HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-19 - Newport Harbor News PressVolume 7 -Number S7 Wedaeeday, January 19, 1955 Pabllabed at Circulation 18.000 Dlatrtbuted la Ne"·port Beach, Balboa, Balboe Island, Coroaa del Mu, Costa Me.a. Lquna and So. tacuu. I Beach. cant. Barbor 1118 GLENDALE PILOT DIES IN MES~ PtANF CRASH 1.--.-..,,...""'_ •.• I.~ ... • Otto Buchholz ( Pldu~ OD P .. e !) The body of Lloyd M. Kleeman, 24, of ~2 PalterBOn A ve., Glendale. was removed from the cockpit of his light plane Monday morning after crashing into a small bass la.Jee on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. P. Dalebout at 342 Santa Isabel St., Costa Mesa. According to Mrs. Dalebout she heard a 11h1 II whlstll' a nd t remendous cruh I The body was removed to t he In h<'r yard Shi' ran a nd dl11cov-BlllU Mortuary, Costa Mu a. n ed Lhr downed plane 11nd oiled The light plane cruhed only 11econc111 afte r taking oft from the <.:n~ta Mesa pohc1>. OMlnge County Airport whe n• It r art • of the ltr;hl pl!ine w~re had JUllt b«n gassed up. The alrewn a t·r08s "everaJ /~et or the DaJebout ra.nch Is about two mllea ranch land. The body of the llOUthweat or the mRln n 1nw11y ot altghtly bullt young msn was re· the airport . l'twered from the crL!lh('d plane I Kleemlln reportedly sp,·nt Sun- a nt1 water of the lake by Deputy day night here. having arrived U1at C-ounty Coroner Roger ·Burnham. day with hla crart at the airport. Mantz Burglary Suspects Face Hearing on Friday MEETS"'DE&Tlf"==Otto Buchholz; well-tcnown-Lqulla Beach resident, wu Jcilled late Friday night by a car when he wu crouing Cout Highway at Fairvi.ew St. Struck Down by Auto Friday SANTA ANA <OCNSl -A 70- year-old Lagunll Beach pedeatrl.an wu killed tn1tantly when he wu llr\lck by a car late Friday night. Dead on urtval at Hoag Hospital wu Otto Carl Buchholz:, 224 Bev· erly, Laguna Beach. Bucllhol& waa killed while croa1lng Coul High· way at Fairview, Laguna Beach. Ddver of the death car wu ldel\Wted u Ethel Hart. ll reUred I L&auna Beach BChool teacher. Coroner 'B deputiea said Mu . Hart did not see the victim until the I Impact. Buchholz reportedly Btep-1 ped out from the path of anothH n .h lcle u he nrarf'd the r urb on the oppo111te aide ot the streC'l. Mesans in Accident A minor traffic accident wu re· ported by Costa Mesa police at El· den Ave. and E. Del Mar Ave. Bl 7 :0~ a .m., Wednesday. lnvolver1 were 11.utoa dnven by John Hf'nry McDonald. 38, of 28M1~ ~ldt'n Ave., Co1ta Me.a and Jrloyd Lewis Grego, 73, 173 ~. Or i Mar Ave .. Coelll MN&. CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK • of LEATHER SHOES for WOMEN GIRLS and BOYS and CHILDREN High Quality Nationally Advert'9d Brands Poll~ Parrot . . Star Brand Scamperoos RAND SHOES -All rave 1>UllJlt'Cl8 In the $16,000 fur hl11 client. told Judge Dodce Paul Mantz:• Balboa Island home $10,000 wu too m uch for hJ1 cU- burgla.ry i-~rtday were· told lo ep· enl P hillipa, be laid, hu a wife pea r at 2 pm. Jilli. 21. In the And child llDd a bualneu ((llr&ge) Newport Bea<'h T ow nehlp Juauce And that au would 111.1ffrr without Court by Judre Donald J . Dodie. &ttenUon. The coun1el u ked llDd in Lagwia Beach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REfil'l.An l'Rl('t:s R.EDl1Cl:D 1'01 Thl'y IHI' a ll trrf' n n '1000 ball wa.a ~led 11000 ball alter OeL POLL PROVES PARENTS each. 8&1-. McManlgal Informed the W ith agreement 01 l>e~. Sgt. v. court t.he bond wu 11Uftlclenl to ~·18'~~:~a~!aJdl•~~~t ·::~o:;.:;~:(~ th: a~~;l~~::Own~yed brunet te, LIKE ABC GRADING flee, the rourt rN!uced baJI from the wtfe o! Print.&, huddled &rud· SlO 000 lto SIO(IO fnr t'&rh of the OWlly wllh tbr-INl~l be.tore the accuaed arralcnment but left before l he . . Thomu and Jtny lianatn. twin a rra1gnme11t ended. ' Strong de&U'e for &n ABC grading 1ystem or limilar re- bro!hers, 23. formerly ot Newport, l'hllllpi1. Bru garage operator , port card method in the Newport Beach Elementary School nnw of Placenlla. arraigned on wu acquitted on a n ce1vlng 1tolen District was voiced by parent.I of the diatrict who reeenUy bunclary charge1. were repreunt· pro~rty accuaalion by a Jury ln ed · · th G d St d Co •ttee Wil "'' by Stephen .... 01dlagher . a t-Superior Cou rt Department •. lut return quest1onna1res to e ra e u y mnu I .• t..1rnr y or Anaht'lnl Lloyd Alvin Novem~r. liam Spurgeon m. chairman, announced today. f'hllh pa. 33. or lirc'i., charg-ed with Found m Phllhps' ga rage were a Responlt' from parent. polled rtc•lvmg alolt'n properly, wu rep. portable-sewmg machine, w1rt re-was high. ,Spurgeon •Id. Sixth ro•arnt~d by W llha n1 F Weifke of <'Order. 1u1lcu e conlAlnlng l'loth· grad• parenl11 turned ln 83 per Sant• Ana. Cha.rlu Jo'rf'dr•ck mg. t•lt'ctnc ea.w, electric drill, •II· ct'nt of the queatlonnalrea aenl t.o l'rlnt&. 23, of Brea. chaq (cJ with v1'rw111 e, el«tr1c razor. a 410 gauge 1 them. aeventh grade pa.rent.11 93 burirlary and R1chard Albl.'rt Dur· 11holgun platol, 410 gau&e bolt llC· per C('nt, eighth (Tade parenu 81 •n. 19, ot Fullerton, who 111 charg· tlon shotgun. J2 irauge rtllc ahot• per cent. Ninth and tenth grade ed with recelvln,. 1tolen property, gun. automatic plltol. U p uite pare,nt.1 of Newport R&cbor Union told the court Liiey will aeek rep-ahOlJIUll llDd revolver. Hta'h School turned ln '1 per cenl .-01.&Uon by the cOWtl)' peblle PhtJUp. contended tht' arucJ.. of Ulelr que.Uon.na1rea. d.elendu. /wen atond at hJa pl&ee and he "TWo to ooe exp; 1 & ·ciuire Wenkt, pleadiJlC for lowtr ball knew not.hfn&' of lhelr baclt(TOUJld. tor a.n ABC or alm1lar ~radlnc syetem," Spurs-aaid. "A Iara• ma jority 6xprMHd belief Ula change ahould llllte place In th• upper elemental"J' (T&dea." The committee of pe.ttnta and lf'achen 1tudy1ng the rradlnr 1y11tem reportect "the 1urvey clear· ly atatee the fMllzl11 -d deelrea of the pattata and lndlcat. a cb&np la ~ oud9 to &a ABC .,.Um ~Id IN denfoped for UM 1n the upper ,-rad•• ot Ule de- ment&ry d.i.trtct.•• Spurgeon an:S Mra. Joeeph Car- vtr, comm ittee member•. wlU con- fer with ll profeN lonal 1taft of Horace Enatcn school lellcher1 and admlnl11lrator1 on Ot11tgn of the card. The Grade Study c ommittee will pea tbe card ont.o tlle E.lemen· tary Sc.boo! Boaro or Ttu•lees with recommenda.tlons tor lhtlr a ction. "On behalf of the committee, I wUlh to Lhank parent.. of the two dl1trlct.1 tor their lntere11t In our meeUn1a and tar thtlr uctUent re•pomtf' f1ll ml! out • n.t • • 111· ·11nr. the queaUonnaire.a " Spu1 eron aa1d Hr w rui high 111 h11• 1 . "'~· "" .a11· coo~ratu.m ol the comm1tei· mem- ber. to('llher and with local achoo! adailnlalratore who aq l11ted 1n lb• 1tucl_y. "la Yl-ot lhe tremendou.a ~-1 ~ b7 the parenta." 8purscon annowaced. utllcre 1a no need fM COllUl\lllff. .• ,,.\\ ~fur•· ltuur ... 9 '" I; ll11ll~· • ~ot 01 .. ·n l"rldn.r t:\f'nlnar Uurlnc \\'Int.., Monthe 3.95 4.95 5.98 6.95 7.98 • • • 2.63 • • • 3.30 • • • 3.99 • • 4.63 • • • • • 5.29 Sorry I NoO,_I...,. -Sale Mfll'C....._ FREE P ARKJNG AT REA.R einert's ._. ......... - 1n1 Jf.....-...... C.... ... FACT FINDERS ruru.r public meeunr• o~r -t.h=•~,~······ ~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Committee Set for Rea School Meet Delivery Guarantffd Oellvery of the Newport Hubor New•·Pre111 la guar• llnteed AU arr•• of lhe Com· m untty a rf' r.ptdly being pl11c-f'd nn cAJTlrr dtllvery. C111r1lrr boys wlll dfollver thtlr paper• before 8 p.m . on Mon· da.y and Thunday. 1t your . papf'r 111 not df'llvertd by Ulal hour pll'tu1e r aJI HIUbor 1818 A tempon11 y fa('!.flndlnjt com· mllll't' of F'rel'dOm Homu rf'BldtnU and a 11pec1a.I roult' m&n will h111 romplf'lPfl plan1 r,.,r 11 mlll!A mt f'llnr In F:vrrt tl R"a !'d1nnl lmmtdlately r e• p o n d with 111 7 30 p.m. F riday your copy of your Nl'wport Mf'm~rs .. r !hf' comnutle• up Harbor :'l:ews-Prus In arms over allegrd tax In<'~•'"" wh1rh have bumped monthly hou~ ------------ raymc-nu rrom 2~ C'l'nl• to '11• March1·ng Mar1·nes 1nrludr . Cha1rm1r. V t:. Ma cCar- lt'r 930 Oogwnod Stcrt tary R. S. Sf af I--· Sargtnl, 2024 Republic. F' C. Op ~ .. na O\l.·f'n, 974 F:veritr,...n. t11r Rl'v <.: f: Thurmon.I. 930 Evrritrttn, :'\Irk 1'1an101ch. 2034 Rt'publlc. Mrs. A •:. w .. 1111 P79 Llnd"n Pia.er, F' W Thi' ma n:htng M art.nu who are tn mutt' from Slln Dlt l l> toward lh1• Harbor arta. on behalf of the Mu•••ll !OH Arbor St., R W. Manh of Dime!! Wl'rl' In ~na ~m~tll~~~ln~~~.~;·94!0~~'ht~~1~1 11nd Rl'11f'h tnday from whert lht'y will • at1t1l at 2 pm . h•·Muttl 1h11'1 "·ay M i ll 11 rltr will at! aa "pukt'<!· m11n o1unn 1t th•· mu.~ m"ttlng 11':nrh ur tht' farl' lta.m nr 1· s. Wh• n l"'rM>n• attending t hP H fl·' Ma !Vlr'" u• m arrnm1r. 91 !Cl rrnts •ion "'111 bl' lnv11f'd to l'Xplaln lhl'1r I JW'r 11ttp tnward IJl" Anlft'kll. the lnt•rr•ts 1n lhf' .. 1tu111on lnv1ta· monr v ra18f'<I lo ico lo 1 hr Marrh t1on1 havr bt'l'n t 111lel9tlf'd tn ("oun· of Otmu In <>ao h communatv ty A Ml'Hnr H11Jh J Plumb. rr· lhrcou,.:h which t h••r pu ll -I pre1 .. n tatn•p11 of tht loanm~ l'om· VI< 111 contrlbu lwn.. tu l/ll'll' p&nlr11 l'oncrf"IM'd. f&y or Cla ire ri11t11 h 11111y I).• maolr,1 l11 ,\lr11 1'\el110n of C'o11ta M"11a 11nu A rrprl'Jt· J ohn \\ 'J\abh,.. Hort>or 11rr>' •ntatlvr of thr ,·noon!\ .,,,.,oi n f r h1urm11n. 360<1 !'rllVll'W Avt , aupervl.ar. Newport Buch 3 CANDIDATES FOR COUNCIL FILE PAP~RS Thrtt candidalts tossed jflt1r hats in the up-coming• Newport Beach councilmanic race Monday a.m. as they filed nominating papers with the city clerk. First to file was Clar· ence A. Higbie, Balboa Island lawyer who wa.s fo llowed by Councilman Ckrald Bennt lt. Newport. rpnninJr for rt -elec- uon. A.n hour later. JAmt>• B. 8todd&rd, conaulUn1 <'hrmlcal en· I Hub l'c•wr1(1. Hal Hau.ter, Krnntlh _.;neu, Corona d"I Mar, fllrd hi.1 I-Nichols. J ohn PN'nderg~l. Hal pape.rii. 'Wiii Smith. Tony .Hershry, Htlen Stodda rd. a mem~r of lhe ;o.;ew-1 Ourk1•r W E. 0 &\'11, Geor(I' Mc- po,·t S.ach Elemrntary Srhool Dt.11· N11mArtl 1nt1 Ro~rt S Cook, IL!I lrtct board of tn111tel.'8, 11111d he ot B11lbt:111 11111..nJ would continue lo iworvr in tha.t R<'nnttt • pllp<'ra were a11ned by rapacity. He M.ld conJllllAlli')n w1lh I Hoy 1..·npr lln, C'ha.rlu r.. H ut. C. Vllrlcoua lep l t xpert1 rrn11led E. ~lcNt'll, Charin Pe11ch Ed there WM no l'l'a.&on he 1·ould not l H!!aly. f'recl R Jarobe, Ralph H rvl' boUI the city llnc1 the Muk,.y, Mr11. Lyle O. Stewart &1111 echool1, aho uld hi' bt' t ll'<"l,.d to H&rold Arthur. Clt7 Council. SOMINATIXO Sl.PPORT Dl8TIUCT BOl"SDA.RIJ:S Sl&'"m& for Stoddar Wf'rf' Rn - H11b1e l1 In 0111tnct ~. <"ompr111-I tonl E. Brandt. Dick r 1,.Kt'r, Al· lng nnly Balboa laland, wh1h! ~n-Vin Cll!menr e, Roy O Ant1t f'9t'n, nt'tt·a Olatn <'t 1, run1 f rom J{>th John Kef'lcr. Verni' Wat11<•n And ~l. "''••t to the Santa An• R1v('r. ~''"" 'Mr-f'11ul I r•1w l11 A II nom- S todda.rd 11\'l'J 1n llt111r11·t 7. lhr 1n11 11n11 l'"r"'r au:r.11111r•A rn11Pt ~ w nterly ha lf of Uornn• .1,•I ~hr 'rnlll'1! h\ lhl' dt>1 k P o'r1r,. t>r- Slf1Ul11 H~1b1e·a pa ~r1 "ert '"'' th,. n1•n .inat1on• a t t of tu alll SHEETS "pepperell peeress" nylon lhffts, snlMJ•fit for easy bed-makin91 no ironing, pastels: 6.50 twin, fitted bottom sheet ...••• 3.95 7.95 double, fitted bottom sheet • 4.95 7.95 twin, fitted top sheet 5.85 8.50 double, fitted top sheet • 6.50 2.59 pillowcases, 42 x 381", each 1.39 "lady pepperell'' type 140 superfine muslin: 2.89 twin, bottom or top reversible snugfit, 2.39 3.09 twin, double or top or bottom reversible snugfit sheets, 81x198 2.59 3.29 same as above, size 90x I 08 2.89 69' piflow casH, 42x36, each .••. 59' -"lady pepperell" combed percale type 180 sheets: 3.09 twin •reversible, bottom or top snugfit 2.69 3.29 flat or snugfit, double reversible bottom or top 2.89 ... 3.60 90x I 08 .. 3.19 79' pillowcases, 42x38 l, on sale, each • 69f "lady pepperell" sheets, 180 percale: colon, 3.59 flat or twin, bottom or top reversible 2. 99 3.98 81xI08 flat or double top or bot - tom reversible sheets, on sale 3.39 95f pillowcases, 42x38i, each . 89~ "peppereH peeress·~ colored nylon sheets, snug-fit: 6.50 twin, fitted bottom sheet 4.95 7.95 double, fitted bottom sheet 5.95 8.50 twin, fitted top sheet . 6.50 9.35 double, fitted top sheet • 6.95 2.59 pillowcases, size 42x3lH, each 1.95 PILLOWS special! "swooney, Ir.'' purofoid I 00% white goose down pillow, down- proof striped ticking • • • • 7.49 8.95 "barclay" dacl'Oll pllows; 20x26 6.95 special! "dayton koolfoam" pillows, sanitary and allergy-free • each 1.00 OFF f ankin's lower -level shops, 4th & sycamore, santa ana LADY HAMILTON BEDSPREAD 16.95value 11.99 famou-name decorative spl'Nd, loomed to tM' hf'ir· loomed by f1eldcrest; antique whlk, luxurlouAI~ frtaged, reversible, wubablf'. twin or full tM-<t sb.r ... buy aow and save! 3-PC. BA TH SETS 3.95 value! 2.98 "·hJte sale valu~ ! df"t'ply tuft.H f'henill~ ln C'l111ire of decorator C'Olor'!', ~t of 1 o\'&l, I obloni: mat ph• l lid cionr. MARTEX "dacron-eclge" . TOWELS I .29 bath size 69f hand towel 39f wash cloth 1.00 59 29 rtuffy Mart~x "krriff'' "~iaUy wonn with da· ('rGD 9eh•edKe for 413 utr.stn'nl(th a~ainst fra~ · I~. many IW!ldous colon. KENWOOD BLANKETS 15 .95 twin 17 .95 double .12.95 .14.95 1003 wool. dffply napped, bound with 6" acet.df'; cranberry, yello"'• bluf', roM. ~reif'n or "·hJte. 6."> ll 90 aad 80 x 90. SPRINGFIELD BLANKET 16.95 value 14.44 "avoa" 1003 "'ool ; ro8e, gold. Maf09D'I, bl Of', h(i. plak colors. utla·bouad. 72 x 90. . I WHITE SALE VALUES I 0.98 chenile bedspread, double weCfdin9 ring pattern, white, rose, gold, brown yellow, green, charcoal, blue or red, double or twin • 8.98 martex famous "luxor" toweh, firat quality, rich fluffy texture, wonderful absorbent: 3. 98 bath towel, size 29x5 I . . • • 2.98 '1.69 hand towel, size I 7x33 • • 1.50 bO<' washcloth, standard size • • SQt. "airfoam" latex bed pad, muslin back: makes an older mattress softer, 5.95 twin •• 4.99 also 7 .98 value, full size, on sele • 6.99 "rex" bed pad, zigzag cotton quilted: 3.98, 4.98 values, 39x76 and 54x76 2.88, 3.88 sanforized bleached bed pads, 4.49, 5.49 imported tableclottt sets, rayon and cotton damask, white, eggshell, green, blue, pink, gold: 52x52 cloth with four napkins 52x70 clotn with six napkins 60x80 cloth with ei9ht napkins 60x I 04 cloth with twelve napkins • • 2.98 3.98 5.98 8.98 "quaker lace" tablecloths, seconds, ecru or white; many patterns, qualities and sizes: 7 .95 to 27 .95 values 5.50 to 19.98 BLANKETS "pepperell" caress blanket, rayon and nylon. deep a cetate b inding: blue rose, casino red, ch·artreuse, harvest, yellow, green, 72x90 twin • 8.98 a lso double size, 80x90 9.98 "featherwarm" electric blanket, fa mo u t name, 25 % wool, 25 % cotton, 50°/o , rayon; rose, blue, hunter green, red colors. 7 2x84, single control 19.99 dual control, sizes 72x84 • • • • 25.99 .. } I . \ PAGE 2 -COASTA L SHOPPER - JAN. 19, 1955 AFJ'ER PLANE CRASH-Deputy County Coroner Rog- tar Burnham is shown re<:overing body of Lloyd M. K lee· man. 24. from his crashed' "Brcoupe." The pl ane fell into the bank of a smaJI bass lake on farm of Mr. anti ~frs. P. Dalebout at 342"Santa laabel St .. Costa Meaa. Iticntification of the body of Kleeman gave hia home addres11 as 252 Patterson Ave .. Glendale. -SWf Photo (Story on Page 1) Joint ~ealty Boards I nlla 11 New Officen Otflcera of Newport Harbor. La· sun• Beach and 8aJI Clemente Boarda tfr RHltor• y.'ere t.natalled jolnlly •l a bre&lcful ffSlllon Thul'9d•y at Irvine Cout Club by Ha rry Crow. vlc.-prelident ot 23rd di•trlct. C&Jlfon1la JUal £8tate Auoclatton. The croup• Included, for New· port Harbor. CharlH E . Hart, pre•· tdent; A . J. Vlccelllo. and j.. Hub· bard Powu1. vtce pruldent.: Olod· en Fay, Mcrel8ry·trea1urer. For lAruna Beach, W. Ben Sorrdt., prea1denl: Clifford Taylor. vtce· pre11dent and Roy Roberlaon, mec- retary·l reuurer. San Clemente h•• a. Carson Ra.amu~ .. pres· ldent. Steve Mlchalu u vtce-prea· ldent and treaurer 11 William E. Browne. W IWam A. Toblaa presided and Harry Crow Introduced the apeak- er, F loyd Lowe of Palo Alto, pru· !dent of CREA, who 1tated: 8 U81NEM BE"ITl:Jl "The ruJ utate butinu• la on tlle upturn.' Buildln• wW continue a t pr-nt hllh levela. eo.ta will be 1table." h• aid, "and older real· denc11 will be tn much bettar de- mand due to more fnorable fin· anclnr tenn• which will be avail· a ble In 118&." PAUSE , MACKENllE ------------------------Roy Robin.on p v. the pleqe SI J~PFNOED -f POM JORS SA~TA A:o;A tOC-:o;S1-D lstr1ct,were ,:;s~nded p1>nd1ng f•ltng of Liquor C'hitf H . E. MacKen%1e and formal criminal rhari:r;, by lhe OraJig,. County Llfjtinr eo111 Hrr· State Attorney Gcnual's off wt> , The San Bernard1nu office 01 IJ-e man P1111,... WPr,. •u~r"ndtd Fri· Bo11r<l of Equ&Jlz.81100 adc1t <I 111111 j d•y I Pause and ~laC'KenZli' W<'I e t hr Mlllcolm Ha 1ri~. a111ng director onlv twn ltqu"'r rontrol off1r1al~ of thl' r.l'W df'pllrtm,.nt of a ko· In u, .. Orange-Sll.ll BPrnardlnu·lll\· hollc ron1rol, n.atle the announc:f'· er side ('ountt""' arra who "l'll' ment Ht said four Olhtr men a lioo au~pendt~I wer, 1111spendl'd 1111 liquor control ------------ adm1nistrator11 In 111., (litl Slntr Board of Equallat1on .tetup. Th.i San Bel-na rd1no ortlce of )facK .. nz1,. 111ud It ff'C'f'IVtd notice CITY PLANNERS' AMENDMENT SET r OR MARCH 15 BALLOT City COISI Cil Monday approved Re110lut1on 429~. a charter ,J111f'nrlrn!'nt which will appear on lhe March 16 ballot. It \\nulrt 1m·r»a~!' 111" n11m~r or planning ocmmJuJonera from Pl'\'('n l l) nlOI' Th', C'harlf'r C'&ll:s f ()r sevt n mf'm~r11. Thia provi.1lon wu rnmpltl'cl \\llh ol lt;rlay's ad;oumed councU meetnl( by lhe ro111nr1I mrl'lmi; t>y lh cocnC'll rt'tamlnr Walter Longmoor. rhau man, P.ay Copehn, ucrtlary, with memben L W. Bn1c•. <;t'Oq;t Lint!. 0 B. Rf'td, C. B. Rudd and Wu ~Ith.Former 1·1f'mbn~ Onn Haylon and Calvin Ktene w l're retaln~ aa "llffu·1,I consul1ant.11" t() the planntn Scout Council · i F"rnm 7:'> t<I 80 Boy Scout1 and , 1 of lh.-11uspens1on nf MacKtru.le and Pau11e about 11 :30 a.m. Fn- day. Th,. note 113.Jrl thfl au1pen- •lon wa~ In lllkl" l'ffrcl lmmedl· &tf'IV. UUTll ~l"SPt:NDEO Ben nett Gives Statement on Candidacy 1111 ntl~ of the Hnrbor area are ex· pn t .. •I to auenrt the 33rd annual I meeting of lht Orange Empire j A 1 ea <'ounc11 ot Boy Scout.8 of CounctlmlLJl Gerald Bennett. who Amerlra \\'ellneeday night, 7 p.m. of alle(iance and Mabel 1'tt.smor- r1• the Invocation. 8peoi&1 rueata int.l'Oduoed tnclud· ed Carl Mode of SUt& An&. direct· or of N AU B: Mayora Dora BUI of .Newport Beacb. Cl&lre Nelaon ot t:osta MeM and J. Frank Whu· ton ot Laruna Beach. Oeorre Cof· fey. city manager. Coeta Mesa; Waller Chapman, put prnldent of San Clemente Realty Board and Pecu Taylor. put pre•ldent of the Lacuna board; Roy Peacock. flrat pre.Jdenl C1H41 of lhe La- cuna group; Mn. Steve Michaeli. Mra Charin Kan. and Mn. Walt- f'r I Mary R I Cote. of the New .. Preu. Phillip t:. Davis, new area ad- 111ln1aJrator tor the Board or l:quallullon In Southern Callfor- n111, 111form,.rl the d111trkl liquor ofllt"" 11111t \hr two m•n had been aw p"'11d td. 11t 1<.nott'11 f:lcrry r 11rm. was appomted about two year~ ll 1~hhght ot thl' evtmng will be LA TEST HAIR STYLING &lo Lo Newport's City Council to lh1• uw11rd1ng of threl' Salver Bta- M llCKen&le wu acting adinlJUa.. lral nr lt>r Orangf'. ntven1lde and 8an Bem•rdlno CounUea. :-.'eoltht r MacK•nzle nor Pal.Lie "'" rr 1>\'11ll1bl1 fnt commf'nl. A "P"k"~m.t n in I ht' nlflCI' nf ~lac­ lirnzlt· 81\ld ht \h1I not know w hf'th"r the auaren•lo.n w111 t"m· ("'I Illy or flt'rm1u1,.n1 Hoih ~latK•·nZlt' &nrl Pauae were lnt.ltcll'd by the Orang e Counly Grao•I Jury. l'•Ull• -.as lnd1rt.ed 1 w11" on rnruip1ra.cy t.harau. ~lal · ..: .. nur '" acruMd nt coruiplral'y .... 11h 1.cnii:" AVll'. Santa Ane bar ""'n•·t An•I MICkt')I Jonra. OJlll 1err!'l.iry, 111 th• unlawtuJ t.alunc of pl"l'm111m prirf'~ (M t)ll·~lllf' i:"n· f'rlll llf'"ll~U \It,, flLt.: \\"lCTf1' Mlll• ""11z11· and I 'au"'!' !lied )'>('· I llJOM !111 \Hit• !'( pri>hlblllon IO thf' Dl1trtc t l"1>u1t 11r Arp~alio in e rtnrt11 It) hll'll k 111111~ 111 t "" ln- dlC'lmtnl.1! The Ill! llquor H>n11ol ott1ceu 1'\Jcceed Francia J . Horva1h. re-\W .\w11rds to county men for FOR HOME signed. announced he 111 run· thrlr n11111t11n1llng 11t'rvic1> tn Scout· ninr 1or elecllon u he 111 1ntn•·•t-In~ PERMANENTS ed ln th.e lmprovement or hw Ntw· 1 New 0Hlctr11 ot the council 14 be port dlatrict. lna1alled Wiii be I!:. c. Mlulldlse Thi. 1nduJt,. atre.:t 1mprnve· j "f Sanln Ana 88 prnldcnt: WU-D A N ' S menu, condemnation or old hou1H Ham H . Spurgeon Jr.. Leonard I .&llEI SHOP or buUd.lng• until !or O<'cupanry. I Ztrlaut and James J. Oubbln.1, ~ "\\'llh tht rapid expansion o! the Vlle·pn 11denta. ~ftfllln K. Thomu, BALBOA TH.EATJll!: aLDG. whol1> clly, Im mlt•rutt>d m 111'4'· l1tna11rer. J 11..me11 S. G ll1trap. com· ISALllOA I.Ag that the tlun111 "'"'' h art> m1~,aro11er an•I Gllbtrt Taylor, aa- 1 ()pee ToNdaJ ..,,. Sam•r ~~a~ the Mght wa~·· ~ ~hL 11s_t:a:n:t :•:h:m:m:1~~o~n~r~r~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ li&llnett 1a 1-11 Oi.tnct a. wh1cb run11 I ~ wut rrom l~th St to the Senta ~u R1vf'r and lncludea Prf'rlnctl I. 2. 3, 2i and 25 A l"tllrlf'nt uf ~l"wp<•1 t Harbt:lr 1-uH ,. 1337. Bennett luu been m the mo\'1ng IUld st.oral" bu11n""" he1,. aince 19•0. ~lanw•I t.r mnk1 hi... hnme w ith h11 .,,,f, 1H11I .. t• I• l'nn 111 l~l \\' Balbo.t Blv<I H 11 a member or NtWl"•l t Hnrl>nr L11r11te or i::lks No 1 ;I); l-h l'lalr1 he 11 vl'ry mterralP•I ,,, 1tf'1ng eu1 rrnt r1ty ,·.,ncltomn11t 11111 r1 <'""" llng11 1tgl\ln" I hr· 1 •.1r1r11 t:lf'cl rll Co.'11 :\'!'wpun l\nl1hn1o;s rairttol 1111t nn•l Ill•· 1lt•l11rt provtor1. Every Day Is largafn Day at Owt DnMJ 5tONI BALTZ MO RTUA RI ES 2 1 0 8 OCEAN FRONT COST A ME SA CHAPEL J741 Supenor Avenue Costa Mua. C&llt. r>t-nnr t 11',.rlv ~-2121 CHAPEL IJ'I' THE SEA :~2u E CO&l!I 8 1\'0 Corona dtl M.a1 Coll!. Phune liarbor i2 HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "SEK\ lt:E "ITHJ.' HOlJK~ -\\'HE.'.\ SEt.:Ut;U" ' COMPLETE LA l NDERERS aad CLEA~ t:RS MAKl~Ell'8 ltULE St::" POR'I BF.AC'll , • • LOOK FOR THE GREEN TAG SPECIALS GREEN TAG SALE! HIGH POTENCY I-COMPLEX I 00 Capsules 79c Imported German MANICURING SCISSORS 49c 3-speed Electric HEATING PAD s2•a P ER~ 0 N NA double edge RAZOR ILADES REG . $1.00 :!.}mg.--41.31 VITAMIN B 100-!6,000 \:nUa 81 C VIT~MIN A ...... I imlJ00 VITAMIN 3~ I F.ll'C'I rlr lb Ir CLIPPERS S tttl f'WnJ CASE Rubber Hot "al tr aonLE Alarm CLOCK Laree ~all PoUall S'S I _· 198 I ... 79t: REMOVER _ .... -.... 1 s• tc Pint C'lf'anlac 13C FLUID _ ... -.... --.. -· 1 PoHd COTTON Jones Baby Beceives l Baptismal s'ervices Before ie&ving for Hawaii Jut week, where Thomaa f'. Jonu, )lar1rle at J:I Toro Bue, hu been tranaterred, bapUamal aervlc• W('l't htJd for Thoma& F. Jones ill at Chrt•t Lutheren Church on Jan. 2. Spon1or111& the b&b)' were Mr. and M ra. Emil Roth Of &102 Weal Ocun Front. Newport Beach 1 a nd a ctlebrauon dlnntr waa held a t th• Rolh home following the I ceremony. 1'1r. Jonu and Mr. Roth were I childhood frlt"nda In f'1ttaburgh, Pa., were member• of the aa.me church and were confirmed at till' 1ame time. Oid yo u see the BAO~~AIN I NE\\' IOOVE~ Lark E~r.:_. ACT NOW AND Save$l3 95 Buy Your NEW PONTIAC f rom •ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coa1t llvd. Laguna leach See U1 Today FOR HIGHEST TRADE· IN VALUE GOOD READING # ... + #0 _Q.,. ft4-ad Your Bank Book F.aeh and E\·ery Day . . . Get ln the llablt of Making Relular Dt>poeitl and \\'atda Your Sa\"lnp Grow and Grow. May We Help You Start Soon! I COSTA MESA BANK I "YOUR FRIENOL Y INDEPENDENT BANK" IUIC-SIZE RADE·llS, TOOi lN1 N-1>0r1 Bh'4. 1.DertJ ._..,, 1802 Nt"'port Bh·d. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-S426 High Quality Pr inting-Pb. Har. 1616 FREE Traverse Track! wltti every custom drapery 0..cler Sensational Offer ! NO MATTER THE SIZE "Ith eH'ry cu1otom drapuy order you Jitt't finr .. tf'f'I TruH'Mi<' Track AISOLUTEL Y FREE ! MONDAY JAN. 17th thru SATURDAY JAN. 22nd Don't wa!lle any tim<'' Hurl") In to our 1<to1't' Anrl take arl\':tnlAJ::(' I)( 1hl11 onr<--ln -n -hluc-moon off,..,.. If yn11 \\f•nt 0111 .inrl ho11gh1 t rR\ <'r<;i-t r;i rks yrnt'rl pay 11nywh('t'f'· frcini ~; >-.:; to.:!:; .111rl l'\c•n mor('. rl·•1•·nihn~ cm lh" lc•ni:rtll you '';intN1. \\'I'll, h1•re 11 If' fn:t\N''-C lnwk~ . nn mallf'r wh111 ~iz" Ah!i>oh1tf'ly frl'<' "1th ~ nu1 <lr;q;('1 y <Jrrlrr' Our rlrroralor> '' 111 i:;i\'C Y<'ll C'\f}{'rt ,irh ii'c "h<'n )OU ,,1I"'1 ~our foli1 1• < J11r h11J.:'' C"1J<it11m workrooms will m;ikr ~ou lh" mn<' l><'n1111f11l rln rlf'rl<-... \n11 f'\'<'r '11"'· 102 East Oor. Ma.I• Kl 2·9618 LARGEST SELECTION OF DRAPERY FABRICS IN ORANGE CO UNTY AT POPULAR PRICES SANTA 'ANA OP~N Fri. Eve 'tH t Validated fr ff Parldnt AT ALL LOT9 ., Eldred Starts 5-58 Year Rap To Entertain Higbie Relates Hospital Vets Reasons for Mendenhall Speaker for Newport P-TA Erickson Assault Case Dismissed JAN. 19, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE J SA~TA ANA. JAN. 17 (OCNSI at Hobo Party F1·11·n· Papen· Arthur Gordon Eldred, lhe man & J'ortqDe tellen, pa1m1.t.1. bottMd Malth poUou and the .._ are empir" In Onl1lge County, Monday Arrancement.a have been made Clarene. A. Hlple, 8albo& Ja-not tbe auwu to mankind'• ccm&a.Dt ''llearcb ror Bapptneu.'' papb- All "auault with da&dly weapon'' cue qaln•t lAona.rd Waller Erlcluon. 37, tl.abannan. who Una llt lhe Oce&n Front Hotel, WU~ mlMed on mouon by th• dtst.rtct attorney ln Nt'wport Jurtlce Court Parish Dinner at St. Joachim Y.'hO t'rected a m1Lulve real utate Jan. u . "'"" dehn•red to the Chino Men'• tor th• monthly hol)llta.l party for t.nd. today pva hi• reuona for lcalJy empb.uipd IA a pro"f'OC&Uft ''Karell ot Ttm•" film abown t.o p<'nltt>nU rv ror a & to M -year 'the diaabled veteran• from Lone flhnc hla nomlnaUo.n ~pen for lbe Nnrport l!Jement.aty P·TA audlenc:. at. UM JanUUJ llMaion. tn m . Buch Vetera111 Admlnlatrallon the forthcomlnc City COUncU race Warren Mendenb&ll. a.Niat&Dt El<lm! wu 11 enl to prlaon by March 1~ . · auputnUndent of Or&nc• County youth. la an UTOMOua attitude ll:rlckaon waa booked by Coal& Eagerly anticipated by tM mem· Markel, Rlcll.ard Altman. BffT'eJl liuf"'rtor Court Judge Robert Hospital. The aJfalr wlll be held In Hlcble. a r~nl ot 328 Am .. ICboola, preeented Ule movie pr10r ot ll\09.l adult.a. Mendenhall empha-MN& polJoe after an allered at-~n ot SL Joachim C&lhoUc I Wa11h, J. 8 . McM&han, M. r. Au!· Cur<1n,.r lut ~-rlday. He wu ctven lhe American Lf'glon ClubhoUM lhyat A .... Mld, I have no poUtl· to a dlacoune on chtld problama. aiud. JJl ....iJty, youn&llten fffl ta.ck that aent William OOldm, 48 Church, CO.la MeM, wu the third du·Helde, Wallace Miller, Patt1dl onf' to t,n·yl'H eentence. o.n three l&th St. and Weal Bay Ave., Ja11. cal uea lo l'fllld. I feel & cl'ric Followt.nc t.ba call to ont.r by tM1r probl.ema even more deeply ot m Monte Vt.ta It .. Coet• 'annual procnaatve duUler, apon· 1 Glllla. William Brown. Ch&rlM co11nu o! grand thert and one to 19, with entert&Jnme.nl to follow duty toward• Newport Beach and th• praldetlt. wra. R. J. Wallace. t.h&D tha1r parent.I bec&u.. of lack MU~. •,_1.jourlHea~~oa. 1P0 1.ta.1 with mul· M>red by the Mothers' Club a11d Stamford. Ed Bruns. Patrick Heal• J<l .y,.ar ~ntent'u on two fnrgt'ry the luncheon. Tbe R.ed Croiu Mob· Balboa 11land to make thl• area the ..-mbl&s• wu led In th• ot ex-perSeDc4 to cpmbat. emotional P• .,. ~ held Saturday, Ja11. l&. ey, Vincent Mou~l. Hana Ho ... ch&• "ea. lie Unit will bring the Veteran• & betur P~ lo live and nar •lbaclU be ald • • child n. I am tntere t.ed In th plflclre of allepance by • color ' · Und, J ohn K.1 11rlewtc.z, Wiiliam Van Eldred. nowfver. mual return to down to Newport Beach. re • you iuard from Gtrl Scout Troop lt, Pqcb.oloclcal ma I ad juatmenta DISTRJCT MEET ~neral chalrma11 tor the affair H all ..... Orange County Superior Court to Thia la to be a JiobO party with actlvtUea a11d lf elected would Uke under the direction of Nava "nlom· ari cropplnc up more than eve!' Before acijournment. Mra. Wal· wA Mra. J . If. McMaban, aided by J.~':im:!:;~,· M~~r~•~•. Roon . .._ Trt. frtr e 1rl1l on a ron11plrary Indict· l.Aglon Auxllluy mrmbera ln co•· to aee morttrecreaUonal ar ... aul'..h u and Rutb Remley. ln theM Umea due to & decidedly lace annoU11ced that the P·TA dl•· Mn. Walter Mllltt u co-chair-Norton .... wtn ... \in~y YRo~ ,_":k 111~nt lume. men!\ and deeorallona lo H baMb&ll dlamonu ma4a ,.•vall· A -•·-t.ra••--·• more complex world with tempt.a-I '""' --• Y ...,.,_, • ------------carry out the theme. Mrs. Gilbert able to chlld.ren of the city. _,. ..-r ....,..... me11&1• wu Uona on a aid.e lexlnc trtct meetlnc wtll be J1n. 20 In , man. Amons hoelnM• tor the din· W&l~r Milter, R. L. TTembley and Stoddard Tells Council Views Opel 11 ch.airman. With hi• wit•. eon and daupter, delivered.by Newport Elementary"• ldeal and ~t • t ~darda Garden Grove at the Alamltoa ner wt>r• Mmu. J . R. Wl\lte, George RJchard Torrence. he came here lo live permanently prtnelpal, Mlu Bernice VMtal. a c en Frlenda' Church, 12211 South M•s· 1------------------------ Mra. Robert J . Brt11•. hoap1t&I five year• agro from Glendale. M.lnutee of the put caners.I meet.· ot Y&Jue, th• apeaker pointed ouL nolla.. A panel dtacuulon. "Be1ln . • • chairman for Unit 2ilt. reported An attorney by oocu~Uo.n, h• hu ~c and boa.rd .meet.Inc wen ?'Md 8cboola are abetunc' the altu.a-Today to be Healthy," head• thr Rehg10U8 Science u d fou.nder, wu the princlpel that on Jan. 2• tpec:lal mHUng worked on youth acUvtUea with by. th• aecretary, Mra. B. V. Sim-Uon by ut&Ulve tninlllc of teacll~ program, with Warren Mende.nhall C f b Del t iq>e&ker Wefj': Je&nle McKlt, I'!. D. of lhe American Leg'lon Auxlllary. the Ba.lboa Bay Uona Club of mona. en lo h&Ye more untt.ntalldlnl u mi>derator. On the. !'Oller will 00 a ega eS Patty and Rev. l rta 1\Jtk. del ... Jamu B Stoddard, 2918 Ocean Col. McBrlen. heart of Special Ser· which he la finJl nu-prMldent. Report.a trom t.ba t.reuurer, cor· of ea.ch lndlriduaJ problem. Aao be Geor1e BuUer, repre~Ung the • J ptei; Mr. a11d Join. Almon Baker, Rl\'11 t'llnrtldAtt for City Council vlcell of the Long> Pearh V A Hos· He 11erved u ucretary or New· rupondlnr aecretary and a fety apec1al Mr'Ylcea are provtdinccbild llchool phyllcla11; Milton M. Max-I A number or prominent eouth Mr. and MrL F. A. StrMt. Mr. 11 \h" !It a r r h J!'I "lectlon p1111I, will .now a tllm anrl out-port Harbor Community Cheat the chairman were pruented preced· culdance cllnlc1 and p11ycholo«1cal well. In the role ot ramlly phy81· cO&ll realdtnt.a were amona the and Mra. Olarlea Dtpa, Mmea. t11ltl 1h~ ~rw11·f'rN•11 hla reaeon• llnf' the hoApital program. pAl!l three years. Ukewae. he la Ing Introduction of Mr. Me11dm· ht>lp. clan a11d Edward L Ru~•f'll. 11a drl11g1te11 and obsrrvua at tht' an· 1:..0U:~:te 8~ukea, Marcery Foeter, ff!r ninnani: :'\ow 1& mem~r of lhe All members ue mvitf'd 10 •t· a member ot tile board of c11recton hllU by Mrs. Jack Br.dbury, pro· Mendenhall, head of Child Guld· health oftlcl'r. nual eonvenUon d th• Cbuf'('h of t al~ fr g~~-~"'_'~PP~ ?'>rwport S.-arh Elf'mentary School I tt'nd of the Balboa bland Buatnua Aa· gram chairman. a.nee and Special Service• of Or-All d1atrat't parents and l1'8chers Rellfiou11 Sclent'I'. held at 1n11u. I ::m. M ~m "'De-Mn. ;:_::11 • n 111trkt. Stoddard aald h,. planned llO<'latton and the Bal.boa Ialand , . anr• County, .ummarlaed ht. dla· are urged to 11t1tn<I thl.11 dynanuc • re. ane nny, 1•- t" ront1n11r In th111 rort tr eltrt.et!. Coastal Area Improvement Auoclauon. Ai.o he WRONG ATJ'ITUDZ cuaaton by aaylnr. "Happtne .. ta progTilm. lute headquarten In Loa Angelea. Hodcu. Dorothy D. White and A•k~d v. hy hC' plan• to run, he 111 a nC'w director of Nl'Wport Har-To minimize chtldre11'a feellnp juat a almple uncomplicated fttl· Fourth grade room mot hera 1erv-Ja11. 3 lo 8. Al the BUtmore Bowl Mra. Jack Hamilton from Corona 111d Protective League bor Chamber of commerce. and problem•. Juat bee&uae of their ln& tb&t a.dda up and m&kea •nae!" ed u hostu~a tor t.he a!temoon. where Dr. Emeat Hobnu, dean 'del Mar. ·I h&ve the ume and the mterut. ' J t"l 1trongly about matntalnin1 There will be a meeting of the Lah 1 ~-CL--L rordlal r•lat1ona on the C'Ouncll In Coutal Area Protective League lllClft ~ ~ nrder ti) aolve problem• talrly for I on Tueaday, Jan. 2~. al 7 ;JO p.m. Losa of hie wallet w1th 1100 caah the &ood ot the tntlre city. I am , at the cou.ncU ch&rnbera of the La· IU\d & 140 check wu reported to vttally Interested In the future de-l'un& Beach Clty Kall, Laruna polJc:e 1\Jff(Wy by M. L.' Lebznan vt lopm,.nl of th• city'• mechalll· Beach. The purpoae or the meeting ' ot 427 30th It. He aa1d the brown r•I tac1llUu. that 1111 eewa~e di•· 1 I• lo report to the memben on th• 1 ptuUc wallet wu loat t.n &nus ro••I and eo on. A defiJllt.e and prorreM and bualneH of the or-Harbor Cate or aomepl&ce tn Coeta rhaUt>nglng problem e1llata In thll pnia&Uon. MelL "I 1am 1nteru~ed In the pro~r evalu&Uon flom lbe at.,ndpol.nl o.f 1 Newport Bach ot t.he problem• In- volved In the propoaal to con· 1101ldat• with Costa Meaa, At the pr~••nl time I have no preconcelv· ,.,, notion~ on consolirtaUon " A C1>ron11 dt:I M11 r ruldut al.nee 1~6. "tood•rd la married and hu a l!Or.. Pell•r, who attanda Horace Enall(11 R< hool. Ht la a eon.Wu nc r h,.m1ca l f'ng'l.nHr by protualon and In ynn pall haa vipruaed In· tue11l In !"ewport Beach oil weU dr1lllng problem• ~ mt>mi,..r nf the board of dire<:· tt>t• of Balboa Power Squadron. St<Mtdard 11 an tnatructor ln UM ·1~al 1qua<1ron'• navlpUOn cl&N. Council Approves AclvertlsinCJ Fund Bud1et or S1t.I04 T2 for the city advertlaln& tund wu approved by City Council Mo.nday ntg'ht with C'ouncllmu And~ W. Smith • vot1111 no 8mlth a lllO obJflC'l~ to buc11etinr f1Art or City Clerk C K. rrtl'at'I Mlary H pobllt r.latlone otflt'f'r ln tlll1 eum. Clty Attorney Karl Lyllll Davll tol~ that unct.r llM City C'har-~1 , now o~rauve, the pay- m,.nt 11 l4'1al Thi• wu bult"'Ned •'1d1t.1.1.1nally by the &nnual ,..1uy ordlne11c,. It Wll• brouJhl nm hiMs I.by littH ~t.evl'n Lff Oal.rlH, 19 monlha, t1t 1912 An&hl'lm !It "'._' blllf'n by a ~11ay dlll Saturtlay c·o•ta }{ .... J"lllO 'lll"•re notlflfd of the llftld•nt l't\' H " Horrlt•I at 2 3e pm HERE'S A ---------- \ ~ Van de Kamp's ~ '.~40~~ SPECIALS JAN. 20-22 ANGEL f OOD CAKI , .... n.J •••••• S9c "" ..... sueAllO IMAU. Uc , .... 414) DOUGHNUTS , ..... ,.,UcJ ••••••• ._ 19c Cinnamon Roll11• .. ,,,, ....... ,.. "'• 23c Dutch Apple Ice Cream , .... u.1,... 29c u,.. '"""°' Apple Pie , .... ,,., ...... -•tc 1..uoe .. INOI lemon Pie , .... ,,., ..... -•tc au'• Pfneappl• Cale• , ....... , ... -79c -.una Miik Chocolate Cake,.... .. ,_ 79c Almo1td Twl1t CoffM Cake ,.... .,., 2ac Crumb Doughnuts , .... •,., .. , •. • ._ 2Sc Shortbread Cookies , .... ,.., .. ,... 2Sc Chocolate Nut Cookl" , .... ""',... 33c fNnch lutter Roll1 ,. ... •,.,.., •... 17 c French Roll1 ,..._ uw ,,., ....... • ._ 12c fine Chocolates , .... ,,,., ...... •· 91c ·-------------- for FOR YOU! Bonclecl LINING 95 FORD ~= HJ'draaDo oaly NO llVnS Llnll•t and Leor COURTNEY & LESTER. 1596 Newport llvd. Costa Mesa U 1-1197 . WHITE GOODS SALE I ALL llAND NEW I AUTOMATIC WASHERS WEU <"ROSU:Y ......... _ .. _ .... $19996 \\'ESTl~GHOl"SE "1!h tnu!e ... ·-···---1199 96 RF.~OLX ... -$239 911 CF:"'ERA t. F:l.EC"TP.J(" 1299 t6 sow llC>e.t5 SUI~ 1119.15 ""'" GAS SANGES WEILE :"'OW ,.,... ADMIRAL i Cli FT. CE~ERAL ELECTRIC i C\'. FT \\T.STJ~GHOVSE 9 o.;. rr .. ;-;ORCI-: P Cl". fl. \\ t.Rt: $1 9 96 S213.07 S319i.96 ne9.t6 UH.~ :'<1.0\\ '1'9.N ll "rt.911 Jt!t.N Sl99.N 1169.9.) ·[!] SUT.4& t TtM Oatfer a 8Atltfor UiOOO I U0.00 MAGIC C'B7.f' SUl996 lldM PHILCO i Cl:. n'. I NO DOWN PAYMENT I 1707 So. MAIN Ol't:S DAILl' tM P. M. Santa Ana Kl l-M34 SAFEWAYt THE BEST Pl.AC 10 BUY.·· AVOCADOS 2 ,., 2 5' Laree fuerte. luttery~lch fl.ah. High In oll con .. nt. SLICED CHEESE Dutch Miii ... L ... 29c ILOSSOM TIMI COTT AGE CHEESE A freal\ ~able 0t fruit aolod 11 d.lldaua ..... ..,._ ta~~. (for~ C wlrh llonom nrne cot· 20 atyle cnom, frvh aolod.) (farmer,~ ~ ,.,.. 11c) •=--iPPLEs-::;i;~::is:l5' ~fine for lunch boxe1-olwoy1 a fovorfte ---------------------------~{~~~2!~ Do:::.~-o4~ ~~ ----------------------------COTIWOll 6UUT ICE CRUM CAUMIL (.._., ef the,_....) ~23c 3! 7~ CHUNK TUNA ~ '~: 28• CHERUB MILK ~~~. :: IOc PINEAPPLE =~~2sc-: 29- MARGARINE< .... :;21c) c.!: I 7c ZEE NAPKINS ~;=:!~Jo: = 10• 10 ....... ,..., ,...., ~· .uo. 11c.) MAYONNAISI :",=-~: :; Sic SHORTENING RADISHES GIWI OIHOllS TUR Ill PS s· 5 c .. ,, Vonlllo, C"°'olole. or Strawberrv. (2 plnh, •7c.) ltOYAL SATIN O ·lb. con, lfc.J STORI HOUU Dally 9 a. m. ~ 8 p. m. ( Frtda1 tOI • p. .. ) 8aada7 ... m. to 8 p. .. . . . . .·: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ~-· ... · •.. •" .... (Alfllmf 1U llOllAT DIY Mlll I P.acoeolNIOwm••'"" '~18'~49' ,.... . ... Lax-Mix fine Quality !.i~ 36' ·:.a:: 99' llTCHBI CRAA flOUI n~ oll-purpo•• J.flt. 54' enrld>ed white, Mt! I TORPEDO TUIA ~ ~25' ·WOODIURY SOAP DUI. 60lDBI ~-::CORM lp1del lonclM Pock 4~ 36• 4 ::.24' MIOHWAY DIL MONTI 21::23· B.._,.~.-.._ DM'S FOOD UYll UIE freal\ly balied-creom1" rich chocolote·frotte41 (W.., .. ,....,7tc) c""-7 ... ..,. Pi .... ,. """"'ltlls aa,..ua naezo ,. .. . ... ........ ....., .. -.... ..... ASPAU&US tka. 35c All1fMn ~ ... ~!!!o~ .. "· ·~I~ CRISCO SHOITBlllG f ine f0t balolft9 orfryin9. ~-c SUNSWIO lARGf PIUllES ...... 25' 2"111• 49' .... ... FIANCO AMlltCAN SPAGHETTI 2 ".~: .. 25' 1·~:17' A.....-t .. ('eeka. Val ... ! Chocollfe ld1irs ~ JSc Jone Arden pure do•~ chocolate. fitlin Ginter Snips ... , .... 1722 Newport Blvcl., Costa Mesa · I -~LINTY-OF PARIU~G ON LAIGI PAYID LOT • • I ,AGE 4 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -:JAN. 19, 1955 Lido Club W 0111en in Gay NHYC Session Card ~ Ctnt.nd wlUt lyY to plaJ bride• and CUla.lt.a Wer9 w1"Mlba uct ftri....,Ad ~ p&pel' under tbe aupervtl6oo of Mn Rob- 11 .. ,,.. cleptc•t ... 8cotola. • .,........ ert 'hmpletoa ln the abMnc• ot •--• Cba1nD&n :Mrs. LM I:. Sam•. Dutch and rr-ch MUet cs.ao.r.. m.cn table wu pnmd.s with an developed the theme of "'Pal*' attnct1H Kay Finch ceramic DollJI" at the moethl¥ IWIOIMGD prtM. mMtlns ot the Udo 1a1e Womu'• A film "Care of the Heart" wu 111own pNOedins the card playtns Club wh1c11 wu he1cS at the N-· and wu narrated by Mila Nadine port Harbor Yacht Club OD Jaa. 8JD1.D1M, execuUH 11eeret.ary Of JI . 'fhe ions luncheon ~ bore Onnse County Heart Auoclall"''· sarland• of th• ....-n tvy with Th• bwlln-meeUns which pre. bu e nalr• of llCIMOrl and more Cf!Oe<I the afternoon of carda w .. • r-called to order by Mn. Ralph Tan· Of the charmtns paper doll&. Mrs. dowaky, prealdenl. She announced Gene Roea and her co-chalrm&n, U>at due to clubbOUN const1uctJon Mr•. Ward lAe were ualat.ed by th .. lunchecn meeUns1 for Ft'bru- .. n . c. L. Bmilh "" Of'CClrallona. uy and March wo11ld be at Ul• A.rranremant.a for lb• larse W. al club&. A 1prll\4l t uh1on show by Dorothy O'Hara will be pre- l'fOUP of membera who salh•red aenled ln February and cueat• are welcome. DEATH NOTICE John Morley, noted lecturer and commentator will appear on Jan. 20 at Harbor High School under MU. EFFLE MYRTLIC Mc8WA.IN the 1po111orlhlp of the LJWC. Stu- dent ticket.a will be half price. Board member• u well u the club hoU8e oftlce have tlckel.8. STUDY HEART DRIVE-Gathering Tuesday for t he Janua.ry meeting of Lido lale Wom11n'a Club at Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Mrs. Robert L. Keppen. program chairman : Mra. Ralph Tandowsky, Woman's Club president; N'ta. Frank Carlton, secretary ot Lido Isle heart fund drive : M rs. Joe E. Preininger, drive chail'man, all seated, study chart presented by Mi88 Nadine Symmes . executive secretary, Orange County Heart AS80ciation, who spoke at luncheon. -Staff Photo Davis Departs On Six Months Eut'opean Trip Ronald Darn, aon of Mr. &I'd Mra. Paul Davil Chma Cove, left by plane from Lo. Ans elea Air- port Frld&y nicht for New York on the f\rat les of a trip to Eur- ope. He will bo&l'd Ubert•, the French liner, Wednuday bound for Le Harve. He will •pend 1bout 1lx monl.ha In Europe. Davt1, who waa 99paraled from the Navy u Ll. l j&). wu on lhe aclenllflc expedition 1ponaored by tht' Navy and Canada which di•· covered the AO-called \'Northwt1l Puaage." Ke aer ved a board an Icebreaker, comm1U1dln1 an undu- • water demolition team. Official \'isit to Moose Home Official v1altor. M r•. Eleanor Pledimonte, a pu t officer of the Collep of Rel'enll, of Culver City Chapter No. 83:1, Women of the MOOlle, wlll vllllt Newport Beach Chapte r, Women of the Mooae. on Thul'llday, Jan. 20. . NOW ON! 303 Main St. IALIOA Harbor 509 • • ORANGE ((>CNS) -Mn. E f· fie Myrtle Mo8wa111, 48, of 400 23rd at., Coal& w .. a. died al Or· anse County Hoepltal Frida y mom- lnr alter an extended lllnu s. Harbor High Senior Girls Compete for Nat. Awards Committee Meet Set I To Discuss Books Senior Rfgent M r1. Don Ran- del htla u ked all co·workl'l'I to be pre1ent by 8 p.m . at Mooee Home, 2300 Ocean Fron t. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Born In Unc:oln, Neb .. Mr1. Mc- Bwaln came to Orange County and Coeta Mua. from Wut Loa An· 1elea about lhrN yean1 ago. Survivor• Include her huaband, Jan. 12 waa "Homemaker of To· travel opportunllle11 ind other edu- Lawrence E. McSw&in of the home. catlonaJ prlzu are being offl'red F' d f th h •Rd a morrow Day," t day of opportun· • 10n, re o e ome ~· by General Mills, sponsor of lhl• daushter. Mr1. AudF•Y Pipe&' ot lty tor Ute •~n.IQulrl• o{ Newport eearch de11gne-a to ' anl1t the Lo• Anrelea. two brolhen, O.Or1e Harbor Union High School. Mar-school• In building In young women Camble of Norwalk and Harry of Jorey Arey. Marie Bam,.~. Helen a dteper appreciation and under· Loe Ancalu, two •ttra, Mn. Viv-e raa.t, Pat Christian11en. Diane 1tandlnK of the Amer ican home Ian Porter and Mr1. Pl'arl Davie, 1 both of Loe Anrele•. c ra.ndall, Dlane Crane, J ant'l Gib· and the pt'nional quallllu necu- 1 aary to aucceuful homemalcln1. Sem en were hd d al the Eud&Jy '°~· Betty Hiatt. Marilyn Holley, 1 The girl re«lv1ng lht' hlshut Fu.neral Chapel al 3 p.m. YNler· Mary Keeel. Betty LaBelle, Virgie ex1mlna Uon 1eore tn each achool day with the Rev. C. Wuton Sand-Mlley. La Vonne Peek, LaNetta will be l'ntned In 1tale competl· era of the nm S.pllat Church of I lh II 1 Or&11s• ofnclatin•. Cremation wtU Rk hardaon, Noel Sheleny, Sum1ye t on whl're e winner w I rece ve • a 11~ 1eholar•hlp end a trip follow In the ralrhawn Crl'm •-Shlgakal, Sally Shrader, J&11et with her achool advt.IC>r to Wuh- tlorlm. Shrout and IClo!M Nolan, were. un-lngton, D. c .. colonlaJ WllUama- CLADl8 lllELVIN BONS known to them, m rolled ID the burr . Va. and PhlJadelphia . Her Funeral eerTtcea for Cl&dil Mel· Betty Crocker Search for the 111Chool will rect'ive a .et of th• Amencan H omemaker of Tomor· Encyclope<lla Brit&nnlcll. YIA Bofta, 01, Of UI~ 2tnd et.. Th t I " h 1 I WeR held J'rlday at 81morui K or· tuary, Rlwraida. under dlnc:Uoo of Pa.rkee-Rldley Mortuary. Cceta Mua. lnlennent wu 1n OUYewood CAmd ery, Rlvvalde.. Mr. Bone died at hi• work at 137 Jndu.tr1al Way, Co.a MMa oo Jan. J2. Born In Murrieta, C&IJf., he lived IMre tor alx yMra. He •a. a member of t.he Metbodi.lt Church. 8u"lvora Include two nJect1, Mra. W. H. Wl1-of Ooel& Mel& and Mn. A. V. Ho.n11eh of San Bernardino. row by t!Kir tt'acher, Mra. Owena. e ala e w nn .. r w o • ff ect· ed the All·Amerlcan Homemalcer Slmulta.neoualy, 189,~0 young I of Tomorrow In Philadelphia April women Of the 11enlor c raduatlng 21 will receive a I~ 11eholarahip. d &11H1 In 8,090 p&rtlclpa t1n1 h ll[h Aldln1 In making the 11electlon 1ehoo1Ji throu1hout the United will be a commlllH con1IJ1tlnr of State. look a written examination 13 nationally known educator• and teat lng theJr aptitude for the ca· public lndera. reer that awalll nearly ell of ------------- lbem-homemaktns. Thla 60-mtnute wrltten eicamlna- Uon wu the baa11 for 1electlng the Homemaker of Tomorrow In MCb llChool, fl.ate and n nally on April 21, lb• nation. lcbolanblp. t.ot.a1lla6 $70,000, Clarks Have Boy U euten&11l and M n . Lincoln Clark of Balboa became lb• par- enll of a boy Ja n. 11 In Corona N&fal Bo.plt&l. CHAal.&a &&N&aT IUJll• ,;::========================================:=_ P'\aneral •nrk:ea f« Ohal1ee ICrMet 81ne, ... of Coeta 11-. wlU be held tomorrow at S p.m. In P1rkr1-Rldley Mortuary Cb&p.I with the ...... Jyan Wllli&m ot ,.!I'll Chr11U&n OllU'Ch of Comp- ton oftlclat1ns . Intermmt wtU be In WHtmlNltn C-.ttty. Mr. l ine died 8&Uarda.J In Or&n1e. He wu born Ill o-tur, Ill., and U-..d lJI UM conummlty a.ad California tcw II ,..,.._ lurvlwon are hl1 wtfe, Kn. a tella 81ne ol Colla M-: two 90n&. .A.mold H'&rold Sin• ot Cool B&y, Or..; and lllmMt Blae ot Coet.a JC-; four daupt.n Mn. Ced1 Weilt.ra, Mn. ZU,-. .,,_. -. and Mra. at.am ll&ton. all ot eo.t.a M-; Mrs. W1,1t1• O'Jtou.1"ka ot Al\.ah~m ; 11 STU\dchlldl"lft and one IT'ffl (TWldchlld. llla4 IA.KIE BONE P\ul•nl MrYle• few Mn. Sii.a& Jana Bone, 11, ot 17N WhllUar A••.. Coat& M-. will be held Wedneed&y. Jan. 11, U :IO p.m. al Simoni Chapel RlveHlde. The fteY. Taylor ot RIYu'ldde Method· 18( Chu rch, will ofnctal~. IAler- ment will be In 011•~ C.me- t.ry, ftJnrwlde. P&r'k"' ·Ridley Mortuary In cnarse. four PiKe PaUttecl Ca1111lster Sets .... I.II •..•. 8p. 89f Geity Decoreted Ccdle Safes INad loxes 8 pK-••• 98¢ Delta Power Shop I.ct: r kw , .. lot.at.er •, •· p. -tor &..i eland '21 O'~plf'tfl Sit Piece Screw Driver Set "'"'· 98' Cherry Wood CarvlllCJ loardl llaH ~ It TT'M ... well '4Pf'C'. ·~I LOOK . . •' Oa.h'1Ulltr.M Mail Boa { N-Ptate { Vour SMM a Num._r ·~ .. ('omplf'..,_ P~kll,tl' _ ~ Desco Ware llue or Red SpM". I In R.fOd ~KILU:T Schle9e Keyed Door Locks ·r ~. SIU)O !"~.·s•3 Kn. Bon~ died Saturday ln 0raqoe afleT &II exWlded IUn .... She wu born In Portland, Ind., Md had IJYed la U\1a cotnmunlt)' for llix )'P&n and In C&Jlfomla ta CLEARANCE COUNTER )'Mn. 1%.SO 8urv1•on an two JT&"ddaqti- ters, Mn1. EYelyn ~ Wllaon of Coet.& K-and Mra.. Audtty HMll.ldl of 11&.n Beni&rdlno: two S'f'Ml (TWlddUldren and four ~ l1"Mt (TWldchlldnn. PrfoeeW'fl Cookera 9.95 Lun<"h Boxe. . . ... ... t.R9 Sl0.19 I l.ot-k Sftt• ud 15.95 OM. Tum~r Set. 1.98 Tlnkt r Sheff ...... -··· 77c COMpl•I• optlcal all in one office s,. ... ~ _ _, ............ _, .....,. ....... ... Pnf I Ill .... Ill 111 .... a fw tlatte~ ... ,.. .. ,... ...... ,,_ ----.lly ..... ~"' ,,__ ,._ I'---........ ,.. ,... .. rt•• 709 I •1'1t1 _,... ... _,, -~ fM ,.. ... II r I I ¢1"1& • • services ••• , ..... Prteee-Ote• • t TW9I \ Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST 315 N. MAIN -AT FOURTH SANTA ANA Phone Kl l-7833 ' • The monthly meetan& oC the Wo-1 On Tuclday, J an. 18, a repre- men'a Committee or Newport l•· eent.atlve of McMiiian Co., pub- h abers, wlll dltcu .. UH of the Mc· land, lnc. will be held al 10 a.m. Miiian reader• with the Costa Thursday in the home of Mr1. Ar-Meaa 11econd and fourth &Tade leachcra at Main School caleterla. thur CUbbage, 4H1•38lh St. An The afternoon second crade teach- lnvltaUon to alt.and ha1 been ex· er1 wUI meel 9:30 to 10:30 a.111..~ tended to all women on Newport the fourth grade teacher1 from 3 :20 to 4 :20 p.m. a.nJ all-day teach· era from 2:20 to 3 :20 p.m. leland. &epaAn • 11.a.w...-• lnetallaUoM STAFFORD & SON "NELS and DOC'' ELEOTRJCAL CO~'TRAC'J'OIUI PttoDI Ubert)' a.-1'61 110 a.verald. 4YMU9 N-pon llMcll /Jiano .!Jn~lruclion TERESA RENNER I Mrs. A. Renner) c-t ........ , ftrte 0..U..ta ONd• .. 8 ..... l et Bela .....,.... U8 Serra Drtve Pb. Har. ion Corona Hl~hla.nds -Corou del Mu PAY-LESS OPIN NlaHt I DAT & HOUDAtt ACI05' HIGHWAY •IOM HOAG HOPlfAl NEWPORT-JOI Nl'#PCMT llVD.-COSTA MUA ~ (J .. .,, ~-~··· -···""--~-­... -__ .. _ ~ HELP WANTED .;+~ io,,, · to Po11k1J ,..~~ PERSONAL Pho• Hm bor 1616 and asll for Clauiflecl Ad· Taller -. job! .. -'Girl of the Month1 Duo Given Awards Beea11te tht Novtmbtr 1e1eeuon P ina wue p~lftlted the girt. wu llJ when ch~n. tllt re were by Mra. Jamn A1pl.n, president two "Clrbt ot the MenU!" to re-of Zonta Club. a.nil Mra. R • L. «1ve little "Z" pins from Newport Bacon, committee chairman. H&rbor Zonta Club on Jan. U at ---------- the high l!<'bool. " ---------• The g1rla are cboRn from II.ta ot nommer11 by a commlt ~ee of Zonta a.nd tacul~y memb.-ra on thP bu1i1 of eervlct to school an•I community, peraonal growth, ch11r- acter and ambition. \..:"'ANCI (::AMPPl':LL Named' tor November wu Ml111 Nanci Campbell, daughter of M'r. and Mn . Ha.rry Campbell, 229 Or- chid Ave. Pttaently a junior , 11he 1trvt a u clu.s Mcretary, held the aame position while a freshman and a aophomore. She la aong leader, member of lilt Ptp com- mlulon, Glrl1' Athlttlc Auocla- tlon and of Tri Sigma honorary. GlR~ OF THE MONTH-Thia time there were two outatandlnr girla ·of H a r b o r ARLESE RTTF High School -to receive Zonta "Girl ot the Month" emblem.a. Left to right, Mra, R. December girl la Mlsa Arlene L . Bacon, committee chairman, pins a Z to blouse of Miu Arlene Huff while Miss Huff, daughter ot Mr. a.nd Mrs. Nanci Campbell receivea bera from Mrs. Jamee A.spin, 7.onta president.-Staft Photo R011Wtll Hutt. 431 Jrvtne Ave. A -----------------------------eenlor, ahe ls president ot Girl•' Leq'ue, member of Honor Society, Prosrua 11 lhe acUvlty of to-Fainlew Hospital week on lut.allatlon ot • atorm Tri Sigma, and Girls' Athletic A•- clay and the aaaurance or tomor-~-I .els C lled and u.nlt&.r)' aawer •)'Item at P'alr-&OClatlon. Other c&m pua acUvltlfll ..,..., ~Wer I G view State Hospital, Colt& Mesa. have Included memberthlp In Stu- -Ralph Waldo Emerton SACRA~VI'O (CN8) -The The dlvltion MJd a buds-et al-dent Council. Spanlab Club, on the ---------.tale dlvt.aon ot architecture an-location or $80,000 i. aftllable for Hall committee and aervtnr u nounced It will call tor blda thll the project. cJau officer. LA8T TDDC UT. IU4'WaR o...,er 0 f'M't" Kelly la "GREEN FIRE" ta ('!~ope -Abo - "CRY VENGEANCE" • • • IUD'8 MAT SAT. I :•5 8c.ertJnr Haydf>• "Ka11sa1 Pacific" _ WFYE GONE HOG WILD TO HING YOU THE BIGGEST VALUES IN TOWN! Now ShowiftCJ MARLON B.&ANDO "DESIREE" FRA."1( 81JUTllA "SUDDENLY" Starts Stl11day Thurs., Fri. Saturday Ja1111ary 20. 21 • 22 :JAN. 19. 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE jot~-R::.!ALS STORE~iii1 SALE! Starts Thursday the 20th thru Saturday E verytbing Goes at 1/2 Price Including woolens, ieneys, coah, evening gowns Open from 9:30 to 6 p.m. Remember· Terrific Bargains 3 Days Only! V) ct•J Jot~~ I.,., 0R1G1NALS Hotel Laguna lldcJ. Tel HY 4-2394 -CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS -Ph. Har. 1616 BALBOA DRUGS '716 E. Balboa Bh·d., Balboa iloprop1l7l R ubbing Compound Pint 13c PUREX qt. 14c Excehlor ICE CREAM Hand Pack -UI IU --· PllllS · llf Mesa~/ NOW IN 2Dd WEI:& DON'T IOM IT ........ a.e. ........ I 15 11111 ...... l N I Fab .. on Las Vegas" I ''Ftyhtt-for fish'' I Twe ~ ln r;,._. 1 a t :IS 0..U.-Clll '4un. from t :JO ..... .... ,,,.._ ,,(' C'Mld t3(> IDl>8 NAT. 8 AT. I P. !W. Walt Dt'ltM'y'1 "ROI ROY" FUDA y and 1'A n ·RDA , . ..... Mc ( llildrH Fllf:F. wttai r..,...n14 .....,. o .... rr. ,,...., 8tmmou "YOUNG IESS" ......,., K"'I -.AST COMPANY" Nm wza 40 T8E BJOR OllO~'D" "TORCH 80X G" GLASS <X>OKIE .1 AR ""1·'k 59c P•T or CAUATIOM CANNED MILK T&ll 0~ 2 tor 23c ALL Deterrat i~. 198 BPIOM SALTS 15 Lb. lCJc crruu or M A ~N ESIA f!iDreft GT. 68c LGE. 28c ~ T ..... Dip CONES "0a. 13c • TI.B'O'TlTll or BENZOIN OOllPOtnm to.. 14c SLZOTl.IO VAPORIZER 1-H Boun s495 Jler. ~" PINS 12 for 5c Doe F ood i..po.. FILLER PAPER n.t w l ............ .... ~ Sc Pod ctt and D..-.r C 0 MIS \'owr OIMMe 3C .. ch 12' Premium Qulity l alk ltylt ICE CREAM Zll .. 1100·.17' Sand wich Bags 5c 126.ft. aer. 22-1 ll& 1sc Lunch Bags 20 '• IABY PANTS Her. "° 26Ceach 5c l"lr~ :o"" •o~ .... ,. 7~ 33Ceach PJlIDE or IN OT ANA Btraigbt 6-yr. ,33, 88 proof Jleg. 3 89 llL VER RJPPLI (;)~,5th 80 P roof Rt f. S3 13 T , I BADY GROVE HLE~)) H~r. 1111 I"'"'' '2'" 13.311 ~ lflh Drobny Vodka 80 Proof '4t'11 ~,. l3 29 :::: L J ·, ' I e 0 a A I I It WITH SALLIE .Janury 20, 19M Newport BMch, Calif. '1'baaka, all you lovely anoaymoaa people, for you phone call&" ••• Thunday of IUt week llOmfl 400 dig· altane. aad offtclall of Onage Coat)' att.eDded .a ope• home to Clfllebrate the' tut-Ding of the 100.000tb 0.. Meter IA Orange Ooun· ty ••• Now tbe tutallbag .t the 100.000tb meter, ~ whea It wu 1m.cie of lold. a. ID ltaelf U eultlag O«.,'on • , , But wbea the Ou Company'• .ftsa!"-a few yean back .,....ueted that they would probably by about 1960 be tutamng the 60,000th me- t.fir and here ft\•e yean ahead of time they"ve necbecl the 100,000 mark! Whew I Breat.b-taklag, laa't It! Onqe Ooaty•• growth • • • Tbe Boaale Beem BOIUlfl, ba1lt by Doll Ch.rlat- --. lal'alllbed by ChaDd- len la S..ta Au and nat-- arally. featartag the very WMt la Freedom Gu KJt- U.. la loca&ed at 2708 Lowell Lue. pt wHt of Flower Street off Memory Lue ID the S..~o IW'O- tloa • • , Jt ill DOW Opell to tbe pabUc. --pkt meter ••• Everybod7 h oordlally •vtt.ct to have a look •.• To get back to the anony- mous phone calla . • . Friday morning we were besieged •ith phone calla by ~pie telling ua how much they en- joyed the ref~hments "at the Ga.s Meter Party yester. day" ... How nioely the par- ty went o{f! ... How impec- cable the eiervlnc wu ! Now we don't blame c:Ugnltariea and officia.la for not wanting t o give their namee, but we're ao appreciative of the fact that they took the time to call ... 00.&S'l'.U. SHOPPER -JAN. It. 19M HIGH ON ENERGY • REAL ENDGY IURNERS demand solid pow•r·packed nour• ishment three tir11 or more per day. A hearty Breekfast, Lunch end Dinner are mighty essential to the welfare of HH~h, Happiness and Comfort. Yes, it's en importent thet you Moms serve the finest, most •ppetizing, foods obt•inable. IMUre complete Ht· ebility from •II of your f •mily by shopping et· Rich.rd's tod•y, tomorrow end eyeryday for th_e most edible energy foods in all the world. lest laked Favorites! MamDBome INST. COFFEE 2 Dari-go&d BMt Quality -AA BUT·T-ER TKUBIJDAV-------··· 55c ~ Ab~ ot 8enehlM for *-en I 1b. 59c OP&N TOP 52' PEACH PIES NM ramAT------------ Delee*ah'e ma& l'l&von I OBE&&l' oa l'INaU'PL& coff.. CAKE ... 31• _..,,. .... Better Tasti n • letter Loolcin • • letter Eatln Protein ! 'fte Popelar 8'-ll f.,r ~ U. 8. CbOICE Sirloin -Steaks lb. ~AM f'9I of • ...,. U . S. CBOl<lE 8Wl88 w Round Steak ~ ..... . lb. Ground Round lb. 89c . 79c 79c Bacon 1b. 65c Jaat a.-a AM Mt ••• No Wut.e II.A TH BaOWN & 8EAVE Sausage lb. 49c SATU&DAY------- COFFE'T CAK13125• 11• ...__N.a LAYER CAKE ~ T"-i-layer ~· PDWB 41• FILLETS __ ,~- Ft .... "" ..,...,0 25" IEEF Pll --~-" C'HiCKEN Pll _ . .._ 25' "Enjoy rich flavored KC>e9el'• Frosea CocO&o nut, Pineapple and Papaya juJoee -now ln at.ock ••• fNMll food ~ No. U. Deli Meat for Luncheon Treat! Energy Foods to Start the Day ! Nice a.med! Nb for Sutdwlda.,. CHIPPED HAM • Luer ftnt Qmllty Sllced Lup BALOGNA . • • • ~ 49c: Lwr or Oecar Mayer ALL MEAT FRANKS~4§c: SUoed B. C. Dry GERMAN SALAMI . ~ 98c: Produce Depa; hnent I iRAiiciis 3 lb •• 25c iiiiCHOKES 2 ... 19c iiMiTOES 2 ,qL 35c TMW'• EmWlle4 ......,_._. 2 41 C: MILK ..-n tor HEALTH MILK 2for 45c: CORN FLAKES_!! ltc 9uAKEI 0Ars -~.ltc P ............. -s7 2 'Mk SUGAR CRISP ! '"" 1.1- IMrdiMy• FhMll OLUJOE a 2 'Mk JUICE -1w 1.1- ..... &e 111.aW r,_ jUiCEC_:n' ___ !2 M 25c: Y..Ju1cE ____ : 37c: AA'iGG5,.. __ 4tc CoC:OA8 ____ l 37c: 9UiiCOCoA ___ ~ 4Jc __ __... .. 45~ .._raa.,._...... ..... ,....._._ h • W4TEM H l'!4Tl!k8 tAUll '"'" ''I ·-• llU'AIAll J•t n~!.~!•'' !,";11r,:r:::~:·r:1~0~:~ ~or kb~::; 1 Easler Week Rental Ordinance I bot What Ill &ood for u~Socraln Passed al Council Meetinc ~ •• ru citin uuw" ~-H••-UM MA1TRF.88E8 Boa&e-U-I nule,.. an..., ... ......... ,..,, ....... Ceeta .. _ 11.au-c.. '1118 N_,ol1 Blvd. HEWPOIT~~ SHOE REPAIR 1• · ftlld ATUET Bruce Martin VOR .\LL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS e Auto-Truck Fire -Life a. . IA><'A.L A.GE.ST KesldellCe Office Uberty H-.'5063 Uberty M·MM 1793 New rt Ave .. Cot.ta Mea FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9-1634 MOTCJRCl'CU: ESCORT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed 'Division of STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY OPPORTUNITY Maestro G. Barbieri, well known opera conductor, coach and vocal teacher. formerly of Milan, (ltaJy), New York and Hollywood, now estab- lished in Laguna, wiU accept a few promising and serioua pupils. MAESTRO G. BARBIE.RI Ordinance TO, which ~ulrea llcl'ruil"r at 110 each of rental ac· commo<latlon• dunna the l:&.lter Wttk Vaca tion pen od wu adopt- ed by City CouncU ¥.uday tn ad- journed 1euton over the critlclam ot Harvey PeaM, B&lboa lAl&nd. Under the ordinance a ..,ecial llcenae 11 required for ttntal.t from the 10 daya prior to Euter to the 21 day• followlnl' that Sunday for l~·day or le.. leal'ea lo any ten- ant or occupant. PE:A"E 08.IEOl'S Pea.ee told the council under the "mandatory provtalona" the ordl· nance provldu, aome hardah1p1 might occur to property ownete parttcularly where parente and children whcf are hlfh·type v1»I· tore are concerned. He <loubted the advleablllty of llcenelng ren· ~LI durlnc such a •Mrt period, yet throwlnc them open the bal- ance of the year. He cited i.n "un- due rontravent.Jon oc property rig ht•" .. belnc involved. Mr1. Kenneth Cooling, member of the mayor's committee on con- trol of Euler Week here, H id the ordinance .. dea1gned to pro- tect "the people Harvey'• con- cerned about. Were It not for t he fact we have abuae1 of property renl&la, we wouldn't nee<l thi.1.'' Call DAN'S TV S.ntce • Re•talll ·Salee Uberty 1-2228 P A.RK.F.8 • RIDLEY MO BTU AB\' Ponnert) OLUTl:L OllAPEL 110 BroMlway -Coeta ._ Ubert7 •Mii ... I-Mat OVJ:.11 CROWDING CHECll City Altontey Karl Lynn bavLI told P-he telt the ordlnallce would allow the dty to tnvut.Jcate queatlone of over-crowdtnc tn ren· tat unll.8. He eaJd he wu told by Charlea Hart. pruidenl of the Newport Harbor Board of Real- ton , that the croup favored the rental control propoaed. He report- ed Hal HauMr, !eland ni&ltur, made a aurver of hi• area, flndlna cre•t 11Upport for the ordinance provi1lon1. Peue 1tood hi• ground, clalm· Inc. "You're U.Cen.alna 10methln1 that'• already perfectly proper." City oftlclala claim the ordl· nance wUI enable the city'• ln1pec· lion o! homea -with .u.rch war- rant• It need be -to determine when and where over-crowded, unhealthy condition• exlat In rent· ed unit.I. Check Air Filters Jr the appetite of your forced warm a.Jr tum&Ge l• be&innin. to increue and It. heatlnl' ability I• atartlnc to decrease, belttt look to the tute!'ll. Heating engineera ucommend tiltera be cha.nged at leul twice a year to tnaure proper operation ot the tumace. Atr flltera can be obtalned at pracllcally any hard· ware, furnace or department etort and can euily be lnetalled by lhe homeowner. BE SURE -·INSURE ...ttai llAUJUOE tJTAHLE'I' ........ o.11 I'll-Harllor ,.,. HIS E. Ooeet HlrllwaJ Corola& del Mar HARTLEIN FLOWERS l401 &. c-t e.,. Corou deJ Kar ILUUIOK MU Party a.tale '"Tdearapll .,.,,.,,. !Mnice" NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Thurad~y COASTAL SHOPPER-\Vednesdays .f Unes 1 Paper $ .76 4 Unee Z Papen 1.50 f Unee S Papen 2.00 OoutAI 8hop~r Clualntd A.dtl must ru11 ln the i\fonday ' or T111tr9day Publication MlNJMt.:M AO IS 4 UNES All Cluailled Ad• mu1t be paid for C..b ln ach'ance of publlutlon. " Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Meell every Th~. Via Oporto -Central Ave. New port Beach Elwood Shell, Exalted Ruler SpeclaJ Notices Mutual Funda Explained Discover now jutit how mutual I fund shares can be u~1·d tn your own financial pl11nnlni:. For Ct t>e booklet. write Box J :.w. this paper. b j pl II lZ-BuJldlait Sen1cH WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room additions _ and remodeling for over 8 yrs. · FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3-8271 87p1H 12-BuUdin~-~-'!!<!!J __ _ Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 year1 e.x.,erlence Llcen1ed 6: ln1urcd. BatJlfacllon J'laranteed. Etllma tu free. Call J ohnnie. House Plans LIBERTY 8-62:'>1 9tlr9 LI 8-2687 & LI R-5289 Sltfc BUD & BARNEY General Contracting REPAIRS, remodellnc and alter&· lion work. Ruldenlla.J and com· muclal bulldlnc1. PAINTI:-.'G -HRLISH or Sl'ltA Y Non-Unl<m -L1ccn1'1"I l~:'l Irvin•', ('ost8 Ml'"A Terms -LI 8·t 3!H • LI 8-1 :.1 :1 !17ll JAN. 19, 1955 -COASTAL: SHOPPER·-PASE 7 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAP ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 14-Peraona.la 9~p9h ~~~~~~~~~ Alcoholica Anonymoua Write P U. Boll Sil Nt•wrwr l Beecn. Calif. St'<'relarv lo Vice PrMJdent 0... a nre Cout Coll~•· MU1t be accurate typlal: fut accurate drl·tatton Stutlnc aalary 1280 month. Apply tn peraon I.mm .. dlately In buain-otnc. ot Col· l<"Ke off Falrvl•w Ave.. Omta Me-n ltcJ HJGHLY profitable 6: lntel"Ntlnr buslne .. of your own. No lnwel· ment; af'cu re Income; retirement plan. HY 4·7301. lei Ph(lne Harbor 4796 rn-Share \'our Car ttc Jo~IRST CL.ASS marina medlanlo with all a round amaU boat ea- perlence. Write P. O. Box IN, Balboa Jaland, gtvlng complt~ qualification•. IH ---------------\\'ANT DA ILY RIDE downtown !..A , hours 8-4 .f:i. Like to Join ,.,,r pool or would ori:anl:ze own. l'h. Wrtrren. Her. •016. 95tfc Superfluous Hair r~r1111uwntly removec.1 Crom race arm 11. lt'"ll Eyebrows anc hair lint' she11•·•1-No more twet'zi"I £LLE!ll l... BRYANT R & l..ldo • Se Inn of Be,,uty Rer. 21)76 lie Budqet Special Perman<'nt Waves S5.95·S8.50 Dottie Ellen's Beauty Salon 114 ~:11H !Pih St.. Cnata Mrn Draftsman (Male) F or work In beach area with I yra. practical uperlence ln mech. dratt1n1 and 2 yn . col· lege or equivalent. Write P. O. Rox 1031, Alhambra. C&llf., M· cloalng Mrnple or work. l:'>Uo \\'ANT WOMAN to aaallt with houll<"work A ch1h1 care. U ve nut. i-~rtday, l:!el. Sun. A Mol\. 306 Amelhy11t. B•lboa laland. Harbor 26M-J. 2c4 F'REF: RENT oC bsr hrlor apt .. In u changl' for p¥l time care of 11chool ai:e girl. Corona del ~hr Harbor 43t.2 2d Llbt•rty 8·61 ll 911112 GIRL.S- t:!--Lost and Found I WANTED LOgT -C'rt11m.~l~-klllen. ft· We have open1n11 ll our New• mult• m111slng ~•nee Jan. 12 In purl Beach otr!Cf', 311 £. Bal• l':h11r1'.1•11rc,, 11rn. Rr w8r<I. Phone I boa Blvd. tor 1111rbu1' 1JM. 1 ·~:1 Telephone Operators LOST -Hrown bOXt'I'. 3 yrs. nit!. -Apply - ld1·nllflc11t1"n tn nf'rk barrel Monday through Jl'rt<)ay Rew r<I. Ph. Hflr. l :i!ll)-W nu. 11 :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ~ 2r4 514 • .. No. Main St .. Rm. 211 24--..~hooti., loslrUC'lion Santa Ana PAC'IJ"IC TELEPHONE 87llo China painting \,·o~H::'\ -Somt-punl·h rr.•1 ell• Day anu t::vl'n1nc Claaset p<"rlrni.:r prtCf't re<I Ordera T11ken Now Al'l'LY 9·11 "m 2120 Plac~nti& Pho"" U bcrty 8-~48 9•Uc Ave., Coeta Ml"..a 2c4 Quality Wort Uuar8Jlteed Har 3Hll daya, Har. 246-0·J f'Vts. , 99trc COMPU...,-1:.: PAlNTlNti & Paper Hanging &·n •1ce EUCE:'\'E 0 SAl'NUl':RS ~ :Hat !)IN-el. Newport Mr11cn S h 11 WA:'llT nrw .t.~1.11~d rar aalumen. Real Estate c 00 Excellf'nl cnmm1u ton •nd d•mo. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanginc GEO. BURKHARDT L.lCENUD CONTRACTOR 611 30UI St.. Newport B«ach Harbor 2976-J. 4 tc54 CARPENTRY plllll Set' FREO H UST. TERRY'S BUICK in Santa Ana 409 W&lnul, HunUnston lkh. 2c4 Har. 2ua.w or l.J a.e432 Uc MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOU SMALL ~n;N Ar WOMt:N prepare ln apue Umr tor unhmlted opportunlUu In R<"al Eatate. l't'w classea weekly. Al Tylt-r tnalrucllng. At· tl'nd Clrat evening frH and ll'am about thla great field. Cell or w1 tlco now tvr lnformatlun. Bu1I· nuJJ ln11lllUtf', 41:'>1., N. Sye&· more. KJ 3·17:i3. 74lfc E:XPERll!:NCP!D nTllMna pa lnUT, full time rmployment In eman boat yard. Only qua ll tlf'd man nrl'l1 a pply. Writ<' P. 0 . Boa SH, Balboa l111And, c1vtn1 complete quaUflcatlona. kt His Future In Your Pennies The newsboy who de- livers your Newport jiarbor News -Press may be 1tartin9 his first million eve r y time you drop some coins in his hand. And even if he's never a millioneire, he wilr be a better b u 1 i n e s s man; a more valuable member of his com- munity when he 's 9rown -for the ex- perience he's 9ainin9 now. • Cllp and. mall this CO.Oft to 2211 lal· Ma llYd. at OllCe to l11Yr• ~t •llftry of yo•r local .. ...,.,. Fl l ONLY PER MONTH IRINGS IOTH EDmoNs OF THI Ri~claPRSss TO YOU -IY CARllEI 01 IY MAIL 1···················------·---·-------······-------·-------~-----1 I MMJ eallacrl1M ...... N_,on llarMr ~-r..-. ... ~,... te,.., ..... for • hall JMr'• ••~tao.- CITY PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTEJUOR L.lCENSltD -INSURED Glenn Johnston JOI • 1 18\ 8t. Newport 8ucb Harbor 111• 11Uc JOHNSTON E'S Mesa Allto Wreckers • 2075 Placentia Ave. Ukrty .. ,011 Cotlta .._ YOU SAVI _ .. _ PlllCll'T10N .. p ....... H. 0 . An<!enon Ll 8·~ Coata Mu a blue CARPENTER Repair Work Ooee Your Home Ntt<J Repatnnc or R.emodd1J\I T Call 5'rank, Ut>uty HtM All Worll Ouaranteeo Tttlc HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ! Anylhlnp;. A nywhu" Phone l.tbf-rly 8-214~; 9 c09H HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn. reasonable or 00 IT VOURSF:LF-WE TILL In Response to Popular Demand WE HAVE RECENTLY fll1arStd our taclllUu to accommodate more child~. 'nler• .,.. a ,_ placea avaJlabll' PREPARE your c>hlld tor ktnder· l'r"rt .. n In - A I.MA OLESEN GRUN'S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL :Ifill f: f l< I ).f,.r, ('11al• )tea Al;U 1·6 Llbrrty 8-Jiil A truly C1n" !'Ur.tr y School 2cl~h • GRAOE Yo1·R S~ED --::o-:o l ~'-'ltuatlorut Wanted ROLi. UNUEH Ol R GI ID·! ·------------------· ANC E. -I.I 8·1:192 O~p9 CIHI. v.11 nt. h1t11IO('wor k by day or PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer Sl.. Coste Mr•• Phone W~rty 841128 6i'lf(' H.H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ReP4Ur Service MlllntAtned Phone: Harbor 4624 2801 Balb11e Bl\rl, N~wJXirt B,.ach pAp v.., k ExJ><'rirnr• d Local b<-arh r• I• ri n r f'll Hu own lran1porta- 111in. Klmhr-rly 2·3308. tp3 MAI' itt \\t>MA:O. Wiii Clo 1ener&.1 hu\J~t:Wt•rk lltKJI wtud.lll w\J\. dow c It nrt1111: F'ai<t worke1'11 ¥o'hlll' 1!•1 F, 20th St., COllta M• !IA LJ b·:O:ll~ 14llc Painting H) I •ay or Hour u ... t .. c \\'ork t»"n"htr f'<m11ll J"h "" -1.11 ... r1y 2137 30-Ml8Cl!l1aDf'OU.a for Sale GAS HE ATER, IK•· Oearbom U O. emall, 18. Platlorm rocker flO. 2093 Maple. Coata w-2P4 ACRYUO PA.INT, on.e of U.. Sa\.- Ht developm.nte Ill the p&lnl In• du.try, i. now In atoc.k at 10\lr Harbor Paint Center. Uaed for lntenor or uter1or waHa, pt ... trr or elU<'<'O. 412 32nd 8t., N-· port -Phone Harbor W4. 2c7b 1000 Bu.ainea cam. $3.95 BOOK MA TCKES L. w. WH rn; LI 8-4011 (ll:vu . U 1-:111)()) ppUa U:A\'INO FOR HONOLULU!- Wlll aacrtnce MOOO Natural Ranch Mink co•t, V~rJ d&rk. Lulluno1111. Cull lenJ'U\, S2.6()(). Har. 3029-J . ffc2 Fresh Hearing Aid BA'M'EJUU We Otve 8 A:H Oreen 8l&mpe Gunderson Drug Co. M11 1n St at Balboa Blvd, &l~a Hubor :110 Htfc Firewood For Sale FREE DELIVERY WRIGHT CO FOR RENT Wc2 1 li 84 Newpurt l:ilvd •• C09t.a w ... SlllU Saws, El,c. Dr1Ut, Pnl1.11htra. LH'E;'l;Rr;lJ • htl•l cur yeu rou"•J I Uberty a.2~ 47llt aU l)'l>f'.a of Sartdf'rll, \\.he-elbtu· j In n1t f' d• p<!n<lablr homr Pho"e HOYT 20 iraJ automa tic wat"T. row1, etc. l I.Ill-rty 'I· US:ll< 9nfl2 hrater , 10<Wt f"Ondltlnn, 116. BOYD'S HOWE I • I l.J 11-WU tk2 :&ao w coAs T H 1011 w A·.. Roy s Maintenance Ubu\1 &-343~. Newport &.h 28l fc H .. u, .. <'l•antng Floor v.u1nic FIREWOOD Wall v. aahtoi: -wu11.lov. deantne-SpeciaJized \'<nr11an bhn 1. t·phot•t .. ry '"""''•I I-r••r F:•t1mat"• HOME REMODEL l.H ... rty ll·IJ:l7 lttc f'RJ.:E DELlVl!:R Y PATIOS, carpentry. rl"~tf'rlnll". M1\IJ1-; , ·ll•·t.:· •t11thn1 v.anb rrn I roncr1>te wnrk. tiff' "'"lltn~. k hn1ttol 111 ,.,., hani.•· ft•r • ""'' palnUng-you nam .. It v.1· 1111 11 1•1<n11111•hlJ•. ll~hr 1tut1rs \\'rllf t n Dry w{)()(j, 16 ' • 24" lf'n r;th 1111.JI li. R. ST A CO Vht'n" Harbor IOH E ven1ng 11 Herbor ~391 l''OSTE.R HROS ~-. 11111 111 11 i r; o.·,.~n A"" ~""I llAR l'qutpm,.nt, lndud1'11 bar, back h11r, 11•><•1•. "'"'h r"1tl•l,.r, r .. rr11t· • rntion Cnort rnndltl<>n. rellM>n• 11hJ,. Ph Har. 2726 rtc:l Harbor 39i6·R-Ll 1.1-21132 9.'lp t2 I H• n~ h :lf\I p AlNTING MAl,fo: "hll" 4;, wA"'" •hn"• r I 'ruohtnlor f'hlll•• I l1•11fH01' & C'lthl I Painting & Paper H an~ing "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar M 2 38lh St., Nt\l>'J>Ort lit'llCh PHONE HARBOR 2104 "Your readers must have GOOD CONNECTIONS !11 Thia wu the turpriaing rvnark made by one ()( our re.ntal advfrUaua Ult. wffll. She conUnut'd, "Th, l11•t time l advert.lffd my Udo Ille home for r,.nt. I 1 • - celved a call about It from !Hverly Hilla lhe Hme n1r;:ht tbe peper came out. r couldn't Lmacme how the nr"'" travellt<I 10 f .. t- "Next day a •try well known movt, el&r ell.me tn my home and rnted Ill I aaked how he heard a bout ll an1I WM told one of hlAI fnenda down here bad ~fn watch· lna the paper for Jwrt the type of home I adverUM!l , "'nttal'• WllJ I •J' -J•r ~ -• Mn 0000 OOHNJ:Cl'ION8 :" Wllatner JOtat --. .. a.d Ill "" UV'dy claMltlrd ---wW .... JOll NMllt.a, .... Call Hart»or Hit utd Ml! ''" Ute a4 tun. lfc J1>h1< 111 .. hnr Ill'.!'•· M :lp•I I c t 'ST0M BUIL'r 40 cu. fl frNur 1 -I r·ompu1 mrnt11, RA ROA JN. l!t,1,1A1~1.1·: \\IJ\1 A:-; ••XJl• fl"""" lla11i .. r 1:lll\I 119tfo '" ''"11"•kro•pi01t. t'•••ktni:. r hlhl 1 :i11 wn•h•n.: 1rnn1ni; (1wn l•·•n pnrt.111 .. n Llt><-n y 8·1.l!IR 2, ... 1 Alterations R E~TYU :"G Kim of California 212 \\11 r1n,. Balb"tl J•lan•I HA rbtlr 3181 ll'lpl 3 C'U~HMA 111 motor 11cooltr, 1tond '"ntllllrin, I~ or make Offf'r, ":131, W Balbol\ Blvd . Npl. Bch.. lpl \\'f.;.'iTINGHOUSE "'fr1C co« $:1i6. vii $198. Twln ~de. Uk• """'. 169 , G f: TV ael. 14 7.60. C:o rt1n11" 149, Bl r11n wt Mt. I.I 8-3869 ev,.,. :I07 R1ver1ida. ta Yard Maintenance 34tB-~"J>Y-~----Fo R SALE OR TRAOP:, Hl(tl Oftft 1·1. nn ur Jnl'wl ...... ,.. •"11 Ice h<1x, Oood condl- ~rt" ~:~t 1ml'le t mn -215. 19th St , Npl. Sch. Lll><rl\' ij-:17.111 8~1h I 2pl \\'i•nl~·t :->prev p:11nt1111:. 111'•• PHllA:O refrtr erator. Latest • xl rr1ur r.r tnlrrn1r NOi'!! tr;p frttur che•l m~I. A 1 .... H111•11 c0Rlln1t "fl""' for botllu, butter. and HAI"" rrR1"11tll bl,. nice Vtf. A: mMt ke~per. U-4 H 1rb<11 J021·\\', Mr, Gtb'l(tn 1 mo. Pd. d.n. to Sl34.H . No cub 9:1p~h needed juat pey the pym1A. et ------------'8.27 per m o. r;XPF:RIP.NC~D. ttttnicllve WAit· re111 tor Robf-11 HtU. C..".heft lnn. Harbor 1102. Jc4 St:K Bau~hna A 6: 8 WUtbOUM 220 8. Ma.In 8t.. Banta AM 8 btoekll 9aut.h flt 4 UI 8t. Open ena. ·w t. aun. 11 .. K.lmbtf\r 1-TJOL \. . --ARMOUR'S~---SWIFT PREMIUM ·45· 3 FRANKS . ~ 3-ST AR SPECIAL! 1-LI. SALE PKCi. CANNED DAYS! HAM Watch tho Hor.tee Heidt Show, Set. Nites 7:30 • TH•AY No S~in! No Bone! No W .ute! SWIFT PREMIUM SLICED 2· 3 g· • nlDAY BO,~OGNA-oa-:ic~~. 10 to 11 -lb. 7 5:. • SATURDAY SALAMI Average AGED, NIPPY WISCONSIN 69~ CHEDDAR CHEESE JlMUllY • ZI ·la· 22 ' KRAFT SLICED SELMA CHUCK WAGON 49~ SWISS BRAUNSCHWEIGER CHEESE HORMEL -lj,.LJ. PKG. 39• CHIPPED BEEF 8-0~ 4·3-Served cr••med beef on to'5t fflese dt~ly. nited PKG. . 99~ l ~~ITS SLICED BOILED 11' HAM TURNSTILES ARE SPll NING LIKE WllDllLLS! We h•ndle (& •dverfae) only the fanciest, de:y- fresh qu•lity produce. _ .. FRUITS and GREENS · WHERE QUALITY IS NEVER SACRIFICED FOR PRICE ALONE! EXTRA LARGE. BEST QUALITY, FUERTE llTll FllCY, WlSlllSTOI STlllllll DB.ICIOUS U. I. 10. I, Wiim IOSI ' All-AMERICAN LABEL ALL.AMERICAN BLENDED WHISKEY GIN I VODKA 16.PROOF s329 s321 $ 18 FIFTH FIFTH FIFTH 2 qo.p1t 10.PR. ____ _..,,,, DiN~NEir WINES ,,,;,.oz IOT. 19· iOiliEAUX WINES FIFTH 99• cVHftl'NSTIAN R•Ro0s. SE)(CEELLENT DINNER WINE 5l 1 9 FULL FIFTH GALLON .. WHiSit'Y OLD FULL FIFlH $298 --NOW IN 1h·0 UART CANS! 8-YR. OlD BONDED . REGAL PALE . GREEN HILL . 4 l/.QT.88C • 100-PROOF s319 ·: °f:!ANS '• Flft'H .......... ~-...... "·~ .. EACH YOUR 2 29· CHOICE! PKGS. CHICKEN Ofl THE SEA EACH 23, SCOT , R I c E s TOWELS - \_ ., WHIRLllG SAVllGS IN EVERY DEPAR CUT-RITE ~~.'to~ 21c 'SCOTKINS' '~.~'s,. ~~ILY 2 P\9'· 29C Dl~R 25' • I ' 41 ,- &LOIEA·I . . ALL-AMERICAN IS CELEBRATING VAN de KAMP'S 40th BIRTHDAY WITH A STORE-FULL OF SPECIALS! ~ OHEOI EVERY ITEl-THEI PUT DI YOUR WDDDEI 1111£1 AID OUTIER 81 GVEll! • . FLOUR 't.~ SUGAR ·t.~· -l-Ll.M6 ..• 4Jc - KRAFT PROCESSED 0 AMERICAN CHEESE CHASE & SANBORN VACUUM-DOME CAN TIEIT! VELVEETA COFFEE . . I-LB. CAN- AU Grinds! HOLIDA y PURE COLORED TUNA~ OLEO ~-~: llTS O' HOIEY SALE! RO la'I WTI O' HONFf PEAS 2c:s27' lft'I Cl HONl'f WHOU IC8N\. CORN 2c:s21' Cfriii ~~E 25c .. Miii rm 2 ~· 25c NEW! 'TRIX' fao1iiiE 5.MIX 33c • DOWNEY • NORWALK eottNP FIHSTONI & DOlAN COttNER FIRESTONE & "ONfflt e 0.1, 'ti Micl"lh· 9 .,,. to 10'"" S-. Oll'EN DAILY 'Tll MIDNITtl ~ • UIDEI llOVE • COROll DEL MAR ~ ... &A-DEN &ROVE ltVO. ~_,,, .. Sq.J 3049 COAST HIGHWAY AT JASMIN :::::::::: DAILY 9:00 A.M. TO 10~ ... M. DAILY 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 ... M. :,.........-: • IEWPORT BEICI • SAi CLEMEITf :::::: ---2600 COAST HIGHWAY AT TUSTIN 60! R CAMINO IUAl -- OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO '1:00 ... M. DAIL y 9:00 to 9:00 ... M~llde, 9 hi I '.M. ...:...... ~&fll ,.,.IOAV & aATU,.OAY "TIL 10 ".M. • · . , • PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER -JAN. 19, 1955 BAUGHNS INC. JANUARY Clearing Out Sale ltM O'KDFI: 6 MJ:l\Rl'IT ranee. Chrome t op pd. dn. to '177.48 Save you 170. 11164 OENERAL J:Ll:CTRJC n - tngerator. J 1 cu. ft. Pd. dn. to '288.96. 8ave1 you 11711. 19M WEDGEWOOD 1u dryer. Pd. dn. to U1M6. 8&vH you SJ 10. 1964 INTER.NATIONAL HAR· VESTER retrtrerator. 12 cu. ft. Pd. dn, to '267.88. !Javd you $100. 19M WHIRLPOOL auto. wa•htt, $188.88. Savea yo~ 1100 . 19M HOTPOINT auto w'untr. Pd. dn. to llllt.88. San1 you 1120. 19:>4 ADMIRAL refrtrerator. U p- aide down model Pd. dn. to S3~.76. Savo you $121. n-Fundture for Sale Floor Samples Factory Close-outs NOW AT BAY FURNJ'IURE 'Where priet!9 are held at Bay' New ENO TABLES. .. .............. $3.9~ CORNER TABLES, ..... _. Stt.88 TV CHA.IRS, ... • ........... SUl.50 Sota couch, with arm•. wrought Iron, • '.S ". pure foam rubber ciuhion ...................... ... S88. DROP FRONT Dak, 3 I~. d rwR .. aalero, metal pun. ·-· . u:>.!I() KNJCJCHOLE Om8K, 7 drawer. l&lem ...... .. ... ... S•3.50 BUNK BJ:D MU. all metal with 2 lnllertpnnc mattreue• S57. 6 PC. BDRM. grpa., wtlh guar&n· tffd lnneraprfll( matt. and boll •prlnc• .. . . ... S\49.:>0 2 PC. BICD .dJvan tela S97. 3 SHELF Bk. CAM, l&lem $18.9~ 19M PHILCO t lec\rlc ranre. Pd. 3 PC Juve111le cbr. din . ..eta $1&.:IO dn. to 1187.:18. Savea you UOO. 11 PC. CKROME din. llf'l. small FREEZER. lNTl:RNATlONAL table ... S39.M HAJ\VESTl:Jt. ltl,; cu.. n.. Pd. 5 PC. f'OLDING bridge Mt, all dn. to S27T.18. S avu you 1m . met&J . .. .. . . ... 119.9:> 19M OA.IJ'l''ERS SATI'LER {'&Ill"· 9xl2 Hand Rooked Rug Sll9. BIC 40" Pd. dn. to 1238,H . kvta 91'12 AJl.mln.ater Rug11 S:le..M you Sltll. I LOUNOER CHAJRS. dla&ppearlng PHJLCO TV. Pd. dn. to 1159.118 fool rest, wroughl Iron S•B.9:> Savea you sioo. PHJLCO retrig., 7 cu. ft.. crosa I top t reeur --· ... $189.911 1964 PRlLCO r.trlJerator. Blc 86" Oas ranee, 4 burner 4 1vtdt'd 91,t cu. tt. delwie, Pd. dn. to top .. . . S99.e>O '228.H . savu you S120. 19114 T APPAN r&J\ge. 40" Pd. d.D. to 1191.~. &avM you 1148. No down i;iayment. Euy bank term•. 81CE Bau&hna A • 8 Warebou..e 230 8. Malo St~ S&nt.a Alla I blociU So. of Fourth SL Open tv~. 'tll t , Sun 11 -:I Kimberly S-72CU 19~ NORGE automau c w&.aher. The beat It nrwut ont'. Hu agi- tator, bl1 tub, It auda return It• bffn uJMld only I week. Pd. dn. to llH.79 from 1290.00. No dn. pymt. juat pay the pymt~ of 110.33 mo. aU Baus• A It 8 War~OUM 210 8. M&ln St., Santa AAa 4 block• Boutb Of 4UI BL Open eY... 'UI t . 8un. 11-& IUmberl,y S-7301. BAY FURNITURE 417 E. 17th St.. Coeta Mel& lbelween Tu.attn 6 lrvlnt) P'ree Store-aide parking-Term• Open Jtve11. 'tll a 19114 NOROE Automa Uc Waabtr. The very beat one. Bii 9 lb. tub, &K!tator, Mfety apln lid It that lllumtna ted dial. 11'• only ~n atored. but pd. dn. t.o $218.37 from S310. No cuh needed, juat pay th• pymta. of Sll.12 mo. SM eau.t1na A. • S Watthou.ee 8&1ta, HO So. Main SL., Santa A.Ila, I bloclu .out.b of U h. Open daily tJI 9, Sun, 11-~. Kl 3-7201 1 PC. blonde waJnut di.nine Mt, $711. J JHlire ekU.a, cable binder-. ateel edre-. man .t: Jadin' wttb polu It boota. Sl&e 8i,., .t: 10'>;. U O. N.Cb tel. 1.Jbert)' 1·2841, lp3 l·DBl-HOLLYWOOD BEDS. bOx epr111J• 6 mattru•. LI~ new. Kar. 311<>-J . 99c2 == ---• THEODORE ROBINS' GRAND OPENING SPECIALS '53 FORD '52 FORD '52 FORD. · 6-cyl. pick-up dlx. cab Sl045 '53 CHEV Bela Ire t-dr. eedan · S1495 '41 CHEVROLET Convertible S62 '50 BUICK Special 4-dr. sedah Dynaflow S895 '48 FORD Panel truck S395 6-cyl. Ranch \vagon Overdrive $1445 I 47 CHEVROLET Station Wagon S395 '50 FORD Cuatom 4-dr. eedan S695 '41 CHEVROLET Sedan, good trans V-8 S87 '53 FORD Custom Club Coupe R&H,W S W $1495 Victoria R It H, O'D $1545 '49 FORD CuPtom 2-dr. aedan R II H, O'D S595 '53 Pl YMOUTH Suburban H-Dri $1645 '52 FORD V-8 :):£ ton stake 4-apeed trans S1095 '54 FORD 6-eyl. Y~ ton pick-up Fordomatic, heater S1395 EVERYONE IS INVITED TO OUR OP~NING SAT., JAN. 22 THEODORE ROBINS' YOUR FORD DEALER 3100 W. COAST ffiGHWAY -NEWPORT BEACH I "ON THE MARINERS MILE" Phone Liberty 8-3471 tlA-Apta. for Keat • TWO-WJISSL TR.411.ER. (. I •• 8t.a1nlem at.ti ute and t.onSU•· LIVE • • • Ill l:l Modlft&. Ntw])Ort Ht.a.. att• • ,. m. uu Where you play Newoort Beach YEAt°tLY RSNTAL8 • 2 »ORM.. Untum . borne 1'5&-Htt. eoUday Houaa traJler, Outdoor Patios all metal. tuUy equJpped, ··~-BRAND D-apartment&. Mar Llbtt\7 a.~. Jc4 l:l&.rbor, acbOO&A. aboppUll cll.- 1 bdrm.. untum. home CHARLES I!. KART, Har. 1'21 3t20 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Rentals Wanted We Geed ap\a ud bOWIM UI a.JI aocUGM for botb "1•t.er ud ,..,.,. ,..... "1nl. or WlfUnL U 10'I ba•• a vacancy. phone today The Vogel Co. llOl W. Cat. Hwy .. Newport llcb Pbon• Ubert.J W CIJ IOI lil&rtne, Balboe Leland Pborie Hart»or H4 t801 Cout Rlw91. Coroaa deJ Mat Phon• Harbor 1141 100 liolatn BL. Balboe Pbone ............ 1'5 llUo IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KEEP TRYING. Want l or 2 br. tum. hOUM wllh priv- acy. Hl(h reference. u per- manent couple. Wbat have you? Write Bolt 0-21'>. Ulla paper. tt Wanted House to Lease. WANTED TO LEASE for 12· mo. cor leu I S or 4 bdrm. home. Fum. or unfurn. In Jood dllltrlct. WIK pay lo 13.600 Jlf!r year. CALL MA.CNAB (Earl W, Stan- ...,) l:lat.bor S2t7 or ~369, 2c4 !1--J!fla. A ll«MW for RM!. CLllP' HA VEN SP ACIOU8 2 bdrm., many clolO!la. Ult, (en~. Oar. U1M> untum. CORONA DEL MAR -2 ~.rm. unrurn. duplfll. f\replace, aar- are. l blk. to market .. tran.. $1~. month, J euly. MURIEL M. PINOVl:R. Re&llor 2604 Newport Blvd.. Npt. ~h. Phone Harbor 4tJO. 9~lrc SJNOLll apt .. turn. Yearly rental, '85. per month. UtU. pa.Id. ALSO a room oottac• rum.. S40. per montll. 1earlJ' rate, utJI. pd. 7o09 E. Ba7 A~ .. Tt l. Mar 7•~-W Jp3 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Cati l:d.Da en 1, Blanche Gatee, Rltr. llt Marin• Ave, 8aJ1'0a faland, Har. lt71 nue tnct.. qwet pleua.ot and uOJia- •" O&rbq• ~.-poMJ. ~undry and •torq• room.a, ..,..... l8U and up. Mo.11thly or yearl7. let M1r. 1601 Haven Place, Cllrr Ka .,.11 or pllone Liberty 1·849S (l blk lo. of HI ldlool 1 ALSO newly f urn. apt.a. Low win- ier 1"atu. 80tfc A TI'ENTION llASTJCRNllRS .... - Newly decorated larre rum. l bdl'RI. apt., N-port Beach. Panel beat, garap. Tenant paya eleotrlqty. seo month. Liberty 8-1'09. 93ttc YEARLY RENTAL. 14e. 2 bedrm. tum. apt. Knotty plne. $70. mo. Water pd. Children llCbool ap o k . 9S31;, W. Bal1>oa Blvd .. Newport Beach. lpS Beach. Jol61l P'URN. Nehelor apL, Hb mo. 11' Weat Balboa Blvd. FM 11.,. and IAformatJon See Bay • Beach Rea.lt1, 1'80 w. Balboa Blvd. Pll. Bar. Ult. llu. Newport Beach 2 BEACH HOUBU for leue. tao month each. No aubltt. •Tc.a· more 1~1222. teclO WILL RENT brand oew I '*'"8- 2 bath, unturn. bomt ta 11\YDOI ttRRACI: at s200. per ... ua with I yr. ltUA. Call ll&rtlor .... IM turthw dft.aila. lltle t~fora.t FURN. ROOM, n-lf ct.aonted. EASTENER'S ATl'ENTION ! e111tra nlre, n .. r bua .. pr1Yat. •· trance. 11143 Oran1• A-., CJ(, Newport Bea.ch. tum. 2 bdrm APl-1-.blberty WiM. Ntfe Utll A gar. Included, yard. Ava ilable till June 20. Ll~rty 1-u oe. • ffttc COMPLETELY w FURN. modf'm 1 .t: 2 bdrm. apt.a. UUI pd. $:>0 month or '1~ wk . 1211 At•te. Balboa Laland. Har. 1118 99c2 UNYURN. atudJo apt., wltb r&llfe and retri.tratot, newly deco- rated. cloae to everythln1. No children, or pets. S~. llli Gold- enrod. Har. OHl·R. i re Desirable 1 and 2 bedroom tum. apta. Jncludl~ utilllle•. S75. and up, ytarly :>14 E. Ocean ll'ront, Balboa Comer of Plllml Kar. 313& 9Scl0 1 lllCDRM. nrRN. A.PT down- ~talra. ~rce f4111c~ yard. UUI. pd., n~. mo. until J unt 10th 1-08 Park An , BaJboa laland. Ne• SJNOU: ROOM w1tll bot 6 cold water In tN room. Good btcL Private mtrance. M. WMk. ALSO double ~ a t t T ,...k. 123-2IUI SL, Newport a.aclt. IOd1a BUSINESS Ol'rtCE, ac..U.t Jo. cation acroee the lltntt tn>m Corona del Mu Poet <>ttte.. JdeaJ tor loan repr .... u.aUv•, cont.raclor, ..amau..., art or jewelry bulloeaa. lltll. pd. Only $40. month. CALL &n Whitman, Har. 1M2. ltvu. Harbor Hll Ntto DELUXE hlthway ottloe &J*C., 330 llQ. It. ~nler of Coroo.a del Mar bu&neae dl1tnct. 110. mo. 'ut1I tocl. ALSO •'"~ ua tor other bua1ne1&, o(flce It proft •lonaJ rent.ala. W. E. Fi.ab er le Aaeoc. BA y J'RONT UDO lSLE 30M It. COM\ H1st\way P'URNlSHED. newly decorate<! 2 Corona del Mar, Har. 2UJ bdrm a pt .. r-arait-Year leue. 2c~ A.dult1t. no pet•. thr. 12'8. l:-:"7:".'------------Hpl2H NOW Ll:ASING. t.ftUab\e bual- ------------neN office ep&cee. Center of Co- SM A LL YUR.N. APT. SuJtable for rona del Mar, 1ultabl4 tor CPA, I or 2 adult&. UtJJ. pd. 428 Ool· denUat or? LI 1-lOJS. McU d111nl'od, Corona del Mar. Harbor 3U4-W. 9~tfc VA CANT FUllN. at.udlo apt .. fire- place 6 view. 917"" Poppy. Co- N>na dtl Mu SM . mo Llberty 8-2181 · &tic f' ACTOR Y or w&rehou.N ap&C4 ror rent lll Co•ttt. Mt ... MAR CREST OORP. Har. 1964. M d Washer Troubles 1 CALL LI 8·2237 Speclalizlnc in Automatlca AUTOMATIC FOR SALE -S4I 111 U ln. mlrTor, S4--M child'• 1tudy duk, Che.at of ualcal, Radio. a T v LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH BALBOA eENJNSULA -'l and 8 bdrm. tum 11n1ta, fireplace. g11rb. dlep.. Ult bath, 1tara1e. Yarly ltue. 11120 Miramar Balboa. Har 218'-W 97c.'l 2 BEJJRM NJn a pt. on Bay l"tonL Wlnter or yea.r ly rt'nt&l. 6U4 &>. Bay Front, Balboa [111.,.nd Har. 422. 66 Uc MARINE A.VE., Balboa 1-land. a bdrm .. l1V1n1 rm. with tlrepl~. Encloaed JHlUo. Al.lo room tor ottu:e or •mall bu.In .... lll6 mo Wuher Enterprt.H 83tfc drawer•. natural flnl-h. HarbOr BEA. UTl FUL Spinet piano, blonde 370..J. l cl jult like new. MVt U OO. Ma- APT. st%.E retrt....-icw 6 .w. .. nice to0ndlUon. 620 Ol'chld, Co· rona del Mu. 91Jtfc Washing Machine SERVICE 1-ynr ruan.nie. on JObe doll• and oo II.Md wuMTe. 141114 WALNUT pt•••• i,aa,le no. II Wlnd.ar cha.Ira 12.llO each. Oa•· enport UO. R~ bookcut $6. Ch&Jr and ottoman $7.llO. 2 pr bedroom drape• I). steamer trunk Sii. M&hopny dreuer SlO. Mahocany chest JllO. Ra. OMO-M. 2P4 1nu1 Newport BL. Ooa&& ,...._ S3 8oata. ~a.. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty --- 8--l327 . MUc WlOOW MUST SELL-32 n. flah-lnJ bo&L all In ~ condJllon JAN .CLEARANCE HOTPOINT elect. nnge delia,, " deep oook•r. 39" . Mt.60 )CARD WICK ran1•. 38" w bumer cover H• M BENDIX Econom•l waaher. al- motit OfW 189 ~ WJU. TAKE BJC8T OFFER! 28:> J'.&J1t Jl;atlur, Coat a Mua 1.1 8-2311 Kc3 WANT TO BUY 26 fl. power boat. Muat t>e top condJUon. tut end pluah lnaldt. Write Jlmmy B'Um•, 1233 E St . San Bemal"1dno, r aJ. lp6 O'K • M r•n«r· crum ool. 38" -1ood condition $39.00 I DOCK on Cban11tl for r tnt. K ENMORE 1leub.e wrln11ttr waah· WIU ta.ke up to 27' boat er S39.M> Harbor 0078 2c3 F'JUOlDAlRE auto ..... ~ •• Ilk• nf'W '89~ 10 fl. SKIFF, 3 h.p. outboerd 140. hocany 8pllltt .i11t1uy dam&Jed ln ahtpmeot, '4t7. Oood pradJce piano• from "9. li.t, 1126, Sl7!> See Lhe" at tho Groat DANZ- SCHMJDT Plano SaJe. The big St.ore, 620 No. jfaan. Santa 9na. 100 planoa. Wt have no branch •tore.. ONE ONl..Y fUll 2 manual conn- aonata eleclrlc O'T&"· demoo- atn.tor modtl With Hparall' tone cabinet Save I J:.6, Oonvenlenl ltnna al SHAFER'S Mu.le Co. I Since 1907) 421.,.23 N Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone KJ<lmbf'rly 2-0872 HAMMOND OROA?\8. All mod- rola. One vrtly •llfhUy UMd. •I· mott Ilk• new Tbi1 la a 111>«1&1. DANZ • SCHKIDT Hammond Heatiquarltn for Ort.nge Coun- ty, ~20 No. M111n. ,Santa Ana • WEEK END SPECIALS 1951 MERCURY Station W&gon. Original lhroughoul R&dlo. heater, overdrive. Like new . S 1295 l953 J>LYMOlITH CLUB CPE. !t&dio, heater light gray. A truly fine car ·-·· ·---······$1295 1952 HUDSON HORNET CLUB CPE. Really sharp. Radio. beater. O'dr. WSW, all the ex:tru. Only ..... ...... ... ...... .. . S 1245 1951 CADILLAC -Light blue. 62 •-dr. sed•n. WSW tiru, radio. heater. Hytiramatac. Best buy in town, only ...... . $1995 See These Cars at LOU RE~D Used Car Lot .. Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harb<>r 2561 , N~W Wllurn. 2 or 3 bdrm .. p r.. -n~ar Hlf'll Bchool. P?loM Wbtrt" U'NruRJll. APT. I If•. bdrm.a,. cor- t -1M3. H c3 ner window•. pr. ~-1 p.r- •llf' • l•llndry r oom. Liberty ~K J.UU:S -UNWOOO VICI<. 312 Manne. Bar. IOd. ~ ON BALBOA lSLA.Nl> ea Ud tor yeaz-11 a.no __., rent.aJ&. NELI>A GIBSON, Realtor SOI Manne AH . Harbor 6112 &A l.BOA LIU.AIU> IUt Balboa Island Cholt:t ytarly and 1ummer renUI•. now available OORJ8 BRAY, Reallor 218 M.arloc AV•., Ball>M IJll&111I Harbor 20 9!)lfc- 1 BDRM. front duplex -Nlcely turn. Ocun •ldt' ot Hwy l:lv.te to t.ra.11•port.at.1on 6 ahope Yrly rent.al. I07 Yemleal, Corona d~I Mar. ll&Uc 8·18-43 o• 1.J S-l'418 l"ur llChoQJ.a tile& l.AROE SHOP-tquJppect for-,..c&r- pent.t mtlop-.bUMI\ mall» or almllar. 8<-e LARRY ALL£Jll, NltWPORT HEJC HTS. UNF UKN. SEAIWORT l..ANDfNO, 2'33 W. 1 btdrm. 11pt Ston and fffrlg Cout HIJhway, Newport Beach Laundry \lf'ry cl~•n Good loca-1 Uberty 8-llH . lcl ht)', nur bu• i.!17 :.o monlh ~>' 8:."" ~ For lease upstairs h•B-tl r .. __ , 800 Sq, f t, w ltal>le tor b\l.Un .... ~ u~ or ncu I c udio or omc. It llvuic quart• ----,-------· ---,.,._ r1:> .MAl'tne An . U&J h ORA.N D CANAL. Blllbo• laland 0wnf'r 139 N. Bey l"ront. lltl· 2 btlnn r1vn 11ou.a--. $70 monlh boa ltl•nd ~plO TWO Bl:lJKUOM 1pt. •tovt and l'C'friJ only, ~ar~at dl•J')l.>P l.10• lf• ... -r• ~n.w~ N"w It ~a uuru1. ·~ i110 .. yrty CORONA DEL MAR n eeds a ONE BEUROUM nt•r ••nuvl. t>..'11 BAKERY. I b•ve lhe loca· • ""Y J.'lb '"", ln~L ulllillt• 1 t1on. Call Ll 8-6864. 99c5 J. M. MlLLER CO. BALBOA OCEAN J'RONT-.Mln- 1a\ure 101t fc!U rse u d COC'lc..-•- •111on. •II f'(Ju lpt • ready lo 1111. H,e.r 218&-W. 91C'S 20~ W B•lbOa Bl .. Newpurt Sch I Har 4001 -F.vee W 8·3378 ru::-rrv OF n u.:F. PARKING 8'$tfc: ------------Deep F'rttu, 2'2 cu. ft . ncelltn\ •hapl' '249 O'K A M r•n11tl'. •lmot1l nt'A , U fl. Burchcratt. T ~ h.p. out- board. Sand dolfy"'ToJ! rond. S2T~ Harbor 3301-W 2« See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1311 COut Blvd., COrun1 d'I M.a1 CO-Auto. aacl Truc:k9 Choice Wlntu Rent.ale on Ba.Ibo& laland Ii Udo late Small 6 cosy ur larr• 6 delu111• S10 to $300 moalb VOGEL CO. VEARL.Y turn 11m•ll hOlltof' n••r OCl'an $46 month !):'>-Moae,:.._&o~~~----­ UJA.NS Tu UUJ.UJ. IXPJWVIC B\JY . MOOER.l'ftzs. OR R&J'llll A.HCS 38" $19 M> Va('11Un1 l'll'anf'r•. • .. ",.,.., from 34--11...acal. Re4lo, a T \I S6 tn SO llO . c sr, rf'(rl11t . 8 ru fl p<>rlect I RE:-.T an org11n or pla.no with condition 1139.:>0 r~ntal t o •pply on rutur .. pur· E ASY t1p1ndrll't ~ :'>() chase •l- F:vtrythlni Giui ranlttd · 8HAF'ER S Muau: t;c> I Sine• 1907 J STROOT'S T .. Wll")(Lp; HOWF. 01 ... u N SycamoTe. Santa Ana 1802 Ntvq10rt Blvrt . C'Ot1ta M•,.._ Phone Kimberly 2-0872 Lfbf'ny 1'·3419 2c3 60 USED piano• ,..a nted tor our (Tha den lntu1or BldJ I Kar. 3382 6e tic BEAUTIJl'UL Electronic Orran. blonde cu e. a lmoet ntw Must aacnfiee One only. Bli.t uvui,. DA:'\'Z-8C'HMJDT Orul S&Je. ~20 No. Matn, Sant.a Ana. MU'ELl..Elt-RAl:"'>E8 '4 Ct •• 7 b&by pand piano. M&h~a.ny. Good condition Phonf' Har. 29.J 2c1 r"'l.al aervlce Tt-adt> In y(lur old piano on new piano or l'lt ctronc ---Pruc---11-1,-M-a-lt._h_e_w_a __ _ Or(&ll High C'AM allO'lil.'&llCe. 19~t O'KEEFY. • MltRRITT ranrt IU t h(' latut CP &JI auto- matlr, lltt top, 1r1t1dlt. •lmmrr humrra It that ierlll bro1lrr tlllf'd 1 mci Pd d11 I() $129 24. No UJh n~dl'·I Ju11t ~y the p,9'rnt .. or S1 7fl pn mo 8EI: Ba\lghna A 6 S W&r\'hOUM 220 S. Main St.. ~anla Ana II bll>Ckll South of 4th SL Open nu. 'tll 9. Sun. t 1-11 KJmberly J · 7201. 90UOOIR CKAIJ\. I •h•lt ttao4- t a'ble. -1131 W. Cout Bwy. Lot No. J. • tpa PllAC'TfCALLY NJIW-8errel n- trtp9t.or, round maple dropMf dllllftC 9". 1 Olpt. ~r A 8 mat.ea dla.tni. a.utlfUJ maplr .cretary. laq. at DO Via Doll. Udo ~.Harbor •*· 2c4h DAN~. sc HMUYr arul Janu-Teacher of Piano ary Planp Salr. ::i20 No Main. Sa.11ta Ana. Claa11lca.I. popular by h•nnon1 Hammond Orpn, Lulle Speaker FOR RENT FOK SPICCU L occu lona. partlu. w~dmi•· elc .. at homr. orn ee. chutch, W1th or without or1an· 1111, 1ncludln11: move In A out. l.lberty 8-1208. 'htfc Honest TV Service STEVENS Ir SONS 187t Harbur. Coeta Mua Ph Wbert)' 1-~0l iipp-tJc Form.-rl~ \.'hlrago, Lc>11 Anitelt-t 211 T\11.un A\f', Nrwport lif'l\C'll Liberty 8-3PM ~7pl 2 BEA U1'IF'U L Kimball llUdlO ptano 811thlly uted Save SIOO. Coo- venient tl'rm1 at- 8tlAJ'i:R'S Mue11· Co Since !19071 •21-423 N Sycamore. Santa A.na r11on• KJmberly 2-08i2.-- AKC reJ1alel'f'<I Borton Ttrrier pupplee -1805 Pl&Mntla, Coata Mua. Llber\J' 8-3062. Jc3 to--A.no. for Sale EXCEPTIONALLY CLl'.AN 194S PonUac 8 lfoda.nttlt., tutont, loaded with tirlraa, pr1c9d to &ell Kar. 3908-J. Hc2 lHl BtnCK 4 door MdaA. Recent· 11 11pant 1200 oo OYW'llaul. Very r ood t r&naportalloe. P'ull price. 1126. CAU.. BEN WHITXAN, Hubor 1112 or Harbor 1'11 ena. 2c4 JAGUAR 19~4 XK120M. ,_dater. U~. -110 Via Quito. Udo Jale. Harbor J78e-J. 2Nh 19~3 CHEVROLET Bel Air Con- vertible. 23,000 mllea. Ellcellent condlUon, a c.epl tire•• Sl2rJO'. 212 Apt•. Balboa laland. Jc4 MODEL A J'ORD OOUPf', Solid body. 110 denta 1Cn(1ne hH 3000 mllu . Sl2.~. Har. (l\42 2c• G.M.C. TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS H GMC 'TON PICK\1P ·~ 0000£, 12 TON PAJ'l:EL ·~ FORD. '2 TON Pl("K\IP ·e.2 CHEVROLET. '• T Pickup '!)3 CMC. ' T. Hydn Pickup '46 Studebaker, l Thn Pickup •8 l ntemaUonaJ, I Ton Pickup '49 Chevrolet 2 Ton. 8 :ll'> Tll""e. W ' Van Bod)'. '4e Chevrolet, 2 'T'on. IT9" WB . B L Trana .. .8 . 'lr1 11 rn. '!>-.f JnttmaUnn&I Ll&. Tr11ctor. 2 8~ed. 9.00 th·t-•- SEE THE larceat volum" trvck deaJer In Oranre County for t h11 beat buye in U.Mld tn11·k~ We r•rry our own contr9tl• w. w. WOODS GMC bEALER 819-19 E. 4lh St Santa Ana Open Sunday a..m Truc:Jt hudquartera for Or•nie Co. 19~1 OLOSMOBJLE I Md&J\. A beautiful clun car. Every poNl- ble u tra _ .• --· 1127:1 19U DODGE cu.atom Md.an. Un- ull\l&lcy a lee . R A H, etc:. S 386 lt3• f'ORD V-1 2-dr. Runa \•ery rood ·--·-~.. . ....... 1 7!) JOE NICKERTZ STUDICBAKJ:ll DL\.L&R 3415 Nf'Wport Blvd., Newport Bc:h l &t Udo l;ntrance) B a r. 610 ' 9tc2 8ACR1F1CE -'114 rt)'mouth 841· vede.re convutlblt. Kl -drl••· lJabt bJue. tan ,top. MH. WbilA •id""'1la. tum qna.la, back up U~bt.a. Auto wlncta.hltid .....,,«r t moo. ~. t()OO mil... Will accept trade. ~a.let otrer. Har l 303·M. 19tfc 19llO ~D Tudor "I ", nMilo, htat- er, dea.n 13111. Alter • p.m. ph. Harbor 1~1-M. llttlc t 9• 7 0 E SOTO C\lltom 2 d r. aedan. ~ Pluid dri'tt. Seat Co'Yen. Sm -Pl\ Har '219 or Hu. 4320 Hpl 41-Au&o 8e."'°8 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN • with this ad * 6 CyLt. 8 Cyla. ____ $48.88 ----$68.88 20f Martne A,,.~ Balbua lala.nd Pb. RIU'bor 04 or Harbor 21~1 Rea. Har. 1781-RX or U l-~297 f4 lh CORO:-IA DEL MA R U?l.TUft.."", 2 bdnn hOUM', "'' 1.0 W carpea, Orap..., dbl l'&T , c<>n rrd pe.Uo, '100 mo. nTZMOR.RIR REALTY Phone Ha rbor 2U2 lcll Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM. apt. tum .. newly de~­ orated. A boil• Cb Ina Cove. S90. n1ontb ltt.ae. 1 b<lrm. pe~l&Jly ~m. IM mo. W. E . FISHER It Assoc. lnclutle• botb labor &JICI p&rtA New nnra. wrtat pt.aa, •&Jn frlno, tllUn(e ot maJll and rod 303• I:. Cc>Nt HIJhwa y MU\nlL Expe.rt motor tUDe up. Corona del Mar Harbor 2H3 Al.SO rum apt lo Jun<' I !>th U 6 monlh. t:&JI W 8-21 :12 lt'3 STUCCO HOl..'SF:. unfurn. LIVUllt nn kit 6 ~lh Auto Y..•..tler Waln pJ p,nr totl )Ud U T 60 17.llO Santa Anlll A \,. t" M,.n 2p4 $300 MO -Fum I bf'drm f'llCt'l- ltnl b4yfron1 h<>ml' I ~n brtngin1 $2000 fM 8 ••k• 1n aumrntrl Qw,.nr l~•v1ni: 11l8ll' w .,nl" I or mor" Y"M • ll'M~ G H l.A THRO!' 38J~ F: Coa.•t H1chwav, Cornna dt'I M1<1 Httr- bor !1•42. t-;vu H•r 3:111-J 21'4 NEW J BH unfvrn . liHjte yant Wllh ta••' ne•r '" h1t0l• "hop· ptnit 6 treru1 $7!1 W11t"r J•rtld, 87.2 Vl<'torta r1111ra M"llA n 1ll Fr 4·8078 2t3 llO--Oay or 4,000 mU. l\lar&ntee. COM FORT A HLfl: 2 bNlrm fum . \NO MONEY DOWN 1. 43A-Apta. for lteDl hOUllt' l'\l('r pAt lo, HUl,l. Jl'en~· .. d REBUILT ENGINES BAL.BOA JSLAND _--9-ay_F_l'O_n_l Vurly. 808' Or(h1tl. f'nrun• -UP lo 10 MONTIUI TO PAt-apt.., Slecpa 6. 170. Rur apt. SOO _'1"1 MtH 2~·4 BuUt In our own tact.o17 b7 lllll1led 101 N. Bay Front. Set !•land NEWPORT BEACH. 2 bdrm f'um machJ.nlata. Don't oontead wit.II ReaJty or call Hollywood 3-1671 ht>uae with p ragl' S5.'I wlnl"r lhe middle man. 8'a,J cllrect. 97e3 '70 11 REBUILT and INSTAIJ.J!:D ------------~ubor ~~~R ~ll •fl•r 4 "2;'4 SHORT 8W>CX CORONA DEL M.AR -~ulltul- f'URD -· •lJt.fO ly turn. 1tudlo &l>L 1 blk. from CH&VROl.ZI' •Ht.60 oce.an. Fireplace, b&r. 165 uUI PLrK.. 6 DODOS SJISa p&14. Harbor e.MO 2c• CKRYa. 6 D& .oT0 '110 11JIU'C. APT. and cara~e -yrly 8TUOIC&4KKR •111 rent.al. ll03 34UI St.. :-0t'•por1 OLDB 6 PON&'lAC I '110 Bellch. Pbont' Harbor 234~-R Btnc::K -*111 2c4 llU1>80M •111 l.o&.11 cu rr.. Tvw1ac UPPJCR 2 bedrm. rumla>led •Pl NSW CAA OA.AAN'l'U CloM to Bay A Bead\, on Mira · 8lodl m\llll lDMt our llC.aDdlu9 mar Orivt 111 beilt rnlckntJal l'tm tu-. ,.... ud GG area B&lbo& Pet111Urula-Adulta 0.,.. 811D1&J 10 LA to 1 ,.-. only 186~ yMrly., or Miu for winter. BEUES ENGINE llD.B IHAW, H.vbor JM2 2c4 BALBOA JM MO , YEARLY - Untvm rottll•' 1.1v m1 . t11n rm .. kllc.l1'0l!tle 6 2 bedroom• Hnt ahll•N Gaa • w•tn paid No pet.a. \08 Ad•m• Hl\rhor 192•-M 2c4 NICE 2 bednn 1Jnfum houM with I -love • r"'tn a t28 Uoldenrod. Corona drl Mu Har 343i -W. 91:>Uc COMPIZlT.L y • Nf'WI)' rurn111h- td 2 '*1rm. hOUff 113 l-'oppy. Corona <kl Mar Phone H•rbor IH30 or Har bor 1 U J·R 91k2 We Bu7 Tnl.wt DHd9 NEWPURT B.4J.80A 8AVINC$ A I.AJA.." AJJ80CU TlON ute Via Udo Ph. Ha.r. UOO ll• LOANS PROKPT 81CRVIC-e :>', hnl tnal th·~• JO 7tara Oranie Cou t PropertJea 18:)7 NtY..'J>Ort Ave , C.oeta Mr • Ll 8-1«132 qr LJ 1-1400 h:v"a. t :llfo WUVLJJ IJkt to buy l•l r.nd ~od 1'ru8t Ott<1a Ct.U Har. U2• ••llo LOANS for Homes II~ -~0 YT. Loalia Construction Loans tlEJ: 808 8 ATT1..ER 'l{il t; EAST COAST BLVD. Uorona oel Mai H.arb<>r 18:81 flep. PO~R MOKTOAQ& uo. Metl'O Ute llla. f\ande IQ. 1-6114 title REAL ~"TA TE l..OA.Nl:) !Dtereal Rate 6-0 ~"' L.oana qurckl7 Ma.cl• tn U.. B•J I.~& and O>et.a MM&. 81.J\11• vr mullJple wilt.a. New or old. lie w1• ano •"• by r .. f\llAl\c1nc yriur pruent lo&J'l Mln.lmwn t .ll· pe9., No ch&rJ• for prellml· ~ appra.iaal Phone lant a Anf IUmbuly 34933 or wnle ARTHUR A. MAY Mortcace L.c>an \.:orTMpondent <>cc1deot.a1 U t• l.Munnct Co. 933 South Main loa.nl.a Ana pp REBUILDERS NEWPORT BA TrRON'T-Modern .-URN. modem 2 bd"n. h'>u.at' •nd tum. J rm.a. a Mth. C1o .. to praft Unlll June l~ S~ U• 'f'tll o.stJ I to T Btat. .l!IOl>dl'IJ. , =~~~~:~. ~Hs:n: 19th St., Newport. U 8-lM~ tc3 I ~1-Beal r...ta&6 W•fed NEW LOCATION 2J>4 WANT TO BUY -O..rUI• 11..t TWO bdrm. hoUM a. (8 r\jtl' c:,,. I In Newport Hel1 hu , Upper B•Y 310 East 3rd St RA'M'AN ,.URN. modem atudlol ha&• OllJ>Otl&I, ne-wly """''•lt1 or Corona del M&f for cutl from • apta. ~nter of Corona del Mar. Ytarly nt:ntal, unf11r n. 112 . 2fllh owner. Wr1t.e P. O. .. 2118 IAJllTA Al'fA 170. utlL pd. LI 1-l)H . H c l3 St., Newpcr~ 1p4 Balboa ~ ~ I I _._ ' I ' I ii~ i ~ I I~, : I I I , I LIDO ISLE 2 Open Houses Daily 1 to 4 p. m. 119 Via Yella · Fumiahed 2 bedf'oom home. 15' lot wtlh South Patio -$19,750 215 Via Mentone Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm. • South Patio. Lrse. kitchen, di.8poul • diahmuter -$21,7&0. 3 bdrma., 2 bath home on {'5' lot. $27,!SOO with $MOO down, bal. like rent. BAY & BEACH REALTY VJA LIDO BRIDOE OFFICE "Jult to the right of the Udo Bridge" 1112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (evea H. 2999) CORONA DEL MAR $12,750 Small ~ bdrm. home with minimum upkeep. 3 yn. old, near storea, etc., raifled hearth fireplace, at- tractively finished, our belt buy in its clus. $22,500 In heart. of R-1 diat.rict, 60 ft. lot, Iota fruit trees, hwd. !loon. Thil one ia juat. uking for tomeone to pretty It up. Exclusive Corona HJgblanda View home, drapea & carpeting, modern deaJ&'Jl, 2 bdrm. Ir bath up and living-bdrm. with bath down, we are just 11ellini the home, the view would cost too much to charge for. RAY REAL TY CO. M« E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 VOGEL VALUES 1. CLIFF HA VEN. 3 bdnn.e., 2 baths, almost new. snany excellent features. Beautifully built. Total pric:. $24.9~. Small down will handle. 2. CORONA DEL MAR. Beat buy on bluff lot · R-3 aoning, excellent view of bay. Only $8000. To· tal price price. Term.a. 3. CORONA DEL MAR -INCOME SPECIAL! 1 bdrm. furn. home. New gar. apt with perma- nent bay-view plus extra room with :1, balh. $1 9.500. Good financing. 4. CORONA DEL MAR-TWO SMALLER HOMES Both under $10,000. One modem & cute; the otht>r older & nuidc with fireplacee. AND amall down payments. The Vogel Company 2667 E. Co11.at Hwy., Col"Ofta de1 Mal" Har. 17 .. 1-H77 B•lboe Island's Berl Bay Front Values- •' Attractl"e 2 bdrtft. Beach home •'1th r oom to build • . ... · ·· $34.~ •I Soundly built home, ~ bdnns. Ii den, 2 baths, rnvat• pieT 6 float, fUM\!Ahed ... .._ ..... 4'2,6()() v' Modem 4 bdrm. home with cute apt. Owner W8nl1' ofter ! v' Beaut, 2-story Provincial with most attractive a pl . both chsrm. furnished _ ~.000 ,1 Eut Bay'• fmewt 2 bdrm., 2 bath home with 2 bdrm. apt. Pier It float -...... _ .. . .... 56,000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 3\8 Marin~. Balboa Jala.nd Harbor 4 781 Lovely duplex -2 bdrms. and 1 bdrm. Large rnu1., dbl gu . ldeal for family who lifts to have Gnnd· ma and On.nc.lpa nea.rby. P'urnl11h~ 1 bdrm. home south o! HJgbway. Ciood location. $10.250. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Rult.ora Bu.aineaa Broker 3135 E . Cout Hlcbway Corona del Mar Har. 21:52 ti--Real IJ.!le.~*---------- C LI FF HAVEN l'lLU\LY ~. ebaka roor. a lldrm., J~ Mill bame wllb puo- ramlc view or OCMD _.,d ~Y •. 'Mlermador kitchen, I u.ed brtck fireplace-. lar1e c11nto1 room. wall t.o wall carpeUo1-• cut· tom bunt bome ot 2000 IQ.. tt. llvtng area. A real bargain al 129,7:50. • • • COSTA MESA 3 BEDR.MS.. hdwd. noore, tlre- pll.ff, clock thermo heat, only 2 yean old and In e:11cellent con· dltlon-lar1• landHAped lot ln top nelrllbomood eutatde. 110.- 000 with J!'ff A loan. • • • 2 BDRM.. hdwd. noora, comer brick llreplace, dbl. garage, nice- ly landacaped lot on qulet banjo etrfft, cloae to Newport Height• -Jult 111,MO wtlh only $1.000 down. Ba'/ & Beach Realty Hl9e Newport Boul•vard Co•ta IC,u , Calltonil• LI 1-tull. C..1. Uber1y 8-Sl~ REAL VALUES Little Rancho TWO BDRM. completely turnlah~. 1,t a rN1 ot ground U:11HO and zontd for aploulture. This 11 the Ideal place tor tl'lat hor" fir uhlelcena. The hol&.89 h&11 just ti.en r•decorat.ed, and la filled with charm. 'Miia I• aoaieWnc U\at haa to be ... n to really appreclat~. Full price 110,500, with t.erm1. • • • Sacrifice, Sacrifice OWNER KUST il:LL, or wUI loM this dear little two bdrm. houae. Ideally located ln beauUtul C!lft Haven. romer lot. Full prtc,, U .llOO, l:Z termL 8. A. NERESON REALTOR 1912 Newport Blvd.. Coat• Meaa Phone LI 1·1472 ICVeL LI 1-:1487 COSTA MESA RANCHO Hert'• What you r •t ~ acre, eut.tde ot town. 3 BEDROOM two bath modern )lome wlUI oak floor., wood bunWir flrepl&ce, lar1• p&nel~ din. rm. plu. bullt0 lne OALOREl OUTllDIC there ..,.. TWO doubl• raragu and one ha• an extra room and MU\. ALL KINDS ot treu and 1hrub1 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayfront home and ru•t apartment. 3 bdnna. and 3 bat.ha. Private pier le tloat. A bargain at $68.ISOO. So. Bay two unita. 2 bdrma. tacb, a REAL buy at $37,500, $1000 down. So. J;Jay-Ojder e that need• aome repair, tudn' ( and paint. new pier & float and a million ollar view. Only $3S,750 It $T500 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath borne with view from every room. Completely tumlshed. Ask.Ing $4!5, 750 and ONLY $.'5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely furnished and in e~cellent conwtion. Full price $36.~, terms. 3 bdrm. & den home f urnit.hed t or year-round liv- ing on Little Island -Asking $29.:500. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be sold as is for only $17,950 and get this, $1250 down, This ia a "sleeper," a little cottare on the rear of a 30 x 8:s ft. lot. $11,500 -$4000 down. Here's news tor you. Just recei"ed jt. A 4 bdnn., 2 bath home in fine condition. Also furnished. Full price $19,500 and $3000 down. VOGEL CO. 2Q8 Ma.rine Ave.; Balboa I.eland Harbor 444 (Eves. LI 8-:5297 • Har, 1786-RK) HARBOR VIEW * M&(nificent view of the entire Harbor Arn from th.I.a new 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom Clift home. Two balconies, a permanent view from every room. Plate g lass windows & sliding doors. Carpets, drapes, workshop. Extra large garage. 2 fireplaces. Ready to move in. Slightly 168 than ${0,000 pJua (it you wish) your personal pick of leading manufacturers' contempo- rary or period furniture at cost. To a qualifl~ buyer we will alto· finance wtth a real low down. Thia lovely home must aelJ. Call J ohn Macnab, Harbor 3297 or 53!59 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE • Bayaide Drive at Coast Highway &lid Ute property Lt fenced tront ------------------------ and rtar. PJUCED AT $l7,:,00 Which ls lull than t.h• coet or the Imp,,,,, .. m'"ta &Jona. SACRIFICE! 4 bdrm. h ome, Balboa lala.nd Bay Front, Pier Ii float. PRICED TOO LOW TO QUOTE I Holmwood Drive (Newport Heights) For thoee lffklnr a buuWul home lll a quiet, hlfhly reatrict- ed nelfhborhood we rupectfully ~ant aa ln.lpec:UOll °' one ot th• Harbor Area'• tlner ruJ- dencH . Situated on a wide (70'1 level lot thla lovely homo lt ltulll around a hu~ flower· atuddt'd J>lltlO bordered with many rare plant.a t.nd ahruba. A few of U\e many features are two wood-burning flrepl~en, the very best In wall to wa.11 llnr- petln.g, an e11tr.mtly clevf'r In· door outdoor rumpu• room. ct~&m kltrhen, PLUS a complete guest apt. fnr your trlt>n<ls Wt'~kt'nd VI.Siil! ! P. s. Deaplte the great Mauty or this property and Its mulmum arra111ement tor privacy, Ule yard work l• 11t a.n absolute minimum. Prn!eU at •~•.OOO which la 1A•ell ti.low r•placeinent. J:x«llent trr m1 U de1fred. W. Stuart Foote. Realtor 1117 W. Balboa Bl., Newport Bch Har"°r :H or Lloerty 1-M 90 ~c• Right on the Beam roa YOU who llave a modr11t ·down payment a nd want your ft'ftt payniet1u to SA VIC Jl'OR YOU - -- TIUS TWO iTORY, • bl.lrm., 2 .,_Ul home at Balboa Jlland 11 ln'••cellent condition and evall- a ble turnl.lhed under 120,000. A lovely paUo. ALSO HAVE A FlNll Dl!AL on a 2 unit, rental income. Contact HUB POWERS at J. A. BEEK. Realtor BALBOA 1$1.A~D 501 Park A. veo~ Harbor U BAYSHORES Hl!!ftll: la a well con1tructed twQ bedroom adobe br1ek homt. Con· venl.nt looatlon, lalesl appolnl· menu. You can pncllcally namt' your own tvm1. Udo Isle WOULD )'OU Ilk• to own Lido h ie'• ti nut Bay front Hom• T Th\t i. IL ThrM lar,. lovely btd- rooms.. 2 bath. ffptrate ttall llhowerw, larce kit.div. with •ptC· tou1 caltUlet..e. Beautttul 1unk tn Jl.tnr room. wall to wa.11 carpet.a. Vtperuii•e dn~1. Ptrl«l rx- clum•e vt•w. plu• print' p1rr and n oat. Ple..e don't mlu Ulla one. Submit. t•rm• at J!l:).000 W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. Easy terms. MUST BE SOLD thl• Wttlc. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd. Npt. Bch. u_ I Harbor 2• or Lft>trty s.~90. Phone narbor 1406 or details. • HERE'S a U DO BA YFROST ytiu CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE, Sun. & Mon. Ja.n. 23rd & 24th 2 B~DRll. KOM1'! .• yea.rt old. 136 So. Bayfront Lovely view ocean It M)', Ule. Fcnct'd patio, dbl car.. rein· tt>rce<I for 2nd floor. R-2 lot. ~du<'t'd 11 000 acc't 11lcknu11. Owner, 506 Avocado l •Pl~h LOT8 roR BALE 3 Bl-:AUT!F'UL LOTS, one &4 ft. CHANNEL FRONT 2 apt.s. furnished. 25-rt. boat included. OppoAile City HaU. Only $22,500. Now Is the time t o buy wa tel"fl'o n t. NBC REALTY 32nd & Newport Bl., Newport Bc.b. Har. 1405 on Cutt Drive, Newport H.t11lt. Ont 30 It. Jot on Dijon. U'1o !~~·~: 1!?/\~: :.n:~~ ~:~~ _O_C_E_A_N __ B_L_V_D_._C_O_R_O_N_A_D_E_L_M_A_R_ 01111 or W11i.. Mn. Ahren., •22 lA.rk.spur. Coron& d~l Mar. 9lce TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2~ ~ baths, large living r oom, separate d ining room, laree knotty pine den CORON A llIGHLA.Ht> LOTS -Ol(Mce tit ... An.J..lablt with built-In ba.t, lounge, 2 fireplace., buement C&U HuboT iaie Vflth 150,000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted mu.t llff. Completely furntah .. ;.J, a bedroom, a balb home, 3 yr~ old.. Ellcelleri\ con•tructlon.. Don t m.IN LbJe OH eltbar! Only $61.- ~. eultabl• terma arranged. VOGEL CO. 208 Martne Ave., Balboa Jaland Hn. 4 U ( Ene. LI 1-62117 Hu. 1786·RK 2ttc UOOO DOWN will buy Ulla• bdrm. 11!1> bath home on l.a.rJ• corntr IA.ndscapecS lot or owner w1U tx• c.h11.11ge t'QUlty or · U 600 plua lll!OO 2nd T.D. pa,yabl• at U O mo. due ln 2 yr11. • auumt 1:10 mo. ~tAl on n.cant bUtlnua or reald.,ntl&I prop.rty. c~4!ra1-!':~!~~~~.1!l .. LJ 8-38"-l>w•. LI 8-34'3 67-lkaJ FAtate WaaW Acreage Wanted dttc wall to wall thru-out. Garbege ditpoMl and dish· 11-&eel f'Atate !'?ch~e CORONA DEL M..\A _ Nice vi-wa.sht'r. HouMS 5 yn. old. Large double garage New • Bedroom TRADE P'Unil&beb 2 bdrm .. 1'-balb with laundry, radio-controlled door. Lot 50x142'. DELUU l"Mlcb lt.yle bomt , tta· tiom~. Uvtni rm.. d.llWlr rm· Well landsc.aped. One of the moet expensively built turts 2 baths, bu m ce111ng,, D rt Mt t I hltehH , pra~. Hu. 2HS-W. t __ ,. al h t. "--b d 1 ese u e 9~uc homes on the front. located at 3312 Ocean Blvd. ~•t ~an ~n ~Rea~":'~ 1 unJta 2 ml. east of Barstow (formerly 610.) buminr tlrepl&ee, wltb .... 10, Int. or trad• tor boat -ITOOO CCE n~ .. "'0 • &. 1('1, J O. 40 or more a«"tf'tl. WILL PA\' c.t!H. :JAN. It. 1965 -COAST AL SHOPPER -'AGE I r BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier Is slip prh·ilegt>. 3 yt"ara old. 2 bdrm., i 1 •1 bath. lots of tile. Parquay firs., dbl.· gar., F. A. h.at. Now la the timt' to buy for next aummer or yearly occupa1wy. A Rear Value at Thia Price. $26,250 LIDO ISLE OLDER 4 bdrm .. 3 bath home on beautiful 60' lot. Trees & !ihrubii in profusion. Owner trnnsfcrrt.>d and must &'ll. Bee this to1ia~'. Terms can ht> arranged. Asking price, $24,750 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BA YFRONT-Pier & slip. First time offered, only 1 yr. old. 3 bdrms., 3 b11ths, elt>c. kit., buUt-in dishwasher, garbage disposal, W to W car- pets, dra~ & new 20' Century motorboat inc. in• price. Thi11 ls a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LlSTlNGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Har. 1013 BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS Exclusive ! Balboa Peninsul1 Fl\'e bedroom homo, 2ll'a bat.ha. Kitchen recently modernized. House i.a old but has charm. Full price $17,500. Must be eold to settle e11tatc. tr ~u -!': OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1-4 P. M . 1701 E. Balboa BJvd. 3 ~room, 2 bat.ha, dining room, large kltcht"n. Excellent financing. BAY and BEACH REAL TY l4M W. Balboa Bl\'d., N""port Beach Ha.rbor 126t -Evenings Harbor 185& OPEN HOUSE 12-5 Sat.. Sun . 280 Evening Canyon Rd. Beautiful Shore Cliffs A magnificent home, l bdrm.a. and a d.n with a fireplace, plu. a beauutul yard a.nd patio 1.rea. U you att looking tor t10methlng different be llJ\lre to aee thia. It i.a priced lo aeU and ready to movo into $1500 Down 3 Br. & Guest House Thia home ia located in tbe beat res1dt'ntlal aren of Costa Mesa. It ia trim and neat and has a.ll the requirements of a real home. Terma are made to fit your deeirt'11. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast rugbway -Ubcrty 8-5573 BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home furnished and ready for year round l1v10g AND l bdrm. over garage and guest room and bath. Exe. location. gd. tnc. $24.500 Qul\fnt describes this roomy 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home built on front of lot with room to build income on rear. Pine panelled, f ully carpet ed, fumect' heat & all conveniences tor year-round ll\'lng. Furnished. $26.500. 2 bdrm. home -Fireplace. dbl. garage. fUrn&ce heat. fumi11hf'd. $18,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Phone Harbor 502 • Eve.a. 2306-R C&ll Mr. C.llant, H.r J771 Earl W. Stanley, Realtor 22~ Manne An . BaJb<.•a l31and 1>7c3 on Veru hwy. Lot 162 x equity, lanta Bar'bara. Tri"lu . OWNER WDA.. A PT ANY &~ NABLE OFFER llghtu and many ot her luxury ---4 ""'---.. Sh b in 1 item11. -----------------------400.. Propol!M:U r ,~way lncome 11aa. tot.al 11uoo. own-own y appo tment on y s12,950 FuU Price WA.NT from owner -• hou .. or vacant lot on Harbor, Ntwport or Balboa Blvd. -or l i'lh St. ta Coat.a M .. "-Pl~u• wnt.e M. lAnnert. Boa N:Z4. th1.1 paptr. may make this property •r 2101 curt Dri .... Suta 8~-Phone Chrner, Harbor 3435 Mta. 1"" $1000 Down very valuable. Price -'"' ------------------~------OPEN DA!LY-10 a.m. 'Ull dark $37.500 Hu loan of $14.300 CORO!ll A DEL MAR, 2 btdnn,. $1 ,500 Down -$83.08 per month '· 489 Rolly lAne tn Npt. Hel!l'hle Submit your trade for my den. 1 baUI "°"''"· Plue tum. (NMI' JrYtn• A"·' v~uc .:•r llpl Bot.II "a" tlreplacc11. IM\fc equjty of $23.200. Will U · 11.,v~. -417 Poppy Ave. 1tfc THAT'S ALL YOU NEED to move Into a cute, sume on income property. NICI!: 2 BDRM. houl!f, tile baUi. clean (just redecorated) 2 bdrm. home, with fenced 80-lacom Pru Write WELCOME TRAVEL-hdwd. floor& l'loor rurnar e, patio yard & large dbl. gar. buj}t for apl over. On quiet • e e!"l ER .MOTEL. Rt. IA, Bar-awar• It fanced yard. By owner. at.rttt pear 1ehoola in Corona del Mar. BALBOA INCOME -_ato_w_, _Calif_·_. ___ 2p_l~_H LI 8-~09. ll6c10 a IJ?l1rr8-Qldu property c•t ral-CORON A DEL J.lAR--One ot '' toe .. 1 ~ bin lo hMrt of U&l· EXCHANGE thoee t'holc• cor'1'tr duplau. bCl6 Utll. nn. J 1.11t reoductd to fdtal for a couple to °'"' and Pl.IW>O tor qulcJc aale. ~ dn. WILL TRADE U 0.000 ~ulty ln have Pr>. mo. from tum. oll'l t'r Ownrr Harbor 18N 7~tlc :'\ortl'l 1\uUn, modtm fl'Sldrnce aid•. Onl,)r •1T,600. tor Clift Hav~n or :"pl. Hu. SH ITAN IMlTll, REALTOR. ANNUAL JN('()Mlt 1020 I du· I ~room, 2 beth home--C..U 24'7 E. CoMt R lway. Har. 882. plut'll. Strr't ~omln1t bualntn H~rb Shaw. Harbor 2~2 Jc4 area. Extra lot. for "'pantton &y Greenleaf Jr. & A lll80C. UHi E. 17th St, SJl\La Ana 3112 1'ewport Blvd , Newport Sch. ICIJ(mberly S-att•. t-p3h l I~ Co KA VIC l ls.re• 2 t>r-dnn. homu. 80-A • mmercl.&l. Inda.trial dbl. c•race. 1 lot 60x100. Clo• CORONA DEL MAA J BDRM., J baUI, hwd floor-.. P'. A. bat. •bl pr, "' blk. to thr oeeea. Hat. 1021 ct...,. or Ha.r. BE'M'ER HURRY -Should 10 fut. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units For 111.~. only UOOO down 811.lall('e s;:1 per month. 1 block to Bav or Oct>an l l:nlt Renled' at Sf~ mo. "Let U• Locate tor You" For Harbor property, bay and ~llch. Coeta Mua, Corona de1 Mar, S&.nta A n.., ttc. ---ln, San Fernando, Sl4,000. LIGHT INDUSTRY WlU.. TRADE down tor Har'°r llO*R alter f p.m. l <'4 CHARLES E. HART. Realtor The LOCATOR ot Callt. U(..~u..ENT locatloll. Will build area Ol' Cotta Me1& hom,, 1500 t o 3000 eq, t L to 1ult . Ru-OWNJ:R. C. H. LoY'd. Rte. 1. Boll 80aablt ,..nt. Lone 11nn 1 .... 1t .... Rlv•~ck. Calif. Upl~h dulrtd. OORD0.:-1 SEVERT'I ~TT .lilAVJll J UNITS on l Jot In lAK\ma 1~ Jr.Mt 17tl'I St. Co.ta M dblt. p.rage, 1 block to llhop• LI .. l •·a LI a's1M ....... u d ~an. fl:S.~. •11 9r ~ · ..utlc \\"TLL £XCR. for tinglt huoee, I Corona de.l Jlar. HYatt •-4*--Z'fttJboctJ r.4' Cl...aft..s Ad& &pQ 81-BMJ &tat. Ea_Clhuge Harbor 1' 28 3ol20 W. !Salbotl Blvd, ~twJ>l\rt lllc Rraneb ot't1C4. llM Harbor Bltod. Cotta Mtaa, Phone U 8·1M1. 97tte wtLL uc.banae Llcuna Buch BACK BAY -\Santa Ana Hu . I houM . on 4 lot.e (Blueblrd Can-A bar1a1n a\ IU,t~C>-1 acre. BY OWNER )'On> U•.tOO: I hou-. J'nllt lre.,. w1,.. fate· WANT lnC()me W'llt. n f t ec1. Income trom l h()UH Jto rno j Coron• Hl&hlanda -3 bdrm.. 2 1 J'tlon. RYa tt ..__T llletore t Call Sar. 122'.J or U 1-1904 batJ\ tarmriou.e. Pb. H.,.'°r 71-J a.a or IJTatt ........ tktH H cl ttUc I LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! WELL BUll.T, completely tum- tahed i bdrm., 2 baUl home on J&rc• lot. Cork noora ln IWI It muter bdrm. Lovely carpeted 11,,ng room wlUi large ftreplace. Pretty kitchen. Uf.000 turniah· ed. $6600 down. JDa.., psymen t• on ball.llCt' Call Har. 2870 tu aee. 11 llfc EMJ:1lALO BAT -Just So. Of H1- way, w1UI ... y a cc:eM to ~a<.n. 0.ltt'ht.tul tarm houM, only 2 )'TL old. I b4Pdnn1. 2 beU11, 2 tlreplao., lg•. UVinlJ rm., ttp dinUIJ rm. BAROAIN. Call roRD VERRJNDER. MO Poln.eeltlA. Qcwooa del Mar Rar. OU, eveL Har. 1417 711tfo Attractive Bay Ave. 3 BEDROOM BOMJ:. Oorreou• ba)' vlew, colortuJ UU.Uc ••II· ~psr decor. lntertor barbecue. Lo~I)' ~Uo. Can be Men morn- lrla and •~•. tll W. 8&1 An ., Newport a.& t&cth BALBOA ISLAND CHARMING COLONIAL -3 b<lrnui., P~ baths, Near North Bay, cJofte to fthopping center $23,500 LOVELY 6 bdrm .. 4 bath home on 50' loL Second house rrom South Bay on the Little I11lan<.J. Sharply reduced -$55.000 ONE OF the quality hOf}let! r>n The L\ttlr blllnd- 3 bdnns .. 2 bath11. ~!'parnte rl1n . rm , lanai and lg,, patio ···--···-· ........ S3:5.000 DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer Chet SaJ1~bury 216 Jofllrlne Ave .. Balboa ff1land Curt Dosh Harbor W LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUE! WHERE ELSE, but at the "value headquarters" woulrl you find this newly llaled 2 bdrm. pr•ctically new home, completely furnished, &t ju11t $20.~. This can't lllllt! SEE THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Jllghway Newport Beach Liberty 8.-8411 ' PAGE 12 -COASTAL SHOPPER-JAN. 19; 1955 C-Real ~ta""------~~--r..tate _______ . BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor "'-MEMBERS OP' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND EAST BAY - 3 bdrm. home & 2 bdrm. view apt. Pier & float. See this today. $54.500. ~3500 DOWN -4 bdrm. turn. home. 1% baths. Total price $19,500. Hurry for this! $5000 DOWN -Home & income. 2 bdrm. furn. home and 1 bdrm. fum. apt. Total price $27,500 Thia is a BUY! COSTA MESA 3 bdrm., 1% bath beaut. home. Thia home is built for gracious living and it will be a pleaaure to show you. Price SH5.950. BAY SHORES PRIDE OF OWNERSIDP describes this deluxe 2 bdrm., 1 % bath home in one ot the finest loca- tions in this exclusive area. Charming living room, beautiful kitchen, dining lanai opening onto secluded sunny patio. A buy at $24.,750. Shown by appointment only. EDNA CRAIG, Rental Speclall.at BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BILL'S BEST BUYS Ocean, Beach and Mountain View 3 bdrms. & den, 7 mos. old, wall to wall carpets in liv. room, hall & bdrms. Sliding glua doors to patio. FHA 4 Yz % loan, $57 mo., incld.. taxes and inau. Price. $10,975 with $3375 dn. See this! G. I. Resale 3 bdnna., lge. lot, dbl. gar., hwd. tloort, 2112 yea.rs old, among nice homes. G. I. 41h% loan. $68.97 mo. incl. t.uea & i.naur. Price $10,700 with small down paymenL Immediate poueMion. S 0 0 N -in Costa Mesa Twenty 4 bdrm.. 2 bath home.. Paved Ii curbed sttteta. $650 down. low monthly pymts.. Come in and get the information now. They will .ell in a hurry! W. A. TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll like our friendly eervice" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 LIDO ISLE PROPERTIES, INC. . 1333 Via Lido-Across from Savings & Loan Every once in awhile a house ia listed that ia an1 outata.nd,ing bargain. We feel thia ia. Down.stairs there is a good l'Jized living room, llDl&lllah dining area, nice kitchen with dishwasher and di.tpoeal, 2 nice bdrms. and a bath with a glaaa-encloeed abower over tub. A nice patio partially covered and a 2-car garage with storage and laundry area. Upstairs there is very la.rge bdrm. with a fireplace and tiled "i bath. The full price ia $23.500 and its on a street to 11treet lot near the Club. New 4 bdrm., 2 1:: bath, striking home on street to atreet lot. Part carpeted, part b1'd floon1. Fore~ air furnace. 151 ~ ft. cloeet In muter bdrm. Stain· lea" steel sash. Thia is another very fine \·&Jue al $33.500, For Iota. homes and rentals come to HEADQUARTERS p. a. palmer incorporated ole harut0n co .• sales mgml 3333 via Udo -bar 1500 VACATION SPECIAL Balboa Ocean Front -$12,750. NEAR B~ BAY BATHING 2·slory frame hou11e on choice R·l lot. 3 bc:irma., dining room. Vf'nted heat. Encloeed yard. Older hom<>. Ideal for children. USE> it now a.nd build a new home later. Low down payment to qualified buyer. C'4lll Mary Dickl'on Rt Har. 444R or 3297, EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor The Bayside Office Bayside Drive at Cout Hwy., Newport Beach OPEN HOUSE 301 Brosdway Sat. & Sun., 12 to 5 p.m. C'oml'r local.ion, hwd. floors, 2 bdnns., tile kitchen nn<l b nth. Tt 's n little jew<>I. Full pri~ $11.500. Only $J50ll down. 3 bdrm. home. 3 yn;. old. Disp .. rrfr1~ .. .ston>, hwd. nonrs. F'uJI price $10. 00. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 16tl6 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Llberty 8~3792 BALBOA ISLAND 2 UNITS ON THE W ATERF'RONT. Nearly new. 2 bdnn. each and very attractive ! Thia excellent Income will build the equity for you. M L f920. REASONARt.E TERMS. PRICE $38,000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMociates Park at ~e, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 Gi-Real l'Atate -. t> 4 4 BRAND NEW LISTINGS OPEN ROUSE BUNDA Y 1 to II at 2~1 Bayshore Dr .. Bayahorea. 3 bedrm .. 1 % bath modem home. "Yo11 must ~e this." Excellent location I& view. IMr. Run will be on the premises). BAY SHORES, deluxe home on l>uutltul Baysbore Dr.. lovely bay view and cloee to prl~t• beach. 2 bedma. UJ>9lalra with eeparate dreu.IJlg roonu I& bath· rooma. Spadoua living r'QOm with weU plaruuid dintn1 area. Extra large ganage wtth two a<ldrJ. bedrms. 4' bath. Fully encl. paUo la'. barbecue. Only $1~.000 wtlh excell~t terms. CLIFF HAVEN VDllW HOMlll. Brand new S bedrm., 1" batb home hu an unoblltructed view of the bay la'. ocea.n. lt'a that Ra.nchy Type that you'll adore. Forced air beating, tare• ttre- pl&ce, w to w carpetlnc and a galaxy ot nice feature•. $24.500, with good tenna. BUILDING LOT 60 x 180 OD St. JamN Rd. lll Cl1tt Ba.en '2llOO (le&Mhold). Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C B. Ru.u. Wm. O. Bc!un1dt. A.Moc. 813 .MariA• 4 Ye., Balboa Ialand Barbor 2042 "C" THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOU.AS UDO ISLE VALUES WATER FRONT on Via Lido Soud - 3 bdrm.a., 3 bath, beautituJly furnlahed nome, W to W C&J'lo peting, pier 6 noat. Owner will consider GOOD INCOME ln trade -···-'-·------······$58.600 EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 bdtm. rumpua room home on 5211:! n. cor. street to atreet lot on Vla Lldo Nord. All large rooms, W to W carpeting le dra.J* PLUS a 15 x 37 Yz ft. swimming pool ONeY$(2,~. BAYSHORES VIEW OF BAY from huge liv. rm. with fireplace. F. A. heat, 2 bdrm&, 1% baths, large encloeed patio with barbeque le open fireplace, laundry ~ freezer room. Ot.rl'STANDING VALUE AT ··-·--·$18,750 CLIFF HAVEN NEW ATI'RACTIVE RANCH STYLE HOME on I Kings Rd. ~ liv. rm. with permanent VIEW from picture window, din. area, 3 bdrme., 1 % tiled baths, large attractive k:it.chen, Iota .of tile. abun- dance of cupboarda, W to W carpeting, landacaped. $24:,500. FIRST TIME OFFERED -Modern 2 bdrm. 1 bath home in ueellent condition. Large liv. rm. 6 din. area, completely fenced patio. W to W carpeting 6 drapes included in PRICE of $16,500 -Term.a. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout m.ghway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-51527 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THO)(AS A REAL STEAL----------- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST A WONDER"1L BUY la a "'7 nice duplex. Two blocU to bM.rt ot town. Ott l!lut 11th St.reel Onl~ 3 yeara old. 3 bedroorM BU Y S ,. • BUYS BUYS ,. • BUY 8 ea.ch aide. Cleverly laid out. Two Clo.e ln residential lot near Harbor Blvd. $1800 ca.ah car p.race. lndMdual uUUty. 2 ~ft. lot. on Del Mar E. of Newport B. 2000 each Jl'u1l prtoe I.a only-Amid activity 77-ft. front., M &One -2100 term& $12,500 27 M-ft. front., beat dimict. soned R-1 ---· M cub Special Back Bay reat.rtcted altee R-1 -32M up 01tt Drift home aite, all new homea -eooo ca.ah Home and Income BUYS,. •BUYS BUYS,. •BUYS A LOVELY Z.,bdrm. home. a )'I'&. old. Hd'Wc1. noora. Jge. bdnna., extra nice kiL Bre&.lttut room. Patio, att. rarare. aU fenced. 1 blk. t.o market. ALSO A MOST A 'l"I'RACTJVJ) 1 bdrm, furn. apt. over a tge. dbl l'&.r· I& al.,.y• rented at 165. per mo. M-1 LOT 80 ft. x 121 ft. CloM·ln on -er. Priced to sell at $4000. Phil Sullivan & George Everson Jll6t Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa (aero. from Coeta. Me• Bankl Phone W M7tl Ena. H&.r. f3" l..lbert7 t.2l03 Balboa Bargains Two For One! DUPLEX -Exdwdve PenJ.MUla 4% G. L Rea.le. $53 month lncludea principal, in- terest, t&u9 and in.aurance.. 2 bdrm. home, good neighborhood. ~ down with full price ju.st $91fj() -A BARGAIN. Brand MW 2 bdrm., bwd. floora, flaptone F. P. & planter. Thia home will meuun up to your expec- tation.a. Let ua •ubmit $1000 dn., $10,600 tuU price. Ba~. pier, float. pe.Uo, cement bulkhead. view, $22,500. a bdrm. waterfront home. Raap. dra1>99 8tay. Beet buy. Term&. • CORONA DEL MAR -~tory 3 bdrm. 2 beth view home, modern design with wall to wall car- peting. Luge porcbea. badminton court, dbl garage. Terrific value at $29.600, tenm. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -8.AI$.S -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Av•, Co.ta Me.ea Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-14-00 Evea. lout.Ion. Conlplctel,y turn. To--------------------- da.Y'• bMt buy • llT,600. VerJ Jow down payment. Super Deluxe! Bf'auUJW nearly new II rooma. a bdrn:ul It dan. 3 U~ bet.Ju. Per- manent Wloti.t.rod ed ocean view EncllW'd paUo, barlw-quft. Trop- ical pl&nunp. Shown by app't on\y. '38.&00, temu. Commercial Bldg. OOWNTOW!ll BALBOA. 2 ortlcea, II nlcely tu.m. apt.a. I room hou.a.e and eJrtra lot. Good ..:>Ud lnvutment for U0.000. Rt-· able ltrmA. LI.LA B. McF ARREN with Halboa Bay Properties Ull E. B&lboa Blvd. BaJbo& Harbor 37M (evu , K~r. 2-617-M) lc3 CORONA DEL MAR OUR SPECIALTY ia low down payment homes. No doga. The.e a.re aJJ clee.n cut. modern homea under 4 yeara old. L Nice 2 bdrm. home, beat residential aru. Bwd. noora, lot.a of tile. dbl. gvage. $1000 down. 2. Very clean 2 bdrm. home, hwd.. planked flooring. Lota or tile, 2J,.l-car prag~. ao.e to &hopping center, $1000 down. 3. 3 bedroom.. home -L&tp living room with fireplace, dining room, nice kitchen, laundry rm. dbl. garage. Completely fenced. To qualified buy- er, SlOOO down. Balance at $86 per month. SEE THESE roDAY. It'• a Utt.le late for Cbriat- mu, but we .ttll have the hoUday .pt.r1t! Ben J. Whitman and Associates '1WSINESS 18 GOOD'' BAY FRONT 3M2 E. Coast Highway at Orchid, Corona del Mar Harbor 18&2 (Ena. Harbor 1461) On Newport Island --------------- ~rt. b~~~~v~o~ ~th OPEN HOUSE pier Ir Jge. float. Large liv· 1201 Cliff Dr .• Cliff Haven ing room with fireplace, 2 nice bc:irma. Jrith 1~~ baths. Call for app't. to see- Extra large dinette atta. Double garage, easily made 8 bedroom bome, 11'1 bat.ha, on nicely landacaped tri I "27 IUV\ t partial Bay viep lot 66 x 110. Large Uving room. · p e. ,.. ·"""'· .enna. RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport 81Yd., Npt. Bd\. Harbor •02. 116Uc fireplace, natural b.rea.Jdut bar & kit.chen with cov· et'e'd view porch. Near high 11ebool & Jr. high echool. Price $24,950 Good Ftnanemr SEE THE VOGEL CO. BY OWNER a201 w. Cout. Highway D&.SJRABL.lil a bedroom, bath a l-lewport Beach Liberty 8-3481 • ... UORONA HIOBLA.NDS f&m· ---,.------------------11.y home. Coay Wied brlck fl,.. plAct, ra.laed hu.rt.h Otnlral hflat. C11&rmJ.n1 bird! paneled kttehen. DllpOl&I. carpeted. 1«•· )'arr!, view. SIS.:.00. Thi• houi1~ al...o for rent unl\lm s.e any. 11'1'1•. ~04 S!'av;.,-d Ro.d. 2<'3 Bay Front income I Uld~-1 a a bedr'Ooma. fUn. l.ebefL P'-r. float ud prtn-.. beach. 1000 n e..111o&. m"- B&ltk>a. CratTie1' i-... ~ l.af to Woll.-i.-. 5 Acre Grove, Peralta Hill Choice location for .. home. Lovely view. Low priced at $4500 per acre. ROBERT WHEELER, Agent., I 42 Plaza, Orange. Phon~ KEllogg 8-1723 , a __ ._.,_ ...... __ .. ____ ~a~-~·~-~·~ .. ~~ .. ~---~n-a..1 FAtat• Specials! Specials! Here &Te 3 properties, that ahould lell th.la week. Priced to eell II dandy valuee. NO. 1-PENlNSULA HOMJC. J BllDROOM atucco home. Fum. Nice pa.Uo and double prap. Priced at $14,500. NO. 3-BALBOA TRJPLJCX. Cut trom '18,000 to l lt,500 tor a quick aale. MoaUy 11ew tum.I· ture. D&ndy rent.al locatloo. 14000 down. NO. 3-4 UNIT JNCOMJC. Atlrac• Uve 1 bedroom apa.rtmt.nt& Tip-top abape and rent well IWD• mer and winter. l~.000 A only 17600 down. Bee all three. Peninsula Duplex! "ON THI!) POINT' and bard to find. 3 bedrooma Up, t dOWIL Redecorated, nnr dnapea 6: car· petillg-. .A nice proj>9rty. 127.~ and terma. Newport Heights! OCEAN AND BAY VIEW. A lhow place ot unuaual A·l con· atrueuon. a bedrooma. 1" bat.ha, ICvery modern featuN, JU,500 la not a k>t of money tor euch a home. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoldt.a BaU ot America) Memben. MuJUple u.tlnc ROM Gree&ay Di LM Jack Plnkham Joeepbtna Webll 700 II. Balboa BIYd.. Balboa Pbou llu'bor UTT. Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. I bdrm. bcM»e • I lllnele Nm. ult.a, OD I lot&. ll:IPleli.at YleW ot ba.J, O&der llUt 1D pod coa• diUOll. Wlt.hln wa.bdns dlAaDoe ot downaown ~ .,.... 111,000 dolir1L BALBOA PENINSULA 2 lat. -$12,000 Ocean Front Income • UNIT8 co..-lot., -1 lacome record. HaU blk. fr'om ea,. and pa.rkJDC tac. Cle&n. 110.000 will h&ndJa. Bldc· wtt.b at.ore ud a unit.a. Oood ·buy, tor tll,000 -'4000 down, In U.e heart of Balboa. Nice Family Home Mm4Jt N.wpcll't ~ raellt Club. ' BJ:DIUt.. tum. .bom• w1t.b '*" manent b&J new. la600 dowa. Coast Properties 301 11 BaJboa Blvd., 8aU>oa Harbor 26111 A Ra.i. MOO Jtlc COSTA MESA 413 )t(q'noUa 3 bdrm home, 111,000 138 Al.Bl:RT PLACJ: WHAT EVERY MOTHER KNOWS la that Lido ia a wonderful community !or tbeir children to grow up in a.nd that today's larger !smi- lies really need 4 bedrooms and 2 baths -SO here are some lo\tely large homes-ALL ON LIDO-ALL WITH 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS. . r OVER 2500 SQUARE FEET! . 2537 to be exact ot ftne living space, l8x26 paneled living room with fireplac(' and sepArat~ dining area. large enclol!K'd trnat off the chiJdrens bedrooms. An out•tanding-ramily home on a large lot for $29.500. OPEN HOUSE, 116 Via Florence Saturday and Sunday 1-5 p.m. ON ONE FLOOR - la thia brand new showplace on a fine atreet to atreet location. The interior is modern with that exPanaive reeling a.nd features cyprea wormwood paneUng and a massive stone fireplace. The built- ln kitchen la a dream. Carpeted, latidscaped. wall- ed. $33,500 full price with $10,000 down. v CHEERFUL! juat the right word for this one which has a provin- cial interior throughout. The muter bedrOom bu lt'a own uaed brick fireplace. Paneling and tine paper. Perfect tiled ldtctien, atreet to ·~ lot. a atep to the best beach, $28,500. r LIKE GREEN GRASS? then aee this new home which bu patio plua a lawn-all walled, pleaaant interior with med brick fireplace and nice woodwork, oa.reful planning and mound construction make th.la a mo.t livable home indeed. $31,750. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REA.L TY ASSOCIA~ 3~ Via Udo Harbor +144 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' NEWPORT HEIGHTS - 2 bdrm. older home. - nJRNISHED. Total price $7500 with very good tenrua, 3 bdrm. home, 1 'h bath.a, ti.replace, dbl. prap, cloee-in location. $11,500 with $2500 down and bal. on FHA loan. 4 bdrm. Ii den, fireplace, dbl garage. an older home but ln A·l condition & good location.. $12,!500 with $2t500 down Ir baL $84.lSO month. 11-8 ACRES -3 bdrm. home, storage room. 2.-<ar prage plu.a large work abop. Good eut4tde loca· tJon • .ewer ln It paid. $13,5-00 with tenna. LOTS-LOTS R-4 Realdential, 80 x 234 --·-..,. S 27r50 C-2 Bu.aineu, 4.8 x 127 -· S500 M·l lndwitriaJ, 60 x 126 _... 2950 C-2 Bualneu, approx. 2 &CTN ··-11 .~ R-1 Res. N. P. Ht.a., ,wit.b dbl. gara.ge _ 4.250 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 2 bdrm. home, lN&O 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta lie.a LI 8'-1601 • BDRX. f\lrn.l.a!w!d home. LOW ------------------- DOWN -·· •. $12.~ cx..rrr H.A VmN a bdrm&., u Qep- UonaJ ! ........ ,,_ ...... _ ....... 124,liOO J .bet.rm. vtew hom•. sn.:>oo < bot.h "°" 1-..ebold I BALBOA -11 wut IAcome, U3,&00 BAY &HORD-I bdrm. dealped tor U'f1ne ---··-l•.&00 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 27Sl W. Cout Hwy. LI M271 NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo. Jl'URNISHED BEAUT. turnWled ud lmmaollat. J bdrm. bome llta&Wd &a dlolce HaJc1ata MCUoa. Hu attr. ll:tf, cben nook. bdwd. tloel'. ~ ciontr. b•t. a 1'&11 bdrm., and lllcely fmo«t l'"'UDda. Till8 18 A Nl!W LIBTINO and a dOW11 t.o earth n>ue. v Check these Exclusives For Best Buys, Corona del Mar 1. Very attractive 2 bdrm. home. Flttplace., car· peted floors, nice dining area overlookinr large paved patio. Dbl. gance. Reduoed from $16,000 to $14 ,500. G. I. Loan, J!: Z Term.a. A Scarce Item! 2. Thia immaculately clean 3 bdrm. home, double ~a~e with extra room attached for lltorage or work abop. Flttplaee, forced aJr he.t, prbage diapoul, diahmaater. Only s~.!W>O and $2500 down will handle. Payment.a like rent. Looking for a Duplex? 3. Thia well located 2 bclnn. home plwa large 1 bdrm. gt.rage apt., built over dbl. J&rage, fenr- ed yard, paved patio. Priced to .ell at $17.500. Immediate poeee1111lon. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located nen door to Corona del Mar Banlt) Roy Greenleaf Jr. CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE Ir ABSOCJ.A TFS uu Newport e1...s.. N~rt 8dl Open House Daily-232 Poinsettia 12-5 p.m. Barbor ~2. 1°' II you are looking for 2 BEDROOMS and DEN, Costa Mesa Special NEW • BR~ I bat.II borne. Comer lot. 11260 down. ruu prto. 110,260. • • • choice location. expensive wall to wall carpeting, tlreplaoe. drapes thruout , more than ample storage 4 yean old, nkely land11caped, nf'ar Little Corona Beach, you 11hould stop by to Aee thi•. Priced at $19.975, wi.th good financing. THE VOGEL CO. 1 ~.t ·Lar~t::n ~e~~~ _266_7_E_._Co_as_t._H_w_y_._' C_o...,.ro_n_a_d_e_l M_ar_H_a._1_1_·,_1 _H_a_. _1'_77_ c.l.ling, ttrepl&ce-•u. 700 -T•rm• CALL NEAL MA.RTI.N Bay & Beach Realty U OO W . Balboa 8194. N.wport 8-ch. Calif. au. 1-. m... LI ... •rr• BIX·Tl:NmB Acre (2 or a Iota) le-Y4!1 W'IOI actDent oc.an .-i.w, watu a.nd uwer. Located lout.h ot Lquna. 11200. LI ... un &t\w a o.m. thll LI DO 2 bdrms .. 3 bathii and lanai on 45-ft. lot. Forced a.ir heating syetem, fireplace & everything for comfortable living. FULL PRICE $25.000 DUNCAN HARDESTY Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport BdL Harbor MQ3 '