o1 •l\7 W..,.t1o1 ._ 6 fW ' members ol the board of dlre-ctora T. Moone:r. Bob Brown ud Tn" elleclr for NO.Mil. 'ne lfcAD r of the Newport Harbor' Kiwanis ........_~. ._.,, •• ~ club v.1ll be inJtalled • t a dinna' u~ v . ~ . Up~·ard of 8000 lntcrested spec-five thousand dollars more than From that amount the Quota Center. 1104 W. 8th St., Santa tators thronged the ihores of the Its quota in the Pretbyteri.an hos-was raised first to ~.000 and Ana, for the period of December N~-port-Ba1boa bay to witness pita! drive. which came to a cloae then to $75,000, the purpose be-31 to F~a.ry S, inclusive, It the prowess of helmsmen of large today. _ Ing to raise as much as posaible wu announced today by C.aptaln and small boau compete tor trC"~ The Rev. Dr. Scott McFarland ln the harbo[' district since it is H. C. ?tftthan of the California meeti ..... to be held ln the Balboa Pres i dent Fq m. au p It WM~ leaned. tNm ._ ... ........... . BUle eoerce tit&&: W fa J.nn c.afe, begi.nnin&: at 7:15 o'clock nounced at 1 as t FridQ' _. • ..., .. 1." of Oraap ~ wat;J .._.,,. on Friday night. January 3. meeting that a ladies nlPt pro--SU.IOt la M-. - The ne\V officers are Theo. Mc-gram wouJd . &!so be. om at the ,.•k•-c a total pl~ HT * el Elroy, president; Fred Dudley, feaAn~ ol. ~ eveoin&. ,_ ""'9 toward the carei Ip.,... vice president; Dr. Ernest T. interesting P*\CimD • DOW la to l[flt uadtt WaJ' i. Oit 1•· Butterworth, wcretary 1.nd Don being arranged by a et1C1111 clttee ln-.-t,. • ~ (!few 'l'W"I Durant, 're as u r e r. Mr. Fay eluding the new i*t:ilident-elect. da7' • hies in the two-day Chrlstma.s re-I of Sant.a Ana. gene:al chai~n ot here that the hospital is to be Highway Patrol. galta given by the Newport Har-the county campa.Jgn, S&ld this built. The usual hours of 9 a .m. to 12 bor Yacht dub on SaturdRy and morning th.at he will release to Plans tor the new hospital buiJd-noon Satu.rdays will prevail. Sunda)'. I the press on Thursday the exact Ing have-been dr&\\'Tl, The land There will be no change ln the Springlike e ut wi nds prevailed figure of the total amount of has ~n purchued on Ne\\"J)Cn't Wrekly examlnine service given at on both days and proved helpful money raised throughout. the Heights. A survey of the possi-Laguna Beach. Newport. Beach. to winners in the (irst and second county In the $750.000 canvass. bilities of building at the present Huntington &ach or BcllClower. rounds. Jn his statement today. l\ir. time \.\•Ill be made in the near "Due to the tremendous ln- BJ oWer who retires u this year's Mr. McElroy, Russell W. Bardne, fte at Comm•IQ" .._. president will be immediate past Mr. 1Blowe~ andch • Herbert lfolker. pltal ~ ,,, .. ortcta&DJ 1'ldl$ president after Jan. 1. The .atter is auman. to acccwnmodat,. u ...., ~ ..- New officers of the board, in-The R~v. E. O. GoorlelJ, who was ft has 58 bro! all occupied wtth eluding the admlnlstralive elected t~ orgai.1.1ze: the ~for ladSes patlentl and there is !IUlJ an officers named above, are lmmer-nlght, is ill with 1o!ltll!DZ8. and urgent need for more room to iate Past President F ay Blower, has asked Mr. Holke.r to take over mmod t 11 th .-......1+.1•1 Leatrice Joy, noted silent screen t-~in~h expre~ the . deep appre· ruture and just as soon as ma· creRse in auto rt'gistratlon ·nctivi- ravorite and wife of Arthur Kem c1at1on of hlS comm.tttee for the tcrials are available ground '''ill tiet during the annual license plate Westermark. promient yachtsmon, contributions made by the people l>t' broken for the institution. renel''&J period," he staled, ··we loaned her ya1,1,.•J. the Lady Lea----------------------------are unable to give drivers' license Immediate Past Ueutenant·Gov-the post of chairman until he is J::... a e 6 e -;-~-v ernor Ru.ssell W. Bartine, Stewart able to resume those·duties. Announcement of Mr. Irvine'• trice. as the race comml1tee boot THESPIANS Coi'n Drops Put ex~mination.o alw at this office." ror the t\\'o-day event. , Ho"'•ever, rather than close EXPENSIVE The race commilttt was divided J Sh t Aid !he St"r,·ice. as "'llS done last into tWO Sl'<llon•, One judg(od the n ops 0 )'O&r, WO have arTanged through larger boats. the other Judged the If You Like Hospital Drive I ::;~c:'."";o"i~~-01,hs,.ancotammAnurua ctca"t~ Nm' e Fined smaller boats In the two-day D ti -' rama CS, . ti<>n> building In the rear of the ra~~ging the larger boats were Take Notice t,;p,,·ards or lOO containers havef Santa Ana Community Center at For Hunting ~trs. \V~st ennark, Arthur 1-\.cm been plaC'ed b,Y a s}X'dal com-\il.04 \\.' 8th St., Santa Ana. As Illegally \\.estermark, Jim \Vebst~r. Dr. How many peoplt' or tale nt ~at~: ~fu~ht:'i~~t'~;r;:0~e:r~r ~~ ;r.er~=~. ~-~.~!e e~!:~; to Sal,·atore l\1onaro and Richard are there in the Nt'"'"POrt !-far-hRrbor nrea for !he purpose of tlans will be riiven that after-Nine hunters. attempting Edwards. bor district who may be in-rN:t'l\'in g a ny amount o r money as 1 noon prolong the duck hunting season V JudCging t00he sm~e; bo~~s ~er~ terl'!00ted ~n the Connation or donat ions in the last:~nute Vic-Co~ml'ncing December 31 and w15ru.-~uc· cl0~0~~~reo~l~g 11 ':'ebega; ice omm ore a ter ~v.1s o a pr uct1ons company to pro-tory drive for the. bwld1ng of the COJ'ltlnuing through February 15 RJverside, l\'lrs. Jane l\.·tcKibben, dUCf me tropolitan stage plays Presbyt.e:-ian Hospital on Newport all drivers' llrenses \\'ill be issued 0 w•_ aJpo. 000 ns. gwe~rseJusbrtol~ceghcot urint 1 o ir~~=~ Henry Grandin, staff commodore, In a community theater here'!' Heights. at 1104 W . Sth St., Santa Ana. ' I and "Skid" McKlbben. A C'hance remark made on a morning and fined S25. R. C. Lewis with hts clipper the Balboa-Laguna bus by R play Originator of rhe Idea is "Cap" ...a none wtll be given at the In addition to the rlne, Judge ToJon, "'on each d.Ry handJly In actrC'Ss "'ho main1ajns a home Rf'gan. "'ell known Coast high"·ay Or ange branch office of the De--Dodge confiscated alx .22 caliber the Island Clipper clau. outsall· in this area, but '-''ho ls a restaurant proprietor. He sug-partment of Motor Vehicles. On rifles and one .38 revolver, which lng in order Phll Smith's Alo-mernbE'r or thl" Laguna Play-Jeestcd the pla.n to the recent February 6 • ex.11.mlnln.-"'-'ill be were used in hunting the migra- "'t:tte. Ken Davis' Cone.JO and crs group led lo the discussion mN tini: of the };c\vport Harbor transferred back to the Orange tory birds in the Upper Bay, ac- And}' Kirk's Frolic. fa\'oring the f"'Stablishment of Ki\.\'nn1s club and the members ofril't'. and the temJX)rary loca~ cording to Deputy T . R. Jolley of Bob Allen won \.\'ith Ruth in a little 1hen1er or rommunil) \'oted unanimously tn fa\·or of ii. I ti on dosed. the state fish and game commis- the Rhodes class. The Balboa lsl· thrattr movC"m<'nt ht'rc. A glass contai ner was passed sion. ander ou1sa1Jed Bob Wh)'te 1n hl3 A former Spt.">C1al er(r<'ts around a mong the_ club mem~rs I Rev-ived Pictures By Con,;cted of \iolation of Article \Vhitc Cap. a nd \V. P. fl.'l erickt>I man "'Ith th!' ~tG~·t Produc-a nd coin~ of var\ous denomtna-i Ad ed Ch.Id A 39 of the l\1igratory Bird Act in his 1\1icron. 11005 company. "·ho is 00""' a ltOn!J began lo pill• up inside it . As or 1 ctress "·ere La"Tf'n('(" E, Anderson, Long Heber Erickson in his AgnC"S i::. m<'mber or The l"C\\'S·Tirnt•s soon as ttus rontal!ler is filled Enjoyed by Ch ildren Beach: Everett E. Brooks, Bcll- ·1ed K \V · Pull d d · · rr ·11 •-1 d a noth<'r conta1nc•r .... -ill he n<>ssed outsa1 l'n atts an fl \t•rt l.!llOR si s • "l IA' g a .......-n o .... ·er: John R. Durke<>, Hunting- B I • ~-·1· · h p I r ft.round for con1r1bu11ons to the The third In lhe revi\'C'd *"'rt"es A . A , u1 t'r .J .1 V'l·1 11e 1n I t" a· lo r('('('1\·<' e tte rs rom any-"" ton &ach ; Earnest \Vade, Los C'1ric Coast cla.ss. one inreres1N1 in s1 art1ng o hospita l fund of 10 films df'pi ctinj'. Shirley Tem-Angel~: \·irgil E. Payan, Santa Jim \Vhyte's Goblin and °'4't'n stagf' play group he re. plc as ll11 adored child actress \\ill Ana; Ray J . Underwood, \\·cst- Dinghy series Are Scheduled For Bay, Jan. 4 A series of dinghy races fer U. E. E. Manning Perpetual lrollllY \\ill be given on Balboa-Newport bay on January 4. and 5. The races will be given b)' the Ne"1>0rt Harbor Yacht dub and 1,1,.•ill be sailed under the rules of the NAYRtil, Fleet capt. Tom Webster of the yacht. club said in an announcement posted on the bulletin board of the Newport Harbor Yacht club today. The series will indllde races for the SCY A IC dinghy and all olher classes of dinghies belong- ing to or sailed by affiliated club members, the announcement add- ed. Foust Announces Lido Wharf Debut For New Year's gertel'OUI contribution wu being held In abeyanCf:' by the board ~ trustees of the Santa Ana bospl- taJ until after !he Presbyt.erian hospital campajgn wu ended an New Year'a Day. However, \\1hen informed that The ,....Tim .. had ....,.._ dof- inite end reliable infcwmatk:m to the effect tha I the Santa Ana hospital had reiceived a total ~ 110me S79,000, including the $50,- 000 check from Mr. lrYine ,to start its own New Year's drive, a board official mentioned the agreement. The Ne"·s-Times wu told. to (\)ftt111onicate with the R..eor.-Dr. Scott McFarland, general chaJ.r.. man of the Orange County Pf8.. byterian hospital canvass and with W. A. Hellis, chairman ot the board or the Communlcy hospital When informed of the know- (Continued on Page 8) ttention Boatsmen Drf'sden's Caprice jr. \\'as und(l r Thespians ar (' urgt'd tCt send c t M be ahO\\TI at the Lido theatr e in minster ; John H . \Veaver. Glcn- protrs1 ror fir~t plu("t' In lhl" ln-1 lhC'lr Information, dt.'tailln~ OS a esan Ni•\A:por1 Beach on Saturda)", J an· dal<': John D. Pruilt and Robert Lid 0 W"hart, Newport's new terna 11onnl 110 ra~. Jim Rounds '''h<l.t thf'.Y can do 10 1-larold uary 4-L. Young, both or Lyn\\'ood. waterfront restaurant. will be The City or Ntwport Beach has and his ~n Roc \\·,1!' thrC<'· L. Barnum. advt•r11stn g Lit'· The film i1 calll'd "The Littlest open Ne"'' Year's Eve ror harbor been directf'd by Dr. M. D . Moya q uarters or a point behind lhc p11rfn1f:'nl. The Ne\\'\)Ort-Bal-Hurt 1·n S. A. Rebt'I." 0th (.> r Shirley Temple M ' B celebrants. The finest in shore of the Division of Animal Indus· Caprice jr. hoa N <''''~·Times. Jrtr. 'Bnrnum parly pictures y,·h\ch ha\'C been esan s oat dinners and steaks wil1 be served try, Department of Agriculture, Emrnf'll Har\'ey took flrst \\tllh 1~ n kin of 1ht:' late Phinca! T . sho\,•n hy this lhcntre to th<' en-uhtil the late hours according to State of California, to begin com- hi s \\.'ahlni in thr Paciric lnt<.'rna-Bnrnunl, famous shO\.\'Jnan and joym<'nt of Ne wport f-1 a rb o r its ne"' oWncr, Emil FausL Doon plying imn1C"diately With Article tfonal class and was foll \V<'d one-lime 0\.\7!er or lhe Bar-l\trs. Cnlvin Lyon. 1-40 Cabrillo youngsf<'rs nre "Rebecca of Sun-Th h s f will open at 4 p.m. rv (Vesscil and Aircraft Garbage closely by E. \\'. Smllh's Pinup num & Bailey circus. S l.. Cosla ~tt'sa "'as seriously in· nybrook Farm" and "Poor Little oug t a e The restaurant. located at 3452 Disposal ) or the Calitomia Admln- and \.\:Uliam Rempcl's A~l llt a . jurt'Ci last ~1onda y e\·ening \\'hen Rich Girl", Via Oporto in Udo Village. bas ilt.Tatlve Code. Han ·ey \\'as rron1 the Los An· shC' ""'8$ struck by an l\Utomo-Shirley's "Little i'-1 i ss Broad· been completely refurnished and Thi.I Calirornia State Law reads 2eles Yacht club. Smilh rcpre---Harbor Men bile dr1\'l'n b)' Edgar E Smith, \.\'ay" \\i ll b<-sho\Vfl on the Lldo redecorated. in part, as follows: sents the Balboa Yacht club 21 , of 316 .., Undo S L. Balboa and 5crt:e n on Saturday, January 11 (Special to 'eW'!;-Times) An officiaJ opening is p1ann.eid '7'12. Collf'Ctioa or~ J . Coberly \.\ith S\'.·C"et 16 cap. hurled against another machine and on th~ follO\\ing Saturday she LONG BEACH, Dec. 31 .-Coast for Friday, Jan. 3.. UOll of Dl.rb.arced o.n.,p. No rured the honors in the Luder driven b} Robert Behr('ns, 22, of '4t lt appear fn another of her fay-Guard operatjons office here garbage ahall be collected at ar class '4ith s. Enri1ht's Witch Sue Carnero 925 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton. ~~::,.:11·~-tures. e n t I 'I e d, "LltUe Slated today that thelr rescue transported (rom any veael or from Santa ~'ton1ca, and George ~lrs. Lyon wa._ .. struck ~-hile at-ship "'as unable to locate the DA Pr~bes aircraft f'Xttpc. for tmmedlate Mans('r's Frolic coming behind. rempt.lng to cross the inlenection Donna U, a 40-foot fishing boat dhposal b.>' an approved method Ray r.rson Jr. skippered Sweet •t Chapman Ave. and Santa Ana Lauren Bacall Will which on Monday noon reportod without removal from the dock. 16 for third place on lap6('d time. F our Newport Harbor district Blvd., Almost d.lrectly in fTont of Ap,_ ... m' J. Benny Itself in distress about eight miles pier. mole, or airport, unless tbe Ho.,..·ever. Coberly scored mo~ men ha\'e brought suit In the Los the coun1y hospital where she is ,,_ northeast of Ava.Ion, Catallna Jean c~e person, firm, or cmpuration col- poinls both days "ith the boot. Angeles county Su!>"rior court now a patient. Radio Cast Sunday Island. lectlng or tramportlng au ch Dr. A. Laubersheimer with aga.lnsl Tony Camero or Los An-Attendants at the ho5plta1 said It was presumed by an officer prba.ge holda 8 valid llcense- KaJea "'·on tint place In the Al-ge16 . the nationally known ga.m· lttrs. Lyons suffered 8 heed injury, Lauren BacaU, film s tar and in charge of the local -0peratio111 laued by the Director or by batross class. He wu followed bling entrepreneur, u 8 rnu.Jt of internal hurts and bntlles. Her soclaUy prominent Newport Har-base that the vessel, which is SANTA ANA, Der:. 31.-SQper-the Federal GoYemment. per... by James 8 . Rogen' Be Gay, Too, a dispute over control of the Ca· condition la serious. bor yacht.swoman, w 111 be the owned by A. J, Erchhorn of 232 lor Court Jastice Kermetb E. Kar-mittlng •ucb collection or tnm.- and H . E. Wippler'5 Nocturne. sino, 8 Gardena card club. honored ruest on the popular Jack Elden avenue, Costa Meta, may rison ha.s a:mtioued uatlJ after portation to an approved incln- Don Pedenon's Prelude from Named as plalntills a g a In 1 1 Former Riversider Benny radio prOgTam next Sun-bave been towed to a a.to harbor next Friday u...,;,.., of Mn. C.tb-erato< or ltrinder, or tor - the Balboa Yac:tlt club, outsalled C H h W H day evenln1. by another shJp Which may have erine MyJer Jean,. n::aid al Santa ment to lea for dum-'-U A L G b • M · BYC ornero are Anton en •Y. · • Appotn' •--' to Post Mr. Benny annoonoed this lnfor-anawered Ju short-wave call fa< --. · ra am s ar1e · 8 Scott, Oyde Denlinger and C. C. l.e\I Ana, who is charged wt.th crud. herein Provided. and all prbece boat, and William Campbell's Dunbar. who contend that the !.<ts In s•-te Chamber matlon at the close of his pro-help. theft ol doUUng by ..... ,.,.,_ llO c 0 II• ct e cl. --~ ... Gotta Go f c.~111 a _ ch .. gram lut Sunday nlghL 1 ~--~-• B. ~~---~ ...... rom ... u • DC'& An-Jes •ambler f&iled lo live up ernp oyers, .-. • ....... .,..._, vvJlll:rt'I'--.= D'IO'V'ed ftofn , ...... ~. Y ch cl b · th Vl"'-•-• (Special lo News.Times) La~n i. the wife ot Iba t Resid •-U ed w~ --a t u • in • ~a ra.,... to an agrftment und..-which they en.., rg . il<lsen of Newpcrt Brsdt pier, molo or ~ aba1I be In Bill Ficker. runnenip In the teased .,_ the club on October 1. SAN ntANCISCO. Dec. 31. -equally noted ...-.en favorite and To Put C"_,....___ -The case i. lJeina" .,.,.,.Ml .., tlgbt cont&IMn." -"-'--U ~t ~th ••-•=• Don W. MoColly ot Berl<eley, who N~ Han-yacittaman. Mr. llCIBUIUlll star =•™ on """'~ • -· ·~ 1945, 1Uftt!St!an by ,..,, 1 Dlltll<t No llD'tller ~ ~ w11I Chaser Il. won flnt p1a .. ln the The P"tltlonen state Comtto :::.i:,""~ sec;~~ H;:.,~tt 8:!°•t need to keep Tree in Trash Can Attorney Z. R Wst -u.e be made by the Oiy smlNe ...i- Star finals dass. BID Brill'a was to Pl'Y them H per <ent ol bNn appointed director ol ' the bis llngen -he kn o"' a latter aafd lhllt !Ifs -"la -locUn r.-aay -. in the • Corinthian and aw-1.. Rolllna' the club·s profits. but that be hu Cal.lfomla St&te Ownber ol Com-La A dried-out Oir!atmu tr .. II a CODviooed at. '-~-It ._ Harbor ar frQID ....,. tlod<. --- Lecky from the N<W Rochelle !ailed to do this. The court i. rnen:e'a agricultW'111 dep&rtmeot. u...n will, u uaual, ~ her tltt menace! inferred that lllis --r& -· or Yadlt Cub. ,r Yacht club or New York, was uked to order appointment ol a Untll re<:ontly MCColl ywu di-·part with dlstlnctlon. Taldng coenlxanoe of this !act luctant to ptwwwll! -. Mm! cm A.II ~ l'tfetted to aJ>ove close behind. ....,.i~. roctor ot the Califonilil Farm C G Ope Sh the Bureau ol Fin Prevmtlon and the bur&lary --fw-mun be llOllect.od by a Ilcmoed ~-'!:° r~~a~·--t~ !or Two months ago another group Production caunciL H• hu been • • D8 Ore F!reN ~t HFrankbor ~~~ ln~~tloa al Ifie •wflw eollector, 11 .. 10! by Ille Slate at ro .......... ruu ~ ....... -.. ~ brought action against Carnero to ed. with i since UM3. ewp;; ar ir u"ll';' ._.__. WKC••t .1.1.n:: •cc:tmed. wt. w a h-Callfcntla. a.t hauled. 2514 point. to win first place ln recover S2l,OOO they said they had COM<Ct t Bombardment On adviaea that when auch a-bave maid In the New1Gt B + -. for cllolt •I la ...,._ ONtt.:.,::, the Internatloaal Snipe clua. His lnVHted ln the club. PJannint-Board ~ -served tbelr -Ibey be dis-D.1'a bame. --7 'lair Gle -1--..... • snipe, the Dlpptt, outaalled Jim ,San Cle poaed of In the -manner. alllpd theft aL • nz 10 ; • L lib' Ojjjill Lewia' ""4t. w!llch nni.w second • Per.an. In the Newport Harbor Inc a $1000 !Dr cmr. -ID .,. t!da i,p. Of ~i::.-:. ~ ~ :!..... ~Elliott'• -t. -Newport Area Bldg, Okehs Stanley's m-. -......-.t wm be dlatrict --to pl-.._ 1ma '° -. ~ .-...._ -1a "" , , by • ...... ae V I ti f Y H . Tra t -~ 1n the Pyramid c.we 1n their !rub i-a where thoy ID P>llce. ----p:a.. to 'tt±"!I ~ -cne For. time It lool<ed .. tho<l&h a ua on or ear ousmg c ...... (I San a.meat• laland -can be plcUd tlP on Thunot?ey by Kn. ~ d 5 I ... ._ -·"* lllat u - E111ott'1 -· wu doatlned to w1n Pa.88e8 $4, Million . 6 a-m. to 12 ,_,.an FridaY. Jan. the d'Y atreet ~' -· the riam --.. 1 -. betl ti!! t .. c. ,.::-~ :m'f:: the nao u he bad a comfort-The nc-.t and moat extensive 3. UM7, aald the Notloo to JUr. TIM!)' are ad-not to ld -cbll-n.. mallb....,, - --l!e-.1twtt1i.._L~l!dwf6. able lead. but 1>eca1me be bad to O>ie! Building lnspector A. w. ,.,a1 .. 1a1e clevelopnent 1a many 1.nen, o . s . Cout Guard. u ,.... dttn cet bold ot them to lift 1ftre. bad "tried" flllf' ae -1111 tar tbll --81 -,,. ~ Illa lade In the laat lap. Illa Nobon bas an001!lced that ocn-yous ln the Ccata Maa arq wu m-by the Spui lfloblnc A-. u the fiber buma rapld!Jo and can abe bawl!' -- " > --at •.CO.. ... -t falteffil boblnd and he had atruction In Newport s-:ti and appo.....S Jaat M!elt by the counly cl.atloa ot Ne,.puit Harixr, dated c:atae a -ter fire Dtar _.a tllct afle ldil tlma -~ Tbe Qty boll -JI hl·to to be aatlalled With third. aurroundln& ._ t'<ecl>ed a vaJu. p1annlnc eommlaloo !or Rnl.tar De<lOmber :n. -.._ ~ rvtm w4 1 1 11>. pat 1Ma llllD ....., e«wct .. 1119 Boab a!d-ed by Vanly, atlon ot SUJS.611 for the )"O&l' Earl W. S1anle7 ol Nowpuit Ba!' The daopr aru. ...-=b',. a ID the put.~ Wbo -l'rW>!~w -tllli .1••1• ._,. -N l!9r ... ID 1119 Rawe. D. A¥f!!ft Jr. and D. Gften mdin& llN6. bar, who wUl carve 461 lots out aeml-<irdealtlatrteerlm.Uelndba m-» forta: 1121 out al,..._. r mg: F ,§ ~ QS '?' .... ,. t 0 z-.. , ... ..,,,.. noxt 1n ..-1n 111o tleld. Ht said this ... ~-.850....... "' a ].2C).oao --ror aouth "' PJnmid eo.... llJ:ht. "' --aet -... a. i.w oa.t -., ........ 11 --111 ,. .,, •u :,.•,. 1 ... Pbl1 Green """ od tho llnllb-tban wu -In the ..... tor tbe J-l!1'lne. 5-•!lsblnc -ta. JMhta lind -ed aeoae -- -.._. -leL -' I • 3 ID -)lot ._ ., die M p In& ~ ID two bours. '° -jar ftV!lnc llMS. ~ --N ~t calla for 380 -·-clal ""'I • -..... --boopl•all-t llr. ~ -.. -Ille ....... -. .. ... ..... It t 7 a • and ~QI~ ':"'f u:::s-: -this,.... r<khed. 1-1 Iota for cne-lamll.y dwelllap, G -to llQ' ..... ot tbla -... tlr-!lope -tal Jtl1:s l ?sir ..... ..,..... .... I a a .. p!lt ........ ~I la ...... , • two _., 0 • m ot 1127,&!S. acetrdlnc to a _, _.. tor diir" • -a tho~ -ot S.. a--te will P"••tiit -• -•www lier, A 10 .. -••••llJ' 1Cllllf I. e•M _ (Ow•I 21 ,..._ mtlltl trcm hla otnoo. fGr Dlltlple.!ami17 dMllinp. -1-i.e. · Ill I r 0.,,. 17 g g I U a CT a -, • i • I • • • • • Wlllter Park Tramway Delay Caned by Lack of Materials Con.auction of the Mt. Son cmtractlng eompony, and Jooepb J sdnto Wint..-Park tramwq will Fnm ot M .. 1-...Knudom oom- be delaJ'ed unw such time as ma-pany who will do the roac!WaY, terlaa, equl-t. toobl and labor perking and foundation work for become more plentltul the giant aerlal urt. Thll WU the oflldal announoe- men t rn • d e by Earl Cottman. The authority wlll meet every pn!Oident of the ML Son Jacinto month, according to Cottman, to Wlntn Park Authority who 1 e survey the market altuatlon u lt members met at the De9ert Inn relates to buatness equipment and rect"nUy to con/er wttb Gordon labor tor the most propitious time Bannerma..n, tramway mgtneer far to start or;tnstructlon ot the Uft. tbe American S teel and Wire com-1 Gord o n Bannennan appeared pany. A11o insent at the time befctt the authority for the fint was Worrell Pruden at the Con-I time lvith complete plans a n d soUdated Stttl cot paration, prime specifications for the tramway. Newport-Balboa Tourist' Bureau All II~ or Tn'ftll to Euaopo. Mtftlot.. Hawaii. Boaod-...._.World TrtP9 ta ~ MM" tu.mre. • • • 8ee Mrs. &y Keeae. Ph. Barbor S91, SOI Palm, Balboa Boan: 10 L m.. to a p. m. To.Al/Our YriendA . GOOD LUC:& TO * OIJ Ja 114 * OtJ time& * OfJ /rientl 1'0111 For auld Jang syne w e bring you this cheery New Year: me ssage. • COAST PROPERTIES CO. -..... ······-... --.. .. ........................ .. "Serving Balboa Harbor Area" 703 E. Central -Balboa -Harbor 2658 -• , • • MOST OUTSTANDIN'G CHRISTMAS WINOO\\' la. tbe Balboa &re. wu that Ila.own above by J erry .l'ohuon, Eut Centnl avenoe rt19ta&uaat proprietor. Scores of people t topped en route to ru.e at tbe atore windo w. A motor conaeaJf!td behind lbe back drop k r pt the teddy bear In. perpetual moUon In. tbe Ut Ue rocke r. -Beckner Photo. Arizona Appeals for Southland I Sportfishing Assn. Aid · W t S I p bl Plan far Ahead Th~tY·»X Arizona b~~e<sme~ o~l~e ~!~~!pa~Phoe~~l C~:t ~lia?if ~::: p,:~.~: recently appeared he f ore the 1 Vl at r r Coruf'r\·ation distnct, in boat opl'rntors fttl that the Sport-water and po"'er re1ourct"I com· l"Xpl11.in1ng the plight of Arizon-J fi.!§h ing A~ ociation of Nev.' port mitteemen of tht' Los Angelt.>!1 •n•. who arc no'" making a n over -Harbor plays a mor e vital part in Chamber of Commerce to as k draft of more than 800.000 acre · 1 l bo 1 than does sen ·1n g oca a men th(>m to join in .Se<'klng a 50lution fc('t o( ground "''nter yearly, de-th('ir O"''" organization in Florida to Arizona's \.\'atrr problems. clnN'd 1ha t Arizona's only hope Chainnan Joseph J ensen, of the \V&s to utilize \Vltt«"r now allocated in hel ping them. Los Angeles Chamber committee, to her under the Santa Fe com-This 1s the consensus of opinion explained the Arizonans. members pact. found by C. A. Bickhart, vice- or the Phoenix Chamber of Com-M1 !1on Sanders. vice preside nt president of the Sportfishing As- mercc. appeared before hb com-of the Central Arizona Light and sociatlon of Ne \1>1>0rt Harboi. re- m ittee at a noon luncheon meet-Powe C'Om d ha· f lng. the r!"hoeni:'cia~~r~ p~~; r~-' rentl}" re1urnf'd lrom a sun·ey or T~e det~ation , composed ot Jatlons commiltee. in\'ited the Los ! Florida flshtng .. rrlr. B~ckhart is leading bu.s1nKSml.'n and rumen Ang<-les Chamber to send 8 dele-skipper of the h\·e baJt charter of C'f'ntral Arizona. was organized gation to Arit.ona to 5('(' for them· boat Ttopic !hat operates from by th~ Ph~ni~ Chamber _of Com-I $t')\"l"5 the gro\\'th of the desert King's LandJng. merce, acting In rooper ation ¥rith htatr "''hich. he said, rontribut('d ~1 iami boatmE'n do not ha\•e a the Central Arizona Project as-1 in no small part to the economy resenation program such as is sociation. formed rect>ntly to seek of Southern California. usN1 by local boats. There the W'BY! and mPans or getting more Facts and figures. as given by boatmPn "'alt around for sport- Colorado river wa ter on to land Herbert Legget!, statistician of fisht"rmC'n to sho''' up for a trip. now under cultivation in Arizona . I the Valley National Bank of Ari-1 Ne"'l.IOr t II arbor boatmen have \Vayne Aki n. pr<>Sident of the zona. supported the conte ntion of re>sen·at1ons sometimes many Project association, reiterated various spe11:kcrs that it was to '-'·('('ks In advanCt' during the> sea- statl'mt>nts by Jam" Shelton, Los interetits of l...os Angeles and! son 1.and 1hus arc assured of regu- Angeles Chamber presidC'nt . that Southern California to aid Arizona lar trips. ''Arizona. and California have a in its endC!avors. Business firms and the chamber common ~estiny.". Arizona's position on the legal of commt'rcc of Miami, however, Akin said that it w~ the:! hope aspects of the dJvision or ,\·aters contribute sums of mon('y to help or Arizonans that business men of the Colorado rl\'er "'e re ex-promote the sportfishlng and an and others ln Arizona and Cali· plainJ by Charles Carson, that I annual Tournament is held with fomla could. get together to Jay state's !!pecial attorne}· for Colo-thousands of dollars in prizes and the G"roun~\\ork .. for . a mu tu a I rado river matters. 1 ma ny beautiful trophies offered. understanding.. tntunately we The delegation \\·as headed by Newport Harbor boatmen, besides h_ope "'e c~. f1nd the right ~lu-George \V. Mickle, Phoenix title t their own Individual advertising, t~om, comb1n1ng fairness and Jus-and 1nsur a nce company president. contribute man}' thousands of dol· Uce, to the problems ~rro~t us." a n d chairman of t h e Phoenix tars in the advertising program r.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Wii.ii;;;;;;W.iiLan;;;;;;iieii.iim;;;;;;anii;;;;;agiiiniigiidinc;;;;;;;;;;;;';;o,r Oiamber's reclamation committee. of the Sportlishlng Association LA:>wls E Hau. general manager and receive very Uttle financial of the Phoenix Chamber, intro-help from local business finns duced the members of the dele-that, however, benefit from this gation who. he said, were out-program. A few business !inns Casino Cafe Louis Verwey Main St. Balboa Cffapp d/,e AA,//'YIA/t f}toip,f)[atVJ NEW YEAR TO EACH AND AI.I. • Coniino Soon!! Janu<.ilZ'f e~Mc.B - STORE l'OR MEN 578 South eo... end. U.GUNA BEACH i • standing leaders in th£>ir commun-as associate members, contribute' tty. SlO. a year to help. Robert B. Bale, public rela.tions Mr. Bickart attended meetings d irector of the Central Arizona of the sportfishing groups in Flori- Project association, gave e graphic da, where he found the boats hav· picture of Arizona's plight. Ing a slow winter season. H e The toilet soap f&l'l\ine ha,, our secre tary so worried that sh e's asked for a couple days of-f to send ht'rself to the dry cleaners. returned wtth considerable litera- ture on Florida fishing to study for the possibility of adapting some to promote Ne"'port Harbor fishing further. @13alhoa rket More Tlla.a SO Yean ot Serrioe Co tbe Barbor'• SOI MA.L~ F'tne&t CUent.ete BALBOA, CALIF. Flying in safety after a stormy 12-month journey, 194 7 promises to be a big year for all Americans and WF cnend our heartiest wishes to every one of you f or a year filled to the brim with good cheer, p.roapcrity and health. MR. AND MRS..,AL ANDERSON FUN ZONE • Balboa • • ' • • Vote Jan. 27 · On College District Plan · GORD B~ FINDLAY OO:N'ft.&Ol'OS AND amu>a om.e: 1&11 ~-. ._ -m Co u n t y Superintendent of CABINET SHOP SERVICE O&BINEl'S AND MU.I.WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. Schools Union T. Simmons has fixed Jan. 27 as date for an eJec- tlon in Newport Harbor and Hunt-l ~~ii;i!lii~i1ia ington Beach Union High School districts on a proposal to f orm a coastal ·junior coUege district and operate on a portion of .file now- unused Santa Ana Army AJr Bue. Supervisors ·ha\'e approved his suggestions for 21 polling places within the t-....·o districts, each to be open from 7 a .m. to 7 p.m. that day. Election officials "'ill be paid $7 each, it was decided. Notification was sent to both Raymond M. EllJott. district sup. erintendent o! t h e Huntington Beach Union fligh School DlstTlct and chairman of the 0 r a n g e County Coast Association's edu- cation committee. and S l d n e y Davidson, superintendent of the Ne"'J)Ort Harbor district and El- liott's chief aid on the as50cla - tion's committee. Both school districts appealed to the state !or approval of plans for fanning an Orange County Coast Junior College and both said the State Department of Ed- ucation is to gi\'e approva1 o! the petition a t its Jan. 10 meeting. Anticipating such a ppr ova I, Simmons is procet'ding with order- ing ballots for use at the Jan. 'l7 election. • •• VAUX' RESTURANT 801 E. CEN'I'lf"AL Sucli speed is necessary, it was <'Xplained, because t h e election must be held prior 10 Feb. l If BALBOA HARBOR 1Sl4 • the new school is to be created !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in time for opening of the next Ji semester. No funds \vould be> necessary for purchase or the Santa Ana Army Air Base facilitiC'S, and to be promised by the War Assets Administration to the new dis- trict, if created. BRITAIN l\'Al\'TS ~!O RE NEWS MEN I:!' POLAND LOf\.'DON, ~Reuters) -Grt'at Britain is a nxious to see an In· creased number of British news- papermen in P oland before and during the elcctjons set for Jan. 19 1\-linister of State Hector J\t c- Neil told the HOUSC' of Commons. He added that Polish Govern· ment spokesmen had frequen tly stated that foreign corresponden ts had not encountered and would not encounter obstruction in their work. No correspondent -apart from Derek Selby o! the London Sunday Times-has be(>n forced to leave Poland, J\tr. f\.1cNeit said. EVERYTHING I.a Qoallty REFRIGERATION Air CondltlOD!ng F.qulpment ~ • Oablneu • 0ounten Walk.in. . Fountalm . stooi. Back Ban • Bootbo Complete Market. Care, Etc. P1ana1nc "WEBER" DltAt.J:M W 8. Loe A..aceles St., An.....,m Phone 4M% • %h1HqljOUQ . HAPPY NEW YEAR. h t•e _., frleadly ~ I •plrU wUk .,. .. .,. """ Mrv"4 ye• I.a ltMe we rund pledged to se"e yon in 1947. With grateful acknowledgement of put favors we extend to all the 1eason's greetings. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Q-RIOShoppe 205 Main St. As the minutes of the old year tick away, we want to extend to you and yours our sincere wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year! ORAllGE ~-------OR· • Excelaior Creamery ProJact. • 926 -E. ht St. Sala A• Plis 1 S •ta Am ZIT • • • • ' • • ta !!, ... ....... s~::oposed J•llor College In Oraage Co. Coast Area Just a Moment That mlrb-publiciz:ed ca a e of the -. suell• boy IDdlcat ..... Costa lies• Ya•iii ls Ho1ored By Wi•ter Sco•t CallP Activity ( Ccricluslon) Table vn •hows the ranp and the aveTage diltrlct tax rate over a ten-year period.. 1935-194.5, or fif teen collee:e districts. The rate varied from zero to 35c. 1be max- imum tax rate far junJor college district> lhall ~ 35c (Educat'oa Code sect.ion 6357). un1 eu such rate is rsised by a vote of the people. {Edu ca lion Cod• sections 6358. 6359~ It will be no ted, in T able Vll , that the average tax rate f ar all districts o\.·er the ten- J-N-.S-U-~A-N-C-E Acetdent -Hullb -t-"'\re AulomobUe -C•Ml&lt;y Boocb -All Type. KEXYETU O. B1LL 111 Eut 18th S t. Cotta Mesa Pbooe: Beacon 5090 Carr's Feed Store Hay and G rain Quality Feeds -l -o.au, Oell•e.r}-0eacoD Iii~ 18!·1 Ne "-port Blvd. COSTA MESA FOR ~8UR.A.."CE SEE Howa r d W . G erri1h 1808 Newport Roulevanl COSTA &f'ESA Phooe Beacon 1'151 Auto1flo b ile • Fire Accident • Lif e Ucense and Contract Bonds Written \Vhen you awa~en on Ne w Yei1,r'l morning may you awaker'I not on~ to • day of happineii, but to a whola year of happy days. We welcome the New Year and ta~e this opportunity to greet all our fri•ndl. DAMIA LOPTIEN, Mgr. Orkin 's DEPARTMENT STORE Co.ta M esa year period ii 16c. 1s-Table vn on~ 13.l In estimatln& the ~ud&•t ror the propooed HuntingU>n Beach· Newport H arbor Jun.Jar Co1Jt"ge District, it W&!I Suggested that thf' local area should accept th~ ~ sponsibllity or providing 1100.000 I annually. On t.he baaiis or the as~ ~ valuation or 560.000.000 this '''OU)d mr an a d lstr lct true rate or about 17c. IC Capistrano and l..aRUn& Beach become a part of the distric t the tax r a te would proba bly be about 13c. j I T wo other important facton should tx-noted. Dur ing 1946-1947 1 fhr arC'a included in !his proposed new distric t will pay a tax rate uf -· In the llw!J' warld ot -Grus. It now appean. ii due to SbJIY·thrft $alutl and Swu1&1 Fadtlm. Troop 30; a n d Slal>lq ~ 1 he new .. i..elldut ot haw returped from three dQo Ill Y-. Troop &,•Coobl Mae. champion$." winter comping at the a.up A&llJr'ootlmate.ly '15 boys an d Empire Area oound1 camp at JtA>. lrs W s lined up tor the second N01St&lgia. that reeling evolud Kl-U. eccordlng to H ugh II. WU-pellod ot the O>rktmu holllky by the haze of Indian summer. an cox. Scout Execudw. . -w h I ch •tarted S.turdoy be relie ved by getting out and The camp was conducUrd under ~ and the procram was 1 a.king down the screens. the dlrection of Fred R. Canman, s1m1 s•. ' assistant Scout Execu~. Seein' all those house-hunting folk around town has made us come to the conclusion that hobos ar~ m ade and not born. .. Activities consisted ot sledding. hiking, and other winier aportl, under the gulclanoe ol Fteld Ex- ecutive Nelson Sanford. Saturday night. a Christmas part)• was held ln the camp mcs.s hall, and movies: Th>ub1e with somr city income were shov."'T\ bot h Saturday and t tl.~es is the fact that they never Sunday nigh ts. come in. The local San Gorgonlo Lodge. Olin ~1 i I I P r rommen ts: It is '''nnd('r('d \i.•hy t he ma n appre- ! ht'nd~ on a charge of entering I 11.nothC"r·s house ,;a the chimnl'y didn't pleA d that ha \\'llS practiC· in1: up to be a Ne,,: Dt-a1er. Order or the Arro'-''. national ~ orary com ping frat ernity. held in- 5talla tlon ceremo nies tor tour new members. as weU as promoting three othe rs to the Brotherhood. or second r ii nk, in the Order. Bob McF adden, Life Scout from Santa Ana, was elected Lodgf' Sc-t-ms lik<' lht' morf' prosperous Chic! by the memben or the the prople. thC' h1 g:her the di\·orce Order , filling out the unexpired rnte No tellinf:, hov• many prople term or Bob Bannister. who re- '''oul d s tllp 1>ult in~ up ,,.· each signed recently. o thf'r if they rould afford•<..U""--...1..--" e tour nc"·· or "Ordeal" mem- bers are Jim Ga lbr('a th, Troop 29, ~ HEA LT H HA PPI NESS FR.O SPE R.ITY r · to thC' rounty junior college t uition fund Establi~hmcnt oC the Ot·~· d is trtct , thcr('fore. v.• o u I d mean an inCTt'~ of onl}' 9c I in· creasl· of Sc 1f C.<1p1,.tr11no lllld La· ~na peach join l . I t s hould aJso ht:-noted thnl ir Capistra no and Lagunrt Rt->:tf'h do no! bcrome a part or 1hc d istr ict their con lti· butJon to tht• county tuition fund will contlnuC', with the: r esul t tha t the ne"· JUnior roll('i;C district will probabl}' Tec'f'J\f' rnor(' county rev- enue tha n has be~n C'S!Jmatf'd In this r~porr. IT \\O l "l.l)~'T IJE CllRI ST~t AS "ilhout pubU,hlng a 1>rinl or lbc Te \\"lnk~ 8lono or Costa ~lea. The pr csidt>nt of R.C.1\. sa}'!i I soo n it "'ill be JX)SSibll• lo control I rhl' \\·pa ther . \\:(' si ncer<>ly hope no !. Such cont rols would be bound to fll ll into th(' hands or bureau- cra ts \\'ho'd hold up all \\'eather 'til l thE>y could d('C'idc "·hlch \\'BY th(' ''"ind should blo\\'. Santa An a : Mel\·in He fley, Troop 4, Westmins ter : Ken t Johnson, Troop 7, Laguna: a nd Don Bobzin, Troop 50. San ta Ana. What more cou ld we T hJ.ll I~ lhf'lr ('hrl,tnu" \\iodow. -Photo by Beckner. Sumnu1ry a. On tltc b'lSi!\ oC hii;:h .school buildings <incl NlUipn1cnr) \\10ultl C'nrollmcnt. it has bl·C'n c·s t•ma!l'd '11 1 1.,,-1' \,. •. 1h11ut Stj(),f))(l. th.•t thl' proposf'd distr1c1 "lll d. l nl·on1\ ·ru:-th1· 1un1t.1r rnll1•;.:i· I hll,·c 450 units of o,·cragl~ dail y h:i!: h· i·n 1 . ..._1101,11 , d ..\;; r11 1111,\., a.t tcnda ncl'. r·1-,,n1 thf' gf 1:·· .. l.'.,:ll_Kl I h. F rom a stud) of <'OSl~ of f-·rom t ht• county oth1 r junior co:lc·~cs. it hAs bcrn a nd fC'd C'ral l )JJllO •"'it!n1n11'd Ih a I SJ:.!:> shou ld ht' Fronl tht• dlstru_·t 1 00.n~~' J;rnlid1 rt for "<u.:h unit o f A.D ~\ " Thi· 111 .. lrn 1 111, ral•' 1.;; , .. 11• c. Th<-' total annunl budget for m at••d nt 17c i l::\r Lr ('npislran11 currl'n f expt'nst'S and capita l ?~I · and L..at..~na fW;i~·h JOln t ·fh1;; 15 lay 1b...1.t pi;-obably not for 1n1Ual 1 nn i nrri ·~•!'C" •>I !k O\i•r ihr prP~i·nt Wntch ~-' -~Moster TESTED Thh scientific instrument telJs us what'• wrong when you bring yout watch In. and it tella you lt°1 right when you tdte lt away. Faster, more economlcal repairs, with printed prool of accuracy. Ted Brown btin1:3 .. a watch and je~·elry repa.Jr depart- ment to Costa ~l i."Sa that is the finest. \Ve have the best ~·o rkmen and equipment for expert repairing of v•atches. clocks and jc"'•elry repairs. Prtces are Reuonable Prompt. Courteous Sen1oe Ted Brown . n:WELEa 1797 Newport Blvd. Co.tta Meaa c:ouni y 1u1 t1on !ll '+i f11r <1r<'11s not lncludt>d 1n any junior coll r~l' dis- 1 tr1 c1 rt 1s half of 1hi: n1ax1mun1 I pro v1d<•d b'.)' Ill''' i 3!'":>C I and l!' about t he av('ra~£· rn1e of f1f11•eon junior college d1str1cls ovC'r the past tC'n-year period. ThC' l-lur111nc •on Rt'.J<-'h an d :"'£''''J)Clrt J l:1rhor htl!h school dis· tric ts ha"c requt·s tC'd Ruthor ilO· 1ion rron1 the Stelt' Board of Edu· HERE'..f HOPING Heartfe lt good wishes for a glorious holiday and the ha ppiest New Year yot1 ha\:e e\'er ' knO\\'n Stuart H. Price CLOT'l .. lER ~•en•s a.nd Boys' \\·ea.r 1808 1 z S e"'port Boule\'anl TA£\l .E \·11 Ol~t tl<'l T a '> Ra t • 19M-1 ~ (l o Ct'nllf ) ,\• l'r,11.:<" F;"tX rn t,... tor ;ti! d1s tr1cts. 1935·19·1:5 A\'('rage 16 -------------- cat.io n to hold an C'lection for the proposed jun1 nr colll·~t· includes purpose of formin!i a O('Y.' junior college distric t . ·rherc 1s a pos· sib1lll)-that th1· Capistrano a nd provision for g<>ner~I <'ducation. ro\lf'ge education, and vocational training for young men and wo- mt'n or this area. \~'h.:i.t t his rounlr}' nC't"ds is a rC'1Urn to then,·~ &t>nl-H: Sla:ht- see The g ('al)d in our fcll o\.\o"fTIC'n ; lfr arinr-the call to give an hon· est day's \\·ork for an honest day's r'l!Y: ~mell-thc red meat cooking for dinner l'aCh night ; Ta.ste--a bit of sugar no\\" and then and Tour b-the ha ndclasp of a true friend. HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop La ~una Bt:-ach high school dis· Attendance a t the nc"· coll r gc A N ew BuUdlng rricts may also bN'oml' a p;i rt or . "·ill be a dequate to Jw yfy its fo r-lh~ proposed junior roll C'gt' dis· mation. I N e w Facilities tr1 ct. f Th<' propPScd district has 5uf. V ti BJ" d The tcnttt li \'e progran1 of !hf' fiC't€'nt assessed valuation to pro-ene an In 8 I Vidc adequate support for the pro· Window Shades Fifth Book on China gram wi1hou1 imposing an e•=· • . s1\'(' tax burden. Delivery Installation Pr1nted by UC Press The State Department ot Ed u· • • • Berkeley, -China, the fift h J ca tion. thC'refor C', r("COmmcnds tha t ' Free Estimates book 1n 1he L1ntvt'rsi t~ or Califor· an cl<>e tion be aul hor ize<I in order For Quick Service nin Prl'.'ss' L'nilcd l\'at ions Series. 1 that the votC'rs of this area may Call n----n ..,.,.. • I represents lh£' \\'Ork of 33 author i· d c tr rmin(' \\.h£'tht•r or not a jun · ~ ~ tiC's on that nation. • I ior college district shell be <'St a b· 1012 2Srd St. Costa M~ The nl'\\' book is t'ditl'd by Har-\li ~~sh~cd~·-----------~~~~~~~~~~~~;g IC'Y F'arnS\\'Ort h l\.1acNa.ir , profes-~ sor of F ar F.astcrn history Rnd insti tutions a t thr Un1vcrs1!y of Ch1c:ago. II sur\1•ys hin<t's pasl and JlrC'c;l~n t and its tC'li~1ous nnd S('('Ular S} lC'm." of lhOU ~hl , 1n- s1 11u1ions. nrts. C'Cl.1non1ic de \'t.~lop­ m1 nl and n1d1ttir) and poh11c<il condi tions. \ alut"tl Cro\\'lJ '1111• 1n1 rk'r1nl ~IH!l' cro"'·n. ma.de fur Quc1·11 \'u.~tl1r1 n In 1838. is thC' mosr \alu11blC' rrO\\n in the "'·arid. TO OUR MANY FRIENDS \Ve \Vls h You and All A HAPPY NEW YEAR -Harry McK ee- I L l'f11111u n ... 1 rully 1~s lart:e as a 2350 N I d Costa Mesa sm r\ II ht' n's C'g". ii. d ia n1~1 nd '" i ~h. ~;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;e;\\;'l"';:;:;rt;:;:;;B;:;:;v;:;:;. ;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;~ MESA UPHOLSTERY int: JO!) carats and more than :;!.~1'.KI small f't d11'monds. in addj. t1on tu f'l11l•r;.ilds, s.:i pphirrs a nd prnrls. ~: Associated fORTUNE ,_...,;,.._ .. ., ... ,, Station at 1986 Harbor Blvd. Featuring • Expert lubrication • Best quality gas and oil • Washing and polishing • Batteries and accessories --Pickup and Delln ry --J. F. THOMPSON 19341 Barbor Bl,,d. COSTA MESA • Ne\\r "Brother hood" men a r e Dick Smith, assistant Scoutmas· ter. Troop 30, San ta Ana : Bob Mc- Quality Lumb"' and Building Ma teriah • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETL ER Phone Beacon 6013 wish_ for you ? May these three cardinal• blessings make life abundan tly richer for y o u in 1947: * H APP Y NE W YE AR Mesa Malt Shop 1770 Ne wport Blvd. Season's Greetings To You and Yours We take t his occasion to t han k our many friends a nd clients of Cost a Mesa -The Best Town on Earth, for their loyalty a nd friend ship. 1 G. N. Wells I AND ASSOC IA TES Real Estate Broker YOU'D need a pair of strong arms to carry our load of New Year wishes for you. Every conceivable wish for your weU,being and hap- piness is included in the assort, ment, with grateful acknowledge- .\T THE OPEXl-S G Ol~ ASOTHER \'F.AR E \"E R\' ~rE...,IBER OF T i n s OROAJ'lillZATIOS JOL~S \\"ITH US L~ \\"JS HIXG ALL OUR FRI&"DS A."'i'O PATROSS A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS St:"• l "f:A.R. A."0 THE RE- SEWAL OF OUR PLEDGE TO GIVE YOU T HE UTMOST lN S ERVICE DURING llM7. W. H. Wright Lumber Co. 1734 N•wport Blvd. Cost.a Me.a , merltf for your kindness to us dur- inf1M6. Bayside Plating Co. -Silver and Gold Plating- 0. 0. (Cllac:k) Wlrtli 1914 Barbor Blvd. c. R. (Bob) Band Costa Mesa • ,- • • May many friends help make the days brighter for you in 1 g 4 .7 MERCURY CLEANERS BU .I. BROWN • "'" ....... 114 w. 4111 St. PASADENA ax. Dz "' ft. e,. 93 TE ~ PIL 6888 LONG BRACH .............. • • • • • I . ,._ -r-• Tuttdye Dz~ t1r lb 1MI ~RJC,t\1" NEW YEAl\.1"0 YO(J H A N S E N ' S z100 aee.a Froltt • • . FOUNTAIN LUNCH Radiophone Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, Inc. Jefferson -Travis J. IL Brown Co. 1219 Coast Highway Beacoo 5263-W MEN-WOMEN Prostate • • • Pelvis .. ,.. ..... tr+' ...... ................ .....,. .... ,.. m o-.-.,., lit',, ... . . ,, ................ ,_ ..., •s•&Jf ._. • • • -· IT'S YOUR GLANDS .. ..... t >t; ...... --·-_,.._ •w .. ' Me ._.. .............. ~ .....,_ Y"I' ...... ,. ............ .._ ............. ,_ -y..,.. la-...oL ._, it:• ~ ._ .. •• r ... • . • ... n ••• ~--~'~~P~U~-~.~~ .. ~~~"""'~-~,~~~~ ... ~-""""""'~~""'~-~~--~~-~-~-~~~<~llU~ ... ~ .. ~--~•i~«.~H~«.~<-~O«~•~••o~l~~'r,==========================================~ ~ ~ ~ i I ·A HAPPY NEW YEAR I ~ ~ I ~ . ~ ~ ... ~ : THE ·CENTRALINER ~ . ' . • • • ' ~ • i ' . . • ' ' ~ l • • ' ' ' ' • ~ • ~ ' • -~ . -. -----2 ---- i . ' . • • . . • • . . • • • . ALL -STEEL PLEASURE CRUISER: Built By Central Boat Works • Harbor lll80 -Newport Beach -Foot of Sht St. Happy New Year! The entire personnel ot The Newport Auto Works joins in wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year! Phone Day or Nig ht Harbor 1420 NEWPORT AUTO WORKS 24 Hour Tow Service • Geners.I Repairs EARL MITCHEM,"Proprietor 124 SOt.h St. e.t Coast Blvd., Newport Bea.ch ?,,,,. .. (., • t•U1 1\lllllllllltll!IUllllU.i~lllrllllllJfllfll9Ul!•llllllllJ1.-ll'll!llllllll!l~ll•lllllll•ll1lllllllllll .. ltl lll lll lll •ti ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COAST INN 1401 Coast Blvd South Laguna ;Beach Offers a New CHINESE FOOD SERVICE COMPLETE CHINESE DINNER Ala Carte Service as low as .50 We Will Also Feature EASTERN PRIME $2 00 BEEF STEAKS Serving Nightly to 11 :30 o'Clock CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY FURNITURE HARBOR 1962 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa S S S S ... ,, ....... _00 .... 0. S .S ......... S ........ -...... .... .... PRE-INVENTORY SALE 10 i Days Only The More You Buy ---The More You Save . One 2-pc." Crosby Wine Daveno Bed Sulte, reg. $193.50 reduced to--$161.50 One 2·pc. Flecked-\Vlne Daveno Bed Solle, reg. $203.00. reduced to--$173.00 One 2-pc. Teal Green Divan Sulte, regular S227.50, re- duced to--$202.00 Hollywood lnnersprlns Math-and Box Springs to match (twin siui), 64.95 reduced to--a Mt. One Apartment Size Electrolux. A·l. · The First $7290 takes it 103 Oft on Floor and Table Lamps, Unfinished Fuml- tnre and All Used F'llrnlture for tbls Sal<>. EA.SY PAYMENTS IF DESIRED E. B. SMITH, Owner. E 3 S CZ DIDI'S Puaic ____ N_o_n_.ca ___ ,PullUc Nanc:a I Pu11Uc NoTJCS · xonca -amom -...s Juuey 1S. .1M7,' o'dodt =:., ~!\:' =: p.m. 7be boerd.t l .... Uw rta:bt o.t ......... Ulla -~ The Board 'et '1"rulten ol the to reject an,y and all bk1I.. ta wtta --...r. l ::::,..._.. A.H. f112PATJUCK. :..,"'!...,-... ~:::,,_la d:z Newport Barbar Union Hl&h Clerk. ~ant abaft........_ Scbool --'" bids ... t11e fol-Pub. ~ ao. lllt6: J.,._ 7, 19n . K...,,. := ~ .. :r'I ~~ ~~=~eta! Locken, , No. '91S 2'1::::. =-~J:i_llJ: = Ibo 12"12""6 mci-. equip-...... Doe. ..... 11 .... ped with Yale 3378 com-A L I A 11 8 U II II 0 N 8 9-Gmlm • =~ ~· .-...i ·at the 1a ;"0= ~.-°'P:' ::*9 PA INT ING office of tho Nowport Harbor 0-Q-.,, ~ 12 Yoon llonlee In Nftlpart Union Hlgh School on or before HERBERT L. SHOEMAKER a..llar Ana Ju\uary 13. 1947. Bldl . will be and MARIAN L. SHOEMAKER. Harry Hall p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""ilhls wife, Plaintiffs, V!L J . W. PAT· PAJ?ITING OON'ntAcrta • VENETIAN BLINDS · TON, R. 0. PATTON, T. A. PAT· -Plrmeo TON, C. P. PATTON, C. P. PAT· ..__B_eacm 503 SAi .ES and SERVICE TON. trustee, J. A. PATTON, 2'7C !:. """ -..... P Coa V Co. MAGGIE B. CLIFl'ON, T. !IL FORMED WI-6 Batdl an -st enetian Blind PATTON .• MILroN "-T. MIL-eo..nmac1etoon1or Aloo-_.:11!:'~°""'=•:.:111c1t~:w-:r:!.---------~11::•:•:M:•~':"':1!;.J:.J LER, WILLIAM L. MU 1 ER. EMa l&lua A Ludte Sheet. frr .... MA E. LAIR, MAGGIE HUM-Nu-World Pr-oducta 0.•1 l*Q PHREYS. and also all other per-303 Third SL, Htmtlnctoa B r dll r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m !sons unknown da1ming any ri.Cht. Phone HuntiD&tml Beam 1• tltlo, estate, Hen or Interest In 81).dil • LIDO . WHARF 2852 VI.& Oporto -Udo Village -Newport Bea.ch Phone: Harbor 784 Will Be Open NEW YEAR'S EVE • Official Opening • ·f riday , January 3, 19 4 7 A Waterfront Restaurant featuring . Steaks • • • • • Shore Dinners Cocktails the real property described In =------------' Plain~' ,Qimplalnt adverse to FOR CARPENTER V.ORX-Cal Plalntlffs'"dwnenhlp. or any cloud M. llrinlm!.an. 523 W-<'entral. upon Pl&lntlffs' title thettto. De-Phone Harl>or 1831. 911-4111 fondants. FIREWOOD-$1800 oord. ~ THE PEQPLE OF THE STATE Santa Ana GO?S-R. 91).th ,OF CALIFORNIA SEND ----:~·-:--~-'"°""-~ GREEIINGS: Order Now! To : J . W. Patton, R. 0. Patton, FRUIT TREES T. A. Patton, C. P. Patton, C. P. Patton, Trustee, J . A. Patton Maggie B. O.ifton, T . M. Patton, Milton A. T. Miller, William L Miller, Emma E . Lair, Maggie Humphreys (and to all other per- -FOR.- Winter Planting Hollister Bros. NURSERY sons unknown claiming any r ight, title, estate, lien or interest In the roaJ property described In the romplaint to plaintiffs' ownera ship, of any cloud upon plaintiffs' O.ta Met.a Bea.ODii 52» title thereto): 80-tftt You are hereby directed to •P-PIANO ':'UNING aod repairblc. pear and _answer . the complaint J. B. Brown. Write Boz m, on an acuon entitled as above, Rt. 1 388 Broadway Ccata brought against you in the Super-Mesa.' • ?S-U. ior Court of the said County of Orange, State of California, with- in 10 days after service on YoU CORSON & RAY CO. ot this alias summons, if served on you within said County; or within 30 days, if served elsewhere . This action is brought to de- termine the advene claims to and cl ouds upan the title to the real property described in the Com- General Contractors Complete Building Service plaint herein and hereinafter de---PHONES- scrtbed by the said plaintiff• who claim that by themselves, or by Harbor 2447-R Harbor lSlO-W themselv6 and their predecessors in interest, have for a long time been ovmers of cer+~'\in real prop- erty situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and described as follows, to wit: That portion of Lot 63 of New, port Heights, as per map there- of recorded in Book 4, at P8i" 83. of miscellaneous Maps, rec-. ords of said Orange County, de- scribed as follows: 87-tfc CESS POOLS and CEPTIC TANKS Iratalled Anywhere In Orange County Contraet Drilllnc Sewer Connection CAll Work Guaranteed) Full Insurance Carried J. R. McCORMICK 340 Victoria St. Cocta Meu. Beacon 5069--J 93-tfe Beginning at the most Southerly rorner of said Lot 63, and run- ning thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of said lot a distance of 157.5T feet: thence NortAwesterly parallel with the Southwesterly line or ,..id lot a distance of 70.13 feet ; RADIO SALES & SERVICE thence Southwesterly parallel Specializing In repairing. with th_J Southeasterly line of TRONART, INC. •a.id lo~. a distance of 157.57 feet to the Southwesterly line Radio, electronics, aound-Salee of said Jot: thence Southeast-and service-marine and ~ erly 70.13 feet to the point of Ph. H. 1252-M beginning. 12901 W. C..Otral, Newport BNcti, And you are hereby notified 'f9..ttc that unless you appear and an- swer as above requittd, the aaJd MEI" -CLAD PRODUCI'S plaintiff will take judgement for -by- any money or damage demanded CLARK &: BA TES tn the complaint, as arising upon Metalltzlna contract, or will apply to the Court for any other relief de-Weld.Ing SpedallaW manded in the complaint. 506 30th St. -Harbor 2509 Given under my hand and the Newport Beach 94-tfc ~~~;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;~;;::;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;~~~;;;~~;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;~;;::;;~~;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;~~~~~~ se~ ot the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, this 11th day of De- cember, 1946. AL LACHMEYER SIGNS Mid-Winter SALE All Furs Tax Paid • SCARFS Two-skin Silver Fox Scarf. ................. was $298-reduced to $188 $148 $248 Three-skin jumbo Asiatic Marten ...... was $259-reduced to Four-skin Hudson Bay Sable ---·-·---·--was $398-reduced to COATS Grey Mouton, ftrst quality __ ---·------was S21:.-reduced to $145 Two &aver-dyed Mouton _ --·-was S21:.-reduced to $128 Two !llarmo1 -<1yed Leopanl ___ --·--was Sl!!&--reduced to $118 Natural Ru,,sian Squirrel Belly -----------was S239-reduced to $178 Polo Rtl<..tjan \Voll ·-----·-------·--_ was $263--reduced to $198 Northern Mink-<b"ed Muskrat --~--·-was $395-reduced to $248 Natural ilv1'r Muskrat __ ---was $385-reduced to S'U8 Grey Bomba,· Lamb. Caracul -------··---was $37!>---reduced to 12211 Natural Ru8'ian Squin'el ·----_ was $825---redllced to $478 Black Per,;ian Lamb ___ ----·-·-·--was ~reduced to $568 Gtty Per.iian BombaY Lamb -------·------·-----was ~reduced to IM71l ck Ru..<.,ian sroe.dtail -·------·-·····----·· was S895--reduced to $534 .. ck Per.iia n Lamb ----·-----was $97!>-reduced to $M9 MUFFS, PURSES AND HATS GREATLY REDU~ED roll'<E KARAKUL BLANKEl'S A l.ITO RO~ _ __reduced from $22.50 to $18.75 -··life-time w,,ar -THE SMART SHOP uu South C-' llhd. LAGlJNA BEACH -First of the Yea r - C LE AR AN CE SALE We are placing on sale a number of quality oil and beverage items to make roolll(jor a new stock of merchandise. All of the items are offered at cost or below. -··s , _ .... OIL PURE PENNSYLVANIA, 1 qt. cans ·-------·-------·---········-·--·--·-·---·······-·-·---------·--·---EASTERN 1 qt. cans ---···---····---·---··-··--·--·--·--·-···---------·--·----------WESTERN, Bulk 22tc r;:~ 12tc r~ 30c ~!~ (bring container) ___ ......... _ ---· -------· ........ -·-------·. __________ _ .. .... . ··-BEER ~~~~: Eastside) -----------··----·----·-p~ $215 EASTERN Pints $41 '11 (Lion and Silver Fox) ·----·---··· ·-------Ciuie ·-'* ·-· MIXER Cliquot Club Cola, Gingerale. Soda and Sparkling Water 2 Qu'}!lrTS 25c ·-· .......... ... Wt>H.ave •Complete LiDe of 'Grocer!esi Mesta, V~ ., ____ .. s .. OPEN SUNDAYS TRUCK RATES THE WAVES • 6500 OOAST HIGHWAY NZWM&r B&&CB l}i llllM W..t ol .&..-. • Ill • • B . J. SMITH Clerk By H . M. HEAD Deputy Clerk Max Horwitz atty. for P laintill 2611 W. Central Ave. Newport Beach, Calif. Pub. Dee. 17. 24. 31: Jan. 7, 1947. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS FIC-· TITIOUS FIRM NAME Trucks, Boats, Walls, Windows, etc. Beacon 5178-W 348 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa 91>-tfe HARBOR Plumbing Service 1768 Newport Blvd., Beaeon 5048W REPAIRING OUR SPECLU.T'f 620 Marguerite Ave. Corona deJ Mar Z 0 RIC DRY CLEANING In OUr Own Pl&llt PICKUP AND DELIVER I.Jdo Cleaners 4:56 Newport m...s. Newand~ Pl>one l!leMloe 1128().Jl 211 .. 911111 a. °""'"' .. ~ ..... • • .. • ' . The Chinese Way I · I I ba\~ -l<h<d au ..... bank· VIEWS OF THE " PRJiSS c.osf. Bites A&WPOllT U• 90A NEWS-TIMES ISCMS& •• 08 D _. la en do bnllnHS aooordlns to the L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'· If' •SS, $.._.T 9 _.'I' , Aftwaa Y ..... DXYW mo.-t appoYed WKtem. methods. Dhde!t:.e l \,===========.JJ" OMta..-.MM •',., • .....,.tr ,, Y ..... D On aL.a o••-·-~I ba\'O ---.,._,. hllmethodol•.ttWrnenthubeen1 · I u~ ~ -~ Sir Phlll;I JOl>bort'1 rocont tried and bas falled. • ... p ...... ID ...,, ~='O In a. Coun tM l&lm! ban.ken use the OU... ptiedi the Rolbor-n Ch mber nte International Union "l l 1 De ••• st ., ....... AD ~ IUIJ 4™'114 _,_, ~ --,_. --t;J -u. .~, OlL ~-·-••·t -"-. WheJ -to ·-•-"-·•· AW por ,_,to 4th_,.; -per,_, ID --.. ~ ot ComiDftce ,... colored by hll ~-~ _ .,....~ --~~™~ "What can I do for you todly, ""'" Job u Dlttetor of Public ~ Tho lntorna~ Union intends tile IDtA!lllgen<w! at ot.bers, 11'1 well • Mr. Oten'!" the banker would latlom at the Afr Mlnlstry. He to exercise lta powen to m&ln-to remmiber the often·to1d yam E SAK· D. POR I ER Ptlbllshe< F. G. FROST -Editor W. F. DIXON • • • • • • ~ MAnoaer Printlnc Plant. :IOll W. Central A""°ue, Ne,.port Betu:b, californla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A ~·b'e Looi.I 1.Mtitlltioa tor <h'lll' 11 YMn The New Year Active Member of It is an Interesting thing to observe how the dlmpled. cfla. pered youngster who appears on the scene at the New Year tx-romes such a very old man within the space of but 365 (or 36i>l days. But however rema rkable the change it has occurred again this year. Old Man 1946, bent and bearded. is ready lo caU it quits. And, a• usual. a bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked toddler is all set to pick up the burden and carry on through 1947. The Old Man about to depart represents tJ.ie first full year of peace since 1938. Al least. it was supposed to be a year of peat'<'. but in many respects it was hardly less rugged than , our )1ea rs of war. The flames of conflict have continued to bum through 1946 and they are burning in areas where there is danger or their spreading again unless statesmen are very much on the alert to prevent them. China. India, Palestine and Greece ha,·c witnes.sed clashes ranging all the way from m inor skir- mishes to sizable battles. The home front has been a nything but peaceful . too. In- dt1Strial strife has kept the nation off balance. If all the en- ergy that has been expended arguing over labor issues had been devoted toward actual work America's production in 1946 would have been staggering. But in spite of the re<.'Ord of conflict 1946 may be recorded in history as the year in which the first genuine strides to- ward lasting peace among nations was achieved. The suc- cess of the UN Assembly meeting and the apparent willing· ness of all members of the Big Four to adopt measures that will really be effective in preventing war gives rise to this hope. In summing up it can be said that 1946 was not such a bad year after all. But we certainly hope that 1947 will be better. California Report The recent report of the Cali!omia State Chamber of Commerce on condltions in OUJ\..state during .the past year reveals an overall picture which i\ very bright indeed. Highlights of the report show that civilian employment is now about 44 per cent above that of April J 940 or about equal to the 1943 wartime peak: civilian income will total ap- proximately S12.7 billion or 1.7 per cent higher than 194 5: by the first of the year rarmers will have coUected nearly $2 bil- lion or 6 per cent more than last year. Net farm income, how- ever may be lower in 1945 due to increased production cost . The report confirms indications that out-of-state manu- facture!'!< are coming into Cali!ornia in great number and t hat many a re building their own plants and factories. In pass- ing, it mii;ht be pointed out that many of these companies have be.>n attracted here not only through the collective ef- forts of Calirom ia businessmen working through their pub- licity organizations but also through the special advertising of Pacific Gas & Electric company, Bank of America and other concerns aimed a t "selling" Califomfa throughout the rest of the country. &nk of America reports a tremendous response to its bookl et pointing out the advantages of doing business and Uving in California. One pac~icularly Interesting fact brought out by the Chamber of Commerce review is that the aircraft industry which was supposedly doomed to become but a shadow of its wartime 5'>lf is now employing about 90,000 persons. Not bad for an indu<try "suffering" from the effects of peace. • Cali!omia M'tall trade is substantially ahead of last year In dollar volume: bank debits are running 17 per cent higher; porductlon of .~tntctural materials has risen: a nd gold is being mined in grealer quantities. It all sounds good and it all adds up to prosperity. WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CH/1 RGE · ACCOUNT (90 -80 -90 V.,W) Marbro'a lnYi~ ,_ to oame to aad """" • dWP """""1t. Our atocb UO 011~ trlth tho lo-atylel ot I.,,,_. Flno A~. Nationally .Uva lilecl READY ·TO. WMB mRRBROJ cJa>tta Qna, 111 w•1 ta. n. lltol'e Hom.: DallJ Jw lwlluc ~ 9:30 &. .. to~ P. K. greet the man who had Ju• t .. trnsed t he moral advantages tain a dildpllned orcantu·tiOo.. If about the mpy boy 00 a larce •• ·'I_:-. _ I enter'l"d.. which the community gainesf from it shirks that duty, the Gow!m--metropolitan newspaper. Of quJet _ i "1 "'"Ould like tq borrm\• SlO,-the fla:hUng Services. 1n these. ment will act. In fact, the re--dJ..spm;ition, the boy "'U ~ , ~!i~: 000."' meo and women learnt self-sponsibUlty ror many restrictive ~Y the staff as not too bright. This The banker immediately took control and to a~t M a disciplined laws that have been passed can mlpressof thion was furthered wh e n ~ ream \\'Orkjng tnaether a...-laid d'o-tly at th• door of one . em ollered. him the choice ; U38 Ne"-port Bouleftl'd, Oosta Mcaa "" out a small, black book, made a -· l1': '...... f dim ck ~ a-•coN ~·1 i This h<" lllll$trftted by a r ecent "'ildcnt a-trlkttS. 0 a . e o~ n1 el. At t er a • ~ uvw no tf' of !\fr. Di.en's wish. And said , 1 G A Eve•y deft"•n-of suthon'ty in moments hesitation, the boy took ~ Open 5 to 10 P. M. Dally, t to 9 P . M. Sundays ,! "Cert .. •nty, ••-. Chen." ~-n call-story rom <'nn(ln)'. s.ergeant , ~ .. .... h J k • CW l·ng ,-he :::;hi•• he 1"n.s~t-•ct-•, whose duty it was to lead a Brit-the future will ~ usOO as an ex-1 _eckn c el. The staff played the ; S£D >fO?<."DAY j •·P irie<" SlO~{X)o '";o Mr. ch:n~~ I.sh convoy, wenr up to his C. O. CUBot> for still sterne r la\\"S. tri over and ov~r again with t.hc '"'•1•1111111!91i1u1u1111u111•:••••1111u11••"•'t•1·•"•u•~•>1t!J1111111n1"•"'''u•.1•"•'•r1u11 ,1r•11r1n11111111?r11J....-.1i ref I .. and said: ''What do you do about Strikes ha\·e tM-come a national same result. F 1na11 y, a soft- er 1 • th111, ~1r'"'' lie explained that at mcna~. Th(')' are an in\ritat.ion he:irted copy-reader took the lad l\tr Chen bo\\"t°-d and lf:'ft the a er ~rcvtd . "·h1le he "'85 stopping to inflation and depl"tS5ion. They I as1d~ for a_ fa.~herl.)' ta lk. "!\ty bank. I-fl' had !'ititnl'd no pnpt>r, I traffic-to l<'I The l'On\'OY pass, an must be curtailed or the nation boy, he sa.Jd, )'OU re m ft k Ing and the banker had callL-d In no old ''"Om&n had spat 8 him. ";u sink into chaos and organized yours-:lf appear r~dJculous taking ~itn('SS{'s. "\\'hat did ;·ou do?"' hi$ C'. O . labor ";II per1sh.-Danicl J . Tobin, I !he nickel each tune. The nickel l QUt 11ont'd thl" soundn<'fi!t or asked "l g°'\"f.' hrr .:t bar of choco-in The IntC'mattonal TelUnStcr. 15 larger .. but the smaller coin is such" transaction. lat<-, sir "' "And "il::t did she do:"'" "'Orth tvi,ce as much. Then ~·h.Y h h l · 1 1 " j do YOU aJ14·a .. -s choose the nickel?" Th.._. banker. taking pity ()n my r urs in O caM. LETTERS TO ' w ,. s 1 ,. r n ignoranCP. explamt'd -L<>ndon Daily Tel<vaph I THE The boy grinned impishly, and •·Th<'r mttn iit back,'(f up by hi' NEWS TIME rE'plied. "\Veil, if I took the dime fanlll), his clan. 1lnd his tradt• ll•n T obin on SlrlkH J. • . S I 'd never hav<-another chanre a t s.:ulld ,.\JI f•.<t:I responsitllC' Cor hl• ()n(.' of lh(' card1nn.I principles of ~ game." honest). If he should fu•I tor poy, •he T,·1unsc rrs' l'noon " that the APPRECIATION all rhNIE' i;rnups \\·ould makt> i.::ood s1r1k1· 1.s a "rapan of last rf'SOrt . tJi,~ Sltl,OOl To J;i\'l.' him ri luan 10 ht• 11c;rrl nn l~ a flt•r 1'\"l'ry peace-To The Edltor. In this "":l} is tood l'h1n,•s1• bu.!!l· 1 Balboa Ne\\'S·Tim,.s: Penlt~nt The Pullman Comp.<tny humhl y and gratetull.v r eports: An JO\V3 \\'omen returned a towi:I that '''as missing Cor 32 years. And a Mas· sachuset1s man S<'nt elong another "'"hich bore a 1910 da te. The 19.tter thoughtfuUy \\'T'OlC': nC'~S" Diar'-' of a Hard l \\iSh lo rake this opportunity " to !X'rsonnlly thank you for your ·rhtS an<'il'nt S)'!llt•n\, kno,,·n ac; L k S ) !ht• nrux·hia. .. ,·illa"c-tQ\\'TI l)r-UC a esman past spll'ndid cooperation with ,.,._ "" this offlct' L:anizaltOn. 15 ba.st'd on the re-9 11 I..ook,.rl o,·,.,r racing results lt. l!ii onJ1· lhrouR"h complete co- SJ10nsib1hl)-' Of the t:TOUIJ for the 9 16--S!oprv>d !Cl S'""<" sh ...... ,.. Y.l n · 0""' &lo f h bli · ·1-• dt11n"5 Of th(' tnd1\tdUal, a faCher-,.. v • ..,.r I n Q ~UC pu C Spl rt L"U "' rlnw c-1rC'1.1~ put on hy lady citiz('ns as yoursclC that the u. s. ''The "'Or1d nec.'<is our highest n rt•h.1t1onsh1p. It •ocs bal·k a~ d 1"ntegn"ty at thi 1· " n \'OCAt1ng ho.ir tonic. ·I Army cnn ho1x-to achieve lts goal s 1me. Car " lhl• Chou 0) nasly, makin~ 10·05-•lrld c-ur!J-sT11ni"• ronferencc of a ron1plf'tc \'oluntl'er Army. nc>1ghbors resw nsible r or o n"-' i h Id Th k anotht•r under th«' fsmil) S)'!lC'm \\' t o as<1uwntanC'e. "" 1n~ you again and hoping La.rg~ Thanks l"ndt•r lhe '.\lanC"hUs 11 \\Q! de--10 :37-1-IC"I~ o;e thousand other for your continuro cooperation. t J A cc-rta!n small v.·eekly news. \f'IOIX'd throu~h a tithing S)'Stem. peopl~ "3 t ch mt>S...wn~f'r rt.>matn.. paper. \\'h1ch frequently ackno"·1- \\'tth a head·man or <"idl·r over txi~· f<"l"dln,c pigeons ~incr:rely yours edges in its columns the gifts ten- t''''r) f•'n famihl'S. or pa<>-chla, 11 : C.allrd on prospect. No ED\\ ARD F . TULLY . dercd it bj' rural subscribers, one and tcn villages or trn frunthM _ .1 lu<."k: 1 Ist Lt · ;~C day offered this interesting item: l'rtC'h makinK a pao-chla .. The 11 .0--lfad ml'asure taken f or G>mmand1ng, "\Ve have recei\·ed 8 basket of '\Ut.'C'('SS ot thlS lie! 1n lhC' closely 11 30-~~"' ~pt'-t . ' l n· L' ht A.d fine grapes from our friend M- kn1t f;imil) rl~la t1onship. what .. fri~~d c7c!Pd a~~rit: ~ 1,r I Jm lg 1 S C. for which he \\i U pl ease accc>pt hapP£>n~d to Any onl' man hap-!! ra or / Nearsighted S 'Js our compliments. some of which f)l 'nt'd to all. lf a n1an plc•dged O!Urdll)' nighL naJ are nearly tv.·o inC'hes in diam- hlmst.•l f to {"('r tain things '''hlch 12:1 Went lo see about radio J S nails are nt>arsigh!cd end can· eter."-Wall Street Journal. oftC'n he \\'as conl{X'lled To do ThC"n 1 12 4_ ~~tt~rlrs. not see beyond a fe\V inche-s, ac- hl• nlust carry out hi~ ,,·ord. ror ..,: :J..-'~<' riu~ .ror lunch. co.rding to th<' Better Vision In-1 As a Crq,v FUes if h,, did not the entirC' ''illag£" of -.l O--Joinrd excited posse ~-11.,ch-J st1t~tl"'. EXJX'rlments lndicat£' that The cro"' usually does not fly 'vhJch he \••as a part and maybe 2 .31 ~A~h~an ~ut on "<'" l P: sno1ls SN better In dim light.. In a straight IJ.ne but zigzags, l'Vl'n the v.·hole tovi.'n composed of ·· . . 0 Pros(X'ct. T~is 1 1:========================:::; tl'n vUlag£'s must pay the prlct fish •~ dead a nd buried ( . , from thC> eyt'.'bro\\"S back o this mans broken "'ord. 2·. \V 1 h·• d · k 1·f · · a c l"U r r r 1 c 1 ting Follovi.·ing fhe sam€' line of reu-\ fittt"I beams \'ery educa- onini:. the Chinese have built up tional the thl'Ory that "ethu:s stop an j 3:12-Had argum('nt \\"Jlh guy act befort' it happPn.s, while IAv..' ror stt>pp1ng on my Coot . only puni~hes a tter ll hu hap-3 35---Cl'lllrd up prospect l tor-I pened.'' Thereror£", thl' impor1an1 ~ot I had a date ";th No 1h1n~ is not 1814', but ethics. By 1 luck slrrssing 1he ethics of a situation 3 :4~oined class studying mod-1 before It happens, the Chine:st> Prn mrthod& of mo..,;ng a belle\'e an unJa14·fuJ act is neatly I safp n1pl)('d 1n tht· hud In lht•i r mind, 4.15--Cnlled on prospect. No moral forCl' and the rule of reason luck. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTBACTOB CEMENT WORK Flagstone Work • Cement Block Fences Fla& Worll: or Foanda.Uom CALL I IZZ -J FOB INFORMATION should control. ra1her than .strict •1:17-Dcc.1doo to cross street. t ('('h n ica I rights or I a v.·1. _..rom 4 :33-Bu 11e1 In : Landed 5af el y ! I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;g "Our Neighbors. the Chinew," by 4:41-Qult for the day. Lotta 11 Vau,1.:han Wh it~, •Ne"'· York: ha rd \\·ork. No luck. Rineha rt. 19-16. l -Thrift ?tfagazine. s T AA R~CVK< 's~en c'A F E Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders .. Sruo RO\\'f., Managn -Josn>HJ NE OQUJ!T. Ownt"t I 07 2 l.t Plaoo Newport Beach • Before You Build or Remodel Vlslt Our lntel'fl8tlng Sample and Display Rooim Color guides, plan- ning alct.., comprehens- ive stock or carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works llln South Mala 8t. ~ llula Au Z80e SANTA ANA SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY lIED CHICKEN $150 NEW YORK CUT STEAK -·-·--·--·-.. -.. · $% 50 WHOLE BROILED LOB8'XEB -·-------$%,.....50 With dNWll butter. BROILED SWORDn8B STEAK ---·---.--$1.50 FRIED OOMBINA'l'ION SEA FOOD -··-· $1..50 FRIED SRJWO> Sl.40 MINBOW TBOUl'-$1.75 Bot IODce Pie with Braiody &ace ao..,. • •ht. • De111rta Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market , Does Your House Need Painting or Cleaning? * No waiting ... Work done Immediately by hJsihly •killed 'oumeymen Palntea using the most Diocf. em equipment and finest materials. * Owned and operated by World War U Veteran seeking your pe.rmanent good wW and patronage. *~- For Free Estim•tee Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Bean WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS CO.· 28U LatayeUe Phooe lbri>or 866 We Are Building Those Hard-to-Get SASH AND . DOORS to Order All Types of Boat Repairs Sterling Boat Works · m ea..t 111pwa1 · lfwwnpcamtt B•llll .._JI•-Im * * • insurance p.a. palmer INCO IPOIATI• w. o... bvd. "*"'°'K• coun..aor 3333 via Iida, newpart beach, callf. telephone newport beoch, harbor 1500 * * PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY AOOOUNTANT Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN (Bari>or 16") 111 llartM A-. Bal-laL J . 8. WHYTE Armand Monaco ARCBlTECI' 81A W. Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 17%4" Z'7%1 Le.k"""°"' A..._ Loo ~ NOl'IDAlldy MOS DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School IOZ Con.I Balboa bland DAY 80BOOL OPENS ocr I Ondeo: Co!L J>Np. Am>T G . .&... llortlroer, M. A.. Odord Prllldp&l Phone Barbor 86! DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST uoz ~ w. O...tnl. Barbor 1&80 NEWPORT BltACB - DB. GORDON I:. RAPP DENTIST 1811 Weot O...tnl Plloae ll&rbor Ul-J N-rt Clinton O. Emmenon. D.D.8. llOl Cout Blchway Barbor mo Corona de! Mar Harold K. Grauel Chapel "Wo OUnelvs tile -Serft bT s..mna Othon Bmt" ...... , 7 7-Nll ~-~ l'IUlll<llANll • ~ D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney ptq•+·..aam,.. -.. o..•1111 .... ~_.....) ........ Dr. Marrin J. Reitz PllYl!IOIAN8 & 8UBOEON8, II.II A. V. Andrews, M.D. PIIY!llOIAN and IJUBOEON u1 eo..t mp......,.. But>or .. Co-. de! Mar .John K. 0. Cbmig, 11. D. ~Md8aa& 2 • 4 7 • 8:30 and by sppolnOnent llee<:ori :1()'75 I.JO -13th 8-eo.ta .._ Calltonda Gordon M. Grnndy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGlilON Balboa Inn Arcade Otflce Hrs.: 10-12 a.m.: 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~Mids.....­ Hours: 2-5, ~y Appointment ~ Beacon 58411 ISi B......iwar c..ta - lllll<>n M. MuweD, M. D. 1901 OoMt. lllW&J OoTOU de! Mar Office Houn: 10-12 : 2·5 Phone Barbor toe S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave~ Balhos -17U 6" & mu SL, Loe • ... ' Tlldrar 71ll By Appolntmeat T. P. 8-ler, Ill. D. Wm. I. Spivey, IL D. PIQ.W•• &Ad 8vpcw uoe w. o...tn1 Otftco: -.., Balde.nee HU"bor 1 '14,l..J Raub & Bennett 9w fi(fllft a.t s.ctz I I a ~Newpon-.~­ Te11;lx_. l'ssxa ..... Mnw.o..uu N---Talse' .,..._ ua Ol'TOJi&1&181.& . I:. T. BaU& wo.U., 0. D. Opt , .... sm a•l!IDlu LmT DIJPl,ICWIWD ..... a 0 .... ·r ,, au, .......... ,.,...._~ WWWIWilmW Robert A. CnwfCll'd °"" D. OPfO:U-1* I ~-·--0 In I ................ j .• n-~ ....... -. JUDITH BLAND Odliot -~ ... ,, ........ -........... lt1 Wr GI E Mill J 0.-.. _ • .NSWPOaf•••ao& M&W9-'TllllD, !l&zM -• o.atwma. T!:INi Dei 1 2 1 '·" '·' >.: ea .. : .s1 .sa >.Ii •• a ao "" 'l'lJ, .• ' ~ IN O OMEtlTAX J; A cc oa• •c O.L.CUUY High Court Upholds U. S. Rjght to 'Fire' Undemrable Worker • !By The Associated l'rL'SS) :J • • J; CU :::i:•:. J1Wc. WASHINGTON. -The United ' l '•~--------= States Court of Appeals has up-r: he ld the righ t or the Government f f l I ~u:: : ;.~ ~~: =~a~a:~ . l. I power Commission job on grounds J; 1 1 there was reason to believe he ~ was associated with an a.llegedly l ,.&..I..._..._ ... _ _,__ l I LI DO ISLE Communl1t-dominated group and f-J: I there u•u a "reMOnable doubt" o( l I his loyalty. ·t J; I -~-~~-I I -. '*' Dlre<0tor or the W!llC. He was I • • tep&rated tr om h.ls pcmtJon in :J Offers · I S.ptembeT. 1944. mainly because 1 l I or his Activity with the Ame.rican f " l ~~~~ ~~~bi~~~~":::~°:'~ '•'' Seasons Qreehn9s 11_.· : HAPPY Co~~ ~:ur~~~~~~:i~ec; • Li, I NEW lower court action approving ti1e I discharge. lt sajd; l YEAR 'The l lnited States has the i J: right to prescrihe the qualifica- tions .of its employees and to at-l tach ronWtions to thE"ir employ-• • • ,, I mont." ---- :J J • • Peasant Party Men 1 . I Barred in Poland . , . ....._......_~ I WARSAW. -Vice -Premier ......_....._...._...._........_....._......_....___.-.:.:..---. · I Stanh1la\\· twt ikolajnyk charged in + a statement issued to neY..-smen p. a. palmer 'NCOt'OtATfD that mcmhers of his Polish Pea- realtors sant Party bad bttn barred from l)JJ •. ,. I oo -•w•Q • '•• • <•t-1 r. e:•o;i·• ••• ,.., .. c""" ~·l>dt• IJOO reprl'5Cntation on local district election oommissions. A Fouign ~tinlstry spokesman -========~~~!termed the charges untrue and l 1:: ,promised to supply foreign corres- pondents \Vifh lists of appointed 1 election commissions. !\tr. Mlkolayczyk also declared that mass arrests of Peasant Part}' men by the security poli~ were conlinuing. J'/ew n1ear -cWWuA JV e utntd ro yo u o.nd your~ • o cordial p ectin& /or the N-Year. May it be fi lled 10 averfl.awin g wi11t the bkninp you 10 much de.ire ....J wlo k 1' yo• ... riddy d...,,,,., . Tronart, Inc. Radio -Electronlm ~901 \V. Central NEWPORT BON VOYAGE Season's Greetings AS we aay •dlen lo the year JUBt p••Aed and prepare lo welcome the j uvenile 19 4 7. ma.-we pa115e • moment 10 wi.!h you c::lear and smooth uiJing th.rough the 364 d•y• 10 come and remincl you tha t your conti.nned courtety will be o ar incentive toward inc.rea> Ing good oervice in the forth- coming year. FOSTER & SONS YACHT SALF.S A.ND SERVICE 920 Coast Highway TRUS C OT C RUISERS • • Better frie nd• -.·e could no& want ... bener ltlendS we could not oosslbly have. ~lncere good wiohea for a happy and prosperous l!l47. Harbor Frozen Food Lockers 418 :IOth BL • f or th~ year 194 7 wt wish th e very best to one dnd all . . , health.· ho.ppant .;s and p-rospcnc y. Burt R. Norton Ph. Beacon 576S Ne wport Beach 915 Cout Hlgbway STRIKE UP THE BAND! BAIL 1947 'er 11, lMI Chrome Plating ......... 1 ...... i..a ••• "'''' ..,., ... ,. May tht )\{ew 'Y car bring you the happi· n ess an d joy you so rightly cUSenJ< • • • h c a I t h, prosperity. > and good luc~ . Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Ocean Front On thla bawT oe<:aslon. when Jriendohlp m..,,.. more than a1 any other time, we Joolt back qral• fully upon 1948 and loolc lotwmd hoPelullY to 1947. Tbm>lrmq you one and "all- HAPPY NEW YEAR! Newport Ice Co. 410 lblrtleth St. Phone 157 • • • FreJa Daily Doi---0r, ••• , .... wcr,.,.,.. _,_waatto- ,....rowa. ... ... HORMEN.RSH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, N5.WPOllT •5.ACH --- ' • As 1947 moves in we want to say "hello" to everybody in this section ' and to wish them a very Happy ' New Year. At the same time we want t~ express our deep appreciation of your friendship. California Marine Packing Newport Beach AN ARCOSY OF HOPE-• This is the year that "your ship • comes in "-1947-a glorious year of fruition! That is ow New Year's wish for you! S h i'p • S h o r e E I e c t r I c MARINE WIRING S28 28th Street Newpori B•<il i Brif!hi NEW YEAR 'lo qjou NEW YEAR'S AGAIN! ~ With its noisy celebrations, laugh- ter and light-heartedness, its moments of thoughtful retrospect and purpose. H Eaj~y the . holiday. .Accept our thanlcs ·for past favors and our good wishes for . • . A HtippJ New Y uir. The Arches Cafe and Ope11 New Y...,.a Eve. Cocktail Lounge COddil1I t:OOJiii\? apen lO A. M. to 12 P. M. • CAFE OPEN 10 A. M. TO 8 P. M. For Rmenatka Phooe Beacon 5163 • • • dlappt1 • now YoRR Our cnCiTe staff Rtsolwt ro give yOtJ the ben of sC'f"tlice in 1947 STORE FOR MEN S78 South Gout Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH • • (~-ftpl) secooda, while ~ Elliott'• time WU two hours, 35 minutes and one secood. In the Sabot clua, 12 boal4 started but only el&ht nn.lshed. 1 Larry Shepp aarnered 24 Ii points to win first place. His time was three hours, 33 minutea and 30 seconm. W. Boyd WU second With 21 collected points_ His ti.me wu three hours, 34 minutes and 31 seconds. S. Richard placed third with 17 points. Hi& time WU three hours, 44 minutes and one second. c. Merrill. E. Rieman and K. Vlollere followed ";th their boal.9 in consecutive order after Rich- ard's boat crossed the tirUshing mark. Art Gronsk)' cornered 6 '11 poinU for first place in the FlatUe1 class. Parker was second and Rohland was third. WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTKACTOR Residential and Commercial Building "Rendezvous or the )iarlners" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAB r( ANOTHER ~~· ~MILESTONE ~ We Have Reached Another l\'lilestone on the Long Road of Service Our organization. sturdier than ever be- fore, is well equnpped to give you sel'vice that is superior down to the last detail. -{;:{ We thank you for the part you have played in our success and wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR VI'S BEA U .TY SHOP llOS C<>Mt Hiway Corona del Ma.r Gronslr;y'a time was thrft bouro, !Ive mlnuus and 29 -=do. Parker'1 WU thttt hours. ll mlnuus and 30 ....,.,..is. llohl- and'• was three houn. s.i.J: minutes and 38 attond&. There were four starten in the Balboa dinghy class. Three f!r>. lahed. G. Gr-een WU flnt. He a.cored 8~ points and his time was t.hn!oe hours, ~ minutes and 50 seconds. Mr. M~ was second. He roll· ed up five polnta and h.ls time wu three hours, 56 minutes and 35 seconds. A. Hammond placed third. His score wu five point. and hll time was given u t~ houn, 55 minutes and 12 seconds.. Howard Wright jr. captured flnt place in the Dyn class with 33"°' poinl.9. His lime °4'a.s three hours. fi.,,.e-minutes and 4.1 ~ onds. Barney Lehman WM second 'With 31 points. HJs tlme was three houn, eight minutes and 31 • Harbor ' PtloDel 13 and - Family Gathering At John Knox Home It WU both a family reunJOD and a Olrlstmu celebration when Mr. and Mn. John Knox of ~ na del Mar entertained recently at d.lnner. Guetts at the affair were Mr. and 7\1.n. ~1elYin SaJveson and their aon, John; Mr. and Mrs. Olestl'r Stalford and their child· ren. Chel:3on and Elizabeth; Mrs. Gayle Jordan and her sons, Kent and Eric: Mr. and ~!rs. Joe Knox and tMtr son, Tof\1: Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and their son, John Martin: and Mlss Barbara Walker. Wisconsin Guest Remembdts Balboa aeconds. Vlsitlng here from Milwaukee, J . Daniell sailed third with Z1 Wl1., 11 Miss Elizabeth Artz. who polnU. Hi! time was three houn:. hu been a gue•t for the holidays 11 minutes and 17 seconds. at the home of her nephew and C. Carver came up ln fourth his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Russell place with 26 points, whlle hl1 Dietrich, 509 East Central avenue. tlme was three. hours, eight Miss Artz has other relatfves m.lnutes and 57 seconds. tn the countp. the Jung family of nor a T ., !!, lMI Feminine Activities + • + Mr. and Mrs. Hall Entertain for Son, Donald Haven Hall and Bride Teas,,and Tournaments At Co11$1' Club • • M.r. and .Mn. Oyan Hall olot Corona del Mar; Mr. and Mrs. Kay P"t:ndf• flower bow'll were Beacon Bay enterttJ.ned inlorm--William Kirk ol Long Beach; Mr. prizes for the Country Cub brid&e end Mn. Fred Scbwankowky ol ally Saturda,y evm.lng honorin& Laguna Beach; Mr. and ~in. Cart· luncheon wt th Lolita ~ea:an their son, Donald Haven Hall and wrigh~ Mr. and Mrs. Clary Staat, taJdni: f'U'St pril>e, Patrlda Emison his bride, the fonner Eliubeth Mr. and Mn. Walter Mellott and second and Mrs. G. A. Stebbins Amy wu.on, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and.Mn. Andy Kirk. third. · I Mn. Rml)y Stephans of Los An-\Vhile the YCJUDE couple w 11 l Hmtesaea·were Mrs. VJvian El- .,.eles. make thcir home·in San Diego for • · ••-Uott and-Mrs. Stebbins and guest.I The wedding took place Dec. some time to oome. un:Y expect 19 in the Methodist church, Las to spend mewl ol. their week ends Vecas. Nevada •1th the Rev. Har-here. old E. Broua:hton readinc t be wett enthusiastic about the lunch- eon of dlicken a la NewbUJ"K and lemon. pie provided by the new chef. *>uble ring °""',,_y. Afterward the young couple went to Palm Sprinp and then to San Di~o where Mr. Hall "'U entering on ~w work as lllustra- tOl' tor an electronics laboratory. Having 1tud.Jed industrial design at the Art Center, he had formerly been desl&ner at his father's fac-- tory. During the four years of aervtce wtth the Anny Engineers he was two and a half years in the South Padllc. Among the &Uetts inViled. to meet the new Mr. and Mrs. Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Larry O'Gara 'Ibe ~'Girls' luncheon was Observe Anniversary °" ~With Mrs. Mabel Hailes brin&:lllC the h<>llY which rea-Celebrating their 19th weddln&: tJie decorations and Mrs. Elliott Ray Nielscns anniversary, Mr. and Mn. Ray provl4llng the tree w°hile Mn. J. Nielson, 215 East Bay avenue, L McFadden supervised the dee-- held .Jt holiday open house assist-or~~n.g.the nine-hole tournament ed by their daughter, Barbara, Betty Henderson of Udo Isle holds and son Alyn. Climax of the party first place, Mary Neary is second was a dinner at Don Dickeman's and Pat Emison and Fay Hopkins Castaways club. tle for third. Winners of the Ringer tourna-Enjoying the evening were Mr. ment were announced and Pat ln the Penguin class race, G. T. Anaheim, whom she visited in Rudy, who was not one or th~ 1920 and on coming to Balboa winners ln the first round on remembered "'ell the Balboa pa· Saturday. came up trom behind in vilion, wherr she used to dance The Galley Proves the second round to snatch a good 1n those days. L ty Youngster and Mrs. Earl Miles of Berkeley, Emison takes first with Vivi.an specially honored &UHt.J; others Elliott second and Fay Hopkinl present were Robert Heu of Berk· third. eley and Robert Inunucd of Santa It has been decided that for seven and a hall points to win US "1:1 "Cap'n" Don s e~,,t (JI,,' ·. -Uwlowe ---.... 1Ptw • ... "'"' Os .,. Li. --Combination Dinners ~ New lllld Unanal Seafood Specialties ~ ---BEACON 5465 OPEN !EVEN NIGB'I'S 5 to 12 • ftrSt place in the finals. I G f \Vhen Mrs. Anlta Sexton opened R udy outsailed R. lsrae1'1 rv•1ne •1 t her delicatessen 1hop, 'The Galley, tournament play it "'ill be better Barbara: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thur-to have two teams.. The A team man and wn Don, Fullerton; ?.tr. with members ha\ing handicaps and Mrs. Harry Saunders of Whit-of one through 18 and the B team L------------ tier; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Doyle of vw~h~e~r~c h~an~cli~·ca~ps~~are~fro~m~1~9~o~ni. I::============ Buena Park ; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley :: Mattison and daughter Shirley and Chilly. The Qlilly had won the recently at 507 East Central ave-- first round in the Penguin race. nue and added two tiny dining Rudy's final time was three hours, (Cont. From Page 1 ) rooms \\•here s~e co.uld as a side one minute and 31 seconds. 15-ledge or the agrttment and of the line serve s~al dinners to her r aeJ's was three hours, four fac ts regardJng the high contribu-fr~en~. she ht tie suspected . ~at minutes a nd 1-1 seconds. lions. Or. McFarland said that a.s \Vlthtn two weeks the d1n1ng T. Livingston scorf'd rour points far as he was concerned 1t \\'Ould rooms would h~ve become so pop- to win third place. His time wBs be fair for The News-Times to1 ular that It will be neee_ssary to three hours. 10 minutes and 51 1 reveal its information to the devote half of t~e delicatessen seconds. public. space to another dining room and Miss Billy Hughes, Compton; Mr. and l\.trs. William Lawrence and Mr. and Mrs. James Mer igold, Santa Ana, and Mr. and 1'1:rs. Pete P eters of Washington, White-Wyers Rites To Be Read Friday R. Fenton scored 18 points to I Or l\fcFa rland also is 8 mem-In fact the or~gina\ store ma)' be win tint place in the Internn.· bcr ~f thC' board of the Commun-I forced out entir ely. tlonal class race .. His time wu l!y hospital. The tv.·o dining rooms v.'ere dee-In Costa l\1esa c 0 mm u n I t y t¥>·o hours. 31 minutes and 'Z7 I ~·hen The Nev.·s-Times tele· orated In clever co~or schemes by church on Friday. Jan. 3. t.lildred seconds. . phoned the lr,•ine company office ~b Franklyn who 11 also decorat-Rosella Wyers, daughter of Mrs. ~· . Hoblt:'t. v.·ho \\>"On first ln of \\'. i\. l'ielliJ on Monday even-1~g ~r\,·ate h.omes In be~ ween Mamie Wyers, l 9l Albert Place, tht'.' f1~t round. dropped to sttond ing. it "'as told that ?o~r. Hellis '".1p'-"·tng. buy\ng and selling. an-Costa l\tesa, "i ll bet...'Ome the bride plare 1n the finals He scored "''as ··out of the office". \Vord "'·as t1ques, and he u.sro many antiques of Otis F.:ldon \V h.ite, son of Mr. 1714 paints and his lime "'u t\\J left for ~,r. Helli~ 10 call The as adornment. They v.•e re to be and l\trs. Otis \Vhtte of Detroit, hours. 33 minutes .&:nd JO Je<"On~. Nt"v.'9-Timf's when he returned. open for d.innen. by atJ:<>intment Oregon. S. Short v.·on .thi~d plaC't' ",th \\'h e n The Ne\\"S-T'imes tele-only but from the very first were I Following the wedding the 16 1,. points.. His time v.·u tv.·o phoned ~tr. Hetlis' office again so popular that !11rs .. Sexton kept young couple will make the l r houi:s. 3? minute~ and 31 seconds. this morning, a discussion foll~~ thE'm open all the lime for both home in Costa Mesa until March First 1n the Skimmer c.la.ss race in his offi ce and then The N~-s-d1nners and luncheons. v.•hen they '-"rill go to Detroit. w~s B. Ga~e .. He tallied 13'4 Times was told that "Mr. Helli.s The bride-elect is a graduate of point~ and his time was two houn, is not av11ilabll' for a statement·'. Red Cross Receives Newport Ha r bor Union High 57 minutes and 27 seconds. A few minutes latC'r the ~·oman school and her fiance served in Second in this class "'as Dr. secretary who answered for r.tr . New Stati0n Wagon the Merchant Mari.ne. JR <.'Obs "'ilh a total scor(I of 1214 Hellis remarked that '"l\lr. Hell.is I;::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=; 11 points. H.is time \Vas three hours, couldn't talk to you until after 1\lotor corps drivers for the local thrC't'. minutes and 17 seconds. h• has talked to l\1r. lnine. H e branch of the Red Cross ar-e en- Th d H K h ed " thu."llastic about their Christmas Jr was . aye, \V o sror "·ill call you later in the day." present. a new Ford station ll · d rted ~1·th a wagon which Theodore Robins de-po1nts an repo 1. ed 1 k ,, time of lhree hours, one minute iver a.st \\'ee •. ecror\.Ung to d 39 els I Mrs. Anson B. Smith. an .secon . . . . R. Kyle finished first "ith . The 1'-1ot?r ror ps is still 10 ec· J-f ambc-r second, and Dr. S . Fidit~r. t1ve operation with from 1500 to third i~ the International P-14 2000 miles covered each month class r aC't' and eight drivers on call, namely: It "''as somt'v.·hat of a disa~ ~lr-$. ~1arshall Keeler. ~liss !\'lolly r.>ointm<'nt to Dr. Ficker for he Galbraith. l.trs. Smith. !\lrs. Har:rr had v.·on hand.ii}' in the first round Cartier, ~trs. Pei.tgy Seeley. ~l1ss I on Saturday l Dorothy Smith. Anson Sm.Jth jr. I Kyll.' scored 4 '• points and \ and 1'trs. HoldC'n of Laguna Beach. cr~S<'d the finish line in t,,·o Besides service to service men H trt' s my personal U.'tsh t o )'Ou for a se11.s o 11 o f g ay revelry MAR\' N. T HO!o.i PSON The Candy House 1513 Coast Hhray Corona del Mar B [ST NEW 'YIEAlft WISH E·S ~947 xx * Our e&mf>i!t hope u we r.ce. the coming ne"' year i1 th•I ~·c m1y continue our plcaunt re- l1tion1hip with our many P•· tron1 and that they1 •• wdl a1 1U the folb in OW' community, mJoy the holiday. ed the day1 lo follow ia puce, coale.otmeot and &ood be.a.Ith. xx F. Jack Sullivan Realtor John R. Schick Salesman J!IS Gout mgh~y Coron& del Mar HERE'S TO YOUR HAPPINESS Your friendship and our success are closely interwoven. We hope, in 1947, to strengthen still further 'these bonds of friendship. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Pe!llUfl HARDWARE APPLIANCES 8ZS Coast mway Corona del Mar hours. 30 minUl<'S and thrC'<' sec-and v~terans and 1hcir families. onds. I-lamber srorl'd four 1X1ints elderly people and children are nnd fini shed in f\\'O hours, 47 aid<>d and muc h \\'0 11'< is being ~=::;;=::;;::;::;::;::;:;::;::;:::;:;:=::;;~=========================::=; minut.-.s And 45 seconds. Dr. donC' for th(' county hospital. The ~ F itk<.'r scort'd 4 '4 points and corps is always rl'Rdy to aid any C'T'nsscd thc line in tv"o hours. 55 individual or organization. minutl's and 26 seconds. I While the \Vcdnesday picnics Fi\•e started and finished in the and weekend parties (or boys in fina l NattonRI One Design class the hospitals at Corona and Pasa· raCt'. Walton scored 10\i points dena v.·ere discontinued for t\Jlo·o for first place. H.is ti.me \Jlo·as two weeks while the old stat ion wagon hours. 5'' minutes and 44 seconds. was out of commission. this work BAYSIDE PLATING CO. MAIJ/i/E STANLEY W ITM EAlil W. STANLEY P.,on~ Ho,bo, 1776 l 'JS MAllMl. 1Al80 A l~LAMO . Palmer was second. scoring '''hich is of untr.10 value to the eight points and reaching the end \'eterans. v.·i!I be resumed. Recent line in two hours. 57 minutes and \ hosts and hosti.-s..<es ~t the parties 11 s<'COnds, while G. Bro\\'T1 hung ,,·ere the Jurgen Lorcntzcns, Dr. up six points and timed-in at "''O 1 and Mrs. Stanley Chambers. lfiss We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths - - -All Work Guaranteed ;~~~~;;~;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;~ri l r:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:!~:;:::;:::;:::;:::;::~h~o~u;rs;·~58;,;m;i;nu;•;.,,;;•~n;d~39;;!!(>('0;,;~n;dsl. !'ona Hyer anll /\trs. George Und . • fl•l1tlnt 1111 I I I I I I II I Lt I l lll 1lo•t <tll!l lJllll 1 ~ '!' ii • 0 HAPPY NEW YEAR BEST WISHES TO ALL * In saying Happy New Year we have !he scrtisfcro- tion of knowing that during the past year we have. In some small degree at least. contributed to the well belnq of most of the citizens of this cominunity. We hope to en- joy your continued friends ship In 1947. H. R. Hoon, D.V .M. V!I b +· B , ••• 1• C12st lihnlJ Col I • The chant of Christmas carols carry our good wishes to all for a happy, happy Yuletide. Westminster Memorial Park and MllWIOleum ~ . .. ; .;;; !!: ; ~ -. -; ~ . -~ ~ !!: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Jgp -I I (\\av\l~:l:.t i i ~ ~ ~ -. ! B~tt •e are aK-'t1 i I witb tb~ mn •boat ~ ii ~ ~ to riu upon • i • .I ! braad·DftP 7'fV. I I i •q 1H1 be fill~ • I I SILVER AND GOLD • i Tea Services -Antique n11•1ng -Trophla -.Ienlry -Oan1rhka Reftecton -Batljroom lbr:tms ;BabY Shom Oe>•n•n dqo /Or TOfl W MarlDe ~ BllClpo and Soutmln i , I I I Corona del Mar ii ,._, ·-mi. llaJ9; ' •• :~ .... Mar a J.tu IPllll•llll•• .... ·~~~~~~~~-~-.,..~-a~~•·_·:_"_:_~-h'-1_•~....:ii 2!'~!~ 1,._-~~~--::--'~~·~.....,.~~~~llBB~-A~~..;...;;....--:..-.-."'."""-.-..J • , •