HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-12 - Newport Harbor News PressI I ' •• ~ r • .. l ' • \ -•• '•J \. . . -·\ \ ... . I l. "=---' ~ ~-" .... ,, --.. ... I -- ~.. ,,_, Vohuae '1 _:_ N-ber M Tars lhump Whittler by 71-41 Count .... • Kniss Freed On Dope Rap Purse Containing $75, C .. ck Taken Theft ot 111-wUe'• pune 'con· Char~• -caJnat Sam Kni... lt, t.a.lnl.nc "16 cub and a S66 check or 8.ut.a Ana for po•euioa ot waa reported to polJce recently marijuana w-dropped Fnda7 111 by ll:a.rl 8pmcler or lOT Balboa N-port Justice court. The mctlcD Ave. and Al1.adena.. Lag1nita S1it Asks Damages from Fa1lkners T1M N.wport Harbor Tan, com· wu mad• by Deputy Dbtrict At· He ea.Id UMi puna wu IA hi.a Ill( back tut from ~ WMk'I t.orney J . Parley Smith "i n th• car Wblch ... in UM ftnctd park· SANTA ANA (0CN8) -'lbe wu.on victory, ~ W·fated furt.beranee ot Ju.Uc• &nd fer In· Inc lot of UM Balboa Yacht Club. Lacunita CommUlllty AMoci&Uoa. Caltfonua lli&'h ac!lool Tl-41 J'rt. .u.tncMl!t evid~" l!loulb '----..___.. • ....... w ... __. •1 ....-.. DNp&u u.. ..,.... D--.. .. -• I d ----.._ ..... at ~ .,_. a.. U. ~ Kiu.. "'1th -ot.ber JUYmlle W# y WWl'ml 88 Mt ill aupenor Oowl &lllltlac u.at -· • -&Dd n .. ......., .... ~ o.c. u.rtM11 19ll 1 ..... to Ula ......... aa a nM M la._.. 8&. ~ Del1Wf7 el U.. N.wport a...-. a_....__,......,_~ Harbor team. ft. Latllom. 11, IOO w. WU.. 8t., ....... _ a. ..........._ .A.JI tq a~• .. Jl'Dl*tl. The Tan llt.IUt4ICt fMt at UMy cio.ta M-. lbe other mtaer WM ...._ of U. _..., .,.. tap-Muud u ._,.-.it. ..... Tod rolle4 up .. ..,., ..... 10111l .... Mid t.o __.., co au,.nor Court ldl1 belq placed Oil earrkr ct. c d ICdna ... ~ 'nae plai e nr their °"an •ta ta u.. ttnt &tier bla prellmlnvy beu'blr '11· lS•ery. Carrier . boy1 wtU ddlver • an r . ti· quart.er. 'ni.a Ca11fonlJa team wu day ln Newport JUUC. Court. t.beir ~pere befor. t p..m. Oil Mon· utf1 cla.lm t.be det.ndant. have ti.Id to 11 potnta In lbe nm quart· Lalho will f t daJ aod 'naunday. U J'OUI' ,_par erected aa ob«J'uct.1Ala OftT a road "' u the 'hre t.aJUed .U po!Ata. tn 8u-:W Court ace.;,;,~en&I la not dtlJYVed by that hour Oft their properly. 'Ibey •Y UM all ••&___ f ,..-. I ...... eat.I Barbor 14114 ....-• ..,... • Ju In the other q ......... u cnaraed wtlh po• narcot.tee. d&I route mu will ~ ...... pre.tldent at U.. aa.>da&n, 12· lhf' ram• U1e Tan llOOred blfb. The The t.M rt all j enU -v Callfomla q1Dt.l. hoWe~er. couldn't o r ve, UY -. .,... re.pond with your copy of )'OW' ward Clancey. ha. aaktd tile de· flnd Ule f>Ultel. &I UMy am&alled In cuetody or Juv•U. Court. Newport aut.or N-.~ fmdanta lo remOft lbe olllltacle but 7 polnu. The Tan llCOred 17. and rubbl.ti, but baa bwn retuMd.. The Tan1 avu aaed lhrous hout lbe U polnu &nd 13 poltlta reapecllva-IAIY &aL JOINS The plaUIUtta alao uk SltO.•I prne •bout 11 point. a quarur ly. J"oUowlnc lb• two ware BW H•.&1 _.. FAMILY _cull __ damaa_. __ ... ______ _ wbereu Califomla avera1ad JO Wt tMI with t pb&nll, Dcnma nt.s-5"'.S 1 .,,_ polnC.. a quarter. Combined lhe I patr1ck wttb a pol.Ill&. J"ruk Na-Two ·---, .... t wo team• acored u 2 polnll and I varro, a. and Eddie Pope, .. Larry Otnc•r Raymond Healey oC r-· averared about 28 polnll per Harpc'r teored 4 polnll. Oeorse lh• Oo1t.c Meea poUce dep&rt· 'lbetl of two blc:yclee, one ttom quarter. R<-hultt a. &nd Sonny Coane, a ment wu on hand at Hoar the raraae and on• fl'Om U.. drt..- polnll. Hotplt&J at 5:67 a.m.. Jan. I to way Of 6lt Ocean Blvd. WU re- EvHy Tar p&a.ytr played a tln«' OAMJ: NEXT •'lUD&Y cr·eet a brand new baby r trl. ported to police ~Uy bJ 1a m«' &Dd the poltlta """ wall The Tara next pme ll Friday Witt Patr1cla p n l\lm a &-lb., Mika Smllh of 3400 Ocean Bl'Yd. dlll1>6eed aJnCllQ( lh' memben1 of lntrti t. at 7 o'clock. Tbey wtU be 7-oL d\Ud. The proud par-Tbf' blcyc:lu bel<Jll(td to Smith ~ i.am. HoweTer Ula oui.ta.nd· pla_ytnr Hu.nUnaton Bach and lhe enll lmmedlaaly named th• and to•Tony Dalby of ll:J Ooldell· inc offanelvl' tllayen wefe Paul came will be played b.trt.. Infant Unda o.JJ He&Jey. rod An. Jll•um&nn and Paul Lorentaen wttb :;;;;;===;;;;;=====:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;===;;;;;;;;=========-==~p;;;;;;;;;;;;;j-=i OYDMATCHID Cement Mixer, Car Colli~e 01 Overpaa Acc:tdmt b9twMn a car cement ml.att truck oc:currwl Fr1· d'1 m om.la( on t.be Newport Bl•d. A rcll.. onrpue. polJce reported. Jobn 8-den Jr., Tll W. 11th at~ eo.ta M-. drtnr of the truck told polJcc h• wu l'Oifts eoulh on Newport Blvd. and did not -th• cer comtac up lbe nort.b-t ramp ot Ole overpua. 'lb• ear wu dr1ve.n by Frederick Jolul l!lode.JI of ~ Beach. Aodcn told otnCMW he ln tuna did not eee Ult tMJck. 1111 car lalt Ute rlebt reer Ure of 8anden" lnxk. bounetd t.o the llde and .io,,p.d MU UM curt>. Arrest Mesa Man 0. A_..lm Car ,..,. Sulplclon 8ANTA ANA, JllN. 10 <OCHS) -Quade1oupe TerTuo tn.lpdo, '6, 111 Orie It.. co.t.a M .... WU arrMltd 11J SUta ANl police at pnpomt on MYJ)klen of .t.ealltl&' aa A.nalM.lm automobile.. o.1c9do NPC>rtedl.Y did not ~ tJM Nd Ultll u d .trm oL Suta Ana police. w9'o -· him t:ran&- ... Oft dt7 1tntte llhortly attct aa all-paUttl bUl•WI wu put out " A.nalMllm poUC9 for the car be wu dl'Mq. otnccre pilled t.bet.r ..,. .......,. lb• tJvcll DelcadO ... ~ and forced blm to UM ..,_ at pnpoblt.. Dellado toad police b• bo"'°""' tJM car trom Ille*"''*"•· aw IM called Rube.a De l.Aoft. Ha ea'd 1M Md wor:tr9d 1w De 1Aoft for two.,... I TM ..-pact ... turned onir lo .ua.Mlm poUca ttr u.. a1Ttl9tlnr , ..... ~.mo... HEAD9UAITDS FOi WINTER ACCESSORIES Save With Safety on DUNLOP DeLUXE and SILVER KING IATIERIES ARST QUALITY TIRES Dunlop De Luxe Tires 800-16 ·-········-········ SU.95 Esclaaage 8'70-15 ·······-·-····-IU..95 Exclaaap 850-16 ---·-·· SH.95 Exolaaap '110-16 ···-----··-·-115.95 F.oaehpp '780-16 -··········--··· 111.JO Exehup PLUl!I TAX 30 MONTHS GUAIANTIE FIBERGLASS INSULATED 6 VOLT 1395 ••. • n .. ur Amertc.a Car TIRE CHAINS II ,_.,.. ..... to tM ~ WW = ~Y7. on, ()Wm ...... .. ... .. PRESTONE AJm.f1tEEZE 298 Pt!r o.l. -···· .. ·······-·····--······ MEMBER Community Credit Plan 1177..._ ..... -c ......... Clrculalloll 1...00 · IMllb••tr I .. Newport...._ ...... ...... ..... Corolla ......... <>-ta .... a...-... So. a..-. LARGER ·POST OFFICE FOR.NE\Y'PORT BEACH Mesa Dog Tip D1e_by April 1 Janllafy Clearance Specials MATTllUS BUY Famous SlmmOns . -.. DEEPREST MAnRESS and BOX SPRING 312 Coll IO Coll ~x Spring Excellent q.IClllty ' Regular $99.SO NOW ONLY REMNANT CARPET SECIALS 11' s: H ' It" OF THI YIU NC• llGELOW cocoa deep pile cotton ······-········· 21 J.00 ... ll,.. 11•now grey 1r1ne ..................... ···········-·-···-·· ... 24J.oo It' a H ' r THICK LllXL'alOl.'8 llGnow lltht beige-nylon-viscose 220.00 Lr ll IT' AITLOOM beige frlne 251 .15 r • •r r ll&ILOW Mite wool-rayoft HI-Lo loop pie 195.00 i.r • u · i .. llGILOW wool royal corcl9y HI-Lo W1ltoll 21'2.oo . i.r r u· MA.GD ti'••• wool HI-Lo loep pie .. .--225.00 . - NOW '141· 141· 141· 141· 141· 141· 141" *· Aleo at peat.If redaeed prbe are muy pleeee of f'llle lloden ud VolollW IYe lq ·'°°"!' ...... ,,_ wt bed.room fanltare -ftnpll ee .. 's r Pd -..... - ...... .,N&. Newport Furniture-Co. 2620 WM Cwt HltlHY CUDIT TERMS " t • I J ·"' .. PA6E 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER-JAN. 12, 1955 . SATURDAY CONCERT. Van Den. Berg .and Menuhin tol>lay • OM of th• mot1t lmportaat con-nceetiy u ftnt Oil.IA and ...a.. cert.a of th• MUOD will be held at tut caedudOl' with the LC19 An-,.a. PJdJbal'molllc:. Be ai.o con- t.he L&Cun4 Beadl Art OeUerJ ca clUated ~-come.rt. ln at. Saturday. Jan. 11 at I p. m .. wttb • ~ ... In 1 the appearance or William Vaa _.... · Df'n Berr . t"elllet and Yaltah Men· YaJtab MenU!Wl comu from • uhln planlaL ~ mu.teal family, lnd .. two othen .tarted In Olf dl~ll• of Ule ltnt abol. Cantu la skipper ot th• cnallft Sniper Hunt Continues; Seek 'Print' , 1'lalllba owned by Cw\nUlfhul and Movte Cowboy Roy ftosera. Bot.h Roa•ni •Dd Cunninal\am were putttnr up a plns pont ~ ble on the oppoelte aidt of the hoUM when the aho~ r.nr out. Kilmer la part of the crew ot the WblJe crtm. ~tot'y upwta aetk to brtq out a latent tlftl'• erprint on tht .22 cal sniper rltle which fla'Ut'ed 1n Tburaday'a Bay IMnd abooUA(, local police are putUnr on &JI utenatve manhunt for the auapect. yadlt Santana, owned by Movie 8t&r Humphrey Boprt wllo ..,.. td to UI• tcene aoon alter tbe aboll we re tired. wimam Van Den Bus wu bona Ilk• II• famo!.18 bro&., Yehudi tn The Ra,ue. Holland. and SJ'Sdll· Ul4 ber .. uall7 tamoua .a.tel' aled with tht blrheat hoaon trom HephslbU, aboiv. the a&rM order the Roya.I Comervat.orlum In lUO. ot patua. K1M Menuhin atudJed Re eludled In Par\• wtth UM ,.._t In Part. and played In Q!lOCtlrt In muten Pablo CH&le and Ald· llerlln. HamtNrs. Munich and J'ruktorL an I en A t Lhe ac• ot 11 be at.an.eel con· Reoellt.l)' eh• r9t.umed from a certi&ing ln Europe. H• cam• to mwdc:al tour ot N-Zealand, ~ thi• country ln 1923 and toured u &180 appe&nd at the Ojai J'•U· aulatlng artlet with John McCor-val, Carmel and u f\IMl artiat m lcl<. wtUI the Ban J'ranc1eco l ympbony. UNITED CHURCI{ WOMEN .of Newport Ha(bor held ~ umual meetlnl and ln- atallatJoo of ofticera ·at Co.ta Kea Community Methodist Charch. Amon& thoee at the ipeakera' table were (L to R) Mn. Robert Gronlund, Mrs. Uoyd Fol8om, treu- urer; Mn. H. H. Kodani, director of the National Council of Church Women; Mra. Chester Fiaber, pr.ident. and Mn. Kay Elmore, treuurer. -Staff Photo DetkUYH l&ld It la bel.leved th• rtne found J'rld&y ln 10 feet or water beneath Ule boat BaCJCua la the one uaed ln th" ehoot1n1. l:vldence ahowa the anlper broke lnJ.o Ule boat BacJnui, wbere he hid while putUA( 10 abote at ran· dom around the Bay laland-Balboe .,.... CoodJUon ot Pllll KiW.r, 19, ot 216 Via Orvteto, la aau.ta.ctory to. day In H~ Hoepltal. attaldla.nta Mid. J!:m .. t cuw, 27, of HlO le&\1ew A• ... MCOnd \'iclim of the anlper, waa tr~ated Thursday for wou.nda to h.1.1 fol'9al'm and Jee and rel..,.cl. A bullet &190 went lhrouch a plate 1ia.. window la the Hamid Bey apartment a t SOl .Ed1nratar Ave. for ONE WEEK t~rom lt2t lO lNI, he wu .,,. ACCOl'dinl to entartatrunent dla.lr· 1aged aa eolo-celllrt wtlh the Phil· man, Jobn BlJlabam, the concert adelpllla OrchHt.ra, under J.Aopold wW fMture wortu ot Bach, Boe· Btokowakl. He la pruenUy con· ~nl. Beet.hoven, Br ah m •· ductor of th• newly formed Loe Cboptn, DebUN)', Ravel, Saint Anfelu Doctor• Orcb .. tra. St.en.a, Tcbaikowalll, B&rtok and Aa JUUl conductor. Van Deft ot.hu Compe>Mra. Berr appeared with th• foUowtnr The cone.rt la tree to member&, orehfftraa: Ban J'ranclaco. Port-sueeta and the publlc will be land, ... tUe, Vancouwr and m0r9 uJted a amall donation. Church W Omen Hear National Council Spe~ker Santa Cruz Couple Visit Here, Wedding in Offing Kr. and Kn. P. L. F'rieaen ofCorona del Mar, Kra. O. J . Tay· lailta Crua arrt'nd ID 8anta Analor ot 8aA BemardnJo and I:. H. Jan. t and will be vU11tln1 many P'rtuen of Banta Ana. They will rel.atlvea In the aouthern area. si.&Jao -U:lelr (l'&ndc:blldr9n, Kra. evant or their at&y will be lbeWUdon lk:Mlln of Coeta x .... weddiq, oo Jitn-30, ot t.hetrKra. William Bln•ledecker of Lan· ff<i.11d80n. Robert B. Taylor. air-cuter. and ,-reat·rnndchlldNn. man Wrd claaa, 9bo la 1tat1onedDou1Lu. Rita and Vickie Bchelln. a t La.clcland Air r orce Bue, BanLourte and CIDdy 11Aeleton. Local ottlcera Mid markl.qa oa the bullet t.alten out ot Kilmer malclle<t bUlltll tired from the rwa found In th• water. Hyman Rlea- man of Loa An,.a.... owner ot BaclaUI, wnt&UY'ely ldentltled the .%2 cal. rtfle r«<>wred u the one WhJcb he A id WU ln J1Ja bo&t. pollce Mid .. .. Acaoulco Trip wmr.,n Don a la takln( • vac .. tlon trotn Balboa laland and Mar· DIATH NOTICE Also Install· Officers Cantu wu t\nt to be blt by U.• bullet.e u M wu dia~ a hole In the l&lld Juat out.Ida u.e 1'Gt'•r CUnntnrham hom• at 1• lky Le- land. Kilmer ..... ~ wtlile In a ~ aoan alter u •-..cl lfte lalea. and 11 .. 11tn1 tht1 WHk· ----------- -4.... with trlaAh aboull .& lWdl.. bound tor Acapulco. He will re- turn t he le•t ot January. In Symbolic Ceremony Antoolo, Tau. Only one of Ule family they wm Tb• J'rlteena al'9 'Vial~ thelrmlM llM1q IA A. P'. A/3-c Ja.me9 cblldren, Mra. ff. C. IUchlU'Claon otl:t Rich&rd.aon. now tn Japaa. L I D 0 71ru-..t~t· . NOW TIDt1 UT. ono Pf!EMINClR ....... " ....... BEWOm .uJiiL ,...1Al£Y . "JUSll JAMB , .. THI DALTONI" KlD8 MAT aAT 1 ... ''Tarm11 Tri ..... " t1TAJlT8 ~"EXT 8UN. <'onU•u-lllWL r..-1111 ..,,.._ for Walter lL Robtaon. Tl. wlto clJed WedDNd&y at the ~ of Mn. 1'rtd Hu.on. 1220 Ttmpa.tola •t.. Loe AApleil. .. " Mid -.wrd&J at 9 Liii. lD the LU· Ue Clturcb ot u.. noww.. r or· -.t Lawn. Q&ea4&.Je wtUI <Jee Gnttnar Ill elWye. A. MU.. of D.Unota, Mr . ft.obi· .-came to UM Barbor ar• tlm wti.. be built a 11cme at m Oar· roa aoai::A !Mt AY.. lJI 1921. 'aln.ce t.b&t t ime The rroup Hnl HIO Iba. ot be bu beeD a r.,W.U Naldeat clolhJll• to Korea, plua M lbt. ot bare With UM aoapUon of U.. pe.at ooUone. •uch aa thrM.11, bUtton., eta mont.M .-Mn be U...S at bl• and Mwln&' Ile.nu, collected by daUfhtar'• Loa ~ b0111e. children or the u.. IJl a new aad Harbor Panhellenic Horiors Girl Grads ..._ WYLIA &. DAVIU lerric .. for Mn. W7Ua IC. Dav· 1 ... 73. of 611 Mar(\Ml1l.e Ave~ 1 who dJed y .. terday at ao.. Roe· I pit.al. 11'111 M held Wedaeedat al l I p.m. ln Balli Mom&aly. Corona del Mar. with U>e "-"'· Sdwtn C. Oomke or Ule Commun1t7 Con· ,n1aUonal Church olt\datlnf. ln· unnnal wtll be prtftu . A nauve of MlaaHIOta. Mn. 0av1 .. ba.d l.lftd '*-n .. ,....,... l h• la aumnd by btt buabe.nd. P.rle)' Davtu uld a dauc-hlM. M.lM H«ler. II:. DavtH , boUI Of Ule born. I addreu.. FRIDAY ·NITI A'I: 8 P.M. I I G FA s·H I 0 N P A RT Y • DucD1 e 1951 FASHION "MOTION PICTUIF' AWARDS StmffaCJ 1llursclay Janusy 13th 10 a.m. Tl( llOS1 TAU[O·AlllT STAI ... • IH IOST ocnw ADYUTUllt Aa ardent laW1l bo'trler, Mr. dllf~t HaJJoween l{'lck or t.Nat ~=====================~ .....__ .....,... u pNlllct.it and procram. f YJ to% off M-O-M11 oct'°"·hh II\ tr~al COlOI af\4 C.1 .. ,111 STIWMTIUllR r.RAl1 KfilY ~~:".·. ' 'f'IM.pr1.._l ot tbe N.-port nie Karbor womm al.o aJct.d Barllor lAwa Bowlen A.alOCi•"on u boet.eNu at UM w uaJ retreat He r'9tJred from Ute ~ tunll· at 8outhenl Calltomla Churc!l I tun bu9t8e98 ln Loe Ana~&ea ~• Women.. held at Mar ea.a. BaJ~ ,.,. •· r.tand. I l\ITYhWa l.DclUde h ll da.uebler, Amolll t.boea aeat.ed at. lb• Mn. a,.... KcOu.ln, 1&11 Ga-1,,.U.. t.allle .,..... Mayor Dora bne1. Mn. Oru"11Je m.ck, South -----------Paeadaa ud Mrs. 1'rtd ll&luon. I Loe ~11-; hla IOU. Walter, Harry and JC-th ~. au o( Pua.dell&; bia ......... l"nnk I or Stant.on and Joe of Seattle; hi.I a11ura. Mn . Adelatde Dam, J>aa. •df!U and Mn Oract Matt.Mwa. Puadena. ALBl:llT ntr.DEIUC& BA.DD ~rv1cu ftr A.lbul J"redancll I B&der, 67, of UT WU.. A._., Co1ta Mea. wl\o died J'r1day at 1 Orll111e Coun t)' Hoirpttal. were beld •l 3 p.m., today at BaJts Mortu· ary, Corona del >.tar. with Kn. Ada S. Te«ple of the Four lquan Oo.wpel Church. Lo• An,elu. oftl· LOOK FOR THE "CIY YENGIANCt.. l'.'iallng. lllt..erment wu al Bar-~;;;;;;;;=;~· bor ~•t Mtmor1a.I Park. A native of EvaiuvWe, Ind., Mr. :'!) Ba<lfr had Uvtd here three yur L r'T W •..,.. ...... ~ He WM a reUred banker. U t2'V~ He leave. hll d•UC:bt.era. Mn. STAAT FRIDA\' IMarcwnte B. H~bee. Balboa la-&and and Mra. Arnold w...ua. Two OrMl Stan Hammond. Ind. and tour (r&Dd- OAJIY OOOPr:R rhlld.rfn Bt78T LA.."'iC .. un:a t• "YIRA CRur· .. ..,...,.,. Alae l1l1c.., ~ me. .. t.a. ..,......,., .tftlle ll.M. Ira. Tte. CllllN. Uc "'" ..... DallJ 1 & t :l 6 0.---8-. ,,_ l :IO "* ............ . '~OIPIDO AWY" FU.A!mUT. ....... TQllr Am ..,.. "Al tM ..... n • w .. v .... . HOUSEHOLD CRISIS? WARDROBE CRISIS 1 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa purci "'NllWMJa WITIUH llOCU -~ iqsDUJ'" COllPLETE IAVNDDr;U Md CLUNliU llA&L~ IOU NSWl"O&T KACll GxamineJ Professional Eye Care at Reasonable Cost Coavealeet Tel'IDI COPES ALL DA\' 8ATtiaD41') Dr. Gordon OPTOMITllST 315 N. MAIN -AT FOURTH Santa Ana Phone Kl 3-7833 New lealltfflll COCO MATS -Wown Desipa in Full Color - Size 22 x 36 in. Reg. 8.95 ..... ___ Sp1cW 5.tS Size 18x10 in . Reg. 5.95 ... _..sp.cw J.tS ' Be&\')' Oalvubed l..F.D. Mall lox• - Reg. 2.95 Sp. J.ts ... .,~ ...... c... •• -• cw. - Reg. 3.19 Sp. 2.69 ............... v .... Sehlat• Keyed Locks, Reg. 8.00 ... _.Sp. S.tS QuickHt Keyed locks Reg-: 5.95 _"Ip. 4.49 Sash Balances, Reg . 95• ·--·-·-·····--··Sp. 77• YALUll FOR WOMltl SKI AND SAILING JACKETS IY WHm STAG ORLON SWEATERS WOOLEN SWEATERS WOOLEN SKIRTS WOOLEN WESKITS Corduroy PEDAL' PUSHERS Corduroy BERMUDA SHORTS Wool Flannel PEDAL PUSHERS HA WAllAN PLAY CLOTHES KEDETTES -ESPADRILLES WOOLEN PLAID SLACKS WOOLEN BERMUDA SHORTS BLOUSES -COTTON YALUll FOR MIN SKI AND SAlllNG JACKETS IY WHITE STAG WOOLEN SHIRTS, SOLID WOOLEN SHIRTS, PLAID , SPORT SHIRTS TEE SHIRTS -.-- HAWAIIAN PRINTED SHIRTS HA WAllAN PRINTED TRUNKS NYLON TRUNKS WALKING SHORTS, COTTON Open Sundays , I • 1 ..... ND G W PARLORS JAN. 12, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE l RELAX! Children's Foundation RELAX! Group to Meet Here .... ··-_ .............. _ .... _ LA' llEI p 0 .,... -pta.d aDd ...,.._., omo.r. eUd. A ~ llta&Joa Two ~ ~ ODe at .,. tr.a &D.7 OU.. .. mey or clJn1c. eomplettnc planl for tb& Cbll· • • at Clout lllP"W Uld lluta Au Aft. ud uaaa. Dtaoa RIL.AXI cl&l lmportm. .,.. baktlDc inter-DCEPTIOMAL dren'• J'oundatton meet1nl were c y 1 ,,_ ..._. .... • at o..t. Bl~ ud lthw9tde. A ... ,.... Wiien thetu •t of Conchita Parlor 29'-N.. MJDM. Nollar, PolLud, Pe&.8noa. occ:arred. tlve Daupten of U.. Gow-ft.wHPns the need wbidl ~ Jacobeul, Elman. Butler, M9kller ot llUPUJ mon tU.n lO.,... ce11t: 1 WuL On• it a Saturday attatr, a .mat ln a tam11y not .Ustble tor and Grabam. Balbo& la&Uld ~ &lmamt • IO omo... aid UM ... 111-'u ot eat17 qpMn UI all county a.Id, NaUv• D&ut'btMm ... per cet p&a; Balbola UMI CCll'OD& luncheon m.Mtinc at Irvine cout tablWled th t undaUon t.b1" and l'AJUllON IROW tW Mar lllllda "17 llfPt IOMM U.. cu.. Tbe c:Wpril pried open the treat ot UM lllAoll1aM Club for the N. D. o. W. Chil· • 0 ln ,._ ...... ,. ........ •--•-••~ •--at the --'-..__ •-undet·-•-.....a ---··tot m--y dren'a 1:-'0UDd&Uon and w.rly 1IO • ba1f 1Mft -CO ud 8tace tb&t 4t. wu wbm UM wa.ya and •·-----._.. -,_..._. ... ••• """" --~ _ .. ..,..,.. _.._. - AND me thoet DOUDd8 and IDchM. too .•• ? OU a&n do It with the Stautfer 9)'9- tem. Only 2.00 a U.tznent when bOugbt in a aertee. NaUve Da\.ll'hWa are expected to tune bave &lded 11\UlY llUeh ch11· mean11 oom••tt.. met Jan. 15 &t to llU. WU takan. ettend. The other te a J'tbnlu7 dreD. t.be hoole of Mn. .. t.er.n t.b&t .,_~ ::: ~ftfPOl't Ha.nor ---------------------- fuhlon ahow and card pe.rty. a.rvuas .. boet.eeee. tor the day JIMna were made tor u.. tubJoD tiwm... <Tbe d ~ ""* Yldtor Hell Attadl Mnklee amatau monus Mn John M&lconuon. member ril be Kn. W.U. NolJ&r, per-Juncheoa and card ~. Th.la wW 11-.c · cyUM H .wpon N.wport Bartior Lut.berul Oau.rcJa, of Conchita Parlor, ta on the at&te lcw ~t; Mn. o.t.er Pol· be bald J'eb. 11 at AJMric&D 1..-~ =.:--lalaad ~ C. W. w..-.r. 11, pe.,,_. police repdrtecl. ii• wu take to commlttee of the toundaUon. The lard. cb&lrmaA; Mn. Doll Muncy; ston Hall, Coeta X.... '11ait ~ del Kar olGoe9. o..t.a -:S... it tatber of Mn. "--MWer, ca.ta H-. Hoepttal wbeD be bad a eeo- metJ.inl' hu bMJl arr-need tor the deooraUona and Mm ... Job Ja.c-mtttae ~ Mm-.. P-tenon. parai. city ) ri,u.n. ln ~ Mell&, wu treated fol! a beart at.-ollAI attack wblk ~ cSriveD purpo11e of acqualnUnl' NaUw obeell. Tbeodor C. JllbDan. O. B. Nollar, Ja.cobecn, Graham, Wllllam :,. • .~. do· t.adt wtU1e attendlns ca.DdleUPt bo1ne. Daufhtera from Ute 110uthem part BuUer, Rudolpll Pet.wllon and w.lcller, Jlel4m Ooll1u. Lawrmce per 7e&r l'l'Ol9 · • of the state, Sal\ta Barbera to Harold W. Grabanl. &ersvon and Frank Roaema. Pee& Otaoe lNI 1MI UN 1'11 HU 1161 HM Ban Diego, with th• handltnc ot TM bUllettn oom.m.IU.. met for Next fU\eRl meetJnc ot the Balboa lalaDd -·-····· 2'.acMLM 2•.uo.11 M.llUO 21.1111.u a2,ue.ee 33,M9.7• u,111.00 caaea tor u1iatance of any chUd luncheoll Jan. • at 1"iDe Ooul parlor wtU be on Thunday, a p.m. Corona del Mar -·-37,ncua 39,300.Ja •&.*.SO M.OCll.•11 51,905.H oa,Nl.87 11.IJQ.OO 1n the medium Income bracbt Club wtt.b Kn. Jlalttm._ pre-In .American Leeton Hall, eo.ta Balboa 30.20'.U 3l,Ut.U M.119.Jt M,M0.91 Sl,lM.13 17,782.00 M,GOl.00 family, who cannot receive a.Id aldin&'. '"'-"UDS reporta and M-. N~ .. ·:_~:::::===: .a,uu1 67.aM.12 e:a,uua 70.Jell.18 N ,HUt nueo.oo 111.ltt.oo HorVath Gets Jail Term on Heroin Rap Mesa Sanitary District Neighbors May Join Lines TM CoAa M.-8aaltary Die-been approved by t.M bondlnc at.- lrk:t board ~ apJIC"O"d a mo-torney and an ready for AMI on Uon covertn1 r-14-i. ~t to t.be area annexed to the diatrict t.h• dlatrlct. north of Victoria 8L and eut of SANTA ANA JA.N. 7 COONI) Under the moUoll, UWODe ilv· Harbor Blvd. The area wu annex- Archie Alan Ronat.b. '°• 511 J"Ul-lJW MljaceDt to t.be dWtrict aM ed MVeral mont.ha &1'0. The bond Jel'lon Aw., Newport e.ch. f'ri· wft.bln 1'0 tt. at UM beaDdar7 ei.cu°" held Nov: 9 canted. day WU .. taeed to t.be c::biDo llne m&J coeneel to ..... 1l.nee Jt WU ~ COUU'\lcUoll uw.on llCll. ._.1n.-.u au.MUS i•,..., m ,nt.11 111,91.11 ,....... 11 _,...... Coat& Mesa ·---60,260.00 ea,000.00 H.Ma.00 U ,06CU.I lOS,111.U 11t.a1a.oo Hl,171.00 ' -o• .. 1ned Ab .,. r...s b7 tolb wllo .... raallJ Jooldq '° .,.., . P'or Information call 8ar'bol-1 Tu. ....................... T011 *91&'9 ... ...... ., ............. ....... ..... SPSCllAL NOl'IOW- Yoa ~ ..,, .... for~o-r- PT1ann Tor Ute ttirm pa,,...tbed "1 ee a ~ • • •••t ~ -W prooeecl-a1thln 90 ~ llD• law after he pi.ded cutJcy to pc»-tune IUMI wit.b the ~ Ser-ctneeni muat complete plan.. blda ltf'Kion of bero&n. Ytae would be Cb.arl9d asa!D.lt mu.t be called for and contracu v ............... ...,,.. ......., Wt.,._= .... the ...... Y9" ... whew ,.. ....... ,,,~ ••• --. .. ~ ... ,.. .. •Mty ...... low fot ..,_., ""'1· "'-"• wtly Y9" h.w MeMy Wt ••• ~yew .hep lehweyt Supet1or Court Judce John.._ t.bla clqolilt &t the r&ta at '60 per awarded. palllled 911nt.ence on Horvath after y.r or fT&cUon Uaenof, It wu In other recent acUone. lh• 1an· denylnf probation. dec:.lded. ltary diatrlct board appolnted Don The defendant'• mot.her aat on Th• MllltarJ dlatrict an.nounced Duncan attorney tor the dl1trtct t.hi> ed.r• ot ber MOGDd .row .-t. bond.I amountinc to 1100,000 have aad Don loutlnrortaa eastn-r. Her haDda wer. cJuped under' ber h .. r <'bin aa Judp 8hM reprlmend· e<1 h"r t.alJ llOO. "You've r91LUy cot It,"' lbea - wrted. "You know all t.be tl1dra of the trade. You Cot JOUr wtt• on It fhero!nl. I don't bow of anythiJlr; any more ~ T our U'tree·month-old beby bu bffn t.akf'n from you." Ne_,., WOllMI• Hmt I• Santa Ana Cnnla IA.NT.A ·ANA (0CN8) -Marie lreJle Clark. U , 3916 W. Balboa Blvd., wu lnjured ln u acd dent on Santa Ana atreel8 ' recently when h•r car became lJlvol•ed In a ooW.ton with an auto clrlven by Wa.ley er..baw, 12. ot . Santa Ana. H orvath Interrupted the )uctce .nth, "You've pt It ~· 'l1ait baby la IA my motlac'a car.. I can't te.ke care of It whO. I'm ID OraJIS9 eoa.t Propert.MI, l&Ol 1__. ,. __ c-L Jail."' Kllle'• Road, baa ----a -r-. ~ ....... "An you t.ak!na ca.re of It wt.U. permlt by lltab CorponUaD Oom· It. fender-bender tn.Mc acddent you and your Wile are bopped ~ miMdoMr w. H. lt.epbemon to ... reportAld at Harbor BIYd. and on heroln !" tbe Judp aak-1. ..U 7000 uar.. ot 9toclL Oftlcen Victoria St .. Coeta M-. at 10:30 "You ba-'t a11owa aucb lov'e for el t.be lllllldtvte&oll ftna W-.Y p.a., Jan. I. Me9a polJc. nporta )'Our child. You .... ~,.ms v ~ Cbad• H. .,.Kuauct> ..,. CUii *"-b7 Baroid ..,.. everytJl.lq ...... ID ltte. w ..:.CS Artbur A Undell• Uuar ....,._, 6', 9oathem Cali- PuWlc ~ 811m n...... · fomta Blble OD1Jec9 Md WUUam ~ la. Be dallMd ...,.... "w'tllll1 local au.-997. aid the JaduloD .oru.. u, ot NO x. w.- wite had beell oe martJuUa.,..... a.a _,,_ U. ~ ~ • M.. •mW•, ,..... .. ,,..,..... .tM met her b11811u4. Mn. Bor-lMt.n.uDmt Co. buildllls and t.be -----------.. t.b ta ~ a tcMay JaU __ 1..._.. tract upio wtaSeb u,. aeo .. t~ce tor ~ ~ 8be wu 000 •tnactun le balns bullt at erTMt*' with bar bwlland Del two lMU Bl111t.ol at. Juft off Newport other waipec:ta ID a raid OD ttie Ill.cl. out ot eo.t& M-. SU rullertoD It.ft. addNN b7 Paold of CUit Ha..n, pre&I• Newport police and lnlerttr'a IS.-d«lt. ot the quart...milllon-dollar putlt>a. .,.a6&1ty .mn•tfactun,.. ~ J udp Ille& dec:Jand: "Prolla.Uila lnO'f1nS here trom PaMdena told 11 dllllled. You an order9d to t.be t.M N~ ~t.17 be plane atate penltmt.a.r) tor UM urm pin-to keep ' a.er. for ht. optSca.J 11er1bed by law. '!bat'• pretty plant and ..U 10. toucn. Mr. Rona.th. but I ooaldn't act eny ot.Aer W'9.1·" va.....__ 1 --•r-SUIJ on IUe t•t t.be dd_...t 1J IM1"VI" ~ _,... crumbled: "II J nw do com. b&ck Thell ot four hub oape from lt'll be o'Nr ....t.ldDf J did to her car while pal'tled ill Nchard'a .omeone et.. not W!lat I did to M&rUt Jot lllllda,7 wu reported mYNlt'' to poUc. by ~ Etbflene Wood· The ~ man'• mother ruMd tnrton of Bunllnaton Beach. Sbe to the ~·· taJale an. t.be aid U.. t.hett MlCWT-s bet11reen j udge adJOl&r1l*l court. 8M ap-9 p.m. laturday and 12 a.m 8un· parc>nUy wu n-.r coU.pee. "'Wllat 16'f· d~• thla mean ..• WMt. ooea ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ th1• mt11n •" ahe lDqutrM ltylt.e11c-~ ally TbUI llhe -~ U Mr 1-a. dark boy waa cMtMd to tllle ot!Mir pn.ontn 11nd Ullllllend badt to county Jall. DEATH NOTICI LILLIAS a. l'ftDllDf SA:\'T A Al'IA. JAN. 10 (()Qq) f'uunll •"1clee ft¥ LWJan 8. Petnkln. et, lf012 W'lDaor PJae., Santa Ana, w1JJ be held at I p.m. WednM<lay In tbe W\nbqler Mor- tuuy C~pel. toe N. Main SL. j It wu announced todey. She had a Balboa neptleW. Mra. Pttukln died ln St. Joeeph HoapltaJ yt11.V'day. Her bu.aband I Edward R. Peterkla wu on. ot U.. p1oneer1 ln citrus de"lopmeot la th• Bna area. RoMrt Suma MacAuley or the Orang• PrMbytenan Cllurch wUI oCfldate at lu t ntee. lntermmt will be iJI • local cemetery. She leans huaband: .on. Ralph H Peterkin. and g'?'Uld dauabter. Mra, Pt~gy Scott. both North M<>Uywood: thl'ff nephewa. Euctne Ro!MUon, 8uta AAA: Rcaer Rob- lMoo. ~: a.nd w. A. Robin- .. ot New Tork. I EVERYIODY OPENING SOON WA'lql PO& IT a.o ............ 0- IPONOI CAKI 19'-. ..... , .... ~~.~~~~~ <XMITA llE8A l '700 liMw'pon ...... OOKOP(A DEL llU tol 0-.& Rwy. ACOIU>'S LAGUNA B&AOll .. ., ...... , B.U.llOA l8LA.ND ............. NSWPOaT aMCll -c-.. 11w7. THI FINUT AND LOWDT PllCID l'ArlJ Amutcu MAPLE FURNITUll •... an,w~u. op... Prlclays .... • • ,. c.e·· •· .... Crep •••• UHESln .,.47c 6UDl Al ~ ............ ,.... ..................... ,...,.",.,..-Iffy .............. MllM ¥11el1~ln z:: Uc PllllMCinlls z::nc ,,.. friM PllllllS z= 27c ................. Mtllr• .... ::.., ~ nc ..;o;b.7.AA. .::21'' ~~A. c..-...•.= 51'' ~.--..,.,m ..... ..._ ~ of .,.. ""'"-,..,.,.,.. ~ ....... , "' ....... / ,. MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE c:-.. 39- HIGHWAY PEACH HALVES ~ 21c 1 TASTETELLSTOMATOJUla -: 19- HIGHWAY GOLDEN CORN v::-tz: 10• MIRACLE WHIP:w.ou:.INO ~-":4~ CINCH CAKE MIX ~-'=-'~29- DEVIS FOOD lAYll WE C....,...... INCIAL c ....... 6Sc ....... ...... .. ...... •.. ., .. .., ~ ................... .. ,,...,7k Dee,FryS.lem ~ 10c Dee,FryS.D11Dll Z:: Zk Dee, fry C.... DHlls~ ZSc S11hkt<w ~Zic JeM ~ Otuar ... ., Veftfle. •• ,. 0..-11 ~ 1k "•HI Olllrn : "= Jk IAl9IOXICEMll :!...~ .... 39c s. •• ...,,,,v..-~ CllSP SODA CIACKas GElllAIDTS TAMAUS tu.y le1ret 1NoM1. , ... 23c o.fldoUlty~ ..... wttti •m IO\H9. 11\o\4L • 17c Trve~ft-. _. ~ ~,?!_ 8 ~ 35c " 11~1• mesh bog STOU HOUIS D111J la.atolp.a (........, ...... ) ...., ........... .. 1722 Newp'-' _.,,,._, Costa •••a PLINTY OP PA111N41. ON LAIH PAYm LOT • ... .. ... . . . PA&E 4-COASTAt SHOPPER-JAN. 12, 1955 OLD NIWSPAPllMAN . . J'rom Ora.Ac• County °" h'OliD .. to the OIUO ... &.e ..... ''"' ._... ..__ IWL I IWLA-• I c--...a... Loe An1tlea lt.Mlf, Burkt'• bard· t.arma. Re waa attorae7 for UM r-• J ...-"IW II I ~ Ii I 11111 ..... httUJll' vt-. beblnd the MWI So AAU 8alooa 1-pe. UM orpnila· Mon Ul&a 1IO ~ aU• ... 9f ... Wctil• t.brou1hout an &l"M raa,1a1 from U. c:ncllte4 wttll puttJAc o..ir UM uuulal auutmu party ot tJM • Teh&chapt oa the aortb to 8aD ProhlbtUoa. and wu one of a com· Newport llar1lor IC1waa1e au-J1iDor aoa-.t a..t .... ~ CONCIETI aOCKS Kl 2-0754 l'tJ'IU.aa.tKm OOlll'AKT -... a. .... -. ..... &ma l'OJll()S -VlHDD AW OONmln'S • A>«W41 UINFOllOINO ns&I. ..C SUftLID J Fr-Bult Conducts Otero OD Ule eout.h and PbcMnl& mitt.. ot H who drew up t.be llt.b held • the V"'-ctrt.-. bJ' ~ B. ~ ..._ e OD the eut. A.madmeal. a. ~ Marta& Cafe no ta .Aaa ud Obutel L. LIWi9 ot • Burke fMla like Ulla about hie Burb -.id be lnt.anded to bUUd Clllllly., J\tty 9dWta ~ Loes BMdl oceurMd ~ at MW• commentary tiro.dcUl: '"lb• &DOtlwt' • boule ln 0raa,. Lb.I• UM 1owai1t,en chartac a tvb7 Bolila An. aad Cl&1 Ill.. poUoe ===================="! Ridlo News from H rbor newspaper I.I UM moet eub8t.aDUal. .April, but that he did aol Intend dinller . .Appuran.ce ot lut& a... .ad. I lntlueaUal and powertW mearu of to ,SYe up hie Beacon 11&7 bome. and the ~bUUoa ot ctfta to . 1Cr1cUoa t.o14 oft l c 1r1 IN communic&Uon. You can •ve lb• ''After all," Burke muaed, ''Wt thoufttt 1-il wu Solac to et.op 117 mu. l'lllLLU9 UM tamil7 dilpoeed ol UM Restater print and check It for ftrtncaUon. hH• never epent an uncomfort-•&ell cbUd ~the •t.lrtaUa• .. Ht "" .... ,.,. .... -., effort to ltop A ~ repan.-wlilo llu to the ,,.mt owaen. But the n-spaper• 1 .. ve wuaid ab1-moment here.'' • ment hlrhllpl. at t.he 1Dtel'MCll1on. ..U.tacl hi.I lit• to i--ttas To mabat&ID hi.I edltori&1 Int.er· certain thine• that ou1bt to be --------------- Ule ....,. lllldad t.1111 ....,. to u.. ..U. Burke bouitlt Kl'AC 10 yeara aatd. It'• thue certain thln11 that T D ~-...1 .-ii.uo ~a bait boar pro-ap w. comins eprtns. "nl• .u,. 1 take up and apecltlcally dllC\l.ll."' -llCJ Kl'M r..u srUn trom Newport a.uh tbn1 Uoa, wbJcll wae l60 -tta at that N'llVU IPONM>K&D SANTA A.NA (OCNS> -Pell· turr• a WMll. u.., wu &llo a tunll7 propo.t· In order lo uwre hlmlelt tull t1oD for a decree eetabll.lhln1 UM Be II J, rr.ak Burke or 2 Bud• Ulla. Later ~ built radio ata• rein on bl.I broadcuta. Burke'• death of joint ten.ant WU lodfed .... ftoM, ....,_ ._1. Alert and u. DLA at Pa•dln• hal.f·bour .tiow hu never been In Superior C6urt ~u7 by Ro- ....St.by at 11 ,_,.. or ap, llurkl "A ..,..nunantal rull.DI went apontored. bert JI. Baynea. "nle petition I.I IMNdcub °"'hi.I ~llOOO watt throuP llOIDI Um• after thl.I," Burke launched a dally paper In lo e.U.blllll the death of cathertne Loi Aqllea A&tkm. srvo. '°" Burk• eaid, "that OD17 oa• radio Ohio when h• WU •lll\. etud;tnr Noble Baynea, who died Nov. II. .-t.ect °" w-..n Aft • .,..,,. lrd ll&tiOn could be owned 111 lb• law. Later, he became f.be ewner Jotnl tenancy tn Bay SborM 8t. ..,_ a.dYertistnC area. I dectded or two Ohio papen and WU elect· properly WU U.ted. BOID UOAOO~ to bold on to t.be Loe ~ at&· Burke'• ao m11autee ot comm•· Uon." Burtt•'• eon-ta-law Loyal tary I.I delinnd MoDd&>'. Wed• KIAC took oft!' tuU CCJDtrol at IMICl&y &Ml rncsa.y trom hi.I m.ct7 Puadeaa and cootinua manastDc l• hill e-coa Bay boull. Located UM 10,000 watt etaUoG. le u unUMd kttdMa bM6de bl.I NOW A PA.STNEa .wd7 u aa .Al90Clated Prue te&.-'fP'· Burk• keepa hi.I mtc:ropboM Frank Burke, well·kllown ta the Md otlMr remote eq\lipmmt ln a Harbor area. LI DOW a partner tn -board ben•t.h the lldtdlm ltllk. the Loa Anplee ataUon. • "It wu t.be mq aad t.ratnc Belldff b1I halt -hour radio LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARla SHOP diat dron me back tot.be Harbor broMlcut thrM time• a week. th• .,_, .. Burke OOllftdl4. NJ bad UM elder Burk• II st'Ylnc a coune Nnote UM aM-Uwl tea.typ1 la· la jourll&11ma tuadamentala and etalled here eo I coWd COBtllaue ~ at Chapman OoU.1• tD my Edit.or of tbe Air prosnm 0raase. Be accepted t.be hour-lone which II aomeUm• rd.-nd to u elaal. two da71 a WMk. startlq .1~~g;;~~~iig;;~~~~i;g;;~ii~~g au-. In .A.eticm 'It C09tl -1ut leptember, u a labor of love. fl Poul MOO per moaU.." .Aetllally, Burk• admitted, It wu a dlltn to return lo Oranp 80UOBI' &llO~ Countx tllat •ad• It ... , lo ac. Butb'1 tlrll collllldAa wtlb oept the Chapman CoU.1e duty tll• Harbor .,_ ~ • ,_,.. uad IUtall a d&rect wlre trom bla qo wlilcD be boufbt UM ... ta Beaeoa Ba7 home to the KFVD An& Rqater. "I wut.ad a paper tr&Mmltter at Lynwood. lup •""lib for the wbole fun-Ar BQD IN OQ..UNT1' tq," t.be on•·ttrM at t.°"11ey Oblo It.at.a MD&tor renaW. JUI • "W•'ve alwap t.it at borne IA ~ ot u..,. Jteste&er purebaae. oranse Oount7," llurke •11. Jlarlt•'• -. l'rUIJt became tlwll· "We've ~,. couldered thU ... .......,.., &ltd Ml claQPllr, lllome. Oa the other bud. It made Mn. Mary Ktltc took °"" u u-ao cU.tf...-ce when my broadcut .a.t.ant editor. -..i JIU! ...... OCllDM bom.'' Bruce Martin . roR A.LL YOUR INllUR.ANCll NmllD8 ~ AlltO-Tl'llCll -Fb-Ut. LOOil AO&NT ..... .,. oalee LlbertJ M88I Ube'9 &-Wt 1'791 N A•e.. Ooeta .._ UDO DRUGS "'One of tbl Lido abope" {J;,ano Jlutru.clion . TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) "--" ......... a... Osat' ,. a ..... ...._.., .... ..,.. -Sena om. ft. Bar. Im 0.-......... _ o... ... .., Buy Your NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 s. Coast llYcl. See Us Toclcly HIGHDT TIADI ·IN YAWi 3461 Via Udo, Newport l1•c• Spec .. for n.n. • • I ...... Ste 111•:&&1 .... 0na ....... 0..JllTP ... OI • Oa. 26C ~. •= Is:: 1 O&. ]~ c ....... Saccltmr• 3tc TllllN 1• ~ ,,. YnAMIN -C-nc lOOTULm-•9111. 5""1•c 12-SP MtlM PAYLESS ~•umn~•-•M•• o.. IASIET .... ta . 99c Ls' I~-·~ IOTTll .... 98c ··-.... 1 .. 117 .,... w .... -1..11..- STAnONIRY .. 29c AJAX _ ....... 8C · c•,IANSIR7 HAUOR DRUGS 3301 I. Coast Hit11W91J• C01"1•• .. M. Fri. Sat. ..... IALIOA DRUGS 716' ..... llvd., ••••• ~ ICI CRIAM iULi'SrYu . . . ." ~ .... Ste HAND PACK .... ,.. .. 3()c HAND PACK ........ Ste CONES , CiRRir lllUl ••••••• I I& Ste OU»--~ HOREHOUND DROPS t:::: 1oc --llADS-JllUl CllOCOLA TES I-~ ASIOll~ 801' w .. , ....... 'r ......... . •1• Cl1•1n 1.1t-. •••• •1• c .. , ... , Sld11 ... ,1 .. ,. .......... . D•a 1 f HaH ClllCI locly Lotloll ,1 .. .......... Cara NOIM HaM CNCllll •1• L•# I.II..._... Ulfthlfl ••. ~ 1•1mtela sec ........ ~ .... ,_ •• ,..... Twlm • . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·. 11~ SCon TO&IT TISSUE .... 11e • • • • • • • • r scon PAPll TOWILS . . . . ·. • . . 2 ,_ 25• Zll PAPll NAPKINS ... l'Je • • • • •• • • • 1r ILIDllX ..... _ .... 11e • • • • • • • • • • • • 114 SA.,AM • • • • • • • • • 21• ~WIAP·11-... . . . . . 13-14-15 ~·-a... IK1WLS ,.._ .... 11e Olelde Ollm .. JARS I.,....,...... ..... ,.., ...... . ...... .,.. RANGE SETS .... ......... 9c S9c 69c C..fwl•J•W.lry .,.~·stc liquor Specials AT UDO AllfD aALBOA 8'l'O&D OHLY l~~~s2"1 sa.va 1..-U ......... TWIN .. OAIS ....... 3s1 SHADY HOVI ....... •••••• 7 c.... .... .,.., ... s4• POI MllCHANTS PIOTICnvl SDYICI IN N~T HAllOI AllA CALL UHIGH f· 1634 11U'l'UIW1'ou aoun • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed · Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 A $59.50 YAWi SAYE YJ 7411 AllllVERSARY It .. that.._ ...ar ... tM _...,._ ...... ,_WV to .. H HAL MO.lfST Gii a ....... ..., I q&llc M..,_INowondll'~..aa...-..--al ,...1aru....-ML11in ........ l r , ...... u ...... mat+= TAWii beca.-~~ ..... JM1 ftll·MLllllCm ,.....,.. in an..._ ........ ...,_ =IO low! 8o CW in TO»ATI Checl ti-.... ..., •=->-•= .. e IAMI ...... COtL COUNT Al TCW..OUAUTY, L•xw.T ............ e IAMI NI.,., llODIU lloa TIAll M IXftA WIAm e IM)lll ~eAUNCI H Ill' .... ~ flOI M MM&W ,..._ PICH•I• IY llALY1 e IAm CIUA&m MATa.. IOX ....... MT ....... lliuUR 11a, Finl, 11•1111111,1111 C1atutl ..................... -~-................ )'Im' ... ,.,v .......... ... _._ ........ &-... --..... ' . ....................... )¢r; '• r 0. • ~ Aaalcu-7 ....... ,, ........... ,. ···~·· •llTllA .. .,._, ........ ,..., ... , ..... , 1&· •• "'-· na.mn_t.._&l:M .,._ , •••••• ,.,, ...... •114 .....,,,..., MARTIN RJRNITURE 1165 Hw••r llYd. U.1rty a.1111 COSTA MBA i . l • • JAN. 12, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER-PA6E 5 Piersons Announce Betrothal of Carol Zeta Tau Alpha Benefit Affair . '~ Art Workshop Tuesday Eve .. -· Q to San Franciscan Kra. John Dull•ll of luta .A.aa. Mlll Matl• H.ttera. ut ....... tormrr Harborlte, wtU be OD• of .aGr ot Newport ..... Slmlen· th• bo1tHlM'1 at a talhloo aboW• ttry 8dloola. wUl M ._ et three luncheon to be held Feta. I, 11:ao l~tructora at th• creaU'ft art p.m In tht Smbauy Room ot tht worklhop ot Oranre Ooun\7 A .. • 10ClaUon tor Ch!Wbood ~UOft. &lnbauador Hotel. 'Hea'ftnl1 1'U-to bt Mid ~ al 0nnp Jn· Wedding Set for. April 2 at C~rmel-by-the-Sea b.Scma" la t heme of the attatr. wtllcll termedlate leJM>o1, ITO NorUI 01"- &a ~ by Zeta Tau Alpha aell st.. Oreftl"e. • ...,_UM of 8outllem Calitonla. WorUllOJ19 will lDclude work IA Former Harborit.ell. Mr. ud Kn. L. Ford Pienon of ftia la a ~neflt evqt for o~ laminated paper. cenunlCI and ct.-.• Carmel, are announctDc the enp,.ment and forthcomiq tbopedle 8 01plt&l and t.be NaUoaal al~ tor crafts. taualll in that o~ -·--'·-f their .. _ b•-,.. __ 1 t ,.. _ _. L .a-IOD of Mn. 1ooMt1 ol Crippled Cblldru and 41•1' by Ml• Htftem, Jrene 8tew.• ,•. -·-"' O YaUI ._-'-&IV 0 ~' Uww, Adult.II, Jnc., Eaatu Seal ~Y· art OI llr.& ecbool9 an4 Corino• Lude and the late Dr. Thor Lude of Mill Valley. Over 150 door prise• vaiu.ct at •10 Stoner, art con1Ultant tor count)' fte b114-1ec:t waa sndu&W e&cll, With a min.It .tole to bt ICbDol8.. ta 1100 trom Newpon llartM>r IUP F ul swarded a»o. A.JI t.Mdlen, admtnLetraton UMl 8ehool and rpved a B..A. decree ac ty parents a re w.leo111e . .._ June from WbJW• 0oUese. The only way to make t.be maaa D4 la now te&ehinC PbYalaal tdu· ot mankind -the beauty of lmpartlallt)' ta UM Uf• el ..... «~· eatlon at J'allbrook. Her .uitet w • I JuaUce, la by lbowlns them, la u J\lftlee la of all ,.,.. ...-n· Haney, Wbo a.i.o alt.lbded Jl&rtlor 1ves n pretty pit.In ttr ma. the eoruieca· m•t. HJP, l.I pb)'81eal adueau. teadler umoe o.t 1nJW1Uce. --JUIUIU&A at r-tana. u::~~~of~i::~: Fun Ni.ght campw, ln IHI an4 Mned IO montha o·nrwa u U.Ut•••t (J.0.) with the U. a. Ha,,_,. Ke la pre.enUy employed M a t.-.cMr In the San J'randMo hbUe 8cllooJL HEADING THE TABLE u cbairman of the BymphOGy Ball ptanntnr committee i9 Ml'll. Karen Mar,reta Bnming, new executive director of the board of directors. The Ball will be held here on J'eb. 11. Left to ·rl1bt cloclnNe annm4 th. table are Mmee. B. N. DeMnberc, JJ,obert L. Keppen, Thelma Paddock Hope, Karen Margreta Bruning, Paul Roprw, Gertrude McCall, E1aie Woode, W. S. TboiDJ*>O. Kenn~th Dell and Jo- Date ot UM wedd1q hU tlMD Ht for April 2 M Carmel·"""th .. Bt&. • eepb Hood. -Staff Photo. -------------Star Matron Symphony Group BOOK PROG~MS SLATED to Announce • S F b D BY EBELL CLUB SECTIONS New\A>mmittees e ts e • ate Four SlleJl .Chab '*>II MCtloDa met Uala we'... u follow1: Appointa..t of oommlttffa tor _ ~ I. Mi. LUl&a. ~.U. cha1nnan. w1U lt~ wtlJ M tile ma1a oNer of llUll- F C t 13~. re\'f-. ~. Vn. M. L lieekW. aia Driftwood-Road, neu at Ole ~ l!IMUhl "-{o. Or Oun Y a. a 11 a-.:•"' ... ~"Mn. P. J', Fernan ..&.tins. -.Ck luncheon a t morrow nlatit of Harbor 8t.ar _ .. ~ Cbaptu, 011:8, ln tbe Coat& Mua Bank bulldlnl· Worthy Matron, · . WedDMday -a.ct.Ion I, cbairmaD 11111. Byron WelJa. Mn . Artbur Vtt.amorrta and Wor· Benefit Affair Planned Ba*et IUMb a t a.11 ~. u:ao p. fl\. Kn.. R. B. l.by Patron Henry Dlute'r, will pre- 'Pvwell to mt.. "My Brotlla'a Keeper." aide. ' t A •d S C rts Tlal.U'llday -8ec1Jon 1. chainnul Mn. Bruce McBride. Commlt l-to be appo!Ated an: 0 1 eason 0llCe Roa-Mra. Nldaolu Jlrett.aer, Mil Marino Drive, Bay audlUq, Mn. W. E. 1..AcheAlaeyer. IUloru_ ..-.led b7 Km-. carp.ter &ad Parker. Mra. o. Kn. Joe Stroup llAd Kn. Lowa Dietrict chaltmfft • ud o!Jaer n~-...____ er.ndatt; nunlnlns, Kn. Henry Z. ._.._ will N'f'MW, ...-~ coune at 1 P• m. Dtelter. E . l. Moore and Mn. ft.. acUv. members ol the OraAc• N y k Llk Tb •-, ~-J a LlAd cha.I ,..,__t1 S vmphony A~l.aUon eW Or en! e unday -_.uoa t -_... . . erman. r· A. Jamee; by-1&w1; Mn. lyll'l& _.... , ~ man. c.n Harbor IOl7.J. Place, Edward Hobel and Mra. be&d a klr k·ott brultlut JTICI&)', Corona del Mar Blancbe LyUe. Jan. 7UI. to plan &Del eo-ordlnalt A1 U1e 1ut ... UAI on Dec. II, )Ir. and Mra. RJchard M. OrU· S d H 1·d •""'-__ .. t ... bud t It acUnU. for I.he "Ctn Your c •n• pen 0 1 ays .,.. ·~..-· o ..,, .ae comm • fin and daQ('hter Palr1cla ot fto. t •-... "'-Jt•---'nt Jl.n to the Or&J\l'e County 8ym-0 1 ton -· uie '"•• comm .._ ap,_. ~r. N. y .. _,. ,,...U ot M.r. • -" WU ....... 'nail oorrunttt.ee 111 ~y Orchn1..-IJ&ll" to be held and Mri . Kenneth W~ and t p 1 s•d -•· . eca Uie evenlq of Feb. 11 at ta -.. 8 00 -J e WMiM Arth11r OllbMc't. Mn. Al-.__, -'"·b P , , .. _ ·--•-dauchter Laurel, .. ..., Poui.t~ D F lbur Kemper and Mra. Walter ..,.... -· art o • ...,. en,_._ • .41re . 'durtnc Ole Chtiatm-.. ,..... ance or 8M1.1a ud Ora.nt McCaU and Wood. ::"~n~1~:r ~ :.~ daya. Thia WU flrwt lr1p to Cab-twr -I.Mr. Mra. Gertrude Mc· i'olJowlll( Ula brief bu.tnua V forola for the New Yorkera. 'ni., Ca.II,, ot IOU KJnp Road, CUrt mtellll.J a -•· l\ew Year'a party Oo~I T prorram. wtlh Mr. we,.. UlrWed wtU. ~ .., Mar y s •- Qarlee Coburn. c-t&J motion and HJ the.y would Ukt to come oung et ven. apetal I.ht Ouialmu hoU-WU held w1lh boma and conletU plct~ 1t.&r. u muter ot c.,... IMre to 11,,. , da19 IA • San&.& AA& mot4ll wta.re aact au U.. ~ TIM --...-. Tbere wtU be ..,..,.. · tM)' w.nt la twtmmbl&' ~ da.>' mite-IA o11arJ9 ot Ule pu1;J' wu ._. pna. trom ~ COUPty • X_,.rt ...,_..,,..... Ill wW la U.. Mat.I 9WtmmblC pool. b-.cle4 b7 Mn. WIW&m N~ • ....a.at.a. K . . . at -Wiiie CIMr'e u.q ~ed ....... ~ by Kra. B. T. ~ tboee atlmcllae ... amarunas ........ 1'1-11-17 .. -tMr fi1ddll, Paay. hmY &lld ......... Mn. Albtrt Jleddt'll aad CJuiatmu lilt.I •"* wen not eucUy what U. ,.,._ta de9lNd ,...,. uu.u.d M ,,.._ wMla J'ao- ulty Wt• .. Club el H..,.,n aa... bor H!Jh lclleol bald a tua mattt party Jan. I at th• MIU eco- JIOlalca cott.IC9 on tM llCMol -pua. Wh1a wu pme ol UM ~. and the ...,hit. alepbaatl'' c:b.uipd buda Wben clallMd Ir)' other pla.rera. Wh1Je UM Cb1a-. lacmM pueed buk ud forth many Umee, It wu aJ1M1SecS puree ol the ""'"' era wtsldl onated moet Ill~ Hoet.aea • ... 1'me9. Paul CaldW.U. , ... 0..-... Al Irwtn. MN. Robeft> Pentn pre91ded at Use ac.t bwt_M§ -lntertm. '!"he ~ a.190 hoei-d a Kex· lean neeta. Chrlrtm&a party tor UI• faculty, boa.rd membera and all achoo! employees. Held in the 10Clal hall, Mr. Caldwell acted both u emcee and entart.&U>er. He Joined wit.al Mn. .AMNW OU"" ln the •dtinc Mextcaa bat ..... both perfomien ---lilanll· aome autbeDUc cmtumea. Re aJlo wu t.Gnador IA a buD ftc'bL Oluter Wllltl and Venie AJJe acUvaUns the hide ot Ui. victlm. By Ulla Um• the hat dan~ bad lrupJNd me prtnd~I JC191pb Hamblet ud Robert Mapu.oe to try It, the l'tllUlt ll&vtn&' mo" comfl4T Gau paoe. n ... wu th• ~ of • plllat& tt\Ul ---ol aedl• and the throwtas of decol'&tecl err abeUa nnect w1th confetti. Deoo"Uorui and food canted out th• tbmi .. all l.UMMr advica "' u.. 8p&ni.tl dtpuUntllt. Dec: Weddings Are Popular • r •all fa a t were UM folloWtJtc ,.rt ~ 'IMM ao ,_ UM llSdry o...-of IOOl C1Ut Drive. Kra. Dnma ate""8. cbahTn• anc\_ other• tr'Olll tlMir El t N ftnt dancea o1 UM 11-,_,. ol UM a t a pool..&dt ,arty. Their cowtn, Plau -uoOWM*S for a MJd..w1Pt.r JloUdaya .... to M dlatn<lta: Udo late. Mra. ~ IL ec ew ,..WU eou,w..,.. Bruce McCGnnell,. of El Konle rummase aala lo bt held J'eb. " nnbnc June I.A popuiarll.7 for J\os'.n and Mn. R. L Keppen; JWlior OoU!l'oa patrw and aleo .,.nt a ,_ day• wit.II them an4 JI, probebly In the +i:cade couplea who are altar-bound. and Balt.o. bland, Mra. ~ De&J; Off• ,.UM 111 ,.,... wW tie hand. at tlM pool Bids·• M...-,ort Blvd. there wu a OUJTJ ot acUYlly la rutJm.oa ... ,.. Edward Ml~ 1cers Oil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0ran,.. eounty 0ow1 ..... wtua Mn. Koma Slack. Mni. ~ fM lhe ~ STOOP W'l1I lnclude applicant.a uktnf for ..-.. 11· H«riaaM. Mni. Francie Motntt Mn. Luctll SmJlh f'Otert&IMd Kr. aJld Mn. r.chrard 0t •¢Ille °"'-Md Mn. Samuel Oendd. • Ul4 M.r. and llra. Jobn 9uaooe. ~ ~u& ..,.. Alfred Bo&-V'"WI\ OOro!ill del atu, Mr& nmaarna Rlub aemllln at ._ ••l•inl ao. 0 . VJ.ra'llda Ool· Uer Nedrau Jr .. ll, ua o.b1ia Kann M&rg'reta &runlJll, Mn. aovcly llorn• on Al'9o A're • .....,.. 111&1 at tile I e'doc:k OoWUaa wm be Ave. and Jl:dllb UWrn ...,_ a.a. T!Mlma Paddock HOJX'. Mn. Dono u.. tropical decor u..t ~t ,.troft"9N M-1am• Arno Id 143t Acacia .Aw., botJl Corona 4lel aid Ha.rwood and MA. Brad O.· wu pt"r1ect backrround for Ult Broyl..-and Bull Twt.et. (IE.a Mer; Lowell IUdl&rd ll&ter, IO, •Mrs· "oldUroera. ·· Meedam• RJchard MaraeUu.t. 2070 Continental A vt. and JOC!J ~ ~ach and Emnald Mn. Robert Boyd .w. piwlded Uld Jq Rlaodel l.oas1q *'11 &Teet Unore Laurte. 19, 341 Ofl• 8t .. ky, Mn. w. 8 Thomp.on. Mn. at the bualnul llCUIOJI, wlddl a. tJle ddtdrell at die a o ·tolocll CoW· ....... • ......__. • Ir 0 ltnthM both Coeta w-: ICW• Weod.oo and J.fra Al Piy111. eluded ~ltcllon or orntera tor lb• Ucn. wtille tlle Patron•-• wllJch ITAFFO•D & 1011 Ora OlerkT Littleton. 21, Mae- Qltf Havtn and Bay Sboro. Mra co~ year. They lndude; Mia. wm ....a.t a t Ult llaU-mttUnc • chut.er, <*lo aDd J aequdjne 1- 9Mll Petu11uft, Mn Cert.rude Mc-Morman l'l~erald. pr t t Ide 9 t: wNdl lnc.llldtm Ute ~ snm· "'lfSUI &ad DOC" '11lne Aadnw9, 11. W Kllor. ._ Call. Kra. Dean Bradford. Mn. Mn. Don Fuller, vice prffldcnt; mar 9Cbool rroup, wtlJ lnclude ltLSCl'alQ&L OON"!'aACl'OIU ea.ta Mea; WIJllam Te11n.y Low. Rvt.h McConm•ll. .Mra. JONph Mra. l..eo de loe Rio.. aecrela17: Mead.amel RaactalJ r. ~ &Dd I lit .,_.,... ne:~rty a-~':,.. ..... a.a. Sea Dlefo, and M.JT1l ~ Hood and ~lr•. K. C. Coolifte. Mrw. Bob Richetta, ll'euurer; Mn. John Oertly. Aaroa, N , UO r.-nlMf An .• ~ knta AJI&. Mn. F'red O. Ferrey, Ro't Kwne, pubUclty. T1l•y W1IJ nma ct.I Mar: Xra. Harry Ci. Hurtman. &nd Mra. be lnatalJed Jan. ze at th• home La~ MlchMI 8hiM. &7. Md r'\oyd A. Blowtr. ot Mra. Wllll&m \VbJle, 10aa Maple llildnd Ml.N Hilt.cm. 11 • ._.. S L. C:O.ta Mtae. G 0 L DIN W4 Newport Bhd.. Cotlta K-; Mn. 8am 91:rtdea wu appo(nt· Doaald CUrtla P'oeU. 22. 241' Wdl· ed lo rontacl a at.mllar club In I miuta' P'9ct and LTA" Clla1*e ,,. .. o,, every boi of save \ lt-'tNlfOdlftQI anniversary sale Monday, )OttflOIY 10 ""'1~, '°'9llOIY 15 Relnforc.d ,,...,., 1 S dtft;.r, S 1.25 (reg41lorly $ r .SOI 3 ptl. $3.60 Mlcrolilm Miii. 15 deltlet. Sr .25 f reg41lorly S 1.501 3 pn. U.60 Shetr h..t, thml-loe. IS d"''-'· S 1.35 (regularly Sr .6513 pn. SJ.90 Short. mtdkl"' oMI Jong~ CofofS, Sovtll 'ocfk ottd Sol '°'9 Llclo Fa.W- In the Udo Shoppint c..ter i 3440 Via Opotte tt..3671 .r I ~ -- w. r. Farrrll, La Jolla -'"nle fanntt le the only pe,-.on who can taake btm.elf Wlr·.Upporllq. If Ule farmer ahouJd go on 1trllct '"'9t WO\l ld lhe 1.olated city folk• ll'ft oaf" Honolulll. and membtf'a plan tt1 lllnlUI.. 11. 2230 hlnt-Road, ~~p~~~~~~~ ~~~0~~;£~M;-~=====~~~~5~~5555~55~~~55~~5$I fl"OUP IA 11a-11 111.tud of bav· I - inc 11ccret pai. In Ule home urul. BALTZ MORTUARIES 008'TA KUA CH.Arm. 17'1 8\lpe11or •-• c.o.ta .. -. oam.. Phcme Ubert1 l-2UJ ~ 81' Tim 8.IU .... Cclut 81~ o.n.a dlll Mar. Ca.11£ ...... llu1lor u RESIDENTIAIA«>UmtAt...COleAHaAt NO JOB TOO LAROE OK TOO ••tl, -.. a. Noapuut·..... ..... Ull ----- .SALE • TERRIFIC VALUES ••• 20~ te SOCfo OFF • ' \ ~elelwaU .. 50 v ... of Serrlce to ... Fmnllles of Calfenlla SllOlll lor ,,.,, member ol the l1111ily ....... s.1e..,,c .... ..._ 1 --- Final Clearance YJ to % off Dreues. Coats. Slllrts. Hats. Sweaten. Cocktail Dresw 1/2 price Drastic Reductions DON LOPER Dresses • Suits • Coah Lido FashiOns J440 Via Oporto IN LIDO SHOPPING CINTll , ............ , • I HabwJ671 • j • II Ii I J I ' f 8 0 • A I I I 1 WITH SALLIE , .. ...,, u, ltM N""J'Ori -c.111 • .. Now •otber ud Fa&llu an 111111 .. tWr beda. ... ~of ba•kraptey duee tllro•gb their 1 ...U." I qaote tlae IMt two U.. of a ,..._ tttW "'1'19 .... Day --Cb-_ ............... .-, of lloOalra ~· Ah Ju.aar'Jl Thti bmted --···-.-lit of wblttll•1 w ,,,.,,,. dowa to the warpudwbool ••. N~ lllUMI n.&'a mt Food! Ya ptta eMI OMe more yoa Ille lo eot ud you like lo eat 19" , .. You doa't --battopqmllty aad yoa wut tbo.e extra fucy Udbldt. you're ulleCI to bavht alollg wtth your --po-... time oat for a "°"POii ••• Pleaae put me on your malling llat. 1 would like to ~ve the following: Pan.try neW9 letter ( ) Gertie .. Mon. Tues. Wed. Speciala ( ) I Week-end •peciala { ) Name Add... _____ _ Richard'• Lido Market Dept. N Newport Beach, Cali!. Our Pantry News Letter comes out once a month and conaisb of specials OD flJCY, unusual foods, very rattly ad· --~ ••• .._ .... ood IU!IM -found hen ac:ihnively ••• Tbme .peda)I, lut: for 30 doya •.• a.....---y--.--Wed •• , 1e1 "Nuthln fatlcy he,.. ... jut eood okl -· li&Im like h.con n' egp, May. ono.aiBe and Pot Rout . . . strictly eeeenabul! Tilat's me!" ... Week-end special.I are a mproduction of OW' week-end ad , •. a full page of ~pec:W. that appear in our local newsp&per-9 ••• All three are you.n for the ukin'. Tll111911aJ of next week., tile IOtli Of IMa&rJ, lolasi -,. r-.,. c.n..po... .. t llllCI Hew9 Ap•"Wt., wW ...U al the Newport mp 1 LJebool • • • Be ~ vta • tile Udo We w-·• Chab ..._ wllo wtll be hen ~ Ueketa a& 11 • piece ........... , ... -,. ... 0r, .. _...,._ ¥ the .._ •.• 0.. of the ........ fonmoft eorn.. Lectaren. I o Jul wlto ......... l! atpo lado-Oldu. & .. -----..,. hot • 9POt9 of the world • • • win pl"l!IMllt • propou.I for victory and ,_.. O\'er alhelBt Com--.... -.. ... lotroducing "Big 32" •.• the voluptuou.1 avocado , .. ,Eat rrun. and \"egetablea in aeuon to be asaured or top quality for the leut price .. .Avocadoee are in ! Accord.iog to our Al "You realize more aYOC&do wheo buying one for 29 ceou than you do lf you buy three for ten cent.I." Pro-; portJonately the pits or larg· er"-Ciae advocadoea a.re una.J. lier ... The avocado meat more flavorful and mo~ full of lbe jlWt-right avocado Ju• cioumeu . . . In avocado J&acua&e "Big 32" me&ruJ 1 wper colomal , . , Buy'em for a very speclal prtoe of 19c thia wPekend. °'Tiii the Ume," •>' Barry ,,... ov o,_.. r . . ·- • ......, THUUDAT-W... W... 21C: PAN ROW __ FIUDA.Y_.,_.. llMlld r4k APPLE PIE ··-·· ..... <IL - 8ATUaDA.l'-·5'Ai'LSpp_lo_._ 3 •• 25c C122211y Sicle Growm l'nldlltel "Jumbo 32 U.. A R.lcbard's Bpeclalt• AVOCADOS ..u .19c i»i'Aii 2·~19c APPLES ._,.. 'IOllATO 24 JUICE. __ .::. c PiAS:: __ ~ 2 ... J9c: --.. 21 KETCHUP . __ !!. c 11 2 35c -·-a...·.o&An JAM ' ·~ CM• /or a ~g /aruo/'JI" IUaKU'• r..ttt1I ~r Cut 2•b.·25c N-25 CRACKERS _.... c: HYDROX _';. 25c: ToWELS _': 2 ... 2fc: omliGENT ::;:-229 PORK CHOPS "Con1 r 1tt '1-Nll PfM ll•t'" Xla«U'• -.rw. Ae Cut PORK ROAST "'6.T"" .,.ma1 -for Do.It" -...·.~ ....... SPARE.RIBS .. ~ •p ~''"'" Bath'• Bllekhawk BACON ".&4-«MI M U/1" • ··-.... --,. -··· --· • FARM, F·RES.H ' . ' . Beiause they're Oualitf Controller/ . . ~ ~QUALflTOONTllOL-U. _. wwdl o1.· .. !I' tM& mob a ........ better. ONCE llOU: -I~ !ti - ONCE 'llOU ........... Ille -..,1 ONCE llOU YOU BENEFrl' la HMltb, ....... , • .-1 laTiap ai BICRAKD'S. We ba•e pnrnd, lo -.., -Twddo llolry ,.,,,. d-.,. ....... ._ Tboir Herd, -.._ Ploat ...i 11-. .,. QaBtJ OoMnllOd. Y-. yoa -I "- utra-trellll "better Iv ,.W ,...... -.-. yoa bay FAJlll ftE8B llolry Pnd .... , •• al -..,i•L ·-iiiliia:··a1LK qt. 20·!c ilui."i1:viT'iM1N~ 22:c qL 12c IMM.~I a-na-........ ~ ...... tllill.,, NON-FAT MILK IMak T .... l r...-C-&rJ ~ BUnERMILK a Drtllll. 'llliMI t .......... ,...... .. ! CHfCOLATE qL20c ....... ~t .... ~ ..................... HALF A HALF ., 11• 'hM.? •• 1niploo olt"ll ....... th Dr : ALL PURPOSE U.'hM&..1-r.a._.llmM COT'GE CH-EESE P!Mt now • • • • For s-.,., LOllfl /JNuty/ E11foy l1c .. lflll 1-... 'hp1clcly Mleclff for Y"" I Pat.mW NamM • Wrapped Bue &ooi &Olell are ,.._.la a& Richud'1 •.. Selected tor COMW gT'OWlq. YCMl'I n.d U... beutJ ud ..., to care for .•• TIFFANY CHARLOm ARMSTRONG SLEIGH IEUS 9UEEN El RAllTH GARNm CHIYSLllt IMPDIAL FOITY NINO LOWELL THOMAS llELECI' YOUll FAVOllll'E OOLOll8 AND BEAUTI· FY YOUR HOME AND GARDEN On-hooee Clowt &a.day! lb.69c 1b.39c ~·65c . -"Topmlllare- S-... QM. Dtee"-tll. u uotlc dull plmk. ••• Tttfuy, a bhlt'il :C: erplU •.• ~ dreamy ud F I ht1 pue wldte ....... 11111-..•1 -otla-... AZ ....,... .... ---. clrMe &, -t s II ••• lll7Mri'1 'h± .. wk r..... Pod SAUSAGE 1 lb. roU 35c AMI M • •• pa,ah• ~ ... Richard'• Lido Market la ontJ one ot a block of an.a. uaJ. lhoP1 located at the' en- trance to Lido lole, N""J'Ori . Beach. 8PJX1UIJI FOii 'All. 11, H AND 14, 19115 ' • '3''11 • IECEIYE CHAITEI $EAL .w.ror Dora Hill, richt and Councilman Gerald Bennett Monday received official .eal of Frank M. Jordan, Secretary ot at.ate, with copy of Auembly Concunent ReitoluUon No. 1 and ofndal Qty Charter of Newport &&eh. W illi charter now ap· proftd. elec:Uon at le'n'l\ n-councilmen can lii Jield Mucl1 f5. -8t&tf Plloto BOOK 7 LOCAL . BOYS ON SERIOUS CHA~GES lw'c)lcwy, Concealed Weapons and Drunk Counh Reported Ten juvenilee, aeven from Newport Harbor and three from Santa Ana Height.a, were arretit~ Sunday by New- port police for drunkenesa. burglary and poeseaalng home- made concealed weapons in a car. Application.a tor petitJona were fil~ on all with juvenile authoritie. and they were re- kued lo ~elr pa.rent.a. quoled the fourt.h lad u •yill• One Corona del Mar J J .year·old he liked the l ute of It. boy told poll()41 he took a botUe Arl'"eat of two other youtba, I et 'hi• fat.1Mr'1 whtoey and eold a.nd 12·YNr-olcl boys Crom Bala.o., it to a Bait.a. lal&r>d 12-,..ar-old wu ma.de by police alter in...U,. for IO oenta. He aid UM p&lr, to-PUna' burala.ry ot • bouM ud pUMr with two otber '-I 11· •tltmpted mt.ry Of • t.raUer at ~ ....., I02 S. <>c.an J'roat. 11le bo~ 66- 1---_,. went up to Ule old milted to pollc.e I.bey broke IL ~~ ,_"°11' With the botlle. p&rt'nUy no~ wu ~ - ONE YOVTU oaVN& co&'dlns to Mr. and Mn. A. Ill. Th• youth hid the boy to whom Plant, ownn11. he 110ld the ootU. took two or A door to a ainall room attacb- ~,... •lralCllt -allowa of the ed to OM hou.M wu removed from 'WtUIJtey. He and tM otMr two It.a bins-and a acreen remu•,.. luted ll but 1plt It out. b•· Hld. from a wtndow. The handle on UM He told how lhl' fou1 th youth trailer d(>Or wu jimmied, poUce drank more of the whllkey h1ter .. 1d then became wddenly drunk. l O~l:EA.Lt.J> \\ EAJ>O.S~ The four youlha Wl'nl to • lo· 1 In allll anolh,er arr._l of Ju•en· cal drlve-1.n for coffee Which lhe 110. one 17·year-old from Colt& dnmkt'n youth w~ unable to Mrp an4 two 16-year-olda a.nd a drink and f'll~tONll"d on lhe 1&.year-old from S a nt a AA& counter Hrl•ht.. wen booked undn t.be f'()Llt;t: l:ALJ...a:lJ Juvenile code after iaome-made A waltre. 11ummoned po1Jet1 wrapon8 were found concealed ln who plclced up the yo~atera at their car. OamaUon a.nd 8 f'COfld A ••u . The Police aald they o*ned the one boy ~came utremely W at driver of the car amaah a pop the 1taUon. n-•ita""-the aid botUe on the pave.ment at New· of a doctor whom poU~ called. port Blvd. a.nd MeJ"adden Pia.~. The youth, wbo told poUct he Sea.ch of the car revealed a palm took hia fa lbtr'1 wtuuey botUe. I aap. a plKe of lead under I.be rear Mid Illa lather kept the wblakey IMt. an 11-lnc.b at~I pipe wtlb a In lhe boy'• room .. then ta' no wtn balldJe unda UI• rtl'hl front ot.her place In the bouae for It. Mal, a toy platol replica of • Lu· • Ro~er Early Testimony · Assailed in Liquor Trial . &A.NT.A. ANA JAN. 10 (0CN8 ) p&e With the ddmdanla) llO I went Tbe ddeft91 dtopped •-Y at lb• born• and the whole tlllina blew t.utlmony ot Rocer Early. New· over." port Buch barbec\le pit operator, Tbe didllUMI claJmed Early .aid u th• two -oount conaplncy nothlnf about t.rytnc t.o raJM UM trial of Oardeo Grove labor ottl· moneJ wben he ap_,.red before clala Harry Lehman and Charm lbe rrand Juror1. &. Devi.De rolled lnto lta MCOnd ObjecUone were heavy oo both week ln Sqperlor Court Dept. 3. aldu todaJ u proeecu tor DeWitt.a T!le def-contended Early Chatterton and Defeue Atty& dldA't tell the aame atory befon Jamea Monroe a.nd 0eorp Ctnala the gT&nd Juror• u be did on the Coug~t for the advant.a11. wttneu 9t&rld today. Tb• Early l.ncldent wu Intro-, OrrEll&O U.C&NI& duced over the objectlona of \be defeoae. Tben they aet out to tf7 Early told UM court he WU COD· to impeach the wltneea. tact.ed by Lehman and ottered an on·aal• aea90naJ Uquor Ucenae for At.LOWS TE8TDCONY MOOG. He Mid he later met. with Judp Raymond Thompaon al· Lehm&n a.nd Devine tn UM Santa Jowfld the tutlmony bul. pointed .Ana labor temple an.d dl.cuaaed out It• limJt.ed value. lt wu. put ur the matter. by the proaecutlon to ahow ache.me, He Mid he ulled the defend· deat1n a.nd pla.n'. ant.a lf drunk drlvtnr conVlcUon.11 The defendant• are accuaed of would h.ave an effect on hi• u-con1plracy to take unlawf:.ully $11,· cenae application. He te1Ufled they 000 from Al Wedder1poon of New· told hlm they would not. port Beach for cetUnr him u on· Early telllfled the defendant.a aale central liquor llcenae. told him the ffOOO would have to Monroe a.nd Chula ....Ued the be ln 11111an bUla. He a id he told chance of datu Early reportedly them he didn't have the money, made on hi• two trip• to the cnnd but would try to n.IM It. Jury room-Oct. • and Nov. 10 Early aid be wu coot.acted by of 19M. Ulephoae aeveral umu by either In hill flrat examination by lh• Devin. or Lehman (he didn't know fT1Uld Jury he auert~y fixed the which) In relation to ral•lnc the Lehman oontact dalea u October C&lh. He claimed hla 'flt• alao wu and November of 19~. Later he contacted by phone. all,gedJy awltcbed the Um• to October and November of 1961. DW~"'T UIJ: DEAL 'Early emphulsed: "I'm bere to • NEW A8800IA1'E8-Mn. Virginia llanaon and Gene Vreeland became new a.uociatea today in the Lido Real- ty Auociata firm at MOO Via Lido. Both are Udo Isle re9identa and well known in the Harbor area in real es- tate circlee. -Staff Photo Tbe defenM brourbt out that tell the truth •.• I ftc:&lled the N M be ~:dn~~to~. ~tu~.::,.~~ !!~:edd~ :~:i::.c·:;~enr: ew em rs lru nda ge Gets t.o.liia meeua. at U.. Labor Tem-wtwr. I ltnclM • -----------Join Lido leave in Tokyo Realty Group .Announcement of two new U · .odatea ln UM Udo Realty Al· eodatu of 1400 Vla Udo WU made today by WWlam Kemp- t.on.. aatea manager ot the nrm. Jira. Vtr(ini& Xanaon of 10~ Via •.a&Jen &lld Oen. Vreeland of l H Via Orv1eto joined the company today. Both are well·known In the Barbor aru. Kn!. Manaon formerly man11ed Bert w. Brundage, 2!'1, aon of J a.ck C. B rundace. •H P ira te Roed, recenUy 1pent a week'• leave In Tokyo from hie unlt In Korea . Bersea.nt Brundage, regularly ataUoned In Korea aa a drattaman In th• opuaUona aectlon or EIKblh Army Forward Hfadquartera. en- tered th• Army ln J anuary, 19" and arrived overaeu II) Septem- ber of ttie aame year. He la a U~M p-aGua te of Weat Cout University Coll«>ge or En('I· nttrlni.. Ule U do Fuh1on1 d.rua ahop then ------------- known u Kay Nelaon'a and wa1 w1th 20th Century l'ox a.a aulat· ant clotht'a de•l.irner. 8be wu with U.. Vocel Co. for a year and a halt aad bu been a ruldent ot Lido lale for nve ye.ant. Let us labor for th•l l.arger comprehfntlon of tn.ilh. and that more lborouch repudiation of t'r· ror, which llhall make thf hl11tory ot mankind a 11rlea of a.cendlnr developmmt.a. Vreeland wu a1ao with the Vor el -Horace Mann Oo. bdore becorntnr uaodated liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia; wtlb Lido "-lty A_.•IH, u I ...i .. w1U. Rop o....i-c 1a l'MI Mtat.e. -......... T'M fl.rla. IMeded by Kemptoa. Robeft JaaTun and Wilbur Buck. ~ID Udo I.ale rut eetat.e and handle• re&lly throughout Ule llatbor area. P•••t1 to Pay Cost JAN. 12, 1955· -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA&E 1 Gorto1 Dr11k Drive He1ri11 Slate~ J11. 11 Prellmtnaq be&l'llla' for a dnuak drive, ta'tonf' cbarp wW IMI taoed ............ c.... Two --................ . ....... t..mc ..... , at M...,.n Aft. ud lTUl k at l:OI p. m . Ju. .. <Jolta .. poUoe ......-i. ,,.. ~ ,..... M1ftl9 ...... n.N, ...; ., JUT ~ ........ .... Olllatia a.a.. ~ ••• IOCIG a. W ......... luta Ma. Moad&y, Ju. 31 by X....-.tb (]or. ------------ t.on. ~. ot UT IOUl at. He wu MT&iped J'r1dq in N~ Ju. *-Court. Berioualy hurt b1mMlt Ill • crub which 1"'und WWt. A. Pratt and bia wtte ~ botll ot 2()88 T!lw1n Ave., Coata 11 ..... Gorton la charpd__ wtt.b ...pout. bWty ol lb• bead~"crub wtdcJl occvnec1 Aur. 11 on Oout mp. way near Ba:bo& Blvd. Gorton autten4 a brolla arm and blternal lQJWi•. Pratt n- celved a broken )IPJler lee and tracl""4 elbow wbi1e Ida wUe n- covered from a broken arm. band, ahould• a.nd cruabed cheet. Police Mid Gorton'• car appar- ently croued the double Une on Coull Hlfhway. A total of 272.643 motor whkll• entered California during UM month of NO¥fmber, 19M. accord· I.De to lhe Nallonal AutomobUe Club. Thia fl~re repruenta a oon- 1lderable tncreaae over that ~or November 19~3. when Ollly 231 ,tol l motor vdllclea entered the at.ate. HARTLEIN FLOWBS NII C. OaMt Hwy, Vo-... ..., RAA110a Mn r&rt7 ....... -rfllecrapll bell...,. 1en1oe• OPENING SOON ANOTHER COSTA tlDA .... HAllOI AIU a-w.a 111 i;. Jl&ll •t.. o...a -- Wat.di For Opeallla ) . P1111l11 t1 t1D~ 8'Ull1 If Jllf 111? .............. ,: , = t t " ll'I!." -:i I Urn ........ ·1,_ ..... _ .. _ . ' ,'1 Pare.Illa agreed to make up ma ll· ;=.=====================================:::: cloua mlachlet dam•c• cauaed by AT MANHUNT SCINI Jaland, wen amonr l.Dt.e....c.ed 1pec~ 'nlurwday after IJ\Y•· tery ahooUnr Of Emflllt Cantu, J-7, Corona dd Mar and Phil KUmer, lP, Udo Iele, oc:cu~ MM Cunnlnflla.m'• home. - Bt&tt Pboto • t.Mrut.rtr• in Coeta Mua oveml1ht Jan. I , po~c. reported. 1be teen· -.en took traah can• rrom 201 O MOIU'Ovla St.. d.rove onto a lawn at H4 Orvve Place and dumped out t.be t.ruh. r.porta abow. -PAUPJ.~ &IDU:l'-' MOBTtJ&al' r-i, OILUJKL 011AP1:1. lJl ...... ~-c-ta­ ~~ ... t-Ml4 • See the most • in at the 'nle lad •Id th• 12-year-old to cer and a a.in. hunUnr lmlta In Special Meeting .-born he '*>Id the whiall•y had t.he glove comp&rtmeAl. I W&TU BAT&U IAL&a. KaVICa -ll&l'Aaa /ea luring . 3rd ANNUAL BALBOA BAY CLUB AUTO SHOW s-tettd him for .,m•llme to get In th• trunk compartmut of For Toastmistress It for him. th~ car, o!flcera aa.td they found )Hn~!"' 'nle three bo)'• wbo a&.1d Uley a G--ral. cu can and a robber hoee FoUowlnr the holiday receee a aplt out Uie whlakey t.be7 luted which amelled of paollne.. 1 t 1 t ' P1111, M1ole1z1e t ue •r1ts to Block ~iq1or Graft Trials SANTA ANA (OCN8) -Writ.a of prohJbltJoo were on ni. today I Man Theft Told A p~a la. San Bernardino, aa dill· • trlct liquor chief, H. It. M•cJ<esi· A. card table a.nd anaJJ ln•tru· lUt', and Or&n&e County liquor ment caae were reported 1tolm boa& Herman Pauae 110u ht to from a 1torace houae at the rear g of the Mra. William T. Marx re- block a tnal on a (l"and Jury In· 81~~ at 1103 TuiUA Aft. Jan. dlctmvit. 8. Coeta Mua poUce Mif. Tb• MacKen.sle, Pauae and Mickey I theft may have taken p~ aa toe1 Joriu wert indicted 00 tin oounta. •co u Novembe.r, Mn. Kan l&ld. acc:uslnc tMm ot the unlawful taklnr ot premium prlcu tor Uq- uor llei!nwa. They •-rtedly took '8.000. f'rom Ro. Gray, operator of the C.pLtt.rano Hotel and '7.800 from Jack Kennfdy, C'nn a M- Nr owner. ..................... comp e • y nnr ype of tmpromp-fU.llD. 11 PU CV'1 OOWlll "'-...... lue tu Procr&nl will tnaucura1e tbe winter aeuon of the Harbor ;:===========~ Tout.mllltreu Club mffttn,.a na:t Mooday even~ a t HoapllalttJ Hou.ee, Ba.Ibo&. Aft.er Ulla mNt- in. lbe pro.IC ri bed type ot ~ mlalreu Club meeUnp wtD be re- IW'Tled, BE SURE • INSURE ..... . 11.&USICIE 8TA.NLEY a-rue. o.tJ ........... , lnt llllllu18e4-. ........... A. me.mblnhlp drive to fW t.be ~==========::! club quota of 30 rncmbera w1U cet underway lmmedi&tA.ly and all Marbor area WO"*l lllleruttd ID ToutmJatreee acu~ue. an Invit- ed to ~l at 8°'1'ftallly HOUM on tbe MCOl!d and ~ourtb Monda~ nenlJll• at 7 :30 o'docll.. . 0... W I DAY I NOl.9AYI llaOll ......... ..,. ..,.. "°'"'Al FANFARE COLD WAVE including cut, shampoo & set. 17.SO oforri -J ...... yshop Lorralne Jooea Verla May ~ E. l7th St., CCMrta Meea Phone liberty 8-2362 Call DAN'S TV .,.,_•W111111rPOll•lft9f -• NIWPOat aw. -COSTA MllA ILU"l'U3ID .. a•Mmtl'r.-. ............. a......,1-•-0...-.. ..... wo.. ..... ..,.. ..... 1221 W. Coast H ... _y SATURDAY, JANUARY 15 SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 NEW HOURS t 10 a.m.· to 4 p.m. dally COMPARE PREVIEW: It 19 upectecl that 90me aew moclell. 9Cbedaled fo., ....- alar .. ttonaJ llhowtag ~r .. tbe moeth. wtD be _.. for the flRST TDIE a. 8outhen C&llf ont. at ta.. BBC Auto Show t ITS FREE No adn1iMloll -Simply pick ap deQta from UJ pu1.lclpatla1 ~r U.ted below: IAOK RAU8XJ::S MOTORS MG-EeirU.. Ford Jiit .......... Bh'd. CeetaM- LOU ~ & A880CIATl:8 Clu7Wtt-~tll tlll "·· C-t Hiall•-a1 Newpon .._. r&AN& DAaLl~O ., ...... .,., ......... 1 .... 0-t 8eata A•: IU r;.. l~L ~ •orou .,... . .., ... .. ... N-..r& ..... .. o..ta llN& llcl.F.AN IJIOTOM. 00. CIMll~ Ill N. llale 8-llt. A• KAa&llOl'f PO!\'TIAO 00. ,._.._ I .. a 8y-.re 8-ta Aa& Mlu..EA Ctu;VllOLET Clle\~ H81 C-t 111Clrw&1' :S"'P9rt ._. OOTl'O.M GOFF v ........... ....... lllt N-..rt • .._ ( .. . 1.....,.11).N..,._. BA.a VEY IDEM ........ 111w.n.-1L ........ .IOBlQ()Jf • IOJI lJ.lloelm. .. cw' ... w.o...~ N...,.n ..... C. IL am.GllfmA .... =-= 11U'.c>DOll& ..... r_. .... "· (leMe ~ N ........... MOllfTI: IL raa 8 .,......., .. 111 1'.ltr ........ ......... -, ... I PA&E I -COASTAL SHOPPER.:_ JAN. 12, 1955 Cran~ Pie is Party·Prctty ---- Pretty eno~h for a Jl&rt>', and u pod u It 1oob, 11 a tapioca cream pie topped with brirht NCI cranberrta. The cnalt 11 the euy kind, made of naUJ& •af~ra.. u .. J'Ollf own 1•¥0rite crumb ctUJt recipe. The lllin&' la delJdoui ftll6y tapioca cream. It aJI adda up to rood aatinr. CraUnr7 0-. Pie ) en white a t.abltlpOON quld1<00kin&''tapi• 2 t&ble.poou npr 1 teupeon relatl.n 1 ea po1k '-i e.a.poon ftllilla I cups mUk Vanilla Wafer Cnamb Crult I or a tab~ earv Cranbenj Glue ~ tllupooa aatt ~ cup ueam. w!Upp..t But ea wlaite until fo&my ~;add 2 tablespoon1 tarar. 1 tablespoon al a time, and coaUrni. ~ wttll rotary -a be'lt~r IU'ltJJ 11\fnan will lt&ncf in IOft peab, flet uide. blMia ea Jolk wUb about \(cap of Uie milk in •ucepaa. Add 2 or a ta llpOOl\I near. l&lt. QUJck-coOlrlnr tapioea, .. latln and remainlnlf mllk. Plaoe o"' llledl•m heat. Cook 1uitll mlnare com. to a boiJ, 1tir-ri"-' couwatly-Uile t.ake1 6 to I llWlvt.. ~r mnaH amoant of t.Jt t:aptoea abmsN ·~ l)lfbeatea ..,~ • •IUte. ble~ well. Thea qulal1 add tbe ~BS .umu.. ltirrin. c:outaat11. (The hotter tbe taplOc& and tbe tut.er ft le bladed In o! thlebr and ftuffter the poddill&' wtO be.) Add vanilla and blend ~II. Cool IO min11te1, .Ur, and tum Into prepared Crwnb Craet. ChtU until llnn. Top with Cranben-y Glu.. Chm until &'l&M la Ina. Befor. Mn· irl&', top with whipped cream, Jf dulred. Cruwrrr Glue: Soak 2 teupoon1 flatln In I t.ablespoom cold water. Combine 1.,. eur-cranbeniu an ~ cup water ln .a aaaoepa.11 Brill1 to a boil. cover acd IUruner 6 mlnat.. JWmoore trom hut· add 1' cup..,.,. and ltlr to mix.. Let It.and 6 mlnatn. Retan to but and cook 6 mlnut.ee lonl'fr. !Wmove from hut and add 10tt..Md ,.JaUn Stir tint.IJ ci1uolftd. CoOl 1111tJJ alirbtly &hidwaed. n. PoV Oftr ch.llled pie llUns. M r--a Hurt Mn. llaxton WU t.ak.en lo a n. ~ton doc!or h r treatm111t. c.a.utonaJ.a In Laguna Crash Hllb"Wll,. Patrol •ld. Kn. William D .. 8&xton of •ot Y. Newport Har. bor Heliotrope Aw. 19, rld1n1 Wlta B. P. 0. E. IM1' Juaab&Dd. wtfered poNlbJe In· 1787 Jun. •bea lh•ir car collided wttll • OM dr1ftft by Wllliam D. B&Uey. N .. u nwy 'nund&7 • p.m. ... lea OS.,o, on c.o.A Bllhwa,J VI& Oporto -Central Ave. U tHt norUI of lOUI BL. L&f'una Newport ~ 8Mda area. lundiay &ttemoon. JCJwood llMU. llx&lted Ruler A TRUE STORY 'Ml• happ""'91 ot a y~ 11rt.• 1'1.T N-TMr'1 Eve wu turnl'd to ~P dletr ... whm ahe reached home and rn.llRd Abe had lo.t lbe brand new pa,lr ot 11•8"• •h• bad JI.Wt purdlued Ulat day. Thi. flrl le a ffnJor a l Newport Harbor Hll h School and Tery dependent on her flUMe. 9'o her .,other J>'ll an ad In lh• clu llled tecUOll u followa: • %2-Lolt aad Foud LOST -Black velvet cvenlnc putM with lad lu 11&.Ne•. Yn · day .,,mm,. t p.m. to 1 a m. ltt-w&rd. Phone Jta.r. 9:k97 On F'rlday mominr. Mra 8. cell4'd and M id, 'Tm ao flad I put lhc ed ln lhf paper. Ju.t aa •• thOU(ht the purH and CluaH WC~ dropped &a a}le W U f atUO( OUl of the car. Now Ult)' have ~ found and we are Vf!ry irrateful." w-...-,. .. , ............. -.h..., (' ..... ,..,. wttlctll ""' ..,.., roa ..-Ma. a.oo. C'aJI Harbor Hit -4 .a fer LM ed t-'i•r. HOW IS YOUR CAR'S Yow c:ar'1 elecalcaJ ryltftll it .fmflu '°roar MnOal system. If yo111 car'• ~ la 09'W'W<>rked or ii the baawy, lfl&'k pill ... St&lttr or .al•.. •. 1 .• • ' repla_. fit .. oat ol ldltn", yov mcin _,... ..,. •• ..,..... properly ••• a.ad ic'IJ C101C yo. 80Hy. Dme iD DOW a.ad .. ,... '".,.,.t .. bee.Id l!~MM 2nd & Sycur... Smila A.. 112-2371 • • • • 4 ' . None .. hither price FULLY TRIMMED, CUT SHORT f ~ ~~i·ROiST • . 4 l~STEAK ~ ROiiiifiRff AK ~5 ~ U. 5. &RADE 6000 « llEmR. RlllY TRIMMED 4CLUB STEAKS ~ 611Aou;ooD « llETTER, IONELES5, FAT FllH ~BEEF ROAST .~~ :SiRLOi1iP ·~::r~, ~ Ground Beel Pork Sausace Slited a.. a 33: 3Sf. 3 LIS. s1 ~~~. 57'. ....... 041'ftll••& • 'I PURE VE6ET AILE SHORTENING • 6RANULA TEO SOAP--61ANT SIZE WHITE KIN &OLDEN STA TE PREMIUM -Y, &AL .: Di I CE CREAM : 43' ' ~ .. iiiiif Eiis ~ WAlkll'S AUSTtX :. TAIALES CHICKEN OF THE SEA &REIN t.Alm: .~-21-:· CHUNK TUIA~ RATH ILACXHAWK-m1 OZ. CAN : PiciiE LUllGH · MEAT :~33'. PTi:AAilf S .mn~ Clf iiliEEF 43· ' ·~~49-CiiCii1s·~23- iOMiiiS"c:flS' DENNIS WHOLE CANNEO sl CHICKEN ~ "'::~ 4-ll .. 4-0I. CAN OELSEY COLORED, FACIAL-QUAUTY. uno• •.. , ··--_ ... ~~, .. TOILET TISSUE ._._,_~asc ---2pb.a1c __ , .. 2 pb. a1c ~ 2R~~·23 •DOWNEY CX>aNll AllSTONI I OOlAH 0.ly ... MW.ih. ....... o...,. s-. • IAllEI llGIE ... &AlDIN MOY'I kVD ....... ~ DAILY •• A.M. ro IC>.CIO ,.M. • IEWPOIT IEICI 12600 COAST HMioH#AY AT MTIN .. 0... fllO AM. TO t:OO ,,M. OAR.. Y ~ ""IOAV 6 &ATU .. OAV 'TIL 11 I" .... •NORWALK •.alAIELlll I04t COAsT HteHWAY AT JASMINE DAILY t• A.M TO IC>.CIO ,..._ · • Sii Cl.EllEITE '"' ~~ ~ 39 I - .;...1· - • -. KRAFT'S SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP FULL QUART CATSUP, PEACHES Ng~ ,, 23' ' iOMATO SCE.3~21- HUNrs -NO. 2'h CAN 17-PORl&BEAIS . HUNT'S WHOLE, UNPEELED 2s-APRICOTS ~2 HUNT'S ~ &IANT 46 OZ. CAN 21· . TOMATO JUICE PiCKiES~~ 19' • 1.1.PTON TIA • ..-na -1-U.PI•· 35' • Ll•TON TEA IAIS m._,TU -,. .. °'"57c Qto ..... -......c...... UONOI CAKI It'-. ....... , ... ~~<~~ Norw ... ..,.,. '""· Newport -..cJi, c.en. Del M• I • ' • ~~T FRANKS 0r BOLOGNA . AAMOUl'S CllCU IC SllAll . ' ' • • I -SllSACE ltll AllD WSCOMUif .... CHEESE ' 43: 69~ :::-., 65: • • I ' - 100~. P'UlE CALIF. TAIU WINl VINO di CASA FULL 'IJ•AUON --- can.RESH FISH STICKS ROSE •DED SH MP HAU QUART CANS 11· LUCIY 4CANS LA .. a.n. olD STIAl&HT s4• •.• , .... FtFTH JAN. I 2, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPE!t -PAGE 9 WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS • Garages, 18 x 20 STUOOO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 <including slab) SPJDC1AL1STS in room addJtlona and remodeling for over 8 yn. FHA Terms -No Down Payment ui.rty U 788 -Kimberly s..&27• 87p1H -- ~ Noae. lJ llalldlmf:Sen'tOM Kutul 1l'unda-EEpla.tDed p AINTING ~ llQW jU9t llloW mutual PainH"'• It p u ........ tuad ...,_ .. lie U8ld bl JOU1 ...... aper •---.-. OW1I Oee.,...I p&ene•rc. l'or'"' 'Tbe Be8t Money c.n Buy'' bolldilt. Witte .. J IO, Wa s & N II ...-. 11p1B ympson o ar COilliJ4LB:'l'lll PAINTING IU llUi It.. N.wport ...._ II Pa 8aAma Seniol PBONm ILUUIOR 2406 SU~ 0. htflimma tie IOO 11-t Stn9t. l'..,.art a.m JOHN B. 8J:LUU" llu'W llTW. UeM P .AINTINO CONTRACTOR ruurmJ1UI asrutlMDfO -l...lceDMd Md lwNd WW rdlldlll to ..n 11117 tdad lit CLASS Paperha.nctDI of tllnl., old or MW. 10 yra. b1 It. P. LUC.U • IO yn. ..... Uflel1•n CllAJtLD J.00· 8au.tactloa Our. Elllim•tee FNe BON, LI M646; 1IOJ Placeatla. LI 8-2887, LI 8-a289 Coeta MML MC!lll 11Ue HAULING Experienc'd.Jardener ANY KIND-TR.A.BB OR t LAND8C ING ~. ~ and a..EAN UPS ,.._. LD1rt7 MH6 LlbertJ 8-lee8 ..... . 1:1 • ,, ...... CARPENTRY KINOll RSPAI& WORK NO J OB TOO DIA.LL a. 0. .&JldtnoD DRAfTING LI a..to11 o.ta 1111-llttc s • 1• d BRUSH OR SPRA y pecia rze E. F. BARTLF:rl' HOME REMODEL N01'M1!00N LICSMBm> PA'MOe. ~lr)'. plutertaa • 1N6 1"1M, oi.ta .._ ocmcnte work. W• •W.S· ~1 ........ '70pMB peJJIUq-1'0'0 Mmt ll. we do I\. R R ro8TJCI\ llft.Oe. c A p E N T E Barbor 1t1e.-R-LI 1·2t3J MpU Rem.ir Work OCMll Tom~ NMd ~ 1_6-_fl..;.._;..-_az_·~h ____ _ • A•ad "ncT Ol1I l'ruak. L1Wt7 ...... A.U Worll Oauuw.d Tttlo AJooboUC8 AJlooymoua Write P O. Boll Ul N~ Beacb. Callt BUD & BARNEY nc... R&rbor •m tte PAIN11NO ....... BRU&B or BPkAT --------- NOil· uasoe -Uc4llMd 1M5 ln'ln•. eo.t.a ,... • • • --- - Terma -LI Ma.4 •LI l-J5l:7ll WANT O>JLT IUDE doWDLOW'ft L.A.. hOUNI M •• ~. Ult• Lo ~I.A PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN car pool or would orianLM °'"'· Ph. Warr•n. Har 4()111 •~Uc m PalnMr Bt.. Omt.a M.. l 8-.... t)' Aide Phon• L.1Mrt7 ... 2111. 17tlc ----• • ----------· ---Superfluous Hair General Contracting Ptrman~U7 removed from raoe JlEP A.IR.S. remode!1Af and altera· anna. lqe. Ey•t>rOW9 &114 ISa.Jr t1cla '"1rlt. fteltdettal a.ad e«n-ISM llbaJW'd-Mo more tweasns, !MrdaJ bulld.lllp. El.J.LN L. BR Y A-N'f R. I: QualitJ Work <>uaruw.d • Udo'• 1&ioD ol 9taut7 flu. 2879 8&r 11a1 c1a,.. Bar.~.-. tie llktlll • . ft-Lo.t Md F0418d Pamtmg, Decorating LOST _ I.Arr•-:-.,,-b-rt•_•_b_Jacli_ Paper fla.nctnl m•I• c.at. N.m•d Olablo. Aro· GF..0. BURKHARDT _.,.. lo uiytblftC. Wu wear1nc LICZNBED OON'TIUCl'Oft a cllaM chaln.. Mi.an1 lllnc• au IOtb at.. Newport 8.-c!I 'nlanU,-1¥1.nf . REW >JlD. Phon. Bu. toa.w °' LI ....., ttc Hal'bor 3009. 13tfc FOR RENT Real Estate School ~ :;:· ~..,::: ;:=:: in Santa Ana """· ate. lllllM 6 WOleeN pre~re In 1pan BOYD'S HDWE. :zn·.= u:!~ ~:":!: Mao W. OOA8'T BlQBWA'f wMltlJ. AJ TJ&er lnetnictJn1 At.. L.l'MrtJ a.Mal. IC..,ort Beil •ttc tend ftnt nctna f'rM and Inna ~ t.bla cr-t IWd C.11 "' '"1ta now tor lnfonnaUoft Bua~ ... lutttut.. U.3~ N. ly~ ..._ IC ... nc.a. '741.lo PAINTING UftDJCJll -DTl:IU()ll LICDIUD -DflUREO Glenn John.ion Accordion Lessons 301 • II.It .. "~ .... ..,_ 11 Tl UUt Jiil BA.LI., llAJUIOft IOOl~R BOLLllTICll eaoe. Milton Mann-Studios NUJ18DLY ttpt New law1l. ..__..,.. ............ w ..... or --.-.-...... DO rr l'OuaalLl'-Wll TILL B OVlamz::PllfO wantect by daJ .. Oa.AD• l'Ot11l _.., AHi> or ... 11.--or IMlbJ lltUll(. AOU. OJfDD OtJa -OUtt>--llA ft own trantpOrtatlon AJfC& -LI ..... Npl ,..._. Ullert7 .. 1111\ Hp1 ' t • • . PA&E 10 -COASTAL SHOPPER~ :JAN. 12, 1955 .. -.a-Ar.:~ 1 ~~~. !~ _Traelm ______ .._ __ A_a_~. wt.!! w1a: __ _ • 111 .... ·-~--­ p A.RT TIMI: omo. woc1ter -· pert.-.d lllOCllM Tu typt.lt. Owen khwan. Har. ldl·M. tTpet HA VE '62 plck·Up Uuc:k and ap- pliance dolly. WILL Mui anythlnr anywhere, do any kind o( work. Take m.IK. Item• fer warea. L1 1·21M. 9Tptt Wanted -Spn1y palnUn1, exterior or int.erlor AlllO Brullh etalinl· Rate.a reuonable. Harbor 1024-W. Mr. Olbo9oll. 96pMh Landscape gardening l'ree m:.tlmatH Wm. B. Fa-su.on cau Harbor tTM. llcl ILUI • WOKAl'4 wW do Jueral bou.Mworll. floor wamns. wtn. dow clean1na rut worken. wbllt. 19• II: IOUI It., ea.ta Kea. U &-Mq Uttc Yard Maintenance Clean up Jobll. Free l!'.lrt1ma le Liberty l ·IT!lt. IOpllb 1.RONlNO DONI: In my home. 11. an bour. Liberty l ·TMlS. Hpl Alterations R.IC8TTLINO Kim ' of California 212 Marin• Harbor 1481 B&lboa bland HplS .---IUJLI· ABLlll WOW.AN W9ftle hou.e- work by UM hour. Have own tl'1UUlportatlon. Call L1 .. 11637. tlcl WANTED -Man or woman for JUl•n.I office work for 8111all manulactunna concern. Muat .,. llble to lake lelephODe orden, type and do eome bookll"pl.ns. Permanent It quallned. 40 hour w-8-Wrttc P. 0 . Bo• '°'· C:O.. ta Meea. MpH 1IVA1'T Kl&l Eetate lalMman or broiler f unlliar With Harbor area. Top comm'-lon lD •tab- 1.labed K l. office. II Mb r' nu• for ... Fresh Hearing Aid 84'l"l'DID We Olw MB a.,._ Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Maia at. at Balboa Bl?d., Bal~ Ba.nor 615. Mttc Firewood For Sale FREE DELIVERY W1UGBT 00. l TM N ewpurt HJvcl., eo.ta Meea L1bertJ 1-2506 '7Uo SICK ROOM equipment. Modem whNI cllalr. Bydra~lc Wt, eu- ily operated llO that Involuntary peUenta may be mo\'ed to any part Of the hOUM, allow1n( bathroom prtvtJec-. PracUcally new. Lea. than he,lf original co.t. Har. 3796-R. 96c2 DO YOU HA VJ: a record player (porta.ble or table model) that you would llk• to st ve to a Ta.hlUan younc'1a.n who la· vla- lttnc In ttu. country and wlll 8()(){I be sotnr home T Call Har· bor 1020 evea. !Hitt DINING ROOM table, buffet, rur. upbolatued -dl.alr. porch tuml· ture. Comb. con.ale radio and record player. n.1Un1 polea, 14 ft. mut wtth aail. llT E. Bay Front, B&lboa J.aland. Harbor 2()811.W. 94cff FIREWOOD nuci: DELIVERY Dry wood, 16" • 24" IAinrlh. Call B. R. 8T AGO Phone Harbor 101' l:ffntnc• Harbor 6311 4000 COLORS an.ilable ln epl'tly· lnJ enamel or lacquer for auto- mobiles, tnllJer. or aircraft. 8pr.y runa for rent. Harbor Paint c.ntn, lnc. U2 12nd 8t., Newport. Har. 2338 Beldde th• City H&1J 9lX:lh PRINTING 1000 BUSINU8 CARDS 11.911 All bualn•• •tationery al low pri~ LEON WHITE Pb. L1 MOl 1 UJUme.. OlSUc JAN. CLEARANCE OAFJ'ERS • SA'l'Tl..J:R NQ(e 31''. top cover. beHUlul cood. •... Mis. BENDIX Eeonomat wu.her,.ucell. oond ....... ····-········---~ O'K.l:l!:P'E • JiCERI'M' rUl&e SlS" pn1ct, new ····-···· ... ... $89.llO DDP FREEZER, upright. 20 cu ft .. almost new ................... J259 OE re.trig., 8 cu. tt .. very claaa Ht KOTPOINT elec. ranl'a, deluxe 11" many featurH ........... __ 199.llO BENDIX auto. wuhtr, Mveral, (UIU'&nteed ......... 1211.~'49.IO WlllOOEWOOD, II" deh&Jte rans•. l'flddle. top cover ..... :...... $19.llO MA YT AO wuher, eh!an .... 139.50 l.AlTNDER • ALL wuller, f'OOd condition . ............ ... . ..... M9,50 COLDSPOT rerrtJ ., T cu. tl. 1'9.IO !:verylhin( Guaranteed Free Delivery 8TROTT8 TtWJ'NKLI!: HDWll. .1802 Newport Blvd., Collta Mua Liberty 8-30t. Hett THOR AUTOMATIC. bu 2 % yr warranly. reduced to ........ $99.1)() NEW WHIRLPOOL auto. 1199.:1-0 Tour choice of two UMd ColdalJGtll Bee ua for used wrtnrer Uld auto- matic waahera 6 rans ... We rent ransea. wuhers and re ( r1 g era to re. Call ua tor repair aervlce Oft re· frll'erator1, too. Jake's Appliar)ces 1837 Harbor Blvd.. Coet.a M- Llberty 1-M<ll 91ct9 JllM Pffft.CO retrlrerator. Lat.est crou top f~es.er chfft mode.I apace tor bottles, butter, and nice ver . A meat kreJlllr. Uled 1 mo. Pd. dn. to fl34.H . No ea.ah needed Juel pay the pymta. of 18.27 per mo. SllE Bau1hna A 6 8 WarehoUM 22& S. Main St., Sant.a Ana e block• South ot 4th St. Open eves. ·w 11. Sun. 11·6 Klmberly 3·7201. Dale's Furniture ST AlNl..ESS STEEL dltb ~ •11 Sta.lnlt-ae 1trt>I ladles • spoon1 Bunk bed• .. JU. !kvera l apt. 11.M ranru 127 .:l-0 up L«e aeJtdloo Jood mattrea,.•, 19.9!1 • up Lee. office dHk -·~ 140. P'reneh piano desJt • chair 129.:1-0 1174 Harbor Bl'Pd~ Coeta Mt• 98ctt lOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 4323 Coast Hwy., Newport Beach 19M CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DELUXE Light blue, 4-d.r. eeda.n. 235 hp., Power- flite trana., radio, heater, Solu gt .. . WSW tires, only ···-···-····· ···-······· ............. $~ 1963 PLYMOUTH CLUB CPE. Radio, beater light gray. A truly fine ~ .................... $1295 1952 HUDSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really sharp. Radio, beater, O'dr. WSW, all the extra.a. Only ···············-············-········i·······$12~ 1961 CADILLAC • Light blue, 62 •-<tr. sedan. WSW ti!'M1 radio, heater .. .iiydratnatlc. Bat .. buy in town, only ....................... -... $1m See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port .orange" · Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 A Sneak Preview •• of our .Grand Opening used car specials 1950 FORD -6--cyl. custom .f-dr. eedan ........ $ 695 1SK9 FORD V·8 custom 4-d.r. aedan ···········-· 845 1950 NASH 2-dr. aedan with Overdrive ··--· 595 1951 FORD 6--cyl. 2--d.r. aedan ························-7.:5 l~_FOR.P C:Q\mtry Sed. R,ftH, FQ~om&~ im 1952 FORD 6--cyl. Ranch Wagon -·········-···; 1~ • DON'T FORGET! everyone 1.8 cordially invited to attend our Grand Opening ·Jan. 22, 1955 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER 3100 W. Cout Highway -Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8-34 71 HOUITON R.l:A.LTY IOI Oater It., eo.ta ..... Pb. L1 I-till. Malt BAUGHNS INC. JANUARY Clearing Out Sale MAPLE rtrop 1ear dlnlnr tabl•, SS Boata. ........... aetlle 10, ~. 4 ladder back ~ • VO. '300 • trooo mo. Mlliftl Whal f'Vet')"OIMI nMda. Part or tu.It Ume. t..ct., repea~ 6 ,... tarrala --.an aac-No can· "&Mlftl. KYatt 6-TIOl. f'rplt ch.a.In. SlO. «'•· ProvlnclaJ quilt· ed chlnta bed-davenport, maple arm•. like n.-w, $120. 1.1 1·32t7 Jt!W O'KDrl: • MERRJTT evu 97ct9 ran1•. Cllrome t~p. pd. dn. to JJ77.•I. San )'OU 170. I CHRO);flt DINETTE Ml .my .• MOORING -Off Chrl9Uan'1 Hut, 112!>. Terma SC IJMl,..cl. l.Jbtrty 1-4183. llT c:99 NEW 12 tt.. row boat. et'da.r Jllank· tnr. oak rau.. WIUJ oara. 1120. I ' boit tralltt, Ka. Ll l ·MU. alter I p.m. I ChAlra, table Wl lh 2 le&Vt'•. ff(). Draf•-ma.n ,,._,e) 19&4 OENllJlAL lll..ECTRIC' rt'· 311 Cry1lal. Balboa 1-lantl. tec98 ut ,..... f'rll'•rator. U cu. ft. Pd. dn. to hr wori! la Mach .,... wttb I Utl.M. la•te )'OU 1170. MAHOGANY dlntnl nn. aet, Inc M-M~ ~ A TV 1,.., prMtJcaJ uperitooe In • bulfet Quality f\lm lture from , =::z ~II. dralt..O\a and 1 .Y"-ool· 1904 WEDOl:WOOD 1u drytr Pd Udo l•le home. MOVING - '-•• or eqll1altnt. Write p , O. dn. t.o UU.71. lave. you 1110. MUST SELL. Call Har. lU:I. Bea 1Ml, Alhambra, CalU., ID· 1t&4 INTER.NA110NAL HAR· 97c99 cJoamr -pie oc work. ~Uc VE8TER retrtcerator. 12 eu. fl. PATIO FURNITURE, redwood HOUIZKEKPICR, chijd cue, "°°"' Pd. d.n. to U•T.81. San• you table • bfoncbu. barbeC'ue table, '""'te 9&111, -.Jary, csD WMtt -$100. kxmC«' dlelr, J I). tw aJl day-. l :IO to t p.m~ Kl t-42t l . lt~ WH:uu.POOL auto. wubu. Harbor Wt 96d8 l:lrt. .a. llttc 1 1191.JI,. 8a":,M JOU SIOO . (1)(1\J( blond• bdnn. a.t.. Ilk• n«w, Inc Slmmone mallreM • irpr .. CJJJU.a-19~ HOTPOINT aut.o wuher Pd H O Ironing bdar11, walnut tu WANTED ell\. lo IJOt.a&. Sav .. you l l20. ca..rt. llke new, oecaalonsl Chair& lt&4 A.DMlllAL nfncen1tor. Up· Mtac. lttme. Hn . :1011.J . tec98 We ban opealftl• at our New· t ide dow1I model. Pd. dn. to lt&4 NOROE Aut.omAtlc Waaller. ::' ::O'~or Cll!ke. 111 &. Bal-I J.361.74. Sa~• you 1121 I The very beat one. BlJ I lb. tub, T 1 h 0 to l t:W PHILCO electric ran1•. Pd. atU.ator. Mft'I)' 1p1n lid • that e ep One per& r8 dn. to Sll7M. S.vu you 1200 Illuminated dla.I. 1t·a only bNn ANTIQUE waJnul f;sly C'.ot~ orran. Sl&O . .Mr Martin, Har~ bor 2118-J. Hpl R.E:-rf an orran or plU10 With rental to apply on tutu,.. pur· cha. at- SHAFER'S Mua1c Co. C8ln~ 1907> 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone K.Jmberly 2-0972 00 USED pla.noe wa.n\ed for our ren taJ 11tmce. TTade 1ft youf old pla.no on new piano or tlecll"Onc Of'f&ll· Hlg11 cub allowanc.. DANZ· 8CHMIDT Gttal Janu· ary Piallo Ba.le. lS20 No. )Uln. Santa Ana. G.M.C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'lS3 OMC 2 ton, 2 epeed. 1:2:S U.ru, Xlnt. oond. 1 owner. ·~ OMC ~ toll p.u. hJ'dr. tnns. ·~ OMC Model 101·24 H1d.r. tn.na. Man1 ut.raa. Low mU..,e. 'OJ OMC Modf'I 152 lltk. bed, ~ ton. '!12 lntl t ractor UM, t x 20 Urea. P'Ull a ir. Dth wtltel • ff. V. '02 Chn. ~ TOft p.!l. 4 IJ>"d. '41 Cbev. C. 0 . r:. 2 t.oft. aux. trans. '°"' w be.. • :";to u,.,.-. We Carry Our <>w. Cofltncta W.W. WOODS OMC Dl:ALER lit It 4th St. Santa Ana ()ptn Sunday a.m. _,.. Truck H~quarten for~ Co. .... -Appb' nored. but pd dn. to J2J8.37 H __ am_m_o_n_d_O_rru--.-IA-al_l_t_8-~--lle-r Monday ~ Friday FR I: II: Z I: R, INT1Cl\.NATI.ONAL from UJO No cub nHded. Juel FQR RENT 1050 FORD Tudor "I", radio, heat~ t :OO a.m. to •:OO p.m. I RARVIC8TER. II ~ cu. n. Pd I pay th• pymt. of 111.12 mo er. alee.n. 1670. After• p.m. ph. ~UY, No. Mt.in St., R.m. 211 dn to U T7.U. SA'l'H you 1290. SM Baughn.a A A 8 Warehouae FOR SPECIAL o<:cu.lon11, parllu . Har. 13.6l ·M. 17db" •-·ta • __ Sa.lea, 2'.lO So. Main St • Santa _.d. l t .. _ ffl _. --1946 GAFFERS SATT't.):R ra.nse. Ana.. I blocks .oulh of Hh. Open "'""' ins1. e c .. a ...,me, o ce, . PACJ:rtC Tll'Ll:PHONS Bir'°" Pd. dJI. to lnl.74. Savu dally tll 0 Sun 11•6. Kl 3-7201 c h11rch, wttll or wit.bout orr•n· - ___________ n_u_c you n&a. _· -------l•t. 1nc!udin1 man In • out. 19"• O'KEEFE A M EftRJT1' Liberty 1-1208. T4lfc WOMAN CKKCXD. part Ume. PKlLOO TV. PO. dn. to 1169 61 '" ApplJ BtJl'a M.arkct. ooe Wut l nu 1ou u oo. l'tl.l1St> Jte the la tut CP all auto- Ban.o. Jlttod., Balboa. Nd maUc lift top. C'f1ddle, •Im.mu l'fta JlENT of room for plumb.- Ills wor1l. Phone Harbor CMM-J. Mel a.u..aLADT -Ase ~o. Mullt 91aw tmowi.ctse of wwtns tt~ PHU.CO ,..,,.,_.erator RIJ bumere 6 U\Alt ptlJ broU.r I " C\I. fL deh1H . Pd. dn to UMd l mn Pd dtl .• to IUI :H 1228 K Suu )'O\I 1120. No CAM "Hdt'd Jun pa1 lM pymu. of n .a ~ mo. 11164 TAPPAN .TUJ~-40" Pd. dn. SEE Baushna A • 8 WaffboUM to l lM ~ 8&n• you 1143 220 8. Main St., Santa AAA ONE ONLY-Incle manua l Min· Iha.JI orl('&D, like new. Savt 1200. Convenient tenrui at- 8BAYER'S Jh•lc Co. !Sloot 1907) 4.21-4.23 N. Sycamort. s'ante A.rte Phone Klrnberly ~72 l:XCEPTlUNAU..T CL.11:.A..N IHI Ponllac I Mdanett.e, t11tone. loaded with extras. prt~ to ..U Har. lltot-J. Mc2 ------------1964 C.A Dlu...A.C 12 Mdan. Ilka new, 9400 mlMe. Power 1teer· Inf , powtt bra.JtM, It 6 H, _.y eyt gl&M, aut.omau c dimmer. hi.1 blue, Shut.a wllJte top, 14260. by owner. Har. 2.3ST-R. Mel • &1-!f!!.t•--... 40-A.e. ... Ta ... -1t4T DIC 801'0 utcm 2 dr. Mdaa. BALBOA Pl:NIN'IULA -I ud RAB. P'IWd drift . ._t Oo"1'1. I bdrm. tum. uatta. tsrepla.c.. '*· -Pll. Har. Ult or HU. prb. du1p.. We a.ta. .....,.. tJIO, Npt Yearly leue. 1UO Mlnaar, Balboa. Har. 211&-W. . tTel 1t41 BUJC'lt t door' ..-.. fteeeal· ------------1)' ~ uoo Oii OftrbaUL Very NSW un.nma. I or .a Wrm.. pr., sood lftUport&Uon. f'ull pric.. ....,. Hip Bcbool. P)MIM Ubelt7 J1J6. 1-IMI. Mel CA.LL BmN WHJTIU.N, HartM>r au or Barbor lttl e•• Ncl CORONA D&L iu.a -I bednll. UDll&rn. dupla. rtNplacl, ...... 1.961 CADILLAC 't2 Mdaa. Hy· ap. 1 blk. t.o market 6 trua. 4rom.atlC. radio, beat.er. N1klll JTI. month, yearl)<. white lllkte walla. buk up upta, KUJUmL M. PINOVlll\, '"-ltor etc. Local car, c~1 drtfta. PlloDe Hart.or 'tlO. ICittc Olaaa -.,.,.... Ul()O. CALL TSD lll:llD -Har. loel. GRAND CAHAL. ~ blucl. Mpl I bclnn. tum. bou8e. ITO. mODtb SALE OR TRADE TWO Bll.DROOM apt. Aoft and retrtJ. only. Garb&I• d&qo.al 111-'M Ply. Bel•eden oonv., Bl· New 6 be&utuul. fllO. mo., ,rly. Drtve, kladed, Jll41. Wlll accept una.11 forelp car or cl.ar lot ONll BEDROOM DMr 8Chool, bcb. in Banta Ana or Hari>or .,.. la 6 ti.y. »a. mo., lncl utillU... trade. Har. 1W-M. NcUI ' U-U&o ~ J. M. MILLER co. 2025 W. Be.Ibo& BL, Newport BcA Motor Overhaul P~~; ..= ~o NO MONEY DOWN Mtrc * With this ad * oz::a !~~~M fUmia!Md, nntal 1 "-la. $4188 OR.A.NOi: COABT PROPERTIJ'.8 "'J lllT Newport Aw.., Coeta M- 8 CyJa. SM..88 LI l-1831 -LI I-HOO ·-· lDd1MM9 boUI l&bot and ~ tlc.1 New nqa, wn.t pt-. ftln __ W_A_Tl:Rl'R ___ O_NT __ ~---y-- 111Dd. fttuap GI ma1D &Dd rod Dr d 1 BDRM. tum. upper, oet new flleu1Dp. part mot.or tune P. 6 fr.llhly -••ted.. IT5. mo. tncL to-d9,J OI' t ,000 m.Ue parutee. --(NO KON'E'I DOWN). uu11u .. A ,.,..... .. 111 11th St.. REBUU..T ENGINES Wlt. end• or Harbor nia. t1pt9 -VP to U KOMTB8 TO PAT-CORONA Diil. M4R BuUt l.D our own faotol7 "J Milled IUI • lf14 ~ • 111~ Avocado madt•nt.t& Don't OClllt.ad wtl.11 J bdrm. unfurn. hCJUM. StoH and UM middle man. BuJ cUnct. ,...,,. ... tum, J'treplace, l'arb&C9 REBUIL.T and JN8T . .AJJ.PID dlapoal, I'...., •. &eaut.ltul paUo DORT BLOC& •J6o mo. l"UR.D •mM CJDVIWL&T ,1.,M N-11 decorated 1 1Mlnn. untum. PLnt.. 6 DOOO• Jllll apt., atov. A N.friJ. Ocean riew. CBRTL 6 Dll llOTO JlTO Garb. dlsp.., uUL fW'll. fTI mo. 1 bdnn. fUl1l. apt. WW be dacc>- 8TUDllB A KER -·-·· JlTI rated to .Wt ten&At, fU!'1l., pt., OLDB 6 PONTIAC I '170 d1llp. Ocean view. tea mo. Kar BUICK •110 u1a. or n•. ear. "51. MUc BUD80M 1111 ------------Lou Car .... Tw1q NEW CAil G.UUJft'D IUocll m1:111t IDMt our llCUduda Ptua tu-. pMet.I aDd o'1 ()pea eu.da1 10 &.&.Jo. I ..,._ BEi I ES ENGINE REBUILDERS ()pea Da1J.1 I to T ltat.e.Boeded NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. aA.Jn' A AM.A. Balboa Island Cbok• J9UIJ and awn.mer reatala, now available. DORIS 81\AY, Ra&ltor Ill Martne Aw., B&lboa laiud Barbor 20 Mtto Cboloe Winter Rent&la OD Balboa bland 6 Lido lale 8mall 6 ~ or &ars• 6 da.lua '76 to '300 mcmtb VOGEL CO. IOI Kartae A.ft., ll&lbo& l.au4 U-Tna.n Pb.. Barbor tt4 or Baa1lor 2161 fte& Kar. 1T ... 1Ut «LI M2t'1 TWO.WHEEL TllAlLER. <•at) MUo 8~ S'tffJ'ul• a.nd lonJU•· 1 BDRM. trcnt duplml -NI~ IH l:l Modena.. N.wport Hta., fUl1l. Oc:-. ~ ot RW)'. CloM alter • p. m. . lltt to ln.UportaUOll • Mop& t'l't1 ,. FT. CONTl.HllNTAJ., HOUM rental. toT remJeat, Coroa.a de.I tniler. HO~ CabrUlo Aft. or _...., __ . ________ u_u_c 4't &:. 11th.. Ooeta M-. Ubtrty l.-401a. tlc:l Rent.ala Wanted We Med ;,;:;l&Dd ~ l.D .. eec:u-for l>oOI '"8LU IUld ,..,,. --. run. or _,_.... U you ba\'e a va.maq, ..,_ &od&1 The Vogel Co. not W. CA HwJ~ Newport Ilda. ..,_.. u~ Wtl1 10I Mar1De, ll&Ja.o. a.tu4 ~aar.. ... UOl Oout 11.hrQ, Ooroaa 6al M.ar r.o... Banc. ITU '8&-AJ*. for a.& ----Tll.AJU.T bftutllul new 2 bdnll. turn. apt., ,.r11 ~ .. tonntce Sink 6 bar, ,..,.... • wul:lroom. 1 blk from OCMn, Newport. f 70 Evenlnc or Sat. • Bua. Ba.rtior 2111.J. 9Tct9 BEDRM... FURN. APT~ all utll paid. QI. month. 2JJ 2tUI St.. Newport Beach. Hartl« 101.2-M or LJ'bcrty 1-2102. tlett 2 BEDRM. J'UR.N. APT. down· 9l&lre. Lars• fenct'd yard. UUL pd.. 176. mo. unt11 June l&UI. Jot Pa.rk An., Balboa Island. 91c4 100 Wain St.. Balboa ....... B.artw-'" IW• RA TT AN ruR.N. modem 1tudlo a pt.a. Cf'n te r of Corona de.I Mar. 170. ulU. pd. LJ 1·1~2t. tlcl3 C D M -702 Bqon1a. I bd.nn. vnturnlshed dup&u. P'tl'eplact, f'. A. hMt.. hwd. n oora 14par· a t• p&Uo. AduJU. Hu. 1114-R. t7c:99 Corona del Mar I~ mo. s rm. nletly tum apL 606 % Poppy. Corona del Mer. Phone Harbor 882. 91cl NICWPORT Ill.A.ND, rar rental. wif\lm. 2 bdnn. apt . newly paint~. laundry 6 utra room ln rarsc•. rnc.io-cs pello. Wal•r pd. !IOI a,, 31th BL 17& rno. Har. ~R 9Tplt ~ • 81 I JCB, BaJbO& Laland. Th.-~·i 1ut k>t!J b\lt we h•vt PIL Kar ~DI for a.pP4f Hcl hundttd.8 oom1111 In all the time & bl'>Cka SCluth ot 4t.b 8 L Optn evt.. 'lll f , Sun. 11 ·6 Klmberly a.-1ao1 SO PER MO. ttllla IQOd pracUet pl-.no. AU term rtr1t. al.lowed If you buy later. DA.NZ-SCRMIDT BlS PiAacl 8aJe, NO No. Main. Orea t January Plano Sa.l,. J BEDIUl. apt. rura .. newlJ CS.C· llH8 CHnROr..rJ' P'1eet.muter orated. AboYt China Covt .• llO. COllONA DEL MAR _ Bffut11ul· cJub coupe. R.-.tio A hatu, '61 mont.h a.-. J'tl,D APT. la Corona del Mar to COQple I no d\lldre.n I under 16 lft e1tc.Mll•• for pert Ume lwlp of wtfL Rarllor 1$1 .. W lllcl New Jobs Daily U 8t11\S to re,Uwr wtth . . .• June Farrar Agency DnploJ11141'1t ··~ -Jh d .. l'lnrport Beadl ltctl IV AMT WOMAN for JeMr&l houae- woft. I _,.. per -.ek on Bal· 11oe .bland. Write Box l.r22 lhtt paper. tllclH PPSIUSHCED 1 w I t c h bovd operator. App!y Balboa Ba.y a.' front omc.. NcM w A.HT W'OmU to abaM Muee wtUI ~d womaa. WYll t.o t.aUt tt OYer. MT W. WUeoA, eo.t.a MHL LI ...UJO. Mdl .. M'IM 'h D• fer .. l")1P(lN BED8 qomp&ete, JlOO. ~ Md. w . Kahos· dta. tallle m. CIMntlla JIO""r _....... cleek. te&U.... pl1Jow9 • mi.c. 100 Kodlat.,., eo.t.a MML LI 1411 SU Ba.IJ&bN A. 8 Wardlouae --------m S. M&tn SL. Santa A.l\A THERM.A DOR eltt. rangt. compl I l>&oclU lo. of Fourth SL automatic. fan. detp wt>ll. 1120 Open ens. 'W e, sun. 11-!I SERVEL apt •au ~fnir. '80 Kimberly 1·7201 SMALL wull. ma ch.. wllh ap1nntr COU>SPOT refng. amall famllJ' If~ In fOOd runnlng condlUon. W . JOO Crynel. S.lboe llland. Harbor l9M·R. 91cl '30 Cln:ulat1n1t hnter ··--· .. ·· . I U Brue flrt' 1C'nen 110 Wardrobe. . .... _ ...... $7,IO 122 On1.nd Canal, Balboa 1-IMd 91cl MAGIC Chef table top .... •love, DICSK ror llv1ni nn. or dm. Ntedl MO. See at1.•r I p.m. or 8&tur· day. 411 8nus Harbor, Newport refi nlJthlng 1:1~. Call Mr. Mu.et Beae.ti. Mete Harbor 4i8J. H.ct Washing Machine SERVICE l•J'9&r S\l&nntee OB JObe dofle and 011 u.-t WUbers. 2418 ~ (NV) N-pon Bl., Ooela M..._ Liberty M603 or Liberty 8-4327. 64Uc Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8-2237 Specialising in Automatlca A t.rroMA TIC Wuber Enterprieee 83tfo . Dl:ARBOR~ H&A TER. 0 radiant.a U O. Bamboo 3 11ttllona.I couch. '36 -Har. 3!1M·J . tic! MA PLE DlNl:'TT!: TABLlt • I chain . Wt l•h dn!IMr. Phoenix maple rocktr. (blue fride COYU) 3 mahor . t11blH. HarbOr 2629-M llcl rR.EJ:zl!:R, JIM CROSLET. Bii ll't cu. ft. Hu 11tperate ahelve1. color tnur1or, • pull out buketa. l u rttumt'd unu.ect 6 pd. dn. to l2M.81 from ori(tnal f.619. CUh or pay U.• p)'Tl'lta. of 112. 19 per moo th. Mel APT. S1ZY) retrtprator • ato<re. _rw_O_li".'"LIDC-::--C"nU=-c'.""-~---~--nice condttJon. 520 OrdlJd. Co- SD Baurlms A A I Watthouse t20 8. Main St.. Banta Au • blocka loutll ot U.h 8t. Open en&. 'til •. 8lla. 114 klmberly S·T201. T8 flllll, JlO. 6 p.ao, ftOWMt f'Ofta clel Mar. t5Ue drop Jiaat ~ laMa. A. JtM NOROll a.u1Almabc WM!lu. ------------ 1 pr. drapeil 6 ~ cha.Ir, The beet 6 11ewat -· Bu act· ~ ~ JlO. KMlc. m,_, JJ 6 a pair. ta.tor. 11i. hlb, A ,.S. return. w MUST SELL-12 rt. flall· JtepJalioa ... ~ b9cll-It• bl.a u.-t _.,. 1 -k. Pd. .top, SlO. 8pa1.J --.., Sll. da. to 1111.'TI fr'Olll ano.oo. No lnr 00.l, all Iii Cood oondJUon.. WlLL TAKI: BJ:ST OFFER: Gardea bendl 6 petJo cMara. dn. PJlllt. Jilllt P61 the rymt.a. 2& £a.t E.tther. Coeta \Cua. IUO eacb. 2 IMlt meW atwtJ ot Jl0.11 sno. tabk. 11.50~ I wa7 nf1ecW Bil ..,_. A 6 8 W&rdlOUIM LI 8·2311. Mc! .tand lamp. SI~ aaUqw ftMa DO a. Main et., 8a.Dta A.ea CHRYSLZR AClC marllle en,t.M .back rocker, 110. ff~ wtlll 4 IMocb 8oUl.ll ol •tb SL with rt>ver1t ,ear, re41dy to 10 aluminum ll&nd, 11.M. K.a.rbor Opm eves. 'tll •• ea... u~o ill'Od ronc11\l()n, "26. Ll~rty 13tl-W. • tlel IDmberJy 1·7201. l .. 112,. 93C'98 motor, new peint. n...,., -.t ly tum.. etUd1o apL 1 blk. from co•era, foam rubbn twlbiona. 1 bdrm. pat'lla.lly tum . llO mo ocean. Fireplace, bar, MS. Kar. Perfect COQd!Uon. i:tM. Pn•at.e .l bedrm. apL. turn.. -· HO. mo. OMO. t7c99 Wanted to Buy party. LI &-SM<&. Nc:N I bednn. hoUM unluna. l"tnpl. UPRIGHT PJAN0 8 for our rental ---------...,.., •. ··---· ............. llO mo. depL H lfhest cuh pr1cu at- 8H.AFER'S Ml!tlc Co. C8ln« Jttn) 421-42.3 N. S)'camore, Sant& A.II• N'ICJ: 6" Cl...EAN-FURN. l bed· room apL, "6. mo. Laundry fac!Uttu. Water and cu pa.Id. 2029 Harbor Blvd., Co•ta Mc• Liberty 8-4711 <Ra. LJ M711) Phone Klmt>erly 2-Ge72 BEAUTIFUL ltlectronJc Orpn. blonde cue, almoet new. Mu1t aacrlfiClC. One only. Bt1 .. vtng. DANZ.SCKMtDT a~t Bale, 610 No. Matn. 8&llt& Ana OUR GREAT JANUARY .. 1e. IUT bu)'ll lovely Spinet . Blan· dard make. Mirror type Spinet only lm. Balctwtn .Acroeonlc only '418. J>nictlce pla1101 from Ut up. Baby Grandi f rom 1496. Ooseo• of ol.JJe.ra. The1e tlutru- menu are t.n1&1-ln1 &nd rent.a.I· returne. Many Juat ll)ct> new. BeauUf\11 electronic orrlUI. 8ave 1260. DANZ.SCRMJDT Bir Pt- u o • Orian Store, 620 N<i. Main. Sa.nta Ana. ... LOVELY sln1 le mU1uaJ M.lna"-ll electronic orran. Ilk• new. 8ave '100. CoflVfllJmt temu at - 8HAFER'8 Music Co. \l!tnoe 1907) Ul .. 23 N. Sycamo,.._ Santa Ah Piion• Klmberl)' 2-ot72 Pri.ecilla Matthews Teacher of Piano ClaAlat popular "1 ban:non1 Fo1-rnerly L'h1caro, Loi ~el" 211 ~f\ln Ave .. N~ 88.c.b Lllx!rty 8-39~ t7pll Bl!lA UTJP'UL Klmball lt\ldto plUIO SllihUy used, Sue 1100. ~ ftlllent t•nn• a t- 8KAFER'8 M11111e Co.•1~ c1tcm Ul-423 l'f. 18Jt:amore, Banta Ana Phone Klmberly 2-ot7Z. S ACRJFJC!J -·04 Pl;ymout.h ~ vt'dere convertJble. BJ • drt•e.. W1ht blue. tan top. R..t.R. wblt• eldewal.IJa. turn •pala, badl up llJhtA. Auto wtndlllll•ld .......,... 4 moa. old. .000 mlln. WlD accept t!'Mk. Make oner. Har. J 303-f'l. TtUc ~U9Aeal. 86dlo, a TV BEA UTIP'UL Spl.ntt pil•no. blonde Just like n-. .." 1200. Ma· ho .. any Spinet all1tiU~ d&mapd In •hlpment, U'7. Good pn.cUe.e plU101 h'om Mt. IH, 11.IO, 1111. See the. at lbe Or.at D~ SCKMJ 01' Plano 8&1«. Tbe bll Store. 020 No. Mala. S&nl.a tn&.. JOO planoc.. We han bO llnAdl lltOrfll. BEACON BAY I bednna.. rum . houtt. rmced petlo, fJ2lS. mo. W. E. FISHER and A.180C1A TD 303-t m. Coe.rt Hl('bwa7 CofOl'I& del M.a.r Barbor IH3 tlcl BALBOAt -Modem t urn. apt., $3& mo. A up, uUI. pd. l'#Mr bUI at.or• • IMly. Har. 6144. t 7Uc 9Gcl rtJRN. 1 bcdnn. garaie a pt. on lallM. Ntwport llland. Adult.a only. S~. mo. Harbor 0273-W. 96<:1 BALBOA JIJLAND -Bay P'ront apL, Slttpi &. S70. Rear apt. IM 101 N. S.y Front. See Jltlan<I fl4J.ally or call Hollywood ~&671 e1a RENTAL tf OOMFORTABLI rum. l bedrm SPECIALISTS apt .. '46. mo. S.rvel "'fr1r. nlc• Call JDdaa CNJJ lltove. -ltb Cffll PlMie, COllta MrM. U 1·2921. 9:1Uc Blanche Gates, Rltr. 111 KartDe A ft. l.)(A LL nTRN. APT. awtal>le few Be.Ibo& lalaAd, Kar. 1111 T2Uc l or 2 a duJ U. UUL pd. 01 001· H t TV S • dtnrod. Co!"Oft& del Mu. Ka.rt»or ones erv1ce aAYJ'RONT, ... tuxu,., 1 bed.rm. ... .... w . • Mlh STEVENS 6 SONS I b&Ul, •PL. carpet.ed, nrepa.e.. v A.CANT rtJRN. at udto apt.. fl,... 117t Barbor, OOeta M.-Ullf\ara. l 7'· ...... 111&. per mo. place 6 ¥1-. llT ~ Poppy. Co- Pll Uberty 1-UOl TT,,..Uo Yialll to eompa.te Udo .lboppUl1 rot\& del Mat. LI &-1117. ~tic C.ttt. f KAMMOND ORO.A.NI. AD mod· LIDO BATVIEW, lonl7 ... 2 rJl.l:E APT. 111 Cof'Ofta dt! Mar to t>la. One oeJ7 ala,tltb' ..._ a.J. ~ Wlfllra. apt. 1 7'· a.a...I couple 1no c/\Jklrenl under a5 tn moat IUte new. nu. la a .,.m.L IJ.A per mc.UI.. u challse for pert Ume bclp of DANZ • 9CIJMIDT Bamm•d P. A,. Palmer IDcorporated wtft>. Harbor 1611-W. H cl R~ ,_ <>raq. eo.-&"T rl>Nl.Sff.ED UDO HO~ ty. UO No. Kala, luta AM. 01.1: B.A.NIOM Oo ...... Mcmt. ir v n •.:. UU Vla Udo, Barbor 1&00 SPACIOUS HOME with 6 l>f'dnn•. See Baldwin Piano & Organ Diaplay, WOODWORTH PIANO 00. Jiii Cout amt~ ~ clel .... (Thadea bt•rtor ..... , Har. 13&2 • "' . Mel JlllO mo. to June 13, or 1260 yrly ----------Udo Realty AMociat.et OM B+l"k>A J8L.A.ND ••oo Via Udo, Bar. U44. OT<.'99 aa ua111r i-'1 _. -ai .. nMaat.. OOllOMA. DEL MAR-8o. or hwy Sunny 2 bednn. 1arace apt MELDA OIBSO~, Realtor rum. In rock maple. TV Ullmna. IOI KutDe A.ft. ..,,._ M Oood -rdrobe • atoBJ• .pace Ml.IQA UILAJCJ) Tu. Larp peUo. Har. U M-W. t~l u1· a,11. .......... ~ CLIFF RAVEN 8P.A.CIOU8 I WI'&_..., .... tif cbete ,. • -... ,c. oar. NT .IO ut\ana. KUl\DIL II. PIMO"-...._ PIMme JlutMlr ... ~ l •m:DIUil,..., .. --..... Wlaw or,.....,.._.... IM ... ..., ftooat. ..... JmM. .... UI. . ... UNJ'URN, APT. I lp. ......... ~ .... wtadow8. ..... ..,, •• pr-... . laad'7 ....... ~ &-18'3 Ill' LI .. ldl. N_,. ~ Mel CBA.NNmL t"RONT Jr· rmtal, fUl1l. I bdrm. IT&. mo. Wat. pd. BtnPI apt. NO. mo. uW. .,.Sd. 1 blk. to bWI • Udo c.ni.r. Apt. I, ena., tl& -Mtb 8t.. Newport Bd&. llpl LOVJ:l.'I' VDIW from thi. IArp UJMlt&lrw UDfunl, 1 bednn. ~ IdMI lot couple. Yearly nt .. 720 Iria, Corona del Mar. Hatbor nol-R. Mel .ATTl:N'TION ~--- N-17 decorat.cl ..,.,. turn. 1 bdnll. apt., N.-pc»rt Beuh. Panel beet. prap. Tmaat ,_,. el.ectridt.)', HO moaUL. LDlel17 I-Hot. lltte JUST RJD(ODELllD - 1 bdrm. apt. Oood &ocatloa. SIMI mo .. YearlJ' but& mAN. W. ft AM• LEY, Bar. 1011. Mel Desirable 1 and I bedroom tuna. apt& lnclMlDJ uuuu ... '15. and up, Jear\Y &14 E. Ocaul J'ront, Balboa Comer of Palm) Har. 1111 HclO LIVE ••• Where you play Outdoor Patios ID\.UfD ...... •plltm•'9, Haltlilll', ldloola. ... ,, t-c tnct. qus.t ,._.., ... ..... ~ -~1, ... ~r...., ........ &Dd ap. MOD~ W ,..a17. ... ac.r. 1I01 Bafta Pl6ce, Bann or plaoDe LlbertJ <1 ~ ... oem....a> 1 Bm>IUlll. modent apt. wttll &&'9· 11•-ab'e Ml" Ntb 8 Newport. l.Dqu&re IOI • Ntb 1i. • aeu.. av. 1u..a. CORON.A. DICL IUft - tuna. apt. lDC!1. uttl JTI Jrt1. MO 'UU J\me. .A.NOTBJCR llD&Dw, ....... on• or couple. NO *Ila. d.bL 7early. Adt&lt& LO A.PTll., ca.mauc. u . .. .... B&l1M>r •011. . .., cl • d FURN. MdMlor .,.t.. ...... T1 We.t Balboa BJYd. For aw,. -lntonnatloa. a. BAJ 6 Beech aealt1. IMO W a.Ibo& ....... Pit.. Bar. 1JM.. llU 0 '811 Bo•eafora.t VJCRt' NICS I bedroom bome ltt.b Mar ln1De. 1 ~ Mt.b.I. place, I car p.rase. OaU Ubert M T&l· or a.21oa. -· \JNF\J'RN. COTrAOS, 11•. room. din. rm.. klt.cbmett.. bot mbow• u . Ou 6 water pd. '60. mo.iU!. No chJld191 « pet&. IOI Mon• taro, Bal.boa. Bartl« 1H•·M. 91cl TKRZll ROOK BOUI&, unllJm. Hu auto.. W'Ulber, f~ ,.rd. 11T.&O, -1680 8&nta Ana A••, Coeta .._ Hpl l BDIUL. mU.,a, aJcelJ f\1rn. SMI Ube.rt>' .. un. '1c:tv 2 BDRM. tun. to June 11. Dbl. pr., nr. beKb, J70., uUL pd. 122 4ut et.. Newport. Owner on pr....U-e~. Jan. 11, 1.ao p.m. 17pt9 TWO Bl:DRM.. BOUI.&. w to w carpet.a, nft1>L. dble. , ..... ft11ced paUO. N~ Bta. MG. mo. un• tum. ~r\y ~. t7ctt NEW nl~ly tum. J bdnn. cw a bdrm. pllM 1 baUI ._._, until July L ft.euona.bl .. 1-i block to # oee&A. Call Bar. IOI 1 • R. Mdl Newport Beach 2 BUCH BOU81:8 for 1eue. allO month each. Nq .ublet. ITca· mo,.. .. auz. '-. 91'1cl0 WILL RE.NT brand new I bednn. I .bath, u.nlU.rn. home 1D O\VlNll TERJUCll at 1200. per month w1Ul 1 yr. i..... Call Barbor t441 for turUler det&lla. Mtlo H'EARLY NEW 2 bedrm., untum. houH. tlreplaca. llvtn1 room • dUalle carpeted, ,..,..,. .. Tear leue. 318 "L" Bl .. B&lboa. t :k97 NTCE 2 bf'drm. un.fum. houM with stove • ,.fn1. oa Golden.rod. Corona dfol Mar. Hu. 1414-W. t6tlc r-:ee~f.~~~!;? and J bdrm., bachelor Apt. CBAJU.£8 E. KART. Har. 14-21 1'20 W, Balboa Blvd., Nftl')IO rt 0 Beach. MU . IDEAL OCEAN P'RONT wtnt,. t rrntal to May 16th. 1 bdrm. fur nl.llhed hoUK. Ito. lncl. utll Ph. tlarbor 2313. H p FURN. 2 bdnn. hou.e. Wat.er pd. 13:)., y~arly. Nil JM'l• 2.44 IC. 16th Cotlta MtM. Ll IH1920 e~ln1 • l or 8et . "° 2 BORM .. 11f!n, patio 6 ,.,, Un f\irn. or partly tum. Tit Hello trope. Corona de.I Mar. • NEW th~ bdrm. ru11a. o..-. e dl•po11&.I. wat.r paid. 166. m Ht E. Walnut rL, C04rta M Llbtr\1 a.aiao. .. u • ' ,, • t • fi'?-R~s1 F."'6&41 --------.......... ------· Ri-Rn1 F..stat. ______ ,.,,,_ .. ------6%-Rnl E!ttate 6"-ReaJ FAtate ~-------~-------------,.__ _______ --·~------------JAN. 12, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 11 BALBOA ISLAND Balboa Island Bayfront OPEN HOUSE 12-5 Set., Sun. 280 Evening Canyon Rd. A R EAL STE A L G2-. .:.-~~a1....;;.EA_ta .... te ____ n-__ ~_a1_rA_ta .... te __ _ $3000 down! $100 a month ! 4 bdrm., i bath home In xlnt. cond. Stone fit"t'place. Panel Ray heat: THTS WON'T LAST ! Full price $19,500. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 5 No. 67 Y •wl Road, Beacon Bay Charming 4 bdrm., 3 bath FURNISHED home. Flagstone firerlace, Birch kit., Therm. range; lots and lots of xtrae. PRICED RlCHT with xlnt. terms. $33,500 -DON'T MISS THIS ! LIDO ISLE Bsyfront BeAuty! Pfer 1£ float • 3 bdrm1., 2 bath, lot11 of good fur n. and a ppliance•. $55.000 -Owner SAYS SELL! Submit on ternui. A ONCE TN A LlFETJME OPPORTUNITY! MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 31R Marine. Balboa Island Harbor 4781 COST A MESA SPECIAL New 4 bdrm., 2 bath h0me. Corner lot. $1250 down. Full Price $10,250 Call Neal Martin BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .• Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evenings Liberty 8-1774 CORON1\ DEL MAR 2 bdrm. home, sgl. gar.• Comforta ble & compact. $8500 Pa.rtially furnlahed home on R-2 lot where garage apl. could be added and get view of Harbor $10,250 FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors BusineH Broker 3135 E . Coast Highway Corona del Mar Ha r. 2152 OPEN HOUSE 301 Broadway Sat. & Sun., 12 to 5 p.m. Corner location, hwd. floora, 2 bdrms .. tile kitchen and bath. It's a little jewel Full price $11.500. Only $1~ down. 3 bdrm. home. 3 yrs. old. Diep .. r etr1g .. atove, hwd. floors. Full price $10, 00. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Ntw}'Ort Blvd., Coat& Mesa Liberty 8-3792 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BEA tJTY SHOP -Well eatablia.hed. Owner must . leave area. Rent $150 mo. 4 dryer chairs with com- plete booths. Equipment nnd improvement like new cost much more than uking price $3500. BOWLING, POOL &: Bf;ER -EstabliAhe<I 15 yrs. OroN $35,000, could be increaaed. $7500 down. BAR & RESTAURANT -C:rosa $90.000. Rrnl $300 mo. Well estabUahed. Full price S37.500. BOAT RENTAL a nd other income. Total average &rotl• o! $36,600, A well eatabhshed going opera- tion. A good invcat.ment at $60.000 with r eas. tenns. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaat Highway, Newport &arh Ll berty 8-3481 -E ves. Llberty 8-35 0 ~l'raUu ~Jl;M't' ___ _ M·A-Buslness Reot&la l SPArE available for trailer u p to :10 rt w1lh 100 r; Jlrl'Hlt b8lh ~1lno.I\ ~ ['du,t' 1'railrr r.,,rk 1.1 s.1:,21. 117<'911 For lease upstairs 49-Koom11 for ~_n_t __ _ Sll'\GUi: ROOM wllb hol A cold wat rr In the room. Cood ~·:I Pnva!~ rntmnl"<' S9 werk A l-<;O t11>11ble r11om •t 17 wMk 12:1·2~th !'t . :-.:•wrort 0l'111·h. 80<:8 Jh fTR~ ROOM. n rwly o.ll!C<>rilleJ. l'Xl1 a n1c 11, nea r bus . prl\'Rlt ""· I rkllr' 1 "4!\ Oran~,. Aw•, C M Ll ~rt~ 8-3104 ll8tC~ M-StorH ll Otncn 100 Sq. fl. 3u1l•bl, for buslnu t at11d10 or Offlre & llYlnj.? quart· en. 21:'.> Ma.nne Ave . B,.J la OY.-ntr 139 :'\. Bay Front, Ba.I· b<>a l ala nd. 9:1pl0 M-Buaio!,.M _9j>~rt.u.nltie9 BAL.BUA OC'EA:-0: 1-'RO:-.TT-~lin· IAlllrt' i:olf 1o>u111e nnl1 1"11n1c1· atvn. 1111 t'(llllN • rr11ily lo ~o Hsr 2188-W. 1'';<3 GAS STATION, GARAGE !'ll'Wf'Orl Buch lnvl'nl ory A bout Iii!)() l"hnne HKrbor 16.i:J 86c99 ;t:;.;;;-~~.-;xcellrnl-;: ~~'!!l~ ~':ft ___ _ r11llnn 11C'rnt<' t he 11trcct Cn>m ("ornnR old :\tu Po~t 0(11c~ 11lr11I fo11 l11an rerrrJ1rntnll\"t', ront rar tnr, u am11trPai<. art or Jt Welry bu11no11l!. l"t11. roJ. O nly I 10 mQnlh. CALL Rl'n Wh1t m11n. H 111 lli6J I EY•. Harbor 1461 li6trl' DELUXE hlJ?llWAY nrnr, llf'A!'I' 330 ~ ft Crnter of l:nrf\na 11•1 Mar bu11lnt "8 111~11 " t i : :.. 111n utll Ind W. ~. Fis her & A RSC>C. 303• I:. Co .. l H1i;:hw1y C-Mon• clrl Ma,r. ll11r. :.1443 \18c l LOA!\::. TU Bl.11..1.1 ll\U'fWVS: ei.:,·. MuUEH:'llZE, OR REP'lNANt.:E We uuy Truet lJ"de 1'i:\Vl'UHT UALJJUA S A VINCI A LOA..'11 ARSOCIATl()N 3369 Via Lido Ph. Har. 4200 tlo LOANS PJW Ml'T SERVICE :i•' tint t r uat deed• 20 ye&r• Orange Coast Properties 1&!)7 :-.Oewpurl A ve , Costa MeM W 8· Hl32 or LI 8· 1400 F.\'t'I. 9~Uc REAL ESTATE LOA.NS A d&ndJ a t Ule price of 142.llOO. 6 bdrm.a. ·a d•n f\lmlahed. Prl· vate pitr A float. Excellent lo· caUont Ste th&. now. We havt the key. Lido Ranch Type 2 bdnn. A den, 1 % baths, 2 yrs. old. Very lovely home juat re- dUC'~ to $24,9~. IMAGINE • Only $5000 dn. Bay Shore Home Ownn tranderTea, mu1t 1ell cum· fortable 2 bdrm. adobe brick home. Nice location. 8paclou1 roonu, brn.klut bar. Ideal kit· chen. Only 111.600, 115000 down. $13:1. month. Newport. Heights 519 El Modena 2 bdrm. home. nice condition. G. I. Loan, 4 ~<-Interest. Price $9950, $21500 oown o r wlU lease Tor $815. nio. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa X.la.nd Har. 444 (Evu. Ll 8·:1297) Har. 178e·RKI COSTA MESA SE!: 463 MACNOLJA -phone for Rflfll. S nl<'e br .. good llv. room, w to w carpet. Vtn. bllnd1. 1.ge. yard. dbl. gar. on allP)'·palio. Owner must SC'll. R!lDUCED to 111.000. SF.E 136 A LBi;RT PL. -Phone tor appt. Char mini pink 8lUcco. 2 flt .. un large lot -fruit tr<'C'8 198!)0, Good term•. 4 BR.. FUR.~ISHED. $12.m . I VERT LOW DOWN. New) CLffF HA VEN-2 br .• conv. c.len Compa<'L kllC'hen hlUI everylhinf built itl, sliding gla:111 dour• lo lovely Jl&tlo, lg-e. llvln~ rooru. dlnlnlt" arl'a. Ownrr b111lt. Well lano.l{t('11~d. MUST I E !:. 124.!'>00 Tf't'nlS. >- Claire Van Horn REALTOR 273 1 W . Cout Hwy. LI 8·4277 • U:X:87 NEW 3 aB:ORM. HOUSE on lot 80' x 300' $6950, $9:10 down. 283 A vocado. Coal& Mt1L Phone U~rty 8·7807. e:.uc CORONA HlOl:U ... ANO LOTS - O\otc• 81tu A va Ua!Me C&U Harbor 23H WOULD U.. to 1nU 1.et uid 2nd TNlt Duda. Call Har. 2326 '8llc LOANS for Homes o,. -20 yr, l...oua Construction Loans u:m BOB SA 'J'TL.ER 251:> EAST COAST BLVD. Corona del a.tar Harbor 3888 Rep. POCRIJ:R MORTOAGI: CO Mtlro We Jna. Funes. KI. 3·!>186 t&Uc Acreage Wanted 6, 10. 20. -40 or mor' a cr'8. W1LL PAY CARH. Ca ll Mr. Gllll&ltt, Har 1779 Earl W. Stanley, Realtor 22:> '-!nine Ave., B&lboa lilla nd \liC'3 WANT from O'Wller -a hou.1• or vacaat lot on Harbor. Newport or &Ibo& Blvd. -or 17lll St. In C"osl• Mtaa .. f'IC'll.ot write ~t . LannC'rl, 8-0;ii; N24, lhu1 paJ'f'r. 96lfc WA:O."T TO B liY -FOR C ASH. lot llpprox. 60 or e0x130. :So. of 23rd A E. of New port. CARRIE FlSHBAC'K U 8·39 9 alter (> l!\'H (Wllh HORVATII, Real1o rl tlSpl BALBOA INCOME Beautiful Shore Cliffs A magnificent home, 2 bdrm•. and a den with a fireplace, plus a beautiful yard and patio area. If you are looking for something different be sure to see this. It iB priced t o sell and' ready t o move into ~ $1500 .Down 3 Br. & Guest House This home is located in the bP.et residential a rea of Cost• Mesa. It is trim and neat and haa all the requirements of a real home. Term• are made to fit your dcalres. p. a. paime~, in.c. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' NEWPORT BLVD. -C-2 bu•ineas lot & bldg. 65 ft. frontage. runs thru to alley, right in the heart of town. Price iB right, $15,750. Large duplex (approx. 3000 sq. ft..) on 2 choice lots in Newport Heiih~ $12.500. 1 2 small homes on one lot. near Blvd., East Side. and market. $8400 with $1500 down. 3 bdrm. home ( 111., yrs. eild) hwd. floon , eewer In & paid. A-1 location near Catholic Church. $9500 with $2150 down & bill. on FHA lol\n. $60.26 pt'r mo. including tsxes and lnauran~. Lot M·l Industrial, 60xl26 ···-·-··················· .. $2950 Lot R-4 Residential, 80x234 ······-······················ 2750 Lot C-2 Business, 50x150 .. t:,············· ... -·-3500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa MeBa Lt 8-1601 VIEW HOMES • Choice of Five Fined Magnificent view homea from $25,000 to $80.000. two to four bedrooms, each the choice in itB class. Cliff Haven, Corona del Mar and Shore CUffs. ALSO INCOME The Peninaula's two lop rent.Al unit.a, both mctney· maker8, $60,000 & S95.000. \'A CATTON SPECIAL A sturdy little three bedroom Ocean Front, $13.000 Call John Macnab, Har. 3297 or Har. 5359 ~nytune. Visitora, let us abow you the Harbor Arca. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE ·Bayside Drive and Coast Highway CORONA DEL MAR First time offered -2 bdrm .• bwd. floore. fire- . place, dbl. gar .. with xtra shwr. So. cif Highway. 4 ycan old. $14.000. W e are agent.a !or several homes under conalruc- tion. Buy now and eelect choice of color11, etc. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Coron& de.I Mar Har 2774 • BALBOA ISLAND Bayfronl w ith private pier. Large comfortable h ome with 5 bdrms. and den • well furnished , d1~posal and dishwasher. 1-'inancing can be arranged. Priced nght at ..... ............. ...... .................. . ........ S42.500 Delightful 2 bdrm. home • fireplace, furnace heat. Good location ..... ··-·········~······· .. . .. . Sl .000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A,·e .. Balboa l eland f'bonc Harbor 502 • EvC8. 2306-R Ocean Front Income 8 t ·:-;-rrs C'omer lot, o.t •I. Income reror<l Ha.If blk. from Blly a.nd parking tac Cle-an. 110,000 Will han•tlr Bldl'. with elm e and :l u nlU GooJ bu,·. f11r $18,00o -U •lOO dovi."n, In ·the heart or OaJbo&. Nice Familv Home !"EAR l'\ewport Hubor Ya.cht Club. ' Bi:.DfUl. tum. tlome w1tn vcr· manent bey vl,.w. 13r,llo down Coast Properties 301 E l:J11 lt>na Blvd , B11ltloa H arbor 26~ I< liar. :l!)97 liJtrc BY OWNER A WONDERFUL BL'Y ln a very nice duplC'K. Two bl<>< ka lo heart or town. Off Satl 18th Sf"reet. Only 3 yeare old. 2 bedroom• •ach side. Cleverly laid out. Two car garai;e. lncllvldual utility. Full price 11 onJy- $121500 Opportunity in Business Location TWO BEDROOM R OMl!: on West 19th l!ltre•l only a couple blo1·ka from Ha rbor BIYd. 3 years uld. Oarage. Thi• le an excelltnt buy. P roperty zoned C· I. J\111 prlce- $9250 BUYER'S GAIN C J. RP:SAU: -$1400 Down Ar.MOST ~l!:W 3 bedroom homt . 2 baths, 2 car g11rage. Enstslde. <'lo~c In. Payments Include tue11 11ml lnaurlln<'t'. Bargain sale 11rlte or- $12,500 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18:'!6 Nl'w port Blv<', C03ta Mesa t a l·ross frn m Co1ta Meaa B11nk l r hone Ll 11-6761 Evee. Har. H66 Liberty 8·2103 BEST BUYS N~W 2 BJl:DRM. HOMl!l. Hdwd. tloor11, J>allo. L~e. frnrrd i·ard. ~ F. r OAlll M~sa. Thi& I~ a nlM" {111••, •911-'0. Goc>-1 terms. M· 1 At~RB:AOE. 8 acre J>itrt'l'I. ~··11r Jll\'d A "'"' buy In goo<I )1Wtol1(10 WJo: HAVF; SOME of th,. 'fut 111~nppcarln1'; 11<"rrage.. ror hllb· 1t1vl,lr>n. \\'ell !orated. Goo<.I d111ln1111r ~N· th111 quirk '. GOOD DUILDlNO LOTS -tor .. 1n111, It multlplr dwelUJ'lllL Eut A Wot ictd• uf Costa M~11a. 1'1 lr l'd nithl. Jn JfOOd er'"'· C'llll u,. to I"!' Houston Rea lty rioi Ctnll'r, Co•ta Mr,.. W 8..fllll 1 1•;vu . Har. 620i -Wl REAL VALUES $500 Dn. RAmA A~A HTS . Oood \,.10 bdt. lltUr('C) humr On '• &<'rt, com· pl,.lf'l'I' fenl'NI. Double garar;t. ~xcl. 1t11t )o'ull price Qhly $8 9;)() nn•I 17:i nw on ba l1111r 1" Set thl• \1)4l11y . . Newport Hts. o:--LY l~.2:>-0 fur l hl.9 little ttum· nwr colt111 0 luu• lec.l in lov .. ly ~l'Wfl'•n lits Lot a1n ~.o x 1ot1. Th111 le an 11J.Jer ph•c•'. b ut w1 y h •·,.blr S:JOO du"-n 1<.nd mon\hly p11ymrnlAI ot only S!'>O. Try &1111 bfo&t l l\IA. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 111~2 :'\l'wrort Blvd . Costa MPu f'hnn1· LI 8-J6j2 Evts. Ll 8 ·t1<187 Ocean Front 3 BOR.\.f.. 2 bath. laundry room Only 2 yellora old But buy on Oc""n fMnl Ill 118 000 Newport Heights 3 DORM. home OCI choice C'Qmrr >Mwd. floor-. flre~. gl(rbaJ t tli•p and dlahwuhe,r . Complr te- ly ftnred. su.r.oo J. M. Miller Co. 202~ W Balboa m vd Ntwport B u ch , Pb. Har. 4091 :-O:l'IU' the Z..-ewport P 1tr - PJ.E~TY OF FRJCI: PAlU<l~O CHANNEL FRONT 2 t•:-:1TS 2 brdroom1 f"ICI\, pn•••t" bo 11ch. pier float. ph•• 2S f•JOt 0011t, U2,!)00-8m•U d<M-n raY· rnrnt, .om tr lol. COSTA MESA o UNITS--Older property central· ly Joe .• 11, blka. to heaft of BAJ. boL UtU. rm. Ju.tt reduced to 123.~ for quick ••la. $MOO d n. Owner Harbor 18911, 7:ittc AN:"\UAL lNCOMIC $4320. -2 d11plexc11. Street bec<>mlnlf bu11l· nl'~11 art'&. E.•tra lo t" ror !'ll· panslon. 1216 E. 17th St, Santa Ana. Klmti.rl1 ll-0824. • 2p3h Coast Properties 607 E. Balbou Ulvol., lfalbua Jl&roor •MO 97\.fc DESIRARl~t: :I l)l'ilr1io111 heth & 3 RF:f'lflOO M HOt:SF:. nrr•I• 1111m~ •,. L'OHO:-O:A JUGllLA)';IJI" tsm-1 t 1•t1nl.' •, acre, rou.rn f111 m.ir" lly Mme Cor.y ,.,,,d hr1~k f1n•· hoUM'•, IJ>4'CIU.J b11y, i i;1:;0 Jtc • plac••. r1u1ed h e;.1 UI. c-.·nt 1111 qu 11 r • • • 1'11•h OoOd •Pf'CUllilion h ral C:h111 rn1n~ l"r' h p><n• It•! fur quir k •<'lion New 4 Bedroom DELt"'XE ranch lit) 11 home. fta· GO·A -Commerclal. lndustrl&J lures 2 bnth~. beam crlllng11. for('td a ir heAt. Garb. d lapol<Al. LI GHT INDUSTRY Exhau~l fan In k tl. Reill wood &Xt=EL.LE.i'i"T Jocallon. Wiii build bumLne Hreplnl <, with ,., Ju~ 1~00 to 3000 aq. fL to 1ulL Rea· llghler a.ntl mnny othrr luxury 1 aonable rent. Lons term lt ue l! llem1 desired. $12.950 Full Price CORDON SF:Vli:RTS REALTY . $1000 Down 1 3~ E&at 17th St., Coat& Mtaa OPE:-.i n All.\" JO • ni, 'till ..tnrl< Ll 8·1071 or LI 1-3186. 9Mlc O U Holly Llln4' tn Npt Hrlght. kJtchen. Ul11po1111 I, ~·a.rpel ed Li:• I y 111 rd, v1~ 5111,500 Th111 hOUll<'J 41 ACRES aJIO tor t'f'nt 11nfurn Sl"e any- umw, 9'H ::illlW •rd Road. '"f'liO t\"ELL LOCATED trail, rlJWI for 1111bcl1vlJllon Ji:Oti<l draln•it" r1• a r EMERALD BA Y-J usr SrJ. Ct! HI• ~y. With fll.!1)' &C'Cl'stl to ~Ill h lirhf h lful f11rm hou~e only 2 .;yra. uld. 2 bl!drn11.. 2 bll th:!, 2 flnplacu , life living nn., ""P· d ining 1111 l::IARU AJ~. <:all l"URlJ v1-:1t1tl~DER. llu•lneu dl,.tr1c t , SI!\ I.)() In vulor1 can m•ke mon,.y on thu N. B. C. Realty 32nd .t l"twporl BlvJ, :-O:C'o' J" 11 Bt1H h. H1t1 llnr 1-40:>. l"•<l Newport Heights NOW LF.ASt:'\G "' 11ll11bll' tm,.1· neN pf!1te AJlRlt!. Crnll'r of l"•» rnn& tl!'I ~ll\1, i-111111hl, for 1·P.\, d mtltt or~ LI 8-1:.2t1 9'!'13 lntereet Rate ~ 11:! 5b 61 L<>an. qwckfy made In lhe Bay A rr& Rnd Co~ta Meu.. Single or muJllpl• unit.I. Ntw or ohJ. St 1>.11141 and .ave by ro·financ~ your p~eent loan. MU\lmum U · prn.e. No chars• for prellml· nary 11 ppr1111a l. P hone Santa Ana KJm~rly S-6933 or "''rite (Near l n 111t• A•·t• 1 11:,t~c 340 Po1n~tl>11, Corona tlrl Mu Har 421:13. l'Vl'll ll&r. 3• ;; illtlc 3 BIU>tu.I., J '-' ba Uu, new lux111y -j h•1n1" F1r•·1•h11 e, bt:IUll u lltni;: • I BAC'K BAY -lSIUll& Aca H l!! I 1.io.rb4I'' 1)111prnu1I •·11rc,.d Air J'ACTORV or WRrrh••USI' lfllll'C fur rcnt In Costa Mua. MAR CRF.~T CORP. lhr. 1004 9ik-2 MAHINJo; AVE , Balboa 1.8Ja.r11l. 2 bl1rm., 11\"lng rm. w llh fircpl&cl" Ji':lh"IMtd rauo -Allll> r<10m wr "1th e ur amaJI bu•ln• ~. SI 4!i> mo FllA.SK JA M~ LI~\\ OlllJ ARTHUR A. MAY WILL e~chaJ11• Li«Un& ~ach houte. on 4 lot.e (Blutb1rd Cao· yon I '24.,:,00, \\'A;-.oT tncome unite or T ! Phone HTatl •·21187 before 9 a m. or RTall •·31123. 93ctH Beautiful H ome Mortgage Loan Correspundtnt L" SANTA CRUZ, Call!, for Ln· Occidental Ut e lne\1rruit • Co. <'ome property. Laruna. O>ron• 11:13 ~outh Milin R11n1" Anft dr•I Mar or 8Mt& Ana. Ill' 0 . K. LATHROP. MU Coe.et Hwy . \'IC K. 312 Mu 1nt 11.ir. 2l)i~' --~ .. l-E \'N\ll•"" IH O• Cl•»fflc-<I A.,;,I CoroDll del Mar. Harbor 6442 .£\u. mv t.o r 3!il l ·J . 9 (J I • F oreclosure Muat be eold at once. Very ·n l« 2 bJ rm. nomP, h" ..t. fh.>011. fur- nace hu t, 1111 I'll' rritlo C-• m· rtetely !\Jm. ALSO Rm a ll llJ•L O\ .. r rar"f~. \'try choice l•ica· lion. t'uU prlct $12,0tiO, I O<Kl ttrms. Hu 2313 96c!l8 ="°ICE 2 B OTD I house, Ille balh 11.1w.l fl•••r\. •"lf!C1r furn•• t . patio r•r"~" • ferietJ >••d. J;ly u~nn Ll 8 ~09. 9Gcl0 A !:Jarpln a t i14.9!\<>:"l A• r,. ,,,.11t •nd m•ny nth•r fr111111 t~ 2 bOUfft.. Jrru1l tr.ea. ~ h l' ft nf. r IOn"t ml11s thl8 Onl' I ed, Income from 1 huuee $llO mu e l\II\ f I · Call Ha r. 12:.13-J or Ll 8· 18-0i Only .., 11 ,v~' ul pnce 96c 1 J I 000 down ------------OPF::-> DA1LY-10 a m. 't1U link 4'19 H ully Lant , nur Jrv1ne Ave tf:JUc l:JY OWNER -Co1la J.fr~a - 2 bdrm. house, nice dl•trlCl. nnlhlnc dQwn. f'ull price $C>f>O<l O<'o. b';ill.I, Har. 4U:l. 9:!\'98 BY OWNER $16 ,900 Are you havmg troubles! I C11ff H1vl'n. 3 bdrm. home. fl rt· f'll'l'f pt1tlll • l'Xtra lol G J, Let a Want Ad help you solve I loan.· Ph. u a-6417 tor app t lbem! , Mctll BILL'S BEST BUYS IN COST A MESA Open House NEW 3 Jll>JUt. DrlYI by 198' Tut• tin. 1 ·30 to •:110 or call for •P· po1ntment. You ahouli1 llkr lhlll. l''orc,.d 11lr hl'a l. 1 >, balhll. hdwd. floor11. jt&rb. dl11Jl . 2 car gar. $13,800, FHA terms. Two Homes Large Lot 2 DORMS. eacll. lldw.t. floon. Coved llnoll'um kitchens • baths. Formica dnilnbo111ds, llltd 11l1ow · er11. atl•r hed Pf"ffll't •. U ll.1100- S ubmll down. Duplex -Bargain Y n. OJ.I). 2 bJrna. u c-h 11lde.. C'IOM to ntw 8hnJlplng C'l'ntl'r. &ch•l\<l~ A tr1rnspo1 t•tlon. l'rtce ofU¥ s u .11:,0, te1ma. - Top East Side Loca. 3 BDRM. HOME. HJw1I, floora. fir l'Jll , the-rmo rontroltd hea" Alnll ~howt"r, Pncln11.-d brtnway. f'allo On lrl'f lmed •lrret. t'u1bs &r puvcJ J I0.7110, S2000 dn. S6~ 8t n•o. Ind. lax A in.. W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES RE A LTOR "YOU'LL LIKE OUR FRIENDLY SERVICE" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 Owner Sa_ys "SELL THIS WEEK!" This immaculate 3 bdnn. homt locat~ In ·coron& del Mar. forc<'d air heat, fi replace. garbage dis· posal, dishmaster, fen&.d yard. Large paved patio. Extra room off double gara~ for work shop or hobby room. Priced to 11ell quick and low. low down payment. Easy krma. Exclusi\'c with us. OCEAN VIEW This new quality built 3 bdrm .. 2 bAth home In Corona del Mar plus large bns('mcnl for rumpus room or work shop. Ma~i!ic.ent view of ocean and COi.ill lane. Has hwd. noora, forced air heal, fire- place. Separat e dining room plus lnrge kitchen with abundance of cabinet apace. FIRST TIME OFFERED A: priced to sell at $27.500. Excluaive With l 'R. PRICE T. McCUISTON MULTIPLE l.JSTl.NG REALTOR 3447 E. Coul Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor (7 (Office located neal dooc to Coroca del. Mar Bank) "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Reautifully fumisheJ 3 bdrm., 3 bath. pier & noat. W1U r.pnaider trade tor &ood income . . ... S~~.500 LIDO JSLE -3 bdnn., rumpua room, 52 ' 2 x BA str~ct to st reet cor. lot. swimming pool $42.~ BALBOA ISLAND NO. BAYFRONT -1''urniahcd 2 bdrm. with nn. to add income unit ~34,500 VlEW LOT ON KINGS RU. -0-ft. wide. Ownt'r will C'Onslder Rallboat as J)art pymt, $ ~.50() FOR BAYSHORE PROPERTIES "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway. Newport Bl'ach LJberty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS "C" THO.MAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS BALBOA ISLAND VALUE 300 Amethyst A n . Multiple LiRting No. 52H AttracHve 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home with one bdrm. guest apt. r->rce patio, con,·en1ent corner locaUon. Excellent incomo or lJennanent horn&. Pl'lCC ~ 29.750. t('rmi;, WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associate& Park at Manne. Balboa I.land -Harbor 2462 VOGEL VALUE Jntlonr nutdonr 11v1ng in onl• o( the be-st locationR 1n Col'ta ~l <'sa, TI1rel' b<-rirnom h11mr with aw1m- ming J•ool n n d BH<l in pat '" , I ;,.liOO full pm·c. SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Jl1ghwa_> :-· "'P"rt lwarh Llbt·r1 y 8-34~1 LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! I>-l'H:"'I Sll ~ n 2 ll"lr•n , knr •tJ I T'IO't ln'o ll•1r. J->·tr11 li1r)(f J'll!I~ . ..: r, I• 1· •Pll • 1, Jilk \r1 li11f ; I J I "I 1111<1 •"I. $t. .. W 0 .-•11 t;11•) p1 \.m• r1'' un balance. Call Har. 211i0 V> I I(' bl lie Bay Front Income I • U nJ ll-2 6 I be4100mA. f1U'11 • .. hed. P ier, no&t and prtHte llMctl. 1000 £. H&lboa IJIVd., a..tbcM. cr.tYltW 1M4&. ()INr- \eft to ........ lJtlo Attractive Bay Ave. 3 l!l-~lJIVJOM HOM ~ Gorceoia buy vt1•w, culc1rr111 •rU•tlc wllll- PW,r (!"(or. lnt,,rt11r btlrbecu"' lhvt ly f"'lh'>. <.;An be iie~n mont- 1n1 and n•run••· no w .... , At'e .• Nf'Wi'Ort ~ Nd• PAGE 12 -COASTAL SHOPPER -:JAN. 12, 1955 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND $3!SOO down • 4 bdrm. furn. home. 1~ bat.ha. $100. mo. Tota I price Sl 9.:'>00. Hurry for this! $5000 down. Home and income. 2 bdrm. furn. home and 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Total price $27,500. Thia is a BUY! No. Bayfront. pier & float. 5 bdnn. and den home. FumiRhed. $42.~. Let us ahow you this NOW! COSTA MESA READ THIS AND CALL US: Let WI show you this property Zoned M· 1. 102 ft. frontage x 145 ft. A 6 Y"ar-olrl 2 bdrn .. cottage with gar. Room to build. Owner going back East. S3500 dn. Price $12.000. 3 bdrm., 1 ft~ bath beautiful home. This home is built for gracious Jiving and it will be a pleasure t(I show you. Price ~15,950. CORONA DEL MAR NEW 3 bdrm., 1 :111 baths. spacious rooms, dining rm ., garbage disp .. Western-Holly 2-unit stove, Ben· dix washer, elec. fan. hwd. floors, F. A. heat. open beam ceilings, these and many other features. Sweeping view of ocean. Price $29.500. Xlnt. terms. Don't fail to let us show you t..hiJI. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier & slip privilege. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm., 1111 bath. Iota of tile. Parquay fln., 1dbl. gar .. F. A. heat. Now is the time to buy for next summer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at This Price. $26,250 LIDO ISLE OLDER 4 bdrm .• 3 bath borne on beautiful 60' lot. Tree11 & shrubs in profusion. Owner transferred and must ecU. See this today. Terms can be al'T'anged. Asking price, $24,750 LIDO ISLE LIDO NORD BAY FRONT-Pier & slip. First lime offered. only 1 yr. old. 3 bdnna., 3 batha, elec. kit., built-in dltlhwuhel', gubage dillpoaal, W to W car· pets. drap<-s & new 20' Century motorboat inc. in price. Thie is a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W . ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd.. Newp<>rt Beach. Har. 1013 BUSINESS PROPERTY BARGAINS CORONA DEL MAR BUSINf:'-;S BLDG. -Shows good return on low renlalA, Total price $68,000. $30.000 C'&Rh down. COSTA MESA -21 ~ ACRES -partly improvC'd. Room for additional income. Returns 16" net. $25,000 cash down. NEWPORT -~01 Hwy. to BAY Property -for !'ale or lease. Can be made into a gold mine! Priced , at SP0.000. will consider Mme exchange or renMnable term" down. LOOKING for a M()tel? Ha\'e any sue and location lo fit your purg(', Can aC<'('pt t'itchange on some. For the-se and oth<'r income bargams in the bay area SEE RUSS FQRD . VOGEL CO. :t?O l W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 LIDO ISLE rurnu~hed 2 bdml .. 5 yrs old. on 35-ft. lot.. $19,750 3 bt."droom <'n 45 fl. 1lot • Very homey. Lar~o C'O\'ered patio with BBQ. We Have the Key. H<-aut1ful 3 ~frm .. 2 full bat hs. large lanai Wonl cR rpeted and drapt>s Nl·orl\' 70 ft. lot cm 2 ~trada.s ~ho\\ n by appw ntment only. ~37.noo BAY & BEACH REAL TY \'IA uno BRIDGE OF'FlCE "Jusl l 11 th\• right uf t h1• Lido Bridge" 311:.? Lafayette, :'\,>wport lkh. Hnr. 36-4 3 le,:es H. 2999) CORONA DEl MAR M0<len1 2 bdrm. home. b<-auufully decorated., rai8Cd hearth f1rc>place. !ence-d f"r rri\'acy, minimum yard work, 2-;car garage. Near market&. $12,750. RAY REALTY CO. 3414 E. Co11•t Bl\'d, Corona d<"I Mar Harbor 2288 • ln-Rnl f'Atat~e ___ _ 5 ·BRAND NEW LISTINGS OPE:'ll HOU~J-: SUNDAY l to ~ Bl :.?:-i3t Bayahore Or , B,1y:ibores. 3 bedrm, t i,. bl\lh mo•lt>rn home. I "\"ou must see thli<" t::xct'll,.nt lu.;ollon cl view. (Mr. Ruu w!U be on the prernlse111. BA Yl:!HOHl-JS, ueluxe home on b<'aul1ful Bayshore Or., lovely b8y vlf'W and clo~e lo private beach, 2 bednn1. upala.Jrs w1Lh ;wparate dre1111lng rooma <l bath· rooms. Spactoua Jiving 1·00t11 with well plflnned <ltnlng area. Extra large ~arag11 with two arlllnl, b1·dnn11. & bath. Fully f'ncl, patio & barbecut. Only $45.000 with excellent tenn.11. CLIFF HA VEN VIEW HOME. .Brand new 8 bedrrn.. l '° bath home has an unobstructed v1t1w of the bay It ocean. lt'1 that R.3nchy Type that you'll adore. F orcl'd air heaUng, large fire· place, w t o w urpellng Md a galaxy of nice feature•. $24,500. W1lh good tenn11. BUlLDING LOT 60 x 180 on St. Jamee Rd. ln Clltf Haven 52500 lleuehold). VERY CHOICE Mxl 10 R·2 lot OJI Clltf Dr'l\ to, $6,500. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C B. Ruu, Wm. G. Schmidt, AJllOC. 312 Mulne Ave., Balboa lala,nd Harbor 2042 EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS F1RST TIME OFFERED. Very lovely lhn-e bedroom cu,.lom built home. Largl' muter bed· room and baUl. plua two bttter than avera11:e a1u bl'drooma w1Ul 2nrt bath. Uv1ng room has large tlreplac. &11d redwood paneling. Extremely c•>nvl'nll'nt kltcht"n- buUl·ln ell•ctrlc 1111111e and ther· mador ovtn, breaktut bar op<>n· In.: Into i. cozy rtlnl ng room. L1v1ng room an<l kltche,n han 11cces~ lo 1 nclo111"d patio w1lh bm:k barbecue HouM• 11 Ranch style with hl•av,y 11pllt ah&ke rot>r. 0\1er111zeJ do11ble gnral:'<'· Int er- ior 111 cromplelely c1.1rpete<l w.11 to wall ond dra~s 11re lndudt'd. l"orC'ert alr rumaco>. VIPw of IX'f'lln Md IJ\llilM a~t:t Lot 6~•X• 160. Exrlualvc w 1Lb u.a aJl<I wf' have lhr key. Fred J. Crosier and Assoc. 3630 &an C0"8l Hlith~y C'oronll tit! Mar Telepbonl' Hubor 3!'171 Corona del Mar 2 BDR..\18. -SmaJI but llvablr! J.'lrt'flll\Ce, aarage, thrnnolll&l h"at J:uod locaur'". W>OO lull J'lfl<"• F'll'IAnt·lnS a••111l11blr, 2 BDRM . DELUXE-~ celllnfl. Forcf<I a.Jr ht·11t, w tv w ~arpet 4': dr•~.11 Tile, J:&1hllge dl.lp<-i. NW~r~ fll'llv. tirrplace. f~nc1·d • .u1rt l•ndaca~1l. TvLaJ price - Jt: •. i~. TRJPLEX above Chlnl\ Cove, two 2 beilroom1 and a l bednn unit. Redwood II.lid Ahakc. F..xceUl!nt lnv•·~tmt-nt 2 yra. ol•I. 3 car pr•sc. Fllll llr1Ce S27.~00. W. E. Fisher, Realtor lllld ABSOCIATES 303~ F .... \ Coaal lllithway Corona d'I Mar Phone Harbor 2<t4:l !18cl BAY FRONT On Newport Island Exclusive 50-ft. bulkheaded lot, w1lb pier & lge. flont. Large bv· 1ng room with fireplace. 2 nice bdnns. wilh P , batru.. Extra large dinette ar~a. Double garage, ea11ily made triple. $27,500, terms. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 301 Newport Blvd.. NpL Bch. H&rbor 402. 9:ittc n-Real r..tate ------ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST KINGS ROAD -Home with panorama view. - Move in this adorable 2 bdrm. home, bwd. floors, puJlman bath, tormlca kitchen, dining room. fire- place. forced air heat, lanai, ttatio. Full price J ust $16.900, with terms. CORONA DEL MAR -2 story. 3 bdrm .. 2 balh view home. Modem design with W to W carpeting. Large porches, ba.ndminton court, dbl. garage. Terrific value at $29,500, terms. SUBDIVIDER$ A ITENTION. Close in 45 acres, sewers, paved streets -29' ii down or submit your de;il. HIGH LOCATION, lowest priced lot on Cliff Drive. Build story and one half for best view. $6000 buys it . LOTS ln Back Bay . Restricted • All Improvements In. From $3250 -Now a choice. 640 ACRES virgin land near Lake Hodges. Swap for income property. ' ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meaa Liberty 8·1632 Liberty 8-1400 Eves. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Attractive 3 bedroom &. 1* bath Newport lielgbta home. Built in 1953. Near schOQle. It baa white oak floors, bright aWUlhiny kltchen with break:faat area, dbl. garage. A good value. $15.~. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOTS 3 lot.a -all level -each 50x127 feet Prioea $3800. -$4000. -$4350. See WI for the best .election of lot.a Ir acreages. M-1 ZONED LOTS ¥.: acrea and acre• -$MOO. and $6500. BACK BAY LOTS Here's the best buy in the back bay. New aub-dlvi· a ion being opened -l 0 Iota left. $32:>0 to $4000. All new street.a and util1tiea. Protective reet.rictiona insure a high quality of homes. See the.e now. EL TON BARNETT Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. Cl block above Hoag Hospital) Llberty 8·2'n2 or eveninp Liberty 8· 7156 Lido Isle Some selected lot bargains 35 x 88 on Xa.nthe ·-.... $10,000 381 .! x 88 on Ithaca 10.750 45 x 88 on Mentone . ···-·--13.000 50 feet on the South Bayf ront -----36.000 Nire 2 bdrm. home on Tri~te with glua enclosed dini.ng a.re& with Indoor ba.rbeque ··-···-·-···$21.~. ' BA YFRONT, on the desired east end ot Udo, Per- fect family ycu-round finely finished home. 5 bdrms. and 5 batha. Ternfic family room with bar and barbeque. 54-fL width allows pier and slip plWl fine beach. One of the truly outstanding Harbor views. $84.~. wtth reuonable terms. p.a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 \ria Udo -phone harbor 1500 CORONA DEL MAR OL"R SPECIALTY ia low down paym~nt homes No dog-a. The111e are all c~an cut modeTD homes under 4 ~u11 old. 1. N ice 2 bdrm. home, beet residential area.. Hwd. floors. Iota of ti~. dbl. garage. $1000 down. 2. Very clean 2 bdrm. home, hwd. planked flooring. Lol.8 of tile, 2Y.i<ar gt.rage. C1011e to shopping center, $1000 down. 3. 3 bedroom. home -Large living room with fireplace, dining room . nice kitchen, laundry rm, dbl. garage. Completely fenced. To qualified buy· er. $1000 down. Balance at $8!5 per month, SEE THESE TODAY. It'1 a little late for Christ· mu, but we still have the holiday aplr1l! Bayshores Bargain ! Ben J. Whitman and Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" DREAM HOUSE of 3 btlnn1 .. l '1. balh. F:Jtlra lgg patw rr1ce of 3542 E. Coast Highway at Orchid, Corona del Mar i:z;,:xic,i 1ncludu S• nt>I lr f Harbor 1862 (Evee. Harbor 1461) Murr relrlgrralor, \\' to W car-______________ ___::...._ ______ _ pl'llnll Wedi;ewoocl Grlllt>vator, <h•poNI. lntrrlur ahu111 ra SE!!:· J!'\l; lS 13EWE\'l~C Vt u~ •how ll lo you, M il \'Ol' l:JE TH!-; J L. "DCE l'nll J 'l'l>tl Herron THE BEAUMO"T CO. ~:l4 :lZn•I ~I , Xr•"J'Ort Be11ch H.uhOr •:?W 11:1rl l..OTS n>R SAw; J Ht:A \ TI ~Tl. WT~ one ~ rt •ln !"1!ff l lr!Yt, :\f"''port He!Jht.I CJnr .• u fl Iv\ on D1J<>n. Lido 1 .. 11 AlllV 4\l·ft lot un \ 1" 1.rr ••11 I 11'1 h 1f l.°1111 uv.n•1 If 1r 11,:0J , r v.r1te :\>fr11 Ah1l!nA, ·~.: l ~u ·.~r111 , L"<>1•tt111 ll tl J\1111. 1<11 0 l"F:W, ~ bt-droom. w 'W <'ILflX'lln11 ::oill Prclldl'nl l'I., C M.. SIOIJ •l"wn, no ,1mpound1. 164. month r r 11n.1 Int llr 2·431.) alt"t 6 1 rr lrclrw"'"I 011·111 Corona del Mar Vogel Value Charm -Location - View -Value Walking diBta.ooe to beach. 2 bdnns. It den. 1 1 2 bath home. View living rm .. W to W carpctmg, brk. f1n:'place. dining nn .. nice den. mu~r bdrm. with ocean view. Cwi!.om drapes. colored fixture tile bath. handy tile kitchen. M?rvlce porch. connecting 1 ~ bath. Cyclone fenced beautiful yard. Brk patio. 2-car garage. Room to build extra "OOm with 11weep· mg '·ww of b&y It ocean. Lot 185' deep. You y,•ill look, compare le buy thia ho~. Only S22.500. THE VOGEL CO. 26?7 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar H&. 1i41 Ha. l'f- Peninsula Home ! OA..'11DY 2 bedroom. tumlsht<I. atucco homf'. :Slee pallo and dbl. gan.(t'. You miul. see •t S 14 .)00. Peninsula Duplex! "ON THE POl:'\T.. a nJ ha rd to find. 3 bodroom1 up and two dov.'TI. t-'um111hed Ahd recently r,. decorated. New dra'Pea and c1u· pl'tlng. A·l condition. $27,600 with tenns. Newport Heights Home! NICE OCEAN AND BAY VIEW. Sp,·c11.1I A· 1 1·onsll'\1r llon 3 bl'J· room~. l · • baths, l'11111 ... m built. J)(>gged floot s, built In kltrhl'll thermitdor rte .. a dandy 11t $28.- 7:">U. lPrtlll!. 4 Unit Income ! IN BABBOA. AltraC'llVI' I bed· ro<>m •p1.11·1men111. Cood (urna· turc and close lo Bay anJ Ocean. Gnod Wtn\l'r and 1<um111Pr renllll record. $3:">.000 and only $7:>00 down. Balboa Triplex ! OWNER HAS CUT PRJCI!: FROM $18,000 to $16,500 for quick a c· uon on thte A·l property. T'wo 11nat11 refum1•htd. Bay Rllfl Onan 101.:auon. $4000 down 11 a.II It Uku. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppo11te Bank or Amf'rlca) Members, Multiple Uatlng Roaa Greeley Ed LH J&e.k J>Ulkl\a.m J OMphlne Webb 700 E. Ba.Ibo& Blvd , Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. Costa Mesa Values 2 BDRM . hdwd. tloora. Lare• kit· chm. dbl. l'ar., patio, barbecue. $9.~. tenna. • • • 3 BDRM.. bdwd. noora. lust bed· room1. paUo, berbecut. t 'X O.L loan. $10,900, tenna. . . . ll BDRX~ bdwd. noon . Fireplace. dbl eara1e. feneed. • ~ ~ 0 .1. loan. 111.000, terma. . . . ll BDRM.. l % life be th11, forced air heat. flrepl&ce, full dining room. belt hdwd. floora. fenced and landacaped. S.ck Bay area SI0.600 -$3,000 dn. Near new. . . . Newport Heights 3 BDRM .. den plu.a bar, full din· In< room, fireplace. panor&n11c V1ew ot enllre harbor-not lt&llC'o hold! Obi. 1ar .. le•· land.Ka~ lol w1th room for pool 3200 8Q. tt. llvlns; area. Ownn m .... l .eU. name your term•. ~J)lk•meal coat S•0.000. Only $30,000, Bay & Beach Realty UIH Ntwport Boulf'vard Cotta Mtaa. California U 11-1161 . Evu. U bc'rt.,y 8·31~ A Real Home Investment F()R YOU who have a mof1,.at doYJn paymt'nl IU'ld want yOYr rt'nl paym,..nt1t to BA VIC Jl'OR YOU - -- THIS TWO STORY. 4 bdnn , 2 bath hoJM ~t Ba.lboa l•land I• In u ctllt'llt oond!Uon lll'ld anU• able turnlehtd undn no.ooo A !only ratio ALSO HA VE A nNE DEAL on a 2 unit. ruital ln<'Ome. COt\tact BUB POWEJUl al J. A. BEEK, Realtor 503 Park Aveoue Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. :? b(Jnn. hou-A e •lngle furn unHJI, on 2 Iola. £J1ceUe.nl view of bay. Older but In cood con· dlllon. Wllhin waUdnc dlatuic. of downtown llhopp1111' at:oeL Sl~.000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Iota -$12,000 Coast Properties 607 E B&Jboa Blvd.. BaJboa )'hone Harbor •e~ 83l/c "Let Ua Locate f.or You" PROPERTY ANYWHEKE TO BU Y OR SELL, CONSULT The LOCATOR of Calif. R.epruenl•tlve brolter11 In all rom• munlue,. t'hroughovt C1bfom1a. Bra.nch office. 1384 Harbor Blvd Com MU&. Phone L1 1·16&1 8Tllc CORONA DEL MAR -N1Cl41 VltW F'\m111htd 2 bdrm.. '" balh home. L1vln« rm.. dl.nlnr rm , ktlehtn. 111.1111e Har. 22911· w t4Uc • t" IT'S LESS THAN $5,000 Down ! $4850 to be exact will mo,·e y<'ur family into thia fine Lido Home. Full price i~ S25,'i5t1 for a spa<'ioua 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on a Jarl:" lot. Used brirk fireplaC'(' and wa ll t11 wall rarix·tiui.:. Sto\'e and oven built-in are a fC'ature ()( tht.• ext rn nice kitchen. Appredate a call (in~l sn thnt we can arran~e l(I shnw. ,1 JUST THE BEST! Best for fine Lido living that is nnd a "b<'sl buy'' t oo. Four bedrooms 11nd two baths on a lar~e lot. An outstanding one-Oo<>r show plan' with a modern interior with that. c>xpamuve f('eling. Wnndcrful built-in kitchen. Carpeted, lantlsrapcd and walll•d. Stone fireplace. Brand nrw for $33.500 and move in t omorrow for SHl,000 clown. t" A SCARCE ITEM! That's what R-3 lots nrc on Liclo -w ry few krl al any price and here are the two best. They a.re 40 x 11 and side by i;ide running str<'<'t t o street. One on a central strnda corner is $16.000 and the other is $15.000. Currently the owner will Mcrifice both for S29.500 which is a buy. Come in and let us show these and outline some id<'811 for development. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES . 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RlCHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) CORONA DEL MAR All Good Clean Values 1. 2 bdrm. charming cottage, ocean aide of hwy. $10,850 with $1500 down. 2. 418-418':: Marguerite • Open each day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 3 bdnn. home plus 1 bdrm. apL over ex-I~. garage with dark room. Owner moved. must sell. See th111 ! 3. A really clean. lge. livable 2 bdrm. home in be1t location on 45' lot with 3-car gar. Want to re. tire! Thia is the place. Reduced for qukk 11&le. $17,950. Will trade for small home or lot. 4. Top location • 2 bdrms. ll den, W to W carpet. lots of built-in features on expensive lot. Only $19,950. COSTA MESA :S. Near H igh School • Quality, 2 bd.rlu. 6 den. c t:JM *I· ft.) Dining rm .. hwd. noo111, P' A beat, fenced yard. A be&uWul home for only $H,750. WUI trade for bowie trailer. The Vogel ·Company 2007 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS PIER AND SLIP Exclusive area. modern 3 bdrm .. 2 bath hou111e, nir~ ly fumi.sbed, excellent financing. Price $40.000. .A. .... ... .. ,.... r• • BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bdrm., 2 bath borne. S3500 down. Ba.I. lllte rCA&. S.2500 down. 2 bdrm. home. large patio. Balance like rt'nt.. {; .. : ·~ fr NEAR BACK BAY AREA SlOOO down. 2 bdrm. homt". forced ur be.at. liany ext.Tu. Land.ICAped yard Thi11 la not a t.ra.ct home . FuU Pnce Sl0,950. • t • • ~ . .. .. . . . . ... .. ... . . BAY and BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Bl\'d., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evening• Harbor 1856 Balboa PENINSULA TRADE Open Sunday 10 to 4 2041 E. Ocean Blvd. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. one-story, ICSll than 2 yeaNI old. Completely furnished, Forrt'd r11r heat. Built in barlx-que and nice patio. 2·<'nr garage. pl88lnt'<l and heakd. Can be uxed for a rumpus room. Thu• ll! a very fmf' home wit h carprtin~. drn(X'R 11nd n1N·ly fum1Kherl. It ha~ a Sl5.(J()ff .)' • :?IJ·)'('ar loan. Jo'ull pnce S24 .n5tJ. Owner will trade «quny (or txJ.l t or Harb<1r arra prt'lr~·rty. DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 New1 1()rt Bl\'ll , :-.;, WJl<•l t H• h Harbor 3G!.13 BALBOA ISLAND 3 bdrm., 3 hath,,, \\',II li11tll h •rDI' w1lh Jar,::" living room. patio . on I.1t'l1 l•111n I -S:!J\,!j(l(}, Stum)1ng Nurt.h Rnyf1 11rt l'n •ti)' p1n1" UJl.4.'<l brick lx-n11liful n •ntal :tf•t with f1r•·1°l,1t•· f'f'rfect cond. \\'('II bu/I t 2 bdrrn. h11m1• with dhl i.;.tr and lbe . 11n r•· ,,. nght, .. 1 .noo. D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor Nona Hytr Chit Sa Ju.bury 216 Marine A\'e , Balboa llland I