HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-05 - Newport Harbor News Press' . f 1 '=' t ' ' tJ ., II I • Vohune '1 -N~r M WedDMday, .1.....-y 5, 1956 COPS NAB 7 YOUTHS IN DOPE RAID JtERE IOOM AHEAD? City Building in Upswing as December Ends Local Teenagers CauCJhf with Mariiuana in Police Round-up Staked out In a next·door apart· top. The a lrl and Kn1u ment and at vantage points out· th• living room. With 89 bulldinf pennlll for December totaling S~28 037, New- were In , port Beach con1truct1lin activity !Svne or the 11even would admit aide for two and a half hours, four knowing how th" marijuana got Newport Beach police 1tnd a dep· into t ht> house or who brought It uty ahnlft ratdt>d an apartment m Orw boy w1·nt so Cu all to tell at 104 211lh St.. Thursday night I police he did not see anything on near midnight and buokect seven the tuble In front of him. youths on marijulinit ,·harges. I 0111' l . ."osUI Mesa boy told police lh.: b11y whu d1·1111~•I seeing the Charged with v10lat1on u! .the ~u~p•·t·tt J llldllJUBna 011 the table health a.nd aalety code were :Sam 111 front ol him waM one who ...... KnlSA-, 19. o( Santa Ana and ~a-makmK 11gun ll<'" with rt when vld R. La~am, 18, ot 800 W. \~ rl-1 pulrce broke m. son St., COsta M ell&, along "'Ith Hl'.:'.\ton.;s .'\ARC'OTIC five Juvenllu. The Juveml.,s. all · o!-from Newport Hubur except a The girl unw nct>rnedly luld 17-ya&J'-Old Santa A na boy, ranged !teer~ lh11l onee during the eve- In ., .. from 17 to a 16-year-old mng one of th" boys told the local strl. cr11wJ "'the heat's on "' and ahe re- muvl'J th.: su!l1,,·ctcd marijuana ENTEK TWO DOORS Crom und"r lht: cuuch by the ktl· tor 1964 reached $7,963,270, com· tng within U9,M2 ot the 19M aum of $8,002,822, A . M . Nel110n, buildl~ tn1pactor, announced Mon· day. N ovember'• 80 permit• were $376,686, 1howlng a rather 1harp up1weep which obaervera believe will carry tnto Ulla year. MONTH .BREAKDOWN Lut month'• breakdown ·~ categorlu ahowa 18 alng'le family umta beadrng the Ital with $317,• 300 whlle fol!r new rommen:lal unit.a accounted !or Ul,600. The two-family unit dlvialon rucbed $4~.000 while 17 rep&ira to homu over $1000 t.alhed S~t.926. Four repalrt to commerc1AI unlta hil $11,700 as 17 repair• to homu under $1000 amounted to GOD AND COUNTRY MEDAL PRISENTED llmult.&neoualy Sgt. Earl Slone-chcn tuble to tht' bru·k yartl. She back. Officer J u.sun Epstein and salll luter she tiruui:ht tl hat k Into Deputy 8ber1!C Jami's Broadbell the hou1>e. $ho oenlt·ll that 11he entA!r.d the front dour uf the 111rl'.s ev r smok"tl It. $8090. Jo"our pr ivate garagu ac· One of the highest honors amoa.g Boy Scout awarda wu ~upon Roland B&r- coUDteu for $[)970 and three •ign cume, i t , aon of Mrs. Ruth Barcume, 707 HeUotron..Ave., yesterday at the Newport pemllll Lathed $1047, ,...., home, w bUe Newport Officera Ed "hile pulil'c w..re wulchmg the Recap Of the year·a bulldlng ac· Beach First Church Of Christ. Scientiat. Roland received the CO"feted God and CoUn• Lynch and Bill TnJbott bro 1\Cll\ 11·~ 0 1 th" y1,u\Jl11 prror to down the back dour. TI1c art-makin the: ri.1d Thurl41h1y m.:ht, llvlty 8howa 277 •mgle family try medal before a group of hia family and frienda. K_ent Kln-Iey, first reader in the' unll8 amounted to U ,417,134 to a- ment WU under obaervation by thl'y d lh~y i,uw lWu of the hi:ad t he bulhilng parade, while 20 church, is ehown making the presentation to Roland while ht. mother proudly looka new commercial l!nlla r ... acht>d the pollc. tor about a wtek, lht'Y t)(Jy11' out tu a pi.r kul lllr 'In n ld. <runt or th" hou11,• 1111d light a c1g- St! l3,238, tolloweo by 44 t wo·ft1m-on. From left, Cecil Fife, Scout executive for the Orange Empire Council; Roland, PoUce found five or the buy11 aret11. lly umta' perrmts at Si36,4M. Kingsley, M.ni. Barcume, Fabian Stolaroff, church counselor for Roland for the award St'\"en thrtc·famrly unit• r~acht'd a1lllng around a table m lM kit-OfflrHa took th.. ;.ax buys to cben with .uspecletl manJuana Ora ng .. l"ounty J1t1I 11ttly Friday planUI, brown ciga rette p11per1 and I m on11ng 1rntl rrm0\'1·d Ute gr r I to 30 brown "1mokea"" arranged on J uvt'mle Hall. $174.400. fuur four·tamtJy un1u and Matt Waidelich, Scout Master, Troop 81, to which Roland belongs. Roi.and la a were $1:>9.vW. two lO·famrly unit.a senior at Principia School in St. Louis. He is the first member of the Newport Beach tallied $126,000; two 8-farnlly units werl' $011,600; two-lllx fan111y First Church of Christ, SciPntiat Sunday School to recelve the high honor. -SW! unit• were Sil,600. The Balboa Pb lo Longmoor Predicts Increased Developments. Population c·a.rried al S3M,U4, lar~eal or Ila ------------------- Bay Club'• 47-unil a ddition 11.M O ~ c•::':~!~~~~f~~~~~~~81~ ... Mesa Boy. 13, Drowns prura to dwtlllnga ovtr S 1000 Tumulty Slashed in Bottle Fight amountl'd to $603,229. F ort} ·•1x B th t H s -rfpo1ra to commercial unrta hit a a ome u ' WWlam K. T11rfl111ty ot 811 W. Waltu M. Longmoor, cha irman add1li11nal acho<1l b1J1ldln,_ s 13,32~,_ l& •wlmming pool• tallied 17th St., Coala M"a&. wu today of the Newport City Pla.nnlng ··file population of th1,anoa lft $-t4?.~~0. J8 tlllfll• ttmounted to $22,· rec:overlDr mm de~p tac. cut.a 111 commJulon and promlntnt locRl ltncreulni; al .,, blghtr rate t han 307. A trailer park permit touil-A 13-year-old Costa Meaa boy drownecf wbDe taking a the Ora.nae County boaplt&t alt.er cannery °"11-W, bu WtA a look lbal predicted by our planntn1 ed s1000. bath at the famlly home Sunday .. Younr Riahard Norman belnr u.. victim or a bfooken botUa lnt• the Barbar area'• tuture. I.a c-'t.ante Uld the IUrvf'y med• ..-Cea Involved In obt.a.lnln1 per· Rodman of 164 MerrilJ Place, Co9t& M-WU found lvin O' -ult bl S~ta A.a& k~. a at.&tenM9t 1--4 t• U. ..... by the e.nctnttre tor co11nt1 -.nt· bl • .. d t .... aJ ,.,, -. " -Ia n.-•-e eoun-.Ja.11 Oii a ml~ broug .... e )' • ~ -,.,,,...... do ._ th r 11 .. bathlt b ._ _,_ ·-_ .. _ ... _ --...,, .. .,._ l eap?•• .US: t&Uoa pr.-a t Ole lime our u 6.7u .ao from~ .,......" wn w e am v u ~ ._. mwu._ ... ....-.-dl&rp ., wuJt wt~ • ~ ..,,.. ,_,.ti l tlN ...._ ..._. maaerplan wu~a.19t0. • ~~ lthad_ JM ~ ·.WM p, .bath Simq ....,_II P.U:........ ~ atnted ... clelllla&e ~ ef .._ MOttr. PO"Pt"t..ATI01f m•omtn1t 1 n , ot llanta Ana. No Ml.I bu.,_ velopmmt for th• H•rbor a rea "The constn1rt1on of lrt>t'Waya In Woman, Son Hurf ,,,,. t\'w "11 talh•'r, w1111a1n H. had t ainted or pa.MPd out . They aeL Prior to UM year ot 11148 Newport Onn1tt Co1mty parlkularly the H••'lr"""· tulit < ,.m,.1 11 r1• put11•11 tht lh,.orl~<I he h~t1 fll.lltn Into the Torru 11llt>gedly 1><>11t Tumulty Bfoach had th• chruacteriath:• or Santi. AnA f"rl't'way Jlmnrr th11n in Hi..l.way Crash Y""lh h11cl n<il m11tle a /l'lun•I whrn I tub, face down and had bf-en un -Into uncon,..,louim".!111 with • brokl'n • .et111onaJ rt>aidenUal and recrr&· txpPr ll'rl '' havmir u. fh•Cin 1tr in-'J'' h, ""' 1 "I' '" \ak" " t-..1t h Hr ohlt lo "reel hlm11 .. 1r. j tnd of a quart bottle and al&Jihet1 !l'lnAl community. Many of the f111rn•··· "nth• t1rv1•lopmrnl • t :-; .. w. I Tu 0 nut ,., lo\I n llrl\• • • 1,, 1, ntol tw ".,, 111 11 1<l>o1111 1'1" , '"1111!· Thi' boy Lot al!IO 1mrvh· .. tJ by h111, hl11 f!ll ·Wlfe LHcy nt 426 C'l'ntral boJllu'WU.<!.''<Iledaru1JKCU!llX-'1 bY I"'!\ Ht1,.~ It~ II t'I ,.,,,. ,.,.,...,lll\t•h<>l Ill I'll A••lol"'t ,,. th l •r l•.,•kt1l In !Jtr l'll\lllllt('tfl1 11Dr1 mrrttrf'r. M unir"t Rl'llfmitn Of lhe AVf', f!Anta ADIL Th• atlAr k ~- f\lll of town pf'opl• anti W"re Cini) •ll•I "I""'"" lhet' t h" r •••· "' I" 1 •1· JIL 1 . ..,1 t ll•l:h"'"'" .tnt1 !7th SI in 1 '" 1 111111 11".;llnr.: 11n '"" •I th" f'n.,t& Mf'•IL 1uJrlr"""· 1"\mf'rAI '"~ curtPtl at Mra. TOrTf'!I' born•._ Pn- uv t1 !Cir ¥11c-aUon PUl"f'O"'" 1~11rlf\ 1n• ,,.,...,. will 1.. Ml•I nnf'd I" 11 ,, h '"'" l"'r""'"" ,,.r .. ivt"I 1, ,,,.,, " ,,, r v1rl'a are pt'ndmg. lie• 1tllhl jf'alo11sy wae the •rrarf'nt TRAS1'mos f4TAl·f: in 11<·,·, 11nrt ,.,,.u '" ro11,. '"''"l"" 1<1t hMr•I. 1, ,.,,, 1.1 11, .. 11,,., I mottv11 . .. ~lnr• 19•8 Ntwpon. Rr1H h h11~ .. , 111"° ,,.,., "'"1 th• '"' r• •A•• 1 Mi' ''"""'"'" ,. !'rl'1 .. r1 1 ,,.111111m 11 11 . 11 ~ .. , :-; •.. 111 11p-Delivery GuarantHd -------------- ""•n lJI a •Laa• of tr11na1lion trnm "' f"•r111n 1111n 1111"1 q,. •I• \•'l"I' l;mi; R• "' 11 •lt11•' ''' ""' , ,, pllrtl 1'1l1l1• '"' ''"1'1111t11on 11nt1l t h• t.mpor1try Tf'l'ttl&nl• to P"f· Jl11>fll• '"'111t1ni: ""I,., .... ,,, 111.tfl\' ~11((1'1•'>1 II ' ul llHl• r ''"·I"'"', .... ,.,,. l"'"r" t1r1u1lm• nl 111•d " •I'•· n .. llvtry of lb• N11wport Harbnr m llllf'nt re.lt11'nl1. It Ill obv1nu,. lh11t rrnhlrn1• It 1,. ltt1 lt111lll1• lh"I lhr l"'rt,.•I 1111,1 h,.r """ Rnh•rt I' , •.. 111•1111,,1 llrrtH•l 1,0 lltr ~· •llr Thr N•ws·Prtllll I.I g\lllrante~. A.1) lhe larr;e majority nf hoo~a ln 111v h"" 11n rx•<'ll<'nt 7nn•ni: n1t11n-', l't\'••I 11 ,_,111.,,1 , hin H•ith ""'" ,.,411,. nrtt•·llt, "' rk•·ol ''" lhl' """"' nf the c.ommuntty are rap- t hl11 &rt!!& a_re now O<'l'UJ'led hy Y""r •nl'f' Kll•I •nl>·dl\l•t"" •• , h n 11n• r ltr11l•·tl Ill ltm•i: H"l'j'tlMI t. ... I\' l'>r mnir '" ,, "'' h ''ti loll\' bf-mg rtacf'd on c-arrlrr d ... •round or perm1tnl'nl rt,tdtnta whtrh l'h•>ttlot l>t• "l1>1p111t,. 111 """ t 1.,,,.1 ~··n I.•"" llil\ll•""" Ii' "•• Th• 11.,..1" ",. 1 •I•, 1. 11,. lr\•rr. Carrier boya w ill t1rllvtr Thi• ra..plll tr11n11llnn ,,. r>rt>\'f'n hv 11nt1 l'Uftf'••I U(I\ ... 1,. l hr I""'" ... ,. 111u n111rf l l'trk• n ·II·\ \I• 1lt1""' • ,, , thrlr p11pers before 8 p m. on Mon· lh••bnnnn&.l lnrrl'a•" In th" poru· prr•hlrm, lh•t ,.,,. ••rt111n 1 .. "'1-·1 11,. oth,.r ••tr "" •Il l\•" h\ \I••'< ,,.,,.,N ,., .,,, .. 1., """ t •r '"Y 11nd Thundar. Jf y1>11r papl'r l11tlon tit rhlMr .. n "' ,.,.hnnl Ill:"" within thr r1,.•rnl • ti\ llt'tl thr I.nit .. H ~ .. 1•1 I 11 ~1: I.' I II '"I 1'•· I,., '•L ' I \Ill r•\' I• nr>I t1rllYl'TC'd by that hour wl'llcb r.qul,..d th• r nnl'lnJl'llrtn of """"""'' •n• 1 ... rnmr ' '1111 I c ... ti• n t "' \ r '"'"'I .... , '" t.'.• •• , •• pl •• r I th• I .. , ...... r """' h r'"""" r11ll Harbor 11118 and a •pe· \t1" :'• pt .. tf lo•l0t I" Ii·• 1 •· "• HI 11 t'h' >.11~ d11• tn olr""""'S: Th•' 1·1111 route man w ill lmml'dJately •~ltlr~•I WAI' n"t '" h••<t1111 .. 1 rn J.." ., .. ,,,~ n1trt h "" ,. "' II ~t >\' •ll•.:"••11• rt r<••t• .. I t hq ,., 11lof rm•I r""ltond w1lh your copy of your 1.n tnr.1 "" th,. lmi.:••rv • _. .. '"rd 11n•I •lr •I ""l .,.,. ti • '·''"I l'-h• 11•1 ht·~wl • l•llll In •h •w lh•• hnv ~,.wport Harbor N-•-PreN. n•xt wetk llow• '"f h<•nf f" 1tr•I •tn11 k th• r• tr I th• lo'••1•t '" I lll'nll\11' •nil 111111r "' hr "A• lo n1rt h.t•I tr ll lht> •• • 11• ••( lhr 141"· brc•UJ:hl. h11n•l1 ucr,. toh.•· klrnr ht• • l•I• nt °" h~n I" 111 <' 11rr1\'<tl ~~'·i~~::'.;~;::~,:~"~~~r;:.: t::~:::: 21 Voluntur C ivil --1 IT'S MISS 1955 FOR HARIOR AREA Hflflat Hoaplt.al'• N""'' Yur'• b11by WM a lttU4' IAle romln11, nnt m"kln1t h"r dt>bul Into th• world unt 11 fl :\II r m 811tur· 11111. rartnla rtf th.. lllll• 1rtrl &re Mr. Md Mrs Htnry Phegley of 212 20th St A.G. Eldred in Surprise Guilty Plea 8ANTA ANA JAN. S f()(":-;s1 -Art.hut Gordon Eldrrd, one' labltd tht ml)l't pmmlnl'nt t f'AI ,.~. late mlll\ In On.nee Count~·. M•m· dav atoool befor·t Supeno r C"nu1 l J ud.-• Ro~rt GaNl"tr 11n•I plra•I· 9d fl(UUty to two c-ounla ot rorgt>ry nnr 11nt1 fl\'•' HP 'lid nttl J'h »•I nn I Defe nse Men SoM9ht lhf' othrr l'llC 11>11nl11 1 h111 i;•'rl In th«' grnnd Jury tnth• tnwnt I l'11°ta M1 •a ml'n in••••r~t· I 1n 1'r·1111l t•nf c h1tr1t"• Elolt•·ll wilh fli1n1: "" 1111 h111t1o n '" •~ • "" • "''" (nq: ni: a t n1•t ''""' "'"'lllll "Ill. ur 11 vohrnl1tr n .. 11 b.·u uf ti .. · nr11:1n111lv 1._11r1I t11 ~Ir • \nna 11 t 'c•ol P•f•n•I' Ill" lr 11 k <r•I" llr" Mule r C'o11nt t""· 'h11r.,o. f\ 1111n1· n w .• l-tr1n• ••·ni;I t 1·11v \I 1n ·~ r 4Qth annual The m11ch-mtlh'I"•' 1r11ltnr Wiii' 90hedu.l•d to go on trill.I on charg-e• of bur1tl1try. H i• "l:"o·oll'· fuidant w u h1A rorrno>r offlre man""'"r. E A. Bury Howev.r, In t.be rwulUng ronfuelon following the boaibabtll plea. the cue "'"11!1 eon Un~ &Ar ,,ff·n,. .. All,...:••t to h''<" n,-<~··•~ ... ( ('"'" •HH1• Jn•1tt •111r.l lo ~Ir >1t •I ~Ir• \.\111.rn. A1plt1·11•1"11 "'" '" l1l1 I "1t h S1l,1111 r f:°lr• c 'l11d ,\II"• I Cl,: • n •·• I 1r• All lrUll llll'• • Rlltl Eld11"I" ('Ill· l'lt \'l'lllit•n OH1rrr l{nlt'h Lr•• bnll"n he1111ns: "~r•' • 011111111rtf 11n Thr 21 mnn l'Tl'W ~· 1 ... 1. •I 11 111•1 lll JM I~ K~ th• l<'•llll fl( hi.I h.-11\"•il<tbl" to 'tnt1 ill'\ II' ht If' 1111' plC'a. t:i.tr• I l~ • Ill It h t h bt lllj.; ("' I r•. "t1 ,. r11t ll"lA\" It• tol tl• I f' I hl'l•I wtthnut tn1I I" n•hn1= th• pr11. in • • "' ••! 11n "IDl'TJ?• nr \· A "I"'' · bat1on hrnr1r..: .... \111' r• •l•lt nf t 11 t1 .1m1ni: 11111•~· '"ti h.-l'l"\I I· hit ,.Cf'nl (!JO\ 11 lU 0 uf ti rt' .. '"l ll\" lht fol .. If' I ol\'rrlDj; I rt'l"Jl\tun counl.w or grand thdt rC th" l''Jlll(lnt•·nl C'oflty aul DORM'S WEEKLY MIRACLE DIWll Automatic WASHER ' •149 9~~;' .. \\"Ith \"our Old \\"a!'ht>r In Tradt' CHOOSE FRO~ w ... unchov11t- c;rnl'ral f:ff'('trlc CrMlf'1 '""'' ABC o-o.a, 1Jo,,1 j _ .. c:H_Ot&M _ _.of:-cM __ ,....Ju __ • .... ' Sv•d•• II .. ' Kl J.9434 Jailuary Sale! .RE/NERT'S ••• on the Ocean Front • OPE~ Ml ;\UA\ 111 TO & We ha ven't had time to ticket a ll '· the ite ms yet. But com .. ifl"'a nyway before the stock is pic ked over and tell us wha t yo u are interested in a nd we wi ll tic ket it while you are he re . . . SOME VERY UNUSUAL BARGAINS WILL IE OFFERED. o.•o.... ............ ~- NIWPOIT llACH 0.. ..,. .... .._ ,,_,,.. ... .. ~:;~ OPEN SUNDAY FROM 10 TO 5 w Mortgage Firm Formed . .Announcement ot • n.w mort· sac• Joan brokerare buetneu ln Ul.e Barbor area WU made bJ ll:&rl W. Stanley and Frederic I.. lmcel•. The bu.alneu wlU be known u Stanley Mortrac• Invutment Co. beadquarten at 126 Marine Ave. Sl&nley Mid th• new buaine.u w1U be aeperata from hla ~ Ht.ate buain-of the aa.me addr eu. Engele. who wtU act u rn&n&Jer ot th• buatnau. Mid the flnn will b&ndl• tnaurance, l.naUtuUon&l and private loana on reeldanUal, In· oom• and commercial propuUae. Barbor 1818 .. 1'Wl d Wftf" Smt 7 Seahorse ••tied Tbeft ot a 09nmlo eeahoJ'M de- oonUoll from t.be Vlll& Marina WU ~ to, police 8aturd&J by W0«27 Bolder. manarer. He -.Id lt WU taDD fl'olQ U.. wall. BDL U .A / aft'A llA1'W09TB "MISS SADIE THOMPSON'' -Alllo - "THE NEllASKAN" 8llow1I eaf7 Frt. Md llaL r ,_ ADCLTll Mi ~ ..... wtut ........ "We plan lo epecl&UM ln tha Har-'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii bor area.·• ha Mid, "&lld will take iii adY&ntac• of lllr. 8t.&nley'e many yean of experle.nu here ... ~da juat realped u branch man.acer of the Security Mof't&"&I• Inv•tmenl Co. In Corona del Mar, a poalUon which h e held for almMt a 1MI'• Prior te comtnc to Newport Beach. he operated hla own IO&n b.-.... ln P~ tor UlrM yean. He came to Callfor- llia from UUca, N . C. where h• bad many yean experience ln th• a&m• field. Yenator Graduates PEN8ACOLA. FLA. (FH'TNC) Graduated from the U.S. NaYat PH-Wlbt School her. WU Naval AvtaUon c.det Lui J . Venator of I Be&COll Bay. He att.e.nded th• Unlvenlty of California before entering th• Naval Avt&Uon Cadet prorram lbrougb the U.8. Naval Alr lt.a.- Uo.n Loa A.l&m.ltot. He t. DOW _. llp•d to the Whlttnc nel4 u .a. Naval AuxU.lary Air 8~ MU- too. na.. fOf' primary ftlcbt tnm-ln.c. Mesa+./ 1!1'"D8 SA TVJU>A Y Marlee ...... ,,_ S' 111 "DIESllll'' ''THIS IS YOUI AIMY'' • 8TART8 nlDAY l'n llLY .. ••L -Ill· ·--OOllED "ALWAYS A llJDr• .......,...., ....... .. .,.. ... ___ .., .... .. I "lt is impossible to nMe• 'A Star is Born' as other films are reviewed. tt is more than 'super-CC>Aossar and all other stupendous adjectives!• .f' \ --JllY GAILAll ... JlllES lllSOI ~•RCOCft -~ IOUNO __ ... _ .. .,. ..... ontlftllSCS ""°°· WARNER 9ttOS :;;&o-UW,_,'.;:o;... Adulhl $1.00 -.Junlo,.. 14t -Cb.ndrea io, ·, ' r I t I ' ~ I ' 1· ---- McCaslins Move D. c. 0 " Pro1tation Jail Beverley Thi d St I ht D f P Denied by Gardner File Incorporation on Drunk Drivln PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -JAN.~. 1955 Local luUclers 8ooll Cafe Owner PARKDI. IUDf.EY llORTtTU\' f'~ Oil.AUEL QILU'CL ·110 er-d"'1 -c ......... r ra g e eat uts Into New Home ba~~~!.J~~ c. ~~ For One Month 1c1::c:rA:!~~ora~~s~o; \~;!~ Celebration with' employ .. ? or S l Ch Sk d )fr. &nd Mr1. c . \V. )lcCullJI, 20, a tranlient. alter hla JUUty UNTA ANA (0CN8l -Olad,ys Wllld Bulldere, lno., bAY• been tued b11 recent purcbaae ot Vaux' ln Unset OOp amps on I S formerly or Loi AngelM, v.111 I plea Dec. 2• on a gnnd theft, auto I S.verlty, ~. ot Balboa Friday wu Wltb Secretary ot State Frank M. Balboa Dec. 28 <'aused arrut ot aentenced to one month ln jail Jordan. R&ymond A. Naylor Jr.~ H21 W. ·--.----------· move lnto their new home at 128 ,char&e before aupertor Court d The real •ilah t1rm -· ·"-u..u Ave new ownl'r who waa ----------! en put on three yeara' probation ~ · .... --.....,_ • ....,, ·• • 1 Parameunt Jlip School ctwuped Tbe Tar'• Ital' ru&rcl Paul Neu· JHh St., Newport Beach, urly ln Ju<tg• Robert GardJler. attar her convicUon on a rorred ed 2~00 1haru ot no par etock. DI· booked on drunk drlvinr cb&rl•• ·---------.._ Ube~ 1-1411 aDd I-MM h11bly tlauatecl Newport Harbor mama aao wu hlsb 111 the aror· J&J1uar)'. The move wu planned I Judie Gardlaar de.it an ll·mODtb clledr endorM1T1ent. rector1 are Joat>ph P. and Gilberta by police. He wu a.rre1\ed at the Hlrt\, 60-41 u tlle Tan coUecUd UtJ dep&rtment with 10 po1nta to co1nc1de w1th Mr•. McCa.abn'a MAtenee oa Dee. The defaadallt 8upertor Court Judie Raymond Ouerln, 3~. Channel Place and 10th St. beach after O~tlcen WU· their third defeat IA a row. De-Otber aeoren fCK' the Tari were rewement trom lhe Gtllual Pe· admitl.cl •teal.IAs a plclnlp truck 'Ibo.mpeon paaae4 MAlence. He re· E1ll\er M. N ickereon, 178 Santa Uam H. Saunden and Ken Thomp· ftndlni Suu.eet t.earue .ch&IDplon1. Paul Lorctseu and centu L&rry t 1 c ti n wtllch Irt A .... 2• H marked· .. 1 think aomt 10rt of an Ja•bel St .. Coit& Me... llOft obHrved him reportedty drlv· Ole Tant are now alowl7 looaeninJ Halper wtth T polnta apiece., Aho ro eum orpora o • occur-OD a ve ... ov. o. e wu &r• e.x.ampl~ I• due ln t.hia cue, but tn1 from aide to aJde on Bay Ave . tl\elr chance1 '"a repeat.. by Ulelr ICOrUls wu aopboo:iore torward red Jan. 1 rested m Laruna Beach while the I'm 1oln to be e~remtl .mode· New Year'• Eve cuest. at th• honklnJ hi. born and proceechn1 ahnwt1111 LD the lut tbree outiap. Eddie Popa wttJI I polnl1. Mra. McCulln, who II.ad bMn 1vab1cle 8Wl WU tA b.11 ~ rate." I y Charle• Davia home on Balboa Ia-In erraUc fulllon. l NEWPORT ~iii::;-, Paramount JUlllped Into th• lead IUval acea wer. J ohn Lovetree wltb the company tlnce lNl, bad I A i.ttar from Dee'a putor wu Tbe jud,.. itayed uecuUon for a I He eitpla!ned h• b.&d been cel .. 1 • 'Olli u rly In tbe pm• .&lld manqtd wtUI 1T and Jami Adami~ with held llle poat ot ret&il cr.dltmu j 1nlJ'oduoed to Ult Judi•· Tb• Kia· WMlc IQ. the defendant. cu com• land Included Mr. and Mre. Nor· bratlnr with an open houae party SHOE REP AIR to pretty w•.U control It thorou1h• 11 points. "'ClS\Jowlnr Lh~wer• tor lh• markeunc department 1 tater tntonntd I>M & job la wait· plet. a bum ... tran1&ellon. lhe man Fl~erald, .Mra. Jean Clln- 1 when he wa~ unable to pan a po· IOI . Z:Dd l'i\TKEET out ln UI• nm pertod tb91 took three other acoren who acored 9, lince World Wu JI. She a. tbe lllr for h1m tn Danver wtwa be Sa wu found runty on the chars• by dell and WWlam T . Stratton. lice sobriety teat. His <'nr wu lm· I·-.--------.-· no pity wb.&uioever on U\e Tars s and 6 point.a. Tbey ware MarUn onl)' woman ln General Pttrol•wn r1Jeued. a e~pertor Court jury 1n Nowm· pounded. " 111 they conttolltd evar}'thin1 and Pluly, Bob Bll.ehee and Paul Gull· or It.a attWated oompan111, and t>er. llATTKESSF.s --------------------- rnlltd up an .. potnt lead. 'nle Jen rupectlvely. one of th• tew 1n I.he oU lnd\.l.lo 1:----------------------1" ~-~t--TV c1--a..t-Hom-rraUen f1nl pertod ICOre of H ·t apparent.-Th• Tara were lclleduled to play try, to hold thla pc»ltlon. • ~1159 .... ly 1ave Ula Tara uoup ot a acare Lons &.ch Wilson here th1a atter· She wu extculvety tetad pr1or at OCC A-need Ot•ll IOoked Here ":;::::; !~ The Frances Norton Shops 90 tbat. tbey m1Hpd to pick up noon. Th• league 8'&aon npena Jan. to her retirement. · I point.a on their opponent.a IA th• u . with Huntlngton Beach at New· A. D&UY• ot Albuquerque, N. M., All ln-atmoe courw tor teJe. Olt Dnmk Drfvlnt aecond quarter. But thl llCQrt at 1 port. It will be the start of a ten· Mra. JtlcCulln retire. under Gen· vil!on t.ec:hnletana. t.aleYlal<lll elec· Coat.a Me.a lllatt..-. Co. 1150 Newport 8'vd. JANUARY t he end ot the MCO.nd period read same ho.me and home leal'U• ached· era.I Petroleum'• A.nnult,y Plan tronlca, will •tart at O~I• c...i ~ i..ue Osden, •T. ot Loa ========== 28-23 tn Paramount'• fa'tor. ule. which dataa b&ck to 11112. Coll•I• Ju ~ A.np~_!1~ed JUllty Dec. 20 T J V --'th p · •· on a ...... _ d.rtvs.n. count. Po-HJOR MX>IUNO tl• . . ~e .. ' aramount Tn. courM will lllcluda a n'rinr U.. o1a1med ta. wu d.rtvtng ar· , CLEARANCE The thlrd quarter wu the high· waa won by the Tar11. !9·37. Wotnan Fined $200 ot electron.lea tund&ment&la aa ap-raUcall)o down Belboa Blvd. -H• f'llt 1coring quarter In the rame. plied to televtaion, lncludlnl th• wu llopped at Coronado St. in· Both team• r ot the range and T Hnage Gang fight Gertrude Uvon Putnam, M, ot atudy of clrculi., allpmeot. aad t.ntettnr wttll Balboa Blvd. popped potnt.a IA rt1ht and left. 6'8 . WNtminat.er Aw.. pleaded trouble-ahoottns. wber. a botU1 of wlae wu fo\llld Our oaor. a year evut! Your opportunity to H lect your appattl at terrlflc 11&\•loga ••. A<'tually at CO!lt and belo"' I The tot.&J ,ICOrinl tn the prrlod Causes Bloody Note JullLY to a chars• of ~k drtv· Reli•tratJOA tar w. tultlon·tr.e ln hll auto. wu 11 for Paramount u d 18 for lnl IA Juatlce Court recently and c1ua will occur at 7:15 p.111. on B• paid a HOO tine. Uie ~ .. Th• U polnta combined Bruce Knott, 14, ot 418 La Perle wu tined UOO. lh1 wu a.nuted !Jan.' ln room 2 of Ule TeclmoloQ -;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;. ,.,., 11 per oeat ot the acor1DI tor Lane told pollc. Saturday nt1tit a by ea.ta. Meaa police. Ottican 1 buildtnr. Thi cJaaa will m .. t Tuu-r Uae •UN ,... JT'OUP ot 12 or 18 teenage boy• lald &he wu d.rtYlnJ Mr cu ln UI day1 a.nd Tburada,a trom 7:16 to With the ~reboard favorinJ jumped him and be1t him when erratJc m&nMI' -.t °" lTth 8t. 110:16 p.m. Panaiewat 6'·Jt, Ule Tan man· be came out from the Lido Thea- aaed to take a J.polnt total icerlnr tre. PoU~ u Jd young Knott luJ. lead ln Ule flnal c&Jlto by'virtue tered a bloddy noM. of their a polnt... Paramount made e polnh 1n tJ\11 quarter. IUGB roJMT HEN Newpert llubor'a own Denni• P'ltzpatrl.ck wu out.ltandlng of· ,....,,.. pla1W tw t1* Tara. With· out W• 1 T polata the 15atlorJ wouldD't ll&'f'I beta In th• tray. Buy Your NIW PONTIAC ID from CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 s. Coast llvd. .._._leach See Us Today roa HIGHllT TIADI ·IN YAWi c. v. Continuous Vision Glasses Now Replace Bifocals Many people who have difficulty with the Limited reading range in bifOC4.ls find CONTINUOUS VISION LENSES .olve their m&ny oeeda at the intermedlate range which ls between t he reading area and distance. Reasonable Prices-Convenient Terms ()pea All Day WurdaJ Dr. Gordon OPTOJO:TftJBT 115 N~ -a&• ID l-"1111 ·D.I CK -MACK• R'S FREE IUllR PADDING WrTH ALL CARPET ORDERS DUlllN• THIS SALE. Viscose RAYON CAllPIT .... t.ts yd. Vol• .... ,,... s710 sq. yard PLUSH COTTON CARPET .... 7.tl Yalu.. --·-·-141.S rmcr.56~ !t. HEAVY WOOL BROADLOOM .... 12.45 Value ........... ML!: PR1cff~ ,.11. -..,, ~other~ nhaea at Ml\'ere reduc- -. 1"9-we dq ap tome remnant& for ~·oo oa OUJ' ..........,,. AU aarpeta o. tbla .U. wW lbchade FREE a~., Bubber Pad. FREE Traverse ro• with al drapery orden durlrMJ this January Sale. RecJ. $2. 75 yd. 45" Caument Material in 18 decorative colon. Sale Price S 1 ~! SIMILAR REDUCTIONS ON ALL OTHER DRAPERY MATERIALS. Special! 20°/o OFF ON all upholstery fabrb dur- lns tbla 'anoary Sale. J ·PIECE CURVID SECTIONAL 5 PASS. Reg. $650.00 Reduced to ..... 9475.00 • • • GORGEOUS LOUNGE CHAIR AND OTIOMAN. Ret. $220.00 CLEAIANCI PRICE ..... st a 9so Dick Macker 3420 Via Lido • ' ---- • DRAPERIES • CARPETS Fiii Em MA TES -NO OILIGA TION Newport leach Harbor 4321 ' ANNOUNCING. • • loyd'i GUNSHOP Guns -Ammunition Expert gunsmlthing. v THE FIXIT SHOP Your new convenient headquarters tor all kinds of repairing- WHAT HAVE YOU?· WE'LL FIXIT January Clearance SA VE on hundreds of specially priced Items, Including - GLA~ & WOOD WARE BUILDERS HARDWARE -TOOLS Drastic ReductiOM of Our Entire Stock of Fall and Winter Fashions D R E S S E S eaauaJ aad dreN,. It>'• IA Wools, Wool .leneys, TaHtta. Sllb and Ray~ 35 ~,. ,& •u" 9as ~ow .. ll~J· tn t!.93 :sow 121s ll#f, t~ fU.00 . lkJ. to lt.N NOW 1085 14as . ..... NOW •1r S U I T S Wooh. FaUIM ud ..,. .. now 1/a ancl 1/2 OFF &ec-MG.tt • flUM LONG IA ff COATS -......... _ ... .'" . ~'IOW •• Frances Norton Shops TM'O LOCAnOS8 JS SA.vrA ANA 113 NOaTll BROADWAY -V&lld1ted Puida1 NEW AJUJADE BLDG. -Nat to 8eu9 P1lEE PAJlllINO JANUARY CA..'IJ"lll:U. '8 COOKING SET ...... 6.A>n ~ow 349 DOLL E SHOPPER ,,..,.ue xow 369 IDEAL'S TALKING DOLL ,.... •.oo xow 239 TOLE ART TRAYS ~,. ~00 SO\\' 159 KA Rlllr.T lll'BBAftD VACUUM CLEANERS ":~o~:· 198 AYER DOLL ,.,. 11.M SALZ 469 -.s.ui2495 ~OW 298 _ IOYS and GIRLS SIDEWALK llKES ~,. M.JO TRIKES rq. .... .. -··-~·-. xow 349 STUFFED DOGS "''· II.~ --5-0-~-o-off--* WOOD PULL TOYS DISNEY PAINT SETS SCULPTEX PAINT SETS CHOCOLATE SETS METAL JAP TOYS Chemistry S.ts 30cyo off Comet Models Phono Records Re9. I .29 Now 79< Reg . sot Reg . 25" Re9 . I 0' -· .. Now 15< Now 10< . . Now J t 30cyo off NYUNT EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT GRADERS • HAULERS • LOADERS HOPPEIS • ROCKERS MARX ELECTRIC TRAINS 400;0 off GERMAN STEAM SHOVELS Reg .... 50 Now 279 Honman Doll & Wardrobe Seh Reg . 8:50 Now 449 MANY EXCELLENT PLASTIC MODELS ·~ , .:Z I -k ~ '@ <~L~DO lof/~-nd Many Other "Specials" Too Numerous to Mention SUIJECT TO STOCK ON HAND 3442 Via Udo 111 the Lido ShoppinCJ Center Har. 2954 t t I ' ) I .. oi A I PHONES SLATED FOR HARBOR IN 1955 De .&fH NOTICE YEGG REPEAT? tedan taken by Greg-cry belonred Lt Flshbach E la 5"' to l>t'puty Sherlft J.falcomm H itch· • ftrrY' ::!~s .. :::~o:~r':NEJ. Jh•1ef Adm.lfS t~~h:~:.F~1e~~ -:.t:Cme~~ ~~~1: =~!:'7::xc) rotr Jotuuon. 81, 711 Ferni.at Ava. At 2 :4:S p .m . Thursday. Mua po-Navv Lt. (jg) Herald a. F1Bhbar k. will be held Wednuday 10:30 &.m. lice received a ~port from George · t )f d M 0 H at th• Wee IC.Irk of lha Ruther, H E t L. GUman Jr., of 1867 Tustin Ave. aon ° r. an · ra. acar · Phone Co. Investment to Run Into Millions in This County Fo""t L&W!I. Crema tion wW fol· ouse n ry that hla home had been burglar· 1 Fishback of 435 Hllledge Orlw, low. lzed about O.C. 18. MlNIJlf were a Laguna Be.acll, 9J>elll Chriat.ma.a He died SWlday mornml' at hl• typewriter. camera, .38 revolver 1 , here while at&Uoncd .at hndqua rt- home. H• WM • ru:ldent "ot the Next Door i.nd aome t.mmWllUon. .rs ot Admiral John H. Cauady, Harbor area tor the put n.ln• Officers put two and two to-, C-Onveralon of Ora.nge County'a lut manually-operated mont.b1. Mr. Jo.h.D.lon ia 9Ul'Vlved get.her and 4-=lded Gre'°ry had USN. Commander In Chlet. U. s. , by b11 wtfe, Nra. 8talla J ohneon pulled another burglary boo-boo. Naval Forcea. Eastern Atlantic telephone exchange, Newport Beach a Harbor, to dial will of ~ aaome ad4r..., and Albert Not a&Ultled With rteallng a de· Int•rroiaUon of the auapert In and MedJterra.nean. begin late In 1955. Thia wu the atatement of Jamea S. Cant-Ho~ a napbew, of th• Harbor put1 lberttt'• ear. burgla ry-•U•· Or&n£'e County Jail drew the ad-Chrlatmaa tn England i. practlc- 1 · j...1-d al ~ t h p ·r· T 1 area pect Raymon Edward! Grerory, dlUonal nt ·-' tr G ally rhe aamt' u In the U s a en, v1ce-prea uent an gener manager o t e ac1 le e e-•• ;.....,,,...., LOU-· -~•-=t:R 37, of 1ge9 Tustin Ave., ha• alao co •-0n om regory. · · .. _,,,........, --~-~---McKenzie aaid. . turkey adorns the center ot the phone and Telegraph Co. In Loa Angele8. Funeral ••rvic .. tor Mn. Blan· eonteued to burglarl.atnr ttie hOl'le table, but aweet·pot.toea and Capital Improvement• are alao I expan&ion pro,ram In the hiatory cha Louiaa Bakkar, as, ot 228 ot b1a ne.xt.-door neighbor ln Cost.A& Commission lss•-d cranberry uuce are miaslng. carol 11cheduled !or Garden Orove and of the company 111 Southern Call· Grand Canal, were bel4 today in Meaa. Police ChJrl Art McKenzie -slngen sing in the atre,.ta, and An1he!m which ue 1l1rely preued fomla. ,Booming lncreuu ln pop· Balta Mo:tuary, Corea& clel )tar, revealed. SACRAMEl\'TO (CNS) _ The Chrtatmu trees •tand In the cor- 1,, k~ep pace with bnr&tonlnr po . ulatlon •nd buaineaa throughout I~ Rev. Donald Sapp of Balboa Gregory wu booked on a charre S.Cntary ot itate'• office an-'ner of most living room•. The 1plr· P the Southland I• reaponatble tor bland Com mun l t 1 Nelhodlat of burglary by Co•ta Mua police It la here and mo8t 1rrvlcemen ulatlonb &lid ~u'1neu ancJ lndu... Ule plan o! 1mprovrment1, CanUen Cburcb otfte1&t.cl.. Interment wu Tutaday after n porudl,y confeu -11 noWlced luuance ot a notary pqb-11t.&Uontd ln England ll~e the op- t rial growth. ld~urca or Ula phone , aaJd, ln Harbor Rut Memorial Park. lng theft ot a lhotgun, r l!le a nd Ile commission to A.lice l'tL Thonas. I portumty t!l 11pt'nd Christmas In <'<lrnpany •chedulc :mprovementa 1 Alm of the company, accordin( Mra. BaJc.ker 'cUad J'riday Dlght ear from ThrM R.lvf'!'a. The 'U 407 Fullerton Ave., Newport Beach. I an English home In Orange <:ountr a.a $12,400,000 to the executive, le to ellmlnate In HO&&' Holpital. Sha w~ born 1n tor 19M, $14,700,000 in 1966; and any waJt tor tacJllUea by any con-K.ooJt County, Ill. a.t1d lived ln the $!6,400,000 in 1967. sumer a.nyv,.here In Southern Call· Harbor area tor 10 ye&r1. Jn order to •onven the Har· forrua. The pla.n ot rxpanslon also She la 1Urvived by two ~d- bor exchange to dial It w1U be will permit supplying prlv'ate !daughura, Ml'I. Blanche C. Ouar- necu111ry w add a 11econd atory to phone llnee tor all thou now on te, Kln&' City~ and Mrs. Beverly c. t he new concrete and attel cen-party llnM who desire 1ndivldual Ta.ylor ot Palm Sprin&'• and !Ive t ral office building at 311 E. Bal· eervtce. g-reat g-randchlldren. boa Bh·cJ. When thla buUdtnr wa. Newport Beach improvemenll in &ICILUlD NOR.MAN aoDllA.N conat.ru<:ted foundation, and un· tbe Harbor exchange r ail tor the Funeral aervtcu tor Richard derground cable vaulte were PfO-expenditure or $990,000. Thia In-Rodman, 13. 184 Merrill Place, v1deu tor a four-atory u changa elude.a the creation of a aecond 'Coata i.tua, WW be held In Parkes· and office bulldlnc n h lldi PAY-LESS OPlN NtOKT & DAY & HOUDAYI ACIOSS HIGHWAY flOM HOAO MOWITAl NEWPORT -·JOI NIWPOIT 11.vo. -COSTA MESA - JAN. S, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE J HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 1 WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura ·uwvacs waTw..' atouu -WllEN NS&D&r COMPLETE LAUNDERERS ud OLEA.NEU lllAIUNER'S lllLE Nl:WPO&T B&A09 Bi1h Qaality Printiq • P•. Barw 161• Ac.:conllne t o C11ntlen, h11 com. pany will •pent.I $:?28,000,000 In Calltorma over the nut 24-month P"rtod. The expan1lon le a imed to hrtni; physical laelltUee ot lhe 11t1l11y up equal to the pattern <11 gr nwlh or the elate. Ca.nUen .l'tiUJ the pro1 ra.n1 ol U 0,000,000 J'H month le t.l\e blueat twi>-ytar oor on t e preaent bu na to I Ridley Mortuary. Wednesday, 2 p~1de~OO~.n.~~cU~~~m.ne'&~~u~R~k~---1;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~---•••••••••••••-•••••••••••-~~~-~----~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~--t1oor space. Present 1chedullng °' I Lemon Grove MA!t.hodlat Church, the campany calla Lor bid.I to be San Diego, will ottldate. opentd on the building alter June I He died late ye1terday afternoon. l with completion set tor 1hc He 11 1urvtved by hie parenta, months thereafter. Dial equfprnent Mr. Md Mra. WW.lam H . RodmlUI to be installed at Newport Beach and a brother WUllam H. R-Odman will be cross-bar equipment, par-Jr., bi• paternal grandmother, Mra. mltUng nal1on·Wlde dlallng. Mlnnla Christ.en~ ot Miami and his ----------------------""'----"'----ma.temaJ grandmother, Mra. Alma ROBERT RULE BOOKED FOR ATTACK ON GIRL Anaheim Lass. Was Beaten 15, Claims by Local She Soldier l"A NTA AXA 1oc:-:Sl -Ro- bert Rule, 21 ·)'f'llr·ol•I 110ldlf'r JIOl1 I nr Newport Uf'ac h m_,1chant wu bookl'd f'rlday on attack by force I anti violence &11d 1l<ltutory 11 tt&c k. T he alleged victim I• a 16 year-old Anaheim g irl. Rule poat.ed $.2MO bell Md w111 arr111gned lhl.ll morn· Ing in An1helm·.F'uUerton Munlc1· pel Court. H<' will face preliminary hearing 11 a.m .. Jan. 10 ln ~ 1&n1• court. He UlM"rtC'dJy admit.tad Ula clla.rge, according to Deputy E. M. Proud. Sat. Ruuell CampbaU. bead ot lh• 8heritf'• department juvenUe dlvtalOll, aaJd Mn. a.or,. Rule Of •20 Monilillf C&.nyon Ro.d, bro~bt hn IO'I Into the Oruga Oow>ty JaJI for booklns 1bortly ath'r l pm PHOTOOJLU>B DilUall:S )le&nwhU... the 1J.year-<>ld AJ:l-..- hNm 1lrl he t. a.cCUMd of attlck· Ing W&I t.alMD to ~ abullf'a Id· --SOllEJlT &UI.& - enWtcaUGQ bureau tor pbot.o- r;raptun1 and u.an returned to rtrl Inform.ad Mrs. J ack Raya. J uvMJJe Hall CUltodJ. ~71 Cypruo. a Moon Cafe -.oJt- Sgt. Campbell Mid Ula pl'• I re•. ot her pUCbt. a nn1 lbowed acratcbee. She al.lo a&.'li TO CAR bad a black eye and a looM tooth.. Mra. RaJU told deputlu .tit !trunk ot Anaheim. He wu born In Newport Height• and attended the Central Bible Sunday School. l'.ntennent will be In Harbor R#11t Memorial Ceme- tery. ... •• t•ordlnc to Campb\!11. raced to the Rule car and at- Rc may be releued on bail ovtr tempted to 1et the Uc~ numbtr. CJnnmnon lhc.o weu-e11d. Campbell tald be I She ..-rted Rule tT1ed to beck SUGAR Lo·· .... lwu cbedted With Municipal Court j Ill• car over her &11d took oft at ~ • • • ... ~ •• anol loWld the b&O on Rul• Mt at a h1lh l])ffd. .. 171-..) $:.!:i<iu Tb• Rulel operate Rule'• Ca.11· l /_ d Ka ' ~ 1 he a.ilecad vlcUm WU ta.kc to tomta Shoe. Store, 34 J 0 Via Udo. WR e mps On1.n11• County Hoeplt.al for vner- 1.-nry tn•etment. Sile · rt portedl.y u11u1u-c0Hu "'°"' h~rt numeroua acratchu. bl'Wsea Hits Partied Car 008TA ~ '*'''1 a hll•t:k t .. yr A parked car tra.ttlc aeddant lD lT .. N~n .... Urp11t1l'11 quoted lhe ailtged vie· the 2100 bloc&. of Monro'fta Av._ OOKON.t DICL llA& lln1 as ttlllng th11 atory: 1he bad wu rrported to Costa Meaa dty '°* OOMt ll'ftJ'. " <Jatr Wllh Rule Th1m1day night. poltct rectnUy. lrvuir Lea Rob-.lOOllD'S LAGUNA ll&ACB !hry lrtl the' vlc\lm'a home about bins. ~. ot io.3 Conttne.ntaJ A-.c , tll ~ , 1:1 pm With 11nuthrr couple 1 wu at Liie wheel ot a.n auto Which BALBOA 18l.Al\"D I t.e~· 1 the sour 1 had dinner In I st.ruck a parked vt.h.lcle belon&lnr r too llutDe _...._ A lia.lboa ru~ura.z1l and then pro· to Mary Lucille At.kinaon. 17, Of I nWPORT ll&ACll u•e,jr•1 to Norwalk where lhe "°° Ocean B11'd U l&ld. ltt C0Mt 1hr7. , ... tlm'a girl friand Uw1 The com· ~~~~~~~ .. ~po~~c:.~~i.iiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'Jnlon couple wu l&tt. Ill 'Xorwalk. • Huie, a&Mrtedly ~t the vie· : . • wl11hH , dro,... to a dead end on P lonttr 8 1'"1 . Loa Ani:l'lu I L •unty. S<>t:OHT lUa•rAGE The vlcUm cl.almad Ult auepect t.,1.1 her he loYed ber and wanted '" marry h~r \Vbm ah• wouldn"l 1>11bmlt, the Informant Mid, the 1 ~ ·•~t>«t 1tzuclc her with hi• tl•l.t 11ncl forced her to ylel<S to hi• ad- ,·,.ncf'a. lhtn Rui. drove to an'w:1CK·cu· r 1r1! hOILH at 8471 l.Jncoln Blvd .. l"\ pr.-u area. and parked nur a i:111 11e. accordlllr to th9 vl<'Llm. :'Ii•· rlaJma she once again wu ~ten and forced to take pert In • .,xu&I lntercourN. f h• J1rl 1ald ah• !&tar wu aJ· I "'"'~ to r•t out ot the car at lhf' ~loon c.J•. Cypn u . The tetrttlf'd REDUCE Win A Lifetime Wei9ht Control Plan Th.I• M.e1· • 1'1)ur Bir ()pp(lrtuaJt~ . . • For "1111 OetaJI~ 1 Omp In Our :-OAI(•~ "' rhonf' 'f're!' llrnH•n•t "" tlnn Tl' '"tm"nf • "1 •111~ drl '.\tar 11 l r. t l\Ut Rh d . thr 11n Announcing. • • • New .Dealer to Serve You Elliott's Union Service 3081 Newport .B,vd. Newport Beach featuring UNION OIL PRODUCTS & Tirt$fOnt TIRU ... IA TIIRllS LUBRICATION • WASHING "lnl'! Elliott Hwbor Jl2J fv•• tbody lcnowa aytt9m0tlc MWi"fl 11 the qulcbst way to how more money. A few cant1 today, a few c:enh tomon'-... aoon you hove toved dollora.. This i1 the woy Safeway ahoppl"9 worlt1l At Sof•woy, 1helf price• a re low ot oil times Oft oil itema. Thua, you toVe mon.y on nary •hopping trip. At yovr aovln91 9row, you'll find your food bill hot reaulted in .,ocl eoting ••• fOt' leu money. Resolve now to tave "'°"' _ mon.-, lft 19JS by thopplng ,..ulorty ... ot Sofewoy. KD.l.°"'S COIN RAKES GEIBEl'S WY FOODS 2= 2~ ·::: 19< $trolned 6-49' v ........ U WHITE RICE SWIFTS IAIY MEATS ·=-17' ~33( ~-5 -.9~ JuniOf. CRUM O' WHEAT BIB OUNGE JUta CMl<eof 2~:34c lobiH 6~49c lt~lor or Ovldt. IOYa ill SODA CRACKERS DAIRYLAND MILK NBC Criapy •-r1t. 24c (voporoted. ::lie Snowflolce1. p1i,. l ow Price! GRAHAM CRACKERS APPLI SAIJa PIRAlE'S GOlO •·•"-29c HIGHWAY 2 1!:"25' wirh oold•ft hon•y. .. .. l rond, SPAGHml GOLD MEDAL SPAGHETTI a..f hy....0-......... long .... 19' ,... 37' Wirh ChHM orid2 IS~ .. L 2s C Type.... f/lfll· Tomoto So11c•. c-. lore• size frvlt. 61 SwMt, Medi"' with ea1y-to-,..a aklna. •. . YELLOW ONIONS 3 11 10' PIPPIN APPLES Colifornlo 4 k25c suaD CHEESE ~--waas DvtchMIMAmerlc.e"* a-.r.27c ·~ Swl11, "f!Mnto. plig. ~ ~ Homogenized Milk .::: 20%" Lucerne. Grode A. C'h·gol.. H e.) ORANGE CHIFFON CAKE Lu.c!"nl~ prlre1t 1,. l()('11l mmc arM lelted home lngre4ieltt 39( •ey-delldeully fresh • 11 .. ularly •fc. IPICIAl ,,..rnlum 0 11ollty. Brussels Sprouts ~; 19c R1spberries 1~; 2Sc CANTERBURY BLACK T£A Orange ond Oro,.o• Pekoe ~-lti. 34c .... WOODBURY SOAP SPECIAL 4 IMrttt 36( OE.AL. tire LIQUID DETERGENT WH IT! ICING Cleonl,.g Wonder. 12 .... 37c CD" Curtsy Fudge Cups Curtsy Orange Cups ~·. 15c ~.·. 15c ~ktl•rk Bre.4 l' •hie• Crushed Wheat Bread 100% :::.!: Brod :: 23c .: 23c .................. SilYer Polish liquid Ble1eh ~~~~ ,., liquid lluch ~~:, ~;, ~79c r~ •tc r~ ••c BLOSSOM TIME COTT AGE CHWE ..._. you can buy.• Molle your next funchoon cool, nmetht ......... tying with dellcl-11-Time heaped eft your favorite fruit. Prvlt lalad, Crea,.. ~ 1 ftc '-•ChM. --,- (Pa,...., c....., ~ ........ 11c.) ' \ 1: I \\ \ \ \I I \ I \ \ I. I I· ' P-ORK ROASTS ~;-= .3~ Whole or full half, lb., 49c. PORK CHOPS r:7U.~-.. 651 SLICED BACON =~~~: .. 4~ SPARERIBS ~~??E?9 .. 45• CORNED BEEF IONB.ISS lmSltll Mild c;u,.. u. s. Chelcio ............. -* hot., ceW. GROUND BEEF frHhly mode frOfft .. leded beef. Pocked'" Vltlcln~ "·~ ~-..... Whole Whiting ~:::.:"''• ·~~ 39c fillet Ocean Perch~ ... ·· :..i: 39c LE:r& •At'E "1'11AW'8E-V saonc.uu: TONITE!~ A "Jun. lft Jonvory" traot. Rm Mii lbcu~ Mfx le141r froaen SllAWIElllES .. L38( .. .. 10.0L23( .-.. FIG IW or 61116ER SNAPS MalrON bro,,cf, 2 .:!. .... 49c frffhly bolted. - . .. . ,. . ......, m.,...,, ..... •90T ___ _ -.ro.. ...... ...... _, ~~ ~7-~""' s• ' WHOLE APRICOTS ~-::T.~~~ »:! 27' VEGETABLE COCKTAIL .:.!. 12:llc ~35' FANCY SWER PEAS =: •a: 9< 11:1sc LIBBY SAUERKRAUT 2 ·::~25c 21:19' NU MADE MAYONNAISE ~:,u;~;: ~38' BEST FOOQS MAYONNAISE ~;38' EDWARDS INSTANT COFFEE ~o:~· 2 -;; 59' PANCAKE w~~r MIX s~~:~~ »,:;:19('°,::35' BUCKWHEAT MIX s~~~~A 2~;:19c 'C:::35' SYRUP DRIPS TtAo~:i~rN 12:!:19< ~33' "ICl:S fffKTm TllUIS.. ~I .. UT., JUUdf 6, 7. I, 19SS, It WfWH STE 11 lllS All&. (lhru Sund1y in Stcwa opea _..,, "ltM .............................. i... s. ............ "' -....... ··- ------ STOii HOURS Dally 9 L Ill. to 8 p. m. ( FrWaJ tUI 9 p. m.) ~UDdaJ 8 L m. to 8 p. & 1722 Newport Blvcl., Costa Mesa 'PLENTY OF PARKING ON LAIGE PAYED LOT I .I ' , • ' • . . . PAGE -4 -COASTAL SHOPPER -JAN. 5, 1955 Higgins i.~amily Has Get-Together . I THE REV. RALPH PEASE IS Ebell to P.resent Piano, Dance Duo J.tr. and Mr1. James J\fcLaul(h· NEW VICAR AT ST JAMES tin and daughter. of Grant•• Pau . • Ore., are guests vt Mr1. Mct.augh· 11n·1 parent11, Mr. and Mr•. P. L. Hlg(in1, 1680 Tualin Ave. The Higgm1 family entertlllned with a Chrl111.m111 dinner at the home or their Mln. F. W. Htgglrui In Whlttler. with 28 pre!ltnt. Gueeu, who lndudeJ Mlsa Ell!it' Newland ot 211 3:lrd St.. c1me from San Diego and v&r1ou1 nearer communltl<-11. A1111u1111ng dut1e1 l uduy aa member of the 1taft of Sl. Jamu Episcopal Church l• tM Rev. RaJpb Pean, who will 11erve 8ll vk 11r after reslgpatlon o! lhe Rev. Paw Moore ,Wheell'r becomes effective on Jan. 31. Mr. Ptaae baa been .serving u vicar at Norwalk. With bl1 wlfe and four chil· drrn he make11 his home• al Fullerton. He will occupy the pulpit or St. J1mea until auch time u the veatry, of which Mr. Thomas Ruller la chairman, !l'll'cta a new rector. Orie of the m09t dell1httul pro· sram.a otteNd by Ebell Club thl.I 7ear la U,e ~piano duo ol Mi• Jea.nne Hay1. tormer b&ller· lrla ot lb• au J"rucl8co Opera BaU.t and K1M Mary llllsabelb Paine, concut plaftl8t. They wUJ ,.. featured atler the 12:30 lllDdl· )on at American Le(IQD Hall th.la eomln1 Thund&y. Mn. Ster~ Part., prealdent ot Junior JCbell. wlll be luncheon apeaker, report- "'' on th• Palm Bprtnp CODYeJI• tlon. ' Mlaa Kay1, who received her 1n .. ter of a.rt& defTM from XlU. Colle1•. atudled b&Uel w1t.h Bal· MISS JEANNE KA l'8 &11chlne, Fokinc and ChrlallanHn. apanlah dancing wllh C&nelno and modern with Limon. Holm &nd Graham. She hu &lven muter cluac• and leclure dc-monalratlorui at vu loWI unl\'er11llu and haa ap- peared u aolo arU•l on numeroua • concert atar u . MIN Pa ine appeara both u ac· eompanl1t &nd aololat. While ,... Mother, Baby Care Course Set at OCC Mother and baby care wlll be ottered for prc»pecUve per.nu &nd &randpattnll a l Oran1e Cout COi· &.t1e e\.&rt.lnc Ju. 3 at 7 :30 p.m. n,. courM will be a m ·m"UA' aerie. dnlped to b•lp f\lture pu- •nl• underttand tM ear• of Ul• f'O\.ber &nd lnful. HM.IOI prob- ~of UI• c.hlld .• f&rnilJ', aad com• lftonlly are lncluded. celvtnr moet ot her musical edu· cation 1n t.bl8 cou.n~ •he hu had advan~ ot eeveral aeuona In Europe. She play1 with flawleaa technique plua a 1ympathetlc ap- proach. Tb• two performer1 ban developed a wonderfully balanced aMOClatlon of talenll and ara a dellpt to their a.udlenc.. Bo that a1J can have an u ul- lent Yi.w, central atartnr haa been UTU6ed tor the performer•, who will appaar at 1 :t~ p.rn. Mr. and Mra. Irvin Freier or 4HP., Dahlia Ave. welcomed th<' an1hl or a baby girl Into thr1r ramllly Dec. 22. She w11.1 born m Hoa& H<>1pltal. The Whttlers go north on .Feb i lo vl•it relallvu and <1n Feb. 8 .Mr. Wheeler t11kea up t.l.s work •• rector of St. Clement'•. Honolulu, T . H. 95 UP EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY • °'""' Dally.~ to., .... MOD. a Frt.. E\'M. ·w. p.m. 2030 So. Main • Santa Ana Opton to th• pubUc wtt.llOut C'hu1t, lhe cl .... w11J be tauallt by Mra ColUMale Anderaon. Oran1• t·•>AMl nureJnr uutroctQr. Re~ t rallun will take place In the f11"1l hr.:==================================~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~:1 <"tan mTmnr lo be llefi1 In lhe ·111,.11roam bulld1111 on th• OCC CAnlflU~. Mesan s See London Ballet Mi. f:dwud Mirkovich anrt Mr a ntJ Mra. John a.t cOonald an•I c1•U1Chl•1. ~1111an. nf Cn11ta M"P epcnl Int Tuuday f'venln• In Lo• AngPleio, allf'n•lln« l~ U.n1lvn 8&1· l•t •fin d•nnl'r Jn 1nw11 The prtvlo\111 e\'tnmit lhP M1rko· vu h Catnlly w&a a mon11t the f\Jf'•l.ll U lOf'mblf'd al the Bill Purdy horn ... 244 Coata Mu& St to gntl Rob!-r l Wr1r;ht. tonrur Harbor area loch· n . who 11 DQW an u toc1ate pro- feU<lr or Tempe St.al• Collece. On Sa turday R.lcha.rd Mlrko,'1ch. Bob AlJen and Mr. M1rko v1cb attrnd~ the USC-Ohio St.ate r ame a l the R.ou Bowl In Puadrna Auxiliary Gets 'Biggest' Card The Amulran 1Aa1on Au:ullary Nl'wperl Harbor Unit 2111. rl'celv· ~ • I by 4 rt. 1re .. unr frnm th" dlaabltd veluiuu of Long ~ach Vrtera.na A<Jmlnl1lr11t1on HoapltaJ for Ch1Utma1. ll wu hand paint·' ed &nd •IJllf'd by 110mf or the Vft e· r-arut who ha\•e all Pnded lhl' 1 monlhJy hoepll&J pullet pul on by lh• Amenca.n IAcion Awuhary ll h&r1&• on UMt wall of th~ Amerl· 1 cu 1Ag1on Hall ln Newport Beach, • remem~rance of which lh• .A\J.1111.&ry la nry proud. At Joyner Home Mr. u d Mn. Fred J oyntr, 120 181.h 8l., enlert&Uled wllb a Ch.tat· rnu dlnnn for Meaau. and Mmu. J ohn M. Morrl.lon and aona Olen. Oarry, Robe.rt J. Brlll'• o! Coat• Mua. Al.tr.o Joyner. Santa Ana. the WUllam KtMlu1 of Compton and Ala ICJduluJit •! Balboa B&y 8bo~a. MIS. DONICA NEW CLllK OF COURT ludp Dcmald J . ~ of Newport Jufttce Court a.n- nounced today the appelnt· ment oU )lbw. Olrte Don.tea u clerk of Ule oou.n. SIM re· pl ... Mn. Lio rwn.r Wl6-..-,nau. wu a111.,._ DK. 11. )Ow. DoldOa .... .,,.,.. With U,e court tor a ,_.. ud 11 m ontbt u deJNl7 der'k. Mra. M ary Jenkina. termerly a «Mrk·tnMt tn tll• derllr otnu . WU promoted t. 4ep\11;7 okrk. J udi• Dod,. aid thef'e an t wo ncancta ln the office for clerk·l~rplell. Jan. 6th. SeparafeJ 1f 3 lo 1/2 o/! -A-cceJJorieJ 1/2 o// _A.ff Sw~aler6 I~~ Jaf- Starts Thursday, Jan. 6 l412 VIA UDO NEWPORT leach HARIOR J677 . . Oregon ·Trip !Neighbors Get Deer !Ed Walker Home Mra. Helen Pf'rklna and 110n1. All thC' nrtghbor! of Lu1tw1g 1 :Mr. EJwarcl Walkeor, 118 27th Bobby a nd Bill, ot 19:ll'> An11ht'1n1 '~n1u:'!s or 968 Oak St , Nt'wport 1 St., IH11i n"lUin•'d homt1 from the . hosp1tul \\ 11 .. ,,. he 11ntl<'rwtnt an St .. Costa Mesa. have l't'lumf'd V•~la, a1e "nJ••ying \'<'nliwn sh·11ks opulltlo n tor a broken hip. 1111· from & t rip to Bt•dtord. 01 e., after sftH hl8 rl'1·~nt .1mrc.-sstul deer ta Inell hi ll f1tll on Thankl(lv1n1 apenduig Chru1tm .. wllh trlen1l11. hunting t rip up north. lday. ,..... a..-tifwl, ---·"'· ........ 11 ... m ... ,. ctecei k .,_" ., .. •'--.,.. .... .,_ -•--'· _.... __.., ., .... -- , ................. __... .............................. ·~·-...,.-» .... ,.. .... .,_ -· ,,,__.. ........... ., .... -· Earn Mw. •.. 2~ ..,., • ....... yew -* ...................... .,.., .. ,.. f.11 'old Certlfl<ct!e ~ ~ .•• ._. )9. J-)O.~MJ30,-.l,•lllllet.f-0 II Ito ~20. • v-_...... .. ,"' 3",.; ................ ,....... r-. f lM!f'a oa .... ch• 2~ -._ _.., ~ _.,... ........ .._ ,,,.,. • iadl 9CC ...... It ~ .. $10,00l llor .. ~ s.,..... ..... ~ ..__ C••a • • v .. ..., -lty ....... -"""~ ......... ............ ,..,_...... ....... ~ .. u ••• ~.~ _.,•• .... a 11••••• ...... .. ,_ ...... . ~ _ ,.,,..,,. ..... 1.... .· l....., --... __,, .....,, .......,, ......... ,.... ~Ope.,_ ........ ,....,. ·~11 .. --..... ,. • ., .... .......... ., ... ~1:.m~~:: -Roy Yourstone I to Take Office as Club Head Roy. Yourl!lone will ~ lnsl11llrd Thur:.<Jay 8ll r rt'J>ldtnl Uf the i"<'W· port Harbor K1wRnls Club Rl a dmnPr meeting a t VIiia M11nna WATER llEATER8 IAl..LS S!llVICI: od ll!P . .\IU J1tn~!a~!1/t/ RllM• te Pr.JI CUil l>OWH r~ ... Ha1ller UH BE SURE · INSURE with ~lAt 'ttu't, ~TA~LE\' ln•uran~ Ool~ Phone llubor I H8 Rrstaurant.. ~==;;;;:::=;;;::::;;;:;~ Other officers who will take of-• flee with Youret.one are Josepll Gutrln, vtce-pruldcnt; David Niel- sen, vlcr-pruldent; Monte Crimea, secretary and Bert Connell, trcu- %!~ !'tutoe Ava., Kalbo• bland urer. BOARD ·MEMBERS HARTLEIN FLOWERS HOI ~. Oout llwy. (;orona del ~tar HARHOR 6071 rarty Reotall1 "Telecnpli DeUvflry l't'n·ie .. ·• Nl!w board dlrcctor8 wtll b,. John Albaraan. Verne Kocpl!cl. J ark !':el-._ __________ • GETI'ING SET FOR BARRIERS Dt.cuuing problems of taking their horses over the jumps are, from l~ft, Donna Zubl, Marilyn Hill and Dasha Deraga, all Corona del Mar. The girls are all students at the local stablea and participated in Sunday'a horse ehow here. -Staff Photo. son, M ax Pc>pc. Charles Prlc11t, Al Stockton anJ Herb Thomas. Chair mll/I ot the C'l'remontt'll will be Herb Kenny, past lieutenant governor or Dlvlalon 4. We can do more good by btlnr good, than in 111y other way. -Rowland Hall JOHNSTONE'S Newport Harbor Bees Down Torrance For Fourth Win est scoring honor• tor the Tau Mesa Avto Wreckers with his polnll. The rest of Har- bor's .connr came from the com-Veed Auto Pam baned ef!oru or Dave Tamura 6, ILDd Accea10r1ea Bob Martin e, Stan 8chone11 4, Jerry Kemper ' and P ete Wilcox • 2 polnta. OTllE& SIDE 2075 Placentia Ave. J'lewport Harb<Jr'• up and com· I TorrMice 6. Llkcwl11e the half lime •• Bu. biu.kcLbaU ui.rn .. ;;ld;uU.aJ T110ore F~l-U 1n iiw4r CJt th;, .li"AlJ' the 01.htt~e o1 !ho JieOr• Torrllll<'e 47-36 un their uwn floor, T1•rs. , Ing tally Make &rtolel and J erry Tut'llday 011 the Tnrs ntC'ked up The t hird. quarter reaJ a ht tie I Thrall Wt're lop men. They scor-~=======~==:::! t heir fourth w111 nf thf' ..... uon. LC'd II differently than did the tint l. wo ed 9 and 8 poi.nll ru~cl1vely. The b y 8 n1ce Knipp II l~ pmnla the fg r It was an this quarter that re11t ot lhelr acorinr wu acatten•d KEITH'S Tare ran P"ll·rn• II O\'Pr their op-1'orrance waa 1ble to wrulle a amonr lhe remalnlnr; mtmbera of ponent• lll lhl' first half. I ICWlnac leed from lhe Tara. Both the u am. NTART l'A!'T l,.ama played well In the onrall The Tars' nnt game le Th11ni- p1r turt' but Toirance pulled oft a day afternoon at Pararr.ount. The The S•ulur~ •la1 teJ l••l and 13·10 atlvantage. The rourth q11,1rt· game 11bould at.art at 3 o'clo.:k at C08TOM Plt."J'URE FRAMJSO ud ART 8l'PPLJE8 drop~d In 12 poants In the hrat I er WU all Torrence th' f1rst rart l'aramount'a gymnasium. quarter as ,.,,mpan·J to Tt1rrunce'• i •nd all Harl>Qr lht 1econd part. • 111KROR8 IH ~ 8L Newpurt Beach ll&rbor ~U 1.1 O. Scoring 111 the •tr11nd quarter The Tau m1LnageJ lo take a three Dealrt la prayer: and no loaa con1pared fo vor1tbly with thnt of point lrnd In the acorln~ for that the fln,t. Th•' ,.<'UI<' wu 'vn~l•t-quartrr "" the fourth period J'Qlnl ran occur f r()m truallng God with ently \he ,..m .. llm1u1:hout th<', lulula rt•nd 1~·12 1n favor of the our dl'8irea, lh1tt thry m&y be pC'r1od. H 111 ~r 111an&1:rd to k\!ep Tara moulded llld exba lled bf'fore they Lbt 1cottbwu1t dork'• reconJ ot KS lf'P KIG ll take form In wo1Ja and In deeda. .th• polryt• 1·x .. nly double that uf j • -~tar Bakt"r Edd their oppcint'nta Thl.' total ll«'~on•J Ouhlamllng nftenalvf player for _____ ...:.:..::~Y-=:.:.:.:~:.:::Y_~=========~ period 1corln11 WU Harbor 10 and lht' Tan WU Hruce K/llpp ll.t he az:x::JCCXl::X:l:X::CCX::ICl:x::llCCXJCC::ICX::CCCXICX:ICX::z::iCX::JCI~ "°rl'J l~ polnla for high-point STARTS SATURDAY JAN. 8 for ONE WEEK . OllATHT AHAY Of .t ~ T ALINT IN ALL • • . ~ rtctUllDOM I .. ,. . ... m11n honors. Also high In 11Cor111g "''U Roy Dantrl who ecorcd 10 po1nu Danit! coppt'd 1econd high- "I ' I • • : • 1 •. '\ ·: ,'·/• :fv~ 100/o -.... PIDCIPTION II& ---.......... ''Mother knows best!'' .. She luu an electric range because i,t, cooks ckaner,faster, ~ r.ooln. -.1 ...... :r• "\ Bruce Martin FOR AU. YOl"R l~SURANCE NEEDS Auto-Trvck Fire-Life UK'AL AOL'"T &ea.We-OfftN Liberty 8--506I Llber1J 8-MM 1'79S Ne rt Ave .• Co.ta llleM MAIN STRED ,. 11/1;~ AUTO LAUNDRY-=-----~~~ ,· . ""_? lUHICAflQfll -CAI POl!SHINe ~ ~ Ac::moss l"aOM 8EAJl~ aANTA AN.& RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL ' NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO S~fALL 230 SOUi SL, Newport Beach Harbor ZS.SS Word gets around : The really modern kitchens are all electric! SEI YOU'l DEALEI • ~A PERMANENT ASSOCIATION WITH TU MOST PERMANENT VOCATION I am :u yeara or age, and have Just been J>romot ed to A11s't Sale11 I Managl'r for H ll r b o r R e 1 t Memorial f'iu k \\'e nl'ell a m· j blllou11 young mf'n aa Mrmorlnl Coun8elona to carry our 11tory lo the public In pt"raon. Hete 111 a chance to ~om• artlhnled w1lh lhe t1•ld ot h1r;hut lnll'gTlty a.nd oulltandlng rc-munerallon 81nrer- lt7 an ati.olute requl1lte E"c-cl· lent opportunity tor advancemmt l In the C"enlt'r of the plruante•l llld mo11l rapidly expanding aru In Oran~e County. Call for an a ppolntJnl'nt or llO,P al our office ' 111y aJlernoon, J 1802 Ol•lu St., 11t Harbor Blvd. ' IDmberly l -IM31 JUST NORTH •' POST OFFICE ... ·.iAN. 5, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 5 Starts Thursday: January 6th January Clearance Sale! LADllS SHOES STREn and DRESS STYLES IN CALF and SUEDE FLAT and MEDIUM HEELS, some Hi Heels Sizes '4 to I 0 AAA to B. Not all styles available in every size FOOT FLAIRS $8.95 to $11.95 Values PENALJO •690 DEBS BRIEFS • CASUALS By $7.45 to $,, 95 Values APTITUDE DEB o.J . ' roo.T--f-LA1~ •4-'0 -- BEAU MOC • MOTHER and DAUGHTER FLATS By CAPEZIO Child sizes -N MW B'h to '4 Ladies sizes - N M '4 to 9 ALL SALES FINAL • Xo r:1r~N or Rl'fUnd• /"'- m.zAST 17th STREl:'f Mesa Center MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE ALL FUNDS REC~IVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST Office Hours: OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M • Ph. U 8'!2771 Mondry through ·Thursday • 9:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Frid1y 9:30 1.m. -8:00 p.m. I l • ~ • • • r . ' &••o •••••t WITH SALLIE . I tart RJCRARD'8-GRF.EN OARTON-llA.NCB FR~B LARGE AA EGGS __ ·········---·-··do-49c: • ID· BlebarcJ'• f'rMh DeW ideu, f'rellh new menu and Fl'Mb Quality Food• will add variety. ucl~ meat and a Fresh new btginninat for you and your family ln ~9M. ~ SBOPPt:R -I .AN. 6. 1956 llap9y New Year! Come ID uad have a drhak ! . . • Wbat'U you have f Bomo- gonhed Miik with vltamlae A and D addedf ••• ~tn Rieb Malta Vitamin Milk with yoa.r mlalmum dally requirement or mlnera.la added! ••• Chocolate Milk! ••• Skim Milk! ..• Name )'OW' way to good health • We've got It ••. We've got the hi&b•t quality at the rnoet competitive price ••• We've cot the frtiehe8t milk flom the c&Mneet dairy aad farm ID Oruace Oounty • ,\. B.IOllAILD'8 QVAUTY CONTROLLED MAYONNAISE -----··-·-.-rt 49c: Theres none fresher! We've got Todda I y We aay the name proudl an4 take o!Lour hats J.o three brothen Arnold, Monte an Don ... Arnold, the cowbo of the bunch, has charge o the ranch and hangK u~ ha hat in Lldo isle •.. Monte, 1 charge of sa.lea a.nd service will be hert! next Friday an Saturday to answer all you queatiooa as you uu1te na ture'a most perfect 1oo<l .. Don .•• everything the otbe two don't do he does ... d y f s D . d We are not alone iJl thitt blc awUcb to Todd!i Milk ••• You'll a.a.o find it ID 1101De US to :W otn.-r iodt:- peadent Markets throu~b­ out Orange County && of the first of the year . . • Tbey have joined together to form the Todds Ma.rkei. lag Company ••• Why! To eerve you. our people, to the utm011t of our ability • , • to nuUnt&ln quallty and price ••• to ... lll'e you of daily f,_hnewe tn the milk aupply you tote home to feed your family ••• r . . r . I Why did we cbooae Todda r We llke to do buainee. with wUlners . • • The Orange County and State Health .De- partmenu have only JWll re- cenUy scored Todds Plant and Ranch a 98~, ... Our own Edward Lee RuK&ell, Health OUlcu for Orange County alya Todds plant. l8 lhe most modem Ul Ule atate . . . Al the 19M Loe Angeles County F&lr &lJ three samples subaut· led by Todds, namely .l!:xtra Rich A4uJti Vitamin milk, reg· u.1&r bomogoni.zed mtlk and :>0-50 were glVen blue ribbona • •• Take a Jaunt up to Todd'a plant right there where Main St.reel and Newport Blvd. 10· teraect •.• near the Holly Su· gar Plant .•. \.iu an anu have a look around •.. Call up Uon al Klmberly 3-933ti and mnke an appointment to take your! ~~S: Brownie. Girl Scout, Boy Scout or cla.ssroum through I either the plant or the ranch ••• Doo'U gave 'em all free ace ,11 cream 1! you do! . I Todd'• lt:e t.ream. lutro· daaed here tut March •Ith ou.r 0"'11 Kkhanl'i. Label. bu ateadlly gro•n iD popu· larity .•• Each moatu )OU , DJce Pf()p~ a.re t'atintt about. , 63% mure ice N't'aru than you did iJl the same monUla a..t. ytar . . . The lee (;ream's ~ood ••• )OU like it ... you tell your friends about it . . . l 'ou'U like Todd'• milk t.oo •.• We do • • • We beUen~ lo it . . . We've been two yeah mak· lq thia 8Wltch •• , and we've doae it for you .•. lf 7ou like your milk dellvtrf'd to )"Our door • • . Todd'a doea that. too ••• The ma1tl· cal aumber to c-aU ••• KJm· btrty :M~S36 •.. Our New 1ear'a ret1<>lulJon • . . to make our store the world s ruceAt place to shop in and the nacest place to be in ... You'll aee a complete overhaul JOb done here durini the nut few moot.ha to be completed by our •ventb an· niveru.ry in March .•• We'tt at&rt.ina with the doora • . • pretty 1100D you'll be able to float in ..• Tbe. y'll open by ~anday "m"u you approe.cb • • • open and NY JOOd·by u you leave • , • DOLE PINEAPPLE JUICE_~~~ 15c: LIBBY' FKOZt:..N Dl:UOIOV8 IO':WN B.ALJ.~ .• ~u.JCt;D l'.EACHJ:8 or CBUNU or PINEAPPLE ·~ 2 .. 29c: J.lllBY'8 FROZt:N CREME CORN ____ .!~2 for 27c: YBA.~CO .UURICA.~ 2 2 SPAGHETII -··············-··-······· .......... u y,-os. '°' 7c &VE 8&\' 17 TOMATOES ..... ---··---·...xo.1 ~ c: &08.a.&ITA FBO'U:N S7 MEXICAN DINNER .. ········----····-c: RICllAKD'8 8HEl1B.ET or 7fte ICE CREAM ·-·----!-i .-.. 1.- CUMAXt To a Year's Shldy of Milk! TODD'S CREA.Ml" RICH DAIRY PRODUCTS. produaed lD Callf onaia'a mo.i modera dairy plaat. A.RE NOW AV AllABLE Al' RICH· A.RD'S. Prise wi.JuWlc product. from a prise wla· Din' Da.i:ry and Ranch DOW peet )'OU .. .)'CHI abop for health. AlluUaer at.ep towarda our coal of offflr- bag •uperior product.a produced by qgnmive, mod· ua·mlnded bmNafl8NIMID, .ucb u the Todd'a of OranKe Cowity. We la\1te you to loped tbei.r di.a· play of ribbon• and a"·a.rda, try their wlDD.lag milk aod to put Todd'a Ji'r•b Dairy Product. fl'8h on you.r liat of 1955 neolu&ioaa. • Start Fresh with Choice Quality! "Th Roa.at WUA 11 R-i T lotlOf"' .7.i0NE ROAST lb. 39c "Te""-r, T1U1t11 olMI T•m/kl' Q:iONE ROAST lb. 59c .. A TAriffll N'fty' R.lcbard'a tJ. 8. Choice SHORT RIBS .. Top ~UV" Alwaya Freell aad Leu GROUND BEEF "WU• TMl 1--. ""°""' 8.tft'• Pa ZEilliltwww SLICED BACON •b· 19c 1b. 39c We're sala& to re-feat.her oar..a bere·at ...,.. •• Udo ...,.t, OM of tM U- do 8llOpe at tbe •truce t.o Udo W.. • SPIXU..LS l'08 IAN. t. 1 .&ND 8, l* • I ,, iRA_.iiG.iS 4 lb •• 25c POTATQES 10 Ibo. 39c Large. Sweet, lalcy Arbou GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 19c Serve something different tonite! ~-... Rda CHEDDAR CHEESE,_. ~ 59c: iiANDi C'ADs u ... a• iiDciiiAGE __... 33•. BARONET CHEESE 19•. ......... r..,..._. rMq 49;. c .... .., --.. ... . v...,-• ...,_ CHAXPAONE 33' Krallt ..... PM a QaW -Deeble ll~ a..-tort 55• DretMllCJ -·--I OL Fresh /Jakecl --Here! 8bop MieJa ... for OU da7 to day Bakery delJghta. A.dd ....,.h1•1 d.lffer.t to wb ..i aad .,.e a1 the ..ame tam.. 1"°'* wbM .. ._._ tfa'9 11u&nd&J, Frida7 ud ~J'l THURSDAY ~a.a... ....... 1'~ 19c: BISCUITS • pet ,.,. .Pu& -aa , .... ,.. &.-... 18c: OATMEAL COOKIES du~o FRIDAY MMM .... I • ._, -110.l't.. r CORN BREAD ---~ 23c: De~ .... \...U. ... "'-~52c BOYSENBERRY PIE SATURDAY Pa&e !"WM 3 .. , 25c BEAR CLA•S ....... T" ._,., Oll111111it1 ..... 87c: FUDGE CAKE -~ "" ., .. ~ . • ~ ) • •• '· _,'Kirby Women 1J Die at Home .._ ... _ Mrs Kathryn Kirby, e«tranged • Wlff' of J ulhlh Kirby, OM-Um• ISN'T THIS THE CAT'S MEOW? __ When Steve Scherer, Coastal Shopper delivery boy, be- friended a tiny wllite 1<1tten recently· he-bact1ria ~hands full Steve found the little waif near hia home and when nobody claimed it, he said he would try and find it a home. First, he hHd tu dt>h\'er his "Shoppers," though, with kitty perched on top of the full bag of papers. - Staff Photo Laguna Gallery Slates Smeraldi-Thon1as Shows Cleveland m11llon•lre and daughter M ra. Elliabeth P•ddock, Wf'!'e found dead In bed Monday at their home, 279 East 22no 8t., Costa 1 Mua. Discovery waa made by Clyde 8. Meredllh of 312 341th St., WhPn he Wt'nt to d111lver Ice today' whf'n he went lo dt•llver Ice at 11 :40 a.m , police reported. BOTH IN BEO Bollie• ot the women were found In bed, the daughter ln t he front bedroom, the mother ln the rear. ll i.. believed they had been dead some 48 houn. Aleo d11ad wu com- plLlllon It the two, the dog, Treve. A gaa hf'ater wa1 aUU burnln1 In I lhe ll\tln1 room. A Co11ta Meaa phy1lclan had been called Friday to pru crtbe for the daughter. and nf'lghbol'8 wer• a&ld I to have eef'n occupant. ot the bouae a.tt11r that. During the twe.ntle• the K.rbya Uvtd tn Bevu ly H IU. and l\lrs. Kirby wu a prominent member ot the Beverly Hill• Ebel! Club. Man11ge ur Betty K irby to Arch Davl1, late editor of thf' Benrly }(µ11 Clllnn, wa1 one of the IOClal eventa ot lhe ee.uon. Lat11r lhe Klrby1 moved to Broadway, Coeta Mea.. M111 Kirby, u the d&ufhter wu k11own. had been aoc1ety editor of the Bever ly Hll!Jt Cltlun. and became 10Clety editor ot the Globe Herald. She laler married Sherman Paddock. now ot lh• South Cout New1 but tht'n f'dltor of lhe Globe Herald. The two were laltr divorced. Kl:W& W&ITD Miu KJrby conlinued wrrtlrll', becoming Co1ta Mua correapond· tnl for the Globe Herald, Newport· B&lboli Pru1, Newport • Balboa !l(ew1-Tlmu, Long Beach PreN TeltgTllm ano Sanl& Ana Repter. She had been In 111 heallb tor 10me lime. Mra. Kirby autfend a 1trok1 !1ve yeara aro. trom v"h1ch 1he rttovered to a .-rea t u - tent. •1r. Kirby llu n ot been beard from tor Mv11ral yaare and at that time wu wanted by tha rovem- ment tor URrted lncome ta& eva- 1lon. By OSWELL l. 'At'KSOS The 1..a!'UOA Bu'-h A rt GaJl11ry wa.11 • h1.,'IJ u11 :-.;,.__. \' tar1 lJay. The nrw t'>.l11l11l 11 tlfll'llN with lhe m onthly t•a un Suml•y. Jan. 2 with 111embe111 uf the t."ommunlty ConcN l• Ao•t<'l11l1un actlnc a• traits a re a!Jio out1ta.ndlnf She Mra. Kir by 11 believed to hav11 hu rtcrnlly h•d thne or her painl·, a aat11r Uvtnr In 8an Diego and a mga, "Popple..' ''Lotua I.And IOn In San Franc:.l1eo. lll•iclc' '.nd D~Hrl C•clua" r11· 1------------- pr<Kluctd by the GoH Lllbor raph Co o( Chlr&go, and the original~ ol lht'ae wrll be on u .hlblt. She le DEA TH NOTICE bol l.I and ho•l ... ~•. al><0 a lutllf' de11gner of note. MKS. KATHEIUNE r;. IUBBY Jn the fO\'l'I jllllll'ry Uf' two g ,.ymour Thoma. le 8 180 Wl'll knu.,.·n to art .. alluy pauone. u I MRS. EUZABETU PADDOC'll ene man 11huw11. worka or M•rla " I b Bergtr Rmn uldt And S1•ymuur hl1 lovely maruws an~I Clouu1ter (lkUy K. r 11 Thomu, 11,.1h int 1,.i .,,,.1111>{-r• ot 11nd Monterey h11rbor tc<·nea ar. Fullen.! 1tervlce• tor Mra. KaLh- tha auorl•llon, i.nJ th .. 1r flnl onr extr•mrly p<>pulu. erlne &llaabeLh KJrt>y, 72, 279 ll. man Ah uwi her,. Mr. Thoma• wu bo~ In Denver 22nd St., eo.l& Jihaa, and bar and hu •ludled ~"1th auc:h weU ctaucht.er, Mre. Eliaabelh Kirby J.1arla ~r~er sm .. ialdl Ii on• llnown arll•l• a• F. Toilet Cham· 1 Paddock I Bell y Kirby), 41, um• ot t he ramou• floral artllla or lhe bt'rlln, u.raa MlUu , &~lay Red&· ad<lr--. •Ill be held tomorrow, art world. Sh<' had exttn.11vl' 1tudy ,, .. and al.llO abroad whue he hu 111 a.m a t Balla Mortuary O;ial& u a younc 111r1 al lhe Sl. l'ttul done much travt llnc and 1ketch· Mua Chapel The Rev. JOHpb A rt Sr huol •n·I W• n t tu ?°\f"W Yo rk 1nir McShant ot C:O.ta Mu a Oommu· where •he MtU1lll'll •l the :'\•tlonal H•VU1g a degTee from Oreron nlty Church w1U otflclale. Aralltm) • ·rw \"ork lka~ue, Coo· Stalf' Colleaie u land8rape n chl· The pair died a t their rsldenu. ptt--l:11 ... 11 a.n.I Olb.er fll'hunle l.>ur· lCC\A Tbomaa followed th•\ proft l· lnttrm11nt w ill be prtvale. inc thlll llmt •h" wvn •t'"r•l a· ,wn for 10m; yeara l...aln ha I •tra. Kalher1~ Kirby II 1Ur· ward.I for hrr mt,.n or dtK:111 111on workt'd In the •tud1oa of M 0 M . \IVf'd by her eon, Marahall K irby dulgna. en•t 20th Century Fox, dt•li;ning nf San •·ra.nclaco. a brolhu, \\'ti· In 19 16 ahr 1tartrd "01king rur •t'lt1nu tn 194!5 he lle<'ldrd to J t · ham Gould of Hollywood and a J oltn 8 8nrf'fal<J1. •mt of the C•m· vote h1io lime lo palnt1n1r llnd •Inca 11l1t,.r . Miu Nell May Gould of San ous dt'cr.r11,11 a 11nu n1111 Al a1 ll•t11 th•l time ha• had many one mon Diego. of Amrllcll 1nd 1n 1~28 thry "'•·rt •h<>'IA A and rxh1b1tt'd throuihoul Mni. Paddock wa. born tn \\'y· mai 1 rr<I t 11lfom 1• and •!Jt() ln the t lll I nmlng Ohio.. Sh• Uvtd In lhla !111" hu" tw "n a ronat .. nt ,.,.h1b1 H t haa "'on •"'a rda not nnly ll community for tht pul t ight t111 1n tht 1 .. 1.iuna ~ach Art li•I· th .. LA1111nll l ;alltory bul In olhn yt'•r• and In CaJltomla line• 1923. ltry for man) yf'ara, anJ la a Liff' n1•J1•r exh1b1llon• He f1t qu,nt1y Mra. Kirby wu born In Clnclru\.aU 1'1f ml);ot. !4h1• hu wun m n) a· lf'lur na ln l.fluurutn tn paint and C'Lme to Newport Harbor w1UI I wanla at th•• i;•ll• r y •nd AIM 1n •• • n<'A of the Atlantic Cnftll, u"1ng htr daughter. othn exhibition~ thruUfChOUl i '•Ir "•li>rC'olf•r C'Mf'tn. 1'0UI C:ht", trrn-F'Rl:D L t'l.,"l'E'f tornrA While Mrt S01,.r1l>11 ~IW'r · P"I A, ptn •ntl rnk and wa•h ''t:h• lllllU. ln (lo.-.1 pAlnl1n11 , hf'I Ji'Of· j n1qu1•• TO HEAR NOTABLE SPEAKER United Cl1urch Women f"un11r•I Hrv1cu are pendln1 on Fr ed I... Flnnty 128 Topu Ave. who dJfld yuterday In ha home. f'uke&·Rl\ll"Y Mortuary la ln t'h&rge ot arrugemenl.I. T\m• of lhl' t\JnpraJ will be announced IAlt>r. I (11ARLV4 HA..'11.0N to Install at Mesa Church l ~=~~~~;C!~hi~·~~ Pa.rkH·Rrdlt y )lortuary. The R4v , l 'n••"'I l"hurrh Wnm,.n 11( :-;.,..,.. l'l"n' "'II hf' fnrmulU~ for lb• .IMl'ph W. McShane, pa.tlt>r ot J'Orl llA1 bf.r "Ill hnh1 l h.,lr a nn1111I r """"Ir )t'•r Community Ml'thodln Church, Of· mtf'lln,t;. "1th f'll'ftlon and 1n~t1l I 1;11,..l>t "l""•ktr "'111 b9 H K Hcaat~d lattno nr nff1••i. nn ... 11'111\ Ian l'\••l•n• "r f'11 lua \'enfe11, na tional Mr. HIUlM>O dttd In hla home 7 IH 1'2 .lll r m IA 1-,.,.141 \ff''ll duu r1111n tt( \\,>tltl t:ommunlt,y Mf'lMlu•l ("h11rrh A ltin• h.-nn 11,., lll r11. >i:('tlAnl 11 " C'harmtn1 \\ 111 tw-,. .. n M1 hy wnmf'n nf 1h11 I J"\r lllir3f' wnm•n. n at I o n a 11 y C'h11rrh 1 knn.,. n m11mhf'r of the Ep111ropal I ruitalhnir otru't'r "'111 h<o Mr• \ 'hurrh and hu l><>•n hf'Ard her. Jnhn J ~111111, J"rt~ltif'n\ Of l'rn tNI rrf'V1n1111IV .,. hrn r rf'flf'Otf'd by < "hu,.., h \\ l'mrn nf ~11nt • A rtll I """'"" nf St J 1101,.~ Miil. \"hr<1lf'r Flllhf'r Wiii r r""l<lf', All 'IA·nmt n Ar f' ln\i tf'd to t>. hrll.l'lnit rf'rnru nf I h" l'l\•l r"• r r n:l"'nt. McClarrinon Appointed to District Attorney Office •arly Fruu y m ornln( alle.r u 1 ex· tt'ndt"d llln,.u He waa a na U•• of Carth&j!"• Tl'X • and Uv~ ln Call· fnmla 1~ ytara and ttll ye&n In thl• cnmmunlty. He wu a reUrl'd tl\rlroAd mlln worktnr fOf' Sanl& F't , Trx.u and Pacific flallway tor I !'le ytar• ' H,. wu a member or lb1 i.ta- 110nlc l.odg• and Odd F'eUcnn I l.A>dir• In T11xaa and a member Of Coat.a .Mua C:flmmunlly Mtlbod· I tal Cl\urcl\. Survivor• are a eon, David E. HLne<tn. Corona d,.I Mar and .. d11111thler. Mra. \\'llllam P. Stew-t ••i of COllta MN&, nv1 c rand· I 'h1ldren and aeven ~t fTlllld· I . • rhtldr!'n. lnter.ment wu In Ha.r· ~A A:-l__A 10 ( ,'\S 1 -A 411· •1•t11nl !:"nrral counsel for Safe· bcir Rut Memorial P ark cemetuy. YtAr-olrt mt11m,..~· \\ho hu r 1av11d WIV StO •f'S for t'IAO years. 1------------- • role lo thl' r •••t>ini: 11( llqu"r h· 0111\nr t Atl1lrney offlt'f' dutlu cenH 1r'r.·i:1i1n11t1•·• h<'r" •nJ tl.M-·, ari•n l n• w t o McCl•rrtnon. He RosGn EmplOJHS w hrre In 11 r •tate ... 111 b•· •rr••inl· Jen·ed ru' a df'puty DA '"Alam~• ,.d to lhf' ui~n~.-('111rnt) t111'tnl"t 11n<1 El Doratlo C'ount•""· He •l.9o Have Yule p~ Allomey·s nfll!t' t.• lot\ hu pracUc"<1 law private!>'· -I J Dial. All~ -f:J,., I fi, ll<'l t Knt>• . J OH Roe&n, Pruld1nt 0( Roan land ma de thr M nuur •<'mf'nt Tuu.-H •1 F II Inc pla yed ~ to all ht. em- day. Th• nf'W J q Ut)' \\Ill bl' r auJ a1 0 ows plOy"f'H al tbllf ann ual Cbriatm.U J . McCla.rn.non. Knl'c-lamJ •t.·r• in· party. Pl'OducUoo taclUUee -... I to lbe Dl•lnct A tl••m~,. • ~·111tion .iiut dowo at D-Md a buffet 1 a t noon, MonJ•y •• J~lPI Oav11 Harbor Ra·1n lunch.on .... ..-net. Tbe empkly .. nu.re. .Ctf'r 12 ytar1 ln Ule poal H pUl....S aroand ~ ~ 1 Knffl.and noteJ that McClarn -1 Ch.n.tmu trM, ..,.. oarou. ate a oo will be movtnt; into ht• et•ff A •hort bul"lt of pM·lllM hail turkey aad clletwat.ed. V .... Pre••· ! tn time to hf'lp p rot«Ulf' the •l•\k Ct.mf to N11wport Mon4&y noon .. dent General et.aai., IC. RlcWer· of liquor llctn1I' lnlllt·tmenll r.· r•1nfllll flfUTI'• tor Newport Har-1hof aallled clurtnr lh• f•UY1Uu . I lumC'd by tbe ST•nd Jury. I tx>r llhowt>d .24 tnchH or n.lnfall RollUl, haYlJll Just relu.med JtlcCla rrlnon waa In th.,. court In l"twport a,,aeb In tbe curT91lt ltrom • 9000-•Ue .urny tr1p or room while Knttla.nd balllf'd to 1 wtek tnd 1torm and .41 lD Cona Am ar1can bu.,,._ and tnduitry, convict S•m L. Colllna a nJ h111 Mei1&. for.cul a l!_r11bt ,.., abud for aon. a..m llr Collin• recenlly. Th I S.uon·1 tota.la for Newport &re bualneea 1.n ien•r'M and "Pffltleally trtal °'"""'' up wltb a h 11nr Jury. 2 i 2 tnrhn compa.ttd w1lb 1.1& tor Roun lne. Man a.14 ht I• McCla.rrtnon at &.ended S•cr1'n'lfn·, 11u t year. Coeta Mell& recel\•ed 2.IXI opllmlatl<', llOt wildly hopeful ltlut I to H l1b School and J C. Ke matn-1 lnrhn of ralJI . thli year comp.-.cl 11 contldent about . UI• po. UUcal. 1 culat.ed to Huttn,-1 Oolltce of ""1th .9i lul y.ar. I IOClal and economic cliraat• LD 1 Law. 8an FranclllCO. Wht'rl' h11 11am-'1111UC.b ba.tnf'• Will haft to ed hie l•w dri:r,.r H,. 1lo0 ~111 hr ' Ju~tlre w lthoul v.i~om 11 Im· op11rntf'. Wt are 101ng to haTe Ule La •--h p f Mr1 Paul B. Pr011hl nt 10UI Sum- 11 CJUfta 9W'llllC a r mlt D rive named as def1 n t11nl 11 Seek $4SOO DainaC)M Je~e'¥\~c~~:~· occumd a t H1ch· SA~TA ANA (0CNS) -A La· way 101 and Bluebird Canyon guna &ach couple Thurllday nlfhl .aurht $4600-plu.s d•mages m con-, Drive. The Pr<X'hl• l'lalm Cra.tt n11cllon wtlh an automobile aC'cl· drov11 e&r11le!!sly and n11gllgenlly denl ln that clly <Xt. 24. 11nd <'aUSl'd hia car to u m Into I A1kln1 d.amagu are Mr. and theirs. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST.A MESA CHAPEL 170 Superior Avenu• Coat.a Meaa. CaJil. Phone Llberty 8-2121 CH.APEL BY THE SEA 3~20 E. Cout Blvd. Corona df'I Mar. Ca lif. Phone Harbor 42 NORTHWEST ADVENTURE A Color-Fiim Travelogue -Stan Midgley. Narrator 01¥100, Wubhi1ton and Brtthll Columbia. 0rf'KOD c-out, t'olwnbla Oor1e. Cr:a&f'r L&kt> a..nd Vancou\·er 1,.l1U1d -thl' Olymplet1 and ClllM*IN -Grand Coulee, B.rltli.h C'ol11mhla. San Juaa l•laAd•, etr. :JAN. 5, 1955 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -PAGE 7 ..,.an e ..... ...._. e lMtaUeU.• STAFFORD & 1011 '"N&LS and DOC"' ELllOTKICAL C'ONTKACTO&S n-Ubert)' 1-16.\t 110 IUve,..Jde Anaue Sewport ~ LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS • DAN'S BARBER SHOP llALl\OA Tllt:ATRE 81.00. RA I.BOA ()pea TuHday lhru ~1urda1 CHERRY POIST, N. C. I FHTNC) -Marrne T Sgt. J ames Abreau, aon of Mr. and Mre. Jamu A breau or Utah, a nd husband of the form11r Misa Beverly M. Felt of Costa Mesa, wu paduated from lha Slaff Non-Commiu ioned Of· ficer Leadtnih lp School at th• U.S. Marine Corp• Air Sta· t1on here Nov. 20. The tour· Wt!f'k courae, conducted by a staff trom the 2nd Marine Air. craft Wlng, taught the t.ch· nlque of leader1hJp, Infantry tacttca: map re&dtng, 11T1al1 arma and other 1ubj11ct1 which h•lp dnelop quallU11• of 1ood leaderahlp. Plu. ltM PASADESA ROSE PARADE -C'ompl11te la C'olor NY.\\'J>ORT HIOH SCHOOL At'OITOJUL'M Mon. 'an. 10 11:!0 Tichh ~ow •t lido Tra•el l wreew, 1416 Vft L:do. lido Shoppf"t Cer11ter, •• 1 .. Office 11i9ht of p.e.rfor"'•"t• ,,,~,. , 60. '°· I ZS. t SO Aano · .!JnJlruclion FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 TERESA RENNER l Mrs. A. Renner) Ooecen PIMlaS ol 11lrea Cootaoeata Orwl•&e 8hlden or Bela B&rtoai U6 Sena Drive Pb. Har. ZOS9 Corona W1bl&Dda -Corona deJ M.a.r MOTOllC\'Cl.E ~SCORT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY · ·----· LIDO DRUGS "One of the Udo Shopa~· 346-1 .'.¥--~-Newport leach HARBOR DRUGS 3301 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar BALBOA DRUGS SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI.,_ SAT., JA.N. 6, 1 and 8 716 E. lalboa llvd., lalboa COSMETIC SPECIALS OGILVIE SHAMPOO p .u nlue . WOODIUIY t....u. IUala .._.. IAUoe .... '1 ... -···-- WOODIUIY LAlloUA fUcla BUMI C,..._ a.. •. •1.00 . WOODIURY Dry !'Utt• (' rram fl.00 \'&IU. WOODIURY ~old C.: l"f'Am •UMI \a.tu .. SPUlAL 50' ISPIECIAL 69' 69' HOUllGANT 8-d Lo&lou •100 !'lot C\f Uu·- SOFSET fl.%~ nhH> 99' LUCIEN LELONG IONNE IELLE Plua , .. R 11"9n-(',,_,., ""•· ~\.00 ("......,.,.. Mbampno .l .H \-al1H1 SHASTA DulARRY Ha.DCI rand ~ L M Ion H .00 ,...ioe •'n1111dallnn Loll.,. tt.c. •t.t& DulARRY DERMETICS Trtplet 841t Super IUr h c·rl'am• f'.t& , .. ,\WO '1116 IW E<"IAI. l'f.C"IAI. ·z~ 79' •211\ Sl't:CIAI, JERGENS LOTION WIUt F'" l>tGdor&nt ~tlrk 11-60 ~lie - I/, I• i,, · ] '•O \ r • s12s N 0 W~ •• ~::::::~~-­ fllricllN w1" .a.ooo u.s_,, """' c.. tltlM MSttlllll YITMIW t. , ..... VITAMIN A. ""' ,_ • """" c,.... ... " ......... '9ltfW • ,,.. ..... , ..... ..,...,en. ....... .... ¥"'1illt '°"''*'*' lel Ille ~itterwee I EXTRA SPF£1AL I ~. $1..N a.ad ap BEAD ROPES 1.00 150 ".,. ... • Queens of Fragrance A ro)'OI gifl lridHd .•. drft\ed In ~ol trl"'"'lrigsl F.ve replica bottlet of lo..,quet LentUrlc Criicer tl\011 cologne) .•. Tweed. Miracle, Shon9hol, Dork Brillionce and C011fetti. feubinjfein ~ (Whipped) Hand Cream Re9. $1.25 each SPECIAL 2for1.00 Hormone Cream Hand Lotion Re9. $5.00 value 3.50 I(} I. I . ' l'-ub111j ~Lit J Hormone Cream and OH $6.00 ..... for 3.50 • ROGER Ir GALLET ~~ ~~ ......... -.... -··-····-.. ···-· 2 ,,,, '1 .. RIVLON -"....,_ i..u.. '1" ~. ..... _ .... Jl)(llAJ. REVLON Ma1danaaker 8ete ft.JO n.1-. ~-----'1" CHEllAMY "'"'" &Im tvir. St.00 "'f't:C"l Al, TUSSY'S ll•nd c,...am Rrir. f?.00 lotl'l:nAL TUSSY'S lta.nd l..otJoa R"tr· 11.00 ~PF..C'IAL LADY ESTHER 4 l'ur.,.-< f'PMn f l.!111 .,, .. !WF,<"IAI, ELIZAIETH ARDEN'S I lrrn ... nu -""•uty ~fnry J"llO ••hlf' DOROTHY GRAY tin""''"" '"'' l••n u .oo , ....... DOROTHY GRAY RJu .. try \\,..,thfor Lntlna n .oo ••h ... DOROTHY GRAY ,. .. r .. ,. o.....t .. ,..,,1 f l.'.?11 'ahr,. DOROTHY GRAY '1 .. '1'° '1" 98t •11)1) '1"" Honnnn., 1111.nlt ( noam Rl>it. l '.?.M """~' 11\1. •1 %6 SP£CIAl DIY·SUI llXTll£ .... $4.00 ... -···· •.• Sole $1 .7$ ... $2.2S.;; ......... S. $1.00 CD.lOCOI •Hlfl( CIDll .... '5.00. • ..w. "-» ,,. I ...... I ~II ·~r '•,•, r_j'•. • .......,,,... ...... .,.. ............. ... ._ o.oArr 0.-, .....,,c i at RA r 111m•n!u l'l111t c C°• ll•,., I" Hllll~ klr I of ~n.nnm~· In whll'h Amert· De new di'~~ I CIH •• U •' -JWttl A. FN~c 1 ~na knuw ~~ ~w~~ ~~~I ·································································~--~ • • 3 SALE DAYS! THURS.-FRl.-SA T. ..."l!I JAN. 6-7-( LlllE SIZE. RIPE. SWED SlflllST IAVEL • EITU FlllGY WllllllTOI ... STIRllll DELICIOUS -*· ~ ~PATIAI'~ QUALITY ALL-BEEF KIACDURST -ott- RllG BOLOGNA YOUR OHOICl DeltCatessen LUER'S ALL-MEAT .FRANKS I-LI. ~G. LUER'S SLICED ·eoLOGNA ~l ~----------" * GENUINE KOSHER BISCUITS IN A JIFFY MONTEREY PUFFINS 2 PKGS. 21- AU-AMERICAN'S OWN LABEL GIN M·PROOF -nn1 $ QUALITY ABSOLUTELY GUA~AN'?'EEDI CANADA ORY GINGER ALE 2 = 45', ... ... ,.. .. JACK CHEESE DILL PICKLES A CALIFORNIA 3 9' FAVORITE ALL- PURPOSE CHEESE! a UOUORS GLENCOE 6-YR. OLD BOURBON .. ""s3~s LARGI:: 29, JAR PUU. IALLOI IUI l/J-GAL JUG 25 19 * UllY'S CREAM . CORN N0. 303 CANS IUlDSEYE -YOUR CHOICE •co111•c10P.llOCCOU 2 29' • MIXED VEIET AILES NtH. ~33« • FISHERMEN IOIJl.lllT SILE!- Fl~~~KS BEEF STEAKS SCALLOPS 2 -19c LOG CABIN SYRUP '~~~ 29c ,. •. 43c Siil.Oii TIPS t.t.1. "'~· ' . l -MINUTE POP COii ORI I IUIS 1-ll. "'·· lUNRT RLLm 3ac PEICI , ... ""· 7 -~------1. ·rg=· 35:· • KERN'S PURE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES BIG 20.0Z. JARS BORDEN'S -FULL QT. FULL QUART CHEER -~~.NT 65' TUNA SWIFT'S -16-0Z. JAR BREAST 'O 2 9· CHICKEN -NO.'h LIBBY'S 11· GARDEN -303 CAN i;· CAiEVhMli's::.·::· 29• PEiiS0 BAR:~1 c•N 25• · TiiiOEs MO. z+ CAN · 17· PEACHES0 R ::l:E:.~ 25· '~ HOMADE WHOl.E SWEET 25· CBOCEKA'ONWSALK llt.1A 2 29 i' PICKLES' l'-«JAI c~~s • ,~ ·PU~~"'· ~·-PACIFIC THIN FLAKE 23 --.... ~~ CRACKERS 1-LI ... G. ' ~' nOWDiin ~ WILSON'S -12.oz. CAN 33· , .. COUPON & NYLON ~ CHOPPED BEEF COUPON INSIOl IA. CAN! • ~rT.J. l-U. CAH .. i : ~..., ... ~~ SAiiCENBERRY 2 c~~s 33' ,.. ... "··~· COlNU FIUSTONE I OOLAN 0.ly 'ti Mld,,Jte, 'em to I 0 ,,,.. S-. • IARDEI llOVE ... &ARDEN GROVE IL VO (61rcle" ~~ DAILY t:OO A.M. TO I 0:00 ,,M. • IEWPORT BEICI 2600 COAST HIGHWAY AT TUSTIN OPEN t!OO AM. TO •:OO ,,M. DAILY • ~·N "llllO•V • 9ATU"'0.t.V 'TIL ID l",M. GLORIETI A TOMATO 21' JUICE 4'~Z. CAN ~IB'!!IBlllllll'IJtm-- •NORWALK CORNER RRESTONE I PIONEEP /_/ OPEN DAILY 'TIL MIONITEI ~ ./ • COROIA DEL MAR ~ 1049 COAST HIGHWAY AT JASMINr :.-.:::::::: DAILY 9:00 A..M. TO 10:00 ,.M. ~ ~ • SAii CLEMEITE ~ 602 &. CAMlNO llAl. --- ·t:OO t. ta> ,,M.-s...fav t t. I ,.M. FRESH, LEAN LAMB LUER'S ARST QUALITY SLICED awmon SUGAR lOAI ••• 23' ... .. Aged fo ffte pe.1 f fender • o r11fclness! n,. qu.lity hes Iii II. '' ol line L -L e L vor qoy oeef! l·ll. HEAT. SEALED PKG. ... !ha> OUR OWN MAKE -COUNTRY.STYLE PURE PORK ~.~~~- Norwalk. G.rd.,. Grov•, Newport Beech, Cer.ne 09' Mtr - .. a f • PAGE 10 -COASTAL SHOPPER-JAN. 5, 1955 FOWLS FOUND Errant Birds Tracked Down By Mesa Cops Recovery of 18 of 40 plctonl two of them 14 ytara of age, the olher one 12. The boya aald the)' wanted to at.art n illing their own blrda. The purloined piceona ore tlll i.raze bird.a, accoi-dtng to PoY. era, who valued thvn from S~ lo SI!> I Power• u ld they are '"Red Cai-· I nu u." The rt'coverd pigeons h""e t-een ruined for ahowlng, he ll!lld btocau.ee the boy had cut thl' band• oft them. pilfered over a p<'rlod of Wef'kll G Tool G from Alva Carl Powt'rl ot !188 w. araCJ• I OM Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 DRAFTING LIBF.RTY 8·62:11 . 05p9h Bay St., Co&ta Mf'11&. v.•u report· Theft or plane, aander and an ed Thurllday by P olice Chl,.f A 11 Alcoholica Anooymoua McKenzie. elec~c drill from hi• gara r e aome-Write p O. Box 381 S(t. D. C. Orecg arut Otfl~1 lime In tht put 2% mon tha waa ~!wport Beach, C&lif. Harold Arnold t raced the e1Tant reported to police by Ronald r . Phone Hl!'~r 4796 fowla to three Mtaa youn1atera, 'Barlow of 232 Agate Ave. ~ ttc NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Thurllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unea 1 Paper $ .75 4 Unes 2 Papen 1.50 4 Line-a S Papen 2.00 C-.taJ Shop~r CIMaltlf'd Ad• m1U1t nae l.n I.be Monday nr TttunMLay Publtcatlon ~Sl!\IUM AD I~ 4 U NES AJ1 a.uaanf'd Ada mu~t llf' s-id for <.:ult bl advance of publlratloa. The publlahtra will not be n•apon•lble for more than one Incorrect ln•nl lon of an ad, reservt lhe rlfht to correctly cluelfy any a.nd all ada and t o reject a ny a d not conforming to rulea and regula tlona. OEADLlNES tor placing-or cancelllnc ad• a~: For Monday Publl<'allon -Monday 9 a.m. For Wednesday Publica tion -Tuellday 2 p.m. For Thundsy Publication -Wedneaday l p.m. Nl:M'PORT HAJlBOK PUBLIS~G CO. HI I Balboa Blvil., Newport lk!K1a, callfi>~ Classified Index l l"ul.-ral Notltttl S Cud of T'lla.akt 4 f"UMral Dll'ffl.orw 10 Bualllf'M 0 11Jde 11 Bulldln& Matf'na.la I! lkalldtn& ~n·~ I~ p,.r.oaaJa 31 Poultry 11 U\'ntoc:k S8 8 Pf'd&I Aaao~•• u Auto. Wut.ed •O Autoe for Sale 40.-A Tir.-a Parta " Auto S.n'te. n Tral~na .. A.lrp&anM l.~!!.-!~.~-- W A!'.'T OAlLY RIDE downtown L.A , hour• 8·4 4~. Like lo Join C'a r pool or would organize own. Ph. Warren, Har. 4016. 9~trc !!=Beauty_ A.Id•_ ---- Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from face arma, tega. Eyebrow• and hair ~ &haped-No more tweeztn1 . Eu...EN L. BRYANT R. E. Lido'• Salon of Beauty Bar. 2~76 etc %Z-l..ot1t and Fo_un_d ___ _ LOST -Blltck velvPt evc>nlng p11r11t with talllea x luses, F ri· ctay t vcnlng. 9 pm. to l a m. Rewar d. Phone Har. 1188-M. 9:1c97 FOUND -Biiifoid and mon ey on parking lot In Balboa. Owner may claim by giving proper de- wcnptl~ and paying 1or Ulh1 ad. Mr11. And~rson, 3~ Venice Blvd., Ventc~. EX 9-~993. 93c98 LOST -Large, white Ir black male cat. Named Olablo. An· ewers to anything. Waa weai-lng a chase chllln. M1 .. 1nr slnce Thankaglvlng. REWARD. Phone Harber 2009. 88lfc !%-Furniture for SaJe FOR THE RIGHT BUYS IN '55 TRY BAY FURNITURE . • FIRST CNOT repossession -but all brand s panking new on these major starting items for the new home.) Complete 8-pc. liv. rm. grp., choice of wood um maple or LawBOn style - or other modems, Inc. sofa bed, club chair, platform r0cker, 2 step end and 1 coffee table, 2 table lampe. $315.50 value ····-·············-·················At BAY $199.00 Complete k itchen group, incl. brand new Philco refrig., 36" divided top gaa range, 5-pc. chrome or sat in black (linette set with 4 foam rubber seat chairs· ................................ , .. At BAY $327.00 Complete 6-pc. bdrm. grp., Incl. 5-drw. dbl dresser, 30 x 40 mirror, bookcase hdboard, guar. inner· spring mat. &: box springs on metal fra.me - Choice, grey, blonde, ermine, maple or chinchilla. $219.50 value ............................... At BAY $149.50 Combined groups listed above , u low aa $70 down. 2 years t o pay. WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY BAY FURNITURE 427 E . 17th St.. Costa Mesa (between Tustin & Irvine) Free Store-side Parking -Tenna • Open Evea. til 8 %9-Hrlp WaatM SO-B-AJ!fll&aeee MODE LS. S IZE 12 -APPLY THOR automatic. hu 2 \i year A FTER 1 P .M --407 28TH ST.. warranty. reduced to $99.~0. NEWPORT BE A C H . BRING I NEW Whirlpool automatic, $199.~0 PHOTOS, IF POSSIBLE . 95p97 YOUR CHOICE or three uaed Coldapots. WANT a n agresslve amblllou11 SEE US ror u1ed wrlncer A< auto- young man to aell Llncoln8 and matlc walhera, range.a. Mercurya In the H arbor area. WE RENT ranges, waahera a.nd E"celltnt profit 11hartn1 plan. reCrlgeralorJ1. Eamlnga unlimited. Expulence Cali u. .tor re-pau: auvioa- not neceeaary. Rererencu re- quired. JOHNSON 6 SON Lincoln -Mtoreury Jake's Appliances 1837 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Me• Llberty 8-&6U . 95c98 JANUARY WAREHOUSE . CLEA RING Ot:T 1954 O"Kt efe It Mnnll ranjtf' 40" Pd dn.to $1987e.Sa\•f'you St75 19:14 Croslt'y f'rt'<'ur. 13 12 cu fl Pd. dn. to S258.i7, Stn ('a you $200. I 1954 Hot pomt Automatic wa~hrr. Pd dn. to 11'48 lie. Savt'I you $120 . 19~4 Norge Autom atle Wuhe·r. Pr. dn. to $167.84. Saves you $115. 19~ Norge Rt>frlgt>rator. 8 •,. cu, n. Pd. dn. to $128 88. S&\'t'8 )'OU $170. ' • 19~4 Holpnmt Retrl1o:1Hato1r Ill'• cu. Cl. Pd. drt. t u $2 18.~. Savel you $160. 19~4 Admiral Refnge1 utor. 9 cu. ft. Pd. dn. to $14 7.84. S11vr11 you $130. 19~ Phllcu TV. 2 1". ~'d, dn to 1167 88. 19~4 Wedguw•lOd rani:e C"P auto· matte, 40"" Pd. dn. to $22~ 77. Sa vea you $ 160. Free:tt'r. Int ernn tiona l H1Hv1•,.. ter. 1s1, C"U, tt. I'd. dn. 111 $288 92. Sa ''•'II you S282. 19~4 Clllsley R••lr11; .. 1 s1ur 12 < u. rt. with wll l~r <lt<ipt"n:«•r I'd Jn. 1 to $294 82 !;uH's YuU $:.!~;, 19:1:1 l,;8fte1-i1 & Sill tlt'r 1 HllKI" l'P Pd. dn. tu $1:111 IH SB\"('S yuu $60. See Baughns A Ac S Wan'house Sa les. 220 Su Mo1n St . Sttnt• Ana. 6 blo' kl> soulh 11f 4th. Opt•n daily 111 !I, Sun. 11·!>. Kl 3-i201 MR. le MRS. P.\IR uf 11111tchlng walnut wo 111r-..1b1•11. eel.lo r hn•·d. Surtnced un 1111 s1dt's. ·uuld make partlt ion. !'ti. Hy 4-2987 before II tun. or HY 4 -3823. 9:S<9:1 TWIN b••d8, like ntw, $7~. c; Ir. TV, H ", $M , 11 l'U. fl. Wl'lll· lnghou8.. rerrti;.. $22!>. Ma1o:1r Chef !llOVI', $42,:>0 Breakt11sl Mt, $6:>~7 JUv•.ra1de, N«Wfl•Jrl Heights . LI 8·:Sli69. !!3plll) 1954 NORGE Automellc Wll.Sht'r. The V•"r}' b1·sl one. Big 9 lb. tub, •gllalor, l>Af,.ty •pin hd It thst 900 W. Coaat Hwy., N pt. Beach 9~97 19M P HILCO rt'frlc erator. The 1Uumm11lrtJ dial. 11·1 1tnly bt'(•n latest croaa-top freeur chut sloi-l'd. bul pd. dn. tu S21tl 37 MAN CLERK-Monday nlSht.a, 12 to 8 a.m. Muat have referencea. Apply Batbo& Bay Club. 93ct6 with apace for botUea, butter, rrorn S3 IO No rn111\ n• etkJ. Jll&t also veg. It meat keeper. Ueed P•Y the pymta of $11 12 ""'· 1952 OLDS S uper 88 4-dr. st'dan. R Hydra. LO<'al 1-owner car 1950 DODGE Diplomat, R & H, Fluid Drive l 9~3 RUTCK Super Riviera 4-dr. sedan. R & H, Dynaflow, 13.000 1tC'lual miles l !)50 CHE\.~OLET Convertible coupe, R & H \V S W t ires . _ ····-· ................................ . l !l53 OLDS 98 4-dr. sedan. R & H. W S W 139~ 705 1925 695 tires, Hydra., power steering & brakes 22'(5 ] !)~).! FORD convertible coupe, R & H. F ordo- mat i<'. W S W t ires, less than 10.000 mi. 2265 Hl53 MERCURY Sport Coupe.R & H, O'd ... 1765 1952 CHEVROLET sedan delivery. A h ard to find model . . .................................. . 1951 DODGE Coronet club coupe. R 6: H, Gyromatic drive ···-··-································ 1950 CHE\~ROLET 1:: ton pickup, R 6: H . It wiU get the job done! ·················-····· 1948 OLDS Convertible coupe, R & H, excel- lent mecha nically .. .. . ...... -·-·········-·- 1948 STUDEBAKER Champion 2-dr. lledan, R & H. Overdrive ... .... ...... . ........ ····--• 104 7 CHEVROLET 2-dr. aedan, R 6: H ··-- 0 \'er 50 cars to choose from -at greatly reduced prices! 345 2915 2715 MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Your Chevrolet Oldsmobile Dealer 1855 Harbor Blvd. 15 .8laara -1' our OM It ,..._tap0rt&c.lom 11 Roortac n Waoted to lknt U Apta. & Houws for It.Mt UA-Ap ... for ~at '3.B--Ho-f•r Keat 43C-Tralltr 8 pAC9 LOST -SlameM cat weanni-leAt her collar wllh btll. Harbor WOMAN to ea.re for convalucenl. light hou11tkeeplng, Daya U 1939-M. 93P95 8°" 141. Eve. 8· 7075. 9~79 only 3 week•. P d. dJI. to $133.82 S« Haui:hns A le S Wan hou~e No cu h dn, jull pay the pymta., Salu. 2l!U So Ms1n St, Santa of $9.•9 pei-mo. Ana. 8 bhxka 11oulh of 4th. Op<"n See Baughna A It 8 Warel'IOUM dally tll II, Sun. J 1-~. K l 3-i20l Costa Mesa Llberty 8-5633 2481 Coast Hirbway Newport Beach Liberty 8-2261 11 BMuty Alda !t 8-lth Alchl f l Loet ..ct ...... U fk'lloola. laatrvf'HM 18 Rlta&Uou "'-ted n ""'' Waat.ed 10 Mtllttl1-ue l&-A 8 wape 10-B Applaa- ll Waawel &o BuJ 11 r urlLltur.i for ~ S't •A A II Uq'"'9 SI Be.ta, Suppu .. 14 Mutllcal, Aadlo, TV as Do1-. Cata. Peta Mutual Fund• Explained Olll('our now jual how mutual fund aharu can ~ uaed In your own flnancla.I plannlnJ. P'or fne bookie wrlte Box J 20, th1- P•P"t 8i plH •• ao-a for lte•t ... " Reill If-..... ~. Board &CJ R.eat, MJ.c. 5S 8 to"'9 & OfflcN 61-A a.a-RMtala M ~ OpportualUN M Moaey to a- M Moiaey Wuted 51 ~&J Eat.ate Wu&ed .. ••tome Property ta RNJ FA\ate E~ n ._, FAtate Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mteta every Tbun day a p m Vla Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Bead 1 Elwood 8~1. •aJted Ruler WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLE:T'E $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room addi tions and r'modeling for over 8 yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Ll ~rty S-!H63 Kimberly 3-827i 87p1H LOST -Pru c r1pllon glu.aei Ill RESPONSIBLE woman for hou.ae-brown lt"ather clll!l'. In Balboa. Rtward. LI 9-2924. 94cH kl'eper, child care. Live In or 24-&hooht. lnstructloa --------· ---- Bonnie Brae PRESCHOOL Llcrnaio<l. l!:ncloaed yard, 1mall jCTOUp, l ra n1portatl011. Mualo 6 a rt c111fta. 1615 Santa Ana Ave., Coata M-. Ll 14216. T8tto China Painting Day and EvtfltnC CIUM"• Ordel'll Takt n Now Pbon• U berty ~I 94Uc: Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN • 'WOMEN prepan In IJ)tf'e tlm" for unlim ited nppcrt11nltlH In Real Eatate. ~l'W t lau ea wnkly Al Tyler lnatrucUng Al· tt'ntl flrat even1n11; frtt 11r11J lram about thl1 icnat fl!'lf1 C'"ll or wnle now fnr lntnrmatlon. Buat· nns ln•lltlll,., 415 1\ N. ~YC"· mnr,. Kl 3·li~13. 74ttc ~~lh1atlon11 Want"1 LICE'-"t!En rh1ht carr lhf' Yl'A 'round 1n nlr" l11'Jl"nrlalll" h"m• r hnn" W 848211 fll>rP7 out -W 8-6827. 96c117 Draftsman (Male) For work In bea ch are.a w1th 3 yra. practica l o perltnce tn inech. drafting And 2 yr1. col· ltge or equlvall'nt. Wrtte P. O . Box 1031, Alhambra, Calif., ell· clo.l.or l&ll'lple ot work. 8."llfc HOUSEKEEPER. rhlld care, room private bath, 111l11ry, call week daya, 8 :30 to t p .m ., K l 2-6241 . Ext. $93. l lUc GIRC..S- WANTED WA have open•nca at our Nt"w • port Bo ch otnce, 311 E. Bal· boa Blvd. for Telephone Operators -A pply - Monday throuich Friday II 00 a m. t.o • 00 p .m. 5141;: No. Main St.. Rm. 211 Santa Aha rACU-lC Tl!:LEPHO!l<E •7t.tc . OlNll"O ROOM. tablf. buffet. rug, uphobtrrt"d ch111r. pcr"\"h f11ml· titre ("Otnb. Cfln11'1lr rat11n an<1 r'!'Mro rlayt'r Flt•hlnrt pnl"'•· 14 rt.. mul .... tth 11Atl 117 E. B•Y ll'rtml. ~11lbt\11 111111n11 Hubnr 208!\-W • 94r99 Sales, 220 So. M ain St., Santa I Ana. e block• aout.h of 4th. Open D I t F •t da lly w 9, sun. 11-5. KJ s-1201 a e s urm ure Large m l'l11 l dc•ak $5~ 1954 O"KEEnt AND MERRITT Blondt' twtn twdroom •d $ ~' gu rang•. Jt"a the lln up top Rug, l21Cl2 woul, Just clum:d. v~1y model with all chrome cn ddle, n lcf' $8~1. lamp and clock with oven tlmer, 8t>veral bratde•l rugs. 8 x to &nd •mokelu 1 grill broiler. You can I 9 x 12 '2~ ,a. have It with lhe balance dlMI on Sf'Ve ral gUOd Hollywood bf>•ls tt, $1~8.20 or Just take bank pay· S2r• 11p mt'nt• of $8.22 per monlh. n 1874 H11rbor Blvd., <.:ost11 M"11" wu uHd thrff month•. Bee 9!'1c96 ~uslcal. Radio, & TV I:'> PER MO. ren t.a good practice p11tno. All tt nn rl'nt allowf'd lf you buy lklf'r. DANZ·SCHMLDT Big T'1Mo Sale. ~20 ro;o. Main. cr~at January f'IAno Salr. Happy New ~ear! Read the Fine Print l '47 Stude 4·dr. rood lraruipor tatlnn 1)0 USED piano" wanted for our ·.a Packard. • dr. tda.nc1y ladlH renlAI l!~rvlce. 1'rade ln your old car) piano on n .. w pl Ano or tlectronc '48 llulck, 4 dr. ( 2·lona ic reen I •1rg11n HIJ{h c1111h allowance.1 ·49 De Soto c.,.. 1 You"ll like Il l rJANZ ·SCHMIDT Great Janu· ·~9 Hudson 4 dr. I Hot car) IJU'tlme dally or evenlnp, 1441 W. Cha pman Ave., Or&11ce. Ph. K Ellon 8-Ml 7. 9!>cte rRICJCZER, International Han..- ter 19~ cu. ft. Hu all color Interior. 3 bulcet.a. aJcnaJ Ii.Jill, hold• ~ Iba. rood. lt'a n,w, but pd. dn. to $288 92 from $.570. c.Jlh or pay lht pymt.a. of S 13 22 month. 1u y Pro no Sale, 520 No. Main, ·~11 C1td. 4 dr. I Pr rfN:t con<liUon I S*'lta An11. j '62 Plymouth 4 dr. (Family ear) ~~-f!~PJ!.ftee I Hammond Orcan, U tile Spealm :g~ ~\~,:~u:~.~·k!l~:~. t;r~:r~~ HUGH ES YACHT DING H Y. W lll FOR RENT do1111 trunkl aell or trftde ror large 11lclfr '54 Ofl Soto 4 dr. CP'lredome V-9. Harbor J98·M 9:.c97 FOR S PECIAL occasions, partlu. unrl~rprlced) CHR YSl...ER AC"Jo: man nr toniclne w1UI re\·erio4' gear .-.. ady tn gn good <'Onti1l wn. $22!> U bt'rly 5.112•. ~3c98 8ff Baurhna A • 8 WllN'hOUH Salu, 220 So. Main St Sa.nt..a Ana, 8 block• aouul of 4th. 0Pen -NEW PORT <'HA Nf'J+!~ -Bost daily tU 9. sun. ll·i'.I. Kl a-720l I 'dockage tor ••ny "11.4' pow f r bna l ------Phone Harbor 12t7·J 921fc rHIU::O RP:F'RIGltRATOR. 19:'>4. large cro .... top frtuu model. S4-)tuJU<-aJ, Radio ~ T \' IL hu M'ptl nlte mu t trtoA &e ' cnmpartmt'nl. 1talnll'N steel A M USIC'IA~·s 1:-ISTRtrMf:S T' ehelv,.11 \lted three montha. I 84!autlful blnndl' mlrrnr r1,.no. leaving the •l• t,., '° you can Ju.t Ilk" n,.w Ttrm8 $10 82 ttn . ha ve It for t hf' balanc« I owe and $ H t 1 fl"r month a t th,. bank, $1117 ~8 or yo11 c111 SHAfo.ER'S .\1111111' ro rStnce 11107) tsk,. ovtr th,. peynu nta of •21·423 N Sycamnr<'. ~"nla An• 19 18 I'"' month No C'Uh I Phone Klmberly 2·06i2 n"f'ill'•I. my t'f'IUlty trf'e. RH 11nyllmt l11lly Md evenln&JI. OUR r.Rf:AT JA!\'I ARY 11>1lr Sunrla y1 ln<l. IH 1 W Chapman $387 b11y11 lnv~ly Rrlnrt ~an· Avr , Orantr"· rh K l!!llou 6-~917 d•nt m"ke Mlrmr t yre Sp1nrt t 6cte only $2:t:1 R11Mwtn Arrn~nn1r wNldlllgl!. t'tt .. Al home, ortlce. ·54 Chry1. N~w Yorker ( lmm1r t1· chun h, with o r 14•1thoul organ· I late c:ontJltlon) 111 1nr1111llnc: mo"" in Ir out. Wbuty 8·1:.!03. 7Hfc I Small Type ... Large Values er.AL11Fv1.. sp1nrt pt•no. blondl' Lou Reed & Assoc jtlrt ltkf' m'W. 113'"" t200 Ma• • h111otany ~rin• t •hithtly dams itrd 4323 W. Co11t Hwy. ll'rt. 8f'arh in 11h1t1n11 nt . $ i 7 (',ond pr11c-tice 94r9:i r1"n"' frtttu Sa9 Sl:l1, $12:>. Sl7:1 ~'" lhr~,. Al thf' (;rt":tl DA:-:7.- ~\ll.\llltT 1•1ann ~"I" Tht big Rt11r" ." • .!O Nn MAin . ants 9n" lfl<I pi.111"" \\"p havr n<• branch ~~·~~~;-~~~-~!!."~~~ A DOH A ltl.P. I-rt•n• h fl<>'l1ll11 puppy, bl111 k .1 .. nd1trrl fl'l l\lt'. ·1("1 v. k• nlcl I '11 k n( th,. Ill Irr f"'hAm· p111nAhq1 hl•tn'1 lcn,. Hu 31\#1:\·J 94c06 SACRIFICE -':l• Plymntrlh Rf'I· Vf'•ll'r• conVl'rllbl41. Ill • c1r1vr. f.l1tht blue. Ian top. R.t-H, whll• •1•lrwal111. tum •IKn•I•. bft<'lc up l11thl1 .Auto wlndahleld wu h,.r. t mn•. olrl. t()O(l mun Will a.-crpl tAde. M ak• otter. liar 1303-M 7111 fo 11l40 Ol.O~. 4 !Ir .trdan, ""Y rlt11n, RAH ':'\1>w rr<'a_pa, H tt,,ry, p111nt tt ~""I M V'erl, $1 91\, 11411 S1L11ta An" Av• .. ='f'WIK'rt Hla. 9:\r!IT Painting, Decorating Paper Ha.ngin~ GEO. BURKHARDT CONTRACT FINISH WORK N AVY vr.r n"""' l'"'"l time ,.m. , Jlll'I) mrnt Exr rl•r1r 11l nr trr"I'· f'('V ""r" Hu :12M·.I 9•1r'l7 (;IRl.q \()ATS. n"arly n"W-: O"K f':F.FT. It MERRM'T table top .,1,... 2.11 !"nn\"rrtihlf' hltr h r halr ~u n n@:•'. Rnotl ronc1ltlon. 140 & '"'" f'W-l•l'lf' rnb 'J'\o•tn bf'l1. l..Jbl'rty 8·60ll7 94C"96 n11ly S4AP f'1>t1 th r r111no~ frnm SAii UI' RftbV (~111.nlt• f r!'m S\flll Onune nf rrChf'f" Th,.,.,. ln•lr"ll· m,.nts Aff' tr11t1,.·in• And r,.n111l returns Manv Jlll'I hk" "'"' Rf'llttUful ,.,,.~I r-nnir n1 1111 n ~~'"' $2,">0 OA '17,-~l'li M lf>T n 1s: 1'1 ano • nrs:1111 ~lnr" ~11n ~,., I M ain . S11n1" An• -tO-AntM and Trurb ------------- Pick Up Bargains •o-A-,,,.. a Patt. Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. UCZNSE'D CONTRACTOR &11 300! St ~ Nfwpor1 lka<:h ft.tr. 2418-W or U A-88J2 Uc PAINTING PainlU'IJr IL Paper Ha.ngmg •-rhe ~ Money Csn Buy" Sympson & Nollar CORSON & MUNTEAN CONST RUCTION CO. nF:NE RAI, CONTR..U"TORS Lltio-rty 8·!>428 Liberty 8-•~7 80c93 FOR RENT l"lctll S"w". F.l"I'. Ortlla, Pnl111hera. au lff"'.11 or Sandt>rl'. Whttlbar-row•. et<' BOYD'S HDWE. ~12 38th ~t .. N,.wport Bn ch rliO=-'E H ARBOR 2404 2830 W . COAST HJGHWA Y J..Iberty 8-3436, N"'l>Ort lkh Ultfe lfc PAINTING EARL SHE FLIN 273 Palmn St.. ("""'" MtJIA Phone Uber1y 8·2928 87tlc PAINTING INTJ:RIOR -ll!XTEIUOR U CENSl!D -CNSUREO Glenn Johnston BRUSH OR SPRAY E. F. BARTLETT NON -l_;Nt0:-.1 WCENSF.D J~6!> lrvtne. Costa Meaa Llbnty 8-4349 70p8ttl COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service ltl"GE:-."E O. SAUND~RS 600 lil1t Strttt, Newport Bf'acll Harbor 2978..J. OcM IOl • 11.t llL Newpon Bucb H&111or 1118 13uc Ge neral Contracting R£PA1R8, r,.modt llni and alter&· C A R P E N T E R I ttoo wnrlc. Ru1drnt11u and com· • w k !nfrc1"l buOdln~a. Repall' or Quslltv Work OuarMlf!ed 0-Your Hom• NH<! ~paJnn1 Har 31f11 11a}"11, Har. 24&0-J f Vt'° or R.emodelinl ! Mc9Sl'I Cal.I Frank. Uberty ·~9~ A.I.I Worlt Ouarulteed Tttfc HOLLISTER BROS. NU~SERY New lawn, reuonable \\" tnlf't1 1'rr•\' r111n•1n~ ""llrrtnr "' lnlrrinr Al..., R1 11-h r"1111n1; Riii"" '""""n•hlr Hru N>r 1021·\\. 1t1r (';1h•"n p-,r~" Landscape gardening F"r,., Y.J1tl111at"• Wm A. >'"rjtll!'On r111 Hu ""r 47M lilrl MAN A \\"UMAN ~·Ill c1o generA.I hOUlll'WOrk. tloor WllJUng. '4'11\- dow clri,nlnit F'1urt workel". whltt . Jll4 F: 20th St., Coata •tc11a.. LJ 9-2683 14tfc --------EXPF.RIF:SC"F:O, f"lw 11l,.d rn11rle unt1rr :10 nr tl'm"I" fnr ronklnll', j,n11~f'k""Jlln1: I dHl1! r ll f" •) Livi' In nr 0111 \\'rllt .IMC ' 1111\l'> T"ll A• tin Avt>, ("n,f" M~"' Pl'lpP7 Yard Mainterrance Cl'a n up Job/I. F'rtt E9tlma te Llbf-rly 8-3iMI. 80p8lb E Xl'!':RIEl"CT.0 t'Olorrd ~rt WllJ\tt d11v work by the hr. ("All Kl 1-i•29 9~r97 WA~T WOMA :" lo U•1•t w ith hou~wnrk and chlM '""Cf'.!> lt11y Wf'f'k. permantntly l.1vto nut. 308 Am t lhy11t. Balboa J•hrnl1 Harbor M~-J. ll!1Cll7 W ANTED-Chrt1Uan woman or CARPENTRY or oMH coupl.-to ll''r In cnmrlell'· 00 IT TOURSELF-\\'E TILL ly rum apL on Blllbn• 1~1,.n<l MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO llMALL a GRADE YOl 'R SF:ED AND Small rent In f'1t<"!l•nice Cor light ROW.. l 'NDER OL'R OtnD· houukttplns . Call Hu. 21\PO·R R. o. J.ndenon LI 1·"'6 Cdt.& ..... U llc ANCE -LI 8-lln!2. t4pt at once ll:ic96 JOHN ti. SHARP WA :'\"T \\.OMA:-: for f'n'tal hnu•<'· H H HOLBROOK PATNTING CONTRACTOR work 2 1111y~ Pf!' wr~k on Hnl· • • • DL£ PLUMBING Llce11Md and lnaured boa 1~1-n !, Wrltl' BMC r,22 I Mio D£2ENDAP 111t CLASS Paperhangin1 pa per. 9:1c Ui A Prompt r temca Matnta!Md by R. P. LUCAS • 30 yn. uper. MAN It W int tor p11rt time '11nl· ~on•: ff.nor dH ~11tllfartton Gu!r. EIUmatn Free 1 t or work ?l:PWpOrt·Cost.a Ml'll" llOl Balbda 811'4-Newport Sfach 1 1 LI ·2681 , Ll 8-5289 a rea . \\'rltt Boll. M·23 lhla par "'-1 o6P fl Uc: 9!'lr91 • ' rn•llrf'11J1 Ir bn1t nir. M1aor h•hy G E 8 C"H Fl RF;F"RJOY.RATOR. 11,.m• Har 411118-J 11!11'!17 \'""' '""" cnn<111 1orf.' ~ 430 FIREWOOD f'ry v.·nrnl. l'I'" • 24 ' l"n~\h 1·111 R R ~TA<~r. 1'hnn .. Ha rl)nr 1014 Evl'nini:• HJ1r bor ~1:\!ll •OOO C'OL()RS 11\"llll"hlf' In llllr•y In.£ 'n•mrl "r l11r qurr rnr autn mohllrit I rr111~r11 or 11lrrrart. Rr111y i:i1n11 ,,,, rrnl H11r1>nr P111nt <"r nltr lnr 41 2 3Znd St., :-:rwr<1rt H1<r 211311 Rr~111e the City Hall 11r1rlh PRINTING 1000 IW~l:-;F:g~ r A R OS $:1.91\ A II b11itln<'ll8 11t11t1nn,.ry a t lnw rrlrr~ LEO:'>l WHITE Ph LI 8·101 \ llllytlmt', l!:'>lfc Firewooc;I For Sale rnro DE LIVERY \\'RIGHT CO J ";84 l'l:ewrort lilv1t , Coat.a M'aa U~rty 1-2~:1 •Tttc LADIES t\rll lrnglh aqulrrtl coat. Jllze 31. $20 -4 mton"• 1utt1, size 40. $21l tor all tour. H"r. 33:16 95c97 Rnutr Hllrbnr Rd., M itt Haven l.l~rt)' A-~IM fM<"N Washing Machine S ERVICE 1-nar ll:U•nll'llN! on Jobi done a nd .,n ""4 wuh,,.. 2488 '4 I,.,.., I Newport Bl,, Q>eta Mua.. Lfberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8--i327. 64tfc 111~ O'KEEFE It MERRTTT rllnl{e, l11tr1t CP all a utnmat1c:, lift top. gnddle In mldtllr, •Im· mf'r burnf'r11 A nl<'e grlll broiler. I :l'r rl nnly :I wel'kl. rd. dn. tn $128 17. r-;o <'aJlh nf'eded, jt.Urt l'l\Y the rymt11. of $7.89 per mo. Srto B"11KhnB A It 8 W"nohOU8e RAl,.11. 220 So. Main S t., Santa An11. 8 bll>Clcl' .tOU th of 4th, O~n dalJy t11 9. Sun. 11-6. KJ 1·7201 Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8-2237 Speciail%ing In Automalle11 AUTOMATIC Wuber Enterpriaee 83tfc A PT SIZE retrlge,..t or It stove, nice condition. 620 Orchid, Co- rona del Mar. t~tfc Sl-Wuated IO Buz WANTED by pMvate party, com- pl•t• • by a Speed Graphic Camera outfit. Mu..t be a t>u- c&1n. Write Boa Tl71, Newport Harbor Nctw1·Prua. 91tfc l'l'i2 • ltl \" • l••n I,,.,... n11l•ll1!" ,,,., •I It"' l' .. 1 l tt•l!l:f .. , l •n I.II• "'"W - -Want ed to Buy I '", "' 11 ' 1 TPRICllT rlA~Os rnr rn1r '""t"I 0 BRIEN MOTORS 11rrt H1i;hr:o1 t"lllih rr11·r• "r SHAf"f:R i,, ,\11111,. I 1t 1!'1n1 e l !lllil U l..,.23 N ~yr11mor,., Rania An• Ph.,ne Klrnh,.rlv 2-0672 l'l.Y~trn·TH f I~· ~1f\"\ I li!IO ,.,." r• t l Hl\•11 LI II 7272 p~t( i1; SEE THF: ~E\V ~flMhllll chnr1I t !lH nr tJ><:F: l'"n"I trurk rt11n• org•n Any11ne l"llO IN1m lll l'l"Y I r1n1• ...... , Ill•' $';!~. It $89f> Tnm,. •11 r 11nvrn1,.11t II~ 1'11 I lit1 12111 "r lllH 1:\20 11r,..ll7 $115 8!'1 down and S31 84 rrr mn ------- at-Fl1Hl1 :11 V-!l1·1lr, R & H. nv .. r- SHAF"F:R'S M1111lc \o 1H111u• 11•07! 1 rlri\• "''"t" "'111', hhw "'th 421 ·•23 ~ Ryra.m11rl'_ l'11ntll Ar" v.lo1I•· 1 I' tit<'•• 11 ... 11••r i.:•11111: Phone Klmbrrly 2-06.2 "'""' .. ,.. 11 ,. 1•1i•l.l·M f• .. pll"r --------LOVEI.Y -lnl:'le m11nul\I M111•h11l l 111 l>Ol:I• \"II I ·1•l!'lr11' t'HIVI . •ll'rtronll' Ori:'""· llkl' nrw Sn''" H .C. II , 1. 1 .11•111 111~ rr,.nm fin· $100 Convtoncrnt tronn' tt.t 1•h \ • 1, ''' • ~t.I•· 111 .. ilrl In t"r SHAFF:R"S Mu1111 Co C!\ltw" ll•Oi) ~I"''" " ,., •t.:• , "u•I $1\fl~• /\rt 421·423 N. Sy<'1.Ut1Mf', Rlln '.a Al'I I...i 1 .. ,n, 1111 1 :11 11 -W flll'\16 Phone Klm bc-rly 2·0672 ---- lll'•I THll .\ll'lt "I lt·2 1011111 mil"" Honest TV Service STEVENS & ~ONS f'• \ t r 1 I • ii c 1!,1 l1n~ L• 11•1 .. r 6 p m ~'"'" ,.,,... t.111 ··""I ct Jl1·1 ~hh lllpft6 ~ hnur 11"rvlr11 F"rf"" T'l<'k up • <1"11""1')' Courtney & Lester IYlfl ""Wf"'rt Rlvtl . rl'lltA M .. ~ J'HO'\"E l.IBEft'CY 8·1191 P.tP 41-Aoto &rvtee Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN • with this ad * 6 Cyls. 8 Cyla. ----'48.88 ----$58.88 l m·tuc1ca bo~h l•bor and part•. N••w ring•. wrlal ptn.e, valv11 i:11nel, fltllnp "' main and rod b•sring11 £xr,..rt motor tun• up. l>O-day or 4,000 n111 .. tuaranlte. 1Nt1 MU.!'<E Y 00\\'Nt. REBUILT ENGINES -l:I' 11) I!> MONTllS TO P AY- Bu1lt In nur own r11ctory by llklllMt mathlnt"l"-Oun l c•mrrnd wttfJ lhe m1lldl• mon. Ruy dlr"'cl. REBUILT Md INSTALLED 18711 Hl\rbor rn•ta M""" I'll'• 1•1-: !'11/fll I It,, 11 2 c!i •• lirn l'>ll(JltT BLOCK r h Llb,.rly 1\-2101 77pp-Ucl ll v ll ~ 1ol Joo"'' s .. ,.l '"'"""· f'URD . ···---11211:.0 t.:·.11 f'h II 11 1211l nt flat Cl lt;\ RCJl.F;T ·----11411 :~1 HAMMO:-;J) (JRCA:"R All mrttl· I .~11 ri·.,07 f'l.YM • [)OOr.F: .... t 1·,3 ela. Onf' onlv 1ll1thtlv II'"'' 111· ---c·1~HYX 6 OE SOTO ___ $170 mo11t like n .. ~. Th1A •"•a 'P•<lfll I S \LE OR TRADE HTl"t1EBAKJo:1• ---1170 DA!'IOZ · !'l<"H~llDT H•mmnnd ~ , ~ , . .. ,. , , . fll,IJS .. l'CJS TIAC I ---.S l~O He"dqu•rt"rA fr1r Orll.tl1te C'rrun· • " ' 1 1 I. H I\ 1 r~ "'n' Ill· Bl• WK .S 17' ty, :'120 S o. M"ln, Santa Ana !Jn'"· I •••l,.•I $::! 1:1 \\'111 1<r I" -------'-·-----,..,,,.II f••r• ~r • "' ••r <I" •r I•' Jfl'IJSllN ---·--·--·-··Sli5 In i-1111 .. ;\r,. 1 , ll•rht•r •••" n l..r>nn l"•H F ree Tow lnc "" 1. 11... 11••.1 ~I __ in. 1u I :-:r.w C"AR OARANTEY. Al•" k n •l~t mr,.t 011r C1llLlll1a n11 ir1·.i '"'"~I· \ICi'll'IA l•u~l 1·111• ,,, .... -. RIVlk"t• a.oo oil ~J·• t• 11• 1,., I ''' t f:,., •II• l'\I ' IJ11•n Sun Ill y Ill a m. to 2 p.m. 11111>111 n. Jl•t1111 ltor :rnt111. ~ C• I•· 11 "Oi ui Afr"r JI l "11· BELLES ENGINE 11 •• Ii~ 11.t14' <"tn,\•H111.1-:·r Fl<'•''' ,, •• ) REBUILOERS •lull '<•llf"' l-ltt--t1•r "' hHll,.f '.) 1Jp11n l.Ja<I V 8 lo 7 8l&l• Bond~ moltor, n.-w J•ll •nt n"w "''Ill NF:W LOCATION (t)\•• r• ff ,,H ,,,l;hf'r 'U'lit •I·" 1•trt .. <1 ... n '''"" s.11!:. Pm "'" :u 0 East 3rd St . party . Ll ~ a1t:.•. t 3cH SANTA .U..A I i - ., TWO-WHl:EL TR.ilL&R. (' a ata1nl-8"el &Jde and loftc1N. 111 El ModlU, Nnrport Ht.I ..,., I p. m. II .. tt Rentala Wanted &II We Med apt. Ul4 bou9M UI MCtJon1 tor ltOth wtaw and Jear'• ...... run. or unt\an. It 10U baYe a YacaDQJ, pb-. w.,, The Vogt!l Co. UOl W. QI&. Jlwj., Newport llclL PbGM L&MrtJ l-IU1 IOI llarlne, B&lboa llluld PboDe Ha.rbor .. , ., 1101 0out Bl"'J, Con>na dal II P!MIDe aanor i 1 •1 100 llalll St., 8&Jbo4a Phone tl&ttln.. , •• Sitt • ._Aet.e. •.Row tor !teat VOGEL VALUE RENTALS No. l -8tudto apt., ltove, retric .. o. C\lrtalna 6 dra,,.• JM . par m No. 2-1 Br. t um . lnd udu uU 11. Uea ........ _ ............ _ 176. per m o. h. No. 3-1 Br. turn., near beac C20x20 Cllvlnr rm) 18ll. per m No. •-2 Bn., dee, untumlahed o. . -· .. ·--· ........... -.... llc.oO ,,.r m o. No. 6-2 Bra .. tully fumlahed, nl 0. o. ................................ 1 12:1 perm 1'10. &-a llr1.. 2 bMlul. vtow tum o. -·-····--...... -· .. ·--11&0 per m 11IE VOGEL CO. IM7 II. Cout Hlrh•ay Corona del Mar 11.ar. 17•1 Har. 1' 77 . CORONA DJCL MAR -2 bedrm unturn. duplex. Fireplace. rv are. 1 blk. to market A: t.rana. 170. month, yearly. IWRlJCL lL .P.WOVER. &.a.1.IJ or_ Phone Ha.rbor 481 0. 9:1ttc Corona del Mar t UDRM. a pt. tum., Mwly de orated. Near ocean. Jto. mon C• tll --Studio apt. furn ..... __ I&:!. m o. 1 bedrm. 1pt .. tum ..... ISO. m o. L I tMdrm. bo~ unturn. Ftrep ..,.... ---·-··--·· .. ··-·-"° Ill 0. BEACON BAY I bedrmL, turn. houaie. Fenced p&Uo, 11::1. mo. W. E. FISHER and A880CJATE8 IOU Ill. Coallt Ht1hw~ Corona d"I Mar Harbor 2'4 s 89c8 • UNFURNISHED r, c 1413 Weat Bay Avt., JQ:W 2 bedrm., flrepLace, ..,.,_.. ct111>. oarar. laundry room. Ha Ml&-M. · t2tl ORAJlfl> CAN.\L. Balboa ltland. 2 bdrm. furn. hou.f', f70. month d 1. TWO BEDROOM apt. ltove an ttfr1s. only. Oarb8tc• dtapota Nt• 6 bouutul. Ito. mo~ yrly Choice Wint.er Rent.ala oo Balboa IaJa.nd A Udo L91e Small• _,, or tars• a. deluu 176 Lo l300 mootb VOGEL CO. IOI JilarlM A.,._, Balboa Ia1a.Dd Pb. Barbor '" °' Hubor 2161 Rea. Bar. 1111-1\K or LI 1-5217 14ttc 1 BDRM. ttoat dUpla -Nicely tum. Ocean 1ldo of Hwy. CIOM to tranaportatJon 6 ltlopo. Yrly rental. llOT Ftrnleat, Corona del Mar. 88ttc '8A-AJtt&. for Kea& ---CORONA DEL MAR-lo. of hwy. Sunny 2 be4rm. Jar&le apt. rum. In rock maple. 'I'V antenna. Good wardrobe • 1torace space. Larr• patio. Har. ltM-W. 95cl 8TUDIO untu.rn. 12' x 18'. Larr• ldlcbeo, bath. Walle In clolhe• clooet, panel wlill he,.Ulr. New ru range and Kelvfnator. No gan.ce. Cement p&rktnc a reL No chUdrc or peta. Y&ur own utU. meters. Rent l&O mo. One 8K.U.oL UNl'UllN. II~ draper· M9. a11t.o. WUIMr. CSean, U :I. mo. 1Nt 1\YUA A.._, eo.t.a Meea. ll:ic:t7 Newport Btech 2 1111:.ACH BOU8U tor lellM, $00 dlonth each. J'fo 1Ublet. !Tea· more 8·3222. 9!XIO I BmDJllN untum. O&rbac• ulviJ. tfo 1araie. 1711 mo. or Jell,60 on leue. No pea. Hll II. Wal.nut PL, Co1ta Mua. Uborty 8-3110. • .. ttc MLL RENT brand DtW 3 bedrm. I bath, untum. home In ,tRVINE TllJUlACJl at 1200. per month with 1 yr. leaee. Call Barbur .... tor turtller det&l.I•. 88Uc NEWPORT H.mQHTS -2 bdrm. hoUM, 11parat. dlnln( room. Dtn with tlreplace, porUy turn· lahed. P'oneod yard. LI .. U 51. 93c98 NEARLY NEW 2 bedrm., untum. houM. fireplace, Uvtnr room It dlnette carpeted, s arage. Year leue. 318 "L" St., Balboa. 9:1c97 block to bu• • abopplnr. ~13 NICE 2 bedrm. untum. hoUM with Goldenrod, Corona del Mar. Har. atovo It rofrl(. 08 Goldenrod, 0849-R. 93ct:5 Corona del Mar. H&r. "34·W. VU:W A.PT. Up~r 1 bednn. tum 95ttc pantlray rut, utll. pd. 16~. yrly. CHAIUUNO wnny 1 bedroom Corona del Mar. Har. 8328. furn. hoUM. South of bl(b ... ay, ' 9:1cl17 Corona dol Mar. Har. '711. 80ttc COMFORTABLY turn. 1 bedrm apt.. 14:5. mo. Servel rrtrig, nice •love. -l~ Cecil Place, Coat& Moaa. LI 8-2921. 9:5Uc ~~~~~~eh~~? and 1 bdrm., b&t:helor Apt. CKARLJ!:IJ E. HAftT. Htr. 1428 34'20 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beach. 86lfc e-a.1 ....... ft-Real r .. tate ~---------·--~--------- NOW IS THE TIME \ Very Nicely An'&D.pd 2 bdrm. 2 year old HoUM. On ~ ft. lot -For the low price of $21,7~ Beautiful 3 bdrm. -2 Full Batha -Large Lanai Wool Carpeted and Drapea Nearly 70 ft. Lot on 2 StradH Shown by appointment only $87,000 Unusual Hou.te 52 Y1 tt. C.Orner Lot Swimming Pool 3 bdnna. -Very Lge. Living Room. Priced Right U2,lW>O BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to· the richt of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, ~ewport Bch. Har. 3643 levea H. 2999) OPEN HOUSE 1720 Kings Rd. Cliff Haven Thia ja an outstanding home with It.a gorgeowa view of bay A ocean. 2 bdrm. A den, 2 bat.ha. Large liv. rm .. beam celling A huge fl.replace. Beautifully land· acaped. Thia home le prtoed, to ..U. $23.~. See Saturday A Sund&y. 12 -5 p.m., or call WI. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. ~lboa Bl\ld., Newport Beach Harbor 6188 -Hubor 1983 a-a.1_•~·-~---~---- Qppor+ur:tity ZOND> FOlt BUIUNE88 oa We lttJt 8t., ~U l&.r(O llfJW b\Wnt1• ee11ter, Hom1 only S yean ol Two bedroom Uld car-. .. Fu It d. 11 price 11 only - f 9f:IO. $2~ Down e VERY NIC!: U\u e bedroom horn nea.r the High School. Wide lo 2 car garare.. Very nicely land 11eaped. Thia la an u:ccptlooa t. . I buy at only- 112.100. Verv Close In • d . .. ltl!AL NICf thNO bedroom hom near comer of f'ullerton an Broadway. It talru only 11600 down and balanc• Ilk• rent. Thh loca tion 11 bolnf &Oiied P·l I deal for protoulonal man. In quire aboul tbta excell.nl prop erty. Full price la only- 1111.600. Phil Sullivan & Gearge Ever5on 1'641 N~ Blvd., eo.ta Mo• r Mtr001 from ea.ta M-Ban.le Phone LI MTll Evta. Ru. 4388 I Liberty l-210I ... Corona .. del Mar ! t 2 BORM8. -lasall "ut livable Flt9place, c-r•1•, thermo.ta hul, (OOd locaUon. U600 tul price. ll'inancJ.nr 1vallable. l r SMALL ll"UltN. APT. Suitable for l or 2 adults. Utll. pd. •~ Ool· denrod. Corona del Mar. Barbor 34~4-W. 9:1ttc VACANT FURN. •\wtio apt.. ttre- P*-·~--.1111/&,1 Poppy. Co- rona del Mar. LI 1·2117. B:!Uc "6 I BJ:DROOM.8. Two now ------------------------ 2 BDRM. Dl!lLUXll -Forced aJ heat. wan to wall carpet ud drapu. TUe, fU'baC• d1tpoa&I _.. ~'"~I feA0e4 llftd l&nd.8caped. Total price - CLIFF HAVEN IPACIOUS 2 bdrm. duplex, Iota of cloeell A: We. renc.<t yd. Gar. 187.00 unfurn. Seo now. Ava!L MURIEL M. MNOVER. Rnltor Jan. ~th. Ph. Har. 4el0. MUc FURN. apt. wllb rarare. Balbo4a laland. 171$ mo, yrly. Harbor 2174·R. 9JctlS J'UR!I:. 2 bdrm. 11pt. Newly deco- rated. Y l: ARL T RE N T A.L Acrou f'rom Newport City Hall Oar. •oe ClubhOUM A vo.. New· port Bch. 94c.:H YliRLY RENTAL. Lee. 2 bdrm. turn. apt. Knotty pine, 170 mo., water pd. Cblldrtn ecbool ace oil. 936 W. 8&lboa BlYd., N-· port ae.cll. tSptO ltX'T'R.A CL.llA.Jol • rm. turn. gar- ar• a pt. !:lee. retrlr. Pa.nelray )led. UU.U. pald. 1116 month lo J1me lOUL. -101 E. ~ Ave .. B&l.boa -Bar. 1969-J. NeH A'l'nU'ITJOJf &A.8TSIUUllW.-- N-ly dtcora~ larr• furn. 1 bdrm. apt., Newport Beach.. Pllllt.I hf'at, ,..,. .... Tenant pay1 t.ltttr!C'"lty, 180 month. Ubtrty I-HOO. t3lfc lMIU\1. Thermo heat. ·Newly lurnlaned. Avana1>11 to .1U11e n . 109 ·30th It., Newport Beach. ~ BAY SHORES UNFURNISHED -lrnmaculale l. bdrm. home, eeparate dining room, forced air heal. Front It ,...r cament patJoo. Yearly leue 113& mo. to qualltltd U.na.nt. Har. 1800 (evu. LJ 8-5384.) 93ttc !503~ GOLDENROD. Corona del Mar. 1 btdrm. tront hou.e. UUL paid. No CU-.•· N O. month by year. Adult.I. No pell. Owner, Jan. 7, I a. tlb. t :lpM COMFORTABLY t\.lrnlahed 2 bed-room bome. PaUo with B B Q. Garap. -SOS Orchid, Corona del Mar. Kar. 1937·R.. 9~7 480-TnUer Speee • ' Beautiful Shadeland Park ~ HJ.Cm ooaHD ao.auon. W'lt.ll complete prlncy. Own bath a.nd toilet. Lota of ltl.rube and lawn. Oal)' SSO mOllt.ll. 170 Po- mona. Colt& Meaa.. t4cN . -----··--ISLE Well located 30' Lido Nord Lot--$22.~. full price. Some terma available. Exclusive Vorel Value. THE VOGEL COMPANY 3201 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach LI 8·3t81 Subdivision Acres • ~ A CJU&S. will quality for 11 1~1a1 Iota. good dralnage, taat (row In r dtvelopmenl, Coat.& Meaa, 117,~. Channel Front J UNITS, 2 bedroocn. each. pier, na.t. comer lot, f umllhed, IH.600. term• ouy, #.l.o ~ ot au otb«ra u.teCS a mvJUJ*. I N. 8. C. Realty UDd 6 Newport BlYd .. Npt.. 8d\. BarboT uoe. t &ce7 Newport Hei1b~ COSTA MESA CALL FOR A PPT. to lf'e 481 MAONOLIA. 3 lfe. br .• w to w carpet. Iota of closeta, nice kit .. dbl, IV· on a11ty, Ire. ya.rd, pat.lo and BBQ. Excellent eut· aldt locaUOA. IU.600. Terma. CALL FOR UPT. to eee JM A.J..amRT PLACJC. 2 br., alm<>tll new, .tueco. elOH to tnuiaporta· Uoa. l.arp lot. SNOO. •tnftT IKOOM:m. '*"" B.U.80#... Cloee ln. I dbla., I llllll'lu. Oldw, "-'t pod COAdlt1on. REDUCED t.o U 3.llOO. Vert low down aad cood term.L BIC.•.Off C 0 TT A 0 ll, t\Jmlahed. "'" prtc. JOO()(). l l6,T50. 0 nuPLEX abo•• ChJna Cove, tw 2 bed.room. ud • 1 bedrm. unit. Redwood &ad ati&Xe. l;x.eellon 1n .. at.ment. 2 yre. old. a car &'VAi'•· Fu.II prieo f27,&00, t W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3034 Eut Coaal Highway Coroaa del Mar Phone Harbor 2••8 Here are our best buys on BALBOA ISLAND BA YJ"RONT llome w1Ul pter and noat -• bdrm. . .,,d den. l t2,600, term.e OJ..Dllll 6 "*-· a.A TrROMT BOUR. Pr1val.e ..._ 6 rklat IH,600, i...... VOGEL CO. 208 Marine An . Balboa taland Har. H4 (Cvte. U 8-6211 I Har. 2161 -Hu. 118'--R l&Uo alll!Ol..IC ROOM wllb bot A told water In tho room. Oood bed. Private entrance. 1e. wHk. ONE BEDROOM Dear llC.bool. bdl CCXY l BDRM. turn. a pt .. day .._ .... for Beat WMk °' moeth. I BICDR.M .. J ~ ball\a,. nnr Jwi:ury home. Flrephtct, beam cel~a. Garba.(e dlapoaal. Forced alr boat and mlfly oUltr fdtlU'U Don't mlQ UU. one! BA YSHORJtS.-2 br .. l(-e. Uv. mi . flreplece. lanai, brnk.fut bar., LIDO ISLE • N )'. *· "'°~ tncl. v\WU... Barbor 49l l ·J -711 ~ Femlt&f paUQ, dbl. sar~ IJt,00()., term•. b c J. M. MILLE"\ CO. 202:1 W. Balboa 8 1., N-port lk Har. 4091 -l!lvta. LI 8·!1371 PLE:-.'TY OF FU& PAJUONO llU e. 8A YFRONT . nt'W luiwry 3 bednn 2 bath, apt .. urpt lt'd, rlrtplac Unrurn. l yr. lean. $336. per mo Walk to comrlet• Lido Sboppln c l't'nltr. I LIDO BA YVJ~. Jowl)' MW bedrm unt\lrn. •Pt. 1 YT· leuo 11211. ~r month. P. A. Pa.hner Incorporated OLll "ANSON Co. 8alt.1 Mrm 3333 Via Udo. .Harbor \&00 t. LIDO ISLE I bdrm .. tum.l•lted, 'IV A.viii. 0.c. ht. Neu club. Coast Properties 607 IC. B&lboa Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 4800 71lf c I BD>RM.. 1 ~ 'Mt.Ila. \lntum. pr eo.t.a M.ua PO. LI 8 .. 241. 9Xil 7 ON BAJ...BOA lSLAND 1a ue for ,..,.., &Dd ..uonal ~t&la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI N&r1nt Ave. Hvtlor IOI BA l..BOA l 8i..ulro ftle CORONA D~L MAR -Eltra cholco tum. duplt.x, Ull April 1 11~ mo. Har. 1017-J. Heft RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna crate Blanche Gates. Rltr . 311 J.far1 n• A vt. Balboa tatand, Har. 1871 72tfc OORONA DEL MAR 1111 ·11U~·lll8~ Avoculo I bdrm. Uftt\.11"11. hou•. 8tOTo lllld Mn(. furn, Flnplace, prt>are dWpoal • ..,..-.. Beaulllul paUo 1100 mo. Jf-17 cleecmlted 1 bdrm. unrum apt.. •t.o99 It rern.. Ocean Yl-oan. d191>~ utll t\.lm. IT:! mo . t b4rm. """-apt. WUl be deco- rate4 to -all tenant. tum •• rar. dMlp. OMaa .WW. 116 mo. Har •111-or ..-. Bar. 4'61. Nlfo Balboa Island Cllolee ,_,.17 and 11U11mer nntak DOW •ftil&ble. DOIUI BR.AT, ~tor 211 11.artne Aft., ~ h\alad ~.. t3tto -<>ood prlllllnC adde to your "9ln.. prut!p The Pr-. llo9 ... t. dJ(Dlft., pn"tt"I at fair .... &Liit ~ 1111 .... , Ave .. C.D.K. 94cH FURNISHED LIDO HOME SPACIOUS ROME with a bedrmL u:io mo. to Jun• 1 ~. or $200 yrly Udo Realty Associa tea 3400 Via Lido. Har. 440 94cH NICELY FUR:'>'. dupln apt. Nea.r 1toru 6 bu.. Re&tt00&bh1 r~nt ALSO double room at 17 'fl'fflt. U3·2'lb IL, Newport Beech. &ocalh For lease upstairs Couple prefe~ Ul>vty 8·28el IOO Sq. tl. .ult.able for buainua. alttr 5. 82tfc 11tudlo or ofrlce A: U•lnc qua.rt· er•. 210 Manne Ave .. BaJ. lL CORONA OJ:L MAR -Modem Owner 119 N. BaJ f'rollt. Ba.I· turn. apt. tncl. uUI. 11& yrty. or bo& Jal1U1d. 95pl0 160 'Ull JUDe. ANOTHER 11111alleT. aultabl.o for NARI.NE A VE., Ba.Ibo& l.elalld. 2 0110 or ~le. '60 mn1le, MO bdrm .. living rm. wltb ttreplace. OnJy $11.9~ full price 11000 !!own OPEN t>AlLY-lO a.m. 'Ull dark •at Holly J.A.ne, ru:a.r Jrtlne A v.. •~ttc 2«.ory fn.me • ocean front CLr,,,. HAVE:-;-3 br . 2 ba~ Move ·1n Tod.ay I Hw noora. oompact kltdlm, I u • buJlt.111 ....,,,, dtllhwutlt.r, ttc. WELL BlTJl.T, eomplet411y tum CloHte ploro, wUldow walla to l.atstd 3 t>Orm , 2 bath home on pau o. Bu.uUfU.11,y built and not I tarce lot. Cor1' n oora In ha.U A a I-bold. Aaklnc price 123.:IOO. muter bdrm. Lovel.y carptled living room wll.11 larce flrrplaco. . BACK BAY. • br., n-. parm&nent l'rotty lu tchm. JM,600 tumlab· View. Muat He. Baa everyt.hlnc. ed, K:ioo do..n. Euy paymuit1 on balance. Call HM. 2'70 lo -· 11ttc • BEDRM. It DEN. Br1r-k nre· place. Patio. Double ca.race. For Claire Van Horn only 117 .:!00. R.IC.ALTOR Balboa Bay Propert.iea l111 w. Cout Hv.-y. LI 8·0'17 1606 W. Bolboa Blvd .. Npl. &ch. ___________ 9_~_'7 Harbor 618&. 95c97 dbl yurly. A.dulta. LOUISE Encl<>Kd pauo. Al., room tor B lb A.PTS.. Cam1tton nr. ~avle-w otflct or mta.11 b\l.1111e ... $U:I tno a Oa Bay,hores Bargain ! Dtll!AW R OU81: of I bdn:na., 1" !Mith. l!:atra Ir e. pa.uo. Price of '21,&00 tncludu 8tl"'ffl Ice Johlcer ttt11..,.ator. W t.o W car· ptllllf , Wed,-nrood Grlllevalor. dilJ>ONl. interior ahutten. SEE- r,.; 0 JS B!:LIEVD'fO. ~t ua . YJtAR • JllOtmt> PUSH BUTTON RA."1Cl-IO for duert lonr or M&ltll fff!ktr wltb out..lde 1:11· oom._ SverJ oomtort. modern a ppU.ancu , plumbing, TV, larae 1Wlmmlng pool. l&ndllCaplng barbtt\Mt. bom Md corral•, etc No nelfhbora, 2 mUu rood road to onopplng, IO aert11 n&L 112,000 a blolule rock bottom ~U than ~ COit. Ca.II 8111 I t LI 1-9001 for det&l..._ 1111r1tfl· Uona, anap aboll. et.c. tbptl Harbor •Ot8. 87cl ntANK JAMD -LlNWOOD li"UlU'l. 2 ~~ l<Jlotty pine in· ruRN. bachelor apt.. H ll mo. 719 Weet Ba.Ibo& BIYd. ror ken and tntormaUon VICK. 112 Maz1ne. U.r. 2042, I tertor. Extra large patio. Slnflt 88cS praJ:._ '' bUr. to !My. l l&,000. -·-----------Harbor 30l6-W after l :SO. trict7 he Bay • Beach Realty, 1460 W Balboa Blvd.. P1\. Har. 12$4. 16ttc LIVE .•. Where you play Outdoor Patios BRAND ntw apartmtnt.a. near Harbor, llcllool~. ohopplnl dl• trtct. quiet plH11&11t and oc1 .. •n. CarbAr• dlapoe&l, laundrJ and 1torage room.. ,..,.,,, Pl> and up. Monthly or yearly. See Mg-r. 1601 K•ven Place, Cliff Havc-n or phone Uberty 1·3891 ( 1 bl.k. So. of HI School) 30tfc OCEAN FRONT 2 bedrm~ furn apt.. upstairs. clooe Ln. Adulta. Ba.Ibo&. Harbor 3228·\V, 9~p97 ------------LAROE U:-:FUR~ upat.aln. l ~.apt. with view. ldl'al tor couple. Yt.arly rau. 720 Irta. Col"OI\& dol Mar. 9!X9T 1 2 BEDJllN. modern apt • ..tlh 1ar· ag-o. R.euonable. 802'1, 18lh St.. Newport. Inquire 601 • 38th or 81' • M tb. Ha.r. 1498-R. 112tlc M--Bulw QPJ?Ortmalde. OAS STATION, GARAGE Newport Bea.ell Innntory About 11750 ..--. Harbor l~. &edit ~Mo'!!f to i;ou _____ _ REAL ESTATE LOANS lnW.t Ra.le 6---:> 'h" Loa.na quick!, m•d• ta th• ea, Are• Nd Coeta M~ Single or multiple unit.I. New or old. Be "1M and •n by ,....ftD&nclnl 7041.r pr1•nt loan. Minimum U · penH. No cbar(t for prellmi· nary oppralM.L PhOllt Santa Ana Klmberly 1-8933 or writ. ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.Pl• Loan COn'UJ>ODdent ()ccldo.nt•I Ute lNl\U1UICO Co. ta3 llout.b Main llanta Ana pp WA.NS TO BUll..1>. DC.PROVID •UY. MOOICRNIZll, oa R.U'INA.NCE W o Bu7 Tnlat Deect. Hl:WPORT BA.LBOA BA VINQ8 6 U>A.N .A.UOCIAnON IHI Via Udo. Ph. Bu. U00 &I• 5$--Monf'y to Loan LOANS P!\OMPT 8ERVIC1: MO: tlrwt lrult dttdl 20 yqn Orange Coast Pr6perties 1~7 Nev.-port Ave , Costa Mua U .. 1832 or LI 1·1'00 EYf'o. 90lto APARTMENT 8ERJOU8 lll.fteu forcea Ila.le at modem I unit court lft hJ·lftl'ome year 'round loallon. Prk t 2:1<0 below replae.mmt con at 12t.· ~. 1~:!00 down. 1171.09 per mo. Wfl Invite your most cr1Uc11l In· apectlon l GORDON SEVE:RTS R.l:AL TY 135 !:Ast 11th St .. Co11ta Meaa LI l·l~TJ IUld LI l ·lJlM. 9dtfc BALBOA INCOME G U:-.TIS---Older propfrty l!4'flt,..1· ly loc .. l t; blk• lo hea.rt of Bal· boL UtU. nn., Juel reduced le 123.~ far quick Hit. J5000 rtn. Owner BArbor 1191. 75tte 60-A • Commel'dal. ladaatrlal abow ~you. and YOU Bl! ~ Cal.I laebe\ Herron THE BEA ONT CO. 4-14 Uad St., l'twp0rt Bnr-h Har1>or 429'. 9:.Cl For Sale by owner I lll:DJltMa .. Main~ c•llln~11 Flr-r- pla.ct. Redwood and •tucco .... t.rlor on bt.aut trUl lot. l..An4· 11caped. Colt.a Me,.·e flnf'-l lit. CIOM to N..-port Blvd. and 17th St. Conalder 11000 down from qualtrll'd buyer. Harbor 4318 or eve.. UUon l-1248. Bay Front Income I Ulllt.-1 A I llec!rooma. t\.lr9• l9bed. l'!.er, ft.oat !Mid print. be&ch. 1000 E. Balboa Blvd~ Ba.Ibo&. Crf.lt~eW l864S. Cour-t.., to ....,..ola. 1.it.re Attractive Bay Ave. BEDIUI t\.lrn. apL on Bay Front. Wlntt.r or yearly rt.ntaL W4 So. Bay J'roat. Balboa i...land. Har 422. M tit ? lfle}: a. CLEAN-Fv'R..'{. l bed· room apt.. m . mo, LaundrJ tacmu... Water and gu paid. IOlt Hanor Blvd., ColltA t.fu a l..lborty M7el (Rea. Ll M 7U J LO~~~,!~~ ~mes ~~~~-r E:~!!~~R~~ I BEDftOOM HOME. Oorgeoua bar ...iow. colortul a.rtt.uc wan· p&per decor. lnt.o.rlor barbecue. Loftl7 peUo. Can be eeen mom· big ud .wnlnp, 915 W. Bay A'f'I., H~ BHcll. t Sdh A RS.AL BAROAINI Back Bay ~t a.c.re IA kilt.a AN Helght.L 'Wirt ton~ P'TUlt treea. Room tc ~ i..oc.ne. #.ttra.cU•• term1. CaU Hu. 1Jn..I or LI .. 1804. Construction Loan$ aa aoa u TrLER IDU &ilT COA.llT BLVD. 91kl FURN. l bldnn. ,...,...,., •pt. on ..... Nt'\\·port l~land. A(1ull• Coroaa ckl Mar llartlor aUI ftep. POJRmR MORTOAOll CO. M.UO Ute lllA. l\mde IQ; "MlN 61tto 11111y, SI&. mo. Harbor ·02'73-W. • 91k l W0bLl5 II.kt to bU J lft an4 2nd ----=BA'---..,-Jl'lt-0-l'<'T____ ~ Deed.a. cau, SU... Jl'8 tw1J' dte0ratef1 2 bdrm., f\lm. .au. N apt~ .rar. Udo late. 11eo ~ mqr1th Ytor leatt. Adult•. no ,.ta. Ru. 1.a, 12ct~ a-aw --.... -'Allt fl'Mtlot ' A.a ad ~ • um ....... ,......,_. .. ,.... up ~ 300 .q, fL to .Ut. ft.MeoG· able ~nt. Lone urm 1Mao lt de.tred. OOIU>OJlf 8EV&T8 R&AL TT 136 l:ut 1 NII IL. Coft& MM& LI 8-1573 or LI 1-31111. t:IUC ' ~ 81-Beal ~te fdebuJ! ·~c97 NSW I am>BM. B OU81l Oil lot IO' .& 800' Mt~. 19~ dowa. Sii AYocado. Coat.a Mt ... Ph<>M lAort)' 1-7801. 9:1ltc WILL exchang• Lquna BM.cb howie, oa 4 lc>U (BlueMf'CJ Oall· CORO'l'lfA DtJL IUJl ..._ l"let ...,_ yon I il4,ll00. I 9'\Jmlllhed I llldna., l" batll w A.NT IJICO~ Ult. ., f f "°"''· um, .... dtnln1 rm.. Phone KTatt .. 2"7 k tore t 1 kltdMa, prap. Kar. 221 ... W. Lm. or Bl'att Wiii. lldll ~ Neto New • Bedroom DJl!LUXE ranch sl)'le Mme. fta· t urea J balb•. · bt&m ccllln~ for~d alr he•t. Oarb dlllJ)OMI. Exhaust ran In kit Rea.I wnod bumlllg n rrplac4. w1Ul ... loit lighter aad Jnany other h&xury Item .. $t2,950 FuU Price $1000 Down orEN DAILY-10 Lm. 'till dar'k 489 lfoUy Lene In !"pt. Ht l&ht-1 (Near lrvlne A•e,) t!}tfc Lot, Ocean Front 80·tt. front•Re -~twrrn 2 of the moll t>Mutlful hom•A on lhr Penln•ula , !\Par L !It. Owntr vdll d Crtflt a. J.l .. 431 :1. 9ic9e ---------4----Nit\\', 3 bc-droom, YI/"' rar~t Inf . :ZOi9 Prl'sldenl P l., C. tot. 1400 !!own, no lmpountle. is.. month pr. an•I Int. or 2·4316 atvr I p.IT\.. Jnrt~wood. 94p10 CORONA HJOHJ.-OIO UJTS - Choice Sltf'• A•a.l lablt ca11 Rarbor 2128 TH! NEWS.PRESS THI ~OASTAL SHOPPll o....oe~· _Classlflecl .......... Media JAN. 5, 1'55 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAS! tr a ._.!'Mate a • .,...._.. "C'' THO.MAS "C'• THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C"' THO~ BAYSHORES BAY VI1BW HOME ON BA Y8HORE DRIVE with lot.a of pouibUiU.! Lars• llvins room, breakfut bar, encloeed patio with outdoor bar~ue, 1 :i~ bathe, unit heat, nicely landeoaped. $18,7f50 with low down paymenl CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE -Sat. & Sun. 1-5 1310 Kings Road B1tAND NEW very attractive 3 bdrm., l ~~ bath home with unobltructed vmw and built &round a larse cement patio. Livinr room bu beam cellingt A large ftttplace, dlninc uea. W to W urpeUng, lot.a of colorlul tile In batha & kit.chen. Luge kit- chen with beautifUl blrcb cabinet.a, electric fan. breakfast A.res with alldlng glua doon openinr onto patio. Abundance ot clo11et apace, 1'. A. beat. Mott . lot.· A HOME TO BE PROUD OJ'! PRICED at $24,~ -Good Tenu "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Hirbway, Newport Beach Liberty 8·~ '-C' THOMAS "C' THOMAS "C" THOMA8 "C" THOMAS BALBOA ISLAND Charming 3 bdnn. pto.-pan.i.d home fully carpet- ed, 2 baths, furns.ce heat, dilpoaal and lot.a ot clo.- et space. Room to build extra unit. Furn. SM.~. 1Jeliglitfuf 2 bdnn. c<itta(e complettly fumhlbed In excellent tute -Fireplace, furnace heal Ai.o a 1 bdrm. guest cott.are for Income. Thi.I property ahowa excellent Income record. P'lnanclnr la tope. $26,000 -Multiple. Liattnr No. 6126. Beyond compari80!l ia thia dellrhttul dupla DMI' the North Bay -Each unit hu 2 bdrma., the front un1t hu 2 bat.ha. Every convenience ia included in t.Oia 2 year old property. The funliah!Dp are lD excellent tute. -$39,600. Multiple Listing No. 4967 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., BalOO. Ialand. CaUt. Phone Harbor ~2 -EYea. Harbor 2306-R OUR JANUARY SPECIALS Balboa Ialiuid Act Now- Live in comfort this summer In a home of your own- Bayftont • Plw • Jt.taJ apt. • ~ Ult ltUD• n&Qr -----auoo 'BEDROOM .. 2 bath ·Lui• yard. ably turn.. Cloee to Bay ~-·-····--···-·· ....... ·--·-··-$29.&00 WATERFRONT ·-NEW • Modenl eutom ·built fW'Dlt.u:re. Dbl pra&e -·-·----·-·-·-·-..._.$30,000 ADORABLE • Ulled Brick • Knotty pU. • fire- plac.. EzcJuslve UttJe bland. 2 bdrm. 9ta1 $19,500 DORIS BRAY, Nona Hyer Olet Sa!W>ury Realtor Curt Dosh Harbor 20 216 _M&J"iM A~•., Balboa lala.Jad BEST TRACT HOME IN TOWN KNOWELL PLACE See Model at 2073 KapS. • Z-<:ar ianre • 3 bed.rooma e Garbage Dt.pou1 e Pluter'ed Walla • 2 batha • Select lWdwood e 2" Sa.b J'loor • Tberm04lt&t Control • Natural Cabinet • P'oroed Air Beat ' $950 Down -$11.SOO PhU Sulrrven & George Everson UM Meiwpal't IRM.. ea.ta .._ ( Ac::rom ,.,,_ ea.ta Mea BaAk) Pbooe Liberty M711 ~a. Rar. •386--U 1-2103 CORONA HIGHLANDS View h<>IM on tarp ft,-2 lot. lpue for Income antt. Laree living room,, carpeted, comer t\rtplaee, din- ing a.Icon. complete modern kitchen. buJl~ rup. dispo111l. fan, lot.s of tile. Two bdrm&. Ii gueat rm., 13-., batba. Fenced patio with BBQ. $22,500. RAY REALTY CO. M4t !:. Coast Blvd., Corona de! Mar Harbor 2283 BALBOA ISLAND VALUE 2 unit. -Good location close to South Bay. 2 bdrm. house plua garage apartment. Price onJy $19.7M. E Z Tenn•. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOCiateil Park al Marine, Balboa bland -Rarbor m2 We need exchange•. What have you ln this area or ei,ewbere that you will u cbange 1 Pleuo come in a nd tell WI. ID Corona del Mar -One block from t he oceu: Duplex with two bdrm.I. in each. apt. Dbl. garage. Priced tD mtU. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMP ANY Realtorw -Bu1lneu Broker 1130 &. Cout BWJ., Corona del Mar. Barbor 2181 I -· ••• .. ... .... • • .•• <· PA6E ·12 -COASTAt: SHOPPER-:JAN. S, ·1955 . ........... BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor IOtllBJ:RB OP MULTIPLE LJSTJNQ 311 Marine· Ave., Balboa Island Pbone Harbor im or 1872 BALBOA ISLAND $5000 dOWD. INCOME. 2 bdrm. home • 1 bdrm. apl Phaa peat room. All tum. IS yn. old. $27,000. Sil,000. Bay Front, pier le float. 5 bdrm. le dell. ll'urnilhed. X1nt. terma. NEWPORT HTS. $2800 down. Charm. 2 bdrm. home plum guest room. Fir. furnace, dl9poeal le dha)>m•st.er, Lup land· ~ped yard, 1arace. See thi'a. ~PAY RENT! BALBOA A TRULY l'INE INVESTMENT IN BUSINESS PROPERTY. On Corner Lot. 2-9U>ry bn.t=em bulld- inr with 6 IUlt.. All rented. Paved partdD.g area in rear. Neu City Hall le Lldo bulne. 8eetion. Bide. aproz. C5 yn. old. Come in and Jet UI ahow you what tbJa Jt2,:590 investment will mean to you in DOILAR proftta. Edna CraJc -Rental Kanapr BLANCH!: A. GATES, Realtor THE GREAT ORANGE COAST CLIJT DRIVE LOT-Not many vacant Iota Jett. New home. all a.round tbJa very demlrable .tte. $8000 takea lt. COST A MESA UDO ISLE PROPERTIES, INC • U )"OQ baft a mp fUail7 and wt.at pJeaty Of ~ Wa ta UM 3333 Via Lido-Acroes from Savings" Loan ~ f06 J'OU I I bdrmlL, bard-- wood noor., 1 a,..,a..c.. A tq NORTH BAYl'RONT-3 bdrm., S bath phla aWd'a beauUf'Wl:l la'Mlec:eped lot ta UM room, lovely wide andy nrimm.inc beach with ita Back Bay Area .•• Plu • l&r'P fine 1320 ft...__~ tor _,,.1• en'-V-....t. If you eeparat.e rwnpu.a room &Dd d4G -. 1~ r1-- wtt.h tlrwplRe and ..,.__,..., It don't need a larpr home. be 9Ul'8 to eee tbla. Car- bu• tlaptoD.e patio and barM-peted. draped and oompet.ly turn. Only $59,'500. cue too, and Mil ot all u.. prtce 1.a on11 •u.l50, wtt.h J\.Yt· •2.000 BAYJ'RONT-cm the elem.red Eut end ot Lido ble. down. _ • Perteet family year around finely finJabed home, Costa Mesa LUtaD to thla t a bdmla.. bdwd. noon. tlreplMe. elocll thermo beat. Clllly I ,..an ~ and ta •· cellut ooodltioll. Nicely plant- ed W.,. lot aa a quiet bujo 1lrMt ta really • beautltUl ••l&'bborbood-all Ulla and much more for onlJ ue.eoo. wlth4!4" loan-We cbaDap JOU to beat thla buJ'I I A mUlt .. 1 DetaUed for Comfort .•• and tt'1 • r..a iood·looket, too .•• s bdnna., ud !up den, bdwd. tJoof'I, t'lr,.a"• lot.I ot room lDlide and out~ befi ol all u.. price •11.llOO, wtth .... cellbt t.nna. Bay & Beach Realty USN N"'POrt Bl•d. O!>sta )( .... caut. U 1-1181 llftl. L1be1t7 WW Ocean Front a '*1nn. 1 batJl home. ,,,...,..., ~ bclr:nw., ~ bat!w. Terrific family room with. bar and bvbecue. M-tt. width allowa per le .Up plua fine beach. One of the tnaly outatanding Harbor ~ watch the nee. eta.rt 11.Dd ftnlah. Thia lot alone, It ncant, would be worth $55,000, and lt'1 a cinch yoa couldn't come cloee to building the bouae (O\W' "'°° aq. ft.l, puttlng ln the bulkhead. pier le tloat, land8caplng and all other co.ta for s:RS,009. But the MllJq prlc:le la qoly JM,50() and .,. ca.n aubmit euy terma. 7 NEW HOKES now atarttng o~ Udo -Come In and look over the plan.a. Look at the choice build· Ing aitea. By aelecting yours now, YOU can pick out the 0010111, YOU can decide whether to uae tile or form1ca and what color, YOU can pick out the color of the carpetfnc -in other word.a -YOU can get a cuatomiaed new home at a TOlume price. It makes aenae that bullding a number at a time, the builder can • .,. money without cuttlllg quallty. One ot the lovely M"tlf bomea la avallalJle for s;s.ooo dn., jut over I,\ of 'the coet ot the lot. P.A. PALMER INCORPORATED OJe Han.eoa Co. Sal.-Mgmt. 3333 Via Lido -Harbor 1'500 OWN YOUR OWN HOME! . . Peninsula Homes ·~ Mdi-oom. 1 ~ '-U.. f\lnal.lbed home. Nlc9 p&Uo. A d&ad7 bome. S1'6,'600, terma. AUK> ON TIO: PllNINllULA, I bedroom turabbed bome. ltucoo, only CJ :rtan old. Cu't l&a loq at •u.'600. Ocean Front Home rtTRNl.8HJ:D with I br., oa the penluula. N_,. jetty. Lonly patio, an eac.pUonal value at .ll.!500. Duplex! ONLY I TmAJUI OLD and doM to Udo 1P1oppt11s. I br. up, s dn., a b&tba. Stucco. You caa't nad a b9tw one for i-. J:U.!500. caa b9 youn tor JliOOO dowa. Our Special ! 2 BR., I BATH SOME. 1\111li8hed. Cu bWld I mor. unit.I oo thla ft-.S &oL Kemodeled and mod~m· Lied. You mu& .. It tor 112,000 aad fOOd terma. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppollit.e Baall ot America) Kemben, KulUp)e u.t1q RC* Or~y lld Lee Jack Ptnkham Joeeplllne Webb 700 II). Balboa Blvd .. Balboa • PboDe Barbor un. lo I t • • LIDO REAL TY \ AS&>CIA TES M>O Via Udo Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) For a Udo New Year $8900downand121.M monthly movee you into thl8 brand new 3 bedroom, two bath Lido Hoa&e I The )'OW1C ownen just moved in and added many lovelJ teaturea. They !let out beautiful landacaplq, etc.. and now the Clwner lnforma UI bla firm bu pro~ ed him to their San rr&nclaco office and they mu.st leaYe real aoon. Full price '26.900. Th.la ftne Lido home won't be available tor long. A real opportunltJ to usure your family of A Happy New Year! Went Udo Income? Two 40 x US R-3 Iota. They are aide by ldde and nm atreet to atreet. Full price for one on a Omtnl Stnda oorner ia $18,()()(). and the inboard one Ml 1$1~.ooo. Amons the very few R-3 Iota left on Udo. Big! Brand New! Nice! See th1a .f bedroom. 2 bath home on a J.up atreet to atreet lot. Modern Interior, muatv. atone fire. place, wonderful kitchen, carpetlnc, land8capillc and walled. An oulltandlng on•fioor abowplaoL ~ Full price $33,rot>, with $10,000 down. 9'c98 CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST REAL iR BUYS Highly Recommended I B. R. HOM.II, choice eornw &ot. a. L tranat. wuet .. u. Imm. P anor•nu. Harl) or Views . ADJOINING LO'l'S ON DEL MAR -C5 unit income .tte,_very ~ to ~'renM­ arranpd. $4000 tun price. -double ,..,.... 1fat ..... pou. Pay_ ...... tlsaa rent. i. ~ -BA'f AND-BOO:H-BARu~fNr ~ ~ :o!~ 0a1, 11200 Qiolee of two flnMt. BEA'UTIJ'UL RESTRJCI'ED Back &y Iota, $32:50 up -New irtreet., all utilitieL Choice lot.a now. 2 BDRM. HOME, flnplaoe, large •'L" llhaped llvtnr A dining room. Excellent beach location between Balboa Blvd. " the ocean. su.200. DESERT BOMESJTES -Paved .t:teeta. Pure abundant water on ea.c.h lot. Over ~ 90ld in open· tnr 2-month period. 109' down. Two and one-filth acree, M-1 and RA aooe. St. to St.., H.Ui.Jde ......... ·······-··--····-·-···-·····-·-···$(:500 RENT AL - 1 bdrm. furn. cloee to Alpha Beta SM month. • . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1~7 NtwpOrt A.,., c.o.ta Kea Liberty 8-lW Llhel'tJ S.1400 .,..__ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Attr&cttve 3 be4room le 1% beth Newport &tPt.1 • home. Built ID l GM. Nee.r 8Cboola. It la&l Wblte oak noora, bright IUDahiDy kJtcllea with tinMfut ane, dbl. garage. A rood value. $15,.&oo. NfWPORT ~ ffEtGHTS LOTS 3 Iota -all level -eech ~ feet Prief!8 $3800. -$4000. -$431ie). See WI r or the best .iectlon of Iota A aaeaiea. M-1 ZONED LOTS I 2 &<:rH and &Crel -$3500. and $8:50(), BACK BAY LOTS Htre'• the ~ buy in the beck bay. New sub-divi· 11ion bting opened -10 Iota Wt. $32SO to $4000. AJI new 11lrMt.s and uUUtJea. Protect.1,-e restrlctiona insure a high quality of bomee. See tbelie now. EL TON BARNETT Realtor 4M N. NtWport Blvd. (1 block.,.. Boac H09pit&l) Liberty 8-2772 or eveninp Liberty A-71158 VOGEL VALUE COSTA MESA HOME AND HALF-ACRE Yup -Horse corral 'n everything! 2 bdrm. and den home near Cow>try Dub. l'laptooe f'trep1"e, rorced a.Ir heating. wall-tcMnll ca.rpet.IJll, etcbwood paneling, planter, lowly den.. modem kit.. built-in bfta.kfut nook, en.cloeed patJo. Sepe.rate dog kennel. .table and comd Everythtq -jut everything for real family Uviq.~Total price only S18.9C50. You mun SEE tb.Ja home! THE VOGEL CO. 2ee7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HL 17il Ha. 1477 CORONA DEL MAR S2r500 DOWN buy. Ulla immaculate 3 bdrm. home. Choice locaUon. Forced air beat. fiftplace. paved patio, fenced yard. EJd.ra room off dbl pn.ge for .torage or hobby lhop. Full price $15.600. $2500 dD will handle. Owner anxioua to eell UU. week. Sett.er art fut. Exclus!ve with ua. Shown by appointment. PRICE T. McCUISTON MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR s.47 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Kar Bank) --------------------------------~ MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY 1 - 8 . $795 down $795 21lt A 0raqe Ave. 1 Wnu. -1~ batha, bre&ttut. dinlnr areu. Pllll Pno. Sl0,700 hnUlhed .,, Duipl', Calla ){-... . ART ADAIR, Realtor 1ee6 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Mesa, Liberty 8-3792 , Olt I-MM Belt of -1.nuJUnc &Dd n.lains! ODJ7 Ul.000, term.I. Business Income Property PIU.C'nCAU.T '-Y ~ 0.. 16" Ntunt Ci.I 111...tmat ot flO()O. KUil burTY CID UIJ&. Attractive 2 Be~room Home Dollb&e ,..,....., 1 blodr from beedl.. 0a17 "760. saooo --. .,.a t..mvmL ACRl:S, I B. ft.. bome. BALBOA PENINSULA :' ~~:-_~ ~ Modern 2 bdrm.. den, 2 bath home on large lot. BtYd. Near new bis bou8tn• a Nleely funUahed. Spadoua landecaped patio. Near ::.:1~•~dev::;_•~= Jetty and iood bathtnr beach. Pull priee -MMn l&nd n.Juee .,.. n.tns. $23,MO -TERMS. Acl quick.17. NOOO will ......._ ..A.. .A.. .A. .A. K -1-l:lllART or KJ'O. DI8T!l. -w; w w w Xblt. loe&Uon few mlall ml•· • ALSO ON PENINSULA ~.wti!n! :·~Id.::"°'~ I bedroom, 3 bet.ha, hardwood tloora, flapton. tot • 1u. PDOO down. ftreplaoe. Quality coutructlon. Owner ~I BUSIN'l:S8 OORHD ---i-·-to _,, ·-llUVI. 31,000 eq. ft,, w!Ul frofltq• Oii ~ -•"°.vvv a ltl"Mt.. !:acl. loc&Uon few 1:r 1:r * "(:( Dn-..In. 8'& 91ds., omo. er courta. wtth pi.ty partrtq 1. New 4 bedroool, a bathroom extra larp Uvinl room. every room with a m.ap.lfioent .-with either plate slau windows or .Udinc doon. 2 fireplacea, wall to wall carpet.. ~ BMm cellinp.. View thermador ldtcben. 2. • bedroom. 2 bethrooma. Electric coatzd1'd far- • nacea. lAlp ltYtng room with unacellaNt .tinr. JCapeuift concrete foundatSou. J:zpert -.st· neertnc. Kahopny le oU tloon. Both home. priced to .U. clear, ownen will acoept any ra110G&ble tanna. ~ Duplex I bednna and 1 bednn. DoubM ..,.,._ Completely tumUibed. Near oc....,. onl1 111,CIOO. Oood term& . PIER AND SLIP ~ ~ ~t. ..,000 Nearly new modlnl 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. I.up HOUSTON Rlr.U ·TY EA'RL w. ST AN LEY' Realtor patio. Owner wiabee to trade equ!ty tor laiCw ·-,.. • 0 . C. UTKOUI\ -JllT. home, Barbor Area, prefera.bly Udo. IOI Center 8t. O.ta Keea THE BAYSJDE OJTICE J. M. Miller Co. IOt8 W. llaDloa Bl. N.,.,.._-t lldl. lhr. 40h-ai:.... LI 1-UTI PLDrT1' °' .... ··•Kll«I Enioy the Many Advantages or A TWO 9TORY, ' bdrm.. I aiaua a.n. at ll&l1Mla i...... 'nl1I ..... .. -tralll loe&t.ct and prlOed below uo.ooo ...... W• ... otfw tile tie.t et t.enna. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1'60 W. a.Ibo& Blvd., N..,.,ort a.eta,~. llutxll' 1JM "'-lap Butxir 18158 OPEN HOUSE -~ C'.azaJOll Rd. Shore Cliffs • Th1a la an oataand.lnc home in one of the tiwt Cout&1 ~ of CdfonUa.. 2 tarp bdnna., a den wWI ui ocean .,... ud a fi~ It ha a Wp high hMmed ceWnc and • huge t1rep1ace• in tbe ltYtnr room. Th.la home la priced to ael1 and mmt be-*!. See It SUNDAY OT ca1J aa. P. A. PALMER Incorporated OLE HANSON 00. Sal• ){pt. 1100 W. Oout Hwy., Newport Beach LI. 8-M13 J. A BEEK, Realtor ------------- BILL'S BEST BUYS mew 1 BDfUl.. aidwd. nr.. r. A. !Mat. 1~ balha, JlUOO. ()pea l :IO to 4 :IO l Ml "l'\uiltn A"' DUPUCX. Sll.t&O, 1 p . old, I bdrm, .. wilt. u.oellmt ~ ta ..-.o. locat1on. '4800 dawa. N-4 bdnn., Nl:WPORT HT84 I TllO dn. 11' b&lha, lud1nped. dbl ........ )(()ft tn ~. NmWPORT B ll l 0 BT I. Jt.mUo VOGEL VALUES - -IF YOU Don't -. t.be property you an looking for n.ted bdow, ple.ue c:aD aa and let ua abow -.. of the hundreda ot other nae home. a.nd bminem prop- ertiea. We ba.,.. complete Harbor ~p. 2 B.R. lnaide Lido l:S' lot -· $21, 150 3 B..R. 3 beth Bt.yfront w /pier 08,:500 3 BA 2 beth 8-1fJ'ont w/pier M ,000 4 B.R., dea. 3 bath View home ~.000 2 B.R. COM $2000 down 10,MO 2 B.R. Ba)'9bOIW --1 .. MO 2 B.R. le dm., ea.ta KM& Lp. Lot -14., T50 .f BA Udo ~t •/pier 73,MO See The Vogel Co. 8201 W. Cout n..,., Newpo• Bcb. -LI A-M81 Randi slJr)., llh&Jre root. bdri. ----------------------------noors. u..s brtck ~. t'llll prtce S12,7li0 .. POOo down. M7 DIOllth)J' p:llnL lncludel tu-. W.A TOBIAS RCALTOlt ltl E. 17Ui .. Colla W.. Liberty I-Ult ''IAt U1 LOCATE BAY FRONT -Home and Income Owner needa to 1eU -See ua for detail.a. BUSINESS BLDG .• with It.ore le two 2 bdrm. apt.a. Completely ttuuiahed. Store la leued... Apt.a. rented. Income la $2!50 per mo. Can be lncreued for sum· mer month&. Only $8000 dn. Full price $21,'500 . Owner will carry be1. at $136 per mo. J.M. MILLER COMPANY J-1 1 .... 11 En. Bar. UM-W ... 8'7'llide Drift &Del Oout llJPwW1 Excellent Income · • • • • • UDO ISLE • on East Bay Ave. I bdna. boc.-It t ..,,. ,.._ uatte, Oii 2 lot&. Dl"f'U.t ... ot b&.1· Oldw bat ID pod OOll· diUon. Wu.Ma ~ e.tuce ot down~~ ...... 115,000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Iota -$12,000 Coast Properties 501' ID.. Balboa BtYd., Balboa PIMIDe Bart.or •too lltlo BAY FRONT On Newport Island New exclusive lilttng Lido Nord Bayfront c.om~1 tanmbed a bdrm.., 2 beth~ wan to wall~. TV, WestmpoUM auto. wub· er 6 dryer. Dtabwuber, prb. clWp. L,_.. 11'1 tt. boat, new pa.r and .Up. hD Price $Q,800, terma. • 1954 Trailer & Enclosed Lanai on Waterfront! LUXURIOUSLY nJRNJBllJ:D UVING ROOM - 2 bdrma. and baU rocm. Din· inc area. Clever kitchen. Bricked out.door luW with Exclusive barbeq9e. Garbep dllpqilal. A DAMDYI M-tt.. bulkheaded iot. wtth • Full Price $8500 pier A Ip. f;loat. Lure liv- ing room wtu. fireptaee. 2 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS nicie bdrma. with 1 % b&tb&. Newport BlYd. &t 80t.b St.. Newport a.ch EKtra larp dmet.te area. Phone Harbor~1eoo (EYM. LI 8..Q88) Double p.rap, euDy made tnpte. $27.600, terma.. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor Ml l ,Newport Bml.., Npt. lldl. B.utMlr 40S. l6tte Real Values Forced Sale $81M Bmulrl ONJ: or THE deuMl I bdnn. bomH W'9 baYe U.ted tn quit• a While at a ftry low pme, about a yn. old. tU..t kite.be, luy9 d1ll1q ..,.., l'ood lur• cl-U &ad Ndnne. At· tached pr. wtua i&uDdrJ, l'ood .t1.1n,.i. root. Thie lt Olle of the nl~• one• Oii Malltde, S blocU ott N.wport B.IYd. See It todaJ. 8. A. NERESON IUCAL'l'OI( 1llS N..-port Bhd.. COit.a .,_ PboDe U 1-lt'fl JC\oN. LI ~ a bdrm. home. a.pprox. 1200 eq. ft. I.up lot 1S x 140. 11Ua home bu real value but will DMd ll2l50 down. Total Price ~ $450 Down Nice well built 1 bdrm. home with laundry l'OOlll le pr. Total price $&fM. .f ~ % intermt on be•1noe. 3 bdrm. home, l lh yn. old. Hwd. floorw, prap. Sewer in and paid. Cloee-in location near C.thollo Church. W-50(). FHA Joan. $00 mo in<:. tu.ee la lna. 3 Choice Lota K-1 Indwrtrlal lot 60 x 126 ---~---S29M RA Remdentlal 80 x 234 _ $27C50 C-2 Buslnema t50 x HO ---·-· $-1:M>O G. N. WELLS, Realtor . tor You' ~ w. Balbo& Bml -By the N~rt Pier Nice Familt,t?ome Thoun.ndl 'of rellable npruent Newport Beach -Phone Harbor 4091 iLUn tiroarft'I t.o 19"9 10u 1a an PLENTY OF FREE PAIUCING NSAJt N-i-t TllCbt 1810 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mesa LI 8-1601 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY ~ c1tl" Olf Calif.. ONcaa. ---------------------' ~ turn ..... wtth ~ Tbe LOCATOR of Calif. ON LIDO maMDt '-1 .ww. NIOO dowa. Brulc.b ~ 1 .. ll&rtlor BJYd. o.ta KMa. Pbon• LI 1-ttn Thia beautitul home. conmettnr of 2 bdnu., 2 bat.ha (1:"99, JD , .... 51) llctt and dm bu almmt a>oc> llCI-tt. flt U'f1nc &Naud U>T8 l'OR BL an anobmueted Tlew ot the Sq. Tbe .... 40 z 110 t B&A. trn1't1L LOl"8. me 15 ft. ft. corner Jot wtth 2 loftly patiol.. Tbe ll1p lh1D.r Gil Qttt Dr1~ Nnrport Be&pt& and ,u .. 1... k .... ._ •'--....._. Mt One ao ft. kit on DlJaa, Udo room .._.... room ma e ~ ..._ .__a "I hie. Call OW'll4r, Har. Oltl or buDlalow OD I.J4o.. wrttt M.r1. Ahr-.., UI Lark Priot 146,000 wttb ~ "*"• C.D.X., t1~ av oWNm -0oeta x-DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 1 bdrm. tiou... ab &trict. 2902 Newport Bmt, Newport 8-eb MUWI• down. 1'all fll1e. NIGG ----0 _....___ -o.o. l:Wa, Bar. Ma ..... ----~--- C9ast Properties IOI a Balboa Bl'Yd.. ..._ ...... llOI • Bar. 97 llUo WCW+r.n BAY-Jut 8o. ol Bl· ~. wtth ~ llOOll9 '° ll8&cla. Dlilll'ltf\ll tum ...... ea1J I ,.. .... , ......... .._* a...,.., ...... IMDc ma., ..,. ... ,,... BABOAJN. Call l'OAD Vl:IUUM'Dllft.. MO Palli1 mt&. ear.. ... Mar ·11w.am, .... BN.J4nTtVe Charming year 'round home with Bay Vn. Prtvat. boating and bathing prtvileges . .f bdrma., 3 ba.t.M, F. A. heat. beautiful patio. An excellent •alue at $33,fk>O (and worth every cent) ON BALBOA ISLAND FiDMt Ba)-Front location, TO SET'l'LE EST A Tit! Pier la float ripta. A wonderful opportunity to pick up a '1"17." We'll have to act fut to get your bid ID on thla. (No phone lnformat,lon) MARINERS ISLE REAL TY aa MartDe. ..._. lllad auw 6Tll